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Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Dogtraining
TITLE: Best walks when on a choke chain: dog isn't being choked, but is it bringing up bad memories?
POST: My 3 year old GSD x Husky rescue stayed with some relatives for a few days while my boyfriend and I moved house, and the relatives found an old choke chain to walk him with, instead of his Mekuti harness. We have had real problems with him pulling on the lead, and the Mekuti harness has worked wonders, but didn't eliminate the problem. He hasn't pulled when on the choke chain at all, even when it was first put on apparently, so we think that is what he was trained on (and damage from that process is probably why his barks and whines sound a bit odd). We now think the people who had him before us were violent towards him (if you mime kicking he runs across the room terrified), so, my question is: he is best behaved on walks when wearing a choke chain, and it isn't hurting him at all, but will the harm chokers and the people using them caused him in the past affect him in any way now? I 100% DO NOT want to use a choke chain on him and I don't think anyone should ever, ever train a dog that way, but this chain is the only lead we've used that has completely solved the problem with him pulling, and he hasn't seemed stressed out by it. If he ever started pulling on the lead so that the choker was tight, I would stop using it straight away. The last thing I want is my dog being hurt. If I'd known these relatives were going to put one on him, I wouldn't have let them look after him. Still, it works and doesn't hurt him, my only worry is it'll do psychological damage somehow.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Presence of choke chain makes walks much easier without ever choking, harming or stressing out my dog, but is it bringing back bad memories from his previous owners? | Presence of choke chain makes walks much easier without ever choking, harming or stressing out my dog, but is it bringing back bad memories from his previous owners? | 6,161 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19/M] just had an argument with my GF [17/F].
POST: My girlfriend and I have been dating for about a year and a half now and since prom season is coming around my GF talked about trying to lose a little bit of weight. When she brought it up I was happy and supporting and even offered to diet and work out with her since its something she wanted to do.
However, today when we were talking she brought up how she's literally eaten "nothing" all day and when I told her she should eat something she told me she didn't want to eat until the next day. When I asked about it she said it was because of her diet. I ended up having a conversation with her about crash dieting and why it doesn't work, but instead she just got mad at me and told me she didnt care and that she had already done the research and refused to eat anything. We ended up arguing because of her refusing to eat. Near the end of the argument she said she "ate" and told me to stop arguing and I told her that I didn't believe her and she got more fed up. It ended with us both not wanting to talk to each other and she pretty much told me, "Don't talk to me until you drop this."
Now I'm sitting here pretty much clueless on what to do because I just want her to be healthy while she loses weight and not crash diet and potentially hurt herself and it doesn't sound like she's listening to reason at all. She has a history of not caring what happens to herself so when she said she "didn't care" about the health problems I just got more upset. I understand that I was a little pushy and that maybe my mindset was a bit controlling, but I was just unsure what to do.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My girlfriend started a crash diet and I got upset when she told me and we had a super heated argument. Unsure on what to do next now that she won't talk to me? | My girlfriend started a crash diet and I got upset when she told me and we had a super heated argument. Unsure on what to do next now that she won't talk to me? | 2,630 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21F] with my bf [23M] a little over a year, says he's not sexually attracted to me anymore
POST: So my boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and a half and I love him more than anything. We both try to be open and communicative and rarely fight.
When we first started dating we would have sex once or twice a week, but then for a while it was like twice a month. Now I don't think we've had sex since the beginning of June. He's gained a bit of weight and he blamed his lack of a sex drive on that, citing that it makes him self-conscious, something that I can easily understand.
Last night we were both drunk, him more so, and he admitted to me that the night before he made out with his guy friend. It's been an acknowledged problem that I'm a kinda shitty kisser and so I thought it was just because of that. He admitted though that he realized a few weeks ago that he's not sexually attracted to me anymore.
Because we were both drunk, it blew up into the biggest fight we've ever had by far. He told me that my new hair cut is part of the problem (shaved on sides, long on top- think Ruby Rose) as is the bad-kisser-thing. He even nearly broke up with me.
We eventually decided to just go to bed and talk about it in the morning.
So this morning, we talked about it a little more- and 100% more rationally and reasonably. He was miserable about the way he brought it up and how rude he was about it. He still loves me, he still loves being affectionate, but sexually it's just not there for him. This is super disappointing to me, but we've both agreed it's totally fixable and we love each other enough to make it work.
But now I'm sort of sitting here grasping at any straw I can trying to find some way to make him want to bone me. It's super depressing.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My boyfriend isn't sexually attracted to me, but we still love each other... I want to figure out how to make this work/how to reignite a spark. Advice? | My boyfriend isn't sexually attracted to me, but we still love each other... I want to figure out how to make this work/how to reignite a spark. Advice? | 2,151 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19F] have had a lot of problems with my boyfriend [20M] and don't think we should be together anymore but am too scared to do anything.
POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half now and have lived together a little over a year now as well. I'm going to community college so we still live with my mother and younger brother and my mom charges him rent (much less than she even charged my older siblings). He works but doesn't go to school or help me around the house. At this point it feels like an expectation for me to clean up after him all the time and he gets easily offended or upset. We have often fought about him thinking I'm lazy or don't contribute enough. I no longer feel like he is supportive of me at all and he continually talks down to me because I don't have a job at the moment and am focusing on school. I suffer from depression and anxiety which often messes with my sleeping schedule and energy. I just constantly find myself filled with anxiety afraid I'm going to upset him somehow, almost like I am walking on eggshells to keep him happy and not focusing on my own happiness. I often think about all the things i could do if we werent together without feeling guilty or afraid of him getting upset at me and feel no guilt afterwards. I just feel trapped. We met online and he moved 3 hours from home to live with me and now has a stable job (albeit at a fastfood restaurant but its still a job) and has settled in and he allows me to use his car, making it much more difficult to leave him considering he lives under my roof. He wasn't always like this, this has just been our lives the past 6 months but i don't feel like i can deal with it anymore, especially with the way he dehumanizes my family. I am too scared to break it off with him because he often punches walls and things when he gets angry (he has never physically hurt me before) and my anxiety stops me from ever saying anything to him. I rarely feel like i can stand up for myself. Is this an abusive relationship? I don't know how to go about this or what to do. I probably left a lot of details out so comment any questions and i will be happy to clarify.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | No longer happy in relationship, boyfriend constantly makes me feel miserable. Not sure if on purpose. Abusive? Should I end it? How? | No longer happy in relationship, boyfriend constantly makes me feel miserable. Not sure if on purpose. Abusive? Should I end it? How? | 3,790 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by cleaning my CPAP mask
POST: Today I fucked up by attempting to not be a totally gross human on my way to some weird infection you see on dramatic medical shows.
The nose pillows for my CPAP machine (it's what keeps you from stopping breathing at night when your body hates existing) needed a cleaning, as most things that regularly hang out inside your nostrils probably do. There's some difficult-to-get-to inner bits that I became frustrated with, so I began just sort of violently squeezing the whole thing in an effort to get the vinegar down in there, when one forceful squeeze sent vinegar splashing right over the rim of my glasses and directly into my eye.
That... stung. And even after flushing my eye thoroughly I am now getting gross dribbles of vinegar flavor down the back of my throat. Thanks for that, sinuses!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | shot vinegar into my eyeball, it stung, and now I keep tasting it in the back of my throat. It's gross. | shot vinegar into my eyeball, it stung, and now I keep tasting it in the back of my throat. It's gross. | 1,108 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/GetMotivated
TITLE: Just a thought about being motivated to prove others wrong.
POST: I've seen and heard many photos with quotes and sayings on proving people wrong and how that's motivating to keep reaching for whatever goals. Am I the only one who is not at all motivated by this? Frankly, I do not care for what people think of me [as in judgmental and/or ignorant criticism] and don't have much interest in competition. Rather, I aim to better myself from who I was yesterday.
If I were to try and prove people wrong with their judgments of me, I'd be steering in quite a different direction rather than focusing on improving myself and what I want to do. A direction that might just be harmful to me in the long run.
Ultimately, I think that it is not others you should prove wrong, but the inner voice that tells you how you aren't qualified or able to do what it is you want to do. So instead of aiming to prove others wrong, where one might indeed end up proving them wrong yet see themselves on a path they never truly desired, one can look from within.
We [probably] have all faced that inner voice that questions our own abilities and drivers to get us to where we want to be. I once heard an excerpt from Ayn Rand's *Philosophy: Who Needs It* and she wrote something along the lines of: Instead of questioning and doubting your abilities and competency, simply ask yourself what steps are necessary to take and what barriers need to be overcome in order to get to where to want to go. In other words, instead of doubting yourself in relation to your goal, focus only on what needs to be done to get to your goal.
In my humble opinion, I believe this is a truer method for self-satisfaction as opposed to proving others wrong.
I am by no means trying to preach. I simply feel the 'proving others wrong' motto is good with intention but not so good in implementing.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Prove yourself wrong with your greatness, limitless effort, and potential of success rather than proving others wrong by being fueled by their negative, judgmental, and ignorant notions of you. | Prove yourself wrong with your greatness, limitless effort, and potential of success rather than proving others wrong by being fueled by their negative, judgmental, and ignorant notions of you. | 4,160 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [27F] with my Fiance [30M] 4 years, he's stopped being hygienic at all.
POST: I don't know what to even think or how to approach this one without being rude, but I'm at the point that maybe I NEED to be.
My fiance and I have had a rough road financially but otherwise we've been great together. We're finally on our feet and about to move into a new apartment Feb 1st.
Things are looking up for both of us, we're making more money and work is plenty.
But I noticed over the last few MONTHS he's been forgetting to brush his teeth, or if he saw me doing it he would. Now he just flat out does not, and I've bought him 2 toothbrushes and tooth paste in the last 2 months as a hint hint. Mouth wash and a tongue scraper too!
It has been over a week since he last showered and this man works outside all day under filthy cars.
It's gotten so bad that I'm repulsed by him, he has horrific athlete's foot and won't do anything about it. It smells so fucking bad the instant he takes his shoes off. He has terrible eczema and every day I come home to see him itching and scratching like a crazy person and just shedding skin all over the fucking place. Like in my bed and in the kitchen.
Not that I blame him for the eczema, but I know it's a million times better with bathing and lotion.
I'm at my wits end, I really do not understand this. Has anyone else gone through this? He's not even depressed, we have GREAT things to look forward to.
Even his clothes are filthy! Crunchy dirty athletes feet socks reused and I can smell his jeans.
Then he wonders why I don't want to have sex and he's coming at me with those black fingernails. No please.
What makes a man who used to shower and lotion up and wear cologne and get frequent hair cuts just stop and say, nah?! I don't understand it.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Fiance won't bathe or brush his teeth. Any insight? What should I do? Considering the direct approach! | Fiance won't bathe or brush his teeth. Any insight? What should I do? Considering the direct approach! | 3,815 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: Just wanted to vent about this
POST: I don't have anybody to vent about things that upset me about my relationship with my girlfriend, so that is why I wanted to post this. My mom, my girlfriend, and I currently live in a apartment. At this point my girlfriend is moving out mostly because my mom stresses her out, which is understandable. I would get my own apartment too but currently I'm a student and have a job that doesn't make enough to pay rent on my own (hoping to get another job so I can). Anyways what been happening is that when we're with my girlfriends friends/other people, they'll ask why she is moving. She responds with "I don't like living here, miss my family, not enough jobs, don't like the city, his mom stresses me out" and so on and so fourth, now the problem is not that I disagree with her because I do agree with what she says (I'm happy she'll be closer to her family). What upsets me is that she never mentions anything about missing me or having a hard time making this choice because of me, in fact everybody but her has said something like "ya but you'll miss your boyfriend, or how about you guys look at some apartments together". I mentioned this once to her and she said that ya she'll miss me and didn't want to move but her actions/words to everybody but me says the opposite (not a hard choice for her).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Girlfriend is moving and says to everybody that it's because her living situation doesn't work for her. I agree but I'm hurt that she never mentions about it being a difficult choice. | Girlfriend is moving and says to everybody that it's because her living situation doesn't work for her. I agree but I'm hurt that she never mentions about it being a difficult choice. | 1,972 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [19F] girlfriend [19F] of a month wants to spend all of our time together, I don't and I'm at loss.
POST: I've been with my girlfriend Stacy for one month and a half. So far it's going well but she wants us to spend all of our spare time together. She always wants me to come over to her house and sleep there, or she's just at my house.
We already exchanged "I love you". I think I love her, sometimes. But it isn't comparable to the feelings she seems to have for me. She's idealized me and it scares the shit out of me.
Whenever she doesn't see me, she says she doesn't have anything to do with her life, that she has no friends and that I'm "home" to her. She also said "you're my drug".
This morning she called me, said she needed to see me, so I asked what was wrong and she answered "nothing, I just need to see you because I miss you too much". I can't say I feel the same.
I've already tried to tell her that I need space. She seemed to listen and understand but nothing changed.
I don't know what to do, I care about her and I would like this relationship to work but it can't go on like this.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Gf of 1 month wants to see me all the time, I need my personal space and I already tried telling her but it didn't change a thing. I don't know what to do next. | Gf of 1 month wants to see me all the time, I need my personal space and I already tried telling her but it didn't change a thing. I don't know what to do next. | 2,226 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Advice
TITLE: Feel like I'm wasting time.
POST: I'm a 23 year old male on summer vacation after my third shitty year of college. When I say shitty I mean that I've been skating by, failing a handful of classes, and convincing my counselor to give me more chances. I've done so horribly because I've been an alcoholic for all of that time. Today is my 43rd day without a drink and that is something I feel great about physically and emotionally. There is certainly more clarity in my mind than there has been.
However I've just been terribly unproductive and bored. I feel like I'm having a quarter-life crisis. I'm clear enough to see that I should be doing something meaningful and helpful for the world but too stuck in my old ways to make a change. There are so many things I want to do but never manage to get started. I want to volunteer, get a job, meet new people, go out and have fun. It's been especially hard to do the last two things since I've stopped drinking. Most of my friends are home for the summer while I still live on campus which is pretty desolate. I don't have a Facebook so it's hard to link up with the leftovers and I'm okay with that because Facebook just isn't worth it.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I don't want to look back in 10 years and be filled with regret over all the things I could have accomplished. | I don't want to look back in 10 years and be filled with regret over all the things I could have accomplished. | 2,965 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/running
TITLE: Feeling like I have wobbly knees?
POST: Hey guys, I'm not a pro runner, but I wouldn't say I'm a beginner either. I've been running on and off for a couple years, more seriously though lately...I've had my fair share of shin splints and other aches but lately I've been dealing with a different pain, not quite sure what it is, wondering if you guys could help
After using this dumbass calf machine at my gym (totally must've used it wrong or something) my legs were really sore all the way up to my knees, my leg knee in particular. As the soreness faded I started to run again in which I realized the pain in my knee was still there. On my left knee it began to feel as if there was like a hole? at the bottom of the cap and while running it makes it feel as if my knee won't be able to support my lower leg to land in place.
The only thing I can think of is that I messed up my meniscus, but my knee isn't swollen, I can walk and work out completely fine. I gave it about a week of rest from all exercise and went on my first run today. I felt completely fine for 2.75 miles and around there slowly started to feel that wobblyness come back so I just stopped running there and walked.
Anyone have any ideas? I know, I really know I need to see a doctor, but are there any tips or ideas with what's going on?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | feels like theres a hole on the lower edge of my knee cap/ lack of support in my lower leg causing achey knees? | feels like theres a hole on the lower edge of my knee cap/ lack of support in my lower leg causing achey knees? | 4,246 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Both part of same group of friends, should I [21/M] tell her (20/F) I like her?
POST: About a year ago I made friends with a group of about 6 people in college. We've become pretty close and we always find time to hang out even if we all study different careers in the same college.
Fast forward, a couple weeks ago, new semester, and I'm starting to hang out a lot more with one of the girls from the group since we are seeing a class together. I've started to like her a lot and i'm not sure if she likes me back, i get some mixed signals.
So, should I tell her how I feel? I wanna get to know her better and connect as more than friends. My fear is its gonna get akward when we are all togheter and I wouldn't want to loose her friendship and the general relationship I have with the group.
What about asking her out and seeing her reaction? I really dont know the best course of action here.
Once this semester passes I'll start seeing her less each time and that's why I have to make a decision.
