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About a year ago I had an affair with a girl that I have broken off and had no contact with for said time. I have done everything in my power to prove to my girlfriend that I’m faithful now. Almost on a daily basis she accuses me of doing stuff behind her back to the point that I’m ready to leave her.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I am a junior in high school, and I have a boyfriend. My grades are above average, and I laugh with a couple of friends at school. However, I am not happy, at the least only half of me is happy at a time. I feel as though I am having two different feelings. One is of an extrovert, and the other is of an introvert. I have strong feelings of a desire to be completely alone and isolated from the world, but I also have a strong desire to be outgoing and to go out an be with people from school. I have times during the day when I keep to myself and if someone talks to me I smile awkwardly hoping they would go away, but in the same day I could be laughing and joking around and making plans with the same person. It is as if my personality changes throughout the day. There is no pattern. I do try to interact with the people around me since it is a requirement in lots of school work, but I am only half in it. I do not want to be alone but even so I want to be isolated.
However, I am not happy, at the least only half of me is happy at a time. I feel as though I am having two different feelings. One is of an extrovert, and the other is of an introvert. I do not want to be alone but even so I want to be isolated.
When my mother was young, she had a son called Braxtan who had passed away at the age of 2 before I was even born. If he were still alive now he would have the role of the oldest child in our family instead of me. Being the oldest child, I feel very pressured in everything I do and I also argue with my parents a lot (which makes me quite upset), because of this I quite frequently find myself wishing that Braxtan would just burst through the front door and would be there for me when I feel although no one else is. I believe that I miss him incredibly much ,but I don’t know if this is possible/normal and what I can do to stop missing him because I know he’ll never come back. (From Australia)
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: A few days ago something bad happened. I would rather not go into too much detail but something extremely inappropriate was said to me by a relative who lived with me. I told my parents what happened and the situation was handled. Ever since then, however, any time I try to relax my mind just replays what happened over and over and I make myself anxious and scared.  I begin questioning if it even actually happened, or if maybe I misheard what was said, even though I am positive I heard correctly. Part of me almost thinks I shouldn’t have told anybody because of all the trouble it’s caused but, I know it was the right decision. I guess what I’m wondering is: Are these relatively normal responses to this kind of situation?
Ever since then, however, any time I try to relax my mind just replays what happened over and over and I make myself anxious and scared.
My wife and I have been married for 2 years. It is the second marriage for both of us. She has an 11 year old son and 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage. We have shared custody of the children along with her first husband; he has primary custody during the school year. We live in a different state from her first husband. The children travel occasionally during the school year to stay with us, and spend the summers with us. I have a good relationship with both of the children. When the children are in our home, the son frequently expresses strong reactions against sleeping in his own bed. He would prefer to sleep in our bed with his mother and me or on the floor next to us.
2No Distortion
From Singapore: It’s my first time posting on here (I just created an account) and normally I’d give my whole history just to give a better idea of who I am but for now just for context I’m 15, I have Asian parents, I’m in the middle of exam week, running on 4 hours of sleep and a lot of caffeine, (I just came back from sitting for a paper).
2No Distortion
OK. I started with depression in my late teens. It only worsened over the years despite ongoing treatment with antidepressants. Nothing has resolved my depression. I have been diagnosed with bipolar. I have very bad anxiety and frequent panic attacks. It has become so bad that I do not leave my house. I do not want to be around people, and if I have to it usually triggers a panic attack. I am on lexapro, lithium, xanax, seroquel, and because I can’t sleep ambien. Although these meds get me through my days, they do not solve my anxiety, social phobia, and my depression is worse. I feel I am useless to my kids or my husband because of the psychological problems I cannot be normal. I cannot hold down a job. I have been treated since 2001 and nothing has worked. The fear I have of going out in public is the worst. The panic attacks and anxiety is so difficult on my body. I have thought of suicide before but I could never do that because of my kids that need me here. I often have disturbing thoughts that come from nowhere and I am alone most of the day. During this time I tend to sink deeper into my depression. I feel fatigued constantly and have no motivation to do even simple things around the house. My memory has become worse in just a short time. I cannot remember things that were said to me or that I say even within an hour ago. I repeat myself a lot because I don’t remember anything or who I told. Is there any hope for someone in my situation? I feel like I suffer from so much that I have reached a point of no way out. No treatment has worked, and the meds just get me through day to day, but I still can’t go out in public even with the medicines. I need help. Please.
I feel I am useless to my kids or my husband because of the psychological problems I cannot be normal. I cannot hold down a job.
From the U.S.: Sometime before I was five, my dad left my mom and my mom passed me off on my grandparents. Since I was a child, my grandpa always screamed at me, beat me and told me how I’d always be a loser, a nobody, a ditch digger in prison and a druggie like my dad. I still see his face yelling those things to me till this day.
I still see his face yelling those things to me till this day.
9Mental filter
From the U.S.: Hi. This story has been in the making most of my life and seems a vicious circle that I cannot solve to both our liking & to my annoyance. All my life, I have felt mostly ignored & criticized by my mother. She came here from Europe at 21 after meeting my American father in Europe and marrying here. They were educated, but, I feel, “missed” the 60’s revolution and both seemed a little “square.” They also seemed to have learned much, but I always felt a little deprived for some reason.
All my life, I have felt mostly ignored & criticized by my mother.They also seemed to have learned much, but I always felt a little deprived for some reason.
1Emotional Reasoning
For years now, I’ve been feeling hate towards everything, people, myself, live, friendship. I feel like I hate everything to the point where my chest literally hurts and want to rip my heart out, I unwillingly find myself constantly fantasizing about breaking someone’s bones simply because they got in my line of sight or to set the world on fire just to see everyone and everything burn and scream in pain and desperation, or to cut someone simply because I want to see them hate me. I can’t control my emotions with logic like I used to, the thoughts won’t go away. I don’t understand people anymore and I hate them so much to socialize.
For years now, I’ve been feeling hate towards everything, people, myself, live, friendship.
9Mental filter
I’ve been suffering from some issues since I was little. I have always been scared when it’s dark. I hear noises in the house and outside, but I don’t see what’s making the noises. It makes me feel afraid to go to sleep and I usually end up being awake until the sun rises. If I do fall asleep, I almost always get awakened by nightmares. These nightmares often involve someone breaking in, violence, someone haunting me (usually children who went missing/were killed or something that was on TV), abandonment, or being trapped.
It makes me feel afraid to go to sleep and I usually end up being awake until the sun rises.
1Emotional Reasoning
Awhile back my husband asked me to take videos of my sister naked after she took a shower. I told him no, but he kept bugging me until I finally gave in. He told me he would not ask anymore, but he still does. It has gotten to the point to where I can’t be around her without him asking for “pic pics”. It makes me hate her and despise him. He asks me why I cant just accept that it is what turns him on but it hurts because I should be enough. Ive always been second best to my sister. She was a goody goody and I was rebellious. So she always got what she wanted, whereas I ended up on the streets bc I got tired of living in a place where I felt alone. She has always has tons of friends. My husband is all I have and now it seems as if she has won him over as well. She is 18 and thin and blonde so I get the attraction but it still kills me to see him act this way. It’s my fault for giving him the photos in the first place. We have only been married for 11 months and have our first child on the way. I don’t want to give up hope that he will change yet but he won’t let it go even though it is ruining our marriage. He watches me cry and it’s as if he doesn’t care. We are both very young. He is 24 and I am 22. This is why I am hoping he will grow out of this. But it has become an obsession and it hurts more than anything I have ever felt. I just wish I could get him to see what it is doing to us. What should I do?
2No Distortion
From Netherlands: Our beloved daughter committed suicide at age 20 on 9 September 2014. She was a brilliant student but had difficulties with her studies and holding friends. She was depressed and liked to be home with us her parents and sister. She was diagnosed with autism or schizoid. She decided not to be treated. She could never express her feelings, she said she could not feel. She took pills and left us on 9 September 2014.
2No Distortion
I was molested by my stepdad at age 13. I was sick (stomach bug) and my stepdad asked if I wanted to take a bath. I said yes, but did NOT consent to being undressed and bathed by him. He just did it, and I was terrified. My mother knew that this happened, but not that I was molested. I told my guidance counselor at school about the bath, but also failed to mention what else he had done. CPS came to the house, but nothing came of it. I finally worked up the strength to tell my mother that I was molested when I was 19, in addition to all the perverted things he has done/said throughout the years. The most disgusting thing I recall him saying happened at age 12, a year prior to being molested. He said &”if you were 18, I would leave your mom for you.” I nervously laughed, trying to disregard what I had just heard. Despite telling her everything, she is still married to him and has shown little to no concern. I came forward three months ago to every family member of mine and my stepdad’s that I have in my contacts. I have an 11-year-old brother that my mother had with my abuser, and after coming forward to everyone (which she was aware of) she claimed that she wanted to speak with a professional before making any decisions. She’s trying to justify her lack of action with the potential effect that leaving his dad may have on him. I have not spoken to her since coming forward. When my older brother spoke to her last month, she blatantly lied by saying that I spoke to the professional she supposedly saw. She even said that this ‘professional’ told her that nothing she does will be good enough for anybody, and that I may have some kind of delusional disorder. I suppose what I’m trying to ask is how I should handle this disaster. I’m absolutely devastated. My mother and my stepfather’s family have completely sided with him. It’s hard to effectively describe how soul-crushing this is to somebody that hasn’t been in a similar position. All I know is that I’m in desperate need of guidance.
She’s trying to justify her lack of action with the potential effect that leaving his dad may have on him.
8Mind Reading
I have had a relationship for two years. It was difficult from the beginning but also very fulfilling in our times. In our second year he was diagnosed with a severe depression that he must have had for a while then. After the diagnosis he had a breakdown and was nearly not able to do anything anymore. He was emotionally aggressive and cruel towards me and I felt abused very often. In trying to take care for him I got health problems myself and found me a therapist. 10 month later I announced I would leave our flat for a while to recover, he left me and broke all contact – I was relieved, though I loved him very much. I lived without him for one year, recovered, were very happy, dated and had a fulfilling job, still I kept feeling I had lost the chance to grow old with someone I really loved.
