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Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My(26/f) SO (29/m) doesn't understand financial responsibility. How do I get through to him? POST: We both are considered middle-class by our individual salaries. Recently he moved in with me and I resigned to go to school. Even without him in the household, going to school full time was something I was pursuing with thorough back up plans. Debt free and all. One thing I didn't account for was his spending habits. I use my take home money to go into bills and living expenses while he burns through his with having nights out with friends and buying me things. I've explained that I'd rather him spend money on me by spending money on the home. He agrees then weeks later spends money on more events and gifts. This is incredibly frustrating. With him now being the breadwinner and older than I it's very difficult to break through his ego. I'd tell him to get his own place but now after I've calculated he has thrown me into small debt. I'm wondering if I should just kick him out anyway and figure it out. I was much better living alone. I would like to live together financially happily ever after. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Individually financially stable. Now living together he's breadwinner I'm unemployed putting me in debt by exclusively spending irresponsibly.
Individually financially stable. Now living together he's breadwinner I'm unemployed putting me in debt by exclusively spending irresponsibly.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: GF wants kids sooner then I would like them... POST: I'm 23, she just turned 25, been with each other for a year and moved north together as well. We discussed having kids before but I had mentioned getting my "tubes tied" and it set her off thinking about her future. Basically, she wants to settle down and start a family, but doesn't want to wait passed 30 to have kids. She wanted an answer and I told her that I cannot commit myself to that yet. She responded saying that she didn't want to wait around for me to decide... Idk what to do. I love her to death but I don't want kids, but I don't want to be the person to hold her back. I told her that the only real solution would be to separate...which I don't want :/ Doesn't make things easier that we live together, but our lease is up in October and if she's seriously considering it, we have to figure something out. Anyone gone through this? I feel lost TL;DR: . Assistant:
Gf wants kids soon, I dont, and she doesn't want to wait around. She can't decide to stay or leave
Gf wants kids soon, I dont, and she doesn't want to wait around. She can't decide to stay or leave
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (22m) girlfriend (22f) had an abusive ex boyfriend (22m) who is now dating someone else (22f) that i sort of know and has been abusive towards her as well. I would like to do something to help but i dont know what i can do. POST: Ive been dating my girlfriend for about a year now and I love her alot. Her highschool boyfriend was extremely abusive and controlling which ranged anywhere from choking to the point of passing out to very emotional and manipulative mental abuse. My girlfriend and i have worked through alot of those issues but she is still very much afraid of him.     It took a while for my girlfriend to open up to me about it and she still has not told her family about it. I really do try my best but sometimes it is very hard to know what to say in alot of situations. We all go to the same college and he has been dating one of my friends ex girlfriends for a while and still has been exhibiting abusive behavior and according to numerous accounts has been hitting her and really become even more controlling.       I know thats to a certain point its really none of my business but I know this other girl well enough to know that shes a kind person. It really makes me so mad thinking about him getting away with it. And i really wish there was something that i could do about it. Ive weighed out all the options and think that my best course of action would be an anonymous letter to her parents. I dont know what would happen though. This guy is a real piece of shit and i just dont know what to do. Is it even alright to get involved?   (Throwaway because my username is too similar to my name) TL;DR: . Assistant:
girlfriends abusive ex is now dating a friend of a friend and has been abusive towards her as well. I really want to do something about it but dont want to get too involved.
girlfriends abusive ex is now dating a friend of a friend and has been abusive towards her as well. I really want to do something about it but dont want to get too involved.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/weddingplanning TITLE: Help! Photography dilemma! POST: Sorry for the wall of text...... My fiance and I are on a budget. The most we can spend on photography is $1,500, but our main concern is just to get good ceremony shots and a few good shots to hang on our wall. I found one photographer in our area that is pretty new to the biz. He and his assistant will do an engagement shoot and an entire wedding day of photos for $1,200 (getting ready - cake cutting). We like his photographs, they would be good and acceptable. I have been talking to him, and think we would get along pretty well. My sister recommended a different photographer, a woman she had previously worked with. Her photos are AMAZING, and have recently been featured in style me pretty and other such blogs. Her normal package is $2,900 for an engagement shoot, herself & an assistant, all day photos, and 200 4x6 prints. I've been talking to her today (she's doing a $500 off cyber Monday deal), and she could get it down to $1,500 - this would cut out the second shooter and the prints. I'd jump on the second photographer immediately, but my fiance seems to be excited at the thought of having getting ready photos (he originally didn't care, but after thinking he COULD have it, he started to like it). I'm also not sure if not having a second photographer would be a big mistake! TL;DR: . Assistant:
Is it worth it for the guys to have their own getting ready shots, and is having a second photographer a really good thing?
Is it worth it for the guys to have their own getting ready shots, and is having a second photographer a really good thing?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How can I (23/f) get my boyfriend (24/m) to be less needy/more independent? POST: Hellooo. We've been dating for a little over a year. We both are working and im in school, but we live with each other so we see each other plenty. For the past few months he's been very needy and seemingly codependent. I consider myself pretty independent, I have my own beliefs and I LOVE my own time/space. This doesn't mean I don't like to be affectionate. But if I've seen you for 3 days straight, give me 5 hours to be by myself and read a book or something. Which I think is fair. On the other hand, he will have his own time to play video games or something (he's into WoW), but its like he needs me to tell him what to do or he needs me around, or he needs to hug me 40 times in one hour, to function properly, or else he's in a shitty/emotional mood, and then i have to try and make him feel better. I've talked to him about this, and I've told him to do something he wants to do without asking my permission or seeking my approval or permission first. In one way, I can see he's just trying to be respectful, but in another way, i'm not your mom, im not worried about your ability to make a decision, do what you want unless you think it's something detrimental to our relationship. Does this make sense? A man who can be out on his own and have a good time and be truly independent is really attractive to me, and at this point in time I feel a bit smothered and a little turned off by his neediness. I've wanted to talk to him about it again but I don't know how to word it without hurting his feelings... since whenever i do say something i'm not happy with he gets really upset. Soooo.. advice? TL;DR: . Assistant:
i feel like my boyfriend is too dependent of me and i'm feeling a bit smothered. how do i fix this?
i feel like my boyfriend is too dependent of me and i'm feeling a bit smothered. how do i fix this?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24/F] with my fiance [27/M] of 5 years, how do I start over? POST: My fiance and I have been together for 5 years, engaged for 2, and living together for 2.5 years. We've had a lot of problems and are currently trying to work things out. We're both in individual therapy and couples therapy. We've talked about giving ourselves one more year to figure things out (this was over this past summer). In the last 6 months I've come to realize that we aren't really compatible as partners and are looking for different things in life. We've talked about this and what it would mean to go our separate ways. What I'm wondering is how do you even start over after 5 years? This is my first serious relationship and the first time I've lived with someone other than my parents. I guess I'm just looking for similar stories and advice on restarting. Thanks in advance! TL;DR: . Assistant:
Fiance and I are trying to fix our relationship but it's becoming more evident that we're not compatible, have already talked about an amicable breakup if things don't get better, and wondering how to start over.
Fiance and I are trying to fix our relationship but it's becoming more evident that we're not compatible, have already talked about an amicable breakup if things don't get better, and wondering how to start over.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: 22/m and drinking with my 21/f SO POST: OK so we've been dating for about 2 years but ever since about 6 months in I've noticed any time she drinks she gets unreasonably mad at me. She tells me to leave get away from her and has even insulted me. And I don't do anything to trigger it. For example her birthday party. We had a bunch of her friends over and we're all on the couch drinking and hanging out when she gets up goes to the hall and starts crying. I go to ask what's wrong and she tells me to get away from her. No explanation has been given for that. There have been about 4 other instances but the latest happened at a party we threw about a month ago. I was outside with my friends and she was inside with her friends when I heard that someone was throwing up and needed help. I immediately left my friends to go find the person and found my SO helping her best friend. I saw they were trying to move her to the bathroom so I tried to pick her up and my SO said just go to which I responded I'm trying to help. She said like you have been all night just fuck off. So I left. I don't want to be treated like shit when I'm trying to help. She always apologizes but I'm frustrated and don't know if there is an underlying issue. TL;DR: . Assistant:
SO gets drunk and mad at me often. She always apologizes but it's beginning to worry me that there is an underlying issue she has with me she's not talking about.
SO gets drunk and mad at me often. She always apologizes but it's beginning to worry me that there is an underlying issue she has with me she's not talking about.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Should I switch schools? POST: Reddit, I've been home schooled all of my life. I have never set foot in a public school as a student. But since 3rd grade I've always been at least partially involved in programs where I take classes at "alternative schools" for part of the week. I'm currently a freshmen at one of these schools, and during high school they pretty much just take control of your education. So it's essentially a small public school where I only have to go 3 days a week. But my consultant has suggested an interesting proposition to me. She suggests that I should switch to my local high school. Being the small program that I'm in, we don't have that many options. In fact, my schedule's going to a little fucked up next year because I took a few classes early in high school. On top of this, she feels that I'm not getting challenged enough, especially since my class is one of the lowest scoring classes in recent memory (which I don't disagree with). I could get into the honors classes at my local high school, and have access to resources my currently school could only dream of. But I would still lose a few things if I switched. Mostly I would lose the friends that I've made at my current school, but to be frankly honest I never hung out or talked with them outside of school. Also I would have to start getting up a few hours earlier and go 5 days a week. The workload would be higher, and when I asked my friend what she thought of when she heard the schools name, she said: "pregnancy". I'm torn Reddit, what do you think? (Yes I know turning to the internet isn't the best thing to do when making life choices, but I want to get as many opinions as possible.) TL;DR: . Assistant:
I've been home schooled all of my life, but my councilor thinks that I should switch to a potentially shitty local high school.
I've been home schooled all of my life, but my councilor thinks that I should switch to a potentially shitty local high school.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my Roommate [22 M] from this year, makes it unpleasant to be at our house POST: I have known him since my freshman year of college and we have been pretty good friends since then but it was not until moving in with him that I realized he is a total ass. He has no respect for my things, he ALWAYS expects something in return for anything that he does no matter how small it is and will ask. For example occasionally he will buy some sort of food or something for the whole house and then hold it over everyone's head until he receives something and on top of that he takes my food. I know he takes my food because I have caught him twice. I called him out both times and still notice things going missing. The other night I caught him taking some of my food, called him out and then kinda yelled at him, the result: I'm pissed and he does nothing. He literally does not care whatsoever. Not only this I constantly see him use my other roommates and they have noticed food go missing also. He is really just concerned with himself and does not give a shit about anyone around him. He constantly asks how he looks, goes on for hours about the most insignificant things in his day, never asks about anyone else, and on top of all that if you say anything negative to him he takes it super personally. His ego is more easily bruised then anyone I've ever met. All this adds up to me really not liking being at our house. I stay at school for long hours and really it is mainly to avoid him. I need some advice on how to deal with someone like this and need to make it through the year because we already signed the lease until June. He does tons of other obnoxious things but I won't go too much into it. Please help! TL;DR: . Assistant:
I have a narcissistic roommate who makes it hard to be in the house, I have to live the remainder of the school year with him, any advice?
I have a narcissistic roommate who makes it hard to be in the house, I have to live the remainder of the school year with him, any advice?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[19M]; my girlfriend[18F] of one year is cheating on me. POST: So my girlfriend of almost a year met a guy of the class above her at a university event. They became friends, and I'm not the jealous type so I thought nothing of it. I first became suspicious when she went to watch a movie with just the two of them at his place, but I didn't want to be an imposing dick so I didn't say anything about it (this was about 2 weeks ago and they met about a month ago). She went off to an exam today and forgot her phone at home. She kept getting texts and phone calls so I thought it might be a family emergency and I looked at her phone to check it out. It was the guy and he was sending her all sorts of sexual messages, and her responses were not as sexual but she was still saying some stuff. From it I've gathered they've hooked up at least once (I think sex), but she seams to be trying to put a stop to it. What do I do? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girlfriend is cheating on me with a guy, but she might be trying to stop it. What do I do?
Girlfriend is cheating on me with a guy, but she might be trying to stop it. What do I do?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: Threesome with a virgin POST: My girlfriend and I are both very close friends with her best friend. We've been joking forever about drinking and having a threesome, but it ended up happening and in the moment, parts were really awesome, but afterwords, I just feel terrible. Even if she was cool with it, she was still very nervous about losing it and I feel like shit about taking it. She kept saying it hurt, but she kept wanting to try and I just feel wrong. I feel like I took something I don't have the right to take. How do people who have slept with tons of other people seek out virginity to take? I just don't get it. I wanted a threesome, I didn't want to feel like I stole something from someone. We're still friends, and I don't think things are weird between us, I just have this sludgy weight in my gut. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Have a threesome with somebody experienced and / or sexually enlightened. No matter how you feel or how comfortable you are with both parties, there's just something that won't let you really enjoy what an amazing experience it can be.
Have a threesome with somebody experienced and / or sexually enlightened. No matter how you feel or how comfortable you are with both parties, there's just something that won't let you really enjoy what an amazing experience it can be.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How do I [33F] tell my completely dependent fiancee [38F] of two years that I need her to move out? POST: Me [33F], her [38F]… together 2 years, engaged for the last 10 months. I have to break up with her. I'm not happy, I feel used and I feel like I'm her parent. She doesn't work at the moment. These moments happen often, she's had at least 8 jobs in the two years we've been together. I pretty much have to ask her to clean the apartment while I'm at work. Just the other day she waited for me to get home from work so I could help her do the laundry. She doesn't physically take care of herself. She eats like crap. She has gained 30lbs in two years. I have to ask her to shave her legs and armpits. The last thing is that I am having an extremely hard time staying sober with her. I'm an addict; coke, weed, alcohol. I worked extremely hard to get my life together. She does not do drugs and drinks socially. All her friends are heavily into drinking and also into coke. They are always trying to buy me drinks and taking about drugs. I slipped up last week and did coke for a few days. This isn't what I want for my life! It's not working. The problem is that she is completely dependant on me. She could never afford rent on her own and this would basically force her to move back in with her parents. I feel like such crap. I pursued her hard. I asked her to move in with me and I asked her to marry me. I believe this will be completely blind side her. I know I made her sound bad in this but I really do love her, I just can't be with her. What should I tell her? I don't want to list all the reasons I don't want to be with her, that will just cause unnecessary hurt but I really need her to understand I want to break up. Basically I need help breaking up but without hurting her too badly. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I financially support my fiancee and am being taken advantage of. Need to break up but don't want to hurt her.
I financially support my fiancee and am being taken advantage of. Need to break up but don't want to hurt her.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: F/24, 5'5", 190 lbs. - A few years ago, I lost 90 pounds. I got off track but I'm back now. I need a little encouragement... POST: While I was in college, I lost a lot of weight. I went from 243 lbs to 150 lbs in about 3 years. Then I got married, got comfy, and am I back up to about 190 lbs now. I was looking at some old pictures and I am really proud of what I did. Since I have been successful before, I know I can do it again. But as all of you know, it's hard. Before, I was religiously doing Weight Watchers and doing mild exercise. I would get a video series or hire a personal trainer for a month or so. I have never really been an exerciser. Weight Watchers got too expensive and I stopped losing when they changed their program. Now, I am doing MyFitnessPal (1200 cal/day) and C25K (3x/week for 30 minutes). I have lost about 10 pounds since January but I am struggling to stay motivated. In college, I lost weight with my best friend and I had a great support system. Now, my husband and I live all alone in CA and there is literally no one here to help. I am self motivated, generally, but food is my weakness and my addiction and it is very hard to battle alone. [Summer 2007 to Summer 2010 Album] ( Looking at these pictures motivates me in two ways - I NEVER want to be that fat girl again and I LOVED how I felt at my college graduation. I have never seen a number in the 140's so that is my current goal and I know I will get there. I think just need some encouragement for today. [Here is me now] ( TL;DR: . Assistant:
I lost 90 lbs in college and got off track. I am back now, but this is hard! These pictures are motivating me to never go back and remember how good healthy feels.
