2 values
Some city delivery routes, called curb line routes, use vehicles to provide curbside delivery to a mail receptacle along the curb as is done by rural routes.
In some of the cities, vehicles are used for delivering mail along the curb.
Baadhi ya njia za utoaji wa mji, zinazoitwa njia za mstari wa curb, hutumia magari kutoa utoaji wa curbside kwa chombo cha barua kando ya curb kama inavyofanywa na njia za vijijini.
Katika baadhi ya majiji, magari hutumiwa kusafirisha barua kando ya barabara.
i guess the one that really got me too was that uh let's say your spouse is on a particular drug and you know what that is and then you end up with the same problem and you take their leftover medicine that's not allowed
Your spouse is not allowed to take the leftover medicine
"Kama unavyojua, ""mke"" wako ni juu ya dawa fulani, na wewe ni juu ya tatizo moja, na wewe kuchukua dawa yao iliyobaki ambayo hairuhusiwi."
Mpenzi wako hawezi kuchukua dawa iliyobaki
you know that's sixteen hours because one would come in the morning and one would be at night i mean in the afternoon and then that night it wouldn't need one
I wouldn't need anyone at night.
"Hiyo ni saa 16 kwa sababu moja inakuja asubuhi na nyingine usiku, yaani, alasiri na usiku huo hauhitaji moja."""
Singeweza kuhitaji mtu yeyote usiku.
Of the once white walls of Memphis, little remains, but it was capital of Egypt until the end of the sixth Dynasty (c. 2200 b.c. ). The two major relics are a monumental statue of Ramses II lying proseate after losing its feet, and an alabaster sphinx dating from 1400 b.c.
Very little remains of Memphis' previously white walls.
Mnamo mwaka wa 1200 KK, jiji la Memphis lilikuwa mji mkuu wa Misri, na wakati wa utawala wa mfalme wa Misri wa sita, jiji hilo lilikuwa na sanamu ya Ramses II, ambaye alikuwa amelala chini ya mti wa alabaster.
Mabaki machache sana ya kuta nyeupe za zamani za Memphis.
I, Hercule Poirot, affirm that the man who entered the chemist's shop, and purchased strychnine at six o'clock on Monday last was not Mr. Inglethorp, for at six o'clock on that day Mr. Inglethorp was escorting Mrs. Raikes back to her home from a neighbouring farm.
I can confirm that the man who entered the chemist's shop was not Mr Inglethorp.
Mimi, Hercule Poirot, nathibitisha kwamba mtu aliyeingia katika duka la dawa na kununua strychnine saa sita Jumatatu iliyopita hakuwa Mheshimiwa Inglethorpe, kwa sababu saa sita siku hiyo Mheshimiwa Inglethorpe alikuwa akimrudisha Bi.
Ninaweza kuthibitisha kwamba mtu aliyeingia katika duka la kemia hakuwa Bw. Inglethorp.
but in the fall i had to spend a couple of weekends out there on you know two separate weekends just getting rid of leaves
I spent a lot of time in the fall just clearing the leaves.
Lakini wakati wa majira ya kupukutika kwa majani, nililazimika kutumia wiki mbili tofauti huko nje, kuondoa majani.
Nilitumia muda mwingi wakati wa vuli nikiondoa majani tu.
The papacy in Rome had lost prestige with the dissolution of the Jesuits and the crippling loss of revenue from the Hapsburg Church reforms.
The papacy was falling and not doing well.
Papa alikuwa amepoteza umaarufu wake baada ya kuondolewa kwa madhehebu ya Yesu na kupoteza mapato kutokana na marekebisho ya Kanisa la Habsburg.
Upaji ulikuwa ukianguka na haukuwa ukiendelea vizuri.
Inside the basilica, in the choir, you can see some fine 13th- and 14th-century sculptures and stained-glass windows.
There are stained-glass windows visible in the basilica.
Katika kanisa la Basilica ya St. Peter, unaweza kuona sanamu za karne ya 13 na 14 na madirisha ya glasi.
Kuna madirisha ya glasi yenye rangi yanayoonekana katika kanisa hilo.
Got you a couple of blooded hosses an' a good heavy money belt.
He gave him a money belt.
Got wewe jozi ya hosses damu 'a nzuri nzito fedha ukanda.
Alimpa mkanda wa pesa.
and losing it in the competitive market and a real knowledge uh a lack of understanding how that could be and in the sense that how could America have gone from being number one to possibly being number two to you know our former enemies and things like that and um so i see i see a lot of uh a lot of pessimism growing um and at the same time i think there's there's there's a growing environmentalist movement and sense of corporate responsible increased corporate responsible towards uh you know environmental safety and things like that and that might potentially be sort of the civil right the equivalent of the Civil Rights Act in in the near future
I really wonder how America has lost its competitive edge and fallen behind other countries.
"Kama vile tunavyojua, ""Ulimwengu wa sasa"" ni hali ambayo inahusu jinsi Marekani inavyoweza kuwa na uwezo wa kuwa na idadi ya pili ya watu, na kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa, ni muhimu sana kwa jamii ya kimataifa, na kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya hali ya hewa, ni muhimu kwa jamii ya kimataifa."
"""Ninajiuliza ni kwa nini Marekani imepoteza nguvu zake za ushindani na kushuka nyuma ya nchi nyingine."
Dolly Parton's breast implants against Mark McGwire's shrunken, steroid-ruined testicles.
Dolly Parton's breast implants contrasting Mark McGwire's shrunken testicles.
Vipande vya kifua vya Dolly Parton dhidi ya viungo vya kifua vya Mark McGwire vilivyopunguzwa, vilivyoharibiwa na steroidi.
Vipande vya kifua vya Dolly Parton vinapingana na vifupa vilivyopunguzwa vya Mark McGwire.
The New Radicals sound like Todd Rundgren has just emerged from the cryogenics lab where he's lain frozen since 1972.
The New Radicals sound like Todd Rundgren.
"Wakati wa mkutano huo, Todd Rundgren alisema kuwa ""Nilikuwa na wasiwasi sana"" kuhusu maabara ya cryogenics ambayo ilikuwa imefungwa tangu mwaka 1972."
The New Radicals sauti kama Todd Rundgren.
If you would like to scale the highest heights, you'll need expert guidance.
Some lessons and advice are a good idea if you want to climb.
Ikiwa ungependa kupanda vilele vya juu zaidi, unahitaji mwongozo wa mtaalamu.
Mafunzo na ushauri fulani ni wazo zuri ikiwa unataka kupanda.
Drawing a blank?
You can be drawing a blank.
Je, unajua kitu chochote?
Unaweza kuwa unachora kitu tupu.
Houseboats are a beautifully preserved tradition of the heyday of the British Raj.
The tradition of houseboats originated while the British Raj was still going strong.
Mashua za makazi ni desturi iliyohifadhiwa vizuri ya wakati wa upeo wa utawala wa Uingereza.
Utamaduni wa mashua za makazi ulianza wakati utawala wa Uingereza ulipokuwa ukiendelea kwa nguvu.