I lived without him for one year, recovered, were very happy, dated and had a fulfilling job, still I kept feeling I had lost the chance to grow old with someone I really loved.
Hello! Since i was a kid i always had problems of making friends. I travelled a lot, went to summer camps in Europe, prestige ones, graduated a good university(bachelor degree). But i always had the same problem: at some point i was becoming a person no one paid interest to or even tried to ignore me. Sometimes it even turn to fights… When i turned 18 i have found a couple of very good friends and we were drinking every weekend. didnt pay attention to health issues and many times (about 10) drank till blacking out… couldnt control myself and felt completely happy while being drunk. I also was smoking marihuana for about half a year. Ive never had a girlfriend(not because i am an unattractive, but my behavior) . The second problem i face–i cant concentrate at all. Since i was very young i have lost like 10 cell phones, credit cards, wallets, driver license, laptops. And i really hate myself for this. I tried many different sports(triathlon, half-marathon, boxing) for building precision, watched 100-s of TED talks, took some courses in coursera but seems like it getting worse and worse. Friends and family call me lazy,moony etc. While studying i distract every 5-7 minutes. To enter this question i spend like 3 hours. But sometimes feel very energetic, enthusiastic for a couple minutes. I jump, shout and feel like a champion. And i cant really predict this or control. Especially when i listen to the music. I stopped drinking alcohol for 3 month and do not plan to continue. I believed that i can start a new life and become a normal concentrated person within 3 month of writing down all my activities in my diary and analyze it weekly. To sum up 4 hours a day on average i spend in a “focused mode”. But after 1 week of having a rest i returned to the previous version of mine. During these 3 month i cried a lot, punched myself in a face, tried to die while doing sports. Time goes faster and my mental power is reducing. I forget things more often and sleep more. In the period from 8 to 16 years old my daddy used to punish me physically and was shouting at me probably everyday. I really want to switch but seems like i cant find an appropriate tool for it by myself.
But i always had the same problem: at some point i was becoming a person no one paid interest to or even tried to ignore me. The second problem i face–i cant concentrate at all.
From the U.S.: Forgive me, this is going to be a very fragmented story…About 5 months ago my female therapist of a year and a half transferred me to a male therapist because I was a little obsessed with her. Nothing sexual. But I did look her up online and managed to find out…. probably everything about her.
2No Distortion
I am currently in university and get overwhelmed with the tiniest bit of stress. I always keep thinking and talking to myself. The very moment that I wake up I start talking, imagining situations, which might never arise or practice what to say at uni today. I have a horrible habit of pulling my lip skin, scratching my head and anywhere where there is dryness, to the extent it bleeds sometimes. I have also called in sick to avoid uni or exams. I enjoy being with people and fell lonely once I am home. I have a younger brother and am always terrified to the extent that I have cried for his safety. I am overprotective about him. I am quite excited at some points in the week that I talk very loudly, lie about my life, I want people’s attention. I loved to study but now I struggle to even pass a course. I feel awful about myself. Not paying attention to my family or friends. I often have ideas but can never implement them. I am always sleepy. Sometimes I need people to tell me that I am a good person. I have had suicidal thoughts. I love shopping but feel guilty even for spending a single dollar and this thought goes on for the rest of the day. I sometimes feel that my dad will go bankrupt because of me. I have become very rude to my family but cry to myself when I do that. It feels like I want to be diagnosed with some disease. I get addicted to things very easy. I cannot get off the Internet. I sleep most of the time and give up before an exam. I was never like this. I have so many dreams but they seem impossible now. I don’t have many friends. Sometimes I am in an excited mood and say/do things without thinking and then regret. else I am awfully depressed. I really need to improve but I don’t know how. I have tried being positive but it doesn’t help. I look at myself in the mirror and mainly notice the flaws in myself and cry about how I used to be pretty and look horrible now. I can’t make simple decisions and just want to run away from everything. I tend to pity myself a lot and cry. I don’t know what to do.
I sometimes feel that my dad will go bankrupt because of me. I have so many dreams but they seem impossible now.
The only time I feel any happiness is when I’m on LSD, and the next three days after a ‘trip’. It’s the only time I feel as I have any feelings…in general. I’ve been this pretty much ever since I can remember, way before I even began taking LSD. Doing LSD is pretty much the only good choice I’ve ever made. I believe I started a few months after I turned 14.
Doing LSD is pretty much the only good choice I’ve ever made.
From the U.S.: Hello, I finally met the man of my dreams on dating app. We didn’t connect instantly, however, over time he was very open and honest and revealed that he was a recovering alcoholic.  He’s been struggling staying sober for the past 10 years, been to 3 rehabs, and hasn’t achieved one year sober yet.  One thing he did lie to me about after 4 months of dating, is that when he was only about 8 months sober… he said he had been sober over a year when we met.
2No Distortion
My mother is cheating on my dad I know this since she started acting different she is not as caring as she was she is always yelling at me and my siblings and is always on her. She never lets me or my siblings or even my father touch he phone because she’ll get mad. My mom is pretty ypung she is 34 and she got a surgery to become skinnier and now men are texting her because she looks more “sexy”and she is always replying to them and she even had a boyfriend online who had a girlfriend and she didn’t even care about that she is very selfish and thinks that she is the best looking person she has become lazy since she has lost weight because of the sugery she doesn’t cook or clean and her and my dad always get into problems because of her not spending time with her family but instead on her phone to be honest I don’t know what to do I don’t want to confront her because i feel she will get mad but i also am soo angry and upset that she can’t just divorce my father who I don’t really have a good relationship because he is always judging me and yelling at everyone he will even get mad at us his children because we didn’t got out with our mom to check on her he has extreme trust issues and and i just feel like is better for them to get divorced they argued every day and don’t care about how there children feel I just want this family problems to stop i want my mom to stop cheating on my dad and to treat us better and i want my father to stop arguing soo much with his family. Im sorry thus is very bad written but English isn’t my first language and i need the help this is eating me alive.
My mom is pretty ypung she is 34 and she got a surgery to become skinnier and now men are texting her because she looks more “sexy”and she is always replying to them and she even had a boyfriend online who had a girlfriend and she didn’t even care about that she is very selfish and thinks that she is the best looking person she has become lazy since she has lost weight because of the sugery she doesn’t cook or clean and her and my dad always get into problems because of her not spending time with her family but instead on her phone to be honest I don’t know what to do I don’t want to confront her because i feel she will get mad but i also am soo angry and upset that she can’t just divorce my father who I don’t really have a good relationship because he is always judging me and yelling at everyone he will even get mad at us his children because we didn’t got out with our mom to check on her he has extreme trust issues and and i just feel like is better for them to get divorced they argued every day and don’t care about how there children feel I just want this family problems to stop i want my mom to stop cheating on my dad and to treat us better and i want my father to stop arguing soo much with his family.
8Mind Reading
My brother is 12 and the youngest of four, twin brothers (13) and myself, sister (18). I don’t know when it started but mainly within the last year, it has gotten worse. Over small things, such as the Internet being turned off for bedtime or a stick being taken away from him at a park or basically when things don’t go his way he gets severely angry. It has progressed from a short tantrum to now taking an hour to calm him down. He won’t talk, he just screams no matter what you say. He has recently started to be violent, starting drastically in the last 3-4 ‘episodes’. He goes completely red in the face and his temperature goes through the roof and he sweats profusely. He is destructive towards anything, kicking doors/walls, breaking things off shelves, kicking stuff over. It can get to the point where he needs to be restrained and we can’t leave him with himself. My mum is scared that people will take him away and that breaks her heart. We try and talk him down but it’s getting worse and worse… (From Australia)
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I’ve chose a 5 month date to intro my new girlfriend to my kids. We are in love and we want to start sharing this to the kids at Thanksgiving gathering. The kids are 4 and 5. They know her as a friend now because of paths crossing. Is this approach risky for the kids?
2No Distortion
Saturday is the 1st anniversary of my dad’s sudden death. I have been the support person for my mom this year but it is catching up with me. This week I have been having bad thoughts of dying. I feel like why bother to do things, go to school, clean my house etc. I have been thinking about the end of the world in 2012 and figure why bother doing anything. I have been playing with fire with my meds because I just don’t care.
I feel like why bother to do things, go to school, clean my house etc. I have been thinking about the end of the world in 2012 and figure why bother doing anything. I have been playing with fire with my meds because I just don’t care.
1Emotional Reasoning
I’m 14 years old and recently I’ve been worried about some problems. And I blame myself for all that knowing that I can hurt somebody. When I was 13 I didn’t know about all the paraphilias that existed and never thought of anything related to it but I had an experience with my dog. I never forced or touched my pet in any way and it lasted a few seconds until I realized it was bad and never did it again. Also sometimes I tend to watch people in their private parts. now that I’m aware of the consequences I avoid doing it cause I can affect other people and also myself. I know watching people like that is normal during adolescence but I can’t help feeling guilty. Do I have a problem or do I need help about this experiences?
And I blame myself for all that knowing that I can hurt somebody.
