So I'm on a serious diet with exercise to combat my obesity. I currently weigh 300 lbs. Tell me about your diet?
[{"answer": "I'm using the Paleolithic diet (which is also known as the caveman diet). Very lean and clean.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "215509", "title": "Paleolithic diet", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 206, "bleu_score": 0.5213325297722983, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Manuel Uribe\n\n\nin the United States is like that, you just go from your desk to your car. I used to drive my car to and from work, so I didn't get any exercise\". His sedentary lifestyle may have contributed to the onset of his morbid obesity since it appears to be, according to a scientific study published in \"Clinical Cardiology\", one of the major risk factors including a poor diet. After five years living in a new country, his obesity sharply increased and took a toll in his emotional", "id": "18261217" }, { "contents": "Patrice O'Neal\n\n\nwith type 2 diabetes at 23, a condition which his mother also had. However, O'Neal failed to follow medical advice, and instead skipped doses of medication and adopted a diet not recommended for diabetics, leading to obesity years later. Towards the end of his life, O'Neal attempted to improve his health by adopting a vegan diet, juicing, and reducing his intake of unhealthy foods, yet he was still unable to lose weight. In 2011, he stood at 6'5\" and weighed approximately 300 lbs and said his diabetes", "id": "1201185" }, { "contents": "Fauja Singh\n\n\nHonours for services to sport and charity. Singh is 1.72 m (5 ft 8 in) tall and weighs 52 kg (115 lb). He attributes his physical fitness and longevity to abstaining from smoking and alcohol and to following a simple vegetarian diet. He has been quoted as saying \"I am very careful about different foods. My diet is simple phulka, dal, green vegetables, yogurt and milk. I do not touch parathas, pakoras, rice or any other fried food. I take lots of water and", "id": "12720978" }, { "contents": "Atherosclerosis\n\n\nof cardiovascular disease and death. Evidence suggests that the Mediterranean diet may improve cardiovascular results. There is also evidence that a Mediterranean diet may be better than a low-fat diet in bringing about long-term changes to cardiovascular risk factors (e.g., lower cholesterol level and blood pressure). A controlled exercise program combats atherosclerosis by improving circulation and functionality of the vessels. Exercise is also used to manage weight in patients who are obese, lower blood pressure, and decrease cholesterol. Often lifestyle modification is combined with medication therapy", "id": "5089450" }, { "contents": "Reuben Greenberg\n\n\n, saying \"I'm not proud ... It was not my finest hour\"), calling an anti-war demonstrator a \"crazy fat lady\" in 2003 (he later said, \"I was wrong. She's not fat. She's obese. She's grossly obese. If she doesn't like that, she can do something about it, like the Atkins diet that I was on.\"), and being involved in five traffic accidents while in his police vehicle over a 6-year period. During one", "id": "6235061" }, { "contents": "Mike Huckabee\n\n\nweight. Huckabee acknowledges that he has weighed as much as 300 pounds (135 kg). Coupled with the death of former Governor Frank D. White (whose obesity contributed to a fatal heart attack) his diagnosis prompted Huckabee to begin eating a healthier diet and exercising. He subsequently lost over 110 pounds (50 kg). \"The New York Times\" called the weight loss so rapid that \"it was as if he simply unzipped a fat suit and stepped out.\" Although Huckabee has stated that he never smoked nor", "id": "7702977" }, { "contents": "Manuel Uribe\n\n\ncapitalize on his new-found fame by announcing plans to launch the Manuel Uribe Foundation, an institution aiming to educate Mexican people about nutrition and obesity, but the organization was never legally constituted. On 3 October 2008, he gave diet advice to José Luis Garza, a critically obese and bedridden fellow Mexican who weighed . Garza, a former chef at a bowling alley who was unable to get out of his bed for four months, commented: \"Manuel inspires me with courage and the will to live. I understand that", "id": "18261220" }, { "contents": "House of Khumalo\n\n\na soft voice who was well loved by his people but loathed by foreign tribes. He had well over 20 wives, possibly many more; among them were Xwalile, daughter of king Mzila of the Gaza Empire, and Lozikeyi. It is said that he weighed about 19 stone (270 lb; 120 kg). By the time he was in his 40s, his diet of traditional millet beer and beef had caused him to be obese according to European visitors. Lobengula was aware of the greater firepower of European guns so", "id": "16472244" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\n34.6 billion, cancer, $9.7 billion, type 2 diabetes $8.3 billion and osteoarthritis $5.7 billion. The two most common forms of treatment that are crucial for individuals to carry out to combat obesity include changing to a healthier diet and increasing their physical exercise. In extreme cases, if children are morbidly obese bariatric surgery may be carried out. In Australia, the “2 Fruit and 5 Veg” campaign is advertised to educate and encourage young children and adults of the necessary nutrients that are needed in a daily diet", "id": "16685130" }, { "contents": "Jacelyn Tay\n\n\nInternal Medicine Specialist diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately I was told there was no cure for auto-immune disorder. It was not like me to give up so I did my own research and read ups. After gaining some knowledge, I decided to change my lifestyle and diet. I also started regular exercise and did detoxification treatments. 2 years of disciplined lifestyle, I finally got rid of my fainting spells. I am now healthier in my 40s than in my 20s, have no wrinkles and, no…", "id": "20496410" }, { "contents": "Adolescents (band)\n\n\nalbum. \"None of it made me happy anymore,\" he reflected 11 years later, \"I loathed it\". He continued to struggle with alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, and morbid obesity over the next several years, despite being taken to drug rehabilitation by some of his former Detours bandmates in 2006. This resulted in a number of serious health problems, and by early 2010 his doctors predicted he would not live beyond three more months. He gave up hard drugs and alcohol, began dieting and exercising,", "id": "8051839" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nfinancially. Comprehensive approaches are being looked at to address the rising rates of obesity. The Obesity Policy Action (OPA) framework divides measure into 'upstream' policies, 'midstream' policies, 'downstream' policies. 'Upstream' policies look at changing society, 'midstream' policies try to alter individuals' behavior to prevent obesity, and 'downstream' policies try to treat currently afflicted people. The main treatment for obesity consists of dieting and physical exercise. Diet programs may produce weight loss over the short term,", "id": "11648987" }, { "contents": "Pete Vallee\n\n\nand invite them to get involved. In 2005, he weighed 960 pounds (68st 8 lb, 435 kg). Five years later, he had dropped down to 450 pounds (32st 2 lb, 204 kg). At one stage he had to weigh himself on the scales in a post office which he had to access from the back entrance so he wouldn't be seen. He achieved his weight loss with diet and exercise, and with help from his manager Lucille Star. In September 2015, Vallee was hospitalized", "id": "19015734" }, { "contents": "Señor Smoke\n\n\n\"Strike While the Iron Is Hot!\", \"Turn It Up!\", \"Telephone Conversation\", \"Serious Help\", \"Future Police\", \"Living on the Sexy Planet\", \"Be My Dark Angel (Demo)\", \"Devil Nights (Demo)\", \"Another Song About the Devil\", \"Self Destruct\", \"Bite Me (Demo)\", \"Stepsister\", \"Filthy Blankets\", \"I'm on a Diet\", \"People Like You", "id": "10113273" }, { "contents": "Al Gore\n\n\ndiet is related to his environmentalist stance. In a 2014 interview, Gore said \"Over a year ago I changed my diet to a vegan diet, really just to experiment to see what it was like. ... I felt better, so I've continued with it and I'm likely to continue it for the rest of my life.\" Gore's \"\", a sequel to his 2006 film, \"An Inconvenient Truth\", premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival. The film documents his continuing efforts to battle", "id": "19940602" }, { "contents": "Environmental activism of Al Gore\n\n\nbecause of the water consumed in the process\" and some speculate that his adoption of the new diet is related to his environmentalist stance. In a 2014 interview, Gore said \"Over a year ago I changed my diet to a vegan diet, really just to experiment to see what it was like. ... I felt better, so I've continued with it and I'm likely to continue it for the rest of my life.\" In a plenary session of the 47th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF", "id": "8757949" }, { "contents": "No (Meghan Trainor song)\n\n\nThe Untouchable Tour (2016). In an interview with Fuse's Jason Lipshutz, Meghan Trainor stated the song is \"a big anthem for ladies about telling a dude, 'Nah, I'm good—I'm out here on my own, and I'm good with it.'\" She also said, \"The scene is me in a club, and the dude comes up to me and I go, 'No no no. I don't need your hands all over me. I'm good. I", "id": "19686662" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nManagement of obesity can include lifestyle changes, medications, or surgery. The main treatment for obesity consists of dieting and physical exercise. Diet programs may produce weight loss over the short term, but maintaining this weight loss is frequently difficult and often requires making exercise and a lower calorie diet a permanent part of an individual's lifestyle. Success rates of long-term weight loss maintenance with lifestyle changes are low, ranging from 2 to 20%. Dietary and lifestyle changes are effective in limiting excessive weight gain in pregnancy and improve", "id": "11423989" }, { "contents": "Hyperandrogenism\n\n\nhyperandrogenism; especially if one has a family history of the condition, irregular periods, or diabetes; can be beneficial. Watching your weight and diet is also important in decreasing your chances, especially in obese females, since continued exercise and maintaining a healthy diet leads to an improved menstrual cycle as well as to decreased insulin levels and androgen concentrations. Treatment of hyperandrogenism varies with the underlying condition that causes it. As a hormonal symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome, menopause, and other endocrine disorders, it is primarily treated as a", "id": "3510160" }, { "contents": "I'm All Yours\n\n\nI can't deny, everything about you gets me high, girl I want this for the rest of my life, I'm all yours\". When this ends, Pitbull starts his rap again. The song continues with Jay Sean singing \"I'm all yours tonight, got a feeling that I can't deny, everything about you gets me high, girl I want this for the rest of my life, I'm all yours\". When this ends, Pitbull starts his rap again. The song finishes with", "id": "14039490" }, { "contents": "Phongchi\n\n\nErika Tonooka. She has weighed up to 48 kg (105 lb) at 1.65m (5 ft 5 in), and she has stated that she considers herself overweight and has always been dieting. She said about it, \"I can't announce my weight until I have a decent weight\". She has stated that she has idolized the actress Risa Goto and especially the famous model Emi Suzuki, whose BMIs have been reported to be less than 14. She has revealed that she has a strong addiction to Caramel", "id": "14421405" }, { "contents": "Texas\n\n\ndue to presenteeism. Effective treatment for obesity is known to be expensive and difficult. For childhood obesity, programs tend to focus on creating lifestyle changes including a healthier diet and more exercise. Studies show that obesity treatment for children should aim more at changing the behavior of the family as a whole, especially the parents. Comprehensive weight loss programs for children in Texas have had limited success in reducing weight. For example, only 20% of children finish the Weigh of Life Program and many of them are likely to gain the", "id": "10498434" }, { "contents": "Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction\n\n\nThe primary goal is reduction of weight in an obese animal. Diet changes include limiting pasture access and reducing or eliminating grain. Obese animals are often best maintained on a diet consisting ration balancer and hay, fed at 1.5% body weight and decreased if needed. Feed should be selected based on low non-structural carbohydrate levels. Hay NSC levels may be reduced by soaking it in cold water for 30 minutes. Exercise is increased in non-laminitic horses. Animals resistant to weight loss, despite diet and exercise changes,", "id": "6369852" }, { "contents": "Bariatrics\n\n\nand chronic musculoskeletal problems. There is also a focus on the correlation between obesity and mortality. Overweight and obese people, including children, may find it difficult to lose weight on their own. It is common for dieters to have tried fad diets only to find that they gain weight, or return to their original weight, after ceasing the diet. Some improvement in patient psychological health is noted after bariatric surgery. Although diet, exercise, behavior therapy and anti-obesity drugs are first-line treatment, medical therapy for", "id": "14189980" }, { "contents": "Parental obesity\n\n\nsuch as: altering one's diet and exercising regularly. Moderate forms of exercise, such as walking, can lead to healthy weight loss. Some people who are obese turn to gastric bypass surgery in order to reduce their appetites. It is always advised to consult a physician regarding any obesity treatment. It is recommended that obese women should try to lose weight before becoming pregnant, yet women should not diet during pregnancy because sufficient nutrition is important for pregnant women and women planning pregnancy. Women with gastric banding can have normal pregnancies", "id": "4126935" }, { "contents": "John Caldwell (boxer)\n\n\n\"\"In Glasgow, I attended mass at half-six every morning ... [A]fter that, I would take to the hills outside the city for the running and stamina training. I had to watch my diet and keep myself right that it was really tough going. My exercise routines were so varied and beneficial that the Glasgow Celtic manager Jimmy McGrory asked me to go along and help the team out.\"\" After six successful bouts in Scotland, Caldwell made his return to Belfast where he out pointed the Spaniard Esteban", "id": "5387295" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nmoderate exercise at least 5 days a week. The Cochrane Collaboration found that exercising alone led to limited weight loss. In combination with diet, however, it resulted in a 1 kilogram weight loss over dieting alone. A loss was observed with a greater degree of exercise. Even though exercise as carried out in the general population has only modest effects, a dose response curve is found, and very intense exercise can lead to substantial weight loss. During 20 weeks of basic military training with no dietary restriction, obese military recruits", "id": "11423995" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nof social changes and personal choices. Changes to diet and exercising are the main treatments. Diet quality can be improved by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods, such as those high in fat or sugars, and by increasing the intake of dietary fiber. Medications can be used, along with a suitable diet, to reduce appetite or decrease fat absorption. If diet, exercise, and medication are not effective, a gastric balloon or surgery may be performed to reduce stomach volume or length of the intestines, leading to", "id": "11648943" }, { "contents": "Manuel Uribe\n\n\nstability: \"[My wife] asked me for a divorce […] I was very depressed […] Everything ended on account of my obesity, because I spent a lot of money trying to see doctors, going on diets, and I just gained more weight.\" Manuel Uribe returned to Mexico and eventually made an emotional plea for help on national television. The government appointed a group of doctors and certified nutritionists to help him lose weight, but while he turned down offers for gastric bypass surgery in Italy and", "id": "18261218" }, { "contents": "Nighthawks (1981 film)\n\n\nits ice cold 8 mile an hour current, I could cut myself free from the harness because the cable when stretched out weighed more than 300 lbs. I tell you this because it's so stupid to believe that I would survive hitting the water so to go beyond that is absurd. So I actually thought the smart move would be to commit hari-kari on the way down and let the cards fold as they may. P.S. Several years later this cable did snap while testing it on a 100lb bag of sand", "id": "17120953" }, { "contents": "1977 Washington, D.C. attack and hostage taking\n\n\nwhen my family was wiped out [no] one said one word? Not one. Not even a preacher. Not even a minister. Not even a spiritual advisor. Not even a city council member. So, I'm very glad you're worried now. When they wiped out my family, I didn't hear about your sympathy and emotions. I got a letter the other day from my brother telling me how the brother was swaggering around in jail, the killer of Malcolm, walking around with guards protecting him", "id": "11716101" }, { "contents": "Implementation intention\n\n\n2-month study investigating the effect of implementation intentions on weight loss, obese women between the ages of 18-76 were either instructed to create specific implementation intentions regarding their dieting and exercise (e.g. when, where, and what I will eat during the upcoming week; Where, when, how will I exercise during the upcoming week), or simply attend health, diet and stress-related group meetings. The women that were asked to create specific implementation intentions lost on average 4.2 kg, compared to those who only attended weekly", "id": "4185590" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nare part of an effort to combat chronic diseases, including obesity. In an effort to combat the issue, a primary school in Australia instituted a standing classroom in 2013. Weight loss programs often promote lifestyle changes and diet modification. This may involve eating smaller meals, cutting down on certain types of food, and making a conscious effort to exercise more. These programs also enable people to connect with a group of others who are attempting to lose weight, in the hopes that participants will form mutually motivating and encouraging relationships.", "id": "11423997" }, { "contents": "Yes! (k-os album)\n\n\ntell me a name right now.' I'm like 'I don't know, I wish I knew Natalie Portman.' It was like 'Are you serious right now?' I'm like 'Yeah, I wish I knew Natalie Portman.' And that was it. It wasn't even something I thought about.\" The following tracks were available with the iTunes pre-order of the album. \"Yes! It's Yours\" is remixed version of \"Yes!\" containing tracks mixed by producers", "id": "806849" }, { "contents": "I Need a Girl (Trey Songz song)\n\n\nEdward Nero of, the song contains familiar qualities of Songz's breakout hit \"Can't Help But Wait\", also produced by Stargate. The song is lyrically about finding and pleasing the right woman, through lines such as, \"I don't even know your name, but I know that I'm your man and you are my girl, if I ever meet you I'm gonna give you the world, Baby please believe me when I tell you that I need a girl.\" The song has", "id": "17522688" }, { "contents": "Benoît Assou-Ekotto\n\n\nhe realised that it could have ended his career: When your surgeon tells you maybe you won't play football anymore many things are different in your mind. Before, when you're injured, your money comes into your account every month and everything is cool. But when they speak to you about the end of your career at 22 or 23… it's why maybe I changed. I'm safe now but this gave me a lesson. That's why I changed many things in my mind and in my life.", "id": "17711236" }, { "contents": "This Is What Love In Action Looks Like\n\n\nWell today, my mother, father, and I had a very long \"talk\" in my room where they let me know I am to apply for a fundamentalist christian program for gays. They tell me that there is something psychologically wrong with me, and they \"raised me wrong.\" I'm a big screw up to them, who isn't on the path God wants me to be on. So I'm sitting here in tears, joing the rest of those kids who complain about their parents on blogs", "id": "11983279" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Nauru\n\n\ncountries like Australia and New Zealand. Most, if not all, of the diet on Nauru is high fat and high sugar foods with very little nutritional value. Apart from an unhealthy diet, lack of physical exercise, and lack of proper health education, cultural attitude towards obesity has played an important role in the high obesity rate in the country. According to the University of Queensland professor and South Pacific researcher Clive Moore, obesity is seen as a sign of wealth in Nauru. As a consequence of high obesity rates,", "id": "5393169" }, { "contents": "My Lai Massacre\n\n\nin Charlie Company in Mỹ Lai, stated in 2010: \"A lot of people talk about Mỹ Lai, and they say, 'Well, you know, yeah, but you can't follow an illegal order.' Trust me. There is no such thing. Not in the military. If I go into a combat situation and I tell them, 'No, I'm not going. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to follow that order', well, they'd put", "id": "18964021" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nDieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes. A restricted diet is often used by those who are overweight or obese, sometimes in combination with physical exercise, to reduce body weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health. Diets to promote weight loss can be categorized", "id": "8430263" }, { "contents": "Princess Alice of the United Kingdom\n\n\ntalk of these things. Your letters are so dear and kind – but so empty and bare – I feel myself through them that I have less to say to you than any other person. Rain – fine weather – things that have happened – that is all I ever have to tell you about – so utterly cut off is my \"real self\", my innermost life, from yours...I have tried again and again to talk to you about more serious things, when I felt the need to do so –", "id": "12574310" }, { "contents": "Food\n\n\n. A healthy lifestyle includes getting exercise every day along with eating a healthy diet. A healthy lifestyle may lower disease risks, such as obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cancer. There are specialized healthy diets, called medical nutrition therapy, for people with various diseases or conditions. There are also prescientific ideas about such specialized diets, as in dietary therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) makes the following 5 recommendations with respect to both populations and individuals: Kosher foods are", "id": "10376520" }, { "contents": "Jenny Allard\n\n\n.'\" She added, \"I wanted to be very honest about how I was living and not be shamed or silenced by it. I ask and expect my athletes to be honest about things. They don't have to tell me everything, but if they are going to tell me something, I want them to be truthful. And because I want to model that, I couldn't tell them I'm hiding my partner behind the left field fence and I'm embarrassed to have them know her.\" Allard", "id": "15745268" }, { "contents": "Sophie Monk\n\n\npeople becoming vegetarian. \"There's no doubt in my mind that going vegetarian has made me feel better not only physically but also because I learned about the suffering of animals who are raised and killed for food. I feel good knowing that I'm not contributing to that,\" Monk says. She went vegetarian when she was about 18. Monk is also well known for her modelling career. She has appeared in several commercials for Diet Vanilla Coke, Pepsi Max, LG Electronics, Coca-Cola and Expozay Swimwear.", "id": "11718642" }, { "contents": "Pocket pet\n\n\nbe over 10 years old. They consist of a diet of grass, hay, and grass based chinchilla pellets. Their teeth never stop growing so they rely on their food to wear down their teeth to the appropriate length. An improper diet can lead to serious dental disease. Chinchillas may eat small amounts of dried fruit and root vegetables as treats, but too large an amount may lead to serious health issues such as obesity. They are typically nocturnal and require a lot of free space to roam around in. They have", "id": "20144756" }, { "contents": "Cat food\n\n\ncarbohydrate diets, which provide much more energy than needed. This is a major issue with indoor cats as it has been shown to lead to obesity. To prevent cats from becoming overweight, owners should be more inclined to implement weight control diets, which provide the cat with nutrient-dense, low energy ingredients. Studies show that cats fed lower energy diets had significantly reduced incidence of obesity, as the typical indoor pet cat does not need more energy than their resting energy requirement. For an average cat weighing 10-11", "id": "10716796" }, { "contents": "Diabetes management\n\n\ninsulin into the bloodstream. There have also been proposed vaccines for type I using glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), but these are currently not being tested by the pharmaceutical companies that have sublicensed the patents to them. For type 2 diabetics, diabetic management consists of a combination of diet, exercise, and weight loss, in any achievable combination depending on the patient. Obesity is very common in type 2 diabetes and contributes greatly to insulin resistance. Weight reduction and exercise improve tissue sensitivity to insulin and allow its proper use by", "id": "11967058" }, { "contents": "WW International\n\n\nIt had lists of allowed and prohibited foods, and was more structured than subsequent versions of the Weight Watchers program. It recommended weighing food portions, and prohibited skipping meals or counting calories. The company has regularly changed and updated its diet plans and formats, to reflect current nutritional and obesity science and to accommodate consumer awareness and demand. Weight Watchers is the most widely used commercial diet in the world, with more than 4.5 million subscribers globally as of July 2018. In addition to the U.S., as of 2018 it has", "id": "17664630" }, { "contents": "International No Diet Day\n\n\nbook \"Weighing the Options: Criteria For Evaluating Weight Management Programs\" states that \"the intractability of obesity\" has led to the anti-dieting movement. International No Diet Day is then mentioned and the authors comment: We agree, of course, that there should be more appreciation and acceptance of diversity in the physical attributes of people, more discouragement of dieting in vain attempts to attain unrealistic physical ideals, and no obsession with weight loss by individuals who are at or near desirable or healthy weights. However, it is", "id": "16976368" }, { "contents": "You Ain't Much Fun\n\n\nJunior, \"came on the bus, and I was writing one night, and he was telling me some story about his wife. He said, 'Me and my wife have been in a fight, and she said she was going to leave me if I didn't slow down, so I quit drinking. I'm not drinking right now. So now I've been having to mow and have been out working in the yard, and I've had to get that car running.' He was telling me", "id": "18713806" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nreally well, as in health; I couldn't move freely. And then I was tired of playing a game, for instance playing this beautiful young woman, and I was heavy and uncomfortable to move around. In any case, it was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. So I felt now if I'm going to do things right—I've studied all my life to put things right musically, so why don't I diet and put myself into a certain condition where I'm presentable. During 1953 and", "id": "17351061" }, { "contents": "Obesogen\n\n\npopulation groups. From 1980 to 2008, the rates of obesity have doubled for adults and tripled for children. In the U.S. alone, it has been estimated that almost 100 million individuals in are obese Traditional thinking suggested that diet and exercise alone were the main contributors to obesity; however, current experimental evidence shows that obesogens might be part of the cause. The chronic burden of obesity doesn't stop with weight gain. It can also lead to potentially debilitating chronic diseases such as diabetes, and certain environmental exposures, or obesogens", "id": "17095898" }, { "contents": "Anytime You Need a Friend\n\n\nfriend / I will be here / You'll never be alone again / So don't you fear / Even if you're miles away / I'm by your side / So don't you ever be lonely / Love will make it alright, which hints at a current friendship where more still uncovered emotions are present. Author Chris Nickson explains on the song's switch in relationship, as the lyrics change to If you just believe in me / I will love you endlessly / Take my hand / Take me into your heart", "id": "2200071" }, { "contents": "Mind of Mencia\n\n\nFew of the stereotypes stood up to the test. With the exception of the following character, Punji, of course. Punji is a Hindu storekeeper who insults customers with obvious physical and/or social problems, before telling them to \"get the park out of my store\". He often expresses the wish to be reincarnated as something the person is not likely to ever see/use (for example, he says \"I hope I am reincarnated as your feet, so you will never see me again\" to an obese woman", "id": "15865012" }, { "contents": "War of the Gods (comics)\n\n\nrecurring image you'll notice in my final issue.) I leave you in the capable hands of one William Messner-Loebs, about whom you might want to ask your new friend Dr. Fate, and the talented Jill Thompson. Well, that's it for me. I'm glad your current troubles are over and hope your current troubles will prove less hazardous. In your line of work I know that seems unlikely, but there’s no harm in hoping. Take care, Princess Diana. And as they said over", "id": "16098464" }, { "contents": "John Yudkin\n\n\nwas reduced exercise, and another was alterations in diet. One implication of the finding that carbohydrate restriction in obese patients causes them to lose weight is that excessive carbohydrate consumption is likely to be a cause of obesity in the first place. An obvious possible culprit is sugar, which provides calories but no nutrients whatever. Given the dramatic increase in sugar consumption during the first half of the century, Yudkin started to suspect that excessive sugar in the diet might contribute not only to obesity but also to coronary heart disease. Studying historical", "id": "5851543" }, { "contents": "Kieran Foran\n\n\npleased that he has chosen to continue his career at the Bulldogs.\" Foran spoke to the media about his future being decided: \"It's been weighing on my mind the last couple of weeks,\" Foran said. \"It's always hard when you are weighing up where your future [lies], it does weigh on your mind and it can become a bit of a distraction. \"I have certainly noticed it's been that way for me the last couple of weeks, so it will be good to", "id": "6087274" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nbut maintaining this weight loss is frequently difficult and often requires making exercise and a lower food energy diet a permanent part of a person's lifestyle. Intensive behavioral interventions are recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. In the short-term low carbohydrate diets appear better than low fat diets for weight loss. In the long term; however, all types of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets appear equally beneficial. A 2014 review found that the heart disease and diabetes risks associated with different diets appear to be", "id": "11648988" }, { "contents": "Healthy diet\n\n\nThe Mediterranean diet, which includes limiting consumption of red meat and using olive oil in cooking, has also been shown to improve cardiovascular outcomes. Most people who are overweight or obese can use dieting in combination with physical exercise to lose weight. Diets to promote weight loss are divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low", "id": "18725860" }, { "contents": "Wise Guy (musical)\n\n\n\". poem You can't do this to me, you can't do this to me I've given you the best years of my life You can't put on your hat, walk out and leave me flat -Go home tonight and tell it to your wife You can't do this to me, you can't do this to me I'm hurt, we haven't even had a row You can't give me the air and end this love affair -Go home tonight and tell it to your frau I guess", "id": "4905259" }, { "contents": "Flipping Vegas\n\n\nthat episode. Regarding the show's origin, Scott Yancey said: \"I'm from the Hollywood area originally, and I was talking with some buddies who are in the industry. I was telling them how I had to pull my Glock out on some homeless guys who came at me with needles in one of the houses that was all boarded up. They're like, 'Man, you need your own reality show. We'll make it like a commercial for your website or something.' So I paid their", "id": "11432557" }, { "contents": "Me Enamoré (Shakira song)\n\n\nclimbing a tree. She stated in them: \"[I'm] very happy to share with all of you my new single 'Me enamoré.' This song narrates a moment in my life when I was so in love that I was literally climbing trees\". \"Me Enamoré\" tells the story of when she fell in love with her current partner Gerard Piqué, whom she met in 2010 on the set of the music video for \"Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)\", the official song of", "id": "995990" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Williams and Miss America\n\n\nof me that, I do give people the benefit of the doubt ... it's also being free ... that was the mode I was in at that particular time, when I took those racy pictures, because I was already in college so you can't tell me what to do. So - I wasn't actually in high school - so my mentality was what - I'm living my own life; I'm a spirited, young woman; I can handle this; I can handle anything. And at 19,", "id": "7046570" }, { "contents": "Smile (The Beach Boys album)\n\n\nmake room for tumbling mats and exercise bars; later briefly serving as the co-owner of his own health food store. Wilson reported in 1967, \"I want to turn people on to vegetables, good natural food, organic food. Health is an important element in spiritual enlightenment. But I do not want to be pompous about it, so we will engage in a satirical approach.\" Derek Taylor remembers: \"He'd be sitting with me in this restaurant going on and on about this supposedly strict vegetarian diet", "id": "15050522" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\nafter being identified as a potent stimulator of glucose uptake and a browning regulator through its effects on PGC-1α. It is increased in BAT during cold exposure and is thought to aid in resistance to diet-induced obesity FGF21 may also be secreted in response to exercise and a low protein diet, although the latter has not been thoroughly investigated. Data from these studies suggest that environmental factors like diet and exercise may be important mediators of browning. In mice, it was found that beiging can occur through the production of methionine-enkephalin", "id": "21827555" }, { "contents": "Anti-obesity medication\n\n\nfor treating diabetes and is in testing for treating obesity in non-diabetics. The combination of phentermine and topiramate, brand name Qsymia (formerly Qnexa) was approved by the U.S. FDA on July 17, 2012, as an obesity treatment complementary to a diet and exercise regimen. The European Medicines Agency, by contrast, rejected the combination as a treatment for obesity, citing concerns about long-term effects on the heart and blood vessels, mental health and cognitive side-effects. Bupropion/naltrexone is a combination medication used", "id": "16148874" }, { "contents": "Red Lady of Huntingdon College\n\n\nI was beginning to think you really wanted me to be your friend but you hate me just like the rest. Well, I'm glad to be rid of you! Take your things and go! But I'll tell you one thing, my dear: for the rest of your life you'll regret leaving this room.\" The house president was disturbed by this bitter outburst but in the midst of her many activities she soon forgot about Martha's prophetic words. The sad girl, abandoned by the one person she", "id": "11151965" }, { "contents": "Good Sunday\n\n\n, replacing \"BIGsTORY\". The program was renewed for a second season with the same judges and an upgraded format, and aired from November 2012 to April 2013. \"Diet Survival BIGsTORY\" (Korean: 다이어트 서바이벌 빅토리) is a new survival program featuring \"Diet King\", Sean Lee. Twenty obese people will go through intense training and diets to \"change your body, change your life\". The winner will receive one hundred million won, a car, and many fabulous prizes. The title \"BIGsTORY", "id": "18230678" }, { "contents": "Michelle Williams (singer)\n\n\nIn speaking of her role she said \"I am honored to partner with the campaign [...] my father had a stroke in 2005 due to smoking, diabetes and an unhealthy diet, and my grandmother was diagnosed with having a stroke in 2006 when she went to her doctor for a simple outpatient procedure. I am bringing awareness to people so that strokes can be prevented. Let's take care of ourselves…the first step is knowledge about your health.\" In 2014, Williams partnered with Hyundai's non-profit", "id": "6405910" }, { "contents": "Dannielynn Birkhead paternity case\n\n\nwanted to have her kids with me.\" Denk was not certain he was the baby's father and told Banderas that Smith \"always told me I want you to be there and care for Dannielynn no matter what, no matter who is the father, because I took care of Anna with her health and everything, and she wanted to make sure her baby is healthy. And also this thing about the dieting and stuff, she doesn't want her baby to be overweight and obese. She wants to make sure she", "id": "20735246" }, { "contents": "Lou Chibbaro Jr.\n\n\nparents about his sexuality. After telling them in person, he followed up his announcement with a \"Dear Mom and Dad\" letter that he hoped would help them understand. As he wrote them, \"There are many who have advised me never to tell my parents I'm gay. I think it's to your credit that I can't do this. I just can't and won't live a lie!\" While his mother was initially upset and his father worried about the prospects for his career if anyone found", "id": "11341037" }, { "contents": "Anti-obesity medication\n\n\nAnti-obesity medication or weight loss medications are pharmacological agents that reduce or control weight. These medications alter one of the fundamental processes of the human body, weight regulation, by altering either appetite, or absorption of calories. The main treatment modalities for overweight and obese individuals remain dieting and physical exercise. In the United States orlistat (Xenical) is currently approved by the FDA for long-term use. It reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase. Rimonabant (Acomplia), a second medication, works via a", "id": "16148857" }, { "contents": "Glenn Beck\n\n\nthe government's business. That's between you and God or you and your spouse or whatever. However, you can't tell my church who I have to marry. If my church says 'no I'm sorry', you can't force me to marry you. I can't force you not to get married someplace else. Somehow or another we'll all find a way, we'll all get along and have barb-e-ques in the backyard, you and your spouse, me and my spouse", "id": "21796127" }, { "contents": "Healthy diet\n\n\n, gluten ataxia, dermatitis herpetiformis, and wheat allergy. In these people, the gluten-free diet is the only available treatment. There may be a relationship between lifestyle including food consumption and lowering the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. A diet high in fruit and vegetables appears to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease and death, but not cancer. Eating a healthy diet and getting enough exercise can maintain body weight within the normal range and prevent obesity in most people, and thus prevent the chronic diseases and poor", "id": "18725862" }, { "contents": "Me and My Town\n\n\nthen seen crying on the porch to Susan, who thinks Gaby should be thrilled not sad. Edie passes by and tells her to stop whining as she's got a month to diet and exercise. However, Gaby's new quest for healthy food gets pushback from her daughters. The surgeon later had a cancellation and they can fit Carlos in this Friday. Gaby tries to convince Carlos to postpone his surgery but Carlos insists to be done as scheduled. Gaby tells him later that night to be prepared that she is no longer", "id": "18473514" }, { "contents": "Nutrition psychology\n\n\nprefer organic, all-natural choices. These technological effects are often perceived by consumers to pose health risks, even if those claims are not founded in facts. Nutrition psychology has many applications not only related to how and what people eat on a day-to-day basis, but also the ways in which and why they diet and exercise. Fad diets are popular in today's society and they usually play heavily on potential customers' ideals about what they should weigh or look like. These diets usually include an extreme", "id": "2555536" }, { "contents": "Ed Gantner\n\n\nfrom pro wrestling due to health issues. In 1988, Gantner's health began to go downhill after years of steroid use. His kidneys were the first to start failing, causing him to undergo kidney dialysis, forced him to be hooked up several hours a week to a machine to survive. Doctors also forced Gantner to lose 100 lbs, as he nearly weighed 300 lbs. He complied by giving up red meat and starting a holistic diet, making his own watermelon tea. Despite the changes, he could not stop using", "id": "199813" }, { "contents": "Protection motivation theory\n\n\nfrom all kind of ailments.\" for severity, \"Using condoms will protect me against becoming infected with HIV.\" for response efficacy, and \"I am able to talk about safe sex with my boyfriend/girlfriend.\" Protection motivation theory conventionally has been applied in the personal health contexts. A meta-analysis study on protection motivation theory categorized major six topics: cancer prevention (17%), exercise/diet/healthy lifestyle (17%), smoking (9%), AIDS prevention (9%", "id": "10764227" }, { "contents": "Brenda Fitzgerald\n\n\nranking dropped from 37th place in 2011 to 41st 2016. In 2013, Fitzgerald started a $1.2 million statewide school exercise program, \"Power Up for 30\", with a $1 million donation by The Coca-Cola Company. The Atlanta soft-drink company's donation was part of a broader $3.8 million pledge to the state in Coke's campaign to combat the obesity epidemic with changes to exercise rather than diet. Professionally, Fitzgerald has served as president of the Georgia OB-GYN Society. She has served", "id": "12850373" }, { "contents": "I'm All Yours\n\n\nJay Sean singing \"I'm all yours tonight, got a feeling that I can't deny, everything about you gets me high, girl I want this for the rest of my life, I'm all yours\". The music video for \"I'm All Yours\" was shot with Pitbull in Miami in February 2012 as a high budget video. Jay Sean tweeted about the video shoot and gave a sneak peek photograph as well. The video features Colombian model Nawal Ayoub, five exotic cars (worth almost a half", "id": "14039491" }, { "contents": "Rena R. Wing\n\n\n-term (12 years). Wing has also looked into how behavioral treatment of obesity can be improved. She has compared the different strategies included in behavioral programs. One example of this would be that high exercise goals and structured approaches to diet increase the chances of improving weight loss outcomes. Wing's studies analyzed the role of involving overweight spouses, using financial incentives, encouraging taking breaks from dieting, and creating intra-group and inter-group competitions. Currently Wing is gathering more information on the effects of reducing variety", "id": "4153730" }, { "contents": "Ivan Ukhov\n\n\nthe off-season my weigh can go up to 105 kg (231 lbs). I lose the kilos quickly when I am doing weight training. It only takes about two weeks to lose the weight.\" Another question was: \"Many athletes complain that they feel weak when they lose only a few kilos, but here we are talking about 20kg (44 lbs). What does your coach think about this?\", and Ukhov responded: \"We had a training camp in Spain, and I think", "id": "12766752" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the Pacific\n\n\nwealth. A relatively sedentary lifestyle, including among children, is also contributing to rising obesity rates. Obesity in the Pacific Islands is also thought to be influenced by cultural factors (tambu foods), including past poor public education on diet, exercise and health (micronutrient deficiencies are also common). Feasting and festivals continue currently to be major parts of life, imported foods have been given higher social status than local, healthier foods, and historically a large body size was associated with wealth, power and beauty. High rates", "id": "5393162" }, { "contents": "Your Body (Christina Aguilera song)\n\n\n\"Spin\" commented that the lyrics actually means, \"The economy is in the tank, congress can't agree on anything, war and natural disasters consume us ... so, what else can we do but make love?\" At the second verse, she tells her lover, \"I am a freak, I'm disturbed/ So come on and give me your worst/ We're moving faster than slow/ If you don't know where to go/ I'll finish off on my own\". The four-on-the", "id": "19337683" }, { "contents": "New Amerykah Part One (4th World War)\n\n\ntalk for my race and my planet.\" In an interview for the \"New York Post\", she explained the album to be about \"the war against self ... against your inner being\", and said of her hiatus, \"I've always taken my time between albums. I'm a performing artist - recording is secondary to me. My performances are what drive me. It's like my therapy. I like to write a lot while I'm on the road before I even think about recording.\"", "id": "18209417" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\ndiets containing 13% to 85% of total energy from fat. The specific fatty foods used in the diets vary across studies, ranging from Crisco to lard to palm oil. Other researchers have shown that an animal diet more similar to the human Western diet (i.e. a diet with high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, and low-fiber content) is more effective in inducing obesity and obesity-related disorders than a traditional high-fat diet. Sensory stimulation from high-fat foods is one", "id": "10628491" }, { "contents": "Loser (Beck song)\n\n\nin the world, I'm just a loser.' So I started singing 'I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me.'\" According to Rothrock, the song was largely finished in six and a half hours, with two minor overdubs several months later. Beck acknowledged the impact of folk on the song, saying \"I'd realized that a lot of what folk music is about taking a tradition and reflecting your own time. I knew my folk music would take off, if I", "id": "8169076" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\ndepots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat. In an obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese individual. It may remain as a literal \"apron of skin\" if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of fat (a common result of gastric bypass surgery). This condition cannot be effectively corrected through diet and exercise alone,", "id": "21827531" }, { "contents": "Todd Manning and Marty Saybrooke rape storylines\n\n\n. But because it was so in-depth and so brutal, to show Todd and Marty having drinks together in Rodi's — to show Marty feeling safe and comfortable with Todd — is bizarre,\" he said. \"People have come up to me and said, 'My 7-year-old loves you.' What do I say to that? I'm not going to tell them, 'Don't let your 7-year-old watch TV.' But I have to say, it's disturbing.\" \"", "id": "20038864" }, { "contents": "Deoxycholic acid\n\n\nwho eat a low fat diet). Male African Americans have a high incidence of colon cancer of 72 per 100,000, while Native Africans in South Africa have a low incidence rate of colon cancer of less than 1 per 100,000, a more than 72-fold difference in rates of colon cancer. A number of factors, including diet, obesity, and exercise, affect the level of deoxycholate in the human colon. When humans were switched from their usual diet to a meat, egg and cheese based diet for five days, deoxycholate", "id": "15237637" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\na study of the effects of diet-induced obesity on insulin dispersion. In this experiment, it was found that a high-fat diet caused insulin resistance, contributing to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. As in most science experiments, a good experiment using the diet-induced obesity model has an experimental and a control group. The control group is given a diet with low percentage of total energy from fat (e.g. 10%), while the experimental group is given a diet with a high percentage", "id": "10628488" }, { "contents": "International No Diet Day\n\n\n\" campaign, with its own annual Love Your Body Day in the fall, which critiques what it defines as \"fake Images\" of the fashion, beauty and diet industries demanding that images of women with diverse body sizes and shapes are used instead. International No Diet Day is observed on May 6, and its symbol is a light blue ribbon. In celebrating International No Diet Day, participants aim to: The Institute of Medicine's Committee To Develop Criteria for Evaluating the Outcomes of Approaches To Prevent and Treat Obesity in its", "id": "16976367" }, { "contents": "Lolita (The Veronicas song)\n\n\n\" by Ellie Goulding. In the chorus they sing, \"I'm your Lolita, La Femme Nikita, When we're together, you'll love me forever, You're my possession, I'm your obsession, Don't tell me never, you'll love me forever.\" Speaking about the chorus, Becky Bain of Idolator commented that, \"the name Lolita is just a euphemism for a sexy, dangerous vixen, more or less.\" \"Lolita\" was premiered on 2day FM on the Kyle and Jackie", "id": "16107990" }, { "contents": "Streets of Laredo (song)\n\n\ncow-boy and know I've done wrong. Send for my Father. O send for my Mother Send for the surgeon to look at my wounds But I fear it is useless I feel I am dying I'm a young cow-boy cut down in my bloom. Beat your drums lightly, play your fifes merrily Sing your dearth march as you bear me along Take me to the grave yard, lay the sod o'er me I'm a young cow-boy and know I've done wrong. Farewell my friends", "id": "19630044" }, { "contents": "Mueller Report\n\n\nas Special Counsel, Trump said \"Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm fucked\", to Jeff Sessions when they were having a meeting in the Oval Office. \"You were supposed to protect me\", Sessions recalled Trump telling him. \"Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won't be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me\"", "id": "10859015" }, { "contents": "I'm All Yours\n\n\n\" is a Dance-pop influenced track that lasts for three minutes and thirty eight seconds. It includes the elements of club beats. The song starts with Jay Sean singing \"I'm all yours tonight, got a feeling that I can't deny, everything about you gets me high, girl I want this for the rest of my life, I'm all yours\". When this ends, Pitbull starts his rap. The song continues with Jay Sean singing \"I'm all yours tonight, got a feeling that", "id": "14039489" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nalso been used in the diet-induced obesity model. Commonly used in medical research, rats were specifically chosen to study the diet-induced obesity model because of the features that they share with humans. One such characteristic is insulin resistance, which comes with diet-induced obesity in both rats and humans. Additionally, obesity remains in both species for long periods of time after it has initially set in. Because of the commonalities between the two, rats may prove to be helpful in the search for the cause of human", "id": "10628486" }, { "contents": "Super Size Me\n\n\n\"I'm not pushing McDonald's. I'm not pushing fast food. I'm pushing taking accountability and making the right choice for you individually... As a science teacher, I would never show \"Super Size Me\" because when I watched that, I never saw the educational value in that... I mean, a guy eats uncontrollable amounts of food, stops exercising, and the whole world is surprised he puts on weight? What I'm not proud about is probably 70 to 80 percent of my colleagues across the", "id": "4171824" }, { "contents": "Françoise Hardy\n\n\nis not a normal situation...I don't like that at all...I am not comfortable with my professional life really, so the word 'icon' – it's as though you were talking about someone else, it's not me really...I feel happy when I'm on my bed, in my room with a good book. After a serious illness in March 2015, she stated that she had no desire at all to write songs. She regained her health after two years and has taken the path of", "id": "18017331" } ]
Baking is such a fun passtime, plus you get baked goods when they're done. Baking is a lot of fun, I really like making bread, it's lots of work but well worth it! Bread is one of my favorite things to bake too! I wish I could call myself a baker, that would be an awesome job If it made more money than being an engineer than I would bake forever.
[{"answer": "Well I am sure with the industrialization of baking, they hire fewer people and use machines in huge factories", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52634", "title": "Baking", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 189, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 277, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ninto the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at home and selling them out on the streets. This trend became common and soon, baked products were getting sold in streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more. This resulted in a system of delivering the goods to households, as the demand for baked breads and goods significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish a place where people could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris, the first open-air bakery of baked", "id": "12725086" }, { "contents": "Bread in Europe\n\n\nsliced bread is called \"toustový chléb\" (toast bread) and is used only for making toasts. In the late 19th century, Danish bakers in the larger towns baked fresh bread in the morning. This bread, called \"morgenbrød\", made primarily from wheat and intended for the rising bourgeoisie, was baked into various shapes and with a variety of seasonings. Since then, this freshly baked bread has been produced in every Danish baker's shop, along with a variety of other breads. This decentralised form of baking", "id": "21867099" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nbake 2 displays. One display is to make a basket out of bread. The second display is to make 12 sweet and 12 savory rolls. They had 5 hours. In this episode, two bakers were eliminated rather than one baker. For the signature bake, the bakers were give 1 1/2 hours to make 12 biscuits. The biscuits should not be too hard or too crumbly. For the technical challenge, the bakers were given 1 1/2 hours to bake 24 brandy snaps. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked", "id": "2107746" }, { "contents": "George Weston\n\n\nfor himself, buying a bread route from Bowen. Two years later, with his business prospering, he bought out the bakery of his former employer. Years later, George Weston recalled those early days: \"I baked 250 loaves the first day. I delivered them — drove my own waggon — called on every customer myself.\" It was on Sullivan Street where George Weston, with one wood-burning oven and two journeymen bakers, developed his \"Home-Made Bread.\" Made from a combination of the best", "id": "16405227" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\ncrackers or crisp bread for their signature bake. They should be thin, evenly baked and crack when snapped in two. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to make six Chocolate Teacakes in two hours using Paul's recipe, a task made more difficult because the high temperature that day would not allow the chocolate to cool. For the showstopper bake, the bakers were challenged to make a Gingerbread structure, which should not be a gingerbread house, in four hours. For the first pâtisserie test, the bakers were", "id": "2107764" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\ncommercially prepared yeast, but avoid preservatives with some bakers insisting that it spoils the taste of the products. Traditional Mexican bakeries have inherited a set up and work system from the colonial period. Baking bread is considered a trade, learned through apprenticeship although child labor laws have limited how this system can be put into effect. Baking jobs are hierarchical, with bakers able to advance as they acquire more stills. However, men dominate the making of baked goods with few exceptions. Female employees usually found at the counter in the front", "id": "8988008" }, { "contents": "Yeast\n\n\nproduct; however, this evaporates during baking. It is not known when yeast was first used to bake bread. The first records that show this use came from Ancient Egypt. Researchers speculate a mixture of flour meal and water was left longer than usual on a warm day and the yeasts that occur in natural contaminants of the flour caused it to ferment before baking. The resulting bread would have been lighter and tastier than the normal flat, hard cake. Today, there are several retailers of baker's yeast; one of", "id": "15581917" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nbased food manufacturer Alfred Bird in England in 1843. The first double-acting baking powder was developed by Eben Norton Horsford in America in the 1860s. Baking powder is used instead of yeast for end-products where fermentation flavors would be undesirable, where the batter lacks the elastic structure to hold gas bubbles for more than a few minutes, and to speed the production of baked goods. Because carbon dioxide is released at a faster rate through the acid-base reaction than through fermentation, breads made by chemical leavening are called", "id": "18227649" }, { "contents": "Baker\n\n\nA baker is someone who bakes and sometimes sells breads and other products made of flour by using an oven or other concentrated heat source. The place where a baker works is called a bakery. Since grains have been a staple food for millennia, the activity of baking is a very old one. Control of yeast, however, is relatively recent. By the fifth and sixth centuries BCE, the ancient Greeks used enclosed ovens heated by wood fires; communities usually baked bread in a large communal oven. Greeks baked dozens and", "id": "14394150" }, { "contents": "Ripacandida\n\n\n, because neighboring countries does not exist. Prepared by the good housewife, was then baked in the houses, each house had its oven. \"I rucilatieggh\" were prepared from a dough of flour, oil, water, fennel seeds, eggs, salt and baking powder and then polished with egg yolk. The tradition continues in the bakery who prepare for Tuesday and Friday. Traditionally every house had Ripacandida the oven for baking bread, which had a high form of bread similar to matter. The bread was baked once placed", "id": "11992341" }, { "contents": "Schmidt Baking Company\n\n\nSchmidt Baking Company is a bakery in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. The company makes Schmidt's Blue Ribbon and Schmidt's Old Tyme Breads and, as a licensee of the Quality Bakers of America Cooperative, bakes and distributes Sunbeam Bread in its territory. It was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1886 by Elizabeth and Peter Schmidt at their house using recipes from their native Germany. The company now has more than 800 employees and makes several varieties of bread, most prominently white bread. Its 1970s and 1980s advertising jingle was \"", "id": "11831796" }, { "contents": "Bread and Butter (The Newbeats song)\n\n\nin the Dickie Goodman novelty song \"Presidential Interview (Flying Saucer '64)\". \"Bread and Butter\" was the inspiration for the advertising jingle of Schmidt Baking Company used in the 1970s and 1980s; it went: \"\"I like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\"\". Devo covered the song in 1986 for the soundtrack to the film \"9½ Weeks\", but it was not used in the film. A", "id": "9424504" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\n's recipe. For the showstopper, the challenge was to make a Surprise Inside Cake where, when sliced open, a surprise design is revealed. The bakers were given five hours for the challenge. Episode four aired on June 19, 2013. The theme of the episode was bread and pastries. For the signature bake, the bakers had three hours to make a free-form loaf of bread. The bread had to be yeast bread, and hand shaped. In the technical bake, the bakers were given one hour", "id": "12516514" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nmalt syrup. The loaves weighed up to 15–16 kg. They were baked once a month, as heating the oven was both time-consuming and used a lot of firewood. The bakers in the towns baked their rye bread for the day. We only know little about the other types of bread in the olden times. More refined bread types for special occasions and feasts were prepared from sifted rye flour, and loaves made from wheat must have been eaten. Around 1400, the emblem of the bakers’ guild became the", "id": "9179068" }, { "contents": "Leb i sol\n\n\ngreeting which literally translates to \"bread and salt\". It is often used as an expression of spite or determination; e.g. \"I will eat \"bread and salt\" if I have to, but I will not give in!\", but that has nothing to do with the band's name. More commonly, distinguished visitors to villages and communities would be offered a piece of home-baked bread and a dip of salt as a traditional welcome, which is where the name of the band really came from.", "id": "14136296" }, { "contents": "Beshalach\n\n\n\"The good thing\" refers only to the Torah, as says, \"For I give you good doctrine; forsake not My teaching.\" The Gemara asked how one could reconcile which reported that manna fell as \"bread from heaven\"; with which reported that people \"made cakes of it,\" implying that it required baking; and with which reported that people \"ground it in mills,\" implying that it required grinding. The Gemara concluded that the manna fell in different forms for different classes of people:", "id": "4652184" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nthem frequently for important occasions such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe and expanded", "id": "12725085" }, { "contents": "Schmidt Baking Company\n\n\nI like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\", which was derived from The Newbeats 1964 song, \"Bread and Butter\". There was a major fire at an empty building owned by the company on Fitch Lane in Fullerton, Maryland, in April 2008. In 1941, the company was cited by the National Labor Relations Board for failing to engage in collective bargaining with its employees. The company sponsored the Preakness Stakes pre-race", "id": "11831797" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nBaking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually transferred \"from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center. As heat travels through, it transforms batters and doughs into baked goods and more with a firm dry crust and a softer centre\". Baking can be combined with grilling to produce", "id": "7706067" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\ngood in quality, and were chosen on aesthetic quality only. Diana Beard left the show before the next episode was filmed due to illness. Beard later gave an interview to BBC Radio Shropshire, saying: \"I'm disappointed with the way it's been portrayed. I've been stitched up, haven't I? We were 12 amateur bakers, [there's] no prize money involved. Why would I sabotage Iain's Baked Alaska? This has made it look like some cutthroat competition. I think someone's culpable", "id": "12151658" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "Parbaking\n\n\nlimits of conventional fresh bread. In the past, the roughly one day expiration period of freshly baked bread limited the reach of small bakeries to a local market. Significant transport times would waste too much of the bread's useful life. However, with a parbaked product that is frozen until final baking, a bakery can supply distant outlets with breads ready for baking on demand. Parbaking can save costs for many parties that distribute bread. The source bakery benefits because it can sell to more customers: The range of its breads", "id": "4787476" }, { "contents": "Biscuit (bread)\n\n\nA biscuit in the United States and parts of Canada, is a variety of small baked goods with a firm browned crust and a soft interior. They are made with baking powder or baking soda as a chemical leavening agent rather than yeast. They are similar to British scones or the bannock from the Shetland Isles. Biscuits, soda breads, and cornbread, among others, are often referred to collectively as \"quick breads\", to indicate that they do not need time to rise before baking. American English and British English", "id": "1626279" }, { "contents": "Edward Espe Brown\n\n\nto teach others how. When he got home he asked his mother to teach him to bake bread. She said, \"No, yeast makes me nervous.\" Brown eventually learned to bake bread, eleven years later, from two chefs at Tassajara. Brown later asked his brother if he remembered their trip to visit Alice. Dwite said yes he did, \"What I remember was the Smithfield ham, but it didn't change my life\". He wrote \"The Tassajara Bread Book\" in 1970 with a 100", "id": "4415509" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\neinkorn, spelt, kamut, ølandshvede, durum and svedjerug. New bakers – The baker’s traditional monopoly in delivering fresh baked bread has been challenged by petrol station outlets selling good quality bake-off bread. Centuries ago, bread was an important part of the daily meal; for the poorest households, it was the only meal of the day. Cultivated varieties were barley, which is the oldest cultivated grain, followed by rye and oat; all used for porridge and baking. When grain was scarce, people used many", "id": "9179073" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nbaking mixes, including commercial and homemade varieties, can be used to prepare several types of baked goods, such as biscuits, pizza dough, muffins, cookies and pancakes, among others. Some bread baking mixes are formulated for use in a bread machine. Ingredients in baking mixes may include flour, bread flour, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, sugar and salt, as well as others depending upon the food type. Gluten-free baking mixes may be prepared using rice flour in place of wheat flour. Dry", "id": "1522775" }, { "contents": "Baker's yeast\n\n\nof fat are beneficial for baked bread volume. \"Saccharomyces exiguus\" (also known as \"S. minor\") is a wild yeast found on plants, fruits, and grains that is occasionally used for baking; however, in general, it is not used in a pure form but comes from being propagated in a sourdough starter. It is not known when yeast was first used to bake bread; the earliest definite records come from Ancient Egypt. Researchers speculate that a mixture of flour meal and water was left longer than", "id": "18808538" }, { "contents": "Finnish bread\n\n\nrye bread is the staple one in Finland, the competition among the brands remains fierce to this day. The old tradition was that all bread in the house for the year was baked in a few days, in a large oven that took a long time to cool after being fired. Thus, \"jälkiuunileipä\" (lit. \"after-oven bread\") could still be baked in the residual heat. The longer baking time in the lower temperature gives it a darker color, higher density and hardness than regular rye", "id": "12540135" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nquick breads. The introduction of baking powder was revolutionary in minimizing the time and labor required to make breadstuffs. It led to the creation of new types of cakes, cookies, biscuits, and other baked goods. Baking powder is made up of a base, an acid, and a buffering material to prevent the acid and base from reacting before their intended use. Most commercially available baking powders are made up of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO, also known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda) and one or more acid salts", "id": "18227650" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nand obtain \"salts\". The active ingredient in pearlashe was potassium carbonate (KCO). Combining it with an acidic ingredient like sour milk or lemon juice resulted in a chemical reaction that produced carbon dioxide. Once prepared, the white powder was much more stable than yeast. Small amounts could be used on a daily basis, rather than baking a week or two weeks' worth of bread at one time. \"American Cookery\" was the first cookbook to call for its use, but by no means the last.", "id": "18227660" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\n(mother), and bits of this used to prepare various types of dough. The mixing and kneading of large quantities of ingredients is now done by commercial electric mixers. However, the final kneading in smaller batches is still done by hand by most baking businesses. Pastries are made by the most experienced bakers who have a higher status, often the master baker and/or owner of the bakery. The various stages of bread making occur at the same time in the different stations, with rising and already baked breads on racks in", "id": "8988010" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nsuch leavenings varied widely. Resulting baked goods often had a sour or bitter taste. Breads were made of grain, water, yeast, and sometimes salt. Cooks also made yeast, sponge and pound cakes. Yeast cakes were similar to breads but included fancier ingredients, like sugar, spices, fruits or nuts. Sponge cakes used beaten egg whites for leavening. Pound cakes combined butter, sugar, and flour and eggs, and were particularly dense. Making cakes was even more laborious than making bread: to prepare a cake", "id": "18227658" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nthe week, bakers created another three-dimensional holiday centerpiece for the showstopper bake, this time with different and unique collections of breads. With the judges failing to reach a consensus as to who would go that week, no one was eliminated. The night before the signature bake, Michael withdrew from the competition due to illness. With six bakers left in the competition, pies and tarts week began with a meringue pie baked and torched under a two hour frame. The technical bake challenged bakers to create a free form,", "id": "5753537" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)\n\n\n. The structure must be self-standing, have unique flavors and be completed in four and one half hours. This episode has a theme of using alternatives for ingredients usually used in baking. For the signature bake, the bakers were given the challenge of baking a cake, but without using sugar. They were given two and a half hour for the bake. For the technical bake, the challenge was to make twelve identical gluten-free pita breads in two hours. In the showstopper, the bakers needed to make", "id": "10418302" }, { "contents": "Quick bread\n\n\nmixing. These agents undergo a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide, which increases the baked good's volume and produces a porous structure and lighter texture. Yeast breads often take hours to rise, and the resulting baked good's texture can vary greatly based on external factors such as temperature and humidity. By contrast, breads made with chemical leavening agents are relatively uniform, reliable, and quick. Usually, the resulting baked good is softer and lighter than a traditional yeast bread. Chemical leavening agents include a weak base, such", "id": "13094846" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nstyle buns are soft, springy and sweet. Other than some softer bread varieties like the croissant or brioche, Asian breads differ greatly from most traditional European breads, which characteristically have a harder crust and a dry, salty crumb. In Western-style baking, bread has zero fat and the main components are flour, salt and water. Asian style bread on the other hand are high in fat and sugar, which together give the bread its unique soft texture. Korean baked breads are very soft and typically drizzled with condensed", "id": "9902463" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nYorkshire women produced a nude calendar to raise money for Leukaemia Research under the auspices of the Women's Institutes. Ruth Bond, chairwoman of the National Federation of Women's Institutes, said \"Bake Off\" has inspired women to take up baking by ‘taking away the fear factor’ and making it look fun. The show also boosted the sales of bakery books and the number of baking clubs, and independent bakeries also showed an increase. According to one analyst, more than three-fifths of adults have baked at home", "id": "21259755" }, { "contents": "Afghan bread\n\n\nAfghan bread, or Nân-i Afğânī (Persian: نان افغانی), is the national bread of Afghanistan. The bread is oval or rectangular and baked in a tandoor, a cylindrical oven that is the primary cooking equipment of the sub-continental region. The Afghan version of the tandoor sits above ground and is made of bricks, which are heated to cook the bread. The bread, also known as \"naan\", is shaped and then stuck to the interior wall of the oven to bake. It is", "id": "771579" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\npopularity of bread and growth of the baked goods market are also a result of the convenience of bread. In family households, working mothers will typically make toast for breakfast because it is easier and faster to prepare than a Korean style breakfast. The bread and bakery products market is expected to grow annually by 3.3% (CAGR 2019-2023). Moreover, reports by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs show sales of unhealthy products like doughnuts and pies had decreased.According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food", "id": "9902476" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nbakeries\"'\". Bakeries selling Asian style breads can be found all over the world and some of largest chains today include Grupo Bimbo, BreadTalk Group and Yamazaki Baking. The Chinese market is fast becoming the largest consumers of baked goods since foreign bakeries entered the market in the 1990s. Since then, businesses trying to reach success in China, like in other Asian markets, have aimed to strike a balance between making breads that look like Western baked goods but are filled with cream and are sweet and buttery in flavour.", "id": "9902482" }, { "contents": "Cam Neely\n\n\n's not really how I want to feel. It was fun while I was out there but each day I skated, the pain just kind of lingered a lot longer than I would have liked. I was feeling really good and had started getting some different treatment. I practiced a few times with the Bruins but after some really hard practices, realized there was just no way I could continue. Neely was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 2005. He said \"To be honest, I never concerned myself too", "id": "4188336" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ncentury in London, commercial trading, including baking, had many regulations attached. In the case of food, they were designed to create a system \"so there was little possibility of false measures, adulterated food or shoddy manufactures.\" There were by that time twenty regulations applying to bakers alone, including that every baker had to have \"the impression of his seal\" upon bread. Beginning in the 19th century, alternative leavening agents became more common, such as baking soda. Bakers often baked goods at home and then", "id": "7706081" }, { "contents": "Aerated Bread Company\n\n\norder from one of the quieter waitresses a double portion of sausages and mashed potatoes, accompanied by a cup of coffee, and followed by an apple dumpling or a segment of baked jam roll. and: By three o'clock, however, they had both returned, and I would take the opportunity, five minutes later, of again sending Miss Botterill to the Aerated Bread Company for my mid-afternoon cup of tea. This I would drink, unthickened by food, but at half-past four I would send her out", "id": "8605787" }, { "contents": "ACE Bakery\n\n\nACE Bakery is a maker of European-style, artisan breads and baked goods. The company, based in Toronto, has some 35 varieties of bread, made preservative free and from natural starters, in addition to other specialty products, including a line of granola and artisan crisps, marketed across Canada and parts of the United States. Along with fresh baked breads, ACE Bakery also makes par-baked or partially baked, flash-frozen dough. Founded by a Caledon, Ontario husband and wife, the company is today", "id": "2486554" }, { "contents": "Janice Biala\n\n\n. And when I came to France I felt as if I had come home. I smelled the same smells of bread baking and dogs going around in a very busy way, you know, as if they knew what they were about. It really was extraordinarily human.\" Having been naturalized in 1929, she never gave up her U.S. citizenship and maintained that she did not \"have the feeling of nationality or roots,\" but \"always had the feeling that I belong where my easel is.\" The \"Chronology", "id": "4390594" }, { "contents": "Parbaking\n\n\ndoes not age or become stale like a fully baked loaf of bread. When the final bread product is desired, a parbaked loaf is \"finished off\" by baking it at normal temperatures for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. The exact time must be determined by testing, and varies by the product. The final bread is then often indistinguishable from freshly baked bread. Parbaking has shifted the economics of freshly baked bread. Parbaking allows manufacturers of bread to prepare, and then distribute bread to a market far beyond the geographic", "id": "4787475" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off (season 1)\n\n\nFinally, the bakers had to make a bread basket (which did not have to necessarily be edible) and 24 rolls of two flavours for the Showstopper in four hours. The bakers were first tasked with making one large baked cheesecake in two and a half hours, with the choice base (biscuit, pastry, etc.) and flavours being the baker's own. For the Technical bake, a layered pavlova torte was set as the challenge to be completed in two and a half hours. Consisting of three layers of", "id": "20750111" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nJunior Bake Off is a British TV baking competition series where forty young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned \"\"Junior Bake Off\" Champion\", with all their bakes being judged by two leading chefs. It is a spin-off from the main series, \"The Great British Bake Off\" and is broadcast on CBBC. Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner The four finalists are first given a masterclass; in the masterclass they learn", "id": "2997502" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nbe ground more quickly. These mills depended on a good flow of water, which mainly occurred during the autumn and spring. These two seasons were the time for baking flatbread and lefser. Once rye began to be cultivated around 1500, the baking techniques changed to leaven breads in ovens, e.g. with sour dough and later with other leavens. The rye in oven-baked bread was often mixed with barley for economy. It was only baked once a month, or more often during the summer. During storage, these breads", "id": "9179099" }, { "contents": "Bread\n\n\ndough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Most bread eaten in the West is leavened. A simple technique for leavening bread is the use of gas-producing chemicals. There are two common methods. The first is to use baking powder or a self-raising flour that includes baking powder. The second is to include an acidic ingredient such as buttermilk and add baking soda; the reaction of the acid with the soda produces gas. Chemically leavened breads are called \"quick breads\" and", "id": "16381528" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nvoluminous bread. In southern Sweden, rye bread was more often baked into softer and thick bread cakes (kavring, “round bread”), and from the 19th century flavoured with syrup or molasses. Professional male bakers started to sell bread in the cities during the 13th century. However, in the countryside, everyday bread was baked at home by the women. Swedish recipe books dating from the 17th–18th century contain recipes of cakes, but not everyday bread, indicating that cakes were baked less often and amongst the higher echelons", "id": "9179107" }, { "contents": "Wonder Bread\n\n\nstaff at a Chicago ad agency. Continental Baking Company purchased Taggart in 1925. This made Wonder Bread a national brand and added \"It's Slo Baked\" to the logo. In the 1930s, Continental Baking began marketing Wonder Bread in sliced form nationwide, one of the first companies to do so; this was a significant milestone for the industry and for American consumers, who, at first, needed reassurance that \"wonder-cut\" bread would not dry out. The W. E. Long Company of Chicago, which had", "id": "3189662" }, { "contents": "Breadbox\n\n\nA breadbox (chiefly American) or a bread bin (chiefly British) is a container for storing bread and other baked goods to keep them fresh. They were a more common household kitchen item until bread started being made commercially with food preservatives and wrapped in plastic. Breadboxes are still used by many people to store commercially purchased bread, but are used more especially by people who bake bread at home. Newer ones are usually made of metal. In the past they were often made of wood or sometimes pottery (pottery breadboxes", "id": "20617652" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nof society. The process of how to make everyday bread was kept among women as tacit knowledge. A minority group in northern Sweden in the valley of Torneå, known as the Tornedalians, baked a soft bread called rieska (unleavened bread). Quite unlike other types of bread in the surrounding northern region, rieska is a type of bread that does not keep, which is why it is baked daily or weekly. The Sàmi people have also baked soft bread on stones on a more daily basis. The large Finnish minority", "id": "9179108" }, { "contents": "Wila (lichen)\n\n\nlichen on a stick over hot coals, turning it frequently. When the lichen is crumbly it is then boiled to the consistency of molasses. This method of preparation is called spatkán. Traditionally, the Dakelh usually pitcook wila, but they sometimes use it to bake a kind of fruitcake, The lichen is mixed into the bread dough like one would do with raisins, and it helps the bread to rise when it is baked. Nowadays, some people occasionally use more modern cooking methods. Several people have reported dissatisfaction with pressure", "id": "11288954" }, { "contents": "No-knead bread\n\n\nNo-knead bread is a method of bread baking that uses a very long fermentation (rising) time instead of kneading to form the gluten strands that give the bread its texture. It is characterized by a low yeast content and a very wet dough. Some recipes improve the quality of the crust by baking the bread in a Dutch oven or other covered vessel. According to one version of the method developed by New York baker Jim Lahey, as described in his book \"My Bread\", one loaf of the bread", "id": "19455434" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nasked to bake their own classic pudding, steamed or baked. They had 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a lemon souffle using Mary's recipe within 40 minutes. The bakers started to bake at different time intervals. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 3 puddings: crumble, bread, and suet, in 5 hours. Bakewell, Derbyshire For the signature challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a savoury pie in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge", "id": "2107708" }, { "contents": "Croissant\n\n\n, then the well-defined layers may collapse. During the baking process, this would cause steam to escape too early from the bread, reducing dough lift and flakiness of the final product. Thus, to offset the negative effects of yeast on layer integrity and dough lift, croissants usually contain less layers than other puff pastries. During baking, the transient gluten network turns into a permanent network. At higher temperatures, intermolecular disulfide bonds form between glutenin molecules, as well as between gliadin and glutenin. With more bonds being", "id": "3177326" }, { "contents": "Nozomi Momoi\n\n\nthe AV work both in interviews and in private conversations. She told an interviewer, \" was a lot of fun at first, but I'm really tired nowadays. To tell you the truth, I think I'm over-exerting myself right now. So I want to take a decent vacation rather than get paid.\" She continued, \"Like I said before, I enjoy the shoots a lot. There are times when I think it's hard and tiring, but the fun part is a lot", "id": "6719380" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nA baking mix is a pre-mixed formulation of ingredients used for the cooking of baked goods. Baking mixes may be commercially manufactured or homemade. Baking mixes that cater to particular dietary needs, such as gluten-free baking mixes or kosher baking mixes, can be bought in many places. Baking mixes are produced for the preparation of specific foods such as breads, quick breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies pizza dough, biscuits and various desserts, among other foods. Some all-purpose", "id": "1522774" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\npão ralado\", literally \"ground bread\" and has various culinary uses. The Russian version is called \"sookhar' \" (Cyrillic: сухарь). They are either baked a second time from sweet challah-like bread, sliced in biscotti fashion or just made of leftover stale bread, cut into small cubes and air-dried or baked at a very low temperature. The first one is like a cookie, good with milk, kefir, tea, coffee or cacao. The second one is usually added to soup", "id": "1935926" }, { "contents": "Bread\n\n\nto rise one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often \"punch down\" the dough and let it rise again), then loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an oven. Many breads are made from a \"straight dough\", which means that all of the ingredients are combined in one step, and the dough is baked after the rising time; others are made from a \"pre-ferment\" in which", "id": "16381531" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ncakes, layer cakes, tiered cakes, and wedding cakes. Other bakeries may specialize in traditional or hand made types of bread made with locally milled flour, without flour bleaching agents or flour treatment agents, baking what is sometimes referred to as artisan bread. Grocery stores and supermarkets, in many countries, sell prepackaged or pre-sliced bread, cakes, and other pastries. They can also offer in-store baking and basic cake decoration. Nonetheless, many people still prefer to get their baked goods from a small artisanal", "id": "12725090" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)\n\n\nbiscuit box made of a different kind of biscuit mix. They were given four hours in this challenge. In the first task, the bakers were given one and a half hour to make two quick bread to be made free-form (i.e. not in a tin). For the second task, Paul set the bakers the challenge of baking four identical crusty baguettes in two and a half hours. For the final showstopper, the bakers needed to make a 3D bread sculpture in five hours, using three types of dough", "id": "10418300" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\neverything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, when humans mastered fire, the paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made any time fire was created. The world's oldest oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back 6500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians baked bread using yeast, which they had previously been", "id": "7706077" }, { "contents": "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\n\n\nas I can, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and throw't into the Oven. The next appearance is in \"Mother Goose's Melody\" (c. 1765) in the form: Marking pastry or baked goods with an identifiable mark may stem from a time when households without an oven of their own could have brought their items to a local baker or bake house, paying to have their items finished for a small fee. Marking the pastry would have", "id": "4228126" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Hamburg\n\n\n: Despite the name contains the word \"Brötchen\", it is not a roll but a kind of flaky pastry typical only for Hamburg and baked with lots of butter and cinnamon. Locals enjoy it for breakfast, too. In Christmas times, there’s \"Klöben\" (also called ‘Stollen’ in other parts of Germany), a bread-shaped pastry made of yeast dough with raisins and succade. ‘Braune Kuchen’ (lit.: brown cakes) are crisp rectangular biscuits baked with molassess and gingerbread spice", "id": "9406684" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nKorean baked goods (한국 생과자, \"\"hanguk seanggwacha\",\" lit. \"Korean style snacks\" 한국 빵, “\"hanguk bbang”\" lit. \"Korean bread\"\") consist of Korean style breads, buns, pastries, cakes and snacks. Korean bread did not enter Korean diets or become a mainstream staple until the late 1980s. To a large extent bread was not part of Korean cuisine other than some types of traditional steamed breads that were made of mixed rice flour and wheat. Korean breads", "id": "9902461" }, { "contents": "Paris during the Second Empire\n\n\nso the broth became thinner and thinner. Bread was the basic diet of the Parisian workers. There was one bakery for every 1349 Parisians in 1867, up from one bakery for every 1800 in 1853. To avoid popular unrest, the price of bread was regulated by the government and fixed at about 50 centimes per kilo. The fast-baked baguette was not introduced until 1920, so bakers had to work all night to bake the bread for the next day. In order to make a profit, bakers created a wide", "id": "12952188" }, { "contents": "Biga (bread baking)\n\n\nBiga is a type of pre-fermentation used in Italian baking. Many popular Italian breads, including ciabatta, are made using a \"biga\". Using a biga adds complexity to the bread's flavor and is often used in breads that need a light, open texture with holes. Apart from adding to flavor and texture, a biga also helps to preserve bread by making it less perishable. Biga techniques were developed after the advent of baker's yeast as bakers in Italy moved away from the use of sourdough and needed", "id": "13133441" }, { "contents": "Showbread\n\n\nwere kneaded separately, but baked in pairs; the Mishnah also states that the loaves were moulded into shape by three different moulds (made from gold, according to Maimonides, who lived more than a thousand years after the burning of Jerusalem), with one being used while the loaves were just dough, another while the bread was being baked in the oven, and a third after baking, to protect the shape. The Mishnah describes the loaves as being 10 Etzba long, and 5 Etzba wide, with rims/\"horns\" that", "id": "13854676" }, { "contents": "Taíno\n\n\nfrom wood. Women processed the poisonous variety of cassava by squeezing it to extract the toxic juices. Then they would grind the roots into flour for baking bread. \"Batata\" (sweet potato) was the next most important root crop. Contrary to mainland practices, corn was not ground into flour and baked into bread, but was cooked and eaten off the cob. Corn bread becomes moldy faster than cassava bread in the high humidity of the Caribbean. Corn also was used to make an alcoholic beverage known as chicha.", "id": "15824196" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\nIn cooking, proofing (also called proving or more rarely blooming) is the final rise of shaped bread dough before baking. It refers to a specific rest period within the more generalized process known as \"fermentation\". Fermentation is a step in creating yeast breads and baked goods where the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough. Fermentation rest periods are not always explicitly named, and can appear in recipes as \"Allow dough to rise.\" When they are named, terms include \"bulk fermentation,\" \"first rise", "id": "4061641" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\ntheme, for example, the episode on puddings would take place in Bakewell, bread baking would take place near Sandwich. This first series had a voiceover by Stephen Noonan; for the subsequent series this role was taken by the on-screen presenters Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins. The competition was won by Edd Kimber. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were instructed to bake any cake they want using their creativity within 3 hours. It has to be evenly baked, evenly risen, and moist. For", "id": "2107705" }, { "contents": "Boston baked beans\n\n\nBoston baked beans are a variety of baked beans, typically sweetened with molasses or maple syrup, and flavored with salt pork or bacon. Native Americans had made corn bread and baked beans. The Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony learned these recipes in the early 1620s and likely added barley to the corn meal to invent New England brown bread. The triangular trade of slaves in the 18th century helped to make Boston an exporter of rum, which is produced by the distillation of fermented molasses. At that time, molasses was added to local", "id": "12561429" }, { "contents": "Peel (tool)\n\n\nA peel is a shovel-like tool used by bakers to slide loaves of bread, pizzas, pastries, and other baked goods into and out of an oven. It is usually made of wood, with a flat carrying surface (like a shovel's blade) for holding the baked good and a handle extending from one side of that surface. Alternatively, the carrying surface may be made of sheet metal, which is attached to a wooden handle. Wood has the advantage that it does not become hot enough to burn", "id": "18623301" }, { "contents": "Sentence clause structure\n\n\none clause. Example 2 has two clauses (\"I don't know how to bake\" and \"I buy my bread already made\"), combined into a single sentence with the coordinating conjunction \"so\". In example 3, \"I enjoyed the apple pie\" is an independent clause, and \"that you bought for me\" is a dependent clause; the sentence is thus complex. In sentence 4, \"The dog lived in the garden\" and \"the cat lived inside the house\" are both", "id": "4483573" }, { "contents": "Swabian cuisine\n\n\nis very characteristic for the Swabian baking culture. Therefore, there are many variations that are not widely distributed and known and are only baked in a special area or even only in one village but there are also some baked good that are baked all over the region and are available in every bakery. This holds true for Laugengebäck, Pretzels, bread rolls and Hefezopf (lit. meaning yeast plaid) which rate among the traditional Swabian baked goods. The Swabian \"Seele\" (lit. soul) is a baguette-like", "id": "15615016" }, { "contents": "Northern Irish cuisine\n\n\nIt was first baked in the 1800s in Ireland, and local people used baking soda to cause the dough to rise. It's typically served with an Ulster fry. Wheaten bread is a brown bread made with whole wheat flour which also uses baking soda as a rising agent. It is usually sweetened in contrast to the savoury white soda bread. A soft tray bake cake which gets its name from using Fifteen of each main ingredient (marshmallows, digestive biscuits, cherries). Boxty is mainly found in County Fermanagh, Boxty", "id": "3913509" }, { "contents": "James Morton (baker)\n\n\npresenter Tom Morton. In the first Summer of his medical degree at the University of Glasgow, Morton worked washing dishes at a small Glasgow deli. A keen bread baker already, here he was exposed to the wide variation of bread production and results. From then on, he studied baking as a science rather than a craft, often preferring to read peer-review cereal journals than cookbooks. He watched \"The Great British Bake Off (Series 2)\" during 2011 and decided to apply after pressure from his university friends", "id": "3879162" }, { "contents": "List of Kiba characters\n\n\nfirst appearance in episode 2, in which he elaborates on his will to live up to the expectations of his sensei, Dumas. Mikki works hard every day within a field-like area, accomplishing simple tasks with Dumas. After Dumas was forced to leave his house, Mikki takes him to live in his family's abandoned house with Zed and Roya. This is when Mikki decides to start baking unique style bread as his new occupation, as a way to attain money. Other than baking bread, Mikki attempts to regularly", "id": "14611720" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nfor the rising bourgeoisie. Since then, freshly baked bread has been produced in every Danish baker’s shop together with all the other kinds of bread. This decentralised form of baking bread alongside the industrialised production of bread seems to be characteristic of the Danish bread sector. The quality of Danish bread declined in the latter part of the 20th century, but it has dramatically recovered during the past 20 years due to many factors: a growing interest in bread, criticism from gastronomes, the marketing of better quality flour, better baking", "id": "9179071" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\nor \"deflate\" the dough, while artisan bakers will use terms like \"stretching,\" \"folding,\" and \"degassing,\" meaning to expel gas from the carbon dioxide bubbles that have formed. Sponge doughs will need multiple mixing periods. \"Overproofing\" occurs when a fermenting dough has rested too long. Its bubbles have grown so large that they have popped and tunneled, and dough baked at this point would result in a bread with poor structure. Length of rest periods, including proofing, can be determined", "id": "4061649" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nbrick-making, mixed cement, granule-covered shingles, and even as a fertilizer. In the thirteen colonies that later became the United States, most households had a beehive oven. Bread was usually baked in it once a week, often in conjunction with pies, crackers, or other baked goods. To heat the oven, the baker would heap coals and kindling inside and wait several hours. Requiring strict regulation, the right amount of wood to ash had to be burned and then tested by sticking one's hands", "id": "18149700" }, { "contents": "Azerbaijani cuisine\n\n\nare baked in Azerbaijan like: flat, rolling, flat bread, lavash, səngək, xamralı, thick, thin, crepes, cakes, bread oven (tandoor bread).Tandoor bread is a type of bread baked in a clay oven called a tandoor. Mostly it is used for baking bread and cooking meat, but generally any type of food can be cooked in tandoor ovens. The secret of tandoor oven is process of heating up the oven. Wood is put on the ground and ignited. It is necessary to wait till it", "id": "21052611" }, { "contents": "Macaroni and cheese\n\n\ncheese. Macaroni and cheese can be made by simply layering slices of cheese and pasta (often with butter and/or evaporated milk) then baking in a casserole, rather than preparing as a cheese sauce. Also, some like to include a crunchy topping to their baked macaroni and cheese by topping it off with bread crumbs or crushed crackers, which also keeps the noodles on top from drying out when baking. One novelty presentation is deep-fried macaroni and cheese found at fairs and food carts. In Scotland, macaroni and cheese", "id": "6243227" }, { "contents": "Bread machine\n\n\nbaked loaf for breakfast. They can also be set only to make dough, for instance to be used to make pizza. Some can also be set to make other things besides bread, such as jam, pasta dough, udon or mochi, a kind of Japanese rice cake. One of the most recent innovations is the facility to add nuts and fruit during the kneading process automatically from a tray. Traditionally, breadmakers take between three and four hours to bake a loaf. However recently \"fast bake\" modes have become", "id": "5295222" }, { "contents": "Amoroso's Baking Company\n\n\nday, in the mornings and afternoons. In 1934, Salvatore took over the operations of the company with the help of his sons, Daniel, Vincent, Leonard and Sal, Jr. In 1952, Amoroso began selling Hearth Baked bread and rolls to A & P Supermarkets in West Philadelphia. Due to increased demand, in 1960 the company expanded into a new facility located at 845 South 55th Street. Today, after four major expansions, Amoroso Baking Company employs more than 400 people, and its expanded line of baked goods is", "id": "8951711" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\nbread for making rusks. The price of rusk in those bakeries is usually low, as the bakeries do this to avoid wasting the leftover bread and buns. \"Sponge rusk\" is similar to biscotti but it is made out of twice-baked yellow cake batter. The yellow cake batter is baked into a flat, rectangular cake pan; once it is baked and cooled off, it is sliced into strips and baked again or toasted to make a cake toast. It is usually eaten with Cuban coffee (Cuban espresso)", "id": "1935915" }, { "contents": "Christopher Ludwick\n\n\ncannot be overstated. He was very instrumental in advancing the cause without a lot of bloodshed. Without question, Christopher Ludwick was a true hero of the American Revolution! Ludwick had originally learned the baking trade in his native city of Giessen. In 1777, he was appointed by the Continental Congress to the position of baker general to the American Army. It was stipulated that he should return one pound of bread for every pound of flour delivered to him. But, he immediately replied, “Not so! I must", "id": "2269414" }, { "contents": "Quick bread\n\n\nas baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) plus a weak acid, such as cream of tartar, lemon juice, or cultured buttermilk, to create an acid–base reaction that releases carbon dioxide. (Quick bread leavened specifically with baking soda is often called \"soda bread\".) Baking powder contains both an acid and a base in dry powdered form, and simply needs a liquid medium in which to react. Other alternative leavening agents are egg whites mechanically beaten to form stiff peaks, as in the case of many waffle", "id": "13094847" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\nTlaxcala and Totolac, Tlaxcala. Before the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire, there were no baked goods in the European sense of the word. The main grain staple was (and today still is) corn made into flat breads called tortillas and steamed corn dough wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves called tamales. Other grain products include amaranth, toasted on comals and formed with maguey sap into shapes. The Chichimecas made a flour from mesquite beans to make a kind of flat bread. Wheat and baking with it was introduced", "id": "8988031" }, { "contents": "Wonder Bread\n\n\n, the bread apparently made its debut in Montreal. In 1928, Northern Bakeries Limited registered the \"Wonder\" trademark was registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office. Two years later, Wonder arrived in Toronto, baked by Nasmiths Limited. Newspaper ads proclaimed \"Great news for the people of Toronto – it's here at last – the delicious Wonder Bread.\" Made from unbleached flour and \"Slo-Baked,\" Wonder was said to produce \"more slices and thinner slices\" when cut, yet would not crumble.", "id": "3189672" }, { "contents": "Lactylate\n\n\nsymmetry in the finished baked good. Because of these characteristics, SSL is currently used in more baking applications than CSL. Research has explored the possibility of replacing SSL with the use of enzymes. Enzyme technologies, by themselves, have not been able to completely replace SSL. A major limitation of enzymes is the production of gummy bread of unpredictable quality. Also, enzymes often do not augment dough strength, which is necessary to prevent loaf collapse during baking. Currently, enzymes are being used in conjunction with SSL to maximize the", "id": "13402701" }, { "contents": "Testaroli\n\n\nnear cousin to pasta\", and as a \"great round pancake-like bread no more than a quarter inch thick.\" This book also states that when it is baked to a crisp texture, it can be consumed in the style of a bread, whereas when baked less, it may have a spongy and soft texture, like a pasta. Cooking methods vary in different areas of Italy, and some of these methods are traditional in nature. Testaroli is sometimes served with pesto sauce, which is a common addition", "id": "4384031" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\ntriangular \"skonrogge\" (i.e. a small leavened rye bread that is cleaved and baked again until dry, also Danish beskøjt, French biscuit, Latin bis-coctus: baked twice). Around 1600, the skonrogge was replaced as the baker’s emblem by the pretzel-shaped \"kringle\", which is still the emblem of the bakers’ guild today. We find the first systematic description of Danish bread in 1821 in Charles Adolph Dénys Mourier’s book on bread and bread-making. He describes various leavened bread types", "id": "9179069" }, { "contents": "Pan de muerto\n\n\nMuertos. In Oaxaca, pan de muerto is the same bread that is usually baked, with the addition of decorations. As part of the celebration, loved ones eat pan de muerto as well as the relative's favorite foods. The bones represent the deceased one ( or ) and there is normally a baked tear drop on the bread to represent goddess Chīmalmā's tears for the living. The bones are represented in a circle to portray the circle of life. The bread is topped with sugar. This bread can be found", "id": "7699751" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nincluding nuts, roast beef and baked bread.\" The moisture is never entirely \"sealed in\"; over time, an item being baked will become dry. This is often an advantage, especially in situations where drying is the desired outcome, like drying herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables. The baking process does not require any fat to be used to cook in an oven. When baking, consideration must be given to the amount of fat that is contained in the food item. Higher levels of fat such as", "id": "7706089" } ]
Hi there! Are you a baker?Our do i say:Do you love to bake? Hey, how are you? I do like to bake, cookies and cakes! Nice one! So do you use oven for backing? Or a concentrated heat source? Yes, I use the oven for my cupcakes and I have a mini cake baker that's like a waffle maker. My fave flavor is lemon so any time I can, I like to make lemon cupcakes. How about you? I use a method called pressure cooking using water and other liquid in a sealed vessel I bet that's fun. I've been baking for a long time and it's definitely a fun thing to do on the weekends. What is your fave thing to bake?
[{"answer": "I bake cakes also and bread using grainthe fifth and sixth centuries BCE, the ancient Greeks used enclosed ovens heated by wood", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "251613", "title": "Baker", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "start_character": 143, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "end_character": 299, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.:Ancient history.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "David Le Batard\n\n\nthat make us who we are by studying those different things and magnifying those things. The things that make us the same, basically, verses the things that make us different. Which is what I think I spend a lot of time doing. When I in my teens, it was all about, you know, \"Well how am I different?\" My way of thinking is like this, and these people's way is like that and so forth. So over the years I've kind of had a real", "id": "8177310" }, { "contents": "Individualist anarchism in Europe\n\n\nhave in my power, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing.\" \"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property!\". His concept of \"egoistic property\" not only rejects moral restraint on how one obtains and uses \"things\", but includes other people as well. His embrace of egoism", "id": "22096157" }, { "contents": "Egoist anarchism\n\n\n\"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property! [...] What I have in my power, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing; [...]. Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property\". His concept of \"egoistic property\" not only", "id": "7364722" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "George Ancona\n\n\nthe pictures. I let the pictures tell me the story. I find that I do better if I know nothing about a subject before I start the book. The discovery of a subject is what makes it fun and that makes the book fun. I like to end up with a life experience that will enrich my life. How many pictures do you have to take to make a book? Usually for every picture, I use one roll of film. There are usually 50 pictures in a book, so there are", "id": "4679961" }, { "contents": "Max Stirner\n\n\npower, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing\". He adds that \"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property!\". Stirner considers the world and everything in it, including other persons, available to one's taking or use without moral constraint and that rights do not exist in regard to objects", "id": "19971058" }, { "contents": "Dreams to Reality\n\n\nDenes commented, \"The team is all gamers, but we're all different gamers, so in \"Dreams\", you can do as you wish. I watched a woman play and she said, 'How wonderful, you can fly.' A man usually likes to pick a gun and shoot everything. We try to let people do things the way they like.\" While they praised the game's graphics, \"PC Gamer UK\" called the game \"an unsatisfying mix of twee adventure, half-baked", "id": "2617507" }, { "contents": "Rose Naftalin\n\n\ndelicatessen near their apartment. The delicatessen had only a one-burner stove, so Rose would cook in the apartment. \"We worked in shifts until one in the morning when I would go home, set the yeast dough, and while it was rising, make cupcakes, ice a sheet cake, bake a batch of cookies, and roll the schnecken — cinnamon rolls — to let them rise again. I would stick another batch of cookies in the oven, and by that time the yeast dough would be ready to", "id": "2627008" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "Francis Dunnery\n\n\nfor setting up the charity, Dunnery has said \"My mother was a wonderful woman... so this is my way of honouring her and my dad. A line in one of my songs is that the only thing you get to keep is what you give away – I like that idea. I think that by the time you are 40 if you aren't doing something to help others then you probably should be. People take all the time and I think it is nice to put something back.\" The fund raises", "id": "13495289" }, { "contents": "Human (Projected album)\n\n\nthe sound of your voice and doing it here at home, kind of where I can do it by myself and critique the shit out of it, it’s tough when you step out for the first time and you go, I need to become a lead singer. How do you do that? So I had to really kind of sit down and do a little bit of homework and figure out what my strengths were, things I did better than others, what you want to do but don’t want to .", "id": "3366658" }, { "contents": "Flux (Rich Robinson album)\n\n\nyou’re in the studio you have a finite amount of time and you have to get in and finish them. There’s an urgency and I kind of like that pressure. It forces you to make creative decisions on how this is going to turn out. So that’s how I went in. I love the fact that it’s a very eclectic record and that it draws from all of my influences. It takes you on a journey and that’s what records should do. I look at the record as a", "id": "229415" }, { "contents": "Bottoms Up (Trey Songz song)\n\n\nwebcast, Songz explained how the collaboration came together, stating: \"I'm in L.A. for BET Awards weekend, I'm working on a couple records, and I do this song called 'Red Lipstick,' and then I do 'Bottoms Up' the next day. I hit Nicki and I'm like, 'Man, I've got these two incredible records, I think one of them is gonna be my first single, and I need you to do it. Can you come this weekend? Can", "id": "4588370" }, { "contents": "Will Ferrell\n\n\nso nice to fans and collectors and a great signer. What makes him so bad is that he'll taunt people asking for his autograph.\" In response, Ferrell stated: \"I don't know how I got on the list. I sign a lot of autographs.\" He has, however, admitted to taunting autograph-seekers: \"I do. I really do. I'm like, 'How badly do you want this autograph?' 'Are you sure?' 'You say you're my", "id": "12039709" }, { "contents": "Lane cake\n\n\nfor liquor. Also in \"To Kill a Mockingbird\", Miss Maudie bakes a Lane cake for Mr. Avery, who was severely injured in an attempt to put out a fire in her home. “Mr. Avery will be in bed for a week—he’s right stove up. He’s too old to do things like that and I told him so. Soon as I can get my hands clean and when Stephanie Crawford’s not looking, I’ll make him a Lane cake. That Stephanie’s been after my", "id": "2957362" }, { "contents": "Partition (song)\n\n\nI wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back. I know that there's so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself. I'm not embarrassed about it, and I don't feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power we all have.", "id": "16844444" }, { "contents": "Maria Montez\n\n\nlot during the last year. I have outgrown my old publicity. I used to say and do things to shock people. That was how I became famous. But now it is different. First the public likes you because you're spectacular. But after it thinks you are a star it wants you to be nice. Now I am a star, I am nice.\" Montez said she was \"tired of being a fairy tale princess all the time\" and wanted to learn to act. She fought with Universal", "id": "14592606" }, { "contents": "The Getaway (1994 film)\n\n\nI liked that, too. I saw how I could put my own stamp on it. There were lots of things about it that appealed to me: I love the Southwest, I love the genre of the road movie, I love a thriller and I like the sort of underlying conflicts of the relationships in that movie.\" Baldwin said he \"always wanted to do a movie that required what I consider to be movie acting, which is that it's not what you do, but what you don't do", "id": "10856559" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Chris Crawford (game designer)\n\n\ndeath!… Am I so pitiful that you can sneer in my face like that? Yes, yes, you frighten me! \"You hurt me!\" I've felt your claws ripping through my soul! But I'm going to die someday, and before I can do that, I've got to face you, eyeball to eyeball. I've got to look you right in the eye, and see what's inside, but I'm not good enough to do that yet. I'm not experienced enough", "id": "4224051" }, { "contents": "Mark Richt\n\n\nroom and locker room. Upon the facility opening, Richt told ESPN “I didn’t come here just because it was my alma mater. I came here because you can win. If you do things right and get the support you need, you can win. It’s been proven. The players have always been here. You just have to make sure you get the right ones, and a lot of the other things they used to ding us on, our facilities and things like that, they’re not going", "id": "12343172" }, { "contents": "Louie (season 1)\n\n\n, an unusual distinction in television production. \"I went [to Hollywood] and I had other networks offering me a lot of money to do a pilot, and I got this call from FX and they said 'Well, we can't offer you a lot of money, but if you do the show for us, you can have a lot of fun.' He was offering me $200,000 as the budget for the whole pilot and I was like 'So, what do I get paid?' and", "id": "14196145" }, { "contents": "Window of Opportunity (Stargate SG-1)\n\n\n], and so the guy calls me back and says, 'Well how do you feel about Eggo Waffles? Would you consider using Eggo Waffles instead of Froot Loops?' So I go to these guys [the writing department] and ask, 'How do you feel about waffles?' And they're like, 'No! It's Froot Loops! It's a time loop! No!' Waffle sales were down.\" The off-world scenes were filmed on an interior sound stage, using occasional", "id": "9291965" }, { "contents": "Do You... (Miguel song)\n\n\n, and innocently delivers a transgressive message through the use of simile: \"I'm going to do you like drugs tonight\". Miguel said of the song's lyrics, \"I have this propensity to just come out and say things. That's how I am in real life. If I wanna know something I just ask. Like, 'Hey, do you like drugs?' Because I do! Sometimes! ... MDMA… on occasion.\" Alex Macpherson of \"The Guardian\" observes \"faded psychedelia\"", "id": "19782256" }, { "contents": "Princess Hwapyeong\n\n\nFor how many times did my sister come to my rescue in my plight? Other though keen, yet helpless. I have only so few sisters born of the same mother. (We were like) wild geese having fun flying across the Sushui River together. Till the Mujin year (1748), I have been showered in your grace. And now, all of a sudden, you passed away. How sad! I do not know how my elder brother looked like. Who else could allay my sorrow? Morning", "id": "16605880" }, { "contents": "Lee Chang-dong\n\n\nthe persona, the character in the film. He said, \"What I try to have them do is become the character, to feel like the character. I do not try to be very specific in how I direct my actors, for instance I will not say things like 'Use this expression' or 'Speak this way', or 'Can you please raise the pitch of your voice a bit higher' or anything like that.\" And, \"Sometimes, actors expect from me a bit more detail", "id": "3145388" }, { "contents": "Ellie Darcey-Alden\n\n\nexpect; it's something you create [in your mind]. It's one of those things you go, 'Oh gosh, I wish I could do this. Like, how can I be able to do this?' And it's, like, one of my dreams [to be in \"Harry Potter\"], something that sits in the back of your head. And then, when it actually happens, it's really surreal.\" In the film, Darcey-Alden appears in a as", "id": "16136471" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\ntake the pain away. I may be diving for my own pleasure or showing others how to do so, but when I return to the shop, it seems empty without you. I stock and order as I always did, but even now, I sometimes glance over my shoulder without thinking and call for you. As I write this note to you, I wonder when, or if, things like that will ever stop. Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself", "id": "2224451" }, { "contents": "Reg Keys\n\n\nfeel, though, that I have a responsibility to Tom. I keep going back to the words of a widow of a man who died on the \"Kursk\" […]. She said: 'If you betray your country you are a traitor and you will go to prison. But if your country betrays you, what can you do?' I think I have an answer to that: we can use our vote to get rid of those people who betrayed my son and other men like him. That", "id": "20331282" }, { "contents": "True Vine\n\n\nmy joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of my Father", "id": "14178900" }, { "contents": "Journals (album)\n\n\nare more songs than 10 or 12, so if you have more music and you have more things you want to express, you gotta think out the box, and [think like] ’How do I get this out there in a unique way where it gets directly to my fans and I can express myself through music directly to them?’ And I think that’s what it’s about when you have people who are incredibly creative, things happen.\" In August, Bieber confirmed he was working with American", "id": "18412430" }, { "contents": "Harajuku Girls (song)\n\n\n: it’s a ping-pong match. We do something American, they take it and they flip it and make it so Japanese and so cool. And we take it back and go, “Whoa, that’s so cool!” That’s so beautiful. It’s a beautiful thing in the world, how our cultures come together. I don’t feel like I did anything but share that love. You can look at it from a negative point of view if you want to, but get off my", "id": "3787727" }, { "contents": "New Amerykah Part Two (Return of the Ankh)\n\n\n,' 'You make me feel like this,' 'Why don't you feel like this?' It's typical of how you feel in relationships. The second movement is called ... 'Easier Said Than Done,' and it's about how hard it is to change after you've been in a relationship for so long. And then the third movement is called 'But Not This Time,' because even though I've done things a certain way for so long, I won't do that this time", "id": "15664378" }, { "contents": "WZRD (band)\n\n\nO-Dot told us about your situation, and we’ve seen that you come to the house, working with Dipo. You guys have been productive, staying out of trouble, and you guys are working towards something.' And he was like, 'I think about it like this, if it was my son, what would I want another family to do for my son?' Long story short, he said, 'You can stay here as long as you like, until you get on your feet", "id": "14777987" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Maisie Smith\n\n\ncharacter. I am quite a lively character in real life, so I do take that on to the set and they have got used to me and like me turning it into my Tiffany character. Perhaps my most useful lesson has been that while this is an amazing experience, whether you are famous or not, directors can be quite strict, so you must listen all the time and be punctual. Working to such a tight schedule can also mean very long days and I do get tired – but I still can’t", "id": "11721807" }, { "contents": "Frightened Rabbit\n\n\n’ve been certainly trying to look for new themes. There’s one that’s currently about how I question whether or not I would be willing to bring a child into the world as it stands. Not that I’m in any position to do so at all, but you know… I’m trying to find different things cause it’s album six, and I can’t do this all time time, you know. I don’t think anybody really gives a fuck about my relationships any more. So yeah, I", "id": "14504535" }, { "contents": "Christian Älvestam\n\n\n, I have wanted to do something a bit different from what I usually do for a long time now and that is to make an all-stripped-down and laid-back album, where I use my clean vocals only. You who have followed me since the early days know I've made brief digressions, musically, of that sort before, like the 'Final State' trilogy (UNMOORED) and 'Lethean Tears' (SOLUTION .45), to name a few, so it's not like 'Self", "id": "9294120" }, { "contents": "Ice (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\nlover on how to properly use an ice cube on her naked body. She sings: \"When you come and lay between it this time / Take the ice cube (boy you know what) / Sit it right below my navel and watch what I do / And that’s my favorite angle / My legs are numb now / Your lovin’ be givin’ me chills\". During the chorus, Rowland sings: \"You're like ice, I-C-E / Feels so nice, scorching me\".", "id": "10405268" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nBy my own calculations the average lifespan of an aircrew is twenty ops(operations). and we have 30 to do in our first tour. I'm Writing this for two reasons. One to tell you how I would like my money to be spent that I have left behind me; two to tell you how I feel about meeting my Maker. 1. I intended as you know, taking a university course with my savings. Well, I would like it to be spent over the education of my brothers and sisters.", "id": "16926598" }, { "contents": "Watch the Throne\n\n\n: \"I rarely do collabs, so that's just one of the ones you absolutely do. It's like a no-brainer. I didn't really think about any of it. The last thing on my mind was working with artists who I've held in high esteem for years. [...] I worked with Jay on his solo album before I did the \"Watch the Throne\" sessions. The second time I went it was Barry Weiss, Jay, Beyoncé, Kanye, couple other people, it", "id": "19819276" }, { "contents": "Birthday Cake (song)\n\n\nI thought about rappers, and I’ve done that so many times, and the hottest R&B artist out right now is Chris Brown. So I wanted him on the track, and then in turn he was like, ‘Why don’t you do the remix to my track?’ and it was a trade-off. We did two records. One for my fans, one for his fans, and that way our fans can come together. There shouldn’t be a divide. You know? It’s music", "id": "17934592" }, { "contents": "Vicki Fowler\n\n\nscary. I knew there'd be a lot of people out there with expectations of what she'd be like. But it's good fun actually. It means you don't have to introduce yourself to everyone. You can really play with that [...] My family are \"EastEnders\" addicts, we've watched it our whole lives. I remember the first Vicki, I remember Michelle and I definitely remember Dirty Den! My knowledge of the show really helped a lot, because I didn't have to do any", "id": "5487349" }, { "contents": "Hịch tướng sĩ\n\n\nit were being cut to shreds. I tremble with anger because I cannot eat our enemy's flesh, lie down in his skin, chew up his liver, and drink his blood. I would gladly surrender my life a thousand times on the field of battle if I could do these things. Ye have served in the army under my orders for a long time. When ye needed clothing, I clothed you; when ye lacked rice, I fed you; when your rank was too low, I promoted you", "id": "8945575" }, { "contents": "Who Do You Think You Are (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nare many background performers doing unusual tricks. Chisholm wrote about the shoot: \"We shot the video for 'Who Do You Think You Are' in a really mad club—a real dive. The toilets were horrible and we had to have our make-up done in a Winnebago. The vibe was excellent, though—I think it was my favourite video because it was such good fun. I felt like a proper pop star. [...] It was just how you imagine it when you're young\"", "id": "7383954" }, { "contents": "Robin Zander (album)\n\n\nside. That's how I think of it.\" Speaking of the album itself, Zander commented: \"It's not a half-baked Cheap Trick album. A lot of the solo albums I've heard over the years sound just like the band the person used to be in, or is in, and I didn't want to do that.\" \"I've Always Got You\" was released as a single and peaked at No. 13 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock chart. \"Show Me", "id": "12435616" }, { "contents": "Princess Alice of the United Kingdom\n\n\ntalk of these things. Your letters are so dear and kind – but so empty and bare – I feel myself through them that I have less to say to you than any other person. Rain – fine weather – things that have happened – that is all I ever have to tell you about – so utterly cut off is my \"real self\", my innermost life, from yours...I have tried again and again to talk to you about more serious things, when I felt the need to do so –", "id": "12574310" }, { "contents": "Samurai Jack\n\n\nthe \"Samurai Jack\" movie is in pre-production: \"I've been trying so hard every year, and the one amazing thing about Jack is that I did it in 2001, you know, and it still survived. There's something about it that's connected with people. And I want it, it's number 1 on my list, and now Bob Osher, the president, is like 'Hey, let's talk about Jack. Let's see what we can do.' And I go", "id": "7662442" }, { "contents": "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade\n\n\nangry at the proverbial phrase: \"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your Damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to", "id": "22035477" }, { "contents": "WZRD (band)\n\n\n. And you can still work with Dipo. You guys can still work on your music. So it’s a win-win.' I remember being like, 'Holy shit. Like, really?' Because I was really about to go back home, and I ended up staying there, and the rest is history. It was really, really an amazing thing. It was a blessing just to have them in my life and for them to want to do that for me. Like I said, me", "id": "14777988" }, { "contents": "Daewon Song\n\n\nfor skateboarding: I like skateboarding for what it is. I like being able to do it by myself. You need another person to hit the ball. You need someone to pitch something at you or block for you to make a basket. With skateboarding, I just pick up my board and do exactly what I want to do. Some days I have a good day and some days I feel like a complete dip-shit; like I’ve never been skateboarding in my life. I love the experience of it", "id": "8761123" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\npetition, penned by Jung: My soul, my soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you–are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you. After long years of long wandering, I have come to you again... Do you still know me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how", "id": "943052" }, { "contents": "Donatas Motiejūnas\n\n\nyou give everything you got, you want to get something back and we are not getting for a long time. It’s really not easy to just sit and watch when others are playing. I try to stay positive. I try to help the team. I try to be productive in practices. That’s all I can do. That’s all that is in my power and other things are not in my power so I can not be worried about those things.” He went on to play 62 games for", "id": "20908174" }, { "contents": "Shivarudra Balayogi\n\n\nmy mission.\" To this Seenu replied, \"Swamiji, then I do not want to do \"tapas\". Because what I want is Swamiji, that's all I know. I love you and I want to be in Swamiji's mission. I want to serve you only. Whether I get Realized or not, that is not so important for me. But definitely I would like to remain at your lotus feet and serve you forever.\" Then Swamiji smiled, saying \"Take this \"vibhuti\" and", "id": "7096934" }, { "contents": "We Are All One\n\n\nI'd say, 'Hey, I'm in the middle of working on an album. Are you interested in doing a session?' The reason it sounds [so cohesive] — even though it took so long to come together — is because when I do my stuff or I do my thing, it's me. It's what I sound like. Regardless of whether it takes me ten years or two weeks, it usually winds up sounding pretty much the same. For the most part, I play traditional", "id": "10770079" }, { "contents": "Maggie Stone\n\n\nit was PC, pretty chaste. Well, not with Jonathan! When we did our first big love scene, I was so surprised about how prudish and shy I became! It's like I became 16 again. I had to drop the blanket that was covering me, and in the middle of my kiss with Jeff Branson, Jonathan], I started cracking up. He was like, 'What did I do, what did I do?' And I was like, 'Nothing! It wasn't you", "id": "22203278" }, { "contents": "2015 Bank of America 500\n\n\nthe things we needed to do to make it better. In the end that's what you want to do on a day like today, and we made a really good day out of it. Obviously you want to win, but with so many guys having trouble you want to capitalize on a top five run, too.” Following a third–place finish, Truex said that this race \"was honestly the worst weekend we’ve had all season long as far as how I felt about the race car. I", "id": "382788" }, { "contents": "Linda Harrison (actress)\n\n\ndo the screen test, and you keep trying to employ your actors. So. I did the screen test. The part that was hard for me was actually doing the mask,where they put all that plaster on your face and you have to lie there still for a long time. Fortunately, I was an acrobat growing up, and a very very good one — I won a lot of contests — so I knew how to control my body and be 'quiet.' You had to do that, you", "id": "9265330" }, { "contents": "Henry Hudson (artist)\n\n\n“I did performance as a student, but when I left I was broke and looking to make things I could sell. I’ve always loved the impasto painters: Leon Kossoff, Frank Auerbach, anyone a bit gloopy. So Plasticine felt like something I could run with.” In the New York Times Hudson was quoted as saying that “there are certain things you can do with Plasticine that you can’t do with paint”, the writer Laura K. Jones has said that Hudson's use of Plasticine creates paintings that", "id": "17262754" }, { "contents": "Ernest Barttelot Huffington-Smyth\n\n\nRick, where do you find all these Boches of yours over the lines?” I asked him what he meant by “all.” “Why,” he said, “I've been over the lines two or three times and I haven't had a single look at an enemy machine. I would like to go across with some one like you who always gets into some fun. Will you take me with you on a voluntary patrol?” This was the spirit I liked to see in a pilot”", "id": "21750070" }, { "contents": "Spanish Armada\n\n\nMy loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take heed how we commit ourselves to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but, I do assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people. Let tyrants fear, I have always so behaved myself, that under God I have placed my chiefest strength and safeguard in the loyal hearts and goodwill of my subjects; and, therefore, I am come amongst you as you see at this time", "id": "21221085" }, { "contents": "Up Down (Do This All Day)\n\n\n, then I had it. It wasn't really a hard thing to do. I was just like, \"Alright, I guess I'll do this one! Here we go!\" You know, I've been working with B.o.B since before he got signed really. It's been a good time. It's been really collaborative with us. At the time, it wasn't the right songs or the right situation. Now, that I had something good so it was only right. I do", "id": "4943376" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Collins & Harlan\n\n\n' Bout You Honey All the Time\", \"Won't You Throw a Kiss To Me\", \"I'm Keeping My Love-Lamp Burning For You\", \"Lovin' Time\", \"And a Little Bit More\", \"Every Little Bit, Added to What You've Got\", \"Just Help Yourself\", \"I'm Runnin' After Nancy\", \"Who Do You Love?\", \"Bake Dat Chicken Pie\", \"I Know Dat I'll be Happy Til I Die", "id": "3740949" }, { "contents": "American Life\n\n\nwon't bring you happiness if you don't have a lot of money? How can you say that fame and fortune are not a guarantee for happiness and joy and fulfillment in your life?' You have to have that experience to know. 'Cause you have all those things, I've had all those things, and I've had nothing but chaos around me. So I'm just sharing what I know with the world. 'Cause I do think that we've become completely consumed with being rich and famous, our", "id": "13875070" }, { "contents": "Batou\n\n\n. \"So I knew that my job with Batou was to bring in a little bit of heart and soul into this futuristic sci-fi world.\" Asbæk had a hard time understanding his character until he looked back at the \"Ghost in the Shell\" source material. \"I didn’t have any idea what to do with the character and then I looked at the manga again, and I saw two things. I saw he likes beer, and he likes pizza. And if you know me for five minutes", "id": "3723195" }, { "contents": "SimPark\n\n\nthe park more diverse, or their virtual mother telling about life back at home (e.g.: \"I baked you a cake...\" etc.) Occasionally, the Boss's pet frog Rizzo will make an appearance on the screen to give the player advice, or nag about the way they're handling things. The park can experience disasters, including: The option of using a microphone feature allows you to click on park-goers and listen to what they have to say. Some of the more memorable quotes include,", "id": "7383376" }, { "contents": "Eric Cantona\n\n\nloved the game but I no longer had the passion to go to bed early, not to go out with my friends, not to drink, and not to do a lot of other things, the things I like in life.\" In 2004, Cantona was quoted as saying, \"I'm so proud the fans still sing my name, but I fear tomorrow they will stop. I fear it because I love it. And everything you love, you fear you will lose.\" He was interviewed in the", "id": "20467504" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Dave Gahan\n\n\nhis probation officer's office. His punishment was weekend custody at a sub-Borstal attendance centre in Romford for one year. Gahan recalls: \"You had to work. I remember doing boxing, stuff like that. You had to have your hair cut. It was every weekend, so you were deprived of your weekend and it seemed like forever. I was told very clearly that my next thing was detention centre. To be honest, music saved me.\" In March 1980, Martin Gore, Andy Fletcher and", "id": "15516560" }, { "contents": "Samantha Urbani\n\n\ntogether all the time. It’s fun for it to be a sort of ongoing conceptual project where they say 'Hey, do you wanna play a UO [showcase] at SXSW,' [and I say] 'Yes, but how am I going to make that interesting?' I don’t want it to just be a band playing on a stage. I want it to be a DIY pop show. So that’s what I’m doing right now.\" In 2017, she released \"Policies of", "id": "7922929" }, { "contents": "Sara Northrup Hollister\n\n\nI can help in any way I'd like to—You must get Alexis in your custody—Ron is not normal. I had hoped that you could straighten him out. Your charges sound fantastic to the average person—but I've been through it—the beatings, threats on my life, all the sadistic traits you charge—twelve years of it ... Please do believe I do so want to help you get Alexis.\" In May 1951, Northrup filed a further complaint against Hubbard, accusing him of having", "id": "13001866" }, { "contents": "All of You (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nsong, Colbie remains realistic about her wishes, and lets us know: \"There's no more wasting time on what I think I'm supposed to do/ My clock is standing still so I can have my dream life/ Life with the ones I love playin' all day long/ Laying back by the water side with nowhere to go and the music on/ I'm working hard for my dream life to be my real life, and that can't be wrong/ All I have is this life, so I'm makin' it", "id": "19767786" }, { "contents": "Funhouse (Pink album)\n\n\nthat she sees life as a carnival: \"Clowns are supposed to be happy, but they are really scary. Carnivals are supposed to be fun, but really they are kind of creepy.\" [...] \"and that's like life to me, and love. Love is supposed to be fun, but it can sometimes be really scary. And the funhouse mirrors that make you look so distorted that you don't recognize yourself and you ask yourself, 'How did I get here? How do I get", "id": "173214" }, { "contents": "Diamond Hoo Ha\n\n\nOil and Nick Cave was nominated as producer for the record; \"He [Launay] knew Danny was like an animal on the kit, about Rob's experimentation on the keyboards, what Mick could do on the bass. Nick just understood us. He's loved our band for a long time, seen us live, recognized the energy. At the start he said, I know what you can do, and I've seen you do it, but I'd love to make a record where you all go for", "id": "8647941" }, { "contents": "Go Ahead and Break My Heart\n\n\nknow what to do\". Additionally, she explains in the lyrics how the two artists met: \"I never ever meant to get so into you / Thought I was using you just to get me through\" and \"You know I'm broken, I don't trust anymore / Last thing I needed was to fall in love\". \"Go Ahead and Break My Heart\" was generally well received by music critics. Janine Schaults from \"Consequence of Sound\" enjoyed the track, claiming that the \"rousing duet", "id": "12862361" }, { "contents": "Sergio Aragonés\n\n\ndidn't have too many friends because I had just arrived. You're the new kid, and you have an accent. I've always had an accent ... When the other kids make fun of you, you don't want to get out of the house. So you stay at home, and what do you do? You take pencils and start drawing.\" Aragonés used his drawing skill to assimilate. \"The earliest money I ever made was with drawings\", he remembered. \"The teacher would give us", "id": "10443038" }, { "contents": "Son of the Mask\n\n\nwhere I had a good amount of control. And then in this movie I didn't have any control. I just can't do that. I have to have my voice in there. If I can't, I'm just going to be like I'm doing someone else's thing. I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through. All I can do is just try to make things independently. That's the only way you can do it. The only", "id": "53663" }, { "contents": "Satisfied (Jewel song)\n\n\nhappiness and what makes a person happy. It's funny because I feel like we all are interested in happiness, but I feel like very few of us sit down to actually see how much we're doing in our day lends to our happiness. It also seems like when you're a kid you have all these goals about what you want your life to become. Now when you accomplish those goals, you have to re-evaluate and see if they are making you happy because what makes a person feel satisfied might", "id": "7979102" }, { "contents": "Dirty Penny\n\n\n-okay thing. It's like, everyone's not okay, you know? Forget about it. Have fun. That's what you do with music -- you forget about your shit.\" “Antidote was like our training wheels when we were learning how to play, but I consider the start of our band as being when we became Dirty Penny and recorded our album...There are a lot of haters...We’re labeled a cover band in Santa Cruz and that’ll probably never change, but it’s cool to", "id": "14442784" }, { "contents": "Dark Eyes (song)\n\n\neyes, dark and glorious eyes,br Burn-with-passion eyes, how you hypnotise!br How I adore you so, how I fear you though,br Since I saw you glow! Now my spirit’s low!br br Darkness yours conceal mighty fires real;br They my fate will seal: burn my soul with zeal!br But my love for you, when the time is due,br Will refresh anew like the morning dew!br br No, not sad am I, nor so mad am I;br All my comforts lie in my", "id": "13505095" }, { "contents": "You Got to Move\n\n\n, I thought. I thought, probably if you try to do thing like I've done, you'd need, you know, like a college degree. But if you ain't got it, you have to go on without it. So I found out you don't have to be educated to do what you have to do.\" Gail Story and MaryLee Rogers Two housewives from Bumpass Cove in East Tennessee helped organize community action to stop trucks from dumping hazardous chemicals in the garbage dump in their area. \"", "id": "19635396" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nI am definitely doing a lot of watching, Different things that they do is the reason why they're successful in the NFL, so I am kind of watching and learning and seeing how they go about their business. ... I am asking questions and they've been very helpful with me.\" Teammate Chris Johnson said of the other backs, \"Basically if you have the talent to make it here, you pretty much know how to read a defense and know how to run a ball, So there are not a", "id": "11053500" }, { "contents": "Video Phone (song)\n\n\nwas doing her video with her, she called me and she said, 'What do you want to do?' [...] And I'm like, 'I don't want to show up in some frickin' hair bow and be fashion Gaga in your video.' I said, 'I want to do you.' [...] I want to do my version of Beyoncé. So the whole time I was learning the choreography they were calling me \"Gee\"-yoncé.\" Later, during an interview with", "id": "11987149" }, { "contents": "Bob Ryan\n\n\nretirement from the job to be graceful: \"I'm not bitter. I enjoy my job and I still think I do it well, but they are chipping away, chipping away and they are making it far less pleasurable. I want to get out when I feel like getting out. If you stay around too long, there is no way you can dictate your terms,\" he said. Ryan also asked, \"How do you explain to Stephen A. Smith that he has no idea of the game and how", "id": "12180037" }, { "contents": "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\n\n\nas I can, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and throw't into the Oven. The next appearance is in \"Mother Goose's Melody\" (c. 1765) in the form: Marking pastry or baked goods with an identifiable mark may stem from a time when households without an oven of their own could have brought their items to a local baker or bake house, paying to have their items finished for a small fee. Marking the pastry would have", "id": "4228126" }, { "contents": "Telephone Thing\n\n\n. I think it's good to have a go at things like that - British Rail and British Telecom. It's a natural gripe. One time, I was using the phone a lot and I dialled a number and I could hear people munching sandwiches and talking about my last phone call. I actually rang up the operator and said 'Lookl I'm trying to dial a fucking number here and I can't get through because people are talking about my phone calls! Have you got a bleedin' license to do", "id": "21112725" }, { "contents": "Tabitha (TV series)\n\n\nmake any sense.' I was getting mail from people like it was my fault, although also saying, 'Thank God you didn't have anything to do with this.'[...] They felt betrayed. I thought, 'How can you be betrayed by a TV show?' But they were irate. I got almost as much mail about that as I get about anything else. It was very funny...ranged from kids who hated it to grownups who said, 'This is the stupidest thing I", "id": "16918207" }, { "contents": "Phineas Pratt\n\n\nif I or any of my men have done you wrong.‟ We answered, \"First tell us if we have done you any wrong.‟ He answered, \"Some of you steal our corn & I have sent you word times without number & yet our corn is stolen. I come to see what you will do.‟ We answered, \"It is one man which has done it. Your men have seen us whip him divers time, besides other manner of punishments, & now hear he is, bound. We give him unto", "id": "14698811" }, { "contents": "Camp Hemshekh\n\n\nI've provided. Only once in my life (previously) have a made an edit on Wikipedia. I no longer remember what it was - only that it was a factual error that was pretty small. So, I don't know what kind of documentation you would like. For example, my source for attendees is a spreadsheet that I have in my possession and does not exist anywhere on the internet. Do you want me to upload it someplace. As for the Songbook/AddressList -- would you like a copy", "id": "1711590" }, { "contents": "Chris Haslam (skateboarder)\n\n\nfeatured: Chris is definitely one of the craziest mini-ramp skaters; I mean, one of the craziest skaters, is just as well ... Chris, always has just been, you know, skatin' with him all the time, just sometimes can't believe the things that he does. And we were skatin' ramps and stuff, so it was pretty fun to just do a project like this with him, 'cause I knew that he was definitely going to do some crazy stuff. Ah, it's weird", "id": "21885193" }, { "contents": "Golden Speech\n\n\nthe Presence Chamber, is used in the text below.\"Mr Speaker... We have heard your declaration and perceive your care of our estate. I do assure you there is no prince that loves his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our love. There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I mean your love. For I do esteem it more than any treasure or riches; for that we know how to prize, but love and thanks I", "id": "16901234" }, { "contents": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)\n\n\nkeep it real\". She also discussed one of the album's primary themes – \"what it's like to be in love\" – explaining \"[I talk about] mistakes you make when you're in love and how they affect your life\" after saying \"I was able to experience some things this year and I wrote about them.\" In describing the album during another interview, this time for \"GospelCity\", Williams said \"these songs are just about the real me\" and that she \"just", "id": "3782840" }, { "contents": "Bounce (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nbiggest party, the most fun ever. So when I was doing 'Bounce', you know I don't actually drink or smoke so I thought I don't wanna do a video in a club like poppin' bottles and all this stuff, although the song's about partying. I [wanted to] do a celebration... and it made me think of that experience with my mother's friend going to an Indian wedding and having the most crazy and amazing time and I though I wanna do an Indian wedding!", "id": "21867077" }, { "contents": "American Life (song)\n\n\nI don't rap.' And he was like, 'Yeah you do. Just go in there, just do it.' He totally encouraged me. I had nothing planned, nothing written, and he just told me to do stream-of-consciousness, whatever I was thinking. Because I was always drinking soy lattes in the studio, and I drive my Mini Cooper to the studio, I was just like, 'OK, let me just talk about the things that I like.' So I", "id": "11865904" }, { "contents": "Shivers (song)\n\n\nperhaps finally successfully, to divorce myself from the song. It's impossible for me to recreate what I was trying to do when I wrote that song so whilst I can see that people have an attachment to it, I don't. I feel like, when I did use to do it in shows, I was doing a cover of some song that had been around forever. That's how it felt. And I guess that is a strange way to feel about a song you wrote, so yeah, I", "id": "9419053" }, { "contents": "Zoe Slater\n\n\nthings.\" \"I always saw EastEnders as an apprenticeship,\" she told the Daily Record. \"I always wanted to go on and do different things. I have some really good friends from that show but the door is closed.\" She said: \"I've always taken chances. I think that's how you progress – by stepping out and doing different things. I really do like my freedom and jumping from job to job. I just want to work with people I admire and respect, wherever that", "id": "19176468" }, { "contents": "J.Lo (album)\n\n\nYou have to live your life. I don't do drugs, I don't drink or smoke or do anything like that. So, those are the type of things that people like [in] role models: 'Oh, you can't be human.' You are human.\" \"J.Lo\" is a pop album with Latin, dance-pop and R&B influences. Lopez revealed, \"I don't think what I make is real Latin pop. I make pop music that has some Latin influence.", "id": "9212500" } ]
hello, i do like red and it is my favorite color
[{"answer": "Hi! Yes I love the red sky at sunset from Rayleigh scattering! I also love the grand canyon red. Do you?", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 432, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 619, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Into the Light (Matthew West album)\n\n\nbehind these songs, it's not too difficult to discern what they're about. Like his previous record, I find myself able to relate to most, if not all of these songs. And a few more favorites include: 'Hello My Name Is', 'Do Something', and 'We Are the Broken'. If you like his previous record, \"The Story Of Your Life\", you will appreciate this newest offering. Matthew West chose to write yet more songs about his fans’ stories and", "id": "13434648" }, { "contents": "Nune Siravyan\n\n\nNune has solo exhibitions in Nune Siravyan's works has been exhibited in \"Black Maria\" gallery, Glendale, \"Papillon\" art institute, Los Angeles. Nune Siravyan has Exhibited with these artists: I love colors too much. I do not hesitate to synthesize them. I do not have a favorite color. There are no bad colors, we can combine the nuances. In my collages I use paper, cloth materials which come to replace paint. Unlike paint they make my works more interesting and (in a good", "id": "12302390" }, { "contents": "Hello My Love\n\n\nthe first Mac co-written and produced Westlife song since some of the tracks included in the 2007 studio album \"Back Home\" like \"Get Away\", \"Catch My Breath\", \"It's You\", and \"I Do\". Also, the first single for them since the 2007 lead single release of their version of \"Home\" which he produced. All happened twelve years ago. While this is the first time John Gibbons, Colin Hanley, and Red Triangle produce a Westlife single. The", "id": "14475920" }, { "contents": "Red Grammer\n\n\ntime,” was the recipient of a rare Parents' Choice Classic Award. Though it did not win any awards the year it was released, it is now considered one of Grammer's best albums. Other albums for children include: \"Circle of Light: Songs for Bucket Fillers\", \"Hello World\", \"Down the Do-Re-Mi\", \"Can You Sound Just Like Me?\" and \"Red Grammer's Favorite Sing-along Songs.\" Albums for adults are \"Soul Man in", "id": "15287837" }, { "contents": "Allison Moorer\n\n\nsaid in an interview: \"He produced my first two albums and I just felt like the time was right for us to work together again. He's simply one of my most favorite guitar players. He's probably my favorite guitar player and he's definitely the guitar player that I know the best. I\"m very comfortable with him as a producer. He's someone that I trust implicitly as a human being and a musician. And I think the time was right for us to do it.\"[6] On August", "id": "3005037" }, { "contents": "Rain in England\n\n\nThe Wire\"s Lisa Blanning said the album \"feels like a new musical expression.\" Lil B himself described \"Rain in England\" as \"my favorite work ... I think that's my most powerful work, to myself. ... That's my favorite, because I know no one else has done that, and that's what I'm most proud of, when I do things that I know nobody else has done before.\" At the end of the year, the album received one vote in the \"Village Voice", "id": "13199068" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "A Few Questions\n\n\ndo differently on any song. The album is absolutely the best I can do at this point in my life. I feel like I'm singing better than I ever have. There's a lot of maturity and strength in my voice.\" Walker told \"The Dallas Morning News\", \"I love soul music, one of my favorite songs of all time is Earl Thomas Conley's 'Holding Her and Loving You.' I recorded that on my Live, Laugh, Love album. That was the beginning of", "id": "4169957" }, { "contents": "The Album About Nothing\n\n\nand I listened to his music, I liked the music. So I said alright, I'll do it, even though I didn't know what I was going to do. So I said to my wife, 'I'm doing this thing with this guy Wale' and she said, 'Wale is my favorite Hip Hop artist. I have every single thing.' Somehow, she missed anything that had to do with me, but has every other cut, everything else he's done. I said just", "id": "1487734" }, { "contents": "Water Liars\n\n\nOhia is also a great influence, \"If you're gonna say there's one thing that influenced what I do now, it has to be the drum sounds. Because I play a lot like that guy does. My favorite style of drumming is on their records. I definitely model what I do after that. I mean, I don't try to do what they do, but that's just the way I like to play. It's just got that kind of '90s sound to it. Maybe", "id": "11006267" }, { "contents": "Josie McFarlane\n\n\nno impact. There was nothing that made people sit up and take notice of what Josie was doing. It was like they remembered I was around and threw me a line where I would slide into the bar and say, 'Hello, how are you' and then sit on a stool and say nothing for the rest of the episode. I came to feel that I was letting the black community down because my character was so empty. People of my own colour often accosted me in public and accused me of playing", "id": "596714" }, { "contents": "Gambit (unproduced film)\n\n\nthe breakout hit that Fox executives had expected. In September 2013, Tatum expressed interest in taking over the role from Kitsch, saying, \"Gambit's my favorite. I’m from New Orleans, around that area. My dad's from New Orleans, and I like to do a Cajun accent. I could do it for real. No knock on Taylor Kitsch, though, ’cause I actually like his Gambit, but I’ve always lived around Cajun people ... Gambit was always like the woman-loving, cigarette-", "id": "4001666" }, { "contents": "Dick de Groot\n\n\nMy favorite subject is the contemporary American urban scene, which I find exciting and uniquely suited to my taste. I like to use clues that give an illusion of space, or only a suggestion of it around the corner or beyond the hill. The opposites of mass and space, of volumes and voids intrigue me. They are the basis of my compositions. The urban landscape is rich in geometric planes that can be arranged in expressive combinations of color and light-dark values. I want to see each element in my", "id": "9163406" }, { "contents": "List of Sanrio characters\n\n\nas a result, due to popular demand, standard merchandise started re-appearing beginning in February 1997 featuring the original red hood. Goods with the pink hood were re-released in 1999 and as of 2000 there were goods released with multiple color hoods. My Melody has been turned into a Pullip doll, like two other Sanrio characters, Hello Kitty and Cinnamoroll. The doll includes a toy of Flat the mouse. On April 3, 2005, an anime series based on My Melody and her friends and produced by Studio", "id": "15310779" }, { "contents": "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)\n\n\nof \"and\" that leads to the ambiguity. It sort of is a little puzzle and I guess it goes by - but they're all great things. 'I won't stop doing beautiful things and I won't do bad things.' It's very noble. I'm very proud of that song because it's very much like out of the world of Excalibur. To me, it's like Sir Lancelot or something - very noble and chivalrous. That's my favorite song on the record - it's", "id": "8753604" }, { "contents": "List of Sanrio characters\n\n\ngirl rabbit who always wears a red or pink hood that also covers her ears and is Hello Kitty's best friend. Her birthday is January 18 and she lives in the suburbs of London, England, United Kingdom. Like Hello Kitty, My Melody is rather popular in Asia and can be found on children's toys and merchandise. My Melody was first released in 1975 and the first related merchandise was released at the end of that year. At first she was mostly marketed toward young girls, but like Hello Kitty her", "id": "15310777" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\n\" \"My favorite thing was the colorful tweed suits,\" explained Nana Komatsu. \"I also liked how the models wore their caps to the side. It's very street style.\" \"A house like Chanel has these iconic pieces, which are renewed by Karl in a totally different way each time,\" observed Gaspard Ulliel. \"I think it's a very young collection.\" \"The set was a perfect backdrop for the collection with its play on light and color,\" stated Anna Mouglalis. \"", "id": "6500735" }, { "contents": "The Hollow Trees\n\n\n- season 4, episode 8, in a scene described as \"Sam apologizes to Luna and Emma asks him to stay\" In 2016 they released their 4th CD \"Hello Friend\" featuring such originals as \"What Do You Want on Your Taco?\" \"The Whole Thing,\" and \"Hello Friend\" along with chestnuts like \"She'll be Coming Round the Mountain\" and \"I Can't Dance (I've Got Ants in My Pants.)\" The Hollow Trees’ show is geared toward children from", "id": "11506114" }, { "contents": "Passionflower (2011 film)\n\n\nstarted to come to me, all kinds of scenes, they were all over the map. To the best of my ability I wrote a treatment. It was called \"Hello Darling\" at the time. I sent it in. And ... one of the advisors said, \"You're not ready to do \"Hello Darling\"\" and one of the other advisors, John Paizs, who I actually knew from Winnipeg, said, \"Nope, I think that's the one she should do.\" I wrote", "id": "3986679" }, { "contents": "Get Home Safely\n\n\nthem. But you know, each for different reasons. There’s a song on there called “Black Bentley,” that I can say I’m proud of for writing. I’m proud that I stayed up until 6:30 in the morning to do it to get it all out. It's probably my favorite song I’ve ever written. It might not be my favorite Dom Kennedy song ever, but it's definitely the best song I’ve ever written. A lot of it is more like poetry to melodic and", "id": "21990356" }, { "contents": "Wally the Green Monster\n\n\nfavorite and entertains the crowds of fans who come to Fenway to see the Red Sox play. He wears Red Sox Jersey #97, indicating the Year of his emergence from the Wall, and his trusty Team-Issued Size 37 ballcap is never far from his green head. In his spare time Wally likes to play catch with the Red Sox players, read his favorite book \"\"Hello, Wally\"\" written by his good friend and NESN Red Sox Broadcaster Jerry Remy, and sneak into the concession stands when no", "id": "8377819" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations\n\n\n. Stern then imitated a foreign contestant (\"Mr. Trump, in my country, we say hello with vagina\"), and Trump jokingly responded: \"Well, you could also say, as the owner of the pageant, it's your obligation to do that.\" Mariah Billado, Miss Vermont Teen USA, is one of five women to mention such a dressing room visit incident in 1997. Billado said of the visit: \"I remember putting on my dress really quick, because I was like, '", "id": "17721346" }, { "contents": "God Will'n\n\n\nn’t think like that because we out here living reckless, doing what we do, but we don’t think about what would happen if we pass away. \"It was just the thoughts that came into my head… those ‘Where would this go? Who would get that? How would this go down?’ I was just trying to get it all out. This song is for the fans that loved my “Who Am I” type of songs. “My Will” is going to be their favorite.", "id": "399080" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nhave become fascinated with ballroom dancing so I was like, 'Can I please do some dancing in it?'. So they let me do that. There's a guy in it, Charlie, and there's some really sensual moments in it, and it's in a really beautiful house. I think it's one of my favorite videos.\" The video received a nomination for Best Female Video at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. With over 2.0 billion views, the video is the 36th most viewed YouTube", "id": "8001327" }, { "contents": "Tetsuo Ochikubo\n\n\nonce the design is made, and then I don't have any pleasure in it. My favorite way of printmaking is lithography, somethings combined with etching. Black-and-white is one thing, but with color graphs. you can cut out shapes and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle.\" \"I feel I understand the East and the West. Now my influence is very Oriental. I am very inclined to Oriental philosophy.\"\" This interview was recorded by Francis Haar, only a few months before", "id": "21230068" }, { "contents": "List of The Land Before Time characters\n\n\nmakes repetitive or redundant statements (\"Hello my friends, my friends hello.\" or \"I think I need to go do some thinking at my thinking place\"). The elderly Mr. Thicknose is voiced by Robert Guillaume (VIII) and Dorian Harewood (TV series). In his first appearance, \"\", he is a very respected resident of the Great Valley; having convinced the others that he has been everywhere and seen everything. When snow falls in the Valley for the first known time, and he", "id": "15564056" }, { "contents": "Carl Gardner\n\n\n. I went outside with them between sets and spoke to the leader of the group. I asked him why they wouldn't do Run Red Run. He just smiled and said that he was the only member of the original Coasters and that these fellows had never rehearsed it. I told him it was my favorite and right then and there, the two of us did it. When they went back inside to do their next set, I was high. What a great experience.\"\" Carl Gardner, Sr.", "id": "2609444" }, { "contents": "Heat Rush\n\n\nRed Vanilla Orchid. Heat Rush is fresher and lighter and the Yellow Tiger Orchid is the top note in the fragrance. I love them both for different reasons but they both feature my favorite flower, which is the orchid.\" She further stated that \"It may be too much like fruit. Everyone's not gonna like it, but I like it... It's too safe... It's sexy, I like it\". Heat Rush is presented in a \"sophisticated and dazzling\" bright orange flacon. The", "id": "15988241" }, { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Kyle Quincey\n\n\nto see a Kings game in Toronto. I was watching Wayne Gretzky, but my dad said to me, ‘watch the way Bill Berg plays. Look at him working in the corners, not being afraid to get his nose dirty, and doing all of the little things.’ Berg became one of my favorite players to watch after that because of the effort he put, and how he never took a night off. I feel like I have taken a similar approach to working hard and being confident to do whatever", "id": "10793966" }, { "contents": "Leave It to Jane\n\n\nthe team's shows integrated story and music: \"Bolton and Wodehouse and Kern are my favorite indoor sport. I like the way they go about a musical comedy. ... I like the way the action slides casually into the songs. ... I like the deft rhyming of the song that is always sung in the last act by two comedians and a comedienne. And oh, how I do like Jerome Kern's music.\" \"Leave It to Jane\" ran for a modestly successful 167 performances, directed by Edward Royce", "id": "14819197" }, { "contents": "Chuck Schuldiner\n\n\nvocals are all I ever wanted to do in Death but couldn't. I've had this dream of recording like that for years, and it seems like a dream come true. Tim Aymar is an amazing singer and this is the main difference. I think people will be surprised at the violence and strength of the album. Many people are expecting something like Iron Maiden, but, despite being one of my favorite bands, I didn't want to make an Iron Maiden-like album. I wanted to make an", "id": "5611438" }, { "contents": "Ogden Pleissner\n\n\nasked me why I didn’t paint watercolors. I said I don’t know how, and he said all you have to do is keep your board a little slanted so when you wash the color onto the paper it runs downhill. That I was my only lesson in watercolor.” “It’s hard to say whether I have a favorite place to paint. There are many fascinating places in Europe and there’s so much right here in this country. . . Whether it’s Vermont, Normandy, or Paris,", "id": "2780956" }, { "contents": "You're My Favorite Waste of Time\n\n\nour teens—and we’d wait for her parents to go to bed so we could be alone. While we would do that, we were just sitting around watching TV, killing time. I really liked doing that with her, just sort of doing nothing. You could take it a lot of different ways, though. It’s a funny song, and it’s got funny words. Like, 'I don’t care if being with you is meaningless and ridiculous.' That’s a funny thing to say", "id": "4776374" }, { "contents": "Paul O. Zelinsky\n\n\nWhen he was only four, he submitted work to \"Highlights\" magazine, and his artwork was first showcased. Some of his influential childhood book favorites included \"The Color Kittens\", and \"The Tawny Scrawny Lion\". Zelinsky said in reference to memories of what he had read, \"Feelings come to me as a sort of flavor. I know that when I call up my earliest memories, what I remember seeing and hearing is accompanied by a flavor-like sense of what it felt like to be \"", "id": "13959782" }, { "contents": "Christina Grimmie\n\n\n\" Grimmie grew up listening to contemporary Christian artist Stacie Orrico: \"She has a really awesome voice and I was so drawn to it. I think the reason I do have a soul voice is because I grew up listening to her and she was my huge, huge influence. I wanted to sound just like her, I wrote songs that kinda sounded like something she would do.\" Grimmie cited Christina Aguilera as her main influence vocally, and listed her favorite singers as Céline Dion, Whitney Houston, and Lady Gaga", "id": "12436041" }, { "contents": "PHP\n\n\nabstract class User { class Student extends User { class Teacher extends User { $students = [ $teachers = [ echo \"Students: \\n\"; foreach($students as $student) { echo \"Teachers: \\n\"; foreach($teachers as $teacher) { // Output of program: // Students: // Hello, my name is Alice, I learn Computer Science // Hello, my name is Bob, I learn Computer Science // Hello, my name is Charlie, I learn Business Studies // Teachers: // Hello, my name", "id": "4571990" }, { "contents": "I Serve a Savior\n\n\nhim to do it: \"I didn't have any big plans for 2018 and my favorite part of my job is to go into the studio and create. I just felt like it was God's timing and I couldn't pass it up.\" Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic gave the album three stars out of five, praising the duets with Sonya Isaacs and Bobby Osborne and calling it a \"a sturdy, comforting listen, which is precisely what it was intended to be.\" The album debuted at No.", "id": "11741430" }, { "contents": "Spontaneous trait inference\n\n\nwhich I bought at Sulka’s in Paris in a mood of celebration when Frances said she wanted a divorce. In addition I have on a red wool hunting cap. And I wipe my nose and mustache on my fingers and then shake hands with the guests, saying “I’m Mr Henderson, how do you do?” And I go to Lily and shake her hand, too, as if she were merely another lady guest, a stranger like the rest. And I say, “How do you do?", "id": "5931577" }, { "contents": "Libra (Toni Braxton album)\n\n\nso that's the category they put you in based on your color first. So how do I do my mainstream style of music, still be who I am without being hip-hop? Because there's not a hip-hop bone in my body.\" With Braxton also experiencing a happy family life during the album's production, she became less involved with the songwriting on the album: \"They like [to] hear a little bit more controversy, and that's not necessarily my lifestyle [...] I", "id": "11911233" }, { "contents": "MicroDVD\n\n\ncodice_11 defines font size. codice_12 \"Hello!\" is displayed at the defined font size, with the string \"size\" determining the desired size as an integer number. For example: codice_13 \"Hello!\" is displayed at the font size of 10. The control code codice_14 defines font color. codice_15 \"Hello!\" is displayed in a defined color. The color format is: $BBGGRR (8 bits blue, 8 bits green and 8 bits red). For example: codice_16 \"Hello!\" is", "id": "16902622" }, { "contents": "Stevie Williams\n\n\ninterview with the \"Berrics\" website, DGK professional Keelan Dadd explained the influence of Williams upon his own skateboarding: Stevie was one of the dudes I really first recognized and could relate to. I was that little kid with baggy clothes and a little chain just doing what I wanted to do ... People would hit me up on him as I was going and then once I understood skateboarding more, I was like \"damn, Stevie's tight as shit\". It was dope. Stevie is one of my favorite skaters", "id": "10374761" }, { "contents": "Cub Scouts (Australia)\n\n\n, Black Plume, Grey Brother, Red Fang, White Claw, and Brown Tip. The \"Pack Council\" is an informal meeting of Leaders and the Sixers, and often Seconds (although any member of the pack can be invited), to discuss things such as schedules for the following term, what activities or camp were liked or disliked during the term, and what the pack would like to try in the future. Cub Scout Promise poemOn my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty", "id": "21608493" }, { "contents": "You're My Favorite Waste of Time\n\n\nI was thinking a song that The Hollies might do, with a big anthemic chorus and harmonies and stuff.\" The lyrics were intended by Crenshaw to be humorous. He explained, \"The lyrics are tongue-in-cheek. 'You're my favorite waste of time.' It’s a love song. I don’t know what I was thinking of. I guess I was partly thinking about when I used to go over to [my wife] Ione’s house—this was when we were still in", "id": "4776373" }, { "contents": "Hello Americans\n\n\nthey were very amusing. I didn't really do much of it — the writers were awfully good. And it was a good form. A-B-C: \"A\" is for \"Antilles,\" \"Antigua,\" and so on. We went through like that and did little things and big things, with music and stories each week. I'm queer for the Caribbean anyway — not as it exists, but as it was in my mind in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Caribbean is", "id": "21212286" }, { "contents": "Do I Know You?\n\n\nthe TV to Metro News 1 and affectionately watches a brief segment of Robin's newscast. Marshall asks Ted for some wedding shower gift ideas for Stella. He asks if Stella likes to cook, what her favorite color is, or if she has any hobbies; Ted doesn't know the answer to any of these questions. It is determined that Ted doesn't know Stella's eye color, so he says they are the color of the ocean after a storm, though he doesn't actually know what color that is.", "id": "11886996" }, { "contents": "Mitchel Musso (album)\n\n\n\"Shout It\". The two are a duet featuring singer Katelyn Tarver and Musso's brother Mason Musso respectively. Musso stated: \"But actually my favorite song off my album is a duet, \"Us Against the World\" and it’s my favorite song. I feel like it’s got the most uh, it’s kind of a dark vibe but at the same time it’s a really upbeat like uh, I would say a happy song. And I think the girls voice, her name’s Katelyn Tarver", "id": "11710403" }, { "contents": "Never Too Far/Hero Medley\n\n\nI wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked me to write a song and they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing", "id": "22018884" }, { "contents": "9 (Lil' Kim album)\n\n\nmeaning behind her fifth album in a interview with BET on the red carpet at the 2019 BET Awards, “it’s a spiritual awakening number for me. Also, when I started out in Junior M.A.F.I.A. it was 9 members, my daughter was born June 9th, Biggie died March 9th, it is twenty-nineteen. It’s a powerful number for me. One day, you know, I’m very spiritual and one day God was talking to me and I was like ‘7 is my favorite number’ and", "id": "8631501" }, { "contents": "Chickenfoot\n\n\nappearance on the \"Trunk Nation\" show on SiriusXM channel Volume: \"Joe and I have been talking, when he finishes his [solo] tour next June, if he has enough time and if Chad's available, about doing another Chickenfoot record. And if they can't do it, if we can't all get together, then I'm gonna do a Circle record. It's gonna be one or the other. Those are my two favorite bands in the world. And I would like to", "id": "19787814" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n: \"Christmas changes, it morphs, it comes to life a little more… It's just a happier time.\" The tenth track, \"White Christmas\", was the first song to be recorded for \"Wrapped in Red\". A cover of Rodgers and Hammerstein's \"My Favorite Things\" follows up as the eleventh track. Clarkson opted for the Broadway performance of the song to stray away from Julie Andrews' version, citing: \"I think you shouldn't go near anywhere of what she's doing", "id": "19916600" }, { "contents": "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life\n\n\nhappening. While I was actually here, I got an email from the producers. Again, I'm always vocal (about producers) Amy Sherman-Palladino and Dan Palladino; they're two of my favorite people and two of my favorite writers ever of all time. Just to be able to speak their words again, of course I would do it. So I told them, yeah, of course I'll do it.\" On January 29, 2016, Netflix and Warner Bros. officially confirmed the revival, tentatively", "id": "15889522" }, { "contents": "Ice (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\nlover on how to properly use an ice cube on her naked body. She sings: \"When you come and lay between it this time / Take the ice cube (boy you know what) / Sit it right below my navel and watch what I do / And that’s my favorite angle / My legs are numb now / Your lovin’ be givin’ me chills\". During the chorus, Rowland sings: \"You're like ice, I-C-E / Feels so nice, scorching me\".", "id": "10405268" }, { "contents": "Ty Dolla Sign\n\n\n's so many great rappers, like if we had to battle or some shit, they would just cream me. I don't really consider myself a rapper, I just happen to have bars, or something like that. I still sing man, I'm a singer, ya feel me?\" When asked about his influences, Ty Dolla Sign responded, \"2Pac is my favorite artist of all time. I liked Slum Village a lot back then, like J Dilla, he's one of my favorite producers and", "id": "10226847" }, { "contents": "Magical Sentosa\n\n\nsegment for, Hello Hello. Later on, more of Kiki's friends appear, namely two sea creatures called, \"\"The Crazy Fish\"\", a monstrous whale-like creature, and a robot named, Omeo. The band then reappears during the climax of the song and as they disappear from the scene, a mass of laser-colored bubbles shoots up in front of them. They would later reappear in a cameo in Kiki's song, \"It's My World\". As Magical Sentosa uses quite", "id": "10548026" }, { "contents": "Gaddi Vasquez\n\n\ndo you mean, I don't look like an American? Why do you say I don't look like an American?\" He said, \"The color of your skin. You don't look like an American.\" And I said, \"Well, my grandparents came from Mexico to the United States, pursuing dreams and opportunities.\" By the end of Vasquez's tenure, 16 percent of the 7,810 volunteers were minorities — the highest percentage since the agency began collecting data on volunteer diversity. Portions of the", "id": "15323543" }, { "contents": "Alicia Markova \"The Dying Swan\"\n\n\nAlicia's co-operation had a great influence on the painting. With the ballerina so unselfish I was doing my damnedest to produce my best. When it was time for the company to move on to Pretoria, I went with them. One evening in Pretoria I went down to see Alicia dance yet again, watching from the wings with no less enthusiasm than I had the first time, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Anton Dolin, Alicia's partner. 'Hello there,' he whispered", "id": "22023157" }, { "contents": "Slay Tracks: 1933–1969\n\n\ntasked with releasing the music himself, as Malkmus had left on a trip to parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Kannberg designed the cover of the EP and sent copies to various independent labels, distributors, and zines. He recalled \"I had no idea how to do it. I'd send off these little notes to my favorite labels like SST and Twin Tone and ask, 'How do I do this?'\" A representative from SST recommended that Kannberg use Erica Records, a Los", "id": "10447287" }, { "contents": "Express Yourself (Madonna song)\n\n\nbefore the Spice Girls... 'Express Yourself' is one of the routines that I know and I used to really like doing that one because it is where she shows her bra and holds her crotch.\" In 2010, singer Christina Aguilera paid tribute to \"Express Yourself\" with the music video of her single, \"Not Myself Tonight\". She commented \"One of my favorite videos ever is 'Express Yourself' by Madonna which came across as really strong and empowering which I always try to incorporate through my expression", "id": "13355622" }, { "contents": "Jules Shear\n\n\nDifferent Now\", with Matthew Sweet, and collaborated with Mann on the album's leading single, \"(Believed You Were) Lucky\", which performed respectably, reaching No. 30 on the Mainstream Rock Tracks and No. 95 on the Billboard Hot 100. Shear described his \"Sayin' Hello to the Folks\" as a \"mix tape\" of his favorite songs. \"I felt like recording songs that I like a lot that I didn't write,\" he told \"Paste\"'s Eliot Wilder in", "id": "9667369" }, { "contents": "Sofia Mechetner\n\n\nshe lives the same life as before she was discovered: \"I get up in the morning, help to organize my little sister Nicole (11) and my little brother Max (9), my mother goes to work as a cleaner and I go to school. When I get home from school, I'm sitting under a blanket and watching TV, talking with friends, go to the garden or to someone's house, return and do my homework and go to bed. Once the school principal said hello to", "id": "7922294" }, { "contents": "Hello Good Morning\n\n\nof sonic explosions, tightening the whole thing up and making it sound a lot darker and more thrilling than a host of US producers could manage. Skepta also drops the following immortal line in the first verse: 'I like tea, but I don't like crumpets.' A man after my own heart.\" Two weeks after Diddy–Dirty Money's appearance on \"American Idol\", \"Hello Good Morning\" debuted on the U.S. Hot Digital Songs chart at No. 17, and the single debuted on the", "id": "21451079" }, { "contents": "Helen Carter\n\n\n, Fifty Miles of Elbow Room, Helen's Mandolin Rag, Hello Stranger, I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow, Is This My Destiny, Lonesome Day, Poor Wildwood Flower, Red River Blues, Tickling the Frets, Winding Stream\" 1993 Clinch Mountain Memories: Lead vocals, guitar, autoharp. Songs include: \"Clinch Mountain Love, Poor Old Heartsick Me, Why do You Weep Dear Willow, If You Were Losing Him to Me, Kneeling Drunkard's Plea, Mama Sang, Meeting in the Air, Hot", "id": "1705120" }, { "contents": "She Loves Control\n\n\nbackstage at KDWB Jingle Ball 2017, a fan asked Cabello what her favorite song to perform was; she responded saying \"I'm excited to perform this at once, it's called 'She Loves Control' and I'm excited to perform it just because it's very fun. I wouldn't say it's my favorite one on the album because they're all my favorites for different reasons, just excited to perform that one because I feel like it's gonna have cool like dance stuff\". The newspaper \"", "id": "13800820" }, { "contents": "Deko Boko Friends\n\n\ntooth he says \"I have a cavity right here on my do-re-mi tooth.\" Klinki is very laid back and hates when juice falls out of his glass, because his face shrinks. He likes to see everyone as laid back as he is. His trick is making his straw bend down to his mouth then taps two times, and sucks some of his juice out. When he drinks too fast he says \"Oops. I guess I drank too fast.\" When he says hello he says", "id": "12128349" }, { "contents": "Boris Kaufman (rabbi)\n\n\n\"I love Israel, my son is now there serving in the army, but this is my fatherland.\" Suddenly a non-Jewish neighbor stops by to say hello, sitting down on one of the benches. An engineer by training, Yevgeni Stolbov oversaw the construction of most of Birobidzhan, and is now retired. \"I love coming here, I would do anything to help this synagogue, it's part of my life and want to see it here forever,\" he says as his friend, the rabbi", "id": "2800469" }, { "contents": "Andrew X. Pham\n\n\nremember colors my disconsolate reconciliation between my Saigon of Old and their muddy-grubby Saigon of Now” (102). He recounts one extremely emotional afternoon after giving money to a beggar child with a familiar face: “I stood rotten with doubts, more lost than I had ever been in my life. Why do I care for this persimmon-faced child? Is it simply because she bares a likeness to someone I once knew? Is that what it takes to remind me that I am Vietnamese? That I am", "id": "3340258" }, { "contents": "Let Nas Down\n\n\nof them were hits. Cole explained that soon after all these dead ends, One night I was in this hotel room after a show and I was listening to \"The College Dropout\", as I do. And on the worst song on that album, which is my favorite album, so I'm not dissing. But on the worse song on that album, \"The New Workout Plan,\" I heard the shit that I had been hearing for like—eight years now. I heard it different as a", "id": "15548098" }, { "contents": "You're Mine (Eternal)\n\n\nand I did one of my favorite videos, 'Honey', in Puerto Rico at the El Conquistador hotel. I was involved every step of the way ... I like[d] a lot of the shots in the video ... There was a moment where I had to do an additional water sequence with no director, just myself and a camera man with an underwater camera. I was looking at the take at 5 in the morning, [they're] ready to kill me. But if we didn't have those shots", "id": "5849825" }, { "contents": "My Favorite Duck\n\n\nMy Favorite Duck is a 1942 color \"Looney Tunes\" cartoon featuring Porky Pig and Daffy Duck (both voiced by Mel Blanc). It was the second color entry in the \"Looney Tunes\" series, and the first pairing of Porky and Daffy produced in Technicolor. It was directed by Chuck Jones, in his first collaboration with writer Michael Maltese. The title was presumably inspired by a film of that era, either 1940's \"My Favorite Wife\" or 1942's \"My Favorite Blonde\". In this case", "id": "20779882" }, { "contents": "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue\n\n\nand I remember that when I was writing it, I'd remembered a Gene Vincent song. It had always been one of my favorites, Baby Blue... 'When first I met my baby/she said how do you do/she looked into my eyes and said/my name is Baby Blue.' It was one of the songs I used to sing back in high school. Of course, I was singing about a different Baby Blue.\" Dylan's two previous albums, \"The Times They Are A", "id": "14053193" }, { "contents": "Beit T'shuva\n\n\n, my son is now there serving in the army, but this is my fatherland.\" Suddenly a non-Jewish neighbor stops by to say hello, sitting down on one of the benches. An engineer by training, Yevgeni Stolbov oversaw the construction of most of Birobidzhan, and is now retired. \"I love coming here, I would do anything to help this synagogue, it's part of my life and want to see it here forever,\" he says as his friend, the rabbi, looks on with", "id": "2800545" }, { "contents": "John Connor\n\n\nDekker says \"They are like my favorite films when I was younger. So it's very ironic that I'm getting to do this. And I know for the younger generation and for myself, John was equally important to me as Sarah was, and I know a lot of the people that I hear from really, really care about John\". Dekker describes his character as \"a continuation of Eddie Furlong's character\" but \"he's in a darker, more mature place now\". The show tells the", "id": "9781692" }, { "contents": "Breaker! Breaker!\n\n\n. It's a down-home kind of movie. It's still my dad's favorite.\" \"I want to become as big in the movie industry as I've been in the karate industry,\" said Norris in 1977. \"I know I can do it because I have the faith to do it.\" Norris was not particularly proud of the film but in 1981 said it was his father's favorite of his movies and \"made a lot of money\". The \"New York Times\" called", "id": "17928160" }, { "contents": "This Is a Call\n\n\nDave Grohl said about the song: \"The chorus says 'This is a call to all my past resignation'. It's just sort of like a little wave to all the people I ever played music with, people I've been friends with, all my relationships, my family. It's a hello, and in a way a thank you.\" \"'This Is A Call' just seemed like a nice way to open the album, y'know, 'This is a call to all my past resignations", "id": "3141132" }, { "contents": "Chibiusa\n\n\n; she likes the colors pink and red, pudding, pancakes, and rabbits. Her favorite school subject is drawing, while her least favorites are language classes. Her least favorite food is listed in the manga as carrots, just like Usagi, but they both eat them in the anime. Chibiusa hates taking care of the house and is afraid of such things as thunder and lightning, ghosts, vampires, dentists, and needles. She also likes to collect things with rabbits on them, and belongs to the Gardening Committee", "id": "14839876" }, { "contents": "Hello Good Morning\n\n\nlike someone doing the \"I've lost my keys\" song, just before they leave the house in the morning. The odd thing is that it was left in there. I mean if minimal is your bag, surely that'd be the first bit to cut?\" He awarded in four out of five stars. Becky Bain of Idolator was also positive about the song, saying, \"Lyrically and stylistically, it’s a pretty standard club track—over various synth beats, the song covers the usual topics:", "id": "21451076" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nthem... I wanted to sing silky, like butter – mellow. I wanted to sing mellow you know what I mean. One of my favorites is Jessie Velvet – they used to call him Mr. Easy. A lot of people forgot about him you know – Sam Cooke is another one of my favorites.\" Paul explained why he was particularly influenced by female jazz singers: \"I think the reason behind that is because of my high range. The male singers who had the same range I did, when I was", "id": "4949137" }, { "contents": "Nina Sings the Hits of Diane Warren\n\n\nAsian singer that was featured on the album. In a press conference on July 29, 2008 at Red Box, TriNoma in Quezon City, Nina revealed that she is a fan of Warren, and that she wanted to do a record consisting of her hits. Hearing about the interview, Warren willingly agreed and allowed her request. A message by Warren, stating \"A few years ago Nina cut \"I Don't Want to Be Your Friend\", one of my favorite songs. I am very happy that she is", "id": "1407143" }, { "contents": "Treaty of Chicago\n\n\nsell no more. You think, perhaps, that I speak in passion; but my heart is good towards you. I speak like one of your own children. I am an Indian, a red-skin, and live by hunting and fishing, but my country is already too small; and I do not know how to bring up my children, if I give it all away. We sold you a fine tract of land at St. Mary's. We said to you then, it was enough to satisfy", "id": "343070" }, { "contents": "Akshay Kumar Sen\n\n\nplaying on it... A little afterwards, the Master blessed the devotees and raising his right hand said, 'May you have (God)consciousness. What else can I say?' Then the Master returned to the path leading towards the house. I was standing some distance away. From there he addressed me, 'Hello, my boy, what are you doing?' He then came near, touched my chest with his hand and recited something in my ear which, being a Maha-mantra, I shall keep secret", "id": "7335125" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\nshe was really awesome. Writing the bridge of 'Just the Thing' is probably my favorite verse I have ever written, because it is so different and theatrical. Freddie Mercury from Queen inspired it, and the song really does describe me. I love being a singer. I really feel that I can influence my fans, and those who listen to my music for the better, and music is such a powerful way to do it. Acting will always be a job I love to do, but music is something", "id": "7223868" }, { "contents": "Mike Scioscia\n\n\nhe always wanted to be a blue collar power plant employee, and consequently is the only player who takes the power plant job seriously. Eventually his character suffers from radiation poisoning. \"They called and asked if I'd be interested in doing it, and it so happened that it was my favorite show. I was excited . . . Every year I get a (residual) check for like $4 . . . I cash 'em. I don't want to mess up their accounting department.\" Scioscia made a", "id": "20587933" }, { "contents": "Guten Tag\n\n\nwenn man sich bückt\"\"Guten Tag!\" Hello, hello, I want my life back\"br\"I'm not swapping any more, I want my life back\"br\"Hello, I'll admit at first I was delighted\"\"But your life itches and twitches unless you bend over\"br\"Hello!\" The music video does not directly reflect the content of the song but shows the band's way to the first album in an ironic way. The whole clip is shown as a comic strip and at the beginning it presents Wir sind Helden as a teen band (their ages are indicated", "id": "3777000" }, { "contents": "Charades\n\n\nrelease! /poem The answer is \"hem-lock\". William Mackworth Praed's poetic charades became famous. Later examples omitted direct references to individual syllables, such as the following, said to be a favorite of Theodore Roosevelt: poem style=\"margin-left:2em\" I talk, but I do not speak my mind I hear words, but I do not listen to thoughts When I wake, all see me When I sleep, all hear me Many heads are on my shoulders Many hands are at my feet The strongest steel can", "id": "6877473" }, { "contents": "Hello My Name Is...\n\n\nhas clever fairy tale lyrics and an impassioned vocal (and a sassy rap section), \"Blonde\" is a little clichéd but ends up as a convincing argument that hair color isn't a gauge of brains, and \"Rocks at My Window\" is a witty and fun love song with a big beat. Apart from the very moody and vocally powerful \"\", the ballads aren't particularly memorable, though, and the album is bogged down by similar-sounding arrangements and song structures that don't do Mendler's", "id": "14082000" }, { "contents": "Hello, The Future!\n\n\nHello, The Future! is the name of a nerd-folk band. Nicole Dieker has been performing as Hello, The Future! since May, 2010, when she recorded and uploaded one song a week to YouTube for 100 consecutive weeks. The band has released several albums and often performs at pop culture conventions. Although usually introduced as a solo act (\"My name is Nicole, my band is Hello, The Future! and I am the only person in my band\"), Hello, The Future sometimes", "id": "7295636" }, { "contents": "Stephen Talbot\n\n\nhistorical accuracy I should say that, yes, Gilbert was a troublemaker and an occasional liar, but my character was certainly no Eddie Haskell – that leering teenage hypocrite who spoke unctuously to parents ('Well, hello Mrs. Cleaver, and how is young Theodore today?') and venomously to the Beav ('Hey, squirt, take a powder before I squash you like a bug').\"! \"I have spent my adult life trying to conceal my \"Leave it to Beaver\" past or correcting the", "id": "21561130" }, { "contents": "Bells Are Ringing (film)\n\n\nwas the thirteenth and final collaboration between producer Freed and director Vincente Minnelli. Several songs from the Broadway production were dropped or replaced. These include, \"Salzburg\", \"Hello, Hello There\", \"On My Own\" (replaced by \"Do It Yourself\"), \"Long Before I Knew You\" (replaced by \"Better Than a Dream\"), \"Mu Cha Cha\" (filmed but shortened) and \"Is it A Crime?\" (filmed, but cut before release). A", "id": "414575" }, { "contents": "Steph Davis\n\n\nonly about US$6,000 a year. She read throughout her journeys, from novels by Gabriel García Márquez to an autobiography by Kirstie Alley, to French short stories in the original language. Some of her favorite authors are T.C. Boyle, Victor Villasenor, and Rumi. Among her climbing heroes is Layton Kor. Her parents continued to disapprove of her lifestyle, however, and she felt very alone: \"My parents did not like my choices and thought I was doing stupid things with my life, and they told me so.", "id": "18236415" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsoul\", he wrote. \"A certain red affects your blood pressure.\" He also was familiar with the way that complementary colors, such as red and green, strengthened each other when they were placed next to each other. He wrote, \"My choice of colors is not based on scientific theory; it is based on observation, upon feelings, upon the real nature of each experience ... I just try to find a color which corresponds to my feelings.\" Later in the century, the American artist Mark", "id": "6274134" }, { "contents": "A Dozen Roses (You Remind Me)\n\n\n's idea to combinate music by the likes \"of Gladys Knight, and Curtis Mayfield\" with contemporary beats. Monica called the track one of her personal favorites on the album, and added: \"I think the honesty of the record is what will hopefully help people gravitate to it. I don't want to do anything contrived. I want people to know I've been through the same situations as them and that's why I share so many of my personal experiences. In the process, I've still been able", "id": "2961029" }, { "contents": "List of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles characters\n\n\nThey are like my favorite films when I was younger. So it's very ironic that I'm getting to do this. And I know for the younger generation and for myself, John was equally important to me as Sarah was, and I know a lot of the people that I hear from really, really care about John\". Dekker describes his character as \"a continuation of Eddie Furlong's character\" but \"he's in a darker, more mature place now\". Kacy Corbin, portrayed by Busy Philipps", "id": "6592424" }, { "contents": "Million Dollar Mermaid\n\n\nhad greatly changed her film \"Neptune's Daughter\" when they remade it as an Esther Williams vehicle. (She felt it should have been a fantasy like \"The Red Shoes\".) \"I cried so about it that at the time I never would have agreed to let them do my life story.\" However Kellerman changed her mind when she met Williams and liked her. \"I realised she really wanted to make my life story,\" said Kellerman. \"I never would have thought of her for the", "id": "7533090" }, { "contents": "Amahl and the Night Visitors\n\n\ntried to keep awake at night to catch a glimpse of the Three Royal Visitors, we would always fall asleep just before they arrived. But I do remember hearing them. I remember the weird cadence of their song in the dark distance; I remember the brittle sound of the camel's hooves crushing the frozen snow; and I remember the mysterious tinkling of their silver bridles. My favorite king was King Melchior, because he was the oldest and had a long white beard. My brother's favorite was King Kaspar. He", "id": "7017790" }, { "contents": "Bullitt County (film)\n\n\n1977. This included being able to isolate the characters without having to explain why cell phones don't work, as well as thematic material like Gordie's constant suppression and the undercurrent of women's rights. \"There were all these things I was trying to get at, but I couldn’t think of how to do it well. Then I saw Fargo season two, my favorite season of TV ever. It’s set in the ’70s and it just kind of clicked.\" The film was shot over the course", "id": "18684463" }, { "contents": "Touch My Body\n\n\npeople don't recognize that about me. And I'll do stuff that I'm totally joking and they're like (uses mean girl voice), \"Why is she doing that? Why is she doing the treadmill with her high heels on?\" I'm like, \"It's a freakin' joke! It's 'Cribs'! Hello! It's a freakin' joke!\" The music video revolves around the fantasy of a computer store employee, as he dreams about a relationship with Carey. Throughout", "id": "17170218" }, { "contents": "22 (Taylor Swift song)\n\n\n. After writing her third studio album \"Speak Now\" (2010) entirely solo, Swift opted to collaborate with different songwriters and producers for \"Red\". Thus, she called Max Martin and Shellback, two songwriters and producers whose work she admired, to discuss a possible collaboration. She told \"Billboard\" magazine: \"For me, being 22 has been my favorite year of my life. I like all the possibilities of how you're still learning, but you know enough. You still know nothing, but", "id": "12656342" }, { "contents": "Miffy\n\n\nDaily Telegraph\", Bruna expressed his dislike for Hello Kitty. \"'That,' he says darkly, 'is a copy [of Miffy], I think. I don't like that at all. I always think, \"No, don't do that. Try to make something that you think of yourself\". In addition, on August 26, 2010, Mercis BV, representing Bruna, brought suit against Sanrio with the claim that one of Hello Kitty's companion characters, a rabbit named Cathy,", "id": "3656414" }, { "contents": "Bottoms Up (Trey Songz song)\n\n\nwebcast, Songz explained how the collaboration came together, stating: \"I'm in L.A. for BET Awards weekend, I'm working on a couple records, and I do this song called 'Red Lipstick,' and then I do 'Bottoms Up' the next day. I hit Nicki and I'm like, 'Man, I've got these two incredible records, I think one of them is gonna be my first single, and I need you to do it. Can you come this weekend? Can", "id": "4588370" } ]
My hair is brown, how about yours?
[{"answer": "Brown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair, my hair is also brown but on the lighter side. some parts of my hair change to blonde in the summer.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "518358", "title": "Brown hair", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 72, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "William Brandon Lacy Campos\n\n\nof you… No more high yellow and midnight blue conversations when talking about skin unless it's to talk about how that high yellow or midnight blue person rocked your socks last night after that party and you are about to take his or her last name. I could give a damn about the style you wear your hair, fried died and laid to the side or afro-tastic, I am with Miss India.Arie, I am not my hair!\" In a speech in 2012 at the Civil Liberties and Public", "id": "21630586" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nAmerica love my dark skin. But here in Kenya, in my home country, some consider it not attractive. In November 2012, the American actress Jada Pinkett Smith defended her daughter Willow's hair on Facebook after the girl was criticized for an \"unkempt\" look. \"Even little girls should not be a slave to the preconceived ideas of what a culture believes a little girl should be\", the actress said. In 2014, Stacia L. Brown relieves her story of feeling anxious about how her hair was styled prior", "id": "2005689" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nalways come down the stairs of my parents' house, and they would say, 'Go back upstairs and brush your hair, change your clothes, you can't go out wearing that', and I felt like it was stifling my identity... My hair was my glory. It was the only thing that I could change about myself.\" Initially \"Hair\" was supposed to be released as the second promotional single from \"Born This Way\", following \"The Edge of Glory\", on May 16,", "id": "2542050" }, { "contents": "Yours Is My Heart Alone\n\n\ndivine bids me hope anew That dreams of mine may at last come true And I shall hear you whisper, \"I love you.\" In dreams when night is falling I seem to hear you calling For you have cast a net around me And 'neath a magic spell hath bound me Yours, yours alone How wondrous fair is your beautiful hair Bright as a summer sky is the night in your eyes Soft as a sparkling star is the warmth of my love. You are my heart's delight, (\"repeat", "id": "2080881" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\n, and have had your hair touched in a predominately white bar just around the corner from the same venue.\" Experiencing micro-aggressions towards black women's hair, and being the daughter of a hairdresser, lead Knowles to create a song based on how hair is \"incredibly spiritual, and, energetically, it really encompasses and expresses who we are.\" She states the meaning of the song \"is as much as what it feels like to have your whole identity challenged on a daily basis, although physically touching the", "id": "14202427" }, { "contents": "When Will My Life Begin?\n\n\nwas included in the soundtrack. Lyrics are by Glenn Slater, and music is by Alan Menken. \"When Will My Life Begin?\" was the first song that was written for the movie. Alan Menken explained how he devised the song within the constraints of the chosen genre (guitar-themed score): \"When I thought about Rapunzel in the tower and her long hair, on a gut level, and I thought of the folk music of the 1960s—Jackson Browne, Joni Mitchell—and, it was", "id": "2048700" }, { "contents": "Kells Water\n\n\nthat's no here. Lovely Molly, you're the first girl I courted, it was you drew my heart in a snare, your red rosy cheeks I admired, and your lily-white skin and brown hair. Some say that my Johnnie's no coming, but I know he'll be here in the spring, through the green shady groves we will wander, and among the green bushes we'll sing. Now it's this one and that one may court you, but if anyone wins you but me", "id": "21471096" }, { "contents": "Jillian Hervey\n\n\nGlamour\" article called \"How Lion Babe's Jillian Hervey Learned to Love Her Curly Hair\", Hervey described facing taunts from schoolmates for her curly hair and how important it was to her that she also had a \"bunch of my girlfriends at the time [who] were like, 'You should wear your hair natural and curly it looks so good.'\" She also said that moving to New York and the diversity she encountered there \"led me to feel more free, take more risks, and go back", "id": "17429402" }, { "contents": "Natural hair movement\n\n\nor product easily. High porosity hair cuticles are very open and absorb water and product easily. Medium porosity absorbs and gets rid of water, product, and moisture easily. Hair types/typing considered curly/kinky In order to best treat naturally curly hair, celebrity hair stylist Andre Walker created a hair typing system. This categorizes hair into four categories based on how tight curls are coiled. the natural hair community is going so well in Nigeria and the name of my company is Cherish Your Rose Enterprise and it willing to", "id": "13898275" }, { "contents": "Affective Meditation\n\n\nas if you had been a dog. I see in my soul how ruefully you walk, your body so bloody, so raw and blistered. The crown on your head is so sharp, and your hair, blown in the wind, is all matted with blood. Your lovely face is so pale and swollen with the blows and the beatings, and covered with spittle and phlegm. And down runs your blood; it horrifies me to see it. The experience of Affective Meditation is most often precipitated by meditating or concentrating", "id": "17185517" }, { "contents": "Doppelgangers (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\n\"Doppelgangers\" is the 24th episode of the fifth season of the CBS sitcom \"How I Met Your Mother\", and the 112th episode overall. It originally aired on May 24, 2010. Although Marshall is ready to have a baby, Lily is not, so they reach a compromise: they make a pact to start trying to have a baby once they finally see Barney's doppelgänger. One day they finally spot Barney's doppelgänger, who appears in the form of a brown-haired cab driver, but later", "id": "10425600" }, { "contents": "Mary Babnik Brown\n\n\nknown dancer in Pueblo. She began dancing as a hobby in her early teens, winning her first dancing contest at the age of nineteen. She danced so often at the Arcadia Ballroom (now razed) on Fifth Street in downtown Pueblo that her nickname was \"Arcadia Mary\". During World War II she taught GIs how to dance. She had a saying: \"My first love is my family, but dancing is my second.\" In 1944 Brown was the first woman to have her hair used for military aircraft", "id": "19854244" }, { "contents": "Scalp reduction\n\n\nsevere scalp reduction can reduce your bald spot and make you look less bald. The surgery usually takes about 2-3 hours with around 250 hair grafts and for a severely bald man it would be about 1,000 hair grafts. Pricing varies on how severe your baldness is, it costs well over 2,000 dollars for a straight forward scalp reduction procedure 4,000 dollars for a mild case but scalp reduction can cost up to 20,000 dollars for a severe case of hair loss that can be treated. Health insurance will not pay for any type", "id": "4153614" }, { "contents": "How to Date a Brown Girl (Black Girl, White Girl, or Halfie)\n\n\nfrom when the Americans invaded the “island”. He also recommends running a hand through your hair like “the white boys do”. Also stereotypical machismo can be seen through this piece as Diaz writes about the narrator’s attitude towards women. However overall, the narrator never allows for all the potential outcomes of the date to outstrip that there is a date to begin with. As Diaz himself admits, much of his work is thinly veiled autobiography. His work is definitely fiction, however, and not to be seen", "id": "1303045" }, { "contents": "Rhythm Inside (Calum Scott song)\n\n\nsecond single. \"I want to write real songs that mean something. Rhythm Inside is very different to Dancing On My Own which was about unrequited love. My new song is almost the opposite. It is very much about the internal response when you fall in love, such as your hair standing on end and blood rushing to your head.\" said Scott in the interview with the Mail. \"It is something everyone feels and can relate to.\" Speaking of the song's style, Scott said \"This song", "id": "2799315" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nto walking in for a job interview in her article, \"My Hair, My Politics.\" Stacia begins her story describing her “Big Chop”, a phrase used to indicate cutting off the relaxed or processed hair. A couple months after her big chop, she entered the Job market and she became very nervous about how her hair would appear to job interviewers. Luckily, none of the interviewers acknowledged her hair in a discriminating way. Stacia later discussed the first appearance of “the bush” in being a political", "id": "2005690" }, { "contents": "Black & Blue (Backstreet Boys album)\n\n\ncrooning). Browne wrote that \"The Call\" (a dance-pop song) \"tells how to cheat on your mate by telling her your cell phone battery's low!, but it also has the blowsy feel of a rejected show tune\". \"Rolling Stone\"s Barry Walters called it \"the album's most frenzied cut\". The second track \"Shape of My Heart\" was described by Browne as a \"predictable ballad\", while AllMusic's editor Stephen Thomas Erlewine wrote that \"the song flows as", "id": "19174478" }, { "contents": "F*** Off, I'm Ginger\n\n\nMarsh also appeared. The documentary is about the life of a ginger haired person, and how hard they have it amongst the world around them. It aims to persuade people who discriminate against ginger hair to change their ways and respect ginger haired people just like any other person. It contained interviews with ginger haired actors Charlie Clements (Bradley Branning in \"EastEnders\"), in which he spoke about becoming typecast as a ginger actor, and about Bradley's portrayal as a geek in the show and Jennie McAlpine (Fiz Brown", "id": "12310259" }, { "contents": "Ebernoe Horn Fair\n\n\non your way, I will not let you ride on my grey mare today, You'd rumple all my muslin and uncurl my hair, And leave me all distrest to be seen at Horn Fair.\" \"O fairest of damsels, how can you say No? With you I do intend to Horn Fair for to go, We'll join the best of company when we do get there, With horns on their heads, boys, the finest at the Fair. They are the finest horns you did ever behold", "id": "15362139" }, { "contents": "Let Your Hair Down (Grimm)\n\n\nin a bigger role can't be all bad, but 'Let Your Hair Down' is a warning sign that \"Grimm\" has too many plates in the air, and if it isn't careful, they're all going to come tumbling down and make a huge mess.\" TV Overmind's Shilo Adams wrote, \"When I took on the role of writing about \"Grimm\", I was a tad nervous. I’m not a huge watcher of procedurals and very rarely watch cop dramas in my free time", "id": "11793935" }, { "contents": "Little Red-Haired Girl\n\n\nBrown. Signed, the Little Red-Haired Girl.\" Ecstatic, Charlie Brown skips his way home, realizing he has triumphed against what he considers all odds. Throughout the entirety of \"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\", the Little Red-Haired Girl is not seen once. The Little Red-Haired Girl returned in the 1977 special \"It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown\", making her first ever onscreen appearance. Linus tells Charlie Brown that her name is \"Heather\", and that", "id": "3072149" }, { "contents": "Rasony District\n\n\nmy hair... One twisted, then the other twisted my hair - how they tugged at it, how they tugged at it!... They tore all the hair from my head. Then they laid me down, one of them stepped on my head, the other on my feet and they started to flog me with lashes. They flogged and flogged me... They would have flogged me to death just like my sister and Djubenczicha... But they brought them something to eat. Bread spread with butter and these mess-tins", "id": "5440343" }, { "contents": "Living for the Weekend (Hard-Fi song)\n\n\n. Talking about the song, Archer said, \"It's a song about when you've been working all week, for me and my friends that would probably be in a job you don't like or enjoy doing, and it gets to Friday and all of that frustration you've been through all week is released. The money you've earned you spend it to get rid of all that stress, you let your hair down, your life's your own again, you're free. Everyone knows what that's", "id": "20695643" }, { "contents": "How to Eat with Your Butt\n\n\nface is some sort of silly face, promptly ground him and force him to wear a brown paper bag over his head for making \"silly faces\". It is (what his parents do not notice) a piece of his hair sticking up after he combed his hair to look perfect which ruined his school photo. To compound this prank, Cartman then submits Kenny's photo to a milk company, which places it on the milk cartons. Cartman's description of him includes features with obvious double meanings, such as a", "id": "11881437" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\na tribute to his Ethiopian daughter's hair, writing it, stating that he wanted to say, \"Your hair is great. You can put it in ponytails. You can put it in cornrows. I wish I had hair like you.\" The mash-up uses different shots in the show's segment paired with \"Whip My Hair\" to act as a music video. During the week of release of the \"Whip My Hair\" video, the \"Sesame Street\" clip also went viral. Veronica Miller", "id": "17440845" }, { "contents": "Clara Barton\n\n\nto the members of your society. My best wishes for the success of your annual meeting, and accept my thanks most sincerely for having written me. Fraternally yours, (Signed) Clara Barton. While she was not an active member of her parents' church, Barton wrote about how well known her family was in her hometown and how many relationships her father formed with others in their town through their church and religion. In 1975, the Clara Barton National Historic Site, located at 5801 Oxford Road, Glen Echo,", "id": "20865591" }, { "contents": "Somebody's Hero (song)\n\n\nreally want to write about family. I really want to write about my little girl.' The Thing for me was, when you have a baby you start thinking about your own relationship with your mother, and when you were little, how much you looked up to her. Then you move to, 'Gosh, my baby looks up to me so much. I don't want to let her down. I want to be a hero to her.' Then you start thinking it's not just your mother", "id": "5135502" }, { "contents": "Little Red-Haired Girl\n\n\nsaw her from a distance later that year while skiing. Peppermint Patty and Marcie encountered her at summer camp a few years later in 1972, where it is stated that she is aware of Charlie Brown (despite his belief that she does not know he exists) and is talking about him to the other girls at camp, although what she says of him and how she feels about him are not stated. Eventually, the Little Red-Haired Girl moved back to Charlie Brown's neighborhood, with no further mention of her", "id": "3072147" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\nwild as can be, while she asks ladies to \"whip their hair\" and \"shake haters off\". The lyrics have motivational undertones, speaking of self-love and assurance, and referring to letting your hair down as a representation of this in parts like the line, \"Keep fighting until I get there, when I'm down and I feel like giving up/I whip my hair back and forth, I whip it, I whip it real good.\" \"Whip My Hair\" is a high", "id": "17440824" }, { "contents": "Hamsterz Life\n\n\nas \"hello\" and \"good-bye\". Hammy is a hamster girl seen in the game. She appears as a girl with brown hair and hamster ears. She is also seen wearing an apron with a yellow dress underneath. She explains how to do things throughout the game such as how to play mini-games, taking care of your hamster. She is also there to help pick out a hamster. When switching for a visiting hamster, Hammy takes them and takes care of them until you come back", "id": "5638734" }, { "contents": "From My Heart to Yours (song)\n\n\n\"From My Heart to Yours\" is a song by Irish recording artist Laura Izibor. It was released as the lead single from her debut album, \"Let the Truth Be Told\". Izibor noted that \"From My Heart to Yours\" was \"one of the easiest songs\" she wrote. She explained the song, saying: \"It just kinda came together really easily. It's about how you feel when you are in love and is a reflection of the whole experience.\" The song was used in", "id": "19905010" }, { "contents": "Velvet Goldmine (song)\n\n\nin 1972. \"You're my taste, my trip, I'll be your master zip, I'll suck your hair for kicks, you make me jump to my feet, So gimee your hand, gimee your sound, Let my seed wash your face, I'm falling up, I can't stand...\" A similar fate befell \"Sweet Head\", another rocker with sexual lyrics that was dropped from \"Ziggy\" in favour of a cover of the MOR song \"It Ain't Easy\". The", "id": "17997766" }, { "contents": "Charlie and Lola\n\n\nHe exclaims \"Get out of my room, now!\" and \"Who's been in my room?\" Minnie Reader Minnie Reader is a classmate and friends with the girls including Lola and Lotta and is very clever. She likes tap dancing, beads, ponies, patterns, coloring and knows a lot about guinea pigs and has one named Fluffy. She is serious and doesn't smile as much as the rest of the characters. She has short brown hair with two green circle shaped hair clips in it. She", "id": "6584868" }, { "contents": "Yo Contra Ti\n\n\nverse, he reflects the feeling of an ill woman since the diagnose of the disease, thinking about life and death, and how it would affect her beloved ones. As time passes, she notices how his body is changing and has to confront the mirror's raw reflection of her every day. She also talks about beauty despite her hair loss, stating that \"not all princesses have long hair.\" She then begins to confront her cancer by asking angrily \"who are you to tear my life source breasts?\"", "id": "20510256" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\ntwo alleles that give different instructions, one for red hair and one for brown. The hair color of these children depends on how these alleles work together. If one allele dominates the instructions from another, it is called the \"dominant\" allele, and the allele that is overridden is called the \"recessive\" allele. In the case of a daughter with alleles for both red and brown hair, brown is dominant and she ends up with brown hair. Although the red color allele is still there in this brown-", "id": "9833886" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nfor The Huffington Post, gave the song a positive review, highlighting in particular the importance of its message of praising black women's hair during such a socially volatile period: \"Hair is used as a metaphor for our entire essence on this track and is the perfect symbol, as our hair is one thing that has always been policed throughout history and into the present.\" Vogue Magazine found the song to be an uplifting message about hair, and noted how its message relates to a specific community while also being accessible and", "id": "14202433" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nLook at me sweetly; \"Kiss me on the neck \"Get on your knees, \"and then rise up.\" Here I am on my knees, all full of love for you. Come back among us come back again. \"My beloved, see \"how sweet are my kisses.\" Oh, how beautiful your eyes are, and how rounded your breast! If it's the dark one you have chosen. My darling, if you love me kiss me again. My daughter, you have to", "id": "18355083" }, { "contents": "Parks and Recreation\n\n\nabout April Ludgate. In the episode \"Woman of the Year\", Andy claims every song he writes includes either the lyrics, \"Spread your wings and fly\", or \"You deserve to be a champion.\" As a result of that joke, every \"Mouse Rat\" song featured in the series since then has included one of those two lyrics. In the episode \"Telethon\", Andy plays the song \"Sex Hair\", about how one can tell whether someone has had sex because their hair is", "id": "19136852" }, { "contents": "Violet (Peanuts)\n\n\nby Charlie Brown when he takes her to his dad's barber shop. After telling her about how his dad would always smile at him no matter how bad a workday he was having, a humbled Violet walked away, but not before quietly wishing Charlie Brown a Happy Father's Day. In another example, a character named \"5\" fired back at her with \"\"My\" dad goes to PTA meetings!\" Charlie Brown once deflated her with the comeback: \"\"My\" dad has a \"son\"", "id": "17586" }, { "contents": "My Old Man (Zac Brown Band song)\n\n\n\"A\", praising the lyrics and Brown's vocal performance, adding, \"I appreciate Brown’s ability to capture deep and difficult feelings without descending into maudlin sentimentality. I think he gets at an essential truth about losing a parent. In one way, they’re gone, but in another way, they’re more present than they’ve ever been, because they are always in your mind and in your heart.\" The song earned the band a Grammy nomination for Best Country Duo/Group Performance. The song", "id": "11895305" }, { "contents": "Holy Week\n\n\nof my heart, O You who bowed the heavens by your ineffable condescension. I will wash your immaculate feet with kisses and dry them again with the tresses of my hair; those very feet at whose sound Eve hid herself from in fear when she heard You walking in Paradise in the twilight of the day. As for the multitude of my sins and the depths of Your judgments, who can search them out, O Savior of souls, my Savior? Do not disdain me Your handmaiden, O You who are boundless", "id": "18349630" }, { "contents": "This Country Is Bad Ass\n\n\nby the name of it. It's just about how amazing this country is. It's OK to be patriotic about your country. People in my age group, we've kind of, I think, forgotten where we came from. The history of this country — it's your morals, it’s, you know, your grounding. It’s kind of a last thought. People don’t really care about it. Unfortunately, eventually you will care about it when it actually affects you.” Pieterse announced that", "id": "5552407" }, { "contents": "Cam Neely\n\n\nyou dropping your gloves, but, I don't want you to think about not doing it. I just want you to think about how your reaction affects both their team and our team.' So it got me to thinking a little more about my role. Then, I began going with my instincts more and what felt right at that moment. Neely's success stemmed largely from his hard, accurate shot, quick release, and his willingness to engage in the more physical aspects of the game. At 6 ft", "id": "4188329" }, { "contents": "Californication (album)\n\n\n\"Porcelain\" with different lyrics, an instrumental version of 'Quixoticelixer' (with the working title \"New Wave Song\"), \"How Strong Is Your Love\", the original version of \"How Strong\" and the original demos for \"Fat Dance\" and \"Bunker Hill\" (originally titled \"These Are Not My Dreams of Bunker Hill\"). The leaked demos also included never before heard songs such as \"Plate of Brown\", \"Tellin' a Lie\", \"Mommason\", \"", "id": "18248655" }, { "contents": "The Tree (album)\n\n\nmy dad, it just seemed fitting to have this be a record about aging and watching your kids go off and watching your parents age. If you had your kids young enough like I did, you have a point in life where your kids are leaving the house at the same time that your parents start showing signs of needing more help\" and added that co-writing the title track with, Natalie Hemby and Aaron Raitiere was a \"joyous\" experience and that \"We wanted it to be about how your family", "id": "14207988" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nwent to New York and reached the recording studio in Manhattan at midnight. Gaga wanted him to play saxophone on multiple tracks, one of them being \"Hair\". Before Clemons started work on the song, she explained the lyrics to him. \"It made so much sense,\" he said. \"It's a story about growing up.\" She gave him few instructions about how to play on the song, saying \"'We'll put the tape on and you just play. Play from your heart.", "id": "2542056" }, { "contents": "Mary Jemison\n\n\nby the Indians. Oh! how can I part with you, my darling? What will become of my sweet little Mary? Oh! how can I think of your being continued in captivity, without a hope of your being rescued? Oh! that death had snatched you from my embraces in your infancy: the pain of parting then would have been pleasing to what It now is; and I should have seen the end of your troubles! Alas, my dear! my heart bleeds at the thought of what awaits", "id": "20885475" }, { "contents": "Paranoid (album)\n\n\nwe wanted to sing and play about the other side of life.\" In the 1992 documentary \"Don't Blame Me\" Osbourne concurs: \"It was me and five kids living in a two bedroom house. My father worked nights, my mother worked days, we had no money, we never had a car, we very rarely went on holiday... And suddenly, you know, we hear about 'If you're going to San Francisco be sure to wear a flower in your hair'. And we're", "id": "19520477" }, { "contents": "Hair theft\n\n\non the streets by an opportunist hair thief in 1914. According to a victim interviewed by the \"Grey River Argus\", \"For the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly when or where I lost my hair. I didn't feel anything at all ... when opposite Te Aro House, my friend said: 'Oh, someone's cut your hair off!' I laughed and said it was nonsense, but I found it was only too true.\" In more recent times, outbreaks of hair theft", "id": "19528123" }, { "contents": "Rabbi Akiva\n\n\nHim only 'with all my means' and 'with all my might,'\" and with the word \"One!\" he expired. The version in the Babylonian Talmud tells it as a response of Akiva to his students, who asked him how he could yet offer prayers to God. He says to them, \"All my life I was worried about the verse, 'with all your soul' (and the sages expounded this to signify), even if He takes away your soul. And I said", "id": "16276602" }, { "contents": "Jillian Hervey\n\n\ninto my natural hair.\" Speaking at Essence Festival in 2016, Hervey said this shift also affected her art: \"Once I [went natural], everything started to change. I started feeling very comfortable in my skin and really confident about who I was. I started to look to a bunch of black artists who inspired me, that were kind of in my house. My mom had this Josephine Baker painting, and I always knew of her, but I didn't know much about her legacy and how much", "id": "17429403" }, { "contents": "V'Zot HaBerachah\n\n\n\"[E]ven now, while I am still alive in your midst, you have been defiant toward the Lord; and how much more after my death\"; (4) \"For I know that after my death, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you\"; (5) \"And die in the mount that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin, as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his kin\";", "id": "22166237" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nits release. During the writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" and the creation of the full album, she has posted personal essays on her website, Saint Heron, linking the ideas of these personal essays with messages in the album. One essay that has been linked to the creation and writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" would be \"\"And Do You Belong? I Do.\" In this she says “You and your friends have been called the N-word, been approached as prostitutes", "id": "14202426" }, { "contents": "Ubi sunt\n\n\nback a thousand times, and now how abhorr'd in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kiss'd I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now, your gambols, your songs, your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar? Not one now to mock your own grinning – quite chap-fall'n. Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this", "id": "11674887" }, { "contents": "You da One\n\n\nhis review, writing \"It's perhaps less immediate, but there's a lovely pre-chorus of My love is your love, your love is my love that leads into a refrain about how great it is to have found someone decent, (I'm so happy that you came in my life). \"You da One\" garnered positive reviews from music critics. In regards to the song's sexually lewd demeanor, Jocelyn Vena of MTV News felt that Rihanna embodied a \"potty-mouthed sex kitten\";", "id": "4196116" }, { "contents": "Schroeder (Peanuts)\n\n\n. When Charlie Brown poured out his troubles, Schroeder said simply, \"Go home and listen to a Brahms piano quartet...Five cents, please!\" Later, Charlie Brown asked Lucy, \"Just how carefully do you screen these assistants of yours?\" Another time he appeared as a patient. He told Lucy about how Beethoven wrote his great Ninth Symphony, but as he was deaf, he never got to hear it, and every time he thinks about it, it makes him sad. Lucy simply replies with", "id": "14523975" }, { "contents": "How to Eat with Your Butt\n\n\n\"winking brown eye\", \"blonde hair\", and \"rosy cheeks\". The photo draws a response from a couple in Wisconsin, Martha and Stephen Thompson, who lost their son some years earlier, and shockingly have buttocks in place of their faces. They later explain that they suffer from a fictitious congenital condition known as \"torsonic polarity syndrome\" or \"TPS\" which has them born with their faces appearing as the human buttocks. With the syndrome, however, they still retain all normal functionality of their", "id": "11881438" }, { "contents": "Orhan Pamuk\n\n\n$127,000) have on your life and your work?\", Pamuk replied: Nothing changed in my life since I work all the time. I've spent 30 years writing fiction. For the first 10 years, I worried about money and no one asked how much money I made. The second decade I spent money and no one was asking about that. And I've spent the last 10 years with everyone expecting to hear how I spend the money, which I will not do. Pamuk followed this with the", "id": "16563858" }, { "contents": "The Peanuts Movie\n\n\nBrown he needs to tell the Little Red-Haired Girl how he feels about her before she leaves for the summer. Racing to her house, he discovers she is about to leave on a bus for summer camp. He tries to chase the bus but is prevented from reaching it. Just as he is about to give up, thinking the whole world is against him, Charlie Brown sees a kite fall from the Kite-Eating Tree. The string becomes entangled around his waist and sails away with him. Amazed to", "id": "271939" }, { "contents": "Princess Hwahyeop\n\n\nyou, you rose from your sick bed. But your words drifted like flowing water and faded away with time. My grief is merely expressed through these humble offerings. Your virtue will be remembered as lingering fragrance. Eulogy written on the visit to Princess Hwahyeop's Tomb Lamenting my aunt, how was she not virtuous and gentle? I have often heard about her kindness towards her brother. Flowing along the path to the tomb is a beautiful river. Precious stones concealing beneath shimmering waters. I passed by in a carriage and", "id": "21970125" }, { "contents": "Mỹ Tâm\n\n\n. \"Họa mi tóc nâu\" was a reference to her earlier song \"Tóc nâu môi trầm\" (Brown hair Dark lips), but while the older song was a powerful dance track about an independent girl who feels how promising her love and her life is, \"Nightingale\" portrayed a young, innocent, but dedicated girl who is naive about love. In response to the gaffes she committed during her interviews for the first two albums, she changed her image for the third album, and grew her hair much", "id": "21153623" }, { "contents": "Backmasking\n\n\nfor the Money\" (1968). The released version contains at the end of its side \"A\" the backmasked message \"Better look around before you say you don't care. / Shut your fucking mouth 'bout the length of my hair. / How would you survive / If you were alive / shitty little person?\" This profanity-laced verse, originally from the song \"Mother People\", was censored by Verve Records, so Zappa edited the verse out, reversed it, and inserted it elsewhere in", "id": "12561354" }, { "contents": "Samaññaphala Sutta\n\n\nThe hairs on his body even stood up as he felt an agonizing fear. He asked his physician nervously and suspiciously, \"Are you not deceiving me, Jivaka? Do you not betray me and hand my life to the enemies? How come it happens that there is not a single sound heard at all, not even coughs or sneezes in the huge group of 1,250 Sangha monks?\" To answer his majesty's paranoia, the physician calmly reassured the monarch, \"Do not worry, your Majesty. I am not", "id": "14079339" }, { "contents": "Va'etchanan\n\n\nLord; and how much more after my death\"; (4) \"For I know that after my death, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you\"; (5) \"And die in the mount that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin, as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his kin\"; (6) \"This is the blessing with which Moses, the man of God, bade the Israelites", "id": "16548449" }, { "contents": "Haazinu\n\n\nbeen defiant toward the Lord; and how much more after my death\"; (4) \"For I know that after my death, you will act wickedly and turn away from the path that I enjoined upon you\"; (5) \"And die in the mount that you are about to ascend, and shall be gathered to your kin, as your brother Aaron died on Mount Hor and was gathered to his kin\"; (6) \"This is the blessing with which Moses, the man of God", "id": "21864947" }, { "contents": "List of minor characters in Peanuts\n\n\nthe 2015 CGI Peanuts movie, the Little Pigtailed Girl can be seen sitting in a theater, in the row behind Charlie Brown. The Little Red-Haired Girl is a female character who has red hair and is Charlie Brown's unrequited love interest through most of the strip, first mentioned by him on November 19, 1961. She is not shown for most of the strips and is known simply as \"the little red-haired girl\". She appears in the animated television specials \"It's Your First Kiss,", "id": "3965725" }, { "contents": "You're in a Bad Way\n\n\nsinger tells him \"jeans are old and your hair's all wrong / Don't you know that crewcuts and trainers are out again?\" The singer invites him to \"Just dial my number or call my name\". It also makes reference to \"watching Bruce on the old \"Generation Game\"\", which led to the song being self-mockingly described as \"the one about Bruce Forsyth\" in the sleevenotes to the compilation \"Too Young to Die – Singles 1990–1995\". On the CD single (but", "id": "10163198" }, { "contents": "Fan (person)\n\n\n. Stans, however, are merely highly dedicated fans. The term was added to the \"Oxford English Dictionary\" in 2017. Celebrities have positively reacted to their \"stan\" followings. Notably, English singer-songwriter Jessie J had this to say about her stans, \"They support me and buy my albums and singles, and they stand outside hotels, and they come to shows, and they get tattoos of my lyrics and they cut their hair like me. You have to love your fans. That's why", "id": "19326923" }, { "contents": "Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe\n\n\nDaylight,\" I remember listening to [it] and I was like, 'Oh my god, this feels like a great day. Got the wind in your hair, just feels good.' That's what I loved about it the most.\" Commenting on her decision to work with Travis McCoy, she told \"Blues & Soul\". \"I figured me and Travis together would be an unusual tyepa duo. And I'm really happy I trusted my instincts. Because it turned out to be a really", "id": "7209972" }, { "contents": "Beautiful (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\na verse performed by Miguel, which begins with the lyrics \"Hop on the back of my bike, let the cool wind blow through your hair\". At first, it does not appear to sound as though it is a song by Carey, as Miguel performs the first 90 seconds. Carey and Miguel embark on a motorbike cruise at sunset, as he sings about her beauty in the lyrics \"let the moonlight kiss your skin\". After the first 90 seconds, Carey assumes the lead artist role and performs the", "id": "21516997" }, { "contents": "M. R. James\n\n\nthree M. R. James adaptations of his own. The first of these was \"The Diary of Mr. Poynter\", an entry in the \"Mystery Playhouse\" strand for the Home Service. (\"My hair! Give me back my hair! Give me back my beautiful brown hair\" teased the Radio Times.) The 15-minute play was again adapted by Philip Donnellan and starred Marius Goring as Denton. Lefeaux's second production was a new version of \"Martin's Close\", this time adapted by Michael and Mollie Hardwick", "id": "17056341" }, { "contents": "How to Eat with Your Butt\n\n\nand killed by a motorcyclist, which Cartman finds very funny. This is the first episode where the boys' hair is shown, especially Kyle's immense, red jewfro (much to his displeasure of showing his hair). The plot of the show comes from cartoons that Parker drew in high school of two people with butts on their face. \"How to Eat with Your Butt\", along with the fourteen other episodes from \"South Park: the Complete Fifth Season\", were released on a three-disc DVD", "id": "11881442" }, { "contents": "Candy (Foxy Brown song)\n\n\nprowess\" through a \"musical striptease\". Throughout the song, candy is used as a metaphor for Brown's genitalia; she refers to her sexuality as \"priceless\" in the verses: \"I'm real sweet like a candy corn / Picture me, t-shirt, no panties on / I'm priceless boy.\" Other lyrics include: \"When I lay on my stomach and throw my legs back / Y'all niggaz won't know how to act.\" Brown also raps about \"boy-meets-", "id": "5245210" }, { "contents": "Abdullah Goran\n\n\nthis love is and how it shapes his thoughts and defines his aesthetic values: I have been nurtured by these valleys, summits and hummocks, My breath is full of the fragrant breeze of your highlands, My lips are satiated by your snow waters, My gaze is used to the sight of your silvery twilights Reflecting on evening snows, My ears are habituated to the music of your waterfalls Pouring down from high quarters above snow to green landscapes. My tongue bloomed with your beautiful speech, With words of your mountain songs,", "id": "12674011" }, { "contents": "My Buddy (doll)\n\n\nbe the inspiration for Chucky, the evil doll from \"Child's Play\". During its initial run, My Buddy had the following characteristics: Two versions of the dolls existed: the brown-haired version described above, and a blond version: An African American version, outfitted the same as the brown-haired Caucasian doll, was available. The dolls released by Playskool in the 1990s were made with unremovable clothing sewn directly onto the doll's body. The new Kid Sister was also released with clothes sewn onto the", "id": "6936957" }, { "contents": "Bill Daley (American football)\n\n\nsecure from 1940-1942. He holds the distinction of being the only player to win Little Brown Jug games playing for both Minnesota and Michigan. Asked at the time about having the opportunity to battle for the Little Brown Jug from the other side of the fence, Daley denied having qualms about playing his former teammates: \"It will have to be just another game. I look at it just as though it were an intrasquad scrimmage. There won't be any qualms about how hard I hit my teammates or how hard", "id": "4461289" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nsame year in which the Transportation Security Administration has \"come under fire for disproportionately patting down black women's hair—especially their Afros.\"(Brown 17) She continues saying how, \"It's a practice TSA only agreed to stop a few months ago, when the agency reached an agreement with ACLU of Northern California, which had filed a complaint in 2012.\"(Brown 17) The perception of afro-textured hair, in the eyes of one with this hair type, may prefer to style their hair in a way that accentuates their", "id": "2005692" }, { "contents": "Sarará\n\n\nbetween the two, is by far very unlikely to have red-haired or blond-haired offspring, no matter how fair the complexion of her or his Caucasian or multiracial sexual partner or spouse. The genes responsible for brown hair are also extremely rare among Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Black Africans, but not as uncommon. The most common hair colour in Brazil is brown. Natural blond and red hair are especially found in the South where 78% of the population has European phenotype, home to large German-Austrian", "id": "3406815" }, { "contents": "It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown\n\n\n(Charlie Brown) will be the escort for the Queen, but he is shocked when he sees she is none other than the Little Red-Haired Girl herself whose name is revealed as Heather, \"(though neither her name nor appearance were chosen by Schulz)\". He is even more shocked when Linus tells him about the Homecoming tradition—that he has to escort Heather and give her a kiss before the first dance. Upon hearing this, he hyperventilates and falls off the float. The Homecoming Game begins with", "id": "5649277" }, { "contents": "Little Red-Haired Girl\n\n\nto be canonical, although he wrote the screenplay himself. The Little Red-Haired Girl was once seen in the comics in silhouette on May 25, 1998, dancing with Snoopy. When the storyline was adapted as part of the 2002 special \"A Charlie Brown Valentine\", she was seen unshadowed but had a different design than suggested by the silhouette, and completely different from her two previous appearances in \"It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown\" and \"Happy New Year, Charlie Brown!\" A third animated", "id": "3072151" }, { "contents": "Nate Ebner\n\n\nin prison for murder, with the possibility of parole after 15 years. Ebner said:My [late] dad was my only role model. Looking back on it, you had your favorite players, but they were just players. But a role model, and the way you carry yourself and how you go about your work – what hard work really means – and to be a man ... every aspect of life. To me, my dad was that role model, 100 percent. There wasn't anyone else I", "id": "18326949" }, { "contents": "Voluntary taxation\n\n\nLocke. He was vocal about the concept of consent of the governed, writing: “The Parliament of Great Britain hath no more Right to put their hands into my Pocket without my consent, than I have to put my hands into yours, for money. Here is an example of how a voluntary taxation system could function. A state would distribute tax forms that could be filled out by recipients. The forms would describe options which the recipients could designate preferences as to how the recipient would like his or her money spent", "id": "16592362" }, { "contents": "Fly (Nicki Minaj song)\n\n\nspecific to just women. It speaks about flying, soaring high in the face of every single solitary adversity that comes your way. I speak about how the media has attempted to box me in and how that has made me feel suffocated. After years of being dragged thru the mud, I've mustered up the courage to re-define myself. I believe that I represent an entire generation. My fans have become my family, and together we have become a movement. Get ready for it. We came to win", "id": "13884738" }, { "contents": "Frances Julia Wedgwood\n\n\nher a letter stating \"I must tell you how much I admire your Article (...) I think that you understand my book perfectly, and that I find a very rare event with my critics\", expressing himself inspired to – and challenged by – further thought on the topics she had brought up. She was a close friend of Robert Browning for some years, correspondence with whom survives for the years 1863 to 1870. In 1870, Wedgwood published a much lauded book on the life and historical significance of John Wesley", "id": "14545882" }, { "contents": "United States v. Manning\n\n\nAmerican public to prompt a wider debate about foreign policy, downloaded them from a secure computer network and then ultimately uploaded them to WikiLeaks. When the judge asked Manning to explain how she could admit that her actions were wrong, Manning replied, \"Your Honor, regardless of my opinion or my assessment of documents such as these, it's beyond my pay grade—it's not my authority to make these decisions about releasing confidential files.\" An audio recording of Manning's statement was released by journalist Glenn Greenwald on March", "id": "13638619" }, { "contents": "How Are We to Live?\n\n\nyour job, selling your house, and going to work for a voluntary organization in India. More often, the commitment to a more ethical way of living will be the first step of a gradual but far-reaching evolution in your lifestyle and in your thinking about your place in the world. One thing is certain: you will find plenty of worthwhile things to do.\" The Oxford philosopher Roger Crisp wrote, \"Imagine that you could choose a book that everyone in the world would read. My choice would be", "id": "163400" }, { "contents": "I'm Not A Vampire\n\n\nand heiress Paris Hilton, drummer Tommy Lee, and fictional supernatural serial killer Jason Voorhees. Additionally, internet personality Jeffree Star appeared as an extra, sporting pink hair and large hoop earrings, visible at the 2:25 mark of the video. About \"I'm Not A Vampire\", Loudwire said \"On the track, frontman Ronnie Radke belts out an appealing chorus that will burrow in your head and linger there as he sings, 'I’m insane / Well, I can feel it in my bones / Coursing through my", "id": "15548355" }, { "contents": "My Brother the Serial Killer\n\n\nproviding details about the crime and remarking that he had been hired by O. J. Simpson to steal a pair of earrings and potentially murder Nicole. In 2012, several links between convicted murderer Glen Edward Rogers, and the killings of Brown and Goldman were revealed to the public in the documentary film \"My Brother the Serial Killer\". Clay, Glen's brother, says Glen was talking about how he had met Brown and was \"going to take her down\" a few days before the murders happened in 1994. When the", "id": "13402061" }, { "contents": "Abby Marlatt\n\n\nleast three and up to six people who would attempt to sit and order. If they weren't served as a group, they would sit for a designated length of time - and if only the whites were served, they would try to share their food with their partners. Betsey Brinson, oral historian: How about the university administration and your colleagues? How were they receiving you in terms of your involvement with all of this? Abby Marlatt: I felt that if my involvement were out of school hours that it was", "id": "21696486" }, { "contents": "How to Ditch Your Fairy\n\n\nHow to Ditch Your Fairy is a young adult novel by Justine Larbalestier. It was published in 2008 by Bloomsbury. \"How to Ditch Your Fairy\" is set in a world where a lot of people have their own personal fairy. These fairies bestow certain kinds of luck on the possessor: there are loose-change-finding fairies, good-hair fairies, clothes-shopping fairies, all-boys-will-like-you fairies, parking fairies, etc. Charlie (short for Charlotte) has a parking", "id": "14512340" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nblack hair\"—with which they may have \"a relatively dark complexion—spelled brunet when used of a boy or man and usually brunette when used of a girl or woman\". Although \"brunet\" is the masculine version of the popular diminutive form used to describe a little boy or young man with brown hair, the use of \"brunet\" is uncommon in English. One is more likely to say about a man or boy, \"He has brown hair\" or \"He is brown-haired\" than to say,", "id": "1603119" }, { "contents": "Who You Really Are\n\n\ntypes of determination...and I think all of our characters are reacting in very different ways to that, which is the whole point of doing it. When one of your best friends comes out as a superhero, how do you react to that? And just trying to find out, “Oh, my friend changed, they’re different, and how do I feel about that? And this is cool, but it’s scary, and I don’t know how I feel about that. And it’s wonderful,", "id": "13498702" }, { "contents": "Oan Schylge\n\n\nlang asto steeste,br sò fest op dyn sânbr myn jeaf Schylgerlân :| O, Terschelling my little land,br how much do I love youbr will just find me deaf :|br br Then I close my ears,br but if it goes to farbr and punish them immediately :|br br O, Terschelling my little landbr so high and so drybr facing the North Sea :|br br How proud are your dunes,br how white is your sandbr my beloved Terschellingerland :|br br O Terschelling, my little land,br", "id": "9147559" }, { "contents": "Virabhadra\n\n\npainful to say that Daksha is my devotee and he requested me initially to reside as the ultimate protector of this Yagna. I am bind by my words, as you are by your orders from Mahadeva\". Veerbhadra gave a delightful expression. Lowering his head, he said \"Oh beloved of Shiva! I asked that just to confirm about your feelings. As is Shiva to me, so are you. How can I fight you?\". Vishnu said \"Without any hesitation, fight with me. Defeated, I", "id": "12798693" }, { "contents": "Bianca Guidotti\n\n\n, Bea Santiago. In the question-and-answer round, Philippines' Department of Trade and Industry secretary Gregory Domingo asked, \"\"Should you win one of the titles, how would you use your crown to push for your advocacy?\"\" She answered: If I win a title, I would use my crown to influence people to adopt their own advocacy. I want people to be passionate about it—something that is really close to their heart. I will someday hopefully make an NGO of my own", "id": "14137838" }, { "contents": "The Other Wes Moore\n\n\nmy grandmother.\" He stated that \"The interviews with my family were just as tough, just hearing some of the facts about your life and your family's lives.\" The author initially considered using the title \"Baltimore Sons\". The book serves as both a biography of the criminal and an autobiography of the author. Sragow states \"The autobiographical parts ruthlessly analyze how the writer fell into bad behavior, then developed his brain and conscience\" after intervention from loved ones. Sragow stated that the book, in regards", "id": "17404405" }, { "contents": "Wellington Boone\n\n\nof his Christian self-accountability journal \"My Journey with God\" that has since been revised and expanded in other editions such as \"Your Journey with God\" and \"A Man's Journey with God\". In 2009 he published Dare to Hope where he challenged readers to learn how to say, \"I will never go another day in my life without hope!\" This was followed by Holy Ghost Is My Friend in 2011. When Bishop Boone wrote Your Wife Is Not Your Momma to show men how to change", "id": "17449272" }, { "contents": "Highland Mary\n\n\n.\" Ye banks, and braes, and streams around The castle o' Montgomery, Green be your woods, and fair your flowers, Your waters never drumlie! There simmer first unfauld her robes, And there the langest tarry; For there I took the last Fareweel O' my sweet Highland Mary. How sweetly bloom'd the gay green birk! How rich the hawthorn's blossom! As underneath their fragrant shade, I clasp'd her to my bosom! The golden hours, on angel wings, Flew o'er me and my", "id": "6684526" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nthe iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas on September 24, 2011, Gaga dedicated a performance of \"Hair\" to deceased teenager Jamey Rodemeyer, who had committed suicide after being constantly bullied by his peers at school for being gay. An image of Rodemeyer was shown on the backdrop as Gaga announced: \"We lost a Little Monster this week. I wrote this record about how your identity is really all you've got when you're in school... so tonight, Jamey, I know you're up there looking at us", "id": "2542076" }, { "contents": "Jonathan David Brown\n\n\nHands of an Angry God\" in 1997. Brown explained why he used the pseudonym: I made the vow of the Nazarite for strength, spiritual and physical, in about 1989 [age 34]. The hair on my head is from then. When I went to prison, I understood why – I needed strength, lots of it. So I guess it's sort of like an enigma to some till they hear the explanation. The album was named for the 1741 Jonathan Edwards sermon from the Great Awakening. The", "id": "22101994" } ]
So I am a big pasta fan. I grew up on it and I don't even come from an Italian family. Do you like pasta? I love pasta! It is amazing! It was created in Sicily back in 1154. I knew it went back a long ways, but I was unaware it was that long ago. I like the fact that there are so many pasta dishes to choose from
[{"answer": "Yes. There are a large number of variants of traditional dishes too. Like lasagna, for example.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "43911472", "title": "List of pasta dishes", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 129, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 205, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Francis Rossi\n\n\ngot the energy. To me it's synonymous with doing rock'n'roll. If you don't commit physically, rock'n'roll doesn't really work.\" Asked about his food preferences Rossi said, \"My favourite is pasta e fagioli, pasta with beans, soupie thing, gorgeous. The older I get, the more I'm into food. ... When you grow up with Italians, food is important. I've always been like that with food. Apart from when I was doing cocaine - there was no food whatsoever then.", "id": "21090805" }, { "contents": "Barilla Group\n\n\ngay families, Chairman Guido Barilla made the following comment (translation from \"The Huffington Post\"): We have a slightly different culture, for us, the \"sacral family\" remains one of the company's core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don't like that, they will eat someone else's pasta. You can't always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a", "id": "11055038" }, { "contents": "American Sign Language grammar\n\n\nquestions. Rhetorical questions are much more common in ASL than in English. For example, \"I don't like garlic\" may be signed, This strategy is commonly used instead of signing the word 'because' for clarity or emphasis. For instance, \"I love to eat pasta because I am Italian\" would be signed, Relative clauses are signaled by tilting back the head and raising the eyebrows and upper lip. This is done during the performance of the entire clause. There is no change in word order.", "id": "17719533" }, { "contents": "I Am (Elisa Fiorillo album)\n\n\nboundaries on it. I mean, I'm Italian; I don't want people saying \"Don't go out with her, she eats too much pasta.\"\" In a December 1990 interview, the article spoke of the track \"Purpose in Your Life\", which Fiorillo took particular pride in. The song is an anti-teen-suicide song inspired by a letter Fiorillo received several years before from a despondent 13-year-old fan. Fiorillo stated \"\"I wrote her a letter back, and I told", "id": "22129171" }, { "contents": "Neptune City (album)\n\n\nsong called 'Neptune City.' My sister and I were making pasta, and we were like, (sings) 'We're making pasta in Neptune City ...' Like, just kidding. And I was like, 'That (melody) sounds really cool.'\" The lyrics were inspired by an uncle whom she never met. Long before Atkins' birth, her mother’s brother died in an accident at the age of 13. Years later, Atkins found the uncle’s Yamaha learner’s guitar in an", "id": "2450338" }, { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\nPasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily. It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Pasta is typically a noodle traditionally made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets and cut, or extruded into various shapes, then cooked and served in a number of dishes. It can be made with flour from other cereals or grains, and eggs may be used instead of water. Each traditional pasta dish", "id": "21498468" }, { "contents": "Beauty & the Streets Vol. 1\n\n\na minute. Teamed up with Young Empire and there is a demand for Mýa to come back but I had to come back in a different way. Because I have a fan base and reputation for doing so many collaborations I’m like I want to do that and you know that rap dominates now so this is for the jeeps. The mix tape is really about who Mýa is and the streets. If I have anything to do with it I am going to keep serving my fans. There should never be a time", "id": "13251024" }, { "contents": "Macaroni\n\n\nwith elbow-shaped macaroni, as it is the variety most often used in macaroni and cheese recipes. In Italy, the noun \"maccheroni\" refers to straight, tubular, square-ended \"pasta corta\" (\"short-length pasta\"). Maccheroni may also refer to long pasta dishes such as \"maccheroni alla chitarra\" and \"frittata di maccheroni\", which are prepared with long pasta like spaghetti. The name comes from Italian \"maccheroni\" , plural form of \"maccarone\". The many variants", "id": "48656" }, { "contents": "Pasta e fagioli\n\n\nPasta e fagioli (), meaning \"pasta and beans\", is a traditional Italian soup. Like many other Italian favorites, including pizza and polenta, it started as a peasant dish, being composed of inexpensive ingredients. It is often called pasta fasul (fazool) in the United States, derived from its Neapolitan name, pasta e fasule. Recipes for \"pasta e fagioli\" vary, the only true requirement being that beans and pasta are included. While dish varies from region to region it is most commonly made", "id": "2907828" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nA vast variety of recipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, like \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, while the dishes coming from the popular traditions contain inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like pasta with beans and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Famous regional wines are Aglianico (Taurasi), Fiano, Falanghina, and Greco di Tufo. Emilia-Romagna is known for its egg and filled pasta made with soft wheat flour. The Romagna subregion is renowned for pasta dishes", "id": "18268348" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nNorman King of Sicily Roger II in 1154 mentions \"itriyya\" manufactured and exported from Norman Sicily: One form of \"itriyya\" with a long history is \"laganum\" (plural \"lagana\"), which in Latin refers to a thin sheet of dough, and gives rise to Italian \"lasagna\". In North Africa, a food similar to pasta, known as couscous, has been eaten for centuries. However, it lacks the distinguishing malleable nature of pasta, couscous being more akin to droplets of dough.", "id": "4356135" }, { "contents": "I Love Bacon!\n\n\nI Love Bacon! is a cookbook with over fifty recipes devoted to bacon and bacon dishes, many of them from celebrity chefs. The book was written by Jayne Rockmill and photography was provided by Ben Fink. Broken down into eight sections, the book covered how to make homemade bacon and moves onto \"brunch\" and \"small bites\" before covering soups, salads and sides, pasta, fish, meat, and desserts. \"I Love Bacon!\" was published in October 2010 by Andrews McMeel Publishing and met with", "id": "8714246" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ndried pasta as well as manufactured fresh and stabilized pasta: Pasta, or dried pasta with three subcategories – (i.) Durum wheat semolina pasta (\"pasta di semola di grano duro\"), (ii.) Low grade durum wheat semolina pasta (\"pasta di semolato di grano duro\") and (iii.) Durum wheat whole meal pasta (\"pasta di semola integrale di grano duro\"). Pastas made under this category must be made only with durum wheat semolina or durum wheat whole-meal semolina", "id": "4356174" }, { "contents": "Pasta alla Norma\n\n\nPasta alla Norma () is one of the most well known Italian pasta dishes. It is typical of the Sicilian cuisine created originally in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The original recipe is made with macaroni (typical italian pasta), tomatoes, fried aubergines (eggplant), grated ricotta salata cheese, and basil. The name of the dish is said to originate from the apocryphal exclamation by the Italian writer Nino Martoglio who, upon tasting the dish, exclaimed \"This is a real 'Norma'!\", comparing", "id": "5896700" }, { "contents": "Spaghetti with meatballs\n\n\nand only served with egg-based baked pasta. However, various kinds of pasta with meat are part of the culinary tradition of the Abruzzo, Apulia, Sicily, and other parts of southern Italy. A recipe for rigatoni with meatballs is in \"Il cucchiaio d'argento\" (\"The Silver Spoon\"), a comprehensive Italian cookbook known as the \"bible\" of Italian cooking. In fact, in Abruzzo, chitarra alla teramana, is a long spaghetti-like pasta served with small meatballs (polpettine). It", "id": "10868056" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nrecipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, such as \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, and dishes from popular traditions prepared with inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like \"pasta e fagioli\" (pasta with beans) and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Naples has a history that goes back many centuries: the city itself predates many others in that area of the world, including Rome. It has endured the Greeks, Romans, the Goths, the Byzantines, and", "id": "14543678" }, { "contents": "John Pasta\n\n\nearly computer that specialized in calculations around weapons design. After working on the MANIAC I, Pasta continued on to work in the project he is most known for, the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam–Tsingou problem. After working alongside Enrico Fermi, Stanislaw Ulam, and Mary Tsingou, Pasta went on to work for the Atomic Energy Commission as the only computer expert, eventually developing the branch of mathematics and computers to an entire division. In 1964, Pasta became a research professor of physics at the Department of Computer Science at", "id": "4068082" }, { "contents": "Ryan Adams (album)\n\n\nI have PAX-AM now, my studio — but I don’t know why it took so long to basically be like: You know what, I’m going to do this my way, and even if it’s fucking weird I’m going to do it my way. [...] There was always somebody somewhere with some fucking idea that I should work with some producer, or there was always some producer that I was working with who I knew. People felt like they could frame my music in a certain", "id": "9978169" }, { "contents": "Dina Wadia\n\n\nyou from the newspapers. The children are just recovering from their whooping cough, it will take another month yet. I am taking them to Juhu on Thursday for a month or so. Are you coming back here? If so I hope you will drive out to Juhu and spend the day if you like. Anyway I have a phone so I will ring you up and drive in to see you if you don’t feel like coming out. Take care of yourself Papa darling. Lots of love & kisses, Dina", "id": "7787179" }, { "contents": "Italian Argentines\n\n\npastas tend to come together with a large amount of \"tuco\" sauce (Italian \"sugo\"), and accompanied by \"estofado\" (stew). Less commonly, pastas are eaten with a dressing of \"pesto\", a green sauce based on basil, or \"salsa blanca\" (Béchamel sauce). \"Sorrentinos\" are also a local dish with a misleading name (they do not come from Sorrento, but were invented in Mar del Plata). They look like big round \"ravioles\" stuffed", "id": "538584" }, { "contents": "V. La Rosa and Sons Macaroni Company\n\n\nI. DeFrancisci & Son, now called DEMACO. As the company grew, additional plants were added at 40 Jacksonville Road, Warminster, Pennsylvania and 90 Wauregan Road, Danielson, Connecticut. Vincenzo La Rosa was considered an innovator in the development of the packaged foods industry in the United States as he was an early pioneer in food packaging and distribution. Prior to V. La Rosa, pasta was distributed in bulk throughout the neighborhoods of New York. V. La Rosa introduced packaged pasta into these markets. American Italian Pasta Company eventually acquired", "id": "19644276" }, { "contents": "Chicken marsala\n\n\nChicken marsala is an Italian-American dish made from chicken cutlets, mushrooms, minced garlic or shallots, and Marsala wine, and although traditional Italian versions of this dish are typically never served with pasta, some American based restaurants which serve Italian-American cuisine do serve this dish with pasta (capellini) and whole roasted garlic. It is a variation of traditional Italian \"scaloppina\" dishes, of which there are many varieties throughout Italy. The dish dates to the 19th century, when it most likely originated with English families", "id": "9906745" }, { "contents": "Lucas Vidal\n\n\nall the Spanish composers. We are a very small community. I am a close friend of Javier Navarrete and was so sad when he moved back to Spain last year. I am so happy he is doing so well though. I love Alberto Iglesias, who I consider a genius. He is also the nicest and most humble person I know.\" and talked about other composers \"I am a big fan of Alexandre Desplat, I think his music is simply amazing and his range of scores is surreal. He is", "id": "5725205" }, { "contents": "Still Standing (Monica album)\n\n\nher follow-up album. Intending to create a record that lived up to the sound her previous hits, particularly those from the 1990s, she expressed that she wanted to appeal to her existing fans although her label was concerned with making the project sound up to date: \"I am going back to where I started. The next album I would like people to get more songs like \"Why I Love You So Much,\" \"Angel of Mine,\" or the things they really, really love from me [", "id": "20673401" }, { "contents": "First Train Home\n\n\ndon’t you come down, you’re not making the record yet – come down”. So I went down to Brighton and all the way on the train I was making phone calls, and I wanted to just be back home working on it. [...] So we went out this festival – it was good – but being around music made me even more jittery like I should be doing more and getting home. I didn’t really have a good night really. I was trying so hard to be into", "id": "14708125" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra: Live at Melbourne Festival Hall\n\n\ndon't have to. I really don't have to. I like coming here. I like the people. I love your attitude. I like the booze and the beer and everything else that comes into the scene. I also like the way the country's growing and it's a swinging place. So we come here and what happens? We gotta run all day long because of the parasites who chase us with automobiles. That's dangerous, too, on the road, you know. Might cause an", "id": "16982431" }, { "contents": "Kelly Gissendaner\n\n\nGeorgia, on September 30 at 12:21 a.m. Gissendaner cried, prayed, sang \"Amazing Grace\", and said, \"Tell the Gissendaner family, I am so sorry. That amazing man lost his life because of me; and if I could take it back, if this would change it, I would have done it a long time ago. But it's not. And I just hope they find peace, and I hope they find some happiness. God bless you.\" She was the first woman executed in", "id": "22028744" }, { "contents": "Ditalini\n\n\na mass-produced pasta. It is used in several dishes, and is commonly used throughout Sicily. Ditalini may be used in several pasta dishes, such as pasta e fagioli (pasta and beans). It is used in traditional Sicilian dishes \"throughout Sicily\". Some Sicilian dishes with ditalini include pasta with ricotta cheese and \"pasta chi vruocculi 'rriminati\", which is a pasta and broccoli dish. It has been described as used often in soups, and as an ideal pasta for use in soups due to", "id": "20791984" }, { "contents": "Lazanki\n\n\nBona Sforza, Italian wife of King Sigismund I the Old, brought high Italian cuisine to the country. Accordingly, the name \"łazanki\"/\"лазанкі\" is reminiscent of the Italian \"lasagne\", the name for a type of pasta in the shape of large, flat rectangles. Lazanki resembling mini versions of lasagne, their Polish and Belarusian names are correspondingly diminutive in form. Unlike most Italian dishes in these parts of Europe, lazanki have survived into the 21st century, although the long and cultural history of the dish has been largely", "id": "12135380" }, { "contents": "Pasta all'Ortolana\n\n\npasta is almost ready, it gets taken off from the boiling water and thrown into the pan together with all the vegetables, where everything gets tossed and cooked for another 2 or 3 minutes before serving it with few leaves of fresh basil on top.. This Italian dish can have many different variation, as the base concept is to create the sauce by using different fresh vegetables, before mixing it with pasta (Just like with the type of pasta, there is no strict specification regarding the type of vegetables used for the Ortolana", "id": "11081107" }, { "contents": "Daithí Ó Drónaí\n\n\nI recorded an album two years ago which was a real pop album so when I went back into writing again I decided I wanted to work on something a bit more personal and take a bit more influence and inspiration from around where I am. It felt like a really good time to use this inspiration and explore what it like to live in Galway and Clare for so long.\" The E.P was very well received in Ireland. The first single Mary Keanes Introduction went viral, and charted at no1 on the Spotify Viral", "id": "9886080" }, { "contents": "List of EastEnders characters (1993)\n\n\nhad grown up with siblings with different fathers to his own. Antony told author Larry Jaffee, \"Alan was so family oriented, but I liked that a young black guy who was very responsible, mature – that was something that I was very comfortable with because it was something I grew up with to a point. To me, if you love someone you love everything about them. It's not 'I love you, but I don't love your kids'. It was something I was very glad to do", "id": "20189668" }, { "contents": "Blue Smoke World Tour\n\n\nher official website. It stated: \"Australia, here I come again. We have a lot of new and exciting things for the show and can’t wait to share it with you. I love my fans in that part of the world. You've been so very good to me for so many years and I know that we're gonna have a wonderful time. It's a long way from home in your part of the world, but I always feel like I'm right at home. So Australia", "id": "14960130" }, { "contents": "Amir Benayoun\n\n\n\" \"I work near a kindergarten and am responsible for gas containers\" \"Who like me enjoys two worlds?\" \"Today I am here and tomorrow they will not be here\" \"Many of them, very many of them will not\" \"It’s true that I am nothing but ungrateful scum\" \"That’s true, but I am not to blame, I grew up without love\" \"It’s true that the moment will come when you turn your back to me\" \"And then I shall", "id": "576819" }, { "contents": "V. La Rosa and Sons Macaroni Company\n\n\nV. La Rosa and Sons Macaroni Company was founded in 1914 by Vincenzo La Rosa, a Sicilian immigrant. The company eventually became one of the largest regional brands in the United States producing over 40 varieties of pasta. Starting in the United States as a butcher, Vincenzo noticed an increased demand for macaroni during World War I, so he started making it in the back of his shop in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. The company opened a pasta factory at 473 Kent Avenue in Brooklyn using an extruder made by", "id": "19644275" }, { "contents": "Norma (opera)\n\n\nlibretto, enough at least to allow Bellini to begin work, which he certainly did in the first weeks of September as the verses were supplied. He reported in a letter to Pasta on 1 September: I hope that you will find this subject to your liking. Romani believes it to be very effective, and precisely because of the all-inclusive character for you, which is that of Norma. He will manipulate the situations so that they will not resemble other subjects at all, and he will retouch, even change", "id": "11930708" }, { "contents": "List of pasta\n\n\nThere are many different varieties of pasta, a staple dish of Italian cuisine since they were first introduced by Muslim occupiers from around 800 A.D.. They are usually sorted by size, being long (\"pasta lunga\"), short (\"pasta corta\"), stuffed (\"ripiena\"), cooked in broth (\"pastina\"), stretched (\"strascinati\") or in dumplinglike form (\"gnocchi/gnocchetti\"). Yet, due to the variety of shapes and regional variants, \"one man", "id": "20963189" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\ntype of soprano, the type that sang \"Norma\", \"Fidelio\", which was Malibran of course. And a funny coincidence last year, I was singing \"Anna Bolena\" and \"Sonnambula\", same months and the same distance of time as Giuditta Pasta had sung in the nineteenth century... So I'm really not doing anything extraordinary. You wouldn't ask a pianist to be able to play everything; he to. This is Nature and also because I had a wonderful teacher, the old kind of", "id": "17351077" }, { "contents": "Pasta con le sarde\n\n\nPasta con le sarde (; ) is a Sicilian dish of pasta with sardines and anchovies. It is recognized as a traditional Italian food product in the Prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale scheme of the Italian government. It is most associated with Sicily's capital Palermo, but it can be found all over the island. The principal ingredients are olive oil, onions, pasta and a finely chopped mixture of sardines and anchovy. Various types of pasta are used for the dish, but bucatini is traditional. Wild fennel, saffron, pine nuts,", "id": "9475029" }, { "contents": "Ceremonials\n\n\nserious Kate Bush DNA, especially with the rhythm section.\" Regarding the album's title, Welch told MTV News, \"It was an art installation done in the '70s, this video piece all done on Super 8, this big procession of kind of coquette-style hippies and all these different colored robes and masks, and it was all to do with color, really saturated, brightly colored pastas and balloons. I saw it a couple years ago, and it was called 'Ceremonials' and then, like", "id": "13736201" }, { "contents": "Volume 9: I See You Hearin' Me\n\n\n. Homme has since stated that “Dead In Love” and “I Wanna Make It Wit Chu” were written for Brody Dalle \"I went back to do those Desert Sessions, and you can tell what I was going through because I was writing stuff like “Dead In Love” and “I Wanna Make It Wit Chu”. I was so in love, I was totally revelling in it so much, I was a little paralysed”. A music video was created for Crawl Home, featuring Josh Homme and", "id": "21567695" }, { "contents": "RedOne\n\n\n. On his transition from producer to being an artist RedOne has said: \"I thought that to be a performer, you had to stick to a single sound, and I loved too many kinds of music to do that. But now I find myself wanting to get back to singing and playing, and friends like Enrique have encouraged me to do so. I want to be an artist in a new way, rather than the traditional one. I’m going to do it the RedOne way, which is creating different", "id": "1514742" }, { "contents": "Heaven and Hell (Vangelis album)\n\n\nbut I felt I just had to do it, and in any case, the only way you can complete the construction of a studio quickly is to start working in it before it’s actually finished\". Vangelis recalls \"I don't like to prepare for a long, long, long time an album. It's more exciting for me to sit down and to play whatever comes. So this is the way that \"Heaven and Hell\" happens. I spent six weeks to make this album but I spent maybe", "id": "13505837" }, { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\n, \"pasta all’uovo\" (egg pasta), \"pasta ripiena\" (filled pasta or stuffed pasta, like \"ravioli\"), \"gnocchi\" (soft dough dumplings). The cooking styles are categorized in: \"pasta asciutta\" (or \"pastasciutta\", in which the pasta is boiled and then dressed with a complementary sauce or condiment), \"pasta al forno\" (baked pasta, in which the pasta is incorporated into a dish, along with the sauce or condiment and subsequently baked),", "id": "21498470" }, { "contents": "Mother Love Bone (album)\n\n\nkinda depressed about leaving Malfunkshun for a long time. Still am, kinda. I feel like, you know, I left them stranded. I've got a brother besides Kevin who, ah, is kinda insane in a way, and he makes the whole family worry about him, so \"Heartshine\" is a little about both of my brothers.RIP: \"Mr. Danny Boy\" is obviously a slam on Danny Thomas.A.W.: Yeah, I don't know why we decided to do such a mean thing", "id": "3850623" }, { "contents": "Omer Nishani\n\n\nlonging to see the country and my people. I came back, but these fascists and occupiers and all the rogues who serve them like dogs, I hate them like death. But you are going to say, then why did you join the 'Council of State'? I had to, because I have nothing to live on and I have a wife to keep. So this is what I am reduced to.\" He quickly grew disenchanted with the post-Zog occupation and regarded involvement in the quisling government as", "id": "22120374" }, { "contents": "Live in Concert (EP)\n\n\nmy brother we had to do it the right way. So it just took forever to get it right. This shit had been done. The only reason we went back in the studio and you’re seeing these pieces of video of us in the studio is because we recently went back in the studio like two weeks ago out in Cali just to listen to everything ’cause you know, I don’t listen to nothing that I record. So [Wiz] was like “Come on, let’s go listen to this", "id": "19150831" }, { "contents": "Amir Benayoun\n\n\nWho enjoys all the worlds like me?\" \"Today I am moderate and smiling\" \"Tomorrow I shall ascend to heaven\" \"I shall send to hell a Jew or two\" \"It’s true that I am just ungrateful scum\" \"That’s true, but I am not to blame, I grew up without love\" \"The moment will come when you turn your back to me\" \"And then I shall stick into you the sharpened axe.\" \"I am Ahmed living in the central region", "id": "576818" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "Maria Caterina Rosalbina Caradori-Allan\n\n\nsang with Giuditta Pasta in Zingarelli's \"Giulietta e Romeo,\" and as Rosina in \"Il Barbiere di Seviglia\". However, during the following year, her salary rose to £1,200, but this was the last season of Italian opera in England for some time. After that, Caradori-Allan went to the continent. She sang in Venice in 1830, where she created the role of Giulietta in Bellini's \"I Capuleti e i Montecchi\", but in 1834 re-appeared in Italian opera in London", "id": "16740821" }, { "contents": "Bed Peace\n\n\nStranger\", \"My Mine\" and \"3:16AM\". \"I am a fan of anything that has to do with peace because I grew up in LA where there is not always a lot of peace, except by the beach. When I became a teenager, I started reading about things like Buddhism, which made me find inner peace. John Lennon was like a spokesperson for world peace, so I just fell in love with him and Yoko’s relationship. They were always in pictures together, and you could", "id": "5849697" }, { "contents": "Remember I Told You\n\n\nand being inspired on a nightly basis. It was a rainy day in Maine, so I went on the studio bus and I started this track and I really liked the way it sounded. I texted Mike Posner who was the special guest on the tour, I was like, hey man, why don't you come onto the bus, I've got this track going you might be into. He came out, listened to it two times, and was like, 'I love it, I've got some", "id": "7342274" }, { "contents": "Pastitsio\n\n\nPastitsio (, \"pastítsio\"), sometimes spelled \"pastichio\", is a Greek baked pasta dish with ground meat and béchamel sauce. Pastitsio takes its name from the Italian \"pasticcio\", a large family of baked savory pies which may be based on meat, fish, or pasta. Many Italian versions include a pastry crust, some include béchamel. The word \"pasticcio\" comes from the vulgar Latin word \"pastīcium\" derived from \"pasta\", and means \"pie\", and has developed the figurative", "id": "17613503" }, { "contents": "Tom Petty\n\n\nAnd it looked like so much fun. It was something I identified with. I had never been hugely into sports. ... I had been a big fan of Elvis. But I really saw in the Beatles that here's something I could do. I knew I could do it. It wasn't long before there were groups springing up in garages all over the place.\" He dropped out of high school at age 17 to play bass with his newly formed band. In an interview with the CBC in 2014,", "id": "15757549" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, etc. In the North of Italy, fish (such as cod, or baccalà), potatoes, rice, corn (maize), sausages, pork, and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with use of tomato are spread in all Italy. Italians like their ingredients fresh and subtly seasoned and spiced. In Northern Italy though there are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto are equally popular if not more so. Ligurian ingredients include several types of fish and seafood dishes.", "id": "18268326" }, { "contents": "Long Way to Go (Stevie Nicks song)\n\n\nmy house at that time, and I said, 'should I go?' And they said, 'well, it's a pretty long way to go to say goodbye again. I thought that we'd already, basically... Stevie, it's taking you an awful long time to get over this. Do you want to go down and start it up again?' And so I went back and forth and back and forth in my mind, and finally he said to me 'I'm sending a limousine", "id": "12446896" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n. For example, the pasta form \"cavatelli\" is known by 28 different names depending upon the town and region. Common forms of pasta include long and short shapes, tubes, flat shapes or sheets, miniature shapes for soup, those meant to be filled or stuffed, and specialty or decorative shapes. As a category in Italian cuisine, both fresh and dried pastas are classically used in one of three kinds of prepared dishes: as \"pasta asciutta\" (or \"pastasciutta\"), cooked pasta is plated and", "id": "4356129" }, { "contents": "We're from America\n\n\ngoing through in my personal life. Someone asked me, 'Why are you so fucked up?', 'Well, I am from America.' I hate the fact that so many people have fucked the country up, and so many people fucked up my personal life and I allowed it to happen. So in a way, I feel like America as a whole feels, but in no way does that make me a tree-hugging patriotic freedom rocker.\" In response to this interview, Rudy Coby,", "id": "5463814" }, { "contents": "Born Yesterday (1950 film)\n\n\nyears ago you couldn't have a character say, 'I love that broad,' you couldn't even say \"broad.\" And the nonsense that went on to get over the fact that Judy Holliday and Broderick Crawford lived together! It required the greatest skill and some new business that Garson invented, like Billie Dawn always creeping into the apartment the back way. We managed to keep it amusing, I think, but it was so unnecessary.\" However, the censors thought the scrutiny was necessary, and Cukor", "id": "3680544" }, { "contents": "Everytime\n\n\nmy house and I did the whole thing by myself. And then I went and I played it for [Guy Sigsworth] and I just basically told him exactly how I wanted the song to sound. And he was so amazing because there's a lot of producers you tell them things and they don't get it. And you're like oh, that's not the right way. He got it just right. He was amazing. And so that song specifically, you know, I did everything.\" \"", "id": "15860635" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\npetition, penned by Jung: My soul, my soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you–are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you. After long years of long wandering, I have come to you again... Do you still know me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how", "id": "943052" }, { "contents": "Ciceri e tria\n\n\n\" 'to be fresh, moist, tender'). It means \"pasta\" in the Genoese dialect. \"Tria\" can also refer to \"tagliatelle\", a traditional pasta, the term being from the dialect of Apulia. \"Tria\" can also refer to a type of pasta in Sicily. \"Tria\" is an old word that is still used in many areas of Southern Italy, particularly in Sicily. Pasta and chickpeas are the primary ingredients in Ciceri e tria. Some versions of the dish may", "id": "21498420" }, { "contents": "Dallas Taylor (vocalist)\n\n\nhas been quoted as saying, \"I am so fed up with people acting like cowards, and so tired of the many things I've lived for in the past. I feel like it's time to get back to where I was when I was young. This band is proud of who we are as people, what we believe, and where we come from. I feel like so much of music today, especially those who come from a Christian background, spend so much time hiding who they really are,", "id": "18436821" }, { "contents": "Margo Timmins\n\n\nwas freaked out, but I said 'Okay, so long as if I don't do a good job you fire me' I didn't want to hurt his music, because his music is so important to him.\" It took a long time for her to get comfortable singing in front of an audience. In fact, many of the early shows had Margo singing with her back to the audience. She has stated, \"In those early days, I wouldn't turn around to face the audience. But", "id": "16589169" }, { "contents": "Beatrice di Tenda\n\n\nand he was writing to Pasta stating that \"the subject has been changed, and we'll write \"Beatrice di Tenda\". I had a hard time persuading Romani, but persuade him I did, and with good reasons. Knowing that the subject pleases you, as you told me the evening when you saw the ballet. He is a man of good will, and I want him to show it also in wanting to prepare at least the first act for me swiftly\". Bellini's expectation that he would promptly", "id": "12008448" }, { "contents": "Lawless (film)\n\n\nletter saying I was a fan. He sent me a script, and I sent him \"Lawless\". He called me back and said, 'This is fucking amazing. Cinematographer Benoît Delhomme recommended Jessica Chastain to Hillcoat. Chastain said, \"I am a big fan of \"The Proposition\". I hadn't even read the script, but I told [Hillcoat], 'If you cast me, I'll do it.' I approach every role in terms of: 'Have I done this before?", "id": "8166857" }, { "contents": "This Country Is Bad Ass\n\n\nnever have been able to be where I am if I wasn't in America so we decided to come up with this track. I just want people to know that I love my country, this is home. Even though I wasn't born here, I'm so proud to be here” She also stated, “People have kind of forgotten that working hard is huge, and that's what you need to do to get where you want. You can't just sit back and let things happen, and the", "id": "5552405" }, { "contents": "War with God\n\n\ngot a lot of people taking subliminal shots, but nobody ever says my name. I'm not for sure, so that record is like my way of taking subliminal shots right back. Don't get it misquoted, don't get it messed up. That's basically what it is man. It's like, you know, like I said I do devote a lot of information about myself on there. I started to wreck it up by saying I'm the best, and there's nothing you could do about", "id": "13418062" }, { "contents": "Egoist anarchism\n\n\n\"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property! [...] What I have in my power, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing; [...]. Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property\". His concept of \"egoistic property\" not only", "id": "7364722" }, { "contents": "Sicilian cuisine\n\n\npantries and allow room for the spring's new crops of vegetables. Sicily is the oldest Italian and Western location on record where pasta was part of the local cuisine after being worked into long and thin forms, dating back to around the 12th century, as attested by the Tabula Rogeriana of Muhammad al-Idrisi, reporting some traditions about the Sicilian kingdom. Spaghetti ai ricci (spaghetti prepared with sea urchin), pasta con le sarde (with sardines) and pasta alla Norma (a specialty that originated in Catania) are", "id": "1278195" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwith potatoes or pumpkin) and noodles like spätzle, are sometimes considered pasta. They are both traditional in parts of Italy. Pasta is categorized in two basic styles: dried and fresh. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Pasta is generally cooked by boiling. Under Italian law, dry pasta (pasta secca) can only be made from durum wheat flour or durum wheat semolina, and is more", "id": "18268330" }, { "contents": "Richard Virenque\n\n\nin a race and that he went off like a mad dog, on impulse. When in the middle of it all he came back to Carqueiranne [where he still lives], he was in his garage and I took him in my arms. He cried from morning to night. Why did it take him so long to confess it to us, to talk to us? I don't know. I told him: 'Be brave, son. Whatever you do, think of your children. It's they", "id": "12521213" }, { "contents": "2015 Sylvania 300\n\n\n\"know what happened to her, but typically when you hit the wall you hold onto the brakes, you lock it down -- you try not to come back across the track. I saw her coming back down and I was trying. I didn’t want to lock my brakes up because I knew I would hit her, so I was trying to just get it as low as I could and just couldn’t get it as low as I needed to. Unfortunate to get involved in a wreck like that. Just", "id": "21432073" }, { "contents": "AI aftermath scenarios\n\n\nstated \"I am a skeptic. I don't believe this kind of thing is likely to happen, at least for a long time. And I don't know why I feel that way.\" Evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker stated, \"The fact that you can visualize a future in your imagination is not evidence that it is likely or even possible.\" Bill Joy of Sun Microsystems, in his April 2000 essay \"Why the Future Doesn't Need Us\", has advocated for global \"voluntary relinquishment\" of artificial", "id": "13603309" }, { "contents": "Just Dance (song)\n\n\namazing. For me it was like being on a Martin Scorsese set. I've been so low budget for so long, and to have this incredibly amazing video was really very humbling. It was really fun, but you'll see if you ever come to a video shoot of mine one day – I'm very private about those things, I don't really talk to everybody. I'm not like the party girl running around. I might even seem to be a bit of a diva. I'm sort of", "id": "927356" }, { "contents": "Beenie Man\n\n\nlesbian people. I respect all human...Please I am begging you do not have me up for some songs I wrote a long time ago. I love each and every one and am just begging each and everyone to do the same.\" In other interviews, however, he was quoted making statements such as \"I never apologized\" and \"I told them to leave us alone, to try to understand where we are coming from.\" In 2015 prior to coming to New Zealand for a concert, news", "id": "17876076" }, { "contents": "Tell Me You're Proud of Me\n\n\nspring, I think it was around May, I had met these guys doing Columbus Unscripted [and] when I went out there, the audience was insane. They were so good. It was like you were being spoiled. As soon as I went back to Chicago I was like, \"That's the audience that I have to have for the album.\"\" \"Tell Me You're Proud of Me\" focuses on ego, love, family, childhood and adulthood. The album release party was held at", "id": "2901845" }, { "contents": "Philip Jenkinson\n\n\n, a BBC producer, Mike Appleton, was waiting at the back to pick up his girlfriend and he caught the last 10 minutes. He came over and said it was very interesting. 'I am a producer of a programme called \"Late Night Line-Up\". Would you like to come along and do something similar on the programme?' They liked it and asked me to come back next week and do another one. I initially signed a contract for six months, which grew and grew. I ended", "id": "631518" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ncontrast to fresh pasta, dried pasta needs to be dried at a low temperature for several days to evaporate all the moisture allowing it to be stored for a longer period. Dried pastas are best served in hearty dishes like ragu sauces, soups, and casseroles. Once it is cooked, the dried pasta will usually grow to twice its original size. Therefore, approximately of dried pasta serves up to four people. Pasta is generally served with some type of sauce; the sauce and the type of pasta are usually matched based", "id": "4356150" }, { "contents": "Replica (Oneohtrix Point Never album)\n\n\nfor the title and described it as \"really morbid, but there's humor to it, too, because the skeleton's hair is pasta-like\", which he called \"a good approximation of how I deal with lots of depressing things—just put pasta hair on top and it's okay.\" \"Replica\" was Lopatin's first album to be completed in a formal studio setting, with recording sessions taking place at the complex owned by his label Mexican Summer. He conceived it as \"an electronic song", "id": "6078440" }, { "contents": "Pepper Steiger\n\n\nyear contract and filmed her final scenes in July 2007. In an interview with \"TV Week's\" Thomas Mitchell in June 2013, Whelan revealed that she would be willing to return to \"Neighbours\". She said, \"I am forever grateful to \"Neighbours\". They took me on with no acting experience. I learnt so much from people like Ben Lawson and Natalie Saleeba. So who knows Pepper could come back. I don't know if they'd have me.\" Pepper grew up in Erinsborough and", "id": "19694345" }, { "contents": "Jenny Bradley\n\n\n. Speaking about the reaction to them as a couple, she went on to say: \"People don't react very well to them at all. We just had some scripts in and there is a brilliant hour-long episode coming up with Sally. I love the way her character has developed into this incredible job and I love what she is doing because it's hilarious. That is going to get Jenny's back up. Sally will obviously be very defensive of Kevin and so will Sophie. People will have heard", "id": "4818629" }, { "contents": "Lillo Brancato Jr.\n\n\nMichael Academy. His adoptive brother, Vinny, briefly worked as a fashion model and now works as a Yonkers civil servant. Although he was born in Colombia, Brancato has said, \"I consider myself Italian. I was raised to eat pasta\". Brancato was discovered in 1992, while swimming at New York’s Jones Beach, by a talent scout who noticed Brancato's resemblance to Robert De Niro. Brancato was a fan of De Niro and impressed the scout with an impression of Travis Bickle from \"Taxi Driver\"", "id": "3615909" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "Aisle (video game)\n\n\n. The character's interest is piqued by the gnocchi he sees in the pasta aisle and a few other items are noted. Then the player is asked to choose how to proceed. Based on this input the game will reveal the character's story (and back story). Alec Meer describes how things may proceed from here: So what do you do? Buy pasta, think about Gnocchi, try to talk to the woman, take your clothes off, start shouting… Some endings are moving, others tragic, others", "id": "18375468" }, { "contents": "Josh Peck\n\n\nknew I could be happier as well as being healthier. I started by going on a diet a year and a half ago and I got a personal trainer, but I definitely have a healthier lifestyle now. Also I feel that because I do so much television, I am a better role model. I don't really understand why I should be a role model, but I know that kids do look up to me, so it is my responsibility to motivate people and be inspiring. I hope that I can do", "id": "14038247" }, { "contents": "Fuh You\n\n\nthe song and working with Tedder, McCartney said: \"So out of all the producers that were suggested, I liked Ryan, rung him up and we chatted. He said, 'What do you hope to get [out of this]?'. I was like, oh I don't know. And then I thought, come on Paul, don't be so shy. So I said, 'A hit?' And he was like 'Yeah! Now you're talking my language! The world", "id": "2655846" }, { "contents": "The Book of David\n\n\n\"I figure how to come back to music I've done every Breakbeat every Drum pattern that you can possibly do and all the while I feel like I got away from the music that made me want to get into the industry from people like Prince, The Time, The Force M.D.s you know some of these 80's hip hop kind of records and even Michael Jackson used the Roland TR-808 drum machine so I kind of got back into raw drum machines going back to the old drums cause they all got character, so", "id": "8851066" }, { "contents": "Noel Gallagher\n\n\nthe 2018 FIFA World Cup. Gallagher is also a big fan of the National Football League noting in an interview, \"I love the NFL. I don't have a team per se, but I'm into it. NFL comes on late night in the UK when I'm up. I love the color and energy of it all. There's so many things going on in American football. It took me a while to get it, but I like it a lot.\" Gallagher stated in a 2006", "id": "18860451" }, { "contents": "Catania\n\n\nItalian Football League. Catania also hosted the 2011 FIE Fencing World Championships. Catania has a unique cuisine, with strong Sicilian traits. Dishes such as Pasta alla Norma are from the city. Pasta alla Norma is a pasta dish made out of macaroni-like penne, tomato sauce, largely sliced aubergines, and often topped with salty ricotta, or \"ricotta salata\" in Italian. Granita, a popular flavoured sherbet, is believed to hail from the city too. Blood oranges, such as the famous \"tarocco\",", "id": "1129625" }, { "contents": "Maisie Smith\n\n\ncharacter. I am quite a lively character in real life, so I do take that on to the set and they have got used to me and like me turning it into my Tiffany character. Perhaps my most useful lesson has been that while this is an amazing experience, whether you are famous or not, directors can be quite strict, so you must listen all the time and be punctual. Working to such a tight schedule can also mean very long days and I do get tired – but I still can’t", "id": "11721807" }, { "contents": "Wise Guy (musical)\n\n\na pal And I would like him to let go If a sob will get consent I'm a very sentimental guy I melt with the breath of springtime When grass starts to green the lawn I get very sentimental As I take my coat to pawn [Mary:] So you think and so you say In your clever sort of way But I know it won't be long before There'll come that happy day When my evenings will be spent With a very sentimental guy /poem poem You know the big percentage in roulette And", "id": "4905255" }, { "contents": "Are You...?\n\n\n, Buck recalls \"I just really loved writing that scene [...] because it had been in the back of our minds for so long, there were so many things that we knew we had to do in that scene. And it's almost like there's so many things you want to put in that scene and then you have to start pulling them out because it becomes too much and those little gems actually become parts of other episodes and stuff because eventually everything comes out.\" He also said about the pace", "id": "14890525" }, { "contents": "Candice Stowe\n\n\nEvening News\", Sanderson said: \"I've never even thought about going back to Corrie – I left seven years ago. I've done so many other things in that time. That's why it doesn't even feel like a crossover going into Hollyoaks, I've had a complete career between the two soaps.\" She continued: \"Corrie was my first main job and I loved it, I loved being challenged. When I left Corrie I went on to a job where we were filming four or five", "id": "1884214" }, { "contents": "Tim Hardaway\n\n\ntry to distance himself from a player he knew was homosexual. When asked by the radio show host whether he realized that his remarks were homophobic, Hardaway responded by saying: \"Well, you know I hate gay people, so I let it be known. I don't like gay people and I don't like to be around gay people. I am homophobic. I don't like it. It shouldn't be in the world or in the United States.\" He also said that if he found out he", "id": "21253287" }, { "contents": "Max Stirner\n\n\npower, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing\". He adds that \"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property!\". Stirner considers the world and everything in it, including other persons, available to one's taking or use without moral constraint and that rights do not exist in regard to objects", "id": "19971058" }, { "contents": "Apulian cuisine\n\n\naddition of small fish with bones included. Eggs are an essential ingredient for pasta in northern Italy, but in Apulia and other regions of Southern Italy only semolina and water is used. This was done mainly for economic reasons, because eggs were considered too valuable for an everyday dish like pasta. Omitting eggs from pasta dough allowed their use in other dishes. \"Orechiette\" is considered the signature pasta shape of Apulia, but there are many other shapes as well. These include \"cavatelli\", \"capunti\" (typical", "id": "9665926" }, { "contents": "Corte di Giarola\n\n\nCorte di Giarola (meaning court of Giarola) is an Italian medieval rural court with an inner church, located in the village of Pontescodogna, part of commune of Collecchio, in Province of Parma. Corte di Giarola is presently a multi-purpose facility. It includes the headquarters of the Ente di Gestione per i Parchi (meaning the Park Management Authority) and Biodiversità Emilia Occidentale. It also hosts the Museum of Tomato (in Italian Museo del pomodoro), the Museum of Pasta (in Italian Museo della pasta) being", "id": "2926661" }, { "contents": "Pasta salad\n\n\nPasta salad (Pasta fredda) is a salad-like dish prepared with one or more types of pasta, almost always chilled, and most often tossed in a vinegar, oil, or mayonnaise-based dressing. It is typically served as an appetizer, side dish or a main course. Pasta salad is often regarded as a spring or summertime meal, but it can be served year-round. There is a debate regarding whether pasta salad is truly a \"salad\", given that the base is pasta rather than", "id": "10101876" } ]
I have only dyed my hair once. nothing permanent a rinse really. WOuld you dye your hair yes I have but the reason was to cover my white hair I love seeing silvery white hair. My kids laugh at me because I have two strands and I brush my hair to make sure they show. LOL. What color did you use? I used black because my hair used to be all black but now it's all white and im barely 45 years old. My hairdresser does a good job of coloring it for me once every 2 months Ok. What do you think about using colors like purple or pink, which are not natural hair colors? I prefer that is dyed black because it's more professional for me because of my line of work. if i was a musician or private business owner I would have gone with purple Yes, purple is more appropriate for a creative type like a rocker. Would you ever conside leaving it all white, it can be very distinguished like an Anderson Cooper look. Most people bleach their hair as a trade mark. I wouldn't be surprised if Anderson Cooper hair is not natural True, it probably isn't natural. LOL My sister bleached her black hair then added orange dye, can you imagine. SHe is a manager of a large team, guess it suits her.
[{"answer": "I think if I get tired of coloring I'd prefer to be clean shaven and leave only just a mustache but the whole hair on the head shaven", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 332, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 477, "bleu_score": 0.8293181259810137, "section": "Section::::History.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Purple Mark\n\n\nthis color to white, and some hair had fallen across my eyes, so when I opened them, my hair appeared bright green. I thought to myself: 'I'm gonna do that.'\" From 1994 to at least 2007, he worked in the Ballard neighborhood in what was basically an assembly line job at motor oil and fuel additives company Bardahl. Most of his wardrobe is purchased second-hand or made by himself. He brings a variety of techniques to making his own outfits, ranging from dying", "id": "16847072" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Hair theft\n\n\non the streets by an opportunist hair thief in 1914. According to a victim interviewed by the \"Grey River Argus\", \"For the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly when or where I lost my hair. I didn't feel anything at all ... when opposite Te Aro House, my friend said: 'Oh, someone's cut your hair off!' I laughed and said it was nonsense, but I found it was only too true.\" In more recent times, outbreaks of hair theft", "id": "19528123" }, { "contents": "Jessie J\n\n\nreason I'm here at the VMAs and people know who I am ... They support me and buy my albums and singles, and they stand outside hotels, and they come to shows, and they get tattoos of my lyrics and they cut their hair like me. You have to love your fans. That's why I call them my Heartbeats, because without them I wouldn't be here.\" In early 2011, Jessie J suffered a panic attack on stage after she was forced to perform in the dark. \"", "id": "6704670" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Good hair\n\n\nher use of the book (Johnson, 343). \"The Washington Post\" reported that Herron said black students were her target audience for the children's book: \"I wrote it delighting in nappy hair,\" said Herron, who is black. \"I love my own nappy hair and the stories my uncle used to tell me about it. It was a celebration, and I had no idea it would be political. I am a '60s person and thought we had already dealt with this problem of being", "id": "7927984" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\na tribute to his Ethiopian daughter's hair, writing it, stating that he wanted to say, \"Your hair is great. You can put it in ponytails. You can put it in cornrows. I wish I had hair like you.\" The mash-up uses different shots in the show's segment paired with \"Whip My Hair\" to act as a music video. During the week of release of the \"Whip My Hair\" video, the \"Sesame Street\" clip also went viral. Veronica Miller", "id": "17440845" }, { "contents": "Leven Rambin\n\n\nalso the lead counselor of the Ares Cabin 5) and Percy's rival throughout the story. In an interview with \"\", Rambin explained her casting and her time as a brunette, \"Yeah, I was really lucky that Thor was able to see me as a brunette with this blonde hair. That's not typically the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me, I don't think. But when I put on that wig – luckily they didn't dye my hair – and change my", "id": "5391708" }, { "contents": "Black Mama White Mama\n\n\nwere in a lot of rivers, rice paddies, where there are leeches and bacteria. So it was just a matter of time before it went through a cut and into your brain - and it could kill you.\" She was in bed for a month with a temperature of 105 degrees. \"I lost my hair, I couldn't see, I couldn't walk. I was dying. The doctor kind of froze me to kill the cell in my brain.\" Lynn Borden says she, too, fell", "id": "13676908" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\n, what is he singing?! And I ran out of the dressing room – I looked like a hot mess! I was in the middle of getting my hair and make-up done. He had just surprised the audience with a new song. He came off the stage and I was like, you need to write me a song like that! And instead, he gave me that song so I could have it on my album. It's a very relatable song to me.\" In February 2011,", "id": "18407548" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe\n\n\nDaylight,\" I remember listening to [it] and I was like, 'Oh my god, this feels like a great day. Got the wind in your hair, just feels good.' That's what I loved about it the most.\" Commenting on her decision to work with Travis McCoy, she told \"Blues & Soul\". \"I figured me and Travis together would be an unusual tyepa duo. And I'm really happy I trusted my instincts. Because it turned out to be a really", "id": "7209972" }, { "contents": "Scotty Cannon\n\n\n, \"I have had a Mohawk on and off for years. It started years ago when I would go the beach with my friends and we would Mohawk our hair just to have fun. During the racing seasons, I would Mohawk it and it seemed I would wear it more and more. It kind of stuck on me. I guess you could call it my trademark.\" He started racing when he was 16. \"I always had a natural love for drag racing, going straight and making the cars go", "id": "19668169" }, { "contents": "Fredi Washington\n\n\n–her blue-gray eyes, pale complexion, and light brown hair–that she might have passed in real life. In 1934 she said the role did not reflect her off-screen life, but \"If I made Peola seem real enough to merit such statements, I consider such statements compliments and makes me feel I've done my job fairly well.\" She told reporters in 1949 she identified as black \"Because I'm honest, firstly, and secondly, you don't have to be white to be", "id": "8402611" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Cher... Special\n\n\n\"Momma, I'm still here. I've got the same hair, the same bumpy nose and vampire teeth. But you were right, I feel better about myself now\". Then Cher's nine-year-old daughter Chastity asks, \"Mom, have you been into my records again?\" Cher says, \"my children Chastity and Elijah both have blonde hair. I guess they don't have the advantages of having black hair, but nobody told them it was going to be easy.\" Then", "id": "1398070" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nI'm not going to wear a wig, I'll just go with my red hair'. And I walk in and George Cukor said: 'would you like to take your hat off?' (laughter) and my hair was quite short back then and it was – it looked like feathers. And his face went ashen as to think: 'oh, what have done, this is absolutely terrible!' And he brought me in to see Katharine, and he said: 'Katharine, this girl has", "id": "21947150" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nalways come down the stairs of my parents' house, and they would say, 'Go back upstairs and brush your hair, change your clothes, you can't go out wearing that', and I felt like it was stifling my identity... My hair was my glory. It was the only thing that I could change about myself.\" Initially \"Hair\" was supposed to be released as the second promotional single from \"Born This Way\", following \"The Edge of Glory\", on May 16,", "id": "2542050" }, { "contents": "Durrell Berry\n\n\nthe news in July 2007 after being sent home for having a short haircut, which was against school policy. \"They sent me home because they said my hair's too short and it represents a hooligan look,\" said Berry, who had his head shaved with grade one blades every few weeks. \"I just feel like it's my human right really to have my hair at a grade one if I want to.\" The rule, introduced in 1986 to prevent white pupils from getting involved in skinhead culture,", "id": "6029628" }, { "contents": "Arcangela Tarabotti\n\n\nsaid to have been rebellious and outspoken; Tarabotti refused to wear the religious habits or cut her hair until directly ordered to do so by Catholic Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice, Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro. Her beliefs, however, remained unchanged; Tarabotti wrote of Cardinal Cornaro, explaining that \"He made me amend my vanities. I cut off my hair, but I did not uproot my emotions. I reformed my life, but my thoughts flourish rampantly, and just like my shorn hair, grow all the more.\"", "id": "2371036" }, { "contents": "Laundry Service\n\n\nheightened by the fact that Shakira, who was a natural brunette, had bleached her hair blonde at the time of the release of the album, which many viewed as a tactic to \"fit into the US market.\" Regarding this backlash, Shakira said, \"I know my Latin people find this difficult. And I want [my success] to be good news to my country. But it's typical that when you see somebody who is so close to you growing, you feel that the very word 'growing", "id": "21097177" }, { "contents": "Anointing of Jesus\n\n\nthis woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever", "id": "22083747" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\nwild as can be, while she asks ladies to \"whip their hair\" and \"shake haters off\". The lyrics have motivational undertones, speaking of self-love and assurance, and referring to letting your hair down as a representation of this in parts like the line, \"Keep fighting until I get there, when I'm down and I feel like giving up/I whip my hair back and forth, I whip it, I whip it real good.\" \"Whip My Hair\" is a high", "id": "17440824" }, { "contents": "Jillian Hervey\n\n\ninto my natural hair.\" Speaking at Essence Festival in 2016, Hervey said this shift also affected her art: \"Once I [went natural], everything started to change. I started feeling very comfortable in my skin and really confident about who I was. I started to look to a bunch of black artists who inspired me, that were kind of in my house. My mom had this Josephine Baker painting, and I always knew of her, but I didn't know much about her legacy and how much", "id": "17429403" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Governor\n\n\nyou ask my wife about our private business ? Did you ask her what sort of nature did I have - black or white?'\" With that Mrs. Mawbey and Miss Kerz turned round and laughed at me with a sneering laugh, and before I got the words out of my mouth that I said in court I struck Mrs. Mawbey on the mouth with this nullah-nullah. Miss Kerz said, \" Pooh, you black rubbish, you want shooting for marrying a white woman.\" With that I hit her with", "id": "15066385" }, { "contents": "Samuel L. Jackson\n\n\nYou know, when I started losing my hair it was during the era when everybody had lots of hair. All of a sudden I felt this big hole in the middle of my afro, I couldn't face having a comb over so I had to quickly figure what the haircut for me was.\" His first bald role was in \"The Great White Hype\". He usually gets to pick his own hairstyles for each character he portrays. He poked fun at his baldness the first time he appeared bald on \"", "id": "9542876" }, { "contents": "Kurt Vile\n\n\nit made Lex Luthor's hair fall out, and he was like, 'You made all my hair fall out!' It was a really stupid cartoon, but that was my song, 'You Made All My Hair Fall Out'.\" Three years later, Vile created his first \"mass-produced\" tape at the age of seventeen. Influenced by Pavement, Beck, Smog and the record label, Drag City, Vile noted, \"I really thought I could be on Drag City. I really wanted", "id": "13369402" }, { "contents": "Under the Same Sun\n\n\nhumans just like you. Our pale skin and hair is due to a genetic condition which results in us having little or no skin pigment called melanin. It's Not My Mothers Fault That I Was Born With Albinism: Some would have you believe that it's my mother's fault that I was born with albinism. In most cases, our mothers are abandoned by our fathers after giving birth to us, saying it is her fault, that she had an affair with a white man or the ghost of a European.", "id": "16467029" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Abrams\n\n\n. \"I told my agent, you send every picture of my hair short, curly, black, blonde, I don’t care.\" In Teen Vogue, she said the story of how she snagged her breakthrough role on Gossip Girl: \"Two of my friends in L.A. invited me to this Labor Day barbecue, but I really just wanted to stay on the couch with my French bulldog,\" she says. \"I remember hanging out by the pool in an old T-shirt and jean shorts, just", "id": "6661973" }, { "contents": "Sonya Clark\n\n\nThese artists have mastered a craft impossible for me to take for granted.\" She claims, \"hair is power,\" and, \"as carrier of DNA, hair holds the essence of identity.\" “I grew up braiding my hair and my sister’s hair, so in one sense, like many black women, I had been preparing to be a textile artist for a very long time.” Since 2009, Clark has created serial projects surrounding the Confederate Battle Flag. She has performed \"Unraveling\" in", "id": "820517" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nlove blonde hair, but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark\". The cover art features a close-up of the singer's jean-clad midsection and bare midriff. The cover has been seen as a reference to \"Sticky Fingers\" by The Rolling Stones. The packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP were scented with patchouli oils to simulate church incense", "id": "10438367" }, { "contents": "You Are Old, Father William\n\n\nWilliam\"\", and she recites. poem \"You are old, Father William,\" the young man said, \"And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head— Do you think, at your age, it is right?\" \"In my youth,\" Father William replied to his son, \"I feared it might injure the brain; But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again.\" \"You are", "id": "20118751" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\n2012 interview with the Kenyan broadsheet the \"Daily Nation\", she said, [I]t seems that the world is conspiring in preaching that there is something wrong with Kenyan ladies' kinky hair and dark skin[...] Their leaflets are all about skin lightening, and they seem to be doing good business in Kenya. It just shocks me. It's not OK for a Caucasian to tell us to lighten our skin [...] I have never attempted to change my skin. I am natural. People in Europe and", "id": "2005688" }, { "contents": "Everybody's Fool\n\n\nThere's this one scene with everybody on motorbikes that every time I see it I just crack up. It's the slow-mo scene where I take off the helmet and swoosh my hair and look at the camera ... and it kills me. It's so hilarious, it's ridiculous. [...] It's a really different thing for us to do because it's not performance at all. Everybody was laughing at me the whole time. I was just like, 'Please don't laugh at me.", "id": "13928332" }, { "contents": "Is She Really Going Out with Him?\n\n\nsong were misinterpreted. He explained that he was accused of racism by a black man because of the song's opening lyric \"Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street\", which the man had thought was about black men dating white women. Jackson concluded, \"And no matter what I said he wouldn't believe me, and as far as he was concerned that was what it was. So, I mean, really, what can you do? (Laughs) I always feel like my lyrics are very", "id": "12264494" }, { "contents": "Pauline Fowler\n\n\ntold by Julia Smith that she would have to change her appearance, to make it more in keeping with Pauline's unglamorous lifestyle. This included having her hair cut. Richard has commented, \"I was very proud of my long hair, which had taken me years to grow. I hadn't had it cut short for nineteen years but reluctantly, I agreed ... I cried my eyes out for the rest of the day after that traumatic hair cut.\" From September 1984, Richard was involved in pre-production of", "id": "15725689" }, { "contents": "All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)\n\n\ndays, I realised he was watching me. He watched and watched, and I said, 'Why are you looking at me all the time?' and he said, 'Because we're brothers, and I want to catch some sort of family thing that I can use so that it's obvious we are of the same family.' I was very impressed by that. He was very, \"very\" good.\" \"They highlighted my hair to match Robert's,\" explained Davison, \"and", "id": "16533957" }, { "contents": "Bleed Like Me (song)\n\n\non the acoustic guitar and it builds a little bit, but the song never gets too big musically. It stays pretty simple. Really it's all about her vocals. She said 'I want to sound like a girls choir' and we're like 'Cool, let's just do it now'. She went in singing 'You should see my scars' and it just floored me. Still when I hear that the hairs on the back of my neck go up. It's really an amazing moment on", "id": "7359754" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Ebernoe Horn Fair\n\n\non your way, I will not let you ride on my grey mare today, You'd rumple all my muslin and uncurl my hair, And leave me all distrest to be seen at Horn Fair.\" \"O fairest of damsels, how can you say No? With you I do intend to Horn Fair for to go, We'll join the best of company when we do get there, With horns on their heads, boys, the finest at the Fair. They are the finest horns you did ever behold", "id": "15362139" }, { "contents": "Solange Knowles\n\n\n... We all left feeling uplifted...Yet as I walked back to my car I personally saw @BRPD pulling huge assault rifles out on peaceful protesters...\" Her 2016 album, \"A Seat at The Table\", acknowledges the inequalities that black women face in America. With songs like \"Mad\", \"Don't Touch My Hair\", and \"F.U.B.U\", Knowles addresses stereotypes of young, black Americans, such as criminality or the fixation people have on black women's natural hair, saying she's \"got", "id": "7057680" }, { "contents": "Bradley Cooper\n\n\n. He had cholesteatoma in his ear soon after his birth, and punctured his eardrum when he started diving at an early age. Describing himself as a child, Cooper has said: \"I never lived the life of 'Oh, you're so good-looking'. People thought I was a girl when I was little, because I looked like a girl—maybe because my mother would keep my hair really long\". He excelled at basketball, and enjoyed cooking: \"I used to have buddies come over", "id": "6327887" }, { "contents": "Avril Lavigne (album)\n\n\nexcited.\" On August 8, 2013, Lavigne announced that the album would be a self-titled released and also revealed the cover art for the album via her Instagram account. The cover features a closeup of her face against an all-black background, with her eyes ringed in smeared eyeliner, while her hair is pulled back tight on her head. In an interview on Extra in September 2013, Lavigne said of the artwork: \"I like it because I always wear my hair down, so I put my", "id": "16980140" }, { "contents": "Yours Is My Heart Alone\n\n\ndivine bids me hope anew That dreams of mine may at last come true And I shall hear you whisper, \"I love you.\" In dreams when night is falling I seem to hear you calling For you have cast a net around me And 'neath a magic spell hath bound me Yours, yours alone How wondrous fair is your beautiful hair Bright as a summer sky is the night in your eyes Soft as a sparkling star is the warmth of my love. You are my heart's delight, (\"repeat", "id": "2080881" }, { "contents": "Video Phone (song)\n\n\nwas doing her video with her, she called me and she said, 'What do you want to do?' [...] And I'm like, 'I don't want to show up in some frickin' hair bow and be fashion Gaga in your video.' I said, 'I want to do you.' [...] I want to do my version of Beyoncé. So the whole time I was learning the choreography they were calling me \"Gee\"-yoncé.\" Later, during an interview with", "id": "11987149" }, { "contents": "The Dutchess\n\n\n-Up Song)\", she wants a guy who will love her for more than her outward appearance, with the singer asking, \"Would you love me/If I didn't work out/Or didn't change my natural hair?\" \"London Bridge\" was co-written by Sean Garrett and produced by Polow da Don and includes sexual innuendo. It was described as \"a club track that only lightly touches on personal lyrics about fame and celebrity\" ('It's like every time I get up", "id": "20648148" }, { "contents": "My Baby (The Temptations song)\n\n\n, bragging about the qualities of a special lady. Ruffin praises his woman's hairstyles (\"hair soft like a baby lamb/and I love to run my fingers through it\") and personality (\"the gold in her personality/could set Fort Knox to shame\"), and hopes that \"she digs me the way I am/but if I have to change/you know I'm gona do it for my baby\". \"My Baby\" was a notable attempt to create an uptempo danceable number", "id": "18676117" }, { "contents": "Richard Archer\n\n\nheard our music. “Working-class musicians are supposed to be idiots who get drunk rather than people who have something to say. “Sometimes it’s nice to have that to work against but what annoys me is when I think of our fans. You have to wonder what the people slating our record know about music when they’re essentially slagging off the fans of the band. “You can take the piss out of my hair, my clothes – I don’t give a fuck. But take the piss out", "id": "19232809" }, { "contents": "In the Dark (Dev song)\n\n\ntalk vocal style as she sings \"On my waist, through my hair / Think about it when you touch me there / Close my eyes, here you are dance-dance-dancing in the dark.\" According to Nadine Cheung of AOL Radio, the line borrows the melody from Reel 2 Real's \"I Like to Move It\" (1994). \"In the Dark\" sees Dev using her singing voice more than her distinctive sing-talk style. Lyrically, the song speaks of sex drives and letting", "id": "13802510" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nits release. During the writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" and the creation of the full album, she has posted personal essays on her website, Saint Heron, linking the ideas of these personal essays with messages in the album. One essay that has been linked to the creation and writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" would be \"\"And Do You Belong? I Do.\" In this she says “You and your friends have been called the N-word, been approached as prostitutes", "id": "14202426" }, { "contents": "Lucy Maud Montgomery\n\n\ninterrupt her, saying: \"You are the first white person I have ever met who has heard an owl's laughter. I thought nobody but Indians ever heard it. We hear it often because we are a silent race. My full name is Laughing Grey Owl.\" Grey Owl's remark made the front page of \"The Toronto Mail and Empire\" newspaper the next day. Montgomery described Grey Owl in her diary: \"Grey Owl was looking quite the Indian of romance, with his long black braids of hair", "id": "15203839" }, { "contents": "Deryck Whibley\n\n\nwedding day since I was a little girl. I have to wear the white dress... People thought that I would [wear a] black wedding dress, and I would have, but at the same time, I was thinking about the wedding pictures, and I wanted to be in style. I didn't want to be thinking, 20 years later, 'Oh, why did I wear my hair like that? The wedding was held on July 15, 2006. About 110 guests attended the wedding, which was", "id": "18400608" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\na teenager: \"When I first went to get my hair colored, I was about 14 and I wanted blonde highlights. The beautician said, 'No, you have to get your mother on the phone,' and I was just crying and begging. I've always been experimenting. Cyndi Lauper's videos – that's what intrigued me.\" Minaj has often been referred to as the \"Queen of Rap\", and has been considered to be one of the most influential female rap artists. In 2012,", "id": "14836796" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nI just went 'Wow, these songs are great.' So I went and bought their record. I was a hippie once upon a time. I had [long hair] – it was 1969, 1970, you know, barefoot with a guitar. You people that are old enough probably remember but you young people don't remember, but people used to have parties and you would pass the guitar around and all the guys would play a song. So whenever the guitar came my way I always played 'Early", "id": "12993504" }, { "contents": "Julie Mayaya\n\n\nmy limits and from witch I will learn a lot. It scares me the fact that I will have to use contact lenses. That because I have never used, and I know that my eyes are sensitive. It also scares me because i have to give up my long daring nails, and I know that my Afro hair will be a real challenge for the stylists\" Mayayas performed the following songs on \"The Voice of Romania\": Her debut single, \"Stay\", entered at number #75 on the", "id": "19036984" }, { "contents": "Dita Von Teese\n\n\n's campaign \"Animal Birth Control (ABC).\" Von Teese states that she never uses a stylist. \"The one time I hired a stylist, they picked up a pair of my 1940s shoes and said, 'These would look really cute with jeans.' I immediately said, 'You're out of here.'\" She does her own make-up, and dyes her naturally blonde hair black at home. Von Teese's unique style is \"inspired by eccentric women like Luisa Casati, Anna Piaggi", "id": "6375831" }, { "contents": "Transportation Ballads\n\n\nyou will get transported and sent to Botany Bay. My character was taken and I was taken too, My parents tried to clear me but nothing could they do. It was at the Old Bailey sessions where the judge unto me did say, “Why the jury have found you guilty, young man, you must go to Botany Bay.” To see my aged father as he stood at the bar, Likewise my poor old mother a-tearing of her hair. A-tearing of her old grey locks,", "id": "12729160" }, { "contents": "Romeo Void\n\n\nwere considered new wave, but for me Romeo Void was a reaction against the regimentation of everyone having to be bleached blond and everything being about despair and no future, when I thought the do-it-yourself thing should encompass all the different kinds of emotions, and all the different colors. [...] I was proud of being American Indian, so I purposely never bleached my hair blond.\" The band became busy playing shows at clubs and warehouses around San Francisco, and quickly became popular. Saxophonist Benjamin Bossi", "id": "4117120" }, { "contents": "José Luis Appleyard\n\n\n. I have felt as if I were in Academia Universitaria again feeling that beautiful rush that a group of friends generates. And I have also seen myself, with white hair, white bearb, just as I am today”. And he adds: “The eyes of those who read me won't see what I see . But they might build the image of a road in which edges life is found. If this is so, my verses would have had accomplished their mission of leaving my voice within these pages.", "id": "13063762" }, { "contents": "Try (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\nwho she really was. When I shot the first scene with no hair and makeup on in front of an HD camera in my face, flashed with bright lights, everyone was watching. I thought, \"Oh my god, I bet they’re all looking at my blemishes, thinking that I should cover them up, or that I should put some volume in my hair.\" But it also felt really cool to be on camera with zero on, like literally nothing on. And then when it got to the", "id": "11490690" }, { "contents": "Kells Water\n\n\nthat's no here. Lovely Molly, you're the first girl I courted, it was you drew my heart in a snare, your red rosy cheeks I admired, and your lily-white skin and brown hair. Some say that my Johnnie's no coming, but I know he'll be here in the spring, through the green shady groves we will wander, and among the green bushes we'll sing. Now it's this one and that one may court you, but if anyone wins you but me", "id": "21471096" }, { "contents": "Ain't No Cure for Love\n\n\nlove I see you in the subway and I see you on the bus I see you lying down with me, I see you waking up I see your hand, I see your hair Your bracelets and your brush And I call to you, I call to you But I don’t call soft enough There ain’t no cure There ain’t no cure There ain’t no cure for love I walked into this empty church, I had no place else to go When the sweetest voice I ever heard, whispered to my", "id": "15014949" }, { "contents": "Phil Keaggy\n\n\nidea was the producer's. I actually had a different cover in mind...It was...a black and white [photograph] of my daughter Olivia sitting on a guitar case, with this Gretsch anniversary model standing up behind her against this concrete wall, and she's got a little white flower wreath in her hair. She's about four years old, and...I just loved that cover. So when the album came out, I wasn't really knocked out by the Beatles thing, because it didn't look", "id": "8098725" }, { "contents": "Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair (EP)\n\n\nBlack Is the Color of My True Love's Hair is the title of a 2003 EP by the American rock band The Twilight Singers. The song \"Black Is the Colour (Of My True Love's Hair)\" is a traditional folk song which was first known in the United States about 1915. However, it may have come from Scotland originally. It is about a girl who is waiting for her lover to return from sea. Greg Dulli's cover of the song would later appear on The Twilight Singers' 2004", "id": "10129311" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "You can shed tears that she is gone\n\n\neven kissed, which is probably why I poured all my feelings about her into my poetry. I completed 'Remember Me' in about March 1982... Harkins' original piece, originally written in prose format, started with the line: \"Do not shed tears when I have gone but smile instead because I have lived...\". The more frequently used and widely published wording is \"You can shed tears that she is gone or you can smile because she has lived...\" Other lines in the modern version parallel,", "id": "1863209" }, { "contents": "You Should Hear How She Talks About You\n\n\nthat the song was written by two colleagues of mine, Tom Snow and Dean Pitchford. It's a solid song; but it was not the norm for me because I’m basically a troubadour. But I cut my hair off, lost lots of weight, glammed up, and ran it up the flagpole - and it worked! It worked all the way to a Grammy, which was kind of surprising. It was a lot of fun. I stopped singing it for awhile, because I needed a little perspective on", "id": "3973907" }, { "contents": "Alicia Markova \"The Dying Swan\"\n\n\nshock of hair. Markova was dancing the Dying Swan in 'Swan Lake' and I found the experience moved me deeply. 'I want to paint her,' I told Silver Fox. 'Why don't you ask her manager? He's sitting next to us.' When the rehearsal was over Silver Fox introduced me to Markova's manager, and told him of my idea. He did not look enthusiastic. 'Not a chance,' he said. 'There's no time.' 'If anyone", "id": "22023151" }, { "contents": "Bump Off Lover\n\n\ncare about my health. Yes, you can call me the \"Queen of Fakeness\" because I care about how people think of me. People's adorations and praises gives me the strength to live. The only person that knows about my fake outward appearance is my younger sister. But in private, I am lazy and obstinate. I am so unlike my younger sister, she is so gentle, sweet, and patient (I think it's probably due to her poor health). I have never seen her angry", "id": "5656493" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Jolly Roving Tar\n\n\n, gallant William, how can you sail away?br I have arrived at twenty-one, and I'm a lady gay,br I will man one of my father's ships and face the horrid war,br And cross the briny ocean for my jolly, roving br Young William looked so manly, drest all in his sailor's clothes,br His cheeks they were like roses, his eyes as black as sloes,br His hair hung down in ringlets, but he is gone afar,br And my heart", "id": "7738605" }, { "contents": "It's About Time (Christina Milian album)\n\n\nAfter several comparisons to Beyoncé Knowles in regards to appearance, Milian said \"I think she is a lovely artist, very talented but the only reason I changed my color hair is because I was getting bored of my same old look and I wanted to do something different.\" Elysa Gardner of \"USA Today\" found that with Milian's \"slight, sweet vocals and blithe, breezy pop-soul sensibility\", the genre of the album was more pop than R&B. Andy Kellman of Allmusic described \"Dip It Low\"", "id": "10308257" }, { "contents": "Susan Kennedy\n\n\nher long hair cut when she wanted a fresh start following a split from Karl. Woodburne has revealed that there is no chance of Susan growing her long hair back. She said \"I could never grow it long again. I love the ease of having short hair. Back when it was long, I used to wash and dry my hair every morning at home before going into work. That added an extra half-hour to my day\". She also added that the \"Neighbours\"' bosses at the time", "id": "12335516" }, { "contents": "Oh My Darling Daughter\n\n\nlips in my hair. The moon went with us, jigging over the treetops, leering a bit now, I thought. I wished I knew what was supposed to happen when we got back to the car. St Winifred's had been as reticent about this as about Economics.\" \"Now, Viola dear, no more arguments. You'll thank me for this when you've got three beautiful children and a husband you adore. Won't she, Harry?\"br \"Always provided she doesn't have them in that order", "id": "573885" }, { "contents": "Uzo Aduba\n\n\nwent in and auditioned for another part, and my representatives called me about a month later and they were like, \"Hi, we have some really good news. You remember that audition you went on for \"Orange Is the New Black\"? You didn't get it.\" I go, \"So… okay, what's the good news?\" They said they wanted to offer me another part, Crazy Eyes. I was like, \"What in my audition would make someone think I'd be right", "id": "16738798" }, { "contents": "Kissing You (Des'ree song)\n\n\nMiami. Beyoncé discussed the music video with MTV, stating that, \"[The video] feels like something you shouldn't be seeing, like you found a home video. It's very raw: no retouching, no special effects. That's who I am. You can see my soul.\" In an interview with \"Vibe\" Beyoncé recalled the video, \"I didn't have any hair and makeup. [The video features] just me on the beach and in the sun, and I brought one", "id": "18113683" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nhair is extremely problematic!\" Hair has been used as a tool of oppression to black people in the United States because of the different textures and styles black women’s hair offers. Such textures and styles have been mocked, appropriated, and used as a source for profiling. Solange reflect in her song how her hair is a major part of her identity and influences her daily life, because it offers difference to the stereotyped “normal” hair textures european/white culture so often displays. Historically, black women have “", "id": "14202428" }, { "contents": "Sister Golden Hair\n\n\nas opposed to simplifying it down to its bare essentials... I find Jackson can depress me a little bit, but only through his honesty; and it was that style of his which led to a song of mine, 'Sister Golden Hair', which is probably the more L.A. of my lyrics... [It] was one of the first times I used 'ain't' in a song, but I wasn't making an effort to. I was just putting myself in that frame of mind and I got those", "id": "14239983" }, { "contents": "Louder (Lea Michele album)\n\n\nI can play in my car with the windows down. I feel like it shows off my voice as a singer, which is really important to me, because that’s what I do. I want to make sure that every song on my record is fun and enjoyable, but also, you hear my voice in them.\" Michele also stated, \"I didn't want to find songs that I had to change myself for. I wanted to find songs that would only highlight my sound and were unique to me", "id": "14632642" }, { "contents": "Q.U.E.E.N. (Janelle Monáe song)\n\n\nthe African-American gay community. She also alludes to lesbianism later in the song when she sings, \"Hey, is it weird to like the way she wears her tights?\" and, \"Am I a freak because I love watchin' Mary?\" Monáe then juxtaposes these references with religion by asking, \"Hey brother can you save my soul from the devil?\" and, \"Hey sister am I good enough for your heaven? Will your God accept me in my black and white? Would he", "id": "7487389" }, { "contents": "Tulip Hysteria Co-ordinating\n\n\ncombing her hair in front of a mirror.\" Dixon responds: \"I thought it was an advertisement for some dye house... would you mind tipping me off where the lady is hiding herself?\" Colwell: \"Why, she's right there in front of you. That streak of purple is her hair. The orange triangle is one side of her face and the lemon yellow cube is the other.\" Dixon breathed \"Ah-h\" stepping toward the \"cubist queen\". \"Comrade. You have", "id": "3665353" }, { "contents": "James Grover McDonald\n\n\nThe casual expressions used by both men in speaking of the Jews were such as to make one cringe, because one would not speak so of even a most degenerate people. \"When I indicated my disbelief in their racial theories, they said what other Nazis had said: 'But surely you, a perfect type of Aryan, could not be unsympathetic to our views'... I had the impression that they really do set unbelievable store by such physical characteristics as long heads and light hair.\" So convinced was he that", "id": "685878" }, { "contents": "I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)\n\n\n, but lost to \"Patience\" by Take That. Thom has been the subject of criticism by many artists within the recording world, most notably from Lily Allen, The Fratellis and The Automatic. James Frost and Robin Hawkins from The Automatic stated that \"If she was a punk rocker with flowers in her hair she'd get the shit kicked out of her by other punk rockers, for having flowers in her hair. [...] I haven't found anyone who's told me they like that song and bought it", "id": "13026622" }, { "contents": "Stefanie Dolson\n\n\nto be out, but I feel called to lead an authentic life in the open. I know who I am and I don't care if people judge me. I am 6-5, and I dye my hair purple and experiment a lot with fashion. My motto is: If they're going to stare, they might as well stare at something fun. There are a lot of girls who struggle being who they are. We need people who are out so that those girls know it's OK to be", "id": "16688719" }, { "contents": "Medicine (Grace Potter and the Nocturnals song)\n\n\nguitar hook—months before I came up with the lyrics or the vocal melody. It gets across the emotion of somebody trying to steal your man away and then fighting for what's yours, getting back to a place where you're in control. I picture my adversary as a young Stevie Nicks, but with long black hair, who shows up, woos everybody and freaks me out, until I realize there is something I can do—then I step up and make my own magic. It's my favorite song", "id": "4570309" }, { "contents": "Piece of Me (Britney Spears song)\n\n\nwith what was going on. Not being over-the-top sarcastic, but ... having a laugh at everything that was going on around her, with confidence. [...] The very last dance of the piece, she had her hair up, and I go, 'Can you just do one for me with your hair down?' She dropped her hair down. You'll see we intercut with her hair up and her hair down. That was the last piece. She just rocked it from her heart", "id": "7773191" }, { "contents": "Llewyn Davis (character)\n\n\n-foot-five, 250 pound Swede. So I came in, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a photograph of a very well-known musician – and I was encouraged because it was a guy who was a little smaller and a dark haired and had a beard. I was like, \"So you guys have that picture as kind of a reference?\" And they're like, \"Oh yeah. He came in. He killed it.\" The blood just drained out of my", "id": "12447650" }, { "contents": "Dave Gahan\n\n\nhis probation officer's office. His punishment was weekend custody at a sub-Borstal attendance centre in Romford for one year. Gahan recalls: \"You had to work. I remember doing boxing, stuff like that. You had to have your hair cut. It was every weekend, so you were deprived of your weekend and it seemed like forever. I was told very clearly that my next thing was detention centre. To be honest, music saved me.\" In March 1980, Martin Gore, Andy Fletcher and", "id": "15516560" }, { "contents": "American Horse\n\n\nwant to tell you something, and it makes me feel very glad. You tell me that my brother is married and that makes me feel very glad. My cousins, and brothers, and I are all very well, at this Carlisle School. We would like to see you again. I am always happy here, but lately I sometimes feel bad, because you tell me that my grandfather is getting very old. Tell me how my brothers are. I would like to see my brother's wife's picture.", "id": "16075252" }, { "contents": "The Beatles in Hamburg\n\n\n\"All my friends in art school used to run around with this sort of what you call Beatles' haircut, and my boyfriend then, Klaus Voormann, had this hairstyle, and Stuart [Sutcliffe] liked it very very much. He was the first one who really got the nerve to get the Brylcreem out of his hair and asking me to cut his hair for him. Pete [Best] has really curly hair and it wouldn't work.\" After suffering blackouts and intense headaches, Sutcliffe was taken to a", "id": "20639206" }, { "contents": "You Make Me Want to Be a Man\n\n\nwell know [sic] for these kinds of technological things, like Anime and the futuristic things, so I think that is what started off the whole thing.\" Utada revealed that she shared her creative input with Kiriya because \"It's very difficult, but a bit of companionship was exactly what I needed. With most of my work I mostly just say yes or no, so I guess what I needed was someone that I could trust the taste and opinions of and have the guts to tell me about things.", "id": "7061185" }, { "contents": "Good Morning and... Goodbye!\n\n\n-- he would sit at the head of the table -- he said, \"Where were you?!\" I shook the bag and said, \"I was in the woods cutting down my costume!\" I'd tape rose petals in my hair, on my breasts, and between my legs, and that would be my costume. I glued dead bugs on my cheeks and put green sticks and moss in my hair. The \"New York Times\" reviewed a Meyer film for the first time. It said Meyer", "id": "177375" }, { "contents": "The Color of Me\n\n\nnever completely belonged in either of them. Are there certain things I’m supposed to be doing just because I’m an Indian? I have often questioned, What if I was a black person or What if I was white?, would my life be so different?. Could I still be the same person if I wasn’t Indian? What if my skin could change color? So I wanted to write a story that asked, If I am a person of a different race or ethnicity, how much is my", "id": "21075299" }, { "contents": "Dylan McAvoy\n\n\nfittings. I had to try on about 20 different outfits! That was really grueling. It was important to shake the leather coat and black t-shirt and do my hair different, because I know people are always going to see me as Jason.\" Burton revealed that Dylan is \"a lot more\" like himself. \"Jason was so stoic and didn't really get to show a lot of personality, unless it was with Spinelli or Sam,\" he said. Dylan has a sense of humor, and", "id": "398945" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" } ]
My favorite color is red. Red is a nice vibrant colour it is close to orange what do you like so much about it? I like how its bold and solid. I like more of the color blue it goes well with my eyes lol plus it is close to violet and green on the spectrum which I like as well. I see, I like red cause it is the color of blood. I'll have to pass for that reason the sight of blood makes me quench I like red because of apples and strawberries though lol. I like apples also but the green ones I like the green apples as well have you tried the fuji apples they are very round about 75mm in diameter and very juicy and sweet. I love funji apples in the summer time.
[{"answer": "I never knew it made a difference in the summer I eat them anytime, thousands of years ago they was grown in Asia and Europe year round though.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "18978754", "title": "Apple", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 277, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 400, "bleu_score": 0.8787419089273848, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Criticism of Apple Inc.\n\n\n. Because of Greenpeace's concern, they published a ranking guide in 2006 to improve policies and practices regarding the process of \"going green.\" Greenpeace reached out to Apple's fans and consumers in attempt to gain attention of Steve Jobs in September 2006. In order to do this, they launched a \"Green my Apple\" website that was designed to look like Apple's site. The caption on the site was, \"I love my Mac. I just wish it came in green.\" They called this the", "id": "21987769" }, { "contents": "Mal Evans\n\n\n: Paul [McCartney] is really cutting down on the Apple staff members. I was elevated to office boy [Evans was made MD of Apple, but very briefly] and I feel very hurt and sad inside—only big boys don't cry. Why I should feel hurt and reason for writing this is ego. ... I thought I was different from other people in my relationship with The Beatles and being loved by them and treated so nice, I felt like one of the family. Seems I fetch and carry", "id": "6412591" }, { "contents": "Apple (artwork)\n\n\navant-garde or underground art... the humor got me straight away\". Lennon took a bite out of the apple on display, before apologising and putting the apple back. Ono later recalled that \"...he just grabbed it and bit it and looked at me like, you know, \"There!\" you know? I was so furious, I didn't know what to say. And it all showed in my face: How dare this person, you know, mess around with my work?\".", "id": "19287947" }, { "contents": "2010 New York Red Bulls season\n\n\nmove, when coupled with the arrival of Henry, fueled speculation about Ángel's future with the club. Near month's end Ángel told the \"New York Post\", \"(If) you ask me would I like to stay here, I would because I get along with everybody here. I've been expecting a team like this for years and finally we brought it. But if I have to move on, I will move on. I wish them well. I think (my departure) is very likely", "id": "9885825" }, { "contents": "American Horse\n\n\nwant to tell you something, and it makes me feel very glad. You tell me that my brother is married and that makes me feel very glad. My cousins, and brothers, and I are all very well, at this Carlisle School. We would like to see you again. I am always happy here, but lately I sometimes feel bad, because you tell me that my grandfather is getting very old. Tell me how my brothers are. I would like to see my brother's wife's picture.", "id": "16075252" }, { "contents": "David D'Or\n\n\npeople with a huge Palestinian flag. And at the beginning I was very tense because I didn't know what their intentions were. I closed my eyes and said 'Look, you speak always about the power of music and how music can get people close to each other', and I was like aiming to their heart, and I'm singing especially for them, and then when I opened my eyes and I saw those people dancing with the Palestinian flag and singing with me together, and it was for me like", "id": "22155656" }, { "contents": "Alfred Marks\n\n\n, I always wanted to be a member of the bigger rival gang. One day when I was in my best Easter suit, someone from one of the other gangs said to me 'would you like to be King of the Golden Apples?' 'All right, just sit there on this box and call out Apples, Apples, give me the Golden Apples.' Which innocently I did and they cobbled me with every rotten apple in the market. Marks married actress Paddie O'Neil in 1952. They remained together until", "id": "21925619" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "Van Gogh's family in his art\n\n\norange color; the foliage of the two beds of scarlet geraniums is very green. Finally, the interjacent plane, there is a maid-servant, dressed in blue, who is arranging a profusion of plants with white, pink, yellow and vermilion-red flowers.\"br br \"Here you are. I know this is hardly what one might call a likeness, but for me it renders the poetic character and the style of the garden as I feel it. All the same, let us suppose that the two", "id": "11198937" }, { "contents": "I Live for You\n\n\nYou\" as an \"unreleased gem\" that merited inclusion on the original \"All Things Must Pass\" more so than tracks like \"I Dig Love\" and the \"sedate\" second version of \"Isn't It a Pity\". \"I Live for You\" also appears on the 2014 \"Apple Years 1968–75\" reissue of \"All Things Must Pass\".Joe Marchese, \"Give Me Love: George Harrison’s 'Apple Years' Are Collected On New Box Set\", The Second Disc, 2 September 2014", "id": "10094291" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nBy my own calculations the average lifespan of an aircrew is twenty ops(operations). and we have 30 to do in our first tour. I'm Writing this for two reasons. One to tell you how I would like my money to be spent that I have left behind me; two to tell you how I feel about meeting my Maker. 1. I intended as you know, taking a university course with my savings. Well, I would like it to be spent over the education of my brothers and sisters.", "id": "16926598" }, { "contents": "Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston\n\n\nC'mon now, this is for the title, this is the big apple. What are you doing? Sit down!' So I get him down, I get the sponge and I pour the water into his eyes trying to cleanse whatever's there, but before I did that I put my pinkie in his eye and I put it into my eye. It burned like hell. There was something caustic in both eyes.\" The commotion wasn't lost on referee Barney Felix, who was walking toward Clay's corner", "id": "12300742" }, { "contents": "Sonny Liston\n\n\nthe big apple. What are you doing? Sit down!' So I get him down, I get the sponge and I pour the water into his eyes trying to cleanse whatever's there, but before I did that I put my pinkie in his eye and I put it into my eye. It burned like hell. There was something caustic in both eyes.\" Biographer Wilfrid Sheed wrote in his book, \"Muhammad Ali: A Portrait in Words and Photographs\", that Ali's protests were heard by ringside", "id": "17335932" }, { "contents": "Lucas Mlambo\n\n\nin lively scenes, and generally capture every day life and landmarks in the country. Mlambo has said “Many people like my paintings. I like to use bright colours. In my work, you can see how people in Swaziland live and what they do. I like Mbabane very much because when I see the mountains I see something to paint. When I see the streets, people and buildings, I see something to paint. Even in the location where I stay, I find many stories to paint to show how", "id": "10111946" }, { "contents": "Maggie Stone\n\n\nit was PC, pretty chaste. Well, not with Jonathan! When we did our first big love scene, I was so surprised about how prudish and shy I became! It's like I became 16 again. I had to drop the blanket that was covering me, and in the middle of my kiss with Jeff Branson, Jonathan], I started cracking up. He was like, 'What did I do, what did I do?' And I was like, 'Nothing! It wasn't you", "id": "22203278" }, { "contents": "Llewyn Davis (character)\n\n\n-foot-five, 250 pound Swede. So I came in, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a photograph of a very well-known musician – and I was encouraged because it was a guy who was a little smaller and a dark haired and had a beard. I was like, \"So you guys have that picture as kind of a reference?\" And they're like, \"Oh yeah. He came in. He killed it.\" The blood just drained out of my", "id": "12447650" }, { "contents": "Halabja chemical attack\n\n\nIt started with a loud strange noise that sounded like bombs exploding, and a man came running into our house, shouting, 'Gas! Gas!' We hurried into our car and closed its windows. I think the car was rolling over the bodies of innocent people. I saw people lying on the ground, vomiting a green-colored liquid, while others became hysterical and began laughing loudly before falling motionless onto the ground. Later, I smelled an aroma that reminded me of apples and I lost consciousness. When", "id": "65304" }, { "contents": "Emily Pepys\n\n\n'The boys send their love Emy, and hope you will write soon.', though it is their turn over and over. I should like very much to have a little private letter from Teddy to show me his heart, and also I should like to see him again to revive my love\" (7 August). Her cousins Harriet and Katey are more to her liking except that \"they spoilt my Harmonicon, and when I mended it, they would not leave off, so I was obliged to hide", "id": "8640176" }, { "contents": "Melanie Lynskey\n\n\nonly thing I have to go on is my own instinct. So if a director gives me a note that doesn't feel like it's in line with my instinct, it's very hard for me to do something that sort of feels like a lie. So, I'll argue it, and I can get kind of feisty because I feel it in my body, I know what is right\". Asked by an interviewer in 2012 on how she felt about typically being cast—up to that point—as", "id": "16530067" }, { "contents": "Simple Mind Condition\n\n\ninto the lyrics of \"Plastic Green Head\", 'coz everybody, well at least me, started to party more and get away like I had enough. I just tried to forget about shit. So this new album, \"Seven\", is more like... getting away from that again, you know what I mean? I guess maybe it could be compared to our other albums, maybe the \"Trouble\" record could be the one more like that... something like that. \"The Skull\" album was depressing", "id": "5676165" }, { "contents": "I Love How You Love Me\n\n\nit and I hated it at the same time; it felt like Phil had taken my voice and passed it on to someone else\". However Priscilla Paris would opine: \"My sound was not like Annette's - she had a very thin type of little girl voice. I have a heavy roque - that's a French word meaning very heavy, husky - voice. I think Phil fell into something he wanted to do, added extra ingredients, and ended up with something different.\" \"I Love How You", "id": "4859911" }, { "contents": "Kitty Byron\n\n\nwas no class she said, \"I am a brewer's daughter.\" I said, \"Is it possible, what do you live with a brute like him for?\" It was then that she said \"Because I love him, and I have lost my character, and I cannot get any work.\" I said, \"Why are you always screaming like that?\" She said, \"Well, how can I help it when he comes and strangles me, and puts his hand on me", "id": "14134478" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nIn 1979, Blackmore said: \"I like popular music. I like ABBA very much. But there's so much stigma like, 'you can't do this because you're a heavy band', and I think that's rubbish. You should do what you want ... I think classical music is very good for the soul. A lot of people go 'ah well, classical music is for old fogies' but I was exactly the same. At 16 I didn't want to know about classical music:", "id": "9472817" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Pirates of Silicon Valley\n\n\nstating in an interview that \"when the movie opened with [a scene of] tear gas and riots ... I thought, 'My God! That's just how it was.' He also responded to a fan email, that part of his portrayal was inaccurate: \"I never quit Apple. That suggestion was based on an incorrect Wall Street Journal that said I was leaving Apple because I didn't like things there. Actually, I had told the Wall Street Journal writer that I wasn't leaving Apple because of", "id": "16712368" }, { "contents": "Barrowhouse, County Laois\n\n\nAnd passed the cross-road where the apple trees grew That the bees loved to plunder, and school Arabs, too; And down the green laneway, and stood at the door Of the old whitewashed schoolhouse of Shanganamore. I lingered awhile ere I lifted the latch, Some breath of the old inspiration to catch ; I listened the wind shook the green beechen trees, From within came a sound like the drone of the bees. How often I faltered in that very place, Half-fearful the frown of the master", "id": "1059728" }, { "contents": "Nicolas Winding Refn\n\n\n's like a painting—you paint the movie as you go along, and I like the uncertainty of not knowing exactly how it's going to turn out.\" Refn spoke more about shooting in chronological order in September 2011, in reference to \"Drive\": On his approach to working with actors, Refn has said: Refn's color blindness has influenced his style: \"I can't see mid-colors. That's why all my films are very contrasted, if it were anything else I couldn't see", "id": "6665859" }, { "contents": "Eve, the Apple of My Eye\n\n\nTimberlake song \"Like I Love You\". Outside Ireland it is best known in the United States where it featured as background music in a scene from one of their television shows, \"The O.C.\" \"Eve\" was originally written and performed when Bell X1 were Juniper (featuring Damien Rice). Called \"Never\", it was released on the \"Neither Am I\" album, before being rewritten and retitled \"Eve, the Apple of My Eye\" for their second album, \"Music In Mouth\".", "id": "18345614" }, { "contents": "Research (Big Sean song)\n\n\ndid too/I saw you wearin’ Drake’s chain like you were part of his crew/I saw you chillin’ with Meek Mill up at the summer jam oooh/I hope my eyes the one that’s lying to me girl and not you.” In the chorus, meanwhile, Grande sings, “I still have to hide/Now you're next to me at night/You test me all the time/Say I know what you like, like I did the last time/Do you remember", "id": "17294133" }, { "contents": "Mark Gertler (artist)\n\n\ndon't see that, because in my case I have a sense which other people don’t have ... I saw in a moment what she had never dreamt of seeing ...\" & so on. And if you do slip a little away, he watches very jealously, from his own point of view, & somehow tricks you back again. He hoards an insatiable vanity. I suspect the truth to be that he is very anxious for the good opinion of people like ourselves, & would immensely like to be thought well", "id": "339881" }, { "contents": "Love Yourself\n\n\nn't like you, and she likes everyone,\" \"in a style that molds well to Sheeran's,\" according to \"Rolling Stone\" Brittany Spanos. \"And I [never] like to admit that I was wrong. And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on, and now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own,\" he continues. In the chorus, Bieber sings, \"Cause if you like the way you look that much,", "id": "8106166" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\n.\" \"I thought the collection was very fresh and colorful. There were a lot of twists at first. And I love the way the fabrics, they were like graphism on the tweed of red and blue and white. It's always a surprise with Karl, I never know where I'm going to end up.\" \"I like the shape of airplanes. I love airplanes. It's like a kind of butterfly,\" Lagerfeld added. \"They also wear very formal things with nothing. The Chanel", "id": "6500725" }, { "contents": "I Don't Like Mondays\n\n\nlike Mondays. This livens up the day\". Geldof had been contacted by Steve Jobs to play a gig for Apple, inspiring the opening line about a \"silicon chip\". The song was first performed less than a month later. Geldof explained how he wrote the song: I was doing a radio interview in Atlanta with [Johnnie] Fingers and there was a telex machine beside me. I read it as it came out. Not liking Mondays as a reason for doing somebody in is a bit strange. I", "id": "8022651" }, { "contents": "Art Garfunkel\n\n\nField and saw the Phillies with their red pin-stripes, Robin Roberts, Pudinhead Jones. Somehow this was for me. The rest is loyalty. Decades of pain.\" His all-time favorite pop song is The Beatles' \"Here, There and Everywhere\" and his all-time favorite album is \"Rumours\" by Fleetwood Mac. When asked about his musical preferences, he answered, \"I have a very sure-footed sense of what I like, and exactly how much I like it. Give", "id": "20868815" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Moxy V\n\n\nwhen I was about 19. I was young and very green in the industry — Bill was about 33 at that time — and I remember having a bad couple of weeks. My expectations of the industry were pretty grandiose at that stage: I was a kid with stars in my eyes. Bill took me aside one night and, like a kind, loving father, said I had to remember to be grateful and that I had to remember every day that I was lucky to be in this business and working. Throughout", "id": "4183301" }, { "contents": "You Make Me Want to Be a Man\n\n\nwell know [sic] for these kinds of technological things, like Anime and the futuristic things, so I think that is what started off the whole thing.\" Utada revealed that she shared her creative input with Kiriya because \"It's very difficult, but a bit of companionship was exactly what I needed. With most of my work I mostly just say yes or no, so I guess what I needed was someone that I could trust the taste and opinions of and have the guts to tell me about things.", "id": "7061185" }, { "contents": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (soundtrack)\n\n\nmusic as well, that they felt it. So I played it for them, and it was my most nervous moment, and I played it for them, and I was like, 'Oh, God, are they going to like it?’ and they loved it.\" Rowling praised the scene stating, \"I liked that scene because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it... you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene.\"", "id": "19124364" }, { "contents": "The Roulin Family\n\n\nblue around the images of mother and baby. To symbolize the closeness of mother and baby, he used adjacent colours of the colour wheel, green, blue and yellow in this work. The vibrant yellow background creates a warm glow around mother and baby, like a very large halo. Of his use of colour, Van Gogh wrote: \"instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use express myself more forcibly.\" The work contains varying brushstrokes, some straight, some", "id": "12140937" }, { "contents": "La Llorona (song)\n\n\n'the black', Llorona Black but loving I am like the green chili pepper, Llorona spicy, but tasty I am like the green chili pepper, Llorona spicy, but tasty (What it is) sorrow and what is not sorrow, Llorona Everything is sorrow for me (What it is) sorrow and what is not sorrow, Llorona Everything is sorrow for me Yesterday I cried to see you, Llorona And Today I cry because I saw you Yesterday I cried to see you, Llorona And Today I cry because", "id": "4180367" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "José María Reina Barrios\n\n\n: \"Mr. Lainfiesta: you are one of the candidates in the upcoming elections and perhaps the more likely to win. Therefore, I would like to know what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore", "id": "484181" }, { "contents": "Until We Have Faces\n\n\n, synths and the distinct Red yell that the lead singers does. This was an amazing album just like the first two. If you have never heard Red I suggest getting this album or any of their albums because you will be amazed that every song is composed very well. A band that can write well rounded songs is hard to find and Red sure know how to do just that. I recommend it, Go now, get this!\" The guitarist John Petrucci from the band Dream Theater has considered this album the", "id": "10193582" }, { "contents": "JC Caylen\n\n\nCaylen stated about his YouTube presence affecting his acting career, saying \"I'd say that it's impacted my career so much because people see my personality on YouTube and they want to work with me more.. It's almost like a video resume because I have my own personality on YouTube and since I don't play a character, they can see who I am and what I'm about. I feel like they know me on a personal level and know what I will be like to work with.\" Caylen played", "id": "2637417" }, { "contents": "David Le Batard\n\n\nthat make us who we are by studying those different things and magnifying those things. The things that make us the same, basically, verses the things that make us different. Which is what I think I spend a lot of time doing. When I in my teens, it was all about, you know, \"Well how am I different?\" My way of thinking is like this, and these people's way is like that and so forth. So over the years I've kind of had a real", "id": "8177310" }, { "contents": "Anthony Wong Yiu-ming\n\n\nof ‘Forbidden Colors’ in 1988, and the lyrics of ‘Forget He or She’ in 1989, I have never tried to hide my identity. But since you people and press are always keen to ask me about it, and press will definitely be asking me yet again later, I would like to tell you, once and for all, that I am not a tongzhi, but I am a homosexual. I am a faggot. I hope other homosexual people and faggots would not need to be like the", "id": "1363706" }, { "contents": "Love Song (Sara Bareilles song)\n\n\ninsecure about it, and then I got really pissed off at myself for caring what anybody thought. ... I went to a rehearsal space one day. I sat down and wrote something for me. And 'Love Song' basically wrote itself. It's totally honest, and I'm very lucky the label liked it as well.\" Later in 2011, she explained: \"It was actually written for my record label. I had been turning in new music. I was getting the red light. I couldn't", "id": "9578896" }, { "contents": "Dialogue journal\n\n\n,You asked me about my feelings about the jornal. I like it very much, I enjoy doing that. Now it's part of my life. If it stops, I'll lose something very important for me. … The last 2 or 3 times I write it at night. I love these few hours when nobody and nothing distract me and I can think in silence. (p. 67)Larrotta (2008) kept dialogue journals with 17 Spanish-speaking adults in an intermediate ESL literacy class in a community literacy program", "id": "12816298" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nseen making a Valentine's card for Charlie Brown, and telling Peppermint Patty that she is very fond of him. Later that day, Marcie goes over to Charlie Brown's house to ask him if he likes her, and all Charlie Brown says is, \"Do I what?\". Marcie then walks away, angry. Later, Charlie Brown receives a letter saying \"I know you like me and I like you\". Charlie Brown gets very excited thinking it's from the Little Red Haired Girl, but Peppermint", "id": "6106331" }, { "contents": "Hard Times (1975 film)\n\n\nyou have are getting everybody to be on the same page. Hill says that Bronson was more supportive to work with than Coburn: [Bronson was a] very angry guy ... Didn't get along with a lot of people. The only reason I can tell you he and I got along well was he respected that I wrote the script. He liked the script. Also I didn't try to get close to him. Kept it very business-like. I think he liked that. Jimmy Coburn who everybody liked", "id": "14949944" }, { "contents": "Satisfied (Jewel song)\n\n\nhappiness and what makes a person happy. It's funny because I feel like we all are interested in happiness, but I feel like very few of us sit down to actually see how much we're doing in our day lends to our happiness. It also seems like when you're a kid you have all these goals about what you want your life to become. Now when you accomplish those goals, you have to re-evaluate and see if they are making you happy because what makes a person feel satisfied might", "id": "7979102" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\nI prefer... I'll tell you what one of my favourite all-time movies was, as far as horror. I like The Shining and I like Jacob's Ladder. I don't know if you'd call Jacob's Ladder horror anyway, but I really liked that movie. I like, Jesus there's a lot of them... I like the Evil Dead stuff, just total splatter action and Nekromantik from Germany. I have a very bad copy of Necromantik 2 and it's all in German and you can", "id": "20499103" }, { "contents": "Campanino\n\n\nlike marble. The fruits of the apple tree are small, usually symmetrical, and usually spheroidal (about in diameter by in height), with a weight of about . The skin is thick and not very waxy, of a yellow-green colour which becomes red-green when the fruit is exposed to sunlight. The flesh is greenish-white, very firm, and sugary. It is also aromatic and slightly acidic. A scientific study carried out by the University of Bologna on characteristics of five ancient varieties of apple", "id": "13335009" }, { "contents": "Sam Evans\n\n\nmy personality in him. I would say so. I’m such a nice, sweet guy that you don’t even have to act, it's me. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I'm not that full of myself. It's similar to my personality, I would say. I'm kind of goofy and say stupid things to girls when I’m attracted to them. And when I like them, I say stupid things without thinking like the Avatar stuff, that's very [much] something", "id": "16327857" }, { "contents": "Billy Connolly\n\n\nhouse and stayed the night, instead of the hotel. The sadness is... She was a very nice woman, but we never got along. We both tried to like each other, and I don't think she liked me very much. I don't regret it, but I'm sad about it. I wish I'd liked her. And I wish she'd liked me.\" In 1971, the Humblebums broke up, with Rafferty going on to record his solo album \"Can I Have My Money Back", "id": "14046714" }, { "contents": "The Getaway (1994 film)\n\n\nI liked that, too. I saw how I could put my own stamp on it. There were lots of things about it that appealed to me: I love the Southwest, I love the genre of the road movie, I love a thriller and I like the sort of underlying conflicts of the relationships in that movie.\" Baldwin said he \"always wanted to do a movie that required what I consider to be movie acting, which is that it's not what you do, but what you don't do", "id": "10856559" }, { "contents": "Greenlee Smythe\n\n\n\"very happy\" at \"All My Children\". \"I don't even know how to describe it; it's just been a really nice experience for me. I'm friendly with everyone\", she stated. \"I have to tell you, I am in love with Judy Blye Wilson and Jean Dadario Burke [\"AMC's\" executive producer]. Jean is like my mother, and Judy is like my best friend. It's been really nice to be around people like that\". Budig additionally", "id": "3785493" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Eurycnema goliath\n\n\nEurycnema goliath, the Goliath stick insect, is one of the largest stick insects in Australia. The first instar of a nymph is small, brown, and ant-like, without wings, however the adult insects are green and yellow, though colors can slightly vary, are very large, and have wings. Both sexes of the Goliath stick insect are apple green with hints of gold, blue, purple, red and yellow. Colourful patterns on the underside of the wings of Goliath are used as a defence tactic in", "id": "6048544" }, { "contents": "Heat Rush\n\n\nRed Vanilla Orchid. Heat Rush is fresher and lighter and the Yellow Tiger Orchid is the top note in the fragrance. I love them both for different reasons but they both feature my favorite flower, which is the orchid.\" She further stated that \"It may be too much like fruit. Everyone's not gonna like it, but I like it... It's too safe... It's sexy, I like it\". Heat Rush is presented in a \"sophisticated and dazzling\" bright orange flacon. The", "id": "15988241" }, { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\n, what is he singing?! And I ran out of the dressing room – I looked like a hot mess! I was in the middle of getting my hair and make-up done. He had just surprised the audience with a new song. He came off the stage and I was like, you need to write me a song like that! And instead, he gave me that song so I could have it on my album. It's a very relatable song to me.\" In February 2011,", "id": "18407548" }, { "contents": "Monster (Professor Green song)\n\n\nthe song which...well...does anyone else feel like something is missing? I can't quite put my finger on what it is, either. I mean the Prof is the Prof innee? You either like that evil pixie voice of his or you don't. And if you're at all offended by his one-liners - the Peter Andre one is a particular favourite of mine - you'll have been just as irked by 'Just Be Good To Green'. But I'm not and I wasn't", "id": "264424" }, { "contents": "Guam at the 2016 Summer Olympics\n\n\nthe color of Guam's flag. About her performance, she said \"I didn’t run my personal best, but I honestly felt like I ran my hardest and I felt like I performed well. It may not show time-wise, but my body and my mentality feels like I pushed it to my limit\". Guam qualified one mountain biker for the men's Olympic cross-country race, as Oceania's sole representative outside the world's top twenty-five nations in the UCI Olympic Ranking List of May", "id": "5435293" }, { "contents": "I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan\n\n\nhead And watch the stars upon my pillow Oh what I light the moonbeams shed I feel so happy I could cry And tears are born right in the corner of my eye To be at home with Ma was never like this I could live forever like this I love to lie awake a while And go to sleep with a smile The song was originally given the sub title of \"The Blue Pajama Song\" because of the opening lines of the first refrain: \"I guess I'll have to change my plan / I", "id": "14716870" }, { "contents": "Uzo Aduba\n\n\nwent in and auditioned for another part, and my representatives called me about a month later and they were like, \"Hi, we have some really good news. You remember that audition you went on for \"Orange Is the New Black\"? You didn't get it.\" I go, \"So… okay, what's the good news?\" They said they wanted to offer me another part, Crazy Eyes. I was like, \"What in my audition would make someone think I'd be right", "id": "16738798" }, { "contents": "Antonov Apples\n\n\nthe time, in which he spoke of his irrational love of the early autumn. Mentioning the smell of Antonov apples in the garden, Bunin confessed: \"In the days like these not only does my hatred towards the times of serfdom go away, but I begin unwillingly to poeticise those times... Really, I wouldn't have minded spending at least some time as an old-time land-owner.\" Nine years later, these feelings materialised in the \"Antonov apples\" novella, one of his best-known", "id": "5042091" }, { "contents": "Fill the Void\n\n\nvery difficult instrument\" and stated, \"There was so much noise in [one scene]. It was like rrrrrrnnnnngh [as I tried to play], I was faking the melody and it was ugly, very weird stuff. I had to really switch this button [in my head] like don't listen to it and feel what you’'re feeling. It took a while because at the beginning, I was very aware of playing this horrible melody, if you could call it a melody, and I knew I", "id": "14456677" }, { "contents": "Maya Avant\n\n\npart.\" \"It's so much, but I have to sometimes make sure I read the scripts in advance, because a lot of times, I'll read them and almost get a stomachache from the decisions she's about to make. I'll be like, 'Oh, Maya! I feel like in my own life, I do everything I can to avoid drama. And so then to play this character who literally walks around starting fires every where she goes is really counterintuitive.\" Mosley who initially questioned", "id": "3485520" }, { "contents": "Ultimate Kylie\n\n\n, I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. This collection is very dear to me and holds a lifetime of memories. There is nothing like time to give you a sense of perspective and I hope the listener gets as much enjoyment out of these tracks as I do. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to experiment throughout the years and that my fans have embraced the need in me to try new approaches. I am just as excited about the new tracks featured here as I am about all the others", "id": "2036448" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\nI really, really loved the layering, the colors, the tweed—I wanted so many pieces right away… Everything was brilliant. I think was very me. I feel like I could wear everything in the collection.\" \"We saw the punk girl. I think I saw the sophisticated, the very young teenagers—they were all there, it feels like a brand that you can wear throughout any age,\" noted Alicia Vikander. \"I think that's one of the most extraordinary things about Karl,", "id": "6500708" }, { "contents": "Alain de Botton\n\n\nmy career happened like it did because certain doors opened and certain doors closed. You know, at a certain point I thought it would be great to make film documentaries. Well, in fact, I found that to be incredibly hard and very expensive to do and I didn’t really have the courage to keep battling away at that. In another age, I might have been an academic in a university, if the university system had been different. So it's all about trying to find the best fit between your", "id": "13857997" }, { "contents": "Human Nature (Madonna song)\n\n\nthe main problem was that he did not prefer too much dancing in the videos, because that resulted in extra editing. I remember most of the video you had shot with the crane, some Steadicam, plus some panning. So you have about five different cameras shooting a performance, and after they edit like crazy. It gives you a lot of freedom, but I feel very frustrated because I like to see somebody dancing. I hate when there's too much editing. I like the steadiness of the performance because then", "id": "13951371" }, { "contents": "Daewon Song\n\n\nfor skateboarding: I like skateboarding for what it is. I like being able to do it by myself. You need another person to hit the ball. You need someone to pitch something at you or block for you to make a basket. With skateboarding, I just pick up my board and do exactly what I want to do. Some days I have a good day and some days I feel like a complete dip-shit; like I’ve never been skateboarding in my life. I love the experience of it", "id": "8761123" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\n, gain a lot from them and I've tried to learn as much on my own as I can. Anything I can learn about music or bass playing, I'll try to learn. I mean, the more you learn and the more you apply to your playing, it just makes you a better musician.\" ”I liked the bass player from AC/DC. I really loved the stuff he did. Peter Baltes from Accept was another. I liked the really good guys too, but that seemed out", "id": "20499092" }, { "contents": "Now That I Found You / No Drug Like Me\n\n\nwith snippets of \"Now That I Found You\". On February 25, 2019, Jepsen announced that \"No Drug Like Me\" would be released alongside \"Now That I Found You\". A teaser video with a snippet of the song was released the following day. On February 27, 2019, \"Now That I Found You\" made its world premiere on Apple Music's Beats 1 radio as Zane Lowe's World Record. \"Now That I Found You\" was written at a songwriting camp in Nicaragua with", "id": "4565516" }, { "contents": "Fast as You Can\n\n\nhe knew \"exactly\" what he wanted the song to sound like. \"I knew I wanted it to be Matt Chamberlain on drums\", he said. \"He can play all this beautiful machine-influenced stuff, but with human feel.\" Brion played a \"very busy bass line idea\" for Apple on a keyboard in his kitchen, combining the line with a \"groove\" in the style of Chamberlain's work. Apple became excited and said, \"That's great! That feels exactly like it", "id": "11287209" }, { "contents": "Civni apple\n\n\nCivni is an apple cultivar marketed as the Rubens apple. The Civni apple is a bicolored apple. It was first developed in 1985 as a cross of 'Gala' and 'Elstar' apples by the Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti, an Italian apple growers' consortium from Ferrara. They were granted a patent on the 'Civni' variety in 2003. The apple has a striking, striped or solid, light red color. Its taste is sweet like that of 'Gala', but more aromatic; its texture is more solid", "id": "2383076" }, { "contents": "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)\n\n\nof \"and\" that leads to the ambiguity. It sort of is a little puzzle and I guess it goes by - but they're all great things. 'I won't stop doing beautiful things and I won't do bad things.' It's very noble. I'm very proud of that song because it's very much like out of the world of Excalibur. To me, it's like Sir Lancelot or something - very noble and chivalrous. That's my favorite song on the record - it's", "id": "8753604" }, { "contents": "Never Too Far/Hero Medley\n\n\nI wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked me to write a song and they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing", "id": "22018884" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\n\" [This is a perfect example of what I sometimes say] you have to fight for control. My label suggested the calendar design. \"Hindi ko gusto\" [I didn't like it]. I argued about it. \"Kasi parang andami kong pictures, hindi ako comfortable\" [Because it's like I have so many pictures, I'm not comfortable]. \"Pero\" [But], I’m thankful that they won in the end, \"kasi maganda naman kinalabasan\" [because the outcome", "id": "16414227" }, { "contents": "Person of Interest (song)\n\n\nwhen you're not in love yet but you really like a guy — which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The song opens with Black singing \"When I talk, you listen, I like that/When you listen, you smile and I like that/Why you lookin' lookin' at me just like that?\"", "id": "4465160" }, { "contents": "4 Page Letter\n\n\nhad my eyes on this one particular guy/I was too shy so I decided to write, Aaliyah gets intimate about her inner-yearning for the apple of her eye and decides to get her feelings off of her chest by penning a detailed letter, which we get a glimpse of in audio form\". Ross Scarano from Complex praised the production on the song saying \"Timbaland's production is like a haunted maze you walk. And the final payoff you encounter, that languid synth line at nearly five minutes in,", "id": "3097580" }, { "contents": "George Trofimoff\n\n\nneeded more, and about three or four weeks later I said to him, 'You gotta help me one more time, and I'll give it back to you when I have a chance.' And that was the end of it. Then he talked to me a couple times. Always like this. Then he says, 'Well, you know, I'll tell you what. You don't owe me any money. And if you need some more, I can give you some more. Do", "id": "927066" }, { "contents": "Lonnie Mack\n\n\nattracted little attention. While under contract to Elektra, Mack tasted enough of rock celebrity status to conclude that he didn't like it. \"[It had] a lot to do with how much value you put on money as opposed to what makes you happy. I wasn't happy. So one of the best-feeling moments I ever had was when that L.A. sign was in my rear-view mirror and I was free again.\" Also: \"Seems like every time I get close to really making it", "id": "14446264" }, { "contents": "Mother Love Bone (album)\n\n\nto Danny.RIP: But you did.A.W.: That's right. No offense to Marlo. I still like her from ThatGirl[laughs].RIP: \"Come Bite the Apple,\" is there any significance to that?A.W.: That's a meaningful song. It's a \"Crown of Thorns\" type of song. The lyrics are personal, whereas some of the songs have absolutely nothing to do with me. \"Apple\" and \"Crown of Thorns\" are probably mostly about me. It's kind of a synopsis of the", "id": "3850624" }, { "contents": "Do You Love Me\n\n\n\"I like it like that\", as \"You like it like this\", and many other fad dances of the 1960s. The song is noted for the spoken recitation heard in the introduction which goes: \"You broke my heart / 'Cause I couldn't dance / You didn't even want me around / And now I'm back / To let you know / I can really shake 'em down.\" The song has a false ending. Berry Gordy wrote \"Do You Love Me\" with the intention that", "id": "20710264" }, { "contents": "Nikita Mears\n\n\nassassin. In one scene in particular Q had to wear a red bikini in the pilot, which \"mortified\" her. She added \"that red bikini was the bane of my existence. You're not going to see me in a bikini again, that's for sure. [...] I was like, 'Danny, can you put me in a one-piece?,' and he gave me that red bikini. I was like, 'That's not a one-piece. That's a", "id": "17397700" }, { "contents": "Still life paintings by Vincent van Gogh (Paris)\n\n\n1885 when Van Gogh experimented with Delacroix's color theory. To his brother Theo, Van Gogh wrote: \"There is a certain pure bright red for the apples, then some greenish things. Now there are one or two apples in another color, in a kind of pink — to improve the whole. The pink is the broken color, created by mixing the first red and green mentioned. This is why there is a connection between the colors. Then I painted a second contrast, in the back- and foreground.", "id": "12279672" }, { "contents": "Kim Fox\n\n\nhave a laugh and I love Kim. You get so much theatre with Kim. I'm not actually like her but I love it. I like to party like Kim, but Kim can out-drink me any time.\" Empson said of the character and her style: \"I like to have a good time but Kim's like ten times more full-on than me. Her outfits—I could only dream about wearing her outfits. The tighter the better for Kim! I like a bit of comfort", "id": "9322668" }, { "contents": "Flux (Rich Robinson album)\n\n\nyou’re in the studio you have a finite amount of time and you have to get in and finish them. There’s an urgency and I kind of like that pressure. It forces you to make creative decisions on how this is going to turn out. So that’s how I went in. I love the fact that it’s a very eclectic record and that it draws from all of my influences. It takes you on a journey and that’s what records should do. I look at the record as a", "id": "229415" }, { "contents": "Whatever Will Be\n\n\none has a pop/rock edge, and the other has more live instrumentation with a bit of an organic piano-based feel as well. So it's a bit of both! A lot of people ask what my music is like, but I never went into the recording studio saying 'I want to make an album like this person' ... so everyone who's heard the songs ... I think my stuff is unique to me, I know what music I do love to listen to, but for me I", "id": "8347805" }, { "contents": "Stanley Williams\n\n\nyou and all those who can listen and will listen that redemption is tailor-made for the wretched, and that's what I used to be…That's what I would like the world to remember me. That's how I would like my legacy to be remembered as: a redemptive transition, something that I believe is not exclusive just for the so-called sanctimonious, the elitists. And it doesn't—is not predicated on color or race or social stratum or one's religious background. It's accessible for", "id": "7636487" }, { "contents": "Betty May\n\n\nshe arrived in London she \"could only afford one outfit, but every item of it was a different colour. Neither red nor green nor blue nor yellow nor purple was forgotten, for I loved them all equally, and if I was not rich enough to wear them separately ... I would wear them, like Joseph in the Bible, all at once! Colours to me are like children to a loving mother.\" After she became involved with the London Bohemian set which included Augustus John, who also affected a gypsy", "id": "12929815" }, { "contents": "Coming Home (Kristin Chenoweth album)\n\n\nUpon this Rock\". Chenoweth stated: \"I chose ‘My Coloring Book’ because when I was in college, my voice teacher didn’t think I understood the song, and told me to pull it out one day when I did. So I’m singing it all these years later, and she was there to witness it. I also like to reintroduce songs that people may not be familiar with, like Stephen Foster’s ‘Hard Times,’ which is from 1853 but sounds like it could have been written", "id": "4398765" }, { "contents": "Lee Chang-dong\n\n\nthe persona, the character in the film. He said, \"What I try to have them do is become the character, to feel like the character. I do not try to be very specific in how I direct my actors, for instance I will not say things like 'Use this expression' or 'Speak this way', or 'Can you please raise the pitch of your voice a bit higher' or anything like that.\" And, \"Sometimes, actors expect from me a bit more detail", "id": "3145388" }, { "contents": "PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)\n\n\n. The song originated as a music video released on YouTube on 25 August 2016. In the video, Pikotaro, dressed in a yellow snake/leopard animal print costume, dances around, and then sings English lyrics like \"I have a pen, I have a apple. Uh! Apple pen\" while making the gestures of holding the named items and combining them. The video's expense was about 100,000 yen. On 26 September, Pikotaro released a video on how to do the dance and the gestures. On 27", "id": "15506814" }, { "contents": "Dream. Zone. Achieve\n\n\n, so I tried to split up moods.\" He also spoke about how the album cover was inspired by Nas in the film \"Belly\", saying: \"Well, I’ve always like that picture. I felt like that picture describes my title: dreaming, zoning, and achieving, like, I’m doing all three in that picture. That image with Nas sitting there, back in the day just was so much for me. I just felt like flipping that into a cover would be the right thing", "id": "9620700" }, { "contents": "Barbara McCullough\n\n\nher own work, McCullough has said, “Stylistically, I have my own personal style. I like things that are offbeat, unusual. At the same time I like my films to reflect the diversity of my background as a Black person as well as the different influences that affect me. When I do something, I am trying to show the universality of the Black experience. So even though I am dealing with something very offbeat and different, there is still a certain line of universality that runs through my work.", "id": "255736" }, { "contents": "Apple electric car project\n\n\nwith a possible unveiling around 2019. In October 2015, Tim Cook stated about the car industry that: \"It would seem like there will be massive change in that industry, massive change. You may not agree with that. That's what I think...\"We'll see what we do in the future. I do think that the industry is at an inflection point for massive change.\" Cook enumerated ways that the modern descendants of the Ford Model T would be shaken to the very chassis—the growing importance of software", "id": "5052429" } ]
I love Snoop Dogg, he's my favorite rapper. His real name is actually Calvin Cordozar Broadus, much easier to say Snoop Dogg though. I can't say I listen to his music at all, but I still respect him as an artist.
[{"answer": "I think that's a fair and respectable attitude to have. You certainly can't deny his success, having sold over 35 million albums worldwide after all.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "88923", "title": "Snoop Dogg", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 350, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 444, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n, having made several appearances for the company, including as Master of Ceremonies during a match at WrestleMania XXIV. In 2018, he released his first gospel album, \"Bible of Love\". On November 19, 2018, Snoop Dogg was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. was born in Long Beach, California, the second of three sons. He was named after his stepfather, Calvin Cordozar Broadus Sr. His mother is Beverly Broadus (\"née\" Tate). His father", "id": "6690576" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nCalvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. (born October 20, 1971), known professionally as Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, media personality, entrepreneur, and actor. His music career began in 1992 when he was discovered by Dr. Dre and featured on Dre's solo debut, \"Deep Cover\", and then on Dre's solo debut album, \"The Chronic\". He has since sold over 23 million albums in the United States and 35 million albums worldwide. Snoop's debut album,", "id": "6690570" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nnot I don't give a fuck, it's like maybe I can smoke witchu' maybe I can't, you know what I'm saying?\" Snoop Dogg revealed to MTV that he was looking to get a Britney Spears duet for the album. On November 27, 2010 Snoop Dogg was in the studio with producer David Banner who produced two beats for him. On December 8, 2010, Snoop Dogg reported to \"Complex\" magazine that featured artists will include Daz Dillinger, Too Short, Bootsy Collins, Kokane", "id": "21333619" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg (What's My Name Pt. 2)\n\n\n\"Snoop Dogg (What's My Name II)\" is the follow-up for one of the first singles released by rapper Snoop Dogg, \"Who Am I? (What's My Name?).\" It was also the only CD single released from his fifth album, \"Tha Last Meal\". The music video is directed by Chris Robinson. It was produced by Timbaland and briefly features Dr. Dre, who is sat on a couch portrayed as a pimp with Snoop Dogg to his left. Nate Dogg", "id": "13318873" }, { "contents": "Ego Trippin'\n\n\n. Snoop Dogg reminisced on the track stating, \"This song makes me want to cry every time I hear it. It is a reflection of my life and how I have grown as not only an artist but also a man - it is about me staying true to where I came from while having to accept where I am in my life today, it's deep\". Snoop Dogg and Charlie Wilson both performed 'Can't Say Goodbye' on \"American Idol\"'s 'Idol Gives Back' Charity Performance.", "id": "11114360" }, { "contents": "No Limit Top Dogg\n\n\nwould best represent him and would best represent me over his music,\" Snoop Dogg said. \"He [directed] me on what to say and how to say it. I just chose the type of beats I wanted and the type of topics I wanted to rap about.\" In response to working again with Snoop and how times have changed since last working together, Dre stated the following: Snoop also continues a previous tradition on his albums to include a cover of an older Hip-Hop song with the song", "id": "14998542" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nflavor-filled melodic rhyming\". Peter Shapiro describes Snoop's delivery as a \"molasses drawl\" and AllMusic notes his \"drawled, laconic rhyming\" style. Kool Moe Dee refers to Snoop's use of vocabulary, saying he \"keeps it real simple...he simplifies it and he's effective in his simplicity\". Snoop is known to freestyle some of his lyrics on the spot for some songs – in the book \"How to Rap\", Lady of Rage says, \"Snoop Dogg, when I worked with", "id": "6690617" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nhip hop, the singles \"Who Am I (What's My Name)?\" and \"Gin and Juice\" reached the top ten most-played songs in the United States, and the album stayed on the Billboard charts for several months. Gangsta rap became the center of arguments about censorship and labeling, with Snoop Dogg often used as an example of violent and misogynistic musicians. Unlike much of the harder-edged gangsta rap artists, Snoop Dogg seemed to show his softer side, according to music journalist Chuck Philips", "id": "6690581" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\ngive the date on which he joined. He also donated $1,000 to the organization. Claiming to be \"born again\" in 2012, Snoop converted to the Rastafari movement, switched the focus of his music to reggae and changed his name to Snoop Lion after a trip to Jamaica. He released a reggae album, \"Reincarnated\", saying, \"I have always said I was Bob Marley reincarnated\". In January 2013, he received criticism from members of the Rastafarian community in Jamaica, including reggae artist Bunny Wailer", "id": "6690628" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n\"Hip Hop Weekly\" on June 17, producer Symbolyc One (S1) announced that Snoop was working on his final album under his rap moniker Snoop Dogg; \"I've been working with Snoop, he's actually working on his last solo album as Snoop Dogg.\" In September 2013 Snoop released a collaboration album with his sons as Tha Broadus Boyz titled \"Royal Fam\". On October 28, 2013, Snoop Dogg released another mixtape entitled \"That's My Work 2\" hosted by DJ Drama. Snoop formed", "id": "6690604" }, { "contents": "No Limit Top Dogg\n\n\n\"Snoopafella\" (a remake of the song \"Cinderfella Dana Dane\" by New York rapper Dana Dane). Despite limited involvement on a musical level from No Limit, Snoop has stated that Master P has influenced the album in other ways with the track \"I Love My Momma\". Snoop mentions \"If I wouldn't be on No Limit, I wouldn't even did a song like that, but since Master P, every album he do, he got a song about his momma. He got a song", "id": "14998543" }, { "contents": "Soopafly\n\n\n. Then in 1996, he was featured on the soundtrack to the movie \"A Thin Line Between Love and Hate\" on the song \"I Don't Hang.\" A remix would later follow. Soopafly was further introduced to mainstream listeners on Snoop Dogg's second studio album \"Tha Doggfather\". He produced the songs \"Freestyle Conversation\" and \"You Thought\", appearing alongside veteran rapper Too Short. Since then, he has been featured primarily on albums by local artists such as Snoop Dogg, Daz Dillinger,", "id": "19014385" }, { "contents": "God Forgives, I Don't\n\n\nI can't give you too much because I'm going to let him do that, because that's his project, but I could tell you right now it's classic and he is talking that talk.\" In September 2011, Drake spoke on the album during an interview with MTV saying: \"That \"God Forgives I Don't\"; the only way I can describe it, it's like Snoop Dogg's \"Doggystyle\", The Notorious B.I.G.'s \"Ready to Die\", or Clipse's \"Lord", "id": "12610153" }, { "contents": "Kush Ups\n\n\n\"Kush Ups\" is a song by American rapper Snoop Dogg, and featuring Wiz Khalifa. It was released for digital download on June 7, 2016 as the first single of his studio album \"Coolaid\", with the record labels; Doggystyle Records and eOne Music. It was produced by KJ Conteh. The song was written by Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa and produced by KJ Conteh. The song contains a sample of \"I Wanna Rock\" by Luther Campbell from his album \"I Got Shit on My Mind\"", "id": "21314059" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nended the video out saying he gave him some gangsta tracks, some R&B tracks and some Hip Hop tracks. Snoop Dogg called off plans to release the sequel to his classic debut Doggystyle, instead opting for the title Doggumentary Music for his 11th studio album, set for release in March 2011 on Priority/EMI Records. \"I have been in the game for so long and still have the same passion I did when I first started. I want my fans to ride with me on this one and know that I am", "id": "21333615" }, { "contents": "15 Years on Death Row\n\n\nbut a \"G\" Thang 3. Dr. Dre – Let Me Ride 4. Dr. Dre – Lil' Ghetto Boy 5. Dr. Dre & Ice Cube – Natural Born Killaz 6. Snoop Dogg – Who Am I (What's My Name)? 7. Snoop Dogg – Gin and Juice (Laid Back Mx) 8. Snoop Dogg – Doggy Dogg World 9. Snoop Dogg – Vapors 10. Snoop Dogg – Murder Was The Case 11. Snoop Dogg – Doggfather 12. Snoop Dogg – Snoop's Upside Ya", "id": "14452817" }, { "contents": "Romeo Johnson\n\n\n, Snoop Dogg \"Ego Trippin\" and \"Can't Say Goodbye\", Stevie Wonder \"Don't Hurt My Baby\", Smashmouth \"More Bounce\", Nate Dogg 7 tracks on an upcoming album, Xzibit \"Symphony in X Major\", Macy Gray \"Time of My Life\", Mack 10 \"Hate In Your Eyes\", George Howard \"I Apologize\", James Ingram \"Natural Man\", Jennifer Holliday \"Love Stories\" and \"Raise The Roof\". Johnson has been on movie soundtracks such", "id": "936731" }, { "contents": "What's My Name? (Snoop Doggy Dogg song)\n\n\nof a Black Hat\" (1993). In the UK in 2014, the song was used on an advert for MoneySupermarket, which featured Snoop Dogg. \"\"Who Am I? (What's My Name?)\"\" was the first top-ten of Snoop Dogg on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, the first as lead artist. The song reached number 8 on the chart. The song topped the US Hot Rap Songs for three weeks. It was certified gold by the RIAA in 1994. Fab", "id": "13690231" }, { "contents": "I Want It All (album)\n\n\nI Want It All is the third studio album by American rapper Warren G. It was released on October 12, 1999 under his own label G-Funk Entertainment in conjunction with Restless Records. It features more well known artists than his previous two albums Regulate... G Funk Era and Take a Look Over Your Shoulder, such as Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, Tha Dogg Pound, Mack 10, Jermaine Dupri and Slick Rick. Compared to Regulate...G Funk Era, I Want It All contains less vocals by Warren G,", "id": "13565029" }, { "contents": "Tyrus (wrestler)\n\n\nto Brodus Clay, a play on Snoop Dogg's real name (Calvin Cordozar Broadus), in May 2010. On June 16, Clay and Marlow challenged Los Aviadores (Hunico and Epico) for the FCW Florida Tag Team Championship, but were unsuccessful. That same month, Clay and Marlow began referring to themselves as the Colossal Connection. The Colossal Connection would unsuccessfully challenge Los Aviadores and Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis for the FCW Florida Tag Team Championship over the following months. In October, Clay appeared at a WWE house", "id": "12740333" }, { "contents": "Jessica Mauboy\n\n\nShe also experimented with an operatic-type voice on her song \"Scariest Part\". Mauboy grew up listening to country singers Patsy Cline, Dolly Parton and Slim Dusty; she credits country music as her first love of music, saying the genre \"is who I really, really am deeply.\" Mauboy also grew up listening to hip-hop rappers Tupac Shakur, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. Mauboy cites Mariah Carey as her main influence and inspiration, stating that she has \"drawn a lot of inspiration from watching", "id": "21331032" }, { "contents": "Ghetto (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\nback and that's why I had to have Snoop [Dogg].\" Originally recorded without Snoop Dogg for the delayed 2006 \"My Story\" album, it was not until months prior to the \"Ms. Kelly\" release, that the rapper was consulted to contribute additional vocals to the track. \"He's the King of Cool, so I was honoured when he said yes to do the record. It was like a dream come true,\" Rowland stated in an interview with \"Blue & Soul\" in 2007", "id": "13943403" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Rock (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\n\"I Wanna Rock\" is the third official single from American rapper, Snoop Dogg's tenth studio album, \"Malice n Wonderland\". It was released digitally on iTunes on November 17, 2009, after the second single \"That's Tha Homie\". The song was produced by Scoop DeVille and mixed by Dr. Dre, and Snoop Dogg released it on a mixtape titled \"I Wanna Rock\" on November 23. The song was confirmed by BBC Radio 1 to be released in the UK on March 15, 2010", "id": "8465297" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nand in 2013, he claimed to be smoking approximately 80 cannabis blunts a day. He has been certified for medical cannabis in California to treat migraines since at least 2007. Snoop claimed in a 2006 interview with \"Rolling Stone\" magazine that unlike other hip hop artists who had superficially adopted the pimp persona, he was an actual professional pimp in 2003 and 2004, saying, \"That shit was my natural calling and once I got involved with it, it became fun. It was like shootin' layups for me.", "id": "6690623" }, { "contents": "QDT\n\n\nQDT is a production supergroup, featuring DJ Quik, Snoop Dogg and Teddy Riley. \"QDT\" stands for Quik-Dogg-Teddy. Snoop Dogg used the production group extensively on his album \"Ego Trippin'\". Bumping into Teddy Riley at the VH1's 2007 \"Hip-Hop Honors\", Snoop says he felt that God was telling him that he \"needed to work with this guy.\". DJ Quik, explains that the group wants to help artists get their music heard: \"Snoop started this", "id": "19042042" }, { "contents": "Moves (Olly Murs song)\n\n\n\"Moves\" is a song performed by English singer Olly Murs, featuring vocals from American rapper, singer-songwriter and record producer Snoop Dogg. The song was released as a digital download on 28 September 2018 as the lead single from his sixth studio album \"You Know I Know\". The song also features on the \"Johnny English Strikes Again OST\". It was written by Ed Sheeran, Steve Mac, Ammar Malik and Snoop Dogg. The song is similar to \"Feels\", by Calvin Harris. This", "id": "7985565" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg filmography\n\n\nSnoop Dogg has appeared in various video games, music videos, television series, and films such as the Oscar-winning drama Training Day and the critically acclaimed cable television series The L Word. He also has appeared in documentaries on Hip hop music and other subjects, and is the subject of a 2012 documentary, \"Reincarnated\", on his transformation into \"Snoop Lion\", a reggae artist. He also had an uncredited role in \"I Got the Hook Up\" as the bar patron. Snoop has directed and", "id": "4497817" }, { "contents": "Jensen!\n\n\nthe United States as the show's guest that day, Snoop Dogg, delivered a few uncensored profanities directed at American TV host Bill O'Reilly. During the course of the interview, the topic of O'Reilly taking Snoop Dogg to task over the rapper's drug and gun possession arrest weeks before, was brought up by Jensen. Snoop Dogg responded by saying \"fuck Bill O'Reilly\" and \"suck my dick\" among other things, all of which aired uncensored on Dutch TV. Snoop Dogg continued to lash out at O'Reilly while expressing", "id": "2424042" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Love You (Akon song)\n\n\n\"I Wanna Love You\" (titled \"I Wanna Fuck You\" for explicit versions) is a song written and recorded by Akon featuring Snoop Dogg. It was released in September 2006 as the second single from his second album, \"Konvicted\". It is also featured on Snoop Dogg's eighth album, \"Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\". This song was Akon's first #1 single on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and was also Snoop's second #1 on the same chart. The song also reached", "id": "20751146" }, { "contents": "Scoop DeVille\n\n\nElijah Blue Molina (born October 15, 1987), better known by his stage name Scoop DeVille, is a Mexican-American record producer, rapper and DJ. DeVille has produced records for several prominent rappers, such as Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar, 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and Fat Joe, among several others. He is perhaps best known for producing rapper Snoop Dogg's \"I Wanna Rock\", as well as Kendrick Lamar's \"Poetic Justice\", both of which charted in the top 50 of the", "id": "14552978" }, { "contents": "What's My Name? (Snoop Doggy Dogg song)\n\n\n\"Who Am I? (What's My Name?)\" (commonly titled \"What's My Name?\") is the solo debut single by American hip hop recording artist Snoop Doggy Dogg. It was released on October 30, 1993 as the first single from his debut album, \"Doggystyle\", with the record labels Death Row Records, Interscope Records & Atlantic Records. The song, produced by Dr. Dre, features samples and interpolations from George Clinton's \"Atomic Dog\" in its chorus and throughout,", "id": "13690229" }, { "contents": "Wiggle (song)\n\n\npeanut wrappers, and percussive instruments as sound effects. Jason Derulo chose to collaborate with Snoop Dogg because he \"is the coolest, most swagged-out m*****f****r there is. He's iconic, and I wanted to go for a more iconic look for this one.\" Derulo approached him while they were at an All-Star game. Once he heard the song, Snoop Dogg sent Derulo a message saying: \"This is crazy. I'll get back to you in 48 hours\". \"That's exactly what", "id": "12118582" }, { "contents": "Hot Boyz (film)\n\n\nwhile. My name is Kool, they say I'm a thug...I say I was made into one.\" as the movie flashes back 6 months earlier. Kool, C-Dawg (Snoop Dogg), Pee Wee (Anthony Johnson), and Remo (C-Murder) are all seen playing a card game at a neighborhood barbecue. Kool impresses his friends at the table by free-styling while playing cards. The movie then introduces LaShawna and Mrs. Ferrel (Pamella D'Pella) as LaShawna asks if Kool", "id": "9555175" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Thank Ya\n\n\n\"I Wanna Thank Ya\" is a song by American recording artist Angie Stone. It was produced by Jazze Pha for her third studio album \"Stone Love\" (2004) and features guest vocals from rapper Snoop Dogg. An uptempo R&B track with heavy funk and disco elements, it samples from Deodato's song \"Skatin'\" (1980), Joyce Sims's \"Come into My Life\" (1987), DeBarge's \"All This Love\" (1982) and The S.O.S. Band's \"Take Your Time", "id": "6184045" }, { "contents": "The Chronic\n\n\nhe draws.\" Snoop Dogg later commented on the \"reality\" of his lyrics, stating \"My raps are incidents where either I saw it happen to one of my close homies or I know about it from just being in the ghetto. I can't rap about something I don't know. You'll never hear me rapping about no bachelor's degree. It's only what I know and that's that street life. It's all everyday life, reality.\" Three singles were released from the album:", "id": "18702627" }, { "contents": "I Drink I Smoke\n\n\n\"I Drink I Smoke\" is a song by Canadian rapper Belly with a guest appearance from fellow rapper Snoop Dogg. It was released on October 25, 2011 as the fourth single off his second album \"Sleepless Nights 1.5\" (2012). The song, the second collaboration between both artists since 2009's \"Hot Girl\", only charted in Bulgaria by peaking at number 32. The accompanying music video for the song, directed by RT!, took place in Amsterdam and features both artists having a drug-", "id": "9826233" }, { "contents": "Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker)\n\n\nWe Want The Funk\", which peaked at #16 on the Billboard Hot 100. Compton Rapper Tweedy Bird Loc edited the intro & used it as an intro itself in his hit song \"Coming Out The Cage\" on his 1992 debut album '187 Ride By'. The 1993 song \"Who Am I? (Whats My Name?)\" by West Coast Hip-Hop artist Snoop Doggy Dogg features female vocalists recreating the \"La la la\" section. Indeed, many of the tracks from Snoop's", "id": "11675170" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n. \"Rolling Stone\" music critic Touré asserted that Snoop had a relatively soft vocal delivery compared to other rappers: \"Snoop's vocal style is part of what distinguishes him: where many rappers scream, figuratively and literally, he speaks softly.\" \"Doggystyle\", much like \"The Chronic\", featured a host of rappers signed to or affiliated with the Death Row label including Daz Dillinger, Kurupt, Nate Dogg, and others. A short film about Snoop Dogg's murder trial, \"Murder Was the Case", "id": "6690582" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nthematics into verses, hooks, and chorus. When he began recording, Broadus took the stage name Snoop Doggy Dogg. Dr. Dre began working with Snoop Dogg, first on the theme song of the 1992 film \"Deep Cover\", and then on Dr. Dre's debut solo album \"The Chronic\" with the other members of his former starting group, Tha Dogg Pound. The huge success of Snoop Dogg's debut \"Doggystyle\" was partially because of this intense exposure. Fueling the ascendance of West Coast G-funk", "id": "6690580" }, { "contents": "I Need a Doctor\n\n\nmarried. There are also snippets from past music videos. It includes many rappers such as Eazy-E, 2Pac, The D.O.C, Snoop Dogg, Warren G, Eminem, Xzibit and all the rest of the members from N.W.A. The video then features Dr. Dre driving down Pacific Coast Highway in a Ferrari 360, with flashbacks of his life, crashing his car and the last thing heard was his daughter say \"Good night Daddy.\" Then he is transported to a medical facility. The date at the beginning of the", "id": "11527012" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nin both the song's lyrics and animated video. On June 25, 2019, \"The New York Times Magazine\" listed Snoop Dogg among hundreds of artists whose material was reportedly destroyed in the 2008 Universal fire. On July 3, 2019, Snoop Dogg released the title track from his upcoming 17th studio album, \"I Wanna Thank Me\". The album is expected to drop in the summer 2019. Snoop Dogg collaborated with Vietnamese singer Son Tung M-TP in Hãy Trao Cho Anh (Give it to Me)", "id": "6690608" }, { "contents": "If I Was You (OMG)\n\n\n\"If I Was You (OMG)\" is a song by Asian-American hip hop group Far East Movement. The song features rapper Snoop Dogg and was produced by the Stereotypes and The Smeezingtons. The original recording appears on the album \"Free Wired\" with a total run time of 3:25. It peaked at number 18 on the New Zealand Singles Chart. An official remix was made by Far East Movement and Snoop Dogg called \"On Campus Remix\". The music video for the song premiered on Vevo and YouTube", "id": "19410173" }, { "contents": "Suboi\n\n\n, Linkin Park, Aaliyah, Kendrick Lamar among many others, her versatile rap style ranges from a laid-back delivery similar to Snoop Dogg to a fast paced style like Eminem. Asked about her style, she states \"I can't pinpoint a particular style or artist but I'm a fan of Mos Def, Da Brat, Snoop Dogg, Aaliyah, Foxy Brown and the newest one Azealia Banks. I also enjoy everything nice from Norah Jones, Bob Marley, Erykah Badu, to German artist Kool Savas, Xavier", "id": "22092457" }, { "contents": "Gin and Juice\n\n\nof Hip Hop. The song's music video, directed by Dr. Dre, Calvin Caday and Anita Sisaath, also producers of 2Pac's \"Dear Mama\", features a teenaged Snoop Dogg throwing a wild house party after his parents leave. His parents return home angry and evict the partygoers to confront Snoop Dogg. Ricky Harris plays Snoop's father, and Dr. Dre, Warren G, Nate Dogg and Daz Dillinger make cameo appearances. Six-year-old rapper Lil Bow Wow plays Snoop's little brother who is jumping", "id": "18877536" }, { "contents": "Victory (DJ Khaled album)\n\n\nalbum's third single, \"All I Do Is Win\" featuring T-Pain, Ludacris, Rick Ross and Snoop Dogg, was released on February 8, 2010. The song peaked at number 24 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100, in which it became his most successful single at the time. On March 2, 2010, the music video was released for \"All I Do Is Win\" featuring T-Pain, Ludacris, Rick Ross and Snoop Dogg. On June 28, 2010, the music", "id": "17226067" }, { "contents": "Bush (album)\n\n\nBush (stylized in all caps) is the thirteenth studio album by American rapper Snoop Dogg. It was released on May 12, 2015, by Columbia Records, Doggy Style Records and I Am Other. The album was produced by Pharrell Williams with additional production by Chad Hugo. It features guest appearances from Kendrick Lamar, Stevie Wonder, Charlie Wilson, Gwen Stefani, T.I. and Rick Ross. \"Bush\" was the first album by the rapper after his return to the hip hop moniker Snoop Dogg. \"Bush\" was", "id": "17883957" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Love You (Akon song)\n\n\ncrowd, resulting in the injury of five people with non-life-threatening wounds. Shortly after, Plies was released after paying $50,000 bail. Akon wished to continue to promote his song, but remained worried that the recent incident involving Plies would reflect poorly on his label. Since the version with Snoop Dogg already circulated unofficially in the mixtape scene, Akon replaced the single and album edit since Snoop Dogg was already a well-received name, as opposed to that of an up-and-coming, controversial artist", "id": "20751150" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n, Vernell Varnado, was a Vietnam veteran, singer, and mail carrier who was frequently absent from his life. As a boy, Broadus's parents nicknamed him \"Snoopy\" because of his appearance and love of the cartoon character from Peanuts, but usually addressed him as Calvin at home. His mother and stepfather divorced in 1975. When he was very young, Broadus began singing and playing piano at Golgotha Trinity Baptist Church. In sixth grade, he began rapping. Broadus's father left the family when he was three", "id": "6690577" }, { "contents": "Problem (rapper)\n\n\nNeva Hafta To Wurry About That\". He went on to write three records on Snoop Dogg's \"Ego Trippin'\" album. Prior to his career as a solo artist, Martin served as a ghostwriter in 2008, the first of which being the single \"Head of My Class\" by rapper Scooter Smiff featuring Chris Brown. He also made a guest appearance on fellow California artist Snoop Dogg's album, \"Malice N Wonderland\". Later that year, Problem launched the independent label, Diamond Lane Music Group.", "id": "140224" }, { "contents": "Tha Doggfather\n\n\nin an interview with Vh1, Snoop Dogg revealed the differences between \"Doggystyle\" and \"Tha Doggfather\", stating, \"I think \"Tha Doggfather\" was a rebirth of me, as far as me being more positive on what I was tryin' to say and, you know, tryin' to live the life through my music, instead of me just livin' my life, tryin' to show people that my life... wasn't like my music...I'm not gonna glorify none of this negativity that", "id": "10831128" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\npeople can do what they want.\" In his keynote address at the 2015 South by Southwest music festival, he blamed Los Angeles's explosion of gang violence in the 1980s on the economic policies of Ronald Reagan, and insinuated that his administration shipped guns and drugs into the area. He endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live in May 2015, saying, \"I would love to see a woman in office because I feel like we're at that stage in life to where we need a perspective", "id": "6690631" }, { "contents": "Vay-K\n\n\n\"Vay-K\" is a song by English-Irish singer-songwriter Tara McDonald, released as the third single from her debut studio album in Europe. The song features American rapper Snoop Dogg. \"Vay-K\" was written by Tara McDonald, Nathan Duvall (who also produced the track and among other credits produced and co-wrote \"Move\" for Little Mix selling Gold in the UK and Australia), Kiris Houston (Best Writer - Latin Grammy Awards) and Snoop Dogg AKA Calvin Broadus. Production", "id": "3771814" }, { "contents": "Death Row Records\n\n\nsmear campaigns against his former artists, most notably Snoop Dogg. The label supported itself with releases pulled from vaults—most successfully various posthumous 2Pac albums, along with Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg re-releases and then-unreleased compilation records such as \"\" and a Snoop Dogg compilation album \"Dead Man Walkin'\". He signed new talent, including Crooked I who had been lighting up the Californian underground with his rhyming ability, particularly the Wake Up Show with Sway & King Tech. Suge Knight also signed Left Eye", "id": "18629186" }, { "contents": "Warren G\n\n\nSingles Chart. The album's other singles, \"I Shot the Sheriff\" and \"Smokin' Me Out\" were also successful, peaking at number 20 and 35 on the Hot 100, respectively. The album went on to be certified gold in America. His third album, \"I Want It All\" was released in 1999. Warren G focuses more on production for the album, with numerous other artists, including Nate Dogg, Snoop Dogg, RBX, Kurupt, Eve, Slick Rick and Jermaine Dupri providing the", "id": "1968884" }, { "contents": "No Pussy Blues\n\n\ntalk/variety show \"Late Night with Conan O'Brien\" on October 5, 2007 Snoop Dogg said that he is a fan of the song, noting he is a fan of a song on Nick Cave's album, \"Grinderman\", however \"I can't say the name on the air.\" A promotional music video for the song was released in May, 2007. It features the band performing the song at a house party and other shots of the Grinderman monkey, animals mating and a couple having sex.", "id": "19363894" }, { "contents": "California Gurls\n\n\nofficial website, and the radio date was moved up from May 25, 2010, to May 7, 2010. The artwork was also released, featuring Perry laying out on the beach sand with a bejeweled bikini. Perry used Wikipedia to research which rapper she wanted to collaborate with for \"California Gurls\", browsing West Coast artists before selecting Snoop Dogg. The publishing company for The Beach Boys had allegedly threatened a lawsuit due to Snoop Dogg's line \"I wish they could all be California Girls\", which they consider", "id": "8140653" }, { "contents": "Bible of Love\n\n\nBible of Love (also known by its full title Snoop Dogg Presents Bible of Love) is the sixteenth studio album by American rapper Snoop Dogg. It was released on March 16, 2018 by RCA Inspiration. \"Bible of Love\" serves as his debut gospel album much like \"Reincarnated\" (under his different persona Snoop Lion) served as his debut reggae album. Snoop himself served as executive producer over the entirety of the project, alongside Lonny Bereal. \"Bible of Love\" is also his first double studio LP", "id": "20713758" }, { "contents": "Bad Azz (rapper)\n\n\n\" (featuring Snoop Dogg, Kokane, and Lil' ½ Dead) reached #75 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. In 2009, he dropped an album with Bizzy Bone, \"Thug Pound.\" In summer of 2010, he dropped a new single For As Long As I Can. In March 2013 Bad Azz got into a fight with Snoop Dogg's cousin Ray J, Bad Azz said it was revenge for getting jumped by Suge Knight and his entourage a decade earlier. In 2011,", "id": "22020382" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nit included the single \"Groupie Luv\". Snoop Dogg appeared in the music video for Korn's \"Twisted Transistor\" along with fellow rappers Lil Jon, Xzibit, and David Banner, Snoop Dogg appeared on two tracks from Ice Cube's 2006 album \"Laugh Now, Cry Later\", including \"Go to Church\", and on several tracks on Tha Dogg Pound's \"Cali Iz Active\" the same year. His song \"Real Talk\" was leaked on the Internet in the summer of 2006 and a video", "id": "6690592" }, { "contents": "The Source Hip Hop Music Awards 2001\n\n\nand Snoop Dogg?”). Diddy throwing shots (“I live in the East, and I’m gonna die in the East”). OutKast getting booed and Andre 3000's prophecy (“The South got something to say!”). And, too, there was an early sighting of Raymond “Benzino” Scott, then just an unknown rapper from Boston, presenting an award long before his behind-the-scenes involvement in \"The Source\" became the magazine's Achilles’ heel. The", "id": "2158618" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n2.0\", he said in a promotional video for the media source. \"A crossroads of pot culture, business, politics, health.\" In November 2015, Broadus announced his new brand of cannabis products Leafs By Snoop. The line of branded products includes marijuana flowers, concentrates and edibles. \"Leafs By Snoop is truly the first mainstream cannabis brand in the world and proud to be a pioneer\", Snoop Dogg said. \"LBS is blazing a trail for the industry.\" In such a way, Broadus", "id": "6690636" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg's Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp\n\n\nSnoop Dogg's Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp is a mixed hardcore pornography and hip hop music video featuring the music of rapper Snoop Dogg, produced by Hustler Video. The video was also directed, co-produced and presented by Snoop, although he does not feature in any sex scenes. In the film's credits, Snoop is listed under the moniker \"Snoop Scorsese\". The film was released in 2002, a year after Snoop Dogg set the trend of mixed hip hop porn films with \"Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle", "id": "18634332" }, { "contents": "Insane Clown Posse\n\n\n, they planned to feature well-known, respected rappers on their album. Bruce stated outright that he wanted to involve Snoop Dogg and Ol' Dirty Bastard. They paid Snoop Dogg $40,000 to appear on the song \"The Shaggy Show\". Snoop Dogg also helped them contact Ol' Dirty Bastard, who was paid $30,000 for his appearance. Ol' Dirty Bastard recorded his track in a matter of two days; however, his recording consisted of nothing more than him rambling about \"bitches\". It took Bruce and Utsler", "id": "15400492" }, { "contents": "Doggystyle\n\n\nhas been criticized for its extreme lyrics, which are often accused of glamorizing gang violence and black-on-black crime. The Gangsta rappers responded that they were simply describing the realities of life in places such as Compton, California, and Long Beach, California. Describing \"Doggystyle\" in 1993, Snoop Doggy Dogg likewise points to the album's realism, and the extent to which it is based on his personal experience. He said, \"I can't rap about something I don't know. You'll never", "id": "1411173" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg discography\n\n\nThe discography of American rapper Snoop Dogg of sixteen studio albums, four collaborative albums, seventeen compilation albums, two extended plays, twenty mixtapes, 127 singles (including seventy-four as a featured artist), and fourteen promotional singles. He has sold over 23.5 million albums in United States and 37 million albums worldwide. He has garnered fourteen top ten singles on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 (including eight as a featured artist). Snoop Dogg came to attention of the music industry in 1992, through his vocal contributions", "id": "19093000" }, { "contents": "That's That\n\n\nSnoop Dogg spoke to about the track off \"Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\" which Dr. Dre produced and features R. Kelly. Snoop explained \"Dr. Dre called me today. We’ve been working on my record. He helped me fix this song I did with R. Kelly. It was a hit record before I gave it Dre, but now it’s a super hit record. He made me strike all my vocals. That means, 'Take all your lyrics off, I don’t like ‘em. They’re", "id": "116790" }, { "contents": "Ghetto (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\n\"Ghetto\" is a song by American recording artist Kelly Rowland, featuring vocals by rapper Snoop Dogg. It was written by Durrell \"Tank\" Babbs, Calvin Broadus, Lonny Bereal and Rowland, and produced by the former for Rowland's second solo album \"Ms. Kelly\" (2007). A mid-paced R&B ballad which was originally recorded for her shelved \"My Story\" album, \"Ghetto\" is influenced by the Crunk&B subgrene in the early to mid-2000s. Its instrumentation consists essentially of synthesizers and a drum", "id": "13943400" }, { "contents": "Lupe Fiasco discography\n\n\nThe American rapper Lupe Fiasco has released seven studio albums, six mixtapes, seven soundtrack albums, 38 singles (including ten as a featured artist), and 37 music videos. Fiasco has made music with a number of artists including international artists, such as Kanye West (\"Touch the Sky\"), Snoop Dogg (\"Hi-Definition\"), Pharrell Williams (\"I Gotcha\"), Jay Z (\"Pressure\"), DOUBLE, Joy Denalane and Dan the Automator. He has also made music", "id": "13412732" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Thank Me (song)\n\n\n\"I Wanna Thank Me\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Snoop Dogg. It was released on July 4, 2019 as the first single from his upcoming seventeenth studio album of the same name, through Empire Records and Doggystyle Records. The song was produced by Battlecat, who also composed the song along with the rapper. \"I Wanna Thank Me\" is a west coast hip hop, mid-tempo song that features beats and minor influences of G-funk. The song itself contains a sample of", "id": "18979859" }, { "contents": "Bible of Love\n\n\nas it features 32 tracks. It features guest appearances from artists such as Tye Tribbett, Faith Evans, Rance Allen, and Kim Burrell, among others. Snoop Dogg officially announced the album on January 24, 2018, after teasing a gospel album for a year, stating \"It’s always been on my heart. I just never got around to it because I always be doing gangsta business or doing this or doing that, I just felt like it’s been on my heart too long. I need to do it", "id": "20713759" }, { "contents": "Parlay Starr\n\n\nto perform nationally with him for years. Since then Parlay Starr has teamed up with Snoop Dogg, which made him one of the first underground rappers to get Snoop Dogg to do a complete song and shouts out his name and city on \"All Out of Love\". Parlay Starr was able to meet many notable performers, including Too Short, Jim Jones, Terrence Howard, and the Outlawz, who encouraged him to break into his own solo career. In 2009, Parlay Starr created Most Hated Mob Entertainment, and began", "id": "11361904" }, { "contents": "Dave East\n\n\nby Styles P, Jadakiss, Cam'ron, Big Pun, Nas, The Notorious B.I.G., Raekwon, DMX, Tupac, Snoop Dogg and The Diplomats. East as a teen joined the Crips and has stated that he is a Muslim, and that he converted to Islam while in prison. Commenting his conversion, East stated,\"Islam really brought a discipline to my life that I didn't really have before... My old mindset was if they ain't helping me, I ain't helping them, but you can't live life that", "id": "162143" }, { "contents": "Vato (song)\n\n\n\"Vato\" is the first single by Snoop Dogg from his album \"Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\". The song features B-Real and was produced by The Neptunes. The word \"vato\" is Chicano slang for \"homie\". The album version of \"Vato\" contains an introduction with Snoop Dogg saying \"Man, don't you know that I'm loco?\" and also some shout-outs from Julio G. Shortly after the release of the song, Snoop Dogg and B-Real would receive disses and", "id": "21419790" }, { "contents": "Timothy Joseph McGhee\n\n\n\"Draws\" Dupree (23) was killed, pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics. Dupree was guarding rapper Ricardo \"Kurupt\" Brown, future executive vice president of Death Row Records who was finishing his album Tha Streetz Iz a Mutha with Antra Records. Kurupt's producer Delmar \"Daz Dillinger\" Arnaud, also with Death Row Records and cousin of legendary rapper Calvin \"Snoop Dogg\" Broadus, was present but uninjured. Death Row artist Jevon \"Tha Realest\" Jones was wounded in the foot and Willard \"Act", "id": "18626911" }, { "contents": "Damani Nkosi\n\n\npart of Nkosi's logo and the words \"Congratulations Player\" on the heel. He recorded \"My Adidas\" as part of the campaign. In 2010, Nkosi released a single and video, \"Here Comes Damani\" featuring Snoop Dogg. Nkosi released the album \"On Vacation From Vacation\" in 2010. The album featured Snoop Dogg, Crooked I, Mitchy Slick, Short Khop and Daz. In 2012, Nkosi left his previous record labels, took a hiatus to travel internationally. He went to China as part", "id": "2368186" }, { "contents": "Ego Trippin'\n\n\n. Collaborations with DJ Quik, Raphael Saadiq, Teddy Riley and Too Short were also scheduled for the album. Snoop Dogg formed a production supergroup for the album called \"QDT\" (Quik-Dogg-Teddy). Snoop Dogg spoke on working with Everlast for a country song called \"Johnny Cash\". However, the track's title was changed to \"My Medicine\" with Everlast playing the guitar. Another track with Charlie Wilson and The Gap Band called \"Can't Say Goodbye\" was also confirmed for the album", "id": "11114359" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nproduced by Jake One. \"Platinum\" was the third official promotional single from the album. The track features singer R. Kelly and was released to the iTunes Store on February 22, 2011. The single was produced by Lex Luger. Snoop Dogg revealed to MTV about the collaboration \"I think me and Kells understand who we are and what we do to make each other better,\" Snoop said. \"He has a deep love for music, and sometimes he goes over the head of the people that's listening just", "id": "21333627" }, { "contents": "Robyn\n\n\nof \"Hang with Me\" from \"Body Talk Pt. 1\", the day before. The album includes a duet with American rapper Snoop Dogg, \"U Should Know Better\". Robyn performed \"Dancing on My Own\" with deadmau5 at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on 12 September. In a BBC \"Newsbeat\" interview, she explained her decision to release three albums in one year: \"It was just something I felt like I needed to do. I just never thought about selling records or not", "id": "5997966" }, { "contents": "Dirt Road Anthem\n\n\nRide Through the Country\", with Brantley Gilbert singing vocals on the chorus. Gilbert later recorded a revisited version of the song for his 2010 album \"Halfway to Heaven\". According to The Boot, Aldean's publicist teased about the song, suggesting Aldean listened to \"a little Snoop Dogg in his time;\" regarding the song, Aldean said he did not consider \"Dirt Road Anthem\" a rap song. He continued by saying, \"...if I was to do anything like that, it's not going", "id": "16110937" }, { "contents": "I Love You (A Dedication to My Fans)\n\n\nhalf stars, saying \"No one is likely to confuse \"I Love You\" with a real album given its reused tracks and limited scope, but it’s still actually better than The Last Kiss in many respects. It’s certainly worth listening to and does manage to earn the “official mixtape” status it’s been granted by Def Jam. As usual, the date for Jada’s next actual album seems to be up in the air, but I Love You makes the wait a little easier.\" Adam Fleischer", "id": "8856257" }, { "contents": "Bow Wow (That's My Name)\n\n\nit a song by Lil' Bow Wow only. All versions censor profanities, including the second half of \"motherfucker\" in Snoop's verse, leading listeners to only hear \"woof mother...the Dogg came to play\". The video was shot of Los Angeles directed by Dave Meyers. It was voted for the #1 video on BET's 106 & Park. It was the first music video on 106 & Park to be retired. Bow Wow features in the video along with his alleged \"Godfather\" Snoop Dogg", "id": "21833832" }, { "contents": "So Many Pros\n\n\n\"So Many Pros\" is a song by American hip hop recording artist Snoop Dogg, featuring uncredited vocals by Charlie Wilson, The Neptunes and Rhea Dummett. It was released on April 14, 2015 as the second single from his thirteenth studio album \"Bush\", through the record labels I Am Other and Columbia Records. The song was produced by The Neptunes. On the Graham Norton Show in May 2015, Snoop Dogg revealed that Pharrell Williams made him change the title of the song from \"So Many Hoes\" to", "id": "15730437" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n\" magazine, Snoop stated \"Snoop Lion, Snoop Dogg, DJ Snoopadelic—they only know one thing: make music that's timeless and bangs.\" In December 2012, Snoop released his second single from \"Reincarnated\", \"Here Comes the King\". It was also announced that Snoop worked a deal with RCA Records to release \"Reincarnated\" in early 2013. Also in December 2012, Snoop Dogg released a \"That's My Work\" a collaboration rap mixtape with Tha Dogg Pound. In an interview with", "id": "6690603" }, { "contents": "Music & Me (Nate Dogg album)\n\n\nMusic & Me is the second studio album by American hip hop recording artist Nate Dogg, released by Elektra Records in 2001. It received a fair amount of critical and commercial success upon release. Its popularity was led by the hit single \"I Got Love\" which appeared on the soundtrack to the Jason Statham film, \"The Transporter\", and reached #48 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. It features guest appearances from Dr. Dre, Xzibit, Kurupt, Fabolous, Ludacris, Pharoahe Monch, Snoop Dogg, Tha", "id": "18987778" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle\n\n\nSnoop Dogg's Doggystyle is a mixed hardcore pornography and hip-hop music video featuring the music of rapper Snoop Dogg and presented by him. It was released in 2001. It was the first hardcore video ever listed on the Billboard music video sales chart. Because of its huge success, it started a trend where rappers are put into the mainstream of the porn industry by hosting X-rated films. Many films of the genre followed, starring Necro, Mystikal, Too Short, Ice-T and Yukmouth. It also", "id": "6221820" }, { "contents": "The Marshall Mathers LP\n\n\nwe just met, but I think I'm in love with you\". \"Amityville\" is a bass-heavy ode to living in Detroit, where the rapper discusses the city's crowning as murder capital of the United States. \"Bitch Please II\" features Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, and Xzibit, and contains elements of g-funk, as well as R&B crooning from Nate Dogg on the chorus. \"Kim\", the prequel to \"97 Bonnie and Clyde\" from \"The Slim", "id": "18460601" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nI was makin' 'em every time.\" He went on to say that on the advice of some of the pimps he knew, he eventually gave up pimping to spend more time with his family. Snoop is an avid sports fan, including hometown teams Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Lakers, and USC Trojans, as well as the Pittsburgh Steelers. He has stated that he began following the Steelers in the 1970s while watching the team with his grandfather. He is also a fan of the Oakland Raiders, Los Angeles", "id": "6690624" }, { "contents": "Bow Wow (That's My Name)\n\n\n\"Bow Wow (That's My Name)\" is the second single from Lil' Bow Wow's debut album \"Beware of Dog\". It features fellow rapper Snoop Dogg. It samples \"Dernier Domicile Connu\" originally recorded by François de Roubaix and \"Atomic Dog\" by George Clinton. Maxi CD single The \"radio edit\" completely removes Snoop Dogg's rap and instead, includes a new verse. It also removes Lil' Bow Wow's mention of Snoop Dogg and Jermaine Dupri's line as well, making", "id": "21833831" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n\", was released in 1994, along with an accompanying soundtrack. On July 6, 1995, Doggy Style Records, Inc., a record label founded by Snoop Dogg, was registered with the California Secretary of State as business entity number C1923139. Broadus was acquitted of his murder charge on February 20, 1996. According to Broadus, after he was acquitted he did not want to continue living the \"gangsta\" lifestyle, because he felt that continuing his behavior would result in his assassination or a prison term. After his", "id": "6690583" }, { "contents": "Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\n\n\ntrack listing of his studio album. It was released a few weeks before the official album came out. \"Think About It\" was composed by Frequency in his dorm room one and a half years prior to the album, while Frequency was a student in Virginia. The material was passed to Mike Chavez of Geffen Records, who gave it to Snoop Dogg. Snoop Dogg uses the track to show his older son—who had not chosen him as the favorite hip-hop artist when being asked—that he can still", "id": "10590075" }, { "contents": "Warren G\n\n\nto North Long Beach, where he lived with his father and his father's second wife. By his father's marriage, Griffin's stepbrother is Dr. Dre. Warren's brothers Andre and Tyree nicknamed him \"Kibbles\". As teenagers, Griffin and his longtime friend Nate Dogg met Nate's cousin Calvin Broadus, better known as Snoop Dogg. The trio became good friends, and eventually formed a rap group known as 213. At age 17, Griffin joined the Crips and spent a short period of time in jail for", "id": "1968878" }, { "contents": "The Next Episode\n\n\nsong is often incorrectly called \"Smoke Weed Everyday\" with Snoop Dogg as the lead artist even though Nate Dogg is the one that says that line. The music video is set in a strip club with many strippers pole dancing. It also features many rappers including Hittman, Ice Cube, Warren G, and Xzibit. The song's main sample interpolates David Axelrod's and David McCallum's \"The Edge\", borrowing from a brief segment at the beginning of the song, repeated in the middle of the song and in", "id": "7351096" }, { "contents": "Imagine (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\nthat the sample for \"Imagine\" was still trying to be cleared. Busta Rhymes stated that he was not sure that the sample would be cleared in time for his album's release, so it had to be excluded from his album. The sample was not cleared in time, and it is presumable that the song was given to Snoop Dogg for his album soon after. It was then recorded with verses by Kam and Snoop Dogg (different from the album version) that was played on the TBCT Listening party. Although", "id": "6317213" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg discography\n\n\n2000. The album included the singles \"Snoop Dogg (What's My Name Pt. 2)\", \"Hennesey n Buddah\" featuring Kokane, \"Lay Low\" featuring Nate Dogg, \"Loosen' Control\" and \"Wrong Idea\" featuring Bad Azz. The single \"Snoop Dogg (What's My Name II)\" was nominated for \"Music Video of the Year\" at The Source Hip-Hop Music Awards 2001. The album was nominated \"Album of the Year\" at the same ceremony. The", "id": "19093009" }, { "contents": "Songs About Girls\n\n\n\"Songs About Girls\" to be his debut album, with his first two being production compilations. revealed on the Canadian MTV e2 show that the album would feature collaborations with: Slick Rick, Ice Cube, Q-Tip, Common, Snoop Dogg, Too Short, Busta Rhymes and Ludacris. Unfortunately, the only collaboration that made the final cut is the Snoop Dogg collaboration. Kat Graham sings in \"I Got It from My Mama\", \"One More Chance\" and \"The Donque Song\" but she", "id": "11383009" }, { "contents": "List of Scrubs characters\n\n\npreviously co-created sitcom, \"Spin City\". Both characters were named after the actor who played Leonard on \"Scrubs\". The real-life Winston was the basis for the character Carter on \"Spin City\", and his friendship with Lawrence was the basis for the one shared by Turk and J.D. on \"Scrubs\". Ronald, aka Snoop Dogg Attending (formerly Snoop Dogg Resident and Snoop Dogg Intern), played by Manley Henry, got his nickname because of his physical resemblance to Snoop Dogg. He", "id": "4662185" }, { "contents": "Bones (2001 film)\n\n\nBones is a 2001 American horror film directed by Ernest Dickerson and starring rapper Snoop Dogg as the eponymous Jimmy Bones, a murdered gangster that rises from the grave to avenge his death. The movie is an homage to blaxploitation films of the 1970s and incorporates numerous elements from the genre. In 1979, Jimmy Bones (Snoop Dogg) is a numbers runner who is respected and loved in his neighborhood as its respected member and protector. He is betrayed and brutally murdered by corrupt cop Lupovich (Michael T. Weiss) and drug pusher", "id": "8209602" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nsecond single \"That's That Shit\" featuring R. Kelly were well received by critics. In the album, he collaborated in a video with E-40 and other West Coast rappers on the single \"Candy (Drippin' Like Water)\". In July 2007, Snoop Dogg made history by becoming the first artist to release a track as a ringtone before its release as a single, \"It's the D.O.G.\" On July 7, 2007, Snoop Dogg performed at the Live Earth concert, Hamburg. Snoop Dogg has ventured", "id": "6690594" }, { "contents": "Say Somethin' (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\nObviously, being able to take your pick of anything in the store and have the whole store shut down for you is every girl's dream. You know, just a pretty standard day in the life of anybody. No, just joking. There was a time in my life I only had one pair of shoes, so that's my justification for having that little perk on the job.\" After filming concluded in France, Snoop Dogg's scenes were filmed on a Sunday in Los Angeles. When asked why Dogg", "id": "9678766" }, { "contents": "\n\n\n2013 showed adverts such as man surfing on an inflatable crocodile, another man in a jungle with gorillas and another man going into space. In August 2013 a new advert was launched showing a man named Bill running around Croydon with an army of cats whilst a spokesman played by James Lance saying that Bill is so Moneysupermarket. In January 2014, a new advert was launched featuring Snoop Dogg and his song \"Who Am I (What's My Name)\" features on the ad. In August 2014, another new advert was", "id": "18814291" } ]
I love the color Red! It is so bright and vibrant!