I lost 90 lbs in college and got off track. I am back now, but this is hard! These pictures are motivating me to never go back and remember how good healthy feels.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[24F] relationship with my BF [28M] of 3 months feels more like a FWB. POST: Sorry but this will be a long post. I am a long time lurker and first time poster so forgive me for my mistakes. My boyfriend and I come from very different backgrounds and lead different lives. He is going to graduate school and I am a college drop out working a retail job. When we first began to date I felt a bit intimidated and conscious about what I lacked but decided to ignore it because he was such a nice guy and I really like him. Fast forward a month into our relationship and my fears are brought up again after our first time having sex. He brought up this worry to me and I didn't take it well, he quickly tried to take it back when he was how emotional I got. We talked about how he was worried we might not have much in common besides our sexual kinks and hobbies.(A worry I also had but.) What hurt me the most was that he mentioned I was not what he pictured for himself but he thought I might be the best he could do. He mentioned he wanted to be able to talk about academic topics since academia is such a big part of his life.It was all brought out and we talked and he said it was my choice whether we should continue to see each other since he really wanted to continue seeing whether or not feeling developed between us. I decided to continue dating and seeing where it lead us. So now it's been another month and my fears haven't gone away. Everytime we meet we always have sex or talk about sex. (We do talk about our friends and families...our lives.) I know I like him more than he does and that is fine but I am unsure if he likes me just enough to have sex with me or for more. I have decided to go to school again and I hope it helps with my confidence but how do I stop worrying? I think the biggest issue is that I don't know what he feels towards me. He hasn't introduced me to any of his friends and most of our 'dates' are in his apartment. Am I over thinking things or should I talk to.him? Better yet how do I talk to him without seeming clingy. TL;DR: . Assistant:
How do I know that sex isnt the only thing keeping our relationship together? He hasn't introduced me to his friends after 3 months of dating exclusively. Should I be worried?
How do I know that sex isnt the only thing keeping our relationship together? He hasn't introduced me to his friends after 3 months of dating exclusively. Should I be worried?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is Nena's Finest in Yakima, WA? POST: So we were looking for a strip club in Yakima Washington. No luck there. But we kept getting hits for a place called Nena's Finest, with tags fors Adult Entertainment and Services. We got their address online, so we drive over. When we get there, it's an upper-middle class neighborhood, and the address in question is a fairly nice triplex. This is at 2 o'clock inthe morning. We decide to call them and see what they are about. So we call them and they answer. At two in the morning. Shaking off the shock real quick we ask if it was in fact Nena's Finest. The guy who answers confirms it is. Then we ask what they sell. He hung up on us. So, barring the fact that no reputable business outside of fast food is usually open at two in the morning, we are reasonably convinced this place is a brothel. So the next day, we call again, and a different guy answers, and he has no idea what we are talking about when we ask about Nena's Finest. So we go back to the address, and when we go to the door, a small child answers. We leave. The gps says that the other address could be a smaller house just down the street. When we knock on the door there, a sweet old lady answers, and does not know what Nena's Finest is, but she mentions that people are always mixing her address. And here we are. We are going to go back later and try again, but if Reddit happens to know what the deal here is that would be awesome. TL;DR: . Assistant:
= We are convinced that a place called Nena's Finest is a brothel or something sketch like that, but not quite sure.
= We are convinced that a place called Nena's Finest is a brothel or something sketch like that, but not quite sure.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 25M with my 24F well it's all over nothing.. POST: *or Back story- we dated since nov 2014 two break ups. My ex and I decided to not to see eachother anymore mid May, talked throughout summer and finally got into an argument in early August and stopped talking completely until mid September. Then to this point it's been few convos and snapping a few times a week.Finally mustered the courage to call her on Tuesday? and we spoke for about hour. This past month has been absolutely awful with college and life, so I called and told her what has been happening and stuff. Well I was feeling okay throughout the week just chatting. But then she sends me a video at a hockey game with another couple. And I text her, "how's the game?" nothing back at all and then another video of her at the bar. Well anyways we chatted Saturday briefly that night while she was at the bar with friend. Tonight Texted her just to talk for a bit, and i asked casually who all went to the game. H whyyy do you want to know Mi was just wondering. You wouldn't be snapping me with any ***** (< name for the other gender ) with you would you? H****** or no ***** I do what I want when I want now. Quickly changed the convo. I know she's involved somehow now. It's shitty that she would actually send me a video at game and telling me that she was wasted. Well last nightwhen watching the walking dead I told her the typical I need you and a hug shit. I told her to think about and consider it. She is currently doing so. Where do I stand? I know this is the last time she will take me back, I do see a future with her. *rolling the dice TL;DR: . Assistant:
! Trying to get back together with my ex after a god awful month. I told her how I felt and she will consider it. Her words, I don't want to give you false hope.
! Trying to get back together with my ex after a god awful month. I told her how I felt and she will consider it. Her words, I don't want to give you false hope.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: How do I tell my boyfriend I desperately need a night in? POST: My boyfriend(M24) is and extrovert and I(F23) am an introvert. We have been in a relationship for 2 years and have been best friends for 2 before that. He loves always having plans and hanging out with people, which I also sometimes enjoy doing but I also need nights where we can just stay in and watch movies or do nothing. Lately we haven't had a moment to ourselves. We are constantly running all over, hangin with people and filling our free time with activities. This week alone we have plans with friends every single night. I like seeing friends but it getting so exhausting trying to keep up with him. Last night I almost had a nervous breakdown at his parents house. This morning I almost had another and while trying to make me feel better I said "I just feel like we are busy all the time" and he said "Life is busy, you're going to have to get used to it". This caused me to start crying and frekaing out and it seems like he couldn't understand where I am coming from. Everytime I mention that I want/need a night in it feel like he he thinks I'm being lazy or don't want to hang out with his friends. I'ma afraid if I continue trying to keep up with him I'm to have a complete frekout. I don't know how much longer I can try suppressing these current mini breakdowns. How do I get him to see my point of view. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Boyfriend is extrovert, I'm introvert. He always wants to go out and I need some nights in. How do I get him to see my side without thinking I'm lazy.
Boyfriend is extrovert, I'm introvert. He always wants to go out and I need some nights in. How do I get him to see my side without thinking I'm lazy.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: girl [17 F] won't stop messaging me (24 M) on social media and spies on me in person. POST: I met this chick at a school club get-together for the super bowl. Shes new to the US and I thought it would be cool to have an international friend, so we chatted at the party. She stated that she liked hiking, and since I plan hiking trips at my school I suggested for her to come to the club. This was 4 days ago. So i got her facebook info. The next day she somehow found my intagram info and added me, I didn't think anything of it at the time. And the madness begins... The next day she starts messaging me on fb messenger. Like, non stop chit chat. I went about ignoring most of her attempts to get me to talk. She would say stuff like, "hey, just got home." or "are you doing homework?...." and I would give one word answers but still she keeps on going. Its super frustrating. She even went so far as to bug me at 1030 p.m. tonight to come and help her move one grocery bag up to her dorm... I said "Sorry I can't" then she got all spiteful toward me. Keep in mind I don't know anything about her, only talked once in person at a party. I think she likes me so I want nothing to do with her anymore. On top of that she moved into my building on campus. She alerts me when my roommates are coming in and texts me when she sees me from her room. Its really creepy. I ended up blocking her on facebook. I know we will bump into each-other on campus, what should I do if she brings up the fact that I blocked her? I'm thinking about just saying "I deactivated my facebook." I just don't want to be too much of a prick. TL;DR: . Assistant:
underage girl bugging the crap out of me, borderline stalking me. Blocked her on facebook but will run into her in person due to location. How should I proceed?
underage girl bugging the crap out of me, borderline stalking me. Blocked her on facebook but will run into her in person due to location. How should I proceed?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Student in my class incited for a drawing? POST: A student in my careers class today drew a 2D war scene with stick figures. All stick figures with little rocket launchers, etc. The student had drawn it after the lesson during a sort of free bit of time. The teacher confiscated the drawing, sent it to the administration and cited that he had violated the safe schools act of Ontario. Is this true? What will happen? I feel this is a bunch of crap, especially since earlier in the class, he was joking with a friend, to which the friend responded that he would punch him. The teacher turned and said that she "Wishes (he) could punch (the student) because it would be nice and (the student) deserves it, but there is a safe schools act in place that permits it" The very act he is being accused of violating was basically tossed out the window there! The teacher incited violence against him! What can happen to the teacher and the student? What can he do so he is not wrongfully accused. The police may possibly be involved, to which I've already informed him not to speak to, as to not place guilt on himself. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [19/F] boyfriend [20/M] of 2 years is being a jerk to me. On the fence about breaking up. Really confused. Please help.. POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for almost two years. We're LDR. For the majority of our relationship it was absolutely great. Lately it's been far from that. About a week or two. Right now I'm full-time in junior college and I will be transferring out to a uni soon. I have a lot on my plate right now with school, family issues, a part-time job, and I'm having difficulty juggling it all. To top it all off my boyfriend has been being a jerk to me which is making everything so much better. I should add that my boyfriend is doing nothing right now. He is not in school, no job, nothing. I always do what I can to make him feel great when he's feeling down, but even when I do he's been a complete ass to me. Our last phone call I told him that I love him and his reply was "see ya," then he hung up. I ask him what's he doing, his reply "Nothing." I'm doing what I can to be there for him. I ask him how his day was, how he is feeling, what's he doing and every reply I've been getting from him feels like zero effort (e.g. nothing, k, lol, etc) was put into it. I feel like he is being forced to talk to me because I'm his girlfriend. The other day I told him that I was stressed out with everything I have going on and he had nothing to say. I didn't expect him to be completely sympathetic to me, but I really could have appreciated some words of encouragement or something. I feel like he doesn't care about me anymore and is being disrespectful to me... I don't know what to do. I'm confused and I'm hurt. Part of me wants to end this relationship, but the other part doesn't. I have invested a lot into this relationship and sometimes people get through certain obstacles and become a stronger couple. I'm starting to feel like this problem isn't something we can't get through. I don't know what to do… Am I not doing enough? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Every time I try to cheer my boyfriend up or talk to him his responses seem like zero effort are being put into them. Should I break up with him?
Every time I try to cheer my boyfriend up or talk to him his responses seem like zero effort are being put into them. Should I break up with him?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being home alone with a girl POST: This started on Thursday during my half term or holiday/vacation I was home alone and decided to invite my girl round. We started by watching TV. After a while we went upstairs to watch movies, after a couple movies I got bored so we faced each other and started getting off. After an hour of doing this and touching inappropriate places then I eventually moved round to the front and started putting fingers up places. In school on Monday I told one of my friends and another one over heard and started spreading it around the school... She was not happy and is currently in a mood with me won't speak to me or anything I will update. Well I asked if there was a point in going out and she replied NO. Lesson to learn is not to tell anyone if you do anything with a girl. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I was home alone me and girl did stuff told one mate got spread around school. Girl not talking to me
I was home alone me and girl did stuff told one mate got spread around school. Girl not talking to me
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Losing too fast? POST: Hi there, I recently starting counting calories with MFP and it has been great. It is forcing me to cook more (which I enjoy doing) and I actually like what I eat more than when I was eating whatever I wanted. I am a Male 6'2" and I started at 255. It has been two weeks and the scale showed 242 this morning. I am worried that I am losing weight too fast. MFP suggested a calorie goal of 1740, and I have never gone over and am typically 2-300 lower than that goal. I also do 20 minutes of stationary bike on even days and weights/body weight exercises on uneven days. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I am on the "don't be fat for my wedding diet" and I am worried I am losing too much too fast! (Slightly over a pound a day since I started)
I am on the "don't be fat for my wedding diet" and I am worried I am losing too much too fast! (Slightly over a pound a day since I started)
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21m] and dating a [23f] who gets offended when I try to nudge her in "the right direction" POST: I put "the right direction" in quotes because that's just my opinion... But at the same time it's not. I am joining the military and i am desperately trying get more fit. I am losing weight, lifting weights, swimming and running. My girlfriend complains to me about her physique a few times a month. I try to offer her advice... Simple advice without attacking her, but she gets so defensive every time. I talk to her about her diet and excersised but she deflects my advice and still complains. She tells me the only reason I am getting healthy is because I'm joining the military. This is a part of it.... However, there is more to it than that. I want to be healthy and not be chubby. So does she. However, I am working hard at it and she is not. Then she complains and it starts the cycle over again. I need help here.... I love her but I want to be a healthy family and I want to marry someone who can get shit done and not just make excuses. It is important to me. Am I being selfish, here? TL;DR: . Assistant:
GF won't be healthier even though she and i want her to be.... How do I help her? Am I being selfish?
GF won't be healthier even though she and i want her to be.... How do I help her? Am I being selfish?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, i am going to quit my job and want to know an epic way to do so. Any ideas? POST: Been working at Mcdonald's a few months now and honestly, it is the most horrible place to work and a few of my superiors are absolute arseholes. Any ideas to go out with a bang? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Want to quit my job, managers are complete arseholes, get accused of theft regularly and keep getting abusive comments etc and no pay, want revenge.
Want to quit my job, managers are complete arseholes, get accused of theft regularly and keep getting abusive comments etc and no pay, want revenge.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by thinking a girl was a guy POST: Earlier today, I was going through tinder trying to find someone hot for sexy video call or something, I ended up downloading roughly 15 different apps that mentioned I could get easy girls. So anyway, I put my snapchat name in the bio of all of these apps. Not a good idea, in fact, a very, very bad one. I got a lot of interesting contenders who actually added me, one of them being one of the most flat chested girls I will ever meet. She asked me to rate her body, so she sent me a picture of her upper half, to my confusion, it looked like a guy. I wasn't 100% sure if it was a guy, so I asked for another pic and she replied "are you straight"? Wtf ok? So then i think it's a guy and he is just yanking my chain, so he asked if I was straight because I asked to see another picture of his body... He/she then says its my turn to send a pic (fair enough) So, if I send a picture to he/she it's going to be gayer than having buttsex with the president of Cuba, if it actually turns out to be a guy. So should I take the gamble to it either being a girl or guy? I didn't, I pussied out. I ended up saying, " sorry, I'm not gay"... Whoops, turned out it was a girl. So I now feel terrible for making an innocent grill feel insecure about her body... She blocked me so I can't say sorry. It's not really a big TIFU like most other's, but I feel really bad about it. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Flat chested girl asked me for an opinion of her body, the picture looked like a boy so I told her I wasn't gay. She blocked me so I can't apologise.
Flat chested girl asked me for an opinion of her body, the picture looked like a boy so I told her I wasn't gay. She blocked me so I can't apologise.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Dogtraining TITLE: How young is too young? POST: I have a 10 wk old boxer/lab mix. At the time, she was 6 weeks and I was keeping her inside in a crate next to my bed. She would cry for about 10 minutes every hour through out the night. Eventually I moved the crate so she was next to me in the bed. This did not stop the crying; it only made it easier for me to stick my arm in to soothe her. I could not get her to stop and my roommates were getting fed up after about a week and a half so I let her outside with my older dog. It's been a month and I would like to try again. Am I expecting too much from her at such a young age? I would also like to know if she is too young to potty train. I keep her inside during the day but I was constantly cleaning up messes. I would take her outside immediately after she ate and drank but she wouldn't go. After about twenty minutes I'll bring her back in and as soon as I turn my head she is going number one or two. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Is 6-10 weeks too young for a puppy to be crate trained and potty trained? When should I try again?