I know this all sounds like a High School teenage problem, I guess I never burnt that phase properly in HS. Gotta start some time, right? :)
Thanks for reading.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Should I tell a girl I'm friends with, who is also part of my close group of friends, that I like her and wanna get to know her better? | Should I tell a girl I'm friends with, who is also part of my close group of friends, that I like her and wanna get to know her better? | 5,814 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I just found my boyfriends porn stash... on my computer. What, wait what??
POST: I am going through my computer today to try and delete some extra files so I have more space on my HD. Just trying to get rid of unnecessary shit. I go to my trash bin to empty it and do a quick glance through just to make sure I'm not deleting anything important. I find a folder I don't recognize and go into it. It's several porn films of the same woman. I previously asked on Reddit about my boyfriend's porn watching habits and whether or not they had to do with anything lacking in our sex life. Most replied that it isn't a big deal and a few said there's really only cause for worry if he seems to have a "type" in porn or be really into one woman who doesn't look anything like me. Well. This woman bears no resemblance to me whatsoever, different race, different build, hair color, breast size, everything. I don't really know what to do about this. I wish I hadn't seen this but what I REALLY don't understand is why this is on MY computer!
What do I do? Do I just try to forget this? My boyfriend is showering right now (we live together) and I don't have a lot of time to figure out how to react (or not react).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | previously have had issues with boyfriend watching porn, today found a bunch of videos of the same porn actress on my computer. Otherwise pretty good relationship, with some bedroom issues. What do I do? | previously have had issues with boyfriend watching porn, today found a bunch of videos of the same porn actress on my computer. Otherwise pretty good relationship, with some bedroom issues. What do I do? | 2,323 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: [20M/24F] Kind of a pathetic question, but calling/texting after getting a girl's number
POST: So, I've had girlfriends before, but never met a girl that I didn't already know from school or work. I'm kinda lost.
Anyway; I got a cute girl's number last Wednesday. She seemed either a little shy or a little pressured (even though I just asked "would you like to meet up sometime?"), said she worked often and very late, I said I do the same, which is true. I actually work later nights and also very often, so I kind of need to be up on scheduling stuff with people ahead of time. Anyway, she said yes and I got her number.
That said, girls don't really seem to like scheduling too far ahead - I'm guessing it kills any feelings of spontaneity (sp?)... So I texted her Friday, asking if she wanted to meet up Sunday (today) because people never pick up when you call them these days. No response. It's not like a lot of time has passed, but still, 2 days is plenty of time to type out a text.
I'm kinda thinking I could call her (can get a straighter response, and I prefer it to texting anyway) this afternoon. But I don't want to ruin anything by calling, either. I'm not afraid of rejection, but I hate not knowing.
Where I live, it's also common to not have a plan for your phone, so instead you'd fill it with a bit of money and use that up. She might not have any money on her phone, and thus can't reply. Probably wishful thinking...
Is she just not interested? Think I might as well give her a call? My gut feeling is saying that if she's interested it doesn't actually matter that much what I do, but I don't want to make a big faux pas already. Unless I already have.
I'm probably overthinking this. I know getting a number isn't a huge accomplishment, perhaps this girl never even wanted to see me at all, so it feels kinda off asking this question in "dating advice". But some general ground rules, if nothing else, would be really helpful.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | got number Wednesday, texted Friday about meeting up Sunday, no response as of yet, could I just as well try and give her a call or should I just give up? | got number Wednesday, texted Friday about meeting up Sunday, no response as of yet, could I just as well try and give her a call or should I just give up? | 1,270 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My[23F] boyfriend[25M] and I broke up and I am still unsure why.
POST: Throwaway.
I have been dating the most amazing person for over a year and a half. We never fight, and he was the first person to not be abusive to me. We seemed to be the perfect fit.
Suddenly, he said he can't emotionally support me any longer. He's been incredibly busy with work and trying to take a separate direction in life, and worth our conflicting schedules it can't work out. So with much regret, he had to end it.
I talked to him on several occasions in person and tried to tell him that we need each other and I can be there for him to help him through these times. He said he would sleep on it.
Fast forward a couple days and we meet again. I break down saying I can't be in a suspended state of not knowing and he suggested that we take a break for a while so he can sort things out mentally. Oddly enough, after much crying and comforting each other, we hooked up. Before I left his place he kissed me goodbye. We have spoken since then but it's just casual talk.
He swears there's nobody else he wants and I believe him. He says he loves me and I believe him. He says he just needs some time to himself, but I can't possibly wrap my head around the reasoning when he still acts like we are a couple when we see each other. And when he's constantly texting me and acting like everything is fine. Recently he called me by an affectionate name.
I'm at my lowest point right now, seeking help from anonymous people on the Internet. It's a little embarrassing, but I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Somebody who I was in a loving relationship with broke it off suddenly and for an (what seems to me) unclear reason. | Somebody who I was in a loving relationship with broke it off suddenly and for an (what seems to me) unclear reason. | 3,463 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Boyfriend still hasn't proposed. Should I be concerned? (6 years) 29F+29M
POST: I've brought up the idea of getting married and having kids before and he's indicated that he'd like these things as well but he's never even hinted at proposing before. Should I be concerned? I know I'm more than ready to take the next step in our relationship and he's definitely the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.
Other than this, the relationship is perfect. He's good looking, smart, funny, and sweet. He treats me like a princess and he's always surprising me with spontaneous romantic gestures. It's not like I need him to propose to validate his love for me; I know that we're the loves of each other's lives and we'll spend the rest of our lives together, married or not. I'm just a little upset because if he does want kids and marriage like he says he does, why hasn't he proposed to me yet? Am I overanalyzing? Is this ok for me to bring up more directly? Sometimes I'll playfully hint at us getting married and he'll play along but it never goes past playful teasing.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My BF hasn't proposed after 6 years of an awesome relationship. He says he wants marriage and kids in the future. Should I be concerned? | My BF hasn't proposed after 6 years of an awesome relationship. He says he wants marriage and kids in the future. Should I be concerned? | 2,185 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice
TITLE: Girl shows many signs of interest however when i asked her out she said no. Why? Please help. Is this a test?
POST: Where do I even begin. I'm 21M. This girl just started working at the same place I do. Shes 2 years younger than me. She's my dream girl. She has been flirting with me since her second day. First week we were getting lunch with the other staff members. 2nd week she asks for us to get lunch but just the two of us. She asks me if i have a girlfriend to which i respond no. then she asks if I want to be datinng and i say yes. then she asks what my type is and i start listing some qualities some of which she has and she says "so basically me". She keeps saying during this how she hates her ex. I eventually ask why. and she says she just likes saying that phrase and that she and her ex are friends now. She gets in my personal space and is a little touchy. One time she ate food off my plate. She kept mentioning how she told all her close friends and her sister about me. For some reason she wanted to show me all her instagram pictures.
On her last day we went for a long walk to get lunch. She would ask me what my weekend plans are to which i told her and asked her plans. she told me that she didnt have plans on X day so i asked her on a date and got rejected. There were a lot of other clear signs too.
I'm not sure why I was rejected could someone explain? She claims there's a guy she has kinda a thing with. but that doesn't add up to me. Is this some sort of test girls do? Was I just played? She seemed really sweet and innocent and he perfect girl. Not sure what went wrong.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Girl shows many signs of interest, but when I asked her out, she said no. And im not sure why? | Girl shows many signs of interest, but when I asked her out, she said no. And im not sure why? | 6,466 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Pets
TITLE: What do you use for flea control?
POST: My family has tried literally EVERYTHING to control the fleas in our neighborhood (Frontline, Advantage, Diatomaceous Earth, Dawn Dishsoap, etc!) and nothing has worked. I have spoken to lots of pet owners in my area (I work as a vet assistant) and many are reporting similar results, where fleas are becoming resistant to the usually recommended treatments. The only thing that has worked so far is Comfortis, but I've read of several dogs having reactions to it that can be pretty severe. My dogs are fine, we've used it for about a year now, but I don't like the idea of harming them or putting them at risk.
Giving them baths with blue Dawn dish soap does kill all the fleas, but it does nothing to prevent more from coming back, obviously. It only kills on contact, and we are NOT going to over bath them because that isn't healthy either. We're looking for something that lasts.
Does anyone else have experience with this, or any detailed information on Comfortis and if it does serious damage to your pet's system? Yes, I know I am a vet assistant. My boss strictly recommends Frontline and literally will not listen to me when I tell him it doesn't work and my dogs are still covered in fleas and we have to use Comfortis because it is the only thing that gives them relief. He is not a resource in this case.
Just wanted to see what other pet owners (specifically ones in San Diego) do for fleas...the ones we have here are mutants or something, because almost nothing works on them!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | the fleas in our town are becoming resistant to generic flea treatments like frontline; comfortis is the only thing that works but can have serious side effects. Just looking for more info on Comfortis or possible alternatives. | the fleas in our town are becoming resistant to generic flea treatments like frontline; comfortis is the only thing that works but can have serious side effects. Just looking for more info on Comfortis or possible alternatives. | 1,152 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [24/M] May lose an amazing girl (20/F) due to rumors, need advice on how to handle this.
POST: I have been seeing a girl, "Riona", off and on (and I don't mean frivolous, weekly breakups) for about 2 years now. We both have jealousy problems, yet we always make up and get back together. Lately, things have been really awesome, and I have been contemplating moving on to the next level with her. Then five days ago happened.
You see, Riona is friends with all of my coworkers. Apparently a few of my coworkers told Riona that I had been hooking up with another girl, ehh lets say "Mila", because we had been at a party a few times together and would occasionally hang out after work. This partying and hanging out happened while Riona and I were on a "break." I know, stupid move, but I wasn't really thinking. On one of these drunken nights Mila tried to kiss me, yet I brushed it off and thought nothing of it. Well, Mila decided to tell everybody at work that we had made out. Riona caught wind of this and now completely distrusts me, and I fear I may lose her over some rumors. I did not hook up with anybody, so I did not apologize for that, but I did apologize for hanging out with Mila and talking to her when I really had no business doing that while on a break. This didn't really seem to make her feel any better, and she is still convinced that I cheated on her. Please, reddit, what can I do? I do not want to lose this girl. We spent two wonderful years together and I can't stand for it to end like this.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | coworker lied about her and I making out, love of my life heard about it, distrusts me and I might lose her now. What should I do? | coworker lied about her and I making out, love of my life heard about it, distrusts me and I might lose her now. What should I do? | 5,514 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [17 M] with my girlfriend [18 F] dating 7months, great relationship,but her sister is very hurtful, what can i do?
POST: me, 17
girlfriend, 18
sister, 15
sister2, 17
just to clarify, we were both virgins before we met, lost it to each other after 2 months of dating
My girlfriend and I have been dating for 7 months, everything has been going great, but since the beginning my girlfriends sister(15) has always hated me, telling my girlfriend not to date me, not to lose her virginity to me, and to NEVER marry me. Before my girlfriend I have never even known about this sister, but she always makes hurtful comments towards me. Her parents love me, we all get along great.
Some examples of what her sister has done/ said to me are as such
-she once pushed one of her friends into me
-asking why i always come over
-telling me to stop coming over
-complains about everything i do with my girlfriend(instead of going to prom, my girlfriend and i thought that we should go on a weekend trip together, and her parents gave us permission. But of course her sister starts to get involved and telling how we should go because all we want to do is have sex)
-even when i do favors for her she complains (pick her up from the mall with her friend and she complains that it was with my fathers pickup)
most recent example was today when her family friends came to visit and my parents went out of town for the long weekend so i was stuck home alone, and her parents told my girlfriend to invite me, but her sister instantly said "oughhh why the hell should he come?!? It would ruin everything"
I have told my girlfriend many of times, and she has talked to her sister before, but her sister never seems to change.
My question is, Should I confront her sister outright and tell her how it makes me feel, or should i just ignore her?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | = girlfriends sister constantly being a bitch to me even though i have never done a single thing wrong to her. what should I do about it? | = girlfriends sister constantly being a bitch to me even though i have never done a single thing wrong to her. what should I do about it? | 5,251 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [27 M] with my girlfriend [25 F] 3 months, she recently told me she was in a abusive relationship in the past. Not sure how to proceed.
POST: So, yea I'm not sure what to do with this information.
Me and this wonderful woman have been dating for 3 months now and she's great. She's kind sweet funny and intelligent and charming and great overall and I can see this relationship going far.
She has a scar going up her side and when I asked her about it in the past she brushed it off. Until today.
She said she wanted to tell me something she's never told anybody and made me promise not to say anything. She was in an abusive relationship before we met.
She said he was physically abusive and would hit her sometimes when he would get angry. She said it got so bad that he pushed her and she fell into their coffee table and some glass broke and made a long cut up her side.
She was partially crying and I just hugged her and comforted her but I'm not sure what else to do. Is there anything I should do going forward to make her feel sad with me.
What should I do?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | my girlfriend told me she was in an abusive relationship before she met me I'm not sure what to do with this information. | my girlfriend told me she was in an abusive relationship before she met me I'm not sure what to do with this information. | 2,480 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: We stopped seeing each other, now she [F22] is messaging me [M23] that she misses me. Don't know how to reply.
POST: A few weeks ago I started seeing this girl. We had a great time. Some things were strange, because she would text me 24/7 and get mad if I didn't respond within 1 min. She was also very indecisive with everything. Overall things were going well. I work 50+ hours a week as process engineer and she is still in undergrad for business. She constantly demanded things from me like hanging out all the time, lots of texting. When I asked for it to be toned down a bit, since I only have so much time in a day she would get mad.
Things moved fast, she said I was pushy about sex and maybe I was, but I was confused because we were both naked in her bed, she undressed first, after 3 weeks of seeing each other and I thought that was coming that night. So she kind of got mad after I asked her if we were doing it that night. Anyways we made up the next day and things went the same. Another night we are in the same situation. We had just talked about waiting then all of the sudden she gets on me and we are do it. I was confused. We do it again the next day and then she says she feels bad about it and I have had enough confusion at this point so I get mad because she is making a big deal about it. So I try to patch things up but she isn't saying anything so I leave and a week later I get these messages about how she found a better guy and that I hurt her feelings.
Now she is sending me messages that she misses me and she keeps thinking about us. Her last messages were "I really miss you" and "Idk why I've been thinking about this so much". I did like her and I still kind of do but I don't want to deal with the same thing all over again. What should I say? I want to say that I do miss the good times we had, but I don't want to a repeat of last time.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | We ended a short relationship now she is texting me that she misses me. I do not want things to go back the way they were and I do not know how to respond the right way. | We ended a short relationship now she is texting me that she misses me. I do not want things to go back the way they were and I do not know how to respond the right way. | 4,214 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Last night a moth flew into my ear and proceeded to flutter around like the spawn of Satan. What was your most uncomfortable but not necessarily painful experience?
POST: I was happily reading a book on my iPad at two in the morning last night, when suddenly it felt like my hair was tickling my ear. I brushed my hair away, and it still felt funny. Little did I know, that was the bug crawling in!
Next thing I knew it started flapping and crawling and buzzing right next to my ear drum. This has to have been the most uncomfortable thing that has ever happened to me. It made my skin crawl, and every time it moved there was an instant shot of adrenaline through my system, which made me almost hysterical while my fiance Googled what on earth to do to get it out.
We spent an hour following sundry advice from the internet pouring vegetable oil, hydrogen peroxide, and water in my ear to flush it out. Eventually it came out, but not until it had caused what may be permanent psychological damage. My ear will never be the same.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Moth flew into my ear. Now I know what it's like to have the heebie-jeebies for an hour straight. | Moth flew into my ear. Now I know what it's like to have the heebie-jeebies for an hour straight. | 5,530 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 F] with my BF [23 M/F] 4 years, still love my first love?
POST: About 4 1/2 years ago, I was in a relationship with someone I completely adored. He was all I could have ever dreamed of in a partner. I messed it up by opening up about the depth of my feelings way too early. He broke it off with me about a week later and I was devastated.
Fast forward 5-6 months when I meet my current boyfriend. He was nice, really funny, sexy as hell. I love him with all of my heart, he's put up with a lot of my shit. But I put up with a lot for him too because I love him. Sometimes I wonder if I just stay with him because I know these things.