[{"answer": "Red is the colour at the end of the visible spectrum of light next to orange, it is actually a very interesting color", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 97, "bleu_score": 0.8656030552541708, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Holiday darter\n\n\nit difficult for the eggs to attach, so can hurt reproduction rates. Directly before or during spawning, males will display more vibrant colors than at other times of the year. According to Gumm and Mendelson, there are \"...four discrete color classes in darters; red, orange, yellow, blue/green.\" During spawning, these colors are more vibrant and bright. Currently, no management plans are in effect for \"E. brevirostrum\", but it is a state listed species in Alabama and is protected under", "id": "4038866" }, { "contents": "Belkis Ayón\n\n\n\"Longing\" (1988), \"Resurrection\" (1998) and \"Untitled (\"Black figure carrying a white one\")\" (1996). She did, however, use vibrant colors in some of her early works and in studies for prints. A notable example is \"La Cena\", a large-scale print for which she created a study in bright pink, red, yellow and green. Other examples of full-color work include \"Nasako Began\" (1986), \"Syncretism I", "id": "15989327" }, { "contents": "Fella-Werke\n\n\nAGCO Feucht GmbH is a German manufacturer of agricultural equipment based in Feucht, Germany, located just southwest of Nuremberg in Bavaria. It was established in 1918 as a harrow manufacturing company, and its product line has expanded since. Currently, AGCO Feucht has the industry's largest product range of mowers, tedders and rakes. The machines are a vibrant red color with safety tarps in a bright yellow color. The logo is also a vibrant red square with a white circle inside which states Fella in bold black letters. The Fella", "id": "17292749" }, { "contents": "Malibu tile\n\n\nown code. At Malibu Potteries, the glazes were mixed in an 'off-limits' room that was known as the \"holy of holies\". A lot more was known about making ceramic glazes when contemporaries attempted to replicate the hundreds of colors and finishes that were created by Rufus Keller. Nonetheless, modern ceramicists have re-created the bright and vibrant colors often used in Malibu tile such as bright orange, deep red, lush greens, sparkling yellows and cobalt blue. Even with modern advantages, creating custom colors", "id": "21637872" }, { "contents": "Yolanda Lopez\n\n\nbright colorful paintings or murals. The typical color scheme of Chicana/o art is also vibrant eye catching. \"Things I never told my Son about being a Mexican\" does not use a large amount of colors at all and can be considered simplistic. The ability to attach multiple pictures, cut outs and children's clothes is something that any person can do. What makes the piece unique is the message, arrangement, and the bright background color. The breaking away of typical Chicana/o art style does not take", "id": "7163375" }, { "contents": "Caedicia simplex\n\n\n\"Caedicia simplex\" is considered an unremarkable species in appearance. The common garden katydid strongly resembles a small leaf in appearance with a grass-like, green coloration, measuring at about 4-6 cm as an adult. In the nymph stage, however, C. simplex are sometimes a vibrant red-pink color, lacking the leaf-like appearance of their adult counterparts. \"Caedicia simplex\" has a distinctly small, oval head with a velvety green appearance and bright, orange-red eyes. The velvety pronotum on", "id": "12790515" }, { "contents": "Scarlet shiner\n\n\nThe scarlet shiner (\"Lythrurus fasciolaris\") is a freshwater fish native to the eastern United States. Scarlet shiners get their name from the bright coloration of breeding males, who display a vibrant red on their dorsal, caudal, pelvic, anal, and pectoral fins. The dorsal fin often has a dark blotch at the front of its base. Females and non-breeding males tend to display less distinct coloration on their bodies besides faint red on their fins. An adult's average length is , with a maximum of", "id": "17680661" }, { "contents": "Technology of television\n\n\n. The brightness of a picture measures how vibrant and impacting the colors are. Measured in candela per square metre (cd/m²). On the other hand, the so-called \"brightness\" and \"contrast\" adjustment controls on televisions and monitors are traditionally used to control different aspects of the picture display. The brightness control shifts the black level, affecting the image intensity or brightness, while the contrast control adjusts the contrast range of the image. There are various bands on which televisions operate depending upon the country", "id": "18583351" }, { "contents": "Aloe petricola\n\n\n, skinny, densely flowered racemes, carried on stout stems. The inflorescences are tightly packed with dark brown anthers, and typically include at least two colors, usually a deep red towards the top where the buds are seen, and cream-yellow color at the bottom towards the base, reaching the stem of the flower. Flowers on the \"Aloe petricola\" plant are tube-shaped and about 30mm long. The colors on these plants are bright and vibrant, and they change as they begin to open, revealing", "id": "12459879" }, { "contents": "Baby Driver\n\n\nto represent the personas of the core characters. Whereas Baby is dressed in drab colors that reflect his black-and-white perspective of the universe, his peers are associated with bright, vibrant colors: red symbolizes Bats, purple and pink symbolize Darling, and blue represents Buddy. As the film progresses, the pressures of organized crime become overwhelming, and Baby's wardrobe evolves by proxy. He is seen in faint greys and bloodstained white shirts at that point. Costume designer Courtney Hoffman incorporated light grey colors into Baby's", "id": "18711400" }, { "contents": "Halloween hermit crab\n\n\nyears. The halloween hermit crab is well known for its distinct and vibrant coloration. It has been described as an unusual hermit crab and the brightest of the hermit crabs typically available, with vividly colored walking legs, a red body, and alternating horizontal bright orange and white bands, giving it the likeness of the festive colors of Halloween. These characteristics make the Halloween hermit crab attractive to aquarists. The halloween hermit crab is omnivorous and a scavenger, eating nearly anything that appears in its environment, including small animals. It", "id": "3580938" }, { "contents": "Cinecolor\n\n\nwhile its red filtration passed red light to the panchromatic film stock. In the laboratory, the negatives were processed on duplitized film and each emulsion was toned red or cyan. While Cinecolor could produce vibrant reds, oranges, blues, browns and flesh tones, its renderings of other colors such as bright greens (rendered dark green) and purples (rendered a sort of dark magenta) were muted. The Cinecolor process was invented in 1932 by English-born cinematographer William Thomas Crespinel (1890–1987), who joined the Kinemacolor Corporation", "id": "20164427" }, { "contents": "Crustose\n\n\ndeserts, ice free parts of Antarctica, and in the Alpine and Arctic regions. Crustose can come in a variety of colors such as yellow, orange, red, gray and green. These colors tend to be bright and vibrant. Crustose is similar to other lichens because they share a similar internal morphology. The lichen's body is formed from filaments of the fungal partner. The density of these filaments determines the layers within the lichen. There are many variations of crustose, including Crustose Coralline Algae (CCA), found", "id": "4581434" }, { "contents": "Teresinha Soares\n\n\n, there was an opening day performance at the Grand Salon of the Museu de Arte da Pampulha in 1970. Teresinha Soares spoke while performers danced around and on the blocks of wood. Another one of Teresinha Soares's artworks is titled \"Xifópagas Uterinas\". It is a painting of what seems to be a female body. The colors Soares used are bright greens, blues, reds, and oranges. \"Xifópagas Uterinas\" can be considered pop art because of its vibrant colors. Soares created \"Eurótica\", which was", "id": "9766784" }, { "contents": "Doctor Gachet's Garden in Auvers\n\n\nTheo and Willemina about gardening ideas, color harmonies and the benefits of working in a garden. Known for his works of sunflowers, he also made paintings with red poppies, grasses, irises and other garden plants. The colors used in the paintings may have been suggestive of his mood. When depressed, he painted \"ghostly white-hooded arums.\" When he was in good mood he used bright colors, such as vibrant pink oleanders. During times of inner turmoil, “dark green spire like cypresses writhing with energy", "id": "5845926" }, { "contents": "Caroni Swamp\n\n\nday from the Caroni Swamp. The distance between the swamp and the mainland of Venezuela is about 11 miles (mytobagoinfo). During the evening, the Scarlet Ibis returns to the Swamp where it roosts in the mangrove trees (destination tnt). Watching the Scarlet Ibis return from feeding on the mainland of Venezuela is the main attraction for many tourists (mytobagoinfo). Their vibrant red feathers fill the sky as they return to the swamp (gotrinidadandtobago). The Scarlet Ibis’ bright red color comes from the pigments from their", "id": "19492698" }, { "contents": "Joseph Plavcan\n\n\ngeometric style. These later paintings incorporate vibrant, unblended colors and were inspired by the work of his own student, Op-artist Richard Anuszkiewicz. Plavcan continued to develop this style until the end of his life, ultimately settling on a more subtle approach that used the same bright colors but softer edges. On the evolution of his art, Plavcan stated, \"I don’t think that I have gone back to my earlier style. It is a building process, not necessarily regression. It is very hard once you’ve", "id": "10720308" }, { "contents": "Doesn't Really Matter\n\n\nseveral videos which set fashion trends and increased the popularity of \"must-have colors\" in clothing among youth. The vibrant \"red and orange\" outfits worn by Jackson, including \"sugary pinks and orange tees\", items from the \"Self Esteem\" line, and \"designer duds right off the runway,\" were described to heighten demand for similar \"bright colorful clothes\". Japanese singer Hitomi Shimatani covered the song under the title \"Papillon\". The song became the biggest hit of Shitamani's career at", "id": "10587613" }, { "contents": "Ugolino di Nerio\n\n\nfondness for painting pious subject matter can be seen in his iconic depictions of Mary Magdalene and Louis of Toulouse, which were both executed in 1328. Both of these paintings utilize the rich and vibrant colors that he was known for using, especially since the dominant colors in these two particular pieces are bright red and gold. The altarpiece for Santa Croce was the most important commission in a series of works that the Franciscans entrusted to him. At least eight polyptychs have survived in parts. Other important polyptychs are in the Cleveland Museum", "id": "5881074" }, { "contents": "Alicia Leeke\n\n\nabstract style. She was named by Charlotte's Red Sky Gallery as an Emerging Artist in 2006. In the summer of 2008, she experimented with her palette by using a technique known as Color Field painting and began painting city and landscapes in bright, vibrant colors. She developed a brushstroke style, using acrylics in a way to give the appearance of oils and included \"intense black lines.\" Her company underwent a merger in 2008 and she took the opportunity to embark on her dream of becoming a full-time,", "id": "807983" }, { "contents": "David Sharpe (artist)\n\n\n, he was creating complex, vibrant abstract works noted for their bright color, tightly clustered compositions, and adventurous mix of formal strategies. Paintings such as \"Three\" (1970, above) combined overlapping colored and patterned biomorphic and abstract shapes that critics wrote, exploded across the canvas before being contained at the edges with a single-colored ground. Dennis Adrian described the paintings as containing so much visual incident that viewers could neither take in their totality, nor \"exhaust their delights,\" while Jane Allen noted their \"", "id": "6385711" }, { "contents": "Sands Regency\n\n\nrenovation in 2005, and Herbst Gaming finished it in 2007. They also renovated and expanded Rail City, which Sands Regent started. Sands Regent CEO Ferenc Szony remained on board. Many Reno locals know the Sands for its vibrant exterior color schemes; for over 10 years the Sands was always red with white accents, then suddenly overnight in 2003 Sands Regent painted it a bright yellow with blue accents that received mixed reviews. After the Herbst buyout, they painted it a softer gold with red accents to depict a skyline on the", "id": "21278993" }, { "contents": "Pueblan milk snake\n\n\nto the coral snake and this similarity in colour, known as Batesian mimicry, helps protect the snake from potential predators. They can be distinguished from other subspecies due to wide white bands, and frequent black tipping over the red bands. Also, the red in campbelli tends to be especially vibrant and bright compared to other subspecies. Non-morph Pueblan milk snakes always have pure white coloration on their light bands, save for some black speckling. The Pueblan milk snake is found in southern Puebla, eastern Morelos and northern Oaxaca", "id": "366900" }, { "contents": "Theora Hamblett\n\n\nher hip in an accident and needed surgery. While she was in the hospital, Hamblett began to paint her visions. Many of her dreams were religious in nature. Hamblett did not sell many of these paintings because they were intimate and personal. Theora Hamblett's artwork is characterized by vibrant colors. She has a unique style of creating trees in her artwork which is easily recognizable by fans of her art. She had a specific method of layering colors in the individual leaves so that they shine with bright colors. She layered", "id": "16411226" }, { "contents": "Dudu Gerstein\n\n\nlow art go together and I want to break the unnatural divide between the museum and the street.\" Gerstein's use of vibrant, bright colors has been called \"decorative\" and \"commercial.\" Gerstein says: \"The forms and colors in my work are my way of communicating. Those who taste the fruit will discover that it is not only beautiful, but also replete with vitamins. My work \"The Human Circle\" resembles a huge flower or bouquet, but beneath the surface is a tacit criticism of human", "id": "2902274" }, { "contents": "Whaam!\n\n\none of Lichtenstein's series of war images, typically combining vibrant colors with an expressive narrative. \"Whaam!\" is very large, measuring 1.7 m × 4.0 m (5 ft 7 in × 13 ft 4 in). It is less abstract than \"As I Opened Fire\", another of his war scenes. Lichtenstein employs his usual comic-book style: stereotyped imagery in bright primary colors with black outlines, coupled with imitations of mechanical printer's Ben-Day dots. The use of these dots, which", "id": "20349937" }, { "contents": "Salience (language)\n\n\nsomething that stands out. Figurality is the brightness, complexity, and energy (movement) of a stimulus. It is thought that these aspects trigger cognitions and thought processes in the brain that lead to salience. Brightness includes the magnitude and the colors of the object. Studies have shown that bright, vibrant colors more easily capture the attention and are easier to remember (Guido, 1998). Complexity builds upon the contextual factors (the number of perceptible qualities about the stimulus object that one can distinguish) and learning (what", "id": "6347466" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nthe reproduction will not be exact because it is impossible for pigment colors to be so bright as colors displayed on a computer. At the right is displayed the color kobi. The color name \"kobi\" for this light tone of red-violet has been in use since 2001, when it was promulgated as one of the colors on the Color List. The color pink lavender is displayed at the right. The source of this color is the \"Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX)\" color list, color #", "id": "12926968" }, { "contents": "Mark Rothko\n\n\na spiritual experience, or at least an experience that exceeded the boundaries of the purely aesthetic. In later years, Rothko emphasized more emphatically the spiritual aspect of his artwork, a sentiment that would culminate in the construction of the Rothko Chapel. Many of the \"multiforms\" and early signature paintings are composed of bright, vibrant colors, particularly reds and yellows, expressing energy and ecstasy. By the mid-1950s, however, close to a decade after the completion of the first \"multiforms,\" Rothko began to employ dark blues", "id": "5606346" }, { "contents": "Girl before a Mirror\n\n\nwith bright pinks, yellows, and greens contrasting with vibrant reds and dark blacks. The skin and face of the girl is delicately beautiful in contrast with the rest of the painting, and is unlike many of Picasso's other Cubist faces of the time period. In contrast, the reflected face is much more grotesque and darkly colored, and the features are much less traditionally beautiful. Pablo Picasso presents a divergent view of his subject, with a brighter figure standing before a mirror which reflects a darker mirror image. While the", "id": "8253009" }, { "contents": "List of people with synesthesia\n\n\nvery sterile to me. Somehow all the keys seem to have colors and textures. I love B and E and A and F sharp. I actually associate them with colors, but Jim Hall, the guitarist, does too, so I don't feel that ridiculous about it.\" In another quote: \"The key of D is daffodil yellow, B major is maroon, and B flat is blue.\" Lead vocalist and guitarist for The Red Paintings. Chordal structure → color. Composer and organist (December 10", "id": "1786846" }, { "contents": "Still life paintings by Vincent van Gogh (Paris)\n\n\nprints and Impressionist still life arrangements to master his paintings of flowers. Expressing his enthusiasm for the subject and the number of paintings he completed in Paris, Van Gogh wrote to his sister Wil, \"I painted almost nothing but flowers so I could get used to colors other than grey - pink, soft or bright green, light blue, violet, yellow, glorious red.\" His expertise in color, composition, texture and placement may have made an impression on Constance Spry, a noted floral arranger who created guidelines for", "id": "12279644" }, { "contents": "Minium (pigment)\n\n\nthe river Minius in Iberia (now forming part of the Spanish-Portuguese border and known as Miño or Minho), located near the main Roman cinnabar mines. Pliny the Elder referred to it as \"flammeus\", or flame color. The minium of red lead was easy to make and less expensive than the pigment made from the mineral cinnabar, and it was bright and cheerful, so it became the most commonly used bright red in Medieval painting until the introduction of vermilion. The color was used in particular for the", "id": "16012142" }, { "contents": "Carpobrotus edulis\n\n\nbright magenta or yellow flowers, and resistance to some harsh coastal climatic conditions (salt) have also made it a favored garden plant. The ice plant was, for several decades, widely promoted as an ornamental plant, and it is still available at some nurseries. Ice plant foliage can turn a vibrant red to yellow in color. Despite its use as a soil stabilizer, it actually exacerbates and speeds up coastal erosion. It holds great masses of water in its leaves, and its roots are very shallow. In the", "id": "13979056" }, { "contents": "Traveling carnival\n\n\nappeal to the riders' senses. Some examples are the Chair-O-Planes, Ferris wheel, Zipper ride, and the Tilt-A-Whirl. The rides are generally painted in bright vibrant colors such as red, yellow and orange. Multicolored lighting is also used to enhance the rides' appearance at night. Each ride also plays its own music: a carousel may have calliope music playing while the ride next to it may have rock music for its riders. The music for each ride is usually upbeat;", "id": "21163486" }, { "contents": "Afternoon Tea\n\n\nAfternoon Tea is a 1910 oil painting by American artist Richard E. Miller, located in the Indianapolis Museum of Art, which is in Indianapolis, Indiana. Like many of Miller's paintings, it depicts women in a sunny scene, filled with flowers, depicted in his Impressionist style with a distinct flavor of Japonism. \"Afternoon Tea\" has been lauded as one of Miller's best paintings, \"a confident, mature work and an absolute knockout in coloristic power.\" He applied vibrant colors like bright reds, greens,", "id": "22114133" }, { "contents": "Sachio Yamashita\n\n\n. On hot days, Samuelson notes, Yamashita would swim in the water towers to cool down. The first towers in his series were painted red and royal blue over Piper's Alley and numbered 1 and 2. Other towers were painted vibrant colors such as purple, blue-green, yellow, and bright orange. The water tower series was part of his broader \"Environment Art for Everywhere\" project and was partially funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art,", "id": "7671367" }, { "contents": "Anolis cuvieri\n\n\nnape. This coloration may extend onto the neck area or even onto the dorsal surface running the length of the spine. In females where the blue coloration is present it is only as a sky blue tint on the head which does not extend onto the neck. In both males and females the orbital area is either bright yellow or vibrant yellow-green. Both male and female Puerto Rican giant anoles possess a large dewlap; however, it is noticeably larger and colored bright yellow in males whereas in females it is light green", "id": "21733297" }, { "contents": "Color term\n\n\nbroadly to describe other undefined color terms. For example, the Jale highland group in New Guinea identify the color of blood as black. This is because at this stage I, white and black, are associated with which objects closer associates to the degree of brightness from which it has. With stage II the recognition of another term red is developed. Objects are less consternated to their degree of brightness for classification and instead in this stage we see each term cover a larger scope of colors. Specifically blue and other darker shades", "id": "19429203" }, { "contents": "D. G. Kulkarni\n\n\nrediscovered nature and the palette of his youth, but the man he had become chose to strip away the bright, vibrant colors that had appealed to him until now. His brush mixed deeper and more restricted tones and his compositions became more complex. The Dizi of this period was a different person. As the monsoon rain washed away the parched red dust, obscuring the brown, green and blue of earth, tree and sky, he chose to see only the various shades of grey engendered by cloud shadows. In 1974,", "id": "1307830" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nreasonably good with approximating spectral orange, yellow, and bright (yellowish) green, but is especially poor in reaching a visual appearance of spectral colors between green and blue, as well as extreme spectral colors. The sRGB standard has an additional problem with its \"red\" primary which is shifted to orange due to a trade-off between purity of red and its reasonable luminance, so that the red spectral became unreachable. Some samples in the table below provide only rough approximations of spectral and near-spectral colors. CMYK", "id": "2692475" }, { "contents": "The Woggle-Bug Book\n\n\npictures and text alternating on recto and verso pages; it was printed in bright colors in a large format, eleven by fifteen inches. \"The Woggle-Bug Book\" features the broad ethnic humor that was accepted and popular in its era, and which Baum employed in various works. The Woggle-Bug, who favors flashy clothes with bright colors (he dresses in \"gorgeous reds and yellows and blues and greens\" and carries a pink handkerchief), falls in love with a gaudy \"Wagnerian plaid\" dress that", "id": "6725565" }, { "contents": "Mycena leaiana\n\n\nbright orange that fades as the mushroom matures. The surface of the cap is sticky, especially in moist weather, and smooth, while the margin often has striations. The trama is soft, watery, and white. The gills are adnexed in attachment (gills narrowly attached/tapering toward stem so that their attachment is almost free), crowded together, and yellowish in color, with the color deepening to bright orange-red at the edges. The deepening in color at the edges is due to an orange pigment that", "id": "4010321" }, { "contents": "Han purple and Han blue\n\n\n'Han indigo', although it could also be regarded as a bright shade of ultramarine (classifying ultramarine as a color and not a pigment). The purple color seen in samples of Han purple is created by the presence of red copper (I) oxide (CuO) which is formed when Han purple decomposes (the red and blue making purple). The decomposition of Han purple to form copper (I) oxide is Above 1050 °C, the CuO copper (II) oxide breaks down to copper (I", "id": "11392808" }, { "contents": "Vase with Poppies\n\n\npainted almost nothing but flowers so I could get used to colors other than grey - pink, soft or bright green, light blue, violet, yellow, glorious red.\" That was an exaggeration; during his time in Paris he painted 230 paintings, about 30 of which were flowers. Yet, the comment demonstrates his interest in painting flowers as a subject and to further develop his appreciation and understanding of color. The painting, which was donated by Anne Parrish Titzell in 1957 to the permanent collection of the Wadsworth Atheneum", "id": "12042542" }, { "contents": "Adventures of Superman (TV series)\n\n\nhair was dyed a bright red for this season, though the color change was not apparent in the initial black-and-white broadcasts. ABC-TV aired episodes in its \"Fun At Five\" series during the 1957-58 season. Reeves appeared as Superman on an episode of \"I Love Lucy\" that aired on January 14, 1957. In the episode, Reeves appears as himself playing TV's Superman, though no mention of George Reeves is ever made until the credits roll. The announcement \"Our guest", "id": "11942342" }, { "contents": "Retablo\n\n\n, replacing earlier printmaking methods. The way a retablo and ex-voto look is entirely up to the person designing it, so long as it contains the necessary basic elements. The most important part of the retablo is the representation of the miraculous event. That is why most artists try to use bright, vibrant colors to portray the supremacy of the event. An ex-voto is, more often than not, reduced to a smaller size. It is usually about half the size of the original, while still maintaining", "id": "3013039" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh scattering\n\n\natmosphere. Here, Rayleigh scattering primarily occurs through sunlight's interaction with randomly located air molecules. It is this scattered light that gives the surrounding sky its brightness and its color. As previously stated, Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and blue light will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light). However, the Sun, like any star, has its own spectrum and so \"I\" in the scattering formula above is not constant but", "id": "6597901" }, { "contents": "Still life paintings by Vincent van Gogh (Paris)\n\n\n1885 when Van Gogh experimented with Delacroix's color theory. To his brother Theo, Van Gogh wrote: \"There is a certain pure bright red for the apples, then some greenish things. Now there are one or two apples in another color, in a kind of pink — to improve the whole. The pink is the broken color, created by mixing the first red and green mentioned. This is why there is a connection between the colors. Then I painted a second contrast, in the back- and foreground.", "id": "12279672" }, { "contents": "ZooMumba\n\n\nThe color palette for ZooMumba is very bright and vibrant so that it gives off a very fun and family oriented art style. Much of the interactivity in the game revolves around the upkeep of your animals and zoo, making sure that the animals are well taken care of and that your zoo is kept clean. The mouse is the primary control and can be solely used to navigate through the game. \"ZooMumba offers a friendly community and intuitive gameplay, making it a pleasure to play for experienced or inexperienced players alike.\"", "id": "10302588" }, { "contents": "Feng Zhengjie\n\n\nand work. In an interview, Feng said that he grew up in a very small village in Si Chuan province and the colorful traditional drawings reminded him of the memory of his childhood, which was also the main reason for him to start his unique drawing style. In his paintings, Feng loves to use very flashy colors such as pure bright red, bright pink and flashy green to draw the background and characters. Most characters in his drawings are females with sexy lips and vacant diverging eyes. Although Feng has been quite", "id": "1374564" }, { "contents": "Bob Paul Kane\n\n\na major art collector, his wife Olga Hirschhorn became a supporter of Kane: \"Joe Hirshhorn introduced me to Bob Kane's work in the early sixties. Joe was expanding his art collection and I was starting mine. Kane’s paintings reflect his love of Italy, France, and Spain as he returns each year to portray intimate scenes of everyday activity. Vibrant, warm colors dominate his palette, as they display his love for life, people, and friendly places. Capturing scenes of local color most people might miss,", "id": "19595700" }, { "contents": "Purgatorio\n\n\nease my I say that when I think upon her worth,br So sweet doth Love make himself feel to me,br That if I then should lose not hardihood,br Speaking, I should enamour all mankind.\" Dante is now greeted by the Angel of Temperance, whose brightness is like the red glow of molten metal or glass. Showing the passage up the mountain, the angel removes another \"P\" from Dante's brow with a puff of his wing, and he pronounces the beatitude in paraphrase:", "id": "6197303" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\ncreated by red and blue light of equal intensity, at a brightness that is halfway between full power and darkness. In color printing, purple is sometimes represented by the color magenta, or sometimes by mixing magenta with red or blue. It can also be created by mixing just red and blue alone, but in that case the purple is less bright, with lower saturation or intensity. A less bright purple can also be created with light or paint by adding a certain quantity of the third primary color (green for light", "id": "17168706" }, { "contents": "HSL and HSV\n\n\nof red, green, and blue light in a color denoted —and tilted it on its corner, so that black rested at the origin with white directly above it along the vertical axis, then measured the hue of the colors in the cube by their angle around that axis, starting with red at 0°. Then they came up with a characterization of brightness/value/lightness, and defined saturation to range from 0 along the axis to 1 at the most colorful point for each pair of other parameters. In", "id": "14842633" }, { "contents": "Phineas and Ferb\n\n\n[in his later cartoons].\" Triangles are featured as an easter egg in the background of every episode, sometimes in trees or buildings. Bright colors are also a prominent element of the animation. Marsh elaborates, \"The idea at the end of the day was candy. One of the things that I think works so well is that the characters are so bright and candy-colored and our backgrounds are a much more realistic depiction of the world: the soft green of the grass, the natural woods for the", "id": "18087129" }, { "contents": "Patssi Valdez\n\n\nhonest critique of her first works which helped boost her confidence in her painting. Valdez's painting are bright, colorful and \"seem just a little enchanted.\" \"I've been trying to get away from the brighter palette for years,\" she says, \"but the more I try, it just comes out.\" Her \"vibrant\" work is very emotive and has a sense of magical realism. Valdez's subject matter is often focused on the female figure or domestic scenes and settings. Her work draws on", "id": "13453068" }, { "contents": "Star Trek uniforms\n\n\n's insistence (often disputed) that the role of Starfleet was expressly not supposed to be military. Security guards wear white uniforms with brown helmets and breastplates. Engineers wear thick white spacesuits with large, black, ribbed collars. In \"The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture\", Susan Sackett and Gene Roddenberry wrote that the uniforms were redesigned because the bright colors of the 1960s original, so vibrant on television, would distract viewer attention on the big screen. But the designs proved unpopular with their wearers, and", "id": "10522565" }, { "contents": "Heat Rush\n\n\n's so powerful. And she puts it out there, she's not afraid of it. She's very involved in the fragrance. She knows what she wants. I always had more feedback from her; I always had to have more signature and stronger all the time. Heat Rush is a fruity floral fragrance that is luminous and vibrant with a dewy delicacy at the same time. It is set to capture Beyoncé's \"bright sensuality\"; it is summarized as \"young, fresh, and joyful\". In", "id": "15988239" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nby Crayola in 1903. \"Scarlet\" is a bright red with a slightly orange tinge. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, scarlet and other bright shades of red are the colors most associated with courage, force, passion, heat, and joy. In the Roman Catholic Church, scarlet is the color worn by cardinals, and is associated with the blood of Christ and the Christian martyrs, and with sacrifice. \"See also Imperial blue\" At right is displayed the color \"imperial red\".", "id": "6592049" }, { "contents": "Clothing in the Ragtime Era\n\n\nthe fabric from an old article of clothing so that they could get multiple uses out of each garment. Many African Americans enjoyed the popular music from the ragtime era. Their sense of style in clothing seemed to reflect this. Whereas the mostly Caucasian American upper class dressed in clean and light colored fabric (often cream or white), the African Americans dressed in bright and vibrant clothing when they attended clubs that played ragtime music. Whereas the upper class clothing was form-fitting, their clothes were loose, which allowed for", "id": "11786077" }, { "contents": "Blac Rabbit (EP)\n\n\nvibrato, slightly warping the pitch. The cover art shows the band's logo, an outline drawing of a rabbit, superimposed on \"vibrant swirls of bright indigo, orange and red\". Well after the EP was released, Blac Rabbit recorded live in studio versions of six songs with the record label Audiotree on June 21, 2018, including three from \"Blac Rabbit\"—\"Mindspace\", \"All Good\", and \"Over the Rainbow\"—as well as new songs \"Seize the Day\", \"Rooftops\", and \"I", "id": "21972823" }, { "contents": "Cotton-Eyed Joe\n\n\nher kinky head, an' her eyes so bright, Wid her lips so red an' her teef so white. Ef it hadn't ben fur Cotton-eyed Joe, I'd been married long ergo. \"An' I loved dat gal wid all my heart, An' she swo' fum me she'd never part; But den wid Joe she runned away, An' lef' me hyear fur ter weep all day. O Cotton-eyed Joe, O Cotton-eyed Joe, What did make", "id": "8324357" }, { "contents": "Anaglyph 3D\n\n\nbe perceived as graduations of bright to dark. The cyan (blue/green) filter over the right eye conversely allows graduations of cyan to red from within the anaglyph to be perceived as graduations of bright to dark. Red and cyan color fringes in the anaglyph display represent the red and cyan color channels of the parallax-displaced left and right images. The viewing filters each cancel out opposing colored areas, including graduations of less pure opposing colored areas, to each reveal an image from within its color channel. Thus the", "id": "21102500" }, { "contents": "Alfonsino\n\n\nlarge eyes and a deep, compressed body, 1.9-2.5 times its standard length at the greatest depth. It is a rose red color dorsally and orange ventrally. The rest of its body is silvery-pink, and the breast is yellow-white in color. Fins and the inside of the mouth are bright red. The anal fin is distinctly larger than in many fish species and its caudal fin is deeply forked. Its bright red color is a common adaptation to deepwater surroundings, where red is filtered out of", "id": "11609311" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\n14-3207 TPX—Pink Lavender. Puce is a medium grayish red-violet color. The color pale red-violet (identical to the web color \"pale violet red\") is displayed at the right. This color is a pale tone of red-violet. The color violet-red is displayed at the right. \"Violet-red\", a bright tone of red-violet, has been a Crayola color since 1958. Red-purple is the color that is called \"Rojo-Purpura\"", "id": "12926969" }, { "contents": "Church of St. Polyeuctus\n\n\nand with no use of a constant measure, as indicated by the marks made by the chisel, minute irregularities, and slight bends in the lattice work. This area was originally painted in vibrant colors. The primary colors used were blues, greens, and some purples. These colors are difficult to find or make and show Anicia Juliana’s power in the decorative aspect of the structure. The background to vines and letters was a bright blue. The peacocks—associated with the goddess Hera and royalty in Antiquity and symbolizing renewal", "id": "13497577" }, { "contents": "Freehand brush work\n\n\nwater and colors. It is a special method with transparent colors in which one layer being covered by another layer to create extraordinary visual effects. Watercolor pencils may be used either wet or dry. It is often used in fresh and bright paintings. It requires skillful and specialized application of proportion of water and color and ways to appear a sense of texture. Compared to ink painting, it has vibrant colors and being more expressive bringing greater visual impact. For the content, there are also two branches. A freehand figure painting", "id": "10734366" }, { "contents": "NTSC\n\n\nreference phase signal derived from the color burst with the chrominance signal's amplitude and phase allows the recovery of the 'I' and 'Q' signals which when combined with the Luminance information allows the reconstruction of a color image on the screen. Color TV has been said to really be color\"ed\" TV because of the total separation of the brightness part of the picture from the color portion. In CRT televisions, the NTSC signal is turned into three color signals called Red, Green and Blue, each controlling that color electron", "id": "1970359" }, { "contents": "List of color spaces and their uses\n\n\nanalogous to shining a white light on a colored object. I.e. shining a bright white light on a red object causes the object to still appear red, just brighter and more intense. Shining a dim light on a red object causes the object to appear dark and less bright. CIELCh and CIELCh are cylindrical transformations of the CIELAB and CIELUV color spaces, respectively. The cylindrical coordinates C* (chroma, relative saturation) and h° (hue angle, angle of the hue in the color wheel) are specified. The", "id": "12358669" }, { "contents": "Ford Thunderbird (eleventh generation)\n\n\nmarketing, writing: \"Ford dealers have been successful selling $35,000-45,000 trucks, but have little experience selling automobiles in the near-luxury price range. If there was a marketing effort by Ford Motor, I wasn't aware of it. Naturally, sales didn't meet expectations.\" Though the retro body styling never changed, exterior and interior color packaging was changed year to year. For 2002, the car was available in bright red (\"torch red\"), bright yellow (\"inspiration yellow\"", "id": "960298" }, { "contents": "Awareness ribbon\n\n\nred ribbon was created by the Visual AIDS Artists Caucus, a New York-based group of artists and AIDS activist. They wished to create a visual symbol to demonstrate compassion for people living with AIDS and their caregivers. The color red was chosen for its \"connection to blood and the idea of passion\"—both anger and love. During the 1991 Tony Awards, actor Jeremy Irons wore the bright red ribbon pinned on his chest. Though the symbolism of the ribbon was not allowed to be discussed on air, the media and public", "id": "5259867" }, { "contents": "Brightness\n\n\n. A given target luminance can elicit different perceptions of brightness in different contexts; see, for example, White's illusion. In the RGB color space, brightness can be thought of as the arithmetic mean \"μ\" of the red, green, and blue color coordinates (although some of the three components make the light seem brighter than others, which, again, may be compensated by some display systems automatically): Brightness is also a color coordinate in HSL color space : hue, saturation, and lightness, meaning", "id": "19038948" }, { "contents": "Color term\n\n\nsea green\") or compounded basic color words (e.g. \"yellow-green\"). There are many different dimensions by which color varies. For example, hue (shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple), saturation (\"deep\" vs. \"pale\"), and brightness or intensity make up the HSI color space. The adjective \"fluorescent\" in English refers to moderately high brightness with strong color saturation. Pastel refers to colors with high brightness and low saturation. Some", "id": "19429193" }, { "contents": "D. G. Kulkarni\n\n\nillustrate evolution, expose nature’s stark reality and uninhibitedly bare its lyrical and gruesome aspects in a spectrum of vivid, glowing colors. I feel I have transcended the barriers of attitude and approach in this work that is symbolic evidence of my inner growth.” - Dizi The vibrant energy invoked by this progression led Dizi to explore the enigmatic relationship between man and woman; the aspects of sexuality, love, tenderness, violence, ambiguity, celebration and spirituality that are the core of this equation. These works are painted with passionate", "id": "1307828" }, { "contents": "First Time (Lifehouse song)\n\n\nThe N on June 29, 2007. It was also released on iTunes that same day. The music video, directed by Sean Mullins, was shot in Los Angeles and features real couples falling in love for the first time. It begins with a shot of the band in a white room wearing all white clothes and playing all white instruments. As the energy of the song gets stronger, the white room and the band's clothing changes from white to a ruby red. According to Monsters and Critics, the vibrant colors", "id": "9751732" }, { "contents": "Red shirt (photography)\n\n\n\"National Geographic\" photographers of the late 1950s and early 1960s, the term is loosely applied to the creation of any such images. Even though Kodachrome was already unnaturally bright, photographers ... splashed the strongest possible colors in their pictures so that they would be more effective in print. One result was that the staff photographers - who were constantly being sent to colorful places to slake what was seen as the public's unquenching thirst for colorful scenes - would often find themselves needing more color to take advantage of the color film and", "id": "7040311" }, { "contents": "Beak\n\n\nphaeomelanin from any beak structure. More than a dozen types of carotenoids are responsible for the coloration of most red, orange, and yellow beaks. The hue of the color is determined by the precise mix of red and yellow pigments, while the saturation is determined by the density of the deposited pigments. For example, bright red is created by dense deposits of mostly red pigments, while dull yellow is created by diffuse deposits of mostly yellow pigments. Bright orange is created by dense deposits of both red and yellow pigments,", "id": "19980135" }, { "contents": "Maxfield Parrish\n\n\nexclusively painted landscapes. Parrish's art is characterized by vibrant colors; the color \"Parrish blue\" was named after him. He achieved such luminous color through glazing. This process involves applying alternating bright layers of oil color separated by varnish over a base rendering. Parrish usually used a blue and white monochromatic underpainting. Parrish used many other innovative techniques in his paintings. He would take pictures of models in black and white geometric prints and project the image onto his works. This technique allowed for his figures to be clothed in", "id": "18186459" }, { "contents": "Golden skiffia\n\n\nsexual dimorphism with males having larger fins, and a greater body and head depth. Males also have a notched dorsal fin, which females lack. Males are a bright gold color with a gray overcast. The gold coloration is most vibrant during courtship, largely fading to the dorsal, caudal, and anal fins in non-courting males. Females have a greater body width, and both females and juveniles are gray-green, with scattered black flecks on their backs and along the lateral line. Females do not change color", "id": "5596235" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nRed-violet is a rich color of high medium saturation about 3/4 of the way between red and magenta, closer to magenta than to red. It is classified in color theory as one of the purple colors—a non-spectral color between red and violet that is a deep version of a color on the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram. Both its saturation and brightness falling short of 100%, red-violet is not a pure chroma. There is a color of similar hue that, however,", "id": "12926962" }, { "contents": "Euonymus americanus\n\n\nleaf axils on peduncles up to 2.2 centimeters long. The yellow-green sepals are 1 or 2 centimeters long and the greenish or reddish petals above are smaller. The fruit capsule is about 1.5 centimeters wide with a red warty or spiny covering. The capsule splits into five sections, revealing seeds covered in bright red arils. The seeds are dispersed by animals. Deer have been known to graze on this plant and seem to love the tender leaves and stems. Humans should take the red color of the seeds as a warning", "id": "19282833" }, { "contents": "Belbello da Pavia\n\n\n. The colors of the piece are light and bright with a frame that imitates a painted wooden frame, colored black, green, and red on a white ground and inlaid blue stones. This decoration was used commonly in Florence but alien to Lombardy. St. Augustine- Initial I This is taken most likely from the beginning of the Mass of St. Augustine. The initial seems to belong to the phrase \"In medio Ecclesiae,\" a segment of the Common of Doctors. The image depicts the saint with the initial I covered with", "id": "956893" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Flower (video game)\n\n\nfull of menacing metal structures, small arcs of electricity, and washed-out buildings; the player enlivens the city in the final two levels and transforms it into a bright and cheerful place. As the player progresses through the different levels of the game, the city viewed through the apartment window in the level selection screen gradually becomes more vibrant and colorful. If the player triggers three secret flowers in each level, the cityscape is replaced with a bright field with mountains in the background. The music changes in scope as the", "id": "10129709" }, { "contents": "Red-crowned amazon\n\n\nappearance is generally green with the most notable features being a bright red forehead and crown, dark blue streak behind the eyes, and light green cheeks. It is not uncommon for Red-crowned Amazons to have splashes of red and blue under their wings and have light yellow-tipped tails. They have a white eye-ring which brings out their eyes. Their iris color can range from a bright yellow to a deep red, although juveniles' eyes are gray until maturity. Red-crowned amazons usually have horn colored", "id": "11707630" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nThe color coral pink is displayed at right, a pinkish orange color. The web color \"salmon\" is displayed at right. It represents the color of the flesh of an average salmon. However, actual salmon flesh can range in hue from a light pinkish-orange to a bright red (as is the case with sockeye salmon). The color displayed at right, \"red (RGB)\", \"RGB red\", or \"electric red\" (as opposed to \"pigment red\", shown below", "id": "6592042" }, { "contents": "Horezu ceramics\n\n\nit into red clay that potters form in a special finger technique requiring concentration, strength and agility. Each potter has his own technique of shaping, but each respects the sequence of the process. The women decorate the shaped ceramics before firing with special techniques and tools in order to draw traditional motifs. Their skills in combining decoration and color determines the personality and uniqueness of these pieces. Colors are bright shades of brown, red, green, blue and so called \"Horezu ivory\". Horezu potters use many traditional tools like", "id": "15754021" }, { "contents": "Bright Star (musical)\n\n\nAt Long Last\" by Edie Brickell and \"Bright Star\" with ensemble lyrics by Martin. \"Way Back in the Day\", \"I Can't Wait\", \"Heartbreaker\", \"Another Round\", \"I Had a Vision\", \"Always Will\" and \"So Familiar\" all were included on the album \"So Familiar\". \"Asheville\" and \"Sun's Gonna Shine\" both originated from the album \"Love Has Come for You\". Charles Isherwood of \"The New York", "id": "14048348" }, { "contents": "Turkey red\n\n\nIndia in the 18th and early 19th century was Turkey red, known in France as \"rouge d'Andrinople\". Beginning in the 1740s, this bright red color was used to dye or print cotton textiles in England, the Netherlands and France. Turkey red used the root of the rubia plant as the colorant, but the process was long and complicated, involving multiple soaking of the fabrics in lye, olive oil, sheep's dung, and other ingredients. The fabric was more expensive but resulted in a fine bright and lasting", "id": "16475158" }, { "contents": "Autumn leaf color\n\n\nundermine the camouflage of herbivores. Many plants with berries attract birds with especially visible berry and/or leaf color, particularly bright red. The birds get a meal, while the shrub, vine, or typically small tree gets undigested seeds carried off and deposited with the birds' manure. Poison ivy is particularly notable for having bright-red foliage drawing birds to its off-white seeds (which are edible for birds, but not most mammals). The brilliant red autumn color of some species of maple is created by processes separate", "id": "2572490" }, { "contents": "Red-rumped parrot\n\n\ncommon name. It is also known as red-backed parrot and grass parrot. Red-rumped parrots are slim, moderate-sized parrots approximately in length. The male's plumage is a bright emerald-green with yellow underparts, a brick-red rump and blue highlights on the wings and upper back. The female's plumage is less vibrant, with pale olive underparts, dull green wings and back and blue-black wingtips. The characteristic red rump is only found in the male. Red-rumped parrots can", "id": "14197524" }, { "contents": "Norev\n\n\ncar as no. 1 in plastic (a Simca Aronde – 1953–1956) through no. 899 in zamac (a VW Golf Rally – 1984–1988) and beyond. The early models had colorful unpainted bodies which was a main selling point (Ralston 2008, 25–26). While earlier models tended to feature semi-realistic colors similar to what contemporary car manufacturers were offering, later models tended to stray away from realism and offered vibrant, less realistic colors, such as bright orange or lime green. In the mid-1960s, Norev toyed", "id": "18941566" }, { "contents": "Blood\n\n\ngroups, and their interaction with various molecules alters the exact color. In vertebrates and other hemoglobin-using creatures, arterial blood and capillary blood are bright red, as oxygen imparts a strong red color to the heme group. Deoxygenated blood is a darker shade of red; this is present in veins, and can be seen during blood donation and when venous blood samples are taken. This is because the spectrum of light absorbed by hemoglobin differs between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states. Blood in carbon monoxide poisoning is bright red,", "id": "3594559" }, { "contents": "The Tingler\n\n\nambulance, to return for the next showing. Although \"The Tingler\" was filmed in black-and-white, a short color sequence was spliced into the film. It showed a sink (in black-and-white) with bright-red \"blood\" flowing from the taps and a black-and-white Evelyn watching a bloody red hand rising from a bathtub, likewise filled with the bright red \"blood\". Castle used color film for the effect. The scene was accomplished by painting the set", "id": "3376802" }, { "contents": "Polymorphism (biology)\n\n\nof the colours: white-red, white-yellow and red-yellow. The \"Ctenophorus decresii\" lizard displays polymorphism with varying colors of their throats. The throat colors range from white and gray to bright colors of red, orange, or blue. The diversity in throat color is due to a combination of sexual selection and natural selection. Male \"Ctenophorus pictus\" lizards display different colors. The most common are red and yellow, but colors can range from brown to orange to red/orange. These morphs", "id": "18966929" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nmixing pigment red with a tiny amount of white. The result approximates (with much less brightness that is possible on a computer screen) the electric red shown above. The color defined as \"red\" in the NCS or Natural Color System is shown at right (NCS 1080-R). The Natural Color System is a color system based on the four unique hues or psychological primary colors red, yellow, green, and blue. The NCS is based on the opponent process theory of vision. The Natural Color System is widely", "id": "6592046" }, { "contents": "CIE 1931 color space\n\n\n: brightness and chromaticity. For example, the color white is a bright color, while the color grey is considered to be a less bright version of that same white. In other words, the chromaticity of white and grey are the same while their brightness differs. The CIE XYZ color space was deliberately designed so that the \"Y\" parameter is a measure of the luminance of a color. The chromaticity is then specified by the two derived parameters \"x\" and \"y\", two of the three normalized values", "id": "8681615" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\n. Formally, the vast blue expanse of Roulin's coat takes the stage. The lack of contrasting colors within the blue coat and pants makes the plane lack depth. This official tone contrasts with Roulin's personality. The warm skin tones and vibrant reds, yellows, and greens in Roulin's thick beard are a tribute to the friendship van Gogh feels for the postman. This is a theme in post-impressionism; to paint feelings and ideas not otherwise visible using vibrant colors and brush strokes. Van Gogh emphasizes pinks in", "id": "7561461" }, { "contents": "Paulina Rubio\n\n\nshould be a bold, vibrant matte lipstick that will look sexy on all women.\" In 2008, Paulina launched her own fragrance titled \"ORO\". The fragrance was released and created in conjunction with Oracle Beauty Brands. \"This fragrance is for women like me who believe in themselves; are strong, fun and unpredictable, yet tender and loving. I put so much creativity and love into this fragrance, I feel as if a drop of me is in each and every bottle to be shared with my fans and", "id": "6217962" } ]
I have brown hair. It's really very common. how did you get brown hair? I have higher levels of a pigment called eumelanin did you inherit this property?
[{"answer": "I'm caucasian so this hair color is common in my ethnic group", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "270445", "title": "Human hair color", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 393, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 455, "bleu_score": 0.5969491792019646, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nBrown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair. It varies from light brown to almost black hair. It is characterized by higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. People with brown hair are often referred to as brunette, which in French is the feminine form of \"brunet,\" the diminutive of \"brun\" (brown, brown-haired or dark-haired). Brown hair is common among populations in the Western world, especially among those", "id": "1603116" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\netc. as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. The majority of people in the world overall have dark brown eyes. Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes are common in Europe, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India, as well as some parts of the Middle East. (See eye color). Brown is the second most common color of human hair, after black. It is caused by higher levels of the natural dark pigment eumelanin, and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. Brown eumelanin is", "id": "17937420" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\npigment eumelanin gives brown hair its distinctive color. Brown hair has more eumelanin than blond hair but also has far less than black. There are two different types of eumelanin, which are distinguished from each other by their pattern of polymer bonds. The two types are black eumelanin and brown eumelanin. Black eumelanin is the darkest; brown eumelanin is much lighter than black. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow", "id": "1603123" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\nmore common among Europeans, while black eumelanin is more often found in the hair on non-Europeans. A small amount of black eumelanin, in the absence of other pigments, results in grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments results in blond hair. In Western popular culture, a common stereotype is that brunettes are stable, serious, smart and sophisticated. A British study into hair color and the intensity of attraction found that 62 percent of the men participating in the study associated brown", "id": "17937421" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nhave long been thought to comprise numerous cross-linked 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) polymers. There are two types of eumelanin, which are brown eumelanin and black eumelanin. Those two types of eumelanin chemically differ from each other in their pattern of polymeric bonds. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow (blond) hair. As the body ages, it continues to produce black eumelanin", "id": "5422964" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Cat coat genetics\n\n\ngene \"I/i\". The dominant form causes melanin production to be suppressed, but it affects phaeomelanin (red pigment) much more than eumelanin (black or brown pigment). On tabbies, this turns the background a sparkling silver color while leaving the stripe color intact, making a silver tabby. On solid cats, it turns the base of the hair pale, making them silver smoke. Silver agouti cats can have a range of phenotypes, from silver tabby, to silver shaded (under half the hair is", "id": "14657474" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nfollicle and packed into granules found in the fibers. Eumelanin is the dominant pigment in brown hair and black hair, while pheomelanin is dominant in red hair. Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair strand. Gray hair occurs when melanin production decreases or stops, while poliosis is hair (and often the skin to which the hair is attached), typically in spots, that never possessed melanin at all in the first place, or ceased for natural genetic reasons, generally, in the first years of", "id": "14493756" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Julian Bilecki\n\n\nRighteous where he was able to be reunited with 5 survivors in the JFK airport terminal. Bilecki with tears in his eyes then said, \"I see you all have gray hair. I too have gray hair. I thought I would never see you again. I feel lost. I thought this would never happen. All I did was help. It is very pleasant that people remember. Now I am getting paid back by God\". The survivors arranged for the family to be honored as Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem", "id": "586508" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nseen making a Valentine's card for Charlie Brown, and telling Peppermint Patty that she is very fond of him. Later that day, Marcie goes over to Charlie Brown's house to ask him if he likes her, and all Charlie Brown says is, \"Do I what?\". Marcie then walks away, angry. Later, Charlie Brown receives a letter saying \"I know you like me and I like you\". Charlie Brown gets very excited thinking it's from the Little Red Haired Girl, but Peppermint", "id": "6106331" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nbut stops producing brown eumelanin, resulting in the grey hair that is common in elderly people. Pheomelanins (or phaeomelanins) impart a pink to red hue, depending upon the concentration. Pheomelanins are particularly concentrated in the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. When a small amount of brown eumelanin in hair, which would otherwise cause blond hair, is mixed with red pheomelanin, the result is orange hair, which is typically called \"red hair\". Pheomelanin is also present in the skin, and", "id": "5422965" }, { "contents": "Agouti (gene)\n\n\ndorsal hair. \"Agouti\" is not directly secreted in the melanocyte as it works as a paracrine factor on dermal papillae cells to inhibit release of melanocortin. Melanocortin acts on follicular melanocytes to increase production of eumelanin, a melanin pigment responsible for brown and black hair. When \"agouti\" is expressed, production of phaeomelanin dominates, a melanin pigment that produces yellow or red colored hair. The dominance hierarchy of pigment expression explains the evolutionary persistence of the yellow phenotype of \"agouti\", as pheomelanin expression always dominates over eumelanin", "id": "14657440" }, { "contents": "Silver dapple gene\n\n\nproduction of the black pigment eumelanin. Melanins, which provide color in the eyes, skin, and hair, are found in two types: eumelanin, which produces black to brown pigment, and phaeomelanin, which produces red to yellow pigment. Most horses can produce both types; the brown appearance of a bay horse's coat is caused by alternating bands of eumelanin and phaeomelanin, for which the agouti gene is responsible. Eumelanin predominates in the legs, mane and tail of bay horses. By contrast, horses which lack a", "id": "9628775" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nSolomon Islands, 26% of the population carry the gene; however, it is absent outside of Oceania. Black hair is the darkest hair color. It has large amounts of eumelanin and is more dense than other hair colors. Auburn hair ranges along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. The chemicals which cause auburn hair are eumelanin (brown) and pheomelanin (red), with a higher proportion of red-causing pheomelanin than is found in average brown hair. It is most commonly found in individuals", "id": "218623" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nHair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more eumelanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair is lighter. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a person's hair color to change, and it is possible to have hair follicles of more than one color on the same person. Particular hair colors are often associated with ethnic groups, while gray or white hair is associated with age.", "id": "218613" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nAuburn hair is a variety of red hair, most commonly described as reddish-brown in color or dark ginger. Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium to dark. It can be found with a wide array of skin tones and eye colors, but as is the case with most red hair, it is commonly associated with light skin features. The chemical pigments that cause the coloration of auburn hair are frequently pheomelanin with high levels of eumelanin; however, the auburn hair is due to a mutated melanocortin 1 receptor gene in", "id": "11952789" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nBlond or fair hair is a hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some yellowish color. The color can be from the very pale blond (caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment) to reddish \"strawberry\" blond or golden-brownish (\"sandy\") blond colors (the latter with more eumelanin). Because hair color tends to darken with age, natural blond hair is generally rare in adulthood. Naturally-occurring", "id": "5633762" }, { "contents": "Atlantic titi\n\n\nof the \"Callicebus\" subspecies are based on coat color. The evolution of these coat colors is termed metachromism. The pigments are produced by melanocytes which deposit the pigments into the medulla of growing hair so that the hair grows with the color of that distinct pigment. The characteristic pigment of the \"Callicebus\" is eumelanin (dark brown or black) found in the iris, skin, and hair (usually on the forehead, crown and tail). Atlantic titis are opportunistic feeders. In other words, they eat based", "id": "9223662" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nPatty yells at him, telling him \"That letter was from me. You like me, Chuck\". She leaves Charlie Brown standing there, saying \"I do?\". And the next day Marcie calls Charlie Brown to ask him if he likes her, and he gets confused again. Charlie Brown buys the Little Red Haired Girl a valentine, and then he wants to practice giving it to her. He tells Snoopy to pretend to be the little Red Haired Girl while he practices delivering the valentine. When Charlie", "id": "6106332" }, { "contents": "English Cocker Spaniel\n\n\n, black and white, liver and white with brown pigmentation, orange and white with black or brown pigmentation, lemon and white with black or brown pigmentation. All of these colors can also have Tan-points, although you probably won't see it on any red, gold, or lemon Cocker because it will blend in. Of the solid colours, sable is considered rare and controversial, and is classified by some countries as being a type of particolour on account of its mixed hair shafts. While some have claimed this", "id": "20900342" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nthe reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin, it is associated with fair skin color, lighter eye color, freckles, and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Cultural reactions to red hair have varied from ridicule to admiration with many common stereotypes in existence regarding redheads. The term redhead has been in use since at least 1510. Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe; it is centered around populations in the British Isles. Redheads today are commonly associated with the Celtic nations", "id": "218543" }, { "contents": "Henry Newton Brown\n\n\nthis letter, but it was all for you, my sweet wife, and for the love I have for you. \"Do not go back on me. If you do it will kill me. Be true to me as long as you live, and come to see me if you think enough of me. My love is just the same as it always was. Oh, how I did hate to leave you last Sunday evening. But I did not think this would happen. I thought we could take in", "id": "14946104" }, { "contents": "Seal brown (horse)\n\n\n, one from each parent, horses with one \"broken\" copy (\"e\") can still produce eumelanin in the hair. However, if a horse has two copies of the \"broken\" allele and therefore no copies of the functional \"E\" allele, the horse is completely incapable of depositing black pigment in the hair. Such horses are chestnut, or at least, are not black, bay, or seal brown. The gene with the greatest role in the seal brown coat phenotype is Agouti signalling peptide", "id": "1788343" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nPolynesian culture reddish hair has traditionally been seen as a sign of descent from high-ranking ancestors and a mark of rulership. The pigment pheomelanin gives red hair its distinctive color. Red hair has far more of the pigment pheomelanin than it has of the dark pigment eumelanin. The genetics of red hair appear to be associated with the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on chromosome 16. Eighty percent of redheads have an MC1R gene variant. Red hair is associated with fair skin color because low concentrations of eumelanin throughout", "id": "218552" }, { "contents": "Fredi Washington\n\n\n–her blue-gray eyes, pale complexion, and light brown hair–that she might have passed in real life. In 1934 she said the role did not reflect her off-screen life, but \"If I made Peola seem real enough to merit such statements, I consider such statements compliments and makes me feel I've done my job fairly well.\" She told reporters in 1949 she identified as black \"Because I'm honest, firstly, and secondly, you don't have to be white to be", "id": "8402611" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\npeople tend to have tall children because their children get a package of many alleles that each contribute a bit to how much they grow. However, there are not clear groups of \"short people\" and \"tall people\", like there are groups of people with brown or red hair. This is because of the large number of genes involved; this makes the trait very variable and people are of many different heights. Despite a common misconception, the green/blue eye traits are also inherited in this complex inheritance model", "id": "9833890" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "Melanistic mask\n\n\nA melanistic mask (also referred to as a mask or masking) is a dog coat pattern that gives the appearance of a mask on the dog's face. The hairs on the muzzle, and sometimes entire face or ears, are colored by eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment. Eumelanin is typically black, but may instead be brown, dark gray, or light gray-brown. Pheomelanin ranges in color from pale cream to mahogany. The trait is caused by M264V (\"E\"), a completely dominant allele (", "id": "2208484" }, { "contents": "Southern Comfort (1981 film)\n\n\nto make, and they put up with a lot. They would probably tell you they put up with a lot from me. [Laughs.] But they really did it without complaint. And I just thought I was very fortunate to have the cast that I had. Jesus, it was a hard movie to make... I think when you see the movie you can see that this one wasn't nightclubs in Vegas. But it was just very hard locations to get in there. Very hard to shoot. I", "id": "10294627" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\ndark brown eumelanin. Pheomelanin is a cysteine-derivative that contains polybenzothiazine portions that are largely responsible for the color of red hair, among other pigmentation. Neuromelanin is found in the brain. Research has been undertaken to investigate its efficacy in treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's. In the human skin, melanogenesis is initiated by exposure to UV radiation, causing the skin to darken. Melanin is an effective absorbent of light; the pigment is able to dissipate over 99.9% of absorbed UV radiation. Because of this property,", "id": "5422960" }, { "contents": "Negroid\n\n\npresence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples. Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that \"[b]oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp\". Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown. As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as \"Negroid\", including many", "id": "1626210" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Sinaloan pocket mouse\n\n\npolymorphism evolve between pocket mice. Pocket mice that live in sunny environments with an abundance of sand will have a selective advantage with light colored yellow or brown coats. In contrast, pocket mice that live on rocks in environments with less sun are more likely to have a selective advantage with darker colored grey or black coats. Genetic Basis The genetic difference for varying coat colors is controlled largely by two proteins in pocket mice: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Production of eumelanin gives hair a black or brown color, while pheomelanin gives hair a", "id": "11137419" }, { "contents": "Ebernoe Horn Fair\n\n\non your way, I will not let you ride on my grey mare today, You'd rumple all my muslin and uncurl my hair, And leave me all distrest to be seen at Horn Fair.\" \"O fairest of damsels, how can you say No? With you I do intend to Horn Fair for to go, We'll join the best of company when we do get there, With horns on their heads, boys, the finest at the Fair. They are the finest horns you did ever behold", "id": "15362139" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\n, I figure it’s up to the reader to decide. However, I must inform you that Knives was mainly being mean when she said Ramona was fat.\" Her natural hair colour is not stated. O'Malley said \"Nobody knows her natural hair color. Ramona may not even remember. She changes it a lot because she’s trying to figure out who she is / who she wants to be.\" On another occasion, when asked, O'Malley said \"I don’t know… brown? How many natural hair", "id": "11339000" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\na chance of getting either brown or red hair, since they could get a genotype of BB = brown hair, Bb = brown hair or bb = red hair. In this generation, there is therefore a chance of the recessive allele showing itself in the phenotype of the children—some of them may have red hair like their grandfather. Many traits are inherited in a more complicated way than the example above. This can happen when there are several genes involved, each contributing a small part to the end result. Tall", "id": "9833889" }, { "contents": "Agouti-signaling protein\n\n\nAgouti-signaling protein is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ASIP gene. Agouti signalling peptide is a peptide consisting of 131 amino acids. Its discovery was published in 1994 in the scientific journal Nature where its functional properties were described. It acts as an inverse agonist at melanocortin receptors. In mice, the agouti gene encodes a paracrine signalling molecule that causes hair follicle melanocytes to synthesize the yellow pigment pheomelanin instead of the black or brown pigment eumelanin. Pleiotropic effects of constitutive expression of the mouse gene include adult-", "id": "16538063" }, { "contents": "Anointing of Jesus\n\n\nthis woman? I came into your house. You did not give me any water for my feet, but she wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but this woman, from the time I entered, has not stopped kissing my feet. You did not put oil on my head, but she has poured perfume on my feet. Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever", "id": "22083747" }, { "contents": "Barbara Skelton\n\n\nHe lay on his back and I got on top of him. It gave me no pleasure whatsoever.\" In common with Farouk's other mistresses, Skelton described Farouk as having an abnormally small penis, saying: \"It was tiny, but it did get hard, and he adored having it sucked. You know, he made jokes about absolutely everything, about his starting to get fat and losing his hair, about the British treating him so shabbily, but he never, ever joked about the size of his penis", "id": "17952485" }, { "contents": "Chromatophore\n\n\nspecies have complex melanophore pigments, it is nevertheless true that the majority of melanophores studied to date do contain eumelanin exclusively. Humans have only one class of pigment cell, the mammalian equivalent of melanophores, to generate skin, hair, and eye colour. For this reason, and because the large number and contrasting colour of the cells usually make them very easy to visualise, melanophores are by far the most widely studied chromatophore. However, there are differences between the biology of melanophores and that of melanocytes. In addition to eumelanin", "id": "17368374" }, { "contents": "Little Red-Haired Girl\n\n\never having been away. The 1967 \"Peanuts\" animated TV special \"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\" revolved entirely around Charlie Brown's obsession with the Little Red-Haired Girl. After several failed attempts at making conversation with her on the last two days of school, she stuffs a note into Charlie Brown's hands as students rush past him to board the school bus. Thinking he has ruined his final chance at meeting her, he reads the letter, which affectionately states, \"I like you, Charlie", "id": "3072148" }, { "contents": "Under the Same Sun\n\n\nhumans just like you. Our pale skin and hair is due to a genetic condition which results in us having little or no skin pigment called melanin. It's Not My Mothers Fault That I Was Born With Albinism: Some would have you believe that it's my mother's fault that I was born with albinism. In most cases, our mothers are abandoned by our fathers after giving birth to us, saying it is her fault, that she had an affair with a white man or the ghost of a European.", "id": "16467029" }, { "contents": "Sarará\n\n\nbetween the two, is by far very unlikely to have red-haired or blond-haired offspring, no matter how fair the complexion of her or his Caucasian or multiracial sexual partner or spouse. The genes responsible for brown hair are also extremely rare among Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Black Africans, but not as uncommon. The most common hair colour in Brazil is brown. Natural blond and red hair are especially found in the South where 78% of the population has European phenotype, home to large German-Austrian", "id": "3406815" }, { "contents": "Funhouse (Pink album)\n\n\nthat she sees life as a carnival: \"Clowns are supposed to be happy, but they are really scary. Carnivals are supposed to be fun, but really they are kind of creepy.\" [...] \"and that's like life to me, and love. Love is supposed to be fun, but it can sometimes be really scary. And the funhouse mirrors that make you look so distorted that you don't recognize yourself and you ask yourself, 'How did I get here? How do I get", "id": "173214" }, { "contents": "Danny Brown\n\n\ngang life: \"My parents ain't really want me out the house. They did as much as they possibly could to keep me in the house with whatever the newest video game was. But you know you can only keep a kid in for so long. Plus that had me sheltered, so once I did get away I used to disappear for like four days.\" His two grandmothers helped provide for his family. His maternal grandmother worked for Chrysler, and she bought four to five houses: \"To this", "id": "14084759" }, { "contents": "Public Image (song)\n\n\nmy time, 'cause if you ain't working with people that are on the same level then you ain't doing anything. The rest of the band and Malcolm never bothered to find out if I could sing, they just took me as an image. It was as basic as that, they really were as dull as that. After a year of it they were going 'Why don't you have your hair this colour this year?' And I was going 'Oh God, a brick wall, I'm", "id": "18451028" }, { "contents": "The Driver\n\n\nmade exactly zero dollars in the United States. \"I think Ryan gave a very good performance,\" added Hill. \"I was always very happy with what he did.\" He said, \"I was very disappointed that people didn't particularly give him any credit for what he did. To me, he's the best he's ever been. I cannot imagine another actor. When you don't get who you want, sometimes you really do get lucky.\" EMI Films had announced plans to make", "id": "18841920" }, { "contents": "Sex differences in human physiology\n\n\n. A higher proportion of females were also found to have blond hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter", "id": "14288057" }, { "contents": "I Like It (DeBarge song)\n\n\nlike the way you comb your hair/and I like the stylish clothes you wear/it's just the little things you do/that shows how much you really care\"\", has been often repeated. The original song is deemed a \"Motown classic\" by fans of the label's sound. R&B trio Jomanda covered it in 1991, while artists such as Nelly, LL Cool J, Beyoncé, Grand Puba and Warren G have sampled the song. In July 1993, Jomanda's cover reached #83 on", "id": "12822884" }, { "contents": "Valorie Burton\n\n\n, she describes ways to focus \"on what's truly important in life.\" In \"What's Really Holding You Back?\" (2005), Burton tackles fear, uncertainty and anxiety and how people can free themselves of fear. \"Library Journal\" calls \"How Did I Get So Busy?\" (2007) more than a \"quick fix.\" Her book \"Why Not You?\" (2008), contains practical tips and a questionnaire for readers to \"identify which four confidence levels they embody", "id": "13214399" }, { "contents": "James Brown (hair stylist)\n\n\nand my behaviour was totally unacceptable. Everyone who knows me knows I am not racist in any way whatsoever... I have been in touch with Mr Douglas and will be writing to him and to the Bafta organisers to apologise personally. I am very sorry and very embarrassed.” Ben Douglas was quoted as saying: \"I did not name him in my original piece – my intention was to focus on the wider issue of racist language rather than instigating a witch-hunt against one individual. But in outing himself, James", "id": "14015676" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\nhaired girl, it doesn't show. This is a difference between what you see on the surface (the traits of an organism, called its phenotype) and the genes within the organism (its genotype). In this example you can call the allele for brown \"B\" and the allele for red \"b\". (It is normal to write dominant alleles with capital letters and recessive ones with lower-case letters.) The brown hair daughter has the \"brown hair phenotype\" but her genotype is Bb", "id": "9833887" }, { "contents": "Noldor\n\n\nAge was the Silvan realm of Mirkwood, ruled by the Sindar Thranduil. The Noldor were very tall and of muscular build. Their hair colour was usually very dark brown (according to Tolkien, Elves did not have \"absolute black\" hair), but red and even white (\"silver\") hair exist among them too. Their eyes were usually grey or dark. Intertribal marriage seemed to be common among them, and Noldor sometimes married both Teleri and Vanyar, being well acquainted with both tribes in Valinor. The", "id": "17593996" }, { "contents": "We Found Love (music video)\n\n\nhe noted the resemblance between Brown and O'Shaughnessy, writing \"The clip stars a dead ringer for Brown, complete with dyed hair and bulging biceps\". Goodman commented upon the video's opening narration, which was actually voiced by Agyness Deyn, \"The video opens with a Rihanna voice-over that warns, 'You almost feel ashamed that someone could be that important. No one will ever understand how much it hurts ... you almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back, so that you have the good", "id": "4575719" }, { "contents": "Darrell Brown (musician)\n\n\nRiver Unbroken\" \"It Was Love\" \"Take My Hand\" \"Go On\" Mavis Staples \"Some Sweet Day\" with Soul Mission Willie Dixon \"Long Legged Goddess\" w/ Willi Jones Sharon Cuneta \"You're The Only One\" John Farham \"Beyond The Call\" \"It All Comes Back To You\" Deborah Lippmann \"Make Me Love You\" \"This One's On Me\" \"Beautifully Obvious\" Cliff Richard \"The Day That I Stop Loving You\" \"How Did She Get Here\" Dionne Warwick", "id": "16902488" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nredheads consequently often have a more pinkish hue to their skin as well. In chemical terms, pheomelanins differ from eumelanins in that the oligomer structure incorporates benzothiazine and benzothiazole units that are produced, instead of DHI and DHICA, when the amino acid L-cysteine is present. Trichochromes (formerly called trichosiderins) are pigments produced from the same metabolic pathway as the eumelanins and pheomelanins, but unlike those molecules they have low molecular weight. They occur in some red human hair. Neuromelanin (NM) is a dark insoluble polymer pigment", "id": "5422966" }, { "contents": "Kat Slater\n\n\nmean, how many murders can you have in one square? There's a nod to real life but, for the most part, soaps help take people out of the real world.\" Wallace previously stated that filming the baby swap storylines \"did not stretch her acting abilities\". She told \"Buzz\": \"None of it's been really tough for me, to tell you the truth. I go in, do my scenes and then I go home. As an actress you want to get roles you", "id": "17210267" }, { "contents": "Shih Tzu\n\n\nis determined by the color of the coat itself; the coat color on dogs with either liver or blue pigment is categorized by the color of the pigment. Thus, a parti colored (white and another shade) Shih Tzu with blue pigment is a \"blue and white\" regardless of the tint of the hair which might very well appear similar to a gold and white or other colors. The same principle applies to solid blue, silver, and silver and white. Sometimes you might see dark brown pigments near the shoulders", "id": "9071641" }, { "contents": "Man vs. Wild\n\n\n, it would just be me in the wild and nothing happening, you know, 'cause textbook survival says you land, you get yourself comfortable, you wait for rescue, you don't do anything. It would be a very boring show. The show is how to deal if you fall into quick sand, if you get attacked by an alligator, if you have to make a raft. I get a really good briefing before we go. I know there's a big river there, there's gonna be", "id": "16076921" }, { "contents": "Kurt Vile\n\n\nit made Lex Luthor's hair fall out, and he was like, 'You made all my hair fall out!' It was a really stupid cartoon, but that was my song, 'You Made All My Hair Fall Out'.\" Three years later, Vile created his first \"mass-produced\" tape at the age of seventeen. Influenced by Pavement, Beck, Smog and the record label, Drag City, Vile noted, \"I really thought I could be on Drag City. I really wanted", "id": "13369402" }, { "contents": "Melanistic mask\n\n\nform) of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene. At minimum, a melanistic mask will appear on the muzzle, and may also be visible on the eartips, entire ears, or entire face. Hairs in those areas will be colored by eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment, making it look as though the dog has a mask on its face. Eumelanin is usually black, but may instead be liver (also known as chocolate; dark brown), blue (also known as slate; dark grey), or isabella (also", "id": "2208485" }, { "contents": "Beautiful People (Chris Brown song)\n\n\nmy control\", while host Tom Bergeron told the \"On Air with Ryan Seacrest\" radio show that, \"I did tell the producers it may be to their advantage to not have me interview him, because my natural tendency would be to say something. So don't put me in a position where you are asking me to not say something, because I really won't do that.\" On August 28, 2011, Brown performed a medley of \"Beautiful People\" and \"Yeah 3x\" at the 2011", "id": "13388051" }, { "contents": "George Brown, Baron George-Brown\n\n\nAmerica. Brown was said to have lumbered over to a tall, elegant vision in red, and requested the honour of the next dance, to be told, \"I will not dance with you for three reasons. The first is that you are drunk. The second is that the band is not playing a waltz, but the Peruvian national anthem. The final reason is that I am the Cardinal Archbishop of Lima.\" The story is unsubstantiated – Brown did not visit South America during his term, and the story", "id": "4465514" }, { "contents": "Christian Dior Ready-to-Wear runway collections\n\n\ngirls, their makeup on their eyes, their very straight hair.” “I think as much as you are so attracted to something, as much as you are respectful so something, you kind of also, have to not attack it, but you also have to change it,” explained Simons after the show. “I think you have to keep something which is very honest, whilst the intentions from the original founders, then I also have to place it in today’s reality. Reality is not always so", "id": "6552774" }, { "contents": "Laura Brown (fashion journalist)\n\n\n. Despite fears that printed magazines will die, Brown believes in power of magazines to engage a reader. In an interview with The Australian newspaper in 2017, Brown said, \"What you produce as a magazine editor has to be more special, pretty or more glamorous or more fun or more entertaining. Diana Vreeland had this saying that 'the eye has to travel'. I have this saying that 'the eye gets really tired'. I don't want to read a magazine on a tablet, I want to", "id": "5075803" }, { "contents": "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun\n\n\nalmost wet my jeans\" to \"I almost ripped my seam\", \"It's like the whole school was totally coked or something\" became the non-rhyming \"I mean, like, it made me really proud to be a teenager!\" and \"Are you having a really bad period?\" became \"You'll get suspended if you don't quit it\". The song first appeared as a B-side to Brown's 1983 self-released single \"I Like 'em Big and Stupid\",", "id": "3254432" }, { "contents": "Gloger's rule\n\n\ntheir relatives from regions with higher aridity. Over 90% of 52 North American bird species studies conform to this rule. One explanation of Gloger's rule in the case of birds appears to be the increased resistance of dark feathers to feather- or hair-degrading bacteria such as \"Bacillus licheniformis\". Feathers in humid environments have a greater bacterial load, and humid environments are more suitable for microbial growth; dark feathers or hair are more difficult to break down. More resilient eumelanins – dark brown to black – are deposited in", "id": "7799497" }, { "contents": "Rod Dedeaux\n\n\nfilm by Rod Dedeaux. He coached at USC for many years, and is a wonderful man, very full of life, energetic, very supportive, just really was very giving of himself and cheerful all the time, was a great spirit to have around. And one day, we were in between setups and I said, 'Hey, coach, what position did you play?' He said, 'I was a shortstop.' I said, 'Really, could you — were you good?' He", "id": "11727692" }, { "contents": "Champagne gene\n\n\ninstead gold champagne, with bay corresponding to amber champagne, seal brown to sable champagne, and black to classic champagne. A horse must have at least one champagne parent to inherit the champagne gene, for which there is now a DNA test. Unlike the genes underlying tobiano, dominant white, frame overo spotting and the Leopard complex common to the Appaloosa, the champagne gene does not affect the location of pigment-producing cells in the skin. Nor does the champagne gene remove all pigment from the skin and hair, as", "id": "9628510" }, { "contents": "When I Get You Alone\n\n\nwith long, grungy hair, as a courier racing through the streets of Manhattan on a bicycle. It received some rotation on MTV2 and BET's \"Rated Next\" and was played moderately on pop and urban radio. \"When I Get You Alone\" did not chart on any US \"Billboard\" charts, though it did reach number 49 on the Radio & Records Pop chart; however, the song charted well in other countries. It peaked at number 3 on the Belgium's Ultratop 50, number 5 on the", "id": "22209703" }, { "contents": "Raven-Symoné discography\n\n\n\"I did it on my second album [1999's \"Undeniable\"] and like it,\" she told \"When you're an independent you really do get full control. You get to do it how you want to do it and promote it how I want to promote it and sell it how I want to sell it.\". In late 2009, Raven-Symoné announced that she would return to the studio to record her fifth album. She said that the album would be \"R&B,", "id": "3426240" }, { "contents": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (novel)\n\n\nreceived a call from Barry warning that they were in danger, appears and beats Collingsworth unconscious with a flashlight. The police arrive after being sent by Helen to Julie's house. Julie and Ray agree that it is time to confess what they did last summer. \"I Know What You Did Last Summer\" was first published in October 1973 by Little, Brown and Company in hardcover. Duncan got the idea for the book while she was making dinner and her daughter Kerry was having a conversation with a friend in the kitchen", "id": "12323310" }, { "contents": "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation\n\n\ntiny Winnebago that the producer of the film — it belonged to him, it was his personal camper. So, you know, makeup was in the front seats and there was a table in the middle for hair, and there was a tiny little curtain by the bathroom. That was where you put your prom dress and your flower on. [...] It was ridiculous. How we pulled that off, I have no idea. I'm sure none of it was legal. Anything we did was a little bit", "id": "17966481" }, { "contents": "Britney: For the Record\n\n\non her and once again all the paparazzi attention did not help. Spears talked about her feelings toward the conservatorship her father contains and how she feels about her life, and quotes \"There's no excitement, there's no passion... I have really good days, and then I have bad days. Even when you go to jail, you know there's the time when you're gonna get out. But in this situation, it's never ending. It's just like Groundhog Day every day.\" Spears", "id": "15824944" }, { "contents": "Delkiow Sivy\n\n\nkavoes rag lennow rag'as floghbr Gans agas bejeth gwynn, ha'gas blew melyn?br Where are you going, pretty maid, br with your dark face and your yellow hair? br I'll go with you, pretty maid,br with your dark face and your yellow hair?br What if I get you on the ground, pretty maid, br with your dark face and your yellow hair? br What if I get you with child, pretty maid,br with your dark face and your yellow hair?br Who will you get to be the", "id": "353713" }, { "contents": "Father Brown\n\n\nthe book \"Thirteen Detectives\". Unlike the better-known fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, Father Brown's methods tend to be intuitive rather than deductive. He explains his method in \"The Secret of Father Brown\": \"You see, I had murdered them all myself... I had planned out each of the crimes very carefully. I had thought out exactly how a thing like that could be done, and in what style or state of mind a man could really do it. And when I was quite sure that", "id": "1281653" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "Astrid Kirchherr\n\n\nin art school used to run around with this sort of what you call Beatles haircut. And my boyfriend then, Klaus Voormann, had this hairstyle, and Stuart liked it very very much. He was the first one who really got the nerve to get the Brylcreem out of his hair and asking me to cut his hair for him. Pete [Best] has really curly hair and it wouldn't work.\" Kirchherr says that after she cut Sutcliffe's hair, Harrison asked her to do the same when she was", "id": "3265822" }, { "contents": "Little Yellow Jacket\n\n\non your (butt) and then just bring you down over the front end.\" He then explained, \"I really made an effort of over extenuating my posture when I left that day, in Nampa, and that was key because once he did get in the spin he still did wind up, have the kick and the speed and the power ― that old saying is 'you get tapped off' and I was there. I pulled a foot and helped myself out. I was feeling great and gave that", "id": "19563969" }, { "contents": "Paul Brown\n\n\ndid it the Paul Brown way, you were right. He was a very strict coach, and he expected you to toe the line.\" Brown was also a tough negotiator over salaries, often refusing to give players raises despite strong performance. He was called \"cold and brutal\" by sportswriters, and told players to be \"ready to fight for your financial lives\". \"When I signed with Paul, he felt that $1,000 was $10 million\", said Gene Hickerson, a guard who played for", "id": "17295714" }, { "contents": "Yours Is My Heart Alone\n\n\ndivine bids me hope anew That dreams of mine may at last come true And I shall hear you whisper, \"I love you.\" In dreams when night is falling I seem to hear you calling For you have cast a net around me And 'neath a magic spell hath bound me Yours, yours alone How wondrous fair is your beautiful hair Bright as a summer sky is the night in your eyes Soft as a sparkling star is the warmth of my love. You are my heart's delight, (\"repeat", "id": "2080881" }, { "contents": "Transportation Ballads\n\n\nyou will get transported and sent to Botany Bay. My character was taken and I was taken too, My parents tried to clear me but nothing could they do. It was at the Old Bailey sessions where the judge unto me did say, “Why the jury have found you guilty, young man, you must go to Botany Bay.” To see my aged father as he stood at the bar, Likewise my poor old mother a-tearing of her hair. A-tearing of her old grey locks,", "id": "12729160" }, { "contents": "We R Who We R\n\n\n's a celebration of any sort of quirks or eccentricities.\" She elaborated, \"I was really affected by the suicides that have been happening, having been subject to very public hatred [myself]. I have absolutely no idea how these kids felt. What I'm going through is nothing compared to what they had to go through. Just know things do get better and you need to celebrate who you are. Every weird thing about you is beautiful and makes life interesting. Hopefully the song really captures that emotion of", "id": "2728457" }, { "contents": "White (horse)\n\n\nalbino animals have a normal distribution of melanocytes. In other animals, patches of unpigmented skin, hair, or eyes due to the lack of pigment cells (melanocytes) are called piebaldism, not albinism nor partial albinism. All so-called \"albino\" horses have pigmented eyes, generally brown or blue. In contrast, many albino mammals, such as mice or rabbits, typically have a white hair coat, unpigmented skin and reddish eyes. The definition of \"albinism\" varies depending on whether humans, other mammals,", "id": "17701757" }, { "contents": "On Any Sunday\n\n\ntimes I'd have a particular shot in mind. For example, I wanted to shoot a muddy motocross race and show the riders with mud all over them. First you have to be at a motocross race when it rains, then you have to find a good location to shoot. We tried and tried to get a shot with a rider caked with mud. We finally did get the shot, but for a while it seemed like we never would. At one point, Brown found a perfect location for a sunset", "id": "14289375" }, { "contents": "Ginger Kids\n\n\nred hair but no freckles or light skin. In the episode, a man tells Stan and Kyle \"If you really don't want to have ginger kids, marry an Asian woman. Asians don't carry the recessive gene. I know a guy who's marrying a Japanese woman very soon for just that reason.\" This is an intentional reference to Parker doing the same thing in real life. He once had a girlfriend whose mother had red hair, and ended the relationship to avoid having redheaded children, and even", "id": "22106851" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\n, what is he singing?! And I ran out of the dressing room – I looked like a hot mess! I was in the middle of getting my hair and make-up done. He had just surprised the audience with a new song. He came off the stage and I was like, you need to write me a song like that! And instead, he gave me that song so I could have it on my album. It's a very relatable song to me.\" In February 2011,", "id": "18407548" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nlove blonde hair, but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark\". The cover art features a close-up of the singer's jean-clad midsection and bare midriff. The cover has been seen as a reference to \"Sticky Fingers\" by The Rolling Stones. The packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP were scented with patchouli oils to simulate church incense", "id": "10438367" }, { "contents": "Anthony Browne (1552–1592)\n\n\n. However, on 30 December of that year Browne wrote from Horsley to Sir William More regretting that he could not accept an invitation at that time, although he hoped to be able to leave his 'dear friend Cornwallis' and travel before the twelve days of Christmas were up, adding, 'But I assure you I have been very weak and faint since Christmas'. In the early 1590s Browne may have been the focus of Catholics who saw him as likely to soon inherit his father's estates. Shortly after Queen", "id": "15167047" }, { "contents": "I Got You (I Feel Good)\n\n\nthe same emphasis \"on the one\" (i.e. the first beat of the measure) that characterizes Brown's developing funk style. The lyrics have Brown exulting in how good he feels (\"nice, like sugar and spice\") now that he has the one he loves, his vocals punctuated by screams and shouts. The song includes an alto sax solo by Maceo Parker. \"I Got You (I Feel Good)\" developed from an earlier Brown-penned song, \"I Found You\", with a", "id": "9478868" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "The Beatles in Hamburg\n\n\n\"All my friends in art school used to run around with this sort of what you call Beatles' haircut, and my boyfriend then, Klaus Voormann, had this hairstyle, and Stuart [Sutcliffe] liked it very very much. He was the first one who really got the nerve to get the Brylcreem out of his hair and asking me to cut his hair for him. Pete [Best] has really curly hair and it wouldn't work.\" After suffering blackouts and intense headaches, Sutcliffe was taken to a", "id": "20639206" }, { "contents": "Agouti (gene)\n\n\nThe agouti gene encodes the agouti-signaling protein (ASIP), responsible for the distribution of melanin pigment in mammals. Agouti interacts with the melanocortin 1 receptor to determine whether the melanocyte (pigment cell) produces the yellow to red phaeomelanin, or the brown to black eumelanin. This interaction is responsible for making distinct light and dark bands in the hairs of animals such as the agouti. In other species such as horses, it determines what parts of the body are red or black. The agouti-signaling protein (ASIP", "id": "14657437" }, { "contents": "High School Confidential (Rough Trade song)\n\n\nto lesbianism. In a 2000 interview with \"Eye Weekly\", Pope confirmed that while she intended the lyric from her own perspective as a lesbian, the ambiguity was intentional: \"The general public didn't get that I was gay – if you were gay you did – and when I wrote love songs, I wanted them to be interpreted however. The thing is, I really, really love men – straight men are very sexy as long as, you know, they don't try – and I think that", "id": "3763001" }, { "contents": "Seal brown (horse)\n\n\n(ASIP) or simply \"Agouti\". The functional Agouti signalling peptide (protein) acts as a switch between red-yellow phaeomelanin and black-brown eumelanin. It is ASIP that is responsible for the alternate banding of dark and light on animal hair, although it is also responsible for whole-body effects. ASIP attaches to MC1R molecules to temporarily prevent the latter from continuing the production of eumelanin, and so phaeomelanin is produced in its stead. An individual horse can only have two copies of the Agouti gene,", "id": "1788344" }, { "contents": "Seal brown (horse)\n\n\nthe skin and eyes, melanocytes or pigment cells, produce melanins and deposit them into the skin and hair using complex chemical reactions. The instructions for these chemical reactions are genetically encoded as DNA, and are therefore inherited. To be seal brown, a horse must have at least one copy of the functional \"MC1R\" gene (\"E\"/\"E\" or \"E/E\") and must have one of the following genotypes at the Agouti locus: \"A/A\" or \"A/a\". One protein", "id": "1788341" } ]
I like to taste Wine ,which is the tasting is the sensory examination That is cool.I like to drink every once and a while but I prefer only a couple shots of whiskey. I don't drink beer
[{"answer": "production of alcoholic drinks is common and often reflects cultural and religious peculiarities as much as geographical and sociological conditions.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2701591", "title": "History of alcoholic drinks", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 160, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Drink a Beer\n\n\nto move on and rebuild. Like Lee Brice's \"I Drive Your Truck,\" critics and fans have noted that the subject matter of \"Drink a Beer\" is striking in its contrast to the party connotations of its title. The song was well received by music critics, who praised the unprecedented vulnerability in Bryan's delivery. Billy Dukes of \"Taste of Country\" described the track as \"poignant\" and demonstrative of Bryan's ability to connect with an audience, while Christina Vinson of \"Taste of Country\"", "id": "10434165" }, { "contents": "I Like Girls That Drink Beer\n\n\n— is closer to the 2003 hit ‘I Love This Bar’ than it is ‘Red Solo Cup’ or ‘Beers Ago.’ All of his best bar room cuts (including ‘Whiskey Girl’ and ‘As Good as I Once Was’) work because Keith sounds like he could easily fill in for Norm on ‘Cheers,’ albeit a more gruff and successful version of the famous television character.\" Kevin John Coyne of Country Universe gave the song an A. Coyne states that this song is, \"", "id": "19337112" }, { "contents": "Think Like a Freak\n\n\nwhich 500 subjects, in a blind taste test, preferred cheaper to more expensive wine. The first chapter, entitled \"What Does It Mean to Think like a Freak?\", explains the premise of the book. It gives examples including penalty kick tactics and concludes with the authors recounting a meeting with David Cameron before he became prime minister of the United Kingdom. The second chapter discusses the difficulty that people have in admitting \"I don't know\". This chapter has a discussion of the wine tasting studies by Robin", "id": "11072906" }, { "contents": "Birgit Nilsson\n\n\nspecial\", she once said. \"I don't smoke. I drink a little wine and beer. I was born with the right set of parents.\" In sheer power, her high notes were sometimes compared to those of the Broadway belter Ethel Merman. However Nilsson claims her \"explosive\" high notes that were her biggest asset on-stage \"have not been recorded like they should have been\" in the studio. She later lamented: \"It always made me a little bit sad when I heard my", "id": "1601239" }, { "contents": "Bahalina\n\n\nrelatively cheap in comparison to commercial alcoholic beverages. Bahalina aged from three to five years are usually preferred as they have a smoother taste. Bahalina does not taste like tubâ or bahal. Rather than the slightly sour-sweet taste of the latter two drinks, bahalina is slightly bitter and tangy. Bahalina is commonly drunk mixed with carbonated softdrinks which gives a sweeter dimension to the flavor, reminiscent of red wine. Bahalina, along with tubâ, bahal, and other traditional Filipino alcoholic drinks are celebrated annually in the Eastern Visayas in", "id": "13447910" }, { "contents": "I Like Girls That Drink Beer\n\n\nthat drink beer\" is more about finding a down to earth, regular woman instead of a high society, high-maintenance woman.” He goes on to say that, \"Clearly contemporary, the song still has loads of fiddle, audible steel guitars and a downright country melody that makes it one of the most 'traditional' sounding songs to hit country radio.\" Billy Dukes of Taste of Country rates the song 3.5 stars out of 5. He states, \"the new song – presumably from an upcoming album", "id": "19337111" }, { "contents": "Ted Haggard\n\n\ndrug man. We're not a drinking family. I don't smoke cigarettes. I don't socially drink. We don't socially drink. We don't have wine in our house. We don't do that kind of thing.\" Many evangelical leaders initially showed support for Haggard and were critical of media reports, including James Dobson who issued a statement of support for Haggard, which stated: \"It is unconscionable that the legitimate news media would report a rumor like this based on nothing but one man's accusation", "id": "13145512" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\nit tastes a little mellow and sweet and not like a traditional wine. Besides, when drinking this kind of wine, people may feel some tastes of syrup but cannot feel there is any sweetener in the wine. However, blue wine is indeed added the sweetener when this wine is being brewed. And people cannot nearly feel the alcohol in this kind of wine. Compared with traditional wine, blue wine is more like a beverage, which has a fruity taste. Thus, this wine is more suitable for young", "id": "2233323" }, { "contents": "Spenser (character)\n\n\nScotch is Spenser's drink of celebration. This is mostly having to do with an encounter with a bear while bird hunting in his teens. Spenser seems to agree with William Faulkner's assessment of scotch — \"that brown liquor which not women, not boys and children, but only hunters drank.\" He also frequently drinks Irish Whiskey, sometimes just as a nod to his ethnic heritage, saying “The thing I like about Irish whiskey is that the more you drink the smoother it goes down. Of course that's", "id": "7131348" }, { "contents": "Martin Crane\n\n\nproposal. The ceremony takes place in the final episode of the series, establishing a new chapter in Martin's life. Unlike his sons, Martin Crane is very down-to-earth and unpretentious. His tastes are generally simpler than those of his sons and reflect popular culture to a greater degree. Martin prefers drinking beer (specifically Ballantine Beer, a lager) to wine or spirits, for example, and prefers watching action movies and professional sports to the opera and theatre preferred by Frasier and Niles. While Martin occasionally", "id": "14372448" }, { "contents": "James Crumley\n\n\ndown and something odd happens to you, it’s not their fault!\" It's done. This may not be my final country. I can still taste the bear in the back of my throat, bitter with the blood of the innocent, and somewhere in my old heart I can still remember the taste of love. Perhaps this is just a resting place. A warm place to drink cold beer. But wherever my final country is, my ashes will go back to Montana when I die. Maybe I've", "id": "19838803" }, { "contents": "Tasting room\n\n\ntheir most expensive products, except for guests who pay a premium fee or who seem likely to be good customers. Other common features are gifts, food items, and publications for sale. Some facilities offer tours as well. A few have restaurants or markets. Some offer tastings and tours by appointment only, for business or local zoning reasons. Whereas tasting rooms were once an opportunity to taste or drink wine, economic efficiency and concerns over legal liability for drunk guests have encouraged most wineries to carefully limit the number and size", "id": "21152450" }, { "contents": "Bodo culture\n\n\nwine! (B) Gwran is produced by distillation of the gishi; it tastes like Japanese sake. The Bodos examine the strength of the wine by throwing a cup of beer in the fire. A flash of fire indicates the strength of the wine. \"Narzi\": A bitter gravy that is made from dried jute leaves. Pork or fresh water fish can be cooked together to generate distinct taste. Narzi gravy tastes like Japanese sea weed soup! Others like Dau Bedor, Jinai and Samo are also likely taken by", "id": "19152906" }, { "contents": "Kumis\n\n\n…] and when they have beaten it sharply it begins to boil up like new wine and to sour or ferment, and they continue to churn it until they have extracted the butter. Then they taste it, and when it is mildly pungent, they drink it. It is pungent on the tongue like rapé wine when drunk, and when a man has finished drinking, it leaves a taste of milk of almonds on the tongue, and it makes the inner man most joyful and also intoxicates weak heads, and greatly", "id": "6195631" }, { "contents": "Tigranes (Orontid)\n\n\nCyrus. The latter once decided to organize a tournament in which the participants were to drink ten cups of wine before shooting. Cyrus and Tigranes drank the wine, but, after that, Cyrus the Great took a special herb to counteract the effects of the wine. Tigranes, however, did likewise, and then won the tournament. After that, Cyrus claimed: \"No, wine can not win such men like us. No matter how much we drink, we do not get drunk. And I miss only two", "id": "9827664" }, { "contents": "Billy Beer\n\n\nsignature: \"Brewed expressly for and with the personal approval of one of AMERICA's all-time Great Beer Drinkers—Billy Carter\". \"I had this beer brewed up just for me. I think it's the best I ever tasted. And I've tasted a lot. I think you'll like it, too.\" Despite Carter's promotion of Billy Beer, \"in private he drank Pabst\". After Billy Beer ceased production in 1978, advertisements appeared in newspapers offering to sell Billy Beer cans for", "id": "1101301" }, { "contents": "Robert Palmer (vintner)\n\n\nLong Island internationally. His wines have been served on American Airlines and at restaurants from California to Walt Disney World to Gallagher's Steak House in Manhattan, where it is served as the house wine. Despite a personal preference for martinis, Palmer would taste all of his own wines and exercise final approval on his products, but did not otherwise prefer to drink wine. He had been impressed with people who could accurately identify wines while blindfolded by vineyard and a vintage, which led him to pursue wine tasting as a hobby.", "id": "8225925" }, { "contents": "María Ruiz de Burton\n\n\nand the Don\", the characters Clarence and Hubert discuss wines from California, which appears to be patronizing criticism of California from Northeasterners, but, according to Anne Elizabeth Goldman, is in fact more of a criticism of the provincial sensibilities maintained by Bostonians. Like the Norval sisters in \"Who Would Have Thought It?\" who travel to Europe to learn good taste, Clarence notes this mentality saying \"Don't you know I like some of our California wines quite as well as the imported, if not better? I", "id": "625411" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\npeople to enjoy when dining, because when people drink it, it is not easy to feel drunk. As for the aroma, this type of wine has a fruit fragrance, which makes it popular with female customers and young customers. As labelled on the instruction of Gik blue wine, when tasting this kind of wine, the pasta can be matched. But for most people, blue wine will taste better if being served chilled and being paired with seafood. Overall, the taste of blue wine is not like a traditional", "id": "2233324" }, { "contents": "Mouthfeel\n\n\nMouthfeel refers to the physical sensations in the mouth caused by food or drink, as distinct from taste. It is a fundamental sensory attribute which, along with taste and smell, determines the overall flavor of a food item. Mouthfeel is also sometimes referred to as texture. It is used in many areas related to the testing and evaluating of foodstuffs, such as wine-tasting and food rheology. It is evaluated from initial perception on the palate, to first bite, through chewing to swallowing and aftertaste. In wine-", "id": "3674222" }, { "contents": "I Like Girls That Drink Beer\n\n\n\"I Like Girls That Drink Beer\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Toby Keith and co-written with Bobby Pinson. It was released in July 2012 and is the first single from his album \"Hope on the Rocks\", released on October 30, 2012. Matt Bjorke of states that the chorus of this uptempo break-up song, \"feels distinctly country and what's good about it is that it's a song that's not really about beer. The hook \"I like girls", "id": "19337110" }, { "contents": "Drinking culture of Korea\n\n\nof the occasion. The goal of drinking parties is to promote good fellowship and open one's heart to talking. Some other aspects are beginning to adapt to modern ways as well; Koreans are changing to enjoy drinking all kinds of alcohol. They also like to make special cocktails like \"bomb drink\" or \"poktanju\". A \"bomb drink\" is a mixed drink similar to the American boilermaker—a whiskey shot sunk into a glass of beer. In Korea, many people like \"poktanju\". Examples are", "id": "18267158" }, { "contents": "W. J. Rorabaugh\n\n\n's 1979 book \"The Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition\" demonstrated the exceedingly high rate of alcohol consumption in the United States in the early nineteenth century. At the time, Rorabaugh argued, \"Americans preferred cider and whiskey because those drinks contained more alcohol than beer, which was too weak for American taste... One can only conclude that at the root of the alcoholic republic was the fact that Americans chose the most highly alcoholic beverages that they could obtain easily and cheaply.\" In his more recent work on the decade", "id": "14964126" }, { "contents": "Icing (game)\n\n\ndenied. Advertising executive Dick Martin said \"Beyond the implicit slur on the beverage's taste, I doubt any alcoholic beverage company would want to be associated with a drinking game that stretches the boundaries of good taste and common sense like this one does\". The viral spread of the game has seen a boost in sales for the company. Smirnoff insists that the game is \"consumer-generated\" and has reminded the public to drink responsibly, and Diageo, the product's maker, stated \"that 'icing' does", "id": "15694646" }, { "contents": "Chad Gray\n\n\nthis band together, would you be into it?' First couple of times, I told them, 'No, I don't think I'm ready to do this yet.' And they just were real persistent, they kept calling me. And one night, I had been drinking some red wine and listening to some KISS on 12\" vinyl record and I said, 'You know what, lets take a shot at this, lets see what happens.'\" The band's persistence paid off and Paul", "id": "11765053" }, { "contents": "Hellyeah\n\n\n're thinking about putting this band together, would you be into it?' First couple of times, I told them, 'No, I don't think I'm ready to do this yet.' And they just were real persistent, they kept calling me. And one night, I had been drinking some red wine and listening to some Kiss on 12\" vinyl record and I said, 'You know what, lets take a shot at this, lets see what happens.'\" The band's persistence", "id": "19372115" }, { "contents": "Electrovamp\n\n\nElectrovamp are a Welsh electropop duo, consisting of sisters Tammy-Jay and Kally Davies (the younger), who were signed to Island Records. They were originally called Kute and supported Girls Aloud on their What Will the Neighbours Say? Live tour consisting of 25 dates in the UK. They have released four singles to date, their debut single, \"I Don't Like the Vibe in the VIP\", released on 31 December 2007, followed by \"Drinks Taste Better When They're Free\", which was released", "id": "2317706" }, { "contents": "James Suckling\n\n\nyou start from the nose, from the scents of the wine. But for me, this aspect is less important. I put more emphasis on what I taste in the mouth; I find the concentration of fruit, of the tannins, the alcohol and the acid. The most revealing element is the persistence of the taste in the mouth, the aftertaste. And another thing to bear in mind is that a wine is like a person, there isn't one which is the same as the next. It should be", "id": "15367330" }, { "contents": "Sweetened beverage\n\n\ndue to a related decrease in the consumption of sweetened beverages, encouraged by the government health awareness initiative and other programs. The following drinks have been classified in the US as sweetened beverages if they contained sugar or other caloric sweeteners: fruit or fruit-flavored drinks, energy drinks, flavored water, coffees, teas, nonalcoholic wines and beers. Household Taste preferences and eating behaviors in children are molded at a young age by factors, such as parents' habits and advertisements. One study compared what adults and children considered when", "id": "19151347" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nwas that one had been colored red with a flavorless dye. For 6 years, Texas A&M University invited people to taste wines labeled \"France\", \"California\", \"Texas\", and while nearly all ranked the French as best, in fact, all three were the same Texan wine. The contest is built on the simple theory that if people do not know what they are drinking, they award points differently than if they do know what they are drinking. Vertical and horizontal wine tastings are wine tasting events", "id": "16005349" }, { "contents": "Beer\n\n\ncould provoke dopamine activity in the brain of the male participants, who wanted to drink more as a result. The 49 men in the study were subject to positron emission tomography scans, while a computer-controlled device sprayed minute amounts of beer, water and a sports drink onto their tongues. Compared with the taste of the sports drink, the taste of beer significantly increased the participants desire to drink. Test results indicated that the flavour of the beer triggered a dopamine release, even though alcohol content in the spray was insufficient", "id": "3018298" }, { "contents": "Benn Gunn\n\n\nBenn Gunn is an Australian country performer who plays \"Aussie Heartland Rock\". He has played most major country music festivals across Australia and charted multiple singles including the Country Songs Top 40 number-one hits \"Girls Like Guys with Trucks\" and \"Only in Australia\". Gunn released his first album \"Keep on Drivin\" in 2011 and the singles \"Every Minute I Wait\", \"Rawsonville Road\" and \"I Like Girls That Drink Beer\". In 2012 \"Rawsonville Road\" and \"I Like Girls", "id": "20196311" }, { "contents": "Roger Scruton\n\n\nthe American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., where he wrote his book \"Green Philosophy\" (2011). From 2001 to 2009 Scruton wrote a wine column for the \"New Statesman\", and contributed to \"The World of Fine Wine\" and \"Questions of Taste: The Philosophy of Wine\" (2007), with his essay \"The Philosophy of Wine\". His book \"I Drink Therefore I am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine\" (2009) in part comprises material from his \"New", "id": "15350177" }, { "contents": "Justin Meyer\n\n\n, Meyer always believed in harvesting ripe, physiologically mature fruit. In answer to the question of why Silver Oak insists upon aging their wines in American oak barrels, Meyer once said, \"I'm happy with a cellar of about 65 degrees. Aging is speeded up by heat and slowed down by cold, but the only thing I do to modify my cellar is drink it faster... To my palate, American oak imparts less wood tannin than French oak. I like tannic wine about as much as I like tough steak", "id": "12976872" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nwhether different fermentation conditions or new vineyard treatments alter the character of a wine, something particularly important to producers who aim for consistency. Preference testing establishes consumer preference, while descriptive analysis determines the most prominent traits of the wine, some of which grace back labels. Blind tasting and other laboratory controls help mitigate bias and assure statistically significant results. Many large wine companies now boast their own sensory team, optimally consisting of a Ph.D. sensory scientist, a flavor chemist and a trained panel. Wine grape varieties are variously evaluated according to", "id": "16005367" }, { "contents": "Rachilde\n\n\nthe privileged freedom she saw in men like her philandering father.I never trusted women since I was first deceived by the eternal feminine under the maternal mask and I don't trust myself anymore.  I always regretted not being a man, not so much because I value the other half of mankind but because, since I was forced by duty or by taste to live like a man, to carry alone the heavy burden of life during my childhood, it would have been preferable to have had at least the privileges if not", "id": "16759186" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nWine tasting is the sensory examination and evaluation of wine. While the practice of wine tasting is as ancient as its production, a more formalized methodology has slowly become established from the 14th century onwards. Modern, professional wine tasters (such as sommeliers or buyers for retailers) use a constantly evolving specialized terminology which is used to describe the range of perceived flavors, aromas and general characteristics of a wine. More informal, recreational tasting may use similar terminology, usually involving a much less analytical process for a more general, personal", "id": "16005339" }, { "contents": "Where the Water Tastes Like Wine\n\n\ndeveloper, the game was commercially a disaster. \"Where the Water Tastes Like Wine\" received \"generally favorable\" reviews according to review aggregator Metacritic. It was awarded the Developers Choice Award along with \"Walden, a game\" at the 2017 Indiecade Festival. However, in the months following release, creator Johnnemann Nordhagen wrote in his postmortem, \"I can’t discuss exact numbers, but in the first few weeks fewer people bought the game than I have Twitter followers, and I don’t have a lot of Twitter", "id": "3089295" }, { "contents": "Great Divide Brewing Company\n\n\nalcohol content greater than 7%. Six of the thirteen beers made by Great Divide in 2006 exceeded this threshold, and one, \"Old Ruffian\", has over 10.2% alcohol content, which is twice that of America's top selling beer Budweiser. “I also think that brewers like to sell the beer that they like to drink.\" Dunn said, \"And as people who can and do drink beer all day long, it’s obviously more interesting for us to drink big beers that are long on flavor", "id": "1211669" }, { "contents": "Mauby\n\n\nthe drink is fermented using a portion of the previous batch, while sometimes it is consumed unfermented. Mauby is often bought as a pre-made syrup and then mixed with water (sparkling or still) to the consumer's taste, but many make it themselves at home or purchase it from neighbourhood producers or street sellers. Its taste is initially sweet, somewhat like root beer, but changes to a prolonged, but not astringent bitter aftertaste. To many, it is an acquired taste, and has been known to cause", "id": "7011628" }, { "contents": "List of Preacher characters\n\n\nor even fresh blood, preferring instead the taste of beer or whiskey. He generally drinks blood from live humans only if they threaten him. In the AMC \"Preacher\" television series, Cassidy is portrayed by Joseph Gilgun. Unlike the comics, he usually appears without his trademark sunglasses. The Saint of Killers is the Patron Saint of Murderers and Assassination. He was originally a soldier serving in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War; both respected and feared for being absolutely merciless on the battlefield, his bloodlust verging on", "id": "7040188" }, { "contents": "Hoesik\n\n\nholding glasses and drinking only the amount you want. In Japan, when a woman drinks well at a dinner party, she gets praised. Japanese people usually like to drink in the evening to relieve stress after a day's work. In addition, Japanese people often change places where they drink and do not drink in the same places to feel different tastes at their regular dining parties. Koreans enjoy hwoesik with Makgeolli (raw rice wine) and Jeon on a rainy day. There is a hypothesis that this is because the", "id": "18997605" }, { "contents": "Bulldog Drummond\n\n\nshe is kidnapped by Irma Peterson in several stories, including \"The Black Gang\" and \"The Female of the Species\". In the matter of his personal tastes, Drummond is a member of the fictional Junior Sports Club, a gentleman's club on St. James's Square, London. His preferred drink is beer although he also enjoys drinking martinis and is knowledgeable about wines. Drummond owns both a Rolls-Royce and a Bentley. Although Drummond's actions are intended to maintain the conservative status quo of Britain, academic", "id": "1481506" }, { "contents": "Tea in the United Kingdom\n\n\nin 1659\", according to Thomas Rugge's \"Diurnall\". Tea was mainly consumed by upper and mercantile classes: Samuel Pepys, curious for every novelty, tasted the new drink in 1660 and recorded the experience in his diary for 25 September: \"I did send for a cup of tee, (a China drink) of which I had never had drunk before\". Hogarth's \"Gin Lane\" was not the first warning about working class drunkenness. One response to the perception of widespread dissolution was the temperance", "id": "7219005" }, { "contents": "Peter Sichel\n\n\nwhen he left, saying \"I left because the CIA did things I didn’t like, such as send people into the Ukraine to work in fabricated resistance groups. They were potentially being sent to their deaths. I made a huge fuss.\" He took over the family wine import business in New York, which he dissolved, instead dealing with Schieffelin, then a large drinks company. At this time wine was taking off as a drink in America, overtaking fortified wine, and he advertised Blue Nun as a wine", "id": "7430524" }, { "contents": "Tennessee whiskey\n\n\nthe process used by Jack Daniel's. Phil Prichard, the owner and distiller of Benjamin Prichard's, stated, \"If I wanted my whiskey to taste like Jack Daniel's, I would make it like Jack Daniel's.\" Jeff Arnett, the Master Distiller at Jack Daniel's, noted that stringent requirements were required by Scotch makers in Scotland and champagne makers in France, and Tennessee whiskey should not be treated any differently. In 2014, legislation was introduced in the Tennessee state legislature to amend the 2013 law to", "id": "708366" }, { "contents": "Carlton Midstrength\n\n\nCarlton Midstrength (or Carlton Mid) is an Australian lager, brewed by Carlton & United Beverages, a subsidiary of the Foster's Group. The beer is currently one of the three mid-strength beers available, which is the second largest beer segment in Australia. The alcohol content is 3.0%, and they are available in 375ml Bottles, 375ml Cans which are 0.9 standed drink and 750ml Bottle and they are 1.8 started drink. Bittering hops and hop extracts are combined together to give the hop character like tastes in the", "id": "19200565" }, { "contents": "Drunken Songs\n\n\ndrink. \"So I had nine mulberry vodkas that night and afterwards I was like a boy racer. Bring it on. From there, I just started bringing together tales from various experiences from the UK and weaved them into ridiculous songs.\" In his review for \"Mojo\" magazine, Andrew Perry wrote that the album sees Cope \"celebrating beer as an expression of Anglo-Saxon primitivism (say no to Southern European wine!), via a half-dozen thigh-slappin’ ditties which hark back, ironically", "id": "14747603" }, { "contents": "I Like Girls That Drink Beer\n\n\nSalomon and premiered on September 7, 2012. It was filmed at a concert in San Bernardino, California. \"I Like Girls That Drink Beer\" debuted at number 28 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot Country Songs chart for the week of August 11, 2012, Keith's second-best debut behind \"Stays in Mexico\", which debuted at number 27 in August 2004. It also debuted at number 86 on the Canadian Hot 100 chart and debuted at number 18 on the US \"Billboard\" Bubbling Under Hot", "id": "19337114" }, { "contents": "Cyrus the Younger\n\n\nthat he should go beyond them in minute attentions, and in an eager desire to give pleasure, seems to me, I must confess, more admirable. Frequently when he had tasted some specially excellent wine, he would send the half remaining flagon to some friend with a message to say: \"Cyrus says, this is the best wine he has tasted for a long time, that is his excuse for sending it to you. He hopes you will drink it up to-day with a choice party of friends.", "id": "1126707" }, { "contents": "Tinto de verano\n\n\nTinto de verano (literally \"red wine of summer\") is a cold, wine-based drink popular in Spain, and similar to sangria. The drink is simpler than sangria, and is normally made up of 1 part of table red wine and 1 part \"gaseosa\" (a general term for sodas and carbonated drinks). Proportions vary according to taste. The preferred mixer is a mild-flavored, low-sugar, carbonated lemonade, of which La Casera is the best known brand. Rum is sometimes", "id": "2688760" }, { "contents": "Skidoo (film)\n\n\nswilling beer and belching, interspersed with an image of a pig with beer foam around its snout, while an unseen announcer exclaims: \"feel big, drink pig!\" After another switch to \"In Harm's Way\", Channing's voice is again heard, complaining, \"no, Harry, I don't like films on TV. They always cut them to pieces.\" Additional channel changes produce more images of the beer pig, then another scene from \"In Harm's Way\", followed by an ad", "id": "4204554" }, { "contents": "Zhu Can\n\n\n. One day, after a feast where both he and Zhu Can were drunk, Duan, intending to insult Zhu, asked, \"I heard that you liked to eat human flesh. What does human flesh taste like?\" Zhu responded, \"An alcoholic human's flesh tastes like wine-marinated pork.\" Duan, insulted by the response, cursed Zhu, \"You bandit! Once you get to the capital [i.e., the Tang capital Chang'an], you will be just a slave; how can you", "id": "18298855" }, { "contents": "Mazatlán\n\n\nfish crackers. The local cuisine offers a variety for all tastes. It's easy to find places to enjoy international cuisine such as Japanese, Chinese, fast food, vegetarian, snacks, meats, and a variety of taquerias with their own specialty foods. Drinks in the city are as varied as the tastes of visitors, as you can find a huge variety of fresh drinks such as horchata, barley, coconut, coconut horchata, and Tejuino; good wines, and of course, an excellent range of beers, of", "id": "6271515" }, { "contents": "List of Pearls Before Swine characters\n\n\nhis words) \"Drink beer and punch people I don't like.\" He was once seen at the \"Church of the Amazing Grace Annual festival\". Rat has \"invented\" several new types of philosophy/religion over the strips run, a few of which include \"Unthinkology\", \"Mulliganology\", and \"Cheezepuffology\". He explains \"Unthinkology\" as \"The belief that thinking causes pain... hence, one must cease all thinking.\" He explains \"Mulliganology\" as \"In golf, when", "id": "19282974" }, { "contents": "Tea in the United Kingdom\n\n\nThomas Rugge's \"Diurnall\". Tea was mainly consumed by upper and mercantile classes: Samuel Pepys, curious for every novelty, tasted the new drink on 25 September 1660 and recorded the experience in his diary: \"I did send for a cup of tee, (a China drink) of which I had never had drunk before\". The British East India company made its first order for the importation of tea in 1667 to their agent in Bantam, and two canisters of tea weighing 143 lbs 8 oz arrived from", "id": "7218964" }, { "contents": "Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses)\n\n\ntime between many artists at once. Lead vocalist Corey Taylor admitted in an interview that he drank heavily throughout their time in the mansion, saying \"I would drink from the moment I got up until the moment I passed out.\" He explained that; \"everything I did while I was drinking sounded like shit\", while expressing how unhappy he was with the choice of vocal takes which ended up on the album. During this time, percussionist Crahan worked on \"\", a video documenting the creation process of the", "id": "10975999" }, { "contents": "Blended whiskey\n\n\nwhisky blends sold under the Johnnie Walker brand. Higher proof spirits with less time aging are usually much less expensive to produce than straight whiskeys or single malt whiskeys and are often the primary spirits in blends, along with more premium whiskies and other ingredients added for flavoring. Most cocktails and mixed drinks that contain whiskey are made using economically priced blended whiskeys rather than higher priced whiskeys, primarily because the presence of the other ingredients makes the subtleties of the taste of the whiskey less critical to the overall taste of the drink. However", "id": "11206717" }, { "contents": "The Rapture (band)\n\n\ngreat ideas. I have this idea that you can teach people techniques, but you can’t teach them taste. I’ve been in so many bands that had questionable taste and it always ends badly. Because saying you don’t like someone’s taste is like saying you don’t like someone’s face. You can’t change your taste, really; you can hone it, but you like what you like. So I had these three people I was already friends with who had really great taste, and I asked", "id": "14643047" }, { "contents": "W. C. Fields\n\n\nregularly. His role in Paramount Pictures' \"International House\" (1933), as an aviator with an unquenchable taste for beer, did much to establish Fields' popular reputation as a prodigious drinker. Studio publicists promoted this image, as did Fields himself in press interviews. Fields expressed his fondness for alcohol to Gloria Jean (playing his niece) in \"Never Give a Sucker an Even Break\": \"I was in love with a beautiful blonde once, dear. She drove me to drink. That's the", "id": "1410832" }, { "contents": "Switchel\n\n\nAmerican Colonies in the late 17th century. By the 19th century, it had become a traditional drink to serve to thirsty farmers at hay harvest time, hence the nickname haymaker's punch. Herman Melville wrote in \"I and My Chimney\", \"I will give a traveler a cup of switchel, if he want it; but am I bound to supply him with a sweet taste?\" In \"The Long Winter\" Laura Ingalls Wilder describes a switchel-like beverage that her mother had sent for Laura and her", "id": "1739742" }, { "contents": "The Truth (Ledisi album)\n\n\neverybody,\"...\"Now I'm like 'I don't care anymore.\" She also did some mediation and exercise during the making of the album saying \"I did some mediation and I started working out hard. Not like how I used to where I would do a couple of crunches and then drink a soda! Now I'm really challenging myself.\" The song \"I Blame You\" was written by Claude Kelly, Chuck Harmony and Ledisi (herself). Track listing from Bonus Tracks The Bonus Tracks come from", "id": "1657233" }, { "contents": "Drinking from shoes\n\n\nchugging it. The drink most commonly used for a shoey is beer, however other alcoholic beverages are also used. Australian Formula One racer Daniel Ricciardo has said \"If the sparkling wine is cold, then it tastes good. If it's warm then you might get the sweat through it but the cold taste kills the bad stuff... so it's delicious.\" The shoey gained widespread popularity in Australia due to a surfing and fishing brand, The Mad Hueys. Dean and Shaun Harrington, known as the face of this", "id": "16348988" }, { "contents": "I Don't Dance (Lee Brice song)\n\n\nfrom \"Taste of Country\", which called it \"personal, like almost every song on the \"Hard 2 Love\" album, but also powerful and experimental like Brice’s early recordings.\" The reviewer added that \"it’s the thump of a deep drum — perhaps a tympani — and loud cry of the pedal steel that provide the song’s signature and any emotional reaction that comes while listening.\" Matt Bjorke of \"Roughstock\" gave the song four stars out of five, writing that \"the production and", "id": "14489054" }, { "contents": "Beer with Jesus\n\n\n\"Beer with Jesus\" is a song recorded by American country music singer Thomas Rhett. It was released in September 2012 as the second single from his debut album, \"It Goes Like This\". Rhett wrote the song with Rick Huckaby and Lance Miller. The song is a mid-tempo mainly accompanied by acoustic guitar, in which the narrator ponders what he would ask if he were to meet Jesus in a bar, and have a conversation with him while drinking beer. Billy Dukes of \"Taste of Country\"", "id": "5516949" }, { "contents": "Durian\n\n\nfruit on the ground, and, eating it out of doors, I at once became a confirmed Durian eater\". He cited one traveller from 1599: \"it is of such an excellent taste that it surpasses in flavour all other fruits of the world, according to those who have tasted it.\" He cites another writer: \"To those not used to it, it seems at first to smell like rotten onions, but immediately after they have tasted it they prefer it to all other food. The natives give", "id": "20570667" }, { "contents": "There Is Nothing Left to Lose\n\n\ncan sit back and relax because there had been so much crazy shit in the past three years. At that point it was me, Taylor and Nate and we were best friends. It was one of the most relaxing times of my whole life. All we did was eat chili, drink beer and whiskey and record whenever we felt like it. When I listen to that record it totally brings me back to that basement. I remember how it smelled and how it was in the Spring so the windows were open and", "id": "11998876" }, { "contents": "Fassbrause\n\n\nFassbrause , literally \"keg soda\", is a non-alcoholic or alcoholic (depending on the brand) German drink made from fruit and spices and malt extract, traditionally stored in a keg. \"Fassbrause\" is a speciality of Berlin, where it is sometimes called \"Sportmolle\". (\"Molle\" used to be a term for \"beer\" in the Berlin dialect.) \"Fassbrause\" is about the same color as some beers, and usually tastes like apples. The taste is strongly reminiscent of the", "id": "1249091" }, { "contents": "Alcoholic drink\n\n\npropanol and 3-methyl-1-butanol, but also compounds that are never desired such as acetone, acetaldehyde and glycols. Congeners are responsible for most of the taste and aroma of distilled alcoholic drinks, and contribute to the taste of non-distilled drinks. It has been suggested that these substances contribute to the symptoms of a hangover. Tannins are congeners found in wine in the presence of phenolic compounds. Wine tannins add bitterness, have a drying sensation, taste herbaceous and are often described as astringent. Wine tannins adds balance, complexity, structure", "id": "21677922" }, { "contents": "Bobby Pinson\n\n\nIf I Don't Make It Back\". That same year, two more songs that he co-wrote entered the charts: \"What I Did Last Night\" by Catherine Britt and \"We Weren't Crazy\" by Josh Gracin. In 2008, Pinson also began writing with Toby Keith, including the singles \"She's a Hottie\", \"She Never Cried in Front of Me\", \"Lost You Anyway\", \"Made in America\", \"Beers Ago\", \"I Like Girls That Drink", "id": "8131153" }, { "contents": "Wine and food matching\n\n\nguidelines and tips on food and wine pairing. But many wine drinkers select wine pairings based on instinct, the mood of the meal or simply a desire to drink a particular wine at the moment they desire to eat a particular meal. The subjective nature of taste makes it possible to drink any kind of wine with any kind of food and have an enjoyable experience. Wine expert Mark Oldman has noted \"\"Food and Wine pairing can be like sex and pizza: even when it's bad, it can still be pretty", "id": "20747909" }, { "contents": "Three Sheets to Belgium\n\n\napple schnapps. Francois explains that the fruity beers only have an alcohol content of 2.5 percent so the shot is used for more potency and flavor in the beer. The shot increases the alcohol content to 6 or 7 percent. Francois and Zane take a break from drinking beer after that to try some Brussels sprout flavored liquor. It seems to be gin infused with Brussels sprouts and was not to Zane's taste. The next beer is made by monks and can only be found in Belgium. This \"mystery beer\" could", "id": "2758754" }, { "contents": "Kaipen\n\n\nThe Kaipen sheets are packed into plastic bags for resale. \"Kaipen\" is rich in vitamins and minerals and tastes similar to \"nori\" but is slightly more sweet, bitter, and aromatic. \"Kai\" can be eaten by itself or used to flavour other foods. Flash-frying is the preferred method of preparation. An omega rich or olive oil produces the healthiest and best tasting Kaipen. After which it can be eaten like a potato chip. Eating fried \"kaipen\" while drinking a cold Beerlao would be", "id": "21423788" }, { "contents": "Sasa Sestic\n\n\n\"Just like fruit and vegetables, when they're in season they taste great. It's the same thing with coffee.\" As Australian champion, Sestic won the right to compete in the 2015 World Barista Championship held in Seattle, United States. Sestic was selected into the final six, then won the finals round of four espressos, four cappuccinos and four signature drinks judged by sensory and technical judges plus a head judge. The specialty coffee presented by Sestic contained a dash of Shiraz Viognier blended wine, ranked as an", "id": "15438662" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nappreciation. Results contradicting the reliability of wine tasting in both experts and consumers have surfaced through scientific blind wine tasting, such as inconsistency in identifying wines based on region and price. The Sumerian stories of Gilgamesh in the 3rd millennium BCE differentiate the popular beers of Mesopotamia, as well as wines from Zagros Mountains or Lebanon. In the fourth century BCE, Plato listed the main flavors of wine, and classified the aromas as \"species\", or families. Aristotle proposed a sensory tasting defined by the four elements (air,", "id": "16005340" }, { "contents": "Dr Pepper\n\n\nCompany, similarly described the taste of Dr Pepper as one-of-a-kind, saying, \"I've always maintained you cannot tell anyone what Dr Pepper tastes like because it's so different. It's not an apple, it's not an orange, it's not a strawberry, it's not a root beer, it's not even a cola. It's a different kind of drink with a unique taste all its own.\" Dr Pepper has also been featured outside the \"I'm", "id": "2040918" }, { "contents": "English verbs\n\n\ndid it to spite me). The past participle has the following uses: The present participle has the following uses: The same form used as a gerund has the following uses: The logical subject of a phrase formed with a gerund can be expressed by a possessive, as in \"I do not like\" your/Jim's \"drinking wine\", although a non-possessive noun or pronoun is often used instead, especially in informal English: \"I do not like\" you/Jim \"drinking wine\"", "id": "4289729" }, { "contents": "George Jones\n\n\nIn his memoir published three years earlier, Jones admitted that he sometimes had a glass of wine before dinner and that he still drank beer occasionally but insisted, \"I don't squirm in my seat, fighting the urge for another drink\" and speculated, \"perhaps I'm not a true alcoholic in the modern sense of the word. Perhaps I was always just an old fashion drunk.\") The crash was a significant turning point, as he explained to \"Billboard\" in 2006: \"when I had that", "id": "7019281" }, { "contents": "No Lifeguard on Duty\n\n\nthat I have never experienced.\" Banks elaborated that she wanted a judge on the program that had gone through issues in her modeling career that she herself had not: \"I sit all the time and talk to girls and say, 'Don't drink. Don't smoke. Don't go out. Don't do this. I never did it.' But there's only so much you can preach to someone if you've never done it. I thought I could have someone like Janice because she's so", "id": "9900765" }, { "contents": "Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus\n\n\ntake their time like \"Mood Indigo\" and \"Theme for Lester Young.\" The faster pieces like \"Better Get Hit in Yo' Soul\" and \"Hora Decubitus\" feel like interludes and pacemakers for the true gems of the album. Though, those looking for Mingus' more physically demanding or virtuostic songs may prefer the more aggressive ones, which I feel are played better here than on any prior recording, I really prefer the tasteful and refined sense I get from the slower tracks, which are almost haunting in", "id": "13935883" }, { "contents": "Boilermaker (beer cocktail)\n\n\nA boilermaker can refer to two types of beer cocktail. In American terminology, the drink consists of a glass of beer and a shot of whiskey. The beer is either served as a chaser or mixed with the whiskey. When the beer is served as a chaser, the drink is often called simply a shot and a beer. In Philadelphia, it is commonly referred to as a Citywide Special; in Texas, it is known as a Two-Step, and, in parts of Florida, it is often referred", "id": "6425492" }, { "contents": "Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery\n\n\ndon't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.\" Each commercial ends with the sign-off: \"Stay thirsty, my friends.\" After nearly a decade of being the mascot for the beer, Jonathan Goldsmith's character was sent on a one-way trip to Mars in a commercial. From September 2016, \"The Most Interesting Man in the World\" is a French actor named Augustin Legrand. The campaign was ended in 2018, and replaced with a new campaign called \"", "id": "6617246" }, { "contents": "Jack Flanders\n\n\nin the late '60s, although it is not known what he studied. He loves coffee, and likes to sample the local brews during his adventures. He frequently drinks beer but seldom wine or spirits (he does drink Port in one episode of \"The Fourth Tower of Inverness\", and rum in \"The Mystery of Jaguar Reef\"). He may have smoked during his student days (\"not since I read the Surgeon General's report\", he says in \"The Fourth Tower of Inverness\")", "id": "14399151" }, { "contents": "Ikeda, Hokkaido\n\n\nvisitors the wine making process. You can even taste the local wines or grape juice produced there. The castle also offers a large shop with many different local foods, drinks and crafts from Tokachi and Hokkaido and a restaurant overlooking the town. Every October Ikeda holds its annual wine festival, drawing visitors from all over Hokkaido. For 4000yen you can sample as much Ikeda wine and beef as you like. It is a very popular festival and is Ikeda's main event of the year. Near to the wine castle is Happiness", "id": "4184623" }, { "contents": "Malt drink\n\n\nAdditionally, the term malt beverage is applied to many other flavoured drinks prepared from malted grains to which natural or artificial flavours (and sometimes colours) have been added to make them taste and appear similar to wines, fruits, colas, natural ciders, or other drinks. This subcategory has been called \"malternative,\" as in Smirnoff Ice (US & French version), or \"maltini,\" as in 3SUM, which also has energy components like caffeine. Marketing of such products in the United States has increased rapidly", "id": "10827783" }, { "contents": "I Wanta Sing\n\n\nfrom the best writers in Nashville.\" The title track (the only song on the album Jones did have a hand in writing) features snippets of songs by his favorite singers, such as \"The Great Speckled Bird\" by Roy Acuff and \"Always Late With Your Kisses\" by Lefty Frizzell. Numbers like \"Please Don't Sell Me Anymore Whiskey Tonight\" and \"They've Got Millions in Milwaukee\" seem to coyly play up Jones hard drinking reputation. \"They've Got Millions in Milwaukee\" is a cover", "id": "6377206" }, { "contents": "Confession (song)\n\n\nI think it closes the \"Anything Goes\" chapter.\" The song is a mid-tempo ballad about a man who \"takes a late-night drive through the country in an attempt to clear his brain\" and \"takes stock of his life\", ultimately praying to God while drinking beer. An uncredited article about \"Anything Goes\" published by \"Taste of Country\" stated that \"The songwriters penned a chorus that's both emotional and sonically satisfying, and Moi does a fine job in amplifying the message", "id": "11156319" }, { "contents": "Drinking Class\n\n\n\"Drinking Class\" is a song written by Josh Kear, David Frasier and Ed Hill and recorded by American country music artist Lee Brice. It was released in September 2014 as the second single from his third studio album, \"I Don't Dance\". Billy Dukes of \"Taste of Country\" gave the song a favorable review, calling it \"Brice's finest moment\" and \"a song that can't be ignored.\" Dukes also wrote that \"there's not a hardworking American who won't relate to", "id": "520845" }, { "contents": "María Ruiz de Burton\n\n\nsuppose I ought to be ashamed to admit it, thus showing my taste is not cultivated...I think sooner or later our wines will be better liked, better appreciated.\" Hubert responds: \"I think so too, but for the present it is the fashion to cry down our native wines and extol the imported. When foreigners come to California to tell us that we can make good wines, that we have soils in which to grow the best grapes, then we will believe it, not before.\" Ruiz", "id": "625412" }, { "contents": "Hibernia Brewing\n\n\nand while serving in the military in Germany in the mid-1960s, he developed a taste for the more flavorful, fuller-bodied lager beers that dominated there. As Healy noted in 1985 and afterward, “That spoiled me, because when I came home I just couldn’t redevelop a taste for American beer.” The strengths of larger breweries, combined with a flat growth rate in the beer market, played a large role in the demise of Walter. The major national brewers—which used advertising, their economies of size", "id": "17627494" }, { "contents": "Barolo\n\n\nto more modern international tastes, those that prefer fruitier, earlier-drinking wine styles, several producers began to cut fermentation times to a maximum of ten days and age the wine in new French oak barriques (small barrels). \"Traditionalists\" have argued that the wines produced in this way are not recognizable as Barolo and taste more of new oak than of wine. The controversies between traditionalists and modernists have been called the \"Barolo wars\", as depicted in \"Barolo Boys. The Story of a Revolution\",", "id": "4388882" }, { "contents": "Floats (drink)\n\n\nFloats were a beverage line introduced by the Dr Pepper Snapple in January 2008. Two flavors were available, A&W Float and Sunkist Float. The purpose of the concept was to mimic the flavor of an ice cream float of a given soda. Thus, the A&W flavor was intended to taste like a root beer float, while the latter is comparable to an orange creamsicle or Sunkist float. The drinks were creamy in nature and contained little carbonation, and no caffeine. Ingredients included skim milk, cream, and nitrous oxide to", "id": "14526204" }, { "contents": "Fiorano (wine)\n\n\n'As soon as I tried his wines, I knew he truly was a prince' said Veronelli, who convinced him to sell some of the wines, up to then only for personal consumption. Luigi Veronelli stated that Prince Boncompagni Ludovisi was the first to employ \"biological farming\" practices in Italy. He compared Fiorano red wines to Sassicaia, and once wrote of them, \"They enchant you with the first taste, burrow in your memory and make you forever better\", and, \"If I lived in Rome", "id": "586495" }, { "contents": "Bespoke Collection\n\n\nMarsanne, Tempranillo, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and a proprietary red blend. All of the wines are produced from Napa Valley fruit and are made under the label Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley. Ma(i)sonry has a wine club called Medallion, which gives members first access to new boutique wines, special event access, and complimentary tastings at the tasting room. Ma(i)sonry has partnered with the \"Robb Report\" for Auction Napa Valley live lot packages. In 2013, Ma(i)sonry opened its first tasting room outside of Yountville, on the top floor of", "id": "16373897" }, { "contents": "I Like the Sound of That\n\n\nlocking. All these mean the main character will be spending a few hours apart from his lover.\" An uncredited review from \"Taste of Country\" was favorable, saying that \"a young lover’s song that relies on an older couple to recall those early days when eight hours at work seemed like eight years away from a familiar pair of lips.…'I Like the Sound of That' recalls the days of the band’s biggest hits. Once again they make love sound easy.\" The song first entered the Billboard", "id": "9189837" }, { "contents": "Brewmeister Brewery\n\n\nArmageddon with a stronger beer called Snake Venom claiming 67.5% ABV, and put a warning label on the bottle advising consumers to only drink one per sitting. It retailed at £50 for a 275ml bottle. Brewmeister claimed that the beer \"tastes like a liquor and has a whole host of different flavours, ranging from bubblegum to caramel.\" However, \"Guinness Book of Records\" still consider the strongest beer ever sold the Brewdog's \"The End of History\" with 55% ABV. In March 2014, the", "id": "6175964" }, { "contents": "J.Lo (album)\n\n\nYou have to live your life. I don't do drugs, I don't drink or smoke or do anything like that. So, those are the type of things that people like [in] role models: 'Oh, you can't be human.' You are human.\" \"J.Lo\" is a pop album with Latin, dance-pop and R&B influences. Lopez revealed, \"I don't think what I make is real Latin pop. I make pop music that has some Latin influence.", "id": "9212500" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of the Thirteen Colonies\n\n\nAmerica. Coffee was quickly becoming the normal hot drink of the colonies and a taste for whiskey had been acquired among many of those who could produce it. In fact, in 1774, the first corn was grown in Kentucky specifically for production of American Bourbon whiskey. This step may have established this American spirit in American culture, just as the country was going to war with England. In addition to whiskey coming into favor, a shift began in the consumption of cider over beer. Colonists opted to grow less barley as", "id": "21216196" }, { "contents": "Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk\n\n\nof a peer of Judge's. He says he experienced a \"warm cocoon of oceanic bliss\", where he felt what he viewed as a physiological response of pleasure. He developed a taste for alcohol, and his drink of choice was beer. Judge reflects that he did not realize the addiction and development of alcoholism that he was manifesting at the time, writing, \"Only years later would I understand what was happening.\" He subsequently admits that he had indeed become an alcoholic himself. By the time Judge had", "id": "7306856" }, { "contents": "The Most Interesting Man in the World\n\n\ninclude his small talk changing foreign policies, parallel-parking a train, and slamming a revolving door. At the end of the advertisement, the most interesting man, usually shown sitting in a night club or other social setting surrounded by several beautiful young women, says, \"I don't always drink beer. But when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.\" Each commercial ends with him stating the signature sign-off: \"Stay thirsty, my friends.\" There are secondary advertisements that are similar to the", "id": "11886162" } ]
my favorite color is red, it is right between orange and the opposite of violet on the spectrum I like the colour red too! My favourite colour is green :) Now that I think about it my favorite might be purple, right in between red and blue, dark purple seems elite to me Yeah, I can see what you mean, I also like the colour pink though! Ihave heard that the colour pink is not really a true colour, is that true?
[{"answer": "I like the band pink, they started in 1998, after choice disbanded", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "215566", "title": "Pink (singer)", "start_paragraph_id": 9, "start_character": 1359, "end_paragraph_id": 9, "end_character": 1384, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Career.:1995\u20131998: Career beginnings.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "True Colours (Split Enz album)\n\n\nPerson\" to be the album's standout track, not realizing \"I Got You\" would become the hit. \"I Hope I Never\" was mixed differently for the Australian single release, with strengthened percussion. \"Nobody Takes Me Seriously\", \"What's the Matter with You\" and \"Poor Boy\" were released as singles in the northern hemisphere. The album cover was initially released in four colour combinations – yellow and blue, red and green, purple and yellow, and blue and orange – but would", "id": "13279840" }, { "contents": "Taxicabs by country\n\n\nare metered. The colour of Bangkok taxi are in various colours including single-colour, bi-colour and single-colour with strip. The single-colour are a company taxi, personal taxi in cooperation or alliance and rental company taxi. These colour including bright green, bright sky blue, red, orange, yellow, blue, pink, purple, violet and tan. The bi-colour are in 3 kinds including yellow+green, red+blue and yellow+orange. The yellow+green are the personal private taxi. The red+blue are the", "id": "7400013" }, { "contents": "Campana reliefs\n\n\nand motifs, but it could include two or more other colours as well. The colour of human skin was usually in something between dark red and hot pink. In Dionysiac scenes, skin could also be painted a reddy-brown. In Augustan times light yellow was not unusual for skin. At Hannover, violet-brown, reddy brown, purple, red, yellow, yellow-brown, turquoise-green, dark bown, pink, blue, black, and white can all be identified. Today the paint is", "id": "13408530" }, { "contents": "Charli XCX\n\n\n,\" Bow Wow Wow's \"Fools Rush In,\" Serge Gainsbourg's \"Initials B.B.,\" The Cure's \"Just Like Heaven,\" Paris Hilton's \"Stars Are Blind,\" and the Britney Spears songs \"Gimme More\" and \"Piece of Me\". Charli XCX experiences sound-to-colour synaesthesia. She states, \"I see music in colours. I love music that's black, pink, purple or red—but I hate music that's green, yellow or brown.\"", "id": "6747233" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\nProtanopes, who are missing long wavelength sensitive cones, are unable to distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red section of the electromagnetic spectrum. They find yellow, red and orange colours to have much lower brightness when compared to a trichromat. The dimming of these colours can result in confusion in many cases, such as when attempting to identify red traffic lights, which appear to be clear. Other colour perception issues include having trouble distinguishing yellows from reds and violet, lavender and purple from blue. In other cases", "id": "14122576" }, { "contents": "Garden roses\n\n\nThis gives us yellow, orange, pink, red, white and many combinations of these colours. However, they lack the blue pigment that would give a true purple or blue colour and until the 21st century all true blue flowers were created using some form of dye. Now, however, genetic modification is introducing the blue pigment. Colours are bred through plant breeding programs which have existed for a long time. Roses are often bred for new and intriguing colour combinations which can fetch premium prices in market. There is no", "id": "10193487" }, { "contents": "Scottish Fallow budgerigar mutation\n\n\nbrown on a yellowish ground. The cheek patches are a lighter and duller shade of violet than normal. Cocks have a greyish-purple rather than the usual blue cere. The feet and legs are pink and the beak orange. The most obvious distinction from Cinnamons is the red eye, which in the Scottish Fallow is a clear bright red rather like an English Fallow but with a pinkish iris ring. The Dark mutation deepens the body colour of the Fallow, but the difference between the Light Green, Dark Green and Olive", "id": "18531344" }, { "contents": "Cricophorus nutrix\n\n\nin three to four crowded whorls along the edge of the disc. The inner tentacles can be twice as long as the outer tentacles. Tentacle colour can range between light yellow and deep brown and often feature green, blue or red tinges. Its central disc can be a similar colour to the tentacles or a contrasting colour such as white, purple or orange and usually features radial markings. Its mouth can be light blue, bright pink or purple, and often has a lighter colour on the interior. The anemone's column", "id": "11216626" }, { "contents": "Streptocarpus\n\n\nmore recently to introduce scent. Thanks to the work of hybridisers, streptocarpus now come in a range of colours. These include reds, pinks, purples, blues, yellows, whites, and near-blacks. The only colour that is so-far not available is a true orange. Flowers now exist that are multicoloured, striped, spotted, veined, double, larger or smaller, and even fragrant and colour-changing. There are also variegated-leaf varieties, such as \"S.\" 'Canterbury Surprise'", "id": "11318842" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\n, objects that reflect both red and blue light may appear to just be blue to these individuals. Deuteranopes, who are missing medium wavelength sensitive cones, are similar to protanopes in that they cannot distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, deuteranopes do not suffer from dimming issues. For example, purple colors are not seen as being opposite to other colours in the spectrum but instead appear to be similar. Tritanopes are missing the short wavelength sensitive opsins and see short wavelength", "id": "14122577" }, { "contents": "How Can I Love You More?\n\n\nimages of the previous single's artwork; the blue/green/white vertical lines from the original \"How Can I Love You More?\", the colourful circles on \"Colour My Life\", the square red blocks from \"Excited\" and the plain red flower on \"Someday\". It does this by using square photos of each of the band set up in the shape of a flower pattern with vertical colour lines in each picture. Some of these pictures can also be seen in the sleeve of the re", "id": "16110371" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue light, with the blue twice as bright as the red. This is not true violet, for it does not match the color of a single wavelength shorter than that of blue light. The color's name is derived from the violet flower. Violet and purple look similar, but violet is a spectral color, with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light. Purple is a dichromatic color, made by combining blue and red. Amethyst is a notable violet crystal, its colour arising from iron and", "id": "17168646" }, { "contents": "Betty May\n\n\nshe arrived in London she \"could only afford one outfit, but every item of it was a different colour. Neither red nor green nor blue nor yellow nor purple was forgotten, for I loved them all equally, and if I was not rich enough to wear them separately ... I would wear them, like Joseph in the Bible, all at once! Colours to me are like children to a loving mother.\" After she became involved with the London Bohemian set which included Augustus John, who also affected a gypsy", "id": "12929815" }, { "contents": "Deception in animals\n\n\nable to voluntarily change their skin colours. Different chameleon species are able to change different colours which can include pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, light blue, yellow, turquoise and purple. Some species, such as Smith's dwarf chameleon, adjust their colours for camouflage in accordance with the vision of the specific predator species (bird or snake) that they are being threatened by. Some octopuses can use muscles in the skin to change both the colour and texture of their mantle to achieve", "id": "14069653" }, { "contents": "Fe'i banana\n\n\nplantains in a number of ways. They have highly coloured sap, pink through to bright magenta and dark purple. The bracts of the flowering spike (inflorescence) are bright shiny green rather than dull red or purple. The flowering and fruiting stem is more or less upright (rather than drooping), so that the bunches of bananas are also upright. Ripe fruit has brilliant orange, copper-coloured or red skin with orange or yellow flesh inside. It has prominent ridges, making it squarish in cross-section.", "id": "1110189" }, { "contents": "Eurynolambrus australis\n\n\nwhite, pink or bright red in colour with white, grey-brown, and yellow markings. Legs are short and flat with irregular crests. Their colour can be mottled with orange, dark red and white. They fold neatly underneath the carapace. Chelipeds have a rough and pitted surface and curve inwards. They are purple in colour with a white inner surface. The antennules are usually a pale yellow colour. The eyestalks are red. The triangle crab is a scavenger feeder. It feeds mostly on coralline alga, which", "id": "16528163" }, { "contents": "Hue (video game)\n\n\nmother. The player can uncover coloured pieces, which when matched against obstacles will cause them to disappear, revealing new puzzles. As the player progresses and unlocks more colours, the game's difficulty increased with more colours being needed to complete puzzles. There are eight colours to find in this game; Sky Blue, Dark Blue, Purple, Pink, Orange, Red, Yellow, Lime. \"Hue\" received \"generally favorable\" reviews on Metacritic. The site holds 79 on PC, 78 on Xbox One, and", "id": "4352302" }, { "contents": "Turaco\n\n\nis mainly grey and white. The turacos on the other hand are brightly coloured birds, usually blue, green or purple. The green colour in turacos comes from turacoverdin, the only true green pigment in birds known to date. Other \"greens\" in bird colors result from a yellow pigment such as some carotenoid, combined with the prismatic physical structure of the feather itself which scatters the light in a particular way and giving a blue colour. Turaco wings contain the red pigment turacin, unlike in other birds where red colour", "id": "1339049" }, { "contents": "White (play)\n\n\nrescues the Red Egg, hiding it inside an empty birdhouse. The next morning, he is horrified to find that objects are beginning to change colour. He tries to hide the objects from Wrinkle, but eventually he is forced to admit what he has done. Wrinkle forgives him, and admits that he secretly loves colour too. They open up the birdhouses to discover that all the eggs have changed from white to pink, red, blue, green, yellow and purple, and together, they celebrate the arrival of colour", "id": "14493206" }, { "contents": "Fuchsia\n\n\nshorter, broader petals; in many species, the sepals are bright red and the petals purple (colours that attract the hummingbirds that pollinate them), but the colours can vary from white to dark red, purple-blue, and orange. A few have yellowish tones. The ovary is inferior and the fruit is a small (5–25 mm) dark reddish green, deep red, or deep purple berry, containing numerous very small seeds. The fruit of all fuchsia species and cultivars is edible, with the berry of", "id": "20563406" }, { "contents": "White and Black Blues\n\n\nfavourite. The song itself deals with the need to overcome the prejudices of skin colour. Ursull sings that \"When someone talks to me about skin colour/I have the blues which sends shivers down my spine/I feel as if I'm in a tale by Edgar Allan Poe\". That said, she does not believe in relinquishing her connection to Africa entirely (\"Africa, my love, I have you in my skin\"), but admits that she faces difficulties in a white society (\"We,", "id": "147221" }, { "contents": "The Creatures (Australian band)\n\n\nbecoming acceptable, [they] dyed their tatty locks to bilious pastel shades and invited the media to react with appropriate horror\". The group were billed as \"the wildest, longest, coloured hair group in Australia, and 'Australia's answer to the Rolling Stones'\". Richard White had replaced Parnis before the first single, \"All I Do Is Cry\" (1966), appeared. Hair colours were: red for Eric, blue for Herman, green for Rudolph, purple for Matcham, and pink for", "id": "9643918" }, { "contents": "Tincture (heraldry)\n\n\n, a deeper or brighter red; to choose between depicting or with yellow or any of various gold paints, to depict argent as white or silver. Recently the College of Arms explained, \"there are no fixed shades for heraldic colours. If the official description of a coat of arms gives its tinctures as Gules (red), Azure (blue) and Argent (white or silver) then, as long as the blue is not too light and the red not too orange, purple or pink, it is up", "id": "7328282" }, { "contents": "Tattoo\n\n\nday tattoo inks contain nanomaterials. Certain colours - red or similar colours such as purple, pink, and orange - tend to cause more problems and damage compared to other colours. Red ink has even caused skin and flesh damages so severe that the amputation of a leg or an arm has been necessary. If part of a tattoo (especially if red) begins to cause even minor troubles, like becoming itchy or worse, lumpy, then Danish experts strongly suggest to remove the red parts. In 2017, researchers from the", "id": "11862679" }, { "contents": "Bhaichung Bhutia\n\n\nreturn to East Bengal for the final time on a half-season contract, after which he would retire from professional football.Having retired from India colours in 2011 against South Korea in the AFC Asian Cup, Bhutia last season said he wished to retire donning red and gold colours \"one last time\". But I don't see that happening. I am really struggling with my knee injury and not in a shape to play the top-tier I-League for East Bengal. You can say that I am not", "id": "17435206" }, { "contents": "Highlighter\n\n\n, red, pink, purple, blue, and green varieties. Some yellow highlighters may look greenish in colour to the naked eye. Yellow is the preferred color to use when making a photocopy as it will not produce a shadow on the copy. Yet, the use of different colour highlighters simultaneously can systematically make information even more organized and readable and in high contrast. Highlighters are available in multiple forms, including some that have a retractable felt tip or an eraser on the end opposite the felt. Other types of highlighters", "id": "12301107" }, { "contents": "Theory of Colours\n\n\nedges overlap in a light spectrum, green results; when they overlap in a dark spectrum, magenta results. With a light spectrum (i.e. a shaft of light in a surrounding darkness), we find yellow-red colours along the top edge, and blue-violet colours along the bottom edge. The spectrum with green in the middle arises only where the blue-violet edges overlap the yellow-red edges. Unfortunately an optical mixture of blue and yellow gives white, not green, and so Goethe's explanation of", "id": "8282831" }, { "contents": "Terracotta Army\n\n\n(white) and pigments of iron oxide (dark red), cinnabar (red), malachite (green), azurite (blue), charcoal (black), cinnabar barium copper silicate mix (purple), tree sap from a nearby source, (more than likely from the Chinese lacquer tree) (brown) and various other colors including pink, lilac and one unknown color. The coloured lacquer finish and individual facial features would have given the figures a realistic feel, with eyebrows and facial hair in black and", "id": "16879928" }, { "contents": "Tridacna crocea\n\n\nsmooth them off. They also may become distorted by burrowing into substrates of uneven hardness. The colour of the valves is generally greyish-white, sometimes with a hint of pink-orange, yellow or orange colour -this colouration can form a band near the top margin, especially on the interior surface. The mantle, the soft body wall which covers the animal's internal organs, projects from between the valves when they are open and is brightly coloured. It can be various shades of blue, green, purple, gold", "id": "15818082" }, { "contents": "Alternanthera brasiliana\n\n\n, though it is usually less than 1 metre as a cultivated plant. It can flower any time of the year with its pompom-like inflorescence. The plant's stems, which range between red, green and purple, are delicately hirsute when juvenile, though they'd become glabrescent as they get older. Its opposite leaves, which are 1-10 cm long and 0.7-5 cm wide, are usually coloured purple-specked or luminous reddish-purple. Its vanilla-coloured flowers are ordered in compact clusters (", "id": "18518725" }, { "contents": "Květa Pacovská\n\n\ncharacterised by the use of geometric forms and vibrant colours, mainly red. \"\"White and black are not included in the colour spectrum but for me they are colours and mean maximum contrast. And maximum contrast is the maximum beauty. I am striving for maximum contrast. Red and green.The placing of colours one over the other. It depends on the relation, proportion, rhythm, size, amount and how we placed colours together.It is like music. Each individual tone is beautiful by itself and in certain", "id": "801244" }, { "contents": "2/15th Battalion (Australia)\n\n\npreviously served in World War I with the 20th Battalion. The colours initially chosen for the battalion's Unit Colour Patch (UCP) were the same as those of the 15th Battalion, a unit that had served during World War I before being raised as a Militia formation in 1921. These colours were initially purple and red in a diamond shape, but after representations from World War I veterans the colour patch was changed to brown over dark blue, in a rectangle shape. The patch was placed inside a grey diamond border added", "id": "10653318" }, { "contents": "David Lynch\n\n\nand primitive and crude, and to achieve that I try to let nature paint more than I paint.\" Many of his works are very dark in colour, and Lynch has said this is because I wouldn't know what to do with [colour]. Colour to me is too real. It's limiting. It doesn't allow too much of a dream. The more you throw black into a colour, the more dreamy it gets ... Black has depth. It's like a little egress; you can go", "id": "8038328" }, { "contents": "Murrey\n\n\nIn heraldry, murrey is a \"stain\", i. e. a non-standard tincture, that is a dark reddish purple colour. It is most proximate in appearance to the heraldic tincture of purpure, but is distinct therefrom. According to dictionaries, \"murrey\" is the colour of mulberries, being somewhere between the heraldic tinctures of gules (red) and purpure (purple), and almost maroon; but examples registered in Canada and Scotland display it as a reddish brown. The livery colours of the House of York", "id": "14750862" }, { "contents": "Vajiravudh College\n\n\nyour exams with flying colours. I do not want a walking school books. What I want are just manly young men, honest, truthful, clean in habit and thoughts; and I would not break my heart about it if you told me that such or such a fellow writes with difficulty, can’t do compound fraction, or does not know any geometry, if I only knew that he has learnt enough at my school to know the difference between true manliness and effeminacy. I never want again to hear “clever", "id": "6778656" }, { "contents": "Himba people\n\n\nhave studied the OvaHimba perception of colours. The OvaHimba use four colour names: \"zuzu\" stands for dark shades of blue, red, green and purple; \"vapa\" is white and some shades of yellow; \"buru\" is some shades of green and blue; and \"dambu\" is some other shades of green, red and brown. It is thought that this may increase the time it takes for the OvaHimba to distinguish between two colours that fall under the same Herero colour category, compared to people whose", "id": "18645339" }, { "contents": "Basics of blue flower colouration\n\n\nnon – stochiometric metal – complex pigments stabilized by co-pigmentation. Those pigments show blue colour only in aqueous solution and are less stable than metalloanthocyanins.. Example of this kind of pigment is present in hydrangea sepals. Main anthocyanin here is delphinidin-3-glucoside what should result in the blue flower formation, but cultivars with red and pink flowers are also present. It is known that acidification of soil can cause change of the hydrangea flower colour from red/pink to blue/violet. Explanation of this phenomenon we can find in the molar", "id": "11193740" }, { "contents": "Deborah Pritchard\n\n\nEnsemble. She was composer in residence at the 2016 Lichfield Festival. Pritchard experiences synaesthesia, specifically perceiving sound as colour, light and darkness. In her own words; \"Ever since I was a small child, I’ve been aware that some harmonies seemed warm whilst others appeared cold. The relationship between colours and intervals seemed so natural to me that I didn’t question it… When I engage with colour, light and darkness in my work, I become aware of a broader emotional content and hope to illuminate some kind", "id": "4847843" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Adidas\n\n\nresulting sandals are a best-seller. Since the original navy blue and white Adilette sandals were created nearly fifty years ago, more varieties have been created in different colours (black, red, green, grey, orange, brown, yellow, pink, golden, silver). Most recently, Adidas has introduced a colour scheme that goes along with its Predator and adizero line; the scheme is dubbed warning (orange) and purple. Usually, the three stripes appear in the contrasting colour on the strap of the classic", "id": "10086254" }, { "contents": "Primula vulgaris\n\n\nwell-drained soil in light shade. It is increased by seed and division. The throat is usually coloured rich yellow. Primrose breeding of named coloured varieties became popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Numerous cultivars have been selected for garden planting, often derived from subsp. \"sibthorpii\" or hybrids between the subspecies; these and other garden hybrids are available in a wide range of colours, including white, yellow and red, or brown and red in all gradations as well as dark red, pink, purple", "id": "4708630" }, { "contents": "Calliactis tricolor\n\n\nwith cream stripes and there is a band of dark coloured spots near the base. The oral disc has a fringe of about 200 short white, orange or pink tentacles. The mouth is in the centre surrounded by bands of yellow, red and pinkish-purple colour. When threatened by a predator, the anemone can release orange or white threads armed with stinging cnidocytes. \"Calliactis tricolor\" is found in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the eastern coast of Florida. \"Calliactis tricolor\" can reproduce asexually", "id": "13087760" }, { "contents": "Heaven (Jónsi song)\n\n\nway/So farewell, that's all I can say\" and \"This journey I must take alone\". The theme of colour is also present in the lyrics, with Jónsi pleading with his lover to \"blend with my blue, the colours of you\" and telling her that \"I still miss you and it makes me feel blue/And I'm lost without those colours of you\".br In contrast to the elaborate dance routines of the modern Contest, the song was performed on an empty stage by Jónsi himself wearing", "id": "15960316" }, { "contents": "Lavender (color)\n\n\n. After the introduction of the Munsell color system, in which purple, described as equivalent to red-violet, is described as one of the five psychological primary colors along with red, yellow, green, and blue, some people began to think of lavender as being somewhat more pinkish color. This color can be described as lavender pink or \"pale pinkish-purple\" when purple is defined as equivalent to \"red-violet\" as artists do. This tone of lavender, displayed at right, is the color", "id": "13558826" }, { "contents": "Pulmonaria\n\n\nenlarging as the fruit ripens. The corolla is funnel-shaped and consists of a long, cylindrical tube and a limb with five shallow lobes. Within the corolla throat, five tufts of hairs alternate with the stamens to form a ring. The colour of the corolla varies from purple, violet or blue to shades of pink and red, or sometimes white. The colour of the flower in bud is often pink to volet when they first emerge, which then changes to blue as the flower matures. The stamens and style", "id": "13974355" }, { "contents": "True Colours (Split Enz album)\n\n\nultimately be given another four makeovers with releases in lime green and pink, hot purple and burnt orange, gold and platinum (to mark its sales milestones), and finally yellow, blue and red. When it was later released on the A&M label, wild, imaginative shapes and patterns covered the vinyl using a technique known as \"laser-etching\". When light hit the record, these designs would protrude and spin about the room. The album was the first to ever use this technique, originally designed to discourage", "id": "13279841" }, { "contents": "Canna 'Phasion'\n\n\n\"Canna\" 'Phasion' is a medium sized Italian Group cultivar; green, bronze and pink variegated foliage, ovoid shaped, branching habit; oval stems, coloured red; clusters of flowers are open, tangerine-orange and burnt-red, staminodes are large, edges frilled, petals purple with farina, fully self-cleaning; seed is sterile, pollen is sterile; rhizomes are thick, up to 3 cm in diameter, coloured white and purple; tillering is average. Originally a spontaneous mutation, probably of", "id": "11619742" }, { "contents": "Land Utilisation Survey of Britain\n\n\n(red, yellow, brown, purple, dark and light green), but red now signified industry rather than urban, and purple indicated market gardening and orchards rather than suburban. The new colours of grey (settlement), orange (transport) and lime green (parks and open spaces) were added. Besides solid colour the maps employed patterned colour (stipple, horizontal, diagonal and pecked lines etc.), and numeric and alphabetic symbols. In addition black stipple was used for derelict sites, white for unvegetated", "id": "17066166" }, { "contents": "True Colors (Zedd album)\n\n\nmake me think blue. On this song (\"Straight Into the Fire\"), the drop is very energetic and very aggressive, kind of like fire, too, so this one was super easy to pick orange.\" In Austin, the theme colour was purple, while yellow was used in Phoenix, and blue was used in Denver. The list of places visited by the tour were: Upon its release, \"True Colors\" received mixed to positive reviews from music critics. According to Metacritic, which is", "id": "10181734" }, { "contents": "Music Complete\n\n\npattern clockwise from top right is yellow, red, blue, green. The LPs are red, yellow, green, and blue. Digital downloads are the regular format; blue, green, red, and yellow. The deluxe edition's artwork is the same as the album, but all six coloured vinyl sleeves are different styles, and have no colour. The six coloured vinyl range from red to purple. \"Music Complete\" was released on 25 September in five different formats: CD, regular and limited-edition", "id": "4020992" }, { "contents": "KG-13\n\n\npotting compound was extremely hard and any attempt to penetrate it resulted in damage to the internal circuitry. In a KG-13, the following colours are confirmed: Pink, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red, Orange and Black. Purple and Brown modules were probably used but those colours are unconfirmed as of this time. Yellow modules were single transistor emitter follower clock drivers. Pink modules were two transistor shift register flip flops. Each yellow module drove nine pink ones. A two transistor multivibrator module drove the audio alarm thru an amplifier", "id": "1251922" }, { "contents": "Orange (colour)\n\n\nand bottle green, and below a sky of turbulent blue and violet. He put an orange moon and stars in a cobalt blue sky. He wrote to his brother Theo of \"searching for oppositions of blue with orange, of red with green, of yellow with violet, searching for broken colours and neutral colours to harmonize the brutality of extremes, trying to make the colours intense, and not a harmony of greys.\" In the 20th and 21st centuries, the colour orange had highly varied associations, both positive and", "id": "20911658" }, { "contents": "Peafowl\n\n\nalso have patches absent of all colour; they, too, have blue-grey eyes. By contrast, true albino peafowl would have a complete lack of melanin, resulting in irises that look red or pink. Leucistic peachicks are born yellow and become fully white as they mature. As with many birds, vibrant iridescent plumage colours are not primarily pigments, but structural colouration. Optical interference Bragg reflections, based on regular, periodic nanostructures of the barbules (fiber-like components) of the feathers, produce the peacock's", "id": "16736147" }, { "contents": "Tauranga Intermediate\n\n\nmore students into multimedia (giving 128 students the opportunity each year). House Colours: Miro (Orange) br Tawa (Dark Blue) br Totara (Purple) br Tanekaha (Light Blue) br Matai (Yellow) br Kahikatea (Light Green) br Rata (Black) br Rimu (Red) br Kauri (Dark Green) br Manuka (Pink) There are 7 different facilities that every student gets to go to during their 2 years of attending Tauranga Intermediate: You would be split into 3 groups (year", "id": "7349953" }, { "contents": "Sentosa Express\n\n\nPalawan and Tanjong Beaches. The Sentosa Express is the first system to use Hitachi's small and straddle–type monorail with a capacity of about 184 passengers per train. With a total of seven two-car, 25-metre-long trains of different colours each—namely green, orange, blue, purple, pink, red and yellow; the pink and red trains were added to the original fleet of four on 1 December 2009; the yellow train was added on 24 November 2017. In 2015, the orange train was", "id": "4255833" }, { "contents": "The World Tossed at Tennis\n\n\nthe masque's three dances is performed by, of all things, five different-coloured Starches. To appropriate music – \"a light fantastic air\" and \"a ridiculous strain\" – five figures representing coloured starches, white, blue, yellow, green and red, \"come dancing in.\" After their dance, they quarrel; White demands precedence over the others, but they resist. As Yellow puts it, \"I am as stiff i' my opinion / As any Starch amongst you.\" The Starches", "id": "173697" }, { "contents": "The Dear Hunter\n\n\n-album arc related to the colour spectrum. On April 23, 2010, Crescenzo announced that The Dear Hunter would take a break from the \"Acts\" project to focus on this concept. He also stated that \"Act IV\" would most likely not be seen for quite some time. He later announced that the project, titled \"The Color Spectrum\", would consist of nine EPs, each corresponding to a certain colour (specifically, Black, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet", "id": "18387043" }, { "contents": "Tsuga diversifolia\n\n\nto red-brown in colour. The densely arranged needles are linear-oblong and 5 to 15 mm long and up to 2.4 mm wide. They are a dark green in colour, glossy and furrowed above with two chalk white stomatal bands below. The bark is an orange-brown in colour, shallowly fissured and vertically peeling. The buds are a deep purple red. The dull purple, ovoid pistillate flowers are terminal on either long or short shoots. They measure about 5 mm and as they mature become pale green", "id": "18185555" }, { "contents": "Orange (colour)\n\n\norange is azure – a colour that is one quarter of the way between blue and green on the colour spectrum. The actual complementary colour of true blue is yellow. Orange pigments are largely in the ochre or cadmium families, and absorb mostly greenish-blue light. (See also shades of orange). Other orange pigments include: The orange colour of carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, oranges, and many other fruits and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment. These pigments convert the light energy that", "id": "20911665" }, { "contents": "Indigo\n\n\n, the East India Company had begun importing indigo dye into England, supplanting the homegrown woad as source of blue dye. In a pivotal experiment in the history of optics, the young Newton shone a narrow beam of sunlight through a prism to produce a rainbow-like band of colors on the wall. In describing this optical spectrum, Newton acknowledged that the spectrum had a continuum of colors, but named seven: \"The originall or primary colours are Red, yellow, Green, Blew, & a violet purple; together", "id": "15322525" }, { "contents": "Twitter\n\n\nfive colours are: Yellow, Pink Red, Purple, Orange, Green. And there are two types of dark modes: “Dim” (the original dark mode colour scheme), and “lights out”. The notification counter does only count to 20 instead of 99. When viewing Twitter without being logged in, the legacy, HTML-based version is still displayed. Visiting Twitter through an outdated browser brings up the “M2” legacy mobile version (or “Mobile Web (M2)”) of the", "id": "11251392" }, { "contents": "Respiratory pigment\n\n\nSuperstar adnan A respiratory pigment is a molecule, such as hemoglobin in humans and other vertebrates, that increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. The four most common invertebrate respiratory pigments are hemoglobin, hemocyanin, hemerythrin and chlorocruorin. Hemoglobin is bright red when oxygenated, and dark red(purplish) when deoxygenated, oxygenated hemocyanin is blue in colour, deoxygenated it is almost colourless. Oxygenated chlorocruorin turns from green to red, whereas oxygenated hemerythrin is a violet to pink colour and colourless when deoxygenated. Any of various coloured conjugated proteins", "id": "20832185" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\ntheory, blue is one of the three primary colours of pigments (red, yellow, blue), which can be mixed to form a wide gamut of colours. Red and blue mixed together form violet, blue and yellow together form green. Mixing all three primary colours together produces a dark grey. From the Renaissance onwards, painters used this system to create their colours. (See RYB colour system.) The RYB model was used for colour printing by Jacob Christoph Le Blon as early as 1725. Later, printers", "id": "4306984" }, { "contents": "Budgerigar colour genetics\n\n\npsittacin for short). Some other parrot species produces a third pigment named advanced-psittacin which enables colour & tones ranging from oranges, peaches, pinks to reds. When these feathers are exposed to a white light source, such as sunlight, only the blue part of the spectrum is reflected by the eumelanin granules. This reflected blue light passes through the yellow pigment layer, resulting in the green colouration known as \"lightgreen\" in only the budgerigar and/or \"green\" in any other naturally green coloured parrot species. The", "id": "5063018" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\ncolours in a green hue and dim compared to other colours. They may also see some short wavelength colours as black. Other perception problems include distinguishing yellow from pink or purple colours being perceived as shades of red. Researchers have found that trichromacy has advantages over dichromacy or anomalous trichromacy at further distances. This is believed to occur because visual cues such as shape decrease for colour vision as distance increases for targets of a smaller size. Using tests for spotting fruit pieces in bushes at distances of 1, 4, 8 and 12", "id": "14122578" }, { "contents": "Underwater hockey\n\n\ngloves - this is so water referees might be able to better distinguish between a pusher making a legal contact with the puck and a hand making an illegal contact with the puck. It is also usually preferred that a players glove is a different colour to the puck. As the puck is usually pink or orange it means players should avoid gloves coloured: Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow and Pink. A referee at any match or tournament can ask a player to use different kit before they play, hence players", "id": "16027438" }, { "contents": "Euonymus europaeus\n\n\nand is red to purple or pink in colour and approximately 1–1.5 cm wide. When ripe, the four lobes split open to reveal the orange seeds. It is a popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks due to its bright pink or purple fruits and attractive autumn colouring, in addition to its resistance to frost and wind. It has been introduced to North America where it has become an invasive species in some areas. In cultivation in the UK, the cultivar 'Red Cascade' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award", "id": "15774681" }, { "contents": "Barbara Nanning\n\n\nto a palette of colours that is not normally a part of my field. Bright red, brilliant yellow, intense blue and deep purple give my work an unexpected dimension... I work in series, making groups of works based on a common theme, including the Galaxy, Terra, Hydras, Botanica and Coral Reef series. 'Siren' is a red sculpture from the Botanica series. It is formed from different hand thrown segments and hand-built leaves and is inspired by the Greek mythology. The Sirens were beautiful women", "id": "22150787" }, { "contents": "Red-winged parrot\n\n\n) in length. Both sexes have bright red wings and a bright green body. The male birds have a black nape, lower blue back and rump with a yellow tip on their tail, an orange bill and grey feet. The female birds have a yellowish-green body and the wings have red and pink trimmings. Also distinguishing the females are dark irises and the lower back is a light blue colour. Juveniles have orange/yellow beaks and pale brown irises, and otherwise resemble females in colouration. Males develop adult", "id": "6563369" }, { "contents": "The Roulin Family\n\n\nblue around the images of mother and baby. To symbolize the closeness of mother and baby, he used adjacent colours of the colour wheel, green, blue and yellow in this work. The vibrant yellow background creates a warm glow around mother and baby, like a very large halo. Of his use of colour, Van Gogh wrote: \"instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use express myself more forcibly.\" The work contains varying brushstrokes, some straight, some", "id": "12140937" }, { "contents": "Alcea rosea\n\n\nthat the plants are perennial. The plant may flower during its first year when sown early. It will grow in a wide range of soils, and can easily reach a height of about . The flowers are a range of colours from white to dark red, including pink, yellow and orange. Different colours prefer different soils. The darker red variety seems to favour sandy soils, while the lighter colour seems to favour clay soils. The plants are easily grown from seed, and readily self-seed. However, tender", "id": "22078943" }, { "contents": "Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth\n\n\nbeetle wings. It was designed to \"look as much like soft chain armour... and yet have something that would give the appearance of the scales of a serpent\". Terry wrote to her daughter Edith Craig, \"I wish you could see my dresses. They are superb, especially the first one: green beetles on it, and such a cloak! The photographs give no idea of it at all, for it is in colour that it is so splendid. The dark red hair is fine. The whole thing", "id": "19430158" }, { "contents": "Rubik's Revenge\n\n\nof the stickers are red opposite orange, yellow opposite white, and green opposite blue. However, there also exist Cubes with alternative colour arrangements (yellow opposite green, blue opposite white and red opposite orange). The Eastsheen version has purple (opposite red) instead of orange. There are 8 corners, 24 edges and 24 centres. Any permutation of the corners is possible, including odd permutations. Seven of the corners can be independently rotated, and the orientation of the eighth depends on the other seven, giving 8!×3", "id": "7190264" }, { "contents": "Newton disc\n\n\nrequiring all the primary colors \"mixed in a due proportion\". In his book \"Opticks\" (1704-1730) Newton described a device with prisms, a lens and a large moving comb with teeth causing alternating colors to be projected successively. \"But if I so much accelerated the Motion, that the Colours by reason of their quick Succession could not be distinguished from one another, the Appearance of the single Colours ceased. There was no red, no yellow, no green, no blue, nor purple to", "id": "7835298" }, { "contents": "Batman: The Killing Joke\n\n\nsaw the finished comic had \"garish ... hideous glowing purples and pinks ... and my precious \"Eraserhead\"-esque flashback sequences swamped in orange\". The 2008-published 20th anniversary edition of the book featured new colouring by Bolland, restoring his artistic intentions to the palette. The story is referred to in a flashback scene in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies, \"\". In the movie, Red Hood lures Batman to the chemical factory where the Joker's accident took place. Batman remembers the events like in the comic, where a fleeing", "id": "2833381" }, { "contents": "Red-capped parrot\n\n\nThe underparts are purplish-blue, the flanks green and red, and the iris dark brown with a dark grey eye ring. The bill is pale blue-grey with a dark grey tip, its upper mandible elongated to a slender hook. The colouring of the female is similar to, though slightly duller than that of the male; the red of its plumage is not as intense and its red flanks are spotted with some green and yellow. Its breast is a more greyish shade of violet than purple. In flight", "id": "17380245" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\n([[American English]]), or colour ([[English in the Commonwealth of Nations|Commonwealth English]]), is the characteristic of [[human]] [[Color vision|visual perception]] described through color \"categories\", with names such as [[red]], [[orange (colour)|orange]], [[yellow]], [[green]], [[blue]], or [[purple]]. This perception of color derives from the stimulation of", "id": "6127797" }, { "contents": "Lotus Elise\n\n\n(additional $590) Persian Blue and Liquid Blue; new Lifestyle colour (additional $1200) Isotope Green; new Limited Colour Level (additional $3,300) Candy Red, Ice White, and Burnt Orange; and the new Exclusive Colour Level (additional $5,100) Prism Green and Moonstone Silver. The following colours were discontinued for 2008: Nightfall Blue, Aubergine Purple, Magnetic Blue, Polar Blue, Autumn Gold, Chili Red, and Krypton Green. In February 2010, Lotus unveiled a facelifted version of the second", "id": "16050441" }, { "contents": "Lucas Mlambo\n\n\nin lively scenes, and generally capture every day life and landmarks in the country. Mlambo has said “Many people like my paintings. I like to use bright colours. In my work, you can see how people in Swaziland live and what they do. I like Mbabane very much because when I see the mountains I see something to paint. When I see the streets, people and buildings, I see something to paint. Even in the location where I stay, I find many stories to paint to show how", "id": "10111946" }, { "contents": "Peace symbols\n\n\nacross the earth and the sky, and, by extension, among all men. The flag usually has the colours violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red from top to bottom, but some have the violet stripe below the blue one (as in the picture at the right) or a white one at the top. A picture of Capitini's first peace flag, carried by Anna Capitini and Silvana Mencaroni, shows the colours red, orange, white, green, violet, indigo, and", "id": "2858410" }, { "contents": "St. Mary's School, Belgaum\n\n\nmy country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents , teachers and elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness. /poem Students are divided into four Houses namely Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red. Each house colour is depicted on the student", "id": "17948022" }, { "contents": "Red cabbage\n\n\nThe red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of \"Brassica oleracea\" Capitata Group) is a kind of cabbage, also known as purple cabbage, red kraut, or blue kraut after preparation. Its leaves are coloured dark red/purple. However, the plant changes its colour according to the pH value of the soil, due to a pigment belonging to anthocyanins. In acidic soils, the leaves grow more reddish, in neutral soils they will grow more purple, while an alkaline soil will produce rather greenish-yellow coloured", "id": "17500828" }, { "contents": "Blue bottle fly\n\n\nyellow-orange setae and the abdomen is bright metallic blue with black markings. Its body and legs are covered with black bristle-like hair. It has short, clubbed antennae and 4 tarsi per leg. The eyes are red and the wings are transparent. The legs and antennae are black and pink. The chest is bright purple and has spikes to protect itself from other flies. Similar species include the greenbottle fly, a close relative that can be distinguished by its bright green metallic colouring. A female blue bottle fly", "id": "5657090" }, { "contents": "Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before\n\n\nsource of the photograph on the cover of \"I Started Something I Couldn't Finish\"). There are four different versions of the cover, each tinted a different colour (red, orange, blue and grey) depending on the region. In 2007, the song was re-composed as \"Stop Me\" with additional lyrics from the song \"You Keep Me Hangin' On\" by The Supremes by British DJ Mark Ronson featuring Daniel Merriweather on the vocals. Merriweather admitted in an interview with \"The Guardian\"", "id": "10973575" }, { "contents": "Octavio Pizarro\n\n\n. The chic and the look of his lines are reinforced by the play on the geometric shapes, the graphic prints and transparencies The choice of colour used by Octavio Pizarro is representative of his identity and of his Franco-Chilean heritage. He plays around with natural tones. “My colour code is composed of black, white, grey … And I am also very much attracted by strong, flashy colours such as lime green, yellow, dark red...” The density of the black defines his chromatic sphere, the way", "id": "4690783" }, { "contents": "Radish\n\n\nor biennial brassicaceous crops grown for their swollen tap roots which can be globular, tapering, or cylindrical. The root skin colour ranges from white through pink, red, purple, yellow, and green to black, but the flesh is usually white. The roots obtain their color from anthocyanins. Red varieties use the anthocyanin pelargonidin as a pigment, and purple cultivars obtain their color from cyanidin. Smaller types have a few leaves about long with round roots up to in diameter or more slender, long roots up to long.", "id": "3599391" }, { "contents": "Peace flag\n\n\nmost common variety has seven colours—purple, blue, azure, green, yellow, orange, and red—and is emblazoned in bold with the Italian word \"PACE\", meaning \"peace\". It became popular with the \"Pace da tutti i balconi\" (\"peace from every balcony\") campaign in 2002, started as a protest against the impending war in the world. The flag was flown from balconies in all Italian cities by citizens against the war. Its use spread to other countries too,", "id": "20458887" }, { "contents": "Taphrina alni\n\n\ncause no measurable harm. The gall, known as a 'languet', develops and emerges from between the outer scales like a flat, elongated flag with a hard, smooth and slightly shiny surface lacking any hairs. The outer edges are rounded and the tip is broader than the foot of the 'flag'. Early in the season the flag is fresh and green, but the colours soon start to vary from pale green to yellow, pink, red, purple and orange. Later the galls turn brown or black", "id": "169347" }, { "contents": "Lilac (color)\n\n\nLilac is a colour that is a pale violet tone representing the average colour of most lilac flowers. It might also be described as dark mauve or light blue. The colours of some lilac flowers may be equivalent to the colours shown below as \"pale lilac\", \"rich lilac\", or \"deep lilac\". There are other lilac flowers that are coloured red-violet. The first recorded use of \"lilac\" as an English colour name was in 1775. The \"lilac\" colour has a specific book", "id": "17330659" }, { "contents": "Rainbow flag\n\n\npolitical party. This rainbow flag in Italy was first used in a peace march in 1961, inspired by similar multi-coloured flags used in demonstrations against nuclear weapons. It became popular with the \"Pace da tutti i balconi\" (\"peace from every balcony\") campaign in 2002, started as a protest against the impending war in Iraq. The most common variety has seven colours, purple, blue, azure, green, yellow, orange and red, and is emblazoned in bold with the Italian word \"PACE", "id": "20869437" }, { "contents": "Intercity (Deutsche Bahn)\n\n\nnon-driving coaches with space for bicycles. Intercity coaches were originally in the blue and beige colour scheme employed on D-Zug services, with first class coaches in the TEE dark red and beige. A rebranding of the Deutsche Bundesbahn in the mid-1980s saw a new colour scheme for Intercity services, orient red and light grey with a pastel pink stripe in between. When DB adopted traffic red as its corporate colour in the mid-1990s, this replaced orient red, with the pink stripe taken off, before a new livery was", "id": "15676252" }, { "contents": "Paris–Nice\n\n\npoints jersey was pink and purple in 2000 and 2001, and green and white from 2002 to 2007. The King of the Mountains jersey has white with red polka dots, as in the Tour de France, since the race's takeover by ASO. The classification was introduced in 1952 and the jersey colour changed several times. In the 1970s it was yellow and red; later, it was white and purple. In 1984 the jersey became yellow and blue (the colors of sponsor Crédit Lyonnais); the following year,", "id": "17079151" }, { "contents": "Medieval stained glass\n\n\nits yellow, ferric form. The two colours in effect cancel each other out to produce a clear glass. Experimental manufacture of potash glass emulating Theophilus’ recipes has resulted in colours ranging from colourless to yellow, amber, brown, green, blue, pink and purple. Variation in colour hue and depth would also probably be affected by the source of the beech wood ash, depending on the soil chemistry where the beech tree grew, the age of the tree and the climate conditions. Some of the stronger reds, blues", "id": "7903461" }, { "contents": "Ferric chloride test\n\n\nor a mixture of water and ethanol, and a few drops of dilute ferric chloride (FeCl3) solution is added. The formation of a red, blue, green, or purple coloration indicates the presence of phenols. Where the sample is insoluble in water, it may be dissolved in dichloromethane with a small amount of pyridine. Phenols form a violet complex with Fe(III)+, which is intensely coloured. The colour may vary from blue, green or even red depending upon the nature of the phenol [Fe-(O-Ph)6]3- The ferric", "id": "17797521" }, { "contents": "Shyam avo te rang mune\n\n\nvillage, in this case Bhesan of Gujarat state in India. My heart is elated after visiting Bhesan. My love of yesteryears has been rejuvenated. The village Bhesan is also changed to other village's name depending on the place of the God's residence. poem After seeing your face, my heart us elated. The strings of my heart break, Ghanshyam. I have to stay here and keep meeting you How else I need to pass my days, Ghanshyam? The way you coloured me that my heart also is coloured", "id": "9388015" }, { "contents": "2010 Commonwealth Games\n\n\nfigures spiralling upwards from the Chakra, represents the growth of India into a vibrant nation and the games motto, Come out and play. The logo consists of six colours which are green, red, yellow, blue, purple and pink. Green represents life, energy, high spirits, the 2010 games as a green games and determination in overcoming challenges, purple represents reassurance, mystery and excitement, red represents unity, yellow represents destiny, blue represents equality while pink represents luxury and surprise. The official mascot for the 2010", "id": "6382102" }, { "contents": "Myrtillin\n\n\nMyrtillin is an anthocyanin. It is the 3-glucoside of delphinidin. It can be found in all green plants, most abundantly in blackcurrant, blueberry, huckleberry, bilberry leaves and in various myrtles, roselle plants, and \"Centella asiatica\" plant. It is also present in yeast and oatmeal. The sumac fruit's pericarp owes its dark red colour to anthocyanin pigments, of which chrysanthemin, myrtillin and delphinidin have yet been identified. The various colors, such as red, mauve, purple, violet, and blue in \"", "id": "10109278" }, { "contents": "Opticks\n\n\nmixture with darkness caused by interactions with matter. Newton showed just the opposite was true: light is composed of different spectral hues (he describes seven — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet), and all colours, including white, are formed by various mixtures of these hues. He demonstrates that color arises from a physical property of light — each hue is refracted at a characteristic angle by a prism or lens — but he clearly states that color is a sensation within the mind and not", "id": "21980452" }, { "contents": "Idioteuthis cordiformis\n\n\ncapture. Therefore, different authorities have described variations in the colouration of this species: pale flesh-pink, yellowish with small reddish-brown chromatophores, dark purple pigmentation with purple chromatophores overlaid with greyish tubercles, or having thickly crowded deep brownish chromatophores. In life, these animals appear dark red or purple Like all squids, it has eight arms. Like other species in this family, it also has two long, whip-like tentacles. The tentacles of this species are unique in this family in that they contain some", "id": "10264407" }, { "contents": "On Vision and Colours\n\n\ncloser to black. An orange color is not as close to white. It doesn't activate the retina as much as yellow. Orange's complement is blue, which is that much closer to white than was violet. A red color is halfway between white and black. Red's complement is green which is also halfway between white and black. With red and green, the retina's qualitatively divided activity consists of two equal halves. Red and green are two completely equal qualitative halves of the retina's activity. Orange is", "id": "3830241" } ]
Do you like red, it's my favorite color! I do like it red is the color at the end of the visible spectrum, it is opposite of violet It's just before infrared right? yes it has a 625-740 wavelength It's interesting that we can assign numerical values to colors. the planet Mars looks red because of iron oxide Wow, that's awesome! the blood in your veins is colored red because of your protein hemoglobin I hear it's also the color of passion
[{"answer": "yes it is, it is also an important color in China used on the gates and walls of palaces", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 221, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 344, "bleu_score": 0.784757484773875, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red\n\n\nRed is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It has a dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometres. It is a primary color in the RGB color model and the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy. The red sky at sunset results from Rayleigh scattering, while the red", "id": "6274069" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor of the Grand Canyon and other geological features is caused by hematite or red ochre, both forms of iron oxide. Iron oxide also gives the red color to the planet Mars. The red color of blood comes from protein hemoglobin, while ripe strawberries, red apples and reddish autumn leaves are colored by anthocyanins. Red pigment made from ochre was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art. The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans colored their faces red in ceremonies; Roman generals had their bodies colored red to celebrate victories. It", "id": "6274070" }, { "contents": "Hemoglobin\n\n\nof the planet Mars, with the Roman god of war, since the planet is an orange-red, which reminded the ancients of blood. Although the color of the planet is due to iron compounds in combination with oxygen in the Martian soil, it is a common misconception that the iron in hemoglobin and its oxides gives blood its red color. The color is actually due to the porphyrin moiety of hemoglobin to which the iron is bound, not the iron itself, although the ligation and redox state of the iron can", "id": "13116620" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color of symbolizing happiness and good fortune. See also below for shades of pink The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between approximately 625 and 740 nanometers. It is a primary", "id": "6274072" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue light, with the blue twice as bright as the red. This is not true violet, for it does not match the color of a single wavelength shorter than that of blue light. The color's name is derived from the violet flower. Violet and purple look similar, but violet is a spectral color, with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light. Purple is a dichromatic color, made by combining blue and red. Amethyst is a notable violet crystal, its colour arising from iron and", "id": "17168646" }, { "contents": "Infrared photography\n\n\n. The unexpected colors and effects that infrared film can produce fit well with the psychedelic aesthetic that emerged in the late 1960s. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. \"Near infrared\" light is closest in wavelength to visible light and \"far infrared\" is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The longer, far infrared wavelengths are about the size of a", "id": "21746834" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nconfidence of a red necktie with the sense of peace and cooperation of a blue necktie, and it went well with the blue business suit worn by most national and corporate leaders. Violet is at one end of the spectrum of visible light, between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. It has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colors. It is the color the eye sees looking at light with a wavelength of between 380 and 450 nanometers. In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple lie between red and", "id": "17168662" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nindigo. Purple colors are colors that are various blends of violet or blue light with red light. Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–750 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors. White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum, or of a pair of complementary colors, or of three or more colors, such as additive primary colors. It", "id": "21568932" }, { "contents": "Blood\n\n\ngroups, and their interaction with various molecules alters the exact color. In vertebrates and other hemoglobin-using creatures, arterial blood and capillary blood are bright red, as oxygen imparts a strong red color to the heme group. Deoxygenated blood is a darker shade of red; this is present in veins, and can be seen during blood donation and when venous blood samples are taken. This is because the spectrum of light absorbed by hemoglobin differs between the oxygenated and deoxygenated states. Blood in carbon monoxide poisoning is bright red,", "id": "3594559" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nviolet. Violet and red, the two components of magenta, are at opposite ends of the visible spectrum and have very different wavelengths. The additive secondary color magenta, as noted above, is made by combining violet and red light at equal intensity; it is not present in the spectrum itself. In optics, fuchsia and magenta are essentially the same color. The web colors fuchsia and magenta are completely identical, and are made by mixing exactly the same proportions of blue and red light. In design and printing, there", "id": "2536543" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nViolet is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. Violet color has a dominant wavelength of approximately 380-450 nanometers. Light with a shorter wavelength than violet but longer than X-rays and gamma rays is called ultraviolet. In the color wheel historically used by painters, it is located between blue and purple. On the screens of computer monitors and television sets, a color which looks similar to violet is made, with the RGB color model, by mixing red and", "id": "17168645" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor in the RGB color model and the light just past this range is called infrared, or below red, and cannot be seen by human eyes, although it can be sensed as heat. In the language of optics, red is the color evoked by light that stimulates neither the S or the M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina, combined with a fading stimulation of the L (long-wavelength) cone cells. Primates can distinguish the full range of the colors of the spectrum visible", "id": "6274073" }, { "contents": "Doneness\n\n\nblood), and other juices decreases. The color change is due to changes in the oxidation of the iron atom of the heme group in the myoglobin protein: raw meat is red due to myoglobin protein in the muscles, not hemoglobin from blood (which also contains a heme group, hence the color). Prior to cooking, the iron atom is in a +2 oxidation state, and bound to a dioxygen molecule (O), with a red color. As cooking proceeds, it loses an electron, moving to", "id": "13382336" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nthey can only be made from a mix of multiple wavelengths. Colors containing only one wavelength are also called pure colors or spectral colors. Visible wavelengths pass largely unattenuated through the Earth's atmosphere via the \"optical window\" region of the electromagnetic spectrum. An example of this phenomenon is when clean air scatters blue light more than red light, and so the midday sky appears blue. The optical window is also referred to as the \"visible window\" because it overlaps the human visible response spectrum. The near infrared (NIR", "id": "19170764" }, { "contents": "Nea Salamis Famagusta FC\n\n\nto red and white: red symbolizing power, and white symbolizing peace. Red-and-white striped jerseys were chosen because they resembled those worn by Olympiacos Piraeus. The anthem of Nea Salamina transferred in English: poem As red the blood in veins, so red you’re wearing shirts keep fighting Salamina, we offer you ourselves Olympic rings of peoples are lighten by your flame over the glorious emblem of nineteen forty-eight Your red and white colors, I know they will one day return to Famagusta and come alive again", "id": "9350878" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\nat about 590 nm, just before the orange wavelengths start. Birds, however, can see some red wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. It is a myth that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light; their color vision extends into the ultraviolet but not the infrared. The basis for this variation is the number of cone types that differ between species. Mammals in general have color vision of a limited type, and usually have red-green color", "id": "8749781" }, { "contents": "ChromaDepth\n\n\na patented process called ChromaDepth™. Glasses with ChromaDepth™ diffraction lenses create an artificial visual depth. “Warm” colors, toward the infrared end of the spectrum, appear closer, and ‘cool” colors toward the violet end appear further away.Any 2D media piece in colors can be given a 3D effect as long as the color spectrum is put into use with the foreground being in red, and the background in blue. From front to back the scheme follows the visible light spectrum, from red to orange,", "id": "7025758" }, { "contents": "History of the flags of Romania\n\n\nsought to demonstrate that Bessarabians should use the Romanian tricolor correctly: \"A certain esteem for the national past and just a little courage are needed to defend your national legal rights. In no way do I insist that our national flag composed of three stripes colored blue, yellow and red have these stripes arranged vertically. Let these stripes, in the order indicated, be horizontal. But the colors and their order we must preserve, especially because all three of these colors are also in the Coat of Arms of Bessarabia, which", "id": "14720626" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe maples, oaks, sourwood, sweetgums, dogwoods, tupelos, cherry trees and persimmons. These same pigments often combine with the carotenoids' colors to create the deeper orange, fiery reds, and bronzes typical of many hardwood species. (See Autumn leaf color). Oxygenated blood is red due to the presence of oxygenated hemoglobin that contains iron molecules, with the iron components reflecting red light. Red meat gets its color from the iron found in the myoglobin and hemoglobin in the muscles and residual blood. Plants like apples", "id": "6274090" }, { "contents": "Thermal radiation\n\n\nF. Lighter colors and also whites and metallic substances absorb less illuminating light, and thus heat up less; but otherwise color makes small difference as regards heat transfer between an object at everyday temperatures and its surroundings, since the dominant emitted wavelengths are nowhere near the visible spectrum, but rather in the far infrared. Emissivities at those wavelengths have little to do with visual emissivities (visible colors); in the far infra-red, most objects have high emissivities. Thus, except in sunlight, the color of clothing makes", "id": "14631189" }, { "contents": "Bathochromic shift\n\n\nBathochromic shift (from Greek βαθύς \"bathys\", \"deep\"; and χρῶμα \"chrōma\", \"color\"; hence less common alternate spelling \"bathychromic\") is a change of spectral band position in the absorption, reflectance, transmittance, or emission spectrum of a molecule to a longer wavelength (lower frequency). Because the red color in the visible spectrum has a longer wavelength than most other colors, the effect is also commonly called a \"red shift\". Hypsochromic shift is a change to shorter wavelength", "id": "7816091" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsoul\", he wrote. \"A certain red affects your blood pressure.\" He also was familiar with the way that complementary colors, such as red and green, strengthened each other when they were placed next to each other. He wrote, \"My choice of colors is not based on scientific theory; it is based on observation, upon feelings, upon the real nature of each experience ... I just try to find a color which corresponds to my feelings.\" Later in the century, the American artist Mark", "id": "6274134" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nred wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. The popular belief that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light is incorrect, because goldfish cannot see infrared light. Similarly, dogs are often thought to be color blind but they have been shown to be sensitive to colors, though not as many as humans. Some snakes can \"see\" radiant heat at wavelengths between 5 and 30 μm to a degree of accuracy such that a blind rattlesnake can target vulnerable", "id": "19170771" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nPurple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a secondary color made by combining red and blue. The complementary color of purple in the RYB color model is yellow. According to surveys in Europe and North America, purple is the color most often associated with rarity, royalty, magic, mystery, and piety. When combined with pink, it is associated with eroticism,", "id": "17168672" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n. This color was also produced in a special limited edition in which it was called Vermont maple syrup. At the request of educators worried that children (mistakenly) believed the name represented the skin color of Native Americans, Crayola changed the name of their crayon color \"Indian Red\" to \"Chestnut\" in 1999. In reality, the color Indian red has nothing to do with American Indians but is an iron oxide pigment the use of which is popular in India. At right is displayed the color English red. This", "id": "3697591" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh scattering\n\n\nfalls away in the violet. In addition the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere absorbs wavelengths at the edge of the ultra-violet region of the spectrum. The resulting color, which appears like a pale blue, actually is a mixture of all the scattered colors, mainly blue and green. Conversely, glancing toward the sun, the colors that were not scattered away — the longer wavelengths such as red and yellow light — are directly visible, giving the sun itself a slightly yellowish hue. Viewed from space, however,", "id": "6597902" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\ncolor wheel used by painters, violet and purple are both placed between red and blue. Purple occupies the space closer to red, between crimson and violet. Violet is closer to blue, and usually less intense and bright than purple. From the point of view of optics, violet is a real color: it occupies its own place at the end of the visible spectrum, and was one of the seven spectral colors of the spectrum first described by Isaac Newton in 1672. In the additive color system, used to create", "id": "17168649" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n. In modern color theory, also known as the RGB color model, red, green and blue are additive primary colors. Red, green and blue light combined together makes white light, and these three colors, combined in different mixtures, can produce nearly any other color. This is the principle that is used to make all of the colors on your computer screen and your television. For example, magenta on a computer screen is made by a similar formula to that used by Cennino Cennini in the Renaissance to make violet", "id": "6274077" }, { "contents": "Opticks\n\n\nan inherent property of material objects or of light itself. For example, he demonstrates that a red violet (magenta) color can be mixed by overlapping the red and violet ends of two spectra, although this color does not appear in the spectrum and therefore is not a \"color of light\". By connecting the red and violet ends of the spectrum, he organised all colours as a color circle that both quantitatively predicts color mixtures and qualitatively describes the perceived similarity among hues. Newton's visionary contribution to prismatic dispersion was", "id": "21980453" }, { "contents": "Red blood cell\n\n\ndark red burgundy color. However, blood can appear bluish when seen through the vessel wall and skin. Pulse oximetry takes advantage of the hemoglobin color change to directly measure the arterial blood oxygen saturation using colorimetric techniques. Hemoglobin also has a very high affinity for carbon monoxide, forming carboxyhemoglobin which is a very bright red in color. Flushed, confused patients with a saturation reading of 100% on pulse oximetry are sometimes found to be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning. Having oxygen-carrying proteins inside specialized cells (as opposed to", "id": "18614497" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\ncool grays\"). This gray color template includes both achromatic and chromatic grays. Magenta is variously defined as a purplish-red, reddish-purple, or a mauvish–crimson color. On color wheels of the RGB and CMY color models, it is located midway between red and blue, opposite green. Complements of magenta are evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 500–530 nm. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors. Orange is the color in the visible spectrum between", "id": "21568930" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue. Violet is inclined toward blue, while purple is inclined toward red. Violet colors composed by mixing blue and red light are within the purple colors (the word \"purple\" is used in the common sense for any color between blue and red). In color theory, a purple is a color along the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram and excludes violet. Violet light from the rainbow, which can be referred as spectral violet, has only short wavelengths. Violet objects are objects that reflect violet light", "id": "17168663" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\n14-3207 TPX—Pink Lavender. Puce is a medium grayish red-violet color. The color pale red-violet (identical to the web color \"pale violet red\") is displayed at the right. This color is a pale tone of red-violet. The color violet-red is displayed at the right. \"Violet-red\", a bright tone of red-violet, has been a Crayola color since 1958. Red-purple is the color that is called \"Rojo-Purpura\"", "id": "12926969" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nA spectral color is a color that is evoked in a normal human by a single wavelength of light in the visible spectrum, or by a relatively narrow band of wavelengths, also known as monochromatic light. Every wavelength of visible light is perceived as a spectral color, in a continuous spectrum; the colors of sufficiently close wavelengths are indistinguishable for the human eye. The spectrum is often divided into named colors, though any division is somewhat arbitrary; the spectrum is continuous. Traditional colors in English include: red, orange,", "id": "2692471" }, { "contents": "Blood red\n\n\nThe color blood red is a dark shade of the color red meant to resemble the color of human blood (which is composed of oxygenated red erythrocytes, white leukocytes, and yellow blood plasma) by cinnabar, a quick silver thermometer analogue display. It is the iron in hemoglobin specifically that gives blood its red color. The actual color ranges from crimson to a dark brown-blood depending on how oxygenated the blood is, and may have a slightly orange hue. Deoxygenated blood, which circulates closer to the body's surface", "id": "1703259" }, { "contents": "Ceramic colorants\n\n\nfrom (1 to 2%). Chrome is a refractory. Iron is commonly used as a colorant in its red iron oxide form as (FeO). Red iron oxide is commonly used to produce earthy reds and browns. It is the metal responsible for making earthenwares red. Iron is also another tricky colorant because of its ability to yield different colors under different circumstances. At low percentages (.5-1%) and in the presence of potassium, iron will become light blue or light blue-green in reduction", "id": "12716242" }, { "contents": "Thermographic camera\n\n\ncoatings. The higher cost of these special lenses is one reason why thermographic cameras are more costly. Images from infrared cameras tend to be monochrome because the cameras generally use an image sensor that does not distinguish different wavelengths of infrared radiation. Color image sensors require a complex construction to differentiate wavelengths, and color has less meaning outside of the normal visible spectrum because the differing wavelengths do not map uniformly into the system of color vision used by humans. Sometimes these monochromatic images are displayed in pseudo-color, where changes in color", "id": "10953928" }, { "contents": "Lavender (color)\n\n\n. After the introduction of the Munsell color system, in which purple, described as equivalent to red-violet, is described as one of the five psychological primary colors along with red, yellow, green, and blue, some people began to think of lavender as being somewhat more pinkish color. This color can be described as lavender pink or \"pale pinkish-purple\" when purple is defined as equivalent to \"red-violet\" as artists do. This tone of lavender, displayed at right, is the color", "id": "13558826" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nblack. The magenta used in color printing, sometimes called process magenta, is a darker shade than the color used on computer screens. A purple hue in terms of color theory, magenta is evoked by light having less power in green wavelengths than in blue/violet and red wavelengths (complements of magenta have wavelength 500–530 nm). In the Munsell color system, magenta is called \"red–purple\". If the spectrum is wrapped to form a color wheel, magenta (additive secondary) appears midway between red and", "id": "2536542" }, { "contents": "Colourmusic\n\n\nsong on the EPs reminding the band of that representative color. When questioned as to what will come of their album-naming scheme once the traditional red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet color spectrum has been exhausted, Ryan was quoted as saying, \"It is entirely possible that we will have to expand to non-visible areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. 'Infrared' and 'Ultraviolet' are obvious choices, but we will also examine the marketability of albums named after the other regions.", "id": "9245695" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nthe reproduction will not be exact because it is impossible for pigment colors to be so bright as colors displayed on a computer. At the right is displayed the color kobi. The color name \"kobi\" for this light tone of red-violet has been in use since 2001, when it was promulgated as one of the colors on the Color List. The color pink lavender is displayed at the right. The source of this color is the \"Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX)\" color list, color #", "id": "12926968" }, { "contents": "(486958) 2014 MU69\n\n\na cloud of icy particles. The surface color of is red. Its color and spectrum was first measured by the Hubble Space Telescope, which revealed its red spectral slope. The color of closely matches the reddish colors of other known Kuiper belt objects, and it is more red than the dwarf planet Pluto. Due to its strong red color, is considered an 'ultra red' object by the \"New Horizons\" team. The observed spectrum of displays a strong red spectral slope extending from the red visible spectrum to the", "id": "4386548" }, { "contents": "Radiation\n\n\nvisible spectrum the body is black, while when it is above the body is blue-white, since all the visible colors are represented from blue decreasing to red. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths other than visible light were discovered in the early 19th century. The discovery of infrared radiation is ascribed to William Herschel, the astronomer. Herschel published his results in 1800 before the Royal Society of London. Herschel, like Ritter, used a prism to refract light from the Sun and detected the infrared (beyond the red part of the", "id": "6328672" }, { "contents": "Equine vision\n\n\ncolors of the spectrum and the color variations based upon them, but cannot distinguish red. Research indicates that their color vision is somewhat like red-green color blindness in humans, in which certain colors, especially red and related colors, appear more green. Dichromatic vision is the result of the animal having two types of cones in their eyes: a short-wavelength-sensitive cone (S) that is optimal at 428 nm (blue), and a middle-to-long wavelength sensitive cone (M/", "id": "843283" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n\"red\" is a tone of Indian red, made like Indian red with pigment made from iron oxide. The first recorded use of \"English red\" as a color name in English was in the 1700s (exact year uncertain). In the \"Encyclopédie\" of Denis Diderot in 1765, alternate names for Indian red included \"what one also calls, however improperly, English Red.\" The source of this color is: ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955) – Color Sample of English Red (", "id": "3697592" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\ncomposite color, made by combining red, yellow and black.. It can be thought of as dark orange, but it can also be made in other ways. In the RGB color model, which uses red, green and blue light in various combinations to make all the colors on computer and television screens, it is made by mixing red and green light. In terms of the visible spectrum, \"brown\" refers to high wavelength (low frequency) hues, yellow, orange, or red, in combination with low", "id": "17937417" }, { "contents": "Blood\n\n\nin specialized red blood cells, allowing for a higher concentration of respiratory pigments without increasing viscosity or damaging blood filtering organs like the kidneys. Giant tube worms have unusual hemoglobins that allow them to live in extraordinary environments. These hemoglobins also carry sulfides normally fatal in other animals. The coloring matter of blood (hemochrome) is largely due to the protein in the blood responsible for oxygen transport. Different groups of organisms use different proteins. Hemoglobin is the principal determinant of the color of blood in vertebrates. Each molecule has four heme", "id": "3594558" }, { "contents": "Line of purples\n\n\nIn color theory, the line of purples or purple boundary is the locus on the edge of the chromaticity diagram formed between extreme spectral red and violet. Except for these endpoints of the line, colors on the line are non-spectral (no monochromatic light source can generate them). Rather, every color on the line is a unique mixture in a ratio of fully saturated red and fully saturated violet, the two spectral color endpoints of visibility on the spectrum of pure hues. Colors on the line and spectral colors are", "id": "3406852" }, { "contents": "Foundation (cosmetics)\n\n\n2017 list. You can also color correct to help any discoloration. To do this you will want to use something that is on the opposite side of the color wheel. For example, if you have dark blue/purple circle you will want to use an orange color corrector. If you want to cancel your redness you will want to use a green corrector. Coverage refers to the opacity of the makeup, or how much it will conceal on the skin. There are various tools that can be used to apply foundation", "id": "11916858" }, { "contents": "Shades of violet\n\n\nchromaticity diagram, it can be seen that this is a hue corresponding to that of a visual stimulus of approximately 380 nm on the spectrum. Thus another name for this color is extreme violet. The so-called web color \"violet\" is in actuality not really a tint of violet, a spectral color, but is a non-spectral color. The web color violet is actually a rather pale tint of magenta because it has equal amounts of red and blue (the definition of magenta for computer display), and", "id": "11947446" }, { "contents": "Violet light\n\n\nThough the violet color is normally composed of blue and red light, violet color can also be monochromatic, composed only by violet light. Combinations of red and blue lights and monochromatic light of wavelength smaller than blue produce a similar effect for the human eye due to a second resonancy of the red-sensitive cone cells. Composed-light violet shows two colors when decomposed. Violet light from the rainbow, which can be referred as spectral violet, is composed only by a short wavelength instead. This monochromatic violet light occupies its", "id": "5421452" }, { "contents": "Planets in astrology\n\n\nRoman god of war and bloodshed, whose symbol is a spear and shield. Both the soil of Mars and the hemoglobin of human blood are rich in iron and because of this they share its distinct deep red color. He was second in importance only to Jupiter and Saturn, due to Mars being the most prominent of the military gods worshipped by the Roman legions. Mars orbits the Sun in 687 days, spending about 57.25 days in each sign of the zodiac. It is also the first planet that orbits outside of Earth", "id": "10239326" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nThe visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 380 to 740 nanometers. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of 430–770 THz. The spectrum does not contain all the colors that the human eyes and brain can distinguish. Unsaturated colors such as pink, or purple variations like magenta, for example, are absent because", "id": "19170763" }, { "contents": "Composition of Mars\n\n\nThe composition of Mars covers the branch of the geology of Mars that describes the make-up of the planet Mars. Like Earth, Mars is a differentiated planet, meaning that it has a central core made up of metallic iron and nickel surrounded by a less dense, silicate mantle and crust. The planet's distinctive red color is due to the oxidation of iron on its surface. Much of what we know about the elemental composition of Mars comes from orbiting spacecraft and landers. (See Exploration of Mars for list.", "id": "17653404" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\npoint of view of optics there are important differences. Violet is a spectral color – it occupies its own place at the end of the spectrum of light first identified by Isaac Newton in 1672, and it has its own wavelength (approximately 380–420 nm) – whereas purple is a combination of two spectral colors, red and blue. There is no such thing as the \"wavelength of purple light\"; it only exists as a combination. See Line of purples. Monochromatic violet light cannot be produced by the red-", "id": "17168675" }, { "contents": "Green sea turtle\n\n\nsame sleeping location night after night. Green sea turtles tend to have good vision, well adapted to a life at sea. The turtles can see many colors, but are most sensitive to light from violet to yellow or wavelengths of 400 to 600 nanometers. They do not see many colors in the orange to red portion of the light spectrum. On land, however, the sea turtles are nearsighted because the lenses in the eyes are spherical and adjusted to refraction underwater. Sea turtles have no external ear and only one ear", "id": "11645527" }, { "contents": "Color of water\n\n\nthree fundamental modes of vibration. Two stretching vibrations of the O-H bonds in the gaseous state of water occur at v = 3650 cm and v = 3755 cm. Absorption due to these vibrations occurs in the infrared region of the spectrum. The absorption in the visible spectrum is due mainly to the harmonic v + 3v = 14,318 cm, which is equivalent to a wavelength of 698 nm. In liquid state at 20°C these vibrations are red-shifted due to hydrogen bonding, resulting in red absorption at 740", "id": "14729885" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nthe red end (longest wavelength) of the visible spectrum. The sensitivity of normal color vision actually depends on the overlap between the absorption ranges of the three systems: different colors are recognized when the different types of cone are stimulated to different degrees. Red light, for example, stimulates the long wavelength cones much more than either of the others, and reducing the wavelength causes the other two cone systems to be increasingly stimulated, causing a gradual change in hue. Many of the genes involved in color vision are on the", "id": "7540034" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\nsearching for oppositions of blue with orange, of red with green, of yellow with purple, searching for broken colors and neutral colors to harmonize the brutality of extremes, trying to make the colors intense, and not a harmony of greys.\" Describing his painting, \"The Night Café\", to his brother Theo in 1888, Van Gogh wrote: \"I sought to express with red and green the terrible human passions. The hall is blood red and pale yellow, with a green billiard table in the center,", "id": "17175154" }, { "contents": "Artificial intelligence\n\n\nbrain that makes it possible for a person to know that the color swatch is red. The hard problem is that people also know something else—they also know \"what red looks like\". (Consider that a person born blind can know that something is red without knowing what red looks like.) Everyone knows subjective experience exists, because they do it every day (e.g., all sighted people know what red looks like). The hard problem is explaining how the brain creates it, why it exists, and", "id": "543706" }, { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Red–black tree\n\n\nmade with B-trees with larger orders that can be structurally equivalent to a colored binary tree: you just need more colors. Suppose that you add blue, then the blue–red–black tree defined like red–black trees but with the additional constraint that no two successive nodes in the hierarchy will be blue and all blue nodes will be children of a red node, then it becomes equivalent to a B-tree whose clusters will have at most 7 values in the following colors: blue, red, blue", "id": "6723138" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nred and yellow with a wavelength around 585 – 620 nm. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of around 30°. Pink is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of a combination of both the longest, and shortest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength ranges of roughly 625–750 nm and 380-490 nm. Violet refers to any colour perceptually evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of roughly 380–450 nm. Tones of violet tending towards the blue are called", "id": "21568931" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\n. Between these regions, mesopic vision comes into play and both rods and cones provide signals to the retinal ganglion cells. The shift in color perception from dim light to daylight gives rise to differences known as the Purkinje effect. The perception of \"white\" is formed by the entire spectrum of visible light, or by mixing colors of just a few wavelengths in animals with few types of color receptors. In humans, white light can be perceived by combining wavelengths such as red, green, and blue, or just a", "id": "8749758" }, { "contents": "Conjugated system\n\n\nregion but they also accept or donate electrons easily. Phthalocyanines, which, like Phthalocyanine Blue BN and Phthalocyanine Green G, often contain a transition metal ion, exchange an electron with the complexed transition metal ion that easily changes its oxidation state. Pigments and dyes like these are charge-transfer complexes. Porphyrins have conjugated molecular ring systems (macrocycles) that appear in many enzymes of biological systems. As a ligand, porphyrin forms numerous complexes with metallic ions like iron in hemoglobin that colors blood red. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to the", "id": "9431007" }, { "contents": "Methyl orange\n\n\nMethyl orange is a pH indicator frequently used in titration because of its clear and distinct color variance at different pH values. Methyl orange shows red color in acidic medium and yellow color in basic medium. Because it changes color at the pH of a mid strength acid, it is usually used in titration for acids. Unlike a universal indicator, methyl orange does not have a full spectrum of color change, but it has a sharp end point. In a solution becoming less acidic, methyl orange moves from red to orange and", "id": "17329014" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nin 1590. \"Blush\" has been a Crayola color since 1998. It was originally called \"cranberry\" but in 2005 the name was changed to \"blush\". Displayed at the right is the color smitten. \"Smitten\" is one of the colors on the Resene Color List, a color list widely popular in Australia and New Zealand. The color \"smitten\" was formulated in 2011. Medium red-violet is the medium tone of the color red-violet that is called \"red-violet\" in", "id": "12926971" }, { "contents": "Dominant wavelength\n\n\nset of spectra mapping to the same color perception also includes a stimulus that is a narrow band at a single frequency; i.e. a pure spectral light (usually with some flat spectrum white light added to desaturate). The wavelength of this pure spectral light that will evoke the same color perception as the given complicated light mixture is the \"dominant wavelength\" of that mixture. Note that since purples (mixtures of red and blue/violet) cannot be pure spectral colors, no color mixture perceived as purple in hue can", "id": "5160067" }, { "contents": "Animal coloration\n\n\npigments. For example, amphibians like the olm that live in caves may be largely colorless as color has no function in that environment, but they show some red because of the haem pigment in their red blood cells, needed to carry oxygen. They also have a little orange colored riboflavin in their skin. Human albinos and people with fair skin have a similar color for the same reason. Animal coloration may be the result of any combination of pigments, chromatophores, structural coloration and bioluminescence. Pigments are colored chemicals (such", "id": "12388192" }, { "contents": "List of monochrome and RGB palettes\n\n\nis not enough room in this page to show it at full. This can be imagined as 256 stacked squares like the following, every one of them having the same given value for the red component, from 0 to 255. The color transitions in these patches must be seen as continuous. If you see \"color stepping\" (banding) inside, then probably your display is using a Highcolor (15- or 16- bits RGB, 32,768 or 65,536 colors) mode or lesser. This is also the number of colors used", "id": "16694278" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\nIndian red is a pigment composed of naturally occurring iron oxides that is widely used in India. Other shades of iron oxides include Venetian Red, English Red, and Kobe, all shown below. Chestnut is a color similar to but separate and distinct from Indian red. The name \"Indian red\" derives from the red laterite soil found in India, which is composed of naturally occurring iron oxides. The first recorded use of \"Indian red\" as a color term in English was in 1792. At right is displayed the", "id": "3697589" }, { "contents": "Hemolymph\n\n\n, tiny valves in the wall of the hearts open and allow hemolymph to enter. Hemolymph fills all of the interior (the hemocoel) of the animal's body and surrounds all cells. It contains hemocyanin, a copper-based protein that turns blue when oxygenated, instead of the iron-based hemoglobin in red blood cells found in vertebrates, giving hemolymph a blue-green color rather than the red color of vertebrate blood. When not oxygenated, hemolymph quickly loses its color and appears grey. The hemolymph of lower arthropods", "id": "20357103" }, { "contents": "CPK coloring\n\n\nviolet, amorphous phosphorus is red, rust is dark orange-red, etc. For some colors, such as those of oxygen and nitrogen, the inspiration is less clear. Perhaps red for oxygen is inspired by the fact that oxygen is normally required for combustion or that the oxygen-bearing chemical in blood, hemoglobin, is bright red, and the blue for nitrogen by the fact that nitrogen is the main component of Earth's atmosphere, which appears to human eyes as being colored sky blue. The following table shows", "id": "10969770" }, { "contents": "Color filter array\n\n\n's passband quantum efficiency and span of the CFA's spectral responses are typically wider than the visible spectrum, thus all visible colors can be distinguished. The responses of the filters do not generally correspond to the CIE color matching functions, so a color translation is required to convert the tristimulus values into a common, absolute color space. The Foveon X3 sensor uses a different structure such that a pixel utilizes properties of multi-junctions to stack blue, green, and red sensors on top of each other. This arrangement does not", "id": "22220050" }, { "contents": "Infrared photography\n\n\ncamera. Metering works but is not always accurate because of the difference between visible and infrared refraction. When the IR blocker is removed, many lenses which did display a hotspot cease to do so, and become perfectly usable for infrared photography. Additionally, because the red, green and blue micro-filters remain and have transmissions not only in their respective color but also in the infrared, enhanced infrared color may be recorded. Since the Bayer filters in most digital cameras absorb a significant fraction of the infrared light, these cameras", "id": "21746854" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\ntherefore may not be a strictly accurate representation of the color at a particular position, and especially not for monochromatic colors.]] Most light sources are mixtures of various wavelengths of light. Many such sources can still effectively produce a spectral color, as the eye cannot distinguish them from single-wavelength sources. For example, most computer displays reproduce the spectral color orange as a combination of red and green light; it appears orange because the red and green are mixed in the right proportions to allow the eye's cones", "id": "6127838" }, { "contents": "Color wheel\n\n\nunique spectral frequency. These extra-spectral colors, the purples, form from additive mixture of colors from the ends of the spectrum. In normal human vision, wavelengths of between about 400 nm and 700 nm are represented by this incomplete circle, with the longer wavelengths equating to the red end of the spectrum. Complement colors are located directly opposite each other on this wheel. These complement colors are not identical to colors in pigment mixing (such as are used in paint), but when lights are additively mixed in the", "id": "1430489" }, { "contents": "Red blood cell\n\n\nhowever, is transported back to the pulmonary capillaries of the lungs as bicarbonate (HCO) dissolved in the blood plasma. Myoglobin, a compound related to hemoglobin, acts to store oxygen in muscle cells. The color of red blood cells is due to the heme group of hemoglobin. The blood plasma alone is straw-colored, but the red blood cells change color depending on the state of the hemoglobin: when combined with oxygen the resulting oxyhemoglobin is scarlet, and when oxygen has been released the resulting deoxyhemoglobin is of a", "id": "18614496" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nas early as 700,000 years ago. The hematite might have been used to symbolize blood in an offering to the dead. Red, black and white were the first colors used by artists in the Upper Paleolithic age, probably because natural pigments such as red ochre and iron oxide were readily available where early people lived. Madder, a plant whose root could be made into a red dye, grew widely in Europe, Africa and Asia. The cave of Altamira in Spain has a painting of a bison colored with red ochre that", "id": "6274096" }, { "contents": "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country\n\n\ngenerated imagery; the animators had to make sure that the blood floated in a convincing manner while still looking interesting and not too gory. The effects artist looked at NASA footage of floating globules of water to inform the physics of the blood particles. Initially, the blood was to be colored green, but the filmmakers realized that McCoy had referred to Spock as green-blooded. The final color was violet, a color Meyer disliked but had to go ahead with, because his first choice—red—would almost certainly earn", "id": "1796675" }, { "contents": "Libra (Toni Braxton album)\n\n\nso that's the category they put you in based on your color first. So how do I do my mainstream style of music, still be who I am without being hip-hop? Because there's not a hip-hop bone in my body.\" With Braxton also experiencing a happy family life during the album's production, she became less involved with the songwriting on the album: \"They like [to] hear a little bit more controversy, and that's not necessarily my lifestyle [...] I", "id": "11911233" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\ntertiary color between violet and red on the RYB color wheel) in order to give themselves a larger and more balanced palette of pigments to work with. The Munsell color system also refers to red-violet as \"purple\"; in the Munsell color system, this color at the maximum chroma of 12 is called \"Red-Purple\". This convention is for chromatic purposes, since Red-Purple lies between violet and printer's magenta (the color regarded as magenta before the invention of the color electric magenta for computer", "id": "12926964" }, { "contents": "Browning in red wine\n\n\nOxidation and reduction in red wines can lead to a particularly undesirable brick red color in red wines (or an \"orangey\" color in white wines). This process is sometimes referred to as browning. In chemical terms, this is called a redox reaction because first the color of the wine deepens after fermentation through oxidation, and then the color begins to brown after bottling through reduction. Browning is not strictly considered a bad thing in every wine that is produced, as sometimes the oxidation process can contribute to the style of", "id": "11520957" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\n\"Imperial red\" is a representation of the red color of the . The first recorded use of \"imperial red\" as a color name in English was in 1914. Note: the RGB values for Pantone red and imperial red are identical. The name \"Indian red\" derives from the red laterite soil found in India, which is composed of naturally occurring iron oxides. The first recorded use of \"Indian red\" as a color term in English was in 1792. \"Spanish red\" is the color that is", "id": "6592050" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nin the 1950s on an old-fashioned RYB color wheel. This color is displayed at right and is identical to the web color medium violet red. By the 1970s, because of the advent of psychedelic art, artists became used to brighter pigments, and pigments called \"purple\" or \"bright purple\" that are the pigment equivalent of became available in artists pigments and colored pencils. Reproducing electric purple in pigment requires adding some white pigment and a small amount of blue pigment to red-violet pigment. Even then,", "id": "12926967" }, { "contents": "Shades of purple\n\n\nThere are numerous variations of the color purple, a sampling of which are shown below. In common English usage, \"purple\" is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. In color theory, \"purple\" colors are any colors on the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram (or colors that can be derived from colors on the line of purples), i.e., any color between red and violet, not including either red or violet themselves. The first recorded use of \"purple\"", "id": "11947455" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\ngreen-blue (RGB) color system, the method used to create colors on a television screen or computer display. (In fact, the only monochromatic colors of light that can be produced by this color system are the red, green, and blue that define it.) However, the system is capable of approximating it due to the fact that the L-cone (red cone) in the eye is uniquely sensitive to two different discontinuous regions in the visible spectrum – its primary region being the long wavelength light", "id": "17168676" }, { "contents": "Stellar classification\n\n\nthe conventional color descriptions would suggest. This characteristic of 'lightness' indicates that the simplified assignment of colors within the spectrum can be misleading. Excluding color-contrast illusions in dim light, there are no green, indigo, or violet stars. Red dwarfs are a deep shade of orange, and brown dwarfs do not literally appear brown, but hypothetically would appear dim grey to a nearby observer. The modern classification system is known as the \"Morgan–Keenan\" (MK) classification. Each star is assigned a spectral", "id": "9316164" }, { "contents": "Animal coloration\n\n\nblood is red because the heme pigment needed to carry oxygen is red. Animals colored in these ways can have striking natural patterns. Animals produce color in both direct and indirect ways. Direct production occurs through the presence of visible colored cells known as pigment which are particles of colored material such as freckles. Indirect production occurs by virtue of cells known as chromatophores which are pigment-containing cells such as hair follicles. The distribution of the pigment particles in the chromatophores can change under hormonal or neuronal control. For fishes it has", "id": "12388166" }, { "contents": "Color wheel\n\n\nfour opponent colors, and may have four or eight main colors. Goethe's \"Theory of Colours\" provided the first systematic study of the physiological effects of color (1810). His observations on the effect of opposed colors led him to a symmetric arrangement of his color wheel anticipating Ewald Hering's opponent color theory (1872). A color circle based on spectral wavelengths appears with red at one end of the spectrum and is 100% mixable violet at the other. A wedge-shaped gap represents colors that have no", "id": "1430488" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric optics\n\n\nshine a red spotlight on a white sheet. In combination with large, mature thunderheads this can produce blood-red clouds. Clouds look darker in the near-infrared because water absorbs solar radiation at those wavelengths. A halo (ἅλως; also known as a nimbus, icebow or gloriole) is an optical phenomenon produced by the interaction of light from the sun or moon with ice crystals in the atmosphere, resulting in colored or white arcs, rings or spots in the sky. Many halos are positioned near the sun or", "id": "17441317" }, { "contents": "Painting\n\n\nword \"red\", for example, can cover a wide range of variations from the pure red of the visible spectrum of light. There is not a formalized register of different colors in the way that there is agreement on different notes in music, such as F or C♯. For a painter, color is not simply divided into basic (primary) and derived (complementary or mixed) colors (like red, blue, green, brown, etc.). Painters deal practically with pigments, so \"blue\" for", "id": "13725020" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nall other colors in the visible spectrum except for red. The red light, not being absorbed, reflects off the paint and is what we see. This name mechanism describes the color of material objects – note that light is not a material object – and so applies to the yellow paint as well. Making recourse to the figure above demonstrating additive color mixing, one sees that yellow light is composed of an (additive) mixture of red and green light. When we mix the two paints, the resulting substance has red", "id": "4179390" }, { "contents": "Green star (astronomy)\n\n\nsame shade of blue (and not violet as claimed in some popular accounts). The reason for this is that at sufficiently large temperatures (above about 20,000 K) all blackbody spectra look about the same in visible light, though they can differ a lot at shorter wavelengths. Although their maximum output at visible wavelengths is at violet, they put out enough light at other wavelengths to look light blue: the color at the end of the Planckian locus rather than the color at the end of the spectrum. Human color vision", "id": "11567910" }, { "contents": "Scarlet (color)\n\n\nScarlet is a brilliant red color, sometimes with a slightly orange tinge. In the spectrum of visible light, and on the traditional color wheel, it is one-quarter of the way between red and orange, slightly less orange than vermilion. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, scarlet and other bright shades of red are the colors most associated with courage, force, passion, heat, and joy. In the Roman Catholic Church, scarlet is the color worn by a cardinal, and is associated with", "id": "15173244" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nred and violet light, from opposite ends of the spectrum). Some examples of necessarily non-spectral colors are the achromatic colors (black, gray, and white) and colors such as [[pink]], [[Tan (color)|tan]], and [[magenta]]. Two different light spectra that have the same effect on the three color receptors in the [[human eye]] will be perceived as the same color. They are [[Metamerism (color)|metamers]] of that color", "id": "6127840" }, { "contents": "Red diamond\n\n\nwas graded with an Internally Flawless clarity. A red diamond's clarity has little effect on its value because of the rarity of the color. A red diamond buyer will be far more interested in the purity of the red and the carat size in order to decide on its desirability. This is not true for all diamond colors, but it is especially so for the colors that are highest in demand, namely red, pink and blue. For the less expensive colors, such as yellow and brown, clarity will be more", "id": "20830722" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nCMYK), and its given RGB value is a poor approximation only. \"Ruby\" is a color that is a representation of the color of the cut and polished ruby gemstone. Ruby is the birthstone for those born in July. \"Crimson\" is a strong, bright, deep red color combined with some blue or violet, resulting in a small degree of purple. The color \"rusty red\" is displayed at right. \"Rusty red\" is a color formulated by Crayola in 1990 as one of the colors", "id": "6592052" } ]
Do you enjoy Jazz which is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans. It developed from blues and ragtime. I love Jazz music. Its my favorite kind of music who is your favorite Jazz musician? I'm not that familiar with Jazz but I know it is viewed by many people as 'America's Classic Music' and has a large following. Who is your favorite artist? My favorite jazz artist would have to be the early pioneer to the art form, Scott Joplin. He was famous for his compositions in ragtime and was called the "King of Ragtime" which indicates his success! Yeah! If your not a fan of classical jazz music, what is your favorite genre of music? I would love to learn more about Jazz which is such a major form of musical expression. I enjoy all types of music actually. I am quite eclectic is music taste. That's really great! Do you happen to be a fan of the rapper, Drake? If so, have you listened to his newest album Scorpion?
[{"answer": "I don't know a great deal about Drake but was surprised to see he gained his start as an actor on a teen drama series in the 2000s. lol", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21466444", "title": "Drake (musician)", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 222, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 319, "bleu_score": 0.9036020036098448, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nI love) and “art.” He is a serious collector of records, buying at least one every week for the last quarter century. The jazz collection is wide-ranging and current but his favorites are classics such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. He is not a fan of New Orleans jazz saying that it is too mellow and lacks intensity. His obsession with jazz music is such that musicians often appear in his dreams, especially Charlie Parker. In 1973, he married Nora", "id": "19455904" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Clint Eastwood discography\n\n\nClint Eastwood, an audiophile, has had a strong passion for music all his life, particularly jazz and country and western music. He is a pianist and composer in addition to his main career as an actor, director, and film producer. He developed as a ragtime pianist early on, and in late 1959 he produced the album \"Cowboy Favorites\", which was released on the Cameo label. Jazz has played an important role in Eastwood's life from a young age and although he was never successful as a musician", "id": "840844" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\ndisc in 1917, was the first instance of jazz music being called \"Dixieland\", though at the time, the term referred to the band, not the genre. The band's sound was a combination of African American/New Orleans ragtime and Sicilian music. The music of Sicily was one of the many genres in the New Orleans music scene during the 1910s, alongside sanctified church music, brass band music and blues. Much later, the term \"Dixieland\" was applied to early jazz by traditional jazz revivalists,", "id": "17316680" }, { "contents": "Music of Missouri\n\n\nThe U.S. state of Missouri has a storied musical history. It has been the scene of major developments in several popular music genres as well as the birthplace of many notable musicians. St. Louis was an important venue for early blues and jazz, as well as country and bluegrass. Kansas City is home to famous performers such as Charlie Parker, Count Basie, Lester Young, and its own distinct jazz style. Ragtime got its influential hold in the city of Sedalia, Missouri, thanks to Scott Joplin and his publisher John Stark", "id": "10737313" }, { "contents": "Water (Gregory Porter album)\n\n\nBBC Music noted that \"Gregory Porter has a voice and musicality to be reckoned with\" and that Mr. Porter could help fill the gap of new male African-American jazz singers. Howard Dukes of Soul Tracks claims Gregory Porter as a new talent, \"an artist who has a number of classic, familiar elements in his style, but whose approach brings a freshness that both jazz and soul fans should love\" and continues with praise: \"I think Nat King Cole would be pleased.\" All songs written by Gregory", "id": "6113498" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nthe habanera took root. John Storm Roberts states that the musical genre habanera \"reached the U.S. 20 years before the first rag was published\". For more than a quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime, and jazz were forming, the habanera was a consistent part of African-American popular music. Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire, and the tresillo/habanera figure was a rhythmic staple of jazz at the turn of the 20th century. Comparing the music of New Orleans with the music", "id": "7124211" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nThe ultimate (and intended) effect on the listener is actually to accentuate the beat, thereby inducing the listener to move to the music. Scott Joplin, the composer/pianist known as the \"King of Ragtime\", called the effect \"weird and intoxicating.\" He also used the term \"swing\" in describing how to play ragtime music: \"Play slowly until you catch the swing...\". The name swing later came to be applied to an early style of jazz that developed from ragtime. Converting a", "id": "6845639" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nmusical genres were ragtime and slow blues, but with the start of the 20th century the musicians quickly became involved with America's new musical genre, jazz (from \"jass\"). The house band at Purcell's Cafe would be the first band in history to use the word \"jazz\" in its name when it became called the \"So Different Jazz Band\". The musical venues on Pacific Street usually starting out with just a piano, then later working up to four, and then six pieces according to what", "id": "3886647" }, { "contents": "List of pre-1920 jazz standards\n\n\n' Ball\" and \"Indiana\". Originally simply called \"jazz\", the music of early jazz bands is today often referred to as \"Dixieland\" or \"New Orleans jazz\", to distinguish it from more recent subgenres. The origins of jazz are in the musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have", "id": "8623313" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Kind of Blue\n\n\nmoment in twentieth-century music, period.\" The album's influence has reached beyond jazz, as musicians of such genres as rock and classical have been influenced by it, while critics have written about it as one of the most influential albums of all time. Many improvisatory rock musicians of the 1960s referred to \"Kind of Blue\" for inspiration, along with other Davis albums, as well as Coltrane's modal records \"My Favorite Things\" (1961) and \"A Love Supreme\" (1965). Guitarist", "id": "19247427" }, { "contents": "Cosa Brava\n\n\ngenres, from avant-garde jazz to contemporary classical music. He has written scores for film and dance, and music for orchestras and string quartets. He became Professor of Composition the Music Department at Mills College in Oakland, California in 1999. The motivation behind the formation of Cosa Brava arose out of Frith's nostalgia for rock music. He said, \"I really miss what you can do with a rock band. I miss developing material through the push and pull of cooperative rehearsals, I miss what happens when you", "id": "3288720" }, { "contents": "Tresillo (rhythm)\n\n\n(1909) is considered a habanera. For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a consistent part of African American popular music. Ned Sublette postulates that the habanera rhythm \"found its way into ragtime and the cakewalk\", while Roberts suggests that \"the habanera influence may have been part of what freed black music from ragtime's European bass.\"Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire and the tresillo/habanera was a", "id": "1405760" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States in the late 19th century\n\n\nof the 20th century. Ragtime shared similarities with both blues and jazz, the two rival forms of African American music at the time. It was primarily piano-based, and could be performed by a single person (more like the blues) or by an entire orchestra (more like jazz). Scott Joplin was the most famous ragtime musician. Rag also shares strong similarities with German polka music, with the strong emphasis on beats 2 and 4. Both styles also rely upon 7th and 9th chords, resulting in a", "id": "6101775" }, { "contents": "Music of New York City\n\n\n, including the music of New York's Yiddish theatre, vaudeville, ragtime, operetta, jazz, Tin Pan Alley and Broadway songs, the music of the Gullah people and the impressionist and post-Romantic music of European composers. Some of his most famous compositions were the \"Rhapsody in Blue\" and \"Concerto in F\", both of which utilized jazz idioms. Gershwin's work made American classical music more focused, and attracted an unheard of amount of international attention. Following Gershwin, the first major composer was Aaron", "id": "10001843" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\nAfrican-American music is an umbrella term covering a diverse range of music and musical genres largely developed by African Americans. Their origins are in musical forms that arose out of the historical condition of slavery that characterized the lives of African Americans prior to the American Civil War. Following the Civil War, Black Americans, through employment as musicians playing European music in military bands, developed a new style of music called ragtime which gradually evolved into jazz. In developing this latter musical form, African Americans contributed knowledge of the sophisticated polyrhythmic", "id": "13306673" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nsyncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms, and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has now been \"long considered a kind of popular or vernacular music (and has also) become a sophisticated art form that has interacted in significant ways with the music of the concert hall\". Jazz's development occurred at around the same time as modern ragtime, blues, gospel and country music, all of which can be seen as part of a continuum with no clear demarcation between them; jazz specifically", "id": "6698770" }, { "contents": "Magnetic Rag\n\n\nsame year. It has about it a gentle quality like \"The Entertainer,\" and its distinctive form and range of moods suggest to some musicologists a breakthrough to a Chopinesque form of ragtime, albeit a breakthrough that came too late. Near the end of his life, Scott Joplin was taking ragtime in a new direction by adding emphasis on form and tonality, and attempting to combine the characteristics of classical Western music and traditional ragtime. This is an entirely different direction than the one that jazz would take. Jazz, seeking", "id": "19378858" }, { "contents": "Dick Zimmerman\n\n\nJazz Festival in Canada and the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. He has also served as long-time musical director of the \"Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival in Sedalia, Missouri\". He was the recipient of the Scott Joplin Foundation Achievement Award in 1991. Today, Zimmerman runs \"\"American Ragtime Co.\"\", recording and publishing ragtime classics and the works of early 20th century blues composers. Zimmerman is known for originating many illusions in the field of magic. He was a member of the Academy of Magical Arts Board", "id": "17460050" }, { "contents": "Randy Weston\n\n\nThere at the Music Inn, a venue where jazz historian Marshall Stearns taught, Weston first learned about the African roots of jazz. He would return in subsequent summers to perform at the Music Inn, where he wrote his composition \"Berkshire Blues\", interacting with artists and intellectuals such as Geoffrey Holder, Babatunde Olatunji, Langston Hughes and Willis James, about which experience Weston said: \"I got a lot of my inspiration for African music by being at Music Inn... They were all explaining the African-American experience in", "id": "2687115" }, { "contents": "Scott Joplin\n\n\nwaned in popularity as new forms of musical styles, such as jazz and novelty piano, emerged. Even so, jazz bands and recording artists such as Tommy Dorsey in 1936, Jelly Roll Morton in 1939 and J. Russel Robinson in 1947 released recordings of Joplin compositions. \"Maple Leaf Rag\" was the Joplin piece found most often on 78 rpm records. In the 1960s, a small-scale reawakening of interest in classical ragtime was underway among some American music scholars such as Trebor Tichenor, William Bolcom, William Albright and", "id": "10442225" }, { "contents": "Fingerstyle guitar\n\n\nis also very common. Examples of traditions that John Fahey and Robbie Basho would employ in their compositions include, but are not limited to, the extended Raga of Indian classical music, the Japanese Koto, and the early ragtime-based country blues music of Mississippi John Hurt or Blind Blake. A distinctive style to emerge from Britain in the early 1960s, which combined elements of American folk, blues, jazz and ragtime with British traditional music, was what became known as 'folk baroque'. Pioneered by musicians of the", "id": "13793683" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to jazz: Jazz – musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States, mixing African music and European classical music traditions. Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical", "id": "10465446" }, { "contents": "Genealogy of musical genres\n\n\nThe genealogy of musical genres is the pattern of musical genres that have contributed to the development of new genres. Genealogical charts or family trees of musical genres show how new genres have emerged from existing genres and how multiple genres have contributed to a new genre. Since music can be endlessly broken down into smaller and smaller categories, a genealogical chart will usually focus on one major genre and its different strains. For instance, jazz is considered to be a genre with many subgenres, including New Orleans jazz, ragtime, swing,", "id": "9321089" }, { "contents": "African Americans\n\n\nand evolved from other black forms of music, including blues, doo-wop, barbershop, ragtime, bluegrass, jazz, and gospel music. African-American-derived musical forms have also influenced and been incorporated into virtually every other popular music genre in the world, including country and techno. African-American genres are the most important ethnic vernacular tradition in America, as they have developed independent of African traditions from which they arise more so than any other immigrant groups, including Europeans; make up the broadest and longest", "id": "1912756" }, { "contents": "Skyzoo\n\n\ninspirations favorite producer. A self-professed fan of the HBO crime drama \"The Wire\", he frequently references the characters and plotlines in his music, and has cited show creator David Simon as one of his biggest idols as a writer. Also a fan of jazz, Skyzoo has stated that Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Horace Silver, and Wayne Shorter as his favorite artists in the genre. He has further stated that Coltrane's \"A Love Supreme\" is his favorite album in any genre. An avid basketball", "id": "14506592" }, { "contents": "Eliete Mejorado\n\n\nMusic 2011 From A Forest Near You / Slum Dunk Music 2010 Let Your X's Be Y's / Soul Jazz Records 2008 I Go To The Doctor 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2008 A Historia da Garça 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2006 L.I.C.K. MY FAVELA / Kute Bash Records 2006 L.I.C.K MY FAVELA / Slum Dunk 2005 The Sexual Life of the Savages / Soul Jazz Records 2005 Bonde do Tetão / Bizarre Music 2004 Slum Dunk Presents Funk Carioca / Mr Bongo 2004 Men In Uniform / Bizarre Music 2003 Tetine Vs Sophie Calle - Samba", "id": "6834992" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\nand in vaudeville, during which time many marching bands were formed. Black pianists played in bars, clubs and brothels, as ragtime developed. Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which originated in African-American communities of primarily the \"Deep South\" of the United States at the end of the 19th century from their spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The music of New Orleans had a profound effect on the creation of early", "id": "16608907" }, { "contents": "Keith Jarrett\n\n\nKeith Jarrett (born May 8, 1945) is an American jazz and classical music pianist and composer. Jarrett started his career with Art Blakey, moving on to play with Charles Lloyd and Miles Davis. Since the early 1970s he has enjoyed a great deal of success as a group leader and a solo performer in jazz, jazz fusion, and classical music. His improvisations draw from the traditions of jazz and other genres, especially Western classical music, gospel, blues, and ethnic folk music. In 2003, Jarrett received", "id": "281805" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n's rise as a hive of cultural and artistic activity. It was recognized as the Harlem Renaissance, which allowed for the flowering of music, poetry, and art in the Black community. Jazz music is a musical genre through which many African American artists express their feelings of pain, joy, and freedom. It originated in New Orleans, making its way to Chicago through the diaspora of black southerners during the Great Migration. By the end of the 1920s, Chicago had become the music metropolis for jazz. Jazz was a", "id": "4863474" }, { "contents": "Breathing Underwater (album)\n\n\nwas sent only to the folks at my record label, radio DJ's and music supervisors. It is just inevitable that one of those people are going to try and make a buck or put up the music just for their own personal satisfaction. [...] If you can't afford 8 dollars for an album, then you can always support your favorite artists by even just purchasing a song or two! If an artist I love had made a new album and it was on the internet, I would probably want it", "id": "16938631" }, { "contents": "Pete Hawkes\n\n\nPete Hawkes (born 28 May 1965) is an Australian composer, mathematician/data analyst, musician and luthier. He composes music in many genres. Hawkes has composed over 1200 recordings covering folk music, jazz, jazz fusion, classical, world music, rock, ragtime, blues, ambient, and baroque. He has collaborated with Bert Jansch, Joe Cocker, Phil Emmanuel, and Dave Swarbrick. An accomplished finger style and slide guitarist, his folk-blues style has been compared to Nick Drake and John Martyn.", "id": "5632465" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\n. Joplin's \"Solace\" (1909) is generally considered to be in the habanera genre: both of the pianist's hands play in a syncopated fashion, completely abandoning any sense of a march rhythm. Ned Sublette postulates that the tresillo/habanera rhythm \"found its way into ragtime and the cakewalk,\" whilst Roberts suggests that \"the habanera influence may have been part of what freed black music from ragtime's European bass.\" Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which", "id": "15637759" }, { "contents": "Joshua Ledet\n\n\nhelp so many people. His favorite female artist is Whitney Houston because of her voice. He would love to meet and sing with Fantasia Barrino as she is his favorite singer, and his dream song to sing is \"I Will Always Love You\". His musical influences include Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Fantasia Barrino, James Brown, Luther Vandross, Stevie Wonder, and Elton John. His favorite type of music to sing is soul but listening to music he prefers country music. When asked what was the most embarrassing", "id": "6641524" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\nlocal festivals and hospitals. His father arranged for him to study with jazz percussionists Bill Douglass and Chuck Flores. Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion. \"I used to drive my parents crazy with this. I told my father a few years before he died, you know a lot of times I played that music 'cause I just wanted to see the look on your face.\". His mother's 1964 single \"Ringo Beat\" was inspired by her son", "id": "7781373" }, { "contents": "Beto y Los Fairlanes\n\n\nFairlanes? In his own words on his website, Skiles explains, “Beto was a result of my bilingual roots in San Antonio, a love of jazz and classical music that came from my parents who were both accomplished artists, and a desire to write and perform highly energetic, improvised music that was both challenging to play and fun to dance to! My vision was to combine, in a unique way, what I love about jazz and Latin music\"... \"The name 'Beto and the Fairlanes?' was", "id": "14777172" }, { "contents": "Shelly Manne\n\n\nDixieland and fusion, as well as \"Third Stream\" music. He participated in the revival of that jazz precursor ragtime (he appears on several albums devoted to the music of Scott Joplin), and sometimes recorded with musicians best associated with European classical music. He always, however, returned to the straight-ahead jazz he loved best. In addition to Dave Tough and Jo Jones, Manne admired and learned from contemporaries like Max Roach and Kenny Clarke, and later from younger drummers like Elvin Jones and Tony Williams.", "id": "6013455" }, { "contents": "Rainy Milo\n\n\nKid Cudi, N.E.R.D, as well as her reggae-DJing grandfather. Milo grew up listening to her mothers Jazz music which has been one of her biggest musical influences saying \"I’m instantly attracted to music with some kind of Jazz element to it, but I also think the fact that even my mum never played only one genre in the house rubbed off onto me, I don’t want to have just one sound in my music when there’s so many other genres that inspire me.\" Milo is inspired by", "id": "21344843" }, { "contents": "Brian Simpson (musician)\n\n\nBrian Simpson is a contemporary jazz pianist and composer. He has released 8 albums as a solo artist, his most recent, \"Something About You\", released in 2018. Simpson was born and raised in Gurnee, Illinois to very music-oriented parents. His father was a fan of jazz music, and Simpson says, \"Our house was filled with music. I never really considered any other lifestyle.\" The musician also states that his brother and sister both played instruments. At the age of ten, he", "id": "7168997" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\nshe was really awesome. Writing the bridge of 'Just the Thing' is probably my favorite verse I have ever written, because it is so different and theatrical. Freddie Mercury from Queen inspired it, and the song really does describe me. I love being a singer. I really feel that I can influence my fans, and those who listen to my music for the better, and music is such a powerful way to do it. Acting will always be a job I love to do, but music is something", "id": "7223868" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\n\" for piano and orchestra. Igor Stravinsky wrote a solo piano work called \"Piano-Rag-Music\" in 1919 and also included a rag in his theater piece \"L'histoire du soldat\" (1918). In the early 1940s, many jazz bands began to include ragtime in their repertoire, and as early as 1936 78 rpm records of Joplin's compositions were produced. Old numbers written for piano were rescored for jazz instruments by jazz musicians, which gave the old style a new sound. The most famous recording of", "id": "6845649" }, { "contents": "Alan Freed\n\n\nis a river of music which has absorbed many streams: rhythm and blues, jazz, ragtime, cowboy songs, country songs, folk songs. All have contributed greatly to the big beat.\" In 1945 Alan Freed joined WAKR and became a local favorite, playing hot jazz and pop recordings. The radio editor for the \"Akron Beacon Journal\" followed Freed and his \"Request Review\" nightly program of dance. When he left the station, the non-compete clause in his contract limited his ability to find work", "id": "5011095" }, { "contents": "Lorraine Gordon\n\n\nstuck to what I loved. That was my art. I'm not a musician; I'm not a singer; I'm not a painter; I'm not an actress. I'm none of those things. But throughout my life I followed the course of the music that I loved.\" The book received the ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music print publishing. In 2013, Gordon's contribution to jazz music was recognized by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, and she received the NEA Jazz Master", "id": "10116511" }, { "contents": "The Album About Nothing\n\n\nand I listened to his music, I liked the music. So I said alright, I'll do it, even though I didn't know what I was going to do. So I said to my wife, 'I'm doing this thing with this guy Wale' and she said, 'Wale is my favorite Hip Hop artist. I have every single thing.' Somehow, she missed anything that had to do with me, but has every other cut, everything else he's done. I said just", "id": "1487734" }, { "contents": "Culture of New York City\n\n\nand jazz in his compositions. His works included the \"Organ Symphony\", which earned him comparisons to Igor Stravinsky, and the music for the ballet \"Appalachian Spring\" and the \"Copland Piano Variations\". The New York blues was a type of blues music characterized by significant jazz influences and a more modernized, urban feel than the country blues. Prominent musicians from this field include Lionel Hampton and Big Joe Turner. In New York, jazz became fused with stride (an advanced form of ragtime) and became highly", "id": "15344353" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nas Jelly Roll Morton, were present and performed both ragtime and jazz styles during the period the two styles overlapped. He also incorporated the Spanish Tinge in his performances, which gave a habanera or tango rhythm to his music. Jazz largely surpassed ragtime in mainstream popularity in the early 1920s, although ragtime compositions continue to be written up to the present, and periodic revivals of popular interest in ragtime occurred in the 1950s and the 1970s. The heyday of ragtime occurred before sound recording was widely available. Like classical music, and", "id": "6845631" }, { "contents": "American Realism\n\n\nmusic. Handy was an educated musician who used folk material in his compositions. He was scrupulous in documenting the sources of his works, which frequently combined stylistic influences from several performers. He loved this folk musical form and brought his own transforming touch to it. Scott Joplin (c. 1867/68–1917) was an American musician and composer of ragtime music. He remains the best-known ragtime figure and is regarded as one of the three most important composers of classic ragtime, along with James Scott and Joseph Lamb. His music enjoyed", "id": "409082" }, { "contents": "All You Need Is Love: The Story of Popular Music\n\n\nAll You Need Is Love: The Story of Popular Music is the name of a 17-part television documentary series on the history of modern pop music directed by Tony Palmer, originally broadcast worldwide between 1976 and 1980. The series covers some of the many different genres that have fallen under the \"pop\" label between the mid-19th century and 1976, including folk, ragtime, Tin Pan Alley, vaudeville and music hall, musical theatre, country, swing, jazz, blues, R&B, rock 'n' roll and others.", "id": "632515" }, { "contents": "Slow drag (dance)\n\n\nThe Slow drag is an American ragtime jazz musical form and the social dance for which the music was written. It has been resurrected as part of blues dancing. Music written for the dance is often short-handed into the song title as a \"Drag\" Slow drag or \"Drag\" has a history both in the music written for the dance, and the dance itself. The music has endured in many jazz standards, while the dance as it was originally performed has all but faded from modern performance. Ragtime composers", "id": "15992444" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Sheryl Crow\n\n\nSheryl Suzanne Crow (born February 11, 1962) is an American musician, singer, songwriter, and actress. Her music incorporates elements of pop, rock, country, jazz, and blues. She has released ten studio albums, four compilations, two live albums, and has contributed to a number of film soundtracks. Her songs include \"All I Wanna Do\", \"If It Makes You Happy\", \"My Favorite Mistake\" and the theme song for the 1997 James Bond film \"Tomorrow Never Dies\"", "id": "7420189" }, { "contents": "Jazz standard\n\n\nthe musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have become popular numbers for jazz artists, as have blues tunes \"St. Louis Blues\" and \"St. James Infirmary\". Tin Pan Alley songwriters contributed several songs to the jazz standard repertoire, including \"Indiana\" and \"After You've Gone\". Others, such", "id": "13857375" }, { "contents": "Piano\n\n\nsmall dance band. Just as harpsichordists had accompanied singers or dancers performing on stage, or playing for dances, pianists took up this role in the late 1700s and in the following centuries. During the 19th century, American musicians playing for working-class audiences in small pubs and bars, particularly African-American composers, developed new musical genres based on the modern piano. Ragtime music, popularized by composers such as Scott Joplin, reached a broader audience by 1900. The popularity of ragtime music was quickly succeeded by Jazz piano", "id": "3275113" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nunlike jazz, classical ragtime had and has primarily a written tradition, being distributed in sheet music rather than through recordings or by imitation of live performances. Ragtime music was also distributed via piano rolls for player pianos. A folk ragtime tradition also existed before and during the period of classical ragtime (a designation largely created by Scott Joplin's publisher John Stillwell Stark), manifesting itself mostly through string bands, banjo and mandolin clubs (which experienced a burst of popularity during the early 20th century) and the like. A form", "id": "6845632" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\ntheir own experience and styles to the art form as well. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on different national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to many distinctive styles. New Orleans jazz began in the early 1910s, combining earlier brass-band marches, French quadrilles, biguine, ragtime and blues with collective polyphonic improvisation. In the 1930s, heavily arranged dance-oriented swing big bands,", "id": "10465448" }, { "contents": "Luke Winslow-King\n\n\nLuke Winslow-King Balzuweit (born March 12, 1983) is an American guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer, and lyricist based out of Cadillac, Michigan, who plays vintage blues and jazz music and is known for his slide guitar work. He is a music traditionalist, playing a mixture of \"people's music\" and improvisational jazz based in collective improvisation, with influences from New Orleans, where he was based for 15 years, that includes jazz, Delta blues, ragtime, pre-war American", "id": "1198498" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nCuban rhythmic motifs in the 19th century when the habanera (Cuban contradanza) gained international popularity. Musicians from Havana and New Orleans would take the twice-daily ferry between both cities to perform, and the habanera quickly took root in the musically fertile Crescent City. John Storm Roberts states that the musical genre habanera \"reached the U.S. twenty years before the first rag was published.\" For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime, and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a", "id": "15637752" }, { "contents": "Vince Guaraldi\n\n\nenjoyed considerable radio airplay and helped launch the smooth jazz genre. He released \"Cast Your Fate to the Wind\" on the album \"Waiting for Spring\" in 1989. Pianist George Winston released a Guaraldi tribute album in 1996 entitled \"Linus and Lucy – The Music of Vince Guaraldi\". Winston performed many \"Peanuts\" songs that had not been released by Guaraldi himself. \"I love his melodies and his chord progressions\", Winston said of Guaraldi. \"He has a really personal way of doing voicings.\"", "id": "19913155" }, { "contents": "Music of Australia\n\n\nMinstrel orchestra music featured improvisatory embellishment and polyrhythm in the (pre-classic) banjo playing and clever percussion breaks. Some genuine African-American minstrel and jubilee singing troupes toured from the 1870s. A more jazz-like form of minstrelsy reached Australia in the late 1890s in the form of improvisatory and syncopated coon song and cakewalk music, two early forms of ragtime. The next two decades brought ensemble, piano and vocal ragtime and leading (mostly white) American ragtime artists, including Ben Harney, \"Emperor of Ragtime\"", "id": "18785036" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Barnard\n\n\nhave called the album ‘Music for Listening’, \"\"because some people seriously have thought it’s a new age meditation record. Or I should have called it ‘Music for Listening while Driving\".\" Track listing In 1986, Rebecca Barnard provided vocals to the songs \"The Moon\" and \"Detective Love\" on the motion picture soundtrack to Jamezee's Changing Name – Do You \"Speak My Language?\"album. In 1995, Rebcca's Empire contributed to a compilation jazz and blues album called \"Up All Night\"", "id": "10196072" }, { "contents": "Hart Day Leavitt\n\n\ntaught expository writing to freshmen for five years. At the end of his Harvard stint, and again facing retirement, Leavitt got himself appointed to a job teaching English at Tufts University. Leavitt was married to Carol for 63 years. Among their shared interests were music – she loved classical, and he loved jazz. His wife encouraged Leavitt to take up the clarinet, and he dragged her to smoky jazz clubs to listen to his favorite jazz artists, including Ella Fitzgerald. Together they were instrumental in bringing the Andover Chamber Music", "id": "11637467" }, { "contents": "Tunde Jegede\n\n\nex-members of the Jazz Warriors founded by Courtney Pine and Cleveland Watkiss. Jegede formed his own jazz ensemble, The Jazz Griots, with the purpose of exploring the connections between African and African diasporic forms of music. In 1991, he pioneered African Classical music in the UK with the first ever national tour of the African Classical Music Ensemble, which nurtured his burgeoning composer credentials. In 1995, a BBC TV documentary called \"Africa I Remember\" was done on Tunde Jegede's music and focused on his orchestral work.", "id": "15294221" }, { "contents": "European free jazz\n\n\nmusic achieved the relative level of success that \"'bop,' 'early jazz,' and 'swing' enjoy[ed] in America,\" during their respective musical periods. According to Oxford Music Online, \"In Europe (especially England) free jazz is also known simply as 'improvised music,' particularly in performances which emphasize stylistic connections to avant-garde art music rather than to sounds of African-American origin\". As free jazz, or 'improvised music' grew and developed as a popular genre of", "id": "16091151" }, { "contents": "Third stream\n\n\nThird Stream is a synthesis of jazz and classical music. The term was coined in 1957 by composer Gunther Schuller in a lecture at Brandeis University. Improvisation is generally seen as a vital component of third stream. In 1961, Schuller defined third stream as \"a new genre of music located about halfway between jazz and classical music\". He insisted that \"by definition there is no such thing as 'third stream jazz'\". He noted that while critics on both sides of third stream objected to tainting their favorite music", "id": "10286313" }, { "contents": "Bona Makes You Sweat\n\n\nBona Makes You Sweat is the first live album by Cameroonian jazz bassist and musician Richard Bona. It was recorded in A 38 club in Budapest, Hungary in 2007, and released on March 7, 2008 through Universal Music Jazz France. The album has charted in France. Bona said, \"After every concert I’ve ever played, I get people coming up saying they’d love to have a souvenir of the show. That’s the reason I recorded this album—for my fans.\" \"Bona’s fifth and", "id": "22114096" }, { "contents": "Thaitanium\n\n\nmusic and reading books. His favorite kinds of music are hip hop, rap, jazz and reggae. He likes playing basketball and skateboarding. If Khan wasn't a singer, he would have been a songwriter. Jumrut Tutsanalawat, also known as Day or Sunny Day, was born on September 25, 1976. Day is also of Burmese ethnicity. One of his hobbies is listening to music. He also likes hip hop and jazz. Basketball and Skateboarding are his favorite sports. If Day wasn't a singer he would", "id": "17319328" }, { "contents": "Folk ragtime\n\n\nFolk ragtime is a subgenre of ragtime, a distinctly American music. It is thought to have originated with illiterate itinerant African American piano players, who learned the syncopated music not formally, but through their peers. Folk Ragtime as a form stayed active until the early 1920s, when young America shifted its attention to early jazz. It was later revived, starting in 1947 with the 'rediscovery' of Sanford Brunson Campbell (March 20, 1884 - November 23, 1952) who was one of the most noted folk ragtimers as", "id": "12309675" }, { "contents": "Debby Ryan\n\n\nthat her other role models include Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, and Tobey Maguire. When asked about musical tastes, she said, \"I love jazz! I love singing it. I also love country! My brother loves rock; he also has this chill Jason Mraz-like style. So basically, my answer is: jazz-country-rock-alternative? I have no idea! But I honestly would love to make country music\". Ryan was involved in Disney's Friends for Change. She was featured", "id": "10576897" }, { "contents": "I Offer You\n\n\nI Offer You is an album featuring performances by jazz saxophonist Lucky Thompson which was released on the Groove Merchant label. Allmusic's Scott Yanow said: \"After he stopped teaching in 1974, Lucky Thompson permanently dropped out of music. ... Thompson, switching between tenor and soprano, was still very much in his musical prime at the time of this LP but apparently soon became sick of the whole music business, a major loss to jazz. He plays quite well throughout the set\". All compositions by Lucky Thompson except where", "id": "7423904" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "Words and Music by Saint Etienne\n\n\nBand member Bob Stanley explained, \"They had done this map of a fictional area with all these road names, which were songs. I just got in touch with them and I was like, 'I love this, would you want to do one that was tailor made for us with all of our favorite songs?' They said yes. The general theme of the album is marking a route in your life through music—the idea is that you can follow roads on the map and end up with a playlist", "id": "17476490" }, { "contents": "Samir Bağırov\n\n\nMuslim Magomayev (musician) , Rashid Behbudov and Whitney Houston. Alla Pugacheva has always been Samir's favorite singer. During at school he was parodying many his fave singers like Muslim Magomayev. Whitney Houston was his greatest inspiration. One of the interviews he gave in 90 years,he said \"\"I think Whitney Houston is phenomena of pop music\".\" Musical themes and genres Bagirov explored a variety of music genres, including pop, jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, rock, disco, dance-pop,", "id": "15178348" }, { "contents": "The Groovy Sound of Music\n\n\nThe Groovy Sound of Music is an album by vibraphonist Gary Burton recorded in 1964 and released on the RCA label which features jazz interpretations of tunes from the Broadway musical \"The Sound of Music\" written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II. The Allmusic review by Ken Dryden awarded the album 4 stars, stating, \"Aside from \"My Favorite Things\", jazz musicians haven't been particularly drawn to songs from \"The Sound of Music\", so the \"Groovy Sound of Music\" songbook by Gary Burton is quite", "id": "8118464" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nenabling integrated establishments that would be called \"black and tan clubs\". The brightest aspect of Terrific Street's culture was its robust jazz music scene which grew from earlier versions of ragtime and blues. Jazz may have started in New Orleans, but due to clubs like Purcell's and musicians Sid LeProtti and Jelly Roll Morton, San Francisco inspired composers and band leaders like Art Hickman and Paul Whiteman who taught this jazz to mainstream America. Musician Sid LeProtti recalls the excitement of Terrific Street: We used to call it Terrific Street", "id": "3886649" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\nstructure of the dance and folk music of peoples across western and sub-Saharan Africa. These musical forms had a wide-ranging influence on the development of music within the United States and around the world during the 20th century. The modern genres of blues and ragtime were developed during the late 19th century by fusing West African vocalizations - which employed the natural harmonic series, and blue notes. The earliest jazz and blues recordings were made in the 1920s. African-American musicians developed related styles such as Rhythm and Blues in", "id": "13306674" }, { "contents": "Zimbabwean jazz\n\n\nSouth African sounds. In Chichewa, the word Kwela has a very similar meaning to the South African meaning: \"to climb\". The music was popularised in South Africa and then brought to Malawi, where contemporary Malawian artists have also begun producing Kwela music. It is also closely related to Marabi which was the name given to a keyboard style (often using cheap pedal organs) that had a musical link to American jazz, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early Marabi musicians were part of", "id": "3819684" }, { "contents": "Aimer\n\n\nafter she recovered, she acquired her distinctive husky voice. Aimer teamed up with the \"Agehasprings\" group, which has worked with, produced, or provided music for various artists, including Yuki, Mika Nakashima, Flumpool, Superfly, Yuzu, and Genki Rockets. In 2011, her musical career began in earnest. In May 2011, they released the concept album \"Your favorite things\". It covered numerous popular works, including works in various genre such as jazz and country western music. The number 1 record cover", "id": "1247645" }, { "contents": "Everett High School (Washington)\n\n\nam every school morning. The EHS Jazz Choir, known as \"Avenue C\", travels often to perform at various local venues and choral competitions. They have been performing at the Leavenworth, Washington Christmas Tree Lighting each year for several years now, and have been called favorite performers. Although they do study jazz music, \"jazz\" choir may be a misnomer, since they spend much of their time learning other styles of music, from classical to pop. Everett has teams in golf, tennis, softball, baseball", "id": "17736139" }, { "contents": "Music of Finland\n\n\nthe music had to be suitable for dancing. Popular genres were accordion jazz, ragtime, swing, jazz schlager and waltz. The first decades of Finnish jazz music were strongly based on imitating foreign role models until the 1960s when a new generation of jazz musicians started to create more original music by combining American tradition and Finnish folk music influences. This group of talented and well trained musicians included , Heikki Sarmanto, Eero Koivistoinen and Henrik Otto Donner. Edward Vesala's and 's band managed to succeed in international contests and festivals.", "id": "11420326" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Germany\n\n\nradio; after 1926, when Paul Whiteman enjoyed sensational success in Berlin, regular radio programmes were broadcast with jazz played live. His music was also available on record and in sheet music. The Weintraub Syncopators were the first hot jazz band in Germany at their summit beginning around 1928. Musicians from many musical backgrounds, composers of classical music concerts such as Paul Hindemith, Ernst Krenek and Kurt Weill, turned to the new music genre that came from America and incorporated it into their musical language. For the classical composers, the", "id": "19568378" }, { "contents": "Toby Gad\n\n\nSelena Gomez & the Scene, \"Don't Hold Your Breath\" for Nicole Scherzinger, \"Love You More\" for JLS, and \"I Do\" for Colbie Caillat. In the 3rd quarter of 2014, Gad was ranked the #3 songwriter in America by \"Billboard\", following up fellow hitmakers Ryan Tedder and Pharrell Williams. Born into a musical family in Munich in 1968, Gad was influenced by both parents who were established figures in the Munich music scene with their group, The Jazz Kids. His Danish", "id": "10762370" }, { "contents": "Contradanza\n\n\nragtime, and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a consistent part of African-American popular music. Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire and the tresillo/habanera figure was a rhythmic staple of jazz at the turn of the 20th century. A habanera was written and published in Butte, Montanta in 1908. The song was titled \"Solita\" and was written by Jack Hangauer. Scott Joplin's \"Solace\" (1909) is considered a habanera (though it is labeled a", "id": "3525928" }, { "contents": "Rhythm and blues\n\n\nCuban rhythmic motifs in the 1800s with the popularity of the Cuban contradanza (known outside of Cuba as the habanera). The \"habanera rhythm\" can be thought of as a combination of tresillo and the backbeat. For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the Cuban genre \"habanera\" exerted a constant presence in African American popular music. Jazz pioneer Jelly Roll Morton considered the tresillo/habanera rhythm (which he called the Spanish tinge) to be", "id": "6597685" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\n. Theatrical composers and lyricists like the brothers George and Ira Gershwin created a uniquely American theatrical style that used American vernacular speech and music. Musicals featured popular songs and fast-paced plots that often revolved around love and romance. The blues is a genre of African American folk music that is the basis for much of modern American popular music. Blues can be seen as part of a continuum of musical styles like country, jazz, ragtime, and gospel; though each genre evolved into distinct forms, their origins were often indistinct", "id": "7216662" }, { "contents": "Nick Katzman\n\n\nNick Katzman (born 1951) is an American blues musician. Katzman was born in New York City, and lives in both Manhattan and Berlin, Germany. He plays in a variety of musical genres, including Chicago blues, Mississippi blues, Texas blues, and ragtime. As a teenager in the 1960s, Katzman saw many of the surviving country blues guitarists who travelled north to play their music in clubs and at the folk festivals. He learned to lay both guitar and lute. He studied classical music and jazz at Antioch", "id": "16730431" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nto put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" Although the exact origins of jazz syncopation may never be known, there's evidence that the habanera/tresillo rhythm was there at its conception. Buddy Bolden, the first \"known\" jazz musician, is credited with creating the \"big four\", the first syncopated bass drum pattern to deviate from the standard on-the-beat march. As the example below shows,", "id": "10831571" }, { "contents": "Australian jazz\n\n\nin the 1890s in the form of syncopated cakewalk march music and syncopated \"coon-song\" and many white and black ragtime artists of repute toured Australia, including the black ragtime vocalist, Ernest Hogan, and white artists Ben Harney (the self-proclaimed 'originator' of ragtime) and Gene Greene (the Emperor of Ragtime). Greene in particular taught many Australian artists how to 'rag' (improvise in ragtime style). Australian jazz musician Bert Howell toured the world in 1933 playing compositions like \"Wabash Moon", "id": "5822832" } ]
I wish i would learn to bake
[{"answer": "Its an honourable profession. To bake and sometimes sells bread", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "251613", "title": "Baker", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 140, "bleu_score": 0.8124382371108969, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Polytheistic reconstructionism\n\n\n, or in much Christian liturgy. D. H. Lawrence put a sketch of a fictional program into the mouth of a character in \"The Plumed Serpent\" (published in 1926): So if I want Mexicans to learn the name of Quetzalcoatl, it is because I want them to speak with the tongues of their own blood. I wish the Teutonic world would once more think in terms of Thor and Wotan, and the tree Igdrasil. And I wish the Druidic world would see, honestly, that in the mistletoe is", "id": "13050412" }, { "contents": "Low Dog\n\n\nor take my lands, I will take my gun, get on my horse, and go punish him. I never thought that I would have to change that view. But at last I saw that if I wished to do good to my nation, I would have to do it by wise thinking and not so much fighting. Now, I want to learn the white man's way, for I see that he is stronger than we are, and that his government is better than ours.\" \"This is", "id": "17318085" }, { "contents": "Saul Kripke\n\n\ndegree in mathematics. During his sophomore year at Harvard, he taught a graduate-level logic course at nearby MIT. Upon graduation he received a Fulbright Fellowship, and in 1963 was appointed to the Society of Fellows. Kripke later said, \"I wish I could have skipped college. I got to know some interesting people but I can't say I learned anything. I probably would have learned it all anyway just reading on my own.\" After briefly teaching at Harvard, in 1968 Kripke moved to Rockefeller University in", "id": "3655597" }, { "contents": "Matti Breschel\n\n\npress conference, regarding his choice to join Team CSC in October 2004, he stated that he simply wished to adjust to the rigors of professional cycling, saying \"\"I hope to get in the team, but in the beginning I just want to learn the game and to learn the races. Somewhere I know that I'm in for a beating.\"\" Under tutelage of seasoned veteran Lars Michaelsen, Breschel would start the season in the Tour of Qatar, where the two riders finished side by side, Breschel conceding", "id": "8630953" }, { "contents": "Wish Upon a Star\n\n\nWish Upon a Star is a 1996 television film directed by Blair Treu, written by Jessica Barondes, and starring Katherine Heigl and Danielle Harris. It focuses on two teenage sisters that magically swap bodies because of a wish made on a shooting star. They spend several days living each other's life, sometimes with the intent to sabotage the other's reputation and achievements, but they learn to appreciate and help each other along the way. The tagline to this movie is \"I Wish I May, I Wish I Might,", "id": "20926277" }, { "contents": "Acharya Ramlochan Saran\n\n\n: the Divine Gifts. Some of you called me PIONEER, Entrepreneur, mentor, industrious. I don’t myself know what I have done. God spun me like a top As He wished desired energized me as an instrument I performed. I do not consider myself learned. Alternatively, even a LITERARY PERSON! I ONLY KNOW THAT WITH ALL MY MIGHT AND Dedication I SERVED MY MOTHER TONGUE.WHICH ARE GENERALLY BEAUTIFIED BY ARTISTS, I HAVE HUMBLY offered some raw flowers. Even in my dreams, I never knew these would be", "id": "22197349" }, { "contents": "Side Effects (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\nmy marriage [to Tommy Mottola]. which encompassed my life. I was writing the song 'Butterfly' wishing that that's what he would say to me. There's a part that goes, 'I have learned that beauty/has to flourish in the light/wild horses run unbridled/or their spirit dies/you have given me the courage/to be all that I can/and I truly feel ...[sings] and I truly feel your heart will lead you back to me when you're", "id": "6296798" }, { "contents": "Assassination attempts on Napoleon Bonaparte\n\n\nwas doing in the lobby. Scarcely had I left the box than I heard a great uproar, and soon discovered that a number of persons, whose names I could not learn, had been arrested. I informed the First Consul of what I had heard, and we immediately returned to the Tuileries.According to Fouché, the would-be assassins were Jacobin extremists. The accused, however, blamed Harrel and other agents provocateurs.The conspirators wished, without the least doubt, the death of the First Consul, but", "id": "8089774" }, { "contents": "Grahame King\n\n\nintuition, emotion or improvisation to determine the end result.\" An important influence on King’s work were his trips to Japan in 1974 and subsequently. He said of his first trip: \"Looking back I realise it was tremendously important for my work, although unconscious, it somehow removed some inhibitions\" Later he said: \"I wish I had met the East twenty years earlier - I would have learned something positive about calligraphy. I love the calligraphic mark.\" The landscape and the aboriginal art of northern Australia were", "id": "13197027" }, { "contents": "Never-Ending Language Learning\n\n\nlearned 440,000 new facts, with an accuracy of 87%. Team leader Tom M. Mitchell, chairman of the machine learning department at Carnegie Mellon described how NELL \"self-corrects when it has more information, as it learns more\", though it does sometimes arrive at incorrect conclusions. Accumulated errors, such as the deduction that Internet cookies were a kind of baked good, led NELL to deduce from the phrases \"I deleted my Internet cookies\" and \"I deleted my files\" that \"computer files\" also belonged", "id": "647643" }, { "contents": "Robert Pickton\n\n\nDoug LePard of the VPD apologized to the victims' families, saying \"I wish from the bottom of my heart that we would have caught him sooner. I wish that, the several agencies involved, that we could have done better in so many ways. I wish that all the mistakes that were made, we could undo. And I wish that more lives would have been saved. So on my behalf and behalf of the Vancouver Police Department and all the men and women that worked on this investigation, I would", "id": "16245863" }, { "contents": "Eric Cordingly\n\n\noriginal cross that Cordingly used during his wartime church services. From April 1943 to April 1944 Cordingly was sent with other prisoners to Thailand to work on the Burma Railway. Many of his fellow captives did not survive. He later wrote about this experience in a book, \"Beyond Hatred\", calling it \"To me a yearthe toughest of my life, grim and shocking as it waswhich on reflection I would not have missed. I have learned muchbut it is a year I would never wish to live through again. Eight", "id": "1859241" }, { "contents": "Wish Upon a Blackstar\n\n\nnumerous times. In a late 2008 interview, he stated that: \"I would love to just tell everyone 'The album will be done by this date,' but I've learned my lesson on that one. It's hard to predict when it will actually wrap up. I can tell you that I am thinking about alternative methods of releasing this album altogether, but I won't say anything until I'm ready to commit... that always gets me in trouble.\" On March 9, 2009, Klayton announced", "id": "10764148" }, { "contents": "Henry Dodwell\n\n\nletters : \"You are a learned man ; and your life has been not only without blemish, but exemplary ; but you do not seem to remember, or enough to consider, the woe our Saviour has denounced against those by whom scandals come ; and, according to the true notion of scandal, I know no man, that has laid more in the way of the little ones, or weaker Christians, than you have done. I do assure you, I would rather wish that I could neither read nor write", "id": "17369178" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold song)\n\n\n\"I Wish You Would\" is a song recorded by Chicago blues musician Billy Boy Arnold in 1955. It was developed while Arnold was performing with Bo Diddley and incorporates a Diddley-style rhythm. Called \"a timeless Chicago blues classic\", \"I Wish You Would\" is Arnold's best-known song and has been recorded by several artists, including the Yardbirds, who recorded it for their debut single in 1964. \"I Wish You Would\" was developed from \"Diddy Diddy Dum Dum\", a song", "id": "18429908" }, { "contents": "(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\n\n\nKevin Bacon and Jonathan Quarmby. \"(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\" was successful in the United Kingdom, where it reached number six on the UK Singles Chart in November 2001 and stayed on the chart for nine weeks. It also reached number nine in Hungary, number 10 in Germany, and the top 20 in Austria, Portugal and Spain. \"(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\" is a cover song of Billy Taylor", "id": "10330466" }, { "contents": "I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)\n\n\n\"I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)\" is a single recorded by The Temptations and released on Motown Records' Gordy label during the spring of 1968 (see 1968 in music). The single is notable as the final composition of lyricist Rodger Penzabene, and as the final Temptations single to feature David Ruffin as lead singer. Both \"I Could Never Love Another\" and the previous Temptations release, \"I Wish It Would Rain\", drew from Penzabene's real-life heart break over learning that", "id": "10631889" }, { "contents": "Butterfly (Mariah Carey song)\n\n\nand a perfect fit for a ballad. After contemplating on the matter, Carey re-wrote \"Fly Away\" in ballad form, and incorporated new lyrics and vocals. \"It was '97 and I was leaving my marriage [to Tommy Mottola]. which encompassed my life. I was writing the song 'Butterfly' wishing that that's what he would say to me. There's a part that goes, 'I have learned that beauty / has to flourish in the light / wild horses run unbridled /", "id": "1919132" }, { "contents": "Duty Now for the Future\n\n\nto choose him for the album: \"I consider my job to put the act across in the best way possible, in the way THEY wish to be perceived. I hate it when I'm part of the final equation. The act was signed for their talent not mine. I just wish the modern A&R people saw things that way. I know they chose me because of the Bowie records I did, but I don't know if it was a direct recommendation from Mr. Jones. Devo always wanted to learn.", "id": "16621996" }, { "contents": "Glen Drover\n\n\nstating: \"I was very excited about doing this gig initially, but learned in the past week or so that it's in my best interest not to do this right now. (...) I sincerely wish the Geoff and the band all the luck on what they do in the future.\" Drover would later explain that: \"[t]he musical direction of where Geoff wanted to go wasn't what I wanted to go forward with. I'm more into the first five Queensrÿche albums, the original template of the", "id": "3663873" }, { "contents": "I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free\n\n\n\"I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free\" is a jazz song written by Billy Taylor and Dick Dallas. Taylor's original version (as \"I Wish I Knew\") was recorded on November 12, 1963, and released on his \"Right Here, Right Now!\" album (Capitol ST-2039) the following year. His 1967 instrumental take was later used as the theme music for the \"Film...\" review programme series on BBC Television. Taylor said: \"I wrote this song,", "id": "11057290" }, { "contents": "Dating the Enemy\n\n\n. Tash tells him: 'I wish you could be me, so you could see how I feel for once. I wish I could be you, so I could show you what an idiot you've become!'. That night is a full moon and fate decides to lend a hand. They wake to find that each is in the other's body. A month of each pretending to be the other ensues and they have to learn what it's really like to be in the other person's shoes.", "id": "8670050" }, { "contents": "The Temptations Wish It Would Rain\n\n\nWould Rain\" are the hit singles \"I Wish It Would Rain\" and \"I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)\", both featuring Ruffin on lead vocals and co-written by Motown writer Roger Penzabene, who committed suicide on New Year's Eve 1967 because of the breakup described in these two songs. \"I Wish It Would Rain's\" b-side, \"I Truly, Truly Believe\", is a rare solo showcase for Franklin, the group's bass singer. The third single", "id": "4262123" }, { "contents": "Harry Nelson Pillsbury\n\n\nBreslau, against the wishes of his mother, and recalled in \"Chess Secrets I learned from the Masters\" : But it soon became evident that I would have lost my game even if I had been in the calmest of moods. Pillsbury gave a marvellous performance, winning 13 of the 16 blindfold games, drawing two, and losing only one. He played strong chess and made no mistakes [presumably in recalling the positions]. The picture of Pillsbury sitting calmly in an armchair, with his back to the players,", "id": "14092944" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Well\n\n\na year in which he separated with his wife, Kathleen. According to Cochrane, \"I Wish You Well\" and \"Ragged Ass Road\" addresses these issues and what he learned from the period. Released as a single in August 1995, \"I Wish You Well\" debuted at number one on the Canadian \"RPM\" Top Singles chart on September 4, 1995, becoming the second song in the chart's history to accomplish this feat (not counting the magazine's first number one), after Band Aid's", "id": "20196265" }, { "contents": "Beyond the Horizon (People in Planes album)\n\n\ntested new material. New song titles include: \"Baked\", \"Evil With You\", \"Get On The Flaw\", \"Human Error\", \"Better Than Life\", \"I Wish That You'd Fall Apart\" and \"Tonight (The Sun Will Rise)\" On February 7th 2008 People In Planes released Pretty Buildings, the first song from Beyond The Horizon as an internet download through Myspace and the band's mailing list. Hey people. I hereby declare People In Planes are back! Our", "id": "4088325" }, { "contents": "Enrico Garff\n\n\nman appeared who was so pleasant and handsome that I could not help the feeling in my heart that this man, who would be an ideal husband for Diana, could not possibly be single and unattached. A little later when I mentioned to the Italian speaking party that Diana wished to learn Italian from a specialized language teacher, a man answered, almost at once, in perfect Swedish that he occasionally gave private lessons. That man was the one I had noticed as he had entered the room earlier. He was Enrico Garff", "id": "1408559" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "Zydrunas Ilgauskas\n\n\nmy back... After the season I rested a few weeks and began training because I wished to arrive the training camp from the beginning and to prepare, however the pain returned... Doctors told that there are two moves: resting or operation after which you have to rest for two months... I really wished to play a lot and it would hurt in my heart if I would have to sit and would be unable to play. If I did not want that, I wouldn't have gone through all these roads of the", "id": "4944010" }, { "contents": "Nicolle Velez\n\n\ndiscipline and hard work are the backbones to any accomplishment. If it is easy, it has already been done. I learned from my father’s many proverbs that time gives you time, but that same time can forsake you and that is why no day should ever be wasted. Most of all, I learned that in coming from a happy home, I was strong and supported. I was confident because I knew that my troubles might be another’s wish of tranquility.\" She has graced several fashion shows and TV", "id": "1898720" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\ngood in quality, and were chosen on aesthetic quality only. Diana Beard left the show before the next episode was filmed due to illness. Beard later gave an interview to BBC Radio Shropshire, saying: \"I'm disappointed with the way it's been portrayed. I've been stitched up, haven't I? We were 12 amateur bakers, [there's] no prize money involved. Why would I sabotage Iain's Baked Alaska? This has made it look like some cutthroat competition. I think someone's culpable", "id": "12151658" }, { "contents": "Matt's Script Archive\n\n\nwhen he was an inexperienced programmer) tend to be buggy. Experienced Perl programmers usually recommend against the use of these scripts, and the London Perl Mongers started an effort called nms to write drop-in replacements for them. Matt Wright himself has recommended using the nms scripts, saying:\"I would highly recommend downloading the nms versions if you wish to learn CGI programming. The code you find at Matt's Script Archive is not representative of how even I would code these days.\" Most of the scripts at Matt's Script Archive", "id": "5413640" }, { "contents": "Eve (American TV series)\n\n\ncharacter and the series. She explained: \"I was the youngest person on set and was clubbing in between being on set and learning my lines. I look back and wish I was more dedicated. But I learned from it.\" The show, as well as a majority of UPN's programs, was officially canceled when the network merged with The WB Television Network (The WB) to form The CW in 2006. Fern Gillespie of \"The Crisis\" was critical of UPN's decision to cancel the series given", "id": "15180319" }, { "contents": "Mohamed Nasheed\n\n\nthe President of the Maldives, the people of the country would suffer more. I therefore have resigned as the President of Maldives. I wish the Maldives would have a consolidated democracy. I wish for justice to be established. My wish is for the progress and prosperity of the people. And I thank you all for your support and contributions to achieve success for the past three years.\" He also stated his hope that his resignation might avoid international pressure on the Maldives over the unrest. Vice President Mohammed Waheed Hassan,", "id": "10766861" }, { "contents": "Murad III\n\n\nanother letter addressed to Şüca Dede, Murad wrote \"I wish that God, may He be glorified and exalted, had not created this poor servant as the descendant of the Ottomans so that I would not hear this and that, and would not worry. I wish I were of unknown pedigree. Then, I would have one single task, and could ignore the whole world.\" The diplomatic edition of these dream letters have been recently published by Ozgen Felek in Turkish. Murad died from what is assumed to be natural", "id": "20620848" }, { "contents": "Gladden Bishop\n\n\nin peace, I am willing they should, but I do not wish them to stir up strife. I never expected that this community would be composed entirely of Latter-day Saints, but I expected there would be goats mixed among the sheep, until they are separated. I do not look for anything else, but I wish them to behave themselves in their sphere, also the sheep; and let the goats associate with their goatish companions, and not endeavor to disturb the equanimity of the sheep in their pasture.", "id": "16915586" }, { "contents": "Sacco and Vanzetti\n\n\ndo his work, and die all in the space of seven years.\" On April 9, 1927, Judge Thayer heard final statements from Sacco and Vanzetti. In a lengthy speech Vanzetti said: I would not wish to a dog or to a snake, to the most low and misfortunate creature of the earth, I would not wish to any of them what I have had to suffer for things that I am not guilty of. But my conviction is that I have suffered for things that I am guilty of.", "id": "18576353" }, { "contents": "Shane Cross\n\n\nInternet-based Tumblr site, produced by Australian skateboard videographer/editor, Jackson Getrad Buhck, published the following passage in relation to Cross: The last time I saw Shane before his death would probably have been about over a year before hand, and to this day the length of not seeing him once between his passing upsets me more than anything. I wish I could have seen him some how while I had the chance, I wish I could have hugged him while I had the chance, I wish I could have", "id": "7994152" }, { "contents": "I Wish Tonight Would Never End\n\n\nI Wish Tonight Would Never End is an album by American country music artist George Jones. It was released in 1963 on the United Artists record label. \"I Wish Tonight Would Never End\" features two duets with Melba Montgomery, including the standard \"We Must Have Been Out Of Our Minds\", one of seven chart singles they would score together between 1963 and 1967. In the book \"George Jones: The Life and Times of a Honky Tonk Legend\", Bob Allen quotes Jones: \"Now, truthfully,", "id": "831433" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold song)\n\n\nstyle rhythm. Backing Arnold (vocal and harmonica) are Jody Williams (guitar), Milton Rector (bass), and Earl Phillips (drums). The single, credited to \"Billy Boy\", reportedly sold well, but did not appear in the national record charts. Arnold revisited \"I Wish You Would\" several times during his career, producing new studio versions and live versions of the song for a variety of record labels. Arnold later commented that because of \"I Wish You Would\" he was unfairly", "id": "18429910" }, { "contents": "Muhammad's first revelation\n\n\nMuhammad told him what had happened to him, Waraqah replied: \"This is Namus (meaning Gabriel) that Allah sent to Moses. I wish I were younger. I wish I could live up to the time when your people would turn you out.\" Muhammad asked: \"Will they drive me out?\" Waraqah answered in the affirmative and said: \"Anyone who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should be alive until that day, then I would support", "id": "6816827" }, { "contents": "Slumberland Records\n\n\ncompany record promotion label called \"I Wish I Was a Slumberland Record\", using colored vinyl instead of black vinyl for up-and-coming bands. The debut release for the WISH label was Sleepyhead's \"Sick of Heaven\" 7\". In 2001, Slumberland Records went on a temporary hiatus after The Saturday People self-titled full-length but returned in 2003 to release the vinyl version of The Aislers Set third full-length \"How I Learned to Write Backwards\". The label once again returned to", "id": "13122914" }, { "contents": "Gaius Junius Tiberianus\n\n\nmanner of a history, and these I should like you to procure and set forth in order, adding thereto all that pertains to his life. All these things you may learn in your zeal for research from the linen books, for he gave instructions that in these all that he did each day should be written down. I will arrange, moreover, that the Ulpian Library shall provide you with the linen books themselves. It would be my wish that you write a work on Aurelian, representing him, to the best", "id": "13216621" }, { "contents": "Stages on Life's Way\n\n\n, how will she ever come to sorrow religiously when she must leave undecided an ethical issue such as my behavior toward her, when it is indeed over its result that she wishes to sorrow. Would that I might be a woman for half a year so that I could learn how she is dissimilar to man.\" The guilty-not guilty discussions by Marie Beaumarchais, Donna Elvira, and Margarete were written in Kierkegaard's \"Either/Or\" (1843). Marie Beaumarchais says of Goethe's Clavigo, \"Yes", "id": "21540489" }, { "contents": "A Dialogue Concerning Oratorical Partitions\n\n\nPartitions would thus be one of Cicero’s treatises in this period of his life, written after his most famous dialogue on rhetoric, De oratore. The treatise begins when Cicero’s son asks his father, “I wish…to hear the rules concerning the principles of speaking…Into how many parts is the whole system of speaking divided?” His father replies, “Is there anything, my Cicero, which I can be more desirous of than that you should be as learned as possible?” Cicero then undertakes a", "id": "6754341" }, { "contents": "Gary Grigsby's Pacific War\n\n\nwilling to learn \"ten to twenty hours just learning to play\". A survey of wargames that year in the magazine gave the game four stars out of five, calling it \"\"The\" simulation of the Pacific ... I find it overwhelming, but I can recognize quality when I see it. Highly recommended for retirees, or for those for whom the expression \"Get a life!\" means something\". The magazine named \"Pacific War\" the 1993 Wargame of the Year, and in 1994 wished that \"", "id": "7137003" }, { "contents": "Encantadia (2016 TV series)\n\n\nalso play a Mulawin whose appearance has not yet been televised. In an interview with Manila Times, Richards said, \"...11 years ago. I remember I watched the show with my family and I was so mesmerized with all the special effects. [...]When I learned that GMA was doing a ‘requel’ of Encantadia, I was really wishing to be a part of the show. That’s why when they told me that I have a role in the series, I was so happy...\".", "id": "7185062" }, { "contents": "My Heart Has a Wish That You Would Not Go\n\n\n. Vocalist Craig B. revealed that the delay between \"My Heart Has a Wish\" and the band's previous release, 2004's \"Seclusion\", was partly due to losing his singing voice for six months. Referring to the album's vocals, Craig B. stated in a 2010 interview with \"The Skinny\" that, \"By the time we got to \"My Heart Has a Wish\", I just didn't feel like screaming anymore. I think I wasn't as angry by then and it would have felt", "id": "12363705" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold song)\n\n\nlabeled as a Bo Diddley stylist: \"I was a straight blues guy ... Bo Diddley's stuff was rock'n'rollish, it wasn't straight blues, and when I did 'I Wish You Would,' and it had that similar type of beat, that just throws me in the same pot with Bo Diddley, 'cause everybody identified the song as a Bo Diddley type of song. But I had no intention of ever doing anything like Bo Diddley, 'cause that wasn't my style of music.\" English rock band the", "id": "18429911" }, { "contents": "Amy's Baking Company\n\n\n“I support Amy's Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro 100 percent” appeared on May 15. A press release announced that they would be holding a “Grand Re-Opening” on May 21, 2013. On April 11, 2014, \"Kitchen Nightmares\" aired a special episode revolving around the events at Amy's Baking Company during and after the episode aired with a new, specially-recorded interview with the owners conducted by local reporter Ana Garcia. Amy's Baking Company permanently closed on September 1, 2015.", "id": "1350255" }, { "contents": "Aerated Bread Company\n\n\norder from one of the quieter waitresses a double portion of sausages and mashed potatoes, accompanied by a cup of coffee, and followed by an apple dumpling or a segment of baked jam roll. and: By three o'clock, however, they had both returned, and I would take the opportunity, five minutes later, of again sending Miss Botterill to the Aerated Bread Company for my mid-afternoon cup of tea. This I would drink, unthickened by food, but at half-past four I would send her out", "id": "8605787" }, { "contents": "Lightner Witmer\n\n\nthe Prep School “Episcopal Academy of Philadelphia”, one of the best schools in America at the time. Witmer showed his intelligence and reasoning ability at Prep School. Witmer and two other boys were told to build a canoe, each having everything they needed to complete their task. His two schoolmates were arguing over who would build the canoe first, but Witmer thought and told the other children, \"I wish to finish last as I will learn from others' mistakes and build the best canoe.\" He graduated with", "id": "11933388" }, { "contents": "Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel\n\n\nshe wrote to the court official E. Schack that she wished that he would find out \"what loyalty, righteousness and truthfulness can expect for reward in this vile world\", and in a letter to Frederick the Great, while expressing her satisfaction with her new quiet life, she added: \"I am surprised by nothing after my experiences during 23 years in this Kingdom, and I have in truth learned the nature of the world and its inhabitants\". Juliana Maria lived the rest of her life quietly at court, resuming", "id": "17928825" }, { "contents": "Aloysia Weber\n\n\nthe instruction period he wrote a kind of examination piece, the recitative and aria K. 294 \"Alcandro, lo confesso/Non sò, d'onde viene\". As Mozart wrote to his father: When I had it ready, I said to Mlle Weber: learn the aria yourself, sing it as you wish; then let me hear it and I will tell you honestly what I like and what I don't like. After two days, I came and she sang it to me, accompanying herself. Then I was", "id": "1242844" }, { "contents": "Latin syntax\n\n\nam', ' 'I am able', ' 'I want', ' 'I don't want' and ' 'I prefer', ends in \"-im\": ' 'I may be, I would be', ' 'I may be able', ' 'I would like, I may wish', etc. The imperfect subjunctive of every verb has the same form as the infinitive + \"-m\": ', ', ', ', ', ' etc. The", "id": "15191271" }, { "contents": "Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo\n\n\nByrd, he called Brooks after learning that Brooks had also recorded the song. \"I called Garth and he said that he had been told if it wasn't my first single, it was not gonna be a single and I said, 'Well, it's gonna be a single and I really, really am counting on this thing as a hit.' I said, 'I named the album after it.' And he was cool he said, 'Man, I wish you luck with it", "id": "16156583" }, { "contents": "Leb i sol\n\n\ngreeting which literally translates to \"bread and salt\". It is often used as an expression of spite or determination; e.g. \"I will eat \"bread and salt\" if I have to, but I will not give in!\", but that has nothing to do with the band's name. More commonly, distinguished visitors to villages and communities would be offered a piece of home-baked bread and a dip of salt as a traditional welcome, which is where the name of the band really came from.", "id": "14136296" }, { "contents": "Edward Espe Brown\n\n\nto teach others how. When he got home he asked his mother to teach him to bake bread. She said, \"No, yeast makes me nervous.\" Brown eventually learned to bake bread, eleven years later, from two chefs at Tassajara. Brown later asked his brother if he remembered their trip to visit Alice. Dwite said yes he did, \"What I remember was the Smithfield ham, but it didn't change my life\". He wrote \"The Tassajara Bread Book\" in 1970 with a 100", "id": "4415509" }, { "contents": "Louis Riel\n\n\nalleged. He explained as follows: I wish to leave Rome aside, inasmuch as it is the cause of division between Catholics and Protestants. I did not wish to force my views ... If I could have any influence in the new world it would be to help in that way, even if it takes 200 years to become practical ... so my children's children can shake hands with the Protestants of the new world in a friendly manner. I do not wish those evils which exist in Europe to be continued, as", "id": "18901117" }, { "contents": "(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\n\n\n\"(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\" is a song by Lighthouse Family, released as their first single from their third album, \"Whatever Gets You Through the Day\", released in 2001. The song was originally written by Billy Taylor, with lyrics by Dick Dallas. Best known for its 1967 version by Nina Simone, and as the instrumental theme (performed by the Billy Taylor Trio) to the BBC \"Film...\" TV show, this version was produced by", "id": "10330465" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold song)\n\n\nthe Yardbirds' US label, Epic Records. Both the single and extremely rare picture sleeve show the title as \"I Wish You Could\". One side of the picture sleeve shows the group, the other side an unrelated advertisement for Esquire socks. The record label was later corrected and re-released, but the picture sleeve was withdrawn. Several live versions of \"I Wish You Would\" were recorded by the Yardbirds, which were later released. A version from 1963 with Eric Clapton was released on \"London 1963", "id": "18429913" }, { "contents": "Michele Bachmann\n\n\nof Illinois; he's one of the members of Congress you suspect of being anti-American. How many people in the Congress of the United States do you think are anti-American? You've already suspected Barack Obama; is he alone or are there others?\" Bachmann answered, \"What I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating exposé and take a look ... I wish they would ... I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and", "id": "3522501" }, { "contents": "Bernese German phonology\n\n\n, however, the opposition is not restricted with respect to syllable structure and also occurs in the syllable onset, for instance ('to bake') vs. ('baked, past participle'); in order for this opposition not to be neutralized, there must be a preceding voiced sound, for instance ('I want to bake a cake') vs. ('I have baked a cake'). In the Northern Bernese German, however, only lenis plosives may occur at the syllable onset, so '", "id": "4820471" }, { "contents": "Luiz Melodia\n\n\nJaneiro, on 7 January 1951. The only son born to Oswaldo and Eurídice, he first discovered music through his father, who always played at home: \"I would play his viola, trying out a few chords and always observing. He never let me touch the 4-string viola, which was a real relic, very beautiful. That was where I learned to play.\" Despite his musical affinity from a young age, Luiz ended up having to go against his father's wishes, who dreamed of seeing him graduate", "id": "4999823" }, { "contents": "Bob Marshall (wilderness activist)\n\n\nforestry work I have yet done.\" During the depths of the Great Depression in 1932–1933, Marshall had defined himself as a socialist. He told a correspondent: \"I wish very sincerely that Socialism would be put into effect right away and the profit system eliminated.\" He became active in the Tenants Unemployed League of the District of Columbia, a group that helped unemployed people with housing problems; later he joined the fight against federal aid cuts to scientific research. Having learned of the American Civil Liberties Union from his father", "id": "8731164" }, { "contents": "Kathy Barnes\n\n\nwith this younger man.\" She continued: \"I wish they'd bring [Kathy] back. I had so much more to go with her. I was sad to leave. I didn't want to leave at all. I loved doing the show.\" When asked whether she thought viewers would be happy to see the character, Buckley said: \"I always thought they'd say, 'We're glad you're gone'. But people say they wish she was there because she was that kind of", "id": "9493489" }, { "contents": "Subjunctive mood\n\n\nhave a past subjunctive form. For example, the indicative \"will\" as in \"He will come tomorrow\" has the subjunctive form \"would\" as in \"I wish that he would come tomorrow\". Likewise, the indicative \"can\" as in \"He can do it now\" has the subjunctive form \"could\" as in \"I wish that he could do it now\". And the indicative \"shall\" as in \"I shall go there\" has the subjunctive form \"should\" as in", "id": "3944517" }, { "contents": "Amor fati\n\n\n\"The Gay Science\": I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who makes things beautiful. \"Amor fati\": let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. \"Looking away\" shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish", "id": "19755945" }, { "contents": "Helmet (band)\n\n\n1990s Helmet songs (including all 10 songs from the \"Meantime\" album) by various underground hardcore bands. Late Deftones bassist Chi Cheng remarked \"Every band should wish to aspire to the originality and genius of Helmet. An inspiration to fans and musicians-alike\" while Norma Jean guitarist Chris Day recalled in 2006 \"The first song I ever learned to play on the guitar was a Helmet song. I pretty much just tried to figure the songs out and that's how I learned to play basically. Helmet is a", "id": "2650530" }, { "contents": "I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free\n\n\nperhaps my best-known composition, for my daughter Kim. This is one of the best renditions I’ve done because it is very spiritual.\" The song served as an anthem for the Civil Rights Movement in America in the 1960s. A widely played version was recorded by Nina Simone in 1967 on her \"Silk & Soul\" album. Lighthouse Family covered it as \"(I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be) Free/One\". Other artists who have covered the song include Don Shirley (", "id": "11057291" }, { "contents": "Leonard White (physician)\n\n\nthe breeding of these pests like stagnant ponds, pools, sewers, etc. would favor it. I wish that your boy would catch for me some of the Uxbridge mosquitoes and send them to me alive in a box with pinholes in them. I wish to compare them with those in this non-infected neighborhood. In your work of suppression, I would suggest that you keep your mind on these insects. Devise protection by window screens, in-door (illegible) abandonment of barrels, tubs, etc. about", "id": "20461926" }, { "contents": "Thank Me Later\n\n\n\" \"Cece's Interlude\" has a Prince-like LinnDrum and transparent lyrics addressing a girl: \"I wish I / Wasn't famous / I wish I / Was still in school / So that I could have you in my dorm room / I would put it on you crazy.\" The pop song \"Find Your Love\" was produced by Kanye West and bears similarity to his 2008 song \"Heartless\". \"Thank Me Later\" was one of the most anticipated hip hop releases of 2010. Universal Motown", "id": "2266592" }, { "contents": "Shall and will\n\n\nIn archaic usage \"would\" has been used to indicate present time desire. \"Would that I were dead\" means \"I wish I were dead\". \"I would fain\" means \"I would gladly\". More details of the usage of \"should\", \"would\" and other related auxiliaries can be found in the article on English modal verbs. When \"would\" and \"should\" function as past tenses of \"will\" and \"shall\", their usage tends to correspond to that of", "id": "6076008" }, { "contents": "Roxanne Didier Nicholas\n\n\nshe wishes to pursue advance studies in dance, as well as further develop her potential. “I wish I could have begun my study in dance at a younger age but I plan to further my dance education after I have achieved my first degree,” she commented. “At the age of eleven,” shared Nicholas, “I became a member of the Avad Dance Ministry as well. Both groups have significantly contributed to the dancer I am today. After my first degree I would like to do my masters degree", "id": "1114237" }, { "contents": "R. Jay Soward\n\n\ntheir first-round selection (29th overall) in the 2000 NFL Draft. He did not take the pressure of being a first-round selection very well. \"I think the hardest part for me was dealing with all the pressure after getting drafted,\" he recalls. \"I didn’t play well my first year so people were on me a lot. I wish I would have went to New Orleans in the second round. I wish I hadn’t ever been a first round draft pick. I felt that", "id": "18952036" }, { "contents": "Joe Iacone\n\n\nmy nervousness and I was on my way home.\" He added, \"I think they gave me a fair chance. I just wish I had had more time. ... I'm glad I had the chance because I learned so much more about football.\" He spent the fall of 1963 playing semi pro football and working in a sporting good store. Iacone signed with the Boston Patriots of the American Football League in 1964, but was released during training camp In October 1963, Iacone was hired as a physical education", "id": "20443529" }, { "contents": "Diogenes and Alexander\n\n\nanything, \"Yes,\" said Diogenes, \"stand a little out of my sun.\" It is said that Alexander was so struck by this, and admired so much the haughtiness and grandeur of the man who had nothing but scorn for him, that he said to his followers, who were laughing and jesting about the philosopher as they went away, \"But truly, if I were not Alexander, I wish I were Diogenes.\" and Diogenes replied \"If I wasn't Diogenes, I would be wishing", "id": "15880586" }, { "contents": "Suicide of Taipei First Girls' High School students (1994)\n\n\ndrawer and the second right drawer of my desk (with the computer on), and in the closed cupboard, and burn them all. Except the basketball, which I wish will still be put in my room, I would love to leave all other stuffs to my brother, and hope he can work hard with a faithful heart. If the soul is truly exist after I die, I would always remember you all and deliver you my best wishes. (Written by Lin Qinghui) Ruohui Yang, an ACG researcher", "id": "2147192" }, { "contents": "World Patent Marketing\n\n\ncommitting fraud. She commented, \"I wish I had never heard of the company and I wish that my name were not in any way associated with it. I can't turn back time and not accept the offer to be on their board — believe me if I could, I would.\" In April 2016 when an irate customer, Crystal Carlson, received a threatening email from Cooper she searched Facebook and found dozens of other inventors who had also been scammed. Most notably she tracked down the inventor of \"Teddy", "id": "12989502" }, { "contents": "I Wish It Would Rain\n\n\n\"I Wish It Would Rain\" is a 1967 song recorded by the Temptations for the Motown label (under the \"Gordy\" imprint) and produced by Norman Whitfield. The song is one of the most melancholy in the Temptations repertoire, with lead singer David Ruffin delivering, in a pained voice, the story of a heartbroken man who wants to hide his sorrow. His woman has just left him, and he wishes that it would start raining, to hide the tears falling down his face because \"a man ai", "id": "34103" }, { "contents": "I Wish It Would Rain\n\n\nfocal point of the Temptations' 1968 album \"The Temptations Wish It Would Rain\". \"I Wish It Would Rain\" has been covered by a number of artists, including Percy Sledge (1994 on his Blue Night album), Gladys Knight & the Pips (peaking in the US at number 41 pop and 15 R&B). Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin from \"Get It Right\" (1983), Little Caesar, have also recorded versions of the song. Overseas, The Faces, recorded a 1973 cover and", "id": "34107" }, { "contents": "Anti-Hindi agitations of Tamil Nadu\n\n\nKrishnamachari: We disliked the English language in the past. I disliked it because I was forced to learn Shakespeare and Milton, for which I had no taste at all. If we are going to be compelled to learn Hindi, I would perhaps not be able to learn it because of my age, and perhaps I would not be willing to do it because of the amount of constraint you put on me. This kind of intolerance makes us fear that the strong Centre which we need, a strong Centre which is necessary", "id": "2313845" }, { "contents": "Charlie Schlatter\n\n\nthis guy, wish I could be more like that!' And so, he tried to be more like that; and in his acting takes, he tried to relax, how to breathe, how to whatever; and just how to be present and to be emotionally available, quicker. That's 1 thing I learned from him, too, I mean, listen, he's a comic genius, but the stuff that he did, was heartfelt stuff... was just really I mean, at times it was a", "id": "22152025" }, { "contents": "English modal verbs\n\n\nthe past tense of \"can\" (\"if I could speak French\"). However all the modal preterites can be used in such clauses with certain types of hypothetical future reference: \"if I should lose\" or \"should I lose\" (equivalent to \"if I lose\"); \"if you would/might/could stop doing that\" (usually used as a form of request). Sentences with the verb \"wish\" (and expressions of wish using \"if only...\") follow", "id": "16666027" }, { "contents": "Glassjaw\n\n\nI wish I had an answer for everyone, but I am pretty much in the dark. I mean, let’s be frank, here. I just play the bass. I have no delusions about my role. I have no control of what happens with the band. I would love to tell you that the record is done. I would love to tell you when or if we are going to tour again. The sad truth is, I just don’t know. I don’t know if anyone knows.", "id": "10976808" }, { "contents": "Meng Zhixiang\n\n\nhave treasonous wishes. When you get there, Lord, execute him for me.\" Meng responded, \"Guo Chongtao is an accomplished old subject of the Empire, and it is not likely that he has such wishes. When I, your subject, reaches Shu, I will examine him. If he has no such wishes, I will send him back.\" Emperor Zhuangzong, at that time, agreed. However, Empress Liu became convinced that Guo was about to rebel and would kill her son Li Jiji first", "id": "16142502" }, { "contents": "I Wish You Would (Billy Boy Arnold song)\n\n\n– The First Recordings!\"; a 1965 recording by the BBC with Jeff Beck was released on \"Yardbirds ... On Air\"; and a 1968 version with Jimmy Page appears on \"Last Rave-Up in LA\". A variety of artists have recorded \"I Wish You Would\", including John Hammond (1966 \"I Can Tell\"), Black Widow (1971 single), Canned Heat (1969 \"Live at Topanga Corral\" released 1971), David Bowie (1973 \"Pin Ups\"),", "id": "18429914" }, { "contents": "Caliban upon Setebos\n\n\ngourd-fruit into mash, Add honeycomb and pods, I have perceived, Which bite like finches when they bill and kiss,-- Then, when froth rises bladdery, drink up all, Quick, quick, till maggots scamper through my brain; Last, throw me on my back i' the seeded thyme, And wanton, wishing I were born a bird. Put case, unable to be what I wish, I yet could make a live bird out of clay: Would not I take clay, pinch my Caliban Able", "id": "14045098" }, { "contents": "William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam\n\n\non the war and \"on all occasions where they support establishment against innovation, monarchy and aristocracy against the inroads of sans-culottism; but beyond these points I profess no friendship or goodwill towards an administration from which I have received such gross ill-treatment\". The Foxites were no better: \"I don't know that they would wish for the appearance of connexion with me, and I am sure I should but little wish it with them, till such time as all the leaven of sans-cullotism is worked", "id": "14398491" }, { "contents": "Harriet White Fisher\n\n\nwas the head. I went in as the 'boss'; but I soon learned that if I was to be respected by my employees, I would have to know more than they did. To this end, I began as a regular apprentice, learned to temper steel, chisel the face of an anvil, mold vises and make rails. In fact, I took a complete course in every department of the business, from melting pig-iron to bidding for contracts. Before I was through, I learned really", "id": "11440392" }, { "contents": "Damon McMahon\n\n\nrecirculated on social media. In the interview, McMahon replied that he did not wish to collaborate with female musicians, stating, \"I don't think my energy would work with that. I mean, I love women, and I have plenty of female friends, but I don't think my energy would work with a woman. I don't know, I can't imagine it, actually. It's just not my vibe, and I don't mean that in any kind of disparaging or critical way; I", "id": "13519452" }, { "contents": "Make-A-Wish Foundation\n\n\na wish from another wish-granting organization. Each Make-A-Wish chapter follows specific policies and guidelines for granting a child’s wish. Make-A-Wish works closely with the wish child’s physician and family to determine the most appropriate time to grant the wish, keeping in mind the child’s treatment protocol or other concerns. Most wish requests fall into five categories: I wish to go, I wish to be, I wish to meet, I wish to have, or I wish to give.", "id": "18089653" }, { "contents": "Rose Naftalin\n\n\ndelicatessen near their apartment. The delicatessen had only a one-burner stove, so Rose would cook in the apartment. \"We worked in shifts until one in the morning when I would go home, set the yeast dough, and while it was rising, make cupcakes, ice a sheet cake, bake a batch of cookies, and roll the schnecken — cinnamon rolls — to let them rise again. I would stick another batch of cookies in the oven, and by that time the yeast dough would be ready to", "id": "2627008" }, { "contents": "Paul Ehrenfest\n\n\nparticularly close to both Einstein and Bohr. After Niels Bohr's first visit to Leiden in 1919, for Kramers' thesis defense, he wrote to Ehrenfest: \"\"I am sitting and thinking of all what you have told me about so very many different things, and whatever I think of I feel that I have learned so much from you which will be of great importance for me; but, at the same time, I wish so much to express my feeling of happiness over your friendship and of thankfulness for the", "id": "1926292" }, { "contents": "Bank War\n\n\n,\" he said, standing up, \"then, sir, I would resign the presidency and return to the Hermitage.\" The following day, Jackson sent a messenger to learn whether Duane had come to a decision. Duane asked to have until the 21st, but Jackson, wishing to act immediately, sent his nephew and aide Andrew Jackson Donelson to tell him that this was not good enough, and that he would announce his intention in Blair's \"Globe\" to summarily remove the deposits the next day, with", "id": "10343795" }, { "contents": "The X Factor (American season 1)\n\n\n\"ensembles\" and groups, and would be working with stylists, choreographers, and vocal coaches. They were given five hours to learn the songs they were given. One third of the acts would be eliminated by the end of the second day. Several of the ensembles performances were aired. The first ensemble performed \"Creep\", the second ensemble performed \"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For\", the third ensemble performed \"Desperado\", the fourth ensemble performed \"Wishing on a Star\",", "id": "9694342" }, { "contents": "Ruben Papian\n\n\nhealer finished, Ruben expressed a wish to learn everything about the method he was using. The healer gave him a book called “Caucasian Yoga” by Count Stefan Colonna Walewski. It was hand-written in Russian and was the first step in Ruben’s self-tutoring. With this book came an understanding of human energy and a glance at the possibilities that he had within himself. “When I was 16, I started noticing human pain. I don’t know how to explain it, but I knew if this", "id": "11341960" }, { "contents": "De Oratore\n\n\nquiet harbour: I think that free time is the sweetest comfort of the old age As regards the rest, I mean history, knowledge of public right, ancient traditions and samples, they are useful. If the young pupils wish to follow your invitation to read everything, to listen to everything and learn all liberal disciplines and reach a high cultural level, I will not stop them at all. I have only the feeling that they have not enough time to practice all that and it seems to me, Crassus, that", "id": "18428709" }, { "contents": "I Wish (band)\n\n\nI WiSH is a Japanese pop group consisting of two members, Ai Kawashima and nao. Ai is responsible for the vocals and occasionally plays the piano also with nao on the keyboard or piano. Their most notable track is and was in the Oricon rankings for over a year. Nao learned the piano when he was 5 years old. He started making original music, for example , , and so on. He won the grand prix held by YAMAHA. According to his web site, he has a perfect pitch. Ai", "id": "15445033" }, { "contents": "Wish You Were Here (Pink Floyd album)\n\n\n.\" Gilmour shares this view: \"I for one would have to say that it is my favourite album, the \"Wish You Were Here\" album. The end result of all that, whatever it was, definitely has left me an album I can live with very very happily. I like it very much.\" \"Wish You Were Here\" has been remastered and re-released on several formats. In the UK and US the album was re-issued in quadraphonic using the SQ format in 1976,", "id": "21581601" } ]
Jazz is considered by many to be Americas classical music. It can be soothing for you like jazz I do because it has swing and blue notes and smooth vocals. It is great music to just sit and relax too It is and has roots in West African cultural and musical expression. Yes, I did know that the history went way back and deep rooted
[{"answer": "I thinks most popular in New Orleans because that where it originated.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 207, "bleu_score": 0.8850548777654513, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "20th-century music\n\n\nrapping (MCing) and DJing (audio mixing and scratching). Jazz has evolved into many sometimes contrasting subgenres including smooth jazz, Bebop, Swing, Fusion, Dixieland and free jazz. Jazz originated in the early 20th century out of a combination of the Blues, Ragtime, Brass Band Music, Hymns and Spirituals, Minstrel music and work songs. Mostly instrumental pieces creating sounds of a soothing, romantic, mood-elevating or generally relaxing nature. Steven Halpern's \"Spectrum Suite\", released in 1975, is generally", "id": "16671306" }, { "contents": "I Love American Music\n\n\n1997 compilation \"Zoot Suit Riot\" to consist entirely of jazz and swing music. As such, \"I Love American Music\" follows in the jump blues-influenced swing style as much of the album does, punctuated by the Daddies' trademark horn section and utilizing call and response vocalizations in the chorus. Perry has described \"I Love American Music\" as being a dedication to the fans and musicians of American roots music, particularly influenced by the figures of Eugene, Oregon's blues scene in the 1980s, such as", "id": "10117425" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music\n\n\nmaterial's melancholy lyrics and words are backed by piano and orchestral arrangements that are rooted in jazz, as well as West Coast and Charles's style of piano blues. Charles has said that the country album was \"completely different from rhythm and blues\". \"You Don't Know Me\" has a string and vocal ensemble production and themes of desirous unrequited love. The song's narrator longs for a woman that views him as \"just a friend/That's all I've ever been/For you don't know", "id": "10308396" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Maestro Curtis\n\n\nreleased in June 2000 upon Kalimba. Within the album's liner notes White exclaimed that: The band is named Xpression because when all five members of the band come together to play it is a true expression of their musical cohesion. The music on this record is the result of the collaboration between very accomplished musicians, it is rooted in classic R&B with jazz undercurrents tailored for commercial appeal. It covers all the bases, it's energetic, sincere and sensitive. I hope you like it as much as I have enjoyed helping", "id": "14224404" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Owens (musician)\n\n\nNetherlands and the Hanover Radio Philharmonic Orchestra in Germany. His career as a music educator has led him to positions conducting workshops, teaching seminars, giving lectures, and holding concerts at numerous institutes around the world. “I was center stage with some of the greatest men in the history of Jazz, and I wanted to perform something really meaningful. Since Jazz music has its roots in spirituals that later developed into the blues, I wanted to express my respect for these men by performing a spiritual and the blues. I looked", "id": "20661410" }, { "contents": "Romina Daniele\n\n\nalso playful, sweet, sometimes funny, and, on occasion, rooted in an appreciation of vernacular music like jazz, blues, and pop.\" In fact, speaking about her Blues live concerts, Romina Daniele said: I am doing the Blues today because I feel it like a shear, vertical push that starts from the inside, comes out from every pore and goes straight to the heart. And this is one thing at the base of my work, which very often has been positively welcomed in the contemporary avant", "id": "10137585" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Do Right?\n\n\nThe new tune, titled \"Why Don't You Do Right?\", was recorded by Lil Green in 1941, with guitar by William \"Big Bill\" Broonzy. The recording was an early jazz and blues hit. The song has its roots in blues music and originally dealt with a marijuana smoker reminiscing about lost financial opportunities. As it was rewritten, it takes on the perspective of the female partner, who chastises her man for his irresponsible ways: Why don't you do right, like some other men do?brGet", "id": "14415331" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Rome Jazz Festival\n\n\nthe American record company Blue Note, 50 years from the release of “Kind of Blue” by the Columbia, the best-selling album in jazz history (about 10 million copies) and, above all, regarded as the greatest jazz album of all time. Over the years, through the selection of new artist and musicians, the festival has focused on and voiced two central themes: The Great Jazz Cultural Expression of the 900’s and Jazz as Ecumenical Music so that, by way of the common language of music", "id": "12285683" }, { "contents": "Where Do I Go from You\n\n\n-wise it's as modern as anything I've ever done. I'm pretty much considered a new traditionalist, but I do have R&B and pop roots mixed in.\" Walker told the \"Albuquerque Journal\", \"I like the new single that's out right now because it's musically just one of those songs you can groove to right away. It's not one that you have to think about. So I like the fact that my record label picked it as the follow-up.\" \"Where", "id": "18337107" }, { "contents": "The Blue Nile\n\n\nif the feeling for sitting down together really isn't there, then continuing to do so even because you want to is pointless.\" On the other hand, Buchanan has not given up hope that the three members of the Blue Nile may make more music together in the future, saying, \"I don't know where things stand with the other two guys ... In a way, I think it would be the right and proper thing to do but I'll just need to wait and see. If the others say", "id": "21463731" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\nBlues People: Negro Music in White America is a seminal study of Afro-American music (and culture generally) by Amiri Baraka, who published it as LeRoi Jones in 1963. In \"Blues People\" Baraka explores the possibility that the history of black Americans can be traced through the evolution of their music. It is considered a classic work on jazz and blues music in American culture. The book documents the effects of jazz and blues on American culture, at musical, economic, and social levels. It chronicles the", "id": "11650127" }, { "contents": "Marabi\n\n\n, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early marabi musicians were part of an underground musical culture and were typically not recorded. Indeed, as with early jazz in the USA, the music incurred the displeasure of the establishment. Nonetheless, as with early jazz, the lilting melodies and catchy rhythms of marabi found their way into the sounds of popular dance bands with a distinctively South African style. The sound of marabi was intended to draw people into local bars or \"shebeens\" (where illicit drinks", "id": "9629690" }, { "contents": "The Root\n\n\n'The Root' is. She got it on me. And I'm just fucked up. It was good for me to get over that. It was hard for me sometimes to do that song. To record it, because when doing it I would have to put myself in that mode you know\". Music critic Neil Drumming of the \"Washington City Paper\" called \"The Root\" catchy and sexy. \"The Cavalier Daily\" writer John Bylander stated that the song has \"an amazing baseline and chorus", "id": "8530738" }, { "contents": "Dave Matthews Band\n\n\nsaxophone, it was because this guy just blew my mind. At this jazz place I used to bartend at Miller's, I would just sit back and watch him. I would be serving the musicians fat whiskeys and they'd be getting more and more hosed, but no matter how much, he used to still blow my mind. And it was the sense that everyone played from their heart. And when we got together and they asked, 'What do you want the music to sound like?' I said", "id": "19187569" }, { "contents": "Bebop\n\n\n, propelled by a desire to activate something deeply buried in self. Bebop then revived tonal-harmonic ideas transmitted through the blues and reconstructed and expanded others in a basically non-Western harmonic approach. The ultimate significance of all this is that the experiments in jazz during the 1940s brought back to African-American music several structural principles and techniques rooted in African traditions. An alternate theory would be that Bebop, like much great art, probably evolved drawing on many sources. An insightful YouTube video has Jimmy Raney, a jazz", "id": "3809539" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "Art music\n\n\nAmerican roots. Following these developments, histories of popular music tend to marginalize jazz, partly because the reformulation of jazz in the art discourse has been so successful that many (as of 2013) would not consider it a form of popular music. In the second half of the 20th century, there was a large-scale trend in American culture toward blurring the boundaries between art and pop music. Beginning in 1966, the degree of social and artistic dialogue among rock musicians dramatically accelerated for bands who fused elements of composed music", "id": "16019797" }, { "contents": "Rock and roll\n\n\nstyles such as jazz and swing which were taken up by white musicians, aided this process of \"cultural collision\". The immediate roots of rock and roll lay in the rhythm and blues, then called \"race music\", and country music of the 1940s and 1950s. Particularly significant influences were jazz, blues, gospel, country, and folk. Commentators differ in their views of which of these forms were most important and the degree to which the new music was a re-branding of African-American rhythm and", "id": "5601387" }, { "contents": "Michael Dulin\n\n\nRiver\". In an interview Dulin has stated that the inspiration for the album came from his observation that the journey of life is like a river. The main melody on the title track that opens the album also came to Dulin when he was sitting on a rock looking down at the river. It has been noted that while there are elements of classical music, the album exhibits a much wider range of influences including contemporary instrumental, new age, smooth jazz, and a bit of folk/roots Americana. Dulin has", "id": "8621924" }, { "contents": "Smooth jazz radio\n\n\nexposing compelling new music, over-reliance on instrumental cover versions of pop songs similar to the mostly-defunct Beautiful Music format, and Arbitron's PPM reports showing lower ratings returns for smooth jazz stations than the traditional diary system had. Lack of revenue and the genre not being viable during the current economic crisis have also been cited as reasons. Many purists of the format also feel that the smooth jazz interpretation has strayed too far from its roots in contemporary jazz and new-age music by over-relying on soft urban", "id": "11937686" }, { "contents": "Rio Nido\n\n\nRio Nido is an American jazz vocal group based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Rio Nido is a jazz vocal trio that began as part of the Minneapolis West Bank music scene in the early 1970s. The first incarnation of the group consisted of Prudence Johnson on vocals, Tim Sparks on vocals and guitar, and Tom Lieberman on vocals and guitar. Rio Nido performed classic jazz and swing at many Minneapolis hot spots such as The Dakota, New Riverside Cafe and Coffeehouse Extempore. Their first recording was \"I Like to Riff\",", "id": "3316246" }, { "contents": "Wha'ppen?\n\n\n), also their last before their initial split, the Beat combined the musical styles of \"I Just Can't Stop It\" and \"Wha'ppen?\". Bob Sargeant noted that working on the album caused him to build on his fascination of ethnic sounds within his own work, where he crosses sounds from genres such as African and Creole music. He told \"Black Music & Jazz Review\" in 1983: \"I enjoy crossing cultures. It's a general trend now, but I feel like I've been doing", "id": "21368259" }, { "contents": "Smooth jazz radio\n\n\nthe music. It is still available on SiriusXM on Channel 66, known as \"Watercolors\" and on the Music Choice cable radio service. In addition, smooth jazz concerts, recording sales, as well as increased smooth jazz offerings on the Internet, continue to show strong fan support for the genre. Smooth jazz as a radio format has its roots in the construction of what were once called \"beautiful music\" stations, which generally played fifteen-minute sets consisting of instrumentals bookending a vocal song or two. The incubators", "id": "11937669" }, { "contents": "Roots (Sepultura album)\n\n\nIt took us a lot of research and time to make sure that we did it in a way that felt completely natural. It wasn’t just like ‘OK, we like this and it makes sense, so let’s just do it.’ It took a lot to develop.” Disparate elements of Brazilian culture permeate every aspect of \"Roots\", from the music to the lyrics to the artwork and visuals to the videos the band made for the songs \"Roots Bloody Roots,\" \"Attitude,\" and", "id": "5176895" }, { "contents": "Dance in the United States\n\n\nJim Crow laws, lynching and unemployment in the South (during the Great Depression). Swinging jazz music features the syncopated timing associated with African American and West African music and dance—a combination of crotchets and quavers which many swing dancers interpret as 'triple steps' and 'steps' — yet also introduces changes in the \"way\" these rhythms were played—a distinct delay or 'relaxed' approach to timing. Swing dance is now found globally, with great variety in their preferences for particular dances. American modern", "id": "13331956" }, { "contents": "Blue note\n\n\nWhy Don't You Do Right?\", \"Happy\" and \"Sweet About Me\". In the case of the lowered third over the root (or the lowered seventh over the dominant), the resulting chord is a neutral \"mixed third chord\". Blue notes are used in many blues songs, in jazz, and in conventional popular songs with a \"blue\" feeling, such as Harold Arlen's \"Stormy Weather\". Blue notes are also prevalent in English folk music. Bent or \"blue notes", "id": "21035626" }, { "contents": "The Roots\n\n\n\"Distortion to Static,\" and \"Silent Treatment.\" The album was a moderate hit among alternative music fans, boosted by the group's appearance at Lollapalooza. In 1995, the band performed at the Montreux Jazz Festival. In the years since its release, \"Do You Want More?!!!??!\" has come to be considered to be a classic jazz rap album. The 1996 release \"Illadelph Halflife\" was the group's third album and their first to break the Top 40 on the", "id": "1620161" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nIn 1979, Blackmore said: \"I like popular music. I like ABBA very much. But there's so much stigma like, 'you can't do this because you're a heavy band', and I think that's rubbish. You should do what you want ... I think classical music is very good for the soul. A lot of people go 'ah well, classical music is for old fogies' but I was exactly the same. At 16 I didn't want to know about classical music:", "id": "9472817" }, { "contents": "Marie Daulne\n\n\nI would say Afro-urban is easy to understand because it is urban music, but at the same time you have African elements in it.\" \"I think it’s because I’m born of two cultures. From my African heritage, I receive a lot of different harmonies and sounds and ways to express melody and probably all of this makes up what I do,\" says Daulne. \"Some say it’s African music that I do, but definitely not. I’m not African at all. My harmony", "id": "12493064" }, { "contents": "Hit List (musical)\n\n\n'We feel like this story is in poor taste,' or, 'We don’t think you should do this story,' we’d [have pulled] the plug on it ... Also, because I know them from back in the day — I lived with them ... I think they also felt like I had a connection to that history, and what I was doing was writing my life, in a way.\" Andy Mientus has performed in \"Rent\" and was also aware of the parallels between his", "id": "10620081" }, { "contents": "Tsholofelo\n\n\nand I didn’t have the money to travel and come to Jo'burg to hustle. Ever since that day it has always been about making sure that her sacrifice was not in vain.\" In September 2013, Nyovest mentioned that the album was 90% percent done: \"I’ve recorded a lot of music, now I just need to conceptualize the story of the album. There’s so much music because I’m currently sitting on like 300 songs, so I don’t even know what to do.\" He also", "id": "4827460" }, { "contents": "Johnny Mathis Sings\n\n\nto do it again. But it was beneficial in many ways because I was eventually able to sing music that was the direction that I went to when I went back to Columbia…wonderful songs that were not necessarily big hits but ones that suited me intellectually as well as vocally.'\" Joe Viglione of Allmusic wrote that \"these dozen tunes are grade A and sequenced very nicely.\" He also noted that the \"vocal on \"I Wish You Love\" is extraordinary Mathis,\" and that he was especially fond", "id": "10654841" }, { "contents": "Kora Jazz Trio\n\n\nKora Jazz Trio was a three piece African musical group, founded in 2002 by Djeli Moussa Diawara, Guinean Korafola, with Abdoulaye Diabate and Moussa Sissokho, best known for producing a music that is a mix of American jazz with traditional African music. Described as \"the encounter between mandinga musical tradition and the freedom of jazz, between West African percussion and Afro-American swing\", they have been recognized for their focus on sharing their cultural heritage, without doing so for the sake of mainstream success or in an effort to", "id": "11879021" }, { "contents": "Music of Oregon\n\n\nThe music of Oregon reflects the diverse array of styles present in the music of the United States, from Native American music to the contemporary genres of rock and roll, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, pop, electronic music, and hip hop. However, throughout most of its history, the state has been relatively isolated from the cultural forces shaping American music. Much of modern popular music traces its roots to the emergence in the late 19th century of African American blues and the growth of gospel music in the 1920s", "id": "10908644" }, { "contents": "Ginger Johnson\n\n\non the Masquerade label. For the album's sleeve notes, he said:\"All the music that we do is based firmly on African traditions. So is rhythm and blues – but we try to get nearer the source, right down to the grass roots of the jungle – the sun, the heat, the insects, the abundance of life. And we overlay the whole with jazz – saxophone, guitar, brass, flute, and sometimes piano – because jazz is also derived from the old sources of Africa.\" He performed", "id": "21990455" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\na different way. He sees Ellington as perfecting the \"orchestral\" version of an expressive big-band unit, while maintaining its jazz roots. After this, much of the white middle-class culture adopted a taste for this new big band music that had the attitude and authenticity of the older black music but was modified, in part, to suit the modern symphony-going listener. This started transforming into the well-known swing music. When there became a market for this particular taste, white bands started trying", "id": "11650179" }, { "contents": "Congo Free State propaganda war\n\n\nand destructive wars – if the murder of helpless men and women can be dignified by such a name… In appealing to you on behalf of those millions of helpless Africans… It is a great responsibility that you have. If our duty is clear, surely yours is also clear. The African slave trade has been revived, and is in full swing in the Congo today. I ask you to help us to root it up and fling it out of Africa, and just as I have no doubt of the greatness and", "id": "15227723" }, { "contents": "Opeth\n\n\nOpeth's music: I don't see the point of playing in a band and going just one way when you can do everything. It would be impossible for us to play just death metal; that is our roots, but we are now a mishmash of everything, and not purists to any form of music. It's impossible for us to do that, and quite frankly I would think of it as boring to be in a band that plays just metal music. We're not afraid to experiment, or to", "id": "1887333" }, { "contents": "Blue Note Records\n\n\nYork to join with Blue Note, centralizing EMI's approach to music for the adult market segment. The labels newly under the Blue Note umbrella are Angel Records, EMI Classics and Virgin Classics (classical music), Narada Productions (contemporary jazz and world-influenced music, including exclusively licensed sub-label Real World Records), Back Porch Records (folk and Americana), Higher Octave Records (smooth jazz and New-age music), and Mosaic Records (devoted exclusively to reissuing jazz recordings in limited-edition boxed", "id": "7096106" }, { "contents": "Zimbabwean jazz\n\n\nSouth African sounds. In Chichewa, the word Kwela has a very similar meaning to the South African meaning: \"to climb\". The music was popularised in South Africa and then brought to Malawi, where contemporary Malawian artists have also begun producing Kwela music. It is also closely related to Marabi which was the name given to a keyboard style (often using cheap pedal organs) that had a musical link to American jazz, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early Marabi musicians were part of", "id": "3819684" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\nlocal festivals and hospitals. His father arranged for him to study with jazz percussionists Bill Douglass and Chuck Flores. Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion. \"I used to drive my parents crazy with this. I told my father a few years before he died, you know a lot of times I played that music 'cause I just wanted to see the look on your face.\". His mother's 1964 single \"Ringo Beat\" was inspired by her son", "id": "7781373" }, { "contents": "The Great Led Zeppelin Wine Pairing\n\n\nevents are expected, including one in Las Vegas in May 2010. -- did this take place? -- Joe Bastianich: “I think because of the sheer complexity and the deep roots of the music—where the music comes from, and how profound it is— Led Zeppelin's music can only really be paralleled with the kind of evolution, importance and complexity of wine, as both a cultural thing as well as a beverage.” Mike Edison: “Back when I was in seminary school, attempting to pair Boones", "id": "3175026" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "Swing (jazz performance style)\n\n\nkinetic quality to the music. It was compared to flying; \"take off\" was a signal to start a solo. The rhythmic pulse continued between the beats, expressed in dynamics, articulation, and inflection. Swing was as much in the music anticipating the beat, like the swing of a jumprope anticipating the jump, as in the beat itself. Swing has been defined in terms of formal rhythmic devices, but according to the Jimmie Lunceford tune, \"T'aint whatcha do, it's the way thatcha do it\"", "id": "16648758" }, { "contents": "Tiana (Disney)\n\n\nwoman\" rather than Tiana's ethnicity. \"I don’t think the cultural significance hit me until later,\" she told \"The Root\". Rose described the recording process as \"very solitary work\" that required her to do much research and preparation. She elaborated, \"I called people in New Orleans; I listened to their voices to hear what they sounded like. I did a lot of reading up on the city, and listened to a lot of music in the jazz era.\" Rose gradually received", "id": "17811206" }, { "contents": "Donald Ashworth\n\n\nreviewer described as a \"band which had enormous popularity in the Fifties but has all but vanished from public consciousness.\" The sound, which was post-Swing, was described as \"too clever to be pop music, but too popular to be considered jazz, the records released between 1952 and 1958 by this band were very much a product of their time.\" Ashworth has played in numerous Broadway musicals, including \"Li'l Abner\" (870 shows), \"Do Re Mi\", Goldilocks, and \"I", "id": "9328187" }, { "contents": "Chord (music)\n\n\nyet, they are absent from the music of many other parts of the world. In tonal Western classical music (music with a tonic key or \"home key\"), the most frequently encountered chords are triads, so called because they consist of three distinct notes: the root note, and intervals of a third and a fifth above the root note. Chords with more than three notes include added tone chords, extended chords and tone clusters, which are used in contemporary classical music, jazz and other genres. A", "id": "5743094" }, { "contents": "List of new-age music artists\n\n\nThis is a list of new-age music artists with articles on Wikipedia. New-age music is broadly defined as relaxing, even \"meditative\", music that is primarily instrumental. Unlike relaxing forms of classical music, new-age music makes greater use of electronica and non-Western instrumentation. There is some debate on what can be considered \"new-age music\"; for example several musicians in Celtic music or Smooth jazz have expressed annoyance at being labeled \"new-age musicians\". For more on", "id": "18805141" }, { "contents": "Do You Know (Jessica Simpson album)\n\n\nUS \"Billboard\" 200 with sales of 65,000. It received mixed to negative reviews from music critics. After the release of her 2006 pop album \"A Public Affair\", Simpson stated she wanted to go back to her roots and do country music because she \"has been brought up around country music\", and wants to give something back. Simpson had already sung country themed songs previous like \"These Boots Are Made for Walkin'\". She started her country move by appearing in the music video for \"You", "id": "16609555" }, { "contents": "Planetary Unknown\n\n\nPlanetary Unknown is an album by saxophonist David S. Ware which was recorded in 2010 and released on the AUM Fidelity label. In his review for AllMusic, arwulf arwulf said \"Anyone who knows and loves modern creative improvised music is sure to be moved by the combination of hearts and minds preserved on this recording\". The All About Jazz review noted \"\"Planetary Unknown\" marks the first time this quartet played together, though that isn't apparent, given the music's deep roots and connections... the program has the air", "id": "4566782" }, { "contents": "Toots Hibbert\n\n\nartists when it comes to career longevity. Jamaican artist Sean Paul explains this by saying, “I’ve seen some great people in my industry, you know, people like Toots…Toots and the Maytals. Toots, he’s a great reggae artist and he’s still doing it…He’s up there in years and he’s doing it. Those kind of artists inspire me. I know I’m just going to keep on doing music as long as I can.” Hibbert provides uncredited vocals for the Major Lazer", "id": "5189260" }, { "contents": "Hot Club de France\n\n\nthe club and Hugues Panassie was the President; these men often occupied different top positions amongst the heads of the group, but which roles each filled during which time period is hard to determine strictly from their involvement. Both men accomplished a great amount of work with the Club prior to their schism in 1947. The Hot Club has often adopted a fairly rigid stance in terms of the music it promotes; throughout its history the club has perpetuated the idea that only jazz rooted in the swing and blues traditions of African-American", "id": "13343136" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Germany\n\n\ncalled \"hot clubs\". The Nazi regime pursued and banned the broadcasting of jazz on German radio, partly because of its African roots and because many of the active jazz musicians were of Jewish origin; and partly due to the music's certain themes of individuality and freedom. For the Nazis, jazz was an especially threatening form of expression. An anti-jazz radio broadcast \"From the Cake Walk to Hot\" sought a deterrent effect with \"particularly insisting musical examples\". Perhaps the source of the critique against jazz", "id": "19568385" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nsyncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms, and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has now been \"long considered a kind of popular or vernacular music (and has also) become a sophisticated art form that has interacted in significant ways with the music of the concert hall\". Jazz's development occurred at around the same time as modern ragtime, blues, gospel and country music, all of which can be seen as part of a continuum with no clear demarcation between them; jazz specifically", "id": "6698770" }, { "contents": "School of Jazz (The New School)\n\n\nVocal Blues Music History - History of Jazz I & II - Classical Music History - 20th-Century Innovators—Debussy to Cage - Contemporary Jazz and Its Exponents - Introduction to World Music History Music Business - Internship in the Music Industry - Marketing Yourself - Music Pedagogy - Music Industry Seminars - Survey of the Music Business - Stage Presence Individual Composer and Bandleader Ensembles - Ornette Coleman Ensemble - Thelonious Monk Ensemble - Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers Ensemble - Wayne Shorter Ensemble - John Coltrane Ensemble - Charles Mingus Ensemble - Charlie Parker Ensemble", "id": "16195329" }, { "contents": "Charles Mingus\n\n\n\" (a protest against segregationist Arkansas governor Orval Faubus that features double-time sections). Also during 1959, Mingus recorded the album \"Blues & Roots\", which was released the following year. As Mingus explained in his liner notes: \"I was born swinging and clapped my hands in church as a little boy, but I've grown up and I like to do things other than just swing. But blues can do more than just swing.\" Mingus witnessed Ornette Coleman's legendary—and controversial—1960 appearances at", "id": "7879558" }, { "contents": "Music of Baltimore\n\n\nplay a greater role in the city's musical life than similar organization do in most other American cities. The organization Jazz in Cool Places also works within that genre, presenting performers in architecturally significant locations, such as in a club full of Tiffany windows. The Society for the Preservation of American Roots Music also puts on jazz and blues concerts at its Roots Cafe. Many of Baltimore's nightclubs and other local music venues are in Fells Point and Federal Hill. One music field guide points to Fell's Point's Cat's", "id": "18455169" }, { "contents": "Mia Dyson\n\n\nplaying and singing blues and roots music, Dyson responded: \"I don't know either, it's a testament to the power of music and how that whole childhood of being played what I consider incredible music seeped into my bloodstream. My parents were always playing the records of Little Feat, Bob Dylan, Ry Cooder, Bonnie Raitt, Neil Young, everything. Torquay is devoid of any artistic pursuits and had I only had that culture I'm sure I would not be playing music. I might have had more luck", "id": "1985356" }, { "contents": "Cosa Brava\n\n\ngenres, from avant-garde jazz to contemporary classical music. He has written scores for film and dance, and music for orchestras and string quartets. He became Professor of Composition the Music Department at Mills College in Oakland, California in 1999. The motivation behind the formation of Cosa Brava arose out of Frith's nostalgia for rock music. He said, \"I really miss what you can do with a rock band. I miss developing material through the push and pull of cooperative rehearsals, I miss what happens when you", "id": "3288720" }, { "contents": "Origins of the blues\n\n\nrhythm and blues, jazz and African American music in general. Sylviane Diouf and Gerhard Kubik have traced the origins of field hollers to African Muslim slaves, who were influenced by the Islamic musical tradition of West Africa (see \"African roots\" above). The most important American antecedent of the blues was the spiritual, a form of religious song with its roots in the camp meetings of the Great Awakening of the early 19th century. Spirituals were a passionate song form, that \"convey(ed) to listeners the same feeling of", "id": "14098451" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "Peter Apfelbaum\n\n\nMy vocabulary reflects the fact that I started life as a drummer, was trained in jazz theory, blues and gospel music as a pre-teenager, became absorbed in African and Latin music as a teenager, listened to a lot of contemporary classical music, worked in R&B, reggae, blues, Latin, African, jazz, funk, Middle Eastern and Indian bands and, for as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by how sounds can be fitted together.\" Peter's latest musical pursuits include collaborating", "id": "19133643" }, { "contents": "European free jazz\n\n\nthe popular subgenres of jazz music such as bebop, swing and big-band arranged music. Although the roots of free jazz music are based in the United States, it did not receive mainstream popularity nor did it achieve significant commercial success until much later. Rather it was viewed as a musical, political and social backlash to the structure of jazz music and of American society at the time. \"For some performers the style was loosely linked to the Black Power movement in the USA, partly because of the radical political outlook", "id": "16091137" }, { "contents": "The Great Gatsby: Music from Baz Luhrmann's Film\n\n\nBack to Black\" and that he wanted income from the song to go to his Amy Winehouse Foundation. He wrote, \"I don't know this but what if Beyoncé gave £100,000 to foundation. Do you know how many kids that would help? Just putting it out there.\" He later added, \"Let me repeat. This is the first I have heard of Beyoncé doing Amy's song.\" Kia Makarechi of \"The Huffington Post\" noted that Beyoncé did not use the song on a personal record", "id": "16479635" }, { "contents": "Etta James\n\n\n-laden ballad James recorded was \"My Dearest Darling\" in May 1960, which peaked in the top five of the R&B chart. James sang background vocals for her labelmate Chuck Berry on his \"Back in the U.S.A.\" Her debut album, \"At Last!\", was released in late 1960 and was noted for its varied selection of music, from jazz standards to blues to doo-wop and rhythm and blues (R&B). The album included the future classic \"I Just Want to Make Love to You", "id": "3825766" }, { "contents": "Taj Mahal (musician)\n\n\nhis hanging out at clubs like Club 47 in Massachusetts and Ash Grove in Los Angeles as \"basic building blocks in the development of his music.\" Considered to be a scholar of blues music, his studies of ethnomusicology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst would come to introduce him further to the folk music of the Caribbean and West Africa. Over time he incorporated more and more African roots music into his musical palette, embracing elements of reggae, calypso, jazz, zydeco, R&B, gospel music, and the country blues", "id": "550099" }, { "contents": "Steve Cole\n\n\nchanging his field to economics, eventually earning an MBA from The University of Chicago. After leaving school, Cole returned his focus to music; in particular, jazz. In a 2003 interview with JazzNation, Cole describes how he started his career: \"I started playing pop music, R&B, bebop, all that stuff, playing clubs in Chicago until 4 o’clock in the morning for many years. You know, just doing that kind of thing, then started doing some commercial music, radio and TV stuff. Then I", "id": "20811433" }, { "contents": "Charles Segal\n\n\n(Columbia, EMI) • It was A Great Year • Jazz World • Miles of Music • Mirror I See • Sentimental Journey • Take the Floor (CBS) • You’ve Got a Friend • South African Jazz Scene (Spin) • \"Seagull\" Visits USA • Let’s Go Gay (CBS) Easy Listening: • Pastel Moods • Piano and Strings • Relax to the Music of Charles Segal • Spa Music • Thanks for the Memory • Relax to Romantic Moments • In the Mood For Love • Classical Melodies", "id": "14207628" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\nsituations. Lambert uses the fame she has earned from the music industry and works with charities like the Humane Society as a way to give back. While woman have been underrepresented in jazz as instrumentalists, composers, songwriters and bandleaders, there have been many notable women singers. Bessie Smith sang both the blues and jazz. Lena Horne first appeared in the Cotton Club as a teenager. Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday were known for their ballads during the swing era. Shirley Horn sang both jazz and blues. Nina Simone sang jazz", "id": "22080006" }, { "contents": "Ella Fitzgerald\n\n\nfor Jazz at the Philharmonic, a concert series begun by Granz. With the demise of the Swing era and the decline of the great touring big bands, a major change in jazz music occurred. The advent of bebop led to new developments in Fitzgerald's vocal style, influenced by her work with Dizzy Gillespie's big band. It was in this period that Fitzgerald started including scat singing as a major part of her performance repertoire. While singing with Gillespie, Fitzgerald recalled, \"I just tried to do [with my", "id": "5279345" }, { "contents": "Bluegrass music\n\n\nBluegrass music is a genre of American roots music that developed in the 1940s in the United States Appalachian region. The genre derives its name from the band Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys. Bluegrass has roots in traditional English, Irish, and Scottish ballads and dance tunes, and by traditional African-American blues and jazz. The Blue Grass Boys played a Mountain Music style that Bill learned in Asheville, North Carolina from bands like Wade Mainer's and other popular acts on radio station WWNC. It was further developed by", "id": "15054248" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nPeterson (1974) and Fitzgerald (1979). Jazz critic and historian Ted Gioia wrote in his book about West Coast jazz, the scene to which Previn belonged:[His] projects varied greatly in terms of quality and jazz content, but at his best Previn could be a persuasive, moving jazz musician. [...] Despite his deep roots in symphonic music, Previn largely steered clear of Third Stream classicism in his jazz work, aiming more at an earthy, hard-swinging piano style at times reminiscent of Horace Silver. Long", "id": "21143270" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\non television\" and Ella Fitzgerald (1979) respectively. Jazz critic and historian Ted Gioia wrote in his book about West Coast jazz, the scene to which Previn belonged:[His] projects varied greatly in terms of quality and jazz content, but at his best Previn could be a persuasive, moving jazz musician. [...] Despite his deep roots in symphonic music, Previn largely steered clear of Third Stream classicism in his jazz work, aiming more at an earthy, hard-swinging piano style at times reminiscent of Horace Silver.", "id": "4687733" }, { "contents": "American folk music\n\n\nJames Infirmary Blues\" adapts the story to a different tune. This illustrates how folk songs can change in the retelling and appear in a variety of versions. The \"Ballad of John Henry (folklore)\" is about an African-American folk hero said to have worked as a \"steel-driving man\". Many roots musicians do not consider themselves folk musicians. The main difference between the American folk music revival and American \"roots music\" is that roots music seems to cover a broader range, including blues and", "id": "12585418" }, { "contents": "Music of Washington, D.C.\n\n\nRecords, to include Maduro, Retrogramme, and Notecrusher, have appeared on numerous compilations around the world and have been featured on BBC. Octofoil has been defunct since 2014. The District of Columbia has a very vibrant \"a cappella\" scene. Sweet Honey in the Rock, which formed in 1973 and focuses on music rooted in African American culture, has shared a Grammy Award and received multiple Grammy nominations for its children's albums. Afro Blue, an \"a cappella\" vocal jazz ensemble based at Howard University, received", "id": "9815847" }, { "contents": "Val Wilmer\n\n\n, resolutely opposed as I was to anything that smacked of feminine pursuits and did not involve going places, being and doing.\" Aware of the earliest records of jazz and blues, Wilmer began to write about jazz and other African-American music, focusing on the political and social messages of the music. Her first article (a biography of Jesse Fuller) appeared in \"Jazz Journal\" in May 1959 when she was still only 17. Reflecting on how this piece originated, Wilmer states: \"I was an inveterate", "id": "2476356" }, { "contents": "The Red Quartets\n\n\nelements avant and mainstream, she lovingly molds music that is truly all her own ... Strong musical content, firmly rooted in thoroughly modern, contemporary, creative jazz values, sitting on a foundation thick as granite, Bloom's music should prove to be universally appealing. These \"Red Quartets\", as spirited a music as you will find, will likely keep jazz lovers' karmic accounts on the plus side for many years to come\". On All About Jazz, Glenn Astarita stated \"Jane Ira Bloom is known for her", "id": "14108825" }, { "contents": "Sidewalk Blues\n\n\nSidewalk Blues (subtitled Blues, Rags, Jazz & Spirituals) is an album by American guitarist Tim Sparks, released in 2009. It marks a return to 'roots' music for Sparks after three albums of klezmer and jazz recordings on the Tzadik Records label. After three releases on the Tzadik Records label, Sparks decided to return to his musical roots of North Carolina. In a quote from a story in \"High Plains Reader\", Sparks said “After \"Masada Guitars\" I wanted to revisit roots music. This", "id": "11045849" }, { "contents": "Where You Go I Go Too\n\n\nalbum, some journalists noted similar feelings of travel and adventure when listening to the record. Lindstrøm has recommended people listen while traveling, and believes his travels may have influenced the album: \"I don't particularly like traveling, but I've realised that it's perfect for listening to whole albums... I'm sure the way I'm listening to music now ... has something to do with the music I'm writing.\" The song titles were left \"open\" so \"the listener could make up his own story.", "id": "5877244" }, { "contents": "Randy Weston\n\n\nThere at the Music Inn, a venue where jazz historian Marshall Stearns taught, Weston first learned about the African roots of jazz. He would return in subsequent summers to perform at the Music Inn, where he wrote his composition \"Berkshire Blues\", interacting with artists and intellectuals such as Geoffrey Holder, Babatunde Olatunji, Langston Hughes and Willis James, about which experience Weston said: \"I got a lot of my inspiration for African music by being at Music Inn... They were all explaining the African-American experience in", "id": "2687115" }, { "contents": "Narciso Yepes\n\n\n\"I exclaimed 'Do you think it necessary to play that section (of Villa Lobos' \"Prelude No. 1\") as slowly as you do?' 'Why, yes' he (Yepes) said, 'Look at the paper (music) and you will see it written that way'. When I again mentioned that Segovia did not play it that way, he had no doubt had enough of my comparisons and answered, somewhat heatedly 'I have a great admiration for Segovia and everything he has", "id": "8795831" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Music of Texas\n\n\nSan Antonio are: Boxcar Satan, Two Tons of Steel, The Union Underground, Las Cruces, Sane, Hyperbubble and Fearless Iranians from Hell. San Antonio has deep roots in America's classical music, Jazz, with KRTU-FM representing one of the most significant jazz radio stations in the country, and the Jim Cullum Jazz Band serving as a staple act on the San Antonio Riverwalk. Fellow college radio station, KSYM-FM, features 'The Best of the Beatles' with Richard Turner, relying on one of", "id": "10737495" }, { "contents": "Kreesha Turner\n\n\nbeginning with understanding music by stating \"I started doing everything I possibly could: I did vocal, guitar, piano, music theatre, acting; I was a part of a gospel choir, jazz choir, I started writing, recording my own material. It was about increasing my odds, and also, increasing my knowledge.\" On Passion, Kreesha co-wrote just five songs, among them, the album’s title track. That first time out, she went into every writing session with the mindset of a", "id": "14521611" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You (song)\n\n\nof that song by White Town that samples that other song from the olden days – here comes dance music's tribute to the era of jazz, swing and blues. And when I say tribute, I mean taking an old tune and hitting it with a massive mallet until it cracks into a million pieces, then putting the bits back together with micro-robots and spraying it gold. That is simply how dance music likes to pay tribute to things. Can you imagine how messy Fat Boy Slim's funeral is going to", "id": "17316519" }, { "contents": "Polish jazz\n\n\nPolish jazz has a history that spans periods of both acceptance and political repression. The beginning of jazz in Poland is difficult to determine. As early as the 1930s, clubs in Warsaw, Kraków, Rzeszów or Poznań would play some jazz. This tended to be swing and some of it was influenced by the traditional classical music. American popular music (particularly songs by George Gershwin) was in great demand. Eddie Rosner is considered to be the first known Polish jazz musician of significance. After the Communist takeover, jazz was", "id": "6399072" }, { "contents": "Limelight (club night)\n\n\nof its rich history, with many of the biggest names in jazz and rock having played there since it opened in 1942, including Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, the Sex Pistols and the Rolling Stones. However, the club has never before hosted classical music. Limelight was founded in July 2009 by two young women in the classical music industry: Emily Freeman and Milly Olykan. Speaking to \"Muso\" magazine in October 2009, Olykan said: \"I don't go to many classical concerts, and when I do I", "id": "1659792" }, { "contents": "I Can Do All Things\n\n\n, New York, NY November 7, 2015 -- Nabe Underground, Harlem, NY December 13, 2015 -- Minton's Jazz Club, Harlem, NY March 11, 2016 -- Club Bonafide, New York, NY The album release (premiere) on June 1, 2016 was at Rockwood Music Hall in Manhattan, NY \"I Can Do All Things\" charted for 13 weeks and peaked on the Roots Music Report airplay ratings; it peaked at #3. On the CMJ New Music ratings for airplay it charted for 10", "id": "14616387" }, { "contents": "The Boss of the Blues\n\n\nexperience cross-genre musical success, establishing himself as one of the founders of rock and roll with such smash hits as \"Shake, Rattle and Roll\", but he did not turn his back on his roots. \"The Boss of the Blues\" marks one of the last reunions Turner would have with Johnson, as, supported by a number of swing's best performers, they re-created a number of the classic tracks that had helped lay the groundwork for rhythm and blues. A presenter of jazz on Australian", "id": "21983198" }, { "contents": "Lovely Standards\n\n\nwherever I was going.\" She went on to say that the album is geared toward people who \"really do like jazz for jazz, not because the artist that they know is doing it, but they listen to jazz and they're understanding of being experimental within that form.\" Larrieux continues, referring to husband and producer Laru Larrieux: \"We purposely only pressed up a small amount of albums, and you know, didn't go huge with it. We kind of wanted to feel our way around it,", "id": "78233" }, { "contents": "R.E.M.\n\n\nI have to, but I don't like it.\" Mike Mills' melodic approach to bass playing is inspired by Paul McCartney of the Beatles and Chris Squire of Yes; Mills has said, \"I always played a melodic bass, like a piano bass in some ways . . . I never wanted to play the traditional locked into the kick drum, root note bass work.\" Mills has more musical training than his bandmates, which he has said \"made it easier to turn abstract musical ideas into reality.", "id": "850983" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nwas the first to write a book on the social history of the blues in Blues People: The Negro Music in White America. In 1970 the trio Manal established in Argentina the basics of blues sung in Castilian. Influenced poetically by the tango and generate Beatnik, and musically by the blues, rock, jazz and African music of River Plate, the trio composed of Alejandro Medina, Javier Martinez and Claudio Gabis created a music that fused the roots of a genre born in the Mississippi Delta with elements of idiosyncrasy and local geography", "id": "2951026" } ]
Red is my favorite color. You see it everywhere! I love laser pointers because they're almost always red. Red pigment made from ochre was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art That's...true. Don't think they had many laser pointers back then though. I'm excited that we may be going to Mars, the red planet, soon! The Ancient Egytians and Mayans colored their faces red in ceremonies it has always been a popular color
[{"answer": "Maybe the Mars Exploration Rovers would have had more success if they were driven by Ancient Egyptians and Mayans.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "426143", "title": "Exploration of Mars", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 562, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 704, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor of the Grand Canyon and other geological features is caused by hematite or red ochre, both forms of iron oxide. Iron oxide also gives the red color to the planet Mars. The red color of blood comes from protein hemoglobin, while ripe strawberries, red apples and reddish autumn leaves are colored by anthocyanins. Red pigment made from ochre was one of the first colors used in prehistoric art. The Ancient Egyptians and Mayans colored their faces red in ceremonies; Roman generals had their bodies colored red to celebrate victories. It", "id": "6274070" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ntake up more space on the disc than would blue-laser recordings. Red lac, also called red lake, crimson lake or carmine lake, was an important red pigment in Renaissance and Baroque art. Since it was translucent, thin layers of red lac were built up or glazed over a more opaque dark color to create a particularly deep and vivid color. Unlike vermilion or red ochre, made from minerals, red lake pigments are made by mixing organic dyes, made from insects or plants, with white chalk or alum", "id": "6274082" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nred ochre during celebrations. Egyptian women used red ochre as a cosmetic to redden cheeks and lips and also used henna to color their hair and paint their nails. But, like many colors, it also had a negative association, with heat, destruction and evil. A prayer to god Isis states: \"Oh Isis, protect me from all things evil and red.\" The ancient Egyptians began manufacturing pigments in about 4000 BC. Red ochre was widely used as a pigment for wall paintings, particularly as the skin color", "id": "6274100" }, { "contents": "Laser pointer\n\n\ngas lasers and generated laser radiation at 633 nanometers (nm), usually designed to produce a laser beam with an output power under 1 milliwatt (mW). The least expensive laser pointers use a deep-red laser diode near the 650 nm wavelength. Slightly more expensive ones use a red-orange 635 nm diode, more easily visible because of the greater sensitivity of the human eye at 635 nm. Other colors are possible too, with the 532 nm green laser being the most common alternative. Yellow-orange laser", "id": "4125233" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nas early as 700,000 years ago. The hematite might have been used to symbolize blood in an offering to the dead. Red, black and white were the first colors used by artists in the Upper Paleolithic age, probably because natural pigments such as red ochre and iron oxide were readily available where early people lived. Madder, a plant whose root could be made into a red dye, grew widely in Europe, Africa and Asia. The cave of Altamira in Spain has a painting of a bison colored with red ochre that", "id": "6274096" }, { "contents": "Laser safety\n\n\nlight, and this may be a particular problem with some less expensive frequency-doubled lasers, such as 532 nm \"green laser pointers\" which are commonly pumped by 808 nm infrared laser diodes, and also generate the fundamental 1064 nm laser beam which is used to produce the final 532 nm output. If the IR radiation is allowed into the beam, which happens in some green laser pointers, it will in general not be blocked by regular red or orange colored protective eyewear designed for pure green or already IR-filtered", "id": "6468978" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nis the color red that is achieved by mixing process (printer's) magenta and process (printer's) yellow in equal proportions. This is the color red that is shown in the diagram located at the bottom of the following website offering tintbooks for CMYK printing: . The purpose of the CMYK color system is to provide the maximum possible gamut of colors capable of being reproduced in printing. Psychedelic art made people used to brighter colors of red, and pigment colors or colored pencils called \"true red\" are produced by", "id": "6592045" }, { "contents": "Hematite\n\n\nto the red coloration found in some varieties of hematite. The color of hematite lends itself to use as a pigment. The English name of the stone is derived from Middle French \"hématite pierre\", which was imported from Latin \"lapis haematites\" around the 15th century, which originated from Ancient Greek (\"haimatitēs lithos\", \"blood-red stone\"). Ochre is a clay that is colored by varying amounts of hematite, varying between 20% and 70%. Red ochre contains unhydrated hematite, whereas", "id": "14425026" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nAztecs used it for paintings of ideograms, where it symbolized royalty. During the Middle Ages, most artists made purple or violet on their paintings by combining red and blue pigments; usually blue azurite or lapis-lazuli with red ochre, cinnabar or minium. They also combined lake colors made by mixing dye with powder; using woad or indigo dye for the blue, and dye made from cochineal for the red. Orcein, or \"purple moss\", was another common violet dye. It was known to the ancient Greeks", "id": "17168666" }, { "contents": "Urushi-e\n\n\npigments with clear lacquer. The use of colored lacquer for painting goes back to the prehistoric Jōmon period, and became especially popular in the Nara period (8th century), when a great many works were made using red lacquer against a black background. Until the 19th century, however, the use of natural pigments restricted the colors accessible to artists to red, black, yellow, green, and light brown. Artist Shibata Zeshin (1807-1891) is particularly famous for his innovations in this regard, and was perhaps", "id": "18405712" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n\"red\" is a tone of Indian red, made like Indian red with pigment made from iron oxide. The first recorded use of \"English red\" as a color name in English was in the 1700s (exact year uncertain). In the \"Encyclopédie\" of Denis Diderot in 1765, alternate names for Indian red included \"what one also calls, however improperly, English Red.\" The source of this color is: ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955) – Color Sample of English Red (", "id": "3697592" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsynthetic red ochre, the color of the very first natural red pigment. The French painter Henri Matisse (1869–1954) was one of the first prominent painters to use the new cadmium red. He even tried, without success, to persuade the older and more traditional Renoir, his neighbor in the south of France, to switch from vermilion to cadmium red. Matisse was also one of the first 20th-century artists to make color the central element of the painting, chosen to evoke emotions. \"A certain blue penetrates your", "id": "6274133" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nbowl was found at a Neolithic site in Yuyao, Zhejiang. Other red-painted ceremonial objects have been found at other sites dating to the Spring and Autumn period (770–221 BC). During the Han dynasty (200 BC–200 AD) Chinese craftsmen made a red pigment, lead tetroxide, which they called \"ch-ien tan\", by heating lead white pigment. Like the Egyptians, they made a red dye from the madder plant to color silk fabric for gowns and used pigments colored with madder to make red lacquerware", "id": "6274102" }, { "contents": "Kitty Forman\n\n\nsoon afterward, the only occasion on which Bea shows emotion, albeit privately until Kitty finds her. Unlike Red, Kitty enjoys having young people around her house. In regards to her children, she clearly favors Eric. She sees Laurie's true colors (unlike Red, who favors Laurie and browbeats Eric) and once said she loves her daughter \"because I have to\". She sometimes tries to get through to Laurie, almost always without success. Upon learning Eric has lost his virginity (episode \"The Parents Find", "id": "536073" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nred and blue pigments; most often blue azurite or lapis-lazuili with red ochre, cinnabar, or minium. They also combined lake colors made by mixing dye with powder; using woad or indigo dye for the blue, and dye made from cochineal for the red. The most famous purple dye in the ancient world was Tyrian purple, made from a type of sea snail called the murex, found around the Mediterranean. (See history section above). In western Polynesia, residents of the islands made a purple dye", "id": "17168709" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nin the 1950s on an old-fashioned RYB color wheel. This color is displayed at right and is identical to the web color medium violet red. By the 1970s, because of the advent of psychedelic art, artists became used to brighter pigments, and pigments called \"purple\" or \"bright purple\" that are the pigment equivalent of became available in artists pigments and colored pencils. Reproducing electric purple in pigment requires adding some white pigment and a small amount of blue pigment to red-violet pigment. Even then,", "id": "12926967" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary origin of religions\n\n\nof pigments such as red ochre. Pigments are of little practical use to hunter gatherers, thus evidence of their use is interpreted as symbolic or for ritual purposes. Among extant hunter gatherer populations around the world, red ochre is still used extensively for ritual purposes. It has been argued that it is universal among human cultures for the color red to represent blood, sex, life and death. The use of red ochre as a proxy for symbolism is often criticized as being too indirect. Some scientists, such as Richard Klein", "id": "1407843" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncompletely covered with bright red powder made from cinnabar. In ancient Greece and the Minoan civilization of ancient Crete, red was widely used in murals and in the polychrome decoration of temples and palaces. The Greeks began using red lead as a pigment. Romans wore togas with red stripes on holidays, and the bride at a wedding wore a red shawl, called a \"flammeum\". Red was used to color statues and the skin of gladiators. Red was also the color associated with army; Roman soldiers wore red tunics,", "id": "6274105" }, { "contents": "Optical mouse\n\n\n. Optical mice often used light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for illumination when first popularized. The color of the optical mouse's LEDs can vary, but red is most common, as red diodes are inexpensive and silicon photodetectors are very sensitive to red light. Other colors are sometimes used, such as the blue LED of the V-Mouse VM-101 illustrated at right. The laser mouse uses an infrared laser diode instead of an LED to illuminate the surface beneath their sensor. As early as 1998, Sun Microsystems provided a", "id": "7412095" }, { "contents": "Precious coral\n\n\nof red coral branches is naturally matte, but can be polished to a glassy shine. It exhibits a range of warm reddish pink colors from pale pink to deep red; the word coral is also used to name such colors. Owing to its intense and permanent coloration and glossiness, precious coral skeletons have been harvested since antiquity for decorative use. Coral jewellery has been found in ancient Egyptian and prehistoric European burials, and continues to be made to the present day. It was especially popular during the Victorian age. Precious coral", "id": "19667823" }, { "contents": "35 mm movie film\n\n\nproduce copious amounts of infra-red light, and cyan tracks do not absorb infra-red light, this change has required theaters to replace the incandescent exciter lamp with a complementary colored red LED or laser. These LED or laser exciters are backwards-compatible with older tracks. The film \"Anything Else\" (2003) was the first to be released with only cyan tracks. To facilitate this changeover, intermediate prints known as \"high magenta\" prints were distributed. These prints used a silver plus dye soundtrack that were", "id": "2302733" }, { "contents": "Tattoo removal\n\n\n. Unlike the destructive modalities described, Q-switched lasers mobilize the ink and may generate a systemic allergic response. Oral antihistamines and anti-inflammatory steroids have been used to treat allergic reactions to tattoo ink. Studies of various tattoo pigments have shown that a number of pigments (most containing iron oxide or titanium dioxide) change color when irradiated with Q-switched laser energy. Some tattoo colors including flesh tones, light red, white, peach and light brown containing pigments as well as some green and blue tattoo pigments,", "id": "21896815" }, { "contents": "Color theory\n\n\nadditive color models), the achromatic mixture of spectrally balanced red, green and blue (RGB) is always white, not gray or black. When we mix colorants, such as the pigments in paint mixtures, a color is produced which is always darker and lower in chroma, or saturation, than the parent colors. This moves the mixed color toward a neutral color—a gray or near-black. Lights are made brighter or dimmer by adjusting their brightness, or energy level; in painting, lightness is adjusted", "id": "8441385" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nthe reproduction will not be exact because it is impossible for pigment colors to be so bright as colors displayed on a computer. At the right is displayed the color kobi. The color name \"kobi\" for this light tone of red-violet has been in use since 2001, when it was promulgated as one of the colors on the Color List. The color pink lavender is displayed at the right. The source of this color is the \"Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX)\" color list, color #", "id": "12926968" }, { "contents": "Red Sings from Treetops: A Year in Colors\n\n\nand Booklist Editor's Choice. The idea for \"Red Sings from Treetops\" came to Sidman on her daily walks through the woods where she would see color everywhere throughout all seasons. In an interview after winning the Minnesota Book Award, she stated that she had \"always wanted to write a book about color\", but wanted it to be different from the many books that already explored the topic. It took several years to develop a structure for the text that worked well with the content and showed how she felt about", "id": "7809009" }, { "contents": "Animal coloration\n\n\npigments. For example, amphibians like the olm that live in caves may be largely colorless as color has no function in that environment, but they show some red because of the haem pigment in their red blood cells, needed to carry oxygen. They also have a little orange colored riboflavin in their skin. Human albinos and people with fair skin have a similar color for the same reason. Animal coloration may be the result of any combination of pigments, chromatophores, structural coloration and bioluminescence. Pigments are colored chemicals (such", "id": "12388192" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nantithesis of the most different reds and greens.\" In the 20th century, red was the color of Revolution; it was the color of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 and of the Chinese Revolution of 1949, and later of the Cultural Revolution. Red was the color of Communist Parties from Eastern Europe to Cuba to Vietnam. In the late 19th and early 20th century, the German chemical industry invented two new synthetic red pigments: cadmium red, which was the color of natural vermilion, and mars red, which was a", "id": "6274132" }, { "contents": "Swenson Red\n\n\nThe Swenson Red is a firm, meaty red table grape with a unique fruity flavor with strawberry notes. This was the first grape released from the breeding efforts of Elmer Swenson, and is a favorite among grape breeders and hobbyists. Though it is known as a red, its actual color changes depending on climate. In cooler areas it will be blue, and in very warm areas it will be a translucent green. This is because many pigments inherited from \"Vitis vinifera\" only set during relatively cool weather. Swenson Red", "id": "3776481" }, { "contents": "Solid white (chicken plumage)\n\n\nwhite\" is also frequent in breeds which are habitually \"recessive white\", such as White Minorca, White Wyandotte and White Plymouth Rock. Heterozygous \"I\"/\"i\" individuals show a drastic reduction of black in the plumage, but only a slight reduction of red pigment. While homozygous \"i\"/\"i\" individuals may be of any color if also carry the \"C\" allele which allows the normal expression of color Because of the ineffectiveness of \"I\" to reduce red pigment, it can go unnoticed in breeds with buff plumage color", "id": "7957287" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\ncolor Venetian red. \"Venetian red\" is a light and warm (somewhat unsaturated) pigment that is a darker shade of scarlet, derived from nearly pure ferric oxide (FeO) of the hematite type. Modern versions are frequently made with synthetic red iron oxide. The first recorded use of \"Venetian red\" as a color name in English was in 1753. Deep Indian red is the color originally called \"Indian red\" from its formulation in 1903 until 1999, but now called \"chestnut\", in Crayola crayons", "id": "3697590" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nof men. An ivory painter's palette found inside the tomb of King Tutankhamun had small compartments with pigments of red ochre and five other colors. The Egyptians used the root of the rubia, or madder plant, to make a dye, later known as alizarin, and also used it as a pigment, which became known as madder lake, alizarin or alizarin crimson. In Ancient China, artisans were making red and black painted pottery as early as the Yangshao Culture period (5000–3000 BC). A red-painted wooden", "id": "6274101" }, { "contents": "Chromium\n\n\nruby. If the corundum is lacking in chromium(III) ions, it is known as a sapphire. A red-colored artificial ruby may also be achieved by doping chromium(III) into artificial corundum crystals, thus making chromium a requirement for making synthetic rubies. Such a synthetic ruby crystal was the basis for the first laser, produced in 1960, which relied on stimulated emission of light from the chromium atoms in such a crystal. A ruby laser is lasing at 694.3 nanometers, in a deep red color. Because of their toxicity", "id": "5776209" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n. This color was also produced in a special limited edition in which it was called Vermont maple syrup. At the request of educators worried that children (mistakenly) believed the name represented the skin color of Native Americans, Crayola changed the name of their crayon color \"Indian Red\" to \"Chestnut\" in 1999. In reality, the color Indian red has nothing to do with American Indians but is an iron oxide pigment the use of which is popular in India. At right is displayed the color English red. This", "id": "3697591" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Dun gene\n\n\nThe dun gene is a dilution gene that affects both red and black pigments in the coat color of a horse. The dun gene lightens most of the body while leaving the mane, tail, legs, and primitive markings the shade of the undiluted base coat color. A dun horse always has a dark dorsal stripe down the middle of its back, usually has a darker face and legs, and may have transverse striping across the shoulders or horizontal striping on the back of the forelegs. Body color depends on the underlying coat", "id": "9855364" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nall forms of artificial lighting), the resulting spectrum will appear a slightly different color. [[Red]] paint, viewed under [[blue]] light, may appear [[black]]. Red paint is red because it scatters only the red components of the spectrum. If red paint is illuminated by blue light, it will be absorbed by the red paint, creating the appearance of a black object. Structural colors are colors caused by interference effects rather than by pigments. Color effects are produced when", "id": "6127849" }, { "contents": "Red-backed salamander\n\n\n(or simply 'lead') phase, lacks most or all of the red pigmentation. The red-backed phase is not always red, but may actually be various other colors (e.g., yellow-backed, orange-backed, white-backed, or a rare erythristic morph in which the body is completely red). Both morphs have speckled black and white bellies. The skin of red-backed salamanders was found to contain \"Lysobacter gummosus\", an epibiotic bacterium which produces the chemical 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol and inhibits the", "id": "10761594" }, { "contents": "Ruby\n\n\n. The first working laser was made by Theodore H. Maiman in 1960. Maiman used a solid-state light-pumped synthetic ruby to produce red laser light at a wavelength of 694 nanometers (nm). Ruby lasers are still in use. Rubies are also used in applications where high hardness is required such as at wear exposed locations in modern mechanical clockworks, or as scanning probe tips in a coordinate measuring machine. Imitation rubies are also marketed. Red spinels, red garnets, and colored glass have been falsely claimed to", "id": "20951085" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nMars, the god of war—the planet Mars was named for him because of its red color. Red is the traditional color of warning and danger. In the Middle Ages, a red flag announced that the defenders of a town or castle would fight to defend it, and a red flag hoisted by a warship meant they would show no mercy to their enemy. In Britain, in the early days of motoring, motor cars had to follow a man with a red flag who would warn horse-drawn vehicles,", "id": "6274145" }, { "contents": "Pigment\n\n\n, when biologists discovered the source. While carmine was popular in Europe, blue remained an exclusive color, associated with wealth and status. The 17th-century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer often made lavish use of lapis lazuli, along with carmine and Indian yellow, in his vibrant paintings. The earliest known pigments were natural minerals. Natural iron oxides give a range of colors and are found in many Paleolithic and Neolithic cave paintings. Two examples include Red Ochre, anhydrous FeO, and the hydrated Yellow Ochre (FeOHO). Charcoal", "id": "4930026" }, { "contents": "Pioneer CLD-1010\n\n\nside effect of the wide wavelength laser used in most players (see the LaserDisc article for more information). In addition, the red coloring of the laser made it easier for the system to read-over disc surface imperfections like scratches, fingerprints, dust or laser-rot, meaning that even somewhat damaged discs could be read accurately by the system; it is one of only two players manufactured by Pioneer to ever use a red-diode laser, the other being the much newer and more expensive HLD-X9 Muse", "id": "11828496" }, { "contents": "Silver fox (animal)\n\n\nbe fiery red in overall coat color, and will have blacker markings on the belly, neck and points than average red foxes. When one such fiery red fox is mated with a silver one, the litter is almost always 50% silver and 50% red. Fiery red parents may occasionally produce a silver cub, the usual proportion being one in four. Occasionally, the colors of mixed foxes blend rather than segregate. The blended offspring of a silver and red fox is known as a cross fox. Red foxes,", "id": "4068542" }, { "contents": "Energy conversion efficiency\n\n\nnot usually see all of the wavelengths emitted by a particular light-source, nor does it see all of the wavelengths within the visual spectrum equally. Yellow and green, for example, make up more than 50% of what the eye perceives as being white, even though in terms of radiant energy white-light is made from equal portions of all colors (i.e.: a 5 mw green laser appears brighter than a 5 mw red laser, yet the red laser stands-out better against a white background).", "id": "10726875" }, { "contents": "Krypton\n\n\noperating temperatures. A brighter light results with more blue color than conventional incandescent lamps. Krypton's white discharge is often used to good effect in colored gas discharge tubes, which are simply painted or stained to create the desired color (for example, \"neon\" type multi-colored advertising signs are often entirely krypton-based). Krypton produces much higher light power than neon in the red spectral line region, and for this reason, red lasers for high-power laser light-shows are often krypton lasers with mirrors", "id": "3444987" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\nBrown is a composite color. In the CMYK color model used in printing or painting, brown is made by combining red, black, and yellow, or red, yellow, and blue. In the RGB color model used to project colors onto television screens and computer monitors, brown is made by combining red and green, in specific proportions. In painting, brown is generally made by adding black to orange. Mixing red-green-blue pigments makes mud color. The brown color is seen widely in nature, in", "id": "17937407" }, { "contents": "Candy apple red\n\n\napplied to protect the paint job and add to the feeling of depth of the paint. Candy Apple Red appears so intense, because light passes through the paint, reflects off of the metallic base color, and passes through the paint a second time before we see the color. This causes real candy apple red paint to look far more intense and attractive than conventional paints that happen to use the name \"candy apple red\" without actually being real candy apple red paint. Candy apple red\" paint has been used on many", "id": "17637644" }, { "contents": "Laser pointer\n\n\n. Red laser pointers can be used in almost any indoor or low-light situation where pointing out details by hand may be inconvenient, such as in construction work or interior decorating. Green laser pointers can be used for similar purposes as well as outdoors in daylight or for longer distances. Laser pointers are used in a wide range of applications. Green laser pointers can also be used for amateur astronomy. Green laser is visible at night due to Rayleigh scattering and airborne dust, allowing someone to point out individual stars to others", "id": "4125255" }, { "contents": "Laser projector\n\n\nand blue. Dichroic mirrors are required for combining laser beams of different colors, e.g. to combine the red, green and blue beams into a single white-light beam. The individual red, blue and green lasers are then controlled in brightness (modulated) to produce any desired color in the final beam. A typical analog-modulated RGB projector has 256 brightness levels for each laser. This gives (256 x 256 x 256) 16,777,216 different available colors (the same as a modern computer monitor). Blanking is a", "id": "12120937" }, { "contents": "Knossos\n\n\nobjects were not always kept, due to the very size of the project and the difficulties under which the archaeologists and workmen had to labor. The palace at Knossos was a place of high color, as were Greek buildings in the classical period, and as are Greek buildings today. In the EM Period, the walls and pavements were coated with a pale red derived from red ochre. In addition to the background coloring, the walls displayed fresco panel murals, entirely of red. In the subsequent MM Period, with the", "id": "2496884" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nPolynesian culture reddish hair has traditionally been seen as a sign of descent from high-ranking ancestors and a mark of rulership. The pigment pheomelanin gives red hair its distinctive color. Red hair has far more of the pigment pheomelanin than it has of the dark pigment eumelanin. The genetics of red hair appear to be associated with the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on chromosome 16. Eighty percent of redheads have an MC1R gene variant. Red hair is associated with fair skin color because low concentrations of eumelanin throughout", "id": "218552" }, { "contents": "Chloroplast\n\n\nforms of carotenoids exist that are only found in certain groups of chloroplasts. Phycobilins are a third group of pigments found in cyanobacteria, and glaucophyte, red algal, and cryptophyte chloroplasts. Phycobilins come in all colors, though phycoerytherin is one of the pigments that makes many red algae red. Phycobilins often organize into relatively large protein complexes about 40 nanometers across called phycobilisomes. Like photosystem I and ATP synthase, phycobilisomes jut into the stroma, preventing thylakoid stacking in red algal chloroplasts. Cryptophyte chloroplasts and some cyanobacteria don't have their", "id": "6481833" }, { "contents": "White\n\n\nsun, by stars, or by earthbound sources such as fluorescent lamps, white LEDs and incandescent bulbs. On the screen of a color television or computer, white is produced by mixing the primary colors of light: red, green and blue (RGB) at full intensity, a process called additive mixing (see image below). White light can be fabricated using light with only two wavelengths, for instance by mixing light from a red and cyan laser or yellow and blue lasers. This light will however have very few", "id": "14245224" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n. It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin (which also accounts for the red color of the lips) and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The term redhead (originally \"redd hede\") has been in use since at least 1510. Cultural reactions have varied from ridicule to admiration; many common stereotypes exist regarding redheads and they are often portrayed as fiery-tempered. Red is associated with dominance in a number of animal species. For example, in mandrills, red coloration of the", "id": "6274092" }, { "contents": "Maya society\n\n\nscarification, and body paint among the Maya comes from iconographic images such as pottery and murals, artifacts such as tools and vessels used for storing pigment, as well as ethnohistoric accounts. Body paint patterns were incredibly localized and color and design varied according to location. Two of the most widely used colors among the Maya were red, which was made of cinnabar or vermilion, with hematite and iron ore added. Another popular culture, and one that was possibly the most valued among the Mayans was a blue or green pigment made", "id": "16303904" }, { "contents": "Road coloring theorem\n\n\nin the graph you start, if you traverse all nine edges in the walk \"blue-red-red—blue-red-red—blue-red-red\", you will end up at the yellow vertex. Similarly, if you traverse all nine edges in the walk \"blue-blue-red—blue-blue-red—blue-blue-red\", you will always end up at the vertex marked in green, no matter where you started. The road coloring theorem states that for", "id": "8018688" }, { "contents": "Yellow\n\n\nsee themselves as tiny black shadows against a mass of light. Many fruits are yellow when ripe, such as lemons and bananas, their color derived from carotenoid pigments. Egg yolks gain their color from xanthophylls, also a type of carotenoid pigment. Yellow is a common color of flowers. The color of saffron comes from crocin, a red variety of carotenoid natural pigment. The color of the dyed fabric varies from deep red to orange to yellow, depending upon the type of saffron and the process. Most saffron today comes", "id": "15581732" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nmight have an even narrower gamut due to this purity–power tradeoff and their \"red\" may be less colorful and more orangish than the standard red of sRGB. This color is also the color called \"red\" in the X11 web colors, which were originally formulated in 1987. It is also called \"color wheel red\". It is at precisely zero (360) degrees on the HSV color wheel, also known as the RGB color wheel (). Its complementary color is cyan. \"Pigment red\"", "id": "6592044" }, { "contents": "Shades of purple\n\n\nRed-Purple, or more specifically Munsell 5RP. Artists' pigments and colored pencils labeled as purple are typically colored the red-violet color shown at right. On an RYB color wheel, red-violet is the color between red and violet. This color, electric purple, is precisely halfway between violet and magenta and thus fits the artistic definition of purple. Using additive colors such as those on computer screens, it is possible to create a much brighter purple than with pigments where the mixing subtracts frequencies from the component", "id": "11947464" }, { "contents": "Subtractive color\n\n\npigments. It is used in art and art education, particularly in painting. It predated modern scientific color theory. Red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors of the standard color \"wheel\". The secondary colors, violet (or purple), orange, and green (VOG) make up another triad, formed by mixing equal amounts of red and blue, red and yellow, and blue and yellow, respectively. The RYB primary colors became the foundation of 18th-century theories of color vision as the", "id": "14420247" }, { "contents": "Wii Play\n\n\n. In multiplayer mode, red and blue bubbles pertaining to each player's respective color fall down, and players attempt to get the highest number of points with each player losing a point if a bubble in their color falls to the bottom. An air hockey game comparable to \"Pong\" in which two players try to hit a laser puck across the screen into the opponent's goal using a paddle controlled via the Wii Remote pointer. The paddle can be twisted around by twisting the Wii remote in order to hit the ball", "id": "10964095" }, { "contents": "Candy apple red\n\n\nnamed production paint. An automotive paint search of \"apple\" shows that historically the name was associated with a green color going back to the early 1930s. \"Candy apple red\" is a popular color for car companies to manufacture automobiles in because \"candy apple red\" colored automobiles sell quickly. The \"candy apple red\" is not just the name of a color, it is also implies a specific paint process for cars and other objects: The phrase \"candy apple red\", describes a very specific paint process", "id": "17637641" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nin the form of extremely inexpensive laser pointers. Portable, high-powered versions are also available for various applications. More recently, 671 nm diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers have been introduced to the market for all-DPSS laser display systems, particle image velocimetry, Raman spectroscopy, and holography. Red's wavelength has been an important factor in laser technologies; red lasers, used in early compact disc technologies, are being replaced by blue lasers, as red's longer wavelength causes the laser's recordings to", "id": "6274081" }, { "contents": "Flabellinopsis iodinea\n\n\nthey eat. The red rhinophores are sensory structures used for detecting the presence of possible mates and prey. The purple, red, and orange colors are derived from a single carotenoid pigment, astaxanthin. The pigment appears in three modified states, leading to the three distinct colors. Scientists think the reason why the Spanish Shawl's gills are orange is so they can camouflage with their prey while they are eating. The orange gills on their backs are also a warning to potential predators. The color tells their predators that they are", "id": "21561612" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, it is the color traditionally worn at Christmas by Santa Claus, because in the 4th century the historic Saint Nicholas was the Greek Christian Bishop of Myra, in modern-day Turkey, and bishops then dressed in red. While red is the color most associated with love, it also the color most frequently associated with hatred, anger, aggression and war. People who are angry are said to \".\" Red is the color most commonly associated with passion and heat. In ancient Rome, red was the color of", "id": "6274144" }, { "contents": "Flag of Poland\n\n\nto regard the revolutionary blue, white and red as true national colors. Tricolor standards were used by some Polish guerrilla units during the January Uprising. White-and-red flags were first waved during a patriotic demonstration on 3 May 1916 in Warsaw. The organizing committee advised participants about the correct alignment of the colors, that is with the white stripe above the red one. Still, many demonstrators brought flags with the red stripe on top. On 1 August 1919, almost a year after Poland regained independence in November 1918", "id": "1289588" }, { "contents": "On Vision and Colours\n\n\n, the mixture of bright or pale red and green on the same retinal spot results in the impression there of light or white. White cannot be produced by mixing colored pigments. With colors from a prism, however, the production of white can be demonstrated by using a mixture of colored light from each of the three main pairs of complementary colors: red – green, orange – blue, or yellow – violet. White can be produced from two complementary opposite colors when both of the external causes of the colors excite", "id": "3830253" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\ncomes close to being a pure chroma: process magenta. The pure chroma color composed of equal parts of magenta and red is called rose. In the use by artists, red-violet is equivalent to purple, however, although the color \"purple\" is inaccurately used by many people as a synonym for violet or a color close to violet, professional artists who use the RYB color wheel generally use the term \"purple\" to specifically refer to a pigment color that is equivalent to red-violet (i.e., the", "id": "12926963" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\npaint and yellow paint. The yellow paint absorbs all colors except for red and green. However, the red paint will absorb the green reflected by the yellow paint. The red paint can be said to subtract the green from the yellow paint. The resulting paint reflects only red light and so appears red to our eyes. Note however that this description is theoretical and that the mixing of pigments does not correspond to ideal subtractive color mixing because some light from the subtracted color is still being reflected by one component of the original", "id": "4179391" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\nIndian red is a pigment composed of naturally occurring iron oxides that is widely used in India. Other shades of iron oxides include Venetian Red, English Red, and Kobe, all shown below. Chestnut is a color similar to but separate and distinct from Indian red. The name \"Indian red\" derives from the red laterite soil found in India, which is composed of naturally occurring iron oxides. The first recorded use of \"Indian red\" as a color term in English was in 1792. At right is displayed the", "id": "3697589" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe maples, oaks, sourwood, sweetgums, dogwoods, tupelos, cherry trees and persimmons. These same pigments often combine with the carotenoids' colors to create the deeper orange, fiery reds, and bronzes typical of many hardwood species. (See Autumn leaf color). Oxygenated blood is red due to the presence of oxygenated hemoglobin that contains iron molecules, with the iron components reflecting red light. Red meat gets its color from the iron found in the myoglobin and hemoglobin in the muscles and residual blood. Plants like apples", "id": "6274090" }, { "contents": "Laser projector\n\n\nbrightness at voltages between 3.5-4V, and the power/voltage curve between these points are usually not perfectly linear. Consequently, the dynamics of the color palette in a real lasershow use is decreased to only a few thousands of different colors. TTL modulation indicates that the laser does not support analog modulation of the output but only ON / OFF control. See blanking. With an RGB laser and TTL blanking you have seven colours at your disposal. Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, White.", "id": "12120941" }, { "contents": "Laser pointer\n\n\npointers can cause temporary disturbances to vision. There is some evidence of rare minor permanent harm, but low-powered laser pointers are not seriously hazardous to health. They may be a major annoyance in some circumstances. In rare cases a dot of light from a red laser pointer may be thought to be due to a laser gunsight. When pointed at aircraft at night, laser pointers may dazzle and distract pilots, and increasingly strict laws have been passed to ban this. Early laser pointers were helium–neon (HeNe)", "id": "4125232" }, { "contents": "Shades of purple\n\n\naccepted by 1930), regard purple as being synonymous with the red-violet color shown at right, represented by the web color medium violet red, in order to clearly distinguish purple from violet and thus have access to a larger palette of colors. This red-violet color, called artist's purple by artists, is the pigment color that would be on a pigment color color wheel between pigment violet and pigment (process) magenta. In the Munsell color system, this color at its maximum chroma of 12 is called", "id": "11947463" }, { "contents": "Phosphor\n\n\nas the red phosphor in color CRTs. The development of color TV took a long time due to the search for a red phosphor. The first red emitting rare-earth phosphor, YVO:Eu, was introduced by Levine and Palilla as a primary color in television in 1964. In single crystal form, it was used as an excellent polarizer and laser material. Yellow: When mixed with cadmium sulfide, the resulting zinc cadmium sulfide (Zn,Cd)S:Ag, provides strong yellow light. Green: Combination of zinc", "id": "6434056" }, { "contents": "Laser projector\n\n\nA laser projector is a device that projects changing laser beams on a screen to create a moving image for entertainment or professional use. It consists of a housing that contains lasers, mirrors, galvanometer scanners, and other optical components. A laser projector can contain one laser light source for single-color projection or three sources for RGB (red, green, and blue) full color projection. Lasers offer potentially brighter projected images, with more and better colors. There are actually two types of Laser projectors: The industrial laser", "id": "12120929" }, { "contents": "RYB color model\n\n\nRYB (an abbreviation of red–yellow–blue) denotes the use of red, yellow, and blue pigments as primary colors in art and design, particularly painting. RYB (red–yellow–blue) make up the primary color triad in a standard artist's color wheel. The secondary colors purple–orange–green (sometimes called violet–orange–green) make up another triad. Triads are formed by three equidistant colors on a particular color wheel. Other common color wheels represent the light model (RGB", "id": "3035668" }, { "contents": "Red wine\n\n\nRed wine is a type of wine made from dark-colored (black) grape varieties. The actual color of the wine can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, through to brick red for mature wines and brown for older red wines. The juice from most purple grapes is greenish-white, the red color coming from anthocyan pigments (also called anthocyanins) present in the skin of the grape; exceptions are the relatively uncommon teinturier varieties, which produce a red-colored juice. Much of the red", "id": "21407345" }, { "contents": "Tuscan red\n\n\n. The color was popular in the late 19th century but non-standardized. It became the ‘signature color’ of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which instituted specifications for its formulation. Before the 1880s, pigments extracted from Brazil wood were used in its manufacture, but these proved inadequate in terms of hiding power and stability. A 1916 US National Bureau of Standards circular describes it as based on Indian red, which derives its color from iron oxides. The color was then modified by treatment with an alizarin lake pigment. The pigment", "id": "12828045" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nall other colors in the visible spectrum except for red. The red light, not being absorbed, reflects off the paint and is what we see. This name mechanism describes the color of material objects – note that light is not a material object – and so applies to the yellow paint as well. Making recourse to the figure above demonstrating additive color mixing, one sees that yellow light is composed of an (additive) mixture of red and green light. When we mix the two paints, the resulting substance has red", "id": "4179390" }, { "contents": "American Idiot\n\n\ncolor deemed it appropriate for use on the cover. He explained, \"I'm sure there's psychological theories of it being the same color of blood and therefore has the powers of life and death... And as a designer I always feel it's kind of a cop-out, so I never used it before. But there was no way you couldn't use it on this cover.\" The band also underwent \"a significant image change,\" and they began wearing black and red uniforms onstage. Armstrong considered", "id": "4305847" }, { "contents": "Rouge (cosmetics)\n\n\nRouge (; ), also called blush or blusher, is a cosmetic for coloring the cheeks in varying shades, or the lips red. It is applied as a powder or cream. The Ancient Egyptians were known for their creation of cosmetics, particularly their use of rouge. Ancient Egyptian pictographs show men and women wearing lip and cheek rouge. They blended fat with red ochre to create a stain that was red in color. Greek men and women eventually mimicked the look, using crushed mulberries, red beet juice, crushed strawberries", "id": "22155977" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nbright hue. In some traditional usage, red-violet is the name given to an intermediate or tertiary color that, along with yellow-orange (gold) and also green-blue (cyan), forms a color wheel triad group. Most contemporary usage, however, would list magenta as the name for the tertiary color in question. Red-violet or pigment purple (pigment red-violet) represents the way the color purple (red-violet) was normally reproduced in pigments, paints, or colored pencils", "id": "12926966" }, { "contents": "Chromostereopsis\n\n\nas a receding color and yellow/red as a protruding color. He argued that, \"like we see the high sky, the far away mountains, as blue, in the same way a blue field seems to recede…(also) One can stare at a perfectly yellow/red field, then the color seems to pierce into the organ\". This phenomenon, now referred to as chromostereopsis, or the stereoptic effect, explains the visual science behind this color depth effect, and has many implications for art, media", "id": "9801782" }, { "contents": "Color photography\n\n\ntimes were impractically long, the red or orange-filtered negative requiring hours of exposure in the camera. His earliest surviving color prints are \"sun prints\" of pressed flowers and leaves, each of the three negatives having been made without a camera by exposing the light-sensitive surface to direct sunlight passing first through a color filter and then through the vegetation. His first attempts were based on the red-yellow-blue colors then used for pigments, with no color reversal. Later he used the primary colors of light", "id": "5951747" }, { "contents": "Hemoglobin\n\n\nof the planet Mars, with the Roman god of war, since the planet is an orange-red, which reminded the ancients of blood. Although the color of the planet is due to iron compounds in combination with oxygen in the Martian soil, it is a common misconception that the iron in hemoglobin and its oxides gives blood its red color. The color is actually due to the porphyrin moiety of hemoglobin to which the iron is bound, not the iron itself, although the ligation and redox state of the iron can", "id": "13116620" }, { "contents": "Laser pointer\n\n\nare Class 3A or IIIa. Class 3B or IIIb lasers generate between 5 and 500 mW; Class 4 or IV lasers generate more than 500 mW. The US FDA Code of Federal Regulations stipulates that \"demonstration laser products\" such as pointers must comply with applicable requirements for Class I, IIa, II, or IIIa devices. These are the simplest pointers, as laser diodes are available in these wavelengths. The pointer is nothing more than a battery-powered laser diode. The first red laser pointers released in the early 1980s", "id": "4125236" }, { "contents": "Paint\n\n\npaintings drawn with red or yellow ochre, hematite, manganese oxide, and charcoal may have been made by early \"Homo sapiens\" as long as 40,000 years ago. Paint may be even older. In 2003 and 2004, South African archeologists reported finds in Blombos Cave of a 100,000-year-old human-made ochre-based mixture that could have been used like paint. Further excavation in the same cave resulted in the 2011 report of a complete toolkit for grinding pigments and making a primitive paint-like substance. Ancient colored", "id": "4253949" }, { "contents": "Red Special\n\n\nuses the original but he has used replicas in some performances. Two notable occasions on which the original guitar was not used were in the videos \"We Will Rock You\", and \"Spread Your Wings\", using his John-Birch-made Red Special copy (see Replicas section below) which differs from the original in its all-maple construction and natural maple color, since he did not want to expose the Red Special to snow. The Birch was also used live as a back-up for the Red", "id": "11236661" }, { "contents": "Mars in fiction\n\n\nFictional representations of Mars have been popular for over a century. Interest in Mars has been stimulated by the planet's dramatic red color, by early scientific speculations that its surface conditions might be capable of supporting life, and by the possibility that Mars could be colonized by humans in the future. Almost as popular as stories about Mars are stories about Martians engaging in activity (frequently invasions) away from their home planet. In the 20th century, actual spaceflights to the planet Mars, including seminal events such as the first man", "id": "48749" }, { "contents": "Rg chromaticity\n\n\ncolor is represented by the proportion of red, green, and blue in the color, rather than by the intensity of each. Since these proportions must always add up to a total of 1, we are able to quote just the red and green proportions of the color, and can calculate the blue value if necessary. Given a color (R,G,B) where R, G, B = intensity of red, green and blue, this can be converted to color formula_1 where formula_2 imply the proportion of", "id": "13485057" }, { "contents": "Shohei Otomo\n\n\nThe only colors he present in his art are black, white, and red, which he states is inspired by the color combination's use in ancient Japanese makeup: \"the only colors used were red, black, and white: red lipstick, black teeth—Japanese women used to paint their teeth black—and white powder.\" His first art exhibition was in the US at a gallery in Kansas City in the early 2000s. In 2012, he had his first art exhibition in Australia with an exhibition called \"", "id": "6600675" }, { "contents": "Carthamin\n\n\nCarthamin is a natural red pigment derived from safflower (\"Carthamus tinctorius\"), earlier known as carthamine. It is used as a dye and a food coloring. As a food additive, it is known as Natural Red 26. Safflower has been cultivated since ancient times, and carthamin was used as a dye in ancient Egypt. It was used extensively in the past for dyeing wool for the carpet industry in European countries and to create cosmetics for stylish women, geisha and kabuki artists in Japan, where the color is", "id": "20299221" }, { "contents": "Burney Relief\n\n\nat the lower left corner a piece of the mountain patterning has chipped off and the owl has lost its right-side toes. However, in all major aspects, the relief has survived intact for more than 3,500 years. Traces of red pigment still remain on the figure's body that was originally painted red overall. The feathers of her wings and the owls' feathers were also colored red, alternating with black and white. By Raman spectroscopy the red pigment is identified as red ochre, the black pigment, amorphous carbon", "id": "9212608" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\nin 1590. \"Blush\" has been a Crayola color since 1998. It was originally called \"cranberry\" but in 2005 the name was changed to \"blush\". Displayed at the right is the color smitten. \"Smitten\" is one of the colors on the Resene Color List, a color list widely popular in Australia and New Zealand. The color \"smitten\" was formulated in 2011. Medium red-violet is the medium tone of the color red-violet that is called \"red-violet\" in", "id": "12926971" }, { "contents": "Aluminon\n\n\nAluminon, the triammonium salt of aurintricarboxylic acid, is a dye often used to detect the presence of the aluminium ion in an aqueous solution. Aluminon forms a red complex salt in combination with Al. In addition to its use in qualitative inorganic analysis, aluminon has applications in pigment production. It forms brilliantly colored lake pigments with many metals. The pigments are red in combination with Be and Ga. The pigment is deep purple or reddish-brown in combination with Fe. Color of a particular pigment in acidic solutions may change:", "id": "9245529" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nCentral Africa, Ndembu warriors rub themselves with red paint during celebrations. Since their culture sees the color as a symbol of life and health, sick people are also painted with it. Like most Central African cultures, the Ndembu see red as ambivalent, better than black but not as good as white. In other parts of Africa, however, red is a color of mourning, representing death. Because red bears are associated with death in many parts of Africa, the Red Cross has changed its colors to green and white", "id": "6274159" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nRothko (1903–70) also used red, in even simpler form, in blocks of dark, somber color on large canvases, to inspire deep emotions. Rothko observed that color was \"only an instrument;\" his interest was \"in expressing human emotions tragedy, ecstasy, doom, and so on.\" Rothko also began using the new synthetic pigments, but not always with happy results. In 1962 he donated to Harvard University a series of large murals of the Passion of Christ whose predominant colors were dark pink and deep", "id": "6274135" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nand later Ferrari and Abarth have been painted with a color known as \"rosso corsa\" (\"racing red\"). National colors were mostly replaced in Formula One by commercial sponsor liveries in 1968, but unlike most other teams, Ferrari always kept the traditional red, although the shade of the color varies. The color is commonly used for professional sports teams in Canada and the United States with eleven Major League Baseball teams, eleven National Hockey League teams, seven National Football League teams and eleven National Basketball Association teams prominently", "id": "6274171" }, { "contents": "Flowers Are Red\n\n\nthem red and green, \"the way they always have been seen.\" The boy disagrees and continues to color them from his imagination until the teacher punishes him by standing him in a corner. Finally, the now terrified little boy gives in and tells the teacher that \"flowers are red, and green leaves are green.\" When he goes to a different school, a new teacher encourages her students to use all sorts of colors, only to find the student only coloring his flowers red and green; when the", "id": "7862965" }, { "contents": "Classification of wine\n\n\nis almost always clear, but rather by the presence or absence of the grape skin during fermentation. Grapes with colored juice, for example alicante bouschet, are known as teinturier. Red wine is made from red (or black) grapes, but its red color is bestowed by a process called maceration, whereby the skin is left in contact with the juice during fermentation. White wine can be made from any colour of grape as the skin is separated from the juice during fermentation. A white wine made from a very dark", "id": "5411715" } ]
A physician is a simply doctor is a professional who practises medicine You must have to be smart to be a doctor. How long do you have to go to school to become one? I'm not sure but their field is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, Can you specialize in a certain field of medicine? Yes, Physicians may focus their practice on certain disease categories Do they make a lot of money?
