we've done this on a
time rate and it's, it's extra.
But the, the vibes are bad.
But please pay us.
The vibes are bad
No because
it would be
because a all consultants are gonna do that.
The vibes are bad.
Who sorted out the problems with all the possessions and supervision for Leeds North West?
Me and Roger.
Not the bloody project manager.
Terry the vibes are wrong
all the way round.
Whatever we do it is
a risky situation.
Well I
Let us
I'm happy to pare the job down Hugh but I'm not happy
to start taking money off.
There's a big difference between us and consultants isn't there?
Because if you
were outside, and you were running jobs really tight, flexitime
would go out of the window, staff would be working what hours, whatever hours were necessary to
get it inside
the job.
Not only that staff
be silly expense claims and all this
staff salaries staff salaries wou let's be fair.
Go out the window.
staff salaries have gone down over the last eighteen months
Too .
I was speaking to a lad who left my office
to go to a consultant.
And he's been there now about three years and they're just surviving, and he's says, I'm earning roughly what I was here but I'm working literally twice the hours.
And he says, and if I don't, I don't have a job.
That's the reality of the situation.
And I, I, I think we've, we've
He has to get the job done for a price.
We've got to be very careful we're not tying our hands behind our backs.
We can't play that game.
Yes we can.
B but Terry let us look at the
Oh yes we can.
other thing.
If, if we don't
We haven't decided that.
if we don't work on the strategy that I've been suggesting
putting it on the table If you don't do that, I can guarantee that Bill , Bill is gonna play silly buggers.
That I am certain of and Bill is gonna put in silly prices.
But it won't do any good though will it?
But it won't do us any good either cos we won't have any work to do.
It depends who gets in first doesn't it?
What do you mean?
What do you mean by get in first?
Well in first
is getting the bloody job.
Well no.
If we have a if we have a
There's no w what are you?
Let's, let's
done in that way to
start with and let him .
But you've already said forty five percent of our business
Is with
is with Regional Railways if we're
I know.
gonna take forty five percent of our business at less than the cost to do the job, that don't make good business sense.
What we're saying is that, that we're gonna have we we're gonna put a bid in
put a bid in at a certain price.
and then we're gonna, we're gonna work down
We're gonna w
to that price.
Or recover it.
Or recover it.
Or recover it.