After 4 1/2 years I still have feelings for my ex. I miss him and am even envious of him and his new girlfriends relationship. I am so happy he found someone he really cares about too but it destroys me. I just dunno what to do. Are strong love/missing feelings normal for a first love this long after? It makes me re-think if my current relationship is worth it.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Ahh dunno what to do. With my boyfriend in LTR, still in love with my ex, my "first love." | Ahh dunno what to do. With my boyfriend in LTR, still in love with my ex, my "first love." | 3,788 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [23 M] am in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend [20 F] of 6 months who is very attractive
POST: I have been dating my current girlfriend for about 6 months but we were casually dating before for about 3 months. We both knew I was moving away to study for one year so we never decided to officially start dating. However I came home for thanksgiving after a month without seeing each other and she had asked if we could try to date long distance and I was all for it.
Things had been going well, we skyped each other almost nightly and we saw each other at Christmas and she came to visit me at school a few weeks back. Everything seemed to be going ok until very recently when she started to act distant and almost secretive. I hear about her hanging out with guy friends and stories of men hitting on her a lot lately and I find it really difficult not to get jealous. I have never been the jealous type but I find it so hard when it is long distance and because she is absolutely gorgeous. She is the most attractive woman I have ever been with and I know she could date many different guys who happen to live in the same city as her.
I have not informed her of my jealousy or suspicions and I don't intend to, but I really care for her and I know how great things are when we are together. I am just unsure if there is anything I can do to ensure I don't lose her.
I am going to see her in a few weeks again for one week, then we go three months (the longest time so far) without seeing one another and I fear that this could be the end of the relationship.
Based on this I have a few questions for people out in R/ Relationships
* Am I just being paranoid or should I be concerned?
* How do you deal with jealousy when you can't be with your SO?
* How do you deal with men hitting on your attractive girlfriends?
* Is there anything I can do when I see her next to show her how much this relationship means to me, without acting clingy or jealous?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Long distance relationship with beautiful girlfriend, she is acting distant, I am feeling jealous, worried this could be near its end. | Long distance relationship with beautiful girlfriend, she is acting distant, I am feeling jealous, worried this could be near its end. | 2,012 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by making a toaster explode
POST: OK I know yall hate this but its a great story that happened to me 8ish years ago. Enter a very hungry Korinthia into the kitchen. Ohshit.jpg leftover toasted raviolis! (for anyone not from the midwest, more specifically St Louis, these are breaded and fried meat ravioli, fucking delicious) So I'm like no way I'm ruining these by tossing them in the microwave, no sir these are going to be reheated properly in the toaster oven. Now this wasn't any toaster oven, this was a great cook-your-food-perfect-every-time toaster oven, this was a my parents wedding gift toaster oven. So I pop those suckers in and commence heating my delicious taste sensation. 13 year old me is like hey do you know what would be a great idea? Fuckin around on the computer for 6 minutes thats what! *45 minutes later* *sniff sniff* What the fuck is bur..OH SHIT. As i sprint towards my kitchen its clear my whole house is full of smoke. I approach the toaster oven to discover that my precious ravioli have turned into several flaming charcoal briquettes. So i grab the door to open it and immediatly burn my hand. I grab a towel and open the door. SHIT SHIT wtf am i gonna do. So genius 13 yo me throws a glass of water at the flaming ravioli. For those of you that arent aware hot glass+cold water=explosion. The glass door on the toaster exploded sending glass everywhere. The glass lands on my kitchens hardwood floors leaving numerous large scorch marks (that are still there to this day). Needless to say my parents werent pleased. My whole family still bitches about the shitty toasters weve had ever since and my mother still teases me about ruining her floors.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Threw water on flaming food in toaster glass door explodes leaves scorch marks on hardwood floors and ruins toaster. whoops | Threw water on flaming food in toaster glass door explodes leaves scorch marks on hardwood floors and ruins toaster. whoops | 4,287 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Friend cheated on her husband.... Do I have an obligation to let him know?
POST: This has been bugging me ever since I heard that a friend (29f) cheated on her husband (32M). However, everything that I've heard has been through another friend. The woman who cheated on her husband and I have known each other for about 5years so I'm not completely surprised by her actions. In the past, even when she and her now husband were dating, her guy friends would send her dick pics and that always struck me as being odd (she actually showed me the text on her phone). My friend and her husband also have a child together and a big reason to why they got married. This friend has confided in me multiple times that they been having problems in their sex life (he won't initiate/have sex with her) and that probably led to her cheating on him.
The thing that is grating is that I see pictures of the guy she cheated with hanging out with her, her husband and child almost every weekend. If I were in her husband's shoes, I would flip my shit having their kid around the other guy. BUT.... I don't have solid proof other than what was told to me so I feel iffy about saying something to him. And there's a child involved. Do I just keep my mouth shut or do I have an obligation to let him know?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | friend cheated on her husband but heard from another friend. Do I butt out and let it solve itself out or do I need to say something to the husband? | friend cheated on her husband but heard from another friend. Do I butt out and let it solve itself out or do I need to say something to the husband? | 4,375 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU: By smoking DMT while my family was downstairs
POST: This happened a while back in june, but the story begins with me picking up some DMT. I purchased around 500mg for $30 and was extremely happy.
I rushed home, my family was home and dinner was being prepared. I ran to my room and busted out the homemade glasslightbulb vaporizer I made previously just for this occasion. I loaded the spice, held the lighter underneath and managed to get a really good dmt rip going, I inhale it and take the whole thing. As I'm lighting the second rip, I hear my beloved grandma talking to my family, and shes coming upstairs right for my room.
I am already tripping out and I panic. I dash for the pile of dmt sitting out in the open. The fuckup I am, I fumbled with the book it was sitting on and it all fell, I could see the DMT slowmotion fall into my carpet.
Turns out my grandma just came to say hi and I could've easily hid it without panicking cause she took a while to reach my room.
I managed to get around estimated 50mg back from that. I later cried.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Purchased DMT, attempted to break through with family downstairs and poured over 400mg of dmt into my carpet. | Purchased DMT, attempted to break through with family downstairs and poured over 400mg of dmt into my carpet. | 155 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: What is a tactful way for me (22f) to communicate with my college roommate (20f) about various small issues.
POST: I'm not gonna say I have a problem with conflict, but I'm hesitant to bring these issues up with her due to the small nature and just.. Personally being uncomfortable. What would be a nice way to talk about a compromise so she doesn't feel attacked? I have to live with this person for four months.
She stays out late and comes home early, waking me up with shuffling around and slamming doors .
Every morning I don't have space to do my personal routine. Brush teeth, shower, put in contacts, etc.. Because she pulls out this massive makeup kit that basically takes up the entire counter. Or takes 30+ minute showers that leave me with less than 20 minutes to shower and get to class. My class is at 8 and I already get up at 7 to get ready, I don't exactly want to get up at Six just because she wants a relaxing shower.
I'm a small person with a disorder where I'm always cold and this isn't helped with her continuously turning the ac to below 50. My room was at 51 when I left this morning. That's ridiculous, right?
First of all, am I being ridiculous? Are these issues too small to bring up and I should just suck it up and buy blankets and get up at 6am?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | how to tactfully bring up small issues with college roommate such as long showers and freezing room. Are these valid concerns? | how to tactfully bring up small issues with college roommate such as long showers and freezing room. Are these valid concerns? | 4,263 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Is it possible that she [F20] has real feelings for me [M20] or is she just showing her appreciation for my heroism?
POST: This girl and I have been good friends for about 2 years now. She has been in a relationship pretty much the whole time I've known her. A couple of months ago there was a lull where she broke up with her ex and had been single for a month or so. So about 2 months ago, I told her how I felt. She said she didn't feel the same way without hesitation.
5 days ago I went over to her apartment and when I was outside her door I could hear arguing. I have my own key, and I was worried so I just walked in. Long story short: her ex was hitting her, we fought and he left.
After it happened I felt really sick and ended up going to the hospital. One of my kidneys was pretty badly damaged, so I've had to stay at the hospital for monitoring, just in case I needed emergency surgery. Anyway, ever since I've been here she's been visiting me a lot. She keeps saying that I "saved her life." We had sex the night after it happened, and we've kissed a lot. She keeps cuddling with me, which is amazing.
But my question is, could these be real feelings on her part? I am in love with her, that hasn't changed. But I don't want to get hurt.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Is it possible that she [F20] has real feelings for me [M20] or is she just showing her appreciation for my heroism? | Is it possible that she [F20] has real feelings for me [M20] or is she just showing her appreciation for my heroism? | 3,213 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Parents Living Apart. Living with Mom but want independence. How to get out?
POST: My dad got frustrated with my mom about her weight, fitness level and how she can be a bit of a pack rat so there is always extra things around and it is a challenge to keep the house presentable.
After threatening to do it for over a year, my dad moved out and got his own house closer to his office. This was about 6 or 7 months ago. During the time since then, my parents have gone to marriage counselling, a couples group therapy thing for a few weeks and are currently in the middle of a relationship book. As far as I can tell my dad hasn't kissed or hugged or shown hardly any signs of affection for my mom during that time and it has taken its toll, she is fairly depressed and often doesn't get to bed until 3 or 4AM.
The house is rather large house with a decent sized lot where we keep cows and have a dog and cats and a barn with a tractor. My dad still comes by on a regular basis (mostly in the middle of the day, probably to avoid my Mom while she is at work) and takes care of the cows and some basic farm tasks, so there are no concerns about maintaining the farm currently.
Here is where I come in. I am 22 and I fix computers for a living and can easily support myself and actually be pretty well off money wise. When he first moved out and my mother was really distraught, I was currently in the planning stages of finding my own place and moving out by the end of 2011. My mom asked me to not move out until this situation was resolved between them. I put my plans on hold, but he still doesn't show signs of wanting to move back in and I really want to move out. I really don't want to leave my mom alone, she likes having me around to help around the house and to have someone to talk to rather than coming home to an empty house.
What advice can you give me to proceed from here? I am really very torn between wanting to move out and not wanting to leave my mom all alone.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Dad moved out, mom has asked me to stay to keep company and help around the house but I want to move out to be more independent. What should I do? | Dad moved out, mom has asked me to stay to keep company and help around the house but I want to move out to be more independent. What should I do? | 5,018 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by branding my testicles.
POST: So, like most posts here, this didn't happen today. Actually happened around 2 months ago.
Let's just jump right into this. As a guy who thoroughly enjoys blowjobs, I like to make sure that my boys are nice and clean for the girlfriend who is about to spend a few minutes down there. While not necessarily in an unclean state, I like to at least freshen up. While the girlfriend was upstairs getting ready for bed I decided to clean myself up in anticipation in the bathroom like I'm preparing for the Queen's presence. Normally I would use a towel to clean off, but unfortunately they had all been taken away for laundry.
Keep in mind her family is still in the house so I can't go running around looking for a towel while I'm dripping from my dangle berries. Her room is right around the corner and I know there is a small wall connected heater we use to keep the room warm in winter. Bingo! Run inside her room and get that going. At this point I've got the heater running and laying on the ground while I crouch over it to dry myself off. This particular heater has a metal plating on the cover with holes where the heat is blown through.
Hear her footsteps coming and shit! Not dry enough yet! Dip a little lower without knowing how close and I am until I feel the heat from hell on my testicles.. Ended up leaving a neat branding pattern on my balls of balls!
Still got head.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Washed testciles. Dried testicles over heater with metal face shield. Branded testicles. Got head. | Washed testciles. Dried testicles over heater with metal face shield. Branded testicles. Got head. | 3,612 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: Should I consolidate my debt?
POST: I am 23 years old and I feel like I have a decent amount of debt that I was thinking I should perhaps consolidate? I just am not sure of the best route to take. All I know is the interest is killing me. I guess I should start off by telling you what my debt is -
I have a credit card which is my main killer. I currently have around $3,500 on this card. The interest is at around 25%. Every month, while I make payments 0f $200… it charges me at least $60 for interest.
I have a credit account with Ideal Image. There is only about $1,500 left on this and the interest is at around 26%, however because the amount is lower it charges me around $3 per month for interest.
I have a car loan and to be honest I am not sure how much my interest rate is on that, however I know I have around $9,000 left on it to pay and I pay $293 a month.
I feel like this is a lot of debt for someone who is 23. I am managing fine I guess, but the credit card specifically is just not going away.
I should probably also mention that I have just started college again and I was granted a subsidized student loan for $3,500. I know I will have to take out another next year as well. I don't have to worry about paying this back until I graduate in a few years, but I would like to be able to pay it back easily in the future and not have it just piled on top of what I already have.
I guess my main question is to ask if I should take out a small personal loan of some type, that has a lower interest rate and pay off my credit card and Ideal Image.
I hope I provided enough information.
Any recommendations? Thank you so much in advance!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Have about 5K in credit card debt with very high interest and 9K car loan. How can I alleviate the situation? | Have about 5K in credit card debt with very high interest and 9K car loan. How can I alleviate the situation? | 5,154 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: If you quit a job, is the employer required to pay you? If so, is there a time frame?
POST: I know, I know- most people right now are trying to get a job.
Anyway, I have the opposite problem. I quit my job on August 23rd and promptly walked myself down to USPS to send a (receipt requested) letter to notify them to send my last paycheck to my home address versus direct deposit.
Well, it is now the day my direct deposit would have been received so I decided to check to make sure they received the letter. Turns out, they have refused it and it is in transit back to me.
So now I'm left scratching my head wondering if I'll even get paid for the few days I worked before I quit.
Has anyone ever dealt with something like this? Are there any legal statutes on my side in this situation? [I'm in NY, if that helps...] Or do I just get shafted if they decide not to pay me? How long can they wait before they're required to pay me if they are required to do so? *AHH SO MANY QUESTIONS!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Do I get screwed if my former employer doesn't want to pay me after I quit, or is there anything I can do? | Do I get screwed if my former employer doesn't want to pay me after I quit, or is there anything I can do? | 2,767 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Was that a Freudian slip?? 25m/37f
POST: This morning while laying in bed with my boyfriend [25m] of 4 1/2 months he thanked me for coming over and said "it's always nice to sleep with somebody." Quickly adding "you" to the statement. Uh, SOMEBODY?! Was that a Freudian slip?? This is my fear...he works with a lot of younger girls and 2 months ago he was caught talking online with a 23f as if he was single, yet he says all the time how they're all kids and "fell hard" for me. We are actually about to move into a house together! I love him SO much! He's an amazing, intelligent, respectful, supportive, loving, extremely mature man. I am just nervous sometimes bcz I [37f] don't appear my age and am not good with dating. Now i have a 1 year old baby too; which my boyfriend is such a good role model for in every way! Am I over reacting or was it a Freudian slip and there could be trouble ahead?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | We're moving in together, I have a baby, I'm still nervous and reading into things...or is there more? | We're moving in together, I have a baby, I'm still nervous and reading into things...or is there more? | 5,433 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [18m] have been with my gf [17f] for 10months, she just told me she doesn't love me anymore
POST: It just happened like 2 hours ago and I'm still in shock as I'm typing this. A little bit background:
We have been together for 10 months and in the first let's say 6 months everything went perfectly. Then little problems arised, nothing big and we never had a big fight or something, I think it's pretty normal that after the honey moon phase you notice little things about the other one.. However in the last 2 weeks I often complained to her that she doesn't have enough time for me (something that bugged me since many months, but she has a really tight schedule with school etc. so I was actually pretty okay with it.)
However today I went over to her place and after a little bit of talking and having fun we had sex and it was like always, both me and she were really into it and after finishing we cuddled. After around 30minutes of cuddling she starts crying and I was pretty confused and when she finally could speak again she told me that she doesn't have feelings for me anymore since a couple of days.
I was in shock and didn't know what to say, I didn't realize what was happening ... Now I'm sitting at home thinking about what to do now... She told me she doesn't wanna talk about it today and wants me to wait until tomorrow.. I don't really wanna talk to anybody I know about it since I'm not really sure if it's over .. normally I would talk to my parents but they just broke up on monday .. so that's not really an option right now.
I'm not really sure what to do now .. I don't want to give her up.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | gf of 10months just told me she doesn't have feelings for me anymore but doesn't want to talk about it until tomorrow | gf of 10months just told me she doesn't have feelings for me anymore but doesn't want to talk about it until tomorrow | 4,811 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: [18/m] It's been 8 months and I'm still not over her...
POST: Background: When I was 15 I developed a crush on one of my school friends but since I was really shy and didn't want to ruin our friendship I just left it and hoped the feelings would go, 2 years down the line I still have a crush on her so I finally decide to ask her out, she says yes and we stay together for a good 6 months with no real problem.
At this point in the relationship I fully believe that I'm in love with her, however in January of this year she broke up with me. At first I wasn't too affected by it as I had pretty much expected it by the way she was acting, I thought this meant that I was over her but gradually over the months I started to care more and more until it was all I could think about.