[{"answer": "of course, they can also be general practicioner and be responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals, families, and communities", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23315", "title": "Physician", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 296, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 594, "bleu_score": 0.9479977845062383, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Physician\n\n\nA physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. Physicians may focus their practice on certain disease categories, types of patients, and methods of treatment—known as specialities—or they may assume responsibility for the provision of continuing and comprehensive medical care to individuals, families, and communities—known as general", "id": "3722282" }, { "contents": "Physicians in Canada\n\n\nPhysicians and surgeons play an important role in the provision of health care in Canada. They are responsible for the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. As Canadian medical schools solely offer the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery (M.D., C.M.) degrees, these represent the degrees held by the vast majority of physicians and surgeons in Canada, though some have a Doctor", "id": "7911504" }, { "contents": "Ancient Greek medicine\n\n\nbetween the doctor and patient relationship. Presented with all the information concerning the patient's health, the patient makes the decision to accept treatment. Physician and patient responsibility is mentioned in the treatise , where it states, \"there are three factors in the practice of medicine: the disease, the patient and the physician. The physician is the servant of science, and the patient must do what he can to fight the disease with the assistance of the physician\". Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle was the most influential scholar of the", "id": "9597237" }, { "contents": "Universal Medicine\n\n\nby Universal Medicine that \"doctors will make you sicker than you already are\". Another patient was told by a thoracic physician and student of UM that conventional HRT was harmful and \"deep-seated grief is a major driving factor in lung disease\". Dwyer stated that it was \"highly reprehensible\" that medical professionals registered on a \"promise to practise evidence-based medicine\" were engaged in promoting \"cultish behaviour\". Serge Benhayon has responded to criticism stating that UM does not \"interfere with medicine... We do", "id": "15085232" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine\n\n\nDoctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO or D.O.) is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. A DO graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. DO physicians are licensed to practice the full scope of medicine and surgery in 65 countries, and in all 50 US states. They constitute 11% of all US physicians. As of 2018, there were", "id": "10885792" }, { "contents": "Cardiology\n\n\nCardiology (from Greek \"kardiā\", \"heart\" and \"-logia\", \"study\") is a branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of the heart as well as some parts of the circulatory system. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Physicians who specialize in this field of medicine are called cardiologists, a specialty of internal medicine. Pediatric cardiologists are pediatricians who specialize in cardiology. Physicians who specialize in cardiac", "id": "5265229" }, { "contents": "Health information on Wikipedia\n\n\nof information on Ebola. Doctors who were Wikipedia contributors said that Wikipedia's quality made it useful. People who promote alternative medicine have complained that Wikipedia negatively portrays holistic health treatments including energy medicine, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Thought Field Therapy and Tapas Acupressure Technique. In response, Wales has stated, \"If you can get your work published in respectable scientific journals – that is to say, if you can produce evidence through replicable scientific experiments, then Wikipedia will cover it appropriately.\" Similar concerns have been raised regarding its coverage", "id": "4384252" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Medicine\n\n\ndo a research on a medical topic and provide thesis as part of their trainings. Medical graduates are awarded a certificate in general medicine, called \"Professional Doctorate in Medicine\" validated by the \"Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran\". All physicians will obtain license and medical council registration number from the \"Medical Council of Iran\" before they officially begin to practice. They may subsequently specialize in a specific medical field at medical schools offering the necessary qualifications. There are five university medical schools in Israel, including the", "id": "2230871" }, { "contents": "Neuropathology\n\n\nmicroscope or certain molecular methods to make a definitive diagnosis. Many neuropathologists in Europe have a background in the clinical neurosciences (neurology, psychiatry) as well as pathology. Neuropathologists are physicians with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree. They must finish either 3 or 4 years of an anatomical pathology residency followed by 2 years of a neuropathology fellowship and be certified by the American Board of Pathology in both anatomical and neuropathology. This is less specialized neuropathology training than in most other countries", "id": "17171533" }, { "contents": "Internal medicine\n\n\nInternal medicine or general medicine (in Commonwealth nations) is the medical specialty dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists, or physicians (without a modifier) in Commonwealth nations. Internists are skilled in the management of patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system disease processes. Internists care for hospitalized and ambulatory patients and may play a major role in teaching and research. Because internal medicine patients are often seriously ill or require complex investigations, internists do much of", "id": "21886840" }, { "contents": "Health care in the United States\n\n\ncurrent system for training physicians and differences in how doctors and patients view the practice of medicine. Doctors may focus on diagnosis and treatment, while patients may be more interested in wellness and being listened to by their doctors. Many primary care physicians no longer see their patients while they are in the hospital; instead, hospitalists are used. The use of hospitalists is sometimes mandated by health insurance companies as a cost-saving measure which is resented by some primary care physicians. As of 2017, there were 907 health insurance companies", "id": "14726305" }, { "contents": "Sports medicine\n\n\nSports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports and exercise. Although most sports teams have employed team physicians for many years, it is only since the late 20th century that sports medicine has emerged as a distinct field of health care. Sports medicine physicians have completed medical school, specialized in residency training, and then specialize further in sports medicine or 'sports and exercise medicine' (the preferred term). Specialization in sports medicine may be a doctor's", "id": "17735178" }, { "contents": "Medical school\n\n\nphysicians wish to open up a doctor's office, they are required to further complete residency in order to fulfill the federal requirements of becoming Facharzt (specialized in a certain field of medicine like internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics etc.). Oral and maxillofacial surgeons must complete both studies, medicine and dentistry, then afterwards specializing another 5 years. There are 36 medical faculties in Germany. There are seven medical schools in Greece. The most prominent one of them is the University of Athens Medical School. The rest of them", "id": "11092613" }, { "contents": "College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario\n\n\nToronto. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is the self-regulating body for the province's medical profession. The College regulates the practice of medicine to protect and serve the public interest. It issues certificates of registration to doctors to allow them to practise medicine, monitors and maintains standards of practice through peer assessment and remediation, investigates complaints against doctors on behalf of the public, and disciplines doctors who may have committed an act of professional misconduct or incompetence. The medical profession has been granted a great", "id": "7649252" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Medicine\n\n\nboard accredited status in a specialty of medicine such as general surgery or internal medicine, physicians undergo additional specialized training in the form of a residency. Those who wish to further specialize in areas such as cardiology or infectious diseases then complete a fellowship. Depending upon the physician's chosen field, residencies and fellowships involve an additional three to eight years of training after obtaining the MD. This can be lengthened with additional research years, which can last one, two, or more years. Even though the M.D. is a professional degree", "id": "2230899" }, { "contents": "Predictive medicine\n\n\nto genetic tests. As more and more genes associated with increased susceptibility to certain diseases are reported, predictive medicine becomes more useful. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) genetic testing enables a consumer to screen his or her own genes without having to go through a health care professional. They can be ordered without the permission of a physician. Variety in DTC tests range from those testing for mutations associated with cystic fibrosis to breast cancer alleles. DTC tests make the applicability of predictive medicine very real and accessible to consumers.", "id": "18672365" }, { "contents": "Comparison of MD and DO in the United States\n\n\nIn the United States, physicians may hold either the Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) or the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (DO). MD and DO physicians complete similar residency programs in hospitals, can be licensed in all 50 states, and have rights and responsibilities common to physicians. Historically, MD physicians (MDs) and DO physicians (DOs) significantly differed in their approach to medical treatment. MD physicians applied various therapies to treat symptoms. In contrast, osteopathic medicine was founded in the mid-nineteenth century", "id": "18324691" }, { "contents": "Physicians in the United States\n\n\nPhysicians in the United States are doctors that practice medicine for the human body. They are an important part of health care in the United States. The vast majority of physicians in the US have a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree, though some have a DO or MBBS. The American College of Physicians, uses the term \"physician\" to describe specialists in internal medicine, while the American Medical Association uses the term \"physician\" to describe members of all specialties. Doctors may work independently, as part of a", "id": "7789066" }, { "contents": "Benno Baginsky\n\n\nBenno Baginsky (24 May 1848 in Ratibor – 1919) was a German physician specializing in the field of otorhinolaryngology. He was a younger brother to pediatrician Adolf Aron Baginsky (1843-1918). He studied medicine in Berlin, obtaining his doctorate in 1870. Following service as a physician in the Franco-Prussian War, he began practicing medicine and soon found himself specializing in diseases of the ear, nose and larynx. In 1884 he became a privat-docent of otology, rhinology and laryngology at the University of Berlin", "id": "6980680" }, { "contents": "Maternal mortality in the United States\n\n\nAlso, postpartum depression can also lead to untimely deaths for both mother and child. Maternal-fetal medicine does not require labor-delivery training in order to practice independently. The lack of experience can make certain doctors more likely to make mistakes or not pay close attention to certain symptoms that could indicate one of the several causes of death in mothers. For women who have limited access, these kinds of physicians may be easier to see than more experienced physicians. In addition, many doctors are unwilling to see patients who are", "id": "16021297" }, { "contents": "Domestic medicine\n\n\nsuch as extreme fevers or diarrhea, domestic medicine advised patients to go seek professional treatment. This approach worked well as patients would be incentivized to care for daily health and also resort to professional medical treatments when the need arose. It would serve as a balance between everyday disease prevention and professional disease treatment in certain circumstances. Thus, in theory, domestic medicine both empowered individuals and physicians by allowing them to concentrate in separate aspects of healthcare. Another benefit that resulted from the use of domestic medicine was the improvement in the population", "id": "2672837" }, { "contents": "Nuclear medicine physician\n\n\nnon-physician professional, including medical physicists, health physicists, radiobiologists, radiochemists, and radiopharmacists. Residency trained nuclear medicine physicians have the most extensive training and highest level of certification, including all aspects of diagnosis and radionuclide therapy. However, current U.S. regulations do not prohibit other physicians from interpreting nuclear medicine studies and perform radionuclide therapy. Radiologists who are not sub-specialty trained in the specialty, nonetheless often limit their practice to practicing nuclear medicine. Some cardiologists, especially non-invasive cardiologists, will interpret diagnostic cardiology studies", "id": "18763002" }, { "contents": "Mark Hamilton (doctor)\n\n\nMark Hamilton (born 30 October 1970 in Bangor, Northern Ireland) is a physician and broadcaster. He is presenter of \"How Long Will You Live?\" on RTÉ One and former presenter of \"The Sunday Surgery\" on BBC Radio 1. Hamilton graduated from Medical School with an MB ChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery). He then went on to specialize in several fields such as Orthopedic surgery, Geriatric medicine and Anaesthetics, and lectured Anatomy and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Manchester. In 2007, Hamilton", "id": "10128778" }, { "contents": "American Osteopathic Board of Nuclear Medicine\n\n\nThe American Osteopathic Board of Nuclear Medicine (AOBNM) is an organization that provides board certification to qualified Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) who specialize in the use of radioactive substances in the diagnosis and treatment of disease (nuclear medicine physicians). The board is one 18 medical specialty certifying boards approved by the American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists (AOABOS) of the American Osteopathic Association, and was established in 1974. As of December 2011, 32 osteopathic nuclear medicine physicians held active certification with the AOBNM. Osteopathic nuclear", "id": "794881" }, { "contents": "Islamic hospitals\n\n\nnot separate by sex anymore, they still separate people by disease or problem. By doing so, different wings could specialize in certain treatments specific to their patient. This practice not only still exists today in modern hospitals but also lead to the advancement of treatments back then that now comprise the “Canon of Medicine.” This separation of diseases not only helped the timely treatment of patients but also helped the patients and physicians from getting sick with other diseases that surrounded them because they only had to worry about the prevention of one", "id": "10604335" }, { "contents": "Specialty (medicine)\n\n\nA medical speciality is a branch of medical practice that is focused on a defined group of patients, diseases, skills, or philosophy. Examples include children (paediatrics), cancer (oncology), laboratory medicine (pathology), or primary care (family medicine). After completing medical school, physicians or surgeons usually further their medical education in a specific specialty of medicine by completing a multiple-year residency to become a medical specialist. To a certain extent, medical practitioners have long been specialized. According to Galen,", "id": "4544062" }, { "contents": "Tropical medicine\n\n\nmust spend at least a year abroad in an area lacking resources. Only then can they become certified in tropical medicine. The training of United States tropical doctors is similar, though it is not a board recognized specialty in America. Physicians must first complete medical school and a program focusing on infectious diseases. Once completed, physicians can take the certification exam from the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in order to receive the Certificate of Knowledge in Clinical Tropical Medicine and Travelers' Health. In developing countries alone, 22 million", "id": "2294713" }, { "contents": "Rhetoric of health and medicine\n\n\n: fear and hope. When doctors appeal to fear it is not done so lightly. Doctors have to decide if instilling fear in their patient is the right tactic for persuading their patients to agree with the physician's treatment plan. For instance, if a patient has diabetes and is likely to lose a toe or foot if they do not change the way they treat their condition, it is up to the doctor to decide when to stop telling their patient that “changing your habits will give you a better life” and", "id": "1595686" }, { "contents": "Medical school\n\n\nthey will become general physician and be assigned the prefix, \"dr. (doctor)\". Upon graduation, a physician planning to become a specialist in a specific field of medicine must complete a residency, which is a supervised training with periods ranging from three to four years. A physician who sub-specializes or who desires more supervised experience may complete a fellowship, which is an additional one to three years of supervised training in his/her area of expertise General medicine education in Iran takes 7 to 7.5 years.", "id": "11092547" }, { "contents": "Behavioral medicine\n\n\n), an international focus for professional and academic development. Many chronic diseases have a behavioral component, but the following illnesses can be significantly and directly modified by behavior, as opposed to using pharmacological treatment alone: Medications work best for controlling chronic illness when the patients use them as prescribed and do not deviate from the physician's instructions. This is true for both physiological and mental illnesses. However, in order for the patient to adhere to a treatment regimen, the physician must provide accurate information about the regimen, an adequate", "id": "1636182" }, { "contents": "College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario\n\n\n. The duties of the College include: issuing certificates of registration to doctors to allow them to practise medicine monitoring and maintaining standards of practice through peer assessment and remediation investigating complaints about doctors on behalf of the public, and conducting discipline hearings when doctors may have committed an act of professional misconduct or incompetence. The College is governed by a council. The RHPA stipulates that it consist of at least 32 and no more than 34 members: 16 physicians elected by their peers on a geographical basis every three years; 3 physicians appointed", "id": "7649254" }, { "contents": "Osteopathic medicine in the United States\n\n\nresidency programs. An osteopathic physician (DO) is a fully licensed, patient-centered physician. DO has full medical practice rights throughout the United States and in 44 countries abroad. In the 21st century, the training of osteopathic physicians in the United States is equivalent to the training of Doctors of Medicine (MDs). Osteopathic physicians attend four years of medical school followed by an internship and a minimum two years of residency. They use all conventional methods of diagnosis and treatment. Though still trained in OMT, the modern", "id": "20467096" }, { "contents": "Addiction medicine\n\n\nwithin the specialty are the processes of detoxification, rehabilitation, harm reduction, abstinence-based treatment, individual and group therapies, oversight of halfway houses, treatment of withdrawal-related symptoms, acute intervention, and long term therapies designed to reduce likelihood of relapse. Some specialists, primarily those who also have expertise in family medicine or internal medicine, also provide treatment for disease states commonly associated with substance use, such as hepatitis and HIV infection. Physicians specializing in the field are in general agreement concerning applicability of treatment to those", "id": "11391581" }, { "contents": "Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect Science\n\n\nand doctor-patient relationship since they are aware of what medicine can accomplish through science and its limitations. \"Complications\" goes over many of the ethical issues present in medicine today. In \"Education of a Knife,\" the morality of the learning process for future doctors is discussed. Future doctors learn how to perform a certain procedure by doing surgery on patients, meaning that some patients will have to be the first time for future physicians when learning a surgery, as is the case with Gawande when he learns to perform", "id": "19622860" }, { "contents": "Centegra Health System\n\n\nan emergency department visit. According to Centegra you will see a doctor in 30 minutes or less. Centegra Physician Care is a group of doctors affiliated with Centegra Health System and Centegra Hospital's in Woodstock and McHenry. Physician's have offices in Algonquin, Crystal Lake, Huntley, McHenry, Spring Grove and Woodstock, Illinois. Centegra Physician Care currently has specialties in the area of: Back and Spine, Cardiology, Chiropractic, Emergency Medicine, Endocrinology, Family Practice, Hospitalist Services, Immediate Care, Internal Medicine, Neurology,", "id": "12591488" }, { "contents": "Health care\n\n\nHealth care, health-care, or healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in people. Health care is delivered by health professionals in allied health fields. Physicians and physician associates are a part of these health professionals. Dentistry, midwifery, nursing, medicine, optometry, audiology, pharmacy, psychology, occupational therapy, physical therapy and other health professions are all part of health care. It includes work done", "id": "17990113" }, { "contents": "Doctor–patient relationship\n\n\nThe doctor–patient relationship is a central part of health care and the practice of medicine. The doctor–patient relationship forms one of the foundations of contemporary medical ethics. A patient must have confidence in the competence of their physician and must feel that they can confide in him or her. For most physicians, the establishment of good rapport with a patient is important. Some medical specialties, such as psychiatry and family medicine, emphasize the physician–patient relationship more than others, such as pathology or radiology, which have", "id": "7007413" }, { "contents": "Queen of Wands (Tarot card)\n\n\nby some to represent one's basic instinct. Her strength and task are providing initial inputs. She says to you that you must think of the consequences of what you do, but that you must be sure to focus on what will get you moving and how to do it. Directness, spontaneity and independence are very special talents that others admire, as long as you accept that others may be your polar opposite. Don't get tricked into becoming impatient. If the sun \"shines\" in your heart, you can", "id": "21673885" }, { "contents": "Medicine\n\n\nMedicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others. Medicine", "id": "19257917" }, { "contents": "Doctor (title)\n\n\n, if desired. In Finland, the title of \"tohtori\" or \"doktor\" denotes holder of a research doctorate comparable to a PhD. Getting the doctorate requires advanced studies after the master's degree, writing a thesis, nowadays often a thesis by publication, and publicly defending the thesis. Customary doctorates do not exist even in the field of medicine: physicians hold the degree of \"lääketieteen lisensiaatti\" (Licentiate of Medicine), and are referred to simply as \"lääkäri\" (physician); \"tohtori\" would", "id": "8991411" }, { "contents": "College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario\n\n\nThe College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO) is the regulatory college for medical doctors in Ontario, Canada. The college issues certificates of registration for all doctors to allow them to practise medicine as well as: monitors and maintains standards of practice via assessment and remediation, investigates complaints against doctors, and disciplines those found guilty of professional misconduct and/or incompetence. The CPSO's power is derived from Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA), Health Professions Procedural Code under RHPA and the Medicine Act. The college is based in", "id": "7649251" }, { "contents": "History of medicine\n\n\nbotanical transplant system in colonies that they controlled, however these subsequent attempts were not successful. The practice of medicine changed in the face of rapid advances in science, as well as new approaches by physicians. Hospital doctors began much more systematic analysis of patients' symptoms in diagnosis. Among the more powerful new techniques were anaesthesia, and the development of both antiseptic and aseptic operating theatres. Effective cures were developed for certain endemic infectious diseases. However the decline in many of the most lethal diseases was due more to improvements in public", "id": "14424585" }, { "contents": "Osteopathic medicine in the United States\n\n\nprofession had moved closer to mainstream medicine, adopting modern public health and biomedical principles. American \"osteopaths\" became \"osteopathic medical doctors\", ultimately achieving full practice rights as medical doctors in all 50 states, including serving in the United States Armed Forces as physicians. In modern medicine, any distinction between the MD and the DO professions has eroded steadily. Diminishing numbers of DO graduates enter primary care fields, fewer use osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT), and increasing numbers of osteopathic graduates choose to train in non-osteopathic", "id": "20467095" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine\n\n\noutside the United States; and US-trained osteopathic physicians, who conduct a full scope of medical practice. The regulation of non-physician manual medicine osteopaths varies greatly between jurisdictions. In the United States, osteopathic physicians holding the DO degree have attained the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities as physicians with a Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree. Osteopathic physicians and non-physician osteopaths are so distinct that in practice they function as separate professions. As originally conceived by Andrew Still, the letters \"DO\" stood", "id": "10885797" }, { "contents": "Sleep study\n\n\nperson with a health concern. Board-certified sleep medicine doctors have undergone special training and testing to ensure they can diagnose all sleep-related disorders, including sleep apnea. The neurologist treats disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. A medical practitioner specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. The use of E/M coding is important in establishing patients. Follow up visits as well as conveying observation and findings also use these types of codes whether direct from the physician or as “incident to", "id": "14770740" }, { "contents": "How Doctors Think\n\n\nGroopman explains that no one can expect a physician to be infallible, as medicine is an uncertain science, and every doctor sometimes makes mistakes in diagnosis and treatment. But the frequency and seriousness of those mistakes can be reduced by \"understanding how a doctor thinks and how he or she can think better\". The book includes Groopman's own experiences both as an oncologist and as a patient, as well as interviews by Groopman of prominent physicians in the medical community. Notably, he describes his difficulties with a number of orthopedic", "id": "21437833" }, { "contents": "Osteopathic medicine in the United States\n\n\nderivative of Still's techniques, they work in all specialties of medicine. Discussions about the future of modern medicine frequently debate the utility of maintaining separate, distinct pathways for educating physicians in the United States. Physicians and surgeons who graduate from osteopathic medical schools are known as osteopathic physicians or osteopathic medical doctors. Upon graduation, they are conferred a professional doctorate, the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Osteopathic curricula in other countries differ from those in the United States. European-trained practitioners of osteopathic manipulative techniques are referred", "id": "20467097" }, { "contents": "Samantha Nutt\n\n\nUniversity's Arts & Science Program. She received her Doctor of Medicine degree from the same university. She also earned an MSc degree with distinction at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and holds a Fellowship in Community Medicine (FRCPC) from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. She is certified by the College of Family Practice (CCFP) and completed a sub-specialization in women's health through the University of Toronto as a Women's Health Scholar. As a practising family physician she is a", "id": "20054832" }, { "contents": "Henry F. Vaughan\n\n\ndid not have a degree in medicine. As health commissioner for the city of Detroit, he saw the need for qualified physician to not only practice curative medicine, but also, preventative medicine. During his time as health commissioner, there were significant cases of smallpox, typhoid fever, and diphtheria; however, many physicians were unaware of the new treatment for these communicable diseases. He initiated a “medical participation” campaign where physicians were to practice preventative medicine by administering immunization, attend conferences to become up to date on current", "id": "13272499" }, { "contents": "Carol Hathaway\n\n\nexperience. She is sometimes hostile to the physician assistants, and once told surgeon Peter Benton in Season One, \"Haleh may not be able to cross clamp an aorta, but she has over 20 years experience in emergency medicine and if you would step off your pedestal maybe you would realize it's the nurses that make this place run and not you.\" In Season 3, Carol intends to go to medical school and become a doctor, but decides against it because she sees that her job as a nurse is worthwhile", "id": "1360869" }, { "contents": "Licentiate (degree)\n\n\nmedical practitioners (physicians and surgeons) are either Licentiates or Doctorates, where the Licentiate of Medicine is the minimum qualification. In terms of degree coursework, the Licentiate is above Master's but below a Doctorate. In the medical field, there is no Master's degree, and the Bachelor's degree qualifies only for practical training to become a Licentiate. Qualified Licentiates may continue studies to become a Doctor of Medicine if they want to work in research. In Dublin, students at the School of Medicine of the Royal College of", "id": "10091163" }, { "contents": "Academy of Family Physicians of India\n\n\nThe Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI) is a professional academic organisation, registered as a non-profit society in India. AFPI has been founded with the aim of promoting family medicine and primary healthcare. Family medicine is the practising speciality and academic discipline of majority Indian doctors. Although there were GP (General Practice) associations such as IMA CGP and FFPAI have been existing for several decades, there was no forum for spearheading development of academic family medicine in India. AFPI is an equivalent organisation to American Academy of", "id": "5424031" }, { "contents": "Personalized medicine\n\n\n. In order for physicians to know if a mutation is connected to a certain disease, researchers often do a study called a “genome-wide association study” (GWAS). A GWAS study will look at one disease, and then sequence the genome of many patients with that particular disease to look for shared mutations in the genome. Mutations that are determined to be related to a disease by a GWAS study can then be used to diagnose that disease in future patients, by looking at their genome sequence to find that", "id": "11953151" }, { "contents": "Paul Brémaud\n\n\nPaul Brémaud (27 March 1846, in Brest – 12 May 1905, in Brest) was a French naval physician, known for his studies in the field of hypnosis. He studied at the naval school of medicine in Brest, and from 1866 served as an assistant surgeon. In 1869 he received his doctorate in medicine from the University of Montpellier with a thesis on Pott's disease titled \"Quelques considérations sur le mal de Pott\", and during the same year became a naval physician, second-class. For a", "id": "16561764" }, { "contents": "American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine\n\n\nThe American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine (AOBIM) is an organization that provides board certification to qualified Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) who specialize in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease in adults (internists). The board is one of 18 medical specialty certifying boards of the American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists approved by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), and was established in 1942. As of December 2011, 3,072 osteopathic internal medical physicians held active certification with the AOBIM. Initial certification is available", "id": "20277370" }, { "contents": "Board certification\n\n\nBoard certification is the process by which a physician or other professional demonstrates a mastery of basic knowledge and skills through written, practical, or simulator-based testing. There are 24 boards that certify physician specialists in the United States and there is no legal requirement to attain it. Some hospitals may demand that physicians must be board certified to get privileges. The commonly used acronym BE/BC (board eligible/board certified) refers to a doctor who is eligible or is certified to practice medicine in a particular field. The", "id": "3370985" }, { "contents": "Physician-scientist\n\n\nA physician-scientist is a holder of a degree in medicine and science who invests significant time and professional effort in scientific research and spends correspondingly less time in direct clinical practice compared to other physicians. Physician-scientists are often employed by academic or research institutions and may focus their clinical practices on very specialized patient populations, such as those with rare genetic diseases or rare cancers. Although they are a minority of both practicing physicians and active research scientists, physician-scientists are often cited as playing a critical role in translational medicine", "id": "1478480" }, { "contents": "Money Made\n\n\nit? Do we really need that new hospital? Can you not die quicker? Do we really have to spend money on that medicine? How old are you now?' Sometimes you think, 'Can we all take one deep breath?' The basics have got to be in place. Thirty years ago, a fuckin' school never made money. Filling in a road or putting up a traffic light didn't make money. Hospitals were there to keep people well, not make money.\" Bassist Cliff Williams", "id": "1937500" }, { "contents": "Comparison of MD and DO in the United States\n\n\npractice between themselves and their MD counterparts. 88% of the respondents had a self-identification as osteopathic medical physicians, while less than half felt their patients identified them as such. As the training of DOs and MDs becomes less distinct, some have expressed concern that the unique characteristics of osteopathic medicine will be lost. Others welcome the rapprochement and already consider modern medicine to be the type of medicine practiced by both \"MD and DO type doctors.\" One persistent difference is the respective acceptance of the terms \"allopathic\"", "id": "18324708" }, { "contents": "Family medicine\n\n\nan academic specialty in India. The government of India has declared Family Medicine as focus area of human resource development in health sector in the National Health Policy 2002 There is discussion ongoing to employ multi-skilled doctors with DNB family medicine qualification against specialist posts in NRHM (National Rural Health Mission). Three possible models of how family physicians will practise their specialty in India might evolve, namely (1) private practice, (2) practising at primary care clinics/hospitals, (3) practising as consultants at secondary/", "id": "7068598" }, { "contents": "Addiction medicine\n\n\nwith addiction to drugs, such as alcohol and heroin, and often also to gambling, which has similar characteristics and has been well-described in the scientific literature. There is less agreement concerning definition or treatment of other so-called addictive behavior such as sexual addiction and internet addiction, such behaviors not being marked generally by physiologic tolerance or withdrawal. Doctors focusing on addiction medicine are medical specialists who focus on addictive disease and have had special study and training focusing on the prevention and treatment of such diseases. There are two", "id": "11391582" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Medicine\n\n\nFellowship of the West African College of Physicians (FWACP) and the Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons (FWACS) in medical and surgical disciplines respectively after a minimum of four-year residency training period. The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine or DO degree allows the same practice rights in the United States and Canada to the MD degree and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine are fully licensed physicians. Holders of the MD degree must pass MD level board exams while DO holders can pass either the DO (COMLEX) exam or MD exam", "id": "2230930" }, { "contents": "Medical ethics\n\n\nthemselves or members of their immediate family\". This code seeks to protect patients and physicians because professional objectivity can be compromised when the physician is treating a loved one. Studies from multiple health organizations have illustrated that physician-family member relationships may cause an increase in diagnostic testing and costs. Many doctors still treat their family members. Doctors who do so must be vigilant not to create conflicts of interest or treat inappropriately. Physicians that treat family members need to be conscious of conflicting expectations and dilemmas when treating relatives, as established", "id": "9370649" }, { "contents": "Family medicine\n\n\nfamily across all ages, genders, diseases, and parts of the body; family physicians are often primary care physicians. It is based on knowledge of the patient in the context of the family and the community, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion. According to the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), the aim of family medicine is to provide personal, comprehensive, and continuing care for the individual in the context of the family and the community. The issues of values underlying this practice are usually known as primary", "id": "7068573" }, { "contents": "Hwa Rang Do\n\n\nJoo Bang Lee has stated that if you learn to cause harm, you must also learn how to heal. Hwa Rang Do also offers training in Traditional Asian Medicine through it's World Headquarters. Whether an individual club or academy offers such training though depend on the Head Instructor and whether they are certified to teach such practices. The healing skills in Hwa Rang Do are divided into 6 categories: Through the study of both the martial and healing skills in Hwa Rang Do, a practitioner will have an understanding of the strengths and", "id": "16176611" }, { "contents": "Women in medicine\n\n\nrefer to the presence of female practitioners (singular, \"ṭabība\") in describing certain procedures or situations. For example, the late 10th/early 11th century Andalusi physician and surgeon al-Zahrawi, in explaining how to excise bladder stones, notes that the procedure is difficult for male doctors practicing on female patients: because of the need to touch the genitalia, the male practitioner must either find a female doctor who can perform the procedure, or a eunuch physician, or a midwife who takes instruction from the male surgeon", "id": "13606562" }, { "contents": "Outline of cardiology\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to cardiology, the branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the human heart. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology. Physicians who specialize in cardiology are called cardiologists. Cardiology can be described as all of the following: Heart – The cardiac physical exam focuses on portions of the physical exam that elucidate information about diseases and disorders outlined below. Clinical judgment, of course,", "id": "13859542" }, { "contents": "Biomarker (medicine)\n\n\nthat the doctor can use to help make decisions in making a diagnosis and selecting a course of treatment. For example, the detection of certain autoantibodies in patient blood is a reliable biomarker for autoimmune disease, and the detection of rheumatoid factors has been an important diagnostic marker for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for over 50 years. For the diagnosis of this autoimmune disease the antibodies against the bodies own citrullinated proteins are of particular value. These ACPAs, (ACPA stands for \"A\"nti-\"c\"itrullinated \"p\"rotein/peptide \"a\"ntibody) can be", "id": "20771803" }, { "contents": "Disease in colonial America\n\n\nat least once every four years. Nevertheless, it was not followed and anatomy went untaught. John Winthrop was a physician who was in constant communication with England asking for advice on various medical topics and diseases. Winthrop realized the Colony needed trained doctors and received from a physician in England eight pages of notes on herbs and their uses in curing diseases in 1643. Through these notes, Winthrop used the knowledge to advise the people in the Colony. He was untrained in medicine and had little experience in making a diagnosis relying a", "id": "12230176" }, { "contents": "Feldsher\n\n\nfor people in rural areas. Training for feldshers can include up to four years of post-secondary education, including medical diagnosis and prescribing. They have clinical responsibilities that may be considered midway between those of physicians and those of nurses. They do not have full professional qualifications as physicians. The training program typically includes basic pre-clinical sciences: anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, laboratory subjects, etc.; and advanced clinical sciences: internal medicine and therapeutics, neurology and psychiatry, obstetrics, infectious diseases and epidemiology", "id": "14190803" }, { "contents": "Research Institute for Tropical Medicine\n\n\nThis includes researches involving the advancement of vaccines and medications used by medical professionals, such as physicians, nurses and medical technologists, that they utilize whenever patients they handle are under the diagnosis and treatment of infectious and treatable and curable diseases. The institute also trains medical and health workers in order to be further educated in their fields in relation to the management of tropical infectious diseases. Formulation of plans and research projects involving biological products proposed and currently utilized by the Philippine Department of Health are also covered by the functions of the Research", "id": "6631333" }, { "contents": "Ancient Greek medicine\n\n\nbiological disease did not completely abolish Greek religion, but offered a new method of how physicians interacted with patients. Ancient Greek physicians who followed humorism emphasized the importance of environment. Physicians believed patients would be subjected to various diseases based on the environment they resided. The local water supply and the direction the wind blew influenced the health of the local populace. Patients played an important role in their treatment. Stated in the treatise , \"[i]t is not enough for the physician to do what is necessary, but the patient and", "id": "9597235" }, { "contents": "Shared decision-making in medicine\n\n\n, is a quick questionnaire for finding out in busy clinics which patients are not comfortable about the treatment decision (decisional conflict). SURE is based on O’Connor’s Decisional Conflict Scale which is commonly used to evaluate patient decision aids.The four yes-or-no questions are about being Sure, Understanding the information, the Risk-benefit ratio, and sources of advice and Encouragement. Another related measure scores patient-doctor encounters using three components of patient-centered communication: the physician's ability to conceptualize illness and disease", "id": "13147415" }, { "contents": "How Doctors Think\n\n\ndefend his assertion: A common error in thinking about primary care is to see it as entry-level medicine...and, because of this, rudimentary medicine...This is a false notion. One should not confuse highly technical, even complicated, medical knowledge--special practical knowledge about an unusual disease, treatment, condition, or technology--with the complex, many-sided worldly-wise knowledge we expect of the best physicians. The narrowest subspecialist, the reasoning goes, should also be able to provide this [broad", "id": "21437841" }, { "contents": "Physician–patient privilege\n\n\nmedical providers. The rationale behind the rule is that a level of trust must exist between a physician and the patient so that the physician can properly treat the patient. If the patient were fearful of telling the truth to the physician because he or she believed the physician would report such behavior to the authorities, the treatment process could be rendered far more difficult, or the physician could make an incorrect diagnosis. For example, a below-age of consent patient came to a doctor with a sexually transmitted disease. The doctor", "id": "15092830" }, { "contents": "How to Have Sex in an Epidemic\n\n\nprotecting one's partner from disease transmission less pressing and/or personally important. This section of the manual also highlights the importance of talking to one's physicians and making sure the information one gets about the disease is reliable by looking at multiple sources and doing individual research. They conclude: \"If we are to celebrate our gayness and get on with Gay Liberation, we must stay healthy. To stay healthy, we must realize that the issue isn't gayness or sex; the issue is simply disease.\" The penultimate section of", "id": "2170484" }, { "contents": "Tropical medicine\n\n\nliving conditions in underdeveloped tropical countries have led to a rising number of non-communicable diseases. These diseases include cancer and cardiovascular disease, which, in the past, have been more of a worry in developed countries. Physicians trained in tropical medicine must also be prepared to diagnose and treat these diseases. Training for physicians wishing to specialize in tropical medicine varies widely over the different countries. They must study epidemiology, virology, parasitology, and statistics, as well as the training required of an ordinary MD. Research on tropical", "id": "2294709" }, { "contents": "Gastroenterology\n\n\nGastroenterology is the branch of medicine focused on the digestive system and its disorders. Diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which include the organs from mouth into anus, along the alimentary canal, are the focus of this speciality. Physicians practicing in this field are called gastroenterologists. They have usually completed about eight years of pre-medical and medical education, a year-long internship (if this is not a part of the residency), three years of an internal medicine residency, and two to three years in the gastroenterology fellowship", "id": "12655541" }, { "contents": "Psychiatrist\n\n\nA psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in psychiatry, the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatrists are medical doctors, unlike psychologists, and must evaluate patients to determine whether their symptoms are the result of a physical illness, a combination of physical and mental ailments, or strictly psychiatric. A psychiatrist usually works as the clinical leader of the multi-disciplinary team, which may comprise psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and nursing staff. Psychiatrists have broad training in", "id": "5131805" }, { "contents": "Charles Fergusson Forbes\n\n\nwar medal with five clasps, and commenced practice as a physician in Argyll Street, London. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1808 with a Doctor of Medicine, and joined the College of Physicians of London in 1814, becoming a fellow in 1841. In 1816 he was appointed physician to the newly founded Royal Westminster Infirmary for Diseases of the Eye in Warwick Street, Golden Square, having George James Guthrie as his surgical colleague. In 1827 a difference of opinion arose between Forbes and Guthrie as to the treatment of", "id": "6833429" }, { "contents": "Medical school\n\n\nGraduates receive the license to practice medicine or dentistry and the professional title of physician (') or dentist ('). The academic degrees Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) and Doctor of dental Medicine (Dr. med. dent.) are awarded if the graduate has, in addition, successfully completed a scientific study and dissertation. It is a doctoral degree and therefore different from the MD or DDS degrees in the U.S., which as professional degrees are awarded after passing the final exams and do not require additional scientific", "id": "11092611" }, { "contents": "Frank Edward Tylecote\n\n\nFrank Edward Tylecote CBE (23 May 1879 – 7 October 1965) was a British doctor, and one of the first physicians to draw attention to the connection between smoking and lung cancer. Born in Cannock, Staffordshire, Tylecote studied medicine at Manchester University, where he served as Professor of Medicine from 1929 to 1940, when he became Emeritus Professor. His publications included Diagnosis and Treatment in Diseases of the Lungs in 1927, and he was President of the National Smoke Abatement Society for two years. He was made a Commander", "id": "19691074" }, { "contents": "Celine Gounder\n\n\nCeline Gounder is an American medical doctor and medical journalist who specializes in infectious disease and global health. She was educated at Princeton University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and University of Washington School of Medicine. As of 2018, Gounder practices medicine part-time while addressing her long time concerns with health issues as a medical journalist. In 2017, because of her contributions to medicine and public health, Gounder was named one of \"People Magazine\"'s \"25 Women Changing the World\". Gounder graduated from Princeton", "id": "19126883" }, { "contents": "Occupational medicine\n\n\ndisciplines, it centers on preventive medicine and the management of illness, injury, and disability related to the workplace. Occupational physicians must have a wide knowledge of clinical medicine and be competent in a number of important areas. They often advise international bodies, governmental and state agencies, organizations and trade unions. There are contextual links to physical medicine and rehabilitation and to insurance medicine. Occupational medicine aims to prevent diseases and promote wellness among workers. Occupational health physicians must: OM can be described as: \"\"work that combines", "id": "10103027" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Medicine\n\n\nthe MD in 2011 as a basic medical degree, and has renamed its research degree to Doctor of Medical Science (DMedSc). In French-speaking Belgium, the medical degree awarded after six years of study is \"Docteur en Médecine\". Physicians would then have to register with the Ordre des Medicins to practice medicine in the country. At the end of the six-year medical programs from Bulgarian medical schools, medical students are awarded the academic degree Master in Medicine and the professional title Physician - Doctor of Medicine (", "id": "2230853" }, { "contents": "Health professional requisites\n\n\nphysician assistant. In the United States, once obtaining the appropriate medical degree, physicians can apply to attain licensure via Board certification. In India, practitioners of both modern medicine and traditional medicine are subject to professional regulation. Doctors are regulated by the Medical Council of India, while practitioners of Ayurved, Siddha and Unani medicine are regulated by the Central Council of Indian Medicine. Registered nurses and licensed practical nurses (or the equivalent national titles, e.g. enrolled nurses) must typically complete nursing school and pass a national examination in order", "id": "4980889" }, { "contents": "Oprelvekin\n\n\nto 21 days at the discretion of the physician. Your doctors will ask you to undergo frequent blood cell counts to determine effects of therapy and the further course of treatment. Please adhere to his/her advices for reasons of your own safety. Neumega is a potent drug and can have certain, sometimes dangerous, side-effects. Most important are severe allergic reactions, which can occur at any time of Neumega-therapy. Inform you doctor immediately if you experience swollen face, tongue or larynx, shortness of breath,", "id": "10174985" }, { "contents": "Charmides (dialogue)\n\n\nhe pursues the argument for his own sake (166c,d). Critias' suggestion that sophrosyne is self-knowledge spurs Socrates to a discussion of the relation between medicine and science. He says that medicine is the science of health and disease, and that a person who does not understand these things is not in a position to distinguish a real physician from a quack (171c). He says that if wisdom really is knowing what you know and knowing what you don't know, no one would ever make a", "id": "10518169" }, { "contents": "Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease\n\n\nbe diagnosed through symptoms, through measurement of the speed of nerve impulses (nerve conduction studies), through biopsy of the nerve, and through DNA testing. DNA testing can give a definitive diagnosis, but not all the genetic markers for CMT are known. CMT is first noticed when someone develops lower leg weakness, such as foot drop, or foot deformities, including hammertoes and high arches, but signs alone do not lead to diagnosis. Patients must be referred to a physician specialising in neurology or rehabilitation medicine. To see", "id": "7937477" }, { "contents": "Veterinary medicine\n\n\nVeterinary medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. The scope of veterinary medicine is wide, covering all animal species, both domesticated and wild, with a wide range of conditions which can affect different species. Veterinary medicine is widely practiced, both with and without professional supervision. Professional care is most often led by a veterinary physician (also known as a vet, veterinary surgeon or veterinarian), but also by paraveterinary workers such as veterinary nurses", "id": "14313900" }, { "contents": "Outline of health sciences\n\n\nthe field, towards high valuation of knowledge deriving from controlling views on human agency (as epitomized by the epistemological basis of Randomized Control Trial designs); compare this against the more naturalistic views on human agency taken by research based on Ethnography for example). Mental health Social health Physical health Medicine – applied science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. It encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Some of its branches are:", "id": "14250755" }, { "contents": "Doctor of Medicine\n\n\nlicense to practice medicine and the professional title of physician ('). About 80% of them additionally obtain the academic MD-like degree Doctor of Medicine (Dr. Med.). The corresponding \"doctoral\" dissertations are often written alongside undergraduate study. Obtaining the title is a practical necessity because many medical laypersons incorrectly assume that a doctorate is required for the practice of medicine. The European Research Council decided in 2010 that those Dr. med. doctorates do not meet the international standards of a PhD research degree. In Guyana", "id": "2230866" }, { "contents": "National Healthcare Group\n\n\nwards for inpatients and seven Specialist Outpatient Clinics. It is also a national training centre for psychiatrists and mental health professionals. National Healthcare Group Polyclinics is the primary healthcare arm of the NHG. It has six polyclinics in the central and northern parts of Singapore. They provide treatment for acute medical conditions, management of chronic diseases, women and child health services and dental care, as well as health promotion and disease prevention, early and accurate diagnosis, and disease management. It is also a training centre for family medicine physicians.", "id": "21159356" }, { "contents": "History of medical diagnosis\n\n\nprinciples of the diagnosis and treatment of disease. According to Osler, the functions of a physician were to be able to identify disease and its manifestations and to understand its mechanisms and how it may be prevented or cured. For his medical students he believed that the best textbook was the patient himself—analysis of morbid anatomy and pathology were the keys. The Oslerian ideal continues today as the basis of the doctor's strategy is, \"What disease does this patient have, and what is the best way for treatment?\"", "id": "1752246" }, { "contents": "Tropical medicine\n\n\ncountries categorized as 'low income' were affected by 5 different NTDs at once. Tropical medicine requires an interdisciplinary approach, as the infections and diseases tropical medicine faces are both broad and unique. Tropical medicine requires research and assistance from the fields of epidemiology, microbiology, virology, parasitology, and logistics. Physicians of tropical medicine must have effective communication skills, as many of the patients they interact with do not speak English comfortably. They must be proficient in their knowledge of clinical and diagnostic skills, as they are often without", "id": "2294725" }, { "contents": "Sarah Bagley\n\n\nand began their practice as homeopathic physicians. At that time, homeopathic health care was a new field of medicine, which used herbs and medicines rather than the traditional procedures performed by doctors at the time – bleeding patients, or “purging” the body through vomiting. Their practice specialized in providing medical care for women and children. The price of their services was “to the rich, one dollar – to the poor gratis [free]”. The Durnos began manufacturing herbal medicines and Durno Catarrh Snuff. By 1867,", "id": "12424900" }, { "contents": "American College of Cardiology\n\n\nnurses, clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, doctors of pharmacology and practice administrators, specializing in cardiovascular care. Becoming a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology (FACC), Associate Fellow (AACC) or Affiliate member is based on training, specialty board certification, scientific and professional accomplishments and duration of active participation in a cardiovascular related field. At least 75 percent of professional activities must be devoted to the field of cardiovascular disease. Those achieving highest distinction in the field are awarded the title Master of the", "id": "17017112" }, { "contents": "Comparison of MD and DO in the United States\n\n\nless than 10% of US physicians have a DO degree. A Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) is different than an osteopath: a DO is a physician, while an osteopath is not. Of the 860,917 physicians actively practicing in the United States in 2015, 67.1% hold an MD degree granted in the U.S., 24.3% are international medical graduates, and 7.6% hold a DO degree. The percentage of physicians that hold a DO degree varies by specialty, with the greatest representation in Family Medicine/General Practice", "id": "18324697" }, { "contents": "Temple University School of Medicine\n\n\nfocuses on the causes, mechanisms, identification and treatment of major human diseases. The second year is divided into 5 blocks: The Doctoring 2 course enables students to practice and improve their clinical skills and professionalism through closely supervised rotations in both ambulatory and hospital settings. During Year 3, beginning in mid-May of the second year, students rotate through core clerkships in: The third year Doctoring course emphasizes career advising, evidence-based medicine, professionalism and clinical decision-making. In Year 4, beginning in May of", "id": "8238997" }, { "contents": "Environmental medicine\n\n\nEnvironmental medicine is a multidisciplinary field involving medicine, environmental science, chemistry and others, overlapping with environmental pathology. It may be viewed as the medical branch of the broader field of environmental health. The scope of this field involves studying the interactions between environment and human health, and the role of the environment in causing or mediating disease. As a specialist field of study it is looked upon with mixed feelings by physicians and politicians alike, for the basic assumption is that health is more widely and dramatically affected by environmental toxins than", "id": "1415205" } ]
I love to bake cakes. My wife married me because she loves my cakes so much. Yes, we all love cooking food that uses prolonged dry heat. I can't do without sugar and banana muffins She jokes around that I'm The Cake Boss after the tv show.What's your favorite flavor of cake? Ah, cake boss, that guy make us all wanna be like him :) but all over the world, I realize that the most commonly baked item is bread What type of bread is the most commonly baked?
[{"answer": "Oh well, bread is bread. Let me tell you the process heat is transfered to surface of dough and it gradually moves to the center and other parts before you say jack, bread is ready.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52634", "title": "Baking", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 201, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 294, "bleu_score": 0.8979542144404234, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nCake is a form of sweet food that is usually baked. In their oldest forms, cakes were modifications of breads, but cakes now cover a wide range of preparations that can be simple or elaborate, and that share features with other desserts such as pastries, meringues, custards, and pies. The most commonly used cake ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil or margarine, a liquid, and leavening agents, such as baking soda or baking powder. Common additional ingredients and flavourings include dried, candied", "id": "12365283" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nBaking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually transferred \"from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center. As heat travels through, it transforms batters and doughs into baked goods and more with a firm dry crust and a softer centre\". Baking can be combined with grilling to produce", "id": "7706067" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nsuch leavenings varied widely. Resulting baked goods often had a sour or bitter taste. Breads were made of grain, water, yeast, and sometimes salt. Cooks also made yeast, sponge and pound cakes. Yeast cakes were similar to breads but included fancier ingredients, like sugar, spices, fruits or nuts. Sponge cakes used beaten egg whites for leavening. Pound cakes combined butter, sugar, and flour and eggs, and were particularly dense. Making cakes was even more laborious than making bread: to prepare a cake", "id": "18227658" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nprimarily on ingredients and mixing techniques. Although clear examples of the difference between cake and bread are easy to find, the precise classification has always been elusive. For example, banana bread may be properly considered either a quick bread or a cake. Some varieties of cake are widely available in the form of cake mixes, wherein some of the ingredients (usually flour, sugar, flavoring, baking powder, and sometimes some form of fat) are premixed, and the cook needs add only a few extra ingredients, usually eggs", "id": "12365291" }, { "contents": "French Pastry School\n\n\n, with subjects including baking theory and science, food sanitation, breads and breakfast pastries, cakes and tarts, and chocolate and sugar decoration. In 2010, L'Art du Gâteau was added for students to specialize in the art of cake baking and decorating. The 16-week accredited program focuses on all aspects of creating wedding, celebration and specialty cakes. The students learn cake baking and construction, mini pastries and party favors, gumpaste and pastillage, rolled fondant, sugar and chocolate decorating, airbrushing, mold-making methods, and cake", "id": "21246255" }, { "contents": "Banana cake\n\n\nBanana cake is a cake prepared using banana as a primary ingredient and typical cake ingredients. It can be prepared in various manners, such as a layer cake, as muffins and as cupcakes. Steamed banana cake is found in Chinese, Indonesian and Vietnamese cuisine. Banana cake is prepared using banana as a primary ingredient and typical cake ingredients such as flour, sugar, eggs, butter, margarine or oil and baking soda. The bananas can be mashed or puréed using a food processor or electric mixer and mixed into the cake", "id": "12862508" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nA baking mix is a pre-mixed formulation of ingredients used for the cooking of baked goods. Baking mixes may be commercially manufactured or homemade. Baking mixes that cater to particular dietary needs, such as gluten-free baking mixes or kosher baking mixes, can be bought in many places. Baking mixes are produced for the preparation of specific foods such as breads, quick breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies pizza dough, biscuits and various desserts, among other foods. Some all-purpose", "id": "1522774" }, { "contents": "Streusel\n\n\nIn baking and pastry making, streusel () is a crumbly topping of flour, butter, and sugar that is baked on top of muffins, breads, pies, and cakes. Some modern recipes add spices and chopped nutmeats. The mixture can also be layered or ribboned in the middle of a cake. Some baked dishes which have a streusel topping are streuselkuchen, coffee cake, babka, and apple crisp. The term is also sometimes used for rich pastries topped with, or mixed with, streusel. From German (", "id": "19462451" }, { "contents": "Zucchini\n\n\nthe flowers attached is a sign of a truly fresh and immature fruit, and it is especially sought after for its sweeter flavor. Unlike cucumber, zucchini is usually served cooked. It can be prepared using a variety of cooking techniques, including steamed, boiled, grilled, stuffed and baked, barbecued, fried, or incorporated in other recipes such as \"soufflés\". Zucchini can also be baked into a bread similar to banana bread or incorporated into a cake mix similar to carrot cake. Its flowers can be eaten stuffed", "id": "2779480" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ncakes, layer cakes, tiered cakes, and wedding cakes. Other bakeries may specialize in traditional or hand made types of bread made with locally milled flour, without flour bleaching agents or flour treatment agents, baking what is sometimes referred to as artisan bread. Grocery stores and supermarkets, in many countries, sell prepackaged or pre-sliced bread, cakes, and other pastries. They can also offer in-store baking and basic cake decoration. Nonetheless, many people still prefer to get their baked goods from a small artisanal", "id": "12725090" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nancient Rome, basic bread dough was sometimes enriched with butter, eggs, and honey, which produced a sweet and cake-like baked good. Latin poet Ovid refers his and his brother's birthday party and cake in his first book of exile, \"Tristia\". Early cakes in England were also essentially bread: the most obvious differences between a \"cake\" and \"bread\" were the round, flat shape of the cakes, and the cooking method, which turned cakes over once while cooking, while bread was", "id": "12365287" }, { "contents": "Azerbaijani cuisine\n\n\nare baked in Azerbaijan like: flat, rolling, flat bread, lavash, səngək, xamralı, thick, thin, crepes, cakes, bread oven (tandoor bread).Tandoor bread is a type of bread baked in a clay oven called a tandoor. Mostly it is used for baking bread and cooking meat, but generally any type of food can be cooked in tandoor ovens. The secret of tandoor oven is process of heating up the oven. Wood is put on the ground and ignited. It is necessary to wait till it", "id": "21052611" }, { "contents": "Pamela Clark\n\n\nanimal cakes after making a dinosaur cake for a young neighbour. In a later cake title, Clark said that this book was the favourite part of her job: \"I love baking, and I'm just crazy about every aspect of creating children's cakes...\" Clark became the Food Editor in 1984. One of the changes she introduced was a greater emphasis on photographing the recipes. Her role as Food Editor included tasting and approving 2000 recipes in a year, which would then be included across 12 months' of the", "id": "8023066" }, { "contents": "Banana cake\n\n\nbe baked, and also prepared as a steamed cake, for which a food steamer may be used. Banana cake may have a moist texture. It can be prepared as a layer cake, and the cake batter can be used to prepare banana muffins and cupcakes. It can be prepared as a vegetarian dish and as a low-fat dish. It is also made of batter not dough. In Chinese cuisine, banana cake is a type of \"gao\", which refers to steamed, flour-based cakes.", "id": "12862510" }, { "contents": "List of desserts\n\n\nalso commonly found in dessert courses because of its natural sweetness. Many different cultures have their own variations of similar desserts around the world, such as in Russia, where many breakfast foods such as blini, oladyi, and syrniki can be served with honey and jam to make them popular as desserts. A B C D E J M Y Cake is a form of bread or bread-like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a sweet baked dessert. In its oldest forms, cakes were normally fried breads", "id": "20165526" }, { "contents": "Coffee cake\n\n\nof the vast use of pasteurization in America following World War I, which also led to a new type of coffee cake to be created. This was called sour cream coffee cake. A variety of crumb cake (Streuselkuchen) which contains flour, sugar, butter and cinnamon granules on top. Sour cream is used in traditional American coffee cakes to both impart a tart flavor and activate baking soda used as a leavening agent. Applesauce cake is sometimes prepared and served as a coffee cake. In Hungary, there is a type", "id": "14403180" }, { "contents": "Berry\n\n\n, such as blueberry pie, blackberry pie, and strawberry pie. Berries are often used in baking, such as blueberry muffins, blackberry muffins, berry cobblers, berry crisps, berry cakes, berry buckles, berry crumb cakes, berry tea cakes, and berry cookies. Berries are commonly incorporated whole into the batter for baking, and care is often taken so as to not burst the berries. Frozen or dried berries may be preferable for some baked berry products. Fresh berries are also often incorporated into baked berry desserts,", "id": "8182509" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\nbread for making rusks. The price of rusk in those bakeries is usually low, as the bakeries do this to avoid wasting the leftover bread and buns. \"Sponge rusk\" is similar to biscotti but it is made out of twice-baked yellow cake batter. The yellow cake batter is baked into a flat, rectangular cake pan; once it is baked and cooled off, it is sliced into strips and baked again or toasted to make a cake toast. It is usually eaten with Cuban coffee (Cuban espresso)", "id": "1935915" }, { "contents": "Lane cake\n\n\nfor liquor. Also in \"To Kill a Mockingbird\", Miss Maudie bakes a Lane cake for Mr. Avery, who was severely injured in an attempt to put out a fire in her home. “Mr. Avery will be in bed for a week—he’s right stove up. He’s too old to do things like that and I told him so. Soon as I can get my hands clean and when Stephanie Crawford’s not looking, I’ll make him a Lane cake. That Stephanie’s been after my", "id": "2957362" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nfor baking. The beehive oven typically took two to three hours to heat, occasionally even four hours in the winter. Breads were baked first when the beehive oven was hottest, with other baked items such as cinnamon buns, cakes, and pies. As the oven cooled, muffins and \"biscuits\" could be baked, along with puddings and custards. After a day's baking there was typically sufficient heat to dry apples and other fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Pots of beans were often placed in the back of", "id": "18149697" }, { "contents": "Plum cake\n\n\n\". The comment in an Indian Household Management book is indicative both of the reach of Mrs Beeton's book as well as the range of interpretations of plum cake and plum pudding. The author says, \"Mrs Beeton’s recipe is by far the best if modified a little: 12 units of manukka raisins ...\" Up to World War I, cakes, including plum cakes, were baked along with loaves of bread. \"A smaller cake or pasty might be slipped in or pulled out after the baking had begun,", "id": "15865635" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\nand other products made from doughs are often baked, some types of dough-based foods are cooked over direct heat, such as tortillas, which are cooked directly on a griddle. Fried dough foods are also common in many cultures. Pancakes, waffles, some kinds of bar cookies such as brownies, and many cakes and quick breads (including muffins and the like) are often made with a semi-liquid batter of flour and liquid that is poured into the final shape, rather than a solid dough. Unlike bread", "id": "18974234" }, { "contents": "Potato cake\n\n\nto a preparation of mashed potatoes baked in the form of pie or a scallop made using potatoes or potato flour. In U.S. fairs, they are known as battered potatoes. Irish potato cakes are typically made from mashed potato, and either flour or baking soda, and are usually fried. This is not the same dish as boxty; boxty is made using raw potatoes, whereas potato cake is made using cooked potatoes. In Ireland, potato cakes are typically known as potato bread, or spud bread, and are served in", "id": "11350584" }, { "contents": "Cakery\n\n\nA cakery or cake shop is a retail business specializing in producing and/or selling cakes; they may also sell cupcakes, muffins, sponges, as well as other baked goods that fall under the title of a cake. Cake shops may also sell equipment and supplies for home cake baking, especially for cake decorating, but not all do this. Another common but not universal sideline is special orders such as wedding cakes and elaborate birthday cakes. Products are baked on site in the same manner to that of a bakery but does not", "id": "16053026" }, { "contents": "Fallaid\n\n\nFallaid, in Scotland, was the dusting of meal left on the baking board, after a batch of bread has been baked. This dry meal was put on cakes when fired. An interesting custom used to prevail in the Outer Hebrides, where any meal remaining on the board would be made into a cake in the palm of the hand, and set to fire among the other and larger cakes. The custom has its origin in a superstition, that doing so keeps the store of meal from wasting. It also stems", "id": "16857985" }, { "contents": "Amish friendship bread\n\n\nAmish friendship bread is a type of bread or cake made from a sourdough starter that is often shared in a manner similar to a chain letter. The starter is a substitute for baking yeast and can be used to make many kinds of yeast-based breads, shared with friends, or frozen for future use. The sweet, cake-like Amish cinnamon bread is a common bread that is made from this starter; it is a simple, stirred quickbread that includes a substantial amount of sugar and vegetable oil, with a", "id": "10226362" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nbaking mixes typically require the addition of water or milk, and may also require additional ingredients such as eggs and cooking oil. Some baking mixes are sold in bulk volumes, and the baker measures out the amount needed. In other cases, the mix is sold pre-measured in a commonly desired size, such as enough baking mix to make a particular size of cake. Around 2012, most large American manufacturers of cake mixes reduced the size of their standard cake mixes by about 15% by weight, as a result", "id": "1522776" }, { "contents": "Bing (bread)\n\n\nsauce or hoisin sauce. \"Bing\" may also have a filling such as ground meat. \"Bing\" are commonly cooked on a skillet or griddle although some are baked. Some common types include: The \"Yuèbǐng\" (月餅; mooncakes), whilst sharing the name bing, is really a baked sweet pastry usually produced and eaten at the mid-autumn festival. Some other dessert bings are \"Wife\" cake (老婆饼), which contains winter melon, and the sweetened version of 1000 layer cake (千层饼", "id": "22121564" }, { "contents": "Dassant\n\n\nthe Italian Orange Dessert Cake. In early 2012, Dassant introduced a line of baking mixes including pancakes, cookies, carrot cake and pumpkin bread. In April 2013 Dassant launched Dassant Classics, a brand new selection of three baking mix flavors including brownie, carrot cake and a blondie bar. Dassant Classic Beer Bread was introduced in 1980 as a baked loaf. It was first distributed to the Portland area bakeries and restaurants. In 1985 it made its first appearance as a simple-to-make mix requiring no measuring, kneading", "id": "6426654" }, { "contents": "Genoise\n\n\nSpanish bread\"), another Italian sponge cake. It is a whole-egg cake, unlike some other sponge cakes for which yolks and whites are beaten separately. The eggs, and sometimes extra yolks, are beaten with sugar and heated at the same time, using a bain-marie or flame, to a stage known to patissiers as \"ribbon stage\". A genoise is generally a fairly lean cake, getting most of its fat from egg yolks, but some recipes also add in melted butter before baking.", "id": "3453928" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)\n\n\n. The structure must be self-standing, have unique flavors and be completed in four and one half hours. This episode has a theme of using alternatives for ingredients usually used in baking. For the signature bake, the bakers were given the challenge of baking a cake, but without using sugar. They were given two and a half hour for the bake. For the technical bake, the challenge was to make twelve identical gluten-free pita breads in two hours. In the showstopper, the bakers needed to make", "id": "10418302" }, { "contents": "Angel food cake\n\n\n, or oil, sugar is the only tenderizer. The more sugar added, the more tender the cake will be. However, if too much is added, the cake may collapse because the foam structure is not strong enough to support itself. When the cake has finished baking, it should have a golden brown color on the exposed area. This is due to Maillard browning reactions. If the cake bakes for too long, more moisture will be removed and the texture will turn out dry, rough, and potentially burnt", "id": "12781534" }, { "contents": "Crumpet\n\n\nof the word. In either case breads were, historically, commonly cooked on a griddle whererever bread ovens were not available. The \"bara-planc\", or griddle bread, baked on an iron plate over a fire, was part of the everyday diet in Wales until the 19th century. Small, oval cakes baked in this manner were called \"picklets\", a name used for the first recognisable crumpet-type recipe, published in 1769 by Elizabeth Raffald in \"The Experienced English Housekeeper\". This name was", "id": "3415406" }, { "contents": "Like Water for Chocolate\n\n\nprepares. Tita bakes the wedding cake for her sister Rosaura and the man she wishes she was marrying, Pedro. Deeply depressed about the fact that her sister is marrying her one true love, she places her feelings of despair and sadness into the wedding cake. When the guests eat the cake, they weep over their lost loves and eventually became intoxicated and sick. Another example of her inclusion of suppressed emotions into her cooking is when Tita’s blood infects the rose sauce and quail dinner that she serves to Pedro, Rosaura", "id": "9843684" }, { "contents": "Confectionery\n\n\nbe plain dough. Doughnuts may be fried or baked. Scones and related sweet quick breads, such as bannock, are similar to baking powder biscuits and, in sweeter, less traditional interpretations, can seem like a cupcake. Cookies are small, sweet baked treats. They originated as small cakes, and some traditional cookies have a soft, cake-like texture. Others are crisp or hard. Sugar confections include sweet, sugar-based foods, which are usually eaten as snack food. This includes sugar candies, chocolates", "id": "1129243" }, { "contents": "Cupcone\n\n\ncould also be baked in cups; however, they were more commonly baked in tins as layers or loaves. In later years, when the use of volume measurements was firmly established in home kitchens, these recipes became known as \"1234 cakes\" or \"quarter cakes\", so called because they are made up of four ingredients in equal ratios; butter, sugar, eggs and flour. They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and less expensive than pound cake, due to the reduced proportion of butter. The", "id": "12210091" }, { "contents": "All Souls' Day\n\n\nand the baking of special types of bread or cakes. In Tirol, cakes are left for them on the table and the room kept warm for their comfort. In Brittany, people flock to the cemeteries at nightfall to kneel, bareheaded, at the graves of their loved ones, and to anoint the hollow of the tombstone with holy water or to pour libations of milk on it. At bedtime, the supper is left on the table for the souls. In Malta, a traditional All Souls supper includes roasted pig,", "id": "441705" }, { "contents": "Simnel cake\n\n\nthe outside to stop the marzipan burning. Simnel cakes have been known since at least medieval times. Bread regulations of the time suggest they were boiled and then baked, a technique which led to an invention myth, in circulation from at least 1745 until the 1930s, whereby a mythical couple, Simon and Nelly, fall out over making a Simnel. One wishes to boil it, one to bake it and, after beating each other with various household implements, they compromise on one which uses both cooking techniques. Simnel cakes", "id": "21008308" }, { "contents": "Paper wrapped cake\n\n\nPaper wrapped cake () is a type of Chinese pastry. It is one of the most common pastries served in Hong Kong. It can also be found in most Chinatown bakery shops. In essence, it is a chiffon cake baked in a paper cup. In the bakeries of Chinatown, San Francisco, it is commonly referred to as \"sponge cake.\" Traditionally prepared wrapped cakes are usually steamed in a wok pan, however, Chinese-American sponge cakes are usually baked in an oven. The cakes are typically", "id": "18163113" }, { "contents": "Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat\n\n\nbe okay until the cakes fall in the oven. When Dejiko laments, Rinna suddenly awakens to make the cakes. As she bakes, she sings that the missing ingredient in Dejiko's cake recipe was love and the anticipation of seeing her customers' happy faces, which she calls \"baking powder of the heart.\" Confident again, Dejiko says that she will help Rinna make the day's cakes, but Rinna is asleep again. Later on, Rinna decides to close the cake shop to take an extended break and join", "id": "9910882" }, { "contents": "Parkin (cake)\n\n\n. Molasses has the hygroscopic property. German Lebkuchen and Pfefferkuchen were other examples of hygroscopic holiday ginger-breads. They too were baked hard in summer and allowed to moisten for consumption at Christmas. Though parkin and tharf cake appear to be synonymous, all parkins generally were sweet tharf cakes. Parkin and tharf cake were used interchangeably in Lancashire and South Yorkshire until 1900. Over the 500 years the recipe and taste of these cakes have changed considerably. It was the food of the poor. Ovens were rare in the houses of", "id": "20155899" }, { "contents": "Backe, backe Kuchen\n\n\nresidual heat of the oven could now be used to bake the women's own cakes. Also, where the bread was baked on certain days in the common village oven, there was a signal when the bread was removed and the residual heat of the oven could be used for baking cakes. It is striking that the text points to the yellow coloring effect of saffron. None of the other six mentioned ingredients provides an obvious rhyme word for the German standard \"gelb\" which means yellow. Therefore, the traditional lyric writes", "id": "16479766" }, { "contents": "Muffin\n\n\ntopped with sweet toppings, such as jam or honey, or savoury toppings (e.g., round sausage, cooked egg, cheese or bacon). Flatbread muffins are typically eaten as a breakfast food. The flatbread muffin is a type of yeast-leavened bread; generally about round and tall. Rather than being oven-baked, they are cooked in a griddle on the stove top and flipped from side-to-side, which results in their typical flattened shape rather than the rounded top seen in baked rolls or cake", "id": "12126720" }, { "contents": "Butter cake\n\n\nA butter cake is a cake in which one of the main ingredients is butter. Butter cake is baked with basic ingredients: butter, sugar, eggs, flour, and leavening agents such as baking powder or baking soda. It is considered as one of the quintessential cakes in American baking. Butter cake originated from the English pound cake, which traditionally used equal amounts of butter, flour, sugar, and eggs to bake a heavy, rich cake. The invention of baking powder and other chemical leavening agents during the 19th", "id": "3437296" }, { "contents": "Cupcake\n\n\nmeasured using a standard-sized cup could also be baked in cups; however, they were more commonly baked in tins as layers or loaves. In later years, when the use of volume measurements was firmly established in home kitchens, these recipes became known as \"1234 cakes\" or \"quarter cakes\", so called because they are made up of four ingredients: one cup of butter, two cups of sugar, three cups of flour, and four eggs. They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and", "id": "556209" }, { "contents": "Ghanaian cuisine\n\n\nmoimoi\" (bean cake), \"emo dokonu\" (rice cake) and \"esikyire dokonu\" (sweetened kenkey) are all examples of steamed and boiled foods whilst sweet bread, (plantain cake), and meat pie similar to Jamaican patties and empanadas are baked savoury foods. \"Aprapransa\", \"eto\" (mashed yam) and \"atadwe\" milk (tiger nut juice) are other savory foods. Gari soakings is a modern favorite. It is a blend of gari (dried, roasted cassava)", "id": "17390337" }, { "contents": "Entenmann's\n\n\nEntenmann's is a company that manufactures baked goods and delivers them to supermarkets and other retailers for sale to the public. The company offers dessert cakes, donuts, cookies, cup cakes, loaf cakes, pies, cereal bars, muffins, Danish pastries, crumb cakes, and buns among other baked goods. In the past several years, they have added designer coffee flavors along with scented candles to their product line in an effort to broaden its appeal. Today, over 100 different items carry the Entenmann's brand, which", "id": "18352061" }, { "contents": "Tahinopita\n\n\nTashinopita is a Cypriot cake flavored with sesame paste. Variations on the recipe include quickbread versions with chemical leaveners (such as baking soda or baking powder), yeasted versions, and phyllo layer versions. As most varieties contain no dairy, eggs, or oil, they are popular during Lent and can be considered vegan. In the Greek language, where the word \"pita\" is a generic word for either bread, cake or pastry, \"tashinopita\" refers to a sweet bread roll (see tahini bread roll).", "id": "16167442" }, { "contents": "Coffee cake\n\n\nlayer, flavored with either fruit or cinnamon, and leavened with either baking soda (or baking powder), which results in a more cake-like texture, or yeast, which results in a more bread-like texture. Coffee cake -- also referred to as gugelhupf or kuchen -- evolved from other sweet dishes from Vienna. In the 17th century, Northern/Central Europeans are thought to have come up with the idea of eating sweet cakes while having their coffee. As the region's countries were already known for their", "id": "14403178" }, { "contents": "Poppy seed\n\n\nwidely used as a spice and decoration in and on top of many baked goods and pastries. In North America they are used in and on many food items such as poppyseed muffins, rusk, bagels (like the Montreal-style bagel), bialys, and cakes such as sponge cake. Poppy seeds can also be used like sesame seeds, added to hamburger buns or to make a bar of candy. The bars are made from boiled seeds mixed with sugar or with honey. This is especially common in the Balkans,", "id": "20627833" }, { "contents": "Biscuit\n\n\ncake or bread. As it was so expensive to make, early ginger biscuits were a cheap form of using up the leftover bread mix. With the combination of the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, and then the Crusades developing the spice trade, the cooking techniques and ingredients of Arabia spread into Northern Europe. By mediaeval times, biscuits were made from a sweetened, spiced paste of breadcrumbs and then baked (e.g., gingerbread), or from cooked bread enriched with sugar and spices and then baked again. King Richard", "id": "12744530" }, { "contents": "Devil's food cake\n\n\nchocolate cake. It traditionally uses unsweetened chocolate baking squares in lieu of unsweetened cocoa powder. However, contemporary recipes typically use cocoa powder for its convenience over the more traditional chocolate baking squares. Also, because of its reduced amount of cocoa butter, cocoa powder has a more intense chocolate flavor than unsweetened chocolate. Moreover, coffee is frequently added as a liquid to enhance the chocolate flavor. Some recipes use hot or boiling water as the cake's main liquid, rather than milk. Its antithetical counterpart, the angel food cake", "id": "5698687" }, { "contents": "Cookie\n\n\nstyles, using an array of ingredients including sugars, spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts, or dried fruits. The softness of the cookie may depend on how long it is baked. A general theory of cookies may be formulated this way. Despite its descent from cakes and other sweetened breads, the cookie in almost all its forms has abandoned water as a medium for cohesion. Water in cakes serves to make the base (in the case of cakes called \"batter\") as thin as possible,", "id": "7478151" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\nA rusk is a hard, dry biscuit or a twice-baked bread. It is sometimes used as a baby teething food. In some cultures, rusk is made of cake, rather than bread: this is sometimes referred to as cake rusk. In the United Kingdom, the name also refers to a wheat-based food additive. Rusk is called sukhary () in Azerbaijani. It is usually (but not always) made from a stale bread and buns. In Baku, some bakeries use their stale buns and", "id": "1935914" }, { "contents": "Chiffon cake\n\n\nbaking. Its aeration properties rely on both the quality of the meringue and the chemical leaveners. A chiffon cake combines methods used with sponge cakes and conventional cakes. It includes baking powder and vegetable oil, but the eggs are separated and the whites are beaten before being folded into the batter, creating the rich flavor like an oil cake, but with a lighter texture that is more like a sponge cake. They can be baked in tube pans or layered with fillings and frostings. In the original recipe, the cake tin", "id": "12576825" }, { "contents": "Changzhou Sesame Cake\n\n\nChangzhou sesame cake () is a type of elliptical, baked cake that originated in Changzhou, Jiangsu supposedly over 150 years ago. Cakes are formed through several layers of yeast-fermented dough separated by lard that are flattened, stuffed, and baked with a coating of sesame seeds. Commonly eaten as a breakfast food with congee or as a street snack, they are now often bought prepackaged and given as gifts. After a dough has been formed by mixing water, oil, and wheat flour, yeast is added, and", "id": "11149258" }, { "contents": "Welsh cake\n\n\nWelsh cakes ( or '), also bakestones or pics\"', are traditional in Wales. They have been popular since the late 19th century with the addition of fat, sugar and dried fruit to a longer standing recipe for flat-bread baked on a griddle. The cakes are also known as griddle cakes or bakestones within Wales because they are traditionally cooked on a bakestone ( or ), a cast-iron griddle about 1.5 cm or more thick which is placed on the fire or cooker; on rare occasions,", "id": "13291843" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nvoluminous bread. In southern Sweden, rye bread was more often baked into softer and thick bread cakes (kavring, “round bread”), and from the 19th century flavoured with syrup or molasses. Professional male bakers started to sell bread in the cities during the 13th century. However, in the countryside, everyday bread was baked at home by the women. Swedish recipe books dating from the 17th–18th century contain recipes of cakes, but not everyday bread, indicating that cakes were baked less often and amongst the higher echelons", "id": "9179107" }, { "contents": "Banana bread\n\n\nBanana bread is a type of bread made from mashed bananas. It is often a moist, sweet, cake-like quick bread; however there are some banana bread recipes that are traditional-style raised breads. Banana bread first became a standard feature of American cookbooks with the popularization of baking soda and baking powder in the 1930s. It appeared in Pillsbury's 1933 \"Balanced Recipes\" cookbook, and later gained more acceptance with the release of the original \"Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book\" in 1950. National Banana Bread", "id": "14957915" }, { "contents": "Sheet cake\n\n\nA sheet cake is a cake baked in a large, flat rectangular pan such as a sheet pan or a jelly roll pan. These single-layer cakes are almost always frosted, with decorations and ornamental frosting along the borders and the flat top surface. In the United States, these cakes are commonly available in supermarkets and bakeries and tend to be inexpensive due to their simple manufacturing process. Sheet cakes may be made in any flavor, with chocolate and vanilla being the two most common. Commonly made in the home with", "id": "20346150" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nand Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people who only wanted to bake a good cake", "id": "21259734" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Confetti cake\n\n\nConfetti cake is a type of cake that has rainbow colored sprinkles baked into the batter. It is called confetti cake because when baked, the rainbow sprinkles melt into dots of bright color that resemble confetti Typically the batter is either white or yellow to allow for a better visual effect. The cake generally consists of flour, butter, baking powder, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, eggs, vanilla extract, milk, and rainbow colored sprinkles. The cake normally has a frosting made of butter, salt, powdered sugar,", "id": "17771538" }, { "contents": "Abz Love\n\n\n, the cake never rose. It just kind of stayed flat and not properly cooked. There were a few raisins in it and I don’t like raisins so I had to take them out. You get what I'm trying to say with that analogy? There was no cherry icing on the top. It was just a shitty cake and that’s all it’s been since.\" Love has admitted that while money was an issue for him it wasn't his only reason for reuniting \"I've been accused of", "id": "2869574" }, { "contents": "Commercial sorghum\n\n\nbut rice is more commonly used in place of sorghum. In the cuisine of the Southern United States, sorghum syrup was used as a sweet condiment, much as maple syrup was used in the North, usually for biscuits, corn bread, pancakes, hot cereals or baked beans. It is uncommon today. In Arab cuisine, the unmilled grain is often cooked to make couscous, porridges, soups, and cakes. Many poor use it, along with other flours or starches, to make bread. The seeds and stalks", "id": "403863" }, { "contents": "Monkey bread\n\n\nMonkey bread (also called monkey puzzle bread, monkey brains, sticky bread, Hungarian coffee cake, golden dumpling coffee cake, pinch-me cake, pull-apart bread, pluck-it cake bubble loaf, bubble bread, pull-apart bread, and/or funky bread) is a soft, sweet, sticky pastry served in the United States for breakfast or as a treat. It consists of pieces of soft baked dough sprinkled with cinnamon. It is often served at fairs and festivals. The origin of the term \"", "id": "7386999" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nand many are centuries old. Cake making is no longer a complicated procedure; while at one time considerable labor went into cake making (particularly the whisking of egg foams), baking equipment and directions have been simplified so that even the most amateur of cooks may bake a cake. The term \"cake\" has a long history. The word itself is of Viking origin, from the Old Norse word \"kaka\". The ancient Greeks called cake πλακοῦς (\"plakous\"), which was derived from the word for", "id": "12365285" }, { "contents": "Kiss Baking Company Limited\n\n\nThe Kiss Baking Company Ltd. is the leading Trinidadian firms that makes and markets packaged bakery goods. The company was founded in 1978. Kiss also acquired the rival company Coelho Baking Industries in 1989. It is located in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago. The products are: • Brownies • Single and Double Donuts. The flavors of the cakes available are: Additionally, the company makes customized cakes for special orders. Products are also exported to the other Caribbean islands, as well. Kiss has over one hundred vehicles distributing bread and", "id": "16885839" }, { "contents": "Sheet pan\n\n\nA sheet pan, baking tray or baking sheet is a flat, rectangular metal pan used in an oven. It is often used for baking bread rolls, pastries and flat products such as cookies, sheet cakes, Swiss rolls and pizzas. These pans, like all bakeware, can be made of a variety of materials, but are primarily aluminum or stainless steel. The most basic sheet pan is literally a sheet of metal. Commercial pans are sometimes made from aluminized steel which combines the conductive, reflective, and food adherence", "id": "14268529" }, { "contents": "Natalie Sideserf\n\n\nfrom the Willie Nelson cake, Sideserf took on a much darker subject as a follow-up: the decapitated heads of her and her groom-to-be. “I was heavily influenced by the Halloween season, my husband's love for horror movies, and the venue which was the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema,” she told in an email. “While we do a vast array of different cake designs for our customers, hyperrealism has been one of my favorite subjects so the thought of doing our severed heads was", "id": "8826439" }, { "contents": "Clementine cake\n\n\nbe dense and moist, and its flavor may improve a day or more after preparation, because the ingredients intermingle and coalesce to enhance its flavor as it ages. After being cooked, the cake may be delicate and can fall if it is wiggled too much. After preparation, it can be frozen to preserve it. Clementine cake is probably related to a Sephardic orange cake. Sephardic Jews popularized citrus cultivation in the Mediterranean region in the 15th century and popularized the use of orange in baked goods. In addition to its Iberian", "id": "9679086" }, { "contents": "List of ovens\n\n\nThis is a list of ovens. An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance, and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special-purpose ovens, used in pottery and metalworking, respectively. Baking is a food cooking method that uses prolonged dry heat by convection, rather than by thermal radiation, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on hot stones. Bread is a commonly baked food. An earth oven, or cooking pit", "id": "18599671" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nleft upright throughout the baking process. Sponge cakes, leavened with beaten eggs, originated during the Renaissance, possibly in Spain. During the Great Depression, there was a surplus of molasses and the need to provide easily made food to millions of economically depressed people in the United States. One company patented a cake-bread mix in order to deal with this economic situation, and thereby established the first line of cake in a box. In so doing, cake as it is known today became a mass-produced good rather", "id": "12365288" }, { "contents": "Carlo's Bake Shop\n\n\nand a key institution in Hoboken and Hudson County. As a result of the popularity of \"Cake Boss\", Carlo's Bakery built a new factory at Lackawanna Center, a mixed industrial-retail complex in nearby Jersey City. Carlo's Bakery has leased space at the complex, which is used for additional space to make specialty cakes, as well as the ability to make baked goods for shipment across the country. Because of the limited space at the Hoboken location, Carlo's Bakery was unable to ship cakes beyond normal", "id": "10179770" }, { "contents": "Kouign-amann\n\n\nKouign-amann (; \"kouignoù-amann\") is a Breton cake, described in the New York Times as \"the fattiest pastry in all of Europe.\" The name comes from the Breton language words for cake (kouign) and butter (amann). It is a round multi-layered cake, originally made with bread dough (nowadays sometimes viennoiserie dough), containing layers of butter and sugar folded in, similar in fashion to puff pastry albeit with fewer layers. The cake is slowly baked until the butter", "id": "15488502" }, { "contents": "Ka'ak\n\n\nKa'ak (, also transliterated kaak) or Kahqa is the Arabic word for \"cake\", and can refer to several different types of baked goods produced throughout the Arab world and the Near East. This cake is popular in Indonesia, and called as \"\"kue kaak\"\". Ka'ak can refer to a bread commonly consumed throughout the Near East that is made in a large ring-shape and is covered with sesame seeds. Fermented chickpeas are used as a leavening agent. Widely sold by street vendors, it is", "id": "9925287" }, { "contents": "Angel food cake\n\n\nrefrigerator because of the tendency for moisture to migrate and evaporate. After a few days the cake will be dry and lack flexibility. Egg whites play an integral role in the structure of the baked cake. Egg whites are composed of many proteins; however, only ovalbumin, conalbumin, lysozyme, and globulins have properties which aid in creating a voluminous angel food cake. Ovalbumin and globulins will produce a foam that is equal to or greater than the size of the egg whites. Egg white proteins have many uses in baking,", "id": "12781517" }, { "contents": "Johnnycake\n\n\nkeep them supplied with enough sausage or bacon fat so they will become crisp, and not burn. Cook slowly for half an hour, turn occasionally, and when done serve with plenty of butter. In Australia, \"Johnnycake\" refers to a quick bread made with flour rather than cornmeal; the cakes are baked in the hot ashes of a fire or fried in fat on a skillet. In the Bahamas \"Johnny Cake\" refers to a bread made with flour, sugar, butter, and water. After being kneaded", "id": "22214311" }, { "contents": "My Little Pony: Meet the Ponies\n\n\nparty. As Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo greets them, they both learned about the cakes they're gonna bake and decided to join them, also telling them to show the designs to Sweetie Belle. At Sweetie Belle's house, she is having a hard time researching on her ideal cake until her friends show her their cake designs. However, everyone then goes to bake their own dream cake, with Sweetie Belle telling to them to follow some instructions, which they don't. After the cake is finally baked and taken", "id": "10196448" }, { "contents": "Powdered sugar\n\n\nrequired. Home cooks use it principally to make icing or frosting and other cake decorations. It is often dusted onto baked goods to add a subtle sweetness and delicate decoration. Powdered sugar is available in varying degrees of fineness, most commonly XXX, XXXX, and 10X: the greater the number of Xs, the finer the particles. Finer particles absorb more moisture, which results in caking. Corn starch or tricalcium phosphate is added at 3 to 5% concentration to absorb moisture and to improve flow by reducing friction between sugar", "id": "379450" }, { "contents": "Teacake\n\n\nA teacake in England is generally a light yeast-based sweet bun containing dried fruit, typically served toasted and buttered. In the U.S. teacakes can be cookies or small cakes. In Sweden they are soft round flat wheat breads made with milk and a little sugar, and used to make sandwiches, with butter, and for example ham and/or cheese. In India and Australia a teacake is more like a sponge cake. Tea refers to the popular beverage to which these baked goods are an accompaniment. In most of England,", "id": "9292254" }, { "contents": "Norwegian cuisine\n\n\nNordic-style cakes and pastries, such as sponge cakes and Danish pastry (known as \"wienerbrød\", literal translation: \"Viennese bread\") share the table with a variety of home made cakes, waffles and biscuits. Cardamom is a common flavoring. Another Norwegian cake is Krumkake, a paper-thin rolled cake filled with whipped cream. (Krumkake means 'Curved Cake' or 'Crooked Cake'). Baked meringues are known as \"pikekyss\", literally translated as \"girl's kiss\". During", "id": "18402719" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)\n\n\npeople whenever they wanted. The winner of the Great British Bake Off 2013 was Frances Quinn. Colour key: The bakers were given two hours to make a sandwich cake with filling of their choice for the signature challenge. For their first technical challenge, the bakers were required to bake an angel food cake using Mary Berry's recipe in two and half hours. For the showstopper, the challenge was to make a chocolate cake using at least two types of chocolate to decorate the cake. They were given four hours for this", "id": "19008637" }, { "contents": "Cupcake\n\n\ncake batter used for cupcakes may be flavored or have other ingredients stirred in, such as raisins, berries, nuts, or chocolate chips. Because their small size is more efficient for heat conduction, cupcakes bake much faster than a normal layered cake. During baking, the volume of the batter initially increases due to the production of carbon dioxide, then decreases upon cooling due to the release of leavening gases. Cupcakes may be topped with frosting or other cake decorations. They may be filled with frosting, fruit, or pastry", "id": "556211" }, { "contents": "Meatcake\n\n\nMeatcake, or meatloaf cake, is a cake or other dessert look-alike that is made with meat in a meatloaf style, and not a pastry. Layers of meatloaf, baked in cake pans, are commonly \"frosted\" with mashed potatoes in classic layer cake fashion. The term is used in a sketch by comedian George Carlin, in which he describes finding an unidentifiable item in the refrigerator. \"Could be meat, could be cake... It looks like... \"meatcake\"!\" However, meatcake itself has", "id": "13214286" }, { "contents": "Icing (food)\n\n\nout and draping it over the cake. The method of application largely depends on the type and texture of icing being used. Icing may be used between layers in a cake as a filling, or it may be used to completely or partially cover the outside of a cake or other baked product. Covering cakes with powdered sugar or other materials was introduced in the 17th century. The icing was applied to the cake then hardened in the oven. The earliest attestation of the verb 'to ice' in this sense seems to", "id": "11213291" }, { "contents": "Angel food cake\n\n\nclinging' to all sides of the pan. The angel food cake pan should not be greased, unlike pans used to prepare other cakes. This allows the cake to have a surface upon which to crawl up, helping it to rise. After baking, the cake pan is inverted while cooling to prevent the cake from falling in on itself. Angel food cake is sometimes frosted but more often has some sort of sauce, such as a sweet fruit sauce, drizzled over it. A simple glaze is also popular. Recently", "id": "12781504" }, { "contents": "Wacky cake\n\n\nWacky cake, also called crazy cake, Joe cake, and WW II cake, is a spongy, cocoa-based cake. It is unique in that unlike most pastries and desserts, no eggs, butter or milk are used to make the cake batter. Wacky Cake may have been created as the result of rationing during World War II, when milk and eggs were scarce. Active ingredients in wacky cake include flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, vegetable oil, white vinegar, salt and vanilla extract.", "id": "15830437" }, { "contents": "Bermudian cuisine\n\n\nfresh Bermuda carrots, onions, potatoes, and green beans but without any meat. Corn bread, originating in Mexico and sweet Easter bread, originating in the British West Indies are incorporated into menus. Bananas are versatile in local cuisine, and may be used to make banana crumble and desserts made from strawberries and cherries, fried as fritters, or flamed in rum. Desserts with bananas are also baked in rum and brown sugar. Jelly-roll or sponge cake, served with peaches or strawberries, bananas, custard, chopped", "id": "17649000" }, { "contents": "Dripping cake\n\n\nA dripping cake, also known as a dripper, is a traditional bread from Great Britain. The main ingredients are dripping, flour, brown sugar, spices, currants and raisins. The ingredients are mixed thoroughly and baked in an oven. Variations of dripping cake can be found in Wales, and in parts of England including Gloucestershire and Yorkshire. In Gloucestershire the dripping is allowed to form a toffee-like layer at the base of the cake. It can be confused with the Lardy cake, which is very similar apart", "id": "21692817" }, { "contents": "Genoa cake\n\n\nmajor ingredient and uses yeast as its praising agent, which requires several hours to rise, like bread. This original form is now known as \"Pandolce alto\", whilst a simpler variant which uses baking powder is known as \"Pandolce basso\" and is essentially the same as the Genoa cake sold in the UK, with a moist but crumbly texture. The term \"Genoa cake\" is also sometimes used to refer to two other Genoa-related cakes, neither of which are fruit cakes: Génoise cake, a light", "id": "2126233" }, { "contents": "Donkeyskin\n\n\ngiven her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him. When Donkeyskin baked the cake, a ring of hers fell in it. The prince found it and declared that he would marry only the woman whose finger it fit. Every other woman having failed,", "id": "17002611" }, { "contents": "Cake theory\n\n\ndistribution of the cake is unfair, those who make the cake won't feel motivated to bake it; therefore we can't bake a bigger cake.\" The egalitarian 'divide-the-cake' approach is an important component of the \"Chongqing Model\" advanced by former star politician Bo Xilai. Bo gave the city's throngs of migrant workers residency status so they could enjoy the same rights and privileges given to urban residents, such as health care and education. In addition, Bo pursued a wide array of public", "id": "15371708" }, { "contents": "List of Kung Fu Panda characters\n\n\nwhere all the members of the Valley of Peace will eat Moon cakes. Therefore, Scorpion with the help of Mr. Ping who loves her bakes the Moon cakes but she adds poison into them that renders the whole population into a dizzy-like state. However Po is able to battle her and defeat her. After Mr. Ping finds out about the treachery, they split. In \"The Most Dangerous Po,\" Scorpion is among the villains that were hunted by General Tsin and subjected to stiffening Zu Chao Powder. She is", "id": "6741879" }, { "contents": "Bánh\n\n\nIn Vietnamese, the term bánh ( or ) translates loosely as \"cake\" or \"bread\", referring to a wide variety of prepared foods. With the addition of qualifying adjectives, \"bánh\" refers to a wide variety of sweet or savoury, distinct cakes, buns, pastries, sandwiches, and other food items, which may be cooked by steaming, baking, frying, deep-frying, or boiling. Foods made from wheat flour are generally called \"bánh\", but the term may also refer to", "id": "11276661" }, { "contents": "Shortbread\n\n\nof Scottish baking. An early variety of shortbread, using ginger, was reportedly eaten during sittings of the Parliament of Scotland, and therefore the variety was sometimes called \"Parliament cake\" or \"Parlies\" into the 19th century. The biscuits are likely to have been made and sold by the shop \"Luckie Fykie\" in Waverley, Edinburgh. Shortbread resulted from medieval biscuit bread, which was a twice-baked, enriched bread roll dusted with sugar and spices and hardened into a hard, dry, sweetened biscuit called a", "id": "10419881" }, { "contents": "Icing (food)\n\n\nIcing, or frosting, is a sweet, often creamy glaze made of sugar with a liquid, such as water or milk, that is often enriched with ingredients like butter, egg whites, cream cheese, or flavorings. It is used to cover or decorate baked goods, such as cakes or cookies. When it is used between layers of cake, it is called filling. Icing can be formed into shapes such as flowers and leaves using a pastry bag. Such decorations are commonplace on birthday and wedding cakes. Chef", "id": "11213288" }, { "contents": "Carrot cake cookie\n\n\nA carrot cake cookie is a cookie prepared with ingredients that provide a flavor and texture similar to carrot cake. Typical ingredients include grated carrot, flour, sugar or brown sugar, cooking oil, spices and baking soda. Additional ingredients may include shredded coconut, raisins, molasses and nuts. Many variations exist, such as carrot cake whoopie pies, cookie sandwiches, and those prepared in the style of an energy bar. Cream cheese is sometimes used as a topping or a filling in cookie sandwich varieties. Vegan versions may use", "id": "21354975" }, { "contents": "Chiffon cake\n\n\nA chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings. Its distinctive feature is from the use of vegetable oil, instead of the traditional fat which is solid at room temperature, such as butter or shortening. This makes it difficult to directly beat air into the batter. As a result, chiffon cakes (angel cakes and other foam cakes) achieve a fluffy texture by having egg whites beaten separately until stiff and then folded into the cake batter before", "id": "12576824" } ]
I used to suffer from obesity, which is a medical condition in which excess body fat accumulates in the body. Good for you for fighting back, I hope you feel great now! I do, my main motivation was to reduce my risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. That is awesome, how much weight did you lose?
[{"answer": "I lost 160 pounds! Its mainly down to the amount of physical activity I did.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 129, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nObesity classification is a ranking of obesity, the medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity by body mass index (BMI), which is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. BMI is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex, and is obesity determination is in", "id": "80477" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nredefined obesity; Japan has defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 kg/m while China uses a BMI of greater than 28 kg/m. Excessive body weight is associated with various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and asthma. As a result, obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide. A number of reviews have found that mortality risk is lowest at", "id": "11648948" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsymbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body", "id": "11648945" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\nNormal weight obesity is the condition of having normal body weight, but with a high body fat percentage, leading to some of the same health risks as obesity. The term \"metabolically obese normal weight\" (MONW) refers to people with normal weight and body mass index (BMI), who display some metabolic characteristics which increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in the same way as obesity. People with MONW have excess visceral fat, and are predisposed to hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistance and thus predisposition to type 2 diabetes", "id": "12503565" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nBMI, total body fat, visceral fat and BVI number. The BVI Number has been designed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative to BMI. It provides an indication of health risk based on fat distribution with a particular emphasis on visceral fat; which is located around organs. Visceral fat is metabolically active, with high levels a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. There is no generally accepted definition of obesity based on total", "id": "80490" }, { "contents": "Gideon Peleioholani Laanui\n\n\ncoyly toward you in order to gratify his selfish motives. For your cheerful sacrifice of what was so dear to your hear I feel it is my duty to repay you. Therefore, in return for great kindness I leave this dear Waialua to you, as well as all the other lands, which I own, for my token of love for you. I cannot die happy without making this reparation while the breath is in my body. Forgive me for the part I took in the wrongful measure.\" Laʻanui,", "id": "10003554" }, { "contents": "Scapino\n\n\nyou; I forgive you everything. SCAPIN. Alas! how good you are. But is it really with all your heart that you forgive me the beating which I...? GÉRONTE. Yes, yes; don't mention it. I forgive you everything. You are punished. SCAPIN. Ah! Sir, how much better I feel for your kind words. GÉRONTE. Yes, I forgive you; but on one condition, that you die. SCAPIN. How! Sir? GÉRONTE. I retract my words if", "id": "13564837" }, { "contents": "Maxim Trankov\n\n\nluxated the first cervical vertebrae, and this is the one that holds the head. The doctor told me that you can't fix it with massage but only with osteopathy which needs a lot of time. We're doing that now and I feel that my body is adjusting. My body already orientated itself to the left. I adjusted to the left, for the jumps and for everything else, and that wasn't good. It's better now and I didn't have any problems anymore with my arm during the last", "id": "14618194" }, { "contents": "Occupation: Foole\n\n\ncleaned up completely for three months. You can hear the clarity of my thinking and of my speech on that album. But by the next one, \"Occupation: Foole\", I was right back into the trip again. I'm more frantic, more breathless. You can hear how sick I am. If you want to see a cokehead, just look at the pictures on the \"Occupation: Foole\" album. The angles of my body show you an awful lot. I started doing coke to feel open", "id": "19673739" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nrelation to a historical normal group. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. Relative weight and body mass index (BMI) are nearly identical and are reasonable estimates of body fatness as measured by percentage body fat. However, BMI does not account for the wide variation in body fat distribution, and may not correspond to the same degree of fatness or associated health risk in different individuals and populations. Other measurements of fat distribution include the waist", "id": "80478" }, { "contents": "Elsa García\n\n\nvaults, but nothing serious. After my hand operation, it took me a lot of out-of-the-gym training to regain all of my body strength. I did a lot of cardiovascular training and weight lifting, and went back to the basics in gymnastics. The skills I do were in my mind, and my body knew how to do them. I just had to regain control of my body.\" In October, Garcia competed at the 2011 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships in Tokyo, Japan. The", "id": "20719196" }, { "contents": "Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff\n\n\n\": \"Have you any more partridges ? — No, Sir, I have sent them all to my uncle. — Do you want any more paper? — I want a great deal. — How many pair of scissors have you left? — I have six pair left. — Of whom do you speak? — I speak of the lazy scholars of the good teachers. — Of which teachers ? — Of those whom you know. — At what o'clock do you come back from your shop? — I", "id": "992111" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\ntake the pain away. I may be diving for my own pleasure or showing others how to do so, but when I return to the shop, it seems empty without you. I stock and order as I always did, but even now, I sometimes glance over my shoulder without thinking and call for you. As I write this note to you, I wonder when, or if, things like that will ever stop. Without you in my arms, I feel an emptiness in my soul. I find myself", "id": "2224451" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nshaped\", in which fat is deposited on the hips and buttocks. Researchers first started to focus on abdominal obesity in the 1980s when they realized it had an important connection to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Abdominal obesity was more closely related with metabolic dysfunctions connected with cardiovascular disease than was general obesity. In the late 1980s and early 1990s insightful and powerful imaging techniques were discovered that would further help advance the understanding of the health risks associated with body fat accumulation. Techniques such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging", "id": "10161790" }, { "contents": "Prediabetes\n\n\nsigns or symptoms except the sole sign of high blood sugar. Patients should monitor for signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes mellitus such as increased thirst, increased urination, and feeling tired. Prediabetes develops when the body becomes insulin resistant or unable to use insulin. Some risk factors for diabetes are family history of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, increased triglyceride levels, low levels of HDL (good cholesterol), obesity, elevated blood pressure, elevated fasting plasma glucose, women who have had gestational diabetes, had high birth weight babies", "id": "7772201" }, { "contents": "Kitty Melrose\n\n\nAll my love, and good luck to you. Your Kit. P.S. It was wrong for every one to keep you from me. It has made it too impossible. I cannot fight alone, but I did believe in you, and did not think you would fail me. But God's will. I know you thought you were doing right. Eddie, By leaving me alone you thought you were doing right, but it wavs all wrong and cruel. God forgive you, as I hope he will forgive", "id": "5829909" }, { "contents": "Linda Harrison (actress)\n\n\ndo the screen test, and you keep trying to employ your actors. So. I did the screen test. The part that was hard for me was actually doing the mask,where they put all that plaster on your face and you have to lie there still for a long time. Fortunately, I was an acrobat growing up, and a very very good one — I won a lot of contests — so I knew how to control my body and be 'quiet.' You had to do that, you", "id": "9265330" }, { "contents": "Book of Numbers (film)\n\n\nrelationship between the two main characters are that of father and son, as Blueboy explains, \"Dave, do you think I'm proud of what I done? You think I've been proud all my life of having to bow my head and 'Tom.' Just so as I could survive. Son, I did what I done today for you. For you youngins. 'Cause you youngins got to carry on the good fight. Me? My kind, we're finished. But you can't do it behind", "id": "11019469" }, { "contents": "Mama (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nnice that our mums were there and could see what we're doing. It's good, because they were actually knackered at the end of the day and I said to my mum: 'Ha! Now you know how I feel every day!\" Geri Halliwell commented: \"I found it a bit bizarre bringing my mum to work with me on the 'Mama' video. You know: 'This is what I do—come and do it, too.' If you worked in Sainsbury's, you", "id": "11401370" }, { "contents": "Harrison family of Virginia\n\n\nJohn Jay. When signing the Declaration, Harrison turned to the diminutive Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts and said, \"I shall have a great advantage over you, Mr. Gerry, when we are all hung for what we are now doing. From the size and weight of my body I shall die in a few minutes and be with the Angels, but from the lightness of your body you will dance in the air an hour or two before you are dead.\" Harrison's family experienced retaliation from the British for his role", "id": "20065879" }, { "contents": "Dark Eyes (song)\n\n\nJust to realise my life’s worthiest prizebr Did I sacrifice for those ardent eyes!.br br Translation by Peter Farnbank Another rhythmical translation which is closer to the original Oh you dark black eyes, full-of-passion-eyesbr Oh you burning eyes, how you hypnotisebr Now I love you so, but I fear you thoughbr Since you glanced at me not so long br Oh I see you now, you are dark and deepbr I see grief and feel that my soul will weepbr I see now in you a winning burning", "id": "13505096" }, { "contents": "Shivabalayogi\n\n\ndiabetes and an injured foot which became infected and never healed. Throughout this time he worked tirelessly to inspire people on the spiritual path. Shivabalayogi often told devotees that yogis do not \"die\" in the ordinary sense. They drop their physical bodies through \"mahasamadhi\" (the great samadhi), but their presence remains available. \"If I am not within the bounds of my body I am more available to you\", and he often gave Jesus as an example. On April 2, 1994, his body was", "id": "21971207" }, { "contents": "Ice (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\nlover on how to properly use an ice cube on her naked body. She sings: \"When you come and lay between it this time / Take the ice cube (boy you know what) / Sit it right below my navel and watch what I do / And that’s my favorite angle / My legs are numb now / Your lovin’ be givin’ me chills\". During the chorus, Rowland sings: \"You're like ice, I-C-E / Feels so nice, scorching me\".", "id": "10405268" }, { "contents": "Derrick Wayne Frazier\n\n\nlove you; do you know I love you. You are my life. You are my wife - always stay strong. Stay strong everybody. I am innocent. I am being punished for a crime I did not commit. I have professed my innocence for nine years, and I continue to say I am innocent. Let my people know I love them. We must continue on. Do not give up the fight; do not give up hope for a better future. Because we can make it happen. I", "id": "15328678" }, { "contents": "Katie Grand\n\n\nwere times when I did struggle with my work, that I did not feel confident enough, beautiful enough, and Katie, she still chose me to do a campaign.  I was losing my confidence and you just gave it back to me, and so what I’m trying to say, is that this woman beside me is so talented, she has a wonderful heart, truly, and I have seen it, thank you so much.’ Walking Daily Front Row’s 5th Annual Fashion Los Angeles Awards red carpet,", "id": "17838873" }, { "contents": "The Man Who Sold the World\n\n\ncommented: \"I guess I wrote it because there was a part of myself that I was looking for. Maybe now that I feel more comfortable with the way that I live my life and my mental state (laughs) and my spiritual state whatever, maybe I feel there's some kind of unity now. That song for me always exemplified kind of how you feel when you're young, when you know that there's a piece of yourself that you haven't really put together yet. You have this great searching", "id": "4606010" }, { "contents": "Jefimija\n\n\nof my humble reason -- therefore I expect modest rewards. Not so ungenerous were you, oh my dear liege and holy martyr, when you were in this transient world -- and how much more in the eternal and holy one you have received from God -- for you nourished abundantly a stronger, myself, in a foreign land. And now I beg you doubly: that you should nourish me still and calm the fierce storm in my soul and body. Jefimija offers this from her heart to you, Holy One!\"", "id": "20201470" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\ndid I find you? How strange my journey was! What words should I use to tell you on what twisted paths a good star has guided me to you? Give me your hand, my almost forgotten soul. How warm the joy at seeing you again, you long disavowed soul. Life has led me back to you. ... My soul, my journey should continue with you. I will wander with you and ascend to my solitude. The record continues with increasing intensity through the summer of 1914. A hiatus", "id": "943053" }, { "contents": "My Jerusalem\n\n\nI felt if I went back to writing songs as medication, it would help. Which it did. It’s a little autobiographical, which most of my work ends up being. I went to where my mom is from in New York and just holed up in the winter and wrote everything there as a way to feel I was in touch more with myself and where I came from. You tend to sometimes just be a zombie on a treadmill in this world, just going forward and doing whatever, and so I", "id": "10397858" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\n—being more prone to induce insulin resistance. This explains to a large degree why central obesity is a marker of impaired glucose tolerance and is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (even in the absence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension). Studies of female monkeys at Wake Forest University (2009) discovered that individuals suffering from higher stress have higher levels of visceral fat in their bodies. This suggests a possible cause-and-effect link between the two, wherein stress promotes the accumulation of visceral fat, which in turn", "id": "21827544" }, { "contents": "Taishi Ci\n\n\nout no matter how courageous you are.\" Taishi Ci replied, \"When I was away, you treated my mother very generously. She feels grateful, hence she told me to help you. She knew that I know what I am doing, and that I can help you. Now, everyone says it is impossible to break out. If I were to agree with them, I will not be able to repay your kindness. Why, then, did my mother send me here for? We are in a", "id": "7010512" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nBMI ranges: Japan Society for the Study of Obesity (2000): In Singapore, the BMI cut-off figures were revised in 2005, motivated by studies showing that many Asian populations, including Singaporeans, have higher proportion of body fat and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus, compared with general BMI recommendations in other countries. The BMI cut-offs are presented with an emphasis on health risk rather than weight. In 1998, the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention brought", "id": "4612939" }, { "contents": "Under the Same Sun\n\n\n, I feel like you are equating me to my most visible aspect, my colour, which is the result of a genetic condition called albinism. As the world advances the dignity of all persons, no one should be referred to solely by their genetic condition or disability. In reality, I am a person first, just like you, and would prefer to be called by my name. If you do want to make reference to my albinism, I would feel more respected if you called me a person with albinism (", "id": "16467032" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of metabolic syndrome\n\n\nthese individuals are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, including a heart attack or stroke. Individuals with prediabetes are also likely to have additional cardiovascular risk factors such as elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. Diabetes and prediabetes are strongly linked to obesity and overweight. Nearly 50% of people with diabetes are obese, and 90% are overweight. 19 A chief risk factor for prediabetes is excess abdominal fat. Obesity increases one’s risk for a variety of other medical problems, including hypertension, stroke, other forms of cardiovascular disease", "id": "18490419" }, { "contents": "Who You Really Are\n\n\ntypes of determination...and I think all of our characters are reacting in very different ways to that, which is the whole point of doing it. When one of your best friends comes out as a superhero, how do you react to that? And just trying to find out, “Oh, my friend changed, they’re different, and how do I feel about that? And this is cool, but it’s scary, and I don’t know how I feel about that. And it’s wonderful,", "id": "13498702" }, { "contents": "Christmas Back to You\n\n\namazing body of work,” Moore shared. I love Christmas and to be able to give my fans something different and from the heart, feels awesome.” \"Every Day's Like Christmas\" was released as the album's second single in 2018. On December 2, 2018, \"Every Day's Like Christmas\" debuted at #43 on the Mediabase Urban Adult Contemporary chart, peaking at #34. \"The New York Times\" reviewed \"Christmas Back to You\" positively, writing that Moore 'sounds robust", "id": "15910809" }, { "contents": "When You Were My Girl\n\n\nChasez and his producer Jimmy Harry. We came up with this really awesome bass line, which I revisited a few weeks later when I was back in the UK. I continued writing and a few days later, the track was finished.\" He also said: \"It's got a real Marvin Gaye, Jackson-esque type feel to it. I'm really proud of it.\" A music video to accompany the release of \"When You Were My Girl\" was first released onto YouTube on 6 October 2013", "id": "3469623" }, { "contents": "Damien Marchesseault\n\n\ngone in this way that I am now ashamed to meet my fellow man on the street; besides that, I have deeply wronged you as a husband, by spending my money instead of maintaining you as it become a husband to do. Though you have near complained of my miserable conduct, you nevertheless have suffered too much. I therefore, to save you from farther disgrace and trouble, being that I cannot maintain you respectably, I shall end this state of thing this very morning. Of course, in all", "id": "3766867" }, { "contents": "First Great Awakening\n\n\nwhere I never expect to enjoy my liberty. While I lived in my own country, I knew nothing of that Jesus I have heard you speak so much about. I lived quite careless what will become of me when I die; but I now see such a life will never do, and I come to you, Sir, that you may tell me some good things, concerning Jesus Christ, and my Duty to GOD, for I am resolved not to live any more as I have done.\" Davies became", "id": "4175268" }, { "contents": "Michael Evans (bishop)\n\n\nfamily until this stage of my life ends. I do not know how long that will be. I am most grateful for the ways you have cared for and so prayerfully supported me in recent years. You remain very much in my thoughts and care. As I am sure you understand, I am able to do very little, and will need to rely on others. Please can I ask you to limit any expressions of care to prayer for now, rather than anything else to which I cannot respond.\"", "id": "5719599" }, { "contents": "Fat\n\n\nwhich has been linked to obesity, insulin resistance, and Type 2 diabetes. This latter result is currently controversial, and there have been reputable studies supporting all sides on the issue. Dietary consumption of fatty acids has effects on human health. Studies have found that replacing saturated fats with \"cis\" unsaturated fats in the diet reduces risk of cardiovascular disease. For example, a 2015 systematic review of randomized control trials by the Cochrane Library concluded: \"Lifestyle advice to all those at risk of cardiovascular disease and to lower risk", "id": "10886888" }, { "contents": "Frank Hu\n\n\nto replace saturated fats to reduce coronary heart disease risk in the Nurses' Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study. In 2001, Hu published a study to quantify the preventability of type 2 diabetes through diet and lifestyle, showing that up to 90% of diabetes cases can be prevented by eating a healthy diet, maintaining normal weight, exercising regularly, not smoking tobacco, and consuming alcohol moderately. Hu has conducted extensive research on sugar-sweetened beverages and the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular", "id": "20726585" }, { "contents": "Melanesian mythology\n\n\nand hurled it back. Thus they continued to send the body to and fro; but at last the old woman seized her grandson by mistake and threw him out, at which the ghost cried, \"That is great! Now you have given me something to eat.\" The old woman then said, \"Throw him back again,\" but the ghost replied, thinking to cheat her, \"Do you first throw out my body. Then I will throw him back.\" So they argued until dawn was near", "id": "3881409" }, { "contents": "Kat Stewart\n\n\nand remembers: \"Since Year 2 I had been getting a thrill out of doing school drama. I was on the quiet side, but I felt light in my bones when I was onstage. At university I studied marketing and arts, and joined the theatre society, which quickly became my passion. After graduation, I worked in publicity, but I couldn't shake my love of acting, so I enrolled at the National Theatre, hoping I'd outgrow it. Now I understand you need to do what you love", "id": "8483814" }, { "contents": "Tom Jacquez\n\n\n. The next morning, I went to the emergency room. When something like this happens and prevents you from doing something you love, it is real hard mentally and physically. You don’t realize how much you appreciate something until you can’t do it anymore. I don’t take anything for granted anymore. Every outing I’m pitching like it could be my last one. I’m giving it 100 percent every time.’” Weighing the medical risks, Thomas was prepared to return if the Bruins needed him,", "id": "4558241" }, { "contents": "Xiang Jing (artist)\n\n\nis the foundation on which I create these pieces. I am no longer those women in art history who were always being looked at. Given this approach to creating female figures, I do not feel they are a hackneyed subject. I like to say that my mode of expression is \"in the first person.\" — Xiang Jing x Zhu Zhu \"I did \"And You?\" after I did \"Your Body\". I wanted to transcend something in \"Your Body\"; I succeeded or not, different", "id": "1374857" }, { "contents": "Dave Matthews Band\n\n\nsaxophone, it was because this guy just blew my mind. At this jazz place I used to bartend at Miller's, I would just sit back and watch him. I would be serving the musicians fat whiskeys and they'd be getting more and more hosed, but no matter how much, he used to still blow my mind. And it was the sense that everyone played from their heart. And when we got together and they asked, 'What do you want the music to sound like?' I said", "id": "19187569" }, { "contents": "Henry Newton Brown\n\n\nthis letter, but it was all for you, my sweet wife, and for the love I have for you. \"Do not go back on me. If you do it will kill me. Be true to me as long as you live, and come to see me if you think enough of me. My love is just the same as it always was. Oh, how I did hate to leave you last Sunday evening. But I did not think this would happen. I thought we could take in", "id": "14946104" }, { "contents": "Among the Leaves\n\n\nare something you do in the early stages of your career, but when you get going, you just go in and record the song. With this record, I wanted to give my first instincts a chance without shooting them down immediately, which I sometimes do. Songs like \"Song For Richard Collopy\" and \"Not Much Rhymes With Everything's Awesome All the Time\" were very impulsive, even my engineers were looking at me like, \"What in the fuck are you doing?\" And that's exactly the", "id": "1585289" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n–hip ratio and body fat percentage. Normal weight obesity is a condition of having normal body weight, but high body fat percentages with the same health risks of obesity. BMI can be used to predict the risk of metabolic abnormalities like diabetes. Body mass index or BMI is a simple and widely used method for estimating body fat mass. BMI was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet. BMI is an accurate reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of the adult population. However it", "id": "80479" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nwith cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Specifically it's the deepest layer of belly fat (the fat you cannot see or grab) that poses health risks, as these \"visceral\" fat cells produce hormones that can affect health (e.g. increased insulin resistance and/or breast cancer risk). The risk increases considering the fact that they are located in the proximity or in between organs in the abdominal cavity. For example, fat next to the liver drains into it, causing a fatty liver, which is a risk", "id": "10161816" }, { "contents": "Shake It Off\n\n\ninterview for \"Rolling Stone\", Swift elaborated: I've had every part of my life dissected—my choices, my actions, my words, my body, my style, my music. When you live your life under that kind of scrutiny, you can either let it break you, or you can get really good at dodging punches. And when one lands, you know how to deal with it. And I guess the way that I deal with it is to shake it off. In an October 2014", "id": "16127075" }, { "contents": "Body shape\n\n\na larger waist (apple shaped) have higher health risks than those who carry excess weight on the hips and thighs (pear shaped). People with apple shaped bodies who carry excess weight are at greater risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Different forms of exercises are practiced for the fitness of the body and also for health. It is a common belief that targeted exercise reduces fat in specific parts of the body —for example, that exercising muscles around the belly reduces fat in the belly", "id": "11556197" }, { "contents": "Lewis Henry Douglass\n\n\nit was no use we had to retreat, which was a very hazardous undertaking. How I got out of that fight alive I cannot tell, but I am here. My Dear girl I hope again to see you. I must bid you farewell should I be killed. Remember if I die I die in a good cause. I wish we had a hundred thousand colored troops we would put an end to this war. Good Bye to all Write soon Your own loving LEWIS Douglass was also wounded in the Second", "id": "3485433" }, { "contents": "Abdomen\n\n\n, or after spine surgery. When strengthened, the abdominal muscles provide flexibility as well. The abdominal muscles can be worked by practicing disciplines of general body strength such as Pilates, yoga, T'ai chi, and jogging. There are also specific routines which target each of these muscles. Abdominal obesity is a condition where abdominal fat or visceral fat, has built up excessively between the abdominal organs. This is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, asthma and type 2 diabetes. Abdominal trauma is an injury to the abdomen", "id": "5881060" }, { "contents": "The Detroit Emeralds\n\n\nback in Detroit. This approach worked and brought them another hit, \"If I Lose Your Love\", which was followed by a run of successes including \"Do Me Right\", \"You Want It, You Got It\", and \"Baby Let Me Take You (In My Arms)\" which all made the US R&B Top 10, while the latter also reached number 24 on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100 pop chart in 1972. The song for which they are now best remembered, \"Feel", "id": "12528049" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nweight loss, followed by maintenance of an ideal body weight over time. Rising obesity rates are a major concern around the world, especially in North America. About 60% of Americans and Canadians are either overweight or obese. Understanding the basic science of weight management and some of the strategies for attaining and maintaining a healthy weight is very important to a person's overall health because obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. There are many factors that contribute to a", "id": "19103805" }, { "contents": "Anthony Joshua\n\n\nin favour of Joshua. The scores did not seem to reflect Povetkin's success earlier in the fight. In the post-fight interview, Joshua stated, \"I've got my knockout streak back and I found my right hand again. Alexander Povetkin is a very tough challenge. He provided that, he was good with left hook. I realized he was strong to the head but weak to the body so I was switching it up. Every jab takes a breath out of you and I slowed him down.\"", "id": "18689166" }, { "contents": "The Ornithologist (film)\n\n\ndead body and he breathes it back to life. He died last night dancing with his friends. Who are you and am I dead? He tells him that he is Anthony. The now living man says that he is Thomas. Some things you can not understand but just believe. A spirit just burns within us. Should I believe a lie? I know I am dead. Anthony answers it is only a lie to you. You never died. You have my brother's whistle and knife. Did you kill", "id": "2479905" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Beshalach\n\n\neyes, and will give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you that I have put upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord Who heals you.\" Rather one should say that God visits those who have the opportunity to study the Torah and do not do so with ugly and painful sufferings which stir them up. For says, \"I was dumb with silence, I kept silence from the good thing, and my pain was stirred up.\"", "id": "4652183" }, { "contents": "Narjis daughter of Yeshua\n\n\nshe said: Now you can expect Abu Mohammad peace be upon him to visit you because I will send him to you. I said: How much am I longing to meet Abu Mohammad. The following evening Abu Mohammad came to me in my dream. I saw him and it was as if I was saying to him: Why did you avoid me my darling after you have made my heart busy with your love? He said: My delay in meeting you was only due to your beliefs in association a partner to", "id": "14862204" }, { "contents": "Indradyumna\n\n\nme. He might know you. I will take you there; if you put little more effort you can reach him”. Both Mārkandeya Maharshi and Raja Indradyumna went to Prāvārakarna. Indradyumna asked Prāvārakarna, “I have been told that you have lived older than maharshi Mārkandeya. Do you remember any of my good deeds?\" Prāvārakarna replied, “O great king, I do not remember you, you must have been way before my time. However I know about a lake at a distance of 2 Yojanas from here", "id": "9334347" }, { "contents": "You are Christ\n\n\nYou, Jesus my God? Where was I when I was not in spirit with You? Now, from this time forth, do you, all my desires, grow hot, and flow out upon the Lord Jesus: run... you have been tardy until now; hasten where you are going; seek Whom you are seeking. O, Jesus may he who loves You not be an anathema; may he who loves You not be filled with bitterness. O, Sweet Jesus, may every good feeling that is fitted", "id": "17649068" }, { "contents": "Ryuichi Sakamoto\n\n\nnow I'm good. I feel better. Much, much better. I feel energy inside, but you never know. The cancer might come back in three years, five years, maybe 10 years. Also the radiation makes your immune system really low. It means I'm very welcoming [of] another cancer in my body.\" Sakamoto is a member of the anti-nuclear organization Stop Rokkasho and has demanded the closing of the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant. In 2012, he organized the No Nukes 2012 concert", "id": "6653858" }, { "contents": "Arnold Geulincx\n\n\nmodo fiat, non facis\"—if you do not know how a thing is done then you do not do it. He also states a form of this principle in his \"Metaphysica vera\". Since then, the movements of my body take place without my knowing how the nervous impulse passes to the muscles and there-causes them to contract I do not cause my own bodily actions. \"I am therefore a mere spectator of this machine. In it I form naught and renew naught, I neither make anything here nor destroy", "id": "3729389" }, { "contents": "Lipid\n\n\nsuch as those present in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Fats that are good for you can be turned into trans fats by overcooking. A few studies have suggested that total dietary fat intake is linked to an increased risk of obesity and diabetes. However, a number of very large studies, including the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial, an eight-year study of 49,000 women, the Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, revealed no such links", "id": "18170526" }, { "contents": "Sermon of Fadak\n\n\nequal of the portion of two females. 4:11), and He said: (Bequest is prescribed for you when death approaches one of you, if he leaves behind wealth for parents and near relatives. 2:180). You claimed that I have no position, and no inheritance from my father, and there is no kinship between us. So did Allah distinguish you with a verse, from which He excluded my father? Or do you say: people of two religions do not inherit each other? Am I and my", "id": "6369248" }, { "contents": "Joost van der Westhuizen\n\n\nit's only when you lose them that you realise what it is all about. But I know that God is alive in my life and with experience you do learn. I can now talk openly about the mistakes I made because I know my faith won't give up and it won't diminish. It's only when you go through what I am going through that you understand that life is generous.\" In May 2011, van der Westhuizen's publicist confirmed that he had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Some", "id": "17693940" }, { "contents": "History of the St. Louis Cardinals (1920–1952)\n\n\n, \"It ain't bragging if you can do it\", \"Son, what kind of pitch would you like to miss?\", \"He slud into third\", \"I ain't what I used to be, but who the hell is?\", \"The doctors x-rayed my head and found nothing\", \"The good Lord was good to me. He gave me a strong body, a good right arm, and a weak mind\", and \"It puzzles me how they", "id": "15411859" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\n, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension and premature coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease. The BMI does not capture information about percentage body fat (PBF), which is a better predictor of risk due to obesity. Some studies have suggested that the main factor which explains the metabolic abnormalities in MONW individuals is fat distribution. On the basis of these studies, a scoring method has been proposed to identify MONW individuals, based on the presence of associated diseases or biochemical abnormalities related to insulin resistance. In 2008, the first prevalence of US adults", "id": "12503566" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Alexander Povetkin\n\n\n58–56, 58–56, and 59–55 in favour of Joshua. The scores did not seem to reflect Povetkin's success earlier in the fight. In the post-fight interview, Joshua stated, \"I've got my knockout streak back and I found my right hand again. Alexander Povetkin is a very tough challenge. He provided that, he was good with left hook. I realized he was strong to the head but weak to the body so I was switching it up. Every jab takes a breath out of you and", "id": "5356436" }, { "contents": "2009 Coke Zero 400\n\n\nStewart was unexcited on his victory. He said with a disappointed tone, \"Well... I am not proud of what I did back there. I went where I had to go and he went where he had to go. I got into the back of him without thinking... I don't like winning 'em like that. I wish I could enjoy my win but it does not feel good when you have a good day and you wreck someone out of a good day, especially how Kyle helped me the whole race", "id": "11240269" }, { "contents": "Chris Daughtry\n\n\njust be there without actually being there, is the best thing I can do. As a man, I always feel like I need to say something. Sometimes I have to stop myself because all I want to do is call and tell her about how much awesome stuff is going on in my life, and, you know, her day is sucking hard. I could write a book on it, I’m serious.\" Chris Daughtry and fellow \"Idol\" contestant Ace Young have been friends since they met at", "id": "6234518" }, { "contents": "Ram Chandra Datta\n\n\ngesture that his eyes watered and he emotionally stated: \"Bille (Swami Vivekananda’s family nickname), I thought that after travelling to America and becoming famous you would have forgotten us. But now I see that you are my same little brother Bille.\" In May 1885, Ram's compilation of some of Sri Ramakrishna’s important teachings was not published immediately as Ramakrishna advised him to delay its publishing as he said \"Do not publish my biography now. If you do, my body will not last long.\"", "id": "11760953" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\npolice force will try to lay my body to rest. Don't allow them to do that. Capture my dead body, don't bury it, and use it as a trump card to sharpen your struggle. Students of the Tamil Nadu medical colleges who will treat me, or conduct my post-mortem, I should have done some virtuous deed to be cut at your hands. Because, while upper-caste medical students in the rest of India were fighting against reservation, you were standing alone and fighting in support", "id": "9635342" }, { "contents": "Mason Remey\n\n\nvery dear to me. You are so dear to me that I think of you day and night. You are my real son. Therefore I have an idea for you. I hope it may come to pass ... He told me He loved Mason Remey so much,\" Thompson writes, \"and He loved me so much that he wished us to marry. That was the meaning of His message to Mason. He said it would be a perfect union and good for the Cause. Then he asked me how I", "id": "739174" }, { "contents": "Dialogue journal\n\n\n,You asked me about my feelings about the jornal. I like it very much, I enjoy doing that. Now it's part of my life. If it stops, I'll lose something very important for me. … The last 2 or 3 times I write it at night. I love these few hours when nobody and nothing distract me and I can think in silence. (p. 67)Larrotta (2008) kept dialogue journals with 17 Spanish-speaking adults in an intermediate ESL literacy class in a community literacy program", "id": "12816298" }, { "contents": "Beyoncé Pulse\n\n\nhusband Jay-Z. She told \"Access Hollywood\": \"I wear it, I live with it for about six months, and we tweak. I make sure I get my compliments from everyone—from my fans to my husband.\" According to Knowles, the scent is made to help women feel empowered, and a fragrance is an important accessory: \"When you feel good, when you look good, when you smell good, when you're fresh, it makes you feel so confident. You feel that", "id": "13159069" }, { "contents": "Dead to the World Tour\n\n\nrefusing jobs that involved profanity, indecency or immorality (which she characterized as \"spread[ing] my legs for any ol' Joe\") due to her moral standards. An exasperated Henderson admonished, \"I hope you will always be able to live like that. I hope you don't have many challenges in life.\" Garth insisted she did and, after Henderson sardonically asked \"do you?\", angrily snapped back, \"I have very many challenges in life. And I would like for you to come to dinner", "id": "11439505" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Woolcock\n\n\nall my sins he has forgiven me and washed me white in the precious blood of Jesus I feel this evening that I can rejoice in a loven Saviour I feel his presence hear to night he sustains me and gives me comfort under this heavy trial such as the world can never give. Dear friend if I may call you so I am much obliged to you for your kindness to a poor guilty sinner but great will be your reward in heaven I hope I shall meet you their and I hope that god will keep me", "id": "18467160" }, { "contents": "The Day Before I Met You\n\n\nwas in her life\". During the chorus, she sings: \"What did I do without you here / How did I breathe when you're my air / If I had a time machine I would never go back / to the day before I met you.\" Kirsten Maree of \"Renowned for Sound\" noted that the chorus has a \"soft melody\". According to Mauboy, \"The Day Before I Met You\" also has another meaning, \"[It's] about my own journey in life", "id": "18202286" }, { "contents": "Diabetes\n\n\nnutrition to achieve a normal body weight, and exercise, with the goal of keeping both short-term and long-term blood glucose levels within acceptable bounds. In addition, given the associated higher risks of cardiovascular disease, lifestyle modifications are recommended to control blood pressure. No single dietary pattern is best for all people with diabetes. For overweight people with type 2 diabetes, any diet that achieves weight loss is effective. Medications used to treat diabetes do so by lowering blood sugar levels. There is broad consensus that when", "id": "15255318" }, { "contents": "Andre Ward\n\n\nthe fans everything that I have, then I should no longer be fighting.\" Also in the statement read, \"As I walk away from the sport of boxing today, I leave at the top of your glorious mountain, which was always my vision and my dream. I did it. We did it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has played a part in my journey. You know who you are. I could not have done this without you.\" Ward ended his", "id": "20061545" }, { "contents": "Lose My Mind (Dean Lewis song)\n\n\n\"Lose My Mind\" is a song by Australian singer and songwriter Dean Lewis. Released in July 2017 as the third single from his debut extended play \"Same Kind of Different\" (2017). Lewis explained: \"\"Lose My Mind\" could be my favourite song on the EP, it's about how you feel when you are on the verge of losing someone and you feel like you can't live without them. It's like the first night without that person who has been there for you. I", "id": "16128410" }, { "contents": "Werner Seelenbinder\n\n\nto his father:The time has now come for me to say goodbye. In the time of my imprisonment I must have gone through every type of torture a man can possibly endure. Ill health and physical and mental agony, I have been spared nothing. I would have liked to have experienced the delights and comforts of life, which I now appreciate twice as much, with you all, with my friends and fellow sportsmen, after the war. The times I had with you were great, and I lived on", "id": "20048507" }, { "contents": "Indigo Muldoon\n\n\nHe'll never free you. He took away everything I ever wanted.\" \"Why did you and the others leave him?\" \"It's too complicated for a child.\" Indie stands up angrily. \"So my body is all that you see as woman?!\" \"I have all the mistresses I could want in Hell, but I want none of them. I had never seen a creature as elegant and pure as you, and nothing else will do.\" \"Negotiate for my freedom.", "id": "18619997" }, { "contents": "Demitarian\n\n\nmeat has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. The additional saturated fats from meats have been proven to increase incidences of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and hypertension. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables not only reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancers but also helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and proper bowel function. Diets high in vegetable consumption are associated with lower body weights than diets high in saturated fat and excess protein. Eating fruits and vegetables also helps prevent bone loss", "id": "22052739" }, { "contents": "Charles Person\n\n\ninvolved, it was infectious, anything that had to do with protests, I was there. My life revolved around it, I did my homework and my assignment around sitting-in. You’d be surprised how good study habits you can develop, because you were just sitting at a lunch counter with no place to go, they weren’t going to feed us, so you just sat there and did your studies.\" They were attacked with items such as condiments and cigarette butts, and threatened with items like meat", "id": "2541890" }, { "contents": "Henry W. Corbett\n\n\nstrongly to my mind that these forty years I have been nearly thirty four years with you. This period of over a third of a century covers my entire business life. I need not tell you how much I regret your withdrawal from the firm... I owe much to your kindness, careful training and good example, and at this moment it is some comfort to me to reflect that I have been faithful to your interests and useful to you for many years. That it may please God to restore you to health and", "id": "4351292" }, { "contents": "Katie Hopkins\n\n\nwhile the tweet was distasteful it was not criminal. The tweet was deleted. Hopkins has been accused of fat-shaming by journalists. When appearing on ITV‘s \"This\" \"Morning\", Hopkins expressed her views on obesity stating: \"Would I employ you if you were obese? No I would not. You would give the wrong impression to the clients of my business. I need people to look energetic, professional and efficient. If you are obese you look lazy\", and \"To call yourself 'plus", "id": "21931173" }, { "contents": "Liposuction\n\n\nlinked to life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. Liposuction is generally used in an attempt to change the body's shape. Weight loss from liposuction appears to be of a short term nature with little long term effect. After a few months fat typically returns and redistributes. Liposuction does not help obesity related metabolic disorders like insulin resistance. It can also be used to remove excess fat in the chronic medical condition lymphedema. There is a spectrum of complications that may occur due to any liposuction—", "id": "8931784" }, { "contents": "Van Morrison: Too Late to Stop Now\n\n\nto do with my life ... It's a waste of time on my part because it drains me from doing what I really want to do, which is just to play music.\" Van Morrison describes his perceived musical role: \"I just feel I'm doing the job. My job is to play music and deliver the show ... It's more emotional for the audience ... what they sort of think you are.\" He states that one of his motivations is \"ideally to induce states of meditation and ecstasy,", "id": "17931170" }, { "contents": "Haazinu\n\n\nyou that I have put upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord Who heals you.\" Rather one should say that God visits those who have the opportunity to study the Torah and do not do so with ugly and painful sufferings which stir them up. For says, \"I was dumb with silence, I kept silence from the good thing, and my pain was stirred up.\" \"The good thing\" refers only to the Torah, as says, \"For I give you good doctrine; forsake not", "id": "21864944" }, { "contents": "Pan Tadeusz\n\n\n/poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" O Lithuania, my country, thou Art like good health; I never knew till now How precious, till I lost thee. /poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" Lithuania, my country! You are as good health: How much one should prize you, he only can tell Who has lost you. /poem poem style=\"margin-left: 2em\" Oh Lithuania, my homeland, you are like health--so valued when lost beyond recovery; let these words now stand restoring", "id": "12001232" }, { "contents": "Body Party\n\n\nproduced by Mike WiLL Made It, \"Body Party\" is a mid-tempo R&B song that samples \"My Boo\" (1996) by Ghost Town DJ's. Lyrically, it speaks about how Ciara's body is a party for her romantic partner and features \"seductively moaning\" and \"playful bedroom talk.\" The first verse introduces the concept of the song: \"My body is your party, baby/ Nobody's invited but you baby/ I can do it slow now, tell me what you want.\"", "id": "9549140" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nattributed to excess weight. On average, obesity reduces life expectancy by six to seven years, a BMI of 30–35 kg/m reduces life expectancy by two to four years, while severe obesity (BMI  40 kg/m) reduces life expectancy by ten years. Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental conditions. These comorbidities are most commonly shown in metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorders which includes: diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. Complications are", "id": "11648951" } ]
I love Wine tasting Which type of wine do you use?
[{"answer": "Any wine of your choice can be used. is the sensory examination and evaluation of wine.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "19719473", "title": "Wine tasting", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 63, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Spanish wine\n\n\nthe maximum yields that can be harvested, the minimum length of time that the wine must be aged and what type of information is required to appear on the wine label. Wineries that are seeking to have their wine sold under DO or DOC status must submit their wines to the Consejo Regulador laboratory and tasting panel for testing and evaluation. Wines that have been granted DO/DOC status will feature the regional stamp of the Consejo Regulador on the label. Following Spain's acceptance into the European Union, Spanish wine laws were brought", "id": "8942232" }, { "contents": "Mateus (wine)\n\n\n\"vin rosé\" that I have ever tasted. It is called Mateus, and it may be that the view of the lovely villa of that name, near Vila Real, which is upon the label, makes the wine taste even better. For the villa has a façade of granite and white stucco, with many urns and statues. But what is unique in this wine is that it is the colour of orangeade, and slightly \"pétillant\". Let no one despise it for its colour! Mateus is delicious beyond", "id": "15009841" }, { "contents": "Fiorano (wine)\n\n\n'As soon as I tried his wines, I knew he truly was a prince' said Veronelli, who convinced him to sell some of the wines, up to then only for personal consumption. Luigi Veronelli stated that Prince Boncompagni Ludovisi was the first to employ \"biological farming\" practices in Italy. He compared Fiorano red wines to Sassicaia, and once wrote of them, \"They enchant you with the first taste, burrow in your memory and make you forever better\", and, \"If I lived in Rome", "id": "586495" }, { "contents": "James Suckling\n\n\nyou start from the nose, from the scents of the wine. But for me, this aspect is less important. I put more emphasis on what I taste in the mouth; I find the concentration of fruit, of the tannins, the alcohol and the acid. The most revealing element is the persistence of the taste in the mouth, the aftertaste. And another thing to bear in mind is that a wine is like a person, there isn't one which is the same as the next. It should be", "id": "15367330" }, { "contents": "Khamr\n\n\n'Ali bin Abi Talib said: \"'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Awf prepared some food for which he invited us, and he gave us some wine to drink. The wine began to affect us when it was time for Salat. So they encouraged me (to lead) and I recited: 'Say: O you disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, and we worship what we worship' - so Allah, Most High, revealed: O you who believe! Do not approach Salat when you", "id": "19867698" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\npeople to enjoy when dining, because when people drink it, it is not easy to feel drunk. As for the aroma, this type of wine has a fruit fragrance, which makes it popular with female customers and young customers. As labelled on the instruction of Gik blue wine, when tasting this kind of wine, the pasta can be matched. But for most people, blue wine will taste better if being served chilled and being paired with seafood. Overall, the taste of blue wine is not like a traditional", "id": "2233324" }, { "contents": "Chablis wine\n\n\nby a charter which covers wine making and sales. Grand Cru makers must submit their wines to a tasting committee of other Union members to ensure they meet the required quality. These tastings are conducted blind. At the turn of the 21st century, there were 40 Premier Cru vineyards. The names of many of these vineyards do not appear on wine labels. The INAO permits the use of \"umbrella names\": smaller, lesser known vineyards are allowed to use the name of a nearby more famous Premier Cru vineyard. Some", "id": "6256200" }, { "contents": "Wine accessory\n\n\nA wine accessory is generally any equipment that may be used in the storing or serving of wine. Wine accessories include many items such as wine glasses, corkscrews, and wine racks. Wine glasses are a type of glass stemware that are used to drink and taste wine from. Selection of a particular wine glass for a wine style is important, as the glass shape can influence its perception. Wine bottle openers are required to open wine bottles that are stoppered with a cork. They are slowly being supplanted by the screwcap closure", "id": "3332514" }, { "contents": "Wine glass\n\n\nA wine glass is a type of glass that is used to drink and taste wine. Most wine glasses are stemware, that is they are goblets composed of three parts: the bowl, stem, and foot. The effect of glass shape on the taste of wine has not been demonstrated by any scientific study and remains a matter of debate. It is however believed by Scientific American that the shape of the glass is important, as it concentrates the flavour and aroma (or bouquet) to emphasize the varietal's characteristic.", "id": "14925982" }, { "contents": "Wine for the Confused\n\n\nWine for the Confused is a documentary hosted by John Cleese. It is a light-hearted introduction to wine for novices. Cleese guides viewers through the basics of wine types and grape varieties, wine making, wine tasting and terminology, buying and storing wines, through direct narrative and interviews with wine makers and wine sellers. The film duration is 92 minutes and includes visits to wineries in California. The film concludes with a large group conducting a blind wine tasting. One of the tasting results was the fact that most tasters", "id": "17073108" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nwas that one had been colored red with a flavorless dye. For 6 years, Texas A&M University invited people to taste wines labeled \"France\", \"California\", \"Texas\", and while nearly all ranked the French as best, in fact, all three were the same Texan wine. The contest is built on the simple theory that if people do not know what they are drinking, they award points differently than if they do know what they are drinking. Vertical and horizontal wine tastings are wine tasting events", "id": "16005349" }, { "contents": "Blind wine tasting\n\n\nBlinded wine tasting is wine tasting undertaken in circumstances in which the tasters are kept unaware of the wines' identities. The blind approach is routine for wine professionals (wine tasters, sommeliers and others) who wish to ensure impartiality in the judgment of the quality of wine during wine competitions or in the evaluation of a sommelier for professional certification. More recently wine scientists (physiologists, psychologists, food chemists and others) have used blinded tastings to explore the objective parameters of the human olfactory system as they apply to the ability of", "id": "7654597" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nWine tasting is the sensory examination and evaluation of wine. While the practice of wine tasting is as ancient as its production, a more formalized methodology has slowly become established from the 14th century onwards. Modern, professional wine tasters (such as sommeliers or buyers for retailers) use a constantly evolving specialized terminology which is used to describe the range of perceived flavors, aromas and general characteristics of a wine. More informal, recreational tasting may use similar terminology, usually involving a much less analytical process for a more general, personal", "id": "16005339" }, { "contents": "House of Hungarian Wines\n\n\nThe House of Hungarian Wines () was a wine shop in Budapest, near the Buda Castle. This was one of the largest wine houses of the country. The entry fee enabled one unlimited sampling for two hours. The House had over 700 wines on display from Hungary’s 22 wine regions. The visitors could try another Hungaricum, the pálinka (different types of fruit spirits) specialities also. It was possible to taste a collection of handmade cheeses. During the wine tasting one could get acquainted with the history, type", "id": "12973629" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\n, always being regarded as an aperitif or cocktail when dining. According to the creators of blue wine, the inspiration of creating the new type of wine is from the economic theory called \"blue ocean strategy \". The appearance of blue wine has made an influence in the wine world and the feedback of customers from Asian countries and western countries are different. This new type of wine tastes mild and a little sweet, and has a fragrance in flavour of fruit, which makes this wine more like the fruit wine rather than", "id": "2233315" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting descriptors\n\n\nThe use of wine tasting descriptors allows the taster to qualitatively relate the aromas and flavors that the taster experiences and can be used in assessing the overall quality of wine. Wine writers, like Karen MacNeil, author of \"The Wine Bible,\" differentiate wine tasters from casual enthusiasts; tasters attempt to give an objective description of the wine's taste (often taking a systematic approach to tasting), casual enthusiasts appreciate wine but pause their examination sooner than tasters. The primary source of a person's ability to taste wine is", "id": "2803958" }, { "contents": "Aeration\n\n\ncontact with the soil. There are many types of lawn aerators including walk behind models, ride on versions and tractor pulled versions, as well as spiked shoes. Refers to the process in which air is absorbed into the food item. It refers to the lightness of cakes and bread, as measured by the type of pores they contain, and the color and texture of some sauces which have incorporated air bubbles. In wine tasting, a variety of methods are used to aerate wine and bring out the aromas including swirl wine", "id": "8482276" }, { "contents": "Mogen David\n\n\nChablis '59.\" In the 1971 movie \"A New Leaf\", Henrietta (Elaine May) asks Henry (Walter Matthau) \"Have you ever tasted Mogen-David extra-heavy malaga wine with soda water and lime juice?\" In \"A Serious Man\" the protagonist, played by Michael Stuhlbarg, is asked by his rival Sy Ableman (Fred Melamed) \"Do you drink wine? Because this is an incredible bottle. This is not Mogen David. This is a - heh heh - a wine", "id": "770743" }, { "contents": "Xue Susu\n\n\n\" \"If I did not reciprocate your feelings\" /poem to the romantic: poem \"This lovely night I think of you, wondering whether you will return\" \"I clutch one lone pillow; there is nobody to talk to\" /poem to the whimsically philosophical: poem \"Full of aroma is the taste of wine beneath the bloom\" \"In solitude I watch the seagulls fly across the sky\" /poem Xue often exchanged poems and paintings with her clientele, receiving their own artworks in exchange. Whilst she excelled at poetry", "id": "4380334" }, { "contents": "Christian views on alcohol\n\n\nLet a widow, then, be temperate, pure in the first place from wine, that she may be pure from adultery. He will tempt you in vain, if wine tempts you not.\" John Chrysostom (died 407) said: \"they who do not drink take no thought of the drunken.\" So Chrysostom insisted deacons cannot taste wine at all in his homily on 1 Timothy 3:8-10: \"The discretion of the blessed Paul is observable. When he would exhort the Deacons to avoid excess", "id": "365004" }, { "contents": "Jon Winroth\n\n\ndescribed his style in \"Decanter\" as \"vociferously vocal\". In 1981 the \"International Herald Tribune\" published his book, \"Wine As You Like It\", which aimed to open the world of wine to the amateur. After meeting Jacques Dupont and Pierre Crisol, who were then the wine editors for Gault Millau, and finding their approach to tasting very close to his own, he created with them \"La Cote des Vins\", a bi-weekly newsletter for wine professionals. This publication reported their tasting", "id": "6160208" }, { "contents": "Oak\n\n\ndimensions to wine based on the type and style of the oak. Oak barrels, which may be charred before use, contribute to the colour, taste, and aroma of the contents, imparting a desirable oaky vanillin flavour to these drinks. The great dilemma for wine producers is to choose between French and American oakwoods. French oaks (\"Quercus robur\", \"Q. petraea\") give the wine greater refinement and are chosen for the best wines since they increase the price compared to those aged in American oak wood.", "id": "18375119" }, { "contents": "Matthew Jukes\n\n\nBest Food and Writing.[6] In 2002, Matthew won the prestigious International Wine and Spirit Competition’s Trophy for Wine Communicator of the Year.[7] \"Quintessentially's 100 Most Iconic Wine Estates\" \"The Wine Book: Change the way you think about wines of the world\" (2 editions) \"Wine – everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask\" (2 editions) \"The Wine List – The Top 250 wines of the year\" (6 editions) \"Taste Food & Wine\", in conjunction", "id": "6530669" }, { "contents": "Wine bar\n\n\nbar phenomenon offers the taste before you buy philosophy. Wine bars add a new dimension to wine tasting. They seek to remove the association of wine with upscale clientele and overwhelming wine lists and replace it with a more casual and relaxing atmosphere. Many of these bars are furnished with nooks and cozy booths encased in rich colors and plush surroundings in hopes their guests will linger. Wine bars look to embrace the intellectual stimulation linked to wine and offer an alternative to the bar scene. The laid-back environment lends itself to a", "id": "213555" }, { "contents": "Cyrus the Younger\n\n\nthat he should go beyond them in minute attentions, and in an eager desire to give pleasure, seems to me, I must confess, more admirable. Frequently when he had tasted some specially excellent wine, he would send the half remaining flagon to some friend with a message to say: \"Cyrus says, this is the best wine he has tasted for a long time, that is his excuse for sending it to you. He hopes you will drink it up to-day with a choice party of friends.", "id": "1126707" }, { "contents": "Bespoke Collection\n\n\nMarsanne, Tempranillo, Sauvignon blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon and a proprietary red blend. All of the wines are produced from Napa Valley fruit and are made under the label Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley. Ma(i)sonry has a wine club called Medallion, which gives members first access to new boutique wines, special event access, and complimentary tastings at the tasting room. Ma(i)sonry has partnered with the \"Robb Report\" for Auction Napa Valley live lot packages. In 2013, Ma(i)sonry opened its first tasting room outside of Yountville, on the top floor of", "id": "16373897" }, { "contents": "Province of Valladolid\n\n\nFor its elaboration is used the range of verdejo grape and to a lesser measure both the Sauvignon blanc. Under this appellation wines there are white, sparkling, reds, pink and liquor. For their part, the wines of Ribera del Duero are elaborated with the ink on the country and you can taste red wines young, reserve wine and old vine. Wines of the Toro Designation of Origin are mainly white, rosé and red, the wines of Tierra de León Denomination of Origin are white, rosé and red and finally", "id": "13964299" }, { "contents": "Wine cave\n\n\nareas of California, land values are high. Non-agricultural development is often restricted. A storage warehouse reduces the land available to grow grapes, impacts open space and natural habitats, and precludes other land uses. Land-use regulation in California places limitations on the types and locations of land development. Many land use restrictions and permitting requirements do not apply to underground space. As of 2004, there were an estimated 130 to 150 caves used for wine aging, barrel storage, and tasting rooms in Northern California. Marketing", "id": "4039551" }, { "contents": "Velké Bílovice\n\n\n12.From wine cellar to wine cellar - During this event you can literally wander from one local wine cellar to another and taste plenty of different varieties of wines from many different winemakers. It is regularly held on Saturday at the turn of March and April. In 2017 the event takes place on April 1.Wine exhibition - Wine tasting of wines made not only by local winemakers, but also winemakers from near and far away. It is regularly held in the local \"Kulturní dům\" (House of Culture) on Saturday at the turn", "id": "1953721" }, { "contents": "Wine Spectator\n\n\nWine Spectator is a lifestyle magazine that focuses on wine and wine culture, and gives out ratings to certain types of wine. It publishes 15 issues per year with content that includes news, articles, profiles, and general entertainment pieces. Each issue also includes from 400 to more than 1,000 wine reviews, which consist of wine ratings and tasting notes. The publication also awards its 100 chosen top wineries each year with the \"Winery of the Year Awards\". \"Wine Spectator\", like most other major wine publications,", "id": "18352013" }, { "contents": "Typicity\n\n\nTypicity (French \"typicité\", Italian \"tipicità\") is a term in wine tasting used to describe the degree to which a wine reflects its varietal origins and thus demonstrates the signature characteristics of the grape from which it was produced, e.g., how much a Merlot wine “tastes like a Merlot”. It is an important component in judging wine competition when wines of the same variety are judged against each other. In some countries, such as Austria, typicity is used as part of a qualitative hierarchy that takes", "id": "8549797" }, { "contents": "Oxford University Wine Circle\n\n\nOxford blind tasting training and oversaw team selection for the Varsity Match, and there are numerous wine professionals who discovered their love and talent for tasting wine while preparing to compete against Cambridge such as: Oz Clarke and Charles Metcalfe. The Varsity Blind Tasting Match is the oldest organised blind tasting competition in the world (created by Harry Waugh in 1953); Champagne Pol Roger UK has sponsored the Match since 1992. The Wine Circle ceased to operate in 2016. The most recent Senior Member of the Society was Professor David Womersley.", "id": "18309242" }, { "contents": "English verbs\n\n\ndid it to spite me). The past participle has the following uses: The present participle has the following uses: The same form used as a gerund has the following uses: The logical subject of a phrase formed with a gerund can be expressed by a possessive, as in \"I do not like\" your/Jim's \"drinking wine\", although a non-possessive noun or pronoun is often used instead, especially in informal English: \"I do not like\" you/Jim \"drinking wine\"", "id": "4289729" }, { "contents": "Aroma of wine\n\n\nto describe what is being smelled. The most basic term is aroma which generally refers to a \"pleasant\" smell as opposed to odor which refers to an unpleasant smell or possible wine fault. The term aroma may be further distinguished from bouquet which generally refers to the smells that arise from the chemical reactions of fermentation and aging of the wine. In professional wine tasting, there is generally a distinction made between \"aromas\" and a wine's \"bouquet\" while in casual wine tasting these two terms are used interchangeably.", "id": "5821478" }, { "contents": "Denominazione di origine controllata\n\n\nnotable difference for wines is that DOCG labelled wines are analysed and tasted by government–licensed personnel before being bottled. To prevent later manipulation, DOCG wine bottles then are sealed with a numbered governmental seal across the cap or cork. Italian legislation additionally regulates the use of the following qualifying terms for wines: \"Classico\" (classic): reserved for wines produced in the region where a particular type of wine has been produced \"traditionally\". For the Chianti Classico, this \"traditional region\" is defined by a decree", "id": "13481177" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\nthat are arranged to highlight differences between similar wines. Tasting flight is a term used by wine tasters to describe a selection of wines, usually between three and eight glasses, but sometimes as many as fifty, presented for the purpose of sampling and comparison. A tasting note refers to a taster's written testimony about the aroma, taste identification, acidity, structure, texture, and balance of a wine. Online wine communities like Bottlenotes allow members to maintain their tasting notes online and for the reference of others. The temperature", "id": "16005350" }, { "contents": "Ratafia\n\n\nmarc and the unfermented juice of the grape, and is the type produced in France. There are very few producers of Ratafia fortified wine, maybe as few as three. The fortified wine, one of which is made today in New Mexico by producer D.H. Lescombes, uses Moscato grapes fortified with brandy to stop the fermentation early, which keeps the residual sugar high. The resulting wine is rich and sweet. The name \"Ratafia\" is also given both to a flavouring essence whose taste resembles bitter almonds and to a light", "id": "19763245" }, { "contents": "Vintage\n\n\neven an average vintage can yield some grand wines\" (Laube). Roman Weil, co-chairman of the Oenonomy Society of the US and professor at the University of Chicago, tested the controversial hypothesis that experienced wine drinkers \"cannot distinguish in blind tastings the wine of years rated high from those of years rated low, or, if they can, they do not agree with the vintage chart's preferences\" (Weil). Weil used wines ranging from four to 17 years beyond their vintage with 240 wine drinkers", "id": "21520819" }, { "contents": "Tasting room\n\n\ntasting rooms for handling large parties, industry representatives, and samples of more expensive or \"library\" wines. In other cases tasting rooms are operated as a commercial venture by an independent party that buys wines from the wineries, often as part of a wine store. Tasting rooms are still considered an important brand-building feature in the wine business. However, they have become increasingly important as outlets for direct-to-consumer sales, particularly for small wineries that do not have extensive distribution arrangements. By avoiding a middleman", "id": "21152452" }, { "contents": "Fat Bastard (wine)\n\n\nGallo in 2004. The brand name is said to have started off with an experimental batch of Chardonnay that had been kept in a barrel with yeast sediment longer than usual and had developed a very full-bodied taste. When Boudinaud tasted the wine, he proclaimed \"Now that is what you call a fat-bastard wine.\" The name functions as a bilingual pun, alluding to the buttery taste of the Chardonnay being similar to that of the famous \"appellation d'origine controlee\" of Bâtard-Montrachet. The wine label", "id": "3995577" }, { "contents": "Wine rack\n\n\nbottles of wine since their main purpose is to give elegance to a certain space. The wall mounted wine racks may also have wine glass racks incorporated. To accommodate wine bottles that are larger than the norm, big bottle wine racks must be used. The construction of these racks must be stronger because of the added weight. Usually regular bottles can be put on these wine racks as well. Wine cubes are a versatile type of wine storage. Since you just stack bottles on top of each other, any type of bottle", "id": "9493269" }, { "contents": "María Ruiz de Burton\n\n\nsuppose I ought to be ashamed to admit it, thus showing my taste is not cultivated...I think sooner or later our wines will be better liked, better appreciated.\" Hubert responds: \"I think so too, but for the present it is the fashion to cry down our native wines and extol the imported. When foreigners come to California to tell us that we can make good wines, that we have soils in which to grow the best grapes, then we will believe it, not before.\" Ruiz", "id": "625412" }, { "contents": "Province of Valladolid\n\n\nof palo, appendages, oil cakes and greaves. In Medina de Rioseco you can taste the traditional sugared almonds or marinas, puff pastry cream filling and covered with sugar. Wines from the province of Valladolid are among the best in the world due to its taste and quality. An example of the fame of these wines is due to Vega Sicilia winery. The province has 5 wines with denomination of Origin. Wines of Rueda Denomination of Origin were considered as the wines of the court at the time of the Catholic Monarchs.", "id": "13964298" }, { "contents": "Mutage\n\n\nMutage is a wine making technique for making sweet wines. The typical process involves the addition of alcohol to the \"must\" so that the fermentation process is prematurely stopped. Most yeasts die when the alcohol content in their environment is raised to approximately 13–15%. By stopping the fermentation of sugars, a sweet taste of the wine is achieved. This technique is used to make port wine and other sweet wines with high alcohol content. Two types of mutage are sometimes distinguished. A distinction being made between adding alcohol to the", "id": "18834467" }, { "contents": "Souzão\n\n\nSouzão (Sousão, Vinhão; Spanish: Sousón) is Portuguese wine grape that is used in the production of port wine. While originating in the Minho regions, it is used primarily in Australia, California and South Africa. In Portugal, it is also an authorized planting in the Douro, and Dão-Lafões area (Vinho do Dão). The grape is known for the deep color it produces in a wine as well as its coarse and raisiny taste. In Australia Souzao is used to make port style wines and", "id": "10223098" }, { "contents": "Reicholzheim\n\n\nwine-growing village Reicholzheim (7 km). There you can visit the wine market and the wine gallery. As a welcome drink you get a glass of Secco and if your lucky, a short visit to the cellars you may taste three \"Tauberfranken\" wines. Reicholzheim possesses several objects of interest, under it also the largest stone cross collection in Germany and is a place of cultivation of wine in the Tauber Valley. The stone cross collection in Reicholzheim is the largest well-known accumulation of stone cross collection of", "id": "18892390" }, { "contents": "María Ruiz de Burton\n\n\nand the Don\", the characters Clarence and Hubert discuss wines from California, which appears to be patronizing criticism of California from Northeasterners, but, according to Anne Elizabeth Goldman, is in fact more of a criticism of the provincial sensibilities maintained by Bostonians. Like the Norval sisters in \"Who Would Have Thought It?\" who travel to Europe to learn good taste, Clarence notes this mentality saying \"Don't you know I like some of our California wines quite as well as the imported, if not better? I", "id": "625411" }, { "contents": "Luis Gutiérrez (wine critic)\n\n\nWines of Rioja and Northwest Spain\" published in 2011 in the UK and US and in 2012 in Japan. He was awarded the title Cavaleiro da Confraria do Vinho do Porto in 2004 and received the Spanish National Gastronomy Award for journalism in November 2012 from the Spanish Minister for Tourism. \"The Finest Wines of Rioja and Northwest Spain\" won the 2011 André Simon Special Commendation Award in London. As a taster, he has won the Spanish blind tasting championship for pairs (with Ignacio Villalgordo) which Vila Viniteca organizes yearly,", "id": "22113877" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\nit tastes a little mellow and sweet and not like a traditional wine. Besides, when drinking this kind of wine, people may feel some tastes of syrup but cannot feel there is any sweetener in the wine. However, blue wine is indeed added the sweetener when this wine is being brewed. And people cannot nearly feel the alcohol in this kind of wine. Compared with traditional wine, blue wine is more like a beverage, which has a fruity taste. Thus, this wine is more suitable for young", "id": "2233323" }, { "contents": "1985 diethylene glycol wine scandal\n\n\nwines. By itself, simple sweetening (also illegal) would not necessarily do the job, since it would not sufficiently correct the taste profile of the wine. By using diethylene glycol, it was possible to affect both the impression of sweetness and the body of the wine. German wine chemists have stated that it is unlikely that an individual winemaker of a small winery had sufficient chemical knowledge to devise the scheme, implying that the recipe must have been drawn up by a knowledgeable wine chemist consulting for a large-scale producer", "id": "6051371" }, { "contents": "Wine Selectors\n\n\nthan 100. In 1980, Wine Selectors formed a Tasting Panel to select their wines and it remains an integral part of the company today. Made up of winemakers and wine show judges, the Tasting Panel follows Australian wine show judging criteria, tasting all wines blind and using the industry’s official scoring system. They choose wines based on their medal winning status, with the Bronze medal score being the minimum standard. In 1985, Wine Selectors formed a partnership with Endeavour Industries Limited, a community based not-for-profit", "id": "15946456" }, { "contents": "Varsity blind wine tasting match\n\n\nThe Varsity Blind Wine Tasting Match is an annual competition in blind wine tasting between the blind tasting teams of the Oxford University Blind Wine Tasting Society and the Cambridge University Blind Wine Tasting Society which has run since 1953. It is sponsored by Champagne house Pol Roger and the current convenor is James Simpson, Master of Wine (MW). The winning team wins a trip to Épernay, France, to visit the vineyards of Pol Roger and compete in an international tasting match against a French university, plus a bottle of vintage Pol", "id": "2126009" }, { "contents": "Base wine\n\n\nBase wine is a type of still wine produced in the first stage of fermentation during the production of sparkling wines and brandies. After the primary fermentation, base wine is first blended into a cuvée, then made into sparkling wine by further fermentation, or distilled into brandy. The grapes used in the making of base wine are picked when they are green, so that the grape skins do not break during handling and release as little phenols as possible. Excessive phenols in base wine result in partial oxidation, which impairs the flavor", "id": "806514" }, { "contents": "Wine rating\n\n\nsteps. In recent years, with the advent of aggregated user-generated ratings, there has also proliferated group rating systems, such as the one employed by CellarTracker, using input from non-professional wine tasters who taste under differing conditions. In addition to a simple numerical score, most wine ratings are meant to supplement the wine tasting notes, which are brief descriptions of the wine critic's overall impression of the wine, including its flavor qualities. However, often the emphasis (in particular in marketing) is on the", "id": "779617" }, { "contents": "Antonovka\n\n\nwell-suited for apple pies and late apple wine. The taste of the wine is noticeably lighter than wine from sweeter cultivars. In Poland, Antonówka is used mostly for apple preserves. Antonovka is a cultivar of vernacular selection, which began to spread from Kursk region of Russia in the 19th century. While the fruit-bearing trees have not received a wide recognition outside the former Soviet Union, many nurseries do use Antonovka rootstocks, since they impart a degree of winter-hardiness to the grafted varieties. On August 19", "id": "31128" }, { "contents": "Jewish wedding\n\n\nmay represent the three virtues of marriage: righteousness, justice and loving kindness (see Hosea 2:19). Seven circuits derives from the Biblical concept that seven denotes perfection or completeness. Sephardic Jews do not perform this ceremony. In traditional weddings, two blessings are recited before the betrothal; a blessing over wine, and the \"betrothal blessing\", which is specified in the Talmud. The wine is then tasted by the couple. The groom gives the bride a ring, traditionally a plain wedding band, and recites the declaration", "id": "7023785" }, { "contents": "Ikeda, Hokkaido\n\n\nvisitors the wine making process. You can even taste the local wines or grape juice produced there. The castle also offers a large shop with many different local foods, drinks and crafts from Tokachi and Hokkaido and a restaurant overlooking the town. Every October Ikeda holds its annual wine festival, drawing visitors from all over Hokkaido. For 4000yen you can sample as much Ikeda wine and beef as you like. It is a very popular festival and is Ikeda's main event of the year. Near to the wine castle is Happiness", "id": "4184623" }, { "contents": "Baja California wine industry\n\n\nof the wine industry since the 1980s has spurred something of a tourism industry. Tourists coming to see and tastes the wines have led to the establishment of finer restaurants, and various types of lodging, from bed and breakfasts, inns and “luxury camping.” These are particularly in demand during the annual harvest festivals in July and August, with includes street parties and culinary exhibitions and competitions along with wine tasting. Monte Xanic holds a series of sunset concerts at its theatre located on its artificial lake. The wine industry has", "id": "13958426" }, { "contents": "O Ye Jigs & Juleps!\n\n\nback in yourself with your best dress and shoes on, and your new prayer book your mother buys you, and you walk up to the Bishop, and he stands up, and you knell down, and he mashes on your head, and you are an Episcopal. Then you are supposed to increase in spirit. Then everyone kisses you and that's a sacrament. Only I left out the bread and wine. That's a sacrament too. I tasted some of the bread in the choir room and it tasted just", "id": "5053107" }, { "contents": "Wine rating\n\n\nA wine rating is a score assigned by one or more to a wine tasted as a summary of that critic's evaluation of that wine. A wine rating is therefore a subjective quality score, typically of a numerical nature, given to a specific bottle of wine. In most cases, wine ratings are set by a single wine critic, but in some cases a rating is derived by input from several critics tasting the same wine at the same time. A number of different scales for wine ratings are in use. Also", "id": "779615" }, { "contents": "Shoalhaven Coast\n\n\nto fungal diseases. It is good for the humid summer climate experienced in the region. The wine produced from this variety is deep-coloured with an aroma of plummy fruit. Verdelho originates from Portugal and the Island of Madeira. In Australia, it is used to produce white table wines. It is an alternative to Chardonnay wine. They are common because they smell and taste like they produced from grapes. Other types of wine produced in the region are Sauvignon blanc, Semillon, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. New varieties of", "id": "6183490" }, { "contents": "Uhudler\n\n\nUhudler is a unique wine from Austria, which originates in the Südburgenland region (see Burgenland). In appearance it is often a rosé colour, but is also made as a white wine. It has intense flavours of strawberry and black currants, a characteristic taste often called \"foxy\" in wine parlance. The grape varieties used are highly resistant to phylloxera and other diseases; as a result they do not often have to be sprayed with pesticides. They also require little fertilization because of their vigorous growth. The grapes/", "id": "14242042" }, { "contents": "Ojos azules (song)\n\n\npasaron dos, tres días, tú te alejas y me dejas. En una copa de vino quisiera tomar veneno veneno para matarme, veneno para olvidarte. Lyrics: (English - Translation) Blue eyes don't cry Don't cry or fall in love You will cry after I leave When there is no more remedy You swore to love me Love me your entire life Two, three days went by You went away and left me In a wine glass I wish I could drink venom Venom to kill myself Venom to forget you", "id": "1902232" }, { "contents": "The Guitar Player\n\n\n, I have been playing in Nick’s diner near Earl’s Court where I eat excellent steaks and am acquiring a taste for good wine and cigars! Over the past year I have made half a dozen solo TV appearances, though I love to play with a band. I have recently joined Alexis’ “Blues Incorporated” and have a ball both playing, and watching the dancers. All is said now except that I sincerely hope you enjoy this record either to listen to, or as a background to good conversation!", "id": "11858591" }, { "contents": "Cape Wine Master\n\n\nThe Institute runs wine tastings and other wine events. The purpose of the ICWM is to harness their collective ability as Cape Wine Masters to open the world of wine and brandy to others through their knowledge, deep understanding and love for wine. The ICWM pursues the goal of excellence in the wine industry and aims to promote: Cape Wine Masters are expected to: The Institute of Cape Wine Masters is managed by a 7-member Executive Committee. The 2019 – 2020 committee consists of the following members: The first 3 Cape Wine Masters", "id": "9273803" }, { "contents": "Ganges\n\n\ncome as an orphan to you, moist with love. br I come without refuge to you, giver of sacred rest. br I come a fallen man to you, uplifter of all. br I come undone by disease to you, the perfect physician. br I come, my heart dry with thirst, to you, ocean of sweet wine. br Do with me whatever you will. Ganga is a consort to all three major male deities of Hinduism. As Brahma's partner she always travels with him in the", "id": "12080553" }, { "contents": "Seymour, Victoria\n\n\nVarieties: Shiraz, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling and Marsanne Soil Types: Sandy clay loams, clay loams and gritty, gravelly quartzose sands There are several wineries in and near the township which include Wine x Sam, Tahbilk, Mitchelton Winery, Fowles Wines, Kensington Wines and several other boutique vineyards Box Grove vineyard, Brave Goose vineyard, Somerset Crossing vineyard, Vitto Oles Wines and Traawool Valley wines. Each year \"Tastes of the Goulburn\" food and wine festival is hosted in Seymour, showcasing the best local produce from", "id": "20971959" }, { "contents": "German wine auctions\n\n\na significant portion of the quantity produced must be served up for free. A few of the most rare wines are only offered in the morning tasting in some auctions, and the small lots of a few old bottles are not offered for tasting. Participation in the auction is open to any interested parties, but an entrance ticket must be paid. Formally, the sellers do not sell their wines to the individual participants of the auction, but rather to approved commissioners, which act as intermediaries and cast the actual bids at the", "id": "13178005" }, { "contents": "Marriage at Cana\n\n\nIt is considered to have symbolic importance as the first of the seven signs in the Gospel of John by which Jesus' divine status is attested, and around which the gospel is structured. Interpreted allegorically, the good news and hope implied by the story are in the words of the steward of the Feast when he tasted the good wine, \"Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now\" (John 2:10, NRSV", "id": "19201589" }, { "contents": "Enotourism\n\n\nEnotourism, oenotourism, wine tourism, or vinitourism refers to tourism whose purpose is or includes the tasting, consumption or purchase of wine, often at or near the source. Where other types of tourism are often passive in nature, enotourism can consist of visits to wineries, tasting wines, vineyard walks, or even taking an active part in the harvest. Enotourism is a relatively new form of tourism. Its history varies greatly from region to region, but in places such as the Napa Valley AVA and Wine Country, it", "id": "14319473" }, { "contents": "Ordinaire (wine bar)\n\n\npay in a store rubs me the wrong way. Ordinaire does things much more civilly: they're also a retail operation, and for $10 corkage they'll open anything in the shop for on-premises consumption.\" Esther Mobley at the \"San Francisco Chronicle\" wrote that domestic and foreign natural wines were well-represented in Ordinaire's selection, but \"[i]f it all sounds too crunchy-granola for you, there's also excellent normal-tasting wine here: Cabernet from Corison; Champagne from Bérèche et", "id": "6081915" }, { "contents": "Winemaking\n\n\nreduced roughly at a rate of 0.1 units per 1 gram/litre of tartaric acid addition. The use of lactic acid bacteria is the reason why some chardonnays can taste \"buttery\" due to the production of diacetyl by the bacteria. Most red wines go through complete malolactic fermentation, both to lessen the acid of the wine and to remove the possibility that malolactic fermentation will occur in the bottle. White wines vary in the use of malolactic fermentation during their making. Lighter aromatic wines such as Riesling, generally do not go", "id": "8207512" }, { "contents": "Traveling Vineyard\n\n\naccessories, tasting glasses, and ten bottles of wine for the first tastings. Traveling Vineyard also provides website setup and access to training and support. Traveling Vineyard is a member of the Direct Selling Association, which holds member companies accountable to ethical standards and policies that protect independent salespeople and consumers. The company is also a member of the Better Business Bureau. Traveling Vineyard uses the party plan method of direct selling. Wine Guides connect with event hosts from their social networks to arrange free, in-home wine tastings. Wine", "id": "7870498" }, { "contents": "Religion and alcohol\n\n\n\"Do not drink wine nor strong drink... when you enter the tabernacle of the congregation, lest you die.\" Halakha (Jewish law) mandates the use of wine in various religious ceremonies (such as sanctifying the Sabbath and Festivals with wine at their start and conclusion, and at circumcision and at marriage ceremonies). The beverage required as \"wine\" by Jewish law generally permits the use of a non-alcoholic grape extraction (grape juice) for all ceremonies requiring wine with the exception of those sacrificial ceremonies requiring", "id": "1924936" }, { "contents": "Aroma of wine\n\n\nThe aromas of wine are more diverse than its flavors. The human tongue is limited to the primary tastes perceived by taste receptors on the tongue-sourness, bitterness, saltiness, sweetness and savoriness. The wide array of fruit, earthy, leathery, floral, herbal, mineral, and woodsy flavor present in wine are derived from aroma notes sensed by the olfactory bulb. In wine tasting, wine is sometimes smelled before being drunk in order to identify some components of the wine that may be present. Different terms are used", "id": "5821477" }, { "contents": "Stag's Leap Wine Cellars\n\n\npurchasing land in the region after tasting a homemade wine from Nathan Fay's vineyard, after tasting the wine Winarski stated \"I said to myself, Eureka! That’s it. This wine satisfied what I hoped was possible in the Napa Valley. It had not only regional character but also elements of classic or universal character.\" The purchased plot was planted to prune trees, cherries and walnuts as well as a small amount of Petite Sirah and Alicante Bouschet, these were replaced with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot vines and the vineyard", "id": "9417816" }, { "contents": "Pedro Ximénez\n\n\na strong taste of raisins and molasses that is fortified and aged in solera. Historically Pedro Ximénez is grown in Australia to make fortified wines and sherry type wines known by the Australian term - Apera. It is often used for blending and to make botrytised dessert wines and still lends itself in the Swan Valley to the making of dessert wine today. This grape variety has thrived in Western Australia's Swan Valley since its introduction there due to the hot climate growing conditions. The vine requires a rich soil and short pruning. James", "id": "2562012" }, { "contents": "Christian views on alcohol\n\n\n’ [Amos 2:12]\" Some early Christian leaders focused on the strength and attributes of wines. They taught that two \"types\" of wine should be distinguished: wine causing joyousness and that causing gluttony (intoxicating and non-intoxicating). The hermit John of Egypt (died 395) said: \"...if there is any sharp wine I excommunicate it, but I drink the good.\" Gregory of Nyssa (died 395) made the same distinction between types of wine, \"not that wine which produces drunkenness", "id": "365000" }, { "contents": "Aroma of wine\n\n\nDuring this period the ester influenced bouquet of the wine is constantly changing due to the concentration, formulation and splitting of different esters. This is partly the reason why a wine will have one set of aromas at one time and other aromas later in its life. The sense of smell and detecting the aromas in wine is the primary means through which wine is tasted and evaluated. Prior to tasting the wine, wine drinkers will often smell the wine in the glass. Large bowl glasses with tapered openings, some of which are", "id": "5821487" }, { "contents": "Wine fault\n\n\nto ultraviolet light, particularly in the range 325 to 450 nm. Very delicate wines, such as Champagnes, are generally worst affected, with the fault causing a \"wet cardboard\" or \"wet wool\" type flavour and aroma. Red wines rarely become lightstruck because of the phenolic compounds present within the wine that protect it. Lightstrike is thought to be caused by sulfur compounds such as dimethyl sulfide. In France lightstrike is known as \"\"goût de lumière\"\", which translates to \"a taste of light\"", "id": "17380134" }, { "contents": "Trader Joe's\n\n\nof Charles Shaw wine, popularly known as \"Two Buck Chuck\" because of its original $1.99 price tag in California (local prices vary). Of the wine selection at Trader Joe's, Coloumbe has said, \"We built Trader Joe's on wine first, then food. I tasted 100,000 wines, and most weren't wonderful. They were submitted to us by desperate vintners\". Along with Charles Shaw, Trader Joe's is known for stocking a very large selection of California and New World wines. Trader", "id": "14634060" }, { "contents": "Muscadet\n\n\nthe wine produced by the melon grape variety: \"vin qui a un goût musqué\" (wine with a musk-like taste. However, according to wine expert Tom Stevenson, Muscadet wines do not have much, if any, muskiness or Muscat-like flavors or aromas. The sole variety used to produce Muscadet, Melon de Bourgogne, was initially planted in the region sometime in or before the 17th century. It became dominant after a hard freeze in 1709 killed most of the region's vines. Dutch traders,", "id": "20614907" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\n– is the major determinate of perceived flavor in the mouth. Once inside the mouth, the aromatics are further liberated by exposure to body heat, and transferred retronasally to the olfactory receptor site. It is here that the complex taste experience characteristic of a wine actually commences. Thoroughly tasting a wine involves perception of its array of taste and mouthfeel attributes, which involve the combination of textures, flavors, weight, and overall \"structure\". Following appreciation of its olfactory characteristics, the wine taster savors a wine by holding it", "id": "16005359" }, { "contents": "Wine competition\n\n\nA wine competition is an organized event in which trained judges or consumers competitively rate different vintages, categories, and/or brands of wine. Wine competitions generally use blind tasting of wine to prevent bias by the judges. The common goal of all wine competitions is to obtain valid comparisons of wines by trained experts. Wine competitions can vary widely in their characteristics, and are sometimes geared toward a specific audience (i.e., consumers vs. industry professionals). One of the ways wine competitions can vary is how the wines are ranked. In", "id": "5355965" }, { "contents": "Wine fault\n\n\nof poor quality corks. Outside of the winery, other factors within the control of the retailer or end user of the wine can contribute to the perception of flaws in the wine. These include poor storage of the wine that exposes it to excessive heat and temperature fluctuations as well as the use of dirty stemware during wine tasting that can introduce materials or aromas to what was previously a clean and fault-free wine. In wine tasting, there is a big distinction made between what is considered a \"flaw\" and a", "id": "17380116" }, { "contents": "Judgment of Paris (wine)\n\n\nThe Paris Wine Tasting of 1976—known as the Judgment of Paris—was a wine competition organized in Paris on 24 May 1976 by Steven Spurrier, a British wine merchant, in which French judges carried out two blind tasting comparisons: one of top-quality Chardonnays and another of red wines (Bordeaux wines from France and Cabernet Sauvignon wines from California). A Californian wine rated best in each category, which caused surprise as France was generally regarded as being the foremost producer of the world's best wines. Spurrier sold only French", "id": "1636358" }, { "contents": "Blue wine\n\n\nKingdom. All of the creators of Gik blue wine were young and less than 30. Taig Mac Carthy and Artitz Lopez are two of the five creators of Gik blue wine. They wanted to create a new thing and shake up the traditional wine industry. In the long history of wine, western countries’ culture was always related with wine, especially in Spain. The targeted customers of blue wine were those who do not know the history of wine, however, are willing to enjoy the wine and have fun from tasting", "id": "2233317" }, { "contents": "Marsala wine\n\n\nSicily by the English trader John Woodhouse. In 1773, he landed at the port of Marsala and discovered the local wine produced in the region, which was aged in wooden casks and tasted similar to Spanish and Portuguese fortified wines then popular in England. Fortified Marsala was, and is, made using a process called \"in perpetuum\", which is similar to the \"solera\" system used to produce Sherry in Jerez, Spain. Woodhouse recognized that the \"in perpetuum\" process raised the alcohol level and alcoholic taste of", "id": "1535798" }, { "contents": "RIO (alcopop)\n\n\n(US$59 million) in the first half of 2014. In 2016, Bacchus reached a partnership with Veolia Water Technologies China. The founder of RIO was present at a wine tasting event in Singapore. However in the 90's, most alcohol brands used only single wine-based ingredients. He was puzzled by the few types of juices that could form a good taste with alcohol. He then studied chuhai cocktails in Japan to suit the tastebuds of Asians before launching the product in 2003. Unlike its Japanese counterparts, RIO", "id": "12025938" }, { "contents": "Huon Hooke\n\n\ninterests. He does not hire other people to taste wine on his behalf. On his websitel, Hooke describes his approach as follows: \"::\"Almost all the wines I review are first tasted ‘blind’. I believe it is important for that first impression to be uncoloured by any preconception that may come from viewing the label. Having blind-tasted, though, I don’t consider the result to be holy writ: after unmasking I always check, and if necessary re-taste. No-one", "id": "5681389" }, { "contents": "Cricova (winery)\n\n\nare used for wine storage. The roads are named by the wines they store. This \"wine city\" has its warehouses, tasting rooms and other facilities underground. It goes down to below ground and holds 1.25 million bottles of rare wine. The oldest wine dates back to 1902. The temperature is maintained at about all year round (which is perfect for wine). The winery was used for hiding Jews in wine barrels during the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. Legend has it that in 1966 cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin", "id": "7649128" }, { "contents": "Limoux wine\n\n\npreserving the use of the local Mauzac grape which is declining in worldwide plantings. The taste of this Mauzac based wine is unique, with apple flavors and distinctive aromas of fresh cut grass that can be identified in blind tastings. Wine writer Tom Stevenson notes a change in the profile of recent vintage with wines that are \"developing finer, more flowery, autolytic aromas.\" The grape varieties are vinified separately before being assembled and bottled. Just before bottling, a \"tirage\" is added to the blend so that a second", "id": "593421" }, { "contents": "Judgment of Princeton\n\n\nby the blind tasting's judges was a victory for the state's wine industry. The Judgment of Princeton, held at Princeton University on Friday, June 8, 2012, was a structured blind tasting of top New Jersey wines against top French wines from Bordeaux and Burgundy. The event was based on the famous 1976 Judgment of Paris (wine), in which California wines famously beat French wines in a blind tasting. The Judgment of Princeton was spearheaded by George M. Taber, who had been in Paris for the original Judgment", "id": "5016543" }, { "contents": "Darrell Brown (musician)\n\n\n\" \"I Do Now\" \"Just A Girl Like You\" \"God Takes Care Of Your Kind\" \"I Wish i Was Wrong\" \"Some People\" \"Good Friend and a Glass of Wine\" \"Fight\" \"Something I Can Feel\" \"Pretty Things\" \"For the First Time\" \"One Day Too Long\" \"Upper Hand\" \"Today Is Christmas\" \"I Still Believe In Santa Claus\" \"Joy\" \"Love Line\" \"Outrageous Love\" \"Mother\" \"Remnants\"", "id": "16902483" }, { "contents": "Shangyu District\n\n\nbean curd can be divides to three categories that are red, white and green. It cover the culture and memtory of Shangyu people from childhood. It is the best food for breakfast. As for the cook methods, every family have different ways to do it depend on taste and mom's requirements Yellow rice wine () Yellow rice wine used rice, millet as raw materials, the general alcohol content is 14% - 20%, belongs to low degree brewing wine. Yellow rice wine has high nutrition value, contains", "id": "8876577" }, { "contents": "Luxembourg wine\n\n\nwine is made entirely from Luxembourgian grapes and fulfills certain requirements. The \"Marque Nationale\" was introduced in 1935. Wines allowed the national seal can also carry three additional quality designations: \"Vin classé\", \"Premier Cru\" or \"Grand Premier Cru\", which have been used since 1959. These designations are awarded the individual wine after tasting by an official committee, which rates the wines on a 20-point scale. Since the terms Premier Cru and Grand Cru are used in France to classify vineyards or wine estates,", "id": "16450612" }, { "contents": "I Balzini\n\n\nstrict control of yields, is carried out by hand all through the year . The careful use of organic fertilizers, environmentally sustainable packaging and renewable energy allow the vines to reach an advanced age . Grapes from each plot are fermented in separate vats in order to preserve the identity of the terroir on which the grapes have ripened. Upon completion of alcoholic fermentation, the wines are tasted before being drawn off to the fine wine vats. The wine is transferred by batches into barrels with a special “toasting” suited to the characteristics", "id": "814913" }, { "contents": "Blind wine tasting\n\n\nwine drinkers (both wine professionals and ordinary consumers) to identify and characterize the extraordinary variety of compounds that contribute to a wine’s aroma. Similarly, economists specializing in the wine market have utilized the technique in their research. Some blinded trials among wine consumers have indicated that people can find nothing in a wine's aroma or taste to distinguish between ordinary and pricey brands. Some academics, based on blinded wine tastings, have also cast doubt on the ability of professional tasters to judge wines consistently. Blind tasting, at a", "id": "7654598" }, { "contents": "Somm 3\n\n\nin 2008's \"Bottle Shock\") as its departure point to explore the varied, and often subjective, characteristics that make great wines memorable and often very valuable.\" Decanter said, \"This film serves to remind us that wine is subjective and deeply personal; it’s not about scores and ratings or price tag, but about who you’re with, where you are, and how you feel in the moment you taste it.\" said, \"The ‘Somm’ Franchise Gets Better With Age.\"", "id": "9285722" }, { "contents": "Wine tasting\n\n\n. The results of the four recognized stages to wine tasting: – are combined in order to establish the following properties of a wine: A wine's overall quality assessment, based on this examination, follows further careful description and comparison with recognized standards, both with respect to other wines in its price range and according to known factors pertaining to the region or vintage; if it is typical of the region or diverges in style; if it uses certain wine-making techniques, such as barrel fermentation or malolactic fermentation, or", "id": "16005342" } ]
Do you like Jazz music? I don't really know. I think I lack the musical expression to truly appreciate Jazz. It isn't really my favorite type of music but I can listen to it for awhile. what is your favorite type of music I don't know for sure, but I tend to like music that emphasizes the vocal pieces. I honestly don't listen to much music. I do like music from the 50's and 60's though. Do you like the Beach Boys? They're from 1961. Love the Beach Boys and the Beatles Mike Love of the Beach Boys once said of their musical style: "Don't f%#$ with the formula." They must have known they had something good. Do you enjoy oldies music?
[{"answer": "Yeah I often listen to an oldies radio station that plays mostly classic rock from he 1950's - 1970's.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "973943", "title": "Oldies", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 177, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Michie Nakatani\n\n\nby Michie. \"I have frogphobia. I just don't like frogs. There's just something... I really don't like frogs.\" \"We've always enjoyed writing songs about everyday things. Besides, there are already enough bands out there singing about pollution, war and poverty. While we all care very much about those things, we also feel that music should be fun.\" \"I really love good pop music. The Beatles, Beach Boys, The Jam, Redd Kross, Cheap Trick.\"", "id": "9499577" }, { "contents": "Listen to the Sound\n\n\nto say \"I love it, and will definitely be recommending it to pretty much everyone I know.\" Jay Rae of the Christian Broadcasting Network said \"the entire album is a completed work. Listeners without fail will engage with Building 429’s tracks while enjoying profound lyrical transparency wrapped in the sounds of musical excellence.\" Louder Than the Music's Jono Davies wrote that \"I do like it, I have to admit I don't love it, but I do think it's a very good album. After numerous", "id": "10227375" }, { "contents": "Better on the Other Side\n\n\nMJ on the phone. I ran and snatched up the phone.\" The Game said Jackson started the conversation by talking about music and complimenting him on his records like \"Hate It or Love It\" and \"How We Do\" and, \"[Jackson] said, 'I don't know how you're gonna feel about this, but I want to ask you something. I don't want you to judge me, but I don't really know everything that's going on between you and 50 [", "id": "11668318" }, { "contents": "Glasshouse (album)\n\n\nwas pregnant when the album was being written. She further added: \"I was writing really shit music because I had this fear like, 'Must provide. Must make a hit for my unborn child' [...] I think I'd lost a bit of my identity, and it took my mate Benny Blanco to be like, 'This is really shit. I don't know what you're doing. Why are you not doing what you do?' It was such a relief, because I knew exactly", "id": "20447415" }, { "contents": "You Give Good Love\n\n\ndon't fall into that category, so I don't think about it at all. But I believe that music does influence people. It's a universal thing. Everybody listens to music and knows about it. I think that the lyrics can have a lot to do with influencing whoever you're singing to. I think that as far as children are concerned, parents should have control over what they listen to. If they don't want them to listen to records that are very sexual or explicit or outrageous, they", "id": "18744352" }, { "contents": "Breathless (band)\n\n\nfor our melancholy sound and I felt defensive about it and tried to justify it. I just don't care now, the fact is that's what we do and what I love about what we do. The bulk of the music I listen to is melancholy and I know Ari and Gary are the same. I listen to pop music too when I feel like it and I enjoy it a lot but it's a different kind of listening. I don't understand why people find melancholia a negative thing in music.", "id": "10388150" }, { "contents": "A Prayer for the Dying\n\n\ncould overcome that with music. I said, `If you don't like Fallon, there is nothing you can do – with music or anything else – to make him likable.' I don't think they ever understood the character. What they have done to (the movie) makes quite certain the audience will never understand him, either.\" \"I don't like it; I don't like the music; it has no tension and I don't want my name associated with it,\" Hodges said", "id": "9348055" }, { "contents": "Boy (I Need You)\n\n\nunderstand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal of the", "id": "21456747" }, { "contents": "Hurt You\n\n\n\", also confirming the rumors of her retirement, revealing that she was retiring from music and stating that she would like to focus on acting: \"I have to do shows here and there, but I'm not gonna do any albums, I'm falling out of love with it, it's weird. I don't know what to say when I hear songs. They don't impact me. I've been trying to listen to songs, record companies have been calling me, so it's a good", "id": "19670411" }, { "contents": "Drill music\n\n\nWayne co-signed the 13-year-old driller Lil Mouse. Critics have noted drill rappers' lack of concern with metaphor or wordplay. Chief Keef said that his simplistic flow is a conscious stylistic choice: \"I know what I'm doing. I mastered it. And I don't even really use metaphors or punchlines. 'Cause I don't have to. But I could. ... I think that's doing too much. I'd rather just say what's going on right now. ... I don't really like", "id": "9574443" }, { "contents": "Here Today (The Beach Boys song)\n\n\nI recall, a song that I wrote quite a lot to, much of which we didn't use. It was sort of a struggle before we got a lyric that Brian was happy with.\" Wilson said in 1996, \"'Here Today' was probably one of the mystery songs on the album. I don't really know what it's about. I liked it, but yet I didn't. I don't really identify with that song like I do with 'You Still Believe In Me',", "id": "7927262" }, { "contents": "Mind of Mine\n\n\ndifferent emotions, so you feel different things through each song.\" He also said it would incorporate different genres of music, such as soul, reggae, and an R&B-rock fusion, stating that \"all the songs are different genres,\" and that they \"don't really fit a specific type of music. They're not like, 'This is funk, this is soul, this is upbeat, this is a dance tune.' Nothing is like that. I don't really know what my style", "id": "18863902" }, { "contents": "J.Lo (album)\n\n\nYou have to live your life. I don't do drugs, I don't drink or smoke or do anything like that. So, those are the type of things that people like [in] role models: 'Oh, you can't be human.' You are human.\" \"J.Lo\" is a pop album with Latin, dance-pop and R&B influences. Lopez revealed, \"I don't think what I make is real Latin pop. I make pop music that has some Latin influence.", "id": "9212500" }, { "contents": "Tory Lanez\n\n\ngenre of music. The genre of music is the genre of fusing more than one together. I know it sounds strange, but if you ask an artist what they do they're going to say that they rap, they sing, they do rock, a lot of people are multi-talented. They get looked at confused, but I don't think that they're confused. I feel that they're just talented, swavey artists. Labels want to put you in one lane, but I feel like there are", "id": "1367997" }, { "contents": "Aaron Bruno\n\n\nit without losing your voice completely. I'm not the master of every sort of singing, but I really came into my own around AWOLNATION's first record.\" Asked if he would ever return to his hardcore punk roots and create more of that sort of music, Bruno mentioned that many songs he has created with AWOLNATION are reminiscent of the hardcore music he grew up listening to. \"I don't know. I love singing. I can't imagine me doing something where I'm just screaming. I don't", "id": "3408086" }, { "contents": "Bluetree\n\n\nsinger, Aaron Boyd, Bluetree was born out of frustration. \"I was frustrated with the idea that worship is only to do with your heart. I don't really agree with that. It's bigger than just your heart attitude towards something. Like the idea that music can be secondary and as long as you love Jesus, that's fine! I don't think that's right.\" Bluetree originally consisted of five members, with Pete Kernoghan joining later. While the band was travelling on a missions trip to", "id": "6554806" }, { "contents": "Your Touch\n\n\nand walk away to a diner, where small bits of diegetic dialogue between members of the band's ghosts interrupts the music (\"So what do you think about being dead?\" \"...I don't know, my neck hurts.\" \"At least I died doing what I love. Lip-syncing. I love that shit\"). The boy is then shown going around showing people the egg. One of the characters shown the egg is played by regional actress, Jovana Batkovic. Jovana Batkovic would later", "id": "15983416" }, { "contents": "Holly Miranda\n\n\nreleased a new album titled \"Mutual Horse\" in 2018, featuring a contribution from TV on the Radio's Kyp Malone. Miranda is a lesbian, but she doesn't like to label herself when it comes to being talked about as a musician. \"I have no problem being out, but I don't think it has anything to do with my music\", Miranda said. \"I like who I like. I don't want people to not listen to my music because of that and I don't want", "id": "17881219" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nIn 1979, Blackmore said: \"I like popular music. I like ABBA very much. But there's so much stigma like, 'you can't do this because you're a heavy band', and I think that's rubbish. You should do what you want ... I think classical music is very good for the soul. A lot of people go 'ah well, classical music is for old fogies' but I was exactly the same. At 16 I didn't want to know about classical music:", "id": "9472817" }, { "contents": "Stop Breaking Down\n\n\nlyrics, including the refrain \"I don't believe you really really love me, I think you just like the way my music sounds\" in place of Johnson's \"The stuff I got it gon' bust your brains out, hoo hoo, it'll make you lose your mind\". Williamson's song inspired the versions sung \"by most postwar Chicago blues artists\". In 1954, Baby Boy Warren recorded it as a Chicago-style blues shuffle, but used most of Johnson's lyrics. Forest City Joe", "id": "16281489" }, { "contents": "Call Me Maybe\n\n\nhis phone number: \"I was like, 'I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm not going to kiss a guy, especially for $500.' I said, 'I really don't think I'm comfortable kissing a guy for a music video [...] I said, 'You know what? What if instead of me kissing a guy at the end of the video, what if I just give a guy my number or something like that?'\". On March 26", "id": "17476674" }, { "contents": "A Dozen Roses (You Remind Me)\n\n\n's idea to combinate music by the likes \"of Gladys Knight, and Curtis Mayfield\" with contemporary beats. Monica called the track one of her personal favorites on the album, and added: \"I think the honesty of the record is what will hopefully help people gravitate to it. I don't want to do anything contrived. I want people to know I've been through the same situations as them and that's why I share so many of my personal experiences. In the process, I've still been able", "id": "2961029" }, { "contents": "Since I Saw You Last\n\n\nJohn on the track Face to Face on 24 September 2013. Regarding \"Let Me Go\", Barlow said, \"I've always liked folky, acoustic music, but I've never fully explored it. I turned back time and was listening to Johnny Cash and early Elton John before I wrote 'Let Me Go'. I'm 42; I don't want to do urban or dance music. I love Mumford & Sons—it's good, English music, but let's be honest, they got it", "id": "4684891" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\nshe was really awesome. Writing the bridge of 'Just the Thing' is probably my favorite verse I have ever written, because it is so different and theatrical. Freddie Mercury from Queen inspired it, and the song really does describe me. I love being a singer. I really feel that I can influence my fans, and those who listen to my music for the better, and music is such a powerful way to do it. Acting will always be a job I love to do, but music is something", "id": "7223868" }, { "contents": "The Album About Nothing\n\n\nand I listened to his music, I liked the music. So I said alright, I'll do it, even though I didn't know what I was going to do. So I said to my wife, 'I'm doing this thing with this guy Wale' and she said, 'Wale is my favorite Hip Hop artist. I have every single thing.' Somehow, she missed anything that had to do with me, but has every other cut, everything else he's done. I said just", "id": "1487734" }, { "contents": "Andy Paley sessions\n\n\nincluding Brian failed to get Love to sing. Shortly after, Paley said that the album was unlikely to become a Beach Boys record: \"Brian and I had a meeting with Mike Love and he listened to everything and Brian really stuck up for these songs and told him he didn’t want them changed in any way. I know he’s so anxious for this music to come out, and I know I am too.\" Music businessman and former wrestler Joe Thomas was enlisted to co-produce the Beach Boys'", "id": "12372623" }, { "contents": "Something Else (Tech N9ne album)\n\n\nsaying: \"I write music on an impulse; I write it as I feel it. If I was just writing bullshit songs trying to make a hit, yeah, I could give you a song six months in advance. Nigga, I'm doing my album in a month's time. I'm writing it...recording it, going to write another one, really feeling the music for some months and then go in the studio for like a month and a half and do it. Everybody don't work like", "id": "6159184" }, { "contents": "Music Saved My Life Tour\n\n\nmusic was one of the things he used for me. The first time I heard 'Keep on Moving' by Soul II Soul, I felt like somebody pumped a new spirit in me that made me want to go on. [Without music] I honestly think I would be in a really bad situation. I don't take it for granted. I have no doubt I was born to do this. performed only at select dates in North America or Europebr Source: Overall, the tour received praise from music critics", "id": "12742947" }, { "contents": "Aja (album)\n\n\nlisten to music, really that's what I want.\" Analyzing the band's songwriting style, Dury said: \"They've got a skill that can make images that aren't puerile and don't make you think you've heard it before... very 'Hollywood filmic' in a way, the imagery is very imaginable, in a visual sense.\" Dury said of their musical style: \"Parker, Mingus, Blakey, I can hear in there... Jazz Messengers I can hear in there, Bobby Timmons...", "id": "12789104" }, { "contents": "George Rochberg\n\n\n\"If George Rochberg can do something like that, there's nothing that I can't do and get away with it. I don't have to write 12-tone music; I can if I want to. I can write stuff that sounds like Brahms. I can do anything I want. I'm free. And that was an extraordinary feeling in the late 1960s for young composers, I think, many of whom felt really constrained to write serial music\" . Rochberg's collected essays were published by the University of Michigan", "id": "18737197" }, { "contents": "Trash (New York Dolls song)\n\n\nhookers, rent boys, junkies, sneak thieves – or so the lyrics imply – but they're still human beings and their subject matter is still tragedy.\" Johansen quotes the lyric \"how do you call your lover boy\" from Mickey & Sylvia's 1956 song \"Love Is Strange\". According to music critic Robert Christgau, Johansen used ambiguity as a lyrical mode on the song, particularly when the lyric \"please don't you ask me if I love you\" is followed by \"if you don't know", "id": "17300823" }, { "contents": "Toni Braxton\n\n\nappeared on Good Morning America to promote her new movie when she also confirmed the rumors of her retirement revealing that she is retiring from music and stated that she would like to focus on acting: \"I have to do shows here and there, but I'm not gonna do any albums, I'm falling out of love with it, it's weird. I don't know what to say when I hear songs. They don't impact me. I've been trying to listen to songs, record companies have", "id": "18011073" }, { "contents": "Stanford Talisman\n\n\nn't be singing again. He said, 'Well, why don't you start your own group?' And I thought, 'Well, bit of work, my friend Ben [is] a super excitable guy - it's going to take a bit of work to do.'I went home from that breakfast and my ideas was that I wanted to do world music because that's what's I grew up listening to and that's what I love, and as wonderful as college a cappella is, it was", "id": "13269112" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nhave become fascinated with ballroom dancing so I was like, 'Can I please do some dancing in it?'. So they let me do that. There's a guy in it, Charlie, and there's some really sensual moments in it, and it's in a really beautiful house. I think it's one of my favorite videos.\" The video received a nomination for Best Female Video at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. With over 2.0 billion views, the video is the 36th most viewed YouTube", "id": "8001327" }, { "contents": "Stop, I Don't Love You Anymore\n\n\n', Spiteri explained how the song and track first came about: \"It was funny, because my daughter inspired me to write that title! She loves music, and we were upstairs singing away when she suddenly started going 'Stop, baby - I don't love you!'! And I was like 'That's IT! Stop, I don't love you anymore!'! You know, as a five-year-old she said in such a simple way exactly what I'd been trying to", "id": "3612221" }, { "contents": "Henry Rollins\n\n\nhad sworn off music for good – \"... and I must say that I miss it every day. I just don't know honestly what I could do with it that's different.\" In 2014, Rollins admitted a disdain for rehashing old music for the sake of it – \"I don't want to play old music. To me, it is fighting battles that are already over and calling yourself a warrior. For me, I see no courage or adventure in doing the old thing over again. If others", "id": "13843379" }, { "contents": "Exuma (musician)\n\n\n\"It comes from the love of what I am doing. Music is like eating and breathing - every fiber of me is in music. I've always been like that. The music energizes me and keeps me alive, I think. I have a lot I want to say in a positive way. I don't want to say anything negative. I try to go through every word and make sure that there is nothing negative gender-wise or any-kind-wise. If I have done anything in the", "id": "14618336" }, { "contents": "Y. Misdaq\n\n\nthan genres, then I'm comfortable with it, and calling myself a hip-hop artist is fine in that case. It's all about people's different perceptions. But I listen to all music, so I am all music, you know? Man, it's a dirty game… labelling… isn't it? I like to push things though, that's all. I don't like to box things, I like to make things free, and that includes hip-hop, and people's preconceptions", "id": "18045305" }, { "contents": "Robert Smith (singer)\n\n\n. \"I'm not technically a good player but at least I don't sound like anyone else. For me the idea of being a musician has nothing to do with technical ability, but I suppose you have to have a certain amount to be able to put ideas into music. I think it's important to get past the stage of being comfortable with an instrument. You need the capacity to learn – most people tend to stay at the same level, which [I think] is boring to listen to.", "id": "17750680" }, { "contents": "Take It from the Man!\n\n\nnation. Thrasher wrote an essay on his preference for analogue recording over digital recording in the liner notes. After a \"Vendetta Mag\" journalist told Newcombe he \"especially loved\" the essay, Newcombe stated \"I really like getting together with my friends and writing that kind of stuff. We just talk about ideas. So many people don't even have a clue why they're doing stuff or they can't tell you. They won't admit it. I really love music and I want to put out stuff that", "id": "9554563" }, { "contents": "Trouble in Paradise (La Roux album)\n\n\nDevon. Following Langmaid's departure, engineer Ian Sherwin took over production duties. Jackson commented in January 2010 that she would employ a different vocal style to her second album, which would also contain different musical influences. \"The type of music I like now is completely different. I don't listen to 80s music any more. Obviously I still do but not the same type of 80s music. I've listened to a lot more Italo-disco and old funk\", she said. Speaking to Spinner in October 2010", "id": "21521953" }, { "contents": "The Careless Years\n\n\nand I liked it a lot, but I had reservations. And I thought, \"Do I tell him [the producer] about my reservations? Or do I pretend I really just love it? I don't want to lose the job,\" you know. And finally I went about it honestly and just told them just what my feelings were. And he said, \"Those are my feelings, and I'm doing a rewrite, just on those items\".\" Bosley Crowther of \"The New York", "id": "10108819" }, { "contents": "Life Light Up\n\n\nthis is a really well done release that works well in all aspects, but it's the stellar vocals from Christy Nockels that move it up to the next level of goodness.\" Jesus Freak Hideout's Roger Gelwicks said the album \"is for the most part a rewarding listen and is a welcomed addition to the list of 2009's comeback artists.\" Louder Than the Music's Suzanne Physick said \"I honestly don't think I could praise this album enough because I do believe it is one of the strongest albums I", "id": "17696850" }, { "contents": "Don't Forget About Us\n\n\nheard someone explaining it and making it into something totally different, it ruined it for me. So I kind of like to keep it open for people's imaginations. It evokes something different depending on who listens to it and at what time. \"Don't Forget About Us\" could give you a good, happy memory, or you could be miserable, crying, listening to it over and over. All in all, I think it's good to have music you can live vicariously through, and that's what", "id": "14356856" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Black\n\n\n's a love song but it's not a \"love\" song. It's about almost teenage crushes – when you're not in love yet but you really like a guy – which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The single and its accompanying music video were released on November 15, 2011. Black released two more singles in", "id": "18749734" }, { "contents": "Heavy (Linkin Park song)\n\n\non a good day. He said the opening line \"I don't like my mind right now\" is him 24 hours a day. In an interview with Music Choice, Bennington said of the song: \"Most of my problems are problems that I cause myself. That's what that song's about -- that time when you consciously look at that. Once you acknowledge what it is, you can separate yourself from it and do something about it, as opposed to just being in it.\" In a series", "id": "13835992" }, { "contents": "Titanic (musical)\n\n\nthese dreams simultaneously, and the subsequent transformation of character of the passengers and crew had, it seemed to me, the potential for great emotional and musical expression onstage.\" Stone and Yeston knew that the idea was an unusual subject for a musical. \"I think if you don't have that kind of daring damn-the-torpedoes, you shouldn't be in this business. It's the safe sounding shows that often don't do well. You have to dare greatly, and I really want to stretch the", "id": "17423726" }, { "contents": "The Beach Boys Love You\n\n\nfavorite Beach Boys releases, saying: \"That's when it all happened for me. That's where my heart lies. Jesus, that's the best album we ever made.\" He added in later years: \"I think because I felt so sad I had to bring out my feelings, and try to create music that would make me and all my friends feel better.…My favorites are 'I Wanna Pick You Up' and 'Ding Dang'. that was a good cut, wasn't it?", "id": "8029120" }, { "contents": "Avril Lavigne\n\n\nis that Avril isn't punk, but she never really pretended to claim to come from that scene. She had pop punk music and the media ended up doing the rest\". Lavigne commented on the matter: \"I have been labeled like I'm this angry girl, [a] rebel ... punk, and I am \"so\" not any of them.\" However, she has also said that her music has punk influences: \"I like to listen a lot to punk rock music, you can notice", "id": "4159713" }, { "contents": "Jeffrey Kahane\n\n\nscare. That forced me to really stop and take a look at my life and say, \"You know what? You can't do everything.\" I don't think I underestimated the job. I think I overestimated myself, not in my abilities but just being in a body and turning 50.\" According to \"The Denver Post\", Kahane's tenure \"has been marked by increased audiences and an uncommonly strong bond with the orchestra's musicians.\" In 2016, Kahane was appointed Music Director of the", "id": "5335098" }, { "contents": "I Don't Need Your Love\n\n\npersonal story, something that I wrote while I was having a major heartbreak and I had no choice but to put my pain in my music. I believe a lot of girls depend on a guy to give them validation and a lot of guys think a girl cannot succeed without their support, so 'I Don't Need Your Love' sends exactly the type of message that breaks this pattern. I think the phrase, 'guess you thought that I would fall, but damn it, I don't need your", "id": "2602168" }, { "contents": "The Dreamer/The Believer\n\n\ncan really generate good spirit, the spirit of the music and just good energy. I'm excited about the album 'The Dreamer, The Believer'. I feel blessed that I got to work with No I.D. I'm enthused to do hip-hop, which is something that I have to do when I feel it. It's the spirit and energy of hip-hop that made you just enjoy it and love the music and not feel like, 'Man, is this gonna sell?' or '", "id": "12208929" }, { "contents": "A Very Special Love Song\n\n\n\"The Summer Knows\", the theme from the 1971 film \"Summer of '42\", served as the musical inspiration for Rich's song. He was quoted by \"Billboard\" author Tom Roland as saying: \"I don't think I stole from them all [sic], but that's my favorite theme of all time. There's not a similarity, and yet, you can understand what I was thinking about and where I was coming from.\" Country music singer Barbara Mandrell recorded a version of", "id": "4932596" }, { "contents": "Have You in My Wilderness\n\n\nthe forefront. He pushed me to really bring out the vocals because I tend to not do that. I usually like to hide my vocals behind the music.\" Holter recorded the album with the idea of expanding upon her sound: \"All of my projects are very different, in my mind, but this one's working in a tradition of 60s ballads. I really wanted to have this big sound, although it doesn't mean I'm going to make music that sounds like that again.\" \"Have You", "id": "21127735" }, { "contents": "Apostrophe (')\n\n\n. However, in an interview for Polish rock magazine \"Tylko Rock\" he said that he had not played any bass guitar parts or done any co-writing on \"Apostrophe (’)\", only the cello intro. He reminisced, \"So I turned up in a NY studio with my cello, I'm listening to [Zappa's] music, pretty awful, and just don't know what to do with myself, and Frank [Zappa] says to me: \"Listen, I would like you", "id": "2691350" }, { "contents": "Serving 190 Proof\n\n\nyou've enjoyed for years don't seem nearly as important, and you're at war with yourself as to what's happening. 'Why don't I like that anymore? Why do I like this now?' And finally, I think you actually go through a biological change, you just, you become another...Your body is getting ready to die and your mind doesn't agree.\" According to Daniel Cooper's essay for the 1994 career retrospective \"Down Every Road\", Haggard told music journalist Peter Guralnick", "id": "15230200" }, { "contents": "Mario Borrelli\n\n\nme why I am here in the slums, I must honestly reply I don't really know. I could reply: “Because I love you”. If someone from outside addresses me the same question, what do you think I should reply? “Because I love them”. Even this sounds like a sentence that has become rusty by centuries of abandonment. We have become Pharisees and always prefer considering the poor as the sole responsibles of their misery.» Mario Borrelli, \"Un prete nelle baracche\", La", "id": "7789036" }, { "contents": "Sevdaliza\n\n\ncertain mood like melancholy. The interesting thing is that the music my music gets compared to is not necessarily music I've listened to, which makes it super interesting. I was performing once, and a conservatory professor came to me after the show, saying that he could really hear that I draw inspiration from old Persian singers. I asked him, \"Wow, that's really interesting. How do you hear that?,\" and he said because I use certain semitones and microtones when I sing. But I've", "id": "4860970" }, { "contents": "Culture Club\n\n\nabout the music style of his band Culture Club, \"We play rock 'n' roll and I love rock 'n' roll music but I don't like the lifestyle. I don't like people tipping beer over their heads... I just hate rock 'n' roll in that way. It's disgusting and boring. I look at what we're doing as very intelligent.\" Stephen Holden, music critic for \"The New York Times\", said in his article \"Rock: British Culture Club\"", "id": "20201965" }, { "contents": "Rihanna\n\n\nhow to breathe and stuff... He'll call out these big fancy words: 'OK, I want you to do staccato.' And I'm like, 'OK, I don't know what that is.'\" Her vocal performance on \"Loud\" (2010) received positive reviews from music critics. James Skinner from BBC praised Rihanna's vocals on the song \"Love the Way You Lie (Part II)\" and wrote that her voice is powerful and that \"it is Rihanna's vocal – at", "id": "7816419" }, { "contents": "David Rovics\n\n\nand shows don't get booked by the folk music presenters. Everything I'm doing pretty much in the activist scene. I find that when folk music aficionados come to my shows that they usually like it. I think I could be doing fine in the folk scene if there was enough interest there for more people to be booking shows. The interest in the kind of music I'm doing is almost entirely in the activist scene, which is fine ... If you look at it – take a real cursory glance of the", "id": "15566189" }, { "contents": "Person of Interest (song)\n\n\nwhen you're not in love yet but you really like a guy — which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The song opens with Black singing \"When I talk, you listen, I like that/When you listen, you smile and I like that/Why you lookin' lookin' at me just like that?\"", "id": "4465160" }, { "contents": "Happening\n\n\nlikely by chance procedures.\" As a conclusion, a happening is fresh while it lasts and cannot be reproduced. Regarding happenings, Red Grooms has remarked, \"I had the sense that I knew it was something. I knew it was something because I didn't know what it was. I think that's when you're at your best point. When you're really doing something, you're doing it all out, but you don't know what it is.\" The lack of plot as well as", "id": "14140982" }, { "contents": "I Will Always Love You\n\n\npublishing rights to any song Elvis recorded. Parton refused. She recalls:I said, 'I'm really sorry,' and I cried all night. I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it's like, Oh, my God … Elvis Presley.' And other people were saying, 'You're nuts. It's Elvis Presley.' ...I said, 'I can't do that. Something in my heart says, 'Don't do that. And I just did", "id": "1082199" }, { "contents": "Feed the Animals\n\n\nto select a reason for doing so from a list of provided options: \"I may donate later\"; \"I can't afford to pay\"; \"I don't really like Girl Talk\"; \"I don't believe in paying for music\"; \"I have already purchased this album\"; \"I don't value music made from sampling\"; \"I am part of the press, radio, or music industry\", or \"other reasons\". The physical CD release of \"Feed the", "id": "21994653" }, { "contents": "Think Tank (Blur album)\n\n\n\" was inspired by Coxon. Explaining the habit of putting 'song' in the title, Albarn stated that it was \"another African thing that I've picked up. They do call things like 'Tree Song'. You know what I mean; they give it something quite simple. It's not, it doesn't have an agenda so much, it's offered out as a nice bit of music to everyone and that's something that has changed massively in my life, I don't see the ownership of", "id": "13841687" }, { "contents": "Where You Go I Go Too\n\n\nalbum, some journalists noted similar feelings of travel and adventure when listening to the record. Lindstrøm has recommended people listen while traveling, and believes his travels may have influenced the album: \"I don't particularly like traveling, but I've realised that it's perfect for listening to whole albums... I'm sure the way I'm listening to music now ... has something to do with the music I'm writing.\" The song titles were left \"open\" so \"the listener could make up his own story.", "id": "5877244" }, { "contents": "Claude Debussy\n\n\ndo not see, I do not smell the sea\". In the same month the composer's only child was born at their home. Claude-Emma, affectionately known as \"Chouchou\", was a musical inspiration to the composer (she was the dedicatee of his \"Children's Corner\" suite). She outlived her father by scarcely a year, succumbing to the diphtheria epidemic of 1919. Mary Garden said, \"I honestly don't know if Debussy ever loved anybody really. He loved his music – and", "id": "6416975" }, { "contents": "Señorita (Justin Timberlake song)\n\n\namusing\" improvisations as Timberlake guides the \"guys and the ladies though their background vocal segment.\" Stephen Thomas Erlewine of Allmusic also reported that Timberlake exhorts \"the fellas and ladies\" in \"Señorita\" to sing separately \"in a cringe-worthy affectation\". He directs the men to sing, \"It feels like something's heatin' up. Can I leave with you?\" and the women to sing, \"I don't know what I'm thinking bout / really leavin wit you.\" Music critic", "id": "12214050" }, { "contents": "I Know You Don't Love Me\n\n\nlove for other rappers. Several other rappers and performers are mentioned in the song along with examples of what she does that proves she does not truly love any of her men, as evidenced by the chorus (\"\"I know you don't love me, you ain't the same when Jay-Z's around / I know you don't love me / I know you don't love me, you scream and holla when Eminem's in town.\"). The music video is shown in split-screen", "id": "19988862" }, { "contents": "List of Britain's Got Talent finalists (series 3)\n\n\nshow is because everyone can watch it.\" Cowell said \"I don't know what's happened to me tonight. I liked the kid acts, I liked the saxophone players and I liked you two. Your wife would be very proud of what you did tonight.\" Morgan said \"I would personally absolutely love it if you were in the final.\" Julian Smith made it through to the final with the public vote, leaving the judges to choose between 2 Grand and musical theatre performer Callum Francis. Referring to", "id": "13718824" }, { "contents": "Jeff Hanson\n\n\nonline magazine Splendid, he said: \"I grew up in a musical house. My parents were big music fans. And luckily for me, they were fans of really good 1960s bands like the Beatles and the Stones and the Kinks and the Who and all those bands that had such an influence, that just hit me hard at a really young age. All this really good music. You know, 26 years later, I'm still listening to it all and still liking it very much. Saturday night at my", "id": "359379" }, { "contents": "Living for the Weekend (The Saturdays album)\n\n\nI'm not. I don't think life's a fairy tale, but I do like to see the good in situations.\" Vanessa White revealed she loved to party: \"I love going out. I don't enjoy the hangovers the next day, but it hasn't stopped me yet.\" Frankie Sandford said they the music industry was all she knew as she had been in the industry since she was a child in band, S Club 8, along with Humes. Where as Una Healy introduced herself along", "id": "21989677" }, { "contents": "Stars (Collabro album)\n\n\n. Because otherwise, anyone who'd ever sang musical theatre would be doing a cover of someone else and that's not the case. You know, with musical theatre you take on a character so I think that that's our argument with it. We're not doing covers, we're a musical theatre band, we're performing roles, and that's the difference.\" He also said, \"And I don't think there'll be a backlash, I genuinely think we have a very dedicated fan base,", "id": "9851066" }, { "contents": "The Hardest Thing (98 Degrees song)\n\n\n's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do to look you in the eye and tell you I don't love you.\"\" However, he knows that their love is real and that they will (hopefully) meet again when the time is right: \"\"I know that we'll meet again/Fate has a place and time/So you can get on with your life.\"\" The music video takes place inside a boxing arena. Nick Lachey, the protagonist in the video, is the", "id": "10169674" }, { "contents": "Heavy metal subculture\n\n\nthe labelling of music fans contributed to their inability to appreciate other types of music. That same year Opeth frontman Mikael Åkerfeldt also alleged that most members of the subculture are resistant to the musical evolution of artists within the metal genre, stating that it \"doesn't seem to be that important\" to those listeners. He added: \"I think most metal fans just want their Happy Meals served to them. They don't really want to know about what they're getting. For a while, I thought metal was a", "id": "9796246" }, { "contents": "Elvis Costello\n\n\nmusic cover songs written by the likes of Hank Williams (\"Why Don't You Love Me (Like You Used to Do?)\"), Merle Haggard (\"Tonight the Bottle Let Me Down\") and Gram Parsons (\"How Much I Lied\"). The album, which received mixed reviews, was a tribute to the country music that Costello had grown up listening to, especially George Jones. The first pressings of the record in the UK bore a sticker with the message: \"WARNING: This", "id": "10322017" }, { "contents": "Levi Weaver\n\n\nIn it, Weaver is quoted as saying \"\"I don't really feel like I'm part of this dying old machine they call 'The Industry'. Everyone I know that loves music doesn't even listen to the radio anymore, so how is that even a music industry?... That old dinosaur of A&R agents and slick dealings and development deals; they took the name 'music industry' back when it applied, but now that it no longer does, they're not going to give it back... we", "id": "16782328" }, { "contents": "Nobuo Uematsu\n\n\nNichi Bei Times\", Uematsu said \"I don't really self-consciously compose music for Japan or for the world, but I do think there is something in my more melancholy pieces that has a distinctly Japanese quality.\" He has been named one of the \"Innovators\" in \"Time Magazine\"s \"Time 100: The Next Wave — Music\" feature. He has also been called the \"John Williams of the video game world\" and been credited for \"increasing the appreciation and awareness\" of video game music", "id": "12509397" }, { "contents": "A Simple Motion\n\n\nVolkova masturbating in the video. The video was eventually banned in Russia due to this content. Volkova responded to the scene, stating \"Well, like everybody does. If you don't know, you must be too young! Although I think people your age probably do much less innocent things.\" Shapovalov, who directed the music video said that he wasn't to fazed if its banned, saying \"\"Tatu are ratings-makers for the music TV channels, so I'm positive they will air the video.", "id": "20711365" }, { "contents": "Mpho\n\n\n\"I find it extremely frustrating to be tied to one genre—it winds me up no end. It frustrates me that people need to define things in order to understand them [...] The one I'm happy landing with is 'pop' because you don't know what it sounds like. You can do what you want with pop as long as it's good and people like it.\" She says that during her formative years, she listened to a mixture of her parents' music collections (which included", "id": "15448366" }, { "contents": "I Love You, Honeybear\n\n\nme lip-syncing the song\". As the original idea wasn't realisable, Tillman said about the final version: \"I don't care all that much if you like the music video or not. The label isn't crazy about it. Management isn't crazy about it. […] I made it on an iPad on my wedding anniversary with the one I love.\" On January 27, 2015, Tillman launched a fake music streaming service called Streamline Audio Protocol where he uploaded a lo-fi version", "id": "9961142" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Alright (Passion Pit song)\n\n\n-loathing that it's hard for me to see. Reality from what I dream and no one believes me,\" reflecting his long-term struggles with bipolar disorder, which involved multiple hospital stays. He told UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph: \"I've been suffering from... you know, bipolar since I was 17. But I don't think that has anything to do with the music. Lots of people try to over-glorify it, like this thing that's really interesting, and actually it's the", "id": "20263193" }, { "contents": "Voila (album)\n\n\nrelease describing the album, Carlisle said \"After I moved to France, I became familiar with the classic French chansons and a lot of French pop music. I realized there was a whole world of artists and singers I was not familiar with. As I discovered all these amazing songs, I came to love this music and wanted to record some of them with a playful, contemporary feel.\" Describing how music can transcend any language barrier Carlisle stated, \"You don't really have to know what's being sung to", "id": "6180416" }, { "contents": "My Name Is My Name\n\n\ndescribed the tape as street-oriented music intended for his longtime fans. \"Wrath of Caine is basically just me catering to my core. It's all about just street Hip Hop, street music\" he said. \"It's just something that I like to do. It's something that I feel like has no boundaries, no parameters. I can do what I really, really want to do…[my approach to the mixtape is] not about more of a creative [decision], I just think it", "id": "14928159" }, { "contents": "The Best Day Ever\n\n\nand '60s will get a kick out of the musical tributes to the music of those eras and perhaps listen along with their kids during a family fun time extravaganza.\" Geoffrey Himes of the \"Baltimore City Paper\" said \"How do little kids respond to this record? I wouldn't know; there aren't any little kids in my house. You don't have to be a parent to enjoy the killer hooks and lush harmonies on this disc. All you need is the courage to ignore the raised eyebrows of", "id": "18672306" }, { "contents": "Go Ahead and Break My Heart\n\n\nknow what to do\". Additionally, she explains in the lyrics how the two artists met: \"I never ever meant to get so into you / Thought I was using you just to get me through\" and \"You know I'm broken, I don't trust anymore / Last thing I needed was to fall in love\". \"Go Ahead and Break My Heart\" was generally well received by music critics. Janine Schaults from \"Consequence of Sound\" enjoyed the track, claiming that the \"rousing duet", "id": "12862361" }, { "contents": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (soundtrack)\n\n\nmusic as well, that they felt it. So I played it for them, and it was my most nervous moment, and I played it for them, and I was like, 'Oh, God, are they going to like it?’ and they loved it.\" Rowling praised the scene stating, \"I liked that scene because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it... you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene.\"", "id": "19124364" }, { "contents": "So Appalled\n\n\nno way this be on your album, you'd have to be crazy. He was like 'Really, you think so?' I was like c'mon man we got to stop treating rap like oh it came out it's dead. When it's good, we have to make people love it and digest it. We can't treat this like mixtape throwaways like everybody else does. Everybody else does half-ass music. So what people don't know is that what Kanye did during that album is literally,", "id": "7312897" }, { "contents": "Van Dyke Parks\n\n\nfeel able, I'll do it.' I don't have any hobbies, you know. I love music; I do it . And he said, 'Oh, thank you, Mr. Parks. We will destroy the world.' I said, 'Okay...' I Google him and there he is, on YouTube, in front of 30,000 people, pouring beer onto a laptop computer, at which point the crowd jumps into the mosh pit and has an erection...I have two things I can do", "id": "11978487" }, { "contents": "Bonepony\n\n\nthe room where all of our band T-shirts had accumulated—and just listening to the things we'd produced over the years. I listened to a little bit of everything, and it was great, man. It sounds like a cliche, but it really is the music that keeps me going. I just love it so much. You can take any career and look at it and think that you're not as successful as you should be or that you're better than what you're doing, and even", "id": "11141448" }, { "contents": "List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters\n\n\nthe situation. When something catastrophic happens to someone you love, or a situation arises that affects people you love the most, if that’s the first time you’ve been in that position, you never really know what to do.\" As this relationship developed through the second season, Henstridge said, \"I don't think they fully realize the implication of how far apart they are. There's so much hurt there. I don't think they realize what they're sacrificing by not figuring this out.\" Talking", "id": "16465442" }, { "contents": "Lane Boy\n\n\nartistic and added that \"I remember showing that song to some people and they said, 'I don't think you want to say that...'\" Consequently, Josh Dun, the band's drummer, told him to \"say it\". Joseph also told \"Fuse\" in an interview that the song was \"that song on the record where you kind of break that fourth wall and you can look into what it's like to really be a normal person in our position.\" The music video for \"", "id": "19794154" }, { "contents": "Mariah Carey\n\n\ntrying to understand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal", "id": "19775334" }, { "contents": "Boys (The Shirelles song)\n\n\nwas great — though if you think about it, here's us doing a song and it was really a girls' song. 'I talk about boys now!' Or it was a gay song. But we never even listened. It's just a great song. I think that's one of the things about youth — you just don't give a shit. I love the innocence of those days.\" McCartney also said: \"Ringo always used to do a song in the show. Back then he", "id": "13010067" }, { "contents": "Killer Love\n\n\nFat Lie\" was released on October 17, 2014. In early 2011, Scherzinger announced that the musically diverse music she recorded had a bittersweet theme in which she titled the album, \"Killer Love\", saying \"I wrote 'Killer Love' about a tortured love. Where you can't get enough of the love but it's not good for you. And I guess when the fans listen to the album, I want them to know that a lot of the music that I chose had to do with my", "id": "1317843" }, { "contents": "Relapse (Eminem album)\n\n\ntime to be able to figure out things. I wanted to be able to make my songs feel like something again. I know a lot of stuff on \"Relapse\" was comical and funny punchline jokes, but a lot of the songs didn't really feel like anything. I had to go back and listen to some of my older music to try to figure out what I was doing wrong. Once I felt like I figured that out, I started making songs that felt like something again.\" About the accents", "id": "14485625" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Body Count (album)\n\n\nconcerned, music is music. I don't look at it as rock, R & B, or all that kind of stuff. I just look at it as music. [...] I do what I like and I happen to like rock 'n' roll, and I feel sorry for anybody who only listens to one form of music.\" Recording sessions for the group's self-titled debut took place from September to December 1991. The album was released on March 31, 1992, on compact disc", "id": "18893392" }, { "contents": "Red dirt (music)\n\n\n\"Well, I don't think I'd be the one who's able to define it, but it seems to have Oklahoma values, you know how Okies are real good at doing everything themselves, maybe a sense of independence about it. It's natural, and honest, and about real life. You know, it's almost like the way Woody approached music.\" Ben Cisneros, a writer for Engine 145 – a country music blog website - says Red Dirt is a \"movement\" that has managed to", "id": "20453015" } ]
Obesity is such a big issue, especially with the whole body positivity movement. It is a medical condition that involves having a large excess of body fat. Oh yes, I can see it every day. Part of it is out of laziness, and part is due to the sedentary lifestyle most of us have, I think Some people seem to think it is hard to lose weight but it really isn't. People are considered obese when their BMI is over a certain limit. BMI is such a terrible tool. It doesn't take into account muscle or other factors. :( It is pretty accurate a lot of the time but that is true. It is done by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height. There are more accurate measures, but sometimes it's hard to figure them all out and what to trust. Anything else interesting? Well the idea that obese people can eat little and still gain weight due to metabolism is generally not supported, thankfully. That's mostly true, but there is a little bit of truth in that given how different the speeds are on people's metabolisms and how weight is distributed. Do you know any other ways to measure body fat?
[{"answer": "Well I disagree slightly, since metabolism is such a small factor compared to excessive food intake or lack of physical activity.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 129, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Weight gain\n\n\nWeight gain is an increase in body weight. This can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water or other factors. Weight gain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. If enough weight is gained due to increased body fat deposits, one may become overweight or obese, generally defined as having more body fat (adipose tissue) than is considered good for health. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures body weight in proportion to the square of height and defines optimal,", "id": "12978561" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\nNormal weight obesity is the condition of having normal body weight, but with a high body fat percentage, leading to some of the same health risks as obesity. The term \"metabolically obese normal weight\" (MONW) refers to people with normal weight and body mass index (BMI), who display some metabolic characteristics which increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in the same way as obesity. People with MONW have excess visceral fat, and are predisposed to hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistance and thus predisposition to type 2 diabetes", "id": "12503565" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nalternative to BMI. BMI doesn't account for muscle and fat distribution, or gender, or ethnicity; and therefore is not an accurate measure of obesity in many individuals. BVI uses 3D technology to analyse overall body shape, identifying where fat is distributed across the body. Body Volume means the composition of a person and their body parts; each part of a person’s body (arms, legs, chest, etc.) has its own 3D shape, individual weight and measurement. An increase in the volume of fat", "id": "80488" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nObesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. This is often described as a body mass index (BMI) over 30. However, BMI does not account for whether the excess weight is fat or muscle, and is not a measure of body composition. For most people, however, BMI is an indication used worldwide to estimate nutritional status. Obesity is usually the result of consuming more calories than the body needs and not expending that energy by", "id": "15571524" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nexcellent for identifying obesity and body fat in large populations, but they are far less reliable for determining fatness in individuals.\" A frequent use of the BMI is to assess how much an individual's body weight departs from what is normal or desirable for a person's height. The weight excess or deficiency may, in part, be accounted for by body fat (adipose tissue) although other factors such as muscularity also affect BMI significantly (see discussion below and overweight). The WHO regards a BMI of less than 18.5", "id": "4612935" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n–hip ratio and body fat percentage. Normal weight obesity is a condition of having normal body weight, but high body fat percentages with the same health risks of obesity. BMI can be used to predict the risk of metabolic abnormalities like diabetes. Body mass index or BMI is a simple and widely used method for estimating body fat mass. BMI was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet. BMI is an accurate reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of the adult population. However it", "id": "80479" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nis less accurate in people such as body builders and pregnant women. A formula combining BMI, age, and gender can be used to estimate a person's body fat percentage to an accuracy of 4%. An alternative method, body volume index (BVI) , is being developed by Mayo Clinic in an effort to better take into account different body shapes. BVI measures body fat distribution and calculates the BVI number, based on these results. This BVI number is an indication of weight associated health risk. BMI is calculated", "id": "80480" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\nModerate weight loss was associated with reduced cardiovascular risk amongst obese men. Intentional weight loss was not directly measured, but it was assumed that those that died within 3 years, due to disease etc., had not intended to lose weight. This may reflect the loss of subcutaneous fat and beneficial mass from organs and muscle in addition to visceral fat when there is a sudden and dramatic weight loss. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average", "id": "8780640" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa\n\n\nor obese due to cultural norms and perceptions of appropriate female behavior and occupations inside and outside of the home. The medical condition of being overweight or obesity is defined as \"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health\". It is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI), defined as a person's weight, in kilograms, divided by the square of the person's height, in meters. If an individual has a BMI of 25–29, he or she is overweight. Having a BMI of 30 or", "id": "5562314" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody weight, and BMI is viewed merely as a way to approximate BF%. Levels in excess of 32% for women and 25% for men are generally considered to indicate obesity. However, accurate measurement of body fat percentage is much more difficult than measurement of BMI. Several methods of varying accuracy and complexity exist. Other proposed but less common obesity measures include waist circumference and waist–hip ratio. These measure a common form of obesity known as abdominal or central obesity, characterized by excess deposits of fat in the abdominal", "id": "80484" }, { "contents": "Waist–hip ratio\n\n\npeople (75 years of age) than waist circumference or BMI. If obesity is redefined using WHR instead of BMI, the proportion of people categorized as at risk of heart attack worldwide increases threefold. The body fat percentage is considered to be an even more accurate measure of relative weight. Of these three measurements, only the waist-hip ratio takes account of the differences in body structure. Hence, it is possible for two women to have vastly different body mass indices but the same waist–hip ratio, or to", "id": "15808886" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nrelation to a historical normal group. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. Relative weight and body mass index (BMI) are nearly identical and are reasonable estimates of body fatness as measured by percentage body fat. However, BMI does not account for the wide variation in body fat distribution, and may not correspond to the same degree of fatness or associated health risk in different individuals and populations. Other measurements of fat distribution include the waist", "id": "80478" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\ndetermining body fat are more accurate than BMI but come with added complexity. If an individual is overweight and has excess body fat it can create or lead to health risks. Reports are surfacing, however, that being mildly overweight to slightly obese – BMI being between 24 and 31.9 – may be actually beneficial and that people with a BMI between 24 and 31.9 could actually live longer than normal weight or underweight persons. While the negative health outcomes associated with obesity are accepted within the medical community, the health implications of the overweight", "id": "850193" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Thailand\n\n\nto junk food, and unhealthy switches from active to sedentary lifestyles. These factors are closely linked to economic growth in the country. The internationally recognised method of measuring obesity is through the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to WHO, an overweight person has a BMI of ≥25. An obese person has a BMI of ≥30. However, while the WHO standard has been used internationally, studies have shown that it may not be accurate for the classification of obesity in the Asian context due to different body fat percentages and", "id": "15555378" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nand obese: Since BMI is not a perfect representation of a person's body fat percentage, other measurements like waist circumference are often used to better assess for unhealthy excess weight as it pertains to body fat. Despite not being a perfect representation of healthy and unhealthy weight, BMI is very important value because it helps health professionals identify people who are at higher risk of developing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), liver disease, and some cancers. In general, as BMI increases so too does a", "id": "19103823" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nhaving little fat. For example, more than half of all NFL players are classified as \"obese\" (BMI ≥ 30), and 1 in 4 are classified as \"extremely obese\" (BMI ≥ 35), according to the BMI metric. However, their mean body fat percentage, 14%, is well within what's considered a healthy range. The preferred obesity metric in scholarly circles is the body fat percentage (BF%) - the ratio of the total weight of person's fat to his or her", "id": "80483" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\na common and useful measurement of body fat that helps individuals understand the difference between being overweight and obese. The system can be used to calculate a persons Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by the square of their height (in meters). According to the World Health Organisation (2015) a BMI greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2 in adults is overweight and greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 regards individuals as obese. Using the BMI method, however,", "id": "16685101" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\nThe benefits of lifestyle interventions such as nutritious eating and exercise are presumed to be real, but independent of any weight loss they may cause. At the same time, HAES advocates espouse that sustained, large-scale weight loss is difficult to the point of effective impossibility for the majority of obese people. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited, and often false, as studies have shown that obese individuals incorrectly self-report calories consumed; on average", "id": "8780632" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\ncancer, osteoarthritis, and depression. Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility. A few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications, or mental disorder. The view that obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is not medically supported. On average, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their normal counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass. Obesity is mostly preventable through a combination", "id": "11648942" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nthan does processing fats. Genetics play an important role in weight management and contribute to a person's risk of becoming obese. In fact, several genes have been found to be associated with elevated Body Mass Index (BMI) and obesity. That being said, genetics can only be blamed for a small portion of a person's excess weight as there are many other significant factors that affect a person's weight, as discussed in the sections above. There are some rare genetic disorders that do cause significant weight gain like Prader", "id": "19103819" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Australia\n\n\nthe availability of fast food since the 1970s, sedentary lifestyles and a decrease in the labour workforce. Weight is measured by using the Body Mass Index scale (BMI). This is determined by dividing weight in kilograms by height in metres, squared. If someone is overweight their BMI will be at 25 or more. If someone is obese their BMI will be at 30 or more. 1 in 12 children are obese (8%) and 1 in 4 adults are obese (28%) In a study published in", "id": "14186406" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nBMI = [ Weight (lbs) / Height (in) ] x 703 Though BMI is often times used to help assess for excess weight, it is by no means a perfect representation of a person's body fat percentage. For example, an individual can have a higher than normal BMI but have a normal body fat percentage if they have higher than average muscle mass because excess muscle contributes to a higher weight. The following table shows how different ranges of BMIs are often categorized into underweight, normal weight, overweight,", "id": "19103822" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\ncorrelation with cardiovascular disease. In a study of 15,000 people, waist circumference also correlated better with metabolic syndrome than BMI. Women with abdominal obesity have a cardiovascular risk similar to that of men. In people with a BMI over 35, measurement of waist circumference however adds little to the predictive power of BMI as most individuals with this BMI have abnormal waist circumferences. The Body Volume Indicator (BVI) is a novel method for calculating body fat distribution. Designed by Select Research and Mayo Clinic, BVI has been developed as an", "id": "80487" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nat the same speed. Many measurements are normalized to body weight in order to account for differing body weights when doing comparisons (see V02max testing). Normalizing body weight when comparing obese and lean individuals metabolic rates reduces the difference, indicating that body weight rather than body fat composition is the primary indicator for the metabolic cost of walking. Caution must be taken when analyzing the scientific literature to understand if findings are normalized or not because they may be interpreted differently. One possible suggested strategy to maximize energy expenditure while reducing lower joint", "id": "11249649" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nObesity classification is a ranking of obesity, the medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity by body mass index (BMI), which is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. BMI is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex, and is obesity determination is in", "id": "80477" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\nLike many other medical conditions, obesity is the result of an interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to weight gain and body fat distribution; although, only in a few cases are genes the primary cause of obesity. Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism predispose to obesity under certain dietary conditions. The percentage of obesity that can be attributed to genetics varies widely, depending on the population examined, from 6% to 85%. As of 2006, more than", "id": "80553" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsymbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body", "id": "11648945" }, { "contents": "Body water\n\n\n48 ±6% for females. The body water constitutes as much as 93% of the body weight of a newborn infant, whereas some obese people are as little as 15% water by weight. This is due to how fat tissue does not retain water as well as lean tissue. These statistical averages will vary with factors such as type of population, age of people sampled, number of people sampled, and methodology. So there is not, and cannot be, a figure that is exactly the same for all", "id": "10002211" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nof total energy from fat (e.g. 60%). The effect of the diet is quantified using the measures detailed below. Often, the experiment aims to see how obesity affects some other physiological or behavioral outcome, so other measures may be taken. Common such measures include stress (both physiological and psychological), changes in hormones, and insulin. The outcome measure of obesity is usually either the gain of body weight or body fat. The body weight gain is quantified using the difference in the raw mass of the animal", "id": "10628489" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nat determining a person is not obese than it is at determining a person is obese. Despite this undercounting of obesity by BMI, BMI values in the intermediate BMI range of 20–30 were found to be associated with a wide range of body fat percentages. For men with a BMI of 25, about 20% have a body fat percentage below 20% and about 10% have body fat percentage above 30%. BMI is particularly inaccurate for people who are very fit or athletic, as their high muscle mass can classify them", "id": "4612953" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nwalking across differing speeds. They found that standing metabolic rate when normalized for body weight was ~20% less for obese people (more adipose tissue and less metabolically active tissue), but that metabolic rates during walking were ~10% greater per kilogram body mass for obese individuals when compared to lean. These researchers also found that increased thigh mass and adipose distribution did not matter, overall body composition of percent body fat was related to net metabolic rate. Therefore, obese individuals are using more metabolic energy than their lean counterparts when walking", "id": "11249648" }, { "contents": "Underweight\n\n\nAn underweight person is a type of person whose body weight is considered too low to be healthy. Underweight people have a body mass index (BMI) of under 18.5 or a weight 15% to 20% below that normal for their age and height group. A person may be underweight due to genetics, metabolism, drug use, lack of food (frequently due to poverty), eating disorder, or illness (both physical and mental). Being underweight is associated with certain medical conditions, including anorexia, type 1", "id": "833497" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nBMI, total body fat, visceral fat and BVI number. The BVI Number has been designed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative to BMI. It provides an indication of health risk based on fat distribution with a particular emphasis on visceral fat; which is located around organs. Visceral fat is metabolically active, with high levels a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. There is no generally accepted definition of obesity based on total", "id": "80490" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\n. These studies have resulted in numerous hypotheses as to what those key factors are. A common theme is that of too much food and too little exercise, however. Dieting can be useful in lowering someone's body weight, though which foods should be avoided is very confusing to the public. The public has trouble determining what to eat and what not to eat as well as how much or how little they should. For example, while dieting, people tend to consume more low-fat or fat-free products,", "id": "173345" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nto measure a child's excess weight can encounter regular issues. The Body Mass Index is used to decipher an individuals excess body weight but not their excess body fat. In this way the measurements taken from a child who is at different stages of their sexual maturation compared to another may alter the reliability of the data. Other issues that may affect the results surrounding this method for children and adolescents includes their age, sex, ethnicity muscle and bone mass, their height as well as their sexual maturation levels. Using the percentile", "id": "16685102" }, { "contents": "Body fat percentage\n\n\n), a person's mass in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters; if weight is measured in pounds and height in inches, the result can be converted to BMI by multiplying by 703. There are a number of proposed formulae that relate body fat to BMI. These formulae are based on work by researchers published in peer-reviewed journals, but their correlation with body fat are only estimates; body fat cannot be deduced accurately from BMI. Body fat may be estimated from the body mass index", "id": "6936768" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nconsume higher amounts of alcohol. There are various ways of measuring abdominal obesity including: In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong correlation with cardiovascular disease. BMI and waist measurements are well recognized ways to characterize obesity. However, waist measurements are not as accurate as BMI measurements. For this reason, it is recommended to use both methods of measurements. While central obesity can be obvious", "id": "10161804" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody fat. Most researchers have used 25% in men, and 30% in women, as cut-points to define obesity. As by anthropometric methods, body fat percentage can be estimated from a person's BMI by the following formula: There are many other methods used to determine body fat percentage. Hydrostatic weighing, one of the most accurate methods of body fat calculation, involves weighing a person underwater. Two other simpler and less accurate methods have been used historically but are now not recommended. The first is the", "id": "80491" }, { "contents": "Diet and obesity\n\n\ndue to the tariffs in the farm bill that restrict the importation of lower-cost sugar available on the global market. Participation by adults in the United States Department of Agriculture Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (i.e. Food Stamps) is positively associated with obesity, waist circumference, elevated fasting glucose, and metabolic syndrome. Evidence does not support the commonly expressed view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism. On average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than normal weight or thin people and actually have", "id": "5197149" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nthe edge of small/medium or medium/large, common sense should be used in calculating one's ideal weight. However, falling into one's ideal weight range for height and build is still not as accurate in determining health risk factors as waist-to-height ratio and actual body fat percentage. Accurate frame size calculators use several measurements (wrist circumference, elbow width, neck circumference and others) to determine what category an individual falls into for a given height. The BMI also fails to take into account loss", "id": "4612950" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\n25 kg/m may indicate optimal weight, a BMI lower than 18.5 suggests the person is underweight, a number from 25 up to 30 may indicate the person is overweight, and a number from 30 upwards suggests the person is obese. Lean male athletes often have a high muscle-to-fat ratio and therefore a BMI that is misleadingly high relative to their body-fat percentage. BMI is proportional to the mass and inversely proportional to the square of the height. So, if all body dimensions double, and", "id": "4612933" }, { "contents": "Yo-yo effect\n\n\nstate leads many people to eating more than they would have before dieting, causing them to rapidly regain weight. The process of regaining weight and especially body fat is further promoted by the high metabolic plasticity of skeletal muscle. The \"Summermatter Cycle\" explains how skeletal muscle persistently reduces energy expenditure during dieting. In addition, food restriction increases physical activity which further supports body weight loss initially. Such weight regain in the form of preferential catch-up-fat is well documented after weight loss due to malnutrition, cancer, septic", "id": "12874038" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\n, hypertriglyceridemia, hypertension and premature coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease. The BMI does not capture information about percentage body fat (PBF), which is a better predictor of risk due to obesity. Some studies have suggested that the main factor which explains the metabolic abnormalities in MONW individuals is fat distribution. On the basis of these studies, a scoring method has been proposed to identify MONW individuals, based on the presence of associated diseases or biochemical abnormalities related to insulin resistance. In 2008, the first prevalence of US adults", "id": "12503566" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nHigh BMI can identify a possible weight problem, but does not differentiate between fat or lean tissue. Additionally, BMI may mistakenly rule out some children who do have excess adipose tissue. It is therefore beneficial to supplement the reliability of a BMI diagnosis with additional screening tools such as adipose tissue or skin fold measurements. The first problems to occur in obese children are usually emotional or psychological. Obese children often experience bullying by their peers. Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family. Stereotypes abound and may lead to", "id": "19958515" }, { "contents": "List of countries by body mass index\n\n\nThis page serves as a partial list of countries by adult mean body weight and incidence of obese and overweight populations as calculated by body mass index (BMI). The data for 2014 was first published by the World Health Organization in 2015. Mean body mass index (BMI) provides a simplified measure of the comparative weight of populations on a country by country basis. BMI calculates a person's mass (weight) divided by the square of their height. An individual with a BMI of 25 kg/m or more is", "id": "2943912" }, { "contents": "Body fat percentage\n\n\nabdomen. A number of methods are available for determining body fat percentage, such as measurement with calipers or through the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis. The body fat percentage is a measure of fitness level, since it is the only body measurement which directly calculates a person's relative body composition without regard to height or weight. The widely used body mass index (BMI) provides a measure that allows the comparison of the adiposity of individuals of different heights and weights. While BMI largely increases as adiposity increases, due to differences", "id": "6936740" }, { "contents": "Spot reduction\n\n\none area by exercising that body part alone. Muscle growth in a region does not reduce fat in that region. Instead, fat is lost from the entire body as a result of diet and regular exercise. All body shapes are different, meaning, people carry fat in different places. Some locations on the body are more metabolically active than others, and those areas will lose weight quicker than those that are not as metabolically active. For many people, abdominal fat is more metabolically active, and can be reduced easier than", "id": "15151366" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nor in the Lee index (an index similar to the BMI in humans). The body fat gain is quantified either indirectly through the weight gain, or directly using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. When studying effects of obesity on diabetes, a fasting blood sugar test is also done before and after the diet. Scientists have successfully induced obesity in animals using a wide range of diets. Although generally diets containing more than 30% of total energy from fat are considered to induce obesity, scientists have induced obesity with", "id": "10628490" }, { "contents": "Let's Move!\n\n\nout the Let's Move initiative. Body mass index (BMI) is a measurement of weight in relation to height that can help to determine weight status. In children, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determine that is overweight if he/she is above the 85th percentile and lower than the 95th percentile and obese if at or above the 95th percentile. The CDC indicates that there are several factors that can contribute to childhood obesity: genetic factors; behavioral factors including energy intake, physical activity and sedentary", "id": "6278046" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nconverted to metric units for the calculation). The BMI is a convenient rule of thumb used to broadly categorize a person as \"underweight\", \"normal weight\", \"overweight\", or \"obese\" based on tissue mass (muscle, fat, and bone) and height. That categorization is the subject of some debate about where on the BMI scale the dividing lines between categories should be placed. Commonly accepted BMI ranges are underweight: under 18.5 kg/m, normal weight: 18.5 to 25, overweight", "id": "4612928" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nrisk better than the body mass index (or BMI) when metabolic syndrome was taken as an outcome measure and this difference was statistically significant. In other words, excessive waist circumference appears to be more of a risk factor for metabolic syndrome than BMI. Another measure of central obesity which has shown superiority to BMI in predicting cardiovascular disease risk is the Index of Central Obesity (waist-to-height ratio, WHtR), where a ratio of =0.5 (i.e. a waist circumference at least half of the individual's height", "id": "10161806" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\na lower BMI than western populations, some nations have redefined obesity. The Japanese have defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 while China uses a BMI of greater than 28. The BMI-based definition is easy to use and it is particularly convenient for statistical purposes, since it only depends on two commonly measured quantities, one's height and weight. However, it ignores variations between individuals in amounts of lean body mass, particularly muscle mass. Individuals involved in heavy physical labor or sports may have high BMI values despite", "id": "80482" }, { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\ncountries, where it is associated with the urbanization of populations. Waist measurement (e.g. for BFP standard) is more prone to errors than measuring height and weight (e.g. for BMI standard). It is recommended to use both standards. BMI will illustrate the best estimate of your total body fatness, while waist measurement gives an estimate of visceral fat and risk of obesity-related disease. A study has shown that alcohol consumption is directly associated with waist circumference and with a higher risk of abdominal obesity in men, but not", "id": "10161802" }, { "contents": "Liposuction\n\n\nlinked to life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. Liposuction is generally used in an attempt to change the body's shape. Weight loss from liposuction appears to be of a short term nature with little long term effect. After a few months fat typically returns and redistributes. Liposuction does not help obesity related metabolic disorders like insulin resistance. It can also be used to remove excess fat in the chronic medical condition lymphedema. There is a spectrum of complications that may occur due to any liposuction—", "id": "8931784" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nthe Sixth Circuit has decided that fat people will only qualify as disabled if it can be proved that their weight is caused by an underlying condition, supporting the concept that being obese is not inherently a disability. Other countries besides the United States have considered legislation to protect the rights of fat people. In the UK an All Party Parliamentary Group published a report in 2012 called \"Reflections on Body Image\" that found that 1 in 5 British people had been victimised because of their weight. The report recommended that Members of Parliament", "id": "8626795" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\ngreater weight bias. Further, these individuals were more likely to view obesity as being due to lack of willpower. There appears to be decreased weight bias when weight was attributed to factors that were less within the individual’s control, or when individuals are perceived as trying to lose weight. Anti-fat bias leads people to associate individuals who are overweight or obese with negative personality traits such as \"lazy\", \"gluttonous\", \"stupid\", \"smelly\", \"slow\", or \"unmotivated\".", "id": "15640539" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nspecies of gut flora can affect metabolic processes. This correlation links these gut bacteria to an inability to digest complex polysaccharides. Certain viruses, specifically the AD-36 adenovirus, have been shown to increase body fat in laboratory animals. Living a sedentary lifestyle is one of the leading factors in causing obesity. As of 2016, over 30% of people in the world don't get enough exercise. Genetic mutations to genes monitoring metabolism and appetite predispose people to obesity. Various syndromes resulting in genetic polymorphisms lead to obesity. A few common", "id": "10628466" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nthe United States were obese, categorized as 35.0% of men and 40.4% of women; class 3 obesity (BMI over 40) values were 7.7% for men and 9.9% for women. The BMI ranges are based on the relationship between body weight and disease and death. Overweight and obese individuals are at an increased risk for the following diseases: Among people who have never smoked, overweight/obesity is associated with 51% increase in mortality compared with people who have always been a normal weight. The BMI is", "id": "4612942" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nhealthy weight have changed in the opposite direction. In Britain, the weight at which people considered themselves to be overweight was significantly higher in 2007 than in 1999. These changes are believed to be due to increasing rates of adiposity leading to increased acceptance of extra body fat as being normal. Obesity is still seen as a sign of wealth and well-being in many parts of Africa. This has become particularly common since the HIV epidemic began. The first sculptural representations of the human body 20,000–35,000 years ago depict obese females.", "id": "11649001" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nmany cancers. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a value used to get a general sense of a person's overall mass and is calculated using a person's height and weight. It is more often used than weight alone to determine if an individual is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese. The following two equations can used to calculate BMI depending on the units used for height (meters vs. inches) and weight (kilograms vs. pounds): BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m) OR", "id": "19103821" }, { "contents": "Weighted clothing\n\n\n, simulate the fat storage areas of the human body. It is very useful for adding weight to limb-centric movements, and for handling great weights. Due to the large area available, it can also handle more weight. If well-affixed, it is the safest most natural means of mimicking added body mass without unbalancing the body's muscles. They can be used to add resistance to almost any whole-body movement. A study has shown that using a weighted vest can increase the metabolic costs, relative exercise", "id": "13110188" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nin the \"overweight\" category by BMI, even though their body fat percentages frequently fall in the 10–15% category, which is below that of a more sedentary person of average build who has a \"normal\" BMI number. For example, the BMI of bodybuilder and eight-time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman was 41.8 at his peak physical condition, which would be considered morbidly obese. Body composition for athletes is often better calculated using measures of body fat, as determined by such techniques as skinfold measurements or underwater weighing and", "id": "4612954" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\n, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their healthy-weight counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass. HAES proponents believe that health is a result of behaviors that are independent of body weight and that favouring being thin discriminates against the overweight and the obese. Efforts towards such weight loss are instead held to cause rapid swings in size that inflict far worse physical and psychological damage than would obesity itself. As part of the wider fat acceptance movement, HAES includes also a significant social and psychological dimension", "id": "8780633" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\n. Proponents view the common wisdom that obesity is unhealthy as part of a general stigmatization of the obese, and especially of obese women; thus, the movement has strong connections with feminism. Health At Every Size first appeared in the 1960s, advocating that the changing culture toward aesthetics and beauty standards had negative repercussions to fat people. They believed that because the slim and fit body type had become the acceptable standard of attractiveness, fat people were going to great pains to lose weight, and that this was not, in fact", "id": "8780634" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\n(BPA), is one known environmental obesogen that reduces overall number of fat cells, but makes remaining fat cells larger. Effects of obesogens in animals are the same effects researchers see later in life for low-birth weight babies – glucose intolerance and more abdominal fat. The study concludes that obesogens change an individual's metabolic set points for gaining weight. What little research has been conducted on the relationship between chemical exposure and body mass index points to obesogens as a likely contributor to the obesity epidemic. Some endocrine disrupting chemicals", "id": "20729384" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nWeight management is the phrase used to describe both the techniques and underlying physiological processes that contribute to a person's ability to attain and maintain a certain weight. Most weight management techniques encompass long-term lifestyle strategies that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity. Moreover, weight management involves developing meaningful ways to track weight over time and to identify ideal body weights for different individuals. Due to the rising obesity rates in many parts of the world, proper weight management strategies most often focus on achieving healthy weights through slow but steady", "id": "19103804" }, { "contents": "Body image\n\n\npeople are constantly told and shown the cosmetic appeal of weight loss and are warned about the risks of obesity, those who are normal or overweight on the BMI scale have higher risks of poor body image. This is something that can lead to a change in a person's body image. Often, people who have a low body image will try to alter their bodies in some way, such as by dieting or by undergoing cosmetic surgery. \"We expected women would feel worse about their bodies after seeing ultra-thin models", "id": "10268152" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is often used when discussing childhood obesity, especially in open discussion, as it is less stigmatizing. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for", "id": "19958513" }, { "contents": "Anti Obesity Day\n\n\nbuilding campaigns in the world by the World Economic Forum (WEF). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Overweight and Obesity pose the fifth leading risk for global deaths. A person whose Body Mass Index (BMI) – the individual’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters – is greater than or equal to 25 is Overweight. A person whose BMI is greater than or equal to 30 is considered Obese. The WHO states that at least 2.8 million adults die every year on", "id": "11341470" }, { "contents": "Body shape\n\n\nby age, genetic factors, and body weight. Being overweight or underweight causes change in the human body's shape as well as posture and walking style. This is measured using Body Mass Index – BMI or waist circumference. Depending on the BMI, a body may be referred to as slim, overweight, or obese. Dieting, in conjunction with exercise, may be used to bring and keep the BMI within a healthy or desired range. The fats and carbohydrates in food constitute the majority of energy used by the body", "id": "11556195" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nfat. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex. Obesity in children and adolescents is defined not as an absolute number but in relation to a historical normal group, such that obesity is a BMI greater than the 95th percentile. The reference data on which these percentiles were based date from 1963 to 1994, and thus have not been affected by the recent increases in weight. BMI is defined as the subject's weight divided by the square of their height and is calculated as follows. BMI is usually expressed", "id": "11648946" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\ncan have dire health consequences\". In 2018, the University of East Anglia released a report saying that fat acceptance, body positivity and the \"normalization of plus size\" was damaging to people's perceptions of obesity, made overweight and obese people less likely to seek medical attention when necessary, and undermined government initiatives intended to overcome the problem. In response, proponents of fat acceptance claim that being fat in and of itself is not a health problem and that long-term weight-loss is unsuccessful in the majority of", "id": "8626806" }, { "contents": "Crash test dummy\n\n\nAs a result, biometric data were limited in extent and skewed toward the older males. Very little attention has been paid to obesity and car crash studies, and it is hard to obtain an obese dummy for the experiment. Instead, human cadavers were used. Body weight is a vital factor when it comes to automobile accidents, and body mass is distributed differently in an obese person versus a non-obese person. At the University of Michigan, obese cadavers were tested and compared to non-obese cadavers, and they", "id": "19869041" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\ncases. Barry Franklin, director of a cardio rehab facility states: \"I don't want to take on any specific organisation but... A social movement that would suggest health at any size in many respects can be misleading\". Fat acceptance campaigners also argue that current approaches constitute fat-shaming which, rather than leading to weight loss, results in psychological issues like eating disorders and more often functions counter-productively, resulting in weight gain. Resting metabolic rate varies little between people, therefore, weight gain and loss are", "id": "8626807" }, { "contents": "Type 2 diabetes\n\n\novary syndrome; excess weight; and conditions associated with metabolic syndrome. The American Diabetes Association recommends screening those who have a BMI over 25 (in people of Asian descent screening is recommended for a BMI over 23). Onset of type 2 diabetes can be delayed or prevented through proper nutrition and regular exercise. Intensive lifestyle measures may reduce the risk by over half. The benefit of exercise occurs regardless of the person's initial weight or subsequent weight loss. High levels of physical activity reduce the risk of diabetes by about 28", "id": "20203019" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nskinfold test, in which a pinch of skin is precisely measured to determine the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The other is bioelectrical impedance analysis which uses electrical resistance. Bioelectrical impedance has not been shown to provide an advantage over BMI. Body fat percentage measurement techniques used mainly for research include computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). These techniques provide very accurate measurements, but it can be difficult to obtain in the severely obese due", "id": "80492" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\ndescribed in 1999 in overweight and obese people undergoing hemodialysis, and has subsequently been found in those with heart failure and peripheral artery disease (PAD). In people with heart failure, those with a BMI between 30.0 and 34.9 had lower mortality than those with a normal weight. This has been attributed to the fact that people often lose weight as they become progressively more ill. Similar findings have been made in other types of heart disease. People with class I obesity and heart disease do not have greater rates of further heart", "id": "11648954" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nthe high failure rate of permanent weight loss attempts, and the dangers of \"yo-yo\" weight fluctuations and weight loss surgeries. Fat activists argue that the health issues of obesity and being overweight have been exaggerated or misrepresented, and that the health issues are used as a cover for cultural and aesthetic prejudices against fat. Proponents of fat acceptance maintain that people of all shapes and sizes can strive for fitness and physical health. They believe health to be independent of body weight. Informed by this approach, psychologists who were", "id": "8626784" }, { "contents": "Obesity in pets\n\n\nObesity in pets occurs when excessive adipose tissue accumulates in the body, and is generally defined as occurring when an animal's body weight is at least 20% greater than its optimal body weight. Obesity is associated with metabolic and hormonal changes. Weight gain will occur when an animal is in a positive energy balance, meaning energy provided as calories in the diet exceed calories expended. Evidence suggests that middle-aged cats and dogs, especially those between the ages of 5 and 10, may be at an increased risk of obesity", "id": "13312991" }, { "contents": "Obesity paradox\n\n\ndisease (COPD), and in older nursing home residents. In people with heart failure, those with a body mass index between 30.0–34.9 had lower mortality than those with what would normally be considered an ideal weight. This has been attributed to the fact that people often lose weight as they become progressively more ill. Similar findings have been made in other types of heart disease. People with class I obesity and heart disease do not have greater rates of further heart problems than people of normal weight who also have heart disease.", "id": "14142013" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nare classified as being equal to or greater than the 95th percentile. Although calculating an individuals BMI is the most recommended indicator it doesn't distinguish the risk of disease. Regular monitoring of fat distribution, genetics and fitness levels should be maintained to assess the likelihood of disease. Alternative ways in which an individual can have their weight assessed, other than a BMI test, includes measuring the circumference of their waist or using the skin fold test. As early evolution has it, prehistoric ancestors in the form of hunter/gathers maintained", "id": "16685104" }, { "contents": "Health in Kuwait\n\n\nwith the disease. 22 of every 100 children have developed diabetes as a result of an unhealthy weight. The increased risk of excess weight or obesity is due to a combination of overeating energy-dense, high-fat foods and sedentary lifestyles. Meals consisting of processed ingredients with preservatives, saturated fats, and hydrogenated oil are preferred over traditional foods. Advertisements for unhealthy junk food are seen everywhere and public schools sell candy, chocolate, and soda to their students. Specifically in Kuwaiti universities, other factors include eating between meals", "id": "1324876" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nto figure out a \"rational\" reason for these feelings. The person attributes negative characteristics, such as deciding that obese people are lazy or ignorant, to justify or explain the negative feelings. (Citation needed) Additionally, recent work around physical appearance issues, body image, and anti-fat or obesity prejudice suggests that feelings about one's own appearance may stimulate downward physical comparisons with obese individuals in order to make one feel better about one's own physical appearance. Weight stigma is present in multiple settings including healthcare,", "id": "15640543" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nargument against anti-fat bias is that it doesn't treat the underlying causes of obesity, especially the emotional issues faced by overweight children. Another argument is that you can't tell if someone has food addiction just by looking at them, as obesity is not the same thing as an eating disorder, and someone might be considered healthy even if they don't fit society's standards for what appears healthy. Fighters of anti-fat bias claim that health should not be connected to weight, as a person's weight is", "id": "15640575" }, { "contents": "Lean body mass\n\n\nmedications and for assessing metabolic disorders, as body fat is less relevant for metabolism. LBW is used by anesthesiologists to dose certain medications. For example, due to the concern of postoperative opioid-induced ventilatory depression in the obese patient, opioids are best based on lean body weight. The induction dose of propofol should also be based on LBW LBM is usually estimated using mathematical formulas. Several formulas exist, having different utility for different purposes. For example, the Boer formula is method of choice for LBM estimation to calculate the", "id": "6011205" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nearly 1980s. This general correlation is particularly useful for consensus data regarding obesity or various other conditions because it can be used to build a semi-accurate representation from which a solution can be stipulated, or the RDA for a group can be calculated. Similarly, this is becoming more and more pertinent to the growth of children, due to the fact that the majority of children are sedentary. Cross-sectional studies indicated that sedentary people can decrease BMI by becoming more physically active. Smaller effects are seen in prospective cohort studies", "id": "4612944" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nthe denominator of the formula for BMI is arbitrary. The BMI depends upon weight and the \"square\" of height. Since mass increases to the \"third power\" of linear dimensions, taller individuals with exactly the same body shape and relative composition have a larger BMI. According to mathematician Nick Trefethen, \"BMI divides the weight by too large a number for short people and too small a number for tall people. So short people are misled into thinking that they are thinner than they are, and tall people are misled", "id": "4612947" }, { "contents": "Employment discrimination\n\n\nlikely to leave their current job. Though there are currently anti-discrimination laws on disability, namely the Americans with Disabilities Act, discrimination against weight is still prevalent. What makes the issue complicated is the fact that obesity only counts as a disability when someone is \"morbidly obese\" (100% over their ideal body weight) or obese (20% over their ideal body weight) as a result of psychological conditions. Considering that only 0.5% of people in the United States are morbidly obese, 99.5% of obese", "id": "890383" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nof height through aging. In this situation, BMI will increase without any corresponding increase in weight. A new formula, that accounts for the distortions of BMI at high and low heights, has been suggested: BMI = 1.3*weight(kg)/height(m)^2.5 Assumptions about the distribution between muscle mass and fat mass are inexact. BMI generally overestimates adiposity on those with more lean body mass (e.g., athletes) and underestimates excess adiposity on those with less lean body mass. A study in June 2008 by Romero-Corral et al. examined 13,601 subjects from", "id": "4612951" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\ndoing exercise. There are genetic causes and hormonal disorders that causes people to gain significant amounts of weight but this is rare. People in the obese category are much more likely to suffer from fertility problems than people of normal healthy weight. A report carried out by the Nurses Health Study demonstrated an increased risk of anovulation in women with an increasing BMI value. Its major effects include a reduction in ovulation rate, a decline in oocyte quality, menstrual irregularities, a decreased pregnancy rate and a rise in miscarriages. Obesity can have", "id": "15571525" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nDieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes. A restricted diet is often used by those who are overweight or obese, sometimes in combination with physical exercise, to reduce body weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health. Diets to promote weight loss can be categorized", "id": "8430263" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nfat within the liver cells. Musculoskeletal defects such as osteoarthritis are also said to have a strong link with obesity due to excessive amounts of weight being exerted on the joints. Individuals who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is equal to or greater than 25 kg/m2 are also said to have an increased chance of premature morality. As a result of the alarming statistics involving the number of obese children in Australia the consequences have also been extensive to the economy. Between the ages of 4–5 years the costs of", "id": "16685128" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Mexico\n\n\na dramatic increase in obesity and diabetes. In addition to dietary changes, modern life has also made the Mexican population more sedentary. Traditional labor-intensive jobs in farming, factories and mining have given way to desk jobs. In addition, most people use motorized transportation instead of walking or biking. About 40% of Mexicans do not exercise. Since the 1980s, many studies have been carried out intending to identify the one nutrient, food, or beverage that leads to weight gain and obesity. Sugar, fat, fast", "id": "16083565" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbeneficial for building specific muscles, but it has little effect, if any, on fat in that area of the body, or on the body's distribution of body fat. The same logic applies to sit-ups and belly fat. Sit-ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal muscles, but they have little effect, if any, on the adipose tissue located there. Several colloquial terms used to refer to central obesity, and to people who have it, refer to beer drinking", "id": "10161820" }, { "contents": "Weight gain\n\n\ningestion. Having excess adipose tissue (fat) is a common condition, especially where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. As much as 64% of the United States adult population is considered either overweight or obese, and this percentage has increased over the last four decades. A commonly asserted \"rule\" for weight gain or loss is based on the assumption that one pound of human fat tissue contains about 3,500 kilocalories (often simply called \"calories\" in the field of nutrition). Thus, eating 500 fewer", "id": "12978563" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\n, studies do not support this. Bariatric surgery (\"weight loss surgery\") is the use of surgical intervention in the treatment of obesity. As every operation may have complications, surgery is only recommended for severely obese people (BMI  40) who have failed to lose weight following dietary modification and pharmacological treatment. Weight loss surgery relies on various principles: the two most common approaches are reducing the volume of the stomach (e.g. by adjustable gastric banding and vertical banded gastroplasty), which produces an earlier sense of satiation,", "id": "11424006" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\n25 or more as overweight. For Asians, overweight is a BMI between 23 and 29.9 and obesity for all groups is a BMI of 30 or more. BMI, however, does not account extremes of muscle mass, some rare genetic factors, the very young, and a few other individual variations. Thus it is possible for an individuals with a BMI of less than 25 to have excess body fat, while others may have a BMI that is significantly higher without falling into this category. Some of the above methods for", "id": "850192" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nimprove hormone imbalances and treat erectile dysfunction. Weight loss can be achieved through lifestyle changes such as a reduced calorie diet, regular exercise and quitting smoking. Trained healthcare professionals and weight loss groups may also be beneficial. People struggling to keep to these lifestyle changes may seek other methods such as medication known as orlistat or weight loss surgery. It is common practise for body condition scoring to be used in domesticated animals to assess the fatness of an animal and is often used by vets and livestock handlers to determine whether the animal need", "id": "15571534" } ]
Ferraris are extremely expensive italian sports cars. Have you ever owned one? I wish, it's my dream car. Do you know who founded the company?
[{"answer": "Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939. They also manufacture Fiats, which are more in my price range.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11225", "title": "Ferrari", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 78, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 212, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "ATS 2500 GT\n\n\nThe ATS 2500 GT is a sports car made by Italian company Automobili Turismo e Sport in Bologna. It was the first Italian and one of the first GT or sports car in the world to have a mid-engine layout. The group behind the ATS project consisted mainly of Ferrari defectors: family troubles had created an uncomfortable working atmosphere for the personnel. ATS, intent on beating Ferrari on all fronts, also produced a Formula One car for 1963, \"a ghastly mess, one of the most inept racing cars ever", "id": "11501548" }, { "contents": "Ferrari\n\n\nFerrari (; ) is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturer based in Maranello. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939 out of Alfa Romeo's race division as \"Auto Avio Costruzioni\", the company built its first car in 1940. However, the company's inception as an auto manufacturer is usually recognized in 1947, when the first Ferrari-badged car was completed. In 2014 Ferrari was rated the world's most powerful brand by Brand Finance. In June 2018, the 1964 250 GTO became the most expensive car in history,", "id": "11007417" }, { "contents": "World Patent Marketing\n\n\nWorld Patent Marketing Security Team are the kind of guys who are trained to knockout first and ask questions later.\" In their 2017 report the FTC included an example of emails that the company used to prevent or retract complaints: Hey Genius [ ] I understand you emailed one of my board members telling her you think my company lacks integrity and you think we might be a fraud. Just wanted to let you know that is probably going to be the most expensive email you ever sent. I hope it was worth it .", "id": "12989491" }, { "contents": "Valentino Rossi\n\n\ntime left. I would consider shifting to cars, probably rallying, after that before I finally decide to take it easy ... I know F1 would've been easier but by the time I finish MotoGP, I will be too old for F1.\" Stefano Domenicali, Ferrari's Formula One Team principal, however, reasserted his wish to have a third Ferrari on the F1 grid driven by Rossi, whilst confirming that Rossi would test an older Ferrari F1 car on 21 and 22 January 2010. In March 2010, the Italian", "id": "12691073" }, { "contents": "Cunningham C7\n\n\nThe Cunningham C7 Grand Touring car was an American limited production high performance luxury sports coupe. It was first introduced to the public at the 2001 North American International Auto Show. If the car had gone into full production, the C7 would have represented one of the most expensive performance vehicles ever produced in America and the world at the time. Within four years of the end of World War II, Italian car makers such as Ferrari, Maserati, and Germany's Mercedes Benz were already offering Grand Touring cars and sports cars.", "id": "7930710" }, { "contents": "All of You (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nsong, Colbie remains realistic about her wishes, and lets us know: \"There's no more wasting time on what I think I'm supposed to do/ My clock is standing still so I can have my dream life/ Life with the ones I love playin' all day long/ Laying back by the water side with nowhere to go and the music on/ I'm working hard for my dream life to be my real life, and that can't be wrong/ All I have is this life, so I'm makin' it", "id": "19767786" }, { "contents": "Andre Ward\n\n\nthe fans everything that I have, then I should no longer be fighting.\" Also in the statement read, \"As I walk away from the sport of boxing today, I leave at the top of your glorious mountain, which was always my vision and my dream. I did it. We did it. From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has played a part in my journey. You know who you are. I could not have done this without you.\" Ward ended his", "id": "20061545" }, { "contents": "History of Ferrari\n\n\nFerrari is an Italian company which has produced sports cars since 1947, but traces its roots back to 1929 when Enzo Ferrari formed the Scuderia Ferrari racing team. Unlike many similar yet independent companies, Fiat Group-owned Ferrari continued to thrive after the death of its charismatic founder and is today one of the most successful sports car companies in the world. In January 2016, Ferrari officially split off from its former parent company Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Enzo Ferrari was not initially interested in the idea of producing road cars when he formed", "id": "10773127" }, { "contents": "Springport Mid-Michigan Speedway\n\n\noperation, Mr. Cowper challenged Densmore \"If you think you know so much about running a race track, why don't you go get your own\". Mr. Densmore purchased farm & farm house in the extreme North East corner of Calhoun County and build his dream short track and called it Michigan Ideal Speedway. One of the major contractors/builders was also a local racer named Jim \"Barney\" Barnhardt. Not only did Barney help build the track, he was the first ever driver to take a race car onto the", "id": "14929079" }, { "contents": "Plans (album)\n\n\nOne of my favorite kind of dark jokes is, 'How do you make God laugh? You make a plan.' Nobody ever makes a plan that they're gonna go out and get hit by a car. A plan almost always has a happy ending. Essentially, every plan is a tiny prayer to Father Time. I really like the idea of a plan not being seen as having definite outcomes, but more like little wishes.\" \"Plans\" received generally positive reviews from music critics. At Metacritic", "id": "1276890" }, { "contents": "Siata Daina\n\n\ncalling it the \"little Ferrari\". The car was built to take part in the International Grand Prix and the Mille Miglia. The Daina's most notable finish was at the 12 Hours of Sebring in 1952 when Dick Irish and Bob Fergus piloted a 1,500 cc Daina Gran Sport to first in class and third overall. Wayne Thomas, an English connoisseur of automobiles, said: \"Driving a Siata Gran Sport is simply a dream, the problem is that you do not see them around anymore, and whoever owns one keeps", "id": "8521112" }, { "contents": "Marc Newson\n\n\nhe produced 12 Chop Top tables, all of which sold out in 20 minutes at an estimated $170,000. In April 2015 his Lockheed Lounge chair sold at auction for £UK2.4 million ($AU4.69 million), making it the most expensive object ever sold by a living designer. Every year he races one of his four vintage sports cars – an Aston Martin, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari and a Cisitalia, in the Italian Mille Miglia and was quoted as saying: \"I'm not a motor head, I do", "id": "15136946" }, { "contents": "List of Ferrari road cars\n\n\nThe following is a list of road cars manufactured by Italian sports car manufacturer dating back to the 1950s Ferrari. Through the years recurring acronyms have been used to identify Ferrari grand tourer body styles: Ferrari's first road cars ever produced were V12 grand tourers. This type of car was discontinued in 1973 in favour of mid-engined 12-cylinder sports cars, later brought back in 1996 with the 550 Maranello and made ever since. The Dino was the first mid-engined Ferrari. This layout would go on to be used in", "id": "22155106" }, { "contents": "Dolly!\n\n\nand then comes out to sing an opening song (either a cover of a then-current hit, or occasionally one of her own hits). At the closing of the show, Parton speaks the recitation from \"I Will Always Love You\": \"And I hope life treats you kind, and I hope that you have all you ever dream of. I wish you joy and lots and lots of happiness, but above all this, I wish you love, I love you\" and then Dolly says \"", "id": "21436444" }, { "contents": "Ferrari Mondial\n\n\nallowed the price of the model to remain relatively stable and Ferrari ownership and parts manageable, many speculate (and some lament) that it will inevitably rise significantly in value. The Mondial has also garnered more positive press in recent media. \"In my car collection, I have a Mondial QV... I love my Mondial with a passion. My car guy pals think I'm just a little bit strange, why you got a Mondial QV? Because it's just a cool car. What they don't understand is that", "id": "17133656" }, { "contents": "Kaiser Darrin\n\n\nit myself.\" At this point, Kaiser's new, younger wife, who had accompanied him to the shop, told her husband, \"This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I don't see why you aren't in the business of building sports cars. I don't think there will be many automobile companies that won't go into the sports car business after seeing this car.\" Those words changed Kaiser's mind. By the end of the viewing, he had not only embraced the", "id": "19708206" }, { "contents": "John Williams (mixed martial artist)\n\n\nI realized that if I say this is my job and I’m physically capable of doing the job, there was no way in the world they could stop me. This had nothing to do with risk factors. When you know what you’re doing, MMA is safe. I could have done an amateur thing or an exhibition, but no, I wanted to do a real fight.\" Williams, sporting a long pony-tail, met Larry Brewbaker, 49, a used car salesman with a shaved head and", "id": "21667707" }, { "contents": "Acharya Ramlochan Saran\n\n\n: the Divine Gifts. Some of you called me PIONEER, Entrepreneur, mentor, industrious. I don’t myself know what I have done. God spun me like a top As He wished desired energized me as an instrument I performed. I do not consider myself learned. Alternatively, even a LITERARY PERSON! I ONLY KNOW THAT WITH ALL MY MIGHT AND Dedication I SERVED MY MOTHER TONGUE.WHICH ARE GENERALLY BEAUTIFIED BY ARTISTS, I HAVE HUMBLY offered some raw flowers. Even in my dreams, I never knew these would be", "id": "22197349" }, { "contents": "Ghetto Action\n\n\nclosed down the remnants of the Jews with a police cordon, went inside tanks and armored cars and carried out their destructive work. We know that you help the martyred Jews as much as you can, I thank you, my countrymen, on my own and the government's behalf, I am asking you to help them in my own name and in the government, I am asking you for help and for extermination of this horrible cruelty. \" - Supreme Commander of the Polish Armed Forces in the West and Prime Minister", "id": "22069353" }, { "contents": "Eusebia (empress)\n\n\nto accomplish any of this, O empress, know that you will not benefit me more than your own soul. But if you wish me to come to you, so that the respect due to bishops may be preserved, let me come to you, but do you descend at once from your lofty throne and meet me and offer your head to my hands, asking for my blessing. And then let me sit down, but do you stand respectfully, and sit only when I bid you, when I give the", "id": "19128449" }, { "contents": "Peter Collins (racing driver)\n\n\nmoved almost to tears by the gesture... Peter was one of the finest and greatest gentlemen I ever met in my racing career.\" \" Meanwhile, in sports cars, he finished second in a Ferrari 860 Monza in the Mille Miglia and at the Swedish Sports Car GP in a Ferrari 290MM with Wolfgang von Trips in 1956; and then in 1957 finished 2nd in the Internationales ADAC 1000 Kilometer Rennen auf dem Nürburgring with Olivier Gendebien and won the Gran Premio de Venezuela with Phil Hill, all in a Ferrari 335 S. Finally", "id": "1543114" }, { "contents": "Altalena Affair\n\n\n. You are required to carry out this order immediately. If you do not agree to carry out this order, I shall use all the means at my disposal in order to implement the order and to requisition the weapons which have reached shore and transfer them from private possession into the possession of the Israel government. I wish to inform you that the entire area is surrounded by fully armed military units and armored cars, and all roads are blocked. I hold you fully responsible for any consequences in the event of your refusal", "id": "201227" }, { "contents": "Menachem Begin\n\n\ncommand. You are required to carry out this order immediately. If you do not agree to carry out this order, I shall use all the means at my disposal in order to implement the order and to requisition the weapons which have reached shore and transfer them from private possession into the possession of the Israel government. I wish to inform you that the entire area is surrounded by fully armed military units and armored cars, and all roads are blocked. I hold you fully responsible for any consequences in the event of your", "id": "737982" }, { "contents": "Anna Keichline\n\n\nthat I can operate and take care of a car [she owned her own automobile]. The above might suggest a drafting or office job, but if you should deem it advisable to give me something more difficult or as I wish to say more dangerous, I should much prefer it. You have asked for my salary in order to rate me. ...last year my fees amounted to something over six thousand.Today her fees amounted to over $92,000 and she received letters from her superiors for the quality of her", "id": "6856068" }, { "contents": "Michael Madhusudan Dutt\n\n\n, o river, you peep in my mind. Always I think you in this loneliness. Always I soothe my ears with the murmur Of your waters in illusion, the way Men hear songs of illusion in a dream. Many a river I have seen on earth; But which can quench my thirst the way you do? You’re the flow of milk in my homeland’s breasts. Will I meet you ever? As long as you Go to kinglike ocean to pay the tax Of water, I beg to you", "id": "20316928" }, { "contents": "Murder of Lori Hacking\n\n\nbut I hope that some day I can become the man Lori always thought I was. To the many people I have hurt, I am more sorry than you could ever know. Every day my soul burns in torment when I think of what you must be going through. I wish I could take away your pain. I wish I could take back all the lies I have told and replace them with the truth. I wish I could put Lori back into your arms. My pain is deserved; yours is not", "id": "12890761" }, { "contents": "List of automobiles known for negative reception\n\n\nentitled \"The Hummer H2 Is the Most Embarrassing Car You Can Buy\", in which automotive writer Doug DeMuro rents one from Turo and drives it around Florida: \"I simply had to know what it was like; I had to know how it felt; I had to know if everything I ever assumed about it was true. And I'm happy to report that it is true – that the H2 is just as bad as you could've ever expected. Now you can feel like you're justified when you see", "id": "1479098" }, { "contents": "Bulverism\n\n\nthis term: From \"Bulverism\" by C. S. Lewis: Suppose I think, after doing my accounts, that I have a large balance at the bank. And suppose you want to find out whether this belief of mine is \"wishful thinking.\" You can never come to any conclusion by examining my psychological condition. Your only chance of finding out is to sit down and work through the sum yourself. When you have checked my figures, then, and then only, will you know whether I have that balance", "id": "5608386" }, { "contents": "Natasha Leggero\n\n\nstart crying if she heard that. But my dad was a used car dealer and my mother worked in a locksmith shop as the bookkeeper, and then they got divorced, and I do remember, like, nuns bringing us food—like big canned goods. And then, you know, we didn't really go on vacation–ever... I had so many jobs growing up: I mowed lawns; I worked at a grocery store; I had two newspaper routes; I worked at a catering place... I definitely", "id": "20126502" }, { "contents": "Desperate Measures (film)\n\n\nan A+ to F scale. Lisa Schwarzbaum of \"Entertainment Weekly\" wrote, \"By the time \"Desperate Measures\" degenerates into an old-fashioned car chase, you may wish you were watching \"General Hospital\". Although I suspect there is plenty of bone-marrow-and leukemia-related preposterousness here, my limited medical education precludes me from informed eyeball rolling. I may not be a doctor, but I know a movie with iron-poor blood when I see one.\" Online film critic James Berardinelli", "id": "6247100" }, { "contents": "Modal realism\n\n\na disadvantage compared to someone who pretends as a figure of speech to believe in possible worlds, but really does not. If worlds were creatures of my imagination, I could imagine them to be any way I liked, and I could tell you all you wished to hear simply by carrying on my imaginative creation. But as I believe that there really are other worlds, I am entitled to confess that there is much about them that I do not know, and that I do not know how to find out. While", "id": "21182706" }, { "contents": "Cultural and political image of John McCain\n\n\nhe said: \"I understand you called my ex-wife. I want you to know that, campaign aside, politics aside, you ever do anything like that again, anything against a person in my family, I will personally beat the shit out of you.\" The smear campaign against his adopted Bangladeshi daughter during the 2000 South Carolina presidential primary so bothered him that, by some accounts, he considered leaving the Republican Party. The traditions McCain was brought up under have extended to his own family. His son", "id": "5798662" }, { "contents": "Lenore Romney\n\n\nin the kitchen. George needs you there. What do you know about politics?'\" To a friend she wrote, \"[I had no idea] how open and bare and wide my own vulnerability would be ... the body wounds are deep.\" She told one of her children that she wished she had not run, and concluded that \"It's the most humiliating thing I know of to run for office.\" Following the campaign, Lenore Romney returned to Washington and to being a cabinet wife. George", "id": "18330186" }, { "contents": "Double-mindedness\n\n\n, he had no idea of how knowledge is changed when he needs to apply it.\" \"Is this perhaps your case, my reader? I do not judge, I merely ask you. Alas, while the number of those who know so much increases more and more, the really able men become fewer and fewer! But it was such a man that you once wished to be. You have surely not forgotten what we said about sincerity: that a man must retain a clear recollection of what he once wished", "id": "9233660" }, { "contents": "Cars (franchise)\n\n\n, purchases Rusteze. Under the Dinoco-Rusteze brand, Cruz becomes a racer, sporting #51 and McQueen decides to continue racing, with a new paint job in memory of The Fabulous Hudson Hornet, but trains Cruz first. Regarding a possible \"Cars 4\", \"Cars 3\" producers Kevin Reher and Andrea Warren told \"Cinema Blend\" that \"If there's a good story to tell I mean our heads kinda break after having gotten this one done, like oh my God, what could you do the", "id": "20073924" }, { "contents": "Parkwood Entertainment\n\n\ndecision to found Parkwood Entertainment in front of her fans and the press, saying: \"I started my own company when I decided to manage myself. It was important that I didn't go to some big management company, I felt like I wanted to follow the footsteps of Madonna and be a powerhouse and have my own empire, and show other women when you get to this point in your career you don't have to go sign with someone else and share your money and your success—you do it yourself.", "id": "13581967" }, { "contents": "The Lonesome Jubilee\n\n\n. We raised the kids. I stayed there. I worked every day pouring concrete. Now I'm in my 40s, and I want to do something for myself.' And I asked, 'Well, what do you have in mind?' He said, 'I don't know.' You can't be 21, though, and relate to that. I mean, I look back on my life now – and you look back on your life – and you realize that we hardly ever really get", "id": "19771462" }, { "contents": "Matt Holliday\n\n\nhad a dream car it would be a Bentley Continental GT, rather than a sports car, because he is \"too big for small sports cars.\" He is a Christian and is part of a Bible study group with fellow Christian teammates. He has spoken about his faith saying, \"I play for God. It says in the Bible that we are to do all things for Him. ... So I try to do the best that I can for Him. This is my job, not who I am.", "id": "12915708" }, { "contents": "Nostalgia, Ultra\n\n\ncar one Sunday when we were driving to Brooklyn. I noticed his tone, his arrangements, and his storytelling. I immediately reached out to him—literally the next morning. I asked him to fly to New York and work on my record. West also offered to appear on Ocean's debut album, but Ocean refused, saying \"as much as I want to work with you… I kind of want to do this without you. I kind of want to do it on my own.\" Rapper Nas was", "id": "6883390" }, { "contents": "La Peau de chagrin\n\n\nNovember: \"Your soul embraces centuries, monsieur; its philosophical concepts appear to be the fruit of long study matured by time; yet I am told you are still young. I would like to know you, but feel I have no need to do so. I know you through my own spiritual instinct; I picture you in my own way, and feel that if I were to actually set eyes upon you, I should instantly exclaim, 'That is he!'\" Eventually she revealed herself to him,", "id": "19347246" }, { "contents": "Panda Eyes\n\n\nsaying, \"You know when you have these melodies in your head and you know you know it, and you know you once knew what the name of it was but you’ve forgotten it? Well I had that with this. I woke up from a dream and had it in my head. I was like shit! I know this! What is it? After 10 minutes of intensely interrogating my brain I remembered it was Seven Lions.\" In April he posted a video on Facebook, announcing that he was", "id": "5333653" }, { "contents": "George Copeland\n\n\n\"Wonderful tone, wonderful tone – how do you get it?\" I hesitated. \"Well, I don't know exactly how I get it, but I know what I want to hear.\" \"That's utter nonsense!\" she exclaimed. \"it doesn't make any difference what you want to hear. I want to know how you put your finger on a given key and produce a given quality of sound.\" \"That is exactly what I do not ever wish to know.\" And", "id": "7425797" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nBy my own calculations the average lifespan of an aircrew is twenty ops(operations). and we have 30 to do in our first tour. I'm Writing this for two reasons. One to tell you how I would like my money to be spent that I have left behind me; two to tell you how I feel about meeting my Maker. 1. I intended as you know, taking a university course with my savings. Well, I would like it to be spent over the education of my brothers and sisters.", "id": "16926598" }, { "contents": "Leonard White (physician)\n\n\nthe house that contain water in which they breed abundantly. However this hypothesis will be found true I do not at present know. The State Board is not prepared to make any public statement so I wish you to keep the letter as a confidential matter. I regret that my work here does not permit me to spend (more or some) time at Uxbridge. But if you keep me informed I can make suggestions from here. I also wish that you would continue to send me (preparations) when opportunity offers.", "id": "20461927" }, { "contents": "George Cheyne (physician)\n\n\nI thank you for your Jacob Behemen [sic]; you will never have done with your Bribes. I wish I could do for you what you want and desire. All I can say, without Bribe or Entreaty, of mere Love and good Will, I shall ever do my best for you, and I shall beg of God to direct me in this particularly.\" Cheyne may have referred here to any of Boehme's works which had been translated into English during 1645-1662 by John Sparrow, John Ellistone", "id": "10230481" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Guy Martin\n\n\nage 28. He found all to be a disappointment or unsuitable in one way or another, being particularly unimpressed with the Vantage, which had been his dream car, but which he found ostentatious, ultimately selling it cheaply, although he had not driven it in 2011 due to the insurance cost, as a result of his speeding points. He now deems supercars by marques such as Aston and Ferrari to be \"fake\" and for people who \"don't know anything about cars\". He also owns a large collection", "id": "3851334" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 333 SP\n\n\nthe 65 degree V12 engine used in the 1990 Ferrari 641 Formula One car, enlarged to 4.0 L and producing . Southgate later described it as \"one of the most reliable race engines I have ever worked with.\" The car debuted in the third round of the 1994 IMSA GT Championship at Road Atlanta, securing the first two places. Four cars were allocated to three teams, Euromotorsport, Momo Corse, and Team Scandia. In the following round, at Lime Rock, the Italian cars monopolized the podium, and would", "id": "6068857" }, { "contents": "ATS GT\n\n\nThe ATS GT is a sports car manufactured by Italian automobile manufacturer Automobili Turismo e Sport (ATS). Introduced in 2017, the car pays homage to the company's first and only production model to date, the ATS 2500 GT. In 1961, Ferrari dominated the competition in Formula One racing but few of its executives and employees were not satisfied with how the company was being run, especially the influence exerted on the company by Enzo Ferrari's wife Laura Dominica Garello Ferrari. Ferrari did not agree with the aggrieved employees and", "id": "11236159" }, { "contents": "Dean Corll\n\n\nand placing Henley, Williams and Kerley inside the patrol car, the officer entered the bungalow and discovered Corll's body inside the hallway. The officer returned to the car and read Henley his \"Miranda\" rights. In response, Henley shouted: \"I don't care who knows about it! I have to get it off my chest!\" Kerley later told detectives that before the police officer had arrived at Lamar Drive, Henley had informed him, \"If you [weren't] my friend, I could have", "id": "3415261" }, { "contents": "Ellie Darcey-Alden\n\n\nexpect; it's something you create [in your mind]. It's one of those things you go, 'Oh gosh, I wish I could do this. Like, how can I be able to do this?' And it's, like, one of my dreams [to be in \"Harry Potter\"], something that sits in the back of your head. And then, when it actually happens, it's really surreal.\" In the film, Darcey-Alden appears in a as", "id": "16136471" }, { "contents": "The Last Song (The All-American Rejects song)\n\n\nleaving them. It's a dream come true for every child who's ever imagined they were the last ones on Earth. Without anyone to stop them.\" \"I race a car around like hell, and do doughnuts in the parking lot,\" he continues, \"It's this badass car, like a '73 cherry-red convertible Ford Mustang. I couldn't believe it ... I got to tear ass in a hot rod. I worked with a stuntman, but my dad used to drag cars,", "id": "20560194" }, { "contents": "Leonid Brezhnev\n\n\n, he expressed a wish to drive around Washington in a Lincoln Continental that Nixon had just given him; upon being told that the Secret Service would not allow him to do this, he said \"I will take the flag off the car, put on dark glasses, so they can't see my eyebrows and drive like any American would\" to which Henry Kissinger replied \"I have driven with you and I don't think you drive like an American!\" Brezhnev lived at 26 Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Moscow. During vacations", "id": "5157832" }, { "contents": "George Lucas\n\n\nattending early story meetings; according to Lucas, \"I mostly say, 'You can't do this. You can do that.' You know, 'The cars don't have wheels. They fly with antigravity.' There's a million little pieces ... I know all that stuff.\" Lucas' son Jett told \"The Guardian \"that his father was \"very torn\" about having sold the rights to the franchise, despite having hand-picked Abrams to direct, and that his father was \"there", "id": "11576601" }, { "contents": "Between You & Me (Betty Who song)\n\n\nand \"emphasize the fact that I just wanna write songs\". Who hails its lyrics as \"one of my favorite stories I’ve ever told,” expounding, \"It feels so good to finally have it out in the world instead of banging around my own brain.” Thematically, Who drew similarities between the song and \"Just Thought You Should Know\", another track written for her then-forthcoming album\".\" A fan of the television series \"Parks and Recreation\", Who also believes that the", "id": "14020893" }, { "contents": "Dave Simons\n\n\npeople didn't understand Gene's shading. I thought, 'this is great, this is a great jumping on point if you're gonna do black and white stuff'\"\". Colan has spoken highly of Simons's talent. \"\"Do you know how few artists have ever been able to ink my very complex and often inscrutable pencils? Do you know how exquisitely Dave Simon inks my pencils? ... I've yet to see anything Dave has done that I haven't loved! Artists and inkers have come", "id": "6522635" }, { "contents": "Haley Bennett\n\n\nin an interview in June 2016: \"It's been kind of a long journey for me. Everyone has a different path; I guess you hear them all. I don't know how common mine is. I didn't have a long-term plan or goal. All I came to Los Angeles with was a dream. No one from my family ever left Ohio. In L.A., I saw a lot of talent wasted because of fear. The odds are really stacked against you. I was a bit like", "id": "19814888" }, { "contents": "You Found Me\n\n\nsong you should really listen to it. I love it as if it were my own child. The heart ache, the let down that comes with life. Sometimes you're let down, sometimes you're the one who lets someone else down. It gets hard to know who you can trust, who you can count on. This song came out of a tough time, and I'm still right in the thick of it. There's some difficult circumstances my family and friends have been going through over the past", "id": "9304619" }, { "contents": "Modball\n\n\nThe Modball Rally is an international driving tour with a different route each year. Founded in 2007 it sees an entry of around 100-180 cars per event which are mostly modified supercars. However, modified cars do not stop at sports cars and the rally has resulted in entries including fire engines, Ferraris, Limousines and everything else you can imagine. The Rally is not a race nor a rally in the traditional sense such as the WRC; there is no prize for being fastest nor official timekeeping of any sort. Organizers", "id": "20308450" }, { "contents": "Antonio Ballard\n\n\nshoot. He said, \"It was rough basketball—kind of like prison ball, I guess. Fights would break out and you had to hold your own, but you couldn't take it too far or something bad would happen.\" In Jeffersonville, Indiana, there was an old basketball rim, where gangs such as the \"Money Hungry Gangsters\" would park their cars. Ballard said, \"I've taken the good parts of my past life—and one thing you do get from a gang is having", "id": "611320" }, { "contents": "Proteus of Egypt\n\n\nshe asks why Menelaus willingly stays on the island to which he replies\" Whichever of the divinities you are let me tell you that I am not here of my own free will, i seem to have angered a god but which one I do not know, tell me now since gods are all knowing to whom I have displeased \". Eidothea explains that it was Proteus who keeps him ashore. She hatched a plan which could vouch Menelaus escape from the island which included the ambush of Proteus the first minister of Poseidon.", "id": "12302588" }, { "contents": "Gran Turismo 5\n\n\ngame's sound was praised. Arnold Katayev, reviewer of PSX Extreme, stated that \"\"Gran Turismo 5\" actually sounds fantastic. Having sampled a number of cars in the game that I either own, drive frequently, or have driven numerous times before, I've verified how they all sound. My 350Z sounded pitch perfect as you start it up upon selecting it. Same goes for my 370Z, it sounds spot on. Even a bunch of the standard cars sounded good, and sound even better with a few", "id": "1700666" }, { "contents": "Benny Caiola\n\n\nBenny Caiola (1930(?)–2010) was an Italian entrepreneur most widely known for owning the largest and most extensive Ferrari collection in the world. Caiola was born in San Fratello, Messina, Italy. Benny Caiola owned an automotive collection which, according to Forbes Magazine, was viewed as one of the most exclusive Ferrari collections around the world. He was also the first client to ever order a car from Pagani which gave the company reason to name a special edition of their second production car, the Pagani Huayra, after his initials making", "id": "7013012" }, { "contents": "Philip Quast\n\n\nrespect of one's peers. He doesn't keep any of his awards, instead sending them to his parents' home in Australia. Quast was named as one of the 25 Most Beautiful People for 1996 in \"Who Weekly\" magazine. In an article for the magazine he said, \"The problem with this business is that you have to supposedly look as good as you can all the time. And I hate that. My idea of doing my hair is sticking it out of the window of a car when it", "id": "18034246" }, { "contents": "Ellery Hanley\n\n\nto target one individual. Speaking to Inside Sport Magazine in August 2005, Hanley was asked: What do you remember about that infamous tackle by Terry Lamb? \"\"I don’t know if it was caused by Terry Lamb, or if it was just my head hitting the ground. I couldn’t tell you because I have never looked at it since. Some people have said Terry got a good shot on me. I suspect, however, it was more a case of my head hitting the ground. I like", "id": "19532293" }, { "contents": "British autocross\n\n\nheld on a region-wide basis, with the RACMSA (Royal Automobile Club Motor Sports Association, now often called MSA overseeing rules and regulations. Some people choose to start singularly, particularly if they compete in a rally car. The sport is relatively low risk as there is or should be nothing to hit. However, if you wish, you may do double car starts. Most people opt for this, although some competitors choose to do 3 and 4 car starts whilst still competing against the clock. The British autocross", "id": "10835386" }, { "contents": "Frankel (horse)\n\n\none of the great sporting stories of the year if not for many years. It was just brilliant and totally deserved.\" Tom Queally said: \"You never see an F1 car win on anything but tarmac but for him to win on ground like that shows how special he is. There was a bigger crowd at Royal Ascot but this was more intense. I don't know what I would have done if he didn't win.\" Sir Henry Cecil commented: \"He's the best I've ever had,", "id": "2226748" }, { "contents": "Fourth-wave feminism in Spain\n\n\nsaid, \"Everything that implies the absence of parents is feminist. I claim my autonomy. The State can not be my father and tell me what I can and can not do with my body. You can put caution, but not tell me what I can do. [...] One thing is as extreme as the other: those who tell you that you can not abort, as those who tell you that you can not gestate.\" PSOE spokesperson Purificación Causapié countered this, saying, \"The effort of", "id": "11478746" }, { "contents": "Prancing Horse\n\n\nThe Prancing Horse () is the symbol of Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and its racing division Scuderia Ferrari. Originally, the symbol was used by World War I pilot Francesco Baracca on his airplane. Enzo Ferrari was a racing driver for Alfa Romeo in the earlier decades of the twentieth century. Following one of his wins at the Targa Florio, he met Francesco Baracca's parents, who told him that their son used to paint a prancing horse on his airplane and suggested that if Ferrari painted the horse on his cars,", "id": "11247882" }, { "contents": "Taishi Ci\n\n\nknow how Hua Ziyu treats him, and whether Liu Yao's former followers have decided to serve Hua Ziyu. You are from the same commandery as Liu Yao, and you served under him before. I hope you can visit his son and convey my wishes to his followers. If they wish to join me, I will welcome them; if they don't, do treat them kindly. At the same time, you can assess how strong Hua Ziyu's defences are, and see if the peoples of Luling and Poyang", "id": "7010531" }, { "contents": "Ferrari Portofino\n\n\nThe Ferrari Portofino (Type F164) is a grand touring sports car produced by the Italian automotive manufacturer Ferrari. It is a two-door 2+2 hard top convertible. The car is named after the Italian Portofino village and also succeeds the company's previous V8 grand tourer, the California T. The car was unveiled at the 2017 Frankfurt Motor Show. The Ferrari Portofino was unveiled on the Italian Riviera in the village of Portofino at two exclusive evenings on 7 and 8 September 2017, at which Piero Ferrari, Sergio Marchionne", "id": "19564849" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 330 TRI/LM\n\n\nThe Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Spyder (chassis number 0808) is a unique racing sports car purpose-built in 1962 by Ferrari to achieve victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It was the last Ferrari racing sports car with a front-mounted engine and the last of a series of Ferrari race cars known as the Testa Rossas. The \"I\" in its designation indicates that the car has an independent rear suspension (\"indipendente\" in Italian). Beginning in 1960 as a 250 TRI/60 Fantuzzi Spyder (", "id": "10662714" }, { "contents": "Derrick Wayne Frazier\n\n\nlove you; do you know I love you. You are my life. You are my wife - always stay strong. Stay strong everybody. I am innocent. I am being punished for a crime I did not commit. I have professed my innocence for nine years, and I continue to say I am innocent. Let my people know I love them. We must continue on. Do not give up the fight; do not give up hope for a better future. Because we can make it happen. I", "id": "15328678" }, { "contents": "Who Do You Love? (Bo Diddley song)\n\n\nI got forty-seven miles of barbed wire\", came to him quickly, \"but I couldn't get a rhyme for it. I thought of car tires and mule trains, and I couldn't get anything to fit. Then one day I said 'use a cobra snake,' and my drummer, Clifton James, added 'for a necktie'\". These are directed at a female he is trying to woo – \"who do you love, me or him\". The lyrics confirm the effect", "id": "1837278" }, { "contents": "Scuderia Ferrari\n\n\nScuderia Ferrari S.p.A. () is the racing division of luxury Italian auto manufacturer Ferrari and the racing team that competes in Formula One racing. The team is also nicknamed \"The Prancing Horse\", with reference to their logo. It is the oldest surviving and most successful Formula One team, having competed in every world championship since the 1950 Formula One season. The team was founded by Enzo Ferrari, initially to race cars produced by Alfa Romeo, though by 1947 Ferrari had begun building its own cars. Among its", "id": "8457874" }, { "contents": "Schmidt (worker)\n\n\nme whether you are a high-priced man or not.\" Vell — did I got $1.85 for loading dot pig iron on dot car to-morrow? \"Yes, of course you do, and you get $1.85 for loading a pile like that every day right through the year. That is what a high-priced man does, and you know it just as well as I do.\" Vell, dot's all right. I could load dot pig iron on the car to-morrow for", "id": "6113412" }, { "contents": "Movement in Black\n\n\na Simple Dream, Movement in Black, Move in Darkness, My Lover Is a Woman, Cop-out, For Willyce, Best Friends, Pit Stop, Sobriety, For the Straight Folks Who Don't Mind Gays But Wish They Weren't So BLATANT, My Lady Ain't No Lady, Non-monogamy Is a Pain in the Butt, Language, Let Me, Solitary Lover, I Kumquat You, A Small Contradiction, I Wish That I Could Hate You, Break-up, Sunshine, I Have,", "id": "9584703" }, { "contents": "The Departed\n\n\nyou know. I go walking in the street people say something to me, I go in a doctor's office, I go in a...whatever...elevators, people are saying, \"You should win one, you should win one.\" I go for an x-ray, \"You should win one.\" And I'm saying, \"Thank you.\" And then friends of mine over the years and friends who are here tonight are wishing this for me and my family. I thank you.", "id": "15844556" }, { "contents": "Take a Picture (Filter song)\n\n\nWhen I wrote the chorus to \"Take a Picture\" [...] it was just after my friend was like, \"Do you remember anything you did last night?\" And I was like, \"What are you talking about?\" She said, \"My God, you were throwing beer bottles out of a cab window at a cop car. Do you remember that?\" And I said, \"Good lord, could you take my picture, 'cuz I won't remember.\" And that line just", "id": "5127601" }, { "contents": "2010 Chinese Grand Prix\n\n\nwent beyond the sporting regulations, \"He was inside so there was nothing I could do there. In terms of the rules, I don't know. I think he should be okay because we saw another car doing the same. You need to ask Charlie [Whiting] not me.\" Alonso stated he felt the manoevure was uncontroversial, \"I knew that when two team-mates are fighting there are rumours. If it was two different cars there wouldn't be a problem. I think Felipe had too much", "id": "15742101" }, { "contents": "Walter Carpenter (socialist)\n\n\n\"The police swore that the accused in his speech referred to the decorations which had been put up in the streets of Dublin in honour of the Royal visit, and said, \"Do you know who you are honouring? Royalty who belong to the House of Brunswick. I do not know if you know the history of that House, but I can tell you. You are honouring the offspring of one of the vilest scoundrels that ever entered our country.\"\"\" In 1913 he became the general secretary of the", "id": "7256176" }, { "contents": "William Amamoo\n\n\nto save Dossey's life until his death. Amamoo has promised to fund the education of Dossey's daughter, who was unhurt in the serious car accident that resulted in his death. “I have decided to cater for his daughter's education because if you know Ibrahim, you will know that he was close to her,” Amamoo told. “I think so far as I live for long, I will do things that will make her happy in life. I also intend to invite her to Sweden for holidays and", "id": "21057866" }, { "contents": "Ferrari Pinin\n\n\nThe Ferrari Pinin was a one-off concept car created by Italian-design studio Pininfarina, to celebrate the design studios 50th anniversary. Discussed by Enzo Ferrari as being turned into a production model, the proposal was dropped and the car remains a singular concept model, the first four-door Ferrari ever built. Battista \"Pinin\" Farina had founded his design house in 1930, and after World War II began working with Enzo Ferrari on designing bodies for his road cars, to allow Ferrari to create funds to continue his", "id": "16373941" }, { "contents": "Rough Justice (The Rolling Stones song)\n\n\n2005, \"That came to me in my sleep. It's almost like \"Satisfaction\". Yeah, I almost sort of woke up and said, 'Where's my guitar?' Sometimes you do dream a riff, you know? I had to get up, and it's really hard to get me up. Once I go down, I go down, you know? But, I mean, it's only a song that could get me up and start running around the room, 'Where's", "id": "17811049" }, { "contents": "Esther (Handel)\n\n\n? says one. Oh! if you don't see the oratorio you see nothing, says t'other, so away I go to the oratorio, where indeed I saw the finest assembly of people I ever beheld in my life; but to my great surprise found this sacred drama a mere concert, no scenery, dress or action, so necessary to a drama. But Handel was placed in a pulpit ... by him sat Senesino, Strada, Bertolli and Turner Robinson [stars of the Italian opera] in their own habits", "id": "16659551" }, { "contents": "Morgan Shepherd\n\n\na Cup Series race. Shepherd also ran the 2014 Camping World RV Sales 301 for Circle Sport Racing. He was the subject of a Joey Logano complaint when the 24-year old Logano was involved in an accident with Shepherd. Logano argued, \"I feel like there should be a driving test before you get out in a Cup car to make sure you know how to drive before you drive one ... If you're 10 laps down, what are you even doing?\" NASCAR defended Shepherd, saying his speed was monitored and", "id": "19663380" }, { "contents": "Arena Racing USA\n\n\nthere's definitely an added level of excitement. When I found out you could do the same thing with a half-scale stock car, but on a banked track with 14 other cars around you while making laps in 10 seconds, I was in.\" Arena Racing uses stock cars half-scale of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series cars at long, and can reach speeds up to . They weight about and have 22-horsepower engines. Events are scheduled in a heat style format, as opposed to NASCAR's format of one long", "id": "19136469" }, { "contents": "Are You Dead Yet?\n\n\nso we were outside having fun, and I climbed on top of a car, and slipped and fell off, and next thing I know I was in hospital. I had three broken bones in my wrist and lots of stitches, got kept in over night. So when I woke up the next morning I obviously wasn't feeling too good. I looked in the mirror and said to myself, ‘Have you had enough? Are you dead yet?’\" In 2005, \"Are You Dead Yet?\"", "id": "19088157" }, { "contents": "Mama (Spice Girls song)\n\n\nnice that our mums were there and could see what we're doing. It's good, because they were actually knackered at the end of the day and I said to my mum: 'Ha! Now you know how I feel every day!\" Geri Halliwell commented: \"I found it a bit bizarre bringing my mum to work with me on the 'Mama' video. You know: 'This is what I do—come and do it, too.' If you worked in Sainsbury's, you", "id": "11401370" }, { "contents": "Ewelina Hańska\n\n\nunable to reply. She probably never saw this notice. Hańska wrote to Balzac several times during 1832. On 7 November she posted a seven-page letter filled with praise and flattery:Your soul embraces centuries, Monsieur; its philosophical concepts appear to be the fruit of long study matured by time; yet I am told that you are still young. I would like to know you, but feel that I have no need to do so. I know you through my own spiritual instinct; I picture you in my", "id": "1473189" }, { "contents": "... Au delà du hasard\n\n\nnoisy announcement by cymbals and gongs, is sung at first very quietly by the three singers, as if disclosing a secret: \"Blinded by dream and made by dream to see, I know your death, I know the limit fixed for you, dream's limit, which you deny. Do you know it yourself? Do you want it so?\" . Seamlessly weaving together excerpts from the Polieri-Thibaudeau scores with new material, Barraqué used his technique of proliferating series to obtain new tone rows from the one originally", "id": "19304623" }, { "contents": "Ferrari F40\n\n\nthe quite simple, but very expensive car with relatively little out of the ordinary being called a \"cynical money-making exercise\" aimed at speculators, a figure from the Ferrari marketing department was quoted as saying \"We wanted it to be very fast, sporting in the extreme and Spartan,\" \"Customers had been saying our cars were becoming too plush and comfortable.\" \"The F40 is for the most enthusiastic of our owners who want nothing but sheer performance. It isn't a laboratory for the future, as", "id": "17328395" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\npetition, penned by Jung: My soul, my soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you–are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you. After long years of long wandering, I have come to you again... Do you still know me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how", "id": "943052" }, { "contents": "YesAllWomen\n\n\nis the easiest way to get a man to leave you alone. Because he respects another man more than you. #yesallwomen\", \"I shouldn't have to hold my car keys in hand like a weapon & check over my shoulder every few seconds when I walk at night #YesAllWomen\", and \"Because every single woman I know has a story about a man feeling entitled to access to her body. Every. Single. One. #YesAllWomen.\" Within four days of the first use of #YesAllWomen", "id": "2480606" }, { "contents": "Indradyumna\n\n\nme. He might know you. I will take you there; if you put little more effort you can reach him”. Both Mārkandeya Maharshi and Raja Indradyumna went to Prāvārakarna. Indradyumna asked Prāvārakarna, “I have been told that you have lived older than maharshi Mārkandeya. Do you remember any of my good deeds?\" Prāvārakarna replied, “O great king, I do not remember you, you must have been way before my time. However I know about a lake at a distance of 2 Yojanas from here", "id": "9334347" }, { "contents": "I Have Questions\n\n\nrooms / Staring straight up at the wall / Counting wounds and I am trying to numb them all / Do you care? / Why don't you care?\" Singing the second verse, Cabello wonders how someone could cut her so deeply: \"Number one, tell me who you think you are / You got some nerve trying to tear my faith apart / Number two, why would you try and play me for a fool? / I should have never ever ever trusted you.\" The song continues with drum", "id": "6096735" }, { "contents": "Ron Larson\n\n\nlucky in her career, she said 'When you have a single dream it is more than likely to come true---because you keep working toward it without getting mixed up.' Anyone who has been in my office knows that I am a Marilyn fan. But not just a Marilyn fan---I am a fan of the American Dream.\" Finally, in 1976 he and his co-author, Robert P. Hostetler, obtained a contract from D. C. Heath and Company. The first edition of their calculus book was", "id": "21643371" }, { "contents": "National Caucus of Labor Committees\n\n\n, was reported to have grossed $4.5 million in a four-month period. In a purported internal memo from 1981 LaRouche explained his position within the organization by saying, \"I do not wish to hear, ever again, that I must wait until our legal council (sic) has assessed the wisdom of one of my decisions or that some members personal sensitivities must be taken into account...I promise you that I shall function, unrestrained, as a commanding general of a combat organization. Anyone who opposes my orders", "id": "6197812" }, { "contents": "Dario Benuzzi\n\n\nDario Benuzzi (born January 1946) is an Italian test driver, best known for his employment at Ferrari, a manufacturer of sports cars in Italy. He has tested every production model following the Ferrari 246 Dino as well as the company's Formula One cars. As a chief test driver, he is responsible for its development work that involves spending five to six hours in a car daily at Ferrari's private track and on the road, then giving feedback to his team of test drivers and car engineers. Originally from the", "id": "5567579" }, { "contents": "Grand tourer\n\n\ncar was an immediate winner. In November 2016, it was reported that a 1962 Ferrari 250 GTO was being offered for public sale—normally brokers negotiate deals between extremely wealthy collectors \"behind closed doors\". GTOs had previously been auctioned in 1990 and 2014. The 2017 sale was expected to reach USD $56,000,000.00, the particular GTO concerned (the second of just thirty-six ever made) thus set to become the world's most expensive car. The Italian Mille Miglia thousand-mile race, held from 1927 to", "id": "10522138" } ]
Hi, I work as a clown at a local circus. That sounds like a fun job! Do you perform slapstick type physical comedy or mime style? Yea it is! I mostly do slapstick type because the kids like it more. I can see that! Clowns are very good at entertaining large audiences, even at a distance! I agree, I usually gather about 300 people for my shows. When they leave, they cry because they wasted their money! Oh, I doubt that!! Do you wear the typical "red clown" type of costume with a colorful wig and clothing, exaggerated footwear and distinctive makeup? Mostly a red clown, with a red nose and colorful hair. Sometimes, kids get scared of me! It's no wonder after the crazy clown sightings of 2016! By mid-October, evil clown sightings and attacks were reported in nearly every single US state! I swear I was not one of them! I only aim to make people happy, not to attack them (unless they call me a loser)!
[{"answer": "It's a shame that a few bad apples tried to ruin clowns for everyone! Clowns have been around since the early 1800s and I'm sure back then they weren't trying to terrify people!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5928", "title": "Clown", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 213, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 414, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nA clown is a comic performer who employs slapstick or similar types of physical comedy, often in a mime style. Clowns have a varied tradition with significant variations in costume and performance. The most recognisable modern clown character is the \"Auguste\" or \"red clown\" type, with outlandish costumes featuring distinctive makeup, colourful wigs, exaggerated footwear, and colourful clothing. Their entertainment style is generally designed to entertain large audiences. Modern clowns are strongly associated with the tradition of the circus clown, which developed out of earlier comedic", "id": "6127858" }, { "contents": "Madonna: Tears of a Clown\n\n\nnobody makes any money ... and sometimes I dream about simplicity.\" During the show, the singer explained her decision to do Tears of a Clown: I've had this idea in my head for this show Tears of a Clown which is a combination of music and storytelling. Because at the end of the day I do think of myself as a story teller. But it's rough as f---, so bear with me and give me all the support you can. It's from the heart. I chose to debut", "id": "5367350" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\ncomedian goes out and hits people right on. A clown uses pathos. He can be funny, then turn right around and reach people and touch them with what life is like.\" \"I just want to be known as a clown\", he said, \"because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything—sing, dance and above all, make people laugh.\" His purpose in life, he believed, was to make people laugh. In \"Groucho and", "id": "13279172" }, { "contents": "Clown (Emeli Sandé song)\n\n\nCommenting on the song, Sandé said, \"It’s about how I felt when I was trying to get signed, I was going for all these meetings and people were looking at me like ‘What do we do with you’? It’s about not allowing yourself to be judged by others or to be taken for an idiot. I feel the video reflects that.\" A music video to accompany the release of \"Clown\" was first released onto YouTube on 6 December 2012 with a total length of three minutes", "id": "15368872" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nreally dawned on me to use it for an album cover, but I saw a review of one of my painting shows and they had stripped it like that – you know, just that stripe – and I thought, 'That looks good for the album cover.' Because they were talking to me about doing a photo session and I went, 'I don't want to do that.'\" This marks the first time since 1991's \"Whenever We Wanted\" that Mellencamp has displayed one of his paintings on", "id": "12993515" }, { "contents": "Funhouse (Pink album)\n\n\nthat she sees life as a carnival: \"Clowns are supposed to be happy, but they are really scary. Carnivals are supposed to be fun, but really they are kind of creepy.\" [...] \"and that's like life to me, and love. Love is supposed to be fun, but it can sometimes be really scary. And the funhouse mirrors that make you look so distorted that you don't recognize yourself and you ask yourself, 'How did I get here? How do I get", "id": "173214" }, { "contents": "The Right Size\n\n\njob, so I created one myself by creating a theatre company, The Right Size. On the first show my partner, Hamish McColl, and I built the set, drove the van, did the show, took the set out, went to the pub.\" They were described early on in terms such as \"one of Britain's most promising young clown theatre companies\" and \"[t]he multilingual clowning theatre company [that] specialises in brash physical comedy that is part mime, part slapstick and can just about", "id": "186516" }, { "contents": "Chocolat (clown)\n\n\nthat Mr. Mille, the intelligent journalist wrote that I am dead like I pray you, say that I am alive, and that I am playing every night in \"Chocolat aviateur\" at the New You can judge that I did not even turn Please accept my respect,br Chocolatbr Please correct it, because it hurts me. Foottit and Chocolat split up in 1910, when Andre Antoine, director of the Odeon, hired Foottit to play the role of the Clown in \"Romeo and Juliet\". They", "id": "627781" }, { "contents": "The Clown's Prayer\n\n\ndispense more happiness than gloom, spread more cheer than despair. Never let me become so indifferent, that I will fail to see the wonders in the eyes of a child, or the twinkle in the eyes of the aged. Never let me forget that my total effort is to cheer people, make them happy, and forget momentarily, all the unpleasantness in their lives. And in my final moment, may I hear You whisper: \"When you made My people smile, you made Me smile.\" /poem Occasionally", "id": "11338263" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\n, 2017, Mellencamp told Yahoo's Katie Couric: \"I didn't even want to write the song. I know this sounds crazy, but it happens a lot, I think, to songwriters – you can't tell it by looking, but I was working out and all of a sudden I just started singing 'easy targets' and I thought, 'oh no, now I've got to stop what I'm doing' and it took know, somebody just sent it to me and I", "id": "12993511" }, { "contents": "Explication\n\n\nwhich are considered to have universal meaning across all languages. An example of an explication of the word \"happy\"\":\" X feels happy = What sets the Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory's explications apart from previous theories, is that these explications can fit into natural language, even if it sounds very awkward. For example: The clown looks [happy] The clown looks like [the clown thinks something like this: 'something good happened to me; I wanted this; I don't want other things now'", "id": "15470633" }, { "contents": "Andy Offutt Irwin\n\n\nto explore darker subject matters as well. \"Although I like to think of my storytelling as funny, I can have these serious moments. I'm not depending on the audience to laugh the whole time ... I hope there's content with the form.\" Irwin \"takes the humor very seriously ... I remember being a little kid wondering why we laugh and what makes me laugh. I always was a class clown. I was always interested in what makes laughter happen and now I get to dig into the theory of", "id": "11959695" }, { "contents": "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College\n\n\ntheir shows. The particular \"Ringling Style\" of clowning taught at Clown College was rooted in the American type of clown performance, with an accent towards broad and slapstick type humor, as opposed to the European approach which was typically more subtle. Because of the \"three ring\" configuration of the Ringling show, and the bigger arenas that were needed to present such an attraction, audiences were larger and many patrons sat in balconies or upper decks, far above the action. In order to reach the people in every area", "id": "1079020" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n. His face was described as white with a red nose. They claim that he offered them treats if they would go with him. According to police, an adult heard, but did not see, the clown. On September 7, a witness reported seeing a person wearing a scary clown mask, red curly wig, yellow dotted shirt, blue clown pants and clown shoes exited the woods by an apartment complex around 10 a.m. in Greensboro, although the clown disappeared after another witness attempted to chase down the clown with a", "id": "12032736" }, { "contents": "Charles Gayle\n\n\nand religious beliefs: \"I understand that when you start speaking about faith or religion, they want you to keep it in a box, but I'm not going to do that. Not because I'm taking advantage of being a musician, I'm the same everywhere, and people have to understand that.\" Gayle sometimes performs as a mime, \"Streets the Clown.\" \"Streets means to me, first, a freedom from Charles. I'm not good at being the center of attention…. It", "id": "15921183" }, { "contents": "Jon Stewart–Jim Cramer conflict\n\n\nrealized Stewart was on a mission to make me look like a clown. I didn't defend myself because I wasn't prepared. What was I supposed to do, talk about how often I had been right? Praise myself? Get mad? I was mad, but I didn't want to give the audience any blood. The national media said I got crushed, which I did, and made me into a buffoon ... They wanted to make me the Face of the Era, and they succeeded. Rick Santelli's", "id": "1229247" }, { "contents": "Beverly McIver\n\n\nrichly colorful and chronicles her life struggle with her African-American identity. While attending a predominantly white, affluent high school, McIver was a member of the school’s clowning club. Performing in clown makeup and a wig empowered McIver: “As a clown…I was transformed, and in many ways more acceptable to society. No one cared that I was black or poor. I was embraced.” Considering going to clown school for a brief period of time, McIver decided to pursue a career in art, earning", "id": "762261" }, { "contents": "Behind the Sightings\n\n\nhighly publicized sightings of individuals dressed as evil clowns. Executive producer Tommy Vlahopoulos stated in March 2017: Clowns have traditionally been associated with slapstick style performance, comedy or mime, but there has always been a dark side to a clown. This is not fake news. \"Behind the Sightings\" is centered around the terrifying clown sightings that shook the world last year, and an eager couple swept up in all the phenomenon. This is a very newsworthy subject, especially with all the continuous clown sightings. The film was initially", "id": "8090040" }, { "contents": "Madonna: Tears of a Clown\n\n\n. Too bad people don't know the art of acting and playing a character. I could never do any of my shows high or drunk. And yes underlying all of this is sexism and mysongony which proves that not only do we not get equal pay but we are still treated like heretics if we step out of line and think outside the box! Sexism is alive and kicking but i am #livingforlove.\" In October 2016, Madonna announced plans of collaborating with Art Basel to revive the Tears of a Clown show", "id": "5367364" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\non the three \"Funny Faces\" specials that Skelton produced for HBO. In a \"TV Guide\" interview after Skelton's death, Marceau said, \"Red, you are eternal for me and the millions of people you made laugh and cry. May God bless you forever, my great and precious companion. I will never forget that silent world we created together.\" CBS issued the following statement upon his death: \"Red's audience had no age limits. He was the consummate family entertainer—a winsome clown", "id": "13279176" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nsaying, 'Let me send you some of Woody's poetry and see if you can turn it into a song.' I said, 'Didn't someone else do a whole album of that?\"... Wilco and Billy Bragg – they made an awfully good record using his poetry. So I thought, 'Well, I don't know, that's already been done.' But she's very persistent and she sent me four or five poems and, I don't know, it took about six minutes", "id": "12993509" }, { "contents": "Circus Left Town\n\n\nrings going on at the same time. You've got clowns and tigers and everything. They don't do anything in half measures. They just pile it all in. Plus, they're trying to sell you things at the same time. I mean it was an amazing thing. After the show, we were driving back to New York City and all he could remember, all he could talk about was this clown. He'd seen a clown with a knife, which I didn't see at all. Some", "id": "382796" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nmodern times, when whitefaces perform with other clowns, they usually function as the straight man, \"top banana\" or the leader of the group. Whiteface clowns use \"clown white\" makeup to cover their entire face and neck, with none of the underlying flesh colour showing. Features are then usually painted on in either red or black. The whiteface clown is traditionally costumed more extravagantly than the other two clown types. They often wear the ruffled collar and pointed hat which typify the average person's idea of a \"", "id": "2913144" }, { "contents": "Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg\n\n\nfront\" a fig-leaf. Just think how wonderful when you bark, howl to music, shoot off a pistol or do other tricks. It is simply \"splendid\"!...In my mind's eye I can already see H.M [His Majesty] laughing with us...I am applying myself with real relish to this 'work' in order to forget that my beloved sister -- the dearest thing I have on earth -- is at this moment dying in Breslau...I feel like the clown in Knaus's picture 'Behind", "id": "3662806" }, { "contents": "Circus Left Town\n\n\nclown was running around brandishing a knife, which was something quite frightening but he liked it – I mean it excited him. And so that is in the lyrics. But, and I suppose what I was doing, I was remembering, I mean paying tribute to this night with him and also seeing him as being the circus of my life. You know – that particular part of my life has now left town\". \"Circus Left Town\" is written in a pop and rock music vein. It features styles", "id": "382797" }, { "contents": "Love Shine a Light\n\n\nWaves] were getting beautiful suits made by William Hunt and my outfit was an afterthought. They came [in] with five different designers and every single outfit made me look like a clown or a chair cover...I ended up wearing this green blouse I’d been wearing all week that I’d bought in the Cambridge market for £3 [with] a [dark velvet] jacket that my sister had sent me, which was a Donna Karan second and it only had one shoulder pad. So while I was doing", "id": "7492501" }, { "contents": "Death of a Clown\n\n\n“What are we doing?” We were going from day to day to day like performing seals. And that's where I got the idea for 'Death of a Clown.' I went back to me mum's house with the same old out-of-tune piano and I plunked out three notes, and it turned into the song.\" The single release was met with considerable success in the UK, hitting #3, thus prompting Dave Davies to consider embarking on a solo career. When subsequent singles", "id": "19262244" }, { "contents": "Amateur Night in the Big Top\n\n\nLegs\" express his feelings about the music industry and the legal issues he was facing. Scooter Girl - \"man were not all born equal, you can get stuck with some fucked up people, where the normal is just pure fuckin evil, there's no difference from shit and treacle\" \"Clowns\" - \"I don't want to be beaten to death by clowns, pound for pound, beaten by clowns, big floppy shoes on my head, beating me around until I'm dead...\" \"Long Legs", "id": "3925697" }, { "contents": "Julian Ritter\n\n\n. Although he had painted clowns before, Ritter started painting a series of unusual or tender clowns in the summer of 1948. His first visit to a circus was in 1949. Ritter said of his clown paintings \"I don't need to see clowns. My clown portraits are more like human portraits in clown make-up. They are a combination of my imagination and my memory of faces, or even my own face.\" Ritter was commissioned in the early 1950s by an art gallery on Ventura Blvd in the San", "id": "19707873" }, { "contents": "Sean Foley (director)\n\n\nLarner. Their style combined elements of clowning, physical comedy, mime, slapstick, vaudeville and variety. \"The Right Size\"'s major successes were \"Do You Come Here Often?\", about two strangers stuck in a bathroom for 25 years, and \"The Play What I Wrote\", a tribute to Morecambe and Wise. \"The Right Size\" were active until 2006. Foley has played some major parts in traditional scripted roles, including Freud in \"Hysteria\" by Terry Johnson at Birmingham Rep in 2007", "id": "186540" }, { "contents": "List of Halloween characters\n\n\nheard the story before and the grandmother doesn't go into detail because Michael is about to enter the room. After Michael models his clown costume, his grandmother says, \"Edith, please fetch me some cold cream and lipstick from the tray in my bedroom. Might as well complete the picture\". Michael then replies \"I don't want makeup\". His grandmother says, \"Of course you do. You don't want anyone to guess who you are when you go around playing pranks\". Michael then answers", "id": "3178903" }, { "contents": "Hugo Johnstone-Burt\n\n\nup in Sydney. His parents were both in the navy. His brother is in the army, while his sister is a lawyer. Johnstone-Burt told \"TV Week's\" Erin Miller that he chose a career in acting because he was not good at anything in high school, saying \"I was a bit of a clown and liked to muck around and make people laugh, and then I went to my first drama class and thought, 'Well, amazing, I can do this for the rest of my", "id": "21877843" }, { "contents": "Omar Bakri Muhammad\n\n\nJon, I need you more than ever now. You know I am harmless, don't you? You know I am just a clown. You know I am laughable, don't you? ... Why don't people believe you when you tell them that I am just a harmless clown?\" Future Television interviewed Bakri on 11 August 2005. Bakri said he did not have ties to Al Qaeda, calling it a \"media creation\" and said he did not intend to return to Britain. During the interview,", "id": "19730559" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\neven though, technically, it should be considered as another character clown. Each of these types of clown may wear a makeup that is either \"neat\" (slightly exaggerated) or \"grotesque\" (wildly exaggerated). There is no single, absolute definition of what constitutes each clown type, with international performers encompassing an extremely wide range of styles, from the classical to the innovative. The whiteface (or white clown) holds the highest status in the clown hierarchy and is the oldest of the clown archetypes. In", "id": "2913143" }, { "contents": "Insane Clown Posse\n\n\nin God but I haven't been to church since I was like 10. I don't even know if [Utsler has] ever been to church!\" \"Christianity Today\" writer Mark Moring also challenged Ronson's characterization, writing that \"The guys in ICP haven't used the word 'Christian' or 'evangelical' [...] so let's not call them anything that they're not claiming for themselves\". In 2011, Insane Clown Posse appeared on \"Attack of the Show!\" and repudiated claims", "id": "15400568" }, { "contents": "Charmbracelet\n\n\n.\" \"Clown\" drew strong media attention, and its lyrical content led critics to speculate that Carey aimed it at rapper Eminem, who had publicly announced that he had had a relationship with Carey. Rodman said \"Clown\" was \"languidly sinister\", with lyrics such as, \"I should've left it at 'I like your music too' ... You should never have intimated we were lovers / when you know very well we never even touched each other.\" Critics compared \"I Only Wanted\" with", "id": "16161068" }, { "contents": "Obnoxio the Clown\n\n\nillo. I think the piece impressed Larry quite a bit, because if my memory is correct, Larry left me strictly alone on anything and everything Obnoxio the Clown-related.\" Most of the Obnoxio features were written by Virgil Diamond, who according to Hama \"was a high school English teacher in Brooklyn. I heard from him a few years ago when he retired. He really labored on those pages and was constantly fussing with them.\" Obnoxio the Clown appeared in a number of single-page gags in \"", "id": "21336984" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nclothing, warning them of the serious consequences they could face if they persisted in their activities. The two individuals had apparently been loitering at a neighborhood playground, lurking around suspiciously and scaring children. During the confrontation one clown fled, but the other clown stayed for the duration of the lecture, eventually coming to see the truth in what the residents were saying – and removing his clown costume. On October 16, 2016 just outside the city limits of Pryor, Oklahoma a female motorist was reportedly attacked by two clowns after being", "id": "12032741" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n\"the situation got out of control and went viral,\" police said. On September 21, in Tchula, Police Chief reported seeing a clown wearing a multi-colored wig, overalls, and a mask carrying what appeared to be a machete. Upon seeing the police car, the clown fled. His or her whereabouts remain unknown. One driver reported seeing a person dressed as a clown lurking around by Republic High School during the night in Republic, Missouri. People dressed as clowns have also been sighted in Platte City", "id": "12032727" }, { "contents": "Trucker hat\n\n\nthose same people came up to me and said shyly, 'Uhm, where do you get your hats? I need to get some.' Years ago, some people used to get angry with me for wearing them and someone even called me racist for wearing a trucker hat 'cause I looked like a redneck. I bet now, some people think I'm a loser for wearing them because now they're out of fashion. But you know what, I never wore 'em to be 'in' or trendy or cool", "id": "17975976" }, { "contents": "The Warning (Eminem song)\n\n\na negative light, claiming to have been angered by her not admitting to seeing him. On \"Charmbracelet\", Carey included a song titled \"Clown\", which critics suggested was aimed at Eminem. \"Clown\"'s lyrics were described as \"languidly sinister\" by Sarah Rodman of \"The Boston Globe\", and read: \"I should've left it at 'I like your music too'...You should never have intimated we were lovers / When you know very well we never even touched each other.\"", "id": "5007806" }, { "contents": "The Day the Clown Cried\n\n\n?\" Lewis replied in the negative, and explained the reason the movie would never be released was because \"in terms of that film I was embarrassed. I was ashamed of the work, and I was grateful that I had the power to contain it all, and never let anyone see it. It was bad, bad, bad ... But I can tell you how it ends.\" At Cannes while promoting \"Max Rose\", Lewis was asked about \"The Day the Clown Cried\" and said, \"", "id": "16799996" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nwhite clown\" is derived from the Pierrot character. His makeup is white, usually with facial features such as eyebrows emphasized in black. He is the more intelligent and sophisticated clown, contrasting with the rude or grotesque \"Auguste\" types. Francesco Caroli and Glenn \"Frosty\" Little are examples of this type. The second type of whiteface is the buffoonish clown of the \"Bozo\" type, known as \"Comedy\" or \"Grotesque Whiteface\". This type has grotesquely emphasized features, especially a red nose and red", "id": "6127877" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nEmployees of theme parks were instructed to remove any horror costumes and make-up before leaving work. By October 25, 2016, several news outlets reported on an alleged clown-initiated \"purge\" or \"attack\", which supposedly was to take place on Halloween Eve of 2016. While there were no widespread \"purge\" attacks as threatened, a family from Florida were attacked on October 31, 2016 by a group of approximately 20 people in clown masks (and masks styled after \"The Purge\" movie).", "id": "12032657" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n\", allegedly attacked two people who were checking their cars in Orange County. One man was stabbed and injured, and another was assaulted with a hockey stick. The LaGrange Police Department received reports of people dressed as clowns in a van luring children on September 12. Two people were later arrested for falsely reporting a clown sighting, and four were arrested for making a \"terroristic threat\" involving clown costumes. Dublin Police Chief Tim Chatman stated that an individual involved in a car accident reported seeing a clown and swerved to avoid", "id": "12032711" }, { "contents": "Sergey Kovalev (boxer)\n\n\none more time in the third round. The second knockdown ended Mohammedi's night and gave Kovalev his 25th knockout victory. Kovalev said in the post-fight interview, \"I wanted more rounds. I wanted him to look like a clown. I wanted him to look foolish. I'm very happy that I got the victory,\" Kovalev said. \"I gave my best. I am happy. I told him to stand up. It was a short show. People didn't see boxing.\" Abel Sanchez", "id": "8048829" }, { "contents": "All I Ask of You\n\n\n\"Send in the Clowns, \"On My Way to You\", \"Life Story\", and \"Emotion\"; both of these editions were also released on CD. The limited edition EP featured \"On My Way to You\", \"Make No Mistake, He's Mine\", \"Since I Fell for You\", and a large colored poster of Streisand from the \"Till I Loved You\" photoshoots. Stephen Holden called the song one of the \"moments of sweeping majesty\" on \"Till I", "id": "2470262" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nand cleared the building. Numerous reports of sightings have been received by the Indian River County Sheriff's Office. In Indian River County, on September 28, while walking her dog, a woman reported seeing a person in a clown costume come out from behind a tree. The person was dressed in a white clown costume, wore a mask, and had red hair. On September 28, a group of classmates in the Vero Lake Estates area were chased by someone in a clown mask after getting off a bus. A", "id": "12032707" }, { "contents": "Louder (Lea Michele album)\n\n\nI can play in my car with the windows down. I feel like it shows off my voice as a singer, which is really important to me, because that’s what I do. I want to make sure that every song on my record is fun and enjoyable, but also, you hear my voice in them.\" Michele also stated, \"I didn't want to find songs that I had to change myself for. I wanted to find songs that would only highlight my sound and were unique to me", "id": "14632642" }, { "contents": "Madonna: Tears of a Clown\n\n\nthis work in progress, this rough rehearsal, here in Australia because I feel so bad about cancelling on you guys the last time. I'm sorry. You've been so patient, you waited for so long, I feel like I owe you a present, so this is your present ... I want to make a disclaimer ... If anyone thinks they came here to see a finished final show, there's the door. This is some brand spanking new shit. I don't know if you like it raw.", "id": "5367351" }, { "contents": "Death of a Clown\n\n\ncredited to Dave Davies but the song also appeared on the Kinks' album \"Something Else by The Kinks\", released later in 1967. In an interview with \"Yahoo!\", Dave Davies said that \"Death of a Clown\" was written about the repetitive performing schedule he and the rest of the Kinks worked through. He said, \"One night I nodded off at a party and woke up and saw all these decadent people running around. I had a vision of being a circus clown. I thought,", "id": "19262243" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n. By mid October 10 children had received NSPCC counselling over fears of the clowns. A school in Ballycastle, County Antrim banned the wearing of clown costumes to a Halloween party taking place during school. Three people dressed as clowns were arrested by police after they scared people in Mullacreevie Park, County Armagh. After originally occurring in South Carolina, the sightings and threats spread to more than four-fifths of the country's states, the District of Columbia, and the territory of Puerto Rico. In the second and third weeks", "id": "12032694" }, { "contents": "A Hole in the Sock of (Dave Davies)\n\n\ndidn't feel right. I did a few songs in a demo studio and I knocked out three or four songs, and one of them was 'Creeping Jean,' and I started to get very depressed about the whole idea. One of the last songs I recorded then was 'I'm Crying,' so you can tell what frame of mind I was in. Technically work began on the project after the unexpected success of \"Death of a Clown\". Initially, proposed material included blues numbers by Lead Belly", "id": "6087445" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nthat was a beautiful line. 'I was hung up with God – I was trying to find God' is what he's saying. I guess you guys figured that out, right?\" Mellencamp concluded: \"I related to that song ever since I was like 17 years old\". Sad Clowns: Mellencamp told Brian Hiatt of Rolling Stone magazine: \"As soon as I wrote that, I looked up and said, 'Thanks, Ray.' Because I know it's a Ray Davies song, like", "id": "12993507" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nas an expert on the phenomenon, writes that looking throughout history clowns are seen as tricksters, fools, and more; however, they always are in control, speak their minds, and can get away with doing so. When writing the book \"Bad Clowns\", Radford found that professional clowns are not generally fond of the bad-clown (or evil-clown) persona. They see them as \"the rotten apple in the barrel, whose ugly sight and smell casts suspicion on the rest of them,\"", "id": "1128136" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nshe was smoking. She claimed that a man dressed as a clown grabbed her throat and said \"I should just kill you now...\" The victim also stated that he said that \"some students and teachers would wish they were never born at the junior and senior high school today.\" That prompted Reading school superintendent Chuck LaFata to cancel Friday classes in the area, prompting local private school Mount Notre Dame to close as well. Also, a junior high student was arrested after making a clown-related threat using the", "id": "12032738" }, { "contents": "Chimes at Midnight\n\n\n, in all of drama\", and said that \"the closer I thought I was getting to Falstaff the less funny he seemed to me. When I played him before in the theater, he seemed more witty than comical. And in bringing him to the screen, I found him only occasionally, and only \"deliberately\", a clown.\" Keith Baxter compared Welles to Falstaff, since they were both perpetually short of money, often lied and cheated people to get what they needed and were always merry and fun", "id": "33876" }, { "contents": "Rodeo clown\n\n\nthe most outlandish clothing in bright colors, which may include things like wearing an inflatable female costume, and uses noisy colorful props such as rubber chickens and exploding garbage cans. Typically, the clown carries a microphone and heckles the rodeo announcer, the crowd and anyone else he recognizes. During the bull riding event, the clown supports the bullfighters, including taunting the bulls by calling them names and waving props at them, usually from within the safety of the barrel. Rodeo clowns may also tell jokes and use topical humor.", "id": "10616121" }, { "contents": "Vesti la giubba\n\n\npianto in una smorfia il singhiozzo e 'l dolor, Ah! Ridi, Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto! Ridi del duol, che t'avvelena il cor!/poem poem style=\"margin-left:2em; float:left;\"Act! While in delirium, I no longer know what I say, or what I do! And yet it's necessary... make an effort! Bah! Are you even a man? You are a clown! Put on your costume and powder your face. The people are paying, and they want to laugh here.", "id": "459186" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nBird Cafe' and then acted like I wrote it. So in my mind, finally, I did write it. It was my song. Because I would go places, \"Hey John, play that 'Early Bird Cafe' song.' People just assumed I wrote it because, like you, they had never heard the record. So that song really became mine more than the guy that wrote it or Jerry Hahn Brotherhood, you know, 40 years ago. I've been playing it for 40 years,", "id": "12993505" }, { "contents": "Roy Chubby Brown\n\n\nmentality and banter and took it to the stage. I was the first person ever to say the 'C' word on stage in the UK. To be honest I never looked back.\" Brown's image is characterised by a clown-like stage costume consisting of a flying helmet and goggles, a multicoloured patchwork jacket and trousers, a white shirt, a red bow tie and moccasin slippers. A typical stand-up show starts with Brown dancing to the audience chanting, \"You fat bastard!\" Brown then", "id": "1242974" }, { "contents": "Early Wynn\n\n\nand for the frequency with which he threw at batters. He once stated, \"I'd knock down my own grandmother if she dug in on me.\" He also said to reporters: \"Why should I worry about hitters? Do they worry about me? Do you ever find a hitter crying because he's hit a line drive through the box? My job is getting hitters out. If I don't get them out I lose. I don't like losing a game any more than a salesman likes losing", "id": "10438069" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nI think she probably wrote the bulk of the lyrics and I wrote the arrangements. We knew we didn't want to make a traditional duets record\". Mellencamp changed Carter's original line, \"I close my eyes and I see you\", to, \"I see the sun setting on you\". Carter later added in a 2019 interview with Glide Magazine: \"With 'Indigo Sunset,' he got a co-write on that, largely to do with the fact that he changed the title and the", "id": "12993496" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\ngive [Bobby] credit, the idea of the song was great. It was very humbling... like a guy said, 'It's the only time I've ever heard a song that makes living in a house trailer sound sexy.'\" Indigo Sunset: The only song on \"Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\" that Mellencamp and Carter wrote together, \"Indigo Sunset\" was started by Carter and finished by Mellencamp: \"It was called 'I See You,' which, John goes, 'It sounds like", "id": "12993493" }, { "contents": "Roly Bain\n\n\n– or at least happy to play\". Bain traced the origins of his clown ministry to the \"holy fools\" and \"feasts of fools\" of the Middle Ages, and quoted Saint Paul saying \"We are fools for Christ.\" (1 Corinthians 4:10) He was the only Church of England priest to work full-time as a clown. He once said, “That is the only sort of clowning I do: getting across the Christian message to different audiences in different ways.” He took his", "id": "12194035" }, { "contents": "The Circus Starring Britney Spears\n\n\nbe doing a little dissection, transposition, a vanish, an appearance — and if I do a trick, she doesn't just hold the props, she's actually getting inside the big boxes or I am slicing her up. ... Some of it's pretty scary, but she gets right in there with no reservations.\" The costumes were designed by Dean and Dan Caten from DSquared2. They recreated classic circus outfits, like clowns, jugglers and trapeze artists in a more provocative way. They commented that, \"We", "id": "13770042" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nstatement on October 5 requesting that students not take matters into their own hands when confronting potentially dangerous situations. Reports say that students had created a sign-up sheet for an \"Anti-Clown Army\" and students were later seen roaming the campus armed with baseball bats. On September 4, children in a Winston-Salem neighborhood reported to the police about a person dressed as a clown trying to lure them into some woods. They described him as wearing white overalls and gloves, red shoes, and bushy, red hair", "id": "12032735" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nclowns\" do using \"human foibles\" against their victims. Radford states that, although bad clowns permeate the media in movies, TV, music, comics, and more, the \"good clowns\" outnumber the bad ones. Research shows that most people do not fear clowns but actually love them and that bad clowns are \"the exception, not the rule.\" The concept of the evil clown is related to the irrational fear of clowns, known as coulrophobia, a neologism coined in the context of informal \"\"", "id": "1128138" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\npublicly requested that they identify themselves and to stop causing public unrest. A person dressed as a clown was sighted in Ruwaard on October 10 and 11. On October 14, a 17-year-old boy dressed as a clown was arrested in Roermond, Limburg for jumping towards drivers and scaring them. On October 11, in Bodø, two youths wearing clown masks were wielding bats and sticks and scaring people. The two turned themselves in to authorities later that night. In Eidsvåg, a sighting was reported at a petrol station.", "id": "12032679" }, { "contents": "Illinois (Sufjan Stevens album)\n\n\nhit his head and caused a blood clot in his brain; \"He dressed up like a clown for them / with his face paint white and red\" alludes to the nickname given to Gacy—the \"Killer Clown\"; and \"He put a cloth on their lips / Quiet hands, quiet kiss on the mouth\" references Gacy's use of chloroform to subdue and molest his victims. The song ends with the narrator turning inward with the lyrics: \"And in my best behavior, I am really just like", "id": "16385523" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nleast three sightings were reported in Zürich. One was reported to be violent, in which a person wearing a clown mask punched a person in the stomach. Northumbria Police stated that 6 reports have been made about clown incidents since the beginning of October. Although nobody was attacked during those incidents, some of the reports involve clowns in Newcastle upon Tyne jumping out of bushes to frighten children with other reports of clowns chasing people. On October 4, a teenage boy in Blakelaw, Newcastle upon Tyne, was placed under arrest as", "id": "12032683" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nOn the same day, a man in Bardstown mistook a woman wearing a white afghan out walking her dog for a clown and fired a warning shot with an AR-15 to scare her. Throughout the month of September police received multiple reports of \"creepy clown\" in both Bowling Green and Glasgow. In late September in Louisville there were multiple reports to police stating that 5 to 6 people wearing clown costumes were sighted cruising around the downtown area at night in a white van. On October 15, a 21-year-old man was", "id": "12032718" }, { "contents": "Send Out the Clowns\n\n\nand dirty clown, all the while being hysterical. I didn't see this coming from a guy who's known for his more serious and bad-ass roles.\" Donna Bowman of \"The A.V. Club\" gave a B- rating to the episode, saying that she doesn't find clowns funny. \"Clown humor. It's a tricky thing. I know it's a grand tradition of folklore and nomadic entertainment and pantomime heritage, but I don't think I'm alone in regarding clowns less as funny than as", "id": "9336957" }, { "contents": "Clown alley\n\n\nThe clown alley in a circus is a backstage area, usually very near the animal pens, where clowns change into their costumes and apply makeup. Generally, the clowns' personal props, costumes, and other items are stored in this area as well. Clown alley was usually very close to the Big Top tents, along the side like an alley, so the clowns could get in and out quickly. If the circus show had some problem with a performance, the ringmaster could yell out \"Clowns Allez\" meaning “", "id": "15536454" }, { "contents": "The Thin White Duke\n\n\ntheatre, and only theatre... What you see on stage isn't sinister. It's pure clown. I'm using myself as a canvas and trying to paint the truth of our time on it. The white face, the baggy pants - they're Pierrot, the eternal clown putting over the great sadness.\" In 1977 (after retiring the Duke), Bowie stated that \"I have made my two or three glib, theatrical observations on English society and the only thing I can now counter with is to state", "id": "8134709" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\nat first, \"I don't know why it's always clowns.\" He continued after thinking a moment by saying \"No, that's not true—I do know why. I just don't feel like thinking about it ...\" At the time of Skelton's death, his originals were priced at $80,000 and upward. Skelton was a prolific writer of both short stories and music. After sleeping only four or five hours a night, he would wake up at 5 a.m. and begin writing stories, composing", "id": "13279163" }, { "contents": "Sarah Jurgens\n\n\nex-punk rock star\". Jurgens credits her training in clowning at York University for getting her the part: \"When I was going through the callback process for \"Swearnet\", I found I relied deeply on the fundamentals of clowning and it allowed me to improv in the audition room effortlessly.\" Filming \"Swearnet\" was the most fun she had ever had on a set: Wells, Mike Smith, John Paul Tremblay and Tom Green were constantly improvising.\"The director, Warren P. Sonoda, created a working", "id": "9228706" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nfrightening and unknowable.\" This may be because of the nature of clowns' makeup hiding their faces, making them potential threats in disguise; as a psychology professor at California State University, Northridge stated, young children are \"very reactive to a familiar body type with an unfamiliar face\". This natural dislike of clowns makes them effective in a literary or fictional context, as the antagonistic threat perceived in clowns is desirable in a villainous character. Researcher Ben Radford, who published \"Bad Clowns\" in 2016 and is regarded", "id": "1128135" }, { "contents": "The Gravediggers\n\n\nThe Gravediggers (or Clowns) are examples of Shakespearean fools (also known as clowns or jesters), a recurring type of character in Shakespeare's plays. Like most Shakespearean fools, the Gravediggers are peasants or commoners that use their great wit and intellect to get the better of their superiors, other people of higher social status, and each other. The Gravediggers appear briefly in Shakespeare's tragedy \"Hamlet\", making their only appearance at the beginning of Act V, scene i. They are first encountered as they are digging", "id": "18358406" }, { "contents": "The Clown (album)\n\n\nconcentrated one. I can't play it right unless I'm thinking about prejudice and hate and persecution, and how unfair it is. There's sadness and cries in it, but also determination. And it usually ends with my feeling: 'I told them! I hope somebody heard me.’ \". \"Blue Cee\" is a standard blues in two keys, C and B, \"but that's not noticeable and it ends up in C, basically\", he said and continued \"I heard some", "id": "20252877" }, { "contents": "Chevalier de Saint-Georges\n\n\na magazine... I looked up and screamed, thinking I saw ghosts. They were Lamothe and Saint Georges who, clowning, sang to me ‘At last there you are! You thought we’ve been hung /For almost two years what became of you?’ 'No, I was not sure that you were hung, but I did take you for ghosts, come back to haunt me!' 'We nearly are [ghosts] they answered, for we come from very far indeed.'\" It stands to", "id": "19749374" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n\"creepy clown\" sighting was received by local authorities, prompting an investigation in Gander, central Newfoundland. In early October, people dressed as clowns were sighted in Halifax, Hammonds Plains, and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Police responded to a sighting at Halifax West High School. People dressed as clowns in Glace Bay have also interfered with traffic. Police in Clark's Harbour arrested a 24-year-old man wearing a clown mask. Witnesses reported that he grabbed at the clothing of a young boy. In the first half of", "id": "12032662" }, { "contents": "Alfredo Guati Rojo\n\n\nthey have dominated the technique. Every time I start a new painting I am terrified that I will fail.\" Although he did not do self-portraits, he included his likeness in some of his works. One of these is \"Salome\" (1984) where the face of John the Baptist is that to the artist with a beard. In another one of his works \"El Circo de la Vida\" (\"The Circus of Life\") Guati Rojo paints a circus with three clowns in the foreground,", "id": "14457358" }, { "contents": "Fluorescent Adolescent\n\n\ndoesn't usually write lyrics with other people, though I think he enjoyed it. The song has received a 9/10 rating from Planet Sound, becoming Arctic Monkeys' first single to do so since \"I Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor\". The music video was filmed in late April 2007 and was directed by \"The IT Crowd\" star Richard Ayoade. It features actor Stephen Graham (who previously appeared on the \"Scummy Man\" DVD and the \"When the Sun Goes Down\" video) as a clown", "id": "9457697" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nreappeared. Two days later, on October 4, 2016, two attacks were reported in Sterling Heights, another Detroit suburb in close vicinity to Clinton Township. In the first incident, a 7-year-old boy was approached outside of his home at 6:50 pm by a person of an unspecified gender with \"red hair, a red nose and red facial features\" wielding a sharp object; the clown scratched the boy's arm with the object then fled, the boy only suffering a minor injury. Later that night at 8:30", "id": "12032723" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nclowns tried to lure him into the nearby woods. By mid-October 2016, clown sightings and attacks had been reported in nearly all U.S. states, 9 out of 13 provinces and territories of Canada, and 18 other countries. Prior to the spate of incidents in 2016, numerous sightings of people dressed as clowns in odd or incongruous settings have occurred throughout the world since 2013. The proliferation of videos and images of these precursor sightings spread through social media posts and viral sharing of the content, most notably from DM Pranks", "id": "12032647" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nmachete. On October 10, police in Rolla received reports of a person dressed as a clown armed with a machete. On September 27, at about 2 am, a woman called Lancaster police and reported that she had seen a clown with a large kitchen knife in its hand. Witnesses at the location told police that they had seen two clowns, one wearing a gold suit with balloon and the other wearing all black. Police failed to find them. On September 29, a woman was attacked while on her porch while", "id": "12032737" }, { "contents": "Eire Apparent\n\n\nrecording sessions in New York's Record Plant studio with Hendrix in May (probably taping their next single \"Let Me Stay\" / \"Yes I Need Someone\"). The album \"Sunrise\" was mostly cut in late October 1968 in Los Angeles, with Jimi Hendrix producing. Hendrix also played on a number of tracks (including \"Yes I Need Someone\" and \"The Clown\"), whilst Noel Redding, Mitch Mitchell and Robert Wyatt are also credited (Redding and Wyatt singing on \"1026\" and/or \"", "id": "2005769" }, { "contents": "Frumpy the Clown\n\n\nFrumpy is a far cry from a normal clown. Though he has the white face, green hair, red nose, huge feet and polka-dotted jumpsuit one might expect, he's fairly grouchy, a chain-smoker, and twice divorced. He doesn't enjoy being stereotyped as an entertainer, and doesn't do magic tricks, balloon animals, or comedy bits. He does love children, however, and teaches elementary school in order to help kids grow up right in the modern world. In the summer,", "id": "7970761" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nproviding a phone number, email address and information about a smartphone app that citizens can use to report suspicious behavior to authorities. That same day the \"Bucks County Courier Times\" interviewed Joyce Meder, also known as \"Bubbles the Clown\" regarding the \"creepy clown\" phenomenon. Meder is an Abington, PA-based professional clown who provides entertainment for children. Describing herself as a \"happy\" and \"fun\" clown, Meder expressed disappointment over the recent clown scare, citing her newfound fears of possible run-", "id": "12032747" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nclown variety known as an auguste or red clown; the auguste's role is different from that of the white clown. In strict classical European circuses of the past, the augustes were never described as clowns because, technically, they were not instigators but recipients of the comic doings. The augustes are the ones who get the pies in the face, are squirted with water, are knocked down on their backside, sit accidentally in wet paint, or have their trousers ripped off. The base colour for the auguste makeup is", "id": "2913146" }, { "contents": "Jessie J\n\n\nreason I'm here at the VMAs and people know who I am ... They support me and buy my albums and singles, and they stand outside hotels, and they come to shows, and they get tattoos of my lyrics and they cut their hair like me. You have to love your fans. That's why I call them my Heartbeats, because without them I wouldn't be here.\" In early 2011, Jessie J suffered a panic attack on stage after she was forced to perform in the dark. \"", "id": "6704670" }, { "contents": "Lisa's First Word\n\n\nanother flashback episode in the past, \"I Married Marge\". Martin was excited to do another flashback episode because he thought it was fun to check out old newspapers and go back and see what was in the news back in 1983 and 1984. Martin felt it was a good way of finding a new set of things to make jokes about. In the episode, Homer builds a scary clown-shaped bed for Bart. The scene was inspired by Mike Reiss, whose dad had built him a clown-shaped bed", "id": "14017835" }, { "contents": "Krusty the Clown\n\n\nI was going for at the time was that \"The Simpsons\" was about a kid who had no respect for his father, but worshipped a clown who looked exactly like his father\", a theme which became less important as the show developed. One concept initially saw Krusty being revealed as Homer's secret identity but the idea was dropped for being too complex and because the writers were too busy developing the series. There are two instances of the one assuming the identity of the other. In a (non-canonical", "id": "17287127" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra: Live at Melbourne Festival Hall\n\n\nout in the street and chase people around. Critics don't bother me, because if I do badly, I know I'm bad before they even write it, and if I'm good, I know I'm good before they write it. It's true. I know best about myself. So, a critic is a critic. He doesn't anger me. It's the scandal man who bugs you, drives you crazy. It's the two-bit-type work that they do. They're", "id": "16982434" }, { "contents": "Lucas Mlambo\n\n\nin lively scenes, and generally capture every day life and landmarks in the country. Mlambo has said “Many people like my paintings. I like to use bright colours. In my work, you can see how people in Swaziland live and what they do. I like Mbabane very much because when I see the mountains I see something to paint. When I see the streets, people and buildings, I see something to paint. Even in the location where I stay, I find many stories to paint to show how", "id": "10111946" }, { "contents": "Cathy's Clown (You Am I song)\n\n\n\"Cathy's Clown\" is the first single from the album Hi Fi Way by Australian rock band You Am I. It was released in 1995 and was the band's first single to make the Australian Top 40 singles chart, reaching number 36. It also reached number 84 in the 1995 Triple J Hottest 100. \"Hi-Way Fi\" and \"Gira E Respira\" are You Am I originals (Tim Rogers), and the former can be found on the Hi Fi Way live bonus disc \"Someone Else's", "id": "11833754" }, { "contents": "Dark Carnival (Insane Clown Posse)\n\n\n[...] I'm proud that we believe in God but I haven't been to church since I was like 10. I don't even know if [Utsler has] ever been to church!\" \"Christianity Today\" writer Mark Moring also challenged Ronson's characterization, writing that \"The guys in ICP haven't used the word 'Christian' or 'evangelical' [...] so let's not call them anything that they're not claiming for themselves.\" In 2011, Insane Clown Posse appeared on \"", "id": "5184148" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nhook line: 'I see the sun setting on you,' and he changed like a chord in it. But basically that was a song that I had written that I didn’t think he was going to like because he doesn’t usually like romantic, warm and fuzzy loving songs, you know what I mean. He likes stuff with grit and real life matters. So I did co-write with him but not in the sense that we sat down and wrote a song together. He just kind of said", "id": "12993497" }, { "contents": "Clifton Johnson (author)\n\n\ndeal like a reporter, though I do not so proclaim myself, and talk along with the people I meet, getting friendly with them, you know, until suddenly they say something which is unusual or picturesque. Then out comes my notebook. Sometimes they ask me why I am writing down what they have said, and I tell them it is because it has interested me. Usually that suffices.” According to Carl Withers, his travel books showed evidence of the life history method and read \"like the field records", "id": "7306310" } ]
I love to bake! Especially when it's for my family or close friends. Do you like to bake? I love to bake also. What are some of your favorite things to bake?