Is 6-10 weeks too young for a puppy to be crate trained and potty trained? When should I try again?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by using a LPT POST: Happened last night, so points for that, I guess: I read that post yesterday about discussing your crushes with your SO and working through them. I thought it was a very insightful and being the guy that I am, tried to strengthen the avenues of communication with my girlfriend. I knew it would be a sensitive topic to discuss so my strategy was to bring it up in a nonchalant way. We were getting ready for bed, and we always talk to each other before we go to sleep. I figured it was the perfect time. I tell her about the LPT I read earlier in the day. "Yeah, that seems like a good tip" she responded. Then it gets quiet. I can hear the wheels in her head turning. "Do you have a crush on somebody?" she asked. I knew by her tone that things were getting serious. "No, at least not anymore. What about you?" I asked her. "NO! Who the hell did you have a crush on?!", she was pretty much yelling at this point. I knew I had reached a point of no return. I had to spill the beans: "my sister's friend (we'll call her K). It was the first time we met her. It didn't last long- I realized that what you and I have together is way more valuable. She just came along at a time when you were really upset all the time and she was just so happy and i thought she was cute. I worked through it though. I just wanted to be open about it. You really have never had a crush on another person during our entire relationship?!" She gives me a death stare and looks straight into my eyes and says "No. Never." It gets quiet again and I really don't know what to say. She covers up and turns off the light and says "I was going to blow you tonight since I haven't in a while, but you might as well get K to do it. I'm sure she'll be happy to do it since I'm such an angry bitch." She rolled over and that was it. We woke up this morning and got ready for work and ate breakfast in complete silence. TL;DR: . Assistant:
decided to open up to my girlfriend about a crush I had at one point because of something I read on Reddit yesterday, denied a BJ and am now in the doghouse.
decided to open up to my girlfriend about a crush I had at one point because of something I read on Reddit yesterday, denied a BJ and am now in the doghouse.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] with my long distance gf[22F] of 3 months are having a problem.I became insecure/uneasy about something and i want to tell her even though i know i "must not" POST: Hello, with this girl I have a very honest relationship and we seem to be liking each other a lot.We are both sensitive people who look far beyond sex and were looking for connection. I am not the guy to be generally jealous and I never had a problem whenever her ex called her or something...But there is a guy who she used to have a strong crush with and I kept thinking that she wants him still and is not telling me...My problem wasn't that she wants him (if so) but that she was not telling me. Anyway everything is calmer now and I am totally sure she is into me a lot, but I still feel from her attitude that something is wrong with this, something minor perhaps....It feels as if she is still disappointed by this guy because he treated her bad at some point...I feel this thing hasn't finished inside her and it is killing me just because I make wild scenarios.. Example: They hadn't talked for months and now he sent her something, even though we are so far away she told me and she asked me if she should reply or not( which i appreciated a lot and showed me trust). I said "do whatever you please". She told me the next day that she replied to the "how are you"? with a "why you ask" and that in was just a cold exchange of few sentences where he was even taking an hour long to respond every time. Doesn't the "why you ask" and the "one hour long delay complaint" show some kind of leftover emotion that is still wanting something from this guy?Wouldn't she be indifferent if she was indifferent? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Something that makes me insecure bothers me and being an honest person, I just want to talk about it with my girlfriend in a calm way and hope that she can put my fears to rest...
Something that makes me insecure bothers me and being an honest person, I just want to talk about it with my girlfriend in a calm way and hope that she can put my fears to rest...
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Good friend [F, 24] who is in a relationship started to behave weirdly towards me [M, 24]. Why? POST: I have a good friend who is currently in a relationship with other guy. We were usually having a good time, laughing a lot, talking about stuff, but recently her behaviour towards me changed quite a bit. She responds to my questions with short answers, tries to ignore my jokes, conversations feel awkward and overall it looks like she is trying to keep distance from me. I can occasionally catch her off guard and things are back to normal, but only for a short period of time. To me it feels like she likes me or falls for me(or whats that word), but she doesn't want to end her current relationship. Could it be the cause of her behaviour? Or what else? How do I change things back to normal? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Good friend suddenly started to behave weirdly towards me. Why? Is it because she likes me?(My probably wrong guess )
Good friend suddenly started to behave weirdly towards me. Why? Is it because she likes me?(My probably wrong guess )
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I know there are plenty of IT folks hereabouts. Any advice for an aimless college student? POST: Heya. So, I'm a 24-year-old junior pursuing a BS in Info Systems. I started college late, wasted a couple years looking for a 'passion' that I never found, and jumped into IT for practical reasons. I'm a bit aimless, and in need of some career direction/advice. I feel I need to focus and self-study a given field in order to have a chance of landing a job when I'm out in a year. I'd really appreciate any input on what field/job I should aim for. I have taken/am taking courses in several disciplines (networking, database, C++, Java, MIS, web programming, security, etc.), but I'm not excited about any of it; it's all mildly interesting. Hence, I'm more worried about job conditions than job interest. (Realistic?) characteristics of what I'm hoping for: * I really like to be left alone. Half the reason I opted for IT was for the solitude (relative to other careers). I do data entry part-time now, and am isolated for 99% of the workday. It's perfect. Being left alone is extremely important to me. * I don't care about being challenged/stimulated at work. Doing something rote and boring all day is fine by me, even preferable. * $$$ is secondary. Mo' money is always good, but I won't be getting married/having kids/etc., so a lot of cash or opportunities for career advancement aren't necessary. I just need to be able to live comfortably alone. And I'm pretty cheap. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I'm an aimless junior hunting for an IT career that's solitary, simple, and stable. I'll gladly sacrifice cash, stimulation, and career advancement in return. Wut do.
I'm an aimless junior hunting for an IT career that's solitary, simple, and stable. I'll gladly sacrifice cash, stimulation, and career advancement in return. Wut do.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23M] Casually seeing [19/F] for 2 months, need help talking to her about next steps. POST: Been casually dating this girl for just over 2 months, everything is going reasonably well, she calls me everyday and we see each other once a week minimum, sometimes 2. I'm at a kind of sticking point now where I want to ask her where our "relationship" is going but at the same time I kind of feel doomed because when asked if we were together recently by a coworker she simply responded with a flat no. I'm not at all upset by this because, until I ask her, that answer is just the truth but at the same time it feels like she disregarded that we were dating. This brings up my first question, if you're casually dating someone but get asked if you're "together" how do you respond? Also I should note we haven't had sex yet which I doesn't bug me that much, but I want to know, would you consider asking a girl to see you exclusively if you weren't already having sex? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Want to ask this girl how she feels about me and possible exclusivity but am still gauging how she feels about me and not quite sure how to go about it.
Want to ask this girl how she feels about me and possible exclusivity but am still gauging how she feels about me and not quite sure how to go about it.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23M] with my girlfriend [22F] 4 years, she wants to join the Navy. I'm opposed. POST: My gf of 4 years has been recently going to see a recruiter for the Navy. I know I should not tell her what to do with her life, and I truly don't want to. But I am strongly opposed to this due to the high risk of sexual assault in the military for women. Not just that but she would be gone for long periods of time without me being able to see her, which quite frankly I don't think our relationship can handle. A year and a half ago she had an affair with another man, and I decided to take her back after she pleaded with me. I told her that I would try to trust her and we've been working on it since. Things have been rocky but I really do love her. I've forgiven her for cheating on me but it honestly has made me much more insecure than I used to be. So is it messed up for me to be against her joining? Can it all be chalked up to my insecurities? How do I deal with them? I don't want to lose her but I feel like this is a dealbreaker for me. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Gf wants to join Navy, don't think relationship can handle it. Do I convince her otherwise, move on, or attempt to accept it?
Gf wants to join Navy, don't think relationship can handle it. Do I convince her otherwise, move on, or attempt to accept it?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Was I [32 M] out of line to ask her [26 F] to be more spontaneous? POST: My girlfriend and I have been together for a bit over four months. I suggested that we bake a cake together to bring to her friend's party as well as some bran muffins for her dad who is recovering from surgery. I'm the cook / baker in our relationship since she does neither (she knows how to make sandwiches and I think meat loaf). I've made her dinners and pizzas and cakes on several occasions (from scratch, not pre-mixed stuff). When I arrived at her place, she showed me a simple bran muffin recipe on pinterest with 3 ingredients. I explained that the easiest recipe might not produce the best end result. She seemed upset that I made the muffins my way instead. The muffins turned out perfect and both she and her dad liked them (and her mom too). The next morning I texted her to let her know that I thought the party was great and that I had fun. I followed up by sayinng that she should try to be more spontaneous and have more faith in people. This upset her greatly and she called, crying, claiming that I accused her of being boring. In retrospect I suppose I chose my words poorly, and really I just wanted her to trust me a bit more than some random post on pinterest. But she threatened to break up with me and that this was "the last straw". She later calmed down a bit and we talked it through (at least I think we did). Was I being that much of a jerk? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Texted GF to be more spontaneous because she was upset I used more than 3 ingredients for muffin recipe. GF threatened to break up.
Texted GF to be more spontaneous because she was upset I used more than 3 ingredients for muffin recipe. GF threatened to break up.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Asshole owes me over a grand... POST: During the summer of '11 I lent a friend in a halfway house a few hundred dollars to be able to stay there. He kept asking for more money, saying that it was for the house, and I kept dishing it out. When I added it all up, he owed me about $1200 which he said he would pay back. I, being foolish, believed this. I'm not sure where the money went... he could have honestly been telling the truth. The next thing I know, the guy moves to South Carolina! (I'm in Pennsylvania.) He wouldn't answer my calls or texts, so I told my parents. I had this guy sign a piece of paper saying how much he owed me and that he will pay it back. With this, my parents called their lawyer and there was nothing they could do about it because it isn't enough to have a silly piece of paper. Fast forward 2 years of fighting the urge to tear him a new asshole, I finally confronted him via Facebook, and he apologized and said we needed to talk. I told him I just want my money and to be done with it, but he's insisting we need to speak first or "nothing will ever get done about it," so I told him I'd call tomorrow. Now, I know this was incredibly stupid and, believe me, I've learned my lesson. I don't need to be reminded of my dumbassery, but I have no clue what to do. I'm obviously going to call him, but I have a feeling he has some sob story waiting for me and I don't want to hear it... I just want my damn money! I also don't know if he's gonna wanna meet up or something, and if he does, I don't know if it will be safe for me or anyone for that matter. This is a shady kid and I was just trying to help him out. Please help Reddit!! TL;DR: . Assistant:
Lent money out incrementally to a friend and it's been 2 years without him paying me back... Also, not sure if he's dangerous or trying to get another one over on me.
Lent money out incrementally to a friend and it's been 2 years without him paying me back... Also, not sure if he's dangerous or trying to get another one over on me.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is something that you don't remember, but have to pretend you do? POST: My entire childhood. Before you start, I am a 21 year old man, and when I was 12 years old, my parents got a divorce. As typical, for any kid going through this, I was put into counseling, which I hated. I thought I was too smart to need it (straight A's, gifted classes, taking high school classes in 7th grade). I would either sit in silence during the hour long session, or walk out and refuse to re-enter. I have memory issues now, most of my childhood is completely blank, the rest a blur. Nobody knows about it, as it doesn't come up much, but it gets to me almost every day. My grandparent's took me on a trip to Egypt when I was around that age (I don't know how old I was, but it was around the time of the divorce, I'm not sure if it was before or after) and I honestly don't remember anything about it. I've seen pictures and heard stories, and I play along, but none of it is sincere memory. My parents often relish in the time before the divorce, going to disneyland and such, but I don't remember any of it. I've never told anyone just how bad it really is, my sister knows a little bit, but that's really it. Whenever someone is telling stories of my childhood, I listen closely, because I'm learning about the kid I was. Damn, I wasn't expecting to start crying while typing this. I guess I'll end it here. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Something that happens to most kids nowadays happened to me, but I've blocked out just about everything leading up to it.
Something that happens to most kids nowadays happened to me, but I've blocked out just about everything leading up to it.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: I still have feelings for my coworker, what should I do? POST: We used to go out years ago while working, broke up, we managed to stay friend after a rough patch and everything was swell since. We always had some feelings left for each other even after all that time, especially when we were such close friends throughout. The fire was kept at low heat and had increased lately on my side, she's not reciprocating at my level and it's making things really hard for me. Lately while I was on a trip she got a number from the other coworker that replaced me for that time so they can communicate if one gets sick or late. It threw me on such a jealousy spiral! I always saw myself as a very stable guy with minimal mood swings but this sent me on a loop affecting every aspect of my life, feels like it's numbing me, crippling! She said she hasn't been talking to him about private stuff and that it's only been done on the work phone but still the thought of it driving me nuts, the guy is someone I helped/help a lot and she's been my friend for so long, I told her that if they do talk she should let me know because I'd like to back away from any connection with them. TL;DR: . Assistant:
She's not interested in me, even with some feelings for me, I am interested in her more than her, it drives me nuts and I work with her. What should I do?
She's not interested in me, even with some feelings for me, I am interested in her more than her, it drives me nuts and I work with her. What should I do?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I 18 (m) don't know if i should stay in relationship with my girlfriend 18 (f) POST: So let me start somewhat from the beginning, me and her had met back in middle school when we were 13. We had become each others first girlfriend/boyfriend, gave each other our first kiss to our first fuck. Everything went well until we entered highschool where i had started to smoke trees, because of this she broke up with me and we went on a 4-5 month break where we would somewhat still keep in contact. During this time i had come to realize that i am bi sexual. We had got back together and these feelings became suppressed as i was happy to be back with her. The rest of high school was good up until after graduation where we decided to take a break during the summer. During this summer i had come to realize that i am more attracted to men to girls. I have not told anyone but here that i am gay now and dont plan on telling anyone else. I had only told her because i had grown up with her and she knows me best in my life as i know her best in her life. Now the problem that i see is that i am a gay man in a relationship with a girl. Now dont get me wrong, i love her to death and would never wanna loose her as she is my best friend and most important person in my life. The hard part is having to suppress my true sexual attractions, but also, pretend that i am attracted to her. I have tried to ask if we could just be friends but she tells me that she cant just be my friend and that its either were together or not. i can understand this because she is deeply in love and attracted to me and would not be able to be by my side if i am not with her as a boyfriend. I am afraid that i will cheat on her and just hurt her which brings me to the question....WTF should i do? i cant stand the thought of loosing her in my life.... TL;DR: . Assistant:
gay man in a straight relationship, cant breakup with her because that means i loose her for the rest of my life and she is too important to me
gay man in a straight relationship, cant breakup with her because that means i loose her for the rest of my life and she is too important to me
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [17F] with my BF [17 M] of 2.5 years, wants us to move in together after we graduate highschool. POST: This is my first post, I am so confused need help. I have been dating my boyfriend for two years (three in december). Since about a year into our relationship, he began to talk about moving in together. Me, being very much in love with him, wholeheartedly agreed on this plan. We talked about how great it would be, and he has even talked to his parents about it and they are all for helping us pay for an apartment. Now that graduation is getting closer and I am beginning to send in college applications, I am realizing that I am not ready to be living with a SO at 18. But I am so in love with this man. I have dreams about making a house with him, getting married and having children with him. He has met my family and they love him. I can completely see him as a life-time partner. I know I am 17, and young and stupid, but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. Please don't criticize me for my age, I really need help. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I am 17 and told my boyfriend I would move in with him when we were both 18. I am now realizing I'm not ready for this and I don't know how to tell him.
I am 17 and told my boyfriend I would move in with him when we were both 18. I am now realizing I'm not ready for this and I don't know how to tell him.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23 F] with my boyfriend [24 M] dating for 3 months, found out I am not his type POST: I met this wonderful guy and we seem to get along quite well we are very similar in the things we like and our interests and we are both really into sports. Sexually everything was going great until he casually told me about the kind of girls he likes (I inquired too much). He likes petite girls with "nice boobs and ass", large hazel eyes and straight brown hair. He said he finds that type to be very hot. I am a very tall blonde girl with virtually no boobs or ass at all (always been self conscious about that so it adds to the insecurity.) I always thought of myself to be moderately attractive and had the same insecurities as the average girl but now I feel a lot more insecure. I feel like he is with me because of all the other stuff we have in common and because we're a good match on every aspect aside from the physical stuff. I am very attracted to him physicallly but I am worried he doesn't feel the same way especially since all his exes fit his physical type. Could he possibly be with me without being attracted to me? Personality is really important in a relationship and all but I also want to be desired physically by him TL;DR: . Assistant:
my boyfriend limes a physical type completely different to mine. I am worried he might only be dating me for my personality
my boyfriend limes a physical type completely different to mine. I am worried he might only be dating me for my personality
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: With all the blatant selfishness and greed in the world, would a course like this really make a difference? POST: I've been thinking about heading back to school and doing a Masters course in some business related field but I'm sick of all the stories of corporate greed, lies and selfishness. I think that corporations not only have a responsibility to their shareholders but also to their employees and to the better good of society/environment. Anyway, I'm an Aussie and I came across this course: [Graduate Certficate in Social Impact]( So my question is, would doing a course really make a difference if both government and corporations don't feel the need to uphold these ethics/responsibilities if it gets in the way of either the bottom line or popular votes? Now I know some of you will say, why don't you volunteer/spend time in a foreign land helping out/donate? Well, I've done all these things but yet, when I come back to working with large corporations/government, they're mostly measured by money and the perception that they're a responsible corporate citizen. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Would a course in Social Impact in a business context really be useful in the future or is it a waste of time and money? Am I just kidding myself?