2 months ago I decided it was time to talk to her and apologise for my behaviour that possibly led to our break up, she said everything was fine and that it's all in the past and we haven't spoken since.
Now I really don't know what to do, I think I'm still in love with her but I know she's over me, I want to be friends with her but it would be very awkward between us (plus I hate her friends), I want to meet someone else but the only girls I know are friends from my secondary school and one girl in my college class.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Had crush on friend, friend became girlfriend, fell in love with girlfriend, girlfriend became ex, still in love with ex, ex is over me, what do | Had crush on friend, friend became girlfriend, fell in love with girlfriend, girlfriend became ex, still in love with ex, ex is over me, what do | 5,830 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I was robbed today...advice/help? Not sure what to do...
POST: So I came home from work today to find a window in my house broken and the place was a disaster. Robbers had broken in and taken everything they could get their hands on. Anything not stolen was broken. They even stole all of our food and toiletries. Long story short, I had to go buy enough food and supplies to last me until next payday. After the cost of the electronics taken and the food and general supplies they stole, I am out nearly $1,500 and I can't pay my rent.
I'm not sure what to do. My roommate and I are both small young-ish girls and now they know that no men live in the house. I am terrified and broke. Here's a weird part....they left all the alcohol, but ate the pizza straight out of the fridge. And they took things from my underwear drawer.
I didn't have renters insurance because I am an idiot and thought it unnecessary. Any advice, reddit? I'm afraid that on top of the robbery I'm going to get evicted for not being able to make rent. :(
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I am a petite woman with a female roommate. House was broken into and concernedbecause of money and safety. | I am a petite woman with a female roommate. House was broken into and concernedbecause of money and safety. | 3,052 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice
TITLE: [M22] trying to keep in touch with a [F20] away at college 3 hours away
POST: Towards the end of summer, a coworker and I began hooking up consistently over a 2 week basis (hung out/hooked up many times but sex never happened due to outside circumstances). Since her moving back to school, we had a phone call where she vented to me about an issue with school and we have texted average every other day, some being short conversations and others well be conversing the whole day. I feel like I initiate conversations with her a lot more than she does with me, but she 90% of the time responds back.
I havent spoken to her in about 4 days now, the last time we spoke was about how two of our coworkers want me to go with them and visit her at her school for a night or weekend towards the end of September. I was waiting to see if maybe she initiate so I can see interest from her but she has not tried to contact me. Some days i feel like I am overthinking way to much and others I feel like maybe she is slowly becoming disinterested. Am I crazy?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Hooked up for 2 weeks oftenly with a girl with gf potential before she moved to college. Longest gap of no contact after speaking about a visit in the near future, not sure what to do? | Hooked up for 2 weeks oftenly with a girl with gf potential before she moved to college. Longest gap of no contact after speaking about a visit in the near future, not sure what to do? | 5,538 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Hey, Reddit, I feel like I have a lot of repressed and most likely misplaced anger towards female gamers/nerds. People who may feel similar, do you consciously know why?
POST: Obviously, it can't be all that repressed if I'm making a thread about it right now. The anonymity helps me to speak about it more openly, I believe.
From that Nerdy Nummies chick on YouTube to pretty much 90% of the women I've raided with in WoW. Even the woman that I play with in league and know IRL irritate me greatly, even though I'd never admit it out loud.
The only motive I can think up that would make me so upset is that they are applauded for embracing their "geekdom" while most males are criticized. Which is pretty stupid since I like women and playing with them should be enjoyable. They tend to have pleasing voices and be more willing to play support roles(100% personal experience).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Please tell me why it's okay to be annoyed by women who play games so I can refrain from dealing with the fact I'm a misogynist neckbeard who's unsatisfied with his own manhood or something like that. | Please tell me why it's okay to be annoyed by women who play games so I can refrain from dealing with the fact I'm a misogynist neckbeard who's unsatisfied with his own manhood or something like that. | 248 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Mechanics of reddit, please help me out! my Chrysler sebring is acting crazy
POST: Ive got a 1998 chrysler sebring jxi. i know these cars have been known to have electrical issues, and unfortunately, i am one of those lucky ones to be dealing with one. When I crank my car (which cranks fine), my dash shows me idling at 4000RPM, my gas gauge fluctuates, and my radio goes in and out. ive taken the car to a few mechanics and theyve tested the battery and alternator. everything is working with those. apparently it is some issue with the engine computer or the bcm (body control module).
this is the question. should i just take this car to the chrysler dealership or should i find another mechanic. i dont really trust mechanics because ive been ripped off before, but i hear dealerships are just as bad usually.
Before i take the car in in the morning, can you let me know what possible issues the car might have? and how much you think it would be to fix? do you think it will be an expensive fix?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | my cars display gauges are jumping around and the radio cuts out on me. am i looking at an expensive fix? | my cars display gauges are jumping around and the radio cuts out on me. am i looking at an expensive fix? | 5,772 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Missing a suitable excuse to see my[20M] long distance girlfriend[20F]
POST: Sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this...
So my girlfriend is in our home town at the moment and I'll be traveling there to see her. We both haven't told our parents about our relationship, we have talked about this so we're both comfortable with it. My parents would react extremely surprised and would immediately want to know everything about her and meet her the same day.
I need a car from my parents for the whole day to see her and really need an excuse firstly why I'm in town altogether and secondly why I need a car the whole day... Can you think of an excuse that might work? I still have friends there if that helps.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I need an excuse for my parents to use their car and see my girlfriend a whole day without them knowing I'm seeing her. | I need an excuse for my parents to use their car and see my girlfriend a whole day without them knowing I'm seeing her. | 393 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by biking to school
POST: At the start of this semester I told myself I'd hit the gym and bike to school everyday to save on gas and parking in addition to burning some calories.
Fast forward and it's been 3 weeks since I actually followed through on this plan so this morning I said "Fuck it!" and hopped on the bike.
Literally at the first intersection of the route some asshole almost runs me over because he didn't feel the need to stop at the stop sign. There was a verbal exchange but whatever I kept going.
Fast forward to halfway through my route where my rear inner tube suddenly pops. I was right on time to get to my exam until this happened so I safely locked my bike at the nearby train station and requested an Uber. This mother fucker makes me wait 10 minutes before cancelling the request and charging me $5. I'm pissed but I keep it cool, request another and make it to class just in time.
I'm thinking "Okay I'll just catch the bus back home between classes, get my car, and pick up the bike on the way back. Perfect!" I call my girlfriend and tell her what happened and she starts giving me shit about leaving the bike. We live in LA so nothing like Canada where you can leave your house unlocked but I figure, it's locked, it's safe, no one will steal it.
Fast forward again! I went home, got my car and stopped at the train station and guess what?? The fucking bike is gone.
To make matters worse, it's not even my bike. I got it for my girlfriend as a a gift for her birthday a while back and now it's fucking gone. I called her to tell her what happened and I reallllly don't want to hear it at this point but she says it anyways "I TOLD YOU!!!!!!"
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Lost a bike I gave as a gift. Almost got hit by a car and nearly missed an exam in the process. | Lost a bike I gave as a gift. Almost got hit by a car and nearly missed an exam in the process. | 365 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Young and in Love: 17F with 18M ~6 months SO has Bicuriousity struggles, & I'm afraid to hold him back.
POST: Hello there~
Story goes, both myself and SO are a little bicurious. Him a little more public than myself, as I'm still discovering my preferences. But we're comfortable with each other's decisions and choices and strongly encourage one another to be open about new discoveries.
Issue is, I know he's tempted to act on his curiosity, even though he's convinced me there's no way he could bring himself to do so. My best friend who came out a couple months ago has long since had a crush on him and there's always been joking of them two hooking up for a night. Guilty me; for a while I cheered it on playfully but I think SO is starting to crack.
I feel sometimes like I'm holding him back. Polygamy isn't exactly something I'm crazy to get into, nor would I want to make it a permanent option. Is it wrong for me to want him be sure of himself? There's so many gray areas in these times of discovery that I'm not sure what's right to "encourage" or help him act upon.
A lot of this is getting filtered to him as paranoia, which is partially an outcome. But I really want him to decide what's best for him and not worry about what will 'hurt me' or what is best for me. As far as loving someone goes, he is someone I could spend my life with. But I don't want my "satisfied" mentality to blockade him from what could also satisfy him.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | 17F & 18M, SO is questioning infidelity, confused on if I should encourage him to experiment with someone else to satisfy his curiosities? | 17F & 18M, SO is questioning infidelity, confused on if I should encourage him to experiment with someone else to satisfy his curiosities? | 1,825 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (18F) need some advice about therapy...
POST: Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker.
I've been thinking about getting therapy for at least 3 or 4 years, but I've never gone through with it because I was/am pretty sure my parents would make fun of me for even suggesting it (therapy isn't exactly something common here). Since I had no money to pay for it myself, I had to give up on it.
The thing is... There's nothing wrong in my life. My parents are nice, I've never been abused by anyone, I had a few friends growing up just like everyone else... But I feel like it's been a long time since I've actually been happy with myself, if that makes sense. I've lost interest on the only things that I ever liked to do (drawing and playing games), I've never liked to go out and so, until I was forced to get a job a few weeks ago, all I did was attend classes and sleep all day long.
As I said, there's nothing physically wrong with me. Many people have it a lot worse, and they don't need therapy to go through with their lives. Am I exaggerating? Would therapy even help? Or is it normal to feel like crap once you start growing up? I have never ever talked to a psychologist/therapist before and I have no idea if it would be worth the money...
Also, no one but my best friend knows I scheduled a meeting (?) with a therapist on Friday. I'm not planning on telling any family members (as I said before, I don't want them to make fun of me...) but my friend said I should at least tell my parents. Do I really need to tell anyone? Or can I keep it a secret? The first meeting (is that how it's called? I have no idea) is for free... So I'm gonna go see what it's like... But what if it doesn't help anything?
After writing all of it, it really sounds like a dumb problem... But I seriously need some advice. I can't really ask anyone else about this.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I want to get therapy, but I'm not sure it's gonna help with anything. Should I do it? Also, should I tell my parents about it or can I keep it a secret? | I want to get therapy, but I'm not sure it's gonna help with anything. Should I do it? Also, should I tell my parents about it or can I keep it a secret? | 6,127 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Don't know if (or how) I [22F] should tell my boyfriend [25M] I really don't like what he got me for Christmas.
POST: Yeah I realize it is now a long time since Christmas and this part of my dilemma, which I guess is my own fault. So for Christmas my boyfriend (of ~10 months) got me a gift certificate for a "makeover and photoshoot". I can't really imagine doing anything much worse than spending my day having my hair and make-up done than having my photo taken for two hours. Okay, maybe a bit dramatic but I'm really not that kind of girl and my boyfriend does know that. I guess he could be hinting that he wants me to dress up a bit more but I didn't really think he cares – I think it is more likely that someone told him it was a good gift idea or something he got for an ex that they really liked.
Anyway, I pretended I liked it and hoped he would maybe forget about it and I wouldn't have to use it. But, more recently he keeps asking me when I'm going to go and if I've booked it yet. I'm all "oh yeah I'll do it soon I'm so busy at the moment", which is obviously not an excuse I can carry on forever. So my question is should tell him I don't want to go? I would feel bad because it has been a long time now that I've pretended and he probably did put quite a bit of thought in what to get me. Also what if I do tell him, what would be the best way to bring it up without sounding like an ungrateful bitch? Or should just suck it up and go? Obviously I could make it through, especially if I had a drink or something before to help me enjoy it a bit more but I really don't want to. Any advice is appreciated.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My boyfriend gave me a gift certificate for a makeover and photoshoot that I really don't want to go to. Don't know if (or how) I should tell him, or if I should just go. | My boyfriend gave me a gift certificate for a makeover and photoshoot that I really don't want to go to. Don't know if (or how) I should tell him, or if I should just go. | 383 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Let me [20m] tell you a story and afterwards ask you this: is Paula [18f] being a bitch?
POST: Let's say there's a guy called John [21m]. John kinda likes Paula and he wants her to think of him as a nice guy, get a good rep with her and such. John mentions Game of Thrones to her, and she says she's really into it, and also that she even read a few books before the show started airing.
John gets excited, because them both like the same thing a lot! Then he offers to lend her the dvd box of the second season, to be a nice guy and maybe win her heart little by little. She accepts!
Paula then proceeds to carry out the dvd box to another guy's house, watching the series with him as well as making out, on John's expenses. Is Paula a bitch?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | John lends Paula some dvds in the hopes of having her into him, and she instead goes out to watch them with another guy, making out with him. Is she being a bitch? | John lends Paula some dvds in the hopes of having her into him, and she instead goes out to watch them with another guy, making out with him. Is she being a bitch? | 319 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: Donating land out of Revenge. How will this help my tax returns?
POST: This is my first post ever on Reddit so please bear with me.
A little backstory to begin, when I was a child my father bought 2.3 acres of property in a school district that he wanted us to attend in South Carolina. The hope was one day to build a house, however, as time passed that never materialized. We've owned the property for 20 years and over that time we've paid property taxes, sometimes late in the face of financial instability. Currently, we're doing better but still its an unnecessary financial burden and we'd like to capitalize on the property value having doubled since when we purchased, valued at $30,000 currently. We hired a realtor to sell the property a couple months ago but it has sat without much interest.
We discovered our neighbors have been removing the for sale signs because they don't want someone to build on the wooded lot. We have left letters in the community's mailboxes detailing the problem. Without knowing which neighbor is doing it, we can't report them. Though the property is listed online, I'm pretty upset that there's not a on-site advertisement. In my frustration I was trying to think of alternatives while possibly irking the neighbors. I came up with an idea that actually was feasible and not too dramatic. We could either donate or sale the land for a reduced price and use it as a tax deduction; we considered Habitat for Humanity or Helping Hands. The problem, I know very little about about the tax deductions allowed/ how it would be applied. I read the full market value of the land is deductible but what does that mean in terms of tax refunds come next year?
I want to do some good for the community; I have a BA in architecture and during college I was involved in community building and designed low income housing for those in need. My father has a similar sentiment but is business oriented and wants to reclaim his investment. I feel like this solution scratches both itches. Also, I would be lying if I didn't get some enjoyment at the prospect of inconveniencing the neighbors. Any ideas or information is welcome even if they aren't directly related to this idea. I just need advice on how to move the property with the maximum benefit for all (except those dick neighbors.)
TL;DR: . Assistant: | If I donate a piece of land to charity out of spite, can I deduct it from my taxes and if so, how much of the value would be retuned as a refund (all, none, some?) | If I donate a piece of land to charity out of spite, can I deduct it from my taxes and if so, how much of the value would be retuned as a refund (all, none, some?) | 764 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice
TITLE: I, M21 need help getting over my gf, 21, before she breaks up with me
POST: My gf and I have been together for 5 years and for the past couple of months I've noticed she's been getting distant with me and has said she does and doesn't want to be with me. I on the other hand am 100% sure that I want to be with her. We're still together and sometimes things are great, she's very loving with me and affectionate, I love that, and other times she doesn't notice me but still tells me she loves me. I can sense her breaking up with me is imminent, but I'm not ready for this. How can I begin to prepaid my self for this? I don't want to break up with her or for us to break up, and sometimes it sees like we won't. But I want to prepare my self as best as possible. I really honestly don't know what to do and I feel horrible
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My gf of 21, in a 5 year relationship, has been very distant with me over the past months and I, M21, want to begin to prepare my self for her to breakup with me | My gf of 21, in a 5 year relationship, has been very distant with me over the past months and I, M21, want to begin to prepare my self for her to breakup with me | 4,314 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [19F] exboyfriend [21M] bugged my phone, and I'm having problems trusting anyone
POST: So as a bright eyed and bushy tailed freshman in college, I started dating this boy, and we had a ton of relationship problems. He was really controlling, and jealous of my friends from back home, and everything terrible. He broke up with me for most of my birthday because I had mentioned that boys were complimenting me. I still (stupidly) dated him for 6 months until...
Three days into summer break (I live about 4 hours away, but we had plans to visit each other), he started texting me, asking really sketchy questions. He was asking about stuff I was talking to my friends about, and I was suspicious, so I checked my Facebook (in case I happened to be logged in at his place), but the questions were really specific, and what I was texting. So I called him out on it, and he called me to tell me he put a bug on my phone so he could read all my texts and everything I do on my phone. I guess they really do make an app for that.