[{"answer": "I really enjoy baking bread.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52634", "title": "Baking", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 131, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 207, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nand Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people who only wanted to bake a good cake", "id": "21259734" }, { "contents": "Collins & Harlan\n\n\n' Bout You Honey All the Time\", \"Won't You Throw a Kiss To Me\", \"I'm Keeping My Love-Lamp Burning For You\", \"Lovin' Time\", \"And a Little Bit More\", \"Every Little Bit, Added to What You've Got\", \"Just Help Yourself\", \"I'm Runnin' After Nancy\", \"Who Do You Love?\", \"Bake Dat Chicken Pie\", \"I Know Dat I'll be Happy Til I Die", "id": "3740949" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Chinelo Anohu-Amazu\n\n\nin Guardian newspaper she said \"Well, I'm my mother's daughter. This means I’m focused, ambitious and driven. But it also means I’m really good at being a homemaker. My mother excelled, excels, both in the home and outside of it. She bakes, cooks and everything. Till today she still makes my father's food and she loves to do it. I was raised in an environment where it was not a big deal to take care of your own home. As a child", "id": "17101123" }, { "contents": "Shake 'n Bake\n\n\nBrady Bunch\". The ad copy includes the catchphrases, \"Gotta be crispy, gotta be golden, gotta be juicy\", and, \"You just shake then bake, and that chicken's so crisp and juicy and golden it makes me look golden, if you know what I mean\". In 1990, two commercials were produced which show what pork chops and chicken look like after frying. They then show that pork chops and chicken are crispier, juicier, more plump, and more tender when", "id": "11784492" }, { "contents": "The Adventures of Hello Kitty & Friends\n\n\nHe loves learning new things and pursuing his hobby of photographing wildlife. He dresses very formal. He has a crush on Hello Kitty. English voice by Maggie Blue O'Hara. My Melody - A cute young girl who is Kitty's best friend, loves baking cookies and sharing them with her friends. She is a rabbit who wears a red hood and she also wears a white flower near her right ear. English voice by Andrea Kwan. Pochacco - A friendly, slightly goofy puppy who loves to play soccer (especially goalkeeper", "id": "11598604" }, { "contents": "In the Cool, Cool, Cool of the Evening\n\n\nSave your pappy a chair When the party's getting a glow on And singin' fills the air In the shank of the night When the doin's are right Well, you can tell 'em I'll be there I like a barbecue, I like to boil a ham And I vote for bouillabaisse stew (What's that?) I like a weenie bake, steak and a layer cake And you'll get a tummy ache too We'll rent a tent or a teepee Let the town crier cry, \"All's", "id": "17148638" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Greece\n\n\nBake Off Greece (also called Bake Off) is a Greek television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 23 September 2018. The Show based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off\".", "id": "1069329" }, { "contents": "True Vine\n\n\nmy joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of my Father", "id": "14178900" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\nwashing dishes, scrubbing floors, and baking cookies. \"Rap-Up\" commented on what happens in the video, saying that she is also reading during some scenes, in which she sings \"Keep my head in them books, I'm sharp...\" In the middle of the video, Knowles dusts off her mantlepiece, which is covered by her 16 Grammy awards she earned when she was with Destiny's Child and after the debut of her solo career. The video closes on her falling to the floor after hanging", "id": "7602768" }, { "contents": "Lane cake\n\n\nfor liquor. Also in \"To Kill a Mockingbird\", Miss Maudie bakes a Lane cake for Mr. Avery, who was severely injured in an attempt to put out a fire in her home. “Mr. Avery will be in bed for a week—he’s right stove up. He’s too old to do things like that and I told him so. Soon as I can get my hands clean and when Stephanie Crawford’s not looking, I’ll make him a Lane cake. That Stephanie’s been after my", "id": "2957362" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ngiven this baked food a reputation for being a culinary achievement. Similarly, a good baking technique (and a good oven) are also needed to create a baked Alaska because of the difficulty of baking hot meringue and cold ice cream at the same time. Baking can also be used to prepare other foods such as pizzas, baked potatoes, baked apples, baked beans, some casseroles and pasta dishes such as lasagne. The first evidence of baking occurred when humans took wild grass grains, soaked them in water, and mixed", "id": "7706076" }, { "contents": "Cowboy Mouth\n\n\npresent day. Some of their most popular songs include \"Love Of My Life\", \"Everybody Loves Jill\" (where the audience throws red spoons on stage), \"Easy,\" \"Disconnected,\" \"How Do You Tell Someone,\" and \"Jenny Says.\" They also perform a version of \"Born to Run\" on the \"Light of Day\" tribute album to Bruce Springsteen, a version of \"The Pusher\" on the soundtrack to \"Half Baked\", and several of their own", "id": "7636587" }, { "contents": "Holly Farrell\n\n\nhow I would describe most of my subjects. It’s how I feel when I look at my paintings, whether I am connecting to something, someone, or some time.  A clear line is drawn to people who are closest to me. My cookbook series is an homage to my mother…memories of her baking pies, roasting roasts – memories of her standing behind the counter of our family diner, lipstick on cigarettes and coffee cups.  Chairs, bowls, clocks…other domestic tools…functional things that now hold", "id": "21739932" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nincluding nuts, roast beef and baked bread.\" The moisture is never entirely \"sealed in\"; over time, an item being baked will become dry. This is often an advantage, especially in situations where drying is the desired outcome, like drying herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables. The baking process does not require any fat to be used to cook in an oven. When baking, consideration must be given to the amount of fat that is contained in the food item. Higher levels of fat such as", "id": "7706089" }, { "contents": "The Blueberry Pie Elf\n\n\neats his fill. Upon eating the pie, Elmer falls in love with blueberry pie and can't wait to get his hands on another one. Unfortunately, the family cannot see him, hear him, or feel him, and he is forced to wait for them to bake another delicious pie. The next week, Elmer notices that they are baking another pie and gets very excited, but is in vain when he smells baking apples. Frustrated with his inability to communicate or be seen by the family, Elmer sets", "id": "17961611" }, { "contents": "I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass\n\n\none song of mine called 'I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass,' which was a fairly big hit in Europe, and people ask me for that sometimes, and I just don't do it. It's a really good record, but there's not actually any song there. It was a half-baked idea I had when I went to the studio, and the bass player and drummer sort of put a little sauce in it. But if I played it with just an acoustic guitar, the audience", "id": "1376359" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nThe Great British Bake Off (also called Bake Off or GBBO) is a British television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 17 August 2010, with its first four series broadcast on BBC Two, until its", "id": "21259730" }, { "contents": "Baking powder submarine\n\n\nsmall tank on the back of the figure. However, some other cereal prizes were cartesian divers, which operated on a different principle and did not require baking powder. In the original novel and film \"Billy Liar\", the title character's parents say they declared their love for him by buying him a box of corn flakes with a submarine inside. In the Everybody Loves Raymond episode \"Your Place or Mine?\", Ray and Robert (and later Robert and Frank) fight over who gets to own the submarine", "id": "12159341" }, { "contents": "Yelena Davydova\n\n\none is there the next day.\" She played checkers. She enjoyed going on angling trips with Viktor, her father, and Gennady. \"I like to read and listen to music, but mostly I enjoy a few quiet hours by the water. I love to go fishing. I spend a lot of time fishing with my father or my coach, either on a lake in a boat, or on the banks of the Neva.\" She enjoyed cooking and baking. As with many gymnasts she has a fondness", "id": "7592" }, { "contents": "Bernese German phonology\n\n\n, however, the opposition is not restricted with respect to syllable structure and also occurs in the syllable onset, for instance ('to bake') vs. ('baked, past participle'); in order for this opposition not to be neutralized, there must be a preceding voiced sound, for instance ('I want to bake a cake') vs. ('I have baked a cake'). In the Northern Bernese German, however, only lenis plosives may occur at the syllable onset, so '", "id": "4820471" }, { "contents": "Baked by Melissa\n\n\nBaked by Melissa is a chain of bakeries founded by Melissa Ben-Ishay in 2008, specializing in miniature cupcakes. As of 2018, Baked by Melissa has 14 locations in the New York City metropolitan area. Initially, the company baked and sold cupcakes through catering companies. The first Baked by Melissa location was the pickup window at Cafe Bari in SoHo, Manhattan, starting on November 27, 2008. In October of 2017, Ben-Ishay released her first cookbook, \"Cakes by Melissa: Life Is What You Bake", "id": "13580456" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\na number of kitchen acids may be combined with baking soda to simulate commercial baking powders. Vinegar (dilute acetic acid), especially white vinegar, is also a common acidifier in baking; for example, many heirloom chocolate cake recipes call for a tablespoon or two of vinegar. Where a recipe already uses buttermilk or yogurt, baking soda can be used without cream of tartar (or with less). Alternatively, lemon juice can be substituted for some of the liquid in the recipe, to provide the required acidity to activate", "id": "18227691" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nto be baked by burying it in the embers of a fire – a favorite method of cooking venison. Salt can also be used to make a protective crust that is not eaten. Another method of protecting food from the heat while it is baking is to cook it \"en papillote\" (French for \"in parchment\"). In this method, the food is covered by baking paper (or aluminium foil) to protect it while it is being baked. The cooked parcel of food is sometimes served unopened, allowing", "id": "7706073" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nThe series 3 winner John Whaite however argued that innuendo is part of what made the show a success, whilst judge Paul Hollywood described the innuendos as banter in the spirit of the \"Carry On\" films and is a part of British culture, a view shared by others. The success of \"The Great British Bake Off\" led to the BBC commissioning many other series closely following the format from Love Productions for example \"The Great British Sewing Bee\" and \"The Great Pottery Throw Down\". However, when the", "id": "21259768" }, { "contents": "Welsh rarebit\n\n\nBoorde in his \"Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge\" (1542), when he wrote \"I am a Welshman, I do love cause boby, good roasted cheese.\" In Boorde's account, \"cause boby\" is the Welsh \"\", meaning \"baked cheese\", but whether it implies a recipe like Welsh rarebit is a matter of speculation. The word \"rarebit\" is a corruption of \"rabbit\", \"Welsh rabbit\" being first recorded in 1725 and the variant \"Welsh rarebit", "id": "6327533" }, { "contents": "Dreams to Reality\n\n\nDenes commented, \"The team is all gamers, but we're all different gamers, so in \"Dreams\", you can do as you wish. I watched a woman play and she said, 'How wonderful, you can fly.' A man usually likes to pick a gun and shoot everything. We try to let people do things the way they like.\" While they praised the game's graphics, \"PC Gamer UK\" called the game \"an unsatisfying mix of twee adventure, half-baked", "id": "2617507" }, { "contents": "Amy's Baking Company\n\n\n“I support Amy's Baking Company Bakery Boutique & Bistro 100 percent” appeared on May 15. A press release announced that they would be holding a “Grand Re-Opening” on May 21, 2013. On April 11, 2014, \"Kitchen Nightmares\" aired a special episode revolving around the events at Amy's Baking Company during and after the episode aired with a new, specially-recorded interview with the owners conducted by local reporter Ana Garcia. Amy's Baking Company permanently closed on September 1, 2015.", "id": "1350255" }, { "contents": "Blind-baking\n\n\nBaking blind (sometimes called pre-baking) is the process of baking a pie crust or other pastry without the filling. Blind baking a pie crust is necessary when it will be filled with an unbaked filling (such as with pudding or cream pies), in which case the crust must be fully baked. It is also called for if the filling has a shorter bake time than the crust, in which case the crust is partly baked. Blind baking is also used to keep pie crust from becoming soggy due to", "id": "8370942" }, { "contents": "My Little Pony: Meet the Ponies\n\n\nparty. As Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo greets them, they both learned about the cakes they're gonna bake and decided to join them, also telling them to show the designs to Sweetie Belle. At Sweetie Belle's house, she is having a hard time researching on her ideal cake until her friends show her their cake designs. However, everyone then goes to bake their own dream cake, with Sweetie Belle telling to them to follow some instructions, which they don't. After the cake is finally baked and taken", "id": "10196448" }, { "contents": "I Love Bacon!\n\n\n. A native of Memphis, Tennessee now based in New York, Fink illustrated Jacques Pépin's, \"Fast Food My Way\" (2004) and Maggie Glezer's \"Artisan Baking Across America\" (2000) for which he won a James Beard Foundation Award in 2001. Some of Fink's more unusual food photographs are those for Martha Hopkins and Randall Lockridge's 1997 \"InterCourses: An Aphrodisiac Cookbook\", where the food is photographed against the background of a naked human body. \"I Love Bacon!\" contains", "id": "8714249" }, { "contents": "Swabian cuisine\n\n\nis very characteristic for the Swabian baking culture. Therefore, there are many variations that are not widely distributed and known and are only baked in a special area or even only in one village but there are also some baked good that are baked all over the region and are available in every bakery. This holds true for Laugengebäck, Pretzels, bread rolls and Hefezopf (lit. meaning yeast plaid) which rate among the traditional Swabian baked goods. The Swabian \"Seele\" (lit. soul) is a baguette-like", "id": "15615016" }, { "contents": "Baking stone\n\n\nis less likely to burn when one uses a baking stone instead of metal or glass bakeware. Baking stones are a variation on hot stone cooking, which is one of the oldest cooking techniques known. Some cooks recommend sprinkling corn meal or flour on the baking stone to prevent the crust from sticking or using parchment paper atop the stone. Baking \"stones\" may be purchased as unglazed ceramic tiles, unglazed fired clay tiles and quarried tiles, from tile shops and hardware stores. To prevent fracturing of the stone by thermal shock", "id": "16113155" }, { "contents": "Baked & Wired\n\n\nBaked and Wired is a bakery and coffeehouse in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. The bakery was opened in 2001 by Teresa Velazquez and specializes in baking cupcakes but also offers a wider range of other baked goods including cookies, quiches, and brownies. Velazquez did not intend to open a cupcake shop, but the demand for the baked good eclipsed the other offerings. Many locals consider Baked and Wired more of an \"insider\" choice, especially for those who live in Georgetown, whereas Georgetown Cupcake is more of a tourist", "id": "21212288" }, { "contents": "Rumor Has It (Clay Walker song)\n\n\nmy song 'Rumor Has It'--very positive. When I do a concert, I can sing for 3- and 4- and 5-year-old kids and not have a guilty conscience about it. I don't want to go out there and depress people. I want them to smile and feel good and feel the way I feel. We don't live that long, and that's one thing that having MS made me realize. My God, you need to love your family, you need to love your friends, and you", "id": "13487596" }, { "contents": "Ruby Tandoh\n\n\nRuby Alice Tandoh (born 4 July 1992) is a British baker, columnist, author and former model. She rose to fame after becoming a runner-up on series four of BBC's \"The Great British Bake Off\" in 2013. Tandoh's grandfather is from Ghana. She grew up in Southend-on-Sea. Tandoh studied philosophy at university. She has written three books: \"Crumb: The Baking Book\" (2014), \"Flavour: Eat What You Love\" (2016) and \"", "id": "8390609" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Bammy\n\n\ncan then be eaten with whatever fillings are desired. The more modern (and popular) approach is to bake thicker bammies about 6\" in diameter. These are often mass-produced in factories. When home-baked, the flour may be store-bought or made by hand-pressing. The bammy can be baked on griddles or in baking pans on a stove top. Some choose to bake it inside an oven, and to add butter and other spices before baking. Baking takes longer due to the thickness,", "id": "12402890" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Bread and Butter (The Newbeats song)\n\n\nin the Dickie Goodman novelty song \"Presidential Interview (Flying Saucer '64)\". \"Bread and Butter\" was the inspiration for the advertising jingle of Schmidt Baking Company used in the 1970s and 1980s; it went: \"\"I like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\"\". Devo covered the song in 1986 for the soundtrack to the film \"9½ Weeks\", but it was not used in the film. A", "id": "9424504" }, { "contents": "Baked FX\n\n\nBaked Studios, formerly Baked Goods then Baked FX, is a boutique visual effects / post-production facility located in Culver City, California. The company provides VFX editorial and color services for the industry’s top directors, producers, production companies and ad agencies. Since opening its doors in 2005, Baked Studios worked with such brands as Toyota, Disney, LG, and State Farm. They have created visual effects for television series like \"Game of Thrones\", and feature films such as 'Now You See Me\"", "id": "19898777" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\n. The challenge, however, was that they had only two hours to make this and only three instructions. The final Showstopper was a Pièce Montée. The bakers were given five hours to make this, and the judges said it must be in some self-standing structure. Mary and Paul demonstrated how to bake the technical challenges that they set for the bakers as well as their own favorite recipes for some of the other challenges set in the series. They also gave some tips on baking techniques. The Masterclasses episodes were", "id": "12151655" }, { "contents": "Edward Espe Brown\n\n\nto teach others how. When he got home he asked his mother to teach him to bake bread. She said, \"No, yeast makes me nervous.\" Brown eventually learned to bake bread, eleven years later, from two chefs at Tassajara. Brown later asked his brother if he remembered their trip to visit Alice. Dwite said yes he did, \"What I remember was the Smithfield ham, but it didn't change my life\". He wrote \"The Tassajara Bread Book\" in 1970 with a 100", "id": "4415509" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nLondon's West End musical Wicked. The finalists must bake two of their own recipes for judges Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood and a party of invited friends and family. A second series began on 11 November 2013 on CBBC. Chef James Martin replaces Hollywood as judge in this series of \"Junior Bake Off\". Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner In this episode the four finalists face the pressure of a professional kitchen, baking in one of the worlds most famous restaurants, Harrods, they must bake to the highest standards in order", "id": "2997504" }, { "contents": "Nicola McLean (Scottish model)\n\n\nscience tower when she was a presenter for Clyde 1 and has a dream to be a Bond girl. She was the face of Rox Jewellers media campaign 2008–2009 She has been in the news showing off her Bollywood look wearing a bindi. McLean said that \"while growing up one of my best friends was an Indian girl and I used to wear hers and loved it. My bindi was just costume jewellery in look alike rubies and diamonds.\" In 2009, she took part in the Fake Bake Clyde 1 charity fashion show", "id": "21962140" }, { "contents": "The Great Canadian Baking Show\n\n\n, I have to say I am in love with the Great Canadian Baking Show.\" The inaugural season featured ten bakers from across Canada competing over eight weeks. The season was won by Sabrina Degni of Montreal, Quebec. Runners-up were Vandana Jain (Regina, Saskatchewan) and Linda Longson (High River, Alberta). Auditions for the second season were announced by CBC Television on February 7, 2018. The season began airing on September 19, 2018. The season was won by Andrei Godoroja of Vancouver,", "id": "20336958" }, { "contents": "Miss Independent (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\nthat Aguilera's rhythmic style heavily influenced the song. She remarked, \"You can hear a lot of her influence in 'Miss Independent', especially the hook. And once you hear the song, it's constantly in your head. Believe me, I cannot get it out!\" Rachell Kipp of the Associated Press wrote that \"Miss Independent\" \"sounds like a half-baked remake of Aguilera's \"Dirrty\" (2002)\" The song has a length of three minutes and 35 seconds and is", "id": "10262780" }, { "contents": "Ammonium carbonate\n\n\nsodium bicarbonate to mimic as a double acting baking powder and to help mask any ammonia smell not baked out. It also serves as an acidity regulator and has the E number E503. It can be replaced with baking powder, but this may affect both the taste and texture of the finished product. Baker's ammonia should be used to create thin dry baked goods like crackers and cookies. This allows the strong ammonia smell to bake out. It should not be used to make moist baked items like cake since ammonia is hydrophilic", "id": "13437857" }, { "contents": "Schmidt Baking Company\n\n\nI like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\", which was derived from The Newbeats 1964 song, \"Bread and Butter\". There was a major fire at an empty building owned by the company on Fitch Lane in Fullerton, Maryland, in April 2008. In 1941, the company was cited by the National Labor Relations Board for failing to engage in collective bargaining with its employees. The company sponsored the Preakness Stakes pre-race", "id": "11831797" }, { "contents": "Ettore DeGrazia\n\n\nears (and) led me down some spiral stairs- and out I went.\" Another time, before the family moved to Italy, DeGrazia had sculpted 'The Head of Christ', out of clay he gathered in the desert of Morenci. DeGrazia baked the 'Head of Christ' in the same oven his mother used to bake bread. This early work is now on display in his final studio/residence, the Gallery in the Sun in Tucson, Arizona. The family moved back to America in 1925 when the", "id": "12927379" }, { "contents": "Baking chocolate\n\n\nBaking chocolate, also referred to as bitter chocolate, cooking chocolate and unsweetened chocolate, is a type of dark chocolate that is prepared for use as an ingredient in baking. Modern manufactured baking chocolate is typically formed from chocolate liquor formed into bars or chocolate chips. Baking chocolate may be of a lower quality compared to other types of chocolate, and may have part of the cocoa butter replaced with other fats that do not require tempering. This type of baking chocolate may be easier to handle compared to those that have not had", "id": "4274054" }, { "contents": "If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake\n\n\n\"If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked a Cake\" is a popular song written by Al Hoffman, Bob Merrill, and Clem Watts and published in 1950. The best known version of the song was recorded by Eileen Barton in January 1950. The recording was released by National Records as catalog number 9103. When the song became too big a hit for National to handle, it arranged with Mercury Records to help with distribution. The record first reached the Billboard magazine charts on March 3, 1950 and", "id": "13854611" }, { "contents": "List of How I Met Your Mother characters\n\n\na brief relationship with her. It is also revealed in \"Garbage Island\" that Wendy the Waitress falls in love and is later married to Marshall's ex-co worker Meeker (Daniel G. O'Brien) who found out at the time they both hate Marshall after his \"Go Green\" fiasco. She and Meeker have three kids. Played by Ashley Williams. A baker at The Buttercup Bakery, Victoria meets Ted in \"The Wedding\" at the wedding reception of Ted's friends, for whom Victoria had baked the wedding", "id": "10743417" }, { "contents": "List of twice-baked foods\n\n\nThe following is a list of twice-baked foods. Twice-baked foods are foods that are baked twice in their preparation. Baking is a food cooking method using prolonged dry heat acting by convection, and not by thermal radiation, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on hot stones. When the desired temperature is reached within the heating instrument, the food is placed inside and baked for a certain amount of time. Such items are sometimes referred to as \"baked goods,\" and are", "id": "11968891" }, { "contents": "Pull Up Some Dust and Sit Down\n\n\n\"[I]t's been a migrant trail for 200 years. People go out there and try to do it on foot, but if you make one mistake and go five minutes out of your way, you become disorientated and dehydrated. And they find these mummified bodies out there. The heat has just baked them through. And the people who live through it often refer to having a vision of the Virgin of Guadalupe flying overhead. This is a very common vision when the dehydration sets in.\" \"Humpty Dumpty World", "id": "17253194" }, { "contents": "Swan\n\n\nit, then season it very well with Pepper, Salt and Ginger, then lard it, and put it in a deep Coffin of Rye Paste with store of Butter, close it and bake it very well, and when it is baked, fill up the Vent-hole with melted Butter, and so keep it; serve it in as you do the Beef-Pie.\" Swans feature strongly in mythology. In Greek mythology, the story of Leda and the Swan recounts that Helen of Troy was conceived in a", "id": "5791851" }, { "contents": "Janice Biala\n\n\n. And when I came to France I felt as if I had come home. I smelled the same smells of bread baking and dogs going around in a very busy way, you know, as if they knew what they were about. It really was extraordinarily human.\" Having been naturalized in 1929, she never gave up her U.S. citizenship and maintained that she did not \"have the feeling of nationality or roots,\" but \"always had the feeling that I belong where my easel is.\" The \"Chronology", "id": "4390594" }, { "contents": "Swan\n\n\nrefer to the mute swan of Europe. Perhaps the best known story about a swan is \"The Ugly Duckling\" fable. Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity because of their long-lasting, apparently monogamous relationships. See the famous swan-related operas \"Lohengrin\" and \"Parsifal\". Swan meat was regarded as a luxury food in England in the reign of Elizabeth I. A recipe for baked swan survives from that time: \"To bake a Swan Scald it and take out the bones, and parboil", "id": "5791850" }, { "contents": "Pan de muerto\n\n\nMuertos. In Oaxaca, pan de muerto is the same bread that is usually baked, with the addition of decorations. As part of the celebration, loved ones eat pan de muerto as well as the relative's favorite foods. The bones represent the deceased one ( or ) and there is normally a baked tear drop on the bread to represent goddess Chīmalmā's tears for the living. The bones are represented in a circle to portray the circle of life. The bread is topped with sugar. This bread can be found", "id": "7699751" }, { "contents": "Cakery\n\n\nA cakery or cake shop is a retail business specializing in producing and/or selling cakes; they may also sell cupcakes, muffins, sponges, as well as other baked goods that fall under the title of a cake. Cake shops may also sell equipment and supplies for home cake baking, especially for cake decorating, but not all do this. Another common but not universal sideline is special orders such as wedding cakes and elaborate birthday cakes. Products are baked on site in the same manner to that of a bakery but does not", "id": "16053026" }, { "contents": "Earth oven\n\n\nto the Hawaiian kalua. Among Bedouin and Tuareg nomads, a simple earth oven is used – often when men travel without family or kitchen equipment in the desert. The oven is mostly used to bake bread but is also used to cook venison and waran. When baking bread, the wheat or barley flour is mixed with water and some salt and then placed directly into the hot sands beneath the camp fire. It is then covered again by hot coal and left to bake. This kind of bread is eaten with black tea", "id": "4339208" }, { "contents": "Our Love (Caribou album)\n\n\n\"Part of it’s just getting older and being more reflective, thinking, 'What is it that I want to have in my music when I look back on it? What are the things that matter to me?' And they are clichéd things: the love in my life, whether that be my family or my friends.\" Snaith cited the birth of his daughter as a major reason for the more personal lyrics. The album's first single, \"Can't Do Without You\", was made available", "id": "13919740" }, { "contents": "Cassava cake\n\n\ncake. The amount varies, with some versions having a very thin custard layer, while in other versions, the custard layer is as thick as the cake. Some modern versions also use milk-based custard toppings when coconut cream isn't available, or don't bake in a top layer at all. Additional toppings may be added before the second baking, like cheddar cheese, \"macapuno\" strings, or grated coconut, among others. It is baked for an additional few minutes until the top layer solidifies. It", "id": "18478638" }, { "contents": "Isa Chandra Moskowitz\n\n\nwho loves animals and decided to bake vegan. And then people taste her cupcakes and are like \"What the hell, I'll go vegan, too.\" Obviously, I think the latter is more effective, but I guess people might not see it as activism. In 2008 she founded the organization Apron Activists (\"four courses for causes\") to raise money for local animal rights organizations in Oregon; she also works with Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to raise money through cooking. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Moskowitz", "id": "14003464" }, { "contents": "Corrinne May\n\n\nfrom the album, \"When I Close My Eyes\", was inspired by Claire's favorite children's book of the same name. May recorded acoustic version of \"Just What I Was Looking For\" on video. Other tracks of the album are \"In My Arms\", \"Lazarus\", \"24 Hours\", \"You Believed\", \"Pinocchio\", \"Because of Love\", \"Your Song\", \"Sight of Love\", and \"If You Ask\". Corrinne also participated in", "id": "6375082" }, { "contents": "Puyi\n\n\nbe loved for just once in the day. Wang was the only person capable of controlling Puyi; once, Puyi decided to \"reward\" a eunuch for a well done puppet show by having a cake baked for him with iron filings in it, saying, \"I want to see what he looks like when he eats it\". With much difficulty, Wang talked Puyi out of this plan. Every day Puyi had to visit five former imperial concubines, called his \"mothers\", to report on his progress.", "id": "10465138" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nitems are known collectively as \"baked goods,\" and are often sold at a bakery, which is a store that carries only baked goods, or at markets, grocery stores, farmers markets or through other venues. Meat, including cured meats, such as ham can also be baked, but baking is usually reserved for meatloaf, smaller cuts of whole meats, or whole meats that contain stuffing or coating such as bread crumbs or buttermilk batter. Some foods are surrounded with moisture during baking by placing a small amount of", "id": "7706070" }, { "contents": "Macaroni and cheese\n\n\ncheese. Macaroni and cheese can be made by simply layering slices of cheese and pasta (often with butter and/or evaporated milk) then baking in a casserole, rather than preparing as a cheese sauce. Also, some like to include a crunchy topping to their baked macaroni and cheese by topping it off with bread crumbs or crushed crackers, which also keeps the noodles on top from drying out when baking. One novelty presentation is deep-fried macaroni and cheese found at fairs and food carts. In Scotland, macaroni and cheese", "id": "6243227" }, { "contents": "Tacklebox (mixtape)\n\n\nTacklebox is the 2010 hip hop mixtape by Midwest rap duo The Cool Kids, and their third official mixtape after 2009's \"Gone Fishing\". \"Sound In The Signals Magazine\" gave the mixtape a positive review, stating: \"When I listen to this mixtape I do feel that it lacks some things The Bake Sale had, and I miss those things, but in many ways I see new ideas developing and coming to fruition that make this group an undeniable force in hip hop. Nobody wants to hear the same", "id": "17036226" }, { "contents": "You & I (The Pierces album)\n\n\n, Albert Hammond Jr (of Stokes fame,) on the low-slung guitar hook. Both will sound especially good in a convertible speeding down a sun-baked highway, and deserve to ring in the ears of playlisters at Radio 2. Pristine and bittersweet, \"I Put Your Records On\" recalls Rumer.\" BBC continued with praise, harking, \"Kissing You Goodbye, which is so Bangles-cover-California-Dreamin’ it’s potentially litigious, there is a Susanna Hoffs-ian tremulousness to their", "id": "9937912" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nA baking mix is a pre-mixed formulation of ingredients used for the cooking of baked goods. Baking mixes may be commercially manufactured or homemade. Baking mixes that cater to particular dietary needs, such as gluten-free baking mixes or kosher baking mixes, can be bought in many places. Baking mixes are produced for the preparation of specific foods such as breads, quick breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies pizza dough, biscuits and various desserts, among other foods. Some all-purpose", "id": "1522774" }, { "contents": "Bake, Cornwall\n\n\nBake () is a hamlet in south-east Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. It is west of St Germans at , south-west of the A38/A374 Trerulefoot roundabout. Bake is the seat of the Moyle family (although Bake itself is in the civil parish of Deviock) and St German's Priory has a mortuary chapel for the Moyle family of Bake. West of the manor house, a steep tree-lined valley called Bake Wood runs down to the River Seaton. At the top of the valley", "id": "10083449" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\na hybrid barbecue variant by using both methods simultaneously, or one after the other. Baking is related to barbecuing because the concept of the masonry oven is similar to that of a smoke pit. Because of historical social and familial roles, baking has traditionally been performed at home by women for day-to-day meals and by men in bakeries and restaurants for local consumption. When production was industrialized, baking was automated by machines in large factories. The art of baking remains a fundamental skill and is important for nutrition,", "id": "7706068" }, { "contents": "Jessica Ainscough\n\n\nweeks learning the Gerson program at a reported cost of $16500 AUD, plus travel expenses. Over two years, Ainscough reported that her treatment included 8760 glasses of juice, 2920 coffee enemas, 1460 baked potatoes, 1460 bowls of Hippocrates soup, 33580 supplements, and 174 shots of castor oil. Ainscough wrote about feeling socially isolated by the Gerson Therapy, and saddened to be missing out on making memories with her friends: \"Before Gerson, I loved to drink, go dancing and be stupid with my friends. Making", "id": "6663474" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nbaking mixes, including commercial and homemade varieties, can be used to prepare several types of baked goods, such as biscuits, pizza dough, muffins, cookies and pancakes, among others. Some bread baking mixes are formulated for use in a bread machine. Ingredients in baking mixes may include flour, bread flour, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, sugar and salt, as well as others depending upon the food type. Gluten-free baking mixes may be prepared using rice flour in place of wheat flour. Dry", "id": "1522775" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of the Midwestern United States\n\n\ncream, and honey or sugar. It is then rolled jellyroll fashion and baked. Traditionally it was spiraled in a round pan, but now one is more likely to find it baked as a loaf. The state is a productive area for chicken, dairy and turkey farms and crops such as corn, soybeans, and sugar beets and as such, eggs and meat along with potatoes and vegetables are mainstay foods. Warm baked goods along with stews and hearty soups are a favorite in the winter given the extreme Minnesota climate.", "id": "104183" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\n, and loving what makes you, you. It is a fun upbeat track, and has a similar message to it like the game does, but the game is more of a ballad or anthem. 'Just the thing' is lighter and fun. It can be to a boyfriend or girlfriend, or to a best friend that really gets you. When I wrote it I was thinking about that, and close relationships with people who love you for your weirdness. I co wrote the song with Heather Holley, and", "id": "7223867" }, { "contents": "Mirgorod (short story collection)\n\n\nduties as professor, Gogol wrote to his friend Mikhail Maximovich of his writing, confiding, “I am working like a horse, but on my own things and not on my lectures.” The two epigraphs that Gogol attaches to \"Mirgorod\" reveal his intention to present the stories as a cycle: “Mirgorod is an extremely small town near the Khorol river. It has one rope factory, one brick works, four water mills and forty five windmills” and “Although in Mirgorod bread rings are baked from black dough", "id": "2151209" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\ngood in quality, and were chosen on aesthetic quality only. Diana Beard left the show before the next episode was filmed due to illness. Beard later gave an interview to BBC Radio Shropshire, saying: \"I'm disappointed with the way it's been portrayed. I've been stitched up, haven't I? We were 12 amateur bakers, [there's] no prize money involved. Why would I sabotage Iain's Baked Alaska? This has made it look like some cutthroat competition. I think someone's culpable", "id": "12151658" }, { "contents": "The Great Kiwi Bake Off\n\n\nThe Great Kiwi Bake Off is a New Zealand television baking competition based on \"The Great British Bake Off\" in which 12 amateur bakers compete in a series of baking challenges. The show's first episode was aired on 16 October 2018 on TVNZ 2. The show is hosted by Hayley Sproull and Madeleine Sami, with judges Dean Brettschneider and Sue Fleischl. The show, like other spinoffs of \"The Great British Bake Off\", uses a similar style, format, and opening theme song to the British series. Like", "id": "11176093" }, { "contents": "Baked potato\n\n\nA baked potato, or jacket potato, is a potato that has been baked for eating. When well cooked, a baked potato has a fluffy interior and a crisp skin. It may be served with fillings and condiments such as butter, cheese, sour cream, gravy or even ground meat. Potatoes can be baked in a conventional gas or electric oven, a convection oven, a microwave oven, on a barbecue grill, or on/in an open fire. Some restaurants use special ovens designed specifically to cook large", "id": "1602087" }, { "contents": "Bread machine\n\n\nbaked loaf for breakfast. They can also be set only to make dough, for instance to be used to make pizza. Some can also be set to make other things besides bread, such as jam, pasta dough, udon or mochi, a kind of Japanese rice cake. One of the most recent innovations is the facility to add nuts and fruit during the kneading process automatically from a tray. Traditionally, breadmakers take between three and four hours to bake a loaf. However recently \"fast bake\" modes have become", "id": "5295222" }, { "contents": "SimPark\n\n\nthe park more diverse, or their virtual mother telling about life back at home (e.g.: \"I baked you a cake...\" etc.) Occasionally, the Boss's pet frog Rizzo will make an appearance on the screen to give the player advice, or nag about the way they're handling things. The park can experience disasters, including: The option of using a microphone feature allows you to click on park-goers and listen to what they have to say. Some of the more memorable quotes include,", "id": "7383376" }, { "contents": "Easy-Bake Oven\n\n\nfor male children. The Real Meal pans were larger than the Easy Bake ones, and it could bake both desserts and main courses. Also, this model featured a heating element and did not require a light bulb. In 2006, a different version of the Easy-Bake was released, featuring a stove-top warmer and a heating element. But like Hasbro's first version, it had smaller pans, and it could only bake one pan at a time. But the new front-loading Hasbro design, a", "id": "7336052" }, { "contents": "The Ultimate Collection (Azra album)\n\n\n, pa što (And, so what) br30.Sloboda (Freedom) br31.Kao i jučer (Just like yesterday) br32.Kad fazani lete (When pheasants are flying) br33.Nemir i strast (Restlessness and passion) br34.Plavi golub (Blue pigeon) br35.3N (3N) br36.Klinček stoji pod oblokom(trad.) (Kid is standing under the window) br37.Duboko u tebi (Deep inside you) br38.Nešto između (Something in between) br39.Flash (Flash) br40.Mamica su štrukle pekli(trad.) (Mommies were baking cakes) br41.Vaše veličanstvo (Your majesty) br42.Kada", "id": "20442385" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nand \"What's Cooking\". Holly Bell teaches baking classes and for a time worked as an occasional radio presenter on BBC Radio Leicester. She also appeared as a guest presenter on QVC shopping channel. She wrote an eBook called \"Ready, Steady, Bake!\" which was published on 5 July 2012, and published a book \"Recipes from a Normal Mum\" on 17 July 2014. Mary-Anne Boermans wrote a book on baking, \"Great British Bakes: Forgotten Treasures for Modern Bakers\", which was", "id": "2107753" }, { "contents": "Donkeyskin\n\n\ngiven her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him. When Donkeyskin baked the cake, a ring of hers fell in it. The prince found it and declared that he would marry only the woman whose finger it fit. Every other woman having failed,", "id": "17002611" }, { "contents": "Sue Perkins\n\n\n. The series is a cookery competition with each episode looking at a different aspect of baking which they co-hosted for seven seasons. In September 2016, Love Productions announced that a three-year deal had been agreed to broadcast the show on Channel 4 instead of the BBC from 2017. Perkins and Giedroyc announced that they would not be continuing with Bake Off on its new network. Mary Berry announced she was also leaving Bake Off on the same day that fellow-judge Paul Hollywood separately announced he would be staying with", "id": "13628651" }, { "contents": "Panyo Panyo Di Gi Charat\n\n\nbe okay until the cakes fall in the oven. When Dejiko laments, Rinna suddenly awakens to make the cakes. As she bakes, she sings that the missing ingredient in Dejiko's cake recipe was love and the anticipation of seeing her customers' happy faces, which she calls \"baking powder of the heart.\" Confident again, Dejiko says that she will help Rinna make the day's cakes, but Rinna is asleep again. Later on, Rinna decides to close the cake shop to take an extended break and join", "id": "9910882" }, { "contents": "Shake 'n Bake\n\n\n, vinegar, and sodium silicoaluminate as an anticaking agent. Shake 'n Bake is particularly noted for its television commercials in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, starring such child actors as Carrie Jean Cochran, Carly Schroeder, Taylor Momsen, and Philip Amelio. In the ads, the aforementioned children help make Shake 'n Bake with their mothers, enthusiastically exclaiming, \"And, I helped!\" Advertisements for Shake 'n Bake in 1981 included Ann B. Davis, who played Alice the housekeeper on \"The", "id": "11784491" }, { "contents": "Quark (dairy product)\n\n\nto yeast-leavened dough in home baking, since it is considerably easier to handle and requires no rising period. The resulting baked goods look and taste very similar to yeast-leavened goods, although they do not last as long and are thus usually consumed immediately after baking. In Germany, quark mixed with chopped onions and herbs like parsley and chives is called . Kräuterquark is commonly eaten with boiled potatoes and has some similarity to tzatziki which is based on yoghurt. Quark with linseed oil and potatoes is the national dish of", "id": "20414582" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nbe replaced with baking soda. For example, one cup of flour, one egg, and one cup of buttermilk requires only ½ teaspoon of baking powder—the remaining leavening is caused by buttermilk acids reacting with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. However, with baking powders that contain sodium acid pyrophosphate, excess alkaline substances can sometimes deprotonate the acid in two steps instead of the one that normally occurs, resulting in an offensive bitter taste to baked goods. Calcium compounds and aluminium compounds do not have that problem, though, since", "id": "18227687" }, { "contents": "Mjukkaka\n\n\nMjukkaka can be baked in an oven (directly at the bottom), in a hot pan or even directly on top of your stove on a heated plate. Making inroads into the bread (by using a rolling pin with deep grooves or just a regular fork) is done in order for it to not rise during baking and instead stay flat. Liquid from baking blodpalt is used in some recipes instead of milk in some parts of northern Sweden around Luleå. In some recipes rye flour is mixed with wheat or includes just", "id": "16477662" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ndiners to discover the contents for themselves which adds an element of surprise. Eggs can also be used in baking to produce savoury or sweet dishes. In combination with dairy products especially cheese, they are often prepared as a dessert. For example, although a baked custard can be made using starch (in the form of flour, cornflour, arrowroot, or potato flour), the flavor of the dish is much more delicate if eggs are used as the thickening agent. Baked custards, such as crème caramel, are among", "id": "7706074" }, { "contents": "Laurens Bake\n\n\nLaurens Bake or \"Baak\", \"Baeck\" (1629, Amsterdam – buried 18 December 1702, Amsterdam) was a Dutch poet of the seventeenth century. He was born in a distinguished family of Amsterdam, son of the merchant Joost Baeck and Magdalena van Erp, sister-in-law of P.C. Hooft, while his grandfather Laurens Baeck was a close friend of Joost van den Vondel. Laurens studied in Utrecht from 1647, and later liked to be called lord of Wulverhorst, an estate near Utrecht his father had", "id": "2100192" }, { "contents": "The Cats\n\n\nKeizer replaced him temporarily. In 1974 the Cats released \"The Love in Your Eyes\", an album recorded at the Larrabee Sound Studios in Los Angeles by session musicians, with the Cats members only laying down vocals. Cees Veerman said about those sessions, \"'Be My Day' topped the charts, which was a great thing, but the rest of that pre-baked stuff should've been chucked into the ocean near Malibu\". Their Malibu sojourn did not stop The Cats from using the same team of musicians", "id": "2785879" }, { "contents": "Ian Gomez\n\n\nthen-wife, Nia Vardalos, co-presented \"The Great American Baking Show\", a revival of \"The Great Holiday Baking Show\". He was married to actress-writer Nia Vardalos of \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding\" fame. He appeared in her films \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding\", \"Connie and Carla\", \"My Life in Ruins\", \"I Hate Valentine's Day\", and \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2\". Gomez is of Puerto Rican and Russian Jewish", "id": "18100608" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nthen began the manufacture of what can be considered a true baking powder. Throughout his career, Horsford continued to experiment extensively with possible techniques and preparations for baking powder. Horsford's leavening products were marketed originally as \"Horsford's Yeast Powder\" and later as \"Rumford Baking Powder\". They were packaged in glass bottles and later in metal cans. In 2006 the Rumford Chemical Works in East Providence, Rhode Island were designated a National Historic Chemical Landmark in recognition of baking powder's impact in making baking easier, quicker,", "id": "18227671" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nbakeries\"'\". Bakeries selling Asian style breads can be found all over the world and some of largest chains today include Grupo Bimbo, BreadTalk Group and Yamazaki Baking. The Chinese market is fast becoming the largest consumers of baked goods since foreign bakeries entered the market in the 1990s. Since then, businesses trying to reach success in China, like in other Asian markets, have aimed to strike a balance between making breads that look like Western baked goods but are filled with cream and are sweet and buttery in flavour.", "id": "9902482" } ]
I am originally from Venezuela and everyone there has dark hair, ive been blessed with brown hair! what color is your hair? My hair is gray. It use to be brown, but I am older now. Oh thats cool! so its a good thing that you still have hair, that is one of my worst fears to lose my hair I was blessed with very think hair. Is your hair thick? Yes it is very thick thanks be to god! im scared because in Venezuela 60% of the people is bold by the age of 30, it must be the way they eat!
[{"answer": "Brown hair is a very common hair color. Is your hair long?", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "518358", "title": "Brown hair", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 292, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nalways come down the stairs of my parents' house, and they would say, 'Go back upstairs and brush your hair, change your clothes, you can't go out wearing that', and I felt like it was stifling my identity... My hair was my glory. It was the only thing that I could change about myself.\" Initially \"Hair\" was supposed to be released as the second promotional single from \"Born This Way\", following \"The Edge of Glory\", on May 16,", "id": "2542050" }, { "contents": "James Brown (hair stylist)\n\n\nand my behaviour was totally unacceptable. Everyone who knows me knows I am not racist in any way whatsoever... I have been in touch with Mr Douglas and will be writing to him and to the Bafta organisers to apologise personally. I am very sorry and very embarrassed.” Ben Douglas was quoted as saying: \"I did not name him in my original piece – my intention was to focus on the wider issue of racist language rather than instigating a witch-hunt against one individual. But in outing himself, James", "id": "14015676" }, { "contents": "Hair theft\n\n\non the streets by an opportunist hair thief in 1914. According to a victim interviewed by the \"Grey River Argus\", \"For the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly when or where I lost my hair. I didn't feel anything at all ... when opposite Te Aro House, my friend said: 'Oh, someone's cut your hair off!' I laughed and said it was nonsense, but I found it was only too true.\" In more recent times, outbreaks of hair theft", "id": "19528123" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\na tribute to his Ethiopian daughter's hair, writing it, stating that he wanted to say, \"Your hair is great. You can put it in ponytails. You can put it in cornrows. I wish I had hair like you.\" The mash-up uses different shots in the show's segment paired with \"Whip My Hair\" to act as a music video. During the week of release of the \"Whip My Hair\" video, the \"Sesame Street\" clip also went viral. Veronica Miller", "id": "17440845" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\nwild as can be, while she asks ladies to \"whip their hair\" and \"shake haters off\". The lyrics have motivational undertones, speaking of self-love and assurance, and referring to letting your hair down as a representation of this in parts like the line, \"Keep fighting until I get there, when I'm down and I feel like giving up/I whip my hair back and forth, I whip it, I whip it real good.\" \"Whip My Hair\" is a high", "id": "17440824" }, { "contents": "Try (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\nwho she really was. When I shot the first scene with no hair and makeup on in front of an HD camera in my face, flashed with bright lights, everyone was watching. I thought, \"Oh my god, I bet they’re all looking at my blemishes, thinking that I should cover them up, or that I should put some volume in my hair.\" But it also felt really cool to be on camera with zero on, like literally nothing on. And then when it got to the", "id": "11490690" }, { "contents": "You Are Old, Father William\n\n\nWilliam\"\", and she recites. poem \"You are old, Father William,\" the young man said, \"And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head— Do you think, at your age, it is right?\" \"In my youth,\" Father William replied to his son, \"I feared it might injure the brain; But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again.\" \"You are", "id": "20118751" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nits release. During the writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" and the creation of the full album, she has posted personal essays on her website, Saint Heron, linking the ideas of these personal essays with messages in the album. One essay that has been linked to the creation and writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" would be \"\"And Do You Belong? I Do.\" In this she says “You and your friends have been called the N-word, been approached as prostitutes", "id": "14202426" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nI'm not going to wear a wig, I'll just go with my red hair'. And I walk in and George Cukor said: 'would you like to take your hat off?' (laughter) and my hair was quite short back then and it was – it looked like feathers. And his face went ashen as to think: 'oh, what have done, this is absolutely terrible!' And he brought me in to see Katharine, and he said: 'Katharine, this girl has", "id": "21947150" }, { "contents": "Si-Te-Cah\n\n\nthem all, the people round us called us Say-do-carah. It means conqueror; it also means \"enemy.\" \"My people say that the tribe we exterminated had reddish hair. I have some of their hair, which has been handed down from father to son. I have a dress which has been in our family a great many years, trimmed with the reddish hair. I am going to wear it some time when I lecture. It is called a mourning dress, and no one has", "id": "17995407" }, { "contents": "Good hair\n\n\nher use of the book (Johnson, 343). \"The Washington Post\" reported that Herron said black students were her target audience for the children's book: \"I wrote it delighting in nappy hair,\" said Herron, who is black. \"I love my own nappy hair and the stories my uncle used to tell me about it. It was a celebration, and I had no idea it would be political. I am a '60s person and thought we had already dealt with this problem of being", "id": "7927984" }, { "contents": "Mende people\n\n\ngrow. The vegetation on earth is the \"hair\" on the head of Mother Nature in the same way the hair on the head of a woman is her \"foliage.\" (Boone) A woman with long, thick hair illustrates a life force, she may be blessed with a green thumb giving her the ability to have a promising farm and many healthy children. Hairstyles are very important in Mende society. A Mende woman's hair must be well groomed, clean, and oiled. Hair must be tied down", "id": "10438700" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "Sonya Clark\n\n\nThese artists have mastered a craft impossible for me to take for granted.\" She claims, \"hair is power,\" and, \"as carrier of DNA, hair holds the essence of identity.\" “I grew up braiding my hair and my sister’s hair, so in one sense, like many black women, I had been preparing to be a textile artist for a very long time.” Since 2009, Clark has created serial projects surrounding the Confederate Battle Flag. She has performed \"Unraveling\" in", "id": "820517" }, { "contents": "William Brandon Lacy Campos\n\n\nof you… No more high yellow and midnight blue conversations when talking about skin unless it's to talk about how that high yellow or midnight blue person rocked your socks last night after that party and you are about to take his or her last name. I could give a damn about the style you wear your hair, fried died and laid to the side or afro-tastic, I am with Miss India.Arie, I am not my hair!\" In a speech in 2012 at the Civil Liberties and Public", "id": "21630586" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nmost common in light-skinned infants and children, so much so that the term \"baby blond\" is often used for very light colored hair. Babies may be born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond hair, although such natural hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair tends to turn darker with age, and many children's blond hair turns light, medium, dark brown or black before or during their adult years. Because blond hair tends to turn brunette with age, natural blond hair is", "id": "5633780" }, { "contents": "Julian Bilecki\n\n\nRighteous where he was able to be reunited with 5 survivors in the JFK airport terminal. Bilecki with tears in his eyes then said, \"I see you all have gray hair. I too have gray hair. I thought I would never see you again. I feel lost. I thought this would never happen. All I did was help. It is very pleasant that people remember. Now I am getting paid back by God\". The survivors arranged for the family to be honored as Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem", "id": "586508" }, { "contents": "Delkiow Sivy\n\n\nkavoes rag lennow rag'as floghbr Gans agas bejeth gwynn, ha'gas blew melyn?br Where are you going, pretty maid, br with your dark face and your yellow hair? br I'll go with you, pretty maid,br with your dark face and your yellow hair?br What if I get you on the ground, pretty maid, br with your dark face and your yellow hair? br What if I get you with child, pretty maid,br with your dark face and your yellow hair?br Who will you get to be the", "id": "353713" }, { "contents": "Jessie J\n\n\nreason I'm here at the VMAs and people know who I am ... They support me and buy my albums and singles, and they stand outside hotels, and they come to shows, and they get tattoos of my lyrics and they cut their hair like me. You have to love your fans. That's why I call them my Heartbeats, because without them I wouldn't be here.\" In early 2011, Jessie J suffered a panic attack on stage after she was forced to perform in the dark. \"", "id": "6704670" }, { "contents": "I Am Not My Hair\n\n\n\"I Am Not My Hair\" is a song by American soul and R&B singer–songwriter India.Arie from her third studio album, \"\" (2006). Written by Arie, Shannon Sanders, and Drew Ramsey, it was released as the album's lead single in late 2005 to moderate chart success. The song was nominated for Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and Best R&B Song at the 2007 Grammy Awards. A remix version of \"I Am Not My Hair\" featuring Akon was also released. The song", "id": "4317391" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npopulation has red hair and approximately 40 percent carry the recessive redhead gene. Gray or white hair—sometimes colloquially called \"salt and pepper\" when it is 'peppered' throughout dark hair—is not caused by a true gray or white pigment, but is due to a lack of pigmentation and melanin. The clear hairs appear as gray or white because of the way light is reflected from the hairs. Gray hair color typically occurs naturally as people age (see Aging or achromotrichia below). For some people this can", "id": "218625" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Koldun\n\n\nhair colour my school years I had thick hair. But not now. I believe that that is the fault of the Chernobyl disaster.\" Koldun states his hair colour has changed from blonde, at an early age in school, gradually (sometimes overnight) becoming shades darker to the 'burning' brunette he is today (naturally). In 2004, he tried out in the RTR show \"Narodnyi Artist 2\", but did not qualify to the main stage. This did not deter him from his", "id": "17971678" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "List of types of fur\n\n\n-brown and dark brown. Mink fur is durable. The hairs are rather short, but very thick and soft. The guard hairs do not break readily, and the underfur does not tend to become matted. Sunlight gradually fades its original dark brown color a warmer tone, making it less attractive. Nutria, or coypu fur is traditionally sheared, dyed and plucked. Its light weight makes it suitable for linings as well as coats, accessories and trims. Sometimes is now used without shearing or plucking, with the most", "id": "11639076" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\n2012 interview with the Kenyan broadsheet the \"Daily Nation\", she said, [I]t seems that the world is conspiring in preaching that there is something wrong with Kenyan ladies' kinky hair and dark skin[...] Their leaflets are all about skin lightening, and they seem to be doing good business in Kenya. It just shocks me. It's not OK for a Caucasian to tell us to lighten our skin [...] I have never attempted to change my skin. I am natural. People in Europe and", "id": "2005688" }, { "contents": "Pierre-Adrien Toulorge\n\n\nblessed his companions when the authorities arrived and he travelled to the guillotine on foot and spoke for the last time: \"My God I place my soul in Your hands. I ask that You reestablish and preserve Your Holy Church. I beg You to forgive my enemies.\" He was executed at 2:00pm and the executioner grabbed the head by the hair and showed it to the crowds. Sister Saint-Paul was acquitted and survived the Terror. His remains were dumped in a mass grave. His face was uncovered and faced", "id": "6152427" }, { "contents": "Cher... Special\n\n\n\"Momma, I'm still here. I've got the same hair, the same bumpy nose and vampire teeth. But you were right, I feel better about myself now\". Then Cher's nine-year-old daughter Chastity asks, \"Mom, have you been into my records again?\" Cher says, \"my children Chastity and Elijah both have blonde hair. I guess they don't have the advantages of having black hair, but nobody told them it was going to be easy.\" Then", "id": "1398070" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n, but most Africans retain their original hair color until their mid-40s. Graying is a gradual process; according to a study by L'Oreal, overall, of those between 45 and 65 years old, 74% had some grey hair, covering an average of 27% of their head, and approximately 1 in 10 people had no gray hairs even after the age of 60. Children born with some hair colors may find it gradually darkens as they grow. Many blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this. This", "id": "218627" }, { "contents": "Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State\n\n\nhair long was that it's easier. She has options.\" Clinton professed she was past the point of concern on the matter: \"I feel so relieved to be at the stage I'm at in my life right now, [...] because if I want to wear my glasses, I'm wearing my glasses. If I want to pull my hair back, I'm pulling my hair back.\" In any case, Clinton showed a much more relaxed attitude vis a vis the press than in past eras", "id": "4270974" }, { "contents": "Lasioglossum leucozonium\n\n\nhairs on the scutellum. The slightly separated hind tibial hair is mostly pale yellowish brown while the dorsal hairs are light brown. On the metasomal tergum I and terga II-IV, the hair is white with a band of hair on terga II-IV and elongated hairs scattered over the anterior surface of tergum I. Its mesoscutal hairs are moderately dense and seem feathery, and its wing membrane has a glassy, translucent appearance. A male \"L. leucozonium\" is distinguished by its rounded clypeus, its ventrally narrowed head, its", "id": "1591287" }, { "contents": "Piece of Me (Britney Spears song)\n\n\nwith what was going on. Not being over-the-top sarcastic, but ... having a laugh at everything that was going on around her, with confidence. [...] The very last dance of the piece, she had her hair up, and I go, 'Can you just do one for me with your hair down?' She dropped her hair down. You'll see we intercut with her hair up and her hair down. That was the last piece. She just rocked it from her heart", "id": "7773191" }, { "contents": "Hair: Original Soundtrack Recording\n\n\nHair: Original Soundtrack Recording is the soundtrack album from the 1979 musical film \"Hair\". It was released on the RCA label. A few verses from \"Manchester, England\" and a small portion of \"Walking in Space\" have been removed. The film omits the musical's songs \"The Bed\", \"Dead End\", \"Oh Great God of Power\", \"I Believe in Love\", \"Going Down\", \"Air\", \"My Conviction\", \"Abie Baby\",", "id": "6230141" }, { "contents": "Kells Water\n\n\nthat's no here. Lovely Molly, you're the first girl I courted, it was you drew my heart in a snare, your red rosy cheeks I admired, and your lily-white skin and brown hair. Some say that my Johnnie's no coming, but I know he'll be here in the spring, through the green shady groves we will wander, and among the green bushes we'll sing. Now it's this one and that one may court you, but if anyone wins you but me", "id": "21471096" }, { "contents": "Ms. Kelly: Diva Deluxe\n\n\nDaylight,\" I remember listening to [it] and I was like, 'Oh my god, this feels like a great day. Got the wind in your hair, just feels good.' That's what I loved about it the most.\" Commenting on her decision to work with Travis McCoy, she told \"Blues & Soul\". \"I figured me and Travis together would be an unusual tyepa duo. And I'm really happy I trusted my instincts. Because it turned out to be a really", "id": "7209972" }, { "contents": "Llewyn Davis (character)\n\n\n-foot-five, 250 pound Swede. So I came in, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a photograph of a very well-known musician – and I was encouraged because it was a guy who was a little smaller and a dark haired and had a beard. I was like, \"So you guys have that picture as kind of a reference?\" And they're like, \"Oh yeah. He came in. He killed it.\" The blood just drained out of my", "id": "12447650" }, { "contents": "Fragments of Olympian Gossip\n\n\n\"Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name,\"br \"Puts on your high teaching all the blame.\"br \"Says: matter and force are transmutable\"br \"And wrong the laws you thought immutable.\"\" \"\"I am much too ignorant, my son,\"br \"For grasping schemes so finely spun.\"br \"My followers are of stronger mind\"br \"And I am content to stay behind,\"br \"Perhaps I failed, but I did my best,\"br \"These masters of mine may do the rest.\"br \"Come, Kelvin,", "id": "10184078" }, { "contents": "Emilie Blackmore Stapp\n\n\nreplied back, “I am happy to be the chief of both the little children and those with the spirit of little children, even though ‘the golden hair be gray.'\" Stapp wrote back, asserting, “I am so glad you have not grown up. Neither have I. You must never tell my employer, nor any of those many publishers who overwhelm me with books for criticism, but I still believe in fairies.” In June 1917 with World War I raging in Europe, Stapp mobilized her Go", "id": "19381347" }, { "contents": "Jim Valvano\n\n\nto have something special. Valvano's ESPY acceptance speech became legendary. He closed by saying that \"Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever. I thank you and God bless you all.\" He received a standing ovation. Valvano's hair was expected to fall out with chemotherapy treatment, but it didn't. Along with his ever-", "id": "16798765" }, { "contents": "2016 GEICO 500\n\n\nthe wall head-on at a high rate of speed, said she \"would say that's probably the most scared (I've been), trying to hop out of a car with the fire on the inside. I haven't had fire on the inside before. I've seen it on the outside. Honestly, I was thinking about my hair. I've got a lot of hair and I don't want to lose it. I've had a couple of practice rounds now of getting out of the", "id": "13395466" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nonly hair with color such as black, brown, or reddish-brown hair or dirty blonde can be removed. White hair, light blonde and strawberry blonde hair does not respond well. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, being most effective and producing the best results, but lasers such as the are able to target black hair in patients with dark skin with some success. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for \"permanent hair", "id": "21823829" }, { "contents": "Pauline Fowler\n\n\ntold by Julia Smith that she would have to change her appearance, to make it more in keeping with Pauline's unglamorous lifestyle. This included having her hair cut. Richard has commented, \"I was very proud of my long hair, which had taken me years to grow. I hadn't had it cut short for nineteen years but reluctantly, I agreed ... I cried my eyes out for the rest of the day after that traumatic hair cut.\" From September 1984, Richard was involved in pre-production of", "id": "15725689" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Natural hair movement\n\n\nor product easily. High porosity hair cuticles are very open and absorb water and product easily. Medium porosity absorbs and gets rid of water, product, and moisture easily. Hair types/typing considered curly/kinky In order to best treat naturally curly hair, celebrity hair stylist Andre Walker created a hair typing system. This categorizes hair into four categories based on how tight curls are coiled. the natural hair community is going so well in Nigeria and the name of my company is Cherish Your Rose Enterprise and it willing to", "id": "13898275" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nlove blonde hair, but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark\". The cover art features a close-up of the singer's jean-clad midsection and bare midriff. The cover has been seen as a reference to \"Sticky Fingers\" by The Rolling Stones. The packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP were scented with patchouli oils to simulate church incense", "id": "10438367" }, { "contents": "Antioquian sac-winged bat\n\n\nsame color throughout. Their ventral fur is lighter in color, and the hairs are bicolored; the proximate two-thirds of the hairs are dark brown like the dorsal hairs, while the distal third of the hairs are yellowish. Their coat is thick and woolly in texture, but their faces are hairless. While its diet has not been studied, all other bats of its genus are specialized aerial insectivores. The only two individuals encountered were found in humid lowlands. Its occurrence could be associated with karst formations. In 2008", "id": "14580979" }, { "contents": "The Farmer's Bride\n\n\n, Sweet as the first wild violets, she, To her wild self. But what to me? The short days shorten and the oaks are brown, One leaf in the still air falls slowly down, On the black earth spread white with rime, The berries redden up to Christmas-time. She sleeps up in the attic there Betwixt us. Oh! my God! the down, The soft young down of her; the brown, The brown of her - her eyes, her hair, her hair!", "id": "3811872" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nBrown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair. It varies from light brown to almost black hair. It is characterized by higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. People with brown hair are often referred to as brunette, which in French is the feminine form of \"brunet,\" the diminutive of \"brun\" (brown, brown-haired or dark-haired). Brown hair is common among populations in the Western world, especially among those", "id": "1603116" }, { "contents": "Wings (Little Mix song)\n\n\nI think everyone got so confused. We'd hear some of the songs and were like, 'Oh my God, we're never going to get it.'\" However, when production team TMS played them a backing track of \"Wings\", Nelson recalled, \"my hairs stood up on my arms and I was like 'Oh my god!', and I looked at the girls and I went 'That's our first single.'\" According to TMS, they were drawn to Little Mix's", "id": "12249275" }, { "contents": "Holy Week\n\n\nof my heart, O You who bowed the heavens by your ineffable condescension. I will wash your immaculate feet with kisses and dry them again with the tresses of my hair; those very feet at whose sound Eve hid herself from in fear when she heard You walking in Paradise in the twilight of the day. As for the multitude of my sins and the depths of Your judgments, who can search them out, O Savior of souls, my Savior? Do not disdain me Your handmaiden, O You who are boundless", "id": "18349630" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Coues's climbing mouse\n\n\n, and having black or dark brown guard hairs mixed among them. The underparts are creamy-white or yellowish, the hairs sometimes having grey bases. The tail is the same length as the head-and-body or a little longer, with dark scales, reddish-brown or dark brown hairs and a long terminal tuft of hair. Coues's climbing mouse is a native of northern South America. It occurs in an arc from Trinidad and the island of Margarita, through the coastal region of northern Venezuela, and", "id": "20849998" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Jack Donaghy\n\n\ntasting like \"the urine of Satan after a hefty portion of asparagus,\" he attempts to market it to the hip-hop community as a replacement for Cristal champagne. Jack dyes his hair and has it cut every two days (he declares that \"your hair is your head-suit\"), and is shown to be very formal. So far, he has almost always appeared on the show in suits and he considers tuxedos appropriate evening wear for any occasion (\"It's after six. What am I", "id": "10104407" }, { "contents": "Azealia Banks\n\n\nterm doesn't come from me! People think I invented it, but I didn't. To be cunty is to be feminine and to be, like, aware of yourself. Nobody's fucking with that inner strength and delicateness. The cunts, the gay men, adore that. My friends would say, 'Oh you need to cunt it up! You're being too banjee.' Banjee means unrefined and rough. You need your cunts: they fix your hair for you and do your makeup. They give", "id": "8049879" }, { "contents": "Fyodor Dostoevsky\n\n\n-old Anna Grigoryevna Snitkina. Her shorthand helped Dostoevsky to complete \"The Gambler\" on 30 October, after 26 days' work. She remarked that Dostoevsky was of average height but always tried to carry himself erect. \"He had light brown, slightly reddish hair, he used some hair conditioner, and he combed his hair in a diligent way ... his eyes, they were different: one was dark brown; in the other, the pupil was so big that you could not see its color, [this was", "id": "11365988" }, { "contents": "Kurt Vile\n\n\nit made Lex Luthor's hair fall out, and he was like, 'You made all my hair fall out!' It was a really stupid cartoon, but that was my song, 'You Made All My Hair Fall Out'.\" Three years later, Vile created his first \"mass-produced\" tape at the age of seventeen. Influenced by Pavement, Beck, Smog and the record label, Drag City, Vile noted, \"I really thought I could be on Drag City. I really wanted", "id": "13369402" }, { "contents": "Arcangela Tarabotti\n\n\nsaid to have been rebellious and outspoken; Tarabotti refused to wear the religious habits or cut her hair until directly ordered to do so by Catholic Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice, Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro. Her beliefs, however, remained unchanged; Tarabotti wrote of Cardinal Cornaro, explaining that \"He made me amend my vanities. I cut off my hair, but I did not uproot my emotions. I reformed my life, but my thoughts flourish rampantly, and just like my shorn hair, grow all the more.\"", "id": "2371036" }, { "contents": "Bucovina Shepherd Dog\n\n\nribs. The skin is thick and dark gray. The hair is short on the head and forelegs. On the body, the hair is abundant, straight, thicker and harder, 2½- 3½ inches (6–9 cm.) long. The next layer of hair is shorter and thick, with a lighter color. On the neck, the hair is longer and forms a mane. On the backside of the legs, the hair forms fringes of moderate length. The tail is bushy, covered with longer and thicker hair.", "id": "13870793" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nhair is extremely problematic!\" Hair has been used as a tool of oppression to black people in the United States because of the different textures and styles black women’s hair offers. Such textures and styles have been mocked, appropriated, and used as a source for profiling. Solange reflect in her song how her hair is a major part of her identity and influences her daily life, because it offers difference to the stereotyped “normal” hair textures european/white culture so often displays. Historically, black women have “", "id": "14202428" }, { "contents": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry\n\n\nMost people would tell you, if asked, that it doesn't matter what your hair colour is. What style your hair is in. They would say whatever is best for your face,\" explained Walker. \"But from a very young age these stereotypes appear. In cartoons and children's programming, we see the way women are portrayed based on their hair. The associations continue through childhood into adulthood.” The local NBC news affiliate in Charlotte tested Walker's theory by asking a natural blonde to walk around the", "id": "6098403" }, { "contents": "Portuguese people\n\n\nis possible to draw the general anthropometrical features of the majority of the Portuguese population. Dark to medium brown hair and brown and hazel eyes are predominant. However, light brown and blond hair and blue and green eyes are also found frequently. Chestnut and auburn-colored hair types occur generally. Legitimate black hair—not espresso brown—can be found, but it is not very common. Light, true red hair (meaning red shades that are non-auburn) is seen on occasion. A recent study by Candille", "id": "8766959" }, { "contents": "Long hair\n\n\nhis shoulders and earlobes\". Sahih Bukhari, regarded the most authentic of hadith, also supports this using a prime example of the prophet Isa (Jesus). The Prophet Muhammad has also described Jesus as \"having long hair reaching his ear lobes.\" Malik's Muwatta 51.2.6 reported, Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said that Abu Qatada al-Ansari said to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, \"I have a lot of hair which comes down to my shoulders", "id": "10102819" }, { "contents": "Susan Kennedy\n\n\nher long hair cut when she wanted a fresh start following a split from Karl. Woodburne has revealed that there is no chance of Susan growing her long hair back. She said \"I could never grow it long again. I love the ease of having short hair. Back when it was long, I used to wash and dry my hair every morning at home before going into work. That added an extra half-hour to my day\". She also added that the \"Neighbours\"' bosses at the time", "id": "12335516" }, { "contents": "Dave Gahan\n\n\nhis probation officer's office. His punishment was weekend custody at a sub-Borstal attendance centre in Romford for one year. Gahan recalls: \"You had to work. I remember doing boxing, stuff like that. You had to have your hair cut. It was every weekend, so you were deprived of your weekend and it seemed like forever. I was told very clearly that my next thing was detention centre. To be honest, music saved me.\" In March 1980, Martin Gore, Andy Fletcher and", "id": "15516560" }, { "contents": "Charlie and Lola\n\n\nHe exclaims \"Get out of my room, now!\" and \"Who's been in my room?\" Minnie Reader Minnie Reader is a classmate and friends with the girls including Lola and Lotta and is very clever. She likes tap dancing, beads, ponies, patterns, coloring and knows a lot about guinea pigs and has one named Fluffy. She is serious and doesn't smile as much as the rest of the characters. She has short brown hair with two green circle shaped hair clips in it. She", "id": "6584868" }, { "contents": "Let Your Hair Down (Grimm)\n\n\nin a bigger role can't be all bad, but 'Let Your Hair Down' is a warning sign that \"Grimm\" has too many plates in the air, and if it isn't careful, they're all going to come tumbling down and make a huge mess.\" TV Overmind's Shilo Adams wrote, \"When I took on the role of writing about \"Grimm\", I was a tad nervous. I’m not a huge watcher of procedurals and very rarely watch cop dramas in my free time", "id": "11793935" }, { "contents": "Midphalangeal hair\n\n\nwords, that 'a man in front of me draped his arm over the back of the seat and I noticed that while his arm was very hairy the middle segments of his fingers were free of hair and so, I observed, were my own; but I knew this was not generally true.' So far as he was aware, no one before had recognized this variation as possibly hereditary. The genetic determination of presence or absence of hair on the dorsal aspect of the middle phalanx was first suggested by Danforth (", "id": "4343473" }, { "contents": "Samuel L. Jackson\n\n\nYou know, when I started losing my hair it was during the era when everybody had lots of hair. All of a sudden I felt this big hole in the middle of my afro, I couldn't face having a comb over so I had to quickly figure what the haircut for me was.\" His first bald role was in \"The Great White Hype\". He usually gets to pick his own hairstyles for each character he portrays. He poked fun at his baldness the first time he appeared bald on \"", "id": "9542876" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nis caused by genes being turned on and off during early childhood and puberty. Changes in hair color typically occur naturally as people age, eventually turning the hair gray and then white. This is called achromotrichia. Achromotrichia normally begins in the early to mid-twenties in men and late twenties in women. More than 60 percent of Americans have some gray hair by age 40. The age at which graying begins seems almost entirely due to genetics. Sometimes people are born with gray hair because they inherit the trait. The order", "id": "218628" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nStone\" called it a mixture of yearning romantic melodrama of \"We Belong\" with the hard industrial metal edge of Broken-era Nine Inch Nails. Greg Kot of the \"Chicago Tribune\" felt that Gaga's vocals are Auto-Tuned throughout the song. The lyrics of \"Hair\" talk about embracing one's hairstyle as the ultimate expression of their identity, hence it ends with Gaga triumphantly declaring \"I am my hair!\" at the end of the final chorus. \"Hair\" has received mostly positive reviews", "id": "2542060" }, { "contents": "I Am Not My Hair\n\n\nepisode of \"The Oprah Winfrey Show\", Arie stated that her record label insisted that Akon be added to the single to make the song more mainstream. She said that she did not want Akon to be featured on the song, without mentioning his name. According to Arie, the original version of \"I Am Not My Hair\" was a duet with pop rock singer Pink. The song's original concept originated from Pink's decision to do away with her pink locks, while the last verse was written after Arie", "id": "4317394" }, { "contents": "Nakeya Brown\n\n\nat Blue Sky Gallery in Portland called \"Between Sheets and Seamless\" where she pulled images from several of her photo series such as \"If Nostalgia Were Colored Brown\" (\"reverent tableaux of vintage album covers and objects used for beautification to pay homage to a history of black feminine spaces of self care\")\", Hair Stories Untold\" (\"explores her own family’s hair rituals through conceptual portraiture and still life\")\", Gestures of My Bio-Myth, The Refutation of “Good” Hair,", "id": "11352793" }, { "contents": "Tatjana Patitz\n\n\n.\" Her versatility was exemplified by the changing of her hair color and style with each passing year during the late 1980s, from short-haired brunette to tawny mane to long and blond. For an April 1989 editorial titled \"Earthly Powers\" in British \"Vogue\", hair stylist Didier Malige cut and restyled Patitz's foot-long blonde hair into a cropped shag just above her shoulders. \"Once I cut my hair - I cried for two months,\" Patitz told Esquire magazine. \"People said, '", "id": "3255553" }, { "contents": "Toupée\n\n\nthe weave area, resulting in traction alopecia. Hair weaves were very popular in the 1980s & 1990s, but are not usually recommended because of the potential for permanent hair damage and hair loss. While toupée dealers attempt to match the toupée's color to the natural hair color of the wearer, sometimes the colors are not identical. This color mismatch is often exacerbated when a toupée is poorly cared for and fades, or the wearer's hair color turns gray while the toupée retains its original color. However a good salon will", "id": "11970693" }, { "contents": "White Nights (short story)\n\n\nwithout companionship and love. He refuses to despair: \"But that I should feel any resentment against you, Nastenka! That I should cast a dark shadow over your bright, serene happiness! ...That I should crush a single one of those delicate blooms which you will wear in your dark hair when you walk up the aisle to the altar with him! Oh no — never, never! May your sky be always clear, may your dear smile be always bright and happy, and may you be for ever blessed", "id": "2934368" }, { "contents": "List of Oh My Goddess! characters\n\n\nrecommend her for promotion to the \"Silver Wings\" unit. In the manga we can see this new goddess with a different hair color than in the movie: instead of being brown, she seems to be blonde or with a very light hair at least. Ere and Ex have so far only been glimpsed in the manga, in a cartoon when Chrono gets back in heaven, showing the two goddesses interrupted in their discussion during a scene in which Peorth teases Chrono and later when Hagal's demons make too many contracts with", "id": "16445943" }, { "contents": "Periodic Videos\n\n\nprepared one of the first xenon compounds, xenon hexafluoroplatinate. Poliakoff is the most visible presenter on the videos. And his hair, reminiscent of Einstein or a mad scientist, is frequently commented upon. The combination of the professor's hair and amusing experiments has made these videos quite popular. Although uncertain what to think about the attention given to his hair, Professor Poliakoff is excited with the success of the videos, stating \"With a few hours of work, I have lectured to more students than I have reached in my", "id": "19124146" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Maiden Tower (Baku)\n\n\nheavy battle began. In one of God's blessed moments, the fortress' pahlevan unhorsed the enemy and put a knife direct to his neck. The enemy's commander screamed: \"You win! Who are you? Take your helmet off. I want to see your face, pahlevan!\" He took off the helmet and saw that the fortress' pahlevan was a beautiful girl with long fire-colored hair. He exclaimed: \"Oh, you are a girl! You are brave and beautiful girl! If girls", "id": "1010761" }, { "contents": "Freiberg subcamp\n\n\nto the right meant work and life and to the left meant gas and death. ...But the great miracles were still to come. They took all of our things away, shaved our hair, and everyone received a dress and wooden clogs or other shoes. ...Until I die I will never forget the feeling of the cold on my shaved head. Without hair -- that is a complete degradation for a woman. We were so many that the SS did not manage to tattoo all of us. ...Still in October", "id": "19688827" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Livestock branding\n\n\niron is removed from the coolant and held onto the skin with firm pressure for several seconds. The exact amount of time will vary according to the species of the animal, the thickness of its skin, the type of metal the branding iron is made of, the type of coolant being used, and the color of its hair coat. Because a freeze-branded hair follicle regrows as white hair, a light-haired animal will have a freeze brand kept on the skin longer than does a dark-haired animal,", "id": "8705458" }, { "contents": "The Beatles in Hamburg\n\n\n\"All my friends in art school used to run around with this sort of what you call Beatles' haircut, and my boyfriend then, Klaus Voormann, had this hairstyle, and Stuart [Sutcliffe] liked it very very much. He was the first one who really got the nerve to get the Brylcreem out of his hair and asking me to cut his hair for him. Pete [Best] has really curly hair and it wouldn't work.\" After suffering blackouts and intense headaches, Sutcliffe was taken to a", "id": "20639206" }, { "contents": "All Creatures Great and Small (TV series)\n\n\ndays, I realised he was watching me. He watched and watched, and I said, 'Why are you looking at me all the time?' and he said, 'Because we're brothers, and I want to catch some sort of family thing that I can use so that it's obvious we are of the same family.' I was very impressed by that. He was very, \"very\" good.\" \"They highlighted my hair to match Robert's,\" explained Davison, \"and", "id": "16533957" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\na teenager: \"When I first went to get my hair colored, I was about 14 and I wanted blonde highlights. The beautician said, 'No, you have to get your mother on the phone,' and I was just crying and begging. I've always been experimenting. Cyndi Lauper's videos – that's what intrigued me.\" Minaj has often been referred to as the \"Queen of Rap\", and has been considered to be one of the most influential female rap artists. In 2012,", "id": "14836796" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "Dracula (Castlevania)\n\n\nan anime character with medium length, purple hair. He has a more demonic look in \"Castlevania: Dracula X\" and \"\". The more recent look of Dracula, starting with \"\", gives him a beard or goatee of some sort and longer hair. His hair color still changes between a dark brown or black and a gray color. His facial proportions also change. He has a very heavyset and muscular looking face in the Nintendo 64 \"Castlevania\" games, whereas he has a more thin and elegant", "id": "5975530" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Body hair\n\n\nhair at puberty. At this time, the pituitary gland secretes gonadotropin hormones which trigger the production of testosterone in the testicles and ovaries, promoting pubic hair growth. The average ages pubic hair begins to grow in males and females are 12 and 11, respectively. However, in some females, pubic hair has been known to start growing as early as age 7. Just as individual people differ in scalp hair color, they can also differ in pubic hair color. Differences in thickness, growth rate, and length are also", "id": "13877194" }, { "contents": "Public Image (song)\n\n\nmy time, 'cause if you ain't working with people that are on the same level then you ain't doing anything. The rest of the band and Malcolm never bothered to find out if I could sing, they just took me as an image. It was as basic as that, they really were as dull as that. After a year of it they were going 'Why don't you have your hair this colour this year?' And I was going 'Oh God, a brick wall, I'm", "id": "18451028" }, { "contents": "Oh My Darling Daughter\n\n\nlips in my hair. The moon went with us, jigging over the treetops, leering a bit now, I thought. I wished I knew what was supposed to happen when we got back to the car. St Winifred's had been as reticent about this as about Economics.\" \"Now, Viola dear, no more arguments. You'll thank me for this when you've got three beautiful children and a husband you adore. Won't she, Harry?\"br \"Always provided she doesn't have them in that order", "id": "573885" }, { "contents": "Laurie Bembenek\n\n\nthat \"I recovered no blonde or red hairs of any length or texture ... [A]ll of the hairs I recovered from the body were brown and were grossly identical to the hair of the victim ... [I] do not like to suggest that evidence was altered in any way, but I can find no logical explanation for what amounted to the appearance of blonde hair in an envelope that contained no such hair at the time it was sealed by me.\" The apartment where Bembenek and Fred Schultz lived shared drainage with another", "id": "1964687" }, { "contents": "The Four Coins\n\n\n* Maybe A: Sal Mineo – My Bride * The Four Coins – All The Things You Arebr B: Roy Hamilton – Great Day * Somethin‘ Smith & The Redheads – I Can’t Get Started With You A: Never On Sunday * The Girl I Want * In My Never Never Land * Rikoko * True True Love * There’s Only One For Mebr B: Oh Mustapha * Our Song Of Love * Carnation In Your Hair * Dance My Darling * Sum Yo Ti Sa * In Saloniki A: Iste Gynekes", "id": "12170039" }, { "contents": "Bradley Cooper\n\n\n. He had cholesteatoma in his ear soon after his birth, and punctured his eardrum when he started diving at an early age. Describing himself as a child, Cooper has said: \"I never lived the life of 'Oh, you're so good-looking'. People thought I was a girl when I was little, because I looked like a girl—maybe because my mother would keep my hair really long\". He excelled at basketball, and enjoyed cooking: \"I used to have buddies come over", "id": "6327887" }, { "contents": "I Am Not My Hair\n\n\n's original version with only Arie singing featured acoustic guitar and prominent bass over a midtempo drum track. This version was released digitally on November 15, 2005 through online music services such as iTunes, Rhapsody, and, followed by the CD single release on December 6, 2005. \"I Am Not My Hair\" was the most successful release from \"Testimony: Vol. 1, Life & Relationship\", being the only single to chart on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart, peaking", "id": "4317392" } ]
My husband is an author and we have identical twins together! wow thats awesome. how old are your twins?
[{"answer": "My twins are 2 years old. It is interesting to be able to see how genetics play more of a role than environmental factors", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "167202", "title": "Twin study", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 77, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 185, "bleu_score": 0.8915993127600096, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Your Own Thing\n\n\nlike New York City. It is a tale of separated twins, mistaken identities, love triangles and \"doing your own thing\". It opens when a raging storm wrecks the ship on which a rock duet is traveling. They are \"identical\" twenty-year-old twins, Viola and Sebastian. Even in this life-threatening situation, they are bickering as usual (No One's Perfect Dear). In the confusion of the ship sinking, the twins are parted. Viola lands in Illyria where, being", "id": "14034661" }, { "contents": "Oxymoron (album)\n\n\nhood. He showed me my first [AK-47] when I was like 11-years-old. I was amazed by it. I thought that shit was tight. They used to have all the shiny shit. That's how we talked. We would call a gun 'fly.' Like, 'Your dickies is cut super perfect and they got the right amount of dirt on them. That shit is fly.\" During the same listening session, Schoolboy Q spoke on the Pharrell-produced \"Los Awesome\",", "id": "18165249" }, { "contents": "Keavy Lynch\n\n\nat her father's garage. In an interview, Edele talked about her bond with her twin: \"She's the greatest gift I've ever been given, and I think a lot of identical twins would say that. She really is my other half, and I'm not the same without her. We've worked together most of our lives and when we looked back on when B*Witched split and we went our separate ways for the first time, that was like our first day at school. I missed her.", "id": "9192498" }, { "contents": "Helen L. Koch\n\n\nsignificant figure.\" Later, she focused on the differences between twins and non-twins, and between identical and fraternal twins. In a large study of five- and six-year-old children, she found that identical twins were similar to fraternal twins and matched pairs of non-twin siblings in almost all of the measured variables. In 1966, Koch authored a book based on her work, \"Twins and Twin Relations\". Geneticist Steven G. Vandenberg said that the book was \"an unexpected boost for heredity\"", "id": "20549202" }, { "contents": "Psoriasis\n\n\none-third of people with psoriasis report a family history of the disease, and researchers have identified genetic loci associated with the condition. Identical twin studies suggest a 70% chance of a twin developing psoriasis if the other twin has the disorder. The risk is around 20% for nonidentical twins. These findings suggest both a genetic susceptibility and an environmental response in developing psoriasis. Psoriasis has a strong hereditary component, and many genes are associated with it, but it is unclear how those genes work together. Most of the", "id": "13569585" }, { "contents": "Mo'Nique\n\n\njumped to sex. They automatically went there. But I've been best friends with my husband since we were 14 years old. When we say open, we're very honest. There are no secrets. Oftentimes you have people that are married, but they're strangers, and we refuse to be those people. She concluded, \"I've had to sneak and I've had to lie, and I don't want to do that any more. But my husband is so awesome and so fine and so—", "id": "21435352" }, { "contents": "Doble Kara\n\n\n\"Kapamilya Gold\" afternoon block and worldwide on The Filipino Channel from August 24, 2015 to February 10, 2017, replacing \"\". The first book, which spans three seasons, focuses on the life of Kara and Sara and how jealousy and identity test their sisterhood, and how they are exposed to various revenge plans by Lucille. The second book is about Kara and her husband, Sebastian Acosta, starting a new life together, while Sara begins life again in Japan. The twins both have daughters, Isabella and", "id": "12117659" }, { "contents": "Erotic plasticity\n\n\nin sexual behaviour of 20% for male MZ twins, and of 24% for female MZ twins. Another twin study showed male identical twins are more likely than female identical twins to begin having sex at the same age. Shared environment plays a greater role than genetics in risky sexual behaviours in adolescent females. Baumeister's 3rd prediction states that women should have greater inconsistencies between their attitudes towards sexual behaviours and whether they actually engage in said behaviours. Wives are more likely than husbands to report that they changed a \"great deal", "id": "14083187" }, { "contents": "Dark triad\n\n\n) or identical twins reared together to dizygotic (DZ) or fraternal twins reared together. Because both types of twins in this design are reared together, all twin pairs are regarded as having shared a 100% common environment. In contrast, the monozygotic twins share 100% of their genes whereas the dizygotic twins only share about 50% of their genes. Therefore, for any given personality trait, it is possible to parcel out genetic influences by first obtaining the MZ correlation (reflecting 100% common environment and 100% shared", "id": "4460983" }, { "contents": "Identical Twins, Roselle, New Jersey, 1967\n\n\nphotograph with the noticeable tension between the girls' being twins and individuals at the same time. Their extreme closeness, the uniformity of their clothing and haircut underline their close bond while the facial expressions strongly emphasise their individuality. The twins were seven years old when Arbus spotted them at a Christmas party for twins and triplets. The twins' father once said about the photo, \"We thought it was the worst likeness of the twins we'd ever seen.\" The photo has also inspired other art. Most notably, it", "id": "17891384" }, { "contents": "Tripdavon\n\n\nbackground… She has a zen-like mastery when it comes to recording,” Fox said. “She’ll want a certain sound and she’ll know how to get it.” “In my opinion, we developed a more cohesive sound,” Doscher said. “[Massey] had concept of how the album would come together — how it would flow and how the songs belonged together.” Fox agreed, “The production was amazing. When we first heard the mixes, we were like, ‘Wow", "id": "6290215" }, { "contents": "The AstroTwins (authors)\n\n\nThe AstroTwins (twin sisters Tali Edut and Ophira Edut, born December 2, 1972) are American astrologers and authors. Together, they have written four books on astrology, they are the featured astrology columnists for, Refinery29, \"Elle Australia\" and MindBodyGreen, and they publish their own website, Tali Edut and Ophira Edut are identical twin sisters, born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, to an American rabbi mother and Israeli landscaper father. They attended the University of Michigan, where Tali majored in photography", "id": "7695068" }, { "contents": "Entwined (novel)\n\n\nThe older and more outgoing of the twins. She's nine years old and looks identical to Goldenrod, having blue eyes and light brown hair that's usually worn in a braid. Goldenrod Wentworth: Flora's identical twin, nine years old. The twins are described as being like sparrows, timid and eager at the same time. Goldenrod is the shyer of the two. Hollyhock Wentworth: Holli is the clumsiest girl, easily losing things and having poor balance. At eight, she's described as having muddy green eyes", "id": "6427241" }, { "contents": "The Nurture Assumption\n\n\nenvironment.'\" Many twin studies have failed to find a strong connection between the home environment and personality. Identical twins differ to much the same extent whether they are raised together or apart. Adoptive siblings are as unalike in personality as non-related children. Harris also argues against the effects of birth order. She states: Birth order effects are like those things that you think you see out of the corner of your eye but that disappear when you look at them closely. They do keep turning up but only because", "id": "11297670" }, { "contents": "Lacey Sturm\n\n\nput together. \"[We're working on] solo project and we are calling it Lacey. The brilliant drummer Tom Gascon, amazing bassist Ben Hull, my husband Josh Sturm who's an awesome guitarist and I have written some of my favorite heavy rock songs ever. And we will be rocking them for you tomorrow night! I can't wait!\" The band premiered October 2014 at The Blind Tiger in Greensboro, North Carolina. Her debut solo album, \"Life Screams\", was released in 2016 opening at", "id": "22204795" }, { "contents": "Standish brothers\n\n\nColin D. Standish (27 October 1933 – 29 October 2018) and Russell Roland Standish (27 October 1933 – 2 May 2008) were identical twin brothers and \"historic\" Seventh-day Adventists. They were often referred to collectively as the Standish brothers. They co-authored many books together, which have been published by their Hartland Institute. The identical twin brothers were born on 27 October 1933 to Darcy Rowland Standish (1912–1997) and Hilda Marie Joyce Standish née Bailey (1912–74). Their hometown is Newcastle, New", "id": "1177560" }, { "contents": "Personality psychology\n\n\nmore likely to be moody, anxious, or irritable. Identical twins, however, have higher correlations in personality traits than fraternal twins. One study measuring genetic influence on twins in five different countries found that the correlations for identical twins were .50, while for fraternal they were about .20. It is suggested that heredity and environment interact to determine one's personality. Charles Darwin is the founder of the theory of the evolution of the species. The evolutionary approach to personality psychology is based on this theory. This theory examines how", "id": "5131240" }, { "contents": "Alone (2015 Hindi film)\n\n\nBasu), and her husband, Kabir (Karan Singh Grover), argue about not being able to celebrate her birthday together. Sanjana gets a call about her mother's accident and they quickly fly to Kerala. In Kerala, Sanjana begins having visions that make her believe her dead conjoined twin's soul is after her. Her husband does not believe her and sends her to his former professor for spiritual healing. During the treatment period, she tells the professor about how her conjoined twin sister Anjana (Bipasha Basu) always", "id": "19189880" }, { "contents": "Craniopagus twins\n\n\nbrain imaging, neuro-anesthesia and neurosurgical techniques have proven that a successful outcome is possible following separation of total craniopagus twins. There are two categories of craniopagus twins: The exact nature of how conjoined twins develop inutero remains unclear. Embryologists have traditionally attributed identical twinning as \"splitting or fission\" of either the inner cell mass of pleuripotential cells or early embryonic disc at 13–14 days of gestation just before the primitive streak. Some theorists suggested that conjoined twins develop as a result of the failed fusion of a single fertilized ovum.", "id": "2246365" }, { "contents": "Side Show\n\n\nDevil You Know\"). Two weeks later, Terry returns to see the twins perform and Buddy tells him how the personal dynamics with the girls are getting sticky (\"More Than We Bargained For\"). Before their secret late-night performance, the twins confess to each other how infatuated they are with the two men who've come into their lives (\"Feelings You've Got to Hide\"). The Hilton Sisters' secret debut is a great success (\"When I'm By Your Side\")", "id": "3916606" }, { "contents": "A Farewell to Alms\n\n\n\". He says such differences must have been relevant to economic success, and could have been passed on by culture, genetics or a combination of the two. However, he goes on to state that \"the rich in modern industrial society are genetically different from the poor\", citing evidence from twin studies (greater correlation of incomes between identical twins than non-identical twins, and differences in outcomes for biological children versus adopted children). He therefore suggests that \"A Farewall to Alms\"' hypothesis of how statistically", "id": "8558031" }, { "contents": "Nature versus nurture\n\n\nunethical for human research. This problem can be overcome by finding existing populations of humans that reflect the experimental setting the researcher wishes to create. One way to determine the contribution of genes and environment to a trait is to study twins. In one kind of study, identical twins reared apart are compared to randomly selected pairs of people. The twins share identical genes, but different family environments. In another kind of twin study, identical twins reared together (who share family environment and genes) are compared to fraternal twins reared", "id": "18428245" }, { "contents": "How Soon Is Now?\n\n\ntremolo] sound is incredible, and it took a long time. I put down the rhythm track on an Epiphone Casino through a Fender Twin Reverb without vibrato. Then we played the track back through four old Twins, one on each side. We had to keep all the amps vibrating in time to the track and each other, so we had to keep stopping and starting the track, recording it in 10-second bursts... I wish I could remember exactly how we did the slide part – not writing it down is one", "id": "8680569" }, { "contents": "Broken Glass (song)\n\n\n\" She wrote, \"It's a celebration of the power of women – of our unity, strength, and fierceness, and of just how freaking awesome we are. We are badass on our own, but we’re unstoppable when we come together.\" In an interview with \"Billboard\", Platten said, \"I felt like I wanted to continue and do my part to give a message of hope through music and promote girl power. Even though we have a long way to go to get equality between men", "id": "17461626" }, { "contents": "Hermann Werner Siemens\n\n\nnonidentical twins correlate as the siblings of a two-child family ... With the help of twin pathology, we found a possible way to judge hereditary influence on the investigated features ... The assessment is based on the comparison of the findings in identical and nonidentical twins.\"His research included reporting on similarities in skin traits in monozygotic twins, including naevi among other dermatological traits. Within Siemens' research, he reported monozygotic twins having a higher concordance in naevus counts compared with siblings. Siemen's research into twin studies was well before the", "id": "8398071" }, { "contents": "Suzanne Ashworth\n\n\nHannah were so sad. We were crying for hours at a time and the tears were real. I think moreso for me because I have a daughter who is the same age.\" In 2011 Suzanne returns and her storyline sees her pregnant with twins. Speaking Suzanne's return Ashley Taylor Dawson who plays Suzanne's old lover Darren Osborne stated: \"she says, 'It's twins and they're yours'. At first, he doesn't believe her and he thinks it's a wind-up. The dates", "id": "8605554" }, { "contents": "Arrested Development\n\n\nthe family asks him to come back and run the company, which Michael scoffs at until he sees how much the family means to his teenaged son George Michael. To keep the family together, Michael asks his self-centered twin sister Lindsay, her husband Tobias and their daughter Maeby to live together in the Bluth model home with him and George Michael. Throughout the first season, different characters struggle to change their identities. Buster works to escape from his mother's control by bonding with brothers Michael and Gob as well as", "id": "18199964" }, { "contents": "Twin\n\n\n. The authors were unable to predict whether a healthy fetus could result from a polar body twinning. In 2003, a study argued that many cases of triploidy arise from sesquizygotic (semi-identical) twinning. See Semi-identical Twins below, under Unusual twinnings.\" The degree of separation of the twins in utero depends on if and when they split into two zygotes. Dizygotic twins were always two zygotes. Monozygotic twins split into two zygotes at some time very early in the pregnancy. The timing of this separation determines", "id": "1989625" }, { "contents": "Sibling\n\n\ntogether: 160 pairs of identical twins, and 212 pairs of fraternal twins. They studied the most heritable traits in regard to personality, which are emotionality, activity level and sociability; also known as EAS. This study found that identical twins resembled each other twice as much as fraternal twins, due to genetic factors. Furthermore, environment influences personality substantially; however, it has little to do with whether they are reared together or apart. This study also suggests that heritability is substantial, but not as substantial as for younger", "id": "2228599" }, { "contents": "Genetics of aggression\n\n\n. Aggression has been examined via both twin studies and adoption studies. Twin studies manipulate the environmental factors of behavior by examining if identical twins raised apart are different from twins raised together. Before the advancement of molecular genetics, twin studies were almost the only mode of investigation of genetic influences on personality. Heritability was estimated as twice the difference between the correlation for identical, or monozygotic, twins and that for fraternal, or dizygotic, twins. Early studies indicated that personality was fifty percent genetic. Current thinking holds that each individual", "id": "12782214" }, { "contents": "Twins in mythology\n\n\nEnkidu; or in the commonly known instance of good and evil twin identities. Many cultures have mythic or folkloric explanations for how twins are conceived. In Greek mythology, some twins were conceived when a woman slept with both a mortal and a god on the same day, like Alcmene for example. One of her offspring, Heracles, had godlike qualities such as immense strength and stamina, while his twin brother, Iphicles, was to be an ordinary mortal. In many Native American cultures, eating certain foods were thought to", "id": "19370094" }, { "contents": "Specific language impairment\n\n\nSLI is a strongly genetic disorder. The best evidence comes from studies of twins. Two twins growing up together are exposed to the same home environment, yet may differ radically in their language skills. Such different outcomes are, however, seen almost exclusively in fraternal (non-identical) twins, who are genetically different. Identical twins share the same genes and tend to be much more similar in language ability. There can be some variation in the severity and persistence of SLI in identical twins, indicating that environmental factors affect", "id": "10888713" }, { "contents": "The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game\n\n\ngame where every mechanic, every example and the humour oozes of the \"Dresden Files\" setting, and even if you aren't a fan, it still delivers a well put together urban fantasy game or an awesome magic system you can hack into your current FATE game. I have no complaints, no constructive criticism, not one ill word for this book. This is my game of the year\" and \"The Penny Arcade Report\" made special note of how the character generation system gave everyone a history together. \"", "id": "5912264" }, { "contents": "Twin study\n\n\npower of twin designs arises from the fact that twins may be either monozygotic (identical (MZ): developing from a single fertilized egg and therefore sharing all of their alleles) – or dizygotic (DZ: developing from two fertilized eggs and therefore sharing on average 50% of their polymorphic alleles, the same level of genetic similarity as found in non-twin siblings). These known differences in genetic similarity, together with a testable assumption of equal environments for identical and fraternal twins creates the basis for the twin design for", "id": "5305804" }, { "contents": "Sibling\n\n\nthose that vary among humans). Identical twins by definition are 100% related. Full siblings are also the most common type of siblings. There are two types of twins: identical and fraternal. Identical twins have exactly the same genes; fraternal twins are no more similar than regular siblings. Often, twins with a close relationship will develop a twin language from infanthood, a language only shared and understood between the two. Studies suggest that identical twins appear to display more twin talk than fraternal twins. At about 3 years", "id": "2228597" }, { "contents": "Beauty's Only Skin Deep\n\n\nsongs that \"really stand out on this album for me, each for very different reasons. 'Science Fiction Daze' was my favorite. It was the closest I ever came to recording something that really brought me back to my Bowie roots. We bathed the song in trippy Moog synthesizers, and I was very happy with my vocals on that one. The other song was 'Love at First Sight'. When Cherie was in the Runaways, Kim Fowley told the people of Japan Cherie did not have an identical twin", "id": "3744361" }, { "contents": "Twin study\n\n\n(for instance Deary et al. 2006). Separated twin pairs, identical or fraternal, are generally separated by adoption. This makes their families of origin non-representative of typical twin families in that they give up their children for adoption. The families they are adopted to are also non-representative of typical twin families in that they are all approved for adoption by children's protection authorities and that a disproportionally large fraction of them have no biological children. Those who volunteer to studies are not even representative of separated twins", "id": "5305839" }, { "contents": "Abigail Pogrebin\n\n\nAbigail Pogrebin (born May 17, 1965) is an American writer. She is a daughter of Letty Cottin Pogrebin, the co-founder of Ms. Magazine, and Bert Pogrebin, a management-side labor lawyer, and is the identical twin sister of New York Times journalist Robin Pogrebin. As a teenager, Pogrebin worked as an actor and performer, and at age 16 starred as Evelyn in the original Broadway production of Stephen Sondheim's musical \"Merrily We Roll Along\". She is the author of \"My Jewish", "id": "6624161" }, { "contents": "Twin paradox\n\n\nframe having zero acceleration with respect to the matter of the universe at large.\").\" Robert A. Heinlein's \"Time for the Stars\" uses the Twin paradox as the theme of a Science Fiction novel – starting with a pair of identical twins of whom one embarks on an epic space voyage while the other remains on Earth. It ends with the space travelling twin returning to Earth, still a young man, to find his twin an extremely old man and eventually marry his own great-grandniece, who is", "id": "12804972" }, { "contents": "Heritability of IQ\n\n\nand environment for a trait can be calculated by measuring how strongly traits covary in people of a given genetic (unrelated, siblings, fraternal twins, or identical twins) and environmental (reared in the same family or not) relationship. One method is to consider identical twins reared apart, with any similarities which exists between such twin pairs attributed to genotype. In terms of correlation statistics, this means that theoretically the correlation of tests scores between monozygotic twins would be 1.00 if genetics alone accounted for variation in IQ scores; likewise", "id": "10931402" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Calman\n\n\nStephanie Calman is the author of six books, \"Confessions of a Bad Mother\", \"Confessions of a Failed Grown-Up\", \"How (Not) to Murder Your Mother\", \"How (Not) to Murder Your Husband\", \"Dressing for Breakfast\" and \"Gentleman Prefer My Sister\". In addition to being an author she created the Channel 4 sitcom \"Dressing for Breakfast\" and has appeared on TV shows such as \"Have I Got News for You\" and \"The Wright Stuff", "id": "21755497" }, { "contents": "Diné Bahaneʼ\n\n\n\" \"You have no father,\" she said. \"We must have a father,\" replied the twins. \"We need to know who he is.\" \"Your father is a round cactus, then,\" said Changing Woman. \"Be still.\" First Man made bows and arrows for the twins, and they traveled to the south to hunt. They saw a large black bird on a tree, and tried to hit it with an arrow, but it flew away. When they told Changing", "id": "9512938" }, { "contents": "Minnesota Twin Family Study\n\n\n11-year-old twin-pairs were added in 2000. Twin studies are valuable to researchers because identical twins share almost a 100% of their genes and fraternal twins share, on average, 50% of their genes. Both identical and fraternal twins share certain aspects of their environment (e.g. religious practices in the home). This allows researchers to estimate the heritability of certain traits. Participants are asked about academic ability, personality, and interests; family and social relationships; mental and physical health; physiological measurements. Of interest", "id": "7953053" }, { "contents": "New Morals for Old\n\n\nof the film, Phyl, her twin infants, her husband Duff, and her brother Ralph are all living in the family home, with a newfound appreciation for the benefits of family life. In the film’s last scene, Ralph and Duff are laughing together about how Phyl has evolved into a protective maternal figure, much like her own mother. \"New Morals for Old\" was released on DVD by the Warner Archive Collection. Laura Hope Crews's name is misspelled in MGM's original poster advertising and the film's", "id": "8460154" }, { "contents": "Identical Strangers\n\n\nIdentical Strangers: A Memoir of Twins Separated and Reunited is a 2007 memoir written by identical twins Elyse Schein and Paula Bernstein and published by Random House. The authors were separated as infants, in part, to participate in a \"nature versus nurture\" twin study. They were adopted by separate families who were unaware that each girl had a sister. Soon after the twins reunited for the first time in 2004 at the age of 35, they began writing the book. Of the 13 or more children involved in the study", "id": "17667924" }, { "contents": "Twin Dragons\n\n\ncheesy in some shots, greatly undercutting the illusion of twin brothers in the same frame. When the two brothers first meet in a hotel lavatory, it's easy to see how two shots have been overlapped.\" \"TV Guide\" gave the film one star out of four, noting that it \"suffers from some very dicey twinning effects when the brothers are in frame together. Only die-hard and undemanding Chan fans need apply.\" Jackie Chan was unhappy with how \"Twin Dragons\" came out to be primarily", "id": "8813259" }, { "contents": "Twin Peaks (season 3)\n\n\n, Ray, you know, the town is still there. And I suppose it's possible that we could revisit it. Of course, [your character is] already dead... but we could maybe work around that.\" In January 2014 a casting call for a \"\"Twin Peaks\" promo\", directed by Lynch, was revealed to be the filming of a featurette for the \"Twin Peaks: The Complete Mystery\" Blu-ray set. In September 2014 Lynch answered a question about \"Twin Peaks\"", "id": "5732010" }, { "contents": "Princess Hwapyeong\n\n\nFor how many times did my sister come to my rescue in my plight? Other though keen, yet helpless. I have only so few sisters born of the same mother. (We were like) wild geese having fun flying across the Sushui River together. Till the Mujin year (1748), I have been showered in your grace. And now, all of a sudden, you passed away. How sad! I do not know how my elder brother looked like. Who else could allay my sorrow? Morning", "id": "16605880" }, { "contents": "Nancy Segal\n\n\nto derive implications for what makes people get along. She find that identical twins generally work together more cooperatively than others. In addition to studying identical twins (who result from the splitting of one egg fertilized by one sperm and who share all of their genes) and fraternal twins (who come from two eggs fertilized by different sperm and who share on average half their genes, just as non-twin siblings do), Segal is the only researcher known to study \"virtual\" or \"pseudo\" twins. These are", "id": "13141606" }, { "contents": "Kinsan Ginsan\n\n\n“Kinsan Ginsan” (きんさんぎんさん), was the affectionate name of Japanese identical twin sisters from Nagoya, widely known for their longevity, and for being the oldest living twins. Their full names were and . Their maiden name was . Their names literally translated from Japanese to English mean “Gold” and “Silver”. Their health and vitality, despite being over 100 years old, was said to be “an ideal form of living in your sunset years”, and they became national celebrities in Japan. They lived", "id": "12630058" }, { "contents": "Multiple birth\n\n\ngene is the cause for having twins and is only a factor for the mother. Although the male does not influence his partner's chances of having twins, he could influence his children’s chances for having twins. If a male carries the gene for hyperovulation and has a daughter, she may also have the gene for hyperovulation and then have twins herself. Monozygotic (identical) twins do not run in families. The twinning is random, due to the egg splitting, so all parents have an equal chance of conceiving identical", "id": "2096915" }, { "contents": "Identical Strangers\n\n\n, three sets of twins and one set of triplets have discovered one another. One or two sets of twins may still not know they have an identical twin. Viola Bernard, a prominent New York City psychiatrist, had persuaded Louise Wise Services, the adoption agency, to send twins to different homes without telling the adoptive parents that they were adopting a child who had a twin. Then, researchers sponsored by the Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services secretly compared their progress. Bernard believed that identical twins would better forge", "id": "17667925" }, { "contents": "Twinsters\n\n\nin fact twins. Futerman visits twin expert Dr. Nancy Segal and the two women take DNA samples together while using Skype. A trip to London is organized and using friends as buffers, the women finally meet. That evening, they both speak to Dr. Segal over Skype who confirms it is beyond doubt that they are identical twins. The film documents their further experiences, including Bordier's visit to Futerman in California, and the twins' subsequent trip to Seoul for the International Korean Adoptee Associations Conference. All along, they have", "id": "7637289" }, { "contents": "Twin Beds (How I Met Your Mother)\n\n\n\"Twin Beds\" is the 21st episode of the fifth season of the CBS sitcom \"How I Met Your Mother\" and 109th episode overall. It aired May 3, 2010. Although Robin and Don have only been dating a short while, he surprises her by suggesting she move in with him. The rest of the gang think it might be too soon, so she agrees to let them meet Don, which she had specifically avoided before. They enjoy his company, but it soon becomes clear Don doesn't know", "id": "4570577" }, { "contents": "Valli (TV series)\n\n\ninto a peachy mood and how Valli shows her courage to manage all those problems and come out of the situation forms the crux of the story. Valli dons her twin sister Vennila's identity in order to solve the problems in her life with the help of an old lady named Rajeswari. Vennila's husband Anand didn't go to school at his young days due to his uncle Sivashankaran's evil plans.S hankar also kills Anand's parents and makes Anand as a foolish and scared of his brother Prakash.Valli helps Anand", "id": "5754138" }, { "contents": "G-spot\n\n\ndate – 1,800 – who are pairs of twins, and found that the twins did not report a similar G-spot in their questionnaires. The research, headed by Tim Spector, documents a 15-year study of the twins, identical and non-identical. Identical twins share genes, while non-identical pairs share 50% of theirs. According to the researchers, if one identical twin reported having a G-spot, it was more likely that the other would too, but this pattern did not materialize. Study co", "id": "6628429" }, { "contents": "Mood disorder\n\n\nhas been done with identical twins. Identical twins both have exactly the same genetic code. It has been found that when one identical twin becomes depressed the other will also develop clinical depression approximately 76% of the time. When identical twins are raised apart from each other, they will both become depressed about 67% of the time. Because both twins become depressed at such a high rate, the implication is that there is a strong genetic influence. If it happened that when one twin becomes clinically depressed the other always develops", "id": "7082261" }, { "contents": "Twin Earth thought experiment\n\n\nhere on Earth. The one difference between the two planets is that there is no water on Twin Earth. In its place there is a liquid that is superficially identical, but is chemically different, being composed not of HO, but rather of some more complicated formula which we abbreviate as \"XYZ\". The Twin Earthlings who refer to their language as \"English\" call XYZ \"water\". Finally, we set the date of our thought experiment to be several centuries ago, when the residents of Earth and Twin", "id": "5414742" }, { "contents": "My Bad Sister\n\n\nMy Bad Sister is a musical act consisting of British twin sisters Polly and Sophie Duniam (born 15 March 1987 in London, England). The twins gained fame in the BBC series \"Home Farm Twins\" portraying Hannah and Helen Moore, the eponymous twins of the late 1990s series.of the twins in the title during the late 1990s. They grew up in Cromer, Norfolk with a love of dancing and singing that stems from their dance instructor mother. This helped both sisters gain a year-long contract with \"We Will", "id": "19226978" }, { "contents": "The Separation (Priest novel)\n\n\nis: manner and matter twinned and entwined.\" Elizabeth Hand described the book as \"exquisite ... an exceptionally frightening novel whose nightmare power derives from its chilling, almost clinical evocation of an historical reality with which we are all familiar, the London Blitz... a cliffhanger narrative of dual identities, betrayals, and shifting realities, as two versions of the twins' histories—and England's, and the world's—are woven together, like strands of DNA, to form a terrifying narrative. Priest has used doubles before to", "id": "9489916" }, { "contents": "Harvey B. Gantt Center\n\n\nPat McCrory, who was about to leave office, told Gantt, \"Former mayor to former mayor, you have been a great role model. You are the best of Charlotte, and I am so glad to see your name on this building.\" Gantt said, \"This beautiful, awesome building is far beyond my wildest dreams. I feel good about what this magnificent building represents – how far we have come.\" The Harvey B. Gantt Center was featured in Google Cultural Institute's February 2016 online gallery celebrating black", "id": "7024990" }, { "contents": "Epigenetic theories of homosexuality\n\n\nthe case, consequently leaving a gap in the explanation for homosexuality. A \"gay\" gene does not produce homosexuality. Rather, epigenetic modifications act as temporary \"switches\" that regulate how the genes are expressed. Of the pairs of identical twins in which one twin is homosexual, only twenty percent of the other twins are homosexual, which leads to the hypothesis that even though identical twins share the same DNA, homosexuality is created by something else rather than the genes. Epigenetic transformation allows the on and off switching of certain", "id": "18469418" }, { "contents": "Bipolar disorder\n\n\n. There is overlap with major (unipolar) depression and if this is also counted in the co-twin the concordance with bipolar disorder rises to 67 percent in identical twins and 19 percent in fraternal twins. The relatively low concordance between fraternal twins brought up together suggests that shared family environmental effects are limited, although the ability to detect them has been limited by small sample sizes. Estrogen in women has been linked to bipolar disorder. Behavioral genetic studies have suggested that many chromosomal regions and candidate genes are related to bipolar disorder", "id": "4306803" }, { "contents": "Twin\n\n\none normal male (XY) and one female with Turner syndrome (45,X). In these cases, although the twins did form from the same fertilized egg, it is incorrect to refer to them as genetically identical, since they have different karyotypes. Monozygotic twins can develop differently, due to different genes being activated. More unusual are \"semi-identical twins\", also known as \"sesquizygotic\". As of 2019 only two cases have been reported. These \"half-identical twins\" are hypothesized to occur when", "id": "1989650" }, { "contents": "Concordance (genetics)\n\n\nConcordance, as used in genetics, usually means the presence of the same trait in both members of a pair of twins. However, the strict definition is \"the probability that a pair of individuals will both have a certain characteristic, given that one of the pair has the characteristic.\" For example, twins are concordant when both have or both lack a given trait. The ideal example of concordance is that of identical twins. A twin study compares the concordance rate of identical twins to that of fraternal twins. This", "id": "10230651" }, { "contents": "Developmental language disorder\n\n\nconditions. It is generally accepted that DLD is strongly influenced by genetic factors. The best evidence comes from the twin study method. Two twins growing up together are exposed to the same home environment, yet may differ radically in their language skills. Such different outcomes are, however, much more common in fraternal (non-identical) twins, who are genetically different. Identical twins share the same genes and tend to be much more similar in language ability. There can be some variation in the severity and persistence of DLD", "id": "11434489" }, { "contents": "Nature versus nurture\n\n\n0.6. Twin studies reinforce this pattern: monozygotic (identical) twins raised separately are highly similar in IQ (0.74), more so than dizygotic (fraternal) twins raised together (0.6) and much more than adoptive siblings (~0.0). Recent adoption studies also found that supportive parents can have a positive effect on the development of their children. Personality is a frequently cited example of a heritable trait that has been studied in twins and adoptees using behavioral genetic study designs. The most famous categorical organization of heritable personality traits", "id": "18428271" }, { "contents": "Epigenetic theories of homosexuality\n\n\ngenes, subsequently shaping how cells respond to androgen signaling, which is critical in sexual development. Another example of epigenetic consequences is evident in multiple sclerosis in monozygotic (identical) twins. There are pairs of twins that are discordant with multiple sclerosis and do not both show the trait. After gene testing, it was suggested that DNA was identical and that epigenetic differences contributed to the gene difference between identical twins. While in the fetal stages, hormonal influences of androgen, specifically testosterone, cause feminine qualities in regard to sexual development", "id": "18469419" }, { "contents": "Chang & Eng\n\n\ntwins discuss their future in America, Chang with visions of grandeur and Eng with apprehension (From Now On). We are then transported to the twins' childhood in Siam, 1819. At the age of eight, Young Chang and Young Eng are two healthy boys who have managed to adapt to living as conjoined twins. However, they are constantly mocked by other children and not accepted by them (Stuck Together). As a severe cholera epidemic breaks out in Siam, the twins are denounced as an evil omen.", "id": "4025991" }, { "contents": "Forgiving Dr. Mengele\n\n\neverybody out. My mother grabbed Miriam and me by the hand. She was always trying to protect us because we were the youngest. Everything was moving very fast, and as I looked around, I noticed my father and my two older sisters were gone. As I clutched my mother's hand, an SS man hurried by shouting, \"Twins! Twins!\" He stopped to look at us. Miriam and I looked very much alike. \"Are they twins?\" he asked my mother. \"Is that", "id": "18898169" }, { "contents": "Niche picking\n\n\nexperiences that reflect their individual niches. In identical twins, this process is different. When siblings are the same age and have the same appearance, some people respond to them identically, despite their different personalities. Twins encounter the same social and physical influences from their environments, whether they have been reared separately or together. Often, this causes them to develop similar niches, though it does not guarantee that they will. Scarr and McCartney's model provides a framework for examining the role that children's genotypes play in determining environmental", "id": "11432853" }, { "contents": "Kray twins\n\n\nwere not involved with his planned escape and disappearance. Read decided to proceed with the case and have a separate trial for Mitchell once the twins had been convicted. The twins' defence under their counsel John Platts-Mills, QC consisted of flat denials of all charges and discrediting witnesses by pointing out their criminal past. Justice Melford Stevenson said: \"In my view, society has earned a rest from your activities.\" It was the longest murder hearing in history of British criminal justice., during which Justice Melford Stevenson", "id": "1025296" }, { "contents": "Twin\n\n\nepigenetic difference of three-year-old twins. Twins who had spent their lives apart (such as those adopted by two different sets of parents at birth) had the greatest difference. However, certain characteristics become more alike as twins age, such as IQ and personality. A 1981 study of a deceased triploid XXX twin fetus without a heart showed that although its fetal development suggested that it was an identical twin, as it shared a placenta with its healthy twin, tests revealed that it was probably a polar body twin", "id": "1989624" }, { "contents": "Twin Earth thought experiment\n\n\ntheir own planet 'Earth'. For convenience, we refer to this putative planet as 'Twin Earth', and extend this naming convention to the objects and people that inhabit it, in this case referring to Oscar's twin as Twin Oscar.) \"Ex hypothesi\", their brains are molecule-for-molecule identical. Yet, at least according to Putnam, when Oscar says 'water', the term refers to HO, whereas when Twin Oscar says 'water' it refers to XYZ. The result", "id": "5414744" }, { "contents": "Digital twin\n\n\nimplement the technology easily, given the fact that most firms have investments in legacy systems. Some questions that arise are: who will operate and manage the digital twin? How can we assure that the digital twin communicates with the existing ERP software and other applications? For example, SWIM claims that their technology (EDX) focusses on overcoming these challenges by using a lot of data to create a digital twin that can learn from the real world. Furthermore, SWIM mentions that implementing the technology does not require a new infrastructure within", "id": "21525562" }, { "contents": "Fly (Nicki Minaj song)\n\n\nspecific to just women. It speaks about flying, soaring high in the face of every single solitary adversity that comes your way. I speak about how the media has attempted to box me in and how that has made me feel suffocated. After years of being dragged thru the mud, I've mustered up the courage to re-define myself. I believe that I represent an entire generation. My fans have become my family, and together we have become a movement. Get ready for it. We came to win", "id": "13884738" }, { "contents": "Lavender (Nightfall Remix)\n\n\npolitical statements made by Public Enemy and KRS-One. Bow Wow tweeted, \"Ayo @realDonaldTrump shut your punk ass up talking shit about my uncle @SnoopDogg before we pimp your wife and make her work for us,\" and deleted the tweet within 24 hours. While discussing his reaction to the video's ending, Ice-T said, \"I was nervous. He's messing with the line. We'll see how this weighs out, but I roll with Snoop. I thought it was a good video.\"", "id": "19154362" }, { "contents": "Twins Days\n\n\na major press article in 2003, “An unwritten festival rule means that identical twins are identically dressed, too. This applies as much to 70-year-old men as to 17-year-old girls, and to tiny babies, wheeled around in fleets of twin buggies.” The festival is opened every year with a performance of The Star-Spangled Banner, sung by John and Jerry Starlet and signed in ASL by Jamie Maassen and Jodie Qualkinbush, and a parade along Ravenna Road (former SR-14). The festival attracts many", "id": "14856552" }, { "contents": "Heritability\n\n\n, contributes to similarity between siblings due to the commonality of the environment they are raised in. Shared environment is approximated by the DZ correlation minus half heritability, which is the degree to which DZ twins share the same genes, \"c\"=DZ-1/2\"h\". Unique environmental variance, \"e\", reflects the degree to which identical twins raised together are dissimilar, \"e\"=1-r(MZ). The second set of methods of estimation of heritability involves ANOVA and estimation of variance components. We use the basic discussion of Kempthorne. Considering only the most", "id": "20815305" }, { "contents": "DNA database\n\n\nhave incredibly small mutations which can be detected now (for all intents and purposes, compared to all other humans and even to theoretical \"clones, [who would not share the same uterus nor experience the same mutations pre-twinning event]\" identical twins have more identical DNA than is probably possible to achieve between any other two humans). Tiny differences between identical twins can now (2014) be detected by next generation sequencing. For current fiscally available testing, \"identical\" twins cannot be easily differentiated by the", "id": "18481284" }, { "contents": "Hermann Werner Siemens\n\n\ngenetics and environment in the specific case of naevi, which are moles or birthmarks. While Siemens focused on dermatological phenotypes, he also explored psychological features using twin studies. An example of this research was on the academic performance of identical and fraternal twins: His research found that identical twins were more likely to have a similar performance in school than fraternal twins. Siemens wrote in \"Zwillingspathologie\" about his findings:\"If an illness is regularly dominant, then both of the identical twins either suffer from it or are free from it.. the", "id": "8398070" }, { "contents": "Days Difference\n\n\nprocess for the new album: “From the second we worked together, Tim and I saw eye to eye on everything, including the way the melodies and lyrics were supposed to sound it’s almost as if he were my musical twin, but better. As far as co-writing, I just wanted to create the best songs possible. Great songs make great bands, and if you don't have great songs, then there's really no point in releasing an album. We wanted to make an album of hit", "id": "14185786" }, { "contents": "Percolater (album)\n\n\nthe bookings and everything to keep it all going smoothly. We have a kitchen and things like that which we never had before. We're paying one-fourth the rent we were paying in L.A.\" \"To have your own room, that in itself is just 'Wow, this is rad!', said guitarist Stephen Egerton, \"Where I guess a lot of people my age would sort of be wanting to have a house.\" \"The only disadvantage is that there's not really anything going on culturally", "id": "13808310" }, { "contents": "Space Twins\n\n\nTwins jammed. It was much fun. We were working on and jamming a bunch of songs of Glenn's. It was like we hadn't had a break. Anyways, as soon as Brian gets back from the European tour we will be getting together regularly. We have plans of recording and hopefully touring. Everyone is doing well—Glenn, Mike, Brian and myself.\" Bell has since formed another side-project, The Relationship, and, when asked in the 2006 fan interview, at Weezer's official", "id": "6435710" }, { "contents": "Carlson Twins\n\n\nKyle and Lane Carlson (born December 24, 1978) are identical twin brothers known as the Carlson Twins. The Carlson twins work together as male fashion models. The twins were born in Stillwater, Minnesota, United States, Kyle six minutes after Lane. The Carlson twins grew up with two older siblings, Aaron and Michelle, and a younger sister, Lynnaya. Their mother Judy was a nursing assistant and their father Rick owned a construction company. The brothers attended Stillwater High School and both graduated from Winona State University,", "id": "4471904" }, { "contents": "Coalescent theory\n\n\n, and the results of these studies can be used to inform coalescent modeling. Since identical twins share all of their genome, but fraternal twins only share half their genome, the difference in correlation between the identical and fraternal twins can be used to work out if a disease is heritable, and if so how strongly. The human single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) map has revealed large regional variations in heterozygosity, more so than can be explained on the basis of (Poisson-distributed) random chance. In part,", "id": "21680791" }, { "contents": "Twin Bing\n\n\nabout the size of golf balls, roughly textured, and stuck to one another like Siamese twins\". Almond also stated that his favorite candy bar is the Twin Bing. William Grimes, the author of \"Eating Your Words\", wrote that the Twin Bing \"narrowly beats out the Idaho Spud as the strangest candy bar still in production\". The Twin Bing was listed among ten candy bars in an article from Chowhound titled \"Candy Bars Worth Crossing State Lines For\". The article describes the Twin Bing as \"", "id": "16922343" }, { "contents": "Mitchell Laurance\n\n\nMitchell \"Mitch\" Laurance (born Mitchell Dyckoff) is an American film and television actor and sports broadcaster. Mitchell Dycoff was born in Queens, New York City, New York and raised in Long Island, New York. He has an identical twin brother, Matthew (born four minutes later), who is also a professional actor. Both brothers are graduates of Tufts University. Mitchell Laurance and his identical twin brother Matthew Laurance appear occasionally together, beginning when they were children in a margarine TV commercial which featured identical twins", "id": "13862796" }, { "contents": "Zeny & Zory\n\n\nZeny y Zory (Zenaida Beveraggi & Zoraida Beveraggi), \"Las gemelas Beveraggi\", (The Beveraggi twins) (born May 12, 1957), are identical twins and have performed as a pop-music duet since the age of 15. The twins were born in Santurce, Puerto Rico. In 1972, when they were 15 years old, they lied about their age to Charlie García, owner of the night club, The Wine Cellar, in order to perform in the club. Later, they performed in", "id": "8925172" }, { "contents": "A Beautiful Planet\n\n\nKelly has an identical twin, Mark Kelly, who is also a retired NASA astronaut. The brothers have agreed to be the subjects of an unprecedented twin study; Mark stayed on Earth during Scott's eleven months aboard the ISS so that researchers could examine how an extended spaceflight affected Scott's body compared to Mark's. While Scott was in space and then continuing after he returned, both twins gave periodic blood samples and DNA swabs, and they underwent body scans and many other medical tests. In the epilogue to his 2017", "id": "17935118" }, { "contents": "Twin study\n\n\nabove, the main assumption of the twin study is that of equal environments, also known as the equal environments assumption. This assumption has been directly tested. A special case occurs where parents believe their twins to be non-identical when in fact they are genetically identical. Studies of a range of psychological traits indicate that these children remain as concordant as MZ twins raised by parents who treated them as identical. Molecular genetic methods of heritability estimation have tended to produce lower estimates than classical twin studies, providing evidence that the equal", "id": "5305819" }, { "contents": "Choriogenesis\n\n\n, a variance that may influence epigenesis. For example, the pattern of X chromosome inactivation is affected by placental status. There is some evidence that it affects the variance in IQ test findings among identical twins, that is, monochorionic identical twins display less IQ variance one from another than do dichorionic identical twins. There is weak evidence that monozygotic twins sharing a placenta have a higher concordance rate for schizophrenia than monozygotic twins with separate placentas. Sharing a placenta increases the risk for infection, and infection in pregnancy has been shown to", "id": "8709195" }, { "contents": "Genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder\n\n\nGenetics play some role in the development of PTSD. Approximately 30% of the variance in PTSD is caused from genetics alone. For twin pairs exposed to combat in Vietnam, having a monozygotic (identical) twin with PTSD was associated with an increased risk of the co-twin's having PTSD compared to twins that were dizygotic (non-identical twins). There is also evidence that those with a genetically smaller hippocampus are more likely to develop PTSD following a traumatic event. Research has also found that PTSD shares many genetic", "id": "12703321" }, { "contents": "Posttraumatic stress disorder\n\n\nhereditary. Approximately 30% of the variance in PTSD is caused from genetics alone. For twin pairs exposed to combat in Vietnam, having a monozygotic (identical) twin with PTSD was associated with an increased risk of the co-twin's having PTSD compared to twins that were dizygotic (non-identical twins). There is evidence that those with a genetically smaller hippocampus are more likely to develop PTSD following a traumatic event. Research has also found that PTSD shares many genetic influences common to other psychiatric disorders. Panic and", "id": "4113104" }, { "contents": "Irving Gottesman\n\n\n, were linked to schizophrenics. Gottesman and Shields extended the term to classes of mild psychological disorders in twins and relatives of schizophrenics. The researchers had hypothesized that schizoida in a twin was how a schizophrenia carrier gene, one in a non-schizophrenic still passing on a genetic risk, expressed itself. The twin study did not confirm this. In the Denmark study, the researchers evaluated the extent to which genes underpin psychopathology. Their twin studies of criminality found that a genetic disposition to poor self-control caused both identical twins", "id": "3315911" }, { "contents": "Nancy Segal\n\n\n, \"Born Together-Reared Apart: The Landmark Minnesota Twin Study\", was published by Harvard University Press in June 2012. It surveys the origins, methods, findings and controversies from the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. Another of her books is \"Someone Else's Twin: The True Story of Babies Switched at Birth\", published in 2011 by Prometheus. It tells the story of identical twin girls born in Spain's Canary Islands, one of whom was accidentally exchanged for a singleton infant. The twins were", "id": "13141609" }, { "contents": "Procedural memory\n\n\neffects of practice in identical and fraternal twins raised in separate homes. Because identical twins share 100% of their genes while fraternal twins share 50%, the impact of genetic makeup on skill learning could be examined. The results of the pursuit rotor task test became more identical with practice over time for the identical twins, whereas the results for the fraternal twins became more disparate with practice. In other words, the performance of the skill by the identical twins became closer to 100% identical, while the fraternal twins' skill", "id": "8034481" }, { "contents": "Heritability\n\n\nfrom genomic relatedness estimated from genetic markers. Studies of human heritability often utilize adoption study designs, often with identical twins who have been separated early in life and raised in different environments. Such individuals have identical genotypes and can be used to separate the effects of genotype and environment. A limit of this design is the common prenatal environment and the relatively low numbers of twins reared apart. A second and more common design is the twin study in which the similarity of identical and fraternal twins is used to estimate heritability. These studies", "id": "20815299" }, { "contents": "Peter Schönemann\n\n\nare, often are found to be violated by the data. He argued that this was true for the monozygotic twins raised apart vs. together (MZT) studies (Burt, Shields, Jinks and Fulker, Bouchard) as well as for the more widely used MZT vs dizygotic twins raised together studies. For example, the narrow heritabilities of responses to the question \"did you have your back rubbed\" work out to 0.92 heritable for males and 0.21 heritable for females. Using the statistical models published in Loehlin and Nichols (1976", "id": "20350184" }, { "contents": "Twinn Connexion\n\n\nNow Sounds record label on May 18, 2010. Born on January 15, 1941, identical twin brothers Jerry and Jay Hopkins grew up in Helena, Montana. They began singing together in grade school and performed in several plays at the Old Brewery Theatre, a summer stock playhouse in Helena. They reprised their roles from the play \"The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker\" in a national television commercial as the Imperial Margarine twins. While in high school, the brothers starred in a local half-hour weekly television show, \"Teen", "id": "2226100" } ]
I have brown hair. It has a categorized as higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin I wonder why brown or darker color hairs are more common than blond or red hair.
[{"answer": "blond\" is first documented in English in 1481 and derives from Old French \"blund, blont\", meaning \"a colour midway between golden", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "443498", "title": "Blond", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 160, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Etymology, spelling, and grammar.:Origins and meanings.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nBrown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair. It varies from light brown to almost black hair. It is characterized by higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. People with brown hair are often referred to as brunette, which in French is the feminine form of \"brunet,\" the diminutive of \"brun\" (brown, brown-haired or dark-haired). Brown hair is common among populations in the Western world, especially among those", "id": "1603116" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\netc. as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. The majority of people in the world overall have dark brown eyes. Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes are common in Europe, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India, as well as some parts of the Middle East. (See eye color). Brown is the second most common color of human hair, after black. It is caused by higher levels of the natural dark pigment eumelanin, and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. Brown eumelanin is", "id": "17937420" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nPolynesian culture reddish hair has traditionally been seen as a sign of descent from high-ranking ancestors and a mark of rulership. The pigment pheomelanin gives red hair its distinctive color. Red hair has far more of the pigment pheomelanin than it has of the dark pigment eumelanin. The genetics of red hair appear to be associated with the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R), which is found on chromosome 16. Eighty percent of redheads have an MC1R gene variant. Red hair is associated with fair skin color because low concentrations of eumelanin throughout", "id": "218552" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nBlond or fair hair is a hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some yellowish color. The color can be from the very pale blond (caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment) to reddish \"strawberry\" blond or golden-brownish (\"sandy\") blond colors (the latter with more eumelanin). Because hair color tends to darken with age, natural blond hair is generally rare in adulthood. Naturally-occurring", "id": "5633762" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n(platinum blonde, tow-haired) to a dark golden blonde. Strawberry blonde, a mixture of blonde and red hair, is a much rarer type containing the most pheomelanin. Blonde hair can have almost any proportion of pheomelanin and eumelanin, but has only small amounts of both. More pheomelanin creates a more golden or strawberry blonde color, and more eumelanin creates an ash or sandy blonde color. Many children born with blonde hair develop darker hair as they age, with the majority of natural blondes developing a hair color", "id": "218621" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\npigment eumelanin gives brown hair its distinctive color. Brown hair has more eumelanin than blond hair but also has far less than black. There are two different types of eumelanin, which are distinguished from each other by their pattern of polymer bonds. The two types are black eumelanin and brown eumelanin. Black eumelanin is the darkest; brown eumelanin is much lighter than black. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow", "id": "1603123" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nHair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more eumelanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair is lighter. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a person's hair color to change, and it is possible to have hair follicles of more than one color on the same person. Particular hair colors are often associated with ethnic groups, while gray or white hair is associated with age.", "id": "218613" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nAuburn hair is a variety of red hair, most commonly described as reddish-brown in color or dark ginger. Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium to dark. It can be found with a wide array of skin tones and eye colors, but as is the case with most red hair, it is commonly associated with light skin features. The chemical pigments that cause the coloration of auburn hair are frequently pheomelanin with high levels of eumelanin; however, the auburn hair is due to a mutated melanocortin 1 receptor gene in", "id": "11952789" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nSolomon Islands, 26% of the population carry the gene; however, it is absent outside of Oceania. Black hair is the darkest hair color. It has large amounts of eumelanin and is more dense than other hair colors. Auburn hair ranges along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. The chemicals which cause auburn hair are eumelanin (brown) and pheomelanin (red), with a higher proportion of red-causing pheomelanin than is found in average brown hair. It is most commonly found in individuals", "id": "218623" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nthe reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin, it is associated with fair skin color, lighter eye color, freckles, and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Cultural reactions to red hair have varied from ridicule to admiration with many common stereotypes in existence regarding redheads. The term redhead has been in use since at least 1510. Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe; it is centered around populations in the British Isles. Redheads today are commonly associated with the Celtic nations", "id": "218543" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\nmore common among Europeans, while black eumelanin is more often found in the hair on non-Europeans. A small amount of black eumelanin, in the absence of other pigments, results in grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments results in blond hair. In Western popular culture, a common stereotype is that brunettes are stable, serious, smart and sophisticated. A British study into hair color and the intensity of attraction found that 62 percent of the men participating in the study associated brown", "id": "17937421" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nfollicle and packed into granules found in the fibers. Eumelanin is the dominant pigment in brown hair and black hair, while pheomelanin is dominant in red hair. Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair strand. Gray hair occurs when melanin production decreases or stops, while poliosis is hair (and often the skin to which the hair is attached), typically in spots, that never possessed melanin at all in the first place, or ceased for natural genetic reasons, generally, in the first years of", "id": "14493756" }, { "contents": "Melanistic mask\n\n\nA melanistic mask (also referred to as a mask or masking) is a dog coat pattern that gives the appearance of a mask on the dog's face. The hairs on the muzzle, and sometimes entire face or ears, are colored by eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment. Eumelanin is typically black, but may instead be brown, dark gray, or light gray-brown. Pheomelanin ranges in color from pale cream to mahogany. The trait is caused by M264V (\"E\"), a completely dominant allele (", "id": "2208484" }, { "contents": "Cat coat genetics\n\n\ngene \"I/i\". The dominant form causes melanin production to be suppressed, but it affects phaeomelanin (red pigment) much more than eumelanin (black or brown pigment). On tabbies, this turns the background a sparkling silver color while leaving the stripe color intact, making a silver tabby. On solid cats, it turns the base of the hair pale, making them silver smoke. Silver agouti cats can have a range of phenotypes, from silver tabby, to silver shaded (under half the hair is", "id": "14657474" }, { "contents": "Agouti (gene)\n\n\ndorsal hair. \"Agouti\" is not directly secreted in the melanocyte as it works as a paracrine factor on dermal papillae cells to inhibit release of melanocortin. Melanocortin acts on follicular melanocytes to increase production of eumelanin, a melanin pigment responsible for brown and black hair. When \"agouti\" is expressed, production of phaeomelanin dominates, a melanin pigment that produces yellow or red colored hair. The dominance hierarchy of pigment expression explains the evolutionary persistence of the yellow phenotype of \"agouti\", as pheomelanin expression always dominates over eumelanin", "id": "14657440" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nbut stops producing brown eumelanin, resulting in the grey hair that is common in elderly people. Pheomelanins (or phaeomelanins) impart a pink to red hue, depending upon the concentration. Pheomelanins are particularly concentrated in the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. When a small amount of brown eumelanin in hair, which would otherwise cause blond hair, is mixed with red pheomelanin, the result is orange hair, which is typically called \"red hair\". Pheomelanin is also present in the skin, and", "id": "5422965" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "DNA phenotyping\n\n\nrs1129038, rs1667394, rs1126809, rs1470608, rs1426654, rs6119471, rs1545397, rs6059655, rs12441727, rs3212355 and rs8051733). The predictions for eye pigmentation are Blue, Intermediate and Brown. There are two categories for hair pigmentation: color (Blond, Brown, Red and Black) and shade (light and dark). The predictions for skin pigmentation are Very Pale, Pale, Intermediate, Dark and Dark to Black. Unlike eye and hair predictions where only the highest probability is used to make a prediction, the top two", "id": "14455605" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbe determined with a Punnett square. The other gene pair is a non-red/red pair, where the non-red allele (which suppresses production of pheomelanin) is dominant and the allele for red hair is recessive. A person with two copies of the red-haired allele will have red hair. The two-gene model does not account for all possible shades of brown, blond, or red (for example, platinum blond versus dark blond/light brown), nor does it explain why hair color", "id": "218617" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\ndark brown eumelanin. Pheomelanin is a cysteine-derivative that contains polybenzothiazine portions that are largely responsible for the color of red hair, among other pigmentation. Neuromelanin is found in the brain. Research has been undertaken to investigate its efficacy in treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's. In the human skin, melanogenesis is initiated by exposure to UV radiation, causing the skin to darken. Melanin is an effective absorbent of light; the pigment is able to dissipate over 99.9% of absorbed UV radiation. Because of this property,", "id": "5422960" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Human skin color\n\n\nfrom the amino acid tyrosine. Eumelanin is found in hair, areola, and skin, and the hair colors gray, black, blond, and brown. In humans, it is more abundant in people with dark skin. Pheomelanin, a pink to red hue is found in particularly large quantities in red hair, the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. Both the amount and type of melanin produced is controlled by a number of genes that operate under incomplete dominance. One copy of each of the", "id": "17363191" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nan unexpected side effect: some of the patients' hair color was restored to their pre-gray color. The hair color of buried bodies can change. Hair contains a mixture of black-brown-yellow eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Eumelanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized. The color of hair changes faster under extreme conditions. It changes more slowly under dry oxidizing conditions (such as in burials in sand or in ice) than under wet reducing conditions (such as burials in wood or", "id": "218637" }, { "contents": "Sinaloan pocket mouse\n\n\npolymorphism evolve between pocket mice. Pocket mice that live in sunny environments with an abundance of sand will have a selective advantage with light colored yellow or brown coats. In contrast, pocket mice that live on rocks in environments with less sun are more likely to have a selective advantage with darker colored grey or black coats. Genetic Basis The genetic difference for varying coat colors is controlled largely by two proteins in pocket mice: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Production of eumelanin gives hair a black or brown color, while pheomelanin gives hair a", "id": "11137419" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nof Northern and Western European descent. Red hair ranges from light strawberry blond shades to titian, copper, and completely red. It is caused by a variation in the \"Mc1r\" gene and is recessive. Red hair has the highest amounts of pheomelanin, around 67%, and usually low levels of eumelanin. At 1–2% of the population, it is the least common hair color in the world. It is most prominently found in the British Isles. Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads; 13 percent of the", "id": "218624" }, { "contents": "Melanistic mask\n\n\nform) of the melanocortin 1 receptor gene. At minimum, a melanistic mask will appear on the muzzle, and may also be visible on the eartips, entire ears, or entire face. Hairs in those areas will be colored by eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment, making it look as though the dog has a mask on its face. Eumelanin is usually black, but may instead be liver (also known as chocolate; dark brown), blue (also known as slate; dark grey), or isabella (also", "id": "2208485" }, { "contents": "Atlantic titi\n\n\nof the \"Callicebus\" subspecies are based on coat color. The evolution of these coat colors is termed metachromism. The pigments are produced by melanocytes which deposit the pigments into the medulla of growing hair so that the hair grows with the color of that distinct pigment. The characteristic pigment of the \"Callicebus\" is eumelanin (dark brown or black) found in the iris, skin, and hair (usually on the forehead, crown and tail). Atlantic titis are opportunistic feeders. In other words, they eat based", "id": "9223662" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nhave long been thought to comprise numerous cross-linked 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) and 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2-carboxylic acid (DHICA) polymers. There are two types of eumelanin, which are brown eumelanin and black eumelanin. Those two types of eumelanin chemically differ from each other in their pattern of polymeric bonds. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow (blond) hair. As the body ages, it continues to produce black eumelanin", "id": "5422964" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nredheads consequently often have a more pinkish hue to their skin as well. In chemical terms, pheomelanins differ from eumelanins in that the oligomer structure incorporates benzothiazine and benzothiazole units that are produced, instead of DHI and DHICA, when the amino acid L-cysteine is present. Trichochromes (formerly called trichosiderins) are pigments produced from the same metabolic pathway as the eumelanins and pheomelanins, but unlike those molecules they have low molecular weight. They occur in some red human hair. Neuromelanin (NM) is a dark insoluble polymer pigment", "id": "5422966" }, { "contents": "Iris (anatomy)\n\n\nmolecule is only slightly different from its equivalent found in skin and hair. Iris color is due to variable amounts of eumelanin (brown/black melanins) and pheomelanin (red/yellow melanins) produced by melanocytes. More of the former is found in brown-eyed people and of the latter in blue and green-eyed people. Iris color is a highly complex phenomenon consisting of the combined effects of texture, pigmentation, fibrous tissue and blood vessels within the iris stroma, which together make up an individual's epigenetic constitution", "id": "5378569" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Sex differences in human physiology\n\n\n. A higher proportion of females were also found to have blond hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter", "id": "14288057" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\n8 genetic differences associated with red hair color. In species other than primates, red hair has different genetic origins and mechanisms. Red hair is the rarest natural hair color in humans. The non-tanning skin associated with red hair may have been advantageous in far-northern climates where sunlight is scarce. Studies by Bodmer and Cavalli-Sforza (1976) hypothesized that lighter skin pigmentation prevents rickets in colder climates by encouraging higher levels of vitamin D production and also allows the individual to retain heat better than someone with darker skin", "id": "218556" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n. It is characterized by high levels of the reddish pigment pheomelanin (which also accounts for the red color of the lips) and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The term redhead (originally \"redd hede\") has been in use since at least 1510. Cultural reactions have varied from ridicule to admiration; many common stereotypes exist regarding redheads and they are often portrayed as fiery-tempered. Red is associated with dominance in a number of animal species. For example, in mandrills, red coloration of the", "id": "6274092" }, { "contents": "Silver dapple gene\n\n\nproduction of the black pigment eumelanin. Melanins, which provide color in the eyes, skin, and hair, are found in two types: eumelanin, which produces black to brown pigment, and phaeomelanin, which produces red to yellow pigment. Most horses can produce both types; the brown appearance of a bay horse's coat is caused by alternating bands of eumelanin and phaeomelanin, for which the agouti gene is responsible. Eumelanin predominates in the legs, mane and tail of bay horses. By contrast, horses which lack a", "id": "9628775" }, { "contents": "Equine coat color genetics\n\n\nwhere a negative result usually means none of the known mutations were found, but does not rule out undiscovered mutations. Genes affecting coat color generally do so by changing the process of producing melanin. Melanin is the pigment that colors the hairs and skin of mammals. There are two chemically distinct types of melanin: pheomelanin, which is a red to yellow color, and eumelanin, which is brown to black. Melanin is not a protein and therefore there is no gene that changes its structure directly, but there are many proteins", "id": "9628830" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npale blond. However, it can be red, darker blond, light brown, or rarely, even dark brown. Vitiligo is a patchy loss of hair and skin color that may occur as the result of an auto-immune disease. In a preliminary 2013 study, researchers treated the buildup of hydrogen peroxide which causes this with a light-activated pseudo-catalase. This produced significant media coverage that further investigation may someday lead to a general non-dye treatment for grey hair. Malnutrition is also known to cause hair", "id": "218634" }, { "contents": "Feral pigeon\n\n\n-barred pattern which the original wild rock dove displays is generally less common in more urban areas. Urban pigeons tend to have darker plumage than those in more rural areas. Pigeons have two types of melanin (pigment) – eumelanin and pheomelanin. A study of melanin in the feathers of both wild rock and domestic pigeons, of different coloration types and known genetic background, measured the concentration, distribution and proportions of eumelanin and pheomelanin and found that gene mutations affecting the distribution, amounts and proportions of pigments accounted for the greater", "id": "7321762" }, { "contents": "Grey\n\n\ncolor of a person's hair is created by the pigment melanin, found in the core of each hair. Melanin is also responsible for the color of the skin and of the eyes. There are only two types of pigment: dark (eumelanin) or light (phaeomelanin). Combined in various combinations, these pigments create all natural hair colors. Melanin itself is the product of a specialized cell, the melanocyte, which is found in each hair follicle, from which the hair grows. As hair grows, the melanocyte", "id": "18961074" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\n. After the hair is lightened (the natural hues are destroyed) to a sufficient level, the pigment within the artificial color will, ideally, in perfect blue-red-yellow balance, replace the recently destroyed natural pigment. Often, hair that has been lightened will exhibit a redder or more orange tone than it did previously. This is because there is not enough blue pigment present to visually balance the red and yellow pigmentation (both natural and artificial) that remains. Understandably, hair color manufacturers elect to err on", "id": "12863611" }, { "contents": "Feral pigeon\n\n\nvariation of coloration in domesticated birds than in their wild relations. Eumelanin generally causes grey or black colouration, while pheomelanin results in a reddish-brown colour. Other shades of brown may be produced through different combinations and concentrations of the two colours. As in other animals, white pigeons have little to no pigment. Darker birds may be better able to store trace metals in their feathers due to their higher concentrations of melanin, which may help mitigate the negative effects of the metals, the concentrations of which are typically higher in", "id": "7321763" }, { "contents": "Pump-probe microscopy\n\n\nimaging to differentiate between the two main forms of melanin - eumelanin (brown/black) and pheomelanin (red/yellow). In melanoma, eumelanin is substantially increased. Therefore, imaging the distribution of eumelanin and pheomelanin can help to distinguish benign lesions and melanoma with high sensitivit.y Artwork consists of many pigments with a wide range of spectral absorption properties, which determine their color. Due to the broad spectral features of these pigments, the identification of a specific pigment in a mixture is difficult. Pump-probe imaging can provide", "id": "16704492" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nmost common in light-skinned infants and children, so much so that the term \"baby blond\" is often used for very light colored hair. Babies may be born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond hair, although such natural hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair tends to turn darker with age, and many children's blond hair turns light, medium, dark brown or black before or during their adult years. Because blond hair tends to turn brunette with age, natural blond hair is", "id": "5633780" }, { "contents": "Equine coat color genetics\n\n\n(α-MSH) for melanocortin 1 receptor proteins (MC1R). MC1R relies on α-MSH to halt production of red-yellow pheomelanin, and initiate production of black-brown eumelanin in its place. In many species, successive pulses of ASIP block contact between α-MSH and MC1R, resulting in alternating production of eumelanin and pheomelanin; hairs are banded light and dark as a result. In other species, \"ASIP\" is regulated such that it only occurs in certain parts of the body. The light", "id": "9628841" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nnatural hair is determined by the melanin present. Generally, the more melanin, the darker the hair. In order for the color of hair to be lightened, a chemical must penetrate the cuticle of the hair, enter the cortex and destroy the melanin. Permanent hair color, bleach and other decolorants can do this to varying degrees. Permanent hair color, unlike bleach and other decolorants, leaves behind an artificial pigment while destroying the natural pigment. This pigment is a mix of the primary colors: blue, red and yellow", "id": "12863609" }, { "contents": "White lion\n\n\nto cause albinism in many species, while another less severe mutation in the same gene is responsible for the \"Chinchilla\" coloring trait seen in several mammals. Reduced pigment production decreases the deposition of pigment along the hair shaft, restricting it to the tips. The less pigment there is along the hair shaft, the paler the lion. As a result, \"white\" lions range from blonde to near-white. The males have pale manes and tail tips instead of the usual dark tawny or black. From the 1970s", "id": "3723918" }, { "contents": "Sun tanning\n\n\nevidence indicates that the release of endorphins during the tanning process causes the pleasurable effects that underlie the addiction. The term \"tanning\" has a cultural origin, arising from the color tan. Its origin lies in the Western culture of Europe when it became fashionable for young women to seek a less pale complexion (see Cultural history below). Melanin is a natural pigment produced by cells called melanocytes in a process called melanogenesis. Melanocytes produce two types of melanin: pheomelanin (red) and eumelanin (very dark brown).", "id": "6418921" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\nblond to brown to black, which is most frequent. Hair color depends on the amount of melanin (an effective sun blocking pigment) in the skin and hair, with hair melanin concentrations in hair fading with increased age, leading to grey or even white hair. Most researchers believe that skin darkening is an adaptation that evolved as protection against ultraviolet solar radiation, which also helps balancing folate, which is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. Light skin pigmentation protects against depletion of vitamin D, which requires sunlight to make. Skin pigmentation", "id": "11237580" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\nHis nickname is a reversal of Neil Young, a frequent collaborator of musician Stephen Stills. In regards to his hair colour, when a Tumblr user asked O'Malley why the character's hair colour was \"light brown-nearly blond\" in the colour section of \"Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together\" but in the new colour editions had a brown colour that is darker than Scott's colour, O'Malley replied saying that \"the reason is that I don’t care what color Young Neil’s hair is. (laughs) Who’s", "id": "11339027" }, { "contents": "Sinaloan pocket mouse\n\n\nred color. Melanocytes are pigment producing cells, which are controlled by genes. Differences in gene expression cause melanocytes to produce varying levels and types of pigment. Eumelanin is produced when the G protein-coupled receptor called melanocortin-1-receptor (MC1R) is activated. Pheomelanin production is controlled by the agouti-signaling protein, which is an inverse agonist of MC1R. Therefore, Agouti expression causes decreased levels of eumelanin production, which allows increased levels of pheomelanin expression. Variation in the environment can cause proteins to be expressed differently in the genome,", "id": "11137420" }, { "contents": "Dinaric race\n\n\ncranium is high. Eyes are set relatively close and the surrounding tissue defines them as wide open. The iris is most often brown, with a significant percentage of light pigmentation in the Dinaric population. The nose is large, narrow and convex. The face is long and orthognathic, with a prominent chin, and also wide. The form of the forehead is variable, but not rarely it is bulbous. The hair color is usually dark brown, with black-haired and blond individuals in minority, blondness being the characteristic", "id": "10457143" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nnatural hair pigment. Someone with dark hair wishing to achieve two or three shades lighter may need a higher developer whereas someone with lighter hair wishing to achieve darker hair will not need one as high. Timing may vary with permanent hair coloring but is typically 30 minutes or 45 minutes for those wishing to achieve maximum color change. Demi-permanent hair color is hair color that contains an alkaline agent other than ammonia (e.g. ethanolamine, sodium carbonate) and, while always employed with a developer, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in", "id": "4824089" }, { "contents": "Shih Tzu\n\n\nis determined by the color of the coat itself; the coat color on dogs with either liver or blue pigment is categorized by the color of the pigment. Thus, a parti colored (white and another shade) Shih Tzu with blue pigment is a \"blue and white\" regardless of the tint of the hair which might very well appear similar to a gold and white or other colors. The same principle applies to solid blue, silver, and silver and white. Sometimes you might see dark brown pigments near the shoulders", "id": "9071641" }, { "contents": "Neanderthal\n\n\nskin (such as red or blonde hair). This allele was not found in the Croatian or Altai Neanderthal specimens subjected to whole-genome sequencing, nor have the MC1R variants known to cause red hair in modern humans, though the Altai specimen was polymorphic for another variant MC1R allele of unknown effect. Genomic analysis of three Croatian specimens for the alleles of numerous genes that affect pigment in modern humans showed the Neanderthals to have more of the alleles that produce dark pigment in modern humans than those producing reduced pigmentation. Based on", "id": "9604117" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nrare in adulthood; according to the sociologist Christie Davies, only around five percent of adults in Europe and North America are naturally blond. A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. Nonetheless, a significant majority of Caucasian women (perhaps as high as three in four) dye their hair blond, a significantly higher percentage than for any other hair color. Blond hair is most common in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea countries, where true blondism is believed to have originated. The pigmentation", "id": "5633781" }, { "contents": "Carea Castellano Manchego\n\n\n: little evolved forms. Light. Upper profile straight. - Nose: straight; median; of black color on animals of dark or pigmented coat and wholly or partly brown in some individuals with light hair. - Lips: pulling thick. Adjusted. No hanging nor the upper nor lower; not the corners. Pigmented. The palate also pigmented in the dogs with dark hair and in some of clear coat. - Teeth: good size. White. Complete denture. Scissor bite. - Ears: medium-sized,", "id": "16144308" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nrecessive blond allele. A person with a brown allele will have brown hair; a person with no brown alleles will be blond. This explains why two brown-haired parents can produce a blond-haired child. However, this can only be possible if both parent are heterozygous in hair color- meaning that both of them have one dominant brown hair allele and one recessive allele for blond hair, but as dominant traits mask recessive ones the parents both have brown hair. The possibility of which trait may appear in an offspring can", "id": "218616" }, { "contents": "Agouti-signaling protein\n\n\nAgouti-signaling protein is a protein that in humans is encoded by the ASIP gene. Agouti signalling peptide is a peptide consisting of 131 amino acids. Its discovery was published in 1994 in the scientific journal Nature where its functional properties were described. It acts as an inverse agonist at melanocortin receptors. In mice, the agouti gene encodes a paracrine signalling molecule that causes hair follicle melanocytes to synthesize the yellow pigment pheomelanin instead of the black or brown pigment eumelanin. Pleiotropic effects of constitutive expression of the mouse gene include adult-", "id": "16538063" }, { "contents": "Agouti (gene)\n\n\nThe agouti gene encodes the agouti-signaling protein (ASIP), responsible for the distribution of melanin pigment in mammals. Agouti interacts with the melanocortin 1 receptor to determine whether the melanocyte (pigment cell) produces the yellow to red phaeomelanin, or the brown to black eumelanin. This interaction is responsible for making distinct light and dark bands in the hairs of animals such as the agouti. In other species such as horses, it determines what parts of the body are red or black. The agouti-signaling protein (ASIP", "id": "14657437" }, { "contents": "Light skin\n\n\npheomelanin, little amounts of eumelanin. This phenotype is caused by a loss-of-function mutation in the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene. However, variations in the MC1R gene sequence only have considerable influence on pigmentation in populations where red hair and extremely fair skin is prevalent. The gene variation’s primary effect is to promote eumelanin synthesis at the expense of pheomelanin synthesis, although this contributes to very little variation in skin reflectance between different ethnic groups. Melanocytes from light skin cells cocultured with keratinocytes give rise to a", "id": "8793105" }, { "contents": "Xeromphalina setulipes\n\n\nand measure between 4 and 8 μm in width. Their yellowish-brown pigment stains orange-brown in potassium hydroxide. The stipitipellis, the uppermost layer of hyphae on the stem, also forms a cutis. The cylindrical hyphae run parallel to one another and have thick cell walls. They have a dark red-brown pigment, which stains darker still in potassium hydroxide. Clamp connections are present. \"Xeromphalina setulipes\" shows some similarities to \"X. cauticinalis\". They share the amber-coloured hair towards the base of", "id": "149880" }, { "contents": "Malaita\n\n\nchocolate to tawny, most clearly darker than Polynesians, but not generally as dark as the peoples of Bougainville or the western Solomons, who Malaitans refer to as \"black men\". Most have dark brown or black bushy hair, but it varies in color from reddish blond, yellow to whitish blond, to ebony black, and in texture from frizzled to merely wavy. Tourists often mistakenly believe the blond hair of Malaitans is bleached by peroxide, but this is not so; the blond or reddish hair colour is quite natural", "id": "11244387" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nMelanin (; from \"melas\", \"black, dark\") is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms. Melanin is produced through a multistage chemical process known as melanogenesis, where the oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine is followed by polymerization. The melanin pigments are produced in a specialized group of cells known as melanocytes. There are three basic types of melanin: eumelanin, pheomelanin, and neuromelanin. The most common type is eumelanin, of which there are two types—brown eumelanin and", "id": "5422959" }, { "contents": "Portuguese people\n\n\nis possible to draw the general anthropometrical features of the majority of the Portuguese population. Dark to medium brown hair and brown and hazel eyes are predominant. However, light brown and blond hair and blue and green eyes are also found frequently. Chestnut and auburn-colored hair types occur generally. Legitimate black hair—not espresso brown—can be found, but it is not very common. Light, true red hair (meaning red shades that are non-auburn) is seen on occasion. A recent study by Candille", "id": "8766959" }, { "contents": "Feather\n\n\npterylosis or pterylography, varies across bird families and has been used in the past as a means for determining the evolutionary relationships of bird families. The colors of feathers are produced by pigments, by microscopic structures that can refract, reflect, or scatter selected wavelengths of light, or by a combination of both. Most feather pigments are melanins (brown and beige pheomelanins, black and grey eumelanins) and carotenoids (red, yellow, orange); other pigments occur only in certain taxa – the yellow to red psittacofulvins (found", "id": "5791178" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nthe later Mesolithic. Later individuals with Yamnaya Indo-European ancestry, by contrast, were predominantly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European. It is possible that blond hair evolved more than once. A 2012 study published in \"Science\" reported a distinct genetic origin of blond hair in people from the Solomon Islands in Melanesia, associated with an amino acid change in TYRP1 produced blond hair. Blond hair is", "id": "5633779" }, { "contents": "Domestic rabbit\n\n\nand reproduction potential in rabbits. The rabbit genome has been sequenced and is publicly available. The mitochondrial DNA has also been sequenced. In 2011, parts of the rabbit genome were re-sequenced in greater depth in order to expose variation within the genome. There are 11 color gene groups (or loci) in rabbits. A rabbit's coat has either two pigments (pheomelanin for yellow, and eumelanin for dark brown) or no pigment (for an albino rabbit). Clusters of color genes plus their modifiers control such", "id": "17309984" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nallowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. In this way, high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of solar radiation, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency. The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit is explained by a greater proportion of seafood in their diet and by the climate which they live in, because in the polar climate there is more ice or snow on the ground, and this", "id": "5633775" }, { "contents": "Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier\n\n\nPuppies have dark coats of red, brown, mahogany or white. Their muzzles and ears may be black or dark brown. The reddish-brown puppy coat gradually grows out to nearly white before maturing into a wheaten-colored coat as they get older. The adult coat typically matures by 3 years old and may contain black, white, or darker brown \"guard\" hairs in addition to the lighter wheaten colored hair. If adults ever have skin injuries, the resulting hair growth (wound hair) will be the dark", "id": "12893963" }, { "contents": "Cuniculture\n\n\nEach locus has dominant and recessive genes. In addition to the loci there are also modifiers, which modify a certain gene. These include the rufus modifiers, color intensifiers, and plus/minus (blanket/spot) modifiers. A rabbit's coat has either two pigments (pheomelanin for yellow, and eumelanin for dark brown) or no pigment (for an albino rabbit). Within each group, the genes are listed in order of dominance, with the most dominant gene first. In parenthesis after the description is at", "id": "7090839" }, { "contents": "Dun gene\n\n\nsilver dapple gene, which acts only on black-based coats, or the cream gene, an incomplete dominant which must be homozygous to be fully expressed, and when heterozygous is visibly expressed only on red (bay and chestnut) pigment. The dun dilution effect is caused by pigment only being placed in a part of each hair. Specifically, body hairs only have pigment along one side of them, while hairs from darker parts such as the dorsal stripe have pigment all the way around. Dun was the original color of", "id": "9855378" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nonly hair with color such as black, brown, or reddish-brown hair or dirty blonde can be removed. White hair, light blonde and strawberry blonde hair does not respond well. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, being most effective and producing the best results, but lasers such as the are able to target black hair in patients with dark skin with some success. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for \"permanent hair", "id": "21823829" }, { "contents": "Albinism in humans\n\n\nfor more efficient thermoregulation in the early hunter-gatherers. The skin that would have been exposed upon general body hair loss in these early hominins would have most likely been non-pigmented, reflecting the pale skin underlying the hair of our chimpanzee relatives. A positive advantage would have been conferred to early hominids inhabiting the African continent that were capable of producing darker skin – those who first expressed the eumelanin-producing MC1R allele – which protected them from harmful epithelium-damaging ultraviolet rays. Over time, the advantage conferred to those", "id": "2599218" }, { "contents": "Labrador Retriever coat colour genetics\n\n\ncoat colour will be evident. This locus is recognised as affecting coat colour through the expression of pheomelanin, the pigment responsible for red and yellow pigmentation. The effects on pheomelanin pigmentation are only seen if there is no eumelanin expressed in the fur, else the dark eumelanin will mask any pheomelanin present, and thus these differences are visible only in yellow Labradors. The result is dogs of colours ranging from a red to a light cream. It had long been thought that the genetic locus for this trait was the same seen regulating", "id": "302673" }, { "contents": "Seal brown (horse)\n\n\n, one from each parent, horses with one \"broken\" copy (\"e\") can still produce eumelanin in the hair. However, if a horse has two copies of the \"broken\" allele and therefore no copies of the functional \"E\" allele, the horse is completely incapable of depositing black pigment in the hair. Such horses are chestnut, or at least, are not black, bay, or seal brown. The gene with the greatest role in the seal brown coat phenotype is Agouti signalling peptide", "id": "1788343" }, { "contents": "Negroid\n\n\npresence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples. Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that \"[b]oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp\". Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown. As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as \"Negroid\", including many", "id": "1626210" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npopulation has red hair and approximately 40 percent carry the recessive redhead gene. Gray or white hair—sometimes colloquially called \"salt and pepper\" when it is 'peppered' throughout dark hair—is not caused by a true gray or white pigment, but is due to a lack of pigmentation and melanin. The clear hairs appear as gray or white because of the way light is reflected from the hairs. Gray hair color typically occurs naturally as people age (see Aging or achromotrichia below). For some people this can", "id": "218625" }, { "contents": "Portuguese people\n\n\net al. (2012) comparing pigmentation levels between the Portuguese and three other ethnically indigenous European national groups—the Irish, the Polish and the Italians—concluded that, in parts of the body not exposed to the sun, the Irish were in the lightest end of the spectrum, followed by the Portuguese, Poles and Italians, with the latter being darkest. In terms of hair color, the Portuguese averaged lighter hair than Italians and darker than Irish and Poles. The Portuguese exhibited significantly lower frequencies in lighter eye shades", "id": "8766960" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nof hair color on Greek \"korai\" probably reflect the colors the artists saw in natural hair; these colors include a broad diversity of shades of blond, red, and brown. The minority of statues with blond hair range from strawberry blond up to platinum blond. Sappho of Lesbos ( 630-570 BC) wrote that purple-colored wraps as headdress were good enough, except if the hair was blond: \"...for the girl who has hair that is yellower than a torch [it is better to decorate it", "id": "5633795" }, { "contents": "Terracotta Army\n\n\n(white) and pigments of iron oxide (dark red), cinnabar (red), malachite (green), azurite (blue), charcoal (black), cinnabar barium copper silicate mix (purple), tree sap from a nearby source, (more than likely from the Chinese lacquer tree) (brown) and various other colors including pink, lilac and one unknown color. The coloured lacquer finish and individual facial features would have given the figures a realistic feel, with eyebrows and facial hair in black and", "id": "16879928" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\n, and with high lung capacities at high altitudes. Similarly, skin color varies clinally with darker skin around the equator—where the added protection from the sun's ultraviolet radiation is thought to give an evolutionary advantage—and lighter skin tones closer to the poles. The hue of human skin and hair is determined by the presence of pigments called melanins. Human skin color can range from darkest brown to lightest peach, or even nearly white or colorless in cases of albinism. Human hair ranges in color from white to red to", "id": "11237579" }, { "contents": "White stag\n\n\nA white stag (or white hind for the female) is a white-colored red deer or fallow deer, explained by a condition known as leucism that causes its hair and skin to lose its natural colour. The white deer has played a prominent role in many cultures' mythology. Leucism is a rare genetic pattern that causes a reduction in the pigment of an animal's hair and skin. The natural colour of the red deer ranges from dark red to brown. They are often thought to be albinos; however,", "id": "20421883" }, { "contents": "List of The Sword of Truth characters\n\n\nRaina has a sheet of very long dark brown hair, and almond shaped black, piercing eyes that seem to examine someone for every nuance of strength, weakness, and power. Although it is not explicitly stated, her tan skin and dark coloring allude that Raina might be a more exotic blend than the usual Aryan-typed race of the other Mord-Sith native to D'Hara; Multiple Mord-Sith have pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes, as Darken, Drefan and Panis Rahl did. Raina never is as", "id": "10662289" }, { "contents": "English Cocker Spaniel\n\n\n, black and white, liver and white with brown pigmentation, orange and white with black or brown pigmentation, lemon and white with black or brown pigmentation. All of these colors can also have Tan-points, although you probably won't see it on any red, gold, or lemon Cocker because it will blend in. Of the solid colours, sable is considered rare and controversial, and is classified by some countries as being a type of particolour on account of its mixed hair shafts. While some have claimed this", "id": "20900342" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\nDepartment Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role in the way people are treated and claimed that numerous studies had shown that blonde women were paid higher salaries than other women. In a study by Diana J. Kyle and Heike I. M. Mahler (1996), the researchers asked subjects to evaluate photographs of the same woman with \"natural\" (not dyed) looking brown, red, and blonde hair in the context of a job application for an accounting position. The researchers found", "id": "16093636" }, { "contents": "Equine coat color genetics\n\n\ncomplex reaction is triggered inside the cell, and the melanocyte begins to produce black-brown pigment (eumelanin). Without the stimulation of α-MSH, the melanocyte produces red-yellow pigment (pheomelanin) by default. Mutations that break protein function generally lead to recessively inherited lighter or redder coat colors in various mammals, while mutations that cause MC1R to be constantly active result in dominantly inherited black coats. In horses, both known mutations break the protein and therefore result in red coats. Various mutations in the human \"", "id": "9628836" }, { "contents": "Phasianella variegata\n\n\nis widely rounded below, and angular above. The columella has a flattened callus. The parietal wall has a more or less white callus, and is decidedly thickened near the posterior angle. The color of the shell is variable, often pale with reddish-brown and white dashes and blotches. It is usually flesh tinted, ashen or brown, more or less clouded with darker and lighter shades, and flammulated with dark and light below the sutures, spirally traversed by narrow hair-like lines of brown or red, interrupted", "id": "4501607" }, { "contents": "Sex differences in human physiology\n\n\nhair than females and according to most studies they also have darker skin—male skin is also redder, but this is due to greater blood volume rather than melanin). Male eyes are also more likely to be one of the darker eye colors. Conversely, women are lighter-skinned than men in all human populations. The differences in color are mainly caused by higher levels of melanin in the skin, hair and eyes in males. In one study, almost twice as many females as males had red or auburn hair", "id": "14288056" }, { "contents": "Albinism\n\n\nnot state specifically that non-mammalian albino animals (or plants) are white, this can be inferred from \"...absence of any pigmentation or coloration...\" Due to the varied use and interpretation of the term \"albino\", written reports of albinistic organisms can often not be verified. Melanin is an organic pigment that produces most of the colour seen in mammals. Depending on how it is created, melanin comes in two colour ranges, eumelanin (producing dark browns and blacks) and pheomelanin (producing light reddish tans", "id": "19261526" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nsometimes darkens as a person ages. Several gene pairs control the light versus dark hair color in a cumulative effect. A person's genotype for a multifactorial trait can interact with the environment to produce varying phenotypes (see quantitative trait locus). Natural hair color can be brown, blond, black, red, or white; all natural hair colors including grey, white and lightest blond, are shades of brown. The Fischer–Saller scale, named after Eugen Fischer and , is used in physical anthropology and medicine to determine", "id": "218618" }, { "contents": "Portia africana\n\n\nbut the female's has tufts of orange-brown to dark brown hairs while the male's is mottled yellow-brown and black, clothed in white, orange-brown and black hairs, with conspicuous orange and cream white tufts. The legs of both sexes have many strong spines, and are yellow-brown to orange-brown with black stripes at the top part, and brown with darker brown and yellow-brown markings in the lower part. Jumping spiders have significantly better vision than other spiders, much more acute", "id": "902102" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nleucodopachrome and follow two more pathways to the eumelanins Detailed metabolic pathways can be found in the KEGG database (see External links). Melanin is brown, non-refractile, and finely granular with individual granules having a diameter of less than 800 nanometers. This differentiates melanin from common blood breakdown pigments, which are larger, chunky, and refractile, and range in color from green to yellow or red-brown. In heavily pigmented lesions, dense aggregates of melanin can obscure histologic detail. A dilute solution of potassium permanganate is", "id": "5422974" }, { "contents": "Mountain degu\n\n\nhairs. There is a tuft of white hair in front of the large ears, which are clad in short grey hair. The slender tail is bi-coloured (dark above and pale below) and has a tuft of brown or ochre hairs at the tip. Juveniles have darker fur above and greyer underparts. Their tails are brownish with a dark brown or black tufted tip. This species is found in the mountainous areas of southwestern Bolivia, northwestern Argentina and northern Chile. It has a wide altitudinal range, occurring at", "id": "11561936" }, { "contents": "Portia schultzi\n\n\nfemales. Both sexes have tufts of orange to dark orange above the eyes, which are fringed with pale orange hairs. Females' chelicerae are pale yellow with black markings at the ends, while males' orange-brown with darker markings, and those of both sexes have pale orange and white hairs. The abdomens of females are pale yellow with black markings and the upper sides have scattered white and orange-brown hairs. Males' abdomens yellow-orange to orange-brown with blackish mottling, and on the upper sides", "id": "18992441" }, { "contents": "Spinone Italiano\n\n\nAcceptable variants (UK and US) are solid white, white with orange markings, orange roan with or without orange markings, white with brown markings, and brown roan with or without brown markings. Pigment of skin, nose, lips, and the pads on their feet should be a fleshy red-orange in white dogs, slightly darker in orange and brown roan dogs. The white and orange coloration is unique amongst the wire-haired gun dogs. Height at withers: Weight should be in the correct proportion to size", "id": "17442011" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nthe side of turning hair a little too red, in the absence of enough blue, instead of possibly giving the hair a purple or blue tint, in the absence of enough yellow and/or red pigmentation (as might be the case when applied to grey or very light blonde hair). The first way that hot roots can occur involves two separate color applications. Once permanent hair color is applied and subsequent hair growth occurs, the roots of the affected hair can, and usually do, exhibit a noticeably different color from the", "id": "12863612" } ]
Hello, I am interested in hair coloring, or hair dyeing, It is cool to change hair color I think it is too. I changed my hair color in the past from black to dark blonde, it was interesting. did you bleach it to make it blonde? Not really, I do not like bleaching, I just used a regular hair dye and surprisingly it worked, just turned out a different shade than expected. Yes it can damage hair, it is so interesting 75% of women in some cities like Copenhagen use hair dye This sounds like a lot. It doesn't surprise me though, women like change, it's boring to always look the same. Yes it is, and there is huge money spent on it, like $1.9 billion in 2011 Wow, well sometimes it's worth it to spend money on looks. Even though dyeing hair can damage hair permanently. It's hard to get back to natural color.
[{"answer": "Yes It is, but when it is done professionally by hairdresser it can damage less", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 83, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nbut the darker shades in particular may persist longer than indicated on the packet. Semi-permanent hair coloring involves little or no developer, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, and is thus less damaging to hair strands. The reduced amount of developer, whether peroxide or ammonia, means that hair previously damaged by applying permanent color or permanent reshaping is less likely to be damaged during the color application process. Semi-permanent hair color uses compounds of lower molecular weight than are found in temporary hair color dyes. These dyes penetrate the hair", "id": "4824092" }, { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "Jean Harlow\n\n\nhair color, called \"platinum\" by Hughes' publicists. Though Harlow denied her hair was dyed, the platinum blonde color was reportedly achieved by bleaching with a weekly application of ammonia, Clorox bleach, and Lux soap flakes. This process weakened and damaged Harlow's naturally ash-blonde hair. Many female fans began dyeing their hair to match hers. Howard Hughes' team organized a series of \"Platinum Blonde\" clubs across the nation and offered a prize of $10,000 to any beautician who could match Harlow's shade", "id": "5727964" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Tina Tailor Soldier Spy\n\n\nend. She finds that Troop 257 is made up of extreme and hard edged girls who use a secret handshake involving farting noises when their finger is pulled. Meanwhile, in a subplot, Gretchen convinces Linda to dye her hair blonde. At first, Linda is enamored with her new look and aspires to play the \"dumb, sexy blonde\", but begins to fear that she truly is losing her intelligence because of her hair color. After seeing Gretchen dye her hair brunette, Linda changes her hair color back and feels", "id": "19209795" }, { "contents": "Yellow\n\n\n'. The color yellow was associated with the sun gods Helios and Apollo. It was fashionable in ancient Greece for men and women to dye their hair yellow, or to spend time in the sun to bleach it. In ancient Rome, prostitutes were required to bleach their hair, to be easily identified, but it also became a fashionable hair color for aristocratic women, influenced by the exotic blonde hair of many of the newly conquered slaves from Gaul, Britain, and Germany. However, in medieval Europe and later,", "id": "15581743" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\ndepends on the original color of the hair, as well as the quality of the henna, and can range from orange to auburn to burgundy. Henna can be mixed with other natural hair dyes including \"Cassia obovata\" for lighter shades of red or even blond, or with indigo to achieve brown and black shades. Some products sold as \"henna\" include these other natural dyes. Others may include metal salts that can interact with other chemical treatments, or oils and waxes that may inhibit the dye, or dyes which", "id": "3908411" }, { "contents": "Leven Rambin\n\n\nalso the lead counselor of the Ares Cabin 5) and Percy's rival throughout the story. In an interview with \"\", Rambin explained her casting and her time as a brunette, \"Yeah, I was really lucky that Thor was able to see me as a brunette with this blonde hair. That's not typically the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me, I don't think. But when I put on that wig – luckily they didn't dye my hair – and change my", "id": "5391708" }, { "contents": "Stain removal\n\n\nfabric for removing stains: Hair coloring products are commonly used to cover gray, look more attractive or keep up with fashion, yet they pose a challenge for many women. Because of the length of time the hair dye must be on the hair to achieve deep, even results, it often seeps or drips down onto the hairline, ears or neck, causing unsightly and irritating stains on the skin. Dye users are not universally affected—some persons have a tendency to get stains while others do not—most likely due", "id": "18611751" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n. Indigo is natural dye from a plant (Indigofera tinctoria, suffructicosa, or arrecta) that can be added to henna or layered on top of it to create brown to black colors in the hair. Henna is orange, and indigo is blue, so as complementaries on a standard color wheel, the two colors' combined effect is to create brown tones. Like henna, indigo may fade after one application, but it becomes permanent on the hair with repeated use. Using a plant-based color such as henna can", "id": "4824111" }, { "contents": "Gates of Paradise\n\n\nfrom Aunt Fanny's 40th birthday party, Heaven and Logan get into a car accident which leaves them dead and Annie a crippled orphan. After the decision being made, Annie is sent to Farthinggale Manor to live and recover with Tony Tatterton, whom she thinks is just her step-great-grandfather. Things start out strange when Tony strongly insists she dyes her hair silvery blonde like her grandmother Leigh's natural hair color (and Heaven's short lived hair color). She complies after much coaxing from Tony that it will", "id": "4912377" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nHair dye stripping is a process used to rid the hair of unwanted deposited color. Hair dye stripping is a chemical process involving the application of a sulfur-based product to hair in order to remove deposited color. Hair dye strippers raise sulfite levels to make hair more porous and reverse the oxidation of color molecules. This breaks the bonds dyes form between one another and the hair shaft that were formed by oxidizing small hair color intermediates, shrinking the molecules and allowing hair color to be washed out of the hair. Because of", "id": "7210630" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nprotection for the hair against physical and environmental damage. Hair styling equipment which helps in creating hairstyles include: Cosmetics products used in creating and maintaining hairstyles include: Chemical alterations like perming, coloring can be carried out to change the perceived color and texture of hair. All of these are temporary alterations because permanent alterations are not possible at this time. Chemical alteration of hair only affects the hair above the scalp; unless the hair roots are damaged, new hair will grow in with natural color and texture. Hair coloring is the", "id": "19772404" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair. Henna is an orange dye commonly used as a deposit-only hair color whose active component, lawsone, binds to keratin. It is therefore considered semi-permanent to permanent, depending on a person's hair type. Most people will achieve a permanent color from henna, especially after the second dye. With repeated use the orange color builds up into red and then auburn. While \"natural\" henna is generally a red color, variations exist. These variations usually contain ingredients from other plants and even synthetic dyes", "id": "4824110" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nprocess of adding pigment to or removing pigment from the hair shaft. Hair coloring processes may be referred to as coloring or bleaching, depending on whether pigment is being added or removed. Temporary hair tints simply coat the shaft with pigments which later wash off. Most permanent color changes require that the cuticle of the hair be opened so the color change can take place within the cuticle. This process, which uses chemicals to alter the structure of the hair, can damage the cuticle or internal structure of the hair, leaving it", "id": "19772405" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ndiscoloration and unexpected hair color results. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in vitro and in vivo studies (in exposed human populations) have shown that some hair dyes and many chemicals used in the hair dyeing process can be considered mutagenic and carcinogenic. In certain individuals, the use of hair coloring can result in allergic reactions and/or skin irritation. Individuals allergic to gluten for example, will need to be cautious when purchasing hair color since certain hair dye includes gluten. Gluten does not need to", "id": "4824100" }, { "contents": "Dita Von Teese\n\n\n's campaign \"Animal Birth Control (ABC).\" Von Teese states that she never uses a stylist. \"The one time I hired a stylist, they picked up a pair of my 1940s shoes and said, 'These would look really cute with jeans.' I immediately said, 'You're out of here.'\" She does her own make-up, and dyes her naturally blonde hair black at home. Von Teese's unique style is \"inspired by eccentric women like Luisa Casati, Anna Piaggi", "id": "6375831" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nfamous statue of Aphrodite, the \"Aphrodite of Knidos\", sculpted in the fourth century BC by Praxiteles, represented the goddess's hair using gold leaf and contributed to the popularity of the image of Aphrodite as a blonde goddess. Greek prostitutes frequently dyed their hair blond using saffron dyes or colored powders. Blond dye was highly expensive, took great effort to apply, and smelled repugnant, but none of these factors inhibited Greek prostitutes from dying their hair. As a result of this and the natural rarity of blond hair in", "id": "5633798" }, { "contents": "1990s in fashion\n\n\ncloser to the forehead. The pixie cut and Rachel haircut, based on the hairstyles of Jennifer Aniston in \"Friends\" and Marlo Thomas in \"That Girl\", were popular in America from 1995 onwards. Around the same time red hair also became a desirable color for women, as well as feathered bangs, and mini hair-buns. From 1995 until 2008, dark-haired women tended to dye their hair a lighter color with blonde highlights (popularized by Jennifer Aniston). In the late 1990s, the Bob", "id": "10981104" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nprocessing\" time. This is the amount of time required to achieve the desired results. In highlighting hair, hydrogen peroxide mixed with pigment is used to change the color of the strand. This process is also used in applying \"lowlights\" to the hair. In this process, hair dyes are used to create strands of hair that are darker than the natural color. Hair painting is a method of highlighting hair that may be done at home. Hair painting methods are often permanent and employ a simple hair-painting brush", "id": "16368265" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nfirst place. Dying hair was popular among women, although the frequency that hair was coloured often made it weaker. Tertullian discusses how hair dye burnt the scalp and was harmful for the head. Artificial dyes could be applied through powders, gels and bleach. Henna, a temporary dye, or even animal fat, could be applied to make the hair more manageable. Aside from henna, more common permanent dyes were based on natural substances and perhaps more unorthodox mixtures. To prevent graying some Romans wore a paste at night made", "id": "6750003" }, { "contents": "Cowboy Take Me Away\n\n\nearly days, when all three women had hair either naturally or dyed blonde. Maines' hair was cropped so short she looked like the country Cyndi Lauper and Martie Seidel with cross-colored braids and locks. Looking back, Robison commented, \"You have three girls, so automatically you get the roll-the-eyes, you know; it's the band that's been put together,\" Robison says. \"And at the time we were all blonde. And, you know, it was just so -", "id": "11013507" }, { "contents": "Scene (subculture)\n\n\n. In the late 2010s, the scene subculture was seen to lose popularity. The scene subculture has been looked down upon by the emo subculture. Scene fashion is known for its bright colored clothing, skinny jeans, ear gauges, sunglasses, piercings, large belt buckles, wristbands, eyeliner, hair extensions, and straight, androgynous flat hair with long bangs covering the forehead and sometimes one or both eyes. Scene people often dye their hair colors like blond, pink, red, green, or bright blue. According to", "id": "20030150" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nHair highlighting/lowlighting is changing a person's hair color, using lightener or haircolor to color hair strands. There are four basic types of highlights: foil highlights, hair painting, frosting, and chunking. Highlights can be done in natural or unnatural colors. Color highlights come in four categories: temporary, semi-permanent, demi-permanent and permanent. Hair lightened with bleach or permanent color will be permanent until new growth begins to growth. Highlighted hair will make the hair appear fuller. Therefore, it is recommended", "id": "16368263" }, { "contents": "BloodRayne\n\n\nBloodRayne look so similar. The symbol on the hair is similar but looks more like a target, while Rayne's looks a little like Prince's symbol. Also, it looks like Durham is set in some alternate super sci-fi future. I think it is just natural to put a vamp chick in black leather and either color her hair black or red.\" \"BloodRayne\" is set in 1933 and 1938, just before World War II. As an agent of the Brimstone Society, Rayne is sent to a", "id": "7874040" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npale blond. However, it can be red, darker blond, light brown, or rarely, even dark brown. Vitiligo is a patchy loss of hair and skin color that may occur as the result of an auto-immune disease. In a preliminary 2013 study, researchers treated the buildup of hydrogen peroxide which causes this with a light-activated pseudo-catalase. This produced significant media coverage that further investigation may someday lead to a general non-dye treatment for grey hair. Malnutrition is also known to cause hair", "id": "218634" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nproduct, \"Poly Color\". Hair dyeing is now a multibillion-dollar industry that involves the use of both plant-derived and synthetic dyes. Hair color was traditionally applied to the hair as one overall color. The modern trend is to use several colors to produce streaks or gradations, but not all work on top of a single base color. These are referred to as: There are also newer coloring techniques such as ombré, in which hair is dark on the crown and bit by bit becomes lighter toward the", "id": "4824086" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nAnthocyanin pigments were extracted from the blackcurrant skin waste and formulated into hair dyes. The dyes showed high buildup on hair and gave an intense blue colour, which was stable to multiple washes. Hair dyes are cosmetic compounds that make contact with the skin during application. Because of this skin contact, there exists some health risk associated with use of hair dyes. Thus, hair dyes are regulated in the commercial marketplace and, as new toxicity data is generated for some hair dyes and health risks are discovered, some of these hair", "id": "4824113" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\napplied with a toothbrush may also help remove the uppermost layer of skin and dye (neither removes just the dye). Acetone and nail polish remover are not considered effective; laundry detergent may sometimes work as may moist cigarette ash rubbed into the stained area. Several factors influence the final color of the hair following the coloring process. In October 2017, the leading breast surgeon Professor Kefah Mokbel published a meta-analysis showing that use of hair dyes might increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 20% among users. Permanent", "id": "4824105" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\nsame women split between two sets of attached photos - blonde and brunette. The brunette was considered more for a managerial position and for a higher salary. A 2011 University of Westminster study evaluated how men perceived women who entered a London nightclub as a blonde or a brunette. The study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, used the same woman and had her dye her hair a different color for each visit. The results showed that, as a blonde, she was more likely to be approached for conversation than as", "id": "16093638" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthis means that gray and white hair will not dye to the same color as the rest of the head (in fact, some white hair will not absorb the color at all). A few gray and white hairs will blend in sufficiently not to be noticeable, but as they become more widespread, there will come a point where a semi-permanent alone will not be enough. The move to 100% permanent color can be delayed by using a semi-permanent as a base color, with permanent highlights. Semi", "id": "218641" }, { "contents": "The Blue and the Gray (The Simpsons)\n\n\nheads to the club to surprise Homer, but suffers increasing mishaps resulting in her having a witch-like appearance. At the club, she confronts him upon seeing a crowd of women flirting with him, but Homer helps Marge realize that he only has eyes for her and proves that love is still in the Springfield air. Eventually, Marge changes her hair color back to blue to combat her jealousy issues, and Homer dyes \"his\" hair blue for her. Marge is shocked in this episode to discover that her hair", "id": "4569129" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\npermanents have several advantages as compared with permanent color. Because there is essentially no lifting (i.e., removal) of natural hair color, the final color is less uniform/homogeneous than a permanent and therefore more natural looking; they are gentler on hair and therefore safer, especially for damaged hair; and they wash out over time (typically 20 to 28 shampoos), so root regrowth is less noticeable and if a change of color is desired, it is easier to achieve. Demi-permanent hair colors are not permanent", "id": "4824091" }, { "contents": "The Glamour Girls\n\n\nfor a few years, Martin and Kai returned to the WWF in 1987, repackaged as the platinum haired The Glamour Girls and were managed by \"The Mouth of the South\" Jimmy Hart. According to Kai, Hart had actually approached both Martin and herself at a hotel pool and told them that he liked the way they worked together, but that their look was a little too old school. He suggested they both dye their hair blonde, wear gold and black outfits and just basically change their image. He also told", "id": "20743467" }, { "contents": "Cosplay\n\n\ncharacter might have. Temporary tattoos, permanent marker, body paint, and in rare cases, permanent tattoos, are all methods used by cosplayers to achieve the desired look. Permanent and temporary hair dye, spray-in hair coloring, and specialized extreme styling products are all used by some cosplayers whose natural hair can achieve the desired hairstyle. It is also commonplace for them to shave off their eyebrows to gain a more accurate look. Some anime and video game characters have weapons or other accessories that are hard to replicate,", "id": "21130115" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nClassification of race based on physical characteristics such as hair color is seen as a \"flawed, pseudo-scientific relic of the past.\" In contemporary popular culture, blonde women are stereotyped as being more sexually attractive to men than women with other hair colors. For example, Anita Loos popularized this idea in her 1925 novel \"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes\". Some women have reported they feel other people expect them to be more fun-loving after having lightened their hair. Madonna popularized the short bleached blond haircut after the release", "id": "5633813" }, { "contents": "DNA (Koda Kumi album)\n\n\n. It shows Kumi with blonde hair as she makes her way to a stylist's station, where they dye her hair in rainbow colors. After she gets up, she walks behind promotional posters for the \"DNA\" album as her hair changes. Throughout the video, she dons several hairstyles, including platinum blonde pigtails with butterflies, before she unveils her current hairstyle of a blonde bob cut. Other scenes in the video include Kumi spray painting a wall while wearing neon boots and a black swimsuit. The video ends with", "id": "159934" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncause problems later when trying to do a perm or permanent hair color. Some store-bought henna contains metallic salts which reacts to hydrogen peroxide that is used in hair lightening. This may lead to unpredictable results, such as green or blue tones in the hair. Henna is a healthy way to color hair, as long as no metallic salts are used. In 2018, a system for making semi-permanent hair dyes from renewable waste blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) fruit skins from the fruit pressing industry was developed.", "id": "4824112" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nmost common in light-skinned infants and children, so much so that the term \"baby blond\" is often used for very light colored hair. Babies may be born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond hair, although such natural hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair tends to turn darker with age, and many children's blond hair turns light, medium, dark brown or black before or during their adult years. Because blond hair tends to turn brunette with age, natural blond hair is", "id": "5633780" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nonly hair with color such as black, brown, or reddish-brown hair or dirty blonde can be removed. White hair, light blonde and strawberry blonde hair does not respond well. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, being most effective and producing the best results, but lasers such as the are able to target black hair in patients with dark skin with some success. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for \"permanent hair", "id": "21823829" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nrare in adulthood; according to the sociologist Christie Davies, only around five percent of adults in Europe and North America are naturally blond. A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. Nonetheless, a significant majority of Caucasian women (perhaps as high as three in four) dye their hair blond, a significantly higher percentage than for any other hair color. Blond hair is most common in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea countries, where true blondism is believed to have originated. The pigmentation", "id": "5633781" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nsometimes darkens as a person ages. Several gene pairs control the light versus dark hair color in a cumulative effect. A person's genotype for a multifactorial trait can interact with the environment to produce varying phenotypes (see quantitative trait locus). Natural hair color can be brown, blond, black, red, or white; all natural hair colors including grey, white and lightest blond, are shades of brown. The Fischer–Saller scale, named after Eugen Fischer and , is used in physical anthropology and medicine to determine", "id": "218618" }, { "contents": "Barber\n\n\ndo not. Barber license exam fees typically range from $50 to $150. Length—Most states require the same amount of training hours for barbers as they do for cosmetologists. The number of hours required ranges from 800 to 2,000 training hours, depending on the state's licensing requirements. Most programs can be completed in 15 months or fewer. Curriculum—The barber school curriculum consists of hair cutting, coloring and styling for men's hair and women's short hair. Chemical processes such as bleaching, dyeing, lightening", "id": "15975476" }, { "contents": "Tatjana Patitz\n\n\n.\" Her versatility was exemplified by the changing of her hair color and style with each passing year during the late 1980s, from short-haired brunette to tawny mane to long and blond. For an April 1989 editorial titled \"Earthly Powers\" in British \"Vogue\", hair stylist Didier Malige cut and restyled Patitz's foot-long blonde hair into a cropped shag just above her shoulders. \"Once I cut my hair - I cried for two months,\" Patitz told Esquire magazine. \"People said, '", "id": "3255553" }, { "contents": "Color analysis (art)\n\n\nthe hair may be the first thing that strikes the observer's eye (particularly if the hair color is dramatic). Thus, \"even though [one palette of] colors work best for [a particular person's] complexion, the individual may look like another Season because of haircoloring...I call this their secondary Season.\" The color of the hair and eyes serve to heighten the appeal of certain color choices for clothing and makeup, and to rule out certain other choices, but all such choices must be made", "id": "3075811" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nDip dye (also known as \"tip dyeing\") is a hair coloring style that involves dipping the ends of the hair into dye. The dye used can be either a naturally colored dye or a bright colored dye, the latter being the more popular choice. The method has become increasingly popular as a result of social media and its usage by celebrities. Dip dye originates from the process of tie dyeing clothing (especially T-shirts). Dip-dyeing and the ombré hairstyle are similar. However, dip dyeing", "id": "13290039" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nway that allows for migration of the pigment to the interior of the hair shaft. Alternative hair coloring products are designed to create hair colors not typically found in nature. These are also referred to as \"vivid color\" in the hairstyling industry. The available colors are diverse, such as the colors green and fuchsia. Permanent alternatives in some colors are available. More recently, blacklight-reactive hair dyes have been brought to market that Fluorescence under blacklights, such as those often used at nightclubs. The chemical formulae of alternative", "id": "4824097" }, { "contents": "Hairstyles in the 1950s\n\n\nfor the “blond bombshell” hair style, Hepburn stuck to her dark brown hair color and refused to dye her hair for any film. Jacqueline Kennedy wore a short hair style for her wedding in 1953, while later she sported a “bouffant”; together with the larger beehive and shorter bubble cut, this became one of the most popular women's hairstyles of the 1950s. Grace Kelly favored a mid-length bob style, also influential. There were exceptions, however, and some women, such as Bettie Page", "id": "1127392" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nends. These are off-the-scalp techniques, and can be applied by the following methods: All coloring techniques can be used with any type of color. For lightening, the hair sometimes has to be bleached before coloring. Hair coloring can also be applied on the scalp for a more solid level of coverage All coloring techniques can be used with any type of color. For lightening, the hair sometimes has to be bleached before coloring. The four most common classifications are \"permanent\", \"demi-permanent", "id": "4824087" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\nblue was 1,4,5,8-tetraaminoanthraquinone prepared as \"Disperse Blue 1\" with water and lignosuphonate dispersant. This is a semi-permanent dye as the dye molecules do not penetrate the hair shaft and so wash out in subsequent shampooing. It is no longer used in the US as it is thought to be carcinogenic. The hair of workers who regularly come into close contact with cobalt or indigo may become blue because of the dust of the substance mixing into the hair follicles. The color in these cases is \"not merely superficial\", but", "id": "21344541" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\naside and asked him about the true color of his girlfriend's hair. \"Does she color her hair, or doesn't she?\" the embarrassed Polykoff could imagine her mother-in-law-to-be asking. Although Polykoff did color her hair, the practice was not something to which women openly admitted during the Depression (when her future mother-in-law first asked the question). In 1956 (when Polykoff was assigned the Clairol campaign), hair dye was still considered something not used by", "id": "13572447" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nBlond or fair hair is a hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some yellowish color. The color can be from the very pale blond (caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment) to reddish \"strawberry\" blond or golden-brownish (\"sandy\") blond colors (the latter with more eumelanin). Because hair color tends to darken with age, natural blond hair is generally rare in adulthood. Naturally-occurring", "id": "5633762" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nhair is frequently mistaken with what is called Venetian hair due to similar definitions and origins. Definitions of Venetian hair describe it as being reddish and golden in quality, but the distinction between the two is that Titian is a golden-brown, and Venetian a golden-yellow. The two are also often referred to as Titian-red and Venetian-blond, respectively, to emphasize the distinction. The origins of the formulas to create these hair colors by dyeing are also the same. As the Venetian women had more methods", "id": "8900957" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\n. 71% of the adults polled by the Christian Science Monitor in 2002 said they would not allow a 12-year-old to dye their hair blue. The social dislike of the hair color can lead to a suspension from school and the loss of a job, among other things. The \"blue hair effect\" has been used as a metaphor for social distancing. For example, a man who worked for a hospital for 10 years was fired for coming to work with blue hair after refusing to dye it back to its", "id": "21344551" }, { "contents": "Start Here\n\n\nreally defines Maddie and I is we’re not those girls who want to spend a lot of time getting our hair done,\" Dye said. \"We’d rather be out on a four-wheeler, playing guitar or just hanging out, having fun. That’s what the songs are made of. We thought the pictures should look like that, too\". Four singles have been released from the album, the chart-topper \"Girl in a Country Song\", \"Fly\", \"Shut Up and", "id": "944399" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\n, and during the Elizabethan era in England, red hair was fashionable for women. In modern times, red hair is subject to fashion trends; celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Alyson Hannigan, Marcia Cross, Christina Hendricks, Emma Stone and Geri Halliwell can boost sales of red hair dye. Sometimes, red hair darkens as people get older, becoming a more brownish color or losing some of its vividness. This leads some to associate red hair with youthfulness, a quality that is generally considered desirable. In several countries such", "id": "218569" }, { "contents": "Malaita\n\n\nchocolate to tawny, most clearly darker than Polynesians, but not generally as dark as the peoples of Bougainville or the western Solomons, who Malaitans refer to as \"black men\". Most have dark brown or black bushy hair, but it varies in color from reddish blond, yellow to whitish blond, to ebony black, and in texture from frizzled to merely wavy. Tourists often mistakenly believe the blond hair of Malaitans is bleached by peroxide, but this is not so; the blond or reddish hair colour is quite natural", "id": "11244387" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\ndry, weak, or prone to breakage. After the hair processing, the cuticle may not fully close, which results in coarse hair or an accelerated loss of pigment. Generally, the lighter the chosen color from one's initial hair color, the more damaged it may be. Other options for applying color to hair besides chemical dyes include the use of such herbs as henna and indigo, or choosing ammonia-free solutions. Perms and relaxation using relaxer or thermal reconditioning involve chemical alteration of the internal structure of the hair", "id": "19772406" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nnatural hair is determined by the melanin present. Generally, the more melanin, the darker the hair. In order for the color of hair to be lightened, a chemical must penetrate the cuticle of the hair, enter the cortex and destroy the melanin. Permanent hair color, bleach and other decolorants can do this to varying degrees. Permanent hair color, unlike bleach and other decolorants, leaves behind an artificial pigment while destroying the natural pigment. This pigment is a mix of the primary colors: blue, red and yellow", "id": "12863609" }, { "contents": "Laurie Bembenek\n\n\nthat \"I recovered no blonde or red hairs of any length or texture ... [A]ll of the hairs I recovered from the body were brown and were grossly identical to the hair of the victim ... [I] do not like to suggest that evidence was altered in any way, but I can find no logical explanation for what amounted to the appearance of blonde hair in an envelope that contained no such hair at the time it was sealed by me.\" The apartment where Bembenek and Fred Schultz lived shared drainage with another", "id": "1964687" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nCH(NH)(NH)) (not shown). The second step involves the attack of this quinonediimine on the coupler. In organic chemistry, this reaction is called electrophilic aromatic substitution: In the third and final step, the product from the quinonediimine-coupler reaction oxidizes to the final hair dye. It was once believed that the dye forms in the above reaction bonds to hair permanently. It was later shown that the main reason that this reaction imparts a permanent color on hair by producing larger dye molecules, which is locked inside the", "id": "4824109" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nleuco (colorless) form. Oxidizing agents are usually hydrogen peroxide, and the alkaline environment is usually provided by ammonia. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia causes the natural hair to be lightened, providing a \"blank canvas\" for the dye. Ammonia opens the hair shaft pores so that the dye can actually diffuse inside the fiber. These dye intermediates and coupler compounds can undergo oxidation and coupling reaction as shown in the scheme below to form high molecular weight products, which are trapped in the hair matrix and cannot", "id": "4824107" }, { "contents": "Helen Hunt (hair stylist)\n\n\n\"Gilda\", Hunt stated, \"I got fan mail - and hate mail - about Rita's hair! Some clergymen declared that I would go to hell for contributing to evil because of Rita's hair in \"Gilda\"!\" When Orson Welles insisted on shortening the actress's long hair (and dyeing it blonde) for \"The Lady from Shanghai\" (1947), Hunt was flown in from New York, where she was on her honeymoon, to do the cutting. During the course of her career", "id": "2206710" }, { "contents": "Lightning (Final Fantasy)\n\n\nform of her design, Nomura explained that she is essentially a \"cool character\", in that she is serious and unforgiving. However, he could not make the character too masculine for fear of losing player empathy. Characteristics from earlier versions of the design included blond or silver hair and Asian-looking facial features. Her final art was made less Asian-looking than these early drafts and her hair color changed to pink, while Hope Estheim was given silver hair. Lightning's final hair color and hairstyle were intended to", "id": "1217059" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nfor the at-home process. L'Oreal provides a process that you can follow. An important step of the Dip Dye process is to make sure your hair is healthy and hydrated. Healthy hair will allow it to absorb the color which will lead to longer lasting results. If the hair is not healthy, it is important to switch shampoos and conditioners for several weeks before starting the process. The first step is to wear clothes that can be ruined. Brush your hair out nice and thoroughly to remove any knots in your", "id": "13290042" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n, red ochre and leeks. In the 1661 book \"Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature\", various methods of coloring hair black, gold, green, red, yellow, and white are explained. The development of synthetic dyes for hair is traced to the 1860s discovery of the reactivity of para-phenylenediamine (PPD) with air. Eugène Schueller, the founder of L'Oréal, is recognized for creating the first synthetic hair dye in 1907. In 1947 the German cosmetics firm Schwarzkopf launched the first home color", "id": "4824085" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nnatural hair pigment. Someone with dark hair wishing to achieve two or three shades lighter may need a higher developer whereas someone with lighter hair wishing to achieve darker hair will not need one as high. Timing may vary with permanent hair coloring but is typically 30 minutes or 45 minutes for those wishing to achieve maximum color change. Demi-permanent hair color is hair color that contains an alkaline agent other than ammonia (e.g. ethanolamine, sodium carbonate) and, while always employed with a developer, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in", "id": "4824089" }, { "contents": "Ken Patera\n\n\n, airing vignettes on WWF TV and releasing a Coliseum Video cassette entitled \"The Ken Patera Story\", which chronicled his career and his return. He was in top physical condition at this point, and his appearance had changed, as he wore natural brown hair, rather than his previous bleached blonde look. On the \"Right After Wrestling\" program on Sirius Satellite Radio Channel 98, Patera told hosts Arda Ocal and Jimmy Korderas that his natural hair color was brown and he had decided to wrestle in his natural hair color", "id": "11084651" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nthe side of turning hair a little too red, in the absence of enough blue, instead of possibly giving the hair a purple or blue tint, in the absence of enough yellow and/or red pigmentation (as might be the case when applied to grey or very light blonde hair). The first way that hot roots can occur involves two separate color applications. Once permanent hair color is applied and subsequent hair growth occurs, the roots of the affected hair can, and usually do, exhibit a noticeably different color from the", "id": "12863612" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\ncoloring industry. In 2004, Clairol registered annual sales worth about US$1.6 billion from the sale of its hair-care products. As of 2014, Clairol manufactures hair-coloring products sold under the brand names \"Natural Instincts\", \"Nice 'n Easy\", and \"Perfect Lights\". The Clairol hair-coloring line includes permanent hair color, semipermanent hair color, and highlighting and blonding products. As of 2014, Clairol's hair-color products are sold under these brands: The company's website includes", "id": "13572442" }, { "contents": "Electra Heart\n\n\nhair rollers. The singer later revealed that because of the dye, her hair started to fall out, so she got a boy's haircut and wore a wig. Becky Bain from Idolator complimented its \"retro film stock look\" and opined that it \"is just a snapshot from some 1970s exploitation movie\", while Bradley Stern from MuuMuse jokingly referenced the album track \"Homewrecker\" when stating that she \"looks like a proper Suzy Homemaker! (Or should I say Suzy Homewrecker?)\" The artwork for the deluxe", "id": "17131055" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nin several studies. The final color of each strand of hair will depend on its original color and porosity. Because hair's color and porosity across the head and along the length of a hair strand, there will be subtle variations in shade across the entire head. This gives a more natural-looking result than the solid, all over color of a permanent color. Because gray or white hairs have a different starting color than other hair, they will not appear as the same shade as the rest of the hair when", "id": "4824094" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nleave Minneapolis, and quite frankly I couldn't stand Minneapolis. When I went there, it was like 20 degrees below zero, and it was really desolate. I was miserable and I couldn't write or work under those circumstances\", Madonna recalled. For the artwork, the singer chose to work with photographer Herb Ritts. Initially, photos from the session with Ritts were also to be used for the lead single's packaging. For the photoshoot, she decided to dye her blonde hair brown; she commented \"I", "id": "10438366" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n(platinum blonde, tow-haired) to a dark golden blonde. Strawberry blonde, a mixture of blonde and red hair, is a much rarer type containing the most pheomelanin. Blonde hair can have almost any proportion of pheomelanin and eumelanin, but has only small amounts of both. More pheomelanin creates a more golden or strawberry blonde color, and more eumelanin creates an ash or sandy blonde color. Many children born with blonde hair develop darker hair as they age, with the majority of natural blondes developing a hair color", "id": "218621" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Hair (musical)\n\n\n\"My idea was to make a total funk show. They said they wanted rock & roll – but to me that translated to 'funk.'\" That funk is evident throughout the score, notably in songs like \"Colored Spade\" and \"Walking in Space\". MacDermot has claimed that the songs \"can't all be the same. You've got to get different styles. ... I like to think they're all a little different.\" As such, the music in \"Hair\" runs the gamut", "id": "18844551" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\n, what is he singing?! And I ran out of the dressing room – I looked like a hot mess! I was in the middle of getting my hair and make-up done. He had just surprised the audience with a new song. He came off the stage and I was like, you need to write me a song like that! And instead, he gave me that song so I could have it on my album. It's a very relatable song to me.\" In February 2011,", "id": "18407548" }, { "contents": "2,5-Diaminotoluene\n\n\n. It is preferred because of its lower toxicity. However, many home hair dyes still use phenylenediamine. In these applications, these diamines function as a primary intermediate, which means that it is first oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and then combined with a coupler to form the hair dye. 2,5-Diaminotoluene is commonly used to produce black, drab and warm browns, and shades of blonde and gray hair dyes. 2,5-Diaminotoluene is also known to be used in the production of dyes for textiles, furs, leathers, biological stains and indicators,", "id": "4949388" }, { "contents": "Matthew 5:35–36\n\n\nnotes that this passage does not take into account hair dye, which was a common and well known practice even in this era. Harrington disagrees, and believes this is an ironic reference to hair dye. While a person may change the colour of the surface of their hair, underneath it remains unchanged. Just as one can change ones outward behaviour, but it means nothing if the interior beliefs are not also changed. Nolland believes the reference to white hair may be linked to the honoured state of elders in the society,", "id": "17216215" }, { "contents": "Harley Quinn\n\n\nfull-sleeve top, tight shorts, opaque stockings, garter belt attachments and boots. Harley Quinn is adorned with tattoos and her hair color is blonde hair with blue dip dye on the left side and pink dip dye on the right to match the movie and her new hair style in \"52\". Unlike her counterpart in the \"New 52\" series (who may be a sequel to this series after Harley finishes her time on the Squad, even going so far as to erase her public criminal record despite the", "id": "12061267" } ]
Red is such a passionate, vibrant color It really is! My kitchen is actually red - it's at the end of the visible spectrum of light next to orange and opposite violet. It has the longest wavelength from what I can remember! It does - you are smart! The wavelength is 625-740 nanometres! That's long, I guess! I know that violet has short wavelengths.
[{"answer": "Yep - approximately 380-450 nanometers. Red has so many variations also, from yellow tinged to bluish-red to red pink and even burgunday.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 275, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 431, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red\n\n\nRed is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It has a dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometres. It is a primary color in the RGB color model and the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy. The red sky at sunset results from Rayleigh scattering, while the red", "id": "6274069" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nindigo. Purple colors are colors that are various blends of violet or blue light with red light. Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–750 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors. White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum, or of a pair of complementary colors, or of three or more colors, such as additive primary colors. It", "id": "21568932" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue light, with the blue twice as bright as the red. This is not true violet, for it does not match the color of a single wavelength shorter than that of blue light. The color's name is derived from the violet flower. Violet and purple look similar, but violet is a spectral color, with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light. Purple is a dichromatic color, made by combining blue and red. Amethyst is a notable violet crystal, its colour arising from iron and", "id": "17168646" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nconfidence of a red necktie with the sense of peace and cooperation of a blue necktie, and it went well with the blue business suit worn by most national and corporate leaders. Violet is at one end of the spectrum of visible light, between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. It has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colors. It is the color the eye sees looking at light with a wavelength of between 380 and 450 nanometers. In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple lie between red and", "id": "17168662" }, { "contents": "Infrared photography\n\n\n. The unexpected colors and effects that infrared film can produce fit well with the psychedelic aesthetic that emerged in the late 1960s. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. \"Near infrared\" light is closest in wavelength to visible light and \"far infrared\" is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The longer, far infrared wavelengths are about the size of a", "id": "21746834" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nViolet is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. Violet color has a dominant wavelength of approximately 380-450 nanometers. Light with a shorter wavelength than violet but longer than X-rays and gamma rays is called ultraviolet. In the color wheel historically used by painters, it is located between blue and purple. On the screens of computer monitors and television sets, a color which looks similar to violet is made, with the RGB color model, by mixing red and", "id": "17168645" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nred and yellow with a wavelength around 585 – 620 nm. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of around 30°. Pink is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of a combination of both the longest, and shortest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength ranges of roughly 625–750 nm and 380-490 nm. Violet refers to any colour perceptually evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of roughly 380–450 nm. Tones of violet tending towards the blue are called", "id": "21568931" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nviolet. Violet and red, the two components of magenta, are at opposite ends of the visible spectrum and have very different wavelengths. The additive secondary color magenta, as noted above, is made by combining violet and red light at equal intensity; it is not present in the spectrum itself. In optics, fuchsia and magenta are essentially the same color. The web colors fuchsia and magenta are completely identical, and are made by mixing exactly the same proportions of blue and red light. In design and printing, there", "id": "2536543" }, { "contents": "Dominant wavelength\n\n\nstimuli, there exists a continuum of perceived colors which changes as the frequency of the narrow band peak is changed. This is the well known rainbow spectrum, which ranges from red at one end to blue and violet at the other (corresponding respectively to the long-wavelength and short-wavelength extremes of the visible range of electromagnetic radiation). However, light in the natural world is almost never purely monochromatic; most natural light sources and reflected light from natural objects comprise spectra that have complex profiles, with varying power over", "id": "5160064" }, { "contents": "Attenuation\n\n\ndepth. The intensity of light at depth can be calculated using the Beer-Lambert Law. In clear open waters, visible light is absorbed at the longest wavelengths first. Thus, red, orange, and yellow wavelengths are absorbed at higher water depths, and blue and violet wavelengths reach the deepest in the water column. Because the blue and violet wavelengths are absorbed last compared to the other wavelengths, open ocean waters appear deep-blue to the eye. In near-shore (coastal) waters, sea water contains", "id": "19038353" }, { "contents": "Violet light\n\n\nThough the violet color is normally composed of blue and red light, violet color can also be monochromatic, composed only by violet light. Combinations of red and blue lights and monochromatic light of wavelength smaller than blue produce a similar effect for the human eye due to a second resonancy of the red-sensitive cone cells. Composed-light violet shows two colors when decomposed. Violet light from the rainbow, which can be referred as spectral violet, is composed only by a short wavelength instead. This monochromatic violet light occupies its", "id": "5421452" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh scattering\n\n\nfalls away in the violet. In addition the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere absorbs wavelengths at the edge of the ultra-violet region of the spectrum. The resulting color, which appears like a pale blue, actually is a mixture of all the scattered colors, mainly blue and green. Conversely, glancing toward the sun, the colors that were not scattered away — the longer wavelengths such as red and yellow light — are directly visible, giving the sun itself a slightly yellowish hue. Viewed from space, however,", "id": "6597902" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\npoint of view of optics there are important differences. Violet is a spectral color – it occupies its own place at the end of the spectrum of light first identified by Isaac Newton in 1672, and it has its own wavelength (approximately 380–420 nm) – whereas purple is a combination of two spectral colors, red and blue. There is no such thing as the \"wavelength of purple light\"; it only exists as a combination. See Line of purples. Monochromatic violet light cannot be produced by the red-", "id": "17168675" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh scattering\n\n\natmosphere. Here, Rayleigh scattering primarily occurs through sunlight's interaction with randomly located air molecules. It is this scattered light that gives the surrounding sky its brightness and its color. As previously stated, Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and blue light will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light). However, the Sun, like any star, has its own spectrum and so \"I\" in the scattering formula above is not constant but", "id": "6597901" }, { "contents": "Green star (astronomy)\n\n\nsame shade of blue (and not violet as claimed in some popular accounts). The reason for this is that at sufficiently large temperatures (above about 20,000 K) all blackbody spectra look about the same in visible light, though they can differ a lot at shorter wavelengths. Although their maximum output at visible wavelengths is at violet, they put out enough light at other wavelengths to look light blue: the color at the end of the Planckian locus rather than the color at the end of the spectrum. Human color vision", "id": "11567910" }, { "contents": "Band head\n\n\nIn spectroscopy a band head is the abrupt edge of a spectroscopic band. When a band is described as degrading to the violet, it means that for wavelengths above the band head wavelength, the spectrum is dark, and below the wavelength the brightness of the band weakens. A band that degrades to the red, conversely means that the band head is a lower limit on wavelength for the band, and it fades off toward longer wavelengths, which in visible light is the red end of the spectrum. If a band spectrum", "id": "4272387" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\n, from long to short wavelengths (and, correspondingly, from low to high frequency), red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Sufficient differences in wavelength cause a difference in the perceived hue; the just-noticeable difference in wavelength varies from about 1 nm in the blue-green and yellow wavelengths, to 10 nm and more in the longer red and shorter blue wavelengths. Although the human eye can distinguish up to a few hundred hues, when those pure spectral colors are mixed together or", "id": "8749756" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue. Violet is inclined toward blue, while purple is inclined toward red. Violet colors composed by mixing blue and red light are within the purple colors (the word \"purple\" is used in the common sense for any color between blue and red). In color theory, a purple is a color along the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram and excludes violet. Violet light from the rainbow, which can be referred as spectral violet, has only short wavelengths. Violet objects are objects that reflect violet light", "id": "17168663" }, { "contents": "Violet light\n\n\nown place at the end of the visible spectrum, and is one of the seven spectral colors described by Isaac Newton in 1672. Violet light is at the higher end of the visible spectrum, with a wavelength ~380-450 nanometers (in experiments, people have so far seen to 410 nm). Light with a shorter wavelength than violet but longer than X-rays and gamma rays is called ultraviolet. Violet objects are normally composed-light violet. Objects reflecting spectral violet appear very dark, because human vision is relatively", "id": "5421453" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nthe red end (longest wavelength) of the visible spectrum. The sensitivity of normal color vision actually depends on the overlap between the absorption ranges of the three systems: different colors are recognized when the different types of cone are stimulated to different degrees. Red light, for example, stimulates the long wavelength cones much more than either of the others, and reducing the wavelength causes the other two cone systems to be increasingly stimulated, causing a gradual change in hue. Many of the genes involved in color vision are on the", "id": "7540034" }, { "contents": "Blue ice (glacial)\n\n\nof the light hitting the surface of water is reflected back directly, but most of it penetrates the surface, interacting with its molecules. The water molecule can vibrate in different modes when light hits it. The red, orange, yellow, and green wavelengths of light are absorbed so that the remaining light is composed of the shorter wavelengths of blue and violet. This is the main reason why the ocean is blue. So, water owes its intrinsic blueness to selective absorption in the red part of its visible spectrum. The", "id": "10746319" }, { "contents": "Electromagnetic spectrum\n\n\n. The wavelength of UV rays is shorter than the violet end of the visible spectrum but longer than the X-ray. UV is the longest wavelength radiation whose photons are energetic enough to ionize atoms, separating electrons from them, and thus causing chemical reactions. Short wavelength UV and the shorter wavelength radiation above it (X-rays and gamma rays) are called \"ionizing radiation\", and exposure to them can damage living tissue, making them a health hazard. UV can also cause many substances to glow with visible", "id": "10020855" }, { "contents": "Vision in fishes\n\n\nthe dark environment. Fish and other aquatic animals live in a different light environment from that of terrestrial species. Water absorbs light so that with increasing depth the amount of light available decreases quickly. The optical properties of water also lead to different wavelengths of light being absorbed to different degrees. For example, visible light of long wavelengths (e.g. red, orange) is absorbed in less water than light of shorter wavelengths (green, blue). Ultraviolet light (even shorter wavelength than violet) can penetrate deeper than visual spectra", "id": "15795128" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nmentioned above (red, orange, etc.) by the [[International Commission on Illumination]]. The [[RGB color space]] for instance is a color space corresponding to human [[trichromacy]] and to the three cone cell types that respond to three bands of light: long wavelengths, peaking near 564–580 [[nanometre|nm]] (\"red\"); medium-wavelength, peaking near 534–545 nm (\"green\"); and short-wavelength light, near 420–440 nm (\"", "id": "6127799" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nA spectral color is a color that is evoked in a normal human by a single wavelength of light in the visible spectrum, or by a relatively narrow band of wavelengths, also known as monochromatic light. Every wavelength of visible light is perceived as a spectral color, in a continuous spectrum; the colors of sufficiently close wavelengths are indistinguishable for the human eye. The spectrum is often divided into named colors, though any division is somewhat arbitrary; the spectrum is continuous. Traditional colors in English include: red, orange,", "id": "2692471" }, { "contents": "International Ultraviolet Explorer\n\n\nthe supernova SN1987A which showed that it defied stellar evolution theories as they then stood. When the mission ended, it was considered the most successful astronomical satellite ever. The human eye can perceive light with wavelengths between roughly 350 (violet) and 700 (red) nanometres. Ultraviolet light has wavelengths between roughly 10 nm and 350 nm. UV light can be harmful to human beings, and is strongly absorbed by the ozone layer. This makes it impossible to observe UV emission from astronomical objects from the ground. Many types of", "id": "19831234" }, { "contents": "Multispectral image\n\n\nA multispectral image is one that captures image data within specific wavelength ranges across the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelengths may be separated by filters or by the use of instruments that are sensitive to particular wavelengths, including light from frequencies beyond the visible light range, i.e. infrared and ultra-violet. Spectral imaging can allow extraction of additional information the human eye fails to capture with its receptors for red, green and blue. It was originally developed for space-based imaging, and has also found use in document and painting analysis.", "id": "6568304" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\n] color space.]] [[Electromagnetic radiation]] is characterized by its [[wavelength]] (or [[frequency]]) and its [[Luminous intensity|intensity]]. When the wavelength is within the visible spectrum (the range of wavelengths humans can perceive, approximately from 390 [[nanometre|nm]] to 700 nm), it is known as \"visible light\". Most light sources emit light at many different wavelengths; a source's \"spectrum\" is a distribution giving its intensity at", "id": "6127803" }, { "contents": "Purple fringing\n\n\nor more (at least three for apochromatic lenses) wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum focus at the same plane. Wavelengths very different from those optimized in the design process may be severely out of focus while the reference colors are in focus; this axial chromatic aberration is usually severe at short wavelengths (violet). Lens performance may be poor for such wavelengths in other ways too, including an increase in flare due to anti-reflective coatings also being optimized for the expected wavelengths. Most film has relatively low sensitivity to", "id": "3114534" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nof the yellow-red region of the spectrum, and a secondary smaller region overlapping with the S-cone (blue cone) in the shortest wavelength, violet part. This means that when violet light strikes the eye, the S-cone should be stimulated strongly, and the L-cone stimulated weakly along with it. By lighting the red primary of the display weakly along with the blue primary, a relatively similar pattern of sensitization can be achieved, creating an illusion, the sensation of extremely short wavelength light using", "id": "17168677" }, { "contents": "Dominant wavelength\n\n\nset of spectra mapping to the same color perception also includes a stimulus that is a narrow band at a single frequency; i.e. a pure spectral light (usually with some flat spectrum white light added to desaturate). The wavelength of this pure spectral light that will evoke the same color perception as the given complicated light mixture is the \"dominant wavelength\" of that mixture. Note that since purples (mixtures of red and blue/violet) cannot be pure spectral colors, no color mixture perceived as purple in hue can", "id": "5160067" }, { "contents": "Energy conversion efficiency\n\n\ntakes into account the human eye's varying sensitivity to different wavelengths (how well it can illuminate a space). Instead of using watts, the power of a light source to produce wavelengths proportional to human perception is measured in lumens. The human eye is most sensitive to wavelengths of 555 nanometers (greenish-yellow) but the sensitivity decreases dramatically to either side of this wavelength, following a Gaussian power-curve and dropping to zero sensitivity at the red and violet ends of the spectrum. Due to this the eye does", "id": "10726874" }, { "contents": "Sun\n\n\nor before sunrise. The flash is caused by light from the Sun just below the horizon being bent (usually through a temperature inversion) towards the observer. Light of shorter wavelengths (violet, blue, green) is bent more than that of longer wavelengths (yellow, orange, red) but the violet and blue light is scattered more, leaving light that is perceived as green. Ultraviolet light from the Sun has antiseptic properties and can be used to sanitize tools and water. It also causes sunburn, and has other", "id": "6977711" }, { "contents": "Archaeo-optics\n\n\nchamber, light passing through a small opening can create haunting and ephemeral moving images, which could have triggered and reinforced ground breaking modes of thought, forms of representation, and belief in otherworldly realms. Visible light, a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, encompasses wavelengths between 380-750 nanometers, which humans perceive as the colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Light behaves according to a well-defined set of rules: it travels in straight lines,", "id": "6115751" }, { "contents": "Coloroid\n\n\nfrom the achromatic axis (chroma), and A as the hue angle around the hue circle. The circumferential limits of this cylinder are defined by the spectrum locus, or colors as they appear in a single wavelength of light (or a mixture of single \"violet\" and \"red\" wavelengths); this ambit varies vertically in V around the hue circle, showing whether the relative luminance or brightness of each wavelength is high (yellow hue) or low (violet blue hue). This defines the outer perceptual limits", "id": "9377821" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor in the RGB color model and the light just past this range is called infrared, or below red, and cannot be seen by human eyes, although it can be sensed as heat. In the language of optics, red is the color evoked by light that stimulates neither the S or the M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina, combined with a fading stimulation of the L (long-wavelength) cone cells. Primates can distinguish the full range of the colors of the spectrum visible", "id": "6274073" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nPurple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a secondary color made by combining red and blue. The complementary color of purple in the RYB color model is yellow. According to surveys in Europe and North America, purple is the color most often associated with rarity, royalty, magic, mystery, and piety. When combined with pink, it is associated with eroticism,", "id": "17168672" }, { "contents": "Transparency and translucency\n\n\n. Thus they absorb only certain portions of the visible spectrum. The frequencies of the spectrum which are not absorbed are either reflected back or transmitted for our physical observation. In the visible portion of the spectrum, this is what gives rise to color. Absorption centers are largely responsible for the appearance of specific wavelengths of visible light all around us. Moving from longer (0.7 micrometer) to shorter (0.4 micrometer) wavelengths: red, orange, yellow, green and blue (ROYGB) can all be identified by our senses", "id": "1966198" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nblack. The magenta used in color printing, sometimes called process magenta, is a darker shade than the color used on computer screens. A purple hue in terms of color theory, magenta is evoked by light having less power in green wavelengths than in blue/violet and red wavelengths (complements of magenta have wavelength 500–530 nm). In the Munsell color system, magenta is called \"red–purple\". If the spectrum is wrapped to form a color wheel, magenta (additive secondary) appears midway between red and", "id": "2536542" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nThe visible spectrum is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Electromagnetic radiation in this range of wavelengths is called visible light or simply light. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 380 to 740 nanometers. In terms of frequency, this corresponds to a band in the vicinity of 430–770 THz. The spectrum does not contain all the colors that the human eyes and brain can distinguish. Unsaturated colors such as pink, or purple variations like magenta, for example, are absent because", "id": "19170763" }, { "contents": "Electromagnetic spectrum\n\n\nof the electromagnetic spectrum; infrared (if it could be seen) would be located just beyond the red side of the rainbow with ultraviolet appearing just beyond the violet end. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength between 380 nm and 760 nm (400–790 terahertz) is detected by the human eye and perceived as visible light. Other wavelengths, especially near infrared (longer than 760 nm) and ultraviolet (shorter than 380 nm) are also sometimes referred to as light, especially when the visibility to humans is not relevant. White light", "id": "10020852" }, { "contents": "Indigo\n\n\n, Newton's seven spectral colors would have been: Red: Orange: Yellow: Green: Blue: Indigo: Violet: The human eye does not readily differentiate hues in the wavelengths between what we today call blue and violet. If this is where Newton meant indigo to lie, most individuals would have difficulty distinguishing indigo from its neighbors. According to Isaac Asimov, \"It is customary to list indigo as a color lying between blue and violet, but it has never seemed to me that indigo is worth the dignity of", "id": "15322529" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nspectrum, respectively. The absorption spectra of the three systems overlap, and combine to cover the visible spectrum. These receptors are known as short (S), medium (M), and long (L) wavelength cones, but are also often referred to as blue, green, and red cones, although this terminology is inaccurate. The receptors are each responsive to a wide range of wavelengths. For example, the long wavelength \"red\" receptor has its peak sensitivity in the yellow-green, some way from", "id": "7540033" }, { "contents": "Sensory systems in fish\n\n\nexample light of long wavelengths (e.g. red, orange) is absorbed quite quickly compared to light of short wavelengths (blue, violet), though ultraviolet light (even shorter wavelength than blue) is absorbed quite quickly as well. Besides these universal qualities of water, different bodies of water may absorb light of different wavelengths because of salts and other chemicals in the water. Hearing is an important sensory system for most species of fish. Hearing threshold and the ability to localize sound sources are reduced underwater, in which the speed", "id": "16617293" }, { "contents": "Hyperspectral imaging\n\n\neye sees color of visible light in mostly three bands (long wavelengths - perceived as red, medium wavelengths - perceived as green, and short wavelengths - perceived as blue), spectral imaging divides the spectrum into many more bands. This technique of dividing images into bands can be extended beyond the visible. In hyperspectral imaging, the recorded spectra have fine wavelength resolution and cover a wide range of wavelengths. Hyperspectral imaging measures continuous spectral bands, as opposed to multispectral imaging which measures spaced spectral bands. Engineers build hyperspectral sensors and", "id": "6521202" }, { "contents": "Ocean color\n\n\n, except very close to the coast. The red, yellow, and green wavelengths of sunlight are absorbed by water molecules in the ocean. When sunlight hits the ocean, some of the light is reflected back directly, but most of it penetrates the ocean surface and interacts with the water molecules that it encounters. The red, orange, yellow, and green wavelengths of light are absorbed and so the remaining light we see is composed of the shorter wavelength blues and violets. If there are any particles suspended in the water", "id": "1857126" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nassertiveness and confidence of a red necktie with the sense of peace and cooperation of a blue necktie, and it went well with the blue business suit worn by most national and corporate leaders. Purple, unlike violet, is not one of the colors of the visible spectrum. It was not one of the colors of the rainbow identified by Isaac Newton, and it does not have its own wavelength of light. For this reason, it is called a \"non-spectral color\". It exists in culture and art,", "id": "17168703" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\ntritanomaly have difficulty discerning between bluish and greenish hues, as well as yellowish and reddish hues. Color blindness involving the inactivation of the short-wavelength sensitive cone system (whose absorption spectrum peaks in the bluish-violet) is called tritanopia or, loosely, blue-yellow color blindness. The tritanope's neutral point occurs near a yellowish 570 nm; green is perceived at shorter wavelengths and red at longer wavelengths. Mutation of the short-wavelength sensitive cones is called tritanomaly. Tritanopia is equally distributed among males and females.", "id": "7540053" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nPlant species that depend on insect pollination may owe reproductive success to their appearance in ultraviolet light rather than how colorful they appear to humans. Birds, too, can see into the ultraviolet (300–400 nm), and some have sex-dependent markings on their plumage that are visible only in the ultraviolet range. Many animals that can see into the ultraviolet range cannot see red light or any other reddish wavelengths. Bees' visible spectrum ends at about 590 nm, just before the orange wavelengths start. Birds can see some", "id": "19170770" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nthey can only be made from a mix of multiple wavelengths. Colors containing only one wavelength are also called pure colors or spectral colors. Visible wavelengths pass largely unattenuated through the Earth's atmosphere via the \"optical window\" region of the electromagnetic spectrum. An example of this phenomenon is when clean air scatters blue light more than red light, and so the midday sky appears blue. The optical window is also referred to as the \"visible window\" because it overlaps the human visible response spectrum. The near infrared (NIR", "id": "19170764" }, { "contents": "Hubble Space Telescope\n\n\nin the visible spectrum. A typical human eye can see to about 750 nm wavelength light, so there is some overlap with the longest visible wavelength bands, including orange and red light. A complementary telescope, looking at even longer wavelengths than Hubble or JWST, was the European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory, launched on May 14, 2009. Like JWST, Herschel was not designed to be serviced after launch, and had a mirror substantially larger than Hubble's, but observed only in the far infrared and submillimeter.", "id": "18598872" }, { "contents": "Chlorophyll a\n\n\na\" absorbs light within the violet, blue and red wavelengths while mainly reflecting green. This reflectance gives chlorophyll its green appearance. Accessory photosynthetic pigments broaden the spectrum of light absorbed, increasing the range of wavelengths that can be used in photosynthesis. The addition of chlorophyll \"b\" next to chlorophyll \"a\" extends the absorption spectrum. In low light conditions, plants produce a greater ratio of chlorophyll \"b\" to chlorophyll \"a\" molecules, increasing photosynthetic yield. Absorption of light by photosynthetic pigments converts photons into", "id": "9740484" }, { "contents": "Color of water\n\n\nsurface, interacting with its molecules. The water molecule can vibrate in three different modes when irradiated by light. The red, orange, yellow, and green wavelengths of light are absorbed so the remaining light seen is composed of the shorter wavelength blues and violets. This is the main reason the ocean's color is blue. Some constituents of sea water can influence the shade of blue of the ocean. This is why it can look greener or bluer in different areas. Water in swimming pools (which may also contain various", "id": "14729888" }, { "contents": "Underwater environment\n\n\nfloats on the surface. With increasing depth underwater, sunlight is absorbed, and the amount of visible light diminishes. Because absorption is greater for long wavelengths (red end of the visible spectrum) than for short wavelengths (blue end of the visible spectrum), the colour spectrum is rapidly altered with increasing depth. White objects at the surface appear bluish underwater, and red objects appear dark, even black. Although light penetration will be less if water is turbid, in the very clear water of the open ocean less than", "id": "9660424" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color of symbolizing happiness and good fortune. See also below for shades of pink The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between approximately 625 and 740 nanometers. It is a primary", "id": "6274072" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\na longer wavelength gradually appear more green. Pure blue, in the middle, has a wavelength of 470 nanometres. Isaac Newton included blue as one of the seven colours in his first description the visible spectrum, He chose seven colours because that was the number of notes in the musical scale, which he believed was related to the optical spectrum. He included indigo, the hue between blue and violet, as one of the separate colours, though today it is usually considered a hue of blue. In painting and traditional colour", "id": "4306983" }, { "contents": "Wavelength\n\n\nradio) wave is about: 3×10 m/s divided by 10 Hz = 3 metres. The wavelength of visible light ranges from deep red, roughly 700 nm, to violet, roughly 400 nm (for other examples, see electromagnetic spectrum). For sound waves in air, the speed of sound is 343 m/s (at room temperature and atmospheric pressure). The wavelengths of sound frequencies audible to the human ear (20 Hz–20 kHz) are thus between approximately 17 m and 17 mm, respectively. Somewhat", "id": "14555025" }, { "contents": "Calcofluor-white\n\n\ncalcofluor-white have an absorption spectrum from 300 to 412 nm with a peak at 347 nm. The peak of fluorescence occurs best with ultraviolet light, but violet/blue violet also gives great results of fluorescence. Calcofluor-White is an fluorescent dye, meaning it has an excitation and emission wavelength that differs from one another. The excitation wavelength is 380 nm while the emission is 475 nm. The fluorescence can best be seen with ultraviolet light, but it can also be seen with violet or blue violet. Fungi tend", "id": "14884691" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\nProtanopes, who are missing long wavelength sensitive cones, are unable to distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red section of the electromagnetic spectrum. They find yellow, red and orange colours to have much lower brightness when compared to a trichromat. The dimming of these colours can result in confusion in many cases, such as when attempting to identify red traffic lights, which appear to be clear. Other colour perception issues include having trouble distinguishing yellows from reds and violet, lavender and purple from blue. In other cases", "id": "14122576" }, { "contents": "Blueshift\n\n\nA blueshift is any decrease in wavelength (increase in energy), with a corresponding increase in frequency, of an electromagnetic wave; the opposite effect is referred to as redshift. In visible light, this shifts the color from the red end of the spectrum to the blue end. Doppler blueshift is caused by movement of a source towards the observer. The term applies to any decrease in wavelength and increase in frequency caused by relative motion, even outside the visible spectrum. Only objects moving at near-relativistic speeds toward the", "id": "11595225" }, { "contents": "Green sea turtle\n\n\nsame sleeping location night after night. Green sea turtles tend to have good vision, well adapted to a life at sea. The turtles can see many colors, but are most sensitive to light from violet to yellow or wavelengths of 400 to 600 nanometers. They do not see many colors in the orange to red portion of the light spectrum. On land, however, the sea turtles are nearsighted because the lenses in the eyes are spherical and adjusted to refraction underwater. Sea turtles have no external ear and only one ear", "id": "11645527" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nindividually in natural languages, typically beginning with black and white (or dark and light), and then adding red, and only much later – usually as the last main category of colour accepted in a language – adding the colour blue, probably when blue pigments could be manufactured reliably in the culture using that language. Human eyes perceive blue when observing light which has a dominant wavelength of roughly 450–495 nanometres. Blues with a higher frequency and thus a shorter wavelength gradually look more violet, while those with a lower frequency and", "id": "4306982" }, { "contents": "Young–Helmholtz theory\n\n\nHermann von Helmholtz developed the theory further in 1850: that the three types of cone photoreceptors could be classified as short-preferring (violet), middle-preferring (green), and long-preferring (red), according to their response to the wavelengths of light striking the retina. The relative strengths of the signals detected by the three types of cones are interpreted by the brain as a visible color. For instance, yellow light uses different proportions of red and green, but little blue, so any hue depends", "id": "19101966" }, { "contents": "Dark Energy Survey\n\n\ntheir known spectral lines and from the emission lines in the spectrum of host galaxies. When a supernova explodes, it emits light in the form of a wave. As the light wave travels towards the Earth over billions of years, the universe continues to expand, stretching this traveling wave as it does. The more the universe has expanded between the explosion and when we see the light with our telescopes, the greater the increase in the wavelength of the light. The visible light with the longest wavelength is the colour red,", "id": "7765313" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\n, objects that reflect both red and blue light may appear to just be blue to these individuals. Deuteranopes, who are missing medium wavelength sensitive cones, are similar to protanopes in that they cannot distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, deuteranopes do not suffer from dimming issues. For example, purple colors are not seen as being opposite to other colours in the spectrum but instead appear to be similar. Tritanopes are missing the short wavelength sensitive opsins and see short wavelength", "id": "14122577" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\ncomposite color, made by combining red, yellow and black.. It can be thought of as dark orange, but it can also be made in other ways. In the RGB color model, which uses red, green and blue light in various combinations to make all the colors on computer and television screens, it is made by mixing red and green light. In terms of the visible spectrum, \"brown\" refers to high wavelength (low frequency) hues, yellow, orange, or red, in combination with low", "id": "17937417" }, { "contents": "Phototaxis\n\n\n, but swim down, this means to the center of gravity. Thus this is a UV-induced positive gravitaxis. Positive phototaxis (swimming to the light from the surface) and positive gravitaxis (swimming to the center of gravity) are induced by different ranges of wavelengths and cancel out each other at a certain ratio of wavelengths. Since the wavelengths compositions change in water with depth: Short (UV, violet) and long (red) wavelengths are lost first, phototaxis and gravitaxis form a ratio-chromatic depth gauge", "id": "9805714" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nability of the [[human eye]] to distinguish colors is based upon the varying sensitivity of different cells in the [[retina]] to light of different [[wavelengths]]. Humans are [[Trichromacy|trichromatic]]—the retina contains three types of color receptor cells, or [[cone cell|cones]]. One type, relatively distinct from the other two, is most responsive to light that is perceived as blue or blue-violet, with wavelengths around 450 [[nanometre|nm]]; cones of this type are", "id": "6127816" }, { "contents": "Dominant wavelength\n\n\nbe assigned a proper \"dominant\" wavelength. However, purple mixtures can be assigned a proper \"complementary\" wavelength in the greenish range, on the opposite side of the white point, and a \"dominant hue\" as a non-spectral coordinate along the line of purples. See CIE for the standard representation of color space, where the border is composed of a horseshoe curve representing the pure spectral colors, with a straight line completing the perimeter along the bottom and representing the mixtures of extreme red and blue/violet", "id": "5160068" }, { "contents": "Monochrome photography\n\n\nscenes. Most modern black-and-white films, called panchromatic films, record the entire visible spectrum. Some films are orthochromatic, recording visible light wavelengths shorter than 590 nanometers, in the blue to green range of the spectrum and are less sensitive to the longer wavelength range (i.e. orange-red) of the visible spectrum. Black-and-white photography is considered by some to be more subtle and interpretive, and less realistic than color photography. Monochrome images are not direct renditions of their subjects, but are", "id": "13858918" }, { "contents": "Depth gauge\n\n\nA depth gauge can also be based on light: The brightness decreases with depth, but depends on the weather (e.g. whether it is sunny or cloudy) and the time of the day. Also the color depends on the water depth. In water, light attenuates for each wavelength, differently. The UV, violet ( 420 nm), and red (< 500 nm) wavelengths disappear before blue light (470 nm), which penetrates clear water the deepest. The wavelength composition is constant for each depth and is", "id": "3993220" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\ncool grays\"). This gray color template includes both achromatic and chromatic grays. Magenta is variously defined as a purplish-red, reddish-purple, or a mauvish–crimson color. On color wheels of the RGB and CMY color models, it is located midway between red and blue, opposite green. Complements of magenta are evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 500–530 nm. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors. Orange is the color in the visible spectrum between", "id": "21568930" }, { "contents": "Light\n\n\nLight is electromagnetic radiation within a certain portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. The word usually refers to visible light, which is the visible spectrum that is visible to the human eye and is responsible for the sense of sight. Visible light is usually defined as having wavelengths in the range of 400–700 nanometres (nm), or 4.00 × 10 to 7.00 × 10 m, between the infrared (with longer wavelengths) and the ultraviolet (with shorter wavelengths). This wavelength means a frequency range of roughly 430–750 terahertz (THz)", "id": "18170430" }, { "contents": "Glow stick\n\n\nand the first one has to emit at shorter wavelength than the second one. A downconversion from ultraviolet to visible is possible, as is conversion between visible wavelengths (e.g., green to orange) or visible to near-infrared. The shift can be as much as 200 nm, but usually the range is about 20–100 nm longer than the absorption spectrum. Glow sticks using this approach tend to have colored containers, due to the dye embedded in the plastic. Infrared glow sticks may appear dark-red to black, as", "id": "4650665" }, { "contents": "Ultraviolet\n\n\n-blue or whitish-violet. Under some conditions, children and young adults can see ultraviolet down to wavelengths of about 310 nm. Near-UV radiation is visible to insects, some mammals, and birds. Small birds have a fourth color receptor for ultraviolet rays; this gives birds \"true\" UV vision. \"Ultraviolet\" means \"beyond violet\" (from Latin \"ultra\", \"beyond\"), violet being the color of the highest frequencies of visible light. Ultraviolet has a higher frequency (and", "id": "13358486" }, { "contents": "Fluorescence\n\n\nfor chlorophyll in 1833 and Sir John Herschel did the same for quinine in 1845. In his 1852 paper on the \"Refrangibility\" (wavelength change) of light, George Gabriel Stokes described the ability of fluorspar and uranium glass to change invisible light beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum into blue light. He named this phenomenon \"fluorescence\" : \"I am almost inclined to coin a word, and call the appearance \"fluorescence\", from fluor-spar [i.e., fluorite], as the analogous term \"", "id": "11365199" }, { "contents": "Orange (colour)\n\n\nOrange is the colour between yellow and red on the spectrum of visible light. Human eyes perceive orange when observing light with a dominant wavelength between roughly 585 and 620 nanometres. In painting and traditional colour theory, it is a secondary colour of pigments, created by mixing yellow and magenta. It is named after the fruit of the same name. The orange colour of carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, oranges, and many other fruits and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment. These pigments convert the light", "id": "20911642" }, { "contents": "Bathochromic shift\n\n\nBathochromic shift (from Greek βαθύς \"bathys\", \"deep\"; and χρῶμα \"chrōma\", \"color\"; hence less common alternate spelling \"bathychromic\") is a change of spectral band position in the absorption, reflectance, transmittance, or emission spectrum of a molecule to a longer wavelength (lower frequency). Because the red color in the visible spectrum has a longer wavelength than most other colors, the effect is also commonly called a \"red shift\". Hypsochromic shift is a change to shorter wavelength", "id": "7816091" }, { "contents": "Blue\n\n\nBlue is one of the three primary colours of pigments in painting and traditional colour theory, as well as in the RGB colour model. It lies between violet and green on the spectrum of visible light. The eye perceives blue when observing light with a dominant wavelength between approximately 450 and 495 nanometres. Most blues contain a slight mixture of other colours; azure contains some green, while ultramarine contains some violet. The clear daytime sky and the deep sea appear blue because of an optical effect known as Rayleigh scattering. An optical", "id": "4306974" }, { "contents": "Red dot sight\n\n\n-emitting diode (LED) at its off axis focus. The mirror has a partially silvered multilayer dielectric dichroic coating designed to reflect just the red spectrum allowing it to pass through most other light. The LED used is usually deep red 670 nanometre wavelength since they are very bright, are high contrast against a green scene, and work well with a dichroic coating since they are near one end of the visible spectrum. The size of the dot generated by the LED is controlled by an aperture hole in front of it made", "id": "14685786" }, { "contents": "Martian surface\n\n\nto be locations where fine dust covers the surface. The dark markings represent areas that the wind has swept clean of dust, leaving behind a lag of dark, rocky material. The dark color is consistent with the presence of mafic rocks, such as basalt. The albedo of a surface usually varies with the wavelength of light hitting it. Mars reflects little light at the blue end of the spectrum but much at red and higher wavelengths. This is why Mars has the familiar reddish-orange color to the naked eye.", "id": "20798522" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric optics\n\n\nBluish-grey is the result of light scattering within the cloud. In the visible spectrum, blue and green are at the short end of light's visible wavelengths, while red and yellow are at the long end. The short rays are more easily scattered by water droplets, and the long rays are more likely to be absorbed. The bluish color is evidence that such scattering is being produced by rain-sized droplets in the cloud. A cumulonimbus cloud emitting green is a sign that it is a severe thunderstorm, capable", "id": "17441314" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\nat about 590 nm, just before the orange wavelengths start. Birds, however, can see some red wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. It is a myth that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light; their color vision extends into the ultraviolet but not the infrared. The basis for this variation is the number of cone types that differ between species. Mammals in general have color vision of a limited type, and usually have red-green color", "id": "8749781" }, { "contents": "Ultraviolet\n\n\nthus a shorter wavelength) than violet light. UV radiation was discovered in 1801 when the German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter observed that invisible rays just beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum darkened silver chloride-soaked paper more quickly than violet light itself. He called them \"oxidizing rays\" to emphasize chemical reactivity and to distinguish them from \"heat rays\", discovered the previous year at the other end of the visible spectrum. The simpler term \"chemical rays\" was adopted soon afterwards, and remained popular throughout the 19th", "id": "13358487" }, { "contents": "Purple fringing\n\n\ncolors outside the visible range, so light spread in the near ultraviolet (UV) or near infrared (IR) rarely has a significant impact on the image recorded. However, image sensors used in digital cameras commonly are sensitive to a wider range of wavelengths. Although the lens glass itself filters out much of the UV light, and all digital cameras designed for color photography incorporate filters to reduce red and IR sensitivity, the chromatic aberration can be sufficient for unfocused violet light to tint nearby dark regions of the image. Bright", "id": "3114535" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nwhat is in fact mixed light of two longer wavelengths. The resulting color has the same hue as pure violet; however, it has a lower saturation. One psychophysical difference between purple and violet is their appearance with an increase in luminance (apparent brightness). Violet, as it brightens, looks more and more blue. The same effect does not happen with purple. This is the result of what is known as the Bezold–Brücke shift. While the scientific definitions of violet and purple are clear, the cultural definitions", "id": "17168678" }, { "contents": "ChromaDepth\n\n\na patented process called ChromaDepth™. Glasses with ChromaDepth™ diffraction lenses create an artificial visual depth. “Warm” colors, toward the infrared end of the spectrum, appear closer, and ‘cool” colors toward the violet end appear further away.Any 2D media piece in colors can be given a 3D effect as long as the color spectrum is put into use with the foreground being in red, and the background in blue. From front to back the scheme follows the visible light spectrum, from red to orange,", "id": "7025758" }, { "contents": "Remote Sensing Center\n\n\nand industry in the remote sensing sector ranging from local to international partners. Highly experienced military officers, intelligence analysts, and faculty are a critical part of the NPS research staff. \"Lidar\" (LIght raDAR) works as an optical analog to radar in the visible spectrum of light with advantages related to the smaller wavelengths of the laser pulse. Lidar ranges in wavelength from ultra-violet (0.3-0.45 µm) to visible (0.45-0.70 µm) to the infrared (1-15 µm). Lidar can", "id": "11840696" }, { "contents": "Color wheel\n\n\nunique spectral frequency. These extra-spectral colors, the purples, form from additive mixture of colors from the ends of the spectrum. In normal human vision, wavelengths of between about 400 nm and 700 nm are represented by this incomplete circle, with the longer wavelengths equating to the red end of the spectrum. Complement colors are located directly opposite each other on this wheel. These complement colors are not identical to colors in pigment mixing (such as are used in paint), but when lights are additively mixed in the", "id": "1430489" }, { "contents": "Color of chemicals\n\n\ntreated by atomic orbital, molecular orbital, and Ligand Field Theory. If photons of a particular wavelength are absorbed by matter, then when we observe light reflected from or transmitted through that matter, what we see is the complementary color, made up of the other visible wavelengths remaining. For example, beta-carotene has maximum absorption at 454 nm (blue light), consequently what visible light remains appears orange . Below is a rough table of wavelengths, colors and complementary colors. This utilizes the scientific CMY and RGB color", "id": "3146453" }, { "contents": "Theodor Wilhelm Engelmann\n\n\nhighest concentration of oxygen. He concluded that the most photosynthetically active regions will have the highest concentrations of bacteria. The bacteria accumulated in the regions of red and violet light, showing that these wavelengths of light generated the most photosynthetic activity. However, his experiment was somewhat flawed because he used the sun as his light source. He failed to account for the fact that the sun does not emit all visible wavelengths of light at the same intensity. However, further analysis of plant pigments proved that his results were valid. A", "id": "10984125" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nred wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. The popular belief that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light is incorrect, because goldfish cannot see infrared light. Similarly, dogs are often thought to be color blind but they have been shown to be sensitive to colors, though not as many as humans. Some snakes can \"see\" radiant heat at wavelengths between 5 and 30 μm to a degree of accuracy such that a blind rattlesnake can target vulnerable", "id": "19170771" }, { "contents": "Photodissociation\n\n\ncyanobacteria and the chloroplasts of green algae and plants. The conventional, semi-classical, model describes the photosynthetic energy transfer process as one in which excitation energy hops from light-capturing pigment molecules to reaction center molecules step-by-step down the molecular energy ladder. The effectiveness of photons of different wavelengths depends on the absorption spectra of the photosynthetic pigments in the organism. Chlorophylls absorb light in the violet-blue and red parts of the spectrum, while accessory pigments capture other wavelengths as well. The phycobilins of red", "id": "7770888" }, { "contents": "Photosynthesis\n\n\ndioxygen (O) molecule as a waste product. The overall equation for the light-dependent reactions under the conditions of non-cyclic electron flow in green plants is: Not all wavelengths of light can support photosynthesis. The photosynthetic action spectrum depends on the type of accessory pigments present. For example, in green plants, the action spectrum resembles the absorption spectrum for chlorophylls and carotenoids with absorption peaks in violet-blue and red light. In red algae, the action spectrum is blue-green light, which allows these", "id": "4838991" }, { "contents": "Attenuation\n\n\nmore phytoplankton than the very clear central ocean waters. Chlorophyll-a pigments in the phytoplankton absorb light, and the plants themselves scatter light, making coastal waters less clear than open waters. Chlorophyll-a absorbs light most strongly in the shortest wavelengths (blue and violet) of the visible spectrum. In near-shore waters where there are high concentrations of phytoplankton, the green wavelength reaches the deepest in the water column and the color of water to an observer appears green-blue or green. The energy with which an", "id": "19038354" }, { "contents": "Colour centre\n\n\nopponent cells are particularly important in computing local cone ratios from visual information from their receptive fields. Single opponent colour-sensitive neurons can be divided into two categories depending on the signals they receive from the cone cells: L-M neurons and S/(L+M) neurons. The three types of cone cells, small (S), medium (M), and long (L), detect different wavelengths across the visible spectrum. S cone cells can see short wavelength colours, which corresponds to violet and blue. Similarly, M", "id": "11165409" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\n. Between these regions, mesopic vision comes into play and both rods and cones provide signals to the retinal ganglion cells. The shift in color perception from dim light to daylight gives rise to differences known as the Purkinje effect. The perception of \"white\" is formed by the entire spectrum of visible light, or by mixing colors of just a few wavelengths in animals with few types of color receptors. In humans, white light can be perceived by combining wavelengths such as red, green, and blue, or just a", "id": "8749758" }, { "contents": "Ultra Density Optical\n\n\n. UDO systems use a blue-violet laser operating at a wavelength of 405 nm, similar to the one used in Blu-ray Disc, to read and write data. Conventional MOs use red lasers at 660 nm. The blue-violet laser's shorter wavelength makes it possible to store more information on a 13 cm sized UDO disc. The minimum \"spot size\" on which a laser can be focused is limited by diffraction, and depends on the wavelength of the light and the numerical aperture of the lens used", "id": "9452307" }, { "contents": "Carotenoid\n\n\nare produced from 8 isoprene molecules and contain 40 carbon atoms. In general, carotenoids absorb wavelengths ranging from 400–550 nanometers (violet to green light). This causes the compounds to be deeply colored yellow, orange, or red. Carotenoids are the dominant pigment in autumn leaf coloration of about 15-30% of tree species, but many plant colors, especially reds and purples, are due to polyphenols. Carotenoids serve two key roles in plants and algae: they absorb light energy for use in photosynthesis, and they protect", "id": "6003943" }, { "contents": "Lunar eclipse\n\n\nin popular articles but this is not a scientifically-recognized term. This term has been given two separate, but overlapping, meanings. The first, and simpler, meaning relates to the reddish color a totally eclipsed Moon takes on to observers on Earth. As sunlight penetrates the atmosphere of Earth, the gaseous layer filters and refracts the rays in such a way that the green to violet wavelengths on the visible spectrum scatter more strongly than the red, thus giving the Moon a reddish cast. The second meaning of \"blood", "id": "18665562" } ]
So I am a big pasta fan. I grew up on it and I don't even come from an Italian family. Do you like pasta? I love pasta! It is amazing! It was created in Sicily back in 1154. I knew it went back a long ways, but I was unaware it was that long ago. I like the fact that there are so many pasta dishes to choose from Yes. There are a large number of variants of traditional dishes too. Like lasagna, for example. Lasagna is good. I really enjoy seafood lasagna. Also I appreciate Cannelloni I've never had lasagna with shrimp. Sounds good though. But, Italian cuisine has developed through the centuries. Yes it has. It has come a long way from just plain noodles and olive oil
[{"answer": "Yes. There are 2 types of pasta as well. Dried and fresh. I definitely prefer fresh.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23871", "title": "Pasta", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 95, "bleu_score": 0.7697570474571566, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Cannelloni\n\n\nCannelloni (; Italian for \"large reeds\") are a cylindrical type of lasagna generally served baked with a filling and covered by a sauce in Italian cuisine. Popular stuffings include spinach and ricotta or minced beef. The lasagna is then typically covered with tomato sauce and Béchamel to cover the top. Cannelloni are also a typical dish of the Catalan cuisine, where they are called \"canelons\" and traditionally consumed on Saint Stephen's Day. Early references to \"macheroni ripieni\" (stuffed pasta) can be traced back to 1770", "id": "10390860" }, { "contents": "American cuisine\n\n\n, and Americans of today are very familiar with semolina based pasta noodles. Their native cuisine had less of an emphasis on meat, as evidenced by dishes they introduced like pasta e fagioli and minestrone, but the dishes they created in America often piled it on as a sign of wealth and newfound prosperity since for the first time even cheap cuts of it were affordable: the American recipe for lasagna is proof of this, as mostly it is derived from the Neapolitan version of the dish with large amounts of meat and cheese.", "id": "1913065" }, { "contents": "Italian Eritrean cuisine\n\n\nItalian Eritrean cuisine is the mix of Eritrean dishes and spices with Italian dishes. This kind of cuisine is quite common with Italian Eritreans or simply Italians who live in Eritrea and vice versa. A common dish is 'Pasta al Sugo e Berbere', which means \"Pasta with tomato sauce and berbere\" (spice), but there are many more like \"lasagna\" and \"cotoletta alla milanese\" (milano cutlet.) Italian influence is also apparent in Eritrea's beverages, and freshly roasted and brewed Italian-style", "id": "18190479" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nNorman King of Sicily Roger II in 1154 mentions \"itriyya\" manufactured and exported from Norman Sicily: One form of \"itriyya\" with a long history is \"laganum\" (plural \"lagana\"), which in Latin refers to a thin sheet of dough, and gives rise to Italian \"lasagna\". In North Africa, a food similar to pasta, known as couscous, has been eaten for centuries. However, it lacks the distinguishing malleable nature of pasta, couscous being more akin to droplets of dough.", "id": "4356135" }, { "contents": "Garfield\n\n\nthe main ones are described here. First appearance: June 19, 1978 Garfield is an orange, fuzzy tabby cat born in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant (later revealed in the television special \"\" to be Mama Leoni's Italian Restaurant) who immediately ate all the pasta and lasagna in sight, thus developing his love and obsession for lasagna and pizza. Gags in the strips commonly deal with Garfield's obesity (in one strip, Jon jokes, \"I wouldn't say Garfield is fat, but the last time", "id": "12768903" }, { "contents": "Lasagne\n\n\n\" meaning more than one sheet of \"lasagna\", though in many other languages a derivative of the singular word \"lasagna\" is used for the popular baked pasta dish. Regional usage in Italy, when referring to the baked dish, favours the plural form \"lasagne\" in the north of the country and the singular \"lasagna\" in the south. The former, plural usage has influenced the usual spelling found in British English, while the southern Italian, singular usage has influenced the spelling often used in American English", "id": "12860799" }, { "contents": "Francis Rossi\n\n\ngot the energy. To me it's synonymous with doing rock'n'roll. If you don't commit physically, rock'n'roll doesn't really work.\" Asked about his food preferences Rossi said, \"My favourite is pasta e fagioli, pasta with beans, soupie thing, gorgeous. The older I get, the more I'm into food. ... When you grow up with Italians, food is important. I've always been like that with food. Apart from when I was doing cocaine - there was no food whatsoever then.", "id": "21090805" }, { "contents": "Good Mourning\n\n\ndifferently. I've never been able to avoid that, even with this. There's things that I wish I had done maybe a little differently. But that also comes with just listening to it and living with it for so long that until it's done you won't really hear things in that way until it's like too late I guess. But I would say for the most part that I'm really happy with it. According to Skiba: \"One morning I was having breakfast down the street from the", "id": "17079509" }, { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\nPasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily. It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Pasta is typically a noodle traditionally made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets and cut, or extruded into various shapes, then cooked and served in a number of dishes. It can be made with flour from other cereals or grains, and eggs may be used instead of water. Each traditional pasta dish", "id": "21498468" }, { "contents": "Olive Garden\n\n\nto go stale, Smith claimed, and paying extra for custom-length straws. The chain's menu was too complex, with some of its 96 items making no sense, such as vegetable lasagna topped with chicken (\"if you wanted meat on your lasagna, you would order the meat lasagna\" the slide read). The chain also had stopped the common practice of adding salt to the water in which it cooked its pasta in order to secure longer warranties on the pots, which had Smith incredulous. \"Pasta", "id": "6590688" }, { "contents": "Lasagne\n\n\nLasagne (, , ; singular lasagna) are a type of wide, flat pasta, possibly one of the oldest types of pasta. \"Lasagne\", or the singular \"lasagna\", commonly refers to a culinary dish made with stacked layers of pasta alternated with sauces and ingredients such as meats, vegetables and cheese, and sometimes topped with melted grated cheese. Typically, the cooked pasta is assembled with the other ingredients and then baked in an oven. The resulting lasagne casserole is cut into single-serving square portions", "id": "12860790" }, { "contents": "List of Garfield characters\n\n\nSleep\" as one of the characters who was kicked out of Nermal's \"Eating and Sleeping for Hibernation\" party. Living Lasagnas who want to conquer Earth but are afraid of Garfield after witnessing his prodigious appetite for lasagna as food. They appear in 3 episodes; \"Pasta Wars, Blasteroid, and Cuter than Cute\". In \" Pasta Wars\", A group of these lasagnas attempt to assess to risks of conquering Earth, only to come across Garfield eating his birthday lasagna. In \"Blasteroid\" the lasagnas pluck", "id": "19860959" }, { "contents": "Lazanki\n\n\nBona Sforza, Italian wife of King Sigismund I the Old, brought high Italian cuisine to the country. Accordingly, the name \"łazanki\"/\"лазанкі\" is reminiscent of the Italian \"lasagne\", the name for a type of pasta in the shape of large, flat rectangles. Lazanki resembling mini versions of lasagne, their Polish and Belarusian names are correspondingly diminutive in form. Unlike most Italian dishes in these parts of Europe, lazanki have survived into the 21st century, although the long and cultural history of the dish has been largely", "id": "12135380" }, { "contents": "Neptune City (album)\n\n\nsong called 'Neptune City.' My sister and I were making pasta, and we were like, (sings) 'We're making pasta in Neptune City ...' Like, just kidding. And I was like, 'That (melody) sounds really cool.'\" The lyrics were inspired by an uncle whom she never met. Long before Atkins' birth, her mother’s brother died in an accident at the age of 13. Years later, Atkins found the uncle’s Yamaha learner’s guitar in an", "id": "2450338" }, { "contents": "Bolognese sauce\n\n\n, such as pappardelle or fettuccine, and tube shapes, such as rigatoni and penne. While the main complaint of traditionalists is against the use of spaghetti rather than fresh tagliatelle for the pasta, native Bolognese Piero Valdiserra has argued that \"spaghetti could be considered traditional in Bologna\", even though tagliatelle is the \"most suitable\" pasta. \"Ragù alla bolognese\" along with \"béchamel\" is also used by many Italian chefs to prepare traditional baked lasagna in Bolognese style. Gruppo Virtuale Cuochi Italiani (GVCI), an", "id": "10936430" }, { "contents": "Argentine cuisine\n\n\nwho grew squash, melons, and sweet potatoes. Spanish settlers came to Argentina in 1536. Between 1853 and 1955, 6.6 million immigrants came to live in Argentina from diverse sources such as Europe, the Near and Middle East, Russia and Japan, contributing to the development of Argentine cuisine and making Argentina the second country with most immigrants only second to the United States. Most of the immigrants were from Italy and Spain. The Italians introduced pizza, as well as a variety of pasta dishes, including spaghetti and lasagna.", "id": "2024524" }, { "contents": "Beauty & the Streets Vol. 1\n\n\na minute. Teamed up with Young Empire and there is a demand for Mýa to come back but I had to come back in a different way. Because I have a fan base and reputation for doing so many collaborations I’m like I want to do that and you know that rap dominates now so this is for the jeeps. The mix tape is really about who Mýa is and the streets. If I have anything to do with it I am going to keep serving my fans. There should never be a time", "id": "13251024" }, { "contents": "First Train Home\n\n\ndon’t you come down, you’re not making the record yet – come down”. So I went down to Brighton and all the way on the train I was making phone calls, and I wanted to just be back home working on it. [...] So we went out this festival – it was good – but being around music made me even more jittery like I should be doing more and getting home. I didn’t really have a good night really. I was trying so hard to be into", "id": "14708125" }, { "contents": "Chicken marsala\n\n\nChicken marsala is an Italian-American dish made from chicken cutlets, mushrooms, minced garlic or shallots, and Marsala wine, and although traditional Italian versions of this dish are typically never served with pasta, some American based restaurants which serve Italian-American cuisine do serve this dish with pasta (capellini) and whole roasted garlic. It is a variation of traditional Italian \"scaloppina\" dishes, of which there are many varieties throughout Italy. The dish dates to the 19th century, when it most likely originated with English families", "id": "9906745" }, { "contents": "Macaroni\n\n\nwith elbow-shaped macaroni, as it is the variety most often used in macaroni and cheese recipes. In Italy, the noun \"maccheroni\" refers to straight, tubular, square-ended \"pasta corta\" (\"short-length pasta\"). Maccheroni may also refer to long pasta dishes such as \"maccheroni alla chitarra\" and \"frittata di maccheroni\", which are prepared with long pasta like spaghetti. The name comes from Italian \"maccheroni\" , plural form of \"maccarone\". The many variants", "id": "48656" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nA vast variety of recipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, like \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, while the dishes coming from the popular traditions contain inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like pasta with beans and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Famous regional wines are Aglianico (Taurasi), Fiano, Falanghina, and Greco di Tufo. Emilia-Romagna is known for its egg and filled pasta made with soft wheat flour. The Romagna subregion is renowned for pasta dishes", "id": "18268348" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ndescribes a dish called \"lagana\" that consisted of layers of dough with meat stuffing, an ancestor of modern-day \"lasagna\". However, the method of cooking these sheets of dough does not correspond to our modern definition of either a fresh or dry pasta product, which only had similar basic ingredients and perhaps the shape. The first concrete information concerning pasta products in Italy dates from the 13th or 14th century. Historians have noted several lexical milestones relevant to pasta, none of which changes these basic characteristics. For", "id": "4356133" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nrecipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, such as \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, and dishes from popular traditions prepared with inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like \"pasta e fagioli\" (pasta with beans) and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Naples has a history that goes back many centuries: the city itself predates many others in that area of the world, including Rome. It has endured the Greeks, Romans, the Goths, the Byzantines, and", "id": "14543678" }, { "contents": "American Sign Language grammar\n\n\nquestions. Rhetorical questions are much more common in ASL than in English. For example, \"I don't like garlic\" may be signed, This strategy is commonly used instead of signing the word 'because' for clarity or emphasis. For instance, \"I love to eat pasta because I am Italian\" would be signed, Relative clauses are signaled by tilting back the head and raising the eyebrows and upper lip. This is done during the performance of the entire clause. There is no change in word order.", "id": "17719533" }, { "contents": "Lasagnette\n\n\nLasagnette is a type of ribbon pasta. It is a narrower version of lasagna. Characteristics of lasagnette differ based on the form of their edges. Different kinds could have edges with a waved cut on both sides, straight cut edges on both side, or a variation including one side with a straight cut and the other with a waved cut. Lasagnette can be prepared in various forms; the two most popular involve a thinner version of the traditional layered Italian lasagna. The second version combines ingredients of the recipe with the pasta", "id": "9252561" }, { "contents": "I Am (Elisa Fiorillo album)\n\n\nboundaries on it. I mean, I'm Italian; I don't want people saying \"Don't go out with her, she eats too much pasta.\"\" In a December 1990 interview, the article spoke of the track \"Purpose in Your Life\", which Fiorillo took particular pride in. The song is an anti-teen-suicide song inspired by a letter Fiorillo received several years before from a despondent 13-year-old fan. Fiorillo stated \"\"I wrote her a letter back, and I told", "id": "22129171" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra: Live at Melbourne Festival Hall\n\n\ndon't have to. I really don't have to. I like coming here. I like the people. I love your attitude. I like the booze and the beer and everything else that comes into the scene. I also like the way the country's growing and it's a swinging place. So we come here and what happens? We gotta run all day long because of the parasites who chase us with automobiles. That's dangerous, too, on the road, you know. Might cause an", "id": "16982431" }, { "contents": "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen\n\n\n. Yes, yes, yes, yes you don't know how good I am for you. So, as I love you so, so love me too. The most tender desires I alone feel only for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I alone feel only for you. But, but may I trust you you, you with a light heart? You, you know you can rely on me, you do know how good for you I am! Yes, yes, yes, yes", "id": "11482205" }, { "contents": "Remember I Told You\n\n\nand being inspired on a nightly basis. It was a rainy day in Maine, so I went on the studio bus and I started this track and I really liked the way it sounded. I texted Mike Posner who was the special guest on the tour, I was like, hey man, why don't you come onto the bus, I've got this track going you might be into. He came out, listened to it two times, and was like, 'I love it, I've got some", "id": "7342274" }, { "contents": "Barilla Group\n\n\ngay families, Chairman Guido Barilla made the following comment (translation from \"The Huffington Post\"): We have a slightly different culture, for us, the \"sacral family\" remains one of the company's core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don't like that, they will eat someone else's pasta. You can't always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a", "id": "11055038" }, { "contents": "Broccoli Pizza & Pasta\n\n\nBroccoli Pizza and Pasta LLC (also known as Broccoli) started as a self-operating Italian restaurant headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It primarily serves pizza, pasta, lasagna, soup and salad. The company also provides franchises, and has, franchise opportunities globally. In 2011, the first Broccoli Pizza & Pasta opened its door in Tecom, Dubai. After a year, the 2nd branch was opened in Jumeirah, Dubai. In early 2013, the chain becomes available in other emirates of UAE. It also", "id": "5333861" }, { "contents": "RedOne\n\n\n. On his transition from producer to being an artist RedOne has said: \"I thought that to be a performer, you had to stick to a single sound, and I loved too many kinds of music to do that. But now I find myself wanting to get back to singing and playing, and friends like Enrique have encouraged me to do so. I want to be an artist in a new way, rather than the traditional one. I’m going to do it the RedOne way, which is creating different", "id": "1514742" }, { "contents": "2015 GEICO 500\n\n\nbecause we build fast cars and they are tough. Just real emotional man. Everything is just so good for me now. My personal life. My racing. The team I am with. I don't know why. I don't feel like I deserve it. I just feel overcome with a lot of emotion. It has been a long time since I won here. I've run so good here, and not to win here in so many races has bothered me.” Following the race, Carl Edwards", "id": "18533793" }, { "contents": "Catania\n\n\nItalian Football League. Catania also hosted the 2011 FIE Fencing World Championships. Catania has a unique cuisine, with strong Sicilian traits. Dishes such as Pasta alla Norma are from the city. Pasta alla Norma is a pasta dish made out of macaroni-like penne, tomato sauce, largely sliced aubergines, and often topped with salty ricotta, or \"ricotta salata\" in Italian. Granita, a popular flavoured sherbet, is believed to hail from the city too. Blood oranges, such as the famous \"tarocco\",", "id": "1129625" }, { "contents": "Dallas Taylor (vocalist)\n\n\nhas been quoted as saying, \"I am so fed up with people acting like cowards, and so tired of the many things I've lived for in the past. I feel like it's time to get back to where I was when I was young. This band is proud of who we are as people, what we believe, and where we come from. I feel like so much of music today, especially those who come from a Christian background, spend so much time hiding who they really are,", "id": "18436821" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, etc. In the North of Italy, fish (such as cod, or baccalà), potatoes, rice, corn (maize), sausages, pork, and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with use of tomato are spread in all Italy. Italians like their ingredients fresh and subtly seasoned and spiced. In Northern Italy though there are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto are equally popular if not more so. Ligurian ingredients include several types of fish and seafood dishes.", "id": "18268326" }, { "contents": "Chatti pathiri\n\n\nChatti pathiri is a layered pastry made in the North Malabar and Malabar region, of Kerala, India. It is made in both sweet and savoury variations. The dish is similar to the Italian lasagna, but instead of pasta, pastry sheets / pancakes made with flour, egg, oil and water are used. The filling depends on the variation desired. The sweet ones are made with sweetened beaten eggs, nuts and raisins, seasoned with cardamom. The savoury ones are made with traditional meat filling used in making samosas or", "id": "21676306" }, { "contents": "Just Dance (song)\n\n\namazing. For me it was like being on a Martin Scorsese set. I've been so low budget for so long, and to have this incredibly amazing video was really very humbling. It was really fun, but you'll see if you ever come to a video shoot of mine one day – I'm very private about those things, I don't really talk to everybody. I'm not like the party girl running around. I might even seem to be a bit of a diva. I'm sort of", "id": "927356" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Corsica\n\n\n) or corn flour (\"stufatu di farin'di granonu\"). \"Brilluli\" is a porridge whose ingredients are chestnut flour, water and goat milk. Pasta dishes particularly show the Italian influence on the Corsican cuisine. Especially stuffed pasta is popular, like \"ravioli\" and \"cannelloni\": both are stuffed with \"brocciu\", similar to the Italian ricotta, ravioli together with spinachs. Pasta sauce with tomatoes and minced meat (\"Salsa pe a pastasciutta\") is also typical. Other preparations reflect the Italian", "id": "9483281" }, { "contents": "Push the Button (Sugababes song)\n\n\nmade advances towards the man, but he was unaware of her intentions: \"I really liked this guy, so I'd be like, there's this good movie coming out, you know, dropping hints. And he'd be like, that movie sounds great, let me know what it's like if you go see it. I knew he liked me too but he just wasn't getting what I was trying to say.\" Austin advised Buchanan to tell the man to \"push that button\" or she", "id": "15882269" }, { "contents": "Missy Robbins\n\n\nof Union Avenue and North 10th Street in North Williamsburg, Brooklyn. It is an Italian pasta restaurant, though Robbins never originally set out to specialize in it, commenting, \"I just always had an affinity for the ingredients … the cheeses and olive oils … and then as I started getting older and traveling, there’s something about Italy that just resonated with me\".The restaurant earned Three Stars from \"The New York Times\", and a James Beard Award nomination., In August 2018 Robbins opened her second Italian", "id": "20681121" }, { "contents": "Blue Smoke World Tour\n\n\nher official website. It stated: \"Australia, here I come again. We have a lot of new and exciting things for the show and can’t wait to share it with you. I love my fans in that part of the world. You've been so very good to me for so many years and I know that we're gonna have a wonderful time. It's a long way from home in your part of the world, but I always feel like I'm right at home. So Australia", "id": "14960130" }, { "contents": "Holiday From Me\n\n\nto collaborate with and began to record demos. \"I ask people that I really like to help out. Sometimes I come up with a really good verse but no chorus yet, or a good chorus but no verse, so I just invite people I really like to get involved... I guess I don't work with people I don't like, or people I think are fake. So I kinda adore everybody on the album because I really believe in them as musicians.\" Paul describes the album as very \"", "id": "11384365" }, { "contents": "Pasta Bravo\n\n\nPasta Bravo was a fast casual restaurant of Irvine, California. At its height, Pasta Bravo operated 16 restaurants throughout the Orange and San Diego counties. Pasta Bravo was founded by Tim Aspel in 1988, at The Crossroads Center in Irvine. Some of the meals were Meat Lasagna and Chicken Parmigiana in addition to more contemporary offerings such as Chicken Basil Cream and Greek-Style Shrimp and Arugula. Pasta Bravo soon gained popularity and expanded to a total of 16 restaurants in Orange and San Diego counties. In August 2002, Pasta", "id": "4144048" }, { "contents": "Daithí Ó Drónaí\n\n\nI recorded an album two years ago which was a real pop album so when I went back into writing again I decided I wanted to work on something a bit more personal and take a bit more influence and inspiration from around where I am. It felt like a really good time to use this inspiration and explore what it like to live in Galway and Clare for so long.\" The E.P was very well received in Ireland. The first single Mary Keanes Introduction went viral, and charted at no1 on the Spotify Viral", "id": "9886080" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwell as the so-called \"peperoni cruschi\" (\"crunchy peppers\"). The region produces cheeses like Pecorino di Filiano, Canestrato di Molitern, Pallone di Gravina, and Paddraccio and olive oils like the Vulture. Basilicata is known for spaghetti-like pasta \"troccoli\" and \"capunti\", a thick and short oval pasta whose shape is often compared to that of an open empty pea pod. \"Capunti\" are usually served with a hearty vegetable tomato sauce or various meat sauces. Among the traditional dishes", "id": "18268340" }, { "contents": "Replica (Oneohtrix Point Never album)\n\n\nfor the title and described it as \"really morbid, but there's humor to it, too, because the skeleton's hair is pasta-like\", which he called \"a good approximation of how I deal with lots of depressing things—just put pasta hair on top and it's okay.\" \"Replica\" was Lopatin's first album to be completed in a formal studio setting, with recording sessions taking place at the complex owned by his label Mexican Summer. He conceived it as \"an electronic song", "id": "6078440" }, { "contents": "Linda McCartney Foods\n\n\n(FFM). The range was launched in March 1994 as \"Linda McCartney's Home Style Cooking\", and was the first American company with a completely meatless line of food products. Products included boil-in bag entrees: Fetticini Alfredo, Pasta Provencale, Pasta Primavera, Rigatone Marinara, Bavarian Goulash, Spaghetti Milano and Chili Non-Carne; and preplated dishes: Lasagna Roma and Burrito Grande. In 1995, in addition to Pasta Primavera, Fettucini Alfredo, Lasagne Roma, Burrito Grande, other products were American Barbecue", "id": "6043093" }, { "contents": "Justice Denied (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit)\n\n\nan incredible woman, has an amazing family, and I really feel that although my time on \"SVU\" has come to an end, that I made a really good life-long friend, and if I have the good fortune of coming back I'd be very happy about that and if not, I feel really proud of the work I've done thus far [on SVU].\" In an interview with \"TV Guide\" in February 2012, showrunner/executive producer Warren Leight initially spoke of what was", "id": "14806020" }, { "contents": "Ed Hochuli\n\n\ncourtroom. He has been approached by notable athletes such as former National Basketball Association (NBA) player Charles Barkley at the airport. \"It never ceases to amaze me,\" Hochuli told the \"Arizona Daily Star\". \"The number of people that will just come up to me and recognize me.\" He appreciates the attention, saying, \"I enjoy the fact that there are people who like me as a referee. I hear from a lot of people and I enjoy that. Like anybody, I like", "id": "3157628" }, { "contents": "Litchfield Towers\n\n\ntraditional foods such as pastas and salad. The menu changed throughout the day, starting with breakfast foods such as waffles and cereal and ending with dinner dishes such as lasagna. The other, \"Eddie's\", was structured more like a food court, with several stand-alone food shops serving such foods as sandwiches, chicken, and hamburgers. Eddie's also contained a small grocery store mainly selling snack foods and pre-packaged dinners. The grocery store offered a small selection of kosher foods. The small shop in", "id": "12458801" }, { "contents": "Murder of Jason Sweeney\n\n\n, she wrote: \"So you say I'm manipulative, and yes, I believe I am in ways. I'm persuasively manipulative, and I think I'm pretty good at it, too. I enjoy dragging people along.\" She went on to say: \". . . Tell me you don't enjoy these gullible humans. It's funny how easy it is to persuade them into lies.\" She also wrote to Domenic Coia, \"I'm a cold-blooded [expletive] death-worshiping", "id": "2455240" }, { "contents": "Heaven and Hell (Vangelis album)\n\n\nbut I felt I just had to do it, and in any case, the only way you can complete the construction of a studio quickly is to start working in it before it’s actually finished\". Vangelis recalls \"I don't like to prepare for a long, long, long time an album. It's more exciting for me to sit down and to play whatever comes. So this is the way that \"Heaven and Hell\" happens. I spent six weeks to make this album but I spent maybe", "id": "13505837" }, { "contents": "Pasta con le sarde\n\n\nPasta con le sarde (; ) is a Sicilian dish of pasta with sardines and anchovies. It is recognized as a traditional Italian food product in the Prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale scheme of the Italian government. It is most associated with Sicily's capital Palermo, but it can be found all over the island. The principal ingredients are olive oil, onions, pasta and a finely chopped mixture of sardines and anchovy. Various types of pasta are used for the dish, but bucatini is traditional. Wild fennel, saffron, pine nuts,", "id": "9475029" }, { "contents": "Karai (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)\n\n\nway she looks. I do not recall if I had a picture before I started. You know, it is really just my own voice though. I try pitching it up a bit to sound younger like more around 20.\" Hu also said that since she has never seen any other version of Karai, she has nothing to compare her to \"which is kind of a good thing, because then I just get to play her as I see her myself. But she's sort of feisty, badass and kicks", "id": "15261804" }, { "contents": "Too Little Too Late\n\n\nor young ... I think the lyrics flow out in a way that has an honesty to it.\" On the difference between writing for younger versus older artists, Steinberg explained \"you don't really know it's for somebody younger ... I've almost never really sat down and said, 'I'm going to try to write one that would be good for somebody younger.' I just write a song, and then if somebody younger likes it, then they sing it.\" JoJo claims that she knew she wanted", "id": "10802708" }, { "contents": "Early in the Morning (Larry Santos song)\n\n\nor disease and it is an early example of Christian music where it has Christian lyrics such as \"\"I long to touch You like the rising sun/Early in the morning, early in the morning/I want to feel Your warmness by My side\"\" and \"\"So come and lay by Me and stay by Me/Don't be afraid to open Your love and let Me in/I've needed One like You to love Me too/Early in the morning/Early in the morning\"\", which", "id": "5270202" }, { "contents": "Nuclear pasta\n\n\nthe protons in the gnocchi is not fully sufficient to support the existence of the individual spheres, and they are crushed into long rods, which, depending on their length, can contain many thousands of nucleons. Immersed in a neutron liquid, these rods are known as the spaghetti phase. Further compression causes the spaghetti phase rods to fuse and form sheets of nuclear matter called the lasagna phase. Further compression of the lasagna phase yields the uniform nuclear matter of the outer core with intermittent holes of neutron (and possibly proton)", "id": "10370873" }, { "contents": "Italian Argentines\n\n\npastas tend to come together with a large amount of \"tuco\" sauce (Italian \"sugo\"), and accompanied by \"estofado\" (stew). Less commonly, pastas are eaten with a dressing of \"pesto\", a green sauce based on basil, or \"salsa blanca\" (Béchamel sauce). \"Sorrentinos\" are also a local dish with a misleading name (they do not come from Sorrento, but were invented in Mar del Plata). They look like big round \"ravioles\" stuffed", "id": "538584" }, { "contents": "Pasta e fagioli\n\n\nPasta e fagioli (), meaning \"pasta and beans\", is a traditional Italian soup. Like many other Italian favorites, including pizza and polenta, it started as a peasant dish, being composed of inexpensive ingredients. It is often called pasta fasul (fazool) in the United States, derived from its Neapolitan name, pasta e fasule. Recipes for \"pasta e fagioli\" vary, the only true requirement being that beans and pasta are included. While dish varies from region to region it is most commonly made", "id": "2907828" }, { "contents": "Still Standing (Monica album)\n\n\nher follow-up album. Intending to create a record that lived up to the sound her previous hits, particularly those from the 1990s, she expressed that she wanted to appeal to her existing fans although her label was concerned with making the project sound up to date: \"I am going back to where I started. The next album I would like people to get more songs like \"Why I Love You So Much,\" \"Angel of Mine,\" or the things they really, really love from me [", "id": "20673401" }, { "contents": "The Garfield Show: Threat of the Space Lasagna\n\n\nMotion Plus. While Garfield is sleeping, the Space Lasagna are planning their return to Earth to take revenge on Garfield for stopping their plan on the episode \"Pasta Wars\". They discover that Garfield is friendly with the mice, and decide to take control of them, and make the mice wreak havoc around the city while the Space Lasagna go about with their plan. Later that day, after the Space Lasagna start their plan, Garfield finds Squeek hiding. Squeek then tells Garfield about how the Space Lasagna took control of", "id": "17026964" }, { "contents": "Italian Argentines\n\n\nat school, work, and military service, Cocoliche remained confined mostly to the first generation immigrants, and slowly fell out of use. The pidgin has been depicted humorously in literary works and in the Argentine sainete theater, such as by Dario Vittori. Argentine cuisine has been strongly influenced by Italian cuisine; the typical Argentine diet is a variation on the Mediterranean diet. Italian staple dishes like pizza and pasta are common. Pasta is extremely common, either simple unadorned pasta with butter or oil, or accompanied by a tomato- or", "id": "538580" }, { "contents": "Robert Anton Wilson\n\n\n. He closed this message with \"I look forward without dogmatic optimism but without dread. I love you all and I deeply implore you to keep the lasagna flying. Please pardon my levity, I don't see how to take death seriously. It seems absurd.\" Wilson died peacefully five days later, on January 11 at 4:50 a.m. Pacific time, just a week short of his 75th birthday. After his cremation on January 18 (also his 75th birthday), his family held a memorial service on February 18 and", "id": "6453284" }, { "contents": "List of pasta\n\n\nThere are many different varieties of pasta, a staple dish of Italian cuisine since they were first introduced by Muslim occupiers from around 800 A.D.. They are usually sorted by size, being long (\"pasta lunga\"), short (\"pasta corta\"), stuffed (\"ripiena\"), cooked in broth (\"pastina\"), stretched (\"strascinati\") or in dumplinglike form (\"gnocchi/gnocchetti\"). Yet, due to the variety of shapes and regional variants, \"one man", "id": "20963189" }, { "contents": "Pasta alla Norma\n\n\nPasta alla Norma () is one of the most well known Italian pasta dishes. It is typical of the Sicilian cuisine created originally in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The original recipe is made with macaroni (typical italian pasta), tomatoes, fried aubergines (eggplant), grated ricotta salata cheese, and basil. The name of the dish is said to originate from the apocryphal exclamation by the Italian writer Nino Martoglio who, upon tasting the dish, exclaimed \"This is a real 'Norma'!\", comparing", "id": "5896700" }, { "contents": "Are You...?\n\n\n, Buck recalls \"I just really loved writing that scene [...] because it had been in the back of our minds for so long, there were so many things that we knew we had to do in that scene. And it's almost like there's so many things you want to put in that scene and then you have to start pulling them out because it becomes too much and those little gems actually become parts of other episodes and stuff because eventually everything comes out.\" He also said about the pace", "id": "14890525" }, { "contents": "Jenny Bradley\n\n\n. Speaking about the reaction to them as a couple, she went on to say: \"People don't react very well to them at all. We just had some scripts in and there is a brilliant hour-long episode coming up with Sally. I love the way her character has developed into this incredible job and I love what she is doing because it's hilarious. That is going to get Jenny's back up. Sally will obviously be very defensive of Kevin and so will Sophie. People will have heard", "id": "4818629" }, { "contents": "Garlic bread\n\n\navailable in many different food shops and restaurants. In the United States garlic bread has been on the menu of many restaurants since at least the 1950s, often paired with pasta dishes, particularly lasagna and spaghetti. Commercially manufactured frozen garlic bread was developed in the 1970s by Cole's Quality Foods in Muskegon, Michigan. In Brazil the bread is commonly served in churrascarias as an entrée. In Peru it is very common to find in pizzerias. In Australia and New Zealand the bread is widely available at pizzerias and supermarkets. British", "id": "19689479" }, { "contents": "Dave Hernandez\n\n\nMercer, invited both Hernandez and Crandall to perform on the band's fourth studio album, \"Port of Morrow\" (2012), as session musicians. Frontman James Mercer noted: \"Well, I liked what they do. So I called them up and asked them. I had a number of things that I really thought Dave would sound good on. Dave Hernandez has a certain sound, tone, and style, and he comes up with ideas that you really don’t get anywhere else.\" In 2011,", "id": "5191842" }, { "contents": "Jordan Patrick\n\n\ncropping up in conversation. \"I brought him in this morning from school to train with the first-team and he's going back to school this afternoon. He has got good movement and I liked what I saw. \"I don't want to do it but circumstances mean I've had to do it. I wouldn't do it just for the sake of it and it's needs must really.\" In December 2009, Patrick joined non-league side Spalding United on loan to gain valuable first-team", "id": "19056025" }, { "contents": "Pastitsio\n\n\nPastitsio (, \"pastítsio\"), sometimes spelled \"pastichio\", is a Greek baked pasta dish with ground meat and béchamel sauce. Pastitsio takes its name from the Italian \"pasticcio\", a large family of baked savory pies which may be based on meat, fish, or pasta. Many Italian versions include a pastry crust, some include béchamel. The word \"pasticcio\" comes from the vulgar Latin word \"pastīcium\" derived from \"pasta\", and means \"pie\", and has developed the figurative", "id": "17613503" }, { "contents": "Kevin Mitchell (musician)\n\n\n\"The recording side of things, I've grown to love. When I first started making records, I ... had no idea what I was doing, basically, and it's something that I've had to learn ... I think I'm only just starting to get good at it, after, you know, many, many attempts.\" Mitchell has explained his pseudonym: \"I think Bob Evans is more me than Kevin Mitchell from Jebediah is! In that way it’s like a reverse alter-ego.", "id": "2010923" }, { "contents": "We Are All One\n\n\nI'd say, 'Hey, I'm in the middle of working on an album. Are you interested in doing a session?' The reason it sounds [so cohesive] — even though it took so long to come together — is because when I do my stuff or I do my thing, it's me. It's what I sound like. Regardless of whether it takes me ten years or two weeks, it usually winds up sounding pretty much the same. For the most part, I play traditional", "id": "10770079" }, { "contents": "Samantha (album)\n\n\nas I am in the indie rock world, or any other music that I like to make. I just try to make good music as much as possible, no matter the genre. If it's good it'll be spread on its own. I never really appreciated when people try to push their music on you. I like it when it's just good and it's there if you want it. That's how I'm approaching the hip-hop world.\" \"Something I've always done is just", "id": "256140" }, { "contents": "Binod Chaudhary\n\n\nnot that confident with the idea to bring the noodles to Nepal due to the country's 'poverty and poor infrastructure'. Chaudhary told \"Forbes India\": Yes, back then I was simply looking to create a product from flour and then I decided on this product. Flying to Bangkok and back, I saw many cases of noodles on the baggage belt and I would ask people: ‘Why are there so many of these cases coming from Thailand?’ They would tell me that people loved them. I think", "id": "10020034" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\npasta distinct from the tradition of \"noble\" cuisine, which prepares similar dishes in a way more similar to broth or soups, adding pasta after cooking it separately. One more hearty dish in the cuisine of the poor is pasta simply cooked with cheese and eggs \"stracciatella\" (\"pasta caso e ova\"). Spaghetti, dressed with tomato sauce, black olives from Gaeta and capers are called \"spaghetti alla puttanesca\". An imaginative recipe was created on the tables of the poor, where the expensive shellfishes were", "id": "14543700" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\n\" Jerry: \"Songwriting, to me, has turned out to be an assortment of noodlings. When you write a good song – and I've written a lot of bad ones, so I know the difference – you kind of become elevated for a moment. I don't mean that in any grandiose way. But it's like, 'I'd better get this down now.' When that starts happening, like it did with 'Jerry' and a lot of the songs on this record, I have", "id": "14799002" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Abruzzo\n\n\npopular dishes is maccheroni alla chitarra. The pasta is prepared by pressing dough through a \"chitarra\", creating long, thin noodles similar to spaghetti. It is served with a tomato-based sauce, often flavored with peppers, pork, goose or lamb, accompanied by regional side dishes such as the bean-and-noodle soup known as \"sagne e fagioli\" (flavored with tomatoes, garlic, oil, and peperoncini). Other popular pasta dishes are \"Gnocchi carrati\", flavored with bacon and pecorino cheese", "id": "11951389" }, { "contents": "Mount St. Peter Church\n\n\npm on Saturday evenings. Sunday Masses are said weekly at 8:30 and 10:30 am. As part of its continuing mission, the congregation sponsors an annual \"Festa Italiana\" every August. The festival itself is full of activities, but one of the main attractions is the food. The menu usually includes lasagna with homemade noodles, spaghetti and meatballs, hot sausage sandwich with onions and peppers, pasta e fagiole, Italian rice balls, and other items such as pulled pork and baked chicken. Desserts include cannoli, frappe, pizelles", "id": "14948437" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwith potatoes or pumpkin) and noodles like spätzle, are sometimes considered pasta. They are both traditional in parts of Italy. Pasta is categorized in two basic styles: dried and fresh. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Pasta is generally cooked by boiling. Under Italian law, dry pasta (pasta secca) can only be made from durum wheat flour or durum wheat semolina, and is more", "id": "18268330" }, { "contents": "B.o.B.\n\n\nextended play: \"I've been holding back so much rock for so long. I have been performing with my band for a while, so I guess this is a real good canvas for me to paint on. No one's really expecting anything so I can do what I want to do.\" He also spoke lightly on his third studio album as well: \"My album is basically a continuation of \"The Adventures of Bobby Ray\" and \"Strange Clouds\". I feel like it kinda bridges the gap", "id": "3926757" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\nbarely watch it. You can't even see the picture, really, but I saw Necromantik 1 and it's classic. I was just in a bar in Paris where they were playing Necromantik while you were just hanging about in the bar – yes!\" \"I just like the really low budget splatter. It's fun. And I like high budget psychological horror like Jacob's Ladder and The Shining. Everything's entertaining for different reasons. Here's kinda the way I see it: you can appreciate a lot", "id": "20499104" }, { "contents": "Slurrup\n\n\nwith the Chicagoist magazine, Hayes discussed the creation of the album: \"I've always liked rock'n'roll, so I'm kind of going back to things that I really liked in the past but had never thought of as a valid way to present my songs. I kind of wanted to reconnect with some of the things I liked when I started out with music as a kid. You know things like rock'n'roll and pranks and magic. It's actually what my first album might have sounded like if I had made an album", "id": "20928671" }, { "contents": "Tom Petty\n\n\nAnd it looked like so much fun. It was something I identified with. I had never been hugely into sports. ... I had been a big fan of Elvis. But I really saw in the Beatles that here's something I could do. I knew I could do it. It wasn't long before there were groups springing up in garages all over the place.\" He dropped out of high school at age 17 to play bass with his newly formed band. In an interview with the CBC in 2014,", "id": "15757549" }, { "contents": "Fancy (Drake song)\n\n\nWe shot 'Fancy,' and to be honest with you, it was done and I watched it and I just had a way better idea, and that's why the video hasn't come out yet. And to follow up 'Find Your Love' and 'Miss Me,' I really wanted to do something different, conceptually, and so I had this amazing idea and now I'm debating whether I should reshoot it or go straight to \"Show Me a Good Time\"\". Drake and Swizz Beatz", "id": "19124314" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Ciceri e tria\n\n\nCiceri e tria is a pasta dish in Italian cuisine that originated from Arabs who once ruled in Apulia. It is a part of the cuisine in the Salento region of Italy. It is prepared with pasta and chickpeas as primary ingredients, and includes fried pasta. The dish may be served as a \"primi piatti\" dish, a first course that consists of a pasta dish. It has been described as a \"classic and emblematic dish of Salentine cuisine\" and as a specialty dish of Apulia. In Apulia, the", "id": "21498418" }, { "contents": "Al forno\n\n\nAl forno is food that has been baked in an oven. Italian dishes commonly prepared in this way include pizza, breads and pasta dishes. Pasta is sometimes boiled before it is baked in al forno dishes. This double cooking means that it is served soft, not with the firm al dente consistency that some Italians prefer in pasta dishes. Northern Italy has a tradition of wood-burning ovens and open-flame grills that continues to this day. A wood-fired oven and al forno dishes are a feature of many", "id": "15288342" }, { "contents": "Margo Timmins\n\n\nwas freaked out, but I said 'Okay, so long as if I don't do a good job you fire me' I didn't want to hurt his music, because his music is so important to him.\" It took a long time for her to get comfortable singing in front of an audience. In fact, many of the early shows had Margo singing with her back to the audience. She has stated, \"In those early days, I wouldn't turn around to face the audience. But", "id": "16589169" }, { "contents": "Trace (Died Pretty album)\n\n\nHe told Mess+Noise: \"I never liked the album at all. I was weak in my decision-making in saying yes or no to songs. We had (producer) Hugh Jones coming back out to do the album, but it was a bit too soon for him to come out. But I don’t think the songs were strong enough—there were some good songs, but there were some very weak songs, and I should’ve said that at the time, but I didn’t. I took a", "id": "15747902" }, { "contents": "Bleed Like Me (song)\n\n\non the acoustic guitar and it builds a little bit, but the song never gets too big musically. It stays pretty simple. Really it's all about her vocals. She said 'I want to sound like a girls choir' and we're like 'Cool, let's just do it now'. She went in singing 'You should see my scars' and it just floored me. Still when I hear that the hairs on the back of my neck go up. It's really an amazing moment on", "id": "7359754" }, { "contents": "Chris Crawford (game designer)\n\n\ndeath!… Am I so pitiful that you can sneer in my face like that? Yes, yes, you frighten me! \"You hurt me!\" I've felt your claws ripping through my soul! But I'm going to die someday, and before I can do that, I've got to face you, eyeball to eyeball. I've got to look you right in the eye, and see what's inside, but I'm not good enough to do that yet. I'm not experienced enough", "id": "4224051" }, { "contents": "Swiss cuisine\n\n\nSwiss cuisine bears witness to many regional influences, including from French, German and Italian cuisines and also features many dishes specific to Switzerland. Switzerland was historically a country of farmers, so traditional Swiss dishes tend to be plain and made from basic ingredients, such as potatoes and cheese. There are many regional dishes in Switzerland. One example is Zürcher Geschnetzeltes, thin strips of veal with mushrooms in a cream sauce served with Rösti. Italian cuisine is popular in contemporary Switzerland, particularly pasta and pizza. Foods often associated with Switzerland", "id": "12300520" }, { "contents": "2009 Coke Zero 400\n\n\nStewart was unexcited on his victory. He said with a disappointed tone, \"Well... I am not proud of what I did back there. I went where I had to go and he went where he had to go. I got into the back of him without thinking... I don't like winning 'em like that. I wish I could enjoy my win but it does not feel good when you have a good day and you wreck someone out of a good day, especially how Kyle helped me the whole race", "id": "11240269" }, { "contents": "Christian O'Connell\n\n\n.\" When O'Connell asked if he should be referred to as The Right Honourable Tony Blair, the Prime Minister replied: \"\"Refer to me any way you like as long as it's reasonably polite! Tony will do fine... Someone from my constituency phoned me and said 'Why don't we do this?' and I said yes because they are really, really good causes.\"\" The exchange ended with O'Connell asking Blair to choose his favourite song from the 1980s. He chose \"Street With No Name", "id": "6506073" }, { "contents": "Dina Wadia\n\n\nyou from the newspapers. The children are just recovering from their whooping cough, it will take another month yet. I am taking them to Juhu on Thursday for a month or so. Are you coming back here? If so I hope you will drive out to Juhu and spend the day if you like. Anyway I have a phone so I will ring you up and drive in to see you if you don’t feel like coming out. Take care of yourself Papa darling. Lots of love & kisses, Dina", "id": "7787179" }, { "contents": "She Won't Be Lonely Long\n\n\n. I think that's my strength, recognizing songs that people really do like. Most of the time, it is the kind of song I personally gravitate to and genuinely like. Looking back, it's rare that I think a certain cut is a charter and it's not in reality.\" Walker also discussed recording \"Feels so Right\" by saying, \"I've loved that song for most of my life. When I was 12, my mom and I went and saw Alabama play, and when they", "id": "19103739" }, { "contents": "Bradley Cooper\n\n\n. He had cholesteatoma in his ear soon after his birth, and punctured his eardrum when he started diving at an early age. Describing himself as a child, Cooper has said: \"I never lived the life of 'Oh, you're so good-looking'. People thought I was a girl when I was little, because I looked like a girl—maybe because my mother would keep my hair really long\". He excelled at basketball, and enjoyed cooking: \"I used to have buddies come over", "id": "6327887" }, { "contents": "Smiley Bates\n\n\n. Before he died, Smiley wrote this note of thanks to his many fans: \"So Long Folks, I'd like to thank each and everyone of my friends and fans for sticking with me through my forty-seven years in the music business. From the hard times in the beginning to the good times at the last, you followed me down each and every country road. You were part of my music to the very last note. I want you to know how much I appreciate your loyalty. I enjoyed", "id": "14221926" } ]
So true story. I once swam with Manta Ray and it was awesome. Ive never seen one up close. I know theyre mostly found in warm, subtropic waters. I didn't know much about them when it happened. What countries are they found in?
[{"answer": "I only know they are found in the subtropics. I would assume places like Australia or wherever they can feed on zooplankton.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "50838", "title": "Manta ray", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 213, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 332, "bleu_score": 0.8725129388059689, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Ur (novella)\n\n\nthis once before with a story called \"Riding the Bullet\" and I never had so many guys in suits come up to me and ask me questions. But they didn't want to know about the story, they didn't want to know about the process, they wanted to know about the delivery system, but to me that's secondary. [...] I think people will be more interested in the business aspect of [\"Ur\"] than they will in the story. I would never have agreed to", "id": "11513245" }, { "contents": "Queen Naija\n\n\nwas basically made to confirm to my supporters on YouTube what happened in my marriage. They wanted to know was I leaving or not. I didn't want to say anything because the first time after the cheating situation happened, I stayed. I felt stupid. But then it happened again privately and I didn't want everyone to be like, I told you so. So instead of talking about it, I told them I'd write a song about it. Once I saw how crazy it went outside of YouTube,", "id": "7926056" }, { "contents": "Rolf Harris\n\n\nspoke about a period in which he felt his \"life was over\": \"I didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't know what to think. I now know what people mean when they say, 'I've got clinical depression.' I'd never felt so low. There's no way to come out of the blackness. I felt out of control\". Harris also stated that he regrets missing so much of his daughter's childhood. In December 2011 Harris's portrait of Bonnie", "id": "21639834" }, { "contents": "Graham Kennedy\n\n\nRay duly faxed the questions to me, but on the morning of the recording changed them. I was bewildered by this (I think a researcher let him down). I terminated the interview when I didn't know what he was talking about and went upstairs to lunch.\" It was a critical turning point in his career. He vowed never to do television again. Ray Martin denied any ill intent, saying \"We faxed a series of general topics, but it was clear at the outset that much would depend", "id": "2735205" }, { "contents": "Edward L. Beach Jr.\n\n\nthe boats. He served with distinction approaching perfection and, like his father, would then write about the things he'd seen and done... More than once I spoke with him about the psychological aspects of combat, and every time he told me what I needed to know, always from his own rich experiences. Ned was a serious student of history -- he wrote several splendid books on this subject -- and of human nature. What he didn't know had never happened. Ed Offley of \"DefenseWatch\" wrote: Beach", "id": "17733524" }, { "contents": "Hugo Weaving\n\n\ndoing the voice for the second one and I still hadn't seen the first one. I still didn't really know who the characters were and I didn't know what anything was. It's a voice job, for sure, and people assume I've spent my life working on it, but I really know so little about it.\" In 2012, Weaving said to \"Collider\": \"It was one of the only things I've ever done where I had no knowledge of it, I didn't", "id": "7215696" }, { "contents": "Enchanted (film)\n\n\n. His reply was, \"I've heard things but there's nothing yet. I don't know much about what's happening with that. Honestly, I don't know what the studio wants to do next. I presume there will be some future projects for me to work on. I love doing that, I really do. But I'm not frustrated that it isn't one of them. At the moment I have a lot of stage things happening and I'm busy enough with that, so I really", "id": "22217112" }, { "contents": "Straight ahead animation\n\n\nfirst drawing of the scene. Disney director-animator Woolie Reitherman said, \"When i didn't know what I was doing in an action, I always went straight-ahead. I'd just start on ones. Half the time I didn't know what I was doing. To me, it's fun. You find out something you wouldn't have found out otherwise.\" Straight ahead animation is mostly used for wild, scrambling actions where spontaneity is important. Because the animator has no real guide to the target", "id": "20402402" }, { "contents": "2016 Bank of America 500\n\n\nknow. Tires are popping. We’re not the only car that had the issue, but we’re the ones that hit the wall when it happen, so that’s not the best place to have them go down. We had a fast car. Our car was capable of winning the race. We drove up from 10th and were up to third and running down the leaders, so I felt really good about what we had. I don’t know. Things happen. It’s part of racing, I guess", "id": "16503790" }, { "contents": "Limbo (1999 film)\n\n\nliked so much about this story structure is that it confounded my expectations at every step. I expected the story to stay in Juneau, but it didn't. When it took a turn toward adventure, I thought the threat would come from nature—but it comes from men. After the three characters are stranded, I expected—I don't know what, maybe \"Swiss Family Robinson\"-style improvisation. But Sayles gradually reveals his buried theme, which is that in a place like the Alaskan wilderness you can never be sure", "id": "16458930" }, { "contents": "Chernobyl (miniseries)\n\n\nhe knew Chernobyl exploded, but he did not know \"why\". He explained, \"I didn't know why, and I thought there was this inexplicable gap in my knowledge ... So, I began reading about it, just out of this very dry, intellectual curiosity, and what I discovered was that, while the story of the explosion is fascinating, and we make it really clear exactly why and how it happened, what really grabbed me and held me were the incredible stories of the human beings who lived", "id": "12220791" }, { "contents": "Great Balls of Fire\n\n\nthe book \"JLL: His Own Story\" by Rick Bragg, (pg 133), as saying \"I knew Sidney Stokes but I didn't know him that well either, and I don't know what happened to them people. That's the last time I ever seen 'em. That's strange isn't it?\" It was released as a 45rpm single on Sun 281 in November 1957. It reached No. 2 on the \"Billboard\" pop charts, No. 3 on the R&B charts, and", "id": "18053105" }, { "contents": "Lucinda Davis\n\n\nand Lucinda did not know what about, so she asked one of the elders. He replied, \"I wish I was in Dixie, look away, away.\" Lucinda then asked \"Where's Dixie?\" The old Indian laughed and talked to the soldiers who also laughed, and Lucinda was told no more. The following day of their travels brought them to a big river raised from all the previous rain. Lucinda had never seen so much water. The men got some boats to put materials in, then", "id": "8976154" }, { "contents": "Genius of Love\n\n\nwe were doing, so I didn't even know that could happen. I ended up waking the assistant engineer - he was asleep under the console - and I showed him the part, and he played it. Chris \"(Frantz)\" was mad, but I really couldn't play; my hand wouldn't even close. So we did what we had to do. These things happen.\" The melody is playful and almost child-like, using catchy syncopation. The singer tells her friends about her boyfriend", "id": "31136" }, { "contents": "Renegade (band)\n\n\na booking for that night .. sorry.' \"I said cut the jive. I know what's happening. He finally admitted he didn't want the spray paint and knife carriers coming in to see the group. I was truly surprised by this, especially in this so-called enlightened age. I found that another very key club owner in town had the same attitude about us. But this increased my determination to make Renegade work. If they didn't make it, it wasn't going to be because of", "id": "8512834" }, { "contents": "D. G. Kulkarni\n\n\nfull circle.” Dizi always remained true to the values he had imposed on himself and expressed his true self when he painted. His creativity was never restrained or curbed by external incentives. “I know the ropes but never handled them, never wanted to. I found the strings but never pulled them. It is mechanical. But I found the line, the thrilling line and I followed the adventure. I found myself and my peace. In the melody of lines I swim. To the rhythm of line I dance", "id": "1307839" }, { "contents": "The Invisible Woman (2013 film)\n\n\nHe did not know much about Dickens before taking on the project: \"I was ignorant. I had only read \"Little Dorrit\". I knew his obvious ones—\"Nicholas Nickleby\", \"Oliver Twist\", \"Great Expectations\"—through adaptations. And \"Christmas Carol\". I didn't know much about the man.\" Fiennes initially approached another actor to play the role of Dickens but it did not work out and he eventually played the part. He worked closely with Abi Morgan on the script and little by little he warmed", "id": "15262080" }, { "contents": "Corrective rape\n\n\nn't know what percent of coloured lesbians are targeted for corrective rape action. Growing up, I never heard that lesbians were targeted in this way and so I want to know when that started happening. Gangsterism has always existed in the townships, so you can't attribute it to that. I don't know why black lesbians are targeted more, either. I'd like to know how many women are being raped by brothers, fathers, etc., in coloured townships. Why is no one studying this? Has it", "id": "1108608" }, { "contents": "Miss USA 2009 same-sex marriage controversy\n\n\nmyself and I have so many people that are so proud of me. And [winning] wasn't what God wanted for my life that night. I was true to myself and I know that I can go out and speak to young people about standing up for what you believe in and never compromising anything for anyone or anything, even if it's the crown of Miss USA. Hannity asked her about how she felt about Hilton's comments personally and Prejean replied: \"I forgive him. I know that he's", "id": "18321515" }, { "contents": "Flint water crisis\n\n\nwork in trying to expose this disaster. Anyone who read his memo and failed to act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.\" Del Toral later told \"The Flint Journal\", \"I was stunned when I found out they did not have corrosion control in place. In my head, I didn't believe that. I thought: That can't be true ... that's so basic.\" He also confirmed that unfiltered Flint water is still unsafe to drink, and doesn't know when", "id": "14177629" }, { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\ncourt has ruled, and I said we'll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.\" In", "id": "4747708" }, { "contents": "Prue Halliwell\n\n\nWatch What Happens Live\" in 2013, Milano spoke about the rumored feud between her and Doherty, after a caller asked for the truth behind Doherty's departure. Milano said, \"I don't know if she got fired, we never really found out what happened. I can tell you that we were on the air with her for three years and there were definitely some rough days. Holly and Shannen were best friends for like 10 years before the show started so it was very much sort of like high school.", "id": "486472" }, { "contents": "Dorothy McGuire\n\n\ntoured in 1987 in \"I Never Sang for My Father\". In 1982 she said \"\"I love my career, but I never felt much about it--about how to nurture it,\" she said. \"It's been very erratic, after all. . . .To this day, I don't know what shapes a Hollywood career. . . .I was never a classic beauty. I had no image. So I found myself in a lot of things accidentally.\" Married to \"Life\" magazine", "id": "14143972" }, { "contents": "The Chronic\n\n\nhe draws.\" Snoop Dogg later commented on the \"reality\" of his lyrics, stating \"My raps are incidents where either I saw it happen to one of my close homies or I know about it from just being in the ghetto. I can't rap about something I don't know. You'll never hear me rapping about no bachelor's degree. It's only what I know and that's that street life. It's all everyday life, reality.\" Three singles were released from the album:", "id": "18702627" }, { "contents": "Boy Blue (Cyndi Lauper song)\n\n\nme...We didn't know what the hell it was. We didn't know anything. Then all of a sudden it was out in the open and everyone was talking about it, but when he first told me about it I didn't understand. I didn't know. And then all of a sudden my friend was ill and ill and ill and then...It was so hard. I was so angry and every night I would sing my guts out, but you'd open your eyes after and it was", "id": "11177994" }, { "contents": "One Shining Moment\n\n\ninitial line was the ball is kicked. That's not the case. It never was. The original line was, the gun goes off...which I changed to suit the tournament. Ironically - I wrote the song about basketball (after watching Larry Bird) but for some reason (who knows what I was thinking?!?) I didn't write it into the original first line. And so having the first line fall into place as it did was poetic and true.\" The Chicago White Sox used the", "id": "964343" }, { "contents": "Belladonna (actress)\n\n\nto make \"anti-porn\" statements. In one interview, when she was asked if she were happy with how the interview came out, her reply was, \"I am not happy about \"Primetime\" but I would love to see the whole story air one day so everyone can see how much I had to say that was FOR the porn industry. If you know me you know that I loved shooting!\" ABC contacted her once to do a follow-up to the interview; she refused saying,", "id": "6808299" }, { "contents": "Ege Bamyasi\n\n\nThurston Moore of Sonic Youth recalls, \"I found \"Ege Bamyası\" in the 49-cent bin at Woolworth's. I didn't see anything written about Can, I didn't know anything about them except this okra can on the cover, which seemed completely bizarre. I finally picked that record up, and I completely wore it out. It was so alluring. Something about it made Can seem to be playing outside of rock 'n' roll. It was unlike anything else I was hearing at the time.\"", "id": "20126424" }, { "contents": "2001 French Grand Prix\n\n\nfact is the penalty for speeding cost me points. I was just a bit too keen with the button. It has cost me dearly\", and, \"I knew I had a penalty, at first I didn't know what for. Then the team explained it to me. I wasn't gutted because you never know what can happen during the rest of the race. I knew I had to keep pushing.\" Häkkinen said he felt nothing about failing to start the race, \"If I'd led the", "id": "9124578" }, { "contents": "Knowing (film)\n\n\nsimultaneously brilliant and exciting one. Well before the film neared its by turns dismal and ditzy conclusion, I found myself knowing—yet hardly able to believe—what was about to happen.\" Betsy Sharkey of the \"Los Angeles Times\" found it to be \"moody and sometimes ideologically provocative\" and added, \"\"Knowing\" has its grim moments—and by that I mean the sort of cringe- (or laugh-) inducing lines of dialogue that have haunted disaster films through the ages ... So visually arresting are the", "id": "13033266" }, { "contents": "List of Hollyoaks characters (2011)\n\n\n.\" Speaking of his new role, Winsor, who previously appeared in \"StreetDance 3D\", said \"I didn't know what to expect but I turned up on my first day to a very warm welcome. The entire cast and crew are so friendly and supportive. Father Francis is in safe hands!\" He introduces himself as a new priest looking for help raising funds for Orphans in Africa. Carmel and Francis become close and nearly kiss on a number of occasions. They do never follow through with it because", "id": "17140007" }, { "contents": "Gilbert v. State\n\n\nhand shook like that fast and her head went over the impacted bullet and it slowly came down, didn't make any noise except her mouth just opened slowly like that and then, you know, I thought it hit so fast she didn't know what happened. Then I felt her pulse. It turned out I was wrong. The pulse keeps going after this episode for a few minutes anyway. I didn't know that. I just though I had, you know--and the second time I fired I felt", "id": "11337656" }, { "contents": "The Needle and the Damage Done\n\n\nabout five years ago or so... and moved down south... found out a lot of things that I didn't know when I left. Some of 'em are good, and some of 'em are bad. Got to see a lot of great musicians before they happened... before they became famous... y'know, when they were just gigging. Five and six sets a night... things like that. And I got to see a lot of, um, great musicians who nobody ever got to see. For one reason or", "id": "46604" }, { "contents": "Burn My Candle\n\n\nknow why. And I said, 'Why are they banning it?' And my manager said, well—the lyrics may have something to do with it—and I said, 'Yah? But what?' I didn't even know what it was about. I'd never sung a risqué song and I think they purposefully didn't tell me so that I could give it that innocence. Its first appearance on an album was \"The Bewitching Miss Bassey\" in 1959. On subsequent appearances the song is", "id": "13966543" }, { "contents": "Danielle Steel\n\n\nshe has an idea for a story her first step is to make notes, which are mostly about the characters. She told the \"New York Times\" in 2018: \"I make notes for a while before I start work on the outline. The notes are usually more about the characters. I need to know the characters really well before I start — who they are, how they think, how they feel, what has happened to them, how they grew up.\" Steel has written all of her novels", "id": "15860259" }, { "contents": "True Blue (Madonna song)\n\n\nShe [Madonna] was very much in love. It was obvious if she's in love she'll write love songs. If she's not in love she definitely won't be writing love songs.\" In 2015, Madonna said that \"True Blue\" is \"a song about true love. I didn't know what I was talking about when I wrote it.\" \"True Blue\" is a dance-pop song which was musically inspired by the Motown's girl groups from the 1960s which are considered the", "id": "12812811" }, { "contents": "Destroyer (band)\n\n\nlyrically there were fangs to the music.\" Bejar added in 2008, \"I was actually so out of it I didn't know that there was a Kiss record called Destroyer because I didn't know anything about Kiss. I still don't know anything about them. I just thought it was a cool rock-and-roll name, and I was kind of blown away that it hadn’t been taken already. I was like, 'I have to use this because it's so weird that no one's", "id": "9434012" }, { "contents": "Dance Naked\n\n\ndidn't know what I wanted to sing with her, but I just liked her spirit, so I asked her to come in. We don't use guests much. ... So when Me'Shell showed up, I said, 'Hey, let's cut that old Van Morrison song!'\" \"This is as naked a rock record as you're going to hear\", Mellencamp told \"Billboard\" Magazine's Jim Bessman in an April 23, 1994 story. \"All the vocals are first or second takes,", "id": "9139867" }, { "contents": "Hiatus (NCIS)\n\n\nand then all of a sudden I found out that he’d been married four. I mean, that was okay, so you adjust. But I think one of the nice things they do here is challenge the characters. Because a lot of times, individually and as a group, we'll pick up a script and realize that we have read something that we didn't know. It's highly probable that I don't know all the secrets of this character, and that makes him fun to play.\" Much", "id": "16435541" }, { "contents": "2016 Coke Zero 400\n\n\n. McMurray said he didn't \"know what happened. I think somebody got into my left rear, and I don't know if I cut a tire down. After I felt that happen, I just didn't have any control. ... It's unfortunate. It's part of [restrictor] plate racing.\" Johnson said that there was \"light contact\" and that \"the momentum carried me into the back of [McMurray] and turned him sideways. It was a matter of inches, and once it", "id": "1338425" }, { "contents": "Felix and Meira\n\n\nAlexandre Laferrière at cafes, Giroux said \"we’d see these women and men walking by and we just didn’t know anything about them.\" Laferrière did much of the research. Giroux assembled a cast including actors who were once Hassidic Jews but later gave up that faith and culture. He commented, \"It's their story in a way and I know at some point, it was difficult for them to shoot some of the scenes because it was really close to what they lived in their lives. It's tough", "id": "17768752" }, { "contents": "Death of Elly Warren\n\n\non: \"She didn't have a scratch, didn't have a bruise on her indicating there was violence or rape. I guarantee it. I have total confidence she was not raped. The community here is shocked, this has never happened. Everybody wants to know what happened.\" Right after her death, Melbourne newspaper The Age reported: “Australian government information — from the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Australian high commission in South Africa — suggests she was found on the beach, raped and murdered.”", "id": "16257501" }, { "contents": "Eagles (band)\n\n\nso you never really know. Bands are a fragile entity and you never know what's going to happen. It took a long time to do that last album, over a span of years, really, and it took a lot out of us. We took a year off at one point. I'm not sure if we're able to do that again. I wouldn't close the door on it, but I don't know.\" Walsh said in 2010 that there might be one more album before the", "id": "7995147" }, { "contents": "A Little More Personal (Raw)\n\n\nthe album in the country. \"I just found this out today - my album went gold there. It was a great feeling because it was very unexpected\", the singer revealed. \"I would love to (tour Taiwan). I haven't toured at all at this point, but I would really love to do that. It's a great feeling to know that people in other places and other countries are aware of my music and what I do\". The tour, however, didn't happen for", "id": "359022" }, { "contents": "Don't Cha\n\n\nRecords dropped Almaze, the label was still very much interested in \"Don’t Cha\". Doug Morris—then chairman of Universal Music Group—suggested that \"Don't Cha\" should be given to the Pussycat Dolls as the label was trying to reinvent the girl group. Initially Green was skeptical saying, \"I didn't know too much about them [...], but when I found out that [Universal-owned] Interscope Records was involved, that was an alliance I didn't hesitate to make.\"", "id": "10459926" }, { "contents": "Sticks and Stones (Nicola Roberts song)\n\n\nfeel embarrassed – the horrible comments. We never talked about it. But the song really struck her because I never spoke about it so how would they know? She sort of saw what I went through, the brave face I put on. In terms of the rest of the band, none of us spoke about the bullying; we pretended it wasn’t happening. They could see I was embarrassed by it and didn’t want to bring it up and make it worse, or make one of the girls uncomfortable and", "id": "18689689" }, { "contents": "London Fields (novel)\n\n\nnovel opens with Samson explaining how grateful he is to have found this story, already formed, already happening, waiting to be written down. This is the story of a murder. It hasn't happened yet. But it will. (It had better.) I know the murderer, I know the murderee. I know the time, I know the place. I know the motive (\"her\" motive) and I know the means. I know who will be the foil, the fool, the poor", "id": "9910589" }, { "contents": "Joseph Brodsky\n\n\nwhatsoever. One thing which was quite clear was that I didn't want to go to Israel ... I never even believed that they'd allow me to go. I never believed they would put me on a plane, and when they did I didn't know whether the plane would go east or west ... I didn't want to be hounded by what was left of the Soviet Security Service in England. So I came to the States. Although the poet was invited back after the fall of the Soviet Union, Brodsky", "id": "18213881" }, { "contents": "Never Be the Same (Jessica Mauboy song)\n\n\nregretful but at the same time trying to race and fix it before it [was] too late!.\" In an interview with \"The Daily Telegraph\", she said that it is the \"most vulnerable\" song she has ever sung, and added that she shocked DNA when she turned up angry for the writing session. \"Those boys know me so well but I walked in there with so much anger and confidence about what I wanted to say, knowing how I wanted this song to be, that they", "id": "9620659" }, { "contents": "Breakaway (Kelly Clarkson album)\n\n\n, \"I didn't know that he (Moody) wasn't with Evanescence anymore,\" Clarkson said. \"I just really liked their vibe and I thought it might be cool to work with one of them. So I just randomly asked people I work with, 'Hey, do you think that he'd work with me?' And then I found out that he kind of split and that's what he's doing ... so it worked out perfectly.\" Moody recalled, \"It's cool because she", "id": "5259157" }, { "contents": "Carole Morin\n\n\nwriting a story at school from the point of view of a toilet. 'It was one of those stories where it's about the person telling it, so everything's \"I\", except the \"I\" hasn't to be yourself, if you see what I mean.' Her teacher is angry, 'But really I know my idea was much better' she continues, 'and when I'm out of her school I'll write about toilets as much as I like.' Patrick Gale writing in", "id": "3571263" }, { "contents": "The Hero with a Thousand Faces\n\n\nHero with a Thousand Faces\" as chapter epigrams. Author Neil Gaiman, whose work is frequently seen as exemplifying the monomyth structure, says that he started \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" but refused to finish it: \"I think I got about half way through \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" and found myself thinking if this is true—I don't want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I’d rather do it because it's true and because I accidentally wind up", "id": "6746269" }, { "contents": "Planet Terror\n\n\n, and I said to them, 'There are characters for all of you to play.' We got all excited about it, and then I didn't know where to go with it. The introduction was about as far as I'd gotten, and then I got onto other movies. Sure enough, the zombie [movie] invasion happened and they all came back again, and I was like, 'Ah, I knew that I should've made my zombie film.'\" The story was reapproached when", "id": "15317342" }, { "contents": "Alexander Cockburn\n\n\nare many stories about Israeli spies in America at the time of 9/11. On various accounts, they were trailing Mohamed Atta and his associates, knew what was going to happen but did nothing about it, or were simply spying on US facilities. In regards to the same passage, Suzanne Fields goes on to note \"When asked if the stories were true, Mr Cockburn delicately demurs. 'I don't think I said they were true,' he told The New Republic. 'I don't know there's enough", "id": "5728549" }, { "contents": "Nancy Carter\n\n\n\"would work well\", however Hill has played this down saying, \"I've been asking Dom [Treadwell-Collins] to tell me what is going to happen, but he won't say anything\". It was revealed that Nancy had epilepsy and that Maddy Hill was terrified of the plot. Maddy stated \"When I first found out that Nancy had epilepsy, I was absolutely terrified, just because I knew nothing about the illness. I didn't know anyone who had epilepsy and I was very aware of", "id": "8900482" }, { "contents": "Health and appearance of Michael Jackson\n\n\nin 1993, Jackson told Oprah Winfrey \"there, as I know of, there is no such thing as skin bleaching. I've never seen it, I don't know what it is.\" He said he had a hereditary skin disorder (vitiligo), and would use make-up to even out the uneven skin tone. \"It is something I cannot help,\" said Jackson. \"When people make up stories that I don't want to be who I am, it hurts me. It", "id": "11202457" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Wetch\n\n\nto manage my money right.\" However, Wetch's love for gambling and for pool did not translate into a love of the hustle. He did it because it was the only way he knew how to make money doing what he loved, but he never liked \"the , the moving, the mismatches, the phony names.\"\"I never felt good about the hustling. No matter how much money I made at it, I knew I didn't want to keep doing it. Frankly, when no one knows how", "id": "18112956" }, { "contents": "Famous (Kanye West song)\n\n\nreally nice [...] I don't think anyone would listen to that and be like 'that's a real diss, she must be crying.' You've gotta tell the story the way that it happened to you and the way that you experienced it. You honestly didn't know who I was before that. It doesn't matter that I sold 7 million of that album before you did that which is what happened, you didn't know who I was before that. It's fine. [...", "id": "18863678" }, { "contents": "Roman Polanski sexual abuse case\n\n\n, she recalled that she began to feel uncomfortable after he asked her to lie down on a bed, and described how she attempted to resist. \"I said, 'No, no. I don't want to go in there. No, I don't want to do this. No!', and then I didn't know what else to do,\" she stated, adding: \"We were alone and I didn't know what else would happen if I made a scene. So I was just", "id": "16018403" }, { "contents": "Jim Gray (sportscaster)\n\n\nadmit to something that didn't happen. I know you're getting tired of hearing me say that. But I appreciate the ovation. I appreciate the American fans voting me on the All-Century Team. I'm just a small part of a big deal tonight.\" Gray: \"With the overwhelming evidence in that report, why not make that step...\" Rose: \"No. This is too much of a festive night to worry about that because I don't know what evidence you're talking about.", "id": "2287468" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Lynch\n\n\nI would love to know why people were so mad at me for telling a crazy fairy tale. I'm the first to say I didn't know what I was doing. I did the best I could at 19, and all these crazy things happened. The idea that the film was faulted when everyone involved worked so fucking hard and believed in me, and there were these adults believing in me, who was essentially a child…when the National Organization of Women slammed me, that was sort of the final straw", "id": "47267" }, { "contents": "Empire of the Sun (film)\n\n\napproach. Roger Ebert gave a mixed reaction, \"Despite the emotional potential in the story, it didn't much move me. Maybe, like the kid, I decided that no world where you can play with airplanes can be all that bad.\" On his TV show with Gene Siskel, Ebert said that the film \"is basically a good idea for a film that never gets off the ground.\" Siskel added, \"I don't know what the film is about. It's so totally confused and taking", "id": "15615327" }, { "contents": "Le Chat Bleu\n\n\nwe had all these great people involved, you know, and we thought we had something great. I came back to America, and my label at that time said, “Well, we think we should put it on the shelf for a while.” This was right before Christmas for God's sake when you know people are going to be buying stuff, so I asked them what the problem was. They said they had never heard anything like it before and didn't know what to do with it. We", "id": "2477384" }, { "contents": "Neil Gaiman\n\n\nJoseph Campbell's \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\", Gaiman says that he started reading \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" but refused to finish it: \"I think I got about half way through \"The Hero with a Thousand Faces\" and found myself thinking if this is true – I don't want to know. I really would rather not know this stuff. I'd rather do it because it's true and because I accidentally wind up creating something that falls into this pattern than be told what", "id": "2148773" }, { "contents": "Gloria Rolando\n\n\n, sometimes people don't know very much about what happened in the history of the Caribbean—and Cuba is a Caribbean island that shared many destinies with other Caribbean countries. Even if we speak Spanish and others speak French or English, we have many things in common. So I think that the expectation, the interest and the reaction that I see [in U.S. audiences] are because people want to know what happened with the rest of the blacks in the continent. ...Through my films, they get a little bit", "id": "12558228" }, { "contents": "Trumped! (book)\n\n\n\" In 1999, Trump again referred to O'Donnell as a \"disgruntled employee\" during an interview with \"Playboy\"; Trump also told the magazine: \"Nobody has had worse things written about them than me. And here I am. The stuff O'Donnell wrote about me is probably true. The guy's a fucking loser. A fucking loser. I brought the guy in to work for me; it turns out he didn't know that much about what he was doing. I think I met the guy two or", "id": "11445303" }, { "contents": "Happening\n\n\nlikely by chance procedures.\" As a conclusion, a happening is fresh while it lasts and cannot be reproduced. Regarding happenings, Red Grooms has remarked, \"I had the sense that I knew it was something. I knew it was something because I didn't know what it was. I think that's when you're at your best point. When you're really doing something, you're doing it all out, but you don't know what it is.\" The lack of plot as well as", "id": "14140982" }, { "contents": "So Appalled\n\n\na personal attack. \"I didn't know that [Hammer's financial status] wasn't on the table for discussion!\" he said. \"I didn't know I was the first person ever to say that...\" He continued, \"When I say things, I think people believe me so much that they take it a different way — it's, like, not rap anymore at that point. I say some great things about him in the book I have coming out [\"Decoded\"] —", "id": "7312915" }, { "contents": "Miriam González Durántez\n\n\nin your life determines what you do later on. When I came here, I went for lots of chats with people because I didn't know what to do. And pretty much all of them said, 'What do you want to do?' And I was like, 'Me? You want to know what I think? I have a choice?' Now I take it for granted, but it was a complete shock to my system. I still think it today: if I wanted to change my", "id": "19531321" }, { "contents": "2008 Atlanta Falcons season\n\n\nfor the game-winner with 1 second left. \"I'm really happy that one went through\", Elam said. \"Our guys have been fighting so hard for so long. I hate to even mention what happened last year but to hear some of the stories I know the guys are really hungry to get some wins on the board and show our fans what we're all about.\" With time to throw Ryan thrived. The rookie found five different receivers and performed regular Houdini-like acts to find open", "id": "6656957" }, { "contents": "Charli XCX\n\n\nwith The Guardian, Charli XCX said \"I was still in school, I'd just come out of this weird rave scene, and I wasn't really sure what to make of that. And when I got signed I hated pop music; I wanted to make bad rap music. I didn't know who I was. I didn't know what I liked. Even though I was signed, I was still figuring it out.\" She eventually flew out to Los Angeles to meet with producers, and found it", "id": "6747201" }, { "contents": "Maryland Terrapins football\n\n\nquarterback Boomer Esiason the opportunity to excel to a degree not seen under Claiborne the season prior. Esiason said, \"Ross has an uncanny knack of putting players in a position to not only succeed, but to overachieve . . . If he didn't show up at Maryland, I don't know what would have happened to me. I don't know if I would have turned into the player I was and played in the NFL.\" During this time, several Maryland quarterbacks went on to careers in the National Football", "id": "9568924" }, { "contents": "I Saw What I Saw\n\n\n\" showed an increase, with the former garnering a 5.0/13 rating/share in the 18–49 demographic. \"BuddyTV\" gave a largely positive review saying, \"Notice how good Grey‘s Anatomy gets when it focuses on the medicine and ignores people‘s drama?\" That, in a nutshell, is what happened to Seattle Grace following the so-called invasion last week. It was an awesome episode. Flashbacks are made of win, especially when you sort of know the ending, and everything feels like a gradual build-up to", "id": "756584" }, { "contents": "Poster Girl (Wrong Side of the World)\n\n\nwas incredibly inspired by the whole experience of going over to the Middle East to entertain the Aussie troops, but also getting to know them and understanding what they're all about. I was like a proud mother hen over there, so I really did want to come back and sing their praises. I wanted to write a song, but I didn't know what angle. That's when I received the criticism.\" Cole continued saying \"You can support the troops without supporting the war. You can recognise that they", "id": "5214455" }, { "contents": "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (film)\n\n\nand taped a voice-over in Clooney's house. When asked about Barris's claim of being a CIA assassin, Clooney commented, \"I don't know how much I believed it. I didn't want to officially ask him, because I didn't want him to say, 'I made it up.' I wanted to tell the story and I thought how interesting, if it was all made up, why someone as wealthy and as successful as Chuck Barris would have to do that. I thought that", "id": "5357051" }, { "contents": "West Indian cricket team in England in 1900\n\n\ntour: \"I enjoyed it very much. There was the cricket and going about in trains; I liked the views very much. The travelling didn't tire me much and I never had to be left out of the team. I think I should like to live in England, though I don't know whether I could stand the cold in the winter.\" It is also worth noting that Ollivierre, a coloured Amateur, was signed up by Derbyshire during the tour and played for them for a number of years", "id": "12941317" }, { "contents": "The Canadians (1961 film)\n\n\nbeautiful country... the story was pretty good actually, because it was based on an actual event, but - I was so used to playing scenes in Randy [Randolph Scott] pictures, I thought I could get away with them. But I couldn't. You can play good scenes with bad actors and (they're going to be) bad scenes. So I trapped myself... [Robert Ryan looked] like he didn't know what he was doing. It wasn't his fault. He was so grim in", "id": "8398247" }, { "contents": "Tomorrow Never Knows\n\n\nnature of each soul is pure consciousness. So the song is really about transcending and about the quality of the transcendent. I am not too sure if John actually fully understood what he was saying. He knew he was onto something when he saw those words and turned them into a song. But to have experienced what the lyrics in that song are actually about? I don't know if he fully understood it. \"Tomorrow Never Knows\" was sequenced as the final track on \"Revolver\", which EMI's Parlophone", "id": "6821786" }, { "contents": "Casablanca (film)\n\n\nI love more...?' I said to her, 'I don't know ... play them both evenly.' You see we didn't have an ending, so we didn't know what was going to happen! However, while rewrites did occur during filming, Aljean Harmetz's examination of the scripts has shown that many of the key scenes were shot after Bergman knew how the film would end; any confusion was, in critic Roger Ebert's words, \"emotional\", not \"factual\". The film", "id": "12365554" }, { "contents": "Extreme Measures\n\n\nas a hired hand so it wasn't that I didn't know anything... Yes, there are things I know now that I didn't know before. But there are things a monkey could learn to do... I think learning to keep on top of things ... You have to, sort of, learn that as you go. I hadn't realized how fragile a film could be. I did end up being very hands-on. I ended up doing much more than I had expected to. I didn't", "id": "5779044" }, { "contents": "Gai-Jin\n\n\n,\" he said. \"The number of people who ring me up saying `You killed him!'. I say I didn't kill him, so-and-so killed him.\" Clavell said that he did not plot his books. \"I write it pretty much as you read it. Of course I may have to go back and change something because of what I have written later, but usually it just runs through. I always have trouble deciding when to stop. I didn't know how", "id": "17078974" }, { "contents": "Harlem Nights\n\n\n. I had one foot in the club, and one foot on the set, a lot of shit going on. It’s amazing it came together.\" He also said he didn't know Pryor was sick at the time \"He was sick with MS by then, but nobody knew it was going on. And I was like a puppy to him ‘cause he was my idol. “Hey! Let’s go make this movie!” I never put it together what was happening till afterwards. So it", "id": "10142953" }, { "contents": "Ibrahim Jeilan\n\n\nupset in the 10,000 m final by overhauling Mo Farah in the final stages of the race to win the gold medal. Farah had been undefeated up until that point that year while Ibrahim had come from relative obscurity, having competed only in Japan for almost two years. Runner-up Farah said \"I didn't have a clue about the guy. I hadn't seen him, so I didn't know what he could do or what he was capable of.\" Ibrahim was Ethiopia's only athlete to finish in the", "id": "9174656" }, { "contents": "Brown Betty (Fringe)\n\n\nI've been waiting for some moment in some realm of where I am in TV and film for this to happen and, you know, of course, when \"Glee\" came on the air I was like, 'Great, that was my chance,' and I'm in this show, which I love this show, but I'm never going to sing and dance in this show. And I did! It's so awesome!\" Swerling called it \"the longest and possibly most difficult episode of the", "id": "3111011" }, { "contents": "Jadzia Dax\n\n\nbit intimidated about this, I thought 'Oh my God, I need to meet them so they're going to tell me what I need to know.' And when I actually got here and spoke to everyone, they kind of didn't really know. And I was twenty-eight, and they kind of wanted me to be wiser than my years, just have the physicality of a twenty-eight-year-old, but have a three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old wise person", "id": "21946582" }, { "contents": "N-Dubz\n\n\nI've Done\", to raise money for marginalised children in war zones. Tulisa admitted she felt privileged to record the charity song. \"It's an issue that hasn't been looked at enough. And you know, even until I found out about this event, I didn't really know that much about it, and that's saying something you know. And the fact that I'm only finding out now is not really good enough. So that was every reason for me to get involved.\" She told", "id": "10131444" }, { "contents": "Henry Sobel\n\n\nthe hospital. \"I don't know where to start,\" he began. \"I am taking relatively strong medications. Regarding what happened, it is very hard for me to explain the inexplicable. I do not have scientific and psychological knowledge to understand, explain and, much less, justify what occurred, but one thing I know: the Henry Sobel who committed that act is not the Henry Sobel you know.\" He ended saying: \"I want to close with an apology, and I also want to", "id": "2564734" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "Isabella Rossellini\n\n\nwhen they had allocated some money to experiment in making a web series. At first, I thought I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to write and then thought it might be really fun to do little short films about animals. This is how the first three episodes of Green Porno came about. When I showed them the pilot, Sundance commissioned eight more. It was a huge hit! Debuting in 2008, the first series of \"Green Porno\" garnered over 4 million views on YouTube", "id": "18909571" }, { "contents": "Aunt Martha's Sheep\n\n\nin the story, the Mountie joined right in,br He had a feed of mutton and he thanked them with a grin;br If I wasn't still on duty, well, I'd stay and have a beer,br For a finer bunch of b'ys I know I'll never find like here. Now, when he left they thought that they had seen the last of he,br They didn't know that in a while back to the house he'd be;br And that he wouldn't be alone, a friend", "id": "2054089" }, { "contents": "Nothing Important Happened Today\n\n\n. When talking about the ninth season, Carter stated, \"We lost our audience on the first episode. It's like the audience had gone away, and I didn't know how to find them. I didn't want to work to get them back because I believed what we are doing deserved to have them back\". The episode was later included on \"The X-Files Mythology, Volume 4 – Super Soldiers\", a DVD collection that contains episodes involved with the alien super soldiers arc. The episode", "id": "18942203" }, { "contents": "Derek Branning\n\n\nreally set things alight in the Square. Foreman said that when he was asked to play the part, they told him that he was dangerous, destructive and sexy. He commented: \"Well, I haven't seen much of the sexy, but I've seen lots of the dangerous and lots of the destructive! So I think you're going to enjoy him. I think he's one of those characters you're going to love to hate. You never know what he's going to do next. And I", "id": "8578545" }, { "contents": "Roses for the Dead\n\n\nabout the death of close friends; I saw my friends and family all grieving but I didn't know how to react. I felt odd because I wasn't crying, I sat there and took it all in. I wanted to pay tribute to the memory of those people, who I missed so much, and to express that. In the album booklet it says: \"Dedicated to the memory of Lianne Davies and Lloyd Bird, eternally loved and never forgotten\" Roses for the Dead Vinyl (Red Rose cover)", "id": "1962097" }, { "contents": "Katrina Kaif\n\n\nn't count \"Boom\" among important happenings in my life. When I signed this film, I didn't know much about India and its film audience\". Although Kaif was offered a number of modelling assignments, filmmakers were hesitant to cast her because of her poor command of Hindi. In one instance, Mahesh Bhatt replaced her with Tara Sharma in \"Saaya\" (2003) as he found her an \"inconsistent performer\". Subsequently, Kaif began working on her diction through Hindi classes. After the failure of her", "id": "1744039" }, { "contents": "Ray Fisher (actor)\n\n\nhis wife. He can’t feed his kids. Yet he doesn’t badmouth anyone for what’s happened to him. Partly it’s because he can't. But I think that even when he’s alone, he doesn’t have bad thoughts about these people other than he’s sorry for them. That’s admirable. It’s a quality I wish I could say I had. I know if this happened today, I’d have a lot to say.\" In 2009, Fisher acted in William Shakespeare's play", "id": "18070091" }, { "contents": "Crime Scene (website)\n\n\nArriola explained in an interview with \"Web Review\" in 1995: This turned out to be much more interactive than anybody knows. When we made up this thing, we just \"killed\" some girl on my kitchen floor, photographed it, and put it up on the Web. We didn't really think through all the details of the crime... But what happened was that people wrote in letters saying, \"Here's what I think could have happened,\" or \"Here's why I think this looks like", "id": "12189995" }, { "contents": "Public Image (song)\n\n\nbe, is not about the fans at all, it's a slagging of the group I used to be in. It's what I went through from my own group. They never bothered to listen to what I was fucking singing, they don't even know the words to my songs. They never bothered to listen, it was like, 'Here's a tune, write some words to it.' So I did. They never questioned it. I found that offensive, it meant I was literally wasting", "id": "18451027" }, { "contents": "This Country Is Bad Ass\n\n\nnever have been able to be where I am if I wasn't in America so we decided to come up with this track. I just want people to know that I love my country, this is home. Even though I wasn't born here, I'm so proud to be here” She also stated, “People have kind of forgotten that working hard is huge, and that's what you need to do to get where you want. You can't just sit back and let things happen, and the", "id": "5552405" }, { "contents": "Ground beetle\n\n\n. A folk story claims that Charles Darwin once found himself on the receiving end of a bombardier beetle's attack, based on a passage in his autobiography. Darwin stated in a letter to Leonard Jenyns that a beetle had attacked him on that occasion, but he did not know what kind: A \"Cychrus rostratus\" once squirted into my eye & gave me extreme pain; & I must tell you what happened to me on the banks of the Cam in my early entomological days; under a piece of bark I found", "id": "21157434" }, { "contents": "Burial (musician)\n\n\ndescribes the process in an interview, \"Once I change something, I can never un-change it. I can only see the waves. So I know when I’m happy with my drums because they look like a nice fishbone. When they look just skeletal as fuck in front of me, and so I know they’ll sound good.\" He also said that he didn't use a sequencer, because if his drums were timed too perfectly, they would \"lose something\" and \"sound rubbish\".", "id": "803130" } ]
Sobriety is an issue that is difficult for many individuals. Wold you like to know the definition of sobriety? Yes, please tell me the definition.
[{"answer": "the condition of not having effects from alcohol. It is the state of being sober.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "872424", "title": "Sobriety", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 85, "bleu_score": 0.9253911813809743, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\nSA Board of Trustees, are now required to affirm the SA Sobriety Definition including the Cleveland Clarification. This controversy continues to circulate within the fellowship. The General Delegate Assembly (GDA) \"is the policy making body of SA.\" Any Delegate is free to propose a motion at the GDA to debate the SA sobriety definition. SA Conferences are about recovery, not for debating policy matters like the sobriety definition. Essay, the quarterly international SA newsletter, states the principle in its Editorial Philosophy: \"\"SA’s sobriety", "id": "3862167" }, { "contents": "Sex Addicts Anonymous\n\n\neach member creates a unique definition of \"sexual sobriety\" based on abstaining from a personalized list of compulsive sexual behaviors. Members are encouraged to respect each other's definitions of sobriety. Many SAA members use a \"three circle\" concept to model their behaviors. The inner circle represents the compulsive sexual behaviors that must not be practiced. Inner circle behaviors might include having sex with a prostitute, or acting out with a nonconsensual victim. The outer circle includes sexual and nonsexual behaviors that are definitely healthy. Outer circle behaviors might", "id": "8610062" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\ndefinition is not debated, since it distinguishes SA from other sex addiction fellowships. Essay is not a forum for non-SA sobriety.\" In July 2016, the SA General Delegates Assembly(GDA) passed a motion further entrenching the 1999 Cleveland Statement of Principle : \"\"In SA's sobriety definition, the term \"spouse\" refers to one’s partner in a marriage between a man and a woman\"\". The motion requires the inclusion of the Statement of Principle in all SA literature on the SA website home page.", "id": "3862168" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\naccept this and, as a result, in 1991 some SA members and groups left SA to form Sexual Recovery Anonymous (SRA), citing the SA sobriety definition’s lack of endorsement of same sex relationships and committed relationships. Murray R, one of the SRA founders had served on the SA General Service Board and had long attempted to change the SA sobriety definition to include committed relationships with either the same or opposite sex. As early as 1991 Roy was writing to the fellowship regarding same-sex acting out. In an", "id": "3862160" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\nwe do not need to clarify the SA sobriety definition. Many (probably most) were convinced this vote meant that we are already clear on the meaning of traditional SA sobriety and no further clarification is needed. Others were equally convinced this vote meant that \"spouse\" and \"marriage\" could be interpreted as understood by each member. Some were convinced that SA is afraid to \"say what it means and mean what it says\" On July 9, 1999, the General Delegates Assembly, meeting at an international conference in", "id": "3862165" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\nwith here—human lives!\"\" The issue came up again in the late 1990s. A survey was held, reaching out to various individual meetings through the regional councils and local Intergroups. A solid majority of responders felt that the sobriety definition did not require clarification. Agitation on the issue continued due to a perception that the ambiguous nature of the survey questions rendered the results meaningless. The Chair of the SA Delegates Assembly summed up this ambiguity: \"I received conflicting opinions about the meaning of the January 1999 vote that", "id": "3862164" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\n, Patrick Carnes, encourages self-defined sobriety in his writings, saying that a no-masturbation definition of sobriety is only appropriate for some sex addicts and that bottom lines can in fact be modified over time. Joe Kort criticizes SA for its pro-heterosexual marriage stance. However, the founder Roy K. knew ahead of time that this was a controversial subject and often wrote letters from a contrarian perspective. \"If we come into an SA group where we can define our own sobriety, watch those rationalizations come alive!", "id": "3862172" }, { "contents": "Rob Halford\n\n\na more detailed explanation looking back on the day he quit drugs and alcohol and how it affected his live performances and emotional well being since then, \"It's a trail of sobriety that I really know for a fact has helped me in my career and in my life as a musician and as a person. I'd like to feel that I'm better in both worlds in that respect. I think I've improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober. But, you know", "id": "18111547" }, { "contents": "The One That I Love\n\n\n\"The One That I Love\" was the Maltese entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1998, performed in English by Chiara. The song is a ballad, with Chiara telling her lover how she feels about him. She begins by describing the evening, before confessing that \"I think that I'm in love and you mean so much to me\" and later becoming more definite, singing that \"I'm certain and now I know/For me, yes, you're just the one/The one that I love", "id": "17193534" }, { "contents": "Srinivasa Acarya\n\n\n. Please do not hesitate, if you need something special, tell me!\" \"No!\", said the sannyasi: \"I will not tell you. I can not tell you. You will not like that.\" Hearing this Chaitanya Das became even more eager to serve the sannyasi, insisting: \"You must tell me. I will not let you leave here. Anything that you ask, I will give to you.\" Finally the sannyasi revealed his mind: \"All right, yes, I", "id": "6087570" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\nchemical testing (breath, blood, etc.) In Republic of Korea, it is crime to drive if one's level of alcohol is .03% or greater. Police often operates sobriety checkpoints without notice in advance, and it is criminal offense to refuse a sobriety test. Driving under influence of alcohol result in suspension or disqualification of driver's license. In British law it is a criminal offence to be drunk in charge of a motor vehicle. The definition depends on such things as being in or near the vehicle,", "id": "21329328" }, { "contents": "Women For Sobriety\n\n\n, no matter how small—even in an hour of sobriety. Similarly, members learn to beware of negative thoughts as they arise. There are also elements of applied self-in-relation theory (the theory that a woman's sense of definition and value is strongly tied to their relationships with others); women are encouraged to build new, healthy relationships inside and outside of meetings. The thirteen affirmations represent six levels of growth in which members accept the physical nature of alcoholism (affirmation one), remove negativity (", "id": "11638009" }, { "contents": "Alaska Public Safety Commissioner dismissal\n\n\nscratching their heads, 'why on earth hasn't, why is this guy still representing the department?' \" and \"I'm telling you honestly, you know, she really likes Walt [Monegan] a lot, but on this issue, she feels like it's, she doesn't know why there is absolutely no action for a year on this issue. It's very, very troubling to her and the family. I could definitely relay that.\" Bailey said in an interview on August 13 that no", "id": "3829641" }, { "contents": "Christian contemplation\n\n\nis regarded as leading to spiritual delusion (Russian prelest, Greek plani), which is the opposite of sobriety. Sobriety (called nepsis) means full consciousness and self-realization (enstasis), giving true spiritual knowledge (called true gnosis). Prelest or plani is the estrangement of the person to existence or objective reality, an alienation called amartía. This includes damaging or vilifying the nous, or simply having a non-functioning noetic and neptic faculty. Evil is, by definition, the act of turning humanity against", "id": "10627707" }, { "contents": "Housing insecurity in the United States\n\n\n11 inches', and \"rats have been seen recently in the unit.\" There have been calls for one unified national definition for housing insecurity, much like there is a definition of food insecurity. Researchers argue that it is difficult to study the effect of housing insecurity because it has been defined in so many different ways. A unified definition of housing insecurity will also help standardize the research on housing insecurity. Furthermore, a working definition for housing insecurity across the federal government could allow individuals who qualify for assistance to know", "id": "245392" }, { "contents": "Abdullah ibn Omayr Abu Wahab al Kalbi\n\n\njust path and it would be cowardly and against all traditions of Arab chivalry and gallantry to leave the side of a man so isolated and surrounded by blood-thirsty enemies.' The mother said: 'But that means definite death.' Wahab replied: 'Yes I know, but my heart tells me that this is the right thing to do, in these circumstances.' The mother then said: 'If that is how you feel then we will stay with Husayn.' Wahab’s mother then pleaded on his", "id": "17202665" }, { "contents": "The Strawberry Statement\n\n\nstudent or faculty opinion should not in itself have any influence on the formation of administrative policy\". \"A university is definitely not a democratic institution,\" he added. \"When decisions begin to be made democratically around here, I will not be here any longer.\" Deane concluded with what students widely mocked as \"the strawberry statement\": \"Whether students vote 'yes' or 'no' on a given issue means as much to me as if they were to tell me they like strawberries.\" Deane", "id": "11627506" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\n\" requirements are of course likely to be less restrictive on PBT/PAS requirements.) section begin=fst_criticisms / FSTs are considered subjective. Additionally, their applicability to large segments of the population is limited. Critics of standardized field sobriety tests often question the statistical evidence behind them, and the ability of the officers to administer the tests and actually judge for impairments related to alcohol. According to Barone, one study involved completely sober individuals who were asked to perform the standardized field sobriety tests, and their performances were videotaped.", "id": "6114383" }, { "contents": "Women For Sobriety\n\n\nthis way, the size and number of WFS meetings remain static, but does not necessarily reflect a decline in the group's popularity. Forming a WFS meeting for some may be prohibitively difficult, in addition to obtaining certification and a year of sobriety, the leader has an ongoing responsibility for the meeting. A 2018 longitudinal study compared the self-reported success of Women For Sobriety, LifeRing Secular Recovery, SMART Recovery, and Alcoholics Anonymous. After normalizing for income and other demographic factors, the study saw that Women for Sobriety", "id": "11638023" }, { "contents": "Tell Me You Love Me (album)\n\n\n. You want to get to know the Lovato behind \"Tell Me You Love Me\", something you can’t definitively say about any of her other releases\". Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic wrote that the album \"runs the gamut from churchy soul to seductive slow-burners to showstopping ballads designed to showcase every single one of Lovato's diva moves\", giving the album 3.5 out of 5 stars. The \"Herald Sun\" rated the album 3.5 out of 4 stars, deeming it \"impressive\" and felt \"", "id": "19565683" }, { "contents": "Sexual Compulsives Anonymous\n\n\nincorporate their definition of sexual sobriety into what they call a sexual recovery plan. Sexual recovery plans are modeled on the work of Patrick Carnes, a sexual addiction researcher, based on the model for Overeaters Anonymous (OA), whose members create individualized \"food plans.\" Sexual recovery plans have three columns: abstinence, high-risk, and recovery—analogous to the three circles used in Sex Addicts Anonymous. The sexual recovery plan is used as a blueprint for recovery. The abstinence column includes \"bottom-line\"", "id": "8544315" }, { "contents": "Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?\n\n\n-death from alcoholism and subsequent sobriety. The earliest compositions date from around 1960, the time of his study under John Gardner at Chico State in English 20A: Creative Writing. In the decade and a half following, Carver struggled to make space for bursts of creativity between teaching jobs and raising his two young children, and later, near-constant drinking. The compositions of \"Will You Please...\" can be grouped roughly into the following periods: Although several of the stories had appeared previously in prominent publications (the", "id": "18875561" }, { "contents": "You Make Me Want to Be a Man\n\n\nwell know [sic] for these kinds of technological things, like Anime and the futuristic things, so I think that is what started off the whole thing.\" Utada revealed that she shared her creative input with Kiriya because \"It's very difficult, but a bit of companionship was exactly what I needed. With most of my work I mostly just say yes or no, so I guess what I needed was someone that I could trust the taste and opinions of and have the guts to tell me about things.", "id": "7061185" }, { "contents": "Ciara (album)\n\n\nbut the date was never ever confirmed, not from my mouth, but they can definitely look out for this album this winter. I'll be telling you soon. Stay tuned. You know what? I'm giving you guys my video [for \"Got Me Good\"] on my birthday, so you never know what could happen around Christmas-time. I love giving gifts.\" After the premiere of the \"Got Me Good\" video, the album was slated to drop in early 2013. On April", "id": "2696635" }, { "contents": "Random checkpoint\n\n\nrequirement of individualized suspicion,\" he stated. Jurisdictions that allow sobriety checkpoints often carve out specific exceptions to their normal civil protections, in order to allow sobriety checkpoints. Although the U.S. Supreme Court has found sobriety checkpoints to be constitutionally permissible, ten states (Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming) have found that sobriety roadblocks violate their own state constitutions or have outlawed them. One other state (Alaska) does not use checkpoints even though it has", "id": "18054761" }, { "contents": "Monica Youngblood\n\n\narrested on May 20, 2018 at a sobriety checkpoint under suspicion of driving under the influence. According to police, Youngblood smelled of alcohol and her speech was slurred. She was placed under arrest after performing poorly on field sobriety tests and refusing to take a breathalyzer test. Youngblood made several statements regarding her position as a legislator to the arresting officers. She was recorded on tape telling police, \"I literally fight for you guys.\" According to the New Mexico Governmental Conduct Act, it is a criminal offense for public", "id": "5903123" }, { "contents": "Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated\n\n\nhad not previously disclosed or discussed extensively, including the beginning of her career on Disney Channel and various personal struggles with bipolar disorder and addiction. Lovato also admitted to being dishonest about the initial outcome of her recovery in a previous documentary, \"\" (2012), and revealed she was in fact under the influence of cocaine while being interviewed about her sobriety for that film. \"Simply Complicated\" follows the recording of Lovato's sixth studio album \"Tell Me You Love Me\" and features appearances and commentary by several music", "id": "20985985" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\n\"After viewing the 21 videos of sober individuals taking the standardized field tests, the police officers believed that forty-six percent of the individuals had 'too much to drink'\". It should not be out of the question for the standardized field sobriety tests to be re-examined for reliability and validity. A standardized test that claims to have scientific support should be able to be repeated. Along with that, the standardized field sobriety tests do not have a specific standard for grading, and it is left up to", "id": "6114384" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nthan necessary. Additionally, it is almost impossible to tell whether or not a police officer used proper procedures for administering the field sobriety test when a case is brought to court. The original research conducted by the NHTSA is often disputed because of the manner in which they were conducted and the conclusions that were reported. One author alleges that FSD analysis reports do not meet scientific \"peer review\" standards: \"The reports for all three studies issued by NHTSA are lacking much of the material and analysis expected in a scientific paper", "id": "6114386" }, { "contents": "Grand Exit\n\n\n, \"ah, ah, ah, teacher spank — you know my rules — sobriety test before every drink\". The first one, Marie (unbilled Patricia Farley) fails \"she sells seashells by the she sore\". The next one, Nancy (unbilled Geneva Mitchell) also fails with \"peter potter picked a peck of peckled pippers\", as Grayson approaches to propose business. Fletcher tells him \"I'm in conference\" and gives a chance to the third girl, Sally (unbilled Dorothy Dehn),", "id": "15669479" }, { "contents": "Sobriety coin\n\n\ncoin tradition within this section of A.A. The Portland Group (Maine) began a tradition of using colored poker chips to mark time of sobriety. As each section of A.A. saw fit, it joined in on the sobriety coin custom. As private companies saw these coins being used, they began to manufacture “A.A.” chips (even though they were not affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous) and sell them to different sections. It is believed that the company that made the modern chip as we know it today occurred in Minneapolis in 1965", "id": "10697562" }, { "contents": "Gu Hui\n\n\nshould work together to support the Han dynasty. Why are you telling me all this?\" Gu Hui replied: \"It is precisely because you, Wise Lord, and my lord have such strong ties and a shared loyalty towards the Han dynasty. I know that you would definitely want to know what is happening in Jiangdong. That is why I decided to tell you.\" Cao Cao treated Gu Hui generously and sent him back to Jiangdong. After Gu Hui returned to Jiangdong, Sun Quan asked him what he found", "id": "6671673" }, { "contents": "Women For Sobriety\n\n\nhave for an average of five years). Non-AA attending WFS members are more likely to believe that maintaining sobriety is a matter of hard work having little to do with God's intervention, while those attending AA attribute their sobriety to their spiritual program. Ninety-two percent of WFS members, however, believe their state of mind is the most important factor in maintaining sobriety. Although length of time in WFS correlated positively with self-esteem, length of time in AA did not emerge as a significant predictor of", "id": "11638020" }, { "contents": "Cooler than Me\n\n\nmicrophone! So to now be hearing it on the radio in the States and over here is very special for me, knowing that I made it in such a makeshift manner. And while yes, it is about a specific girl in my class I had a crush on – though I’m not gonna tell you her name, because she doesn’t deserve any notoriety – it’s also about a specific type of girl. Because there are girls like that everywhere! You know, everybody knows that girl who thinks she", "id": "21251370" }, { "contents": "Sobriety coin\n\n\nvalues are meant to be tokens of inspiration and a reminder of just how long the member has been sober and how far that member has come. It is evident that “early on, many people in A.A. carried personal mementos to remind themselves of the importance of their sobriety” . From personal mementos to coins, the practice of giving out something such as a sobriety chip represents the will and desire that a person has to quit drinking. “The practice of giving sobriety chips in A.A. is attributed to a group in Elmira", "id": "10697565" }, { "contents": "Ritual (In This Moment album)\n\n\nserious themes, \"Stylistically, I think we went a little bit more raw, you know—like, not so much campiness like 'Sex Metal Barbie.'\" Brink says the record is less sexualized than the previous efforts saying, \"I wanted to show people and definitely women a different side of strength in me that was a really powerful force in me that didn't need the sexual part, so there's definitely a more serious overtone...a more serious deeper side of us.\" Sonically, the electronic", "id": "5539330" }, { "contents": "Plan B Skateboards\n\n\nskateboarding community and those people who were intensively involved with the Plan B brand; Danny Way stated in a December 2012 interview, \"Mike was always like a brother to me. He definitely installed in me a lot of stuff that will be permanently in my mind. When I'm really pushing myself sometimes, I have to remember sometimes, like, you know, I really will bring him up in my head and remember certain things he used to say to me and, and, that's, you know, sometimes", "id": "15525594" }, { "contents": "Fossil fuel phase-out\n\n\nthan 150 new coal-fired power plants over the next several years. Would you support a five-year moratorium on new coal-fired power plants in the United States if there was stepped-up investment in clean, safe and renewable energy—such as wind and solar—and improved home energy-efficiency standards? Would you say definitely yes, probably yes, probably no, definitely no, or don't know.\" The results were as follows: In 2013, the Gallup organization determined that 41% of", "id": "16368383" }, { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\n.\" Someone who abstains, but has a latent desire to resume use, is not considered truly sober. An abstainer may be subconsciously motivated to resume alcohol consumption, but for a variety of reasons, abstains (e.g. a medical or legal concern precluding use). Sobriety has more specific meanings within specific contexts, such as the culture of many substance use recovery programs, law enforcement, and some schools of psychology. In some cases, sobriety implies achieving \"life balance.\" Sobriety may refer to being clear of immediate", "id": "16400289" }, { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\nSobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels or effects from alcohol or drugs. Sobriety is also considered to be the natural state of a human being given at a birth. A person in a state of sobriety is considered sober. In a treatment setting, sobriety is the achieved goal of independence from consuming alcohol. As such, sustained abstinence is a prerequisite for sobriety. Early in abstinence, residual effects of alcohol consumption can preclude sobriety. These effects are labeled \"PAWS,\" or \"post acute withdrawal syndrome", "id": "16400288" }, { "contents": "Endless Forms Most Beautiful (album)\n\n\nyou know, it just fits.\" Holopainen \"challenged me using everything I have to offer. High, low, soft, whatever, but definitely lower stuff and very soft and intimate things.\" Asked if the album would include operatic singing, Jansen replied: \"Yes, but not so much\"; the band experimented with many different styles, including occasional operatic backing vocals. Holopainen later confirmed challenging the singer, since he thought her voice could accommodate heavier and softer songs. In another interview, he said that", "id": "13813321" }, { "contents": "Matt Labash\n\n\nout with Kinky Friedman and write a character study, as my book bears out.” “Journalism,” Labash has said, “is definitely like psychotherapy. When you successfully get into a subject’s head, you’re their priest, their best friend, their spouse, their bartender, their shrink. They end up telling you, a stranger, things they often don’t tell the people they know best. And you know why? Because you asked.” “I get surprised by something almost every story,", "id": "5608077" }, { "contents": "Yes! (k-os album)\n\n\ntell me a name right now.' I'm like 'I don't know, I wish I knew Natalie Portman.' It was like 'Are you serious right now?' I'm like 'Yeah, I wish I knew Natalie Portman.' And that was it. It wasn't even something I thought about.\" The following tracks were available with the iTunes pre-order of the album. \"Yes! It's Yours\" is remixed version of \"Yes!\" containing tracks mixed by producers", "id": "806849" }, { "contents": "Children's use of information\n\n\nwith ambiguous input. However, it seems in certain contexts with certain tasks, younger children also display some ability to deal with ambiguous information. Language can play an important role in the ability to correctly decipher ambiguous input. One can \"know\" someone in many different ways, for example, seeing them, talking to them, having a prior history with them, etc. This makes questions like \"Do you know?\" very complicated and difficult to respond to. More explicit definitions of \"to know\" seem to", "id": "9949077" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\ndriving under the influence with tools like breathalyzers during field sobriety tests. Excluding edibles, a THC breathalyzer has the potential to measure how \"high\" an individual may be at the time. The legality of marijuana does not entail safety on the road, and accurate methods have become required to determine driver impairment. A THC breathalyzer could revolutionize roadside sobriety testing for drivers suspected of impairment. In the US state of Colorado, impaired drivers may potentially be charged with child endangerment if they are arrested for DUI with minor children in the", "id": "21329317" }, { "contents": "Last Judgment\n\n\nand hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. There", "id": "2086791" }, { "contents": "Alcoholic liver disease\n\n\n, the disease process remains mostly irreversible. Liver transplantation remains the only definitive therapy. Today, survival after liver transplantation is similar for people with ALD and non-ALD. The requirements for transplant listing are the same as those for other types of liver disease, except for a 6-month sobriety prerequisite along with psychiatric evaluation and rehabilitation assistance (i.e., Alcoholics Anonymous). Specific requirements vary among the transplant centers. Relapse to alcohol use after transplant listing results in delisting. Re-listing is possible in many institutions, but only", "id": "10565064" }, { "contents": "2016 Tennessee Volunteers football team\n\n\nsaid he's been pleased with the competition and talent level of those fighting for the positions, but that the roles are anyone's for the taking. Jalen Hurd, who's short of the school rushing record, said he's targeting Travis Henry's career rushing record of 3,078 yards. He believes \"it's reachable and, you know, you can see it, I definitely want to do it. That's a goal of mine. But obviously the biggest goal for me is just to help get my team a", "id": "4630328" }, { "contents": "Women For Sobriety\n\n\nper year). Half of WFS members have been sober for less than two years and in WFS for a year or less. Women who took Antabuse were more likely to relapse than those who did not. Most members (40%) were self-referred, others were referred to WFS by a counselor or treatment program. The vast majority of WFS members had received professional help at some point (89%), most frequently this was individual therapy and least frequently group therapy. Length of sobriety was correlated positively with", "id": "11638016" }, { "contents": "Women For Sobriety\n\n\nWomen For Sobriety (WFS) is a non-profit secular addiction recovery group for women with addiction problems. WFS was created by sociologist Jean Kirkpatrick in 1976 as an alternative to twelve-step addiction recovery groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). As of 1998 there were more than 200 WFS groups worldwide. Only women are allowed to attend the organization's meetings as the groups focus specifically on women's issues. WFS is not a radical feminist, anti-male, or anti-AA organization. Jean Kirkpatrick attended AA", "id": "11638004" }, { "contents": "Erasmus\n\n\non this ‘Evangelical’ generation, and observe whether amongst them less indulgence is given to luxury, lust, or avarice, than amongst those whom you so detest. Show me any one person who by that Gospel has been reclaimed from drunkenness to sobriety, from fury and passion to meekness, from avarice to liberality, from reviling to well-speaking, from wantonness to modesty. I will show you a great many who have become worse through following it...The solemn prayers of the Church are abolished, but now there", "id": "10021152" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\n. To attempt to determine whether a suspect is impaired, police officers usually will administer field sobriety tests to determine whether the officer has probable cause to arrest an individual for suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI). A police officer in the United States must have Probable Cause to make an arrest for driving under the influence. In establishing probable cause for a DUI arrest officers frequently consider the suspect's performance of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) developed a system for validating field sobriety", "id": "21329310" }, { "contents": "Dark Sermon\n\n\nit – or you. To everyone who has followed my personal journey with mental illness, faith, and sobriety, thank you. Whether you decide to accompany me in this new chapter or not, you’ve already given me more than I could ask for. You saved my life. I love each and every one of you. Deeply. Goodbye for now. Yours forever, J [Johnny Crowder]\" In the wake of the hiatus, vocalist and founding member Johnny Crowder began pursuing his new band, Prison,", "id": "5367704" }, { "contents": "Take You There (Sean Kingston song)\n\n\nbasically telling a girl 'Let me take you to where I'm from - to Jamaica, to the paradise and to the slums!'. Because, while many people just think of the tropical beaches, there is definitely another, rugged side to the island too!\" On the issue date of November 17, 2007 the single debuted on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 at number 81 and peaked at number 7. The video (directed Gil Green) was shot in Miami, and features cameos by Rick Ross,", "id": "1112117" }, { "contents": "The Wedding (band)\n\n\nlot of money, more than we have. But I do know this: we talk about it often. Yes, talk is cheap, but talk keeps it in the realm of possibility. I tell you this not to give you false hope if you are into our band, but to let you know that if you are reading this then we care about you and we care that you care if we make music again. Whether it happens or not, please know that while we were a full-time band,", "id": "1450733" }, { "contents": "LifeRing Secular Recovery\n\n\nwhich it differs from traditional twelve-step support groups as well as other alternative methods of achieving sobriety. It also contains anecdotal stories from LifeRing members and the methods they used to get clean or sober. The book aims to inform people that other sobriety strategies are available outside of those more well known and that the approach is working successfully for many individuals. \"How Was Your Week: Bring People Together in Recovery the Lifering Way – A Convenors' Handbook\" is a book written for LifeRing meeting convenors. The book explains", "id": "3227111" }, { "contents": "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen\n\n\n. Yes, yes, yes, yes you don't know how good I am for you. So, as I love you so, so love me too. The most tender desires I alone feel only for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I alone feel only for you. But, but may I trust you you, you with a light heart? You, you know you can rely on me, you do know how good for you I am! Yes, yes, yes, yes", "id": "11482205" }, { "contents": "070 Shake\n\n\n; she shared with \"Pigeons & Planes\", \"All my life I grew up listening to Kanye West and Kid Cudi. I've cried to their music. They've definitely changed my life, and saved me from a lot of stuff.\" Shake's recording experience with West in Wyoming for his \"Ye\" album impacted her thoughts about \"Yellow Girl\"; she stated \"I don't know if it's going to be called \"Yellow Girl\". I know the songs are definitely changing. The", "id": "16014144" }, { "contents": "Journeyman (album)\n\n\nJourneyman is the eleventh solo studio album by Eric Clapton. Heralded as a return to form for Clapton, who had struggled with alcohol addiction and had recently found sobriety, the album has a 1980s electronic sound, but it also includes blues songs like \"Before You Accuse Me\", \"Running on Faith\", and \"Hard Times.\" \"Bad Love\" was released as a single, reaching the No. 1 position on the Album Rock Chart, and being awarded a Grammy Award for Best Male Rock Vocal Performance", "id": "5415220" }, { "contents": "Will the Wolf Survive\n\n\nown ongoing sobriety. The theme of sobriety is also explored on \"Working Without a Net,\" which reached #7 on the charts and finds the singer contemplating touring without the crutch of drugs (\"Up on the high wire, the crowd begins to call/Some want you to fly, some want to see you fall\"). \"What'll You Do When I'm Gone\" also made the Top 10, peaking at #8. Steve Earle's \"The Devil's Right Hand\", first performed", "id": "15770427" }, { "contents": "Undisputed III: Redemption\n\n\nUndisputed\" series. In May 29, 2014, When asked whether there would be an \"Undisputed 4\", Adkins replied, \"Yes, it is definitely something we are pursuing. We are working on the script at the moment trying to get all the departments happy with what we are trying to do. It’s taking longer than I want to be honest but you know it is difficult financing these films. In this day and age those type of straight to DVD films don’t make the sort of money they", "id": "12545379" }, { "contents": "Three circles\n\n\nrepublished. When creating the three circles diagram, the addict draws three concentric circles, one inside the other (like a bull's eye). The addict then lists behaviors in each of the circles that reset, endanger or promote their sobriety. Inner Circle The addict lists behaviors they want to stop engaging in in the inner-most circle. Engaging in any of these \"inner circle\" or \"bottom-line\" behaviors would result in a loss of sobriety for the addict. Addicts typically consider their \"sobriety date", "id": "9746632" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\nAnd if we define our own level of sobriety, that's all we're likely to reach.\" In addition, Roy studied Theology for many years at a Seminary. He often would leave an SA convention where he was one of the 'keynote speakers' and preach at a church around the corner for those interested in listening to a more evangelical point of view. \"We don't claim to understand all the ramifications of sexual sobriety. Some of us have come to believe that there is a deeper spiritual significance in", "id": "3862173" }, { "contents": "Weight of the World (Evanescence song)\n\n\nthe weight of the world / Like God in heaven gave me a turn / Don't cling to me, I swear I fix you,' only to tell him a few lines later, 'If you love me, then let go of me / I won't be held down by who I used to be.'\" While reviewing \"The Open Door\", Ed Thompson of IGN put \"Weight of the World\" in his \"Definitely Download\" list, along with \"Call Me When You're Sober", "id": "1586723" }, { "contents": "Belinda Carlisle\n\n\n-long cocaine binge in 2005, Carlisle says she looked at herself in the mirror and \"didn't see a light or a soul\" in her eyes: \"I just thought, ‘I know I don’t look like myself anymore.'\" The same morning, she had an auditory hallucination telling her she would be found dead in a hotel room if she did not stop using drugs. The incident jarred Carlisle into seeking sobriety, and she says she has been sober since 2005. She told \"The Sydney", "id": "20159688" }, { "contents": "Extreme Unction, c. 1638–1640\n\n\npainter Apelles who was, Poussin wrote, \"[much] pleased ... to represent scenes of death.\" Today, the sobriety and control of Poussin's paintings can seem difficult, or remote, to audiences. But in \"Extreme Unction\" subject and style are so perfectly aligned that Poussin's stark, lyrical, line, and controlled play of light and shadow bring out the full depth of emotion that marks this momentous scene. Death remains one of the last great taboos in much of the developed world. Poussin's", "id": "12203383" }, { "contents": "Secular Organizations for Sobriety\n\n\nbut that ultimately it is never cured; relapse is always possible. SOS does not endorse sponsor/sponsee relationships. The SOS program is based on the Suggested Guidelines for Sobriety, that emphasize the \"sobriety priority.\" In order to change, members must make abstinence their top priority: not drinking despite changing conditions in their lives. SOS suggests members follow a daily, three part, Cycle of Sobriety: acknowledgment of their addiction, acceptance of their addictions and prioritization of maintaining sobriety. Members are also encouraged to develop strategies", "id": "4787254" }, { "contents": "Natasha Choufani\n\n\nand whenever we complain about it, we are instantly shut down. The reactions to the campaign were especially difficult for me, because it showed people’s ignorance on the definition of sexual harassment; that it is not really about attraction, it is about power and control. You see, the harasser on the street knows that the girl will know better than to react. She has been taught to ignore, especially in our society. If she tries to defend herself, they will say that she is too masculine, or", "id": "13752795" }, { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\nsobriety tests\" are at the officer's discretion. They can also administer other tests including blood and urine tests. In other countries (for example The Netherlands), only breathalizer and blood testing is used. Standardized tests that can be performed in the US include: Non-standardized tests include: Since these tests rely on cooperation of the subject, the final result often depends on the presiding officer's interpretation. There are many factors that can lead to inaccuracies in sobriety testing including orthopedic or neurologic conditions, and fatigue.", "id": "16400291" }, { "contents": "Baltimore club\n\n\nburst of kinetic energy. TSU says, \"Baltimore music is like the beat makes you want to dance, it makes you want to get up. It don’t matter if you don’t know how to dance, don’t matter if you do know how to dance, the beat itself makes you wanna dance, get up, party and groove. It’s definitely high energy, but it’s based on emotion. The music helped me release everything silently. By dancing, I didn’t have to talk. I", "id": "4333557" }, { "contents": "Blindfold (comics)\n\n\ngifts emerged and his \"spirit\" left his body and attacked Ruth, stealing half her powers. After that day, Ruth was unable to talk in a clear and definitive way. She would always add words like \"please, thank you, yes, no and sorry\" into regular sentences, as if she had a form of Tourette's. In fact, it wasn’t just her speech patterns that had changed; her entire psyche had fractured and Ruth found it hard to piece back together again. Thanks to her", "id": "13041132" }, { "contents": "Kanye West\n\n\nFeel Like That\", which has not been officially released, he mentions feeling many common symptoms of depression and anxiety. These songs had all been recorded during West's recording sessions for \"The Life of Pablo\". On November 20, 2016, soon before abruptly ending a concert prematurely, he said, \"Jay-Z—call me, bruh. You still ain't called me. Jay-Z, I know you got killers. Please don't send them at my head. Please call me. Talk", "id": "2444896" }, { "contents": "Oh My God (Guns N' Roses song)\n\n\n(didn't) have any real opinion about it\" and that it \"convinced me that my departure had been a wise decision and that Axl and I were definitely no longer on the same wavelength musically.\" In a review of the film, NYFilm had a negative opinion of the song, saying \"Oh My God. God Awful is more like it. Believe me, it's not worth waiting for. If you've heard it, you know what I mean. If you haven't, trust me on", "id": "11920968" }, { "contents": "Satellite Flight: The Journey to Mother Moon\n\n\nactually January was the target. I wanted to have it around my 30th birthday, Beyoncé’s album came out around December. If I’d had a time machine I would've known, but her stuff was a surprise to all.\" Cudi revealed that while she had beat him to the punch, it showed him that the strategy could pay off: \"At the same time, watching Beyoncé drop definitely gave me the confidence and let me know that it could be executed. Like, 'Oh yes! someone was", "id": "3414911" }, { "contents": "Freydís Eiríksdóttir\n\n\nbelieved to be catapults. Many of the Nordic invaders panicked, having never seen such weaponry. As men fled during the confusion, Freydís, who was eight-months pregnant, admonished them saying: \"Why run you away from such worthless creatures, stout men that ye are, when, as seems to me likely you might slaughter them like so many cattle? Give me a weapon! I know I could fight better than any of you.\" Ignored, Freydís then picks up the sword of the fallen Snorri Thorbrandsson", "id": "12418480" }, { "contents": "Anthony Wong Yiu-ming\n\n\nof ‘Forbidden Colors’ in 1988, and the lyrics of ‘Forget He or She’ in 1989, I have never tried to hide my identity. But since you people and press are always keen to ask me about it, and press will definitely be asking me yet again later, I would like to tell you, once and for all, that I am not a tongzhi, but I am a homosexual. I am a faggot. I hope other homosexual people and faggots would not need to be like the", "id": "1363706" }, { "contents": "Proverb\n\n\nthe wit of one, and the wisdom of many.\" But giving the word \"proverb\" the sort of definition theorists need has proven to be a difficult task, and although scholars often quote Archer Taylor's argument that formulating a scientific \"definition of a proverb is too difficult to repay the undertaking... An incommunicable quality tells us this sentence is proverbial and that one is not. Hence no definition will enable us to identify positively a sentence as proverbial,\" many students of proverbs have attempted to itemize its essential characteristics", "id": "3952282" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\nI do. Why I write my life, and why I love you all so much. Life is really f---- up sometimes, but I know Ben is at Peace, and I hope he gets a chance to sit and talk with my Dad. We love you Ben. Forever. Thank you for loving me. To Ben’s family, you raised a real hero, he’s definitely mine. You have my love.\" In January 2012, Cudi appeared on two songs from Chip tha Ripper's mixtape \"Tell", "id": "13738699" }, { "contents": "Dave Jerden\n\n\nfor him to look the other way so I could push the sliders on the desk up higher.\" As a producer and mixer, Jerden also worked with artists such as Fishbone, Anthrax, The Offspring, Meat Puppets, Social Distortion and Red Hot Chili Peppers. In 1986, Jerden met with The Replacements about producing the album that would eventually become \"Pleased to Meet Me\". Jerden's sobriety, however, was a disqualifying factor for the notoriously hard-partying Paul Westerberg and Tommy Stinson, who were both drunk", "id": "14833863" }, { "contents": "Commander (song)\n\n\nlead single, but \"without a doubt we had to go with ['Commander'], I just fell in love with it ... It's definitely a club banger. You know the first time I heard it, I went bananas.\" At \"Pat Field's Disco Party\" in New York, she told Universal Music Group executives \"I know in my gut that it felt good. Nobody could take my thoughts away from that. I doesn't need anyone else to tell me it's good\".", "id": "1968620" }, { "contents": "Let There Be Love (Christina Aguilera song)\n\n\nexplore different avenues. However, she felt at this point in her career with \"Lotus\", it was the right time to work together, stating: I definitely don't go the straight and narrow path, and you know, I definitely kinda like to experiment and collaborate. And so, I think it's taken me and Max this long to work together because of that, because what he does is genius and he is a classic hitmaker. But when I was coming out it was at a time when we", "id": "8538591" }, { "contents": "One Hot Minute\n\n\ndependency/It's warping me.\" He also felt disappointed that \"no one had suspected that I'd slipped from my more than five years of sobriety.\" The track itself was composed of heavy guitar riffs and echoing vocals which attempted to convey a distressed state. \"Aeroplane\", the album's third single, was more upbeat than many of the album's songs; but it still contained various references to Kiedis's personal issues: \"Looking into my own eyes/I can't find the love I want", "id": "5004194" }, { "contents": "Brotherhood of the Snake\n\n\nwhen they could. Guitarist Eric Peterson added, \"There's definitely some politics in the band now. I think if the record does good — which I think it will — it'll see Testament be doing another record. There's some people in the band that are, you know, I think aren't a hundred percent there unless, you know, it keeps going good. That's pretty extreme, but, like for me, I'm down for whatever. I started the band, I'm totally into", "id": "16965124" }, { "contents": "Homelessness and mental health\n\n\nthat this is not necessarily the case. One such study was conducted to evaluate the benefits of the Housing First model, which focuses on rapid rehousing in permanent accommodations without sobriety or treatment requirements but facilitates access to treatment resources in order to help individuals attain their mental health/sobriety goals after being housed. Mentally ill homeless individuals with criminal records were studied over a 2-year period, and after being placed in the Housing First program only 30% re-offended. Overall results of the study showed a large reduction in re-", "id": "7570031" }, { "contents": "Mac Miller\n\n\nthe last song [he] made on Earth.\" Recounting that period to \"Billboard\" in August 2015, Miller was \"definitely way healthier\" but not \"completely\" sober. After stating he \"hated\" being sober in a February 2016 documentary, Miller had become sober for three months by October 2016, noting his better mood and maintained creativity. However, when asked about his sobriety in April 2017, Miller said he was now \"living regularly\". Miller was in an on-again, off-", "id": "18801496" }, { "contents": "Men's skirts\n\n\nwith a diverted skirt, stockings and long wig. The French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution changed the dress code for men and women not only in France. From the early Victorian era, there was a decline in the wearing of bright colours and luxurious fabrics by men, with a definite preference for sobriety of dress. This phenomenon the English psychologist John Flügel termed \"The Great Masculine Renunciation\". Skirts were effeminized. \"\"Henceforth trousers became the ultimate clothing for men to wear, while women had their essential frivolity forced", "id": "20271923" }, { "contents": "Point de suture\n\n\nconcluded that, with this album, \"Farmer has definitively ceased to surprise\". Very critical, \"20 Minutes\" stated the album \"does not play either in the sobriety or in the sharpness. Abstruse lyrics, erotic allusions, vapid melodies or agreed electro: Mylène Farmer is not afraid of the ludicrous\". Belgian newspaper \"La Dernière Heure\" described \"Point de Suture\" as \"an album rather disjointed, without any real surprise, but containing some potential hits\". \"Le Journal du Dimanche\" deemed", "id": "9901223" }, { "contents": "I Never Liked You\n\n\nas \"an example of sobriety and restraint, and one of the harshest, most hopeless teenage portraits ... in any medium\". Scripter and critic wrote the book demonstrates Brown a master of his medium. Norwegian cartoonist Jason calls \"I Never Liked You\" a favourite autobiographical work. Alongside Seth's \"It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken\" and Joe Matt's \"The Poor Bastard\"—works by Brown's Toronto-based friends and Drawn and Quarterly stablemates—\"I Never Liked You\" is seen as a prominent example", "id": "2145865" }, { "contents": "Sail Out\n\n\nthe Cocaine 80s. I wanted to be the female voice of the group. They will be featured on ‘Souled Out’. Yes, we are definitely working on a mixtape or album together. That is definitely in the works. Aiko stated that she was looking forward to working with American artist Kid Cudi saying \"It's on my wish list, I'm not gonna say, you know, that he's gonna be on there. One day, maybe\", she also revealed that American rapper Big", "id": "6094551" }, { "contents": "Wilt Chamberlain's 100-point game\n\n\npoint out the game to their kids when they saw him. \"I know that it has been my tag. I am definitely proud of it. But it was definitely a team effort. You had to see some of the things my teammates did to get me the ball ... It was almost like a circus out there for a while.\" Two other participants were profoundly affected. Firstly, Knicks center Darrall Imhoff was branded as the player who let Chamberlain score 100 on him, although he only played 20 of 48", "id": "19156214" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\ntests that led to the creation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) battery of tests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) established a standard battery of three roadside tests that are recommended to be administered in a standardized manner in making this arrest decision. There are Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests as well; however the Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests have not received NHTSA Validation. This is the difference between the \"Standardized\" and the \"Non-Standardized\" Field Sobriety Tests. The NHTSA has", "id": "21329311" }, { "contents": "D. Woods\n\n\nthe media and her different interviews. People are kind of aware of her comments and then also of course on the show, those comments were definitely going to get back to me. I was really disappointed and I don't know why she would go that route. And if it was to depict her as the victim and everybody else is the bad guy… I don't really know where all that stems from, but to me it's like she has her situation. And as you guys saw, I congratulated her", "id": "21899104" }, { "contents": "I Need a Girl (Trey Songz song)\n\n\nEdward Nero of, the song contains familiar qualities of Songz's breakout hit \"Can't Help But Wait\", also produced by Stargate. The song is lyrically about finding and pleasing the right woman, through lines such as, \"I don't even know your name, but I know that I'm your man and you are my girl, if I ever meet you I'm gonna give you the world, Baby please believe me when I tell you that I need a girl.\" The song has", "id": "17522688" }, { "contents": "Chad Muska\n\n\n, he remains-I don't have to see the guy for ten years and we'll still be best friends ... You meet people over the years that you connect with and are inspired by, you know? And I think me and Tom were definitely a major part of coming together and helping progress skateboarding at the time ... Muska has also identified Jamie Thomas as a major influence and described him as an individual who is readily able to identify others who are willing to work at their skateboarding diligently. Muska explained, \"", "id": "1681762" }, { "contents": "Sexual Compulsives Anonymous\n\n\nin urban areas with larger gay and bisexual male populations. The majority of members are white, but vary in age and socioeconomic background. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop having compulsive sex. SCA supports healthy sexual expression and does not expect members to repress their sexuality, which they believe is associated with sexual anorexia. Members are encouraged to develop their own definition of sexual sobriety that does not place unreasonable demands on their time or energy, place them in legal jeopardy, or endanger their health. SCA members", "id": "8544314" }, { "contents": "Secular Organizations for Sobriety\n\n\nSecular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS), also known as Save Our Selves, is a non-profit network of autonomous addiction recovery groups. The program stresses the need to place the highest priority on sobriety and uses mutual support to assist members in achieving this goal. The Suggested Guidelines for Sobriety emphasize rational decision-making and are not religious or spiritual in nature. SOS represents an alternative to the spiritually based addiction recovery programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). SOS members may also attend AA meetings, but SOS does", "id": "4787251" }, { "contents": "Secular Organizations for Sobriety\n\n\nor aphorisms that strengthen their resolve to maintain sobriety. on what SOS teaches These guidelines are suggested by SOS for maintaining sobriety. While each SOS meeting is autonomous, SOS does provide a meeting format. The opening reading for meeting conveners summarizes their program. Following the reading of the opening, typically there are announcements, acknowledgment of members sobriety anniversaries and a reading of the Suggested Guidelines. The suggested opening reads as follows. A preliminary survey of SOS members was conducted in 1996. The survey results showed SOS attracted members with secular", "id": "4787255" }, { "contents": "Hit the Floor (TV series)\n\n\nin the season two finale, LaRosa said, \"It's definitely someone you've come to know. It's a name at the top of the credits and I can tell you that you will be shocked ... the reveal gives me chills every single time\". On July 29, 2014, VH1 announced the third season renewal of \"Hit the Floor\". The 10-episode new season premiered on January 18, 2016 and ended on March 28, 2016. In April 2016, VH1 greenlit an hour-long summer special", "id": "2606019" }, { "contents": "Political positions of Bernie Sanders\n\n\ngay rights, for women's rights. Yes, do I have a problem with that? Yes, I do.\" In September 2016, Sanders told NBC's Chuck Todd that if Clinton becomes president of the United States, she should cease all contact with the Foundation, but stopped short of agreeing it should be closed, noting, \"I don't know enough. They do a lot of good things with A.I.D.S. and so forth. I can't, you know, definitively answer that.\" In August 2016", "id": "20150285" }, { "contents": "Turok: Dinosaur Hunter\n\n\nthrow around huge amounts of math ... or geometry onscreen, it's got the processing power to do that, and yes it's a fantastic machine. However, calling it a developer's dream kinda gives you the impression that it's easy to crank out a game like \"Turok\", and it's definitely not.\" While Nintendo was supportive, Iguana had to produce all its game development tools internally. Fitting the game on its 8 MB cartridge was difficult; ultimately, Iguana had to compress everything and reduce the", "id": "6827390" } ]
I love red. It reminds me roses and weddings. What about you? Red is a great color. It is one of the primary colors on the RGB color model. I see, do you know its wavelength? I do actually. Red has a dominant wavelength of 625-740 nonometres. That is relatively large wavelength. Do you know of any traditional or historical uses of red? Well red pigmant was one of the first colors used in prehistoric arts. I wasn't aware of that. I guess they used it since its easy to make.