Would a course in Social Impact in a business context really be useful in the future or is it a waste of time and money? Am I just kidding myself?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not procrastinating POST: Alright, rewind to 3 and a half weeks ago. It's trash day. The spring thaw has yet to come at this point, and the previous evening we had some freezing rain and then later a blanket of snow to cover everything up. Normally I am one of those people who usually waits a little bit longer than they should to do household chores. Today I decide I'm going to have the trash out to the curb well before the garbage man rolls up instead of 5 minutes beforehand like I usually do. As I'm rolling along to the curb I hit a nice smooth patch of ice right on the street and fall straight on my ass. I lay there for several moments takeing in the scene around me. On my shirt and pants are now what I can only assume is soiled cat litter. Used newspapers are now blowing into the neighbor's yard, and I can just barely begin to smell the rotting food from the day before when I cleaned out the refrigerator. I slowly get up and limp back into the house, with any thought of cleaning up the mess I have just made as far off as the glass bottles that are now rolling down the hill. I quickly realized this is not going to be just a simple bruise but that I in fact broke my wrist and arm. Now here is the kicker. As my brother pulled up to my house to drive me to the ER, who else but the salt truck decides to roll up my street and plow at that very moment. If I had just waited 30 minutes like I usually do to take out the garbage I never would have fell and broke my arm. Now I'm stuck in a cast for at least 3 more weeks. TL;DR: . Assistant:
fell on the ice and broke my arm. wouldn't have if I had waited and procrastinated like I usually do with the garbage.
fell on the ice and broke my arm. wouldn't have if I had waited and procrastinated like I usually do with the garbage.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: tifu by stopping a fight on the subway POST: This was yesterday. I got on the Metro rail in downtown LA headed towards north Hollywood. I found a seat in the back. Soon after the train left the station a commotion began near the middle of the train car. A little old man in a suit was standing and yelling (in what I think was Farsi) at a middle aged guy who looked like a pimp who was sitting down. He was wearing a lot of gold & sunglasses & a flashy shirt. Imagine the old man from 'Up' yelling at Samuel L. Jackson. The pitch of the conflict was starting to rise and I sprung into action. I immediately stood and walked directly to where the confrontation was taking place (I'm a big guy). As I walked through the train car, I noticed a kid had begun filming the men on his phone. When I got there, I stood across the train car from the two men and just stared past them and did nothing. They both saw me approach and expected me to do something. I did nothing, but my presence was known. The old man was seething and muttering under his breath. The pimp looking guy was smiling. After a moment, I looked the old man in the eye, and then the pimp guy. The argument stopped and we all stayed there in silence as people came on and off the train, until the last stop. It was kind of awkward and I wished one of them would move. At the last stop I moved across the train to make sure they got off before I did. In my head I was a train Marshall. The old man said one more thing to the guy as he exited and then they walked to opposite sides of the station. Fight averted. This is in TIFU because that would have been a great video and I stopped it from happening. TL;DR: . Assistant:
TIFU by stopping a fight on the subway because the 'old man vs middle aged pimp' fight would have made a great video]
TIFU by stopping a fight on the subway because the 'old man vs middle aged pimp' fight would have made a great video]
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: My first truly terrible run POST: Last night I experienced my first ever absolutely miserable run where instead of feeling energized and accomplished when it was over, I lay on my bathroom floor shivering and hugging the toilet. I have had frustrating runs before and I have had runs when my knee/ankle/toe hurt and made me want to quit but last night was far worse than any of those. Earlier in the day, I ate a sandwich and fell asleep on the couch for a two hour surprise nap. When I woke up my stomach was slightly unsettled like I was about to have heartburn. I decided to do out for my long run anyways because I always have heartburn and it doesn't usually stop me. This run was scheduled to be my longest yet at 1:30:00 (I am training for a half). At about 45 minutes I started to get stomach cramps so I slowed how much water I was taking in. The entire run I had to walk several times which is unusual for me but my times were better than expected so I thought I was just pushing too hard and tried to take it easy on the way back. My post long run ritual is usually to drink several long drinks once I get back to the car since now I won't be jostling my innards around, I can do what I want. When I got home, I felt like I probably shouldn't try eating right away so I had about 1/3 bottle of Gatorade. Well...Gatorade was the wrong answer. Within 20 minutes I was violently heaving into my kitchen garbage and I lost all of the Gatorade and likely most of the water I had while running. My question is, do I blame my sandwich from earlier or my run? I am worried that 1:30:00 is my limit. I haven't considered quitting my half marathon training until now because everything up to this point has been fine. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I went on a long run only to come home and violently throw up and now I am hesitant to continue my training.
I went on a long run only to come home and violently throw up and now I am hesitant to continue my training.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[18f] suitemates [18 - 19f] think I'm bulimic POST: There's 6 of us including me and we're all freshman in just started, but they're pretty close with each other whereas I'm sort of distant and not truly "one of them". But that's okay because I prefer to have it this way. Anyway, I have weird ways of trying to lose weight. Like I fast, and eat low calories, and then it makes me binge, so I make myself sick. Anyway, I didn't think they were here today, so I went to throw up, and one of my suite mates heard the noise (it's kind of obvious) and thinks I'm bulimic now. I heard her whispering to my other suite mates and now they're debating on whether to notify the RA...and it's just all really awkward and anxiety-producing because they could bring it up at any moment, and I honestly would not know what to say and would be really embarrassed because throwing up is gross, but yeah. I'm also sort of weird about eating food with other people because I don't like people watching me eat, so I usually don't go to dinner with them, so they probably think I just don't eat. But I mean, I'm not skinny at all. I'm 5'3 and 117 mostly because I binge...a lot. I really don't know what to do. And also, I don't know how I should react to them confronting me about this, which I think they might plan to do. I'm really nervous about what might happen and what they might say. TL;DR: . Assistant:
My suite mates will probably confront me about throwing up, and I don't really know what to say/do.
My suite mates will probably confront me about throwing up, and I don't really know what to say/do.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [16 M] have a crush with a girl [16 F]. Who i've been talking for about two weeks through text, since she lives in another city but comes to here regularly. Yesterday i told her i had a crush on her and she stopped answering. POST: I met this girl in my city just before she left back to her city, we exchanged numbers and we've been talking almost all day (even up to 5 am on weekends) for two weeks and i really like her. So yesterday stupid me gets the idea to tell her about having a crush on her, Since she told me she would date me before the guy she had a crush last year. After that she just stopped answering. Until i ask her on other social media what was happening, she told me that i went too fast and that we have just talked for two weeks. She didn't block me or anything she just stopped answering tough i haven't try sending her a message today Did i fucked up? is there any chance i get at least to be just friends with her? what should i do? TL;DR: . Assistant:
I have a crush on a girl and after i told her she just stopped answering but hasn't block me or anything.
I have a crush on a girl and after i told her she just stopped answering but hasn't block me or anything.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [28/M] about to sleep with [27F] but feel guilty about it and feel like I'm taking advantage of her POST: So I dated this really beautiful girl last fall for about a month or so, things didn't really work out due to timing and she moved back home to take care of her sick mother. Recently, about two months ago, we started chatting again and it got sexual...starting sexting and exchanging photos, with making plans for her to come up and visit me and have sex (we did not have sex when dating, though we did other things of that nature, just not intercourse). Well, I saw her briefly when she was in town a week ago for work and it really hit me that she is in a very vulnerable place right now due to her mom's situation. And that maybe having sex with her wouldn't be the best idea or would be taking advantage of her. I'm worried she may have reconnected and started this sexual stuff with me because she isn't doing well at the moment and this was a way of coping. It was clear to me when we met up that she is pretty vulnerable and not just the kind of person to have sex for the fun of it. The thing is, I may be moving in a few months, so if she does come back to the city we couldn't be together in a serious way and I don't want to sleep with her when she is vulnerable like this, then not be there for her in the long-term. I'd feel like a dick because she is the sweetest girl. I just feel bad for carrying this on for two months now and don't know how to deal with the situation. Do you think it would be wrong for me to sleep with her when she is like this? If so, how can I break that to her? I just really think she may regret it in the long run though she is saying she wants it right now. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Recently started chatting and sexting a girl I saw before, have plans for meeting up and having sex but feel guilty now as I realize she is in a really vulnerable place - thoughts?
Recently started chatting and sexting a girl I saw before, have plans for meeting up and having sex but feel guilty now as I realize she is in a really vulnerable place - thoughts?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU By asking a person from my town if he was english. POST: So today i was going home from a gym tired as hell, when i see a guy walking by. He had a shirt with a team from american football which is pretty rare to find in my country (Denmark). Nevertheless i say hello in Danish and he says hi back. Only, it didn't really sound like he said it in danish. I then became sure that he was an american since he even had that american football shirt on. I then say "Oh so do you talk english?" and he says very frankly "nej" (which is the word for no in case you're as dumb as me). I stand there for about 5 seconds feeling extremely awkward about it until i finally say goodbye. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I thought that a man from my country even though he talked danish, asked him if he was english, and looked like an idiot.
I thought that a man from my country even though he talked danish, asked him if he was english, and looked like an idiot.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 m] with my girlfriend [20 f] nearly 4 years, she said the relationship feels weird POST: Myself and my girlfriend have been together for nearly 4 years, a very pleasant relationship, we tell each other everything but still allow each other to have personal space, and still have our friends around us. We both go to different universities, about 2-3 hour train ride away from each other, but we live in the same hometown so still get many weeks with each other during the breaks. We have lasted 2 years of university and we are both in final year. She wants to leave home after university and move to London, and I'm not entirely sure what I want to do yet. Today, I was laying with my girlfriend, and she started crying and covering her face, and it took a few moments of comforting her and asking her what's wrong, and I said 'is it us?' And this led to a conversation about our relationship, both very upset. This came very out of nowhere. She said we are both quite independent now, the relationship isn't the same as it once was, and I did agree with her it an extent. It has gotten quite domesticated and we don't see each other as often, as well as the weeks away at uni. She was upset and so was I, we just kept crying with each other, and cuddling. We suggested a break (until at least Christmas assuming she implied first semester) and cuddled, the thing is I don't think a break will be good. Thus will just make us more independent. We love each other to pieces, and if this is headed toward the end I feel very lonely and I really don't know what I am going to do without her. She is such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine it without her. She texted me some hearts when I got home...I texted the same back, and she texted me 'I just wanted to say goodnight' in which I said goodnight back too. I thought at the time a break might be a positive thing, but now I'm sitting like a puppy pouncing at my phone hoping she messages me. I miss her so much already :( TL;DR: . Assistant:
GF Of nearly 4 years wants a break, headed to a break up. Both still in love but are doing different things. What do?
GF Of nearly 4 years wants a break, headed to a break up. Both still in love but are doing different things. What do?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [22/m] Struggling with a strange relationship/non-relationship FWB thing [22/f] POST: My best friend's girlfriend introduced me to a friend of hers on a blind double date setup a couple of months ago. That night went fantastic, we hit it off immediately, got a kiss goodnight, everything was looking up. We go on a few dates, walk in the park, dinner and a movie, etc and things continue to look up. The one problem we continued to have was not really communicating, we would not talk/sparsely talk for a week or more between dates, it seemed like we just didn't have a lot to talk about. We had sex, the sex was great, we both left extremely satisfied. But despite that, and the fun we had on dates, we continued to not really talk. Both of us, realizing this was strange, apologized for the lack communication and promised to improve. Yet we still kind of drifted apart I guess, meanwhile we still meet to have sex. I'm not sure who's fault it was really that we didn't talk as much as we should, probably mine regardless. So I broke it off, so to speak, because I felt like we were both putting on a facade as far as the relationship side of things goes and I offered to continue our friendship. She was relieved to hear all of this as she was feeling the same way but she requested that we still be available to one another sexually if either of us was getting horny or whatever. We had an awesome productive conversation about it and agreed to be FWB for the time being. Fast forward a month and we have continued having sex once a week or so. Sex continues to be good. I know very well that she is not interested in more than a FWB relationship, and I remember a time very clearly when I honestly felt nothing toward her romantically but despite the logical side of my thinking telling me to move on, I feel an aching love-sickness especially now as her Ex is in town. I know that I should not feel this way, but I honestly cannot help but get that dreadful tight feeling my chest thinking about her with someone else. What do I need to do reddit? Any advice would be more than amazing, Thanks for reading. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Blind date leads to attempted relationship which fails due to lack of communication and turns into a happy FWB situation. Apparently still have feelings for girl. What do.
Blind date leads to attempted relationship which fails due to lack of communication and turns into a happy FWB situation. Apparently still have feelings for girl. What do.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do I get/help my wife to femme it up a little? POST: I love her and this is not, **repeat not**, a deal-breaker but I'd like her to be more feminine. She grew up basically feral, has no female relatives any less feral, and is too embarrassed to talk to her friends. Feral's kind of a strong word, but I think I'll stick with it. The weird thing is that we have a young daughter who is princess/frilly dress/heels/hair/makeup obsessed - and who has a better sense of style than her mom. Weird. She takes little care of her hair - getting her to actually have some has been an issue. I'm thinking about brushing her hair every day both to show her its possible for it to look nice (it is really thick and lustrous) and because it seems a nice, intimate contact thing to do. I'm also going to buy her some perfume that I like. She couldn't care less but is open to it. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I'll brush her hair and keep her in nice scents, but anyone got any other ideas on how to feminize my wife a bit?
I'll brush her hair and keep her in nice scents, but anyone got any other ideas on how to feminize my wife a bit?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Cousin about to marry his first love and the whole family feels it's a huge mistake. POST: My cousin (21M) and his fiance (18F) are planning to get married in April, they have dated 10 months now. His fiance is from London and on her father's visa. I have tried to talk with them to help them get everything together for greencard application. They refuse any outside help and insist that she will be able to stay on her fathers visa once they are married. My whole family feel as if they are both making an awful mistake. His fiance is very manipulative. An example from her facebook, "Beautiful flowers my fiancé bought me ♥ He bought me flowers and donuts because I wouldn't talk to him :) I was playing with him and he thought he did something wrong. How cute! ♥" He had just borrowed money from our grandmother to put gas in his car and same day he went and bought her a gift because he thought she was mad. He went from being very good with money to being in debt and begging family for money. He then turns around and spends it on her. Nobody can approach him about it. If they try he cuts them out of his life. They have an us against the world mentality. I am at a loss for how to even approach them at this point. We all grew up as neighbors and very much like siblings. It is like watching my brother go down the rabbit hole. I know that this is kinda jumbled so I'll provide more info upon request. Thanks for any advice TL;DR: . Assistant:
Cousin (M21) and his fiance (f18) are making a huge mistake and won't listen to anyone.
Cousin (M21) and his fiance (f18) are making a huge mistake and won't listen to anyone.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: What types of things can we do together?(20/m&f 3.5+ years) POST: Me and my boyfriend have been together on and off for almost four years now. We've been really really great since getting back together- we've actually been better than ever. But let's cut to the chase. We don't have a lot of hobbies we can partake in together. We usually smoke a little bit, watch some things on Netflix, browse reddit, go out to eat sometimes, we hike occasionally... He tends to feel very dragged down by excessive sitting around a lot- I'm very complacent, I could be fine doing almost anything really. Our problem, though, is that neither of us have a lot of money to spend seeing as we're both trying to save up and we're unsure of what things we can do together. I'm really terrible with hand eye coordination and thus tend to suck hard at video games or things like that. I'm also not terribly talented at athletics for similar reasons. Any sort of suggestions would be much appreciated. TL;DR: . Assistant:
We're great we just need more things to do together. I suck with things requiring hand eye coordination and atheltics.