Obviously, I made sure it was off my phone, and broke up with him immediately. He didn't even see anything wrong with it! He said it was my fault for dating a tech person (he was a computer science major, and I knew more about his classes than he did).
Now, it's been about five months, and I've been talking to some people, but I'm so paranoid they *know* what I send to other people or say aloud, or even think in my head. I know it's stupid, especially since none of them have had my phone, and I've never said bad things about them or done anything wrong. Every time someone texts me vaguely, or in a way that can be misconstrued as being cold, the paranoia wells up again.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My exboyfriend bugged my phone, and now I'm paranoid every potential suitor can read my texts/thoughts/etc. How do I fix this and not let it ruin future relationships? | My exboyfriend bugged my phone, and now I'm paranoid every potential suitor can read my texts/thoughts/etc. How do I fix this and not let it ruin future relationships? | 5,286 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Boyfriend (40) of one 8 months invites me (36) to go to a party but I'm unsure if he really wants me to be there.
POST: Edited because i put the word one by mistake in the title and i cant remove it.
We've been dating eight months. We are both divorced and I was with my ex for 15 years so I really am clueless about how relationships and daring works. Lately we spend almost every weekend together, usually on Thursday he will ask what my plans are despite the fact we are usually together. I said I don't have any plans this weekend, and I asked him if he had any and he said he was invited to a party hosted by a couple that he knows. Then he asked me if I wanted to come along. Normally he will ask, can you come with me? Or ask in a more more encouraging way. How can I ask if he actually wants me there. I know this sounds pretty pathetic but I am seriously clueless.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | how do I know when to give my boyfriend space or if he really wants to spend time with him without him thinking I'm being clingy | how do I know when to give my boyfriend space or if he really wants to spend time with him without him thinking I'm being clingy | 2,791 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice
TITLE: [WA] Landlord failed to transfer power service after promising to do so
POST: I recently switched to a different apartment complex that is owned by my rental company. When I went into the leasing office to sign my new lease I asked if I had to do anything special to change my power utilities account to my new apartment. They said that all I had to do was fill out a form that they had with them, and they would transfer the service for me.
Well, they didn't transfer the service, they only added an account, and I got charged for 2 months of power for an apartment that was leased to someone else. I called my utilities company and they told me to take it up with my rental company and that they couldn't do anything about it. I am going to see my rental company tomorrow, and want them to reimburse me for the two months of electricity.
They have been sort of rigid in the past, does anyone know of any recourse I have against them telling me no?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Rental company said they would transfer power service, but only added a new account. I have 2 months of utilities charges for which I should not be responsible. What do I do? | Rental company said they would transfer power service, but only added a new account. I have 2 months of utilities charges for which I should not be responsible. What do I do? | 464 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: Hearing Problem (with music, keys)
POST: Let's keep this short. I play several instruments, and am very familiar with keys, tones, etc. 6th sense, you know?
Eitherway, in the past week, I woke up one day and all the songs that I know are about a half key lower. All of them.
I've tried listening to them through different sources (computer, laptop, stereo, live), through different websites, and through different interfaces (headphones, speakers, stock speakers, cars). It's all the same, and doesn't seem to be going away. It's very depressing.
If I tune an instrument, according to the tuner, I have tuned it too high by just a bit. Everything is sharp.
No trauma. I'm a pretty healthy person otherwise (that's an understatement). It wasn't after any sort of loud event.
I just turned 26.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | What I KNOW to have been a G in a song for years on a CD or MP3 is now a little above an F#. My hearing is still close enough to know what something should be. | What I KNOW to have been a G in a song for years on a CD or MP3 is now a little above an F#. My hearing is still close enough to know what something should be. | 4,132 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My [36/F] coworker [late 20's/M] who inappropriately hit on me just asked me to write him a letter of recommendation
POST: I am in a very happy relationship and a guy I work with flirted with me a few months back. He said that he found me "stunning," but he said it in a casual way in the middle of a conversation when we were consulting about something else that was fairly serious. I was very uncomfortable with it and told my boyfriend about it, which then made him uncomfortable. He said I did nothing wrong, which I agree with, and since then I've tried to avoid the co-worker as much as possible.
Also since then, it came out that he hooked up with a colleague at work and then treated her poorly, causing her to be so upset she quit the job. I have noticed many many more ways that he is inappropriate, has horrible boundaries and moreso just has huge issues. We work in the mental health field and I have a higher position and degree than him so it REALLY bothers me to see how he acts.
Today he asked if I would write a letter of recommendation for him to go to counseling school. I personally think he could be a good clinician, if he had more training, so I think it's a great idea for him to learn boundaries, ethics, theories, etc. However, I feel really weird about writing him a letter of recommendation, mainly because my boyfriend was uncomfortable with him flirting with me, and also because I don't think he has good judgement at the moment, but he could eventually have it with the proper training. I'm a people pleaser so in the moment I said yes. But now I feel awkward, what do I do?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Guy at work hit on me, has horrible boundaries now he wants me to write him a letter of recommendation to go to school in the mental health field. | Guy at work hit on me, has horrible boundaries now he wants me to write him a letter of recommendation to go to school in the mental health field. | 622 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21F] with my mother [49F] and my sister [27F], Mother is paying for a trip to another country for her and my sister but not me? What do I do?
POST: I am currently in college with a 3.8 gpa. I work, go to school, and practice singing; I am a well rounded individual. My sister is 27, stuck working for my parents, and is possibly the laziest person I know.
Anyways I have always wanted to go to this particular country. My mother has known my obsession for this country and its culture. My uncle lives in this country and is getting married next summer! My sister lied to me saying she opened a credit card to pay for her trip to this wedding. I can't afford it because I am a poor college kid that can only pay her rent and basic necessities. My parents are relatively wealthy.
Today I found a receipt for a trip to this country in my mother's email (it was open on a computer at home), the email included two plane tickets, my sister's name on one of them. I called my mom asking her why she would do this and not pay for me to go because she knows how much I love this particular country. She quickly lied and said "I didn't pay for it" then hung up. Total lie. Her credit card receipt for two tickets is clearly in the email. I am so angry and hurt. I believe in being fair. I don't understand why she would pay for my sister's trip but not mine. My sister is 27 years old, shouldn't she pay for her own way?!
My mother has bought my sister and I both cars and trips to Europe during college. My mother even took her on a free trip from her work, but not me. What am I doing wrong? I do everything right and yet I still get the short end of the stick. I am so mad, I am thinking of just cutting ties and never talking to my mother again. Never doing anything for her again. I am sick of doing everything right and everything going to someone else that doesn't want it as much as I do.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Mother lies and pays for a trip for her and my deadbeat 27yro sister to gone on a trip to a country I have always wanted to visit. | Mother lies and pays for a trip for her and my deadbeat 27yro sister to gone on a trip to a country I have always wanted to visit. | 4,557 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/dogs
TITLE: [Help] My 10 year old rat terrier is acting different.
POST: I got my rat terrier (Bella) in 2006, she was about 6 months. My parents got her for a early birthday gift. This was my first dog, and I was in 6th grade when I got her. Recently she's been acting different. I know she's old, but I read that rat terrier's life expectancy is 17-24 years old on google. She hasn't been to the vet ever, my parents don't have extra money for vet fees and pills for dogs. Other than that she has been a happy lively gal. Here are some symptoms:
-Walks slow and responds slow; she barely even does what I tell her to do for a treat like roll over or sit. She just looks at me.
-she has slipped walking to the kitchen on our tile.
-She pee's quite frequently on the carpet.
-She lost most of her front teeth by now and her back molars are rotting.
-She doesn't run to the door when someone rings the door bell.
I am quite worried about her because she could not make it into the house after a walk this morning, a small step up into the doorway. I am thinking about going to the vet and seeing what's wrong with her this weekend. With my own money, I am a broke college student but I can't bear to see my baby like this. I almost had a panic attack on my way home because my mom didn't come straight home after work. She was left alone.
I've been trying to get outside with her, but shes super slow and just wants to go back inside most of the time.
Also, I want to have her meals cooked fresh (ground turkey and pumpkin or something like that) because of her lack of teeth.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My 10 year old rat terrier is acting slow, bearly eats anything, slips on the tile, doesn't respond to my commands | My 10 year old rat terrier is acting slow, bearly eats anything, slips on the tile, doesn't respond to my commands | 2,798 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [23m] am in my first relationship with an older Girlfriend [26] and we have different plans\views for the future.
POST: Hey there, so what triggered this post is my girlfriend showing me a list of potential baby names yesterday. I felt very uncomfortable because
a) I feel waaaay not ready to think about children
b) I don't think I actually ever want to have my own children.
So this lead to me staying up late feeling very weird and rethinking alot about our relationship. Being in a relationship with an older women is weird in a lot of ways. She already has a job, while I'm still in University and sometimes it feels like she lives 5 years in the future, while I can't let go of my teenager years. I'm not a theist, while she is catholic and themes like Marriage, children and our perception of the world etc. are not exactly on the same page, but we always said "we can figure that out when it looks like we'll be together for a long time" in the beginning. But now it actually looks like it, and I don't feel ready at all.
Our parents are starting to pressure and this is really bothering me too. I told her I'm not sure about children, but I think I know now, that I actually do not want them at all. I do not want to talk about the reasons, please just believe me I thought it through.
I just had to get this out of my system, because it's really hard on me, but I don't know if I should talk to her about it right now.
What do you think?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My girlffriend showed me a list of babany names, I don't feel ready to tell her I don't want children. | My girlffriend showed me a list of babany names, I don't feel ready to tell her I don't want children. | 2,686 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me(24F) with my boyfriend(25M), of almost a year, his birthday party is coming up and I'm anxious.
POST: Hello, been lurking for a while so thought I'd come to you guys for this little issue, it's minor but it means a lot to me.
My boyfriend is having a big birthday party in two weeks, it's the halloween weekend and we live in a country in europe that isn't really into halloween at all. He thought that it would be funny if people wanted to dress up a little, but he hasn't really told anyone yet. He did tell one of his female friends though, one who dresses very provocatively. I've told him that I'm not really comfortable with the whole costume thing. I don't particularly like how I look and I've always struggled with it, been bullied for all of my school years really. I also told him that of course I wouldn't tell him to change it, if that's what he wants. It's his birthday and he should have it exactly as he wants. He said ok and that we might talk about it later.
I then found out that his female friend has bought a costume and now I'm guessing it's a thing. So my question is, how do I deal with this? I can't get myself to tell him that I'm really not ok with it and that I don't want to be there. I need some advice about some tips for not feeling so anxious(I have anxiety aswell as body-image issues) at the party or some way for me to tell him so he really understands how uncomfortable I am about it. Normally we have no problem about openness in our relationship, but this is a really touchy subject for me and I'm kinda scared. Please help, and thank you in advance :)
TL;DR: . Assistant: | How do I deal with my anxiety over my boyfriends borthday party, where a provocatively dressed girl will be?? | How do I deal with my anxiety over my boyfriends borthday party, where a provocatively dressed girl will be?? | 2,543 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: To those of you currently struggling with an /r/aww addiction, and those of you in recovery, is this how you got hooked?
POST: Keep in mind, that i only found reddit about two weeks ago (the eternal war thing brought me, and i've been trapped here ever since). Up until two days ago i was raging to myself about having to sift through all these damn cats and "karma machines" on the front page, thinking to myself "what's the deal with all the cats? You gotta be some kinda nut to post a picture of a cat."
...and now here i am with this post...
i'm browsing the front page, see a post with a picture about a cat eating through the bag to get at the food, and immediately my brain goes: "Hey, we've got a picture of our wife's cat doing something like that, we should post it!"
Based on the sheer volume of /r/aww posts, i have rationalised that this kind of behaviour is more habit forming than smoking or crack or heroine. i don't even like cats: the little bastard my wife had, used to piss in my shoes. Ever put your foot into cold cat piss first thing in the morning, half awake cause you slept in, and already late for work? No sir, i don't like 'em.
"Best we don't play with fire, kid." i tells my brain, and i put the idea aside, and go about my business.
That was yesterday.
Today i am apparently STILL thinking about this damn picture, and i gotta ask, is this how you got hooked?
What kind of warning signs should i look for in myself and others, that they may be at risk of doing /r/aww, or may have already developed a problem with /r/aww?
What kind of supports and treatments are available for those addicted to /r/aww? Is there a twelve step program?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | saw post from /r/aww about a cat doing something, reminded of wife's cat doing something similar, shares unrelated cat piss anecdote (f u cat!) , asks questions about addiction. | saw post from /r/aww about a cat doing something, reminded of wife's cat doing something similar, shares unrelated cat piss anecdote (f u cat!) , asks questions about addiction. | 1,560 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (21F) love my boyfriend (21M), but I miss the 'new relationship' jitters. Is there any way to blend old and new?
POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. I love him so much, and he's very good to me. He's very attentive, gentle, and sweet. We have a decent sex life, and go out on dates often. I'm very committed to him and we plan to move in together after our last year of college.
So, my boyfriend's best friend from high school had his first-ever kiss a couple days ago. My boyfriend told me the whole story and it was adorable. It got me thinking about our first kiss and the whole buzzy feeling that came with it, the adrenaline. I realized I really missed it, and I got a teeny bit of regret thinking about how I'll never experience this again.
Is it possible to get that exciting feeling in an established relationship, or is comfort the inevitable result of an LTR? If it is possible to get the buzz back, any suggestions on how to do that?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I miss the adrenaline and excitement of a new relationship, but am in love with my boyfriend. Is there any way to reconcile these, or are my expectations too high? | I miss the adrenaline and excitement of a new relationship, but am in love with my boyfriend. Is there any way to reconcile these, or are my expectations too high? | 2,457 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by not attending the lessons
POST: I'm a freshman (civil engineering). I started off by going to the lessons, but soon enough I convinced myself I could study all this stuff by myself and I didn't need all these lessons. I do want to pass my exams ofcourse, and since they are coming up in exactly a month from now, I started checking the contents of my courses, also I have heard the last lessons each semester are the most important ones for several reasons.
So this one day - yesterday - I attended a whole day of school. The theory lesson of chemistry was over, I nearly understood it completely (feelsgoodman), next lesson is in 15 minutes. At this point, a cute girl randomly takes place next to me, I have nothing to do and nothing to lose, so I go for it.
Start the chat with a casual "hi", seems she is hesitant about talking at first (shy or so idk), her name is Ellen, tell her mine, small talk about school and think about asking her out. Conversation goes way better than expected, she has humour and she's pretty smart too, we come at the point of talking about chemistry (next lesson is an exercise session). Tell her I skip lessons "now and then", but I like chemistry and I ask her if she likes it too and maybe we can go out one night to continue what we were talking about.
At the point where I asked if she liked chemistry, she started looking weird at me. Chat was done, she stood up and said: "Lesson is going to start. Raise your hand if you need help, Martin. It was Martin, right?"...
>Mfw she is a PhD student in Chemical Technology and Material Science
>Leave the auditorium, will check the exercises at home
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I asked a PhD if she's interested in her research domain, she corrects exams and knows my first name and what I look like | I asked a PhD if she's interested in her research domain, she corrects exams and knows my first name and what I look like | 4,305 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [19F] am unsure about getting into a new relationship [19M]
POST: My last relationship lasted 10 months and I gave it my everything. It seemed like a perfect match until one day he gave me the "it's not you, it's me" (which albeit was valid, as he does suffer from severe depression). It took me a while, but I recovered. That was about 4 months ago.
Flash forward to now. After that didn't work out, I started going on casual dates and meeting new people. I actually found I really enjoyed it. It gave me space to focus on schoolwork (I'm an engineering major and have 3 jobs on campus so I'm pretty busy) and an openness in my social life. A few weeks ago, I met this guy at a party, and we started flirting, nothing crazy, kissed, then I left. I thought it was a one-off thing, but we ended up going on a few dates before break and talk a lot now.
He's made it very clear that he wants a relationship. He doesn't play mind games (my ex did and I hated it) and is genuinely very sweet and we're surprisingly compatible. Honestly, I could see it working out really well. The issue is that I have found that I really enjoy the single life. After giving so much to a relationship and watching it flounder, I realized that I can be all that I need, and while this new guy is wonderful, I don't really want the commitment attached to a 'relationship'. I'm still really young and I want to enjoy college. At the same time, I don't want to miss out on a potentially really wonderful guy, nor do I want to hurt him at all. Help?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | met a wonderful guy, but I've grown accustomed to (and really enjoy) being single. At the same time, I'm having major FOMO about the relationship. | met a wonderful guy, but I've grown accustomed to (and really enjoy) being single. At the same time, I'm having major FOMO about the relationship. | 5,960 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My (20F) mother (50sF) despises me for not letting her have access to my bank account information.