[{"answer": "Red was an important color in China. They used it to color pottery and also the walls and gates of palaces.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 221, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 344, "bleu_score": 0.784757484773875, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red\n\n\nRed is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It has a dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometres. It is a primary color in the RGB color model and the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy. The red sky at sunset results from Rayleigh scattering, while the red", "id": "6274069" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color of symbolizing happiness and good fortune. See also below for shades of pink The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between approximately 625 and 740 nanometers. It is a primary", "id": "6274072" }, { "contents": "Qualia\n\n\nsort exist, then a normally sighted person who sees red would be unable to describe the experience of this perception in such a way that a listener who has never experienced color will be able to know everything there is to know about that experience. Though it is possible to make an analogy, such as \"red looks hot\", or to provide a description of the conditions under which the experience occurs, such as \"it's the color you see when light of 700-nm wavelength is directed at you\", supporters of", "id": "10038976" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\nto green is considered to be red. In additive color devices such as computer displays and televisions, one of the primary light sources is typically a narrow-spectrum yellowish-green of dominant wavelength ~550nm; this \"green\" primary is combined with an orangish-red \"red\" primary and a purplish-blue \"blue\" primary to produce any color in betweenthe RGB color model. A unique green (green appearing neither yellowish nor bluish) is produced on such a device by mixing light from the green primary with", "id": "12080813" }, { "contents": "RGB color model\n\n\nmixing them are not specified as absolute, but relative to the primary colors. When the exact chromaticities of the red, green, and blue primaries are defined, the color model then becomes an absolute color space, such as sRGB or Adobe RGB; see RGB color spaces for more details. The choice of primary colors is related to the physiology of the human eye; good primaries are stimuli that maximize the difference between the responses of the cone cells of the human retina to light of different wavelengths, and that thereby make", "id": "6392548" }, { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nViolet is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. Violet color has a dominant wavelength of approximately 380-450 nanometers. Light with a shorter wavelength than violet but longer than X-rays and gamma rays is called ultraviolet. In the color wheel historically used by painters, it is located between blue and purple. On the screens of computer monitors and television sets, a color which looks similar to violet is made, with the RGB color model, by mixing red and", "id": "17168645" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\nGreen is the color between blue and yellow on the visible spectrum. It is evoked by light which has a dominant wavelength of roughly 495570 nm. In subtractive color systems, used in painting and color printing, it is created by a combination of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. By far the largest", "id": "12080793" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nindigo. Purple colors are colors that are various blends of violet or blue light with red light. Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–750 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors. White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum, or of a pair of complementary colors, or of three or more colors, such as additive primary colors. It", "id": "21568932" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nthose three spectral colors), and color spaces such as the ProPhoto RGB color space which use imaginary colors as primaries. Most of the colors listed do not reach the maximal (spectral) colorfulness, or are not usually seen with it, but they can be saturated enough to be perceived closely to their dominant wavelength spectral colors. Ranges of wavelengths and frequencies are only approximate. Wavelengths and frequencies in gray indicate dominant wavelengths and frequencies, not actual range of spectrum composing a specified color, which extends farther to both sides and", "id": "2692477" }, { "contents": "Yellow\n\n\nYellow is the color between orange and green on the spectrum of visible light. It is evoked by light with a dominant wavelength of roughly 570590 nm. It is a primary color in subtractive color systems, used in painting or color printing. In the RGB color model, used to create colors on television and computer screens, yellow is a secondary color made by combining red and green at equal intensity. Carotenoids give the characteristic yellow color to autumn leaves, corn, canaries, daffodils, and lemons, as well as egg", "id": "15581701" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\ncool grays\"). This gray color template includes both achromatic and chromatic grays. Magenta is variously defined as a purplish-red, reddish-purple, or a mauvish–crimson color. On color wheels of the RGB and CMY color models, it is located midway between red and blue, opposite green. Complements of magenta are evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 500–530 nm. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors. Orange is the color in the visible spectrum between", "id": "21568930" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nconfidence of a red necktie with the sense of peace and cooperation of a blue necktie, and it went well with the blue business suit worn by most national and corporate leaders. Violet is at one end of the spectrum of visible light, between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. It has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colors. It is the color the eye sees looking at light with a wavelength of between 380 and 450 nanometers. In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple lie between red and", "id": "17168662" }, { "contents": "Moose: Chapters from My Life\n\n\ndialogue is nearly identical. About the \"No Red In London\" sequence, scriptwriter Kelly Marcel later blogged, \"Anything that shocked me and surprised me went in, because that's how you make drama, you know? I think the one that freaked me out the most, that I could not believe, was that she wouldn't allow the color red to be in the film.\" On January 6, 2014, \"Moose\" editor, Robert J. Sherman produced, wrote and emceed a two night cabaret at", "id": "10048355" }, { "contents": "Cole Weston\n\n\nfilms Kodachrome and Ektachrome to Edward because they wanted him to \"photograph Point Lobos in color\" to which Edward responded: \"Well, I don’t know anything about color, but I know Point Lobos better than any man alive\". With the leftover film, Cole began experimenting with the new medium and, in 1957, he created his first color prints of the California coastline. \"I’m a color photographer. That’s what I do. Whether you like it or not, that’s what I do.", "id": "2965300" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\ncomposite color, made by combining red, yellow and black.. It can be thought of as dark orange, but it can also be made in other ways. In the RGB color model, which uses red, green and blue light in various combinations to make all the colors on computer and television screens, it is made by mixing red and green light. In terms of the visible spectrum, \"brown\" refers to high wavelength (low frequency) hues, yellow, orange, or red, in combination with low", "id": "17937417" }, { "contents": "Thermal radiation\n\n\nF. Lighter colors and also whites and metallic substances absorb less illuminating light, and thus heat up less; but otherwise color makes small difference as regards heat transfer between an object at everyday temperatures and its surroundings, since the dominant emitted wavelengths are nowhere near the visible spectrum, but rather in the far infrared. Emissivities at those wavelengths have little to do with visual emissivities (visible colors); in the far infra-red, most objects have high emissivities. Thus, except in sunlight, the color of clothing makes", "id": "14631189" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\ngreen-blue (RGB) color system, the method used to create colors on a television screen or computer display. (In fact, the only monochromatic colors of light that can be produced by this color system are the red, green, and blue that define it.) However, the system is capable of approximating it due to the fact that the L-cone (red cone) in the eye is uniquely sensitive to two different discontinuous regions in the visible spectrum – its primary region being the long wavelength light", "id": "17168676" }, { "contents": "Van Gogh's family in his art\n\n\norange color; the foliage of the two beds of scarlet geraniums is very green. Finally, the interjacent plane, there is a maid-servant, dressed in blue, who is arranging a profusion of plants with white, pink, yellow and vermilion-red flowers.\"br br \"Here you are. I know this is hardly what one might call a likeness, but for me it renders the poetic character and the style of the garden as I feel it. All the same, let us suppose that the two", "id": "11198937" }, { "contents": "Do I Know You?\n\n\nthe TV to Metro News 1 and affectionately watches a brief segment of Robin's newscast. Marshall asks Ted for some wedding shower gift ideas for Stella. He asks if Stella likes to cook, what her favorite color is, or if she has any hobbies; Ted doesn't know the answer to any of these questions. It is determined that Ted doesn't know Stella's eye color, so he says they are the color of the ocean after a storm, though he doesn't actually know what color that is.", "id": "11886996" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor in the RGB color model and the light just past this range is called infrared, or below red, and cannot be seen by human eyes, although it can be sensed as heat. In the language of optics, red is the color evoked by light that stimulates neither the S or the M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina, combined with a fading stimulation of the L (long-wavelength) cone cells. Primates can distinguish the full range of the colors of the spectrum visible", "id": "6274073" }, { "contents": "Living for Love\n\n\nAccording to Madonna, she wanted to have a cinematic and storytelling aspect with the video adding that: The thing about that song, it's such a passionate song. I had to present it in a passionate way, and I used mythology to tell the story, with the story of the Minotaur, the matador, fighting for love. And the color red. And flowers. Horns, and death. And naked men. You know, the important things in life. I don't want to make every video the", "id": "15023396" }, { "contents": "Color photography\n\n\ndifferent wavelengths - typically the filters applied respond to red, blue and green, the latter being used twice as often based on an argument that the human eye is more sensitive to variation in green than any other color. Thus, the color image produced would preserve color in a way resembling human perception, and not appear unduly deteriorated in any particular color range. However, alternative approaches do exist. The Foveon sensor uses the fact that light penetrates silicon to a depth that depends on the wavelength of the light. Thus,", "id": "5951789" }, { "contents": "Hellyeah\n\n\n're thinking about putting this band together, would you be into it?' First couple of times, I told them, 'No, I don't think I'm ready to do this yet.' And they just were real persistent, they kept calling me. And one night, I had been drinking some red wine and listening to some Kiss on 12\" vinyl record and I said, 'You know what, lets take a shot at this, lets see what happens.'\" The band's persistence", "id": "19372115" }, { "contents": "I Know Who Killed Me\n\n\nWell, if you do, be sure never to watch this, because it will spoil those memories forever. We could forgive Lohan for wanting to make a racier, adult thriller. If only it were thrilling.\" It was also on MRQE's 50 Worst Movies list. The film did receive some positive reviews. \"Fangoria\" praises the film's imaginative use of color, saying \"[T]he director and his visual team bathe the film in deep blues and reds, a welcome departure from the dirty green, sodium", "id": "19496361" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mind\n\n\nto reduce to anything physical. David Chalmers explains this argument by stating that we could conceivably know all the objective information about something, such as the brain states and wavelengths of light involved with seeing the color red, but still not know something fundamental about the situation – what it is like to see the color red. If consciousness (the mind) can exist independently of physical reality (the brain), one must explain how physical memories are created concerning consciousness. Dualism must therefore explain how consciousness affects physical reality. One", "id": "5684946" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nblack. The magenta used in color printing, sometimes called process magenta, is a darker shade than the color used on computer screens. A purple hue in terms of color theory, magenta is evoked by light having less power in green wavelengths than in blue/violet and red wavelengths (complements of magenta have wavelength 500–530 nm). In the Munsell color system, magenta is called \"red–purple\". If the spectrum is wrapped to form a color wheel, magenta (additive secondary) appears midway between red and", "id": "2536542" }, { "contents": "Stoplight loosejaw\n\n\nof white luminous tissue scattered over the head and body. The skin is thin and scaleless; the coloration is black. As long wavelengths of light (i.e. red) do not reach the deep sea from the surface, many deep-sea organisms are insensitive to red wavelengths, and so to these creatures red-colored objects appear black. The red photophore of \"Malacosteus\" thus allows it to illuminate prey without being detected. These fishes exhibit a number of adaptations for feeding on large prey. The \"open\" structure", "id": "16705534" }, { "contents": "Chad Gray\n\n\nthis band together, would you be into it?' First couple of times, I told them, 'No, I don't think I'm ready to do this yet.' And they just were real persistent, they kept calling me. And one night, I had been drinking some red wine and listening to some KISS on 12\" vinyl record and I said, 'You know what, lets take a shot at this, lets see what happens.'\" The band's persistence paid off and Paul", "id": "11765053" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nA spectral color is a color that is evoked in a normal human by a single wavelength of light in the visible spectrum, or by a relatively narrow band of wavelengths, also known as monochromatic light. Every wavelength of visible light is perceived as a spectral color, in a continuous spectrum; the colors of sufficiently close wavelengths are indistinguishable for the human eye. The spectrum is often divided into named colors, though any division is somewhat arbitrary; the spectrum is continuous. Traditional colors in English include: red, orange,", "id": "2692471" }, { "contents": "Life Will See You Now\n\n\n... \"I Know What Love Isn't\" was almost an extreme narrowing of the palette I was using, but for this one I wanted it to be more colorful. I wanted there to be more instruments. I was learning about drum machines and electronic instruments when I was making this.\" \"Life Will See You Now\" has received highly positive reviews from music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received an average score of 83, based", "id": "7775032" }, { "contents": "The Receiving End of Sirens\n\n\nabout seeing us anymore,” you know? And it got to the point where like, “Man, we miss playing hall shows and stuff. Let’s just do one,” and we talked to Alex from Therefore I Am because we love those guys and love playing with them, and worked it out. He set up the show and it just worked out great. People have caught on and every time they see The Red Eye of Soromon they’re obviously going to know it’s us, but it’s", "id": "8392693" }, { "contents": "The Crying of Lot 49\n\n\nYou\", as well as hinting at the areas the Beatles were later to explore. Pynchon writes, Whenever I put the headset on now,\" he'd continued, \"I really do understand what I find there. When those kids sing about 'She loves you,' yeah well, you know, she does, she's any number of people, all over the world, back through time, different colors, sizes, ages, shapes, distances from death, but she loves. And the 'you", "id": "20815450" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nBlack is the darkest color, and the result of the absence or complete absorption of light. Like white and grey, it is an achromatic color, literally a color without hue. Blue is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 440–490 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors. Brown colors are dark or muted shades of reds, oranges, and yellows on the RGB and CMYK color schemes. In practice, browns are created", "id": "21568927" }, { "contents": "RGB color model\n\n\ncolor is formed by the sum of two primary colors of equal intensity: cyan is green+blue, magenta is blue+red, and yellow is red+green. Every secondary color is the \"complement\" of one primary color; when a primary and its complementary secondary color are added together, the result is white: cyan complements red, magenta complements green, and yellow complements blue. The RGB color model itself does not define what is meant by \"red\", \"green\" and \"blue\" colorimetrically, and so the results of", "id": "6392547" }, { "contents": "Rayleigh scattering\n\n\natmosphere. Here, Rayleigh scattering primarily occurs through sunlight's interaction with randomly located air molecules. It is this scattered light that gives the surrounding sky its brightness and its color. As previously stated, Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of wavelength, so that shorter wavelength violet and blue light will scatter more than the longer wavelengths (yellow and especially red light). However, the Sun, like any star, has its own spectrum and so \"I\" in the scattering formula above is not constant but", "id": "6597901" }, { "contents": "White\n\n\nsun, by stars, or by earthbound sources such as fluorescent lamps, white LEDs and incandescent bulbs. On the screen of a color television or computer, white is produced by mixing the primary colors of light: red, green and blue (RGB) at full intensity, a process called additive mixing (see image below). White light can be fabricated using light with only two wavelengths, for instance by mixing light from a red and cyan laser or yellow and blue lasers. This light will however have very few", "id": "14245224" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nmentioned above (red, orange, etc.) by the [[International Commission on Illumination]]. The [[RGB color space]] for instance is a color space corresponding to human [[trichromacy]] and to the three cone cell types that respond to three bands of light: long wavelengths, peaking near 564–580 [[nanometre|nm]] (\"red\"); medium-wavelength, peaking near 534–545 nm (\"green\"); and short-wavelength light, near 420–440 nm (\"", "id": "6127799" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nred and yellow with a wavelength around 585 – 620 nm. In the HSV color space, it has a hue of around 30°. Pink is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of a combination of both the longest, and shortest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength ranges of roughly 625–750 nm and 380-490 nm. Violet refers to any colour perceptually evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of roughly 380–450 nm. Tones of violet tending towards the blue are called", "id": "21568931" }, { "contents": "Hummingbird\n\n\nfor nectar foraging from specialized flowers, consequently leading the bee hummingbird to more successfully compete for flower foraging against insects. Many plants pollinated by hummingbirds produce flowers in shades of red, orange, and bright pink, though the birds will take nectar from flowers of other colors as well. Hummingbirds can see wavelengths into the near-ultraviolet, but hummingbird-pollinated flowers do not reflect these wavelengths as many insect-pollinated flowers do. This narrow color spectrum may render hummingbird-pollinated flowers relatively inconspicuous to most insects, thereby reducing", "id": "20647154" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\ncalled \"rojo\" (the Spanish word for \"red\") in the \"Guía de coloraciones\" (\"Guide to colorations\") by Rosa Gallego and Juan Carlos Sanz, a color dictionary published in 2005 that is widely popular in the Hispanophone realm. The color \"carmine\" is a saturated red. In its pigment form it mostly contains the red light with wavelengths longer than 600 nm, \"i.e.\" it is close to the extreme spectral red. This places it far beyond standard gamuts (both RGB and", "id": "6592051" }, { "contents": "CMYK color model\n\n\ncomputer screen), and it is often difficult to visualize the way in which the color will turn out post-printing because of this. To reproduce color, the CMYK color model codes for absorbing light rather than emitting it (as is assumed by RGB). The 'K' component absorbs all wavelengths and is therefore achromatic. The Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow components are used for color reproduction and they may be viewed as the inverse of RGB. Cyan absorbs Red, Magenta absorbs Green, and Yellow absorbs Blue", "id": "1071534" }, { "contents": "Color photography\n\n\nand surmised that the three images were probably due to ultra-violet, blue-green and blue wavelengths, rather than to red, green and blue. Creating colors by mixing colored lights (usually red, green and blue) in various proportions is the additive method of color reproduction. LCD, LED, plasma and CRT (picture tube) color video displays all use this method. If one of these displays is examined with a sufficiently strong magnifier, it will be seen that each pixel is actually composed of red,", "id": "5951739" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\nas tiny dots, in partitive color mixing, complementary colors appear gray. The RGB color model, invented in the 19th century and fully developed in the 20th century, uses combinations of red, green, and blue light against a black background to make the colors seen on a computer monitor or television screen. In the RGB model, the primary colors are red, green, and blue. The complementary primary–secondary combinations are red–cyan, green–magenta, and blue–yellow. In the RGB color model", "id": "17175136" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "LED lamp\n\n\nan incandescent bulb. Color rendering quality is specified by the CRI, and is about 80 for many LED bulbs, and over 95 for more expensive high-CRI LED lighting (100 is the ideal value). br RGB or trichromatic white LEDs use multiple LED chips emitting red, green, and blue wavelengths. These three colors combine to produce white light. The color rendering index (CRI) is poor, typically 25 - 65, due to the narrow range of wavelengths emitted. Higher CRI values can be obtained using", "id": "9309100" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\n-spectral color, meaning that it is not a hue associated with monochromatic visible light. Magenta is associated with perception of spectral power distributions concentrated mostly in longer wavelength reddish components and shorter wavelength blueish components. In the RGB color system, used to create all the colors on a television or computer display, magenta is a secondary color, made by combining equal amounts of red and blue light at a high intensity. In this system, magenta is the complementary color of green, and combining green and magenta light on a black", "id": "2536540" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "Until We Have Faces\n\n\n, synths and the distinct Red yell that the lead singers does. This was an amazing album just like the first two. If you have never heard Red I suggest getting this album or any of their albums because you will be amazed that every song is composed very well. A band that can write well rounded songs is hard to find and Red sure know how to do just that. I recommend it, Go now, get this!\" The guitarist John Petrucci from the band Dream Theater has considered this album the", "id": "10193582" }, { "contents": "RYB color model\n\n\nRYB (an abbreviation of red–yellow–blue) denotes the use of red, yellow, and blue pigments as primary colors in art and design, particularly painting. RYB (red–yellow–blue) make up the primary color triad in a standard artist's color wheel. The secondary colors purple–orange–green (sometimes called violet–orange–green) make up another triad. Triads are formed by three equidistant colors on a particular color wheel. Other common color wheels represent the light model (RGB", "id": "3035668" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\n] is light created by mixing together [[light]] of two or more different colors. [[Red]], [[green]], and [[blue]] are the additive [[primary color]]s normally used in additive color systems such as projectors and computer terminals. [[File:SubtractiveColor.svg|thumb|Subtractive color mixing: combining yellow and magenta yields red; combining all three primary colors together yields black]] [[Subtractive color]]ing uses dyes, inks, pigments, or filters to absorb some wavelengths of", "id": "6127847" }, { "contents": "CIE 1931 color space\n\n\nmatching functions\" for that particular experiment. Although Wright and Guild's experiments were carried out using various primaries at various intensities, and although they used a number of different observers, all of their results were summarized by the standardized CIE RGB color matching functions formula_22, formula_23, and formula_24, obtained using three monochromatic primaries at standardized wavelengths of (red), (green) and (blue). The color matching functions are the amounts of primaries needed to match the monochromatic test primary. These functions are shown in the plot", "id": "8681624" }, { "contents": "The Red Woman\n\n\nalso spoke about the scene, saying \"And what I like about that, and seeing her like that is you know then that her sexuality over the course of the last few seasons, we've seen her use as such a tool -- that's all very deliberate. She presents herself in this way as this beautiful woman because she knows the effect that that can have on people. She knows the effect that that has on Stannis, and that can make men do unadvisable things. So the fact that she did that", "id": "12236511" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\npoint of view of optics there are important differences. Violet is a spectral color – it occupies its own place at the end of the spectrum of light first identified by Isaac Newton in 1672, and it has its own wavelength (approximately 380–420 nm) – whereas purple is a combination of two spectral colors, red and blue. There is no such thing as the \"wavelength of purple light\"; it only exists as a combination. See Line of purples. Monochromatic violet light cannot be produced by the red-", "id": "17168675" }, { "contents": "RGB color space\n\n\nAn RGB color space is any additive color space based on the RGB color model. A particular RGB color space is defined by the three chromaticities of the red, green, and blue additive primaries, and can produce any chromaticity that is the triangle defined by those primary colors. The complete specification of an RGB color space also requires a white point chromaticity and a gamma correction curve. As of 2007, sRGB is by far the most commonly used RGB color space. RGB is an abbreviation for red–green–blue.", "id": "898344" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n. In modern color theory, also known as the RGB color model, red, green and blue are additive primary colors. Red, green and blue light combined together makes white light, and these three colors, combined in different mixtures, can produce nearly any other color. This is the principle that is used to make all of the colors on your computer screen and your television. For example, magenta on a computer screen is made by a similar formula to that used by Cennino Cennini in the Renaissance to make violet", "id": "6274077" }, { "contents": "Color depth\n\n\nthe red or green (two thirds of the eye's receptors process the longer wavelengths), so it is assigned one bit less than the others. Used, amongst others, in the MSX2 system series of computers in the early to mid 1990s. Do not confuse with an indexed color depth of 8bpp (although it can be simulated in such systems by selecting the adequate table). Using two bytes to store each pixel allows 16 bits to be used. Most often these are used for 5 bits of each color plus", "id": "18137913" }, { "contents": "Happening\n\n\nlikely by chance procedures.\" As a conclusion, a happening is fresh while it lasts and cannot be reproduced. Regarding happenings, Red Grooms has remarked, \"I had the sense that I knew it was something. I knew it was something because I didn't know what it was. I think that's when you're at your best point. When you're really doing something, you're doing it all out, but you don't know what it is.\" The lack of plot as well as", "id": "14140982" }, { "contents": "Hummingbird\n\n\nthe nectar reward. In at least one hummingbird species – the green-backed firecrown (\"Sephanoides sephaniodes\") – flower colors preferred are in the red-green wavelength for the bird's visual system, providing a higher contrast than for other flower colors. Further, the crown plumage of firecrown males is highly iridescent in the red wavelength range (peak at 650 nanometers), possibly providing a competitive advantage of dominance when foraging among other hummingbird species with less-colorful plumage. The ability to discriminate colors of flowers and", "id": "20647208" }, { "contents": "Oksana Kovalevskaya\n\n\nsang \"He does not know anything.\" After the tour concluded, she released her third single \"I love you Joe\". In January 2003, she released her fourth single, \"My Mother\" (), which is about a grown-up girl who wonder what's next. \"My Mother\" topped the singles charts. In 2003, Paints appears on some Russian television programs. Paints returned to the studio to record their second album, which uses the red color theme. The first single off of", "id": "3827697" }, { "contents": "Black\n\n\nher eyes, which were green, to black to strengthen the effect. Henri Matisse quoted the French impressionist Pissarro telling him, \"Manet is stronger than us all – he made light with black.\" Pierre-Auguste Renoir used luminous blacks, especially in his portraits. When someone told him that black was not a color, Renoir replied: \"What makes you think that? Black is the queen of colors. I always detested Prussian blue. I tried to replace black with a mixture of red and blue, I", "id": "3595057" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue. Violet is inclined toward blue, while purple is inclined toward red. Violet colors composed by mixing blue and red light are within the purple colors (the word \"purple\" is used in the common sense for any color between blue and red). In color theory, a purple is a color along the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity diagram and excludes violet. Violet light from the rainbow, which can be referred as spectral violet, has only short wavelengths. Violet objects are objects that reflect violet light", "id": "17168663" }, { "contents": "Armageddon (Guy Sebastian album)\n\n\nheavily influence me. Artists like Otis Redding, Sam & Dave and Sam Cooke. Being entrenched in that sort of environment really caused me to go 'You know what dude. Do what you want to do. Do what comes natural to you'.\" Sebastian said it was a turning point for him, adding, \"From that Memphis thing a few years ago it's always going to start with me being true to who I want to be and what I enjoy singing.\" Sebastian feels his soul roots remained", "id": "4485261" }, { "contents": "The Color of Me\n\n\nrace supposed to define me? If I am a person of color, can I still have the freedom to be whoever I want without worrying about representing my ethnicity? I want this story to show that you can be anyone, no matter what color you are\", stated Nair. \"This unexpected, quirky tale explores what it means to love the skin you're in. It challenges us to explore how we alter our behavior based on the world's perceptions of us and what it would take for us to stop", "id": "21075300" }, { "contents": "Red Cloud\n\n\nTail saying about the proposal: When I was here before, the President gave me my country, and I put my stake down in a good place, and there I want to stay. ... You speak of another country, but it is not my country; it does not concern me, and I want nothing to do with it. I was not born there. ... If it is such a good country, you ought to send the white men now in our country there and let us alone. Although Red", "id": "10316964" }, { "contents": "Red dirt (music)\n\n\n\"Well, I don't think I'd be the one who's able to define it, but it seems to have Oklahoma values, you know how Okies are real good at doing everything themselves, maybe a sense of independence about it. It's natural, and honest, and about real life. You know, it's almost like the way Woody approached music.\" Ben Cisneros, a writer for Engine 145 – a country music blog website - says Red Dirt is a \"movement\" that has managed to", "id": "20453015" }, { "contents": "The Way Love Goes (Lemar song)\n\n\ninto what I want to do in the future, I didn't want the first single to be too serious. So, while lyrically the topic of the song is love and there is a serious thread going through it, sonically I wanted the actual track to be light-hearted, upbeat and different to what some people have become accustomed to from me. You know, after songs like 'If There's Any Justice' and 'It's Not That Easy', I think people just got used to hearing me", "id": "14866904" }, { "contents": "Color vision\n\n\nat about 590 nm, just before the orange wavelengths start. Birds, however, can see some red wavelengths, although not as far into the light spectrum as humans. It is a myth that the common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infrared and ultraviolet light; their color vision extends into the ultraviolet but not the infrared. The basis for this variation is the number of cone types that differ between species. Mammals in general have color vision of a limited type, and usually have red-green color", "id": "8749781" }, { "contents": "Ringo Starr\n\n\nMe Do\", backed with \"P.S. I Love You\". Starr played tambourine on \"Love Me Do\" and maracas on \"P.S. I Love You\". Concerned about his status in the Beatles, he thought: \"That's the end, they're doing a Pete Best on me.\" Martin later clarified: \"I simply didn't know what Ringo was like and I wasn't prepared to take any risks.\" By November 1962 Starr had been accepted by Beatles fans, who were now calling for", "id": "6274335" }, { "contents": "Theory of constructed emotion\n\n\nthat make the perception of emotion possible among people who share a culture. As an analogy, consider the experience of color. People experience colors as discrete categories: blue, red, yellow, and so on, and these categories vary in different cultures. The physics of color, however, is actually continuous, with wavelengths measured in nanometers along a scale from ultraviolet to infrared. When a person experiences an object as \"blue\", she is (unconsciously) using her color concepts to categorize this wavelength. And in", "id": "4988081" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nis usually even poorer than RGB in its reach of spectral colors, with notable exception of process yellow, which is rather close to spectral colors due to aforementioned flatness of the spectral locus in the red–green segment. Note that spectral color are universally included to scientific color models such as CIE 1931, but industrial and consumer color spaces such as sRGB, CMYK, and Pantone, do not typically include any spectral colors. Exceptions include Rec. 2020, which uses three spectral colors as primaries (and therefore only includes precisely", "id": "2692476" }, { "contents": "Marvel Cinematic Universe\n\n\nknows what we're doing with \"Avengers 2\", we can really lay it out. It's not like anyone's saying \"well I don't know, what if I need that?\" It's like \"doing this is troublesome for us, whereas doing this will actually help us.\" ... You want to honor the events of the last movie but you don't want to be beholden to them, because some people will see \"Avengers[: Age of Ultron]\" who did not see any", "id": "9769281" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Infant visual development\n\n\n, red, and gray at two difference luminance levels – found that infants and adults differed in their color preference. Newborns and one month did not show any preference among the colored stimuli. It was found that three-month-old infants preferred the longer wavelength (red and yellow) to the short-wavelength (blue and green) stimuli, while adults had the opposite. However, both adults and infants preferred colored stimuli over non-colored stimuli. This study suggested that infants had a general preference for colored stimuli", "id": "2989699" }, { "contents": "Green\n\n\n, or yellow and cyan; in the RGB color model, used on television and computer screens, it is one of the additive primary colors, along with red and blue, which are mixed in different combinations to create all other colors. On the HSV color wheel, also known as the , the complement of green is magenta; that is, a color corresponding to an equal mixture of red and blue light (one of the purples). On a traditional color wheel, based on subtractive color, the complementary color", "id": "12080812" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nthe red end (longest wavelength) of the visible spectrum. The sensitivity of normal color vision actually depends on the overlap between the absorption ranges of the three systems: different colors are recognized when the different types of cone are stimulated to different degrees. Red light, for example, stimulates the long wavelength cones much more than either of the others, and reducing the wavelength causes the other two cone systems to be increasingly stimulated, causing a gradual change in hue. Many of the genes involved in color vision are on the", "id": "7540034" }, { "contents": "DCI-P3\n\n\nDCI-P3, or DCI/P3, is a common RGB color space for digital movie projection from the American film industry. In the CIE 1931 xy chromaticity diagram the DCI-P3 color space covers 45.5% of all chromaticities and 86.9% of Pointer’s gamut. In the CIE 1976 u’v’ chromaticity diagram the coverage is 41.7% and 85.5% respectively. The blue primary color is the same as sRGB and Adobe RGB; the red primary color is a monochromatic light source and has a wavelength of 615 nm.", "id": "10662687" }, { "contents": "Weekend of Shadows\n\n\nThe film was a commercial disappointment. Director Tom Jeffrey: I screened the film to Hugh Atkinson, the writer of the novel, after we had finished it and he came up to me afterwards and I remember him saying quite clearly, \"You've got it.\" I said, \"What do you mean?\" He said, \"You understand the ending.\" And I still didn't know whether I had it right, whether I was on his wavelength, and I said, \"Please explain, Hugh", "id": "3872649" }, { "contents": "I Am the Night—Color Me Black\n\n\n\"I Am the Night—Color Me Black\" is episode 146 of the American television anthology series \"The Twilight Zone\". It originally aired on March 27, 1964 on CBS. Sheriff Koch (Michael Constantine) cannot sleep the night before the execution of a man, as he feels conflicted about the situation. His wife Ella (Eve McVeagh) is no comfort as she snarls, \"What time do they string him up; you know what I mean...what time does he get hung?\" Her", "id": "15344738" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\n, objects that reflect both red and blue light may appear to just be blue to these individuals. Deuteranopes, who are missing medium wavelength sensitive cones, are similar to protanopes in that they cannot distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, deuteranopes do not suffer from dimming issues. For example, purple colors are not seen as being opposite to other colours in the spectrum but instead appear to be similar. Tritanopes are missing the short wavelength sensitive opsins and see short wavelength", "id": "14122577" }, { "contents": "Common blue\n\n\nexplored. To see color, \"P. icarus\" uses a duplicated blue opsin in conjunction with its long-wavelength opsin LWRh. This enables the common blue to see color in the green part of the light spectrum extending up to . There is also a difference between the dorsal and ventral eye-shine of \"P. icarus\", with the dorsal retina dominated by yellow-reflecting ommatidia and the ventral exhibiting yellow and red-reflecting ommatidia. \"P. icarus\" is able to use color vision and distinguish between yellow of", "id": "6629158" }, { "contents": "Prizma\n\n\nof panchromatic film in the camera. The colors were red, yellow, green, and blue, with overlapping wavelengths to prevent pulsating effects on the screen with vivid colors. The film was photographed at 26 to 32 frames per second, and projected at 32 frame/s. The disk used in projection consisted mainly of two colors, red-orange and blue-green, adapted to the four-color process by the superimposition of two small magenta filters over one of the red sectors and two similar blue filters over one", "id": "13733099" }, { "contents": "Daredevil: Chinatown\n\n\nhe's done so far' even things other people would consider questionable are in service of the people, saying \"I know this to be true. I have seen it. I am a Hero Mr. Murdock. A Savior. You are a faithless, mean little man doing everything he can to stop me. If I am God... I wonder... What does that make you? Later that night, Matt changes to Daredevil, and busts some bombamker terrorists in a building in Red Hook, Brooklyn thanks to a tip", "id": "16140050" }, { "contents": "Red John\n\n\nan artist. He has a strong sense of theater ... the first thing that anyone sees is the face on the wall. You see the face first and you know. You know what's happened and you feel dread. Then, and only then do you see the body of the victim. Always in that order.\" Jane uses this information to work out that an apparent Red John murder was a copycat crime. Red John has twice painted his victim's toenails with their own blood. Both were female. The", "id": "14856704" }, { "contents": "Tom Maxwell (guitarist)\n\n\nI'm ready to do this yet.' And they just were real persistent, they kept calling me. And one night, I had been drinking some red wine and listening to some KISS on 12\" vinyl record and I said, 'You know what, lets take a shot at this, lets see what happens.'\" The band's persistence paid off and Paul joined the project. Paul commented about joining the project: \"Everybody had their head in the right place and that let's-tear-the", "id": "356002" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue light, with the blue twice as bright as the red. This is not true violet, for it does not match the color of a single wavelength shorter than that of blue light. The color's name is derived from the violet flower. Violet and purple look similar, but violet is a spectral color, with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light. Purple is a dichromatic color, made by combining blue and red. Amethyst is a notable violet crystal, its colour arising from iron and", "id": "17168646" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "Félix Doubront\n\n\ndecision, stating \"First of all, I’m not a reliever... They [the Red Sox] know that. They just, you know, it’s hard but I don’t know what they’re doing. I know they’re not doing the right thing for me.\" After allowing 6 runs in of an inning against the Toronto Blue Jays on July 28, Doubront had a meeting with manager John Farrell, and two days later he was traded. To begin the 2014 season, Doubront's record was 2", "id": "9360998" }, { "contents": "Dominant wavelength\n\n\nset of spectra mapping to the same color perception also includes a stimulus that is a narrow band at a single frequency; i.e. a pure spectral light (usually with some flat spectrum white light added to desaturate). The wavelength of this pure spectral light that will evoke the same color perception as the given complicated light mixture is the \"dominant wavelength\" of that mixture. Note that since purples (mixtures of red and blue/violet) cannot be pure spectral colors, no color mixture perceived as purple in hue can", "id": "5160067" }, { "contents": "Up Down (Do This All Day)\n\n\n, then I had it. It wasn't really a hard thing to do. I was just like, \"Alright, I guess I'll do this one! Here we go!\" You know, I've been working with B.o.B since before he got signed really. It's been a good time. It's been really collaborative with us. At the time, it wasn't the right songs or the right situation. Now, that I had something good so it was only right. I do", "id": "4943376" }, { "contents": "Red Dust (novel)\n\n\nSarah is doing her job very accurately, \"It's called preparation. I was taught to do it properly\". She loves her job and shows good skills as a lawyer. One example is the hearing of Dirk Hendricks, where she puts him under pressure. Ben Hoffmann, however sees her different behaviour: \"You are no longer the person I knew or the lawyer I trained. You think like a prosecutor. Is that what New York has done to you? Did it turn you into such an unfeeling monster", "id": "9639157" }, { "contents": "In Living Color\n\n\nHalf of comedy is making fun of stereotypes. They only get critical when I do it. Woody Allen has been having fun with his culture for years, and no one says anything about it. Martin Scorsese, his films basically deal with the Italian community, and no one ever says anything to him. John Hughes, all of his films parody upscale white suburban life. Nobody says anything to him. When I do it, then all of a sudden it becomes a racial issue. You know what I mean?", "id": "10219926" }, { "contents": "Primary color\n\n\ngo further and suggest that these conceptual colors correspond to specific hues and precise wavelengths. Such sources do not present a coherent, consistent definition of primary colors since real primaries cannot be complete. The perception elicited by multiple light sources co-stimulating the same area of the retina is additive, i.e., predicted via summing the spectral power distributions or tristimulus values of the individual light sources (assuming a color matching context). For example, a purple spotlight on a dark background could be matched with coincident blue and red spotlights", "id": "1888248" }, { "contents": "Ten (song)\n\n\nis to step back and reflect: \"It's hard to see just what you have, when you're seeing red / And it's easy to do something that you know you both will regret / Better stop, think, count to ten before I leave.\" Entertainment Focus said that: \"Ten is a close runner-up for favourite track as Jewel sings her way through an argument with a lover. As she counts to ten she’s forgotten what she was arguing about and highlights the often unnecessary conflict that", "id": "12740497" }, { "contents": "Rec. 2020\n\n\nlocus. The wavelength of the Rec. 2020 primary colors is 630 nm for the red primary color, 532 nm for the green primary color, and 467 nm for the blue primary color. In coverage of the CIE 1931 color space the Rec. 2020 color space covers 75.8%, the DCI-P3 digital cinema color space covers 53.6%, the Adobe RGB color space covers 52.1%, and the Rec. 709 color space covers 35.9%. During the development of the Rec. 2020 color space it was decided", "id": "20004871" }, { "contents": "Glossary of video terms\n\n\nthat allows color to be distinguished such as red, blue and green. Often used synonymously with the term tint. It is the dominant wavelength that distinguishes a color such as red, yellow, etc. Most commonly, video hue is influenced by a camera's white balance or scene lighting. Video color processors, such as the video equalizer, are the main tools used to adjust and correct hue problems. Color space system based on the values of Hue, Saturation, and Intensity. Intensity, analogous to luma, is", "id": "9288308" } ]
I am so happy I haven't ahd to put my children in childcare or daycare and have someone else caring and supervising them. Yes, I would always be nervous about what happens during the time away from my children. I know that is how I felt, you never know what happens when nannies, babysitters, teachers or other providers are taking care of your children Actual references from close friends would be the only way I would go with a babysitter I would definitely be more inclined to go that route when choosing the perfect care giver for my kids. I would feel even better using an extended family member of my child Absolutely. It would be perfect to have a family member involved. The extra pure love is key!
[{"answer": "Very true, that is why I think it is best when parents or or legal guardians take care of their children, because they are they only ones that love the children", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "389615", "title": "Child care", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 14, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 88, "bleu_score": 0.8003203203844999, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\ncourt has ruled, and I said we'll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.\" In", "id": "4747708" }, { "contents": "Heart to Yours\n\n\n. This is something that has been in my heart to do, so I had to do it. I thought that it would be a perfect time. Choosing to do this at the height of my career rather than doing it when Destiny's Child is at a downfall, you know? Most people do that. They go Gospel when they don't have anything else to do anymore, you know? I chose to do this while I can reach people.\" She echoed this sentiment in speaking with \"Billboard\"", "id": "3782805" }, { "contents": "Feodor Kuzmich\n\n\ntime I am free, independent, and, most importantly, - easy-going. Before, my peace and happiness depended on many conditions: it was necessary to take care of my loved ones enjoying the same happiness as I did, so that my friends would not deceive me ... Now there is nothing of this except what will always remain with me - except the words of my God, except for the love of the Savior and neighbor. Now I have no grief and disappointment, because I do not depend on", "id": "7932282" }, { "contents": "SMK Taman SEA\n\n\nI could not believe it when I got a call from the Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (Malaysian Examinations Syndicate) this morning stating that I am a national top student (the exact words were Pelajar Cemerlang Negara). I got 10A+. I just feel so happy that I would like to thank God, my parents, my family, my teachers and my friends who are always there for me. Now the road opens wider and only God knows what road I’ll take next.\" - Erique Phang Li-Onn (5", "id": "18115940" }, { "contents": "Glassjaw\n\n\nI wish I had an answer for everyone, but I am pretty much in the dark. I mean, let’s be frank, here. I just play the bass. I have no delusions about my role. I have no control of what happens with the band. I would love to tell you that the record is done. I would love to tell you when or if we are going to tour again. The sad truth is, I just don’t know. I don’t know if anyone knows.", "id": "10976808" }, { "contents": "Nadya Suleman\n\n\ndecisions have been selfish or that she would not be able to care for her children, stating, \"I know I'll be able to afford them when I'm done with my schooling. If I was just sitting down watching TV and not being as determined as I am to succeed and provide a better future for my children, I believe that would be considered, to a certain degree, selfish\". Suleman would make another appearance later in March on \"Dr. Phil\" alongside fellow guest Gloria Allred. Allred had", "id": "8493773" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\nn't speak the tongue. I can't read it. I can't write it. I and my people, great masses of them, are unenlightened and uneducated. I am notifying you of these things because your Government officials have told me and my people that they would take care of my relations with the Government and I think they ought to be taking care of them as they promised. He said that if anyone trespassed on my rights or questioned them to let him know and he would take care of them and protect", "id": "8194508" }, { "contents": "Bobby Smith (activist)\n\n\nrights than a convicted paedophile. I haven't seen my children for four years. I have tried everything else so I have to protest like this.\" When asked whether she would take the time to listen to Smith's story, Harman said: \"I have talked to fathers' groups over the years and I know what they are protesting about. \"He [Smith] is protesting about his own family situation and that is not something that should be decided by politics. That is something for the family court.", "id": "13434353" }, { "contents": "Pussy (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nand she came to set – I asked her to come, everybody in the video is my friend or family in real life – and she was like 'I can't get a babysitter for [him]' and I said 'Bring [him], because he's like my little play cousin, I love that kid!'\" she continued, \"and so he came, and you know how kids are, they don't realize what's going on around them and he kept jumping in the video,", "id": "8539543" }, { "contents": "Stefano DiMera\n\n\ndaughter had an absolutely pure relationship. I adore Renee Jones (Lexie). When she came to my dressing room and said, \"I’m going to be leaving soon, and this is what is going to happen,\" I said, \"Oh, no!\" It was very difficult. The bottom line Stefano is will always be about family. So when they wrote that, I couldn’t figure it out. In all honesty, Stefano nor EJ would have had wanted it that way. As a matter", "id": "10836527" }, { "contents": "Mario Andretti\n\n\nof so many negatives here comes a positive and this was certainly one of them, here was an opportunity created for us, the kids, and my dad always cited that. He would say in a sense I am looking at your future, where I think would be the best solution for you kids to have opportunities and he was correct, he was right because if we had remained in Italy I don’t know whether I could pursued what my first passion was and the only passion I really had career wise.\"", "id": "383139" }, { "contents": "Breathe In. Breathe Out.\n\n\ngo out and have a fun night together. I want them to know that my heart has been broken, but it's not the end of the world. Life goes on. I want them to feel like I'm there for them. I want them to feel happy. And I want them to know that I care and that I have cared about them all this time.\" In July 2014, Duff announced that she had signed a recording contract with Sony Music Entertainment's RCA Records, and that she would", "id": "21689942" }, { "contents": "Caitlyn Jenner\n\n\n\"In 1972, I made the decision that I would go four years and totally dedicate myself to what I was doing, and then I would move on after it was over with. I went into that competition knowing that would be the last time I would ever do this.\" Jenner explained, \"It hurts every day when you practice hard. Plus, when this decathlon is over, I got the rest of my life to recuperate. Who cares how bad it hurts?\" As a result of winning the", "id": "3534910" }, { "contents": "What Do I Know?\n\n\njerk reaction\" to things that had happened in 2016: \"I'm not a hugely outwardly political person, and I don't want to be. I'm a singer, and I know if like I had a political opinion, people would be like, 'Shut up mate! Sing your song.' ... My whole mantra in life is always like 'love is everything'. I love love, I love when people are happy. So my whole point of this song is basically not to say 'f_k", "id": "8873851" }, { "contents": "Anthony Mundine\n\n\ncomments were just spun around like I was clapping my hands. I have a family too, I know what it is like to suffer the loss of someone close to me, and I would never wish that upon anyone. The point I was trying to get across was that it was in a war state of mind, and there is always going to be tit for tat, so why put yourself in a situation where you can endanger people. I have got nothing against any American, I have got nothing against any", "id": "8590096" }, { "contents": "Martie Maguire\n\n\nunused frozen embryos.Now that I have children, I see those embryos as possible children. So I have to think about what my options are if there are leftovers again. I could keep them in storage, and maybe they will help my children some day. Or I can try to donate them to stem cell research. I don't think I could give them to another family. I would always worry: what if it's an abusive family? What if they don't get enough love? Natalie Maines has", "id": "12935327" }, { "contents": "Miguel Induráin\n\n\nwas time to go, and I tried to win the Tour for the last time. When I didn't, I thought the Olympics would be the perfect way of bowing out, but what happened after the Tour of Spain made me change my mind. Every year it gets harder and I think I have spent enough time in the sport. My family are waiting.\" After reading a prepared 30-line statement, he left without taking questions. Induráin now lives near Pamplona and has a house in Benidorm, on the Mediterranean", "id": "12237773" }, { "contents": "Eric Boswell (songwriter)\n\n\nCouldn't Care Less, English Weather, Everybody Falls in Love in Springtime, Happy Trumpet Man, Haven't Got A Girl, Home Again, I Know What I Want, I'll Know Her, It's You That I Love, Money in My Pocket, My Dream of Spring, Old Oak Tree, She's Got Something, So This Is Love, Someone, Suddenly I'm in Love, There Is A Reason For Everything, This Day I Promise, What D'You Know, When Will You Love Me,", "id": "4144936" }, { "contents": "Vitaly Kaloyev\n\n\n\" Kaloyev said. \"He murmured something to me. Then I showed him some pictures of my children and said: \"They were my children. What would you feel if you saw your children in coffins? I was infuriated about Skyguide's initiative to haggle over my dead children.\" Kaloyev wanted Nielsen to apologize to him for the death of his family. \"He hit me on the hand, when I was holding the envelope with the photographs of my children. I only remember that I had a very disturbing", "id": "15395141" }, { "contents": "Penpal (novel)\n\n\n: \"My mom denies that this ever happened, but as a kid I distinctly remember waking up on my porch outside, cold and in my underwear. My mom insists that it couldn't have possibly happened, so I guess I'll never know. But I've carried that memory around for years.\" He also explained how the fear of someone scooping him up in broad daylight and taking him away from his parents was always a prominent worry he had growing up, and one that would constantly manifest itself into his", "id": "13096823" }, { "contents": "Murder of Lori Hacking\n\n\nbut I hope that some day I can become the man Lori always thought I was. To the many people I have hurt, I am more sorry than you could ever know. Every day my soul burns in torment when I think of what you must be going through. I wish I could take away your pain. I wish I could take back all the lies I have told and replace them with the truth. I wish I could put Lori back into your arms. My pain is deserved; yours is not", "id": "12890761" }, { "contents": "A Little More Personal (Raw)\n\n\nthe album in the country. \"I just found this out today - my album went gold there. It was a great feeling because it was very unexpected\", the singer revealed. \"I would love to (tour Taiwan). I haven't toured at all at this point, but I would really love to do that. It's a great feeling to know that people in other places and other countries are aware of my music and what I do\". The tour, however, didn't happen for", "id": "359022" }, { "contents": "Mission: Impossible III\n\n\n\"Primetime\" about his involvement with stopping the episode rebroadcast on Comedy Central, Cruise stated \"First of all, could you ever imagine sitting down with anyone? I would never sit down with someone and question them on their beliefs. Here's the thing: I'm really not even going to dignify this. I honestly didn't really even know about it. I'm working, making my movie, I've got my family. I'm busy. I don't spend my days going, 'What are people", "id": "237339" }, { "contents": "McKayla Maroney\n\n\nthe vault. I still walked out with a silver medal and I'm happy about that. I'll have to watch the video and figure out what happened. It's really sad that I had to fall on that vault but I'm glad I won a silver medal. I know I can do better vaults but I also know I didn't deserve the gold medal because I fell on my second vault. It happens. It's gymnastics. You can't always be perfect. Sometimes things don't go as planned", "id": "9418163" }, { "contents": "Chou Wen-chung\n\n\nbeing an artist. If you have conviction in your art, you have to be daring. You don’t care what critics or what other artists would say. You are going to do it. You have to understand the risk I took. I was given a tremendous scholarship. I didn’t have any other money. I couldn’t survive. Besides I would have a problem with the American government, the immigration office, since my visa was based on going to Yale. But I never thought of those questions.", "id": "9713365" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Stuart (daughter of Charles I)\n\n\nremove Elizabeth's household in 1648, the 12-year-old princess wrote them a letter protesting their decision: \"My Lords, I account myself very miserable that I must have my servants taken from me and strangers put to me. You promised me that you would have a care for me; and I hope you will show it in preventing so great a grief as this would be to me. I pray my lords consider of it, and give me cause to thank you, and to rest. Your loving friend,", "id": "8095211" }, { "contents": "Brilliant! Tragic!\n\n\n(as I am far too shy to approach those people). I thought only one or two would say yes. I was completely blown away when they all did and then flattered they would take the time to create something for us. As I had chosen all my favourite artists and writers for the project I was expecting to be blown away by every new submission, it went beyond even that though. I love what has been created and I recommend that you go out and collect everything by everyone who has contributed to", "id": "14451080" }, { "contents": "Michael Pitt\n\n\n, I think my work is going to come more and more in context. The truth is that you can't take what people say too seriously. If I cared what people think about my career, I would have not done—just look at my work. Don't look at me, look at what I've done. Every movie that I've picked, from my first film on, has been considered by everyone to be \"career suicide.\" And I have an amazing life. I have an amazing", "id": "10091428" }, { "contents": "Arlie Russell Hochschild\n\n\nemotional labor of female immigrants, \"So you have women from the Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, and Mexico leaving their children and elderly behind to take jobs caring for American, Canadian, Saudi, and European children and elderly. It was also not uncommon to hear nannies say, ‘I love the kids I take care of now more than my own. I hate to say it, but I do'\". Extending from the eldest daughter in a rural village who takes care of siblings while a mother cares", "id": "4063355" }, { "contents": "Robert Edmund Strahorn\n\n\n\"with the army behind you, don't you think you would be safer than fighting us under Crazy Horse, who will be subdued and brought in, whatever the costs?\" \"Maybe, if the army would stay put, but what about it after the fight is over? That is my country. I know nothing else to do but live with the Indians. Crazy Horse would never forget.\" \"You have my word that we will find someway to take care of you if you give us the service", "id": "3161739" }, { "contents": "Noncommissioned officer's creed\n\n\n, no matter how others portray my accomplishments. It means that I know my soldiers and know how to use them in a manner that promotes the units needs. It means that I will take care of my soldiers fairly and mentor them to become better soldiers and would not ask them to do something I wouldn't do or have not done before. It means to me that I will keep my soldiers and senior NCO'S informed and they will keep me informed of changes and any information that pertains to me. I will", "id": "230669" }, { "contents": "Battle of Slim Buttes\n\n\ncosts?\" \"Maybe, if the army would stay put, but what about it after the fight is over? That is my country. I know nothing else to do but live with the Indians. Crazy Horse would never forget.\" \"You have my word that we will find someway to take care of you if you give us the service you seem able to give.\" After much parleying, Grouard said: \"I'll think it over and let you know.\" \"You promise not to leave", "id": "18723255" }, { "contents": "Michael Evans (bishop)\n\n\nfamily until this stage of my life ends. I do not know how long that will be. I am most grateful for the ways you have cared for and so prayerfully supported me in recent years. You remain very much in my thoughts and care. As I am sure you understand, I am able to do very little, and will need to rely on others. Please can I ask you to limit any expressions of care to prayer for now, rather than anything else to which I cannot respond.\"", "id": "5719599" }, { "contents": "Trunk Muzik III\n\n\nIn January 2019, Yelawolf stated \"The album is done, the music is done. We just added a song last week, that's the reason why I take my time with releasing albums, and projects, because you never really know what's going to happen or what might inspire you. [If] you put an album out and then you go in the studio and record a banger, then you're like \"fuck man, I wish I would have waited and could have put that on the album.", "id": "6599958" }, { "contents": "Gautam Singhania\n\n\nhis father Vijaypat Singhania, who had this message for parents across the country: \"Love your children and care for them, but don't love them so much that you are blinded\". In 2015, his father handed over his shares, worth over Rs. 1,000 crore, to his only son Gautam Singhania and two years later had this to say to NDTV, \"In the 79 years of my life, I'd never thought I would have to take a family dispute to court after giving away everything I had", "id": "16171738" }, { "contents": "Abdel Rahman Sule\n\n\nused to see what these people were doing. That is how I became a Muslim. In 1927, I was caught with arms from Ethiopia. By then I was already a Muslim. But I was very aware of my African-ness. When I was a kid, if I was woken late in the morning by my father, he would say 'if it had been in the days of the Ansars you would have been taken'. My father always woke me up early so that in his words I am", "id": "9306655" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\nsearching the crowds for your face—I know it is an impossibility, but I cannot help myself. My search for you is a never-ending quest that is doomed to fail. You and I had talked about what would happen if we were forced apart by circumstance, but I cannot keep the promise I made to you that night. I am sorry, I am truly sorry, my darling, but there will never be another to replace you. The words I whispered to you were folly, and", "id": "2224452" }, { "contents": "Chris Colabello\n\n\ntrying to find an answer as to why or how? The only thing I know is that I would never compromise the integrity of the game of baseball. I love this game too much! I care too deeply about it. I am saddened more for the impact this will have on my teammates, the organization and the fans of the Toronto Blue Jays. I hope that before anyone passes judgement on me they can take a look at the man that I am, and everything that I have done to get to where", "id": "11039670" }, { "contents": "God Will'n\n\n\nn’t think like that because we out here living reckless, doing what we do, but we don’t think about what would happen if we pass away. \"It was just the thoughts that came into my head… those ‘Where would this go? Who would get that? How would this go down?’ I was just trying to get it all out. This song is for the fans that loved my “Who Am I” type of songs. “My Will” is going to be their favorite.", "id": "399080" }, { "contents": "Manuel Barillas\n\n\nknow what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore, Mr. Lainfiesta, know what conduct you will observe towards me.\" Mr. Lainfiesta said: \"General Barillas: if luck would favor me with the", "id": "16993880" }, { "contents": "José María Reina Barrios\n\n\n: \"Mr. Lainfiesta: you are one of the candidates in the upcoming elections and perhaps the more likely to win. Therefore, I would like to know what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore", "id": "484181" }, { "contents": "I Am Eleven\n\n\n, Bailey was in a difficult period of her life and was creatively inspired by a particularly memorable time during her childhood years: I was going through a difficult time, being in a serious car accident and my body was not feeling very happy, and my dad passed away. I wanted to make something quite simply that would make me happy and make audiences happy … I thought back to my favourite age in life and that was when I was eleven and I thought I wondered what would it be like to be eleven today", "id": "8212097" }, { "contents": "Okie from Muskogee\n\n\n: \"My dad passed away when I was nine, and I don't know if you've ever thought about somebody you've lost and you say, 'I wonder what so-and-so would think about this?' I was drivin' on Interstate 40 and I saw a sign that said \"19 Miles to Muskogee.\" Muskogee was always referred to in my childhood as 'back home.' So I saw that sign and my whole childhood flashed before my eyes and I thought, 'I wonder", "id": "14932208" }, { "contents": "Bump Off Lover\n\n\ncare about my health. Yes, you can call me the \"Queen of Fakeness\" because I care about how people think of me. People's adorations and praises gives me the strength to live. The only person that knows about my fake outward appearance is my younger sister. But in private, I am lazy and obstinate. I am so unlike my younger sister, she is so gentle, sweet, and patient (I think it's probably due to her poor health). I have never seen her angry", "id": "5656493" }, { "contents": "Wise Guy (musical)\n\n\na pal And I would like him to let go If a sob will get consent I'm a very sentimental guy I melt with the breath of springtime When grass starts to green the lawn I get very sentimental As I take my coat to pawn [Mary:] So you think and so you say In your clever sort of way But I know it won't be long before There'll come that happy day When my evenings will be spent With a very sentimental guy /poem poem You know the big percentage in roulette And", "id": "4905255" }, { "contents": "Dindi Gowa Nyasulu\n\n\n' meaning when my parents gave birth to me they did a perfect job. A man who loved to dance and at the end of his life told his children \" I feel favoured by God to have had you as my friends for I know this is not the end of my story but the beginning of a tale of the extraordinary man in me, love each other\". Dindi Gowa Nyasulu was also spiritual. He told his children to always put God first in everything they do. At the time of his death", "id": "15695511" }, { "contents": "William H. Whitfield\n\n\n. i wish to meet you in this world once more. How happy we would be. Give my best respect to Mrs. and Miss Amelia Whitfield, i long to see them. Capt. you must not send your boys to the whaling business; you must send them to Japan. I will take care of him or them if you will. Let me know before send and I will make the arrangement for it. In 1870 Manjirō was a member of a Japanese government commission sent to Europe to study military science during", "id": "22158859" }, { "contents": "Sadie Barnette\n\n\nfighting for workers’ rights for my whole life, so it was something I grew up with—measuring situations with the lens of justice and equity. I’ve always felt like the least I could do was to make artwork and tell the story about what you guys did. I really feel like it’s my inheritance and my duty to tell the story.\"In response to the experience of going through her father's FBI files Barnette says:\"I would say the experience of going through all this information, you know, at times", "id": "20611982" }, { "contents": "Who Cares (Paul McCartney song)\n\n\nit. And in my case I was imagining young fans, or young people who might hear this, and who are going through some sort of problem where they’re being picked on, being put on. These days it would be internet bullying, trolls and all that. In my school days, it would have just been bullies and people just generally picking on each other. So I know that has happened all over the world to millions of people. So my thing was to kind of try and help, try", "id": "2655853" }, { "contents": "Rosemary Kuhlmann\n\n\nKuhlman said, \"Life is all about time and place. Everyone—my teachers, my coach and my agent, Gus Schirmer—thought my next step was to sing at the Met. But then I met my husband and wanted to raise a family. Maybe I could have done both, and that would have been wonderful. But I would never give up what I have today—my two children and five grandchildren—to have said on my résumé that I sang at the Met.\" In 1978, Kuhlmann", "id": "898840" }, { "contents": "Corneille Ewango\n\n\nother items in trees and protecting the animals and plants from vandals, poachers, and illegal miners and loggers. “When the war blew up,” Ewango later explained, “my colleagues were leaving the area, but I said, my history is here. I felt like leaving would mean leaving everything, leaving my life and my work – the work I was doing was related to my life. So I said, I think I will stay and take care of the field team, and see what is going to", "id": "4834139" }, { "contents": "Anthony Casso\n\n\nI have disgraced my family heritage, lost the respect of my children and close friends, and most probably added to the sudden death of my wife and confidant for more than 35 years. I wish the clock could be turned back only to bring her back. I have never in my life informed on anyone. I have always hated rats and as strange as it may sound I still do. I surely hate myself, day after day. It would have definitely been different if the Government had honest witnesses from inception.", "id": "6346632" }, { "contents": "Ryan Adams (album)\n\n\nI have PAX-AM now, my studio — but I don’t know why it took so long to basically be like: You know what, I’m going to do this my way, and even if it’s fucking weird I’m going to do it my way. [...] There was always somebody somewhere with some fucking idea that I should work with some producer, or there was always some producer that I was working with who I knew. People felt like they could frame my music in a certain", "id": "9978169" }, { "contents": "Mister Lonely\n\n\nmore distant. I was burnt out, movies were what I always loved in life and I started to not care. I went deeper and deeper into a dark place and to be honest movies were the last thing I was thinking about – I didn't know if I was going to be alive. My dream was to evaporate. I was unhealthy. Whatever happened during that time, and I won't go into the details, maybe it was something I needed to go through.\" In a 2003 interview with the", "id": "1575043" }, { "contents": "Get Home Safely\n\n\nbe there because it’s not my first album. If the first time you heard of Dom Kennedy was \"Get Home Safely\", and then I never did another CD after that, you’d probably think I was the greatest person that ever happened [laughs]. That’s how it would really go down. But that’s not what I wanted. That’s not real. It’s a process. So knowing that, people are obviously going to know that it’s me. People are going to know that", "id": "21990360" }, { "contents": "Megan Rose Gedris\n\n\n) end with '. . . and it was all a dream.' But I always wanted to know what would happen after that. How would this affect someone’s life.\" Therefore, the \"it was all a dream\" twist comes not at the end of the story, but one-third of the way through. According to Gedris, \"I put my twists in the middle, rather than the end. . . . Instead of ending with it being a dream, we follow how things go", "id": "17458461" }, { "contents": "Jeyhun Hajibeyli\n\n\nthat I have often longed for my sisters; and sometimes the images of my mom and my middle brother (Uzeyir) replaced the images of my sisters in my mind. Both of them were crying bitterly when we were saying good-bye. I was trying to convince them that I was going away for only two months. I was asking them why they were crying? Now I tell myself, Jeyhun bey, you deceived them because you yourself were not aware of what would happen. Now you’re living 41 years", "id": "11037156" }, { "contents": "Scotty Cannon\n\n\n, \"I have had a Mohawk on and off for years. It started years ago when I would go the beach with my friends and we would Mohawk our hair just to have fun. During the racing seasons, I would Mohawk it and it seemed I would wear it more and more. It kind of stuck on me. I guess you could call it my trademark.\" He started racing when he was 16. \"I always had a natural love for drag racing, going straight and making the cars go", "id": "19668169" }, { "contents": "Maud Gage Baum\n\n\nwas unable to eat dinner. He walked upstairs, woke Ken up, and apologized, saying, \"I'll never spank any of you children again.\" Frank once said that \"If I had my way, I would always have a young child in the house.\" Maud rejoined, \"If I had my way, I wouldn't!\" Because Frank was frequently absent for work-related matters, for most of the time, Maud needed to care for the sons single-handedly. To lessen the", "id": "2170101" }, { "contents": "William Bee Ravenel III\n\n\noffer... \"After I returned home, Mr. Ravenel was the only person outside of my family who I wanted to see, because his approval or disapproval of me was probably more important than anyone else's in my life, outside of my father's. I felt he was someone to whom I could explain what had happened to me, and who would understand. That is a high tribute to Mr. Ravenel. \"I regret that I was never able to pay him that tribute. Upon return I found that my mentor", "id": "7033880" }, { "contents": "Holden Snyder\n\n\nkid so he had this special interest in me as a person. He always made sure I was growing as a person and made sure I was happy. We would have dinner once a month and go to the theatre. He was more of a father figure for me than anything else. He was very caring and loving. It was a very special relationship. I never expected to have experienced something like that with a head writer. I mean, when you go out with your head writer, you’re terrified because", "id": "17303370" }, { "contents": "Chloe Melas\n\n\n.\" Freeman responded in a statement the same day, saying, \"Anyone who knows me or has worked with me knows I am not someone who would intentionally offend or knowingly make anyone feel uneasy. I apologize to anyone who felt uncomfortable or disrespected — that was never my intent.\" He added the following day, \"I would often try to joke with and compliment women, in what I thought was a light-hearted and humorous way. Clearly I was not always coming across the way I intended.\"", "id": "3602146" }, { "contents": "La Peau de chagrin\n\n\nNovember: \"Your soul embraces centuries, monsieur; its philosophical concepts appear to be the fruit of long study matured by time; yet I am told you are still young. I would like to know you, but feel I have no need to do so. I know you through my own spiritual instinct; I picture you in my own way, and feel that if I were to actually set eyes upon you, I should instantly exclaim, 'That is he!'\" Eventually she revealed herself to him,", "id": "19347246" }, { "contents": "Educated Horses\n\n\nthat I remembered as something as a kid. You know, my parents, my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, the whole family, were involved in carnival business and, like, circus business, so as a kid, we would get dragged to these things, and we'd have to spend all this time there. And that was just one of the attractions I remember, what they would call the trained animals, you know, educated horses.\" \"Educated Horses\" can be described as Zombie's most", "id": "9308565" }, { "contents": "Denny Miller (Home and Away)\n\n\nto go backpacking around Europe, but shortly before she left, she discovered Charlotte with a stolen safe from The Diner. As Denny and Charlotte fought over it, Denny hit her head and died instantly. Smith did not mind being killed off, saying, \"When I found out that was happening to my character I thought, 'Oh my God, they love me enough to kill me'. I thought, if you kill someone off, the public must really care about that character. Otherwise they would just send", "id": "19602630" }, { "contents": "Robert Sawyer (murderer)\n\n\nand I hope that nobody else ever has to go through what i have gone through, expecially (sic) young kids. I'm sorry for any hurt and pain they say I caused. I have no hard feelings toward anyone. I just want my sister, my brother-in-law, my son, all of my family and friends to know that I love them and I'll be waiting on them in heaven.\" In a petition to the Pardon Board before his execution, Sawyer alleged he was mentally", "id": "16750105" }, { "contents": "Dark Is the Night (Soviet song)\n\n\nI love the depths of your gentle eyes,br How I long to press my lips to them!br This dark night separates us, my love,br And the dark, troubled steppe has come to lie between us. I have faith in you, in you, my That faith has shielded me from bullets in this dark night ... br I am glad, I am calm in deadly battle:br I know you will meet me with love, no matter what happens. Death is not terrible, we've met", "id": "22090155" }, { "contents": "Hilary and Jackie\n\n\n\"sick\", adding: \"My friend Jackie has been betrayed\". Hilary du Pré wrote in \"The Guardian\", \"At first I could not understand why people didn't believe my story because I had set out to tell the whole truth. When you tell someone the truth about your family, you don't expect them to turn around and say that it's bunkum. But I knew that Jackie would have respected what I had done. If I had gone for half-measures, she would have", "id": "10267270" }, { "contents": "I Am Also a Human\n\n\na wonderful wedding dress. She knows now that she cannot give birth to a child, but at the time she thought of becoming a mother and having two beautiful kids who would take care of me in my old age. We would all live in a lovely house, not a big one but a comfortable one, which would be filled with loads of happiness. But destiny had planned something else for her. Her parents sent her to an orphanage when she was just twelve years old. She learned many things there", "id": "14021066" }, { "contents": "Zhaleh Alamtaj\n\n\na tale about my ill fortune, I swear by that ill fortune, I would have not believed it. Was I such a heavy burden? Would my handful of bones Have bent my father’s back if I hadn’t gotten a husband? What would you say I was at the banquet spread of our family’s life? A little cat who would have asked for nothing other than a morsel to eat.\" \"Zhâleh Qâ’em’maqâmi’s “Cheh Mishod” [What Would Have Happened] (pp. 54–5 in Mirror", "id": "18296151" }, { "contents": "Zavalaz\n\n\npaying homage to the music my parents listened to when I was a little kid\". Following the conclusion of what would become the Mars Volta's final tour in July 2012, Bixler-Zavala decided to completely focus on his solo record: \"I always thought that I could never fully realize any sort of solo thing unless I could put my all into it. Plus, I didn’t like doing anything else because I always felt like, for me, it was a conflict of interest; it would have diluted the", "id": "8202607" }, { "contents": "Rosemary Anne Sisson\n\n\nin an interview with \"The Daily Telegraph\": \"If I'd met the man I could have loved at any time up to the age of 30 I would have done it - I would have loved to have had children. But I read a poem which said: 'In my thirtieth year came all my spirit home to me.' And I remember thinking - Yes. I'm settled now. I feel at home with myself.\" Known as Romy to her friends and family, Sisson was a devoted", "id": "4725431" }, { "contents": "Affandi\n\n\nthat people learn a little from my work. I do know the danger of doing paintings with this in mind. I have no intention of becoming a social propagandist, and I must be careful. One day, in India, visiting a village with my Daughter Kartika, I saw a dead body covered by a mattress. Kartika said, \"That's a good subject for you.\" I felt very touched by what we had seen, but I told her I would not paint it. My next painting was of", "id": "4512413" }, { "contents": "1892 Guatemalan presidential election\n\n\nfor the three Liberal candidates to ask them what their government plan would be. The following anecdote recounts better what happened then: First arrived lawyer Francisco Lainfiesta, and General Barillas, with the friendliest of smiles, said: \"Mr. Lainfiesta: you are one of the candidates in the upcoming elections and perhaps the more likely to win. Therefore, I would like to know what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my", "id": "19863156" }, { "contents": "William Fitzwilliam, 4th Earl Fitzwilliam\n\n\nmost obliged. ... Whatever happens I never can forget, my dearest Fitz, that you are the friend in the world whom I most esteem, for whom I would sacrifice every thing that one man ought to sacrifice to another. I know that the properest conduct in such a situation would be to say nothing, nor to inquire any thing from any of my old friends, and so I shall do in regard to all others, but I feel you to be an exception with respect to me to all general rules,", "id": "14398442" }, { "contents": "Johnny Ramone\n\n\nget on these tangents about how he never missed a day's work. I broke my big toe the day I had to go pitch a Little League game and he's going, 'What are you – a baby? What did I do, raise a baby? You go play.' And even though my toe was broken I had to go pitch the game anyway. It was terrible. It would always be like that. I'm glad he raised me like that but it would always be, 'What", "id": "21335350" }, { "contents": "Michelle Shocked\n\n\nin by members of ACT UP. Since then, Shocked has been listed as bisexual in reference books, and does not self-identify as a lesbian. In a 2013 interview with CNN, Shocked stated \"I am, for the last 10 years, so deeply in love with a man that the idea of living my life without him is impossible. I know how much I love him, and knowing that passion that I have for him, would I ever want to deny that to anyone else? Absolutely not.", "id": "4032343" }, { "contents": "Merle Haggard\n\n\n\"Lost Highway\", he elaborated: \"My dad passed away when I was nine, and I don't know if you've ever thought about somebody you've lost and you say, 'I wonder what so-and-so would think about this?' I was drivin' on Interstate 40 and I saw a sign that said '19 Miles to Muskogee.' Muskogee was always referred to in my childhood as 'back home.' So I saw that sign and my whole childhood flashed before my eyes", "id": "6694052" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\nthem. I always thought that this would be done. I believe yet it will be done. I don't know what the trouble is now. I don't know anything about it. I think my lands are all cut up. I have never asked that be done but I understand it has been done. I don't know why it was done. My treaty said that it never would be done unless I wanted it done. That anything I did not want to be done contrary to that treaty would not", "id": "8194509" }, { "contents": "Open Arms (Journey song)\n\n\nkeep my head down on the console when \"Open Arms\" was on. There is one line in the song that I always wanted to be a certain way. I have ideals about certain things. The line \"wanting you near\" — I just wanted that line to go up and soar. I wanted it to be heartfelt. Every time it would come by I would just have to keep my head down and try to swallow the lump in my throat. I felt so proud of the song.\" In", "id": "7916282" }, { "contents": "Pilgrim State (book)\n\n\nyoung people. When I was made redundant, I started writing the book.\" Walker said the book \"began as a family project, a way to find out more, not just about my mother; like many children who had been in care, our family had little information about what had happened to us as children.\" Walker told \"Time Out\", \"There are many reasons why I wrote the book; one of them is because I think that the kind of quiet, everyday heroism of people like", "id": "857463" }, { "contents": "Matthew Boulton\n\n\nDespite his lengthy absences on business, Boulton cared deeply for his family. He wrote to his wife in January 1780, Nothing could in the least palliate this long, this cold, this very distant separation from my dearest wife and children but the certain knowledge that I am preparing for their ease, happiness and prosperity, and when that is the prise, I know no hardships that I would not encounter with, to obtain it. With the expiry of the patent in 1800 both Boulton and Watt retired from the partnership,", "id": "14045480" }, { "contents": "Lorenzo Montúfar y Rivera\n\n\n, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore, Mr. Lainfiesta, know what conduct you will observe towards me.\" Mr. Lainfiesta said: «\"General Barillas: if luck would favor me with the election victory, my government will be based on strict adherence", "id": "15451313" }, { "contents": "Sally Webster\n\n\n'Mr Perfect'. All the other men Sally's been with, I could easily have seen her having long term relationships with them. With Tim, you know there's no way they're going to live happily ever after, they're going to drive each other insane. I like the drama that has to offer.\" In 2015, it was revealed that Tim would propose to Sally. Asked how Sally feels about Tim, Dynevor said: \"I think she really loves Tim and she really cares for him", "id": "1884032" }, { "contents": "James Caan (entrepreneur)\n\n\n\"I am not a trader of my children [...] I can beg for my children but I cannot even think to sell them\" and \"I cannot believe such disrespect to a mother and father to believe you can take one of their children from them for the payment of money [...] I cannot believe what a man who is a father has tried to do\". Caan is involved with and supports other charities including The Prince's Trust, Marie Curie, Mosaic, Care Foundation and the", "id": "17830525" }, { "contents": "Margaret Taylor\n\n\nbut home-sickness. I had never been separated from my parents before. Mrs. Snelling was alarmed, as she did not know what to do unless I accompanied her on the journey, to care for the children. She talked about it with Mrs. Taylor. That lady came to see me. She was a fat, motherly looking woman. She told Mrs. Snelling the best way was to divert me and I would soon forget my ailment. This was done, and the cure succeeded. Another description of Margaret Taylor's", "id": "20744032" }, { "contents": "Anna Kournikova\n\n\nher early regimen, she said, \"I played two times a week from age six. It was a children's program. And it was just for fun; my parents didn't know I was going to play professionally, they just wanted me to do something because I had lots of energy. It was only when I started playing well at seven that I went to a professional academy. I would go to school, and then my parents would take me to the club, and I'd spend the rest of", "id": "336107" }, { "contents": "Vicki Fowler\n\n\nexpense of any parent's realistic concerns: \"We get it wrong when we take the easy route like the kidnap snatch with Vicki. My argument about this was that I am a father but have never had my kids snatched. If I'm just sitting at home and my children are out late at night and they say they're going to be back at midnight and they don't come back, you immediately think they're dead and you start to worry. If they'd actually been snatched, it would have affected", "id": "5487361" }, { "contents": "Chuck Mosley\n\n\n2016, \"I am distraught that I am being sued by my former band members and even more distraught if I did something that would negatively impact my future relationship with the band, which I value. I consider certain members of Faith No More as my 'family.' I would never have signed the Manifesto contract if I fully appreciated the dissention\"[sic]\" it would cause or how the band would object.\" In 1990, Mosley began a stint as lead singer in the revered hardcore punk band Bad Brains. He", "id": "16138581" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Woolcock\n\n\nlate then, so I had to make the best of it, I tried to do my duty to him and the children,but the more I tried the worse he was, he was fond of drink but he did not like to part with his money for anything else and god only knows how he ill treated me I put up with it for 3 years during that time my parents went to Melbourne and then he was worse than ever I thought i would rather die than live so I tried to put an end", "id": "18467156" }, { "contents": "For You, for Me\n\n\n. And they’ve been so patient. I think I really shocked them when I said I was touring, because they’ve become accepting of the fact that it was never going to happen. But I meant it, all the years I spent saying I would love to tour the States\" and what they should expect from the tour: \"I decided not to go somewhere I’ve never been before, direction-wise, because American audiences haven’t seen my live shows for the most part. So we decided—", "id": "10700286" }, { "contents": "The Beach Boys Love You\n\n\nfavorite Beach Boys releases, saying: \"That's when it all happened for me. That's where my heart lies. Jesus, that's the best album we ever made.\" He added in later years: \"I think because I felt so sad I had to bring out my feelings, and try to create music that would make me and all my friends feel better.…My favorites are 'I Wanna Pick You Up' and 'Ding Dang'. that was a good cut, wasn't it?", "id": "8029120" }, { "contents": "Bonnie McKee\n\n\nsongwriters of all time. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I ask myself nearly every time I sit down to write a song, \"What would Prince do?\" \"Doves Cry\" is perfection and I know I could never even hope to touch his brilliance, but in his passing, I realized how much this song really means to me, and was inspired to pay homage to the late, great, genius who taught me to take musical risks, to act my age and not my shoe size,", "id": "19784259" }, { "contents": "Camille Grammer\n\n\nyears ago. It was kind of a dream I had years ago, but I gave that up when I got married and had children. I'm not pursuing this. I'd definitely have to go back and take some acting classes if I was! But I have to say, my experience was very enjoyable and of course it would be something I would love to do. It's so much fun to work with such talented people and be involved in the creative process.\" Camille has also made other appearances in", "id": "18901227" }, { "contents": "The Princess and the Pea\n\n\na friend: \"I am now starting on some 'fairy tales for children.' I am going to win over future generations, you may want to know\" and, in a letter dated February 1835 he wrote to the poet, Bernhard Severin Ingemann: \"I have started some 'Fairy Tales Told for Children' and believe I have succeeded. I have told a couple of tales which as a child I was happy about and which I do not believe are known and have written them exactly the way I would", "id": "4193095" }, { "contents": "Messiah ben Joseph (LDS Church)\n\n\ndesired, but was by the Lord restrained from, revealing his true or 'eternal' identity to the world: \"\"You do not know me. No man knows my history ... I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it ... If I had not experienced what I have, I could not have believed it myself ... Would to God ... I could tell you who I am! ... You would call it blasphemy ... When I am called by the trump of the archangel\" [meaning Michael, who", "id": "21337763" }, { "contents": "Tad Williams\n\n\nhave to hide from your children, I mean there are people in America, probably here too, who own pigs as pets and they write lots of articles about pigs and how pigs feel and what pigs like (besides other pigs)… Off the top of my head, I could not tell you how much a full-grown, male farm pig should weigh. I knew ‘Big,’ but when you’re a writer, you want to sound like you know what you’re talking about, so I actually", "id": "1322470" }, { "contents": "Consumer sovereignty\n\n\n. A more detailed definition was given by Abba Lerner:The basic idea of consumer sovereignty is really very simple: arrange for everybody to have what he prefers whenever this does not involve any extra sacrifice for anybody else. … One of the deepest scars of my early youth was etched when my teacher told me, “You do not want that,” after I had told her that I did. I would not have been so upset if she had said that I could not have it, whatever it was, or", "id": "9775866" }, { "contents": "Abu Hajal Muslim ibn Awsaja\n\n\nAllah, if I am perished, I would reborn, and then if I am burnt and turned into ashes, I would reborn; and if it happens seventy times I would reborn and fight for you until I am martyred for you. I would never leave you as I know I will be perished once. Consequently, eternal prosperity and dignity would be mine. He repeatedly expressed this motto in the battle of Karbala: If you desire to know me, I am brave as a lion; my lineage goes back to", "id": "2518343" }, { "contents": "Tanya Branning\n\n\nover the scenes, she goes home relieved that it's not her life. She added: \"I go home and laugh even more hysterically than I would normally because of what's happening to Tanya. My husband doesn't agree. He thinks I carry it all more than I think I do. He says I come back miserable, but once I've put the kids in the bath and had a laugh, then I feel good again.\" On 1 May 2012, it was reported that Joyner would take a", "id": "3078929" } ]
I love baking normally in an oven or hot ashes! Yes, I prefer baking over microwaving, etc. Yes! Bread is always really good baked, what do you like to bake? I like baking pizza rolls because I'm bad at baking real goods like cake and bread.
[{"answer": "Neat! I think baking cookies is great because the heat is gradually transferred to the centre of the cookie.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "52634", "title": "Baking", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 201, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 294, "bleu_score": 0.8979542144404234, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nBaking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually transferred \"from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center. As heat travels through, it transforms batters and doughs into baked goods and more with a firm dry crust and a softer centre\". Baking can be combined with grilling to produce", "id": "7706067" }, { "contents": "Azerbaijani cuisine\n\n\nare baked in Azerbaijan like: flat, rolling, flat bread, lavash, səngək, xamralı, thick, thin, crepes, cakes, bread oven (tandoor bread).Tandoor bread is a type of bread baked in a clay oven called a tandoor. Mostly it is used for baking bread and cooking meat, but generally any type of food can be cooked in tandoor ovens. The secret of tandoor oven is process of heating up the oven. Wood is put on the ground and ignited. It is necessary to wait till it", "id": "21052611" }, { "contents": "Ripacandida\n\n\n, because neighboring countries does not exist. Prepared by the good housewife, was then baked in the houses, each house had its oven. \"I rucilatieggh\" were prepared from a dough of flour, oil, water, fennel seeds, eggs, salt and baking powder and then polished with egg yolk. The tradition continues in the bakery who prepare for Tuesday and Friday. Traditionally every house had Ripacandida the oven for baking bread, which had a high form of bread similar to matter. The bread was baked once placed", "id": "11992341" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Sheet pan\n\n\nA sheet pan, baking tray or baking sheet is a flat, rectangular metal pan used in an oven. It is often used for baking bread rolls, pastries and flat products such as cookies, sheet cakes, Swiss rolls and pizzas. These pans, like all bakeware, can be made of a variety of materials, but are primarily aluminum or stainless steel. The most basic sheet pan is literally a sheet of metal. Commercial pans are sometimes made from aluminized steel which combines the conductive, reflective, and food adherence", "id": "14268529" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nA baking mix is a pre-mixed formulation of ingredients used for the cooking of baked goods. Baking mixes may be commercially manufactured or homemade. Baking mixes that cater to particular dietary needs, such as gluten-free baking mixes or kosher baking mixes, can be bought in many places. Baking mixes are produced for the preparation of specific foods such as breads, quick breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies pizza dough, biscuits and various desserts, among other foods. Some all-purpose", "id": "1522774" }, { "contents": "Peel (tool)\n\n\nA peel is a shovel-like tool used by bakers to slide loaves of bread, pizzas, pastries, and other baked goods into and out of an oven. It is usually made of wood, with a flat carrying surface (like a shovel's blade) for holding the baked good and a handle extending from one side of that surface. Alternatively, the carrying surface may be made of sheet metal, which is attached to a wooden handle. Wood has the advantage that it does not become hot enough to burn", "id": "18623301" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nthem frequently for important occasions such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe and expanded", "id": "12725085" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ncakes, layer cakes, tiered cakes, and wedding cakes. Other bakeries may specialize in traditional or hand made types of bread made with locally milled flour, without flour bleaching agents or flour treatment agents, baking what is sometimes referred to as artisan bread. Grocery stores and supermarkets, in many countries, sell prepackaged or pre-sliced bread, cakes, and other pastries. They can also offer in-store baking and basic cake decoration. Nonetheless, many people still prefer to get their baked goods from a small artisanal", "id": "12725090" }, { "contents": "Swabian cuisine\n\n\nis very characteristic for the Swabian baking culture. Therefore, there are many variations that are not widely distributed and known and are only baked in a special area or even only in one village but there are also some baked good that are baked all over the region and are available in every bakery. This holds true for Laugengebäck, Pretzels, bread rolls and Hefezopf (lit. meaning yeast plaid) which rate among the traditional Swabian baked goods. The Swabian \"Seele\" (lit. soul) is a baguette-like", "id": "15615016" }, { "contents": "Sač\n\n\nSaç is a large metal or ceramic lid like a shallow bell with which bread dough or meat to be baked are covered, and over which ashes and live coals are placed. It enables even, convection baking, and the bell shape allows the steam to recirculate, which makes the meat, fish and vegetables to remain juicy, and the potatoes, and vegetables to intermix their flavors with that of the meat. It is also used for baking bread and traditional pastry like burek and pizza. The bell itself perhaps comes from", "id": "20523359" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nbakeries\"'\". Bakeries selling Asian style breads can be found all over the world and some of largest chains today include Grupo Bimbo, BreadTalk Group and Yamazaki Baking. The Chinese market is fast becoming the largest consumers of baked goods since foreign bakeries entered the market in the 1990s. Since then, businesses trying to reach success in China, like in other Asian markets, have aimed to strike a balance between making breads that look like Western baked goods but are filled with cream and are sweet and buttery in flavour.", "id": "9902482" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ngiven this baked food a reputation for being a culinary achievement. Similarly, a good baking technique (and a good oven) are also needed to create a baked Alaska because of the difficulty of baking hot meringue and cold ice cream at the same time. Baking can also be used to prepare other foods such as pizzas, baked potatoes, baked apples, baked beans, some casseroles and pasta dishes such as lasagne. The first evidence of baking occurred when humans took wild grass grains, soaked them in water, and mixed", "id": "7706076" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nbaking mixes, including commercial and homemade varieties, can be used to prepare several types of baked goods, such as biscuits, pizza dough, muffins, cookies and pancakes, among others. Some bread baking mixes are formulated for use in a bread machine. Ingredients in baking mixes may include flour, bread flour, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, sugar and salt, as well as others depending upon the food type. Gluten-free baking mixes may be prepared using rice flour in place of wheat flour. Dry", "id": "1522775" }, { "contents": "List of ovens\n\n\nThis is a list of ovens. An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance, and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special-purpose ovens, used in pottery and metalworking, respectively. Baking is a food cooking method that uses prolonged dry heat by convection, rather than by thermal radiation, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on hot stones. Bread is a commonly baked food. An earth oven, or cooking pit", "id": "18599671" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\naverage annual  increase of 10.6%. In relation to Asia-Pacific region, the bread & rolls market grew by 6.1% in 2014 to reach a value of $20,215.5 million. In 2019, the bread & rolls market in Asian-Pacific is forecast to have a value of $27,731.7 million, an increase of 37.2% since 2014. Overall, South Korea has seen rapid expansion of dessert cafés and unpackaged baked goods from specialist coffee shops and small bakery specialists. Baked goods, artisanal bread, cake and pastries continue", "id": "9902478" }, { "contents": "List of twice-baked foods\n\n\nThe following is a list of twice-baked foods. Twice-baked foods are foods that are baked twice in their preparation. Baking is a food cooking method using prolonged dry heat acting by convection, and not by thermal radiation, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on hot stones. When the desired temperature is reached within the heating instrument, the food is placed inside and baked for a certain amount of time. Such items are sometimes referred to as \"baked goods,\" and are", "id": "11968891" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nand Rural Affairs, in 2016 the total production capacity in the baking industry stood at 2.1 trillion won, which was an 11.8% increase from 1.9 trillion won four years ago. Amongst baked goods produced individual bread products like red bean pastries have had the highest level of production at 48.1%, followed by cakes (34.5%), sliced loaf bread (8.7%) and doughnuts (3.8%). The industry saw total sales grow 49.6% from 3.9 trillion won in 2012 to 5.9 trillion won in 2016, an", "id": "9902477" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nbe ground more quickly. These mills depended on a good flow of water, which mainly occurred during the autumn and spring. These two seasons were the time for baking flatbread and lefser. Once rye began to be cultivated around 1500, the baking techniques changed to leaven breads in ovens, e.g. with sour dough and later with other leavens. The rye in oven-baked bread was often mixed with barley for economy. It was only baked once a month, or more often during the summer. During storage, these breads", "id": "9179099" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Stottie cake\n\n\nonly had the bottom available to bake on. One chief characteristic is the heavy and dough-like texture of the bread. Though leavened, its taste and mouth-feel is heavy and very reminiscent of dough. It is heavy and dense because it was only been allowed to prove once rather than the usual twice. This indicates that its origins lie in the breads used to 'test' ovens, and that it may be related to similar breads baked elsewhere in Europe for the same reason. Anecdotal evidence also suggests that", "id": "6645781" }, { "contents": "Parbaking\n\n\ndoes not age or become stale like a fully baked loaf of bread. When the final bread product is desired, a parbaked loaf is \"finished off\" by baking it at normal temperatures for an additional 10 to 15 minutes. The exact time must be determined by testing, and varies by the product. The final bread is then often indistinguishable from freshly baked bread. Parbaking has shifted the economics of freshly baked bread. Parbaking allows manufacturers of bread to prepare, and then distribute bread to a market far beyond the geographic", "id": "4787475" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nincluding nuts, roast beef and baked bread.\" The moisture is never entirely \"sealed in\"; over time, an item being baked will become dry. This is often an advantage, especially in situations where drying is the desired outcome, like drying herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables. The baking process does not require any fat to be used to cook in an oven. When baking, consideration must be given to the amount of fat that is contained in the food item. Higher levels of fat such as", "id": "7706089" }, { "contents": "Ovelgönne bread roll\n\n\nand showed only very small porosity, suggesting that neither a wild yeast fermentation nor a sourdough were used to leaven the bread loaf. Possibly for lightening of the dough, protein or fat was added. The baking process must have taken place in an oven on a stone surface which was good, but not completely cleaned of coal, as small charcoal remains have been reflected in the pores of the base. The bread was baked at an excessive top heat, compared to today's baking practice. Sandy deposits in the inner parts", "id": "1998249" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nsuch leavenings varied widely. Resulting baked goods often had a sour or bitter taste. Breads were made of grain, water, yeast, and sometimes salt. Cooks also made yeast, sponge and pound cakes. Yeast cakes were similar to breads but included fancier ingredients, like sugar, spices, fruits or nuts. Sponge cakes used beaten egg whites for leavening. Pound cakes combined butter, sugar, and flour and eggs, and were particularly dense. Making cakes was even more laborious than making bread: to prepare a cake", "id": "18227658" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nfor baking. The beehive oven typically took two to three hours to heat, occasionally even four hours in the winter. Breads were baked first when the beehive oven was hottest, with other baked items such as cinnamon buns, cakes, and pies. As the oven cooled, muffins and \"biscuits\" could be baked, along with puddings and custards. After a day's baking there was typically sufficient heat to dry apples and other fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Pots of beans were often placed in the back of", "id": "18149697" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\neverything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, when humans mastered fire, the paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made any time fire was created. The world's oldest oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back 6500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians baked bread using yeast, which they had previously been", "id": "7706077" }, { "contents": "Backe, backe Kuchen\n\n\nresidual heat of the oven could now be used to bake the women's own cakes. Also, where the bread was baked on certain days in the common village oven, there was a signal when the bread was removed and the residual heat of the oven could be used for baking cakes. It is striking that the text points to the yellow coloring effect of saffron. None of the other six mentioned ingredients provides an obvious rhyme word for the German standard \"gelb\" which means yellow. Therefore, the traditional lyric writes", "id": "16479766" }, { "contents": "Earth oven\n\n\nto the Hawaiian kalua. Among Bedouin and Tuareg nomads, a simple earth oven is used – often when men travel without family or kitchen equipment in the desert. The oven is mostly used to bake bread but is also used to cook venison and waran. When baking bread, the wheat or barley flour is mixed with water and some salt and then placed directly into the hot sands beneath the camp fire. It is then covered again by hot coal and left to bake. This kind of bread is eaten with black tea", "id": "4339208" }, { "contents": "Dutch oven\n\n\nmaking roasts, stews, and casseroles. Virtually any recipe that can be cooked in a conventional oven can be cooked in a Dutch oven. When cooking over a campfire, it is possible to use old-style lipped cast-iron Dutch ovens as true baking ovens, to prepare biscuits, cakes, breads, pizzas, and even pies. A smaller baking pan can be placed inside the ovens, used and replaced with another as the first batch is completed. It is also possible to stack Dutch ovens on top of", "id": "19875918" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nTypes of \"mincha\" included fine flour (\"solet\") mixed with oil and of which a portion was given to the kohen; flour mixed with oil and fried on a griddle or on a pan; bread called \"challot\" mixed with oil and baked in an oven; and wafers (\"rekikim\") smeared with oil baked in an oven. There were also baked goods, all made of wheat flour and baked in an oven, which were not burned on the altar. These were the twelve unleavened", "id": "16744427" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nstyle buns are soft, springy and sweet. Other than some softer bread varieties like the croissant or brioche, Asian breads differ greatly from most traditional European breads, which characteristically have a harder crust and a dry, salty crumb. In Western-style baking, bread has zero fat and the main components are flour, salt and water. Asian style bread on the other hand are high in fat and sugar, which together give the bread its unique soft texture. Korean baked breads are very soft and typically drizzled with condensed", "id": "9902463" }, { "contents": "Edward Espe Brown\n\n\nto teach others how. When he got home he asked his mother to teach him to bake bread. She said, \"No, yeast makes me nervous.\" Brown eventually learned to bake bread, eleven years later, from two chefs at Tassajara. Brown later asked his brother if he remembered their trip to visit Alice. Dwite said yes he did, \"What I remember was the Smithfield ham, but it didn't change my life\". He wrote \"The Tassajara Bread Book\" in 1970 with a 100", "id": "4415509" }, { "contents": "Afghan bread\n\n\nAfghan bread, or Nân-i Afğânī (Persian: نان افغانی), is the national bread of Afghanistan. The bread is oval or rectangular and baked in a tandoor, a cylindrical oven that is the primary cooking equipment of the sub-continental region. The Afghan version of the tandoor sits above ground and is made of bricks, which are heated to cook the bread. The bread, also known as \"naan\", is shaped and then stuck to the interior wall of the oven to bake. It is", "id": "771579" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\nbread for making rusks. The price of rusk in those bakeries is usually low, as the bakeries do this to avoid wasting the leftover bread and buns. \"Sponge rusk\" is similar to biscotti but it is made out of twice-baked yellow cake batter. The yellow cake batter is baked into a flat, rectangular cake pan; once it is baked and cooled off, it is sliced into strips and baked again or toasted to make a cake toast. It is usually eaten with Cuban coffee (Cuban espresso)", "id": "1935915" }, { "contents": "Bost's Bread\n\n\nlike \"If it's Fresher'n Bost's it's Still in the Oven\", \"The Best Taste You Ever Toasted\", and \"Baked Slow to Sell Fast\" became bywords and embedded into the cultural slang-speak of the area where Bost's Bread was sold. around 1986 the Bost's Bakery was sold to Wonder Bread[Continental Baking Co.], which operated the Bakery 6 years till 1992, adding its staple \"Wonder Bread\", Twinkies, frosted cupcakes and other confections to the product line alongside the bread products", "id": "17802252" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nquick breads. The introduction of baking powder was revolutionary in minimizing the time and labor required to make breadstuffs. It led to the creation of new types of cakes, cookies, biscuits, and other baked goods. Baking powder is made up of a base, an acid, and a buffering material to prevent the acid and base from reacting before their intended use. Most commercially available baking powders are made up of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO, also known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda) and one or more acid salts", "id": "18227650" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ninto the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at home and selling them out on the streets. This trend became common and soon, baked products were getting sold in streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more. This resulted in a system of delivering the goods to households, as the demand for baked breads and goods significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish a place where people could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris, the first open-air bakery of baked", "id": "12725086" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\npopularity of bread and growth of the baked goods market are also a result of the convenience of bread. In family households, working mothers will typically make toast for breakfast because it is easier and faster to prepare than a Korean style breakfast. The bread and bakery products market is expected to grow annually by 3.3% (CAGR 2019-2023). Moreover, reports by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs show sales of unhealthy products like doughnuts and pies had decreased.According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food", "id": "9902476" }, { "contents": "Baking stone\n\n\nA baking stone is a portable cooking surface used in baking. It may be made of ceramic, stone or, more recently, salt. Food is put on the stone, which is then placed in an oven, though sometimes the stone is heated first. Baking stones are used much like cookie sheets, but may absorb additional moisture for crispier food. A pizza stone is a baking stone designed for cooking pizza. Due to the thermal mass of baking stones and the material's property as a poor heat conductor, food", "id": "16113154" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nand Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people who only wanted to bake a good cake", "id": "21259734" }, { "contents": "Biscuit (bread)\n\n\nA biscuit in the United States and parts of Canada, is a variety of small baked goods with a firm browned crust and a soft interior. They are made with baking powder or baking soda as a chemical leavening agent rather than yeast. They are similar to British scones or the bannock from the Shetland Isles. Biscuits, soda breads, and cornbread, among others, are often referred to collectively as \"quick breads\", to indicate that they do not need time to rise before baking. American English and British English", "id": "1626279" }, { "contents": "Tabun oven\n\n\nthe hot embers and ashes. When the bread is ready, the lid is removed and the bread taken out. The process can be repeated, or other dishes can be baked using metal or pottery trays. The bottom of the bread will take the shape of the pebbles or other materials used in constructing the oven floor. This baking process is unique and economical and produces aromatic and flavorful food. Made of yellow pottery clay soil. The best is from Aaroub or Al Aaroub. The soil is wetted and made into a", "id": "11576084" }, { "contents": "Flammekueche\n\n\nto bake bread once a week. The \"Flammkuchen\" was originally a homemade dish which did not make its urban restaurant debut until the \"pizza craze\" of the 1960s. A \"Flammkuchen\" would be used to test the heat of their wood-fired ovens. At the peak of its temperature, the oven would also have the ideal conditions in which to bake a \"Flammkuchen\". The embers would be pushed aside to make room for the cake in the middle of the oven, and the intense heat would", "id": "13133821" }, { "contents": "Banquet Foods\n\n\nin 1980. Banquet is known primarily for a frozen breaded chicken, but expanded into other chicken products over the years, including chicken pot pies, chicken nuggets, ready-to-heat microwaveable dinners and buffalo wings. In 2004, Banquet introduced Homestyle Bakes – ready to bake dinner kits in 11 varieties, as well as Dessert Bakes – no-bake pie and cake mixes. With the 2007 sale of former Con-Agra division Swift & Company to JBS USA, the popular frozen breakfast sausage line formerly known as \"", "id": "5958341" }, { "contents": "Confectionery\n\n\nbe plain dough. Doughnuts may be fried or baked. Scones and related sweet quick breads, such as bannock, are similar to baking powder biscuits and, in sweeter, less traditional interpretations, can seem like a cupcake. Cookies are small, sweet baked treats. They originated as small cakes, and some traditional cookies have a soft, cake-like texture. Others are crisp or hard. Sugar confections include sweet, sugar-based foods, which are usually eaten as snack food. This includes sugar candies, chocolates", "id": "1129243" }, { "contents": "Beigel Bake\n\n\nBeigel Bake is a 24-hour bakery and shop founded in 1974, on Brick Lane in Spitalfields, London, England. Its menu is focused on beigels, baked in the traditional Jewish style with fillings such as hot salt beef with mustard, chopped herring, and cream cheese and salmon. It also serves pastries and sweets such as Danish rolls, apple strudel, Eccles cakes and cheesecake, as well as white, rye and black bread. Beigel Bake produces 7,000 beigels every day. The restaurant was rated three stars by Time Out", "id": "17271965" }, { "contents": "Ruisreikäleipä\n\n\nseason, and is one main component of the Finnish diet. The way it was prepared is related to the way houses used to be built in western Finland, that is with the baking oven separate from the heating oven. In eastern Finland, where the oven used to be heated every day, it was more common to eat freshly baked bread and to cook various kinds of long-stewed oven foods like the Karelian hot pot. Unlike \"ruislimppu\", there is no discernible difference between the skin and the core of", "id": "15998908" }, { "contents": "Ammonium carbonate\n\n\nsodium bicarbonate to mimic as a double acting baking powder and to help mask any ammonia smell not baked out. It also serves as an acidity regulator and has the E number E503. It can be replaced with baking powder, but this may affect both the taste and texture of the finished product. Baker's ammonia should be used to create thin dry baked goods like crackers and cookies. This allows the strong ammonia smell to bake out. It should not be used to make moist baked items like cake since ammonia is hydrophilic", "id": "13437857" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "Robust parameter design\n\n\namount of baking powder, and coloring content of the cake, other factors are uncontrollable, such as oven temperature and bake time. The manufacturer can print instructions for a bake time of 20 minutes but in the real world has no control over consumer baking habits. Variations in the quality of the cake can arise from baking at 325° instead of 350° or from leaving the cake in the oven for a slightly too short or too long period of time. Robust parameter designs seek to minimize the effects of noise factors on", "id": "12912067" }, { "contents": "Shortbread\n\n\nof Scottish baking. An early variety of shortbread, using ginger, was reportedly eaten during sittings of the Parliament of Scotland, and therefore the variety was sometimes called \"Parliament cake\" or \"Parlies\" into the 19th century. The biscuits are likely to have been made and sold by the shop \"Luckie Fykie\" in Waverley, Edinburgh. Shortbread resulted from medieval biscuit bread, which was a twice-baked, enriched bread roll dusted with sugar and spices and hardened into a hard, dry, sweetened biscuit called a", "id": "10419881" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\npão ralado\", literally \"ground bread\" and has various culinary uses. The Russian version is called \"sookhar' \" (Cyrillic: сухарь). They are either baked a second time from sweet challah-like bread, sliced in biscotti fashion or just made of leftover stale bread, cut into small cubes and air-dried or baked at a very low temperature. The first one is like a cookie, good with milk, kefir, tea, coffee or cacao. The second one is usually added to soup", "id": "1935926" }, { "contents": "Calzone\n\n\nA calzone (, , ; \"stocking\" or \"trouser\") is an Italian oven-baked folded pizza that originated in Naples in the 18th century. A typical calzone is made from salted bread dough, baked in an oven and is stuffed with salami, ham or vegetables, mozzarella, ricotta and Parmesan or pecorino cheese, as well as an egg. Different regional variations on a calzone can often include other ingredients that are normally associated with pizza toppings. Sandwich-sized calzones are often sold at Italian lunch counters", "id": "6074652" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nvoluminous bread. In southern Sweden, rye bread was more often baked into softer and thick bread cakes (kavring, “round bread”), and from the 19th century flavoured with syrup or molasses. Professional male bakers started to sell bread in the cities during the 13th century. However, in the countryside, everyday bread was baked at home by the women. Swedish recipe books dating from the 17th–18th century contain recipes of cakes, but not everyday bread, indicating that cakes were baked less often and amongst the higher echelons", "id": "9179107" }, { "contents": "Sourdough\n\n\nhas been proved over many hours, using a sourdough starter or mother dough, can then be transferred to the machine, utilizing only the baking segment of the bread-making program, bypassing timed mechanical kneading by the machine's paddle. This may be convenient for single loaf production, but the complex blistered and slashed crust characteristics of oven-baked sourdough bread cannot be achieved in a bread making machine, as this usually requires the use of a baking stone in the oven and misting of the dough to produce steam.", "id": "16769270" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nbrick-making, mixed cement, granule-covered shingles, and even as a fertilizer. In the thirteen colonies that later became the United States, most households had a beehive oven. Bread was usually baked in it once a week, often in conjunction with pies, crackers, or other baked goods. To heat the oven, the baker would heap coals and kindling inside and wait several hours. Requiring strict regulation, the right amount of wood to ash had to be burned and then tested by sticking one's hands", "id": "18149700" }, { "contents": "Baker\n\n\nA baker is someone who bakes and sometimes sells breads and other products made of flour by using an oven or other concentrated heat source. The place where a baker works is called a bakery. Since grains have been a staple food for millennia, the activity of baking is a very old one. Control of yeast, however, is relatively recent. By the fifth and sixth centuries BCE, the ancient Greeks used enclosed ovens heated by wood fires; communities usually baked bread in a large communal oven. Greeks baked dozens and", "id": "14394150" }, { "contents": "Kiss Baking Company Limited\n\n\nThe Kiss Baking Company Ltd. is the leading Trinidadian firms that makes and markets packaged bakery goods. The company was founded in 1978. Kiss also acquired the rival company Coelho Baking Industries in 1989. It is located in Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago. The products are: • Brownies • Single and Double Donuts. The flavors of the cakes available are: Additionally, the company makes customized cakes for special orders. Products are also exported to the other Caribbean islands, as well. Kiss has over one hundred vehicles distributing bread and", "id": "16885839" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nKorean baked goods (한국 생과자, \"\"hanguk seanggwacha\",\" lit. \"Korean style snacks\" 한국 빵, “\"hanguk bbang”\" lit. \"Korean bread\"\") consist of Korean style breads, buns, pastries, cakes and snacks. Korean bread did not enter Korean diets or become a mainstream staple until the late 1980s. To a large extent bread was not part of Korean cuisine other than some types of traditional steamed breads that were made of mixed rice flour and wheat. Korean breads", "id": "9902461" }, { "contents": "Cornbread\n\n\nas unleavened pone, corn fritters, hoecakes, etc.). Cornbread is a popular item in Southern cooking enjoyed by many people for its texture and aroma. Cornbread can be baked, fried, or (rarely) steamed. Steamed cornbread is mushy, chewier, and more like cornmeal pudding than what most consider to be traditional cornbread. Cornbread can also be baked into corn cakes. Cornbread is a common bread in United States cuisine, particularly associated with the South and Southwest, as well as being a traditional staple for", "id": "12152767" }, { "contents": "Dumpling\n\n\nwith melted butter, grated cheese, or other pasta sauces. Similar in shape a Calzone is an Italian oven-baked folded pizza that originated in Naples in the 18th century. A typical calzone is made from salted bread dough, baked in an oven and is stuffed with salami, ham or vegetables, mozzarella, ricotta and Parmesan or pecorino cheese, as well as an egg. Different regional variations on a calzone can often include other ingredients that are normally associated with pizza toppings. Maltese ravioli (\"ravjul\") are", "id": "18691749" }, { "contents": "Banana bread\n\n\nBanana bread is a type of bread made from mashed bananas. It is often a moist, sweet, cake-like quick bread; however there are some banana bread recipes that are traditional-style raised breads. Banana bread first became a standard feature of American cookbooks with the popularization of baking soda and baking powder in the 1930s. It appeared in Pillsbury's 1933 \"Balanced Recipes\" cookbook, and later gained more acceptance with the release of the original \"Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book\" in 1950. National Banana Bread", "id": "14957915" }, { "contents": "Bread machine\n\n\nbaked loaf for breakfast. They can also be set only to make dough, for instance to be used to make pizza. Some can also be set to make other things besides bread, such as jam, pasta dough, udon or mochi, a kind of Japanese rice cake. One of the most recent innovations is the facility to add nuts and fruit during the kneading process automatically from a tray. Traditionally, breadmakers take between three and four hours to bake a loaf. However recently \"fast bake\" modes have become", "id": "5295222" }, { "contents": "Amoroso's Baking Company\n\n\nday, in the mornings and afternoons. In 1934, Salvatore took over the operations of the company with the help of his sons, Daniel, Vincent, Leonard and Sal, Jr. In 1952, Amoroso began selling Hearth Baked bread and rolls to A & P Supermarkets in West Philadelphia. Due to increased demand, in 1960 the company expanded into a new facility located at 845 South 55th Street. Today, after four major expansions, Amoroso Baking Company employs more than 400 people, and its expanded line of baked goods is", "id": "8951711" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nitems are known collectively as \"baked goods,\" and are often sold at a bakery, which is a store that carries only baked goods, or at markets, grocery stores, farmers markets or through other venues. Meat, including cured meats, such as ham can also be baked, but baking is usually reserved for meatloaf, smaller cuts of whole meats, or whole meats that contain stuffing or coating such as bread crumbs or buttermilk batter. Some foods are surrounded with moisture during baking by placing a small amount of", "id": "7706070" }, { "contents": "Mjukkaka\n\n\nMjukkaka can be baked in an oven (directly at the bottom), in a hot pan or even directly on top of your stove on a heated plate. Making inroads into the bread (by using a rolling pin with deep grooves or just a regular fork) is done in order for it to not rise during baking and instead stay flat. Liquid from baking blodpalt is used in some recipes instead of milk in some parts of northern Sweden around Luleå. In some recipes rye flour is mixed with wheat or includes just", "id": "16477662" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nancient Rome, basic bread dough was sometimes enriched with butter, eggs, and honey, which produced a sweet and cake-like baked good. Latin poet Ovid refers his and his brother's birthday party and cake in his first book of exile, \"Tristia\". Early cakes in England were also essentially bread: the most obvious differences between a \"cake\" and \"bread\" were the round, flat shape of the cakes, and the cooking method, which turned cakes over once while cooking, while bread was", "id": "12365287" }, { "contents": "Wila (lichen)\n\n\nlichen on a stick over hot coals, turning it frequently. When the lichen is crumbly it is then boiled to the consistency of molasses. This method of preparation is called spatkán. Traditionally, the Dakelh usually pitcook wila, but they sometimes use it to bake a kind of fruitcake, The lichen is mixed into the bread dough like one would do with raisins, and it helps the bread to rise when it is baked. Nowadays, some people occasionally use more modern cooking methods. Several people have reported dissatisfaction with pressure", "id": "11288954" }, { "contents": "Crumpet\n\n\nof the word. In either case breads were, historically, commonly cooked on a griddle whererever bread ovens were not available. The \"bara-planc\", or griddle bread, baked on an iron plate over a fire, was part of the everyday diet in Wales until the 19th century. Small, oval cakes baked in this manner were called \"picklets\", a name used for the first recognisable crumpet-type recipe, published in 1769 by Elizabeth Raffald in \"The Experienced English Housekeeper\". This name was", "id": "3415406" }, { "contents": "Finnish bread\n\n\nrye bread is the staple one in Finland, the competition among the brands remains fierce to this day. The old tradition was that all bread in the house for the year was baked in a few days, in a large oven that took a long time to cool after being fired. Thus, \"jälkiuunileipä\" (lit. \"after-oven bread\") could still be baked in the residual heat. The longer baking time in the lower temperature gives it a darker color, higher density and hardness than regular rye", "id": "12540135" }, { "contents": "Avalon International Breads\n\n\nbakery is located at 422 W. Willis in the Midtown/Cass Corridor neighborhood of Detroit. Here, the bakery uses a traditional, Old World baking technique that involves hand-stirring its bread starter in a , Italian-style dough mixer and baking it in a , steam-injected oven. The bakery has two additional locations in Detroit: the Eat Well, Do Good Cafe at Henry Ford Hospital at 2799 W. Grand Boulevard in New Center, and Avalon City Ovens, a production facility in a former industrial warehouse at 4731", "id": "6758348" }, { "contents": "Quick bread\n\n\nmixing. These agents undergo a chemical reaction to produce carbon dioxide, which increases the baked good's volume and produces a porous structure and lighter texture. Yeast breads often take hours to rise, and the resulting baked good's texture can vary greatly based on external factors such as temperature and humidity. By contrast, breads made with chemical leavening agents are relatively uniform, reliable, and quick. Usually, the resulting baked good is softer and lighter than a traditional yeast bread. Chemical leavening agents include a weak base, such", "id": "13094846" }, { "contents": "Lángos\n\n\nlanguage. Lángos was made from bread dough and was served as breakfast on the days when new bread was baked. Now that people no longer have brick ovens and do not bake bread at home, lángos is virtually always fried in oil. Lángos is popular all year long. As it is a rather affordable and simple food, it is often sold around bus stations, fairs, and all over Eastern European countries during local celebrations or sport events. It is sold at many fast-food restaurants not only in Hungary but", "id": "4554728" }, { "contents": "Focaccia\n\n\nFocaccia (; ) is a flat oven-baked Italian bread product similar in style and texture to pizza dough. Focaccia can be used as a side to many meals or as sandwich bread. \"Focaccia al rosmarino\" (focaccia with rosemary) is a common focaccia style in Italian cuisine that may be served as an antipasto, appetizer, table bread, or snack. Focaccia is similar to the Greek flatbread lagana. In Ancient Rome, \"panis focacius\" was a flat bread baked on the hearth. The word is derived", "id": "20899515" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nJunior Bake Off is a British TV baking competition series where forty young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned \"\"Junior Bake Off\" Champion\", with all their bakes being judged by two leading chefs. It is a spin-off from the main series, \"The Great British Bake Off\" and is broadcast on CBBC. Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner The four finalists are first given a masterclass; in the masterclass they learn", "id": "2997502" }, { "contents": "Lye roll\n\n\nLye rolls are a baked specialty in Germany (especially in Bavaria and Swabia), Austria, and Switzerland. They are made by immersing bread rolls in a lye solution before baking. The German name is \"Laugengebäck\" for any baked good dipped in lye. The perhaps best known shape is the pretzel, while rolls or buns are specifically called \"Laugensemmel\" or \"Kastanie\" (Bavarian), \"Laugeweckle\" or \"Laugestängle\" (Swabian), and \"Laugenwecken\", \"Laugenbrötchen\" or \"Laugenstange\"", "id": "4799658" }, { "contents": "ACE Bakery\n\n\nACE Bakery is a maker of European-style, artisan breads and baked goods. The company, based in Toronto, has some 35 varieties of bread, made preservative free and from natural starters, in addition to other specialty products, including a line of granola and artisan crisps, marketed across Canada and parts of the United States. Along with fresh baked breads, ACE Bakery also makes par-baked or partially baked, flash-frozen dough. Founded by a Caledon, Ontario husband and wife, the company is today", "id": "2486554" }, { "contents": "Al forno\n\n\nAl forno is food that has been baked in an oven. Italian dishes commonly prepared in this way include pizza, breads and pasta dishes. Pasta is sometimes boiled before it is baked in al forno dishes. This double cooking means that it is served soft, not with the firm al dente consistency that some Italians prefer in pasta dishes. Northern Italy has a tradition of wood-burning ovens and open-flame grills that continues to this day. A wood-fired oven and al forno dishes are a feature of many", "id": "15288342" }, { "contents": "Yamal cuisine\n\n\n3-4 hours. \"Bread is head for everything\" is a saying of Russians and Selkups. It symbolizes hospitality of the house. Bread of Selkup is mentioned from the 8th-9th centuries. The bread is baked not in an oven as Russians do although the initial stages are the same. Flour is mixed with water and salt. Soda is used instead of yeast to raise the dough and it is baked in very hot sand on the fire. Yamal cuisine has four principal types of fish dishes: “as it is", "id": "13076512" }, { "contents": "List of bakery cafés\n\n\nThis is a list of notable bakery cafés. A bakery (or baker's shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also coffeehouses, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. A café, cafe, or \"caff\" may refer to a coffeehouse, bar, teahouse, diner, transport cafe, or other casual eating and drinking place", "id": "13919953" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\ncontain it, and will exhibit good oven spring when baked. A bread that is under- or overproofed will have less oven spring and be more dense. An overproofed bread may even collapse in the oven as the volume of gas produced by the yeast can no longer be contained by the gluten structure. \"Retarding\" may occur at any time during fermentation and is accomplished by placing the dough into a dough retarder, refrigerator, or other cold environment to slow the activity of the yeast. The retarding stage is often used in", "id": "4061651" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nusing to brew beer. Bread baking began in Ancient Greece around 600 BC, leading to the invention of enclosed ovens. \"Ovens and worktables have been discovered in archaeological digs from Turkey (Hacilar) to Palestine (Jericho (Tell es-Sultan)) and date back to 5600 BC.\" Baking flourished during the Roman Empire. Beginning around 300 B.C., the pastry cook became an occupation for Romans (known as the pastillarium) and became a respected profession because pastries were considered decadent, and Romans loved festivity and celebration", "id": "7706078" }, { "contents": "Schneeberg (Fichtel Mountains)\n\n\n\"). However, it is more likely that the name comes from \"Schnee\" (\"snow\") and the fact that the mountain is snow-capped for long periods of time. The group of rocks at the highest point on the mountain is called \"Backöfele\" (\"baking oven\"), after which the observation tower was named. In the Thirty Years' War, folk from the surrounding village are supposed to have fled to this place where they baked their bread. The mountain has always had", "id": "6725733" }, { "contents": "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\n\n\nas I can, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and throw't into the Oven. The next appearance is in \"Mother Goose's Melody\" (c. 1765) in the form: Marking pastry or baked goods with an identifiable mark may stem from a time when households without an oven of their own could have brought their items to a local baker or bake house, paying to have their items finished for a small fee. Marking the pastry would have", "id": "4228126" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\n, honey and caramel and topped with whipped cream, syrup, nuts and sometimes fruit. \"Injelomi\" toast is baked white bread that is stuffed with glutinous rice and variations may top it with garlic cheese, citron or honey and ice cream. These are two breakfast menu items typically at South Korean cafes. Globalisation has resulted in a shift in the Korean diet and eating culture. Foods like \"kimchi\" and \"bap\" (\"rice\") are more commonly being replaced with bread and meat. Traditionally bread had", "id": "9902472" }, { "contents": "Boston baked beans\n\n\nBoston baked beans are a variety of baked beans, typically sweetened with molasses or maple syrup, and flavored with salt pork or bacon. Native Americans had made corn bread and baked beans. The Pilgrims at Plymouth Colony learned these recipes in the early 1620s and likely added barley to the corn meal to invent New England brown bread. The triangular trade of slaves in the 18th century helped to make Boston an exporter of rum, which is produced by the distillation of fermented molasses. At that time, molasses was added to local", "id": "12561429" }, { "contents": "Italian tomato pie\n\n\nItalian tomato pie is an Italian-American baked good consisting of a thick, porous, focaccia-like dough covered with tomato sauce. It may be sprinkled with romano cheese or oregano. It is not usually served straight from the oven, but allowed to cool and then consumed at room temperature or reheated. Like Sicilian pizza, tomato pie is baked in a large rectangular pan and served in square slices. In Rhode Island it is cut into long strips and often called pizza strips. Tomato pie descends from and resembles the", "id": "16385804" }, { "contents": "Ruchanki\n\n\nRuchanki - flat, oval racuszki from bread dough (providing a light sour taste) or sponge cake (sweet taste), hot fried on fat. Formerly, ruchanki were produced from left over bread dough. The bread dough version was popularly eaten instead of bread for inter alia breakfast. Ruchanki baked from wheat flour and yeast were traditionally baked for carnivals. These are served hot, topped with powdered sugar or white sugar. In Kashubia these are served with apples. Ruchanki are enlisted on the list of traditional produce of the", "id": "19565355" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\na bake kettle, bastable, bread oven, fire pan, bake oven kail pot, tin kitchen, roasting kitchen, \"doufeu\" (French: \"gentle fire\") or \"feu de compagne\" (French: \"country oven\") [it] originally replaced the cooking jack as the latest fireside cooking technology,\" combining \"the convenience of pot-oven and hangover oven.\" Asian cultures have adopted steam baskets to produce the effect of baking while reducing the amount of fat needed. Eleven events occur", "id": "7706087" }, { "contents": "Northern Irish cuisine\n\n\nIt was first baked in the 1800s in Ireland, and local people used baking soda to cause the dough to rise. It's typically served with an Ulster fry. Wheaten bread is a brown bread made with whole wheat flour which also uses baking soda as a rising agent. It is usually sweetened in contrast to the savoury white soda bread. A soft tray bake cake which gets its name from using Fifteen of each main ingredient (marshmallows, digestive biscuits, cherries). Boxty is mainly found in County Fermanagh, Boxty", "id": "3913509" }, { "contents": "Beshalach\n\n\nFor the righteous, it fell as bread; for average folk, it fell as cakes that required baking; and for the wicked, it fell as kernels that required grinding. The Gemara asked how one could reconcile which reported that \"the taste of it was like wafers made with honey,\" with which reported that \"the taste of it was as the taste of a cake baked with oil.\" Rabbi Jose ben Hanina said that the manna tasted differently for different classes of people: It tasted like honey for infants", "id": "4652185" }, { "contents": "Take and bake pizzeria\n\n\nA take and bake pizzeria, sometimes just known as a take and bake (or alternatively, take-n-bake), is a pizzeria which sells uncooked pizzas to customers, who then cook the pizzas at home in their own ovens. Take-and-bake pizzas are typically made to order out of fresh ingredients (though the pizzeria may also keep a number of commonly ordered or special sale price pizzas on hand for convenience). Often because the pizzas are made with fresh and unbaked ingredients and not heated in", "id": "11335725" }, { "contents": "Tahinopita\n\n\nTashinopita is a Cypriot cake flavored with sesame paste. Variations on the recipe include quickbread versions with chemical leaveners (such as baking soda or baking powder), yeasted versions, and phyllo layer versions. As most varieties contain no dairy, eggs, or oil, they are popular during Lent and can be considered vegan. In the Greek language, where the word \"pita\" is a generic word for either bread, cake or pastry, \"tashinopita\" refers to a sweet bread roll (see tahini bread roll).", "id": "16167442" }, { "contents": "Parbaking\n\n\nretail shops. Some examples include Brioches la Boulangere in France; Signature Breads in the United States; and Tim Hortons in Canada. Supermarkets (secondary distributors) also benefit, because parbaking lets them reduce the need for skilled bakers in their stores. Only a simple finishing bake is needed, so simple instructions and baking times are easy for untrained store personnel. Instead of a complex bakery with specialized equipment, only a simple oven is needed. Also, bread is baked only when it is needed. As bread sells out through", "id": "4787478" }, { "contents": "French Pastry School\n\n\n, with subjects including baking theory and science, food sanitation, breads and breakfast pastries, cakes and tarts, and chocolate and sugar decoration. In 2010, L'Art du Gâteau was added for students to specialize in the art of cake baking and decorating. The 16-week accredited program focuses on all aspects of creating wedding, celebration and specialty cakes. The students learn cake baking and construction, mini pastries and party favors, gumpaste and pastillage, rolled fondant, sugar and chocolate decorating, airbrushing, mold-making methods, and cake", "id": "21246255" }, { "contents": "Shake 'n Bake\n\n\nShake 'n Bake, manufactured by Kraft Foods, is a flavored bread crumb-style coating for chicken and pork. The product is applied by placing raw meat pieces in a bag containing the coating, closing the bag, and shaking so the particles adhere. The coated meat is then baked in the oven. First introduced in 1965 by General Foods, it is currently marketed under the Kraft brand. Shake 'n Bake mimics the texture on the outside of fried foods and is similar to a bread crumb coating. It", "id": "11784488" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\nIn cooking, proofing (also called proving or more rarely blooming) is the final rise of shaped bread dough before baking. It refers to a specific rest period within the more generalized process known as \"fermentation\". Fermentation is a step in creating yeast breads and baked goods where the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough. Fermentation rest periods are not always explicitly named, and can appear in recipes as \"Allow dough to rise.\" When they are named, terms include \"bulk fermentation,\" \"first rise", "id": "4061641" }, { "contents": "Coffee cake\n\n\nlayer, flavored with either fruit or cinnamon, and leavened with either baking soda (or baking powder), which results in a more cake-like texture, or yeast, which results in a more bread-like texture. Coffee cake -- also referred to as gugelhupf or kuchen -- evolved from other sweet dishes from Vienna. In the 17th century, Northern/Central Europeans are thought to have come up with the idea of eating sweet cakes while having their coffee. As the region's countries were already known for their", "id": "14403178" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nmeant by the biblical \"machabat\", often translated as “griddle”. The Persians introduced a clay oven called a tanur (similar to the Indian tandoor), which had an opening at the bottom for the fire, and through which the bread was placed to be baked on the inner wall of the upper chamber from the heat of the oven and ashes after the flames had died down. This continued to be the way in which Yemenite Jews baked bread until modern times. The remains of clay ovens, and fragments", "id": "16744345" } ]
I think jazz music is awesome! Many see jazz as being America's classical music! I love Jazz! Who's your favorite artist? I love them all! I can't pick just one! The Jazz age was in the 1920s and is now recognized as a major form of musical expression! Ah, do you know where jazz was invented?
[{"answer": "It originated in New Orleans, specifically in the African-American communities", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 207, "bleu_score": 0.8850548777654513, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "Gwen Hughes\n\n\naway from her theatre beginnings. She soon was sitting in with bands all around Atlanta. As she told Points North Magazine, \"I just found myself thrilled with the spontaneity of the jazz form. I loved the democracy of it, loved being in a band, really relying on each other.\" In contrast to the structure of theatre, jazz offered a liberating freedom that would, in time, be infused into all of Hughes's music. \"I’m a fusion artist, I suppose…a fusion of..", "id": "3548516" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nof jazz.. In the 1920s, jazz became recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. From Africa, jazz got its rhythm, \"blues\", and traditions of playing or singing in one's own expressive way. From Europe, jazz got its harmony and instruments. Both used improvisation, which became a large part of jazz.", "id": "20467296" }, { "contents": "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music\n\n\nas \"a true jazz artist in the tradition of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.\" Upon his return to the United States at the end of the summer, ABC-Paramount had officially recognized his achievements, presenting Charles with two gold records—one for \"I Can't Stop Loving You\", the other for his \"Modern Sounds\" album—during a live concert performance at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Through his ventures into country music and the European jazz scene, Charles's white audience", "id": "10308405" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "You Know That I Love You (Donell Jones song)\n\n\n\"You Know That I Love You\" is a song by American recording artist Donell Jones, released on April 9, 2002 as the first single from the album, \"Life Goes On\" (2002). Jazz saxophonist Kim Waters covers \"You Know That I Love You\" on his 2002 album titled \"Someone to Love You\", and Kim Waters' cover was picked by several Urban AC stations and some stations such as KJLH in Los Angeles played the Donell Jones version with the jazz mixed in late 2002,", "id": "13182765" }, { "contents": "Jazz, Ltd.\n\n\na gangster looks like but she wouldn't admit one in because \"it's just like swimming in the ocean and waiting for a attack you. You can't see them but you know they're there.\" \"I don't drink and am very conscious of bad behavior. We feel that people come here to hear the music. Any unnecessary noise, from a few, spoils the pleasure of the entire room.\" Jazz Ltd. paid their musicians well, $100 a week in 1948. This", "id": "13265297" }, { "contents": "Lovely Standards\n\n\nwherever I was going.\" She went on to say that the album is geared toward people who \"really do like jazz for jazz, not because the artist that they know is doing it, but they listen to jazz and they're understanding of being experimental within that form.\" Larrieux continues, referring to husband and producer Laru Larrieux: \"We purposely only pressed up a small amount of albums, and you know, didn't go huge with it. We kind of wanted to feel our way around it,", "id": "78233" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\nlocal festivals and hospitals. His father arranged for him to study with jazz percussionists Bill Douglass and Chuck Flores. Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion. \"I used to drive my parents crazy with this. I told my father a few years before he died, you know a lot of times I played that music 'cause I just wanted to see the look on your face.\". His mother's 1964 single \"Ringo Beat\" was inspired by her son", "id": "7781373" }, { "contents": "Lisa Hilton (musician)\n\n\nof a warm summer's day, of love or grief, of a subway or dolphins even. I think of my – and our – music as abstract or non-figurative paintings.\" Hilton ventures into longer musical forms, fusing jazz onto classical forms, as in \"Midnight Sonata\" from her album \"Nocturnal\". On \"Escapism\" her arrangements paired modern jazz modalities and classical techniques with a \"lofty sophistication reminiscent of classic piano music from Beethoven, Chopin, or Stravinsky.\". As a bandleader,", "id": "2102265" }, { "contents": "I Love to Singa\n\n\n\" produced in Technicolor's 3-strip process, is recognized as one of Avery's early masterpieces. \"I Love to Singa\" depicts the story of a young owlet who wants to sing jazz, instead of the classical music that his German-accented parents wish him to perform. The plot is a tribute to Al Jolson's film \"The Jazz Singer\". The young owl's speaking voice is by Tommy Bond, best known as \"Butch\" of the \"Our Gang (Little Rascals)\" films. He is", "id": "4663883" }, { "contents": "MUSA's\n\n\ntheir debut. From December 2011 to early January in 2012, Gary Chaw, with MUSA's Trio and Michael Tu, presented the \"Gary Chaw SENSATION x JAZZ\" concerts in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Taichung. At the same time there came the limited single \"Project Sensation JAZZ\" solely available in the live hall and online music showcase, including \"All I Have To Do Is Dream\" and \"I Just Called To Say I Love You\". The songs are newly arranged by MUSA's Trio, and the single", "id": "15398339" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Water (Gregory Porter album)\n\n\nBBC Music noted that \"Gregory Porter has a voice and musicality to be reckoned with\" and that Mr. Porter could help fill the gap of new male African-American jazz singers. Howard Dukes of Soul Tracks claims Gregory Porter as a new talent, \"an artist who has a number of classic, familiar elements in his style, but whose approach brings a freshness that both jazz and soul fans should love\" and continues with praise: \"I think Nat King Cole would be pleased.\" All songs written by Gregory", "id": "6113498" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nleading part in the new musical \"April Follies\". Back at the family home Jack left long ago, the elder Rabinowitz instructs a young student in the traditional cantorial art. Jack appears and tries to explain his point of view, and his love of modern music, but the appalled cantor banishes him: \"I never want to see you again—you \"jazz singer!\"\" As he leaves, Jack makes a prediction: \"I came home with a heart full of love, but you don't want", "id": "18962887" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "Lorraine Gordon\n\n\nstuck to what I loved. That was my art. I'm not a musician; I'm not a singer; I'm not a painter; I'm not an actress. I'm none of those things. But throughout my life I followed the course of the music that I loved.\" The book received the ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music print publishing. In 2013, Gordon's contribution to jazz music was recognized by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, and she received the NEA Jazz Master", "id": "10116511" }, { "contents": "Beto y Los Fairlanes\n\n\nFairlanes? In his own words on his website, Skiles explains, “Beto was a result of my bilingual roots in San Antonio, a love of jazz and classical music that came from my parents who were both accomplished artists, and a desire to write and perform highly energetic, improvised music that was both challenging to play and fun to dance to! My vision was to combine, in a unique way, what I love about jazz and Latin music\"... \"The name 'Beto and the Fairlanes?' was", "id": "14777172" }, { "contents": "Indo jazz\n\n\nof the music we play in Indo-Jazz Fusions, the music is all scored. I don't believe in too much improvisation, and when there is space for improvising, this is done in a format which reminds the player of the notes of the raga.\" \"Indo-Jazz Fusions is just such proof of the folly of labels. It isn't a question of the music being jazz, or Indian, or classical; it is a thoroughly satisfying blend of ingredients into something genuinely new, original and forward", "id": "9346973" }, { "contents": "I Didn't Know About You (album)\n\n\nI Didn't Know About You is the debut studio album by American jazz singer Karrin Allyson. The album was released in 1992 via Concord Jazz label. She has remained with Concord Jazz for her next 13 albums issued through 2011. Jack Fuller of the \"Chicago Tribune\" stated \"This young singer is terrific. Part cabaret, part Cassandra Wilson, Karrin Allyson has a lovely musical range and a sharp, clear, slightly nasal voice which is capable of stunning scat and other instrumental effects as well as the straight, lyrical", "id": "8522086" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nI love) and “art.” He is a serious collector of records, buying at least one every week for the last quarter century. The jazz collection is wide-ranging and current but his favorites are classics such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. He is not a fan of New Orleans jazz saying that it is too mellow and lacks intensity. His obsession with jazz music is such that musicians often appear in his dreams, especially Charlie Parker. In 1973, he married Nora", "id": "19455904" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "Nappy edges\n\n\nher project to express herself the way that she chooses to, not the way that she is expected to by both the confines of standard English and also by those who associate poetry with a specific, formal way of expressing oneself. Shange is also incredibly influenced by music, particularly Jazz and Blues artists. Her poems are lyrical and sometimes reminiscent of the style of improvisation in jazz. \"i live in music\", for instance, is explicitly about Shange's love of music, and doesn't stick to a particular rhythm", "id": "21355235" }, { "contents": "North Scott High School\n\n\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs\", \"Loving Lives\", and \"The Spitfire Grill (musical). The music department has multiple choirs (including two jazz choirs), two jazz bands, two concert bands, a pit band, a marching band and an orchestra. North Scott's Jazz band has been the winner of many state contests, and its participants winners of many individual honors. On February 25, 2009, it was announced that Jazz I was one of fifteen high school jazz band finalists for the", "id": "4313887" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Mel Powell\n\n\nhis life and his reasons for leaving jazz. In an interview with \"The New Yorker\" magazine jazz critic Whitney Balliett, Powell said: \"I have decided that when I retire I will think through my decision to leave jazz – with the help of Freud and Jung. At the moment, I suspect it was this: I had done what I felt I had to do in jazz. I had decided it did not hold the deepest interest for me musically. And I had decided that it was a young man", "id": "8877229" }, { "contents": "I Can Do All Things\n\n\nI Can Do All Things is the premiere recording from jazz artist, composer Jeremy Warren. The album features prominent performers and composers such as Andy Milne, Lenny Pickett, Leon Marin, and Jack Cooper. \"I Can Do All Things\" features Jeremy Warren's group The Rudiment and compositions written by Warren, Andy Milne, Jack Cooper and Dermel Warren (his wife). The music captures mixes the jazz art form with the elements of contemporary popular music and is a personal journey of overcoming life's obstacles through music.", "id": "14616383" }, { "contents": "Dione Taylor\n\n\nDione Taylor is a Canadian jazz singer. Born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan she released her first album, \"Open Your Eyes\", in 2004. That album was nominated for Vocal Jazz Album of the Year at the Juno Awards of 2005 and was followed by \"I Love Being Here with You\" in 2006. She studied jazz at Humber College in Toronto. A year later in 2004, she sang at the White House for Black Music Month during the administration of President George W. Bush. She received a Gemini", "id": "19422503" }, { "contents": "Jacques Loussier\n\n\ndescribed as third stream, a synthesis of jazz and classical music, with an emphasis on improvisation. Loussier was born on 26 October 1934 in Angers, France. He started piano lessons there aged ten. When he was eleven, he heard a piece from the \"Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach.\" In a 2003 interview, he said \"I was studying this piece and I just fell in love with it. Then I found I loved to play the music, but add my own notes, expanding the harmonies and", "id": "10546520" }, { "contents": "David Krakauer\n\n\nDavid Krakauer (born September 22, 1956) is an American clarinetist who performs klezmer, jazz, classical music, and avant-garde improvisation. Krakauer's performance career focused on jazz and classical music before he joined the Klezmatics in 1988. He sees klezmer as his \"musical home,\" saying \"I can write music within klezmer, improvise, do experimental stuff, be an interpreter and a preservationist. Every side of me can be fulfilled within this form.\" In 1996, he formed his own band Klezmer Madness", "id": "4512917" }, { "contents": "Bill Cunliffe\n\n\nWilliam Henry Cunliffe Jr. (born June 26, 1956), known professionally as Bill Cunliffe, is an American jazz pianist and composer. He has written books on jazz for Alfred Publications and has taught at California State University, Fullerton. Cunliffe was born in Andover, Massachusetts. He discovered music at an early age, with particular emphasis on classical music as well as jazz-oriented music from the 1960s and 1970s: \"My mother was a good pianist...I started just copying little things that I would hear my mom", "id": "6368159" }, { "contents": "Elle Varner\n\n\ntalent in a program that only selects 24 students per class, out of thousands, was like, ‘Wow!’ I knew that I had really stepped up to the plate,” says Elle Varner. At age 16, Varner picked up a guitar for the first time. She dropped the guitar and became a part of Alexander Hamilton High School's Academy of Music's Vocal Jazz Group. Once there, she learned about the complexity of the voice, jazz music and talented jazz artists like Ella Fitzgerald. Varner was", "id": "17859777" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\non the road. He states, \"I love to tour. I've been able to see a lot of the world and I just absolutely enjoyed being able to be with different types of people, different cultures and to see the world. It's just kind of broadened who I am as a person, which eventually will filter down into the music, the influences.\" In 2001, Brown recorded his debut album \"Slow Down for Love\" on SRI Jazz, which reached the top 50 of the Gavin Report", "id": "7781375" }, { "contents": "Tom Moulton\n\n\nhis achievements as a remixer. He is the official archivist of the Bethlehem Jazz and Salsoul music catalogues and has overseen all of the digital remastering. In late 2006, Moulton remixed the Brand New Heavies (featuring N'Dea Davenport)'s single \"I Don't Know (Why I Love You).\" \"A Tom Moulton Mix\" was used as the title of a compilation of Moulton's remixes on Soul Jazz Records. UK label Harmless Records has released albums of Moulton's work of remixed tracks originally issued on Philadelphia International", "id": "2705646" }, { "contents": "Debby Ryan\n\n\nthat her other role models include Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, and Tobey Maguire. When asked about musical tastes, she said, \"I love jazz! I love singing it. I also love country! My brother loves rock; he also has this chill Jason Mraz-like style. So basically, my answer is: jazz-country-rock-alternative? I have no idea! But I honestly would love to make country music\". Ryan was involved in Disney's Friends for Change. She was featured", "id": "10576897" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nsaw the Cuban folk elements as a type of nationalistic \"fig leaf\", cover for their true love—jazz. They were obsessed with jazz. Cuba's Ministry of Culture is said to have viewed jazz as the music of \"imperialist America.\" Pablo Menéndez, founder of Mezcla, recalls: \"Irakere were jazz musicians who played stuff like 'Bacalao con pan' with a bit of a tongue in cheek attitude—'for the masses.' I remember Paquito d'Rivera thought it was pretty funny stuff (as opposed to '", "id": "7124236" }, { "contents": "They All Laughed\n\n\n, in the first version of the script, the character of Christy was going to be a jazz singer, singing jazz standards, but then: There was a short, very short, very brief, vogue of country music in New York. About 30 seconds. And so I changed it. I like country music. I fell in love with it on \"Last Picture Show\". In fact, I wrote a couple of country songs. The phrase “One Day Since Yesterday” was something Dorothy said to me", "id": "834947" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\nthat Fields' verse is almost identical to the end of the second verse of Lorenz Hart's and Richard Rodgers' song \"Where's That Rainbow?\" from \"Peggy-Ann\", the 1926 musical comedy with book by Fields' brother Herbert and produced by their father Lew: Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga released a collaborative jazz album, titled \"Cheek to Cheek\", in 2014. The version of \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love\" on \"Cheek to Cheek\" has Gaga and Bennett alternating", "id": "921931" }, { "contents": "Symphony in Black\n\n\nthese pieces to be performed\", said Schuller. \"No musical tradition can remain vital unless it’s performed live. No musical tradition can exist in a museum form. I believe that the whole idea of repertory in jazz is long, long overdue. It’s not yet caught on as a major idea, but consider that the history of jazz is 60 or 70 or 80 years old, so we have a tremendous amount of music that can be replicated. It’s no different than in classical, where you play", "id": "5376622" }, { "contents": "Song of Innocence\n\n\nthe music could be better characterized as art pop than jazz. Axelrod, who had produced bebop albums before working for Capitol, asserted that jazz played a crucial role in the music: \"For years, all I did was jazz. When I first got in the record business, I was so into jazz that I had never heard Elvis Presley. I still probably listen to jazz more than anything else.\" Axelrod composed the album as a tone poem suite based on Blake's illustrated 1789 collection of poems \"Songs of", "id": "4324715" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "West Coast jazz\n\n\njazz. Bob Rusch concurs: The West coast sound perhaps didn't have the gravitas that the East coast had, but, after all, these were Californians enjoying the sun and the surf and the extent that celebrity offered itself through the studio work that the entertainment industry was offering. So I think, you know, you think of California as sun and surf, you think of New York City as cement and grit, and the music somewhat reflected that. One better than the other? Depends what you want. During", "id": "12013361" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nstarring Al Jolson, reprising his screen role. The first aired August 10, 1936; the second on June 2, 1947. \"The Jazz Singer\" was parodied as early as 1936, in the Warner Bros. cartoon \"I Love to Singa\", directed by Tex Avery. Its hero is \"Owl Jolson\", a young owl who croons popular ditties, such as the title song, against the wishes of his father, a classical music teacher. Among the many references to \"The Jazz Singer\" in popular", "id": "18962939" }, { "contents": "Toby Gad\n\n\nSelena Gomez & the Scene, \"Don't Hold Your Breath\" for Nicole Scherzinger, \"Love You More\" for JLS, and \"I Do\" for Colbie Caillat. In the 3rd quarter of 2014, Gad was ranked the #3 songwriter in America by \"Billboard\", following up fellow hitmakers Ryan Tedder and Pharrell Williams. Born into a musical family in Munich in 1968, Gad was influenced by both parents who were established figures in the Munich music scene with their group, The Jazz Kids. His Danish", "id": "10762370" }, { "contents": "Oppy Music, Vol. I: Purple, Crayon\n\n\nOppy Music, Vol. I: Purple, Crayon is the Debut Album by \"Chris Opperman and the Random Factor\" \"Can you imagine a silken scarf, studded with turquoise Necco wafers? Opperman's music starts on the 'and of 2.' If you think you understand it, you're wrong. There's this weird little plot of land occupying a hitherto unexplored region between rock, jazz, contemporary classical, and some weird fucking shit nobody can explain. There's Opperman. I don't know if you", "id": "16726445" }, { "contents": "Craig Safan\n\n\neducation has been sort of backwards – Joplin to Gershwin to jazz to Stravinsky.\" At the age of 15, his family moved from Los Angeles to Beverly Hills, and Safan began attending Beverly Hills High. \"It was a big transition,\" he recalled. \"I knew no one and it was a very social, rich school. But I had music and art to save me.\" Moving from jazz to rock and falling in love with the Rolling Stones and the Beatles, Safan joined a jazz quartet as", "id": "17681766" }, { "contents": "Charles Segal\n\n\n(Columbia, EMI) • It was A Great Year • Jazz World • Miles of Music • Mirror I See • Sentimental Journey • Take the Floor (CBS) • You’ve Got a Friend • South African Jazz Scene (Spin) • \"Seagull\" Visits USA • Let’s Go Gay (CBS) Easy Listening: • Pastel Moods • Piano and Strings • Relax to the Music of Charles Segal • Spa Music • Thanks for the Memory • Relax to Romantic Moments • In the Mood For Love • Classical Melodies", "id": "14207628" }, { "contents": "Betcha Bottom Dollar\n\n\nwhat I wanted to do until I saw this.\" Tom Lewis from Universal Classics and Jazz signed The Puppini Sisters to the label after seeing them perform live at Trinity College of Music in London, where the girls had met. Lewis thought the group were \"fresh, energetic and engaging\". The Canadian composer, Benoît Charest, who created the music for \"The Triplets of Belleville\", produced \"Betcha Bottom Dollar\". Puppini, Kate Mullins and Stephanie O'Brien arranged all the songs themselves and played as many instruments", "id": "17648246" }, { "contents": "Eliete Mejorado\n\n\nMusic 2011 From A Forest Near You / Slum Dunk Music 2010 Let Your X's Be Y's / Soul Jazz Records 2008 I Go To The Doctor 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2008 A Historia da Garça 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2006 L.I.C.K. MY FAVELA / Kute Bash Records 2006 L.I.C.K MY FAVELA / Slum Dunk 2005 The Sexual Life of the Savages / Soul Jazz Records 2005 Bonde do Tetão / Bizarre Music 2004 Slum Dunk Presents Funk Carioca / Mr Bongo 2004 Men In Uniform / Bizarre Music 2003 Tetine Vs Sophie Calle - Samba", "id": "6834992" }, { "contents": "Rainy Milo\n\n\nKid Cudi, N.E.R.D, as well as her reggae-DJing grandfather. Milo grew up listening to her mothers Jazz music which has been one of her biggest musical influences saying \"I’m instantly attracted to music with some kind of Jazz element to it, but I also think the fact that even my mum never played only one genre in the house rubbed off onto me, I don’t want to have just one sound in my music when there’s so many other genres that inspire me.\" Milo is inspired by", "id": "21344843" }, { "contents": "Molly Ringwald\n\n\nRobert Scott \"Bob\" Ringwald, jazz pianist who is blind. Ringwald has two siblings, Beth and Kelly, and an older brother who died before she was born. She started her acting career at age five, appearing in a stage production of \"Alice in Wonderland\" as the Dormouse. The next year, she recorded \"I Wanna Be Loved by You\", a music album of Dixieland jazz with her father and his group, the Fulton Street Jazz Band. Ringwald graduated from the Lycée Français de Los Angeles", "id": "4939863" }, { "contents": "At the Great American Music Hall\n\n\nher very best: singing jazz standards, ballads, the American songbook, popular songs of the day and some bossa nova to boot\". Otwell said that \"Working with Carmen I always felt like her choice of tunes was magical. I always felt that it was just so very special and I think the tunes on the album really do work. As I was listening to it, I loved it all.\" Baron said of Mcae's performance on \"Old Folks\" that \"Carmen always sang it with such feeling", "id": "161241" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nlove the chance to show versatility.\" In an article published May 1, 2004, NPR reported that Blackman had left Kravitz's group to focus on her own music. \"I love danceable music, and I love big fat beats and I really dig rock 'n' roll\", says Blackman. \"But jazz is my heart, it's my love, and I've never left jazz in mind or spirit\". In 2014, Blackman returned to touring with Lenny Kravitz in support of his tenth studio album", "id": "8155256" }, { "contents": "1920s in jazz\n\n\nmost important centres for jazz, and jazz was becoming very profitable for jazz managers such as Paul Whiteman who by 1922 managed some 28 different jazz ensembles on the East Coast, earning more than $1 million in 1922. Yet as a form of music it was still not appreciated by many critics, including Anne Faulkner, who passed off jazz as \"a destructive dissonance,\" asking if the music \"put the sin in syncopation\"and Henry van Dyke who described jazz as \"an unmitigated cacophony, a species of music invented by", "id": "12002247" }, { "contents": "Steve Cole\n\n\nchanging his field to economics, eventually earning an MBA from The University of Chicago. After leaving school, Cole returned his focus to music; in particular, jazz. In a 2003 interview with JazzNation, Cole describes how he started his career: \"I started playing pop music, R&B, bebop, all that stuff, playing clubs in Chicago until 4 o’clock in the morning for many years. You know, just doing that kind of thing, then started doing some commercial music, radio and TV stuff. Then I", "id": "20811433" }, { "contents": "2000s in music\n\n\nKrall has topped the Music Billboards multiple times in the year 2000. The week of April 15, 2000, Krall's album \"When I Look in Your Eyes\" reached number one, followed by Al Jarreau's \"Tomorrow Today\" and Kenny G's \"Classics in the Key of G.\" Norah Jones was named the top jazz artist of the 2000–2009 decade by Billboard. Jones had many albums come out in the 2000s decade, including Jazz and Adult Contemporary. These include, \"Come Away with Me\" in 2002", "id": "918904" }, { "contents": "Wha'ppen?\n\n\n), also their last before their initial split, the Beat combined the musical styles of \"I Just Can't Stop It\" and \"Wha'ppen?\". Bob Sargeant noted that working on the album caused him to build on his fascination of ethnic sounds within his own work, where he crosses sounds from genres such as African and Creole music. He told \"Black Music & Jazz Review\" in 1983: \"I enjoy crossing cultures. It's a general trend now, but I feel like I've been doing", "id": "21368259" }, { "contents": "R. Stevie Moore\n\n\nwas \"uncontrollable—compelled without compulsion. I didn't seek out to do this. It just came out of me. I had this music inside of me and I wanted to be a pop star. It was like a disease that I had to record and write.\" Over the years he would describe himself as \"a huge record collector and music historian\" with interests ranging from beatnik and avant-garde to noise and jazz: \"I love attempts at all genres and styles – even if I fail.", "id": "14682096" }, { "contents": "Rana Farhan\n\n\nlacquer paintings and soaking in the sounds and music of Manhattan, including the rich cultural district of Harlem where she discovered her love of jazz. Farhan sings in a bluesy style that is an exploration of combining classic Persian poetry with modern jazz and blues. In 2005 she teamed with guitarist/producer Steven Toub for her first full-length CD, \"The Blues Are Brewin'\", a collection of American jazz and blues standards. Farhan's second release, \"I Return\", combined classical Persian poetry with contemporary blues", "id": "15212951" }, { "contents": "John Cassavetes\n\n\nan investor who might try to change the script so as to make the film more marketable. Cassavetes was passionate about a wide range of music, from jazz to classical to rock, \"I like all music. It makes you feel like living. Silence is death.\" For the soundtrack of \"Shadows\", Cassavetes worked with jazz composer and musician Charles Mingus and Shafi Hadi to provide the score. Mingus's friend, Diane Dorr-Dorynek, described Cassavetes's approach to film-making in jazz terms: The", "id": "770968" }, { "contents": "Yitzhak Yedid\n\n\npositive flow of energy that keeps the music alert and compelling, and Yedid is capable of striking lyricism. Jazz musicians often describe their art as storytelling. Yedid embodies this.\" Some of Yedid's works have been described as Third Stream, which combines contemporary classical music with jazz improvisation. Much of Yedid's output includes slots where soloists can improvise. Yedid has often said he is delighted when performers surprise him with their inventiveness. Yedid says his music is influenced by Arabic music. \"When I was a child I went", "id": "1370062" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\n\"I Can't Give You Anything but Love\" debuted at number-one on the Jazz Digital Songs chart of \"Billboard\", on the week ending September 6, 2014. An official music video for the song was released on August 26, 2014. The video was shot in the recording studio and the first half showed Gaga in numerous outfits and wigs, while recording the song and roaming around. Bennett joins the studio sessions later on, singing the song. The final chorus finds the two singers belting together,", "id": "921936" }, { "contents": "Igor Butman\n\n\n. Two big bands on one stage occasionally played at the same time, but more often passed the music back and forth In an interview with Jazz Times magazine, Marsalis said of Butman, \"I love Igor's Butman playing and I love him personally. He has a great feeling for the music and for people and he's phenomenal musician. Igor Butman is my main man!\" One of the Butman’s accomplishments as a producer is \"The Triumph of Jazz\", a festival which takes place annually in the biggest", "id": "421345" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nthem... I wanted to sing silky, like butter – mellow. I wanted to sing mellow you know what I mean. One of my favorites is Jessie Velvet – they used to call him Mr. Easy. A lot of people forgot about him you know – Sam Cooke is another one of my favorites.\" Paul explained why he was particularly influenced by female jazz singers: \"I think the reason behind that is because of my high range. The male singers who had the same range I did, when I was", "id": "4949137" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\nFields (1905–1974) wrote the lyrics for over 400 songs, some of which were played by Duke Ellington. She co-wrote \"The Way You Look Tonight\" with Jerome Kern, which won the 1936 Oscar for Best Song. She co-wrote several jazz standards with Jimmy McHugh, such as \"Exactly Like You,\" \"On the Sunny Side of the Street\" and \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love.\" Lil Hardin Armstrong (1898–1971) played piano in King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band", "id": "22079870" }, { "contents": "Don Gardner\n\n\njazz musician, and had been part of the management of the Clef Club of Jazz in Philadelphia since 1985, serving as Executive Director. Lovett Hines, the current Artistic Director of the Philadelphia Clef Club, was at the hospital when Gardner died, playing the artist's music. \"And I just held the telephone to his ear on YouTube,\" Hines said. \"And you could see his reaction with his eyes moving and moving his hand. So he responded to the music, and I'm glad that was the", "id": "10703728" }, { "contents": "I Offer You\n\n\nI Offer You is an album featuring performances by jazz saxophonist Lucky Thompson which was released on the Groove Merchant label. Allmusic's Scott Yanow said: \"After he stopped teaching in 1974, Lucky Thompson permanently dropped out of music. ... Thompson, switching between tenor and soprano, was still very much in his musical prime at the time of this LP but apparently soon became sick of the whole music business, a major loss to jazz. He plays quite well throughout the set\". All compositions by Lucky Thompson except where", "id": "7423904" }, { "contents": "Chinese rock\n\n\nugly: You like the lyrics so much, you can't read poems~ China keeps up with the music of the historical process. I personally think that one is the jazz of old Shanghai. One is Cui Jian who actively promotes Western music at the beginning of reform and opening up. (I personally feel that it is not appropriate to simply define him as rock.) The current Chinese style is prevalent, but it can be regarded as the result of the rise of nationalism. Although nationalism itself is not a good", "id": "424852" }, { "contents": "Isaiah Katumwa\n\n\nto best describe his music. ‘’Beyond the limiting boxes and categories placed on the industry, I believe in artistic originality based on my genuine influences to express my African grooves, Smooth Jazz influence and Christian upbringing’’ says Isaiah . His experience and love for the saxophone dates back over 20 years, but he broke onto the international professional music scene eight years ago at a time wen jazz in Uganda and in east Africa did not have a significant presence on the music scene. At a time when a sole performance", "id": "14198509" }, { "contents": "Corinna May\n\n\nCorinna May (born 6 October 1970 in Bremen, Germany as Corinna Meyer) is a blind singer from Germany. She is best known for competing in the 2002 Eurovision Song Contest with the song \"I Can't Live Without Music\". From an early age she was interested in music due to her father's love of jazz. She also sang in a school choir and a gospel choir. After several talent competitions, May could release her first album in 1997; a jazz album, produced by herself. Two years", "id": "17614776" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nculture. Willie \"The Lion\" Smith is quoted in Bornstein as concluding that \"They can't seem to realize I have a Jewish soul\" after being heckled with baseball terminology describing Jewishness being a strike as well as African heritage. Benny Goodman was a vital Jewish American to the progression of Jazz to where it is today. His jazz concert in the Carnegie Hall in 1938 was the first ever to be played there. The concert was described by Bruce Eder as \"the single most important jazz or popular music concert in", "id": "17971010" }, { "contents": "Live at Montreux 1980/1974\n\n\nbeing eased into any new musical progression.\" Less than a year later, Morrison would say that as soon as \"you are committed to a series of concerts you lose all spontaneity. It's not jazz any more. The reason I first got into music and the reason I was then doing it were conflicting. It was such a paradox.\" During the concert but not shown on the DVD, Morrison angrily confronted a woman heckler who said he didn't know how to play the blues. Morrison's stripped-", "id": "1826087" }, { "contents": "Irakere\n\n\nmasses.' I remember Paquito d'Rivera thought it was pretty funny stuff (as opposed to 'serious' stuff)\" (2011: web). In spite of the ambivalence by some members towards Irakere's Afro-Cuban folkloric/jazz fusion, their experiments forever changed Cuban popular music, Latin jazz, and salsa. As D'Rivera states: \"We didn’t know that we were going to have such an impact in jazz and Latin music around the world. We were just working to do something good\" (2011", "id": "4206569" }, { "contents": "Chico O'Farrill\n\n\nwhile others are more jazz-inspired (\"6/8\", \"Jazz\"), and all are brought together under the orderly form of a European suite. O'Farrill states about this piece, \"I was never an expert on Cuban music. What I did, for example, in that suite was purely instinctive [...] They asked me, 'write a suite, Chico,' [so] I just wrote according to my best understanding, letting my jazz sensibility to [sic] guide me most of the", "id": "7926557" }, { "contents": "Lady Gaga\n\n\nin Rodriguez's \"\", and was confirmed as Versace's spring-summer 2014 face with a campaign called \"Lady Gaga For Versace\". In September 2014, Gaga released a collaborative jazz album with Tony Bennett titled \"Cheek to Cheek\". The inspiration behind the album came from her friendship with Bennett, and fascination with jazz music since her childhood. Before the album was released, it produced the singles \"Anything Goes\" and \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love\". \"Cheek to Cheek\"", "id": "18366266" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n's rise as a hive of cultural and artistic activity. It was recognized as the Harlem Renaissance, which allowed for the flowering of music, poetry, and art in the Black community. Jazz music is a musical genre through which many African American artists express their feelings of pain, joy, and freedom. It originated in New Orleans, making its way to Chicago through the diaspora of black southerners during the Great Migration. By the end of the 1920s, Chicago had become the music metropolis for jazz. Jazz was a", "id": "4863474" }, { "contents": "Enes Kanter\n\n\nwas permanently ineligible. Without Kanter, Kentucky still managed to reach the Final Four in the 2011 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament. Kanter was drafted third overall by the Utah Jazz in the 2011 NBA draft. Upon being drafted, he said \"I'm so happy, I'm so excited. I know the Utah Jazz fans are crazy and I love them. I will bring the team toughness and post moves, rebounding, everything. I will try to do everything to make the playoffs.\" On December 9", "id": "8835431" }, { "contents": "Leb i sol\n\n\nTheir music combined elements of rock, jazz fusion and ethnic Macedonian music. As the band matured, the jazz influences became less obvious. However, in concert, Leb i sol performances of jazzed-up and lengthy versions of traditional ethno-folk classics such as \"Jovano Jovanke\" or \"Aber Dojde Donke\", were often received with great enthusiasm and cheer. Leb i sol were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s and, while not selling as many records as some pop and folk acts, were very well known", "id": "14136297" }, { "contents": "1920s in jazz\n\n\nand Ira Gershwin's \"The Man I Love\" (1924), Irving Berlin's \"Blue Skies\" (1927) and Cole Porter's \"What Is This Thing Called Love?\" (1929). However, it was not until the 1930s that musicians became comfortable with the harmonic and melodic sophistication of Broadway tunes and started including them regularly in their repertoire. In 1920, the jazz age was underway and was indirectly fueled by prohibition of alcohol. In Chicago, the jazz scene was developing rapidly, aided by", "id": "12002244" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\n\"I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\" is an American popular song and jazz standard by Jimmy McHugh (music) and Dorothy Fields (lyrics). The song was introduced by Adelaide Hall at Les Ambassadeurs Club in New York in January 1928 in Lew Leslie's \"Blackbird Revue\", which opened on Broadway later that year as the highly successful \"Blackbirds of 1928\" (518 performances), wherein it was performed by Adelaide Hall, Aida Ward, and Willard McLean. In the 100-most recorded songs", "id": "921926" }, { "contents": "Myst V: End of Ages\n\n\nLarkin explained. \"You don't guide a player through, since you can't count on being at a certain place at a certain time. I can't write cue music to get the player to do this, this and then this. One player might hear the cue and run the other way!\" Larkin had to step away from what he had learned as a jazz composer and musician writing pieces with a definite beginning and end, instead creating music with \"less arc\" and structure. Larkin admitted that some", "id": "20146077" }, { "contents": "Chico O'Farrill\n\n\nthe actual melodic content of Cuban music. As quoted by Bob Blumenthal in the liner notes to \"Pure Emotion\": \"It was never my primary interest to preserve the authenticity of Cuban melody and harmonies just for the sake of preservation. When I started my career in the Forties, a lot of Cuban music was very simplistic. I was always more interested in jazz; and when I got to New York, I naturally gravitated to Dizzy and other bebop artists, that fusion of Cuban music with the jazz techniques of", "id": "7926553" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nIn 1979, Blackmore said: \"I like popular music. I like ABBA very much. But there's so much stigma like, 'you can't do this because you're a heavy band', and I think that's rubbish. You should do what you want ... I think classical music is very good for the soul. A lot of people go 'ah well, classical music is for old fogies' but I was exactly the same. At 16 I didn't want to know about classical music:", "id": "9472817" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "Kirsten Dunst\n\n\nwritten by Marc Shaiman. She recorded Henry Creamer and Turner Layton's jazz standard \"After You've Gone\" that was used in the end credits of \"The Cat's Meow\". In \"Spider-Man 3\", she sang two songs as Mary Jane Watson, one during a Broadway performance, and one as a singing waitress in a jazz club. Dunst recorded the songs earlier and lip-synced while filming. She appeared in the music videos for Savage Garden's \"I Knew I Loved You\",", "id": "17641839" }, { "contents": "Mette Henriette\n\n\na double debut album on the renowned jazz record label ECM Records. The album includes 90 minutes of music which she composed over a period of 10 years for her trio and large ensemble, consisting of jazz, classical and tango musicians. The record was produced in collaboration with Manfred Eicher and recorded in Rainbow Studio with sound engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug. The album cover and photo series were photographed by Anton Corbijn. \"\"It is seldom I find someone I don't know in the music world when that someone is one who", "id": "869732" }, { "contents": "Kirk Whalum\n\n\nKirk Whalum (born July 11, 1958) is an American jazz saxophonist and songwriter. He toured with Whitney Houston for more than seven years and soloed in her single \"I Will Always Love You\", the best-selling single by a female artist in music history. He was also featured on many Luther Vandross albums, most often playing on the singer's covers of older pop and R&B standards such as \"Anyone Who Had a Heart\", \"I (Who Have Nothing)\", and \"Love Wo", "id": "10182479" }, { "contents": "Sarina Paris\n\n\nitaly, and film and continues to sing with jazz bands but she never lost her love for electronic music either. She continues to write and record jazz and electronic songs. “I don’t feel there is one type of music we should be boxed into. Yes, Jazz is my heart and soul, but everyone moves their body and taps their feet and sways their hips to a good dance beat. Either way people wake up with music. It’s a language of the soul. Sometimes in life we need to", "id": "7911005" }, { "contents": "Ziba Shirazi\n\n\n'Voice of Women' in the Iranian community, Ziba's lyrics are colored by passionate feminist tones, love, compassion and universal human stories. \"Obviously, I am a shameless romantic and shamelessly, a woman. The beauty that I see is abundant and joyful and always full of love, passion and sensuality, as they are my salvation.\" Her collaboration with Chilean-American Jazz pianist, Dr. Jose-Miguel Yamal, has deepened the presence of jazz and Latin music in her performances. They have performed together", "id": "3874096" }, { "contents": "Adam Carson\n\n\nI had paid more attention because I can't read music and know very little about scales and that type of thing. I quit band when the teacher called me a flake. I think he was pissed because I didn't want to join marching band, and I was pissed because he turned me down for jazz band and they had a drum kit. Even though I was a screw-up, I think being in the school band was educational and affected me positively.\" Adam Carson met future bandmate Davey Havok in", "id": "14665095" }, { "contents": "Oscar Alemán\n\n\nReinhardt well. He used to say jazz was gipsy—we often argued over that. I agree with many Americans I met in France who said he played very well but with too many gipsy tricks. He had very good technique for both hands, or rather one hand and a pick, because he always played with a pick. Not me, I play with my fingers. There are things you can't do with a pick—you can't strike the treble with two fingers and play something else on the bass", "id": "7653358" }, { "contents": "Paul Rudd (DJ)\n\n\nsaid later, \"I was really interested in doing something like this. There's so many classics from the 80s being revamped and I was delighted that Paul approached me to re-work Set Me Free, as recently I have been recording mainly contemporary jazz music for the new album. I liked the instrumental and I'm just happy that one of my favourite hits has been given a 2012 makeover that appeals to all!\" Rudd followed up this success with two more tracks in 2012, \"Neon Lights\" and \"", "id": "7111354" }, { "contents": "Yanni\n\n\nmost of the music I write is instrumental, I love to use the human voice as another instrument.\" While Yanni has said that new age is \"a spiritual definition more than a musical definition,\" his music is said to be \"adopted by\" the New Age movement as it gained mainstream momentum. His music is also called \"contemporary instrumental\" and has been described as \"an instrumental blend of fusion-jazz, world music, classical, and soft rock.\" However, at least as early as", "id": "18763897" }, { "contents": "Mists: Charles Ives for Jazz Orchestra\n\n\nOrchestra\" were highly favorable. Most all reviews recognize the recording as new territory sought, expanding the musical repertoire for large jazz ensembles. Howard Reich of the Chicago Tribune placed it #2 of the list of 10 top Jazz Recordings of 2014 writing, \"Mists not only does justice by Ives but emerges as one of the most beautiful large-ensemble jazz recordings of the year to date.\" Well known author and music critic Ted Gioia recognized the CD on his lists of notable recordings for 2014, “I always suspected", "id": "16753190" }, { "contents": "A Modern Jazz Symposium of Music and Poetry\n\n\nA Modern Jazz Symposium of Music and Poetry is an album by jazz bassist Charles Mingus. In spite of the title, the album does not contain any poetry. \"Scenes in the City\", however, includes narration performed by Mel Stewart and written by actor Lonne Elder with assistance from Langston Hughes. The composition \"Duke's Choice\" re-appears, in updated form, as \"I X Love\" on the 1963 album \"Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus\". \"Nouroog\", \"Duke's Choice\"", "id": "15277693" } ]
Ive always liked the lucky number 7. me too, hindu people used to write 7 with one stroke and it looked like and uppercase J huh strange how different cultures can differ, didnt know it was written like that anywhere.
[{"answer": "even in cultures there are a lot of subcultures, most hindus speak hindi but bengali hindus speak bengali", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "28003496", "title": "Bengali Hindus", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 346, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 509, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "7\n\n\n7 (seven) is the natural number following 6 and preceding 8. In the beginning, various Hindus wrote 7 more or less in one stroke as a curve that looks like an uppercase J vertically inverted. The western Ghubar Arabs' main contribution was to make the longer line diagonal rather than straight, though they showed some tendencies to making the character more rectilinear. The eastern Arabs developed the character from a 6 lookalike into an uppercase V lookalike. Both modern Arab forms influenced the European form, a two-stroke character", "id": "379564" }, { "contents": "Michael Pitts (pastor)\n\n\n. I think it's important for every person to see someone who looks like them being used by God, and it's important for every person to see someone who doesn't look like them to be used by God. When I see someone who looks like me, then I can identify and know that God has something for me, but if I only see people like me, then I think that's who God uses, people who look like me. So I need to see someone different as well, so", "id": "1340056" }, { "contents": "Derrick Jensen\n\n\nWords\" uses the lens of domestic violence to look at the larger violence of western culture. \"The Culture of Make Believe\" begins by exploring racism and misogyny and moves to examine how this culture's economic system leads inevitably to hatred and atrocity. \"Strangely Like War\" is about deforestation. \"Walking on Water\" is about education (It begins: \"As is true for most people I know, I've always loved learning. As is also true for most people I know, I always hated school.", "id": "7635345" }, { "contents": "Lou Sullivan\n\n\nman, and his involvement in the Milwaukee music scene. During his adolescence he expressed continued confusion about his identity, writing at age 15 in 1966 that \"I want to look like what I am but don't know what some one like me looks like. I mean, when people look at me I want them to think— there's one of those people […] that has their own interpretation of happiness. That's what I am.\" Sullivan was attracted to the idea of playing different gender roles,", "id": "16970554" }, { "contents": "Cultural assimilation\n\n\ncontact is quite different and when I walk down the street - like random people say hi, how are you? To me - so which I found it was quite interesting because we Chinese we don't do that, like when you stop someone and if you talk to strangers to China it can be considered that you want something from me - yeah. Yes, it is a completely different experience.” It is common that international students who come into a new country to study abroad are confronted with “strangeness.”", "id": "20668627" }, { "contents": "It (2017 film)\n\n\non \"Stoker\" (2013), which taught him how to light quickly using one source: \"I feel lucky because some directors will always say, ‘Can you make more light?’ But this movie is very naturalistic. My responsibility is to the audience and to tell the story, and if you want this movie to scare people, a natural look is best.\" Film editor Jason Ballantine spoke of the difference in pacing and rhythm that comes with horror in \"It\", in which a story like", "id": "13263672" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\n\" Jerry: \"Songwriting, to me, has turned out to be an assortment of noodlings. When you write a good song – and I've written a lot of bad ones, so I know the difference – you kind of become elevated for a moment. I don't mean that in any grandiose way. But it's like, 'I'd better get this down now.' When that starts happening, like it did with 'Jerry' and a lot of the songs on this record, I have", "id": "14799002" }, { "contents": "Katharina Fritsch\n\n\n. I don't know why. Maybe he looks a little bit like my father, or like me. And he's a kind of actor. It's very strange how he can change from one character to another without appearing to do anything. He's always the man.\" Fritsch's process in creating human figures is similar to her animal or object creations, except a live human is involved. She takes photographs of the model, trying out ideas and recording the details of the model's position. In the", "id": "20170223" }, { "contents": "MIMO\n\n\n-like nature. Knowing the quality of the signal channel is also critical. A channel emulator can simulate how a device performs at the cell edge, can add noise or can simulate what the channel looks like at speed. To fully qualify the performance of a receiver, a calibrated transmitter, such as a vector signal generator (VSG), and channel emulator can be used to test the receiver under a variety of different conditions. Conversely, the transmitter's performance under a number of different conditions can be verified using a", "id": "14504223" }, { "contents": "Hard to Swallow\n\n\nto me in the past. It was like, really deep conversation, and he was like, you should write about that. And I was like, dude, I didn't want people to judge me for that. But he was right. It was like total therapy.\" The subjects focused on in the album's lyrics include Vanilla Ice's abusive childhood and drug addiction. He stated that \"I wrote 'Fuck Me' 'cause I know how I've been perceived. \"I can look back at the", "id": "13381890" }, { "contents": "The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory\n\n\nto 'Against All Odds,' it's deep. This album gets better for me as time goes on. \"Me Against the World\" is like that too, but \"Makaveli\" is really the one where the older I get, the more of it I get. Every year that I get older, I hear this album differently. I know more about life, so I'm like, 'Oh shit, this is what he meant.' So \"Makaveli\" is super special.\" \"The", "id": "1722834" }, { "contents": "Reciprocal liking\n\n\nliking since some people take in verbal or non-verbal communication differently due to their cultural backgrounds. In high-context cultures (HCC) and low-context cultures (LCC), this can have an impact on how people perceive others depending on a number of factors to do with how they grew up. In HCCs, such as China and Korea, people tend to use vague and ambiguous language, while in LCCs people will be clear and direct in their communication. These two types of cultures can have an effect", "id": "20620484" }, { "contents": "No One Knows How to Love Me Quite Like You Do\n\n\n\"No One Knows How to Love Me Quite Like You Do\" is a R&B/hip-hop song performed by Aaliyah and Tia Hawkins. It was released as a promotional airplay single in the U.S. and is the fourth release from Aaliyah's debut album \"Age Ain't Nothing but a Number\". The single was written and produced by R. Kelly. On \"No One Knows How to Love Me Quite Like You Do\" Aaliyah tells her lover, no one else knows how to love her quite like he does", "id": "20056435" }, { "contents": "Strange Mercy\n\n\nwriting \"The simple lyrics about how hurtful and painful the pressure of looks can have on a person are accompanied by a Talking Heads-like progression. It is difficult to be upset when this song gets stuck in your head.\" \"Q\" ranked the album #8 on its list of the top 50 albums of 2011, while \"NME\" ranked the album #7 on its end-of-year list. \"Uncut\" placed \"Strange Mercy\" at number 43. \"Pitchfork\" ranked the album", "id": "1236421" }, { "contents": "Ben Huh\n\n\nwhich Huh notes was \"fantastic for a cat picture site that nobody understood.\" He likes to joke that his investor pitch was \"I would like to start a media company by buying a cat picture website. Can you give me $2.25 million?\" Huh states that \"we felt like that there was a pretty good possibility that we were buying into a cultural phenomenon, a shift in the way people perceived entertainment.\" Currently, Huh runs Cheezburger, which received 375 million page views a month in 2011 across", "id": "20087507" }, { "contents": "David D'Or\n\n\npeople with a huge Palestinian flag. And at the beginning I was very tense because I didn't know what their intentions were. I closed my eyes and said 'Look, you speak always about the power of music and how music can get people close to each other', and I was like aiming to their heart, and I'm singing especially for them, and then when I opened my eyes and I saw those people dancing with the Palestinian flag and singing with me together, and it was for me like", "id": "22155656" }, { "contents": "Trap-lining\n\n\nthat replenish in a decelerating way. For example, nectar in a plant is slowly replaced over time, while acorns only occur once a year. Traplining can help plant diversity and evolution by keeping pollen with different genetics flowing from plant to plant. It is mostly pollinators that use traplining as a way to ensure they always know where the food sources they are looking for are. This means that organisms like bumblebees and hummingbirds can transfer pollen anywhere from the starting point of the route to the final food source along the path.", "id": "14929405" }, { "contents": "I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me\n\n\nkids sense of outing.\" Krill enjoyed Wilson's performance as Bailey, in addition to Dane's, writing: \"He wins the best line of the show with 'That’s how I know my job is safe, Yang – I reattach babies arms.'\" Michael Pascua of \"The Huffington Post\" disliked Stevens' wig, writing: \"Izzie's wig looked horrible. She looked exactly like her mother Robbie and that's not a compliment. I loved Cristina's Stepford wife joke and how everyone, including", "id": "9814388" }, { "contents": "Strange Clouds (album)\n\n\nalways been the type of artist to say how I feel\" and that the album \"really shows all sides of me.\" The song led to him coining his new term for ballin', \"MJ-ing\": \"[The song] is about ballin'. It's like, I feel like ballin’ has grown into a universal term. You know, anybody can say it. You know, a 5-year-old kid enlisted in minor league sports can say, ‘I’m ballin’.", "id": "16968047" }, { "contents": "Trading Places\n\n\nno sense that the old may be redeemed by a recognition of their faults and no revolutionary desire to see the world formed on a new basis.\" David Budd, in his 2002 book \"Culture Meets Culture in the Movies\", writes about the experiences of characters when the expected roles of races in society are sometimes reversed. The 1995 fiction film \"White Man's Burden\" and John Howard Griffin's factual book \"Black Like Me\" are used as a foundation to show how different the experience of white people can", "id": "2026456" }, { "contents": "Dreams Come True (CANT album)\n\n\nwith it. I felt very new to me. I didn't know how to make sense of it, at first. It was challenging. But I like a good challenge.\" Regarding the album's lyrical content, Chris Taylor noted, \"I just wanted to do something different: exploring different types of making music, different ways of writing lyrics. With each song I decided I would try and tell a specific story. I really like lyricist who can tell stories: Neil Young, Otis Redding, The-", "id": "12183084" }, { "contents": "Plan B Skateboards\n\n\nphase has maintained Ternasky's influence throughout his entire career, stating: I was always, like, nervous, like, what if, what do people think of me? Look at all these people look at me, I can't, I couldn't deal with it, you know? You know, he would like take me aside and calm me down, and \"Listen man, all you gotta do is just go do what you do. Don't worry about, you know?\" And it was", "id": "15525590" }, { "contents": "Like a Yo-Yo\n\n\n, the song (originally from the 'Super Sabrina'-album) was remixed by the English team of Stock/Aitken/Waterman for 7\" and 12\" use. SAW had been responsible for Sabrina's big success with \"All Of Me\". Strangely, Videogram only used the 12\"-remix, while Carrere in France used both, but edited the 7\"-version. Also, different picture-sleeves were prepared for the 7\" and 12\"-releases in Italy. To confuse things a bit, France (and the UK in 1989) used the", "id": "13554406" }, { "contents": "I (Cyrillic)\n\n\n). But the style of the two letters is not fully identical: in roman fonts, has heavier vertical strokes and serifs on all four corners, whereas has a heavier diagonal stroke and lacks a serif on the bottom-right corner. In roman and oblique fonts, the lowercase letter has the same shape as the uppercase letter . In italic fonts, the lowercase letter looks like the italic form of the lowercase Latin U . Both capital and small hand-written forms of the Cyrillic letter I look like hand-written", "id": "5757861" }, { "contents": "Girgaon\n\n\nits own customs. Communities like the Marathi-speakers, Gujarati, Konkani, Jains, Marwaris, Christians, and Hindus follow their own customs and rituals. They celebrate different festivals, follow different customs for birth, marriage, death, and other important events. Therefore, while it is easy to sense that Girgaon is different from other societies, it is very difficult to define conclusively what is essentially Girgaon or to see how such a diversity of peoples and cultures can be related to one another. This is also the area", "id": "17694329" }, { "contents": "Chain migration\n\n\nmigration' is so simple that it sounds like common sense: People are more likely to move to where people they know live, and each new immigrant makes people \"they\" know more likely to move there in turn.\" Different groups of immigrants have employed chain migration among the different strategies used to enter, work, and live in the various republics of the Americas throughout their history. Social networks for migration are universal and not limited to specific nations, cultures, or crises. One group of immigrants to the British", "id": "4873302" }, { "contents": "Cornerstone Church (Toledo)\n\n\non the point. \"But if I only see people like me, then I think that's who God uses, people who look like me. So I need to see someone different as well, so I know that God uses other people.\" Their outreach arm is known as Heal The World, that has historically worked locally and globally with various partners, from covering the cost of soup kitchen Thanksgiving meals, to collecting Bibles for US soldiers, to partnering with Mercy Ministries, to hosting the African Children's Choir", "id": "12684255" }, { "contents": "Jack Picone\n\n\n: Documentary photography enables me to approach people from cultures vastly different to my own and communicate with them. As I document people and tell their stories, communication is exchanged between myself and them. Finally when those photographs are published in another place, it becomes a catalyst for further communication between different cultures. I like the idea that my reportages can be a conduit of communication between different cultures in different places. It is like the beginning of an intriguing conversation … Photography enables me to tell their story on a micro level but", "id": "5596449" }, { "contents": "Han unification\n\n\nin Unicode as well. The case of the radical (U+8278) proves how arbitrary the state of affairs is. When used to compose characters like (U+8349), the radical was placed at the top, but had two different forms. Traditional Chinese and Korean use a four-stroke version. At the top of should be something that looks like two plus signs (). Simplified Chinese, Kyūjitai Japanese and Shinjitai Japanese use a three-stroke version, like two plus signs sharing their horizontal strokes (, i.e. )", "id": "15559940" }, { "contents": "Te (Cyrillic)\n\n\nт) looks the same as the capital Latin letter T (T t) but, as with most Cyrillic letters, the lowercase form is simply a smaller version of the uppercase. In italic type and cursive, the lowercase form looks like the italic form of the lowercase Latin M , except in Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian usage where it looks like an inverted lowercase Latin M, with a stroke above to distinguish it from the otherwise identical italic lowercase letter Sha , which is sometimes written with a stroke below. Compare the", "id": "15131365" }, { "contents": "Nonverbal communication\n\n\nThese differences can often lead to miscommunication between people of different cultures, who usually do not mean to offend. Differences can be based in preferences for mode of communication, like the Chinese, who prefer silence over verbal communication. Differences can even be based on how cultures perceive the passage of time. Chronemics, how people handle time, can be categorized in two ways: polychronic which is when people do many activities at once and is common in Italy and Spain, or monochronic which is when people do one thing at a", "id": "11595529" }, { "contents": "Strange Clouds (album)\n\n\n(who is notorious for his frequent guest appearances). Of the song, B.o.B says: \"I feel like it shows people that we are two different artists and we actually do sound different and have our own styles. Not to say that I wasn’t influenced by Outkast and André, but I feel like it's a ‘pass-the-torch’ type of moment. He really gave me a lot of love on the feature and I’m looking forward to hearing what people have to say about", "id": "16968040" }, { "contents": "Uncle Ruckus\n\n\n\"nigga\", Ruckus says: Ruckus worships white society and culture, the reason why he lives in Woodcrest. Ruckus claims to like the smell of white people, saying they smell like \"lemon juice and Pledge furniture cleaner\". Despite Woodcrest's newfound acceptance of different ethnicities, the neighborhood apparently has no quarrel with Uncle Ruckus' racist beliefs. Ruckus can be seen employed in a variety of places performing a number of blue-collar jobs. At one point Ruckus joined the police force after turning down a 7-figure settlement", "id": "15385907" }, { "contents": "Contagion (2011 film)\n\n\n\"There's, to me, nothing more satisfying occasionally than making someplace look like someplace else on film and having nobody know the difference.\" For choosing cities, Soderbergh felt that they couldn't \"go anywhere where one of our characters hasn't been\", since he wanted to portray an \"epic\", yet \"intimate\" scenario. He explained, We can't cut to a city or a group of extras that we've never been to that we don’t know personally. That was our rule.", "id": "21714274" }, { "contents": "Green anarchism\n\n\nto recognize that we [colonizers] are all living on stolen land.\" \"A Language Older Than Words\" uses the lens of domestic violence to look at the larger violence of western culture. \"The Culture of Make Believe\" begins by exploring racism and misogyny and moves to examine how this culture's economic system leads inevitably to hatred and atrocity. \"Strangely Like War\" is about deforestation. \"Walking on Water\" is about education (It begins: \"As is true for most people I know, I", "id": "12131008" }, { "contents": "Bobby Riggs\n\n\n's Rankings. Kramer, who was three years younger than Riggs, writes \"I played Riggs a lot then at the Los Angeles Tennis Club. He liked me personally too, but he'd never give me a break. For as long as he possibly could, he would beat me at love ... Bobby was always looking down the road. 'I want you to know who's the boss, for the rest of your life, Kid,' he told me. Bobby Riggs was always candid.\" Small in", "id": "5097552" }, { "contents": "The Animal Spirits\n\n\nlooks to me. The scratchy pen and ink, that’s how it looks to me. That’s how Slough Feg music always looks to me. We’ve always had artwork that’s too modernized, too slick. It never should have been like that, it should’ve been more scratchy, because those are the images that inspired what our music was to become.\" \"The Animal Spirits\" has received mostly positive reviews. Larry Griffin of The Metal Crypt gave the album five out of five, praising it for", "id": "4203524" }, { "contents": "7\n\n\nconsisting of a horizontal upper line joined at its right to a line going down to the bottom left corner, a line that is slightly curved in some font variants. As is the case with the European glyph, the Cham and Khmer glyph for 7 also evolved to look like their glyph for 1, though in a different way, so they were also concerned with making their 7 more different. For the Khmer this often involved adding a horizontal line above the glyph. This is analogous to the horizontal stroke through the middle", "id": "379565" }, { "contents": "Nellie Mae Rowe\n\n\n\" In 2014, The High Museum of Art in Atlanta, showed “Nellie Mae Rowe: At Night Things Come to Me.” \"\"I don't know what he put me here for, but he got me here for something 'cause I don't draw like nobody. You speak one way, but I come on and say it different. You can draw a mule, dog, cat, or a human person, I'm going to draw it different. 'Cause you always see things different.\" \"", "id": "10883066" }, { "contents": "Chawl\n\n\npeople from different parts of the country. Although there is such a big difference in culture and religious and ethnic backgrounds, people in chawl have still maintained healthy relationships and it is less likely to have disputes between communities. Hence you could find Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Jains, Parsis, etc., all living under the same roof. Chawls have a unique heritage value. They are good examples that show how peaceful different communities can live with each other. Not only that, neighbours get to learn each other's", "id": "6922201" }, { "contents": "Telephone numbers in Italy\n\n\nplan in which the length of subscriber telephone numbers varies from six to eleven digits. The dialing procedures for callers mandate that the full telephone number is always dialed, including the area code, which is called \"prefix\" (\"prefisso\" in Italian). When communicating phone numbers it is usual to group the digits, but there are no fixed rules for grouping. The same phone number is likely to be written or pronounced differently by different people. Several symbols can be used to group digits; spaces are common,", "id": "19144613" }, { "contents": "Stanisław Knapowski\n\n\non the distribution of prime numbers in different residue classes modulo formula_18. Modular arithmetic modifies usual arithmetic by only using the numbers formula_19, for a natural number formula_9 called the modulus. Any other natural number can be mapped into this system by replacing it by its remainder after division by formula_9. The distribution of the primes looks random, without a pattern. Take a list of consecutive prime numbers and divide them by another prime (like 7) and keep only the remainder (this is called reducing them modulo 7). The", "id": "20540758" }, { "contents": "In the Land of Blood and Honey\n\n\nfilm star attached to it. And having worked in Hollywood and interacted with some if its movie stars, I think I know how this film got made. Being a big star does not always work to your advantage. These people live their sheltered and insular Beverly Hills lives and have very little clue about what's going on 15 miles away in The Valley, let alone half a world away in Bosnia. This film is a very strange attempt at tackling something you're absolutely clueless about; it would be like me writing", "id": "11256294" }, { "contents": "Cross-cultural differences in decision-making\n\n\nstill assume that they might be more collectivist at some stage. We always think that the individualism and collectivism are something native, however, the eastern young people now didn't act as an interdependent person like their parents. So It would be also an interesting study to see how the individualist young people become more collectivist and When and Why they have this kind of change. Many of the researchers always think that most of the eastern country are more collectivist. However, we can still found that, Japan is always different to", "id": "21038519" }, { "contents": "The Rings of Akhaten\n\n\non different moulds in his spare time in case they could be used in the future, as making thirty different aliens at one time would be out of the budget. Much of the episode was constructed around talks of what could be created with limited resources. For example, Cross recalled that producer Marcus Wilson called him and asked, \"We've always wanted to have a speeder-bike like in \"Return of the Jedi\" and we know how to do it inexpensively, so can you get one into the story?", "id": "12516470" }, { "contents": "Cycle of poverty\n\n\nclassifying only \"some\" impoverished people as trapped in the culture. 2004 research in New Zealand produced a report that showed that \"life shocks\" can be endured only to a limited extent, after which people are much more likely to be tipped into hardship. The researchers found very little differences in living standards for people who have endured up to 7 negative events in their lifetime. People who had 8 or more life shocks were dramatically more likely to live in poverty than those who had 0 to 7 life shocks. A", "id": "21813186" }, { "contents": "Nate the Great\n\n\nLost List\" (1978). She has long black hair and a short black dress, white mary jane shoes, five black cats of different sizes, and she is frequently described as \"strange\". In particular, she is introduced thus in the first book: \"Rosamond did not look hungry or sleepy. She looked like she always looks. Strange.\" That text and Simont's illustration allegedly inspired the creation of Emily the Strange. The 2002 volume (number 22) \"Nate the Great, San Francisco", "id": "4895143" }, { "contents": "6\n\n\nbecame straighter. The Arabs dropped the part of the stroke below the squiggle. From there, the European evolution to our modern 6 was very straightforward, aside from a flirtation with a glyph that looked more like an uppercase G. On the seven-segment displays of calculators and watches, 6 is usually written with six segments. Some historical calculator models use just five segments for the 6, by omitting the top horizontal bar. This glyph variant has not caught on; for calculators that can display results in hexadecimal, a 6", "id": "379618" }, { "contents": "Gil Reese\n\n\nhands off that boy.\" They always did, too. Bomar always looked after me, and he always called back to me when we started on end runs. No one could run interference like Bomar.\" Bomar would defy the odds and return to play football the very next year with the New York Giants in their inaugural season, leaving after 1926 from a different injury. During the first quarter of the game against the Mississippi A & M Aggies, Reese caught a punt from the Aggies' halfback Patty and ran", "id": "17421314" }, { "contents": "Rhyme scheme\n\n\nbe anywhere in the bar, they could all be internal, so the term is not always used. Rap verses can also employ 'extra rhymes', which do not structure the verse like the main rhyme schemes, but which add to the overall sound of the verse. The number of different possible rhyme schemes for an \"n\"-line poem is given by the Bell numbers, which for \"n\" = 1, 2, 3, ... are Examples: We find one rhyme scheme for a one-line poem (", "id": "4222838" }, { "contents": "Thrift Shop\n\n\nsuccessful, Macklemore replied, \"I think hip-hop goes in waves, and it's something that's different. It's a concept. It's obviously against the status quo of what people normally rap about. This is a song that goes against all of that. How much can you save? How fresh can you look by not looking like anybody else? And on top of that, you have an infectious beat and a hook that gets stuck in people's heads.\" \"Thrift Shop\" is written", "id": "10529880" }, { "contents": "Tippmann\n\n\nprimary drawback of the marker is its limited upgrade options, although some internal upgrades MAY be interchangeable with the 98c/ US army lineups. In appearance the \"A-5\" was modeled after the H&K MP5K but can be modified to look like a number of different real world firearms. It is one of the most customizable markers on the market, with many different cosmetic and performance parts. The Tippmann A5 could easily accept standard ASA expansion chambers and regulators allowing easier performance upgrades, unlike the later X-7. Departing from previous Tippmann bodies", "id": "11205271" }, { "contents": "The Silence's Echo\n\n\nmodestly in the hills near Ouarzazate. The majority of people around the world look at the films as a way of entertainment or as a means to enrich one’s culture. For others, the film actors are very lucky and rich just because they are famous. Whereas, there are a kind of people who look at the films in a different way because they consider them like manifactories that provide work and therefore insufficient money to the poor workers – actors... Behind the Tichka mountains, especially in the city of Ouarzazate and around", "id": "8055348" }, { "contents": "Alexis Jordan\n\n\nNew York where she recorded with Stargate, she stated that the album is nearly completed. In the same YouTube video uploaded by Jordan, she was asked what she was doing and she replied \"Writing about different things 'cause I'm like all messed up cause I'm talking about girl power, then I'm talking about myself and how people don't really know me that well so they gonna get to know me in this song.\" On January 15, 2013, a new song titled \"Acid Rain\" leaked", "id": "19124087" }, { "contents": "Never Too Far/Hero Medley\n\n\nI wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked me to write a song and they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing", "id": "22018884" }, { "contents": "8\n\n\noriginates with the Brahmi numerals. The Brahmi numeral for \"eight\" by the 1st century was written in one stroke as a curve └┐ looking like an uppercase H with the bottom half of the left line and the upper half of the right line removed. However the \"eight\" glyph used in India in the early centuries of the Common Era developed considerable variation, and in some cases took the shape of a single wedge, which was adopted into the Perso-Arabic tradition as ٨ (and also gave rise to", "id": "379627" }, { "contents": "Ain't Nothin' Like Me\n\n\ndifferent range of writers and producers to create the bulk of the album, including Bryan Michael Cox, Cool & Dre, Sean Garrett, The Smith Brothers, and Tim & Bob. Although he co-wrote five songs on the album, Joe decided to leave most of the writing and producing to his collaborators: “I look at what the record ultimately needs [...]It’s about making a great record, not about how many songs I have on the album. A lot of artists get into writing too much", "id": "12463096" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\n, like how she throws her voice in different directions.\" \"The New York Times\" called Minaj \"a sparkling rapper with a gift for comic accents and unexpected turns of phrase. She's a walking exaggeration, outsize in sound, personality and look. And she's a rapid evolver, discarding old modes as easily as adopting new ones.\" Although many critics describe her technique as bubblegum rap, Minaj said: \"What people don't know is that before I was doing that craziness I was doing me,", "id": "14836784" }, { "contents": "Artificial intelligence\n\n\nbrain that makes it possible for a person to know that the color swatch is red. The hard problem is that people also know something else—they also know \"what red looks like\". (Consider that a person born blind can know that something is red without knowing what red looks like.) Everyone knows subjective experience exists, because they do it every day (e.g., all sighted people know what red looks like). The hard problem is explaining how the brain creates it, why it exists, and", "id": "543706" }, { "contents": "All Too Well\n\n\nwith different writers on \"Red\", Swift wrote the song along with Liz Rose, with whom she had written many songs on her earlier albums. Rose has said that Swift unexpectedly asked her to help write the song as a one-off project after not having collaborated with Swift for some years. Swift started writing the song by herself unexpectedly:\"The lyric I’m most proud of is from \"All Too Well\": \"And you call me up again just to break me like a promise / so casually cruel in the", "id": "13926129" }, { "contents": "Womanizer (song)\n\n\nforward\". About how the concept of the video related to their previous work, Kahn commented that \"It's just a great girl fantasy. There are things she's really good at, like having a really natural knack for knowing what girls want. [...] It's a much more mature sound and much more mature lyrics, and she always has the greatest ideas. She's hyper-aware of pop culture\". The costumes and looks for each of the different women were chosen by Spears and Kahn.", "id": "9408160" }, { "contents": "Get Out\n\n\nkind of like J. Cole. Chris is that guy that everyone knows, who has been in everyone's class at school. That good guy from around the area.\" Williams said she was cast by Peele as a sneaky gambit to disorient audiences. \"Jordan told me that he had always pictured me as Rose because Peter Pan or Marnie would make it easier for people to trust me,\" Williams noted. \"I was looking for a role that would weaponize everything that people take for granted about me. So I", "id": "6442175" }, { "contents": "Obama logo\n\n\nGraphic designers like me don't understand how it's happening. It's unprecedented and inconceivable to us. The people in the know are flabbergasted.\" On the other hand, cartoonist Ward Sutton asked, \"is it a zero and a sunset over a deserted highway?\" \"Too many type styles and colors. The look is left undefined. The designer may have been too inexperienced,\" he added. Some have noted the similarity of Obama's campaign logo to others, namely those of Vietin Bank, The Sidney", "id": "1196594" }, { "contents": "Csaba Elthes\n\n\nUS National Sabre titles in 1974. Of him, Westbrook wrote; \"Csaba believed in me and worked me like a dog, goading me, inspiring me, always pushing me beyond what I thought I could or would do. I was lucky to have had 8 years with Csaba in his prime before his stroke in 1980. The stroke paralyzed his right hand so he taught w/his left until he recovered some use in his right. Csaba came to love New York and his life here in the U.S., he", "id": "12978660" }, { "contents": "Louis Howe\n\n\nlater years I learned that he had always liked me and thought I was worth educating, and for that reason he made an effort on this trip to get to know me. He did it cleverly. He knew that I was bewildered by some of the things expected of me as a candidate's wife ... Largely because of Louis' early interpretation of the standards and ethics of the newspaper business, I came to look with interest and confidence on the writing fraternity ... I did receive an intensive education on this trip, and", "id": "7600085" }, { "contents": "1\n\n\nglyph for seven in other countries. Where the 1 is written with a long upstroke, the number 7 has a horizontal stroke through the vertical line. While the shape of the 1 character has an ascender in most modern typefaces, in typefaces with text figures, the character usually is of x-height, as, for example, in . Many older typewriters do not have a separate symbol for \"1\" and use the lowercase letter \"l\" instead. It is possible to find cases when the uppercase \"J", "id": "2763059" }, { "contents": "Too Much to Ask\n\n\n, Horan was pictured standing on the left on the escalator in the London Underground. \"It's a special one. I actually wrote this song the day after I wrote 'This Town' so I felt like it got off to an alright start when I started writing the album. It's a very nice, beautiful song and means a lot to me. I just can't wait for people to hear it. Hopefully fingers cross that people are going to like it, obviously a lot different to 'Slow Hands", "id": "20337410" }, { "contents": "I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me\n\n\nproves her worth in the end\". \"Cinema Blend\" Amanda Krill said Stevens' wig looked like a \"Stepford Wives wig\", adding: \"Everyone has a hard time not looking at it. She's still a cancer patient, but she knows that her job is on the line just like everyone else's. Everyone is working round the clock, showing up at every call, and the Chief is acting like a maniacal overlord.\" Krill also enjoyed Oh's performance as Yang, writing: \"Cristina", "id": "9814386" }, { "contents": "Maxillary second molar\n\n\nlikely deciduous tooth to have an oblique ridge. In the universal system of notation, the deciduous maxillary second molars are designated by a letter written in uppercase. The right deciduous maxillary second molar is known as \"A\", and the left one is known as \"J\". The international notation has a different system of notation. Thus, the right deciduous maxillary second molar is known as \"55\", and the left one is known as \"65\". In the universal system of notation, the permanent maxillary", "id": "7243812" }, { "contents": "Rick Price\n\n\nlot of acoustic gigs. My audience tripled and people really liked it, which surprised me because I thought it would be a bit too internal, a bit too self conscious. But it worked, which gave me a lot of encouragement and the confidence to write more like that, just simple little stories. And that's the kind of music I've always been drawn to - people like James Taylor and Carole King, great songwriters who have the ability to say something really simple\". The album was produced by Price", "id": "6516824" }, { "contents": "Sober (Selena Gomez song)\n\n\nwho can only show his true emotions while intoxicated. Later in the song she expresses the pain she feels having wasted so much time into her relationship, and decides to leave her dysfunctional lover: \"You've got a hold on me / You're like a wasted dream / I gave you everything / But you don't know how to love me when you're sober\". Melissa Haggar of \"Concrete\" opined that the song is \"an intimate reflection on how people can appear so different in certain lights.\"", "id": "19169731" }, { "contents": "Bat species identification\n\n\nillustrated above provide different information to the bat. We cannot know what the bat actually hears, but research is continuing on what a bat can hear and discriminate. A bat does not receive a detailed image like a visual image although it has good eyesight as well, but essentially any ultrasound image it detects will be defocussed due to the comparatively long wavelengths of the sound frequencies used. At 50 kHz, the wavelength is about 7 mm. It is remarkable how well a bat can echolocate. This is a rapidly falling", "id": "6025677" }, { "contents": "Queens of the Stone Age (album)\n\n\n, as on the wall-rattling 'Walkin' on the Sidewalks'. But more often they thrillingly toy with elements like vocal hooks ('You Would Know') and metal frenzy ('How to Handle a Rope') without giving in to either.\" Writing in \"Spin\", Joe Gross scored \"Queens of the Stone Age\" 7 out of 10, saying \"While there's really nothing in this collection worth trading in those Melvins albums for, it's strangely compelling to hear how Homme and", "id": "728427" }, { "contents": "Treat Me Like a Lady (Five Star song)\n\n\nMe Like a Lady (UK Extended Version) 5:24 3. Treat Me Like a Lady (Dub Lady) 4. Don’t Stop UK Catalogue Number: Tent FIVE1 / Tent 655641 US 12\" Single: 49733 1. Treat Me Like a Lady (Extended Mix - US version) 7:26 2. Treat Me Like a Lady (I'll Be Yours Tonite Dub) 6:11 3. Treat Me Like a Lady (Raw Mix) 6:22 2. Treat Me Like a Lady (I Can Make You Feel Dub) 4:53", "id": "13445036" }, { "contents": "Reciprocal liking\n\n\nof reciprocal liking. While those with positive self-esteem respond to reciprocal liking, those with negative self-esteem seem to prefer working with people who are critical of them. Nathaniel Branden stated that \"self-esteem creates a set of implicit expectations about what is possible and appropriate to us\", and further said that \"one's reality confirms and strengthens one's original belief\". This explains why self-esteem plays a role in reciprocal liking. People from different cultures can experience and understand different effects of reciprocal", "id": "20620483" }, { "contents": "Cross-cultural differences in decision-making\n\n\nother eastern countries such as China and Korea. All of them have same history and share same writing in the past. But Japan always makes a different choice. Just like the World War II, both of China and Korea are looking forward to the doctrine of the mean, which is called \"Zhongyong\" in Chinese, and that made them become invaders. However, Japan shows a different way of thinking and became one of the members of the aggressor. We can't just simply say they are bad or have some", "id": "21038520" }, { "contents": "The Life and Times of Jonny Valiant\n\n\nswagger on the mic and you know, the little pauses and that. But it's almost too much swag these days. Everybody is just so swagged out. It's like, “Fuck swag and fuck you.” Nowadays, everybody tries to be so different that to stand out as an artist, being different isn't different anymore. It's almost too far and too many rappers looking like Lenny Kravitz. I'll be at clubs, and I can't tell who raps, who sings in Rock bands.", "id": "22022887" }, { "contents": "Vested interest (communication theory)\n\n\nare also a factor in attitude importance. Tragic circumstances halfway around the world or shocking behaviors by members of a culture different from the perceiver, will most likely never result in attitude change. The physical distance or cultural difference of an occurrence directly correlates to the vested interest of the perceiver. Things too far away or customs perceived to be too strange will almost never trigger a vested interest. Indicators of vested interest can include attitude importance, as detailed by Jon Krosnick who defined this concept by stating that “central, ego-", "id": "7900029" }, { "contents": "J. Cole\n\n\nknow my mother, her side of the family, who I love. But at the end of the day, [I've] never felt white. I can identify [with white people] but never have I felt like I'm one of them. I identify more with what I look like, because that's how I got treated [but] not necessarily in a negative way\". During his youth, Cole expressed an affinity for basketball and music, and served as a first-chair violinist for the", "id": "9540981" }, { "contents": "Chengdu J-7\n\n\nItalian FAIR Grifo-7 radar. This more than tripled the effective range of the radar, as well as greatly increased the angle which the radar could detect target. The J-7 only reached its Soviet-designed capabilities in the mid 1980s. However, the fighter is affordable and has been widely exported as the F-7, often with Western systems incorporated, like the ones sold to Pakistan. There are over 20 different export variants of the J-7, some of which are equipped to use European weaponry, such as French R.550 Magic missiles.", "id": "9355729" }, { "contents": "Phonological change\n\n\nwhat it looks like, /alterØ/, \"marked\" for case, number, and gender by an affix, like the other 29 forms in the paradigm. It is merely that the \"marker\" in question is not a phoneme or sequence of phonemes but the element /Ø/. Along the way, it is hard to know when to stop positing zeros and whether to regard one zero as different from another. For example, if the zero not-marking \"can\" (as in \"he can\") as \"third", "id": "685598" }, { "contents": "Product planning\n\n\nhow often does consumers purchase, schema of purchasing and so on. These data can help company or brand to plan or develop their product or marketing planning. Secondly, if a company want to plan a new product, it is necessary to know about the potential consumer base such as the age of people, what types of products or service they always use. There are various forms are included in profiling data like socio-demographics, geo-demographics customer behavior. The difference between market measures and consumer profiles is that only", "id": "2525588" }, { "contents": "Darla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\n\n\nnew actor to Los Angeles, didn’t know the TV business very well so I was just excited to work and play a vampire. I had no clue what I was going to do or how I was going to be scary. Until that is, they put the vampire makeup on me and I went into the trailer and smiled, which I thought was creepy. Joss always said he was intrigued that someone who looked like me and talked like me was like the scariest vampire ever. That's what he wanted,", "id": "17094306" }, { "contents": "Just intonation\n\n\nOther wind instruments, although built to a certain scale, can be micro-tuned to a certain extent by using the embouchure or adjustments to fingering. Composers often impose a limit on how complex the ratios may become. For example, a composer who chooses to write in 7-limit just intonation will not employ ratios that use powers of prime numbers larger than 7. Under this scheme, ratios like 11:7 and 13:6 would not be permitted, because 11 and 13 cannot be expressed as powers of those prime numbers ≤ 7 (", "id": "16653314" }, { "contents": "Yummy (Gwen Stefani song)\n\n\nwanted \"Yummy\" to be released as a commercial single: Those lyrics are crazy. I listen to that like, 'What was she doing?' Pharrell's just so creative, I remember back then, and he's always kind of been the same. He's always so positive and so sure and he never wants to repeat himself. Like, 'How can I make something different and new and not like anything else?' I look back at that whole record, and I think, 'Wow I", "id": "18882389" }, { "contents": "Khelma people\n\n\nare one of the smallest communities. The Sakachep are similar in language, customs and traditions to the Biate and Hrangkhol. They used to cremate their dead like the Vedic Hindu in the past. However, 80% of the population are Christians today. They are entirely dependent on agriculture for their livelihood.. There are twelve clans in the Sakachep community. They are 1.Neibom 2.Saithuvai(Saith) 3.Sumtinkha 4.Thirsu 5.Vaichai 6.Kholum 7.Telengshing 8.Langkai 9.Kelphung 10.Thingphun(Motsun) 11.Nisatarai and 12.Zeite. The Sakachep also celebrate different festivals which are connected with the worshiping of different gods", "id": "15824522" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\nwanted to make some extra money and it was five bucks a lesson. He did a good job too. His name was Mike Hudson. I don't know if he plays anymore. I lost touch with him. He's the one that got me started. I always wanted to play in a band, and to learn how to play lead guitar was going to take like five years. But I really liked the sound of the bass. I liked AC/DC and figured I could do that. I thought", "id": "20499089" }, { "contents": "Handshake\n\n\nA handshake is a globally widespread, brief greeting or parting tradition in which two people grasp one of each other's like hands, in most cases accompanied by a brief up-and-down movement of the grasped hands. Handshakes are sometimes used to signify romantic relationships. Using the right hand is generally considered proper etiquette. Customs surrounding handshakes are specific to cultures. Different cultures may be more or less likely to shake hands, or there may be different customs about how or when to shake hands. Archaeological ruins and ancient", "id": "4159406" }, { "contents": "Number\n\n\nA number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label. The original examples are the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so forth. A written symbol like \"5\" that represents a number is called a numeral. A numeral system is an organized way to write and manipulate this type of symbol, for example the Hindu–Arabic numeral system allows combinations of numerical digits like \"5\" and \"0\" to represent larger numbers like 50. A numeral in linguistics can refer", "id": "1970409" }, { "contents": "Kuchanur\n\n\nof Tourism, Culture and Religious Endowments of Tamil Nadu )situated at Kuchanoor. The Lord is seen in swayambhu (self-appeared) form, the name of the town being derived from Kubjan, one of Shani's names (Kubjanoor). In front of this temple the perennial river Surabi flows which carried the waters of Periyar river and Suruliyaru. There are different religious people like Hindu,Muslim are there in Kuchanur and also there is different communities people like Thevar, Pillai, Nayakar people live together in Kuchanur. There", "id": "7093966" }, { "contents": "Revolver (T-Pain album)\n\n\nspelt it the way I have, is basically to show how people can be deceived and misjudge something before they look at it PROPERLY. Like when people hear the word \"revolver\" they immediately think \"violence\" - which is what a lotta people think when they first see ME! Whereas when they look more closely at the title and they see the \"r\"s are faded out, they'll realise that in the middle it's actually saying \"EVOLVE\". Which in turn sheds a different light on the whole of", "id": "11171459" }, { "contents": "Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie\n\n\na young child, she had often read American and British stories where the characters were primarily of Caucasian origin. At the lecture, she said that the under-representation of cultural differences could be dangerous: \"Now, I loved those American and British books I read. They stirred my imagination and opened up new worlds for me. But the unintended consequence was that I did not know that people like me could exist in literature.\" Throughout the lecture, she used personal anecdotes to illustrate the importance of sharing different stories", "id": "84938" }, { "contents": "Jay Presson Allen\n\n\n. Besides, no one but the writer ever knows how much trouble any one piece of work will be. Only the writer knows that. Only the writer. So I take what looks to me like something that is in good enough shape, yet which I can contribute to and make it worth the pay they are going to give me... There are more than one of us out there. These jobs are quick, sometimes they're even fun, and you don't have to take the terrible meetings. They're", "id": "18509133" }, { "contents": "Allography\n\n\nAllography, from the Greek for \"other writing\", has several meanings which all relate to how words and sounds are written down. An allograph may be the opposite of an autograph – i.e. a person's words or name (signature) written by someone else. In graphemics, the term \"allograph\" denotes any glyphs that are considered variants of a letter or other grapheme, like a number or punctuation. An obvious example in English (and many other writing systems) is the distinction between uppercase and lowercase letters.", "id": "21099842" }, { "contents": "Priming (psychology)\n\n\nIn contrast, their counterparts who view western images are more likely to give a reverse response and focus more on that individual fish. People from bi-culture society when primed with different cultural icons, they are inclined to make cultural activated attribution. Pronoun circling task, is also another cultural priming task, by asking participant consciously circling the pronoun, like \"We\", \"us\", \"I\", and \"me\", during paragraph reading. Priming effects can be found with many of the tests of implicit", "id": "8034348" }, { "contents": "The Rhythm Boys\n\n\nhim. I had made one for him already, and working in pictures looked like easy money to me. I made a couple more shorts at Sennett’s, then Abe Frank plastered a union ban on me, “for failure to fulfill the standard musician’s contract.” After that, union musicians weren’t allowed to work with me.\" Rinker commented on the situation too. \"By that time the drive was gone from the Rhythm Boys. We were each developing different interests. Harry was writing songs. Bing", "id": "1140924" }, { "contents": "World Culture Open\n\n\n…dreams of a global community where cultural diversity is truly fostered and appreciated by all everywhere.\" In early 2000, few like-minded people conceived a notion of having a \"cultural olympic.\" They thought of using cultural competition as a way to bring different people-groups together to promote peace, just like how the original Olympic games use sport competition to promote peace. On 2003, professionals and leaders of various fields from 40 different countries around the world gathered in Washington D.C. for an international convention. Participants of", "id": "8175857" }, { "contents": "IPartment\n\n\n, friendship, love, and interests, status, etc., also tell people that daily life is like a mirror, which can enlighten people to learn how to live, how to appreciate the truth, goodness and beauty in life. The new residents' appearance create lots of new story. The two new residents have completely different personality. One of them is a mystery old man who have complete different lifestyle with the old residents. Another one is an young adult but he always make mistakes and stubborn. In the", "id": "16255463" }, { "contents": "Ridge Racer 3D\n\n\n' 3DS via StreetPass and then allowed to be used in-race. Rules and regulations for races differ from one to another but the overall feel of the races are the same. The number of opponents can be as high 7 or even as low as 1 (Duel Modes), although the usual number of opponents is 7 for most races. Before starting an event or race one may choose if they would like any support items, such as the auto-rocket start, over-limit start and variable nitrous charges", "id": "20091762" }, { "contents": "Greg James (tattoo artist)\n\n\npeople. It's not about the art so much, or the craft, or being the cool guy.\" \"Tattooing to me is like welding. You have to lay the lines down. You're using tools. It [the tattoo] should look like it's always been there. Like it's part of your body.\" \"You know, the average person today thinks tattoo artists nowadays are rock stars. But we go through a lot. We really put a lot effort, time, and communication", "id": "2124921" } ]
Hello. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, which means I'm always low on energy. Sorry to hear that. Its also known as also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). How sever is yours and do you suffer from long-term fatigue? Thankfully mine is not too severe, but I do suffer from long-term fatigue. Unfortunately there is no cure. Is yours biological or genetic? I guess not a lot is understood about it. Mine is genetic. Diagnosis is commonly based on a person symptoms. What was yours? Fatigue, memory problems, muscle and joint pain.
[{"answer": "Are you on medication such as rintatolimod?", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "29686197", "title": "Chronic fatigue syndrome", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 518, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 585, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a medical condition characterized by long-term fatigue and other persistent symptoms that limit a person's ability to carry out ordinary daily activities. While the cause is not understood, proposed mechanisms include biological, genetic, infectious, and psychological. Diagnosis is based on a person's symptoms because there is no confirmed diagnostic test. The fatigue in CFS is not due to strenuous ongoing exertion, is not much relieved by rest and is not", "id": "10795968" }, { "contents": "Action for ME\n\n\nAction for ME is charitable organization and self-help group based in the United Kingdom and dedicated to helping people with M.E., more commonly known in the medical profession as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The \"ME\" in \"Action for ME\" refers to two of the alternative names for chronic fatigue syndrome, \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\" or \"myalgic encephalopathy,\" that are preferred by patient groups in the United Kingdom. The organization also believes that individuals with M.E./CFS may be diagnosed with post-viral fatigue syndrome.", "id": "14277922" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nof each outbreak were varied, but included symptoms of malaise, tender lymph nodes, sore throat, pain, and signs of encephalomyelitis. The cause of the condition was not identified, although it appeared to be infectious, and the term \"benign myalgic encephalomyelitis\" was chosen to reflect the lack of mortality, the severe muscular pains, symptoms suggesting damage to the nervous system, and to the presumed inflammatory nature of the disorder. However, critics point out that the illness is rarely benign, doesn't always cause muscle pain", "id": "10796013" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n\", \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\", and the umbrella term \"ME/CFS\". Reaching consensus on a name is challenging because the cause and pathology remain unknown. The term \"chronic fatigue syndrome\" has been criticized by some patients as being both stigmatizing and trivializing, and which in turn prevents the illness from being seen as a serious health problem that deserves appropriate research. While many patients prefer \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\", which they believe better reflects the medical nature of the illness, there is resistance amongst clinicians toward the", "id": "10796019" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\n. More serious are meningitis, Bell's palsy (weakness of the face muscles), swelling of joints, and heart problems with palpitations and breathlessness. Lyme disease is difficult to distinguish from many other illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) because the symptoms may be similar. If you have symptoms that could be Lyme disease, even if you do not remember a tickbite, see your doctor. Diagnosis is helped by a blood test called a Western Blot test, but your doctor will consider whether any other illness could be", "id": "11549125" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nSince its introduction into the eighth edition of the WHO ICD-8 in 1969 (code 323), (Benign) myalgic encephalomyelitis has been classified as a disease of the central nervous system. The term \"benign myalgic encephalomyelitis\" appears in the 1975 ICD-9 alphabetic index, and references code 323.9, Encephalitis of unspecified cause. The code 323.9 did not include reference to postviral syndrome. The term “postviral syndrome” was classified to code 780.7, Malaise and fatigue, in Chapter 16, Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions.", "id": "16589962" }, { "contents": "W. Ian Lipkin\n\n\nCoV and “[c]ollectively, these examples demonstrate that the MERS-related coronaviruses are high associated with bats and are geographically widespread.” Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a chronic condition characterized by extreme fatigue after exertion that is not relieved by rest and includes other symptoms, such as muscle and joint pain and cognitive dysfunction. In September 2017, the NIH awarded a $9.6 million grant to Columbia University for the \"CfS for ME/CFS\" intended for the pursuit of basic research and", "id": "11899898" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n-heading of \"General Symptoms\". CFS is not included as a coded term in the 1992 , WHO created a new category G93, Other disorders of brain, in Chapter VI, Diseases of the Nervous System, and created a new code G93.3, post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS), a condition which was previously in the symptom chapter of ICD-9. WHO also moved benign myalgic encephalomyelitis to G93.3, subordinate to PVFS. The alphabetic index contains other terms, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, to which WHO assigned", "id": "16589965" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nresearchers reported that \"38% of those with a diagnosis of a Major Depressive Disorder were misclassified as having CFS using the new CDC definition.\" On 15 August the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a notice of intent to award a contract to the Institutes of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) for a Study on Diagnostic Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with the purpose of : \"recommending clinical diagnostic criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)\". The award", "id": "966108" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ncriticized the name \"chronic fatigue syndrome,\" saying it trivializes the illness. A major divide still exists as to whether funding should be directed towards biomedical or psychological research. A 2007 article in \"The New York Times\" reported that patients prefer the terms \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\" or \"myalgic encephalopathy\" to \"chronic fatigue syndrome\". These patients believed the term \"fatigue\" trivializes the illness and discourages research into potential treatments. According to a survey of medical trainees at a school in the United States, a condition", "id": "18510482" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nThe name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been attributed to the USA Centers for Disease Control 1988 research case definition for the illness, \"Chronic fatigue syndrome: a working case definition\". Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) was added to ICD-9 after 1988 and listed under , Symptoms Signs and Ill-defined Conditions. Since 1979 the U.S. has used a clinical modification of WHO's ICD 9th revision (ICD-9-CM), and ME is under index: \"Encephalomyelitis (chronic) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic necrotizing, acute) (\"myalgic", "id": "16589963" }, { "contents": "David Sheffield Bell\n\n\nand published a paper that refuted the hypothesis. Bell wrote \"The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome\", which was published in 1995. The book, which also refers to CFS as \"chronic fatigue/immune dysfunction syndrome,\" or CFIDS, describes Bell's CFIDS disability scale. Various publications have used or proposed Bell's scale which is similar to the Karnofsky scale, for the documentation of severity of symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. In the 2000 CFS documentary, I Remember Me, Bell appeared in an interview", "id": "22196359" }, { "contents": "Western African Ebola virus epidemic\n\n\nSierra Leone reported having \"eye problems\", though the incidence of actual uveitis was unknown. Another study, which was released in August 2015 looked at the health difficulties reported by survivors. Calling the set of symptoms \"post-Ebolavirus disease syndrome\", the research found symptoms that included \"chronic joint and muscle pain, fatigue, anorexia, hearing loss, blurred vision, headache, sleep disturbances, low mood and short-term memory problems\", and suggested the \"implementation of specialized health services to treat and follow", "id": "13867561" }, { "contents": "Pervasive refusal syndrome\n\n\nis very infrequent. PRS is rare. It was first described by Bryan Lask and colleagues in 1991. The charity Invest in ME says that children who are initially diagnosed with the serious illness myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), which is typically triggered by a virus, may have their illness label changed to the flawed diagnosis of pervasive refusal syndrome if their doctors do not believe that ME/CFS really exists, or if these doctors do not accept that children with ME/CFS can be so seriously", "id": "16726011" }, { "contents": "Simon Wessely\n\n\nchronic fatigue syndrome, despite having himself published research which concluded that \"the stereotype of CFS sufferers as perfectionists with negative attitudes toward psychiatry was not supported\". When asked about severely affected bed-ridden patients, Wessely said \"in that kind of disability, psychological factors are important and I don't care how unpopular that statement makes me.\" Malcolm Hooper, the Countess of Mar, and others have strongly criticised Wessely. In a 2002 article on chronic fatigue syndrome, \"The Guardian\" characterized the criticisms of one group", "id": "4590496" }, { "contents": "Post-Ebola virus syndrome\n\n\nof Ebola disease. Researchers have been aware of a group of symptoms that frequently followed Ebola virus disease for 20 years, but it became more widely reported with the large number of survivors of the deadly epidemic in 2014. Post Ebola syndrome may manifest as joint pain, muscle pain, chest pain, fatigue, hearing loss, hair loss, cessation of menstruation, and poor long term health. Some survivors report neurological issues including memory problems and anxiety attacks. Vision loss is also frequently reported, along with eye pain, inflammation", "id": "21395214" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nRoyal Society of Medicine (RSM) concluded that \"epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis\" was a distinct disease entity with a clear organic basis. The illness gained national attention in the United States when the popular magazine \"Hippocrates\" ran a cover story of an epidemic at Lake Tahoe, Nevada, in the mid-1980s. The designation Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus was in use in the U.S., but the magazine used the term \"Raggedy Ann Syndrome\" to note the fatigue and loss of muscle power patients felt. Researchers investigating the Lake Tahoe", "id": "16589955" }, { "contents": "Ehlers–Danlos syndromes\n\n\ninherited in an autosomal dominant or recessive manner. Typically, these mutations result in defects in the structure or processing of the protein collagen. Diagnosis is often based on symptoms and confirmed with genetic testing or skin biopsy. However, people may initially be misdiagnosed with hypochondriasis, depression, or chronic fatigue syndrome. No cure is known. Treatment is supportive in nature. Physical therapy and bracing may help strengthen muscles and support joints. While some disorders result in a normal life expectancy, those that affect blood vessels generally result in a", "id": "21184708" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness with a long history of controversy. For years, many professionals within the medical community did not recognize CFS as a true condition, nor was there agreement on its prevalence. There has been much disagreement over the pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome, how it should be diagnosed, and how to treat it. The diagnosis is controversial, and its etiology is still not fully understood. Alternative names to describe the condition(s) have been used over time throughout the world. Patient groups have", "id": "18510481" }, { "contents": "Garth L. Nicolson\n\n\nfunctions. Although its basic assumptions are still true, the dynamic nature has been underestimated, and more information have been incorporated with new discoveries. After the Gulf War of 1990–1991, a number of war veterans suffered from similar illness, popularly dubbed Gulf War syndrome. They indicated symptoms like chronic fatigue, headaches, memory loss, muscle pain, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, lymph node pain, increased chemical sensitivities and other signs and symptoms. Nicolson became one of the leading experts in the investigation of the cause and", "id": "14160437" }, { "contents": "John Rutter\n\n\nplaying a significant role in the 2008 Temple Festival. From 1985 to 1992, Rutter suffered severely from myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome), which restricted his output; after 1985 he stopped writing music on commission, as he was unable to guarantee meeting deadlines. Rutter also works as an arranger and editor. As a young man he collaborated with Sir David Willcocks on five volumes of the extraordinarily successful \"Carols for Choirs\" anthology series. He was inducted as a National Patron of Delta Omicron, an international", "id": "1812938" }, { "contents": "ME Research UK\n\n\nME Research UK is a medical research charity based in the United Kingdom with the principal aim of commissioning and funding scientific (biomedical) investigation into the causes, consequences and treatment of myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). ME/CFS is a debilitating illness which affects between 120,000 and 240,000 people in the United Kingdom alone, but which is not well understood nor, in many cases, properly recognised. The organisation (charity number SC036942) was formed in 2000 under the name Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Research Group for", "id": "17599208" }, { "contents": "Leonard A. Jason\n\n\nLeonard A. Jason is a professor of psychology at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, where he also directs the Center for Community Research. His chief professional interests include the study of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), violence prevention, smoking cessation, and Oxford House recovery homes for substance abuse. Jason's interest in chronic fatigue syndrome began when he was diagnosed with the condition in 1990 after having mononucleosis. Leonard A. Jason is the son of Jay Jason, a well known comedian who entertained in", "id": "22215452" }, { "contents": "Peter Snow (doctor)\n\n\na similarity between the symptoms of stock suffering from selenium deficiency and these patients, he was the first doctor in New Zealand to identify the disease which turned out to be an outbreak of myalgic encephalomyelitis, now classed as chronic fatigue syndrome. Due to, often disparaging, publicity surrounding these discoveries and a study into them by Peter Snow, Marion Poore, and Charlotte Paul, the illness came to be known in New Zealand as \"Tapanui flu\" after the town of the same name in West Otago. Dr Snow also became", "id": "1272118" }, { "contents": "Roemheld syndrome\n\n\nabnormalities i.e. coronary bridge, missing coronary, and atherosclerosis. If the heart rate drops too low for too long, catecholamines are released to counteract any lowering of blood pressure. Catecholamines bind to alpha receptors and beta receptors, decreasing vasodilation and increasing contractility of the heart. Sustaining this state causes heart fatigue which results in fatigue and chest pain. As gas is the usual trigger, eating foods that a person is intolerant to can make symptoms more severe. There is significant scope of misdiagnosis of RS. Diagnosis of RS usually starts", "id": "373653" }, { "contents": "Lynn Gilderdale\n\n\nLynette \"Lynn\" Gilderdale (20 September 1977 – 4 December 2008), also known on the internet as Jessie Oliver, was a British woman with a severely diminished quality of life from chronic fatigue syndrome (referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis in the United Kingdom) who died by suicide after taking a morphine overdose after she decided she no longer wanted to endure the pain from the illness. She was assisted by her mother, Bridget Kathleen \"Kay\" Gilderdale, who was subsequently charged with attempted murder and was eventually given a", "id": "7230148" }, { "contents": "Daniel Peterson (physician)\n\n\nfor treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Hemispherx Biopharma's New Drug Application for marketing and sale of Ampligen to treat chronic fatigue syndrome was rejected in December 2009 because the FDA concluded that the two RCTs \"did not provide credible evidence of efficacy.\" Peterson was a member of the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group that coauthored the most widely used clinical and research description of CFS, called the 1994 CDC definition, and the Fukuda definition. He is a coauthor of \"Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition", "id": "22196559" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nuse of myalgic encephalomyelitis on the grounds that the inflammation of the central nervous system (myelitis) implied by the term has not been demonstrated. A 2015 report from the Institute of Medicine proposes the illness be renamed \"systemic exertion intolerance disease\" and suggests new diagnostic criteria for it. Many patients, clinicians, and researchers believe lengthy, disproportionate symptom exacerbation after physical or mental exertion is a core symptom (also known as post-exertional malaise). Reynolds \"et al.\" (2004) estimated that the illness caused", "id": "10796020" }, { "contents": "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee\n\n\nhealth, clinical care and education regarding CFS. In November, 2008, support for CFSAC activities was changed to the Office on Women's Health, a division of the Office of Public Health and Science. It held it first meeting in 2003. In 2010 the committee advised HHS that the name chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) should be changed to CFS-ME because the name wasn't being taken seriously. ME stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis or myalgic encephalopathy, according to the panel. One member stated that a more serious-", "id": "22206892" }, { "contents": "Ruqsana Begum\n\n\nMillennials Changing The World\" by \"The Asian Today\". Begum is a Muslim and does not drink alcohol. She is 5 feet 3 inches tall. Begum suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), which she was diagnosed after she won the British title in 2010. Begum has had to adapt her training to accommodate her condition with a strict diet and training regime. In 2006, at the age of 22, Begum's parents arranged her marriage to, Sayed Chowdhury, a banker", "id": "8068999" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n/CFS was initiated by Health Canada and published by an international group of researchers in 2003. Diagnosis requires \"two or more neurological/cognitive manifestations\" and one or more symptoms from at least two of the categories of autonomic, neuroendocrine and immune manifestations, in addition to multiple major criteria of fatigue, post exertional malaise and/or fatigue, chronic pain and sleep dysfunction. The definition is also referred to as the Canadian consensus criteria. An important difference is that the Canadian definition excludes patients with symptoms of mental illness. It was", "id": "966097" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nbelief that a long recovery time is needed, as well as pre-infection distress and fatigue. Biological factors such as CD4 and CD8 activation and liver inflammation are predictors of sub-acute fatigue, but not CFS. A study comparing diagnostic labels found that people labelled with ME had the worst prognosis while those with PVFS had the best. It is unclear, however, whether this is due to those with more severe symptoms being labelled with ME, or if there is an adverse effect to being labelled with ME. Tentative", "id": "10795984" }, { "contents": "Neuroimmunology\n\n\n, use of epigenetic therapeutic agents may help reverse complex pathogenic processes. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one type of neuroimmunological disorder that affects many people. MS features CNS inflammation, immune-mediated demyelination and neurodegeneration. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (also known as Chronic fatigue syndrome), is a multi-system disease that causes dysfunction of neurological, immune, endocrine and energy-metabolism systems. Though many patients show neuroimmunological degeneration, the correct roots of ME/CFS are unknown. Symptoms of ME/CFS include significantly lowered ability to", "id": "11764095" }, { "contents": "Leonard A. Jason\n\n\nfor Community Research and Action. He was presented the 1997 CFIDS Support Network ACTION Champion Award by the Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome Association of America. He was presented in 1998 with DePaul University's Cortelyou–Lowery Award for Excellence. He received the Dutch ME Foundation International ME Award in 2003. In 2007, he received the Special Contribution to Public Policy Award from the Society for Community Research and Action. He was awarded the 2011 Perpich Award by the International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (IACFS/ME)", "id": "22215456" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nEngland and Wales published a multidisciplinary clinical practice guideline in 2007 in which the following criteria are employed: The diagnosis should be reconsidered if none of the following symptoms remain: post-exertional fatigue or malaise, cognitive difficulties, sleep disturbance, chronic pain. The guideline requires fatigue to have been present for 4 months in an adult or 3 months in a child. It expects a diagnosis in a child to be made by a pediatrician. The guideline states that a referral to a CFS/ME specialist should be offered immediately to", "id": "966102" }, { "contents": "Chris Dooks\n\n\n\". Between 1994-1998 he directed several works for broadcast television, including The South Bank Show. In 1998 while working on a program for PBS in the United States Dooks became ill with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis which puts an end to his television career. After a break, Dooks was able to continue creating his audio-visual art. Researching ways how to work while suffering from \"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome\" he began developing creative strategies, he labeled \"Idioholism\" (a combination of holism and idiosyncrasy). His extensive research", "id": "12902260" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nIn the 1960s and 1970s, chronic fatigue symptoms were often attributed to chronic brucellosis, but typically people were seen as having psychiatric disorders, in particular depression. Epidemic cases of benign myalgic encephalomyelitis were called mass hysteria by psychiatrists McEvedy and Beard in 1970, provoking criticism in letters to the editor of the British Medical Journal by outbreak researchers, attending physicians, and physicians who fell ill. The psychiatrists were faulted for not adequately investigating the patients they described, and their conclusions have been refuted. In 1978 a symposium held at the", "id": "16589954" }, { "contents": "Post-exertional malaise\n\n\nPost-exertional malaise (PEM) is one of the main symptoms of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). PEM can be described as \"a delayed and significant exacerbation of ME/CFS symptoms that always follows physical activity and often follows cognitive activity\". PEM is considered a cardinal symptom by a number of the different diagnostic criteria for ME/CFS, including the International Consensus Criteria (ICC). The Canadian Consensus Criteria (CCC) does not require PEM, rather it requires \"post exertional", "id": "2004300" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nIn 1978 a symposium held at the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) concluded that \"epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis\" was a distinct disease entity. However, the idea that CFS may be culturally mediated persisted in some quarters. In her 1997 book \"Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Culture,\" literary critic and feminist Elaine Showalter argues that chronic fatigue syndrome is a \"hysterical narrative,\" a modern manifestation of hysteria, a self-perpetuating \"cultural symptom of anxiety and stress\" historically assigned to women. A 2006 report", "id": "18510495" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nThe benefit is available to people with myalgic encephalomyelitis (which can have a physical basis or a psychological basis, or can be due to a combination of factors) on exactly the same terms as other severely disabled people, and they can qualify for it provided that they meet the usual entitlement conditions.\" Researchers who advocate classifying CFS as a psychosocial illness have been criticized by those who believe that their work draws attention and funding away from research into biomedical treatments. In 2012, several prominent UK researchers adopting the psychosocial perspective reported", "id": "18510498" }, { "contents": "Multiple chemical sensitivity\n\n\nas being unreasonable as a matter of law. In July 2017, the Task Force on Environmental Health of the Ontario, Canada Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care issued a Phase 1 report, \"Time for Leadership: Recognizing and Improving Care for those with ME/CFS, FM and ES/MCS\", summarized in \"Canadian Family Physician\" in June 2018 (v.64{6}; PMC5999262), \"Recent Insights Into 3 Under-recognized Conditions: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis–Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Environmental Sensitivities", "id": "12508042" }, { "contents": "Muscle weakness\n\n\nterm myasthenia is from my- from Greek μυο meaning \"muscle\" + -asthenia ἀσθένεια meaning \"weakness\". Neuromuscular fatigue can be classified as either \"central\" or \"peripheral\" depending on its cause. Central muscle fatigue manifests as an overall sense of energy deprivation, while peripheral muscle fatigue manifests as a local, muscle-specific inability to do work. Nerves control the contraction of muscles by determining the number, sequence, and force of muscular contraction. When a nerve experiences synaptic fatigue it becomes unable to stimulate the muscle", "id": "11189563" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nhave muscle pain, severe fatigue and sleep disturbances. The presence of allodynia (abnormal pain responses to mild stimulation) and of extensive tender points in specific locations differentiates FM from CFS, although the two diseases often co-occur. Depressive symptoms, if seen in CFS, may be differentially diagnosed from primary depression by the absence of anhedonia, decreased motivation, and guilt; and the presence of somatic symptoms such as sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and exercise intolerance with post exertional exacerbation of symptoms. There is no certain", "id": "10795994" }, { "contents": "Medically unexplained physical symptoms\n\n\nare caused by prescription drugs or other drugs is ignored. It is estimated that between 15% and 30% of all primary care consultations are for medically unexplained symptoms. A large Canadian community survey revealed that the most common medically unexplained symptoms are musculoskeletal pain, ear, nose, and throat symptoms, abdominal pain and gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, and dizziness. The term MUPS can also be used to refer to syndromes whose etiology remains contested, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple chemical sensitivity and Gulf War illness. The", "id": "1347312" }, { "contents": "Cytokine release syndrome\n\n\nmuromonab-CD3, which causes CRS, but people working in the field of drug development at biotech and pharmaceutical companies, regulatory agencies, and academia began to more intensely discuss methods to classify it and how to mitigate its risk following the disastrous 2006 Phase I clinical trial of TGN 1412, in which the six subjects experienced severe CRS. Symptoms include fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle and joint pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, fast breathing, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, seizures, headache", "id": "3814776" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nThe history of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also known by many other names) is thought to date back to the 19th century and before. Several descriptions of illness resembling those of chronic fatigue syndrome have been reported for at least two hundred years. In the 19th century, neurologist George Miller Beard popularised the concept of neurasthenia, with symptoms including fatigue, anxiety, headache, impotence, neuralgia and depression. This concept remained popular well into the 20th century, eventually coming to be seen as a behavioural rather than physical condition", "id": "16589949" }, { "contents": "Unrest (2017 film)\n\n\nshe goes online and finds a hidden world of millions confined to their homes and bedrooms by myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also commonly called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). \"Unrest\" tells the story of Jennifer and her husband Omar Wasow, as newlyweds grappling with how to live in the face of a lifelong illness. In search of answers and initially bedbound, Jennifer sets off on a virtual voyage around the world, meeting four extraordinary ME patients in the US, UK, and Denmark. Their bedrooms connected by Skype", "id": "3190295" }, { "contents": "Auditory fatigue\n\n\nand long-term. These are distinguished from each other by several characteristics listed individually below. Short-term fatigue Long-term fatigue Note: \"The complete anatomy of the human ear is extensive, and can be divided into the inner ear and outer ear. The remainder of this article mainly references the cochlea, outer hair cells, and organ of Corti.\" In general, structural damages to any anatomical part of the human ear can cause hearing-related problems. Usually, minor bending of the stereocilia of the", "id": "12182820" }, { "contents": "Mosquito-borne disease\n\n\ninfection is rare. Most people infected with the West Nile virus usually do not develop symptoms. However, some individuals can develop cases of severe fatigue, weakness, headaches, body aches, joint and muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and rash, which can last for weeks or months. More serious symptoms have a greater risk of appearing in people over 60 years of age, or those suffering from cancer, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease. Dengue fever is mostly characterized by high fever, headaches, joint pain", "id": "1754379" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nupdated in 2010 to provide greater specification to the original. Functional impairment must be below defined thresholds in two of the three designated subscales of the Short Form 36 Health Survey i.e. Vitality, Social Functioning, and Role-Physical. Criterion symptoms which predate fatigue onset can now be counted towards diagnosis, and individuals \"who do not meet the fatigue criterion may still obtain a Clinical ME/CFS diagnosis if they meet the other five criteria\". The \"London criteria\" were designed for research purposes and used by AFME in all", "id": "966098" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nApproximately 250,000 people in the UK are affected with the illness, according to the UK Department of Health archives. CFS affects females about two to four times more often than males. From 1934 onwards, outbreaks of a previously unknown illness began to be recorded by doctors. Initially considered to be occurrences of poliomyelitis, the illness was subsequently referred to as \"epidemic neuromyasthenia\". In the 1950s, the term \"benign myalgic encephalomyelitis\" was used in relation to a comparable outbreak at the Royal Free Hospital in London. The descriptions", "id": "10796012" }, { "contents": "Show Me the Way to Go Home\n\n\nbeen recorded by numerous artists. A parody popular on Midwest American campuses in the 1950s went Indicate the way to my abode I'm fatigued and I want to retire I imbibed a few about sixty minutes ago And it percolated right through my cerebellum Wherever I may perambulate O'er land or sea or atmospheric vapor You will always hear me rendering this melody Indicate the way to my abode or Indicate the way to my abode I'm fatigued and I wish to retire I had a spot of beverage sixty minutes ago And its risen right up", "id": "17529401" }, { "contents": "Functional symptom\n\n\ncure. (To caricature this reasoning: \"I can't cure you: you must be mad\".) It is well established that psychosomatic symptoms are a real phenomenon, so this potential explanation is often plausible, not always easily refutable, and can be reassuring (at least for the doctor). Sometimes it is correct. For example, symptoms associated with migraine, epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease and many other conditions have all tended historically at first to be", "id": "147209" }, { "contents": "Sophia Mirza\n\n\nSophia Mirza (1973–25 November 2005) was a person in the United Kingdom who died as a complication of chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis in the UK). An inquest was conducted to determine her cause of death, with the coroner ultimately recording it as acute renal failure due to dehydration, caused by CFS. Advocacy groups such as Invest in ME and the ME Association say that Mirza's inquest shows that CFS is a neurological illness. Mirza was born in the United Kingdom in 1973, one of four", "id": "7442694" }, { "contents": "Primary aldosteronism\n\n\nPrimary aldosteronism, also known as primary hyperaldosteronism or Conn's syndrome, refers to the excess production of the hormone aldosterone from the adrenal glands, resulting in low renin levels. This abnormality is caused by hyperplasia or tumors. Many suffer from fatigue, potassium deficiency and high blood pressure which may cause poor vision, confusion or headaches. Symptoms may also include: muscular aches and weakness, muscle spasms, low back and flank pain from the kidneys, trembling, tingling sensations, numbness and excessive urination. Complications include cardiovascular disease such", "id": "11093936" }, { "contents": "Katharine, Duchess of Kent\n\n\n(myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as \"chronic fatigue syndrome\"). She stepped down from her role as head of the ME Society in the UK, and has since energetically worked with various charities and schools. In 1999, the Duchess was refused permission to seat the 12-year-old son of a bereaved friend in the Royal Box at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club. Alternative seating outside the box was offered. She later received what \"The Daily Telegraph\" reported in a front-page story was a", "id": "10760793" }, { "contents": "Ronald W. Davis\n\n\nand Immunology. Dr. Davis is the director of the Scientific Advisory Board at the Open Medicine Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN# 26-4712664), whose goal is to fund and initiate research into chronic complex diseases. Presently the foundation is invested in The End ME/CFS Project, which aims to fast-track research for a cure for myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). In April 2019, a notable result was reported; a test of blood without red cells", "id": "3947768" }, { "contents": "1977 Arizona armored car robbery\n\n\nas his death warrant was being read, to express regret for the suffering he and his brother had caused. His last words were, \"If I may, once again, to the Newkirk and Dempsey families, please accept my apologies. I'm sincere. I'm sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused. I do thank you for your forgiveness. I ask my family to forgive me for the pain I have caused them. I ask all my friends and people who believed in me to please forgive me", "id": "20880802" }, { "contents": "Stuart Murdoch (musician)\n\n\nMurdoch first became publicly involved in music as a radio DJ for Subcity Radio at the University of Glasgow. Whilst at university at the end of the 1980s, he became ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and was unable to work for seven years. Murdoch said that the isolation of these years is what led to his becoming a songwriter: \"That was a big desert at the time, a kind of vacuum in my life. From that, these songs started coming out, these melodies where I could", "id": "11505245" }, { "contents": "Shel Silverstein\n\n\nabout your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I was always prepared for success but that means that I have to be prepared for failure too. I have an ego, I have ideas, I want to be articulate, to communicate but in my own way", "id": "11979296" }, { "contents": "Irritable bowel syndrome\n\n\nschool or work. Disorders such as anxiety, major depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome are common among people with IBS. The causes of IBS are not clear. Theories include combinations of gut–brain axis problems, gut motility disorders, pain sensitivity, infections including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, neurotransmitters, genetic factors, and food sensitivity. Onset may be triggered by an intestinal infection, or stressful life event. IBS is a functional gastrointestinal disorder. Diagnosis is based on symptoms in the absence of worrisome features and once other potential", "id": "1026039" }, { "contents": "Health management system\n\n\nthe body. Being able to regulate fatigue in terms of information about the benefits and costs of continued exercise would enhance biological fitness. Low level theories exist that suggest that fatigue is due mechanical failure of the exercising muscles (\"peripheral fatigue\"). However, such low level theories do not explain why running muscle fatigue is affected by information relevant to cost benefit trade offs. For example, marathon runners can carry on running longer if told they are near the finishing line, than far away. The existence of a central", "id": "17346726" }, { "contents": "Grace McCleen\n\n\nIt was an enormous step and one I almost didn't take, and one I felt bad about taking for many years afterwards, until I realised I hadn't done anything wrong.\" After graduation she experienced a mental breakdown and suffered from tinnitus and Chronic fatigue syndrome. During her illness, she wrote \"a long novel. It didn’t work and from that novel came three novels\". McCleen has said that she will not continue to write fiction. \"Writing is really destructive to me.\" \"I feel", "id": "17082945" }, { "contents": "Myocyte\n\n\nfibers rely on a well-developed, anaerobic, short term, glycolytic system for energy transfer and can contract and develop tension at 2–3 times the rate of slow twitch fibers. Fast twitch muscles are much better at generating short bursts of strength or speed than slow muscles, and so fatigue more quickly. The slow twitch fibers generate energy for ATP re-synthesis by means of a long term system of aerobic energy transfer. These mainly include the ATPase type I and MHC type I fibers. They tend to have a low", "id": "12521099" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nvirus syndrome\". The CDC convened a working group tasked with reaching a consensus on the clinical features of the illness. Meeting in 1987, the working group concluded that CFS was not new, and that the many different names given to it previously reflected widely differing concepts of the illness's cause and epidemiology. The CDC working group chose \"chronic fatigue syndrome\" as a more neutral and inclusive name for the illness, but noted that \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\" was widely accepted in other parts of the world. The first definition", "id": "10796017" }, { "contents": "The Speech of Polly Baker\n\n\nTransgressions. If mine, then, is a religious Offence, leave it, Gentlemen, to religious Punishments. You have already excluded me from all the Comforts of your Church Communion: Is not that sufficient? You believe I have offended Heaven, and must suffer eternal Fire: Will not that be sufficient? What need is there, then, of your additional Fines and Whippings? I own, I do not think as you do; for, if I thought, what you call a Sin, was really such,", "id": "20485696" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nof the CDC 1994 criteria applied to several hundred patients found that the diagnosis could be strengthened by adding two new symptoms (anorexia and nausea) and eliminating three others (muscle weakness, joint pain, sleep disturbance). Other suggested improvements to the diagnostic criteria include the use of severity ratings. A new \"empirical definition\" of the CDC 1994 criteria was published in 2005. A 2009 evaluation of the 2005 empirical definition compared 27 patients with a prior diagnosis of CFS with 37 patients diagnosed with a Major Depressive Disorder. The", "id": "966107" }, { "contents": "Listener fatigue\n\n\nListener fatigue (also known as listening fatigue or ear fatigue) is a phenomenon that occurs after prolonged exposure to an auditory stimulus. Symptoms include tiredness, discomfort, pain, and loss of sensitivity. Listener fatigue is not a clinically recognized state, but is a term used by many professionals. The cause for listener fatigue is still not yet fully understood. It is thought to be an extension of the quantifiable psychological perception of sound. Common groups at risk of becoming victim to this phenomenon include avid listeners of music and others", "id": "4437961" }, { "contents": "I Kardia Sou Petra\n\n\nwere written by Giannis Doxas. Paparizou said on Orange fm 93.2 that \"this song had a lot of fun. Sampanis and Doxas came home and Sampanis - who is a young and talented artist - told me: 'Lena, I have a new song, I want to show it to you in order to hear your opinion about it'. He showed it to me and I told him 'I am sorry but which do you think my opinion is? This is mine, thank you!' We went downstairs", "id": "17498046" }, { "contents": "Mal de debarquement\n\n\nboat cruise, aircraft ride, or even a treadmill routine which may only last minutes to a few hours. The syndrome has recently received increased attention due to the number of people presenting with the condition and more scientific research has commenced to determine what triggers MdDS and how to cure it. Common symptoms most frequently reported include a persistent sensation of motion usually described as rocking, swaying, or bobbing, disequilibrium with difficulty maintaining balance; it is seldom accompanied by a true spinning vertigo. Chronically fatigued, sufferers can become fatigued quickly", "id": "5173210" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\n\"Borrelia burgdorferi\", or with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, a set of lingering symptoms which may persist after successful treatment of infection with Lyme bacteria. Despite numerous studies, there is no clinical evidence that symptoms associated with CLD are caused by any persistent infection. The symptoms of chronic Lyme are generic and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle pain, and in many cases are likely due to fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by an infection, and antibiotics are not a safe", "id": "4483292" }, { "contents": "The Lightning Process\n\n\nThe Lightning Process (LP) is a three-day personal training programme developed by British osteopath Phil Parker. It claims to be beneficial for various conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and chronic pain. The Lightning Process is not recommended by the NHS for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Developed in the late 1990s, it aims to teach techniques for managing the acute stress response that the body experiences under threat. The course aims to help recognise the stress response, calm it and manage it in the long term", "id": "3169996" }, { "contents": "Blastocystosis\n\n\nsee Genetics and Symptoms). A few of most commonly reported symptoms are: Some less commonly reported symptoms include: Researchers have sought to develop models to understand the variety of symptoms seen in humans. Some patients do not have symptoms, while others report severe diarrhea and fatigue. A number of researchers have investigated the possibility that some species of \"Blastocystis\" are more virulent than others. An Italian researcher reported differences in the protein profiles of isolates associated with chronic and acute infection. A research team from Malaysia reported that isolates", "id": "8338879" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nbed-ridden and unable to care for themselves. For the majority of persons with CFS, work, school, and family activities are significantly reduced for extended periods of time. The severity of symptoms and disability is the same regardless of gender, and many experience strongly disabling chronic pain. Persons report critical reductions in levels of physical activity. Also, a reduction in the complexity of activity has been observed. Reported impairment is comparable to other fatiguing medical conditions including late-stage AIDS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic obstructive", "id": "10795974" }, { "contents": "Lopsang Jangbu Sherpa\n\n\nall group members would have a good chance of making the summit.\" Lopsang acknowledged that on the day of this fateful summit push, he suffered from vomiting and fatigue, which Krakauer described as symptoms of overexertion; but Lopsang explained \"I have been over 8,000 meters many times, each time I vomit. It is just something I do. It means nothing. I have done it on all successful expeditions, when leading or following. I did it at camp I, II, etc. For me, it has", "id": "1332272" }, { "contents": "C. K. Scott Moncrieff\n\n\n, I beg that you will allow me to thank you for your very gratifying letter in English as my knowledge of French—as you have shown me, with regard to your titles—is too imperfect, too stunted a growth for me to weave from it the that I would fain offer you. Are you still suffering—which I am very sorry to hear, and wish that my real sympathy could bring you some relief—I am making my reply to your critiques on another sheet, and by the aid of", "id": "15770230" }, { "contents": "Motivation\n\n\n.  The symptoms of mental fatigue can range from low motivation and loss of concentration to the more severe symptoms of headaches, dizziness, and impaired decision making and judgment. Mental fatigue can affect an individual’s life by causing a lack of motivation, avoidance of friends and family members and changes in one’s mood. To treat mental fatigue, one must figure out what is causing the fatigue. Once the cause of the stress has been identified the individual must determine what they can do about it. Most of the time mental", "id": "8198591" }, { "contents": "Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia\n\n\nthe dream to make it positive, and rehearsing the new dream to create a cognitive shift that counters the original dream. IRT can be used for anyone suffering from recurring nightmares. Individuals with cancer often suffer from insomnia due to psychological, behavioral or physical consequences of cancer diagnosis and treatment. CBT-I has been shown to be an effective treatment in such individuals. Furthermore, it may also improve their mood, fatigue and overall quality of life. CBT-I can also be applied to patients suffering from both chronic pain", "id": "9720707" }, { "contents": "Adrenergic receptor autoantibodies\n\n\ndevelopment of better testing provide hope for more targeted therapies and better treatment outcomes. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion, is infamous for its confounding etiology. Studies have revealed the specific connection between infection-trigger and disease onset in a cohort of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. These patients showed significantly elevated antibodies to beta2-adrenergic receptors. Future research solidifying this correlation of CFS with autoantibodies to adrenergic receptors would", "id": "19313683" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Brea\n\n\nJennifer Brea is an American documentary filmmaker and activist. Her debut feature, \"Unrest\", premiered at the 2017 Sundance Film Festival and received the US Documentary Special Jury Award For Editing. Brea also co-created a virtual reality film which premiered at Tribeca Film Festival. Brea was a PhD student at Harvard University when she became suddenly ill with a high fever and became bedridden. She was initially misdiagnosed with conversion disorder, but eventually was identified as having myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome.", "id": "5659225" }, { "contents": "Kuwaiti oil fires\n\n\nhave been linked with what was later deemed Gulf War Syndrome, a chronic disorder afflicting military veterans and civilian workers that include fatigue, muscle pain, and cognitive problems; however, studies have indicated that the firemen who capped the wells did not report any of the symptoms that the soldiers experienced. The causes of Gulf War Syndrome have yet to be been determined. From the perspective of ground forces, apart from the occasional \"oil rain\" experienced by troops very close to spewing wells, one of the more commonly experienced effects", "id": "17641776" }, { "contents": "Jacelyn Tay\n\n\nInternal Medicine Specialist diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately I was told there was no cure for auto-immune disorder. It was not like me to give up so I did my own research and read ups. After gaining some knowledge, I decided to change my lifestyle and diet. I also started regular exercise and did detoxification treatments. 2 years of disciplined lifestyle, I finally got rid of my fainting spells. I am now healthier in my 40s than in my 20s, have no wrinkles and, no…", "id": "20496410" }, { "contents": "Page v Smith\n\n\nThe case concerns foreseeability of psychiatric damage and creates an important distinction between primary and secondary victims in the English law of negligence relating to the recovery of such damage. The plaintiff, Mr Page, was involved in a minor car accident, and was physically unhurt in the collision. However the crash did result in a recurrence of myalgic encephalomyelitis (chronic fatigue syndrome) from which he had suffered for 20 years but was then in remission. The defendant admitted that he had been negligent, but said he was not liable for the", "id": "7054605" }, { "contents": "Battle of the Assunpink Creek\n\n\nasked any men who wanted to volunteer to poise their firelocks, but not a man turned out. Washington then wheeled his horse around and rode in front of the troops, saying \"My brave fellows, you have done all I asked you to do, and more than could be reasonably expected; but your country is at stake, your wives, your houses and all that you hold dear. You have worn yourselves out with fatigues and hardships, but we know not how to spare you. If you will consent to", "id": "19067633" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nthe severely ill. There is no generally accepted diagnostic test to reliably diagnose or exclude chronic fatigue syndrome. The 1994 CDC criteria states diagnostic tests should be directed to confirm or exclude other causes for fatigue and other symptoms. Further tests may be individually necessary to identify underlying or contributing conditions that require treatment. The use of tests for diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome should only be done in the context of protocol-based research. The following routine tests are recommended: The 2007 NICE guideline includes, in addition to panel recommended by the", "id": "966103" }, { "contents": "Henry Morgentaler\n\n\n's initial response was to refuse: \"I hadn't expected the avalanche of requests and didn't realize the magnitude of the problem in immediate, human terms. I answered, 'I sympathize with you. I know your problem, but the law won't let me help you. If I do help you, I'll go to jail, I lose my practice—I have a wife and two children. I'm sorry, but I just can't!'\" For a time he was able to refer", "id": "1750418" }, { "contents": "Caregiver stress\n\n\ncaring for an individual with behavioral difficulties, such as: fecal incontinence, memory issues, sleep problems, wandering, and aggression. Typical symptoms of the caregiver syndrome include fatigue, insomnia and stomach complaints with the most common symptom being depression. Those who are providing care for a friend or family member with a long-term illness undergo what is known as chronic stress. Caregiving has been shown to affect the immune system. It was found that caregivers to Alzheimer's patients were more depressed, and they showed lower life satisfaction", "id": "20530924" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n, and is possibly never encephalomyelitic. The syndrome appeared in sporadic as well as epidemic cases and in 1969, benign myalgic encephalomyelitis appeared as an entry to the International Classification of Diseases under Diseases of the nervous system. In 1970, two British psychiatrists reviewed 15 outbreaks of benign myalgic encephalomyelitis and concluded that these were psychosocial phenomena caused by either mass hysteria on the part of the patients, or altered medical perception of the community. These conclusions were based on the higher prevalence of the disease in females in whom there was a lack", "id": "10796014" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ndescribed as \"chronic fatigue syndrome\" may be considered less serious than a condition described as \"myalgic encephalopathy\". In 2004, a paper reported that the majority of the CFS patients questioned in a survey wanted the name changed from chronic fatigue syndrome. Historically, many professionals within the medical community were unfamiliar with CFS, or they did not recognize it as a real condition, and disagreed on its prevalence or seriousness. A 2005 study in the UK surveyed 811 general practitioners' attitudes and knowledge of CFS. 72% accepted", "id": "18510483" }, { "contents": "Malcolm Hooper\n\n\nhe said that soldiers were harmed by exposure to it during the war. He has also stated that the British Ministry of Defence's position on Gulf War syndrome is outdated in light of \"a complete sea change in the United States\". In 2002, \"The Guardian\" reported on the conflict over the nature of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, and whether there is an ongoing pathological process in the illness, contrasting advocates of a biological basis, such as Professors Hooper, Kenny de Meirleir and Anthony Komaroff, with", "id": "7392139" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nmust not have predated the fatigue: All other known causes of chronic fatigue must have been ruled out, specifically clinical depression, side effects of medication, eating disorders and substance abuse. The clinical evaluation should include: Other diagnostic tests have no recognized value unless indicated on an individual basis to confirm or exclude a differential diagnosis, such as multiple sclerosis. The initial chronic fatigue syndrome definition was published in 1988. It is also called the \"Holmes definition\", after the manuscript's first author. Unlike the 1994 CDC criteria", "id": "966095" }, { "contents": "I Remember Me\n\n\nI Remember Me (2000) is a biographical documentary about chronic fatigue syndrome, filmed in the United States by Kim A. Snyder. The film attempts to show just how devastating the illness can be to persons afflicted with the illness. Snyder's travels are chronicled for four years as she tries to find answers about the mysterious illness she was diagnosed with. The motivation for Snyder was her fluctuating partial improvements followed by relapses of debilitating symptoms she experienced. Snyder was given many contradictory diagnoses for her symptoms along with various drugs that were", "id": "5371117" }, { "contents": "Postorgasmic illness syndrome\n\n\nPostorgasmic illness syndrome is a syndrome in which men have chronic physical and cognitive symptoms immediately following ejaculation in the absence of a local genital reaction. The symptoms last for up to a week. The cause and prevalence are unknown; it is considered a rare disease. The distinguishing characteristics of POIS are: POIS symptoms, which are called a \"POIS attack\", can include some combination of the following: cognitive dysfunction, aphasia, severe muscle pain throughout the body, severe fatigue, weakness, and flu-like or allergy", "id": "21482107" }, { "contents": "Low Down Blues\n\n\nalso references the Ernest Tubb hit \"Walkin' the Floor Over You\" (\"I walked the floor 'til I wore out my shoes\"), which he would allude to again on \"Your Cheatin' Heart.\" The song could be interpreted as being a metaphor for Williams' chronic back pain (it is commonly accepted that he had long suffered from an undiagnosed case of spina bifida); the song begins with the lines, \"Lord I went to the doctor, he took one look/He said", "id": "7143866" }, { "contents": "Compassion fatigue\n\n\nprimary care providers for patients with terminal illnesses are at a higher risk of developing these symptoms. In the medical profession, this is often described as \"burnout\": the more specific terms secondary traumatic stress and vicarious trauma are also used. Some professionals may be predisposed to compassion fatigue due to personal trauma. Mental health professionals are another group that often suffer from compassion fatigue, particularly when they treat those who have suffered extensive trauma. A study on mental health professionals that were providing clinical services to Katrina victims found that rates", "id": "5943892" }, { "contents": "Weakness\n\n\nin neuromuscular diseases, such as myasthenia gravis. Muscle fatigue can be central, neuromuscular, or peripheral muscular. Central muscle fatigue manifests as an overall sense of energy deprivation, and peripheral muscle weakness manifests as a local, muscle-specific inability to do work. Neuromuscular fatigue can be either central or peripheral. The central fatigue is generally described in terms of a reduction in the neural drive or nerve-based motor command to working muscles that results in a decline in the force output. It has been suggested that the reduced", "id": "1021221" }, { "contents": "Jamie Soward\n\n\n's too cold…meow\". Soward then took to social media platform Twitter and displayed a picture of himself holding the NRL premiership trophy which he won as a player in 2010 with St George and the caption of \"Show me yours and I'll show you mine, oh wait shit sorry you don't have one#\". Soward then typed a message at Ryan saying \"He must miss me I'm not even in the country and still doing shit jokes. Oh well guess that's why I work with the", "id": "12045473" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nhave not been studied fully enough to recommend them for all persons affected. The report expressed concern that GET appears to be associated with worsening symptoms in some. The CDC guide for the management of CFS states that while there is no cure, a number of methods might improve symptoms. Treatment strategies for sleep problems, pain, (depression, stress, and anxiety) dizziness and lightheadedness (Orthostatic Intolerance), and memory and concentration problems are enumerated. Other useful topics mentioned that patients and doctors might discuss include; carefully monitoring", "id": "10795996" }, { "contents": "Blank Page\n\n\nsings \"I know there's hurt/ I know there's pain/ But people change/ Lord, knows I've been no saint/ In my own way/ Regret choices I've made/ How I do I say I'm sorry?/ How do I say I'm sorry?.\" On the chorus, the lyrics are hopeful that she can right any wrongs she may have committed: \"Draw me a smile, and save me tonight/ I'll be your blank page waiting for you to bring me to life/ Paint me a heart, let me", "id": "8538642" }, { "contents": "Post-polio syndrome\n\n\nquantify strength, such as the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), neuroimaging, and electrophysiological studies, muscle biopsies, or spinal fluid analysis may also be useful in establishing a PPS diagnosis. PPS treatment — concerns comfort (relieving pain via analgesics) and rest (via utilisation of mechanisms to make life easier, such as a powered wheelchair) — is generally of palliative care. There are no reversive therapies. Fatigue is usually the more disabling symptom. Energy conservation can significantly reduce fatigue", "id": "10602740" } ]
My favorite number is 7 7 was developed from an uppercase V lookalike. That's interesting. I like it because I also like the band avenged sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold's current lineup includes Brooks Wackerman. He also played with Tenacious D a couple of times
[{"answer": "Avenged Sevenfold's style changed by the third album.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1047970", "title": "Avenged Sevenfold", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 281, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 440, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nAvenged Sevenfold (sometimes abbreviated as A7X) is an American heavy metal band from Huntington Beach, California, formed in 1999. The band's current lineup consists of lead vocalist M. Shadows, rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist Zacky Vengeance, lead guitarist and backing vocalist Synyster Gates, bassist and backing vocalist Johnny Christ, and drummer Brooks Wackerman. Avenged Sevenfold is known for its diverse rock sound and dramatic imagery in album covers and merchandise. Avenged Sevenfold emerged with a metalcore sound on the band's debut \"Sounding the Seventh Trumpet\"", "id": "21098760" }, { "contents": "Brooks Wackerman\n\n\nBrooks Wackerman (born February 15, 1977) is an American musician and songwriter. He is currently the drummer for the American heavy metal bands Avenged Sevenfold and Mass Mental. He is a former drummer for Bad Religion, Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves and Tenacious D. He is the younger brother of Chad Wackerman, a session musician and former drummer for Allan Holdsworth and Frank Zappa. Wackerman started his musical career as a teen with a group called \"Bad4Good\" in 1991. Under Steve Vai's guidance, the band released one", "id": "4148220" }, { "contents": "Brooks Wackerman\n\n\n, it was revealed that Wackerman was the new drummer for Avenged Sevenfold. Brooks was working with the band one year prior to the official announcement, because the band wanted to \"fit in\" with the new drummer. Like the previous drummer Arin Ilejay, but unlike the rest of the band members, he currently does not have a stage name. His first full-length album with the band was their October 2016 release \"The Stage\", which showcased his progressive style of drumming, often using fast double-bass", "id": "4148226" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nband announced that Brooks Wackerman would replace Arin Ilejay as the drummer for Avenged Sevenfold. In an interview with \"Kerrang!\" magazine on December 3, guitarist Zacky Vengeance said that the new album went in all sorts of aggressive and melodic directions and described it as very \"aggro\". On January 14, 2016, \"Billboard\" reported that Avenged Sevenfold had been sued by Warner Bros. for trying to leave the label. The band later released a statement clarifying that they wanted to leave because a majority of the executives who", "id": "21098792" }, { "contents": "The Stage (album)\n\n\nThe Stage is the seventh studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold, released on October 28, 2016 by Capitol Records after a live stream event on the band's Facebook page. It is the first Avenged Sevenfold album to feature Brooks Wackerman on drums, who joined the band in late 2014 but was not revealed as previous drummer Arin Ilejay's official replacement until Ilejay's departure in 2015, because the band wanted to find a drummer that would \"fit in\". \"The Stage\" is also the band's", "id": "19812522" }, { "contents": "Josh Freese\n\n\n, and has played on all the band's albums since then, with the exception of 2000's \"Look What I Almost Stepped In...\", on which current Avenged Sevenfold drummer Brooks Wackerman was deputised due to Freese's commitments with A Perfect Circle. In 2004, The Vandals released a live DVD as part of Kung Fu Records' \"The Show Must Go Off!\" series. The DVD is of particular interest to Josh Freese fans thanks to the inclusion of the Josh Freese-cam, a camera focused on", "id": "10266648" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nAlbums chart, as well as the Finnish, Brazilian, Canadian, and Irish charts. In late 2014, Ilejay left the band, and was replaced by former Bad Religion drummer Brooks Wackerman, but the lineup change wasn't announced to the public until 2015. The band then surprise-released their seventh studio album titled \"The Stage\" on October 28, 2016, which debuted as number 4 on the \"Billboard\" 200 chart in the US. \"The Stage\" is their first conceptual album and it marked another", "id": "21098763" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\nAvenged Sevenfold (also known as The White Album) is the self-titled fourth studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold, released on October 30, 2007 by Warner Bros. Records. The album, originally slated for an October 16 release, was delayed by two weeks in order to provide more time to complete bonus material and production for the record, including the making of the animated music video for the song \"A Little Piece of Heaven\". The album debuted at number 4 on the \"Billboard\" 200", "id": "562470" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold discography\n\n\nreach number 1 on the Canadian and UK Albums Charts. \"Hail to the King\" and \"Shepherd of Fire\" both topped the Mainstream Rock chart. Brooks Wackerman replaced Ilejay in 2015, and the following year the band released \"The Stage\" without any prior announcement. The album reached number 4 on the \"Billboard\" 200 and topped the Canadian Albums Chart. Since 2017, the band has been adding to \"The Stage\" as part of an \"evolving track listing\", including cover versions of \"God", "id": "6341528" }, { "contents": "Atreyu\n\n\nEuropean and Australian bonus track was a cover of \"Clean Sheets\" by The Descendents. The album was received with mixed reviews, and was a notable change in sound for the band. Atreyu toured in the United States on the Taste of Chaos 2008 tour, alongside bands such as Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for My Valentine, D'espairsRay, Mucc, and Blessthefall. The band also toured with co-headliners Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for My Valentine in Australia and New Zealand. They also played the United Kingdom Taste of Chaos tour", "id": "4110709" }, { "contents": "The Rev\n\n\nhigh school, he started playing in bands. Before leaving to join Avenged Sevenfold as one of the band's founding members, Sullivan was the drummer for the third wave ska band Suburban Legends. At the age of twenty he recorded his first album with Avenged Sevenfold titled \"Sounding the Seventh Trumpet\". His early influences included Frank Zappa and King Crimson. The Rev said in a \"Modern Drummer Magazine\" interview that \"I was raised on that stuff as much as rock and metal.\" Later in life he was", "id": "19787975" }, { "contents": "Scream (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\"Scream\" is a promotional single from Avenged Sevenfold's self-titled album. It has reached number nine on the U.S. Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart and number 26 on the U.S. Alternative Songs chart. It is the second of five singles by Avenged Sevenfold written by M. Shadows. This is also the last single to feature The Rev on drums. \"Scream\" was released on July 27, 2010 as a downloadable track in \"Rock Band 2\" along with \"Nightmare\" and \"Seize the Day\". On", "id": "12573812" }, { "contents": "Scream (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\nOctober 31, 2008, Avenged Sevenfold mentioned that fans of the band were eligible to make their own music video for the song. The video had to be submitted to YouTube before November 30, 2008. The winner and five runners-up of the contest were announced on December 15, 2008. The winner received a new MacBook Air computer that came with Avenged Sevenfold videos, music, and other items from the band. The winning video was also featured on the Avenged Sevenfold website, MySpace page, YouTube account, and", "id": "12573813" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nhelped sign the band to Warner Bros were no longer at the label. They also revealed that the band was going to be entering the studio to record their new album very soon, intending to release it later in 2016. On March 31, the band posted a teaser of their upcoming album on their website. On August 18, 2016, the band performed a free live show for 1500 people in Minnesota, marking it the first live performance with new drummer Brooks Wackerman. The band was announced as support for Metallica with", "id": "21098793" }, { "contents": "Bad Religion\n\n\nNaked Raygun supported them on selected dates. On October 27, 2015, drummer Brooks Wackerman officially left the band in order to pursue other projects, and a week later, he joined Avenged Sevenfold. Wackerman was replaced by Jamie Miller (...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead, Souls at Zero and Snot). On February 14, 2018, vocalist Greg Graffin posted a picture of himself with guitarist Brett Gurewitz in the studio on Twitter, and tweeted, \"New songs in the pipeline\"; this", "id": "5987896" }, { "contents": "Depha Masterpiece\n\n\nguitar. He was also a fan of 70s & 80s hard rock and heavy metal bands, including White Lion, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Queen, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Bon Jovi. Masterpiece occasionally played cover songs by these bands, including Queen's \"I want to break free\", Bon Jovi's \"It's my life,\" and Metallica' \"Enter Sandman\". He has also cited Led Zeppelin, Nightwish, Kamelot, The Calling, Dewa 19, Nickelback and Avenged Sevenfold as", "id": "21074103" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nthe Vans Warped and Take Action tours. In 2004, Avenged Sevenfold toured again on the Vans Warped Tour and recorded a video for their song \"Unholy Confessions\" which went into rotation on MTV2's Headbanger's Ball. Shortly after the release of \"Waking the Fallen\", Avenged Sevenfold left Hopeless Records and were officially signed to Warner Bros. Records on November 1, 2003. \"City of Evil\", the band's third album and major label debut, was released on June 7, 2005 and debuted at No.30 on", "id": "21098771" }, { "contents": "Hail to the King (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\nHail to the King is the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold. It was released on August 23, 2013 in New Zealand and Australia, and was released on iTunes on August 27, 2013 and in North America on the same day. The album was produced by Mike Elizondo. \"Hail to the King\" is the first and only Avenged Sevenfold album to feature Arin Ilejay on drums, prior to his departure in July 2015. It is also the first Avenged Sevenfold album without musical contributions from Ilejay", "id": "10314348" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\n), and released and toured in support of its fifth album \"Nightmare\" in 2010, which debuted on the top spot of the \"Billboard\" 200, Avenged Sevenfold's first number one debut. In 2011 drummer Arin Ilejay joined the band on tours and recording. Avenged Sevenfold's sixth studio album \"Hail to the King\", which was released in 2013, marked the only Avenged Sevenfold album featuring Arin Ilejay. \"Hail to the King\" charted as number 1 on the \"Billboard\" 200, the UK", "id": "21098762" }, { "contents": "Suicidal Tendencies\n\n\n, Robert Trujillo, and Jimmy DeGrasso were unable to rejoin as they were busy with other projects. Muir and Clark brought in new lead guitarist Dean Pleasants (formerly of Infectious Grooves), new bassist Josh Paul and new drummer Brooks Wackerman (formerly of Bad4Good, Infectious Grooves and Bad Religion, now with Avenged Sevenfold) to replace them. The band released their first new material in almost half a decade, the \"Six the Hard Way\" EP in 1998, which also included two live tracks. Released on Suicidal Records", "id": "21558360" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nband overseas in December 2010 for three shows in Iraq and Kuwait sponsored by the USO. They played for U.S. Soldiers at Camp Adder, Camp Beuhring, and Balad Air Base. On January 20, 2011, Avenged Sevenfold announced via Facebook that former Confide drummer Arin Ilejay would begin touring with them that year. He was not yet considered a full-time member at this point. Avenged Sevenfold performed at the Rock am Ring and Rock im Park festivals on June 3–5, 2011 alongside other bands such as Alter Bridge,", "id": "21098783" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nstylistic change for the band, moving towards the progressive metal sound. To date, Avenged Sevenfold has released seven studio albums, one live album/DVD, two compilation albums and eighteen singles and have sold over 8 million albums worldwide. Avenged Sevenfold was ranked No. 47 on \"Loudwire's\" list of Top 50 Metal Bands of All Time. Avenged Sevenfold have released an original song for each game in the \"Call of Duty: Black Ops\" series. The band was formed in March 1999 in Huntington Beach,", "id": "21098764" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold Tour\n\n\nThe Avenged Sevenfold Tour was a concert tour by heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold between 2007 and 2009, promoting their self-titled album. It was also the band's last tour with drummer Jimmy \"The Rev\" Sullivan who died on December 28, 2009. The tour began on October 29, 2007, with a North American leg, shortly after the band finished their previous tour in support of \"City of Evil\". The tour ended on August 2, 2009 at the Sonisphere Festival in Knebworth, England. During", "id": "4725697" }, { "contents": "The Stage (album)\n\n\nThe Stage\" \"the best sounding metal record of 2016\", noting how Avenged Sevenfold managed to break free from the loudness war. In a mixed review, PopMatters' Chris Conaton wrote \"Despite being a concept album, The Stage doesn't break much new ground for Avenged Sevenfold. They sound like the same band doing pretty much the same thing.\" Also in a mixed review, Exclaim!'s Bradley Zorgdrager cited \"Though Hail to the King failed to live up to the royal expectations of its titular disguise,", "id": "19812541" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\noriented track \"Save Me\" and a heavy metal sound with extreme vocals and heavier instrumentation on \"God Hates Us\". The band's sixth studio album \"Hail to the King\" shows more of a classic metal sound and a riff-oriented approach. On their newest album \"The Stage\", the band explores further into progressive metal, blending it with elements of thrash metal. In the past, Avenged Sevenfold has also been described as alternative metal, screamo, and pop punk metal. Avenged Sevenfold has been", "id": "21098806" }, { "contents": "So Far Away (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\nGroup mentioned that the third single from the album \"Nightmare\" would be \"So Far Away\", scheduled to be played on the radio starting on April 5, 2011. This was the first Avenged Sevenfold song Synyster Gates wrote completely by himself since \"I Won't See You Tonight Pt 1\" on \"Waking the Fallen\". During most concerts, the band performs the song as a tribute to the Rev by having the audience hold up their lighters or cell phones during the song as the stage background features a", "id": "1769702" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\nsong \"Scream\". The video had to be submitted to YouTube before November 30, 2008. The winner and five runners-up of the contest were announced on December 15, 2008. The winner received a new MacBook Air computer that came with Avenged Sevenfold videos, music, and other items from the band. The winning video was also featured on the Avenged Sevenfold website, MySpace page, YouTube account, and Facebook account. The five runners-up in this contest received a copy of the DVD and CD \"", "id": "562480" }, { "contents": "Miss May I\n\n\n. They also played the entire Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival throughout the whole Summer with bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Korn, Cannibal Corpse, Trivium, Suicide Silence, Asking Alexandria, Veil of Maya, Darkest Hour, Upon a Burning Body, Body Count and Emmure. In January 2015 they also supported August Burns Red on the Frozen Flame Tour with Northlane, Fit for a King and ERRA. The band recorded their fifth studio album with Joey Sturgis, who recorded the band's first two records. The album, titled \"Deathless", "id": "1325487" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\nby giving it a score of 9.0/10. As a conclusion they stated, \"If you’re a fan of Avenged Sevenfold, \"Nightmare\" is a must-have for you. This album is incredibly moving and is better than any tribute to the late Rev I could have possibly imagined.\" \"Kerrang!\" gave the album 4 K's out of 5 concluding: \"Where Avenged [Sevenfold] go from here is still in the lap of the gods. Whatever their future, though, \"Nightmare\" marks", "id": "8732963" }, { "contents": "Afterlife (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\"Afterlife\" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold. The song is released as the third single from their self-titled album. The song itself features a string orchestra and was written by the band's drummer, The Rev. It was voted the best song of the new album on the band's homepage. The single and a live-action music video were released in early 2008. The music video is directed by Wayne Isham, who has shot videos for bands like Bon Jovi, Judas Priest and Mötley Crüe. As", "id": "12640552" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nFestival with supporting acts Three Days Grace, Seether, Bullet for My Valentine, Escape the Fate, among others. In November and December 2011, the band went on their \"Buried Alive\" tour with supporting acts Hollywood Undead, Asking Alexandria, and Black Veil Brides. On April 11, 2012, Avenged Sevenfold won the award for \"Best Live Band\" and \"Most Dedicated Fans\" at the \"Revolver\" Golden Gods awards. The band toured through Asia into April and early May, and played at the Orion", "id": "21098785" }, { "contents": "Confide (band)\n\n\nConfide have gone on to take part in many other bands and projects, most notably Avenged Sevenfold and Of Mice & Men. Former drummer Arin Ilejay joined Avenged Sevenfold and then was fired from the band, but as of 2015 has joined the Nu-metal band Islander. Drummer Joel Piper started his own solo worship project after quitting Of Mice & Men. Aaron VanZutphen currently plays in the metal band Nekrogoblikon. \"Allmusic\" describes the band as metalcore as well as \"post-hardcore with a CCM/electro/screamo", "id": "15297402" }, { "contents": "Emmure\n\n\nthe band \"under amicable circumstances.\" The same month, rapper Riff Raff released a remix of his song \"2 Girls 1 Pipe\" that features Frankie Palmeri. Emmure also supported Parkway Drive on their Atlas 2012 European tour with The Word Alive and Structures also joining them From November 11 to December 12. The band was also featured on the entire Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival in 2014 with bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Korn, Cannibal Corpse, Suicide Silence, Trivium, Asking Alexandria, Miss May I, Veil of Maya,", "id": "12128162" }, { "contents": "The Beautiful Mistake\n\n\nOut Boy, Senses Fail, Moneen, Every Time I Die, Open Hand, Glasseater, Brandtson, Anberlin, The Myriad, Copeland, and Emery to name a few. They were also able to share the stage with bands like Snapcase, Shelter, Common Rider, Underoath, Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold, and Boysetsfire during their extensive touring of the U.S. They also made repeated appearances at CMJ fest in New York and SXSW in Austin Texas. They also had songs featured on numerous television shows on Mtv, Vh1 and the", "id": "19102605" }, { "contents": "Metalcore\n\n\nthe board. Blast beats are also heard at times. According to author James Giordano, \"tempos in metalcore tend to be slower than those found in thrash metal\". The early 2000s included a wave of metalcore bands who placed significantly greater emphasis on melody. Melodic metalcore bands include Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, Trivium, Dead by April, All That Remains, Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Bury Tomorrow, Darkest Hour, Shadows Fall, and August Burns Red. These groups took major influence, cues", "id": "3450848" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\nAvenged Sevenfold\" was released in stores worldwide. \"Dear God\" was the fourth single and a notable deviation from the band's usual heavy metal style, taking on more of a country feel. Johnny Christ has stated that the inspiration for the song came from the band's friendship with country act Big & Rich. Their influence can be heard in the background vocals of MuzikMafia member Shanna Crooks. On October 31, 2008, Avenged Sevenfold mentioned that fans of the band were eligible to make their own music video for the", "id": "562479" }, { "contents": "Mr. Bungle (album)\n\n\nhour I had ever spent listening to music.\" He also added that \"It's a roller coaster sonic experience, and it's full of eclectic, diverse styles. I know every nuance of it inside and out. It's truly one of my desert island discs.\" Synyster Gates, from the heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold, named the album as \"one of the most incredible pieces of music [he] has ever heard in [his] life\" All songs written by Mr. Bungle. Actual writers below", "id": "4771568" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\nand experimental music. The band worked with brass and string sections on \"A Little Piece of Heaven\", an avant-garde metal song inspired by Broadway show tunes, in which horns and orchestral strings replaced the band's lead and rhythm guitars. The album features The Rev doing co-lead vocals and backing vocals on songs like \"Critical Acclaim,\" \"Scream,\" \"Afterlife,\" \"Lost,\" and \"A Little Piece Of Heaven\". Upon release, \"Avenged Sevenfold\" was met with", "id": "562482" }, { "contents": "The Confession (band)\n\n\nThe Confession was an American heavy metal band from Dana Point, California. Shortly after their formation in 2005, they went on to tour with such bands as Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet for My Valentine and Megadeth and were slotted on Rockstar's 2006 Taste of Chaos tour. The band announced their breakup on January 15, 2008 after touring with Avenged Sevenfold. In the three years that The Confession were together, they released a self-titled five-song EP and their only full-length album, \"Requiem\" (produced", "id": "15712765" }, { "contents": "Unholy Confessions\n\n\nSevenfold's most played live song, ahead of the runner up \"Bat Country\", which has been played a total of 707 times. It is also the only song from \"Waking the Fallen\" to have remained a staple of their live set. The song is about two people, who are a couple, whom find out they are both cheating on each other. This song was one of Avenged Sevenfold's last songs in which lead singer M. Shadows uses a raspy, screaming voice. He later switched to a", "id": "8479602" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nover 500,000 copies and was awarded \"Album of the Year\" at the Kerrang! Awards. Avenged Sevenfold headlined the 2008 Taste of Chaos tour with Atreyu, Bullet for My Valentine, Blessthefall and Idiot Pilot. They used the footage from their last show in Long Beach for \"Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough\", a two-disc B-sides CD and live DVD which was released on September 16, 2008. They also recorded numerous covers, including Pantera's \"Walk\", Iron Maiden's", "id": "21098778" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nCalifornia by Matt Sanders, The Rev and Matt Wendt. Although they are not a religious band, Sanders came up with the name as a reference to the story of Cain and Abel from the Bible, which can be found in Genesis 4:24. Shortly after their formation, they were joined by an acquaintance from high school, Zachary Baker, who played in the punk-band MPA at the time. Avenged Sevenfold's first creative output was a three-track-demo, some months later, they were asked by Sadistic", "id": "21098765" }, { "contents": "Brooks Wackerman\n\n\n, for The Pick of Destiny tour, Wackerman was selected to feature as the drummer for Tenacious D due to his previous work on the Vandals' \"Look What I Almost Stepped In...\" album, which both Jack Black and Kyle Gass cameo on. He would go on to play for Tenacious D at various festivals as well as support act and benefit concerts throughout 2008 to 2011. in 2012, Wackerman played with Tenacious D again on their Rize of the Fenix tour where he got the nickname \"Thunderskin\" from Jack", "id": "4148224" }, { "contents": "Jonathan Davis\n\n\nM. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold, Matt Heafy of Trivium, Jesse Hasek of 10 Years, Benji Webbe of Skindred, Dez Fafara of Coal Chamber and Corey Taylor of Slipknot. The songs \"Starting Over\" and \"Hold On\" were inspired by the illness. In 2006, Davis explained his political views, saying, \"I'm political to a point where it affects human life, from global warming to abortion issues to my gun rights\", but expressed no interest in issues like taxation, saying, \"I do", "id": "14352382" }, { "contents": "Carry On (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\"Carry On\" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold. The song was released on iTunes on September 24, 2012. The song is a fast, uptempo song inspired by a \"classic metal\" sound. In an interview with the band's lead singer M. Shadows about the song's meaning he said, The song plays at the end of \"\", showing the band as well as two characters from the game, Raul Menendez (voiced by Kamar de los Reyes) on guitar (guitar played by 'Scarlett'", "id": "2057523" }, { "contents": "Betraying the Martyrs\n\n\na more prominent clean refrain from Victor Guillet. \"The Resilient\" was released on 27 January 2017. In September Sumerian Records released the band’s cover of the Avenged Sevenfold song “Bat Country“ from Metal Hammer magazine’s tribute album “Hail to the Kings — A Tribute to Avenged Sevenfold” from earlier that year. Later that month the band announced that lead guitarist Lucas D’Angelo was leaving the band citing musical differences and an increased interest in the production side of music. In the same statement the band announced that their", "id": "4312288" }, { "contents": "DCMA Collective\n\n\nsong 2007 song \"Keep Your Hands Off My Girl\" with the lyrics \"now I got Bathing Ape,I got DCMA, I got brass knuckles hanging, From my neck and my chain.\" The first DCMA flagship store opened on March 15, 2008 at 645 N Martel Ave, Los Angeles. It sold all the brands products that previously could only be bought online and also offered fans the chance to \"bump\" into many of the celebrities including members of Good Charlotte, Avenged Sevenfold and athletes including Ryan Sheckler", "id": "18671521" }, { "contents": "Dusty Redmon\n\n\n\" on Vindicated Records (later released by Solid State Records) and a full-length LP entitled \"Failure On\". The band toured extensively for 5 years, alongside bands like Norma Jean, Underoath, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Zao, Further Seems Forever, Between the Buried and Me, Armor for Sleep, and many others. The band dissolved in 2005 after drummer Musten left the band. After relocating to Philadelphia and getting married to long-time love interest Amanda Vaughn, Redmon joined friends and labelmates", "id": "21930732" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\n2007. \"All Excess\", which debuted as the No.1 DVD in the USA, included live performances and backstage footage that spanned the band's eight-year career. Two tribute albums, \"\" and \"\" were also released in October 2007. On October 30, 2007, Avenged Sevenfold released their self-titled album, the band's fourth studio album. It debuted at No. 4 on the \"Billboard\" 200 with over 90,000 copies sold. Two singles, \"Critical Acclaim\" and \"Almost Easy", "id": "21098776" }, { "contents": "M. Shadows\n\n\nearlier in life and his interest in heavy metal music grew as he became older and began to play the guitar. He links his early musical experience with the piano as a major factor in developing his skills with the guitar and his voice. He attended Huntington Beach High School, where he played for a brief stint in a punk band named \"Successful Failure.\" Following this, Shadows formed Avenged Sevenfold in 1999 along with middle school friends Zacky Vengeance, The Rev, and Matt Wendt. Shadows, like the other members", "id": "17490221" }, { "contents": "Brian Haner\n\n\nalbum. Most recently, he contributed the outro guitar solo on the song \"Angels\" from their latest album \"The Stage\". He made a rare live appearance with Avenged Sevenfold at their all acoustic Grammy Museum concert in October 2017. He married in 1980 to his first wife Jan (Smith) Gera. The couple had two sons, Brian Haner Jr, better known by his stage name, Synyster Gates, who is the lead guitarist for the metal band Avenged Sevenfold and Brent Haner, an insurance agent at Trinity", "id": "2499583" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nAvatar. The band also announced a UK tour for January 2017 with Disturbed and In Flames. Avenged Sevenfold was announced as a headliner of 2016 edition of Knotfest Mexico. The band also announced the European Tour for February and March 2017 along with Disturbed and Chevelle. On October 3, 2016, the band's logo Deathbat started appearing as a projection in London. After that, Deathbat also started appearing in Berlin, Toronto and Paris, indicating a release of the new album. On October 12, Chris Jericho posted an Instagram", "id": "21098795" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\n\"Sounding the Seventh Trumpet\" had come out before they had recorded \"Waking the Fallen\", M. Shadows said to me 'This record is screaming. The record we want to make is going to be half-screaming half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore. And the record after that is going to be all singing'.\" On \"City of Evil\", Avenged Sevenfold's third album, the band chose to abandon the metalcore genre, using a more hard rock and heavy metal style", "id": "21098804" }, { "contents": "London LeGrand\n\n\nMorello and Alex Skolnick to the lineup. The debut album \"Let the Truth Be Known\" was self-produced and mixed by Mudrock, who has work with bands such as Avenged Sevenfold and Godsmack, and was released on May 27, 2008. Guests on the album include Morgan Rose of Sevendust and Frédéric Leclercq of DragonForce. Ya'el left the band after recording and was replaced by Jordan Mancino of As I Lay Dying and the band made their live debut on May 23, 2009 at The Knitting Factory in Hollywood. The", "id": "8803113" }, { "contents": "M. Shadows\n\n\nMatthew Charles Sanders (born July 31, 1981), also known as M. Shadows, is an American singer, songwriter, and musician. He is best known as the lead vocalist, songwriter, and a founding member of the American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold. In 2017, he was voted third in the list of Top 25 Greatest Modern Frontmen by Ultimate Guitar. M. Shadows was born on July 31, 1981 in Fountain Valley, California. His interest in rock was from listening to bands like Guns N’ Roses", "id": "17490220" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold discography\n\n\n, released earlier in the year, topped the \"Billboard\" Music Video Sales chart and reached number 2 on the UK Music Video Chart. \"Avenged Sevenfold\" was the band's final full release to feature The Rev, who died of an accidental overdose of prescription drugs and alcohol on December 28, 2009, while they were producing their next album \"Nightmare\". Mike Portnoy performed drums on 2010s \"Nightmare\", which topped the \"Billboard\" 200 for the first time in the band's career. Lead single", "id": "6341526" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\nNightmare is the fifth studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold. It was released on July 27, 2010 through Warner Bros. Records. It was produced by Mike Elizondo and mixed in New York City by noted engineer Andy Wallace. \"Nightmare\" is the first Avenged Sevenfold record without James \"The Rev\" Sullivan performing drums on all the songs due to his death in December 2009. However, he did write parts that were used for the final recordings, making this the last album he would write on, The", "id": "8732952" }, { "contents": "Music of California\n\n\nincluding No Innocent Victim, and Unashamed. Jason Dunn of No Innocent Victim started Facedown Records. As metalcore became the popular subgenre of hardcore in the late 1990s to early 2000s, bands such as Avenged Sevenfold, As I Lay Dying, Atreyu, Deadseraphim, Death By Stereo, Bleeding Through, Eighteen Visions and Throwdown made their mark in Southern California. Highly influential Post-hardcore luminaries, Drive Like Jehu (and the subsequent band, Hot Snakes) hail from San Diego. Rocket from the Crypt gained notoriety in the 1990s", "id": "11421523" }, { "contents": "Seize the Day (song)\n\n\n\"Seize the Day\" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold, the song is released as a promotional single from their third studio album \"City of Evil\". \"Seize the Day\" has been released on July 27, 2010 as a downloadable track in Rock Band 2 along with \"Nightmare\" and \"Scream\". The video depicts a couple in love and expecting a child. Matt's friends (the rest of Avenged Sevenfold) come to his house to make plans to rob a liquor store. In the process", "id": "17060734" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nand continued this sound through their second album \"Waking the Fallen\". However, Avenged Sevenfold's style had evolved by the band's third album and first major label release, \"City of Evil\", into a heavy metal and hard rock style. The band continued to explore new sounds with its self-titled release and enjoyed continued mainstream success before their drummer, James \"The Rev\" Sullivan, died in 2009. Despite his death, Avenged Sevenfold continued on with the help of drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater", "id": "21098761" }, { "contents": "Metallica\n\n\nalbum was released as scheduled and debuted at number one on the \"Billboard\" 200. Metallica announced they would be touring the US in summer of 2017 for the WorldWired Tour. The stadium tour also includes Avenged Sevenfold, Volbeat and Gojira as supporting acts. On August 7, 2017, Metallica was invited by the San Francisco Giants again for the fifth annual \"Metallica Night\" with Hammett and Hetfield performing the national anthem. In January 2018, the band announced that they would be reissuing \"The $5.98 E.P.: Garage", "id": "19047681" }, { "contents": "So Far Away (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\ncase. This was the second video not to feature the current drummer for Avenged Sevenfold; the first being Nightmare. For this music video, Synyster Gates uses a custom Schecter guitar, similar to his usual black/silver pinstriped guitar. However instead of the inlays on the fretboard reading \"SYN\", it displays \"REV\". Johnny Christ also wore a guitar strap with the word \"foREVer\" written on it. As of February 2019, it has over 180 million views on YouTube. The song reached number one", "id": "1769706" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nWarped and Take Action tours. Towards the end of the year, Dameon Ash left Avenged Sevenfold and in November, their current bassist Johnny Christ joined them, completing their best known line-up. Having found a new bassist, the group released their second studio album titled \"Waking the Fallen\" on Hopeless Records in August 2003. The album featured a more refined and mature sound production in comparison to their previous album. The band received profiles in \"Billboard\" and \"The Boston Globe\", and again played on", "id": "21098770" }, { "contents": "Earthbound (Bury Tomorrow album)\n\n\nand for me, personally, I wanted to write a record which was the sonic embodiment of a circle pit. I think we’ve done that.” In a Rock Sound interview, Dani Winter-Bates offered insight on the album's writing process, stating that the band \"[didn't] want to be writing songs that are modern metalcore, we [wanted] to be writing music akin to the bands selling out arenas, bands like Disturbed and Avenged Sevenfold. We’re trying to write on a grander scale", "id": "4983316" }, { "contents": "Mad Hatter (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\"Mad Hatter\" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold, released as the lead single from the EP \"Black Reign\" on September 17, 2018. It is the first original song by the band since the release of \"Dose\", which was a bonus track from \"The Stage\" in 2016. With the band having a strong connection with Treyarch, having previously worked on \"\" and \"\", they were once again asked to make a song for their 2018 title \"\". The band included a sneak", "id": "6915495" }, { "contents": "Black Tide discography\n\n\nBlack Tide is a heavy metal band formed in Miami, Florida, US in 2004 by lead guitarist and vocalist Gabriel Garcia. In 2008 the band released their debut album \"Light from Above\" which charted at number 73 on the \"Billboard\" 200, with 11,400 copies sold in its first week of sales. It spawned the successful single \"Shockwave\". After touring with bands like Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet for My Valentine the band released the single \"Bury Me\". Their second album, \"Post Mortem\",", "id": "3127267" }, { "contents": "Mike Portnoy\n\n\nOn May 5, 2010, Portnoy released a statement on his status with Avenged Sevenfold on their official website, concluding his working relationship with the band On September 8, 2010, Mike Portnoy announced he would be leaving Dream Theater. The band hired Mike Mangini to take his place after inviting and holding auditions with seven \"world-class\" drummers. When Avenged Sevenfold later decided to also sever ties with Portnoy, he announced that he had asked to return to Dream Theater, but was turned down by their lawyer since the", "id": "2230335" }, { "contents": "The River (Good Charlotte song)\n\n\nactress Megan Fox are featured in the background throughout the video. There are two different videos for the song, one including M. Shadows and Synyster Gates, the other video is the version of the song without the members of Avenged Sevenfold featuring in it. GCTV Episode 3 shows the video shoot of \"The River\". The video featuring M. Shadows and Synyster Gates premiered on MTV on February 7, 2007. The original version of the video, that does not feature Avenged Sevenfold's guitarist Synyster Gates and vocalist M. Shadows,", "id": "10380727" }, { "contents": "TRL's Number Ones\n\n\nSimpson January 17: \"L. O. V. E.\" - Ashlee Simpson January 18: \"Bat Country\" - Avenged Sevenfold January 19: \"Bat Country\" - Avenged Sevenfold January 20: \"L. O. V. E.\" - Ashlee Simpson January 23: \"Don't Forget About Us\" - Mariah Carey January 24: \"Hung Up\" - Madonna January 25: \"L. O. V. E.\" - Ashlee Simpson January 26: \"L. O. V. E.\" - Ashlee Simpson January 30: \"Don't Forget About Us", "id": "13818304" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\nwon the \"Kerrang!\" Award for Best Album in 2008. In addition, the album was included in Kerrang's \"666 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". As of 2014, it has sold over 960,161 copies in the United States and 152,123 copies in the United Kingdom. Avenged Sevenfold revealed the track listing for the album on their YouTube profile on August 9, 2007, as well as their text messaging service, A7X Mobile. The band also posted a teaser on a recent YouTube blog featuring an excerpt", "id": "562472" }, { "contents": "7\n\n\n7 (seven) is the natural number following 6 and preceding 8. In the beginning, various Hindus wrote 7 more or less in one stroke as a curve that looks like an uppercase J vertically inverted. The western Ghubar Arabs' main contribution was to make the longer line diagonal rather than straight, though they showed some tendencies to making the character more rectilinear. The eastern Arabs developed the character from a 6 lookalike into an uppercase V lookalike. Both modern Arab forms influenced the European form, a two-stroke character", "id": "379564" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n's figure. The video does not feature Mike Portnoy playing drums; this was decided by Portnoy himself as he wanted it to be all about Avenged Sevenfold and seeing as how The Rev wrote most of the drums for the album. Portnoy thought it would be wrong to have himself in the video. The music video is heavily based on the infamous scene from \"Jacob's Ladder\" where Jacob Singer, played by Tim Robbins, is being pulled through a hospital on a stretcher. The band used \"Jacob's Ladder\"", "id": "8851705" }, { "contents": "Look What I Almost Stepped In...\n\n\nmember and appears in band photos in the album's liner notes, he was unavailable to play on the album due to other musical commitments. The band therefore called on regular substitute Brooks Wackerman, who had filled in for Freese on several occasions as a touring drummer. Wackerman himself is an accomplished drummer who would join Bad Religion the following year. The album also features guest appearances by Dexter Holland of The Offspring (who also co-wrote \"Jackass\"), Jack Black and Kyle Gass of Tenacious D, musician/", "id": "952572" }, { "contents": "Confide (band)\n\n\nNovember 30, 2018 Confide played at The Glasshouse in Pomona, California for the 10th anniversary of Shout The Truth. It included the original lineup. The show also included Secrets, Dayseeker, Noble, and Rivals. After the breakup, some of the members joined other bands. Most notable, when drummer Arin Ilejay replaced Mike Portnoy in Avenged Sevenfold. Confide was originally started in August 2004 by Aaron Van Zutphen, Jason Pickard and Josh Plesh as a deathcore act. They went looking for members in their youth group. Plesh", "id": "15297388" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nreviews from several magazines and websites and is credited for propelling the band into international popularity. After playing Ozzfest in 2006, Avenged Sevenfold memorably beat out R&B Singers Rihanna and Chris Brown, Panic! at the Disco, Angels & Airwaves and James Blunt for the title of Best New Artist at the MTV Video Music Awards, thanks in part to their Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas-inspired song \"Bat Country.\" They returned to the Vans Warped Tour, this time headlining and then continued on their own \"Cities of", "id": "21098773" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nprevious tracks along with \"Mad Hatter\" that Avenged Sevenfold has produced for the video game in the past. In a December 2017 interview with Billboard, M. Shadows revealed that the band are planning \"a big US summer 2018 tour\", and that the band would start working on the follow-up to \"The Stage\" in late 2018. Bassist Johnny Christ in a May 2018 interview confirmed that the band is currently getting ideas and writing in their own studios to start the next record in September or October 2018.", "id": "21098800" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nDameon Ash, who performed with the band for the following months, but does not appear on any releases. On January 18, 2002, Avenged Sevenfold left Good Life Recordings and signed with Hopeless Records. They re-released their debut album on March 19 and also appeared on the \"Hopelessly Devoted To You Vol. 4\" sampler in April. The band started to receive recognition, performing with bands such as Mushroomhead and Shadows Fall. They spent the year touring in support of their debut album and participated in the Vans", "id": "21098769" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\nshifts between these scenes and scenes of the band performing in a black room with a small amount of background light. Towards the end of the video, M. Shadows begins to fight the gurney, wanting to get off, as they wheel him toward a room being led by two young boys. He cannot get off because he is strapped to it. He is wheeled into a room, where the last drum set The Rev toured with Avenged Sevenfold with is set up with a light behind it, morphed into The Rev", "id": "8851704" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\" was nominated for Best Single at the Kerrang! Awards 2010, but lost to Liquid Confidence by You Me At Six. The song is also one of Avenged Sevenfold's best known, and had been certified Gold by the RIAA. \"Nightmare\" was released on July 27, 2010 as a downloadable track in Rock Band 2 along with Seize the Day and Scream. It was discovered by fans that the face of Jimmy \"The Rev\" Sullivan, the band's deceased drummer, can be seen on both the single", "id": "8851699" }, { "contents": "Stone Sour\n\n\ncan't get an album like this out of a band that doesn't exist. We're throwing caution out the damn window.” Stone Sour played the first annual Rockstar Energy Drink Uproar Festival with Avenged Sevenfold and Hollywood Undead among others. Stone Sour set the release date of \"Audio Secrecy\" as September 7. Stone Sour were part of the Soundwave Festival in late February/early March in Australia 2011. Stone Sour headlined The Avalanche Tour, supported by Theory of a Deadman, Skillet, Halestorm and Art of Dying", "id": "4239543" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold\n\n\nVolbeat in the U.S. Bank Stadium on August 20, 2016, making it the first ever rock show in the stadium. The band was announced as a headliner of Monster Energy Rock Allegiance 2016, along with Alice in Chains, Slayer, The Offspring, Breaking Benjamin and others. Avenged Sevenfold also performed on \"Louder Than Life\" festival as headliners on October 1, with Slipknot, Slayer, Disturbed, Korn and other artists. On June 21, the band announced a U.S. Fall tour with Volbeat, Killswitch Engage, and", "id": "21098794" }, { "contents": "Live in the LBC & Diamonds in the Rough\n\n\nby Core Entertainment's Rafa Alcantara, who also worked on the band's critically acclaimed 2007 road documentary \"All Excess\". On August 15, 2008, a trailer was released by Avenged Sevenfold on their YouTube channel. On September 5, 2008, Avenged Sevenfold released the live version of \"Seize the Day\" from the DVD through their imeem account. \"Unholy Confessions\" and \"Scream\" were later streamed before the release as well. There are two alternate mixes of songs on their self-titled album: The", "id": "13840447" }, { "contents": "This Means War (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\n\"This Means War\" is a song released from \"Hail to the King\", the sixth studio album by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold. The record was released on July 4, 2014 via Warner Bros. Records. This song was also featured in \"WWE 2K15\". Several sources and reviews of \"Hail to the King\" criticize \"This Means War\" for similarities to Metallica's 1993 single \"Sad but True.\" The song was singled out by Machine Head's vocalist Robb Flynn as a ripoff.", "id": "8989868" }, { "contents": "Bat Country\n\n\n\"Bat Country\" is a song by Avenged Sevenfold, released in August 2005 as the second single from their third album, \"City of Evil\". Avenged Sevenfold won 'Best New Artist Video' at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards for \"Bat Country\" and on October 1, 2009, the single was certified gold by the RIAA. For these reasons, \"Bat Country\" is often believed to be the band's most commercially successful song. The song was peaked at number 20 on Loudwire's Top 21st", "id": "2689314" }, { "contents": "Shepherd of Fire\n\n\n\"Shepherd of Fire\" is the second single from \"Hail to the King\", the sixth studio album from American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold. Released on November 7, 2013, the song was a No.1 single on Mainstream Rock, and is the theme song of the \"\" Zombies map \"Origins\", included in the final downloadable content compilation named \"Apocalypse\". It is also featured in the mixed-martial arts video game \"EA Sports UFC\". The song is notably similar to the song Enter", "id": "21642341" }, { "contents": "Iron Maiden\n\n\ntrademark in appearance, sound and overall commercial impression.” The suit further accuses 3D Realms of causing “confusion among consumers” by depicting a skull icon similar to the band’s Eddie mascot and that \"Ion Maiden\" is similar to the band’s own \"Legacy of the Beast\" video game. According to \"Guitar World\", Iron Maiden's music has \"influenced generations of newer metal acts, from legends like Metallica to current stars like Avenged Sevenfold,\" with Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich commenting that he has \"", "id": "791244" }, { "contents": "Drum Workshop\n\n\nPeppers), Jonathan \"Sugarfoot\" Moffett (Michael Jackson), Cobus Potgieter (Ventura Lights), Gerald Heyward (Chris Brown), Thomas Pridgen (The Mars Volta), Cora Coleman-Dunham, Derek Roddy (Serpents Rise), Dave Grohl, Stephen Perkins, Dominic Howard (Muse), Luke Holland (The Word Alive), Alex González (Maná, De la Tierra), Steve Jocz (Sum 41), Brooks Wackerman (Avenged Sevenfold), Scott Travis (Judas Priest), Scott Phillips", "id": "7314203" }, { "contents": "Head Phones President\n\n\nHead Phones President (stylized as HEAD PHONES PRESIDENT) is a Japanese metal band, formed in Tokyo in 1999. Their sound has been described as alternative metal, progressive metal, avant-garde metal and nu metal. They have played various music festivals, including Loud Park 08, Taste of Chaos, Metal Female Voices Fest, sharing the stage with the likes of Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, Story of the Year and In This Moment. They have also played in the U.S., Sweden, Australia, neighboring Asian countries,", "id": "15448156" }, { "contents": "M. Shadows\n\n\ninterview, M. Shadows was one of the first steps which led to Avenged Sevenfold self-producing their 2007 self-titled album. Shadows also sings In \"The River\" by Good Charlotte on the album \"Good Morning Revival\" along with fellow band member Synyster Gates with his guitar solo. In 2012 Shadows and fellow Avenged Sevenfold member Synyster Gates made a brief cameo in the war game \"\" in which they provided the voice over and motion capture of themselves. Also, in June 2013, Matt competed in the sold", "id": "17490228" }, { "contents": "All Excess\n\n\nAll Excess is Avenged Sevenfold's first DVD which was released on July 17, 2007. The DVD includes a documentary with footage dating back to 1999, four live performances, along with four music videos, and several outtakes. The DVD was created to portray how Avenged Sevenfold started in a unique way different from typical mainstream band DVDs. This was done by giving the viewer a look into the thoughts of, the relationships between, and the background of the band. The DVD is region-free and sold over 11,000 copies", "id": "3838716" }, { "contents": "Avenged Sevenfold (album)\n\n\n. On September 23, 2008, the album was certified Gold by the RIAA. The album has also been released on vinyl. The band supported the album with a tour, beginning a day before the release of the album and ending in 2009. This is their last studio album to feature the drummer The Rev for the full album, who died in December 2009 during the production of the follow-up album \"Nightmare\". Although critical reception to the album was mixed compared to previous releases, \"Avenged Sevenfold \"", "id": "562471" }, { "contents": "Hail to the King (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\n's late predecessor, Jimmy \"The Rev\" Sullivan; the bonus track, \"St. James\", was written in his memory. The album was a commercial and critical success, reaching number 1 on the \"Billboard\" 200. This marks Avenged Sevenfold's second album to top the \"Billboard\" chart (the first being \"Nightmare\"), as well as their first to reach number 1 in the UK, topping the UK Albums Chart. It also topped the Canadian, Brazilian, Finnish and Irish album charts", "id": "10314349" }, { "contents": "Hail to the King (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\n's musical style in an interview with bravewords: \"It's definitely us. It's just the next progression. It's probably the heaviest record that we've put out - in its own right. It's been a great response for the single (Hail to the King) so far, which I feel is a good way to see what the rest of the record is going to sound like. There will be some surprises in there for fans, but overall, I'm just excited.\" He also said", "id": "10314355" }, { "contents": "Bleeding Through\n\n\nShow with Jay Leno\". Stand-up comedian Mitch Fatel joined the band for a song, Brandan Schieppati called this \"surreal in the best possible way\". The group once again played on the second stage at the 2006 Ozzfest, now as part of the non-rotating lineup along with Black Label Society, Unearth, Atreyu and Norma Jean. In addition to their own headline dates, they also filled Ozzfest \"off dates\" with shows supporting Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold and Hatebreed. The band members were on a", "id": "5229297" }, { "contents": "Buried Alive (Avenged Sevenfold song)\n\n\nBuried Alive is a promotional single from American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold's fifth album \"Nightmare\". In September 2011, the band announced plans for a music video for this single. They tried to get Rob Zombie to direct the video, but he declined due to being focused on another project. The band did not announce any other plan for a music video for the song. The single was released the September 20, 2011, although the lyric video for it had been already released on July 17, 2010 on", "id": "17318687" }, { "contents": "City of Evil\n\n\nto my voice. I’ve worked with him for about a year and a half now, but I worked with him for nine months before the record,\" said Shadows, \"I told him that I want my voice to sound different from everybody else, but I wanted those characteristics in my voice...It was one of those things that we just wanted to go all the way with it.\" \"City of Evil\" features most of the songs that Avenged Sevenfold has made videos for. On May 4,", "id": "9008747" }, { "contents": "Behind Crimson Eyes\n\n\n, Grinspoon, Björk, Enter Shikari and Silverchair. They were also the main support for giant heavy metal band, Iron Maiden. Opening three shows on the Australian leg of their 'Somewhere Back In Time World Tour'. At their three appearances, the band did a cover of Motorhead's 'Ace Of Spades'. They played with Atreyu, Avenged Sevenfold and Bullet For My Valentine on their Australian tour in May 2008. In September 2008 they opened shows for Disturbed on their Australian tour along with P.O.D. and Alter Bridge", "id": "16901964" }, { "contents": "Nightmare (Avenged Sevenfold album)\n\n\nnumber 1 in the \"Billboard\" 200. As of December 2016, the album has sold 964,000 copies in the United States. The cover of the album features a tribute to Jimmy \"The Rev\" Sullivan, the tombstone reads \"FOREVER\" with emphasis on \"REV\". In late 2009, two years after Avenged Sevenfold released their self-titled album, and four years after they had issued their breakthrough studio set, 2005's \"City of Evil\", the band started working on their next record, their", "id": "8732954" }, { "contents": "Dos Equis Pavilion\n\n\nwith a lineup including System Of A Down, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed and Ozzy Osbourne. Country music superstars were a regular feature at Starplex, with several artists booking return engagements throughout the 1990s. Willie Nelson, Reba McEntire, George Strait, Steve Earle, Hank Williams, Jr., Clint Black, Alabama, Dolly Parton, Brooks & Dunn and Dwight Yoakam were among the many country acts to regularly appear at Starplex in the 1990s. Starplex hosted a number of R&B and soul superstars in the 1980s and 1990s including Earth,", "id": "7717752" }, { "contents": "Black Reign (EP)\n\n\nBlack Reign is an EP by American heavy metal band Avenged Sevenfold, released on September 21, 2018 by Warner Bros. Records. In September 2018 it was announced the band would release all previous non-album collaborations with the series in one collected EP, including a brand new single made specifically for \"\" as well as \"Jade Helm\", which was previously only available in-game on \"\". On September 23, M. Shadows took to Avenged Sevenfold's reddit to address the criticism regarding the mixing of the new", "id": "6915455" } ]
do you prefer dry or fresh pasta? I have always preferred fresh pasta it's much better how about yourself? i too like fresh pasta, just can't make it Have you tried to learn to or just does not turn out properly?
[{"answer": "i have tried to make it using flour and eggs, it always turns out dough", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23871", "title": "Pasta", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 200, "bleu_score": 0.5159903332663841, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n. Delicate sauces are preferred for fresh pasta in order to let the pasta take front stage. Fresh pastas do not expand in size after cooking; therefore, of pasta are needed to serve four people generously. Fresh egg pasta is generally cut into strands of various widths and thicknesses depending on which pasta is to be made (e.g. fettuccine, pappardelle, and lasagne). It is best served with meat, cheese, or vegetables to create ravioli, tortellini, and cannelloni. Fresh egg pasta is well known in the Piedmont", "id": "4356147" }, { "contents": "Francis Rossi\n\n\ngot the energy. To me it's synonymous with doing rock'n'roll. If you don't commit physically, rock'n'roll doesn't really work.\" Asked about his food preferences Rossi said, \"My favourite is pasta e fagioli, pasta with beans, soupie thing, gorgeous. The older I get, the more I'm into food. ... When you grow up with Italians, food is important. I've always been like that with food. Apart from when I was doing cocaine - there was no food whatsoever then.", "id": "21090805" }, { "contents": "Pasta all'Ortolana\n\n\npasta is almost ready, it gets taken off from the boiling water and thrown into the pan together with all the vegetables, where everything gets tossed and cooked for another 2 or 3 minutes before serving it with few leaves of fresh basil on top.. This Italian dish can have many different variation, as the base concept is to create the sauce by using different fresh vegetables, before mixing it with pasta (Just like with the type of pasta, there is no strict specification regarding the type of vegetables used for the Ortolana", "id": "11081107" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\ncommonly used in Southern Italy compared to their Northern counterparts, who traditionally prefer the fresh egg variety. Durum flour and durum semolina have a yellow tinge in color. Italian pasta is traditionally cooked \"al dente\" (Italian: \"firm to the bite\", meaning not too soft). Outside Italy, dry pasta is frequently made from other types of flour, but this yields a softer product. There are many types of wheat flour with varying gluten and protein levels depending on variety of grain used. Particular varieties of", "id": "18268331" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwith potatoes or pumpkin) and noodles like spätzle, are sometimes considered pasta. They are both traditional in parts of Italy. Pasta is categorized in two basic styles: dried and fresh. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Pasta is generally cooked by boiling. Under Italian law, dry pasta (pasta secca) can only be made from durum wheat flour or durum wheat semolina, and is more", "id": "18268330" }, { "contents": "Barilla Group\n\n\ngay families, Chairman Guido Barilla made the following comment (translation from \"The Huffington Post\"): We have a slightly different culture, for us, the \"sacral family\" remains one of the company's core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don't like that, they will eat someone else's pasta. You can't always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a", "id": "11055038" }, { "contents": "Steve Lukather\n\n\ndidn't have the right sound, or because I wasn't inspired at that moment—I'd just move on. A part either works or it doesn't. You can't batter it into submission, or force inspiration to save you. It's always better to just surrender, and then come back later to give it a go with fresh ears.\" Although he enjoys the technical mastery that is possible in the studio, Lukather prefers the dynamic of performing live on stage. He has stated that dynamics are the most", "id": "13718209" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ndescribes a dish called \"lagana\" that consisted of layers of dough with meat stuffing, an ancestor of modern-day \"lasagna\". However, the method of cooking these sheets of dough does not correspond to our modern definition of either a fresh or dry pasta product, which only had similar basic ingredients and perhaps the shape. The first concrete information concerning pasta products in Italy dates from the 13th or 14th century. Historians have noted several lexical milestones relevant to pasta, none of which changes these basic characteristics. For", "id": "4356133" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n) and fresh (\"pasta fresca\"). Most dried pasta is produced commercially via an extrusion process, although it can be produced at home. Fresh pasta is traditionally produced by hand, sometimes with the aid of simple machines. Fresh pastas available in grocery stores are produced commercially by large-scale machines. Both dried and fresh pastas come in a number of shapes and varieties, with 310 specific forms known by over 1300 documented names. In Italy, the names of specific pasta shapes or types often vary by locale", "id": "4356128" }, { "contents": "Kusksu\n\n\nfrom giving the soup its name, the pasta, which is \"a little bigger than a coriander\", adds \"a fabulous texture that is like no other\". The kusksu pasta, which is \"not to be confused with couscous\", is widely available in Malta, however, this key ingredient may be hard to source in international markets. While alternatives do exist, these may not always yield the best results. Other ingredients that are typically found in kusksu include the fresh Maltese ġbejna, usually added just before", "id": "12195770" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nregion and Emilia Romagna region in North Italy. In this area, dough is only made out of egg yolk and flour resulting in a very refined flavour and texture. This pasta is often served simply with butter sauce and thinly sliced truffles that are native to this region. In other areas, such as Apulia fresh pasta can be made without eggs. The only ingredients needed to make the pasta dough are semolina flour and water, which is often shaped into orecchiette or cavatelli. Fresh pasta for cavatelli is also popular in other", "id": "4356148" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ndried pasta as well as manufactured fresh and stabilized pasta: Pasta, or dried pasta with three subcategories – (i.) Durum wheat semolina pasta (\"pasta di semola di grano duro\"), (ii.) Low grade durum wheat semolina pasta (\"pasta di semolato di grano duro\") and (iii.) Durum wheat whole meal pasta (\"pasta di semola integrale di grano duro\"). Pastas made under this category must be made only with durum wheat semolina or durum wheat whole-meal semolina", "id": "4356174" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n, also called pasta makers, are popular with cooks who make large amounts of fresh pasta. The cook feeds sheets of pasta dough into the machine by hand, and by turning a hand crank, rolls the pasta to thin it incrementally. On the final pass through the pasta machine, the pasta may be directed through a machine 'comb' to shape the pasta noodles as they emerge. Semolina flour consists of a protein matrix with entrapped starch granules. Upon the addition of water, during mixing, intermolecular forces allow the", "id": "4356154" }, { "contents": "Food choice of older adults\n\n\nA general impression of the meals and preferences for 13 food groups (fresh fruit, chicken, soup, salad, vegetables, potatoes, meat, sandwiches, pasta, canned fruit, legumes, deli meats, and ethnic foods) were assessed. After adjusting other variables, older males were significantly more likely to prefer deli meats, meat, legumes, canned fruit, and ethnic foods compared to females. In addition, compared with African Americans, \"Caucasians demonstrated higher percentages of preference for 9 of 13 food groups including pasta", "id": "9900666" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nB2), folate, thiamine (vitamin B1), and ferrous iron. Fresh pasta is usually locally made with fresh ingredients unless it is destined to be shipped, in which case consideration is given to the spoilage rates of the desired ingredients such as eggs or herbs. Furthermore, fresh pasta is usually made with a mixture of eggs and all-purpose flour or “00” low-gluten flour. Since it contains eggs, it is more tender compared to dried pasta and only takes about half the time to cook", "id": "4356146" }, { "contents": "Durum\n\n\nthrough intergeneric hybridization and polyploidization involving two diploid (having 2 sets of chromosomes) grass species: \"T. urartu\" (2n=2x=14, AA genome) and a B-genome diploid related to \"Aegilops speltoides\" (2n=2x=14, SS genome) and is thus an allotetraploid (having 4 sets of chromosomes, from unlike parents) species. Commercially produced dry pasta, or pasta secca, is made almost exclusively from durum semolina. Most home made fresh pastas (pasta fresca), such as orecchiette and tagliatelle, also use durum", "id": "7805834" }, { "contents": "Pasta salad\n\n\na vegetable. The ingredients used vary widely by region, restaurant, seasonal availability, and/or preference of the preparer. The salad can be as simple as cold macaroni mixed with mayonnaise (a macaroni salad), or as elaborate as several pastas tossed together with a vinaigrette and a variety of fresh, preserved or cooked ingredients. Additional types of pasta may be used, such as ditalini. These can include vegetables, legumes, cheeses, nuts, herbs, spices, meats, poultry, or seafood. Broccoli, carrots,", "id": "10101877" }, { "contents": "Spaghetti\n\n\nby manually rolling a ball of dough on a surface to make a long sausage shape. The ends of the sausage are pulled apart to make a long thin sausage. The ends are brought together and the loop pulled to make two long sausages. The process is repeated until the pasta is sufficiently thin. The pasta knobs at each end are cut off leaving many strands which may be hung up to dry. Fresh spaghetti would normally be cooked within hours of being formed. Commercial versions of fresh spaghetti are manufactured. The bulk", "id": "9756306" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ncut or extruded through dies. The pasta is set in a drying tank under specific conditions of heat, moisture, and time depending on the type of pasta. The dried pasta is then packaged: Fresh pasta is sealed in a clear, airtight plastic container with a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen that inhibits microbial growth and prolongs the product's shelf life; dried pastas are sealed in clear plastic or cardboard packages. Gluten, the protein found in grains such as wheat, rye, spelt, and barley, contributes to", "id": "4356158" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\nPasta is typically made from a dry dough that is kneaded and shaped, either through extrusion, rolling out in a pasta machine, or stretched or shaped by hand (as for gnocchi or dumplings). Pasta may be cooked directly after production (so-called \"fresh pasta\") or dried, which renders it shelf-stable. Doughs for biscuits and many flatbreads which are not leavened with yeast are typically mixed but not kneaded or left to rise; these doughs are shaped and cooked directly after mixing. While breads", "id": "18974233" }, { "contents": "Lee Soon-jae\n\n\n\"I was impressed with how much times have changed; before it would have been impossible to parody the president. The film tries to show that heads of state are only human, just like you and me, which I think makes the movie distinctive, as well as fresh and fun for viewers.\" In 2011, Lee, Yoon So-jung, Song Jae-ho and Kim Soo-mi starred in \"Late Blossom\", a tearjerker romance about two elderly couples, based on the popular webtoon \"I", "id": "9179295" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n\"amatriciana\", \"arrabbiata\" and the egg-based \"carbonara\". Tomato sauces are also present in Southern Italian cuisine, where they originated. In Southern Italy more complex variations include pasta paired with fresh vegetables, olives, capers or seafood. Varieties include \"puttanesca\", \"pasta alla norma\" (tomatoes, eggplant and fresh or baked cheese), \"pasta con le sarde\" (fresh sardines, pine nuts, fennel and olive oil), \"spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino\" (literally", "id": "4356152" }, { "contents": "Teele Square\n\n\n. There are three convenience stores in Teele Square, a barber, 3 hair salons and a liquor store. A three alarm fire on October 30, 2011 at approximately 10:00pm broke out in a dry cleaners and destroyed four businesses and a police sub-station in Teele Square. The destroyed businesses are: Hawk Dry Cleaners, Nail Image salon, Kee Kar Lau Chinese restaurant, and Maria’s Italian Cold Cuts. Several other restaurants and stores, including Orleans Restaurant and Bar and Dave's Fresh Pasta (fresh pasta as well", "id": "17767296" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\npasta all'uovo\") – May only be manufactured using durum wheat semolina with at least 4 hens’ eggs (chicken) weighing at least 200 grams (without the shells) per kilogram of semolina, or a liquid egg product produced only with hen’s eggs. Pasta made and sold in Italy under this category must be labeled egg pasta. Fresh and stabilized pastas (\"paste alimentari fresche e stabilizzate\") – Includes fresh and stabilized pastas, which may be made with soft-wheat flour without restriction on the amount.", "id": "4356176" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\ncontrast to fresh pasta, dried pasta needs to be dried at a low temperature for several days to evaporate all the moisture allowing it to be stored for a longer period. Dried pastas are best served in hearty dishes like ragu sauces, soups, and casseroles. Once it is cooked, the dried pasta will usually grow to twice its original size. Therefore, approximately of dried pasta serves up to four people. Pasta is generally served with some type of sauce; the sauce and the type of pasta are usually matched based", "id": "4356150" }, { "contents": "Amatriciana sauce\n\n\n\"amatriciana\" that is better known throughout Italy and exported everywhere. While in Amatrice the dish is prepared with spaghetti, the use of bucatini has become extremely common in Rome and is now prevalent. Other types of dry pasta (particularly rigatoni) are also used, whereas fresh pasta is generally avoided. The recipe is known in several variants depending, among other things, on the local availability of certain ingredients. While everybody seems to agree about the use of guanciale and tomato, onion is not favored in Amatrice, but", "id": "9995711" }, { "contents": "Fazoli's\n\n\napp-based loyalty program with mobile ordering capabilities. Today, Fazoli's menu consists of classic Italian dishes, baked pastas, their signature Submarinos sandwiches, and other foods, such as: Fazoli's provides catering for any event in participating locations. The catering menu offers Group Meal Deals, Fresh Made Pastas, Oven Baked Pastas, Fresh Chopped Salads, Box Lunches, and much more. There is also a full-service option that includes table service, plates, and plastic ware. Catering may be ordered online or in", "id": "12890194" }, { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\nis defined by a specific kind of pasta, a specific cooking style, and a specific sauce or condiment. There are large number of evolutions and variants of the traditional dishes. Pasta is also often used as a complementary ingredient in some soups, but these are not considered \"pasta dishes\" (except for the category \"pasta in brodo\" or 'pasta in broth'). The various kinds of pasta are categorized as: \"pasta secca\" (dried pasta), \"pasta fresca\" (fresh pasta)", "id": "21498469" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\npasta may also use other grains and milling methods to make the flour, as specified by law. Some pasta varieties, such as pizzoccheri, are made from buckwheat flour. Fresh pasta may include eggs (\"pasta all'uovo\" \"egg pasta\"). Whole wheat pasta has become increasingly popular because of its supposed health benefits over pasta made from refined flour. Each area has its own specialties, primarily at a regional level, but also at provincial level. The differences can come from a bordering country (such as France", "id": "18268332" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\n, gain a lot from them and I've tried to learn as much on my own as I can. Anything I can learn about music or bass playing, I'll try to learn. I mean, the more you learn and the more you apply to your playing, it just makes you a better musician.\" ”I liked the bass player from AC/DC. I really loved the stuff he did. Peter Baltes from Accept was another. I liked the really good guys too, but that seemed out", "id": "20499092" }, { "contents": "Cypriot cuisine\n\n\na semi-hard white-brined cheese with elastic texture, made in a rectangular shape from a mixture of goat and sheep milk; it may be sliced and eaten fresh, grilled, or fried. Aged halloumi may be grated over pasta dishes. It is the national cheese of Cyprus. Anari, from Greek (αναρή) is a crumbly fresh whey cheese, similar to ricotta, made from goat or sheep milk. Two varieties exist, dry and fresh anari. Dry anari is salted and is much harder than the", "id": "6167688" }, { "contents": "Pasta e fagioli\n\n\nby Van and Schenck, capitalizes on the Neapolitan pronunciation in the rhyme, \"Don't be a fool, eat pasta fazool\"; and the song \"That's Amore\", by Warren and Brooks (popularized by Dean Martin), includes the rhyme \"When the stars make you drool, just like pasta fazool, that's amore\". A potential contestant of U.S. Masterchef Season 1 served pasta e fagioli to judges Gordon Ramsay, Joe Bastianich, and Graham Elliot. He did not pass, with Ramsay calling the", "id": "2907831" }, { "contents": "Pasta processing\n\n\ntemperature is about 35-45 °C to help speed up absorption. For egg noodles, eggs are added in the form of fresh eggs, frozen eggs, dry eggs, egg yolks or dry egg solids. If eggs are added to the mixture, the amount of water is modified. Adding egg improves the nutritional quality and richness of the pasta. Disodium phosphate is also added to reduce the cooking time. Mixing the semolina and water takes place in two stages. First, the ingredients are measured and added to a", "id": "14672905" }, { "contents": "Ciceri e tria\n\n\nhave a significant amount of broth, which may be eaten using a spoon. Some of the pasta (from one-third to one-half) is fried in oil as part of its preparation, while the rest of it is boiled. The use of fried pasta was originally performed to create a quality or mouthfeel of meatiness in the dish during times of meat scarcity. The fried pasta may also add crunchiness to the dish. Apulian versions may involve the chickpeas being simmered over a low heat while fresh pasta is being", "id": "21498421" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n. For example, the pasta form \"cavatelli\" is known by 28 different names depending upon the town and region. Common forms of pasta include long and short shapes, tubes, flat shapes or sheets, miniature shapes for soup, those meant to be filled or stuffed, and specialty or decorative shapes. As a category in Italian cuisine, both fresh and dried pastas are classically used in one of three kinds of prepared dishes: as \"pasta asciutta\" (or \"pastasciutta\"), cooked pasta is plated and", "id": "4356129" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nPrepackaged fresh pasta must have a water content not less than 24%, must be stored refrigerated at a temperature of not more than 4 °C (with a 2 °C tolerance), must have undergone a heat treatment at least equivalent to pasteurisation, and must be sold within 5 days of the date of manufacture. Stabilized pasta has a lower allowed water content of 20%, and is manufactured using a process and heat treatment that allows it to be transported and stored at ambient temperatures. The Italian regulations under Presidential", "id": "4356177" }, { "contents": "Kusksu\n\n\nKusksu is a traditional Maltese soup made primarily from seasonal broad beans, small pasta beads, and fresh ġbejniet. Although similar in shape, the small pasta beads, known locally as kusksu, are often confused with couscous, which tends to be lighter and fluffier in texture. In contrast, kusksu, which gives the soup its name, is \"miniature pasta\" which is thick and ideal for simmering. Once cooked, the short-cut pasta beads give the soup its distinctive creamy and warm texture, making it an ideal", "id": "12195767" }, { "contents": "Richard Peck (writer)\n\n\nno such thing as a 'grade reading level'; a young person's 'reading level' and attention span will rise and fall according to his degree of interest. I learned that if you do not have a happy ending for the young, you had better do some fast talking.\" \"You never write about yourself; you just always wind up having written about yourself.\" — October 10, 2013, to a library full of 4th graders in Pleasanton, California \"Nobody but a reader ever became a", "id": "9888516" }, { "contents": "Saclà Italia\n\n\nCherry Tomato sauces and Antipasti. In 2009 Saclà teamed up with Lawrence Dallaglio to produce a new range of pasta sauces called Dallaglio by Saclà. In 2011 Saclà launched a range of fresh pesto, pasta sauces and pasta to the chilled cabinet. In 2011 this range was voted the UK's favourite ready-made sauce by Good Housekeeping readers. There are eight pesto recipes and two organic: Classic Basil Pesto, Sun-dried Tomato Pesto, Fiery Chilli Pesto, Char-Grilled Aubergine Pesto, Wild Rocket Pesto, Fresh Coriander", "id": "21048188" }, { "contents": "Amendolara\n\n\n. The culinary tradition of Amendolara puts its resources based on the agriculture of the \"Alto Jonio Cosentino\", and is characterized by the use of basic ingredients in common with the countries of Sybaris. The recipes differ among families and depending on personal taste. A common first course is \"rascjcatilli\", fresh pasta made with flour and water in the form of small pieces plucked with the fingers and topped with fresh tomato sauce and basil or lamb ragout and a sprinkling of chili pepper. \"Ferrazuoli\" is fresh pasta in", "id": "8021719" }, { "contents": "Vapiano\n\n\neasy-going and relaxed approach to life, live more healthily and longer.“). Except for bread and rolls, all the ingredients are prepared on site in the restaurants. This applies particularly to pasta and sauces for pasta and pizza. In its restaurants, Vapiano offers various types of pasta, prepared fresh daily. The chain's restaurants are normally found in central locations or in districts with many offices. Starting in 2014, the first free-standing building for Vapiano was built in Fürth. Restaurants normally have between", "id": "10182202" }, { "contents": "Stupid Dream\n\n\n, you have to - in a sense - 'prostitute yourself' to try and sell your music and your art. And I was very much aware of that contradiction. If you think about that too much, it can drive you crazy, you know. It's an absurd thing to be doing. That kind of led me thinking about when I was a teenager, when I was just starting out and I was interested in being a musician. And I think a lot of teenage kids have this dream of being", "id": "1692817" }, { "contents": "Renaissance Girls\n\n\nlevels of life. They’re kind of like overachievers and never seem to be satisfied with how [much] they achieve in life. I can see that with myself as well because you expect so much from yourself. You expect yourself to be the best friend, have a great career, be really talented and be able to cook—you just have to be great at everything. I think genders have been washed out a little bit -- like you have to have masculine qualities as well as feminine. It’s just", "id": "21283923" }, { "contents": "Pasta processing\n\n\ndesired length. Various patents cover machinery for extruding pasta of different shapes. Drying is one of the most difficult and critical parts of making pasta. If the pasta dries too fast, it may crack during or after the drying process and acquire a poor appearance and lowered mechanical strength. If the pasta dries too slowly, it may spoil and become moldy. Thus, the drying process must be carefully executed in order to avoid the two aforementioned consequences. When the pasta leaves the dies it has the moisture content of 31%", "id": "14672915" }, { "contents": "Replica (Oneohtrix Point Never album)\n\n\nfor the title and described it as \"really morbid, but there's humor to it, too, because the skeleton's hair is pasta-like\", which he called \"a good approximation of how I deal with lots of depressing things—just put pasta hair on top and it's okay.\" \"Replica\" was Lopatin's first album to be completed in a formal studio setting, with recording sessions taking place at the complex owned by his label Mexican Summer. He conceived it as \"an electronic song", "id": "6078440" }, { "contents": "Chilean cuisine\n\n\nwith rice, fresh sweet corn or even pasta (Porotos con rienda) Pasta is very common in everyday Chilean meals, but is not prepared very differently from in other countries, except for some changes in the name and forms of the pasta itself. Bolognese, white sauce (béchamel), and cream based sauces are the most common. Empanadas are common in many cultures with different names. In Chile, empanadas can have distinctive fillings and can also be cooked in unusual ways to give them a very distinctive flavour and shape", "id": "1682039" }, { "contents": "Ragù\n\n\nfrom which the meat was removed and served separately, if eaten at all. The first documented recipe for a meat sauce, in which the cooked meat was an integral part of the sauce served with pasta, dates from the end of the 18th century. The first ragù as a sauce, \"ragù per i maccheroni\", was prepared and recorded by Alberto Alvisi, the cook to the Cardinal of Imola (at the time \"maccheroni\" was a general term for pasta, both dried and fresh). The recipe", "id": "15536251" }, { "contents": "Ciceri e tria\n\n\n\" 'to be fresh, moist, tender'). It means \"pasta\" in the Genoese dialect. \"Tria\" can also refer to \"tagliatelle\", a traditional pasta, the term being from the dialect of Apulia. \"Tria\" can also refer to a type of pasta in Sicily. \"Tria\" is an old word that is still used in many areas of Southern Italy, particularly in Sicily. Pasta and chickpeas are the primary ingredients in Ciceri e tria. Some versions of the dish may", "id": "21498420" }, { "contents": "Pasta filata\n\n\nPasta filata (Italian: \"spun paste\") is a technique in the manufacture of a family of Italian cheeses also known in English as stretched-curd, pulled-curd, and plastic-curd cheeses. Stretched curd cheeses manufactured from the pasta filata technique undergo a plasticising and kneading treatment of the fresh curd in hot water, which gives the cheese its fibrous structure. The cheese-making begins in the normal way. The milk (usually from cows or water buffalo) is warmed and curdled and allowed to rest", "id": "10443781" }, { "contents": "Maccheroni alla molinara\n\n\nMaccheroni alla molinara or alla mugnaia (Abruzzese dialect) is an uneven, long and thick fresh pasta that is hand-pulled to a diameter of about 4–6 mm. It is made using only water, durum wheat flour. The name literally translates to \"the miller’s wife’s pasta\". The pasta is characteristic of the province of Teramo and Pescara in the Abruzzo, Italy. These are manufactured by working the dough until it gets a hole in its center. The process requires trained hands that, facing one another", "id": "1116033" }, { "contents": "Pasta processing\n\n\n. The final desired moisture of the dried pasta is about 12%, in order for the pasta to be rigid and have a long storage life. The drying process is slightly different for long and short pastas, but in general, pasta is exposed to hot air to dehydrate the pasta. “Pre-drying” starts immediately after extrusion where the pasta hardens on the outside but still soft on the inside. It takes one tenth of the whole drying time, and one third of the excess moisture is lost in this", "id": "14672916" }, { "contents": "Penne alla vodka\n\n\norigins of penne alla vodka are unclear. The first use of vodka in a pasta dish is attested on 1974, when the famous italian actor Ugo Tognazzi published the cookbook \"L'Abbuffone\" (means \"the bouffe-men\", named after the Tognazzi's movie \"La Grande Bouffe\"), which included his recipe of \"pasta all'infuriata\" (\"furious pasta\"), described as a sort of \"pasta all'arrabbiata\", made with ½ kg of penne, ½ kg of fresh peeled tomatoes, a shot of", "id": "18198109" }, { "contents": "Dream Theater\n\n\nand little things like that -- nothing really official, but the seeds just start to get planted. One of the great things about this career is that you have the opportunity every time to go in and start again with a blank slate and think, 'What can we do differently? How can we make this better? Where can we go from here?' Every album has a story, and to constantly have a fresh opportunity to do it is really satisfying.\" The band headed into the studio in February 2015", "id": "21576792" }, { "contents": "Bari\n\n\nwhen all the rich ingredients such as eggs and pork had to be used for religious reasons. The recipe commonly consists of \"penne\" or similar tubular pasta shapes, a tomato sauce, small beef and pork meatballs and halved hard-boiled eggs. The pasta is then topped with \"mozzarella\" or similar cheese and then baked in the oven to make the dish have its trademark crispy texture. Fresh fish and seafood are often eaten raw. Octopus, sea urchins and mussels feature heavily. Perhaps Bari's most famous dish", "id": "1277928" }, { "contents": "U. J. Puckett\n\n\n, run by Gary Cecora. Pucket would turn down most offers to play with his trademark lopsided smile, \"I can't play any more\". He preferred to hold court as the dean of the hustlers. He always had a ready smile and a fresh quip for everyone, from oldtime pool players like Magnolia Red (J.R. Richardson) to any guy just in off the street. Puckett befriended and offered playing tips to many up and coming players like Robert Newkirk and Frank \"Bird\" Thompson. U.J. was impossible to", "id": "12244252" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth David bibliography\n\n\nare divided into twelve sections: Starters and light dishes; Soups; Eggs; Pasta; Vegetables; Rice; Fish, shellfish and crustacea; Meat; Poultry and game birds; Sauces; Sweet dishes and cakes; Bread and yeast baking. These chapters are interspersed with reprinted essays and articles from earlier books: \"Fast and Fresh\"; \"Fresh Herbs\"; \"Confort Anglais, French Fare\"; \"Pasta Asciutta\"; \"The Markets of France: Cavaillon\"; \"My Dream Kitchen\"; \"Italian", "id": "10927780" }, { "contents": "Venetian cuisine\n\n\nmade noodles), \"ravioli\" and the similar \"tortelli\" (filled with meat, cheese, vegetables or pumpkin) and \"gnocchi\" (potatoes-made fresh pasta), are fresh and often hand-made pasta dishes (made of eggs and wheat flour), served together with meat sauce (\"ragù\") often made with duck meat, sometimes together with mushrooms or peas, or simply with melted butter. Cuisine from the mountain areas is mainly made of pork or game meat, with polenta,", "id": "13262575" }, { "contents": "Pasta primavera\n\n\nPasta primavera is an American dish that consists of pasta and fresh vegetables, invented in the 1970s. In 1975, New York chef Sirio Maccioni flew to the Canadian summer home of Italian Baron Carlo Amato, Shangri-La Ranch on Robert's Island, Nova Scotia. Maccioni and his two top chefs began experimenting with game and fish, but eventually the baron and his guests wanted something different. Maccioni then mixed butter, cream and cheese, with vegetables and pasta and brought the recipe back to New York City. The fame", "id": "22076316" }, { "contents": "Neptune City (album)\n\n\nsong called 'Neptune City.' My sister and I were making pasta, and we were like, (sings) 'We're making pasta in Neptune City ...' Like, just kidding. And I was like, 'That (melody) sounds really cool.'\" The lyrics were inspired by an uncle whom she never met. Long before Atkins' birth, her mother’s brother died in an accident at the age of 13. Years later, Atkins found the uncle’s Yamaha learner’s guitar in an", "id": "2450338" }, { "contents": "Granarolo (company)\n\n\nGranarolo S.p.A. is a food company in Italy, founded in 1957 and based in Bologna. It operates in the fresh milk and dairy-cheese sector (milk, yoghurt, desserts, ice cream, fresh cream and long-life cream, fresh and aged cheeses, and milk-based baby food), dry pasta, deli meats and vegetable foods. In 1957 the Bologna Consortium of Milk Producers (CBPL) was founded in Milan, with the aim of producing, processing and marketing milk, and it took", "id": "11309612" }, { "contents": "Fleischschnacka\n\n\nFleischschnackas() (alsatian word) are an Alsatian dish made from cooked meat stuffing (usually the remainders of pot-au-feu), eggs, onions, parsley, salt, pepper rolled in a fresh egg pasta. The meat stuffing is spread on the fresh egg pasta and rolled. The tube obtained is then cut into slices of 1.5–2 cm, the \"Fleischschnacka\"s. The slices are cooked on each face with butter in a frying pan then broth (usually pot-au-feu broth) is added and", "id": "18896385" }, { "contents": "Naryn (dish)\n\n\nNaryn, neryn or norin (Kyrgyz: наaрын Russian: нaрын, Kazakh: нарын, Uighur: нерин Uzbek: норин). In Kyrgyz cuisine naryn is an finely chopped lamb meat (or horse meat) with onion sauce. Naryn with the addition of noodles is now called beshbarmak. In Uzbek cuisine naryn is an pasta dish made with fresh hand-rolled noodles and horse meat. Naryn can be served as a cold pasta dish (\"kuruk norin\" – dry norin) or as a hot noodle soup (\"", "id": "2999942" }, { "contents": "Frozen vegetables\n\n\nmixtures. There are occasions when frozen vegetables are mixed with other food types, such as pasta or cheese. Some popular brands include Birds Eye, Sunbulah and Green Giant, as well as supermarkets' 'store brand' items. Frozen vegetables have some advantages over fresh ones, in that they are available when the fresh counterpart is out-of-season, they have a very long shelf life when kept in a freezer and that they often have been processed a step or more closer to eating. In many cases,", "id": "17266046" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Portrait of Home\n\n\nknow Fyn (Yvonne Lim) who has turned up for revenge, thereby putting both Jimei and his life in unnecessary danger. Dajiang is still in university. He changes girlfriends constantly just like changing his clothes every now and then as he prefers something fresh and new. He always like to try out new things and yearn for changes but he harbours no great ambition. How do Dadi, Dashan and Daqiu feel about their father Zhou Dong’s mysterious disappearance? Shitou wishes to hand Tong Xin Yuan over to Zhou Dong’s flesh", "id": "13537450" }, { "contents": "J. Clifford Baxter\n\n\n. His suicide note was hand printed, though not signed, for his wife, Carol. The letter expressed Baxter's despair over the direction his life had taken. The full text of the note read: poemCarol, I am so sorry for this. I feel I just can't go on. I have always tried to do the right thing but where there was once great pride now it's gone. I love you and the children so much. I just can't be any good to you or myself.", "id": "11315567" }, { "contents": "Curious George (film)\n\n\nappreciated having Dick Van Dyke voice one of the characters. \"I was surprised when I actually finally met him that he had never done an animated voice before, with his association with Disney for all those years. I was just blown away so I'm going, 'This is great,' because as an animation director you always want to use people who are fresh, who haven't done animated voices – at least I do.\" he said. CG supervisor Thanh John Nguyen states that they tried to duplicate the", "id": "15040746" }, { "contents": "Wrecked (film)\n\n\ncan't just make safe bets. Even directors and actors who do great work, do not always do great work. And I don't feel like you can wait around until someone of note comes to you and says come work with me. You have to seek out new things that inspire you. The key to this working is that he really didn't have to babysit me. You have to have trust in each other, and I trust Michael.\" \"Wrecked\" received mixed to favorable reviews from film critics", "id": "2897033" }, { "contents": "DJ Fresh (producer)\n\n\nTonite Show\" album series, where he produces albums with guest artists that have since included Freddie Gibbs, The Jacka, The Grouch, J-Stalin, Yukmouth, Mitchy Slick, E-40, and Raekwon. According to Fresh, \"I come from the school of DJs when everybody was doing mixtapes on real cassette tapes; just playing songs of the hottest joints out and putting their name on it. That was cool, but I just wanted to make my own music and produce my own stuff, and that’s how", "id": "16632888" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, tomatoes (fresh or cooked into tomato sauce), peppers, olives and olive oil, garlic, artichokes, oranges, ricotta cheese, eggplants, zucchini, certain types of fish (anchovies, sardines and tuna), and capers are important components to the local cuisine. Italian cuisine is also well known (and well regarded) for its use of a diverse variety of pasta. Pasta include noodles in various lengths, widths, and shapes. Most pastas may be distinguished by the shapes for which they are named—", "id": "18268328" }, { "contents": "Penne\n\n\npenne\" are one of the few pasta shapes with a certain date of birth: In 1865, a pasta maker from San Martino d'Albaro (Genoa), Giovanni Battista Capurro, asked for and obtained a patent for a diagonal cutting machine. The new invention cut the fresh pasta into a pen shape without crushing it, in a variable size between 3 and 5 cm mezze penne (half pens) or penne (pens). In Italy, \"penne\" are produced in two main variants — \"\"penne lisce\"", "id": "2975952" }, { "contents": "2011 Subway Fresh Fit 500\n\n\ntalk to Kyle about it. I thought at first he was just frustrated and he turned left to get back in line and he didn’t know I was there, but I watched the tape and I think he really did get loose. He hit me hard and I was left with nothing. I got rammed to the infield.\" Rick Hendrick, the owner of Hendrick Motorsports, expressed his enjoyment of winning the race, stating, \"When you're a champion like Jeff Gordon, you know you can still do", "id": "12436186" }, { "contents": "Swabian Spätzle\n\n\nSpätzla, Spätzle [ˈʃpɛtslə] or Spatzen are Swabian or Alemannic pasta of an elongated shape which is served as a side dish or with other ingredients as a main dish. Similar pasta of a rotund shape is called Knöpfle in Baden-Württemberg and in Bavarian Swabia. Spätzle are egg-based pasta made with fresh egg of an irregular form with a rough, porous surface. The glutinous dough is put directly into boiling water or steam and the form varies between thin and thick, elongated and short. They are the only", "id": "11869863" }, { "contents": "Croatian cuisine\n\n\ncinnamon and clove, dried plums, dried figs, apples and other fruit are sometimes added to meat stews. Pasta is one of the most popular food items in Croatian cuisine, especially in the region of Dalmatia. \"Manistra na pome\" (pasta with tomato sauce) is a staple. The other popular sauces include creamy mushroom sauce, minced meat sauce and many others. Fresh pasta (\"rezanci\", \"krpice\") is added to soups and stews, or prepared with cottage cheese, cabbage, even with", "id": "8987444" }, { "contents": "Berkeley Student Food Collective\n\n\nstudents form sustainable food businesses on college campuses. The student food collective has a physical store on Bancroft Way, near the UC Berkeley campus. The store offers a variety of food and other items that are healthy and/or sustainable options. They have fresh produce every day including vegetables like chard, broccoli, kale, lettuce, carrots, and parsley and fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruit, tomatoes, lemons, tangerines, and pumpkins. The student workers prepare fresh foods including smoothies, vegan sandwiches, pastas, and salads.", "id": "11883578" }, { "contents": "River (TV series)\n\n\nto life\". Describing how she addressed the subject of living with voices in your head, as River does, Morgan told the BBC, \"I know from myself, I talk out loud. I've got children and they say to me 'mummy, you talk to yourself all the time'. I realised how much I do have other people in my head and what a comfort they are to me. It's not just about those who experience voices through mental health, it's the voices we carry from", "id": "3240795" }, { "contents": "Fresh Out the Oven\n\n\n'. She let me hear it and I said, 'You know what? I love the record, but it doesn't fit in with the album I'm making. And she said, I don't care. You just have to record this record. I don't care if you put another name on it. And so we did and we put it out and it went to No.1\". Nick Levine from Digital Spy said of the song when it first appeared online, \"Truth be told, the", "id": "18204251" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nthink it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet. We can't just keep distracting ourselves we do have to educate ourselves and wake up and do something about it. You know at the same time we don't want to be boring and serious and not have fun so it", "id": "20295254" }, { "contents": "Broken Age\n\n\nI can tell you that if you even utter the words \"adventure game\" in a meeting with a publisher you can just pack up your spiffy concept art and leave. You'd get a better reaction by announcing that you have the plague.\" Schafer explained that the game will not be \"museum\" or \"nostalgia\" work, but instead \"It's going to be fresh and feel modern and feel like what the next game would have been if I'd made one straight after \"Grim Fandango\"\".", "id": "1585175" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, etc. In the North of Italy, fish (such as cod, or baccalà), potatoes, rice, corn (maize), sausages, pork, and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with use of tomato are spread in all Italy. Italians like their ingredients fresh and subtly seasoned and spiced. In Northern Italy though there are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto are equally popular if not more so. Ligurian ingredients include several types of fish and seafood dishes.", "id": "18268326" }, { "contents": "Arthur Newman (film)\n\n\nI live with anyone? I am a genetic time bomb.\" Arthur then comforted her, \"You're not a statistic Mike, you're a person. Can't defend yourself against your worst feelings. You feel the things most of us run away from, most of us just too bummed out to feel\". They held hands and Mike cried out, \"Now do I have to have sex with you? Because I really don't want to.\" Arthur laughs, responded while shaking his head,\"", "id": "2804885" }, { "contents": "Al dente\n\n\nis cooked soft. When cooking commercial pasta, the al dente phase occurs right after the white of the pasta center disappears. The term is used in reference to cooking vegetables, such as green beans or brussels sprouts, though this is often misunderstood as meaning that instead of being cooked all the way through, they still have a slightly raw (fresh) taste to them, generally desirable in cooking. It could be interpreted as cooking them until they almost lose their raw taste, as a way to avoid overcooking them.", "id": "14094556" }, { "contents": "Arab cuisine\n\n\nthen throwing the water away (with all the goodness it contains), the Libyans boil pasta with the sauce, which adds a real pasta flavour to the sauce. You can make it with any type of pasta, and the simplest dish involves frying onions in oil, throwing in the tomato puree, chili powder, turmeric, then adding water and salt and leave to boil, before adding the pasta. But the proper way to do it is to add some lamb chops, chickpeas and garlic to the sauce. Serve", "id": "2299752" }, { "contents": "Bolognese sauce\n\n\nby adding small pieces of dried mushroom, a few slices of truffle, or chicken liver cooked with the meat and diced. As a final touch, he also suggested adding half a glass of cream to the sauce when it was completely done to make it taste even smoother. Artusi recommended serving this sauce with a medium size pasta (\"horse teeth\") made from durum wheat. The pasta was to be made fresh, cooked until it was firm, and then flavored with the sauce and Parmigiano cheese. In the", "id": "10936422" }, { "contents": "Rice-A-Roni\n\n\nRice-A-Roni is a product of PepsiCo's subsidiary the Quaker Oats Company. It is a pilaf-like boxed food mix that consists of rice, vermicelli pasta, and seasonings. To prepare, the rice and pasta are browned in butter, then water and seasonings are added and simmered until absorbed. In 1895, Italian-born immigrant Domenico (\"Charlie\") DeDomenico moved to California, where he set up a fresh produce store. A successful businessman, he married Maria Ferrigno from Salerno, Italy.", "id": "22018283" }, { "contents": "Jeremy Norman\n\n\n. Norman's partner, Derek Frost, designed the \"original hi-tech interior\". Heaven introduced a new music style, Hi-NRG. After four years Norman sold the club to Richard Branson of Virgin. Between the late 1980s and early 1990s Norman was the originator of two other successful clubs: Embargo (1990–94) and Leopard Lounge on Fulham Broadway (1989–92). Norman's other businesses included La Reserve wines in 1974 with his brother, and Pasta Pasta, a manufacturer and retailer of fresh pasta and", "id": "1467668" }, { "contents": "Demaco extruder\n\n\nThe Demaco extruder is a pasta extruder built by Demaco in West Melbourne, Florida, United States. It is the first pasta extruder ever built for USDA sanitary food plants. Its revolutionary design allowed food producers to use an extruder directly in fresh, frozen and canning factories. The Demaco extruder evolved from a mechanical pasta press first built in 1914. The mechanical press was replaced by the hydraulic press shortly afterwards. The Demaco extruder with an auger screw and mixer combined the functions of mixing, kneading and extruding in one machine.", "id": "20579821" }, { "contents": "Iron Man 2\n\n\noriginally intended to fill that role, was too fantastical. Favreau concurred, deciding, \"I look at Mandarin more like how in \"Star Wars\" you had the Emperor, but Darth Vader is the guy you want to see fight. Then you work your way to the time when lightning bolts are shooting out of the fingers and all that stuff could happen. But you can't have what happened in \"Return of the Jedi\" happen in \"A New Hope\". You just can't do it.\"", "id": "4657562" }, { "contents": "Systematic Chaos\n\n\na different approach lyrically. You have to keep things interesting for yourself when writing new material so I just took this and ran with it. [...] Those types of lyrics are fun to write, you know? The dark subject matter, the \"dark master\" stuff. It's another way of writing, a fresh one to me.\" He also summarizes the lyrics: \"It's a story about somebody who loses himself and end struggles with the darkness, symbolized by the Dark Master. And the story", "id": "16600485" }, { "contents": "Darden Restaurants\n\n\nsupport of their candidacy it released a 294-slide presentation in early September about how the company had gone wrong and how its directors would restore it to health. While it received considerable media attention for its detailed focus on Olive Garden, in particular the chain's \"wasteful\" practice of serving too many of its free unlimited breadsticks at once (to prevent food waste due to staleness: instead of one per customer plus an additional one per table; additional breadsticks are served fresh on demand) and not salting the water it boiled pasta", "id": "16067340" }, { "contents": "Hoard of the Dragon Queen\n\n\nthe first few episodes. It’s enough to get by but not enough to make the characters super powerful moving forward. Normally I would say this is a nice balance of power and experience, but doing the math on a fresh character sheet, it feels like you’re always on the cusp of being great when you truly need to be great. [...] The story itself truly picks up when you hit Castle Naerytar, which is much further down the road after you’ve figured out who you are and what works", "id": "2163903" }, { "contents": "Lloyd D. Jackson Square\n\n\npanini, hoagies, pasta and Chinese barbecue all displayed in a hot and cold buffet lines, that includes fresh seafood and a range of exotic fruits and vegetables. Sixteen aisles of groceries feature everything from laundry detergent to cat food, with spices taking up an entire aisle making sure that every palate and customer is equally satisfied and represented. On March 25, 2015 a new and much awaited LCBO was unveiled in the mall. The 5,530 square-foot store was placed beside Nations Fresh Foods in the mall's west end and", "id": "1574763" }, { "contents": "Tortello amaro di Castel Goffredo\n\n\nThe Tortello amaro di Castel Goffredo (\"Castel Goffredo's bitter tortello\") is a type of stuffed pasta like ravioli and recognized traditional food product of the Lombardy region, typical of the Castel Goffredo in the province of Mantua. It is named for the presence \"balsamita\" filling, an aromatic herb called locally 'bitter herb'. The other filling ingredients are herbs, parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, eggs, nutmeg, sage, onion, garlic and salt. Preparing fresh pasta is still a traditional recipe with 10", "id": "19916427" }, { "contents": "Everyday Robots (song)\n\n\nit, I've always done that,\" he said. \"I remember when I wrote 'The Universal' it was just when the idea of satellites were really fresh, and the lottery and everything, and now it's just such a part of everyone's reality. It's not a direct vision of the future it's just you feel that's what's going to happen,\" he added. \"I like the idea of, in the future, we've only got thumbs. I don't like", "id": "3023530" }, { "contents": "Miami Dade FC\n\n\nBlue and white. MDFC will launch a full collection of kits once a year, Its schedule to launch in the second quarter, including also goalkeeper, training and travel kits. On Thanksgiving Day, a half-dozen of the Miami-Dade FC team’s players and staff spent an afternoon making pasta at the Fort Lauderdale factory of Spaghetto, which manufactures fresh pasta, to then cook and donate to over 150 homeless. In July 2015, the United Nations presented Miami Dade FC in Barranquilla, Colombia in an event held", "id": "2707877" }, { "contents": "Dry pasta line\n\n\nthe shape, and cuts the pasta to the correct length. Dry pasta lines typically use rectangular dies to extrude long goods pasta and round dies to extrude short goods pasta. The extruder typically uses a vacuum system in the mixing process to keep air out of the dough. The dryer dries the pasta to the correct moisture level, typically using sticks or screens to transport pasta inside the dryer depending on the length of the product. Long goods pasta such as spaghetti is hung vertically from sticks and short goods pasta such as penne", "id": "13774263" }, { "contents": "Bolognese sauce\n\n\ncentury-plus since Artusi recorded and subsequently published his recipe for \"Maccheroni alla bolognese\", what is now \"ragù alla bolognese\" has evolved with the cuisine of the region. Most notable is the preferred choice of pasta, which today is widely recognized as fresh tagliatelle. Another reflection of the evolution of the cuisine over the past 150 years is the addition of tomato, either as a puree or as a concentrated paste, to the common mix of ingredients. Similarly, both wine and milk appear today in the list", "id": "10936423" }, { "contents": "Pasta con le sarde\n\n\nraisins and salt are added to flavor the dish. To finish the dish it is topped with toasted breadcrumbs. Fresh sardines are preferable, but if these are not available canned sardines can be used. Wild fennel is plentiful in Sicily, but might be hard to find elsewhere; if unobtainable, the tops of ordinary fennel may be used instead. Some variations use tomato sauce. Cookbook author Pino Correnti argues that the tomato-less recipe published in 1886 by the folklorist Giuseppe Pitrè is the only authentic version. In an interview", "id": "9475030" }, { "contents": "Aisle (video game)\n\n\n. The character's interest is piqued by the gnocchi he sees in the pasta aisle and a few other items are noted. Then the player is asked to choose how to proceed. Based on this input the game will reveal the character's story (and back story). Alec Meer describes how things may proceed from here: So what do you do? Buy pasta, think about Gnocchi, try to talk to the woman, take your clothes off, start shouting… Some endings are moving, others tragic, others", "id": "18375468" }, { "contents": "Wila (lichen)\n\n\ninstead of boiling the cakes, some people just soak the cakes overnight in cold water or dip them into soup like crackers. They can also be powdered and boiled in water to make a porridge. It is always preferable to cook wila in a cooking pit. However, it has sometimes been prepared by simply boiling it in water. It is generally reported that this produces an inferior product, and it is likely only done when the chef does not have the time for a proper pitcook. The Okanagan sometimes roast the fresh", "id": "11288953" } ]
I know that overeating leads to weight gain (obesity if I'm not careful) but this summer I have just felt soooo hungry. I thought people lose weight in the summer? Maybe it's all the watermelon making people gain weight in the summer I bet you're right! Maybe no eating disorfer lol, just water weight for giant watermelons. Ah well, eating disorders are serious things. Unfortunate things. I wouldn't go as far as saying I need to do a 12 step program for food addicts but I for sure need to padlock the cookie jar. I was slightly underweight but that's not a concern anymore. I've gain 15 this past year. Wow, I didn't know food addiction was a thing
[{"answer": "It seriously is. I think us humans can addicted to anything, but that's my opinion. Over eating also causes addictive behaviors. I personally need self discipline, it would benefit my family too", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "461462", "title": "Overeating", "start_paragraph_id": 10, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 10, "end_character": 99, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Treatment.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "John Leguizamo\n\n\nrevealed to CraveOnline that he was not happy working on the television program. \"I was depressed doing \"ER\",\" he admitted, \"I started gaining weight, I was eating doughnuts, I started smoking again. I'm eating McDonald's, things that I know when I'm depressed I do. I tried to kill myself internally.\" In 2004, he guest starred on \"Dora the Explorer\" as Captain Pirate Piggy. In 2006, Leguizamo starred in the television pilot for \"Edison,\" a", "id": "22026254" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Cook\n\n\nrehab for drug addiction and an eating disorder. On being sent to rehab, Cook said \"I needed some help. I did not feel like rehab was what I needed and I tried to desperately convince some key people around me that in that moment I needed intensive therapy and I probably needed medication. They cancelled the tour and said you can't go because we don't trust the state that you're in. You're saying you're not addicted to anything and you're saying you don't have an eating disorder", "id": "20098776" }, { "contents": "Anthony Ingrassia\n\n\nand the pain and the feelings in the plays.\" Ingrassia's mother died in 1990. In 1995, Ingrassia died of cardiac arrest at age 51 at Brunswick Hospital in Amityville. During his lifetime, Ingrassia struggled with eating disorders and weighed up to 600 pounds. He was seeing an eating disorder therapist before his death. He had to use a freight elevator because of his weight, and said, \"I'm freight, baby... I still have to fight my food addiction. I don't know how much I", "id": "20113624" }, { "contents": "Nothing Was the Same\n\n\npast and sort of still feeling guilty that I'm not in love with one of these girls that cared about me from back in the day. Now, I'm 26, I'm with my friends, I'm making jobs for people, I'm making memories for people that will last a lifetime. I don't need to be in love right now. I don't need these things that I maybe once thought that I needed to feel normal and feel righteous about myself. I think for the first time in", "id": "6375235" }, { "contents": "Jared Has Aides\n\n\nfaking losing weight in order to strike a deal to film commercials with City Wok, was inspired by Parker and Stone wondering if Fogle really lost weight by eating a diet consisting entirely of submarine sandwiches, with Stone saying on the commentary that \"I could go gain 20 pounds, and then eat nothing but McDonald's. I just wouldn't eat very much McDonald's.\" The character of Jared Fogle would later return in the fourteenth season episode \"200\", as one of several celebrities who returned to South Park for", "id": "15517453" }, { "contents": "Chapter 27\n\n\nvery strange, like, lemon and cayenne pepper and water fast. I didn't eat any food for 10 days straight; I think I lost 20 pounds that first 10 days.\" Losing the excess weight after \"Chapter 27\" proved a challenge. \"It took about a year to get back to a place that felt semi-normal,\" he said; \"I don't know if I'll ever be back to the place I was physically. I'd never do it again; it definitely gave me", "id": "21965681" }, { "contents": "Danity Kane\n\n\nheard she's doing well with her husband and she got a house. I love her, but I don't know.\" Richard was surprised that only two members showed up for another season. \"The thing about it ... I thought we were all going to come back and talk, or maybe if [O'Day] didn't come back, 'cause I don't know how [Combs] was feeling about that, if the four of us got together. I didn't know what to expect. I just know", "id": "19735314" }, { "contents": "Kerli\n\n\nradio friendly without losing what people already love about [her].\" In response to criticism concerning her sound compared to her older sound, Kerli said she was \"not the same person anymore\", stating \"Maybe I will be [on] my third album. Maybe I'll be totally depressed and write another really dark album. I have no idea where I'm going to go. All I know is that I'm just always going to try to grow and do my best. And whatever comes out of", "id": "17418713" }, { "contents": "Look for Me\n\n\n, I barely know you, but I really FEEL that you would BE THERE for me, if the RAIN STARTS TO mean...if I was having a rough time of things. You are clearly a very big-hearted fella, and not adverse to pulling your weight if the people you love needed it. Now, the only problem is, I'm not sure if I can 100% rely on your support if the choruses are full of friendship and love and support for me the listener", "id": "4928376" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Cook\n\n\nbut we don't know that\". Cook tried to convince her management that, if she were a drug addict, she would tell them directly which drugs she was taking, saying \"I wasn't doing any of that. I wasn't addicted to anything. I knew I didn't have an eating disorder. I was just skinny from being stressed out but people in positions of power in my life didn't believe me\". She was critical of the treatment she received and checked herself out early, explaining that", "id": "20098777" }, { "contents": "Oprah Winfrey\n\n\nwas I just needed approval so much. I needed everyone to like me, because I didn't like myself much. So I'd end up with these cruel self-absorbed guys who'd tell me how selfish I was, and I'd say 'Oh thank you, you're so right' and be grateful to them. Because I had no sense that I deserved anything else. Which is also why I gained so much weight later on. It was the perfect way of cushioning myself against the world's disapproval", "id": "9973241" }, { "contents": "KE diet\n\n\nto keep the weight off. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics say it carries a number of serious risks including pulmonary aspiration and infection. Professor of nutritional science Laura Matarese has said \"I don't know any reputable physician or any reputable health care practitioner who would say that this is a good idea.\" People who lose weight via the KE diet are at risk of weight gain and binge eating once the diet ceases. The reported side effects of the diet include constipation, bad breath, dizziness and lack of energy.", "id": "16944480" }, { "contents": "Marcus Camby\n\n\nthe scapegoat for their lack of post-season success. \"I thought I had done everything possible that I could do with that team, and just tried to go about things the right way. I just thought the way they went about it was classless; they didn't let me know anything. That's a thing of the past right now, that's something I put behind me and I'm looking forward to embarking on this journey.\" In the first part of the 2008–09 NBA season, he started at", "id": "17580701" }, { "contents": "Ade Akinbiyi\n\n\nwasn't playing at Sheffield so the only thing I was doing was weights. We didn't even have reserve games and it was something to do. I put on a bit too much muscle and I lost about a yard of pace\", he said. \"I try to stay away from the weights room now. I'm sort of addicted.\" On 26 March 2009, Akinbiyi was reported to be in talks about a move to the United States to join Major League Soccer club Houston Dynamo. On 30 March", "id": "2400610" }, { "contents": "It Won/t Be Like This All the Time\n\n\nbehind a lot of metaphors anymore. I've done that, what's the point in trying to do it again? I'm really proud of our lyrics in the past but this is just what came out. I don't need to hide behind anything any more. It's a bit of a leap to just go 'this is actually how I'm feeling.' I think now is the time to just be more open and honest with people. For myself it was important to say these things, but when", "id": "6385476" }, { "contents": "Mad Love (JoJo album)\n\n\nlike, 'I have this thing. I don't wanna leave you. I don't wanna lose you. But I need to go.' I said, 'I completely understand,' but then I was left at Atlantic again and just kind of didn't know what to do. So I was given a lot of songs, I was recording a lot of things that didn't feel completely 100% authentic to me. But then after losing my father and going on tour and going through that experience,", "id": "6349527" }, { "contents": "Jane Fonda\n\n\n. We were violated and it's not right.\" She said, \"I've been raped, I've been sexually abused as a child and I've been fired because I wouldn't sleep with my boss.\" She said, \"I always thought it was my fault; that I didn't do or say the right thing. I know young girls who've been raped and didn't even know it was rape. They think, 'It must have been because I said 'no' the wrong way", "id": "16668326" }, { "contents": "How Betty Got Her Grieve Back\n\n\nflat on our faces\". I'm all about one-upping, but in the case of Betty, why change something that was working so delightfully well? I'm happy to report that the show didn't go off the rails. I was impressed: From Amanda's sudden weight gain (genius!) to Justin scoring an internship (as the correspondent from Fashion TV would say, \"ah-maaaz-ing\"!), the whole thing felt very core Betty.\" The episode scored a 7.4 rating", "id": "19238271" }, { "contents": "Eliza Doolittle (singer)\n\n\nI have felt and seen things I hadn't before, and I know things I didn't know before. In a way I have answers to questions, but then those answers open up a thousand other questions. I guess I've gone through things that so many people go through at the age I am. I've written almost every day about my every thought and emotion and the album is made up of the songs that mean the most to me\". On 7 June 2013 she premiered a new single called \"", "id": "21645520" }, { "contents": "Margarita (Master and Margarita)\n\n\n: \"Understood. This thing is pure gold, you can tell by the weight. So, then, I understand perfectly well that I'm being bribed and drawn into some shady story for which I'm going to pay dearly...I know what I'm getting into. But I'm getting into it on account of him, because I have no more hope for anything in this world. But I want to tell you that if you're going to ruin me, you'll be ashamed! Yes, ashamed!", "id": "2810085" }, { "contents": "Jamie Oliver\n\n\npoor people are only poor because they spend their money on the wrong things, rather than being constrained by time, equipment, knowledge or practicalities\". Monroe added, \"When I was living on £10 a week for food, because of mistakes with housing benefit payments, I didn't need a hug. I needed a fiver, just to have a little bit more to eat. I didn't need [a trip] to Sicily to see how the street cleaners ate, I needed someone to point out that", "id": "18212804" }, { "contents": "Alyssa Milano\n\n\nall her nude scenes. In a 1995 interview, she explained her motivation for some explicit scenes in \"Embrace of the Vampire\": \"I'm not going to say that I was manipulated into doing things that I didn't want to do. I did it because it was a woman director and I felt protected. And I learned a lot as far as knowing where the camera is and what coverage they need so that it's not all explicit.\" She starred in other roles, such as \"Candles in", "id": "1667420" }, { "contents": "Alan Turner (cricketer)\n\n\nbatsman, Turner was considered a strong chance to play for the \"establishment\" Australian team that summer against India. However he suffered a poor run of form. Turner decided to retire at the end of the summer, aged only 27. \"I was trying my guts out this season\", he said at the time. \"I really was, but things just didn't go my way... I have not gained ground in any direction in the past 12 months. I have been static in my cricket. So", "id": "8541622" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Tonsillectomy\n\n\nchild has a bad sore throat, or has repeated sore throats, the doctor may look at the reimbursement system and say to himself, \"You know what? I make a lot more money if I take this kid's tonsils out.\" Now, that may be the right thing to do. But I'd rather have that doctor making those decisions just based on whether you really need your kid's tonsils out or whether it might make more sense just to change -- maybe they have allergies. Maybe they have something", "id": "17942509" }, { "contents": "Arian Foster\n\n\nnot last very long, his diet was a very interesting subject to the media for a period of time. Regarding his diet, he said: \"I just like to eat healthy, man. That whole vegan thing, a lot of people are really interested in my food... I've had meat since I've said I don't eat meat anymore. I like to stay with the plant-based foods, but every now and then, I'll eat meat.\" Foster revealed his political affiliation during an NFL", "id": "11115007" }, { "contents": "2007 AT&T 250\n\n\nthe race, saying, \"I just drove as hard as I could, and unfortunately we weren't as good on the short runs. We'd get going after 20 laps, and I didn't need those cautions. Maybe we'll get a win one day. Maybe we won't. I don't know.\" Gibbs explained that Almirola was frustrated after being taken out of the car: \"He's upset. I left a message for him [Saturday] night. I know he's upset. I", "id": "15132951" }, { "contents": "Weight of the World (Evanescence song)\n\n\nI don't have all the answers for the meaning of life. That's the thing about our music is that it's deep and I'm trying to find the answers and I guess in that song I was really expressing that this is kind of a lot of pressure sometimes and I wanted to definitely say to all those fans, I'm not a prophet and I don't have all the answers, so you really need to look within yourself and start that journey on your own.\" \"Weight of the World", "id": "1586720" }, { "contents": "Go Ahead and Break My Heart\n\n\nknow what to do\". Additionally, she explains in the lyrics how the two artists met: \"I never ever meant to get so into you / Thought I was using you just to get me through\" and \"You know I'm broken, I don't trust anymore / Last thing I needed was to fall in love\". \"Go Ahead and Break My Heart\" was generally well received by music critics. Janine Schaults from \"Consequence of Sound\" enjoyed the track, claiming that the \"rousing duet", "id": "12862361" }, { "contents": "Mark O. Barton\n\n\ntheir bodies, reading in part: I killed Leigh Ann because she was one of the main reasons for my demise. ... I know that Jehovah will take care of all of them in the next life. I'm sure the details don't matter. There is no excuse, no good reason I am sure no one will understand. If they could I wouldn't want them to. I just write these things to say why. Please know that I love Leigh Ann, Matthew and Mychelle with all my heart.", "id": "2160162" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Tyson Fury\n\n\nmy personal life. I've not been in a gym for months. I've not been training. I've been going through depression. I just don't want to live anymore, if you know what I’m saying. I've had total enough of it. They've forced me to the breaking edge. Never mind cocaine. I just didn't care. I don't want to live anymore. So cocaine is a little minor thing compared to not wanting to live anymore.I am seeing help, but", "id": "19818873" }, { "contents": "Brian Wilson (album)\n\n\n. Titelman says, \"My job was to egg him on, make him do stuff that maybe he wouldn't have done, hope we shared the same taste. In that way, I was helpful, a catalyst. ... I was sensitive to Brian’s quirkiness and to his feelings about certain things, but after a point, he knows what’s good and he knows what to do. And I know what to do. We’re both professionals. So if he was going off track, I would say '", "id": "16160336" }, { "contents": "Jack Earl\n\n\nIf people don't like it, then it doesn't sell. As far as I'm concerned, there is no reason to make anything that doesn't sell, because I don't have any need to express myself. I've got other things to do.\" –Jack Earl “…What I do is a presentation of the way things are… you just present it and let people see it. …There has to be a sense of mystery in what you make.” –Jack Earl to Jane Milosch", "id": "10301013" }, { "contents": "I Will Always Love You\n\n\npublishing rights to any song Elvis recorded. Parton refused. She recalls:I said, 'I'm really sorry,' and I cried all night. I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it's like, Oh, my God … Elvis Presley.' And other people were saying, 'You're nuts. It's Elvis Presley.' ...I said, 'I can't do that. Something in my heart says, 'Don't do that. And I just did", "id": "1082199" }, { "contents": "Hubert Selby Jr.\n\n\n\"I know the alphabet. Maybe I could be a writer.\" He later wrote: I was sitting at home and had a profound experience. I experienced, in all of my Being, that someday I was going to die, and it wouldn't be like it had been happening, almost dying but somehow staying alive, but I would just die! And two things would happen right before I died: I would regret my entire life; I would want to live it over again. This terrified me.", "id": "10837746" }, { "contents": "...All the Marbles\n\n\nthe applause, and you think, 'Oh, good. I did well.'\" Aldrich said \"I hope this is going to be a fun picture, not a \"Big Knife\", but then I thought \"Emperor of the North Pole\" was a fun picture, but nobody saw it, so maybe I was wrong. I'm not so sure what a fun picture is anymore, just as I no longer know what fun is, at least in this town. There's no working class any", "id": "16307613" }, { "contents": "Wade Redden\n\n\nthe Rangers, Redden said, \"I think maybe making that money there and being the player I am… I felt like the first little while, things were going pretty good, and then they kind of fell off. I felt like I wasn't doing enough, and like I should have been doing more. Once I started feeling that way, I think I just got away from the things that made me successful. Things just kind of snowballed from there.\" Redden cleared waivers and was assigned to the Rangers", "id": "5105711" }, { "contents": "Mister Lonely\n\n\nmore distant. I was burnt out, movies were what I always loved in life and I started to not care. I went deeper and deeper into a dark place and to be honest movies were the last thing I was thinking about – I didn't know if I was going to be alive. My dream was to evaporate. I was unhealthy. Whatever happened during that time, and I won't go into the details, maybe it was something I needed to go through.\" In a 2003 interview with the", "id": "1575043" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\nthing he'd heard in ages, but then it got down to the business side of everything, and I just thought I can't go down that road again. They tried to boss me around thinking I'm still sixteen or whatever. I can't go backwards instead of forwards. But I've gone through so much, and this is the most revolutionary thing I have ever written. I know it is outstanding. I've lived with it so long. It fucking is... I know it is. The album", "id": "8854333" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Troy Donahue\n\n\nI did a few independent pictures that never went any place. I travelled, played stickball, had a few marriages and many affairs. I just totally enjoyed myself and did the things I didn't get to do when I was a kid. Now I've decided I wanna go back to work again and I've been encouraged by a lot of people who feel that I have the talent and everything that goes with it. There was talk of a TV movie, \"Return to a Summer Place\", but it", "id": "14357849" }, { "contents": "Alex Ebert\n\n\nAngeles party lifestyle and subsequent drug addiction, Ebert broke up with his then-girlfriend, moved out of his house, and spent some time in rehab. During this time, he developed Edward Sharpe, his alter ego. \"I don't want to put too much weight on it, because in some ways it's just a name that I came up with. But I guess if I look deeper, I do feel like I had lost my identity in general. I really didn't know what was going on", "id": "19777808" }, { "contents": "Land of Hope and Dreams\n\n\nhard time locating my rock voice. I knew I didn't want it to be what it was, but I didn't know ... I'd made some records over the past years, I made one in '94 that I didn't release. Then I made a series of demos, kind of in search of that voice. And I was having a hard time finding it. And there was a point I said: 'Well, gee, maybe I just don't do that now. Maybe that's something", "id": "15852049" }, { "contents": "Jerry Maguire\n\n\nhad me say it a few different ways. It's so funny, because when I read it, I didn't get it — I thought it was a typo somehow. I kept looking at it. It was the one thing in the script that I was looking at going, 'Is that right? Can that be right? How is that right?' I thought, 'Is there a better way to say that? Am I not getting it? I just don't know how to do it.", "id": "13281004" }, { "contents": "Lewis Marnell\n\n\nknows each other. I went there hung out, not long at all. Maybe like 4 hours. I had maybe 6 beers, didn't really get drunk, went home and woke up in the morning. Went to have a sip of water and as soon as I swallowed it, I just started throwing up! Anytime I tried to eat or drink I would just throw up. I did that for 2 days and then went to the doctor who sent me to the emergency room. That's when I had", "id": "2579539" }, { "contents": "The Twenty Tour\n\n\nand said, \"Who wouldn't want to do that again? The laugh with the boys and travelling around and seeing all the fans again. It's nearly six years next summer since we've done it so who knows? Maybe in ten years. I'm sure it will happen but I don't know when and I know know if even we know when the right time will be.\" In September 2018, several Irish news outlets began to report that the group has been signed to Universal Music Group and Virgin", "id": "10514608" }, { "contents": "Bloom (Beach House album)\n\n\na set of words we felt curated the whole thing, \"Bloom\" was it. And it was based on feeling and just a belief in the word. It actually has more weight for me than it has an ethereal quality. It came about where it made sense. [...] For things to feel right, it definitely has to sit for a while and I think that's why it's not ethereal for me. I associate that word with fleeting or not having any substance, I don't know.", "id": "10401205" }, { "contents": "Kill Em with Kindness (song)\n\n\nonline of the singer in a bikini during a trip to Mexico in April 2015. Many claimed she gained weight, with some news outlets going as far as to label her a \"mess\", and suggested Gomez was \"going off the deep end\". She commented: \"I was getting a lot of hate for my body and ‘you’re gaining weight,’ and so I was in Mexico and I was just feeling all of this stuff and I would be lying to you if I said it didn’t", "id": "19169662" }, { "contents": "The Times They Are a-Changin' (album)\n\n\nI just got to be, as I got to admit that the man who shot President Kennedy, Lee Oswald, I don't know exactly where … what he thought he was doing, but I got to admit honestly that I too - I saw some of myself in him. I don't think it would have gone - I don't think it could go that far. But I got to stand up and say I saw things that he felt, in me - not to go that far and shoot. (", "id": "7713186" }, { "contents": "Egonomics\n\n\nEgonomics is a form of self-management first proposed by Thomas Schelling in his paper \"Egonomics, or the Art of Self-Management.\" Schelling suggested that individuals suffer from a sort of split-personality disorder whereby the present self wants a specific thing (e.g., eating a cookie) but the future or past self wants a different thing (e.g., losing weight). Both selves exist, but do not exist at the same time. Schelling wrote: \"What I have in mind is an act or decision", "id": "20550059" }, { "contents": "Wrapped Around Your Finger\n\n\ntwo variations somewhat rare.) The B-side of the song in Britain, \"Someone to Talk To,\" was written by guitarist Andy Summers. Sting refused to provide vocals, leaving Summers to sing. Summers expressed disappointment at this, saying, \"Maybe I had just split up from my wife. It was a nice thing I had on the guitar and I was disappointed that Sting wouldn't sing it. That would have given it more of an official stamp.\" Drummer Stewart Copeland said of this conflict", "id": "18977992" }, { "contents": "On My Mind (Ellie Goulding song)\n\n\ngone back to that. I think for the past couple of years I've maybe been filtering out lyrics quite a bit and going for a more typical kind of pop structure, but this song, we had so much fun writing it, it just comes back to that basic thing of having that person just constantly stuck in our heads.\" [...] \"I'm sorry to all the people that want it to be about someone — it's not, it's like a myth.\" \"I like guys", "id": "20414523" }, { "contents": "Shawn Butler\n\n\nSean Blakemore. I think he's very cool. His character needs to be more dimensionalized, but I'm all for putting Shawn and Alexis together. Frank and [head writer] Ron Carlivati know that I need to have a relationship on the show. Maybe they're just experimenting, seeing what works, what doesn't. It'd be good to start over with Alexis and Shawn and approach this thing again. Why are the two of them together? What's behind the attraction? I don't think they even", "id": "19269485" }, { "contents": "I Was Wrong, I'm Sorry & I Love You\n\n\nfriendship, marriage, or even a church community. Webb stated in an interview that \"if I am consciously, deliberately making a record about the church again, I thought I should start with those three statements (I was wrong, I'm sorry, and I love you.).\" His intentions throughout his solo career are expressed by lyrics in the title track, \"over all these years, there's just three things I've tried to say.\" The title expresses a need for Christians to sincerely and", "id": "17264958" }, { "contents": "Matt Corby\n\n\nwanted to know how the brain functions, partly because of his experiences with depression and anxiety. \"People have said I have depression before, especially when I was younger,\" he offers. \"People were like, you should really go see someone. But I just thought, no, I'm pretty sure the human brain is capable of so much more than what I'm being told I'm capable of. When people say you need help it's like, do I? With what? And if you could", "id": "1744359" }, { "contents": "Cool for the Summer\n\n\nwas mixed by Serban Ghenea and mastered by Tom Coyne. Payami played the guitars, percussion, and keyboards. Lovato said the track is \"an awesome representation of where I'm headed\", and \"I think for so many years, I cared too much about what people thought. Now I can just be who I am. I can be open.\" She told Elvis Duran in a radio interview: \"After kind of being put in a corner of talking about so many things in my past, I just", "id": "4704515" }, { "contents": "Kathy Kinney\n\n\n'Aw, you're just fat,' as the ultimate put-down. I personally don't like it, but if fat jokes slip in because they're funny, I don't care.\" She is, however, less comfortable about being typecast because of her weight. \"Once in a while I would lose some weight, just by accident, and someone would say to me, 'You're going to diet yourself out of a career,'\" she says. \"And I tell them,", "id": "16618700" }, { "contents": "Nigel Godrich\n\n\nwanted to do it his way, I wanted to do it my way, and obviously that's the point of me being there. And I'm saying 'Well, why am I here if you're not prepared to try and do it the way I want to do it?' We got on great, it was just one of those laughable things where it just doesn't work. I wanted them to change, and they didn't.\" He produced the 20th anniversary version of \"Do They Know It", "id": "4052510" }, { "contents": "The Weight\n\n\nsongwriting and, because I knew Levon's musicality so well, I wanted to write songs that I thought he could sing better than anybody in the world. While I was there, I was just gathering images and names, and ideas and rhythms, and I was storing all of these things ... in my mind somewhere. And when it was time to sit down and write songs, when I reached into the attic to see what I was gonna write about, that's what was there. I just felt a", "id": "11574653" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra: Live at Melbourne Festival Hall\n\n\npimps. They're just crazy, you know. And the broads who work in the press are the hookers of the press. Need I explain that to you? I might offer them a buck and a half... I'm not sure. I once gave a chick in Washington $2 and I overpaid her, I found out. She didn't even bathe. Imagine what that was like, ha, ha. Now, it's a good thing I'm not angry. Really. It's a good thing", "id": "16982435" }, { "contents": "Michael Wardian\n\n\nthe counter argument is that you could get hurt and you wouldn't have any races a year. There are so many opportunities out there and, I love to toe the line. I love to see what I can do and just push the limits and try and experiment with myself. I like that people can look at me, and say, \"Wow, if that guy can do 13 marathons a year and do pretty well maybe I can do one.\" I think a lot of people can relate to that", "id": "17282695" }, { "contents": "Back to the Basics (EP)\n\n\nI'll try different things that's out the box and when I feel like I'm going too far out the box I bring it back in. Right at that time when I was bringing it back in I said I wanted to title my new EP \"Back to the Basics\" [because] that's what [I'm going to] get to as far as the Twista sound and doing what I do that I know people like.\" The Chicago emcee selected a few songs that he felt was \"a", "id": "15444146" }, { "contents": "Depression Cherry\n\n\nn't feel creative at all... I just thought well, maybe I'll never have another musical idea.\" She added, \"I just personally felt I needed a couple of months of just not doing anything, I didn't have thoughts.\" Legrand found herself frustrated and limited creatively by the presence of a live drum set on tour to play \"Bloom\"s songs because of \"the noise it creates and how much space it fills\". Guitarist Alex Scally concurred, saying, \"There was a transparent feeling, [", "id": "261040" }, { "contents": "Put It Down (Brandy song)\n\n\n\"I just felt like, [when] being gone for such a long time, you need to come back with something strong and shock people. Make them go, 'Wow, who is that? Oh my God, that's Brandy? I didn't' even know she can sound like that. Didn't know she would do a song like that?' Because It's completely different than anything I've ever done.\" \"Put It Down\" was written by Shondrae \"Bangladesh\" Crawford, Isaiah", "id": "14966059" }, { "contents": "Strapping Young Lad\n\n\non hold: At the end of the day, man, I'm just tired, and old, and bald, and fat, and grouchy, and bored. You know? So I was just like, I'm going to make this record, and do this stupid Ozzfest thing, and tell a bunch of stupid jokes in front of a lot of people at Download, then I'm just going to fuck off for a while. The bigger this gets, the less I care, to the point where I", "id": "14308102" }, { "contents": "Killing All the Right People\n\n\nand states that gay men like Kendall are getting what they deserve. \"As far as I'm concerned, this disease has one thing going for it: it's killing all the right people.\" Julia (Dixie Carter) angrily confronts Imogene over her belief that AIDS is God's punishment for homosexuality. \"Imogene, get serious! Who do you think you're talking to?! I've known you for 27 years, and all I can say is, if God was giving out sexually transmitted diseases to people", "id": "4086934" }, { "contents": "Stevie Nicks\n\n\nlost those 8 years of my life. I didn't write, and I had gained so much weight.\" In late 1993, while Nicks held a baby shower at her house, she tripped over a box, passed out, and cut her forehead near a fireplace. \"I'm one of those people who doesn't injure themselves. I was horrified to see that blood. I hadn't had enough wine. I knew it was the Klonopin,\" she said, realizing that she needed help, and endured", "id": "16105203" }, { "contents": "The Thing (1982 film)\n\n\nof the day, that was the position these people were in. They just didn’t know anything... They didn't know if they knew who they were... I love that, over the years, that movie has gotten its due because people were able to get past the horrificness of the monster... to see what the movie was about, which was paranoia.\" Carpenter summarised, \"Now, I do know, in the end, who the Thing is, but I cannot tell you.\" In the", "id": "12207477" }, { "contents": "How It Feels to Be Lost\n\n\n\" in a 2019 interview with \"Loudwire\". \"The year or two after touring that record, I had a really hard time going onstage and believing in the things I was saying. I didn’t feel like a legend. I didn’t feel like all those positive things that I was trying to push across to people. After \"Gossip\", we weren’t sure what we were going to do. We were talking about maybe doing a hiatus.” Quinn explained that his biggest regret was not taking a", "id": "17596847" }, { "contents": "Clash of the Titans (tour)\n\n\nmore Slayer tours, ha ha.\" When asked in August 2018 by CBS San Francisco about the possibility of a new Clash of the Titans tour with Slayer and Megadeth, Anthrax bassist Frank Bello stated, \"I wouldn't say it's under wraps because I don't know about it. But I would absolutely love for the Big 4 thing to happen again. That would be the right thing to do for everybody. I would love that. I mean, as far as Slayer goes, I'm sure they're", "id": "13846969" }, { "contents": "Son of the Mask\n\n\nwhere I had a good amount of control. And then in this movie I didn't have any control. I just can't do that. I have to have my voice in there. If I can't, I'm just going to be like I'm doing someone else's thing. I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through. All I can do is just try to make things independently. That's the only way you can do it. The only", "id": "53663" }, { "contents": "Gavin Cooper\n\n\nTeam, he would just miss out on selection with Cowboys coach Paul Green going on the record and saying “I feel sorry for Coops every year around rep time. His name always gets mentioned and it happened again this year but unfortunately he didn't make the team. He's a terrific bloke and one of our leaders here I don't have to talk about how good a player he is. He wouldn't let anyone down. Hopefully he keeps doing the right thing. I am sure he will get an opportunity", "id": "9720489" }, { "contents": "Hugo Weaving\n\n\ndoing the voice for the second one and I still hadn't seen the first one. I still didn't really know who the characters were and I didn't know what anything was. It's a voice job, for sure, and people assume I've spent my life working on it, but I really know so little about it.\" In 2012, Weaving said to \"Collider\": \"It was one of the only things I've ever done where I had no knowledge of it, I didn't", "id": "7215696" }, { "contents": "Camille Billops\n\n\nwithout having to kiss booty.” \"I don't know if I am that conscious of it, but some people say that our films have a tendency toward dirty laundry. The films say it like it is, rather than how people want it to be. Maybe it is my character that tends to want to do that, because I think the visual arts [artist?] in me wants to say the same kind of thing. So I don't know if I consciously did it; I think it is", "id": "2061691" }, { "contents": "Gok Wan\n\n\nas suffering from anorexia by a doctor. Under the supervision of his family he began to eat more and slowly increased to a healthier weight. Despite the sudden change, he had no problem with having been overweight, later reflecting: \"I don't regret having been fat at all. I know how to throw jokes at myself and I use humour before anything else, and those skills allow me to do the chat-shows. So I'm thankful for that.\" He even lamented that, after losing weight,", "id": "17972318" }, { "contents": "I Love Money (season 4)\n\n\nweighs 212.8Ibs, Mindy weighs 114Ibs, Brooklyn weighs 203.6Ibs, Hot Wings weighs 133.8Ibs, 6 Gauge weighs 221.6 and Brittanya weighs 123.8. Punisher tells Brittanya to drink as much water as she can as he knows it weighs a lot and it will help them both gain heaps of weight. Everyone starts to grab heaps of food Punisher grabs a huge bowl of Spaghetti with lots of bottles of water to drink from. Hot Wings takes a huge big cake and nearly eats the whole thing. Brooklyn grabs lots of meat as he thinks", "id": "10509449" }, { "contents": "So Appalled\n\n\na personal attack. \"I didn't know that [Hammer's financial status] wasn't on the table for discussion!\" he said. \"I didn't know I was the first person ever to say that...\" He continued, \"When I say things, I think people believe me so much that they take it a different way — it's, like, not rap anymore at that point. I say some great things about him in the book I have coming out [\"Decoded\"] —", "id": "7312915" }, { "contents": "Kenojuak Ashevak\n\n\nand simplicity: Since her death, prices for Kenojuak's work have reached new records, including $59,000CAD paid for a copy of \"Rabbit Eating Seaweed\". Kenojuak described her work thusly in 1980: I just take these things out of my thoughts and out of my imagination, and I don't really give any weight to the idea of its being an image of something... I am just concentrating on placing it down on paper in a way that is pleasing to my own eye, whether it has anything to do", "id": "16589073" }, { "contents": "Dil Dhadakne Do\n\n\nloved.\" Chopra had to shed the muscle weight she gained for playing the boxer in \"Mary Kom\" (2014). She said, \"I was not muscular but had acquired bulked-up physique. I had to be in right shape as I was playing a girly role. I had to ... go on a crash diet and lose shape.\" Singh called his character, Kabir Mehra, a privileged, \"born with a silver spoon\" kind of person who wants to pursue different things other than inherit", "id": "8286933" }, { "contents": "Tory Christman\n\n\nthe first thing you think is, 'Come on.'\" She explained, \"You're surrounded by all these people who're going, 'Wow, isn't it amazing, just getting the data? I can tell it has really changed you.' After a while, enough people say it and you're like, 'Wow. You know, I really feel it.'\" While a member of the organization, Christman rose to the Operating Thetan level of OT VII, \"the near-pinnacle", "id": "19404699" }, { "contents": "Jean Chrétien\n\n\n, defeating the incumbent Len Hopkins that: \"Well, you might [win the nomination]. But you're not going to get the chance...I am the boss. I have the right to make this decision. I have an agenda for this country. I want to be prime minister and do great things, and I've got to put people in place who I can know can win\". Chrétien added that he knew Hopkins could win because he won his seat eight times in a row while Clouthier had", "id": "393321" }, { "contents": "Jill Biden\n\n\nmany people approach Joe. Men and women, looking for comfort or empathy. But going forward, I think he's gonna have to judge – be a better judge – of when people approach him, how he's going to react. That he maybe shouldn't approach them.\" She said she had experienced male intrusion on personal space herself in the past and that \"I just sorta stepped aside. I didn't address it. ... things have changed. There was a time when women were afraid to speak", "id": "747457" }, { "contents": "Love and Mercy (film)\n\n\nsure.\" Of his musical performances, he recalls, \"There are a few scenes where you hear me start a line of a song and by the end of the session, you're hearing Brian's vocals. I have to give credit to the sound people, the transitions are really smooth; you can't tell that one half of it is the real thing and one half is me faking it, so I thank those guys a lot.\" Dano also prepared for the role by gaining weight. John Cusack", "id": "7295593" }, { "contents": "Neil Gaiman\n\n\nvirgin territory. When I was working on \"Sandman\", I felt a lot of the time that I was actually picking up a machete and heading out into the jungle. I got to write in places and do things that nobody had ever done before. When I'm writing novels I'm painfully aware that I'm working in a medium that people have been writing absolutely jaw-droppingly brilliant things for, you know, three-four thousand years now. You know, you can go back. We have things", "id": "2148734" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nreally well, as in health; I couldn't move freely. And then I was tired of playing a game, for instance playing this beautiful young woman, and I was heavy and uncomfortable to move around. In any case, it was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. So I felt now if I'm going to do things right—I've studied all my life to put things right musically, so why don't I diet and put myself into a certain condition where I'm presentable. During 1953 and", "id": "17351061" }, { "contents": "Graeham Goble\n\n\nlyrics, it just comes in. There's a feeling that comes over me and I know that there's a song trying to come through. It's sort of like I'm taken over or someone's trying to contact me; I really believe very much that I'm in some ways channeling this thing. Because when I write a song it's always done very quickly, completed in 20 minutes or maybe half an hour. I never labour anything, or very rarely. The only labouring I've ever done in", "id": "13304348" }, { "contents": "Yes Girl\n\n\nfor the song, she told \"People\", \"I had a lot of people in my life telling me what I needed to be doing and what direction I need to be going in. I was just getting really stressed out, and I found myself saying yes to a lot of things that I really didn't want to. There's that saying of being a Yes Man, and I was kind of being a Yes Girl. I wrote this song to remind myself that I can stand up for myself and", "id": "17463506" }, { "contents": "Street Angel (album)\n\n\nfor about eight weeks and I didn't mess with the vocals, which I should have. But I was so sort of overwhelmed with trying to fix the things that I didn't like about the music, which was like... there was no percussion, there was no Waddy Wachtel. Because I was told that the last thing that I would need was Waddy Wachtel. And I, you know... I mean, to that comment I was so speechless that I just didn't do anything, I said ok. So", "id": "12512948" }, { "contents": "Chris Daughtry\n\n\njust be there without actually being there, is the best thing I can do. As a man, I always feel like I need to say something. Sometimes I have to stop myself because all I want to do is call and tell her about how much awesome stuff is going on in my life, and, you know, her day is sucking hard. I could write a book on it, I’m serious.\" Chris Daughtry and fellow \"Idol\" contestant Ace Young have been friends since they met at", "id": "6234518" }, { "contents": "Past in Different Ways\n\n\nmajor innovative arrangements. According to Michael Kiske, Past In Different Ways \"on one hand shows that I don't reject my past just because I'm a different person today, and on the other hand it can maybe give people who were part of that past a different view at those songs. It's my music, I can still identify myself with its spirit...I generally brought each song down to its basics, threw out useless weight and sometimes changed the key to make them sound better as acoustics; and I", "id": "10365378" }, { "contents": "If We Ever Meet Again\n\n\n. Timbaland told MTV that he wanted the video to be serious and maybe have Perry playing his guardian angel: \"I wanna make something deep, I don't know if I wanna make it like a relationship. I wanna make it like she saved my life with whatever depression I was going through, whether it be drug depression, weight-loss depression — something... Will she be around if I go through this again?\". The song debuted with its video premiere on January 18, 2010 on UK music channels", "id": "18386361" }, { "contents": "Water Liars\n\n\nOhia is also a great influence, \"If you're gonna say there's one thing that influenced what I do now, it has to be the drum sounds. Because I play a lot like that guy does. My favorite style of drumming is on their records. I definitely model what I do after that. I mean, I don't try to do what they do, but that's just the way I like to play. It's just got that kind of '90s sound to it. Maybe", "id": "11006267" }, { "contents": "Melvin Van Peebles\n\n\na feature for five hundred dollars. That was the cost of ninety minutes of film. I didn't know a thing about shooting a film sixteen to one or ten to one or none of that shit. Then I forgot you had to develop film. And I didn't know you needed a work print. All I can say is that after I did one thing he would say, 'Well, aren't you gonna put sound on it?' and I would go, 'Oh shit!' That", "id": "1194280" }, { "contents": "Colleen Carlton\n\n\npeople come in all sizes- she wanted to put some balance out there. I agreed that was the right message and I loved that she asked me.\" So she kept the added weight on for authenticity. Whether her firing had to do with the weight gain, Leon said she did not know. Sursok, who gained a following portraying Dani Sutherland on the Australian soap opera \"Home and Away\" in the early 2000s, met rejection from a number of \"The Young and the Restless\" viewers. Despite negativity she", "id": "4777076" }, { "contents": "Tin Machine (album)\n\n\nthere all the time saying, 'Don't wimp out,' sing like you wrote it. Stand by it. I have done and frequently do censor myself in terms of lyrics. I say one thing and then I think, 'Ah maybe I'll just take the edge off that a bit.\" He elaborated, \"We wanted to come out of the box with energy, the energy we felt when we were writing and playing. There's very, very little over-dubbing on [the album]", "id": "19829383" }, { "contents": "Brian Givens\n\n\nwhat I've been through.\" However, Givens also said given the chance to do it again, he would not have been a replacement player. \"Now that I'm here and I see how everything works, I regret what I did\", Givens said in July 1995. \"I was really undecided and didn't want to do it, then I said I would. One thing about this team, there's a bunch of really good guys here. Maybe they're not all going to be our best", "id": "22096235" }, { "contents": "Mark Bolland\n\n\ngot out of hand, because too many people around the Palace were asking that question. Clearly it is a preposterous question to ask. I think I helped end the story, because it actually died the next day...I'm sure other people wouldn't share that interpretation. Had I been a bit naughty? Well, probably. In hindsight, it maybe wasn't the smartest thing to have done because it put me into the middle of it all. I should actually have stayed out.\" Bolland believed that Peat's", "id": "20759411" }, { "contents": "Master of None\n\n\ndo a season three. I wouldn't be surprised if I needed a looonng break before I could come back to it [...] I've got to become a different guy before I write a third season, is my personal thought, I've got to get married or have a kid or something. I don't have anything else to say about being a young guy being single in New York eating food around town all the time.\" In July 2018, Netflix head of original content Cindy Holland expressed interest in", "id": "10418476" } ]
I would like to go to the San Diego comic con one day. have you ever been? I have once, for a short time only, its nice its a multi-genre entertainment and comic convention I have seen on the internet that people dress up as their favorite characters. Would i be out of place if i dressed up like Mr. Pickles, the dog from the cartoon network?