We're great we just need more things to do together. I suck with things requiring hand eye coordination and atheltics.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: Don't try to tell me what I can't do. POST: Earlier this year, I applied for a summer job at my university. It paid decently but allowed me to take classes offline, which I preferred to do, so I went for it. At the same time, a friend of mine (we'll call him Jack) was applying for the job. Jack became a dick about the job really quickly. Told me I wasn't really qualified (even though I'd been working for the department this job came through for a year) and that my customer service skills were lacking (even though he's seen my boss praise them). Needless to say, I was unhappy and pride mode went into overdrive. Originally, my plan was to go in and just talk about what I knew and how I could be of service. But his lack of faith made me step it up a notch. I talked to people who had the job in the past. I did research on the people hiring me. I even went to one of the old hirers to get some tips. I was running at 110%. Interviews end and we find out the results. I got the job. Jack didn't. I went to go talk to him about it but was pulled aside by my friend first, who showed me tweets Jack made saying I was cocky and didn't deserve the job. His reasoning was that I said I wish I knew if I got the job sooner than the date we were expected to, because I just wanted to know so I could get on with my life and stop stressing. He took it as me thinking I got the job. Knowing about the tweets (I don't use Twitter), I decided to be the lesser man in the situation. At this time, Jack and I were roommates. I walked it and he was quiet. Obviously pissed at me. So I go next door to our friend's room and just shouted "[FRIEND] I GOT THE JOB! I'M SO EXCITED!" The walls of our dorm were small. I know he heard me. Walked back in and he just glared at me, but I didn't care. He was a dick. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Friend" tells me I can't get a certain job that he's applying for. Becomes colossal dick. I get the job. He doesn't. I yell about my success to people.
Friend" tells me I can't get a certain job that he's applying for. Becomes colossal dick. I get the job. He doesn't. I yell about my success to people.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] with my bf [19 M] 2yrs anxiety getting in the way of happiness POST: I am very prone to feeling anxiety, excessive worry, over-thinking and sometimes panic attacks. My boyfriend is always there for me, to talk and help me sort out my troubles, but I know it's a lot for him, especially in instances where my low points extend for long periods of time. It's hard dealing with anxiety in a relationship, and it often makes me question whether these 'troubles' are fabricated due to my anxiety, or if they are a real problem in the relationship. Usually I can spot the real issues (that anyone outside would spot) quickly, and we sort through the issue together. We make a point to talk and talk often, but I won't deny we have had our fair share of issues. Besides this, sometimes, I feel like the issue is deeply rooted in my anxiety. For example, sometimes I will just seemingly out of the blue wonder if this is all going to work out with him, if we will be able to get through A situation or B situation, and it spirals out of control in my head. Silly, seeing as when this happens, I've been given no trigger or reason to suspect anything is wrong. It happens at the worst of times too, like when things are going really well! I'm seeking help for my anxiety as best as I can, but I really need some advice on how to deal with this issue inside of a relationship. I often feel like there might be a disconnect because it's hard for someone who doesn't have anxiety like my bf, to understand whats going on with me. It's also very hard to walk away from conversations about my anxiety, because I feel like I've failed him somehow. I usually feel quite useless after a low point, with a feeling I should be apologizing, however much my bf tells me it's okay and not to apologize. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I worry excessively, and my anxiety and panic attacks over nothing get in the way of an otherwise very happy and healthy relationship.
I worry excessively, and my anxiety and panic attacks over nothing get in the way of an otherwise very happy and healthy relationship.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: ADVICE! Do I write to my ex boyfriend 9 months after we broke up for 'closure'? POST: My ex, who we'll call Sam, and I dated for a year and a half. He was 20 and I was 16 (fucked up I know, don't mention it). We always told each other that if we break up it would be peaceful and understanding and it was the absolute opposite of that. We were a very happy couple and "fell in love" 3 months into dating. However, everything changed when I found out that he was moving away and ever since then I started looking at "other options". I admit that during this period of time, I did cheat on him. I couldn't bear the weight of guilt any longer and told him. And it absolutely ruined him. I tried breaking it off and he started getting emotional abusive saying I can't leave him, calling me a slut for cheating, then crying back to me saying how awful I am but insisted that we don't break up. I don't remember how we "officially" broke up exactly because I tried so many times, but when we finally did he lost his shit. Threatening to hurt me, this guy I had a small thing with, my friends, my family. He threatened to post nudes of me to Facebook and all over social media... 9 months later and I'm in a new, very happy, exclusive relationship for about 3 months now. I occasionally still think of Sam because he was my first real boyfriend, love, took my virginity, etc. What bothers me is when I'm with my current boyfriend, I sometimes think about my ex because I feel the need to close the wounds. I am no longer emotionally attached to Sam, but its in the back of my mind, especially being in a new relationship, its sort of hitting a refresh button like I'm going through the whole dating simulation once again. Sam blocked me on every social media but I was hoping to contact him through email. Is this a good idea? Or should I leave it alone completely? TL;DR: . Assistant:
in a new relationship but I feel the need to officially "close the old wounds" from my last one. Do I write him a long, well-thought out email or leave him alone completely?
in a new relationship but I feel the need to officially "close the old wounds" from my last one. Do I write him a long, well-thought out email or leave him alone completely?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Heading to Brazil this summer! What are the must-sees and the off-the-beaten-track gems? POST: My family is headed to Brazil for the World Cup this summer and we're starting to set our itinerary. Here is what we know (pretty much revolves around where we have tickets): - Salvador for the Germany v Portugal game on 6/16 - Fortaleza for Germany v Ghana on 6/21 - (Probably) Recife for Germany v USA on 6/26 We don't know where we'll be for the round of 16 and quarterfinal games, but it looks like we'll be moving around between Sao Paulo, Brasilia, and Rio starting July 1. Our plans also will include Iguazu Falls at some point. **What I'm asking** - Are there any must-sees in the country that I'm missing? - What might be some good, interesting day trips I can take from any of those cities? We like outdoorsy hiking type activities, beautiful landscapes and wildlife, interesting cultural anecdotes, good food... - What are some hidden gems in any of those cities (like good restaurants, market places, neighborhoods) that may not show up in a travel book? - Logistical advice on getting around, what to look for in choosing hotels (like which neighborhoods?), etc. We saw that there is a Brazil air pass which we will probably purchase, but any other thoughts are welcome. I've ordered the NatGeo travel book, Fodor's Brazil 2014 (World Cup edition), as well as Fodor's: Rio, Best 25. If I'm missing a good one, let me know! No specific budget, but let's keep it reasonable :) Thank you! *< TL;DR: . Assistant:
> Looking for secret gems of all sorts in Brazil, specifically in the cities of Rio, Sao Paulo, Recife, Brasilia, Fortaleza, and Salvador.*
> Looking for secret gems of all sorts in Brazil, specifically in the cities of Rio, Sao Paulo, Recife, Brasilia, Fortaleza, and Salvador.*
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Knee pain due to poor balance POST: I've had difficulty with distance running due to strong knee pain. My endurance is great, I can cycle for very long distances, but I can't run because my knees give out around 8 to 10 mies. I went to the Orthopedist who did a full series of x-rays and pronounced my knees in excellent condition. Then he had me do a bunch of balance exercises and told me that balance and "hip stability" was my issue. He prescribed PT, but my insurance is kinda crappy and 3x's/week PT will run me around $300/month. That's a bit steep. So, has anyone else had knee issues due to balance and hip stability? What did you do? Are there balancing exercises I can do at home and not spend a ton of money on PT? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Ortho said my knee pain was because I balance like a toddler, cost of PT is too damn high. Can you recommend a DIY balance program?
Ortho said my knee pain was because I balance like a toddler, cost of PT is too damn high. Can you recommend a DIY balance program?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by browsing photobucket POST: Well... this happened last night, late, and I'm still not sure what to do. Last night I was browsing photobucket and I came upon a picture of a man and a woman. I clicked the photo and immediately didn't know what to do. Apparently I stumbled upon a mass collection of photos from an affair. So what do I do? Well, I enjoy a mystery, so I try to figure it out. What I discovered was more sinister than I had imagined... The 'man' is a coach at a high school where the 'woman' is (was because graduated in the spring apparently) a student. To boot, I found out through some searching that he is married to a middle school teacher in the same area and they might have a daughter. His photobucket account was created with the name of the student's father and contains plenty of incriminating pictures and texts ranging far back before she had graduated. Now... I didn't know what to do... I figured HEY, maybe his wife would like to know. So I found her name, sent her a message containing links to an imgur album with photos from the affair and a direct link to his photobucket. I also emailed her school email I found on the site. She hasn't yet responded. NOW. If this were just an affair I think I have done my part. BUT... because this occurred between a student and a teacher... there's obviously more at stake here. SO. Reddit, I need your help. WHAT DO I DO. Email the Principal? I'd rather stay anonymous. Also, I do have proof, but I'm not sure how to go about that so if a mod wants to message me that'd be cool. I have some edited pictures but I don't want to post anything that leaks a minor's 'photos'. TL;DR: . Assistant:
TIFU by browsing photobucket and discovering a criminal affair between a teacher and a student. From bedreddit to super sleuth. What do I do?
TIFU by browsing photobucket and discovering a criminal affair between a teacher and a student. From bedreddit to super sleuth. What do I do?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I just turned 30 [F] and I am so disappointed by my husbands [30] behavior and gift on my birthday. Together since we were 18. POST: My husband and I are temporarily in different countries. He ruined my birthday with some very uncool behavior on his part (that ended up with him threatening to leave me on my birthday). We mostly worked through that until yesterday I went to the post office to get the gift he sent me. It was a week late (which would not have bothered me had he not utterly ruined my birthday) and it was just full of candy and a bag for a show that I sorta like and sorta hate (including the receipt for the bag $6.50 from Hot Topic). Even worse, the candy was not the candy I would prefer. He got me tropical flavored fruit by the foot, and I don't like tropical flavored anything, and peanut butter M&Ms, which are good, but more of his thing than mine. I wouldn't have been upset about these oversights and lack of a "real" gift, except he already ruined my birthday. It just made me feel like he really doesn't give a damn. To be fair, he sent the package before my birthday, so he didn't realize at the time that he was going to ruin my birthday. Anyway, I talked to him about it, and now I feel bad. I shouldn't be ungrateful and I know I hurt his feelings. Still, I feel like his gift was so thoughtless and uncaring that I can't help but feel hurt. Should I not have said anything? Am I being terrible? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Husband ruined my 30th birthday with very bad behaviour, and I was getting over it until I received his really crummy birthday gift.
Husband ruined my 30th birthday with very bad behaviour, and I was getting over it until I received his really crummy birthday gift.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [15 M] with my crush [15 F] Tips on how to talk to her, how to prepare to talk to her POST: Hey Guys! I'm here again to get some advice about talking to a girl that scares me shitless and gives me butterflies. Everytime I see this girl in the hallways my mind freezes. I get super scared because I want to talk to her but I'm scared of what she'll say, if anything. it almost feels like half of my brain is telling me to just talk to her and the other half of my brain is scared shitless about what the other half will say to her. It's hard to understand haha. I rarely talk to girls and have had very few friends that are girls. Maybe 2 or 3 or something. I can speak to them just fine because I'm not attracted to them. I just need a huge confidence boost is basicaly what I'm getting at, I just finished a great workout and feel fantastic ( Before I felt like shit because I didnt say hi to the girl I liked, I planned to but pussied out ) I'm jsut wondering, how do I get super pumped during the heat of the moment? Any tips? Thoughts? Suggestions? I've never talked to this girl befoer and she doesnt really know me, I'm just kinda winging it hoping for a good outcome. Maybe her phone number or something. I only see her once a day and it's very brief (on the way to lunch/ during lunch). Thanks so much for reading this huge thing! TL;DR: . Assistant:
I need some tips one how to get pumped so I can talk to this girl I really like and not fuck up, maybe possibly get her number.
I need some tips one how to get pumped so I can talk to this girl I really like and not fuck up, maybe possibly get her number.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me[17M] with my gf [17F] of 5 months, broke up and need to deal with seeing her everday. POST: This was my first real relationship, and it met its demise due to my trust issues and her feelings changing based on my lack of trust. I decided to break things off a week ago after fighting for 8 days non-stop, but due to changes in my plans for my education I am now back in school. (I'm repeating my Leaving Cert year in order to get better grades & points to go to a better college and a better course.) My now ex-gf is in this same year so I have to see her everday, she is avoidable for most of the day but we do have classes together. Although I broke it off I still have strong feelings for her and seeing her is incredibly distracting from my studies. What do I do? How do I get over it as soon as possible? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Broke up with gf, still have feelings for her, have to see her everday which is distracting me from study.
Broke up with gf, still have feelings for her, have to see her everday which is distracting me from study.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How should I [26/M] break it to possible new girlfriend [28/F] I suffer from premature ejaculation? POST: I've recently ended a relationship of seven years because things were not working out anymore. We lived together for almost 4 years, were incredibly comfortable with each other and knew everything there was to know about each other. As you could guess from my post, I 'suffer' from sever premature ejaculation and I'm ashamed by it. I usually ejaculate within 10 seconds of intimacy. My previous girlfriend [29/F] and I had some tricks up our sleeves to bypass this; use Durex Performa condoms, get drunk or use Promescent. That last one I haven't really tried. I bought this moments before our relationship went downhill so didn't have the chance to try it. Now there's this woman [28/F] I'm hanging out with lately and I have the feeling there's mutual interest but we're just having fun at this point. We haven't even kissed but there's flirting going on... Now if this evolves into something more ... how should I break it to her I suffer from premature ejaculation? Let's say we have a fun night and we end up in bed and I ejaculate after only 10 seconds (or even during foreplay) the mood may be ruined... Should I just tell her beforehand and suggest to use Durex Performa/Promescent or make sure I am drunk the first time? I've been out of the game for over seven years so I don't know how this works. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Flirting with woman after having a relationship of seven years. Not sure how she should find out about my premature ejaculation if things between us progress...
Flirting with woman after having a relationship of seven years. Not sure how she should find out about my premature ejaculation if things between us progress...
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskDocs TITLE: Can Stopping Flonase Cause Anxiety? POST: I've had horrible anxiety the last two days, coincidentally at the same time I stopped taking Flonase for a few days, has anyone had an issue with Flonase withdrawal after stopping taking it? I've taken it for about a year and a half and it's worked pretty well but I stopped taking it 2 days ago because I'm concerned about the number of steroids I take for things like leaky gut, thyroid etc. I have Hashimoto's so that the reason why I'm concerned here. Details on the anxiety - last night, after a pretty low stress day, I started feeling very upset out of the blue. When I went to bed I had insomnia, but quickly got very panicky feeling and started shaking. My feet started tingling and I eventually started crying hysterically. It lasted almost all night (I got about 2-3 hours sleep) and felt better in the morning, but it resumed again this morning to a lesser degree. I have an appointment with my endocrinologist tomorrow morning to discuss my thyroid but curious if the Flonase might have something to do with it. I've done some digging w/ Google and see a lot of people have issues with using Flonase but not finding much about people who suddenly stop taking it having an issue. * Age - 37 * Sex - M * Height - 6'3" * Weight - 250 * Race - W * Duration of complaint - 2 days * Location (Geographic and on body) - NY / All over my body TL;DR: . Assistant:
I see a lot of people have anxiety issues taking Flonase, but I never did until I stopped. Curious if there are withdrawal effects from it?