POST: I'll try to make this brief.
In order to build up my credit my mother and I made a deal: I would open up a credit card from my bank in my name and she would pay the bill after seeing the transactions. It is set up to where you log on to one account and you can see all my accounts besides the credit card (my two savings and personal checking). The savings and checking accounts are all funds I have earned or saved from gifts.
I have never denied my mother from seeing the transactions on my credit card. Whenever she asks I happily take screen shots and send them to her (I used to just show her in person but now I have moved.) She is upset that I do this and won't give her access to all my accounts. She claims she wants to balance her books correctly but my personal money has nothing to do with her books. It's my money and I don't want anyone to have access to it.
She accuses me of being "so secretive" with my accounts when I simply don't want anyone to have access to my money. I see it as it is non of her business but she sees it as you're my daughter, show me your money.
Am I wrong for no giving her access to my accounts? What should I do? I don't have a job, after continuously looking and applying I still haven't gotten any calls, and I'm afraid she will get angry and stick with me the bill and drain my savings.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Mother (50s) wants access to all my banking accounts but I (20F) don't want her to. She gets extremely angry and yells whenever I tell her no. | Mother (50s) wants access to all my banking accounts but I (20F) don't want her to. She gets extremely angry and yells whenever I tell her no. | 6,346 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: BF broke up with me twice, and I don't know how to move past feeling so hurt...
POST: Two weeks ago, my 21 yr boyfriend and I (20 yrs female) went through a really rough spot. We've been dating for 7 months, and I thought we were both really happy, but one morning I go to his apartment and found a note he had drunkenly written reminding himself to break up with me. Long story short, he said that he had been feeling too tied down and had been 'faking' the relationship for the past several weeks. We decided to take a break so he could think, since he said he still had feelings for me.
The very next day, he ends up breaking up with me, but 4 hours later, at 2 in the morning, he calls me to say that he's at my back door. He tells me that he felt really terrible and that when he went home after the breakup, he saw reminders of me everywhere, and when he went for an hour long drive, all he could think about was missing me and how he wanted me back.
So now, we're back together, but instead of spending time with him 4-5 days out of the week, its more like 1 or 2. He also promised to never lie to me about his feelings again. And I can live with the reduced contact, but I'm just so hurt from the two times he broke up with me that I feel like I can't talk to him about how I'm feeling anymore. I still want to be with him, but how can I get past the pain/betrayal? Please note that this is his first relationship.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | my boyfriend broke up with me twice in 2 days, but now we're together, and I don't know how to get past the pain/betrayal I'm feeling. | my boyfriend broke up with me twice in 2 days, but now we're together, and I don't know how to get past the pain/betrayal I'm feeling. | 882 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: Might be a victim of identity theft but have never used any services from a bank
POST: I was looking to open my first credit card a few weeks ago and the clerk informed me that my SSN was used by another person at the same bank to open an account. He was very reserved about what he could and could not disclose to me about the person even after I went to the SS office for a verification of my number. Instead of opening a credit card like I had hoped, the representative suggested a debit card which is what I have currently. However, I am still in the dark when it comes to the standing of my credit. Although my first personal and legitimate transaction with any sort of bank only recently occurred, it seems as if someone has already opened at least one account under my name. I've attempted to call TransUnion and made an account on their website to try to smooth out my identity theft mishap but they require a credit card number to go any further. I might be a little paranoid because this is my first stab into finance, so I need another take on my situation. What should I do from here? I know somebody other than myself is in possession of my SSN but I'm feeling helpless about what I can do about it since everything I've looked up on comes back to establishing a credit report first.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Never opened a bank account before, but someone else has under my SSN and may be using it for many other criminal devices. What to do? | Never opened a bank account before, but someone else has under my SSN and may be using it for many other criminal devices. What to do? | 1,496 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Feels like me(20) being pregnant is guilting my BF(23) to stay with me.
POST: Hello, fellow redditors!
I'm 20 years old and 23 weeks pregnant. I'm in a relationship with my BF (23) for a year now. Let's just say that my BF and I couldn't keep it in our pants and I got pregnant. It was to late for an abortion when we found out. I have been having some kidney problems and the pregnancy tests where negative. So we just assumed my period is late because of my kidneys. We could have applied for an abortion because of the "special" circumstances but we decided to keep the baby. My kidneys are fine now and I'm carrying a healthy little kicker.
Well because of the circumstances, I feel like I'm ruining my BF's life. We decided to keep the baby together. And I told him that anytime he changes his mind he can get out. He says that it's his responsibility as well and that he loves me. But he just, well seems sad and stressed. I on the other hand am happy for the baby. Wasn't at first but I just got used to the idea. I guess it's all these pregnancy hormones at work, but I'm enjoying every kick I feel and the thought of holding my baby just blows my mind. In a good way. :)
It's not exactly what I planned but I don't feel like the baby is gonna ruin my life. Should I feel like that? If I feel a kick, or read something new about pregnancy/baby development I'm afraid to tell my BF. I'm afraid how he would feel if I reminded him that I'm pregnant. I know that I should just talk to him, but I'm afraid he will just say what I want to hear instead of being completaly honest. I just wish he was happy. With the idea of being with me and the baby, or if he would decide to leave. It would brake my heart but I love him and just wish he was happy one way or the other.
What do you suggest? How can I ask him subtly how he feels and convince him if needed that he doesn't have to stay just out of guilt?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I feel like my BF isn't happy for our pregnancy and that he's only staying out of guilt even tho he says he loves me. Need advice on how to subtly talk to him without offending him. | I feel like my BF isn't happy for our pregnancy and that he's only staying out of guilt even tho he says he loves me. Need advice on how to subtly talk to him without offending him. | 3,896 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: I'm pretty (95) sure my SO's parents are racist =/, what things do u put up with that bother you alot for the sake of somehing else?
POST: Yeah so... I was suspicious as to why she wouldn't tell her friends/family in the first place and she mentioned how much I am not like the usually guys she goes for. I thought she meant my personality because I'm a little different, but after about 3 months of talking to her I realized she was not only referring to that but also my skin tone, she admits to certain people in her family having old fashioned ideas, like her dad would be fine with us together but he would never approve of us getting married because I'm half black... not that that is what I'm looking for but she laughed it off XD and I was all like holy fuck that's racist O_O... never met the guy before in my life but the things she tells me just raises more concerns than subsides them. I have talked indirectly to her mom I think she is less but she has a bad opinion of me cause I've made my mistakes.
I know she wants me to meet her family eventually but her grandparents "aren't allowed to know about me yet". I honestly don't mind walking into a racist family situation, been there done that and i know it means a lot to her so I'll bite the bullet and run with the scissors if it'll make her feel better. oh and they aren't white or particularly wealthy.
I'll take advice and hear what reddit has to say, but what I want to know is what are other akward/weird/out of the ordinary things you have to put up with that is obviously uncomfortable for you the sake of someone else?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My SO's parents are racist, she done a bad job trying to convince me otherwise but I plan on meeting with them eventually just cause she would like me to. | My SO's parents are racist, she done a bad job trying to convince me otherwise but I plan on meeting with them eventually just cause she would like me to. | 1,054 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [19 M] with my GF [17 F] of 1.5 years who suffers from depression/anxiety. How/should I end it?
POST: Became really close friends with a mutual friend of many of my friends. We fell in love and have been dating semi-long distance for 1.5 years (75 miles; college). She was diagnosed with anxiety and depression around month 8.
Ever since this school year started, she has been cancelling plans left and right. Sometimes it's "I need to clean up the house before relatives get here next week", sometimes she just never contacts me/responds until it's 11PM and there's absolutely no way we'd spend time together. She always says she's really upset that we couldn't spend time together and that she misses me and loves me more than she could ever express. I haven't seen her in about a month, and because we're so busy in school we rarely talk for more than 10 minutes every other day. I used to FaceTime her, but it just makes me feel awful when I do. I don't want to leave her because she's perfect for me on paper. Also, I don't want to make her even more depressed because I still care about her very deeply.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Depressed girlfriend becoming increasingly distant over past months, not sure what to do. Should I wait the extra month for summer break and see if it's just the distance creating tension, or should I end it now? | Depressed girlfriend becoming increasingly distant over past months, not sure what to do. Should I wait the extra month for summer break and see if it's just the distance creating tension, or should I end it now? | 3,995 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/jobs
TITLE: Asked potential employer when I could expect to hear back from them, got an unexpected response. Advice? (x-post from /r/jobsearch)
POST: This was originally posted in /r/jobsearch, but I'd like as much input as possible.
Hi all! I'm through 3 rounds of interviews with a company I'm really excited about, but one thing left me stumped. The interviews went very well, really long, and they seem interested in me. I asked if I could expect to hear back from them "next week" (which is this week), and the interviewer said:
"Hopefully, but if you want to talk to someone, feel free to call us. If there's anything you want to add, don't feel like you have to wait to hear from us."
I know they want to hire ASAP and they interviewed another candidate yesterday. I've already mailed them a handwritten thank you letter that should arrive today (tomorrow at the latest), but now I'm wondering if I should reach out to them. I can't tell if he said that because he wants me to call them and show interest, or if I'm just overanalyzing everything because I really want this job. What do you guys think? I'm happy to provide more details if I left out anything pertinent.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Interviewer said I should feel free to reach out to them if I don't hear back, not sure if I should do that or be patient. | Interviewer said I should feel free to reach out to them if I don't hear back, not sure if I should do that or be patient. | 703 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [20M] and close friend [20F] have hooked up a few times, developed feelings for one another but she is unsure if she wants to commit
POST: Me and my friend go way back, around 8-9 years or so, last year I lost my virginity to her as a drunken one night stand. We keep being friends and get past all that, I had a brief relationship and so did she. the same thing happened a few months ago too and we hooked up again. This time however we are quite open and flirty with each other over Skype/texts etc (she lives in a different city to me)
Last week we admitted that we had feelings for each other. She hooks up with a lot of guys as one night stands and that's all cool and fine but she says that she doesn't know if she could commit to a long distance relationship. Because we have been incredibly close friends for quite a long time we decided that she should visit me in January (she is off on a work expedition for a month) and see how it goes. We've booked tickets and everything and I'm super pumped but I still have a little niggle.
She's clearly open to the idea of being in a relationship with me but still has reservations whereas I am falling for her kinda hard. What should I do?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Close friends with 20F for years, we had sex a few times and have feelings for each other, live in different cities and she is unsure if she wants to commit but I am getting stronger feelings for her | Close friends with 20F for years, we had sex a few times and have feelings for each other, live in different cities and she is unsure if she wants to commit but I am getting stronger feelings for her | 2,831 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Not sure how I (24/m) feel about girl (22/f) that I've been dating for a month
POST: So I've been dating this girl for a month and on paper we are perfect for each other. On the outside, we have a lot in common in that we like the same kind of music, same food, same movies etc, but also on the inside we are the same in that, we are both quite independent, we both are ambitious, both have the same cultural values, but most importantly we approach life the same. I have met a lot of people in my life (due to my job and how my social life is) and I genuinely have very rarely met anyone who has the same approach to life as me but who I also want to pursue a relationship with.
However I have stumbled across a problem... Normally when I like a girl, I normally fall quite fast, quite hard for them. However, with this girl, only half the time do I feel infatuated for her, while the other half I'm not very bothered. E.g. Normally when a girl doesn't text me back for a couple of hours, I get quite concerned, but with her, I don't really pay attention. I'm quite confused as to why I'm not feeling fully infatuated with her - Is it because I either:
a) Am not really that interested in her.
b) Realise that this relationship is doomed because she is moving back to her home country at the end of next year.
c) Am still numb from the pain that my ex-girlfriend inflicted on me when she cheated on me a year ago.
d) Am growing up/have a job and therefore the feeling of infatuation has reduced, but I'm also too busy with work to care.
e) All of the above
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Why am I not as infatuated with this girl who is on paper, perfect for me, as I normally am with other girls before? | Why am I not as infatuated with this girl who is on paper, perfect for me, as I normally am with other girls before? | 29 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: [31 M] paranoid with gf [30F] 3mths. Sends an email which never arrives. Sobers up, won't tell me what's in it
POST: She goes away on holiday. The morning she's due to come home she texts saying she's drunk and horny can't wait to get home and may need to have sex in the airport. Brilliant. Followed by a text saying that she has sent me an email which I should read before I pick her up. No email arrives. She replies later 'probably just as well!' I say she could just copy&paste into a msg but she doesn't reply.
Anyway, she was drunk and while I got those messages in the middle of the night, later on in the day, I'm still a bit curious. So I text and ask and she replies but ignores the curiosity.
I pick her up at the airport, and though she travelled with a big group of friends (about 10, mostly all couples), she's on her own and her eyes are bloodshot. She's obviously tired but I feel she's a bit distant - like she won't let me push the trolley for her.
I decided beforehand I wouldn't mention the earlier text as I wanted to give her a chance to bring it up herself - she doesn't. Unsuprisingly, no shenanigans either. She's tired so I let it go.
Anyway, I'm chewing on this all day and realise I can't wait any longer so I text and say that I think she should tell me what was in the email. She says it was deleted when she sobered up. I say I think she should tell me what was in it, she also refuses. I say then I'll continue to think the worst, she says it was a topless photo. I ask if she's deleted it, she says she has.
It does make some sense about it being a photo, except:
* she has sent me a photo before
* but through MMS, not email
* she could have been straightup about it being a photo, and not an 'email' right from the start
And that's where it stands...
TL;DR: . Assistant: | She says the deleted email was a nudey pic. I don't believe her and I'm having an ol' freakout | She says the deleted email was a nudey pic. I don't believe her and I'm having an ol' freakout | 1,717 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [28/M] broke up with my gf [26/F] a year ago, but I wish we could be friends so bad
POST: There were deep problems in our relationship that made it clear that I had to end our relationship of a year and a half. But she wasn't only my girlfriend. She was my best friend. I loved her personality. She's so funny and has the best taste. She's cool and intelligent without being pretentious. And we would make each other laugh all the time. We had incredible inside jokes, and could act like idiots around each other. I miss all of those things.
When we broke up, she said that I could no longer be in her life in any way. She was still deeply in love, and said that the only way for her to heal was to cut me off completely. She blocked me on all social media, and we haven't spoken one word since.
I have thought about reaching out to her, but each time that idea pops up, I realize it would be probably be cruel to contact her. Like, she has to go through her own healing process, and it would be messed up to potentially interrupt that process for purely selfish reasons (because I wish I could have her in my life as a friend).
However, my friends are still friends with her on facebook/instagram, and they have told me that she seems to have moved on and be doing great. I actually saw a post that she made on twitter once that said that she had officially "moved on." This is really beautiful news, and I am so happy for her. Granted, that is just social media and you can't assume that that is an exact representation of how she feels.
However, do you think that it would be wrong to reach out to her? Like all I want is for her to know that if she wants me in her life as a friend, that I would like to be her friend.
Would really appreciate anyone's advice/insights. Thank you.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Broke up with my gf, she cut me off completely, and I miss her friendship so much. Can I contact her? | Broke up with my gf, she cut me off completely, and I miss her friendship so much. Can I contact her? | 3,111 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [24 M] with my girlfriend [23 F] 6 months (3 in person, 3 long distance), growing distant and wants a break
POST: So my girlfriend and I have been dating for about 6 months now, the last 3 of which have been long distance (about 1k+ miles apart). When we were together in person everything was absolutely wonderful, we were very in love and talked all the time when not together. No issues to speak of. Then classes ended for the semester (we are both grad students) and I stayed in the city our university is in while she returned to her hometown because she could not afford rent over the summer.
At first, while long distance, everything was still great. She was stressed some, but because of unrelated factors, and I did my best to be there for her even from so far away. But now, 3 months later, things have tapered off. We barely talk anymore, though I still attempt to get conversations going. I am fairly certain it is all the long distance that is causing it, since neither of us has been able to visit the other and it is not a very long lasting relationship so far to begin with.