[{"answer": "Nice, a lot of professionals, exhibitors, and pre-registered guests, you can get lucky and see someone famous too!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "843158", "title": "San Diego Comic-Con", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 352, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 630, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Centrifuge Brain Project\n\n\nTyrant\" wrote of \"The Centrifuge Brain Project\"s screening at San Diego Comic-Con 2012, calling it an \"amazing short film\", and expanding \"out of all the films they ended up showing this was my favorite, and I can guarantee it's going to entertain the hell out of you!\" \"First Showing\" wrote of the 14th Annual Animation Show of Shows at Comic-Con 2013 and labeled the film \"incredible\" and \"worth watching\", expanding that of the films screened, \"one", "id": "15259979" }, { "contents": "The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle\n\n\nlittle dog. I think the book will go all right when once started.\" Three weeks later, she wrote, \"The hedgehog drawings are turning out very comical. I have dressed up a cottonwool dummy for convenience of drawing the clothes. It is such a figure of fun.\" The dummy terrified her rabbit and her pet mouse pulled out the stuffing. \"I think it should make a good book,\" she wrote, \"When I have learnt to draw the child.\" Although Potter had little difficulty", "id": "14766904" }, { "contents": "Eddie Argos\n\n\nBrilliant! Tragic!\" was created by acclaimed comic book artist Jamie McKelvie. \"I can remember the first comic I ever read\" Argos said, \"it was the Beano, the day I had my tonsils out. I was given it as a treat as I couldn't eat anything. It might have been the only time I've turned down Ice Cream, it blew my tiny 6 year old mind. I loved comic books growing up but always had a fear they might be something I would have to give", "id": "2930395" }, { "contents": "Michael Fassbender\n\n\nas Burke in \"Jonah Hex\", a Western film. In an interview at San Diego Comic-Con International, a comic book convention, Fassbender commented of the role: \"I kind of developed this character and really pushed it – I'll see how far I pushed it ... I had this idea about the character, he’s kind of psychotic, he gets his kicks in perverted ways. I didn’t want to make it very obvious or like something you've seen before.\" Hex received predominantly negative reviews", "id": "21880987" }, { "contents": "Me and Mr. Johnson\n\n\nabout the work of Robert Johnson. Up until I heard his music, everything I had ever heard seemed as if it was dressed up for a shop window somewhere, so that when I heard him for the first time, it was like he was singing only for himself, and now and then, maybe God. At first, it scared me in its intensity, and I could only take it in small doses. Then I would build up strength and take a little more, but I could never really get away", "id": "10649028" }, { "contents": "The Walking Dead (season 1)\n\n\npart of the 2010 San Diego Comic-Con International. Hurd asserted that \"[they] really are doing six one-hour movie\", and Darabont insisted that the series would closely reflect the development in the comics. \"The path is a very strong template. But we're going to take every interesting detour we feel like taking. As long as were staying on the path of what Robert has done, I don't see any reason not to. If they have patience we'll eventually catch up to what", "id": "13687809" }, { "contents": "Come Along with Me (Adventure Time)\n\n\nworking on those stories. I would be so happy to come to work and brainstorm with him and sit down and draw on paper and pitch these stories with Post-its tacked up to the wall, just like they did in the 1930s with the stick and the song and the dance, the most traditional way of doing cartoons. When Sugar debuted the song at the 2018 San Diego Comic-Con, she joked that she wrote it \"Because she can't stay away [from \"Adventure Time\"].\"", "id": "4390819" }, { "contents": "Comic book convention\n\n\ncostume contest called a masquerade, where persons go on stage and compete for nominal prizes based on their skill in assembling and presenting genre-inspired outfits. This, however, would be more accurately labelled a \"talent show\" rather than the \"fancy dress ball\" that the term suggests (although British fandom sometimes uses the term \"fancy dress\"). From press coverage of comic book and anime conventions has arisen the widespread tendency of fans in general attendance at the con to dress up as their favorite characters in elaborate", "id": "19373016" }, { "contents": "Héroe Favorito\n\n\nif I were a superhero I would protect her. I have strength like Hulk, climb up 100 feet to her balcony like Spider-Man, a lot of metaphors.\" The song is described by Elias Leight of \"Billboard\" as an \"audacious combination of jazz and bachata\". Santos collaborated with Marvel Custom, Marvel Comics' content and marketing agency, on the single's artwork, in which he was dressed up as a superhero. \"I always had this fascination with superheroes,\" Santos told \"Billboard", "id": "12087718" }, { "contents": "Flo Steinberg\n\n\nto carry the industry's self-censorship Comics Code seal. She also had to field uninvited fans who would appear at the office, hoping to meet the comics creators. \"[P]eople started coming up to the office. And I would have to go out and see what they wanted. And little kids would try to run by me ... and I would have to trip them. ... Everyone thought that it was nice that the kids were coming up, but at the same time ... this was a business, y'know", "id": "4762115" }, { "contents": "List of Ranma ½ characters\n\n\nand since in the greater part of my previous stories the main character had been a woman, I planned to use a man this time. I was worried about writing a male main character because of the hundreds and hundreds of male readers, therefore I decided on the character being half man and half woman.\" At the 1994 San Diego Comic-Con, in response to the question of what would happen if Ranma became impregnated, Takahashi answered, \"I don't want to think about that, and you shouldn't", "id": "3187768" }, { "contents": "Kenny Rogers (baseball)\n\n\nespecially when you have the quality of people here like Dombrowski and like we have in Mr. Ilitch, those things that you can't take for granted. You add in Jim Leyland and the coaching staff here, and I just got lucky to choose this place... Right when I went in the door and met them, I knew. I knew where I was going to end up.\" On March 30, 2007, ESPN reported that Rogers would miss three months after undergoing surgery for a blood clot in his pitching shoulder", "id": "18738330" }, { "contents": "Brilliant! Tragic!\n\n\nBatman, Booster Gold and Blue Beetle. He also writes an online comic book review for \"Playback\" called \"Pow To The People\". \"I can remember the first comic I ever read\" Argos said, \"it was the Beano, the day I had my tonsils out. I was given it as a treat as I couldn't eat anything. It might have been the only time I've turned down Ice Cream, it blew my tiny 6 year old mind. I loved comic books growing up but", "id": "14451082" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nSan Diego Comic-Con International is a non-profit multi-genre entertainment and comic book convention held annually in San Diego, California, United States. The name, as given on its website, is Comic-Con International: San Diego; but it is commonly known simply as Comic-Con or the San Diego Comic-Con or \"SDCC\". It was founded as the Golden State Comic Book Convention in 1970 by a group of San Diegans that included Shel Dorf, Richard Alf, Ken Krueger, and", "id": "11076631" }, { "contents": "Deryck Whibley\n\n\nwedding day since I was a little girl. I have to wear the white dress... People thought that I would [wear a] black wedding dress, and I would have, but at the same time, I was thinking about the wedding pictures, and I wanted to be in style. I didn't want to be thinking, 20 years later, 'Oh, why did I wear my hair like that? The wedding was held on July 15, 2006. About 110 guests attended the wedding, which was", "id": "18400608" }, { "contents": "We Belong Together\n\n\nactually wore on a certain occasion and had it in storage and when we came up with the concept for the video that had the element of a wedding in it, I said, ‘well, I do have my old wedding dress,’. 'It’s still worth [sic] for me ’cause I can’t believe I was ever married but whatever, end of story. And I knew that we wouldn’t be able to get a fabulous dress like in two days so I just took that dress out of", "id": "19281037" }, { "contents": "Sailing Soul(s)\n\n\nright before I found out I was pregnant. I had a meeting with this label head and at this point I had done so many meetings. I had been doing it for like five years, and I was excited to have the meeting, but it wasn’t hype. I was going to go in there and be myself, I’m not going to really care. I wore a little bit of makeup and I dressed how I would dress. Went in there, sang for them, did the whole meeting thing", "id": "16226779" }, { "contents": "List of Monster High characters\n\n\nyellow streaks, eyes that have no irises, and likes to wear clothes that have green in them. In the cartoon, she wears a green dress and a green hairband. She is a bit reserved as whenever she speaks, the other monsters misinterpret it as a bad omen. Scarah Screams was one of three prototype dolls (alongside Headless Headmistress Bloodgood and Daughter of Arachne) that were featured at the San Diego Comic-Con in 2011. Mattel conducted a poll at the convention as well as online as to which of", "id": "18420789" }, { "contents": "Monitor (comics)\n\n\nthat the whole company could use. I didn’t have to sell it to Marvel, because they already had one universe, but when I came back to DC I indicated that I wanted to do it here. Everyone liked it but forgot to hand out the sheets I gave for their writers. So I have to redo it indicating how far you can take the character from month A to month B. Like for three months you can only show this much and after six months you can show that much, and at the", "id": "10521771" }, { "contents": "San Diego Chargers stadium proposals\n\n\ndigital billboards to be erected outside the stadium, lighting up East Village with light from the billboards until 2 a.m. each day. Some local residents are concerned it would be across the street from the San Diego Central Library. Some critics believed building the stadium would have put San Diego in risk of losing Comic Con because the proposed site would have been more than half a mile away from the convention center. Comic Con officials claimed the large separation made the stadium unusable to Comic Con, and believed there needed to be a contiguous", "id": "96559" }, { "contents": "Sophia Peletier\n\n\nI wouldn't be able to see everybody every day after that, but it turned out really well. I didn't really know it was going to be that big a deal, though.\" Robert Kirkman felt that killing Sophia would add more dimension to the show, as well as add more flexibility to its storyline progression. \"When a good idea comes up, you have to go with it,\" he articulated. \"Sophia is a character who is still alive in the comic book series and who has contributed", "id": "16702881" }, { "contents": "Comic book convention\n\n\n. In the U.S., comics festival and \"indy shows\" tend to highlight the \"alternative comics\" genre, not the work of \"mainstream\" publishers like DC Comics and Marvel Comics. Cos-playing is rarely if ever a feature of these conventions. Some notable North American small press conventions include: Comics-only conventions emerged in response to the sprawling pop culture-focused conventions epitomized by Wizard Entertainment, San Diego Comic Con International, and the New York Comic Con. \"Comics-only\" shows tend to", "id": "19373006" }, { "contents": "Denrele Edun\n\n\nwent into modelling, and after graduation, he joined \"Sound City\" as a TV presenter. Denrele studied English Education at the University of Lagos. Denrele is an entertainment personality whose style has been described as \"punk and fun\". In an interview with \"ModernGhana\", he stated \"I am just expressing my individuality. Most people ask me that question and I would say I just want to be me. Some people think I dress (cross-dressing) like this to attract attention, but I have", "id": "18164801" }, { "contents": "Rico Yan\n\n\nway you dress. I even don't like your make up... But i love you.\" In 2001, Yan maneuvered to a different genre from leading man to be part of a comic triumvirate called Whattamen whom initially started on Gimik. On September 2001, he showed his humorist side by playing the pleasant and witty Castro in an all-male comedy sitcom, focusing in three characters on \"Whattamen\" alongside, Dominic Ochoa, Marvin Agustin and Ai Ai De Las Alas. A restaurant possessor, who is the charming", "id": "16456323" }, { "contents": "Ash (comics)\n\n\nEvent Comics before its demise. Through the comics' four-issue year run, and various incarnations, Wizard Entertainment produced a mini-comic (#4), \"Wizard Ash\" 1/2 (numbered as both 0 and 1/2) and \"The Ash Files\". From an interview with Jimmy Palmiotti in January 2009: “We were in Chicago, and I remember it exactly. I came up with the initial idea it in the shower. I came out of the bathroom, dressed [laughter] and hit Joe", "id": "2933106" }, { "contents": "Pantomime comics\n\n\n. You have regular theater, and you have pantomime, like Marcel Marceau or Alejandro Jodorowsky. And I apply that to cartooning and it works.\"\". Pantomime comics tend to be popular in the gag-a-day comics genre, where they typically only exist of just three or four images per episode. But some graphic novels with longer narratives also make use of pantomime (\"Wordless novels\"). This allows for a more visual experience, where the actual meaning of the events is left to the readers", "id": "6279823" }, { "contents": "Hippolyta (DC Comics)\n\n\na post in his message board: \"I thought George's one \"mistake\" in rebooting Wonder Woman was making her only 25 years old when she left Paradise Island. I preferred the idea of a Diana who was thousands of years old (as, if I recall correctly, she was in the TV series). From that angle, I would have liked to have seen Diana having been Wonder Woman in WW2, and be returning to our world in the reboot.\" \"Not having that option, I took", "id": "4253808" }, { "contents": "Saga (comics)\n\n\nwith whom Staples worked on \"Mystery Society\". Vaughan, who did not meet Staples in person until just before their panel at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con, explained his selection of Staples by describing his reaction upon first seeing her work, saying \"Her artwork is incredible. [It] doesn't look like anyone else. She is very unique. When I opened up this file I was like, 'This is going to work! Staples is co-owner of \"Saga\" and was given first", "id": "9661013" }, { "contents": "Cable (comics)\n\n\nbe based on aspects of superhero design trends of the time that they disliked, Ross said of Cable, \"That's a character that Mark Waid invented that was really just put to me like come up with the most God awful, Rob Liefeld sort of design that you can. What I was stealing from was – really only two key designs of Rob's – the design of Cable. I hated it. I felt like it looked like they just threw up everything on the character – the scars, the thing going", "id": "18098373" }, { "contents": "From Scotland with Love\n\n\nsong, but I can't do that. [...] I'm sure people go out a lot more now than they used to. Even my gran's generation, they'd have a sherry at New Year and that would be it. So I was thinking, big nights out must have been few and far between, and when you did go out, there would be no holding back. If your drunk character – because everyone's got one – could only come out once a year, it would be hugely", "id": "5421702" }, { "contents": "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet (Bachman–Turner Overdrive song)\n\n\nfrom the \"Not Fragile\" album, Fach would regularly call Randy with airplay reports, asking for permission to release \"You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet\". Bachman said, \"And I refused for three weeks. I was producer, so I had final say on what went out. I woke up one day and asked myself, 'Why am I stopping this?' Some of my favorite records are really dumb things like 'Louie, Louie' I said to Charlie, 'O.K., release it.", "id": "2793982" }, { "contents": "Maxinquaye\n\n\ndown, both might then gel musically at that point. I always think of it like going into a scrapyard and building a car out of all the bits you can find. You could probably build a car that would work, and although it might be the ugliest you've ever seen, it would have loads of character.\" Almost all of Topley-Bird's vocals on \"Maxinquaye\" were recorded in a single take, a process she later said was \"totally instinctive. There was no time to drum up", "id": "12360419" }, { "contents": "Stranded (album)\n\n\nsome very talented people. There was a red dress hanging up, and I thought, ‘Ooh, good, I'm going to get to wear a really nice dress'... whereupon, as I'm having my make-up done, Antony comes in and starts ripping the dress – a hole there, a slash there. I was thinking, ‘Oh no.' They stuck me on this big log and explained I was supposed to be stranded in a jungle, and then they started spraying me; they", "id": "3563162" }, { "contents": "James L. Morison\n\n\na uniform…They want to smoke, and when I told them that they would have to run and get up some wind, they thought I was rubbing it in on them. \"One big, strong cuss remarked that it was too much like work. Well, maybe you think I didn't give him hell! I bet you a hundred no one ever makes a remark like that again.\" ... Morrison had been hired for $40 plus expenses for two weeks. Morison had once played tackle for the University", "id": "5941216" }, { "contents": "Like I Would\n\n\nbody /He don't do you right /He won't love you like I would.\" As noted by Lulic, in the chorus, \"[he] is trying to prove to someone that he is the best thing she is ever going to get.\" She also suggested that the song could have been inspired by his break-up with former fiancée Perrie Edwards, due to the pleading tone in his voice. \"Like I Would\" was first released digitally on 10 March 2016 as the third \"instant grat\"", "id": "5133451" }, { "contents": "Brilliant! Tragic!\n\n\nalways had a fear they might be something I would have to give up as an adult. Then one day somebody, I still don't know who, put some Batman comics through our letter box. These blew my tiny 11 year old mind. They were pretty full on, nothing at all like the Adam West goofing around show I had seen Saturday morning television. In these stories people were being murdered, they were political, and morally ambiguous. If my mum had known how different they were from the Saturday morning", "id": "14451083" }, { "contents": "Eddie Argos\n\n\nup as an adult. Then one day somebody, I still don't know who, put some Batman comics through our letter box. These blew my tiny 11-year-old mind. They were pretty full on, nothing at all like the Adam West goofing around show I had seen Saturday morning television. In these stories people were being murdered, they were political, and morally ambiguous. If my mum had known how different they were from the Saturday morning kids show she would have taken them off of me. I loved", "id": "2930396" }, { "contents": "Take a Picture (album)\n\n\nto a jazz musician and having seen \"too much - performing required an agent, and a manager and a lawyer and a booking person and... you got \"owned\" by these people - they told you where to go, how to look, how to dress, what to say, and I didn't want that! [...] I guess I had about enough 'daddy' when I was five, and I just didn't like being told what to do.\" As a consequence of this, the", "id": "18939461" }, { "contents": "Jan Olszewski\n\n\n: I would like to get out of this place with just one achievement. And as of this moment, I have the belief that I will go out with it. I would like to say, when this period finishes, when time runs out for me—I admit—a terribly painful time, when in my hometown's streets, I can only move about by car or in the company of guards protecting me from human contact—when my time does finally finish—I can take to the streets of my", "id": "992184" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nstay up to 2015. The \"North County Times\" reported on July 26, 2010, that 4-day passes with access to Preview night for the 2011 Convention had sold out two hours before the 2010 convention closed. Comic-Con International announced that 4-day passes for the 2014 convention (July 24–27) would no longer be available and only single days would be sold. Due to overcrowding, organizers of the event capped attendance; this cap has been in place since 2007. As of October 2013, a $520 million proposed", "id": "11076666" }, { "contents": "Sally Webster\n\n\n'Mr Perfect'. All the other men Sally's been with, I could easily have seen her having long term relationships with them. With Tim, you know there's no way they're going to live happily ever after, they're going to drive each other insane. I like the drama that has to offer.\" In 2015, it was revealed that Tim would propose to Sally. Asked how Sally feels about Tim, Dynevor said: \"I think she really loves Tim and she really cares for him", "id": "1884032" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump baby balloon\n\n\npermit for its use. The Trump Baby was seen at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con on July 20th. The balloon appeared in Paris on 11 November 2018, at a march protesting about Trump's visit to attend the ceremonies of the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Speaking to a CNN journalist, one protester said, \"I think Paris should be protesting not only Trump's presence here, but also should be trying to send a message to President Macron for having invited him here, especially on the", "id": "20775970" }, { "contents": "Mel Owen\n\n\nI'd be all suited and booted at other times. I said, 'That's what girls do! That's how I am. Some days I'm in scruffs and some days I'm really dressed up. It would be really nice to have a character who's not so predictable.'\" Rosalind Powell, head of the \"EastEnders\"' wardrobe design team in 2000, said that Mel had \"colourful and stylish\" wardrobe from retailers such as Kookai and Oasis. Powell added, \"Although she's", "id": "1466001" }, { "contents": "Jwala Gutta\n\n\nin sports. In an interview she said, \"I don't understand this image thing. What's wrong in liking clothes or dressing up? In India, there is this image that if you dress shabbily, you are a serious sportsperson. If you care about dressing up, you aren't one. People are under the impression I lead an exciting life but honestly, all I do is sleep, eat and practice\". Gutta is also a celebrity endorser and has been associated with several brands and services, also", "id": "15995980" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nconvention center, Comic Con extended its contract for San Diego to 2016. In 2014, convention center expansion was halted due to a lawsuit. As of July 2015, convention center expansion is effectively frozen, partly because the city no longer has financing lined up for it (any financing plan would involve taxpayer money and would have to be approved by a public vote), and partly because the city lost the rights to the only contiguous parcel of land where expansion could occur. Other cities, including Los Angeles, began to", "id": "11076668" }, { "contents": "Kerbdog\n\n\nof mixing. Dummy Crusher was literally the last thing finished, we cut the vocal and then I mixed it next day. We had about run out of time at that point. [I] liked almost all of it. Thought the intro to EOG should have been half as long, but band disagreed; and in retrospect I would have turned up the vocals on EOG just a teeny bit, though no one ever complained. Didn't like Xenophobia much but that didn't make the album. Thought Clock should have", "id": "4060810" }, { "contents": "Retroactive continuity\n\n\nworld in which it was set. In the letters column, a reader remarked that the comic \"must make you [the creators] feel at times as if you're painting yourself into a corner\", and, \"Your matching of Golden Age comics history with new plotlines has been an artistic (and I hope financial!) success.\" Writer Roy Thomas responded, \"we like to think that an enthusiastic ALL-STAR booster at one of Adam Malin's Creation Conventions in San Diego came up with the best", "id": "6723177" }, { "contents": "Billy Eckstine\n\n\n, he hasn't looked back since. A remarkable artist, the sonorous B. ... His style and technique have seen extensively copied by some of the neocommercial singers, but despite their efforts he remains out front to show how and what should have been done. Sammy Davis, Jr. made several live appearances and impersonated Eckstine. Eckstine was a pallbearer at Davis' funeral in 1990. Quincy Jones stated in \"Billboard\": \" I looked up to Mr. B as an idol. I wanted to dress like him, talk like", "id": "17913050" }, { "contents": "First Fitna\n\n\n's followers supported arbitration. Nasr b Muzahim, in one of the earliest sources states that al-Ashath ibn Qays, one of Ali's key supporters and a Kufan, then stood up and said: O company of Muslims! You have seen what happened in the day which has passed. In it some of the Arabs have been annihilated. By Allah, I have reached the age which Allah willed that I reach. but I have never ever seen a day like this. Let the present convey to the absent!", "id": "15679109" }, { "contents": "Bernard Hesling\n\n\ncartoons on war, food shortages and manpower control became well known. He later said of his political cartoons: “Had I stuck to comic sketches of American servicemen buying tickets for Il Trovatore on the black market and such like, all would have been well. But my drawing had improved so much by now that I could get passable likenesses of Eddie Ward and Mr. Curtin. Brian Penton [\"Telegraph\" editor] saw me as one of those political bores – the scorched-earth boys who draw Russian bears and rising", "id": "5092320" }, { "contents": "Laura Jane Grace\n\n\nbeen born a woman / My mother once told me she would have named me Laura / I would grow up to be strong and beautiful like her / One day I'd find an honest man to make my husband\". Though Grace anticipated \"completely outing myself\" with the song, no one involved with the band seemed to pick up on the lyrics' literal meaning. She also wanted to cross-dress in the music video for \"Thrash Unreal\", but the label's A&R representative vetoed the idea. In", "id": "16114256" }, { "contents": "Gravitational Forces\n\n\n... In general I try to keep with real people, because I feel like you always want to have some hint of the truth where it makes it feel real to you.\" \"Not a Drop of Rain\" is Keen's personal favorite from the album, \"It's a very emotional song, written out of thinking what would happen if I lost everything I have.\" The song has a somewhat unusual guitar accompaniment played in DADGAD tuning and its structure eschews the traditional verse/chorus/verse song structure.", "id": "14053545" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\non the title of the show and a parody of its cancellation by Fox). In \"It's My Party and I'll Bang If I Want To\", an episode of the 2011 season of \"\", the cast attends Comic-Con made up as zombies in order to pass out promotional flyers for the House of Blues, where they worked as part of their season work assignment. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock released a 2011 documentary feature film set at the convention, \"\". Writer Robert Salkowitz also used the 2011", "id": "11076654" }, { "contents": "The Smurfs: The Legend of Smurfy Hollow\n\n\nan influence on Smurfy Hollow as well. So I asked my production designer Sean Eckols to explore this idea and he delivered in spades.\" He also explained why he wanted to turn the film into a celebration of hand-drawn animation, saying: \"You have to understand that I grew up reading the Smurfs. And that -- while I liked the Saturday morning cartoon show and all -- I felt that it never really did justice to the superior line work & design that I saw in the Smurfs comic books and comic", "id": "18872788" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Lien\n\n\n, like authors and actors from other \"Star Trek\" shows. I also get to meet people from other SF shows, because they tend to have guests from other series at the conventions I attend. The fans love the conventions, love meeting the people involved in their favorite shows. That makes you want to give them everything you can. I try to tell them what's going on, share my laughter and tell them about the wonderful experience I've been having on \"Voyager\". The feedback is just so", "id": "3920951" }, { "contents": "Sweet Lies (song)\n\n\nMy Day\". He was quoted \"It came out of the blue. I was merely channeling it, these chord changes - I have no idea where that came from. I didn't give much thought to it at all. It was like automatic writing. It's nice to be in the right place at the right time, catch it unaware, and then people go, 'What's that?' and I go, 'I dunno, good isn't it?'\" The single was released by", "id": "6710227" }, { "contents": "Eric Drew Feldman\n\n\ncapture (on tape or notepad) Beefheart's musical ideas. Once instrumental parts had been created, the band members had to play them exactly as composed: \"I never had a problem with that. I felt like I was getting parts dictated to me from one of the best, especially when they were designed for me. You just feel like a model in a fashion show wearing a really nice dress, I guess.\" During his time in the Magic Band, he was also given a nickname by Don,", "id": "16604509" }, { "contents": "Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō\n\n\nJournal\", \"\"Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou\" isn't just one of my favorite manga stories; it's one of my favorite comics, period.\" Derik A. Badman wrote, \"This is light years beyond almost all the manga being translated and published in the US.\" A reviewer at Uknighted Manganime wrote, \"Artwise, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou ranks as the most impressive I have ever seen,\" adding, \"Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou is, in short, the finest manga I have ever read, and I do", "id": "18914871" }, { "contents": "Maurice Braverman\n\n\nthe committee attempted to turn Braverman from counsel to witness: Mr. Braverman: I am not on the Mr. Stripling: You are on the stand. In fact, I would suggest that the chairman swear counsel. I have a few questions I would like to ask Mr. McDowell: Stand up and raise your right Mr. Braverman: I will stand up, but I refuse to be sworn in as a witness in this case. I am Mr. McDowell: Get a Mr. Braverman: Mr. McDowell, will", "id": "16426279" }, { "contents": "Kiss (band)\n\n\nnever used in any official capacity. The Hawk design was also considered for Vincent and Singer. St. John and Kulick were members of Kiss only during the period where the band members did not perform wearing make-up. Kulick stated had he ever worn makeup in the band he would have liked to have been the \"Dog\" saying \"\"I figure that since there's already a cat in the band, I should probably be the dog. I'd have a big circle around one eye and I'd look like", "id": "13210216" }, { "contents": "Rose Tico\n\n\nbooks. She said: \"A lot of \"Star Wars\" fans who are specifically Asian never had a character they could dress up like .. I get very emotional when I see people who are able to identify with this character. That means a lot to me and I don’t think it will ever get old.\" Tran said she felt it was a \"lot of responsibility\" to portray someone viewers would look up to, and she wanted to do the character justice. Johnson was not specifically seeking an Asian", "id": "15482840" }, { "contents": "When You Look at Me\n\n\nthe song. Milian said that \"when I was growing up, I found people were always trying to label me. The first day of school it would be like 'Here comes this girl all dressed up. She thinks she's all that' and they didn't even know me. The message behind 'When You Look at Me' is never judge a book by its cover.\" The video was shot on March 2, 2002 in Los Angeles and was directed by Billie Woodruff. In the video, Milian", "id": "9725534" }, { "contents": "Where Do I Go from You\n\n\n-wise it's as modern as anything I've ever done. I'm pretty much considered a new traditionalist, but I do have R&B and pop roots mixed in.\" Walker told the \"Albuquerque Journal\", \"I like the new single that's out right now because it's musically just one of those songs you can groove to right away. It's not one that you have to think about. So I like the fact that my record label picked it as the follow-up.\" \"Where", "id": "18337107" }, { "contents": "Viacom criticisms and controversies\n\n\nof programming, but the problem is that then the video revolution started up... And then something started happening, and I didn't like it at all. And I remember during those days we would sit up and watch these videos and decide which ones were going on and which ones were not. We got a lot of backlash from recording artists...and we had to start showing them. I didn't like the way women were being portrayed in these videos.\" MTV Networks channels have been cited as suffering from channel", "id": "13590048" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\ndevoted to Japanese animation, gaming, programs such as cartoonist Scott Shaw!'s \"Oddball Comics\" slide show and animation expert Jerry Beck's program featuring TV's \"worst cartoons ever\", as well as over 350 hours of other programming on all aspects of comic books and pop culture. Like most comic book conventions, Comic-Con features a large floorspace for exhibitors. These include media companies such as movie studios and TV networks, as well as comic-book dealers and collectibles merchants. And like most comics conventions", "id": "11076645" }, { "contents": "Camp Hemshekh\n\n\nI've provided. Only once in my life (previously) have a made an edit on Wikipedia. I no longer remember what it was - only that it was a factual error that was pretty small. So, I don't know what kind of documentation you would like. For example, my source for attendees is a spreadsheet that I have in my possession and does not exist anywhere on the internet. Do you want me to upload it someplace. As for the Songbook/AddressList -- would you like a copy", "id": "1711590" }, { "contents": "Stronger (Kelly Clarkson album)\n\n\nhear my actual finished fifth album.\" In an exclusive interview with \"Entertainment Weekly\", Clarkson responded to the situation: \"Oh my God, have you ever been robbed? I have. I’ve been physically robbed a couple of times, but this is much worse. Those songs came out and people are like, 'Oh my God, what direction is Kelly going?' I think what made me mad was that. People stole from me, everybody had no idea what my next album was going to", "id": "7997019" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nup restaurant in Mission Valley. However, there are some official offsite events that require a badge. In 2018, it was estimated that nearly 200,000 people will be in Downtown San Diego due to Comic-Con related exhibits and events. Capacity attendance at Comic-Con in 2006 and 2007 has caused crowding issues. Concerns have been raised that the event is possibly too large for the San Diego Convention Center, Comic-Con's home through at least 2021. In 2006, Comic-Con, for the first time,", "id": "11076662" }, { "contents": "Mutiny on the Bounty (1962 film)\n\n\ndown somewhere and read the paper.\" A Tahitian was killed while filming a canoe sequence. The film ended up costing $10 million more than originally expected. \"I have been in this business a few days but I never saw anything like this,\" said Milestone. \"It was like being in a hurricane on a rudderless ship without a captain. I thought when I took the job that it would be a nice trip. By the time it was finished I felt as though I had been shanghaied.\"", "id": "9255854" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nfloor stunned and in awe of just how much bigger it really was. I was blown away.\" According to \"Forbes\", the convention is the \"largest convention of its kind in the world;\" \"Publishers Weekly\" wrote \"Comic-Con International: San Diego is the largest show in North America;\" it is also the largest convention held in San Diego. The convention has an estimated annual regional economic impact of more than $140 million. Yet, in 2009, the estimated economic impact was", "id": "11076639" }, { "contents": "Electric Picnic 2009\n\n\nfor me after a show. I used to do this joke about… the Jews say they never killed Jesus, and the joke was, I would say the line, \"Well, it wasn't the fucking Mexicans\", was the joke, like. Yeah, Jewish people came up to me afterwards... Have you ever seen people whose eyes are so aflame with righteousness… The whites of their eyes are so pure and fucking white. They're just one-stream people, they're not people that have gaps", "id": "12099741" }, { "contents": "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars\n\n\nDan Povenmire heard this news, he did a doodle of Doofenshmirtz dressed as Darth Vader, texted it to the head of Disney Television Animation and wrote, \"I smell crossover!\" Much like \"Mission Marvel\" before it, this special was announced at Comic-Con International 2013. Povenmire said, \"May The 'Ferb' Be With You and with all of us who for decades have dreamt of a chance to work with the great characters and stories of Star Wars.\" None of the original \"Star Wars", "id": "15156243" }, { "contents": "Cloud Atlas (film)\n\n\n: \"One of the most ambitious films ever made... Even as I was watching \"Cloud Atlas\" the first time, I knew I would need to see it again. Now that I've seen it the second time, I know I'd like to see it a third time ... I think you will want to see this daring and visionary film ... I was never, ever bored by \"Cloud Atlas\". On my second viewing, I gave up any attempt to work out the logical connections between the segments", "id": "18160800" }, { "contents": "Christina Ricci\n\n\n, I have never, ever been cast in a role like this and I would never get this part normally [...] I'm just not seen in that way. There are categories that people fall into, and types, and I was never a romantic lead. Basically, you couldn't get five people in a room to agree that I should be a romantic lead. I could get one person, but there's always more than one person whose opinion matters\". In the 2018 psychological thriller \"Distorted\"", "id": "3840115" }, { "contents": "Fiona Staples\n\n\nworked on \"Mystery Society\". Vaughan, who had not met Staples in person until just before their panel at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con, explained his selection of Staples by describing his reaction upon first seeing her work, saying, \"Her artwork is incredible. [It] doesn't look like anyone else. She is very unique. When I opened up this file I was like, 'This is going to work! Staples is co-owner of \"Saga\", who designed the cast and", "id": "21862697" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\nI would never write a song so non-linear as that.\" Mr. Bellows: \"I remember the day I wrote it, I said, 'Where is this song coming from?' I was noodling and all of a sudden it was, 'Her majesty the queen's a pretty nice babe/I'd like to take her down to St. Petersburg some day. 'It came in minutes. I played it for Elaine and I said, 'Can I write this? Do you think this is too weird", "id": "14799014" }, { "contents": "Bo Le\n\n\nhe went to Po Lo and said, \"I have a superior beast I wish to sell, but I have stood in the market place for three whole days and no one has even remarked on the horse. I beg you, sir, to come and look him up and down, and when you leave, keep glancing back at him. For this I would like to give you a sum equal to my expenses for one day's market.\" Po Lo did look the horse over carefully, and as he", "id": "14081091" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Try\n\n\n, what is he singing?! And I ran out of the dressing room – I looked like a hot mess! I was in the middle of getting my hair and make-up done. He had just surprised the audience with a new song. He came off the stage and I was like, you need to write me a song like that! And instead, he gave me that song so I could have it on my album. It's a very relatable song to me.\" In February 2011,", "id": "18407548" }, { "contents": "I Am Weasel\n\n\n\" started out as the pilot episode \"No Smoking\" on What a Cartoon! in 1995, and was greenlit to become a series. Cartoon Network demanded a second cartoon to join \"Cow and Chicken\" in its half-hour time slot, so David Feiss came up with \"I Am Weasel\", based upon the novel \"I Am Legend\", one of his favorite books as a teenager. \"I was doodling one day, and drew a weasel, with the title 'I Am Weasel',", "id": "10479688" }, { "contents": "Doctor Strange (2016 film)\n\n\nhe had plans for a sequel, saying, \"I love the character, I love the visual possibilities, and I know the comics so well—[the first movie is] the tip of an iceberg. There's so much progress that can be made.\" He would like to follow the example of \"The Dark Knight\" and \"bring in a villain where you really got to go deep [and have] a more visceral experience\". Cumberbatch added that he had signed on for at least one more \"Doctor Strange", "id": "1538432" }, { "contents": "Laura Brown (fashion journalist)\n\n\n'd wear jeans and a sweatshirt every day, if I could. It's mostly jeans, shirt, T-shirt and some sort of platform heel,\" she told The Daily Telegraph in 2016. \"On grown-up days, I wear trousers with that same sort of combo. On super grown-up days, I go the full Valentino dress.\" In 2010, Brown said, \"When I was about 20, I couldn't believe you needed more than one black pair of shoes. Times have", "id": "5075807" }, { "contents": "Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria (1762–1770)\n\n\nmy room did I feel the full horror of it, and I shall go on feeling it all the rest of my life, since I shall miss her in everything...\" \"As my daughter's sole heir, I have just given orders... that I should keep only her diamonds. [You are to have everything else.] One thing that I would ask you to let me have is her white dimity dressing-gown, embroidered with flowers, and some of her writings...\" The death of his only", "id": "7264221" }, { "contents": "V-J Day in Times Square\n\n\nkissed the nurse. If she had been dressed in a dark dress I would never have taken the picture. If the sailor had worn a white uniform, the same. I took exactly four pictures. It was done within a few seconds. Only one is right, on account of the balance. In the others the emphasis is wrong — the sailor on the left side is either too small or too tall. People tell me that when I am in heaven they will remember this picture. From \"The Eye of", "id": "14124256" }, { "contents": "David Learner\n\n\nthat he met Knightmare producer Tim Child for the first time, which led to a successful audition for the role of Pickle. Learner later said in an interview, \"I thought I was only going to do one series, I ended up staying for three.\" Learner played the wood elf Pickle on Knightmare from Series 4 to 6 (47 episodes, 1990-1992). His role was to help out teams and to provide comic relief. Pickle sometimes broke the rules, by sneaking food into the Dungeoneers Knapsack and", "id": "16112437" }, { "contents": "Karate Chop (song)\n\n\nit, but once I moved to Atlanta I just started going to the studio with Future like everyday. So one day, I didn't come, and when I showed up the next day he played \"Karate Chop\". And I just didn't like it at all. Then every time people would come in to the studio, he would always play the record...\". The song was officially remixed featuring a guest appearance from American rapper Lil Wayne and was released as the lead single for his upcoming album,", "id": "8288736" }, { "contents": "Eddie and the Cruisers\n\n\nI liked, but I remember my agent at the time saying, \"Look, you only have to work two weeks, and they're going to pay you a lot of money. We'll just say it was your first movie and they just didn't release it.\" I think people were all fucked up on drugs. I don't know. I was a little removed, because I wasn't on the movie the whole time, but it seemed like it was just a mess. Like, when I", "id": "10336799" }, { "contents": "Pamela Jones\n\n\n, in a sense, by just saying PJ. Eventually media attention and other factors made it impossible to remain just PJ but I would have if I could have. I have no desire to be famous, for one thing. And I have been creatively influenced by Scott McCloud's work. He points out in \"Understanding Comics\" (p. 45–51) in a section on iconic representation that people respond most strongly to a drawing of a character that simplifies to the point that anyone can identify with the character. I guess", "id": "13049435" }, { "contents": "Jim Zumbo\n\n\npart: I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms. I call them \"assault\" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far", "id": "3124598" }, { "contents": "White Lightning and Other Favorites\n\n\ndid have a little sense, not a whole lot. But I would still have to have a little build-up of courage, three or four drinks throughout the session time. I don't know, it seemed to mellow you out and relax you a little more, and you would even feel your songs better.\" \"White Lightning\" would go on one of Jones' biggest #1 hits. He would often perform it live throughout his career (being it was a big fan hit) and re-", "id": "892649" }, { "contents": "Never Too Far/Hero Medley\n\n\nI wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked me to write a song and they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing", "id": "22018884" }, { "contents": "San Diego Comic-Con\n\n\nseek to have Comic-Con move out of San Diego; In 2015, Comic-Con entered into negotiations with San Diego. As a result of these negotiations, Comic-Con entered into a contract to stay in San Diego through 2018. In 2017 the commitment to San Diego was extended to 2021. In 2010, a 53-year-old woman crossing against a red light was hit by a car and killed in the days leading up to the convention. In 2013, a young woman attempted to jump off the balcony", "id": "11076669" }, { "contents": "Men's Fitness\n\n\non his blog, \"If you can manage to stop laughing at the cover long enough, check out the article inside.\" \"Little did I know I have 22-inch guns and a disappearing birthmark on my right arm.\" Representatives of the magazine asserted that the athlete's arms had been enhanced, not replaced. In October 2011, \"Men's Fitness\" gained negative publicity across the internet after publishing an article written by Jordan Burchette entitled \"NY Comic Con: Flabby Versions of Your Favorite Superheroes!\" In the", "id": "16690830" }, { "contents": "On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog\n\n\nwas just something he drew in the manner of a \"make-up-a-caption\" cartoon. In response to the comic's popularity, he stated, \"I can't quite fathom that it's that widely known and recognized.\" The cartoon marks a notable moment in the history of the Internet. Once the exclusive domain of government engineers and academics, the Internet had by then become a subject of discussion in general interest magazines like \"The New Yorker\". Lotus Software founder and early Internet activist Mitch", "id": "14273694" }, { "contents": "Hellraiser: Judgment\n\n\nfilming, \"I'm a great believer in really using the time on set. You only get up to twelve to thirteen hours a day, maximum, and I don't like going over time and over budget. I like to have a strong plan going in and the way I do that is that I act out the entire script with my D.P. [director of photography], we act out everybody's roles in every scene. We pick our angles based on that.\" Local residents contributed to the shoot by", "id": "12617990" }, { "contents": "The Line (Raye song)\n\n\n're not coming in\". So I was so upset...and then I kinda looked around and I saw the females in the club world, the way girls are expected to dress and behave, it's just so outdated and so boring. Like you have to wear heels and dresses and look really formal and blah, blah, blah. So I was really upset about it so I wrote the song, that's kinda the inspiration behind it.\" \"Going out clubbing gives you a cold dose of the expectation", "id": "6443127" }, { "contents": "Come Back in One Piece\n\n\nIn a 2011 interview with billboard DMX stated that Aaliyah and Romeo Must Die's producer Joel Silver personally asked him to be a part of the film. \"When I was on tour her and Joel Silver came to my dressing room to see if I wanted to be a part of the movie,\". He then said \"Most people would have there people call, but she came herself. I'm like, 'Is this a trick question? You have to ask me if I want to be in a movie", "id": "19997322" }, { "contents": "Comic book convention\n\n\naddition to the Wizard-run conventions, Comic-Con International runs the San Diego Comic-Con International, WonderCon, and the Alternative Press Expo; while Reed Exhibitions runs the New York Comic Con and the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo. Since the first conventions in the mid-1960s, hundreds of local and regional comic book conventions have sprung up around the world either as one-time or annual events. At these conventions, fans of comic books come together with the professional writers, artists, editors, and publishers of the", "id": "19373000" }, { "contents": "Battle of Siffin\n\n\nof Muslims! You have seen what happened in the day which has passed. In it some of the Arabs have been annihilated. By Allah, I have reached the age which Allah willed that I reach. but I have never ever seen a day like this. Let the present convey to the absent! If we fight tomorrow, it will be the annihilation of the Arabs and the loss of what is sacred. I do not make this statement out of fear of death, but I am an aged man who fears", "id": "18125220" }, { "contents": "Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest 2016\n\n\n, Hovi Star commented: \"In Moscow, people have a rough time with people like me, maybe because I'm gay, maybe because I dress like this, maybe because I wear make-up, I don't know. They told me I couldn't go in, they looked at my passport, they ripped my passport, and then they laughed at me.\" Star was eventually allowed to enter Russia where he was issued a new passport by the Israeli embassy in Moscow. According to Eurovision rules, all", "id": "8656913" }, { "contents": "Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury\n\n\nbelt, and if he ever thinks about having it he better wake up and apologise to me because he ain't never having it. I can't wait to fight you because I am going to knock you out, like I did to everyone who stepped in the ring with me, you've never been knocked out but you will be when you experience what it's like to be hit by the Bronze Bomber.\" Before Fury told Wilder, \"You can't knock out what you can't hit, this man", "id": "8529562" } ]
Hey there!! How are ya? Hey there! i'm very good! What do you know about the manta ray? Not much really but it was the only thing to choose from.
[{"answer": "Well it seems there are two different main types. One of them is very large and the other decently small.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "50838", "title": "Manta ray", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 58, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 154, "bleu_score": 0.8862476419965991, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Comedy of menace\n\n\nmobile phones\".br How are you?br Very well. And you? Are you well?br I'm terribly well. How about you?br Really well. I'm really I'm so Apart from ... oh you know I Apart from ... oh you know I do know. But apart from that ...?br How about you?br Oh you know ... all things considered I know. But apart from that ...? \"Silence\".", "id": "15829874" }, { "contents": "Corey Haim\n\n\nwith. I can turn a 'Hey, nice to see you' into 'Hey, what's up? What's goin' down, man? Good to see you' and kind of make it more real.\" Haim was receiving 2,000 fan letters a week, and spent his time trying to avoid the teenage girls besieging the apartment downstairs from his mother. \"I think I'm doing really good,\" Haim said in a 1988 \"People\" profile, but termed the level of female attention \"a little", "id": "13277682" }, { "contents": "Oscar Wegner\n\n\nDuring his introduction of Wegner at the 2011 USPTA Nor Cal Annual Convention Dick Gould remarked: \"Sometimes you listen to things a little different from what you've done before and Oscar and I go back a number of years...get to know him a little talk to him. He is not afraid to test the barriers a little bit, he is not afraid to say, hey, you don't quite do it like this and to look at how the players are really really playing...the mark of", "id": "5896418" }, { "contents": "Charlie Schlatter\n\n\nit? It's a job, in particular, those like this 9 to 5, who would 'get in' and 'get out.' I mean, he loved what he was doing, but never really worried about the thing that he couldn't change, everyday was kinda like slurs, wannabe prayers. But, yeah, I think watching him, in action, as an actor, he tried to borrow things from everybody, just has a human being, you know, 'Hey, I really like", "id": "22152024" }, { "contents": "Hiroshi Lockheimer\n\n\n, and specifically wireless devices. He called me up and said, ‘Hey, you know, we’re doing this thing at Google now, we got acquired. I can’t really tell you what we’re doing, but I think you’re really going to be excited about it. You should come talk to us'. Lockheimer joined Google's Android team in April 2006, 19 months before the public unveiling of Android 1.0. Lockheimer initially started as Android's executive director, and was promoted to vice president of", "id": "3749474" }, { "contents": "We R Who We R\n\n\n's a celebration of any sort of quirks or eccentricities.\" She elaborated, \"I was really affected by the suicides that have been happening, having been subject to very public hatred [myself]. I have absolutely no idea how these kids felt. What I'm going through is nothing compared to what they had to go through. Just know things do get better and you need to celebrate who you are. Every weird thing about you is beautiful and makes life interesting. Hopefully the song really captures that emotion of", "id": "2728457" }, { "contents": "The David Lee Roth Band\n\n\nDiamonds', you couldn’t have made it sound any worse. He just didn't know how to lay back and be a real soft, sensitive bass player. It was all about this thing that he had which was absolutely incredible, so it didn’t work out. There were no hard feelings and he went on and did really well. I got a call from him one day and he goes 'Hey man I'm in the studio with David Lee Roth, Ted Templeman and Steve Vai and we're covering", "id": "17151114" }, { "contents": "Dinosaur Jr.\n\n\nJ Mascis + The Fog. The beginnings of a Mascis–Barlow détente started in the mid-'90s when Mascis began showing up at Sebadoh shows. \"I think he was kind of aware of how much shit I was talking about him, but I don't think he really ever pursued any of it. One of the things that really triggered this, for me to finally just go, 'Hey, you know, maybe this could work,' is when I realized that maybe J wasn't really holding any kind of", "id": "9618119" }, { "contents": "Rozz Williams\n\n\nto be shared with them. It was really kind of a difficult thing for me to call and just say, you know, 'Well hey, guess what? I'm gay.' And my mother's response was, 'Well son, I'm not stupid.'\" Williams was raised in a strict Southern Baptist family, but abandoned this as he formed Christian Death. As the years went on, as he stated in an interview with Ellenberger, he eventually became a Satanist and practiced magic in the privacy", "id": "728620" }, { "contents": "Do You... (Miguel song)\n\n\n, and innocently delivers a transgressive message through the use of simile: \"I'm going to do you like drugs tonight\". Miguel said of the song's lyrics, \"I have this propensity to just come out and say things. That's how I am in real life. If I wanna know something I just ask. Like, 'Hey, do you like drugs?' Because I do! Sometimes! ... MDMA… on occasion.\" Alex Macpherson of \"The Guardian\" observes \"faded psychedelia\"", "id": "19782256" }, { "contents": "1+1 (song)\n\n\nna die, but I hope that I'm gonna die by you / Hey! And I don't know much about fighting, but I, I know I will fight for you / Hey! Just when I ball up my fist, I realize that I'm laying right next to you\". According to Thomas Conner of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\", these lines are intended to show that love conquers all. The song ends with an intense electric guitar solo. \"1+1\" was lauded", "id": "13220327" }, { "contents": "The Lumineers\n\n\nan album out in this way... I'm really thrilled, but I also take it with a grain of salt,\" adding, \"I think basically, I feel really lucky because I know how fickle the business, the industry is.\" On June 14, 2012, the album's first single, \"Ho Hey\", debuted at number 90 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, their first song to do so. \"Ho Hey\" later peaked at number three on the Hot 100, making", "id": "19961061" }, { "contents": "Drake Bell\n\n\n's talent in public speaking and his confidence when impersonating people he'd watch on television. He stated \"I was five, and my dad kind of said, 'Hey, you wanna be an actor?' and I said, 'Sure,' that kind of thing, you know? I was kind of put into it by my dad but, you know, good. I really love it, and I still do it.\" Bell's first televised commercial was for Whirlpool Appliances. \"I had to", "id": "11419352" }, { "contents": "Ah Canul\n\n\ngood works he has done, and work to have him with you before whom speak with all major province to what you are about, and they tell you if the province wanted war: And if any, artfully send heis calling, making them understand that if they come in peace shall receive on behalf of Her Majesty and mine, and that will be very well treated and received and favored. E if not are come, send heis requirements do His Majesty commands, and not wanting to give heis war with no injury", "id": "10012123" }, { "contents": "Black Canadians\n\n\nDan Hill, Glenn Lewis, Tamia, Deborah Cox, and Kardinal Offishall. While African American culture is a significant influence on its Canadian counterpart, many African and Caribbean Canadians reject the suggestion that their own culture is not distinctive. In his first major hit single \"BaKardi Slang\", rapper Kardinal Offishall performed a lyric about Toronto's distinctive Black Canadian slang: poemWe don't say 'you know what I'm sayin', T dot says 'ya dun know' We don't say 'hey that's the breaks", "id": "11474177" }, { "contents": "Demonstration (Tinie Tempah album)\n\n\nthat still nods to where you've come from, still feels very London, still feels very British, but kind of meets the criteria of what a mainstream record needs.\" He also commented oh how things change when signing with a record label and how the process of making albums: \"The first time around, you don't really know. All you do is you get this record deal and you're like whoa! Like, I'm signed! This is amazing! And you're just recording and before you", "id": "402417" }, { "contents": "Skipping a Beat\n\n\nhey, you make it stutter/Hey, hey, think I love ya/Boy I think I'm gonna need an ambulance/Cause you been doing my heart some damage/But I like it, oh you're so exciting. Following its release, \"Skipping a Beat\" was well received by most music critics. Mike Wass of Idolator called the track \"an infectious mid-tempo pop song with urban roots\" comparing it to Ariana Grande's hit single The Way \"with an edge\", and", "id": "19263471" }, { "contents": "Side Trips, Volume One\n\n\nknow each other, John and I. In fact we played with Howard for almost a year before we even actually started talking to each other. Really. We would just show up, plug in, and play. About half the set I'd be whispering to John, I'd be saying, 'Hey, man, what key are we in?' Howard didn't have tunings or anything, he just played. Sometimes he would do these things that were so outside that you just couldn't — unless you knew", "id": "18086404" }, { "contents": "1+1 (song)\n\n\nin apocalyptic circumstances, \"So when the world's at war / Let our love heal us all\", she projects a universal \"all you need is love\" feeling, as noted by Jillian Mapes. In the second verse, Beyoncé sings, \"Hey! I don't know much about guns but I ... I've been shot by you\", as she pushes the final word \"you\" up at a full octave. She then continues: \"Hey! And I don't know when I'm gon", "id": "13220326" }, { "contents": "The New Classic\n\n\ntour in December, Azalea spoke on the album's composition: \"It's going to be similar to \"TrapGold\" and that will be very electronic and high-energy but I'm gonna talk more about my story and where I'm from and things about myself because I never really say that, I don't tell you too much about me, it's kind of just talking a lot of shit. It's what I really do, like energy and dance... but I do wanna touch on who I", "id": "12484649" }, { "contents": "Human (Projected album)\n\n\n? Well, what are you doing in March?\" [laughs] Literally, it was pretty much that. Erock [Eric Friedman] was like, \"Hey, man I want to get in on this.\" I had already talked to Vinnie about doing it, because we knew that [fellow Sevendust members] Morgan Rose and Clint Lowery were going to be doing Call Me No One. It literally came together, for lack of a better description and explanation for how it really happened. It wasn't like", "id": "3366654" }, { "contents": "Blooper\n\n\nmay tumble, that's fate after all/ Life's really funny that way.\"\" Realizing the shortened music, he ad-libs, \"\"Sang the wrong melody, we'll play it back/ See what it sounds like, hey hey/ They cut out eight bars, the dirty bastards/ And I didn't know which eight bars he was gonna cut/ Why don't somebody tell me these things around here/ Holy Christ, I'm going off my nut\"\". This recording was first made available to the public", "id": "6376595" }, { "contents": "Hey Ya!\n\n\nfor tradition\", as in the lines \"But does she really wanna [mess around] / But can't stand to see me / Walk out the door?\" André 3000 commented, \"I think it's more important to be happy than to meet up to...the world's expectations of what a relationship should be. So this is a celebration of how men and women relate to each other in the 2000s\". The song then leads into the chorus, which consists of the line \"Hey ya!", "id": "10393352" }, { "contents": "Enchanted (film)\n\n\n. His reply was, \"I've heard things but there's nothing yet. I don't know much about what's happening with that. Honestly, I don't know what the studio wants to do next. I presume there will be some future projects for me to work on. I love doing that, I really do. But I'm not frustrated that it isn't one of them. At the moment I have a lot of stage things happening and I'm busy enough with that, so I really", "id": "22217112" }, { "contents": "Blue City (film)\n\n\nit`s good guys and bad guys. He`s the misunderstood hero now. What, is he out of his mind? He doesn't even know what`s going on. Billy Turner is supposedly on a quest to find out who killed his father, but as soon as he gets a gun in his hand, it`s like: `Hey--I`ve got a gun in my hand!`It`s a little like real life--sometimes you don`t know what you`re supposed to be doing, even when you`re doing it. \"I think it's very", "id": "1301469" }, { "contents": "Bruce Springsteen\n\n\nborn on January 5, 1994. In a 1995 interview, Springsteen said, \"I went through a divorce, and it was really difficult and painful and I was very frightened about getting married again. So part of me said, 'Hey, what does it matter?' But it does matter. It's very different than just living together. First of all, stepping up publicly—which is what you do: You get your license, you do all the social rituals—is a part of your place", "id": "14756296" }, { "contents": "Kiss You Tonight\n\n\nsomething about it that made me remember so many songs from the past that, you know there’s not a specific thing that jumps out at you the first time you hear it you just know, 'Hey, I wanna hear that again.'\" The song is a track from the album \"I'm a Fire\" produced by Frank Liddell, Chuck Ainlay and Glenn Worf. On February 18, 2014, Nail announced that the song would be his second single from the album. It was released to radio with", "id": "7790529" }, { "contents": "Dan Blackburn\n\n\n.\" He also stated, \"It's not bittersweet, you know what? I don't really miss it anymore - it's been such a long time. It was a chapter of my life and I'm on to the next...I don't have any regrets at all about what transpired or the way things happened for me. I really enjoy what I do now in the business world...From my point of view, I was really fortunate, even though I was only there for a couple of years", "id": "16074398" }, { "contents": "Sound+Vision Tour\n\n\nto feel that I couldn't rely on any of those things. It's like I'm approaching it all from the ground up now, starting with 'Okay, we know what songs we needn't do anymore. What, of my past, did I really like?' You pick things that were really good songs, and you try to recontextualize them, by giving them current, contemporary rhythms. And we've been knocking around ideas like 'Shopping for Girls' from Tin Machine, 'Repetition' and '", "id": "2733500" }, { "contents": "Walls and Bridges\n\n\ndo we do?' Should we put a camel on it or a xylophone? That sort of thing. And he came in and said, 'Hey, I'll play some piano!'\" \"Nobody Loves You (When You're Down and Out)\" was later remembered by Lennon as an expression of his feelings about the lost weekend period. Lennon imagined Frank Sinatra singing it: \"I don't know why. It's kind of a Sinatraesque song, really. He would do a perfect job with", "id": "21518355" }, { "contents": "The Movies (miniseries)\n\n\nHanks/Goetzman miniseries projects such as \"The Sixties\". In an interview with \"Deadline Hollywood\", Goetzman remarked that \"it cost a fortune, and some is fair use, depending on how you guys talk about it, and some isn't, but within it, it's an insane undertaking because the licensing is a very tricky business in this type of thing, and you know, you set out thinking, hey, this is going to be great, right? And then you realize you have approvals", "id": "18979171" }, { "contents": "Rapha (video game player)\n\n\nnot going to worry about how he's playing or anyone else. Like always I'm just going to look at the strengths and weaknesses of who I have to play and from there just worry about myself and try to make sure I'm giving myself the best chance to win no matter who I have to play. The only thing I can really control is myself and how I'm playing. I try not to think too much about how good someone else is at the time. I just respect what they bring to", "id": "4202809" }, { "contents": "We Are All One\n\n\nI'd say, 'Hey, I'm in the middle of working on an album. Are you interested in doing a session?' The reason it sounds [so cohesive] — even though it took so long to come together — is because when I do my stuff or I do my thing, it's me. It's what I sound like. Regardless of whether it takes me ten years or two weeks, it usually winds up sounding pretty much the same. For the most part, I play traditional", "id": "10770079" }, { "contents": "Hey Negrita (song)\n\n\nonly the most sensitive ones. It's about South Americans, that's just what you say, you know? You say, hey negrita... one negri... negrota... you say to a lady one, a lady negress... hey negrita! In fact, it's been done, been said to my old lady, you see?\" While considered \"splendid... edgy, funky\" by Janovitz and popular among Stones fans, it is considered one of the songs that earned Black and Blue its unofficial title as the", "id": "12400626" }, { "contents": "Wouldn't It Be Nice\n\n\n, elaborating: \"Well, he had a lot of trouble singing on mike. He just didn't really know how to stay on mike. He was a very nervous boy. Very nervous person. So I taught him a trick, how to record and he said, 'Hey Brian. That works great. Thank you!' And I said, 'It's okay, Dennis: He was really happy. I showed him—not how to sing, but I showed him a way to get the best", "id": "1566434" }, { "contents": "Workingman's Dead\n\n\nhe and David Crosby really turned Jerry and Bobby onto the voice as the holy instrument. You know, 'Hey, is this what a voice can do?' That turned us away from pure improvisation and more toward songs.\" Garcia commented that much of the sound of the album comes both from his pairing with Hunter, as well as the band's friendship with Crosby, Stills and Nash (renamed Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young with the addition of Canadian singer-songwriter Neil Young): \"Hearing those", "id": "3362443" }, { "contents": "Burning Image\n\n\nJello if he knew about what was happening in Bakersfield, so that’s why Jello asked my wife, “Hey, do you know anything about the Lords of Bakersfield?”... So after we told Jello, his jaw dropped to the floor... he asked me again, “Moe, so are you guys going to write a new album?”... He says, “That sounds like some intense subject matter, maybe you should write about that.” I really didn’t give it a second thought that night", "id": "2832101" }, { "contents": "Diamonds (Rihanna song)\n\n\nfor viewers through the video: \"[T]hey needed to feel like dream vignettes, like, when you wake up from a dream, you realize what you were dreaming about is not really what it was about, it was about something else.\" He also tried to relate the video's concept to Rihanna's personal life: \"What's truth or fiction? You know 'Is she drowning, or is she in complete ecstasy? Are those hands coming apart, or are they finding each other?' ... we", "id": "1584673" }, { "contents": "Growing Pains (Dinosaur Pile-Up album)\n\n\n\"\" gave the album 3/5 stars and have stated, \"On the album there is only one track that leaves the relentless guitar chugging behind and opts for a softer direction – ‘Hey You’. It is a shame because ‘Hey You’ is very beautiful, and shows the guys do have musical talent. More importantly it shows they are not afraid to deviate from their archetypal sound, yet for some reason they choose not to\". The review also lists 'Birds and Planes', 'Never That", "id": "11793476" }, { "contents": "Chloë Grace Moretz\n\n\nfigure out who I am and what I am and what I want and what this industry means... Why not sit back, slow down, realize I'm 19 and go, 'Hey, let's make stuff that really, really hits hard with who I am and helps me figure out what it means to be a 19-year-old actor who is just doing her thing.'\" In 2017, Moretz co-starred again with Ansel Elgort, in the crime drama \"November Criminals\". She also appeared in", "id": "10139375" }, { "contents": "Tender Mercies\n\n\nup the pace\", prompting Brimley to reply, \"Hey, I didn't know anybody dropped it.\" On another occasion, when Beresford tried to advise Brimley on how Harry would behave, Duvall recalled Brimley responding, \"Now look, let me tell you something, I'm Harry. Harry's not over there, Harry's not over here. Until you fire me or get another actor, I'm Harry, and whatever I do is fine 'cause I'm Harry.\" Duvall said he believed the on", "id": "20825303" }, { "contents": "Unplugged (Bryan Adams album)\n\n\n. The song \"If Ya Wanna Be Bad - Ya Gotta Be Good\" makes its debut on an album, originally appearing on the B-side of \"Let's Make a Night to Remember\" - to which it is paired on the Unplugged album. Absent from both the CD and DVD is \"Hey Elvis\", which is available on the single of \"Back To You\". A second single was released in early 1998, an acoustic reworking of the hardrock song \"I'm Ready\". The", "id": "21068941" }, { "contents": "Rod Dedeaux\n\n\nfilm by Rod Dedeaux. He coached at USC for many years, and is a wonderful man, very full of life, energetic, very supportive, just really was very giving of himself and cheerful all the time, was a great spirit to have around. And one day, we were in between setups and I said, 'Hey, coach, what position did you play?' He said, 'I was a shortstop.' I said, 'Really, could you — were you good?' He", "id": "11727692" }, { "contents": "Shawn Butler\n\n\nShawn. The nomination came as a surprise to many because Shawn had only been on the canvas for a few months. Blakemore had to say on the experience, \"It’s a phenomenal experience. I’m so excited to be recognized first of all by your counterparts who say, “Hey, we really appreciate what you have to offer.” Then doing the show for such a short time, it's such a humbling experience and honor. I'm almost at a loss for words.\" Eventually, Blakemore did", "id": "19269503" }, { "contents": "Let Me Hold You\n\n\n. This is what I want to do for you as a man. These are the things I'm capable of doing for you if you get with me. Just hear me out.' I'm just really talking to the ladies. The song is really special to me, and I love that song.\" The collaboration began when Bow Wow was talking with producer Jermaine Dupri about the song and how he suggested on getting Omarion to appear on the track. In a 2011 retrospective of his previous hits with \"Complex", "id": "133692" }, { "contents": "List of Phineas and Ferb characters\n\n\nmany other neighborhood children. He is known to be very selfless and energetic. Phineas has many catch phrases like \"Oh, there you are, Perry\" or \"Hey, Ferb! I know what we're going to do today!\" and \"Hey, where's Perry?\". Phineas comes from a blended family. The creators chose this arrangement because they considered it underused in children's programming as well as from Marsh's experiences in one. As a character, Phineas has received a positive critical response,", "id": "10018769" }, { "contents": "Brown Betty (Fringe)\n\n\ndevice to really explore Walter's feelings. We had largely all the elements of the episode in place and Fox called and said, 'Hey, how would you guys feel about if we asked you to have some musical element in the show? Anything, like just feature a song playing.' They didn't ask us to do \"Glee\". And we instantly, before we got off the phone, said, 'Well, this is what we're thinking for the episode and here's an idea how that", "id": "3111003" }, { "contents": "Remy Ma\n\n\nSome of these female rappers have the wrong approach, they wanna be my friend. And instead of approaching me like, 'Hey, how you doing', another chick [Remy], 'Yo, what up with that battle?' And I'm lookin' at her like, 'You bum ass. Naw, I don't do that, I'm a business woman baby.'\" In December 2007, Remy spoke more candidly on her dispute with Brown. She confirmed that although she disliked Brown as", "id": "5091754" }, { "contents": "Chevelle (band)\n\n\n, only really weird. People have been calling us and saying, 'Hey, I bought this or that', and you know, we're just doing our best to buy it back from them. And certainly the issue is not a money issue, it's about having the pieces of gear that you did all your records with.\" In 2009, Chevelle entered a studio in Nashville, Tennessee with producer Brian Virtue. Sam Loeffler stated, \"We have spent a lot of time making these songs something different", "id": "14303589" }, { "contents": "New York: A Love Story\n\n\n\" In November 2013, in an interview with \"Complex\", he spoke about if he was surprised by the positive feedback he got from the album, saying: \"I was and I think it’s mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. You do a project, you know it feels good to yourself, you know what it is but to really have it be respected everywhere, by everyone. I really haven’t heard anything bad as of yet.\" He also spoke about how he wanted to", "id": "3878997" }, { "contents": "Case of the Ex\n\n\ncrew as the dust flies from their work-out: \"\"She don't know me / She's about to know me / I'm in your life / That's how it's gon' be.\"\" And if you want to mess around, you're free to choose, but it will cost: \"\"If you want her back / You can take her back. / Cause game recognize game. / I could do the same thing.\"\" And she does. At \"the end", "id": "18803188" }, { "contents": "Hey, Good Lookin' (song)\n\n\na plane with Dickens, Minnie Pearl, and Pearl's husband Henry Cannon. A week later Williams recorded it himself, jokingly telling Dickens, \"That song's too good for you!\" \"Hey, Good Lookin'\" was recorded on March 16, 1951 at Castle Studio in Nashville. The same session also produced the single's B-side \"My Heart Would Know\" as well as another pair of tunes that would be released as singles: \"I Can't Help It (If I'm Still in", "id": "6004521" }, { "contents": "Cuttin' Heads\n\n\nBut Chuck is the conscience of the whole black community. He was the only choice to do this song with me, because he's the only guy that never participated in it, always kept his integrity and his wits about him. \"Columbia Records died when they heard it. They don't want any problems because of this song. But they were very understanding – they just said, 'Why do you want to do this?' I said, 'Hey, man, I'm a ... folk singer.", "id": "16657524" }, { "contents": "Revolver (2005 film)\n\n\nit's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning, the only reason you suffer the shitty boss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. \"Fear or revere me, but please think I'm special.\" We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and", "id": "20247408" }, { "contents": "Hey, Good Lookin' (song)\n\n\n\"). By the third and fourth verses, the singer is promising the object of his affection that they can become an exclusive couple (\"How's about keepin' steady company?\" and \"I'm gonna throw my date book over the fence\"). Williams was friendly with musician Jimmy Dickens. Having told Dickens that Dickens needed a hit record if he was going to become a star, Williams said he'd write it, and penned \"Hey Good Lookin'\" in only 20 minutes while on", "id": "6004520" }, { "contents": "Florence Louise Pettitt\n\n\nhis conducting class at the Curtis Institute: \"Anybody can beat time evenly and it's nothing to be proud of...I'm not going to waste your time and mine teaching you easy things. What I'm going to do first is teach you how to conduct operatic recitatives. Because until you've conducted opera, you don't know what conducting really is\" (see page 155 \"My Road to Opera\" by Goldovsky). Reiner forced Goldovsky to coach the opera singers at Curtis in operatic repertoire, the better to", "id": "18586389" }, { "contents": "Samurai Jack\n\n\nthe \"Samurai Jack\" movie is in pre-production: \"I've been trying so hard every year, and the one amazing thing about Jack is that I did it in 2001, you know, and it still survived. There's something about it that's connected with people. And I want it, it's number 1 on my list, and now Bob Osher, the president, is like 'Hey, let's talk about Jack. Let's see what we can do.' And I go", "id": "7662442" }, { "contents": "My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)\n\n\nbetter to burn out really bright than to sort of decay off into infinity. Even though if you look at it in a mature way, you'll think, \"well, yes ... you should decay off into infinity, and keep going along\". Rock'n'roll doesn't look that far ahead. Rock'n'roll is right now. What's happening right this second. Is it bright? Or is it dim because it's waiting for tomorrow—that's what people want to know. And that's why I say that.", "id": "9692484" }, { "contents": "Scott Kazmir\n\n\n\" in July, Kazmir said \"It kind of feels like I'm thinking too much about where I'm throwing the ball and things start snowballing, and the next thing you know you don't really know what's going on.\" On July 18, he was placed on the disabled list with left shoulder fatigue. Kazmir returned in August to mixed results. He finished the season with a 9–15 record in 28 starts, and his 5.94 ERA was the highest in MLB among pitchers who worked 140 or more innings.", "id": "9317144" }, { "contents": "Matt Corby\n\n\nwanted to know how the brain functions, partly because of his experiences with depression and anxiety. \"People have said I have depression before, especially when I was younger,\" he offers. \"People were like, you should really go see someone. But I just thought, no, I'm pretty sure the human brain is capable of so much more than what I'm being told I'm capable of. When people say you need help it's like, do I? With what? And if you could", "id": "1744359" }, { "contents": "Cannibal (EP)\n\n\n's lead single on October 22, 2010. Kesha said she was affected by the recent teenage suicides, in particular the suicide of Tyler Clementi, a young man who committed suicide after being outed as gay by his roommate. She elaborated, \"I was really affected [..] having been subject to very public hatred [myself]. I have absolutely no idea how these kids felt. What I'm going through is nothing compared to what they had to go through. Just know things do get better and you need", "id": "2727981" }, { "contents": "Neal H Pogue\n\n\nPogue mixed hit singles \"Ms. Jackson\" and B.O.B from the album Stankonia. In 2002, Andre 3000 came to Pogue with new music for what was soon to be Outkast's Grammy Award-winning album Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, Andre played Pogue a demo version of \"Hey Ya.\" Pogue convinced Andre 3000 to choose \"Hey Ya\" as Speakerboxxx/The Love Below's lead single. The genre-bending song went on to become one of the most iconic songs of the 2000s appearing on multiple charts including", "id": "15666624" }, { "contents": "Kiss Land\n\n\nI've never been to before that I'm very unfamiliar with. A lot of it is inspired by filmmakers like John Carpenter, David Cronenberg, and Ridley Scott, because they know how to capture fear. That's what \"Kiss Land\" is to me, an environment that's just honest fear. I don't know who I am right now and I'm doing all these outlandish things in these settings that I'm not familiar with. To me, it's the most terrifying thing ever. So when you", "id": "1902729" }, { "contents": "Iceberg theory\n\n\n\"The Art of the Short Story\", Hemingway is clear about his method: \"A few things I have found to be true. If you leave out important things or events that you know about, the story is strengthened. If you leave or skip something because you do not know it, the story will be worthless. The test of any story is how very good the stuff that you, not your editors, omit.\" A writer explained how it brings a story \"gravitas\": From reading Rudyard", "id": "5034492" }, { "contents": "Roy J. McDonald\n\n\nhe was receiving from other Republicans to vote against the measure, he is quoted as saying: You get to the point where you evolve in your life where everything isn't black and white, good and bad, and you try to do the right thing. You might not like that. You might be very cynical about that. Well, fuck it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. I'm tired of Republican-Democrat politics. They can take the job", "id": "12138857" }, { "contents": "You're Dead!\n\n\n. It is also a concept album about death and afterlife. In an interview with \"Electronic Musician\", Ellison said, \"It's like, 'Hey, you're dead, who knows what's next, but our spirits live forever, and you lived through the good and bad sh*t,' not, 'Hey, you're dead, it's over.'\" The album has complex melodies, syncopated rhythms, and textured productions. \"Theme\", initially called \"Jodorowsky\", was the song", "id": "14956629" }, { "contents": "2011 Brickyard 400\n\n\nknow how hard he's worked. He always talks about coming up here. He always talks about how much he loves this place. I know if he had to highlight one race to get his first win, I'm sure he'd tell you in a minute he couldn't be happier. You only get one chance to get your first win. It's a special thing, especially when you do it here.\" The race result moved Menard up five positions to 14th in the Driver's Championship with 553 points", "id": "135017" }, { "contents": "Deacon Blues\n\n\nI felt. Hey, I'm a jazz musician, that's what I do ... so I recorded my first solo ... we listened back and they said it was great. I recorded a second take and that's the one they used. I was gone in a half hour. The next thing I know I'm hearing myself in every airport bathroom in the world.\" \"Deacon Blues\" was released on Steely Dan's 1977 album \"Aja\" which reached No.3 on Billboard's album chart, a position it", "id": "19570791" }, { "contents": "Adam Dunn\n\n\nin response to a question about acquiring Dunn: \"Do you know the guy doesn't really like baseball that much? Do you know the guy doesn't have a passion to play the game that much? How much do you know about the player? There's a reason why you're attracted to some players and there's a reason why you're not attracted to some players. I don't think you'd be very happy if we brought Adam Dunn here.\" Ricciardi later apologized for his comments. In 2008", "id": "20565999" }, { "contents": "When You're Strange\n\n\nDoors guitarist Robby Krieger believes that the film puts together a more accurate portrayal of Morrison than the 1991 biopic: \"I think when you see the Oliver Stone movie – I'm amazed how good Val Kilmer did – but, you know, the problem with that movie is that the script was kind of stupid. It doesn't really capture how Jim was at all. This gives you a much better insight into how his mind worked, I think.\" Overall Krieger felt \"really happy\" about how the film has", "id": "17920802" }, { "contents": "Matt Lucas (singer)\n\n\nthe Orbison rocker the \"I'm Movin' On' treatment starting it with the classic line \"Hey baby this is Matt Lucas, come on out on this dance floor I want to tell you about something that is brand-new and I made it up baby and I am doing it just for you and here it is…Hey Baby”. The record came out on Smash Records and it started off the same way as \"I'm Movin' On\". Radio stations were reluctant to play it and the", "id": "11526824" }, { "contents": "Coroner (band)\n\n\nkind of difficult... (Pause) Well, you never know. Maybe after four or five shows we'll get into it and say, 'Hey! Let's do an album!' Nobody knows what's going to happen. We don't have a master plan\". In April 2011, drummer Marky Edelmann was asked why Coroner decided to reunite after their 15-year break up. He replied, \"It was a total trip; it was really like a time warp. It was totally strange. Sometimes you could", "id": "9358710" }, { "contents": "Sing to God\n\n\na long time and we refuse to go away. We really, genuinely do love what we do and there's a bunch of people over here who like it enough to make us carry on. But you know, British media... I mean, every other country in the world know about the British media and how thick they are. We're just a prime target for their dartboard. The fact that we're not good looking, the fact that we're probably getting on a bit now, that kind of thing", "id": "6539835" }, { "contents": "Howard Unruh\n\n\nthe party you want?\" \"Unruh.\" (Pause) \"What's the last name of the party you want?\" \"Unruh. I'm a friend, and I want to know what they're doing to you.\" \"They're not doing a damned thing to me, but I'm doing plenty to them.\" (In a soothing, reassuring voice) \"How many have you killed?\" \"I don't know yet, because I haven't counted them ... (pause)", "id": "12347900" }, { "contents": "Alexis Jordan\n\n\nNew York where she recorded with Stargate, she stated that the album is nearly completed. In the same YouTube video uploaded by Jordan, she was asked what she was doing and she replied \"Writing about different things 'cause I'm like all messed up cause I'm talking about girl power, then I'm talking about myself and how people don't really know me that well so they gonna get to know me in this song.\" On January 15, 2013, a new song titled \"Acid Rain\" leaked", "id": "19124087" }, { "contents": "Ya Hey (song)\n\n\nbass, plaintive piano, shrill vocoder and gospel chanting.\" Pretty Much Amazing also compared the song favourably to the band's earlier work, arguing that, \"unlike the absurdly catchy, frivolous 'ay ay ay's of \"A-Punk\", the 'ya-heys' of 'Ya Hey' are filled with meaning,\" and called the song \"a brilliant stomp-along anthem.\" \"The A.V. Club\" called \"Ya Hey\" \"not the album's strongest song, but the one", "id": "21491381" }, { "contents": "Guy Sebastian\n\n\n, Sebastian spoke of how much \"The Memphis Album\" still influences his music: \"I got to work with some people who were instrumental in shaping the careers of artists who heavily influence me. Artists like Otis Redding, Sam & Dave and Sam Cooke. Being entrenched in that sort of environment really caused me to go 'You know what dude. Do what you want to do. Do what comes natural to you'. [...] From that Memphis thing a few years ago it's always going to start", "id": "11281152" }, { "contents": "Ashley Thomas\n\n\nanother roll of the dice. I'm very, very excited about that and I couldn't ask for a better storyline to leave the show on, I really couldn't.\" Middleton continued to mention how he has thought about leaving every year as well as recalling the meeting he had with Oates prior to choosing to leave: \"She basically pitched the idea to me. She asked me, 'Are you happy to do this story? You probably want to think about it. I said immediately 'No I do", "id": "7978721" }, { "contents": "PewDiePie\n\n\n, [...] but I still really, really love the daily challenge—the daily grind—of just being like, 'hey, I'm gonna make a video today, no matter what.' And sometimes it really works, and sometimes it doesn't.\" On the technical aspect of his videos, Kjellberg spoke about how his early videos would feature raw footage, although he later began to dedicate time to edit his videos. \"Icon\" noted that he uses Adobe Premiere Pro to edit his videos", "id": "4356696" }, { "contents": "Kimberly Dos Ramos\n\n\nstudy business and explained: \"Everybody says hey, why dont you study Social Communication?, But the truth is that I like numbers so much that Id have always wanted to study A career related with number, so when I get to start my own business I will know how to administered \". According to Dos Ramos family is very important in her career because \"without their support i would not be here right now. My mom is always with me in all recordings, her companionship is fundamental\".", "id": "12105633" }, { "contents": "The Heat (Needtobreathe album)\n\n\n\" Lastly, García Oliveros ended \"to summarize, do yourself a favor and listen to his album. You won't regret it.\" Tom Spinelli of rated the album three stars, and criticized the album by stating that \"the only negative thing I have for this album is the singer doesn't really do much with his voice making some of the tracks seem repetitive\", but he concluded by saying \"other than that these songs are really good and these guys know how to write a catchy Christian rock ballad", "id": "1860954" }, { "contents": "Hey Porsche\n\n\nparagraph on the song anyway. Meanwhile on Noisey's British side, Ryan Bassil called it \"terrible\" and \"amazing\" in the span of two sentences. He's only half right, because \"Hey Porsche\" is nothing short of stunning, and if you don't fully understand that you are on the losing side of the culture war that is engulfing America. It's , and I'm already prepared to crown this the Best Thing I Heard This Week. . A music video for the track was filmed in", "id": "8907592" }, { "contents": "Cody Ware\n\n\n\"hitting rock bottom (after that) was the best thing that happened to me because that really gave me the wake-up call of 'hey, this is only going to get worse, and you're never going to come back from it unless you do something about it right now.'\" In 2018, Ware transitioned to motorcycle racing, though he made sporadic Truck and Xfinity Series starts for Mike Harmon Racing, while also returning to the Cup Series for RWR at Dover and Sonoma Raceway, where he would", "id": "15813333" }, { "contents": "I'm All Yours\n\n\n. Speaking in May 2012 to MTV News Jocelyn Vena, Jay explained the background to the track, \"Well, you know, people who know my music, especially when I first came over to America, one of the first things that people noticed with my songs is I like to do feel-good songs. And when it comes to the singles, that's what I like to give them. And 'I'm All Yours' is really the epitome of all that\". He further added, \"So", "id": "14039486" }, { "contents": "N-Dubz\n\n\nI've Done\", to raise money for marginalised children in war zones. Tulisa admitted she felt privileged to record the charity song. \"It's an issue that hasn't been looked at enough. And you know, even until I found out about this event, I didn't really know that much about it, and that's saying something you know. And the fact that I'm only finding out now is not really good enough. So that was every reason for me to get involved.\" She told", "id": "10131444" }, { "contents": "Hey Ya!\n\n\n\"Hey Ya!\" is a song by André 3000. Along with \"The Way You Move\", recorded by OutKast's other member Big Boi, \"Hey Ya!\" was released by LaFace Records as one of the two lead singles from the duo's fifth album, \"Speakerboxxx/The Love Below\". The track became a commercial success, reaching the top five on most of the charts it entered, and reaching number one in Australia, Canada, Norway, Sweden, and the United States. In", "id": "10393347" }, { "contents": "7 Days of Funk (album)\n\n\nI was [in] New York, in A1 [Record Shop] just listening to some records, and Snoop calls, like, 'Hey man, you need to check this out, check your email.' Four hours later I'm at the club, and he's like, 'Hey man, check these out, two more done.' He was just smashing them. When you're inspired by something, that's how you do it.\" Dâm-Funk created the music, and Snoopzilla came", "id": "7939461" }, { "contents": "Avalon (Sully Erna album)\n\n\nthat I'm doing on the side right now. I don't know when I'm gonna kind of unleash something like that, and I don't know really what it's gonna be yet. I have a couple of different ideas, and I'm not sure what and when it's gonna happen, but of course Godsmack is our lifeblood and we don't have any plans on trying to break this thing up. But, you know, we do want to venture out a little bit and just", "id": "5753783" }, { "contents": "Gai-Jin\n\n\ndo militarily. . . . And there's the Japanese tradition that the student has the duty to surpass his teacher. But nobody explains that to anybody. So I think if I were Japanese, I would be very teed off to have this Japan-bashing when they're only doing what they were told to do. On the American side, I say, `Hey, let's talk about rice, reciprocity, trade imbalance.' Nobody understands nobody. I'm hoping that `Gai-Jin' and `", "id": "17078972" }, { "contents": "1 Thing\n\n\ngot me trippin'\"). Amerie said that the inspiration for the song came from a conversation she had with Harrison \"about relationships and how there's always one thing that keeps you attracted to someone. No matter what they do or how they act, there's that one undeniable thing that keeps you coming back.\" She told \"Blender\" that the \"one thing\" \"could be bringing flowers, or something more ... physical. People think I'm just this good girl, but there are other sides", "id": "19002926" }, { "contents": "Lost: Via Domus\n\n\nto go to the cockpit. On the way, he is stopped by Locke who is hiding in some banyan trees. Locke calls out, \"Hey son, over here. I'm over here in the banyan trees.\" Locke further helps out by claiming, \"I don't know what's in this jungle, but I do know the banyan trees provide cover. Hide inside the hollowed roots, and you should be safe.\" Elliot then leaves Locke in the banyan trees and avoids the Monster on his way", "id": "11782122" }, { "contents": "How Are You\n\n\nsour, with the singer saying, \"I know you're making all the same mistakes\", but then adds, \"Still no offence, no more hard feelings left on silly sentiment. No harm was ever felt or ever meant.\" He then realizes that he has to leave, as he's \"gotta thousand little things I better do. Ah, but it was really good to talk to you. Be on my way, I'm bound to see you on the street again someday, and when", "id": "2047903" }, { "contents": "Cadillactica\n\n\nthis record. How I can change these instruments and manipulate my voice; and make my voice an instrument. All these things to me are extremely important to really draw you in, to creatively try to do something totally different with this album. And I think it starts with the base of \"Cadillactica\", you know, the planet of all this. I'm working on it now, I'm brainstorming hardcore, I'm working with other producers as well. You know DJ Dahi, Jim Johnson, Rico Love", "id": "4942987" }, { "contents": "Tom Goss (musician)\n\n\nwith long-time friend Joey Salinas. In an interview with, Goss said \"You know, it's interesting, I think that 2013, or the end of 2012-2013 has been about doing things that I wanted to do, and not really thinking as much about how people are going to perceive it. And I think that's been really freeing. So Joey and I had talked for years about doing a song together, and finally I said, well, I don't know why we're still", "id": "13166001" }, { "contents": "Best I Ever Had (Gavin DeGraw song)\n\n\nHad\" was the first single from singer-songwriter Gavin DeGraw's fifth album, \"Make a Move\". It was a collaboration with Boys Like Girls' lead singer and songwriter Martin Johnson. DeGraw explains the beginning of the creation of this song by saying, \"I'm sitting in the room with Martin Johnson, the guy I'd been writing with before who's really gifted, and he's like, 'Hey man, what do you think of this track?' He just starts playing this jangle-", "id": "11338850" }, { "contents": "Never Gonna Give You Up\n\n\nthe song, Astley often says to the audience during the last verse, \"We've known each other since 1987!\" referencing to the year the song was released in and later in the verse, he sings \"And if you ask me how I'm feeling\" and then shouts \"I'm feeling bloody marvellous!\" In some countries, Astley will say things like \"I'm doing pretty good!\" or \"I'm feeling fantastic, thank you very much!\" instead of the usual 'bloody marvellous", "id": "14982151" }, { "contents": "Ya Hey (song)\n\n\n\"Ya Hey\" is a song by American indie pop band Vampire Weekend, taken from their third studio album \"Modern Vampires of the City\". It was released as the second single from the album on May 3, 2013 through XL Recordings. An official music video of the single, featuring the lyrics, was uploaded on May 3, 2013. The single failed to chart. \"Ya Hey\" received very positive reviews from critics. Ian Cohen of \"Pitchfork\" described the song as \"a staggering duality of", "id": "21491379" }, { "contents": "From the Outside (Hey Violet album)\n\n\nthe band is 'destined to have a massive year.' Alternative Press calls the track 'irresistible,' while Nylon raves, 'Hey Violet knows how to write a good pop hook and 'Break My Heart' is a testament to that. This song has spunk.' Jon Winkler of The Young Folks gave a highly positive review, saying: 'Equal parts scrappy and crafted, From the Outside is a strong and memorable debut album from a band that thrives on the one thing all young bands seem to forsake", "id": "2766949" }, { "contents": "Hard to Swallow\n\n\nrunning from anything. This is me. This is what I'm about. I think the music speaks for itself. If the music was whack, nobody'd even care to hear anything about no Vanilla Ice. I just think the music is so strong people are kinda comin' out of the closet. It's like, 'You know, hey, I bought it back in the day, and the new stuff is slammin'.' I think there's some hip-hop influenced, stage-diving, body", "id": "13381892" }, { "contents": "Hey Joe\n\n\nrecorded a parody of the song, titled \"Flower Punk\", on the Mothers of Invention album \"We're Only in It for the Money\" in 1968. The song was one of several on the album that parodied the fashionable hippie lifestyle. Lyrics in Zappa's version included \"Hey Punk, where you goin' with that flower in your hand?/Well, I'm goin' up to Frisco to join a psychedelic band.\" Zappa also included the opening chord riff of \"Hey Joe\" in the song \"Honey, Do", "id": "9213978" } ]
Have you ever colored your hair.? Dyeing it black, red, brown for example. no but I am curious If you are curious perhaps you should start with a natural dye. It's plant based so less harsh. What causes this? The natural color from things like berries, bark give off a color to the hair when applied. Is there a remedy?
[{"answer": "No not a remedy. It's just a pigmentation color given to the hair. Mainly for style preference.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "270445", "title": "Human hair color", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 104, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n. Indigo is natural dye from a plant (Indigofera tinctoria, suffructicosa, or arrecta) that can be added to henna or layered on top of it to create brown to black colors in the hair. Henna is orange, and indigo is blue, so as complementaries on a standard color wheel, the two colors' combined effect is to create brown tones. Like henna, indigo may fade after one application, but it becomes permanent on the hair with repeated use. Using a plant-based color such as henna can", "id": "4824111" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair. Henna is an orange dye commonly used as a deposit-only hair color whose active component, lawsone, binds to keratin. It is therefore considered semi-permanent to permanent, depending on a person's hair type. Most people will achieve a permanent color from henna, especially after the second dye. With repeated use the orange color builds up into red and then auburn. While \"natural\" henna is generally a red color, variations exist. These variations usually contain ingredients from other plants and even synthetic dyes", "id": "4824110" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nharsh, especially in a fair shade. To combat this, the modern trend is to use multiple colors—usually one color as a base with added highlights or lowlights in other shades. Semi-permanent color washes out over a period of time—typically four to six weeks, so root regrowth is less noticeable. The final color of each strand is affected by its original color and porosity, so there will be subtle variations in color across the head—more natural and less harsh than a permanent dye. However,", "id": "218640" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Natural dye\n\n\nNatural dyes are dyes or colorants derived from plants, invertebrates, or minerals. The majority of natural dyes are vegetable dyes from plant sources—roots, berries, bark, leaves, and wood—and other biological sources such as fungi and lichens. Archaeologists have found evidence of textile dyeing dating back to the Neolithic period. In China, dyeing with plants, barks and insects has been traced back more than 5,000 years. The essential process of dyeing changed little over time. Typically, the dye material is put in a", "id": "617951" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\ndepends on the original color of the hair, as well as the quality of the henna, and can range from orange to auburn to burgundy. Henna can be mixed with other natural hair dyes including \"Cassia obovata\" for lighter shades of red or even blond, or with indigo to achieve brown and black shades. Some products sold as \"henna\" include these other natural dyes. Others may include metal salts that can interact with other chemical treatments, or oils and waxes that may inhibit the dye, or dyes which", "id": "3908411" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n, red ochre and leeks. In the 1661 book \"Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature\", various methods of coloring hair black, gold, green, red, yellow, and white are explained. The development of synthetic dyes for hair is traced to the 1860s discovery of the reactivity of para-phenylenediamine (PPD) with air. Eugène Schueller, the founder of L'Oréal, is recognized for creating the first synthetic hair dye in 1907. In 1947 the German cosmetics firm Schwarzkopf launched the first home color", "id": "4824085" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nbut the darker shades in particular may persist longer than indicated on the packet. Semi-permanent hair coloring involves little or no developer, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, and is thus less damaging to hair strands. The reduced amount of developer, whether peroxide or ammonia, means that hair previously damaged by applying permanent color or permanent reshaping is less likely to be damaged during the color application process. Semi-permanent hair color uses compounds of lower molecular weight than are found in temporary hair color dyes. These dyes penetrate the hair", "id": "4824092" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nfor the at-home process. L'Oreal provides a process that you can follow. An important step of the Dip Dye process is to make sure your hair is healthy and hydrated. Healthy hair will allow it to absorb the color which will lead to longer lasting results. If the hair is not healthy, it is important to switch shampoos and conditioners for several weeks before starting the process. The first step is to wear clothes that can be ruined. Brush your hair out nice and thoroughly to remove any knots in your", "id": "13290042" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nproduct, \"Poly Color\". Hair dyeing is now a multibillion-dollar industry that involves the use of both plant-derived and synthetic dyes. Hair color was traditionally applied to the hair as one overall color. The modern trend is to use several colors to produce streaks or gradations, but not all work on top of a single base color. These are referred to as: There are also newer coloring techniques such as ombré, in which hair is dark on the crown and bit by bit becomes lighter toward the", "id": "4824086" }, { "contents": "The Strawberry Blonde\n\n\nWestmore memoed Wallis: \"Her head is so large and she has so much hair that it will practically be impossible to put a wig on her. Whatever color you decide on, she will be happy to have it made that color. Then at the end of the picture, we will dye it back to its natural color.\" This film marked the first time Hayworth was seen as a redhead and the first and only time in her career that audiences heard her real singing voice. The shooting of \"Strawberry Blonde", "id": "6240229" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nDip dye (also known as \"tip dyeing\") is a hair coloring style that involves dipping the ends of the hair into dye. The dye used can be either a naturally colored dye or a bright colored dye, the latter being the more popular choice. The method has become increasingly popular as a result of social media and its usage by celebrities. Dip dye originates from the process of tie dyeing clothing (especially T-shirts). Dip-dyeing and the ombré hairstyle are similar. However, dip dyeing", "id": "13290039" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ndiscoloration and unexpected hair color results. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in vitro and in vivo studies (in exposed human populations) have shown that some hair dyes and many chemicals used in the hair dyeing process can be considered mutagenic and carcinogenic. In certain individuals, the use of hair coloring can result in allergic reactions and/or skin irritation. Individuals allergic to gluten for example, will need to be cautious when purchasing hair color since certain hair dye includes gluten. Gluten does not need to", "id": "4824100" }, { "contents": "Gates of Paradise\n\n\nfrom Aunt Fanny's 40th birthday party, Heaven and Logan get into a car accident which leaves them dead and Annie a crippled orphan. After the decision being made, Annie is sent to Farthinggale Manor to live and recover with Tony Tatterton, whom she thinks is just her step-great-grandfather. Things start out strange when Tony strongly insists she dyes her hair silvery blonde like her grandmother Leigh's natural hair color (and Heaven's short lived hair color). She complies after much coaxing from Tony that it will", "id": "4912377" }, { "contents": "Dyeing\n\n\n(for his clothing brand C.P. Company), this technique had never been successfully industrially applied in any context. The complexity lay in developing both a practical and chemical understanding of how each fabric responded differently to the dye, how much it would shrink, how much color it would absorb, developing entirely new forms of quality control to verify possible defects in fabric before dyeing etc. Beyond the industrial advantages of the technique (purchasing fabric in one color, white or natural, you may produce as many colors as you wish etc", "id": "3502048" }, { "contents": "Pysanka\n\n\nThe dyes were prepared from dried plants, roots, bark, berries and insects (cochineal). Yellow was obtained from the flowers of the woadwaxen, and gold from onion skins. Red could be extracted from logwood or cochineal, and dark green and violet from the husks of sunflower seeds and the berries and bark of the elderberry bush. Black dye was made from walnut husks. The dyes were prepared in secret, using recipes handed down from mother to daughter. Sometimes chemical dyes (of unusual or difficult colors) were", "id": "10516563" }, { "contents": "Art of ancient Egypt\n\n\npaint) was applied to protect the eyes, as well as for aesthetic reasons. It was usually made of galena, giving a silvery-black color; during the Old Kingdom, green eye-paint was also used, made from malachite. Egyptian women painted their lips and cheeks, using rouge made from red ochre. Henna was applied as a dye for hair, fingernails and toenails, and perhaps also nipples. Creams and unguents to condition the skin were popular, and were made from various plant extracts. On secular", "id": "13398972" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nHair dye stripping is a process used to rid the hair of unwanted deposited color. Hair dye stripping is a chemical process involving the application of a sulfur-based product to hair in order to remove deposited color. Hair dye strippers raise sulfite levels to make hair more porous and reverse the oxidation of color molecules. This breaks the bonds dyes form between one another and the hair shaft that were formed by oxidizing small hair color intermediates, shrinking the molecules and allowing hair color to be washed out of the hair. Because of", "id": "7210630" }, { "contents": "Black Spiderman\n\n\nin your SOUL!\". In the liner notes for the song, Logic said that: This song is the celebration of unity and a world built upon division. People say things like I don’t see color, I just see people. To which I retour you should see color, you should see a black man, a white woman, a brown little girl or any other color of the rainbow. The song's accompanying music video premiered on April 13, 2017 on Logic's Vevo account on YouTube. In", "id": "3732079" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nleuco (colorless) form. Oxidizing agents are usually hydrogen peroxide, and the alkaline environment is usually provided by ammonia. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia causes the natural hair to be lightened, providing a \"blank canvas\" for the dye. Ammonia opens the hair shaft pores so that the dye can actually diffuse inside the fiber. These dye intermediates and coupler compounds can undergo oxidation and coupling reaction as shown in the scheme below to form high molecular weight products, which are trapped in the hair matrix and cannot", "id": "4824107" }, { "contents": "Dye\n\n\nto produce a lake pigment. The majority of natural dyes are derived from plant sources: roots, berries, bark, leaves, wood, fungi and lichens. Most dyes are synthetic, i.e., are man-made from petrochemicals. Other than pigmentation, they have a range of applications including organic dye lasers, optical media (CD-R) and camera sensors (color filter array). Textile dyeing dates back to the Neolithic period. Throughout history, people have dyed their textiles using common, locally available materials.", "id": "8220088" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\n\" produces a rich red-brown stain which can darken in the days after it is first applied. It is sometimes referred to as \"red henna\" to differentiate it from products sold as \"black henna\" or \"neutral henna,\" which may not actually contain henna, but are instead made from other plants or dyes. \"Neutral henna\" does not change the color of hair. This is not henna powder; it is usually the powder of the plant \"Senna italica\" (often referred to by the", "id": "3908438" }, { "contents": "One Hundred and One Dalmatians\n\n\nI've ever had a chance to work with. A voice like Betty Lou's gives you something to do. You get a performance going there, and if you don't take advantage of it, you're off your rocker.\" While her hair coloring originated from the illustrations in the novel, Davis found its disheveled style by looking \"through old magazines for hairdos from 1940 till now.\" Her coat was exaggerated to match her oversized personality, and the lining was red because \"there's a devil image involved", "id": "12039869" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nway that allows for migration of the pigment to the interior of the hair shaft. Alternative hair coloring products are designed to create hair colors not typically found in nature. These are also referred to as \"vivid color\" in the hairstyling industry. The available colors are diverse, such as the colors green and fuchsia. Permanent alternatives in some colors are available. More recently, blacklight-reactive hair dyes have been brought to market that Fluorescence under blacklights, such as those often used at nightclubs. The chemical formulae of alternative", "id": "4824097" }, { "contents": "Kazakh clothing\n\n\nknife before being heated; this gives the skin its whitish color. The fur is then ready for dyeing in a variety of colors. Yellow dye is made from the crushed root of the Taranovy plant. Red dye is made from the root of \"Uiran Boyau,\" and orange dye is often made from dried pomegranate crusts. Kazakhs often use white wool, and consider wool from the neck of a sheep valuable. The hair of the Bactrian camel is also used for more luxurious clothing. An undercoat, collected after the", "id": "10952110" }, { "contents": "Giovanni Antonio Giobert\n\n\nand made important contributions to the dyeing industry, studying the chemistry of natural dyes including woad, indigo, and turkey red. For example, Giobert suggested that uneven bleaching of cotton with alkaline lye was a cause of variable color-fastness when the cloth was dyed. He helped to identify differences between animal- and plant-based dyes, and developed techniques for \"animalizing\" fibres with nitrogen gas to improve the solidity of the dye. Such techniques became widespread throughout the European dyeing industry. In 1811 Giobert worked with Raymond Latour", "id": "840287" }, { "contents": "Glossary of dyeing terms\n\n\nDyeing is the craft of imparting colors to textiles in loose fiber, yarn, cloth or garment form by treatment with a dye. Archaeologists have found evidence of textile dyeing with natural dyes dating back to the Neolithic period. In China, dyeing with plants, barks and insects has been traced back more than 5,000 years. Natural insect dyes such as Tyrian purple and kermes and plant-based dyes such as woad, indigo and madder were important elements of the economies of Asia and Europe until the discovery of man-made synthetic", "id": "2176597" }, { "contents": "Cowboy Take Me Away\n\n\nearly days, when all three women had hair either naturally or dyed blonde. Maines' hair was cropped so short she looked like the country Cyndi Lauper and Martie Seidel with cross-colored braids and locks. Looking back, Robison commented, \"You have three girls, so automatically you get the roll-the-eyes, you know; it's the band that's been put together,\" Robison says. \"And at the time we were all blonde. And, you know, it was just so -", "id": "11013507" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nprocessing\" time. This is the amount of time required to achieve the desired results. In highlighting hair, hydrogen peroxide mixed with pigment is used to change the color of the strand. This process is also used in applying \"lowlights\" to the hair. In this process, hair dyes are used to create strands of hair that are darker than the natural color. Hair painting is a method of highlighting hair that may be done at home. Hair painting methods are often permanent and employ a simple hair-painting brush", "id": "16368265" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npale blond. However, it can be red, darker blond, light brown, or rarely, even dark brown. Vitiligo is a patchy loss of hair and skin color that may occur as the result of an auto-immune disease. In a preliminary 2013 study, researchers treated the buildup of hydrogen peroxide which causes this with a light-activated pseudo-catalase. This produced significant media coverage that further investigation may someday lead to a general non-dye treatment for grey hair. Malnutrition is also known to cause hair", "id": "218634" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Amaranth (dye)\n\n\nAmaranth, FD&C Red No. 2, E123, C.I. Food Red 9, Acid Red 27, Azorubin S, or C.I. 16185 is a modified red azo dye used as a food dye and to color cosmetics. The name was taken from amaranth grain, a plant distinguished by its red color and edible protein-rich seeds. Amaranth is an anionic dye. It can be applied to natural and synthetic fibers, leather, paper, and phenol-formaldehyde resins. As a food additive it has E number E123. Amaranth", "id": "9893769" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\n, I figure it’s up to the reader to decide. However, I must inform you that Knives was mainly being mean when she said Ramona was fat.\" Her natural hair colour is not stated. O'Malley said \"Nobody knows her natural hair color. Ramona may not even remember. She changes it a lot because she’s trying to figure out who she is / who she wants to be.\" On another occasion, when asked, O'Malley said \"I don’t know… brown? How many natural hair", "id": "11339000" }, { "contents": "Corbin Harney\n\n\nour people have talked about for many, many years.\" Harney was a proponent of universal inclusion and individual spiritual empowerment, \"We need your help. Who ever you are, whatever color you are, wherever you come from on this Mother Earth of ours. We've only got this one Earth and we all have to take care of it. So I am asking all of you people throughout the world to unite yourselves together. Give us a helping hand so we can take care of all the living things.", "id": "5640201" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nHot roots is a term used by hair stylists to explain the condition brought about by applying an artificial pigment to the hair, whereby the roots (the sections of the hair follicles closest to the scalp) are noticeably warmer in color (more red/orange) than the ends of the hair. This can happen for a few reasons, but the two most likely causes are explained below. It is helpful to understand the general nature of the lightening, or \"lifting\", of natural hair color. The color of", "id": "12863608" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nfamous statue of Aphrodite, the \"Aphrodite of Knidos\", sculpted in the fourth century BC by Praxiteles, represented the goddess's hair using gold leaf and contributed to the popularity of the image of Aphrodite as a blonde goddess. Greek prostitutes frequently dyed their hair blond using saffron dyes or colored powders. Blond dye was highly expensive, took great effort to apply, and smelled repugnant, but none of these factors inhibited Greek prostitutes from dying their hair. As a result of this and the natural rarity of blond hair in", "id": "5633798" }, { "contents": "Final Destination 2\n\n\ncomfortable being underwater and breathing off the regulator,\" Landes enunciated. To avoid confusion with Larter and Carter, Cook was required to dye her hair brown for the role. \"I like being a chameleon. It opens you up for so much more in this work. You don't get typecast,\" Cook professed. Landes also denied plots regarding Thomas and Kimberly's relationship. \"It's kind of a protected relationship, more like a brother/sister thing than a love interest. They didn't want to go", "id": "10191556" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Alkannin\n\n\nAlkannin is a natural dye that is obtained from the extracts of plants from the borage family \"Alkanna tinctoria\" that are found in the south of France. The dye is used as a food coloring and in cosmetics. It is used as a red-brown food additive in regions such as Australia, and is designated in Europe as the E number E103, but is no longer approved for use. Alkannin has a deep red color in a greasy or oily environment and a violet color in an alkaline environment. The chemical", "id": "7312255" }, { "contents": "Portable optical air sensor\n\n\nthe sensing of air acidity. The sol-gel is made with an organic dye, (2-[4-(dimethylamino)- phenylazo]benzoic acid). The dye has a pH color range of 6.7-8.7. This means that below a pH of 6.7 you see one color, in this case a red-pink, and at a pH higher than 8.7 you see a different color, in this case yellow, and you see a changing orange in between. The testing procedure is incredibly simple since all you have to do is expose the sol-", "id": "16987443" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "Garot\n\n\nidea that persimmon dying could make cotton stronger, so they might have started to dye it. \"Gal\" (갈) comes from \"gam\" (감) which means persimmon in Korean, and \"ot\" (옷) means clothes in Korean. Therefore, \"garot\" refers to clothes dyed by persimmons, especially unripe persimmons. According to \"Natural coloring that we have to know\", various tones of black or brown colors can be obtained from dye made by unripe persimmon. To make high-quality", "id": "8602395" }, { "contents": "Affenpinscher\n\n\nsilver, red, black and tan, and belge (a mixture of red, brown, black and white hairs); other clubs have their own lists of acceptable colors, with black being the preference. Affenpinschers have a distinct appearance that some associate with terriers. They are different from terriers, however, in that they are actually part of the \"\" in the FCI classification and so often get along with other dogs and pets. They are active, adventurous, curious, and stubborn, but they are also fun", "id": "830002" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Lucy Collett\n\n\nhas modeled for several internet based erotic websites, such as \"Suicide Girls\", \"Pinup Wow\", \"Onlytease\", \"CurvedFX\", and \"Xtreme Playpen\". In May 2013, \"FHM\" magazine named her one of its 100 Sexiest Women in the World, placing 89th on the list. Collett began her modeling career at age 17 as a hair model for Toni & Guy salons. At this time, she began dyeing her naturally brown hair blond and, later, her signature red color.", "id": "14211363" }, { "contents": "Dyeing\n\n\n, are also applied in this way. The term may also be applied to dyeing without the use of mordants to fix the dye once it is applied. Mordants were often required to alter the hue and intensity of natural dyes and improve color fastness. Chromium salts were until recently extensively used in dyeing wool with synthetic mordant dyes. These were used for economical high color fastness dark shades such as black and navy. Environmental concerns have now restricted their use, and they have been replaced with reactive and metal complex dyes that do", "id": "3502044" }, { "contents": "Naturally colored cotton\n\n\nwith naturally colored cottons. Naturally colored cotton usually come in four standard colors - green, brown, red (a reddish brown) and mocha (similar to tan). There is experimental evidence to demonstrate that naturally pigmented cottons, especially green cotton, have excellent sun protection properties, when compared with unbleached white cotton that needs to be treated with dyes or finishes to obtain similar properties. It is hypothesized that the pigments in naturally pigmented cotton fibers are present to provide protection from ultraviolet radiation for the embryonic cotton seeds, however", "id": "14271321" }, { "contents": "Film colorization\n\n\nsuch as those between a subject's hair and face. Colorization of moving images also requires motion compensation, tracking regions as movement occurs from one frame to the next. Several companies claim to have produced automatic region-tracking algorithms: The earliest form of colorization introduced limited color into a black-and-white film using dyes, as a visual effect. The earliest Edison films, most notably the \"Annabelle Serpentine Dance\" series, were also the earliest examples of colorization, done by painting aniline dyes onto the emulsion.", "id": "20241655" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "Shinsui Itō\n\n\nusing the harsh aniline red common in other contemporary prints, Itō used a natural vegetable dye, overprinting the robe several times to achieve a rich crimson color. Special care was also taken for the speckled gray texture background, making a contrast with the red garment, black hair, and white skin. Itō's early landscape series, \"Eight Views of Lake Biwa\" inspired Kawase Hasui. His early \"bijin-ga\" are generally considered his finest works, including \"Twelve Figures of New Beauties\" (1922–1923).", "id": "17322740" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nfrom herbs and earthworms and pigeon dung was used to lighten hair. For example, to dye hair black, Pliny the Elder suggests applying leeches that have rotted in red wine for 40 days. Dying hair red requires a mixture of animal fat and beechwood ashes whilst dying hair gold required saffron. Ovid gives plenty more examples for dyes, such as herbs and saffron. To cure diseases such as hair loss, Pliny suggests the application of a sow's gall bladder, mixed with bull's urine, or of the ashes of", "id": "6750004" }, { "contents": "Rio Hair Naturalizer System\n\n\nThe Rio Hair Naturalizer System was a hair relaxer distributed by the World Rio Corporation Inc. It was available in two types; \"Neutral\", and one that claimed to have a \"Color Enhancement Formula\" that contained a black hair dye. As a product designed for home use, it was promoted through infomercials in the early to mid-1990s. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and state government offices began receiving complaints about the Rio hair products in mid-1994. Many complainants said they had bought the hair relaxers by mail", "id": "808706" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nrare in adulthood; according to the sociologist Christie Davies, only around five percent of adults in Europe and North America are naturally blond. A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. Nonetheless, a significant majority of Caucasian women (perhaps as high as three in four) dye their hair blond, a significantly higher percentage than for any other hair color. Blond hair is most common in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea countries, where true blondism is believed to have originated. The pigmentation", "id": "5633781" }, { "contents": "Afghan wedding\n\n\nHenna (\"Kheena\" by Afghans, a dark-red colored dye which leaves an orange-red color on the skin) is placed on their hands. Historically, little incisions were cut into the bride and groom's palms so that they could be joined in blood. As time progressed it was replaced with henna (also spelled as hennah). Henna is a plant and which is use for dying hair, fingernails, leather, and wool. Henna is considered more sanitary and less messy. At this moment a", "id": "2780041" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nsometimes darkens as a person ages. Several gene pairs control the light versus dark hair color in a cumulative effect. A person's genotype for a multifactorial trait can interact with the environment to produce varying phenotypes (see quantitative trait locus). Natural hair color can be brown, blond, black, red, or white; all natural hair colors including grey, white and lightest blond, are shades of brown. The Fischer–Saller scale, named after Eugen Fischer and , is used in physical anthropology and medicine to determine", "id": "218618" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nfirst place. Dying hair was popular among women, although the frequency that hair was coloured often made it weaker. Tertullian discusses how hair dye burnt the scalp and was harmful for the head. Artificial dyes could be applied through powders, gels and bleach. Henna, a temporary dye, or even animal fat, could be applied to make the hair more manageable. Aside from henna, more common permanent dyes were based on natural substances and perhaps more unorthodox mixtures. To prevent graying some Romans wore a paste at night made", "id": "6750003" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\napplied with a toothbrush may also help remove the uppermost layer of skin and dye (neither removes just the dye). Acetone and nail polish remover are not considered effective; laundry detergent may sometimes work as may moist cigarette ash rubbed into the stained area. Several factors influence the final color of the hair following the coloring process. In October 2017, the leading breast surgeon Professor Kefah Mokbel published a meta-analysis showing that use of hair dyes might increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 20% among users. Permanent", "id": "4824105" }, { "contents": "Scarcity (social psychology)\n\n\naccess to some resource resulting from the possession of a small or diminishing quantity of the asset. For example, your favorite shirt becomes more valuable when you know you cannot replace it. If you had ten shirts of the same style and color, losing one would likely be less distressful because you have several others to take its place. Cialdini theorizes that it is in our nature to fight against losing freedom, pointing out that we value possessions in low quantities partly because as resources become less available they are more likely not", "id": "8685458" }, { "contents": "M&M's\n\n\ncould be coated every hour. Peanut M&M's were introduced in 1954 but first appeared only in the color tan. In 1960, M&M's added the yellow, red, and green colors. In 1976, the color orange was added to the mix to replace red, which was discontinued in response to the \"red dye scare\" over Red Dyes #2 and #4 having been evaluated to be carcinogenic in nature. Although M&M's were made with the less controversial Red Dye #40, the public was wary of", "id": "15711073" }, { "contents": "Monkeys in Chinese culture\n\n\n\"barbarians\"] of the Western countries take its blood for dyeing their woolen rugs; its color is clean and will not turn black. Some say that when you prick it for its blood, if you ask, \"How much will you give me?\" the [\"xingxing\"] will say, \"Would two pints be truly enough?\" In order to add to this amount, you thrash it with a whip before asking and it will go along with an increase, so that you can obtain up", "id": "7915220" }, { "contents": "Tahitian drumming\n\n\nhitting the light bark until the fibers are worn thin. Once completely dry, the streamer is tied to a chord that goes around the waist while another one runs parallel below the original chord to secure down the strips. The strips are naturally white but sometimes they are dyed yellow or red. Tahitians avoid colors such as blue, green, purple and pink because they cannot obtain natural dye from their island for these colors. Along with dye, coconut shells and pieces are used to accent the costume. When performing Tahitian", "id": "10121379" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\npermanents have several advantages as compared with permanent color. Because there is essentially no lifting (i.e., removal) of natural hair color, the final color is less uniform/homogeneous than a permanent and therefore more natural looking; they are gentler on hair and therefore safer, especially for damaged hair; and they wash out over time (typically 20 to 28 shampoos), so root regrowth is less noticeable and if a change of color is desired, it is easier to achieve. Demi-permanent hair colors are not permanent", "id": "4824091" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nis known as the emulsifying action. Sulfate free shampoos are less harming on color treated hair than normal shampoos that contain sulfates. Sulfates strip away natural oils as well as hair dye. Sulfates are also responsible for the foaming effect of shampoos. Shampoos have a pH of between 4 & 6. Acidic shampoos are the most common type used and maintain or improve the condition of the hair as they don't swell the hairshaft and don't strip the natural oils. Conditioners are often used after shampooing to smooth down the cuticle layer", "id": "19772402" }, { "contents": "Sulfur dye\n\n\nSulfur dyes are the most commonly used dyes manufactured for cotton in terms of volume. They are inexpensive, generally have good wash-fastness, and are easy to apply. Sulfur dyes are predominantly black, brown, and dark blue. Red sulfur dyes are unknown, although a pink or lighter scarlet color is available. The forerunner of sulfur dyes is attributed to \"Cachou de Laval,\" which is prepared by treating wood products with sulfide sources. Subsequently, the so-called Vidal Blacks were produced by reactions of various", "id": "11877808" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\n. 71% of the adults polled by the Christian Science Monitor in 2002 said they would not allow a 12-year-old to dye their hair blue. The social dislike of the hair color can lead to a suspension from school and the loss of a job, among other things. The \"blue hair effect\" has been used as a metaphor for social distancing. For example, a man who worked for a hospital for 10 years was fired for coming to work with blue hair after refusing to dye it back to its", "id": "21344551" }, { "contents": "Sinaloan pocket mouse\n\n\npolymorphism evolve between pocket mice. Pocket mice that live in sunny environments with an abundance of sand will have a selective advantage with light colored yellow or brown coats. In contrast, pocket mice that live on rocks in environments with less sun are more likely to have a selective advantage with darker colored grey or black coats. Genetic Basis The genetic difference for varying coat colors is controlled largely by two proteins in pocket mice: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Production of eumelanin gives hair a black or brown color, while pheomelanin gives hair a", "id": "11137419" }, { "contents": "Ombré\n\n\nwith graduated color designs. \"Ombré\" as a textile treatment came back into fashion in around 1840 and was used throughout the 19th century. In machine embroidery an \"ombré\" effect was achieved by dyeing the threads in graded colors beforehand. \"Ombré\" as a hair-coloring technique is believed to have been popularised in 2000 when the artist Britney Spears had her hair dyed in a subtle gradual fade from black at the roots to lighter towards the hair tips. It also was popularized in 2001 when the artist Aaliyah dyed", "id": "6369222" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nin several studies. The final color of each strand of hair will depend on its original color and porosity. Because hair's color and porosity across the head and along the length of a hair strand, there will be subtle variations in shade across the entire head. This gives a more natural-looking result than the solid, all over color of a permanent color. Because gray or white hairs have a different starting color than other hair, they will not appear as the same shade as the rest of the hair when", "id": "4824094" }, { "contents": "Natural dye\n\n\n) in water, adding the textile to be dyed to the resulting solution (the \"dyebath\"), and bringing the solution to a simmer for an extended period, often measured in days or even weeks, stirring occasionally until the color has evenly transferred to the textiles. Some dyestuffs, such as indigo and lichens, will give good color when used alone; these dyes are called \"direct dyes\" or \"substantive dyes\". The majority of plant dyes, however, also require the use of a mordant,", "id": "617961" }, { "contents": "Natural dye\n\n\ndeveloped in the 3rd or 2nd millennium BCE. Textiles with a \"red-brown warp and an ochre-yellow weft\" were discovered in Egyptian pyramids of the Sixth Dynasty (2345–2180 BCE). The chemical analysis that would definitively identify the dyes used in ancient textiles has rarely been conducted, and even when a dye such as indigo blue is detected it is impossible to determine which of several indigo-bearing plants was used. Nevertheless, based on the colors of surviving textile fragments and the evidence of actual dyestuffs found in", "id": "617959" }, { "contents": "Rukai people\n\n\n, dark blue or green with dyes made from herbs or plants. The red colorant is extracted from the root of a specific vine by chopping the roots into pieces and soaking them in water. The yellow colorant usually comes from ginger root juice. The brown colorant comes from the \"Dioscorea matsudae\", and is extracted with the same method used to make the red dye. The dark blue dye comes from the leaf juice of a plant called danadana, and the green colorant comes from the leaf juice of a plant called", "id": "2888175" }, { "contents": "Dyeing\n\n\n, derived from coal tar. Alizarin, the red dye present in madder, was the first natural pigment to be duplicated synthetically in 1869, a development which led to the collapse of the market for naturally grown madder. The development of new, strongly colored synthetic dyes followed quickly, and by the 1870s commercial dyeing with natural dyestuffs was disappearing. Dyes are applied to textile goods by dyeing from dye solutions and by printing from dye pastes. Methods include direct application and yarn dyeing. Selection of the appropriate dye is important because", "id": "3502041" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n: \"...Not since Camlann has there been such weeping, Gone is our mainstay, his golden hair, stained with a death blow...\". The dyeing of hair is an ancient art that involves treatment of the hair with various chemical compounds. In ancient times, the dyes were obtained from plants. Some of the most well known are henna (\"Lawsonia inermis\"), indigo, \"Cassia obovata\", senna, turmeric and amla. Others include katam (\"buxus dioica\"), black walnut hulls", "id": "4824084" }, { "contents": "Tattoo\n\n\ntemporary tattoos labeled as black henna or pre-mixed henna as these may contain potentially harmful ingredients including silver nitrate, carmine, pyrogallol, disperse orange dye and chromium. Black henna gets its color from paraphenylenediamine (PPD), a textile dye approved by the FDA for human use only in hair coloring. In Canada, the use of PPD on the skin, including hair dye, is banned. Research has linked these and other ingredients to a range of health problems including allergic reactions, chronic inflammatory reactions, and late-", "id": "11862687" }, { "contents": "Food coloring\n\n\nand the United States in all sorts of popular foods, including ketchup, mustard, jellies, and wine. Originally, these were dubbed 'coal-tar' colors because the starting materials were obtained from bituminous coal. Many synthesized dyes were easier and less costly to produce and were superior in coloring properties when compared to naturally derived alternatives. Some synthetic food colorants are diazo dyes. Diazo dyes are prepared by coupling of a diazonium compound with a second aromatic hydrocarbons. The resulting compounds contain conjugated systems that efficiently absorb light in", "id": "3932421" }, { "contents": "Gallop & Ride\n\n\nbooks that allow you to higher advance your facilities. You can choose from 3 breeds: Friesan, Hanoverian, and Andalusian; from 7 colors: black, white, gray, bay, red, cream, and palomino; and from 6 patterns: black hair (mane and tail), solid, pinto, dapple, socks, and stripes. You can braid your horse's mane and name your horse. The gender is uncertain. The player can be either gender and any name and can choose from a wide range", "id": "3458036" }, { "contents": "Pauley Perrette\n\n\nwas hospitalized in 2014 after \"a severe allergic reaction to her [character's] trademark ink-black [hair] color.\" She told CBS News in Los Angeles that her face had swollen to twice its size and warned that \"anyone out there [who] dyes their hair, particularly black, you need to be aware of the symptoms.\" On November 12, 2015, Perrette was assaulted by a homeless man outside her Hollywood Hills home. Los Angeles Police arrested David Merck, 45, and charged him", "id": "1374176" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncause problems later when trying to do a perm or permanent hair color. Some store-bought henna contains metallic salts which reacts to hydrogen peroxide that is used in hair lightening. This may lead to unpredictable results, such as green or blue tones in the hair. Henna is a healthy way to color hair, as long as no metallic salts are used. In 2018, a system for making semi-permanent hair dyes from renewable waste blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) fruit skins from the fruit pressing industry was developed.", "id": "4824112" }, { "contents": "Spider Cave\n\n\ncave and on the walls near the entrance. The most distinctive is a pictograph of a man connected to what appears to be a spider by a spiral umbilical cord. The \"Spider Man\" paint colors vary from red-violet to blue-violet, and were most likely applied using colorful mineral dyes mixed with grease, along with binders from fish roe or animal hooves and skins. However, these pictographs have been fading, due in part to natural wind and water erosion, and in part to tourists applying water to", "id": "13582507" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nSolomon Islands, 26% of the population carry the gene; however, it is absent outside of Oceania. Black hair is the darkest hair color. It has large amounts of eumelanin and is more dense than other hair colors. Auburn hair ranges along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. The chemicals which cause auburn hair are eumelanin (brown) and pheomelanin (red), with a higher proportion of red-causing pheomelanin than is found in average brown hair. It is most commonly found in individuals", "id": "218623" }, { "contents": "Gabbeh\n\n\nwith only a limited number of decorative, mostly rectangular objects resembling mainly animals. In gabbeh usually bright colors, such as yellow and red, are used. Although large fields of solid color are used in gabbeh designs, the color is variegated (the color varies throughout the rug, with the appearance of differently colored zones). Gabbehs are made of natural, handspun wool yarn and all the colors are created with natural plant dye. Due to its relative ease of production (less precise pattern, small number of knots per", "id": "15876576" }, { "contents": "Rebozo\n\n\nmost common technique being the ikat method, sometimes called “amarrado” (lit. stingy) In the most traditional work, thread is dyed with natural colors, with colors such as black, blue, red, purple and green but synthetic dyes are now often used. The patterns of the garment are determined by a sequence of colors dyed into the thread, with color changes made similar to tie-dying. Groups of threads are tied together tightly at intervals so that the dye cannot enter some areas. After dying", "id": "7366469" }, { "contents": "Too Many Humans.....\n\n\nreissued due to the destruction of the original master tapes. The album has been described as violent, misanthropic, noisy, and mean-spirited. Most lyrics mock punk subculture and the social normalities of human life; such as marriage, fashion, and so on. As vocalist Jeff Mentges mentioned in an interview: ...I've always been confused by why what music you listen to would dictate what kind of clothes you wear or what color your hair is. If there's a philosophy in the music you like, you", "id": "4342731" }, { "contents": "When We're Human\n\n\ndoubly errant color and species throughout the film---again, with a significant racial subtext\". CBN says that the philosophy of karma is evident in the song, due to Tiana's lyric: \"If you do your best, each and every day, good things are sure to come your way. What you give is what you get.\" \"Contemporary Black American Cinema: Race, Gender and Sexuality at the Movies\" notes that Louis sings about wanting to be human so he can play in a jazz band,", "id": "719109" }, { "contents": "Elena Asins\n\n\nstarted working with abstraction when I was 23 years old. Additionally, what interests me is the essence of the structure, to have in my hand the base of all possible construction. Naturally, colors do not give you this kind of understanding; that is something that is provided by a structure, which let's say is a way of organizing the world. The organization of elements that produce a world; it produces an aesthetic. It is a play in a Wittgensteinian sense that reveals the truth or the logic of things", "id": "20427550" } ]
Have you ever been to Carolines on Broadway? It is a stand-up comedy located in Times Square I have not, I also haven't heard of it. Though I have heard of the laugh factory and the comedy store. A lot of people have performed at Carolines like Louis C.K., Jerry Seinfield, Jay Leno and Chris Rock. The Laugh factory sounds entertataing I've certainly heard of all those comedians. Is the Caroline's a very famous comedy joint in New York? Now that I think about it I've heard of the Cellar also.
[{"answer": "It is one of the most famous, established stand up comedy clubs in the United States in Times Square in New york city", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "2614599", "title": "Carolines on Broadway", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 136, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 237, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Polly Bradfield\n\n\nhappened to her?\" She's still playing. She had a lot of children and went out to California. She was never that driven to have a musical career. She was a really interesting musician though, I really liked her. Very extreme. I think her solo violin album is one of the best things I've ever heard. Do you know that? I have to send you a copy. I've got lots of copies, because when she left New York, in a big hurry, she piled", "id": "8167769" }, { "contents": "Stone and Stone\n\n\nfor Comedy Central's \"Atom TV\". They also starred as principals in a national Verizon FiOS commercial. The Stones have appeared on NBC’s \"Last Comic Standing\", where they reached the semi-final round in Las Vegas. The Stone twins have performed in many of the largest comedy clubs in the U.S., including Carolines on Broadway, Gotham Comedy Club, The Laugh Factory, New York Friars' Club, Stand-Up NY and the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. Each month, the Stones host the long", "id": "12268231" }, { "contents": "Carolines on Broadway\n\n\nknown theaters, Carolines on Broadway provides the same quality entertainment one has come to expect of New Yorkʼs legendary Great White Way. Carolines first opened as a cabaret in the cityʼs Chelsea neighborhood in 1981. Owner Caroline Hirsch, a lifelong comedy fan, soon began booking comedians. The comedy acts – which included now legendary performers like Jerry Seinfeld, Tim Allen, Rosie OʼDonnell and Jay Leno – were a tremendous success, and Carolines soon became a full-fledged comedy nightclub. As comedyʼs popularity surged throughout the 80s and into the", "id": "8906837" }, { "contents": "Harrison Greenbaum\n\n\nyou hear the one about the...?': The effect of racial humor on prejudice.\" While at Harvard, Greenbaum co-founded the Harvard College Stand-Up Comic Society. Greenbaum has performed at many of the leading comedy clubs throughout the world including Carolines on Broadway, Gotham Comedy Club, Comix NY, Comic Strip Live, and the Laugh Factory, and is a regular at the Comedy Cellar. He continues to perform in more than 600 shows a year, making him one of the most in-demand", "id": "12947554" }, { "contents": "Ben Bridwell\n\n\nand... 'Shit, I'm...gonna have to do this correctly, people's livelihoods (are) resting in my hands.'...I ended up cracking under the pressure, especially just getting those bands on a real label...That's always been my calling, spreading the bands I liked that people hadn't heard.\" With reference to the label's relaunch he added, \"Now I've just heard that call again...a lot of artists are unheard that I think I can try to help with.", "id": "17020902" }, { "contents": "Carolines on Broadway\n\n\nCarolines on Broadway is a venue for stand-up comedy located in Times Square in New York City on Broadway between 49th and 50th Street. It is one of the most established, famous, and recognized stand-up comedy clubs in the United States.  Located in the heart of New York Cityʼs vibrant Times Square district, Carolines on Broadway is widely regarded as “Americaʼs Premier Comedy Nightclub,” presenting the best live comedy entertainment seven nights a week, 365 days a year. Just steps from many of Broadwayʼs most well", "id": "8906836" }, { "contents": "Harvard Sailing Team\n\n\n, I the Friar's Club Film Festival competition, \"Improvisation News\" 2011 INNY Award for Best in Sketch Comedy and the 2007 ECNY award for Best Sketch Comedy Group, they perform their hit live show every Friday night at The PIT. They have appeared live at Montreal Just For Laughs Festival, the Kennedy Center, Caroline's on Broadway, National College Comedy Festival, The PIT, Charleston's Piccolo Spoletto Festival, Chicago SketchFest, Toronto SketchFest, New York Comedy Festival's Best of Sketch Show, SketchFest NYC and at", "id": "15499503" }, { "contents": "Tony T. Roberts\n\n\n's \"Def Comedy Jam\", \"BET's ComicView\", and \"It's Showtime at the Apollo\". In February 2006, Roberts was picked to participate in the HBO US Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen. Roberts has performed his stand-up all over the world and in most of the major clubs in the States from New York to Los Angeles such as Comedy Store, The Laugh Factory, Caroline's, Celebrity Theater, The Boston Comedy Club, The Peppermint Lounge, All Jokes Aside, Fox Theatre and", "id": "7941342" }, { "contents": "Evolver (John Legend album)\n\n\nhave heard in previous albums of mine, I also think there are some things people HAVEN'T heard from me before. And I think that's what makes the album interesting. In particular I feel I've made different arrangement and production choices this time. While I don't think my writing style itself has changed significantly, sonically the main difference is that we chose to use more electronic instruments on this record.\" The album so far has a score of 67 out of 100 from Metacritic based on \"generally favorable reviews\"", "id": "14207870" }, { "contents": "Gillian Knight\n\n\n\"The Cunning Little Vixen\" (1992), and \"La traviata\" (1995). She also appears in a wide range of specialist recordings for the \"Reader's Digest\", notably the \"Timeless Favourites\" series of 3-CD sets produced by Jay Productions between 1995 and 2000. In a 2004 interview, Knight said, \"I don't think I've ever been satisfied with a recording. I haven't played all my recordings. Some of them I haven't heard. I haven't seen... the", "id": "8013388" }, { "contents": "Julian McCullough\n\n\n2007, McCullough participated in the Just for Laughs comedy festival in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and appeared on an episode of the Comedy Central television series \"Live at Gotham\" hosted by Robert Schimmel. McCullough has performed at the Comedy Cellar, Carolines on Broadway, and Stand Up New York. McCullough has appeared as a guest comic on several television shows, including \"Comedy Central Presents\", \"Late Night with Jimmy Fallon\", \"Funny as Hell\", \"Larry King Now\", \"Conan\", \"", "id": "537952" }, { "contents": "Richard: A Novel\n\n\nsaid that he never expected the Manics to like the book, adding that \"All I could have hoped for is that they could accept or appreciate what it is I'm trying to do. I have to accept anything the Manic Street Preachers say about it, but I think the comments that I've heard have been fair enough. Given some of the things Nicky Wire has said in the past about some people I think he's probably been quite charitable. It could have been far, far worse.\" Myers also", "id": "15693929" }, { "contents": "Francesca Martinez\n\n\n, South Africa, the United States, performing at Caroline's on Broadway, 92YTribeca and the Upright Citizens Brigade Theater (all in New York City), and the Laugh Factory and the Comedy Store (both in Los Angeles). She also performed at the 2008 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, alongside Emma Thompson. Her most recent tour 'WHAT THE **** IS NORMAL?!' clocked up over 140 dates around the world – winning a Fringe Media Network Award at the Edinburgh Fringe, as", "id": "1814554" }, { "contents": "Darren Carter (comedian)\n\n\nWho Made the Potato Salad\", \"Uncle P\", and \"Love Chronicles\", and \"Bobby Khan's Ticket to Hollywood.\" One of his stand-up pieces was also animated for a popular \"Darren Carter Baby Cartoon\" video on YouTube. Darren continues to do stand-up and television appearances, and can be heard as a guest on many podcasts. He can regularly be seen performing in Los Angeles, CA at The Laugh Factory, The Improv, The Comedy Store, The Ice House,", "id": "6322495" }, { "contents": "The Sonics\n\n\nthe Human Serviette on CITR-FM, discussing drum sounds,\"\"I, I have to admit... The Sonics recorded very, very cheaply on a two track you know, and they just used one microphone over the drums, and they got the most amazing drum sound I've ever heard. Still to this day, it's still my favorite drum sound. It sounds like he's hitting harder than anyone I've ever known.\"\" The White Stripes named The Sonics as one of the bands that influenced them the most,", "id": "1673089" }, { "contents": "Karith Foster\n\n\nNew York City in 1998, Foster has performed both live audience warm-up and as a guest for The Oprah Winfrey Show and for Showtime at the world-famous Apollo Theatre. When she’s not headlining colleges and clubs across the country, Foster performs weekly at a variety of NYC comedy clubs including the Comedy Cellar, The Comic Strip Live, Carolines on Broadway, Gotham Comedy Club, Stand-up New York Comedy Club, Broadway Comedy Club & Café, and New York Comedy Club. She has also performed at", "id": "15391679" }, { "contents": "Ricky Gervais\n\n\nresponded, \"They are my friends, but I had to play the outsider.\" Gervais was a guest judge on Jerry Seinfeld's NBC show \"The Marriage Ref\" alongside Larry David and Madonna. He has also been a regular guest on Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. \"Talking Funny\", which first aired on 28 April 2011, starred Gervais and fellow standup comedians Louis C.K., Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld having an informal round-table discussion on stand-up comedy. This one off HBO special", "id": "2847004" }, { "contents": "White Australia policy\n\n\nin South Africa or in America or increasingly in Great Britain. I think it's been a very good policy and it's been of great value to us and most of the criticism of it that I've ever heard doesn't come from these oriental countries it comes from wandering Australians. (Lamb) \"For these years of course in the past Sir Robert you have been described as a racist.\" (Menzies) \"Have I?\" (Lamb) \"I have read this, yes.\" (Menzies", "id": "5682241" }, { "contents": "Douglas Lochhead\n\n\nwood type. He and his students also experimented with paper making. \"I remember Rob Davies saying, 'I was going by the printing room, and I heard your students laughing. It's the first time I ever heard laughter coming out of the class on bibliography,'\" Lochhead said later. \"Well, we did laugh—we'd get ink all over ourselves, we'd make mistakes, and I also had anecdotes to tell, the things you pick up in teaching, you know.\" Douglas Lochhead", "id": "3296085" }, { "contents": "Andrew Ginsburg\n\n\n-up comedian, actor, author, and fitness expert who has performed in comedy clubs and colleges across the country. His TV appearances include “The View,” “Saturday Night Live,” “The Sopranos,“ “All My Children,” “As The World Turns,” “The Guiding Light” and “One Life to Live.” You have also heard Andrew on Sirius/XM’s “Laugh Attack,” iHeart Radio's \"24/7 Comedy,\" “Hey, Get Off My Lawn,", "id": "1529039" }, { "contents": "Billy Connolly\n\n\n, Connolly decided he wanted to make people laugh. \"I can remember the moment in the school playground. I would have been 7 or 8. And I was sitting in a puddle and people were laughing. I had fallen in it and people found it funny. And it wasn't all that uncomfortable, so I stayed in it longer than I normally would because I really enjoyed the laughing. My life was very unhappy at the time, and laughter wasn't something I heard all the time, so it was", "id": "14046697" }, { "contents": "Two Rooms: Celebrating the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin\n\n\nhave been asked to be involved in this project, I would have just died… They basically said, 'Would we like to be involved?' I could choose which track I wanted… 'Rocket Man' was my favourite. And I hoped it hadn't gone, actually – I hoped no one else was going to do it… I actually haven't heard the original for a very long time. 'A long, long time' (laughs). It was just that I wanted to do it differently", "id": "7700940" }, { "contents": "I Thought About Killing You\n\n\nYork Times\" on June 25, 2018. When asked to what degree song's title was literal and metaphoric, West replied, \"Oh yeah, I've thought about killing myself all the time. It's always an option and [expletive]. Like Louis C.K. said, I flip through the manual. I weigh all the options. I'm just having this epiphany now because I didn't do it, but I did think it all the way through. But if I didn't think it all the way", "id": "16013558" }, { "contents": "Are You Being Served? (Australian TV series)\n\n\nEnglish humour. I've always enjoyed it. I like English comedies, I think they're far superior to American comedies.\" It was Amor's first acting job before a live television audience. \"I look at John Inman because he's been doing TV comedy for 10 years and been a comedian for 25 years. He's got it down to a fine art. But it is an accomplished skill which you keep on learning. I've learned a lot from John. The basic hint he gave me was to", "id": "13053155" }, { "contents": "The Umbilical Brothers\n\n\nThey have performed on the \"Late Show with David Letterman\", \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\", \"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert\", Broadway, \"Rove\", \"Sarvo\", \"Good News Week\" (expressly for the 'So You Think You Can Mime' segment) and \"The Sideshow\". They have also performed at the Cat Laughs, Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Just for Laughs, Sydney Opera House, Adelaide Fringe Festival, Tampere Theatre Festival and Edinburgh Festival Fringe,", "id": "14546005" }, { "contents": "Louis C.K.\n\n\nComedy Cellar in Manhattan, New York. It was reported that he received an ovation from the audience, and performed a typical set making no reference to his past behavior. His return to comedy nine months after admitting to sexual misconduct has been criticized by comedians including Aparna Nancherla, Ian Karmel, Allie Goertz and Judd Apatow as being premature, whereas Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Michael Che, Jim Gaffigan, Janeane Garofalo and Sarah Silverman have supported C.K.'s right to continue standup. On December 31, 2018", "id": "13013059" }, { "contents": "Robin Zander (album)\n\n\nside. That's how I think of it.\" Speaking of the album itself, Zander commented: \"It's not a half-baked Cheap Trick album. A lot of the solo albums I've heard over the years sound just like the band the person used to be in, or is in, and I didn't want to do that.\" \"I've Always Got You\" was released as a single and peaked at No. 13 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock chart. \"Show Me", "id": "12435616" }, { "contents": "Radio Free Virgin\n\n\nwhat you get for hitchhiking Alaska this time of year. I've been calling the office for almost two weeks straight, but no answer. I'm starting to think that they sent me up here on a ruse of some sort. Like maybe if they got me out of the office on my first vacation in 7 years they'd have a chance to actually have some fun or something. I'm pretty damn sure I heard Antoinette say something about St. John, but that could have just been the voices again. I", "id": "11363781" }, { "contents": "Johnny Thunder (singer)\n\n\nwas impressed by anything in the rock music scene and pointed to the song: \"Never heard it either, huh? Well, I can't believe it. Everyone I've talked to, I've asked them if they've heard that record. It was one of the most powerful records I've ever heard. It's called 'I'm Alive.' By Johnny Thunder. Well, it was that sentiment, truly expressed. That's the most I can say ... if you heard the record, you'd", "id": "1521475" }, { "contents": "Something New Under the Son\n\n\nto put some remnants from the past. There are little bits and pieces in the music that some people might recognise have been on other albums before. Just a word there, a little sentence or some musical riff or lick and a lot of people have figured out what they are and when you listen to it you say \"wait a minute, I think I've heard that before!\" Yes, you have, because there's nothing new under the sun - except us. We are new in Christ. Norman", "id": "3593892" }, { "contents": "A Few Questions (song)\n\n\nhave them. And now I know the answer to that question [in the song], because I've adopted those two kids.\" So the song has really had an impact on people, and I've been really blessed to have a song like that.\" After playing a concert in Oregon Walker said, \"It's so exciting to see the reaction of the fans and realize that this song has moved them the way it moved me the first time I heard it.\" During an interview with \"CMT", "id": "3133364" }, { "contents": "Zack Peter\n\n\nHis advocacy efforts continued with events like Laugh Now for Autism, Rock Now for Autism, and his work with Jenny McCarthy's autism foundation, Generation Rescue, which he became Executive Director of in 2018. In 2011, Zack began performing stand-up, performing at a variety of clubs in Los Angeles, including the world-famous Laugh Factory and The Comedy Store. He even performed with comedians from Chelsea Handler's hit late-night talk show on E!, \"Chelsea Lately\" at the 2011 Laugh Now for", "id": "13619496" }, { "contents": "Lolo Jones\n\n\n.\" Emily Azevedo, who was competing with Katie Eberling and Jones for a spot on the team, said: \"I should have been working harder on gaining Twitter followers than gaining muscle mass.\" Neither Eberling nor Azevedo blamed Jones for her selection. The United States Bobsled and Skeleton Federation CEO Darrin Steele defended the selection: \"I haven't heard anyone making the argument about Lolo not being a better athlete right now, a better brakeman for the team. I don't think I've come across that one time", "id": "13392826" }, { "contents": "NSYNC\n\n\n\"Dirty Pop\": \"There's a lot of these songs I don't think I've ever heard, I remember recording them but I've never heard them before, so I'm interested in just hearing them.\" Chasez tweeted about the album's release, stating: \"I had the strangest dream last night that some old friends and I had a top 10 record on iTunes. Crazy right...\" Kirkpatrick said of the album; \"It's great to release some of the songs that had never made", "id": "15045162" }, { "contents": "Krista Polvere\n\n\nI did some guitar and some vocals and I would say this: I have always been impressed by her. She's always impressed me as a songwriter and a friend. But the songs I've heard this time, I can honestly say I had no idea that she was capable of what I heard.\"I don't say that to undermine her – I was shocked at how intricate it was. From what I've heard it's such a powerful record. It's going to be a real game-changer.", "id": "12787954" }, { "contents": "Bananas Comedy Club\n\n\nBananas Comedy Club are two venues for stand-up comedy: the original founded in 1986 in Poughkeepsie, New York and the other opening its doors in 1988 in Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. Top comedians in the business have stopped by throughout the years including Jackie Mason, Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Rita Rudner, Jamie Foxx, Tim Allen, Brian Regan, Jeff Dunham, Sinbad, Caroline Rhea, Pat Cooper, Paul Reiser, Tommy Davidson, Rich Vos, John Pinette, Jim Breuer, Robert Klein, Patrice", "id": "9801265" }, { "contents": "Express Yourself (Madonna song)\n\n\n\"Born This Way\" both in subject matter and composition. \"I certainly think [Gaga] references me a lot in her work,\" Madonna said in the ABC interview. \"And sometimes I think it's amusing and flattering and well-done. When I heard ['Born This Way'] on the radio ... I said, 'that sounds very familiar.\" Gaga herself addressed the comparisons on \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\", explaining that she had received an e-mail from Madonna", "id": "13355624" }, { "contents": "Al Ducharme\n\n\nAl Ducharme is an American stand-up comedian. With a career spanning 18 years, Ducharme has performed at many of the leading comedy clubs throughout the world including Caroline's, The TakeOut Comedy Club Hong Kong and The Comic Strip Live. Ducharme was the original host of . His first Comedy DVD, \"Spineless and Loving It,\" was produced by National Lampoon and his popular CD, Manchild is available on iTunes. He can be heard on the Bernie and Al Podcast. Ducharme married comedian Bernadette Pauley in 2005.", "id": "9211098" }, { "contents": "Noel Gallagher\n\n\nthe '80s when rap was inspirational. Public Enemy were awesome. But it's all about status and bling now, and it doesn't say anything to me.\" When Jay-Z was asked about Gallagher's comments he said \"I haven't spoken to him [Gallagher], I heard he was reaching out. I don't bear any grudge, it's all good. I just believe in good music and bad music, I've always said that. You look at any interview from the beginning of", "id": "18860483" }, { "contents": "Gotham Comedy Club\n\n\nGotham Comedy Club is a venue for stand-up comedy in New York City. The comedy club is located on 208 West 23rd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues in Chelsea. Several movies and television shows have been filmed at the club. Numerous mainstream comedians have performed at the venue, including Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, Lewis Black, Chris Rock, Dane Cook, Artie Lange, Chris Rush, Colin Quinn, Greg Giraldo, Tom Papa, Adam Ferrara, Jay Mohr, Dean Edwards, Pablo Francisco, Jim Gaffigan", "id": "16938456" }, { "contents": "History Revisited\n\n\nleast essential of their catalog.\" Talk Talk leader Mark Hollis was very unhappy when he found out about \"History Revisited\". He told \"Melody Maker\": I've never heard any of this stuff and I don't want to hear it . . . but to have people putting this stuff out under your name which is not you, y'know, I want no part of it. It's always been very important to me that I've got on with the people we've worked with. People's attitude", "id": "750801" }, { "contents": "Stand Up NY\n\n\nStand Up NY is a comedy club located in Manhattan’s Upper West Side on 236 West 78th street. Founded in 1986, the club is one of New York City’s oldest, always featuring diverse lineups of well-known and local comedians. Comedians Chris Rock, Jerry Seinfeld, and Jon Stewart began their stand-up careers here. Past performers at Stand-Up New York include: Louis C.K., Susie Essman, Mike Birbiglia, Lewis Black, Judah Friedlander, John Oliver, Jay Oakerson, Hannibal Buress, Godfrey", "id": "11951259" }, { "contents": "Scott Nevins\n\n\nThe People's Couch\". Scott took his solo tour, \"Celebutant: Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?\"to destinations such as Los Angeles and Boston. He also headlined his own show at the Carolines on Broadway comedy club. He also toured the U.S. and Canada with other solo comedy acts: \"RECE$$IONI$TA\", \"Cheaper Than A Tank Of Gas!\", and \"Scott Nevins: One Night Stand.\" Scott has hosted 3 live events, including several red carpet events for TVLand one being the", "id": "7551098" }, { "contents": "Andrew Goffman\n\n\nAndrew Goffman is an American actor, stand-up comic, and author/performer of the Off-Broadway one man show \"The Accidental Pervert\". Goffman began his career as a stand-up comedian, playing New York City clubs including Carolines, Catch A Rising Star, The Comic Strip, Stand Up New York, Boston Comedy Club, The Comedy Cellar, and Rascals. He later headlined internationally, including in Canada's renowned chain of comedy clubs, Yuk Yuks. His intense theatrical training started with mentor JoAnna", "id": "12819641" }, { "contents": "Invisible (Hunter Hayes song)\n\n\nHayes said, \"To me it's also just about being misunderstood. Just me being in high school, just the smallest scale I know compared to a lot of stories that I've heard, a lot of people that I've met ... yes, I was a total geek, I was a total nerd, and you know, I still am, and I'm proud of that. But it took me a while to realize that it's OK to be proud of that, right? Because in that time", "id": "5605274" }, { "contents": "Christopher Durang\n\n\ndoesn't seem possible to cope with anything... I think we're all neurotic. And I do think relationships are certainly difficult. Nonetheless, those lines in the play do get a laugh, so there's something. It’s not as despairing as it sounds, but I don't not believe it. His plays have been performed nationwide, including on Broadway and Off-Broadway. His works include \"Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You\", \"Beyond Therapy\", \"Baby With the Bathwater\",", "id": "7215940" }, { "contents": "The Wild Tchoupitoulas (album)\n\n\nwe have eight songs about dressing up in Indian costume on Mardi Gras; many of them are also about fighting with other Indians. You've probably heard the New Orleans nonsense patois before, and maybe the irresistible melodic elements, too, although I can't tell any more, because I've played this 'repetitive' record so many times it sounds like where they all started (which it may be). For a while, I believed side two inferior, but eventually a longing for 'Big Chief Got a Golden", "id": "15700734" }, { "contents": "Trance to the Sun\n\n\nconfrontationalism are quite possibly the only denominators... I just like to play interesting music. It just so happens to be the 'goths' who are listening.\" \"I like good goth music a lot and I do see a certain connection in our music to goth but I've never had any inspiration to be like somebody else or to go in a certain style. I have my own ideas and if they ever too closely resemble something that I've heard before, I usually discard them.\" \"Venomous Eve\"", "id": "5605331" }, { "contents": "Comedy Cellar\n\n\nPatton Oswalt, Kevin Hart, and Chris Rock. Musician John Mayer can also be seen dabbling in stand-up here occasionally. Comedian Matteo Lane called the Comedy Cellar one of his favorite places to perform in New York City. Much of Jerry Seinfeld's 2002 documentary \"Comedian\" was filmed at the club, and it also can be seen in a 2006 Pepsi commercial starring Jimmy Fallon. The beginning sequence of Louis CK's television series \"Louie\" shows him walking into the Comedy Cellar. Many scenes in the show", "id": "6536565" }, { "contents": "Homicidal sleepwalking\n\n\na child, confessed to strangling his 57-year old wife, Christine in July 2008 in their camper van while on vacation. He called emergency services, and was heard telling the operator, \"What have I done? I've been trying to wake her. I think I've killed my wife. Oh my God. I thought someone had broken in. I was fighting with those boys but it was Christine. I must have been dreaming or something. What have I done?...\" He claimed he had mistaken his", "id": "21223872" }, { "contents": "Vic Reeves\n\n\nfor his art and writing, rather than his comedy. Much like his comedy, Reeves is not one to analyse his artworks. He has said that art should be \"just for laughs\" and that he dislikes people looking for statements in his work, because there are none. \"If something makes me laugh, that's it.\" \"I've done straight drawings and paintings ... and I haven't got as much pleasure out of them as if I'd done something that would make me laugh.\" His", "id": "3454963" }, { "contents": "Terri Schuester\n\n\n— I think go further than they’ve ever gone before. Certainly for me on Nip/Tuck. You know, for obvious reasons…things I never thought I’d do. (laughs) But also just emotionally and character-wise and comedically. Every script was just this amazing emotional gymnastics. So that first of all: I was like great, I’d love to work with Ryan. And for me, the opportunity to do a comedy is something that I’ve been itching to do for many years now", "id": "8241092" }, { "contents": "Reportage (album)\n\n\n— a song of desperation.\" Singer Simon Le Bon said of the album in 2011: \"I would be failing in my duty if I didn't get at least the song '48 Hours Later', which is sublime. It's one of the best Duran Duran songs I've ever heard. And it would work well with what we're doing now. You could easily have it on \"All You Need Is Now\". There's another one called 'Transcendental Mental' which sounds great. There's", "id": "4619196" }, { "contents": "Band of Horses\n\n\nget robbed of a win at the hands of the referees and LSU last year. I knew I wanted to pay homage to my favorite team in song but didn't have any idea how to begin. Once I heard Cee Lo's 'Georgia' I was immediately smitten and figured that's as good as any tribute to any state I've ever heard. It wasn't until I heard his cover of our song though that it occurred to me: Duh, we should return the favor. Incorporating the Redcoat marching band", "id": "11726155" }, { "contents": "Caroline Hirsch\n\n\nher production company Pinky Ring Productions. The show won a CableACE award for Best Stand-Up Comedy Series. In November 2004, Hirsch launched the New York Comedy Festival, with Jarrod Moses, a weeklong comedy festival that features comedy’s biggest stars performing in New York’s most prestigious venues including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Harlem’s World Famous Apollo Theater, Madison Square Garden, Town Hall and Carolines on Broadway. She currently lives in a duplex with views of the East River. Hirsch serves as a board member of", "id": "11224778" }, { "contents": "Cole Porter\n\n\nproduction, nothing less than full houses would suffice, and after only three weeks the producers announced that they would close it. Irving Berlin, who admired and championed Porter, took out a paid press advertisement calling the show \"The best musical comedy I've heard in years... One of the best collections of song numbers I have ever listened to\". This saved the show, which ran for 254 performances, considered a successful run at the time. Ray Goetz, producer of \"Paris\" and \"Fifty Million Frenchmen", "id": "8678161" }, { "contents": "Live, Laugh, Love\n\n\nnot really holding back on this record. It's very much about baring my soul. I've never really let it all out before in the studio like I did on this album.\" He also said, \"Although my single releases have not been exactly repeats of each other, I think there is a trap that some people in this business fall into. They have a hit with one type of song and then try to do another one just like it. To some extent I wasn't throwing enough curve balls", "id": "4169850" }, { "contents": "About That\n\n\n, immensely relieved. Now, in the course of those two months I often had pangs of consciousness. Volodya was suffering there alone, while I lived an ordinary life, was seeing people, visiting places. Now I felt happy. For the poem that I've just heard wouldn't have been written should I have not chosen Volodya as my personal ideal and an impersonation of an ideal human being.\" On 29 March 1923 the No.3 issue of \"LEF\" came out in which the poem was published. On 3", "id": "22178645" }, { "contents": "Set You Free This Time\n\n\nOn first play, I didn't like it – but now I do. It's rather unByrd-like and very, very Dylan-like. It's slow and gentle and rather sad about never being a person who had much, and though she laughed at him and has now come for help, he doesn't hold a grudge. Ahh!\" The Beatles' drummer, Ringo Starr, reviewing the single for \"Melody Maker\", commented \"I only heard it the other day. They can do no", "id": "10969079" }, { "contents": "I Was Here (song)\n\n\nBeyoncé and Jay-Z on the phone. She said, \"There's nothing better than to hear the song that you came up with [sung back]. It's like your heart found another heart\", before adding: I've never had chills through my entire body like I had from hearing Beyoncé sing this song. 'I Was Here' came from my soul and became the song that was coming from hers. In all my life, I have never heard anything as amazing as this. Hearing her", "id": "5042703" }, { "contents": "High on You (song)\n\n\nkeyboard and coming up with that very sing-song melody.\" Jim Peterik told to songfacts: \"Lyrically, I've had that title ever since the CBS convention in 1977 when Sly Stone of Sly & the Family Stone - there were rumors about him being strung out on drugs - he bolts on stage all cleaned up and says, 'I want you to know, people, I am high on you.\" Everybody applauded. There's a title if I ever heard one, so I guess indirectly he inspired", "id": "21575717" }, { "contents": "Jackie Wilson\n\n\n... You Ain't Heard Nothin' Yet\", which included the only album liner notes he ever wrote: \"... to the greatest entertainer of this or any other era ... I guess I have just about every recording he's ever made, and I rarely missed listening to him on the radio ... During the three years I've been making records, I've had the ambition to do an album of songs, which, to me, represent the great Jolson heritage ... This is simply my humble tribute to the one man", "id": "17115400" }, { "contents": "John Mulaney\n\n\n...growing up in the '90's, I would sit on the floor with my Discman and listen to comedy albums that I bought.\" Mulaney has been a long time collector of stand up albums. He has mentioned loving Chris Rock's \"\" (1996), and \"Bigger & Blacker\" (1999), as well as Woody Allen's \"Comedian\" (1965) album, and Albert Brooks' \"Comedy Minus One\" (1973). He has also mentioned listening to a lot of Jerry", "id": "21593977" }, { "contents": "Russ Meneve\n\n\nCellar\", the \"Comic Strip\" and \"Caroline's\". By 2004, he was a regular performer at those venues. In 2005, he both appeared as himself and as a writer on \"Comedy Central Presents\" as well as on \"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\". He appeared on \"Late Night with Conan O'Brien\", \"Last Call with Carson Daly\", \"Last Comic Standing\" and \"The Caroline Rhea Show\". He was on \"The Ten Funniest New Yorkers You’ve", "id": "1752137" }, { "contents": "Tinderbox (Siouxsie and the Banshees album)\n\n\n, \"They played so well together; I saw them in concert and I never forgot that moment\". Billy Howerdel of A Perfect Circle rated it as his all-time favourite album. Howerdel described it as \"one of the spookiest records I've ever heard. Some of the songs on there have such a dense atmosphere. Sometimes when I'm stuck, I'll listen to that. It's like sometimes when you have no inspiration and you go out and look at the moon, that's kind of what", "id": "2055639" }, { "contents": "Fox NASCAR\n\n\nof ratings declines for Fox's NASCAR coverage. Hill said \"It was because of Digger that people were turning off in droves because they couldn't stand it, I said, I'm so sorry. If I'd known, I never would have created him. I didn't realize how insidious he was. It's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard.\" Among the reasons of criticism is the purpose of the character's usage. Though it was at one time commonplace for networks to create mascots for", "id": "12615998" }, { "contents": "Ghost World (comics)\n\n\nthe film adaptation was a metaphor for suicide. Daniel replied \"Yeah, it could be. It's hard to figure out why people have that response. The first time I heard that I said, 'What? You're out of your mind. What are you talking about?' But I've heard that hundreds of times.\" Enid (as well as Rebecca) makes a cameo appearance as an old lady in Clowes's \"Pussey\" collection of comics. Pussey is a self-important, nerdy superhero", "id": "12730100" }, { "contents": "I Think I Love My Wife\n\n\nI Think I Love My Wife is a 2007 romantic comedy film starring Chris Rock and Kerry Washington. Rock co-wrote the film with Louis C.K. and also directed and produced it. It is a remake of the 1972 French film \"Chloe in the Afternoon\" by Éric Rohmer. Richard Cooper (Chris Rock) is a very happily married and professionally successful man. He is perfectly content with his home life in suburban New York with his lovely wife Brenda (Gina Torres), a teacher, and his two young children", "id": "17773338" }, { "contents": "Solid Rock Records\n\n\nits future: I have very few plans for Solid Rock at all. Originally, I started Solid Rock as a way of helping other young artists become established. My plan has always been to provide them with an intense education, support their efforts with concerts and record production, and then graduate them into the mainstream where they can stand on their own feet. I've been able to get Randy Stonehill to the point where Myrrh Records has signed him directly, while others, like Mark Heard, Tom Howard, and Daniel", "id": "7595848" }, { "contents": "Lisa Hammond (actress)\n\n\nbeen shouted at. I've had people say, 'Oi, why are you in a chair when you were walking on \"EastEnders\" last night?'\" Hammond also revealed how she had received criticism like this before joining \"EastEnders\" and that she can struggle with this backlash. \"People always think I'm this feisty girl and I can hold my own but in those moments you just don't think of anything to say. It's shock and disbelief. I have to laugh it off.\" On", "id": "19717644" }, { "contents": "By Your Side (The Black Crowes album)\n\n\nChris. Of the album's lyrical bent, Chris said, \"...there is a lot of love on it, and I've never written love songs. I do think having a muse in my life like the woman I'm with now helped... I think there's also a lot of humor on this album, which is something we haven't touched on before, except maybe on \"Shake Your Money Maker\", which was a lighter time and a lighter mood.\" There was also a conscious effort to", "id": "10051682" }, { "contents": "Louie (season 1)\n\n\n, and depicting his life offstage as a newly divorced father of two girls. Each episode features either two stories that may or may not connect thematically, or a longer full-episode story (often consisting of numerous connected shorter pieces), all of which revolve around Louie. The pieces are interspersed with segments of C.K.'s stand-up comedy, usually performed in small New York comedy clubs, mainly the Comedy Cellar and Carolines in Manhattan. The stand-up in the show consists of original material recorded for the series", "id": "14196140" }, { "contents": "Andrew Ginsburg\n\n\n” and Martha Stewart Living Radio. Ginsburg's 4th comedy album \"Eat theYolk,\" was recorded live at Caroline's on Broadway. The album debuted in the Top 10 on the iTunes Comedy Chart. His work has been published in The New York Times, New York York Post, Huffington Post, Details Magazine, Muscle and Fitness Magazine, Elle, and Glamour Magazine. On April 18, 2017, his first book \"Pumping Irony: How to Build Muscle, Lose Weight, and Have the Last Laugh\" will", "id": "1529040" }, { "contents": "Rick Crom\n\n\nBilleaux. His off-Broadway acting credits include the 1994 revival of \"Merrily We Roll Along\" and the \"Encores!\" productions of \"Fiorello!\" and \"Li'l Abner\". As a comedian, Crom has appeared with the Chicago City Limits, and performed stand-up across the country, most frequently at New York City's Comedy Cellar. On television, he has been seen on \"Chappelle's Show\", \"Caroline's Comedy Hour\", and \"Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn\". He", "id": "21423464" }, { "contents": "Vic Damone\n\n\ngrandkids have never seen me on stage. It will be the first time. I will introduce them. It's going to be exciting for me. Before I die, I want them to have heard me perform at least once\". In Brett Ratner's movie \"Money Talks\", Chris Tucker's character sees a commercial about Vic Damone and then pretends to be Damone's son. At the time, Vic's real-life son, Perry, had some laughs about that \"15 minutes of fame,\"", "id": "10808614" }, { "contents": "Craig Low\n\n\nbroadcast on the Nine Network Thursday nights during 2008. The TV series was released on DVD along with the magazine. Low has also been heavily into stand up comedy since his early 20s, having started at Brisbane's legendary \"Sit-Down Comedy Clubs\". Since moving to the US Low has frequented the most famous and well established stand up comedy clubs including The World Famous Laugh Factory on The Sunset Strip and The Comedy Store. Craig's first role was opposite Heath Ledger in the 1997 TV series Roar. After many", "id": "3337813" }, { "contents": "All Falls Down (Alan Walker song)\n\n\nI got the opportunity to collaborate with some amazing artists. Noah Cyrus' voice is absolutely incredible! Ever since I first heard the topline, I've been in love with it and can't wait for my fans to hear it as well. It has a refreshing production that still fits well within my signature sound, which is important for me to maintain as I evolve as an artist.\" Cyrus added: \"I've loved this record since the moment I heard it. It's amazing to be a part of", "id": "6508423" }, { "contents": "I'm Alive (Tommy James and the Shondells song)\n\n\nit either, huh? Well, I can't believe it. Everyone I've talked to, I've asked them if they've heard that record. It was one of the most powerful records I've ever heard. It's called 'I'm Alive.' By Johnny Thunder. Well, it was that sentiment, truly expressed. That's the most I can say ... if you heard the record, you'd know what I mean.\" James recorded and released his version in 1969 with his band the", "id": "21918014" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\n's of really high quality, and full of lots of good information. Also, you might have heard about the possibility of us doing a tab book. Well, we still haven't found a publisher for that.\" \"I practice the most when I have something I'm working on that's difficult, like one of Pat's songs for example. I usually won't practice for more than 3 or 4 hours a day unless I'm really inspired, or I have some kind of deadline.\" Besides playing", "id": "20499096" }, { "contents": "Style (Taylor Swift song)\n\n\nconfesses to her unfaithful lover that she too has cheated. I say, \"I heard that you've been out and about with some other girl\"He says, \"What you've heard is true, but I,Can't stop thinking about you and I\"I said, \"I've been there too a few times\" \"Style\" received generally positive reviews from music critics. Kitty Empire from \"The Observer\" called it a \"percolating\" song that \"satisfies on every level\". \"PopMatters\"s Corey Beasley was impressed by", "id": "12624868" }, { "contents": "Scott Tixier\n\n\nsound.\" Guitarist Pat Metheny says, \"[Scott] has found a place for himself within the elite community of New York jazz musicians, no small feat.\" In an interview with \"All About Jazz\" in 2010, violinist Mark Feldman called Scott \"really up-and-coming and very talented.\" Jean-Luc Ponty said \"I have heard Scott's recordings, seen his live performances and I think that he stands above the crowd of current jazz violinists around the world.\" His violin is", "id": "15391508" }, { "contents": "Q.E.D. (Jim Allchin album)\n\n\nI heard Stevie Ray Vaughan. All I could think was, man, that's some guitar! The first time I heard Jim Allchin, ditto. Maybe he isn't Stevie Ray Vaughan, but he's Jim Allchin all over the freakin' place and I figure if you have a love for the rockin' side of R&B and rock 'n' roll, you'll feel the same. Allchin can play! I know you've heard it before, but he's a step beyond. I swear. You love", "id": "11397089" }, { "contents": "Shake It Off\n\n\nI addressed it very differently. I said, \"Why you gotta be so mean?,\" from kind of a victimized perspective, which is how we all approach bullying or gossip when it happens to us for the first time. But in the last few years I've gotten better at just kind of laughing off things that absolutely have no bearing on my real life. I think it's important to be self-aware about what people are saying about you, but even more so, be very aware of", "id": "16127077" }, { "contents": "Georgia (Cee Lo Green song)\n\n\nI wanted to pay homage to my favorite team in song but didn't have any idea how to begin. Once I heard Cee Lo's \"Georgia\", I was immediately smitten and figured that's as good as any tribute to any state I've ever heard. Incorporating the Redcoat marching band was just the icing on the cake! This song is so nostalgic to me as my parents grew up in Atlanta and have so many family members in the great state of Georgia. It's always been a second home of", "id": "17125400" }, { "contents": "John Macaluso\n\n\nimagined. I told myself ‘if I am going to make a record, I am going to make A RECORD’, and so I did, despite the cost or time. I am very proud of UNION RADIO and everyone on it kicked as for me and delivered some of the best performances I have ever heard them do. I have recorded and been on tours, in hotels, bars, tour busses and all over with the musicians on my record so I have heard what they can do. They all raised", "id": "9608140" }, { "contents": "Carl Wilkens\n\n\nYes, I've heard about you and your work. How is it?\" I said, \"Well, honestly, sir, it's not very good right now. The orphans at Gisimba are surrounded, and I think there's going to be a massacre, if there hasn't been already.\" He turns around, talks to some of his aides or whatever, [and he turns back to me and] he says, \"We're aware of the situation, and those orphans are going to be", "id": "15839233" }, { "contents": "New Girl, Old Story\n\n\n. I get teary just thinking about it. It's so positive and so negative. When it goes into \"I love you, even though I know, too [that our love is taboo]\", it's like the saddest thing I've ever heard. But there really was a tremendous age difference. The album was recorded in March 1990 at Third Wave Recording in Torrance, California and Westbeach Recorders in Hollywood. Stevenson and Egerton produced and engineered the recording, with additional engineering at Westbeach done by Donnell Cameron", "id": "4344834" }, { "contents": "Daheli Hall\n\n\n, for \"The Memo\" 2004 and \"Mandingo in a Box\" 2006. She says about comedy \"...comedy is my primary vehicle for expressing myself. I describe my style as a special blend of humor and intelligence. I think of comedy as \"the great diplomat\": \"I believe people are most open when they laugh, and that's perfect time to get them thinking and communicating.\" A common theme in hall's film and stand-up comedy is the range of social issues that black people", "id": "10426538" }, { "contents": "Christopher Logue\n\n\nParliament Square sit-down. He heard Bertrand Russell tell the Bow Street magistrate, \"I came here to save your life. But, having heard what you have to say, I don't think the end justifies the means.\" In Drake Hall open prison he and fellow protesters were set to work – \"Some wit allocated it\" – demolishing a munitions factory. He was friends for many years with author and translator Austryn Wainhouse, with whom he carried on a lively correspondence for decades. He was a playwright", "id": "4593803" }, { "contents": "Mabel Wheeler Daniels\n\n\nadmittance to the class. Mabel recalls her experience auditioning for this position in front of a class of 30 males: \"You could have heard a pin drop, the place was so still. . . . Just as I took my seat before the keyboard, I heard one of the men smother a laugh. That settled it! I was bound to do or die, and with a calmness quite unnatural I played the bars set before me without a mistake. Nobody laughed when I had finished.\" Returning to America", "id": "12483347" }, { "contents": "Dance of Time (album)\n\n\nthat first became internationally popular in the late 1950s. But far from being a mere nostalgist, she keeps it alive and kicking with her bold, contemporary arrangements... On this new album she focuses on the samba, with a side order of bossa nova. But what makes it the best collection of hers that I've ever heard (and I must admit, I haven't heard all 23 albums) is the inclusion of some astoundingly good sidemen.\" John Fordham of \"The Guardian\" wrote, \"As a vocalist", "id": "3610705" }, { "contents": "I mine øjne\n\n\nDansk Melodi Grand Prix, as Seebach says the melody of the song co-written by him and others had affected him. \"It's a piece of the song I've actually written seven years ago and got stuck in my head ever since I heard it. There is not a week where I have not hummed it. The melody is almost magical to me. I've always wanted to own sing it, and suddenly made sense when I put my own words. I like really much of the song now\"", "id": "733612" }, { "contents": "A Lion Walks Among Us\n\n\na funny thing, though about that show. I think if it had been one of Hitchcock's TV shows and with no big name in it, nobody would have heard of it.\" \"The reviews were the best I ever got as an actor,\" he later reflected. \"I give Altman a lot of credit for that.\" His performance led to him receiving an offer to act in \"The Dick Powell Show\" and also \"The Longest Day\". He later added: According to Fabian,", "id": "2007975" }, { "contents": "Ryan McNeil\n\n\nHe stated, \"You have to make up something, a situation in your mind, and play off that. I try to remember people I've known, or stories that I've heard about people who've been like [Ryan]\". Eventually, Ryan and Victoria were married. Their marriage ended after Victoria's refused to consummate it due to her fear of sex, resulting in Ryan beginning an affair with Nina Webster (Tricia Cast). The series' creator William J. Bell said that Victoria knew Nina still", "id": "12680558" }, { "contents": "Andrew Hansen\n\n\n2005 and a prizewinner at Germany's Ohne Kohle festival. Hansen has also been known to feature on the musical comedy circuit, including a recorded performance of one of his more famous songs, 'I Wish I Was A Scottish Stand-Up Comedian', for the \"Laugh-A-Poolooza\" 2006 DVD release. Hansen has had writer/performer contributions to the Nine Network's \"Comedy Inc.\" and the ABC's \"My Favourite Album\". He has performed occasional voice-overs for ABC programs including \"", "id": "18472154" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\nthing he'd heard in ages, but then it got down to the business side of everything, and I just thought I can't go down that road again. They tried to boss me around thinking I'm still sixteen or whatever. I can't go backwards instead of forwards. But I've gone through so much, and this is the most revolutionary thing I have ever written. I know it is outstanding. I've lived with it so long. It fucking is... I know it is. The album", "id": "8854333" }, { "contents": "Robert Menzies\n\n\ngreat value to us and most of the criticism of it that I've ever heard doesn't come from these oriental countries it comes from wandering Australians. (Lamb) \"For these years of course in the past Sir Robert you have been described as a racist.\" (Menzies) \"Have I?\" (Lamb) \"I have read this, yes.\" (Menzies) \"Well if I were not described as a racist I'd be the only public man who hasn't been.\" The Menzies", "id": "6328399" }, { "contents": "Fall in Line\n\n\nwas the song that needed to be heard. Because of what I witnessed when I was growing up I always felt really driven to have a voice that my mom kind of never had in my childhood. So I've always wanted to be that advocate for women and anybody that was struggling to have their own voice.\" Jon Pareles from \"New York Times\" felt that \"Fall in Line\" is \"addressed directly to 'little girls'\", pointing out the lyric \"You do not owe them your body", "id": "4491546" }, { "contents": "King Robbo\n\n\nKing Robbo has stated that Banksy was introduced to him for the first time in the 1990s, commenting: \"I was at a place called the Dragon Bar on Old Street. I was introduced to a couple of guys who were like 'whoa it's nice to meet you!'. When I was introduced to Banksy, I went 'Oh yeah I've heard of you mate, how you doing?' and he went 'well I've never heard of you'...he dismissed me as a nobody, as", "id": "7483294" }, { "contents": "Elaine May\n\n\nbeen reported about this project. May has also acted in comedy films, including \"Enter Laughing\" (1967), directed by Carl Reiner, and \"Luv\" (1967), costarring Peter Falk and Jack Lemmon. The latter film was not well received by critics, although Lemmon said he enjoyed working alongside May: \"She's the finest actress I've ever worked with,\" he said. \"And I've never expressed an opinion about a leading lady before... I think Elaine is touched with genius.", "id": "13030478" } ]
Hey, I really love Jazz music, that originates from African-American communities of New Orleans. Do you like it? Yeah jazz music is ok. Who is your favorite artist?
[{"answer": "I don't have anyone specific. But I enjoy the classic sound from the 1920s Jazz Age. It was one of the genres most prominent times.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 262, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 353, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to jazz: Jazz – musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States, mixing African music and European classical music traditions. Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical", "id": "10465446" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n's rise as a hive of cultural and artistic activity. It was recognized as the Harlem Renaissance, which allowed for the flowering of music, poetry, and art in the Black community. Jazz music is a musical genre through which many African American artists express their feelings of pain, joy, and freedom. It originated in New Orleans, making its way to Chicago through the diaspora of black southerners during the Great Migration. By the end of the 1920s, Chicago had become the music metropolis for jazz. Jazz was a", "id": "4863474" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Jazz Museum\n\n\nAfrican-American origins, birth in New Orleans, cultural connections, artistic expressions, musical innovators, and global influence so that audiences can truly understand this American art form. The Museum’s collection includes the world-renowned New Orleans Jazz Club Collections. Gathered over several decades by the storied New Orleans Jazz Club. The collection includes the world’s largest collection of jazz instruments, other prized artifacts, photographs, and ephemera. Examples of artifacts within the collection range from Louis Armstrong's first cornet to a 1917 disc of the", "id": "4115428" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Black Southerners\n\n\nmostly in small towns like Memphis and New Orleans. Blues often consisted of a sole singer with an instrument, usually guitar expressing their emotions. Blues music generally comes from the inspiration of love, sex, betrayal, poverty, bad luck, and lifestyles that are less than ideal. Jazz music originated in New Orleans in the 1910s. Blacks and Whites made music that would flow together to mix cultures and aspects of European music as well as American music. Jazz was created as a different type of Blues music. Blues was", "id": "21144883" }, { "contents": "Diamonds & Rust (song)\n\n\nhe was in prison.\" \"For your husband?\" Bob said. \"Yeah. Who did you think it was about?\" I stonewalled. \"Oh, hey, what the fuck do I know?\" \"Never mind. Yeah, I'll sing it, if you like.\" But Baez's marriage to Harris had, in fact, already ended by the time the song was written and composed. In an interview with music writer Mike Ragogna, Baez later admitted that the character in the song", "id": "19826475" }, { "contents": "The New Negro: An Interpretation\n\n\n. Locke's anthology acknowledges how the Jazz age heavily impacts the individually and collectively within the African-American community as well as on America's robust cultural industries, music, film, theater—all of which fully benefited from the creativity and newly discovered contributions of African Americans. Locke in the anthology \"The New Negro\" explains how African American used music such as Jazz and Blues to escape poverty. It was Alain Locke who said that the Jazz age was, “a spiritual coming of age” for African American artists", "id": "16939490" }, { "contents": "Canadian music genres\n\n\n, who is the only non-American who is signed into Young Money. Maestro Fresh-Wes, Classified, K'Naan, Kardinal Offishall, Belly and K-os are the other significant rappers and hip-hop artists from Canada. Jazz is a genre of African American music present in Canada since at least the 1910s. In 1919–1920 in Vancouver, Jelly Roll Morton, a New Orleans pianist, played with his band. During that period, Canadian groups such as the Winnipeg Jazz Babies and the Westmount Jazz Band of Montreal", "id": "1440026" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "Anaïs St. John\n\n\nAnaïs St. John (born 1973 in New Orleans as Anaïs Brown) is an American musician, musical educator, and dramatic performer from New Orleans. St. John has a bachelor's degree in Music from the Xavier University, and a master's degree from the University of New Orleans. She was originally a mezzo-soprano at the New Orleans Opera, but as a solo artist she has combined jazz, blues and R&B. Her music draws inspiration from artists like Irma Thomas, Germaine Bazzle, Eartha Kitt, and Lola Falana.", "id": "11990824" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nKuti's music from the soul music of American artists such as James Brown. Funk originated in African-American communities in the mid-1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B). Funk de-emphasizes melody and chord progressions and focuses on a strong rhythmic groove of a bass line played by an electric bassist and a drum part played by a drummer. Like much of African-inspired music, funk typically consists", "id": "5246779" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nto put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" Although the exact origins of jazz syncopation may never be known, there's evidence that the habanera/tresillo rhythm was there at its conception. Buddy Bolden, the first \"known\" jazz musician, is credited with creating the \"big four\", the first syncopated bass drum pattern to deviate from the standard on-the-beat march. As the example below shows,", "id": "10831571" }, { "contents": "Charlie Schlatter\n\n\nit? It's a job, in particular, those like this 9 to 5, who would 'get in' and 'get out.' I mean, he loved what he was doing, but never really worried about the thing that he couldn't change, everyday was kinda like slurs, wannabe prayers. But, yeah, I think watching him, in action, as an actor, he tried to borrow things from everybody, just has a human being, you know, 'Hey, I really like", "id": "22152024" }, { "contents": "My Voice (album)\n\n\nsong and \"I'm OK\" draws influences from jazz. \"Cover Up\" is a tropical house number instrumented by musical keyboard and string instruments, while \"Love in Color\" is an acoustic piano ballad that highlights Taeyeon's vocals. Three new original songs featured on the deluxe edition are \"Make Me Love You\", \"I Blame on You\" and \"Curtain Call\". \"Make Me Love You\" is a soulful pop and R&B song, while \"I Blame on You\" is a pop ballad", "id": "14890285" }, { "contents": "Chris Walker (musician)\n\n\nYours\" in 1993, which featured the single \"How Do You Heal a Broken Heart\". As a solo artist, Walker remained absent from the public music scene for a decade, but he was hard at work and taking a new direction. Walker's music is popular in countries South Africa and he performed there with Regina Belle in the Soul & Jazz Experience in 2019. His latest album \"We're In This Love Together - A Tribute to Al Jarreau\" will be released in May 2019 featuring artists like Gerald", "id": "14817642" }, { "contents": "Lovely Standards\n\n\nwherever I was going.\" She went on to say that the album is geared toward people who \"really do like jazz for jazz, not because the artist that they know is doing it, but they listen to jazz and they're understanding of being experimental within that form.\" Larrieux continues, referring to husband and producer Laru Larrieux: \"We purposely only pressed up a small amount of albums, and you know, didn't go huge with it. We kind of wanted to feel our way around it,", "id": "78233" }, { "contents": "Funeral\n\n\ncelebrations of life ceremonies include those for René Angélil and Maya Angelou. Originating in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., alongside the emergence of jazz music in late 19th and early 20th centuries, the jazz funeral is a traditionally African-American burial ceremony and celebration of life unique to New Orleans that involves a parading funeral procession accompanied by a brass band playing somber hymns followed by upbeat jazz music. Traditional jazz funerals begin with a processional led by the funeral director, family, friends, and the brass band, i.e., the", "id": "10950206" }, { "contents": "New Orleans\n\n\nearly American days from a unique blending of European musical instruments with African rhythms. As the only North American city to have allowed slaves to gather in public and play their native music (largely in Congo Square, now located within Louis Armstrong Park), New Orleans gave birth in the early 20th century to an epochal indigenous music: jazz. Soon, African-American brass bands formed, beginning a century-long tradition. The Louis Armstrong Park area, near the French Quarter in Tremé, contains the New Orleans Jazz National", "id": "9144507" }, { "contents": "Andile Yenana\n\n\nAndile Yenana is a South African pianist. He made an indelible mark by switching from teaching to studying jazz. He has produced and worked with many South African as well as international artists. Born in 1968 in King William's Town, Andile's love for music was triggered at an early age. He grew up in a household where music was really loved. His father, Felix Thamsanqa Yenana, had a huge collection of music, ranging from jazz to Motown, and other forms of urban black music and this had a", "id": "7917485" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nsetting up the microphone when I first saw the lyrics on the music stand, 'She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah!' I thought, Oh my God, what a lyric! This is going to be one that I \"do not\" like. But when they started to sing it – bang, wow, terrific, I was up at the mixer jogging around.\" The \"", "id": "11107981" }, { "contents": "Up from the Cradle of Jazz\n\n\nUp from the Cradle of Jazz: New Orleans Music Since World War II is a book by Jason Berry, Jonathan Foose and Tad Jones. It chronicles the history of New Orleans music, primarily rhythm and blues, and its evolution post-World War II. It was first published in 1986. An expanded second edition was published in 2009. In early 20th century New Orleans was a cultural melting pot and had a vibrant music scene. This gave way to the development of jazz by African-American musicians of the city", "id": "10450647" }, { "contents": "Papa Jack Laine\n\n\nGeorge Vital \"Papa Jack\" Laine (September 21, 1873 – June 1, 1966) was an American musician and a pioneering band leader in New Orleans in the years from the Spanish–American War to World War I. He was often credited for training many musicians who would later become successful in jazz music. Laine's Reliance Brass Band was the first to fuse European, African, and Latin music. The earliest jazz musicians can be traced back to playing in the Reliance Brass Band or being influenced by those who had", "id": "7156316" }, { "contents": "Water (Gregory Porter album)\n\n\nBBC Music noted that \"Gregory Porter has a voice and musicality to be reckoned with\" and that Mr. Porter could help fill the gap of new male African-American jazz singers. Howard Dukes of Soul Tracks claims Gregory Porter as a new talent, \"an artist who has a number of classic, familiar elements in his style, but whose approach brings a freshness that both jazz and soul fans should love\" and continues with praise: \"I think Nat King Cole would be pleased.\" All songs written by Gregory", "id": "6113498" }, { "contents": "Rhythm and blues\n\n\nan essential ingredient of jazz. There are examples of tresillo-like rhythms in some African American folk musics such as the hand clapping and foot stomping patterns in ring shout, post-Civil War drum and fife music, and New Orleans second line music. Wynton Marsalis considers tresillo to be the New Orleans \"clave\" (although technically, the pattern is only half a clave). Tresillo is the most basic duple-pulse rhythmic cell in Sub-Saharan African music traditions, and its use in African American music is", "id": "6597686" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nthe Original Dixieland Jass Band. Bandleader Nick LaRocca and drummer Tony Sbarbaro were both born to parents who were Sicilian migrants. The band's \"Livery Stable Blues\" became the first jazz record ever issued. African American music began incorporating Afro-Cuban musical motifs in the nineteenth century, when the habanera (Cuban contradanza) gained international popularity. The habanera was the first written music to be rhythmically based on an African motif. From the perspective of African American music, the \"habanera rhythm\" (also known as \"congo", "id": "10831567" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\ndisc in 1917, was the first instance of jazz music being called \"Dixieland\", though at the time, the term referred to the band, not the genre. The band's sound was a combination of African American/New Orleans ragtime and Sicilian music. The music of Sicily was one of the many genres in the New Orleans music scene during the 1910s, alongside sanctified church music, brass band music and blues. Much later, the term \"Dixieland\" was applied to early jazz by traditional jazz revivalists,", "id": "17316680" }, { "contents": "Confident (album)\n\n\nthe song sounded like. \"When we finally made the decision of which songs were making the album I said, 'OK, I want her on this one.' So I called her and was like, 'Hey will you do a song?' And she's like, 'Yeah sure I'll go into the studio tonight,'\" Lovato said. \"I was like, 'Do you want to hear it first?' She's like, 'No it's cool.' I'm like", "id": "15873380" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nthe habanera took root. John Storm Roberts states that the musical genre habanera \"reached the U.S. 20 years before the first rag was published\". For more than a quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime, and jazz were forming, the habanera was a consistent part of African-American popular music. Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire, and the tresillo/habanera figure was a rhythmic staple of jazz at the turn of the 20th century. Comparing the music of New Orleans with the music", "id": "7124211" }, { "contents": "Q.U.E.E.N. (Janelle Monáe song)\n\n\nthe African-American gay community. She also alludes to lesbianism later in the song when she sings, \"Hey, is it weird to like the way she wears her tights?\" and, \"Am I a freak because I love watchin' Mary?\" Monáe then juxtaposes these references with religion by asking, \"Hey brother can you save my soul from the devil?\" and, \"Hey sister am I good enough for your heaven? Will your God accept me in my black and white? Would he", "id": "7487389" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\n, African Americans became the new consumer in a predominantly white culture. Blues went from a small work sound to a nationwide phenomenon. Musicians in New York were very different from the ones in Chicago, St. Louis, Texas and New Orleans; the music of performers of the east had a ragtime style and wasn't original, but eventually the real blues was absorbed in the east. People were only really able to hear the blues and real jazz in the gut-bucket cabarets, which basically means anything really down low,", "id": "11650165" }, { "contents": "Loningisa\n\n\nLoningisa was a studio and record label based in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then known as Zaire). Loningisa was made famous by the emergence the African rumba band OK Jazz, whose music became popular, and a big influence on African and Congolese popular music. OK Jazz included Francois Luambo Makiadi who emerged as Zaire's first true pop-music star, particularly his guitar playing abilities. Franco and all other members of OK Jazz were tutored and trained at the Loningisa studios. The group formed via collective", "id": "21267369" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nI love) and “art.” He is a serious collector of records, buying at least one every week for the last quarter century. The jazz collection is wide-ranging and current but his favorites are classics such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. He is not a fan of New Orleans jazz saying that it is too mellow and lacks intensity. His obsession with jazz music is such that musicians often appear in his dreams, especially Charlie Parker. In 1973, he married Nora", "id": "19455904" }, { "contents": "African Americans in Davenport, Iowa\n\n\ndance hall (1012 W. 4th Street) (nicknamed \"the Col\"), opened in 1914, and has been a venue for jazz and blues artists, as well as other music. Artists who have played there include Duke Ellington, Jimi Hendrix and Louis Armstrong. Music historically originating among African Americans, such as jazz and blues, also developed a following among the public at large in Davenport as they did elsewhere. Bix Biederbecke, a German-American resident of Davenport, became a famous jazz musician in the early", "id": "122213" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nThe music of New Orleans assumes various styles of music which have often borrowed from earlier traditions. New Orleans, Louisiana, is especially known for its strong association with jazz music, universally considered to be the birthplace of the genre. The earliest form was dixieland, which has sometimes been called traditional jazz, 'New Orleans', and 'New Orleans jazz'. However, the tradition of jazz in New Orleans has taken on various forms that have either branched out from original dixieland or taken entirely different paths altogether. New", "id": "10831559" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\ncultural communication between the United States' races. African-American music was often adapted for white audiences, who would not have as readily accepted black performers, leading to genres like swing music, a pop-based outgrowth of jazz. In addition, African Americans were becoming part of classical music by the turn of the 20th century. While originally excluded from major symphony orchestras, black musicians could study in music conservatories that had been founded in the 1860s, such as the Oberlin School of Music, National Conservatory of Music,", "id": "13306687" }, { "contents": "Music of the Democratic Republic of the Congo\n\n\nAfrican Jazz broke up in the mid-1960s, TPOK Jazz with Franco Luambo Makiadi at the helm dominated soukous music for the next 20 years. Tabu Ley Rochereau and Dr. Nico then formed African Fiesta, which incorporated new innovations from throughout Africa as well as American and British soul, rock and country. African Fiesta, however, lasted only two years before disintegrating, and Tabu Ley formed Orchestre Afrisa International instead, but this new group was not able to rival OK Jazz in influence for very long. Many of the most influential musicians", "id": "12584904" }, { "contents": "New Orleans\n\n\nHeritage Festival. Commonly referred to simply as \"Jazz Fest\", it is one of the nation's largest music festivals. The festival features a variety of music, including both native Louisiana and international artists. Along with Jazz Fest, New Orleans' Voodoo Experience (\"Voodoo Fest\") and the Essence Music Festival also feature local and international artists. Other major festivals include Southern Decadence, the French Quarter Festival, and the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival. The American playwright lived and wrote in New Orleans early", "id": "9144503" }, { "contents": "Music\n\n\nUsing a multitrack system, a band and their music producer could overdub many layers of instrument tracks and vocals, creating new sounds that would not be possible in a live performance. Jazz evolved and became an important genre of music over the course of the 20th century, and during the second half of that century, rock music did the same. Jazz is an American musical artform that originated in the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States from a confluence of African and European music traditions.", "id": "19192529" }, { "contents": "Val Wilmer\n\n\nis the author of the photograph-led \"The Face of Black Music\" (Da Capo Press, 1976), which are both considered canonical and influential texts in music criticism. Her book \"As Serious as Your Life\" (Allison and Busby, 1977) is now considered a classic of jazz writing; it also documents women's experiences in relation to the \"new jazz\" in African-American communities, and deviates from the \"masculinist rule of exclusion\". Presenting sexual politics in the world of jazz,", "id": "2476366" }, { "contents": "Harold Battiste\n\n\nestablished the AFO Foundation, a non-profit service and educational organization dedicated to recognizing, perpetuating and documenting the heritage of New Orleans music and the people who make the music. Battiste remained active in the community, and served as a board member of the Congo Square Cultural Collective, the Louisiana State Music Commission, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation, Louisiana Jazz Federation, the African Cultural Endowment and numerous other cultural organizations. He received the Beau Arts Award, the Mayor's Arts Award, the Governor's Arts Lifetime Achievement", "id": "22158569" }, { "contents": "Celtic fusion\n\n\none of the best-selling musicians in the world. The word first entered the English language as slang and was used to describe anyone who was giving a passionate performance, primarily athletes at first. It was only later that the spelling was standardized as Jazz and it became associated with a specific musical Genre. The music we call Jazz today originated in African American communities and evolved out of American Roots music and the Blues and often included instruments like Fiddle and Mandolin that are now more commonly associated with Folk or Roots music.", "id": "20901915" }, { "contents": "Jazz in India\n\n\nJazz music in India originated in the 1920s in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) and in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta), where African-American jazz musicians performed. They inspired Goan musicians who then imbibed jazz into the sounds of India’s Hindi film music industry. There has been much interaction between Indian music and jazz music. An active jazz scene exists today in cities like Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), Pune, Delhi, Goa, and Kolkata. In India, jazz was probably first performed regularly", "id": "8000165" }, { "contents": "Jazz (miniseries)\n\n\nof introducing pre-1960 jazz history to a wide audience. In 'Episode Ten,' however, he gives viewers a disastrously skewed portrait of the creative lineage that has produced much of today's best jazz.\" Stu Vandermark's detailed review of \"Jazz\" contended that there were substantial factual errors in the documentary. He noted that the series repeats the idea that jazz music was created in New Orleans; on the contrary, writes Vandermark, \"no one really knows where jazz was born... It is likely that the music", "id": "11675932" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nIn New Orleans, a white bandleader named Papa Jack Laine integrated blacks and whites in his marching band. He was known as \"the father of white jazz\" because of the many top players he employed, such as George Brunies, Sharkey Bonano, and future members of the Original Dixieland Jass Band. During the early 1900s, jazz was mostly performed in African-American and mulatto communities due to segregation laws. Storyville brought jazz to a wider audience through tourists who visited the port city of New Orleans. Many jazz musicians", "id": "15637766" }, { "contents": "Phil Hey\n\n\nTechnicolor Dreamcoat\", and Irving Berlin's \"I Love a Piano\" and has performed with comics Bob Hope, Red Skelton, and Don Rickles. Hey is a faculty member at the University of Minnesota School of Music where he teaches jazz percussion and directs the jazz ensemble. He is on the music faculty at St. Olaf College and the MacPhail Center for Music. He taught music at Macalester College from 1997 to 2008. Ellis Drum Shop released the Phil Hey Signature Kit, a limited edition six piece shell drum kit with", "id": "18241185" }, { "contents": "Bitches Brew\n\n\n1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Experimental jazz drummer Bobby Previte considered \"Bitches Brew\" to be \"groundbreaking\": \"How much groundbreaking music do you hear now? It was music that you had that feeling you never heard quite before. It came from another place. How much music do you hear now like that?\" Thom Yorke, singer of the English rock band Radiohead, cited it as an influence on their 1997 album \"OK Computer\": \"It was building something up and watching", "id": "10453472" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Jazz Museum\n\n\nThe New Orleans Jazz Museum is a music museum in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., dedicated to preserving and celebrating the history of jazz music. Originally a separate museum, the collection is now affiliated with the Louisiana State Museum. The New Orleans Jazz Museum is located in the Old U.S. Mint building on 400 Esplanade Avenue, bordering the historic French Quarter neighborhood. Plans for a museum commemorating New Orleans jazz began in the 1950s by a collaborative group of New Orleans jazz collectors and enthusiasts of the New Orleans Jazz Club, which", "id": "4115423" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "List of pre-1920 jazz standards\n\n\n' Ball\" and \"Indiana\". Originally simply called \"jazz\", the music of early jazz bands is today often referred to as \"Dixieland\" or \"New Orleans jazz\", to distinguish it from more recent subgenres. The origins of jazz are in the musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have", "id": "8623313" }, { "contents": "Skiffle\n\n\nas The Beatles and Rory Gallagher. It has been seen as a critical stepping stone to the second British folk revival, blues boom and British Invasion of the US popular music scene. The origins of skiffle are obscure but are generally thought to lie in African-American musical culture in the early 20th century. Skiffle is often said to have developed from New Orleans jazz, but this claim has been disputed. Improvised jug bands playing blues and jazz were common across the American South in the early decades of the 20th century.", "id": "13722541" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nmigration of southern blacks to areas like Chicago. Today the term is used in reference to the music, which provides a general description of any form of jazz that is derived from early New Orleans jazz. The term dixieland is generally not used very much by New Orleans-based musicians, for there is good evidence that the term was imposed on them. For instance, the first band to actually use the term in reference to the music in their name was the all-white Original Dixieland Band. This band played no", "id": "10831577" }, { "contents": "Earl Turbinton\n\n\nEarl Turbinton, Jr., also Naim Akban Ben-Tur and The African Cowboy (September 23, 1941, New Orleans - August 3, 2007, Baton Rouge) was an American saxophonist associated for decades with the Music of New Orleans. Turbinton worked as a session musician for local R&B recordings from the late 1950s. He became involved with the New Orleans jazz scene early in his career, and became involved with a New Orleans project called Jazz Workshop, which gave music lessons to children and had its own club. Though", "id": "5180346" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\nand in vaudeville, during which time many marching bands were formed. Black pianists played in bars, clubs and brothels, as ragtime developed. Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which originated in African-American communities of primarily the \"Deep South\" of the United States at the end of the 19th century from their spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The music of New Orleans had a profound effect on the creation of early", "id": "16608907" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\nwashboard. The music played by Dutch jazz bands includes both the original New Orleans tunes, as well as the songs of the revival era. In terms of playing style, Dutch jazz bands occupy a position between revivalist and original New Orleans jazz, with more solos than the latter but without abandoning the principle of ensemble playing. With the average band containing up to 15-players, Dutch jazz bands tend to be the largest ensembles to play traditional jazz music. Musical styles showing influences from traditional jazz include later styles of jazz, rhythm", "id": "17316694" }, { "contents": "Culture of New Orleans\n\n\nor \"neutral ground\" for a street median. New Orleans has always been a significant center for music with its intertwined European, Latin American, and African-American cultures. It was the site of the first opera house in the United States. The city engendered jazz with its brass bands. Decades later it was home to a distinctive brand of rhythm and blues that contributed greatly to the growth of rock and roll. In addition, the nearby countryside is the home of Creole music, Zydeco music, Jazz, and", "id": "20710859" }, { "contents": "Val Wilmer\n\n\n, resolutely opposed as I was to anything that smacked of feminine pursuits and did not involve going places, being and doing.\" Aware of the earliest records of jazz and blues, Wilmer began to write about jazz and other African-American music, focusing on the political and social messages of the music. Her first article (a biography of Jesse Fuller) appeared in \"Jazz Journal\" in May 1959 when she was still only 17. Reflecting on how this piece originated, Wilmer states: \"I was an inveterate", "id": "2476356" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nThe Jazz Age was a period in the 1920s and 1930s in which jazz music and dance styles rapidly gained nationwide popularity in the United States. The Jazz Age's cultural repercussions were primarily felt in the United States, the birthplace of jazz. Originating in New Orleans as a fusion of African and European music, jazz played a significant part in wider cultural changes in this period, and its influence on pop culture continued long afterward. The Jazz Age is often referred to in conjunction with the Roaring Twenties, and in the United", "id": "20467293" }, { "contents": "This Is What Rock n' Roll Looks Like\n\n\nme, because I was different. I was like, \"I'm going to sing, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that,\" they were like \"OK, sure you are.\" And I was like \"No, I'm serious. This is what I'm going to do.\" And everybody was like, \"Yeah right.\" Even when I told everyone I was moving to LA to do music and had a going away party, only one person showed up", "id": "2884270" }, { "contents": "Merritt Brunies\n\n\nMerritt Brunies (December 25, 1895 - February 5, 1973), was an American jazz trombonist and cornetist. Brunies was born into a well-known musical family in New Orleans, Louisiana; among its members were George Brunies and Albert Brunies. Merritt led his own band, The Original New Orleans Jazz Band, from 1916 to 1918; this ensemble did not record, but it existed before both Jimmy Durante's New Orleans Jazz Band and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band (the latter formed shortly afterward in 1916).", "id": "14276926" }, { "contents": "Funk\n\n\nFunk is a music genre that originated in African-American communities in the mid-1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B). Funk de-emphasizes melody and chord progressions and focuses on a strong rhythmic groove of a bass line played by an electric bassist and a drum part played by a drummer, often at slower tempos than other popular music. Like much of African-inspired music, funk typically consists of", "id": "10528323" }, { "contents": "Culture of New Orleans\n\n\nnamed \"Krewe du Vieux\". The largest of the city's many musical festivals is the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Commonly referred to simply as, \"Jazz Fest\", it is one of the largest music festivals in the nation, and features crowds coming from all over the world to experience music, food, arts, and crafts. Despite the name, it features not only jazz but a large variety of music, including both native Louisiana music and nationally-known popular music artists. The Essence Music", "id": "20710872" }, { "contents": "Rachid Taha\n\n\naccording to Hillage. There were elements of political protest in his music leading a BBC critic to describe him as a \"shit-disturbing artist who risks challenging his own culture as undemocratic.\" He wanted to record in New Orleans \"because I see parallels between African and American music, and between the music of the African slaves who came to New Orleans, and that of the Gnawas, the black desert tribes who became slaves of the Arabs in North Africa. And New Orleans is like Algiers. They were both French", "id": "2729763" }, { "contents": "Tradition Is a Temple\n\n\nTradition Is a Temple is an American documentary film about New Orleans jazz culture and modernization's effect on American traditions, written and directed by Darren Hoffman and released in 2013. Contemporary New Orleans jazz musicians discuss their childhood introductions to music in Baptist churches and through local traditions such as the second line (parades) and jazz funerals, and the role of Danny Barker (1909–1994) in keeping traditional New Orleans Jazz alive through the 1970s and '80s. Asking the artists point-blank, director Darren Hoffman explores the potential \"", "id": "8875099" }, { "contents": "KZYR\n\n\nThe Wave\" is the original homegrown music showcase while E-Town explores a variety of issues and sounds from and about the great state of Colorado. E-Town is a lot like the Zephyr because it is about music, ideas and community. The Zephyr is extremely proud to present JAZZ AT ITS PEAK. A Sunday Jazz brunch show that is hosted by the infamous TONY G. Vail's premiere music entertainer highlights Jazz old and new every Sunday starting at 10 am. \"One Love Music\" is the Reggae show airing", "id": "5759100" }, { "contents": "Eliete Mejorado\n\n\nMusic 2011 From A Forest Near You / Slum Dunk Music 2010 Let Your X's Be Y's / Soul Jazz Records 2008 I Go To The Doctor 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2008 A Historia da Garça 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2006 L.I.C.K. MY FAVELA / Kute Bash Records 2006 L.I.C.K MY FAVELA / Slum Dunk 2005 The Sexual Life of the Savages / Soul Jazz Records 2005 Bonde do Tetão / Bizarre Music 2004 Slum Dunk Presents Funk Carioca / Mr Bongo 2004 Men In Uniform / Bizarre Music 2003 Tetine Vs Sophie Calle - Samba", "id": "6834992" }, { "contents": "At the Great American Music Hall\n\n\nher very best: singing jazz standards, ballads, the American songbook, popular songs of the day and some bossa nova to boot\". Otwell said that \"Working with Carmen I always felt like her choice of tunes was magical. I always felt that it was just so very special and I think the tunes on the album really do work. As I was listening to it, I loved it all.\" Baron said of Mcae's performance on \"Old Folks\" that \"Carmen always sang it with such feeling", "id": "161241" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Raymond Burke (clarinetist)\n\n\nin large ensembles his clarinet could easily be overpowered. Burke also refused to let contemporary music influence his sound for commercial reasons, and played in what many considered an outdated style. Another possible factor in Burke's obscurity is his association with \"Second Line\" jazz. Although the term has several different meanings, it has been used to differentiate white musicians who played New Orleans Style jazz from black or Creole musicians. Since New Orleans jazz is typically associated with the African American population in that city, \"Second Line\" can", "id": "2340974" }, { "contents": "Will Kimbrough\n\n\nnearby New Orleans as a young man. His sound has been influenced by traditions of folk, blues, gospel, country, punk rock and jazz. Will Kimbrough described \"When Your Lovin' Comes Around\" from his 2014 release, Sideshow Love, as \"a little bit of a tribute to JJ Cale,\" who he said was a significant influence on his music. The songs on his album \"Americanitis\", such as \"Warring Ways\" and \"Everyone's in Love\", have been described by Kimbrough as", "id": "3098263" }, { "contents": "Algiers, New Orleans\n\n\nAlgiers is a section of New Orleans, the only Orleans Parish community located on the West Bank of the Mississippi River. Algiers is known as the 15th Ward, one of the 17 Wards of New Orleans. The neighborhood became the birthplace of Jazz as it was once home to many of the early African American Jazz artists in the early 1900s. This ward is the biggest of all 17 wards and is considered a historic piece of land to the History of New Orleans. Jean Baptiste le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville, was", "id": "13334678" }, { "contents": "Hey You, I Love Your Soul\n\n\nHey You, I Love Your Soul is the second studio album by American Christian rock band Skillet. It was released in 1998 as an enhanced CD from ForeFront Records and Ardent Records. A music video was made for the song \"More Faithful\". It features the band playing in a room with lights all about, with various shots of the sky cut in to show the theme of the song. An example is the line, \"You have been more faithful than the morning sun.\" This is the only video", "id": "988221" }, { "contents": "Orchestral jazz\n\n\nart form. Orchestral jazz developed from early New Orleans jazz. The African-American musicians who pioneered the genre prior to 1920, and who migrated from New Orleans to Chicago and New York in the early 1920s, brought jazz north; in time, the African-American neighborhood of Harlem became the genre's cultural center. In New York, the entertainment and arts industries thrived and jazz found a fitting home, becoming an important part of the cultural landscape. But before the widespread popularity of big bands, which developed in", "id": "1953238" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Latin jazz\n\n\nhe called the Spanish tinge) to be an essential ingredient of jazz. The habanera rhythm can be heard in his left hand on songs like \"The Crave\" (1910, recorded 1938). Now in one of my earliest tunes, “New Orleans Blues,” you can notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can’t manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz—Morton (1938: Library of", "id": "3213685" }, { "contents": "Elle Varner\n\n\ntalent in a program that only selects 24 students per class, out of thousands, was like, ‘Wow!’ I knew that I had really stepped up to the plate,” says Elle Varner. At age 16, Varner picked up a guitar for the first time. She dropped the guitar and became a part of Alexander Hamilton High School's Academy of Music's Vocal Jazz Group. Once there, she learned about the complexity of the voice, jazz music and talented jazz artists like Ella Fitzgerald. Varner was", "id": "17859777" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nhave become fascinated with ballroom dancing so I was like, 'Can I please do some dancing in it?'. So they let me do that. There's a guy in it, Charlie, and there's some really sensual moments in it, and it's in a really beautiful house. I think it's one of my favorite videos.\" The video received a nomination for Best Female Video at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. With over 2.0 billion views, the video is the 36th most viewed YouTube", "id": "8001327" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "Chicago Black Renaissance\n\n\nAfrican Americans on the south side coined the word Bronzeville, a word that described the skin tone of most its inhabitants, to identify their community. Jazz, blues, and gospel grew and flourished during the Chicago Black Renaissance. Jazz, which developed as a mix of European and African musical styles, began in the southeastern United States, but is said to have made its way from New Orleans to Chicago in 1915, when migrants came north to work in factories, mills, and stockyards. As more of the population moved", "id": "956447" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nartists like Ella Fitzgerald (\"A-Tisket, A-Tasket\") and Billie Holiday (\"Strange Fruit\") becoming nationally successful. New Orleans jazz was and remains the most influential form of roots jazz. The major underpinnings of the style were in place by 1900 or a bit before, when New Orleans, Louisiana produced musicians like Buddy Bolden, Jelly Roll Morton and Kid Ory. The most distinctive characteristic of New Orleans jazz is the influence of the marching brass bands. The first recordings of the genre were", "id": "10609029" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Belgium\n\n\nthe postwar period after meeting American and Canadian soldiers who liberated the country. Robert Goffin heard two soldiers sing ragtime songs like \"Are you from Dixie?\" and the song \"Robinson Crusoe\" (\"What did R.Crusoe do on Friday with Saturday night?\"). Goffin played music with some classmates of the Brussels law school in the local bars and dance halls. During that time jazz was also synonymous with dance music. According to Faecq it was only when she saw the original black bands that he and his friend", "id": "15261979" }, { "contents": "Elastic Love\n\n\nyou do, but to me I'm really bored of it'. It's interesting getting to work with people who can do things vocally that you can't... but yeah I only heard the song for the first time when everyone else did. \"Elastic Love\" was written by Christina Aguilera, M.I.A., John Hill and Switch. Production of the song was handled by the two latter, who also played all musical instruments in it. The track was recorded at Dubsided in Los Angeles, California. Aguilera's vocals", "id": "320169" }, { "contents": "Isaiah Katumwa\n\n\nto best describe his music. ‘’Beyond the limiting boxes and categories placed on the industry, I believe in artistic originality based on my genuine influences to express my African grooves, Smooth Jazz influence and Christian upbringing’’ says Isaiah . His experience and love for the saxophone dates back over 20 years, but he broke onto the international professional music scene eight years ago at a time wen jazz in Uganda and in east Africa did not have a significant presence on the music scene. At a time when a sole performance", "id": "14198509" }, { "contents": "Toby Gad\n\n\nSelena Gomez & the Scene, \"Don't Hold Your Breath\" for Nicole Scherzinger, \"Love You More\" for JLS, and \"I Do\" for Colbie Caillat. In the 3rd quarter of 2014, Gad was ranked the #3 songwriter in America by \"Billboard\", following up fellow hitmakers Ryan Tedder and Pharrell Williams. Born into a musical family in Munich in 1968, Gad was influenced by both parents who were established figures in the Munich music scene with their group, The Jazz Kids. His Danish", "id": "10762370" }, { "contents": "Bottle It Up\n\n\nstruggles of how do you become an artist who feels like they haven't quote/unquote 'sold out,' and how do you stay true to your art and figure out how to make a living from it... The chorus says it all: 'I do it for love.' Music – and particularly songwriting – for me is such a passion, it’s a very sacred thing for me.\" The official music video for \"Bottle It Up\" was directed by Marcos Siega and released on April 9,", "id": "16083781" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nyet another indication that jazz music is symbolic of freedom. The term dixieland was first coined by Dan Emmett in his song \"Dixie's Land\" in 1859. It was not a positive term for African-Americans, as its usage defined any area of the south where slaves had not yet received emancipation. Dixieland music can be defined in a number of ways, though its origin is to be found in New Orleans, present first in the music of King Oliver. It quickly spread north and became popularized along with the", "id": "10831576" }, { "contents": "Music of Sicily\n\n\njazz as well. During this migration, Sicilian music integrated with music from the local African American and Creole communities, which resulted in the development of jazz. Two members of the Original Dixieland Jass Band, bandleader Nick LaRocca and drummer Tony Sbarbaro, were each born to parents who had migrated from Sicily. Sicily's historical connections lie not primarily with mainland Italy, but with the Greek, Arab, and Spanish cultures. The result has been a diverse and unique fusion of musical elements on the island. American musicologist Alan Lomax", "id": "25842" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nknown as \"potter palm\" and was concert music by amateurs, usually volunteers. Big band dance music is played by professionals and was featured from nightclubs, dance halls, and ballrooms. Musicologist Charles Hamm described three types of jazz music at the time: black music for black audiences, black music for white audiences, and white music for white audiences. Jazz artists like Louis Armstrong originally received very little airtime because most stations preferred to play the music of white American jazz singers. Other jazz vocalists include Bessie Smith and Florence", "id": "20467309" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nmid-20th century, the Cuban influence was present at the birth of jazz. African-American music began incorporating Afro-Cuban musical motifs in the 19th century when the habanera gained international popularity. The habanera was the first written music to be rhythmically based on an African motif. The habanera rhythm (also known as \"congo\" or \"tango\") can be thought of as a combination of tresillo and the backbeat. /score Musicians from Havana and New Orleans took the twice-daily ferry between both cities to perform, and", "id": "7124210" }, { "contents": "Gwen Hughes\n\n\naway from her theatre beginnings. She soon was sitting in with bands all around Atlanta. As she told Points North Magazine, \"I just found myself thrilled with the spontaneity of the jazz form. I loved the democracy of it, loved being in a band, really relying on each other.\" In contrast to the structure of theatre, jazz offered a liberating freedom that would, in time, be infused into all of Hughes's music. \"I’m a fusion artist, I suppose…a fusion of..", "id": "3548516" }, { "contents": "Music of the United Kingdom (1950s)\n\n\nand Ronnie Scott, while Ken Colyer, George Webb and Humphrey Lyttelton emphasised New Orleans, trad jazz. Scott's Soho club became a focal point of British jazz, seeing the best of British and international acts. From the 1960s British Jazz began to develop more individual characteristics, absorbing a variety of influences, including free jazz, British blues, as well as European and world music. In the early 1950s sales of American records dominated British popular music. In the first full year of the charts in 1953 major artists were", "id": "5747284" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\ntresillo/habanera, which he called the Spanish tinge, an essential ingredient of jazz. \"Now in one of my earliest tunes, \"New Orleans Blues,\" you can notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can't manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" An excerpt of \"New Orleans Blues\" is shown below. In the excerpt, the left hand plays the tresillo rhythm, while", "id": "15637769" }, { "contents": "African-American culture\n\n\nresult of the blackface minstrel show, African-American music entered mainstream American society. By the early 20th century, several musical forms with origins in the African-American community had transformed American popular music. Aided by the technological innovations of radio and phonograph records, ragtime, jazz, blues, and swing also became popular overseas, and the 1920s became known as the Jazz Age. The early 20th century also saw the creation of the first African-American Broadway shows, films such as King Vidor's \"Hallelujah!\"", "id": "12117439" }, { "contents": "My Love Is Like...Wo\n\n\nbecause you haven’t seen any R&B artist do that many techniques and styles since really, Mýa. She was tap dancing in one of her videos. She was one of the first artists to really push different styles of dance in her videos.\" Speaking on behalf of \"My Love Is Like...Wo\" and its video, she gushed, In “[My Love is Like] Whoa” she was tap dancing and she did a little bit of hip-hop, then there was jazz moments.\" Concluding", "id": "4935471" }, { "contents": "New Orleans blues\n\n\nBuddy Bolden's band was remembered at excelling on playing blues before 1906. Anthony Maggio's \"I Got the Blues\" was an early example of published blues sheet music from 1908. The Original Dixieland Jass Band's \"Livery Stable Blues\", generally considered the first jazz record, is in a fast blues form. Although it has drawn to it and produced fewer blues musicians than other major US urban centers with large African-American populations, it has been the center of a distinctive form of blues music, which has", "id": "20252987" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Chad Lefkowitz-Brown\n\n\n, winning in several different categories, like \"Best Jazz Soloist\" and \"Best Original Song.\" LB currently tours globally as a soloist under his own name and with many jazz groups, including the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, Clarence Penn, Arturo O'Farrill, Ron McClure, Quentin Angus, the Metta Quintet, and Adam O'Farrill. LB is also on faculty as a visiting artist at the new San Francisco Conservatory of Music Roots, Jazz and American Music program, along with a number of jazz luminaries like Matt Wilson,", "id": "12475344" }, { "contents": "Blackacidevil\n\n\nof stuff up. People either loved it or hated it, and we got a lot of new fans from its release. Hey, maybe some of the people who only liked \"Mother\" dropped out, and I've always said those fans are okay, when you get this big MTV exposure, but they're not permanent fans. The core following you have is your most important thing.\" Besides the changes in musical direction, \"Blackacidevil\"'s original release caused more controversy: Danzig's violent music and use", "id": "12627980" } ]
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color such as purple? I have never dyed my hair an unnatural color before. When I was younger I did dye it blonde from time to time. Oh really? What is your natural hair color, if you don't mind me asking? I have red hair so it was easy to die it blond. I think the hue works well with the color red. Oh yeah, I can see that! So was it more of a strawberry blonde? It was straight up blonde. I used a really powerful dye and it created a strong blonde. What color is your hair? Did you go to a salon or box color? I am a brunette but have actually been considering going lighter.
[{"answer": "I did it at home. The results always worked great and I think salons are way overpriced. I did my own hair coloring.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 83, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Leven Rambin\n\n\nalso the lead counselor of the Ares Cabin 5) and Percy's rival throughout the story. In an interview with \"\", Rambin explained her casting and her time as a brunette, \"Yeah, I was really lucky that Thor was able to see me as a brunette with this blonde hair. That's not typically the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me, I don't think. But when I put on that wig – luckily they didn't dye my hair – and change my", "id": "5391708" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n(platinum blonde, tow-haired) to a dark golden blonde. Strawberry blonde, a mixture of blonde and red hair, is a much rarer type containing the most pheomelanin. Blonde hair can have almost any proportion of pheomelanin and eumelanin, but has only small amounts of both. More pheomelanin creates a more golden or strawberry blonde color, and more eumelanin creates an ash or sandy blonde color. Many children born with blonde hair develop darker hair as they age, with the majority of natural blondes developing a hair color", "id": "218621" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\na teenager: \"When I first went to get my hair colored, I was about 14 and I wanted blonde highlights. The beautician said, 'No, you have to get your mother on the phone,' and I was just crying and begging. I've always been experimenting. Cyndi Lauper's videos – that's what intrigued me.\" Minaj has often been referred to as the \"Queen of Rap\", and has been considered to be one of the most influential female rap artists. In 2012,", "id": "14836796" }, { "contents": "The Strawberry Blonde\n\n\nWestmore memoed Wallis: \"Her head is so large and she has so much hair that it will practically be impossible to put a wig on her. Whatever color you decide on, she will be happy to have it made that color. Then at the end of the picture, we will dye it back to its natural color.\" This film marked the first time Hayworth was seen as a redhead and the first and only time in her career that audiences heard her real singing voice. The shooting of \"Strawberry Blonde", "id": "6240229" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nof hair color on Greek \"korai\" probably reflect the colors the artists saw in natural hair; these colors include a broad diversity of shades of blond, red, and brown. The minority of statues with blond hair range from strawberry blond up to platinum blond. Sappho of Lesbos ( 630-570 BC) wrote that purple-colored wraps as headdress were good enough, except if the hair was blond: \"...for the girl who has hair that is yellower than a torch [it is better to decorate it", "id": "5633795" }, { "contents": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry\n\n\nblonde. Many news organizations covered the story as evidence that blondes were not preferred over brunettes. In March 2016 a study by the Ohio State University was published in the \"Economics Bulletin\". According to Jay Zagorsky, author of the study, the results show that: \"the average IQ of blondes was actually slightly higher than those with other hair colors, but that finding isn’t statistically significant.\" He adds:\"I don’t think you can say with certainty that blondes are smarter than others, but you can definitely say", "id": "6098406" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nBlond or fair hair is a hair color characterized by low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin. The resultant visible hue depends on various factors, but always has some yellowish color. The color can be from the very pale blond (caused by a patchy, scarce distribution of pigment) to reddish \"strawberry\" blond or golden-brownish (\"sandy\") blond colors (the latter with more eumelanin). Because hair color tends to darken with age, natural blond hair is generally rare in adulthood. Naturally-occurring", "id": "5633762" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "Cowboy Take Me Away\n\n\nearly days, when all three women had hair either naturally or dyed blonde. Maines' hair was cropped so short she looked like the country Cyndi Lauper and Martie Seidel with cross-colored braids and locks. Looking back, Robison commented, \"You have three girls, so automatically you get the roll-the-eyes, you know; it's the band that's been put together,\" Robison says. \"And at the time we were all blonde. And, you know, it was just so -", "id": "11013507" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nfamous statue of Aphrodite, the \"Aphrodite of Knidos\", sculpted in the fourth century BC by Praxiteles, represented the goddess's hair using gold leaf and contributed to the popularity of the image of Aphrodite as a blonde goddess. Greek prostitutes frequently dyed their hair blond using saffron dyes or colored powders. Blond dye was highly expensive, took great effort to apply, and smelled repugnant, but none of these factors inhibited Greek prostitutes from dying their hair. As a result of this and the natural rarity of blond hair in", "id": "5633798" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\nearly as 1956 and during the 1960s, ads for Lady Clairol asked, \"Is it true blondes have more fun?\"; those for Loving Care asked, \"What would your husband do if suddenly you looked ten years younger?\" When the company introduced Nice 'n Easy, the first at-home shampoo-in hair color, women were told, \"The closer he gets, the better you look\". Radiantly Red was advertised with \"Some lucky girls are born red. Others catch up\".", "id": "13572450" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\nDepartment Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role in the way people are treated and claimed that numerous studies had shown that blonde women were paid higher salaries than other women. In a study by Diana J. Kyle and Heike I. M. Mahler (1996), the researchers asked subjects to evaluate photographs of the same woman with \"natural\" (not dyed) looking brown, red, and blonde hair in the context of a job application for an accounting position. The researchers found", "id": "16093636" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nmost common in light-skinned infants and children, so much so that the term \"baby blond\" is often used for very light colored hair. Babies may be born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond hair, although such natural hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair tends to turn darker with age, and many children's blond hair turns light, medium, dark brown or black before or during their adult years. Because blond hair tends to turn brunette with age, natural blond hair is", "id": "5633780" }, { "contents": "Romeo Void\n\n\nwere considered new wave, but for me Romeo Void was a reaction against the regimentation of everyone having to be bleached blond and everything being about despair and no future, when I thought the do-it-yourself thing should encompass all the different kinds of emotions, and all the different colors. [...] I was proud of being American Indian, so I purposely never bleached my hair blond.\" The band became busy playing shows at clubs and warehouses around San Francisco, and quickly became popular. Saxophonist Benjamin Bossi", "id": "4117120" }, { "contents": "Tatjana Patitz\n\n\n.\" Her versatility was exemplified by the changing of her hair color and style with each passing year during the late 1980s, from short-haired brunette to tawny mane to long and blond. For an April 1989 editorial titled \"Earthly Powers\" in British \"Vogue\", hair stylist Didier Malige cut and restyled Patitz's foot-long blonde hair into a cropped shag just above her shoulders. \"Once I cut my hair - I cried for two months,\" Patitz told Esquire magazine. \"People said, '", "id": "3255553" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Cher... Special\n\n\n\"Momma, I'm still here. I've got the same hair, the same bumpy nose and vampire teeth. But you were right, I feel better about myself now\". Then Cher's nine-year-old daughter Chastity asks, \"Mom, have you been into my records again?\" Cher says, \"my children Chastity and Elijah both have blonde hair. I guess they don't have the advantages of having black hair, but nobody told them it was going to be easy.\" Then", "id": "1398070" }, { "contents": "Warrior (B.A.P song)\n\n\nspectacular performance on stage is definitely eye-catching. The members have all dyed their hair platinum blonde. They have personally participated in their stage ensembles, their concept, as well as writing and producing their songs on the album in order to express their unique colors. Through \"OSEN\", member Yoo Youngjae commented: \"I like the platinum blonde look. All six of us are really unique, and we wanted to prevent ourselves from being too different, because we wanted a ‘team’ image on stage. Our", "id": "12096299" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Blondes vs. Brunettes (charity event)\n\n\nevent to more cities and eventually establish a \"Blondes vs. Brunettes Super Bowl\". The game's increasing popularity in the Dallas-Fort Worth area resulted in the 2012 game moving to the Cotton Bowl to accommodate the larger crowds. Game rules do not require that hair colour be natural and it is common for many of the girls on the blonde team to have dyed hair. An NBC Washington story cited participants changing their hair color in the weeks before the game and switching sides. Other media stories have highlighted intense workouts,", "id": "2354562" }, { "contents": "Tina Tailor Soldier Spy\n\n\nend. She finds that Troop 257 is made up of extreme and hard edged girls who use a secret handshake involving farting noises when their finger is pulled. Meanwhile, in a subplot, Gretchen convinces Linda to dye her hair blonde. At first, Linda is enamored with her new look and aspires to play the \"dumb, sexy blonde\", but begins to fear that she truly is losing her intelligence because of her hair color. After seeing Gretchen dye her hair brunette, Linda changes her hair color back and feels", "id": "19209795" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Jean Harlow\n\n\nhair color, called \"platinum\" by Hughes' publicists. Though Harlow denied her hair was dyed, the platinum blonde color was reportedly achieved by bleaching with a weekly application of ammonia, Clorox bleach, and Lux soap flakes. This process weakened and damaged Harlow's naturally ash-blonde hair. Many female fans began dyeing their hair to match hers. Howard Hughes' team organized a series of \"Platinum Blonde\" clubs across the nation and offered a prize of $10,000 to any beautician who could match Harlow's shade", "id": "5727964" }, { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "List of Loveline games\n\n\nYeah Adam: Oh that's cheap, it doesn't involve flight or a hotel or transportation Drew: I hear the smoke's pretty heavy out there today though. Adam: Oh, okay, alright, so now we're up to 1600 dollars because of the smoke. So what do you look like? Caller: I've got dark blond hair, green eyes. Adam: Dark blond? That, that's brown right? Green Eyes? Caller: Yeah Adam: That's good, how much do you", "id": "10481693" }, { "contents": "Public Image (song)\n\n\nmy time, 'cause if you ain't working with people that are on the same level then you ain't doing anything. The rest of the band and Malcolm never bothered to find out if I could sing, they just took me as an image. It was as basic as that, they really were as dull as that. After a year of it they were going 'Why don't you have your hair this colour this year?' And I was going 'Oh God, a brick wall, I'm", "id": "18451028" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nof the coal measures\", \"the colour of raw silk\", a breed of ray, lager beer, and pale wood. Various subcategories of blond hair have been defined to describe the different shades and sources of the hair color more accurately. Common examples include the following: Natural lighter hair colors occur most often in Europe and less frequently in other areas. In Northern European populations, the occurrence of blond hair is common. The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe, giving the continent a", "id": "5633773" }, { "contents": "Artificial hair integrations\n\n\non the package, generally, the darker the color. 1 usually denotes darkest black, and would become lighter with increasing number value, ending at the lightest blonde, then finally white. These colors vary greatly from one manufacturer to another, and certain specialty hair suppliers also create their own signature patterns and colors. Human hair colors: Come in an endless variety from platinum blonde to darkest natural black. True raw blonde human hair is scarce and is highly sought after. Textures of artificial hair vary from very straight to extremely", "id": "17737676" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Laurie Bembenek\n\n\nthat \"I recovered no blonde or red hairs of any length or texture ... [A]ll of the hairs I recovered from the body were brown and were grossly identical to the hair of the victim ... [I] do not like to suggest that evidence was altered in any way, but I can find no logical explanation for what amounted to the appearance of blonde hair in an envelope that contained no such hair at the time it was sealed by me.\" The apartment where Bembenek and Fred Schultz lived shared drainage with another", "id": "1964687" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nonly hair with color such as black, brown, or reddish-brown hair or dirty blonde can be removed. White hair, light blonde and strawberry blonde hair does not respond well. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, being most effective and producing the best results, but lasers such as the are able to target black hair in patients with dark skin with some success. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for \"permanent hair", "id": "21823829" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nlove blonde hair, but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark\". The cover art features a close-up of the singer's jean-clad midsection and bare midriff. The cover has been seen as a reference to \"Sticky Fingers\" by The Rolling Stones. The packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP were scented with patchouli oils to simulate church incense", "id": "10438367" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "The Lady from Shanghai\n\n\ncast his wife Rita Hayworth as Elsa and caused controversy when he made her cut her famous long red hair and bleach it blonde for the role. \"Orson was trying something new with me, but Harry Cohn wanted The Image—The Image he was gonna make me 'til I was 90,\" Rita Hayworth recalled. \"\"The Lady from Shanghai\" was a very good picture. So what does Harry Cohn say when he sees it? 'He's \"ruined\" you—he cut your hair off", "id": "11293393" }, { "contents": "Christina Hendricks\n\n\nand her brother to join a local theater group in Twin Falls as a way of making friends, and Hendricks appeared in a production of \"Grease\". \"I had all these amazing friends through the theatre company,” she recalled. “And it was a community that really respected theatre. The kids would put on a play and the entire town would show. And you were cool if you were an actor.” Hendricks, a natural blonde, began coloring her hair red at age 10, inspired by the", "id": "20876816" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry\n\n\n. Both women repeatedly denied the stories and attempted to dispel \"...the myth that women, especially blondes and brunettes, can’t get along in Hollywood.\" A different perspective on the Hollywood blonde vs. brunette rivalry was offered up by the dark-haired Teri Hatcher in a 1994 interview while she was starring in , \"I love that there are no blondes on our show. You see so many shows with so many blondes, and isn't everyone sick of that?\" At the same time ABC was running the", "id": "6098391" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbe determined with a Punnett square. The other gene pair is a non-red/red pair, where the non-red allele (which suppresses production of pheomelanin) is dominant and the allele for red hair is recessive. A person with two copies of the red-haired allele will have red hair. The two-gene model does not account for all possible shades of brown, blond, or red (for example, platinum blond versus dark blond/light brown), nor does it explain why hair color", "id": "218617" }, { "contents": "Midge (Barbie)\n\n\nhair that flipped at the ends. Buyers had an option of buying a doll with one of three different hair colors: red, blond, or brunette. Her face was usually brushed with freckles. The dolls that were sold without freckles had a longer hair style and are now hard to find. Depending on the doll's hair color, the color of her two-piece swimming suit varied. If Midge had red hair her swimsuit was yellow and orange, for blond hair it was in two shades of blue, and", "id": "18008354" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nsometimes darkens as a person ages. Several gene pairs control the light versus dark hair color in a cumulative effect. A person's genotype for a multifactorial trait can interact with the environment to produce varying phenotypes (see quantitative trait locus). Natural hair color can be brown, blond, black, red, or white; all natural hair colors including grey, white and lightest blond, are shades of brown. The Fischer–Saller scale, named after Eugen Fischer and , is used in physical anthropology and medicine to determine", "id": "218618" }, { "contents": "1990s in fashion\n\n\ncloser to the forehead. The pixie cut and Rachel haircut, based on the hairstyles of Jennifer Aniston in \"Friends\" and Marlo Thomas in \"That Girl\", were popular in America from 1995 onwards. Around the same time red hair also became a desirable color for women, as well as feathered bangs, and mini hair-buns. From 1995 until 2008, dark-haired women tended to dye their hair a lighter color with blonde highlights (popularized by Jennifer Aniston). In the late 1990s, the Bob", "id": "10981104" }, { "contents": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry\n\n\nMost people would tell you, if asked, that it doesn't matter what your hair colour is. What style your hair is in. They would say whatever is best for your face,\" explained Walker. \"But from a very young age these stereotypes appear. In cartoons and children's programming, we see the way women are portrayed based on their hair. The associations continue through childhood into adulthood.” The local NBC news affiliate in Charlotte tested Walker's theory by asking a natural blonde to walk around the", "id": "6098403" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nrecessive blond allele. A person with a brown allele will have brown hair; a person with no brown alleles will be blond. This explains why two brown-haired parents can produce a blond-haired child. However, this can only be possible if both parent are heterozygous in hair color- meaning that both of them have one dominant brown hair allele and one recessive allele for blond hair, but as dominant traits mask recessive ones the parents both have brown hair. The possibility of which trait may appear in an offspring can", "id": "218616" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nI'm not going to wear a wig, I'll just go with my red hair'. And I walk in and George Cukor said: 'would you like to take your hat off?' (laughter) and my hair was quite short back then and it was – it looked like feathers. And his face went ashen as to think: 'oh, what have done, this is absolutely terrible!' And he brought me in to see Katharine, and he said: 'Katharine, this girl has", "id": "21947150" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nrare in adulthood; according to the sociologist Christie Davies, only around five percent of adults in Europe and North America are naturally blond. A study conducted in 2003 concluded that only four percent of American adults are naturally blond. Nonetheless, a significant majority of Caucasian women (perhaps as high as three in four) dye their hair blond, a significantly higher percentage than for any other hair color. Blond hair is most common in Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea countries, where true blondism is believed to have originated. The pigmentation", "id": "5633781" }, { "contents": "Laundry Service\n\n\nheightened by the fact that Shakira, who was a natural brunette, had bleached her hair blonde at the time of the release of the album, which many viewed as a tactic to \"fit into the US market.\" Regarding this backlash, Shakira said, \"I know my Latin people find this difficult. And I want [my success] to be good news to my country. But it's typical that when you see somebody who is so close to you growing, you feel that the very word 'growing", "id": "21097177" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nof a dark blonde hue by the time they reach middle age. Pregnancy hormones hasten this process. Natural light blonde hair is rare in adulthood, with claims of the world's population ranging from 2% naturally blonde to 16% in the US. Blonde hair is most commonly found in Northern and Western Europeans and their descendants but can be found spread around most of Europe. Studies in 2012 showed that naturally blonde hair of Melanesians is caused by a recessive mutation in tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TYRP1). In the", "id": "218622" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npale blond. However, it can be red, darker blond, light brown, or rarely, even dark brown. Vitiligo is a patchy loss of hair and skin color that may occur as the result of an auto-immune disease. In a preliminary 2013 study, researchers treated the buildup of hydrogen peroxide which causes this with a light-activated pseudo-catalase. This produced significant media coverage that further investigation may someday lead to a general non-dye treatment for grey hair. Malnutrition is also known to cause hair", "id": "218634" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\ndepends on the original color of the hair, as well as the quality of the henna, and can range from orange to auburn to burgundy. Henna can be mixed with other natural hair dyes including \"Cassia obovata\" for lighter shades of red or even blond, or with indigo to achieve brown and black shades. Some products sold as \"henna\" include these other natural dyes. Others may include metal salts that can interact with other chemical treatments, or oils and waxes that may inhibit the dye, or dyes which", "id": "3908411" }, { "contents": "Amy Adams\n\n\nfilm is set), attending church. She described making the film as \"the summer I grew into myself\", and after dyeing her hair red for the part, she decided to not go back to her natural blonde color. \"Junebug\" premiered at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, where Adams won a special jury prize. Tim Robey of \"The Daily Telegraph\" labeled the film a \"small, quiet miracle\" and wrote that Adams had given \"one of the most delicately funny and heartbreaking performances it's", "id": "1148062" }, { "contents": "Gwen Stefani\n\n\nfrequently wears shirts that expose it. Stefani's makeup design generally includes light face powder, bright red lipstick, and arched eyebrows; she wrote about the subject in a song titled \"Magic's in the Makeup\" for No Doubt's \"Return of Saturn\", asking \"If the magic's in the makeup/Then who am I?\". Stefani is a natural brunette, but her hair has not been its natural color since she was in ninth grade. Since late 1994, she has usually had platinum blonde", "id": "5645550" }, { "contents": "Carly Corinthos\n\n\ninterested in a recast, but did so out of necessity. Braun had previously appeared on \"Party of Five\" and \"Buffy the Vampire Slayer\". The naturally brunette Braun even colored her hair blonde. Braun auditioned opposite Benard four times before booking the gig. Braun answered the casting call for the role of Sarah, which many assumed was a recast of Sarah Webber. In an interview with \"Soap Opera Digest\" from September 2001, Braun explained that \"Right before booking this job, I had vowed to quit", "id": "11842751" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\n. On one hand, over history, blonde hair in women has often been considered attractive and desirable. Blonde hair has been considered attractive for long periods of time in various European cultures, particularly when coupled with blue eyes. This perception is exploited in culture and advertising. In contemporary popular culture, it is often stereotyped that men find blonde women more attractive than women with other hair colors. For example, Anita Loos popularized this idea in her 1925 novel \"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes\". Blondes are often assumed to have more", "id": "16093617" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "Emma Stone\n\n\n. She portrayed Gwen Stacy, the love interest of the title character (played by Andrew Garfield). Stone returned to a blond hair color for the role, having dyed it red previously. She told \"The Vancouver Sun\" that she felt responsible to educate herself about Spider-Man and admitted that she had not read the comics: \"My experience was with the Sam Raimi movies ... I always assumed that Mary Jane was his first love\", adding that she was only familiar with Stacy's character from Bryce Dallas", "id": "18928195" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\nhospital just passing by, a Mr Rousseau. He, too, refused and so the next passer-by, the administrator of the hospital, was offered the painting - and he, a certain Mr Neuvière, is said to have accepted. Rey later reminisced: \"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting", "id": "7561443" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\nsame women split between two sets of attached photos - blonde and brunette. The brunette was considered more for a managerial position and for a higher salary. A 2011 University of Westminster study evaluated how men perceived women who entered a London nightclub as a blonde or a brunette. The study, published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, used the same woman and had her dye her hair a different color for each visit. The results showed that, as a blonde, she was more likely to be approached for conversation than as", "id": "16093638" }, { "contents": "Elfen Lied\n\n\nisland, and there is greater variation in hair and eye color. In the manga a Diclonius' hair color can be as diverse as a human being's (e.g. Nana and Mariko have purple and blond hair, respectively) while in the anime, the female Diclonii have a uniform red or pink hair and eye color. Diclonius genetics are also explained in greater detail in the manga: For example, Kurama explains the purpose of the Silpelits and that the Diclonius virus can only be passed into the human male to produce Diclonius", "id": "17869369" }, { "contents": "Miss Coco Peru\n\n\nand just relate to the story. This is what I had in mind when I started writing my first drag show.\" \"So I put all those things together: I'm a drag queen/two spirit/gay activist/entertainer. And everything fell into place. It was really a magical time in my life,\" Leupp said. To find Coco's signature hairdo, he tried blonde and black wigs but thought they looked terrible; when he tried red, Leupp said \"that's the color.\"", "id": "3334229" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\n. The Romans established provinces such as Hispania Terraconensis that were inhabited largely by Gallaeci, whose red and blond-haired descendants (which also include those of Visigothic origins) have continued to inhabit northern areas of Spain such as Galicia and Portugal into the modern era. Medieval Scandinavian art and literature often places emphasis on the length and color of a woman's hair, considering long, blond hair to be the ideal. In Norse mythology, the goddess Sif has famously blond hair, which some scholars have identified as representing golden wheat", "id": "5633806" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nbeing reddish. This is in reference to red hair itself, not the color red. Auburn encompasses the color maroon, but so too do chestnut and burgundy. In contrast with the two, auburn is more red in color, while chestnut is more brown, and burgundy is more purple; chestnut hair is also often referred to as \"chestnut-brown\". The word \"auburn\" comes from the Old French word \"alborne\", which meant blond, coming from Latin word \"alburnus\" (\"off-", "id": "11952791" }, { "contents": "Blonde on Blonde\n\n\npieces of Dylan's philosophy: \"Your debutante just knows what you need/ But I know what you want\" and \"here I sit so patiently/ Waiting to find out what price/ You have to pay to get out of/ Going through all these things twice\". \"Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat\" is a sarcastic satire on materialism, fashion and faddism. Done in Chicago-blues style, the song derives its melody and part of its lyrics from Lightnin' Hopkins's \"Automobile (Blues)\". Paul", "id": "20514161" }, { "contents": "Ariel (The Little Mermaid)\n\n\nin the changing environments, both under the sea and on land, for which the animators required thirty-two color models, not including costume changes. The bluish-green color of Ariel's mermaid tail was a hue specially mixed by the Disney paint lab; the color was named \"Ariel\" after the character. The choice of red as Ariel's hair color was the subject of dispute between the filmmakers and studio executives who wanted the character to have blonde hair. It was noted that red hair contrasted better with Ariel", "id": "5177900" }, { "contents": "Jayne Mansfield\n\n\nA natural brunette, Mansfield had her hair bleached, and colored platinum blonde when she moved to Los Angeles, and became one of the early \"blonde bombshells\", along with Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable and Mamie Van Doren. In 1958, she also had her eyebrows dyed platinum. Following Jean Harlow (who started the trend with her film \"Bombshell\"), Monroe, Mansfield, Van Doren and Diana Dors helped establish the stereotype typified by a combination of curvaceous physique, very light-colored hair, and a", "id": "18443892" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nhair is frequently mistaken with what is called Venetian hair due to similar definitions and origins. Definitions of Venetian hair describe it as being reddish and golden in quality, but the distinction between the two is that Titian is a golden-brown, and Venetian a golden-yellow. The two are also often referred to as Titian-red and Venetian-blond, respectively, to emphasize the distinction. The origins of the formulas to create these hair colors by dyeing are also the same. As the Venetian women had more methods", "id": "8900957" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nthe side of turning hair a little too red, in the absence of enough blue, instead of possibly giving the hair a purple or blue tint, in the absence of enough yellow and/or red pigmentation (as might be the case when applied to grey or very light blonde hair). The first way that hot roots can occur involves two separate color applications. Once permanent hair color is applied and subsequent hair growth occurs, the roots of the affected hair can, and usually do, exhibit a noticeably different color from the", "id": "12863612" }, { "contents": "G.I. Joe: America's Movable Fighting Man\n\n\nsize; some early figures had no trademarkings at all; some have brass rivets on all or some of the joints. By now, many figures suffer from the effects of age, and exhibit stress cracks in some joints. Four hair colors were offered in 1964; Blonde, Auburn (Red), Brown and Black. Eye colors were specifically matched to hair colors; Blonde and Brown hair came with brown eyes, Black and Auburn hair came with blue eyes. In 1965 an American-ethnic version of the basic soldier", "id": "19462686" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nClassification of race based on physical characteristics such as hair color is seen as a \"flawed, pseudo-scientific relic of the past.\" In contemporary popular culture, blonde women are stereotyped as being more sexually attractive to men than women with other hair colors. For example, Anita Loos popularized this idea in her 1925 novel \"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes\". Some women have reported they feel other people expect them to be more fun-loving after having lightened their hair. Madonna popularized the short bleached blond haircut after the release", "id": "5633813" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\n% of the South African population. A number of blond naturally mummified bodies of common people (i.e. not proper mummies) dating to Roman times have been found in the Fagg El Gamous cemetery in Egypt. \"Of those whose hair was preserved 54% were blondes or redheads, and the percentage grows to 87% when light-brown hair color is added.\" Excavations have been ongoing since the 1980s. Burials seem to be clustered by hair-colour. Aboriginal Australians, especially in the west-central parts of the", "id": "5633786" }, { "contents": "The Helga Pictures\n\n\nbetween me and a lot of painters is that I have to have a personal contact with my models. ... I have to become enamored. Smitten. That's what happened when I saw Helga.\" He described his attraction to \"all her German qualities, her strong, determined stride, that Loden coat, the braided blond hair\". Art historian John Wilmerding wrote, \"Such close attention by a painter to one model over so long a period of time is a remarkable, if not singular, circumstance in the", "id": "20344123" }, { "contents": "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party!)\n\n\nproducer, Rick Rubin, who was shown wearing an AC/DC & Slayer shirt, the latter of whom were also signed to Def Jam at the time. Soren, whose hair was dyed blonde for the shoot, got her chance to be in the video because she was a friend of Rubin's and attended nearby New York University. \"I worked hard at not getting any pie goo on me,\" she recalls, because the whipped cream used had been scoured from supermarket trash cans since there was no money in", "id": "17556481" }, { "contents": "Malaita\n\n\nchocolate to tawny, most clearly darker than Polynesians, but not generally as dark as the peoples of Bougainville or the western Solomons, who Malaitans refer to as \"black men\". Most have dark brown or black bushy hair, but it varies in color from reddish blond, yellow to whitish blond, to ebony black, and in texture from frizzled to merely wavy. Tourists often mistakenly believe the blond hair of Malaitans is bleached by peroxide, but this is not so; the blond or reddish hair colour is quite natural", "id": "11244387" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Strawberry Blonde (band)\n\n\nStrawberry Blonde is a Danish singer / songwriter duo from Odense on Funen, consisting of the twins Betina and Anja Følleslev (born April 19, 1979). The name of the group comes from their natural hair color which is sandy or as some calls it Strawberry Blonde. Since 2004 the group has performed at smaller and larger concerts in Denmark and abroad, they appear about 60 times a year. Strawberry Blonde really came to live in 2001 when the group got a record deal and recorded a studio album with producer Amir Aly", "id": "982491" }, { "contents": "Troy Davis\n\n\n– I know all of you are still convinced that I'm the person that killed your father, your son and your brother, but I am innocent. The incident that happened that night was not my fault. I did not have a gun that night. I did not shoot your family member. But I am so sorry for your loss. I really am – sincerely. All I can ask is that each of you look deeper into this case, so that you really will finally see the truth. I ask", "id": "7689546" }, { "contents": "MTV Video Music Award\n\n\ntops and baggy jeans with dyed bleach blonde hair. Britney Spears performed \"(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction\" and her hit \"Oops!... I Did It Again\", which gained media attention mostly due to Spears' ripping off a tuxedo to reveal skin-colored performance attire. At performance’s end, VMA co-host Marlon Wayans proclaimed, \"Girl done went from ’The Mickey Mouse Club’ to the strip club.\" At the end of Christina Aguilera's performance, Durst walked onstage and", "id": "6126584" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Selena Forrest\n\n\nYork Times\" style magazine, \".\" Forrest has spoken out on issues of racial equity in the fashion industry, critiquing designers who don't cast models of color as well as the lack of stylists able to care for black women's hair properly. Speaking to \"The Cut\", Forrest described her sexuality as, \"I love girls. Or, you know what, I just love people. So, that’s what it is. I don’t really categorize it, but if there was a category,", "id": "14712977" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Hair theft\n\n\non the streets by an opportunist hair thief in 1914. According to a victim interviewed by the \"Grey River Argus\", \"For the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly when or where I lost my hair. I didn't feel anything at all ... when opposite Te Aro House, my friend said: 'Oh, someone's cut your hair off!' I laughed and said it was nonsense, but I found it was only too true.\" In more recent times, outbreaks of hair theft", "id": "19528123" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Hair fetishism\n\n\nTrichophilia may also involve facial hair, chest hair, pubic hair, armpit hair and animal fur. The excitation can arise from the texture, color, hairstyle and hair length. Among the most common variants of this paraphilia are excitation by long hair and short hair, the excitement of blonde hair (blonde fetishism) and red hair (redhead fetishism) and the excitement of the different textures of hair (straight, curly, wavy, etc.). Trichophilia can relate to the excitement that is caused by plucking or pulling", "id": "6968888" }, { "contents": "Ain't No Cure for Love\n\n\nlove I see you in the subway and I see you on the bus I see you lying down with me, I see you waking up I see your hand, I see your hair Your bracelets and your brush And I call to you, I call to you But I don’t call soft enough There ain’t no cure There ain’t no cure There ain’t no cure for love I walked into this empty church, I had no place else to go When the sweetest voice I ever heard, whispered to my", "id": "15014949" }, { "contents": "Murder of Marilee Bruszer\n\n\nat and , respectively. The victim was said to have light blond hair that was long, although some sources state that it was brown, strawberry blond or sandy blond. Her natural hair color was likely light brown, as some pubic hair was found. With the body, a double-hooped earring was found along with a white barrette. She had some dental crowding, which caused one of her front teeth to be crooked. The woman was believed to be between eighteen and twenty-two when she was strangled several", "id": "20791927" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\nHis nickname is a reversal of Neil Young, a frequent collaborator of musician Stephen Stills. In regards to his hair colour, when a Tumblr user asked O'Malley why the character's hair colour was \"light brown-nearly blond\" in the colour section of \"Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together\" but in the new colour editions had a brown colour that is darker than Scott's colour, O'Malley replied saying that \"the reason is that I don’t care what color Young Neil’s hair is. (laughs) Who’s", "id": "11339027" }, { "contents": "George S. Patton\n\n\nduty, he can have anything I've got. By God! I love him.\" Addressing the 761st Tank Battalion Patton also said, \"Men, you are the first Negro tankers ever to fight in the American Army. I would never have asked for you if you weren't good. I have nothing but the best in my army. I don't care what color you are, so long as you go up there and kill those Kraut sonsabitches! Everyone has their eyes on you and is expecting great things", "id": "19511105" }, { "contents": "The Heartbreak Kid (1972 film)\n\n\nlooking, knockout blonde shiksa type?\" This is despite the intentions of Jeannie Berlin, who told The New York Times that she did her best to honor the character and give Lila depth: \"You see, I didn't want to make that girl stupid. It would have been so easy to do Lila stupid. I don't think Lila was stupid. I think every single thing she did was justified to her...And she really was terrifically in love.\" For the role of Lila, Simon wanted Diane", "id": "13425618" }, { "contents": "Scene (subculture)\n\n\n. In the late 2010s, the scene subculture was seen to lose popularity. The scene subculture has been looked down upon by the emo subculture. Scene fashion is known for its bright colored clothing, skinny jeans, ear gauges, sunglasses, piercings, large belt buckles, wristbands, eyeliner, hair extensions, and straight, androgynous flat hair with long bangs covering the forehead and sometimes one or both eyes. Scene people often dye their hair colors like blond, pink, red, green, or bright blue. According to", "id": "20030150" }, { "contents": "Isabella I of Castile\n\n\nHoly Roman Emperor (Carlos I of Spain), alongside her husband Ferdinand, her daughter Joanna and Joanna's husband Philip I; and Isabella's 2-year-old grandson, Miguel da Paz (the son of Isabella's daughter, also named Isabella, and King Manuel I of Portugal). The museum next to the Capilla Real holds her crown and scepter. Isabella was short but of strong stocky build, of a very fair complexion, and had a hair color that was between strawberry-blonde and auburn. Some portraits", "id": "1094242" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nbrunets existed among them.\" \"Brunette\" can be used, however, like \"blonde\", to describe a mixed-gender populace. The \"OED\" quotes Grant Allen, \"The nation which resulted... being sometimes blonde, sometimes brunette.\" \"Blond\" and \"blonde\" are also occasionally used to refer to objects that have a color reminiscent of fair hair. For example, the \"OED\" records its use in 19th-century poetic diction to describe flowers, \"a variety of clay ironstone", "id": "5633772" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nrespectable matron was only black haired, never blonde. In the same passage, he mentioned that Cato the Elder wrote that some matrons would sprinkle golden dust on their hair to make it reddish-color. Emperor Lucius Verus (r. 161 – 169 AD) was said to sprinkle gold-dust on his already \"golden\" blond hair to make it even blonder and brighter. From an ethnic point of view, Roman authors associated blond and red hair with the Gauls and the Germans: e.g., Virgil describes the hair of", "id": "5633802" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nof love and beauty, was reputed to have blond hair. In ancient Greece and Rome, blond hair was frequently associated with prostitutes, who dyed their hair using saffron dyes in order to attract customers. The Greeks stereotyped Thracians and slaves as blond and the Romans associated blondness with the Celts and the Germans to the north. In western Europe during the Middle Ages, long, blond hair was idealized as the paragon of female beauty. The Norse goddess Sif and the medieval heroine Iseult were both significantly portrayed as blond and,", "id": "5633764" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\nthe film, Envy has blond hair instead of red hair. Edgar Wright originally read the volumes unbound, so he did not see the colour covers until later. He envisioned Envy being blonde. When discussing Envy with O'Malley, he identified her as a blonde. O'Malley said that while he had coloured her hair red at one time, the character may have a good appearance with blonde hair. During initial costume tests, the red wig was applied, but O'Malley said \"nobody was super into it.\" During the blond", "id": "11339033" }, { "contents": "List of Oh My Goddess! characters\n\n\nrecommend her for promotion to the \"Silver Wings\" unit. In the manga we can see this new goddess with a different hair color than in the movie: instead of being brown, she seems to be blonde or with a very light hair at least. Ere and Ex have so far only been glimpsed in the manga, in a cartoon when Chrono gets back in heaven, showing the two goddesses interrupted in their discussion during a scene in which Peorth teases Chrono and later when Hagal's demons make too many contracts with", "id": "16445943" } ]
Hi, I love Jazz, which is a music genre that originated in the African-American That is amazing, since when have this type of music been in existence For a long time actually, but it was in the 1920s through the Jazz Age, that jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. I love it sometimes too but i am not familiar to any artiste that sings it. Do you know of any Yes Ravi Bissambhar is a Trinidadian chutney musician who makes jazz music! Which of his song is the most popular. Maybe i could have heard of it before
[{"answer": "Sangre Grande is one of his hit singles, and adds a tinge of Indian descent music!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "6785089", "title": "Ravi Bissambhar", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 256, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 290, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Personal life.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n's rise as a hive of cultural and artistic activity. It was recognized as the Harlem Renaissance, which allowed for the flowering of music, poetry, and art in the Black community. Jazz music is a musical genre through which many African American artists express their feelings of pain, joy, and freedom. It originated in New Orleans, making its way to Chicago through the diaspora of black southerners during the Great Migration. By the end of the 1920s, Chicago had become the music metropolis for jazz. Jazz was a", "id": "4863474" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nof jazz.. In the 1920s, jazz became recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. From Africa, jazz got its rhythm, \"blues\", and traditions of playing or singing in one's own expressive way. From Europe, jazz got its harmony and instruments. Both used improvisation, which became a large part of jazz.", "id": "20467296" }, { "contents": "Ravi Bissambhar\n\n\n, music director, producer and arranger for his band Karma which was founded by him with his brother (Anil Bissambhar) and his sister (Nisha Bissambhar). He is also a top radio personality with Trinidad and Tobago’s Indian radio station, 90.5fm. Ravi B's love for music and singing took him to several countries across the globe where he is on a mission to take chutney soca to places that is not familiar with this genre of music. Ravi B is considered one of the most talented and hard working artistes", "id": "1094436" }, { "contents": "Except Sometimes\n\n\nExcept Sometimes is the debut studio album of American singer-songwriter Molly Ringwald released on April 9, 2013, through Concord Records. It is a jazz record that follows a tradition of the Ringwald family set by her father. \"I grew up in a home filled with music and had an early appreciation of jazz since my dad was a jazz musician [pianist Bob Ringwald]. Beginning at around age three I started singing with his band and jazz music has continued to be one of my three passions along with acting and", "id": "9105327" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Water (Gregory Porter album)\n\n\nBBC Music noted that \"Gregory Porter has a voice and musicality to be reckoned with\" and that Mr. Porter could help fill the gap of new male African-American jazz singers. Howard Dukes of Soul Tracks claims Gregory Porter as a new talent, \"an artist who has a number of classic, familiar elements in his style, but whose approach brings a freshness that both jazz and soul fans should love\" and continues with praise: \"I think Nat King Cole would be pleased.\" All songs written by Gregory", "id": "6113498" }, { "contents": "Sarina Paris\n\n\nitaly, and film and continues to sing with jazz bands but she never lost her love for electronic music either. She continues to write and record jazz and electronic songs. “I don’t feel there is one type of music we should be boxed into. Yes, Jazz is my heart and soul, but everyone moves their body and taps their feet and sways their hips to a good dance beat. Either way people wake up with music. It’s a language of the soul. Sometimes in life we need to", "id": "7911005" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Ravi Bissambhar\n\n\nRavi Bissambhar (born October 27, 1982) is a Trinidadian chutney musician. Ravi Bissambhar, born to a musical family in Sangre Grande, Trinidad and Tobago, attended the Sangre Grande Hindu school, North Eastern College, University of the West Indies and is still currently pursuing higher levels of academic and musical knowledge. His parents are of Indian descent. Ravi started his career singing at the age of 13 and ever since this young artiste has just kept on aspiring. At the age of 25 he was already the lead vocalist", "id": "1094435" }, { "contents": "Isaiah Katumwa\n\n\nto best describe his music. ‘’Beyond the limiting boxes and categories placed on the industry, I believe in artistic originality based on my genuine influences to express my African grooves, Smooth Jazz influence and Christian upbringing’’ says Isaiah . His experience and love for the saxophone dates back over 20 years, but he broke onto the international professional music scene eight years ago at a time wen jazz in Uganda and in east Africa did not have a significant presence on the music scene. At a time when a sole performance", "id": "14198509" }, { "contents": "French jazz\n\n\nJazz music has been popular in France since the 1920s. Its international popularity peaked in the 1930s, and it has been continually enjoyed since. Following World War I, a number of American expatriates settled in Paris and began to build up a jazz scene. France did not suffer from racial discrimination as much as the US, so a mixture of musical styles from different cultures began to emerge. As with Brazil, the French were at first concerned it was too American of an influence before \"making it their own.\"", "id": "6876311" }, { "contents": "Debby Ryan\n\n\nthat her other role models include Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, and Tobey Maguire. When asked about musical tastes, she said, \"I love jazz! I love singing it. I also love country! My brother loves rock; he also has this chill Jason Mraz-like style. So basically, my answer is: jazz-country-rock-alternative? I have no idea! But I honestly would love to make country music\". Ryan was involved in Disney's Friends for Change. She was featured", "id": "10576897" }, { "contents": "I Loves You, Porgy\n\n\n\"I Loves You, Porgy\" is a duet from the opera \"Porgy and Bess\" with music by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin. It was published in 1935. Originally a duet by Anne Brown and Todd Duncan in the 1935 production and in the 1942 revival of the opera, \"I Loves You, Porgy\" has been recorded as a solo number by a number of popular vocalists and jazz musicians, most notably Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, and Bill Evans. Nina Simone's recording of the song", "id": "7533375" }, { "contents": "Australian jazz\n\n\nJazz music has a long history in Australia. Over the years jazz has held a high-profile at local clubs, festivals and other music venues and a vast number of recordings have been produced by Australian jazz musicians, many of whom have gone on to gain a high profile in the international jazz arena. Jazz is an American musical genre originated by African Americans but the style was rapidly and enthusiastically taken up by musicians all over the world, including Australia. Jazz and jazz-influenced syncopated dance music was being performed in", "id": "5822827" }, { "contents": "Brian Simpson (musician)\n\n\nBrian Simpson is a contemporary jazz pianist and composer. He has released 8 albums as a solo artist, his most recent, \"Something About You\", released in 2018. Simpson was born and raised in Gurnee, Illinois to very music-oriented parents. His father was a fan of jazz music, and Simpson says, \"Our house was filled with music. I never really considered any other lifestyle.\" The musician also states that his brother and sister both played instruments. At the age of ten, he", "id": "7168997" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "Song of Innocence\n\n\nthe music could be better characterized as art pop than jazz. Axelrod, who had produced bebop albums before working for Capitol, asserted that jazz played a crucial role in the music: \"For years, all I did was jazz. When I first got in the record business, I was so into jazz that I had never heard Elvis Presley. I still probably listen to jazz more than anything else.\" Axelrod composed the album as a tone poem suite based on Blake's illustrated 1789 collection of poems \"Songs of", "id": "4324715" }, { "contents": "Jazz poetry\n\n\nJazz poetry has been defined as poetry that \"demonstrates jazz-like rhythm or the feel of improvisation\" and also as poetry that takes jazz music, musicians, or the jazz milieu as its subject. Some critics consider it a distinct genre though others consider the term to be merely descriptive. Jazz poetry has long been something of an \"outsider\" art form that exists somewhere outside the mainstream, having been conceived in the 1920s by African Americans, maintained in the 1950s by counterculture poets like those of the Beat generation,", "id": "1816139" }, { "contents": "Diane Schuur\n\n\nup in class. Schuur started singing when she was about three years old. Her mother, who died when Schuur was 13, loved jazz and had a Duke Ellington record collection. Her father, a police captain, was an amateur musician who often played piano with his daughter sitting by his side. Schuur stated, \"As far back as I can remember, singing was in my blood. My parents loved music, and I loved to sing. I was scatting at an early age\". She has absolute pitch", "id": "818772" }, { "contents": "I Didn't Know About You (album)\n\n\nI Didn't Know About You is the debut studio album by American jazz singer Karrin Allyson. The album was released in 1992 via Concord Jazz label. She has remained with Concord Jazz for her next 13 albums issued through 2011. Jack Fuller of the \"Chicago Tribune\" stated \"This young singer is terrific. Part cabaret, part Cassandra Wilson, Karrin Allyson has a lovely musical range and a sharp, clear, slightly nasal voice which is capable of stunning scat and other instrumental effects as well as the straight, lyrical", "id": "8522086" }, { "contents": "Jade Villalon\n\n\nstuff out ( I dare you to find it on youtube! hint country ) and basically just being an artist. \"Geo and I have remained close friends, and obviously we have a long history. We have also been collaborating for some of his artists and others, as you are now hearing on Symphobia. We will still do music together in the future for me, for others, for anything because we both love making music. \"So yes I am still here, still singing, still writing, and still", "id": "10936292" }, { "contents": "Ági Szalóki\n\n\nto the Théatre de la Ville in Paris, from New York to Beijing. Since 2005, she began to pursue her solo career and explore various genres, such as jazz, thirties ballads, or children's songs. Until now, three of her six released albums were awarded Album of the Year Prize (MAHASZ Fonogram Award) in the children's records and jazz categories. \"When I sing it's not important whether it's jazz or traditional music or music of any other kind\", Szalóki has said. \"", "id": "11107191" }, { "contents": "(I Got No Kick Against) Modern Jazz\n\n\n(I Got No Kick Against) Modern Jazz is a 1995 tribute album by various jazz artists and bands from the GRP Records label. It consists of jazz cover versions of songs originally by The Beatles. The album's title comes from the lyrics of the Beatles's cover of the Chuck Berry song, \"Rock and Roll Music\", which was originally released on the studio album \"Beatles for Sale\". AllMusic found most of the tracks too similar to the originals, making it \"predictable and quite forgettable\".", "id": "3971220" }, { "contents": "Bona Makes You Sweat\n\n\nBona Makes You Sweat is the first live album by Cameroonian jazz bassist and musician Richard Bona. It was recorded in A 38 club in Budapest, Hungary in 2007, and released on March 7, 2008 through Universal Music Jazz France. The album has charted in France. Bona said, \"After every concert I’ve ever played, I get people coming up saying they’d love to have a souvenir of the show. That’s the reason I recorded this album—for my fans.\" \"Bona’s fifth and", "id": "22114096" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "Voila (album)\n\n\nrelease describing the album, Carlisle said \"After I moved to France, I became familiar with the classic French chansons and a lot of French pop music. I realized there was a whole world of artists and singers I was not familiar with. As I discovered all these amazing songs, I came to love this music and wanted to record some of them with a playful, contemporary feel.\" Describing how music can transcend any language barrier Carlisle stated, \"You don't really have to know what's being sung to", "id": "6180416" }, { "contents": "Larry Heard\n\n\nof house and the lush, soulful sound of disco. Born on the South Side of Chicago, Heard grew up hearing jazz and Motown at home, and could play several instruments from a young age. Before beginning his solo musical career in 1983, he was the drummer, at the age of 17, in the band Infinity (a jazz fusion cover group that included Adonis). He is sometimes cited as having been a member of the Manhattan Transfer, but Heard has denied this, saying, \"[I]", "id": "1221510" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "African Americans\n\n\nand evolved from other black forms of music, including blues, doo-wop, barbershop, ragtime, bluegrass, jazz, and gospel music. African-American-derived musical forms have also influenced and been incorporated into virtually every other popular music genre in the world, including country and techno. African-American genres are the most important ethnic vernacular tradition in America, as they have developed independent of African traditions from which they arise more so than any other immigrant groups, including Europeans; make up the broadest and longest", "id": "1912756" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nleading part in the new musical \"April Follies\". Back at the family home Jack left long ago, the elder Rabinowitz instructs a young student in the traditional cantorial art. Jack appears and tries to explain his point of view, and his love of modern music, but the appalled cantor banishes him: \"I never want to see you again—you \"jazz singer!\"\" As he leaves, Jack makes a prediction: \"I came home with a heart full of love, but you don't want", "id": "18962887" }, { "contents": "Soultans\n\n\ninspirations as 1970's music, Soultans has added elements of hip hop, jazz and soul to their music, following in the lines of Londonbeat, another English band. The group is most notable for its popular 1996 songs, \"\"Can't take my hands off you\"\" and \"\"I Heard It Through the Grapevine\"\". The band released two albums in the 1990s, \"\"Love, Sweat and Tears\"\" in 1997 which reached #2 in Denmark, and \"\"Take Off\"\"", "id": "8088286" }, { "contents": "Ayiesha Woods\n\n\nsaid, \"I don't want to be placed in one specific category. I think I represent a lot of different styles of music\". Her debut album \"Introducing Ayiesha Woods\" has been labeled as having \"something for everyone\", and critics have compared her singing voice to Tracy Chapman and Tasmin Archer. \"Love Like This\" is also a multi-genre project, \"subtly adding jazz infusions\" on the song \"Take Me There\", although \"Christian Music Today\"'s review said that it", "id": "19962952" }, { "contents": "Jazz in India\n\n\nJazz music in India originated in the 1920s in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) and in Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta), where African-American jazz musicians performed. They inspired Goan musicians who then imbibed jazz into the sounds of India’s Hindi film music industry. There has been much interaction between Indian music and jazz music. An active jazz scene exists today in cities like Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay), Pune, Delhi, Goa, and Kolkata. In India, jazz was probably first performed regularly", "id": "8000165" }, { "contents": "Music of Botswana\n\n\nSouth African Jazz, Disco music and Botswana traditional dances and songs to make it more appealing genre to local and international audience. Afro-pop and Afro-Jazz artists include: This genre originates from the townships of Johannesburg. It has now found its way into Botswana, where it is becoming popular. Kwaito artists include : An African version of rhumba, popularised in Central Africa, kwasa kwasa has a strong following in Botswana and has produced a number of musicians. It has a slower rhythm than original rhumba (increasing in", "id": "11581674" }, { "contents": "Serocee\n\n\nnumber of musical genres from Reggae to Jazz. The most notable artists to influence his music range from the likes of Bob Marley and Ninjaman to Nas, Redman, Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles. \"The list goes on I suppose I have an eclectic musical pallet\" Serocee said nonchalantly in an interview once. Since moving to London in 1999, he has been busy with various aspects of life both musically and day to day living, \"People sometimes don't realise that music is like a relationship, one minute you're", "id": "4743593" }, { "contents": "Don Gardner\n\n\njazz musician, and had been part of the management of the Clef Club of Jazz in Philadelphia since 1985, serving as Executive Director. Lovett Hines, the current Artistic Director of the Philadelphia Clef Club, was at the hospital when Gardner died, playing the artist's music. \"And I just held the telephone to his ear on YouTube,\" Hines said. \"And you could see his reaction with his eyes moving and moving his hand. So he responded to the music, and I'm glad that was the", "id": "10703728" }, { "contents": "Anthony Braxton\n\n\nTrumpeter Wynton Marsalis said Braxton's music isn't jazz. Kelsey called it \"art music\". Braxton called it \"creative music\". He has said that he is not a jazz musician. But he has also said, \"even though I have been saying I'm not a jazz musician for the last 25 years; in the final analysis, an African-American with a saxophone? Ahh, he's jazz!\" Braxton has composed works for large-scale orchestras, including three opera cycles. He has", "id": "1811076" }, { "contents": "John Hammond (record producer)\n\n\nrecognized jazz music to have originated as an African-American musical genre. When Hammond entered the jazz community, integration had not yet begun. Black and white musicians rarely played together and often the prestigious locations permitted only white audiences. Hammond remembers that before the 1920s, black musicians could always find jobs, even if they were low paying. After the instatement of Local 802, a union of professional musicians within New York City, Hammond saw more white people receiving jobs than black people. However, this did not stop the", "id": "9465509" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Lorraine Gordon\n\n\nstuck to what I loved. That was my art. I'm not a musician; I'm not a singer; I'm not a painter; I'm not an actress. I'm none of those things. But throughout my life I followed the course of the music that I loved.\" The book received the ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music print publishing. In 2013, Gordon's contribution to jazz music was recognized by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, and she received the NEA Jazz Master", "id": "10116511" }, { "contents": "The Complete Ella Fitzgerald Song Books\n\n\nline quoted in every obituary: \"I never knew how good our songs were until I heard Ella Fitzgerald sing them.\" Most of the rest of us didn't know, either. By the time she had gone through the entire canon, songs that had been pigeonholed as show tunes or jazz novelties or faded relics of Tin Pan Alley had become American classical music, the property and pride of everyone.\" Frank Sinatra was moved out of respect for Fitzgerald to block Capitol from re-releasing his own albums in a", "id": "15943559" }, { "contents": "Jazz (manga)\n\n\nday for Naoki when he meets the one person who gives him the happiness to vibrant life for as long as he lives; this person happens to be his caretaker. Like slow, traditional jazz music or a jazz song, the thoughts of his beloved float through every waking moment. But can Naoki make his caretaker's heart sing back to him and tell him that he loves him too? A wounded soul never fully recovers: Will Naoki suffer the painful blow of unrequited love or will love will be by his side forever", "id": "12661476" }, { "contents": "Krzysztof Komeda\n\n\njazz that related to European traditions and which was the synthesis of the two most popular groups at that time: The Modern Jazz Quartet and the Gerry Mulligan Quartet. In the thirteen years after the I Sopot Jazz Festival, the artistic personality of Krzysztof Trzciński became more mature, crystallized and lyrically poetic. Krzysztof was, above all, a constantly searching poet who could find ways of individual expression of himself within jazz, in Slavic lyricism, and in the traditions of Polish music. The years 1956–1962 saw Komeda with his group taking", "id": "4579089" }, { "contents": "You Know That I Love You (Donell Jones song)\n\n\n\"You Know That I Love You\" is a song by American recording artist Donell Jones, released on April 9, 2002 as the first single from the album, \"Life Goes On\" (2002). Jazz saxophonist Kim Waters covers \"You Know That I Love You\" on his 2002 album titled \"Someone to Love You\", and Kim Waters' cover was picked by several Urban AC stations and some stations such as KJLH in Los Angeles played the Donell Jones version with the jazz mixed in late 2002,", "id": "13182765" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Bulgaria\n\n\nsuch as the unusual timbres, complex, and often asymmetrical meters, unusual for western music melodies and often passionate aggressive style of playing. Bulgarian clarinetist Ivo Papazov and his band do not deviate too much from the wedding band music style, though they are active performers at jazz festivals as well as the countryside. They have recorded several albums which have been received well internationally. Blending jazz and folk music is only successful when the player has a good familiarity with both styles. One of the leading musicians of that style is Teodosii", "id": "13166376" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\nknew if I could do that, I could do anything.\" Jazz rock fusion's technically challenging guitar solos, bass solos and odd metered, syncopated drumming started to be incorporated in the technically focused progressive metal genre in the early 1990s. Progressive rock, with its affinity for long solos, diverse influences, non-standard time signatures and complex music had very similar musical values as jazz fusion. Some prominent examples of progressive rock mixed with elements of fusion is the music of Gong, King Crimson, Ozric Tentacles and Emerson", "id": "2409280" }, { "contents": "The Amazing Nina Simone (film)\n\n\nsong \"I Loves You, Porgy\" and became a unique voice, that was typically called jazz, but combined elements of classical, folk, pop, gospel, hymns, African, Jewish music and more. As the film recounts, she would ultimately use her musical voice to protest the inequality and brutality of segregation and American racism through songs like Mississippi Goddam, To Be Young, Gifted and Black, Four Women (song), Pirate Jenny and many more. The film is told through the stories and memories of", "id": "14183515" }, { "contents": "MUSA's\n\n\ntheir debut. From December 2011 to early January in 2012, Gary Chaw, with MUSA's Trio and Michael Tu, presented the \"Gary Chaw SENSATION x JAZZ\" concerts in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Taichung. At the same time there came the limited single \"Project Sensation JAZZ\" solely available in the live hall and online music showcase, including \"All I Have To Do Is Dream\" and \"I Just Called To Say I Love You\". The songs are newly arranged by MUSA's Trio, and the single", "id": "15398339" }, { "contents": "I Can Do All Things\n\n\nI Can Do All Things is the premiere recording from jazz artist, composer Jeremy Warren. The album features prominent performers and composers such as Andy Milne, Lenny Pickett, Leon Marin, and Jack Cooper. \"I Can Do All Things\" features Jeremy Warren's group The Rudiment and compositions written by Warren, Andy Milne, Jack Cooper and Dermel Warren (his wife). The music captures mixes the jazz art form with the elements of contemporary popular music and is a personal journey of overcoming life's obstacles through music.", "id": "14616383" }, { "contents": "Poland\n\n\nmusic can be heard in the towns and villages of the mountainous south, particularly in the region surrounding the winter resort town of Zakopane. Today Poland has an active music scene, with the jazz and metal genres being particularly popular among the contemporary populace. Polish jazz musicians such as Krzysztof Komeda created a unique style, which was most famous in the 1960s and 1970s and continues to be popular to this day. Since the fall of communism throughout Europe, Poland has become a major venue for large-scale music festivals, chief", "id": "3214167" }, { "contents": "Igor Butman\n\n\n. Two big bands on one stage occasionally played at the same time, but more often passed the music back and forth In an interview with Jazz Times magazine, Marsalis said of Butman, \"I love Igor's Butman playing and I love him personally. He has a great feeling for the music and for people and he's phenomenal musician. Igor Butman is my main man!\" One of the Butman’s accomplishments as a producer is \"The Triumph of Jazz\", a festival which takes place annually in the biggest", "id": "421345" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\ncharacterized by a pluralism in which no one style dominates, but rather a wide range of styles and genres are popular. Individual performers often play in a variety of styles, sometimes in the same performance. Pianist Brad Mehldau and The Bad Plus have explored contemporary rock music within the context of the traditional jazz acoustic piano trio, recording instrumental jazz versions of songs by rock musicians. The Bad Plus have also incorporated elements of free jazz into their music. A firm avant-garde or free jazz stance has been maintained by some", "id": "15637882" }, { "contents": "They All Laughed\n\n\n, in the first version of the script, the character of Christy was going to be a jazz singer, singing jazz standards, but then: There was a short, very short, very brief, vogue of country music in New York. About 30 seconds. And so I changed it. I like country music. I fell in love with it on \"Last Picture Show\". In fact, I wrote a couple of country songs. The phrase “One Day Since Yesterday” was something Dorothy said to me", "id": "834947" }, { "contents": "Chris Burnett\n\n\nmusic is limited in the way that most of the commercial marketing of it often presents to the majority of the world. He also believes that any person of his generation and age, (or younger,) can only \"get so close\" to the jazz music that was made before they were born without having a direct relationship with a person who was actually living during that particular musical era. His artistic motivations are dedicated to presenting jazz music from his generational perspective and context, within a paradigm of creativity as the focus", "id": "21062397" }, { "contents": "Music of Iran\n\n\nbut they have been occasionally permitted since 1990. The pop music of Iranian diasporan communities has also been significant. Jazz music was introduced into Iran's popular music by the emergence of artists such as Viguen, who was known as Iran's \"Sultan of Jazz\". Viguen's first song, \"Moonlight\", which was released in 1954, was an instant hit on the radio and is considered highly influential. Indigenous Iranian elements, such as classical musical forms and poetry, have also been incorporated into Iranian jazz. Rana", "id": "20148074" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Eaton\n\n\nNew York. He was also a student of John T. \"Fess\" Whatley, one of the most influential and well-known educators in American jazz music during the 1920s and 1930s. who also mentored Sun Ra and Erskine Hawkins. Eaton played in a jazz group in college at Tennessee A & I State University, where he earned his bachelor's degree in music. He has lent his talents to over 100 albums, and composed about three times as many songs. After spending years on the road as a musician and", "id": "4143458" }, { "contents": "Latin American music in the United States\n\n\nLatin American music has long influenced popular American music, including jazz, rhythm and blues, and even country music; and both Latin American music and American music have been strongly influenced by African music. The genre of Latin American music includes music from Spanish, Portuguese, and (sometimes) French-speaking countries and territories of Latin America. Although Latin American music has also been referred to as \"Latin music\", the American music industry defines \"Latin music\" as any release with lyrics mostly in Spanish regardless if the", "id": "20265259" }, { "contents": "List of 1920s jazz standards\n\n\nJazz standards are musical compositions that are widely known, performed and recorded by jazz artists as part of the genre's musical repertoire. This list includes compositions written in the 1920s that are considered standards by at least one major book publication or reference work. Some of the tunes listed were already well-known standards by the 1930s, while others were popularized later. The time of the most influential recordings of a song, where appropriate, is indicated on the list. A period known as the \"Jazz Age\" started in", "id": "21688310" }, { "contents": "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music\n\n\nas \"a true jazz artist in the tradition of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.\" Upon his return to the United States at the end of the summer, ABC-Paramount had officially recognized his achievements, presenting Charles with two gold records—one for \"I Can't Stop Loving You\", the other for his \"Modern Sounds\" album—during a live concert performance at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Through his ventures into country music and the European jazz scene, Charles's white audience", "id": "10308405" }, { "contents": "Asian Americans in arts and entertainment\n\n\n-American Bohemia himself. Desi hip hop is one of only two music genres to have been either created by Asian Americans or have been contributed to musically by the community (in this case South Asian Americans) to the genre. Asian American jazz is a musical genre and movement in the United States begun in the 20th century by Asian American jazz musicians that has produced a number of very prominent artists. Along with Desi Hip Hop who has many origins including the USA it is currently one of only two musical genres to have", "id": "4876374" }, { "contents": "Guy Warren\n\n\nJohn Collins, \"I had to make a choice between being a poor imitation of Buddy Rich or playing something they couldn't. I could play jazz well, but I possessed something nobody else had, so I started to play African music with a little bit of jazz thrown in, not jazz with a little African thrown in.\" In 1956 his first album, \"Africa Speaks, America Answers\", was recorded for Decca. It confirmed Ghanaba's reputation as a credible musician. It cross-fertilized African and", "id": "1472244" }, { "contents": "Except Sometimes\n\n\nband. As much as I love traditional jazz, my real interest is more modern, more from the Great American Song Book.\" The album was released on April 9, 2013. Ringwald has always wanted to release an album, but during the beginning of her career she felt the time wasn't right to release an album, as she felt no one would have been interested in the type of music she wanted to sing, so she decided to just focus on acting. She was cast in \"Tempest\",", "id": "9105331" }, { "contents": "Roaring Twenties\n\n\nto achieve a level of national public recognition during the 1920s. The 1920s brought new styles of music into the mainstream of culture in avant-garde cities. Jazz became the most popular form of music for youth. Historian Kathy J. Ogren wrote that, by the 1920s, jazz had become the \"dominant influence on America's popular music generally\" Scott DeVeaux argues that a standard history of jazz has emerged such that: \"After an obligatory nod to African origins and ragtime antecedents, the music is shown to move through a", "id": "7328633" }, { "contents": "Yitzhak Yedid\n\n\npositive flow of energy that keeps the music alert and compelling, and Yedid is capable of striking lyricism. Jazz musicians often describe their art as storytelling. Yedid embodies this.\" Some of Yedid's works have been described as Third Stream, which combines contemporary classical music with jazz improvisation. Much of Yedid's output includes slots where soloists can improvise. Yedid has often said he is delighted when performers surprise him with their inventiveness. Yedid says his music is influenced by Arabic music. \"When I was a child I went", "id": "1370062" }, { "contents": "Sega (genre)\n\n\nmusic of Mauritius and not restricted by ethnicity. Sega is now popular across the islands of Mauritius, Réunion, Seychelles, Comoros, Mayotte and Rodrigues, along with parts of Madagascar. In its modern form, sega is combined with genres like jazz, zouk, and its fusion genre with reggae known as Seggae. Elements of African music have been added to sega since the 1980s. Santé engagé is a genre of Mauritian music which consists of singing protest songs. It is a way to protest against injustices through music. The", "id": "25690" }, { "contents": "Joseph Tawadros\n\n\nfor the Best World Music Album. He had been nominated nine times before, without winning. He won it again in 2013 and 2014. Joseph Tawadros’ style could be described as eclectic. According to \"The Sydney Morning Herald\", \"he has taken the oud out of its traditional Middle Eastern setting and into the realm of classical music and jazz\". \"I don't like to play in a particulare genre, I love all sorts of music\", Tawadros explains. \"I try to record an album", "id": "3244329" }, { "contents": "Jazz Hot\n\n\n1. Panassié, editor-in-chief since the founding of \"Jazz Hot\" before the war, was adamant his entire life that \"authentic jazz\" was strictly Dixieland of the 1920s and Chicago-style jazz — or hot jazz similar to the style of Louis Armstrong and others. Panassié further insisted that \"real jazz\" was the music of African Americans and that non-African Americans could only aspire to be imitators or exploiters of African Americans. When Panassié heard a bebop recording of \"Salt Peanuts\" in", "id": "15635922" }, { "contents": "Nappy edges\n\n\nher project to express herself the way that she chooses to, not the way that she is expected to by both the confines of standard English and also by those who associate poetry with a specific, formal way of expressing oneself. Shange is also incredibly influenced by music, particularly Jazz and Blues artists. Her poems are lyrical and sometimes reminiscent of the style of improvisation in jazz. \"i live in music\", for instance, is explicitly about Shange's love of music, and doesn't stick to a particular rhythm", "id": "21355235" }, { "contents": "Crossover music\n\n\nof her secular music, particularly her later work, such as \"Who Am I Living For\" (2010) and \"By The Grace of God\" (2013). Besides describing music of a distinct genre that becomes broadly popular, the musical term \"crossover\" suggested mixed genres. \"Fusion\" is a more common term for this phenomenon. Examples include jazz fusion, and world music. Example albums of crossover jazz plus classical music were albums of Deodato , Jean Luc Ponty , Bob James. Bob James \"", "id": "7739020" }, { "contents": "Mel Powell\n\n\nhis life and his reasons for leaving jazz. In an interview with \"The New Yorker\" magazine jazz critic Whitney Balliett, Powell said: \"I have decided that when I retire I will think through my decision to leave jazz – with the help of Freud and Jung. At the moment, I suspect it was this: I had done what I felt I had to do in jazz. I had decided it did not hold the deepest interest for me musically. And I had decided that it was a young man", "id": "8877229" }, { "contents": "Folk jazz\n\n\nFolk jazz is music that pairs traditional folk music with elements of jazz, usually featuring richly texturized songs. The origins of folk jazz can be traced back to the fifties, when artists like Jimmy Giuffre and Tony Scott pursued distinct approaches to folk music production, initially, as a vehicle for soloist expression. Folk jazz was most popular during the middle and latter parts of the sixties, when some already established folk musicians incorporated diverse musical traditions into their works. Many already popular musical styles diversified as counter-culture bands embraced experimentation", "id": "2865396" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "Chris Harris (basketball)\n\n\nthat season, since his wife was pregnant and he was planning a new business. Harris developed a close friendship with Chuck Cooper of the Boston Celtics, the first black player drafted by the NBA. \"He was a huge jazz buff and I loved jazz music\", said Harris. \"I was a huge fan. So any time we’d got to the big towns, he’d go look for the jazz club and take me with him. We had a wonderful time. He was a gentleman.\" Harris", "id": "17472729" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nsaw the Cuban folk elements as a type of nationalistic \"fig leaf\", cover for their true love—jazz. They were obsessed with jazz. Cuba's Ministry of Culture is said to have viewed jazz as the music of \"imperialist America.\" Pablo Menéndez, founder of Mezcla, recalls: \"Irakere were jazz musicians who played stuff like 'Bacalao con pan' with a bit of a tongue in cheek attitude—'for the masses.' I remember Paquito d'Rivera thought it was pretty funny stuff (as opposed to '", "id": "7124236" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\non the road. He states, \"I love to tour. I've been able to see a lot of the world and I just absolutely enjoyed being able to be with different types of people, different cultures and to see the world. It's just kind of broadened who I am as a person, which eventually will filter down into the music, the influences.\" In 2001, Brown recorded his debut album \"Slow Down for Love\" on SRI Jazz, which reached the top 50 of the Gavin Report", "id": "7781375" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n, blues, classic jazz and rhythm and blues, also commonly referred to as R&B. The Fisk Jubilee Singers became popular throughout the world for singing traditional spirituals during their tours in both the United States and England. Sexist attitudes during the early 20th century made it difficult for African-American women to have a strong presence in mainstream music. Despite this, women were still extremely influential in the genres of blues, jazz, and R&B. The return of African American soldiers from World War I and the Great Migration both contributed to Harlem", "id": "4863473" }, { "contents": "I Like to Recognize the Tune\n\n\n\"I Like to Recognize the Tune\" is an American popular song written by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart. The song was introduced by Eddie Bracken, Marcy Wescott, Mary Jane Walsh, Richard Kollmar and Hal Le Roy in the 1939 Broadway musical \"Too Many Girls\". The lyrics lament the distortions of melody inherent in Jazz and Swing: \"I like to recognize the tune / I want to savvy what the band is playing / I keep saying, \"Must you bury the tune?\" In his", "id": "20039417" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\ncultural communication between the United States' races. African-American music was often adapted for white audiences, who would not have as readily accepted black performers, leading to genres like swing music, a pop-based outgrowth of jazz. In addition, African Americans were becoming part of classical music by the turn of the 20th century. While originally excluded from major symphony orchestras, black musicians could study in music conservatories that had been founded in the 1860s, such as the Oberlin School of Music, National Conservatory of Music,", "id": "13306687" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\n\"I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\" is an American popular song and jazz standard by Jimmy McHugh (music) and Dorothy Fields (lyrics). The song was introduced by Adelaide Hall at Les Ambassadeurs Club in New York in January 1928 in Lew Leslie's \"Blackbird Revue\", which opened on Broadway later that year as the highly successful \"Blackbirds of 1928\" (518 performances), wherein it was performed by Adelaide Hall, Aida Ward, and Willard McLean. In the 100-most recorded songs", "id": "921926" }, { "contents": "I Love American Music\n\n\n1997 compilation \"Zoot Suit Riot\" to consist entirely of jazz and swing music. As such, \"I Love American Music\" follows in the jump blues-influenced swing style as much of the album does, punctuated by the Daddies' trademark horn section and utilizing call and response vocalizations in the chorus. Perry has described \"I Love American Music\" as being a dedication to the fans and musicians of American roots music, particularly influenced by the figures of Eugene, Oregon's blues scene in the 1980s, such as", "id": "10117425" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nmost major genres since, jazz was blamed for the moral degeneracy of the youth that visited these bars and listened to the music. In spite of the controversy, jazz emerged as the dominant sound of the country in the late 1920s in popularized forms that some called watered down, like swing music and big band. Though these, like jazz proper, were blamed for crime and delinquency, they had become mainstream by the 1930s. In the 1940s, pure jazz began to become more popular, along with the blues, with", "id": "10609028" }, { "contents": "Kevin Mahogany\n\n\nKevin Bryant Mahogany (July 30, 1958 – December 17, 2017) was an American jazz vocalist who became prominent in the 1990s. He was known for his scat singing, and his singing style has been compared with jazz singers Billy Eckstine, Joe Williams and Johnny Hartman. Mahogany began his study of music as a child with piano and later learned to play the clarinet and baritone saxophone, performing with jazz bands and teaching music while still in high school. \"When I was a kid, music was just as important", "id": "15680522" }, { "contents": "Adam Guettel\n\n\n, Guettel worked as a rock and jazz musician, singing and playing bass, before realizing \"that writing for character and telling stories through music was something that I really loved to do, and that allowed me to express love.\" In an interview, Guettel stated a portion of his influences that included I.M. Pei, Louis Kahn, Vincent Scully, Jane Jacobs, Stravinsky, Stevie Wonder, Adam de la Halle, Harry Nilsson, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Steve Jobs, Björk, Korngold, Benjamin Britten, William Inge,", "id": "18629013" }, { "contents": "Jazz funeral\n\n\n's white citizens. After the 1960s, it gradually started being practised across ethnic and religious boundaries. Most commonly such musical funerals are done for individuals who are musicians themselves, connected to the music industry, or members of various social aid and pleasure clubs or Carnival krewes who make a point of arranging for such funerals for members. Although the majority of jazz funerals are for African American musicians there has been a new trend in which jazz funerals are given to young people who have died. The organizers of the funeral arrange for", "id": "17214125" }, { "contents": "Charmaine Clamor\n\n\nmix of beautifully arranged standards and jazzed-up Tagalog love songs took the ‘Filipina Singing Sensation’ into the upper reaches of the jazz and world charts. And no wonder: Her husky, sassy tone, languid moves and unpretentious Pinoy attitude that’s just a tad rebellious have the kind of natural appeal you can’t buy at any music school.” \"Jazz Times\" Magazine described her as \"a dynamic new compass point in world music.\" \"All About Jazz\" wrote that she is \"quite simply one", "id": "1030571" }, { "contents": "Rainy Milo\n\n\nKid Cudi, N.E.R.D, as well as her reggae-DJing grandfather. Milo grew up listening to her mothers Jazz music which has been one of her biggest musical influences saying \"I’m instantly attracted to music with some kind of Jazz element to it, but I also think the fact that even my mum never played only one genre in the house rubbed off onto me, I don’t want to have just one sound in my music when there’s so many other genres that inspire me.\" Milo is inspired by", "id": "21344843" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nentire world\". Other styles of American popular music have also had a formative effect internationally, including funk, the basis for West African Afrobeat, R&B, a major source for Jamaican reggae, and rock, which has profoundly influenced most every genre of popular music worldwide. Rock, country, jazz and hip hop have become an entrenched part of many countries, leading to local varieties like Australian country music, Tanzanian Bongo Flava and Russian rock. Rock has had a formative influence on popular music, which had the effect of", "id": "6698850" }, { "contents": "I Love to Singa\n\n\n\" produced in Technicolor's 3-strip process, is recognized as one of Avery's early masterpieces. \"I Love to Singa\" depicts the story of a young owlet who wants to sing jazz, instead of the classical music that his German-accented parents wish him to perform. The plot is a tribute to Al Jolson's film \"The Jazz Singer\". The young owl's speaking voice is by Tommy Bond, best known as \"Butch\" of the \"Our Gang (Little Rascals)\" films. He is", "id": "4663883" }, { "contents": "Before Time Could Change Us\n\n\nor even just single explosive words. The music runs the gamut from jazz and latin-informed structures to something more approaching art-song. Katie Noonan, who possesses rare and exquisite vocal talents, sings them beautifully, and the band, in which I am joined by Scott Tinkler, trumpet, Philip Rex, bass and Simon Barker on drums, play up a storm.\" At the ARIA Music Awards of 2005, it won 'Best Jazz Album'. The two toured the album nationally. Noonan meet Paul Grabowsky", "id": "14563860" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\na codified musical style, fusion can be viewed as a musical tradition or approach. When John Coltrane died in 1967, rock was the most popular music in America, and \"DownBeat\" magazine went so far to declare in a headline that: \"Jazz as We Know It Is Dead\". Guitarist Larry Coryell, sometimes called the godfather of fusion, referred to a generation of musicians who had grown up on rock and roll when he said, \"We loved Miles but we also loved the Rolling Stones.\" In", "id": "2409252" }, { "contents": "Jazzmeia Horn\n\n\nJazzmeia Horn (born April 16, 1991) is an American jazz singer and songwriter of African ancestry. She won the 2015 Thelonious Monk Institute International Jazz Competition in 2015. She sings jazz standards, and her repertoire includes songs and music from other genres such as Stevie Wonder. She has been compared to jazz vocalist such as Betty Carter, Sarah Vaughan, and Nancy Wilson. At age 23, Jazzmeia \"Jazz\" Horn had earned a reputation in New York City as a dynamic music artist. Horn was born and raised", "id": "13232949" }, { "contents": "Dana Dawson\n\n\nof Dawson's music have been released in the United Kingdom, including \"3 Is Family\", \"Got to Give Me Love\", and \"How I Wanna Be Loved\". Dawson's songs are included on many other albums, including EMI's \"Music of the Twentieth Century: 1980–1999\" and Virgin's \"Best Dance Album 1995\"; she also performed on the Michael W. Smith 1989 Gospel album \"I 2 Eye\". Dawson married the New York jazz artist and musician, Jason Curry, on July", "id": "862948" }, { "contents": "Jazzmatazz\n\n\nJazzmatazz is a series of hip hop and jazz recordings from American musical artist and producer Guru. In a 2009 interview he reflected, \"Back around '93—when I first came up with the Jazzmatazz concept—I was noticing how a lot of cats were digging in the crates and sampling jazz breaks to make hip hop records. But while I thought that was cool, I wanted to take it to the next level and actually create a new genre by getting the actual dudes we were sampling into the studio to jam over hip", "id": "7771811" }, { "contents": "Buffalo Souljah\n\n\nhis first song at the age of eight called “Zuva Randisinga Kanganwe” (The day I will never forget). The song was inspired by a hilarious childhood incident in which he and his brother were chased by some baboons after having touted and provoked them. Buffalo credits his talent and thirst for music to his father who was also a musician. His father was a jazz artist and saxophonist who worked with the famous Thomas Mapfumo in the late 70s and early 80s. Buffalo Souljah also recorded an Afro Jazz album called '", "id": "16447543" }, { "contents": "Orchestral jazz\n\n\nart form. Orchestral jazz developed from early New Orleans jazz. The African-American musicians who pioneered the genre prior to 1920, and who migrated from New Orleans to Chicago and New York in the early 1920s, brought jazz north; in time, the African-American neighborhood of Harlem became the genre's cultural center. In New York, the entertainment and arts industries thrived and jazz found a fitting home, becoming an important part of the cultural landscape. But before the widespread popularity of big bands, which developed in", "id": "1953238" } ]
I have brown hair and i love other people with brown hair I have brown hair as well! it's the second most common hair color, after black hair where is it most common? Good question, its actually most common in the Western world, especially with europe, USA and even some populations in the middle east oh thats good to know. do people prefer long or short brown hair? I guess that's just personal preference but i know the strands are thicker than fair hair but as much as red hair! I guess thats true. Do a lot of people have red hair in these parts of the world where brown is ?
[{"answer": "I'm not sure but if i had to take a guess i would say that in europe, most definitely but in the middle east, i would doubt it very much. The cool thing about brown hair is it varies from lght brown to almost black hair(mine is almost black that you kinda cant tell if its black or not)", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "518358", "title": "Brown hair", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 73, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 121, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nBrown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair. It varies from light brown to almost black hair. It is characterized by higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. People with brown hair are often referred to as brunette, which in French is the feminine form of \"brunet,\" the diminutive of \"brun\" (brown, brown-haired or dark-haired). Brown hair is common among populations in the Western world, especially among those", "id": "1603116" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Sarará\n\n\nbetween the two, is by far very unlikely to have red-haired or blond-haired offspring, no matter how fair the complexion of her or his Caucasian or multiracial sexual partner or spouse. The genes responsible for brown hair are also extremely rare among Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Black Africans, but not as uncommon. The most common hair colour in Brazil is brown. Natural blond and red hair are especially found in the South where 78% of the population has European phenotype, home to large German-Austrian", "id": "3406815" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\netc. as well as parts of Eastern Europe and Southern Europe. The majority of people in the world overall have dark brown eyes. Light or medium-pigmented brown eyes are common in Europe, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India, as well as some parts of the Middle East. (See eye color). Brown is the second most common color of human hair, after black. It is caused by higher levels of the natural dark pigment eumelanin, and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. Brown eumelanin is", "id": "17937420" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Portuguese people\n\n\nis possible to draw the general anthropometrical features of the majority of the Portuguese population. Dark to medium brown hair and brown and hazel eyes are predominant. However, light brown and blond hair and blue and green eyes are also found frequently. Chestnut and auburn-colored hair types occur generally. Legitimate black hair—not espresso brown—can be found, but it is not very common. Light, true red hair (meaning red shades that are non-auburn) is seen on occasion. A recent study by Candille", "id": "8766959" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nSolomon Islands, 26% of the population carry the gene; however, it is absent outside of Oceania. Black hair is the darkest hair color. It has large amounts of eumelanin and is more dense than other hair colors. Auburn hair ranges along a spectrum of light to dark red-brown shades. The chemicals which cause auburn hair are eumelanin (brown) and pheomelanin (red), with a higher proportion of red-causing pheomelanin than is found in average brown hair. It is most commonly found in individuals", "id": "218623" }, { "contents": "Strange Magic (film)\n\n\nsung. The hair design of sisters Marianne and Dawn went through several revisions. According to Meredith Anne Bull, the voice of Dawn, \"[The sisters'] hair has changed a lot since the beginning, we used to have long, brown hair. It was red for a while and now it has ended up short and blonde! ... There's a lot of work that goes into creating the hair of an animated character. There are actually groups of people where that's their only job, to do the", "id": "7676607" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nfrom Central Europe, Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe, Southern Europe, Southern Cone, the United States, and also some populations in the Greater Middle East where it transitions smoothly into black hair. Additionally, brown hair is common among Australian Aborigines and Melanesians. The term \"brunette\" is the feminine form of the French word \"brunet\", which is a diminutive form of \"brun\" meaning \"brown/brown-haired\", the feminine of which is \"brune\". All of these terms ultimately derive from", "id": "1603117" }, { "contents": "Mestizo\n\n\nused. differ from at being fair-skinned (rather than brown-skinned), and having non-straight blond or red hair. Other people who are not brown (and thus not ), but also their phenotypes by anything other than skin, hair and eye color do not match white ones but rather those of people of color may be just referred to as , without specification to skin color with an identitarian connotation (there are the distinctions, though, of , for the fair-skinned ones, and ,", "id": "2848173" }, { "contents": "Laurie Bembenek\n\n\nthat \"I recovered no blonde or red hairs of any length or texture ... [A]ll of the hairs I recovered from the body were brown and were grossly identical to the hair of the victim ... [I] do not like to suggest that evidence was altered in any way, but I can find no logical explanation for what amounted to the appearance of blonde hair in an envelope that contained no such hair at the time it was sealed by me.\" The apartment where Bembenek and Fred Schultz lived shared drainage with another", "id": "1964687" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\npeoples Budini and Sarmatians are also reported by Greek author to be blue-eyed and red-haired, and the latter even owe their names to it. In Asia, red hair has been found among the ancient Tocharians, who occupied the Tarim Basin in what is now the northwesternmost province of China. Caucasian Tarim mummies have been found with red hair dating to the 2nd millennium BC. Reddish-brown (auburn) hair is also found amongst some Polynesians, and is especially common in some tribes and family groups. In", "id": "218551" }, { "contents": "Black hair\n\n\ndark skin. Black-haired humans can have dark or light eyes. This is found in its greatest distribution in Asia, pre-Columbian Americas and Africa. Black hair is also particularly common in people of Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, Southern Europe and Africa regardless of ethnolinguistic affiliation. For example, although brown hair is the dominant type some Southern Europeans are particularly noted for their straight or wavy black hair, and it can be combined with either dark (such as brown) or light (such as green", "id": "11861934" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nmost common in light-skinned infants and children, so much so that the term \"baby blond\" is often used for very light colored hair. Babies may be born with blond hair even among groups where adults rarely have blond hair, although such natural hair usually falls out quickly. Blond hair tends to turn darker with age, and many children's blond hair turns light, medium, dark brown or black before or during their adult years. Because blond hair tends to turn brunette with age, natural blond hair is", "id": "5633780" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthe shades of hair color. The scale uses the following designations: A (very light blond), B to E (light blond), F to L (blond), M to O (dark blond), P to T (light brown to brown), U to Y (dark brown/black) and Roman numerals I to IV (red) and V to VI (red blond). Brown hair is characterized by higher levels of eumelanin and lower levels of pheomelanin. Of the two types of", "id": "218619" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\n, I figure it’s up to the reader to decide. However, I must inform you that Knives was mainly being mean when she said Ramona was fat.\" Her natural hair colour is not stated. O'Malley said \"Nobody knows her natural hair color. Ramona may not even remember. She changes it a lot because she’s trying to figure out who she is / who she wants to be.\" On another occasion, when asked, O'Malley said \"I don’t know… brown? How many natural hair", "id": "11339000" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbe determined with a Punnett square. The other gene pair is a non-red/red pair, where the non-red allele (which suppresses production of pheomelanin) is dominant and the allele for red hair is recessive. A person with two copies of the red-haired allele will have red hair. The two-gene model does not account for all possible shades of brown, blond, or red (for example, platinum blond versus dark blond/light brown), nor does it explain why hair color", "id": "218617" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nonly hair with color such as black, brown, or reddish-brown hair or dirty blonde can be removed. White hair, light blonde and strawberry blonde hair does not respond well. Laser works best with dark coarse hair. Light skin and dark hair are an ideal combination, being most effective and producing the best results, but lasers such as the are able to target black hair in patients with dark skin with some success. Hair removal lasers have been in use since 1997 and have been approved for \"permanent hair", "id": "21823829" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\nIn humans worldwide, Asiatic hair is the most common, whereas afro-textured hair is the least common. This is because the former hair texture is typical of the large populations inhabiting East Asia as well as the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Afro-textured hair strands can possess \"torsion twists\", where the hair strand turns around itself. These torsion twists may prevent the hair strands from coiling into tight curls, instead separating them and allowing the hair as a whole to have a fluffier, more undefined look.", "id": "2005647" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n, but most Africans retain their original hair color until their mid-40s. Graying is a gradual process; according to a study by L'Oreal, overall, of those between 45 and 65 years old, 74% had some grey hair, covering an average of 27% of their head, and approximately 1 in 10 people had no gray hairs even after the age of 60. Children born with some hair colors may find it gradually darkens as they grow. Many blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this. This", "id": "218627" }, { "contents": "Melanin\n\n\nbut stops producing brown eumelanin, resulting in the grey hair that is common in elderly people. Pheomelanins (or phaeomelanins) impart a pink to red hue, depending upon the concentration. Pheomelanins are particularly concentrated in the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. When a small amount of brown eumelanin in hair, which would otherwise cause blond hair, is mixed with red pheomelanin, the result is orange hair, which is typically called \"red hair\". Pheomelanin is also present in the skin, and", "id": "5422965" }, { "contents": "Bala tube-nosed bat\n\n\n. Its forearms are long. Its ears are rounded with smooth margins, measuring long. The ears are brown in color, with the base of the ear a lighter brown. The tragus is white and short, at long. Their dorsal fur is ashy-gray, with some hairs tipped in a reddish-orange tint of brown. Other dorsal hairs are tipped in a charcoal black color. Their heads, backs, uropatagiums, and feet have silver-gold guard hairs. On their ventral side, their hairs are", "id": "2166258" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\nmore common among Europeans, while black eumelanin is more often found in the hair on non-Europeans. A small amount of black eumelanin, in the absence of other pigments, results in grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments results in blond hair. In Western popular culture, a common stereotype is that brunettes are stable, serious, smart and sophisticated. A British study into hair color and the intensity of attraction found that 62 percent of the men participating in the study associated brown", "id": "17937421" }, { "contents": "Cat coat genetics\n\n\ngene \"I/i\". The dominant form causes melanin production to be suppressed, but it affects phaeomelanin (red pigment) much more than eumelanin (black or brown pigment). On tabbies, this turns the background a sparkling silver color while leaving the stripe color intact, making a silver tabby. On solid cats, it turns the base of the hair pale, making them silver smoke. Silver agouti cats can have a range of phenotypes, from silver tabby, to silver shaded (under half the hair is", "id": "14657474" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nout. He says he feels silly to chicken out, because he knows he is the type of person she would like. He says \"I may not be the greatest guy who ever lived, but after all, who is? I'm just a nice type of guy who never gets to meet little red haired girls\". Just then, the Little Red Haired Girl walks by, and drops her pencil. Charlie Brown notices it, picks it up, and sees it has teethmarks in it. He realizes,", "id": "6106328" }, { "contents": "Hair (musical)\n\n\nwrote, \"I do not know any musician who thinks it's good.\" The score had many more songs than were typical of Broadway shows of the day. Most Broadway shows had about per act; \"Hair\"'s total is in the thirties. This list reflects the most common Broadway lineup. The show was under almost perpetual re-write. Thirteen songs were added between the production at the Public Theater and Broadway, including \"I Believe in Love\". \"The Climax\" and \"Dead End\"", "id": "18844555" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nDark brown hair is predominant in the Mediterranean parts of Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, Central Africa and in parts of South Asia. Very dark brown hair, easily mistaken for black hair, can be found occasionally in parts of East Asia. This is also true of Southern Cone of South America (Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, central-southern Brazil) and Pakistan. It may occasionally be found among Indigenous Siberians and Americans, particularly when they are young, as well as in many other groups. The", "id": "1603122" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nrecessive blond allele. A person with a brown allele will have brown hair; a person with no brown alleles will be blond. This explains why two brown-haired parents can produce a blond-haired child. However, this can only be possible if both parent are heterozygous in hair color- meaning that both of them have one dominant brown hair allele and one recessive allele for blond hair, but as dominant traits mask recessive ones the parents both have brown hair. The possibility of which trait may appear in an offspring can", "id": "218616" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nnorthern and central Europe medium to light brown shades are the most common, while darker shades prevail in the rest of the continent. Brown hair, mostly medium to light brown shades, are also dominant in Australia, Canada and the United States among descendants of the Northern, Central and Eastern European (British, Scandinavian, Baltic, Dutch/Flemish, German (including Swiss-German and Austrian), Polish, and Russian) immigrants. Similarly to blond hair, brown hair occurs commonly among Australian Aborigine and Melanesian populations.", "id": "1603121" }, { "contents": "Lasioglossum leucozonium\n\n\nhairs on the scutellum. The slightly separated hind tibial hair is mostly pale yellowish brown while the dorsal hairs are light brown. On the metasomal tergum I and terga II-IV, the hair is white with a band of hair on terga II-IV and elongated hairs scattered over the anterior surface of tergum I. Its mesoscutal hairs are moderately dense and seem feathery, and its wing membrane has a glassy, translucent appearance. A male \"L. leucozonium\" is distinguished by its rounded clypeus, its ventrally narrowed head, its", "id": "1591287" }, { "contents": "Common warthog\n\n\nof the common warthog is large, with a mane down the spine to the middle of the back. Sparse hair covers the body. Its color is usually black or brown. Tails are long and end with a tuft of hair. Common warthogs do not have subcutaneous fat and the coat is sparse, making them susceptible to extreme environmental temperatures. The common warthog is the only pig species that has adapted to grazing and savanna habitats. Its diet is omnivorous, composed of grasses, roots, berries and other fruits, bark", "id": "10410115" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n\"He is a brunette\" (or brunet). Lighter or darker shades of brown hair may be referred to as \"light brunette\" or \"dark brunette\", though in such cases one is generally referring only to the hair color, not using the term as a metaphor for the person; one would be unlikely to say, \"She is a light brunette.\" Rather, one would say, \"She has light-brown hair.\" Brown-haired individuals predominate in most parts of Europe. In", "id": "1603120" }, { "contents": "Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair\n\n\ntitle of the TV series \"I Dream of Jeannie\". In the 1956 Bugs Bunny short \"Broomstick Bunny\", a play on the title is used in the closing lines: \"Hello, air-raid headquarters? Well, you're not gonna believe this, but I just saw a genie with light brown hair chasing a flying sorceress.\" Bugs would also, in other shorts, sing a variation: \"I dream of Jeanie, she's a light brown hare.\" Episode 12 of the first", "id": "16760807" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\npigment eumelanin gives brown hair its distinctive color. Brown hair has more eumelanin than blond hair but also has far less than black. There are two different types of eumelanin, which are distinguished from each other by their pattern of polymer bonds. The two types are black eumelanin and brown eumelanin. Black eumelanin is the darkest; brown eumelanin is much lighter than black. A small amount of black eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes grey hair. A small amount of brown eumelanin in the absence of other pigments causes yellow", "id": "1603123" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\n% of the South African population. A number of blond naturally mummified bodies of common people (i.e. not proper mummies) dating to Roman times have been found in the Fagg El Gamous cemetery in Egypt. \"Of those whose hair was preserved 54% were blondes or redheads, and the percentage grows to 87% when light-brown hair color is added.\" Excavations have been ongoing since the 1980s. Burials seem to be clustered by hair-colour. Aboriginal Australians, especially in the west-central parts of the", "id": "5633786" }, { "contents": "List of Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo characters\n\n\nagainst Lambada, Softon reveals he was given the power of the Black Sun by J and combines it with Goddess Blabs-A-Lot. In the anime he is shown to have a locket with a picture of a brown haired boy and Beauty (he dismisses it, saying \"Why do i have this? I don't have any kids\"). Later, during a battle in the Hair Kingdom against a Blabs-a-Lot assassin, it is finally revealed that he is Beauty's older brother, explaining", "id": "8919265" }, { "contents": "Andrena bicolor\n\n\nAndrena bicolor, or Gwynne's mining bee, is a common and widespread Western Palearctic mining bee which is found over most of Europe as well as North Africa and the Middle East and which reaches eastwards into Siberia. \"Andrena bicolor\" is a small to medium-sized mining bee, with the males being slightly smaller than the females. The females have a coat of reddish-brown hares on the dorsal surface of the thorax, a wholly black-haired face and indistinct bands of yellowish hairs on the margins of the", "id": "18935484" }, { "contents": "Earthsea (universe)\n\n\nwarmer. Like the peoples of the Pacific islands or the Aegean basin, they have a way of life based on contact with the sea. Despite this, even on smaller islands like Gont, seafaring is not innate to all. The racial characteristics of the people of Earthsea are for the most part \"red-brown\" in coloring, like Native Americans; in the South and East Reach and on Way, they are much darker brown, but with straight black hair; in Osskil, they have a more European look", "id": "14835427" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\na chance of getting either brown or red hair, since they could get a genotype of BB = brown hair, Bb = brown hair or bb = red hair. In this generation, there is therefore a chance of the recessive allele showing itself in the phenotype of the children—some of them may have red hair like their grandfather. Many traits are inherited in a more complicated way than the example above. This can happen when there are several genes involved, each contributing a small part to the end result. Tall", "id": "9833889" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\n: most of the genes do not cluster together and are not inherited together. Skin and hair color are not correlated to height, weight, or athletic ability. Human species do not share the same patterns of variation through geography. Skin color varies with latitude and certain people are tall or have brown hair. There is a statistical correlation between particular features in a population, but different features are not expressed or inherited together. Thus, genes which code for superficial physical traits—such as skin color, hair color, or", "id": "11237591" }, { "contents": "Long hair\n\n\nAmerica and were familiar with the native culture there, short hair with less adventurous types. Growing and wearing long hair was common among women in the Western world until World War One. Long female hair never ceased in western culture, though it was rare during the 1920s and 1930s. In most current cultures, it is more typical for women to wear long hair than for men to do so. An American study shows significant correlation between hair length and age, which indicates that younger women tend to have longer hair than older", "id": "10102800" }, { "contents": "Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier\n\n\nPuppies have dark coats of red, brown, mahogany or white. Their muzzles and ears may be black or dark brown. The reddish-brown puppy coat gradually grows out to nearly white before maturing into a wheaten-colored coat as they get older. The adult coat typically matures by 3 years old and may contain black, white, or darker brown \"guard\" hairs in addition to the lighter wheaten colored hair. If adults ever have skin injuries, the resulting hair growth (wound hair) will be the dark", "id": "12893963" }, { "contents": "G.I. Joe: America's Movable Fighting Man\n\n\nsize; some early figures had no trademarkings at all; some have brass rivets on all or some of the joints. By now, many figures suffer from the effects of age, and exhibit stress cracks in some joints. Four hair colors were offered in 1964; Blonde, Auburn (Red), Brown and Black. Eye colors were specifically matched to hair colors; Blonde and Brown hair came with brown eyes, Black and Auburn hair came with blue eyes. In 1965 an American-ethnic version of the basic soldier", "id": "19462686" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "Malaita\n\n\nchocolate to tawny, most clearly darker than Polynesians, but not generally as dark as the peoples of Bougainville or the western Solomons, who Malaitans refer to as \"black men\". Most have dark brown or black bushy hair, but it varies in color from reddish blond, yellow to whitish blond, to ebony black, and in texture from frizzled to merely wavy. Tourists often mistakenly believe the blond hair of Malaitans is bleached by peroxide, but this is not so; the blond or reddish hair colour is quite natural", "id": "11244387" }, { "contents": "Salix arbusculoides\n\n\nSalix arbusculoides is a species of flowering plant in the willow family known by the common name littletree willow. It is native to northern North America, where its distribution extends across Alaska and most of Canada. This willow is a shrub or tree growing up to 9 meters tall. It has many branches with smooth gray or reddish brown bark. The leaves are up to 7.5 centimeters long and often have a thin coat of hairs on the undersides. Immature leaves have thicker coats of hair and are paler and yellowish in color.", "id": "20964521" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\nblack) to light brown showing small signs of blondism. Shades of brown hair include: In Western popular culture, a common stereotype is that brunettes are stable, serious, smart and sophisticated. A British study into hair color and the intensity of attraction found that 62 percent of the men participating in the study associated brown-haired women with stability and competence. Brunettes were described as independent and self-sufficient by 67 percent of the men, and as intelligent by 81 percent. According to \"Allure\" magazine, in", "id": "1603125" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nseen making a Valentine's card for Charlie Brown, and telling Peppermint Patty that she is very fond of him. Later that day, Marcie goes over to Charlie Brown's house to ask him if he likes her, and all Charlie Brown says is, \"Do I what?\". Marcie then walks away, angry. Later, Charlie Brown receives a letter saying \"I know you like me and I like you\". Charlie Brown gets very excited thinking it's from the Little Red Haired Girl, but Peppermint", "id": "6106331" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Black hair\n\n\n, gray or blue) colored eyes. Irish people with these traits are sometimes known as the \"Black Irish\". Though this characteristic can be seen in people throughout the United Kingdom and Northwestern Europe, it becomes more common in Eastern Europe. Dark haired people, ranging from dark chestnut and deep brown to black, with either dark or light colored eyes, can also be seen among the Indo-European and non-Indo-European ethnic groups in Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan and India. Hair", "id": "11861935" }, { "contents": "Chechens\n\n\nconsistently that Chechens are most closely related to Ingush, Circassians and Georgians, occasionally showing a kinship to other peoples in some tests. Balanovsky's study showed the Ingush to be the Chechens' closest relatives by far. Chechens are black-, brown-, red- or fair-haired (with darker hair predominating) and eyes can be brown, blue or green, while skin is usually light. George Anchabadze notes that the physical traits of Chechens, which includes being taller than average, are typical of the \"Caucasian type\" which", "id": "243057" }, { "contents": "Little Red-Haired Girl\n\n\never having been away. The 1967 \"Peanuts\" animated TV special \"You're in Love, Charlie Brown\" revolved entirely around Charlie Brown's obsession with the Little Red-Haired Girl. After several failed attempts at making conversation with her on the last two days of school, she stuffs a note into Charlie Brown's hands as students rush past him to board the school bus. Thinking he has ruined his final chance at meeting her, he reads the letter, which affectionately states, \"I like you, Charlie", "id": "3072148" }, { "contents": "Findley's myotis\n\n\nlong. Their dorsal fur is dark brown to brownish-black in color. Individual hairs have frosted tips at the distal third of the hair, while the proximal two-thirds of the hairs are dark brown or black. Individual dorsal hairs are long. Their ventral fur is also bicolored; the base of the hair is black, while the tips are buffy. The uropatagium is furred on the ventral surface. Wing membranes are dark brown in color. The keel of the calcar is indistinct. Their feet are relatively large", "id": "20329136" }, { "contents": "False Face Society\n\n\n. The other facial features are variable. The masks are painted red and black. Most often they have pouches of tobacco tied onto the hair above their foreheads. Basswood is usually used for the masks although other types of wood are sometimes used. Horse tail hair is used for the hair, which can be black, reddish brown, brown, grey or white. Before the introduction of horses by the Europeans, corn husks and buffalo hair were used. When making a mask, a man walks through the woods until he", "id": "6172257" }, { "contents": "Brown (surname)\n\n\nBrown is an English-language surname in origin chiefly descriptive of a person with brown hair, complexion or clothing. It is one of the most common surnames in English-speaking countries. It is the second most common surname in Canada and Scotland, third most common in Australia and United Kingdom and fourth most common in England and the United States. It is particularly clustered in southern Scotland. Most occurrences of the name are derived from a nickname concerning the complexion of an individual, the colour of their hair or the clothing", "id": "4347552" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\n2012 interview with the Kenyan broadsheet the \"Daily Nation\", she said, [I]t seems that the world is conspiring in preaching that there is something wrong with Kenyan ladies' kinky hair and dark skin[...] Their leaflets are all about skin lightening, and they seem to be doing good business in Kenya. It just shocks me. It's not OK for a Caucasian to tell us to lighten our skin [...] I have never attempted to change my skin. I am natural. People in Europe and", "id": "2005688" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nso laser energy can be absorbed by dark material in the hair or skin, with much more speed and intensity than just the skin without any dark adult hair or melanin. Melanin is considered the primary chromophore for all hair removal lasers currently on the market. Melanin occurs naturally in the skin and gives skin and hair their color. There are two types of melanin in hair. Eumelanin gives hair brown or black color, while pheomelanin gives hair blonde or red color. Because of the selective absorption of photons of laser light,", "id": "21823828" }, { "contents": "Euryoryzomys emmonsae\n\n\nhairs have black tips. The hairs of the underparts are gray at the bases and white at the tips; overall, the fur appears mostly white. In most specimens, there is a patch on the chest where the gray bases are absent. The longest of the vibrissae (whiskers) of the face extend slightly beyond the ears. The eyelids are black. The ears are covered with small, yellowish brown hairs and appear dark brown overall. The feet are covered with white hairs above and brown below. There are six", "id": "6221431" }, { "contents": "A Charlie Brown Valentine\n\n\nPatty yells at him, telling him \"That letter was from me. You like me, Chuck\". She leaves Charlie Brown standing there, saying \"I do?\". And the next day Marcie calls Charlie Brown to ask him if he likes her, and he gets confused again. Charlie Brown buys the Little Red Haired Girl a valentine, and then he wants to practice giving it to her. He tells Snoopy to pretend to be the little Red Haired Girl while he practices delivering the valentine. When Charlie", "id": "6106332" }, { "contents": "Carleton S. Coon\n\n\nskin is, as a rule, some shade of white from pink to light brown, hair is usually black or dark brown but his whiskers may reveal a few strands of red of even blond, and blond hair is an exception but can be found, and a wide range of eye color can be found. Coon first modified Franz Weidenreich's polycentric (or multiregional) theory of the origin of races. The Weidenreich Theory states that human races have evolved independently in the Old World from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens sapiens,", "id": "1619076" }, { "contents": "Petter's big-footed mouse\n\n\nits measurements fall at or above the upper end of the known range of variation in \"M. ingens\". The upperparts are covered with soft and short, brown fur. Most cover hairs (the main part of the fur) are dark brown for the two-thirds closest to the base, then light brown, with a short dark brown tip. The middle of the back appears darker, because the cover hairs there are entirely dark brown. The hairs are 6 to 8 mm (0.2 to 0.3 in) long", "id": "19886868" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nAuburn hair is a variety of red hair, most commonly described as reddish-brown in color or dark ginger. Auburn hair ranges in shades from medium to dark. It can be found with a wide array of skin tones and eye colors, but as is the case with most red hair, it is commonly associated with light skin features. The chemical pigments that cause the coloration of auburn hair are frequently pheomelanin with high levels of eumelanin; however, the auburn hair is due to a mutated melanocortin 1 receptor gene in", "id": "11952789" }, { "contents": "Good Hair\n\n\nstyling industry for black women, images of what is considered acceptable and desirable for African-American women's hair in the United States, and their relation to African American culture. According to Rock, he was inspired to make the movie after his three-year-old daughter Lola asked him, \"Daddy, how come I don't have good hair?\" She has curly, wiry hair typical of many people of African descent. He realized she had already absorbed the perception among some black people that curly hair was", "id": "760889" }, { "contents": "Negroid\n\n\npresence of looser, frizzly hair texture in other populations has often been considered an indication of possible admixture with Negroid peoples. Commenting on the lack of body hair (glabrousness) of Negroids and Mongoloids, Carleton S. Coon wrote that \"[b]oth negroid and mongoloid skin conditions are inimical to excessive hair development except upon the scalp\". Skin pigmentation in Negroid populations varies from very dark brown to light brown. As dark skin is also relatively common in human groups that have historically not been defined as \"Negroid\", including many", "id": "1626210" }, { "contents": "Hair\n\n\nfollicle and packed into granules found in the fibers. Eumelanin is the dominant pigment in brown hair and black hair, while pheomelanin is dominant in red hair. Blond hair is the result of having little pigmentation in the hair strand. Gray hair occurs when melanin production decreases or stops, while poliosis is hair (and often the skin to which the hair is attached), typically in spots, that never possessed melanin at all in the first place, or ceased for natural genetic reasons, generally, in the first years of", "id": "14493756" }, { "contents": "Silver fox (animal)\n\n\ndo not naturally reproduce exclusively with members of the same coat morph and can be littermates with the common red variety, though captive populations bred for their fur and as pets are almost exclusively mated with members of the same color. The silver fox's long outer hair can extend as much as two inches (5 cm) beyond the shorter underfur on different parts of the fox's body, particularly under the throat, behind the shoulders, on the sides and the tail. The hair of the underfur is brown at the base", "id": "4068539" }, { "contents": "Charlie Brown\n\n\nloses, it has some wins. While terrible misfortune has placed some of Charlie Brown's team's wins when Charlie Brown is \"not \"playing, there are times in which Charlie Brown has heroically led his team to a championship although it never wins any of them. Charlie Brown frequently becomes involved in love. His general love interest was dubbed \"The Little Red-Haired Girl\", as he didn't know her name and had never even talked to her. Charlie Brown liked to watch the little Red-Haired", "id": "12796088" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nVolga region has more redheads per population than anywhere else in the world with the exception of Ireland. The Berber populations of Morocco and northern Algeria have occasional redheads. Red hair frequency is especially significant among the Riffians from Morocco and Kabyles from Algeria, respectively. The Queen of Morocco, Lalla Salma wife of king Mohammed VI, has red hair. Abd ar-Rahman I also had red hair, his mother being a Christian Berber slave. Red hair is also found amongst the Ashkenazi Jewish populations. In 1903, 5.6%", "id": "218547" }, { "contents": "Tres Marias raccoon\n\n\npublished in 2005. The average body length of five adult males, including the tail, was stated as by Edward William Nelson in 1898. Three mounted specimens, which were between long, were measured in 2005. Samuel I. Zeveloff calls the Tres Marias raccoon large compared to an average sized common raccoon, so that it is not an example of insular dwarfism. The coat of the Tres Marias raccoon is pale and short and on its underparts only a few guard hairs cover the light brown ground hairs. The most distinctive feature", "id": "14261612" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nof the natural tanning reaction to the sun's ultraviolet light and high amounts of pheomelanin in the skin, freckles are a common but not universal feature of red-haired people. Red hair can originate from several changes on the MC1R-gene. If one of these changes is present on both chromosomes then the respective individual is likely to have red hair. This type of inheritance is described as an autosomal recessive. Even if both parents do not have red hair themselves, both can be carriers for the gene and have a", "id": "218554" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Blonde stereotype\n\n\nDepartment Chair at the University of North Carolina said that hair color \"absolutely\" plays a role in the way people are treated and claimed that numerous studies had shown that blonde women were paid higher salaries than other women. In a study by Diana J. Kyle and Heike I. M. Mahler (1996), the researchers asked subjects to evaluate photographs of the same woman with \"natural\" (not dyed) looking brown, red, and blonde hair in the context of a job application for an accounting position. The researchers found", "id": "16093636" }, { "contents": "Introduction to genetics\n\n\ntwo alleles that give different instructions, one for red hair and one for brown. The hair color of these children depends on how these alleles work together. If one allele dominates the instructions from another, it is called the \"dominant\" allele, and the allele that is overridden is called the \"recessive\" allele. In the case of a daughter with alleles for both red and brown hair, brown is dominant and she ends up with brown hair. Although the red color allele is still there in this brown-", "id": "9833886" }, { "contents": "Pyrenean ibex\n\n\nregion around the same time. Hybridization may have been possible, but the results are not conclusive. The Pyrenean ibex had short hair which varied according to seasons. During the summer, its hair was short, and in winter, the hair grew longer and thicker. The hair on the ibex's neck remained long through all seasons. Male and female ibex could be distinguished due to color, fur, and horn differences. The male was a faded grayish brown during the summer, and they were decorated with black in several", "id": "12510342" }, { "contents": "Jonathan David Brown\n\n\nHands of an Angry God\" in 1997. Brown explained why he used the pseudonym: I made the vow of the Nazarite for strength, spiritual and physical, in about 1989 [age 34]. The hair on my head is from then. When I went to prison, I understood why – I needed strength, lots of it. So I guess it's sort of like an enigma to some till they hear the explanation. The album was named for the 1741 Jonathan Edwards sermon from the Great Awakening. The", "id": "22101994" }, { "contents": "I Won't Change You\n\n\nbrown wig consisting of a part down the middle of her head and a ponytail on either side, after a second round with the same man, merely taking off her gold trenchcoat to reveal a tight-fitting black dress underneath. She looks like an informal, yet sophisticated red-headed woman. Progressively, she then becomes a black-haired woman, the hair being short, full and curly. After staring into her drink, which suspectly turns bright blue, she is seen dancing with the man who she continuously changes", "id": "9908569" }, { "contents": "Black hair\n\n\nBlack hair is the darkest and most common of all human hair colors globally, due to larger populations with this dominant trait. It is a dominant genetic trait, and it is found in people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. It has large amounts of eumelanin and is less dense than other hair colors. In English, black hair is sometimes described as soft-black, raven black, or jet-black. The range of skin colors associated with black hair is vast, ranging from the palest of light skin tones to", "id": "11861933" }, { "contents": "Callipogon barbatus\n\n\nCallipogon barbatus is a species of flat-faced longhorns beetle belonging to the Cerambycidae family, \"Prioninae\" subfamily. \"Callipogon barbatus\" reaches a length of about in females, about in males. Head and pronotum are black, covered with white-yellowish hairs. Elytra are reddish-brown or light brown with a reddish tinge. The males have well developed mandibles, with long light brown and red hairs. The mandibles of females are much shorter than the in males. Antennae are dark brown, up to long.", "id": "17476111" }, { "contents": "I-sala\n\n\nin the Fijian language. The \"i-sala\" were made of \"masi\" (barkcloth) coverings which were wrapped around the hair of high-ranking men similar to a turban. Most of the bulk and shape of the \"i-sala\" came from the bushy hair of the wearer under the cloth. A variant called \"i-sala kuvui\" were smoked to a rich brown color, called \"masi kuvui\" which were reserved exclusively for the chiefs. Most version of this hairscarf were white.", "id": "8853565" }, { "contents": "The Kiesha'ra Series\n\n\nhave hair in various shades of anything varying from light, honey brown to black. Their eye color can consist of varying jewel tones including amber, sapphire, and emerald. White vipers, who are much less common being descended from a formerly exiled group of Serpiente, are known for white-blonde hair and blue eyes. The Cobriana family are known for their black hair and garnet colored eyes, which can hypnotise with a glance. Cobra traits breed true over any other serpiente traits, excepting the white vipers. All serpents", "id": "18786316" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nof Scotland with Edinburgh as a red head hotspot. There, four-in-10 carry one of the three most common red hair genes. Scotland as whole has a higher percentage than Ireland, 36.5 per cent as against 34.7 according to a survey taken by BritainsDNA. England has a red hair prevalence of around 4%, with 28.5% of population having the allele; while in Wales 38% of Welsh people carry the red-haired allele. A 1956 study of hair colour among British Army recruits from Great Britain found higher", "id": "218545" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\n. There is little or no evidence to support the belief that people with red hair have a higher chance than people with other hair colors to hemorrhage or suffer other bleeding complications. One study, however, reports a link between red hair and a higher rate of bruising. Most red hair is caused by the MC1R gene and is non-pathological. However, in rare cases red hair can be associated with disease or genetic disorder: In various times and cultures, red hair has been prized, feared, and ridiculed.", "id": "218565" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nsometimes darkens as a person ages. Several gene pairs control the light versus dark hair color in a cumulative effect. A person's genotype for a multifactorial trait can interact with the environment to produce varying phenotypes (see quantitative trait locus). Natural hair color can be brown, blond, black, red, or white; all natural hair colors including grey, white and lightest blond, are shades of brown. The Fischer–Saller scale, named after Eugen Fischer and , is used in physical anthropology and medicine to determine", "id": "218618" }, { "contents": "F*** Off, I'm Ginger\n\n\nMarsh also appeared. The documentary is about the life of a ginger haired person, and how hard they have it amongst the world around them. It aims to persuade people who discriminate against ginger hair to change their ways and respect ginger haired people just like any other person. It contained interviews with ginger haired actors Charlie Clements (Bradley Branning in \"EastEnders\"), in which he spoke about becoming typecast as a ginger actor, and about Bradley's portrayal as a geek in the show and Jennie McAlpine (Fiz Brown", "id": "12310259" }, { "contents": "Good Hair\n\n\nSymoné, Maya Angelou, Salt-n-Pepa, Eve, Tracie Thoms, and Reverend Al Sharpton. They provide opinions on \"good hair\" and recount personal experiences in dealing with their hair. Nia Long says, \"There's always this sort of pressure within the black community like, if you have good hair, you're prettier or better than the brown-skinned girl that wears the Afro or the dreads or the natural hairstyle.\" In Jeannette Catsoulis' review of the film, she notes that Rock", "id": "760893" }, { "contents": "Sex differences in human physiology\n\n\n. A higher proportion of females were also found to have blond hair, whereas males were more likely to have black or dark brown hair. Another study found green eyes, which are a result of lower melanin levels, to be much more common in women than in men, at least by a factor of two. However, one more recent study found that while women indeed tend to have a lower frequency of black hair, men on the other hand had a higher frequency of platinum blond hair, blue eyes and lighter", "id": "14288057" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\n, a yerde long, I gesse\" (lines 1048-1050). Because of blond hair's relative commonness in northern Europe, especially among children, folk tales from these regions tend to feature large numbers of blond protagonists. Although these stories may not have been seen by their original tellers as idealizing blond hair, when they are read in cultures outside of northern Europe where blond hair \"has rarity value\", they may seem to connote that blond hair is a sign of special purity. During the medieval period,", "id": "5633811" }, { "contents": "National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation\n\n\nusual amounts of a pigment called melanin. One person in 17,000 in the United States has some type of albinism. Albinism affects people from all races. Most children with albinism are born to parents who have normal hair and eye color for their ethnic backgrounds. A common myth is that people with albinism have red eyes. In fact there are different types of albinism and the amount of pigment in the eyes varies. Although some individuals with albinism have reddish or violet eyes, most have blue eyes. Some have hazel or brown", "id": "21401709" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nthe reddish pigment pheomelanin and relatively low levels of the dark pigment eumelanin, it is associated with fair skin color, lighter eye color, freckles, and sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Cultural reactions to red hair have varied from ridicule to admiration with many common stereotypes in existence regarding redheads. The term redhead has been in use since at least 1510. Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe; it is centered around populations in the British Isles. Redheads today are commonly associated with the Celtic nations", "id": "218543" }, { "contents": "Hairstyles in the 1950s\n\n\n's salon. Mouseketeer Annette Funicello dramatically presented this hair style in the movie “Beach Party”. Short, tight curls with a poodle cut known as \"short bangs\" were very popular, favored by women such as first lady Mamie Eisenhower. Henna was a popular hair dye in the 1950s in the US; in the popular TV comedy series \"I Love Lucy\", Lucille Ball (according to her husband’s statement) “used henna rinse to dye her brown hair red.” The poodle cut was also made", "id": "1127390" }, { "contents": "Malagasy mountain mouse\n\n\nother nesomyines. It has a thick, soft fur, which appears dark brown on the upperparts. The cover hairs (which comprise most of the fur) are tricolored: for the basal two-thirds of their length, they are plumbeous gray; the middle is ochraceous; and the tip is dark brown to black. The longer guard hairs, which are most common towards the middle of the back, are completely black. The fur of the underparts appears dark gray and is not sharply demarcated from the upperparts. There", "id": "19506923" }, { "contents": "Greeks\n\n\nthe old civilizations of the Levant and Egypt, but there is no quantifiable genetic influence\". A study from 2013 for prediction of hair and eye colour from DNA of the Greek people showed that the self-reported phenotype frequencies according to hair and eye colour categories was as follows: 119 individuals – hair colour, 11 blond, 45 dark blond/light brown, 49 dark brown, 3 brown red/auburn and 11 had black hair; eye colour, 13 with blue, 15 with intermediate (green, heterochromia)", "id": "19450149" }, { "contents": "Heteropoda davidbowie\n\n\nof the frontal view of the spider to the singer's painted face in his early career. They are sexually dimorphic and body length ranges from medium to large: the male ; the female . Males have an overall reddish brown dorsum with distinct brightly colored hairs forming patches and lines. The body has short dense hair, prominently interspersed with long bright orange hairs. The posterior half of body has a distinct red line surrounded by red hairs. The pedipalps are black, and the legs lack any distinct pattern. Females are similar", "id": "9361790" }, { "contents": "Noldor\n\n\nAge was the Silvan realm of Mirkwood, ruled by the Sindar Thranduil. The Noldor were very tall and of muscular build. Their hair colour was usually very dark brown (according to Tolkien, Elves did not have \"absolute black\" hair), but red and even white (\"silver\") hair exist among them too. Their eyes were usually grey or dark. Intertribal marriage seemed to be common among them, and Noldor sometimes married both Teleri and Vanyar, being well acquainted with both tribes in Valinor. The", "id": "17593996" }, { "contents": "Melanocortin 1 receptor\n\n\nof the \"MC1R\" gene. This is compared to less than 20% in people with brown or black hair, and less than 4% in people showing a good tanning response. The Out-of-Africa model proposes that modern humans originated in Africa and migrated north to populate Europe and Asia. These migrants most likely had a functional \"MC1R\" variant and, accordingly, dark hair and skin as displayed by indigenous Africans today. As humans migrated north, the absence of high levels of solar radiation in northern", "id": "9944359" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "Pyrrhopyge araxes\n\n\nthe body and basal area of the wings bright yellow-orange. The Dull Firetip lives in habitats such as southwestern oak woodlands. Adults may be seen from August to November (they are most common in September). The larvae live in a folded-over leaf nest. The yellow-banded larva is red-brown with white-hairs. The head is black with white and orange hairs. The pupa is brownish-red with maroon joints and the abdomen dull orange. It is covered with white hairs (except", "id": "18434232" }, { "contents": "Burgher people\n\n\nbol fiado\" (layered cake), \"ijzer koekjes\", \"frikkadels\" (savoury meatballs) and lamprais, have become an integral part of Sri Lankan national cuisine. Burghers are not physically homogeneous. It is possible to have a blond, pale white-skinned Burgher, as well as a Burgher with a very dark complexion and black hair, a Burgher with complexion from brown to light brown and black hair, and a Burgher with fairer complexion and black hair. Pale-skinned and dark-skinned children can", "id": "11292572" } ]
I do not have much energy Are you having trouble carrying out normal daily routines? Could be chronic fatigue syndrome. I am thinking so, maybe i need to see a doctor on this It isn't something that can be cured, but chronic fatigue syndrome can be managed. How can i manage it
[{"answer": "Either use cognitive behavioral therapy, or start exercising more. Or both.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "16823924", "title": "Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 185, "bleu_score": 0.6082198592336497, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Functional symptom\n\n\ncure. (To caricature this reasoning: \"I can't cure you: you must be mad\".) It is well established that psychosomatic symptoms are a real phenomenon, so this potential explanation is often plausible, not always easily refutable, and can be reassuring (at least for the doctor). Sometimes it is correct. For example, symptoms associated with migraine, epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, stomach ulcers, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease and many other conditions have all tended historically at first to be", "id": "147209" }, { "contents": "David Sheffield Bell\n\n\nand published a paper that refuted the hypothesis. Bell wrote \"The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome\", which was published in 1995. The book, which also refers to CFS as \"chronic fatigue/immune dysfunction syndrome,\" or CFIDS, describes Bell's CFIDS disability scale. Various publications have used or proposed Bell's scale which is similar to the Karnofsky scale, for the documentation of severity of symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. In the 2000 CFS documentary, I Remember Me, Bell appeared in an interview", "id": "22196359" }, { "contents": "Steve Birkinshaw\n\n\nsuffered health problems diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, saying in an article in \"Fell Runner\" in 2017 that he \"is not sure if he is fully recovered. 'Sometimes I have days when I feel completely normal. Other days I have some \"brain fog\" but it is nowhere near as bad as it was. ... I have done some longer harder runs and sometimes I have felt OK and sometimes I have really struggled. Basically I am happy with where I am. I might recover fully and be able", "id": "8897822" }, { "contents": "Jacelyn Tay\n\n\nInternal Medicine Specialist diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Unfortunately I was told there was no cure for auto-immune disorder. It was not like me to give up so I did my own research and read ups. After gaining some knowledge, I decided to change my lifestyle and diet. I also started regular exercise and did detoxification treatments. 2 years of disciplined lifestyle, I finally got rid of my fainting spells. I am now healthier in my 40s than in my 20s, have no wrinkles and, no…", "id": "20496410" }, { "contents": "Simon Wessely\n\n\nchronic fatigue syndrome, despite having himself published research which concluded that \"the stereotype of CFS sufferers as perfectionists with negative attitudes toward psychiatry was not supported\". When asked about severely affected bed-ridden patients, Wessely said \"in that kind of disability, psychological factors are important and I don't care how unpopular that statement makes me.\" Malcolm Hooper, the Countess of Mar, and others have strongly criticised Wessely. In a 2002 article on chronic fatigue syndrome, \"The Guardian\" characterized the criticisms of one group", "id": "4590496" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is an illness with a long history of controversy. For years, many professionals within the medical community did not recognize CFS as a true condition, nor was there agreement on its prevalence. There has been much disagreement over the pathophysiology of chronic fatigue syndrome, how it should be diagnosed, and how to treat it. The diagnosis is controversial, and its etiology is still not fully understood. Alternative names to describe the condition(s) have been used over time throughout the world. Patient groups have", "id": "18510481" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nChronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), is a medical condition characterized by long-term fatigue and other persistent symptoms that limit a person's ability to carry out ordinary daily activities. While the cause is not understood, proposed mechanisms include biological, genetic, infectious, and psychological. Diagnosis is based on a person's symptoms because there is no confirmed diagnostic test. The fatigue in CFS is not due to strenuous ongoing exertion, is not much relieved by rest and is not", "id": "10795968" }, { "contents": "Pervasive refusal syndrome\n\n\nis very infrequent. PRS is rare. It was first described by Bryan Lask and colleagues in 1991. The charity Invest in ME says that children who are initially diagnosed with the serious illness myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), which is typically triggered by a virus, may have their illness label changed to the flawed diagnosis of pervasive refusal syndrome if their doctors do not believe that ME/CFS really exists, or if these doctors do not accept that children with ME/CFS can be so seriously", "id": "16726011" }, { "contents": "Michael Wardian\n\n\nthe counter argument is that you could get hurt and you wouldn't have any races a year. There are so many opportunities out there and, I love to toe the line. I love to see what I can do and just push the limits and try and experiment with myself. I like that people can look at me, and say, \"Wow, if that guy can do 13 marathons a year and do pretty well maybe I can do one.\" I think a lot of people can relate to that", "id": "17282695" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ndescriptions, with the aim of improving diagnosis, management and treatment. An example is the CFS/ME guideline for the National Health Services in England and Wales, produced in 2007, (presently being updated). Other guidance can be found at the New York Department of Health. Certain medical conditions can cause chronic fatigue and must be ruled out before a diagnosis of CFS can be given. Hypothyroidism, anemia, coeliac disease (that can occur without gastrointestinal symptoms), diabetes and certain psychiatric disorders are a few of the", "id": "10795991" }, { "contents": "Ann Bannon\n\n\nready for something fresh and exciting in my life. It had seemed to me, up to that point, that not only had the books and the characters died, so had Ann Bannon.\" However, following a bitter divorce, and just as the Naiad Press editions of her books were released, Bannon endured a bout of chronic fatigue syndrome, which she connects to repressing herself for so long. \"You've got to think that it's connected, somehow. At the time I denied it fiercely, but I", "id": "21544396" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment\n\n\nTreatment of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is variable and uncertain, and the condition is primarily managed rather than cured. Only two treatments, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and graded exercise therapy (GET), have demonstrated reproducible evidence for their efficacy in people with CFS who are walking. Based on evidence from multiple randomized clinical trials (RCTs), a systematic review published in the \"Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine\" (October 2006) stated that CBT and GET interventions showed promising results, appearing to reduce", "id": "18510413" }, { "contents": "Laura Hillenbrand\n\n\ncould hardly sit up in bed and she could not make the walk to classes. \"Terrified, confused, she dropped out of school\" and her sister drove her home. She shuttled from doctor to doctor for a year before being diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome at Johns Hopkins. She said it was the most hellish year of her life. Because the name of her illness does not represent the extent of the disease, in 2011 Hillenbrand said of her diagnosis:This is why I talk about it. You can’t", "id": "12659120" }, { "contents": "Chronic care management\n\n\nrenal failure. They stated that their patients experienced a series of \"phases\", and that during some of these phases the patients responded to the same interventions quite differently. Individuals who suffered from chronic illnesses, such as C. Register and S. Wells, have given detailed accounts of their experiences and made recommendations about how to manage chronic conditions. Associations proliferated for those with specific conditions (Sjögren's syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, peripheral neuropathy, etc.), and these groups have engaged in advocacy work, acted as clearinghouses", "id": "13113882" }, { "contents": "Spoon theory\n\n\n. In a 2016 article for The Sydney Morning Herald, freelance writer Naomi Chainey, who has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, describes how the theory can also be applied to mental health conditions and cognitive or social disabilities, such as Autism or Major depressive disorder, as long as they are chronic conditions. But it most commonly refers to the experience of having an invisible disability, because people with no outward symptoms or symbols of their condition are often perceived of as lazy, inconsistent or having poor time management skills by those who have no", "id": "13648627" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nchronic Lyme have fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia can be difficult to treat, and antibiotics do not work at all for fibromyalgia. A pressure group called the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) says that the persistence of \"B. burgdorferi\" may be responsible for manifestations of chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Chronic Lyme can generally be explained as a missed diagnosis of fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. However, among people who self-identify as having chronic Lyme, the idea of chronic Lyme functions as a type of social identity. In", "id": "4483299" }, { "contents": "Mal de debarquement\n\n\nboat cruise, aircraft ride, or even a treadmill routine which may only last minutes to a few hours. The syndrome has recently received increased attention due to the number of people presenting with the condition and more scientific research has commenced to determine what triggers MdDS and how to cure it. Common symptoms most frequently reported include a persistent sensation of motion usually described as rocking, swaying, or bobbing, disequilibrium with difficulty maintaining balance; it is seldom accompanied by a true spinning vertigo. Chronically fatigued, sufferers can become fatigued quickly", "id": "5173210" }, { "contents": "I Remember Me\n\n\nI Remember Me (2000) is a biographical documentary about chronic fatigue syndrome, filmed in the United States by Kim A. Snyder. The film attempts to show just how devastating the illness can be to persons afflicted with the illness. Snyder's travels are chronicled for four years as she tries to find answers about the mysterious illness she was diagnosed with. The motivation for Snyder was her fluctuating partial improvements followed by relapses of debilitating symptoms she experienced. Snyder was given many contradictory diagnoses for her symptoms along with various drugs that were", "id": "5371117" }, { "contents": "Cancer-related fatigue\n\n\n, can cause fatigue, and may also need treatment. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network defines cancer-related fatigue as \"a distressing persistent, subjective sense of physical, emotional and/or cognitive tiredness or exhaustion related to cancer or cancer treatment that is not proportional to recent activity and interferes with usual functioning\". Cancer-related fatigue is a chronic fatigue (persistent fatigue not relieved by rest), but it is not related to chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatment depends on the patient's overall situation. A patient who is in active", "id": "1241443" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome treatment\n\n\ncognitive behavioural therapy, acknowledge the typical patient fluctuations in symptom severity and delayed exercise recovery. Patients are advised to set manageable daily activity/exercise goals and balance their activity and rest to avoid possible over-doing which may worsen their symptoms. People who can function within their individual limits may then try to gradually increase activity and exercise levels (GET) while maintaining pacing methods. The goal is to increase over time the level of routine functioning of the individual. A small randomised controlled trial concluded pacing with GET had statistically better", "id": "18510437" }, { "contents": "Richie Richardson\n\n\nresignation. Despite the setback, the team progressed to the semi-final where they lost to Australia; it was his last match for the West Indies. Reflecting on his decision to retire years later, Richardson remarked \"I resigned and retired because I was suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, I was burnt out and it was a struggle to continue playing cricket. Every day was stressful, everybody wanted a piece of you and I had no time for myself. I was training harder and trying hard on the field but I", "id": "17149723" }, { "contents": "Ixodes holocyclus\n\n\n. More serious are meningitis, Bell's palsy (weakness of the face muscles), swelling of joints, and heart problems with palpitations and breathlessness. Lyme disease is difficult to distinguish from many other illnesses like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) because the symptoms may be similar. If you have symptoms that could be Lyme disease, even if you do not remember a tickbite, see your doctor. Diagnosis is helped by a blood test called a Western Blot test, but your doctor will consider whether any other illness could be", "id": "11549125" }, { "contents": "Blixa Bargeld\n\n\n'I am doing this, I am doing that, or maybe I should play organ'. I didn't have any of these things, and I could not afford any of these things, and neither could anybody else in the group. It was more of the logical consequence of what can we obtain, and that's how it turned out. It certainly didn't start out as an artistic concept to say \"let's do something different\", it started as an extension of the live situation as it already", "id": "6827003" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nthe severely ill. There is no generally accepted diagnostic test to reliably diagnose or exclude chronic fatigue syndrome. The 1994 CDC criteria states diagnostic tests should be directed to confirm or exclude other causes for fatigue and other symptoms. Further tests may be individually necessary to identify underlying or contributing conditions that require treatment. The use of tests for diagnosing chronic fatigue syndrome should only be done in the context of protocol-based research. The following routine tests are recommended: The 2007 NICE guideline includes, in addition to panel recommended by the", "id": "966103" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ndue to a previous medical condition. Fatigue is a common symptom in many illnesses, but the unexplained fatigue and severity of functional impairment in CFS is comparatively rare. There is no cure, with treatment being symptomatic. No medications or procedures have been approved in the United States. Evidence suggests that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and a gradual increase in activity suited to individual capacity can be beneficial in some cases. In a systematic review of exercise therapy, no evidence of serious adverse effects was found, however data was insufficient", "id": "10795969" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n, benign\") (see also Encephalitis) 323.9.\" For CFS, a modification to the alphabetic index was made, effective on October 1, 1991, to direct users to code 780.7, Malaise and fatigue, the same code used to identify cases of postviral syndrome. In 1998, a new five-digit code included 780.71, Chronic fatigue syndrome, consistent with the WHO version of ICD-9. Chronic fatigue syndrome is classified in tabular list: \"Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions,\" under the sub", "id": "16589964" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nmust not have predated the fatigue: All other known causes of chronic fatigue must have been ruled out, specifically clinical depression, side effects of medication, eating disorders and substance abuse. The clinical evaluation should include: Other diagnostic tests have no recognized value unless indicated on an individual basis to confirm or exclude a differential diagnosis, such as multiple sclerosis. The initial chronic fatigue syndrome definition was published in 1988. It is also called the \"Holmes definition\", after the manuscript's first author. Unlike the 1994 CDC criteria", "id": "966095" }, { "contents": "Post-concussion syndrome\n\n\nand sleep. PCS also shares symptoms with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and exposure to certain toxins. Traumatic brain injury may cause damage to the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland, and deficiencies of pituitary hormones (hypopituitarism) can cause similar symptoms to post-concussion syndrome; in these cases, symptoms can be treated by replacing any hormones that are deficient. Management of post-concussion syndrome typically involves treatments addressing specific symptoms; for example, people can take pain relievers for headaches and medicine to relieve depression or insomnia. Rest", "id": "11725898" }, { "contents": "Dangerous (Andy Taylor album)\n\n\nvery last minute they pulled out. And I said to the label – A&M – I could do that. The guys that managed me at the time went into overdrive – 'you can do that as well, because you know how much money they are going to pay you to do it?!' I thought, great, this is something everyone wants to do – an album of their favourite covers. The reason things are so raw, was that within 3 days we were in the studio recording this thing and", "id": "15294240" }, { "contents": "Auto-brewery syndrome\n\n\nchronic fatigue syndrome, it can lead to other health problems such as depression, anxiety and poor productivity in employment. The random state of intoxication can lead to personal difficulties, and the relative obscurity of the condition can also make it hard to seek treatment. A breathalyser, as administered by a professional, would determine if alcohol was present in the system. This may have to be repeated at multiple times of the day to account for naturally occurring fluctuations and to build up a bigger picture of how the condition manifests itself.", "id": "1484425" }, { "contents": "Rintatolimod\n\n\nsubmitted further analyses of the original clinical trial data, but did not submit additional trials for review. Four months later, a committee of the FDA voted 8-5 against approval for rintatolimod, again citing insufficient data. For people with chronic fatigue syndrome, there is low quality evidence that rintatolimod can improve the quality of life. Rintatolimod is designed to boost cellular defenses against viruses and tumors, and could be synergistic with other anti-virals used for avian influenza. An independent review of rintatolimod trials in chronic fatigue syndrome was", "id": "16785195" }, { "contents": "The Lightning Process\n\n\nThe Lightning Process (LP) is a three-day personal training programme developed by British osteopath Phil Parker. It claims to be beneficial for various conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and chronic pain. The Lightning Process is not recommended by the NHS for the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Developed in the late 1990s, it aims to teach techniques for managing the acute stress response that the body experiences under threat. The course aims to help recognise the stress response, calm it and manage it in the long term", "id": "3169996" }, { "contents": "Evidence (musician)\n\n\nBabu, DJ Khalil, and Evidence himself, the album \"The Weatherman LP\" was released March 20, 2007. \"I think people can tell when an artist isn't confident in themselves and on this song I let the audience know I have something to say and I am going to stand behind it. When you come and see me on stage I am going to look you in the eyes and make that connection, I want the audience to know that I am ready to take the responsibility of being a leader", "id": "22083607" }, { "contents": "I Remember Me\n\n\nhysterical paralysis.\"\" She interviewed several of the women who became ill and later recovered. A group still meets to discuss their experiences with the illness. The Nevada group was a severe outbreak and Snyder interviewed treating doctor Daniel Peterson along with several of his patients. Peterson describes how the Centers for Disease Control investigated, but he does not believe that they intended to take the illness seriously. Peterson takes the illness very seriously, and seven of his patients have committed suicide. Several other notable individuals with Chronic fatigue syndrome are", "id": "5371119" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nThe history of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS, also known by many other names) is thought to date back to the 19th century and before. Several descriptions of illness resembling those of chronic fatigue syndrome have been reported for at least two hundred years. In the 19th century, neurologist George Miller Beard popularised the concept of neurasthenia, with symptoms including fatigue, anxiety, headache, impotence, neuralgia and depression. This concept remained popular well into the 20th century, eventually coming to be seen as a behavioural rather than physical condition", "id": "16589949" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\nwho had Lyme disease and were treated. In many cases there is no objective evidence that people who believe they have chronic Lyme have ever been infected with Lyme disease: standard diagnostic tests for infection are often negative. While it is undisputed people can have severe symptoms of an illness, the cause and appropriate treatment promoted by \"chronic Lyme\" advocates are controversial. The symptoms represent \"for all intents and purposes\" fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by an infection, and then persist when the infection is", "id": "4483295" }, { "contents": "Chronic Lyme disease\n\n\n\"Borrelia burgdorferi\", or with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, a set of lingering symptoms which may persist after successful treatment of infection with Lyme bacteria. Despite numerous studies, there is no clinical evidence that symptoms associated with CLD are caused by any persistent infection. The symptoms of chronic Lyme are generic and non-specific symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle pain, and in many cases are likely due to fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia can be triggered by an infection, and antibiotics are not a safe", "id": "4483292" }, { "contents": "Post-polio syndrome\n\n\nepisodes. Such can be achieved by lifestyle changes: additional (daytime) sleep, reducing workload, weight loss for obesity. Some require lower limb orthotics to reduce energy usage. Medications for fatigue, such as amantadine and pyridostigmine, are ineffective in the management of PPS. Muscle strength and endurance training are more important in managing the symptoms of PPS than the ability to perform enduring aerobic activity. Management should focus on treatments such as hydrotherapy and developing other routines that encourage strength but do not affect fatigue levels. A recent trend", "id": "10602741" }, { "contents": "Adrenergic receptor autoantibodies\n\n\ndevelopment of better testing provide hope for more targeted therapies and better treatment outcomes. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), a disease characterized by profound fatigue, sleep abnormalities, pain, and other symptoms that are made worse by exertion, is infamous for its confounding etiology. Studies have revealed the specific connection between infection-trigger and disease onset in a cohort of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients. These patients showed significantly elevated antibodies to beta2-adrenergic receptors. Future research solidifying this correlation of CFS with autoantibodies to adrenergic receptors would", "id": "19313683" }, { "contents": "Bill Siemering\n\n\na good listener, which is the key to good interviewing of course.\" ... I think whatever talent I have is mainly just hiring good people, trying to see their gifts, and managing as I would like to be managed, which means being left alone as much as possible and, you know, have a clear job description, know what I'm supposed to do, be left alone to do it and bring as much as I can to it.\" When I asked a manager of a station in Rwanda", "id": "21606958" }, { "contents": "Sexless marriage\n\n\nmay have sexless marriages because they have different work schedules or busy lives. For couples with children, especially young children, the demands of childbearing and child rearing can lead to stress and exhaustion. Fatigue or exhaustion can also arise from other causes, such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Adultery can lead to a sexless marriage in two ways: it can cause the partner having the affair to have reduced sexual interest in their spouse, and if the affair is discovered, the \"innocent\" spouse may cease to want to be intimate", "id": "2746256" }, { "contents": "History of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nThe name Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has been attributed to the USA Centers for Disease Control 1988 research case definition for the illness, \"Chronic fatigue syndrome: a working case definition\". Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) was added to ICD-9 after 1988 and listed under , Symptoms Signs and Ill-defined Conditions. Since 1979 the U.S. has used a clinical modification of WHO's ICD 9th revision (ICD-9-CM), and ME is under index: \"Encephalomyelitis (chronic) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic necrotizing, acute) (\"myalgic", "id": "16589963" }, { "contents": "Gabrielle Jacobs\n\n\nof Asperger's Syndrome. Mothers of teenagers with the syndrome said their children had taken pride in seeing Gabrielle's character on TV. Le Brun explained the benefits of portraying the role as helping educate viewers about Asperger's, stating; \"Kids who have Asperger's have tuned in where they might not have done so before. I think they can find it quite reassuring. We've had the odd email or mums saying they look at it as a bit of an inspiration that while things are difficult, you can do good", "id": "14186501" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nresearchers reported that \"38% of those with a diagnosis of a Major Depressive Disorder were misclassified as having CFS using the new CDC definition.\" On 15 August the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a notice of intent to award a contract to the Institutes of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) for a Study on Diagnostic Criteria for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with the purpose of : \"recommending clinical diagnostic criteria for myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)\". The award", "id": "966108" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nMS), chronic hepatitis and various malignancies.\" Medications can also cause side effects that mimic symptoms of CFS. Central sensitization, or increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli such as pain have been observed in CFS. Sensitivity to pain increases post-exertionally, which is opposite to the normal pattern. Gradual or sudden onset of the illness may occur, and studies have mixed results as to which occurs more frequently. The functional capacity of individuals with CFS varies greatly. Some persons with CFS lead relatively normal lives; others are totally", "id": "10795973" }, { "contents": "Central nervous system fatigue\n\n\ndischarge from the motor cortex that affects the primary somatosensory cortex. Endurance athletes learn to listen to their body. Protecting organs from potentially dangerous core temperatures and nutritional lows is an important brain function. Central nervous system fatigue alerts the athlete when physiological conditions are not optimal so either rest or refueling can occur. It is important to avoid hyperthermia and dehydration, as they are detrimental to athletic performance and can be fatal. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a name for a group of diseases that are dominated by persistent fatigue. The fatigue is", "id": "12542676" }, { "contents": "Daniel Peterson (physician)\n\n\nfor treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Hemispherx Biopharma's New Drug Application for marketing and sale of Ampligen to treat chronic fatigue syndrome was rejected in December 2009 because the FDA concluded that the two RCTs \"did not provide credible evidence of efficacy.\" Peterson was a member of the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group that coauthored the most widely used clinical and research description of CFS, called the 1994 CDC definition, and the Fukuda definition. He is a coauthor of \"Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Clinical Working Case Definition", "id": "22196559" }, { "contents": "French Grant\n\n\nand rubbing his eyes, said, \"Friends, I am very sorry it is so, but I have been very poorly for some days; have no appetite and have not cooked anything, nor have I prepared anything to cook.\" The two, making themselves very free, opened the cupboard and continued, \"Well, Doctor, as you are sick, we can cook a little for ourselves.\" Doctor—\"I don't like to put you to so much trouble; besides I have nothing fit for you.\"", "id": "13826403" }, { "contents": "It's a Wonderful Afterlife\n\n\nand immediately I remembered how much fun we'd had shooting that scene. The wedding is so integral to our culture that I suddenly thought ‘How can I do another wedding scene without repeating myself?’ So I thought maybe I could do it with a horror spin, where everything goes awry. Much like the prom scene at the end of \"Carrie\".” Working with long-time collaborator and screenwriter Berges, Chadha spent two and half years writing the script. “I started seeing this crazy film, set", "id": "14836397" }, { "contents": "Politics of Harry Potter\n\n\nRowling's texts. When asked about the theme of racism and if her books have changed how people think, Rowling said, \"I do not think I am pessimistic but I think I am realistic about how much you can change deeply entrenched prejudice, so my feeling would be that if someone were a committed racist, possibly \"Harry Potter\" is not going to have an effect.\" When asked in a post-\"Deathly Hallows\" webchat about Hermione's future, Rowling said, \"Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at", "id": "20349443" }, { "contents": "Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)\n\n\nI had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in", "id": "17262013" }, { "contents": "Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis\n\n\n, burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and alcoholism. Antidepressants, which are routinely prescribed for many of these illnesses, serve to regulate HPA axis function. Experimental studies have investigated many different types of stress, and their effects on the HPA axis in many different circumstances. Stressors can be of many different types—in experimental studies in rats, a distinction is often made between \"social stress\" and \"physical stress\", but both types activate the HPA axis, though via different pathways.", "id": "17558446" }, { "contents": "Shah Indrawan Ismail\n\n\na lot of people could really transform what I think is a feely boring song. And you transformed it to something that I really enjoyed. So, well done.\"\" – Paul Moss on Tomok's Aku Cinta Padamu rendition \"\"I think that was a fantastic performance. When you came out, I can see that look in your eyes, you are ready to perform, your features and gestures are so selective, you pick the right gestures, you know how to use the stage and how to excite the", "id": "19302421" }, { "contents": "Michael Evans (bishop)\n\n\nfamily until this stage of my life ends. I do not know how long that will be. I am most grateful for the ways you have cared for and so prayerfully supported me in recent years. You remain very much in my thoughts and care. As I am sure you understand, I am able to do very little, and will need to rely on others. Please can I ask you to limit any expressions of care to prayer for now, rather than anything else to which I cannot respond.\"", "id": "5719599" }, { "contents": "Monitor (comics)\n\n\nthat the whole company could use. I didn’t have to sell it to Marvel, because they already had one universe, but when I came back to DC I indicated that I wanted to do it here. Everyone liked it but forgot to hand out the sheets I gave for their writers. So I have to redo it indicating how far you can take the character from month A to month B. Like for three months you can only show this much and after six months you can show that much, and at the", "id": "10521771" }, { "contents": "Chronic cough\n\n\nhave a persistent cough after the period of medication. A prolonged cough such as one that falls under the chronic cough syndrome can become a medical emergency. Concerning symptoms are: a high fever, coughing of blood, chest pain, difficulty of breathing, appetite loss, excess mucus being coughed, fatigue, night sweats, and unexplained weight loss. By diagnosing which type of cough is present during the chronic cough, individuals can further identify the cause of the chronic cough. These coughs include the following. A Dry cough is", "id": "13130937" }, { "contents": "Stephen Straus\n\n\nthe syndrome. In 1988, Straus was one of a group of physicians to propose the name \"chronic fatigue syndrome\" for the condition, and was subsequently one of the lead authors of the International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group's guidelines. He also pursued various virological, immunological, neuroendocrine and neuropsychological studies of the syndrome. In the early 1990s, Straus and colleagues discovered autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome (ALPS), a rare genetic disorder in which the normal Fas-mediated apoptosis of lymphocytes is disrupted, leading to uncontrolled proliferation.", "id": "11744935" }, { "contents": "Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome\n\n\nPostural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a condition in which a change from lying to standing causes an abnormally large increase in heart rate. This occurs with symptoms that may include lightheadedness, trouble thinking, blurred vision or weakness. Other commonly associated conditions include irritable bowel syndrome, insomnia, chronic headaches, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. The causes of POTS are varied. Often, it begins after a viral infection, surgery or pregnancy. Risk factors include a family history of the condition. Diagnosis", "id": "3211836" }, { "contents": "Hypersomnia\n\n\n. Regarding chronic fatigue syndrome, it is \"characterized by persistent or relapsing fatigue that does not resolve with sleep or rest. Polysomnography shows reduced sleep efficiency and may include alpha intrusion into sleep EEG. It is likely that a number of cases labeled as chronic fatigue syndrome are unrecognized cases of upper airway resistance syndrome\" or other sleep disorders, such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea, PLMD, etc. Similarly to chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia also may be associated with anomalous alpha wave activity (typically associated with arousal states) during", "id": "5976256" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nhave not been studied fully enough to recommend them for all persons affected. The report expressed concern that GET appears to be associated with worsening symptoms in some. The CDC guide for the management of CFS states that while there is no cure, a number of methods might improve symptoms. Treatment strategies for sleep problems, pain, (depression, stress, and anxiety) dizziness and lightheadedness (Orthostatic Intolerance), and memory and concentration problems are enumerated. Other useful topics mentioned that patients and doctors might discuss include; carefully monitoring", "id": "10795996" }, { "contents": "Jacob Teitelbaum\n\n\nJacob E. Teitelbaum (born April 21, 1952) is an American physician and author with special interests in chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and pain management. Teitelbaum was born in Ohio in 1952. His parents, Sabina and David, were Holocaust survivors who emigrated to the United States after World War II. He studied medicine at Ohio State University, graduating in 1977. While in medical school, he developed chronic fatigue syndrome, which forced him to drop out for a year to recover. Since then, he has focused", "id": "4954621" }, { "contents": "Grethe Meyer\n\n\nis something we designers can carry with us. I must say that the older I get, the more I wonder and feel how fabulous the whole creation of the universe is. I have a deep, deep admiration, reverence and respect for the powers, forces, call it what you will, that could create our wonderful world. I get dizzy when I think of it, especially considering that I know how many decisions and how much time it takes just to make a simple, small object, such as a spoon", "id": "3194180" }, { "contents": "Inflammatory demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system\n\n\n, PPMS, after recent findings seem to point that it is pathologically a very different disease. Venous induced demyelination has also been proposed as a hypothetical MS variant produced by CCSVI, Susac's syndrome (MS has an important vascular component), myalgic encephalomyelitis (aka chronic fatigue syndrome). Also leukoaraiosis can produce lesions disseminated in time and space. Maybe two sub-conditions of Leukodystrophy: Adrenoleukodystrophy and Adrenomyeloneuropathy could be in the list. Though for the most of the cases these diseases are still idiopathic, recent research has found", "id": "15089200" }, { "contents": "Clinical descriptions of chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nresearch guidelines proposed by the \"International Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Study Group\", led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These criteria are sometimes called the \"Fukuda definition\" after the first author (Keiji Fukuda) of the publication. The 1994 CDC criteria specify the following conditions must be met: Clinically evaluated, unexplained, persistent or relapsing chronic fatigue that is: The concurrent occurrence of four or more of the following symptoms, all of which must have persisted or recurred during six or more consecutive months of illness and", "id": "966094" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ncriticized the name \"chronic fatigue syndrome,\" saying it trivializes the illness. A major divide still exists as to whether funding should be directed towards biomedical or psychological research. A 2007 article in \"The New York Times\" reported that patients prefer the terms \"myalgic encephalomyelitis\" or \"myalgic encephalopathy\" to \"chronic fatigue syndrome\". These patients believed the term \"fatigue\" trivializes the illness and discourages research into potential treatments. According to a survey of medical trainees at a school in the United States, a condition", "id": "18510482" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\n, and affective factors all played a role in perpetuating fatigue. More recently, a 2005 population-based study, which used a similar methodology to the earlier 1998 study, found important differences between CFS and psychiatrically explained chronic fatigue which could affect the development of therapy and explanatory models. They concluded that the 1998 model adequately represented chronic fatigue secondary to psychiatric conditions, but not CFS. Contested causation may have serious negative effects on healthcare for individuals, as it may erode patient-provider trust, test the provider's self-", "id": "18510487" }, { "contents": "Euthydemus (dialogue)\n\n\nwhich do not exist anywhere can have anything done to them?br \"I don't think so.\"br \"Well then, when politicians speak in the Assembly, isn't that an activity?\"br \"Yes, it is.\"br \"And if it's an activity, they are doing something?\"br \"Yes.\"br \"Then speech is activity, and doing something?\"br He \"So no one speaks non-existent things: I mean, he would already, in speaking, be doing something, and you have agreed that it is", "id": "21543748" }, { "contents": "Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome\n\n\nwith CP/CPPS are more likely than the general population to suffer from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Experimental tests that could be useful in the future include tests to measure semen and prostate fluid cytokine levels. Various studies have shown increases in markers for inflammation such as elevated levels of cytokines, myeloperoxidase, and chemokines. Some conditions have similar symptoms to chronic prostatitis: bladder neck hypertrophy and urethral stricture may both cause similar symptoms through urinary reflux (\"inter alia\") and", "id": "6047650" }, { "contents": "Great Easton, Essex\n\n\ntop and the hauling team were nearly at the gate to the village green, shouting things such as, 'What can you see?' and 'What's it like?' \"All adventures must end, and so did ours. Eventually I was lowered to the ground, and remember the landing being a bit hard. Thinking back, it could have been a lot worse! I don't know how much spare 'boy power' there was on that rope, but I am grateful that they all held on", "id": "10989181" }, { "contents": "Zuzana Piussi\n\n\nnot be invented, they simply inspire you and you capture them. ... Maybe I'm strange, but I want to be constantly surprised. Some believe in the brain and their ego and [maybe] someone is really so smart that it all works out exactly as he planned. I obviously am not narcissistic enough, I am a seeker. If something arouses my interest, I let things develop freely as in love. If I see that I have captured something essential, I integrate it into the picture.” To", "id": "18334157" }, { "contents": "Bad Intentions (EP)\n\n\nmy YouTube covers – that they can come for the Chief Keef and 2 Chainz covers but they can also see 'she has original music too,' so it's really important that people know me as a songwriter, and a musician, something more than just a YouTube artist.\" \"I think the reason I'm here is because I never tried to be where I am; we didn't construct this image or plan of attack. [My manager and I] have always said, let's just be honest", "id": "19602197" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nscientific community. For example, biostatistician Bruce Levin of Columbia University described the study as \"the height of clinical trial amateurism,\" and Ronald Davis of Stanford University wrote, “I’m shocked that the Lancet published it…The PACE study has so many flaws and there are so many questions you’d want to ask about it that I don’t understand how it got through any kind of peer review.”. In an analysis of the study's design, the mathematician Professor Rebecca Goldin wrote that \"There were problems", "id": "18510491" }, { "contents": "Todd La Torre\n\n\nin Queensrÿche never told me, hey, you're gonna have to decide here. They never put that on me. They said, \"If you think you can manage to do both, okay.\" I told them Crimson doesn't tour much and I wanted to finish the record that we started to make, and I wanna do that. And to be honest with you, it had nothing to do with Queensrÿche (...) [but] if everyone's not working towards the same thing, then something", "id": "993694" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nand managing activity to avoid worsening of symptoms, counseling to cope with the impact the illness may have on quality of life, proper nutrition and nutritional supplements that may support better health, complementary therapies that might help increase energy or decrease pain. The United Kingdom's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 2007 guideline directed toward clinicians, specifies the need for shared decision-making between the patient and healthcare professionals, and acknowledges the reality and impact of the condition and the symptoms. The NICE guideline covers illness management", "id": "10795997" }, { "contents": "Upper airway resistance syndrome\n\n\nUpper airway resistance syndrome is a common sleep disorder characterized by the narrowing of the airway that can cause disruptions to sleep. The primary symptoms include excessive fatigue and chronic insomnia. UARS can be diagnosed by polysomnography, and can be treated with lifestyle changes, dental devices, or CPAP therapy. UARS is similar to certain types of sleep apneas. Symptoms of UARS are similar to those of obstructive sleep apnea, but not inherently overlapping. Fatigue, daytime sleepiness, unrefreshing sleep, and frequent awakenings during sleep are the most common symptoms", "id": "11185647" }, { "contents": "I Was Here (song)\n\n\nIt’s as much about working a soup kitchen as it is helping an elderly person. Contributing something positive doesn’t have to be a lifelong commitment; it can just be daily gestures. So, it was about giving the whole issue perspective... One video and a message aren't going to save everything. But when you say things together, maybe the message will be heard and hopefully will provoke action. Inherently people are good, and inherently people are distracted and somewhat lazy, so it comes down to how do you", "id": "5042726" }, { "contents": "Cliff Robinson (artist)\n\n\n\" writers: \"Q - Have you ever had an artist turn in something, and thought ‘Oh No! What have they done?!’ A - Yeah, but what can you do? The reverse happens too, of course. You turn in a script you maybe didn't think was so great, and the artist really brings it to life. That happened on a Dredd story I did called \"Couch Potatoes\". I quite liked it, but I thought there were too many corny lines in it", "id": "6101497" }, { "contents": "Lori Earley\n\n\nwas recently diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It's an extremely rare, genetic syndrome in which the physical features of someone with it tend to have large eyes, a slender build and stretchy, elongated hyper-mobile limbs, and it tends to make you feel very stretched and elongated. The pain can be mild to excruciating, and I think the pain has lent itself well to emotions of the figures in my painting. When I found out I had it, it was like an epiphany! I think I finally", "id": "519012" }, { "contents": "DJ Campbell\n\n\ndo something silly. But everyone in Blackpool knows how much I love the club – I wouldn't have come back otherwise. We'll see what happens during the summer but I have been so happy to be at Blackpool during the second half of the season. I love the club. I love everybody, all the players and the gaffer. I am speechless and just delighted for everyone that we've actually managed to win promotion.\" Leicester City's management and coaching staff had changed upon Campbell's return to the club", "id": "5488862" }, { "contents": "Fibromyalgia\n\n\nwith a variety of allied disorders (e.g. chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome) and with depression. Individuals with the 5-HT2A receptor 102T/C polymorphism have been found to be at increased risk of developing fibromyalgia. Stress may be an important precipitating factor in the development of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is frequently comorbid with stress-related disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome, posttraumatic stress disorder, irritable bowel syndrome and depression. A systematic review found significant association between fibromyalgia and physical and sexual abuse in both childhood and adulthood, although the", "id": "13820061" }, { "contents": "Central nervous system fatigue\n\n\n. In another study, the subjects experienced higher perceived effort in relation to heart rate as compared to the control during a graded exercise test. The chronic fatigue subjects would stop before any sort of limit on the body was reached. Both studies proved that peripheral muscle fatigue was not causing the subjects with chronic fatigue syndrome to cease exercising. It is possible that the higher perception of effort required to use the muscles results in great difficulty in accomplishing consistent exercise. The main cause of fatigue in chronic fatigue syndrome most likely lies in", "id": "12542678" }, { "contents": "The Melody at Night, with You\n\n\npresent for my wife. I'd just had my Hamburg Steinway overhauled and wanted to try it out, and I have my studio right next to the house, so if I woke up and had a half-decent day, I would turn on the tape recorder and play for a few minutes. I was too fatigued to do more. Then something started to click with the mike placement, the new action of the instrument... I could play so soft... and the internal dynamics of the melodies... of the songs", "id": "912222" }, { "contents": "Chris Daughtry\n\n\njust be there without actually being there, is the best thing I can do. As a man, I always feel like I need to say something. Sometimes I have to stop myself because all I want to do is call and tell her about how much awesome stuff is going on in my life, and, you know, her day is sucking hard. I could write a book on it, I’m serious.\" Chris Daughtry and fellow \"Idol\" contestant Ace Young have been friends since they met at", "id": "6234518" }, { "contents": "Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome\n\n\nA trifecta of POTS, EDS, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is becoming increasingly more common, with a genetic marker common among all three conditions. POTS is also often accompanied by vasovagal syncope, with a 25% overlap being reported. There is significant overlap between POTS and chronic fatigue syndrome, with evidence of POTS in 25–50% of CFS cases. Fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance are prominent symptoms of both conditions, and dysautonomia may underlie both conditions. POTS can sometimes be a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with cancer.", "id": "3211847" }, { "contents": "Thin Lizzie (Supernatural)\n\n\na bad episode so far, and I think that, a fourth of the way of the season through, that we can reasonable expect that this could continue. The writing has been better, the directing has been superb, and the music choices have been fantastic. I think we're building to something great, and I am really, really excited to see how the rest of \"Supernatural\" Season 11 goes.\" Samantha Highfill of \"EW\" stated: \"There are many different types of \"Supernatural\" episodes", "id": "1230577" }, { "contents": "Premenstrual dysphoric disorder\n\n\nreproductive life events and are independent of a person's menstrual cycle or lack thereof. In addition to Axis I disorders, several other medical illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, and migraine disorder may present symptoms similar or identical to those of PMDD. Women with PMDD usually see their symptoms disappear while they are pregnant. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is primarily a mood disorder that is associated with onset of menstruation; pregnancy, menopause, and hysterectomies all cause menstruation to cease, thereby stopping the proposed sex steroid-/serotonin", "id": "15421872" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\n'How am I going to deal with this?' That came out of a conversation I had with him. He was saying, 'You've got to be able to suffer through, and enjoy, the full catastrophe of life.' I thought, 'Yeah, he's right. You can try to make the bad stuff good, you can really live that, really say, 'This is (screwed) up, so what? I can make something good out of it.' Consequently, seeing", "id": "14799017" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Grace McCleen\n\n\nIt was an enormous step and one I almost didn't take, and one I felt bad about taking for many years afterwards, until I realised I hadn't done anything wrong.\" After graduation she experienced a mental breakdown and suffered from tinnitus and Chronic fatigue syndrome. During her illness, she wrote \"a long novel. It didn’t work and from that novel came three novels\". McCleen has said that she will not continue to write fiction. \"Writing is really destructive to me.\" \"I feel", "id": "17082945" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nare neither malingering nor seeking secondary gain. The term post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS) is used as an alternative name for CFS which occurs after viral infection. Viral infection is a significant risk factor for CFS, with 22% of people with mononucleosis have chronic fatigue six months later, and 9% having strictly defined CFS. Risk factors for developing CFS after mononucleosis, dengue fever or Q-fever include longer bed-rest during the illness, poorer pre-illness physical fitness, attributing symptoms to physical illness,", "id": "10795983" }, { "contents": "Let's Build a World Together\n\n\nall stop.' You think you can change somebody but you never can. And it wasn't all his fault...I nagged him about his drinkin' an awful lot because he has cirrhosis of the liver and the doctors told him that it was gonna kill him if he did not quit drinkin'. Well, you can't sit by and watch someone you love totally destroy themselves and not try and do something. Maybe I did it in the wrong way but it was the only way I knew to do", "id": "9574896" }, { "contents": "If I Could Make a Living\n\n\n'80s and maybe even the late '80s it was an artist-driven business. You probably weren't taken seriously if you weren't over 35 years old. Now, it's a song-driven format. You still have to go out there and hit a home run with every single you release. There are so many artists out there that do mediocre material but can sing. And it doesn't matter how good you sing, how many notes you can hit, how high or how low you can go", "id": "2295178" }, { "contents": "Controversies related to chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\ndescribed as \"chronic fatigue syndrome\" may be considered less serious than a condition described as \"myalgic encephalopathy\". In 2004, a paper reported that the majority of the CFS patients questioned in a survey wanted the name changed from chronic fatigue syndrome. Historically, many professionals within the medical community were unfamiliar with CFS, or they did not recognize it as a real condition, and disagreed on its prevalence or seriousness. A 2005 study in the UK surveyed 811 general practitioners' attitudes and knowledge of CFS. 72% accepted", "id": "18510483" }, { "contents": "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee\n\n\nThe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Advisory Committee (CFSAC) was formed in response to the use of funds by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the study of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). The CFSAC was charted under the Public Health Service Act of the US and funded by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The CFSAC advises the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to its mandate, including issues related to access and care for individuals with CFS, research, public", "id": "22206891" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\npharmacological treatment or cure for CFS although various drugs have been or are being investigated. A 2014 report prepared by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality stated that there are wide variations in patient management, that many receive a multifaceted approach to treatment, and that no medications have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of ME/CFS, although several have been used off label. The report concluded that although counseling and graded exercise therapy (GET) have shown some benefits, these interventions", "id": "10795995" }, { "contents": "Chronic fatigue syndrome\n\n\nthe public, policymakers, and healthcare professionals about the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ME/CFS, as well as the need for a better understanding of this complex illness.\" It was chosen because it is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who had a disease with an infection-associated onset that could have been a neuroimmune disease such as ME/CFS. Some in the medical community do not recognize CFS as a real condition, nor is there agreement on its prevalence. There has been much disagreement over proposed", "id": "10796022" }, { "contents": "The Talons of Weng-Chiang\n\n\nthink that the BBC could make a giant rat? If he'd come to my house when I was 14 and said 'Can BBC Special Effects do a giant rat?' I'd have said no. I'd rather see them do something limited than something crap. What I resented was having to go to school two days later, and my friends knew I watched this show. They'd go 'Did you see the giant rat?!' and I'd have to say I thought there was dramatic integrity elsewhere", "id": "20883335" }, { "contents": "Stuart Murdoch (musician)\n\n\nMurdoch first became publicly involved in music as a radio DJ for Subcity Radio at the University of Glasgow. Whilst at university at the end of the 1980s, he became ill with myalgic encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and was unable to work for seven years. Murdoch said that the isolation of these years is what led to his becoming a songwriter: \"That was a big desert at the time, a kind of vacuum in my life. From that, these songs started coming out, these melodies where I could", "id": "11505245" }, { "contents": "Henry Newton Brown\n\n\nthe money and not have any trouble with it, but a man's fondest hopes are sometimes broken with trouble. We would not have been arrested but one of our horses gave out and we could not leave him [the rider] alone. I do not know what to write. Do the best you can with everything. I want you to send me some clothes. Sell all the things you don't need. Have your picture taken and send it to me. Now, my dear wife, go and see", "id": "14946105" } ]
Do you have a favorite superhero? I LOVE superman My favorite superhero definitely has to be Batman. In the DC universe anyway. Yes, Batman is awesome too. Not as awesome as superman though :) Did you Batman vs Superman movie? I did see it! Ben Affleck was not my favorite choice for Batman but Jesse Eisenberg played a great Lex Luther. I agree about Ben Affleck. I actually don't like him at all
[{"answer": "He played in Daredevil, too. I much preferred Jenifer Garner as Elektra.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1129847", "title": "Daredevil (film)", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 309, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 585, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 American superhero film featuring the DC Comics characters Batman and Superman. It is a follow-up to 2013's \"Man of Steel\" and the second installment in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). The film is directed by Zack Snyder, written by Chris Terrio and David S. Goyer, and features an ensemble cast that includes Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Jesse Eisenberg, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, and Gal Gadot", "id": "9365473" }, { "contents": "Fatman on Batman\n\n\n. DC has also tapped Smith to chair or take part in several panel discussions held as part of DC Comics’s year-long celebration of the 75th anniversary of Batman (2014). Actor Ben Affleck, a long-time friend of Kevin Smith, played Batman in 2016's \"\". Smith, often attributed with helping to jump-start Affleck’s career, notes his continued support for his friend, stating, \"Now I know a dude who plays my favorite character on the planet, and this is an", "id": "5372735" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nYork City. Warner Bros also partnered with Omaze to give fans who donated a chance to win \"The Ultimate \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\" Experience\", while benefiting three nonprofit organizations nominated by Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Jesse Eisenberg. \"The Ultimate \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\" Experience\" offered a fan and their friend the chance to win tickets to the premiere of the film, as well as fly on a helicopter with Cavill or ride in the Batmobile with Affleck. Hendrick Motorsports", "id": "9365524" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nMan of Steel\", it was \"revamped into a backdoor pilot for Justice League and/or an eventual stand-alone Batman movie.\" As part of a settlement with his heirs, this is the first Batman production that lists Bill Finger as a co-creator. Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Harry Lennix and Christina Wren reprise their roles from \"Man of Steel\". Joining the cast are Ben Affleck as Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex", "id": "9365498" }, { "contents": "How It Should Have Ended\n\n\nfilm in a cafe with Batman, which began the trend of the \"Super Cafe\". Though it is thought to be based on \"Seinfeld\", the clips are actually based on the final scene of Daniel Baxter's favorite film, \"Swingers\", with Superman standing in for Trent and Batman standing in for Mike. In various superhero episodes of \"How it Should have Ended\", altered or added scenes are shown from the superhero film, followed by the superheroes that appear in the movie interacting with Batman and", "id": "14780352" }, { "contents": "Superman in film\n\n\nof Steel\", set for release in 2015. Goyer stated at the Superman 75th Anniversary Panel at 2013 San Diego Comic-Con International, that Batman and Superman would face off, and titles under consideration are \"Superman Vs Batman\" and \"Batman Vs Superman\". On August 22, 2013, it was announced that Ben Affleck was cast as Batman. On December 4, 2013, it was reported that Gal Gadot was cast as Wonder Woman. On January 17, 2014, it was announced that the film had", "id": "18480510" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nsignificant backlash from comic book fans, with multiple online petitions demanding his removal from the role; unlike previous Batman actors, he was not considered intimidating enough for the role by the protesters. Conversely, \"PopMatters\" journalist J.C. Maçek III supported Affleck's casting as Batman, stating, \"Way back when the news was new I wrote a PopMatters article defending the choice of Ben Affleck as Batman. I'll let that one speak for itself.\" Via social media, fans criticized Gadot's small frame in contrast to Wonder", "id": "9365504" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nDark Knight to Man of Steel's Batman Begins, and he's doing his damndest to give a Heath Ledger-esque performance... Watching the trailers, I had thought Eisenberg's loopy acting might be this movie's saving grace – but a concentrated dose of his faux mania actually turns out to be the worst thing.\" Andy Scott of \"Grunge\", in an article titled \"How Jesse Eisenberg Ruined Batman v Superman,\" wrote that \"Eisenberg's speech patterns and mannerisms felt almost entirely lifted from Ledger's iconic", "id": "9365570" }, { "contents": "Kevin Smith's unrealized projects\n\n\ntheir previous four-film collaborations. \"I dig the fact that he kicked off a run of billionaire playboys who decided to put on a mask and fight crime and that he was Batman before there was a Batman,\" Smith said. \"I always said I'd never do a superhero film, based on my limited experience writing on \"Superman Lives\" and having to answer to the studio, Jon Peters, the comics company and eventually a director. Then there's a fandom that gets up in arms if you", "id": "16605416" }, { "contents": "Batman\n\n\n, Anthony Ruivivar, Peter Weller, Bruce Greenwood, Jason O'Mara, and Will Arnett, among others, have provided the character's voice for animated adaptations. Batman has been depicted in both film and television by Lewis Wilson, Robert Lowery, Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, and Ben Affleck. In early 1939, the success of Superman in \"Action Comics\" prompted editors at National Comics Publications (the future DC Comics) to request more superheroes for its titles. In response", "id": "4021924" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\naccept playing Batman, citing that he \"felt [he] didn't fit the traditional mold. But once Zack [Snyder] showed [him] the concept, and that it would be both different from the great movies that Chris[topher Nolan] and Christian [Bale] made, but still in keeping with tradition, [he] was excited.\" Affleck previously stated in 2006 that \"Daredevil\" had \"inoculated [him] from ever playing another superhero\". Snyder cast an older Batman to be a layered juxtaposition", "id": "9365500" }, { "contents": "Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham\n\n\nand the PS4 version a 74.04%. IGN's Steve Butts gave the game a 7.4 out of 10 saying \"I like \"Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham\", but I don't love it as much as I've loved previous games in the series. It definitely delivers on the promise of letting me play with charmingly realized versions of many of my favorite DC heroes and villains, and it even presents a setting with lots of great surprises, challenges, and systems that promote variety. As a longtime DC fan", "id": "2604694" }, { "contents": "Superman: Speeding Bullets\n\n\na huge army of heavily armed mercenaries and armoured vehicles simultaneously assaulting all major cities. Batman stops the takeover and confronts Lex/Joker, who seems to care very little at his failed coup and all the loss of life it has caused. Bruce is eventually persuaded by Lois that a more hopeful superhero is needed than his dark, violent Batman persona, giving rise to his new, more heroic identity of Superman. \"Superman: Speeding Bullets\" won the Comics Buyer's Guide Fan Award for Favorite Original Graphic Novel or Album", "id": "8693710" }, { "contents": "List of Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters\n\n\nin \"Battle of the Superheroes\" where Superman is exposed to Red Kryptonite and turns evil causing Batman and Krypto to fight Superman until the effects of the Red Kryptonite wear off. In the end of the episode Superman, Batman, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen figure out Lex Luthor exposed him to the Red Kryptonite. Batman and Superman managed to defeat Lex Luthor and take him to jail. When Brainiac attacks Metropolis, Superman and Batman spring into action. Krypto is Superman's dog who has the same powers as Superman. Ultra", "id": "21380848" }, { "contents": "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies\n\n\nSuperman/Batman: Public Enemies is a 2009 animated superhero film based on the DC Comics story arc '\"Public Enemies\" in the \"Superman/Batman\" comic book series, written by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness, which focused on Superman and Batman teaming up to prevent a meteorite from striking Earth, and taking down Lex Luthor, who has been elected President of the United States. Directed by Sam Liu and released by Warner Bros. Animation on September 29, 2009. It is the sixth film in the DC Universe", "id": "21566973" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nthose characters are about. It's almost like Zack Snyder didn't read a bunch of comics, he read one comic once, and it was \"Dark Knight Returns\", and his favorite part was the last part where Batman and Superman fight.\" On a second viewing, however, Smith via his Instagram lightened his stance. Taking a softer tone, David Betancourt of \"The Washington Post\" and Scott Mendelson of \"Forbes\" praised the film's visual spectacle and performances from Affleck and Gadot, though Mendelson also", "id": "9365564" }, { "contents": "The Lego Batman Movie\n\n\nthe film—was based on his desire of how to portray Robin within the film's setting. In an interview regarding his version of the superhero duo, McKay stated: \"I was thinking that we were basically taking the Burt Ward Robin and sticking him in the Batmobile with the Zack Snyder/Ben Affleck Batman, or the Frank Miller Batman. And putting these two different energies together. Somebody who’s like the grumpiest, dark grittiest, broodiest Batman with the most positive, indefatigable kid.\" Prior to the release", "id": "2905386" }, { "contents": "Hook (film)\n\n\n, Spielberg has a fear of flying. He feels that Peter's \"enduring quality\" in the storyline is simply to fly. \"Anytime anything flies, whether it's Superman, Batman, or E.T., it's got to be a tip of the hat to Peter Pan,\" Spielberg reflected in a 1992 interview. \"\"Peter Pan\" was the first time I saw anybody fly. Before I saw Superman, before I saw Batman, and of course before I saw any superheroes, my first memory of anybody", "id": "5794589" }, { "contents": "List of DC Extended Universe cast members\n\n\nThe DC Extended Universe is a media franchise and shared fictional universe that is the setting of superhero films independently produced by Warner Bros., based on characters that appear in DC Comics publications. As the franchise is composed of films adapted from a variety of DC Comics properties, there are multiple lead actors. Henry Cavill stars as Kal-El / Clark Kent / Superman in the films \"Man of Steel\" (2013) and \"\" (2016), while Ben Affleck and Gal Gadot portray Bruce Wayne / Batman and Diana", "id": "22005995" }, { "contents": "Versions of Justice League\n\n\nHamada (\"It\", \"The Conjuring\") and Chantal Nong. Warner's head of casting Lora Kennedy departed in May 2018. \"The Hollywood Reporter\" quoted an insider familiar with the station as saying Hamada, \"walked into a shitshow, and he's trying to clean it up.\" Several DCEU actors also departed the franchise following \"Justice League\", including Henry Cavill (Superman), Jesse Eisenberg (Lex Luthor) and Ben Affleck (Batman), with several others in question. With a", "id": "20581872" }, { "contents": "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse\n\n\nSuperman/Batman: Apocalypse is a 2010 animated superhero film based on the \"Superman/Batman\" comic book storyline \"The Supergirl from Krypton\" and is a standalone sequel to \"\". The art style is partly based on that of Michael Turner, who penciled the \"Superman/Batman\" comic book arc. Released on September 28, 2010 by Warner Premiere and Warner Bros. Animation, it is the ninth film in the DC Universe Animated Original Movies. The film stars Andre Braugher, Kevin Conroy, Tim Daly and", "id": "15694751" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\n's performance as Batman and the visual grandeur of Fong's cinematography. Jordan Hoffman of \"The Guardian\" gave an ambivalent review; he especially criticized the \"very bad writing\", but conceded \"there are a lot of moments... that work\" and praised Affleck and Gadot's performances, calling Gadot as Wonder Woman the best thing in the film. Multiple commentators criticized Eisenberg on the grounds that his interpretation of Lex Luthor hewed too close to character traits associated with another DC Comics villain, the Joker. Even before the", "id": "9365568" }, { "contents": "Batman in film\n\n\nanother draft for \"Superman: Flyby\". According to Petersen \"[Warner Bros.' chief] Alan Horn was so torn, because it's such a fascinating concept to do a Batman versus Superman film\". Horn reportedly preferred Abrams' optimistic Superman script to the darker \"Batman vs. Superman\" script; studio executives voted 11-1 for the former. Many comic-book fans agreed; David S. Goyer said, \"'Batman Vs. Superman' is where you go when you admit to yourself that you’ve", "id": "5102998" }, { "contents": "Power Girl\n\n\nI made this costume, I wanted to have a symbol, like you. I just…I couldn’t think of anything. I thought eventually, I’d figure it out. And close the hole. But I haven’t.\" A similar treatment of the character can be seen in \"Superman/Batman\" #4 (written by Jeph Loeb), in which the heroes need to distract the Toyman while Batman and Superman battle Captain Marvel and Hawkman. Batman suggests that Power Girl's endowments would be likely to", "id": "11540884" }, { "contents": "The Green Hornet (2011 film)\n\n\n, based on their previous four-film collaborations. \"I dig the fact that he kicked off a run of billionaire playboys who decided to put on a mask and fight crime and that he was Batman before there was a Batman,\" Smith said. \"I always said I'd never do a superhero film, based on my limited experience writing on \"Superman Lives\" and having to answer to the studio, Jon Peters, the comics company and eventually a director. Then there's a fandom that gets up in", "id": "8363326" }, { "contents": "Batman in film\n\n\nbillion worldwide. Referred to as \"The Dark Knight Trilogy\", the critical acclaim and commercial success of Nolan's films have been credited with restoring widespread popularity to the superhero, with the second installment considered one of the best superhero movies of all-time. After Warner Bros. launched their own shared cinematic universe known as the DC Extended Universe in 2013, Ben Affleck was cast to portray Batman in the new expansive franchise, first appearing in 2016 with the Zack Snyder directed film \"\". The film would help begin a", "id": "5102964" }, { "contents": "Krypto\n\n\npeople. In the \"\" story arc, Batman uses Krypto to sniff out the whereabouts of Poison Ivy after she uses kryptonite lipstick to gain control of Superman. It also appears that Krypto has taken a great liking to Catwoman, much to her immense displeasure. Krypto is part of the rescue force put together late in the \"Superman/Batman\" storyline \"Public Enemies\" (#1-6). Thinking Batman and Superman needed to be rescued from President Lex Luthor, a small team of superheroes, which includes", "id": "3361788" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nfilm was released, Affleck compared Eisenberg's performance to that of Heath Ledger in \"The Dark Knight\". Once the film came out, critics lambasted Eisenberg's take on Luthor. Sonny Bunch of \"The Washington Post\" lamented that \"As the film progresses, Lex degenerates into a gibbering mad man, some strange mix of the Riddler and the Joker with a little bit of Mark Zuckerberg added for flair.\" Charlie Jane Anders of \"Gizmodo\" wrote that \"Someone clearly told Jesse Eisenberg that this movie is the", "id": "9365569" }, { "contents": "Superman in film\n\n\nto focus on individual Superman and Batman projects after Abrams submitted another draft for \"Superman: Flyby\". Christopher Nolan would later cast Bale as Batman the following year in \"Batman Begins\". In the opening scene of \"I Am Legend\", a large banner displays the Superman symbol within the Batman symbol in Times Square. It is meant as an in-joke by writer Akiva Goldsman, who wrote scripts for \"Batman vs. Superman\" and \"I Am Legend\". Turning in his script in July 2002,", "id": "18480487" }, { "contents": "All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder\n\n\nknow if it would have worked. For me, I guess I do see it all taking place in the same world even though they seem like very different characters. Frank Miller is doing Batman at the beginning of his career and I am doing Superman at the very end of his life, in the years beyond \"All Star Batman\". But it could be the same character as far as I am concerned. That’s where they may have ended up.\" The series' first issue sold over 300,000 copies.", "id": "20179978" }, { "contents": "Live by Night (film)\n\n\nfan of the movies Ben Affleck has directed. That's why \"Live by Night\" is such a disappointment. I was actively looking forward to it. And I would have given it any benefit of the doubt, but this movie just isn't there. It feels like a rushed project that Affleck had to get out of the way before he plays Batman again.\" Owen Gleiberman of \"Variety\" also gave the film a mixed review, writing: \"It's like seeing the ghost of a terrific movie:", "id": "18746392" }, { "contents": "DC Universe Animated Original Movies\n\n\nthe positive reception and high sales of \"Public Enemies\". \"Superman/Batman: Apocalypse\" is based on the second storyline saga, \"The Supergirl from Krypton\", from the \"Superman/Batman\" monthly comic book title from 2004 by Jeph Loeb and Michael Turner. It was released on September 28, 2010. Like its predecessor, the film has several DC Animated Universe cast members reprising their roles, including Tim Daly, Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, and Edward Asner as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman", "id": "5853001" }, { "contents": "Batman in film\n\n\nBatman\" or \"Batman vs Superman\". On August 22, 2013, \"The Hollywood Reporter\" announced the casting of Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne/Batman. On January 17, 2014, it was announced that the film had been delayed from its original July 17, 2015 release date to May 6, 2016, in order to give the filmmakers \"time to realize fully their vision, given the complex visual nature of the story\". The film's release was moved again to March 25, 2016, \"", "id": "5103017" }, { "contents": "Superman/Batman\n\n\n\"Public Enemies\" (issues #1–6, illustrated by Ed McGuinness), then-U.S. President Lex Luthor declares Superman and Batman enemies of the state, claiming that a Kryptonite asteroid headed for Earth is connected to an evil plot by Superman. Luthor offers a $1,000,000,000 bounty, which encourages both supervillains and superheroes to attack. Superman almost kills Lex, with Batman standing aside. Superman changes his mind at the last moment. The new Toyman, Hiro Okamura, assists with the asteroid's destruction. Captain Atom is seemingly", "id": "11182919" }, { "contents": "Batman: The Dark Knight Returns (film)\n\n\nformer superhero Oliver Queen (Green Arrow), Batman fights Superman, using various tactics to make the fight even. When Superman gains the advantage, Queen hits him with an arrow made with synthetic Kryptonite, severely weakening him. Batman proceeds to beat up Superman, and claims that he intentionally made the Kryptonite weak, and tells Superman never to forget that Batman could have killed him whenever he wanted. Superman then notices Batman's heartbeat is irregular and rapid with his x-ray vision, and tries to warn him. Batman", "id": "21515664" }, { "contents": "List of Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters\n\n\ngiving the order to release the slaves. In the episode \"Battle of the Superheroes!\", Jimmy Olsen plays a key role because Lex Luthor tricks Jimmy by sending him a new Superman watch. In this episode, Jimmy's main goal is to figure out Superman's secret identity. At the end Jimmy, Superman, Batman, and Lois Lane figure out Lex Luthor gave Jimmy (and Lois) the red kryptonite (which turned Superman evil) and take Luthor to jail. In \"Triumvirate of Terror,\" Jimmy", "id": "21381069" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nin the title instead of \"vs.\" was a way \"to keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way\". Henry Cavill later stated, \"I wouldn't call this a Superman sequel [...] This is Batman versus Superman. It's a separate entity altogether. It's introducing the Batman character and expanding upon the universe, which was kicked off by \"Man of Steel\".\" \"Forbes\" noted that although the film originated as a sequel to \"", "id": "9365497" }, { "contents": "List of Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters\n\n\n. Red Tornado having little choice but to destroy Tornado Tyrant and later melted him down. He is an enemy of Superman. In \"Battle of the Superheroes!\", Batman and Superman defeat Toyman. Under the influence of a Red Kryptonite necklace given to Lois Lane, Superman threatens him. If not for Batman intervening, Superman would have killed him. Two-Face is a supervillain with a split personality. He is one of the most wanted criminals of Gotham City. He made an appearance in \"Legends of the", "id": "21381055" }, { "contents": "Warrior Nun Areala\n\n\nwere dangerous, though they insist that their martial arts training is mostly for sport and that they have had no problems with the surrounding neighborhoods. Their story was ultimately picked up and reported by \"The New York Times\". Ben Dunn, who attended Catholic schools, read that article and was inspired. He states that \"Other superheroes, you never know what their faith is. Batman or Spider-Man or Superman, they do all these great things, but what do they believe in?\" While not a true", "id": "4817945" }, { "contents": "Batman (1989 film)\n\n\nsuperhero film genre. Series co-creator Bruce Timm stated the television show's Art Deco design was inspired from the film. Timm commented, \"our show would never have gotten made if it hadn't been for that first \"Batman\" movie.\" Burton joked, \"ever since I did \"Batman\", it was like the first dark comic book movie. Now everyone wants to do a dark and serious superhero movie. I guess I'm the one responsible for that trend.\" \"Batman\" initiated the", "id": "4475618" }, { "contents": "DC Superheroes (toys)\n\n\nMr. Freeze shared the same sculpt as their original releases in the Batman toyline, Batman and Azrael were new sculpts released for the first time, though Mr. Freeze featured as much articulation as Batman and Azrael. Series Three was also the first series to include a diorama with each figure instead of a comic book. Although comics would be included again with Series 4 figures, Series Five through Eight would feature dioramas only. The second Superman series (fourth series overall) featured Superman (black \"S\" shield), Lex Luthor", "id": "7309253" }, { "contents": "The Lego Batman Movie\n\n\nand has notable links to the Christopher Reeve films \"Superman\" (1978) and its sequel \"Superman II\" (1980), many other DC characters, both villains associated with Batman and other DC superheroes, feature in the film. The film's villains who have been featured in Batman comics, films and cartoons include: Man-Bat; Captain Boomerang; Egghead; Crazy Quilt; Eraser; Polka-Dot Man; Mime; Tarantula; King Tut from the 1960s series; Killer Moth; March Harriet; Zodiac", "id": "2905391" }, { "contents": "List of unproduced films based on Marvel Imprints\n\n\n\"\"Kick-Ass 3\" is going to be the last one... I told Universal this and they asked me, ‘What does that mean?’ I said, ‘It means that this is where it all ends.’ They said, ‘Do they all die at the end?’ I said, ‘Maybe’ – because this is a realistic superhero story... if someone doesn't have a bullet proof vest like Superman, and doesn't have Batman’s millions, then eventually he is going to", "id": "20068520" }, { "contents": "Composite Superman\n\n\nStartled to be joined together, Batman mentally exclaimed to Superman, \"Clark, your mind races, I never knew\"; Superman replies, \"And yours Bruce, is so dark\". This ends at the battle's conclusion, and all the Batmen and Supermen who did not \"need to be here\" were sent away, leaving only the normal DCU Superman and Batman. In \"\" (2000), Mister Mxyzptlk join Superman and Batman in a black and white \"comic strip\". Composite Superman made a", "id": "15129196" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nBowl 50 commercial; instead, they worked with Turkish Airlines to put together a pair of \"Batman v Superman\"-themed airline commercials. McMillan of \"The Hollywood Reporter\" stated that the spots \"inform interested parties about the culture, geography and history of Batman and Superman's individual stomping grounds, each one filled with Easter eggs for the comic book faithful and newcomer alike.\" Jesse Eisenberg's part as Lex Luthor in these commercials was praised, as Dirk Libbey of \"CinemaBlend\" noted that \"he matches up well with Bruce", "id": "9365521" }, { "contents": "List of DC Extended Universe cast members\n\n\nPrince / Wonder Woman in \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\" (2016), respectively. Affleck reprised his role in \"Suicide Squad\" (2016), while Gadot reprises her role in \"Wonder Woman\" (2017) and will do so again in \"Wonder Woman 1984\" (2020). Ezra Miller, Jason Momoa, and Ray Fisher portrayed Barry Allen / The Flash, Arthur Curry / Aquaman and Victor Stone / Cyborg in \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\". All six actors", "id": "22005996" }, { "contents": "James Gordon (comics)\n\n\nmaybe I did.\" During the \"Hush\" story arc, while working with Superman, Batman discusses whether or not Perry White has figured out Superman's secret identity. Theorizing that White is too good a reporter to not have figured it out, he draws the same comparison to himself and Gordon, stating that Gordon is too good a cop to not have figured it out. In that same story arc, Gordon, in an attempt to stop Batman from killing the Joker, tells Batman to remember who his role models", "id": "10217636" }, { "contents": "The Batman/Superman Hour\n\n\nThe Batman/Superman Hour is a Filmation animated series that was broadcast on CBS from 1968 to 1969. Premiering on September 14, 1968, this 60-minute program featured new adventures of the DC Comics superheroes Batman, Robin and Batgirl alongside shorts from \"The New Adventures of Superman\" and \"The Adventures of Superboy\". This series marked the animation debut of Batman, his supporting cast and some of their classic enemies like Joker, Penguin, Riddler, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, and some villains exclusive", "id": "20354047" }, { "contents": "Superman\n\n\n), featured Superman alongside Batman and Wonder Woman, making it the first theatrical movie in which Superman appeared alongside other superheroes from the DC Universe. Cavill reprised his role in \"Justice League\" (2017) and is under contract to play Superman in one more film. \"Adventures of Superman\", which aired from 1952 to 1958, was the first television series based on a superhero. It starred George Reeves as Superman. Whereas the radio serial was aimed at children, this television show was aimed at a general audience", "id": "8689803" }, { "contents": "DC Superheroes (toys)\n\n\nof the assortment was Killer Croc, who was previously hard to find and had a new head sculpt and paint application. The only Batman figure that was initially shipped overseas and never re-shipped under the DC Superheroes line was Attack Armor Batman. Series Two featured Superman, Supergirl, Doomsday, Bizarro, and a Superman/Bizarro 2-pack (released exclusively to Target). With Series Three, the S3 line returned to the Batman family, releasing a new Batman, Robin, Azrael, and Mr. Freeze. While Robin and", "id": "7309252" }, { "contents": "Nightwing\n\n\nNightwing is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character has appeared in various incarnations, with the Nightwing identity most prominently being adopted by Dick Grayson when he reinvented himself from his role as Batman's vigilante partner Robin. Although Nightwing is commonly associated with Batman, the title and concept have origins in classic Superman stories. The original Nightwing in DC Comics was an identity assumed by alien superhero Superman when stranded on the Kryptonian city of Kandor with his friend Jimmy Olsen. Drawing inspiration from Batman and", "id": "19367373" }, { "contents": "Batman in film\n\n\nSnyder would also be directing Goyer's \"Justice League\" script. Warner Bros. was reportedly courting Chris Terrio to rewrite \"Justice League\" the following July, after having been impressed with his rewrite of \"Batman v Superman\". Bill Dean voices a toy version of Bruce Wayne / Batman in a cameo appearance in David F. Sandberg's \"Shazam!\". By July 2015, Ben Affleck was in talks to star in, co-write with Geoff Johns, and possibly direct a standalone \"Batman\" film. In", "id": "5103025" }, { "contents": "Mort Weisinger\n\n\npowers are multiplied\" came to be introduced to the Superman mythology. Realising that \"Batman was my favorite [character],\" Weisinger realised that the crucial difference was that \"Batman can get hurt.\" In order to better allow the reader to identify with the invulnerable Man of Steel, Weisinger frequently featured stories in which \"Superman lost his powers and had to survive on his natural wits.\" Pitted against Superman's wits was Lois Lane, and under Weisinger's editorship stories in which she sought to prove that Superman", "id": "6272465" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nagainst a younger Superman; while \"bear[ing] the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain[ing] the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne.\" Nolan was involved with the casting of Affleck and he was the first actor Snyder approached for the part. The director had also discussed the part with Josh Brolin. Bale admitted he wanted to play Batman again after \"The Dark Knight Rises\", though he stated that his Batman does not belong in any other film and he was never approached by Warner Bros.", "id": "9365501" }, { "contents": "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes\n\n\na Kryptonite vault, which he uses 'in case Superman turns evil', which the Joker knew about. Using the Deconstructor, the villains destroy the cave, escaping with a load of Kryptonite. Having no way out, Batman reluctantly allows Robin to call Superman for help and they escape the collapsing cave. Batman and Superman team up and assault Luthor's massive airship. Batman is thrown off after confronting Lex and Superman saves him. They then attempt to infiltrate Luthor's LexCorp headquarters in Metropolis, but are caught by a", "id": "8984619" }, { "contents": "Batman and Son\n\n\nbringing him into the mainstream continuity of the DC Universe. Morrison was hired by DC editors to give his take on Batman after having recently given his definitive take on the character of Superman in \"All Star Superman\". In writing the arc, he took ideas from past Batman stories, especially the 1987 story \"\". Morrison brought back the idea of a son, Damian, being born from a love affair between Batman and Talia al Ghul, the daughter of his nemesis, Ra's al Ghul. The boy had", "id": "9440260" }, { "contents": "The Dark Knight Strikes Again\n\n\nheld hostage. Superman is ordered by \"President Rickard\" (a computer-generated front for Lex Luthor and Brainiac) to stop Batman. He confronts Wayne at the Batcave, but Batman and the other superheroes defeat him. Meanwhile, Batman's raids have been noticed by the media. After being banned for years, the freed superheroes have recaptured the public imagination and have become a fad among the youth. At a pop concert by \"The Superchix\", Batman and the other heroes make a public appearance urging their fans", "id": "1232321" }, { "contents": "Batman: Arkham Knight\n\n\n\"Crime Fighter Challenge Pack\", featuring 6 AR combat and predator challenges for all playable characters and the Batmobile; the \"Batman Classic TV Series Batmobile\" pack, which includes the 1960s TV series Batmobile, skins for Catwoman and Robin based on the series, and two racetracks inspired by the series; and a 1970s Batman-themed Batmobile skin. For November 2015, Rocksteady released the \"2016 Batman v Superman Batmobile\" pack, which included a skin based on the suit worn by Ben Affleck in \"\" and the", "id": "9724720" }, { "contents": "Superman character and cast\n\n\nusually a member and most of the time, the leader). Team-ups with fellow comics icon Batman are a fan-favorite, inspiring many stories over the years. When paired, they are often referred to as the \"World's Finest\" in a nod to the \"World's Finest Comics\" series that mostly featured team-up stories between Superman and Batman during its 45-year history. In 2003, DC Comics began to publish a new series featuring the two characters titled \"Superman/Batman\". Minor", "id": "4933569" }, { "contents": "Robert Pattinson\n\n\nPattinson was in negotiations to play a younger Batman than who Ben Affleck portrayed in the DC Extended Universe, beginning with Matt Reeves' upcoming 2021 film \"The Batman\". On 31 May 2019, it was reported that Pattinson had officially signed on for the role. Pattinson began modelling at the age of 12, but his workload began to decrease four years later. In December 2008, he blamed the lack of modelling work on his masculine appearance: \"When I first started I was quite tall and looked like a girl", "id": "4528817" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nperformance, to the point where he walked the dangerous grey line between respectful homage and downright thievery.\" Eisenberg responded to the critiques by saying he attempted to \"make these people real and relatable and interesting and engaging, not just, you know, a surface bad person.\" In June 2018, \"Mise-en-scène: The Journal of Film & Visual Narration\" published the article \"Applying Suspense to Archetypal Superheroes: Hitchcockian Ambiguity in \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\",\" which argued that", "id": "9365571" }, { "contents": "Batman action figures\n\n\nfigures from the Four Horsemen's previous Batman line. Used and unused molds from Mattel's Batman line would be used in later DC Super Heroes waves of figures, including the previously released Robin and a new Azrael and Catwoman sculpt. When the DC Super Heroes line started to lose steam, Mattel quickly gained the rights to produce more DC Comics characters outside the Superman/Batman universe. The retitled line, DC Universe, hit toy shelves in 2008, featuring fan favorite DC Comics characters like Red Tornado, Firestorm, Green Lantern", "id": "15588617" }, { "contents": "List of Batman: The Brave and the Bold characters\n\n\nSuperman to turn evil causing Batman and Krypto to hold off Superman until the effects wore off. They discovered that the real Lex Luthor is at large having been the one who mailed Lois the Red Kryptonite necklace and that the one in jail was a robotic duplicate. When Lex Luthor tries to use his Kryptonite ring on Superman, it does not work due to the fact that Superman was actually Batman in disguise. Lex Luthor was defeated by Batman and Superman. Lex Luthor appears in \"\" issue #1 where he controls a", "id": "21380978" }, { "contents": "Superman\n\n\n\" when fighting crime. Clark Kent resides in the fictional American city of Metropolis, where he works as a journalist for the \"Daily Planet\". Superman's supporting characters include his love interest and fellow journalist Lois Lane, \"Daily Planet\" photographer Jimmy Olsen and editor-in-chief Perry White. He has many foes such as his archenemy, the genius inventor Lex Luthor. He is a friend of many other superheroes in the DC Universe, such as Batman and Wonder Woman. Although Superman was not the first", "id": "8689761" }, { "contents": "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse\n\n\n, and she is met with applause by Wonder Woman, the Amazons, and finally Batman. Superman and Supergirl fly to Metropolis together. Notably, Daly, Conroy, Eisenberg and Asner all reprise their respective roles of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Granny Goodness from the DC Animated Universe. The World's Finest said that it was \"not something I'll be coming back to any time soon,\" and specifically targeted Andre Braugher's performance of Darkseid as lacking in any presence. Batman-on-Film gave", "id": "15694763" }, { "contents": "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies\n\n\nAnimated Original Movies. The film received generally mixed reviews upon release. Lex Luthor has been elected President of the United States during a severe nationwide economic depression. Under his leadership, the economy begins to thrive, and he assembles a force of government-employed superheroes consisting of Captain Atom, Katana, Black Lightning, Power Girl, Starfire, and Major Force. Superman and Batman maintain their distrust toward Luthor. The United States government discovers a massive Kryptonite meteor hurtling toward Earth. Instead of asking superheroes for aid, Luthor decides", "id": "21566974" }, { "contents": "Lex Luthor: Man of Steel\n\n\nn't turn on them and that he wants a recent development Bruce's company has come up with. That night Batman is looking at the kryptonite when Superman arrives in Gotham and uses his breath to blow the kryptonite away. After a brief, one-sided fight, Superman finishes it with a knockout punch to Batman's face. Later that evening Bruce calls Lex and tells him he will give the research to Luthor. At the opening for the Science Spire, Lex announces the arrival of a new superhero by introducing Hope to", "id": "20984457" }, { "contents": "Dennis O'Neil\n\n\nAlpha Flight\", \"Power Man and Iron Fist\", \"\", and \"Moon Knight\". According to Bob Budiansky, O'Neil came up with the name for the Transformer Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots. In 1986, O'Neil moved over to DC as an editor, becoming group editor for the company's Batman titles. Speaking about his role in the death of character Jason Todd, O'Neil remarked:br It changed my mind about what I do for a living. Superman and Batman have been in continuous", "id": "4508168" }, { "contents": "Superman and Batman versus Aliens and Predator\n\n\nSuperman and Batman versus Aliens and Predator is a comic book co-published by DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics. It was written by Mark Schultz, with art by Ariel Olivetti. It is a crossover in which Superman and Batman have to battle both the Aliens and Predator. While both superheroes have had crossovers with the monsters individually, this was the first time they were with both at the same time. The two-part series was released on January 8 and then on February 14, 2007. The story takes place", "id": "14893980" }, { "contents": "Bruce Wayne (TV series)\n\n\nadaptation, with Miller as the screenwriter, and supposedly Aaron Eckhart (who would go on to play Harvey Dent in \"The Dark Knight\") as Jim Gordon, and several actors, including Ben Affleck (who would go to play Batman in the DC Extended Universe), Brendan Fraser, Josh Hartnett, and Christian Bale (who would go to play Batman in \"The Dark Knight Trilogy\"), for the part of Batman. Thus, because the movie division did not want to compete with a television series,", "id": "12388318" }, { "contents": "DC Universe: Justice League Unlimited Fan Collection\n\n\nin 2005 to employees of the animation studio who worked on the show. Mattel has definitively stated, in multiple published reports, that there will be no Green Lantern Hal Jordan figures made available to the general public. Re-branding the 2003 Batman toy line and creating a new Superman line in DC Superheroes, Mattel decided to take Justice League Unlimited into the new brand as well, effectively creating three sub-brands within one umbrella brand. The new packaging mirrored both Batman and Superman in design. The collectible cards in singles", "id": "13955767" }, { "contents": "Metropolis (comics)\n\n\nJesse Eisenberg) declaring the city open for business again. A \"Gotham City\" version of the ad, starring Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne and sharing an identical theme, also aired during the game. Metropolis also appears in most of the DC Comics animated films in which Superman makes an appearance, namely \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"All-Star Superman\", \"\", \"\", \"Superman vs The Elite\" and \"\". Additionally, it is mentioned in some", "id": "19910166" }, { "contents": "Superman (1978 film)\n\n\nSuperman\" also established the superhero film genre as viable outside the production of low-budget Saturday matinee serials. Director Christopher Nolan cited Richard Donner's vision and scope of \"Superman\" when pitching the concept for \"Batman Begins\" to Warner Bros. in 2002. The movie inspired The Kinks' 1979 song \"(Wish I Could Fly Like) Superman\", when the band's main songwriter, Ray Davies, watched the film in late 1978. In 2006 the \"Last Son\" comic book story arc debuted in Action", "id": "5309575" }, { "contents": "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes\n\n\n. The game's gameplay is similar to its predecessor, \"\", but allows players to play as classic Batman characters and other various DC Comics superheroes, such as Robin, Batgirl, Green Lantern, Superman, The Flash, and Wonder Woman. There are 75 playable characters. New gadgets such as Robin's Hazard Cannon, Superman's heat vision, and a Power Suit for Batman were introduced. An optional 2-player cooperative play mode, is also present. However, a split screen is used, due to the game", "id": "8984613" }, { "contents": "World's Finest Comics\n\n\n– always including Superman and Batman – in separate stories. Comics historian Les Daniels noted that \"Pairing Superman and Batman made sense financially, since the two were DC's most popular heroes.\" When superheroes fell out of vogue in the early 1950s, DC shortened the size of the publication to that of the rest of its output, leaving only enough space for one story; this led to Superman and Batman appearing in the same story together starting with \"World's Finest Comics\" #71 (July 1954). The", "id": "3475116" }, { "contents": "Zack Snyder\n\n\nand Superman would share the screen in \"\", released in 2016. Snyder directed, Cavill reprised his role as Superman, and Ben Affleck played Batman. Snyder directed Warner Bros.' 2017 \"Justice League\", but was replaced with Joss Whedon after having to leave during post-production to deal with the death of his daughter. As of March 2016, Snyder was working on \"The Last Photograph\", a drama about a war photographer in Afghanistan. He is also currently working on an adaptation of the 1943 novel", "id": "1649876" }, { "contents": "Lego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered\n\n\nLego DC Comics: Batman Be-Leaguered is an animated superhero short film based on the Lego and DC Comics brands. It premiered on Cartoon Network on October 27, 2014 and is the second Lego DC Comics film following \"\". The film was released on DVD with \"\" in 2015. In Gotham City, Batman is fighting Man-Bat at the museum when he is then ambushed by Penguin. Superman arrives in Gotham City where he wants Batman to join his new superhero team called the Justice League, but Batman", "id": "3142716" }, { "contents": "Alan Napier\n\n\nrole he played until the series' cancellation in 1968. I had never read comics before [I was hired for \"Batman\"]. My agent rang up and said, 'I think you are going to play on \"Batman,\"' I said 'What is \"Batman\"?' He said, 'Don't you read the comics?' I said, 'No, never.' He said, 'I think you are going to be Batman's butler.' I said, 'How", "id": "10144955" }, { "contents": "DC Superheroes (toys)\n\n\nMart and began arriving in retailers like Target and Toys \"R\" Us approximately one month later. The figures have characteristics similar to the competing Marvel Legends line in terms of detailed sculpting, articulation, and including a comic book or diorama with each figure. The line began as a successor to Mattel's Batman toyline. Since Mattel only had the license to Batman and Superman characters at the time (with the exception of the \"Justice League Unlimited\" line), only Batman and Superman characters were able to appear in the", "id": "7309246" }, { "contents": "DC Universe Animated Original Movies\n\n\nasteroid to frame Superman for the \"pending destruction of the planet\" and declares a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his \"partner in crime,\" Batman. Superheroes and super villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite to stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the asteroid, and uncover Luthor's devious plot. It was released on September 29, 2009. A significant feature has Tim Daly, Kevin Conroy, Clancy Brown, and C.C.H. Pounder", "id": "5852995" }, { "contents": "Zero (2018 film)\n\n\na cameo in a news clipping as himself. Director Aanand L. Rai conceived the film in 2012 after watching \"Krrish\" and drawing parallels of the titular character with that of American superheroes such as Spider-Man, Batman and Superman. He appreciated the achievement of Indians having their own superhero film but felt wary of the outreach, saying, \"I loved seeing Hrithik Roshan fly off a 250-feet building, it was brilliantly done, but deep down I felt this wasn’t us. Apart from our mythological demigods, Indians are", "id": "7993263" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (soundtrack)\n\n\nBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) is the soundtrack to the composed by Hans Zimmer and Junkie XL. It was released on March 18, 2016 by WaterTower Music. The exclusive deluxe edition of the album contains five bonus tracks, entitled \"Blood of My Blood\", \"Vigilante\", \"May I Help You, Mr. Wayne?\", \"They Were Hunters\" and \"Fight Night\". The soundtrack also features the Eric Whitacre Singers. The style elements from \"Is She", "id": "6544652" }, { "contents": "Daredevil (film)\n\n\nBatman in \"\", saying; \"That's the movie I want to do. I want to be a part of that [\"Batman v Superman\"]. Part of it was I wanted for once to get one of these movies and do it right—to do a good version. I hate \"Daredevil\" so much.\" A director's cut of the film was announced for a spring 2004 DVD release. This version contained new additions like previously unseen footage and a removed subplot, and was to", "id": "10417314" }, { "contents": "Batman action figures\n\n\naway from their focus on DC's Batman, and released a Superman comic character line called Superman: The Man of Steel. This line featured several popular characters from the Superman comics, but also included several two-packs which featured Batman and Superman together. Two of the Superman/Batman figures later turned up as mail-away exclusives in the Batman: Total Justice line of figures. (see below) In 1996, Kenner started production on a new line of DC Comics character figures. This line, like Legends of", "id": "15588602" }, { "contents": "Batman\n\n\nwhile others have featured celebrity voice actors in the role; including Jeremy Sisto, William Baldwin, Bruce Greenwood, Ben McKenzie, and Peter Weller. A Lego-themed version of Batman was also featured as one of the protagonists in the animated film \"The Lego Movie\" (2014), with Will Arnett providing the voice. Arnett reprised the voice role for the spin-off film \"The Lego Batman Movie\" (2017). In 2016, Ben Affleck began portraying Batman in the DC Extended Universe with the release", "id": "4022068" }, { "contents": "DC Universe Presents Batman Superman\n\n\nDC Universe Presents Batman Superman was part of the UK 'Collector's Edition' line of DC Comics published by Titan Magazines. It was published between September 2007 and March 2008. It reprinted comics from DC Comics from the United States relating to Batman, Superman or the DC Universe in general. \"DC Universe Presents Batman Superman\" accompanied \"Batman Legends\", \"Justice League Legends\" and \"Superman Legends\" as the fourth DC Collectors' Editions published for the UK and followed from the Marvel Collectors' Editions published by", "id": "7140019" }, { "contents": "Versions of Justice League\n\n\noptimistic. Batman actor Ben Affleck was hired to help with script re-writes and also serve as executive producer on \"Justice League\", mainly to ensure continuity between the film and \"The Batman\", which he was expected to star in and direct at the time. Jeremy Irons, the actor who portrayed Alfred Pennyworth and was an outspoken critic of \"Batman v Superman\", said the \"Snyder Cut\" script was simpler, smaller and more linear than its predecessor. Because of the \"Justice League\" re", "id": "20581840" }, { "contents": "Batman Begins\n\n\nand David Goyer for not living up to the \"hype about exploring Batman's damaged psyche\". Roger Ebert, who gave mixed reviews to the previous films, and claimed in his review for \"Batman Returns\" that he did not believe noir worked in superhero films, wrote this was \"the \"Batman\" movie I've been waiting for; more correctly, this is the movie I did not realize I was waiting for\". Giving it four out of four stars, he commended the realistic portrayals of the Batman", "id": "14634239" }, { "contents": "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\n\n\nDownes did not know who he was playing until the second trailer was released. On his role, Downes stated that he was proud to be part of the film and expressed his admiration in helping bring Doomsday to life in \"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice\". When asked why Doomsday was chosen to be in the film, Zack Snyder stated \"To go up against heroes like Batman and Superman, we wanted to introduce one of the DC Universe's most iconic and powerful villains\", further explaining, \"He", "id": "9365487" }, { "contents": "Man of Steel (film)\n\n\nLeague\" script, with the previous draft being scrapped. In July 2013, Snyder announced at San Diego Comic-Con International that the sequel to \"Man of Steel\" would have Superman and Batman meeting for the first time in the next film. Cavill, Adams, Lane and Fishburne were signed on to reprise their roles. Snyder stated that the film would take inspiration from the comic \"The Dark Knight Returns\". In August 2013, Ben Affleck was announced to be playing Batman, while Gal Gadot was cast as", "id": "19832642" }, { "contents": "Batman\n\n\nteammate Superman, notably as the co-stars of \"World's Finest\" and \"Superman/Batman\" series. In pre-Crisis continuity, the two are depicted as close friends; however, in current continuity, they are still close friends but an uneasy relationship, with an emphasis on their differing views on crime-fighting and justice. In \"Superman/Batman\" #3 (Dec. 2003), Superman observes, \"Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume.", "id": "4021992" }, { "contents": "Hungarian comics\n\n\n(In 1991 Interprint joined the Swedish Semic group, which resulted in Semic-Interprint.) The company started releasing \"Batman\" in January 1990 and \"Superman\" later in the same year. DC comics were not as popular as Marvel superheroes, so the titles merged and were made bimonthly in 1992 as \"Superman és Batman\". \"X-Men\" started in June 1992 and \"Marvel Extra\" (a compilation of all sorts of Marvel superhero stories) in February 1993. Hungarian comic book artists found themselves", "id": "16053845" }, { "contents": "Batman Returns\n\n\n\"very tasty.\" Conversely, Roger Ebert of the \"Chicago Sun-Times\" gave the film two stars out of four, writing: \"I give the movie a negative review, and yet I don't think it's a bad movie; it's more misguided, made with great creativity, but denying us what we more or less deserve from a \"Batman\" story. No matter how hard you try, superheroes and film noir don't go together; the very essence of noir is that there are", "id": "4475686" }, { "contents": "Henry Cavill\n\n\nto success. On being chosen for the role, Cavill commented, \"In the pantheon of superheroes, Superman is the most recognized and revered character of all time, and I am honoured to be a part of his return to the big screen.\" Cavill reprised the role of Superman in \"\", a 2016 sequel which featured a crossover with Batman and Wonder Woman. In 2017, Cavill returned as Superman in \"Justice League\". According to his manager Dany Garcia, Cavill is working on a new standalone Superman", "id": "2084989" }, { "contents": "Gog (DC Comics)\n\n\nCome\" reality, recruited Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Kid Flash III (daughter of Wally West), Offspring (son of Plastic Man), Nightstar (daughter of Nightwing and Starfire), and Ibn al Xu'ffasch (son of Batman and Talia al Ghul) from the \"Kingdom Come\" reality, along with the Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman from the present to fight Gog, luring him into Booster Gold's \"Planet Krypton\", a superhero-themed restaurant that had been stocked with artifacts from various", "id": "7068256" }, { "contents": "Superman logo\n\n\nThe Superman shield, also known as the Superman logo, is the iconic emblem for the fictional DC Comics superhero Superman. As a representation of one of the first superheroes, it served as a template for character design decades after Superman's first appearance. The tradition of wearing a representative symbol on the chest was followed by many subsequent superheroes, including Batman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Wonder Woman, Hawkman, and many others. In earlier Superman stories, the logo was simply an initial for \"Superman\", but", "id": "10311473" }, { "contents": "Maximums\n\n\nMr. Mxyzptlk. They imagined a U.S. government sanctioned superhero team from a parallel world. During in the middle of a battle with the Axis of Evil, the Maximums encountered Superman and Batman from an alternate timeline, whom they claimed that Skyscraper murdered their Lois Lane. Superman kills Skyscraper and after the ensuing battle with the Maximums, escape via Boom Tube. With mysterious information provided by their fallen comrade, Bowman (who was actually impersonated by the Joker), the Maximums track Superman and Batman to their reality. While Batman and", "id": "21810306" }, { "contents": "Bill Oakley (comics)\n\n\nremarking \"I would hope, by this time next year, that I would have enough work that I could go freelance. I wouldn't mind the idea of working at home. That kind of appeals to me, not having to get up at 6:00 every morning to commute here. That I \"definitely\" would look forward to.\" Oakley indeed went freelance by the end of 1988. For DC, he worked on a number of the Superman titles, \"Batman\", \"Lobo\", \"DC vs.", "id": "15831194" }, { "contents": "The Adventures of Batman\n\n\nThe Adventures of Batman is an animated television series produced by Lou Scheimer's Filmation studios. It showcased the 12-minute Batman segments from \"The Batman/Superman Hour\", sometimes broken up by and surrounding another cartoon from Filmation's fast-growing stream of superhero stars. A re-branded 30-minute version premiered on CBS on September 14, 1968, as Batman with Robin the Boy Wonder. This version was repackaged without the Superman and Superboy segments. Olan Soule was the voice of Batman and is most likely best remembered for his", "id": "20290226" }, { "contents": "Lex Luthor\n\n\nto establish his legacy as a great leader. The initial story arc of the \"Superman/Batman\" ongoing series depicts the fall of Luthor's reign as U.S. President. In \"The World's Finest\" (more commonly referred to as \"Public Enemies\"), a cadre of superheroes eventually break ranks from the Justice League to oppose Luthor. Superman and Batman, who had previously forbidden any attempt to unseat Luthor from office by force, led the storming of the White House. This was predicated by an attempt on", "id": "18899959" } ]
Obesity is a very prominent issue that even i struggle with. That's true. I know when someone is obese they have so much extra weight it can be really dangerous for their health. Agreed. It is also a hard thing to overcome because the addiction of an obese person is literally right around the corner no matter where you go. Yes, and obesity makes it more likely to get other diseases and issues. I know many get Diabetes, sleep apnea, depression and others. What is sleep apnea?