I see a lot of people have anxiety issues taking Flonase, but I never did until I stopped. Curious if there are withdrawal effects from it?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My BF (21 M) has borrowed money from me (21 F) and I haven't seen him put much effort to get a second job POST: We've been dating for 2 years and I moved in with him two months ago My boyfriend has one job where the hours are limited but he makes about $14 an hour. He had a second job but but that was a seasonal job so it ended in early January. At his primary job they shut down during the winter break and he gets his paycheck monthly on the 15th so things have been tight for him for the January paycheck because he only worked about a 1/2-3/4 the hours he normally does. Since his January paycheck he has borrowed $300 from me and we're still two weeks away from the next paycheck. I work full time (40 hours weekly) at a minimum wage (8.5 hourly) job that I really like as I'm waiting for certification from passing an occupational test. So I don't have a lot of money to spare. Ideally I'd like to keep my money to build my savings and take another certification test for more job prospects. My boyfriend said that he would put the money he borrowed towards my $60 monthly car insurance and $100 rent for the next two months. I'm worried because I see him borrowing more money from me this month. Also it's his turn to buy groceries. He applied for a job that would be above minimum wage and similar to his first job. He had an interview but no second interview. I told him to follow up with them, call asking for the next person he was supposed to interview with to set up a time or go in person and try to talk to the interviewer but I haven't seen him put in any effort for follow up How can I talk to him to show him that he needs to work more even if it's just a minimum wage job for a month or two to supplement his income? TL;DR: . Assistant:
my boyfriend works one well paying job but doesn't get much hours there. I think he needs to pick up a second job for the time being but he doesn't show that much imitative
my boyfriend works one well paying job but doesn't get much hours there. I think he needs to pick up a second job for the time being but he doesn't show that much imitative
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20F] am wrong and enraged by my [22 M] bf of 4 years POST: He is pretty much always right about everything and always proves it. It's very frustrating. A third of the time, things just turn into arguments, and he always wins. I am enraged. If it matters, the most recent fight was about lyrics to a popular song and we both looked up the lyrics and he turned up to right. again. surprise. I am pissed off about it since it's happened several times and I can't just be right once. Is it too much to ask for him to at least let me feel right once or twice? I can't be immature and lash out at him for being right, but I can't stand to keep being wrong and to keep feeling like shit for always being wrong and getting upset about it. I am too angry to sleep. Advice? TL;DR: . Assistant:
I am mad about always being wrong in my bf's "quiz games" and don't know exactly how to approach the issue.
I am mad about always being wrong in my bf's "quiz games" and don't know exactly how to approach the issue.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my very close friend [22 F] 3 months, secretive texting when we're together POST: Ive been talking to this girl for about 3 months now, recently we've gotten closer and we're pretty much dating but she doesn't want to commit to a relationship yet as she just got out of a long bad one and has a lot going on in her life at the moment We hang out and talk quite often and we always have a good time and she usually gives me a hug or a kiss when we go our ways at the end of the night. The other night we were at a theater and before the show started her mother was texting her a lot about christmas presents and our mutual friend was also texting her. She had her phone in plain sight and was even telling me a little about the conversations. She then snapchated a picture of the show and showed me it before she sent it off. She then got one back of a guy with no shirt on and she instantly hid her phone and started texting a lot. Mind you this is in a dark theater so it was pretty easy to see whenever she got a message and against my better judgement I glanced at her phone and saw it was guys name she was texting. She was also sending him massive walls of text as well. After that she just seemed disinterested in everything except for her phone, and barely spoke to me. I asked if that was her mom still texting her and she said "yeah and (our friends name)" On the way back she barely said a word and kept texting and I asked her if everything was alright she said yeah, she just has a lot going on right now, but its all good things. Should I be worried about this? Shes usually very straight forward and very talkative. I think part of my problem is that its been a while since Ive been in a relationship and I had a bit of jealousy creep up on me. I also realize we're not technically together, Ive just never seen her do this before TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girl I am kind of dating received a snapchat from a shirtless guy and proceeded to text him the whole night when we were together, not sure if I should be worried about it or not
Girl I am kind of dating received a snapchat from a shirtless guy and proceeded to text him the whole night when we were together, not sure if I should be worried about it or not
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Boyfriend (M16 of 6months) and I (F16) getting complaints about PDA, but we're being pretty reserved? POST: (My apologies if format is weird, im on mobile) My boyfriend (we'll call him James) and i eat lunch with his friends every day, we've been doing this since before we started dating because i was friends with them before we were an item. Recently we've been getting shit for "being annoying" to the point where i was told by one of his friends not to come with them to an event i'd been excited for because "no one wants to see that" and we've had people just get up and leave when we kiss hello. Now i know this is a grey area for a lot of people, and as teenagers we're known for being gross, but we dont see how what we're doing is all that offensive. During lunch he sits with his arm around me and we maybe kiss a few times but its generally a second long peck on the lips, nothing major. We kiss hello and goodbye but generally wait until we've parted ways with friends and make sure to keep it below a count to three. I can understand being grossed out by pda when people are really going at it, or being annoyed when they aren't interacting with the group, but we're being pretty chill and actively participating in the conversation. This is literally more reserved rhan we are around my parents. None the less we're appertently really bothering his friends. James is a pretty affectionate person and i really enjoy it, it feels wrong to tell him to cut back when we're already being pretty reserved (as far as we're concerned) and other people are the only ones having any objection to it. James thinks they're being unreasonable and doesnt care if they're annoyed, i on the other hand feel awful about it and feel like i should stop going to lunch with him so as not to bother them. The problem with this is that James insists that if i leave he's coming with me and i feel like they would have even more of a reason to resent me if they think their friend has stopped hanging out with them so that he can be gross with his girlfriend. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Bf and i are annoying friends with pda, dont know if we're gross or they're immature, regardless i'm trying not to be a bitch about it how can we solve this.
Bf and i are annoying friends with pda, dont know if we're gross or they're immature, regardless i'm trying not to be a bitch about it how can we solve this.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[28m] am the first Indian guy my girlfriend[28f] has dated....... a bit worried POST: I found my girlfriend through a friend, and we have been together for six months now. Things are good in that we both have similar backgrounds and our parents both like us so in Indian relationships that's a huge plus. And I guess things are moving really fast along which makes me a bit nervous. In Indian culture people usually get married and engaged pretty quickly so its not odd for our families. The reason why I am posting here today though is that through talking to my girlfriend and some of her friends. I don't think she has ever dated another Indian guy before. In fact ever guy she dated before me was a White dude, and from what one of her friends said that my girlfriend had a "blonde fetish." When we were out with her friends one of them made a joke that ___( my gf's name) would be the last person to end up with a Brown guy." I know that it was all said to be fun but it really is getting at me a bit. The fact that she waited till she was 28 to date a Brown guy, and how quickly this relationship is going. If she didn't introduce me to her family so fast, we could have dated normally like she did with her past relationships but she didn't. Plus I heard from some of the guys I know about stories. I am not a millionaire by any stretch of the word, but I do well for myself. I do have some fears going into this marriage and I don't know where to really go from here since things are in motion. Ideally I would like to get to know her better maybe 3-5 years, before we tie the knot but I don't know how that would be feasible. TL;DR: . Assistant:
girlfriend wants to get married right away, but every guy she dated before me was a White guy. It definitely gets at me a bit.
girlfriend wants to get married right away, but every guy she dated before me was a White guy. It definitely gets at me a bit.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I have a huge jealousy problem. What should I do? POST: My SO went abroad to work in Europe this summer at a science institute (3 months), and will be visiting Germany, Italy, England, Switzerland, and a few other nearby countries. He and his brother plan on meeting up for the last 2 weeks he is there to travel around and see the sights, e.g. Paris, Eiffel Tower, Stonehenge. I'm having huge jealousy issues that are starting to spill over into my conversations with him. I'm snappy, sarcastic, and just generally unsupportive. Mostly, I'm upset because he gets to go without spending a dime of his own money. His parents bought his plane tickets and gave him 300 euro in spending money while he is abroad. Furthermore, his mother promised to deposit 100 dollars, american, into his bank account each week for "extra spending money." They have bought him a $200 backpack, clothes, toiletries, AND what is likely a $500 digital camera. I find the situation ridiculous. He does not need to also be receiving a paycheck from his mother. I suppose I'm also upset because he doesn't have a job, and has normally a $100 balance on a month to month basis - while I work a part-time job just to stay afloat on my rent, and have money for groceries. His parents pay for all of that too. Also, I'm just sad that he's gone. There is a little girl inside of me that wants to scream "That's not fair!" whenever I talk to him on Skype, and it's starting to become obvious that I'm upset. I really WANT to be supportive. But, oh, it's so hard. Especially when he acts like these handouts are no big deal, and I shouldn't be upset about them. What should I do? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Boyfriend's parents shelled out over $3000 for his 3 month trip to Europe and I'm finding it hard to cope.
Boyfriend's parents shelled out over $3000 for his 3 month trip to Europe and I'm finding it hard to cope.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Went through a rough break-up, how do I move on? POST: I[25] recently went through a break-up with a girl[19] I had been dating for a year and a half. I've dated other girls for longer, but none ever meant so much to me as this one. She broke it off because she said I was too much like her father, as in controlling. She got fed up with me asking where she was if I hadn't heard from her or calling to see how she was while she was hanging out with friends. Basically, she broke up with me(at least as I see it) for caring. She has a lot of issues on her own though, mostly relating to her father. Anyway, this has left me emotionally crushed. I've never cried from a break-up before, but I've been crying and throwing up for a few days now. I invested more of myself than I ever have. How am I possibly supposed to move on from this? Everyone keeps telling me this is a good thing, and that I'll find someone better. I wanted to marry this girl. Has anyone else ever gone through a break-up like this? Does it actually get better? Right now I feel like I don't have anything to offer the next person. If I gave everything I had to this girl and she does this, how am I supposed to look forward to the next? A friend told me it was an experience to learn from, but I can't see what I learned. Don't give them my all? Remain closed up and detached? How am I supposed to put myself out there again? Not to mention that I'm starting a new job that is basically all guys; I don't even know where to try and meet some one. I've always dated co-workers or friends of friends. TL;DR: . Assistant:
How do I emotionally put myself out there again for the next girl to come along after being so hurt by this one?
How do I emotionally put myself out there again for the next girl to come along after being so hurt by this one?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my GF [17 F] My girlfriend is mad at me, would you be too? POST: Hey /r/relationships, I have been with my Girlfriend (lets call her "Emma") for just over a year now and its been mostly a great time and we love each other very much. I graduated in 2014 (so I am in college), and shes due to graduate in 2016; but I have a situation and I don't know If I did anything wrong so I need a second opinion. About two days ago we were invited to one of my girlfriends friends party's on this upcoming Saturday, and I said "yes" because I didn't have any other plans. Well, yesterday when I was hanging out with one of my best friends, who is back from uni, invited me to her house for a small get together with a bunch of our friends who I don't get to see besides the summer. For the next three nights I am working till 9 pm and I am usually very tired by the end of the three nights, and the last closing shift is on the night of the two events. Emma said that I didn't have to go if I didn't want to, by which I replied that "I was thinking of stopping by my friends house for a few minutes because she is having a little get together with friends" and reassured her that I will make sure to get her to her friends house regardless if I am going there or not. Emma got obviously angry by using "k" and when I made a joke about that, she said that she "got (my friends name)'d" and than she abruptly said "I'm going bye". I think she is acting like this because I am going to stop by my friends house for a few minutes rather than go to her friends party with her, even after she said I didn't have to go if I didn't want to. Plus, I also gave her a few days heads up that I might not be going, rather than ditch her the day of. My question is: Would you be angry too, or is this something I shouldn't worry about? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girlfriends mad at me, I don't know If I did something wrong or not because shes being passive aggressive.
Girlfriends mad at me, I don't know If I did something wrong or not because shes being passive aggressive.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20 M] met a great girl [16 F] online who lives in the same city. Problems are: she's moving away, I want to meet her, and the obvious age gap. POST: I don't want to go into too much detail, but enough that you guys can make out what my dilemma is. I met her online (certain app). We live in the same city, we talked for a while, found out we have a lot in common, and she's extremely nice. We only text chat, we almost know nothing about how the other looks, and at this point we don't really care. Here are some of the problems I'm facing now: **1.** She's 16. I'm 20. There's an obvious age gap, and I don't know if it's completely ethical to continue trying to get with her. **2.** She's moving to her home country in less than a month. I only just got to know her and she's already moving away. It seems like she's completely fine with continuing to talk to me while she's there, and I don't mind that. But... **3.** She told me we can't meet face to face. I really want to meet her before she leaves. She said it's hard to do so here + her parents might not like that. I didn't want to insist, even though I had ideas on how to meet up in secret. I still really want to see her. Sorry if there isn't enough info, I kinda rushed through this. I'm looking for advice on what to do. Is the age difference a problem? If not, what's my best course of action right now? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Met girl online, she's significantly younger than me, I want to meet her before she leaves the country but she said it's not possible.
Met girl online, she's significantly younger than me, I want to meet her before she leaves the country but she said it's not possible.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (18M) don't know if I should ask out this girl I met(17M) POST: I know what your thinking "oh fuck this guy sounds like a pussy just from the title " but hear me out, I met this hella cool and attractive girl at my work, got her number, and I could tell she likes me(sound amazing right?) buuuuuut I'm going to college in less than a month. I think she's hella chill and I would love a relationship wit her but I don't would not want a long distance relationship plus I wanna experience college single and have fun without any restrictions. I have the balls to ask her out but I think I have the brains not to do it so I'm stuck in the middle. Anything helps TL;DR: . Assistant:
Met super cool girl, she liked me/I like her, but I'm going to University in less than a month and she's not going wit me, Should I ask her out?
Met super cool girl, she liked me/I like her, but I'm going to University in less than a month and she's not going wit me, Should I ask her out?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18F] with the guy [24~M] I've been seeing for a month, not sure if i should mention him to my judgmental family at Easter. POST: I'm very happy with this guy so far, we've been getting along great. We've got good communication and we're on the same page about where we are and where we see things going. This weekend he's meeting my family, but just my parents and siblings. He's also invited me over to meet his family for a while on Easter, which i'm very excited about. However, I'm also going to be spending part of Easter with my extended family. Many of these relatives tend to be somewhat judgmental and disapproving of my relationships. Not the *people* I date, but how many people I've dated, and that I put these relationships on facebook (because "people can see how many people you date, and might think you're promiscuous"). I've had my fair share of relationships, but never more than 2 in one year. I originally wanted to hold off on talking about him until things got more serious, hoping that my family would take me more seriously. However, I also don't want to appear ashamed of him, or like I'm trying to hide him. I appriciate that he has been so open about me meeting his family, and want to be able to share my family with him too. TL;DR: . Assistant:
My relatives are skeptical of how many people I've dated, which makes me hesitant to talk about the guy i'm seeing; would it be better to mention him now, or to hold off and see how things go?
My relatives are skeptical of how many people I've dated, which makes me hesitant to talk about the guy i'm seeing; would it be better to mention him now, or to hold off and see how things go?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with my GF [22 F] duration, how to convince from taking diet pills without insulting her? POST: As far as I know, I've never insinuated she's fat, but I've jokingly said things like "you'll never be fat enough for me" to change her view on what ppl consider the ideal girlfriend. She's doing buying diet pills so she can be the weight she used to be before she met me. The function of the diet pills is to curve hunger, but she says it makes her even hungrier. I've said she doesn't need to, and she can lose weight naturally while I help her. Eating healthy with almond snacks and exercise. Not that she doesn't exercise but she loves Dim Sum. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girlfriend bought a bunch of diet pills that I don't support, how to stop her from continuing on an unnatural path for weight loss?