I don’t know how to deal with my sister anymore. She’s completely irrational and I’m worried that she might have some underlying mental problems. Whenever she has a problem she completely disregards any rational/reasonable help. If you cannot help her and release her of her problem immediately she will be extremely rude/vile to you. I have tried every approach. At the beginning I was angry, I yelled and yelled. When I realized that that wasn’t working I adopted a calmer approach. I do not yell anymore, but I do have to admit, I am extremely impatient. Every move I make is met with some sort of rude remark, even things as simple as standing behind her to read what she’s writing on the homework assignment that she asked me to help her with. I respond by asking her why she’s talking to me the way that she is, she responds with Ugh I don’t care just be quiet, if you’re not going to help me then leave. I don’t think that she understands how the way she talks to people effects their ability to help her in stressful situations. She doesn’t realize that I’m trying to help her, and that she is actually making it difficult. She also does not learn from her experiences. She has been yelled at, been talked calmly to, and has even been hit on multiple occasions. I don’t think that she realizes that what she does is wrong, because she does the exact same things that she is punished/scrutinized for over and over again. It’s an endless cycle. My mother is a wits end, I see a lot of her in my sister. When confronted with problems relating to my sister she says things like ‘Ugh I don’t want to hear it anymore’ & ‘I’m just trying to relax, leave me alone’. I just want to know how to go about dealing with her as I’m talking to her. I’m so close to just slapping her across the face. I want to know if the source of her problems is just some sort of mental disorder, her calling for attention, or her being bullied at school (because she is subjected to bullying at school).
She’s completely irrational and I’m worried that she might have some underlying mental problems. I don’t think that she understands how the way she talks to people effects their ability to help her in stressful situations. She doesn’t realize that I’m trying to help her, and that she is actually making it difficult.
Lately I’ve been feeling Irritated all day, i strongly hate people, people I’ve never met. Sometimes because of how they look, sometimes because of how they act. I look at the world around me, and feel as though i will never be happy, because of the hate i am filled with.
I look at the world around me, and feel as though i will never be happy, because of the hate i am filled with.
My boyfriend overreacts over the smallest things. For example, I was with my uncle for lunch and a few errands. He called me 4 times while I was with him and finally I told him that I would call him after we got done eating. I ended up not calling until I took my uncle back home because I didn’t think it was that big of a deal for me not to call my boyfriend for another 25 minutes. During the time that I was driving my uncle home, he texted me 6 times, hurtful things. Another example, when he got home the other night I was sitting in the kitchen looking on my phone and he got insanely mad the second he saw me. He said that I didnt care and I would be better off with someone else because I was on my phone! Every morning when we get up, he sits on the toliet (TMI I know) and plays on his phone for about 45 minutes. He thinks that is okay, as do I, but I can’t play on my phone. PLEASE HELP ME! He only sees my flaws and holds me to them every single day but when he makes the same mistakes, I have to get over them. Any help would be great.
2No Distortion
I have been with my fiance for the past 4 years. He was previously married and is divorced with a child. And me and him now have a child together. As a family unit we run great and smoothly. When it involves are children are life is perfect. But between me and him we are having issues that are slowly escalating. I feel like in our relationship he lacks a lot of respect for me. When the children are not present he will cuss me out when upset, tell me to leave or think of the meanest thing he can say to hurt me. At first he told me he acted that way because are sexually life wasn’t the best (to be honest we have two kids and i am tired) so i have tried to make an effort to make that better and his behaviors got better for a few days and then he is back acting this way. I have tried talking to him about it and again it will get better a few days then back to the same. I love him (and don’t get me wrong he is a good person and an amazing dad). I don’t want to break up our family but i can feel myself becoming resentful and just avoiding him all together to avoid any confrontation. I am lost on what to do?
I feel like in our relationship he lacks a lot of respect for me. When the children are not present he will cuss me out when upset, tell me to leave or think of the meanest thing he can say to hurt me.
8Mind Reading
From a teen in the UK: My girlfriend and I were on holiday, toward the end of the holiday i realised my girlfriend had been acting quite suspicious with her phone by hiding notifications whenever they came up and i was considering confronting her but decided to let it slide and just try to get over it.
2No Distortion
From a teen in Germany: I’ve started to recognize my weight problem at the age of 15, where most of my peers were already gaining both muscle and bone mass, while I just simply couldn’t gain none of the two. During the years, it became more and more obvious that I’m underweight. My body became skinny to the point where there is a thigh gap between my legs, my ribs are visible along my heartbeat (my skin on the stomach moves as my heart beats) and worse of them all: my arms are like twigs.
During the years, it became more and more obvious that I’m underweight.
Recently became very depressed and really felt like ending my life. I also have a dissociative disorder (de-realization – though I did not know until recently what the symptoms were called), I suffer from frequent nightmares, about 1 every 10 days, I was abused and neglected as a child. I only did anything about this 3 months ago when I became very depressed. I have been in Therapy 3 months. Ok, someting very strange I have noticed is that I’m unable to visualize my therpaists face (no problem recognizing her) it is truly bizare as I have no problem with anyone else I know, I have an excellent memory and very good 3D visio-spacial, I’m very good at visualizing situations I’ve been in and can visualize people in meetings from months ago even having only seen them once. I’ve sat looking at this lady for over 15 hours now but draw a complete blank when attempting to visualise what she looks like (unless I’m in the session of course!) — There is definitely some strange stuff going on subconsciously I think. I’m interested to know your thoughts on this matter, and whether this is a known phenomenon, and what it might mean. Many thanks.
Ok, someting very strange I have noticed is that I’m unable to visualize my therpaists face (no problem recognizing her) it is truly bizare as I have no problem with anyone else I know, I have an excellent memory and very good 3D visio-spacial, I’m very good at visualizing situations I’ve been in and can visualize people in meetings from months ago even having only seen them once. I’ve sat looking at this lady for over 15 hours now but draw a complete blank when attempting to visualise what she looks like (unless I’m in the session of course!) — There is definitely some strange stuff going on subconsciously I think.
My mother was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her twenties. I grew up watching the woman I knew slowly fade away. It still pains me because she has had problems with taking her medication. She now lives in a treatment facility but still waves in and out of clarity. I am 32 now and have spent half my life being angry for my mother’s illness and the other half at myself for not being able to do something. What can I do? I am not privileged to her progress because she is an adult. I cannot help because I do not know all of the facts.
2No Distortion
I just wanted everything to go away: I’m 14, and am currently in high school, year 10. As a kid, I was forced to study way ahead of my grade, and my mum used to teach me. Every time I got a question wrong, I used to get smacked with a rolling pin. Or when I made my mother angry, I was smacked, then dragged and thrown into the bedroom. I wasn’t allowed to cry, otherwise she’d punish me more. It was more when I was younger, but I learned not to make these mistakes. I sometimes used to get bruises and stuff. But afterwards, my mother would make it up to me by saying things like “I love you” and “You will always be my cute daughter” and buy me snacks. Otherwise, I enjoyed my mother’s company. But it would confuse me, and still does. The memories sometimes haunt me, flashes of my mother dragging me into a room, and the sinking feeling in my heart as I know there’s nothing I can do to escape. It’s just so confusing. I still don’t know if what she did to me is considered is “abuse”…I know it’s stupid but……it’s so confusing. My father helped me a lot although he was almost always working, he took me outside for breaks in studying and protected me from my mother sometimes. There has always has been two “sides”. My mother’s side and my father’s side. I always had to choose, whose side I was on, but I don’t know. I still don’t know. My parents always fight, then somehow make up, then fight again, and the cycle continues. I don’t know anymore. It’s just so stupid, and I always try not to get involved, but I always get dragged in. I just want it to all go away, but it doesn’t. When I turned 13, I realised I’d drifted off from my father, mostly because he was taking care of my other two sisters, and I was alone. To be honest, I liked being alone. I don’t have to pretend, and I don’t have to act. My mother had also stopped teaching me, she let me have my independence. But since my father was usually out, it left me and my mother alone. She always tries to justify and persuade me onto her side, telling me all these things which I really don’t care about, but it just hurts me. I feel like I’m being torn apart in half. I don’t want to choose a side. Can’t we just live in peace? I have always considered running away, but I have never had enough courage to do so, under the fear that my mother will always end up finding me and scream at me and punish me. I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry for rambling, I’ve never shared anything like this anywhere. Thank you.
I have always considered running away, but I have never had enough courage to do so, under the fear that my mother will always end up finding me and scream at me and punish me.
1Emotional Reasoning
Being in a married relationship, after a few years it became apparent my past life traumas, trouble sleeping and anger issues caused me to seek treatment. I was good enough without medications until I got married. I have a low grade bipolar 2 disorder possibly and have been taking 300 mg. quetiapine for over 10 years, now I hear it may cause early death. Am ok to wean off meds if best, since I didn’t need them before I got married. Please, I can’t die early. My young mom needs me. Thank you!
2No Distortion
I’m prone to overreacting every once in a while, I’ll usually throw a fit in my room at night and try to be quiet (hitting pillows, crying, screaming into pillows) which I’m sure is ordinary. The real problem is I seem to be missing something. I’m too…open-eyed, I guess. I sit around with a stupid smile on my face. At school, I feel uncomfortable if people try to sit next to me at lunch, so I sit on my own and read, and this doesn’t bother me at all! But my mother thinks I’m hurting myself (socially), but she doesn’t seem to understand how strained I feel when I’m put into a situation I don’t like. On the other hand, when I do feel chatty, I always seem to mention topics that aren’t related, or I steer the conversation towards me, or I’m unintentionally mean. I try to remind myself not to behave that way, but every time I talk it seems like I mess everything up. I think about things no one else really cares about. I’m not sure if my personality is weird or if something is actually going on with my brain that doesn’t happen with everyone else, because even introverts (i think) have their own little group of friends to sit with, even if they don’t talk, but I feel stifled and nervous when I haven’t started talking on my own terms. I’ve started noticing that I take nudges and pushes a little too seriously, and when I try to replicate that playful atmosphere with my siblings I end up hurting them or angering them. Everyone gives me a hard time because of it. My siblings make me feel guilty. Once I had politely declined an offer from a nice girl who wanted me to come and sit with her and her friends, and when I later on related it to my mother, she was upset that I didn’t accept the offer and told me that I wasn’t going to make many friends if I was rude like that. There’s also the fact that I act a lot like a child and can be loud and annoying, and I feel like I interrupt people all the time. I just love being alone and feel agitated if someone, like one sibling of mine often does, impedes my private space unannounced. Thank you for listening.