[{"answer": "It is where a person stops breathing for a time while they sleep. Obesity is caused by factors such as overeating, no exercise and genetics.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 129, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\n. Once again, the severity of depressive symptoms is positively correlated with the severity of the SBD. It also interacts with obesity as obese children have higher risk to show depressive symptoms and obesity can cause OSA. The link can also go the other way around with the depression inducing obesity (due to overeating) which worsen the OSA. Adenotonsillectomy can decrease the intensity of the depressive symptoms. Other consequences of a disturbed sleep in children with OSA comprise anhedonia increased fatigue and decreased interest in daily activities, which in turn can affect", "id": "16836509" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\nin other regions.\" The area of the United States with the highest obesity rate is American Samoa (75% obese and 95% overweight). Except territories, whose data is from the late 2000s to 2010s Obesity is a chronic health problem. It is one of the biggest factors for type II diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It is also associated with cancer (e.g. colorectal cancer), osteoarthritis, liver disease, sleep apnea, depression and other medical conditions that affect mortality and morbidity. According to the NHANES data", "id": "173341" }, { "contents": "Bariatrics\n\n\nof a euphemism to refer to people of larger sizes without regard to their participation in any treatment specific to weight loss, such as medical supply catalogs featuring larger hospital gowns and hospital beds referred to as \"bariatric.\" Overweight and obesity are rising medical problems. There are many detrimental health effects of obesity: Individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) exceeding a healthy range have a much greater risk of medical issues. These include heart disease, diabetes mellitus, many types of cancer, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea,", "id": "14189979" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\ntype of sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, is much more rare and has to do with the part of the brain that regulates breathing. The signal from the brain to the lungs is disrupted, resulting in pauses in breathing. Treating obstructive sleep apnea is much easier than central sleep apnea, and the treatment plan may include things such as lifestyle changes, mouthpieces, surgery, and breathing devices As obesity has become an issue of nationwide focus, all forms of media have begun to explore and report on the link between sleep", "id": "9128131" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nincrease to 75% by 2015. Obesity is linked to health problems such as decreased insulin sensitivity and diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, sleep apnea, and joint pain such as osteoarthritis. It is thought that a major factor of obesity is that obese individuals are in a positive energy balance, meaning that they are consuming more calories than they are expending. Humans expend energy through their basal metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food, non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), and exercise. While many treatments for obesity", "id": "11249635" }, { "contents": "Lack of physical education\n\n\n. In the long term, they are more likely to use tobacco, alcohol, and drugs than their active peers. Sedentary behaviour is strongly associated with obesity, and this imparts a great health risk. Obese children are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart disease, high LDL cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, sleep apnea, menstrual cycle abnormalities, bone and joint problems, increased cancer risk, and reduced balance. They are also more likely to be obese adults. Childhood physical inactivity has been correlated to cholesterol", "id": "17263098" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nchildren, obesity can also play a role in the pathophysiology of upper airway obstruction during sleep which can lead to OSA, making obese children more likely to develop the condition. The recent epidemic increase of obesity prevalence has thus contributed to changes in the prevalence and in the characteristics of pediatric OSA, the severity of OSA being proportional to the degree of obesity. Obesity leads to the narrowing of upper airway structure due to fatty infiltration and fat deposits in the anterior neck region and cervical structures. Alongside with the additional weight loading on", "id": "16836480" }, { "contents": "Sleep deprivation\n\n\ncould be disrupting hormones that regulate glucose metabolism and appetite. The association between sleep deprivation and obesity appears to be strongest in young and middle-age adults. Other scientists hold that the physical discomfort of obesity and related problems, such as sleep apnea, reduce an individual's chances of getting a good night's sleep. Sleep loss is currently proposed to disturb endocrine regulation of energy homeostasis leading to weight gain and obesity. For instance, laboratory sleep deprivation studies in young men have demonstrated that one night of wakefulness (typically found", "id": "12987934" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nredefined obesity; Japan has defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 kg/m while China uses a BMI of greater than 28 kg/m. Excessive body weight is associated with various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and asthma. As a result, obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide. A number of reviews have found that mortality risk is lowest at", "id": "11648948" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nthe respiratory system, it increases the risk of pharyngeal collapsibility while reducing the intrathoracic volume and diaphragm excursion. Moreover, excessive daytime sleepiness resulting from sleep fragmentation can decrease physical activity and thus lead to weight gain (by sedentary habits or increased food intake to overcome somnolence). The obesity-related obstruction of upper airway structure has led some authors to distinguish between two types of OSA in children: type I is associated with marked lymphadenoid hypertrophy without obesity and type II is first associated with obesity and with milder upper airway lymphadenoid hyperplasia", "id": "16836481" }, { "contents": "Obesity hypoventilation syndrome\n\n\ndisease has been known since the 1950s, initially as \"Pickwickian syndrome\" in reference to a Dickensian character but currently under a more descriptive name. Most people with obesity hypoventilation syndrome have concurrent obstructive sleep apnea, a condition characterized by snoring, brief episodes of apnea (cessation of breathing) during the night, interrupted sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. In OHS, sleepiness may be worsened by elevated blood levels of carbon dioxide, which causes drowsiness (\"CO narcosis\"). Other symptoms present in both conditions are depression,", "id": "11807691" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nsyndrome. Down syndrome is one such syndrome. In this chromosomal abnormality, several features combine to make the presence of obstructive sleep apnea more likely. The specific features of Down syndrome that predispose to obstructive sleep apnea include relatively low muscle tone, narrow nasopharynx, and large tongue. Obesity and enlarged tonsils and adenoids, conditions that occur commonly in the western population, are much more likely to be obstructive in a person with these features than without them. Obstructive sleep apnea does occur even more frequently in people with Down syndrome than", "id": "16836488" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\n. The two types of OSA in children can results in different morbidities and consequences. Studies have shown that weight loss in obese adolescents can reduce sleep apnea and thus the symptoms of OSA. Children with OSA may experience learning and memory deficits and OSA has also been linked to lowered childhood IQ scores. Most cases of OSA are believed to be caused by: Some adults with OSA are obese. Obese adults show an increase in pharyngeal tissue which cause respiratory obstruction during sleep. Adults with normal body mass indices (BMIs) often", "id": "16836482" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\n. The OSA-related hypercapnia has been suggested to be related to this development of hypertension. Treating the OSA may prevent the development of hypertension. The relationship between OSA and excess body weight is complex as obesity is more prevalent amongst OSA patients but can also be a risk factor for the development of OSA – it accounts for 58% of adult cases. Thus, both OSA and obesity (when present) may work synergistically and lead to hyperlipidaemia, diabetes, insulin resistance and other symptoms of the metabolic syndrome. The metabolic", "id": "16836516" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nargument against anti-fat bias is that it doesn't treat the underlying causes of obesity, especially the emotional issues faced by overweight children. Another argument is that you can't tell if someone has food addiction just by looking at them, as obesity is not the same thing as an eating disorder, and someone might be considered healthy even if they don't fit society's standards for what appears healthy. Fighters of anti-fat bias claim that health should not be connected to weight, as a person's weight is", "id": "15640575" }, { "contents": "Disease management (health)\n\n\nobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney failure, hypertension, heart failure, obesity, diabetes mellitus, asthma, cancer, arthritis, clinical depression, sleep apnea, osteoporosis, and other common ailments. In the United States, disease management is a large industry with many vendors. Major disease management organizations based on revenues and other criteria include Accordant (a subsidiary of Caremark), Alere (now including ParadigmHealth and Matria Healthcare), Caremark (excluding its Accordant subsidiary), Evercare, Health Dialog, Healthways, LifeMasters (", "id": "13913210" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\naortic disease (e.g. aortic aneurysm), high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, clinical depression, weight gain, obesity, and even death. OSA is associated with cognitive impairment, including deficits in inductive and deductive reasoning, attention, vigilance, learning, executive functions, and episodic and working memory. OSA is associated with increased risk for developing mild cognitive impairment and dementia, and has been associated with neuroanatomical changes (reductions in volumes of the hippocampus, and gray matter volume of the frontal and parietal lobes) which can", "id": "16836546" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\n) as well as physical deteriorations such as sleep apnea, breathlessness and cardiovascular disease. With an increase risk of adult obesity being associated with childhood obesity there are numerous long-term effects that can ultimately hinder the life expectancy of individuals including the development of serious diseases. In order to combat the worldwide epidemic of childhood obesity it is imperative that the issue is addressed in its early stages. The main preventative measures to be implemented include increasing physical exercise, dietary knowledge and decreasing sedentary behaviours. Body Mass Index (BMI) is", "id": "16685100" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nThe intermediate results regroup inflammation, pulmonary vasoconstriction, general metabolic dysfunction, oxidation of proteins and lipids or increased adiposity. The clinical repercussions are composed by pulmonary hypertension, accidents, obesity, diabetes, different heart diseases or hypertension. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is the most common Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) and affects up to 11% of children born at term - it is even more common (3 to 6 times more) in children born pre-term. As a SDB, OSA in children can lead to several adverse", "id": "16836496" }, { "contents": "Let's Move!\n\n\nbehavior; and environmental factors. Overweight and obesity pose many potential risks and consequences: psychological; cardiovascular disease; among additional risks including asthma, hepatic steatosis, sleep apnea, and type 2 diabetes. Today nearly one in five children in the U.S. between ages 6–19 are obese, and one in three are overweight. The childhood obesity rate tripled from 1980–1999 creating an epidemic and a generation where children may have shorter life spans than their parents. The \"Let's Move!\" initiative focuses on the reform of behavioral factors and", "id": "6278047" }, { "contents": "Mohak Bariatrics and Robotics\n\n\nMohak Bariatrics and Robotics is a hospital based in Indore, Madhya Pradesh which is dedicated to obesity and diabetes surgery. It is the first of its kind in India to perform diabetes surgery for abnormal obese and low BMI diabetics and cure gastroesophageal reflux disease, heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes. The center was founded in 2007 and is headed by Dr. Mohit Bhandari. It is the first hospital in India to perform endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty which is a non-invasive method of treating obesity", "id": "14439528" }, { "contents": "Obesity-associated morbidity\n\n\nassociated with depression. The relationship is strongest in those who are more severely obese, those who are younger, and in women. Suicide rate however decreases with increased BMI. A 2011 systematic review indicated that obese people draw negative reactions, furthermore people are less willing to help the affected individual in any situation. Obesity is a risk factor for obstructive sleep apnea. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is defined as the combination of obesity, hypoxia during sleep, and hypercapnia during the day, resulting from hypoventilation. Obesity is associated with a number", "id": "2780289" }, { "contents": "Sleep apnea\n\n\n. The muscle tone of the body ordinarily relaxes during sleep, and at the level of the throat, the human airway is composed of collapsible walls of soft tissue which can obstruct breathing. Mild occasional sleep apnea, such as many people experience during an upper respiratory infection, may not be significant, but chronic severe obstructive sleep apnea requires treatment to prevent low blood oxygen (hypoxemia), sleep deprivation, and other complications. Individuals with low muscle-tone and soft tissue around the airway (e.g., because of obesity)", "id": "8789594" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\n). And the risk for EDS is even increased when OSA is associated with obesity. Due to all the consequences and symptoms it generates, OSA in children lead to a significant decrease in the quality of life, the decrease being even higher when obesity is present. The quality of life can however be improved with the treatment of OSA. SBD have also been linked to a higher rate of internalizing disorders such as anxiety and depression. Indeed, depressive symptoms have shown to be higher in children with OSA, especially in males", "id": "16836508" }, { "contents": "Hypersomnia\n\n\nto disorders such as clinical depression, multiple sclerosis, encephalitis, epilepsy, or obesity. Hypersomnia can also be a symptom of other sleep disorders, like sleep apnea. It may occur as an adverse effect of taking certain medications, of withdrawal from some medications, or of drug or alcohol abuse. A genetic predisposition may also be a factor. In some cases it results from a physical problem, such as a tumor, head trauma, or dysfunction of the autonomic or central nervous system. Sleep apnea is the second most", "id": "5976252" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nweight loss, followed by maintenance of an ideal body weight over time. Rising obesity rates are a major concern around the world, especially in North America. About 60% of Americans and Canadians are either overweight or obese. Understanding the basic science of weight management and some of the strategies for attaining and maintaining a healthy weight is very important to a person's overall health because obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, like Type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. There are many factors that contribute to a", "id": "19103805" }, { "contents": "Sleep apnea\n\n\nsome people find it uncomfortable. Some complain of feeling trapped, having chest discomfort, and skin or nose irritation. Other side effects may include dry mouth, dry nose, nosebleeds, sore lips and gums. Excess body weight is thought to be an important cause of sleep apnea. In weight loss studies of obese and overweight individuals, those who lose weight show reduced apnea frequencies and improved Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index (AHI) compared to controls. Several surgical procedures (sleep surgery) are used to treat sleep apnea, although", "id": "8789611" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nfor obstructive sleep apnea, as prospective, randomized, comparative clinical evidence against current front line treatments is lacking. For those obstructive sleep apnea sufferers unable or unwilling to comply with front line treatment, a properly selected surgical intervention will be the result of considering an individual's specific anatomy and physiology, personal preference and disease severity. There is little randomized clinical trial evidence for all types of sleep surgery. There are a number of different operations that may be performed including: In the morbidly obese, a major loss of weight (", "id": "16836536" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nsuch as the frequency of the apnea and hypopnea. Pulmonary hypertension is also common amongst the cardiovascular problems resulting from OSA. Children with obstructive sleep-disordered breathing also show a faster heart rate during wakefulness and during sleep. In adult patients, OSA has been shown to be associated with insulin resistance. In children, metabolic consequences of OSA are complicated to assess as they can also be associated to puberty and/or obesity (if present). However, when OSA is associated with obesity, the interaction of the two conditions can lead", "id": "16836504" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Germany\n\n\nnear the end of World War II compared to eight million now. Obesity can increase risk for secondary diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and Alzheimer's. Children who get diabetes can expect to lose 10 to 15 years off of their lives. Diabetes also affect the eyes, kidneys and nerves in the legs. Obesity is a \"very strong promoter of cancer.\" Obesity causes an increased risk for colon cancer and breast cancer. Health costs because of obesity has increased and accounts for 20% of health", "id": "20307894" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\neither directly caused by obesity or indirectly related through mechanisms sharing a common cause such as a poor diet or a sedentary lifestyle. The strength of the link between obesity and specific conditions varies. One of the strongest is the link with type 2 diabetes. Excess body fat underlies 64% of cases of diabetes in men and 77% of cases in women. Health consequences fall into two broad categories: those attributable to the effects of increased fat mass (such as osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, social stigmatization) and those due", "id": "11648952" }, { "contents": "Sleep apnea\n\n\ndoes not mean that an individual has sleep apnea syndrome. The sign that is most suggestive of sleep apneas occurs when snoring \"stops\". Other indicators include (but are not limited to): hypersomnolence, obesity BMI 30, large neck circumference ( in women, in men), enlarged tonsils and large tongue volume, micrognathia, morning headaches, irritability/mood-swings/depression, learning and/or memory difficulties, and sexual dysfunction. The term \"sleep-disordered breathing\" is commonly used in the U.S. to describe", "id": "8789599" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\nand weight. The coverage spans from articles in Women's Health Magazine on “6 Ways Sleep Can Help you Lose Weight,” to NPR's story on the research linking a lack of sleep to obesity, to Harvard School of Public Health's discussion of sleep as an “obesity prevention source” on their site. No matter how diverse the range of broadcasting, media sources seem to agree that, for whatever reasons, sleep is an important part of maintaining a healthy weight, and could be an effective approach to the", "id": "9128132" }, { "contents": "Sleep and breathing\n\n\ndue to less sleep time, but more frequent awakenings during the night. Snoring is a condition characterized by noisy breathing during sleep. Usually, any medical condition where the airway is blocked during sleeping, like obstructive sleep apnea, may give rise to snoring. Snoring, when not associated with an obstructive phenomenon is known as primary snoring. Apart from the specific condition of obstructive sleep apnea, other causes of snoring include alcohol intake prior to sleeping, stuffy nose, sinusitis, obesity, long tongue or uvula, large tonsil or", "id": "2981391" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nlow self-esteem and depression. Childhood obesity however can also lead to life-threatening conditions including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep problems, cancer, and other disorders. Some of the other disorders would include liver disease, early puberty or menarche, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, skin infections, and asthma and other respiratory problems. The early physical effects of obesity in adolescence include, almost all of the child's organs being affected, gallstones, hepatitis, sleep apnoea and increased intracranial pressure", "id": "19958516" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Italy\n\n\nObesity in Italy has been increasingly cited as a major health issue in recent years. Overall, the Italians, along with the French and the Swiss, are considered among the slimmest people in Europe on average. In Europe, Italy was the only country where the average weight dropped. Obesity rates in Italian two-year-olds are the highest in Europe with a rate of 42%. Causes are lack of a Mediterranean diet and lifestyle choices such as exercise and getting enough sleep. Several studies have shown that obese men", "id": "1263955" }, { "contents": "Adjustable gastric band\n\n\nA laparoscopic adjustable gastric band, commonly called a lap-band, A band, or LAGB, is an inflatable silicone device placed around the top portion of the stomach to treat obesity, intended to decrease food consumption. Adjustable gastric band surgery is an example of bariatric surgery designed for obese patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater—or between 35 and 40 in cases of patients with certain comorbidities that are known to improve with weight loss, such as sleep apnea, diabetes, osteoarthritis, GERD", "id": "1884291" }, { "contents": "Food deserts by country\n\n\nprovide food and transport services to families that live within a 1,600 meter radius of a grocery store. And also focusing on prevention of diabetes and diabetes management. The minor health effects that can come from not having sustainable food options can be childhood obesity and even health issues like asthma.Although long term health effects can come from the minor health problems like heart disease caused from the obesity and type 2 diabetes. And if these bad habits continue unchanged a person effected by these disease could die prematurely. The department later developed a", "id": "15780837" }, { "contents": "Bariatric surgery\n\n\nfor bariatric surgery in adolescents and young adults is \" to a few studies that were narrow in scope and with relatively small sample sizes.\" Another 2017 meta-analysis reported that it was effective at reducing weight among morbidly obese adults in China. In the short term, weight loss from bariatric surgeries is associated with reductions in some comorbidities of obesity, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea, but the benefit for hypertension is uncertain. It is uncertain whether any given bariatric procedure is more effective than another", "id": "19512397" }, { "contents": "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease\n\n\nmay complain of fatigue, malaise, and dull right-upper-quadrant abdominal discomfort. Mild jaundice may be noticed, although this is rare. NAFLD is associated with insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome (obesity, combined hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus (type II), and high blood pressure), as well as insulin resistance, persistently elevated transaminases, increasing age and BMI, panhypopituitarism and hypoxia caused by obstructive sleep apnea, with some of them being strong predictors of disease progression. In particular, non-obese people affected by", "id": "8891712" }, { "contents": "Joe Lieberman\n\n\nso that your colleagues know what you're talking about ... You're going to have more influence even as a freshman than you think because you know there's hundreds of issues and inevitably we rely on each other.\" Recalling the conversation, Lieberman has said, \"that was true when I first came in, although you could see partisanship beginning to eat away at that. But at the end of my 24 years, it was really so partisan that it was hard to make the combinations to get to 60 votes to", "id": "21870748" }, { "contents": "Atrial fibrillation\n\n\nof collagen type III in the atrium and has profibrotic effects. All this modifies the atrial tissue, favoring the re-entry. There is a relationship between risk factors such as obesity and hypertension, with the appearance of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, specifically, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). These diseases are associated with an increased risk of AF due to their remodeling effects on the left atrium. The normal electrical conduction system of the heart allows the impulse that is generated by the sinoatrial", "id": "21071993" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\n), Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression/anxiety, have all been shown to be associated with an increased risk of obesity, as well as other obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. Other psychological issues which obesity has been shown to trigger are low self-esteem, distorted body image, and body shaming. People who are obese tend to have more increased rates of depression than those who are not overweight. Research done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Dr. David A. Kats and", "id": "20729400" }, { "contents": "Obesity hypoventilation syndrome\n\n\nimaging of the lungs (such as a chest X-ray or CT/CAT scan), spirometry, electrocardiography and echocardiography may be performed. Echo- and electrocardiography may also show strain on the right side of the heart caused by OHS, and spirometry may show a restrictive pattern related to obesity. Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is a form of sleep disordered breathing. Two subtypes are recognized, depending on the nature of disordered breathing detected on further investigations. The first is OHS in the context of obstructive sleep apnea; this is confirmed", "id": "11807701" }, { "contents": "Sleep\n\n\nare extremely brief and patients usually do not remember experiencing them. Instead, many patients simply feel tired after getting several hours of sleep and have no idea why. Major risk factors for sleep apnea include chronic fatigue, old age, obesity and snoring. Sleep disorders include narcolepsy, periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), restless leg syndrome (RLS), upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and the circadian rhythm sleep disorders. Fatal familial insomnia, or FFI, an extremely rare genetic disease with no known treatment or", "id": "8174539" }, { "contents": "Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty\n\n\nprocedure for obstructive sleep apnea with approximately 33,000 procedures performed per year. The surgery is more successful in patients who are not obese, and there is a limited role in morbidly obese (40 kg/m2) individuals. Standard UPPP procedure UPPP is typically administered to patients with obstructive sleep apnea in isolation. It is administered as a stand-alone procedure in the hope that the tissue which obstructs the patient's airway is localized in the back of the throat. The rationale is that, by removing the tissue, the patient", "id": "3158456" }, { "contents": "Obesity hypoventilation syndrome\n\n\nto less than 10% in those receiving treatment with PAP. Treatment also reduces the need for hospital admissions and reduces healthcare costs. The exact prevalence of obesity hypoventilation syndrome is unknown, and it is thought that many people with symptoms of OHS have not been diagnosed. About a third of all people with morbid obesity (a body mass index exceeding 40 kg/m) have elevated carbon dioxide levels in the blood. When examining groups of people with obstructive sleep apnea, researchers have found that 10–20% of them meet the", "id": "11807710" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nto seek care for medical issues or for weight loss, even if the weight gain is caused by medical problems. Common medical issues that cause weight gain include type 2 diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, hypothyroidism, and the side effects of some medications. In terms of psychological health, researchers found that obese individuals demonstrated a lower sense of well-being relative to non-obese individuals if they had perceived weight stigmatization even after controlling for other demographic factors such as age and sex. Overweight and obese individuals report experiencing forms of", "id": "15640568" }, { "contents": "Prader–Willi syndrome\n\n\nindividuals with PWS for all ages is needed to optimize strength and promote a healthy lifestyle. Prescription of daily recombinant GH injections are indicated for children with PWS. GH supports linear growth and increased muscle mass, and may lessen food preoccupation and weight gain. Because of severe obesity, obstructive sleep apnea is a common sequela, and a positive airway pressure machine is often needed. A person who has been diagnosed with PWS may have to undergo surgical procedures. One surgery that has proven to be unsuccessful for treating the obesity is gastric", "id": "10281043" }, { "contents": "Obesity hypoventilation syndrome\n\n\nObesity hypoventilation syndrome (also known as Pickwickian syndrome) is a condition in which severely overweight people fail to breathe rapidly enough or deeply enough, resulting in low blood oxygen levels and high blood carbon dioxide (CO) levels. Many people with this condition also frequently stop breathing altogether for short periods of time during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea), resulting in many partial awakenings during the night, which leads to continual sleepiness during the day. The disease puts strain on the heart, which eventually may lead to the symptoms such", "id": "11807689" }, { "contents": "Sleep apnea\n\n\nfailure, irregular heartbeat, obesity, and motor vehicle collisions. OSA affects 1 to 6% of adults and 2% of children. It affects males about twice as often as females. While people at any age can be affected, it occurs most commonly among those 55 to 60 years old. CSA affects less than 1% of people. A type of CSA was described in the German myth of Ondine's curse where the person when asleep would forget to breathe. People with sleep apnea have problems with excessive daytime sleepiness", "id": "8789585" }, { "contents": "Consumer electronics\n\n\npains and problems increase, commonly referred to as repetitive strain injuries. Using electronics before going to bed makes it difficult for people to fall asleep, which has a negative effect on human health. Sleeping less prevents people from performing to their full potential physically and mentally and can also “increase rates of obesity and diabetes,” which are “long-term health consequences”. Obesity and diabetes are more commonly seen in students and in youth because they tend to be the ones using electronics the most. “People who frequently", "id": "17111262" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nobese respondents, and severely obese respondents were 12, 37, and 100 times more likely to report employment discrimination than normal-weight respondents, respectively. Studies show that wages can also be reduced. Data suggests that after controlling for other socioeconomic factors, limitations of health, and other household variables, obese men were expected to see a 0.7 to 3.4% wage depression and obese women were expected to see a wage depression between 2.3 and 6.1%. Studies have also been conducted showing that physicians are most likely to attribute lack", "id": "20729394" }, { "contents": "Heart failure\n\n\nin life and has many causes including systemic viral infections (e.g., HIV), chemotherapeutic agents such as daunorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and trastuzumab, and abuse of drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, and methamphetamine. An uncommon cause is exposure to certain toxins such as lead and cobalt. Additionally, infiltrative disorders such as amyloidosis and connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus have similar consequences. Obstructive sleep apnea (a condition of sleep wherein disordered breathing overlaps with obesity, hypertension, and/or diabetes) is regarded as an independent cause", "id": "13788931" }, { "contents": "Panoramic radiograph\n\n\nobstructive sleep apnea syndrome, postmenopausal women, type 2 diabetics, individuals with dilated cardiomyopathy, and among individuals who have received radiotherapy directed at the neck,). These findings have been corroborated by other several other researchers. Atherosclerosis is attributed to risk factors that include cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension (high blood pressure). These factors, however, do not fully account for the risk of disease. Atherosclerosis has been conceptualized as a chronic inflammatory response to endothelial cell injury and dysfunction possibly arising", "id": "18911028" }, { "contents": "Psychological aspects of childhood obesity\n\n\npredictive of mental health problems than a child’s actual weight status; weight-focused bullying correlates to increased depressive symptoms, lower self-esteem, and poor body esteem even in normal-weight children. That said, obese children are more likely to be mistreated and teased by their peers and are thus more susceptible to mental health issues. Children are very impressionable. If they are surrounding themselves with peers who exercise daily and choose water over a sugary beverage are much more likely to want to do the same. On the", "id": "11433121" }, { "contents": "ROHHAD\n\n\npresent after the rapid weight gain. Some patients may initially develop obstructive sleep apnea, which is common in obese children. Obstructive sleep apena is the most common form of sleep apnea, and causes breathing to abruptly stop and begin again during sleep. This is caused by throat muscles relaxing during sleep and blocking the airway, and is typically noticed as patients will snore loudly throughout the night. Every patient diagnosed with ROHHAD develops alveolar hypoventilation, regardless of whether they presented with sleep apnea. Alveolar hypoventilation is a condition in which patients", "id": "16517393" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nor the result of obesity has yet to be determined unequivocally. The use of antibiotics among children has also been associated with obesity later in life. An association between viruses and obesity has been found in humans and several different animal species. The amount that these associations may have contributed to the rising rate of obesity is yet to be determined. A number of reviews have found an association between short duration of sleep and obesity. Whether one causes the other is unclear. Even if shorts sleep does increase weight gain it is unclear", "id": "11648978" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\nObesity in the United States is a major health issue, resulting in numerous diseases, specifically increased risk of certain types of cancer, coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, as well as significant increase in early mortality and economic costs. While many industrialized countries have experienced similar increases, obesity rates in the United States are the highest in the world. An obese person in the United States incurs an average of $1,429 more in medical expenses annually. Approximately $147 billion is spent in added medical expenses per year", "id": "173305" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Greece\n\n\nStates. Greece’s growing health concerns related to obesity are becoming an issue that was not evident in the past because of an increase in consumption of high fat, high calorie, fast foods and decreased levels of activity. Obesity brings on health concerns such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Greece is adopting a western style of eating and straying away from the active lifestyles they once possessed.", "id": "6981473" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nAbdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, occurs when excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen has built up to the extent that it is likely to have a negative impact on health. Central obesity has been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other metabolic and vascular diseases. Visceral and central abdominal fat and waist circumference show a strong association with type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat, also known as organ fat or \"intra-abdominal fat\", is located inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in", "id": "10161788" }, { "contents": "Dolvett Quince\n\n\nthat I’m in now because that experience gave me a voice at a very young age. […] And with that strength, I’m able to help the underdog. The weaker person, the woman, the child, the obese person, the athlete that can’t get all the way to the finish line because I understand,” he spoke in a soft tone. “I understand what it’s like to still believe in yourself when no one else believes in you and to push that out of someone.", "id": "3237725" }, { "contents": "Infant mortality\n\n\n, obesity and diabetes. Also, women who do not have access to health care are less likely to visit a doctor, therefore increasing their risk of delivering prematurely. Sudden infant death syndrome(SIDS) is a syndrome where an infant dies in their sleep with no reason behind it. Even with a complete autopsy, no one has been able to figure out what causes this disease. This disease is more common in Western countries. Even though researchers are not sure what causes this disease, they have discovered that it is healthier for", "id": "21085910" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\nthat if an individual is already getting 8 hours of sleep, then another half hour won't make them lose weight; however, in cases where a person is used to getting 5 hours of sleep per night and they start getting 7–8 hours, it is common to see them start to shed pounds, especially in obese individuals. What causes this phenomenon? Two hormones, ghrelin and leptin, closely associated with appetite are key in the sleep and weight relationship. Ghrelin is the hormone that controls appetite and tells the body when", "id": "9128123" }, { "contents": "Employment discrimination\n\n\nlikely to leave their current job. Though there are currently anti-discrimination laws on disability, namely the Americans with Disabilities Act, discrimination against weight is still prevalent. What makes the issue complicated is the fact that obesity only counts as a disability when someone is \"morbidly obese\" (100% over their ideal body weight) or obese (20% over their ideal body weight) as a result of psychological conditions. Considering that only 0.5% of people in the United States are morbidly obese, 99.5% of obese", "id": "890383" }, { "contents": "Scott I Kahan\n\n\nScott I. Kahan, M.D., M.P.H., is an American physician, writer, and internationally recognized expert on obesity prevention and treatment. He is the director of the Strategies To Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance, a nonprofit coalition of more than 70 consumer, provider, government, labor, business, health insurers and quality-of-care organizations and the director of the National Center for Weight and Wellness. His clinical practice and research addresses obesity prevention and treatment, chronic disease risk reduction, health behavior change in", "id": "1909755" }, { "contents": "Food addiction\n\n\neuphoria, a decrease in both anxiety and emotional pain also known as a “food coma.” The long-term physical effects may vary. The health consequences can be severe. If a food addict has obesity, it can be associated with the following: Obesity has been attributed to eating behavior or fast food, personality issues, depression, addiction and genetics. One proposed explanation of epidemic obesity is food addiction. The psychological and mental effects can prove intense and plague an individual for years. These can include hopelessness,", "id": "13552840" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\n% more likely to experience a 5-kg weight gain, and a 21% increase in risk of obesity, when adjusted for age, sex, and baseline BMI, as compared to average duration sleepers (7–8 hours) (NCBI). Even when the researchers adjusted for energy expenditure and physical activity levels (among other covariates), these relationships remained significant. The researcher's results indicate a U-shaped relationship between hours of sleep and type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease and weight, but the metabolic mechanisms affected by long", "id": "9128127" }, { "contents": "Steatosis\n\n\nto the cell in mild cases, large accumulations can disrupt cell constituents, and in severe cases the cell may even burst. The risk factors associated with steatosis are varied, and include diabetes mellitus, protein malnutrition, hypertension cell toxins, obesity, anoxia, and sleep apnea. As the liver is the primary organ of lipid metabolism it is most often associated with steatosis (fatty liver disease); however, it may occur in any organ, commonly the kidneys, heart, and muscle. No single mechanism leading to steatosis", "id": "8847322" }, { "contents": "Gastric bypass surgery\n\n\na body mass index greater than 40), type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and other comorbid conditions. \"Bariatric surgery\" is the term encompassing \"all\" of the surgical treatments for morbid obesity, not just gastric bypasses, which make up only one class of such operations. The resulting weight loss, typically dramatic, markedly reduces comorbidities. The long-term mortality rate of gastric bypass patients has been shown to be reduced by up to 40%. As with all surgery, complications may occur.", "id": "4945396" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nthe higher is the risk for nocturnal enuresis. Obesity may also play a role as it is associated with OSA and with nocturnal diuresis (due to unhealthy diet). The interaction between OSA and obesity might thus result in nocturnal enuresis. Considering the high prevalence of nocturnal enuresis amongst children with sleep-disordered breathing, it is important to consider the latter in the differential diagnosis of nocturnal enuresis as the treatment of the sleep disorder might have a favourable therapeutic effect on the enuresis. For example, an adenotonsillectomy performed to reduce OSA", "id": "16836506" }, { "contents": "Youth\n\n\nand abnormal glucose tolerance occur with increased frequency in obese children and adolescents. The relationship of cardiovascular risk factors to visceral fat independent of total body fat remains unclear. Sleep apnea, pseudotumor cerebri, and Blount's disease represent major sources of morbidity for which rapid and sustained weight reduction is essential. Although several periods of increased risk appear in childhood, it is not clear whether obesity with onset early in childhood carries a greater risk of adult morbidity and mortality. Bullying among school-aged youth is increasingly being recognized as an important", "id": "10247089" }, { "contents": "Atrial fibrillation\n\n\nthe most common alterable risk factors for AF. Other heart-related risk factors include heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart disease. In the developing world valvular heart disease often occurs as a result of rheumatic fever. Lung-related risk factors include COPD, obesity, and sleep apnea. Other factors include excess alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, diabetes mellitus, and thyrotoxicosis. However, half of cases are not associated with any of these risks. A diagnosis is made by feeling the pulse and may", "id": "21071973" }, { "contents": "Polycystic ovary syndrome\n\n\nPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a set of symptoms due to elevated androgens (male hormones) in females. Signs and symptoms of PCOS include irregular or no menstrual periods, heavy periods, excess body and facial hair, acne, pelvic pain, difficulty getting pregnant, and patches of thick, darker, velvety skin. Associated conditions include type 2 diabetes, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, mood disorders, and endometrial cancer. PCOS is due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Risk factors include", "id": "9542780" }, { "contents": "Duodenal switch\n\n\nof obesity related comorbidities following the duodenal switch: type 2 diabetes 99%, hyperlipidemia 99%, sleep apnea 92%, and hypertension 83%. Because the pyloric valve between the stomach and small intestine is preserved, people who have undergone the DS do not experience the dumping syndrome common with people who've undergone the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RNY). Much of the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, is removed with the greater curvature of the stomach. The summarized data can be found", "id": "18207500" }, { "contents": "Sonning Common Health Walks\n\n\nThe Sonning Common Health Walks was set up in 1996 by Dr William Bird, who is a general practitioner in Reading, Berkshire, England. The walks aim to reduce heart disease, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, relieve depression and anxiety, reduce stress, help with weight management / obesity, and help with diabetes. Each walk is led by a Leader who is a trained volunteer. The leaders know the route. You walk at your own pace but you are advised to stretch yourself to raise your heart rate and get", "id": "4575012" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\n. Overweight children are also more likely to grow up to be overweight adults. Obesity during adolescence has been found to increase mortality rates during adulthood. A 2008 study has found that children who are obese have carotid arteries which have prematurely aged by as much as thirty years as well as abnormal levels of cholesterol. Children who are obese are likely to be obese as adults. Thus, they are more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis", "id": "19958517" }, { "contents": "Jacob Bell (American football)\n\n\nof crazy disease that nobody even knows about, where people want their brains studied after they're dead, donating their brains to research. It's just crazy to see how someone like Junior Seau took his own life over -- God knows what he was really struggling and dealing with. But you have to believe it came from the game of football. I want to get out before the game makes me get out, where I can get out on my own terms, and I can limit the amount of stress and negative", "id": "15907505" }, { "contents": "Shift work\n\n\nproblems in some individuals, as disruption to circadian rhythms may increase the probability of developing cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, diabetes, and obesity, among other conditions. Shift work can also contribute to strain in marital, family, and personal relationships. A marriage where one partner works an irregular shift is six times more likely to end in divorce than a marriage where both partners work days. Shift work increases the risk for the development of many disorders. Shift work sleep disorder is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder characterized by insomnia,", "id": "21519924" }, { "contents": "European Sleep Apnea Database\n\n\nNational TB & Lung Diseases Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland; CNR Institute of Biomedicine and Molecular, Palermo, Italy; Instituto Auxologico Italiano, Ospedale San Luca, Milan, Italy; and St. Vincent University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland. Their analysis was published in 2010 in the \"American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine\". In 2011 there were 22 sleep disorder centres in Europe involved in the collaboration. The group published research in 2011 analyzing the percentage of patients suffering from sleep apnea that have obesity. By 2012", "id": "14826034" }, { "contents": "Infant nutrition\n\n\nof obesity later in life. Breast milk leads to a slower weight gain in early infancy, and is protective against obesity and development of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a serious health problem where the body does not use insulin correctly. This diagnosis can cause many complications of the skin, eyes, feet, nervous system, heart, and kidneys. Therefore, it is important to prevent diabetes when possible, because it goes hand-in-hand with obesity. When an infant is breastfed, they are exposed to a", "id": "11040834" }, { "contents": "Rough Justice (The Rolling Stones song)\n\n\n2005, \"That came to me in my sleep. It's almost like \"Satisfaction\". Yeah, I almost sort of woke up and said, 'Where's my guitar?' Sometimes you do dream a riff, you know? I had to get up, and it's really hard to get me up. Once I go down, I go down, you know? But, I mean, it's only a song that could get me up and start running around the room, 'Where's", "id": "17811049" }, { "contents": "Obstructive sleep apnea\n\n\nsyndrome itself is often associated with OSA: 74-85% of OSA patients are diagnosed with it. CPAP therapy can lead to an improvement of some of the cardiovascular component of the metabolic syndrome while weight loss is also recommended for its positive effects on OSA consequences and metabolic dysfunctions. An intervention comprising exercise and diet is thus effective for the treatment of OSA as it positively impacts the severity of both obesity symptoms and OSA symptoms. Sleep is of major importance for psychological and emotional health. As it is greatly impaired in OSA", "id": "16836517" }, { "contents": "Self-care\n\n\nprotect physical and mental health. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. Sleep deficiency can also lead to depression, suicide, and risk-taking behavior. Teeth brushing and personal hygiene can prevent infection. Self-care maintenance behaviors can be influenced by external factors, such as access to healthcare and living environments. Social determinants of health play a huge role in how people take care of themselves. Access to care is one major determinant of one's ability", "id": "11371565" }, { "contents": "Christian Guilleminault\n\n\nwould re-capitulate the changes of sleep apnea, further establishing the causative relationship between sleep apnea and cardiovascular abnormalities. Guilleminault then went on to describe obstructive sleep apnea in non-obese patients, being the first to coin the term \"obstructive sleep apnea syndrome\" (OSAS), a term commonly used nowadays. In addition, he described the presence of OSAS in children, demonstrating its association with learning and attention problems along with cardiovascular derangements. Following this work, he went on to describe the presence of elevated upper airway", "id": "16522892" }, { "contents": "Fat feminism\n\n\nThe standards that we hold overweight individuals to, is what is considered unhealthy for these individuals. Bulimia, anorexia, depression, and anxiety, are all believed to be brought on because of the standards that society has over those considered social outsiders. There are many reasons why large body sizes can be a feminist issue. First, \"several US health and women's studies scholars have declared obesity a feminist issue on the grounds that women, specifically African American and poor women, are more likely than men to be obese.", "id": "3287570" }, { "contents": "Obesity in pets\n\n\ndirlotapide or mitratapide experience vomiting and diarrhea; less commonly, anorexia may occur. When these drugs are stopped, the dog's appetite returns to previous levels. If other weight-loss strategies are not employed, the dog will again gain weight. Compared to non-obese animals, obese dogs and cats have a higher incidence of osteoarthritis (joint disease) and diabetes mellitus, which also occur earlier in the life of the animal. Obese animals are also at increased risk of complications following anesthesia or surgery. Obese dogs are", "id": "13312995" }, { "contents": "Obesity hypoventilation syndrome\n\n\nby the occurrence of 5 or more episodes of apnea, hypopnea or respiratory-related arousals per hour (high apnea-hypopnea index) during sleep. The second is OHS primarily due to \"sleep hypoventilation syndrome\"; this requires a rise of CO levels by 10 mmHg (1.3 kPa) after sleep compared to awake measurements and overnight drops in oxygen levels without simultaneous apnea or hypopnea. Overall, 90% of all people with OHS fall into the first category, and 10% in the second. In people with stable", "id": "11807702" }, { "contents": "Doesn't Really Matter\n\n\nreally about feeling good yourself and accepting yourself. Self-acceptance, which is another story you see here in this film, is the most important thing as well as being happy with who you are.\" The song is based on Jackson's character Denise's \"unconditional love\" for the obese but gentle Sherman. Jackson said, \"I loved this character so much because she didn't care about all the other things that people may have seen or saw and thought was wrong with Sherman. Those were the things she", "id": "10587575" }, { "contents": "Psychological aspects of childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 96th percentile for children of the same age and sex. It can cause a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, sleeping problems, and joint problems later in life. Children who are obese are at a greater risk for social and psychological problems as well, such as peer victimization, increased levels of aggression, and low self-esteem. Many environmental and social factors", "id": "11433108" }, { "contents": "Regency Plaza Suites\n\n\neventually converted into an apartment complex before being demolished in 2007. The site is now a three-story apartment building called The HW. The Regency Hotel is infamous for being the building where actor Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead) died of an enlarged heart - due to his obese frame he had an additional sleep apnea, so that his physician told him to not sleep on his back, which he then ignored and thus died in his sleep from cardiac arrest through sleep apnea - March 7, 1988 while staying in second-", "id": "6606560" }, { "contents": "Insomnia\n\n\ncomplain of insomnia should not routinely have polysomnography to screen for sleep disorders. This test may be indicated for patients with symptoms in addition to insomnia, including sleep apnea, obesity, a thick neck diameter, or high-risk fullness of the flesh in the oropharynx. Usually, the test is not needed to make a diagnosis, and insomnia especially for working people can often be treated by changing a job schedule to make time for sufficient sleep and by improving sleep hygiene. Some patients may need to do an overnight sleep study", "id": "5682110" }, { "contents": "Scott I Kahan\n\n\nHopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Kahan is the director of the George Washington University-based Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance, a nonprofit coalition of more than 70 consumer, provider, government, labor, business, health insurers and quality-of-care organizations whose purpose is to advance the public conversation about obesity and develop practical strategies to combat obesity and weight bias. He founded and directs the National Center for Weight and Wellness in Washington, D.C., which provides clinical treatment of obesity and weight", "id": "1909757" }, { "contents": "Sleep and weight\n\n\n8 hours. However, the researchers had no plausible explanation for a cause-and-effect relationship Sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder which causes an individual to have short pauses in breathing or very shallow breaths while sleeping. These pauses in breathing can often cause the individual to wake up, snore, choke, or just generally disrupt their sleep. As a result, sufferers of the disease do not get quality sleep during the night and are tired during the daytime. Sleep apnea is very difficult to diagnose because doctors", "id": "9128129" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\nare also believed to be a factor, with a 2018 study stating that the presence of the human gene APOA2 could result in a higher BMI in individuals. Also, the probability of obesity can even start before birth due to things that the mother does such as smoking and gaining a lot of weight. There has been an increase in obesity-related medical problems, including type II diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and disability. In particular, diabetes has become the seventh leading cause of death in the United States,", "id": "173347" }, { "contents": "Saint Thomas - Rutherford Hospital\n\n\ndamage to surrounding tissue. The Saint Thomas Health Services Neurosciences Institute is the only health care center in Tennessee to provide Novalis Shaped Beam Surgery. The Bariatric Program at Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital provides a variety of weight loss procedures to assist in the treatment of morbid obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis, asthma, acid reflux, infertility and high cholesterol. These bariatric procedures include the Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAP-BAND) System, Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Open or Laparoscopic", "id": "17457916" }, { "contents": "Saint Thomas - Midtown Hospital (Nashville)\n\n\n. The Saint Thomas Health Services Neurosciences Institute is the only health care center in Tennessee to provide Novalis Shaped Beam Surgery. The Metabolic Surgery Center at Saint Thomas Midtown Hospital provides a variety of weight loss procedures to assist in the treatment of morbid obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, arthritis, asthma, acid reflux, infertility and high cholesterol. These bariatric procedures include the Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAP-BAND) System, Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass, Open or Laparoscopic Duodenal Switch and", "id": "18774929" }, { "contents": "Classification of sleep disorders\n\n\nsleep-talking), somnambulism (sleepwalking), grinding of teeth, jactatians, enuresis, delirium, nonepileptic convulsions and personality dissociation. Broughton in 1968 developed classification of the arousal disorders as confusional arousals: night terrors and sleep walking. Insomnias were classified as primary and secondary till 1970 when they were recognized as symptoms of other disorders. Sir William Osler in 1906 correlated snoring, obesity and somnolence (sleepiness) to Dicken's description of Joe. Charles Burwell in 1956 recognized obstructive sleep apnea as Pickwickian syndrome. Circadian rhythm sleep", "id": "5435216" }, { "contents": "Serotonin–norepinephrine–dopamine reuptake inhibitor\n\n\nOther symptoms including poor concentration, a disturbance of sleep rhythms (insomnia or hypersomnia), and severe fatigue may also occur. Individual patients present differing subsets of symptoms, which may change over the course of the disease highlighting its multifaceted and heterogeneous nature. Depression is often highly comorbid with other diseases, e.g. cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke), diabetes, cancer, Depressed subjects are prone to smoking, substance abuse, eating disorders, obesity, high blood pressure, pathological gambling and internet addiction, and on average have", "id": "997565" } ]
Pasta is so tasty. What do you think? yeah.. Yeah is also a song by Usher. mm...what kind of sause you like in pasta?
[{"answer": "There are large numbers of pasta variants. I like pancetta and parsnips in my pasta best!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "43911472", "title": "List of pasta dishes", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 129, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 205, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Scream (Usher song)\n\n\ntotal cinch for him to get her home\", in the line \"I see you over there, so hypnotic/ Thinking 'bout what I do to that body.../ Got no drink in my hand/ But I'm wasted/ Getting drunk of the thought of you naked/ I get you like ooh, baby, baby.\" In the chorus, he sings \"If you wanna scream ‘yeah,’ let me know and I’ll take you there / Get you going like a-ooh baby baby, ooh baby baby,", "id": "17757370" }, { "contents": "Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?\n\n\nHerb in \"Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?\", so they brought him back. Cast member Hank Azaria noted that DeVito was less enthusiastic in his second performance as Herb: \"Some people come in and you can tell they kind of regretted doing it. The second time, Danny DeVito was like 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's get it over with.' He did a great job, but he didn't enjoy the process.\" In part because the writers had so many ideas for what", "id": "9565623" }, { "contents": "Diamonds & Rust (song)\n\n\nhe was in prison.\" \"For your husband?\" Bob said. \"Yeah. Who did you think it was about?\" I stonewalled. \"Oh, hey, what the fuck do I know?\" \"Never mind. Yeah, I'll sing it, if you like.\" But Baez's marriage to Harris had, in fact, already ended by the time the song was written and composed. In an interview with music writer Mike Ragogna, Baez later admitted that the character in the song", "id": "19826475" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nsetting up the microphone when I first saw the lyrics on the music stand, 'She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah!' I thought, Oh my God, what a lyric! This is going to be one that I \"do not\" like. But when they started to sing it – bang, wow, terrific, I was up at the mixer jogging around.\" The \"", "id": "11107981" }, { "contents": "TKO (Justin Timberlake song)\n\n\nfor the count, yeah girl you knock me out.\" During the song, Timberlake sings, \"It cuts right on my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie/ Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy/ Can't fight, knocked down, then I got over you/ Can't fight no more, you knock me out/ What am I supposed to do?.\" The song is punctuated by beat-boxing and Timbaland repeating the line, \"Kill me with the coo-coochie-", "id": "19417382" }, { "contents": "Cliff Robinson (artist)\n\n\n\" writers: \"Q - Have you ever had an artist turn in something, and thought ‘Oh No! What have they done?!’ A - Yeah, but what can you do? The reverse happens too, of course. You turn in a script you maybe didn't think was so great, and the artist really brings it to life. That happened on a Dredd story I did called \"Couch Potatoes\". I quite liked it, but I thought there were too many corny lines in it", "id": "6101497" }, { "contents": "Confessions (Usher album)\n\n\nrecord, thought something was missing in it. \"You know what, there's like one or two more records that we just gotta get.\" Usher was displeased with the decision; he felt returning to the studio was the hardest part and needed to re-motivate himself. He went on recording a few more tracks with help from fellow Atlantian's Lil Jon and Ludacris. Eventually, the team was able to produce songs like \"Red Light\" and \"Yeah!\". He also recorded songs with P.", "id": "9804119" }, { "contents": "WZRD (band)\n\n\nabout to pass out here. Is it cool if I stay here?' and he was like, 'Yeah, yeah.' So I slept on the couch. I woke up in the morning, and Dot came downstairs, like, “Yo, my parents want to talk to you.” I was like, “What the fuck? What happened? What’d I do?” I thought I was in trouble. So I went up to his parents room, and his dad was like, '", "id": "14777986" }, { "contents": "Crimson (Alkaline Trio album)\n\n\nSo yeah, I think that came from knowing that we were starting to write a new record and wanting to take a different approach. As I said before, you don’t ever want to write the same record twice. So yeah, I think it was just a fresh start and it just had a different kind of feel and sort of set the tone for \"Crimson\", not that there is other songs like it on the record. But it’s definitely a good thing to get the ball rolling. Andriano", "id": "9206762" }, { "contents": "Boyz (song)\n\n\n.] If you print it, they're gonna find out!\" [Laughs.] They'll be like \"whaaaaaat???\" But I think that was kind of funny… I was telling my friend, \"No one else could get 100 Jamaican boys to be dancing and saying 'How many boys there?' you know?\" They just wouldn't do that. So, yeah… I've done it!\" A writer in \"The Fader\" called the video \"totally insane\"", "id": "9458675" }, { "contents": "Castle Walls\n\n\nDiddy told T.I., \"Yeah, this is my record, but you know what, I think this is a better fit for you. I think you should rock out on this one. I think this speaks volumes to where you are, what you going through, what you living and how you feel.\" Consequently, Christina Aguilera was chosen as the featured guest on the song, which appeared on T.I.'s album \"No Mercy\". Alex da Kid, producer of the song, said about the collaboration,", "id": "11762451" }, { "contents": "Whatever You Like\n\n\nSo What.\" The following week the song knocked off \"So What\" to return to number one on the Hot 100, marking its fourth week overall at the top of the chart. It remained there for another week, marking its 5th week overall. The next week T.I. replaced himself at number one with the follow-up single \"Live Your Life\" which hadn't been done since Usher in 2004 with the first and second singles off his album (Yeah! and Burn). After spending two weeks at", "id": "13617279" }, { "contents": "List of Loveline games\n\n\nYeah Adam: Oh that's cheap, it doesn't involve flight or a hotel or transportation Drew: I hear the smoke's pretty heavy out there today though. Adam: Oh, okay, alright, so now we're up to 1600 dollars because of the smoke. So what do you look like? Caller: I've got dark blond hair, green eyes. Adam: Dark blond? That, that's brown right? Green Eyes? Caller: Yeah Adam: That's good, how much do you", "id": "10481693" }, { "contents": "Aisle (video game)\n\n\n. The character's interest is piqued by the gnocchi he sees in the pasta aisle and a few other items are noted. Then the player is asked to choose how to proceed. Based on this input the game will reveal the character's story (and back story). Alec Meer describes how things may proceed from here: So what do you do? Buy pasta, think about Gnocchi, try to talk to the woman, take your clothes off, start shouting… Some endings are moving, others tragic, others", "id": "18375468" }, { "contents": "Fuh You\n\n\nthe song and working with Tedder, McCartney said: \"So out of all the producers that were suggested, I liked Ryan, rung him up and we chatted. He said, 'What do you hope to get [out of this]?'. I was like, oh I don't know. And then I thought, come on Paul, don't be so shy. So I said, 'A hit?' And he was like 'Yeah! Now you're talking my language! The world", "id": "2655846" }, { "contents": "That's What Love Is Made Of\n\n\nnarrator: \"\"You take Sugar and Spice...Everything Nice... and you've got a little girl, yeah, yeah...You take Snakes and Snails...Puppy Dog's tails...and you've got a little boy, yeah, yeah...That's what Love Is Made Of...\" \" The song illustrates that love is never easy, consisting of good times, bad times, heartbreak, jubilation, breakups and makeups ...\"That's What Love is Made Of\". While Tarplin plays and Robinson sings the", "id": "17424343" }, { "contents": "Part of Me (Katy Perry song)\n\n\nwhat he tries to do to bring her down. The beat reaches a peak at the chorus, and Perry's tone and the song's lyrics become more aggressive and prominent as she sings, \"This is the Part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me.\" As the song continues, Perry's lyrics become strong and empowered: \"So you can keep the diamond ring/ It don't mean nothing anyway/ In fact you can keep everything Yeah/ Yeah Except for me\". Perry repeats the", "id": "8166350" }, { "contents": "No Mercy (T.I. album)\n\n\nfeaturing Christina Aguilera) originally belonged to Diddy who had commissioned the song for his fifth album \"Last Train to Paris\" with his group Dirty Money. But Diddy told T.I. \"Yeah, this is my record, but you know what, I think this is a better fit for you. I think you should rock out on this one. I think this speaks volumes to where you are, what you going through, what you living and how you feel.\" The album was originally intended to be titled \"King", "id": "14072675" }, { "contents": "Mega Man 2\n\n\nrifle.' ... I said, 'So, a pistol? Do you want me to do a pistol?' And he said, 'Yeah, let's put a pistol in there.' So I did what I was told and I put the pistol in there. Add to the fact that they only had, like, a day and a half for me to do the painting and what you wound up with was not the greatest result. But certainly a result that was not my fault. I mean", "id": "8450009" }, { "contents": "Donald O'Connor\n\n\nDonald O'Connor Theatre, and would perform in it with his children. In a 1989 interview he said \"There's an element out there that wants to be entertained-and they can't find this kind of thing I do. And yeah, I think I wear well. I sing, I dance, I do comedy. I'm not threatening. When you grow up in a circus family, the more things you learn, the more you get paid. So I can do straight comedy without the song and dance", "id": "17511022" }, { "contents": "Brand New (band)\n\n\n\" It was explained as \"very tongue-in-cheek\" by vocalist Jesse Lacey. Elaborating on the title's meaning, he told MTV, \"No matter who you are or what your band is about, you can't put a record out without people saying it's derivative of something else. So by saying the record's already been heard, it's kind of like saying, 'Yeah, you're right. We're doing something that's already been done before.'\" He reinforced, \"", "id": "18559102" }, { "contents": "Mega Man (character)\n\n\nsaid, 'Well, he must have a pistol, because I don't see a rifle.' ... I said, 'So, a pistol? Do you want me to do a pistol?' And he said, 'Yeah, let's put a pistol in there.' So I did what I was told and I put the pistol in there. Add to the fact that they only had, like, a day and a half for me to do the painting and what you wound up with was", "id": "10850581" }, { "contents": "Shivers (song)\n\n\nperhaps finally successfully, to divorce myself from the song. It's impossible for me to recreate what I was trying to do when I wrote that song so whilst I can see that people have an attachment to it, I don't. I feel like, when I did use to do it in shows, I was doing a cover of some song that had been around forever. That's how it felt. And I guess that is a strange way to feel about a song you wrote, so yeah, I", "id": "9419053" }, { "contents": "Jim Gray (sportscaster)\n\n\nIn what way are you talking about?\" Gray: \"By not acknowledging what seems to be overwhelming evidence.\" Rose: \"Yeah, I'm surprised you're bombarding me like this. I mean I'm doing an interview with you on a great night, a great occasion, a great ovation. Everybody seems to be in a good mood. And you're bringing up something that happened 10 years ago. Gray: \"I'm bringing it up because I think people would like to see ... Pete,", "id": "2287473" }, { "contents": "What's Your Name (Usher song)\n\n\nwhen you run into a woman that makes you speak gibberish\". Allmusic's Andy Kellman noted the song as a highlight of \"Here I Stand\", and compared it to \"Yeah!\" (2004). Chad Grischow from IGN also chose the song as one of the album's best tracks, and called it appropriate for \"a windows-down spring car ride\". Digital Spy's Nick Levine called the song \"rubbery\" and danceable and compared it to Timbaland's work. \"The Washington Post\"", "id": "5084368" }, { "contents": "Andrew Reynolds (skateboarder)\n\n\n, and [asked] \"Do you wanna do something with us?\", not knowing anything about me. Yeah, Tony's the man. Sure, he's the best. In 2012, Reynolds recruited Hawk's son Riley Hawk for Baker and explained the process in an online interview: ... I [thought], \"it's kinda touchy, you know what I mean, like?\" It's kind of weird, you know? Tony's kid, he rides for Birdhouse. But I look at", "id": "654723" }, { "contents": "Robert Webb\n\n\nyear and be paid more than you would be for an entire series of \"Peep Show\"?' the answer, obviously, is, 'Yeah, that's fine'\". In the same interview, Mitchell also said \"I don't see what is morally inconsistent with a comedian doing an advert. It's alright to sell computers, isn't it? Unless you think that capitalism is evil – which I don't. It's not like we're helping to flog a baby-killing machine\".", "id": "9454802" }, { "contents": "So You Want to Be a Rock 'n' Roll Star\n\n\n'That's weird, we do C-\"D\"-G'. Then he played it that way and said, 'You know, I like that better. I think I'll change it'. And I went, 'You mean you're going to change the chord of the song?' and he went, 'Yeah, I've never played it that way, and I like it a lot better'. Roger McGuinn's been playing that song for twenty years, and here I suggest he plays it this way,", "id": "7406380" }, { "contents": "Boot Camp Clik\n\n\nn't Havin' That\", \"Two Turntables and a Mic\", \"This is What it Sounds Like (Worldwind)\", \"Bounce to the Ounce\", \"Get Up\", \"And So\", \"Think Back\", \"Stay Real\", \"This Goes Out to You\", \"Boom Bye Yeah\", \"Heartburn/Onion Head\", \"My Timbz Do Work\" and \"Gunn Rap\". In July 2006, the Boot Camp returned for their third group album, \"", "id": "4544903" }, { "contents": "Gorgeous (Kanye West song)\n\n\nthat classic ‘[Kan]Ye beat. I want to be on this.’ I came up to him, and I was like, ‘Man, are you working on this record? Are you working on this beat?’ He goes, ‘Yeah … do you got an idea for it?’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I might. I didn’t. I was lying like a motherfucker. I was like, ‘Yeah, man, I want to get on this joint.” Cudi commented", "id": "6093374" }, { "contents": "Jack Reacher\n\n\nthe following terms: \" The whole cast for each book is new. It kind of depends on what the scenario is and what the set up is. Do I use people that I actually know? In a way yeah, because you met people and you regard them as meta-typical as one thing or another – so as a large extent, yes, they are based on people I've met but not specific individuals.\" Jill Hemingway, age 34 according to a police transmission, was a suspended FBI agent", "id": "10961959" }, { "contents": "The Way You Love Me (Keri Hilson song)\n\n\n, Hilson sings that she is \"so good, I'll make you think the bed is my workplace [...] Yeah, it's me, that's where you wanna be / I got the kind of pussy that'll keep you out the streets\" just before Ross's verse begins, seemingly summing up the image Hilson is going for: \"She looks like an angel, but she's sexy as hell.\" As a whole, the lyrical arrangements are about sexual desire and not holding back. The clean", "id": "14293626" }, { "contents": "David Mitchell (comedian)\n\n\ncritics, stating that \"when someone asks, 'Do you want to do some funny ads for not many days in the year and be paid more than you would be for an entire series of \"Peep Show\"?' the answer, obviously, is, 'Yeah, that's fine.'\" In the same interview, Mitchell also said: \"I don't see what is morally inconsistent with a comedian doing an advert. It's all right to sell computers, isn't it? Unless you think", "id": "166744" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\n\" with its call and response pattern, and that \"as often happens, you think of one song when you write another ... I'd planned an 'answering song' where a couple of us would sing 'she loves you' and the other ones would answer 'yeah yeah'. We decided that was a crummy idea but at least we then had the idea of a song called 'She Loves You'. So we sat in the hotel bedroom for a few hours and wrote it – John and I,", "id": "11107976" }, { "contents": "Don't You Ever Leave Me\n\n\nbest songs by Hanoi Rocks. The band's guitarist Andy McCoy commented on the song in Finnish Soundi magazine in 1984: \"Well, yeah, we screwed up that song so bad back then, that we had to remake it now. As a song, I think it's fucking great and this version is what the original should have been.\". The version of \"Don't You Ever Leave Me\" that's on the 12\" single differs from the album and 7\" single versions, as the 12", "id": "4017662" }, { "contents": "Simple Plan\n\n\nshows around Japan, Mexico and we’re gonna finish the year, you know, in good places. And then we’re gonna start making a new record! We’re gonna start working on new music. And yeah, I mean every time it’s a bit of a challenge. It’s like.. what is Simple Plan capable of achieving next? And can we stretch the boundaries of what people think and know about Simple Plan? How do you make the Simple Plan sound sound current in 2017,", "id": "6276924" }, { "contents": "Bright Lights, Big City (film)\n\n\nNo' [slogan] and I think the studios were scared shitless. I think the producers had a book they were sorry they were doing. Sydney said he didn't like the book, he didn't approve of it. So you get a mess, yeah.\" She is still angered by statements made in The New York Times Magazine article. \"What amazed me was, they were boasting that after I left, they were wearing a shirt with a shoe on it! They said that I spent a month", "id": "18032964" }, { "contents": "Oh Yeah (Yello song)\n\n\noh yeah'?... Dieter was very angry when I told him this and he said, 'are you crazy, all the time \"Oh yeah\"? Are you crazy?! I can't do this, no no, come on, come on.' And then he said, 'some lyrics, like \"the moon... beautiful\", is this too much?!' and I said, 'no, it's OK', and then he did this 'oh yeah' and at the", "id": "18958610" }, { "contents": "Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (Fringe)\n\n\nepisode so we can see what they were like together... those are also perfectly valid reasons for doing those episodes.\" Wyman added, \"Yeah, it was important. I mean, you know, for people that say it was just a diversion, well, there was something really important involved in that Walter/William relationship. That was part of Walter’s self-actualization, that moment when William Bell says, 'Look, you have to be on your own. You have to walk the path that you", "id": "275893" }, { "contents": "Electronic Earth\n\n\nYou know, on one side you have artists like Adele who's very much on an acoustic vibe, and then on the other you have like maybe Justice who are a kind of electro-house band. And to me, what I'm about as a musician is joining those two worlds TOGETHER... So yeah, in that way 'Electronic Earth' does truly represent me as both an artist AND a producer.\" \"Electronic Earth\" has received mixed responses. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of", "id": "14085843" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nwell as on \"Past Masters, Volume One\". The 2009 CD rerelease of the Beatles' catalog included \"She Loves You\" and \"Sie Liebt Dich\" on \"Past Masters\" (mono and stereo, respectively) and on \"Mono Masters\" (mono). Paul McCartney sang \"We love you, yeah, yeah, yeah\" at the end of his duet with Stevie Wonder titled \"What's That You're Doing?\" from \"Tug of War\". McCartney has not played the full", "id": "11108017" }, { "contents": "I Thought About Killing You\n\n\nYork Times\" on June 25, 2018. When asked to what degree song's title was literal and metaphoric, West replied, \"Oh yeah, I've thought about killing myself all the time. It's always an option and [expletive]. Like Louis C.K. said, I flip through the manual. I weigh all the options. I'm just having this epiphany now because I didn't do it, but I did think it all the way through. But if I didn't think it all the way", "id": "16013558" }, { "contents": "Shut Up (And Give Me Whatever You Got)\n\n\n\"Shut Up (And Give Me Whatever You Got)\" was the first song Lily ever recorded in the studio. Behind the meaning of the track, Lily revealed; \"I wanted to do a ‘girl power’ song, a basically girls could listen to it and be like ‘Yeah, I can stand up for myself, I’m a strong independent woman.’ That’s what I wanted to get out of this song was for girls to feel like they could relate to it.\" In late October", "id": "9287517" }, { "contents": "Turn (The Wombats song)\n\n\nfor the song.\" Murphy also added: \"I knew when I was writing it that there was something kind of special, that I needed to relax and not try to rush it, which I kind of normally do with a lot songs I get excited about. So I was just like, okay this feels great let's chill out and let's not freak out and we'll slowly pick away at it for a couple of weeks and then yeah that's what happened.\" He described it as a “", "id": "12989662" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nA Hard Day's Night\" was headlined \"'Yeah, Yeah, Yeah' For Beatles' Film\" and labelled \"She Loves You\" as \"the original 'Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,' song\". The phrase became synonymous not just with the Beatles but with the associated kind of popular music overall. A \"New York Times\" account describing the Animals' introductory concert in the city later that year repeated the phrase in description of the group. Clinton Heylin remarks that the chorus \"no, no", "id": "11108006" }, { "contents": "See What You Started by Continuing\n\n\n. In an interview with Audio Ink Radio in 2011, Turpin was asked if he foresaw Collective Soul doing a new album at any point: \"Yeah, I sure do. Can't really say for sure, but there are definitely discussions going on about scheduling that, and songs have been played and started, so we've already started some creativity. But, nothing is really scheduled yet. I would think that the next six months, we'll get something going on.\" In January 2012, drummer Cheney Brannon", "id": "10657393" }, { "contents": "(Drop Dead) Beautiful\n\n\n, yeah, your body looks so sick, I think I caught the flu\" and \"You must be B.I.G. 'cause you got me hypnotized\". \"(Drop Dead) Beautiful\" received mixed reviews from contemporary music critics. While reviewing \"Femme Fatale\", Alexis Petridis of \"The Guardian\" noted Spears \"does what pop stars invariably do in lieu of having a detectable character of their own: goes on and on about sex\", while commenting that \"after a while, you get the feeling the lyricists", "id": "10820128" }, { "contents": "Richard Armitage (actor)\n\n\nto play Richard III. Armitage has described himself as a method actor. \"Yeah, I suppose I am. In a way it's slightly lazy because it means you don't have to pretend – you just have to believe. As much as it's possible to be like that I suppose I kind of do step in and out, I'm not one of these people that can't talk to other people because I'm in my character, but I kind of do stay with the character, yeah. He", "id": "3656782" }, { "contents": "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power)\n\n\n\"The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power)\" is a song by The Flaming Lips, released as the second single from their 2006 album \"At War with the Mystics\". It is their highest-charting single so far in the UK, peaking at #16. The theme of the lyrics is more political than their earlier material, as it asks listeners what they would do if they had all the power in the world. The questions asked are answered by a chorus of repetitive \"yeah\"s for", "id": "471053" }, { "contents": "Bad Guy (Billie Eilish song)\n\n\nI don't sleep, please don't wake me\" and \"It ain't political\", adding the \"ad libitum\" \"skrrt!\". Bieber continues: \"Yeah, I’m a bad guy/Ain’t no holdin’ back guy/Come off like a mad guy/Always got your back guy/Yeah I’m the real type/Keep you full of thrills type/Show you what it feels like/Got an open invite\", before chanting \"I'm the bad guy\". He", "id": "1326802" }, { "contents": "Lil Freak\n\n\n\"Jurrasic Park synths\". Chris Ryan of MTV News said \"Usher pairs off with current queen MC Nicki Minaj, and the two glide over Polow Da Don's minimal bass beat.\" Sara D. Anderson of AOL Radio Blog said that the \"heavy back-beat tune confirms Usher's old ways: \"Yeah you the business / So What's the business / Don't be shy, I'm just talkin' to you girl.\" Tom Breihan of Pitchfork Media called the heavily manipulated \"Living for the City", "id": "12012375" }, { "contents": "Lest We Forget: The Best Of\n\n\nwith people who don't do what you do.\" Initially, the album was going to include a duet between the band's frontman and Garbage vocalist Shirley Manson. The track – a cover of The Human League's \"Don't You Want Me\" (1981) – was recorded after the two artists met at a Yeah Yeah Yeahs concert and enjoyed each other's company. After the cover's completion, Marilyn admitted that he \"wasn't in the best frame of mind when I did it\". Shirley commented", "id": "13717087" }, { "contents": "Notes on a Conditional Form\n\n\nyeah\". He later reiterated the comment in an article with NME on April 15 2019; \"I’m an active emo man I suppose I’d call myself, I think that bands when they get to a stage that maybe we’re in they wanna kind of graduate into being like a massive rock band whereas we wanna graduate like into being a small emo band, if you know what I mean\". On 14 April 2019, Healy also shared a promotional image on Twitter teasing artwork for the album. Three days", "id": "15940096" }, { "contents": "Papers (song)\n\n\neverybody has to feel this record. That's what good writers do.\" Of its appeal Garrett said that it would have the effect of \"Yeah!\", and called the song an \"explosive record\". Garrett went on to say, \"I definitely feel it's what Usher's been wanting to say. But at the same time, it's what a lot of people wanted to say, they just didn't know what to say.\" Jayson Rodriguez of \"MTV News\" said that \"Usher", "id": "17226671" }, { "contents": "Lacrymosa (song)\n\n\n: \"They were like, 'Do you want to do a cameo?' And I was like, 'Hell yeah! Let me die. I want to be somebody who gets murdered.' So I don't think that's going to happen.\" She later revealed that \"Lacrymosa\" was originally written for the film, but it was not included due to its dark sound, and because the producers wanted an original song. However, according to producers, neither Lee nor the band were approached to compose", "id": "14059027" }, { "contents": "Trent Reznor\n\n\nFincher, this time to provide the score for the American adaptation of \"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo\". A cover of \"Immigrant Song\" by Led Zeppelin, produced by Reznor and Ross, with Karen O (of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) as the featured singer, accompanied a trailer for the film. Reznor and Ross' second collaboration with Fincher was scored as the film was shot, based on the concept, \"What if we give you music the minute you start to edit stuff together?\" Reznor", "id": "14140908" }, { "contents": "Sammy Davis Sr.\n\n\nMastin, the leader of the dance troupe, taught Sammy Jr. how to dance and they performed together as the Will Mastin Trio. Sammy Jr. once stated, \"When I was nine I told my father, 'I can outdance you'. 'Oh yeah? What makes you think that?' he asked. 'Cause you taught me everything I know'. 'Yeah, but I didn't teach you everything \"I\" know.'\" Sammy Davis Sr. began dancing early in life, and as a", "id": "5102750" }, { "contents": "Good Enough (Evanescence song)\n\n\na small role, saying \"They were like, 'Do you want to do a cameo?' And I was like, 'Hell yeah! Let me die. I want to be somebody who gets murdered.' So I don't think that's going to happen.\" She later revealed that \"Lacrymosa\" and another song were originally written for the film, but were not included. According to the producers of the movie, neither Lee or the band were approached to compose music for the film. Another", "id": "4985682" }, { "contents": "Yeah! (Usher song)\n\n\nnow completed, the label still had \"Burn\" on queue for the lead single. Usher's friend and former A&R rep Kawan \"KP\" Prather commented: \"'Burn' being a great song is one thing, but it's one of them things where people said, 'It's strong, but can we make history with that?' At the end of the day, you want an event.\" Usher was still unsure if \"Yeah!\" was the right choice. Lil Jon, who is", "id": "15139322" }, { "contents": "Girl Distribution Company\n\n\nyears and Howard explained his perspective on the longevity of Girl in an interview with \"Route One\" magazine: We've grown up together doing this, so, yeah, we're just lucky to work with our friends, you know? And all share the same things in what we do here, so ... That's how we started and that's what we do to this day. This is up for everyone to have fun with, you know? A beer collaboration between Girl and the Saint Archer Brewing Company was", "id": "17845741" }, { "contents": "Yeah 3x\n\n\n', so I hope you guys like that record. It's more of a pop record, in the club record.\" \"Yeah 3x\" is an uptempo dance-pop, Europop, and electro house song. Over a video game-type beat, Brown opens the song by proclaiming, \"In the moment, can't believe / You're so beautiful / Feels like I'm in a dream.\" Throughout the song, it features a thick bassline. \"Yeah 3x\" is set in common time", "id": "18834581" }, { "contents": "What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\n\n\n\"What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\" is a song written by Loretta Lynn and Teddy Wilburn that was also recorded by Loretta Lynn. It was released as a single in August 1967 via Decca Records. \"What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)\" was recorded at the Bradley's Barn on January 18, 1967. Located in Mount Juliet, Tennessee, the session was produced by renowned country music producer Owen Bradley. Three additional tracks were recorded during this session.", "id": "9439131" }, { "contents": "Baker Street (song)\n\n\n. In January 2011, radio presenter Simon Lederman revealed that Ravenscroft thought the solo was out of tune. When asked during a live radio interview on BBC Radio London, \"What do you think when you hear [the sax solo] now?\" Ravenscroft replied, \"I'm irritated because it's out of tune; yeah it's flat; by enough of a degree that it irritates me at best\", and admitted he was \"gutted\" when he heard it played back. He added that he had not", "id": "3318799" }, { "contents": "Hollow (Alice in Chains song)\n\n\nlike, 'Yeah, it is.' So I tucked it away. It was pretty immediate the way it came to me.\" Cantrell said of the song during an interview with \"Ultimate Guitar\" in 2013: We didn't intend for it to do what it's done and that's all the more the better. It's just like, \"F--k that's cool.\" It's like a six-minute kind of sludgy metal song and it ended up being a number one f--", "id": "19479103" }, { "contents": "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues\n\n\nlittle peculiar. On the one hand, [we were] being begged to do a sequel for such a long time, and then we finally came up with a concept that we liked, we talked to all the guys, and everyone was up for it. And then to get the reaction we got, yeah, it's slightly puzzling to us. But you know what? It's also their money. They get to do or not do whatever they want. So we’ll see. We’re still going", "id": "1801312" }, { "contents": "Sharon Stone\n\n\n\" in 2014: \"It's a pleasure for me now. I mean, I'm gonna be 56 years old. If people want to think I'm a sex symbol, it's, like, yeah. Think it up. You know. I mean, like, good for me\". In 2015, Stone posed naked for the September issue of \"Harper's Bazaar\" magazine, in which she stated: \"At a certain point you start asking yourself, 'What really is sexy?'", "id": "20585810" }, { "contents": "How Bad Do You Want It (Oh Yeah)\n\n\n\"How Bad Do You Want It (Oh Yeah)\" is a song by American recording artist Sevyn Streeter. It was released on February 24, 2015, as the second single from the soundtrack album, \"\". The song samples the Aero Chord's Festival Trap Remix of Ultra Music's duo Bang La Decks' 2013 single \"Utopia\". The lyric video for \"How Bad Do You Want It (Oh Yeah)\" was released on Streeter's official YouTube channel on February 23, 2015. The official", "id": "7696573" }, { "contents": "Confident (album)\n\n\nthe song sounded like. \"When we finally made the decision of which songs were making the album I said, 'OK, I want her on this one.' So I called her and was like, 'Hey will you do a song?' And she's like, 'Yeah sure I'll go into the studio tonight,'\" Lovato said. \"I was like, 'Do you want to hear it first?' She's like, 'No it's cool.' I'm like", "id": "15873380" }, { "contents": "Sony/ATV Music Publishing\n\n\nkept saying, \"That's just business Paul.\" You know. So, \"yeah it is\", and waited for a reply. But we never kind of got to it. And I thought, mm... So we kind of drifted apart. It was no big bust up. We kind of drifted apart after that. But he was a lovely man, massively talented, and we miss him. Ono was pleased that Jackson had acquired Northern Songs and called it a \"blessing\". Speaking in November", "id": "1562041" }, { "contents": "Arthur Horsfield\n\n\nstormed out of his office and was on my way down the stairs! (laughs) When I'd got to the bottom he shouted out \"If you don't f****** like it, you know what to do!\" So I shouted back \"yeah, well you can have it from me in writing tomorrow morning.\" Don't get me wrong, I did actually get on well with Stan, but I was young and feeling frustrated.' He moved to Newcastle United but only", "id": "14257842" }, { "contents": "Sing for Me (Christina Aguilera song)\n\n\nMe\" and why it is special for her: Seeing all the singers, you really come face to face with a lot of people that are predominantly younger. That's inspiring, because they come up to you and they're such big fans and they share with you what song touched them the most and how they had to learn every single ad lib and dissect it. As a vocalist it brought me back to, 'Yeah, that's what I used to do to my Whitney Houston record and my Mariah Carey", "id": "8538621" }, { "contents": "American Life (song)\n\n\nI don't rap.' And he was like, 'Yeah you do. Just go in there, just do it.' He totally encouraged me. I had nothing planned, nothing written, and he just told me to do stream-of-consciousness, whatever I was thinking. Because I was always drinking soy lattes in the studio, and I drive my Mini Cooper to the studio, I was just like, 'OK, let me just talk about the things that I like.' So I", "id": "11865904" }, { "contents": "Islam and hip hop in the United States\n\n\nto do with that.” “It can rip an artist apart, because then you're under the ridicule of, \"Aren't you Muslim? Don't you believe in this? What you're doing goes against\" — and it's just like, \"Yeah, I already know everything you're saying to me.\" I don't know if anyone else gets that sort of scrutiny so I do understand why people keep it to themselves.” Freeway converted to Islam when he was 14 years old. He", "id": "11816271" }, { "contents": "1987 (What the Fuck Is Going On?)\n\n\nat these meetings.\" King Boy: \"Yeah, we'd have said, 'Look, you haven't had many hits lately, you don't really wanna bother with all this West End musical shit do you? Come and do the new JAMMS [sic] album.'\" In 1994, \"The Guardian\" looked back on the Swedish sojourn as \"a grand, futile, attention-grabbing gesture, the kind that would come to characterise [the duo's] collaborative career... \"We were being", "id": "3005424" }, { "contents": "Chicks on Speed\n\n\n, you guys are really political, if you’re not feminists you can’t do what you want to do. It doesn’t mean that there’s a definition and you have to fit with it – you can make your own definition of it – and then it was oh yeah.\" A cassette titled \"Analog Internet\" was the first piece of music released by Chicks On Speed. The cassette was released in 1997, though it seems widely agreed that the first Chicks on Speed single was a cover of the song", "id": "11699418" }, { "contents": "Tony Hawk\n\n\n's son Riley to his skateboard deck company, Baker, explaining ... I was just, kinda like, \"it's kinda touchy, you know what I mean, like?\" It's kinda weird, you know? Tony's kid, he rides for Birdhouse. But I look at it, like, I picture him on Baker, you know what I mean? So we just approached Tony, \"Yeah, we wanna talk to Riley about maybe gettin' some Baker boards, or something like that.\"", "id": "5688605" }, { "contents": "Heard 'Em Say\n\n\nbut I don't know if my band will want to do it. It sounds kind of R&B. But I want to do the song.' I said, 'Yo, we should work together. And that's all it was.\" Levine further stated, \"He was just getting big too. And he played me this record. Like, 'Hey, I’ve got this record. Do you want to write a song together?' On a plane. You know? And I said, ‘Yeah", "id": "14681653" }, { "contents": "Charlie Schlatter\n\n\nit? It's a job, in particular, those like this 9 to 5, who would 'get in' and 'get out.' I mean, he loved what he was doing, but never really worried about the thing that he couldn't change, everyday was kinda like slurs, wannabe prayers. But, yeah, I think watching him, in action, as an actor, he tried to borrow things from everybody, just has a human being, you know, 'Hey, I really like", "id": "22152024" }, { "contents": "Love You Better (Oh Land song)\n\n\nsong, it is revealed that \"it's the guy who is the asshole\", to which Oh Land confirmed and said, \"Yeah, so it's like, 'fuck you!'\". She also described it as a song that \"fast-forwards a bit\" and inspires her because she believes that she \"will do everything better when [she] get[s] older\". Oh Land discusses loving someone to a deeper extent as she ages: \"I will wrap my arms around you and keep", "id": "15130403" }, { "contents": "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)\n\n\n\", which aired on Japanese satellite television channel NHK-BS2, Houston explained: \"I wanted him [Whitaker] to do it. And he said 'yeah'. I said 'are you sure you can? Because you've got so much to do.' He said 'I think I can do this.' I kinda got afraid because I knew he was working so hard.\" According to Houston, the song was direct, so she wanted the video to be direct and concentrate on her face", "id": "1335776" }, { "contents": "Dustin Diamond\n\n\nAre They Now\" segment on the OWN Network in which he stated that the book was ghost written by an author who simply interviewed him and compiled the book from his answers. He claimed that many parts of the book, such as allegations of teen sex and drug use, were fabricated from very minor statements he made during the interviews, such as his remark, \"Yeah, there were a bunch of kids on set with hormones so...what do you think?\" He is also a musician and formed an alternative", "id": "20425572" }, { "contents": "Let's Kill Tonight\n\n\nshort film \"The Overture\", released 9 days before the album. Brendon Urie has said of the song that it is about having fun. In an interview with Hollywire TV, he said, \"The lyrics kind of talk about just the idea of, you know, when you’re like feeling cocky and you’re out with your friends, and you’re like \"Yeah! We’re gonna kill it tonight, this is gonna be awesome”, and that's really what it was about, just", "id": "13627013" }, { "contents": "Paul F. Miller\n\n\nyou what to do. He would just sit there and by osmosis you'd know, yeah, that's not what he's looking for and that not what I should be doing. Or, occasionally, yeah, I got it right.\"\" Miller first welded symmetrical objects that were small enough to be worn as jewelry pendants. The designs were said to be simple and crudely executed. He would begin his designs by creating symmetrical doodles on paper, before turning them into symmetrical sculptures. As his skills improved,", "id": "6006382" }, { "contents": "Stella (album)\n\n\nthis guy, a fat little monster sits there very relaxed and says, \"Oh yeah, oh yeah\". So I told him, 'Why don't you try just to sing on and on 'oh yeah'?... Dieter was very angry when I told him this and he said, 'are you crazy, all the time \"Oh yeah\"? Are you crazy?! I can't do this, no no, come on, come on.' And then he said, 'some lyrics", "id": "19615844" }, { "contents": "Enough Said (song)\n\n\nR&B/Hip-Hop Songs. \"Enough Said\" is a hazy R&B song with a sparse electronic backing track. It opens with low-end sounds that reveal hypnotic percussion. The song's lyrics implore a lover to disclose and communicate: \"I can tell it's somethin' up with you, tell me do you wanna talk about, talk about ... I hate to see you feel this way\". Aaliyah sings the song's \"yeah yeah yeah\" hook with understated vocals, and Drake occasionally interjects with the", "id": "16165706" }, { "contents": "Yeah! (Usher song)\n\n\ngenres of crunk and R&B genres, to form Crunk&B, which Lil Jon described as \"R&B songs that get you crunk, make you wanna wild out\". \"Entertainment Weekly\" Jem Aswad found the song to contain crunk and transition between hip hop, soul and ballad genres. The song was co-written by Sean Garrett, Patrick J. Que Smith, Ludacris, Robert McDowell, and James Elbert \"LRoc\" Phillips. According to the sheet music published at by Sony/ATV Music Publishing, \"Yeah!", "id": "15139325" }, { "contents": "Peyton Sawyer\n\n\non \"One Tree Hill\" because I did a guest thing on \"Dawson's Creek\" as myself, when the cast appeared at the MTV Beach House.\" She added, \"And my only scene was with Chad Michael Murray (Lucas Scott). So, now The Chad and I are reunited. How bizarre is that?\" With regard to what her life is like as an actress, Burton said, \"Actors like to think their lives are very difficult, but they're not. Yeah, you", "id": "11764712" }, { "contents": "This Is What Rock n' Roll Looks Like\n\n\nme, because I was different. I was like, \"I'm going to sing, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that,\" they were like \"OK, sure you are.\" And I was like \"No, I'm serious. This is what I'm going to do.\" And everybody was like, \"Yeah right.\" Even when I told everyone I was moving to LA to do music and had a going away party, only one person showed up", "id": "2884270" }, { "contents": "Stella (album)\n\n\n, like \"the moon... beautiful\", is this too much?!' and I said, 'no, it's OK', and then he did this 'oh yeah' and at the end he thought, 'yeah it's nice', he loved it himself also. And also I wanted to install lots of human noises, all kind of phonetic rhythms with my mouth; you hear lots of noises in the background which are done with my mouth.\" The song \"Blue Nabou\" started", "id": "19615845" }, { "contents": "Man on the Moon (song)\n\n\nsee you in heaven if you make the list.'\" The lyrics to \"Man on the Moon\" also feature a prominent repeated refrain of \"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah\". Stipe has explained that his friend Kurt Cobain was in the habit of placing \"yeah\" in the lyrics to the songs of his band, Nirvana, and that Stipe intended to outdo him, even to the extent of counting the \"yeahs\". \"Man on the Moon\" was released as the second single from \"", "id": "12548131" }, { "contents": "What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am\n\n\n\"What Kind of Fool Do You Think I Am\" is a song recorded by American country music artist Lee Roy Parnell, written by Al Carmichael and Gary Griffin. It was released in May 1992 as the second single from the album, \"Love Without Mercy\". The song was Parnell's fifth single release, and his first to reach Top 40 on the Hot Country Songs charts. It is also one of three singles in his career to reach number two on the country music charts. \"What Kind of Fool", "id": "21723395" }, { "contents": "Bill Grundy\n\n\nMatlock commenting about how the presenter was like a \"granddad\", he tried to involve the female members of the band's entourage, known as The Bromley Contingent, that appeared with them and which included Siouxsie Sioux. He said \"What about you girls, behind?\" Sioux said she was \"enjoying myself\". Grundy responded \"Are you?\" to which she and Simone Thomas chorused \"Yeah.\" Grundy responded \"Ah, that's what I thought you were doing.\" That prompted a large exhalation", "id": "111165" }, { "contents": "Final Destination 2\n\n\nawesome casting cause he's just so funny and the way he delivers his lines. It's like 'Oh yeah. That's good! That's better!'\" \"What I think was surprising on him was that from all of the humor he's involved and his sort of itchiness that he has with Kat, there is some moments where he reveals how vulnerable he really is and so the shield comes down and right in there you're really becoming sympathetic to Rory. You like him at first cause he's", "id": "10191549" }, { "contents": "2018 Horizon Air Q400 incident\n\n\n. I think I might mess something up there, too. I wouldn't want to do that.\" He asked ATC if he could get a job as a pilot with Alaska Airlines if he successfully landed the aircraft. ATC said that \"they would give you a job doing anything if you could pull this off,\" to which he replied \"Yeah right! Nah, I'm a white guy.\" He spoke of wanting to do \"a couple maneuvers to see what [the aircraft] can do,", "id": "2121696" }, { "contents": "Squidward Tentacles\n\n\nSquidward. That's why it's such a good voice—he's so connected to it\". However, Bumpass said, \"I'm not him and he's not me, but what I'm required to do for him and what I am enabled to do for him is what makes it like me. It fits my particular talents and skills very well. So in that respect, yeah, he is me, but I am not the cranky, sarcastic, underachieving kind of guy that he is. He", "id": "14844934" }, { "contents": "(Du är så) Yeah Yeah Wow Wow\n\n\n\"(Du är så) Yeah Yeah Wow Wow\" is a Swedish language song written and sung by the Swedish singer Martin (full name Martin Svensson) who got his big break in the 1999 edition of the Swedish Melodifestivalen. It finished in 4th place overall. The lyrics are critical of the advertising profession. Martin also made an English language version with the title of \"(You Are So) Yeah Yeah Wow Wow\" Despite not winning the Melodifestivalen, the song became very popular, and was released as a single", "id": "6607179" }, { "contents": "El Anillo\n\n\nand I played it for Alex and I was like, 'Are you cool with this? I think it's kind of funny.' He's like, 'Yeah, I'm totally cool with it.'\" \"El Anillo\" is a Latin pop song with a Brazilian funk beat, which Lopez had asked the song's producers to incorporate. It was written by Edgar Barrera, Andrés Castro, Oscar Hernández and Jesús Herrera. Described as \"sexy and provocative\" by Jennifer Machin of \"Billboard\",", "id": "10931787" }, { "contents": "Release Me (Zoë Badwi song)\n\n\nplaying with her band at a venue in Melbourne, Grant Smillie of Australian duo TV Rock was having a Sunday afternoon drink and that she saw him tapping his foot. \"He came up to me afterwards and he said You’re great, do you write your own stuff?. I said, yeah, I sure do and he said, I’ll send you some beats – and we’ll see what happens. So he sent me some beats and I wrote \"Release Me\" and went around to sing it to", "id": "4685658" }, { "contents": "Brian Banks (politician)\n\n\nMay 5, 2016, phone conversation, Fiore and Banks spoke about the MDOT contract when Banks mentioned Fiore's political \"might.\" \"MDOT said you have a mighty force behind you ... They said: 'We don't want to mess with that force,' \" Banks said. Fiore responded: \"Mmmmmm yeah. Does that mean, So what they doing with the deal then?\" Banks: \"So, you good so far. You hear me.\" On May 26, a phone call between", "id": "10620007" }, { "contents": "Political life of Clint Eastwood\n\n\nland preservation, alternative energy incentives, and gun control measures such as California's Brady Bill. A longtime liberal on civil rights, Eastwood has stated that he has always been pro-choice on abortion. He has endorsed the notion of allowing gays to marry,(\"From a libertarian point of view, you would say, 'Yeah? So what?' You have to believe in total equality. People should be able to be what they want to be and do what they want – as long as they're not harming people.", "id": "840724" } ]
Physical fitness is one of the most important aspects of my life what about you? I also value physical fitness. i often do physical activities on a regular basis to keep me fit, do you often do physical activities? Yes and I also do proper nutrition. That is really good for your health i do it as well trying to keep myself healthy I also make sure I get sufficient rest. Rest is really important too, without it you would not be able to do your physical activities right Yes, I use to be be in Physical education. Really? i personally have never been in anything like a class or stuff like that i like to do my workouts alone
[{"answer": "Yes I taught it to primary kids mostly.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "217324", "title": "Physical education", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 228, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 375, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Francis Rossi\n\n\ngot the energy. To me it's synonymous with doing rock'n'roll. If you don't commit physically, rock'n'roll doesn't really work.\" Asked about his food preferences Rossi said, \"My favourite is pasta e fagioli, pasta with beans, soupie thing, gorgeous. The older I get, the more I'm into food. ... When you grow up with Italians, food is important. I've always been like that with food. Apart from when I was doing cocaine - there was no food whatsoever then.", "id": "21090805" }, { "contents": "Alain de Botton\n\n\nmy career happened like it did because certain doors opened and certain doors closed. You know, at a certain point I thought it would be great to make film documentaries. Well, in fact, I found that to be incredibly hard and very expensive to do and I didn’t really have the courage to keep battling away at that. In another age, I might have been an academic in a university, if the university system had been different. So it's all about trying to find the best fit between your", "id": "13857997" }, { "contents": "WZRD (band)\n\n\n. And you can still work with Dipo. You guys can still work on your music. So it’s a win-win.' I remember being like, 'Holy shit. Like, really?' Because I was really about to go back home, and I ended up staying there, and the rest is history. It was really, really an amazing thing. It was a blessing just to have them in my life and for them to want to do that for me. Like I said, me", "id": "14777988" }, { "contents": "Daewon Song\n\n\nfor skateboarding: I like skateboarding for what it is. I like being able to do it by myself. You need another person to hit the ball. You need someone to pitch something at you or block for you to make a basket. With skateboarding, I just pick up my board and do exactly what I want to do. Some days I have a good day and some days I feel like a complete dip-shit; like I’ve never been skateboarding in my life. I love the experience of it", "id": "8761123" }, { "contents": "Louder (Lea Michele album)\n\n\nI can play in my car with the windows down. I feel like it shows off my voice as a singer, which is really important to me, because that’s what I do. I want to make sure that every song on my record is fun and enjoyable, but also, you hear my voice in them.\" Michele also stated, \"I didn't want to find songs that I had to change myself for. I wanted to find songs that would only highlight my sound and were unique to me", "id": "14632642" }, { "contents": "I Lived\n\n\nlife expectancy for the first time, it really scared me. Right now, it's about thirty-six. It's just one of those things that really makes you appreciate life. It makes me appreciate where you are, as a person. I want to make the most out of my life and have as much fun as I possibly can and my biggest fear is not being able to do that. In the video, Warnecke is seen bicycling, skateboarding, playing hockey and taking part in other leisure activities to", "id": "3302629" }, { "contents": "The Lonesome Jubilee\n\n\n. We raised the kids. I stayed there. I worked every day pouring concrete. Now I'm in my 40s, and I want to do something for myself.' And I asked, 'Well, what do you have in mind?' He said, 'I don't know.' You can't be 21, though, and relate to that. I mean, I look back on my life now – and you look back on your life – and you realize that we hardly ever really get", "id": "19771462" }, { "contents": "Boy (I Need You)\n\n\nunderstand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal of the", "id": "21456747" }, { "contents": "Peter (Fringe)\n\n\nin my preparation to find the Walter that we all know now, I had to go back to him right at the beginning to see where he came from. So that process was started before the pilot really, what was this man like before he deteriorated, so I was able to revisit that. Physically, of course, what I had to do was capture the energy, to capture the physicality of the man, the vocal physicality of the man, this was my task. I was aided enormously by my hair", "id": "3937733" }, { "contents": "Mark Appleyard\n\n\nlife for sure. It's cool man. I'm happy I didn't do it earlier and that I did it when everything was in order in my own life. I'm feeling pretty good about it.\" In 2013 Appleyard explained his mindset towards his health and skateboarding as a thirty-year-old: As far as physically, I eat really healthy. Every morning I drink green vegetable juice. It also helps that I’ve never drank that much. I drink a lot of water and avoid twenty stair", "id": "20145517" }, { "contents": "Robert Curl\n\n\nfame to further his interest in science education, saying, \"After winning a Nobel, you can either become a scientific pontificator, or you can have some idea for a new science project and you can use your newfound notoriety to get the resources to do it. Or you can say, 'Well, I enjoy what I was doing, and I want to keep doing that.'\" Curl's later research interests involved physical chemistry, developing DNA genotyping and sequencing instrumentation, and creating photoacoustic sensors for trace gasses using", "id": "6273651" }, { "contents": "The New Classic\n\n\ntour in December, Azalea spoke on the album's composition: \"It's going to be similar to \"TrapGold\" and that will be very electronic and high-energy but I'm gonna talk more about my story and where I'm from and things about myself because I never really say that, I don't tell you too much about me, it's kind of just talking a lot of shit. It's what I really do, like energy and dance... but I do wanna touch on who I", "id": "12484649" }, { "contents": "Believe in the Dream\n\n\nnot giving up on your dreams. That's important for me because I, really, almost gave up [...] If this is what you always wanted to do, if this is your dream, don't lose hope. Go for it. Me, I almost gave up and if not for my faith and belief in God, I would have lost the hope that was left. So, just really keep on reaching for your dreams.\" During the interview, Nina announced that the album will be released in", "id": "3148783" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "Steve Miller (musician)\n\n\n-Bone Walker when I was young. Growing up in Dallas, being part of that phenomenal music scene. I found a way to do what I really wanted to do, which is so important for a kid. Near the end of college, my parents said, 'Steve, what are you going to do?' I said, 'I want to go to Chicago and play the blues.' My father looked at me like I was insane. But my mom said, 'You should do it now", "id": "911147" }, { "contents": "Queen of the Desert (film)\n\n\nPhD.\" Pattinson talking about portraying T. E. Lawrence, said that \"It’s sort of close to the real guy, it’s certainly not [the film] Lawrence of Arabia-like, at the same time the guy was really small and I’m not physically kind of right for the part, but I think I have quite a good little handle of who he is. After I got cast I started researching and there are certain things you can’t do as I’m just not physically the same so I had", "id": "885696" }, { "contents": "Samantha (album)\n\n\nmake music for me first. What would I like to hear? What kind of drums do I like? What kind of genres do I like? Second of all, see what's already being done, and then go against the grain. Whatever is popular I try to go anti, somehow. Like if things were more atmospheric than I would go opposite, or if things were dry, I would go more atmospheric. It's kinda hard to really say what you do. Just keep changing, make music for", "id": "256141" }, { "contents": "Cam Neely\n\n\nyou dropping your gloves, but, I don't want you to think about not doing it. I just want you to think about how your reaction affects both their team and our team.' So it got me to thinking a little more about my role. Then, I began going with my instincts more and what felt right at that moment. Neely's success stemmed largely from his hard, accurate shot, quick release, and his willingness to engage in the more physical aspects of the game. At 6 ft", "id": "4188329" }, { "contents": "Rachel Dolezal\n\n\n: Do you have a question about that?brbrReporter: Yes, ma'am. I was wondering if, uh, your dad really is an African American man?brbrDolezal: That's a very—I mean, I don't know what you're implying.brbrReporter: Are you African American?brbrDolezal: I don't... I don't understand the question of—I did tell you that yes that's my dad. And he was unable to come in January.brbrReporter: Are your parents—are they white?brbrDolezal: [Walking away] I refuse... On June", "id": "2427931" }, { "contents": "Kitty Melrose\n\n\nAll my love, and good luck to you. Your Kit. P.S. It was wrong for every one to keep you from me. It has made it too impossible. I cannot fight alone, but I did believe in you, and did not think you would fail me. But God's will. I know you thought you were doing right. Eddie, By leaving me alone you thought you were doing right, but it wavs all wrong and cruel. God forgive you, as I hope he will forgive", "id": "5829909" }, { "contents": "Eileen Grimshaw\n\n\nin the taxi office, [Eileen's workplace], where it's more upbeat. I get to play the whole spectrum, which is fun [...] As an actor, you do not often get an opportunity to keep building on your character and finding new aspects to them. If you're doing a film or TV series, it's over in three months, whereas in something long-running, I can really understand my character and know them inside out like another human being. The challenge is to delve", "id": "4324504" }, { "contents": "Lashmer Whistler\n\n\nthe Brats. I don't think I have made any good resolutions but hope to keep fifteen minutes ahead of my job for the rest of the war. I would like to be able to do something towards peace afterwards, but am too simple a soldier probably to be of any use... A bit nervous of the great offensive but do not wish to miss it – wish I could go on with this outfit but have been too long with it. Am not fit for an Armoured Div and do not want a Bum", "id": "10885304" }, { "contents": "Chris Crawford (game designer)\n\n\ndeath!… Am I so pitiful that you can sneer in my face like that? Yes, yes, you frighten me! \"You hurt me!\" I've felt your claws ripping through my soul! But I'm going to die someday, and before I can do that, I've got to face you, eyeball to eyeball. I've got to look you right in the eye, and see what's inside, but I'm not good enough to do that yet. I'm not experienced enough", "id": "4224051" }, { "contents": "Mother Nature's Son (album)\n\n\n, but I didn't really get them. But my producer Charles Stepney told me to think about doing a Beatles covers album. I didn't think that they had enough songs to do an entire album but he gave me a copy of the White Album and told me to listen. I did, but couldn't see how I could do anything with it. He was like 'You didn't really listen.' So he arranged a few songs for me and then it was, I get it now.\"", "id": "16994931" }, { "contents": "Derek Drouin\n\n\nwhich was really when I was most confident competing, I kind of felt my strongest, felt like I was in my best physical shape, and I just have a whole lot of fun doing that. It's something I really haven't done in a while, but I'm very excited to get back into that. I was always a pretty strong hurdler in college. I really love throwing javelin. I was always competitive in multis in college and I loved it.\" On April 7, 2017, at the", "id": "9259841" }, { "contents": "Fleet Foxes (album)\n\n\nis this weird chaos. I like that you can't really take it for what it is, that your first impression of it is wrong. Pecknold explained to \"Mojo\" how the painting ended up on the front cover: We were trying to figure out what we wanted to do, and my brother had been working out some stuff, when I saw that Bruegel painting in a book my girlfriend had. I liked that it had a really intriguing meaning, like there's a story to each little scene. Which", "id": "16843864" }, { "contents": "Shel Silverstein\n\n\nabout your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I was always prepared for success but that means that I have to be prepared for failure too. I have an ego, I have ideas, I want to be articulate, to communicate but in my own way", "id": "11979296" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Bionic (Christina Aguilera album)\n\n\naccord, at the behest of then-husband Jordan Bratman, without relying on the record label A&R. She stated: \"Going into [each of these partnerships], I said, 'I'm a really big fan of yours, and I'm interested in stepping into your world and what you do'\", adding: \"'I want to combine that with my sound, and let's see what happens.' I feel like I can do so much with my voice. I would be so bored sitting", "id": "5591006" }, { "contents": "Beauty & the Streets Vol. 1\n\n\na minute. Teamed up with Young Empire and there is a demand for Mýa to come back but I had to come back in a different way. Because I have a fan base and reputation for doing so many collaborations I’m like I want to do that and you know that rap dominates now so this is for the jeeps. The mix tape is really about who Mýa is and the streets. If I have anything to do with it I am going to keep serving my fans. There should never be a time", "id": "13251024" }, { "contents": "The Flash (season 1)\n\n\nputting us in later in post. I do a lot of the fighting. I don’t have to do it full speed and then they ramp it up and a lot of people have to freeze and I keep moving. Then I have to clear frame and step back into frame. It’s really tedious stuff that we have to do. On theirs, they learn fight choreography and they shoot it from the perfect angles and what you see is what you get.\" Filming for the rest of the season began on", "id": "14725115" }, { "contents": "Armand Traoré\n\n\nthem. I think it's one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life but I will try and correct it. My religion has benefits both personally and in my career. I have always been a Muslim but I wasn't really practising it, I was just saying to people 'I am a Muslim'. It's a gradual development.\" Traoré explained: \"It's all about many of the things that are good in football too – like resting, doing everything right, being nice to people", "id": "7158837" }, { "contents": "Mariah Carey\n\n\ntrying to understand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal", "id": "19775334" }, { "contents": "Yes Girl\n\n\nfor the song, she told \"People\", \"I had a lot of people in my life telling me what I needed to be doing and what direction I need to be going in. I was just getting really stressed out, and I found myself saying yes to a lot of things that I really didn't want to. There's that saying of being a Yes Man, and I was kind of being a Yes Girl. I wrote this song to remind myself that I can stand up for myself and", "id": "17463506" }, { "contents": "José María Reina Barrios\n\n\n: \"Mr. Lainfiesta: you are one of the candidates in the upcoming elections and perhaps the more likely to win. Therefore, I would like to know what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore", "id": "484181" }, { "contents": "Version of Me\n\n\nwas just taking my time, so that was really cool. One of the songs on the album, as you know, is \"Version of Me,\" and I thought this is a really good album title. Each record has been me at that moment in time, and this is really an expression of what's going on in my life in the last five years. So, that felt really good. I also like the thought that we all do this, we all have versions of ourselves. We're", "id": "12032117" }, { "contents": "Glasshouse (album)\n\n\nwas pregnant when the album was being written. She further added: \"I was writing really shit music because I had this fear like, 'Must provide. Must make a hit for my unborn child' [...] I think I'd lost a bit of my identity, and it took my mate Benny Blanco to be like, 'This is really shit. I don't know what you're doing. Why are you not doing what you do?' It was such a relief, because I knew exactly", "id": "20447415" }, { "contents": "Ellie Darcey-Alden\n\n\nexpect; it's something you create [in your mind]. It's one of those things you go, 'Oh gosh, I wish I could do this. Like, how can I be able to do this?' And it's, like, one of my dreams [to be in \"Harry Potter\"], something that sits in the back of your head. And then, when it actually happens, it's really surreal.\" In the film, Darcey-Alden appears in a as", "id": "16136471" }, { "contents": "Miriam González Durántez\n\n\nin your life determines what you do later on. When I came here, I went for lots of chats with people because I didn't know what to do. And pretty much all of them said, 'What do you want to do?' And I was like, 'Me? You want to know what I think? I have a choice?' Now I take it for granted, but it was a complete shock to my system. I still think it today: if I wanted to change my", "id": "19531321" }, { "contents": "Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire\n\n\ndo return to you, never leave you I hope again--it will be too great a happiness for me Dear Georgiana & it will have been purchased by many days of regret - indeed ev'ry hour I pass away from you, I regret you; if I amuse myself or see anything I admire I long to share the happiness with you - if on the contrary I am out of spirits I wish for your presence which alone would do me good.\" In order to return to England and her children, she conceded", "id": "4145453" }, { "contents": "Robert Andrews Millikan\n\n\nhave to take the consequences, but I will try and see what I can do with it.\" I at once purchased an Avery's \"Elements of Physics\", and spent the greater part of my summer vacation of 1889 at home – trying to master the subject. [...] I doubt if I have ever taught better in my life than in my first course in physics in 1889. I was so intensely interested in keeping my knowledge ahead of that of the class that they may have caught some of my", "id": "4548091" }, { "contents": "Dora Annie Dickens\n\n\nto be very ill. Mind! I will not deceive you. I think her \"very\" ill. br br There is nothing in her appearance but perfect rest. You would suppose her quietly asleep. But I am sure she is very ill, and I cannot encourage myself with much hope of her recovery. I do not—and why should I say I do to you, my dear?—I do not think her recovery at all likely. br br I do like to leave home, I can do no", "id": "1962735" }, { "contents": "Boy Blue (Cyndi Lauper song)\n\n\nwould have liked me to do a song like that. Instead I wrote about him personally. I don't know that my lyrics were good enough, I don't know that anything was good enough. Maybe it was too personal. I don't know. But I wrote it for him. It was because of him that I keep trying to do stuff. And other friends. So many talented people, so many of our friends and so many gifted people have passed on. Or struggle everyday. Just to live", "id": "11177992" }, { "contents": "Noé Hernández (actor)\n\n\na different role from the villains of previous films, as he told \"El Informador\": \"I try to take care of my career, not being involved in any given project, and when I got this role, I really liked it. It is a completely different character to what I was doing before, as in \"Miss Bala\" or \"El Infierno\". Those are the challenges that I like, those who do not pigeonhole you, allowing you to put a spin on your work. Characters that", "id": "17894888" }, { "contents": "Jan Zaanen\n\n\nIn an interview with Dutch newspaper, \"De Volkskrant\", he stated: After winning the Spinoza Prize, it was no longer necessary to worry whether I was proving myself enough. You start looking at things you really like. Furthermore I wanted to prove that I was not too old to learn new things. String theory really is another ballgame than the rest of physics] and I'm proud that I was able to learn it. Zaanen was a visiting professor of Theoretical Physics at the Ecole Normale Superieur, Paris,", "id": "2411282" }, { "contents": "Bob Hayes\n\n\nsure I am going to be around if I get into the Pro Football Hall of Fame so you must read this for me, I am not sure, I guess I am feeling sorry for myself at this time but you must remember everything I want you to do and say. Mother said you would do what I want because you always did. So read this for me. I would like to thank everyone who supported me to get into the NFL Hall of Fame, the Dallas Cowboys organization, all of my team", "id": "19155419" }, { "contents": "Razaq Okoya\n\n\nnot look at other people. I am content with myself. I do not look for cheap money. I am not interested in contracts and I do not expose myself to intrigues and politics.\"\" \"\"You do not do business for the ego value. You go for what the people can afford. In business, you have to ensure that the masses are able to afford the cost of your products. That is one of my secrets.\"\" \"\"My main motivation was that I wanted to be", "id": "13726795" }, { "contents": "Shivarudra Balayogi\n\n\nmy mission.\" To this Seenu replied, \"Swamiji, then I do not want to do \"tapas\". Because what I want is Swamiji, that's all I know. I love you and I want to be in Swamiji's mission. I want to serve you only. Whether I get Realized or not, that is not so important for me. But definitely I would like to remain at your lotus feet and serve you forever.\" Then Swamiji smiled, saying \"Take this \"vibhuti\" and", "id": "7096934" }, { "contents": "You Are What You Act\n\n\nwondering if these actors were \"practising\" courage without realizing it. When he began researching the documentary, he saw there was an even more precise pattern: \"Sure, many stars play heroes, but only some perform outstanding heroic acts in public. It was most often actors who do their own stunts, people likely into the physical culture of stunts and action.\" Nerenberg has a background in acting himself:\"I've always thought that, for me, learning acting was a really empowering experience... So I had always been interested in", "id": "21256228" }, { "contents": "Stay Alive (album)\n\n\nI, really, almost gave up [...] If this is what you always wanted to do, if this is your dream, don't lose hope. Go for it. Me, I almost gave up and if not for my faith and belief in God, I would have lost the hope that was left. So, just really keep on reaching for your dreams.\" \"Laging Ikaw\" [\"\"Always You\"\"], the only original Tagalog song in the album, was written by Jose", "id": "12640147" }, { "contents": "Queen Naija\n\n\nwith Genius, she described this song as being a more personal story: \"I just was trying to get a more personal because “Medicine” was personal. I just wanted to tell people how I really, really, really felt, like about not being confident about myself, and the reason why. I wanted people to know all the good that I was doing too. Like, how I stuck by his side, and all that stuff. How I was a good woman, and how I felt.\"", "id": "7926059" }, { "contents": "National Physical Activity Guidelines\n\n\nLeisure Time Activity\" - This includes all of the activity you do in your leisure time. It could be taking leisurely walks or doing sports such as football or soccer. It also include doing exercise to keep fit like running and going to the gym to work out. \"Household/Gardening Activity\" - This consists of all the exercise you get from doing chores around the house and in the garden. i.e. mowing the lawn, vacuuming the house Children (5–12) – At least 60 minutes (up to several hours", "id": "14770034" }, { "contents": "List of Home and Away characters (1999)\n\n\nSuddenly I had this opportunity thrown at me, that I'd always dreamed of, and I felt great. I came back to Sydney to start filming in June.\" As \"Home and Away\" was her first acting job, Watson's agent booked her into some acting classes. She commented \"I think I was really bad, to be honest, at the beginning. But like anything if you really put your mind to it and love what you do, you invest the time to grow and educate yourself and", "id": "17459822" }, { "contents": "Oscar De La Hoya vs. Manny Pacquiao\n\n\nLa Hoya crossed the ring to Pacquiao's corner after the bout was stopped and told Roach, \"You're right Freddie. I don't have it anymore.\" When asked by reporters whether he would continue fighting, De La Hoya responded, \"My heart still wants to fight, that's for sure. But when your physical doesn't respond, what can you do? I have to be smart and make sure I think about my future plans.\" On December 10, 2008, HBO announced that the fight", "id": "9481604" }, { "contents": "Akin Pa Rin ang Bukas\n\n\nall, of them are competent performers and \"they are the best cast possible in terms of talent and professionalism\". She's also very happy with the story, with the writers and creative team, and the network support. Apart from that, Guillen also stated her more personal reasons for saying \"yes\", said that \"I told myself, when will I do something like this? [...] I'm not getting any younger, and when I am no longer physically capable of directing one, I do", "id": "11485843" }, { "contents": "Human (Projected album)\n\n\nthe sound of your voice and doing it here at home, kind of where I can do it by myself and critique the shit out of it, it’s tough when you step out for the first time and you go, I need to become a lead singer. How do you do that? So I had to really kind of sit down and do a little bit of homework and figure out what my strengths were, things I did better than others, what you want to do but don’t want to .", "id": "3366658" }, { "contents": "Max Stirner\n\n\npower, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing\". He adds that \"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the like with what you call my property!\". Stirner considers the world and everything in it, including other persons, available to one's taking or use without moral constraint and that rights do not exist in regard to objects", "id": "19971058" }, { "contents": "2016 United States Senate election in Hawaii\n\n\n. He also said, \"I have told my staff and I have told my family that when the time comes, when you question my sanity or question my ability to do things physically or mentally, I don't want you to hesitate, do everything to get me out of here, because I want to make certain the people of Hawaii get the best representation possible.\" Inouye died on December 17, 2012. Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie appointed Lieutenant Governor Brian Schatz, a Democrat, to succeed Inouye. Schatz won", "id": "16789302" }, { "contents": "Chris Barnes (musician)\n\n\n've kind of eased off and been watching different types of films, you know, back into that. I like all sorts of stuff, it just has to be a well-told story, like everything coming from the writers look. I mean, special effects and that type of stuff doesn't impress me that much more subtle effects do, I mean, I know of the editing process and that doesn't really do anything for me, you know, the magic's taken out. I just like a well", "id": "3885379" }, { "contents": "Dua Lipa (album)\n\n\nups and downs trying to find myself\", she said about the process of discovering her sound. \"You've got to work really, really hard—not just for music, but for anything you do in life\", Lipa said about her come-up to pop star. \"I didn't think having a career like this was in my reach\", she continued. \"No rest for the wicked. Dreams do come true\", she says in the last lines of the documentary. To promote the", "id": "2835031" }, { "contents": "Low (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\n, but \"it really wasn’t a good fit for what they were doing,\" said the songwriter. The song eventually found its way to Kelly, which initially filled Jimmy with apprehension. \"I was a bit conflicted about Kelly doing the song,\" he admits. \"Mostly because it seemed like they were going for a Celine Dion/Mariah Carey sort of vibe with her and I wasn’t sure how it was going to make sense with what I had heard from the rest of the record. I liked", "id": "10483637" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Bullard\n\n\nthe summer I knew I wanted to give it one last crack and show people what I could do, But what I think with my strong head and what I could physically do are two different things. My head tells me I can do it, but my body tells me, no Jim, you can't\".\" The following day, he was reported to have joined non-League side Holland as a player coach, with Holland chairman Mark Sorrell saying: \"Jimmy is a family friend and has agreed to", "id": "8289918" }, { "contents": "Shauna Bradley\n\n\ninto some acting classes. She commented \"I think I was really bad, to be honest, at the beginning. But like anything if you really put your mind to it and love what you do, you invest the time to grow and educate yourself and I did do that.\" Watson made her first appearance as Shauna in August that same year. Shauna's \"natural skill and ability\" at lifesaving began when she was five. She then entered various competitions during her teenage years and progressed to the professional lifesaving", "id": "20400347" }, { "contents": "James Grover McDonald\n\n\nThe casual expressions used by both men in speaking of the Jews were such as to make one cringe, because one would not speak so of even a most degenerate people. \"When I indicated my disbelief in their racial theories, they said what other Nazis had said: 'But surely you, a perfect type of Aryan, could not be unsympathetic to our views'... I had the impression that they really do set unbelievable store by such physical characteristics as long heads and light hair.\" So convinced was he that", "id": "685878" }, { "contents": "I'll Show You (Justin Bieber song)\n\n\n’s like new and fresh, and I feel like no one’s done it before.\" Skrillex, on the other hand, commented about his involvement on the album, saying: \"I heard some well-written songs that were really good that they wanted me to do production on and from there, we wrote some new songs. It was an opportunity to try some stuff that I had never done before and we ended up making something really unique.\" Skrillex also invited Michael Tucker, under his producer name Blood", "id": "5044583" }, { "contents": "Put It Down (Brandy song)\n\n\ninto my own as a performer, so I really wanted to do good. Standing next to Chris, he's so vibrant, like, 'What am I gonna do standing there next to him?' But I practiced really hard, like two weeks before Chris practiced — wait, I'm pretty sure Chris didn't need to practice. But I practiced, I was ready [...] Chris was not gonna upstage me! I was gonna be right there along with him shinin' too. I", "id": "14966074" }, { "contents": "Ziyad ibn Abihi\n\n\nof God. From you I demand obedience, and ye can demand from me justice. In whatsoever I fall short, three things there are in which I shall not be lacking: at any time I shall be ready to listen to anyone; I shall pay you your pension at the proper time, and I shall not send you to war too far away or keep you in the field overlong. Do not let yourselves be carried away by your hatred and wrath against me ; it would go ill with you if ye", "id": "13153299" }, { "contents": "David Smukler\n\n\nyour hand, slapped you on the back, and told you what a swell fellow you were. But the rest of the time, I couldn’t get a job.” Between football seasons Smukler could only make money doing piecework as a glove cutter. “It was enough to discourage any man, and I kept thinking about what I was going to do when I couldn’t play football anymore. I sat down and figured it out and then decided my best bet was the Army.” Smukler was in active service", "id": "14558148" }, { "contents": "Manuel Barillas\n\n\nknow what your attitude and your political system of government will be, if you get to win. Especially, I would like to know your attitude about my person; because I have made my mistakes, I do not deny it. I was a simple worker at my carpentry when General Justo Rufino Barrios sent for me to be appointed second presidential designate. I would therefore, Mr. Lainfiesta, know what conduct you will observe towards me.\" Mr. Lainfiesta said: \"General Barillas: if luck would favor me with the", "id": "16993880" }, { "contents": "Will Ferrell\n\n\nso nice to fans and collectors and a great signer. What makes him so bad is that he'll taunt people asking for his autograph.\" In response, Ferrell stated: \"I don't know how I got on the list. I sign a lot of autographs.\" He has, however, admitted to taunting autograph-seekers: \"I do. I really do. I'm like, 'How badly do you want this autograph?' 'Are you sure?' 'You say you're my", "id": "12039709" }, { "contents": "I May Hate Myself in the Morning\n\n\n's just honest.\" In an interview with \"The Mirror\" Womack said, \"I was kind of languishing, not really sure what I wanted to do or what I needed to do. But then I heard I May Hate Myself in the Morning, and that was my answer. To put it in visual terms, it was like I had a big question mark over my head, and then all of the sudden, I had a big light bulb over my head. That song made me want to get", "id": "1211768" }, { "contents": "Empty Glass\n\n\nhim to produce my solo album which he agreed to do. And then I suddenly realised it probably wasn’t a good idea because we’re so alike in a lot of ways. I would like to work with him. I think he’s a better guitar player than me and a better singer but I think what really worried me about the prospect of him producing my solo album was that I’m influenced by him enough as it is. Do you understand? And I like the way I’m influenced by him at", "id": "7123968" }, { "contents": "Lessons (song)\n\n\nreally the reason. I can't say that I'm comfortable writing lyrics. Even later on with my solo record, \"Victor\", it was the hardest part. It doesn't flow for me the way I would like it to. And I'm not sure that would be different if I did it more often. You know, Ged's \"Tears\" is so typical of the kind of stuff that he likes to write and do, even today. He likes those more ballad-y pieces that are", "id": "13957113" }, { "contents": "Something for the Rest of Us\n\n\nabout the length of time between albums, Rzeznik admitted it was a mix of songwriting issues as well as taking time out for personal reasons; \"I wanted to really dig deep and there are a million songs I threw away, like, “Nah, it's not good enough. I wanna do something different. I wanna do something better, go deeper. I also wanted to have a life with my girlfriend for a while. I owed it to her to spend some time with her and be normal and be", "id": "17745571" }, { "contents": "The Deadlights\n\n\nrespect goes out to them and whatever they do. As for me, I would like to finally thank all you fans who stuck by us, and continue to show your support for what we were trying to do. It's unfortunate that conditions that we had to face as a band made it impossible for us to keep making music together, but oh well, fuck everyone. As for shit talkers, you can all suck a fat dick. I never gave a fuck about being a rock star, I just wanted", "id": "14903548" }, { "contents": "Up Down (Do This All Day)\n\n\n, then I had it. It wasn't really a hard thing to do. I was just like, \"Alright, I guess I'll do this one! Here we go!\" You know, I've been working with B.o.B since before he got signed really. It's been a good time. It's been really collaborative with us. At the time, it wasn't the right songs or the right situation. Now, that I had something good so it was only right. I do", "id": "4943376" }, { "contents": "Alex Webster\n\n\n, gain a lot from them and I've tried to learn as much on my own as I can. Anything I can learn about music or bass playing, I'll try to learn. I mean, the more you learn and the more you apply to your playing, it just makes you a better musician.\" ”I liked the bass player from AC/DC. I really loved the stuff he did. Peter Baltes from Accept was another. I liked the really good guys too, but that seemed out", "id": "20499092" }, { "contents": "Linda Harrison (actress)\n\n\ndo the screen test, and you keep trying to employ your actors. So. I did the screen test. The part that was hard for me was actually doing the mask,where they put all that plaster on your face and you have to lie there still for a long time. Fortunately, I was an acrobat growing up, and a very very good one — I won a lot of contests — so I knew how to control my body and be 'quiet.' You had to do that, you", "id": "9265330" }, { "contents": "B.o.B.\n\n\nextended play: \"I've been holding back so much rock for so long. I have been performing with my band for a while, so I guess this is a real good canvas for me to paint on. No one's really expecting anything so I can do what I want to do.\" He also spoke lightly on his third studio album as well: \"My album is basically a continuation of \"The Adventures of Bobby Ray\" and \"Strange Clouds\". I feel like it kinda bridges the gap", "id": "3926757" }, { "contents": "Florrie\n\n\nand expressing interest for future material. Others identified how the awareness of Florrie's music has been assisted by online social networks and a grassroots strategy. Florrie told \"Ponystep\" magazine: \"I think it's really important to have that contact with fans and for them to be able to buy into your world or you as a person without any pressure from a corporation [...] It's a better way of doing it because people can feel like they discovered you as opposed to a major label. I want my fans", "id": "14169242" }, { "contents": "Judas (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nlife and how I believe that it's the darkness in your life that ultimately shines and illuminates the greater light that you have upon you. Someone once said to me, 'If you have no shadows then you're not standing in the light.' So the song is about washing the feet of both good and evil and understanding and forgiving the demons from your past in order to move into the greatness of your future. I just like really aggressive metaphors—harder, thicker, darker—and my fans do as", "id": "8166678" }, { "contents": "Elliott Smith\n\n\nAmherst, Massachusetts, in 1991 with a degree in philosophy and political science. \"Went straight through in four years\", he explained to \"Under the Radar\" in 2003. \"I guess it proved to myself that I could do something I really didn't want to for four years. Except I did like what I was studying. At the time it seemed like, 'This is your one and only chance to go to college and you had just better do it because some day you might wish that you", "id": "2820334" }, { "contents": "Unanswered Prayers\n\n\ntwo years of my married life, I really thought the girl that was for me was still that girl that was in high school. And now man just the realization that what you have is the best for you, and the best you could ever do in your lifetime. It sure makes you sleep well at night.\" Garth provided the following background information on the song in the CD booklet liner notes from \"The Hits\": \"\"Pat Alger and I worked on this song quite a long time without a", "id": "3650614" }, { "contents": "Lori Heuring\n\n\nborn in Panama, Central America. She did theatre growing up in Austin, but never really thought of acting as a career. About making acting her career she once quoted \"I basically changed my mind every day when I thought about what I wanted to do with my life.\" Even in one point she was considering ice skating as her future. For choosing acting career she said \"I guess that's why I like acting, you do get to change all the time, step into other people's shoes,", "id": "14552350" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nabout doing this film, and they are real fans. \"Am I Black Enough for You?\" is very popular in Sweden and these guys really knew their music. They were serious about it, they flew over and followed me and it got real personal...and I trusted them. It's very important like the relationship I have with my wife is based on trust. I wish everyone could have that level in their lives... I am now at peace with myself, I think this movie has done a lot", "id": "4949206" }, { "contents": "Relapse (Eminem album)\n\n\ntime to be able to figure out things. I wanted to be able to make my songs feel like something again. I know a lot of stuff on \"Relapse\" was comical and funny punchline jokes, but a lot of the songs didn't really feel like anything. I had to go back and listen to some of my older music to try to figure out what I was doing wrong. Once I felt like I figured that out, I started making songs that felt like something again.\" About the accents", "id": "14485625" }, { "contents": "Maria Taipaleenmäki\n\n\nthe girl who never dared to do anything. With these things , I have learned that you will get nowhere if you do not believe in yourself and always do your best, people are not aware of your inner, they see what you do and with that they obtain an opinion about you. Today I have taken lessons from it and with a smile on my lips I can say I am proud of who I am.\" Taipaleenmäki was crowned as Miss Earth Sweden 2015 on 19 July 2015. She won together with", "id": "9860585" }, { "contents": "The Durutti Column\n\n\ncase of jumping at the chance of being in the studio. I actually didn't get up in time, Martin had to physically get me out of bed to get me to the studio – that's how little I believed it would happen. I was still doing late night petrol station shifts. I was even more amazed when Tony presented me with a white label. I was completely baffled. 'What, this is really going to be an album? You must be insane! No-one's going to buy", "id": "15208663" }, { "contents": "Lee Chang-dong\n\n\nthe persona, the character in the film. He said, \"What I try to have them do is become the character, to feel like the character. I do not try to be very specific in how I direct my actors, for instance I will not say things like 'Use this expression' or 'Speak this way', or 'Can you please raise the pitch of your voice a bit higher' or anything like that.\" And, \"Sometimes, actors expect from me a bit more detail", "id": "3145388" }, { "contents": "Susannah Martin\n\n\na fit at her. ... Susanna laughed ... Magistrate: What! Do you laugh at it? Martin: Well I may at such folly. Mag: Is this folly? The hurt of persons? Martin: I never hurt man or woman or child. Marcy: She hath hurt me a great many times and pulls me down. Then Martin laughed again. Susannah Martin was twice forced to submit to physical examination for evidence of a \"witch's tit or physical protuberance which might give milk to a familiar.\"", "id": "3764582" }, { "contents": "The Room Where It Happens\n\n\n, Dixieland, so I just sat down to orchestrate it, and I'm thinking to myself, 'What can the guitar do?' And literally in a flash of light, I'm like, 'Oh my god, it could be a banjo!' It invokes the feel of the song and I think it really fits in the world of it, but it's also so left of center and not what you would expect.\" Aaron Burr encounters then Secretary Alexander Hamilton in New York, and they discuss", "id": "1975034" }, { "contents": "Landslide (novel)\n\n\nit at Stewart or Prince Rupert; I could then get lost and never see Fort Farrell again. Bit I knew I would not do that because of Mac and Clare – especially Clare. I dug a blanket from my pack and wrapped it round me. I was dead beat and in no fit condition to make important decisions. It would be time enough in daylight to worry about what to do next. I dropped to sleep with Mac's words echoing in my ears: Keep fighting; give them another slug whole they", "id": "8070271" }, { "contents": "Nicole Schmitz\n\n\nI’ve never done it before but I just went there, put on my helmet and went by myself and went kayaking. It was really fun. br[...]br Any advice for fun, fearless Cosmo girls? Well I think as a young, independent Filipino woman of today, you can be anything you want to be. So just continue being fun and fearless. Try extreme sports like me; you can still be feminine, poised, and beautiful like a beauty queen. Don’t be discouraged. Just do it", "id": "16934567" }, { "contents": "The Speech of Polly Baker\n\n\nTransgressions. If mine, then, is a religious Offence, leave it, Gentlemen, to religious Punishments. You have already excluded me from all the Comforts of your Church Communion: Is not that sufficient? You believe I have offended Heaven, and must suffer eternal Fire: Will not that be sufficient? What need is there, then, of your additional Fines and Whippings? I own, I do not think as you do; for, if I thought, what you call a Sin, was really such,", "id": "20485696" }, { "contents": "Do You Like Worms?\n\n\nthere. But they wanted to name it 'Do You Like Worms'. Brian added parentheses on his album to make it clear. I’m sure that there was song that Brian and Van Dyke did do called 'Do You Like Worms' that they didn't even play for us. Anyhow, I think what’s there on the original version of \"Smile\" is totally cool, and I do like the unfinished nature of it. (laughs) It brings back a lot of really good memories.\" \"", "id": "13564154" }, { "contents": "Got to Get You into My Life\n\n\n\"'Got to Get You into My Life' was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot ... So [it's] really a song about that, it's not to a person.\" Many lyrics from the song suggest this: \"I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there / Another road where maybe I could see some other kind of mind there.\",'\"What can I do? What can I be? When I'm with you, I want to stay", "id": "9772320" }, { "contents": "Conrad Tao\n\n\nbe an active performer as well as a student. It's a delicate balance that you never quite learn to master – but that's also part of the fun. I love doing all of these things at once and giving myself as many challenges as I can, because I learn so much from the experiences that result. Everything I teach myself or see or do can be applied to a larger framework, and this is what I really love about being a teenager, a high school student, and a working musician all", "id": "3236918" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nhave become fascinated with ballroom dancing so I was like, 'Can I please do some dancing in it?'. So they let me do that. There's a guy in it, Charlie, and there's some really sensual moments in it, and it's in a really beautiful house. I think it's one of my favorite videos.\" The video received a nomination for Best Female Video at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. With over 2.0 billion views, the video is the 36th most viewed YouTube", "id": "8001327" }, { "contents": "Self-control\n\n\n, and therefore are more likely to maintain self-control. Kelly McGonigal defines willpower as \"the ability to do what you really want to do when part of you really doesn’t want to do it.\" It consists of three competing elements: 1) I will – the ability to do what you need to do; 2) I won’t – the other side of self-control; the ability to resist temptation; and 3) I want – your true want, the ability to remember the big picture", "id": "7063405" }, { "contents": "Mother's Mercy\n\n\nbut director David Nutter said finding the right double was one of the most important parts of making the finale. \"We needed somebody who could do The Walk of Shame physically, somebody who could match Lena's integrity, intensity, and sensibility. We found a tremendous actress in Rebecca; she was a godsend. The courage of this girl, who's never done anything like this in her life, who understood what was important about this...once I had her I felt like I could accomplish anything.\" Van Cleave", "id": "1418988" } ]
Hey, I love the Jazz music that originated from African-American communities of New Orleans. Do you like it? I do and i am also from new orleans so that is cool! What are popular instruments in jazz music? It can be played in guitar, and drums. It's characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals. Its very fun. I see. Are there different types or categories of jazz? Jazz spread all over the world, which created many different national and regional variations in the style. There's really too many to count! Ohh okay. What are some countries that jazz is popular in? It has been linked to Africa, America, Europe independently, which a different style coming from each area. Nice. Did jazz influence another category of music?
[{"answer": "Certainly, like Jazz fusion which incorporates Jazz, Funk, rock and blues. It was developed in the 1960s.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "215016", "title": "Jazz fusion", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 202, "bleu_score": 0.5599605664014424, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Raymond Burke (clarinetist)\n\n\nin large ensembles his clarinet could easily be overpowered. Burke also refused to let contemporary music influence his sound for commercial reasons, and played in what many considered an outdated style. Another possible factor in Burke's obscurity is his association with \"Second Line\" jazz. Although the term has several different meanings, it has been used to differentiate white musicians who played New Orleans Style jazz from black or Creole musicians. Since New Orleans jazz is typically associated with the African American population in that city, \"Second Line\" can", "id": "2340974" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\ntheir own experience and styles to the art form as well. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on different national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to many distinctive styles. New Orleans jazz began in the early 1910s, combining earlier brass-band marches, French quadrilles, biguine, ragtime and blues with collective polyphonic improvisation. In the 1930s, heavily arranged dance-oriented swing big bands,", "id": "10465448" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to jazz: Jazz – musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States, mixing African music and European classical music traditions. Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical", "id": "10465446" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nof jazz.. In the 1920s, jazz became recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. From Africa, jazz got its rhythm, \"blues\", and traditions of playing or singing in one's own expressive way. From Europe, jazz got its harmony and instruments. Both used improvisation, which became a large part of jazz.", "id": "20467296" }, { "contents": "French jazz\n\n\nJazz music has been popular in France since the 1920s. Its international popularity peaked in the 1930s, and it has been continually enjoyed since. Following World War I, a number of American expatriates settled in Paris and began to build up a jazz scene. France did not suffer from racial discrimination as much as the US, so a mixture of musical styles from different cultures began to emerge. As with Brazil, the French were at first concerned it was too American of an influence before \"making it their own.\"", "id": "6876311" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "Black Southerners\n\n\nmostly in small towns like Memphis and New Orleans. Blues often consisted of a sole singer with an instrument, usually guitar expressing their emotions. Blues music generally comes from the inspiration of love, sex, betrayal, poverty, bad luck, and lifestyles that are less than ideal. Jazz music originated in New Orleans in the 1910s. Blacks and Whites made music that would flow together to mix cultures and aspects of European music as well as American music. Jazz was created as a different type of Blues music. Blues was", "id": "21144883" }, { "contents": "Orchestral jazz\n\n\ninstrumental sound of New Orleans jazz. Orchestral jazz was musically distinct from its southern predecessor for a variety of reasons: not only were the bands bigger, creating a certain richness of sound, but also the music was structurally more sophisticated. While New Orleans jazz was characterized by collective improvisation and the spontaneous reinterpretation of standard tunes, jazz orchestras played head arrangements that were composed and arranged prior to the performance in which they were executed. The busy, raucous style of early jazz did not hold the same kind of popular appeal that", "id": "1953240" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States\n\n\nguitar left a permanent influence (the steel guitar is still very common in country music). Dominican merengue and Argentinian tango also left their mark, especially on jazz, which has long been a part of the music scene in Latin America. During the 1920s, classic female blues singers like Mamie Smith became the first musical celebrities of national renown. Gospel, blues and jazz were also diversifying during this period, with new subgenres evolving in different cities like Memphis, New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Jazz quickly replaced the", "id": "2411622" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Rhythm guitar\n\n\n, guitarist in the Count Basie orchestra, was a noted exponent of this style. The harmonies are often minimal; for instance, the root note is often omitted on the assumption that it will be supplied by the bassist. When jazz guitarists play chords underneath a song's melody or another musician's solo improvisations, it is called \"comping\", short for \"accompanying\" The accompanying style in most jazz styles differs from the way chordal instruments accompany in many popular styles of music. In many popular styles of music,", "id": "6846174" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nThe music of New Orleans assumes various styles of music which have often borrowed from earlier traditions. New Orleans, Louisiana, is especially known for its strong association with jazz music, universally considered to be the birthplace of the genre. The earliest form was dixieland, which has sometimes been called traditional jazz, 'New Orleans', and 'New Orleans jazz'. However, the tradition of jazz in New Orleans has taken on various forms that have either branched out from original dixieland or taken entirely different paths altogether. New", "id": "10831559" }, { "contents": "The Cry of Jazz\n\n\nsurvive. Alex and Louis then assert that slavery and continued racism constitute an erasure of the past, present, and future of Black people in America, and that through music Black people have created a record of their history. Alex traces the history of jazz, from New Orleans jazz, to swing, to be-bop, to cool jazz. Footage of Sun Ra's band playing examples of each style accompanies the description of each type of jazz. A discussion arises concerning what it would take to achieve racial equality in", "id": "18565729" }, { "contents": "Michael Messer\n\n\n, reggae, jazz and King Sunny Adé's style of world music. Messer noted at that time that \"If you look at what was happening in this country, and also what I was doing at that time, there's a big world music influence, which we were all very into – I was also, at that time, producing tracks with S.E. Rogie and with Ted Hawkins ... I intentionally made the album so it wasn't a blues album\". A similar fusion was adopted on the follow-up,", "id": "4100860" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nmix of vaudeville, barbershop quartets, marches, opera, novelty songs, and other popular tunes. Many popular standards, such as \"The Good Old Summertime\", \"Shine On Harvest Moon\", and \"Over There\" come from this time. There were also a few early hits in the field of jazz, beginning with the Original Dixieland Jazz Band's 1917 recordings, and followed by King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, who played in a more authentic New Orleans jazz style. Blues had been around a long", "id": "6698767" }, { "contents": "Baby Dodds\n\n\n. I had been connected with him for many years and from then on I had to be wholly on my own\". After his brother's death, Baby Dodds worked mostly as a freelance drummer around Chicago. This was the time of the New Orleans Revival, which was a movement in response to the emerging style of bebop. Many jazz traditionalists wanted jazz to return to its roots during this time. Dodds, having remained a New Orleans style drummer untouched by the influence of swing, found himself playing a role in", "id": "15459855" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nof jazz. Swing became a major part of African American dance, and came to be accompanied by a popular dance called the swing dance. Jazz influenced many performers of all the major styles of later popular music, though jazz itself never again became such a major part of American popular music as during the swing era. The later 20th-century American jazz scene did, however, produce some popular crossover stars, such as Miles Davis. In the middle of the 20th century, jazz evolved into a variety of subgenres,", "id": "7216672" }, { "contents": "Jazz drumming\n\n\nJazz drumming is the art of playing percussion (predominantly the drum set, which includes a variety of drums and cymbals) in jazz styles ranging from 1910s-style Dixieland jazz to 1970s-era jazz fusion and 1980s-era Latin jazz. The techniques and instrumentation of this type of performance have evolved over several periods, influenced by jazz at large and the individual drummers within it. Stylistically, this aspect of performance was shaped by its starting place, New Orleans, as well as numerous other regions of the world, including", "id": "19926454" }, { "contents": "Jazz drumming\n\n\nother parts of the United States, the Caribbean, and Africa. Jazz required a method of playing percussion different from traditional European styles, one that was easily adaptable to the different rhythms of the new genre, fostering the creation of jazz drumming's hybrid technique. As each period in the evolution of jazz—swing and bebop, for example—tended to have its own rhythmic style, jazz drumming continued to evolve along with the music through the 20th century. One tendency that emerged over time was the gradual \"freeing\"", "id": "19926455" }, { "contents": "Jazz guitar\n\n\n\"accompanying\" The accompanying style in most jazz styles differs from the way chordal instruments accompany in many popular styles of music. In many popular styles of music, such as rock and pop, the rhythm guitarist usually performs the chords in rhythmic fashion which sets out the beat or groove of a tune. In contrast, in many modern jazz styles within smaller, the guitarist plays much more sparsely, intermingling periodic chords and delicate voicings into pauses in the melody or solo, and using periods of silence. Jazz guitarists commonly use", "id": "16335931" }, { "contents": "List of pre-1920 jazz standards\n\n\n' Ball\" and \"Indiana\". Originally simply called \"jazz\", the music of early jazz bands is today often referred to as \"Dixieland\" or \"New Orleans jazz\", to distinguish it from more recent subgenres. The origins of jazz are in the musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have", "id": "8623313" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Rendezvous (band)\n\n\nfall in the experimental music category. The jazz the band plays has been dubbed in music websites as acid jazz, psychedelic jazz and contemporary jazz. Their psychedelic jazz style was inspired mostly by the songs of Pink Floyd, a band Simon loved since childhood. Rendezvous differs from many other contemporary electronic acts by the fact that their music is actually played and recorded live on analog instruments, rather than produced digitally on computers and digital instruments. This analog approach to music is reflected upon their music, expressed with a warm and enveloping", "id": "6223626" }, { "contents": "New jack swing\n\n\nas many previous music styles did, by combining elements of older styles with newer sensibilities. It used R&B style vocals sung over hip hop and dance-pop style influenced instrumentation. The sound of new jack swing comes from the hip hop \"swing\" beats created by drum machine, and hardware samplers, which were popular during the Golden Age of Hip Hop, with contemporary R&B style singing. Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines new jack swing as \"pop music usually performed by black musicians that combines elements of jazz,", "id": "11396162" }, { "contents": "List of jazz drummers\n\n\nJazz drummers play percussion (predominantly the drum set) in jazz, jazz fusion, and other jazz subgenres such as latin jazz. The techniques and instrumentation of this type of performance have evolved over the 1900s, influenced by jazz at large and the individual drummers within it. Jazz required a method of playing percussion different from traditional European styles, one that was easily adaptable to the different rhythms of the new genre, fostering the creation of jazz drumming's hybrid technique. As each period in the evolution of jazz—swing and", "id": "20416992" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nThe Jazz Age was a period in the 1920s and 1930s in which jazz music and dance styles rapidly gained nationwide popularity in the United States. The Jazz Age's cultural repercussions were primarily felt in the United States, the birthplace of jazz. Originating in New Orleans as a fusion of African and European music, jazz played a significant part in wider cultural changes in this period, and its influence on pop culture continued long afterward. The Jazz Age is often referred to in conjunction with the Roaring Twenties, and in the United", "id": "20467293" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "I Love American Music\n\n\n1997 compilation \"Zoot Suit Riot\" to consist entirely of jazz and swing music. As such, \"I Love American Music\" follows in the jump blues-influenced swing style as much of the album does, punctuated by the Daddies' trademark horn section and utilizing call and response vocalizations in the chorus. Perry has described \"I Love American Music\" as being a dedication to the fans and musicians of American roots music, particularly influenced by the figures of Eugene, Oregon's blues scene in the 1980s, such as", "id": "10117425" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Jazz Museum\n\n\nAfrican-American origins, birth in New Orleans, cultural connections, artistic expressions, musical innovators, and global influence so that audiences can truly understand this American art form. The Museum’s collection includes the world-renowned New Orleans Jazz Club Collections. Gathered over several decades by the storied New Orleans Jazz Club. The collection includes the world’s largest collection of jazz instruments, other prized artifacts, photographs, and ephemera. Examples of artifacts within the collection range from Louis Armstrong's first cornet to a 1917 disc of the", "id": "4115428" }, { "contents": "Bassline\n\n\nalign with the drums. Other rhythm instruments join in to create a more interesting rhythmic variations. The type of rhythmic pulse used in basslines varies widely in different types of music. In swing jazz and jump blues, basslines are often created from a continuous sequence of quarter notes in a mostly scalar, stepwise or arpeggio-based part called a \"walking bass line\". In Latin, salsa music, jazz fusion, reggae, electronica, and some types of rock and metal, basslines may be very rhythmically complex and syncopated", "id": "11049024" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Rhythm Kings\n\n\narrangements by the New Orleans Rhythm Kings continue to be played by \"traditional jazz\" or Dixieland bands all over the world today. Some of their famous compositions and contributions to the jazz repertory include \"Bugle Call Rag\", \"Milenburg Joys\", \"Farewell Blues\", \"Angry\", \"Baby\", \"Discontented Blues\", \"She's Crying for Me\", \"Oriental\", \"I Never Knew What a Girl Could Do\", \"Everybody Loves Somebody Blues\", and \"Tin Roof", "id": "13586313" }, { "contents": "List of American jazz drummers\n\n\nThis is a list of American jazz drummers. Jazz drummers play percussion (predominantly the drum set) in jazz, jazz fusion, and other jazz subgenres such as latin jazz. The techniques and instrumentation of this type of performance have evolved over the 1900s, influenced by jazz at large and the individual drummers within it. Jazz required a method of playing percussion different from traditional European styles, one that was easily adaptable to the different rhythms of the new genre, fostering the creation of jazz drumming's hybrid technique. As each", "id": "3331196" }, { "contents": "Ah, And We Do It Like This\n\n\n.\"\" WEFUNK Radio has marked the song as very jazz influenced, much unlike their later work. Queens's resident B-1 describes the song as popular in clubs at the time: \"They first song was “Ahh, And We Do It Like This” on Profile Records. They used to have a different type of style, but that was the style back then. The whole club style.\" In Andrew J. Rausch's book \"I Am Hip-Hop: Conversations on the Music and Culture\", Sticky", "id": "9189430" }, { "contents": "The Allman Brothers Band\n\n\nwhich may be where a lot of the major keys I play come from.\" He later characterized their style as \"question and answer, anticipation and conclusion,\" which involved allowing each musician's downbeat to arrive in a different spot, while also keeping consideration of the bass guitar lines. The group also held an improvisational approach to live performances, which connected the band with jam band culture. \"Jazz and blues musicians have been doing this for decades, but I think they really brought that sense that anyone onstage can", "id": "17175522" }, { "contents": "Jazz drumming\n\n\nmany other cultures in New Orleans at the time: Haitian, European, Cuban, and American, as well as many other smaller denominations. They used drums almost indistinguishable from those made in Africa, though the rhythms were somewhat different from those of the songs of the regions the slaves were from, probably the result of their having lived in America for several generations. A large number of musicians that played in Congo Square were from the Caribbean as well. Another important influence to jazz was the blues, an expression of the", "id": "19926467" }, { "contents": "Vassar Clements\n\n\n, but I couldn't get nothing out of the fiddle. So every time I'd see those instruments sitting side by side, I'd grab that fiddle.\" Big band and swing music were considerable influences upon his style and musical development, and he said that, \"Bands like Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James and Artie Shaw were very popular when I was a kid. I always loved rhythm, so I guess in the back of my mind the swing and jazz subconsciously comes out when", "id": "18744744" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nOrleans jazz began in the early 1910s, combining earlier brass-band marches, French quadrilles, biguine, ragtime and blues with collective polyphonic improvisation. In the 1930s, heavily arranged dance-oriented swing big bands, Kansas City jazz, a hard-swinging, bluesy, improvisational style and Gypsy jazz (a style that emphasized musette waltzes) were the prominent styles. Bebop emerged in the 1940s, shifting jazz from danceable popular music toward a more challenging \"musician's music\" which was played at faster tempos and used more", "id": "15637725" }, { "contents": "1951 in British music\n\n\nthe Atlantic were Bing Crosby and Doris Day but British singers such as Gracie Fields and Vera Lynn were also very popular, receiving radio play and performing in many live venues. A style of jazz known as Trad or Traditional Jazz, or sometimes called the Dixieland sound was emerging, drawing for its inspiration the old New Orleans Jazz of an earlier period. The luminaries of this music were people like Ken Colyer who had formed the Crane River Jazz Band which included Chris Barber and later a banjo player called Lonnie Donegan who would introduce", "id": "6784269" }, { "contents": "Jazz guitar\n\n\nrelease tension. Another aspect of the jazz guitar style is the use of stylistically appropriate ornaments, such as grace notes, slides, and muted notes. Each subgenre or era of jazz has different ornaments that are part of the style of that subgenre or era. Jazz guitarists usually learn the appropriate ornamenting styles by listening to prominent recordings from a given style or jazz era. Some jazz guitarists also borrow ornamentation techniques from other jazz instruments, such as Wes Montgomery's borrowing of playing melodies in parallel octaves, which is a jazz", "id": "16335925" }, { "contents": "Springfield, Massachusetts\n\n\nto national prominence. Jazz and blues rival rock in popularity. Each summer, the Springfield-headquartered Hampden Bank sponsors the annual Hoops City Jazz & Art Festival, a three-day event that draws approximately 30,000 people to Metro Center to hear varieties of different jazz music – from smooth jazz, to hard bop, to New Orleans-style jazz. Headliners have included Springfield great Taj Mahal, the Average White Band, and Poncho Sanchez. Fifteen miles north in the college towns of Northampton and Amherst, there is an active", "id": "9038028" }, { "contents": "Culture of New Orleans\n\n\nnamed \"Krewe du Vieux\". The largest of the city's many musical festivals is the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. Commonly referred to simply as, \"Jazz Fest\", it is one of the largest music festivals in the nation, and features crowds coming from all over the world to experience music, food, arts, and crafts. Despite the name, it features not only jazz but a large variety of music, including both native Louisiana music and nationally-known popular music artists. The Essence Music", "id": "20710872" }, { "contents": "The Happy Pals\n\n\nThe Happy Pals New Orleans Party Orchestra are a New Orleans traditional dance hall jazz band which was formed in 1968 by Clifford “Kid” Bastien, originally named Kid Bastien's Camellia Jazz band. The Happy Pals are a classic New Orleans style ensemble which includes trumpet, trombone, clarinet, banjo, piano, double bass and drums. They are inspired by the early jazz and blues music of the 1920s and 1930s. The Happy Pals have been playing New Orleans dance hall jazz in Toronto for over four decades. They have", "id": "5437040" }, { "contents": "Fingerstyle guitar\n\n\n. Benin-born Jazz guitarist Lionel Loueke uses fingerstyle in an approach that combines jazz harmonies and complex rhythms. He is now based in the US. Tony Cox (b. 1954) is a Zimbabwean guitarist and composer based in Cape Town, South Africa. A master of the Fingerpicking style of guitar playing, he has won the SAMA (South African Music Awards) for best instrumental album twice. His music incorporates many different styles including classical, blues, rock and jazz, while keeping an African flavour. Tinderwet is a", "id": "13793697" }, { "contents": "Lead guitar\n\n\nthe beat,\" to create or release tension. Another aspect of the jazz guitar style is the use of stylistically appropriate ornaments, such as grace notes, slides, and muted notes. Each subgenre or era of jazz has different ornaments that are part of the style of that subgenre or era. Jazz guitarists usually learn the appropriate ornamenting styles by listening to prominent recordings from a given style or jazz era. Some jazz guitarists also borrow ornamentation techniques from other jazz instruments, such as Wes Montgomery's borrowing of playing melodies in", "id": "5106308" }, { "contents": "Cooking? Cooking!\n\n\neating the food a girlfriend cooked. Other tracks, such as \"Pajama Party\", \"You&I\", and \"Sunny\" are other samples of the same bubbly genre, however, each song differ in style because of the unique sounds that are incorporated into each different track. \"You&I\" is influenced by modern jazz/swing music while \"Sunny\" is an influence from retro, disco dance. The last track, \"Good Luck!!\" is a medium-tempo ballad with vocal harmonization, which also", "id": "18640174" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Rhythm Kings\n\n\nvaried band sound. Nothing on any record by a black band of the early '20s is anywhere near as aesthetically venturesome. At its roots, New Orleans jazz (which influenced Chicago jazz) represented an assimilation of Southern black traditions carried over from their African heritage mixed with white European traditions. The instrumentation was European (trumpets, trombones, etc.), while the melodic ideas and unconventional (at least, in the context of classical music) rhythms and musical forms were born from the ring shouts and country blues styles", "id": "13586318" }, { "contents": "Mark Hoppus\n\n\ndifferent bass guitars while recording \"Enema of the State\": a Fender Precision Bass, Fender Jazz Bass and a Music Man StingRay. Hoppus primarily recorded with the two Fender basses, and merged the two together for the Fender Mark Hoppus Jazz Bass, which debuted in 2000. \"I took a Jazz Bass body because I thought it looked really cool and gives a good tone and then I put a P-Bass neck on it because it's a wider neck and it's easier to play—especially for my style", "id": "13978400" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\nwashboard. The music played by Dutch jazz bands includes both the original New Orleans tunes, as well as the songs of the revival era. In terms of playing style, Dutch jazz bands occupy a position between revivalist and original New Orleans jazz, with more solos than the latter but without abandoning the principle of ensemble playing. With the average band containing up to 15-players, Dutch jazz bands tend to be the largest ensembles to play traditional jazz music. Musical styles showing influences from traditional jazz include later styles of jazz, rhythm", "id": "17316694" }, { "contents": "School band\n\n\njazz ensembles will include trumpets, trombones, alto, tenor and baritone saxophones, a drum set (often called a \"trap set\",) guitar, bass guitar, piano, clarinet and often, a vibraphone or marimba. Many areas have jazz festivals, but the popularity of these widely vary from different regions of the country. Jazz bands are most often used as an ambassador ensemble for the band program as a whole. In addition, jazz education is seen as growing in popularity as a specialty area within school music", "id": "15965675" }, { "contents": "Ethno jazz\n\n\n\". One of the most popular genres of ethno jazz is Latin jazz, which is characterized by a combination of jazz elements with music from a variety of places in Latin America. In addition, instrumentation plays an important role. While standard jazz bands feature a rhythm section (piano, guitar, bass and drums) and winds (saxophone, trumpet or trombone), Latin music makes use of many more percussive instruments, such as timbales, congas, bongos, maracas, claves, guiros, and vibes, which were", "id": "17759383" }, { "contents": "Ethno jazz\n\n\na New Orleans band, the \"Original Creole Orchestra\", which toured Canada for the first time during the fall of 1914, and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band, which toured Europe in 1919 and was sufficiently popular to stay on in England for a year. This music became so popular at the beginning of the 20th century that it spread around the globe, inspiring local musicians to listen to and play jazz. Countries like China began jazz festivals with enough public support to become annual traditions. In addition, musicians outside the", "id": "17759376" }, { "contents": "Genealogy of musical genres\n\n\nThe genealogy of musical genres is the pattern of musical genres that have contributed to the development of new genres. Genealogical charts or family trees of musical genres show how new genres have emerged from existing genres and how multiple genres have contributed to a new genre. Since music can be endlessly broken down into smaller and smaller categories, a genealogical chart will usually focus on one major genre and its different strains. For instance, jazz is considered to be a genre with many subgenres, including New Orleans jazz, ragtime, swing,", "id": "9321089" }, { "contents": "Rock and roll\n\n\nstyles such as jazz and swing which were taken up by white musicians, aided this process of \"cultural collision\". The immediate roots of rock and roll lay in the rhythm and blues, then called \"race music\", and country music of the 1940s and 1950s. Particularly significant influences were jazz, blues, gospel, country, and folk. Commentators differ in their views of which of these forms were most important and the degree to which the new music was a re-branding of African-American rhythm and", "id": "5601387" }, { "contents": "1940s in jazz\n\n\n's \"Take the 'A' Train\" (1941). When the big bands struggled to keep going during World War II, a shift was happening in jazz in favor of smaller groups. Some swing era musicians, like Louis Jordan, later found popularity in a new kind of music, called \"rhythm and blues\", that would evolve into rock and roll in the 1950s. In the late 1940s there was a revival of \"Dixieland\" music, harkening back to the original contrapuntal New Orleans style. This", "id": "11944569" }, { "contents": "World music\n\n\n1970s and 80s, fusion in the jazz music genre implied a blending of jazz and rock music, which is where the misleading assumption is rooted. Although it primarily describes traditional music, the world music category also includes popular music from non-Western urban communities (e.g. South African \"township\" music) and non-European music forms that have been influenced by other so-called third-world musics (e.g. Afro-Cuban music). For many years, Paris has attracted numerous musicians from former colonies in West and", "id": "14607304" }, { "contents": "Jazz drumming\n\n\nexchanged some cultural information. The influence of African music and rhythms on the general mix that created jazz was profound, though this influence did not appear until later. There are several central qualities shared by African music and jazz, most prominently the importance of improvisation. Some instrumental qualities from African music that appear in jazz (especially its drumming) include using unpitched instruments to produce specific musical tones or tone-like qualities, using all instruments to imitate the human voice, superimposition of one rhythmic structure onto another (e.g., a", "id": "19926457" }, { "contents": "Music of Italy\n\n\nmusical culture. Foreign musics were suppressed while Mussolini's government encouraged nationalism and linguistic and ethnic purity. Popular performers, however, travelled abroad, and brought back new styles and techniques. American jazz was an important influence on singers such as Alberto Rabagliati, who became known for a swinging style. Elements of harmony and melody from both jazz and blues were used in many popular songs, while rhythms often came from Latin dances like the tango, rumba and beguine. Italian composers incorporated elements from these styles, while Italian music,", "id": "11049385" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\ncity whilst helping black children escape poverty. The leader of New Orleans' Camelia Brass Band, D'Jalma Ganier, taught Louis Armstrong to play trumpet; Armstrong would then popularize the New Orleans style of trumpet playing, and then expand it. Like Jelly Roll Morton, Armstrong is also credited with the abandonment of ragtime's stiffness in favor of swung notes. Armstrong, perhaps more than any other musician, codified the rhythmic technique of swing in jazz and broadened the jazz solo vocabulary. The Original Dixieland Jass Band made the music's", "id": "15637773" }, { "contents": "Up from the Cradle of Jazz\n\n\n, a genre which incorporated multiple influences. The emergence of new musical genres continued in New Orleans, and by 1950s rhythm and blues had gained a foothold as an established style. The book chronicles the course of music evolution in New Orleans post-World War II from jazz to primarily rhythm and blues as well as rock and roll and avant-garde jazz. It presents a historical accounting along with cultural influences that morphed the New Orleans sound, such as Mardi Gras Indians, Caribbean influences, musical families, generational continuity,", "id": "10450648" }, { "contents": "The Boswell Sisters\n\n\nfor new and interesting sounds, which they often found outside African-American churches and barrooms. As their older brother Clydie began breaking away from classical music to study jazz, he introduced his sisters to the new syncopated style and to many of the young jazz players in New Orleans. Leon Roppolo (clarinet, guitar), Monk Hazel (drums, cornet), Pinky Vidacovich (clarinet, saxophone), Nappy Lamare (guitar, banjo), Ray Bauduc (tuba, vocals), Dan LeBlanc (tuba),", "id": "20123273" }, { "contents": "Mike Clark (jazz musician)\n\n\ndad had a great appreciation for jazz and blues music, and Mike absorbed the music of America while riding the rails. He credits this exposure as forming the foundation for his ability to synthesize many different regional styles. From age 4, he was a prodigy, sitting in - and getting \"house\"- with bands in Texas and New Orleans. By the time he reached his early twenties he was known as one of the founders of the distinctive East Bay Sound coming out of Oakland, California. Mike has performed with such well", "id": "21014104" }, { "contents": "Neal Hefti\n\n\nsort of got into jazz. The first time I sort of felt that I was anything remotely connected with jazz. Even though he had been playing with swing bands and other popular music bands for five years, this was the first time he had been immersed in the music of Duke Ellington, and this was the first music that really felt like jazz to him. First Herd was one of the first big bands to really embrace bebop. They incorporated the use of many bebop ideas in their music. As part of the", "id": "2917796" }, { "contents": "Kansas City jazz\n\n\nKansas City jazz is a style of jazz that developed in Kansas City, Missouri during the 1920s and 1930s, which marked the transition from the structured big band style to the musical improvisation style of Bebop. The hard-swinging, bluesy transition style is bracketed by Count Basie who in 1929 signed with the Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra and Kansas City native Charlie Parker who ushered in the Bebop style in America. \"While New Orleans was the birthplace of jazz, America's music grew up in Kansas City\". Kansas", "id": "5738200" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nsyncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms, and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has now been \"long considered a kind of popular or vernacular music (and has also) become a sophisticated art form that has interacted in significant ways with the music of the concert hall\". Jazz's development occurred at around the same time as modern ragtime, blues, gospel and country music, all of which can be seen as part of a continuum with no clear demarcation between them; jazz specifically", "id": "6698770" }, { "contents": "Music of Louisiana\n\n\nProfessor Longhair and Guitar Slim, who both produced major regional, R&B and national hits. Louis Prima demonstrated the versatility of the New Orleans tradition, taking a style rooted in traditional New Orleans jazz into swinging hot music popular into the rock and roll era. He is buried in New Orleans. The city also has a rich tradition of gospel music and spirituals; Mahalia Jackson was the most famous of New Orleans' gospel singers. She is buried in Metairie. In the 1950s, New Orleans again influenced the national music scene", "id": "11483283" }, { "contents": "Afrobeat\n\n\nnew type of sound, originating in Nigeria, has become increasingly prominent in African popular music.This name echoes Afrobeat, the 1970s fusion of Jazz and traditional Nigerian and Ghanaian music which is an important influence, but Afrobeats is a largely different style. \"Afrobeats is not a style, per se, like Afrobeat. It simply means the new sound of Africa, which takes in diverse influences that take inspiration from its African roots and is combined with the sounds of Rap, Reggae/Dancehall, and even R&B. It's", "id": "2899054" }, { "contents": "Texas blues\n\n\nTexas blues is blues music from Texas. As a regional style, its original form was characterized by jazz and swing influences. Later examples are often closer to blues rock and Southern rock. Texas blues began to appear in the early 1900s among African Americans who worked in oilfields, ranches and lumber camps. In the 1920s, Blind Lemon Jefferson innovated the style by using jazz-like improvisation and single string accompaniment on a guitar; Jefferson's influence defined the field and inspired later performers. During the Great Depression in the 1930s", "id": "12084288" }, { "contents": "Freddie Keppard\n\n\ntop horn player (see: jazz royalty). This was mostly because he kept Buddy's style, which was popular but had not been recorded. Indeed, many contemporaries have testified that Keppard's playing style was the closest to Bolden's that can be found in the history of jazz recordings and can be considered a more musical and sophisticated extension of Bolden's style: rugged and forceful, clipped and more staccato, and rhythmically closer to ragtime than later New Orleans jazz. Sometime in either late 1911 or early 1912,", "id": "18702692" }, { "contents": "Mount Royal (album)\n\n\nhis moody minor-chord accents to Eldridge’s traditional bluegrass runs. I had hoped for more of that latter approach, in which the duo unites to create a distinctive, blended sound, rather than alternating between their very different styles\". On Jazz Weekly, George W. Harris stated \"Jazz and bluegrass meet on successful terms ... In a setting like this, the only difference between genres is a few flatted notes here and there, as the easy blues and swing define both artists and guitars\". In The New Yorker", "id": "12722536" }, { "contents": "Donald Harrison\n\n\nwith modern dance music and half to mixing the swing beat with Caribbean-influenced music. On the next album his experiments continued by mixing modern jazz's swing beat with hip hop, Latin music, R&B, and smooth jazz. His albums, \"3D Vols. I, II, and III\", present him in three different musical genres. On \"Vol. I\" he writes, plays, and produces smooth jazz and R&B style. On \"Vol. II\" he writes, produces and plays in the", "id": "2697351" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nbasis for early jazz, which spread from New Orleans to Chicago and other northern urban centers. Though jazz had long since achieved some limited popularity, it was Louis Armstrong who became one of the first popular stars and a major force in the development of jazz, along with his friend pianist Earl Hines. Armstrong, Hines, and their colleagues were improvisers, capable of creating numerous variations on a single melody. Armstrong also popularized scat singing, an improvisational vocal technique in which nonsensical syllables (vocables) are sung. Armstrong and", "id": "7216670" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "British popular music\n\n\nmusic, replacing it with much more diverse new wave and post punk bands who mixed different forms of music and influences to dominate rock and pop music into the 1980s. Rock and pop music in the 1980s built on the post-punk and new wave movements, incorporating different sources of inspiration from subgenres and what is now classed as World music in the shape of Jamaican and Indian music, as did British Jazz, as a series of black British musicians came to prominence, creating new fusions like Acid Jazz. It also explored", "id": "1194505" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nwhere a family member would often teach how to read and play music. Some musicians, like Pops Foster, learned on homemade instruments. Urban radio stations played African-American jazz more frequently than suburban stations, due to the concentration of African Americans in urban areas such as New York and Chicago. Younger demographics popularized the black-originated dances such as the Charleston as part of the immense cultural shift the popularity of jazz music generated. The 1930s belonged to popular swing big bands, in which some virtuoso soloists became as famous", "id": "20467305" }, { "contents": "Skokiaan\n\n\n's sax\". The melody throughout \"is carried by the sax\". Skokiaan's significance is that it shows how Africa influenced American jazz in particular and popular music in general. Musarurwa's 1947 and 1954 recordings illustrate how unique the indigenous forms of jazz were that emerged in Africa in response to global music trends. While African jazz was influenced from abroad, it also contributed to global trends. \"Skokiaan\" has been adapted to various musical stylings, from jazz to mento/reggae (Sugar Belly and the Canefields)", "id": "19998596" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nthat could be considered country, but, as Ace Collins points out, these recordings had \"only marginal and very inconsistent\" effects on the national music markets, and were only superficially similar to what was then known as \"hillbilly music\". In addition to Rodgers and the Carters, a musician named Bob Wills was an influential early performer known for a style called Western swing, which was very popular in the 1920s and 30s, and was responsible for bringing a prominent jazz influence to country music. Rhythm and blues (", "id": "6698782" }, { "contents": "Maurice Kirya\n\n\n. He fuses his Uganda style, Mwooyo with rnb,soul & jazz. He plays guitar, bass & piano and writes all his music. When asked how he writes his music, he always responded ‘’I see the picture, i feel the emotion,i relate and the song comes to me’’ He has toured over 35 Countries and 40 Cities across Africa, Europe and America.His interesting style of music and persona has landed him big interviews on BBC, CNN, Voice of America and RFI.", "id": "14198562" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nNew Orleans style jazz was the product of a series of developments, probably reaching its famous form no earlier than the 1890s and no later than the mid 1910s. By the 1890s a man by the name of Poree hired a band led by cornetist Buddy Bolden, many of whose contemporaries as well as many jazz historians consider to be the first prominent jazz musician. The music was not called jazz at this time, consisting of marching band music with brass instruments and dancing. If anything, Bolden could be said to have been", "id": "10831563" }, { "contents": "Creolization\n\n\nthe unique combination of cultures that led to cuisine of creolization, better known as \"creole cooking\". These very creations of difference flavors particularly pertains to specific territory which is influenced by different histories and experiences. Jazz music took its roots from the dialogue between black folk music in the U.S., that is derived from plantations and rural areas and black music based in urban New Orleans. Jazz music developed from the \"creole music\" that takes its roots from the combination of blues, parlour music, opera, and spiritual music", "id": "12958778" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nAfrica or exhibit an African rhythmic influence beyond what is ordinarily heard in other jazz. The two main categories of Latin jazz are Afro-Cuban jazz and Brazilian jazz. In the 1960s and 1970s, many jazz musicians had only a basic understanding of Cuban and Brazilian music, and jazz compositions which used Cuban or Brazilian elements were often referred to as \"Latin tunes\", with no distinction between a Cuban son montuno and a Brazilian bossa nova. Even as late as 2000, in Mark Gridley's \"Jazz Styles: History", "id": "15637834" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nmagazine, \"I just loved the way John Bonham played drums\". Carr also had a love of all types of music; songwriter Adam Mitchell once described Carr as knowing a lot about folk, R&B and other non-rock styles. In a 1983 interview, Carr told USA Network interviewer Al Bandero that he listened to \"a lot\" of Neil Young, and liked many different types of music. Simmons has stated that Carr's harder drumming style pushed Kiss into becoming a heavier band than it had been when jazz", "id": "9248388" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Belgium\n\n\neverywhere and now seemed to eclipse in favor of more danceable popular music. Most people did not like to hear bebop or freejazz, and jazz had become the music of a few insiders. Not only was the audience for jazz shrinking, but it also lost young jazz musicians who in previous periods had taken initiative, and now were more attracted to pop. Of course, besides showing interest in free jazz (also called \"\"New Thing\"\"), most Belgian musicians continued to play the older styles (New Orleans", "id": "15262012" }, { "contents": "I Can Do All Things\n\n\nin Atlanta, GA is the firm handling the promotion of \"I Can Do All Things\" record release. The CD was submitted for the 2017 Grammy ballot in the categories R & B Album and Recording Package. Music from the recording has been premiered and heard in numerous jazz and music venues in the New York/New Jersey region of the United States. July 16, 2015 -- Papillion 25, South Orange, NJ August 16, 2015 -- Harlem Nights Club, New York, NY September 28, 2015—Whynot Jazz Room", "id": "14616386" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\nDixieland, sometimes referred to as hot jazz or traditional jazz, is a style of jazz based on the music that developed in New Orleans at the start of the 20th century. One of the first uses of the term \"Dixieland\" with reference to music was in the name of the Original Dixieland Jass Band (which shortly thereafter changed the spelling of its name to \"Original Dixieland Jazz Band\"). Their 1917 recordings fostered popular awareness of this new style of music. A revival movement for traditional jazz, formed in", "id": "17316677" }, { "contents": "Djordje Stijepovic\n\n\nstyle double bass player. Slap bass is a mostly percussive technique that was developed in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century. He is writing the first book about the technique. On several occasions he said he doesn't want to be pigeon-holed in any musical genre and that he sees music as a whole. His playing draws on many influences from different music styles like rockabilly, jazz, blues, country, Gypsy, punk, metal and classical. Stijepovic most often cites Stray Cats, Clash, Motörhead", "id": "5957073" }, { "contents": "Music of New York City\n\n\nappearing in 1923 and including Coleman Hawkins (and later New Orleans musician Louis Armstrong) became wildly popular and helped invent swing music. Though Henderson was among the first major New York jazz musicians, he was not as able to adapt to the rapidly changing style as some of his contemporaries, such as Duke Ellington. When Ellington moved to New York City, he inaugurated a legion of jazz musicians that did the same and moved the center of jazz's development from Chicago to New York. The style that developed from New York", "id": "10001860" }, { "contents": "Papa Jack Laine\n\n\nGeorge Vital \"Papa Jack\" Laine (September 21, 1873 – June 1, 1966) was an American musician and a pioneering band leader in New Orleans in the years from the Spanish–American War to World War I. He was often credited for training many musicians who would later become successful in jazz music. Laine's Reliance Brass Band was the first to fuse European, African, and Latin music. The earliest jazz musicians can be traced back to playing in the Reliance Brass Band or being influenced by those who had", "id": "7156316" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\n, African Americans became the new consumer in a predominantly white culture. Blues went from a small work sound to a nationwide phenomenon. Musicians in New York were very different from the ones in Chicago, St. Louis, Texas and New Orleans; the music of performers of the east had a ragtime style and wasn't original, but eventually the real blues was absorbed in the east. People were only really able to hear the blues and real jazz in the gut-bucket cabarets, which basically means anything really down low,", "id": "11650165" }, { "contents": "Balkan jazz\n\n\nBalkan jazz is jazz from the Balkans Region of southern Europe. The characteristic features of Balkan Jazz include high speed and use of odd meters. There are many fields of Balkan Jazz, frequently played at weddings and big celebrations. Clarinet is the one of the important instruments in Balkan Jazz. Accordion, drum, bass and electric guitar are also widely used. Duško Gojković (English spelling Dushko Goykovich) is considered one of the pioneers of Balkan Jazz, a fusion of Balkan music which welcomes improvisation and originality, much like American", "id": "3883576" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nto put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" Although the exact origins of jazz syncopation may never be known, there's evidence that the habanera/tresillo rhythm was there at its conception. Buddy Bolden, the first \"known\" jazz musician, is credited with creating the \"big four\", the first syncopated bass drum pattern to deviate from the standard on-the-beat march. As the example below shows,", "id": "10831571" }, { "contents": "Beats Antique\n\n\n, Cappel attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston for a degree in studio drumming. At Berklee, Cappel studied New Orleans jazz, bebop, modern jazz, and world music. When one of his teachers needed help transcribing African and Arab drum patterns to a drum kit, Cappel helped and learned a lot of non-jazz rhythmic patterns. After graduating, he moved to New York City and began exploring many different types of genres. He would spend a lot of time at the Bell, a café in Manhattan that", "id": "15858733" }, { "contents": "Jazz guitar\n\n\nindependent luthiers began making archtop guitars. In the 2000s, jazz guitar playing continues to change. Some guitarists incorporate a Latin jazz influence, acid jazz-style dance club music uses samples from Wes Montgomery, and guitarists such as Bill Frisell continue to defy categorization. While jazz can be played on any type of guitar, from an acoustic instrument to a solid-bodied electric guitar such as a Fender Stratocaster, the full-depth archtop guitar has become known as the prototypical \"jazz guitar.\" Archtop guitars are steel-", "id": "16335915" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nstudied at the Hartt School of Music in Hartford, Connecticut. Blackman began to have an interest in jazz at age 13 after listening to Max Roach and got her first professional drum kitset at 14. \"Jazz was the thing that was most intriguing because of the challenge that was involved\", says Blackman. \"When I was shown that the drummers on these records were playing independently with all four limbs, I was like: 'Really?! Is that what they're doing? Is that what Max Roach is doing", "id": "8155242" } ]
Hello! I've been really getting into playing Jazz recently. It really helps me relax. I love jazz music. That's awesome! I'm a trumpet player. It makes sense that it's so relaxing, its considered by a lot of people to be America's classical music. oh yea thats cool. Plus its very cultural. It has roots in West African Culture, as well as European military culture as well. oh wow thats pretty sweet.
[{"answer": "For sure! I bet you didn't know it started in New Orleans in the late 19th century!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 207, "bleu_score": 0.8850548777654513, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "2009 MTV Video Music Awards\n\n\nthe moment it happened, she stated: Well, I think my overall thought process was something like, 'Wow, I can't believe I won, this is awesome, don't trip and fall, I'm gonna get to thank the fans, this is so cool. Oh, Kanye West is here. Cool haircut. What are you doing there?' And then, 'Ouch.' And then, 'I guess I'm not gonna get to thank the fans.' Swift described how", "id": "14610142" }, { "contents": "Josh Dun\n\n\nDun has said with regard to music, \"I've always wanted to play drums and now I'm able to do that pretty much on a nightly basis. That's what I love the most, getting together with people in a room and letting music unify us – I know that sounds really dramatic, but it's a really cool experience and something that I won't get tired of for a while yet.\" Both Dun and Twenty One Pilots lead Tyler Joseph have an \"X\" tattoo on their body symbolizing", "id": "1014381" }, { "contents": "Phola (album)\n\n\nPhola is a studio album by South African jazz trumpeter Hugh Masekela. The record was released on via Four Quarters Entertainment label. \"Phola\" is a South African notion meaning to get well, to heal, to relax and chill. Michael G. Nastos of \"Allmusic\" stated \"Hugh Masakela's recordings in his golden years have been much more rooted in his South African heritage than the commercialized music he played in his younger days. Thankfully, that trend continues with this very fine effort that has him playing his own original", "id": "6899813" }, { "contents": "For No Reason at All in C\n\n\nMulligan? The answer, is none of the above. Cool Jazz has its roots as early as 1927 in the wonderful collaborations of cornetist Bix Beiderbecke and C-melody saxman Frank (Tram) Trumbauer! Bix and Tram were closely associated as early as 1925 and developed a tight musical rapport. They both used a linear, relaxed and lyrical style and were the first to offer an alternative to the searing, passionate and extroverted music that characterized the Jazz Age. ... This really constituted the birth of Cool Jazz. The most", "id": "11342100" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Culture of Chicago\n\n\nThe culture of Chicago, Illinois is known for the invention or significant advancement of several performing arts, including improvisational comedy, house music, blues, hip hop, gospel, jazz, and soul. The city is known for its Chicago School and Prairie School architecture. It continues to cultivate a strong tradition of classical music, popular music, dance, and performing arts, rooted in Western civilization, as well as other traditions carried forward by its African-American, Asian-American, European American, Hispanic American, and", "id": "13446608" }, { "contents": "Samuel Charters\n\n\nI really need lots of help!' I really exaggerated this, but it worked! My God, I came back from that year in Europe and I found kids doing research in the South. . . . They almost all came to me at some point, they wrote me a letter saying this is what I'm doing\" (Ismail, 2011, p. 259). Charters's writings have been influential, bringing to light aspects of African-American music and culture that had previously been largely unknown to the general", "id": "10151976" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nNew York, Art Blakey became a significant influence. \"He really was like a father to me. I learned a lot just watching him. I asked him a lot of questions about the drums and music – and he answered all of them. He was fantastic\", said Blackman. Blackman initially encountered resistance to a woman playing drums in the jazz world. \"I'm a black woman, so I've encountered racial prejudice, and I've encountered gender prejudice. I've also encountered prejudice against my afro when", "id": "8155248" }, { "contents": "Coroner (band)\n\n\nplay the songs automatically; it was still somehow programmed. It was really funny; your arms go left and right, and you don't know why. 'Oh, wow, that's why. I have to hit this cymbal right now.' [Laughs] So that was really quite a trip. It makes me feel like being [brought] back [in time] 15 years or more. And I missed playing drums, totally. That was also something I'm very happy about now — to just", "id": "9358711" }, { "contents": "Comedy of menace\n\n\nmobile phones\".br How are you?br Very well. And you? Are you well?br I'm terribly well. How about you?br Really well. I'm really I'm so Apart from ... oh you know I Apart from ... oh you know I do know. But apart from that ...?br How about you?br Oh you know ... all things considered I know. But apart from that ...? \"Silence\".", "id": "15829874" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nfew storylines that I had with Vicky Alcock who played my mum. It's fine to put a character on the telly and say, 'Oh, what a horrible person', but it's nice to explain why people might be like that. I think they tackled those storylines really well. It's been a nice journey with her this time round because it's been a lot more explanatory. As I say, it's had a lot more layers so I've really enjoyed it\". When asked whether she", "id": "376960" }, { "contents": "If You Say So\n\n\nwith me... Music has just been so important and so helpful to me this whole year.\" Michele also told MTV, \"I think at the time it was really early and everything, so I really don't even remember a lot of what I was feeling back then,\" Michele said of the writing and recording process of the song. \"But I'm just thankful now, I think in any sense, whether it's difficult or whether it's good, music is such therapy, so for me this", "id": "18184508" }, { "contents": "Frank & Lola\n\n\nLas Vegas was probably pretty typical of most people who don’t live there – hotels on The Strip and staying up all night in casinos. It just didn’t feel real to me, and I wanted these characters to feel real. So in order to make that transition and to translate the movie, I spent more time in Vegas, specifically downtown, to try to get a sense of what it was like... I discovered that there’s a really cool and exciting, vibrant arts and culture scene there that’s just", "id": "15974057" }, { "contents": "Thomas Jack\n\n\ndiscovered so much amazing music at Burning Man that really inspired me to do some different things. It's hard to change straight away. I got some different ideas for what I want to do. But they're a bit too weird to change so I'm just gonna keep cruising. I've got an album to finish at the moment which is pretty cool\". Johnston had planned to release his debut studio album in 2016. He said \"I'm just starting to get into it now, so I'm", "id": "20913543" }, { "contents": "B.o.B.\n\n\nit, everyone's gonna have an eargasm. It's really how I fell in love with rock music, from indie to alternative to classic rock to even some forms of country music.\" He spoke of his third album, which is nearing completion: \"This project is a lot more effortless than anything because I've really shown the full spectrum of what I can do musically, so now I'm just having fun with it. I'm 24 years old, so I'm partying.\" In March,", "id": "3926759" }, { "contents": "Paul Rudd (DJ)\n\n\nsaid later, \"I was really interested in doing something like this. There's so many classics from the 80s being revamped and I was delighted that Paul approached me to re-work Set Me Free, as recently I have been recording mainly contemporary jazz music for the new album. I liked the instrumental and I'm just happy that one of my favourite hits has been given a 2012 makeover that appeals to all!\" Rudd followed up this success with two more tracks in 2012, \"Neon Lights\" and \"", "id": "7111354" }, { "contents": "Untitled (How Does It Feel)\n\n\n, I'm not really going to get an honest feedback ... women love it, most definitely. But for me personally, the response I've got from both men and women has been pretty cool\". Critical opinion of the music video was generally favorable. \"Entertainment Weekly\"s columnist Jim Farber gave the music video an A rating, and called the close-ups of D'Angelo's physique a \"measure of the video's smarm-free joy that even though the camera puts the viewer in the pleasure-giving position,", "id": "17536463" }, { "contents": "Spike Wells\n\n\nMichael \"Spike\" Wells (born 16 January 1946) is an English jazz drummer and priest. Born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, Wells was a chorister at Canterbury Cathedral Choir School. He became interested in jazz after coming across a recording by Dizzy Gillespie, which he found \"very exciting\". He took up playing drums in his early teens: \"I suppose the thing that really knocked me out about jazz was the rhythm, so I thought if I'm going to be in a jazz band I want to", "id": "6731024" }, { "contents": "Beekeeper's Daughter\n\n\nreflection saying, ‘Wow, what have I done?' It may make me not seem very likeable, but it was important that I be truthful and really open up on this album about what I've been through.\" The song is a mid-tempo track blending pop and rock sounds in an infectious hook. Tyson sings expressively, backed up by a fun melody and an upbeat chorus \"that gets stuck in your head.\" Ritter explained, \"Music, somewhat ‘festive atmosphere’, fits well with", "id": "16434019" }, { "contents": "Last to Go\n\n\nreally interesting working with people overseas who had no idea who I was or where I come from\". On the change of musical direction, in October 2011 Callea said; \"I still love ballads and pop, but this is what I'm enjoying now. If I don't do music I love, I can't expect anyone else to believe it.\". Callea promoted the single \"Oh Oh, Oh Oh\" in October 2011, and the EP \"Last To Go\" in March and April 2012 On", "id": "3920570" }, { "contents": "Briggs (rapper)\n\n\nof the sound I want to create and legacy I want to leave.\" The Yorta-Yorta culture is also influential on Briggs's songwriting according to the MC: I feel I represent my blood in everything I do, not just music. I dont feel the need to wave a flag in someones face at every chance I get because I’m already me ... I have my tribe tattooed on my arms and 2 Black, 2 Strong on my wrists. But thats me representing my people how I want.", "id": "17603908" }, { "contents": "Radioactive (Marina and the Diamonds song)\n\n\nfascinates them and inspires them. In the beginning I had exactly the same thought—\"oh God, I'm still inspired by America, I don't want to make 'Hollywood Pt II'\". And it's not like that. I'm just really inspired by that topic and that culture and I think I always will be. It's kind of like how every longterm artist always has a thread running through their image, or their lyrics, and that's mine. America. The video centers around Diamandis and her male", "id": "9306648" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nThe Jazz Age was a period in the 1920s and 1930s in which jazz music and dance styles rapidly gained nationwide popularity in the United States. The Jazz Age's cultural repercussions were primarily felt in the United States, the birthplace of jazz. Originating in New Orleans as a fusion of African and European music, jazz played a significant part in wider cultural changes in this period, and its influence on pop culture continued long afterward. The Jazz Age is often referred to in conjunction with the Roaring Twenties, and in the United", "id": "20467293" }, { "contents": "Slayers of Eden\n\n\nspot in particular where the guitar solo is much louder than anything else and it took me by surprise at first. However, besides the few minor issues I had, the album is really well constructed and is a step in the right direction for this band. Every Knee Shall Bow will go far if they can keep progressing musically. Oh, and before I forget, I meant to mention how much I like the vocals on. They fit well with the music and I really like that the range is pretty wide.", "id": "21682854" }, { "contents": "Gary Wallis\n\n\nthose other really good guys play the fancy stuff!\" Stone then asked Wallis about the importance of this aspect of playing in the current musical climate, with so many drum clinics taking place. Wallis stated, \"It's a very precarious subject really...Not for me. It doesn't work for me, 'cause I've never enjoyed that aspect of drumming at all. But, I really marvel in it and I wonder in it and I watch it myself and think, \"wow!\". I don't", "id": "12136267" }, { "contents": "Quantum mind\n\n\ndoesn't mean that astrology is true... Often, people who are trying to sell whatever it is they're trying to sell try to justify it on the basis of science. Everyone knows quantum mechanics is weird, so why not use that to justify it? ... I don't know how many times I've heard people say, 'Oh, I love quantum mechanics because I'm really into meditation, or I love the spiritual benefits that it brings me.' But quantum mechanics, for better or worse, does", "id": "15243420" }, { "contents": "Music of Washington, D.C.\n\n\nRecords, to include Maduro, Retrogramme, and Notecrusher, have appeared on numerous compilations around the world and have been featured on BBC. Octofoil has been defunct since 2014. The District of Columbia has a very vibrant \"a cappella\" scene. Sweet Honey in the Rock, which formed in 1973 and focuses on music rooted in African American culture, has shared a Grammy Award and received multiple Grammy nominations for its children's albums. Afro Blue, an \"a cappella\" vocal jazz ensemble based at Howard University, received", "id": "9815847" }, { "contents": "Jodie Foster\n\n\n: \"Some people get quick breaks and declare, 'I'll never do commercials! That's so lowbrow!' I want to tell them, 'Well, I'm real glad you've got a pretty face, because I worked for 20 years doing that stuff and I feel it's really invaluable; it really taught me a lot.'\" Foster's mother was concerned that her daughter's career would end by the time she grew out of playing children, and decided that to ensure continued work and gain", "id": "15829105" }, { "contents": "Cool (aesthetic)\n\n\nbeatnik, culture. Shortly thereafter, a style of jazz called cool jazz appeared on the music scene, emphasizing a restrained, laid-back solo style. Notions of cool as an expression of centeredness in a Taoist sense, equilibrium and self-possession, of an absence of conflict are commonly understood in both African and African-American contexts well. Expressions such as, \"Don't let it blow your cool,\" later, \"chill out\", and the use of \"chill\" as a characterization of inner", "id": "851019" }, { "contents": "Diana Walter\n\n\nasked about the casting of Diana, David said \"...I figured she would be pretty still but once I met Alicia, we met Alicia just to have her as a stunt person for whoever would play Diana. But when I met Alicia and she showed me what she could do, because she’s a dancer and she has full control over her body, it was like, 'Oh, this is really awesome. So let’s have Alicia play Diana the whole time and we can really turn her into this ferocious", "id": "7038721" }, { "contents": "Ultraviolence (album)\n\n\nshe was fighting me. I could sense that maybe she didn't want to have anybody think she wasn't in control because I'm sure it's really hard to be a woman in the music business. So we bumped heads a little bit, but at the end of the day we were dancing to the songs\". The artist stated that the album draws inspiration from the West Coast, as well as from Brooklyn, New York. In addition, it also features heavy guitars and jazz tones. Del Rey also", "id": "15445456" }, { "contents": "Larry Lieber\n\n\nsome or all of these stories himself, \"because I remember Stan was saying to me, 'You write romances really well.\" In 1958, following an economic downturn for the publisher and the firing of virtually all the comics staffers save Lee, \"Stan said he wanted somebody to help him write, and he had nobody then; he was doing it all himself. I said, 'I'm not really a writer.' He said, 'Oh, I've read your letters.'\" Lieber,", "id": "12783464" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\nBlues People: Negro Music in White America is a seminal study of Afro-American music (and culture generally) by Amiri Baraka, who published it as LeRoi Jones in 1963. In \"Blues People\" Baraka explores the possibility that the history of black Americans can be traced through the evolution of their music. It is considered a classic work on jazz and blues music in American culture. The book documents the effects of jazz and blues on American culture, at musical, economic, and social levels. It chronicles the", "id": "11650127" }, { "contents": "Charles Segal\n\n\n(Columbia, EMI) • It was A Great Year • Jazz World • Miles of Music • Mirror I See • Sentimental Journey • Take the Floor (CBS) • You’ve Got a Friend • South African Jazz Scene (Spin) • \"Seagull\" Visits USA • Let’s Go Gay (CBS) Easy Listening: • Pastel Moods • Piano and Strings • Relax to the Music of Charles Segal • Spa Music • Thanks for the Memory • Relax to Romantic Moments • In the Mood For Love • Classical Melodies", "id": "14207628" }, { "contents": "Possibility (song)\n\n\nthing about vampires and I'm like, 'I hate vampires.' But when I thought about it, there are so few pop culture things today, where people are really crazy about something, like Beatlemania, so I thought, how cool to be part of something that so many young, open hearts listen to.\" \"Possibility\" was well received by music critics. Todd Martens wrote for the \"Los Angeles Times\" that Li \"could melt the coldest of hearts with this sparse tearjerker. A slight scratch", "id": "4872840" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "New Orleans\n\n\nIn the nineteenth century, the city was the home of two of America's most important venues for French opera, the Théâtre d'Orléans and later the French Opera House. Today, opera is performed by the New Orleans Opera. The Marigny Opera House is home to the Marigny Opera Ballet and also hosts opera, jazz, and classical music performances. New Orleans has long been a significant center for music, showcasing its intertwined European, African and Latin American cultures. The city's unique musical heritage was born in its colonial and", "id": "9144506" }, { "contents": "Jean-Louis Matinier\n\n\nMatinier studied classical music, then turned to jazz and other forms of improvised music. From 1989 to 1991 he played in the French National Jazz Orchestra. His way of playing is strongly influenced by the attitude of a European, chamber jazz, with its specific uptake of the accordion tradition affects the music but also relaxing. His compositions are imaginative and he turns his instrument versatile. Matinier occurs usually with other instrumentalists, such as with Renaud Garcia-Fons, who accompanied him in a very interactive duo on his bass. In", "id": "10008974" }, { "contents": "Gold (Victoria Justice song)\n\n\nIt's just all me, basically, so it's very cool. Victoria Justice later commented on her album again: \"'Gold' is more mainstream pop, and I wrote another song that I'm super excited about, and it's one of my favorites that I've ever written...I'm just exploring with a bunch of different sounds. It's been really fun getting to write most of my music.\" Justice released an audio track for the song via her official YouTube account on June 18, 2013.", "id": "8842880" }, { "contents": "Monster (Kanye West song)\n\n\nwho she was. Vernon described the process as highly artistic, stating that the fourteen-hour day recording schedule allowed for a lot of fun and creativity. West, talking about recording the song with Vernon, stated that he was \"similar to me, where he just does shit just so people would be like, 'Oh shit, how did you do that? How did that happen?' He's just a really cool guy to be around.\" Considered a horrorcore song, \"Monster\" has been described", "id": "323832" }, { "contents": "Knock Madness\n\n\nThere's sad, emotional lyrics and even funny lyrics. I got serious songs and sad songs. Just a big variety of everything. I wanted to show the full me. I have a lot of people who love me, but I have a lot of haters as well. There are at least one or two songs for someone that doesn't really like me or what I put out. I think they'll stumble across a couple songs that will make them go, oh ok, I fucks with him now.", "id": "21424265" }, { "contents": "I've Seen It All\n\n\nmany awards [and] I've been to a lot of [award] shows. This is the most exciting one for me. I'm not just gonna go and grab a fancy frock. It's about singing, so it's a completely different headspace, which is sort of why I'm doing it. I'm really excited. Really, really excited\". \"Billboard\" ranked it as the ninth \"most awesome\" Oscar performance of all time, saying that Björk's \"outfit may have cemented", "id": "10437207" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nhighest in the improvisation of music\", says Blackman. Blackman loves jazz and wants to delve into its intricacies. \"Oh my gosh, it's the best thing in the world\", says Blackman. \"I feel so blessed, and I'm so thankful to be able to play music. It's an honor, and it's a blessing\". On July 9, 2010, Carlos Santana proposed to Blackman on stage during a concert at Tinley Park, Illinois. Blackman is Santana's touring drummer; he", "id": "8155264" }, { "contents": "Fake Empire\n\n\npiano. It's something I, personally, have never heard in rock music. What's interesting is the song sounds like it's in four, but it's in three. The harmonies and the way I'm playing the piano music are actually incredibly simple – sort of like \"Chopsticks\" simple – with this really weird rhythm. At the end we said, 'Oh, wouldn't it be cool if we had a horn fanfare?' so Padma [Newsome] wrote this very Steve Reichian minimalist horn fanfare", "id": "18775268" }, { "contents": "Chemikal Underground\n\n\nmusical culture in such a positive manner. In fact, it was probably The Delgados that made me want to be in a band, so to have them as your ”boss” is a uniquely warm feeling. To even be considered in the same category as any of the label’s bands is a total honour and I am very proud to be linked to Chemikal Underground’s esteemed heritage. While Rick Anthony, of The Phantom Band, noted that: Chemikal Underground have been really pretty good to us so far and they", "id": "16396740" }, { "contents": "Spoiled Milk Titties\n\n\nsolo. The song has vivid details with \"over-the-top\" sexual lyricism. Jazz Scott from \"Tiny Mix Tapes\" wrote that \"Lyrically, cupcakKe hasn't sacrificed any of her raw playfulness... and her one-liners are still as pointed as they are hilarious: 'Relax me with massage, park your dick in my garage (Skrrrt!)/Do not touch my booty hairs, man, I'm feeling like Solange (uh-oh!)'\". A music video was released for \"Spoiled Milk", "id": "19067946" }, { "contents": "Music of Tanzania\n\n\nas well as Cuban and European music, when returning from World War II. These musical influences fused and brought together the Tanzanian people. Eventually the country and its people created its own style of music. This style, called \"Swahili Jazz\" is a mix of beats and styles of Cuban, European, Latin and African music. Swahili jazz gave Tanzania a sense of independence and togetherness as a country. These days a taarab revolution is taking place and much heated debate continues about the music which has been changed drastically by", "id": "12354763" }, { "contents": "Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong collaborations\n\n\nbest female vocalists still making music. Louis Armstrong (August 4, 1901 – July 6, 1971) was an African-American jazz singer and trumpeter as well as composer who ended up being one of the most pivotal and influential figures in not just jazz-related styles but across popular music. His career spanned five decades, from the 1920s to the 1960s, and different eras both musically and also in terms of U.S. culture. Coming to prominence first as an inventive player, Armstrong attracted notice for shifting the focus in", "id": "3601377" }, { "contents": "Stranded (album)\n\n\nsome very talented people. There was a red dress hanging up, and I thought, ‘Ooh, good, I'm going to get to wear a really nice dress'... whereupon, as I'm having my make-up done, Antony comes in and starts ripping the dress – a hole there, a slash there. I was thinking, ‘Oh no.' They stuck me on this big log and explained I was supposed to be stranded in a jungle, and then they started spraying me; they", "id": "3563162" }, { "contents": "Here I Am (Kelly Rowland album)\n\n\nworking with different stylists as well. I wanted to make sure it was a look that was all me, you know?.\" She noted that seeing people's reactions to dance music made her feel \"completely intoxicated!.\" In July 2010, Rowland said during an interview with Alex Catarinella of \"Paper\" magazine that \"I spent about a year of my life in Europe really listening to a whole bunch of European DJs and hearing dance music a lot on the radio and really loving it. 'When Love", "id": "18603582" }, { "contents": "Pretty on the Inside\n\n\nto me ... I loved the whole band; they were a lot of fun. That early lineup of Hole—I felt they were the real deal. They were Hollywood misfits—all of them. I felt it really captured what they were. Gordon said that Love \"was either charming and nice or screaming at her band\" but that she was \"a really good singer and entertainer and front person.\" The music of \"Pretty on the Inside\" is has been noted by critics for its abrasive instrumentation and", "id": "3928119" }, { "contents": "4 in the Morning\n\n\nlying here in the dark, I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot.\" In the chorus, she sings: \"I give you everything that I am/I'm handing over everything that I've got/'cause I wanna have a really true love.\" \"4 in the Morning\" was generally well received by music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic called it \"coolly sensual\", noting that \"those celebrations of cool synths and stylish pop hooks that work the best for Stefani.\" \"Billboard\"", "id": "16796524" }, { "contents": "Andreas Vollenweider\n\n\nhas been described as weaving \"elements of European classical and folk music, Third World vocal and percussive effects and natural sound effects into cyclical suites\". Vollenweider is perceived as one of the purveyors of the New Age genre, although his earlier recordings appeared on the jazz Billboard chart. The composer found that \"what I am doing is really a very old thing, a very 'old age' thing, because I'm doing what people have been doing for thousands of years'. Vollenweider resides near Zurich. In the", "id": "6617692" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nimprovisers, composers, and bandleaders in jazz have been women. Jazz originated in the late-19th to early-20th century as interpretations of American and European classical music entwined with African and slave folk songs and the influences of West African culture. Its composition and style have changed many times throughout the years with each performer's personal interpretation and improvisation, which is also one of the greatest appeals of the genre. By the 18th century, slaves gathered socially at a special market, in an area which later became known as Congo Square, famous", "id": "15637742" }, { "contents": "Sevdaliza\n\n\ncertain mood like melancholy. The interesting thing is that the music my music gets compared to is not necessarily music I've listened to, which makes it super interesting. I was performing once, and a conservatory professor came to me after the show, saying that he could really hear that I draw inspiration from old Persian singers. I asked him, \"Wow, that's really interesting. How do you hear that?,\" and he said because I use certain semitones and microtones when I sing. But I've", "id": "4860970" }, { "contents": "Skipping a Beat\n\n\nhey, you make it stutter/Hey, hey, think I love ya/Boy I think I'm gonna need an ambulance/Cause you been doing my heart some damage/But I like it, oh you're so exciting. Following its release, \"Skipping a Beat\" was well received by most music critics. Mike Wass of Idolator called the track \"an infectious mid-tempo pop song with urban roots\" comparing it to Ariana Grande's hit single The Way \"with an edge\", and", "id": "19263471" }, { "contents": "Culture of New Orleans\n\n\nor \"neutral ground\" for a street median. New Orleans has always been a significant center for music with its intertwined European, Latin American, and African-American cultures. It was the site of the first opera house in the United States. The city engendered jazz with its brass bands. Decades later it was home to a distinctive brand of rhythm and blues that contributed greatly to the growth of rock and roll. In addition, the nearby countryside is the home of Creole music, Zydeco music, Jazz, and", "id": "20710859" }, { "contents": "Tiana (Disney)\n\n\nwoman\" rather than Tiana's ethnicity. \"I don’t think the cultural significance hit me until later,\" she told \"The Root\". Rose described the recording process as \"very solitary work\" that required her to do much research and preparation. She elaborated, \"I called people in New Orleans; I listened to their voices to hear what they sounded like. I did a lot of reading up on the city, and listened to a lot of music in the jazz era.\" Rose gradually received", "id": "17811206" }, { "contents": "Like It Like That (Guy Sebastian song)\n\n\nmore we play \"Like It Like That\" when I play it live a lot of people are drawn to it. [...] It's simple really. The chorus says 'Hey oh, do you like it like that, I'm the only one who can love you like that' and it repeats. It's so easy, it's just a fun song\". Prior to its release in Australia \"Like It Like That\" was chosen as the theme song for the US NBC network's summer promotional", "id": "5818352" }, { "contents": "Scott Miller (pop musician)\n\n\nMiller mused:I don't think I'm in danger of making albums that don't age well, because I haven't ever fit into the times spectacularly well. I've always been aware of myself drawing on a musical vocabulary so broad that a lot of people don't get what I consider to be my real songwriting coups. I think they go right past a lot of people. The bad part of that is I probably won't become a big star. But the good part is that I don't think", "id": "1051133" }, { "contents": "Jennifer Michael Hecht\n\n\nlike getting fitter and thinner, is part of a 'cultural code' — 'an unscientific web of symbolic cultural fantasies' — and once you realize this, you will perhaps feel a little more free to be a lot more happy.\" Similarly, in an interview on the \"Point of Inquiry\" podcast in 2007, she said \"I'm not trying really to get somebody out of depression, but I sure am trying to get people to not be so worried, so anxious over things that really don't", "id": "6700397" }, { "contents": "Halo 3 Original Soundtrack\n\n\nis still blue, and so you're going to hear the monks and the cellos.\" O'Donnell began by writing out the reworked themes and music he wanted to hear in the game, without knowing where he would eventually use the sounds. He approaches composition from the piano, and described his process as looking for something that \"makes me go 'oh, \"thats\" a good feeling'\". O'Donnell's approach to writing music for games is to put in the audio at the last minute of development,", "id": "18002459" }, { "contents": "Witness (Dave Douglas album)\n\n\nNew York-based trumpeter has made a point of exposing himself to a wide variety of music -- everything from Lester Bowie's innovations to classical to East European folk -- and his willingness to be influenced by so many different things has made for a lot of fresh, adventurous albums. \"Witness\" is no exception; this 2001 release finds the jazzman being affected by classical as well as Middle Eastern and North African music... \"Witness\" is yet another album that Douglas can be proud of\". On All About Jazz", "id": "21787448" }, { "contents": "Staff Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces\n\n\n/a Foundation for Art and Culture, Oslo Chamber Music Festival, and Ny Musikkk, the Norwegian section of the International Society for Contemporary Music. The band maintains a high artistic standard and performs a wide variety of musical styles: classical and contemporary, as well as jazz and pop. FSMK works with renowned conductors from Norway and abroad, on a project basis. The Staff Band's recordings have consistently received critical acclaim. Military music in Norway has its roots in the 17th century when the pipers (flautists) together with", "id": "19839649" }, { "contents": "Sheryl Crow\n\n\na philandering ex-boyfriend. Crow has refused to say who the song was about, telling \"Billboard Magazine\" on the release of her album, \"Oh, there will be just so much speculation, and because of that there's great safety and protection in the fact that people will be guessing so many different people and I'm the only person who will ever really know. I'm really private about who I've had relationships with, and I don't talk about them in the press. I don't", "id": "7420205" }, { "contents": "Stan Douglas\n\n\nAmerican culture, such as blues and jazz. In particular, Douglas points to the cultural prejudices which associate the \"primitive\" with black music, while the European musical tradition is positioned as \"high culture\". This binary between primitive and civilized is further complicated when considering jazz and its position as both \"race music\" but also highly cultured and in particular the European embracing of jazz as high art. An early work, \"Deux Devises\" (1983), presents a projection of text, the lyrics of 19th", "id": "8821398" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nsaw the Cuban folk elements as a type of nationalistic \"fig leaf\", cover for their true love—jazz. They were obsessed with jazz. Cuba's Ministry of Culture is said to have viewed jazz as the music of \"imperialist America.\" Pablo Menéndez, founder of Mezcla, recalls: \"Irakere were jazz musicians who played stuff like 'Bacalao con pan' with a bit of a tongue in cheek attitude—'for the masses.' I remember Paquito d'Rivera thought it was pretty funny stuff (as opposed to '", "id": "7124236" }, { "contents": "Except Sometimes\n\n\n. Together, they put a new spin on such jazz and musical standards as \"The Very Thought of You\", \"I Get Along Without You Very Well (Except Sometimes)\", \"I'll Take Romance\", \"Sooner or Later\", and \"Where Is Love\". \"It was really hard to narrow it down\", Ringwald said, of selecting the album's 10 tracks. \"It was basically songs that I felt connected to and songs that I felt we played together well as a", "id": "9105330" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\non the road. He states, \"I love to tour. I've been able to see a lot of the world and I just absolutely enjoyed being able to be with different types of people, different cultures and to see the world. It's just kind of broadened who I am as a person, which eventually will filter down into the music, the influences.\" In 2001, Brown recorded his debut album \"Slow Down for Love\" on SRI Jazz, which reached the top 50 of the Gavin Report", "id": "7781375" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Contagion (2011 film)\n\n\nmain objective is to trace the origins of the MEV-1 pathogen. Cotillard, a fan of Soderbergh's work, first met with the director in Los Angeles, California. The French actress was enthralled with the script because she was \"very concerned about germs. I've always been ... scared, in a way, by all of those disease[s]. So ... it was really something I was really interested.\" Soderbergh said that Orantes \"gets dropped into situations and has to deal with cultural as well as scientific issues that", "id": "21714258" }, { "contents": "Cool jazz\n\n\nCool jazz is a style of modern jazz music that arose in the United States after World War II. It is characterized by relaxed tempos and lighter tone, in contrast to the fast and complex bebop style. Cool jazz often employs formal arrangements and incorporates elements of classical music. Broadly, the genre refers to a number of post-war jazz styles employing a more subdued approach than that found in other contemporaneous jazz idioms. As Paul Tanner, Maurice Gerow, and David Megill suggest \"the tonal sonorities of these conservative players", "id": "2462674" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\nwhite and black blues was devalued and the assimilation of both African Americans and their music into being considered \"American culture\" was next to impossible. As years went on there was a neglect to see that the more popular mainstream sounds of swing and jazz and \"white people's\" wartime entertainment was a result from the black-American tradition, blues created by the very people that America was trying so hard to oppress. In efforts to try to re-create their own sound once more and create their own culture of", "id": "11650185" }, { "contents": "Dom Kennedy\n\n\nfocused on business management while I was there, not really thinking about music per se at first, but just on life. You know, like damn if I wasn't rapping or doing anything with music that was kind of where I saw myself in the world. I always hoped I could be an entrepreneur, you know I guess, but thats the aspirations of many people but I just felt like if I was going to learn about anything I might as well learn about structures of corporations, or at least find", "id": "10926855" }, { "contents": "Lionsong\n\n\nin October 2015: \"I really just fell for the album in general but \"Lionsong\" specifically went straight to this really guttural and spiritual place for me. I was dealing with a lot at the time – doing a lot of healing after a really difficult love and this song brought me through. I started playing it in my club sets and it works to take people to this really insane place. Even after I've mended, it's one of the most powerful songs I've heard in so long and when", "id": "18711333" }, { "contents": "Metta World Peace\n\n\nis Tracy (McGrady) and Yao's team, you know. I'm not going to take it personal. I understand what Yao said, but I'm still ghetto. That's not going to change. I'm never going to change my culture. Yao has played with a lot of black players, but I don't think he's ever played with a black player that really represents his culture as much as I represent my culture.\" Artest and Yao later exchanged extensive phone calls. Artest also said,", "id": "18059846" }, { "contents": "Jazz drumming\n\n\nthe clave since the very early days of the music. Comping is support of other musicians, often soloists, and echoing or reinforcement of the composition. The culture that created the most commonly used version of this pattern was that of Cuba. The circumstances that created that music and culture were very similar to those that created jazz; French, African, Spanish, and native Cuban cultures were all combined in Cuba and created many popular musical forms as well as the clave, which was a rather early invention. The music also", "id": "19926460" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nI'd had it rammed down my throat. But now I feel an obligation to tell the kids 'look, just give classical music a chance' ... the guitar frustrates me a lot because I'm not good enough to play it sometimes so I get mad and throw a moody. Sometimes I feel that what I'm doing is not right, in the sense that the whole rock and roll business has become a farce, like Billy Smart, Jr. Circus, and the only music that ever moves me is very disciplined", "id": "9472818" }, { "contents": "Manitoba\n\n\nbeen influenced by traditional (Aboriginal and Métis) and modern Canadian artistic values, as well as by the cultures of its immigrant populations and American neighbours. The Minister of Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport is responsible for promoting and, to some extent, financing Manitoban culture. Manitoba is the birthplace of the Red River Jig, a combination of aboriginal pow-wows and European reels popular among early settlers. Manitoba's traditional music has strong roots in Métis and Aboriginal culture, in particular the old-time fiddling of the", "id": "19256773" }, { "contents": "Make U Bounce\n\n\none that I've been getting a really good reaction to on my DJ set,\" he says. \"It's a track that definitely kills it on the dancefloor. As a DJ, I really love it and if I'm bouncing to it, I'm really happy.\" It was put on BBC Radio 1's 'A' playlist for week commencing 23 June. A music video was produced for the single. It was directed by Mickey Finnegan. In the music video, an attractive woman with a large", "id": "15436669" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nget involved in that soundtrack because I've done a lot of soundtracks and we kind of thought we've done a bit too much film stuff. So we should probably just chill and write that third album, which is what I should be focusing on. And then I met the director [Sam Taylor-Johnson] and everyone involved and I was like, 'This is a pretty cool thing to be involved in.' Then I heard the song and I was like, 'Woah, this is a pretty awesome", "id": "8001308" }, { "contents": "Lauren Mitchell\n\n\nbeen really hectic traveling to lots of events, which have given me great experience. Here in Glasgow, I've been really happy with my performance and the two titles as the equipment wasn't what I was used too so it shows that I can adapt and work in a range of environments which is important and shows I'm developing. Traveling to all these events is great but what really keeps me going is knowing that I have some amazing support from back home in Australia, it makes me job much easier knowing people", "id": "10505634" }, { "contents": "Jim McGorman\n\n\nplays piano and sings. My dad, though, really got me going with music. He showed me the beauty of chord changes. Mom was more of a \"word writer.\" I got my love of lyrics from her. I guess you could say I'm very fortunate to have talented and supportive parents. - Started playing piano at six, drums at eight, guitar at 12, and I've been singing since I was born.\"\" McGorman cites a number of popular music influences, including soul music", "id": "20211988" }, { "contents": "European free jazz\n\n\nAmerica. The racial conflict specific to the United States translated in Europe to an international radical leftism – one with a youthful white more than an angry black face – hostile to Western imperialistic capitalism and faux-culture. As American free jazz musicians continued to play throughout Europe, the free jazz genre and the cultural movements in Europe associated with it began to spread as well, influencing many European jazz musicians to imitate the avant-garde style of playing as well as adopting its techniques to create their own individual sound. \"Reflecting", "id": "16091144" }, { "contents": "RetroHash\n\n\n’s a record about freedom. About trusting yourself and being yourself, and I think that’s pretty awesome. I want to continue to challenge myself as a songwriter, as well as a person, to just get better. I don’t want to settle and be content, I just want to make music with my friends, and I think this record really embodies that, and it’s one of many new offerings for the new year. There’s a lot of other stuff that I have, and \"RetroHash\"", "id": "18148731" }, { "contents": "Marabi\n\n\ninfusion of more traditional influences, marabi has lost much of its links to the styles jazz roots and is now part of the African music culture as opposed to South African Jazz. One of the most notable musical pieces that contain a hint of Marabi is Paul Simon's 1986 epic, \"Graceland\". The Garland Encyclopedia of Music says, \"Fundamental to much of the musical mix (of Graceland) was the influence of the African-American jazz, introduced into South Africa by transnational record-distribution networks in the 1920s", "id": "9629694" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\npartner died during my planned solo career so I disappeared for a while because I thought it was more important for him. He died due to AIDS complications. It was really quite hard to deal with and took five years out of my life. I made the \"Oh World\" album during the middle of all this, so when you listen to it now you can hear where a lot of the music comes from in a way. I wasn't turning up for stuff and the record company was getting really cheesed with", "id": "8854329" }, { "contents": "Debut (Björk album)\n\n\nworked on the details of what would become \"Debut\". The Sugarcubes' music did not fit Björk's taste, and her contact with London's underground club culture of the late 1980s and early 1990s helped her find her own musical identity. She said: \"As a music nerd, I just had to follow my heart, and my heart was those beats that were happening in England. And maybe what I'm understanding more and more as I get older, is that music like Kate Bush has really influenced me", "id": "19869271" }, { "contents": "Culture of Panama\n\n\n, Punto, Tamborito, Mejorana, Bolero, Jazz, Salsa, Reggae, Calypso, Rock and other musical genres. Not all people in Panama choose to listen to Spanish music. Some choose to listen to something they call \"soca\" music. So to summarize, Panamanians are considered mixed: American, Hispanic, and from the islands. Another example of Panama’s blended culture is reflected in the traditional products, such as woodcarvings, ceremonial masks and pottery, as well as in its architecture, cuisine, history and", "id": "20665754" }, { "contents": "Popular music of Birmingham\n\n\ndifferent cultures in the city. I mean I was brought up in a white school, I work in a black area, and I play for a bhangra band so I've seen a lot of different cultures, and that does help the music a lot. I think that is why Birmingham is thriving musically ... because you got a lot of different cultures musically, and in everyday life.\" The Singing Stewarts, a family of five brothers and three sisters who moved to Handsworth from Trinidad in 1961, were the first", "id": "7192518" }, { "contents": "Hajde da se volimo (film series)\n\n\nbeen thrown around for years. Lepa Brena was quoted in January 2013 as saying about the fourth film: \"To me it's all a matter of willpower to create a story called \"Let's Fall in Love, Part 4\". I'm waiting to finish a lot of stuff to get started on that film. A movie costs between one million and two million to make. The funds should be provided, as well as good actors, a good script and good music. I can say for now I really", "id": "19985535" }, { "contents": "Gideon Nxumalo\n\n\nGideon \"Mgibe\" Nxumalo [] (born 15 June 1929 in Kimberley; died 24 December 1970) was a South African jazz pianist and marimba player, acclaimed also as a composer and arranger. Nxumalo has been hailed as \"perhaps one of South Africa's greatest unsung musical and cultural heroes.\" Nxumalo graduated from university with training in classical music, playing the clarinet, viola, guitar, and drums. He specialized in swing, helping to pioneer this new direction in music. Both his mother and father played the", "id": "15569357" }, { "contents": "Nobody Wants to Be Here and Nobody Wants to Leave\n\n\nwith old friends and get back to some sort of normality, which I think really helped me clear my mind and focus in on writing these new songs... I had a lot I wanted to get off my chest and I've done that with this new record.\" Initially, Graham admitted to approaching the record as being the band's last album. He explained to \"The Skinny\" interviewer Jazz Monroe, \"Since the start I've been an overthinker, but we went through a particularly rubbish year before writing these", "id": "16299755" }, { "contents": "Let's Change the World with Music\n\n\nto 1990's \"\" and was to have been produced by Thomas Dolby. In an interview with Craig McLean of \"The Independent\", McAloon observed that the prime mover behind the album was his longtime manager, Keith Armstrong. McAloon stated that \"Keith was trying to help me, to make some money. When I finish something I listen to it intensively for a short period, then never look at it again. And I'm not really that interested. But when I heard this I thought, 'Oh boy", "id": "16170911" }, { "contents": "No Deeper Blue\n\n\neleven. Got a phone call from a record company, said we’re putting together an album of lullabies. I said, 'I'm not sure I have any lullabies.' 'Well, there’s money in it.' 'Oh, Yeah! I got one. I got a good one!' So I sat up 'til four o’clock in the morning and wrote 'Hey Willie Boy', and it’s a really pretty song. And then 'Katie Belle Blue' I wrote from love,", "id": "18850494" }, { "contents": "Hello Kitty (song)\n\n\nbecause I'm obsessed, and it's a really fun thing that I've never done before. It kind of has a kind of glitchy, electronic feel to it and it's... the only one on the record that sounds like that. It's really different and a lot of my friends I've played it for really like it. I'm having a lot of fun with that one.\" \"Hello Kitty\" is a J-pop, dubstep, and EDM track that is three minutes and eighteen seconds", "id": "5849072" }, { "contents": "Dave Douglas (trumpeter)\n\n\nmusicians of the New York downtown scene of the time. The group involved sampling and DJ improvisations in addition to jazz. In 1997, Douglas started a quartet featuring trumpet, violin, accordion, and bass (with Guy Lucevsek, Mark Feldman, and Greg Cohen) which recorded \"Charms of the Night Sky\", incorporating sounds of Eastern European and Argentinian folk musics as well as jazz influences on the music, which is generally mellow and relaxed. The album included a number of tracks with Douglas and accordionist Guy Klucevsek performing", "id": "8506259" } ]
I've always loved Ferrari's - the first one was built in 1940 - I bet that one goes for a pretty penny if it could be found? It's an Italian car maker isn't it?
[{"answer": "Yes it was, based in Maranello.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11225", "title": "Ferrari", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 77, "bleu_score": 0.6298129992394241, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "The One I Love (R.E.M. song)\n\n\nLive\". The record has become a popular radio dedication to loved ones, relying on a misinterpretation of its refrain, \"This one goes out to the one I love.\" However, subsequent lyrics in the same verse contradict the love song interpretation and suggest a darker, more manipulative theme (\"A simple prop to occupy my time\"). Stipe related in 1987 to \"Rolling Stone\", \"I've always left myself pretty open to interpretation. It's probably better that they just think it's a", "id": "1852880" }, { "contents": "Ferrari\n\n\nFerrari (; ) is an Italian luxury sports car manufacturer based in Maranello. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1939 out of Alfa Romeo's race division as \"Auto Avio Costruzioni\", the company built its first car in 1940. However, the company's inception as an auto manufacturer is usually recognized in 1947, when the first Ferrari-badged car was completed. In 2014 Ferrari was rated the world's most powerful brand by Brand Finance. In June 2018, the 1964 250 GTO became the most expensive car in history,", "id": "11007417" }, { "contents": "Tim Burton\n\n\nwas never a giant comic book fan, but I've always loved the image of Batman and the Joker. The reason I've never been a comic book fan – and I think it started when I was a child – is because I could never tell which box I was supposed to read. I don't know if it was dyslexia or whatever, but that's why I loved \"The Killing Joke\", because for the first time I could tell which one to read. It's my favorite. It's", "id": "12900424" }, { "contents": "Ferrari Pinin\n\n\nThe Ferrari Pinin was a one-off concept car created by Italian-design studio Pininfarina, to celebrate the design studios 50th anniversary. Discussed by Enzo Ferrari as being turned into a production model, the proposal was dropped and the car remains a singular concept model, the first four-door Ferrari ever built. Battista \"Pinin\" Farina had founded his design house in 1930, and after World War II began working with Enzo Ferrari on designing bodies for his road cars, to allow Ferrari to create funds to continue his", "id": "16373941" }, { "contents": "Antonio Padovan\n\n\nacquired by the fashion designer in 2009 for $29 million). After a couple of years, finding himself working twelve-hour days and often weekends, \"which is pretty normal for an architect,\" Padovan realized the career was not for him: \"I've always loved films, I own myself probably 2000 DVDs, but back in Italy I never thought I could have been part of it.\" One night, after seeing a Woody Allen film at the cinema, he was inspired and the next morning enrolled", "id": "5304089" }, { "contents": "Tifosi\n\n\nrefer to the supporters of Scuderia Ferrari in Formula One. Italian motor racing fans are well known for their love of Ferrari, though they have also been staunch supporters of other Italian cars such as Maserati, Lancia and Alfa Romeo. The Tifosi provide Formula One with some of its most stunning images, as a sea of red fills the grandstands at the Italian Grand Prix. A similar sight could be observed in former years during the San Marino race which was held at the Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari near the town of Imola", "id": "6699077" }, { "contents": "John Cougar (album)\n\n\nmusicians not knowing how to present the music. I've always had an affection for the song, and I've always known it had something I didn't get at on the album.\" On his inspiration for writing “I Need A Lover,” his first Top 40 hit, Mellencamp said: \"The song’s about a friend of mine who goes to Concordia College. When that song was written, he was pretty sad. He was . . . livin’ in his bedroom. I told him, ‘", "id": "10852671" }, { "contents": "Ferrari F40\n\n\nRuf CTR, which attained a top speed of . Both were limited production cars with only 29 built, so while the F40 never was the world's fastest sports car as self-appraised by Ferrari, it could still claim the title of the fastest production car with over 500 units built until the arrival of the Lamborghini Diablo. One year later the Italian magazine \"Quattroroute\" published a top speed of ; in tests outside of Italy, however the mark wasn't achieved. \"Road and Track\" measured a top speed", "id": "17328405" }, { "contents": "Haas VF-16\n\n\nThe Haas VF-16 is a Formula One car designed and built by Italian chassis manufacturer Dallara on behalf of Haas F1 Team for use in the 2016 Formula One season. The car was powered by Ferrari's 2016-specification power unit, the Ferrari 061. It was driven by former Lotus driver Romain Grosjean and Esteban Gutiérrez, who has made his return to competition after spending the 2015 season as a testing and development driver for Ferrari. The car made its competitive debut at the 2016 Australian Grand Prix. This was the first Formula One car", "id": "2291643" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 643\n\n\nThe Ferrari 643 was a Formula One car designed by Steve Nichols and Jean-Claude Migeot and was built by Scuderia Ferrari for use in the 1991 Formula One season. Built during May and introduced at the French Grand Prix it initially looked to have potential to run at the front. Alain Prost qualified on the front row and took the lead, and although he was eventually passed by Nigel Mansell in his Renault powered Williams FW14, a second place in the car's first race looked promising. Aside from almost always being on", "id": "11759677" }, { "contents": "Auto Avio Costruzioni 815\n\n\nThe Auto Avio Costruzioni 815 was the first car to be fully designed and built by Enzo Ferrari. Legal issues with former associates Alfa Romeo prevented Ferrari from creating the Ferrari marque. The 815 raced at the 1940 Brescia Grand Prix, where both entries failed to finish due to engine problems. One of the cars was later scrapped, while the other is currently in a car collection in Italy. In 1938, Ferrari left Alfa Romeo after running \"Scuderia Ferrari\" as their racing division. The agreement ending their association forbade Ferrari", "id": "9744734" }, { "contents": "Desert Hearts\n\n\nlove scene, so once I knew how the passion built and where the camera would be, that was fine — but because someone wanted me to do what I'd wanted to do all along, and here it was, and all I had to do was say yes. I had always wanted to carry a movie. Now, if I never make another one, I've done this. For the first time, I feel I've done a complete work on film.\" \"Desert Hearts\" was Patricia Charbonneau", "id": "20814343" }, { "contents": "2001 Canadian Grand Prix\n\n\ncan only do what I can do. Walking on water isn't something I've mastered yet. I think Ferrari still have a bit of a qualifying advantage because they use their tyres better but I still think we have a strong race car. I still believe I can win Grands Prix and be a challenge to Michael.\" Button and Fischella apologised to each other following their collision on the first lap of the Grand Prix and the technical director of Benetton Mike Gascoyne insisted that neither driver was to blame. The result of", "id": "9124519" }, { "contents": "Joanne (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nsuffered the loss of any loved ones. \"My connection to her has been strong my whole life. I always wondered what it was—the mystery of Joanne—this person that I never got to meet that was an absolute tornado of both love and tragedy... She was a powerful, beautiful force in my family's life and then it's like a beautiful light that just goes out, so I've always used the fact that she didn't get to live the rest of her life as a sense of strength", "id": "13801748" }, { "contents": "Rosso corsa\n\n\nwon the 1964 World championship with John Surtees by competing the last two races in Ferrari 158 cars painted white and blue -the national colours of the teams from the United States- as these were entered not by the Italian factory themselves but by the US-based NART team. This was done as a protest against the agreement between Ferrari and the Italian Racing Authorities regarding their planned mid-engined Ferrari race car. National colours were mostly replaced in Formula One by commercial sponsor liveries in 1968, but unlike most other teams, Ferrari always", "id": "5185420" }, { "contents": "A Few Questions (song)\n\n\ncall from a lady, and she was crying. She said the song really affected her in a way, because there's a line that goes, \"How can two people who've built a loving home/Try for years and never have a child of their own?/And somewhere out there tonight/There's a baby no one's holding tight.\" She told me, \"I watched my sister-in-law have two children and not even care about them. I've always wanted kids and can't even", "id": "3133363" }, { "contents": "Clemente Biondetti\n\n\n, he dominated Italian endurance racing, driving to victory in the Mille Miglia for three straight years from 1947 through 1949 and the Targa Florio in 1948 and 1949. He won more Mille Miglias than any other driver in history. Clemente Biondetti participated in one Formula One World Championship event, the 1950 Italian Grand Prix. Driving a self-built Ferrari-Jaguar hybrid car, engine problems forced him out of the race thus he failed to score any championship points. Biondetti loved racing cars and continued to compete in sports car and", "id": "1743291" }, { "contents": "Laurence Street\n\n\n. Street once said: \"I've never felt constrained in my private life by the cast-iron requirements of society. I got divorced, I remarried, and had a second family of one. I have led a life that has not necessarily always conformed to the strict Victorian standards\". Street died on the night of 21 June 2018. Sir Laurence was buried with a state funeral at the Sydney Opera House Concert Hall in July 2018. Sir Laurence's wife Lady Penny Street recalled her husband's love of the", "id": "266352" }, { "contents": "Piaggio\n\n\ncar maker Fiat SpA. By 1960 Vespa had produced and sold 4 million units worldwide. In 1964 the aeronautical and motorcycle divisions of Piaggio split to become two independent companies as a result of the wide ownership by Fiat in Italian industry. The aeronautical division was named IAM Rinaldo Piaggio. The aircraft company Piaggio Aero was controlled by the family of Piero Ferrari, who still hold 10% of Ferrari. In 1969 Piaggio purchased the motorcycle company Gilera, one of the oldest European motorcycle manufacturers (founded in 1909), famous for its", "id": "8697881" }, { "contents": "Brass Tacks (album)\n\n\n, sentimental, about cars or love or both, weird, interesting. There’s hardly a tune here that isn't built with a sturdy set of chords or a fun metaphor at the center — but it's equally true that the recordings themselves are almost willfully casual.\" On Making a Scene, Robert Putignano said, \"I've always thought highly of Terry Adams piano playing and felt he never received the appropriate kudos for his creativity and superb chops. He's so unique (at times) blending and bending the", "id": "5360250" }, { "contents": "Kaante\n\n\nby his work. He praised the film's character-building for going beyond what he was able to do with \"Reservoir Dogs\". Tarantino stated: \"Here I am, watching a film that I've directed and then it goes into each character's background. And I'm like, 'Whoa'. For, I always write backgrounds and stuff and it always gets chopped off during the edit. And so I was amazed on seeing this. I felt, this isn't \"Reservoir Dogs\". But", "id": "21457274" }, { "contents": "Josh Dun\n\n\nDun has said with regard to music, \"I've always wanted to play drums and now I'm able to do that pretty much on a nightly basis. That's what I love the most, getting together with people in a room and letting music unify us – I know that sounds really dramatic, but it's a really cool experience and something that I won't get tired of for a while yet.\" Both Dun and Twenty One Pilots lead Tyler Joseph have an \"X\" tattoo on their body symbolizing", "id": "1014381" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 333 SP\n\n\nthe 65 degree V12 engine used in the 1990 Ferrari 641 Formula One car, enlarged to 4.0 L and producing . Southgate later described it as \"one of the most reliable race engines I have ever worked with.\" The car debuted in the third round of the 1994 IMSA GT Championship at Road Atlanta, securing the first two places. Four cars were allocated to three teams, Euromotorsport, Momo Corse, and Team Scandia. In the following round, at Lime Rock, the Italian cars monopolized the podium, and would", "id": "6068857" }, { "contents": "Hibaayeb\n\n\nAfter a stewards' inquiry, the result was allowed to stand, despite the fact that Callan had accidentally struck the runner-up across the face with his whip. Callan commented \"I was always pretty confident. I got a lovely run, she stretched away and quickened away like she was going to win by a couple of lengths, but she's pricked her ears. She's just come off a line a little bit but I've done everything I could\". Brittain said \"Not many people try to win", "id": "13897319" }, { "contents": "List of So You Think You Can Dance finalists (American season 5)\n\n\nold, actually, pretty late. Instantly fell in love with hip hop dance and popping, mostly just 'cause it seemed like almost unreal what some of the people could do. It seemed almost unnatural, and I really kind of enjoyed the creativity that was in the art form, so, I jumped into that, and I've just been trying to progress and get better ever since then. For me there wasn't necessarily a performance that stood out as my first performance, 'cause I was just one of those kids", "id": "11667699" }, { "contents": "Scuderia Ferrari\n\n\nScuderia Ferrari S.p.A. () is the racing division of luxury Italian auto manufacturer Ferrari and the racing team that competes in Formula One racing. The team is also nicknamed \"The Prancing Horse\", with reference to their logo. It is the oldest surviving and most successful Formula One team, having competed in every world championship since the 1950 Formula One season. The team was founded by Enzo Ferrari, initially to race cars produced by Alfa Romeo, though by 1947 Ferrari had begun building its own cars. Among its", "id": "8457874" }, { "contents": "Tom Zarek\n\n\nwho looked with disdain upon the council of the 12 and did pretty much what they wanted without consensus of the people.\" In his opinion, \"Zarek, Adama and Roslin all wanted power for the same reason—to make a positive difference—but Zarek still idealistically believed that the government should always be accountable to the people\". \"I feel privileged to have been a part of this wonderful series and I truly loved playing Tom Zarek. One of the most flawed, complex and characters I've ever played.", "id": "4299048" }, { "contents": "Cunningham C7\n\n\nThe Cunningham C7 Grand Touring car was an American limited production high performance luxury sports coupe. It was first introduced to the public at the 2001 North American International Auto Show. If the car had gone into full production, the C7 would have represented one of the most expensive performance vehicles ever produced in America and the world at the time. Within four years of the end of World War II, Italian car makers such as Ferrari, Maserati, and Germany's Mercedes Benz were already offering Grand Touring cars and sports cars.", "id": "7930710" }, { "contents": "Enzo Ferrari (automobile)\n\n\nin a single standard colour, named \"Blue Victory\", though the car's paint could be customized upon request. The MC12 Corsa possesses steel/carbon racing brakes, but is not fitted with an anti-lock braking system. Millechili, Italian for \"one thousand\" (mille) \"kilograms\" (chili), is the code name for a prototype sports car to be manufactured by Ferrari. It was a lightweight version of the Enzo Ferrari that would borrow features from Formula One race cars, using the F430", "id": "21764929" }, { "contents": "History of Scuderia Ferrari\n\n\nFerrari rebuilt his works in Maranello and constructed the 12-cylinder, 1.5 L Tipo 125, which competed at several non-championship Grands Prix. The car made its debut in the 1948 Italian Grand Prix with Raymond Sommer, and achieved its first win at the minor Circuito di Garda with Giuseppe Farina. Ferrari is the most successful team in the history of Formula One racing, contesting every World Championship season since , winning 15 Drivers' Championships and 16 Constructors' Championships. From the late 1940s to the early 1970s, Ferrari competed in", "id": "6521670" }, { "contents": "Greg LeMond\n\n\ntwo parties first found themselves at odds in July 2001, after LeMond expressed public concern over the relationship between Italian doping doctor Michele Ferrari and Trek's star athlete, Lance Armstrong. \"When I heard he was working with Michele Ferrari, I was devastated,\" LeMond was quoted as saying of Armstrong. \"If Lance is clean, it is the greatest comeback in the history of sports. If he isn't, it would be the greatest fraud.\" Trek's president John Burke pressured LeMond to apologize, claiming,", "id": "1152992" }, { "contents": "Biotechnia Ellinikon Trikyklon\n\n\nBiotechnia Ellinikon Trikyklon (Βιοτεχνία Ελληνικών Τρίκυκλων, \"Greek Three-Wheeler Manufacturer\"), or BET, was a small vehicle manufacturer founded in Athens by Petros Konstantinou. It was one of several manufacturers - the first appearing in the early 1940s - that converted BMW or other motorcycles into light utility three-wheelers. In 1965 it entirely designed and built a small five-seat passenger car with a BMW 125cc motorcycle engine. Although the type was certified, only one was built due to problems in availability of parts for further", "id": "4250482" }, { "contents": "Brabham BT19\n\n\nFerrari to tow him to up to faster down the straights than the BT19 could manage on its own. This allowed Brabham to consolidate his lead over Ferrari's second driver, Formula One novice Mike Parkes. After 12 laps Bandini pulled away from Brabham, eventually by over 30 seconds, but when the Italian car was delayed by a broken throttle cable on lap 32, Brabham cruised to the finish to win from Parkes and become the first man to win a Formula One World Championship race in one of his own cars. Although", "id": "20522421" }, { "contents": "Linda Jones\n\n\nin 1972 and saw her career take off again. Reviewing her 1972 album \"Your Precious Love\" in \"\" (1981), Robert Christgau wrote: \"Jones isn't too long on artistry—she likes to dispense with formality and just start at the climax throwing her emotions and her high notes all over material like 'Dancing in the Street' and 'I Can't Make it Alone.' Pretty amazing, in its way, and definitely recommended to people who always get out of their cars to look at", "id": "14615075" }, { "contents": "ATS 2500 GT\n\n\nThe ATS 2500 GT is a sports car made by Italian company Automobili Turismo e Sport in Bologna. It was the first Italian and one of the first GT or sports car in the world to have a mid-engine layout. The group behind the ATS project consisted mainly of Ferrari defectors: family troubles had created an uncomfortable working atmosphere for the personnel. ATS, intent on beating Ferrari on all fronts, also produced a Formula One car for 1963, \"a ghastly mess, one of the most inept racing cars ever", "id": "11501548" }, { "contents": "I Tell a Fly\n\n\nplaces I've been, I've always been different. And so I began to think about the story of a couple of birds, who are in love: one is afraid to go further, and the other is taking a risk, to see what happens.\" On \"I Tell a Fly\", Clementine uses his personal history as a prism through which to view the world around him (and attempt to make sense of both), musically exploring unknown territories while maintaining a lifeblood that could not be mistaken for", "id": "11712025" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 330 TRI/LM\n\n\nThe Ferrari 330 TRI/LM Spyder (chassis number 0808) is a unique racing sports car purpose-built in 1962 by Ferrari to achieve victory at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It was the last Ferrari racing sports car with a front-mounted engine and the last of a series of Ferrari race cars known as the Testa Rossas. The \"I\" in its designation indicates that the car has an independent rear suspension (\"indipendente\" in Italian). Beginning in 1960 as a 250 TRI/60 Fantuzzi Spyder (", "id": "10662714" }, { "contents": "Spread betting\n\n\ni.e.,\" £10 per penny the shares moves) at 411p. We use the offer price since I am \"buying\" the share (betting on its increase). Note that my total loss (if Lloyds Bank went to 0p) could be up to £4110, so this is as risky as buying 1000 of the shares normally. If a bet goes overnight, the bettor is charged a financing cost (or receives it, if the bettor is shorting the stock). This might be set at LIBOR", "id": "8002233" }, { "contents": "The Polly Bergen Show\n\n\nFangled Tango\" and \"I've Got a Crush on You.\" On February 22, Gordon MacRae guest starred. He and Bergen performed a medley with \"Pennies from Heaven\", \"Cabin in the Sky,\" \"I Don't Want To Set the World On Fire,\" and \"I've Got the World on a String.\" The two also did a duet of \"How Could You Believe Me When I Said I Loved You When You Know I've Been a Liar All My Life\".", "id": "900768" }, { "contents": "A.K.A. (album)\n\n\nThe second track and second single \"First Love\" was produced by Max Martin and it's an upbeat, bass heavy track, in which Lopez sings: \"I wish you were my first love, cuz if you were first, baby there would have been no second, third, or fourth love.\" Of the producer, she said: \"Max Martin [is a] genius, man. He's a super producer, maker of great pop hits. I've always wanted to work with him but our", "id": "19115787" }, { "contents": "Pretty on the Inside\n\n\nfirst comes across like a ranting noisy rage, but underneath is a surprisingly lush melody.\" \"Melody Maker\" columnist Sharon O'Connell said the album was \"the very best bit of fucked up rock 'n' roll [I've heard] all year,\" and it was named one of the 20 best albums of the year by \"Spin\" in December 1991. Deborah Frost of \"The Village Voice\", in her review of the album, called it \"genre-defying\", taking note of Love", "id": "3928145" }, { "contents": "Frank Thomas (designated hitter)\n\n\n\"I saw a lot of guys I played against get drafted, and I knew they couldn't do what I could do. But I've had people all my life saying you can't do this, you can't do that. It scars you. No matter how well I've done. People have misunderstood me for some reason. I was always one of the most competitive kids around.\" In the autumn of 1986, Thomas accepted a scholarship to play football at Auburn University. His love of baseball drew", "id": "8058771" }, { "contents": "Ferrari\n\n\nofficially priced its initial public offering at $52 a share after the market close on 20 October 2015. Since the company's beginnings, Ferrari has been involved in motorsport, competing in a range of categories including Formula One and sports car racing through its Scuderia Ferrari sporting division as well as supplying cars and engines to other teams and for one make race series. The 1940 AAC 815 was the first racing car to be designed by Enzo Ferrari, although it was not badged as a Ferrari model. \"Scuderia\" Ferrari has", "id": "11007428" }, { "contents": "Walking in Memphis\n\n\nlistener focuses on. The story keeps changing; it goes from one scenario to another, all following the thread of my elation, described in the lyric 'Walking with my feet ten feet off of Beale'. What's being expressed is my love of music and the spiritual transformation I've always felt through it. The line: 'Tell me are you a Christian child, and I said 'Ma'am I am tonight' - even in the moment I wrote it down, I knew I was getting closer to finding", "id": "2106537" }, { "contents": "Ferrari\n\n\n. In September 1939, Ferrari left Alfa Romeo under the provision he would not use the Ferrari name in association with races or racing cars for at least four years. A few days later he founded \"Auto Avio Costruzioni\", headquartered in the facilities of the old \"Scuderia Ferrari\". The new company ostensibly produced machine tools and aircraft accessories. In 1940, Ferrari produced a race car – the Tipo 815, based on a Fiat platform. It was the first Ferrari car and debuted at the 1940 Mille Miglia,", "id": "11007422" }, { "contents": "Valentino Rossi\n\n\ntime left. I would consider shifting to cars, probably rallying, after that before I finally decide to take it easy ... I know F1 would've been easier but by the time I finish MotoGP, I will be too old for F1.\" Stefano Domenicali, Ferrari's Formula One Team principal, however, reasserted his wish to have a third Ferrari on the F1 grid driven by Rossi, whilst confirming that Rossi would test an older Ferrari F1 car on 21 and 22 January 2010. In March 2010, the Italian", "id": "12691073" }, { "contents": "One Day I'll Fly Away\n\n\nI've always loved musical theatre and doing \"Shrek the Musical\" definitely reignited the passion in me.\" For the album, Walsh commented that she wanted \"to share the love I have for musical theatre by taking some classic songs and completely reinventing them. The melodies in so many musical songs are so brilliant, I knew we could create something special by experimenting with the production, and I really feel like we've come up with some interesting takes on classic songs.\" On December 21, 2012, \"One", "id": "17269923" }, { "contents": "Nick Mason\n\n\nmostly associated with Italian-manufacturer Ferrari, and estimates he has owned 40. His first purchase in the early 1970s was a Ferrari 275 GTB/4, which he comments would regularly wet-plug. His most notable purchase was in 1977 from his proceeds from the sale of the Pink Floyd album \"Dark Side Of The Moon\", when he paid £37,000 for one of the 39 built Ferrari 250 GTO cars - he still owns the car, valued now in excess of £30M. Mason and Pink Floyd guitarist Dave Gilmour drove", "id": "20663275" }, { "contents": "Auto Avio Costruzioni 815\n\n\nfrom restarting \"Scuderia Ferrari\" within the next four years. Ferrari then founded \"Auto Avio Costruzioni\" (AAC) in Modena to manufacture aircraft parts for the Italian government. In December 1939, AAC was commissioned by Lotario, Marquis di Modena, to build and prepare two racing cars for him and Alberto Ascari to drive in the 1940 Brescia Grand Prix. The race, a successor to the Mille Miglia, was to be run in April 1940. The resulting car was named the AAC Tipo 815. The 815 was", "id": "9744735" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 246 F1\n\n\nWorld Championship for Mike Hawthorn and a second place in the Constructors' Championship for Ferrari. The Ferrari 246 was not only the first V6-engined car to win a Formula One Grand Prix, the French Grand Prix at Reims in 1958, it was also the last front-engined car to win a Formula One Grand Prix. This occurred at the 1960 Italian Grand Prix at Monza, where the major British teams boycotted the race. In 1960, the Ferrari 246 designation was also used for the first mid-/rear-engined Ferrari, the", "id": "14584540" }, { "contents": "Enzo Ferrari\n\n\n, as by Enzo's request, to compensate for the late registration of his birth. He witnessed the launch of the Ferrari F40, one of the greatest road cars at that time, shortly before his death, which was dedicated as a symbol of his achievements. In 2002 the first car to be named after him was launched as the Enzo Ferrari. The Italian Grand Prix was held just weeks after Ferrari's death, and the result was a 1–2 finish for Ferrari, with the Austrian Gerhard Berger leading home Italian and", "id": "14700175" }, { "contents": "Lost (Cold Chisel song)\n\n\n, he wanted to do an album of real songs and wanted to see if I could get involved in some co-writing.\" Carr, who had played the song live for two years before Cold Chisel recorded it, said, \"\"Lost\" is very close to my heart. For me, at that time, I was pretty lost in life. I've always felt like i never really truly have found my place in life.\" Barnes said, \"The song was classic Cold Chisel. Don's", "id": "21323968" }, { "contents": "Carrozzeria Scaglietti\n\n\nCarrozzeria Scaglietti () was an Italian automobile design and coachbuilding company active in the 1950s. It was founded by Sergio Scaglietti in 1951 as an automobile repair concern, but was located across the road from Ferrari in Maranello outside Modena, Italy. Scaglietti gained Enzo Ferrari's trust and respect both through his bodywork and design skills and for providing a retreat for young Dino Ferrari. Their professional relationship began when Ferrari asked Scaglietti to repair and modify race car bodywork in the late 1940s, which was soon followed by orders for full car", "id": "17803573" }, { "contents": "Gioacchino Colombo\n\n\nTipo 125, 159, and then 166 sports cars. This engine, known in Ferrari circles as the \"Colombo engine\", was produced for road cars and endurance racing cars for more than 40 years in displacements up to 4.8 L. These included the 3.0 litre Ferrari 250 racing, sports, and GT cars. Colombo's engine was not as successful in Formula One racing. After stunning early success in the 166, the engine was supercharged for use in Formula One but failed to perform well. Ferrari hedged his bets,", "id": "19663188" }, { "contents": "History of Ferrari\n\n\nAlfa Romeo under the provision that he won't use the Ferrari name in association with races or racing cars for at least four years. A few days later he founded \"Auto Avio Costruzioni\", headquartered in the facilities of the old Scuderia Ferrari in Modena. The new company ostensibly produced machine tools and aircraft parts but in 1940 Ferrari did in fact build two examples of a race car – the Auto Avio Costruzioni 815, based on a Fiat 508C platform. It was the first Ferrari car and debuted at the 1940 Mille", "id": "10773130" }, { "contents": "1958 Argentine Grand Prix\n\n\nBritish driver Stirling Moss in Rob Walker's privately entered Cooper T43. It was the first World Drivers Championship race win for a rear-engined car and also first win for a privateer team in Formula One and the first by a chassis built by the Cooper Car Company. Moss took his seventh Grand Prix victory by 2.7 seconds over Italian driver Luigi Musso (Ferrari Dino 246). Musso's British teammate Mike Hawthorn (Ferrari Dino 246) was third. A change in fuel regulations meant that the British teams Vanwall and BRM", "id": "8864591" }, { "contents": "The Simpsons (season 15)\n\n\naround season 12, and boy have they missed out. Season 13 was a particular favorite of mine, but now we're over the hump on the DVD releases. Season 15 is kind of a sweet spot, because it's got some highlight episodes I love, but also plenty that I don't remember.\" DVDActive said \"The Simpsons season 15 isn't one of the series' best, but I'm pretty sure it isn't one of the worst either\". ScreenJabber gave a rating of 4 stars,", "id": "14544855" }, { "contents": "Ferrari F2007\n\n\nThe Ferrari F2007 is a Formula One motor racing car, with which Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro competed during the 2007 Formula One season, it being the fifty-third single-seater car which the team have built to use in Formula One. The car is best known for providing Kimi Räikkönen with his first World Championship title and the team with its first Constructor's title since Michael Schumacher helped them win both in 2004. The car was unveiled to the public on January 14, 2007 at Ferrari's Fiorano test track in Maranello,", "id": "3653591" }, { "contents": "Boogie (album)\n\n\nBad\" and \"I Was Made to Love Her\", were later featured on Michael Jackson's 1986 compilation album, \"Looking Back to Yesterday\". Side A on \"Love's Gone Bad\" on \"I Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore\" on \"ABC\" on \"I Was Made To Love Her\" on \"One Day I'll Marry You\" Side B on \"Never Can Say Goodbye\" on \"Oh, I've Been Blessed\" on \"Penny Arcade\" on \"Just", "id": "4905069" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 575M Maranello\n\n\ntune of the V12 engine used on the 575M, codenamed the F133 G, rated at and Ferrari marketed it as the world's fastest convertible car, with a top speed of . The GTC handling package was optional. Total production amounted to 559 units; this number followed Enzo Ferrari's philosophy that there should always be one fewer car available than what the market demanded; only 43 of those had a manual gearbox. A special 575M was built by Zagato for Japanese Ferrari collector Yoshiyuki Hayashi, and announced at the", "id": "22080423" }, { "contents": "Scream (TV series)\n\n\nturned it down in favor of a smaller role. She went on to explain, \"I had the option to do the lead, but I thought I should choose this role because I felt it was more iconic, I thought it was just a little bit more and also I've never been killed on screen before. I've never been killed ever on anything that I've done. I've always been the character that lives at the end so it was my first time dying on screen which is pretty cool.", "id": "13671286" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 408 4RM\n\n\nThe Ferrari 408 4RM is a prototype car built by Ferrari in 1987. It was the first Ferrari to feature 4-wheel drive. The 408 4RM featured an innovative hydraulic four-wheel-drive system developed by Ferrari. The system, called \"4RM\" would later go on to be used in the Ferrari FF Two copies were built. The first one, chassis no. 70183, was painted in red and was fitted with an all-steel welded chassis and was built in June 1987. The second one, chassis no", "id": "13637882" }, { "contents": "Zico\n\n\nwould be a privilege and an honour, I've always wanted to experience the Premier League as I believe I could enjoy much success coaching in England.\" He also commented that he isn't bothered about the structure of the board at Newcastle United, \"I am used to working alongside technical directors so this isn't an issue for me. It's normal for me to work in those conditions.\" In 2008, he coached FC Bunyodkor in Uzbekistan, where he won the Uzbekistani Cup and the Uzbek League. He", "id": "21727031" }, { "contents": "Mabel A. Shaw\n\n\nfriend. \"I've come here when I could hardly walk, and I've come fresh out of hospitals. Climbing 500 steps a day to place bets keeps me young,\" she said about the Hollywood Park grandstand. Mrs. Shaw said she did not play hunches, but wagered on past performance. In one instance, she could not make up her mind and bet on two horses to win, and they finished in a dead heat. Her favorite jockeys were Willie Steed, Joe Phillippi, Johnny Longden and Willie Shoemaker", "id": "11724014" }, { "contents": "Kelly Clarkson\n\n\nthe leader of our youth group. I've always grown up pretty close to church and with God. But I think I've just gotten a lot closer just because He's the only one I can lean on.\" She later said of her upbringing: \"My family was highly conservative; I had to go to church on Sunday and Wednesday.\" Clarkson was educated at Pauline Hughes Middle School and in the seventh grade, the school's choir teacher, Cynthia Glenn, overheard her singing in a hallway and asked", "id": "20474900" }, { "contents": "1988 Formula One World Championship\n\n\nknown and one of its most loved people. Enzo Ferrari, the founding father of Ferrari and its F1 team Scuderia Ferrari, died on 14 August at the age of 90. In the first race since the death of their teams founder, Berger and Alboreto qualified 3rd and 4th respectively with Alboreto being the fastest through the speed trap on the Kemmel Straight at . Both were a DNF in the race however, Berger out on lap 11 with injection trouble, and while Alboreto's engine blew on lap 35. Before the Italian", "id": "11551307" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 553\n\n\nThe Ferrari 553 was a racing car produced by Ferrari which raced in (when the World Championship was run to F2 regulations) as a Formula Two car and in as a Formula One car. The 1953 553 F2 car was raced in the 1953 World Drivers' Championship by Umberto Maglioli and Piero Carini. It was first raced at Monza in the 1953 Italian Grand Prix on September 13, 1953. In 1954 the Ferrari 553 F1 car replaced it when the World Championship returned to F1 specifications. The car competed in six World", "id": "17494121" }, { "contents": "First Love (Jennifer Lopez song)\n\n\n!' or somebody he works with all the time. I was like, 'When are you back?', he was like, 'October', I was like, 'I'll wait for you'.\" About Martin, Lopez added: \"He's a super producer, maker of great pop hits. I've always wanted to work with him but our paths [hadn't] crossed. I sought him out.\" Later, when he got back, they started trying to find the right", "id": "18129192" }, { "contents": "Prancing Horse\n\n\nThe Prancing Horse () is the symbol of Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and its racing division Scuderia Ferrari. Originally, the symbol was used by World War I pilot Francesco Baracca on his airplane. Enzo Ferrari was a racing driver for Alfa Romeo in the earlier decades of the twentieth century. Following one of his wins at the Targa Florio, he met Francesco Baracca's parents, who told him that their son used to paint a prancing horse on his airplane and suggested that if Ferrari painted the horse on his cars,", "id": "11247882" }, { "contents": "Penny Hughes (As the World Turns)\n\n\n] I was going to get pregnant.\" A focal point of Penny's angst was her inability to have children. \"I would constantly have to tell Irna that I was Rosemary, not Penny. Penny was a character.\" One of the first love stories of the show was that of Penny Hughes and Jeff Baker. When they fell in love Penny's mother, Nancy Hughes disapproved of the relationship. Penny then accused her mother of loving her dead sister more than her. Penny eloped with Jeff and they were", "id": "19211582" }, { "contents": "Ferrari P\n\n\nThe Ferrari P was a series of Italian sports prototype racing cars produced by Ferrari during the 1960s and early 1970s. Although Enzo Ferrari resisted the move even with Cooper dominating F1, Ferrari began producing mid-engined racing cars in 1960 with the Ferrari Dino-V6-engine Formula Two 156, which would later be turned into the Formula One-winner of 1961. Sports car racers followed in 1963. Although these cars shared their numerical designations (based on engine displacement) with road models, they were almost entirely dissimilar. The first", "id": "15253332" }, { "contents": "Scuderia Ferrari\n\n\nto this day. The team owns and operates a test track on the same site, the Fiorano Circuit built in 1972, which is used for testing road and race cars. The team is named after its founder, Enzo Ferrari. \"Scuderia\" is Italian for a stable reserved for racing horses and is also commonly applied to Italian motor racing teams. The prancing horse was the symbol on Italian World War I ace Francesco Baracca's fighter plane, and became the logo of Ferrari after the fallen ace's parents, close", "id": "8457880" }, { "contents": "Chibs Telford\n\n\nChibs if he is in his corner. Chibs replies, \"I've always been there, and I always will. I love you, kid. You understand?\", and then goes to clean up from the shooting. Following Bobby's resignation, Chibs takes over as Vice President of SAMCRO. Although originally less vocally opposed to Jax's decisions as President as his predecessor, Chibs nevertheless grows frustrated when Jax angrily tells the Irish that he is getting SAMCRO out of guns without consulting him first, leading to a straining", "id": "5458856" }, { "contents": "Tunnel of Love Express Tour\n\n\nturbulent time.\" Springsteen himself said, \"My first wife's one of the best people I've ever met. She's lovely, intelligent – a great person. But we were pretty different, and I realized I didn't know how to be married.\" English fans interviewed had mixed reactions to the romantic developments, while American fans interviewed, after expressing some sympathy and unease for those involved, generally felt that Springsteen's private life was his business. Some belonged to a camp that had never seen Phillips as", "id": "751562" }, { "contents": "Clara Bow\n\n\nshe found consolation; \"For the first time in my life I knew there was beauty in the world. For the first time I saw distant lands, serene, lovely homes, romance, nobility, glamor\". And further; \"I always had a queer feeling about actors and actresses on the screen ... I knew I would have done it differently. I couldn't analyze it, but I could always feel it.\". \"I'd go home and be a one girl circus, taking the parts of", "id": "15659655" }, { "contents": "I've Found a New Baby\n\n\n. Spencer Williams and Palmer had collaborated in 1924 on the hit song \"Everybody Loves My Baby, but My Baby Don't Love Nobody but Me\", and Williams had a hit in 1919 with \"Royal Garden Blues\". All three songs have become standards, and \"I've Found a New Baby\" is included in the repertoire of almost every traditional jazz band. Charlie Christian's guitar solo on \"I've Found a New Baby\" with the Benny Goodman Orchestra in 1940 is considered one of the most influential", "id": "3297825" }, { "contents": "Sean Tully\n\n\ngone so they basically wrote Sean as Raquel. Hilda and Raquel are my favourite ever Corrie characters, and one of the reasons that I've always loved Raquel is that she was unlucky in love. Even when she was in the gutter battered and bruised, she was always looking up at the stars thinking that the next one was around the corner. I thought that was an interesting way to play Sean, so he's always unlucky in love because Raquel was, is the short answer! That's just the way it", "id": "5170688" }, { "contents": "Lil Wyte\n\n\n\". Lil Wyte described his style: \"I've always felt like I was a pretty complex rapper to be from the South - I feel like I put a lot into my music\". The song \"Who I Iz\" by Three 6 Mafia featuring Lil Wyte and Trillville was featured on the PC game Saints Row. His solo albums have charted on \"Billboard\" 200 however, they found much bigger success on U.S. R&B always getting into the top twenty, and U.S. Rap so far always getting into the top", "id": "6162227" }, { "contents": "Velo Rossa\n\n\ntrunk lid. The Ferrari 250 GTO was only offered as a coupe, though other Ferrari models were occasionally rebodied into roadsters that looked like the GTO. These included the \"Nembo\" cars by Italian coachbuilders Neri & Bonacini (under direction of American Tom Meade), and a one-off by American car restorer Mark Goyette for ZZ Top drummer Frank Beard (musician). Goyette also built the Ferrari 250 GT Spyder California SWB replica for the American movie \"Ferris Bueller's Day Off,\" which continues in production as", "id": "7020925" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 458\n\n\nThe Ferrari 458 Italia (Type F142) is a mid-engine sports car produced by the Italian automobile manufacturer Ferrari. The 458 replaced the F430, and was first officially unveiled at the 2009 Frankfurt Motor Show. It was succeeded by the 488, which was unveiled at the 2015 Geneva Motor Show. In Ferrari's first official announcement of the car, the 458 was described as the successor to the F430 but arising from an entirely new design, incorporating technologies developed from the company's experience in Formula One. The body", "id": "21539175" }, { "contents": "Pretty Little Dutch Girl\n\n\nI am a pretty little Dutch girl, As pretty as can be, And all the boys around the block are crazy over me, me, me. My boyfriend's name is Chaim, He comes from yerushalayim, With a pickle up his nose and three black toes, And this is how my story goes. One day when I was walking, I saw my boyfriend talking To a pretty little girl with a strawberry curl And this is what he said to her: I L-O-V-E love", "id": "1022662" }, { "contents": "Eric Clapton\n\n\none car\" to own and drive, and that he always supported Ferrari on the road and in Formula One motor racing. In 2012, Ferrari honoured Clapton with the one-off special project car, the Ferrari SP12 EC. In July 2013 Clapton displayed it at the Goodwood Festival of Speed in England in the Michelin Supercar Run. In 2014, Clapton explained that Ferrari is still his favourite car brand. Among the other vehicles Clapton owns or has owned are a vintage Mini Cooper Radford that was a gift from George Harrison", "id": "9964912" }, { "contents": "Margot Did\n\n\n1997 Nunthorpe. After the race Turner said \"I need to thank the owners for persisting with me... It just goes to show, if you work hard and are dedicated, it can be done. This filly has always been special to me, but I've only really just figured how to get the best out of her. She loves plenty of daylight. She has one gear for the end and you have to save it for as long as you can\". Bell commented This has been the plan since she", "id": "16006159" }, { "contents": "Jacques Derrida\n\n\nsomething else. For Derrida, there is no such thing as meaning – it always eludes us and therefore anything goes.\" On Derrida's scholarship and writing style, Noam Chomsky wrote \"I found the scholarship appalling, based on pathetic misreading; and the argument, such as it was, failed to come close to the kinds of standards I've been familiar with since virtually childhood. Well, maybe I missed something: could be, but suspicions remain, as noted.\" Paul R. Gross and Norman Levitt also criticized", "id": "8626164" }, { "contents": "Ferrari America\n\n\navailable as a coupe, spider, or cabriolet with custom Pinin Farina bodywork. Four-wheel disc brakes were a new addition. 47 Ferrari 400s had been built, along 2 series, when the 400 stepped aside in 1964, of which 32 were coupé aerodinamico variant. Series I coupés aerodinamico had open hood air scoop while series II cars had covered scoop and slightly longer wheelbase. Special one-off version of 400 Superamerica built in 1959 for Gianni Agnelli. This car was also the very first of 400 Superamericas. Worth", "id": "18271669" }, { "contents": "Brazil–Italy relations\n\n\nnations have paid official visits to each other nations, respectively, on numerous occasions. Presidential visits from Brazil to Italy Presidential and Prime Ministerial visits from Italy to Brazil In 2015, total trade between Brazil and Italy totaled $7.4 billion USD. Italy is one of Brazil's top ten biggest trading partners globally. In 2013, Italian investments in Brazil totaled $17.9 billion USD. Italian car makers such as Ferrari, Fiat and Lamborghini have a presence in Brazil, as well as Italian fashion and food products. Brazilian companies such", "id": "11011454" }, { "contents": "To Keep My Love Alive\n\n\nare arsenic poisoning, stabbing and appendectomy. I've been married, and married, and often I've sighed,br \"I'm never a bridesmaid, I'm always a bride.\"br I never divorced them—I hadn't the heart--br Yet remember these sweet words: \"'Til death do us part...\" I married many men, a ton of them,br And yet I was untrue to none of them,br Because I bumped off every one of thembr To keep my love alive.", "id": "13047211" }, { "contents": "1962 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\nBaghetti. The previous year's TRI/61 cars were sold, one each, to the two Ferrari customer teams: the North American Racing Team (NART) who also had a non-standard 250 GT that had to enter the ‘Experimental’ category. The other went to Italian Count Giovanni Volpi’s Scuderia Serenissima team. However, the count had incurred Enzo Ferrari’s wrath by hiring Chiti and his fellows and could no longer buy Ferrari cars. He therefore got Chiti to redesign a 250 GT with large aerodynamic back end.", "id": "15967439" }, { "contents": "I Bet (Ciara song)\n\n\nsee her relive a relationship gone awry. \"I Bet\" also details a story about life in the public eye. Described as a realest, scathing breakup song, its content feature the singer making a stand to tell-off an ex-lover for not appreciating her. \"I Bet\" goes through the motions of feeling bitter, by acting as a callout of her former love interest's new girlfriend, manifested in the line, \"Is that your bitch over there givin' me the ugly stare / The one", "id": "18315374" }, { "contents": "Donny Hathaway\n\n\nHeard My Cry\". He told UK music journalist David Nathan in 1973, \"I always liked pretty music and I've always wanted to write it.\" Added the writer, \"He declined to give one particular influence or inspiration but said that Ravel, Debussy and Stravinsky were amongst whom he studied.\" He returned to the charts in 1978 after again teaming up with Roberta Flack for a duet, \"The Closer I Get to You\" on her album, \"Blue Lights in the Basement\". The song", "id": "3095649" }, { "contents": "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy\n\n\nHe takes it to another level which is dope. He had these musicians and this song, they played around my little raggedy beat and made it real. I love the way he works – he goes from one room, writing rhymes then goes to another beat and goes to another room and does something else – I love what he's done\". Rapper Pusha T characterized the album as \"a collage of sounds\" and found West's methods unorthodox when recording, saying that \"We could easily be working on one", "id": "10250294" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 212 E Montagna\n\n\nThe Ferrari 212 E Montagna was a one-off spyder sports racing car produced by Ferrari in 1968. The car was built on a Dino 206S chassis and used a unique 2-litre, 48-valve, flat-12 engine, a development of the 1512 1.5-litre Formula One engine. Driven by Peter Schetty, the car dominated the 1969 European Hill Climb Championship, placing first in every race it entered and setting many course records. In 1964, Ferrari developed a 1.5- litre flat-12 engine for its 1512 F1 car. This basic design by Mauro Forghieri", "id": "10058952" }, { "contents": "Honda RA271\n\n\nFerrari and ATS. The only other major manufacturer deviating from the received V8 wisdom were Ferrari, who experimented with both V6 and flat-12 layouts, although they ultimately elected to stick with their V8. No other manufacturers were running V12s at the time. The RA271 made its race debut during the 1964 Formula One season, just one year after Honda started producing road cars, and was the first Japanese-built car ever to enter a round of the FIA Formula One World Championship. Only one RA271 was built. The car is", "id": "19028497" }, { "contents": "Pretty Little Dutch Girl\n\n\n, go crazy over me me me. My boyfriends name is Steven, He comes from New Zealand. With five fat toes and a pimple on his nose, And this is how my story goes. One day when I was walking, I heard my boyfriend talking. To a pretty little girl with strawberry curls, and this is what he said to her: \"I LOVE love you and I KISS kiss you\" So jump in the lake and swallow a snake, and come out with a belly ache. The", "id": "1022665" }, { "contents": "Ferrari 333 SP\n\n\nThe Ferrari 333 SP is a sports prototype race car that was built by Italian race car manufacturer Dallara and later Michelotto to compete in the World Sports Car championship for Ferrari. Unveiled at the end of 1993, at the behest of amateur racer Giampiero Moretti (owner of the MOMO auto parts business), the 333 SP marked Ferrari's official return to sports car racing after a 20-year absence. The car was built to compete in the IMSA's new WSC class, which replaced the previous GTP cars. While the 333 SP", "id": "6068855" }, { "contents": "Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf\n\n\nof respect. The name of Hank's character came about spontaneously during his first appearance. During that day's show, Howard Stern commented: \"I've always wanted an angry, drunken dwarf on my program and now I've got one\". A short time later he added, \"Isn't this great? An angry dwarf, an angry drunken dwarf. Everything I've ever dreamed about.\" From his first appearance until his death five years later, Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf became a popular character on the", "id": "12468457" }, { "contents": "Alex Honnold\n\n\nn't think 'van life' is particularly appealing,\" he says. \"It's not like I love living in a car, but I love living in all these places. I love being in Yosemite; I love being basically wherever the weather is good; I love being able to follow good conditions all over. And be relatively comfortable as I do it. And so that pretty much necessitates living in a car ... If I could, like, miraculously teleport a house from place to place, I'd prefer", "id": "7378576" }, { "contents": "Jerry Andrus\n\n\nfirst meet Jerry Andrus, magician James Randi said, \"That's hard to say, Jerry was one of those guys I thought I always knew... I met him in New York City in the company of Martin Gardner. Jerry was the most honest man I ever knew...he could not lie about anything...He was a genius, a fine man and, yes, I miss him every day.\" In his last phone conversation with Randi, Andrus said, \"I've been every place I've ever wanted", "id": "8710891" }, { "contents": "1952 24 Hours of Le Mans\n\n\npre-war veteran, Luigi Fagioli, was to have driven (after scoring a 3rd place in the Mille Miglia) but had been critically injured at the same Monaco GP that Ferrari had won and could not compete. (Tragically, he died of his wounds less than a week after the Le Mans race) Another future Italian stalwart of the race made its debut this year: OSCA had been set up by the three Maserati brothers after selling their namesake company, and arrived with their first sports car, the pretty little", "id": "22191044" }, { "contents": "It Girl (Jason Derulo song)\n\n\nfound my It Girl, to make myself feel like if I found that one true love. I've basically described what it would be like if I found her.\" Derulo further elaborated about the concept of the song in another interview with Matt Elias of MTV News: An 'It Girl' to me is someone who is selfless, someone who's always thinking about others before she thinks about herself. You know, my mom is a very charitable woman, so I'd want someone who is in line with that", "id": "2827140" } ]
Jazz doesn't make any sense to me. Is there any order to it at all? I love Jazz music but didn't get it at first. Its so nice to listen to with its combo of swing and blue notes. Its very versatile. I don't even know what blues music is, what is that? Its a genre of music that was started by African Americans in the Deep South. You should really check it out but its not for everyone. Jazz is a bit more easy listening. Jazz just sounds like a lot of noise to me which makes me think it is some sort of modern statement or something. Is it a newer style of music?
[{"answer": "Its not too old but the Jazz Age was in the 1920's. That's when it really started to be seen as a big form of musical expression. I would start with some smooth Jazz to get used to it. Its easy listening.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 262, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 353, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Bonepony\n\n\nthe room where all of our band T-shirts had accumulated—and just listening to the things we'd produced over the years. I listened to a little bit of everything, and it was great, man. It sounds like a cliche, but it really is the music that keeps me going. I just love it so much. You can take any career and look at it and think that you're not as successful as you should be or that you're better than what you're doing, and even", "id": "11141448" }, { "contents": "Rainy Milo\n\n\nKid Cudi, N.E.R.D, as well as her reggae-DJing grandfather. Milo grew up listening to her mothers Jazz music which has been one of her biggest musical influences saying \"I’m instantly attracted to music with some kind of Jazz element to it, but I also think the fact that even my mum never played only one genre in the house rubbed off onto me, I don’t want to have just one sound in my music when there’s so many other genres that inspire me.\" Milo is inspired by", "id": "21344843" }, { "contents": "Whatever Will Be\n\n\none has a pop/rock edge, and the other has more live instrumentation with a bit of an organic piano-based feel as well. So it's a bit of both! A lot of people ask what my music is like, but I never went into the recording studio saying 'I want to make an album like this person' ... so everyone who's heard the songs ... I think my stuff is unique to me, I know what music I do love to listen to, but for me I", "id": "8347805" }, { "contents": "Dead Disco\n\n\nDecember 2008. In an interview with \"The Times\", Hesketh spoke about her gradual shift away from the band: \"All the time I'd been hiding my own songs and finally I had to make the sort of music I actually wanted to listen to. [...] Before I used to always think, 'What would a jazz performer do?' or 'What would the band do?'—Now it's so easy because it's 'What would I do?' It's just me.\" In a later", "id": "15543538" }, { "contents": "Aja (album)\n\n\nlisten to music, really that's what I want.\" Analyzing the band's songwriting style, Dury said: \"They've got a skill that can make images that aren't puerile and don't make you think you've heard it before... very 'Hollywood filmic' in a way, the imagery is very imaginable, in a visual sense.\" Dury said of their musical style: \"Parker, Mingus, Blakey, I can hear in there... Jazz Messengers I can hear in there, Bobby Timmons...", "id": "12789104" }, { "contents": "R. Stevie Moore\n\n\nwas \"uncontrollable—compelled without compulsion. I didn't seek out to do this. It just came out of me. I had this music inside of me and I wanted to be a pop star. It was like a disease that I had to record and write.\" Over the years he would describe himself as \"a huge record collector and music historian\" with interests ranging from beatnik and avant-garde to noise and jazz: \"I love attempts at all genres and styles – even if I fail.", "id": "14682096" }, { "contents": "Rites of Spring\n\n\ngenre of music. I always thought it was the most retarded term ever. I know there is this generic commonplace that every band that gets labeled with that term hates it. They feel scandalized by it. But honestly, I just thought that all the bands I played in were punk rock bands. The reason I think it's so stupid is that - what, like the Bad Brains weren't emotional? What - they were robots or something? It just doesn't make any sense to me.\" Dischord released", "id": "9047067" }, { "contents": "If You Say So\n\n\nwith me... Music has just been so important and so helpful to me this whole year.\" Michele also told MTV, \"I think at the time it was really early and everything, so I really don't even remember a lot of what I was feeling back then,\" Michele said of the writing and recording process of the song. \"But I'm just thankful now, I think in any sense, whether it's difficult or whether it's good, music is such therapy, so for me this", "id": "18184508" }, { "contents": "Fredrik Thordendal\n\n\ndad always listened to jazz, and I guess that influenced me to learn about improvisation. An improvised solo sounds so much better than a written one. For me, there's not much thinking going on at all, only a reaction to what I'm being told from the inside. And no, I have not had any formal training. When I record my leads, they are usually based on feel and totally ignorant to all laws of music theory. This, of course, is because I just play whatever comes", "id": "10440622" }, { "contents": "Take Me Apart\n\n\narticulate my vulnerability and strength. I am a black woman, a second-generation Ethiopian-American, who grew up in the 'burbs listening to R&B, jazz and Björk. All of it comes out in one way or another.\" The music of \"Take Me Apart\" was described as electro-R&B and alternative R&B, with several critics noting its incorporation of various other musical styles, including electronica, jazz, soul, UK garage and dance-pop. \"The Guardian\" described the album as \"", "id": "16249835" }, { "contents": "Tall Stories (album)\n\n\nwere sort of obligated. Even to me now, it's not a Johnny Hates Jazz album. It didn't feel like one. I can't really listen to that record, some things happened from a personal point of view, my mother died right at that time, Calvin had that car crash. So I don't want to go there.\" He added to \"Magic Music Magazine\" in 2017: \"There was a very bad car accident. Terrible timing but luckily nobody died. After the car accident", "id": "21181010" }, { "contents": "The Guitar Player\n\n\nAustralian folk singer on broadcasts for radio, a TV series and a concert at the Royal Festival Hall. When people ask me what type of guitar I play, I usually say “Blues, bits and pieces”. The numbers on this album are a mixture of jazz and folk influences. I think that every number has its own particular mood. Before I play I don’t know exactly what notes will come out, but I know the mood the number conjures up in me, so that on the framework of,", "id": "11858589" }, { "contents": "Ayiesha Woods\n\n\nsaid, \"I don't want to be placed in one specific category. I think I represent a lot of different styles of music\". Her debut album \"Introducing Ayiesha Woods\" has been labeled as having \"something for everyone\", and critics have compared her singing voice to Tracy Chapman and Tasmin Archer. \"Love Like This\" is also a multi-genre project, \"subtly adding jazz infusions\" on the song \"Take Me There\", although \"Christian Music Today\"'s review said that it", "id": "19962952" }, { "contents": "Autechre\n\n\n. I don't listen to pop, but someone dumped a load of Max Martin tracks on me to try and explain what he was about, and it seemed really, really alien to me, like Nazi youth music or something. I think everyone has a different idea of what weird is. There was also the \"Artificial Intelligence\" tag that Warp coined, but to me as a listener that never seemed to be saying \"this is more intelligent.\" It was just a signifier of it being sci-fi", "id": "9037491" }, { "contents": "Nada (English musician)\n\n\ndance music, easy listening and jazz. The name nada, according to Grainger is: \"\"...supposed to indicate my attitude toward music; you see, 'nada' is the ancient Sanskrit word for the universal sound vibration - which I believe gives rise to the entire universe, everything we know... and of course, it's also Spanish for 'nothing' so, to me, 'nada' means 'everything and nothing', which is how I think about music..!\"\" Live performances -", "id": "11519864" }, { "contents": "Adam Watts (musician)\n\n\na way as I could. So I sat down at the piano and began to just listen to what was there. Trying to avoid playing an instrument, I didn't want any habits to guide me, I just listened until there was music coming from inside of me and beyond technique. And rather than judge it or its validity, I trusted it and let myself go. I would compose the music this way as well as approach the lyrics similarly. What surprised me was the results were very new, yet felt", "id": "13715412" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "Tiana (Disney)\n\n\nwoman\" rather than Tiana's ethnicity. \"I don’t think the cultural significance hit me until later,\" she told \"The Root\". Rose described the recording process as \"very solitary work\" that required her to do much research and preparation. She elaborated, \"I called people in New Orleans; I listened to their voices to hear what they sounded like. I did a lot of reading up on the city, and listened to a lot of music in the jazz era.\" Rose gradually received", "id": "17811206" }, { "contents": "Sheer Sound\n\n\nSheer Sound is a South African independent record label formed in 1994 by Damon Forbes. Sheer Sound was formed in November 1994, shortly after South Africa's first democratic elections. The label was initially a home for jazz and world music and fast gained a reputation for its extensive South African and African jazz catalogue. By the mid-1990s, a young music marketer, Damon Forbes, was getting restless with the limited vision of his industry. \"I sunk my teeth into jazz because it carried a world music message for me; it", "id": "8108964" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "Blue Note Records\n\n\nBlue Note Records is an American jazz record label owned by Universal Music Group and operated with Decca Records. Established in 1939 by Alfred Lion and Max Margulis, it derived its name from the blue notes of jazz and the blues. Originally dedicated to recording traditional jazz and small group swing, the label switched its attention to modern jazz around 1947. Historically, Blue Note has principally been associated with the \"hard bop\" style of jazz (mixing bebop with other forms of music including soul, blues, rhythm and blues and", "id": "7096079" }, { "contents": "All American Boy (Steve Grand album)\n\n\n-punk and post pop-punk, all that sound really inspired me. And Fall Out Boy. Top 40s music inspires me too, country music inspires me. I did live in Nashville for one year when I was going to Temple University so I think that country sound and style of writing has worked its way into me a little bit and comes off in my music sometimes. And I love pop artists, I love Lady Gaga, I think she’s a great artist of our time.\" In addition,", "id": "6662377" }, { "contents": "Intelligent dance music\n\n\nweird? To us or our mates it's not! Maybe if you've only listened to pop music, then yeah, it's weirder, because you've not been exposed to it. But that works the other way, too. I don't listen to pop, but someone dumped a load of Max Martin tracks on me to try and explain what he was about, and it seemed really, really alien to me, like Nazi youth music or something. I think everyone has a different idea of what weird", "id": "3203285" }, { "contents": "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music\n\n\nmaterial's melancholy lyrics and words are backed by piano and orchestral arrangements that are rooted in jazz, as well as West Coast and Charles's style of piano blues. Charles has said that the country album was \"completely different from rhythm and blues\". \"You Don't Know Me\" has a string and vocal ensemble production and themes of desirous unrequited love. The song's narrator longs for a woman that views him as \"just a friend/That's all I've ever been/For you don't know", "id": "10308396" }, { "contents": "Kevin Parker (musician)\n\n\ndraw a lot when I was very young, and I used to get the most immense feeling of satisfaction from finishing a picture and looking back at it, even though I wasn't actually that good. When I started playing music I got the same feeling from making a song, even if it was just a few noises or drum patterns put together. It was all about the buzz from making something from nothing. Music always affected me greatly as a listener anyway, usually from listening to music in my dad's car", "id": "11298902" }, { "contents": "Progressive music\n\n\nCritics were initially wary of the idiom. Dizzy Gillespie wrote in his autobiography; \"They tried to make Stan Kenton a 'white hope,' called modern jazz and my music 'progressive,' then tried to tell me I played 'progressive' music. I said, 'You're full of shit!' 'Stan Kenton? There ain't nothing in my music that's cold, cold like his.\" Progressive big band is a style of big band or swing music that was made for listening, with", "id": "4838080" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nmusical genres were ragtime and slow blues, but with the start of the 20th century the musicians quickly became involved with America's new musical genre, jazz (from \"jass\"). The house band at Purcell's Cafe would be the first band in history to use the word \"jazz\" in its name when it became called the \"So Different Jazz Band\". The musical venues on Pacific Street usually starting out with just a piano, then later working up to four, and then six pieces according to what", "id": "3886647" }, { "contents": "(The) New Release\n\n\ndidn't want to hear any of that music any longer... So I didn't... I went back to what was real to me and what made me feel good growing up... Sabbath, Zeppelin, and Kiss... Back then you could tell all those bands apart, and music of today just sounds like the same records made over and over with all the same guitar sounds and shit.\" By mid-May, Primer 55 announced the title and release date of their upcoming album as well as its lead single.", "id": "13398778" }, { "contents": "Don't Forget About Us\n\n\nheard someone explaining it and making it into something totally different, it ruined it for me. So I kind of like to keep it open for people's imaginations. It evokes something different depending on who listens to it and at what time. \"Don't Forget About Us\" could give you a good, happy memory, or you could be miserable, crying, listening to it over and over. All in all, I think it's good to have music you can live vicariously through, and that's what", "id": "14356856" }, { "contents": "European free jazz\n\n\nmusic in Europe, so did its supporters – both casual and scholarly. While there had always been a close association between free jazz and political and social strife in Europe, many supporters of the genre began pushing to depoliticize the music, urging listeners to consider free jazz as an art form rather than simply a provocative statement on society bereft of any actual musicality. Many listeners of the time believed that, \"free jazz was as much a political as a musical phenomenon\". During this time, there were fears that if", "id": "16091152" }, { "contents": "Sajjan Raj Vaidya\n\n\nhis family: “My story with music began with my family. My mother taught me how to sing, my father taught us to listen to music in all its forms and my brother taught me to evolve with music. So any style or influence I have is constituted by parts of what I learned from my family. My continuity in music comes from the sheer love I have for it.” Vaidya's early influences include various genres with artists such as The Eagles, UB40, Linkin Park and Karna Das among others", "id": "20646366" }, { "contents": "Soul jazz\n\n\nSoul jazz is a development of jazz incorporating strong influences from blues, soul, gospel and rhythm and blues in music for small groups, often an organ trio featuring a Hammond organ. Soul jazz is often associated with hard bop. Mark C. Gridley, writing for the \"All Music Guide to Jazz\", explains that soul jazz more specifically refers to music with \"an earthy, bluesy melodic concept\" and \"repetitive, dance-like rhythms... Note that some listeners make no distinction between 'soul-jazz\" and", "id": "18738134" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nmost major genres since, jazz was blamed for the moral degeneracy of the youth that visited these bars and listened to the music. In spite of the controversy, jazz emerged as the dominant sound of the country in the late 1920s in popularized forms that some called watered down, like swing music and big band. Though these, like jazz proper, were blamed for crime and delinquency, they had become mainstream by the 1930s. In the 1940s, pure jazz began to become more popular, along with the blues, with", "id": "10609028" }, { "contents": "Cool jazz\n\n\n, forming a quartet. Both Konitz and Desmond used an approach that ran counter to bebop, in the sense that neither player employed a sound or style heavily indebted to Charlie Parker (or Parker's blues elements). In a 2013 interview, Konitz noted that \"the blues never connected with me,\" and further explained \"I knew and loved Charlie Parker and copied his bebop solos like everyone else. But I didn't want to sound like him. So I used almost no vibrato and played mostly in the higher", "id": "2462684" }, { "contents": "Peter Apfelbaum\n\n\nMy vocabulary reflects the fact that I started life as a drummer, was trained in jazz theory, blues and gospel music as a pre-teenager, became absorbed in African and Latin music as a teenager, listened to a lot of contemporary classical music, worked in R&B, reggae, blues, Latin, African, jazz, funk, Middle Eastern and Indian bands and, for as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by how sounds can be fitted together.\" Peter's latest musical pursuits include collaborating", "id": "19133643" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Eleventh He Reaches London\n\n\nAgainst Me!, Shai Hulud and The Nation Blue. In October of that year they completed four shows in Melbourne. Martin described the group's style in December 2005: Collectively, we listen to a very diverse range of music, and I think our music reflects this. We all like many of the same artists, but each of us have quite different tastes. All of us enjoy listening to and creating music that is dramatic, and that creates a strong sense of mood... We don't fit neatly into any", "id": "9048820" }, { "contents": "Vince Hilaire\n\n\nthe abuse that was coming at me... animal noises and all the names you think of calling a black person. Any name under the sun. And it frightened me a bit, so I couldn't wait to get back in the dug-out. And I thought, 'Well, if this is the sort of reception I'm going to get, then I don't really want to know'\"\". Hilaire has two daughters, and became a grandfather in 2017. Hilaire was name checked in the 1989", "id": "4244223" }, { "contents": "Stop Breaking Down\n\n\nlyrics, including the refrain \"I don't believe you really really love me, I think you just like the way my music sounds\" in place of Johnson's \"The stuff I got it gon' bust your brains out, hoo hoo, it'll make you lose your mind\". Williamson's song inspired the versions sung \"by most postwar Chicago blues artists\". In 1954, Baby Boy Warren recorded it as a Chicago-style blues shuffle, but used most of Johnson's lyrics. Forest City Joe", "id": "16281489" }, { "contents": "Jeremy Barnes\n\n\ninterest in Romanian music. \"I was kind of at a dead end in what I was listening to, and it just opened up a whole new world for me,\" he said in a 2011 interview with Noise Narcs. \"That was in 1999. For a while it affected the way I looked at my music, but I was still playing drums in bands, and it didn’t seem like something I should pursue. You go through these fads or trends as a listener, where you’re really into something", "id": "479664" }, { "contents": "Blessings (Futuristic album)\n\n\nI think that I had a lot of eyes and a lot of ears on me, and I don't think I delivered what I should have, because I was caught up in this idea that I had already had for years, that I just finally was like, \"Okay, I'ma do it this way,\" but it didn't really make sense anymore. \"Epiphany\" was released as the lead single from the album on March 24, 2017, along with an accompanied music video. The song", "id": "13724289" }, { "contents": "Sheila Carter\n\n\non both soaps, Brown said: \"You know, I came to L.A. to start a new life. And well they just didn't make it that easy for me, did they? So I might've shot a gun once or twice again, but it wasn't my fault. You know what, people get what they deserve, they really do. I might've poisoned someone by accident, but he never should've talked to me like that. You just don't do that. Anyway, people get", "id": "51117" }, { "contents": "You Give Good Love\n\n\ndon't fall into that category, so I don't think about it at all. But I believe that music does influence people. It's a universal thing. Everybody listens to music and knows about it. I think that the lyrics can have a lot to do with influencing whoever you're singing to. I think that as far as children are concerned, parents should have control over what they listen to. If they don't want them to listen to records that are very sexual or explicit or outrageous, they", "id": "18744352" }, { "contents": "Jit\n\n\nflute even xylophones \"marimba\"and some would think it has crossed over to jazz.If one listens to James Chimombe's music one may wonder if he/she is not listening to Jazz music as it borders along that fine line. Jit music in the Northeastern part of Zimbabwe called Murehwa it is known as Jazz or \"Pfonda\" as mentioned earlier on. You will notice why it boarders along with Jazz. Jit can be played in slow beats or fast depending with the occasion. This type of sound is very versatile and", "id": "3000413" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Vargnatt\n\n\nthat makes it so interesting, because so much is happening in these songs. I wouldn't go so far as to call it essential listening, because its very irregular artistry, but it surely is interesting hearing what is most likely the first black metal recording to feature an underlining folk presence.” \"Metal Soundscapes\" added: “It has a great variety in its music styles. Raw black metal, acoustic songs in vein of “\"Kveldssanger\"”, avant-garde parts, jazz, rock and gothic influences", "id": "7072333" }, { "contents": "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope\n\n\nDon't Bother Me, I Can't Cope is a musical revue first staged in 1971 with music, lyrics and book by Micki Grant. It was originally produced by Edward Padula. The all-singing, all-dancing show focuses on the African-American experience with songs on such topics as tenements, slumlords, ghetto life, student protests, black power, and feminism. The music is a mixture of gospel, jazz, funk, soul, calypso, and soft rock. The show had its first staging at", "id": "9649961" }, { "contents": "Virgo (album)\n\n\n\" and other contemporary dance styles such as techno and Balearic beat. However, \"Virgo\" has been noted for its idiosyncratic sound, more introspective and dreamy than other mechanically intense styles from its era, Phuture's \"Acid Trax\" for example. In a 2009 interview, Merwyn Sanders stated: \"We were into a lot of classic stuff, Kraftwerk and Gary Numan and a lot of jazz stuff. That’s what I grew up around, listening. My dad was a huge jazz fan, so that was just", "id": "11904786" }, { "contents": "Kind of Blue\n\n\nBlue\" has often been recommended by music writers as an introductory jazz album, for similar reasons: the music on both records is very melodic, and the relaxed quality of the songs makes the improvisation easy for listeners to follow, without sacrificing artistry or experimentation. Upon the release of the 50th anniversary collector's edition of the album, a columnist for \"All About Jazz\" stated \"\"Kind of Blue\" heralded the arrival of a revolutionary new American music, a post-bebop modal jazz structured around simple scales and", "id": "19247432" }, { "contents": "Lion (Stephen Lynch album)\n\n\nLiberty, \"I realized how much I didn't like it.\" Therefore, he \"set out to create a musically satisfying album first. The jokes came second.\" Lynch added, \"Really, I just wanted to make a great record of music you could listen to without paying attention to the words... I threw a lot away. I wasn't going to settle for something just because it was funny. I wanted it to resonate with me.\" Lynch's reputation for his song-writing is part", "id": "12867934" }, { "contents": "Dutch Tilders\n\n\nI Adopted\" (2005). Tilders described his concept for the latter album, \"[t]he idea was to show-case what I love to do best, playing solo, without the restrictions of an ensemble\". He categorised his style of music \"[s]ome of it is not strictly blues but it has the basis of that genre. I like to think that the listener gets a good feeling and doesn't take me too seriously. I'm a little irreverent at times but tongue in cheek\". In", "id": "4826698" }, { "contents": "Laura Pausini\n\n\nYo canto\", consisting of covers of Italian pop rock songs. On the album liner notes, Pausini wrote: \"here is the music I listen to when I'm at my saddest, or when I feel a moment is special, the songs I used to sing as a young girl when I first started performing, and above all those which taught me to love music, and how music can move you so deeply, regardless of its genre or style\". The album also features duets with Tiziano Ferro, Juanes", "id": "951042" }, { "contents": "West Coast jazz\n\n\n\", although Lester Young, Claude Thornhill, and Miles Davis were based in New York. At the same time, many musicians associated with West Coast jazz \"were much more involved in a hotter approach to jazz. Communication being what it is, it is hardly likely that any style of jazz was fostered exclusively in one area.\" Some observers looked down upon West Coast jazz because many of its musicians were white, and because some listeners, critics, and historians perceived that the music was too cerebral, effete,", "id": "12013369" }, { "contents": "Underground Luxury\n\n\nlike a real necessary move to make. What Future brings to the song is just crazy. Future came up with the hook and brought it to me first. I heard it and I loved it and so I spent a couple of days just trying to live with it and letting the music flow. The way I write now, I just try and let the music come to me. I really don't try to force anything, so if I catch something like a vibe or a feeling then I catch something and", "id": "1903247" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\n, static album would be equally influential to the development of ambient music. As Davis recalls: The music I was really listening to in 1968 was James Brown, the great guitar player Jimi Hendrix, and a new group who had just come out with a hit record, \"Dance to the Music\", Sly and the Family Stone ... I wanted to make it more like rock. When we recorded \"In a Silent Way\" I just threw out all the chord sheets and told everyone to play off of that.", "id": "15637852" }, { "contents": "Hard bop\n\n\nrhythm section, and they only play blues and standards that everybody knows. There's no rehearsal, there's no thought given to the audience. Both Horace and Art knew that the only way to get the jazz audience back and make it bigger than ever was to really make music that was memorable and planned, where you consider the audience and keep everything short. They really liked digging into blues and gospel, things with universal appeal. So they put together what was to be called the Jazz Messengers. David Rosenthal sees", "id": "2160778" }, { "contents": "Hurt You\n\n\n\", also confirming the rumors of her retirement, revealing that she was retiring from music and stating that she would like to focus on acting: \"I have to do shows here and there, but I'm not gonna do any albums, I'm falling out of love with it, it's weird. I don't know what to say when I hear songs. They don't impact me. I've been trying to listen to songs, record companies have been calling me, so it's a good", "id": "19670411" }, { "contents": "American Theatre in the 1920s\n\n\nhis sister Ira who did mostly lyrics) were particularly influential. Born a Jewish-American, Gershwin became the most well known composer from the United States. Not only did he write musicals, but he wrote for Tin Pan Alley dabbled in concertos, radio jazz, and all sorts of compositions, even starting the genre of what we now know as “Jewish jazz.\" Gershwin did not use jazz just to make a profit, as other composers may or may not have done, he wrote jazz music for the stage", "id": "20936818" }, { "contents": "You Follow Me\n\n\nher original collaboration with Boom Bip \"[...] ended up not really working as intended. He sent me some songs and was saying, \"Why don't you write lyrics over them?\" And even though it was beautiful music, I couldn't figure out what to do with any of it. And I didn't have time to figure it out. I already had \"Our Discussion\" finished so I just sent him that. He did his version of the instrumental — he remixed it — and I really", "id": "17038935" }, { "contents": "List of jazz venues\n\n\nin the Swing era, because at that time, jazz was popular as a dance music, so the dancers needed space to move. With the transition to 1940s-era styles like Bebop and later styles such as soul jazz, small combos of musicians such as quartets and trios were mostly used, and the music became more of a music to listen to, rather than a form of dance music. As a result, smaller clubs with small stages became practical. In the 2000s, jazz clubs may be found in the", "id": "1741006" }, { "contents": "Humanz\n\n\nobsessive, but we had a more kind of loose bass player who was really Simple Minds. Graham and me were a bit kind of more mercurial about what we like and what we don't like, but they were more adamant. Looking back at it now, I loved pretending that I was in U2, but I just think that Simple Minds were cooler. \"Promised You a Miracle\" – I listened to it when I started doing this new Gorillaz record and it just blew my mind, and it blew everyone", "id": "20431670" }, { "contents": "They All Laughed\n\n\n, in the first version of the script, the character of Christy was going to be a jazz singer, singing jazz standards, but then: There was a short, very short, very brief, vogue of country music in New York. About 30 seconds. And so I changed it. I like country music. I fell in love with it on \"Last Picture Show\". In fact, I wrote a couple of country songs. The phrase “One Day Since Yesterday” was something Dorothy said to me", "id": "834947" }, { "contents": "Taj Mahal (musician)\n\n\nof the kids listening to rap were not black kids. Once there was a tremendous amount of money involved in it ... they totally moved it over to a material side. It just went off to a terrible direction. ...You can listen to my music from front to back, and you don't ever hear me moaning and crying about how bad you done treated me. I think that style of blues and that type of tone was something that happened as a result of many white people feeling very, very guilty about", "id": "550104" }, { "contents": "Blue Monk (Portland, Oregon)\n\n\nproviding entertainment to the Belmont area, The Blue Monk will be closing its doors on Tuesday, April 29th. We are proud to have become possibly the most diverse venue in Portland with a little bit of something for everyone, including poetry, literary events, belly dance, comedy, pop, folk, bluegrass, swing, rock, funk, soul, electronica, hip-hop, and of course, jazz. There is just one week to stop by to say farewell, check out some great live music, and/or", "id": "2949335" }, { "contents": "Royals (song)\n\n\nsomething right.\" Lorde also explained the reason for her absence in the video, saying: With pop music and pop musicians, you know everything about everyone all the time, particularly their physical appearance. With female musicians that's made a big thing of and I think people, certainly with me, have appreciated a bit of mystery. When I first released the EP [\"The Love Club\"] I didn't have any imagery of myself, just this one illustration that was the cover of the EP. So", "id": "11811215" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Radio Music Society\n\n\nthe album to become successful beyond the jazz genre. Jeff Artist of \"Okayplayer\" wrote \"With her new companion LP, Radio Music Society, the young virtuoso branches out sonically, injecting her jazz roots with some modern soul and pop juice, maybe even inspiring the Bieber faithful to check in on what all the fuss is about... At just 11 tracks, this record flexes serious range, but what’s even more impressive is that it rarely sounds overextended\". In the United States, \"Radio Music Society\" became", "id": "17534912" }, { "contents": "Stephen Gottlieb\n\n\nmonths. Of his casting, Daddo stated \"It's something new for me. I'm just starting out on the acting side of things and I don't think there is a better place to learn. Like everyone says, I'd love to go from here and make films. But I'm not sure. I want to stay in the acting side and just see where it takes me. I really don't know what will happen, where I'll be. I'm just enjoying what I'm doing now", "id": "6563650" }, { "contents": "A Creature I Don't Know\n\n\nunconvincing estuary English is long gone, replaced by a womanly panoply of burrs, sighs and incantatory dips that certainly make sense of past Joni Mitchell comparisons but in truth don't adhere to any single accent\", Keith Cameron writes. While \"the album's first third settles into a woozy jazz ballad territory\", still, \"the true grit of Laura Marling prevails amid the easy listening, and ultimately saves her third album’s deep well of substance from being smothered by its equally potent reserve of style\", he argues", "id": "18891016" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Honest Jon's\n\n\nthat's what Honest Jon's is about - to open a few minds to what's out there.\" The shop sells a multitude of genres of music on vinyl and CD, specializing in jazz, blues, reggae, dance, soul, folk and outernational. It runs a mail-order business from Formed in 2002, the label has released compilation albums such as its \"London Is The Place For Me\" series, excavating the music of young Black London, in the years after World War II (", "id": "2483878" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\ntheir improvisation and style. \"I didn't write out the music for \"Kind of Blue\", but brought in sketches for what everybody was supposed to play because I wanted a lot of spontaneity,\" recalled Davis. The track \"So What\" has only two chords: D-7 and E-7. Other innovators in this style include Jackie McLean, and two of the musicians who had also played on \"Kind of Blue\": John Coltrane and Bill Evans. Free jazz, and the related form of avant-garde", "id": "15637824" }, { "contents": "Mpho\n\n\n\"I find it extremely frustrating to be tied to one genre—it winds me up no end. It frustrates me that people need to define things in order to understand them [...] The one I'm happy landing with is 'pop' because you don't know what it sounds like. You can do what you want with pop as long as it's good and people like it.\" She says that during her formative years, she listened to a mixture of her parents' music collections (which included", "id": "15448366" }, { "contents": "Euphoria (CNBLUE album)\n\n\n, \"Stay with Me\" shows the band's thankfulness to its fans. In an interview with EMTG Music, the interviewer noted the positivity in the \"Euphoria\" singles, in contrast to singles released in the years prior which dealt with \"conflicts and anxiety\". In response, Jung stated: \"When you listen to positive music, it makes you feel good, right? Now I wish more that you would listen to our music and become happy. Before, when something doesn’t work out the way I", "id": "18718076" }, { "contents": "At the Great American Music Hall\n\n\nher very best: singing jazz standards, ballads, the American songbook, popular songs of the day and some bossa nova to boot\". Otwell said that \"Working with Carmen I always felt like her choice of tunes was magical. I always felt that it was just so very special and I think the tunes on the album really do work. As I was listening to it, I loved it all.\" Baron said of Mcae's performance on \"Old Folks\" that \"Carmen always sang it with such feeling", "id": "161241" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\nmany Negro listeners, who became turned off by the appropriation and new mainstream success of what they felt and saw as their own music. Large jazz bands had begun to replace traditional blues, which had begun to move to the underground music scene. South-western \"shouting\" blues singers developed into a style called rhythm and blues, which was largely huge rhythm units smashing away behind screaming blues singers. The performance of the artists became just as important as the performance of the songs. Rhythm and blues, despite its growth", "id": "11650181" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nof jazz.. In the 1920s, jazz became recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. From Africa, jazz got its rhythm, \"blues\", and traditions of playing or singing in one's own expressive way. From Europe, jazz got its harmony and instruments. Both used improvisation, which became a large part of jazz.", "id": "20467296" }, { "contents": "Tell Me You Love Me (album)\n\n\nhorn section during the chorus, the song features and contains a smooth, slow-burn atmosphere reminiscent of jazz music. Its sound also demonstrates influences from traditional rhythm and blues. \"Only Forever\" is a melancholic song about wanting the person you want to explore a new relationship with to make that first move or take that next step. With a message of \"giving someone chances that will last a lifetime,\" Lovato considered \"Only Forever\" as a sequel to \"Ruin the Friendship\". The song also has", "id": "19565675" }, { "contents": "Doremidan\n\n\nThe band's musical influence includes music genres like jazz, swing, blues, tango, and rock'n'roll. The name Doremidan comes from The Beatles' song \"Don't Let Me Down\": the title, pronounced rapidly with a Japanese accent, will sound as \"Doremidan\". Doremidan was formed on January 1, 2002 in Osaka as a session band. The original line-up was Makoto on vocals, Haruhi on guitar, Ko-Zi on drums and Reika on drums. They started out mainly playing songs from", "id": "3480639" }, { "contents": "Think Tank (Blur album)\n\n\n\" was inspired by Coxon. Explaining the habit of putting 'song' in the title, Albarn stated that it was \"another African thing that I've picked up. They do call things like 'Tree Song'. You know what I mean; they give it something quite simple. It's not, it doesn't have an agenda so much, it's offered out as a nice bit of music to everyone and that's something that has changed massively in my life, I don't see the ownership of", "id": "13841687" }, { "contents": "Misty Eye\n\n\nFactor\", where he lost out to act Katie Waissel in the sixth week of the live finals. Speaking about his time on the show, Grimshaw stated: \"I didn't really know what I wanted from it. I love music, and I knew I could sing, but I didn't think I was \"X Factor\" material. I'd been given this opportunity and I didn't want to waste it. But I had no idea what sort of music was really me. Everyone else had their own", "id": "11009792" }, { "contents": "Katja Toivola\n\n\nthe disappointment of my teacher, I could never get excited about the theory behind the piano playing, but the music itself had the effect on me that with guts I learned the pieces by heart, slowly but surely.” Toivola discovered jazz in the early 1990s, when he mother took her to a jazz festival. After this, she would listen to jazz music, but she did not play it. For some time she had an alto saxophone, but she was not destined to play it for long: Even at", "id": "12438129" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "Aaron Bruno\n\n\nit without losing your voice completely. I'm not the master of every sort of singing, but I really came into my own around AWOLNATION's first record.\" Asked if he would ever return to his hardcore punk roots and create more of that sort of music, Bruno mentioned that many songs he has created with AWOLNATION are reminiscent of the hardcore music he grew up listening to. \"I don't know. I love singing. I can't imagine me doing something where I'm just screaming. I don't", "id": "3408086" }, { "contents": "Ai Kuwabara\n\n\nlater states that some tracks are clearly modern or contemporary jazz, \"with some almost prog-rock like synths in place.\" Kuwabara herself states that, \"I don't feel that I'm consciously playing jazz as such. Without wanting to be disrespectful to the tradition of the genre, that's not really what I'm aiming for, but that's just how my music gets categorized.\" The ai kuwabara trio project's first album \"from here to there\" was initially self-produced, and only later", "id": "2567510" }, { "contents": "Kevin Rudolf\n\n\nmemory is of listening to the Van Halen song 'Jump,' while jumping around the apartment in which he grew up. His first guitar was a gift from his grandfather, who realized that his grandson already \"had a passion for [music].\" His skills on the instrument improved rapidly. \"My mother actually said something really smart to me. She said, 'Whatever you put in, you'll get out,' so I thought, that makes sense...I started practicing a lot.\" Rudolf", "id": "9304697" }, { "contents": "Acid Rap\n\n\n\" is just a whole different monster; it's me as an adult making great music instead of a kid trying to explain a story. It's less of a conceptual project. It's still very cohesive, storytelling-wise, and its own project. But it's more music-based than story-based this time. I'm still telling the story of what it's like coming out of high school, not going to college and my experience with LSD. The new music that I started listening to has", "id": "9203330" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Ferguson (singer)\n\n\nthat, I don't think you fully get over it. We're still friends and talk all the time.\" Ferguson's first album is of the soul, pop, blues and R&B genres, with lyrics describing heartbreak and relationships. Her debut album's music was compared to work by Aretha Franklin and Macy Gray. On describing her own sound she said, \"quite soulful, I don’t know what you compare it to. I’m just me.\" Ferguson cites Aretha Franklin as one of the artists who", "id": "424398" }, { "contents": "Person of Interest (song)\n\n\nwhen you're not in love yet but you really like a guy — which I'm really excited about because I don't think there are too many out like that. It's very much a dance type song. It will make you get up and dance and sing along in your car.\" The song opens with Black singing \"When I talk, you listen, I like that/When you listen, you smile and I like that/Why you lookin' lookin' at me just like that?\"", "id": "4465160" }, { "contents": "Joseph Tawadros\n\n\nfor the Best World Music Album. He had been nominated nine times before, without winning. He won it again in 2013 and 2014. Joseph Tawadros’ style could be described as eclectic. According to \"The Sydney Morning Herald\", \"he has taken the oud out of its traditional Middle Eastern setting and into the realm of classical music and jazz\". \"I don't like to play in a particulare genre, I love all sorts of music\", Tawadros explains. \"I try to record an album", "id": "3244329" }, { "contents": "Exuma (musician)\n\n\n\"It comes from the love of what I am doing. Music is like eating and breathing - every fiber of me is in music. I've always been like that. The music energizes me and keeps me alive, I think. I have a lot I want to say in a positive way. I don't want to say anything negative. I try to go through every word and make sure that there is nothing negative gender-wise or any-kind-wise. If I have done anything in the", "id": "14618336" }, { "contents": "On Vacation (CFCF album)\n\n\non February 17, 2016 before releasing it in digital shops all around the world on February 19. A Balearic beat jazz record that also includes a variety of musical styles such as baroque, chamber music, downtempo, easy listening, and new age, it is a set of tracks that lack any sort of indication of what place they are specifically set in, which is unlike most Balearic music that usually takes place on a beach. Reviews of \"On Vacation\" from music journalists were very favorable in general, some of", "id": "8267251" }, { "contents": "Scott Jorgensen\n\n\nkind of bothered me because I didn't know how to explain it to people ... and some people were ignorant. So I just involved myself with what I do best, which is wrestling, and I've always had lots of friends. It got to the point where I decided you'll either accept me or you won't and if it's because of my skin then you've got bigger issues than I do. I just don't care, it doesn't bother me. It's something that makes me who", "id": "14825987" }, { "contents": "Relapse (Eminem album)\n\n\ntime to be able to figure out things. I wanted to be able to make my songs feel like something again. I know a lot of stuff on \"Relapse\" was comical and funny punchline jokes, but a lot of the songs didn't really feel like anything. I had to go back and listen to some of my older music to try to figure out what I was doing wrong. Once I felt like I figured that out, I started making songs that felt like something again.\" About the accents", "id": "14485625" }, { "contents": "Chico O'Farrill\n\n\nwhile others are more jazz-inspired (\"6/8\", \"Jazz\"), and all are brought together under the orderly form of a European suite. O'Farrill states about this piece, \"I was never an expert on Cuban music. What I did, for example, in that suite was purely instinctive [...] They asked me, 'write a suite, Chico,' [so] I just wrote according to my best understanding, letting my jazz sensibility to [sic] guide me most of the", "id": "7926557" }, { "contents": "Tame Impala\n\n\na picture and looking back at it, even though I wasn’t actually that good. When I started playing music I got the same feeling from making a song, even if it was just a few noises or drum patterns put together. It was all about the buzz from making something from nothing. Music always affected me greatly as a listener anyway, usually from listening to music in my dad’s car or listening to him play guitar.\" Parker's process for making music is \"I’ll have a sudden,", "id": "12414080" } ]
Pasta is a staple of traditional italian cuisine, it dates back to 1154. Do you like pasta? I love pasta and I love Italian food. That's a long time ago! They needed their dinner back then to though. Yeah in italy, the names of specific pasta shapes or types often vary with the locale. Really? I didn't know that. Which town is your favorite in Italy?
[{"answer": "Florence is a beautiful city, I went ther two summers ago. For example though back to the point, cavatelli is known by 26 different names depending on the region.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "23871", "title": "Pasta", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 205, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 301, "bleu_score": 0.6586134739641668, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\nPasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, with the first reference dating to 1154 in Sicily. It is also commonly used to refer to the variety of pasta dishes. Pasta is typically a noodle traditionally made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour mixed with water and formed into sheets and cut, or extruded into various shapes, then cooked and served in a number of dishes. It can be made with flour from other cereals or grains, and eggs may be used instead of water. Each traditional pasta dish", "id": "21498468" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nabout per person. Pasta is so beloved in Italy that individual consumption exceeds the average production of wheat of the country; thus Italy frequently imports wheat for pasta making. In contemporary society pasta is ubiquitous and individuals can find a variety of types in local supermarkets. With the worldwide demand for this staple food, pasta is now largely mass-produced in factories and only a tiny proportion is crafted by hand. Pasta was originally solely a part of Italian and European cuisine. With an increase in popularity on a worldwide scale,", "id": "4356142" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n) and fresh (\"pasta fresca\"). Most dried pasta is produced commercially via an extrusion process, although it can be produced at home. Fresh pasta is traditionally produced by hand, sometimes with the aid of simple machines. Fresh pastas available in grocery stores are produced commercially by large-scale machines. Both dried and fresh pastas come in a number of shapes and varieties, with 310 specific forms known by over 1300 documented names. In Italy, the names of specific pasta shapes or types often vary by locale", "id": "4356128" }, { "contents": "Pasta e fagioli\n\n\nPasta e fagioli (), meaning \"pasta and beans\", is a traditional Italian soup. Like many other Italian favorites, including pizza and polenta, it started as a peasant dish, being composed of inexpensive ingredients. It is often called pasta fasul (fazool) in the United States, derived from its Neapolitan name, pasta e fasule. Recipes for \"pasta e fagioli\" vary, the only true requirement being that beans and pasta are included. While dish varies from region to region it is most commonly made", "id": "2907828" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nPasta () is a type of food typically made from an unleavened dough of durum wheat flour (semolina) mixed with water or eggs, and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by boiling or baking. Rice flour, or legumes such as beans or lentils, are sometimes used in place of wheat flour to yield a different taste and texture, or as a gluten-free alternative. Pasta is a staple food of Italian cuisine. Pastas are divided into two broad categories: dried (\"pasta secca\"", "id": "4356127" }, { "contents": "Eritrea\n\n\ncooking, including more pasta and greater use of curry powders and cumin.The Italian Eritrean cuisine started to be practiced during the colonial times of the Kingdom of Italy, when a large number of Italians moved to Eritrea. They brought the use of \"pasta\" to Italian Eritrea, and it is one of the main food eaten in present-day Asmara. An Italian Eritrean cuisine emerged, and common dishes are 'Pasta al Sugo e Berbere', which means \"Pasta with tomato sauce and berbere\" (spice)", "id": "6553908" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwith potatoes or pumpkin) and noodles like spätzle, are sometimes considered pasta. They are both traditional in parts of Italy. Pasta is categorized in two basic styles: dried and fresh. Dried pasta made without eggs can be stored for up to two years under ideal conditions, while fresh pasta will keep for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Pasta is generally cooked by boiling. Under Italian law, dry pasta (pasta secca) can only be made from durum wheat flour or durum wheat semolina, and is more", "id": "18268330" }, { "contents": "Macaroni\n\n\nwith elbow-shaped macaroni, as it is the variety most often used in macaroni and cheese recipes. In Italy, the noun \"maccheroni\" refers to straight, tubular, square-ended \"pasta corta\" (\"short-length pasta\"). Maccheroni may also refer to long pasta dishes such as \"maccheroni alla chitarra\" and \"frittata di maccheroni\", which are prepared with long pasta like spaghetti. The name comes from Italian \"maccheroni\" , plural form of \"maccarone\". The many variants", "id": "48656" }, { "contents": "Chicken marsala\n\n\nChicken marsala is an Italian-American dish made from chicken cutlets, mushrooms, minced garlic or shallots, and Marsala wine, and although traditional Italian versions of this dish are typically never served with pasta, some American based restaurants which serve Italian-American cuisine do serve this dish with pasta (capellini) and whole roasted garlic. It is a variation of traditional Italian \"scaloppina\" dishes, of which there are many varieties throughout Italy. The dish dates to the 19th century, when it most likely originated with English families", "id": "9906745" }, { "contents": "Francis Rossi\n\n\ngot the energy. To me it's synonymous with doing rock'n'roll. If you don't commit physically, rock'n'roll doesn't really work.\" Asked about his food preferences Rossi said, \"My favourite is pasta e fagioli, pasta with beans, soupie thing, gorgeous. The older I get, the more I'm into food. ... When you grow up with Italians, food is important. I've always been like that with food. Apart from when I was doing cocaine - there was no food whatsoever then.", "id": "21090805" }, { "contents": "Italian Eritrean cuisine\n\n\ncoffee is commonly enjoyed, along with honey wine and a home-brewed beer called \"Suwa\". The Italian Eritrean cuisine started to be practiced during the colonial times of the Kingdom of Italy, when a large number of Italians moved to Eritrea. They brought the use of pasta to Italian Eritrea, and it is a staple food eaten in present-day Asmara. Indeed, cuisine in Eritrea features more Ottoman and Italian influences than are present in Ethiopian cooking, including more pasta dishes and greater use of curry powders and", "id": "18190480" }, { "contents": "List of noodles\n\n\n, which vary according to their region of production, ingredients, shape or width, and manner of preparation. They are an important part of most regional cuisines within China, as well as in Taiwan, Singapore, and other Southeast Asian nations with sizable overseas Chinese populations. Pasta is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine, which comes in many forms. Typically, pasta is a noodle made from an unleavened dough of a durum wheat flour mixed with water or eggs and formed into sheets or various shapes, then cooked by", "id": "15237519" }, { "contents": "Spaghetti\n\n\nSpaghetti (; sing. \"spaghetto\") is a long, thin, solid, cylindrical pasta. \"Spaghettoni\" is a thicker form of spaghetti, while \"capellini\" is a very thin spaghetti. It is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine. Like other pasta, spaghetti is made of milled wheat and water and sometimes enriched with vitamins and minerals. Authentic Italian spaghetti is made from durum wheat semolina, but elsewhere it may be made with other kinds of flour. Usually the pasta is white because refined flour is", "id": "9756301" }, { "contents": "Testaroli\n\n\nTestaroli, sometimes referred to as testarolo, is a type of pasta or bread in Italian cuisine that is prepared using water, flour and salt, which is sliced into triangular shapes. A common dish in the Lunigiana region and historical territory of Italy, it is an ancient pasta originating from the Etruscan civilization of Italy. Testaroli has been described as \"the earliest recorded pasta.\" It is also a native dish of the southern Liguria and northern Tuscany regions of Italy. Testaroli is prepared from a batter that is cooked on", "id": "4384024" }, { "contents": "Farfalle\n\n\nFarfalle () are a type of pasta/noodle commonly known as bow-tie pasta or butterfly pasta. The name is derived from the Italian word \"farfalle\" (butterflies). In the Italian city of Modena, farfalle are known as \"strichetti\". A larger variation of farfalle is known as \"farfalloni\", while the miniature version is called \"farfalline\". Farfalle date back to the 16th century in the Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna regions of Northern Italy. Note that farfalle are not related to the", "id": "2624040" }, { "contents": "List of pasta\n\n\n's \"gnocchetto\" can be another's \"strascinato\"\". Some pasta varieties are uniquely regional and not widely known; many types have different names based on region or language. For example, the cut rotelle is also called \"ruote\" in Italy and \"wagon wheels\" in the United States. Manufacturers and cooks often invent new shapes of pasta, or may rename preexisting shapes for marketing reasons. Italian pasta names often end with the masculine plural suffixes \"-ini\", \"-elli\", \"-illi\",", "id": "20963190" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, etc. In the North of Italy, fish (such as cod, or baccalà), potatoes, rice, corn (maize), sausages, pork, and different types of cheeses are the most common ingredients. Pasta dishes with use of tomato are spread in all Italy. Italians like their ingredients fresh and subtly seasoned and spiced. In Northern Italy though there are many kinds of stuffed pasta, polenta and risotto are equally popular if not more so. Ligurian ingredients include several types of fish and seafood dishes.", "id": "18268326" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, tomatoes (fresh or cooked into tomato sauce), peppers, olives and olive oil, garlic, artichokes, oranges, ricotta cheese, eggplants, zucchini, certain types of fish (anchovies, sardines and tuna), and capers are important components to the local cuisine. Italian cuisine is also well known (and well regarded) for its use of a diverse variety of pasta. Pasta include noodles in various lengths, widths, and shapes. Most pastas may be distinguished by the shapes for which they are named—", "id": "18268328" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n. For example, the pasta form \"cavatelli\" is known by 28 different names depending upon the town and region. Common forms of pasta include long and short shapes, tubes, flat shapes or sheets, miniature shapes for soup, those meant to be filled or stuffed, and specialty or decorative shapes. As a category in Italian cuisine, both fresh and dried pastas are classically used in one of three kinds of prepared dishes: as \"pasta asciutta\" (or \"pastasciutta\"), cooked pasta is plated and", "id": "4356129" }, { "contents": "Japanese cuisine\n\n\nother countries. These include pasta with prawns, lobster (a specialty known in Italy as pasta all'aragosta), crab (an Italian specialty; in Japan it is served with a different species of crab), and pasta with sea urchin sauce (sea urchin pasta being a specialty of the Puglia region). Many countries have imported portions of Japanese cuisine. Some may adhere to the traditional preparations of the cuisines, but in some cultures the dishes have been adapted to fit the palate of the local populace. In 1970s sushi", "id": "16001903" }, { "contents": "Sicilian cuisine\n\n\npantries and allow room for the spring's new crops of vegetables. Sicily is the oldest Italian and Western location on record where pasta was part of the local cuisine after being worked into long and thin forms, dating back to around the 12th century, as attested by the Tabula Rogeriana of Muhammad al-Idrisi, reporting some traditions about the Sicilian kingdom. Spaghetti ai ricci (spaghetti prepared with sea urchin), pasta con le sarde (with sardines) and pasta alla Norma (a specialty that originated in Catania) are", "id": "1278195" }, { "contents": "Culture of Italy\n\n\nn't really take hold until after the Second World War, when southern immigrants flooded to the north in search of work, and even those classics vary from place to place; small enclaves still hold fast to their unique local forms of pasta and particular preparations. Classics such as \"Pasta e fagioli,\" while found everywhere, are prepared differently according to local traditions. Gastronomic explorations of Italy are best undertaken by knowing the local traditions and savouring the local foods on the spot. Northern Italy, mountainous in many parts, is", "id": "2856939" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\ncommonly used in Southern Italy compared to their Northern counterparts, who traditionally prefer the fresh egg variety. Durum flour and durum semolina have a yellow tinge in color. Italian pasta is traditionally cooked \"al dente\" (Italian: \"firm to the bite\", meaning not too soft). Outside Italy, dry pasta is frequently made from other types of flour, but this yields a softer product. There are many types of wheat flour with varying gluten and protein levels depending on variety of grain used. Particular varieties of", "id": "18268331" }, { "contents": "Capellini\n\n\nCapellini (, literally \"little hairs\") is a very thin variety of Italian pasta, with a diameter between . Like spaghetti, it is rod-shaped, in the form of long strands. Capelli d'angelo (, literally angel hair -- hence, \"angel hair pasta\" in English) is a thinner variant with a diameter between . It is often sold in a nest-like shape. Capelli d'angelo has been popular in Italy since at least the 14th century. As a very light pasta, it goes well", "id": "5053513" }, { "contents": "Noodle\n\n\ndough into shape. The first concrete information on pasta products in Italy dates to the 13th or 14th centuries. Pasta has taken on a variety of shapes, often based on regional specializations. Since at least the 20th century, pasta has become a staple in North America and elsewhere. In the area that would become Germany, written mention of \"Spätzle\" has been found in documents dating from 1725, although medieval illustrations are believed to place this noodle at an even earlier date. \"Zacierki\" is a type of noodle", "id": "7215153" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nand mussels. Goat and lamb are occasionally used. The region is known for pasta made from durum wheat and traditional pasta dishes featuring \"orecchiette\"-type pasta, often served with tomato sauce, potatoes, mussels, or broccoli rabe. Pasta with cherry tomatoes and arugula is also popular. Regional desserts include \"zeppola\", doughnuts usually topped with powdered sugar and filled with custard, jelly, cannoli-style pastry cream, or a butter-and-honey mixture. For Christmas, Apulians make a very traditional rose-shaped pastry", "id": "18268338" }, { "contents": "List of pasta\n\n\nThere are many different varieties of pasta, a staple dish of Italian cuisine since they were first introduced by Muslim occupiers from around 800 A.D.. They are usually sorted by size, being long (\"pasta lunga\"), short (\"pasta corta\"), stuffed (\"ripiena\"), cooked in broth (\"pastina\"), stretched (\"strascinati\") or in dumplinglike form (\"gnocchi/gnocchetti\"). Yet, due to the variety of shapes and regional variants, \"one man", "id": "20963189" }, { "contents": "Pasta alla Norma\n\n\nPasta alla Norma () is one of the most well known Italian pasta dishes. It is typical of the Sicilian cuisine created originally in Catania, Sicily, Italy. The original recipe is made with macaroni (typical italian pasta), tomatoes, fried aubergines (eggplant), grated ricotta salata cheese, and basil. The name of the dish is said to originate from the apocryphal exclamation by the Italian writer Nino Martoglio who, upon tasting the dish, exclaimed \"This is a real 'Norma'!\", comparing", "id": "5896700" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n, a local chicken broth soup. \"Fettuccine alfredo\" with cream, cheese and butter, and spaghetti with tomato sauce (with or without meat) are popular Italian-style dishes in the United States. In Australia, boscaiola sauce, based on bacon and mushrooms, is one favorite among many. Although numerous variations of ingredients for different pasta products are known, in Italy the commercial manufacturing and labeling of pasta for sale as a food product within the country is highly regulated. Italian regulations recognise three categories of commercially manufactured", "id": "4356173" }, { "contents": "Argentine cuisine\n\n\nfor their love of eating. Social gatherings are commonly centered on sharing a meal. Invitations to have dinner at home is generally viewed as a symbol of friendship, warmth, and integration. Sunday family lunch is considered the most significant meal of the week, whose highlights often include asado or pasta. Another feature of Argentine cuisine is the preparation of homemade food such as french fries, patties, and pasta to celebrate a special occasion, to meet friends, or to honor someone. The tradition of locally preparing food is passed", "id": "2024522" }, { "contents": "Maltagliati\n\n\nMaltagliati () are a type of pasta typical product to the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. In the manufacture of pasta such as tagliatelle, dough is rolled and then cut into thin strips, producing noodles. The excess parts of the dough, generally the edges, are left with irregular shape and thickness, therefore \"poorly cut\" or in Italian, \"maltagliati\". Maltagliati are therefore cut from such scrap pieces of pasta, and differ in shape, size and thickness. As probable food for the poor,", "id": "22135685" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nNew World. A century later, pasta was present around the globe during the voyages of discovery. Although tomatoes were introduced to Italy in the 16th century and incorporated in Italian cuisine in the 17th century, description of the first Italian tomato sauces dates from the late 18th century: the first written record of pasta with tomato sauce can be found in the 1790 cookbook \"L'Apicio Moderno\" by Roman chef Francesco Leonardi. Before tomato sauce was introduced, pasta was eaten dry with the fingers; the liquid sauce demanded the use of", "id": "4356138" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nA vast variety of recipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, like \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, while the dishes coming from the popular traditions contain inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like pasta with beans and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Famous regional wines are Aglianico (Taurasi), Fiano, Falanghina, and Greco di Tufo. Emilia-Romagna is known for its egg and filled pasta made with soft wheat flour. The Romagna subregion is renowned for pasta dishes", "id": "18268348" }, { "contents": "Barilla Group\n\n\n, and is the world's leading pasta maker with 40–45% of the Italian market and 25% of the US market. It produces pasta in over 120 shapes and sizes. Barilla brand pasta is sold in numerous restaurants worldwide, such as those belonging to the Pastamania chain. It is also the leading seller of bakery products in Italy. Through its acquisition of the Swedish company Wasa, it is the world's leading producer of flatbread (a Scandinavian staple), selling 60,000 tons annually. The company markets pasta in the", "id": "11055034" }, { "contents": "Rotini\n\n\nRotini is a type of helix- or corkscrew-shaped pasta. The name comes from a 17th-century Italian word meaning \"small wheels\". Rotini is related to fusilli, but has a tighter helix, i.e. with a smaller pitch. It should not be confused with rotelle (\"wagon wheel\" pasta). Rotini originated from Southern Italy and the tight twists help them retain a wide variety of sauces better. They are often used in pasta salads with pesto, Carbonara or tomato-based sauces. Rotini is most", "id": "5271541" }, { "contents": "Spaghetti with meatballs\n\n\nand only served with egg-based baked pasta. However, various kinds of pasta with meat are part of the culinary tradition of the Abruzzo, Apulia, Sicily, and other parts of southern Italy. A recipe for rigatoni with meatballs is in \"Il cucchiaio d'argento\" (\"The Silver Spoon\"), a comprehensive Italian cookbook known as the \"bible\" of Italian cooking. In fact, in Abruzzo, chitarra alla teramana, is a long spaghetti-like pasta served with small meatballs (polpettine). It", "id": "10868056" }, { "contents": "Vermicelli\n\n\nVermicelli (, , ; ) is a traditional type of pasta round in section similar to spaghetti. In Italy vermicelli is slightly thicker than spaghetti, but in the United States it is slightly thinner. In Vietnam vermicelli is the same as angel hair pasta or \"capellini\". The term \"vermicelli\" is also used to describe various types of thin noodles from Asia. As defined in Italy: In the United States, the National Pasta Association (which has no links with its Italian counterpart, the Unione Industriali Pastai Italiani", "id": "1623369" }, { "contents": "Scialatelli\n\n\nScialatelli (also known as scialatielli , sciliatielli and scivatieddi ) is a type of thick and short fettuccine or linguine-like pasta featuring a rectangular cross section. It is typical of modern Campanian cuisine, having originated on the Amalfi coast as a chef's specialty, but it has also spread in nearby regions such as Calabria and Basilicata (respectively, in the area of Catanzaro and Potenza). Scialatelli is a recent innovation, compared to many other pasta shapes from Italy. The Italian chef Enrico Cosentino first devised it in the", "id": "9252563" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\npenne, maccheroni, spaghetti, linguine, fusilli, lasagne, and many more varieties that are filled with other ingredients like ravioli and tortellini. The word pasta is also used to refer to dishes in which pasta products are a primary ingredient. It is usually served with sauce. There are hundreds of different shapes of pasta with at least locally recognized names. Examples include spaghetti (thin rods), rigatoni (tubes or cylinders), fusilli (swirls), and lasagne (sheets). Dumplings, like gnocchi (made", "id": "18268329" }, { "contents": "Ciceri e tria\n\n\nCiceri e tria is a pasta dish in Italian cuisine that originated from Arabs who once ruled in Apulia. It is a part of the cuisine in the Salento region of Italy. It is prepared with pasta and chickpeas as primary ingredients, and includes fried pasta. The dish may be served as a \"primi piatti\" dish, a first course that consists of a pasta dish. It has been described as a \"classic and emblematic dish of Salentine cuisine\" and as a specialty dish of Apulia. In Apulia, the", "id": "21498418" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\npasta has crossed international borders and is now a popular form of fast food and a staple in North America and elsewhere. This is due to the great amount of Italian immigration into Canada and the United States around the beginning of the 20th century. Similarly, an immense immigration of Italians into South Africa ensured that spaghetti with meatballs became an essential part of South African cuisine. Since at least the time of Cato's \"De Agri Cultura\", basic pasta dough has been made mostly of wheat flour or semolina, with durum", "id": "4356143" }, { "contents": "Italian Argentines\n\n\nat school, work, and military service, Cocoliche remained confined mostly to the first generation immigrants, and slowly fell out of use. The pidgin has been depicted humorously in literary works and in the Argentine sainete theater, such as by Dario Vittori. Argentine cuisine has been strongly influenced by Italian cuisine; the typical Argentine diet is a variation on the Mediterranean diet. Italian staple dishes like pizza and pasta are common. Pasta is extremely common, either simple unadorned pasta with butter or oil, or accompanied by a tomato- or", "id": "538580" }, { "contents": "Apulian cuisine\n\n\naddition of small fish with bones included. Eggs are an essential ingredient for pasta in northern Italy, but in Apulia and other regions of Southern Italy only semolina and water is used. This was done mainly for economic reasons, because eggs were considered too valuable for an everyday dish like pasta. Omitting eggs from pasta dough allowed their use in other dishes. \"Orechiette\" is considered the signature pasta shape of Apulia, but there are many other shapes as well. These include \"cavatelli\", \"capunti\" (typical", "id": "9665926" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\neaten plain. The consumption of pasta has changed over time; while once a small, simple item, it is now often eaten in much larger portions and as part of complex, sophisticated dishes. Factors such as low prices and ease of cooking contribute to the growing popularity of this staple item. The art of pasta making and the devotion to the food as a whole has evolved since pasta was first conceptualized. It is estimated that Italians eat over of pasta per person, per year, easily beating Americans, who eat", "id": "4356141" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nis durum wheat, harder to manipulate than soft wheat, so the industrial production had greater success than in northern Italy, where home-made pasta is more popular. Traditionally in Naples pasta must be cooked \"\"al dente\"\", while soft pasta is not tolerated. The most popular variety of pasta, besides the classic spaghetti and linguine, are the \"paccheri\" and the \"ziti\", long pipe-shaped pasta, broken by hand before cooking and usually topped with Neapolitan ragù. Pasta with vegetables is", "id": "14543684" }, { "contents": "Italian Argentines\n\n\nan Argentine innovation despite its name, which comes from former Buenos Aires restaurant \"Nápoli\". It is breaded meat baked with a topping of melted cheese, tomatoes, and sometimes ham. The milanesa was brought to Argentina by Central European immigrants. Pasta frola is a typical Argentine recipe heavily influenced by Southern Italian cuisine, known as Pasta Frolla in Italy. Pasta frola consists of a buttery pastry base with a filling made of quince jam, sweet-potato jam or milk caramel (dulce de leche) and topped with thin", "id": "538586" }, { "contents": "Pasta con le sarde\n\n\nPasta con le sarde (; ) is a Sicilian dish of pasta with sardines and anchovies. It is recognized as a traditional Italian food product in the Prodotto agroalimentare tradizionale scheme of the Italian government. It is most associated with Sicily's capital Palermo, but it can be found all over the island. The principal ingredients are olive oil, onions, pasta and a finely chopped mixture of sardines and anchovy. Various types of pasta are used for the dish, but bucatini is traditional. Wild fennel, saffron, pine nuts,", "id": "9475029" }, { "contents": "Ditalini\n\n\nDitalini (Italian: \"small thimbles\", also referred to as tubettini) is a type of pasta that is shaped like small tubes. The literal translation from the Italian language to English is \"small thimbles\". It has been described as \"thimble-sized\" and as \"very short macaroni\". In some areas it may also be called \"salad macaroni.\" During the industrial age in Apulia, Italy, increased development of ditali and other short-cut pastas occurred. In contemporary times, it is", "id": "20791983" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nroots as far back as the 4th century BCE. Food and culture were very important at that time as we can see from the cookbook (Apicius) which dates back to first century BC. Through the centuries, neighbouring regions, conquerors, high-profile chefs, political upheaval, and the discovery of the New World have influenced its development. Italian food started to form after the fall of the Roman Empire, when different cities began to separate and form their own traditions. Many different types of bread and pasta were made", "id": "18268304" }, { "contents": "Orecchiette\n\n\nOrecchiette (; singular ; ) are a pasta typical of Apulia, a region of Southern Italy. Their name comes from their shape, which resembles a small ear. An orecchietta has the shape of a small dome, with its center thinner than its edge, and with a rough surface. Like other kinds pasta, orecchiette are made with durum wheat and water. Eggs are rarely used. In traditional Southern Italian home cooking, the dough is rolled, then cut into cubes. Each cube is pressed with a knife, dragging", "id": "14370760" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nplain pasta is composed of 62% water, 31% carbohydrates (26% starch), 6% protein, and 1% fat. A 100 gram portion of unenriched cooked pasta provides 160 Calories and a moderate level of manganese (15% of the Daily Value), but few other micronutrients. Pasta has a lower glycemic index than many other staple foods in Western culture, like bread, potatoes, and rice. As pasta was introduced elsewhere in the world, it became incorporated into a number of local cuisines,", "id": "4356166" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nDecree N° 187 apply only to the commercial manufacturing of pastas both made and sold within Italy. They are not applicable either to pasta made for export from Italy or to pastas imported into Italy from other countries. They also do not apply to pastas made in restaurants. In the US, regulations for commercial pasta products occur both at the federal and state levels. At the Federal level, consistent with Section 341 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has defined", "id": "4356178" }, { "contents": "Lazanki\n\n\nBona Sforza, Italian wife of King Sigismund I the Old, brought high Italian cuisine to the country. Accordingly, the name \"łazanki\"/\"лазанкі\" is reminiscent of the Italian \"lasagne\", the name for a type of pasta in the shape of large, flat rectangles. Lazanki resembling mini versions of lasagne, their Polish and Belarusian names are correspondingly diminutive in form. Unlike most Italian dishes in these parts of Europe, lazanki have survived into the 21st century, although the long and cultural history of the dish has been largely", "id": "12135380" }, { "contents": "Al forno\n\n\nAl forno is food that has been baked in an oven. Italian dishes commonly prepared in this way include pizza, breads and pasta dishes. Pasta is sometimes boiled before it is baked in al forno dishes. This double cooking means that it is served soft, not with the firm al dente consistency that some Italians prefer in pasta dishes. Northern Italy has a tradition of wood-burning ovens and open-flame grills that continues to this day. A wood-fired oven and al forno dishes are a feature of many", "id": "15288342" }, { "contents": "Uruguayan cuisine\n\n\nmake the dish (fugaza con queso or fugazzeta) started in Argentina or Uruguay. Sliced pizza is often served along with fainá, made with chickpea flour and baked like pizza. For example, it is common for pasta to be eaten with white bread (\"French bread\"), which is unusual in Italy. This can be explained by the low cost of bread, and that Uruguayan pasta tends to come together with a large amount of tuco sauce (Italian: \"suco\" - juice), and accompanied by", "id": "21607017" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nrecipes is influenced by the local aristocratic cuisine, such as \"timballo\" and the \"\", pasta or rice dishes with very elaborate preparation, and dishes from popular traditions prepared with inexpensive but nutritionally healthy ingredients, like \"pasta e fagioli\" (pasta with beans) and other pasta dishes with vegetables. Naples has a history that goes back many centuries: the city itself predates many others in that area of the world, including Rome. It has endured the Greeks, Romans, the Goths, the Byzantines, and", "id": "14543678" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\nclassic \"\"pummarola\"\" (tomato sauce) to the simplest \"aglio e uoglio\" (garlic and oil), down to a wide variety of sauces, with vegetables or seafood, up to the ragù, southern Italy's creativity enhances its pasta dishes. Cuisine traditionally attributed to the poor often mixes pasta with legumes. The most popular are: \"pasta e fagioli\" (pasta with beans), sometimes enriched with pork rind (\"cotiche\"), \"pasta e ceci\" (pasta with chickpeas)", "id": "14543697" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nlarger and used for dinner. Pasta sauces similarly may vary in taste, color and texture. In terms of nutrition, cooked plain pasta is 31% carbohydrates (mostly starch), 6% protein, and low in fat, with moderate amounts of manganese, but pasta generally has low micronutrient content. Pasta may be enriched or fortified, or made from whole grains. First attested in English in 1874, the word \"pasta\" comes from Italian \"pasta\", in turn from Latin \"pasta\", latinisation of", "id": "4356131" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nregion and Emilia Romagna region in North Italy. In this area, dough is only made out of egg yolk and flour resulting in a very refined flavour and texture. This pasta is often served simply with butter sauce and thinly sliced truffles that are native to this region. In other areas, such as Apulia fresh pasta can be made without eggs. The only ingredients needed to make the pasta dough are semolina flour and water, which is often shaped into orecchiette or cavatelli. Fresh pasta for cavatelli is also popular in other", "id": "4356148" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\n\"amatriciana\", \"arrabbiata\" and the egg-based \"carbonara\". Tomato sauces are also present in Southern Italian cuisine, where they originated. In Southern Italy more complex variations include pasta paired with fresh vegetables, olives, capers or seafood. Varieties include \"puttanesca\", \"pasta alla norma\" (tomatoes, eggplant and fresh or baked cheese), \"pasta con le sarde\" (fresh sardines, pine nuts, fennel and olive oil), \"spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino\" (literally", "id": "4356152" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nNorman King of Sicily Roger II in 1154 mentions \"itriyya\" manufactured and exported from Norman Sicily: One form of \"itriyya\" with a long history is \"laganum\" (plural \"lagana\"), which in Latin refers to a thin sheet of dough, and gives rise to Italian \"lasagna\". In North Africa, a food similar to pasta, known as couscous, has been eaten for centuries. However, it lacks the distinguishing malleable nature of pasta, couscous being more akin to droplets of dough.", "id": "4356135" }, { "contents": "Bruno Serato\n\n\ntribute to the most inspirational use of Italy's most famous culinary import: Bravo Bruno!!\"\" Bruno's newest book, titled Power of Pasta, will narrate how he came to blend his passion for the variegated cuisine of Italy with the effort of addressing the problem of children's hunger around the world. The Power of Pasta, released on October 10, 2017 sold more than 5,000 before it was released and is available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble. The Power of Pasta has been translated to Italian by", "id": "8914120" }, { "contents": "Italian-American cuisine\n\n\nas New York City, Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco; the immigrant cuisine is thus largely derived from Neapolitan and Sicilian cuisine, and is particularly associated with these locations. Italian-Americans often identify foods with their regional heritage. Southern Italian staples include dry pasta, tomato sauce, and olive oil, whereas Northern Italian staples include foods such as risotto, white sauce and polenta. Over time, through an increased appreciation of Italian cuisine in the United States, as well as", "id": "12825120" }, { "contents": "Espírito Santo\n\n\n, making it the state with the highest percentage of Italian descendants in Brazil. They founded many towns in the area and have significant influence on Capixaba society. There are still a number of traditional Italian dance groups in the state and Italian culture festivals, such as the one held in Venda Nova do Imigrante. Italian food is also an important part of Capixaba cuisine. Italian pasta and cheeses, like mozzarella, are produced locally. Small scale farming, which is turning increasingly towards agrotourism, is appealing to its Italian roots to", "id": "4889156" }, { "contents": "Early modern European cuisine\n\n\nreserves. For example, the Italian dish polenta, previously made from millet, later was made with maize. Pasta had been a common food since the middle of the medieval period, and gained in popularity during the early modern period (notably in Naples, where it was not often seen until the late 18th century), but it was not yet usual to use the hard variety of durum wheat or semolina to make dried pasta until the Industrial era. Rice became established in many places, especially Italy and Spain, during", "id": "10755295" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n\" soup (made with legumes, vegetables, and pork meat), the \"timballo\" (pasta sheets filled with meat, vegetables or rice), and the \"\" (lamb intestines filled with garlic, marjoram, lettuce, and various spices). The popularity of saffron, grown in the province of L'Aquila, has waned in recent years. The most famous dish of Molise is \"cavatelli\", a long shaped, handmade \"maccheroni\"-type pasta made of flour, semolina, and water, often served with meat", "id": "18268336" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nemigrated to Argentina in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, influencing the cuisine of the country (which was otherwise dominated by meat and dairy products that the narrow Ligurian hinterland would have not allowed). Pasta dishes based on the use of \"guanciale\" (unsmoked bacon prepared with pig's jowl or cheeks) are often found in Lazio, such as pasta \"alla carbonara\" and pasta \"all'amatriciana\". Another pasta dish of the region is \"arrabbiata\", with spicy tomato sauce. The regional cuisine widely use", "id": "18268356" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\nwell as the so-called \"peperoni cruschi\" (\"crunchy peppers\"). The region produces cheeses like Pecorino di Filiano, Canestrato di Molitern, Pallone di Gravina, and Paddraccio and olive oils like the Vulture. Basilicata is known for spaghetti-like pasta \"troccoli\" and \"capunti\", a thick and short oval pasta whose shape is often compared to that of an open empty pea pod. \"Capunti\" are usually served with a hearty vegetable tomato sauce or various meat sauces. Among the traditional dishes", "id": "18268340" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nAt first, dry pasta was a luxury item in Italy because of high labor costs; durum wheat semolina had to be kneaded for a long time. There is a legend of Marco Polo importing pasta from China which originated with the \"Macaroni Journal\", published by an association of food industries with the goal of promoting pasta in the United States. Rustichello da Pisa writes in his \"Travels\" that Marco Polo described a food similar to \"lagana\". Jeffrey Steingarten asserts that Arabs introduced pasta in the Emirate of Sicily", "id": "4356136" }, { "contents": "Pasta\n\n\nwhich often have significantly different ways of preparation from those of Italy. In Hong Kong, the local Chinese have adopted pasta, primarily spaghetti and macaroni, as an ingredient in the Hong Kong-style Western cuisine. When pasta was introduced to several nations, every culture adopted different style of preparing it. In the past, ancient Romans cooked pastas by frying or boiling it. It was also sweetened with honey or tossed with garum. Ancient Romans also enjoyed baking it in rich pies, called timballi. In Cha chaan teng", "id": "4356167" }, { "contents": "Regional cuisines of medieval Europe\n\n\nthe cooking south of Naples, even if this transition took some time. Many Italian staples and internationally recognized favorites were invented and refined during the Late Middle Ages and the early Renaissance; pasta was on everyone's dinner plate by the 13th century, though it was commonly made out of rice flour rather than durum wheat; pizza, the medieval Italian term for \"pie\", and tortes came in many varieties with a wide range of toppings, ranging from marzipan, and custards to chicken, eel, or even hemp;", "id": "6420446" }, { "contents": "Ravioli\n\n\nRavioli (; singular: \"raviolo\") are a type of pasta comprising a filling enveloped in thin pasta dough. Usually served in broth or with a sauce, they originated as a traditional food in Italian cuisine. Ravioli are commonly square, though other forms are also used, including circular and semi-circular (mezzelune). The earliest known mention of ravioli appears in the personal letters of Francesco di Marco Datini, a merchant of Prato in the 14th century. In Venice, the mid-14th-century manuscript \"Libro per", "id": "21090699" }, { "contents": "Tagliatelle\n\n\nTagliatelle (; ) and tagliolini (from the Italian \"tagliare\", meaning \"to cut\") are a traditional type of pasta from the Emilia-Romagna and Marche regions of Italy. Individual pieces of \"tagliatelle\" are long, flat ribbons that are similar in shape to fettuccine and are typically about wide. \"Tagliatelle\" can be served with a variety of sauces, though the classic is a meat sauce or Bolognese sauce. Tagliolini is another variety of tagliatelle that is long and cylindrical in shape, not long and", "id": "8506287" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Abruzzo\n\n\nThe traditional cuisine of Abruzzo is eclectic, drawing on pastoral, mountain, and coastal cuisine. Staples of Abruzzo cuisine include bread, pasta, meat, cheese, and wine. The isolation which has characterized the region for decades has ensured the independence of its culinary tradition from those of nearby regions. Confesercenti, an Italian trade organization, conducted a 2013 study which called Abruzzo the best place to dine in Italy. Abruzzese cuisine is known for the following ingredients: Abbruzzese starters () include: One of the region's most", "id": "11951388" }, { "contents": "Cavatappi\n\n\nCavatappi is macaroni formed in a helical tube shape. \"Cavatappi\" is the Italian word for corkscrew. It is known by other names, including cellentani, amori, spirali, or tortiglione. It is usually scored with lines or ridges (\"rigati\" in Italian) on the surface. Cavatappi is a type of macaroni, or thick, hollow pasta that is made without using eggs. It may be yellow in color, like most pastas, or have vegetables or a food coloring added to make it green or red", "id": "330580" }, { "contents": "Oaxaca cheese\n\n\nwas first made. The string cheese process (\"pasta filata\"), originally from Italy, which is used to produce mozzarella, was brought to Mexico by the Dominican friars that settled in Oaxaca. As water buffalo milk was unavailable, they used cow's milk, instead. The cheese is available in several different shapes. The production process is complicated and involves stretching the cheese into long ribbons and rolling it up like a ball of yarn. Italian mozzarella is another cheese which is processed by stretching (the \"pasta", "id": "9624457" }, { "contents": "Uruguayan cuisine\n\n\n, and also Portugal. Due to its strong Italian tradition, all of the famous Italian pasta dishes are present in Uruguay including ravioli, lasagne, tortellini, fettuccine, and the traditional gnocchi. Although the pasta can be served with many sauces, there is one special sauce that was created by Uruguayans. Caruso sauce is a pasta sauce made from double cream, meat, onions, ham and mushrooms. It is very popular with sorrentinos and agnolotti. Additionally, there is Germanic influence in Uruguayan cuisine as well, particularly in", "id": "21607010" }, { "contents": "Amatriciana sauce\n\n\nSugo all'amatriciana (), or alla matriciana (in Romanesco dialect) also known as salsa all'amatriciana, is a traditional Italian pasta sauce based on guanciale (cured pork cheek), pecorino cheese from Amatrice, tomato, and, in some variations, onion. Originating from the town of Amatrice (in the mountainous Province of Rieti of Lazio region), the \"Amatriciana\" is one of the best known pasta sauces in present-day Roman and Italian cuisine. The Italian government has named it a traditional agro-alimentary product", "id": "9995707" }, { "contents": "Pasta e fagioli\n\n\nconsistency of the dish can vary, with some being soupy, while others are much thicker. For instance, in Bari the dish is thicker in consistency and uses mixed pasta shapes. It also uses pancetta in the base of the sauce. Other varieties call for the beans to be passed through a food mill, giving it a stew-like consistency. The word for \"beans\" varies in different Italian languages, e.g. in standard Italian, in Neapolitan, and in Sicilian. \"Pastafazoola\", a 1927 novelty song", "id": "2907830" }, { "contents": "Erica De Mane\n\n\nErica De Mane (born December 3, 1953 in Bronx, New York, United States) is an American chef, food writer, and teacher who specializes in Italian cooking. She is the author of \"The Flavors of Southern Italy\", \"Pasta Improvvisata\", and \"Williams-Sonoma Pasta\", and contributed to the Italian section of the 1997 revision of \"Joy of Cooking\". She is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals, the Italy-based international Slow Food movement, and the", "id": "17627467" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Corsica\n\n\n) or corn flour (\"stufatu di farin'di granonu\"). \"Brilluli\" is a porridge whose ingredients are chestnut flour, water and goat milk. Pasta dishes particularly show the Italian influence on the Corsican cuisine. Especially stuffed pasta is popular, like \"ravioli\" and \"cannelloni\": both are stuffed with \"brocciu\", similar to the Italian ricotta, ravioli together with spinachs. Pasta sauce with tomatoes and minced meat (\"Salsa pe a pastasciutta\") is also typical. Other preparations reflect the Italian", "id": "9483281" }, { "contents": "Giovanni Rana\n\n\nGiovanni Rana (born October 15, 1937, in Cologna Veneta, Italy) is a pasta maker and founder of the Giovanni Rana brand of Italian food products including refrigerated pasta, sauces, and ready-made dishes. The brand started in 1962 with homemade tortellini and has since expanded, distributing products in 38 different countries. Giovanni Rana was born in 1937. Giovanni Rana joined his brothers at the bakery in San Giovanni Lupatoto in 1950 and began making tortellini, personally preparing the pasta and the filling. He began producing pasta", "id": "19774946" }, { "contents": "Penne alla vodka\n\n\nPenne alla vodka is a pasta dish made with vodka and penne pasta, usually made with heavy cream, crushed tomatoes, onions, and sometimes sausage, pancetta or peas. The recipe became very popular in Italy and in the United States around the 1980s, when it was also offered to discotheque customers. The recipe thus became an icon of the fashionable cuisine of the time, which preferred the use of cream in first courses. Even today, penne alla vodka is a typical dish of Italian-American cuisine. The exact", "id": "18198108" }, { "contents": "Barilla Group\n\n\ngay families, Chairman Guido Barilla made the following comment (translation from \"The Huffington Post\"): We have a slightly different culture, for us, the \"sacral family\" remains one of the company's core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they don't like that, they will eat someone else's pasta. You can't always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a", "id": "11055038" }, { "contents": "Genovese sauce\n\n\nGenovese sauce is a rich, onion-based pasta sauce from the region of Campania, Italy. Likely introduced to Naples from the northern Italian city of Genoa during the Renaissance, it has since become famous in Campania and forgotten elsewhere. The sauce is unusual for the long preparation time used to soften and flavor the onions. Despite its name, which means \"in the style of Genoa,\" Genovese sauce is a principal pasta sauce of Naples and an important part of its culinary history, having been introduced to the city", "id": "16011391" }, { "contents": "Pillus\n\n\nPillus is a type of pasta found in Sardinia, particularly around Oristano. A noodle-like pasta, it is made in thin ribbon strips. A feature of this pasta is that it is kneaded for a long time. It is cooked in beef (or sometimes sheep) broth and served with pecorino cheese. In Busachi the pasta is flavoured with toasted saffron and ground to a powder. Lisanzedas is a variant of pillus (and sometimes named as such) that is oven-baked in layers like lasagne. The shape", "id": "9252562" }, { "contents": "Catania\n\n\nItalian Football League. Catania also hosted the 2011 FIE Fencing World Championships. Catania has a unique cuisine, with strong Sicilian traits. Dishes such as Pasta alla Norma are from the city. Pasta alla Norma is a pasta dish made out of macaroni-like penne, tomato sauce, largely sliced aubergines, and often topped with salty ricotta, or \"ricotta salata\" in Italian. Granita, a popular flavoured sherbet, is believed to hail from the city too. Blood oranges, such as the famous \"tarocco\",", "id": "1129625" }, { "contents": "Italy\n\n\nthe basis of Italian cuisine, rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables and characterised by its extreme simplicity and variety, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients. Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation. Dishes and recipes are often derivatives from local and familial tradition rather than created by chefs, so many recipes are ideally suited for home cooking, this being one of the main reasons behind the ever-increasing worldwide popularity of Italian cuisine, from America to Asia.", "id": "14705485" }, { "contents": "Neapolitan cuisine\n\n\n, \"pasta e lenticchie\" (pasta with lentils), \"pasta e piselli\" (pasta with peas). Nowadays \"cicerchie\" (\"Lathyrus sativus\") have become very rare. Similarly to legumes, other vegetables are associated with pasta, like \"pasta e patate\" (pasta with potatoes), \"pasta e cavolfiore\" (pasta with cauliflower), \"pasta e zucca\" (pasta with pumpkin). The most traditional cooking method consists in cooking the condiments first, for instance, pan fry", "id": "14543698" }, { "contents": "Italian Eritrean cuisine\n\n\nItalian Eritrean cuisine is the mix of Eritrean dishes and spices with Italian dishes. This kind of cuisine is quite common with Italian Eritreans or simply Italians who live in Eritrea and vice versa. A common dish is 'Pasta al Sugo e Berbere', which means \"Pasta with tomato sauce and berbere\" (spice), but there are many more like \"lasagna\" and \"cotoletta alla milanese\" (milano cutlet.) Italian influence is also apparent in Eritrea's beverages, and freshly roasted and brewed Italian-style", "id": "18190479" }, { "contents": "List of pasta dishes\n\n\nis defined by a specific kind of pasta, a specific cooking style, and a specific sauce or condiment. There are large number of evolutions and variants of the traditional dishes. Pasta is also often used as a complementary ingredient in some soups, but these are not considered \"pasta dishes\" (except for the category \"pasta in brodo\" or 'pasta in broth'). The various kinds of pasta are categorized as: \"pasta secca\" (dried pasta), \"pasta fresca\" (fresh pasta)", "id": "21498469" }, { "contents": "Casoncelli\n\n\nCasoncelli (; in the local dialect) are kind of stuffed pasta, typical of the culinary tradition of Lombardy, in the north-central part of Italy. The shell typically consists of two sheets of pasta, about 4 cm long, pressed together at the edges, like that of ravioli. Alternatively it is a disk folded in two and shaped like a sweet wrapper. Casoncelli in the style \"alla bergamasca\" are typically stuffed with a mixture of bread crumbs, egg, parmesan, ground beef, salami or sausage.", "id": "9252526" }, { "contents": "Pasta all'Ortolana\n\n\npasta is almost ready, it gets taken off from the boiling water and thrown into the pan together with all the vegetables, where everything gets tossed and cooked for another 2 or 3 minutes before serving it with few leaves of fresh basil on top.. This Italian dish can have many different variation, as the base concept is to create the sauce by using different fresh vegetables, before mixing it with pasta (Just like with the type of pasta, there is no strict specification regarding the type of vegetables used for the Ortolana", "id": "11081107" }, { "contents": "Milan\n\n\nMTV Italy. National radio stations based in Milan include Radio Deejay, Radio 105 Network, R101 (Italy), Radio Popolare, RTL 102.5, Radio Capital and Virgin Radio Italia. Like most cities in Italy, Milan has developed its own local culinary tradition, which, as it is typical for North Italian cuisines, uses more frequently rice than pasta, butter than vegetable oil and features almost no tomato or fish. Milanese traditional dishes includes \"cotoletta alla milanese,\" a breaded veal (pork and turkey can be used", "id": "15949547" }, { "contents": "American Sign Language grammar\n\n\nquestions. Rhetorical questions are much more common in ASL than in English. For example, \"I don't like garlic\" may be signed, This strategy is commonly used instead of signing the word 'because' for clarity or emphasis. For instance, \"I love to eat pasta because I am Italian\" would be signed, Relative clauses are signaled by tilting back the head and raising the eyebrows and upper lip. This is done during the performance of the entire clause. There is no change in word order.", "id": "17719533" }, { "contents": "Red Pecorino\n\n\nRed Pecorino is a red Sicilian cheese which was originally developed in Sicily, Italy. In Italian, it is referred to as \"Picurinu Rusu\". Red Pecorino is made from sheep's milk and Sicilian filate pastes in a technique known as pasta filata which is used in the manufacture of a family of Italian cheeses also known as stretched-curd, pulled-curd, and plastic-curd. The production of Red Pecorino is officially recognized and included in the list of food products of traditional Italian cuisine (A.P.T),", "id": "20447156" }, { "contents": "Italian cuisine\n\n\n, peppers, spring onions, potatoes, artichokes, fennel, lemons, and oranges which all take on the flavor of volcanic soil. The Gulf of Naples offers fish and seafood. Campania is one of the largest producers and consumers of pasta in Italy, especially spaghetti. In the regional cuisine, pasta is prepared in various styles that can feature tomato sauce, cheese, clams, and shellfish. \"Spaghetti alla puttanesca\" is a popular dish made with olives, tomatoes, anchovies, capers, chili peppers, and garlic", "id": "18268345" }, { "contents": "Broccoli Pizza & Pasta\n\n\nacross Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Europe. Broccoli Pizza and Pasta is an Italian-style fast food restaurant specializing in pizza, pasta, salad, soup and lasagne. This restaurant gives customers an option to customize their own meal. In UAE, Broccoli serves Pepsi products for its beverage. Broccoli Pizza and Pasta’s signature product is Original Italian Pizza. In 2015, Broccoli Pizza and Pasta introduced the Pesto Pasta which had annual sales of over $200,000. The company began selling their homemade juice at some UAE", "id": "5333863" }, { "contents": "Czech cuisine\n\n\nBuckwheat ('), pearl barley (') and millet grains (') are rarely served in restaurants. These are more commonly a home-cooked, healthier alternative. Pasta (') is common, either baked, boiled, cooked with other ingredients or served as a salad. Pasta is available in different shapes and flavours. This is an influence of Italian and Asian cuisine. Rice and buckwheat noodles are not common, but are becoming more popular. Gluten-free pasta is also available, made from corn", "id": "721642" }, { "contents": "Kusksu\n\n\ndish to serve during cold weather. Given its close resemblance to couscous, it is likely that kusksu originated during Malta's Arab occupation. However, documentary evidence relating to this period is scarce. A reliable source dating back to the 18th century makes reference to peppercorn-like shaped pasta, suggesting that kusksu pasta was a staple in the Maltese diet. The primary ingredient used in kusksu is the broad bean, known locally as \"ful\". Broad beans are well-adapted to the Maltese climate and can become invasive if", "id": "12195768" } ]
I need to lose some weight. Obesity is a condition where excess body fat is stored in the body It can be pretty hard to lose weight, but I know there are some good diets you can try. Have you tried any diets? I have tried some low carb diets that restrict carbohydrate consumption Do the low carb diets have a name? Is Atkins a low carb diet? Yes, the Atkins diet is classified as a low carb diet, developed by Robert Atkins Has that worked for you at all?