Anyway, she just texted me that she wants a break until she returns. We knew going into summer that we would be apart for only the 4 month period that is summer break from classes, and while a bit lonely I have not had too many issues waiting for her to return so we can be together again. She says she just wants to be on break until she gets back, but with how distant we have been I am worried. Should I be? I feel like I am rambling by now, but I just wanted to put this somewhere and maybe get some advice.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My girlfriend wants a break and I just need some advice, this is my first relationship and I don't really want it to end now when it was going so well. | My girlfriend wants a break and I just need some advice, this is my first relationship and I don't really want it to end now when it was going so well. | 2,145 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I (39F) don't seem to have any "best" friends or a circle of friends.
POST: I've always been a bit of introvert, probably from being an only child. A little socially awkward probably... tact is not something that has always come naturally to me, but I have a good heart and have never meant to hurt anyone's feelings on purpose. Now that I've gotten older, I tend to not say anything rather than say the wrong thing.. so people think I'm just the "quiet one," when that's not really the case; I'm just afraid they won't like me or I'll make an ass of myself.
I've never had a ton of friends.. in high school I hung out with my boyfriend's "crowd" because I didn't have my own. I'd have one or two good friends, but that was about it. I was in high school 20 years ago.. before Facebook, Internet, cell phones etc. I think having those things would have helped my social life a lot.
Facebook has helped me reconnect with a lot of people, but not many of them seem particularly interested in hanging out or getting closer with me. Everyone is so busy with their own lives, it's almost like everyone already has their "best friends" and don't need any new ones. So this would happen.. reconnect with an old friend on FB, go to lunch once, attend one party together.. and then never really hear from them again outside of FB. Don't get invited to the social gatherings they post pics of on FB.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do get a few invites to do lunch, but pretty much no one texts me during the day to share a funny joke or something or ask me how I am. I don't have a lot of really close friendships, I guess is what I am trying to say. The people I'm closest to are my husband and my mom. I feel like I have a lot of friendly people in my life, but no "real" friends.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I have trouble making and keeping friends, and do not have a real circle of friends or any "best" friends. This problem has plagued me my whole life. | I have trouble making and keeping friends, and do not have a real circle of friends or any "best" friends. This problem has plagued me my whole life. | 1,716 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/weddingplanning
TITLE: Just picked up my dress and nearly had a heart attack...
POST: Figured you guys would appreciate this more than my FH, so I'm unloading here instead of on him...haha. So a little backstory here - I ordered my dress back in March, and have since been put on a medication that's caused my appetite to skyrocket. I've always been petite, so gaining 10-12lbs in a few months has been a bit of a blow to my self-esteem (I know, it could be a lot worse and I'm still at a healthy weight, but I'm totally being a baby about it.) Monday night I got the exciting news that my dress was in, so I went tonight to go pick it up! Yayyyy/pleasegodihopeitstillfits. The lady had me try to put it on over my head...and it won't budge over my hips. Like, at all. Cue major panic and me silently dying on the inside. After a few minutes of trying she decided to have me step into it, and thankfully that worked! Phewwwww. Still a bit snug in my hips, but totally doable. Bonus sigh of relief: found out they're actually discontinuing my dress, so if I had waited much longer to shop I would have missed out!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | thought my dress didn't fit and came closer to a meltdown than I'd like to admit. Learned the hard way that legs first is the way to go with a mermaid dress! Also, [dress pic!]( | thought my dress didn't fit and came closer to a meltdown than I'd like to admit. Learned the hard way that legs first is the way to go with a mermaid dress! Also, [dress pic!]( | 4,052 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Boyfriend's (24) dad (50s?) makes me (23) feel uncomfortable.
POST: I've been dating my boyfriend almost a year and I have met his parents a number of times, though they live almost two hours away from us. His dad constantly comments on how I look and I hate it. I think it's why his mom doesn't like me. He'll tell me that he likes tall girls (I'm 5'9", wife is probably 5'4") and point out to his wife how I eat less and that's why I'm so much skinnier than her. This makes me feel awful, especially because I like his mom a lot. Last time I saw him, he said I should come with them to the next Star Trek convention and wear the outfit the girls wear in the Mirror, Mirror episode. His mom is never mean to me, just ignores his father and me, most of the time, which I totally understand and I wish he would knock it off.
My boyfriend acts like it's totally normal, and I feel like if I say anything it will make everything awkward forever. I definitely plan on marrying this guy, and we're having Thanksgiving at his parents next week. I'm inclined to dress frumpy around his father, but I also hate the idea of him influencing my appearance. We see him maybe once a month, but we're also going to Las Vegas with his family for Christmas. I'm just frustrated this is something I have to deal with.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Boyfriend's dad makes inappropriate comments about my appearance. I hate it but don't know what to do about it. | Boyfriend's dad makes inappropriate comments about my appearance. I hate it but don't know what to do about it. | 1,147 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Pets
TITLE: Hello /r/pets, please help me with a poop problem!
POST: Sorry for the lack of better title... >.> and I hope this is the right section for these sort of concerns.
I've always wanted a dog or cat, and I would discuss all kinds of pet related subjects with both pet owning and non-pet owning friends. One day a friend says "dogs/cats obviously can't use toilet paper after they do their business, right? So imagine, anything they sit on... Floor, couch, bed, your shirt.... Isn't that gross...??? I agreed, it is a bit gross. It caused my mind to conjure chain events that made me shudder and slightly reconsider the idea of owning a dog/cat. I don't know much about dogs/cats so I am not even sure if there is merit to what he said. I don't know how common these ideas are but I would like to read how people feel about this topic!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Dogs/cats can't clean their butts and it's making me worried about how that will affect other objects in my life. Please tell me what you feel about it! | Dogs/cats can't clean their butts and it's making me worried about how that will affect other objects in my life. Please tell me what you feel about it! | 2,330 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [28F] with my BF [31M], 3+ years, not sure if I need to tell the entire truth about my past relationships
POST: I've been with my boyfriend for 3+ years and I have started thinking about the future and marriage. One thing that bothers me sometimes is that I have been purposefully vague about my past relationships and I don't know if I need to open up to him and tell him everything. We are both quiet, introverted people that don't necessarily share every minute detail, so it hasn't been a big deal.
I was in an emotionally abusive relationship in the past, and had a couple of short-term relationships after that where I was still emotionally unstable. I did some things I am not proud of (breaking up by no contact with one guy, dated another controlling man and then kissed someone else so we would break up) when I was younger. However, I've matured and learned about healthy relationships. I've been in 1-2 healthy relationships before I met my current boyfriend. Most people who know me now don't know any of this, and I an genuinely happy and fulfilled in my personal and professional life. It's only when I sometimes think back to the past I sort of freeze up inside.
I have tried to see a couple of therapists (one after I ended the abusive relationship, and one a few years after that). But both of them stopped seeing me after a few sessions because I seemed pretty well-adjusted and was capable of dealing with the issues. I got some good advice about accepting myself and having healthy habits (exercise, eating well, sleeping well, etc.) to cope, but otherwise nothing major. The message I took away was that the past is in the past and I should work on the here and now.
My question is, do I need to tell my current boyfriend the entire truth? He knows about the abusive relationship (not the details, just that I was in one) and that I was "wild" in my youth (but again, not specifically what). I am very happy in my current relationship, we are both supportive of each other, and this never comes up. Do I need to try therapy again even if this isn't really causing me any daily stress?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I've been with my boyfriend for 3+ years, was purposefully vague about past relationships. Now that I am considering marriage I don't know if I need to go into much detail or just forget the past. | I've been with my boyfriend for 3+ years, was purposefully vague about past relationships. Now that I am considering marriage I don't know if I need to go into much detail or just forget the past. | 3,540 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My close friend [20F] barely speaks to me [20M] after a year away at university.
POST: (Just to clarify, she is my friend, we are not dating.)
I have a close friend that I have known for several years. In September she moved cities for university.
We hung out a few times when she came back home for the weekend and everything seemed ok.
We were talking less than normal but that's to be expected since were both in school but I tried my best to stay in touch.
During second semester we barely spoke. I thought I could get things back on track when the summer started.
She has been back home for 2 months now, still barely speaking to me and I haven't seen her in 7 months. I've asked her to hang out several times.
I'm not sure how to approach this, I don't want to make things complicated with her. I afraid maybe we just drifted apart and there's nothing I can do to fix it.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Close friend isn't talking to me, haven't seen her in 7 months. And I have no idea how to talk to her about it or if I even should. | Close friend isn't talking to me, haven't seen her in 7 months. And I have no idea how to talk to her about it or if I even should. | 4,973 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Family: Me [27F] with my dad [63 M], he has a weird sense of humor and I have to keep deleting his comments on my Facebook. --- **tl;dr**: Mandatory summary/question!
POST: My dad has a weird sense of humor. He gets on these kicks of long stretches of running with a joke or theme that was never funny to begin with.
For example, for an entire weekend he called me every fat joke imaginable because I have gained a few pounds. Keep in mind, even after gaining "a lot" of weight, I still only weigh 130 lbs. 5' 4" tall so that's still on the pretty thin side of your average person. I just laughed it off and kept saying haha, very funny. Look at yourself, lol.
Recently, he's gotten into this kick that my pets look like they are dead and stuffed and keeps leaving comments on my Facebook photos to that effect. Who does your taxidermy? Yep, they look pretty dead to me. Stuff like that. Now, I have three fur babies, so I post a lot of pictures of them. I keep deleting his comments because they are wierd and inappropriate.
My dad and I haven't always gotten along. We only see each other maybe once a month. Facebook is a main way of communicating for us. I don't want to block him from commenting or unfriend him because I want him to be able to use Facebook to communicate. How should I tell him that he can only comment on my Facebook if it's not offensive or inappropriate? How do I explain why his comments are not funny? He can be kind of immature (age is just a number) so I can see him saying something like, fine if you don't want me to talk to you I won't...
TL;DR: . Assistant: | my dad keeps commenting that my pets look dead and stuffed on my Facebook photos. How do I tell him that is not funny/weird/to stop? Without cutting him off or offending him? | my dad keeps commenting that my pets look dead and stuffed on my Facebook photos. How do I tell him that is not funny/weird/to stop? Without cutting him off or offending him? | 5,832 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I [36 M] want to know why it's worth it.
POST: I am 36 years old. My longest relationship was in HS, lasted a little over a year. I have been through the death of both my parents and helped someone raise a child for a year before finding out it wasn't mine. I have done this with no one "by my side." I've grown, I've improved my life, I've found happiness and joy, strength in adversity, hope, etc... I didn't need someone to "never abandon me" or "to stick with me" while I did this. For the past year I have actively avoided dating with nothing but good results. My life is bigger, I've accomplished the majority of my goals, I've become a better man.
My life seems to fall apart, however, when I try to date or romantically connect with someone. Some people feel this makes me pathetically dysfunctional. Maybe they're right.
Last week the internet exploded with "LoveWins" and all I can think is "Wins what? Every married person I know is miserable." They've been cheated on, lied to, died on and disappointed. I hear constant complaints that they want out, they're only there for the kids, their SO has held them back, they wish they'd chosen differently. They can't agree on friends, activities, living arrangements, or sexual patterns. There is a constant stream of lamentation about how inconvenient and difficult relationships are.
I never hear people talk about what makes relationships worthwhile.
If getting into and suriving a relationship is such a humiliating, terrifying, frustrating, and heartbreaking ordeal, what's the payoff?
If you are in a relationship, or know that you want one, could you share with me why? What appeals to you about them? What have you gained from them? What makes you stay/keep looking?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I've given up on the idea that relationships are worthwhile. Help me see what I'm missing. What makes your relationship worth it? | I've given up on the idea that relationships are worthwhile. Help me see what I'm missing. What makes your relationship worth it? | 1,520 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me (29 F) with ex (29 M), wondering if I should try and start things again?
POST: My ex an I broke up in December for the following reasons:
-Possibly incompatible future plans
-Different personal habits (he's very meticulous, I'm pretty slap dash and we get annoyed at each other)
-He messages other women and numerous points in our relationship, even after we agreed to be monogamous (this is the big one, of course)
-He's from a different culture and making his family accept me would be difficult.
-Different communication styles (more open vs contained)
-When together, we both felt hesitation/had difficulty committing to a future together.
The following is why I want to get back together:
-I miss him
-He's said he could stop messaging others/commit if we get back together
-I don't know if I'll ever find anyone that I'm that connected to
Is this relationship worth retrying on? Help. I have mixed feelings.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Feeling the urge to get back with my ex, should I try it? Should I give it more time and see how I feel? | Feeling the urge to get back with my ex, should I try it? Should I give it more time and see how I feel? | 424 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by giving my muslim friend pork
POST: This was about 2 years ago but its a pretty large fuck up. So that day I had a friend stay over at mine and the morning after we went for some breakfast. Theres a bunch of chinese food stalls near where I live and I recommended them for some noodles. He says " yeah sure as long as its halal" ( since he was muslim and infact a strongly devoted one too) . I wasn't thinking and assured him that the food was 100% safe for him to eat.
Next thing were eating the noodles and some pork.He's munching away at the pork with no knowledge that it is actually pig meat. He keeps saying that the food here is amazing and the meat is really really good etc etc. I'm not thinking at the time and only till about a day later I realize that I had pretty much fed him pork. Fuck.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Gave my muslim friend pork without him or I knowing. He enjoyed it like no other food he had before. | Gave my muslim friend pork without him or I knowing. He enjoyed it like no other food he had before. | 2,574 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: My Grandma likes to spoil me (25/F) and my family makes me feel guilty about it.
POST: I am 25 years old and my Grandma's first grandchild, ever since I was little she always liked me to visit her and do things with her. She would even take me school clothes shopping every year because my family didn't have the money.
At 25, she still does these things for me (minus school clothes shopping). She always wants me to visit her house for about a week every year and she always insists on taking me places and buying me things (Not expensive things, mostly like thrift store clothes or maybe 1-2 new things), or if we go out to eat she always pays, she pays for everything basically. If I try to refuse something or offer to pay, she flat out refuses and won't let me.
She even buys me a plane ticket just to visit my family and her each year (we live in different states now), even when I say I have money and can pay, she INSISTS I let her pay.
My family thinks I shouldn't let her do these things for me, but it makes her happy. When I turn things down she wants to buy me, she gets sad and upset. I don't know whether or not to just let her do this, or what.
I don't know if it's all because my parents feel jealous or guilty because they don't have the money to do the things my Grandma does for me and they wish they could.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Grandma likes to buy things for me but my family says I shouldn't let her. I don't know what to do. | Grandma likes to buy things for me but my family says I shouldn't let her. I don't know what to do. | 4,516 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance
TITLE: 401k rollover advice before attending grad school
POST: I'm leaving my current position at the end of this month to go to grad school this coming fall. I have a fully vested 401k with my company that is managed through Transamerica and I'm wondering what to do with it.
I already have a Roth IRA with Vanguard (and I've read some of the other posts about the ease of doing a direct rollover with them) where the money could certainly go but I just wanted to see if there were other options.
Is it advisable to try to diversify my accounts and invest the money in an account other than a Roth IRA? Or is simply rolling the 401k into the IRA the best idea? If there's any sort of high risk/high yield fund which may help me offset some of my future debt, that is a risk I may be willing to take.
Alternatively I know that simply taking the cash and paying the tax is usually not advised but as I'll have no more income for the rest of the year I'm wondering if it may be an option.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Have a fully vested 401k, going to grad school this fall and I'm wondering what to do with this 401k | Have a fully vested 401k, going to grad school this fall and I'm wondering what to do with this 401k | 2,604 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [28 F] with my girlfriend[40 F] 4 months, issue with her ex.
POST: Hi Everyone,
So, here's my issue: My girlfriend is still friends with her ex (they dated for 8 years) and they are in the same social circle. Whenever there is an outing, her ex is typically present.
I have no issues whatsoever with my girlfriends ex, but I believe she does with me. She will not greet me or make eye contact. She basically pretends I don't exist and is normal around everyone else.
We've never had a conversation because she won't acknowledge my existence. I have tried to bring this up with my girlfriend, but she ends up making excuses or defending her ex, so I can't go that route.
This is a pretty uncomfortable situation and I'm hopng for some mature tactics to change the situation for the better.
Thank you in advance!