I think about things no one else really cares about.
8Mind Reading
I either Procrastinate or avoid doing things. Simple things, like checking email, paying rent (even when I have the money), homework, studying. I do the same to things that I LOVE doing. Eg: 1) I procrastinate doing Homework until the last hour but I love it when I’m doing it. 2) I procrastinate studying for a class but when I finally do I REALLY enjoy it.
I do the same to things that I LOVE doing. Eg: 1) I procrastinate doing Homework until the last hour but I love it when I’m doing it. 2) I procrastinate studying for a class but when I finally do I REALLY enjoy it.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From France: Hello! I’m a 23 year old girl and I have been seeing a 26 year old guy for about 6 months now and we have been a couple for about 4 months. In the beginning I wasn’t really interested in him, I was a bit skeptic about him and as shallow as I can be I didn’t find him very handsome at first. It automatically put me in a more dominant position. I warned him I don’t feel the same like he feels for me but that we have fun together, we click and I enjoy spending time with him. He did most of the effort to be with me, I kept my mind open about him and our relationship developed to something deeper and now I love him and we make a great team.
2No Distortion
I don’t have a lot of empathy, I think that I am the best person in the world and I say that to people, I have a big ego and if something is not right I always think the worst. I like having power and if some of my friends tell me their problems I get bored quick. At first, I thought that I am a psychopath or sociopath but I am not impulsive, sometimes I want to hurt somebody if they annoy me or make fun of me (very rarely) but I never do ( I don’t think I will ever do it). I always think before I do something, I don’t think that I need friends but I have them. I planned my whole future to be rich and famous. (From Croatia)
I don’t have a lot of empathy, I think that I am the best person in the world and I say that to people, I have a big ego and if something is not right I always think the worst.
0All-or-nothing thinking
Last month I feel like I was doing ok. I was a little depressed (lots of things going on) but, I got a job and I was sooo excited. My first day I satrted feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I went to the dr. and I had a sinus infection. The next couple days I started having panic attacks and lots of anxiety. Then I woke up the next day and was so anxious I couldnt think straight. I didnt feel like “me” anymore like I was walking around in a fog. this kept up for 3 weeks.
Then I woke up the next day and was so anxious I couldnt think straight. I didnt feel like “me” anymore like I was walking around in a fog.
From a young man in the U.S.: My question is if there is a psychological explanation for a person choosing someone that treats him poorly over someone that was always there for him and trying to do what he wanted. I always was there for my friend S when he was complaining about his friend C, and I was always trying to make S happy. No matter what C did to S, S always forgave C instantly, but never me if I did anything similar.
I always was there for my friend S when he was complaining about his friend C, and I was always trying to make S happy. No matter what C did to S, S always forgave C instantly, but never me if I did anything similar.
From a teen in the U.S: I’m extremely uncomfortable around my step father. I’m young,13. so i’m not sure if this is just me being dumb, but I am really uncomfortable and feel really anxious around my step father. I’ve overheard my mother and his arguments, and they are apparently fighting because he cheated with multiple women, and because he’s acting like a child.
I’m young,13. so i’m not sure if this is just me being dumb, but I am really uncomfortable and feel really anxious around my step father.
From the U.S: I have met someone special on a dating website, namely OkCupid, and we have entered a serious and temporarily long distance relationship as boyfriends. After a while, I deactivated my profile, but my boyfriend still keeps it and visits it every once in a while. When I ask, he says it is for finding new friends. I don’t like him being there. I feel extremely jealous and find it inappropriate. I have asked him to delete his profile but he says he doesn’t want to feel controlled by me.
2No Distortion
The other day my family and I were out at a restaurant, and this child in the booth behind us kept screaming and yelling and wouldn’t stop. Around the third time he yelled I had an image flash in my head of me strangling and then cutting up the child. I felt an immense anger for some 5 seconds. Then after that, the thought faded and I was very emotionally detached for the rest of the dinner. I felt no emotion whatsoever and said nothing. I had no urges to do anything but sit and stare at the table. I don’t know why I had such a violent thought, or strange feeling after. I did not act on my thought (just to be clear). (From the USA)
I felt no emotion whatsoever and said nothing.
Hi, My older sister of 5 years has expressed hatred and rage towards me my entire life. When we were young she was mentally and physically abusive to me, insulting me if I came near, and hitting or pushing me down if I was within reach. Our parents tried to address this themselves, but finally just told me I couldn’t change her and to stay away from her. My sister has stated that her hatred started the night I was born because she had to quit watching TV to go to the hospital, and that afterwards she was forced to share my parents attention with me. She rationalizes that it is perfectly normal for siblings to hate each other.
2No Distortion
Hi, I took multiple online test for anxiety, depression, and bipolar. The anxiety came out extremely high, and I already know I have crazy anxiety issues. The depression came out high, so as the bipolar. I am also suicidal. The only friend I have is my dad so he is the only person I can see if he can get me a therapist. I have no other family. But the issue is, he jokes around a TON. And he is the only person I can go to. I am scared if I tell him about it, he will think I am crazy. About 4 months ago I broke down crying in bed and couldn’t speak a word, besides “Ifv.. cnt…….. spk”. He just thought I was being silly. So, how can I cope with my issues without therapy? Currently, I have been just cutting my thighs up, a place where no one can see. Thanks!
I am scared if I tell him about it, he will think I am crazy. About 4 months ago I broke down crying in bed and couldn’t speak a word, besides “Ifv.. cnt…….. spk”. He just thought I was being silly.
8Mind Reading
My husband has been on Depakote for 10 years for bipolar disorder. He was diagnosed at 30, after a manic episode he experienced for two weeks after taking the drug ecstacy. (He took the drug June 24, went into hospital july 4). My husband was not a drug user up to this point, nor did he ever experience bouts of depression or mania before this time. After having the same initial doctor for 10 years, my husband is looking for a new doctor to help him come off of the medicine, as he believes he was misdiagnosed. I am petrified that the drug could have been the catalyst, and maybe he will have another episode. What are your thoughts? Would a doctor agree to take someone off medicine for this condition?
2No Distortion
Well it all really started when I came out to my parents. I thought it would be okay even though I knew they didn’t agree with that lifestyle but I didn’t know just how much they thought it was wrong. Before I came out to them they were easy going and even though my mom yelled a lot we all seemed to get along well enough. I had a blog, was on lots of different social media sites and talked to all kinds of people. After I came out my parents immediately started having “talks” with me. They put me down, told me to not live that lifestyle and that I would never be happy. I listened even though I didn’t agree. Eventually after a few weeks of this my parents sat me down and told me they had been through all my social media, including the private ones, my friends accounts (which were also private but my mom majored in computers and was able to get into them) and eventually they found out through these sites that I liked my best friend and she liked me. To a lot of our close friends we were dating, me and this girl but I had kept it secret from my parents knowing they wouldn’t approve. Me and my girlfriend had only ever kissed twice at this point and hadn’t gone far at all but my parents completely freaked out. They made me delete all my social media, break up with my girlfriend and they took all my electronics, including a simple tablet I used for drawing. They told me which friends I could keep and deleted anyone else who they didn’t like (for any little reason) out of my contacts. I wasn’t allowed to talk to people for weeks and I wasn’t allowed to hang out with anyone almost at all. I’ve gone to them many times and told them they are being too controlling and I even broke down during one of our “talks” and told them I’ve been depressed and self harming a little but they haven’t seemed to care. All they’ve cared about is that I’m nowhere near that “alternative lifestyle.” Sorry this probably is a pretty dumb problem but it’s making me depressed and hate them. Any way I can get them to calm down?
I’ve gone to them many times and told them they are being too controlling and I even broke down during one of our “talks” and told them I’ve been depressed and self harming a little but they haven’t seemed to care. All they’ve cared about is that I’m nowhere near that “alternative lifestyle.”
8Mind Reading
My son is 8 years old. He’s had serious problems since he was about 3. He’s very intelligent, and he doesn’t have the mind of an 8-year-old. Even saying ”very intelligent” is an understatement. I am having a hard time getting help for him due to his age, and also due to his ability to turn on a very convincing charm and sweetness whenever he wants to. He has manipulated therapists, and most become convinced that he has no problems at all. Others do know, but say they can’t help him. They won’t diagnose him until he’s 18. It’ll be too late.
2No Distortion
I have been diagnosed with MDD, but am worried I might be Schizophrenic. I have rather extreme anhedonia, I’ve lost interest in almost everything I used to like and I prefer to be by myself and spend all of my time outside of school by myself. I really dislike talking to people, not for any particular reason either, I would just prefer to not have to talk. I have no libido and this was actually a problem in my last relationship. I’m also very lethargic and am constantly tired, even when I have had enough rest (medically speaking). I also have inappropriate emotions. When I get really good news, I become very sad, and I find it extremely difficult to get emotionally attached to people. My grandmother recently died and I felt nothing. I’ve known the said grandmother all of my life and she’s played a big role and is very kind.
I have rather extreme anhedonia, I’ve lost interest in almost everything I used to like and I prefer to be by myself and spend all of my time outside of school by myself.
From a teen in the U.S.: Hello. To begin, from an early age I moved schools and was placed in a different environment. I was in third grade and from that point on, I could not help but break down every other day. I was isolated from my peers and eventually began to do questionable things (such as “sacrificing worms”) but I attribute this to my childhood nature.
To begin, from an early age I moved schools and was placed in a different environment. I was in third grade and from that point on, I could not help but break down every other day.
I am incredibly jealous in my current relationship. I have never been a jealous girlfriend before. With previous boyfriends, I felt a pang of jealousy with certain circumstances – like one bf used to stay at a female friend’s house in France for holidays – but I just told myself there’s no point in going out with someone unless you trust them and that worked.
I am incredibly jealous in my current relationship. I have never been a jealous girlfriend before.