Girlfriend bought a bunch of diet pills that I don't support, how to stop her from continuing on an unnatural path for weight loss?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I have begun treatment for adult ADD. I feel I have climbed out of Plato's cave. Now that my brain functions at its full capacity, I hunger for knowledge. Help me nourish my ambitions! POST: A little background information: My condition was overlooked until now (19) due to a combination of what I assume was my intelligence compensating for the deficit and an aversion to the idea of ADD/ADHD by a great part of my family. I first became interested in ADD while talking to a friend about her condition and, upon further research, diagnosed myself; however, that is another story. This thread isn't about ADD and I don't want ADD to be discussed on it. My question stems from a new found ambitious drive and the fact that, while medicated, I am able to better access and apply my mind. A lot of my current inspiration comes from the idea of a renaissance man, Edmond Dantes, and The Most Interesting Man in the World. All being said, I humbly ask my fellow Redditors to answer a few questions: (feel free to answer as many or as few as you please) What do you wish you would have done (to invest in yourself) when you were 18-22? Name your top 3 books/philosophers/inspirational materials of all time. Convince me why I should learn a specific language as opposed to any other. Ladies of Reddit, what sort of learned habits/characteristics/hobbies/skills do you find attractive in a Man? What is a skill/subject I should dedicate some time to grow/learn about that will benefit me down the road? What ideas/motifs should I attempt to avoid throughout my human experience? Any other piece of information you would like to give me. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I recently began treatment for my ADD. Now that the error in my brain chemistry has been corrected, I am far more ambitious. (and have a better grip on my intelligence)
I recently began treatment for my ADD. Now that the error in my brain chemistry has been corrected, I am far more ambitious. (and have a better grip on my intelligence)
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: If you don't jerk off with us and prove you can cum, you aren't a man. What is the most hurtful thing your friends have done to you? POST: I was in the 7th grade at the time and on new years eve I was invited to a friends party. So I went over to their house to chill with a group of people. Eventually near the end people left and it was just two of my friends and myself left. We were in my friends computer room when one of them suggested that we jerk off together from watching porn on his computer. They basically came to a concession to jerk off together and needless to say I was not cool with it, it was extremely awkward. They were trying to get me to jerk off with them and my refusal was seen as me not proving my manhood to them. I straight up told them that it was fucked up and I refused to do that while they were around. They then gave me an alternative and told me to jerk it in the bathroom onto tissue and show it to them. I said I wouldn't do that either. Needless to say they started doing the 'deed' while I was sitting in front of them. I was disgusted and when one of my friends finished, he threw his jizz rag at me. I got up and just left in disgust. The next day at school, they told some people that I refused to jerk off with them or at least jerk off in private to prove my manhood. I felt a great deal of shame (I was a late bloomer) and was hurt by my friends. So Reddit, I ask you.. What is the most hurtful thing your friends have done to you? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Friends wanted me to circlejerk with them, I refused and they gave me shit for it and told other people at school that I wouldn't prove my manhood.
Friends wanted me to circlejerk with them, I refused and they gave me shit for it and told other people at school that I wouldn't prove my manhood.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Despite knowing how I feel for [18F] I[22M] don't know what to do or how to approach this situation. POST: I met this girl who is actually amazing in every way. I haven't met anyone like her ever and I don't just mean her perfect appearance. I always tell her that even her personality is amazing and one of the greatest I've see. Anyways, I feel so in love with her even though I'm sure it's not love since I'm dumb, but I don't know how to deal with this. I don't want to stop talking to her at all because we get along so well and apparently I'm the only person she really talks to because "there's nothing to talk about with other people" and she's the only person I respond to without thinking as much. My problem is she doesn't want to date anyone right now and feels like it might be forever but she's still young. I don't know what to do. I can just stay hurt and keep her in my life until she decides otherwise or I can cut this right now and feel depressed for a while (which I already feel a toll from). TL;DR: . Assistant:
I like this girl a lot and I dont know if I should end our friendship based off her not wanting to date anyone
I like this girl a lot and I dont know if I should end our friendship based off her not wanting to date anyone
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Communication and other issues between me [21 F] and my boyfriend [19 M] of seven months. I feel lost. POST: Met my boyfriend in August of last year, hit it off right away, and immediately started dating. We fell in love with each other, and for a while, everything was great. We wanted to spend so much time together and we were very affectionate. He's been suffering from emotional and mental issues relating to childhood abuse and has been seeking counseling. Lately, he's been run down and stressed and negative all the time. Definitely not as fun to be around as he used to be. I feel terrible for saying this, but sometimes I don't want to be around him because it's exhausting. We're constantly addressing his problems and it's making me bitter. Now he initiates whatever physical contact we engage in, and I'm reluctant to respond. It feels like the spark is gone. I feel like I'm not getting anything out of the relationship and I don't know how to fix it. Whenever I try to talk about it with him, he asks what he can do to change it, and I don't know what to tell him. I've never dated anyone for longer than three months. Usually by this point I've gotten annoyed and kicked the guy out of the picture. I consider myself to be a stable person emotionally, so it's difficult for me to deal with his emotional roller coaster rides sometimes. I feel like it's difficult for me to relate. I miss the man I fell in love with. I miss being in love and loving it. More than anything, I miss feeling like I didn't have to worry about my relationship with him. Maybe all this stuff is normal. If it is, I feel like I'm wasting your time. But it certainly doesn't feel normal. It feels awful. It's upsetting me. To make matters worse, we're planning to take our first vacation together in a week. We're going to Disney World for the weekend. I don't know what to do. Reddit, please help me. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Having some pretty significant issues with my boyfriend, mostly involving communication and emotional distance. We've grown apart and somehow we're going on vacation together in a week and I'm afraid.
Having some pretty significant issues with my boyfriend, mostly involving communication and emotional distance. We've grown apart and somehow we're going on vacation together in a week and I'm afraid.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Reconnected with an Ex-GF of mine after 5 years. POST: So, when I was 22 years old I met a foreign exchange student who was from Ukraine. She came to the States to work for the summer and get some job experience overseas, something her college encouraged doing I suppose. Regardless, I liked her, she liked me and we hit it off. She eventually left to go back to Ukraine 3 months later, and we continued to talk but at some point she never replied back to me. I got the hint and did my best to let her go, as tough as it was. I'm not naive, I understand it was a summer fling and that it wasn't meant to last. However a few days ago, I was extremely melancholy and I had a bit too much to drink as well. I signed into the email I used when she and I would write back and forth to each other and I read all the letters we wrote. This is the part I wanted to share, I sent her an email, now I didn't expect to get a reply of course. I was just melancholy about our relationship, and alcohol tends to make a man reminisce. She replied. And basically said things along the lines that she was young and regrets hurting me. She realizes what she did and that I was her first love, her true love. That she wanted to continue to write to each other if that was OK with me, I haven't spoken to her in 5 years and I didn't expect to get a response from her. Now I'm opening up old wounds and I don't know how to handle this situation, I realize I brought this upon myself but what can I do? I certainly didn't expect this sort of response from her, if any at all. How should I handle this? I definitely still have feelings for her, but I am not a fool to assume anything could come of it. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Summer love with Exchange student from ukraine, got drunk and emailed her after not talking for a while, she replied, don't know what to think.
Summer love with Exchange student from ukraine, got drunk and emailed her after not talking for a while, she replied, don't know what to think.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by being horny after my girlfriend was "finished" POST: (NSFW) Okay so some back story: I'm a 17 year old boy and my girlfriend is also 17 and doesn't like to have sex when there is people in the house, she also doesn't like to be adventurous so there is no hope of having it outside or anything like that… so as you can tell we don't have sex a lot, maybe once every week and a half so when sexy time comes around it's kind of special. She does, however, allow things that aren't sex to happen when there is people in my house so fingering and blowjobs aren't completely off limit, however, she finds doing those thing to me boring but I like to make her feel good so I am usually the one who does more things to her… with that being said I was in the mood for some stuff so I started playing with her boobs and I could tell she was getting turned on… fast forward 10 minutes and we're playing with each other and I really want to have sex or get something done to me so that I'm not sexually frustrated until she goes home… anyway, I rub her until she is done and all is good and then she has to pee so she goes to the toilet… this is where my fuck up comes in… I knew she was going to be about 4 or 5 minutes because she pees slowly or some shit and I decide that now is the perfect time to make myself a little less sexually frustrated… a few minutes pass and I'm close to finishing (like really close) and I get to the point of no return just as I hear her walking towards my bedroom… I panic, sperm goes all over my bed and on my clothes and I panic and try to cover myself up in the blanket and hope she doesn't realise what I'd just done… she climbs in to bed next to me and we cuddle IN A POOL OF MY OWN SEMEN for about two hours until she goes home… yes reddit, I didn't tell my girlfriend what I had just done and we laid in my semen for 2 whole hours… I'm an idiot TL;DR: . Assistant:
Getting touchy with the girlfriend, she finishes, goes to bathroom and I ejaculate all over my bed sheets, she then comes back and we lay in my semen for two whole hours without her realising…
Getting touchy with the girlfriend, she finishes, goes to bathroom and I ejaculate all over my bed sheets, she then comes back and we lay in my semen for two whole hours without her realising…
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [30 M] broke up with my boyfriend [25 M] of 1 year. He is getting scary and I don't know how to handle it. POST: Found out my boyfriend was chatting and sending nude pics with men in a hookup app. He lied about the whole thing. We've since broken up because of this. It felt like cheating to me, even if there wasn't physical contact involved (he says). I had been rather clear about what counts as cheating in my book... just for the sake of clarity I suppose. We had agreed this was not acceptable. Problem is now he's becoming scary. He keeps telling me how guilty and miserable he feels about hurting and betraying me. He's been getting drunk and messaging me, stalking me online (after we unfriended each other). The other day he said he was considering quitting his job because of how bad he felt, and a couple of days ago he mentioned he felt he might self-harm. How should I react to this? Should I just not engage or should I worry that this may be something serious? I don't want to be with him anymore, but I definitely don't want him to hurt himself. Part of me thinks it may be just misdirection... I obviously will focus less on what he did that made me break up with him if I am worried about him. Am I selfish for thinking this? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Broke up with my boyfriend after he betrayed my trust and lied. He's stalking me and talking about self-harming.
Broke up with my boyfriend after he betrayed my trust and lied. He's stalking me and talking about self-harming.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Need some help Reddit. My sister sold things for me on Ebay and I think its a scam. POST: I'll keep it short and sweet. 1. I had my sister sell some $2000 hand scanners (like Fedex uses) for me on ebay. 2. She handled the details, using her ebay account. The buyer is in Ukraine and had 200+ good reviews. I was hesitant but I trusted her call on it. 3. He paid, I shipped them and after two weeks the guy said he didn't receive them. 4. I called US Postal Service and put a trace on the package to see where it was, they said they'd get back within 60 work days (they haven't yet.) 5. The guy then said they arrived but were on hold because I had put their value on the shipping slip. Apparently the Ukrainian government held it, so he had them ship it back. 6. Now he says I'm to ship it back and put the value on them to being $200. I have a problem with this. I don't lie. Especially not on government forms or in general. I am an eagle scout. Any suggestions from anyone *with experience* on what to do? I am hoping one of you might work at eBay or paypal and can let me know what this process is, if there is any protection for sellers? Will I have to give the money back no matter what? Is there investigation like the Postal Service did? can I use that as evidence? TL;DR: . Assistant:
I love my sister and even if she lost me a chunk of money, Reddit should know. edits: I suck at markdown.
I love my sister and even if she lost me a chunk of money, Reddit should know. edits: I suck at markdown.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Tips or stories for emotional eating? POST: I've lost a pretty substantial amount of weight and really feel like I've made a ton of progress on my journey. I'm pretty darn close to my "goal" weight, have size 30 pants and wear small shirts, consider myself an athlete (running sub 7s pretty regularly), etc. Still - when times of stress (or even celebration) come on - I find myself reverting back to my bad emotional eating habits pretty consistently. I won't necessarily eat a large pizza - but I'll chow down on a small one. Maybe grab a pint of FroYo or indulge in a slice or two of cake. Sometimes I'll just chow down on healthy stuff - but way too much of it. These "trip ups" definitely stick out in my mind as "bad." I don't feel great (physically) when I wake up after 'em. I know they're setting me back to my ultimate, toned-body goals. Exercise is something that's a part of my life from here on out - so this is mainly focused on the eating part. I certainly ENJOY the food while I'm eating it - but I don't enjoy the feeling after. So - any thoughts/tips to try to combat this? TL;DR: . Assistant:
All around healthy guy now still has the remnants of emotional eating, even after I've got everything else under control. Any thoughts/help?
All around healthy guy now still has the remnants of emotional eating, even after I've got everything else under control. Any thoughts/help?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[26F] BF[29M] of 2 years wants to go clubbing with his "buddies" who I recently watched acting like animals POST: Ive met these friends at gatherings before like birthdays and engagements, all was fine and I had no issue with my bf having a "boys night out" from time to time. I don't like clubbing myself and I know my bf doesn't dance but I thought it was his social activity. Well last month they were going clubbing as they normally do and I decided to tag along. The things I saw them do was terrifying. Some of these guys have girlfriends!. These are guys in their 30's and they were dry humping young girls who looked not much older than 16, Im guessing teenagers who just turned 18 were having too much alcohol to hold down. If the security guard didn't interfere I'm pretty sure 3 of the guys would end up having sex with the same girl on the dance floor or who knows they might of all joined in. This wasn't a boys night out their main and only aim was trying to hook up with randoms, but it wasn't one on one type hook up. 2 or 3 of them would be making out with the same girl the other 2 would be humping really aggressively against another drunk young girl, I'm guessing they were trying to get some "group activity" going. I couldn't believe this was what they f*ing called "boys night out". Bf said "yeah they get a little out of hand sometimes but they're not hurting anyone, its all consensual" I started wondering what it is my bf does when I'm not around since he doesn't dance and his buddies are all busy trying to hookup with the same person. Does he just sit quietly in the corner and drink or does he join them ? He has cheated on me before, he kissed a girl at one of his friends birthday party and I only found out through a mutual friend. We took a break and tried to rebuild trust and its been good. But now he wants to go clubbing this weekend with the "boys" again. I don't want him to go. Am I being controlling ? Do I have a right to ask him not to put himself in that situation. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Bf's friends act like animals at clubs, bf goes out with them constantly,I no longer want him to go
Bf's friends act like animals at clubs, bf goes out with them constantly,I no longer want him to go
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (17m) don't know what to do about a pretty good friend (16f), of about 2 years, who's drifting away. Nothing romantic. POST: So I have a group of friends from a couple of schools who have formed around a few peoples friendships, basically hipsters and nerds, who just kind of ended up hanging around each other a bit, sharing a lot of interests , etc. Anyway my friend came into the group kind of latish and is always saying that she feels separate, coming from a completely different school from everyone else and says she recently got very socially awkward. She had drifted away for almost a year and I hadn't seen her for months and months so I decided to message her a few times and just see how she was doing, if she wanted to keep talking or what. I helped her through some stuff as well as I could and she seemed to appreciate it. We kept talking and she annoyed me a few times, a combination of me having a couple of bad days and her being a bit stand offish. One of these times I unloaded a tonne of my issues onto her, basically telling her to fuck off and get off my back in a polite way. She messaged back very contritely and said she was always there for me. Yet it doesn't seem like she is, she rarely starts conversations with me, about twice in the last 3 months and I just don't think she actually cares for me despite everything she says. Actions are worth more than words right? So currently, I've decided to stop talking to her. If she wants to talk to me, great. Otherwise as I'm the only one from the group she was talking to recently, after my 18th birthday party which I will invite her to because I've already said so, that'll be it for our friendship. Am I doi.g the right thing? I haven't really talked to her about this because I dont wanna be really needy and should I have to talk to her about it when she's ignored my problems other times? TL;DR: . Assistant:
my friends drifting away. As much as I don't want to lose her I don't want to be needy or the only one in the friendship who cares. I'm going to start ignoring her unless someone has a better idea.
my friends drifting away. As much as I don't want to lose her I don't want to be needy or the only one in the friendship who cares. I'm going to start ignoring her unless someone has a better idea.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by Coughing.... POST: For the past week I have been sick with some sort of bug. You know the usual cough semi-scratchy throat. The cough had become pretty annoying to the point I would just keep coughing to where I felt like my head was going to explode. So after a long day of work I returned home to have some chill time. I work nights 3pm-11pm. Came home checked on the wife in bed and went to the dinner table where my computer was. I was watching some videos on reddit as usual with a beer and here it came again. The cough of death. This time however I wake up next to my Kitchen island in a pool of my blood. Now we are talking straight up murder scene. I was in complete shock like holy crap did I get completely wasted and fall to my untimely death on a kitchen counter? Nope, barely through half a beer when I came completely to. I ran got some stuff to apply pressure with; ah good ole paper towels. I woke the Wife up and she could not believe the blood and mess. I had a pretty good cut above my upper right eyebrow. I had hit my head directly on the corner of the kitchen island. We woke our kids up and straight to the ER I go. Apparently, I'm fine after EKG and Chest X Ray. It's common thing that can happen after a coughing spell the Doctor says. So now I live my life in fear. wondering will this be my last cough? I was prescribed some things to help calm down my cough, usual stuff for colds, and 4 stitches. After a day of the Wife taking care of me and being worried I said "Happy Mother's Day" :-) TL;DR: . Assistant:
Coughed to the point of black out. Arose in a large pool of blood. Found out coughing can make you pass out. 4 stitches.