TL;DR: . Assistant: | My gf is still friends with her ex and they are in the same social circle and the ex won't acknowledge my presence. | My gf is still friends with her ex and they are in the same social circle and the ex won't acknowledge my presence. | 4,687 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: I need help/advice - how do you cope with the sense of loss over the threat of 'breaking up' with your best friend? (xpost from /r/AskReddit)
POST: Basically, over the course of the last 6 months or so, I've slowly started to come to the realization that we may just not really have much commonality between us anymore. It seems we pretty much subscribe to different philosophies for almost everything, and while in the past 15 years this has never been a problem, lately it has been escalating. Part of me wonders if I'm just being the asshole that can't just overlook the differences anymore, but she's become increasingly defensive of her viewpoints even when no argument is taking place (partly catalyzed by her boyfriend whose philosophies are exactly in line with hers, so even when it's just the two of us hanging out it feels like a two-on-one - and I know part of my feelings from this are jealousy). I am just deeply disturbed by the idea of losing her as a friend due to some what SHOULD BE insignificant differences and I'm feeling more depressed than ever since that last big argument. I could go on and on but seeing as this probably won't even be read by anyone, I'll keep the details for later if there is actual interest.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I need help figuring out how to cope with sense of loss from the fact that my long time best friend and I are slowly "breaking up" | I need help figuring out how to cope with sense of loss from the fact that my long time best friend and I are slowly "breaking up" | 1,247 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21M] going through breakup with gf of 2 years [21F], can't bear going no-contact
POST: After browsing this sub it seems that the most common advice for people going through a breakup is to go no contact. However this really is easier said than done. My gf and I have been broken up for about a week now and I constantly find myself wanting to be with her and talk to her. She has been my best friend for years and I see her on a daily basis (we work together). Any time something good or bad happens in my day she is the first person I want to tell (and vice versa), and I want that to continue regardless of whether she is my girlfriend or just my friend.
We had been having difficulties recently, as she has expressed how she frequently misses being single. We have a very open and honest relationship so as much as it hurt to hear, we talked through it and ultimately decided the best thing to do is break up. We still really care about each other and I just don't believe that no-contact is the best way for us to go through this time.
She has been the most important person in my life for a while now, and I had always believed that even if we didn't end up together, we would remain an important part of each other's lives. Am I completely unrealistic in thinking this? I want to stay friends with her and let the feelings fade away naturally. Has anyone here ever successfully remained friends with their ex without going no-contact?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Gf of two years said she misses being single, we both want to remain friends. How do I healthily move on without cutting her out of my life? | Gf of two years said she misses being single, we both want to remain friends. How do I healthily move on without cutting her out of my life? | 3,004 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Is it possible to stay friends with the ex after he cheated on me?
POST: Backstory, I'll keep it as short as possible because it upsets me to think about it: My very recent ex (20M) and I (22F) had been dating for a year, he's spending the summer abroad, and he cheated on me three weeks ago. He told me immediately afterwards and we broke up. He and the other girl continued boning for a week and a half, when one day he realized that he still had feelings for me and broke it off with her, too. Right now, he tells me that he loves me and wants to be friends, and maybe in a few years we can get back together.
In moments of paranoia I'm convinced that he's still doing stuff with the other girl. I guess I can't trust him by this point. It has been a tumultuous three weeks, to say the least.
In an ideal world, I would like to be friends. We have great conversations about books, politics, and such, and I would hate to lose that relationship. More importantly, any romantic feelings I had for him are pretty much dead by this point. The thought of getting back together with him, even in the future, does not appeal to me in the least.
However, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to be calm about this betrayal. Obviously, I'm really hurt. I also don't like the fact that even though he's apologized for what he did, he's being very defensive and concerned about his reputation with our mutual friends.
So the question I'm grappling with now is whether or not it's wise to stay friends with him. I'm the kind of person who can't burn bridges without feeling guilty for months afterwards--I don't know if this is a problem or what, but the guilt is a big motivator. But will forgiving him reassure him that what he did was okay? Will cutting him off now jeopardize any chances of being friends in the distant future?
Has anyone else been able to stay friends in a situation like this before?
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Boyfriend cheated on me, wants to be friends. I don't like burning bridges so I'd rather stay friends, but the leftover hurt is muddling my thoughts on the matter. | Boyfriend cheated on me, wants to be friends. I don't like burning bridges so I'd rather stay friends, but the leftover hurt is muddling my thoughts on the matter. | 1,962 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [30M] dating a [30F] who says I need to open up to her. All my ex's have said similar. What am I doing wrong?
POST: Me [30M] dating a [30F] who says I need to open up to her. All my ex's have said similar. It has been a recurring trend where women assume I am not into them when I really am. If opening up is something everyone else does in relationships I genuinely do not know what that means. I am beginning to wonder if I am just not an emotive person, but how do I make her understand that?
Can anyone give an example of what they would consider their SO opening up to them?
It's not like I keep secrets or lie to them about anything, although I often keep my negative thoughts to myself. And I don't think I have much baggage in which to unload, I try to live a pretty simple life and don't stress much about other people. I more-or-less live my life as normal when in a relationship, go to movies, dinner and drinks, take a day trip to the beach, etc, and I enjoy the companionship of someone else. Her happiness is naturally important to me and I try to express it and show it by doing nice things like making dinners, taking trips, meeting her friends and family, small gifts etc. But on an emotional level I am clearly missing something.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Women accuse me of not opening up to them in relationships. Unsure if I don't not know how to open myself up to others or am an emotionless robot doomed to be alone. | Women accuse me of not opening up to them in relationships. Unsure if I don't not know how to open myself up to others or am an emotionless robot doomed to be alone. | 3,885 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/running
TITLE: I have a new found respect for new runners.
POST: So a little backstory: I ran all four years in high school and all 5 years in college at a nationally ranked D2 program. All in all I have run for 9 years never taking more than a month off a year. But, then I finished my eligibility for NCAA in April, and, quite frankly, I got lazy. I told myself I was going to take as much time off until I got "the itch" to run again. After 2 months, the itch came and I ran consistently for a week or two. Then, I took another 2 months off, maybe running once every two weeks (if that). So today I finally had enough of my laziness because I have been feeling depressed recently and I have attributed it to the fact I haven't been running, among other more deep-rooted issues. I went running this morning and struggled. 2 miles at an 8:30 pace, which earlier this year I would have considered a day off and not broken a sweat, nearly killed me. I finished my run and my heart rate was north of 180. Nearly passed out and threw up.
Now you lovely people may be wondering... why is he telling us this?
Well my comrades, if I did not know that with time this feeling of death would give way to a feeling of accomplishment and success, THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD EVER DECIDE TO START RUNNING.
So I say to you, slightly over-weight human being starting out thinking " I am gonna die," you won't. It'll take some time, but it'll get better with consistency and progression. Just know that you are brave and far more courageous than me you beautiful bastard you. So keep putting one foot in front of the other.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I'm out of shape as fuck, nearly passed out, but now I have renewed determination because of all of you c25k people out there. So thanks! | I'm out of shape as fuck, nearly passed out, but now I have renewed determination because of all of you c25k people out there. So thanks! | 2,006 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: brother (28M) and I (26M) recently got into an argument that got physical.
POST: My older brother and I are in our late twenties and are only two years apart. This afternoon we got into a physical altercation in front of family and strangers.
We were coming back from a family trip to Cancun and our seats were separated on our way back. I was sitting in the back and my mother, father, sis-in-law and brother were up towards the front. When the plane landed, they went directly to customs without letting me know. I got off the plane and couldn't find them. I waited around since my phone was dead, assuming they went to the bathroom. Eventually I ran to customs to find them in line. After sprinting to them I asked them why they left without letting me know. My brother got upset with this question and began calling me names in front of our mother and a line full of strangers, calling me immature, stupid and a p*ssy for thinking this way and not going straight to customs. I tried to explain to him why I brought it up, but he shoved me and continued arguing. Eventually I straightened up (I work out and box on a regular basis, while he is more of the sit at home activity/video gamer type) and told him it was not okay to do that. He proceeded to continue arguing and told me to "f---- off" and that he was "done with me and never to call him again". I was incredibly hurt by his words, but still upset that he would not respect my boundaries. I'm still up, hours later, wondering if this is a normal thing that happens or if I need to apologize. Please help and be blunt, I respect my older brother and consider him one of my best friends and have never sworn or raised my hand in anger to him. I care about him and his new family (he is recently married to a wonderful woman).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | brother(28m) and I(26m) got into a physical confrontation after a miscommunication. I asked him to respect my boundaries and he told me to F off. | brother(28m) and I(26m) got into a physical confrontation after a miscommunication. I asked him to respect my boundaries and he told me to F off. | 2,147 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: Me [21 M] with the [20 F] I've been seeing for 3 months, I have no idea how to end it.
POST: I met a nice girl and we hit it off about 3 months ago. I feel pressure from friends and her that now is around the time this thing becomes 'official'/exclusive or ends.
I want it to end because though she is a great person, I feel that spending time with her has had bad effects on both my studies and working life to such an extent that I can no longer fully enjoy her company. When we sleep together, I am always held back by her in the morning. I've missed work and nearly missed deadlines for college because of this.
Of course there are other factors, one perhaps as or even more important is that I have never had a relationship, feel I will never love her, do not want a relationship with her (or anyone really) and have no idea how to act while in one.
Taking what I have said into account, I want to end this. However, I feel doing so for such relatively arbitrary reasons is incredibly cruel and this has developed into a reluctance to do this.
My best friend has advised me not to worry about what she thinks of me after, but I am more worried about potentially causing her a lot of emotional pain because despite the disfunctional aspects of our relationship, I am awfully fond of her.
Reddit, persuade me, berate me and advise me on how to handle this situation.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Met a really nice girl, but am not happy and do not know how to end it due to severe lack of life experience. | Met a really nice girl, but am not happy and do not know how to end it due to severe lack of life experience. | 4,974 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: How to rebuild [19] trust in a relationship, shes [18], we've been off and on for two years.
POST: Well, basically I am/was dating this girl off and on for about two years. I've had 5 other serious relationships before this one, and I can honestly say, this has been on of the most unique/intimate relationship i have ever been apart of. I've never cried in front of a girl until this one (multiple times) and i've never told a girl I loved her without trying to get into her pants. Over the past few months, we've had some trust issues, (we'd break up for like a day she'd hook up with someone, id do the same) and now we have very rough trust issues and she's convinced that it will never work or be the same, but i can tell shes indecisive, and I feel as though anything is possible with this girl because I swear to god if real love exists, this is the one of my life. (We've been together since I was a junior in highschool, I'm now a sophomore in college(19), shes a freshmen in college(17)).
What do i do.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Two year long relationship, found the love of my life, How do you rebuild trust, I don't want to lose her. | Two year long relationship, found the love of my life, How do you rebuild trust, I don't want to lose her. | 4,664 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by fixing an autographed signature.
POST: Like most TIFU's, this happened many years ago. This was about seven years ago when I was seven.
Now, I come from a family of die-hard Boston Red Sox fans. The Red Sox have just one their second World Series parade and we just got back from it. Like I said, die-hards, we've been to all the past 3 parades.
Now, I was looking at our autographed baseball collection and one of them was by David Ortiz, my favorite baseball player. That baseball was starting to look dirty and the signature was starting to fade.
What does someone do with bad OCD and cleaning issues do? I grabbed the ball out of its case, cleaned it under the sink and grabbed a sharpie and made the part of the signature that was faded darker.
Well, let's just say, you can tell someone messed with it, enjoy it [here](
TL;DR: . Assistant: | 7 year old me noticed that my autographed David Ortiz baseball signature was fading so I made it darker where it was fading and fucked up the whole thing. | 7 year old me noticed that my autographed David Ortiz baseball signature was fading so I made it darker where it was fading and fucked up the whole thing. | 2,396 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/tifu
TITLE: TIFU by holding in a fart so long that it ruined my sexytime
POST: This happened on Friday.
I'd been seeing this girl for about a month, taking it slow. We'd fooled around a bit, the tension was high and we were both ready to unleash. I don't know what I ate, but I had a rogue fart all night and I just could not get myself into a place where I could slip it out. It grew, and grew, and eventually was so large that it was not something I could just seep out quietly in the bathroom (right next to her bed).
We were getting saucy and I was hoping it would subside long enough to get some action, but she climbed on top of me and I quickly realized that I could not hold this. It had to come out of me. I panicked, "I have to run to my car real fast, I forgot the condoms in my glovebox". I haven't worn a condom since high school and I wasn't planning on wearing one this evening, we were being safe though so don't worry about it. Anyways, I get to my car, unleash what I could describe as the Sistine Chapel Ceiling of flatulence. I was Michelangelo and my spinach risotto from dinner was my brush. I then run across the street, pick up some Trojans, and go upstairs.
We get it back on, I feel good, but the second I opened that Trojan package, the lovely smell and slimy texture just ruined everything about it, [my reaction when](
It ruined the entire evening for me and I just couldn't get the situation going for a third time, so we both fell asleep sexually frustrated (until morning).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Held in a fart, it grew into something so large I couldn't slip it out, panicked and lied about condoms, ruined my entire date night and sexy time. | Held in a fart, it grew into something so large I couldn't slip it out, panicked and lied about condoms, ruined my entire date night and sexy time. | 1,030 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit
TITLE: What would you dare or challenge me to do for a year, starting today, to make my life more fulfilling and more purposeful?
POST: When I was a kid, I've always wanted to be a rebel with an extraordinary life who made an impact. Unfortunately, I ended up in a vanilla state of things: I'm F/21, living in US, working a full time job, and being part-time in school. No SO at this point. I am not satisfied with where I am. I've always wanted more and I feel like now is the time for more.
My job pays me well so I have reasonable financial resources. I create my own schedule at work so my time is fairly flexible. Give me ideas - anything I can do on either a daily, weekly, or monthly basis (but something that doesn't interfere too much with my daily life; e.g. I can't move to a different state or country).
TL;DR: . Assistant: | I have a great life, but it's kind of boring... I want to be more impactful and have a more fulfilling life. What do you challenge me to do for this following year? | I have a great life, but it's kind of boring... I want to be more impactful and have a more fulfilling life. What do you challenge me to do for this following year? | 2,459 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/relationships
TITLE: M 32 Still a Virgin Due to Injury, Need Advice
POST: So long story short, when I was 17 I was in an accident and broke my neck (C2, C3, C4 vertebrae). Thankfully, I did not end up being paralysed completely, but a lingering affect was that I was numb throughout most of my body. After rehab and what not within a year I could walk, run, etc, but was numb in most of my body (sort of like pins and needles). And because of this, I was lacking sensation which prevented me from dating.
After years of physio therapy and rehab, I am now back to getting erections again (seriously the happiest day of my life). However, because I took myself out of the dating game for pretty much my entire life, I feel so lost. I also because of this I dealt with some depression and put on a ton of weight (went from 190 to 370). Ive dropped a ton of weight (now 270) and now have boners but feel so lost. I want to date and experience all that, but how do I explain this to women? Throughout college and my 20s I turned down a few potential partners because of embarrassment, but now that physically im in good shape. I have no fucking clue what to do, how to bring this up without sounding awkward. I dont know how else to describe it, but I literally feel like im starting from scratch.
Any advice would be greatful
TL;DR: . Assistant: | Neck injury led to partial paralysis, lack of boners and no dating experience. Now have erections again and absolutely lost | Neck injury led to partial paralysis, lack of boners and no dating experience. Now have erections again and absolutely lost | 3,283 |
Human: Summarize the following text : SUBREDDIT: r/Advice
TITLE: Feeling really empty for the past little while.
POST: Hey guys,
I'm an 18 year old high school student who's in their final year. About 2 months ago I was accepted to my dream school, and as such I'll be going off their in August. I'm extremely happy about it, it's one of the best schools in my country, and the place itself is beautiful. Needless to say, this relatively early university acceptance was a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.
But for whatever reason, I can't find it in myself to be happy. Most kids my age would be ecstatic and hopeful for the future. And while I am happy that I'll be moving out on my own, I can't help but feel incredible emptiness. Every night I just waste away the day browsing internet forums or listening to music. My usual hobby of videogames can't grip me like it used to; any time I try a new game I lose interest after a few hours, maybe a few days if I'm lucky. The only thing that can hold my attention for more than a few days is reading books, but even with that, I have to take a break every half hour or else I zone out.
Do you guys have any advice for me? I have nothing to be sad about, my life is great as it is, but at the same time I don't feel happy about anything. I usually feel comfortable with my friends, but we've been talking less and less recently, due to conflicting schedules at school.
TL;DR: . Assistant: | 18 year old male student got accepted into fantastic university, life seems incredibly boring and empty for the past few months, what do? | 18 year old male student got accepted into fantastic university, life seems incredibly boring and empty for the past few months, what do? | 88 |
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