I cannot hold down a job because I refuse to submit to arbitrary authority. I’ve been diagnosed with BPD as well. I continuously get fired or quit due to workplace conflicts. I’m trying to move to a region of the country where employment opportunities may be more varied, pertain to my career field, or pay more; however, my inability to work is making this goal nearly impossible to achieve. I simply cannot work. No amount or type of coping skill makes the pain of submission to authority or workplace bullying any less excruciating.
I’m trying to move to a region of the country where employment opportunities may be more varied, pertain to my career field, or pay more; however, my inability to work is making this goal nearly impossible to achieve. I simply cannot work.
My husband had major anger issues. We have been together for 8 years and have 3 kids together. I never feel like I can say what I want because I’m scared he’s going to react. I do everything in the home. All he has is to do is work. He snaps at the kids almost daily when he wakes up. He works graveyard. He never asks them how their days are or makes them feel like they are doing anything right. Our problem is that I defend them constantly and he doesn’t like that I take their side. Tonight, he snapped at our daughter for getting soap in her eye. I stepped in and told him to get out because I’ve seen/heard enough.
I never feel like I can say what I want because I’m scared he’s going to react.
1Emotional Reasoning
I am an alcoholic. I sought treatment in a residential treatment center in 2008. While in treatment my therapist and I entered into a personal and sexual relationship. This continued after my stay and she offered to move me into her home. After about 1 year she had employment issues and lost her job. I was able and strong enough to find a professional job that could support us, but it was out of state. She at this time proposed we marry and have a long distance marriage. The last 3 years we have been living back together and she has worked at 2 different hospitals. I have always had passing feelings that our marriage and entire life was all just a cover up for her actions to protect her reputation. She leads a completely different life and personality away from home. I also have had feelings of numerous extra marital affairs on her part but could never catch her. She is very manipulative and cunning. I finally caught her in an affair with a technician at her last hospital.
I have always had passing feelings that our marriage and entire life was all just a cover up for her actions to protect her reputation.
8Mind Reading
Just as a background I grew up in a normal household with no issues. In the transition between high school and middle school I started enjoying books, arts, sciences, etc more than my friends. Interests changed. I would also like to point out that Ive never been in a relationship nor have been sexually active.
2No Distortion
From a 25 year old woman in India: Known the guy for 15 years, a real solid friendship where we discussed everything, but he left the state without goodbye. We shared everything with each other, our hopes ambitions, embarrassments, secrets, sexual promiscuity and weaknesses. I was always the shoulder to cry on when the series of unending girlfriends that waltzed through his life left their sting behind, late night calls, pit stops at my place despite my parents, I was there for him when I needed me the most. I nursed him through his rather troubled engagement much to his parents relief.
2No Distortion
So I’m not really sure what’s wrong with me but I know something is not right. I just feel numb. The things that I used to be excited about or enjoyed doing have no effect on me. I used to be a straight A student but now my grades are tanking and I just. don’t. care. I can’t focus for longer then three minutes and I can’t even read the work I’m supposed to be doing. I feel detached when I hangout with my boyfriend. I have no friends and have no desire to reach out to people. I’ve felt like this for almost two years now. I used to be able to fake it but now I’m just too tired. I’m not even sad anymore. I just feel like I either have no emotion or I can’t express it. I want to do something to feel something again but I can’t. I feel trapped and suffocated but at the same time detached. I just don’t know what to do. I’m not one to whine about my problems because I know people have it worse then me but I can’t push down my feelings anymore. I can’t ignore them. What’s wrong with me?
What’s wrong with me?
I have a problem. I don’t feel like I have a happy future ahead of me. Here are some reasons why I’m feeling down. I don’t enjoy my job, I have close to zero friends ever since I quit drinking and drugs, I’m always worrying about things that don’t even matter, I still think about the girl who broke my heart over ten years ago, My brother (who I love very much) lives on the other side of the country, I don’t know where to meet a decent girl that I could start a family with, I don’t have the spark or motivation to hold conversations with people, I have very little interest in many of the things I used to enjoy doing, and frankly, I’m afraid that I’m going to die alone without a family. These are just a few things I’m struggling with. On the flip side, I have a very good life (on paper). I have a mom and dad who love me and care about me, i have a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and water in the sink. Most people would say I have nothing to complain about which is probably true. So I’m just wondering, why do I feel so hopeless for the future? I try very hard to be positive but I’m constantly waking up in a foul mood wishing I was still in dreamland. I’m very quiet at work because I simply don’t have the energy to engage in conversation. People probably think that I don’t like them or that I’m better than everyone else, but the truth is, I just don’t have the ambition to talk with people like I did when I was younger. I just feel so old but I’m only 27. Please help.
I don’t feel like I have a happy future ahead of me. I don’t enjoy my job, I have close to zero friends ever since I quit drinking and drugs, I’m always worrying about things that don’t even matter, I still think about the girl who broke my heart over ten years ago, My brother (who I love very much) lives on the other side of the country, I don’t know where to meet a decent girl that I could start a family with, I don’t have the spark or motivation to hold conversations with people, I have very little interest in many of the things I used to enjoy doing, and frankly, I’m afraid that I’m going to die alone without a family.
From a 16 year old guy in Morocco: Consider this a compilation of all the Yahoo answers topics that were never of any use in determining how F’ed up I am. It’s kind of hard to put it all in one topic, so i’ll provide statements about myself, that’s easier for me. I come here seeking advice on whether I should see a psychologist or not and, most importantly, why should I bother doing that.
2No Distortion
From a teen in Peru: I have dealt with self-esteem issues regarding my appearance, personality, self-worth and have always struggled with comparing my family’s earnings and “wealth” with other families I know. Keeping in mind that I attend one of the best schools in my country, that I have excellent living conditions and that everybody who lives in my house has everything they need, I should not have a reason to feel this way… but still, my friends and other family members all have a great amount of wealth that makes me feel self-conscious of my where I live, what I do, how I dress and the things I own. I am constantly pretending to be someone I’m not so that others can assume that I have this same wealth that everybody seems to have. All of this has accumulated and affected with my self-esteem, which has always been pretty bad, but recently I have not been able to control it or to ignore it, making me feel worthless and ashamed.
Keeping in mind that I attend one of the best schools in my country, that I have excellent living conditions and that everybody who lives in my house has everything they need, I should not have a reason to feel this way… but still, my friends and other family members all have a great amount of wealth that makes me feel self-conscious of my where I live, what I do, how I dress and the things I own.
6Should statements
It began in middle school after we moved and I put on maybe 5 lb. For the next couple months my weight became the butt of everyone’s jokes, I was 11- 5″1″ and barely 100 lbs. The constant teasing made me hate myself and I began cutting. When they found out I was immediately grounded, no phone, no hangouts, school only. I began getting sick the next year (anemia) my mom refused to take me to the doctor for a whole year and told me that if I ate steak then it wouldn’t even be a problem. My doctors said that I needed a blood transfusion, my mom refused so instead I had to quit sports, fail my classes, and I was so weak I couldn’t walk up the stairs without help. When I realized I was failing I begged her for a tutor and she refused until it was too late. I’m really self conscious about my scars (I have a rare skin disease too) and she forced me to wear a bathing suit and I started crying and she told me I need to learn to get over it because she had it worse. (From Japan)
2No Distortion
My best friends brother is 19 years old, He seems to have social anxiety, quiet, shy, awkward at times doesn’t come out of his room, barely talks. Ever since he was young he always had to have the same pair of jeans, belt, tucked in shirt and black zipped up sweatshirt. He still wears this even if its 100 degrees out this is what he wears. He has very long hair past his buttocks and long nails he will not cut either. He’s very feminine but has not come out that hes gay. He does not leave his room and does not have any friends, job or social life. He lives day in and day out in his bedroom, and only comes out to eat. he expresses he wants a job or wants to go back to school but does not put much effort in it. We want a better idea as to what is going on. Please help. thank you.
2No Distortion
Hello, thank you for reading this, People say overthinking is to think about a given issue way too much for me let’s say I had some trouble a week ago and now I have made a decision and that problem Is all solved and I know it however when I am free or happy I force myself to think about it and everything I just can’t stop it and I do that until I stop feeling happy. I do believe I have OCD however could this be a symptom of it? Also when I am very frustrated I cut it doesn’t give me happiness and isn’t an addiction it’s very rare but when I do cut I feel calm again and my mind goes to rest usually people cut to feel something and after that they feel happy which is not my case so is my cutting still an issue? I hope to hear back from you. Thank You so much for your time and efforts I appreciate it.
Hello, thank you for reading this, People say overthinking is to think about a given issue way too much for me let’s say I had some trouble a week ago and now I have made a decision and that problem Is all solved and I know it however when I am free or happy I force myself to think about it and everything I just can’t stop it and I do that until I stop feeling happy.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I’m slowly coming to the realization that there is a greater possibility that I have some mental issues. Most of the time I feel numb – kind of like I’m outside of my own body watching myself do things. This happens a lot when I’m nervous (in any kind of social situation). I’m unhappy and I hate that because I don’t have anything to be unhappy about. I live a blessed life thank God. For that I am eternally grateful, I really am. My life hasn’t even been that hard – the hardest thing I’ve had to go through was just a big move and my crush (,his family) and my own family making fun of me. Its pathetic – extremely pathetic, I’m aware of that. If I could tell you what’s wrong with me I would, believe me, but even I don’t know that. There’s just this extremely unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just can’t shake. Not to mention this completely hopeless attitude to life that I can’t change. This looming sense that nothing’s going to work out.
I’m unhappy and I hate that because I don’t have anything to be unhappy about. This looming sense that nothing’s going to work out.