Coughed to the point of black out. Arose in a large pool of blood. Found out coughing can make you pass out. 4 stitches.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [30 M] Can a relationship work with no chemistry? POST: I'm kind of a unique situation... 30 years old never had a gf, never done anything sexual, just recently started online dating. (Reason for my lack of experience is being extremely shy, low self esteem) Reason I've started online dating is an attempt to salvage what's left of my life.. figured even though I wasted so much of my life at this point there's no reason I should just die as a lonely virgin, so i decided to at least TRY. After about ~5 or so weeks I've met two girls so far, got at least one more to meet in the near future. Problem is, I am a bit awkward (Ok, I am a lot awkward.) I feel like I do not "click" with anyone, and would not really know how to flirt, etc. Question is this: how important/real is this "chemistry" thing? If I don't feel anything, is it possible to develop these feelings over time? In other words, should I force the relationship forward just because I so desperately want one? Or should I move on when I don't detect this "chemistry" thing, and have the gross audacity to actually *turn down* an attractive female when I'm a 30 year old desperate virgin? Dating and relationships are just so alien to me and I have no idea what I'm doing or how to even interact with the opposite sex. At times I feel I'm being irresponsible even trying, and I have no right to date anyone :/ TL;DR: . Assistant:
Can a relationship work without chemistry if you and your partner do not "click" with each other? Can these feelings develop over time if you force it?
Can a relationship work without chemistry if you and your partner do not "click" with each other? Can these feelings develop over time if you force it?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Do I (20M) poke a girl I met (20F) on Facebook?? POST: So I met this girl at a party the other night, we were super wasted. Anyways, we seemed to hit it off enough and talked for like 2 hours. (totally had my arm around her too it was awesome) So the next morning I wake up and she added me on FB and sent me a message saying "sorry if i said anything dumb" or something along those lines and we continued to talk for like 7 messages, and then I kinda didnt know what to say so I didnt wanna reply. Only thing is though shes a bit of a cutie and I'm tryna see if I can hit it or sum'. So I guess I dont know what step I should do, do people still poke eachtother on Facebook? Like is that still a thing? Either way Reddit I need your help help your boy out. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girl I met at a party got ahold of me on facebook, and Im trying to figure out how to talk to her in a non creepy fashion so I can smash.
Girl I met at a party got ahold of me on facebook, and Im trying to figure out how to talk to her in a non creepy fashion so I can smash.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girl friend [F 20] told me [M 20] she wants a break after two years. Looking for advice on how to move on. POST: Hi everyone, I'm going in to my third year of college and was just told that she wanted a break. My girl friend and I were together for two years and it hit me out of the blue. We met three days into our first year and on breaks we lived about ten minutes away from each other. For the past two years we had been inseparable. She had just transferred to a different school about an hour away and two days after she moved in she told me that she didn't know what she wanted anymore and that she wanted the "true college experience". She says she still cares about me and that shes not sure if she wants it to be over but it feels like she already made up her mind. This was my first long term relationship, up until now they were all six months or less. Also she was my first for virtually everything. I'm just looking for advice on how to get over her. Classes starts tomorrow and I'm worried that I wont be able to focus on my school work with everything else that's going on. Any advice would be very appreciated. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Got "put on hold" by first long term girl friend after two years. Says she might want me back but isn't sure. Looking for advice on how to move on.
Got "put on hold" by first long term girl friend after two years. Says she might want me back but isn't sure. Looking for advice on how to move on.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27 M] girlfriend [24 F] of one week already told me she wants to marry me POST: Throwaway account and left some details pretty vague. I can expand if necessary. We met just over a week ago online and after some texts, we met up and spent the night together because she was moving the next day. The next morning, we agreed to try a long distance relationship (4 hours away) and we began skyping every day since for hours. During this time, she told me she is in love with me and wants to marry me. I was taken aback, and after talking about it some more, she is definitely serious about her feelings and she says she doesn't normally do this with guys she dates. We both come from a background of abusive parents, and we do share a lot in common, as well as common goals in life. I do think there's potential with her and I like her a lot, but it's only been a week. During this time, we've also been very open about pretty much everything, from past relationships, sex, family, goals, etc. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Girl wants to marry me after one week of knowing each other and I'm wondering if I should be concerned at all.
Girl wants to marry me after one week of knowing each other and I'm wondering if I should be concerned at all.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Permanent Life Insurance as a private reserve? POST: I just hired a new financial planner to help me get organized and create a plan for getting out from under my mountain of student loan debt. I'm 25 years old and have a decent paying job with high potential for growth and a sizable savings account - my biggest hurdle right now is a huge student loan debt with a high interest rate. Her advice is to take out a personal life insurance policy as a private reserve strategy. According to her, by taking advantage of the MEC I will enjoy tax deferred growth, tax free distribution, competitive returns, high contributions, collateral opportunities, no loss provisions, guaranteed loan options, unstructured loan payments, liquidity, use and control. Basically I would use it as a personal bank over time and take liens against it to purchase a home, pay off my loans, etc. Sounds great right? Only problem is everything else I have found says this is bad advice if I ever plan to use the money before I die. I'm looking for a second opinion...any thoughts on this? Any alternative ideas to start growing my wealth? She has also advised me to pay the minimum amount on my student loans for as long as I can. This is hard to do because my interest exceeds my payments right now and my principal is growing by about $700/month. Feeling pretty uncertain and any advice would help. Thanks! TL;DR: . Assistant:
Is using a permanent life insurance policy as a long-term personal investment strategy a good idea for a recent college graduate?
Is using a permanent life insurance policy as a long-term personal investment strategy a good idea for a recent college graduate?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [24/m] am having a hard time with my finacee [23/f] not wanting to go out to social gatherings POST: So I needed to make an account to ask this since I do not know where else to go. Little bit of background, been with my so for 2 years, 7 months engaged and living together, 9 months prior to that we were long distance. She does not have very many friends in this area were we are now and for the 9 months she was long distance she had little to no friends there as well. I have been trying to get her to go out for the random drink at the bar or dinner and she is always reluctant to come or just outright denying it. The same goes for any party or social gathering that may be going on. The latest is a new years eve party which is dinner and drinks with a few friends, which is exactly what she has told me she wants in a social gathering (read not a bunch of bro's getting hammered on a sat. night). I have talked to her about my concerns with this and she just says that she does not have need for social interaction that I do. She also says that it is fine that I go to these things without her. However, I feel like I have to make excuses for her as to why she is not out with me. This really bums me out. Occasionally when I do go out without her she will give me the guilt trip of saying "oh you're leaving me alone tonight" kind of thing. I normally just ignore that and invite her again then leave. When she does come out with me she gets along great with everyone and genuinely seems to have a good time. At this point I am her main interaction other than her work,who are all older than her, and multiple calls to her mother though the day. Sorry if this is a bit scattered, I am just trying to get everything down. So should I just let it go that she doesnt want to go out? or Should I try and coax her to come out and try enjoying herself more? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Fiancee does not want to go out to any type of social gatherings while also complaining that she has no friends in the area.
Fiancee does not want to go out to any type of social gatherings while also complaining that she has no friends in the area.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my GF [18 F] since 3 month, in a long distance relationship, she's depressed POST: Hi, first of all, sorry for my english ... so i'm dating this girl that i really, really love, but we are living in different countries and can only see each other on vacations and like 1-2 week ends each month, wich is hard but wont last more than a year since i plan on moving in nearer. But there was this last week end when i came to her house for the first time (She usually went to mine) and met her family, everything went smooth and all but now she is super sad because she misses me a lot apparently, and she got intrusive thoughts like she'd preffered i didn't came that week end. I don't think i'm losing her but i want her to be happy again. And all my listenings and advice don't seem to help a lot, even if it used to solve everything until now... What else can i do to show her ? TL;DR: . Assistant:
What can i do to make my "depressed" (she didn't go to the doctor so nothing official) happy ?
What can i do to make my "depressed" (she didn't go to the doctor so nothing official) happy ?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21F] with my boyfriend [23M] of 3 years. Feeling financially insecure around the holiday season. POST: This one won't be too long. I am finishing up my bachelors on Dec 15th, but also working a [very] part time job at my local vet hospital. So basically, I have a very small income after I pay my bills (unfortunately, bills are still due in December!). My boyfriend G, has been helping me pay for some of my family's christmas presents and he knows that I am unable to reciprocate for his family. He has a pretty good teaching gig and makes a steady paycheck. He told me he doesn't want my money (in regards to paying him back for my family's presents). I still feel like this isn't right. After graduation, I will be working more hours. Should I let this go? He really is helping me out A LOT, but we're not married and I don't want him to feel like he has to give me money for things like this. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Boyfriend has been helping me buy xmas presents for my family that I can't afford on my own. He is helping out a lot and I love him. I just feel really bad and don't know what to do.
Boyfriend has been helping me buy xmas presents for my family that I can't afford on my own. He is helping out a lot and I love him. I just feel really bad and don't know what to do.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: My bf's ex-wife (who lives in another state) has been texting/calling/emailing him, demanding to meet up after he recently confessed to her that he had had an affair the last two years they were married. He hasn't replied. Her last text read "I'll see you at house." Should he/we be concerned?? POST: My bf was married for 24 years and got divorced a little over a year ago. One night, in a fit of moral-cleansing, he confessed to his ex-wife that he had had an affair with a co-worker the last two years they were married. She replied with a scathing email (understandably) a few days later, and my bf decided not to respond and leave it at that. It's been about a month since her email, and now in the last few days, she has been texting/emailing/calling him, saying things like "I think it's time we talk. You can come here, or I can come there. Which do you prefer?" He hasn't responded because he doesn't feel comfortable meeting her face to face and thinks it's somewhat out of character for her, as he says that she was the one who refused to communicate with him during and after their divorce. She moved away during the divorce proceedings and does not live in the state. The last text he got from her today read "I haven't heard from you. I will see you at house." I'm a little scared as I live with him and don't know what she wants to accomplish? She came over unannounced once before and tried to come in through the back door, but he caught her and stopped her before she could come in. She proceeded to scream at him, demanding to know who was in the house, and that I leave, etc. He says this scared and confused him as she had never done anything like that before nor indicated she had a problem with him dating, etc. Should he/we be concerned?? TL;DR: . Assistant:
Bf's ex-wife texts him that she's coming over to his house to have a "talk" despite not being invited nor does she live in same state.
Bf's ex-wife texts him that she's coming over to his house to have a "talk" despite not being invited nor does she live in same state.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend doesn't seem to want me hanging out with is group of friends, what gives? POST: I am F (22) and he is 24, dating a year and seven months. I'm not the best at making friends and most of my close friends don't live nearby anymore. I'm not planning on moving back to my hometown when I graduate college this December. I want to stay in the area I'm in. I would like to hang out with my bf and his friends more often so that I am not so lonely. I have communicated this to him on numerous occasions. He does not react to it. To be clear: Yes, I do have friends. But I like the social situation he's in better than mine. Where numerous people are involved. I could make friends, but it's difficult for me. I don't want our social circles separate. Whenever I have friends over my place I invite him as well. I am not asking him to include me EVERY time he hangs out with them. A couple times per week - maybe even once per week - would suffice! He hangs out at this one couple's apartment (and their one roommate who has been my bf's friend since high school) almost as much as he hangs out at my apartment. They are social butterflies so to speak, and they often have numerous different people over. They live ten minutes from me. He sees them after he gets off work, and then comes to my place. Sometimes he gets so caught up in hanging with them, that he doesn't even come to my place. I can probably count on my hand the number of times I have been to their apartment with him. Holy fucking shit would I love for him to just start including me in his social life. I don't understand why it goes in one ear and out the other. Does he seriously not want me around his friends? I am getting angry typing this. I don't know how to confront him about the situation. I already have and he won't listen. To be honest it almost makes me want to break up with him, even though we have a great relationship otherwise! TL;DR: . Assistant:
My boyfriend doesn't seem to want me hanging out with his group of friends, what can I do to change that?
My boyfriend doesn't seem to want me hanging out with his group of friends, what can I do to change that?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: I hate group projects. POST: I'm doing a programming project for an upper level computer science class. And well, it's the group project from hell. The guy who I'm sort of friends with tries to code, but is not a very good coder, and more importantly, is stubborn. Every time I try to help him, he says that it's no problem, he'll just figure it out. Or when he has problems with his IDE, refuses help. He writes crappy code, and also, doesn't have a good enough work ethic to stick with something long enough to iron bugs out. Then we have another guy who commits code that completely breaks everything. One time I actually caught him copying and pasting code from some blog, without even running it to see if it worked. The last project I just removed his code and told him to test it before committing it, but now its starting to get on my nerves. We have 2 guys who are, well, pros. But they are working on their modules in a private repository, which is fine, but the main group repo is shit, and I'm trying to piece it all together on my own. Everyone else in our group is simply not contributing. It's a group of about 8 people, about half the group is trying to contribute, the rest is fucking everything up or just not contributing. I'll roast everyone in my peer reviews, but all that matters is that the project gets done right now. The kicker is that my group members have something against meeting in person, wanting to just "divy things up", but that's not getting shit done right now. What really annoys me is, unlike a business class, or a science class project, etc, if someone fucks up one part, it's not just that one part. You don't just read it and go to the next section. If one person fucks up in a programming project, nothing works. And people keep contributing broken shit. I'm just trying to wade through the broken shit right now. I've done coding projects before, but this one is particularly bad. Not expecting anything from you guys. Just wanted to vent. TL;DR: . Assistant:
Doing a big project. Most of my group is useless, I'm trying to piece it together, but people are stubborn and they don't want to meet. Fuck me right?
Doing a big project. Most of my group is useless, I'm trying to piece it together, but people are stubborn and they don't want to meet. Fuck me right?
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by stabbing my crush with a pencil POST: Obligatory this wasn't today, it was actually years ago in third grade. My crush (let us call him Gary) offered to let me borrow a pencil when I didn't have one, and of course, I was excited as hell. Later that day in class, I wanted to tell him something (I sat next to him) so I tapped his shoulder with what I thought was the eraser end of the pencil. Well, it apparently was more like a stab than a tap and it was with the freshly sharpened end of the pencil. IIRC, Gary yelped and the whole class looked at me, including the teacher. Fortunately, my teacher didn't make me flip my card, and I don't think any blood was drawn from Gary. TL;DR: . Assistant:
in third grade, crush gave me pencil. Tried to get his attention by tapping his shoulder with the eraser later, accidentally stabbed him with pointy end.
in third grade, crush gave me pencil. Tried to get his attention by tapping his shoulder with the eraser later, accidentally stabbed him with pointy end.
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: [19/m] I want to break up with my [19/f] girlfriend for summer POST: We've been dating for 8 months now and I think we spent too much time together too soon (we hung out every single night for the last 8 months) and it fizzled out for me and i'm just not enjoying it anymore. I tried to tell her this but I couldn't go through with it, so instead I told her that I think we should break up for summer because we are both considering going to community college instead of a university for a year to save some money, and I didn't want to be the reason she came back, because I wan't her to make decisions about her future for herself. That reason is mostly true but frankly it's more because it's gotten old for me. She's still crazy about me and at first she said she was okay with breaking up for summer, but a couple days later she told me that she understands that I don't want to influence her future but that's not what she wants. Also, I want to wait until she's done with finals because I don't want to mess anything up for her, but we only have a couple of hours between her last final and when I have to go home, and she will be with her mom the whole time. I would talk to her about it now if I thought she could handle it without it effecting her grades, but she loves me too much and she cries too easily, it just breaks my heart to think about doing that to her. I really dont know what to do. TL;DR: . Assistant:
I want to break up with my girlfriend, I told her it was so I wouldn't influence her future but really we just spent too much time together too soon and too often.
I want to break up with my girlfriend, I told her it was so I wouldn't influence her future but really we just spent too much time together too soon and too often.
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