I get angry a lot for no reason. I even wake up angry sometimes. When I am angry I tend to lash out at my husband. No one else. I love him and I don’t know why I get mad. I’ll get mad if he doesn’t say ‘hi’ to me. Then I’ll be mad for the whole day. There’s this anger in me. It builds up and I can’t control it. Then, at other times, I’ll be very happy. I don’t understand. Sometimes I won’t want to do anything all day but lay in bed. I won’t want to take care of my daughter. (I will take care of her, I just will not want to.) I don’t want to be near her sometimes because I don’t trust myself and I am afraid I will yell at her for no reason. I feel like a useless person. I do work – I have a job, and I enjoy it usually. I do not know why I hate being home, even though I love my husband and daughter so much. It just feels like I sometimes just want to be alone. Completely alone with no one around me. I lash out and curse alot and I do not know why. sometimes I will look for things to make me angry but i don’t know why. i don’t understand what is wrong with me. it doesn’t happen everyday, but at least 2 times a week. Please help me.
I feel like a useless person.
From Australia: My sister in law, who currently lives in Canada, has been diagnosed with a psychological disorder. She seems to have been tipped into delusional thinking 12 months ago when her ex husband filed divorce proceedings. She has always had OCD and paranoid tendencies but never delusional as she is now.
2No Distortion
Recently, I have been having some problems. I’ve been seeing things and hearing things that my people around me can’t, I have a hard time remembering moments and even little things like & what I ate for breakfast this morning or what grade I got on my math test and I’ve noticed that I just can’t bring myself to do everyday tasks. I’ve been having a lot of thoughts that come from a voice that doesn’t sound like me. This, as you can imagine, has given me some concerns for my mental-well-being. My biggest problem, however, is that I don’t know how to talk to my parents about my concerns. I feel as though my dad would just laugh at me, and say you are a moron which is what he usually does when I ask him for help on other things. I just don’t know who to talk to, or how to see a professional if I can’t even ask my dad.
I feel as though my dad would just laugh at me, and say you are a moron which is what he usually does when I ask him for help on other things.
I am seeking help because i don’t really know the nature of my trouble. I can’t finance my visits to a psychiatrist. My problem begins a year and half ago when i think had an identity crisis, i was a kind of person who is never satisfied with himself and always thinking that there is something wrong with me. Then, i began doing things i personally don’t agree with but i would do it and cry after it, i pushed myself to very uncomfortable situations, to do things i don’t accept and forced myself to deal with it for a long time without ever stopping. Then i began to lose sense of my own self like losing sense of what i am doing, losing and gaining weight, etc.. it felt like i was doing a bunch of acts that are not connected in any way or any sense. what is happening to me now is that i can’t work because i have a weird feeling all the time that i am not comfortable with myself, my mind is always busy with something that i don’t know. I feel like there is something i should do and because of that feeling i don’t want to engage in conversations, i don’t want to sleep or eat or have fun and my stomach hurts all the time. i don’t concentrate with anything like even when watching a movie i feel like my mind is elsewhere.
what is happening to me now is that i can’t work because i have a weird feeling all the time that i am not comfortable with myself, my mind is always busy with something that i don’t know. I feel like there is something i should do and because of that feeling i don’t want to engage in conversations, i don’t want to sleep or eat or have fun and my stomach hurts all the time. i don’t concentrate with anything like even when watching a movie i feel like my mind is elsewhere.
1Emotional Reasoning
From a teen in the U.S.: I feel as if I cant controle my emotions, I often get paniced and scared of thoughts and ideas that wont happen. In the past couple of years I have off and on had trouble with social anxiety and general anxiety. I suffered from panic attacks when I was in situations where I don’t know people and am in a new environment.
From a teen in the U.S.: I feel as if I cant controle my emotions, I often get paniced and scared of thoughts and ideas that wont happen.
I am not too sure if this is dissociation or maladaptive daydreaming so I have come to ask about my situation. I have been doing this since I was a child and I am now in my 20s- I would make up scenarios in my head with me in them and I do it all the time. It mostly distracts me from doing my schoolwork and staying present. I find that I also do this during times when I need to listen such as during lectures. When I am home in my room, I will often walk around and around my room while being in the scenario and do this for a long time since childhood. It has now gone to where I will actually whisper or mouth the words I am saying in the scenario. My scenarios tend to be whatever comes to mind and all tend to be pleasant ones. In my real life, it has always been home and school. I have friends but have had friendship problems most of my life, not due to my daydreaming. I like to be social though I am not all that good at it in school. I had a therapist for having high anxiety but never got around to talking about this before I had to stop going. I also think I may have OCD or OCD tendencies. I am not sure how I can stop the constant daydreaming but I am scared it will turn into something worse since I have been doing this for over a decade. Is this dissociation or maladaptive daydreaming? Or something else? (From the USA)
I am not sure how I can stop the constant daydreaming but I am scared it will turn into something worse since I have been doing this for over a decade.
I am a 28 year old female in a relationship with a divorcee (with three children age 7-10). I have been having increasingly problematic anxiety attacks for the last 8 weeks. My boyfriend has been incredibly patient but it is running thin. My anxiety is beginning to interfere with my daily life, not just every now and again. I have huge panic attacks that cause not only my boyfriend to fear me but my past comes back every time to tell me that I’m not worth it, etc. (I was abandoned as a child and adopted at age 12, with significant abuse before and after adoption). I can feel that I am pushing him away even though I am not meaning to and I am afraid that he will just stop loving me because of the hurtful things that I say during the attacks. It has been an increasing struggle to come down from the attacks as well and has taken longer and long. Just last night, I had backed into and was hiding in my closet…and I’m 28! (Its embarrassing to be frank). I struggled with some anxiety when I was in college but it was never this bad. I don’t really know what to do, I don’t think its fair to continue to force him to live through the attacks, but it’s also not fair to leave him because he doesn’t want me to leave, and I don’t want to leave. Should I have him take me to the hospital next time? I can’t just go there when I’m calm, they won’t admit me, but I think its getting to about that time. I can’t keep putting him through this. Please please give me some advice. I’m drowning here.
I can feel that I am pushing him away even though I am not meaning to and I am afraid that he will just stop loving me because of the hurtful things that I say during the attacks. I don’t really know what to do, I don’t think its fair to continue to force him to live through the attacks, but it’s also not fair to leave him because he doesn’t want me to leave, and I don’t want to leave.
9Mental filter
From a young teen in the U.S.: I as a child i was born into a christian family. As i got into 6th grade my friends and I started to read Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the heroes of Olympus, and after that i got really interested in the Greek gods and always had fun talking about them. so i discovered that other people believe in them to and i wasn’t alone and that made me happy. soon i found my self praying to those gods. i’d pray to Zeus to keep them safe if a family member went on a plane ride. i looked up a what it was called to believe in them, and now i’m a Hellenic.
2No Distortion
My first cousin has a problem. When she was a child, she heard an aunt say “i can not imagine something moving inside of me” and the other one was when the comedian Chelsea Handler said “I don’t think I would ever be able to carry the baby to full term, I would feel so “trapped”. She repeats these 2 thoughts.Last year she was pregnant and miscarried because of the abnormalities and before she was referred to an abortion, the doctors told her “You can not get an abortion until the committee approves the diagnosis” and she freaked out. She could not imagine being trapped with something inside of her without having the control to expel it or keep it or to do what she wanted. This thought was traumatic for her. She was pregnant 3 times. The first time she felt good/proud but her husband wanted an abortion.Later on they decided to have children but she had 2 miscarriages. First was early in pregnancy and the second one was at 4m. She was ok with it at 3,5m but then they told her something was wrong with the fetus and for her, even thought she later on cried and felt deep sorrow, she still felt relieved. Now that she is supposed to be doing ivf, she is afraid “what if she changes her mind in the middle of the pregnancy?” or “how will she react when she feels first baby kicks, will she freak out?”. Tried talking to a therapist but without success. She can not talk to her husband or anyone else bc all this is strange. She generally has low self-esteem. Her mother was not a warm person and never developed a relationship with her. She is 40 so she does have to do it soon. Ironically, she does want to have a child (her own) and says that she will be a great mother once the baby is “out”. She is a very nice, warm and rational person. She is preparing for the pregnancy now and freaking out. Not connecting to the idea of being pregnant in a way other women do. Generally doubtful of people (had a hard life, turbulent upbringing etc). Asked me recently “what if I decide to terminate the pregnancy at 25 weeks, where can i go, where can i do it?”Together we searched the net, thinking maybe if I give her answers and security “you can control what to do with your body” that this would calm her down and actually make her want the baby, and it did but only until week 22 or so. This is where her 25-week question comes from. Her biggest fear is of being pregnant. How can I help her calm down and go with pregnancy?
Together we searched the net, thinking maybe if I give her answers and security “you can control what to do with your body” that this would calm her down and actually make her want the baby, and it did but only until week 22 or so.
8Mind Reading
I think I am suffering with moderate to severe depression and feeling helpless as what to do next. I moved from the UK 3 years ago, to live with my partner, now husband. He had tried to live in the UK with me for a while, but was unable to find a job there, so we moved across here. I didn’t realise at the time, how small his home town is & I have been unable to find a job here, though I continue to run a (struggling) small business that I own in the UK.
2No Distortion
For three of the previous four years I was on several anti-depressants and have always had anti-anxiety prescription drugs available. This year i’m not takking any anti-depressants because they never really helped. I have only a few exams left and then my master’s thesis, but i can’t do anything. i escape into fantasy and SF films and novels- the only thing that shuts me and the world out for some time.
This year i’m not takking any anti-depressants because they never really helped. I have only a few exams left and then my master’s thesis, but i can’t do anything. i escape into fantasy and SF films and novels- the only thing that shuts me and the world out for some time.
9Mental filter
I don’t know what to do. I have been seeing my therapist for 3 years. I suffer with body image issues and distorted eating. My therapist has always been thin/healthy. Sometimes her weight drops and I am very sensitive to it. We have talked about it before and I am very open with it if I feel triggered by her. I saw her today and she looks like an eating disordered patient. She said she is aware of it and working on it. She said she has medical issues that make her body do things if she’s not careful and stress plays a part. I believe she is OK and she will work at getting back up to a healthy weight, but its really hard for me to make sense of. Why can she look like that but I have to work to keep myself healthy? Why are such high expectations put on me that she doesn’t live up to? She is my biggest role model, and all I can think of at this moment is starving myself until I look like her. She is happy, successful, smart, has a family and is pretty. She said, “I hope you’re not jealous of this (her body)” and she said that she wished she was in a different place. I just can’t get the picture of her out of my mind. Oh and she’s been getting sick a lot recently. It scares me. I want her to be healthy. She’s MY motivation to be healthy. But when she’s not…my motivation goes away and I want to restrict. How do I make sense of this?
Why can she look like that but I have to work to keep myself healthy? Why are such high expectations put on me that she doesn’t live up to? She is my biggest role model, and all I can think of at this moment is starving myself until I look like her.But when she’s not…my motivation goes away and I want to restrict.
From the U.S.: My fiancee of 4 years is upset by my sudden lack of sex drive. I used to have a pretty high sex drive, but in the past year it plummeted completely. I suffer with Scoliosis pains, depression, anxiety and self esteem issues and take medication that further inhibits my sex drive.
I used to have a pretty high sex drive, but in the past year it plummeted completely.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I used to be really social. I had a lot of friends and didn’t mind talking to other people. It was easy for me to socialize but a couple years ago I started to get the feeling that I wasn’t real, like I’m in a dream kind of state. This only happened once or twice a month and I could easily get the thought out of my head. Now this happens every day and I have been admitted to 3 hospitals THIS YEAR. I feel like I’m not actually here. I feel like a zombie just kind of walking through life. Im afraid to talk to people and when I’m around people I feel like my soul leaves my body and I start having an “episode”, where I freak out and feel like I’m literally going to die. I’m so scared all the time because I dwell on the thought of “am I actually alive or not?”. I’m so irritable all the time, just my family talking to me makes me angry. I’m always paranoid and always feel like I’m being watched, even when I’m alone. These thoughts of not being real have made me freak out so bad that I literally hyperventilated and passed out. I’ve tried to smoke weed to calm myself down but that just makes me freak out even worse. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and I’m so scared. Someone please help!
Im afraid to talk to people and when I’m around people I feel like my soul leaves my body and I start having an “episode”, where I freak out and feel like I’m literally going to die. I’m so scared all the time because I dwell on the thought of “am I actually alive or not?”.
From the U.K.: I’ve been diagnosed with “Asperger’s Syndrome”. It’s been a label that’s been stamped on my personality. It’s something I know I have, but never been clear exactly on what it is. When I was younger, certain traits and tendencies were more evident as a child. Which raises the question: Have these evolved into other “aspie” traits and behaviours I’m not consciously aware of? It’s know I have but unable to clearly and consciously identify any character traits associated with the condition.
2No Distortion
From the Netherlands: I am 27 and I feel very inappropriate about what happened between me and my brother when we were kids (I was about 13/14 years old and my brother 11/12). Basically he tricked me into ‘teaching’ him how to handle things with a girl, like kissing and touching. He told me as an older sister I should safe him from disasters with girls by letting him touch and kiss me so he wouldn’t look like a fool when he tried it.
He told me as an older sister I should safe him from disasters with girls by letting him touch and kiss me so he wouldn’t look like a fool when he tried it.
6Should statements
I’m a 17 year old female.  I constantly feel the need to have a mental illness because I get bored by normal things. I have obsessive thoughts about having bpd I think that makes you special. I have most of the symptoms except for impulsivity/reckless behavior and extreme fear of abandonment . I also don’t have anger issues but I feel empty like nothing matters much as before. I don’t even want attention I just need myself to be satisfied. I’m super-cautious and almost never take risks. I believe I have less severe form of social anxiety as I find it really hard to start conversations and I don’t express myself because I think I’m weird and different and people will judge. I have a history of self harm and suicidal thoughts  and childhood sexual abuse. I also used to see things that aren’t there but I don’t know if I made myself to believe that I am seeing things or if they were real. I also feel like no one really knows me and am so good at hiding things – like I’m another person in public and can switch off my emotions. My paranoia sometimes disables me to do anything. I am also supersensitive and can get hurt easily by words but I don’t show it. I just wanna know if I have bpd i don’t even care to get better cause I feel more comfortable being my real self which may be sad or in pain ( it’s like I get bored by being happy I don’t want to be stable). Thank you!
I believe I have less severe form of social anxiety as I find it really hard to start conversations and I don’t express myself because I think I’m weird and different and people will judge.
I broke up with a friend at school about a month ago and now have a strong hatred towards him. Since then I have sometimes had surges of energy and hatred during which I think about killing him. Basically i’m worried that if I see him in real life I will lash out at him. I have also became extremely introverted and since my exams finished, more than a month ago, have only really talked to one of my friends and seem to have dug a hole I cant get out of. Any recommendations to help me would be fantastic.
I have also became extremely introverted and since my exams finished, more than a month ago, have only really talked to one of my friends and seem to have dug a hole I cant get out of.
From the U.S.: I’ve started dating someone recently and I’ve realized that we are fairly bad at it since we can’t really seem to get into very personal topics. We met through a mutual friend almost a year ago, starting chatting on social media a few months ago and texting. Even though in the beginning personal topics were discussed, we’ve talked mostly about non-personal stuff, which I was okay with since I wanted to save them for face to face discussions. Last time we were out by ourselves, nothing happened, it just left me with a strange feeling. Also I’m now leaving it up to him to propose going somewhere, will see if it happens. Next time we have the opportunity to talk, what questions should I ask or what should I talk about? How do we get into personal conversation and avoid or at least reduce irrelevant garbage? Thank you.
2No Distortion
I am a co-facilitator (pro bono, unlicensed) for a men’s DV group (court-mandated) at a non-profit. The leader is a therapist who also has a private practice. In group one of the men mentioned fear of losing his probation for something he didn’t do and being imprisoned for years at an upcoming hearing. He didn’t return to the group after the hearing. She discovered he indeed had been jailed with another hearing soon to determine whether he will be imprisoned. He’s made enormous progress, despite a terrible childhood and adverse family dynamics, he has a good heart and reaches out to other group members, attends a drug-tested substance abusers group three times a week, and has focused on becoming a father again to his children (they were not the recipients of his abuse). But he’s also expressed suicidal thoughts in the past in the context of never wanting to go back to prison, and he’s become worn out and depressed in dealing with The System (frequent court hearings, probation officers, in-laws, etc. – you can imagine), and we’re deeply concerned about his mental health. He’s received no visitors. LA County is under a DOJ consent agreement to improve its mental health resources, but there have been numerous suicides nonetheless. The therapist is considering visiting the client in jail to check on his health and give him moral support, to let him know someone cares. But she and the non-profit center are conflicted about ethics and boundaries and dual relationships – she says this issue was never discussed in school or workshops, and the non-profit doesn’t even have a policy because this issue has never arisen before. I think it’s because the people setting boundaries aren’t the kind of people who go to jail very often. A large proportion of the country’s 2 million prisoners have some degree of mental illness and get almost no care. He hasn’t called — he’s expressed a sense of unworthiness that might keep him from calling. I don’t think this is the usual ethics and boundaries issue, and I think in these circumstances the benefit for man’s mental health and maybe even his life far outweighs the boundary risk. What do you think? It seems a Catch-22, but shouldn’t be, given the problem of mental illness in prisons.
2No Distortion
By all accounts, I should be highly successful. I know this because people who don’t know me that well are always impressed by me. I am fairly good looking, have a high IQ, am witty, charming, can strike a conversation with anyone on anything and can come up with solutions fast.
By all accounts, I should be highly successful.
6Should statements
Hi. I would like some advice as to why I’m always mad at my boyfriend. I pick fights over the smallest things and i don’t want to be like this. I want to change into a better person. He is so good to me, i know he doesn’t deserve the way I treat him but I dont know how to control myself. I get mad over every little thing he does like coming home late from work or when he says things that i shouldn’t be getting mad over. OK so basically I get mad at things I shouldnt be getting mad over, I get mad at things I should be able to just brush off and keep going on about my day but I don’t and I can’t and it gets me very very frustrated because I know he’s getting tired of it and I know I could lose him over it but I can’t stop – Ive tried so many times to control myself and let things go and i am able to but it only lasts hours or maybe 1 day and I go back to how I was and I cant stop even though i know he could leave. I want to change and let all of the anger go, I know it’s not healthy which is why I want to change, I just don’t know how to…
I get mad over every little thing he does like coming home late from work or when he says things that i shouldn’t be getting mad over. I want to change and let all of the anger go, I know it’s not healthy which is why I want to change, I just don’t know how to…
9Mental filter
From Singapore: My GF (22 years old) and I had been together for 1 year plus and during this period, we broke out once before. Since 2-3 months back, I have this heavy feeling inside me when I think about us. Its like I felt that somewhere we are better off being single and I am puzzled as why does this happen. I used to find her beautiful, but now I started to feel otherwise why?
2No Distortion
My husband is unpredictable, violent & uses highly abusive language very often and even spits on my face. At the same time he enjoys a very good status both professionally & personally. He is highly qualified. His profession is very much responsive in nature towards society. He is a journalist in press media. Unpredictable ?€? My husband, me & four other in-laws family members were taking walk after taking meal at night. My husband slapped me at my shoulder, lovingly. So did I. Again he did the same. (The same I did. He acted the same again.) But this time when I did, he got aggressive & forcefully pressed my neck with his hand & pushed me aside. The whole situation / environment became tense & horrified. Everyone present there thought that my husband was kidding with me.
My husband is unpredictable, violent & uses highly abusive language very often and even spits on my face.
My large family is planning a reunion next summer and being with all of them is too anxiety provoking. I don’t want to go. I love them, I just can’t be with them all at once. How do I tell them this with assertiveness and getting what I want instead of just going along to keep them quiet? I fear they won’t understand. (From the USA)
I fear they won’t understand.
8Mind Reading
I was fine until 7th grade ended, and then its like my memory jump skips to constantly being worried and miserable. When I was going through 8th grade I reached a point were I decided to work on what was bothering me so I could be better, but thats when I realized I had no idea what was bothering me. Looking back before all of this started though I’m not sure if I ever was fine, when I was younger I never considered any other kids to be my friend really, a lot of adults though. I did eventually move to a place were I kinda grew comfortable with everyone, and while I used to consider that time to be the peak of my life, looking back there were still flags then to. Im not exactly sure when, but between 2nd and 5th grade I developed maladaptive daydreaming, and while I felt fine for some reason little me felt compelled to feel emotional pain, I used to purposefully seek out depressing content to put myself in a bad mood, I honestly still kind of do this. During this time I developed a crush in which I became obsessively and honestly kind of creepily attached to him which drove him away from me in the long run,(this repeated in 7th). Anyways after 5th grade I moved away from that place to somewhere else, I got adjusted and made new friends and everything seemed fine until 7th grade ended. Going into 8th I originally had hope, I hoped I go back and I’d fall back into the old groove of things and everything would be fine, but when I got back it was just more issues. I didn’t trust anyone, every time I was with my friends I just felt alone, and I figured they probably wanted me gone so they could actually have a good time. My anxiety, (that was previously nonexistent), was at its peak, i’d have shooting pains, hypnic jerks, and would frequently fall into states of depersonalization/derealization. I finally came to the conclusion that the way to stop hurting, was to stop caring. I’d repeatedly tell myself, “I don’t care about anything, I don’t care about anyone”, in hopes that I would believe it, I’m not sure if that had any effect on me, but after 8th grade ended I just stopped caring. I still had symptoms of anxiety and depression, but they were no longer manifesting themselves into physical symptoms. I still felt unwanted by my group of friends so I just stopped hanging out with them. I wouldn’t say I felt happy, but I wasn’t miserable, I was just kind of done I think. Going into high school I still didn’t really have any friends because I was to scared to talk to anyone, and when they made an effort to talk to me, all I could think in response to there advances were one word answers. I started to grow more fearful of the future as I realized that my childhood was running out and I had no idea what I want to do with my life. I know people say “pursue a career in your interests” but nothing interests me. If I could truly do anything in life, I’d find a secluded area from everyone so I could listen to music and be alone to my fantasy world. I guess that’s kind of were i am now, done, and fearful of the future. I can recognize that not all my thoughts are correct and 90% of the bad things that im convinced everyone feels about me, are probably caused by my anxiety, but even being actively aware of that I still don’t feel any different. I just hope that someday I can be normal, I fear that all I’ll have to remember my teenage years, is me sitting alone in my room listening to music. I wish I could go to social outings and take risks, and have new experiences, and I realize for that to happen I have to take the initiative, but everytime I get handed a chance to do those things I shy away from them because in the moment that all sounds like a terrible idea to me because I much rather be left alone, and its not until later that I regret it. A part of me wonders if this all karma, and I’m actually a bad person, or a narcissist thats suffering the consequences of her actions.
Going into 8th I originally had hope, I hoped I go back and I’d fall back into the old groove of things and everything would be fine, but when I got back it was just more issues. I didn’t trust anyone, every time I was with my friends I just felt alone, and I figured they probably wanted me gone so they could actually have a good time. A part of me wonders if this all karma, and I’m actually a bad person, or a narcissist thats suffering the consequences of her actions.
0All-or-nothing thinking
We are raising our grandchild. She’s 10. Her mom (my step-daughter) abandoned her at 3 yrs. We’ve had custody since & she’s like my own. Her dad is schizophrenic & drug addict. She says she misses him often even though he was in jail for the 1st half of her life & they really haven’t bonded. They don’t spend much time together. Never unsupervised. Anyway when he got out of prison, he had 2 more kids with another girl. My grand loves that she has siblings. She also knows why she cant live with him/them. We figd. those kids would probably be taken from them at some point and thats what happened. Her dad OD’d & they drug tested all of them. They both failed & CPS took the kids. They also had drugs in their systems. He is in a rehab now. Not sure about his girlfriend. They don’t live close to us. My grand was expecting to see them last week for her half sister’s first bday party. The paternal grandparents don’t want her to know about any of this, but I don’t want to lie to her. I want her to know she can trust us. I do know she’s better not knowing every detail but I feel she can handle a PG version of the truth. She’s been mature hearing other truths about her parents in the past. I really need some advice on what to do this time. Thank you!
I do know she’s better not knowing every detail but I feel she can handle a PG version of the truth.
6Should statements
I’m very confused as to what this means. Recently, even when I am exhausted, I have not wanted to fall asleep. It’s not that I can’t fall asleep, as when I do decide to sleep, I fall asleep very quickly. It has been bothering me, and I would like you opinion. What does it mean, when you are completely exhausted, but have no desire to go to sleep? I have searched everywhere, and no one seems to have posted something regarding this issue. Please answer, it is effecting my school work.
2No Distortion
I am currently married but separated from my husband who has ADD, has had it since he was a teen, but I jjust found out about this diagnosis after we were married and experiencing serious paranoia problems, control issues, and domestic violence with severe emotional abuse and physical intimidation. My husband thoughts are constantly paranoid about me cheating on him for no cause at all, he is two different people but I see less and less of the good person, he is rageful, threatened to kill himself, and the list goes on and on. Our last marriage therapist told me to leave and that I was in serious danger, she was concerned for my safety. We had 2 marriage therapists say they felt he had a personality disorder with antisocial tendencies. I have read books about antisocial and narcissistic personality disorders and ADD. They seem to all desribe him to a T. My husband is in his mid 30’s and in special forces active duty in the US Military. He is on his fourth medication……from paxil to provigile to aderal now to cymbalta and none have made a dent in his compulsiveness or paranoid behaviors or ragefulness. How do I know if he has ADD or a personality disorder? I am struggling with the decision to divorce because I don’t know what end is up or down.
2No Distortion
I have voices inside my head that tell me what to do and if i don’t listen i begin to have a terrible headache and start to feel drowsy (if it’s severe I lose control over the body and someone else takes over) . Personalities that live inside my head take over the body and I am unable to come out during those times. Some of them have a name and appearance. I don’t have much memories of my childhood and if try to remember I begin to have a terrible migraine so I avoid them. The voices are always with me and they take turns maneuvering the body. They are all nice but there are some that completely take over and harms the body buy trying to choke it or by hitting it. And sometimes all I can do is lie on the floor unable to move a muscle as the voices won’t allow me to take control. Please help me cause I’m scared I’m going crazy.
The voices are always with me and they take turns maneuvering the body.
From India: I am dentist doing my internship. My family had a arrange marriage proposal for my elder sister who is lecturer in a dental college.The boy was doctor 10 months course left.Initially after first meeting boy agreed for marriage. Then after a week that family invited us for lunch & told that our boy has not agreed for marriage yet. He will tell later. We were shocked but din’t tell any thing & came back.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: Hi. I am a young woman suffering from treatment-resistant atypical anxious depression. I know my brain is lying to me when it feels like I am going to be depressed for the rest of my life– I can be suspicious of this thought. Of course, the fact that successful treatment eludes me weighs on me, making me feel hopeless.
I know my brain is lying to me when it feels like I am going to be depressed for the rest of my life– I can be suspicious of this thought. Of course, the fact that successful treatment eludes me weighs on me, making me feel hopeless.
I am 20 years old i have 2 kids (both boys) and I have a fiance.. our relationship has been up and down for the past 8 months. I have these uncontrollable outbursts with him. I say things that I don’t mean to say. Our relationship is on edge right now. But I think it might be because of my birth control. I am taking yaz… I have done a lot of thinking over the past few nights and I have been trying to figure out why I yell at him for stupid things.
2No Distortion
From Hong Kong: I’m a 14 year old guy and I don’t know if it is rare or not, but I seem to have an interest on the inside of people’s mouths. When I look at people’s mouths, I tend to have an erection, and I feel kinda excited about it. Sometimes I like to search for mouth pictures online, or search for mouth videos on YouTube, just to give myself the desire of looking at people’s mouths. Sometimes I would just weirdly (?) ask my classmates to open their mouths, and they would usually do it, and I would get really excited and I would erect. Is this a normal “fetish”? Or am I just a really weird person?
2No Distortion
I am 16 years old, 17 in 2019 and I have a very hard time in not losing interest in girls I’m with. so, for the past 3 years, I have had about 100 to 150 girlfriends and I’ve been talking to about 400-500. The problem is now I want to have a serious relationship, but after a couple of weeks ago by I start to lose interest in the girl. the girls are great, minor flaws, beautiful faces, great personalities etc. I feel attached to the girl but if I see another girl, I like I can’t keep myself from asking her number, messaging her etc. Also, a major thing I have noticed is that if I start to get sexual with the girl, I start to lose interest after we go home (when we’re no longer facing to face). This has been bugging me for about 7-8 months now and I’m really starting to feel bad emotionally and psychologically. Right now, I have a girlfriend who is an amazing person with a great personality and she is just amazing overall. Like most girls, I unintentionally get them to love me and right now she is attached to me. I have this feeling inside that I want to leave her like my heart feels weird. This always happens a week or two before I leave a girl. This time I don’t want to, I want to have a serious relationship. People are usually jealous that I have a multitude of girls wanting to be with me dating me etc. but it happens unintentionally and right now I just want to have 1 girl in my life. I sometimes cry about this because I don’t know what to do. Thank you in advance. (From Turkey)
I feel attached to the girl but if I see another girl, I like I can’t keep myself from asking her number, messaging her etc
1Emotional Reasoning