[{"answer": "It has, but then I wind up eating excessive food intake and lack of physical activity and i end up back where i was", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 129, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Robert Atkins (physician)\n\n\nhis death showed that Atkins had a history of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. His widow refused to allow an autopsy. Autopsies are forbidden in Jewish tradition. The Atkins Diet is a low-carbohydrate diet promoted by Atkins. His success inspired others to generate low-carb diets, and many companies released low-carb diets and low-carb foods. After his death, the popularity of Atkins' diet waned, with the other low-carb diets eroding its market share and questions being raised about its", "id": "752965" }, { "contents": "Fat Bastard\n\n\nbathroom time Foxxy Cleopatra and Austin sneak in using a disguise and catch him. Austin starts shouting to him \"You really are a Fat Bastard\"; \"You know that hurts my feelings; I've tried going on a diet, you know\", he replies. Fat Bastard then says he did the Zone diet, stating that \"carbs are the enemy,\" though the Zone Diet promotes equal amounts of carbs and protein and Fat Bastard probably meant the Atkins diet, which emphasizes low carbs. After tearfully telling Austin", "id": "14810836" }, { "contents": "Dukan Diet\n\n\na scale from 1 to 100) of the kind of carbohydrate consumed is also of importance (see the GI diet). Pierre Dukan said the paleo diet was a copy of his weight loss strategy. The Paleolithic diet is claimed to be based on the human ancestral diet. Other similar diets include Ketogenic diet being low carb moderate protein and high fats and Atkins diet being low carb high protein and moderate fats. The French magazine \"L'Express\"' list of the 20 top-selling non-fiction books for the week", "id": "14210552" }, { "contents": "Robert Cameron (photographer)\n\n\nCity. Cameron was known for a fad diet he invented known as the Drinking Man's Diet. In 1964, he promoted the diet in his booklet \"The Drinking Man’s Diet: How to Lose Weight with a Minimum of Willpower\". The diet became popular and sold over 2.4 million copies in 13 languages. The Drinking Man's Diet was a low-carb high-fat diet with plenty of meat and alcohol. It has been described as a predecessor to the Atkins diet and the Paleolithic diet. A 1965", "id": "22184462" }, { "contents": "South Beach Diet\n\n\nusual care. South Beach Diet and other low carbohydrate diets lack dietary fiber. Fiber is generally considered to aid weight loss and to help prevent obesity. Many sources place the South Beach Diet on lists of \"low carb\" diets such as the Atkins Diet. While the South Beach diet does prohibit foods rich in simple carbohydrates such as white bread, white potatoes and white rice, it does not require dieters to forgo carbohydrates entirely or even measure their intake. Instead, it focuses on the \"glycemic impact\" (short", "id": "4455133" }, { "contents": "Robert Atkins (physician)\n\n\nand went on to open a private practice on the Upper East Side of New York City in 1959. Atkins' medical practice did not go well at first, and he began to put on weight and became depressed. After doing some research, he decided to pursue a low-carbohydrate approach published by Alfred W. Pennington, based on research Pennington did during World War II at DuPont. He began applying this approach in his practice, and began writing books about low-carb diets that became known as the Atkins diet,", "id": "752962" }, { "contents": "South Beach Diet\n\n\nneither low-fat nor low-carb. I want you to learn to choose the right fats and the right carbs.\" The South Beach Diet was developed in the mid-1990s by celebrity doctor Arthur Agatston with the assistance of Marie Almon, the former chief dietitian at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, Florida. Originally called the Modified Carbohydrate Diet, the plan was renamed the South Beach Diet after the South Beach neighborhood in Miami Beach near Agatston's practice. The diet plan was initially developed for Agatston's own patients", "id": "4455135" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nIt was subsequently purchased by North Castle Partners in 2007 and switched its emphasis to low-carb snacks. In 2010, the company was acquired by Roark Capital Group. The Atkins diet gained widespread popularity in 2003 and 2004. At the height of its popularity one in eleven North American adults claimed to be on a low-carb diet such as Atkins. This large following was blamed for large declines in the sales of carbohydrate-heavy foods like pasta and rice: sales were down 8.2 and 4.6 percent, respectively, in", "id": "4550565" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nreceived behavioural counselling for weight loss. As with other commercial weight loss programs, the effect size is smaller over longer periods. Low-carb dieters' initial advantage in weight loss is likely a result of increased water loss, and that after the initial period, low-carbohydrate diets produce similar fat loss to other diets with similar caloric intake. The diet may increase the risk of heart disease. A medical report issued by the New York medical examiner's office a year after the author's death showed that he had a", "id": "4550559" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\n2003. The diet's success was even blamed for a decline in Krispy Kreme sales. Trying to capitalize on the \"low-carb craze,\" many companies released special product lines that were low in carbohydrates. Around that time, the percentage of adults on the diet declined to two percent and sales of Atkins brand products fell steeply in the second half of 2004. An analysis conducted by \"Forbes\" magazine found that the sample menu from the Atkins diet was one of the top five in the expense category of ten", "id": "4550566" }, { "contents": "Zone diet\n\n\n, and the high-fat Atkins Diet. Like other low-carb diets, the ideas underlying the Zone diet are unproven. As of 2013, there were \"no cross-sectional or longitudinal studies examining the potential health merit of adopting a Zone Diet per se, [and] closely related peer-reviewed findings from scientific research cast strong doubt over the purported benefits of this diet. When properly evaluated, the ideas and arguments of popular low carbohydrate diet books like the Zone rely on poorly controlled, non-peer", "id": "4664399" }, { "contents": "Burger King products\n\n\naccordance with low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet and the South Beach Diet. Low-carbohydrate preparation consists of eliminating the bread and serving the product in a bowl with silverware. In January 2010, BK began to publish a list of which of their products that contain gluten and added menu options designed to help those afflicted with Celiac disease as part of its \"Positive Steps\" nutrition program. A company representative stated that it understands that its guests have individual dietary needs, and as part of its \"Have It", "id": "7054714" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nThe Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate fad diet devised by Robert Atkins. The diet is marketed with questionable claims that carbohydrate restriction is critical to weight loss. There is no good evidence of the diet's effectiveness in achieving durable weight loss and it may increase the risk of heart disease. There is weak evidence that the Atkins diet is more effective than behavioral counseling for weight loss at 6-12 months. The Atkins diet led to 0.1% to 2.9% more weight loss at one year compared to control groups which", "id": "4550558" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nformed to market foods that work with the diet, recommends that no more than 20% of calories eaten while on the diet come from saturated fat. The diet was inspired by a low-carbohydrate approach published by Alfred W. Pennington, based on research Pennington did during World War II at DuPont. The Atkins diet is promoted with questionable claims that carbohydrate restriction is the \"key\" to weight loss. In his early books such as \"Dr Atkins' New Diet Revolution\", Atkins made the controversial argument that the low", "id": "4550562" }, { "contents": "The 4-Hour Body\n\n\npraises the avoidance of \"white\" carbohydrates and the recommendation to eat the same few meals repeatedly. \"The Harvard Business Review\" quoted Dr. Tieraona Low Dog: \"many people will lose weight if they follow it, though I don’t think that the diet is capable of \"all\" the claims in the book.\" Low Dog also warns about \"the very limited number of vegetables to choose from,\" though in fact apart from starchy vegetables such as potatoes the slow-carb diet allows free choice in vegetables", "id": "1773796" }, { "contents": "Aseem Malhotra\n\n\n\": it is a \"hijacked\" version of the Mediterranean diet that makes ludicrous claims about the Italian diet because of a \"low-carb agenda\". His diet has been described as a low-carb high-fat diet. Malhotra believes that saturated fat is part of a healthy diet, he is known to put a tablespoon of butter and coconut oil into his coffee. Prof Louis Levy, the head of nutrition science at Public Health England says “There is good evidence that a high intake of saturated fat", "id": "21562419" }, { "contents": "Rice diet\n\n\nNeal Barnard, Caldwell Esselstyn, and myself, owe homage to this man and his work.\" The rice diet has been popularized in a softened form through several modern books. Judy Moscovitz in her book \"The Rice Diet Report\", allows fruit, vegetables and various carbohydrates. Kitty and Robert Rosati authors of \"The Rice Diet Solution\" describe their diet as a \"low-sodium, good-carb, detox diet\". It is based on the consumption of carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables", "id": "21971077" }, { "contents": "Healthy diet\n\n\nThe Mediterranean diet, which includes limiting consumption of red meat and using olive oil in cooking, has also been shown to improve cardiovascular outcomes. Most people who are overweight or obese can use dieting in combination with physical exercise to lose weight. Diets to promote weight loss are divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low", "id": "18725860" }, { "contents": "Krispy Kreme\n\n\nthe poor results to the low-carbohydrate diet craze. This explanation was viewed with skepticism by analysts, as \"blaming the Atkins diet for disappointing earnings carried a whiff of desperation\", and as rival donut chain, Dunkin' Donuts has not suffered from the low-carb trend over the same compared period. Analysts suggested that Livengood had expanded the chain too rapidly after the IPO, which concentrated certain markets with too many stores. While this approach initially grew revenues and profits at the parent-company level, due to", "id": "3176491" }, { "contents": "Atkins Nutritionals\n\n\nAtkins Nutritionals, Inc. was founded by Robert Atkins in order to promote the low-carbohydrate packaged foods of the Atkins diet. Currently it is owned by Roark Capital Group. Atkins founded Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. in 1989 to promote the low-carbohydrate products of his increasingly popular Atkins diet. This diet was developed after Atkins read a research paper in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The paper, entitled \"Weight Reduction,\" was published by Alfred W. Pennington in 1958. Atkins used information from the study to resolve", "id": "8324470" }, { "contents": "Diet-to-Go\n\n\nDiet-to-Go (DTG) is a privately held company that was founded in 1991 by Hilton Davis. Diet-to-Go is a service that offers a national diet delivery food product and local food pickup meals. The company was formed originally as a local diet delivery company in Virginia. The company offers four types of meal plans - Balanced nutrition, Portion Controlled, Low Fat Vegetarian and Keto/Low-carbohydrate diet|Low Carb]] as well as Low Fat Diabetic. In 1999, the company started one", "id": "21722932" }, { "contents": "South Beach Diet\n\n\n. Agatston noticed that the American Heart Association's then-recommended low-fat and high-carbohydrate diet was not lowering his patients' weight, cholesterol or blood sugar levels, but that his patients on the Atkins diet were experiencing weight loss. Unwilling to prescribe the Atkins approach to patients with cardiac issues due to the diet's allowance of saturated fat and limitation of carbohydrates containing fiber and other nutrients, Agatston referenced medical research to build an eating plan that categorized fats and carbohydrates as good or bad and emphasized lean protein and", "id": "4455136" }, { "contents": "Good Calories, Bad Calories\n\n\nGood Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health (published as The Diet Delusion in the United Kingdom and Australia) is a 2007 book by science journalist Gary Taubes. Taubes argues that the last few decades of dietary advice promoting low-fat diets has been consistently incorrect. Taubes contends that carbohydrates, specifically refined carbohydrates like white flour, sugar, and starches, contribute to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and other ailments. Taubes posits a causal link between carbohydrates and cancer", "id": "17314314" }, { "contents": "Low-fat diet\n\n\nA low-fat diet is one that restricts fat and often saturated fat and cholesterol as well. Low-fat diets are intended to reduce the occurrence of conditions such as heart disease and obesity. For weight loss, they perform similarly to a low-carbohydrate diet, since macronutrient composition does not determine weight loss success. Reducing fat in the diet can make it easier to cut calories. Fat provides nine calories per gram while carbohydrates and protein each provide four calories per gram, so choosing low-fat foods makes it", "id": "11446319" }, { "contents": "The China Study\n\n\nin case of complete avoidance of animal products. It criticizes low-carb diets, such as the Atkins diet, which include restrictions on the percentage of calories derived from carbohydrates The authors are critical of reductionist approaches to the study of nutrition, whereby certain nutrients are blamed for disease, as opposed to studying patterns of nutrition and the interactions between nutrients. The book is based on the China–Cornell–Oxford Project, a 20-year study—described by \"The New York Times\" as \"the Grand Prix of epidemiology\"—conducted by", "id": "130630" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nof fat in one's diet. Calorie consumption is reduced because less fat is consumed. Diets of this type include NCEP Step I and II. A meta-analysis of 16 trials of 2–12 months' duration found that low-fat diets (without intentional restriction of caloric intake) resulted in average weight loss of over habitual eating. Low-carbohydrate diets are relatively high in protein and fats. Low-carbohydrate diets are sometimes \"ketogenic\" (i.e., they restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis). Low-", "id": "8430270" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nhistory of heart attack, congestive heart failure and hypertension. There is some evidence that adults with epilepsy may experience seizure reduction derived from therapeutic ketogenic diets, and that a less strict regimen, such as a modified Atkins diet, is similarly effective. The Atkins diet is a kind of low-carbohydrate fad diet. Fructose (for example, as found in many industrial sweeteners) has four calories per gram but has a very low glycemic index and does not cause insulin production, probably because β cells have low levels of GLUT5", "id": "4550560" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\n\"there is no single ratio of carbohydrate, proteins, and fat intake that is optimal for every person with type 2 diabetes\". There is no good evidence that low-carbohydrate diets are better than a conventional healthy diet, in which carbohydrates typically account for more than 40% of calories consumed. Low-carbohydrate dieting has no effect on the kidney function of people who have type 2 diabetes. Limiting carbohydrate consumption generally results in improved glucose control, although without long-term weight loss. Low-carbohydrate diets can", "id": "9464313" }, { "contents": "Jean-Michel Cohen\n\n\ntogether, they have three children. He wrote his first book, \"Savoir Maigrir (Know How to Lose Weight)\", published by Groupe Flammarion, in 2002. In 2004, Cohen was awarded the French National Order of Merit for his contributions in implementing a nutritional label system in France. In 2007, \"Savoir Maigrir\" was adapted as an online weight loss coaching program. In 2011, Cohen critiqued the Dukan Diet, saying that the low-carb diet was dangerous and could lead to long-term problems", "id": "2961713" }, { "contents": "Ketogenesis\n\n\nCoA. The accumulation of acetyl-CoA in turn produces excess ketone bodies through ketogenesis. The result is a rate of ketone production higher than the rate of ketone disposal, and a decrease in blood pH. There are some health benefits to ketone bodies and ketogenesis as well. It has been suggested that a low-carb, high fat ketogenic diet can be used to help treat epilepsia in children. Additionally, ketone bodies can be anti-inflammatory. Some kinds of cancer cells are unable to use ketone bodies, as they do", "id": "7261000" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ndiet still had most people adhering to it, but thereafter the situation reversed: at two years the low-carbohydrate group had the highest incidence of lapses and dropouts. This may be due to the comparatively limited food choice of low-carbohydrate diets. Studies have shown that people losing weight with a low-carbohydrate diet, compared to a low-fat diet, have very slightly more weight loss initially, equivalent to approximately 100kcal/day, but that the advantage diminishes over time and is ultimately insignificant. The Endocrine Society", "id": "9464307" }, { "contents": "The 4-Hour Body\n\n\nnot specifically address the 'Slow-carb diet'. A review of \"The 4-Hour Body\" in WebMD was skeptical of the diet, quoting Barry Sears (creator of the Zone diet): “Skip the 4-hour body and opt for a 24-hour-365-day-a-year body, because you need a plan that makes sense that you can live with.” In the same article, Michael Aziz (creator of the Perfect 10 Diet) claims the cheat day is \"dangerous\". On the other hand, the review", "id": "1773795" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nDiabetes Mellitus\". This diet was often administered in a hospital in order to better ensure compliance and safety. Other low-carbohydrate diets in the 1960s included the Air Force diet and the Drinking Man's Diet. In 1972, Robert Atkins published \"Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution\", which advocated the low-carbohydrate diet he had successfully used in treating people in the 1960s. The book was a publishing success, but was widely criticized by the mainstream medical community as being dangerous and misleading, thereby limiting its appeal at the", "id": "9464320" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nthe nutritiousness of their diet by eliminating carbohydrate-rich food. Low-carbohydrate diet proponents emphasize research saying that low-carbohydrate diets can initially cause slightly greater weight loss than a balanced diet, but some studies suggest that such an advantage does not persist. In the long-term successful weight maintenance is determined by calorie intake, and not by macronutrient ratios. The public has become confused by the way in which some diets, such as the Zone diet and the South Beach diet are promoted as \"low-carbohydrate\"", "id": "9464302" }, { "contents": "Soul food health trends\n\n\nand increasing fiber”.Soul food with low carb Low carb is also known as low carbohydrate, high fat. \"Diabetes Research and clinical Practice\" found that low carb positively affects glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes, triglycerides and HDL (high density lipoprotein). It is suggested that ideal diet requires less than 130 g of carbohydrate a day and claims to be promoted as a permanent lifestyle choice through books and websites. For example, people are suggested to eat green vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, and", "id": "10580736" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nlow-fat, high-carbohydrate nature of the normal Indian and Asian diet means that their ketogenic diets typically have a lower ketogenic ratio (1:1) than in America and Europe. However, they appear to be just as effective. In many developing countries, the ketogenic diet is expensive because dairy fats and meat are more expensive than grain, fruit and vegetables. The modified Atkins diet has been proposed as a lower-cost alternative for those countries; the slightly more expensive food bill can be offset by a reduction in", "id": "6074214" }, { "contents": "Low-fat diet\n\n\nlow-fat diets for weight loss is broadly similar to that of low-carbohydrate diets in the long-term. The Endocrine Society state that \"when calorie intake is held constant [...] body-fat accumulation does not appear to be affected by even very pronounced changes in the amount of fat vs carbohydrate in the diet.\" Low-fat diets have been promoted for the prevention of heart disease. Lowering fat intake from 35-40% of total calories to 15-20% of total calories has been", "id": "11446322" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\nintake.\" David L. Katz has characterized Atkins' claim as nonsense. The idea of \"metabolic advantage\" of low-carbohydrate dieting has been falsified by experiment in a study of people following restricted-carbohydrate dieting. Atkins Nutritionals was founded in 1989 by Atkins to promote the sale of Atkins-branded products. Following his death, waning popularity of the diet and a reduction in demand for Atkins products, Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on July 31, 2005 citing losses of $340 million.", "id": "4550564" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nnumber of points they are supposed to consume each day. Strengths Limitations The Atkins Diet involves the restriction of carbohydrates in one's diet causing the body's metabolism to switch from burning glucose as fuel to burning stored body fat, sending the body into a state of ketosis. Ketosis causes a person to get their energy from ketones, which also causes them to feel less hungry. Carbohydrate consumption must be 40 grams/day (= 2 slices of bread) for ketosis to occur. Strengths Limitations The GM Diet was devised by the", "id": "19103841" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nas: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, very low calorie and more recently flexible dieting. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between low-calorie, low-carbohydrate, and low-fat diets, with a 2–4 kilogram weight loss over 12–18 months in all studies. At two years, all calorie-reduced diet types cause equal weight loss irrespective of the macronutrients emphasized. In general, the most effective diet is any which reduces calorie consumption. A study published", "id": "8430264" }, { "contents": "KE diet\n\n\nindividual cannot eat anything and may only drink water, tea, coffee (with no milk, sugar or sweeteners) or sugar-free herb teas with the tube in. Laxatives may be given to dieters to ease constipation caused by the diet. Practitioners screen their patients before administering the diet to them and monitor them with blood and urine tests during the diet. The diet does not stop someone from gaining weight in the future. Following the diet, the dieter has to continue a low-carb, high protein diet", "id": "16944479" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nin obesity prevalence may be primarily due to increased consumption of refined carbohydrates, but the mechanisms are likely to be quite different from those proposed by the carbohydrate–insulin model\". It has been repeatedly found that in the long-term, all diets with the same calorific value perform the same for weight loss, except for the one differentiating factor of how well people can faithfully follow the dietary programme. A study comparing groups taking low-fat, low-carbohydrate and Mediterranean diets found at six months the low-carbohydrate", "id": "9464306" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nmedium of insulin, and that low-carbohydrate diets have a \"metabolic advantage\", has been falsified by experiment. It is not clear how low-carbohydrate dieting affects cardiovascular health; any benefit from HDL cholesterol might be offset by raised LDL cholesterol, which risks causing clogged arteries in the long term. Carbohydrate-restricted diets are no more effective than a conventional healthy diet in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes, but for people with type 2 diabetes they are a viable option for losing weight or helping with glycemic", "id": "9464296" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\neating plan rather than a pre-decided one. A low-carbohydrate diet gives slightly better control of glucose metabolism than a low-fat diet in type 2 diabetes. A 2018 report on type 2 diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) found that a low-carbohydrate diet may not be as good as a Mediterranean diet at improving glycemic control, and that although having a healthy body weight is important, \"there is no single ratio of carbohydrate", "id": "17167854" }, { "contents": "Michael Greger\n\n\ngraduated in 1999 as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. In 2001, he joined Organic Consumers Association to work on mad cow issues, on which he spoke widely as cases of mad cow appeared in the US and Canada, calling mad cow \"The Plague of the 21st Century.\" In 2004, he launched a website and published a book critical of the Atkins Diet and other low carb diets. In 2004, the American College Of Lifestyle Medicine was formed in Loma Linda, and Greger was a founding member as", "id": "6931381" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\n, headache and constipation, and in general the potential adverse effects of the diet are under-researched, particularly for more serious possible risks such as for bone health and cancer incidence. Carbohydrate-restricted diets can be as effective, or marginally more effective, than low-fat diets in helping achieve weight loss in the short term. In the long term, effective weight maintenance depends on calorie restriction, not the ratio of macronutrients in a diet. The hypothesis proposed by diet advocates that carbohydrate causes undue fat accumulation via the", "id": "9464295" }, { "contents": "South Beach Diet\n\n\nterm change in blood glucose) of foods. (Nutritionists continue, however, to question the net benefit of the first phase to dieters not affected by impaired glucose metabolism.) Many vegetables are permitted even in phase 1. Complex, fiber-rich carbohydrate sources such as brown rice and 100% whole grain bread are permitted during phase 2. Agatston has tried to distance the South Beach Diet from \"low carb\" approaches; in the \"South Beach Diet\" book he wrote: \"It is my purpose to teach", "id": "4455134" }, { "contents": "Treatment of bipolar disorder\n\n\nand until recently, was entirely hypothetical. Recently, however, two case studies have been described where ketogenic diets were used to treat bipolar II. In each case, the patients found that the ketogenic diet was more effective for treating their disorder than medication and were able to discontinue the use of medication. The key to efficacy appears to be ketosis, which can be achieved either with a classic high-fat ketogenic diet, or with a low-carbohydrate diet similar to the induction phase of the Atkins Diet. The mechanism", "id": "5885956" }, { "contents": "Robert Atkins (physician)\n\n\nRobert Coleman Atkins (October 17, 1930 April 17, 2003) was an American physician and cardiologist, best known for the Atkins Diet, a fad diet which requires close control of carbohydrate consumption and emphasizes protein and fat as the primary sources of dietary calories in addition to a controlled number of carbohydrates from vegetables. The commercial success of Atkins' diet plan led \"Time\" to name the doctor one of the ten most influential people in 2002. The Atkins diet has been described as \"one of the most popular fad", "id": "752959" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nthe parents and other caregivers must be educated in many aspects of the diet for it to be safely implemented. Implementing the diet can present difficulties for caregivers and the patient due to the time commitment involved in measuring and planning meals. Since any unplanned eating can potentially break the nutritional balance required, some people find the discipline needed to maintain the diet challenging and unpleasant. Some people terminate the diet or switch to a less demanding diet, like the modified Atkins diet or the low-glycaemic index treatment diet, because they find", "id": "6074184" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nconsider the two less restrictive dietary variants—the low glycaemic index treatment and the modified Atkins diet—to be more appropriate for adolescents and adults. A liquid form of the ketogenic diet is particularly easy to prepare for, and well tolerated by, infants on formula and children who are tube-fed. Advocates for the diet recommend that it be seriously considered after two medications have failed, as the chance of other drugs succeeding is only 10%. The diet can be considered earlier for some epilepsy and genetic syndromes where it", "id": "6074175" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nbut maintaining this weight loss is frequently difficult and often requires making exercise and a lower food energy diet a permanent part of a person's lifestyle. Intensive behavioral interventions are recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force. In the short-term low carbohydrate diets appear better than low fat diets for weight loss. In the long term; however, all types of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets appear equally beneficial. A 2014 review found that the heart disease and diabetes risks associated with different diets appear to be", "id": "11648988" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nweight loss. A subsequent study found benefits in mortality from intentional weight loss in those who have severe obesity. Diets to promote weight loss are generally divided into four categories: low-fat, low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, and very low calorie. A meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials found no difference between three of the main diet types (low calorie, low carbohydrate, and low fat), with a weight loss in all studies. At two years these three methods resulted in similar weight loss", "id": "11423992" }, { "contents": "Carbohydrate\n\n\nin the amount of fat vs carbohydrate in the diet.\" In the long term, effective weight loss or maintenance depends on calorie restriction, not the ratio of macronutrients in a diet. The reasoning of diet advocates that carbohydrates cause undue fat accumulation by increasing blood insulin levels, and that low-carbohydrate diets have a \"metabolic advantage\", is not supported by clinical evidence. Further, it is not clear how low-carbohydrate dieting affects cardiovascular health, although two reviews showed that carbohydrate restriction may improve lipid markers of", "id": "6127984" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ndiets containing certain high-carbohydrate items – such as sugar-sweetened drinks or white rice – are associated with an increased risk. Some evidence indicates that consuming fewer carbohydrate foods may reduce biomarkers of type 2 diabetes. A 2018 report on type 2 diabetes by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) found that a low-carbohydrate diet may not be as good as a Mediterranean diet for improving glycemic control, and that although having a healthy body weight is important,", "id": "9464312" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\n-carbohydrate diet has been found to reduce endurance capacity for intense exercise efforts, and depleted muscle glycogen following such efforts is only slowly replenished if a low-carbohydrate diet is taken. Inadequate carbohydrate intake during athletic training causes metabolic acidosis, which may be responsible for the impaired performance which has been observed. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet used to treat drug-resistant childhood epilepsy. In the 2010s, it became a fad diet for people wanting to lose weight. Users of the ketogenic", "id": "9464315" }, { "contents": "Eustace Chesser\n\n\n', should be issued. The BMA defended its decision on the grounds that the booklet had been criticised by other doctors who were members of the BMA. Chesser authored the book \"Slimming for the Million\" in 1939. He advocated a low-carbohydrate high-protein diet. He recommended bacon, eggs, lean meats and fresh vegetables. He argued that \"all sugars should be avoided like the devil\", especially chocolate which he described as \"one of obesity's biggest allies.\" His low-carb dieting", "id": "13541388" }, { "contents": "Scarsdale diet\n\n\nfor high protein and low fat and low carbohydrates, but also emphasizes fruits and vegetables. The diet's high fat ratio may increase the risk of heart disease. People following the diet can lose much weight at first, but this loss is generally not sustained any better than with normal calorie restriction. The book was originally published in 1978 and received an unexpected boost in popular sales when its author, Herman Tarnower, was murdered in 1980 by his jilted lover Jean Harris. A made-for-tv movie, The People", "id": "21165445" }, { "contents": "Carbohydrate\n\n\nDisadvantages of the diet might include halitosis, headache and constipation, and in general the potential adverse effects of carbohydrate-restricted diets are under-researched, particularly for possible risks of osteoporosis and cancer incidence. Carbohydrate-restricted diets can be as effective as low-fat diets in helping achieve weight loss over the short term when overall calorie intake is reduced. An Endocrine Society scientific statement said that \"when calorie intake is held constant [...] body-fat accumulation does not appear to be affected by even very pronounced changes", "id": "6127983" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ndiet may not achieve sustainable weight loss, as this requires strict carbohydrate abstinence, and maintaining the diet is difficult. Possible risks of using the ketogenic diet over the long term may include kidney stones, osteoporosis, or increased levels of uric acid, a risk factor for gout. Low-carbohydrate diets can be associated with increased mortality, as can high-carbohydrate diets. Ketosis induced by a low-carbohydrate diet has led to reported cases of ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition. This has led to the suggestion that", "id": "9464316" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nirrespective of the macronutrients emphasized. High protein diets do not appear to make any difference. A diet high in simple sugars such as those in soft drinks increases weight. Very low calorie diets provide 200–800 kcal/day, maintaining protein intake but limiting calories from both fat and carbohydrates. They subject the body to starvation and produce an average weekly weight loss of . These diets are not recommended for general use as they are associated with adverse side effects such as loss of lean muscle mass, increased risks of gout, and electrolyte", "id": "11423993" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nwhen in fact they would more properly be termed \"medium\" carbohydrate diets. Low-carbohydrate diet advocates including Gary Taubes and David Ludwig have proposed a \"carbohydrate-insulin hypothesis\" in which carbohydrate is said to be uniquely fattening because it raises insulin levels and so causes fat to accumulate unduly. The hypothesis appears to run counter to known human biology whereby there is no good evidence of any such association between the actions of insulin and fat accumulation and obesity. The hypothesis predicted that low-carbohydrate dieting would offer a \"", "id": "9464303" }, { "contents": "Ripping (bodybuilding)\n\n\nwith the loss of fat and the maintenance of muscle tissue. Of course, it is extremely unlikely that any performance enhancers or steroids will have an effect unless the person taking them is taking part in exercise or a specific diet plan. It is very likely that body builders will, at some stage, use supplements to help them rip up. When taking part in such a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet, it can affect energy levels in addition to changing one's mood. A person with such a diet and low", "id": "11148506" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nof the limited carbohydrates is slowed by the high fat content. Although it is also a high-fat diet (with approximately 60% calories from fat), the LGIT allows more carbohydrate than either the classic ketogenic diet or the modified Atkins diet, approximately 40–60 g per day. However, the types of carbohydrates consumed are restricted to those that have a glycaemic index lower than 50. Like the modified Atkins diet, the LGIT is initiated and maintained at outpatient clinics and does not require precise weighing of food or intensive dietitian", "id": "6074208" }, { "contents": "Glut1 deficiency\n\n\nversus proteins and carbohydrates and other diet variables for each individual patient to experience optimal tolerance and benefits. Variations on the ketogenic diet, including the Modified Atkins Diet, and diets based on MCT oil have also been shown to be beneficial for some Glut1 Deficiency patients. While the classic ketogenic diet is commonly used for younger children, compliance with the ketogenic diet can be difficult for older children and adults. In recent years, the Modified Atkins Diet, and MCT oil based diets, have gained increasing acceptance among doctors treating these groups", "id": "658366" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nsugary foods are less so. People choosing diet for health conditions should have their diet tailored to their individual requirements. For people with metabolic conditions, a diet with approximately 40-50% carbohydrate is recommended. Most vegetables are low- or moderate-carbohydrate foods (in some low-carbohydrate diets, fiber is excluded because it is not a nutritive carbohydrate). Some vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, maize (corn) and rice are high in starch. Most low-carbohydrate diet plans accommodate vegetables such as broccoli", "id": "9464300" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nstate that \"when calorie intake is held constant [...] body-fat accumulation does not appear to be affected by even very pronounced changes in the amount of fat vs carbohydrate in the diet.\" Much of the research into low-carbohydrate dieting has been of poor quality and studies which reported large effects have garnered disproportionate attention in comparison to those which are methodologically sound. Higher quality studies tend to find no meaningful difference in outcome between low-fat and low-carbohydrate dieting. Low-quality meta-analyses have", "id": "9464308" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ncontrol. There is little evidence that low-carbohydrate dieting is helpful in managing type 1 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes should adopt a generally healthy diet, rather than a diet focused on carbohydrate or other macronutrients. An extreme form of low-carbohydrate diet – the ketogenic diet – is established as a medical diet for treating epilepsy. Through celebrity endorsement it has become a popular weight-loss fad diet, but there is no evidence of any distinctive benefit for this purpose, and it may have", "id": "9464297" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\na number of initial side effects. The British Dietetic Association named it one of the \"top 5 worst celeb diets to avoid in 2018\". The macronutrient ratios of low-carbohydrate diets are not standardized. the conflicting definitions of \"low-carbohydrate\" diets have complicated research into the subject. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines low-carbohydrate diets as diets that restrict carbohydrate intake to 20 to 60 grams per day, typically less than 20% of caloric intake. A 2016 review of low-carbohydrate diets classified", "id": "9464298" }, { "contents": "Pamela Clark\n\n\nwrote \"The magazine editors' diet: a revolutionary low-carb, low-fat diet\" with Catherine Saxelby. In 2009, the Weekly highlighted Clark's then-30 years of expertise, publishing the celebratory book, \"Ask Pamela Q&A: Pamela Clark answers all your cooking questions\" (ACP Books, Sydney, 2009, ). It was published to feature the most common questions posed to Clark in her roles in the Test Kitchen. It was reviewed by Annelise Balsamo as perhaps being more suited to cooks who do not", "id": "8023074" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\ncalorie diets usually produce an energy deficit of 500–1,000 calories per day, which can result in a weight loss per week. One of the most commonly used low-calorie diets is Weight Watchers. The National Institutes of Health reviewed 34 randomized controlled trials to determine the effectiveness of low-calorie diets. They found that these diets lowered total body mass by 8% in the short term, over 3–12 months. Women doing low-calorie diets should have at least 1,000 calories per day and men should have approximately 1,200 calories per", "id": "8430271" }, { "contents": "Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease\n\n\ncounseling to improve nutrition. People with NAFLD might benefit from a moderate to low-carbohydrate diet and low-fat diet. The Mediterranean diet also showed promising results in a 6-week scheme in reduction of NASH induced inflammation and fibrosis, independently from weight loss. Tentative evidence supports dietary interventions in individuals with fatty liver who are not overweight. The EASL recommend energy restriction of 500-1000 kcal/week less than the normal daily diet, a target of 7–10% weight loss for obese/overweight NAFLD, a low to moderate", "id": "8891731" }, { "contents": "FoodPair\n\n\nresults by applying additional filters. The filters allow the user to select recipes based on the number of ingredients, course (such as appetizers or main courses), or recipes from a particular website. FoodPair also lets users select recipes for their specific diet with filters for Low-Carb, Low-Fat, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes. It is the only recipe search engine with locking filters, which help users save their diet, site and course preferences so they only have to enter them once. User registration on FoodPair is", "id": "21394491" }, { "contents": "Myoclonic astatic epilepsy\n\n\nburning stored body fat. In the absence of glucose, the body produces ketones, a chemical by-product of fat metabolism that has been known to inhibit seizures. A modified version of a popular low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet which is less restrictive than the ketogenic diet. The low glycemic index treatment (LGIT) is a new dietary therapy currently being studied to treat epilepsy. LGIT attempts to reproduce the positive effects of the ketogenic diet. The treatment allows a more generous intake of carbohydrates than the ketogenic diet", "id": "2273818" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\n. Leptin, an appetite-regulating hormone, is not triggered following consumption of fructose. This may for some create an unsatisfying feeling after consumption which might promote binge behavior that culminates in an increased blood triglyceride level arising from fructose conversion by the liver. Preferred foods in all categories are whole, unprocessed foods with a low glycemic index, although restrictions for low glycemic carbohydrates (black rice, vegetables, etc.) are the same as those for high glycemic carbohydrates (sugar, white bread). Atkins Nutritionals, the company", "id": "4550561" }, { "contents": "Carbohydrate\n\n\ncardiovascular disease risk. Carbohydrate-restricted diets are no more effective than a conventional healthy diet in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes, but for people with type 2 diabetes, they are a viable option for losing weight or helping with glycemic control. There is limited evidence to support routine use of low-carbohydrate dieting in managing type 1 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes should adopt a generally healthy diet, rather than a diet focused on carbohydrate or other macronutrients. An extreme form of low-", "id": "6127985" }, { "contents": "Montignac diet\n\n\nregards the choice of fats: the desirability of fatty foods depends on the nature of their fatty acids: polyunsaturated omega 3 acids (fish fat) as well as monounsaturated fatty acids (olive oil) are the best choice, while saturated fatty acids (butter and animal fat) should be restricted. Fried foods and butter used in cooking should be avoided. The Montignac Method is divided into two phases. Phase I: \"the weight-losing phase.\" This phase consists chiefly of eating the appropriate carbs, namely those", "id": "18989523" }, { "contents": "Ketogenic diet\n\n\nof achieving weight loss, extending the induction phase indefinitely, and specifically encouraging fat consumption. Compared with the ketogenic diet, the modified Atkins diet (MAD) places no limit on calories or protein, and the lower overall ketogenic ratio (about 1:1) does not need to be consistently maintained by all meals of the day. The MAD does not begin with a fast or with a stay in hospital and requires less dietitian support than the ketogenic diet. Carbohydrates are initially limited to 10 g per day in children or 20 g", "id": "6074205" }, { "contents": "Ann Louise Gittleman\n\n\nFlush Plan\", which became a \"New York Times\" best seller, reaching #14 on the \"Hardcover Advice\" list. In May 2004, \"The Fat Flush Plan\" was described along with other low carbohydrate diets in a \"Time\" magazine story, \"The Skinny on Low Carbs\". Gittleman's books have been criticized as inconsistent with the best understanding of health and nutrition, and for presenting scientific research in a simplistic and one-sided manner. According to Healthline, Gittleman's \"Fat Flush", "id": "16982907" }, { "contents": "Prediabetes\n\n\nweight loss. Reducing weight by 7% through a low-fat diet and performing 150 minutes of exercise a week is the goal. In observational studies, individuals following vegetarian diets are about half as likely to develop diabetes, compared with non-vegetarians. The ADA guidelines recommend modest weight loss (5–10% body weight), moderate-intensity exercise (30 minutes daily), and smoking cessation. There are many anecdotal claims in the media and elsewhere that a high-fat, high-protein, low carbohydrates diet", "id": "7772215" }, { "contents": "Diabetic diet\n\n\n, proteins, and fat intake that is optimal for every person with type 2 diabetes\". The ADA say low-carbohydrate diets can be useful to help people with type 2 diabetes lose weight, but that these diets were poorly defined, difficult to sustain, unsuitable for certain groups of people and that, for diet composition in general, \"no single approach has been proven to be consistently superior\". Overall, the ADA recommend people with diabetes should be \"developing healthy eating patterns rather than focusing on individual macronutrients,", "id": "17167855" }, { "contents": "Calorie restriction\n\n\nof a 2007 review of the caloric restriction literature warned that \"it is possible that even moderate calorie restriction may be harmful in specific patient populations, such as lean persons who have minimal amounts of body fat.\" Caloric restriction diets typically lead to reduced body weight, yet reduced weight can come from other causes and is not in itself necessarily healthy. In some studies, low body weight has been associated with increased mortality, particularly in late middle-aged or elderly subjects. Low body weight in the elderly can be caused", "id": "5540281" }, { "contents": "Dieting\n\n\nDieting is the practice of eating food in a regulated and supervised fashion to decrease, maintain, or increase body weight, or to prevent and treat diseases, such as diabetes. A restricted diet is often used by those who are overweight or obese, sometimes in combination with physical exercise, to reduce body weight. Some people follow a diet to gain weight (usually in the form of muscle). Diets can also be used to maintain a stable body weight and improve health. Diets to promote weight loss can be categorized", "id": "8430263" }, { "contents": "PCOS Challenge\n\n\nJosef Brandenburg, and clinical psychologist Ruth Wittersgreen. The women are also guided by alternative and traditional medical experts including reproductive endocrinologists, dermatologists, acupuncturists, and naturopathic physicians. For nutrition, much of the focus was on eating a low-carbohydrate diet to help improve insulin sensitivity that seems to be at the root of many of the problems associated with PCOS. The women take fish oil and vitamin D to help improve their insulin sensitivity. In addition to the low-carb diet, the fitness program they was focused on anaerobic", "id": "12233472" }, { "contents": "Type 2 diabetes\n\n\nwithout weight loss. Aerobic exercise leads to a decrease in HbA and improved insulin sensitivity. Resistance training is also useful and the combination of both types of exercise may be most effective. A diabetic diet that promotes weight loss is important. While the best diet type to achieve this is controversial, a low glycemic index diet or low carbohydrate diet has been found to improve blood sugar control. A very low calorie diet, begun shortly after the onset of type 2 diabetes, can result in remission of the condition. Vegetarian diets", "id": "20203026" }, { "contents": "Gluten-free diet\n\n\nby the cardiologist William Davis, which refers to wheat as a \"chronic poison\" and became a \"New York Times\" bestseller within a month of publication in 2011. The gluten-free diet has been advocated and followed by many celebrities to lose weight, such as Miley Cyrus, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Kourtney Kardashian, and are used by some professional athletes, who believe the diet can improve energy and health. It became popular in the USA, as the popularity of low-carbohydrate diets faded. Estimates suggest that", "id": "15117538" }, { "contents": "Bodybuilding\n\n\nCompetitive bodybuilders focus their efforts to achieve a peak appearance during a brief \"competition season\". Clean bulking takes longer and is a more refined approach to achieving the body fat and muscle mass percentage a person is looking for. A common tactic for keeping fat low and muscle mass high would be to have higher calorie and lower calorie days to maintain a balance between gain and loss. Many clean bulk diets start off with a moderate amount of carbs, moderate amount of protein, and a decently low amount of fats. \"", "id": "4022757" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\n. Changes in production of these hormones along with other satiating hormones in extreme weight loss managements showed suppressed resting metabolic rate (RMR) which resulted many subjects regaining much of the lost weight. The Ornish Diet is a fat restricting diet (less than 10% of calories from fat) focusing on eating high amounts of fiber, and following a low-fat vegetarian diet. The Ornish diet recommends combining the diet with exercise that allows the body's fat burning mechanism to work most effectively. The philosophy is focused less on restricting", "id": "19103845" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nobesity. For example, in one experiment, male Sprague-Dawley rats were given either a low fat or a high fat diet, with the high fat diet containing 35% more fat than the low fat diet. The results of the study illustrate that the high fat diet rats had a higher adiposity index than the low fat diet rats. Dogs are used for research because they can be domesticated, and because they have been used in studies concerning diabetes in the past. For example, dogs were used as subjects in", "id": "10628487" }, { "contents": "Cabbage soup diet\n\n\nThe cabbage soup diet is a radical weight loss diet designed around heavy consumption of a low-calorie cabbage soup over seven days. It is generally considered a fad diet, in that it is designed for short-term weight-loss and requires no long-term commitment. The typical claimed intent of the diet is to lose 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of weight in a week, though nutritional experts argue that it is nearly impossible to lose that much fat within a week: much of the weight lost is water", "id": "3386135" }, { "contents": "List of diets\n\n\nto lose weight is a common motivation to change dietary habits, as is a desire to maintain an existing weight. Many weight loss diets are considered by some to entail varying degrees of health risk, and some are not widely considered to be effective. This is especially true of \"crash\" or \"fad\" diets. Many of the diets listed below could fall into more than one subcategory. Where this is the case, it is noted in that diet's entry. A very low calorie diet is consuming fewer than", "id": "4758112" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\ntime. The concept of the glycemic index was developed in 1981 by David Jenkins to account for variances in speed of digestion of different types of carbohydrates. This concept classifies foods according to the rapidity of their effect on blood sugar levelswith fast-digesting simple carbohydrates causing a sharper increase and slower-digesting complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, a slower one. In 1992, Atkins published an update from his 1972 book, \"Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution\", and other doctors began to publish books based on the same", "id": "9464321" }, { "contents": "Postpartum physiological changes\n\n\n, herring, sardines, grouper, and tuna may need to be limited due to pollutants. Weight loss should be monitored to ensure recovery. Quick weight loss can reduce milk supply. Low carb and high protein diets may not be appropriate. A realistic weight loss goal is one pound per week. A urinary catheter is usually put in place before the cesarean section to prevent urinary retention. The abdominal incision will be another site for pain and possible infection. Moving out of bed may be delayed. As with any surgical procedure", "id": "16129149" }, { "contents": "Diet food\n\n\nDiet food (or dietetic food) refers to any food or beverage whose recipe is altered to reduce fat, carbohydrates, and/or sugar in order to make it part of a weight loss program or diet. Such foods are usually intended to assist in weight loss or a change in body type, although bodybuilding supplements are designed to aid in gaining weight or muscle. In addition to \"diet\" other words or phrases are used to identify and describe these foods including \"light\", \"zero calorie\", \"low calorie", "id": "9222814" }, { "contents": "Atkins diet\n\n\n-carbohydrate diet produces a metabolic advantage because \"burning fat takes more calories so you expend more calories\"; the Atkins diet was claimed to be \"a high calorie way to stay thin forever\". He cited one study in which he estimated this advantage to be 950 Calories (4.0 MJ) per day. A review study published in \"Lancet\" concluded that there was no such metabolic advantage and dieters were simply eating fewer calories. Astrup stated, \"The monotony and simplicity of the diet could inhibit appetite and food", "id": "4550563" }, { "contents": "F-Factor (diet)\n\n\nF-Factor is a high fiber diet plan created by Registered Dietitian Tanya Zuckerbrot. It includes a diet plan, F-Factor branded food line, books, and other products. The diet plan focuses on consumption of lean proteins and high-fiber carbohydrates. The F-Factor brand was created by New York dietitian and author Tanya Zuckerbrot. She developed the plan after gaining 24 pounds and deciding to start eating like she was teaching her clients. Her diet consisted of high-fiber carbs and lean protein which became the", "id": "17265531" }, { "contents": "Low-carbohydrate diet\n\n\nLow-carbohydrate diets or carbohydrate-restricted diets (CRDs) are diets that restrict carbohydrate consumption. Foods high in carbohydrates (e.g., sugar, bread, pasta) are limited or replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of fats and moderate protein (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, and seeds) and other foods low in carbohydrates (e.g., most salad vegetables such as spinach, kale, chard and collards), although other vegetables and fruits (especially berries) are", "id": "9464293" }, { "contents": "Diet drink\n\n\ncarb-conscious consumers\", who are paying attention to their carbohydrate intake but not trying to drastically reduce it. According to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics, about one-fifth of the US population ages 2 years and over consumed diet drinks on a given day in 2009‒2010, and 11% consumed 16 fluid oz. of diet drinks or more. Overall, the percentage consuming diet drinks was higher among females compared with males. The percentage consuming diet drinks was similar for females and males at all ages", "id": "14437691" }, { "contents": "FODMAP\n\n\nand lactose, particularly if they have lactase persistence. A low-FODMAP diet consists in the global restriction of all fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs), that is recommended only for a short time. Below are low-FODMAP foods categorized by group according to the Monash University \"Low-FODMAP Diet\". Other sources confirm the suitability of these and suggest some additional foods. A low-FODMAP diet might help to improve short-term digestive symptoms in adults with irritable bowel syndrome, but its long-term use can have", "id": "18190890" }, { "contents": "Cat food\n\n\ndiseased kidneys. Low protein diets should not be fed to cats with the liver condition known as hepatic encephalopathy because severe protein restriction can be detrimental to animals with this condition. Cats with this condition should be fed a diet with high quality protein sources that have adequate amounts of the amino acids taurine and arginine. A high energy diet is generally high in fat. Compared to carbohydrates and protein, fat provides much more energy, at 8.5 kcal/g. High energy diets generally have a fat content greater than 20% on", "id": "10716827" } ]
Hair coloring is the practice of changing your hair color Do you work in a salon for a living?
[{"answer": "Yes i do currently . Another fact is that salons have been around since the early 1940s", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "848420", "title": "Salon (gathering)", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 362, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 533, "bleu_score": 0.7407233505096669, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Gender-based price discrimination in the United States\n\n\nthis stereotype has changed. Men are often experimenting with their hair, including hair loss treatment and hair color. While women may still spend a considerable amount for hair color and other treatments, many women prefer basic haircuts. Additionally, salon-quality hair styling tools are readily available and easy to use at home. Gendered price disparities for hair salon services have also been documented in different locations across the United States and Europe. The California Assembly Office of Research conducted a survey of five large California cities and found that forty percent", "id": "15686210" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Toupée\n\n\nthe weave area, resulting in traction alopecia. Hair weaves were very popular in the 1980s & 1990s, but are not usually recommended because of the potential for permanent hair damage and hair loss. While toupée dealers attempt to match the toupée's color to the natural hair color of the wearer, sometimes the colors are not identical. This color mismatch is often exacerbated when a toupée is poorly cared for and fades, or the wearer's hair color turns gray while the toupée retains its original color. However a good salon will", "id": "11970693" }, { "contents": "Anime\n\n\nshade, the tone color, and a dark shade is used. Cultural anthropologist Matt Thorn argues that Japanese animators and audiences do not perceive such stylized eyes as inherently more or less foreign. However, not all anime have large eyes. For example, the works of Hayao Miyazaki are known for having realistically proportioned eyes, as well as realistic hair colors on their characters. Hair in anime is often unnaturally lively and colorful or uniquely styled. The movement of hair in anime is exaggerated and \"hair action\" is used to", "id": "218236" }, { "contents": "Paula Kent Meehan\n\n\nhad a circus theme and entertainment for thousands of beauty operators. With her red-gold hair in a new style, she handed out preliminary trophies to a parade of models displaying both new styles and new colors for hair. Paula Kent worked with Al Lapin; Redken tints were at one time actually Lapinal tints. The Lapin Bros., Al, Itzy, Harold and Sam were successful in the business of hair coloring;their salon was on Sunset Blvd., in Hollywood. Lapin Bros. Beauty Schools taught the correct way to color hair", "id": "2803375" }, { "contents": "Hair (musical)\n\n\nHair\" crews also contributed a day's pay, and Butler contributed a day's profits from these productions. Moreover, as Ellen Stewart, La MaMa's founder, noted: \"Hair\" came with blue jeans, comfortable clothing, colors, beautiful colors, sounds, movement. ... And you can go to AT&T and see a secretary today, and she's got on blue jeans. ... You can go anywhere you want, and what \"Hair\" did, it is still doing \"twenty years later\".", "id": "18844625" }, { "contents": "Nice 'n Easy (hair coloring)\n\n\nvignettes — was the brainchild of lead copywriter Shirley Polykoff, whose work on the Clairol hair color campaign was a career high point. In her original memo to Clairol, Polykoff, who was inducted into the Advertising Hall of Fame in 1980, described the Clairol woman as “Cashmere-sweater-over-the-shoulder types. Like larger-than-life-portraits of the proverbial girl on the block who’s a little prettier than your wife and lives in a house slightly nicer than yours.” Polykoff created the", "id": "922179" }, { "contents": "Coty, Inc.\n\n\nbecoming the global leader in fragrance, the second largest company for hair color and styling products, and the third largest company for color cosmetics. The company operates three divisions: Consumer Beauty, which focuses on body care, color cosmetics, fragrances, and hair coloring and styling products; Luxury, for luxury cosmetic, fragrance, and skin care products; and Professional Beauty, which services beauty salon and nail salon professionals. Coty's mission is to \"celebrate and liberate the diversity of beauty\". The company has approximately 20,000", "id": "14356493" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nfor the at-home process. L'Oreal provides a process that you can follow. An important step of the Dip Dye process is to make sure your hair is healthy and hydrated. Healthy hair will allow it to absorb the color which will lead to longer lasting results. If the hair is not healthy, it is important to switch shampoos and conditioners for several weeks before starting the process. The first step is to wear clothes that can be ruined. Brush your hair out nice and thoroughly to remove any knots in your", "id": "13290042" }, { "contents": "James v. Illinois\n\n\nas witnesses by recounting their experience to the police. Darryl James was eventually brought into custody as a suspect. He was arrested in his mother's beauty salon. The police questioned him about his hair color to which he responded that although his hair was currently black and curly it had previously been reddish-brown and slicked back. After arriving at the police station James was again questioned and he then told police he changed his hair color to alter his appearance. James was eventually indicted for murder and attempted murder. James attempted", "id": "16250928" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nHair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more eumelanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair is lighter. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a person's hair color to change, and it is possible to have hair follicles of more than one color on the same person. Particular hair colors are often associated with ethnic groups, while gray or white hair is associated with age.", "id": "218613" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nan unexpected side effect: some of the patients' hair color was restored to their pre-gray color. The hair color of buried bodies can change. Hair contains a mixture of black-brown-yellow eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Eumelanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized. The color of hair changes faster under extreme conditions. It changes more slowly under dry oxidizing conditions (such as in burials in sand or in ice) than under wet reducing conditions (such as burials in wood or", "id": "218637" }, { "contents": "Dream Life\n\n\nschool and if the character gets good grades, she can get things for her room like a TV or phone. She can get a makeover (which is a choice of hair style, hair color and makeup), develop a crush (and maybe dance with him at a party). She can interact with other people created by the makers of the game at the stations where you can do everything. She can also earn money by doing chores in your house, particularly the kitchen. Another way to earn money is", "id": "5963562" }, { "contents": "Sabino horse\n\n\neven among breeds that do not have true roans, such as Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Gray horses undergo progressive silvering that begins at or shortly following birth. Young gray horses often exhibit a mixture of whitish and colored hairs which can be mistaken for roaning. Grays develop more and more white hairs over the course of several years, most eventually losing all or almost all of their original colored hair. Sabino markings are permanent, and while some changes are not out of the ordinary, drastic color changes are not characteristic of sabino-", "id": "4380706" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nprocess of adding pigment to or removing pigment from the hair shaft. Hair coloring processes may be referred to as coloring or bleaching, depending on whether pigment is being added or removed. Temporary hair tints simply coat the shaft with pigments which later wash off. Most permanent color changes require that the cuticle of the hair be opened so the color change can take place within the cuticle. This process, which uses chemicals to alter the structure of the hair, can damage the cuticle or internal structure of the hair, leaving it", "id": "19772405" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nHair highlighting/lowlighting is changing a person's hair color, using lightener or haircolor to color hair strands. There are four basic types of highlights: foil highlights, hair painting, frosting, and chunking. Highlights can be done in natural or unnatural colors. Color highlights come in four categories: temporary, semi-permanent, demi-permanent and permanent. Hair lightened with bleach or permanent color will be permanent until new growth begins to growth. Highlighted hair will make the hair appear fuller. Therefore, it is recommended", "id": "16368263" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nplaster coffins). Hair color can be changed by a chemical process. Hair coloring is classed as \"permanent\" or \"semi-permanent\". Permanent hair color means that the hair's structure has been chemically altered until it is eventually cut away. This does not mean that the synthetic color will remain permanently. During the process, the natural color is removed, one or more shades, and synthetic color has been put in its place. All pigments wash out of the cuticle. Natural color stays in much longer", "id": "218638" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nout this new trend. By the summer of 2015, gray and pastel colors were regularly requested at salons, showing the growing popularity of the look. This same year, the website boredpanda asked women to post their photos in gray hairstyles and that page has since then received over 600,000 views. Two groups emerged; young people changing their hair color and the older generation eager to embrace their natural grays. Something previously perceived as a feature that needs to be hidden, considered a flaw of aging, was embraced as desirable and", "id": "8917085" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nnatural hair pigment. Someone with dark hair wishing to achieve two or three shades lighter may need a higher developer whereas someone with lighter hair wishing to achieve darker hair will not need one as high. Timing may vary with permanent hair coloring but is typically 30 minutes or 45 minutes for those wishing to achieve maximum color change. Demi-permanent hair color is hair color that contains an alkaline agent other than ammonia (e.g. ethanolamine, sodium carbonate) and, while always employed with a developer, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in", "id": "4824089" }, { "contents": "Freeze brand\n\n\nhair on pigmented animals must grow back in before the brand can be read and results can vary from animal to animal. If it is to be used to denote ownership, some states do not recognize it as a legal brand for designating ownership of livestock. Freeze branding changes the color of the animal’s hair to white without preventing hair growth. This effect is created by killing the hair’s color follicle (CF), causing the hair to grow without pigment. It therefore appears white, even though it is actually colorless", "id": "13058387" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nprotection for the hair against physical and environmental damage. Hair styling equipment which helps in creating hairstyles include: Cosmetics products used in creating and maintaining hairstyles include: Chemical alterations like perming, coloring can be carried out to change the perceived color and texture of hair. All of these are temporary alterations because permanent alterations are not possible at this time. Chemical alteration of hair only affects the hair above the scalp; unless the hair roots are damaged, new hair will grow in with natural color and texture. Hair coloring is the", "id": "19772404" }, { "contents": "Hair Wars\n\n\nLittle Willie, Colors and others and the inspiration of David Humphries. In 2007, a book documenting several years of the event in photographs and interview was released, \"Hair Wars\" by David Yellen and Johanna Lenander. \"Hair Wars The Supreme Salon Tour\" Top SALONS compete down the RUNWAY for the title \"Supreme Salon\" in a THEMED runway show that is judged and awarded. This show produced by Windy City Media's entertainment director, Benjamin Moline and marketing director, Dan Baron. Hosted by celebrity hair stylist Ben", "id": "13189802" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\npermanents have several advantages as compared with permanent color. Because there is essentially no lifting (i.e., removal) of natural hair color, the final color is less uniform/homogeneous than a permanent and therefore more natural looking; they are gentler on hair and therefore safer, especially for damaged hair; and they wash out over time (typically 20 to 28 shampoos), so root regrowth is less noticeable and if a change of color is desired, it is easier to achieve. Demi-permanent hair colors are not permanent", "id": "4824091" }, { "contents": "One Hundred and One Dalmatians\n\n\nI've ever had a chance to work with. A voice like Betty Lou's gives you something to do. You get a performance going there, and if you don't take advantage of it, you're off your rocker.\" While her hair coloring originated from the illustrations in the novel, Davis found its disheveled style by looking \"through old magazines for hairdos from 1940 till now.\" Her coat was exaggerated to match her oversized personality, and the lining was red because \"there's a devil image involved", "id": "12039869" }, { "contents": "Artificial hair integrations\n\n\npercent annually. In India, a large portion of the hair is sourced from Hindu temples where hair is donated for religious practices, particularly in honor of the Hindu god Vishnu. This hair is highly sought out for its 'virgin', untreated qualities, as well as its great length. From there the hair is cleaned and the color is removed before being re-dyed for international style tastes. Artificial hair colors: Manufacturers of artificial hair use a standard scale to classify the hair by color. The lower the number", "id": "17737675" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nnatural hair is determined by the melanin present. Generally, the more melanin, the darker the hair. In order for the color of hair to be lightened, a chemical must penetrate the cuticle of the hair, enter the cortex and destroy the melanin. Permanent hair color, bleach and other decolorants can do this to varying degrees. Permanent hair color, unlike bleach and other decolorants, leaves behind an artificial pigment while destroying the natural pigment. This pigment is a mix of the primary colors: blue, red and yellow", "id": "12863609" }, { "contents": "Nice 'n Easy (hair coloring)\n\n\n” advertising campaign. In the 1950s, just 7% of American women used hair color (or admitted to doing so), at a time when the common belief was that only actresses, models and other women considered promiscuous altered their natural shade. To help change that attitude, Clairol eschewed celebrities in favor of the average woman for its Miss Clairol and Nice ’n Easy hair color campaigns. The idea to buck the trend of that era’s advertising style — which emphasized high glamour rather than girl-next-door", "id": "922178" }, { "contents": "Hair tattoo\n\n\nprocedure. In contrast to other tattoos, the procedure does not penetrate the epidermal level of the skin as deeply, and the inks (or pigments) used are less prone to color change over time. The advantages of this procedure is that the hairline can be adjusted and freshened up with relative ease. The cost of scalp micropigmentation depends on a variety of factors, such as where you live, the type of clinic you choose, the treatment area required and how many treatments you need. A typical hair tattoo focused on", "id": "4282898" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nproduct, \"Poly Color\". Hair dyeing is now a multibillion-dollar industry that involves the use of both plant-derived and synthetic dyes. Hair color was traditionally applied to the hair as one overall color. The modern trend is to use several colors to produce streaks or gradations, but not all work on top of a single base color. These are referred to as: There are also newer coloring techniques such as ombré, in which hair is dark on the crown and bit by bit becomes lighter toward the", "id": "4824086" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n\" (sometimes called \"deposit only\"), \"semi-permanent\", and \"temporary\". Permanent hair color generally contains ammonia and must be mixed with a developer or oxidizing agent in order to permanently change hair color. Ammonia is used in permanent hair color to open the cuticle layer so that the developer and colorants together can penetrate into the cortex. The developer, or oxidizing agent, comes in various volumes. The higher the developer volume, the higher the \"lift\" will be of a person's", "id": "4824088" }, { "contents": "Puppet Guardian\n\n\nservices from the \"underground marketplace\" to the tower lobbies in November 2008. The barbershop or hair salon is called Basil the Barber and is a service that allows players to change their hair color and style or trim their beards. This is necessary because characters hair does grow over time. In the Ranch Guild players can always obtain horses, dogs, cats, and parrots. Sometimes exotic pets are featured, usually with a seasonal theme. For example, players could acquire a pet reindeer during the Christmas event. A jack", "id": "1268683" }, { "contents": "Transgender hormone therapy (male-to-female)\n\n\ntexture and length, and pubic hair becomes more typically female in pattern. Lower leg hair becomes less dense. All of these changes depend to some degree on genetics. Head hair may change slightly in texture, curl, and color. This is especially likely with hair growth from previously bald areas. Eyebrows do not change because they are not androgenic hair. The lens of the eye changes in curvature. Because of decreased androgen levels, the meibomian glands (the sebaceous glands on the upper and lower eyelids that open up at", "id": "18447491" }, { "contents": "The Boys (Nicki Minaj and Cassie song)\n\n\nsing her part. Minaj sensually touches Cassie, dancing in precarious positions along Cassie's waistline and thighs. Minaj and Cassie go through many costume changes in the video. Various clips of Minaj and Cassie appear as the chorus goes, including Minaj bouncing on the ball as she raps along. Minaj then starts the second verse inside of a colorful beauty salon, sporting a pink wig, getting her hair done. Dancers are seen doing choreography in the salon and Cassie begins to sing the chorus again while sitting down in the same", "id": "22128903" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\nHair care is an overall term for hygiene and cosmetology involving the hair which grows from the human scalp, and to a lesser extent facial, pubic and other body hair. Hair care routines differ according to an individual's culture and the physical characteristics of one's hair. Hair may be colored, trimmed, shaved, plucked or otherwise removed with treatments such as waxing, sugaring and threading. Hair care services are offered in salons, barbershops and day spas, and products are available commercially for home use. Laser hair removal", "id": "19772394" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nthe side of turning hair a little too red, in the absence of enough blue, instead of possibly giving the hair a purple or blue tint, in the absence of enough yellow and/or red pigmentation (as might be the case when applied to grey or very light blonde hair). The first way that hot roots can occur involves two separate color applications. Once permanent hair color is applied and subsequent hair growth occurs, the roots of the affected hair can, and usually do, exhibit a noticeably different color from the", "id": "12863612" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nof anesthetic. Other research publications have concluded that women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. A study showed women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to that particular pain medication than men. A follow-up study by the same group showed that men and women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to morphine-6-glucuronide. The unexpected relationship of hair color to pain tolerance appears to exist because redheads have a mutation in a hormone", "id": "218562" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\nworld of adding machines. The sales guys had to bring buckets of water and do the rinsing off in front of everyone, because the hairdressers in the crowd were convinced we were doing something to the models behind the scenes\". In 1956, after two decades of selling the company's hair tint to beauty salons, Clairol launched an at-home version of Miss Clairol Hair Color Bath and became a household name. The successful advertising campaign used to promote the new version of the product used the catchphrase, \"Does she", "id": "13572444" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\n: most of the genes do not cluster together and are not inherited together. Skin and hair color are not correlated to height, weight, or athletic ability. Human species do not share the same patterns of variation through geography. Skin color varies with latitude and certain people are tall or have brown hair. There is a statistical correlation between particular features in a population, but different features are not expressed or inherited together. Thus, genes which code for superficial physical traits—such as skin color, hair color, or", "id": "11237591" }, { "contents": "Cosmetology\n\n\nprofessional company. In the US, some colorists are qualified through the American Board of Certified Hair Colorists. This designation is used to recognize colorists that have a greater level of competency in the industry through a written exam and a practical exam. A hair color specialist's duties might include, but are not limited to, basic color applications like covering grey and lightening or darkening natural hair color. A color specialist also has the ability to perform corrective color applications and create special effects using foiling techniques or any other advanced color application", "id": "4946347" }, { "contents": "Ulta Beauty\n\n\nstore nationwide. The store format includes a 950 square feet salon area with eight to ten stations. The salon has a concierge desk, skin treatment room, and semi-private shampoo and hair color processing areas. It offers services including haircuts and coloring from Redken-trained hair stylists, skin treatments and facials from Dermalogica-trained skin therapists, and manicures from OPI-trained professionals. They also provide professional makeup applications. They additionally include the Benefit Brow Bar, which includes services such as brow arching, brow tinting,", "id": "9560738" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncause problems later when trying to do a perm or permanent hair color. Some store-bought henna contains metallic salts which reacts to hydrogen peroxide that is used in hair lightening. This may lead to unpredictable results, such as green or blue tones in the hair. Henna is a healthy way to color hair, as long as no metallic salts are used. In 2018, a system for making semi-permanent hair dyes from renewable waste blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) fruit skins from the fruit pressing industry was developed.", "id": "4824112" }, { "contents": "Ariel (The Little Mermaid)\n\n\nin the changing environments, both under the sea and on land, for which the animators required thirty-two color models, not including costume changes. The bluish-green color of Ariel's mermaid tail was a hue specially mixed by the Disney paint lab; the color was named \"Ariel\" after the character. The choice of red as Ariel's hair color was the subject of dispute between the filmmakers and studio executives who wanted the character to have blonde hair. It was noted that red hair contrasted better with Ariel", "id": "5177900" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\naside and asked him about the true color of his girlfriend's hair. \"Does she color her hair, or doesn't she?\" the embarrassed Polykoff could imagine her mother-in-law-to-be asking. Although Polykoff did color her hair, the practice was not something to which women openly admitted during the Depression (when her future mother-in-law first asked the question). In 1956 (when Polykoff was assigned the Clairol campaign), hair dye was still considered something not used by", "id": "13572447" }, { "contents": "The Incredible Hulk (film)\n\n\nto do whatever they imagined, in case the model was to be used for \"The Avengers\" film. The Hulk's medium-length hair was modeled on Mike Deodato's art. He originally had a crew cut, but Leterrier decided flopping hair imbued him with more character. Leterrier cited \"An American Werewolf in London\" as the inspiration for Banner's transformation, wanting to show how painful it was for him to change. As a nod to the live action TV series, Banner's eyes change color first when", "id": "15040334" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nprocessing\" time. This is the amount of time required to achieve the desired results. In highlighting hair, hydrogen peroxide mixed with pigment is used to change the color of the strand. This process is also used in applying \"lowlights\" to the hair. In this process, hair dyes are used to create strands of hair that are darker than the natural color. Hair painting is a method of highlighting hair that may be done at home. Hair painting methods are often permanent and employ a simple hair-painting brush", "id": "16368265" }, { "contents": "Peter Coppola\n\n\nas a mentor and inspiration. Other stylists he admires include Frédéric Fekkai and John Sahag. In 1968, Coppola teamed up with stylist Paul Mitchell to open the first American hair cutting salon. A year later, hair-care product maker Clairol approached him to collaborate on product development. Coppola and Clairol worked together on Clairol’s Luminize product line. In 1972, Coppola went to the New York Supreme Court on the ban on men's haircuts in beauty salons. In 1996, Coppola received the Cosmair World Class Color Award.", "id": "4167168" }, { "contents": "Male grooming\n\n\nalso for helping with one's color. Colored lip balm is suitable for men who prefer the natural because it can brighten up one's lips with a lively color which matches their natural color unlike lipstick or tint. Barber shops are also one of the newly created spaces to assist with grooming men. Barber shops are a unique hair care space that provides customized styling according to current fashion trends. While most men in Korea are looking for women-oriented beauty salons, the U.S. style barber shop is attracting male customers. Men", "id": "7928923" }, { "contents": "Goku\n\n\nblooded Saiyans. Goku's hair color changes from black to golden after ascending to a Super Saiyan, and his irises change from black to turquoise. In his Super Saiyan God form, both his hair color and irises change to a deep red. In his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form, both his hair color and irises change to blue (hence its nickname \"Super Saiyan Blue\"). Goku prefers dressing in a \"dōgi\" uniform to show his devotion to Earth, instead of the standard battle fatigues of his", "id": "12788898" }, { "contents": "Ouidad\n\n\nOuidad (/we-dad/), is a curly hair expert who owns a hair care line and a selection of Ouidad salons across the United States, Canada, and Curaçao. She is the author of \"Curl Talk; Everything You Need to Know to Love and Care for Your Curly, Kinky, Wavy, or Frizzy Hair\". Ouidad was born in Lebanon and emigrated to the U.S. at the age of 16. She is married to Peter Wise, who is also her business partner. Her flagship salons are located", "id": "16652371" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n, sprays, and foams. Temporary hair color is typically brighter and more vibrant than semi-permanent and permanent hair color. It is most often used to color hair for special occasions such as costume parties and Halloween. The pigments in temporary hair color are high molecular weight and cannot penetrate the cuticle layer. The color particles remain adsorbed (closely adherent) to the surface of the hair shaft and are easily removed with a single shampooing. Temporary hair color can persist on hair that is excessively dry or damaged in a", "id": "4824096" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "Purple Mark\n\n\nMark Wirth, better known as Purple Mark, is a Seattle, Washington resident, \"fashion notable\" who has become locally famous, especially around the Capitol Hill neighborhood where he lives, for his colorful attire and his equally colorful dyed hair and beard. He has been quoted as saying, \"So many people are against color, so many people are afraid to live.\" Purple Mark usually dresses and dyes his hair, beard and other hair on his body, such as on his eyebrows and arm-hair,", "id": "16847069" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nin several studies. The final color of each strand of hair will depend on its original color and porosity. Because hair's color and porosity across the head and along the length of a hair strand, there will be subtle variations in shade across the entire head. This gives a more natural-looking result than the solid, all over color of a permanent color. Because gray or white hairs have a different starting color than other hair, they will not appear as the same shade as the rest of the hair when", "id": "4824094" }, { "contents": "Roxxxy\n\n\nis not limited to sexual uses and \"can carry on a discussion and expresses her love to you. She can talk to you, listen to you and feel your touch.\" Other features include touch sensors that give Roxxxy the ability to sense when it is being moved. The robot's vocabulary may be updated with the help of a laptop (connected to the back by cables) and the Internet. Customers can ask TrueCompanion to customize the Roxxxy according to personal preferences, such as hair color, eye color, skin", "id": "164262" }, { "contents": "Hairdresser\n\n\nhaving their hair done and other services such as facials. Wealthy women still had hairdressers visit their home, but, the majority of women visited salons for services, including high-end salons such as Elizabeth Arden's Red Door Salon. Major advancements in hairdressing tools took place during this period. Electricity led to the development of permanent wave machines and hair dryers. These tools allowed hairdressers to promote visits to their salons, over limited service in-home visits. New coloring processes were developed, including those by Eugene Schueller in", "id": "9253112" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nHair dye stripping is a process used to rid the hair of unwanted deposited color. Hair dye stripping is a chemical process involving the application of a sulfur-based product to hair in order to remove deposited color. Hair dye strippers raise sulfite levels to make hair more porous and reverse the oxidation of color molecules. This breaks the bonds dyes form between one another and the hair shaft that were formed by oxidizing small hair color intermediates, shrinking the molecules and allowing hair color to be washed out of the hair. Because of", "id": "7210630" }, { "contents": "Christiana Carteaux Bannister\n\n\n. When Christiana Carteaux Bannister and Edward Bannister moved to Providence, she opened another salon in Providence. In Boston, the Bannisters lived and worked with Lewis Hayden and participated in the Boston Underground Railroad. The Bannister hair salons became popular meeting places for African American and white abolitionists. During the Civil War, Christiana Carteaux Bannister was an advocate for equal pay for Black soldiers. In November 1864, she organized a fair sponsored by the Boston Colored Ladies Sanitary Commission to benefit the African American regiments, the 54th and 55th Massachusetts and", "id": "1708124" }, { "contents": "Color analysis (art)\n\n\nto a color's \"temperature\" (cool blue vs. warm yellow) and the degree to which the hair, skin and eye colors contrast. Cosmetic colors are often determined by hair or eye color alone. The successful practical application of a color analysis will theoretically allow the individual to coordinate his or her clothing and accessories with greater ease and avoid costly mistakes by purchasing items that are not within their color palette. However, color analysis has continued to be problematic and controversial due to the lack of standard training or degree required", "id": "3075792" }, { "contents": "Redjack: Revenge of the Brethren\n\n\non tracks, figuring out a color system to make a pair of doors open, and several others. You play a young blond-haired man named Nicholas Dove who inhabits Lizard Point. You are being pressured by many people who are close to you to make something of yourself and you decide to join a pirate crew in order to make your living. You meet a pirate named Lyle who tells you that the captain is hiring men because he lost some in an \"accident\", Lyle also saves you from some cutthroat", "id": "8519916" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n70% of cases of hair graying. The change in hair color occurs when melanin ceases to be produced in the hair root and new hairs grow in without pigment. The stem cells at the base of hair follicles produce melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. The death of the melanocyte stem cells causes the onset of graying. It remains unclear why the stem cells of one hair follicle may fail to activate well over a decade before those in adjacent follicles less than a millimeter apart. Graying", "id": "218630" }, { "contents": "Hair Peace Salon\n\n\nthe sound. The guys play just like crazy. Basovišča is not their level. We do not understand, why they spend their musical time here, they need to conquer European heights... Hair Peace Salon is a good band, especially for those who are a true brit-pop-rocker”. In a review of the 2005 year EP \"\"Hover\"\", the “Muzykalnaya Gazeta” described the music of Hair Peace Salon as “guitar rock in English, rich in ideas, spectacular, which sends you", "id": "6691692" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Buck-Tick\n\n\nlong does it take you to put your hair up?\" and \"Do you put up your hair in order to attract attention so you'll sell records?\" The band members only put their hair up because they thought it looked cool. That was the only reason, they always answered, but eventually got so tired of the questions that they refused to answer them anymore. They had become popular enough that they could only play at large halls now. They missed small live houses, so they organized a secret gig", "id": "2603577" }, { "contents": "Rodolfo Valentin\n\n\nRodolfo Valentin (born June 22, 1944) is a New York City hairdresser and entrepreneur. Beginning his career as a fashion model in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Valentin later emigrated to New York to find work as a hairdresser, eventually opening his own business. He owns three hair salons within the New York City area with products and services that include hair extension, and hair coloring. Valentin is also an active philanthropist, he currently supports the AFSP, Alzheimer's Association and has set up his own charity organization, Sofia", "id": "7918263" }, { "contents": "Phoenix Ikki\n\n\nmanga \"Saint Seiya Episode.G\" authored by Megumu Okada, as Leo Aiolia and Scorpio Milo think of the next generation of Saints who will write future history. Several minor changes were made to Ikki's design in the anime adaptation of the series. The Phoenix Cloth, which is orange in the manga, appears as multicolored in the anime adaptation. Ikki's black hair also changed colors, as it is common practice for characters with black hair in the original manga to receive dark blue hair in the anime adaptation to", "id": "12823982" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\nearly as 1956 and during the 1960s, ads for Lady Clairol asked, \"Is it true blondes have more fun?\"; those for Loving Care asked, \"What would your husband do if suddenly you looked ten years younger?\" When the company introduced Nice 'n Easy, the first at-home shampoo-in hair color, women were told, \"The closer he gets, the better you look\". Radiantly Red was advertised with \"Some lucky girls are born red. Others catch up\".", "id": "13572450" }, { "contents": "Gerome Ragni\n\n\n\"Colored Spade\", \"Manchester, England\", \"Frank Mills\", \"We Look at One Another\", \"Hair\", \"Aquarius\", \"Easy to Be Hard\", \"Good Morning Starshine\" and \"Where Do I Go?\"), and completed the first version of their musical, called \"Hair\". Two of the thirteen songs were removed, many songs were revised, titles were changed, and more songs were written as they continued to work on the show. Once", "id": "17118439" }, { "contents": "List of Star Wars species (F–J)\n\n\nand recessiveness, such as with the Ewok species, whose fur comes in various colors and patterns. Iridonians can be completely bald or fully haired. Again, it is analogous to race/subspecies. Certain horn patterns are linked with certain hair patterns or lack thereof. Hair can be any of the same colors seen in the human species. However, unlike humans, Iridonian males do not have eyebrows and do not grow facial hair. There is also a different pattern of horns for each gender. The horns on the female", "id": "12304152" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nbut the darker shades in particular may persist longer than indicated on the packet. Semi-permanent hair coloring involves little or no developer, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, and is thus less damaging to hair strands. The reduced amount of developer, whether peroxide or ammonia, means that hair previously damaged by applying permanent color or permanent reshaping is less likely to be damaged during the color application process. Semi-permanent hair color uses compounds of lower molecular weight than are found in temporary hair color dyes. These dyes penetrate the hair", "id": "4824092" }, { "contents": "Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier\n\n\ncolor of their puppy coat before it eventually grows out to the wheat color. It may also come out to a molten chocolate color, either white or milky colored fur . The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized dog, which ranges on average from in height and about in weight. The breed has a square structure and is well built. Their soft, silky hair does not shed like most dogs; like human hair and Poodle hair, it keeps growing; they do need trimming and should be brushed", "id": "12893964" }, { "contents": "Dreadlocks\n\n\nnew line of hair care products and services in salons offer all sorts of dreadlock hair care items such as wax (considered unnecessary and even harmful by many), shampoo, and jewelry. Hairstylists created a wide variety of modified locks, including multi-colored synthetic lock hair extensions and \"dread perms\", where chemicals are used to treat the hair. On July 3, 2019, California became the first US state to prohibit discrimination over natural hair. Governor Gavin Newsom signed the CROWN Act into law, banning employers and", "id": "14728583" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Michel Mercier (hairdresser)\n\n\nto L'Oréal. In 2006, Mercier began to market a line of hair products he developed in collaboration with laboratories and engineering teams. He required that none of the products be tested on animals. Mercier is the developer of several patented products, including a hair detangling brush and S.O.S Color, which is a hair-coloring device for coloring roots. Over the years, Mercier worked with Hollywood celebrities including Brigitte Bardot and Isabel Adjani and presented at hair shows and seminars. Today he works with L’Oreal, Wella and Procter & Gamble", "id": "19403485" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\ncoloring industry. In 2004, Clairol registered annual sales worth about US$1.6 billion from the sale of its hair-care products. As of 2014, Clairol manufactures hair-coloring products sold under the brand names \"Natural Instincts\", \"Nice 'n Easy\", and \"Perfect Lights\". The Clairol hair-coloring line includes permanent hair color, semipermanent hair color, and highlighting and blonding products. As of 2014, Clairol's hair-color products are sold under these brands: The company's website includes", "id": "13572442" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Color analysis (art)\n\n\nthe hair may be the first thing that strikes the observer's eye (particularly if the hair color is dramatic). Thus, \"even though [one palette of] colors work best for [a particular person's] complexion, the individual may look like another Season because of haircoloring...I call this their secondary Season.\" The color of the hair and eyes serve to heighten the appeal of certain color choices for clothing and makeup, and to rule out certain other choices, but all such choices must be made", "id": "3075811" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nway that allows for migration of the pigment to the interior of the hair shaft. Alternative hair coloring products are designed to create hair colors not typically found in nature. These are also referred to as \"vivid color\" in the hairstyling industry. The available colors are diverse, such as the colors green and fuchsia. Permanent alternatives in some colors are available. More recently, blacklight-reactive hair dyes have been brought to market that Fluorescence under blacklights, such as those often used at nightclubs. The chemical formulae of alternative", "id": "4824097" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nbeing reddish. This is in reference to red hair itself, not the color red. Auburn encompasses the color maroon, but so too do chestnut and burgundy. In contrast with the two, auburn is more red in color, while chestnut is more brown, and burgundy is more purple; chestnut hair is also often referred to as \"chestnut-brown\". The word \"auburn\" comes from the Old French word \"alborne\", which meant blond, coming from Latin word \"alburnus\" (\"off-", "id": "11952791" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Vaan Nguyen\n\n\nseveral lifestyle episodes of lifestyle television series on \"Teva Ha-Dvarim\" TV channel, and in 2005 was a hosted some editorial episodes on Nguyen worked as a model for L'Oreal in a campaign for hair color, and was the house model for the Lichtenstein hair salon. She participated in fashion layouts in the \"Maariv\" teen magazine, and \"Yedioth Aharonoth\". She also appeared in fashion designer Petite A's 2011 catalog. In 2002–2003, she wrote a weekly column for \"Zman Tel Aviv\" newspaper", "id": "12114093" }, { "contents": "Gallop & Ride\n\n\nbooks that allow you to higher advance your facilities. You can choose from 3 breeds: Friesan, Hanoverian, and Andalusian; from 7 colors: black, white, gray, bay, red, cream, and palomino; and from 6 patterns: black hair (mane and tail), solid, pinto, dapple, socks, and stripes. You can braid your horse's mane and name your horse. The gender is uncertain. The player can be either gender and any name and can choose from a wide range", "id": "3458036" }, { "contents": "Maiden Tower (Baku)\n\n\nheavy battle began. In one of God's blessed moments, the fortress' pahlevan unhorsed the enemy and put a knife direct to his neck. The enemy's commander screamed: \"You win! Who are you? Take your helmet off. I want to see your face, pahlevan!\" He took off the helmet and saw that the fortress' pahlevan was a beautiful girl with long fire-colored hair. He exclaimed: \"Oh, you are a girl! You are brave and beautiful girl! If girls", "id": "1010761" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nTwo types of pigment give hair its color: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Pheomelanin colors hair orange and red. All humans have some pheomelanin in their hair. Eumelanin, which has two subtypes of black or brown, determines the darkness of the hair color. A low concentration of brown eumelanin results in blond hair, whereas a higher concentration of brown eumelanin results in brown hair. High amounts of black eumelanin result in black hair, while low concentrations result in white hair. Pheomelanin is more bio-chemically stable than black eumelanin,", "id": "218614" }, { "contents": "Roan (color)\n\n\nRoan is a coat color found in many animals, including horses, cattle, antelope and dogs. It is defined generally as an even mixture of white and pigmented hairs that do not \"gray out\" or fade as the animal ages. There are a variety of genetic conditions which produce the colors described as \"roan\" in various species. A horse with intermixed white and colored hairs of any color is usually called a roan. However, such mixtures, which can appear superficially similar, are caused by a number of", "id": "11313536" }, { "contents": "Dun gene\n\n\nhas no intermingled black and white hairs, and unlike a true gray, which also intermingles light and dark hairs, the color does not change to a lighter shade as the horse ages. With a dun, the hair color itself is one solid shade and remains so for life. To further confuse matters, it is possible for a horse to carry both dun and cream dilution genes; such horses with golden buckskin coloring and a complete set of primitive markings are referred to as a \"buckskin dun\" or a \"dunskin", "id": "9855376" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "Equine coat color genetics\n\n\nwhere a negative result usually means none of the known mutations were found, but does not rule out undiscovered mutations. Genes affecting coat color generally do so by changing the process of producing melanin. Melanin is the pigment that colors the hairs and skin of mammals. There are two chemically distinct types of melanin: pheomelanin, which is a red to yellow color, and eumelanin, which is brown to black. Melanin is not a protein and therefore there is no gene that changes its structure directly, but there are many proteins", "id": "9628830" }, { "contents": "Laser hair removal\n\n\nlight skin is easiest to treat. Certain areas (notably men's faces) may require considerably more treatments to achieve desired results. Laser does not work well on light-colored hair, red hair, grey hair, white hair, as well as fine hair of any color, such as vellus. For darker skinned patients with black hair, the long-pulsed with a cooling tip can be safe and effective when used by an experienced practitioner. Typically the shedding of the treated hairs takes about two to three weeks.", "id": "21823846" }, { "contents": "French Bulldog\n\n\n\"). The most common colors are brindle, then fawn, with pieds being less common than the other colors. The breed clubs do not recognize any other colors or patterns. This is because some colors come linked with genetic health problems not usually found in the breed. These include blue coloration, which is linked with a form of alopecia (hair loss or baldness), sometimes known as \"Blue Dog Alopecia\". Although this is heavily disputed by some organizations, it has been suggested that the health, hair", "id": "920306" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nends. These are off-the-scalp techniques, and can be applied by the following methods: All coloring techniques can be used with any type of color. For lightening, the hair sometimes has to be bleached before coloring. Hair coloring can also be applied on the scalp for a more solid level of coverage All coloring techniques can be used with any type of color. For lightening, the hair sometimes has to be bleached before coloring. The four most common classifications are \"permanent\", \"demi-permanent", "id": "4824087" }, { "contents": "Harajuku Girls (song)\n\n\ncloud. Because, seriously, that was all meant out of love. She also \"fetishiz[es] Japanese fashion\" through several lyrics: \"Where the catwalk got it claws / All you fashion know-it-alls / With your underground malls...\" and \"When you dress up in your clothes / Wild hair color and cell phones / Your accessories are dead-on\". A \"Japanese-styled flute riff\" was created for the track, and is played alongside a \"danceable beat\"; several Japanese", "id": "3787728" } ]
Hi! I love baking. Do you bake? Do you know much about the history of baking? I used to do quite a bit of baking, but I ended up eating too many of my goods! I got more into baking after watching the Great British Bake Off. I loved seeing the different challenges and guessing who would be eliminated. I never got into competitive cooking shows. There is too much put on the judges. I want to taste them myself. The Great British Bake Off is very different from american cooking shows. It's all really friendly, there isn't any drama. I will have to check that out. Is it on a streaming service like Netflix? It is! The stars of the show are the hosts- Mary and Sue! You're going to love them. Well, I know how I'm spending my next weekend.
[{"answer": "Do it! Glee is also on Netflix, Highly recommend checking that one out too! It's about a high school glee club.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "24189417", "title": "Characters of Glee", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 125, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 300, "bleu_score": 0.9095930632220222, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Collins & Harlan\n\n\n' Bout You Honey All the Time\", \"Won't You Throw a Kiss To Me\", \"I'm Keeping My Love-Lamp Burning For You\", \"Lovin' Time\", \"And a Little Bit More\", \"Every Little Bit, Added to What You've Got\", \"Just Help Yourself\", \"I'm Runnin' After Nancy\", \"Who Do You Love?\", \"Bake Dat Chicken Pie\", \"I Know Dat I'll be Happy Til I Die", "id": "3740949" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nand Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people who only wanted to bake a good cake", "id": "21259734" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\ngood in quality, and were chosen on aesthetic quality only. Diana Beard left the show before the next episode was filmed due to illness. Beard later gave an interview to BBC Radio Shropshire, saying: \"I'm disappointed with the way it's been portrayed. I've been stitched up, haven't I? We were 12 amateur bakers, [there's] no prize money involved. Why would I sabotage Iain's Baked Alaska? This has made it look like some cutthroat competition. I think someone's culpable", "id": "12151658" }, { "contents": "The Great Kiwi Bake Off\n\n\nThe Great Kiwi Bake Off is a New Zealand television baking competition based on \"The Great British Bake Off\" in which 12 amateur bakers compete in a series of baking challenges. The show's first episode was aired on 16 October 2018 on TVNZ 2. The show is hosted by Hayley Sproull and Madeleine Sami, with judges Dean Brettschneider and Sue Fleischl. The show, like other spinoffs of \"The Great British Bake Off\", uses a similar style, format, and opening theme song to the British series. Like", "id": "11176093" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Greece\n\n\nBake Off Greece (also called Bake Off) is a Greek television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 23 September 2018. The Show based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off\".", "id": "1069329" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show\n\n\nThe Great American Baking Show is an American cooking competition television series and an adaptation of \"The Great British Bake Off\" (which is aired in the United States under the title \"The Great British Baking Show\"). Its first season aired on ABC under the title The Great Holiday Baking Show. The show is the second licensed adaptation of the \"GBBO\" format in the United States. In 2013, CBS produced one season of \"The American Baking Competition,\" which was hosted by Jeff Foxworthy, with Paul", "id": "7352621" }, { "contents": "Yelena Davydova\n\n\none is there the next day.\" She played checkers. She enjoyed going on angling trips with Viktor, her father, and Gennady. \"I like to read and listen to music, but mostly I enjoy a few quiet hours by the water. I love to go fishing. I spend a lot of time fishing with my father or my coach, either on a lake in a boat, or on the banks of the Neva.\" She enjoyed cooking and baking. As with many gymnasts she has a fondness", "id": "7592" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nThe Great British Bake Off (also called Bake Off or GBBO) is a British television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 17 August 2010, with its first four series broadcast on BBC Two, until its", "id": "21259730" }, { "contents": "Isa Chandra Moskowitz\n\n\nwho loves animals and decided to bake vegan. And then people taste her cupcakes and are like \"What the hell, I'll go vegan, too.\" Obviously, I think the latter is more effective, but I guess people might not see it as activism. In 2008 she founded the organization Apron Activists (\"four courses for causes\") to raise money for local animal rights organizations in Oregon; she also works with Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to raise money through cooking. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Moskowitz", "id": "14003464" }, { "contents": "All Good (album)\n\n\nEugenio. She expressed working on a new album, saying that it will have \"the same Nina sound [...] New songs maybe, can be cover, can be original, but we’re eyeing on original songs.\" She announced that she will be having her acting debut with the label, stating \"I'll be going to Singapore to do acting workshop. Because I myself, honestly, don't know much about acting. So if ever I will star in a movie, I'm not half-baked", "id": "3110083" }, { "contents": "Janice Biala\n\n\n. And when I came to France I felt as if I had come home. I smelled the same smells of bread baking and dogs going around in a very busy way, you know, as if they knew what they were about. It really was extraordinarily human.\" Having been naturalized in 1929, she never gave up her U.S. citizenship and maintained that she did not \"have the feeling of nationality or roots,\" but \"always had the feeling that I belong where my easel is.\" The \"Chronology", "id": "4390594" }, { "contents": "Julianna Margulies\n\n\npaid on \"The Good Wife\". She stated that: \"I watch the show, I love the show. But I'm not a guest star. You don't pay me a guest-star salary. I would get a guest-star salary if I went and did — it's not my show. I wouldn't ask for what I got paid as Alicia Florrick. I also know for a fact that any male star who got asked to go on a spinoff of their show would have been offered", "id": "3766538" }, { "contents": "Chinelo Anohu-Amazu\n\n\nin Guardian newspaper she said \"Well, I'm my mother's daughter. This means I’m focused, ambitious and driven. But it also means I’m really good at being a homemaker. My mother excelled, excels, both in the home and outside of it. She bakes, cooks and everything. Till today she still makes my father's food and she loves to do it. I was raised in an environment where it was not a big deal to take care of your own home. As a child", "id": "17101123" }, { "contents": "The Great Canadian Baking Show\n\n\nThe Great Canadian Baking Show is a Canadian cooking competition television series which premiered on CBC Television on November 1, 2017. It is an adaptation of the U.K. series \"The Great British Bake Off\", which is aired in Canada under the title \"The Great British Baking Show\". For its first two seasons, the show was hosted by Dan Levy and Julia Chan, with French-born Canadian chef Bruno Feldeisen and Canadian-Australian pastry chef Rochelle Adonis as judges. Beginning with the third season, the show will", "id": "20336951" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8)\n\n\nThe eighth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" began on 29 August 2017, with this being the first of \"The Great British Bake Off\" to be broadcast on Channel 4, after the production company Love Productions moved the show. It is the first series for new hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, and new judge Prue Leith. This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter-Bailey finishing as runners-up. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were", "id": "523986" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 1)\n\n\nThe first season of \"The Great American Baking Show\", released under the title The Great Holiday Baking Show, premiered on ABC on November 30, 2015 as part of ABC's holiday programming schedule. Six amateur bakers competed in twelve challenges throughout the competition for the title of America's best holiday baker. This season was hosted by husband and wife duo Nia Vardalos and Ian Gomez. The judging panel consisted of original \"The Great British Bake Off\" judge Mary Berry and American pastry chef Johnny Iuzzini. As with the", "id": "5524137" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "Kutiman\n\n\nin the \"Thru You\" project, as well as his own willingness to focus on his work: I got a lot of offers, you know, for gigs and for DJing and for just interviews, but I really do my best, you know. I don't really like it, honestly – but you're so nice and kind, so I'm having a great time. On 12 September 2014 Kutiman released \"Give It Up\", a first video from the sequel project entitled \"Thru You Too\"", "id": "7605863" }, { "contents": "Stefan Salvatore\n\n\nget to play a drug addict, which I love. I'm going back to his days of usage, heavy usage. When I'm in my lustful state, it's so much fun. I felt like I got to play a role that I'd never played before. I felt like I was doing something different. I just love it, and I hope it comes out the way that I envisioned.\" The show's executive producer Kevin Williamson revealed that he was \"looking forward to Stefan eventually falling off", "id": "12963080" }, { "contents": "BBQ Champ\n\n\ncontestant in the grill–off advanced to the next episode, whilst the other was eliminated from the competition. Official episode viewing figures are from BARB. Sam Wollaston writing for \"The Guardian\" described it as \"Basically the Great British BBQ-Off, with Klass playing the Mel & Sue role (fewer puns, posher frocks), Richman and Blathford as Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry, and the setting outdoors. In the meantime, Great British Bake Off starts next week. I don’t think it has much to", "id": "11006156" }, { "contents": "Robin Zander (album)\n\n\nside. That's how I think of it.\" Speaking of the album itself, Zander commented: \"It's not a half-baked Cheap Trick album. A lot of the solo albums I've heard over the years sound just like the band the person used to be in, or is in, and I didn't want to do that.\" \"I've Always Got You\" was released as a single and peaked at No. 13 on the \"Billboard\" Mainstream Rock chart. \"Show Me", "id": "12435616" }, { "contents": "I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass\n\n\none song of mine called 'I Love the Sound of Breaking Glass,' which was a fairly big hit in Europe, and people ask me for that sometimes, and I just don't do it. It's a really good record, but there's not actually any song there. It was a half-baked idea I had when I went to the studio, and the bass player and drummer sort of put a little sauce in it. But if I played it with just an acoustic guitar, the audience", "id": "1376359" }, { "contents": "The Great Canadian Baking Show\n\n\nbe hosted by comedians and actresses Aurora Browne and Carolyn Taylor with Feldheisen returning as a judge joined by Canadian chef Kyla Kennaley. The show brings ten amateur baking contestants together in a bake-off competition of \"themed culinary challenges\" to find a best, over-all competitor. Each episode features three rounds: the Signature Bake, the Technical Bake, and the Showstopper. After the judges taste and critique the entries, they will decide which contestant is crowned each week's \"Star Baker,\" and which contestant will", "id": "20336952" }, { "contents": "The Great Canadian Baking Show\n\n\n, I have to say I am in love with the Great Canadian Baking Show.\" The inaugural season featured ten bakers from across Canada competing over eight weeks. The season was won by Sabrina Degni of Montreal, Quebec. Runners-up were Vandana Jain (Regina, Saskatchewan) and Linda Longson (High River, Alberta). Auditions for the second season were announced by CBC Television on February 7, 2018. The season began airing on September 19, 2018. The season was won by Andrei Godoroja of Vancouver,", "id": "20336958" }, { "contents": "The Good Shepherd (Grimm)\n\n\nto teach us about herd mentality, how con men talk when pretending to be religious men and just how many bake sales you need to replace stolen funds. I was relieved Rev. Calvin's megachurch vibe turned out to be an act because it just felt so fake. I know there are real fire-and-brimstone guys out there, but no men of the cloth I know talk like that.\" Nick McHatton from \"TV Fanatic\", gave a 4.0 star rating out of 5, stating: \"After a", "id": "4582788" }, { "contents": "Nina Girado\n\n\nn't know much about acting. So if ever I will star in a movie, I'm not half-baked, I'll be prepared. And also for myself, I want to be prepared, especially if I'm heading straight into a new direction.\" Nina posed on the Burlesque-inspired cover of \"Playboy Philippines\" magazine's May—June 2012 special issue, where she is seen nude with only her private body parts being covered. She stated that it was personally her decision to do a daring shoot", "id": "7706309" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Argentina, El Gran Pastelero\n\n\nBake Off Argentina, El gran pastelero is an Argentine television baking series based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off.\" The series first premiered on 8 April 2018 on the Telefe network with presenter Paula Chaves and judges Christophe Krywonis, Damián Betular and Pamela Villar. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-round baker from the contestants who are all amateurs, where in each episode the bakers are tasked with 2 different challenges; a signature bake and a technical bake. The", "id": "8113277" }, { "contents": "The Great Irish Bake Off\n\n\nthe TV3 Group confirmed the series would not return for a fourth season run, however the broadcaster did not rule out of returning to the series at a later date. The show is replaced by Masterchef Ireland and Celebrity Masterchef Ireland. The show consists of 8 episodes where in each episode the bakers are tasked with two different challenges; a signature bake and a technical bake or a technical bake and a showstopper. Unlike \"The Great British Bake Off\", the bakers only face two challenges each episode, the bakes are then", "id": "20297858" }, { "contents": "Zac Young\n\n\nZac Young is an American pastry chef and TV personality. He has been featured on various baking shows on Food Network and the Cooking Channel, most noticeably on \"\" and \"Unique Sweets\". He also appeared as a guest judge on baking competition show \"Nailed It!\" on Netflix. Young was born in Portland, Maine. Growing up, he wanted to learn how to bake after his vegan mother never baked cookies for him. Young was enrolled at Walnut Hill School for the Arts High School in Natick,", "id": "6928489" }, { "contents": "Sue Perkins\n\n\n. The series is a cookery competition with each episode looking at a different aspect of baking which they co-hosted for seven seasons. In September 2016, Love Productions announced that a three-year deal had been agreed to broadcast the show on Channel 4 instead of the BBC from 2017. Perkins and Giedroyc announced that they would not be continuing with Bake Off on its new network. Mary Berry announced she was also leaving Bake Off on the same day that fellow-judge Paul Hollywood separately announced he would be staying with", "id": "13628651" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "Will Ferrell\n\n\nso nice to fans and collectors and a great signer. What makes him so bad is that he'll taunt people asking for his autograph.\" In response, Ferrell stated: \"I don't know how I got on the list. I sign a lot of autographs.\" He has, however, admitted to taunting autograph-seekers: \"I do. I really do. I'm like, 'How badly do you want this autograph?' 'Are you sure?' 'You say you're my", "id": "12039709" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off\n\n\nButtle and judges Maggie Beer and Matt Moran. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-round baker from the contestants who are all amateurs, where in each episode the bakers are tasked with 3 different challenges; a signature bake, a technical bake and a show-stopper. The bakes are critically examined by the judges who will then choose a \"Baker of the week\" and a baker that is eliminated from the competition. Ten contestants were chosen for the first season. Season 1 of", "id": "16197734" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 7)\n\n\nThe seventh series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" aired from 24 August 2016, with twelve contestants competing to be crowned the series 7 winner. This series was the last to be broadcast on BBC One, as the production company Love Productions opted to move the show to Channel 4. It was also the last series on the show for Sue Perkins and Mel Giedroyc, as they decided to leave as presenters of the show. It is also the last series of the show to feature Mary Berry as a judge.", "id": "7830890" }, { "contents": "George Jones\n\n\nlot of affection. I have probably been a very unliked person among family, like somebody who was heartless. I saved it all for the songs. I didn't know you were supposed to show that love person to person. I guess I always wanted to, but I didn't know how. The only way I could would be to do it in a song.\" Years later he commented to The Christian Broadcasting Network's Scott Ross about himself, \"I think you're mad at yourself, I think that", "id": "7019264" }, { "contents": "The New Classic\n\n\ntour in December, Azalea spoke on the album's composition: \"It's going to be similar to \"TrapGold\" and that will be very electronic and high-energy but I'm gonna talk more about my story and where I'm from and things about myself because I never really say that, I don't tell you too much about me, it's kind of just talking a lot of shit. It's what I really do, like energy and dance... but I do wanna touch on who I", "id": "12484649" }, { "contents": "Mal Evans\n\n\n. I find it difficult to live on the £38 I take home each week and would love to be like their other friends who buy fantastic homes and have all the alterations done by them, and are still going to ask for a rise. I always tell myself—look, everybody wants to take from, be satisfied, try to give and you will receive. After all this time I have about £70 to my name, but was content and happy. Loving them as I do, nothing is too", "id": "6412592" }, { "contents": "Alfie Arcuri\n\n\nCharts. In November, Arcuri talked about \"Cruel\" and its lack of success to River 949: \"I love the song and it sounds so good acoustically. But I sort of had a feeling it wasn't going to do too well because I guess people on the show connected with me for certain songs and I was a ballad guy, and then I come out with this song which is a bit different. People would have connected more with a ballad but that's what I'm doing now anyway, I", "id": "3544779" }, { "contents": "Willy DeVille\n\n\non \"Crow Jane Alley\"]). I cut her down. Next thing you know the police show up, I was in tears ... I was in love with another woman and we were going through some hard times, and I got in the car and I wanted to go off the cliff. I was in the mountains in New Mexico ... They came right around the corner head on. You know how big a Dodge Ram truck is? I broke my arm in three places and my knee went into the", "id": "11199705" }, { "contents": "List of The Great British Bake Off Star Bakers\n\n\nThe Great British Bake Off is a British television baking competition to find Britain's best amateur baker. The show premiered in 2010, and as of 2015, six series have been completed. From series two onwards, the judges have given the award of \"Star Baker\" to a single baker (though on some occasions there have been multiple) who was seen to have excelled in that particular week. The award is given by judges Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry (later Prue Leith), and numerous bakers have received the", "id": "693572" }, { "contents": "The Receiving End of Sirens\n\n\nabout seeing us anymore,” you know? And it got to the point where like, “Man, we miss playing hall shows and stuff. Let’s just do one,” and we talked to Alex from Therefore I Am because we love those guys and love playing with them, and worked it out. He set up the show and it just worked out great. People have caught on and every time they see The Red Eye of Soromon they’re obviously going to know it’s us, but it’s", "id": "8392693" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nThe American Baking Competition is a reality competition television series that aired on CBS from May 29 to July 10, 2013. It was adaptation of \"The Great British Bake Off\" (which is aired in the United States under the title \"The Great British Baking Show\"). The series aimed to find the best amateur baker in the United States. The series was hosted by Jeff Foxworthy and judged by Marcela Valladolid and Paul Hollywood. The competition was won by Brian Emmett. The show aimed to find among its contestants", "id": "12516506" }, { "contents": "Shake 'n Bake\n\n\nBrady Bunch\". The ad copy includes the catchphrases, \"Gotta be crispy, gotta be golden, gotta be juicy\", and, \"You just shake then bake, and that chicken's so crisp and juicy and golden it makes me look golden, if you know what I mean\". In 1990, two commercials were produced which show what pork chops and chicken look like after frying. They then show that pork chops and chicken are crispier, juicier, more plump, and more tender when", "id": "11784492" }, { "contents": "Solomon Burke\n\n\ndevelop into what I am now and allowed me to live. It's not an eating disorder. If I had an eating disorder, I wouldn't travel.\" In 2006 Burke acknowledged: \"It's very rough. I love to eat and I love to cook – as you can see. But my hip has to be replaced and a knee has to be replaced and I've got to lose 150 pounds before they can do that. And that's a lot. But it's NOT! God knows I", "id": "3599211" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nthe week, bakers created another three-dimensional holiday centerpiece for the showstopper bake, this time with different and unique collections of breads. With the judges failing to reach a consensus as to who would go that week, no one was eliminated. The night before the signature bake, Michael withdrew from the competition due to illness. With six bakers left in the competition, pies and tarts week began with a meringue pie baked and torched under a two hour frame. The technical bake challenged bakers to create a free form,", "id": "5753537" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "Modal realism\n\n\na disadvantage compared to someone who pretends as a figure of speech to believe in possible worlds, but really does not. If worlds were creatures of my imagination, I could imagine them to be any way I liked, and I could tell you all you wished to hear simply by carrying on my imaginative creation. But as I believe that there really are other worlds, I am entitled to confess that there is much about them that I do not know, and that I do not know how to find out. While", "id": "21182706" }, { "contents": "Gennady Golovkin\n\n\na new baby. Right now, I feel completely different because I came back to my knockout. I love knockouts, and I love New York. It was a great night all around [...] The fans know who they want me to fight next, I'm ready for September. I'm ready for Canelo. Just bring him, just ask him. I'm ready. If you want big drama show, please tell him.\" New trainer Banks was pleased with the knockout. CompuBox statistics showed that Golovkin", "id": "8798212" }, { "contents": "Enchanted (film)\n\n\n. His reply was, \"I've heard things but there's nothing yet. I don't know much about what's happening with that. Honestly, I don't know what the studio wants to do next. I presume there will be some future projects for me to work on. I love doing that, I really do. But I'm not frustrated that it isn't one of them. At the moment I have a lot of stage things happening and I'm busy enough with that, so I really", "id": "22217112" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nThe first series of \"The Great British Bake Off\", first aired on BBC Two on 17 August 2010. Ten home bakers took part in a bake-off to test every aspect of their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week the nationwide tour saw bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline, with some being eliminated from competition at the end of the episode. The rounds of the competition took place in various locations across the UK following a", "id": "2107704" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\npublished their own cookbooks, to promote their new products, to educate cooks about exactly how and when to use them, and because cooks could not easily adapt recipes that were developed using different types of baking powder. Baking powders using cream-of-tartar, phosphates, or alums could behave very differently, and required different amounts for a desired rising effect. In 2015, \"Cook's Country\", an American TV show and magazine, evaluated six baking powders marketed to consumers. In one test, six U.S. brands", "id": "18227689" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\neither with sweet or savoury fillings. John cut a deep wound on his finger on the blade of the food processor, had to leave the show to receive medical attention, and therefore did not complete his challenge. As a result, the judges thought that it would be unfair to eliminate any baker this week. For the signature bake, the bakers were set to bake 24 buns made from an enriched dough with yeast in three hours. The buns should be all of the same size and evenly baked. For the technical", "id": "2107762" }, { "contents": "Lane cake\n\n\nfor liquor. Also in \"To Kill a Mockingbird\", Miss Maudie bakes a Lane cake for Mr. Avery, who was severely injured in an attempt to put out a fire in her home. “Mr. Avery will be in bed for a week—he’s right stove up. He’s too old to do things like that and I told him so. Soon as I can get my hands clean and when Stephanie Crawford’s not looking, I’ll make him a Lane cake. That Stephanie’s been after my", "id": "2957362" }, { "contents": "Puyi\n\n\nbe loved for just once in the day. Wang was the only person capable of controlling Puyi; once, Puyi decided to \"reward\" a eunuch for a well done puppet show by having a cake baked for him with iron filings in it, saying, \"I want to see what he looks like when he eats it\". With much difficulty, Wang talked Puyi out of this plan. Every day Puyi had to visit five former imperial concubines, called his \"mothers\", to report on his progress.", "id": "10465138" }, { "contents": "Mary Berry\n\n\nLove Productions announced that a three-year deal to broadcast the show on Channel 4 instead of the BBC from 2017 had been agreed. Co-hosts Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins announced that they would not be continuing with \"Bake Off\" on its new network. Berry announced she was also leaving \"Bake Off\" on the same day that fellow judge Paul Hollywood announced he would be staying with the show. Berry was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2012 Birthday Honours for services", "id": "20266939" }, { "contents": "Join the British Army\n\n\na man as ever you'd see, 'til the Prince of Wales, he said to me, Come and join the British army. Too-ra loo-ra loo-ra loo, They're lookin' for monkeys up in the zoo, And if ever I had a face like you? I'd join the British army. Sarah Comden baked a cake, It's all for poor old Slattery's sake, Sure I threw meself into the lake, Pretendin' I was barmy. Too-ra loo", "id": "12440452" }, { "contents": "Kevin Gates\n\n\n2013 interview with \"Complex\": \"I got some children. I'm real real close with them. I lay in the bed with them, hold them, love on them. It really doesn't make sense to say [how many kids I have]. Not in a bad way, but it's not like the public will ever get to see my children, and if they do see them, they aren't going to know they're mine.\" Gates is a practicing Muslim along with his wife", "id": "6375442" }, { "contents": "Conrad Tao\n\n\nbe an active performer as well as a student. It's a delicate balance that you never quite learn to master – but that's also part of the fun. I love doing all of these things at once and giving myself as many challenges as I can, because I learn so much from the experiences that result. Everything I teach myself or see or do can be applied to a larger framework, and this is what I really love about being a teenager, a high school student, and a working musician all", "id": "3236918" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Go\n\n\nhe was going to pour milk on himself. Piliero then thought of asking one of the stars of \"Half Baked\", Guillermo Díaz, to be part of the video, explaining that it \"would make it come full circle.\" Piliero watched all of Spears' videos and wanted to pull what he loved from them, but also give it something fresh. Piliero felt that all of her references to the paparazzi in her previous videos had been more of a statement than an action, and for \"I Wanna Go", "id": "16638083" }, { "contents": "The Way Love Goes (Lemar song)\n\n\ninto what I want to do in the future, I didn't want the first single to be too serious. So, while lyrically the topic of the song is love and there is a serious thread going through it, sonically I wanted the actual track to be light-hearted, upbeat and different to what some people have become accustomed to from me. You know, after songs like 'If There's Any Justice' and 'It's Not That Easy', I think people just got used to hearing me", "id": "14866904" }, { "contents": "Ian Gomez\n\n\nthen-wife, Nia Vardalos, co-presented \"The Great American Baking Show\", a revival of \"The Great Holiday Baking Show\". He was married to actress-writer Nia Vardalos of \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding\" fame. He appeared in her films \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding\", \"Connie and Carla\", \"My Life in Ruins\", \"I Hate Valentine's Day\", and \"My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2\". Gomez is of Puerto Rican and Russian Jewish", "id": "18100608" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nis illustrated using animated graphics. These graphics have been created by illustrator Tom Hovey since the show's inception in 2010. Series 1 of \"The Great British Bake Off\" saw ten home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week the nationwide tour saw the bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline. The rounds took place in various locations across the UK, with the final round being held at", "id": "21259741" }, { "contents": "Better on the Other Side\n\n\nMJ on the phone. I ran and snatched up the phone.\" The Game said Jackson started the conversation by talking about music and complimenting him on his records like \"Hate It or Love It\" and \"How We Do\" and, \"[Jackson] said, 'I don't know how you're gonna feel about this, but I want to ask you something. I don't want you to judge me, but I don't really know everything that's going on between you and 50 [", "id": "11668318" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nto bake a macaron display. They need 3 different flavors, bake 120 of them, and had 5 hours to complete it. For the signature, the bakers were asked to bake a family pie with either a ruff puff pastry or flaky pastry in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a batch of 6 miniature pork pies in 2 1/2 hours using Paul's recipe. The technical was a 2 day bake challenge, so the bakers were judged the next day. For the showstopper", "id": "2107747" }, { "contents": "Jade Villalon\n\n\nnever done that. I had been recording, writing, touring and promoting albums for 11 years straight! \"I have really missed making albums for myself but after all the drama that ensued after Geo and I parted ways with our business manager (HS) I felt like I owed it to the fans who love and buy my albums to take some space and make something great for them. \"I've had the privilege to spend the last years also doing a lot of writing for other recording artists and TV shows in", "id": "10936290" }, { "contents": "Who I Am (Lena Katina song)\n\n\nA lot of people don’t think of artists as regular people but we all have the same emotions, problems or simple happiness… That was one of my goals, to show that an artist is just like any other person. The only difference is that you might see me on TV because I’ve become an openly public person! I am very curious as to what my fans will think of the video actually, but I know that they love the song. I love it too and I am very happy with it", "id": "4493533" }, { "contents": "Heinrich Gottfried Ollendorff\n\n\n\": \"Have you any more partridges ? — No, Sir, I have sent them all to my uncle. — Do you want any more paper? — I want a great deal. — How many pair of scissors have you left? — I have six pair left. — Of whom do you speak? — I speak of the lazy scholars of the good teachers. — Of which teachers ? — Of those whom you know. — At what o'clock do you come back from your shop? — I", "id": "992111" }, { "contents": "Advertise (horse)\n\n\nDettori said \"he’s got a great temperament and he really wants to do it for you\". After becoming the first British trainer to win the race for over 20 years Meade commented \"I've been quite bullish about this horse and luckily it's paid off, otherwise I might have had to eat my words. We'll give him a bit of a break and then go for the Dewhurst or something like that I suppose. The big question is if he'll get a mile, but he'll definitely get", "id": "10283758" }, { "contents": "The Careless Years\n\n\nand I liked it a lot, but I had reservations. And I thought, \"Do I tell him [the producer] about my reservations? Or do I pretend I really just love it? I don't want to lose the job,\" you know. And finally I went about it honestly and just told them just what my feelings were. And he said, \"Those are my feelings, and I'm doing a rewrite, just on those items\".\" Bosley Crowther of \"The New York", "id": "10108819" }, { "contents": "The Great Irish Bake Off\n\n\ncritically examined by the judges who will then choose a \"Star Baker\" and a baker to be eliminated from the competition. Ten contestants were chosen for the first season, twelve were chosen for series 2 and 3. Series 1 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" saw twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week saw the bakers put through two challenges in a particular discipline. The series", "id": "20297859" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nJunior Bake Off is a British TV baking competition series where forty young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned \"\"Junior Bake Off\" Champion\", with all their bakes being judged by two leading chefs. It is a spin-off from the main series, \"The Great British Bake Off\" and is broadcast on CBBC. Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner The four finalists are first given a masterclass; in the masterclass they learn", "id": "2997502" }, { "contents": "Rachael Ray (talk show)\n\n\njoin her in the kitchen. According to Ray, \"People know me for my love of food, but I have so much more I want to share.\" The set has the audience seated on a large turntable that rotates so that the audience can always see the \"action\" on the circular stage that surrounds them. At the end of each show, with the exception of a few more guests after Ray's cooking segments, Ray's tagline is, \"We'll see you when we see you.\"", "id": "21879668" }, { "contents": "You Set Fire to My Life\n\n\nand her son Gabriel.Arena said, \"The song is about them allowing me to shine, like I hope I allow them to do also.\" she added, \"It's the great thing about being in a relationship where you know there's genuine love with a man who inspires me and challenges me, both intellectually and spiritually. I guess it is a tribute to him. When you do find someone you are on the same page with, it's a beautiful thing.\" In October, Arena promoted", "id": "15284054" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\n/Comic Relief or Stand Up to Cancer; \"Junior Bake Off\" for young children (broadcast on the CBBC channel, then on the Channel 4 from 2019); after-show series \"\"; and \"\" for teams of pastry chefs. The show's format was used as the basis for two BBC Two series, \"The Great British Sewing Bee\" and \"The Great Pottery Throw Down\". Under the title The Great British Baking Show, \"Bake Off\" has been shown in the United States", "id": "21259733" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)\n\n\nbake raspberry-flavoured mille-feuille in two hours. The recipe involved pastry - something all of the bakers had struggled with. In the final Showstopper, the bakers were given four hours to make classic British cakes in a multi-layered presentation. Mary and Paul show how to bake some of their favourite recipes and technical challenges. As the show was pre-recorded, the winner of the show would have been known by those involved in the show. It was reported that there was heavy betting on Ian, resulting", "id": "10418309" }, { "contents": "Mendy Rudolph\n\n\nVegas gambler to erase his outstanding debt by participating in point shaving. However, he refused to accept the offer and said to his wife, \"It goes against all my principles. I love the game too much, respect it too much. I couldn't do it to you. I couldn't do it to the memory of my father, and I couldn't do it to myself. If I have to go into bankruptcy, something I'd hate to do, I'd do it,\" according to in", "id": "17128232" }, { "contents": "Kostya Kimlat\n\n\n] kind of 'oh well, that trick you did on The Today Show? I'm now gonna show you how it's done.' When Teller saw his name pop on the introduction ... I saw Teller just go, 'we've lost.' You know he's just that good. And when I finally found out how he did it, I was so much more amazed. I wanted to run up and tell people, 'do you know that he actually did \"this\"?' It", "id": "4560328" }, { "contents": "I Will Always Love You\n\n\npublishing rights to any song Elvis recorded. Parton refused. She recalls:I said, 'I'm really sorry,' and I cried all night. I mean, it was like the worst thing. You know, it's like, Oh, my God … Elvis Presley.' And other people were saying, 'You're nuts. It's Elvis Presley.' ...I said, 'I can't do that. Something in my heart says, 'Don't do that. And I just did", "id": "1082199" }, { "contents": "Live at Roseland: Elements of 4\n\n\n, saying: \"The whole time I definitely was thinking, 'Everyone knows, everyone can see.'... I just wanted to give everything I could ... When you're pregnant, it's a little bit harder to breathe, so it was hard doing all the choreography and singing at the same time. I just got my strength from all the love from the fans. I can see all of my super fans in the audience when I'm performing because they're doing the choreography harder than me. Some of", "id": "2415911" }, { "contents": "Paula Abdul\n\n\nwith \"American Idol\" and that took up a good decade of my life. Then I went out to do some more television, as well. I always wanted to get back on stage, because I missed it. I wanted to get back in close contact with the people who have supported me all throughout my career and be able to see them again. Plus, I was getting asked all the time if I would ever do it again! I finally said, You know what, I want to and I", "id": "3722049" }, { "contents": "Sam Davis\n\n\nto his mother before his execution, \"\"Dear mother. O how painful it is to write you! I have got to die to-morrow --- to be hanged by the Federals. Mother, do not grieve for me. I must bid you good-bye forevermore. Mother, I do not fear to die. Give my love to all.\"\" There was a postscript for his father, too. \"\"Father, you can send after my remains if you want to do so. They will", "id": "11295985" }, { "contents": "Gene Paul\n\n\n(his stepmother) for the first half. \"Without even knowing it, I was being taught about presenting music, which was a great experience. I worked on putting the shows together with dad. I watched him record his own music as well as groups. If he said, 'Do you want to know about this?' I'd say, 'Yes.' And I'd go set up a mike. By the time I grew up, I knew how to record.\" His career took off", "id": "19652945" }, { "contents": "Real Love (Beatles song)\n\n\nBeatles, but I was there at the time, you know? Now I'm in a position where I could bring them back together and I would not want to hinder that.\" In an interview, McCartney remarked: Yoko said \"I've got a couple of tracks I'll play you, you might be interested\". I'd never heard them before but she explained that they're quite well known to Lennon fans as bootlegs. I said to Yoko, \"Don't impose too many conditions on us,", "id": "394948" }, { "contents": "I Love New York\n\n\nplace and show. You know... New York is special, You know, New York is different! 'Cause there's no place else on earth quite like New York! I love New York I love New York I love New York I love New York I love New York! I love New York! I Love New York! I love New York! There isn't another like it no matter where you go. And nobody can compare it. It's greater than place and show. You know... New York", "id": "20708904" }, { "contents": "James Williamson (musician)\n\n\nThe Stooges during the \"Raw Power\" era) over recording methods, he left the project. Subsequently, Williamson and Pop would lose touch for 16 years. Williamson reflected on the experience in 2015: \"Fuck Bowie. His showing up was just the last of many frustrations with being there ... In hindsight, I should have never taken that job. It was recorded in a studio I didn't want to be in, with music that was half-baked and with musicians I didn't respect. It was my", "id": "10240865" }, { "contents": "Got to Get You into My Life\n\n\n\"'Got to Get You into My Life' was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot ... So [it's] really a song about that, it's not to a person.\" Many lyrics from the song suggest this: \"I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there / Another road where maybe I could see some other kind of mind there.\",'\"What can I do? What can I be? When I'm with you, I want to stay", "id": "9772320" }, { "contents": "Blood Strangers\n\n\nIt's a strange feeling when you wake up and know you're going to spend the whole day grieving. Every morning I'd be thinking, `Oh no, I have to grieve all over again'. But I was determined to do it and all the tears you see are real. They're all mine. I've got quite a good emotional imagination, but having a daughter of my own made it easier to tap into that sorrow. All I had to do was imagine that the child lying dead on", "id": "12599303" }, { "contents": "Friends (Marshmello and Anne-Marie song)\n\n\nbe more than my friend and I was like 'look brother how many times do I have to tell you we're just friends'. I thought it would be funny to write a song about it and there weren't that many songs about it and it works for Valentine's day for all the people who are single. I don't ever want him to know that it's about him because it's awkward. I do feel a bit bad but I'm trying to forget that it's about him and think", "id": "22070372" }, { "contents": "You and Me (Shane Filan album)\n\n\n, perfect for the summer. I can't wait for people to hear it!\" Filan said of the album; \"I got off to a really good start. Everything to Me felt like beginners' luck, but I didn’t know how good it was. Then the label were phoning, going \"This is great!\" I’d shown to myself I could do this and that took the pressure off. I was flying in those first two weeks and then suddenly I was in Nashville with really famous songwriters", "id": "5006574" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)\n\n\nThe fourth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" began airing on 20 August 2013. Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins again presented the show and Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood returned as judges. As with series three, the competition was held at Harptree Court in East Harptree, Somerset. 13,000 amateur bakers applied to appear on the programme, and 100 were selected for screen test, with the best 60 advancing to a three-day audition. From these, 13 contestants were chosen this year so the judges could eliminate two", "id": "19008636" }, { "contents": "Timeline for the day of the September 11 attacks\n\n\nNew York City. 8:59: Flight 175 passenger Brian Sweeney leaves a message via airphone to his wife Julie: Jules, this is Brian listen, I'm on an airplane that's been hijacked. If things don't go well, and it's not looking good, I just want you to know I absolutely love you, I want you to do good, go have good times, same to my parents and everybody, and I just totally love you, and I'll see you when you get there. Bye", "id": "6644327" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nfor the final two bakers before a winner is crowned. For the signature bake, the final two had two hours to bake twenty-four handheld savory pastries and tested the bakers' technical detailing in the creation of different doughs and fillings. In the final technical, Mary Berry set the challenge on the bakers to create a British Battenberg cake with a checkerboard pattern and precise amounts of marzipan and jam on the inside and out. The final bake of the season put all of the bakers' skills to the test with a", "id": "5753541" }, { "contents": "If i can cook / you know god can\n\n\nflavors, for she \"tried to make again my very colored childhood and my very 'black' adolescence.\" In this first chapter, Shange expresses feeling a connection to her ancestors through the re-creation of pig's feet, chitlins' Hoppin’ John, baked ham, collard greens and cornbread with syrup despite experiencing the holiday in a friends home and eating alone. Chapter 2 takes the reader to St. Louis and Shange uses the experience of listening to a short wave radio emanating the sounds of Fidel Castro as a", "id": "350085" }, { "contents": "Pink Floyd live performances\n\n\n\"You never know exactly what the future (holds)\", Gilmour said. \"I'm not going to slam any doors too firmly, but I don't see myself doing any more of that, and I certainly don't see myself going out on a big Floyd tour again.\" A few days later in an interview with, Nick Mason contradicted the statement, saying \"I don't feel I've retired yet. You know, if everyone wanted to, we could certainly still do something. I", "id": "13202115" }, { "contents": "Company (Justin Bieber song)\n\n\nlook at my journey. The process of putting together this album and this tour — surrounded by people I love to be with — has been really special. I'm proud of it, it's been a lot of fun and lot of hard work, and I think that really shows in video. I hope my fans like it as I much as I do, because it's really all for you.\" The video starts out with Bieber pensive, shirtless and downcast as he gazes over the calm waters of the", "id": "7167592" }, { "contents": "All Day and All of the Night\n\n\nbetween the song and the Doors' 1968 song, \"Hello, I Love You\" have been pointed out. Ray Davies said on the topic: \"My publisher wanted to sue. I was unwilling to do that. I think they cut a deal somewhere, but I don't know the details.\" Dave Davies said of this: \"That one is the most irritating of all of all of them ... I did a show where I played \"All Day and All of the Night\" and stuck in a", "id": "21949176" }, { "contents": "Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster\n\n\nAt the opening of the show Dominique said, \" Some months ago, I used to wake up in the silence of the night to think about what I was going to do. But not anymore. People ask me, 'Are you scare?' No, I am not scared. If I was, I wouldn't do it. Rather, I'm excited. I am putting one third of my energy into just staying calm. The work is on such a scale that if you got too excited, you", "id": "2421795" }, { "contents": "Mark McGowan (performance artist)\n\n\nn't do that'. I said 'well I'm part of the show', they said 'no you're not, you never have been'. I then said but 'my name's on your website'. I got picked up by the police; I got loads of people accusing me of keying their cars. It was actually borne out of, my dad bought his very first brand new car, he'd never had a brand new car before and it got keyed within six months. I felt", "id": "18500353" } ]
I'm thinking of making a key lime pie today. I love baking! Me too. A baker bakes and often sells breads using an oven or other heated device. I'm just a humble home baker. I make things just for my family and friends to enjoy. Grains have been popular for a thousand or more years, so baking is a very old practice. I never stopped to think about it! I guess they would have baked over open fire. By the sixth century AD, the Greeks would use ovens heated by wood fires and communities baked in a big ol' communal oven. Imagine that! Sounds kind of cool, but also probably a pain to have to wait your turn!
[{"answer": "In Rome, a few centuries later, the first mass production of breads was done, and that's when they said the bakery profession really got started.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "251613", "title": "Baker", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 156, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.:Ancient history.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Baker\n\n\nA baker is someone who bakes and sometimes sells breads and other products made of flour by using an oven or other concentrated heat source. The place where a baker works is called a bakery. Since grains have been a staple food for millennia, the activity of baking is a very old one. Control of yeast, however, is relatively recent. By the fifth and sixth centuries BCE, the ancient Greeks used enclosed ovens heated by wood fires; communities usually baked bread in a large communal oven. Greeks baked dozens and", "id": "14394150" }, { "contents": "Flammekueche\n\n\nto bake bread once a week. The \"Flammkuchen\" was originally a homemade dish which did not make its urban restaurant debut until the \"pizza craze\" of the 1960s. A \"Flammkuchen\" would be used to test the heat of their wood-fired ovens. At the peak of its temperature, the oven would also have the ideal conditions in which to bake a \"Flammkuchen\". The embers would be pushed aside to make room for the cake in the middle of the oven, and the intense heat would", "id": "13133821" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nbrick-making, mixed cement, granule-covered shingles, and even as a fertilizer. In the thirteen colonies that later became the United States, most households had a beehive oven. Bread was usually baked in it once a week, often in conjunction with pies, crackers, or other baked goods. To heat the oven, the baker would heap coals and kindling inside and wait several hours. Requiring strict regulation, the right amount of wood to ash had to be burned and then tested by sticking one's hands", "id": "18149700" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\npizza oven, usually installed outdoors. Dome-shaped pizza ovens have been used for centuries, which is one way to achieve true heat distribution in a wood-fired pizza oven. Another option is grilled pizza, in which the crust is baked directly on a barbecue grill. Greek pizza, like Chicago-style pizza, is baked in a pan rather than directly on the bricks of the pizza oven. When it comes to preparation, the dough and ingredients can be combined on any kind of table. With mass production", "id": "4968812" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Petit four\n\n\nA petit four (plural: petits fours, also known as mignardises) is a small bite-sized confectionery or savoury appetizer. The name is French, \"petit four\" (), meaning \"small oven\". In 18th and 19th century France, gas ovens did not exist. Huge brick ovens were used, which took a long time to heat up but also to cool down. Bakers used the ovens during the cooling process, taking advantage of their stored heat, for baking pastry. This was called baking", "id": "9094628" }, { "contents": "Reflector oven\n\n\nwhich is generally either a hearth fire or a portable stove, depending on the situation in which the food is being prepared. In Colonial America this method of baking meat, fowl, quick bread, or pastries, was a very popular method for hearth cooking. A reflector oven that uses the Sun as its primary heat source is known as a solar cooker. A Reflector oven is set beside the fire to capture the radiant heat, and bake with it. It is often tin, new ones are made from aluminum.", "id": "20329029" }, { "contents": "Beehive oven\n\n\nfor baking. The beehive oven typically took two to three hours to heat, occasionally even four hours in the winter. Breads were baked first when the beehive oven was hottest, with other baked items such as cinnamon buns, cakes, and pies. As the oven cooled, muffins and \"biscuits\" could be baked, along with puddings and custards. After a day's baking there was typically sufficient heat to dry apples and other fruits, vegetables, or herbs. Pots of beans were often placed in the back of", "id": "18149697" }, { "contents": "Baking stone\n\n\n, some bakers place the baking stone in a cold oven and heat it over at least 45 minutes, then allow it to cool slowly inside the oven after switching it off. Because of the possibility of rapid temperature change, baking stones should not be left in an oven while it is in self cleaning mode. Baking stones can be cleaned with a dry brush or scouring pad followed by plain hot water. Because it is porous, a baking stone will absorb any fluid it contacts, including detergent. Use of any detergents", "id": "16113156" }, { "contents": "Azerbaijani cuisine\n\n\nare baked in Azerbaijan like: flat, rolling, flat bread, lavash, səngək, xamralı, thick, thin, crepes, cakes, bread oven (tandoor bread).Tandoor bread is a type of bread baked in a clay oven called a tandoor. Mostly it is used for baking bread and cooking meat, but generally any type of food can be cooked in tandoor ovens. The secret of tandoor oven is process of heating up the oven. Wood is put on the ground and ignited. It is necessary to wait till it", "id": "21052611" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\nsold to customers to bake in their own ovens. Some grocery stores sell fresh dough along with sauce and basic ingredients, to complete at home before baking in an oven. In restaurants, pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven, a conveyor belt oven or, in the case of more expensive restaurants, a wood or coal-fired brick oven. On deck ovens, pizza can be slid into the oven on a long paddle, called a peel, and", "id": "4968810" }, { "contents": "Ovelgönne bread roll\n\n\nand showed only very small porosity, suggesting that neither a wild yeast fermentation nor a sourdough were used to leaven the bread loaf. Possibly for lightening of the dough, protein or fat was added. The baking process must have taken place in an oven on a stone surface which was good, but not completely cleaned of coal, as small charcoal remains have been reflected in the pores of the base. The bread was baked at an excessive top heat, compared to today's baking practice. Sandy deposits in the inner parts", "id": "1998249" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nmalt syrup. The loaves weighed up to 15–16 kg. They were baked once a month, as heating the oven was both time-consuming and used a lot of firewood. The bakers in the towns baked their rye bread for the day. We only know little about the other types of bread in the olden times. More refined bread types for special occasions and feasts were prepared from sifted rye flour, and loaves made from wheat must have been eaten. Around 1400, the emblem of the bakers’ guild became the", "id": "9179068" }, { "contents": "Pizza\n\n\nbaked directly on the hot bricks or baked on a screen (a round metal grate, typically aluminum). Prior to use, a peel may be sprinkled with cornmeal to allow pizza to easily slide onto and off of it. When made at home, it can be baked on a pizza stone in a regular oven to reproduce the effect of a brick oven. Cooking directly in a metal oven results in too rapid heat transfer to the crust, burning it. Aficionado home-chefs sometimes use a specialty wood-fired", "id": "4968811" }, { "contents": "Finnish bread\n\n\nrye bread is the staple one in Finland, the competition among the brands remains fierce to this day. The old tradition was that all bread in the house for the year was baked in a few days, in a large oven that took a long time to cool after being fired. Thus, \"jälkiuunileipä\" (lit. \"after-oven bread\") could still be baked in the residual heat. The longer baking time in the lower temperature gives it a darker color, higher density and hardness than regular rye", "id": "12540135" }, { "contents": "Earth oven\n\n\nto the Hawaiian kalua. Among Bedouin and Tuareg nomads, a simple earth oven is used – often when men travel without family or kitchen equipment in the desert. The oven is mostly used to bake bread but is also used to cook venison and waran. When baking bread, the wheat or barley flour is mixed with water and some salt and then placed directly into the hot sands beneath the camp fire. It is then covered again by hot coal and left to bake. This kind of bread is eaten with black tea", "id": "4339208" }, { "contents": "Outdoor cooking\n\n\nabove it, on top of other stones). Food is then placed on the stone. Putting a baking sheet pan over a furnace can allow for baking, which is in turn derived from the concept of the masonry oven. This was common for centuries, used to make breads, pies, and other items, and is still popular today, particularly among campers who enjoy stuffing their meats. Ovens can be made from cast iron, sheet metal or aluminum foil covered cardboard box. Reflector ovens are metal containers designed to", "id": "17715751" }, { "contents": "Masonry oven\n\n\nmodular ovens, all these methods are still in use. In all cases, the ovens typically go under a roof or some kind of weather protection. Perhaps the most significant change in masonry oven construction practices is insulation. Since masonry loses heat as fast as (or faster than) it absorbs it, early ovens extended bake times by increasing mass. Thicker walls held more heat to bake more bread — but only up to a point. Since heat moves from high to lower temperature, the outside of the oven cannot", "id": "6171571" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\noven. The fuel can be supplied by wood, coal, gas, or electricity. Adding and removing items from an oven may be done by hand with an oven mitt or by a peel, a long handled tool specifically used for that purpose. Many commercial ovens are equipped with two heating elements: one for baking, using convection and thermal conduction to heat the food, and one for broiling or grilling, heating mainly by radiation. Another piece of equipment still used for baking is the Dutch oven. \"Also called", "id": "7706086" }, { "contents": "Earth oven\n\n\nbeen used in various civilizations around the world and are still commonly found in the Pacific region to date. To bake food, the fire is built, then allowed to burn down to a smoulder. The food is then placed in the oven and covered. This covered area can be used to bake bread or other various items. Steaming food in an earth oven covers a similar process. Fire-heated rocks are put into a pit and are covered with green vegetation to add moisture and large quantities of food. More green", "id": "4339202" }, { "contents": "Masonry oven\n\n\nA masonry oven, colloquially known as a brick oven or stone oven, is an oven consisting of a baking chamber made of fireproof brick, concrete, stone, clay, or cob. Though traditionally wood-fired, coal-fired ovens were common in the 19th century, and modern masonry ovens are often fired with natural gas or even electricity. Modern masonry ovens are closely associated with artisanal bread and pizza, but in the past they were used for any cooking task involving baking. Masonry ovens are built by masons.", "id": "6171559" }, { "contents": "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\n\n\nas I can, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and throw't into the Oven. The next appearance is in \"Mother Goose's Melody\" (c. 1765) in the form: Marking pastry or baked goods with an identifiable mark may stem from a time when households without an oven of their own could have brought their items to a local baker or bake house, paying to have their items finished for a small fee. Marking the pastry would have", "id": "4228126" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nthem frequently for important occasions such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe and expanded", "id": "12725085" }, { "contents": "Baker (surname)\n\n\nnot only have been a baker of bread. The name was also used for others involved with baking in some way, including the owner of a communal oven in humbler communities, \"baker\". The female form of the name is \"Baxter\". which is seen more in Scotland. The old german form of the name ist \"Bäcker\" The name, Baker, appeared in many references, and from time to time, the surname was spelt Baker, Bakere and these changes in spelling frequently occurred within the family", "id": "9926853" }, { "contents": "List of ovens\n\n\nThis is a list of ovens. An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance, and most commonly used for cooking. Kilns and furnaces are special-purpose ovens, used in pottery and metalworking, respectively. Baking is a food cooking method that uses prolonged dry heat by convection, rather than by thermal radiation, normally in an oven, but also in hot ashes, or on hot stones. Bread is a commonly baked food. An earth oven, or cooking pit", "id": "18599671" }, { "contents": "Mjukkaka\n\n\nMjukkaka can be baked in an oven (directly at the bottom), in a hot pan or even directly on top of your stove on a heated plate. Making inroads into the bread (by using a rolling pin with deep grooves or just a regular fork) is done in order for it to not rise during baking and instead stay flat. Liquid from baking blodpalt is used in some recipes instead of milk in some parts of northern Sweden around Luleå. In some recipes rye flour is mixed with wheat or includes just", "id": "16477662" }, { "contents": "Backe, backe Kuchen\n\n\nresidual heat of the oven could now be used to bake the women's own cakes. Also, where the bread was baked on certain days in the common village oven, there was a signal when the bread was removed and the residual heat of the oven could be used for baking cakes. It is striking that the text points to the yellow coloring effect of saffron. None of the other six mentioned ingredients provides an obvious rhyme word for the German standard \"gelb\" which means yellow. Therefore, the traditional lyric writes", "id": "16479766" }, { "contents": "Algerian cuisine\n\n\nKhubz as-dâr\": wheat flour, water, salt and yeast. Traditionally flat and round, a few centimeters thick, made at home and commonly baked in a gas oven or communal oven. \"Khubz at-tajîn or matlû\": wheat semolina, yeast, water and salt. Flattened pan-bread (French: galette), baked in a previously heated earthenware or cast-iron plate on a fire. Variations are made by the quality of the leavening agent, by adding barley or sorghum, bran", "id": "15953308" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nand thus help leaven the new dough. Seor thus gave the bread a sourdough flavor. Once prepared, the dough could be baked in various ways: Initially, the dough was placed directly on the heated stones of a cooking fire or in a griddle or pan made of clay or iron (). In the time of the First Temple, two types of oven were used for baking bread: the jar oven and the pit-oven. The jar-oven was a large pottery container, narrowing into an opening toward", "id": "16744343" }, { "contents": "Easy-Bake Oven\n\n\nThe Easy-Bake Oven is a working toy oven which Kenner introduced in 1963, and which Hasbro still manufactured as of late May 2017 The original toy used an ordinary incandescent light bulb as a heat source; current versions use a true heating element. Kenner sold 500,000 Easy-Bake Ovens in the first year of production. By 1997, more than 16 million Easy-Bake Ovens (in 11 models) had been sold. The oven comes with packets of cake mix and small round pans. (Additional mixes can be", "id": "7336046" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nBaking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually transferred \"from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center. As heat travels through, it transforms batters and doughs into baked goods and more with a firm dry crust and a softer centre\". Baking can be combined with grilling to produce", "id": "7706067" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nthe items that need protection from an oven's direct heat, and the \"bain-marie\" method serves this purpose. The cooking container is half submerged in water in another, larger one, so that the heat in the oven is more gently applied during the baking process. Baking a successful soufflé requires that the baking process be carefully controlled. The oven temperature must be absolutely even and the oven space not shared with another dish. These factors, along with the theatrical effect of an air-filled dessert, have", "id": "7706075" }, { "contents": "Ruisreikäleipä\n\n\nseason, and is one main component of the Finnish diet. The way it was prepared is related to the way houses used to be built in western Finland, that is with the baking oven separate from the heating oven. In eastern Finland, where the oven used to be heated every day, it was more common to eat freshly baked bread and to cook various kinds of long-stewed oven foods like the Karelian hot pot. Unlike \"ruislimppu\", there is no discernible difference between the skin and the core of", "id": "15998908" }, { "contents": "History of bread\n\n\nas a source for yeast. The idea of a free-standing oven that could be pre-heated, with a door for access, appears to have been Greek. Even in antiquity there was a wide variety of breads. In ancient times the Greek bread was barley bread: Solon declared that wheaten bread might only be baked for feast days. By the 5th century BC bread could be purchased in Athens from a baker's shop, and in Rome, Greek bakers appeared in the 2nd century BC, as Hellenized Asia", "id": "12099105" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\na bake kettle, bastable, bread oven, fire pan, bake oven kail pot, tin kitchen, roasting kitchen, \"doufeu\" (French: \"gentle fire\") or \"feu de compagne\" (French: \"country oven\") [it] originally replaced the cooking jack as the latest fireside cooking technology,\" combining \"the convenience of pot-oven and hangover oven.\" Asian cultures have adopted steam baskets to produce the effect of baking while reducing the amount of fat needed. Eleven events occur", "id": "7706087" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nmeant by the biblical \"machabat\", often translated as “griddle”. The Persians introduced a clay oven called a tanur (similar to the Indian tandoor), which had an opening at the bottom for the fire, and through which the bread was placed to be baked on the inner wall of the upper chamber from the heat of the oven and ashes after the flames had died down. This continued to be the way in which Yemenite Jews baked bread until modern times. The remains of clay ovens, and fragments", "id": "16744345" }, { "contents": "Afghan bread\n\n\nAfghan bread, or Nân-i Afğânī (Persian: نان افغانی), is the national bread of Afghanistan. The bread is oval or rectangular and baked in a tandoor, a cylindrical oven that is the primary cooking equipment of the sub-continental region. The Afghan version of the tandoor sits above ground and is made of bricks, which are heated to cook the bread. The bread, also known as \"naan\", is shaped and then stuck to the interior wall of the oven to bake. It is", "id": "771579" }, { "contents": "Robert V. Richardson\n\n\nregiment was attached to James R. Chalmers' command. A communication from Richardson dated October 28, 1863 at Water Valley, MS indicated the difficult living conditions experienced during the War: \"For God and the country's sake, make your fair promising but never complying Quartermaster send me skillets, ovens, pots, or anything else that will bake bread or fry meat. I want clothing, shoes and blankets for my naked and freezing men. . . . I cannot fight any more until I get something to cook in", "id": "3950018" }, { "contents": "Bread machine\n\n\nA bread making machine or bread maker is a home appliance for turning raw ingredients into baked bread. It consists of a bread pan (or \"tin\"), at the bottom of which are one or more built-in paddles, mounted in the center of a small special-purpose oven. This small oven is usually controlled by a simple built-in computer using settings input via a control panel. Most bread machines have different cycles for different kinds of dough—including white bread, whole grain, European-", "id": "5295213" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nwith larger amounts in large, open furnaces. The aroma and texture of baked goods as they come out of the oven are strongly appealing but is a quality that is quickly lost. Since the flavour and appeal largely depend on freshness, commercial producers have to compensate by using food additives as well as imaginative labeling. As more and more baked goods are purchased from commercial suppliers, producers try to capture that original appeal by adding the label \"home-baked.\" Such attempts seek to make an emotional link to the remembered", "id": "7706084" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nhave been cultivated, although this is still very much at an experimental stage. It was not until the 18th century that it became common practice to make leavened rye breads. Sour dough was mostly used (older rye dough which had started to ferment). These breads were called pottbrauð (pot breads) because they were baked (or rather steamed) on a stove under a pot (upside down) – i.e. a kind of oven. Around 1900, it was common to bake these breads in sealed containers (i.e. from", "id": "9179086" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nmake 8 individual custards, either sweet like a crème brûlée, or using a more savory recipe. They had 90 minutes to finish the task. In the technical bake, the challenge was to bake a chocolate soufflé, however. As the soufflé can fall within minutes of coming out of the oven, the start time for the bakers was staggered so that each bake can be judged immediately after it was baked. The bakers were each given an hour and 45 minutes. For the final challenge, the bakers were required to", "id": "12516516" }, { "contents": "Naan qalia\n\n\nin an open clay oven, which is mounted in a hole in the ground. The fire is from a side hole. The baker (generally called as \"bhatiyara\") sits next to the oven and places the naan in the oven for baking, these naan are picked out with specially designed rods. These Naan are quite fluffy. Each of these naan get a brush of turmeric and jaggery water, as soon as they are baked. This gives the naan golden colour and also makes it last longer. The qalia", "id": "9540533" }, { "contents": "Old Yishuv\n\n\nwhich for example insisted on the adoption of ancient and ineffective Biblical farming rules. In the Jewish communities of the Old Yishuv, bread was baked at home. People would buy flour in bulk or take their own wheat to be milled into the flour to bake bread in brick or mud ovens. Small commercial bakeries were set up in the mid-19th century. Wheat flour was used to make challah and biscuits, ordinary bread and cooking. Because of its scarcity, bread that had dried was made into a pudding known as \"boyos", "id": "14416376" }, { "contents": "Cast-iron cookware\n\n\nrecipes call for the use of a cast-iron skillet or pot, especially so that the dish can be initially seared or fried on the stovetop then transferred into the oven, pan and all, to finish baking. Likewise, cast-iron skillets can double as baking dishes. This differs from many other cooking pots, which have varying components that may be damaged by the excessive temperatures of or more. Cast iron is a very slow conductor of heat and forms hot spots if heated too quickly, or if heated over", "id": "7243148" }, { "contents": "Baguette\n\n\ntowel, called a couche, and baked either directly on the hearth of a deck oven or in special perforated pans designed to hold the shape of the baguette while allowing heat through the perforations. American-style \"French bread\" is generally much fatter and is not baked in deck ovens, but in convection ovens. Outside France, baguettes are also made with other doughs. For example, the Vietnamese \"bánh mì\" uses a high proportion of rice flour, while many North American bakeries make whole wheat, multigrain,", "id": "7325283" }, { "contents": "Take and bake pizzeria\n\n\nA take and bake pizzeria, sometimes just known as a take and bake (or alternatively, take-n-bake), is a pizzeria which sells uncooked pizzas to customers, who then cook the pizzas at home in their own ovens. Take-and-bake pizzas are typically made to order out of fresh ingredients (though the pizzeria may also keep a number of commonly ordered or special sale price pizzas on hand for convenience). Often because the pizzas are made with fresh and unbaked ingredients and not heated in", "id": "11335725" }, { "contents": "Community Cooker Foundation\n\n\nand 2 ovens in the sides of the Cooker. 4) Using rubbish as fuel: The cooker can be used 24/7 by individuals or community groups to cook food for their own use or as an income generating activity. The cooker has a cooking surface of 1.7 square meters, two large ovens for baking, and storage capacity for heating 800 litres of water at any given time. Each oven is large enough to bake up to 10 loaves of bread at one time, or roast an entire goat. 5) Cleaner waste", "id": "11880827" }, { "contents": "Dutch oven\n\n\nmaking roasts, stews, and casseroles. Virtually any recipe that can be cooked in a conventional oven can be cooked in a Dutch oven. When cooking over a campfire, it is possible to use old-style lipped cast-iron Dutch ovens as true baking ovens, to prepare biscuits, cakes, breads, pizzas, and even pies. A smaller baking pan can be placed inside the ovens, used and replaced with another as the first batch is completed. It is also possible to stack Dutch ovens on top of", "id": "19875918" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\ngrains, and we see the first real ovens, probably used for baking small loaves and perhaps the first bread (probably around 400 AD). Scandinavian soldiers in Roman times apparently learned baking techniques when working as mercenaries in the Roman army (200–400 AD). They subsequently took the technique home with them to show that they had been employed in high status work on the continent. Early Christian traditions promoted an interest in bread. Culturally, German traditions have influenced most of the bread types in the Nordic countries. In the", "id": "9179064" }, { "contents": "Food\n\n\n) and are used for baking or roasting and offer a dry-heat cooking method. Different cuisines will use different types of ovens. For example, Indian culture uses a tandoor oven, which is a cylindrical clay oven which operates at a single high temperature. Western kitchens use variable temperature convection ovens, conventional ovens, toaster ovens, or non-radiant heat ovens like the microwave oven. Classic Italian cuisine includes the use of a brick oven containing burning wood. Ovens may be wood-fired, coal-fired,", "id": "10376561" }, { "contents": "Masonry oven\n\n\nthe roof of the oven. Black ovens were often built to serve entire communities (cf the banal ovens of France, which were often owned by the local government and whose operators charged a fee to oven users). Such ovens became popular in the Americas during the colonial era. They are widely used in artisanal bakeries and pizzerias, restaurants featuring pizzas and baked dishes, and increasingly as small backyard or home ovens. So-called \"white ovens\" are a later development, and are heated from the outside of the", "id": "6171564" }, { "contents": "Baked potato\n\n\nA baked potato, or jacket potato, is a potato that has been baked for eating. When well cooked, a baked potato has a fluffy interior and a crisp skin. It may be served with fillings and condiments such as butter, cheese, sour cream, gravy or even ground meat. Potatoes can be baked in a conventional gas or electric oven, a convection oven, a microwave oven, on a barbecue grill, or on/in an open fire. Some restaurants use special ovens designed specifically to cook large", "id": "1602087" }, { "contents": "Baker's rack\n\n\nworld. This versatile storage furniture has gained its name because it has been originally used by bakers. In the olden times, bakers use these racks to cool freshly baked goods. Baker's racks are usually made of heat resistant metal that can help the warm baked goods to cool evenly. After cooling, bakers use the racks to let their neighbors preview the goods before selling. They also use these racks to roll dough and store containers of flour, sugar, and other baking needs. Today, many bakers still use these", "id": "19340958" }, { "contents": "Medieval cuisine\n\n\nDamian died in 1072 or 1073, and their marriage (Theodora and Domenico) took place in 1075. All types of cooking involved the direct use of fire. Kitchen stoves did not appear until the 18th century, and cooks had to know how to cook directly over an open fire. Ovens were used, but they were expensive to construct and only existed in fairly large households and bakeries. It was common for a community to have shared ownership of an oven to ensure that the bread baking essential to everyone was made communal", "id": "11700505" }, { "contents": "Outdoor cooking\n\n\novens are convenient for cooking dishes that take a long time such as stews, joints of meat and baked goods. They are not the only option for baking on a campout as devices for baking on portable stoves exist and clay ovens can be constructed at longer encampments. A pot hanging over the fire, although picturesque, may spill, and the rigging may be difficult to construct from found wood. Generally this is done with metal rigging, much of it identical to that historically used in home fireplaces before the invention of stoves", "id": "17715754" }, { "contents": "Sourdough\n\n\nhas been proved over many hours, using a sourdough starter or mother dough, can then be transferred to the machine, utilizing only the baking segment of the bread-making program, bypassing timed mechanical kneading by the machine's paddle. This may be convenient for single loaf production, but the complex blistered and slashed crust characteristics of oven-baked sourdough bread cannot be achieved in a bread making machine, as this usually requires the use of a baking stone in the oven and misting of the dough to produce steam.", "id": "16769270" }, { "contents": "Roasting\n\n\nloss of moisture during roasting, but reduce flavor development from Maillard browning, somewhat more like (boiled or steamed) stew or pot roast. They are particularly popular for turkeys. Until the late 19th century, roasting by dry heat in an oven was called \"baking\". Roasting originally meant turning meat or a bird on a spit in front of a fire. It is one of the oldest forms of cooking known. Traditionally recognized roasting methods consist only of baking and cooking over or near an open fire. Grilling is", "id": "8183331" }, { "contents": "Tabun oven\n\n\nA tabun oven, or simply tabun (also transliterated taboon, from the ), is a clay oven, shaped like a truncated cone, with an opening at the bottom from which to stoke the fire. Built and used in biblical times as the family, neighbourhood, or village oven, tabun ovens continue to be built and used in parts of the Middle East today. Nowadays, some of the tabun ovens are also made out of metal. The taboon oven has historically been used to bake flatbreads such as taboon bread", "id": "11576081" }, { "contents": "Italian Community Bake Oven\n\n\nItalian Community Bake Oven is a historic community bake oven located at Little Falls in Herkimer County, New York. It was built about 1891 and is abandoned. The utilitarian structure consists of a large rectangle of stone masonry outer walls enclosing the brick bake oven. The dimensions are approximately 16 feet wide, 20 feet deep, and 6 feet high. It was built to furnish large quantities of bread for Italian immigrant railroad workers in a work camp during 1891–1893. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2006.", "id": "1895365" }, { "contents": "No-knead bread\n\n\nNo-knead bread is a method of bread baking that uses a very long fermentation (rising) time instead of kneading to form the gluten strands that give the bread its texture. It is characterized by a low yeast content and a very wet dough. Some recipes improve the quality of the crust by baking the bread in a Dutch oven or other covered vessel. According to one version of the method developed by New York baker Jim Lahey, as described in his book \"My Bread\", one loaf of the bread", "id": "19455434" }, { "contents": "George Weston\n\n\nfor himself, buying a bread route from Bowen. Two years later, with his business prospering, he bought out the bakery of his former employer. Years later, George Weston recalled those early days: \"I baked 250 loaves the first day. I delivered them — drove my own waggon — called on every customer myself.\" It was on Sullivan Street where George Weston, with one wood-burning oven and two journeymen bakers, developed his \"Home-Made Bread.\" Made from a combination of the best", "id": "16405227" }, { "contents": "Paulus of Verdun\n\n\nAccording to a legend related by Bertarius of Verdun, one day Paulus was working in the bakery in the Abbey of Tholey when the oven malfunctioned. He feared that the bread would not be ready in time for meals, so he climbed into the burning oven in full habit, cleaned it with his hood, arranged the loaves to be baked, and later emerged from the oven with the fully baked loaves. Because of this legend, Paulus became the patron saint of bakers and pastry chefs of Verdun. On his feast day", "id": "20385713" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\neverything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, when humans mastered fire, the paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made any time fire was created. The world's oldest oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back 6500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians baked bread using yeast, which they had previously been", "id": "7706077" }, { "contents": "Oven\n\n\nearth. In camps found in Mezhirich, each mammoth bone house had a hearth used for heating and cooking. Ovens were used by cultures who lived in the Indus Valley and in pre-dynastic Egypt. By 3200 BC, each mud-brick house had an oven in settlements across the Indus Valley. Ovens were used to cook food and to make bricks. Pre-dynastic civilizations in Egypt used kilns around 5000–4000 BC to make pottery. Culinary historians credit the Greeks for developing bread baking significantly. Front-loaded bread ovens", "id": "6014425" }, { "contents": "Sač\n\n\nbell-shaped ovens used for flatbread baking in middle-east. Traditionally, the saç was a simple, primitive oven for baking various foods used by less well-off families who could not afford a stove in their homes, and the lid itself often doubled as a plate for flatbed baking. Today, the baking appliance is commonly used by restaurants all over the Balkan Peninsula, Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Greece (called: Παραδοσιακή Γάστρα,", "id": "20523360" }, { "contents": "Entenmann's\n\n\n620 million cookies. Since its first opening in 1898, Entenmann's has been selling an \"all-butter loaf cake\", and has sold more than 700 million to date. Several of Entenmann's larger cake-baking methodologies had been converted to \"easy-bake\" style preparation, wherein the recipe allows for assembly-line baking under hot lights rather than oven baking, as evidenced by the total absence of any trace of oven heat signatures at the bottom of their cakes. This allows for a much higher volume", "id": "18352065" }, { "contents": "Ripacandida\n\n\n, because neighboring countries does not exist. Prepared by the good housewife, was then baked in the houses, each house had its oven. \"I rucilatieggh\" were prepared from a dough of flour, oil, water, fennel seeds, eggs, salt and baking powder and then polished with egg yolk. The tradition continues in the bakery who prepare for Tuesday and Friday. Traditionally every house had Ripacandida the oven for baking bread, which had a high form of bread similar to matter. The bread was baked once placed", "id": "11992341" }, { "contents": "Cornelis van Dalem\n\n\nbleeding. The improved heads would then be kneaded and rolled, rubbed with a new finish, baked in the oven and ultimately replaced. The composition recounts the whole process. However, there was always the risk that a new head would fail to bake, or over-bake, thus resulting in a deformed or deficient head. At the back of the bakery we can see a woman holding a severed head who is having a discussion with the baker dressed in red. She is probably trying to return the head of her", "id": "15896518" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\ncontain it, and will exhibit good oven spring when baked. A bread that is under- or overproofed will have less oven spring and be more dense. An overproofed bread may even collapse in the oven as the volume of gas produced by the yeast can no longer be contained by the gluten structure. \"Retarding\" may occur at any time during fermentation and is accomplished by placing the dough into a dough retarder, refrigerator, or other cold environment to slow the activity of the yeast. The retarding stage is often used in", "id": "4061651" }, { "contents": "Matthew 6:30\n\n\nclay ovens of the region when it was necessary to rapidly increase the heat. These ovens would be used to bake the bread the populace subsisted on. There are two lessons generally read into this verse. The first is that beauty and the physical are fleeting, what is splendid one day can be thrown into the fire the next. This perhaps links with , where Jesus contrasts the impermanence of physical things with the eternal nature of the spiritual. Harrington links this verse to , which also discussed the fleeting nature of grass and", "id": "8838314" }, { "contents": "List of ovens\n\n\n, is one of the most simple and long-used cooking structures. At its simplest, an earth oven is a pit in the ground used to trap heat and bake, smoke, or steam food. Earth ovens have been used in many places and cultures in the past, and the presence of such cooking pits is a key sign of human settlement often sought by archaeologists. They remain a common tool for cooking large quantities of food where no equipment is available. Industrial ovens are heated chambers used for a variety of", "id": "18599672" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Casserole\n\n\n(Belgian). As previously noted, a distinction can be made between casseroles and stews: \"stewing\" is a cooking process whereby heat is applied to the bottom of the cooking vessel (typically over a fire or on a stove), whereas \"casserole\" is generally baked in an oven, where heat circulates all around the cooking vessel. Similarly compared, casseroles may be cooked covered or uncovered, while \"braises\" are typically covered to prevent evaporation. Baked dishes have existed for thousands of years. Early casserole", "id": "1844082" }, { "contents": "Pane di Laterza\n\n\ncentury and it belonged to a feudatory.. In the 50s, the bakeries were managed by only four women: a baker and three workers. The workers prepared the firewood and took the dough from the houses of the village. The baker cooked it and then the workers brought the baked bread in the houses again. Pane di Laterza is baked in the wood oven with olive wood with some other natural aromatic products like seeds of apricot and almonds. The size of each piece of bread (called \"panelle\" or \"panédd", "id": "1138816" }, { "contents": "Earth oven\n\n\nAn earth oven, ground oven or cooking pit is one of the simplest and most ancient cooking structures. At its most basic, an earth oven is a pit in the ground used to trap heat and bake, smoke, or steam food. Earth ovens have been used in many places and cultures in the past, and the presence of such cooking pits is a key sign of human settlement often sought by archaeologists. Earth ovens remain a common tool for cooking large quantities of food where no equipment is available. They have", "id": "4339201" }, { "contents": "Spekkoek\n\n\nremoved from the oven and the process repeated to build up the remaining layers. Dutch ovens with a charcoal fire on top of the lid are said to produce the best results, while electric ovens are superior to gas ovens as cakes bake much faster in the former. Where clove buds or cardamom seeds are difficult to find, bakers can use spekkoek powder as a replacement. Milling and mixing the spices right before baking produces a cake with an excellent aroma. The ground spices must be sieved into the flour at least three times", "id": "978900" }, { "contents": "Al forno\n\n\nAl forno is food that has been baked in an oven. Italian dishes commonly prepared in this way include pizza, breads and pasta dishes. Pasta is sometimes boiled before it is baked in al forno dishes. This double cooking means that it is served soft, not with the firm al dente consistency that some Italians prefer in pasta dishes. Northern Italy has a tradition of wood-burning ovens and open-flame grills that continues to this day. A wood-fired oven and al forno dishes are a feature of many", "id": "15288342" }, { "contents": "Convenience store\n\n\noffer food ready-to-eat, such as breakfast sandwiches and fry-ups. Throughout Europe, it is now common for convenience stores to sell fresh French bread (or similar). A process of freezing parbaked bread allows easy shipment (often from France) and baking in-store. Some shops have a delicatessen counter, offering custom-made sandwiches and baguettes. Others have racks offering fresh delivered or baked doughnuts from local doughnut shops. Some shops have a self-service microwave oven for heating purchased food.", "id": "3295915" }, { "contents": "Easy-Bake Oven\n\n\npurchased separately.) After water is added to the mix in the pan, it is pushed into the oven through a slot. After cooking, the cake is pushed out through a slot in the other end. The Easy-Bake Oven was introduced in 1963 by Kenner Products, a Cincinnati, Ohio-based toy company. The original Kenner Easy-Bake Oven was heated by two 100-watt incandescent light bulbs, came in a pale yellow or turquoise, and was designed to resemble a conventional oven. The design changed many", "id": "7336047" }, { "contents": "Parbaking\n\n\nretail shops. Some examples include Brioches la Boulangere in France; Signature Breads in the United States; and Tim Hortons in Canada. Supermarkets (secondary distributors) also benefit, because parbaking lets them reduce the need for skilled bakers in their stores. Only a simple finishing bake is needed, so simple instructions and baking times are easy for untrained store personnel. Instead of a complex bakery with specialized equipment, only a simple oven is needed. Also, bread is baked only when it is needed. As bread sells out through", "id": "4787478" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nbe ground more quickly. These mills depended on a good flow of water, which mainly occurred during the autumn and spring. These two seasons were the time for baking flatbread and lefser. Once rye began to be cultivated around 1500, the baking techniques changed to leaven breads in ovens, e.g. with sour dough and later with other leavens. The rye in oven-baked bread was often mixed with barley for economy. It was only baked once a month, or more often during the summer. During storage, these breads", "id": "9179099" }, { "contents": "Richmond, Ontario\n\n\nmoved the Richmond Bakery to the corner of McBean and Perth Streets and new equipment was purchased including, gas and oil ovens, revolving trays and a bread steamer. Water was finally pumped into the bakery with an electric pump. At the new location, Mr. Brown added pastries which became one of the attractions of the bakers. On Sundays, Ottawa residents would drive to Richmond to purchase the sweet treats. The Bakery’s motto has always been, “We bake everything we sell and we sell everything we bake.” After", "id": "13430677" }, { "contents": "Mardan District\n\n\nabroad have accumulated sufficient wealth which brought a distinct change in the life of the villagers who construct pacca houses of cement, bricks and timber. A Tandoor (Oven) is also found for baking bread in many houses and some time women of three or four houses assembled on one Tandoor (Oven) for baking bread on their turn. The houses have huge compound walls around with gates. Chairs and tables are used in the houses of well-to-do persons whereas others use the ordinary cot (Charpoy). Most", "id": "11849970" }, { "contents": "Communal oven\n\n\ncover the costs associated to the construction, maintenance and operation of the oven. Seigniorial ovens were masonry ovens built on the Roman plan and were large enough to hold an entire community's ration of bread. For example, in the hamlet of Nan-sous-Thil (Côte-d'Or, France), the villagers were required to bake their bread at the \"four banal\", as at home they were permitted only a small oven placed under the hood of the chimneypiece, for baking \"\"gâteau et flan\"", "id": "6171717" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\n(tortes), savaillum (sweet cake), and globus apherica (fritters). A great selection of these, with many different variations, different ingredients, and varied patterns, were often found at banquets and dining halls. The Romans baked bread in an oven with its own chimney, and had mills to grind grain into flour. A bakers' guild was established in 168 B.C. in Rome. Eventually, the Roman art of baking became known throughout Europe and eventually spread to eastern parts of Asia. By the 13th", "id": "7706080" }, { "contents": "Aerated Bread Company\n\n\nof it dissipates in the extreme heat of the ovens. To counter the success of aerated bread in the market, traditional fermentation bakers began focussing on this in their advertising. To that end, placard advertisements were used—especially in the neighbourhood of the A.B.C. factory—urging people to \"buy the bread with the gin in it\", at a time when gin was thought to have medicinal properties as it was made from juniper berries. Richardson's great support of aerated bread at the expense of traditionally baked bread has been", "id": "8605768" }, { "contents": "Baked beans\n\n\nNew England region, baked beans are flavored either with maple syrup (Northern New England), or with molasses (Boston), and are traditionally cooked with salt pork in a beanpot in a brick oven for six to eight hours. In the absence of a brick oven, the beans were cooked in a beanpot nestled in a bed of embers placed near the outer edges of a hearth, about a foot away from the fire. Today, baked beans can be made in a slow cooker or in a modern oven using", "id": "11592151" }, { "contents": "Lionel Poilâne\n\n\nLionel Poilâne (June 10, 1945 – October 31, 2002) was a French baker and entrepreneur whose commitment to crafting quality bread earned him worldwide renown. His father, Pierre Poilâne started a baking business in 1932, creating bread using stone-ground flour, natural fermentation and a wood-fired oven. Lionel took over the bakery in 1970, continuing the traditional methods. Poilâne is widely known for a round, two-kilogram sourdough country bread referred to as a \"miche\" or \"pain Poilâne\". This", "id": "18003867" }, { "contents": "Salt crust\n\n\nplant matter such as leaves or bark. The techniques all aim to lock in moisture and maximise the effect of the seasoning. Covering the ingredient in salt crust is the first part and the second part is baking it. Baking typically occurs in an oven and the fuel is supplied by wood, coal, gas, or electricity. The crust also acts as a mini-oven, locking the heat inside as salt is a poor conductor of heat creating an oven within an oven. This slows heat transfer to the food creating", "id": "10880952" }, { "contents": "Rice pudding\n\n\ncarefully mixed in. Finally, the cream is mixed in, and it can either be left to cool and be served at room temperature, or it can be heated and served hot. It should have a very creamy consistency. When made in the oven, the pudding rice is placed into a baking dish, and the milk, cream and sugar are mixed in. The dish is then placed in the oven and baked at a low temperature for a few hours, until the rice is tender and the pudding has a", "id": "12030922" }, { "contents": "Bread\n\n\nto rise one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often \"punch down\" the dough and let it rise again), then loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an oven. Many breads are made from a \"straight dough\", which means that all of the ingredients are combined in one step, and the dough is baked after the rising time; others are made from a \"pre-ferment\" in which", "id": "16381531" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nusing to brew beer. Bread baking began in Ancient Greece around 600 BC, leading to the invention of enclosed ovens. \"Ovens and worktables have been discovered in archaeological digs from Turkey (Hacilar) to Palestine (Jericho (Tell es-Sultan)) and date back to 5600 BC.\" Baking flourished during the Roman Empire. Beginning around 300 B.C., the pastry cook became an occupation for Romans (known as the pastillarium) and became a respected profession because pastries were considered decadent, and Romans loved festivity and celebration", "id": "7706078" }, { "contents": "Vienna bread\n\n\nof steam or, alternatively, the oven is injected with steam as soon as the loaf is loaded. This adds moisture to the body of the bread which delays establishment of the crust and tends to prevent cracking, resulting in a more evenly risen and thinner crust as well as a light and airy crumb. When the steam is turned off, the dry heat of the oven bakes the crust, producing its characteristically slightly crisp and flaky texture. Vienna bread is typically formed as an oblong loaf, but can be baked in", "id": "5989324" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nusually ground into various grades. Rye bread can be either light or dark in colour, depending on the type of flour mixture used, and it is typical for rye bread to include about 20% wheat flour. New trends and old traditions are bringing old-fashioned rye breads back to the shelves in shops. These rye breads are made entirely from rye flour and are the most common breads in the Finnish diet. Other types of sour bread are still baked in the residual heat of ovens and the longer baking time at", "id": "9179079" }, { "contents": "Ancient Israelite cuisine\n\n\nthe top; fuel was burned on the inside to heat it and the dough was pressed against the outside to bake. The pit-oven was a clay-lined excavation in the ground in which the fuel was burned and then pushed aside, and the loaves were baked on the heated surface. People also began placing a convex dome, initially earthenware and later metal, over the pit-oven and cooking the flatbreads on the dome instead of on the ash-covered surface; this type of oven is probably what was", "id": "16744344" }, { "contents": "Wishing Moon\n\n\nthan selling any bread, he gives all of it away to beggars and thus becomes impoverished. Aminah gives him, through wishes, several jars that will fill with any ingredient at his command, the ability to heat and cool ovens instantly, and baking knowledge that would not become common for several centuries (with this, he makes angel food cake and cream puffs). After the first meeting, Aminah never doubt's Hassan's loyalty or sincerity. As a result, Hassan and Aminah begin to develop a secret relationship by", "id": "9775926" }, { "contents": "Oven\n\n\nwere developed in ancient Greece. The Greeks created a wide variety of doughs, loaf shapes, and styles of serving bread with other foods. Baking developed as a trade and profession as bread increasingly was prepared outside of the family home by specially trained workers to be sold to the public. During the Middle Ages, instead of earth and ceramic ovens, Europeans used fireplaces in conjunction with large cauldrons. These were similar to the Dutch oven. Following the Middle-Ages, ovens underwent many changes over time from wood, iron", "id": "6014426" }, { "contents": "Animal cracker\n\n\ninstalling rotary dies, bakers can actually engrave details onto each cookie, creating a more intricate design. The rotary dies are still used today. Barnum's Animals Crackers are all produced in the Fair Lawn, New Jersey, bakery by Nabisco Brands. More than 40 million packages of Barnum's Animals Crackers are sold each year, both in the United States and exported to 17 countries worldwide. The cookies are baked in a -long traveling band oven. They are in the oven for about four minutes and are baked at the rate", "id": "7205764" }, { "contents": "Baking stone\n\n\nA baking stone is a portable cooking surface used in baking. It may be made of ceramic, stone or, more recently, salt. Food is put on the stone, which is then placed in an oven, though sometimes the stone is heated first. Baking stones are used much like cookie sheets, but may absorb additional moisture for crispier food. A pizza stone is a baking stone designed for cooking pizza. Due to the thermal mass of baking stones and the material's property as a poor heat conductor, food", "id": "16113154" } ]
Hello! I am considered obese, I currently eat a lot and weight 340 pounds. Oh i'm sorry. I've been watching the biggest loser
[{"answer": "Yes it's been a great motivation for me, it made me want to exercise but I am too lazy.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 129, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Bickersons\n\n\nYou'd better say you're sorry for that, John. J: Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. B: You are not. J: I am too. I'm the sorriest man that was ever born. B: Is there any milk for breakfast? J: No. B: Then you'll have to eat out. J: I don't care, I've been doing it all week. B: What for? I left you enough food for six", "id": "12588762" }, { "contents": "Sorry I'm Late\n\n\nof her second studio album is \"Sorry I'm Late\". She explained, \"I think it has two meanings. [...] It's been a long time since I've actually done anything new, but for me, it's as a person. I mean, I've spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out who I am, and I think everybody goes through that.\" In November 2013, during an interview with Larry King, Lloyd confirmed that she had left Syco Music after she", "id": "9844755" }, { "contents": "Solomon Burke\n\n\ndevelop into what I am now and allowed me to live. It's not an eating disorder. If I had an eating disorder, I wouldn't travel.\" In 2006 Burke acknowledged: \"It's very rough. I love to eat and I love to cook – as you can see. But my hip has to be replaced and a knee has to be replaced and I've got to lose 150 pounds before they can do that. And that's a lot. But it's NOT! God knows I", "id": "3599211" }, { "contents": "Colin Clark (soccer)\n\n\nacknowledging that Clark had expressed \"sincere remorse\" for his actions. In response to the league's disciplinary action, Clark declared, \"I am sorry about what happened during the Seattle match. I have personally apologized to the ball boy, and I want to take this chance to say I'm sorry to everyone that I've offended... what I said does not properly represent who I am or what I believe. I made a mistake that I truly regret. I accept the punishment that has been handed down by MLS", "id": "16645696" }, { "contents": "Tevin Campbell\n\n\nby Jones and Medina. \"I wanted to make a more mature-sounding album to reflect my current state of mind,\" Campbell explained to J. R. Reynolds in \"Billboard\" magazine. \"\"I'm Ready\" says a lot about who I am as a person because of the things I've been through during the last four years or so. I hope people will see that I'm not the same young kid that I was on my first album.\" The album was produced by Babyface among others.", "id": "19184362" }, { "contents": "I Was Wrong, I'm Sorry & I Love You\n\n\nfriendship, marriage, or even a church community. Webb stated in an interview that \"if I am consciously, deliberately making a record about the church again, I thought I should start with those three statements (I was wrong, I'm sorry, and I love you.).\" His intentions throughout his solo career are expressed by lyrics in the title track, \"over all these years, there's just three things I've tried to say.\" The title expresses a need for Christians to sincerely and", "id": "17264958" }, { "contents": "JaMarcus Russell\n\n\nto the point where Millen kicked Russell out after he kept looking down at his watch. \"I keep talking to him, I ask him questions and he looks at his watch,\" Millen said. \"I said, 'You got some place you need to be?' And he goes, 'Oh, no, no, no. I'm sorry. Sorry, sir.' So I ask him another question, he looks at his watch and I said, 'You're done, get out of", "id": "3247052" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 8)\n\n\nfeels like the one pound gain puts a target on his back. The black team ends up with 1.98% of weight loss and goes to the elimination room. Danny is immune from elimination as the biggest loser of the week. The votes are split between Daniel and Dina, with Dina losing by one vote. The crew visits Dina now. She says the person she was when she came to the ranch had zero confidence but she's beginning to see her potential. \"I'm gonna win this battle. I", "id": "17683966" }, { "contents": "The Voice UK (series 5)\n\n\nI made the decision myself to seek treatment and checked into the Priory clinic. It gave me strength and helped me face the world. It changed me for the better. But addiction is tough. And I am sorry to say that I have relapsed on a few occasions since I left. When this has happened I have immediately sought help. I'm truly sorry I've let everyone down but I'm determined to put this behind me.\" Once released to the producers of the show, both them and Morris agreed", "id": "3909210" }, { "contents": "Craig Dean\n\n\ncannot attend her funeral, because he is in Singapore, meaning he and John Paul have gotten back together. Craig Dean is considered one of \"Hollyoaks\"' most iconic characters. In response to the fan mail the character receives, Burnet stated, \"I've had a lot of fan mail and I haven't replied to all of them and I'm really sorry. But I promise I really will reply to everyone.\" He further revealed, \"There was a point where I was completely focused on the", "id": "3716749" }, { "contents": "4 in the Morning\n\n\nlying here in the dark, I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot.\" In the chorus, she sings: \"I give you everything that I am/I'm handing over everything that I've got/'cause I wanna have a really true love.\" \"4 in the Morning\" was generally well received by music critics. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic called it \"coolly sensual\", noting that \"those celebrations of cool synths and stylish pop hooks that work the best for Stefani.\" \"Billboard\"", "id": "16796524" }, { "contents": "Jade Goody\n\n\nlater trip to India she apologised for her behaviour, admitting that her remarks to Shetty could be seen as racist. In a video on the BBC News website, Goody said: I know that things that I don't think are necessarily racist ... could be ... And I am sincerely sorry for the pain and hurt I've caused to Shilpa's family. I am wrong ... I am wrong and I know that my words and my actions were wrong and I'm not trying to justify that in any way – I am", "id": "18213376" }, { "contents": "Chad Mureta\n\n\nthe beginning, and I think a lot of people are just getting that this is a real business. This is a real industry and really there's not a lot of barrier to entry to get into it. Anybody can. The thing is, I am just like everybody else. There's no difference. I mean yes, I've been successful, I'm not the smartest person in the world, and I've never had any tech experience.\" Mureta was interviewed by Tony Robbins in a special titled,", "id": "9511993" }, { "contents": "Blank Page\n\n\nsings \"I know there's hurt/ I know there's pain/ But people change/ Lord, knows I've been no saint/ In my own way/ Regret choices I've made/ How I do I say I'm sorry?/ How do I say I'm sorry?.\" On the chorus, the lyrics are hopeful that she can right any wrongs she may have committed: \"Draw me a smile, and save me tonight/ I'll be your blank page waiting for you to bring me to life/ Paint me a heart, let me", "id": "8538642" }, { "contents": "Teresa Lewis\n\n\nC. Wilson Sr., testified how Lewis took care of her invalid mother prior to her death. Lewis herself stated that \"I just want the governor to know that I am so sorry, deeply from my heart. And if I could take it back, I would, in a minute ... I just wish I could take it back. And I'm sorry for all the people that I've hurt in the process.\" On September 17, 2010, McDonnell decided not to stop Lewis' upcoming execution, stating", "id": "19204298" }, { "contents": "Red State (2011 film)\n\n\n, we're obviously not selling the movie, so I'm sorry to ... the distributors in the room. ... Number one: I'm not that sorry. It's a fucking film festival. Come see a movie. ... no hard feelings. Hopefully you don't mind. ... Thank you for coming. ... I will say this in my own defense ... a lot of youse work for studios ... you guys make a lot of trailers - you've lied to me many times. ... I've seen many trailers", "id": "1967883" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 8)\n\n\n-breaking weight loss of 55.58% means that Danny Cahill wins the $250,000 prize, and is the eighth season's Biggest Loser. Bob and Subway (a \"Biggest Loser\" sponsor) offered Shay a chance to be weighed again at the finale of the upcoming Season 9, \"Couples 3\" – Shay will be awarded $1,000 for every pound that she loses below her final weight of 304 pounds. She lost 52 pounds, which made her be awarded $52,000. She currently (November 2010) weighs 252", "id": "17683999" }, { "contents": "Malamente\n\n\nshort documentary video to her social media accounts where she talked about her new album. She said: \"Everything I have I am leaving it here; I'm in the red, I'm risking a lot. This project is what I've always wanted to do, I've been thinking for a long time about making an album like the one I'm going to release. The flamenco inspiration is still there but, at the same time, it is something else.\" Three days after the international release of the", "id": "14232268" }, { "contents": "ShoutYourAbortion\n\n\nup #ShoutYourAbortion because I am not sorry and I will not whisper.\" Within days, tens of thousands of other women worldwide shared their personal abortion experiences. Tweets included: “I've never wanted to have children, so I had an abortion. I'm thriving, without guilt, without shame, without apologies. #ShoutYourAbortion”; “I've had 2 abortions. I don't have to justify or explain them to anybody. My life is more valuable than a potential life. #shoutyourabortion”; \"", "id": "3649431" }, { "contents": "Kid Pix\n\n\n\"I'm a beautiful fairy princess with slosh in my noggin and I howl at the moon.\", \"I'm a dizzy daisy getting lazy with a sparkly fish tail and boy oh boy, am I hungry!\", \"I'm a humungous fungus in a lovely ice castle and I float in the ocean.\", \"I'm a troubled tarantula with a magic cookie jar and I leave a slimy trail.\", \"I'm a singing mermaid in a spooky graveyard and I eat bugs.", "id": "14677770" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\n, adding that the other contestants have reached weights where they could go home and be okay. \"One hundred percent. I was 500 pounds.\" Rob responds. \"I was dead before I was 30.\" This week's challenge is a track and field event, Biggest Loser style. The contestants must jump over hurdles, wade through mud pits and memorize a pattern of colors. Then they return to the beginning and put colored pins in 16 squares to represent the pattern; they press a button that tells them", "id": "14229612" }, { "contents": "Katie Holmes\n\n\nI even got to wear the feather boa. I thought, 'There is no way I'm not playing Lola to go audition for some network. I couldn't let my school down. We had already sold a lot of tickets. So I told Kevin and The WB, 'I'm sorry. I just can't meet with you this week. I've got other commitments.'\" The producers permitted her to audition on videotape. Holmes read for the part of Joey Potter, the tomboy best friend of", "id": "9192758" }, { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "Cleo Fields\n\n\nreleased on October 17, 1995 showed Fields to be the loser in every possible head-to-head combination of candidates. \"I know I'm going against the odds, but I am an odds-buster,\" he noted in \"The Commercial Appeal\". \"I feel uncomfortable when it's even. I like to be the underdog. I've been the underdog all my life.\" He narrowly beat the top two white Democratic candidates in the primary and made it to a runoff with Republican Mike Foster", "id": "18946628" }, { "contents": "Rakie Ayola\n\n\nwould be departing from \"Holby City\" in order to have a second child, stating: \"I've had a great time and I'll miss it. I made the decision purely because I was pregnant, but I wasn't really ready to put down the character of Kyla. I'm very sorry to have to let her go.\" Throughout her career, Ayola has been outspoken on the subject of racial discrimination in the entertainment industry. Describing her motivation, she states: \"I am not an overtly political", "id": "6018535" }, { "contents": "Kyla Tyson\n\n\nhave a second child. Ayola said of her decision to leave: \"It's strange but sad at the same time. I've had a great time and I'll miss it. I made the decision purely because I was pregnant, but I wasn't really ready to put down the character of Kyla. I'm very sorry to have to let her go\". Upon announcing the character's arrival, BBC Publicity described Kyla as a \"survivor\", someone who had \"been through a lot in her life", "id": "8238962" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\nhis one-pound advantage, Toma's percentage of weight lost is 1.98%. Rob, who currently weighs 315 pounds, steps up next. He needs to have lost more than six pounds to secure his spot in the finals. And he loses a whopping 13 pounds! The now 302-pound contestant tears up with joy, expressing how appreciative he is for the opportunity to be here. With a 4.13% weight loss, Rob is officially a Biggest Loser finalist. Woody is the next to weigh in, and at 274", "id": "14229669" }, { "contents": "Bruce Weber (photographer)\n\n\n, \"eat, swim, sex, sleep\", went on sale in boutiques in London and Miami Beach, Florida, in 2004. Weber has been living since the early 1970s with his girlfriend, Nan Bush, who is also his agent and one his closest collaborators. He has stated, in a 2002 interview : \"I've had a lot of great romances. Men and women, I mean I feel like I can fall in love almost every day. I feel sorry for people who don't feel that", "id": "17664891" }, { "contents": "Chelsea Fox\n\n\nher casting, Benjamin said \"I've been a big fan of \"EastEnders\" since I was little and I'm very excited to join the show. I've always really admired Diane [Parish] and I can't wait to work with her - it really hasn't sunk in yet! [...] It's one of those jobs that's unlike any other. There's a lot that changes when you take on something as big as \"EastEnders\". I [am] really happy and genuinely excited to", "id": "16761281" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser\n\n\nThe Biggest Loser is a reality television format which started with the American TV show \"The Biggest Loser\" in 2004. The show centers on overweight and obese contestants attempting to lose the most weight; the winner receives a cash prize. There are different variations of \"The Biggest Loser\" around the world. Each country has made its own adaptation to the show; however, the contestants always have the same goal: to lose the highest percentage of weight (or most weight) to become the \"biggest loser\".", "id": "17981047" }, { "contents": "Invisible (Hunter Hayes song)\n\n\nHayes said, \"To me it's also just about being misunderstood. Just me being in high school, just the smallest scale I know compared to a lot of stories that I've heard, a lot of people that I've met ... yes, I was a total geek, I was a total nerd, and you know, I still am, and I'm proud of that. But it took me a while to realize that it's OK to be proud of that, right? Because in that time", "id": "5605274" }, { "contents": "John McCain 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nn't want to do that... Nobody likes a sore loser.\" McCain said, \"I spent a period of time feeling sorry for myself. It's wonderful. It's one of the most enjoyable experiences that you can have. But the point is: You've got to move on ... I'm still a senator from the state of Arizona. I still have the privilege and honor of serving this country, which I've done all my life, and it's a great honor to do so.\" In", "id": "6540468" }, { "contents": "PewDiePie\n\n\nused during the live-stream, expressing \"I'm disappointed in myself because it seems like I've learned nothing from all these past controversies, [using the slur] was not okay. I'm really sorry if I offended, hurt or disappointed anyone with all of this. Being in the position that I am, I should know better.\" In 2018, Paul MacInnes of \"The Guardian\" wrote about Kjellberg's YouTube content; he noted that each week Kjellberg posted videos featuring one of three series formats,", "id": "4356734" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 8)\n\n\nthe ranch at 201 pounds. \"When I came, I was at the lowest point in my life; I was broken and I knew something had to change.\" At her homecoming, there's a big party in her home town for her, with over a hundred people chanting \"Abby, Abby!\" She lost her family 2.5 years ago, \"and I'm sure you felt at times that you lost me too. But I'm back!\" At her revisit, Abby has lost a total of", "id": "17683974" }, { "contents": "Kiss Land\n\n\nI've never been to before that I'm very unfamiliar with. A lot of it is inspired by filmmakers like John Carpenter, David Cronenberg, and Ridley Scott, because they know how to capture fear. That's what \"Kiss Land\" is to me, an environment that's just honest fear. I don't know who I am right now and I'm doing all these outlandish things in these settings that I'm not familiar with. To me, it's the most terrifying thing ever. So when you", "id": "1902729" }, { "contents": "Avril Lavigne (album)\n\n\nnostalgic, about looking back like ‘17’. I guess I didn’t mean for it to turn out like that but it's good.\" While discussing the songs on the album, Lavigne revealed, \"I'm really excited about the song 'Hello Kitty' that I've written for this record, because I'm obsessed with Hello Kitty and it's really fun and the sound is different,\" she said. \"It sounds like nothing I've done before, and I even throw a little bit of", "id": "16980149" }, { "contents": "Deko Boko Friends\n\n\nhe said \"Oh no, my crayon broke.\" When he's angry, he says \"That makes me boilllllll.\" While he boils he says \"Oooooooooooo.\" then his shell cracks. When he picks the pieces up with a broom, he says \"Sorry about the mess.\" When he says hello he says \"Hello it's me. I am the Prince Egg.\" When he sees a butterfly he says \"Whoa. It's a butterfly.\" then gets out his net. While", "id": "12128356" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 4)\n\n\nBiggest Loser with a percentage weight loss of 5.31%, and becomes the 5th contestant in the history of the show to lose 100+ pounds on the ranch. Each duo votes to eliminate Ryan. An update reveals that Ryan has lost 109 pounds since starting. Alison reveals that from here on out, the players will be competing as individuals. Amy dons a black shirt and returns her red shirt to Kim, who is still upset over Amy's departure. In a temptation the players eat donuts, searching for a token", "id": "3730146" }, { "contents": "Cultural appropriation\n\n\n\"I am deeply sorry if what I wore during the VS Show offended anyone. I support VS's decision to remove the outfit from the broadcast.\" Avril Lavigne was cited by some as appropriating Japanese culture in her song \"Hello Kitty\". The song and music video depict Asian women dressed up in matching outfits and Lavigne eating Asian food while dressed in a pink tutu. Lavigne responded by stating \"I love Japanese culture and I spend half of my time in Japan. I flew to Tokyo to shoot this video", "id": "17584511" }, { "contents": "Christine Pomponio-Pate\n\n\nher face from nerve damage), but I'm so lucky to have my life and no physical handicaps. That's motivation to continue to work out and compete. I definitely don't feel sorry for myself. It makes me who I am.\" \"I will compete as long as it stays fun.\" \"I feel lucky to have my life and abilities after the accident, so I need to take advantage of what I'm still blessed with.\". Christine began weight training as a way to be", "id": "8506797" }, { "contents": "508-507-2209\n\n\nyears in the making, there's a lot of records that I scrapped, start over, scrapped, start over. There's records that I've made from the very beginning two years ago that I still kept on the project now. So there's a lot of old mixed with new but it's all cohesive\". \"I'm Sorry\" was released as the lead single from the mixtape on August 5, 2016. The music video was released on August 16, 2016 and has received over 53 million views", "id": "21299669" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 9)\n\n\n\"medical task\". In Michael's case, it means having Bob put on 303 pounds of weights to equal Michael's current weight, and see the effects. Bob talks about the pain and difficulties associated with that much extra weight. Purple watches a video of Dr. H meeting with Patti's daughter/husband and Stephanie's sister/dad, in which he discusses the terrible effects of diabetes. The Red team is shown the costs of being overweight—the things they can't do, and the money they lose", "id": "13140367" }, { "contents": "Buddy Buddy\n\n\nor watched the Neptune Society blow his ashes into the Pacific Ocean ... Sometimes I feel the way you feel when you find yourself at a dinner party with an uncongenial group of people and you say, 'I've got a great story, but I'm not going to tell it to them tonight. I'm not interested in entertaining them.' A lot of energy goes into it, and sometimes it doesn't seem as if it's worth the trouble. I've been doing it now for over 50 years.", "id": "9219404" }, { "contents": "Malcolm X\n\n\nand she went away crying? Well, I've lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument. I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie thenlike all [Black] MuslimsI was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to march. Well, I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay", "id": "738643" }, { "contents": "Fox NASCAR\n\n\nof ratings declines for Fox's NASCAR coverage. Hill said \"It was because of Digger that people were turning off in droves because they couldn't stand it, I said, I'm so sorry. If I'd known, I never would have created him. I didn't realize how insidious he was. It's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard.\" Among the reasons of criticism is the purpose of the character's usage. Though it was at one time commonplace for networks to create mascots for", "id": "12615998" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 4)\n\n\nis this week's Biggest Loser with a percentage weight loss of 4.76%. Isabeau's 81 pound weight loss is the biggest of any woman on campus in Biggest Loser history. The remaining players vote to eliminate Neil, meaning that for the first time in Biggest Loser history, the finals will consist of contestants from one team (Black). Jim loses 186 pounds (51.52%) to claim the at home prize of $100,000. He edges out Neil (50.12%) and Jez (43.48%). Bill", "id": "3730157" }, { "contents": "Ezra Miller\n\n\n' but I've been with many people and I'm open to love whatever it can be\"; and to have \"a lot of really wonderful friends who are of very different sexes and genders. I am very much in love with no one in particular.\" Miller expressed interest in \"kissing boys\" at a young age. Miller does not identify as a man or woman; \"Queer just means no, I don't do that. I don't identify as a man. I don't identify as", "id": "10985839" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nNew York, Art Blakey became a significant influence. \"He really was like a father to me. I learned a lot just watching him. I asked him a lot of questions about the drums and music – and he answered all of them. He was fantastic\", said Blackman. Blackman initially encountered resistance to a woman playing drums in the jazz world. \"I'm a black woman, so I've encountered racial prejudice, and I've encountered gender prejudice. I've also encountered prejudice against my afro when", "id": "8155248" }, { "contents": "Exuma (musician)\n\n\n\"It comes from the love of what I am doing. Music is like eating and breathing - every fiber of me is in music. I've always been like that. The music energizes me and keeps me alive, I think. I have a lot I want to say in a positive way. I don't want to say anything negative. I try to go through every word and make sure that there is nothing negative gender-wise or any-kind-wise. If I have done anything in the", "id": "14618336" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 14)\n\n\nred line with his five-pound weight loss, and was eliminated. Since leaving the ranch, Nathan recently weighed in at 299, a 60-pound weight loss, and proposed to his girlfriend. \"First aired January 14, 2013\" The third week began with a trivia challenge about childhood obesity. The team who accumulated the fewest points would suffer the disadvantage of being isolated in a temptation room full of junk food and video games. The Red Team won the challenge with 3,000 points. With the Blue and White Team tied", "id": "12975572" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (American TV series)\n\n\nThe Biggest Loser is an American competition reality show that has run on NBC for 17 seasons, from 2004 to 2016. The show features obese or overweight contestants competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight. \"The Biggest Loser\" has been fairly popular for some of its run, ranking among the top 50 shows in the United States from 2004 to 2005 and again from 2009 to 2011. It has also attracted significant controversy, including both general critiques of its approach of", "id": "13075747" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\n, 2017, Mellencamp told Yahoo's Katie Couric: \"I didn't even want to write the song. I know this sounds crazy, but it happens a lot, I think, to songwriters – you can't tell it by looking, but I was working out and all of a sudden I just started singing 'easy targets' and I thought, 'oh no, now I've got to stop what I'm doing' and it took know, somebody just sent it to me and I", "id": "12993511" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 7)\n\n\nline. The team that is above the yellow line will be safe from this elimination, while Dane and Blaine are already safe due to winning the immunity challenge. At the weigh-in, teams are shown to have lost a total 382 pounds, including a 30-pound weight loss by Daniel (Orange) who started out as the heaviest contestant in Biggest Loser history, and a 32-pound weight loss by Ron, which Alison says puts him in the Biggest Loser record books for most weight loss in the first week. As Jerry", "id": "17513597" }, { "contents": "Rainy Night in Georgia\n\n\n, man, how real, because I am Billie Joe, I know that life. I've been in the cotton fields. So I thought if I ever tried to write, I'm going to write about something I know about. At that time I was doing a lot of Elvis and John Lee Hooker onstage with my drummer. No original songs and I hadn't really thought about it. But after I heard Bobbie Gentry I sat down and thought ... well I know about Polk because I had ate a bunch", "id": "5022575" }, { "contents": "Fallon Fox\n\n\nfighting Fox: \"I've fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can't answer whether it's because she was born a man or not because I'm not a doctor. I can only say, I've never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right,\" she stated. \"Her grip was different, I could usually move around in the clinch against other females but", "id": "13198222" }, { "contents": "Masood Ahmed\n\n\nJulia, have been very open and welcoming. I am nervous but excited. I have been watching the show and it is really gripping me. The quality of actors are great, so I am really looking forward to working with them.\" Ganatra and Wadia have previous experience of playing a married couple. Both starred alongside each other in the play \"D'Yer Eat With Your Fingers?\" Wadia commented: \"I'm absolutely thrilled as he's a fantastic actor. It's great fun working with Nitin as we both", "id": "10025001" }, { "contents": "Without You (David Guetta song)\n\n\nhas sold 2,684,000 copies in the US. The song features the vocals of R&B singer Usher, who told \"Billboard\" magazine that the project was, \"maybe the biggest song I've made in my life.\" Guetta said, \"We were in bargaining sessions for a while. Usher was saying, 'I need this record for my album.' I said, 'I'm sorry, I cannot give it to you.' After a while he called me back and gave in.\" Guetta told", "id": "10448191" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\nfive. Blake is up next - she feels a lot of emotional weight has been lifted this week, and wonders whether that will translate on the scale. She steps on the scale and loses only three pounds, to 196, leaving her devastated and terrified of going home. The Red Team's total weight loss is 23 pounds, or 2.01%. The White Team is up next, and it's time to find out whether they were sinners or winners during their week in Vegas. They must lose more than 28", "id": "14229569" }, { "contents": "Scott Miller (pop musician)\n\n\nMiller mused:I don't think I'm in danger of making albums that don't age well, because I haven't ever fit into the times spectacularly well. I've always been aware of myself drawing on a musical vocabulary so broad that a lot of people don't get what I consider to be my real songwriting coups. I think they go right past a lot of people. The bad part of that is I probably won't become a big star. But the good part is that I don't think", "id": "1051133" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\nscale for the final time. Woody is up first. When he first came on the show, he weighed 398 pounds. His previous weight was 291. And his current weight is... 285! Woody loses a solid six pounds, but is it enough to beat Scott? Fifteen weeks ago, Scott weighed 366 pounds. His previous weight was 242 and he needs to lose at least five pounds to be Bob's Comeback Canyon player. His current weight is... well, looks like we'll have to wait till next", "id": "14229652" }, { "contents": "2011 end times prediction\n\n\nprobably\" and \"maybe\". \"I really am beginning to think as I've restudied these matters that there's going to be no big display of any kind,\" Camping said in a podcast. \"The end is going to come very, very quietly.\" He kept a low profile as the date approached, and his daughter responded to a media request by saying, \"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but we at Family Radio have been directed to not talk to the media or the press.", "id": "9421311" }, { "contents": "Super Size Me\n\n\n\"I'm not pushing McDonald's. I'm not pushing fast food. I'm pushing taking accountability and making the right choice for you individually... As a science teacher, I would never show \"Super Size Me\" because when I watched that, I never saw the educational value in that... I mean, a guy eats uncontrollable amounts of food, stops exercising, and the whole world is surprised he puts on weight? What I'm not proud about is probably 70 to 80 percent of my colleagues across the", "id": "4171824" }, { "contents": "Will Hill\n\n\nJersey police issued a warrant for Hill's arrest for failure to pay child support. On May 30, 2014, Hill was suspended for the first six games of the 2014 season for violations of the league's substance abuse policy. Hill has been trying to make changes in his personal life. \"I sit in the house with my family. I used to be a nightclub guy, especially coming out of college. I've just been watching a lot of movies. I'm a homebody. I took a long look", "id": "684486" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 17)\n\n\nthe at-home $100,000 prize. But there can only be one winner - Luis Hernandez, with a total weight loss of 139 pounds. Before the finalists find out who will be declared the Biggest Loser and take home the $250,000 prize, they face one final temptation - $50,000. But it comes with a three-pound penalty. Despite the huge setback, Colby takes his chances and claims cash and the disadvantage. With a total weight loss of 160 pounds, Roberto is Season 17's Biggest Loser,", "id": "3620381" }, { "contents": "Bruce Wolf\n\n\nif that's what you want to call it, is in the Jackie Mason and Don Rickles tradition, though I'm not as good as they are. I'm kind of an equal opportunity offender. I've been doing this for decades and didn't intend for this to be more than what I've always done. But I did hurt people, and so I'm sorry.\" Wolf and his wife Caryn have been married since about 1975. They have five children. During the 1990s, Wolf lived in several", "id": "11251614" }, { "contents": "Joel Samuels\n\n\nbawled my eyes out that night going, 'What the hell am I doing? I've never acted, I've never lived out of home, I've never been to Melbourne, I've never been on a TV set. What the hell am I thinking?'\" MacPherson left the show in January 2002, of his time in \"Neighbours\" MacPherson said \"I learned so much. I watch it now and again just to see what everyone's doing. I'd love to go back for maybe a", "id": "12167329" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (Brunei TV series)\n\n\nThe Biggest Loser Brunei is a Bruneian reality television show that began broadcasting on BNC in 2010. The show is an adaptation of the American reality TV show \"The Biggest Loser\". It features a host and personal trainers who help the contestants lose weight. The show features obese people competing to win a cash prize by losing the highest percentage of weight relative to their initial weight. In May 2010, the first season was aired and the winner was Ali, who lost . The second season premiered on October 7, 2011", "id": "439938" }, { "contents": "Graeham Goble\n\n\nI've moved through lots of different beliefs and arrived at Rudolf Steiner.\" Goble currently lives in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia. \"I think the quality of what I'm doing is very high and the songs are very meaningful because I've lived a lot now. I've written from the point of view of somebody who's been through the mill and come out the other side.\" Graeham Goble has recorded with the groups The Silence, Travis Wellington Hedge, Allison Gros, Drummond, Mississippi, Little River", "id": "13304374" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 6)\n\n\nchanged into their original Biggest Loser uniforms (with the exception of Michelle, who chose to wear her Black shirt). Since Michelle had the highest weight loss percentage of the three, she was allowed to choose the order in which they were weighed. Ed was the first to be weighed in, and from his starting weight of 335 pounds, had dropped 139 pounds, giving him a weight loss percentage of 41.49%. Vicky was next, and from her starting weight of 246 pounds, she had shed 101 pounds,", "id": "5098500" }, { "contents": "Hello Kitty (song)\n\n\nbecause I'm obsessed, and it's a really fun thing that I've never done before. It kind of has a kind of glitchy, electronic feel to it and it's... the only one on the record that sounds like that. It's really different and a lot of my friends I've played it for really like it. I'm having a lot of fun with that one.\" \"Hello Kitty\" is a J-pop, dubstep, and EDM track that is three minutes and eighteen seconds", "id": "5849072" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 15)\n\n\ndiner all week. The White Team lost the challenge. Ruben reports that he has lost almost 100 pounds and is staying fit with a trainer and is selling his first album in February. Dolvett has offered to train Jennifer's daughter who suffers from childhood obesity. At the weigh-in Blue team weighed in first. With Hap posting his first double-digit number in several weeks, the Blue team finished with a 2.53% weight loss (27 pounds). The Red team needed to lose 23 pounds to stay safe", "id": "22010287" }, { "contents": "Steve McDonald (Coronation Street)\n\n\nMcDonald was voted the nation's favourite soap character in a poll conducted by \"The People\" newspaper. Talking about the victory Gregson stated; \"Oh my God, I am chuffed. I'm delighted people enjoy watching Steve and the scrapes he gets into. And I'm pleased people like to watch him as much as I love playing him.\" Gregson was nominated in the category of \"Best Actor\" at The British Soap Awards 2011. He won the \"Funniest Male\" award at the 2013 Inside Soap Awards", "id": "1819406" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 5)\n\n\nfinished fourth, and all of them went down the stairs to encourage Kelly to the end. The race was considered a tie since Mark was carried on Ali's back, and so they both got the prize. They both got to ride on a sea plane, then eat an outdoor breakfast together with a breathtaking view of the ocean, and a phone call home. At the weigh-in, two players gain weight in the same week for the first time all game, as Mark and Jay each gained one pound", "id": "18210683" }, { "contents": "I Am... Yours\n\n\n; she removed all the elaborate costumes and theatrics of her latest tour and performed with her band, Suga Mama, and a small team of dancers. Regarding the concerts, she told ABC News, \"I've always wanted to perform in Las Vegas, I've always wanted to do my own show there, because a lot of the icons that I look up to had amazing shows in Las Vegas. I thought if I'm going to have my own Las Vegas show, it has to be right and it has", "id": "21645945" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 5)\n\n\neat a lot of junk food and also wins a lot of money, but not the pass. Kelly also has to eat a lot of junk food and finally gives up without getting a pass. Everyone else wins the 1-Pound Pass. The Physical Challenge is a race in which the contestants have to 'fly' across a zip line over a canyon and pull off up to 14 flags. The team with the most flags wins a trip in a fighter airplane. The Blue Team wins. After the challenge Bernie announces to", "id": "18210657" }, { "contents": "List of UK top-ten singles in 1973\n\n\npart of the group - \"Looking Through the Eyes of Love\" at number nine and \"Walking in the Rain\" peaking at number ten - as well as the number-one hit \"Daydreamer\"/\"The Puppy Song\", and \"I am a Clown\"/\"Some Kind of a Summer\" which reached number three. Gary Glitter's first two entries, \"Do You Wanna Touch Me (Oh Yeah)\" and \"Hello, Hello, I'm Back Again\", both peaked at number two, while the remaining two, \"", "id": "19066498" }, { "contents": "Megyn Kelly Today\n\n\n.\" Kelly's comments were widely-interpreted as defense of the practice, which is generally considered to be a derogatory caricature of African-Americans. Critics likened Kelly's remarks to a previous incident during her tenure at Fox News Channel, where Kelly asserted that Jesus and Santa Claus were white. Later that day, Kelly issued an internal email apologizing for the remarks, stating that \"I realize now that such behavior is indeed wrong, and I am sorry\", and that \"I've never been a '[", "id": "3750080" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 5)\n\n\n7, Paul drops 12, Brittany loses 10, and Maggie loses 5.) they reach the goal — Brittany's 10-pound weight loss gives them a percentage of 2.70%. Bernie's 13-pound weight loss is \"just icing on the cake,\" says Alison, and gives the team a final weight-loss of 47 lbs, or a percentage of 4.09%. The Black Team wins the weigh-in and sends the Blue Team to Elimination. Mark's 9-pound weight loss makes him the team's Biggest Loser for", "id": "18210625" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 16)\n\n\ndecide it's done losing weight. She's been the Biggest Loser on the ranch for 11 weeks in a row and needs to lose more than two pounds to go all the way. Sonya steps on the scale and drops six pounds! With 3.55% weight loss, Sonya is officially a finalist! Sadly, Woody has fallen below the Red Line and is eliminated. But he's positive he has the tools he needs to go home and change his life. So there you have it - Rob, Sonya and Toma", "id": "14229671" }, { "contents": "Sorry I'm Late\n\n\nand Cowell disagreed about her career path in music. Lloyd also confirmed that \"Sorry I'm Late\", which was originally due for release in November, was pushed back until early 2014, despite the record being done. She remarked, \"My album got pushed back and I'm not happy about it. It's all done, but I am currently in the studio for the rest of this week to try and find some more magic. [...] It was meant to be coming out in November. Now", "id": "9844756" }, { "contents": "Jack Vaughn\n\n\nin Chile named Duty Green. \"Duty Green was a forester, and he went to Chile with a commitment to plant a million trees,\" Vaughn said. \"When his tour was almost over, he sent me a message saying, 'I'm very sorry. I've only been able to plant 900,000 trees in my time here. Can you extend my stay?' Here was a guy who would never say, 'What am I doing here?' He could look at a forest and know it was", "id": "10826131" }, { "contents": "Dangerous Woman\n\n\nI can't be me, the fuck's the point?\" \"NME\"s Larry Bartlet noted the song is \"genuinely satisfying to hear her put that sentiment on record so resoundingly\". In \"Bad Decisions\", Grande sings, \"I've been doing stupid things, wilder than I've ever been,\" with Mikael Wood of \"Los Angeles Times\" noting that \"a tune whose message initially appears clear: \"I sinned, I'm sorry, let's move on.\" She blames the behavior on", "id": "3096418" }, { "contents": "Cupcakke\n\n\nwas released the following day. On January 8, 2019, Harris was reportedly taken to a hospital in Chicago after tweeting that she was going to commit suicide. In a tweet posted the next day, Harris wrote \"I've been fighting with depression for the longest. Sorry that I did it public last night but I'm ok. I went to the hospital & I'm finally getting the help that I need to get through, be happy, & deliver great music. Thanks for all the prayers but please do", "id": "4261572" }, { "contents": "The Current Newspapers\n\n\nNewspapers' editorial director, Kate Michael, emailed employees that the Current would stop publishing immediately. The email said, \"I'm sorry for the abrupt shock of this message. It is a difficult one for me send. I wish I had more specific information to share with you, but I was just told this afternoon that due to a Bankruptcy filing change from the former Publisher, The Current will cease editorial operations. I am not sure if we will be able to resume in the future under any circumstances, but", "id": "8748372" }, { "contents": "Clay King Smith\n\n\nbelieve I am going to see Misty there...\" In a brief final statement, while strapped to a gurney at the Cummins Correctional Unit, he spoke to four family members of his victims as they watched on a closed circuit television. \"I'd like to say I'm sorry about what I did to the victims' families. I hope your hearts heal. I love my family. I love my family.\" Smith was the 24th person executed by the State of Arkansas since \"Furman v. Georgia\", ,", "id": "3539468" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 3)\n\n\ngo second, and saved himself to weigh-in last. The third place prize of $25,000 went to Wylie with a total loss of 129 pounds, 42.02% of his starting weight. The second place prize of $50,000 went to Kai with a total loss of 118 pounds, 45.04% of her starting weight. She lost more than any other female in the history of The Biggest Loser. The Biggest Loser of the season is Erik Chopin, who wins the grand prize of $250,000 awarded by Jello. Erik", "id": "22104805" }, { "contents": "Anthony Ingrassia\n\n\nand the pain and the feelings in the plays.\" Ingrassia's mother died in 1990. In 1995, Ingrassia died of cardiac arrest at age 51 at Brunswick Hospital in Amityville. During his lifetime, Ingrassia struggled with eating disorders and weighed up to 600 pounds. He was seeing an eating disorder therapist before his death. He had to use a freight elevator because of his weight, and said, \"I'm freight, baby... I still have to fight my food addiction. I don't know how much I", "id": "20113624" }, { "contents": "Watching You (Rodney Atkins song)\n\n\nthrough town. The son is eating a Happy Meal in the passenger seat, just as the father slams on the brakes at a red light, causing the boy to spill his food all over himself and say a bad word (implied to be shit). The father asks where his son learned to swear, and the boy then responds with \"I've been watching you. / Dad, ain't that cool? / I'm your buckaroo, I wanna be like you\". In the second verse, the", "id": "5525706" }, { "contents": "Faye White\n\n\nI captained England and Arsenal for over 10 years and that's brilliant. I look back and think I've done a lot and I've won a lot. I have to be thankful for that. I've won a lot and I'm really fortunate to have done that and played for so many years at such a wonderful club. I think it's a great Club and that's why I never moved. I had offers in previous years, certainly around the time the American league started up. I knew Arsenal", "id": "4641680" }, { "contents": "KCLR 96FM\n\n\nDrive combines hit music with entertainment and traffic updates. Before the 2016 general election, Labour TD Ann Phelan participated in a live radio debate on the station. While there she got into an argument, saying: \"I am just going to give up here now. I came to this debate here tonight, I came in here, I've been completely ignored and I'll tell you now I'm fed up of the whole bloody lot of ye.\" Then she walked out of the studio. She admitted later that", "id": "18519638" }, { "contents": "1993 Long Island Rail Road shooting\n\n\nMcEntee tackled him and pinned him to one of the train's seats. Several other passengers ran forward to grab his arms and legs and helped to pin him across a three-seat row with his head towards the window and legs towards the aisle. While he was pinned, Ferguson said, \"Oh God, what did I do? What did I do? I deserve whatever I get.\" He also repeatedly pleaded with those holding him: \"Don't shoot me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.", "id": "6370454" }, { "contents": "Oh Sees\n\n\nvocalist and keyboardist have not been filled. John Dwyer explained the reason for the latter in an interview with Uncut magazine: \"The future of the band doesn't hold much keyboard, I want to go more guitar. I'll still record with a keyboard but I'm burned out with it live. I've been getting trapped into synthesizer land, I'm just surrounded by drum machines and keyboards while all my rock and roll stuff is in another studio.\" Brooklyn Vegan noted that while the band is currently touring as", "id": "1529810" }, { "contents": "Horatio Sanz\n\n\nTime\". In November 2008, Sanz made his first public appearance in almost a year, after having lost . \"I've been eating better,\" he admitted. Sanz quipped, \"I've been trying to come up with a joke about how I've lost weight and I was going to say, 'I stopped putting nuts in my sundaes.'\" He also says, \"I never weighed myself when I was at my fattest, because I was scared I might die'.\" Sanz says he", "id": "14582235" }, { "contents": "Captain Jack (Billy Joel song)\n\n\nI have seen a lot of the same suburb all over the country. The song is sort of brutal, but sometimes it is good to be brutal and offend people—it keeps them on their toes.\" The song, according to Joel, is an anti-drug song. He says, \"What's so horrible about an affluent young white teenager's life that he's got to shoot heroin? It's really a song about what I consider to be a pathetic loser kind of lifestyle. I've been", "id": "1170405" }, { "contents": "George (lobster)\n\n\n, but can be estimated based on molting rate and the increase in size after a molt. Though some scientists claim that lobsters cannot live for much longer than 100 years, Valenti claims it is fairly common. PETA did not reveal how they had calculated the age, but Valenti explained that lobster age can be estimated by weight, with the weight increasing by around a pound for every seven to ten years of life. He added that \"I've been here for 12 years, and that's the biggest lobster I", "id": "12780059" }, { "contents": "Kylie Watson\n\n\n. She came out in an issue of \"Cherrie\" magazine in March 2008. Watson told Katrina Fox \"I've never made a point of letting people know about my sexuality because I've never thought it was relevant, but it's who I am and I'm not ashamed of it. However in saying that, I think in this particular day it's a lot easier to be identified as a not-so-straight woman particularly with \"The L Word\" series out where it's glamorised if you like", "id": "7255059" }, { "contents": "Chris Barnes (musician)\n\n\nthat day doesn't come too soon but we'll see what happens.\" \"I think that I'm just a normal guy. I'm not a super hero or a character in a magazine, I'm just a regular person and I think that's the biggest thing. I don't know if that would surprise anybody but I hope that it would kind of give some people some insight. I'm not a monster.\" \"I've always been kind of mellow so I think that does surprise people when", "id": "3885381" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 14)\n\n\nBlue Team had to lose 91 pounds to beat White. Despite Alex's shocking weight loss of only nine pounds, the team was spared with 94 pounds. With 3.99% of weight loss, TC lost the least between Danni, Nathan and Pam, and was therefore eliminated. At the end of the episode, it was revealed that TC currently weighed at 320 pounds, losing 56 pounds since his weight loss journey. \"First aired January 7, 2013\" Another week begins at the ranch with Alison's news that another", "id": "12975569" }, { "contents": "Rania (group)\n\n\ntime of the release, and later left Rania in June 2012. In a series of now-deleted tweets, she wrote \"To everyone, I'm sorry I let you guys down so many times, but I’ve been thinking about it for months. I think I can't go back to stand on that place anymore. [...] I can't go back anymore. Thanks for all of your love and all of your hope, thank you so much and I feel so sorry that I [am disappointing", "id": "7102366" }, { "contents": "I Am (Yo Gotti album)\n\n\n...Just givin' the people what they want. I've seen a lot of growth with this album. We doing different platforms, TV shows, we doing shows in different markets. Just being on different blog sites. I'm seeing a lot of different things coming. I guess it's because of the growth of the material that I put out on this album.\" On July 23, 2013, the album's first single \"Act Right\" featuring Jeezy and YG was released. On July 24, 2013", "id": "12996733" } ]
hii do you hear abour jazz? Yes, I love jazz. It originated in African-American communities in New Orleans. oh i didn't know detaily. please tell something about jazz There's a lot to learn about it! Its roots are in blues and ragtime music, and it was originated in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. its interesting. ragtime music mean? Ragtime music is basically music with syncopated rhythm, or "ragged", like the name says. oh nice.its a useful message to me
[{"answer": "Yeah, so jazz has some traits of ragtime music, but jazz is characterized by its swing, response vocals, and improvisation!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 560, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 663, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "List of pre-1920 jazz standards\n\n\n' Ball\" and \"Indiana\". Originally simply called \"jazz\", the music of early jazz bands is today often referred to as \"Dixieland\" or \"New Orleans jazz\", to distinguish it from more recent subgenres. The origins of jazz are in the musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have", "id": "8623313" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States in the late 19th century\n\n\nof the 20th century. Ragtime shared similarities with both blues and jazz, the two rival forms of African American music at the time. It was primarily piano-based, and could be performed by a single person (more like the blues) or by an entire orchestra (more like jazz). Scott Joplin was the most famous ragtime musician. Rag also shares strong similarities with German polka music, with the strong emphasis on beats 2 and 4. Both styles also rely upon 7th and 9th chords, resulting in a", "id": "6101775" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nthe habanera took root. John Storm Roberts states that the musical genre habanera \"reached the U.S. 20 years before the first rag was published\". For more than a quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime, and jazz were forming, the habanera was a consistent part of African-American popular music. Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire, and the tresillo/habanera figure was a rhythmic staple of jazz at the turn of the 20th century. Comparing the music of New Orleans with the music", "id": "7124211" }, { "contents": "Folk ragtime\n\n\nFolk ragtime is a subgenre of ragtime, a distinctly American music. It is thought to have originated with illiterate itinerant African American piano players, who learned the syncopated music not formally, but through their peers. Folk Ragtime as a form stayed active until the early 1920s, when young America shifted its attention to early jazz. It was later revived, starting in 1947 with the 'rediscovery' of Sanford Brunson Campbell (March 20, 1884 - November 23, 1952) who was one of the most noted folk ragtimers as", "id": "12309675" }, { "contents": "Tresillo (rhythm)\n\n\n(1909) is considered a habanera. For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a consistent part of African American popular music. Ned Sublette postulates that the habanera rhythm \"found its way into ragtime and the cakewalk\", while Roberts suggests that \"the habanera influence may have been part of what freed black music from ragtime's European bass.\"Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire and the tresillo/habanera was a", "id": "1405760" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Alexander's Ragtime Band (film)\n\n\nAlexander's Ragtime Band is a 1938 musical film released by 20th Century Fox that takes its name from the 1911 Irving Berlin song \"Alexander's Ragtime Band\" to tell a story of a society boy who scandalizes his family by pursuing a career in ragtime instead of in \"serious\" music. The film generally traces the history of jazz music from the popularization of Ragtime in the early years of the 20th century to the acceptance of swing as an art form in the late 1930s using music composed by Berlin. The story spans", "id": "21359763" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\n, in the form of worshipers proclaiming their faith in an improvised, often musical manner (testifying). Composers like Thomas A. Dorsey composed gospel works that used elements of blues and jazz in traditional hymns and spiritual songs. Ragtime was originally a piano style, featuring syncopated rhythms and chromaticisms. It is primarily a form of dance music utilizing the walking bass, and is generally composed in sonata form. Ragtime is a refined and evolved form of the African American cakewalk dance, mixed with styles ranging from European marches and popular songs", "id": "7216664" }, { "contents": "Jazz standard\n\n\nthe musical traditions of early twentieth-century New Orleans, including brass band music, the blues, ragtime and spirituals, and some of the most popular early standards come from these influences. Ragtime songs \"Twelfth Street Rag\" and \"Tiger Rag\" have become popular numbers for jazz artists, as have blues tunes \"St. Louis Blues\" and \"St. James Infirmary\". Tin Pan Alley songwriters contributed several songs to the jazz standard repertoire, including \"Indiana\" and \"After You've Gone\". Others, such", "id": "13857375" }, { "contents": "Origins of rock and roll\n\n\nNew styles of music emerged among black Americans in the early 20th century in the form of blues, ragtime, jazz, and gospel music. According to the writer Robert Palmer:\"Rock 'n' roll was an inevitable outgrowth of the social and musical interactions between blacks and whites in the South and Southwest. Its roots are a complex tangle. Bedrock black church music influenced blues, rural blues influenced white folk song and the black popular music of the Northern ghettos, blues and black pop influenced jazz, and so on. But the", "id": "5254864" }, { "contents": "Australian jazz\n\n\nin the 1890s in the form of syncopated cakewalk march music and syncopated \"coon-song\" and many white and black ragtime artists of repute toured Australia, including the black ragtime vocalist, Ernest Hogan, and white artists Ben Harney (the self-proclaimed 'originator' of ragtime) and Gene Greene (the Emperor of Ragtime). Greene in particular taught many Australian artists how to 'rag' (improvise in ragtime style). Australian jazz musician Bert Howell toured the world in 1933 playing compositions like \"Wabash Moon", "id": "5822832" }, { "contents": "African-American culture\n\n\nresult of the blackface minstrel show, African-American music entered mainstream American society. By the early 20th century, several musical forms with origins in the African-American community had transformed American popular music. Aided by the technological innovations of radio and phonograph records, ragtime, jazz, blues, and swing also became popular overseas, and the 1920s became known as the Jazz Age. The early 20th century also saw the creation of the first African-American Broadway shows, films such as King Vidor's \"Hallelujah!\"", "id": "12117439" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\nand in vaudeville, during which time many marching bands were formed. Black pianists played in bars, clubs and brothels, as ragtime developed. Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which originated in African-American communities of primarily the \"Deep South\" of the United States at the end of the 19th century from their spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The music of New Orleans had a profound effect on the creation of early", "id": "16608907" }, { "contents": "Music of Australia\n\n\nMinstrel orchestra music featured improvisatory embellishment and polyrhythm in the (pre-classic) banjo playing and clever percussion breaks. Some genuine African-American minstrel and jubilee singing troupes toured from the 1870s. A more jazz-like form of minstrelsy reached Australia in the late 1890s in the form of improvisatory and syncopated coon song and cakewalk music, two early forms of ragtime. The next two decades brought ensemble, piano and vocal ragtime and leading (mostly white) American ragtime artists, including Ben Harney, \"Emperor of Ragtime\"", "id": "18785036" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\nstructure of the dance and folk music of peoples across western and sub-Saharan Africa. These musical forms had a wide-ranging influence on the development of music within the United States and around the world during the 20th century. The modern genres of blues and ragtime were developed during the late 19th century by fusing West African vocalizations - which employed the natural harmonic series, and blue notes. The earliest jazz and blues recordings were made in the 1920s. African-American musicians developed related styles such as Rhythm and Blues in", "id": "13306674" }, { "contents": "Pretty Baby (soundtrack)\n\n\nThe soundtrack to the film \"Pretty Baby\" used many local New Orleans musicians playing in the jazz, ragtime, and blues style of the city in the early 20th century. An LP album of the soundtrack, also entitled \"Pretty Baby\", was issued in 1978 on ABC Records. The film is named after the song \"Pretty Baby\" by Tony Jackson. The soundtrack was nominated for the Academy Award for Original Music Score in the \"Adaptation Score\" category. Performers include the New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra (directed", "id": "15869978" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nRagtime – also spelled rag-time or rag time – is a musical style that enjoyed its peak popularity between 1895 and 1919. Its cardinal trait is its syncopated or \"ragged\" rhythm. The style has its origins in African-American communities in cities such as St. Louis. Ben Harney, a Kentucky native, wrote \"You've Been a Good Old Wagon But You Done Broke Down\" and helped popularize the style. The composition was published in 1896, a few months after Ernest Hogan's \"La Pas Ma", "id": "6845620" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Origins of the blues\n\n\nblues better preserved \"the original melodic patterns of African music\". Since the 1890s, the American sheet music publishing industry had produced a great deal of ragtime music. The first published ragtime song to include a 12-bar section was \"One o' Them Things!\" in 1904. Written by James Chapman and Leroy Smith, it was published in St. Louis, Missouri, by Jos. Plachet and Son. Another early rag/blues mix was \"I Got the Blues\" published in 1908 by Antonio Maggio of New Orleans", "id": "14098458" }, { "contents": "Magnetic Rag\n\n\nsame year. It has about it a gentle quality like \"The Entertainer,\" and its distinctive form and range of moods suggest to some musicologists a breakthrough to a Chopinesque form of ragtime, albeit a breakthrough that came too late. Near the end of his life, Scott Joplin was taking ragtime in a new direction by adding emphasis on form and tonality, and attempting to combine the characteristics of classical Western music and traditional ragtime. This is an entirely different direction than the one that jazz would take. Jazz, seeking", "id": "19378858" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\n. Joplin's \"Solace\" (1909) is generally considered to be in the habanera genre: both of the pianist's hands play in a syncopated fashion, completely abandoning any sense of a march rhythm. Ned Sublette postulates that the tresillo/habanera rhythm \"found its way into ragtime and the cakewalk,\" whilst Roberts suggests that \"the habanera influence may have been part of what freed black music from ragtime's European bass.\" Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which", "id": "15637759" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nn't say it in front of ladies.\" The American Dialect Society named it the Word of the 20th Century. Jazz is difficult to define because it encompasses a wide range of music spanning a period of over 100 years, from ragtime to the rock-infused fusion. Attempts have been made to define jazz from the perspective of other musical traditions, such as European music history or African music. But critic Joachim-Ernst Berendt argues that its terms of reference and its definition should be broader, defining jazz as a \"", "id": "15637730" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to jazz: Jazz – musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States, mixing African music and European classical music traditions. Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical", "id": "10465446" }, { "contents": "Zimbabwean jazz\n\n\nSouth African sounds. In Chichewa, the word Kwela has a very similar meaning to the South African meaning: \"to climb\". The music was popularised in South Africa and then brought to Malawi, where contemporary Malawian artists have also begun producing Kwela music. It is also closely related to Marabi which was the name given to a keyboard style (often using cheap pedal organs) that had a musical link to American jazz, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early Marabi musicians were part of", "id": "3819684" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nas Jelly Roll Morton, were present and performed both ragtime and jazz styles during the period the two styles overlapped. He also incorporated the Spanish Tinge in his performances, which gave a habanera or tango rhythm to his music. Jazz largely surpassed ragtime in mainstream popularity in the early 1920s, although ragtime compositions continue to be written up to the present, and periodic revivals of popular interest in ragtime occurred in the 1950s and the 1970s. The heyday of ragtime occurred before sound recording was widely available. Like classical music, and", "id": "6845631" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\ndistinctly American musical style, ragtime may be considered a synthesis of African syncopation and European classical music, especially the marches made popular by John Philip Sousa. Some early piano rags are entitled marches, and \"jig\" and \"rag\" were used interchangeably in the mid-1890s. Ragtime was also preceded by its close relative the cakewalk. In 1895, black entertainer Ernest Hogan composed two of the earliest sheet music rags, one of which (\"All Coons Look Alike to Me\") eventually sold a million copies. The other", "id": "6845628" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\ndisc in 1917, was the first instance of jazz music being called \"Dixieland\", though at the time, the term referred to the band, not the genre. The band's sound was a combination of African American/New Orleans ragtime and Sicilian music. The music of Sicily was one of the many genres in the New Orleans music scene during the 1910s, alongside sanctified church music, brass band music and blues. Much later, the term \"Dixieland\" was applied to early jazz by traditional jazz revivalists,", "id": "17316680" }, { "contents": "Dick Zimmerman\n\n\nJazz Festival in Canada and the Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. He has also served as long-time musical director of the \"Scott Joplin Ragtime Festival in Sedalia, Missouri\". He was the recipient of the Scott Joplin Foundation Achievement Award in 1991. Today, Zimmerman runs \"\"American Ragtime Co.\"\", recording and publishing ragtime classics and the works of early 20th century blues composers. Zimmerman is known for originating many illusions in the field of magic. He was a member of the Academy of Magical Arts Board", "id": "17460050" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\n, African Americans became the new consumer in a predominantly white culture. Blues went from a small work sound to a nationwide phenomenon. Musicians in New York were very different from the ones in Chicago, St. Louis, Texas and New Orleans; the music of performers of the east had a ragtime style and wasn't original, but eventually the real blues was absorbed in the east. People were only really able to hear the blues and real jazz in the gut-bucket cabarets, which basically means anything really down low,", "id": "11650165" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\ndifferentiate it from the nationally popular ragtime. Before then, the New Orleans style was frequently simply called \"ragtime\" (Sidney Bechet continued to call his music \"ragtime\" throughout his life), along with such local terms as \"hot music\" and \"ratty music\". The local New Orleans dance music style was already distinctive in the 19th century. When this style became what was later known as \"jazz\" remains a matter of debate and definition, although most New Orleans music historians believe what became known as", "id": "10831562" }, { "contents": "Terry Waldo\n\n\nTerry Waldo (born November 26, 1944 in Ironton, Ohio) is an American pianist, composer, and historian of early jazz, blues, and stride music, and is best known for his contribution to ragtime and his role in reviving interest in this form, starting in the 1970s. Says Wynton Marsalis in his introduction to Waldo's book: \"He teaches Ragtime, he talks about Ragtime, he plays it, he embodies it, he lives it, and he keeps Ragtime alive.\" The book, \"", "id": "6061009" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nCuban rhythmic motifs in the 19th century when the habanera (Cuban contradanza) gained international popularity. Musicians from Havana and New Orleans would take the twice-daily ferry between both cities to perform, and the habanera quickly took root in the musically fertile Crescent City. John Storm Roberts states that the musical genre habanera \"reached the U.S. twenty years before the first rag was published.\" For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime, and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a", "id": "15637752" }, { "contents": "Music of Hungary\n\n\ntűrés, támogatás\"\", meaning \"prohibition, toleration, support\"\"\"), and a long period of cultural struggle began, starting with a battle over African American jazz. Jazz became a part of Hungarian music in the early 20th century, but did not achieve widespread renown until the 1970s, when Hungary began producing internationally known performers like the Benkó Dixieland Band and Béla Szakcsi Lakatos. Other renowned performers from the younger generation are the Hot Jazz Band and the Bohém Ragtime Jazz Band. In the early 1960s,", "id": "12841226" }, { "contents": "James Brown Humphrey\n\n\nhis young students were fond of the rhythmic style they reflected. This training developed in many early jazz musicians a concept of syncopated phrasing—something that did not appear in the music of the march or even ragtime. But when added to ragtime, the associated style of syncopation was an early manifestation of what was eventually termed ‘swinging’ a piece of music. The list of his notable students includes such prominent early jazz greats as Chris Kelly, Sam Morgan, Sunny Henry, Harrison Barnes, Jimmy “Kid” Clayton,", "id": "13525343" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "20th-century music\n\n\nrapping (MCing) and DJing (audio mixing and scratching). Jazz has evolved into many sometimes contrasting subgenres including smooth jazz, Bebop, Swing, Fusion, Dixieland and free jazz. Jazz originated in the early 20th century out of a combination of the Blues, Ragtime, Brass Band Music, Hymns and Spirituals, Minstrel music and work songs. Mostly instrumental pieces creating sounds of a soothing, romantic, mood-elevating or generally relaxing nature. Steven Halpern's \"Spectrum Suite\", released in 1975, is generally", "id": "16671306" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\nand holding nightly dances at neighborhood halls all over town. This long and deep commitment to music and dance, along with the mixing of musical traditions like spiritual music from the church, the blues carried into town by rural guitar slingers, the minstrel shows inspired by plantation life, the beat and cadence of military marching bands and the syncopation of the ragtime piano, led to the creation of a new way to listen to live music. In the jazz history books, places such as New Orleans, Chicago, Harlem, Kansas", "id": "16608903" }, { "contents": "American folk music\n\n\n. Shape-note or sacred harp singing developed in the early nineteenth century as a way for itinerant singing instructors to teach church songs in rural communities. They taught using song books that represented musical notation of tones by geometric shapes that associated a shape with a pitch. Sacred harp singing became popular in many Oklahoma rural communities, regardless of ethnicity. Later, the blues tradition developed, with roots in and parallels to sacred music. By the early 20th century, jazz developed, born from a \"blend of ragtime, gospel", "id": "12585429" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\n. Theatrical composers and lyricists like the brothers George and Ira Gershwin created a uniquely American theatrical style that used American vernacular speech and music. Musicals featured popular songs and fast-paced plots that often revolved around love and romance. The blues is a genre of African American folk music that is the basis for much of modern American popular music. Blues can be seen as part of a continuum of musical styles like country, jazz, ragtime, and gospel; though each genre evolved into distinct forms, their origins were often indistinct", "id": "7216662" }, { "contents": "American social dancing in the 20th century\n\n\nwas upon us, a new middle class was emerging and great social ... innovations were on the horizon\". The upper class even became more accepting of dance music that began in lower classes. An example of this is ragtime dance and music. Ragtime had a \"lively, infectious new sound\". Some other forms of dancing that made a huge impact were jazz and swing dance. These dances are both energetic and had their own personality and culture. Jazz was danced to jazz music and swing was danced to big band", "id": "9226101" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nsyncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms, and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has now been \"long considered a kind of popular or vernacular music (and has also) become a sophisticated art form that has interacted in significant ways with the music of the concert hall\". Jazz's development occurred at around the same time as modern ragtime, blues, gospel and country music, all of which can be seen as part of a continuum with no clear demarcation between them; jazz specifically", "id": "6698770" }, { "contents": "Music of Baltimore\n\n\nin the field as Chick Webb and Billie Holiday. The city's jazz scene can be traced to the early part of the 20th century, when the style first spread across the country. Locally, Baltimore was home to a vibrant African American musical tradition, which included funereal processions, beginning with slow, mournful tunes and ending with lively ragtime numbers, very similar to the New Orleans music that gave rise to jazz. Pennsylvania Avenue (often known simply as \"The Avenue\") and Fremont Avenue were the major scenes for", "id": "18455138" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nmusical genres were ragtime and slow blues, but with the start of the 20th century the musicians quickly became involved with America's new musical genre, jazz (from \"jass\"). The house band at Purcell's Cafe would be the first band in history to use the word \"jazz\" in its name when it became called the \"So Different Jazz Band\". The musical venues on Pacific Street usually starting out with just a piano, then later working up to four, and then six pieces according to what", "id": "3886647" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "All You Need Is Love: The Story of Popular Music\n\n\nAll You Need Is Love: The Story of Popular Music is the name of a 17-part television documentary series on the history of modern pop music directed by Tony Palmer, originally broadcast worldwide between 1976 and 1980. The series covers some of the many different genres that have fallen under the \"pop\" label between the mid-19th century and 1976, including folk, ragtime, Tin Pan Alley, vaudeville and music hall, musical theatre, country, swing, jazz, blues, R&B, rock 'n' roll and others.", "id": "632515" }, { "contents": "Piano\n\n\nsmall dance band. Just as harpsichordists had accompanied singers or dancers performing on stage, or playing for dances, pianists took up this role in the late 1700s and in the following centuries. During the 19th century, American musicians playing for working-class audiences in small pubs and bars, particularly African-American composers, developed new musical genres based on the modern piano. Ragtime music, popularized by composers such as Scott Joplin, reached a broader audience by 1900. The popularity of ragtime music was quickly succeeded by Jazz piano", "id": "3275113" }, { "contents": "Music of Zimbabwe\n\n\nall died. Afro Jazz is a term used for Zimbabwean music influenced by a style of township rhythm that evolved in a Southern part of Africa over the last century. One can also trace similarities from Kwela, a pennywhistle-based, street music from the southern part of Africa with jazzy underpinnings and a distinctive, skiffle-like beat.It is also closely related to Marabi which was the name given to a keyboard style (often using cheap pedal organs) that had a musical link to American jazz, ragtime and blues", "id": "12584688" }, { "contents": "Marabi\n\n\n, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early marabi musicians were part of an underground musical culture and were typically not recorded. Indeed, as with early jazz in the USA, the music incurred the displeasure of the establishment. Nonetheless, as with early jazz, the lilting melodies and catchy rhythms of marabi found their way into the sounds of popular dance bands with a distinctively South African style. The sound of marabi was intended to draw people into local bars or \"shebeens\" (where illicit drinks", "id": "9629690" }, { "contents": "Contradanza\n\n\nragtime, and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the habanera was a consistent part of African-American popular music. Early New Orleans jazz bands had habaneras in their repertoire and the tresillo/habanera figure was a rhythmic staple of jazz at the turn of the 20th century. A habanera was written and published in Butte, Montanta in 1908. The song was titled \"Solita\" and was written by Jack Hangauer. Scott Joplin's \"Solace\" (1909) is considered a habanera (though it is labeled a", "id": "3525928" }, { "contents": "In Circles (musical)\n\n\n-like, opening doors of lost perception. And, oh yes, it was hilariously funny.\" Concerning the music, Barnes said: \"Mr. Carmines must eat music in the morning instead of breakfast cereal, rather as Gertrude Stein once must have eaten words. His music is arrogantly eclectic, disgracefully tuneful and just right for the purpose. Influences of Verdi, Bizet, barbershop quartet, Weill, ragtime, spirituals and obviously all that jazz, float around in his music with happen unconcern about being influential. His music", "id": "20438939" }, { "contents": "The Mississippi Rag\n\n\nThe Mississippi Rag was an internationally influential monthly newspaper about traditional jazz and ragtime music published by Leslie Johnson since 1973. \"The Rag\" featured stories about contemporary and legendary giants of traditional jazz and ragtime, plus stories on lesser-known but accomplished musicians. Contributors included George A. Borgman, Bob Byler, Derek Coller, Chip Deffaa, William Schafer, Butch Thompson, and Paige Van Vorst. \"The Rag\" covered jazz history, new and current performers, and bands. The paper highlighted these bands and performers in each", "id": "12626965" }, { "contents": "American social dancing in the 20th century\n\n\nand] for two decades, Ragtime was almost the only new music composed in America\". When ragtime music was created, the upper class originally was against it. They felt that it was \"more suitable for the lower classes, but its lively, infectious new sound eventually won out and Ragtime music was in\". Ragtime \"produced a sound very different from the 19th Century ballroom music\" and therefore became a popular social dance of the upper, middle, and lower classes. After 1917, ragtime became less popular", "id": "9226105" }, { "contents": "Rick Benjamin (conductor)\n\n\nfoxtrots and blues, and, of course, numerous rags, some quite picturesque.\" In February 1999, Benjamin and the Paragon Ragtime Orchestra premiered \"Oh, You Kid!\" at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, in collaboration with the Paul Taylor Dance Company. The work was commissioned under the Doris Duke Millennium Awards for Modern Dance and Jazz Music of the Kennedy Center and American Dance Festival, which promotes such pairings. Anna Kisselgoff wrote in the \"New York Times\" that the show was \"exuberant romp", "id": "3849696" }, { "contents": "History of St. Louis\n\n\nlimited geographic area has inhibited its success in the 20th and 21st centuries because of the small tax base. During the late 19th century, St. Louis became home to two Major League Baseball teams. Ragtime and blues music flourished in the city, with African Americans making major contributions also in jazz. The city hosted the 1904 World's Fair and the 1904 Summer Olympics, attracting millions of visitors. Part of the infrastructure for the fair was the basis for major city institutions in Forest Park. In the early part of the century", "id": "10536357" }, { "contents": "Eubie Blake\n\n\nJames Hubert Blake (18871983), known as Eubie Blake, was an American composer, lyricist, and pianist of ragtime, jazz, and popular music. In 1921, he and his long-time collaborator Noble Sissle wrote \"Shuffle Along\", one of the first Broadway musicals to be written and directed by African Americans. Blake's compositions included such hits as \"Bandana Days\", \"Charleston Rag\", \"Love Will Find a Way\", \"Memories of You\" and \"I'm Just Wild About", "id": "15862618" }, { "contents": "Slow drag (dance)\n\n\nThe Slow drag is an American ragtime jazz musical form and the social dance for which the music was written. It has been resurrected as part of blues dancing. Music written for the dance is often short-handed into the song title as a \"Drag\" Slow drag or \"Drag\" has a history both in the music written for the dance, and the dance itself. The music has endured in many jazz standards, while the dance as it was originally performed has all but faded from modern performance. Ragtime composers", "id": "15992444" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States in the late 19th century\n\n\nThe latter part of the 19th century saw the increased popularization of African American music and the growth and maturity of folk styles like the blues. In the 1890s, more sophisticated African-American styles of the cakewalk and then ragtime music started to become popular. Originally associated primarily with poor African Americans, ragtime was quickly denounced as degenerate by conservatives and the classically trained establishment. In spite of the denigration, however, the style continued to gain widespread popularity and became mainstream; it was adopted by Tin Pan Alley at the start", "id": "6101774" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nSousa, with additional polyrhythms coming from African music. It was usually written in 2/4 or 4/4 time with a predominant left-hand pattern of bass notes on strong beats (beats 1 and 3) and chords on weak beats (beat 2 and 4) accompanying a syncopated melody in the right hand. According to some sources the name \"ragtime\" may come from the \"ragged or syncopated rhythm\" of the right hand. A rag written in 3/4 time is a \"ragtime waltz.\" Ragtime is not a meter", "id": "6845637" }, { "contents": "American social dancing in the 20th century\n\n\nproper dance steps from centuries before. The new technology that came with the century made way for new ways of thinking, which in turn brought new music and exciting new dances. Ragtime music was at the height of its popularity from 1895 to 1918. Soon there were also dance moves created to go along with the music. Ragtime \"appeared, fresh and new, [and] its syncopate sounds quickly became popular\". \"Scott Joplin [had his first album,] Maple Leaf Rag was published in 1898 ... [", "id": "9226104" }, { "contents": "Joseph Lamb\n\n\nSchultz and moved to Brooklyn, New York. He worked as an arranger for the J. Fred Helf Music Publishing Company and later, starting in April 1914, as an accountant for L. F. Dommerich & Company. Henrietta died of influenza in 1920 about the same time that popular music interest shifted from ragtime to jazz. Lamb stopped publishing his music, playing and composing only as a hobby. \"Bohemia Rag\" was published in 1919. With the revival of interest in ragtime in the 1950s, Lamb shared his memories of Joplin", "id": "15980796" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nDonald Clarke considers ragtime the culmination of coon songs, used first in minstrel shows and then vaudeville, and the result of the rhythms of minstrelsy percolating into the mainstream; he also suggests that ragtime's distinctive sound may have come from an attempt to imitate the African American banjo using the keyboard. Due to the essentially African American nature of ragtime, it is most commonly considered the first style of American popular music to be truly black music; ragtime brought syncopation and a more authentic black sound to popular music. Popular ragtime songs", "id": "6698765" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\ninfluential composer on Broadway, beginning with \"Swanee\" in 1919 and later works for jazz and orchestras. His most enduring composition may be the opera \"Porgy and Bess\", a story about two blacks, which Gershwin intended as a sort of \"folk opera\", a creation of a new style of American musical theater based on American idioms. Ragtime was a style of dance music based around the piano, using syncopated rhythms and chromaticisms; the genre's most well-known performer and composer was undoubtedly Scott Joplin.", "id": "6698764" }, { "contents": "Pokey LaFarge\n\n\nin the Water\" in April 2015. The group is thought to be \"artfully dodgy ambassadors for old-time music, presenting and representing the glories of hot swing, early jazz and ragtime blues\" who have \"made riverboat chic cool again.\" Stephen Thompson of NPR says of LaFarge's . . Ketch Secor of Old Crow Medicine Show said His repertoire consists of a mix of Americana, early jazz, ragtime for string instruments, country blues, Western swing, Vaudeville, and Appalachian folk. \"American music is", "id": "13084235" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\nsignificant is Scott Joplin's opera \"Treemonisha\", which is unique as a ragtime-folk opera; it was first performed in 1911. The early part of the 20th century saw a rise in popularity of African-American blues and jazz. African-American music at this time was classed as \"race music\". This term gained momentum due to Ralph Peer, musical director at OKeh Records, who put records made by \"foreign\" groups under that label. At the time \"race\" was a term commonly", "id": "13306685" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nits publication, \"Maple Leaf Rag\" heavily influenced subsequent ragtime composers with its melody lines, harmonic progressions or metric patterns. Ragtime quickly established itself as a distinctly American form of popular music. Ragtime became the first African-American music to have an impact on mainstream popular culture. Piano \"professors\" such as Jelly Roll Morton played ragtime in the \"sporting houses\" (bordellos) of New Orleans; Polite society embraced Ragtime as disseminated by brass bands and \"society\" dance bands. Bands led by W. C. Handy", "id": "6845622" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nunlike jazz, classical ragtime had and has primarily a written tradition, being distributed in sheet music rather than through recordings or by imitation of live performances. Ragtime music was also distributed via piano rolls for player pianos. A folk ragtime tradition also existed before and during the period of classical ragtime (a designation largely created by Scott Joplin's publisher John Stillwell Stark), manifesting itself mostly through string bands, banjo and mandolin clubs (which experienced a burst of popularity during the early 20th century) and the like. A form", "id": "6845632" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\n, the mazurkas of Chopin, or the waltzes of Brahms. Ragtime also influenced classical composers including Erik Satie, Claude Debussy, and Igor Stravinsky. Ragtime originated in African American music in the late 19th century and descended from the jigs and march music played by African American bands, referred to as \"jig piano\" or \"piano thumping\". By the start of the 20th century, it became widely popular throughout North America and was listened and danced to, performed, and written by people of many different subcultures. A", "id": "6845627" }, { "contents": "Rags (musical)\n\n\na pogrom, and her love affair with Saul, an American labor organizer trying to unionize the sweatshop where she works... The [original] score was influenced by Middle Eastern, Irish, Scottish, English folk, American honky-tonk, obviously jazz and ragtime and klezmer -- even Greek music of that day, and Broadway, too... It is now 'more impressionistic'.\" In 2006, Schwartz, Stein and Strouse collaborated on the World AIDS Day Concert version of the musical, celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the", "id": "13477723" }, { "contents": "Alexander's Ragtime Band\n\n\nabout a real band and bandleader, who were popular at the time in New Orleans, and actually was known as Alexander's Ragtime Band, after its leader, Alexander Joseph Watzke (also known as \"King\" Watzke or Alex Watzke). From 1904 to 1911 or later, this band was one of the most popular white ragtime and jazz bands in New Orleans. Both songs employ certain word choices (\"oh, ma honey,\" \"honey lamb\") and nonstandard usage (\"bestest band what am\"", "id": "15925457" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Germany\n\n\nby participating in prohibited swing and jazz activities (Neuhaus). \"Charlie and His Orchestra\" was moved in the still bombproof province. Jazz was also incorporated into musical works such as operas and chamber music through \"art-jazz\", which utilized jazz-inspired and ragtime-inspired syncopated rhythms and modes. Famous operas such as Krenek's \"Jonny spielt auf!\" and Boris Blacher's \"Concertante Music for Orchestra\" are examples of art-jazz (Dexter). The Nazi regime passed notorious edicts banning jazz", "id": "19568399" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Belgium\n\n\na result of the colonial period in the history of Belgium, around 1900 there arose an interest in the gay 'Negro music' and their white imitators. Also, many new dances blew over that ousted the polkas, polonaises and other dances. Especially in Antwerp's and Brussels' nightlife, this syncopated music, which had started as a parody, had much success because of the atmosphere and danceability. While in America the term rag and ragtime were popular, in Belgium it became fashionable to talk about 'intermezzo'.", "id": "15261975" }, { "contents": "Ebony Concerto (Stravinsky)\n\n\njazz-inspired works of that period being \"L'histoire du soldat\", the \"Ragtime\" for eleven instruments, and the \"Piano-Rag-Music\". Although traces of jazz elements, especially blues and boogie-woogie, can be found in his music throughout the 1920s and 1930s, it was only with the \"Ebony Concerto\" that Stravinsky once again incorporated features of jazz into a composition on a far-reaching scale. The title was originally suggested to Stravinsky by Aaron Goldmark, of Leeds Music Corporation,", "id": "9381294" }, { "contents": "Scott Joplin\n\n\nunrefined form played by the \"...wandering honky-tonk pianists... playing mere dance music\" of popular imagination. This new art form, the classic rag, combined Afro-American folk music's syncopation and 19th-century European romanticism, with its harmonic schemes and its march-like tempos. In the words of one critic, \"Ragtime was basically... an Afro-American version of the polka, or its analog, the Sousa-style march.\" With this as a foundation, Joplin intended his compositions to", "id": "10442206" }, { "contents": "Samuel Charters\n\n\n. . . The family also played ragtime, also played Debussy, also was involved in hearing Bartok's new music. It was a general musical cultural interest in which jazz was central\" (Ismail, 2011, p. 232). Charters first became enamored of blues music in 1937, after hearing Bessie Smith's version of Jimmy Cox's song, \"Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out\" (Charters 2004). He moved with his family to Sacramento, California, at the age of 15. Charters", "id": "10151967" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\n\" for piano and orchestra. Igor Stravinsky wrote a solo piano work called \"Piano-Rag-Music\" in 1919 and also included a rag in his theater piece \"L'histoire du soldat\" (1918). In the early 1940s, many jazz bands began to include ragtime in their repertoire, and as early as 1936 78 rpm records of Joplin's compositions were produced. Old numbers written for piano were rescored for jazz instruments by jazz musicians, which gave the old style a new sound. The most famous recording of", "id": "6845649" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Crack Corn\n\n\nThroughout the 19th century, the lines referred to \"Jim\", \"Jim Crack\", or \"Jim Crack Corn\" and lacked any conjunction across the line's caesura; following the rise of highly-syncopated musical genres such as ragtime and jazz, anaptyxis converted the name to \"Jimmy\" or \"Jimmie\" and the \"and\" appeared, both putting more stress on their measures' backbeat. This has obscured some of the possible original meanings: some have argued that—as \"Jim\" was a generic", "id": "11952542" }, { "contents": "Sue Keller\n\n\nSue Keller (born July 7, 1952 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States) is an American ragtime, blues and jazz pianist and singer, who has released several albums. She studied flute and took voice lessons, played guitar, and sang in school operas. After a wide variety of musical jobs (including playing rock), she started concentrating more on vintage jazz and ragtime. In 1992, Sue Keller established \"Ragtime Press\" to publish rags by little-known composers, and the HVR label to document her", "id": "8860536" }, { "contents": "Ragtime\n\n\nThe ultimate (and intended) effect on the listener is actually to accentuate the beat, thereby inducing the listener to move to the music. Scott Joplin, the composer/pianist known as the \"King of Ragtime\", called the effect \"weird and intoxicating.\" He also used the term \"swing\" in describing how to play ragtime music: \"Play slowly until you catch the swing...\". The name swing later came to be applied to an early style of jazz that developed from ragtime. Converting a", "id": "6845639" }, { "contents": "Ragtime (musical)\n\n\nRagtime is a musical with a book by Terrence McNally, lyrics by Lynn Ahrens, and music by Stephen Flaherty. The music includes marches, cakewalks, gospel and ragtime. Based on the 1975 novel by E. L. Doctorow, \"Ragtime\" tells the story of three groups in the United States in the early 20th century: African Americans, represented by Coalhouse Walker Jr., a Harlem musician; upper-class suburbanites, represented by Mother, the matriarch of a white upper-class family in New Rochelle, New York;", "id": "3410886" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nragtime's rigid rhythmic feeling, decreasing its embellishments and employing a swing feeling. Swing is the most important and enduring African-based rhythmic technique used in jazz. An oft quoted definition of swing by Louis Armstrong is: \"if you don't feel it, you'll never know it.\" \"The New Harvard Dictionary of Music\" states that swing is: \"An intangible rhythmic momentum in jazz...Swing defies analysis; claims to its presence may inspire arguments.\" The dictionary does nonetheless provide the useful description of", "id": "15637771" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nand inspired the use of tresillo-based rhythms in African-American music. /score New Orleans native Louis Moreau Gottschalk's piano piece \"Ojos Criollos (Danse Cubaine)\" (1860) was influenced by the composer's studies in Cuba: the habanera rhythm is clearly heard in the left hand. In Gottschalk's symphonic work \"A Night in the Tropics\" (1859), the tresillo variant cinquillo appears extensively. The figure was later used by Scott Joplin and other ragtime composers. \\new RhythmicStaff { /score Comparing the music", "id": "15637754" }, { "contents": "Music of Australia\n\n\nGene Greene and pianist Charley Straight. Some of these visitors taught Australians how to 'rag' (improvise unsyncopated popular music into ragtime-style music). By the mid-1920s, phonograph machines, increased contact with American popular music and visiting white American dance musicians had firmly established jazz (meaning jazz inflected modern dance and stage music) in Australia. The first recordings of jazz in Australia are Mastertouch piano rolls recorded in Sydney from around 1922 but jazz began to be recorded on disc by 1925, first in Melbourne and soon thereafter", "id": "18785037" }, { "contents": "Lionel Ferbos\n\n\n, rather than leave town. However, he made eight tours of Europe with the New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra, formed to revive the old music unearthed in the jazz archives at Tulane University. He was trumpeter with the Ragtime on the soundtrack of the 1978 movie \"Pretty Baby\". Ferbos won the 2003 Big Easy Lifetime Achievement Award and was frequently called on to tell about his experiences in the Depression, as well as in music and with tinsmithing, on panels and in history classes. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina forced him", "id": "4045546" }, { "contents": "Maud Cuney Hare\n\n\nbest-known work, \"Negro Musicians and Their Music\" (1936). In it, Cuney Hare documented the development of African-American music, contextualizing it both nationally and internationally. She writes compellingly of the history of African-American music, from its beginnings in Africa, through the diaspora to the United States and elsewhere, to the development of American traditions of Negro spirituals, and finally the newer forms of blues and jazz. She disliked ragtime, and distrusted the unstructured nature of Jazz music, preferring the", "id": "18260689" }, { "contents": "Music of Baltimore\n\n\nEarly in the 20th century, Baltimore's most famous musical export was the duo of Eubie Blake and Noble Sissle, who found national fame in New York. Blake in particular became a ragtime legend, and innovator of the stride style. Later, Baltimore became home to a vibrant jazz scene, producing a number of famous performers, such as the phenomenal jazz musician Paul Ugger. Use of the Hammond B-3 organ later became an iconic part of Baltimore jazz. In the middle of the 20th century, Baltimore's major music media", "id": "18455124" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nand parades. The relationship between jazz bands and brass bands is one of co-influence. Jazz bands of this era began to go beyond the confines of the 6/8 time signature the marching bands utilized. Instead, New Orleans jazz bands began incorporating a style known as \"ragging\"; this technique implemented the influence of ragtime 2/4 meter and eventually led to improvisation. In turn, the early jazz bands of New Orleans influenced the playing of the marching bands, who in turn began to improvise themselves more often. Again,", "id": "10831575" }, { "contents": "Quickstep\n\n\n. This dance gradually evolved into a very dynamic one with a lot of movement on the dance floor, with many advanced patterns including hops, runs, quick steps with a lot of momentum, and rotation. The tempo of quickstep dance is rather brisk, as it was developed to ragtime era jazz music, which is fast-paced when compared to other dance music. By the end of the 20th century the complexity of quickstep as done by advanced dancers had increased, with the extensive use of syncopated steps with eighth note", "id": "6168985" }, { "contents": "Luke Winslow-King\n\n\nLuke Winslow-King Balzuweit (born March 12, 1983) is an American guitarist, multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer, and lyricist based out of Cadillac, Michigan, who plays vintage blues and jazz music and is known for his slide guitar work. He is a music traditionalist, playing a mixture of \"people's music\" and improvisational jazz based in collective improvisation, with influences from New Orleans, where he was based for 15 years, that includes jazz, Delta blues, ragtime, pre-war American", "id": "1198498" }, { "contents": "Culture of the Southern United States\n\n\n-time music, gospel music, spirituals, country music, rhythm and blues, soul music, funk, rock and roll, beach music, bluegrass, jazz (including ragtime, popularized by Southerner Scott Joplin), zydeco, and Appalachian folk music were either born in the South or developed in the region. In general, country music is based on the folk music of white Southerners, and blues and rhythm and blues is based on African American southern forms. However, whites and blacks alike have contributed to each of", "id": "8469878" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\ntheir own experience and styles to the art form as well. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on different national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to many distinctive styles. New Orleans jazz began in the early 1910s, combining earlier brass-band marches, French quadrilles, biguine, ragtime and blues with collective polyphonic improvisation. In the 1930s, heavily arranged dance-oriented swing big bands,", "id": "10465448" }, { "contents": "Stephanie Trick\n\n\nStephanie Trick (born 1987 in St. Louis, Missouri) is an American stride, ragtime and jazz pianist. Trick began playing piano at the age of five. Her interest outside classical music began at the age of ten, when her piano teacher introduced her to ragtime. She received her BA degree in music with honors from the University of Chicago in 2009. Trick demonstrates piano performance and composition styles of stride, ragtime and jazz piano from the 1900s to the 1940s. She emphasizes jazz standards, stride and boogie-woogie", "id": "10868884" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nof gospel was singing preachers like Reverend J. M. Gates, who passionately sung about the terrible consequences of disobeying God's laws. Jazz was more urban than the blues. Relying more on instrumentation, the sound was well-suited for listeners unfamiliar with the genre's conventions. It drew primarily on New Orleans blues, but also incorporated influences from Jewish-American musicians and composers like Benny Goodman and George Gershwin. In the 1920s, jazz bars became popular among white Americans, particularly young ones. As with ragtime before, and", "id": "10609027" }, { "contents": "Bill Russell (composer)\n\n\n, settling in the French Quarter, where he opened a small record shop and from which, he also performed violin repairs. Russell also played violin with the New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra. In 1958, Russell co-founded and became the first curator of The Hogan Jazz Archive at Tulane University. Russell collected a large quantity of material related to the history of New Orleans, early jazz, ragtime, blues, and gospel music, all of which he kept in his French Quarter apartment. During his lifetime he always was willing", "id": "8564953" }, { "contents": "Rhythm and blues\n\n\nCuban rhythmic motifs in the 1800s with the popularity of the Cuban contradanza (known outside of Cuba as the habanera). The \"habanera rhythm\" can be thought of as a combination of tresillo and the backbeat. For the more than quarter-century in which the cakewalk, ragtime and proto-jazz were forming and developing, the Cuban genre \"habanera\" exerted a constant presence in African American popular music. Jazz pioneer Jelly Roll Morton considered the tresillo/habanera rhythm (which he called the Spanish tinge) to be", "id": "6597685" }, { "contents": "This Is Ragtime Now!\n\n\nThis Is Ragtime Now! is an album by American jazz pianist Hank Jones featuring interpretations ragtime tunes recorded in 1964 for the ABC-Paramount label. Allmusic awarded the album 3 stars stating \"this trio, which worked as a rhythm section together on countless music dates of many styles during the 1950s and 1960s, obviously had what it took. But Jones is stuck on a campy honky tonk piano instead of a grand piano on the first half of the LP, so the performances tend to sound a lot like the cornucopia of", "id": "11397082" } ]
I like Jazz music. It's been great since the 1920s. how about you? jazz is very soothing, i like it as well Yes! Specifically I love swing and blues notes. Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett are great. frank sinatra is my fav Yes! He is one of the best selling jazz artists of all time. Over 150 million records! thats some crazy numbers! Yes! Jazz is truly America's classical music. Have any other favorite jazz singers. can you tell me more about jazz?
[{"answer": "Well it has emerged as a form of independent and traditional music styles. It's linked by bonds between Africans and European-Americans.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 354, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 559, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "High Society (1956 film)\n\n\nfranchise. \"I Love You, Samantha\" has also become a jazz favorite for improvisations. When Bing Crosby sang \"Now You Has Jazz\", he uttered the Porter lyric \"rock and roll\", and it very well might have been the first time that phrase was uttered on film. It would have been ironic coming from Crosby since rock and roll would very soon eclipse the jazz and swing of Crosby, Sinatra, and Armstrong. The first rock and roll film came out the following year. Opening on July", "id": "15772423" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Rome Jazz Festival\n\n\nthe American record company Blue Note, 50 years from the release of “Kind of Blue” by the Columbia, the best-selling album in jazz history (about 10 million copies) and, above all, regarded as the greatest jazz album of all time. Over the years, through the selection of new artist and musicians, the festival has focused on and voiced two central themes: The Great Jazz Cultural Expression of the 900’s and Jazz as Ecumenical Music so that, by way of the common language of music", "id": "12285683" }, { "contents": "Mike Smith (jazz saxophonist)\n\n\nSinatra. Since 1981, he has worked for both Frank Sinatra and Frank Sinatra Jr. as featured saxophonist and music contractor. In 1985, he won a National Endowment for the Arts award. In 1993, he won the Cannonball Adderley Award for alto saxophone. He has recorded and performed with Tony Bennett, Harry Connick, Jr., Nancy Wilson, Art Farmer and Nat Adderley. Mike has had a weekly spot at Andy's Jazz Club in Chicago for over thirty years. Currently, he is professor of saxophone at Roosevelt University", "id": "21361672" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra (Miss Kittin & The Hacker song)\n\n\nFrank Sinatra and the American crooners and romantic jazz in general. I was looking for a rhyme to \"area\" and here it came. What you don't know, is when I said \"He's dead\", I really thought he was... A friend told me it was funny because he's still alive... I couldn't believe it and felt guilty, especially when he died three months later...\" \"Frank Sinatra\" is credited as an electroclash and techno song, and is noted for its use of", "id": "1978534" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra's recorded legacy\n\n\ndebate as to whether Sinatra was a jazz singer. He certainly performed with many of the finest jazz musicians and, in fact, headlined the Newport Jazz Festival and toured with the Red Norvo Quintet. There are very few occasions when Sinatra was recorded scat singing, but minor nuances and slight deviations from the vocal line are a hallmark of the material he recorded, and he was also known for his impeccable jazz timing and phrasing. Indeed, it is impossible to imagine the Sinatra after 1953 without the influence of jazz. It", "id": "13207355" }, { "contents": "Play Blue: Oslo Concert\n\n\nEicher at the Oslo jazz festival – still exposing his profound knowledge of jazz to unflinching spontaneous reexamination\". The Buffalo News review said \"Listen to this disc a few times, if you can. It’s a great jazz pianist playing for you how he was never pent up in anyone’s house in jazz – how he became a great and thorny and weirdly lovable jazz maverick in his old age, a kind of link between Bill Evans and Cecil Taylor\". All About Jazz enthused \"Bley's music rambles. He", "id": "6046239" }, { "contents": "Turn Up the Quiet\n\n\nTurn Up the Quiet is the thirteenth studio album by Canadian jazz singer-songwriter and pianist Diana Krall, released on by Verve Records label to positive critical reviews. The album is a collection of 11 famous jazz standards. The release in Japan includes the 12th bonus track \"How Deep Is the Ocean\". Krall explains: \"I have thought about these songs for a long time. Being in the company of some of my greatest friends in music allowed me to tell these stories just as I’d intended. Sometimes you", "id": "996569" }, { "contents": "Ned Miller (composer)\n\n\nNathan \"Ned\" Miller (August 2, 1899 – January 26, 1990) was a British-born American songwriter, composer, music publisher, and actor who wrote the hit songs, \"Why Should I Cry Over You\", (a waltz ballad) in 1922, \"Sunday\" (a jazz standard) in 1926, and \"Little Joe\" (a jazz standard) in 1931. His music has been recorded by Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong, Al Jolson, Carmen McRae,", "id": "13149926" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "They All Laughed\n\n\n, in the first version of the script, the character of Christy was going to be a jazz singer, singing jazz standards, but then: There was a short, very short, very brief, vogue of country music in New York. About 30 seconds. And so I changed it. I like country music. I fell in love with it on \"Last Picture Show\". In fact, I wrote a couple of country songs. The phrase “One Day Since Yesterday” was something Dorothy said to me", "id": "834947" }, { "contents": "Ella Swings Lightly\n\n\nElla Swings Lightly is a 1958 studio album by the American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, recorded with the Marty Paich Dek-tette. Ella also worked with Marty Paich on her 1967 album \"Whisper Not\". The album features a typical selection of jazz standards from this era, songs from musicals like Frank Loesser's \"If I Were a Bell\", and a famous jazz instrumental vocalised by Ella, Roy Eldridge's \"Little Jazz\". This album won Ella the 1960 Grammy award for the Best Improvised Jazz Solo.", "id": "9489400" }, { "contents": "Jim Riggs\n\n\nTennessee. Riggs has appeared as a featured performer and clinician at Jazz Festivals throughout the USA and Sweden. As a freelance artist he has performed with Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Tony Bennett, Nancy Wilson, Henry Mancini, Ray Charles and Nelson Riddle. He is a prolific studio recording artist. Until his retirement in August 2008, Riggs had been professor in the Jazz Studies and Performance Divisions of University of North Texas College of Music where he had taught applied saxophone, directed the Two O'Clock Lab Band, and taught Jazz", "id": "13006179" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nfor more than half a century. In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums. Her voice was flexible and wide-ranging. She could sing ballads, jazz, and imitate every instrument in an orchestra. She worked with all the jazz greats, including Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Dizzy Gillespie and Benny Goodman. These women were persistent in striving to make their names known in the music industry and to lead the way for many more women artists", "id": "20467315" }, { "contents": "Ray Sinatra\n\n\n. Early in Frank Sinatra's career, when he was leading the instrumental jazz combo \"The Four Sharps\", he was asked by Fred Allen whether he was related to Ray Sinatra. Not long after, Ray was being asked if he was related to Frank. Ray Sinatra conducted popular music competently, although he tended to use over-elaborate arrangements, and his orchestra sometimes sounded more like a big band. He was a modest success in the swing era. He worked well with Mario Lanza in two recording sessions at", "id": "12351389" }, { "contents": "The Rolling Stones\n\n\nwas more into T-Bone Walker and jazz blues stuff. We'd turn him onto Chuck Berry and say, 'Look, it's all the same shit, man, and you can do it.'\" Charlie Watts, a traditional jazz drummer, was also introduced to the blues through his association with the pair. \"Keith and Brian turned me on to Jimmy Reed and people like that. I learned that Earl Phillips was playing on those records like a jazz drummer, playing swing, with a straight four", "id": "12461521" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\nonce in a lifetime, perhaps once in several lifetimes.\" Her obituary in \"The New York Times\" described her as a \"singer who brought an operatic splendor to her performances of popular standards and jazz.\" Jazz singer Mel Tormé said that she had \"...the single best vocal instrument of any singer working in the popular field.\" Her ability was envied by Frank Sinatra who said, \"Sassy is so good now that when I listen to her I want to cut my wrists with a dull razor.", "id": "5304716" }, { "contents": "Tony Campise\n\n\nthat very easily.\" Tony Campise performed in the jazz clubs in and around 6th Street in Austin, and also backed artists such as Frank Sinatra, The Manhattan Transfer, and Sarah Vaughan starting in 1984 where he finally settled. He recorded five albums in the 1990s; his 1991 album \"Once in a Blue Moon\" was nominated for a Grammy in the jazz category. During this time he was a featured artist at venues such as the Newport Jazz Festival Campise died after suffering a brain hemorrhage. He had never fully", "id": "9209317" }, { "contents": "I'm a Fool to Want You\n\n\n\"I'm a Fool to Want You\" is a 1951 song composed by Frank Sinatra, Jack Wolf, and Joel Herron. Frank Sinatra co-wrote the lyrics and released the song as a Columbia Records single. The ballad is considered a pop and jazz standard. Frank Sinatra first recorded the song with the Ray Charles Singers on March 27, 1951, in an arrangement by Axel Stordahl in New York. It was the second song recorded at the sessions that began with \"I Whistle a Happy Tune\" and ended", "id": "17625192" }, { "contents": "Off the Wall\n\n\n' Day and Night\", and the disco song \"Get on the Floor\". \"I Can't Help It\" is a jazz piece. In Quincy Jones' autobiography, he compares Jackson to other jazz singers noting that Jackson \"has some of the same qualities as the great jazz singers I'd worked with: Ella, Sinatra, Sassy, Aretha, Ray Charles, Dinah. Each of them had that purity, that strong signature sound and that open wound that pushed them to greatness.\" \"She's", "id": "2457030" }, { "contents": "Nature Boy\n\n\nout of court. Following Cole's success with the song, rival record companies released cover versions of \"Nature Boy\" by other artists like Frank Sinatra and Sarah Vaughan, which were also successful. It ultimately became a pop and jazz standard, with many artists interpreting the song, including Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, who recorded it for their jazz collaborative album, \"Cheek to Cheek\" (2014). It was also used in numerous films like \"The Boy with Green Hair\", \"The Talented Mr. Ripley", "id": "19344890" }, { "contents": "Sarina Paris\n\n\nitaly, and film and continues to sing with jazz bands but she never lost her love for electronic music either. She continues to write and record jazz and electronic songs. “I don’t feel there is one type of music we should be boxed into. Yes, Jazz is my heart and soul, but everyone moves their body and taps their feet and sways their hips to a good dance beat. Either way people wake up with music. It’s a language of the soul. Sometimes in life we need to", "id": "7911005" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "John Stevens (singer)\n\n\nrelaxed jazz/lounge style. Its first week sales put it into the top 10 of the Billboard jazz charts. It sold 18,000 copies as of March 2006. He and Maverick Records have since parted ways. John graduated from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts in May 2009 and released a Christmas album, \"Home for Christmas,\" on November 1, 2009. Stevens currently sings with the Boston-based Beantown Swing Orchestra, focusing on the classic big band arrangements that were originally performed by Frank Sinatra and", "id": "21098408" }, { "contents": "Patrick Corrigan (businessman)\n\n\nin years. He credits getting hooked on jazz through the likes of Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Woody Herman and Frank Sinatra. \"There was a blackout on news, so when I came here I had not heard music for years ... the next thing I knew, I had a collection of 78s. I ended up with 7,000 of them\". This collection, which was augmented by magazines such as \"Down Beat\" and \"Metronome\", along with jazz biographies (many signed by luminaries such", "id": "2007617" }, { "contents": "Hollywood String Quartet\n\n\nconvey my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the Hollywood String Quartet for their splendid execution. Reports of their fine abilities had already reached me before I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with them, and I am delighted that they were chosen to permanently preserve my composition.” Another highlight of the HSQ's recording legacy is the 1956 Frank Sinatra album \"Close to You\" produced by Voyle Gilmore; a series of popular songs arranged by Nelson Riddle in an impressionistic blend of popular, classical and jazz influences. \"Close to You", "id": "15216715" }, { "contents": "Leb i sol\n\n\nTheir music combined elements of rock, jazz fusion and ethnic Macedonian music. As the band matured, the jazz influences became less obvious. However, in concert, Leb i sol performances of jazzed-up and lengthy versions of traditional ethno-folk classics such as \"Jovano Jovanke\" or \"Aber Dojde Donke\", were often received with great enthusiasm and cheer. Leb i sol were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s and, while not selling as many records as some pop and folk acts, were very well known", "id": "14136297" }, { "contents": "Donald Ashworth\n\n\nCan Get It for You Wholesale\". His concert work also included stints with the \"Benny Goodman\" and His Orchestra. His studio work includes well-known albums by artists such as \"Frank Sinatra\", \"Barbra Streisand\", \"Tony Bennett\", and \"George Clinton\". He also contributed to albums such as \"The Other Side of Abbey Road\" by guitarist George Benson (1969), \"Dawg Jazz/Dawg Grass\" by musician David Grisman (1983), \"Inner City Blues\"", "id": "9328188" }, { "contents": "Anthony Gorruso\n\n\nSpyro Gyra\". His name is incorrectly listed on that album as Tony Garusso. From 1979 to 1983 he attended the Berklee College of Music in Boston to further pursue his interest in jazz and big band music as an arranging major. He has since performed with Buddy Rich, Frank Sinatra, Sting, Tony Bennett, Clark Terry, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Junior, The Duke Ellington Orchestra (under the direction of Mercer Ellington), Ray Charles, Liza Minnelli and many others. He has recorded with Frank Sinatra on", "id": "14168382" }, { "contents": "Echoes of an Era\n\n\nEchoes of an Era is an album by American R&B/jazz singer Chaka Khan, Joe Henderson, Freddie Hubbard, Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke and Lenny White, released in 1982 on Elektra Records. \"Echoes of an Era\" sees Khan interpreting jazz standards like Thelonious Monk's \"I Mean You\" and Duke Ellington's \"Take the 'A' Train\", as well as \"Spring Can Really Hang You Up the Most\", \"All of Me\", and \"I Loves You Porgy\". The", "id": "1251758" }, { "contents": "Lost in the Stars\n\n\nis another influence that appears in the music. In general, the whole play has a Biblical tone that we hope the public will like.\" He was influenced by African American musical idioms through his use of spiritual melodies, blues and jazz. The title song \"Lost in the Stars\" enjoyed a measure of popular success, and versions of it were recorded by Anita O'Day, Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Sarah Vaughan, Elvis Costello, Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner and many others. The words, which in the", "id": "1623514" }, { "contents": "Charles Turner (musician)\n\n\nCharles Turner (Charles Henry Turner, May 26, 1936 – May 19, 2006) was an American jazz trumpeter. Turner performed with Frank Sinatra for eight years, Ella Fitzgerald, Jimmy Dorsey, Ralph Flanagan, Harry James, Charlie Spivak, Count Basie and many other great musicians of the 20th century. Charles Turner was one of America's greatest lead jazz trumpeters. In a career spanning over thirty years, he played lead trumpet for some of the best jazz bands, Las Vegas show bands, and Los Angeles studio", "id": "3762094" }, { "contents": "At Last!\n\n\nat her peak in a swinging and varied program of blues, R&B, and jazz standards.\" Cook also praised the material that was recorded for the album, saying that \"At Last!\" had \"strong material throughout.\" He also went on to say that James's voice, \"expertly handles jazz standards like \"Stormy Weather\" and \"A Sunday Kind of Love,\" as well as Willie Dixon's blues classic \"I Just Want to Make Love to You.\" James demonstrates her keen facility on", "id": "12269724" }, { "contents": "John Cassavetes\n\n\nan investor who might try to change the script so as to make the film more marketable. Cassavetes was passionate about a wide range of music, from jazz to classical to rock, \"I like all music. It makes you feel like living. Silence is death.\" For the soundtrack of \"Shadows\", Cassavetes worked with jazz composer and musician Charles Mingus and Shafi Hadi to provide the score. Mingus's friend, Diane Dorr-Dorynek, described Cassavetes's approach to film-making in jazz terms: The", "id": "770968" }, { "contents": "Frank Ferera\n\n\nballad \"Wreck of the Old 97\" (Victor Record No. 19427), sometimes cited as the first million-selling country music release in the American record industry. In the late 1920s, during a wave of Hawaiian music popularity, Frank Ferera's Hawaiian Trio recorded a number of songs with jazz singer Annette Hanshaw, including: \"Was It A Dream?\", \"For Old Time's Sake\", \"Get Out and Get Under the Moon\", \"I Love A Ukulele\", \"Lonely Nights", "id": "20839056" }, { "contents": "Sonny Russo\n\n\n). From 1967 to 1973 he was a member of \"The Tonight Show\" orchestra, and he worked with Frank Sinatra between 1967 and 1988. He also played in Urbie Green's 21 Trombones in 1968 and in the World's Greatest Jazz Band in the 1970s. While touring with The World's Greatest Jazz Band Russo was invited to the White House to play for President and Mrs.Ford. Russo also recorded extensively with singers; in addition to Sinatra, he played behind Jimmy Rushing, Tony Bennett, Lena Horne", "id": "9113115" }, { "contents": "I Didn't Know About You (album)\n\n\nI Didn't Know About You is the debut studio album by American jazz singer Karrin Allyson. The album was released in 1992 via Concord Jazz label. She has remained with Concord Jazz for her next 13 albums issued through 2011. Jack Fuller of the \"Chicago Tribune\" stated \"This young singer is terrific. Part cabaret, part Cassandra Wilson, Karrin Allyson has a lovely musical range and a sharp, clear, slightly nasal voice which is capable of stunning scat and other instrumental effects as well as the straight, lyrical", "id": "8522086" }, { "contents": "Catherine Russell (singer)\n\n\njazz and other music venues (including Carnegie Hall and the Lincoln Center), Russell has become well known in jazz circles and, as of January 2014, was the second best-selling female artist on several jazz charts. [\"source coming]\" Russell's cover of the 1920s song \"Crazy Blues\" was used in Episode 10, Season 1 of the HBO drama \"Boardwalk Empire\". This song was included on a soundtrack recording that won in 2012 for Grammy Award for Best Compilation Soundtrack for Visual Media at", "id": "7427375" }, { "contents": "Once I Loved\n\n\nJobim recorded an instrumental version of the song in 1963 on his debut album, \"The Composer of Desafinado Plays\". In \"The Jazz Standards: A Guide to the Repertoire\", jazz critic Ted Gioia credits Frank Sinatra for the popularity of the song. \"Even during the height of the bossa nova craze, which peaked around 1964-65, 'Once I Loved' was not widely known and it is conspicuously missing from most of the bossa nova theme albums of the day. But after Sinatra's 1967 recording", "id": "3544028" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Diane Schuur\n\n\nan album called \"I Remember You: Love to Stan and Frank\", an homage to her then late friends Sinatra and Stan Getz. Schuur continued making albums through the 1990s and into the 2000s, sometimes experimenting with essences of other genres. \"Schuur Fire\" (2005) featured Caribbean Jazz Project musicians, with Brazilian guitarist Oscar Castro-Neves. \"Talkin' 'Bout You\" – an album titled after the Ray Charles song of the same name, was in the pop category. Jazz purists were not happy", "id": "818788" }, { "contents": "Chico O'Farrill\n\n\nwhile others are more jazz-inspired (\"6/8\", \"Jazz\"), and all are brought together under the orderly form of a European suite. O'Farrill states about this piece, \"I was never an expert on Cuban music. What I did, for example, in that suite was purely instinctive [...] They asked me, 'write a suite, Chico,' [so] I just wrote according to my best understanding, letting my jazz sensibility to [sic] guide me most of the", "id": "7926557" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra (Miss Kittin & The Hacker song)\n\n\n\"Frank Sinatra\" is a song by French recording duo Miss Kittin & The Hacker. It is the second single from their debut album as a duo \"First Album\" (2001). The song was originally included on the duo's 1998 EP \"Champagne\" and became an anthem of the electroclash scene. Miss Kittin included the song on her DJ mix album \"On the Road\". Miss Kittin explained in an interview that the song was inspired by her love of Frank Sinatra and jazz music. \"I love", "id": "1978533" }, { "contents": "Tommy Muellner\n\n\nsignificant. After that important discovery, Muellner \"realized when I finally heard the music, that jazz is more than music. It is great art and a philosophy with spiritual ramifications.\" In later years, Tommy's musical influences were gleaned from the likes of Evans, Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Dexter Gordon. He learned mostly from the great classic jazz recordings. He also learned a great deal from playing with master musicians like Ira Sullivan, as well as other, lesser known musicians that he", "id": "15247940" }, { "contents": "Shannon Roberts (musician)\n\n\nSchool of Music in Little Creek, Virginia. Dr. Roberts is a regular performer with the Salt Lake City Jazz Orchestra and the Great Basin St. Band. He is the Musical Director for the Spare Parts Big Band and also performs with his own jazz trio, quintet, and 8-piece band. As a brass specialist on trumpet, trombone and tuba; he has played with many national artists like Eddie Daniels, Frank Sinatra Jr., Dee Daniels, Spanky Wilson, Jeff Hamilton, Maureen McGovern, and the Manhattan Transfer. Before moving", "id": "21082965" }, { "contents": "Billy Vera\n\n\nMichael Cuscuna, for Blue Note Records, including \"At Last\", which reached number 1 on the \"Billboard\" jazz chart. Vera also produced Rawls's final album, \"Rawls Sings Sinatra\", which remained on the jazz chart for over six months. Rawls recorded seven of Vera's songs, including \"If I Were A Magician\" (1989), \"Room With A View\" and \"You Can't Go Home\". In 1990, Vera's tune \"Papa Come Quick (Jody & Chico", "id": "2353131" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nrise of bebop and the end of the swing era after the war, jazz lost its cachet as pop music. Vocalists of the famous big bands moved on to being marketed and performing as solo pop singers; these included Frank Sinatra, Peggy Lee, Dick Haymes, and Doris Day. Older musicians who still performed their pre-war jazz, such as Armstrong and Ellington, were gradually viewed in the mainstream as passé. Other younger performers, such as singer Big Joe Turner and saxophonist Louis Jordan, who were discouraged by", "id": "15637798" }, { "contents": "Vocal jazz\n\n\nand compensated for this shortcoming with nuanced phrasing and emotional immediacy, qualities admired by a young Frank Sinatra. With the end of Prohibition in the United States, a more \"danceable\" form of jazz music arose, giving birth to the Swing era, and with it big bands such as those led by Count Basie, Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Tommy Dorsey, Jimmie Lunceford, Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw and Chick Webb. Many notable post war jazz singers sang with these bands in the infancy of their careers. With", "id": "17319498" }, { "contents": "Monty Alexander\n\n\nMontgomery Bernard \"Monty\" Alexander (born 6 June 1944) is a jazz pianist. His playing has a Caribbean influence and bright swinging feeling, with a strong vocabulary of bebop jazz and blues rooted melodies. He was influenced by Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Nat King Cole, Oscar Peterson, and Frank Sinatra. Alexander also sings and plays the melodica. He is known for his surprising musical twists, bright rhythmic sense, and intense dramatic musical climaxes. Monty's recording career has covered many of the well known American", "id": "14568280" }, { "contents": "Latin jazz\n\n\nhe called the Spanish tinge) to be an essential ingredient of jazz. The habanera rhythm can be heard in his left hand on songs like \"The Crave\" (1910, recorded 1938). Now in one of my earliest tunes, “New Orleans Blues,” you can notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can’t manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz—Morton (1938: Library of", "id": "3213685" }, { "contents": "I Long to See You\n\n\nI Long to See You is an album by jazz saxophonist Charles Lloyd, recorded in 2015 and released on the Blue Note Records label the following year. Metacritic assigned the album an aggregate score of 74 out of 100 based on 5 critical reviews. The AllMusic review by Thom Jurek stated: \"\"I Long to See You\" is well worth investigating even if, at times, it is overly tentative\". On All About Jazz, Ian Patterson said: \"\"I Long To See You\" is a consistently beautiful", "id": "7411203" }, { "contents": "RAIGN\n\n\nbackground, and had worked with Frank Sinatra. According to Rabin, she grew up listening to big band music, and \"when I first decided to learn an instrument I chose a clarinet and learned to play blues and jazz. My mum was also a semi-professional opera singer and she was always singing and I used to try and emulate her.\" Her father, who died when she was young, had been a survivor of the Holocaust. Working as a vocalist and songwriter, in 2009 she self-released", "id": "1864477" }, { "contents": "Debby Ryan\n\n\nthat her other role models include Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, and Tobey Maguire. When asked about musical tastes, she said, \"I love jazz! I love singing it. I also love country! My brother loves rock; he also has this chill Jason Mraz-like style. So basically, my answer is: jazz-country-rock-alternative? I have no idea! But I honestly would love to make country music\". Ryan was involved in Disney's Friends for Change. She was featured", "id": "10576897" }, { "contents": "Ray Quinn\n\n\n. The album became a critical and commercial success. It entered the UK Album Chart at number one, and sold 127,000 copies in its first week of release, before being certified platinum. The album also featured covers of old swing and vocal jazz classics, some of which were recorded by Frank Sinatra himself. Quinn made British music history as he was the youngest male solo artist and the first person ever, to have a number one album without releasing a single. During the summer of that year, he was a judge", "id": "19483159" }, { "contents": "Richie Vitale\n\n\nand Master Classes at the Eastman School of Music, instructed the Jazz Ensemble at Long Island University and was Brass Instructor at Manhattan School of Music and Long Island University and is currently teaching jazz trumpet and ensemble at New Jersey City University. Trumpet soloist with Frank Sinatra for five years, he has also performed with such luminaries as Tony Bennett, Buddy Rich, James Taylor and Sting and was featured soloist with the Vanguard Orchestra, the Toshiko Akiyoshi Big Band, the Basie Band, and the Ellington Band. Worked with Frank Wess", "id": "19140051" }, { "contents": "Frank Bennett (singer)\n\n\nDavid Henry Wray (born 20 June 1959), who performs as Frank Bennett (the stage name is a combination of Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett), is an Australian jazz singer, musician and songwriter. His vocal style is influenced by those two singers and the music of the 1940s and 1950s. He has provided big band cover versions of rock and pop singles, \"Creep\" (originally by Radiohead), \"Better Man\" (Pearl Jam), and \"Under the Bridge\" (Red Hot Chili Peppers", "id": "16872997" }, { "contents": "Landau Eugene Murphy Jr.\n\n\ncopies, then fell to #41 the next week on the charts. It debuted at number one on the Billboard jazz charts, and also reached #1 in the Jazz category on By May 2017, the album had sold 156,000 copies. Many have compared Murphy's vocals and phrasing to that of Frank Sinatra, a singer he has always admired. Many of the tracks from \"That’s Life\" are Sinatra standards. Murphy said of the album, \"For a lot of music fans, especially older people", "id": "13810383" }, { "contents": "Benny Green (saxophonist)\n\n\nHis BBC Radio 2 Sunday afternoon record show ran for many years until his death. He had a huge knowledge of music he liked, by classic \"Great American Songbook\" composers like Kern and Cole Porter and jazz, and would introduce most records with details about the artist(s). He also chaired a radio comedy panel game broadcast regularly on Radio 2 and the BBC World Service for 20 years; \"Jazz Score\". Many jazz artists appeared on this show, stopping the contest to tell their own anecdotes about their career", "id": "2975483" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You (song)\n\n\nof that song by White Town that samples that other song from the olden days – here comes dance music's tribute to the era of jazz, swing and blues. And when I say tribute, I mean taking an old tune and hitting it with a massive mallet until it cracks into a million pieces, then putting the bits back together with micro-robots and spraying it gold. That is simply how dance music likes to pay tribute to things. Can you imagine how messy Fat Boy Slim's funeral is going to", "id": "17316519" }, { "contents": "Women in jazz\n\n\nseveral jazz standards with Jimmy McHugh, such as \"Exactly Like You\". \"On the Sunny Side of the Street\" and \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\". Lil Hardin Armstrong's a most famous song, \"Struttin’ with Some Barbecue\"m has been recorded 500 times. Her other notable songs are “Doin’ the Suzie Q\", \"Just for a Thrill\" and \"Bad Boy\". While Billie Holiday is best known as a singer, she co-wrote \"God Bless", "id": "15795818" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "Swing music\n\n\nand Duke Ellington orchestras, and with pop vocalists such as Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. Swing blended with other genres to create new music styles. In country music, artists such as Jimmie Rodgers, Moon Mullican and Bob Wills introduced many elements of swing along with blues to create a genre called western swing. Gypsy swing is an outgrowth of Venuti and Lang's jazz violin swing. Swing revivals have occurred periodically from the late 1960s to the 2000s. In the late-1980s (into the early 1990s) a trendier, more", "id": "3931498" }, { "contents": "The Man I Love (album)\n\n\nThe Man I Love is an album by jazz singer Peggy Lee with an orchestra arranged by Nelson Riddle and conducted by Frank Sinatra. This was Lee's first album after returning to Capitol. Allmusic gave the album three and a half stars. Critic William Ruhlmann wrote that Sinatra directed Lee to sing like Billie Holiday, \"to reinforce the near-victimhood of the woman depicted in the songs.\" Nelson Riddle's \"lush strings...hint of dark things\" in \"a superb pairing of singer, conductor, and arranger", "id": "21497362" }, { "contents": "Neal Hefti\n\n\nsort of got into jazz. The first time I sort of felt that I was anything remotely connected with jazz. Even though he had been playing with swing bands and other popular music bands for five years, this was the first time he had been immersed in the music of Duke Ellington, and this was the first music that really felt like jazz to him. First Herd was one of the first big bands to really embrace bebop. They incorporated the use of many bebop ideas in their music. As part of the", "id": "2917796" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States\n\n\nguitar left a permanent influence (the steel guitar is still very common in country music). Dominican merengue and Argentinian tango also left their mark, especially on jazz, which has long been a part of the music scene in Latin America. During the 1920s, classic female blues singers like Mamie Smith became the first musical celebrities of national renown. Gospel, blues and jazz were also diversifying during this period, with new subgenres evolving in different cities like Memphis, New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Jazz quickly replaced the", "id": "2411622" }, { "contents": "Michael Andrew (singer)\n\n\nMichael Andrew (born September 3, 1965) is a jazz singer, bandleader and actor. He married Lea Andrew in 2007, and the couple resides in Orlando, Florida. Andrew grew up in Wisconsin, attending Menomonee Falls High School. He was drawn to jazz and big band music and was influenced by singers like Mel Torme and Frank Sinatra. While in college Andrew formed a jazz group called the Michael Andrew Trio, where he performed tunes from the 1930s, 40's and 50's. After graduating from the University", "id": "4725344" }, { "contents": "Cliff Edwards\n\n\nEdwards made his first phonograph records in 1919. He recorded early examples of jazz scat singing in 1922. The following year he signed a contract with Pathé Records. He became one of the most popular singers of the 1920s, appearing in several Broadway shows. He recorded many of the pop and novelty hits of the day, including \"California, Here I Come\", \"Hard Hearted Hannah\", \"Yes Sir, That's My Baby\", and \"I'll See You in My Dreams\". In 1924", "id": "19022128" }, { "contents": "Same as You\n\n\nnarrated by Asar Mikael, \"All About Jazz\" stating that his \"\"heartfelt and life-affirming spoken word performance is the tune's central focus\". Jamie Cullum recommended the album in an interview with \"NPR\", stating: \"I think Polar Bear are the great argument for why European jazz is something that is vital\". \"Same as You\" charted at number 5 on the UK's Official Jazz & Blues Albums Chart and stayed in the chart for a four-week run. The band have", "id": "665088" }, { "contents": "I Thought About You (Eliane Elias album)\n\n\nI Thought About You: A Tribute to Chet Baker is the twenty-second studio album by Brazilian jazz pianist and singer Eliane Elias. It was released on May 28, 2013, via Concord Picante label. The album is dedicated to American jazz trumpeter and vocalist Chet Baker. On this record she performs famous jazz standards and compositions. Christopher Loudon of \"Jazz Times\" stated \"Its release timed to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Chet Baker’s death, Eliane Elias’ I Thought About You is the most satisfying of", "id": "16455546" }, { "contents": "Jeff Duff\n\n\n's single, 'Here Come the Freaks'. Duff has performed on Australian television and has headlined the Melbourne Jazz Festival, Manly Jazz Festival, Darling Harbor Jazz Festival, Casino Jazz, Thredbo Jazz Festival, Noosa Jazz Festival, & the 2006 Adelaide Cabaret Festival.. Duff performs regularly at Sydney's live music venues. He juxtaposes his sophisticated twenty piece Big Band swing repertoire with the raunchy glam rock of his Alien Sex Gods shows. Duff's \"Ground control to Frank Sinatra\" project merges the styles of David Bowie and", "id": "20227569" }, { "contents": "Judy Carmichael\n\n\ncompilation on C&D Productions label. Her album Southern Swing (2008) was recorded live at the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz.[18] Her first all vocal CD I Love Being Here With You, released in 2013, was the first where she ceded piano duties to someone else, in this case Mike Renzi (formerly music director for Peggy Lee, Mel Torme, Tony Bennett and Sesame Street). Carmichael followed with her first CD of originals (music Harry Allen, lyrics Judy Carmichael) Can You Love Once More? Judy & Harry", "id": "1808329" }, { "contents": "Earwig Music Company\n\n\nEarwig Music Company is an American blues and jazz independent record label, founded by Michael Frank in October 1978 in Chicago. From 1975 until 1977 Frank was employed by the Jazz Record Mart, like Bruce Iglauer of Alligator Records and Jim O'Neal of \"Living Blues\" magazine. Since its founding, Earwig Music has issued 66 albums, fifty-one produced by Frank, among them the last recordings of Louis Myers, Maxwell Street Jimmy Davis, and Willie Johnson. Other artists on the label include blues musicians The Jelly Roll Kings", "id": "11750416" }, { "contents": "Eddie Daniels\n\n\nEddie Daniels (born October 19, 1941) is an American musician and composer. Although he is best known as a jazz clarinetist, he has also played alto and tenor saxophones, as well as classical music on clarinet. Daniels was born in New York City to a Jewish family, and his mother emigrated from Romania. He was raised in the Manhattan Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn in New York City. He became interested in jazz as a teenager when he was impressed by the musicians accompanying singers, such as Frank Sinatra,", "id": "22056247" }, { "contents": "Conversations with Myself (album)\n\n\nfor Best Jazz Instrumental Album, Individual or Group. It received a 5-star review in Down Beat in 1963. Writing for Allmusic, music critic Michael G. Nastos wrote: Certainly one of the more unusual items in the discography of an artist whose consistency is as evident as any in modern jazz, and nothing should dissuade you from purchasing this one of a kind album that in some ways set a technological standard for popular music – and jazz – to come. Jason Laipply of All About Jazz wrote: [The album] was", "id": "21554872" }, { "contents": "Keith Emerson\n\n\nalong with it and we tried to find a place to situate it. It ended up going just at the end of the stage, so when the piano went up it was literally over the heads of the audience. After that every TV show I did came the question ... Keith, how do you spin around on that piano? I'd say what about my music? When I had the honor of meeting the great jazz pianist Dave Brubeck just before he died, he said, Keith you've got to tell me", "id": "11231424" }, { "contents": "Dave Brubeck\n\n\nis astonishing, including oratorios, musicals and concertos, as well as hundreds of jazz compositions. This quiet man of jazz was truly a marvel.\" In \"The Guardian\", John Fordham said \"Brubeck's real achievement was to blend European compositional ideas, very demanding rhythmic structures, jazz song-forms and improvisation in expressive and accessible ways. His son Chris told \"The Guardian\" \"when I hear Chorale, it reminds me of the very best Aaron Copland, something like Appalachian Spring. There's a sort", "id": "8220083" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nthem... I wanted to sing silky, like butter – mellow. I wanted to sing mellow you know what I mean. One of my favorites is Jessie Velvet – they used to call him Mr. Easy. A lot of people forgot about him you know – Sam Cooke is another one of my favorites.\" Paul explained why he was particularly influenced by female jazz singers: \"I think the reason behind that is because of my high range. The male singers who had the same range I did, when I was", "id": "4949137" }, { "contents": "Kim Pensyl\n\n\nhas twice been named one of Billboard’s Top-20 Contemporary Jazz Artists of the Year. A pianist and trumpeter, he has had four Top-10 albums on Billboard’s Contemporary Jazz chart. He has recorded with jazz artists such as Toots Thielemans, and modern musicians like Joey Calderazzo, Bob Mintzer, Chiele Minucci, Andy Narell, Will Kennedy, Steve Rodby, and Alex Acuna. He has performed at jazz venues such as The Blue Note, Blues Alley, Caravan of Dreams, Scullers, Beacon Theatre, and Great American Music Hall", "id": "9884010" }, { "contents": "Al Caiola\n\n\nAlexander Emil Caiola (September 7, 1920 – November 9, 2016) was an American guitarist, composer and arranger who spanned a variety of music genres including jazz, country, rock, and pop. He recorded over fifty albums and worked with some of the biggest names in music during the 20th century, including Elvis Presley, Ray Conniff, Ferrante & Teicher, Frank Sinatra, Percy Faith, Buddy Holly, Mitch Miller, and Tony Bennett. During World War II Caiola played with the United States Marine Corps 5th Marine", "id": "16575244" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Dave Lindholm\n\n\nworks are highly respected by Finnish popular music critics and rock/pop music lovers. The most famous songs by Lindholm include \"Pieni ja hento ote\" (a small slender grip, \"Jatsikansa tulee\" (the jazz folks are coming), \"Sitähän se kaikki on\" (that's what it all is), \"Kaikki menee seinään\" (everything runs into the wall), \"Joo, joo, mä rakastan sua\" (yes, yes I love you), and \"Annan kitaran laulaa vaan\"", "id": "13865358" }, { "contents": "Tony Bennett\n\n\nleanings towards jazz. In 1957, Ralph Sharon became Bennett's pianist, arranger, and musical director, replacing Wayne. Sharon told Bennett that a career singing \"sweet saccharine songs like 'Blue Velvet'\" wouldn't last long, and encouraged Bennett to focus even more on his jazz inclinations. The result was the 1957 album \"The Beat of My Heart\". It used well-known jazz musicians such as Herbie Mann and Nat Adderley, with a strong emphasis on percussion from the likes of Art Blakey, Jo", "id": "8259723" }, { "contents": "Sweet and Lowdown\n\n\nto write,\" Allen (a clarinetist and avid jazz enthusiast) wrote \"The Jazz Baby\", a dramatic screenplay about a jazz musician set in the 1930s. Allen said later that the United Artists executives were \"stunned... because they had expected a comedy. [They] were very worried and told me, 'We realize that we signed a contract with you and you can do anything you want. But we want to tell you that we really don't like this.'\" Allen went along with United", "id": "7565325" }, { "contents": "The Nightfly\n\n\nand forthright, the cool uncle you wished you'd had.\" At the time of the album's release, he remembered that jazz music offered him an escape from the adults in his life: \"When I saw \"'E.T.\",' I realized that the E.T. in my bedroom was my Thelonious Monk records. Everything that he represented was totally unworldly in a way, although at the same time jazz to me seemed more real than the environment in which I was living.\" \"The Wall Street Journal\"", "id": "8606597" }, { "contents": "The Uninvited (1944 film)\n\n\na jazz standard, is prized by players for its haunting and rich harmony. It has been recorded numerous times, by such artists as Miles Davis, Stan Getz and Dexter Gordon, and as a vocal (with lyrics by Ned Washington) by singers Dick Haymes, Frank Sinatra, Ray Charles, Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald among others. Upon the film's February 1944 release, Bosley Crowther said it was \"as solemnly intent on raising gooseflesh as any ghost-story weirdly told to a group of shivering youngsters around a", "id": "9441003" }, { "contents": "Wandering Moon\n\n\nlike a rich black coffee or that mahogany table you’ve been coveting, as Blanchard explores a fine palette of moods and colors, with one contribution from Simon, the intrepid “The Process,” and the evergreen “I Thought About You.” The rest is pure Blanchard.\" Lee Prosse of \"Jazz Review\" mentioned \"Jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard has quite the resume: he played in Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers in the 1980s and composed the music for some of director Spike Lee's films... On MOON,", "id": "4860252" }, { "contents": "Music of Romania\n\n\nnumber of festivals such as Gărâna International Jazz Festival. Contemporary jazz singers include Johnny Răducanu, Anca Parghel and others. In recent years a few bands have emerged that make use of elements of nu-jazz, trip hop and electronic music: Aievea, Jazzadezz, Norzeatic & Khidja and others. Romanian rock music has a great history, with a lot of influences. In the `80 bands like Iris, Transsylvania Phoenix, Compact, Holograf or Cargo \"rocked\" the stages with songs about love and friendship. Nowadays the", "id": "12841280" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nmost major genres since, jazz was blamed for the moral degeneracy of the youth that visited these bars and listened to the music. In spite of the controversy, jazz emerged as the dominant sound of the country in the late 1920s in popularized forms that some called watered down, like swing music and big band. Though these, like jazz proper, were blamed for crime and delinquency, they had become mainstream by the 1930s. In the 1940s, pure jazz began to become more popular, along with the blues, with", "id": "10609028" }, { "contents": "Laughing Stock\n\n\nto me. Ornette Coleman is an example. But jazz as a term is as widely used and abused as soul – it no longer means what it should mean. Jazz has almost been bastardised to such an extent that, if you've got a saxophone on a record, it's jazz, which is a terrifying idea. It's like, where would you ever place Can? To me \"Tago Mago\" is an extremely important album that has elements of jazz in it, but I would never call it jazz", "id": "19823287" }, { "contents": "Soul jazz\n\n\nSoul jazz is a development of jazz incorporating strong influences from blues, soul, gospel and rhythm and blues in music for small groups, often an organ trio featuring a Hammond organ. Soul jazz is often associated with hard bop. Mark C. Gridley, writing for the \"All Music Guide to Jazz\", explains that soul jazz more specifically refers to music with \"an earthy, bluesy melodic concept\" and \"repetitive, dance-like rhythms... Note that some listeners make no distinction between 'soul-jazz\" and", "id": "18738134" }, { "contents": "Bart Howard\n\n\nBart Howard (born Howard Joseph Gustafson, June 1, 1915 – February 21, 2004) was an American composer and songwriter, most notably of the jazz standard \"Fly Me to the Moon\", which has been performed by Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Ella Fitzgerald, Nancy Wilson, Della Reese, Bobby Womack, Diana Krall, June Christy, Brenda Lee, and Astrud Gilberto, among others. It is played frequently by jazz and popular musicians around the world. Howard was born in Burlington, Iowa. He", "id": "19172597" }, { "contents": "Kathy Sanborn\n\n\nweb site, All About Jazz. Titled \"In the Biz,\" the column featured Sanborn's interviews with jazz colleagues such as David Longoria, Arun Shenoy, Carol Albert, Roberta Piket, and many more. The column focused on the business of jazz music today, and how jazz musicians can best promote themselves and their music. Sanborn's eighth album, \"Recollecting You\", released August 4, 2017. A single from the album, \"Falling,\" won a 2017 Clouzine International Music Award for Best Jazz", "id": "2591091" }, { "contents": "Tony Bennett discography\n\n\nThe discography of American traditional pop and jazz singer Tony Bennett consists of 57 studio albums, eleven live albums, thirty-one compilation albums, three video albums, one extended play and 81 singles. Almost all of Bennett's albums have been released by Columbia Records. The biggest selling of his albums in the US have been \"I Left My Heart in San Francisco\", \"\", \"\" and \"Duets II\", all of which were certified platinum by the RIAA for shipping one million copies. Nine other", "id": "2610836" }, { "contents": "All of Me (jazz standard)\n\n\nyears later, Lynne Sherman's recording with Count Basie and His Orchestra reached No. 14 in the charts. Frank Sinatra recorded several versions of \"All of Me\". His 1948 release peaked at No. 21. He also sang it in the film \"Meet Danny Wilson\", which may have helped Johnnie Ray's rendition up to No. 12 in the charts that year. Sinatra's use of \"All of Me\" brought a non-jazz audience to the song, and so too did Willie Nelson,", "id": "8088975" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Macbride\n\n\nJimmy Macbride (born May 10, 1991) is an American jazz drummer and composer. He is the older brother of jazz pianist, composer and film maker Alma Macbride. Raised in West Hartford, Connecticut, Macbride grew up in an artistic family—his father a composer of classical music and his mother a visual artist. He developed an early interest in jazz from listening to his parents' cassettes of Frank Sinatra and began to perform professionally while in the third grade. He later attended Hall High School where he participated in", "id": "12474428" }, { "contents": "Shelly Manne\n\n\nwith the Count Basie orchestra. Over decades, Manne recorded additional albums, or sometimes just sat in on drums here and there, with renowned vocalists like Ella Fitzgerald, Mel Tormé, Peggy Lee, Frank Sinatra, Ernestine Anderson, Sarah Vaughan, Lena Horne, Blossom Dearie, and Nancy Wilson. Not all the singers Manne accompanied were even primarily jazz artists. Performers as diverse as Teresa Brewer, Leontyne Price, Tom Waits, and Barry Manilow included Manne in their recording sessions. At first, jazz was heard in film", "id": "6013462" }, { "contents": "Tony Lombardo\n\n\nmistake of my life because I think \"Wow, I could have exhausted my creative potential into the band.\" I'd like to think we would have moved into a punk/jazz direction, like \"Tonyage\". I guess most people say they have no regrets in life. Yes, I still do regret that. I will always regret that. It was my insecurities. To go on the road, to leave this woman, my house, my job...I wasn't a 17 year-old kid", "id": "21317445" }, { "contents": "Niels Lan Doky\n\n\n- that rare thing in the jazz of our time, an original voice in the great tradition.\" At the age of 15, Niels Lan Doky began working with Thad Jones and other big names in jazz. \"Some of the most inspirational and influential people in my life have been the many expatriate American jazz artists living in Denmark that I had the fortune to meet as I was growing up. Jazz geniuses such as Thad Jones, Ernie Wilkins, Kenny Drew, Ed Thigpen and many more were living and playing around", "id": "16583062" } ]
I love red. It's my favorite color! Red is the colour at the end of the visible spectrum of light My favorite red is Ketchup red.
[{"answer": "Its a is a cult Quebec comic book series featuring FBI\u2019s crazed rogue agent, Steve \u201cRed\u201d Ketchup.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "53203497", "title": "Red Ketchup", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 103, "bleu_score": 0.6643548861507491, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Red\n\n\nRed is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light, next to orange and opposite violet. It has a dominant wavelength of approximately 625–740 nanometres. It is a primary color in the RGB color model and the CMYK color model, and is the complementary color of cyan. Reds range from the brilliant yellow-tinged scarlet and vermillion to bluish-red crimson, and vary in shade from the pale red pink to the dark red burgundy. The red sky at sunset results from Rayleigh scattering, while the red", "id": "6274069" }, { "contents": "Multi-spectral camouflage\n\n\nin the visible spectrum. The English zoologist Hugh Cott, in his 1940 book \"Adaptive Coloration in Animals\", wrote that some caterpillars such as the eyed hawk-moth \"Smerinthus ocellatus\", and tree frogs such as the red-snouted treefrog \"Hyla coerulea\", are coloured so as to blend with their backgrounds whether observed in visible light or in infra-red. Cott noted the importance of camouflage in the infra-red, given the ability of tactical reconnaissance to observe in this part of the spectrum:", "id": "21155724" }, { "contents": "Opticks\n\n\nan inherent property of material objects or of light itself. For example, he demonstrates that a red violet (magenta) color can be mixed by overlapping the red and violet ends of two spectra, although this color does not appear in the spectrum and therefore is not a \"color of light\". By connecting the red and violet ends of the spectrum, he organised all colours as a color circle that both quantitatively predicts color mixtures and qualitatively describes the perceived similarity among hues. Newton's visionary contribution to prismatic dispersion was", "id": "21980453" }, { "contents": "Magenta\n\n\nviolet. Violet and red, the two components of magenta, are at opposite ends of the visible spectrum and have very different wavelengths. The additive secondary color magenta, as noted above, is made by combining violet and red light at equal intensity; it is not present in the spectrum itself. In optics, fuchsia and magenta are essentially the same color. The web colors fuchsia and magenta are completely identical, and are made by mixing exactly the same proportions of blue and red light. In design and printing, there", "id": "2536543" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nmoving at different speeds in transparent matter, red light moving more quickly than violet in glass. The result is that red light is bent (refracted) less sharply than violet as it passes through the prism, creating a spectrum of colors. In the 18th century, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote about optical spectra in his \"Theory of Colours\". Goethe used the word \"spectrum\" (\"Spektrum\") to designate a ghostly optical afterimage, as did Schopenhauer in \"On Vision and Colors\". Goethe argued that", "id": "19170767" }, { "contents": "Color of water\n\n\npipe that is filled with purified water and closed at both ends with a transparent window. The light turquoise blue colour is caused by weak absorption in the red part of the visible spectrum. Absorptions in the visible spectrum are usually attributed to excitations of electronic energy states in matter. Water is a simple three-atom molecule, HO, and all its electronic absorptions occur in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum and are therefore not responsible for the colour of water in the visible region of the spectrum. The water molecule has", "id": "14729884" }, { "contents": "Underwater environment\n\n\nfloats on the surface. With increasing depth underwater, sunlight is absorbed, and the amount of visible light diminishes. Because absorption is greater for long wavelengths (red end of the visible spectrum) than for short wavelengths (blue end of the visible spectrum), the colour spectrum is rapidly altered with increasing depth. White objects at the surface appear bluish underwater, and red objects appear dark, even black. Although light penetration will be less if water is turbid, in the very clear water of the open ocean less than", "id": "9660424" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nblue light, with the blue twice as bright as the red. This is not true violet, for it does not match the color of a single wavelength shorter than that of blue light. The color's name is derived from the violet flower. Violet and purple look similar, but violet is a spectral color, with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light. Purple is a dichromatic color, made by combining blue and red. Amethyst is a notable violet crystal, its colour arising from iron and", "id": "17168646" }, { "contents": "Blue iceberg\n\n\nblue) due to Rayleigh scattering, much in the same way that makes the sky blue. Light is absorbed and reflected in water. Visible white light is made up of a spectrum of colors from the rainbow, ranging from red to violet. As the light travels through the water, the waves of light from the red end of the spectrum dissipate (i.e. are absorbed), while those from the blue end, become more prominent. Underwater divers have direct experience of these effects. Above the water, all the colors", "id": "1782236" }, { "contents": "ChromaDepth\n\n\na patented process called ChromaDepth™. Glasses with ChromaDepth™ diffraction lenses create an artificial visual depth. “Warm” colors, toward the infrared end of the spectrum, appear closer, and ‘cool” colors toward the violet end appear further away.Any 2D media piece in colors can be given a 3D effect as long as the color spectrum is put into use with the foreground being in red, and the background in blue. From front to back the scheme follows the visible light spectrum, from red to orange,", "id": "7025758" }, { "contents": "Far-red\n\n\nFar-red light is light at the extreme red end of the visible spectrum, just before infra-red light. Usually regarded as the region between 710 and 850 nm wavelength, it is dimly visible to some organisms' eyes. It is largely reflected or transmitted by plants because of the absorbance spectrum of chlorophyll, and it is perceived by the plant photoreceptor phytochrome. However, some organisms can use it as a source of energy in photosynthesis. Far-red light also is used for vision by certain organisms such as", "id": "17309318" }, { "contents": "(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes\n\n\n(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes\", entitled \"Monster Went and Ate My Red 2\". In the song, Costello sings with Elmo, who is dressed in Costello's style, in a performance described by \"Huffington Post\" as \"awesome\". \"(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes\" has long been a favorite of Costello's live setlist. Costello performed the song live at solo shows before \"My Aim Is True\" was released. Costello performed the song with his new", "id": "7524651" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nconfidence of a red necktie with the sense of peace and cooperation of a blue necktie, and it went well with the blue business suit worn by most national and corporate leaders. Violet is at one end of the spectrum of visible light, between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. It has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colors. It is the color the eye sees looking at light with a wavelength of between 380 and 450 nanometers. In the traditional color wheel used by painters, violet and purple lie between red and", "id": "17168662" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nall other colors in the visible spectrum except for red. The red light, not being absorbed, reflects off the paint and is what we see. This name mechanism describes the color of material objects – note that light is not a material object – and so applies to the yellow paint as well. Making recourse to the figure above demonstrating additive color mixing, one sees that yellow light is composed of an (additive) mixture of red and green light. When we mix the two paints, the resulting substance has red", "id": "4179390" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\ncomposite color, made by combining red, yellow and black.. It can be thought of as dark orange, but it can also be made in other ways. In the RGB color model, which uses red, green and blue light in various combinations to make all the colors on computer and television screens, it is made by mixing red and green light. In terms of the visible spectrum, \"brown\" refers to high wavelength (low frequency) hues, yellow, orange, or red, in combination with low", "id": "17937417" }, { "contents": "(486958) 2014 MU69\n\n\na cloud of icy particles. The surface color of is red. Its color and spectrum was first measured by the Hubble Space Telescope, which revealed its red spectral slope. The color of closely matches the reddish colors of other known Kuiper belt objects, and it is more red than the dwarf planet Pluto. Due to its strong red color, is considered an 'ultra red' object by the \"New Horizons\" team. The observed spectrum of displays a strong red spectral slope extending from the red visible spectrum to the", "id": "4386548" }, { "contents": "I Love Lucy\n\n\nLove Lucy\" films back to CBS for over four million dollars. In 1962, two years after their marriage dissolved, Lucy bought out Desi's shares of Desilu, becoming the studio's sole owner. She eventually sold off Desilu in 1967 to Gulf+Western, owners of Paramount Pictures. After the sale, Desilu-Cahuenga became a private production company and was known as Ren-Mar Studios till 2010, when it was acquired by the Red Digital Cinema Camera Company and renamed Red Studios – Hollywood. As with \"My Favorite", "id": "14489607" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\nBells Will Be Ringing)\" charted on the \"Billboard\" Adult Contemporary chart, peaking at numbers 5 and 6, respectively, whereas \"My Favorite Things\", \"Run Run Rudolph\", \"Please Come Home for Christmas (Bells Will Be Ringing)\", \"Silent Night\" and \"Wrapped in Red\" peaked on the \"Billboard\" Canada AC chart at numbers 8, 7, 14, 22, and 49, respectively. \"My Favorite Things\" also charted on the \"Billboard\" Mexican Airplay", "id": "19916629" }, { "contents": "Brownian noise\n\n\nIn science, Brownian noise (), also known as Brown noise or red noise, is the kind of signal noise produced by Brownian motion, hence its alternative name of random walk noise. The term \"Brown noise\" does not come from the color, but after Robert Brown, the discoverer of Brownian motion. The term \"red noise\" comes from the \"white noise\"/\"white light\" analogy; red noise is strong in longer wavelengths, similar to the red end of the visible spectrum. The graphic representation of the", "id": "11573548" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\ncolor in the RGB color model and the light just past this range is called infrared, or below red, and cannot be seen by human eyes, although it can be sensed as heat. In the language of optics, red is the color evoked by light that stimulates neither the S or the M (short and medium wavelength) cone cells of the retina, combined with a fading stimulation of the L (long-wavelength) cone cells. Primates can distinguish the full range of the colors of the spectrum visible", "id": "6274073" }, { "contents": "Bob LeMond\n\n\nradio sitcom \"My Favorite Husband\" from 1948 until 1951. He continued to work with Ball as the announcer for the pilot episode of the television show which eventually became \"I Love Lucy\". (This original pilot episode, which never aired, was lost for many years before being rediscovered in 2000 or 2001). LeMond's other blossoming television and radio credits during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s included \"Leave It to Beaver\", \"The Red Skelton Show\", \"Red Skelton\", \"Bat Masterson", "id": "16801096" }, { "contents": "Chrysoberyl\n\n\nthe visible light spectrum. Because human vision is most sensitive to green light and least sensitive to red light, alexandrite appears greenish in daylight where the full spectrum of visible light is present, and reddish in incandescent light which emits less green and blue spectrum. This color change is independent of any change of hue with viewing direction through the crystal that would arise from pleochroism. Alexandrite from the Ural Mountains in Russia can be green by daylight and red by incandescent light. Other varieties of alexandrite may be yellowish or pink in daylight", "id": "5055717" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nall forms of artificial lighting), the resulting spectrum will appear a slightly different color. [[Red]] paint, viewed under [[blue]] light, may appear [[black]]. Red paint is red because it scatters only the red components of the spectrum. If red paint is illuminated by blue light, it will be absorbed by the red paint, creating the appearance of a black object. Structural colors are colors caused by interference effects rather than by pigments. Color effects are produced when", "id": "6127849" }, { "contents": "Daguerreotype\n\n\nused in the 19th century, the plate, sensitized by fuming with iodine alone, was developed by overall exposure to sunlight passing through yellow or red glass. The silver iodide in its unexposed condition was insensitive to the red end of the visible spectrum of light and was unaffected, but the latent image created in the camera by the blue, violet and ultraviolet rays color-sensitized each point on the plate proportionally, so that this color-filtered \"sunbath\" intensified it to full visibility, as if the plate had been", "id": "14585601" }, { "contents": "Disruptive Pattern Material\n\n\nare disruptively patterned in the Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP). Current issued DPM equipment is IRR (Infrared Reflective) coated. This coating has a specific reflective wavelength in order to blend in with natural colours in the infra-red light spectrum. This reduces the visibility of soldiers to night vision devices, which detect infra-red light, as trees and other green plants reflect deep red and infra-red light (the Wood Effect). A desert variant was first issued on a limited basis in the late 1980s", "id": "9091349" }, { "contents": "Photographic film\n\n\nlight was unimportant; a red window could be used to view the frame numbers on the paper backing of roll film, as any red light which leaked around the backing would not fog the film; and red lighting could be used in darkrooms. With the introduction of panchromatic film, the whole visible spectrum needed to be brought to an acceptably sharp focus. In all cases a color cast in the lens glass or faint colored reflections in the image were of no consequence as they would merely change the contrast a little. This", "id": "13975799" }, { "contents": "Actinism\n\n\nEarly \"non colour-sensitive\" (NCS) films, plates and papers were only sensitive to the high-energy end of the visible spectrum from green to UV (shorter-wavelength light). This would render a print of the red areas as a very dark tone because the red light was not actinic. Typically, light from xenon flash lamps is highly actinic, as is daylight as both contain significant green-to-UV light. In the first half of the 20th century, developments in film technology produced", "id": "3509310" }, { "contents": "Scarlet (color)\n\n\nScarlet is a brilliant red color, sometimes with a slightly orange tinge. In the spectrum of visible light, and on the traditional color wheel, it is one-quarter of the way between red and orange, slightly less orange than vermilion. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, scarlet and other bright shades of red are the colors most associated with courage, force, passion, heat, and joy. In the Roman Catholic Church, scarlet is the color worn by a cardinal, and is associated with", "id": "15173244" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\nindigo. Purple colors are colors that are various blends of violet or blue light with red light. Red is any of a number of similar colors evoked by light, consisting predominantly of the longest wavelengths discernible by the human eye, in the wavelength range of roughly 625–750 nm. It is considered one of the additive primary colors. White is a balanced combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum, or of a pair of complementary colors, or of three or more colors, such as additive primary colors. It", "id": "21568932" }, { "contents": "Spectral color\n\n\nA spectral color is a color that is evoked in a normal human by a single wavelength of light in the visible spectrum, or by a relatively narrow band of wavelengths, also known as monochromatic light. Every wavelength of visible light is perceived as a spectral color, in a continuous spectrum; the colors of sufficiently close wavelengths are indistinguishable for the human eye. The spectrum is often divided into named colors, though any division is somewhat arbitrary; the spectrum is continuous. Traditional colors in English include: red, orange,", "id": "2692471" }, { "contents": "Painting\n\n\nword \"red\", for example, can cover a wide range of variations from the pure red of the visible spectrum of light. There is not a formalized register of different colors in the way that there is agreement on different notes in music, such as F or C♯. For a painter, color is not simply divided into basic (primary) and derived (complementary or mixed) colors (like red, blue, green, brown, etc.). Painters deal practically with pigments, so \"blue\" for", "id": "13725020" }, { "contents": "List of colors by shade\n\n\ncool grays\"). This gray color template includes both achromatic and chromatic grays. Magenta is variously defined as a purplish-red, reddish-purple, or a mauvish–crimson color. On color wheels of the RGB and CMY color models, it is located midway between red and blue, opposite green. Complements of magenta are evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 500–530 nm. It is considered one of the subtractive primary colors. Orange is the color in the visible spectrum between", "id": "21568930" }, { "contents": "A Red, Red Rose\n\n\n\"A Red, Red Rose\" is a 1794 song in Scots by Robert Burns based on traditional sources. The song is also referred to by the title \"Oh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose\", \"My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose\" or \"Red, Red Rose\" and is often published as a poem. poem O my Luve's like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in june; O my Luve's like the melodie That’s sweetly play'd in", "id": "10295828" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nthe red end (longest wavelength) of the visible spectrum. The sensitivity of normal color vision actually depends on the overlap between the absorption ranges of the three systems: different colors are recognized when the different types of cone are stimulated to different degrees. Red light, for example, stimulates the long wavelength cones much more than either of the others, and reducing the wavelength causes the other two cone systems to be increasingly stimulated, causing a gradual change in hue. Many of the genes involved in color vision are on the", "id": "7540034" }, { "contents": "The Stripped Tour\n\n\nreplied, \"Just because my album is called 'Stripped,' doesn't mean you can take my clothes off\". Following the video interlude of \"Loving Me 4 Me\", she performed the ballad \"Impossible\". She changed into a \"silky empire-waisted\" red dress to channel her favorite singer, Etta James, and performed James' two hits, \"At Last\" and \"I Prefer You\". The rendition of \"Lady Marmalade\" from the soundtrack \"Moulin Rouge!\" was described", "id": "9369384" }, { "contents": "How Can I Love You More?\n\n\nimages of the previous single's artwork; the blue/green/white vertical lines from the original \"How Can I Love You More?\", the colourful circles on \"Colour My Life\", the square red blocks from \"Excited\" and the plain red flower on \"Someday\". It does this by using square photos of each of the band set up in the shape of a flower pattern with vertical colour lines in each picture. Some of these pictures can also be seen in the sleeve of the re", "id": "16110371" }, { "contents": "I Am Weasel\n\n\nWeasel\", where a monkey is said to be chasing a weasel. Also, the fact that the Red Guy doesn't wear panties was controversial for many people, as he said: \"The thing that I never thought that I'd get approval for was the Red Guy. The mere fact that he didn't wear pants was a challenge for a lot of people and I am glad Cartoon Network let it go - he's my favorite character\". Production began around April 1996 and the show was inserted as a", "id": "10479690" }, { "contents": "Phytochrome\n\n\nPhytochromes are a class of photoreceptor in plants, bacteria and fungi use to detect light. They are sensitive to light in the red and far-red region of the visible spectrum and can be classed as either Type I, which are activated by far-red light, or Type II that are activated by red light. Recent advances have suggested that phytochromes also act as temperature sensors, as warmer temperatures enhance their de-activation. All of these factors contribute to the plants ability to germinate. Phytochromes control many aspects of", "id": "6465027" }, { "contents": "Nanoco\n\n\nthe visible spectrum, limiting the range of colours that can be displayed. One solution is to integrate QDs into LCD backlight units to improve the colour quality. Green and red QDs can be used in combination with blue LED backlights; the blue light excites the QDs, which convert some of the light into highly pure green and red light to expand the range of colours that the LCD screen can display. Over the years, techniques have been developed for medical imaging using fluorescent dyes, as a powerful tool for the diagnosis and", "id": "20167706" }, { "contents": "Diva Starz\n\n\nher favorite color. She had a pet dog named Budster (nicknamed \"Buddy\"). Voiced by Joanna Rubiner. Summer (Irish-American, light tone skin, red hair, green eyes) - a model citizen who'd \"\"love the outdoors so much, that she'd bring it inside\"\", she was an animal lover and compassionate environmentalist. She also owned many pets, including a pet rabbit named Sunny Bunny. Her representation color was green, which was also her favorite color. She was", "id": "20635771" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\ngreen-blue (RGB) color system, the method used to create colors on a television screen or computer display. (In fact, the only monochromatic colors of light that can be produced by this color system are the red, green, and blue that define it.) However, the system is capable of approximating it due to the fact that the L-cone (red cone) in the eye is uniquely sensitive to two different discontinuous regions in the visible spectrum – its primary region being the long wavelength light", "id": "17168676" }, { "contents": "Trans-Neptunian object\n\n\ncolors from blue-grey (neutral) to very red, but unlike the centaurs, clearly regrouped into two classes, the distribution appears to be uniform. The wide range of spectra differ in reflectivity in visible red and near infrared. Neutral objects present a flat spectrum, reflecting as much red and infrared as visible spectrum. Very red objects present a steep slope, reflecting much more in red and infrared. A recent attempt at classification (common with centaurs) uses the total of four classes from BB (blue, average", "id": "11862461" }, { "contents": "Liberal paradox\n\n\nand hates red. Bob loves the color green and hates yellow. If each were free to choose the color of their house independently of the other, they would choose their favorite colors. But Alice hates Bob with a passion, and she would gladly endure a red house if it meant that Bob would have to endure his house being yellow. Bob similarly hates Alice, and would gladly endure a yellow house if that meant that Alice would live in a red house. If each individual is free to choose their own house", "id": "14221543" }, { "contents": "Mercury-vapor lamp\n\n\nvapor lamps are coated on the inside of the outer bulb with a phosphor that converts some portion of the ultraviolet emissions into red light. This helps to fill in the otherwise very-deficient red end of the electromagnetic spectrum. These lamps are generally called \"color corrected\" lamps. Most modern mercury vapor lamps have this coating. One of the original complaints against mercury lights was they tended to make people look like \"bloodless corpses\" because of the lack of light from the red end of the spectrum. A common method", "id": "9636318" }, { "contents": "Resurs-DK No.1\n\n\nblue band (0.4 - 0.5 µm). However, it is possible to combine red, green and near IR in such way that the appearance of the displayed image resembles a visible colour photograph, i.e. vegetation in green, water in blue, soil in brown. This is not always possible because two similarly coloured objects can have completely different reactions to near IR light. Green, red and near IR are typically combined to make a traditional false color composite where the near IR is displayed in red, the red is displayed", "id": "754974" }, { "contents": "Sycorax (moon)\n\n\nsatellite of Uranus, comparable in size with Puck and with Himalia, the biggest irregular satellite of Jupiter. The satellite appears \"light-red\" in the visible spectrum (colour indices , , ), redder than Himalia but still less red than most Kuiper belt objects. However, in the near infrared, the spectrum turns blue between 0.8 and 1.25 μm and finally becomes neutral at the longer wavelengths. The rotation period of Sycorax is estimated at about 3.6 hours. Rotation causes periodical variations of the visible magnitude with the amplitude", "id": "12893404" }, { "contents": "Heat Rush\n\n\nRed Vanilla Orchid. Heat Rush is fresher and lighter and the Yellow Tiger Orchid is the top note in the fragrance. I love them both for different reasons but they both feature my favorite flower, which is the orchid.\" She further stated that \"It may be too much like fruit. Everyone's not gonna like it, but I like it... It's too safe... It's sexy, I like it\". Heat Rush is presented in a \"sophisticated and dazzling\" bright orange flacon. The", "id": "15988241" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\n, objects that reflect both red and blue light may appear to just be blue to these individuals. Deuteranopes, who are missing medium wavelength sensitive cones, are similar to protanopes in that they cannot distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red part of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, deuteranopes do not suffer from dimming issues. For example, purple colors are not seen as being opposite to other colours in the spectrum but instead appear to be similar. Tritanopes are missing the short wavelength sensitive opsins and see short wavelength", "id": "14122577" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nthey can only be made from a mix of multiple wavelengths. Colors containing only one wavelength are also called pure colors or spectral colors. Visible wavelengths pass largely unattenuated through the Earth's atmosphere via the \"optical window\" region of the electromagnetic spectrum. An example of this phenomenon is when clean air scatters blue light more than red light, and so the midday sky appears blue. The optical window is also referred to as the \"visible window\" because it overlaps the human visible response spectrum. The near infrared (NIR", "id": "19170764" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\ncolor wheel used by painters, violet and purple are both placed between red and blue. Purple occupies the space closer to red, between crimson and violet. Violet is closer to blue, and usually less intense and bright than purple. From the point of view of optics, violet is a real color: it occupies its own place at the end of the visible spectrum, and was one of the seven spectral colors of the spectrum first described by Isaac Newton in 1672. In the additive color system, used to create", "id": "17168649" }, { "contents": "The Red Woman\n\n\nwhether the character Jon Snow would remain dead or return to life. Fans speculated that Melisandre would be the one to bring back Snow to life, after and before the title of the first episode was revealed to be \"The Red Woman\". Liam Cunningham, who portrays Davos Seaworth, spoke about the writing of the episode following its airing, and revealed how he reacted to the scene, saying \"It was initially shocking. You know what I thought was my favorite bit, and I said it to David and Dan", "id": "12236509" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n: \"Christmas changes, it morphs, it comes to life a little more… It's just a happier time.\" The tenth track, \"White Christmas\", was the first song to be recorded for \"Wrapped in Red\". A cover of Rodgers and Hammerstein's \"My Favorite Things\" follows up as the eleventh track. Clarkson opted for the Broadway performance of the song to stray away from Julie Andrews' version, citing: \"I think you shouldn't go near anywhere of what she's doing", "id": "19916600" }, { "contents": "Light\n\n\na red glow, then a white one, and finally a blue-white colour as the peak moves out of the visible part of the spectrum and into the ultraviolet. These colours can be seen when metal is heated to \"red hot\" or \"white hot\". Blue-white thermal emission is not often seen, except in stars (the commonly seen pure-blue colour in a gas flame or a welder's torch is in fact due to molecular emission, notably by CH radicals (emitting a wavelength band", "id": "18170449" }, { "contents": "Radiation\n\n\nvisible spectrum the body is black, while when it is above the body is blue-white, since all the visible colors are represented from blue decreasing to red. Electromagnetic radiation of wavelengths other than visible light were discovered in the early 19th century. The discovery of infrared radiation is ascribed to William Herschel, the astronomer. Herschel published his results in 1800 before the Royal Society of London. Herschel, like Ritter, used a prism to refract light from the Sun and detected the infrared (beyond the red part of the", "id": "6328672" }, { "contents": "Red banana\n\n\nRed bananas are a group of varieties of banana with reddish-purple skin. Some are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana, others much larger. When ripe, raw red bananas have a flesh that is cream to light pink in color. They are also softer and sweeter than the yellow Cavendish varieties, some with a slight raspberry flavor and others with an earthy one. Many red bananas are exported by producers in East Africa, Asia, South America and the United Arab Emirates. They are a favorite in Central", "id": "8446880" }, { "contents": "Color of water\n\n\nnm, other harmonics such as v +v + 3v giving red absorption at 660 nm. The absorption curve for heavy water (DO) is of a similar shape, but is shifted further towards the infrared end of the spectrum, because the vibrational transitions have a lower energy. For this reason, heavy water does not absorb red light and thus large bodies of DO would lack the characteristic blue colour of the more commonly-found light water (HO). Absorption intensity decreases markedly with each successive overtone, resulting in", "id": "14729886" }, { "contents": "My Red Joystick\n\n\n\"My Red Joystick\" is a song written and recorded by American musician Lou Reed, released as both a 7\" and 12\" single from his thirteenth solo studio album, \"New Sensations\" (1984). Following the minor success of \"I Love You, Suzanne\", \"My Red Joystick\" was released as the second single from the album however it failed to chart. Like \"I Love You, Suzanne\" it also had an official music video made for it, featuring the same blond woman who", "id": "13427929" }, { "contents": "Purple\n\n\nPurple is a color intermediate between blue and red. It is similar to violet, but unlike violet, which is a spectral color with its own wavelength on the visible spectrum of light, purple is a secondary color made by combining red and blue. The complementary color of purple in the RYB color model is yellow. According to surveys in Europe and North America, purple is the color most often associated with rarity, royalty, magic, mystery, and piety. When combined with pink, it is associated with eroticism,", "id": "17168672" }, { "contents": "Red Rising\n\n\nwritten the first two drafts. Brown said in March 2016, \"I have written the first two drafts of the film and now we're on the third. Hopefully it will be greenlit this year. The vision from the film makers is \"Lawrence of Arabia\" in space', which is terribly exciting for me as it's my favorite film.\" The rights eventually reverted back to Brown, and in January 2018 he said he was developing \"Red Rising\" as a television series. Brown confirmed in October 2018", "id": "3886793" }, { "contents": "Brown\n\n\nluminance or saturation. Since \"brown\" may cover a wide range of the visible spectrum, composite adjectives are used such as red brown, yellowish brown, dark brown or light brown. As a color of low intensity, brown is a tertiary color: a mix of the three subtractive primary colors is brown if the cyan content is low. Brown exists as a color perception only in the presence of a brighter color contrast. Yellow, orange, red, or rose objects are still perceived as such if the general illumination", "id": "17937418" }, { "contents": "Line of purples\n\n\nIn color theory, the line of purples or purple boundary is the locus on the edge of the chromaticity diagram formed between extreme spectral red and violet. Except for these endpoints of the line, colors on the line are non-spectral (no monochromatic light source can generate them). Rather, every color on the line is a unique mixture in a ratio of fully saturated red and fully saturated violet, the two spectral color endpoints of visibility on the spectrum of pure hues. Colors on the line and spectral colors are", "id": "3406852" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsoul\", he wrote. \"A certain red affects your blood pressure.\" He also was familiar with the way that complementary colors, such as red and green, strengthened each other when they were placed next to each other. He wrote, \"My choice of colors is not based on scientific theory; it is based on observation, upon feelings, upon the real nature of each experience ... I just try to find a color which corresponds to my feelings.\" Later in the century, the American artist Mark", "id": "6274134" }, { "contents": "Incandescence\n\n\n˚F), with a mildly dull red color, whether or not a chemical reaction takes place that produces light as a result of an exothermic process. This limit is called the Draper point. The incandescence does not vanish below that temperature, but it is too weak in the visible spectrum to be perceivable. At higher temperatures, the substance becomes brighter and its color changes from red towards white and finally blue. Incandescence is exploited in incandescent light bulbs, in which a filament is heated to a temperature at which a fraction", "id": "2160085" }, { "contents": "Color temperature\n\n\n3200 K and 3400 K tungsten lamps or to correct for the slightly blue cast of some flash tubes, which may be 6000 K. If there is more than one light source with varied color temperatures, one way to balance the color is to use daylight film and place color-correcting gel filters over each light source. Photographers sometimes use color temperature meters. These are usually designed to read only two regions along the visible spectrum (red and blue); more expensive ones read three regions (red, green, and blue", "id": "7416969" }, { "contents": "Cat senses\n\n\nsome colors and can tell the difference between red, blue and yellow lights, as well as between red and green lights. Cats are able to distinguish between blues and violets better than between colors near the red end of the spectrum. But cats can't see the same richness of hues and saturation of colors that humans can. A 2014 study found that, along with several other mammals, cats lenses transmit significant amounts of ultraviolet (UVA 315–400 nm) light, which suggests that they possess sensitivity to this part of the", "id": "13406320" }, { "contents": "Night vision\n\n\nand instead is viewed by the red sensitive cone cells. Another theory posits that since stars typically emit light with shorter wavelengths, the light from stars will be in the blue-green color spectrum. Therefore, using red light to navigate would not desensitize the receptors used to detect star light. Using red light for night vision is less effective for people with red–green color blindness, due to their insensitivity to red light. Many animals have a tissue layer called the \"tapetum lucidum\" in the back of the eye", "id": "13586059" }, { "contents": "(Sittin' On) The Dock of the Bay\n\n\nAlbum Rock Tracks chart. Zelma Redding, Otis's widow, said she was so moved by Bolton's performance \"that it brought tears to my eyes. It reminded me so much of my husband that I know if he heard it, he would feel the same.\" In a framed letter that hangs on the wall of Bolton's office, she referred to the record as \"my all-time favorite version of my husband's classic.\" In April 2013, Justin Timberlake performed the song as part of a", "id": "11849745" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\nhospital just passing by, a Mr Rousseau. He, too, refused and so the next passer-by, the administrator of the hospital, was offered the painting - and he, a certain Mr Neuvière, is said to have accepted. Rey later reminisced: \"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting", "id": "7561443" }, { "contents": "Blueshift\n\n\nA blueshift is any decrease in wavelength (increase in energy), with a corresponding increase in frequency, of an electromagnetic wave; the opposite effect is referred to as redshift. In visible light, this shifts the color from the red end of the spectrum to the blue end. Doppler blueshift is caused by movement of a source towards the observer. The term applies to any decrease in wavelength and increase in frequency caused by relative motion, even outside the visible spectrum. Only objects moving at near-relativistic speeds toward the", "id": "11595225" }, { "contents": "Theory of Colours\n\n\nedges overlap in a light spectrum, green results; when they overlap in a dark spectrum, magenta results. With a light spectrum (i.e. a shaft of light in a surrounding darkness), we find yellow-red colours along the top edge, and blue-violet colours along the bottom edge. The spectrum with green in the middle arises only where the blue-violet edges overlap the yellow-red edges. Unfortunately an optical mixture of blue and yellow gives white, not green, and so Goethe's explanation of", "id": "8282831" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\npopulation either cannot distinguish red from green, or see red and green differently from how others do (Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 2006). More than 95 percent of all variations in human color vision involve the red and green receptors in male eyes. It is very rare for males or females to be \"blind\" to the blue end of the spectrum. The first scientific paper on the subject of color blindness, \"Extraordinary facts relating to the vision of colours\", was published by the English chemist John Dalton", "id": "7540060" }, { "contents": "Grow light\n\n\nthat providing predominately blue and red light spectrum is relatively efficient. Different grow lights produce different spectrums of light. Plant growth patterns can respond to the color spectrum of light, a process completely separate from photosynthesis known as photomorphogenesis. Natural daylight has a high color temperature (approximately 5000-5800 K). Visible light color varies according to the weather and the angle of the Sun, and specific quantities of light (measured in lumens) stimulate photosynthesis. The axis of the Earth is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit", "id": "5155502" }, { "contents": "Weezer (Red Album)\n\n\nby Patrick Wilson and features him on lead vocals, saying that the song \"is interesting. It's a big rock tune but it's kinda got a vibe to it and the lyrics are just about me wanting to give as much love as I can to my family...\" \"The Angel and the One\" serves as the album's closer. Some members of the band have claimed that this is their favorite track, including Pat Wilson. Cuomo stated that initially the song \"started out as a really standard pop", "id": "16450277" }, { "contents": "Austenite\n\n\nmechanical properties, often using the annealing, quenching, and tempering processes. In this context, the color of light, or \"blackbody radiation,\" emitted by the workpiece is an approximate gauge of temperature. Temperature is often gauged by watching the color temperature of the work, with the transition from a deep cherry-red to orange-red ( to ) corresponding to the formation of austenite in medium and high-carbon steel. In the visible spectrum, this glow increases in brightness as temperature increases, and when cherry", "id": "8424143" }, { "contents": "The Immortal Otis Redding\n\n\n\", \"Amen\", and \"Hard to Handle\". Writing for \"Creem\" magazine in 1977, Robert Christgau called \"The Immortal Otis Redding\" his favorite album by Redding and \"probably among my five most-played LPs\", because it \"showcases the unduplicated warmth, tenderness, and humor of his ballad singing\". The following year, it was voted the 33rd best album ever in Paul Gambaccini's poll of prominent rock critics, published in his book \"Rock Critics' Choice: The Top", "id": "16448390" }, { "contents": "Visible spectrum\n\n\nPlant species that depend on insect pollination may owe reproductive success to their appearance in ultraviolet light rather than how colorful they appear to humans. Birds, too, can see into the ultraviolet (300–400 nm), and some have sex-dependent markings on their plumage that are visible only in the ultraviolet range. Many animals that can see into the ultraviolet range cannot see red light or any other reddish wavelengths. Bees' visible spectrum ends at about 590 nm, just before the orange wavelengths start. Birds can see some", "id": "19170770" }, { "contents": "Atmospheric optics\n\n\nBluish-grey is the result of light scattering within the cloud. In the visible spectrum, blue and green are at the short end of light's visible wavelengths, while red and yellow are at the long end. The short rays are more easily scattered by water droplets, and the long rays are more likely to be absorbed. The bluish color is evidence that such scattering is being produced by rain-sized droplets in the cloud. A cumulonimbus cloud emitting green is a sign that it is a severe thunderstorm, capable", "id": "17441314" }, { "contents": "St. Mary's School, Belgaum\n\n\nmy country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage. I shall always strive to be worthy of it. I shall give my parents , teachers and elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy. To my country and my people I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness. /poem Students are divided into four Houses namely Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red. Each house colour is depicted on the student", "id": "17948022" }, { "contents": "Violet (color)\n\n\nViolet is the color at the end of the visible spectrum of light between blue and the invisible ultraviolet. Violet color has a dominant wavelength of approximately 380-450 nanometers. Light with a shorter wavelength than violet but longer than X-rays and gamma rays is called ultraviolet. In the color wheel historically used by painters, it is located between blue and purple. On the screens of computer monitors and television sets, a color which looks similar to violet is made, with the RGB color model, by mixing red and", "id": "17168645" }, { "contents": "Dreamcatcher (Once Upon a Time)\n\n\nand surprising plotline. Andrea Towers of \"Entertainment Weekly\" notes in her assessment of the review, \"I’ve said this over and over, but one of my favorite things this season are the Camelot outfits. I also love how Regina is dressed routinely in red while Emma is dressed in white: similar to how their wardrobe choices reflected their intentions back in the first season.\" Amy Ratcliffe of \"IGN\" said of the episode, \"The dialogue in tonight's episode was flat and sometimes ridiculous but not necessarily", "id": "15357587" }, { "contents": "(55638) 2002 VE95\n\n\nthe Herschel Space Telescope measurements of the thermal radiation coming from it. In the visible light this object is from moderately red to very red in color (different observations produced different results) and has a featureless reflectance spectrum. The near-infrared spectrum of is flat with two distinct absorption bands of water ice at 1.5 and 2.0 μm. There is the third feature near 2.3 μm of unclear origin. The spectral behavior of this object is similar to 5145 Pholus, a centaur. The surface of is heterogeneous—the amount of", "id": "7510381" }, { "contents": "Full-spectrum photography\n\n\nused to selectively filter portions of the UV, visible and infrared to achieve various effects. For example, a standard red #25a can be used to include red light and infrared light together, yielding particularly strong two-toned color images of a reddish nature except where the infrared is high and shows as cyan. Another example, using UV/IR filters such as the 18A or U-330 yield a two or three toned image in which blues and yellows dominate. Less common filters have been claimed to give a variety of color", "id": "11270223" }, { "contents": "Heat (perfume)\n\n\nbase notes with \"a warm and sexy dry-down\" of giant sequoia milkwood, tonka bean and amber. Reviewers particularly identified tonka bean, neroli and almond, along with woody and floral notes. Following the release of Heat, Beyoncé described its bottle design, scent and inspiration in depth, as follows: A lot of my performances have had fire involved, so we thought 'Heat.' Also, red is one of my favorite colors, as is gold. So then we thought of making the bottle look", "id": "1949307" }, { "contents": "Red Ketchup\n\n\nThanksgiving turkey from foreign threats, Ketchup somehow ends up in Japan investigating sightings of Godzilla-size farm animals. In \"Échec au King\" (\"\"Viva Las Ketchup\"\"), Red is charged with probing paranormal and cryptozoological mysteries, and the Holy Grail of Conspiracy Theories… The Search for Elvis! In \"Red Ketchup en Enfer\" (\"\"Red Ketchup Goes to Hell\"\"), Ketchup dies spectacularly — yet again — but this time it sticks! Landing in the afterlife, he is banished", "id": "14028788" }, { "contents": "Infrared photography\n\n\n. The unexpected colors and effects that infrared film can produce fit well with the psychedelic aesthetic that emerged in the late 1960s. Infrared light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths, just like visible light has wavelengths that range from red light to violet. \"Near infrared\" light is closest in wavelength to visible light and \"far infrared\" is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The longer, far infrared wavelengths are about the size of a", "id": "21746834" }, { "contents": "Red dot sight\n\n\n-emitting diode (LED) at its off axis focus. The mirror has a partially silvered multilayer dielectric dichroic coating designed to reflect just the red spectrum allowing it to pass through most other light. The LED used is usually deep red 670 nanometre wavelength since they are very bright, are high contrast against a green scene, and work well with a dichroic coating since they are near one end of the visible spectrum. The size of the dot generated by the LED is controlled by an aperture hole in front of it made", "id": "14685786" }, { "contents": "Full-spectrum photography\n\n\nin a full spectrum photograph. Similarly if infrared light is entirely blocked, the visible light can overwhelm the recording of the ultraviolet light. So there is no truly full-spectrum photograph that can be made. Full-spectrum photography achieves various effects and surrealistic colors from the interaction of reflectivity (UV, visible, IR) of nature and man made materials and the specific spectral transmission of the red, green and blue filters on the camera. The addition of external filters will reduce and emphasize different interactions, yielding different effects", "id": "11270226" }, { "contents": "Red Ketchup\n\n\nKamarade Ultra\" (\"\"Komrade Ultra\"\") takes Red from the frozen wastes of Antarctica to the streets of Soviet-era Moscow, visiting mayhem and provoking diplomatic incidents along the way. In \"Red Ketchup contre Red Ketchup\" (\"\"Red Ketchup vs. Red Ketchup\"\"), our indestructible hero goes up against an army of killer clones of himself, unleashed by an ex-Nazi scientist bent on kicking off the Fourth Reich. In \"Red Ketchup s'est échappé\" (\"\"Red Ketchup has", "id": "14028785" }, { "contents": "Band head\n\n\nIn spectroscopy a band head is the abrupt edge of a spectroscopic band. When a band is described as degrading to the violet, it means that for wavelengths above the band head wavelength, the spectrum is dark, and below the wavelength the brightness of the band weakens. A band that degrades to the red, conversely means that the band head is a lower limit on wavelength for the band, and it fades off toward longer wavelengths, which in visible light is the red end of the spectrum. If a band spectrum", "id": "4272387" }, { "contents": "Midori Naka\n\n\nsurvived, along with Sadao Maruyama, Keiko Sonoi and Shozo Takayama. Naka later described her experience: When it happened, I was in the kitchen, since it was my turn to make breakfast for the company that morning. I was wearing a light housecoat, colored red and white and had a scarf tied about my head. When a sudden white light filled the room, my first reaction was that the hot water boiler must have exploded. I immediately lost consciousness. When I came to, I was in darkness and", "id": "4872717" }, { "contents": "List of Fruits Basket characters\n\n\na super-sentai–style \"School Defense Force\", and once tries to get the rest of the student council to pick their team colors. When Yuki asked Manabe's younger half sister, Machi, what her favorite color is, Manabe later claimed that he knew that her favorite color was red. Though by saying so heavily implied that he knew about her crush on Yuki, who was decided by Manabe that his color, as president was red. In an author's note, Takaya calls him a good friend", "id": "14652076" }, { "contents": "Marc Douglas Berardo\n\n\nthe Year at Rams Head on Stage in 2013. Quiet Places (featuring Red Molly) Passing Through and Ruby from the Downhauler CD made the FOLKDJ-L radio list of Top Albums and Songs of April 2011. My Mistakes (co-written with Abbie Gardner of Red Molly ) and My Friend from Whalebone made the Folk DJ radio list of the Top Folk Albums, Songs, Artists and Labels of September 2013. Program Director of The Village (Sirius XM) Mary Sue Twohy included Downhauler on her 2011 list of favorite", "id": "21845231" }, { "contents": "Photosynthesis\n\n\nalgae to use the blue end of the spectrum to grow in the deeper waters that filter out the longer wavelengths (red light) used by above ground green plants. The non-absorbed part of the light spectrum is what gives photosynthetic organisms their color (e.g., green plants, red algae, purple bacteria) and is the least effective for photosynthesis in the respective organisms. In plants, light-dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts where they drive the synthesis of ATP and NADPH. The light-", "id": "4838992" }, { "contents": "Jungian archetypes\n\n\npsycho-physical patterns existing in the universe, given specific expression by human consciousness and culture. Jung proposed that the archetype had a dual nature: it exists both in the psyche and in the world at large. He called this non-psychic aspect of the archetype the \"psychoid\" archetype. Jung drew an analogy between the psyche and light on the electromagnetic spectrum. The center of the visible light spectrum (i.e., yellow) corresponds to consciousness, which grades into unconsciousnessness at the red and blue ends. Red corresponds", "id": "15550566" }, { "contents": "Evolution of human colour vision\n\n\nProtanopes, who are missing long wavelength sensitive cones, are unable to distinguish between colours in the green-yellow-red section of the electromagnetic spectrum. They find yellow, red and orange colours to have much lower brightness when compared to a trichromat. The dimming of these colours can result in confusion in many cases, such as when attempting to identify red traffic lights, which appear to be clear. Other colour perception issues include having trouble distinguishing yellows from reds and violet, lavender and purple from blue. In other cases", "id": "14122576" }, { "contents": "Louis Hirsch\n\n\nSea Moon\"), \"The Tickle Toe\", \"Always Together\", \"Garden of Your Dreams\", \"Hold Me in Your Loving Arms\", \"Going Up\", \"My Sumurum Girl\", \"Mary\", \"Love Is Like a Red Red Rose\", \"When I Found You\", \"Beautiful Island of Girls\", \"My Rambler Rose\", \"The Love Nest\", \"I Am Thinking of You\", and \"Annabel Lee\". On May 27", "id": "20812235" }, { "contents": "Body Talks\n\n\nStruts and the song in a statement to \"Rolling Stone\".\"They are one of my favorite current bands keeping the spirit of classic rock and roll alive with their wild energy and sexy style. It’s a song about my favorite activity: boogieing.\" The music video for the Kesha duet was released on 28 August 2018. The video features the band playing the song while Spiller dances around a red backdrop with a cane and Kesha sits on a gold throne, shouting through a megaphone. The duo utilize a number of", "id": "2984161" }, { "contents": "Atmosphere of Jupiter\n\n\nknown exactly what causes the Great Red Spot's reddish color. Theories supported by laboratory experiments suppose that the color may be caused by complex organic molecules, red phosphorus, or yet another sulfur compound. The GRS varies greatly in hue, from almost brick-red to pale salmon, or even white. The higher temperature of the reddest central region is the first evidence that the Spot's color is affected by environmental factors. The spot occasionally disappears from the visible spectrum, becoming evident only through the Red Spot Hollow, which", "id": "10478419" }, { "contents": "9 (Lil' Kim album)\n\n\nmeaning behind her fifth album in a interview with BET on the red carpet at the 2019 BET Awards, “it’s a spiritual awakening number for me. Also, when I started out in Junior M.A.F.I.A. it was 9 members, my daughter was born June 9th, Biggie died March 9th, it is twenty-nineteen. It’s a powerful number for me. One day, you know, I’m very spiritual and one day God was talking to me and I was like ‘7 is my favorite number’ and", "id": "8631501" }, { "contents": "Diving mask\n\n\neye, the refraction is quite noticeable. The view paths refract (bend) in a manner similar to viewing fish kept in an aquarium. Linear polarizing filters decrease visibility underwater by limiting ambient light and dimming artificial light sources. Refraction of light entering the mask makes objects appear about 34% bigger and 25% nearer when underwater. Also pincushion distortion and lateral chromatic aberration are noticeable. As the diver descends in clean water, the water acts as a colour filter eliminating the red end of the visible spectrum of the sunlight entering", "id": "16531544" } ]
I've never dyed my hair before, but I've considered it! Yeah hair dyeing is pretty popular. I like having blonde hair so I haven't changed it. I once had a friend telly me i should dye it a gray ombre, but I am honestly too lazy to care that much. I also like my natural hair color (dark brown) Nice..Yeah I prefer natural hair colors. I usually associate gray and white with age. It's kind of a trend right now, I guess. I've met a few young guys that dye their heir gray. It's more of a silver, really.
[{"answer": "That is interesting. There was a study that was done in Copenhagen that showed 18% of men dye their hair.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 84, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 261, "bleu_score": 0.928663927948396, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Leven Rambin\n\n\nalso the lead counselor of the Ares Cabin 5) and Percy's rival throughout the story. In an interview with \"\", Rambin explained her casting and her time as a brunette, \"Yeah, I was really lucky that Thor was able to see me as a brunette with this blonde hair. That's not typically the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me, I don't think. But when I put on that wig – luckily they didn't dye my hair – and change my", "id": "5391708" }, { "contents": "List of Loveline games\n\n\nYeah Adam: Oh that's cheap, it doesn't involve flight or a hotel or transportation Drew: I hear the smoke's pretty heavy out there today though. Adam: Oh, okay, alright, so now we're up to 1600 dollars because of the smoke. So what do you look like? Caller: I've got dark blond hair, green eyes. Adam: Dark blond? That, that's brown right? Green Eyes? Caller: Yeah Adam: That's good, how much do you", "id": "10481693" }, { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "2016 GEICO 500\n\n\nthe wall head-on at a high rate of speed, said she \"would say that's probably the most scared (I've been), trying to hop out of a car with the fire on the inside. I haven't had fire on the inside before. I've seen it on the outside. Honestly, I was thinking about my hair. I've got a lot of hair and I don't want to lose it. I've had a couple of practice rounds now of getting out of the", "id": "13395466" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Llewyn Davis (character)\n\n\n-foot-five, 250 pound Swede. So I came in, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a photograph of a very well-known musician – and I was encouraged because it was a guy who was a little smaller and a dark haired and had a beard. I was like, \"So you guys have that picture as kind of a reference?\" And they're like, \"Oh yeah. He came in. He killed it.\" The blood just drained out of my", "id": "12447650" }, { "contents": "Cher... Special\n\n\n\"Momma, I'm still here. I've got the same hair, the same bumpy nose and vampire teeth. But you were right, I feel better about myself now\". Then Cher's nine-year-old daughter Chastity asks, \"Mom, have you been into my records again?\" Cher says, \"my children Chastity and Elijah both have blonde hair. I guess they don't have the advantages of having black hair, but nobody told them it was going to be easy.\" Then", "id": "1398070" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Fredi Washington\n\n\n–her blue-gray eyes, pale complexion, and light brown hair–that she might have passed in real life. In 1934 she said the role did not reflect her off-screen life, but \"If I made Peola seem real enough to merit such statements, I consider such statements compliments and makes me feel I've done my job fairly well.\" She told reporters in 1949 she identified as black \"Because I'm honest, firstly, and secondly, you don't have to be white to be", "id": "8402611" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\na teenager: \"When I first went to get my hair colored, I was about 14 and I wanted blonde highlights. The beautician said, 'No, you have to get your mother on the phone,' and I was just crying and begging. I've always been experimenting. Cyndi Lauper's videos – that's what intrigued me.\" Minaj has often been referred to as the \"Queen of Rap\", and has been considered to be one of the most influential female rap artists. In 2012,", "id": "14836796" }, { "contents": "Stefanie Dolson\n\n\nto be out, but I feel called to lead an authentic life in the open. I know who I am and I don't care if people judge me. I am 6-5, and I dye my hair purple and experiment a lot with fashion. My motto is: If they're going to stare, they might as well stare at something fun. There are a lot of girls who struggle being who they are. We need people who are out so that those girls know it's OK to be", "id": "16688719" }, { "contents": "Jillian Hervey\n\n\ninto my natural hair.\" Speaking at Essence Festival in 2016, Hervey said this shift also affected her art: \"Once I [went natural], everything started to change. I started feeling very comfortable in my skin and really confident about who I was. I started to look to a bunch of black artists who inspired me, that were kind of in my house. My mom had this Josephine Baker painting, and I always knew of her, but I didn't know much about her legacy and how much", "id": "17429403" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Julian Bilecki\n\n\nRighteous where he was able to be reunited with 5 survivors in the JFK airport terminal. Bilecki with tears in his eyes then said, \"I see you all have gray hair. I too have gray hair. I thought I would never see you again. I feel lost. I thought this would never happen. All I did was help. It is very pleasant that people remember. Now I am getting paid back by God\". The survivors arranged for the family to be honored as Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem", "id": "586508" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Romeo Void\n\n\nwere considered new wave, but for me Romeo Void was a reaction against the regimentation of everyone having to be bleached blond and everything being about despair and no future, when I thought the do-it-yourself thing should encompass all the different kinds of emotions, and all the different colors. [...] I was proud of being American Indian, so I purposely never bleached my hair blond.\" The band became busy playing shows at clubs and warehouses around San Francisco, and quickly became popular. Saxophonist Benjamin Bossi", "id": "4117120" }, { "contents": "Dita Von Teese\n\n\n's campaign \"Animal Birth Control (ABC).\" Von Teese states that she never uses a stylist. \"The one time I hired a stylist, they picked up a pair of my 1940s shoes and said, 'These would look really cute with jeans.' I immediately said, 'You're out of here.'\" She does her own make-up, and dyes her naturally blonde hair black at home. Von Teese's unique style is \"inspired by eccentric women like Luisa Casati, Anna Piaggi", "id": "6375831" }, { "contents": "Corduroy (Pearl Jam song)\n\n\n, which was analogous to my head at the time. Regarding the song's title, Vedder stated: Yeah, that song was based on a remake of the brown corduroy jacket that I wore. I think I got mine for 12 bucks, and it was being sold for like $650. The ultimate one as far as being co-opted was that there was a guy on TV, predictably patterned, I guess, after the way I was looking those days, with long hair and an Army T-shirt", "id": "5887691" }, { "contents": "Catherine Howe\n\n\nand tours with Andy Fairweather-Low, Chris de Burgh, David Soul and later with Randy Edelman, the albums and singles didn't sell enough. I thought it was because of me, but it was as much (I've since learned) because they weren't in the shops to buy. To remedy this it was suggested that maybe I should write 'country and western', maybe I should change my hair, maybe wear black leather. So the music business, which I loved, and I parted company", "id": "9048438" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nlove blonde hair, but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark\". The cover art features a close-up of the singer's jean-clad midsection and bare midriff. The cover has been seen as a reference to \"Sticky Fingers\" by The Rolling Stones. The packaging on the first pressings of the CD, cassette, and LP were scented with patchouli oils to simulate church incense", "id": "10438367" }, { "contents": "Like a Prayer (album)\n\n\nleave Minneapolis, and quite frankly I couldn't stand Minneapolis. When I went there, it was like 20 degrees below zero, and it was really desolate. I was miserable and I couldn't write or work under those circumstances\", Madonna recalled. For the artwork, the singer chose to work with photographer Herb Ritts. Initially, photos from the session with Ritts were also to be used for the lead single's packaging. For the photoshoot, she decided to dye her blonde hair brown; she commented \"I", "id": "10438366" }, { "contents": "Nancy Hayton\n\n\n\"crazy\" hair styles Fox revealed that the ideas for the styles are a collaboration of her own ideas and the production teams': \"I had a brown bob forever and I was sick to death of it, so when we came out of the Jake storyline last year, they wanted to change the image. They asked me if I wanted to dye it any colour, so I thought 'let's go red'\". Fox said that her initial \"Hollyoaks\" image featuring green hair was \"definitely not", "id": "3717410" }, { "contents": "Kim Young-sik\n\n\nKorea Times\". Unlike his more cosmetically enhanced competitor Bae Eun-sik, \"I am a natural,\" Kim told the \"Los Angeles Times\". \"I didn't have to perm my hair. I didn't need plastic surgery. Even my family name, Kim, didn't have to be changed. Sometimes I feel like I \"am\" Kim Jong-il.\" Kim, whose stated goal is to have the leader say, \"Little Brother, come and see me,\" affirms,", "id": "6323012" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Scotty Cannon\n\n\n, \"I have had a Mohawk on and off for years. It started years ago when I would go the beach with my friends and we would Mohawk our hair just to have fun. During the racing seasons, I would Mohawk it and it seemed I would wear it more and more. It kind of stuck on me. I guess you could call it my trademark.\" He started racing when he was 16. \"I always had a natural love for drag racing, going straight and making the cars go", "id": "19668169" }, { "contents": "Durrell Berry\n\n\nthe news in July 2007 after being sent home for having a short haircut, which was against school policy. \"They sent me home because they said my hair's too short and it represents a hooligan look,\" said Berry, who had his head shaved with grade one blades every few weeks. \"I just feel like it's my human right really to have my hair at a grade one if I want to.\" The rule, introduced in 1986 to prevent white pupils from getting involved in skinhead culture,", "id": "6029628" }, { "contents": "Bleed Like Me (song)\n\n\non the acoustic guitar and it builds a little bit, but the song never gets too big musically. It stays pretty simple. Really it's all about her vocals. She said 'I want to sound like a girls choir' and we're like 'Cool, let's just do it now'. She went in singing 'You should see my scars' and it just floored me. Still when I hear that the hairs on the back of my neck go up. It's really an amazing moment on", "id": "7359754" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Azra Erhat\n\n\nFreedom, happiness, humanity ... Problems, hairs woven with gold wires attracted the dangers pulled me from there. (...) I had a support: I have confidence in life. I've made a human being: I live like a human, I want to live a full, full of enthusiasm, let me understand the human, I can say human. I saw humanity in love alone and waited for love, let me print my book in line by line. I wasn't mistaken: Ecce Homo wrote me", "id": "8751035" }, { "contents": "Scream (TV series)\n\n\nturned it down in favor of a smaller role. She went on to explain, \"I had the option to do the lead, but I thought I should choose this role because I felt it was more iconic, I thought it was just a little bit more and also I've never been killed on screen before. I've never been killed ever on anything that I've done. I've always been the character that lives at the end so it was my first time dying on screen which is pretty cool.", "id": "13671286" }, { "contents": "Emilie Blackmore Stapp\n\n\nreplied back, “I am happy to be the chief of both the little children and those with the spirit of little children, even though ‘the golden hair be gray.'\" Stapp wrote back, asserting, “I am so glad you have not grown up. Neither have I. You must never tell my employer, nor any of those many publishers who overwhelm me with books for criticism, but I still believe in fairies.” In June 1917 with World War I raging in Europe, Stapp mobilized her Go", "id": "19381347" }, { "contents": "The Wasp Woman (1995 film)\n\n\nthat it was so loud on the set that I can't even hear myself to think my lines with a page and half of dialogue. It was the worst set I've ever been on in my life. The sound guy, Jeff Enden, was incredible nice to me and was a great friend. But Wynorski, he's a pig. To say I wanted to go through Corman studios, I should have looked at it more carefully. I've never had to experience anybody in my life as disgusting as him", "id": "2695504" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\n2012 interview with the Kenyan broadsheet the \"Daily Nation\", she said, [I]t seems that the world is conspiring in preaching that there is something wrong with Kenyan ladies' kinky hair and dark skin[...] Their leaflets are all about skin lightening, and they seem to be doing good business in Kenya. It just shocks me. It's not OK for a Caucasian to tell us to lighten our skin [...] I have never attempted to change my skin. I am natural. People in Europe and", "id": "2005688" }, { "contents": "Gerhard Schröder\n\n\nher predecessor, saying \"I do not think what Mr Schröder is doing is okay\". In April 2002, Schröder sued the DDP press agency for publishing an opinion of public relations consultant Sabine Schwind saying that he \"would be more credible if he didn't dye his gray hair\". The court decided to ban the media from suggesting that he colours his hair. The Chancellor's spokesman said: \"This is not a frivolous action taken over whether he does or doesn't dye his hair, but is a serious", "id": "9919030" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthis means that gray and white hair will not dye to the same color as the rest of the head (in fact, some white hair will not absorb the color at all). A few gray and white hairs will blend in sufficiently not to be noticeable, but as they become more widespread, there will come a point where a semi-permanent alone will not be enough. The move to 100% permanent color can be delayed by using a semi-permanent as a base color, with permanent highlights. Semi", "id": "218641" }, { "contents": "The Real Thing (Faith No More album)\n\n\nwhat the fuck?.'\" Roddy Bottum responded by saying \"To me, our band sounds nothing like Red Hot Chili Peppers. If you're talking about long hair, rapping with his shirt off, then yeah, I can see similarities. But beyond that, I can't see any. I haven't talked to them since this whole thing started. We're really good friends with that band and I'd like to think they're doing It ... like as a favour\". Mike Patton finally addressed the", "id": "9803857" }, { "contents": "Wu Yi (politician)\n\n\n\". Called by Chinese media as the \"Iron Lady of China\", Wu was regarded as a firm and direct woman who, unlike her mostly male colleagues, chose not to dye her graying hair black. Wu did not marry all her life. When questioned about this, Wu said, \"it's not that I have always wanted to be alone, it's just that life has never given me the opportunity [for romance]; no one has ever entered my life in this way.\" \"Forbes", "id": "11878350" }, { "contents": "Hair theft\n\n\non the streets by an opportunist hair thief in 1914. According to a victim interviewed by the \"Grey River Argus\", \"For the life of me I couldn't tell you exactly when or where I lost my hair. I didn't feel anything at all ... when opposite Te Aro House, my friend said: 'Oh, someone's cut your hair off!' I laughed and said it was nonsense, but I found it was only too true.\" In more recent times, outbreaks of hair theft", "id": "19528123" }, { "contents": "No Place to Hide (1981 film)\n\n\nPlace to Hide\" was the first film in which Kathleen Beller did not portray a teenager: \"It's wonderful not to push younger. Or put my hair up in pigtails and go around saying 'Hi!' I was surprised when they approached me. I've had so much trouble convincing people of age that it's a compliment.\" Beller admitted that when she met director John Llewellyn Moxey, she \"was intimidated by him\" and that he \"almost talked me out of the role\": \"I", "id": "6931171" }, { "contents": "Sargent Claude Johnson\n\n\non his depictions of African Americans, especially in redefining the image of the African American woman. Johnson said, \"It is the pure American Negro I am concerned with, aiming to show the natural beauty and dignity in that characteristic lip and that characteristic hair, bearing, and manner; and I wish to show that beauty not so much to the white man as to the Negro himself. Unless I can interest my race, I am sunk.\" Also, \"Negroes are a colorful race; they call for an", "id": "13119060" }, { "contents": "Foundling (album)\n\n\nsingle under the new title \"A Moment Changes Everything\"), \"Old Father Time\" and \"More to Me Now\". Described as a \"private record,\" Gray states that he has \"never taken the dynamics [as] low as I have done on this record. I had to have faith in writing and understatement – the things I hold as my strengths. I'm as proud of it as anything I've done.\" Gray's commercial expectations, however, are low: \"This record", "id": "16746336" }, { "contents": "Theresa Donovan\n\n\nand young with the curly hair. So they straightened my hair and had me do it again. On the second take, I knew that I had nothing to lose. I had already done a perfect first take, and they told me it wasn't going to get better than that so I could do whatever I wanted. I just did everything out of the box, and that's what got me the job. I mean I took the guy's shirt off in the scene! I told the actor that this", "id": "16740472" }, { "contents": "List of Agent Carter characters\n\n\nactress had been cast in the role. Everett was confirmed to be playing the character that October. After being cast and seeing a picture of the comic version of the character, Everett felt \"'They got the wrong girl,' only because I look nothing like her. I was very nervous about it ... [and] thought, 'They will probably dye my hair dark, and I'm going to need to work out a bit. And those are some pretty big boobs.'\" However, the producers", "id": "20216861" }, { "contents": "My Friend Irma\n\n\n, he had to hire her back again because he couldn't find anything. Useless at dictation, Irma mangled whatever Clyde dictated. Asked how long she had been with Clyde, Irma said, \"When I first went to work with him he had curly black hair, then it got grey, and now it's snow white. I guess I've been with him about six months.\" Irma became less intelligent and even more ditzy as the program evolved. She also developed a tendency to whine or cry whenever something", "id": "16927555" }, { "contents": "Tatjana Patitz\n\n\n.\" Her versatility was exemplified by the changing of her hair color and style with each passing year during the late 1980s, from short-haired brunette to tawny mane to long and blond. For an April 1989 editorial titled \"Earthly Powers\" in British \"Vogue\", hair stylist Didier Malige cut and restyled Patitz's foot-long blonde hair into a cropped shag just above her shoulders. \"Once I cut my hair - I cried for two months,\" Patitz told Esquire magazine. \"People said, '", "id": "3255553" }, { "contents": "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (TV series)\n\n\n(to some degree) with a different woman almost every week. Producers demanded that Wilma have blonde hair and dye jobs were needed to lighten Erin Gray's brunette locks. During the final episodes of the first season, Gray was allowed to return to her natural hair color, and Wilma was dark-haired throughout season 2. Buck's best-known enemy during the first season was Princess Ardala, played by Pamela Hensley, whose desire was to conquer and possess both Earth and Buck himself. She appeared in four separate", "id": "17821140" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nfirst place. Dying hair was popular among women, although the frequency that hair was coloured often made it weaker. Tertullian discusses how hair dye burnt the scalp and was harmful for the head. Artificial dyes could be applied through powders, gels and bleach. Henna, a temporary dye, or even animal fat, could be applied to make the hair more manageable. Aside from henna, more common permanent dyes were based on natural substances and perhaps more unorthodox mixtures. To prevent graying some Romans wore a paste at night made", "id": "6750003" }, { "contents": "Cynthia McKinney–Capitol Hill police incident\n\n\nstating \"I know who I am.\" Democratic Member George Miller (CA) said \"I've never worn one. I have enough trouble combing my hair in the morning.\" McKinney admitted that she was not wearing her pin that morning but opined that the police responsible for protecting lawmakers should recognize the 435 members of Congress on sight and claimed to have shown her Congressional identification badge. McKinney made a brief statement on her own behalf at Howard University on March 31: \"Let me be clear: this whole incident", "id": "13837631" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Try (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\nwho she really was. When I shot the first scene with no hair and makeup on in front of an HD camera in my face, flashed with bright lights, everyone was watching. I thought, \"Oh my god, I bet they’re all looking at my blemishes, thinking that I should cover them up, or that I should put some volume in my hair.\" But it also felt really cool to be on camera with zero on, like literally nothing on. And then when it got to the", "id": "11490690" }, { "contents": "Promise (1986 film)\n\n\nthat people are watching me. I know there really aren't any voices, but I feel that there are, and that I should listen to them or something will happen. … I can remember what I was like before. I was a class officer, I had friends. I was going to be an aeronautical engineer. Do you remember, Bobby? I've never had a job. I've never owned a car. I've never lived alone. I've never made love to a woman. And I", "id": "740974" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Koldun\n\n\nhair colour my school years I had thick hair. But not now. I believe that that is the fault of the Chernobyl disaster.\" Koldun states his hair colour has changed from blonde, at an early age in school, gradually (sometimes overnight) becoming shades darker to the 'burning' brunette he is today (naturally). In 2004, he tried out in the RTR show \"Narodnyi Artist 2\", but did not qualify to the main stage. This did not deter him from his", "id": "17971678" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nfamous statue of Aphrodite, the \"Aphrodite of Knidos\", sculpted in the fourth century BC by Praxiteles, represented the goddess's hair using gold leaf and contributed to the popularity of the image of Aphrodite as a blonde goddess. Greek prostitutes frequently dyed their hair blond using saffron dyes or colored powders. Blond dye was highly expensive, took great effort to apply, and smelled repugnant, but none of these factors inhibited Greek prostitutes from dying their hair. As a result of this and the natural rarity of blond hair in", "id": "5633798" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nfew storylines that I had with Vicky Alcock who played my mum. It's fine to put a character on the telly and say, 'Oh, what a horrible person', but it's nice to explain why people might be like that. I think they tackled those storylines really well. It's been a nice journey with her this time round because it's been a lot more explanatory. As I say, it's had a lot more layers so I've really enjoyed it\". When asked whether she", "id": "376960" }, { "contents": "King Robbo\n\n\nKing Robbo has stated that Banksy was introduced to him for the first time in the 1990s, commenting: \"I was at a place called the Dragon Bar on Old Street. I was introduced to a couple of guys who were like 'whoa it's nice to meet you!'. When I was introduced to Banksy, I went 'Oh yeah I've heard of you mate, how you doing?' and he went 'well I've never heard of you'...he dismissed me as a nobody, as", "id": "7483294" }, { "contents": "Vision of Love\n\n\n/ Had to be strong / So I believed / And now I know I've succeeded / In finding the place I conceived. Well, just because you are young doesn't mean that you haven't had a hard life. It's been difficult for me, moving around so much, having to grow up by myself, basically on my own, my parents divorced. And I always felt kind of different from everyone else in my neighborhoods. I was a different person – ethnically. And sometimes that can be a", "id": "2924380" }, { "contents": "Laurie Bembenek\n\n\nthat \"I recovered no blonde or red hairs of any length or texture ... [A]ll of the hairs I recovered from the body were brown and were grossly identical to the hair of the victim ... [I] do not like to suggest that evidence was altered in any way, but I can find no logical explanation for what amounted to the appearance of blonde hair in an envelope that contained no such hair at the time it was sealed by me.\" The apartment where Bembenek and Fred Schultz lived shared drainage with another", "id": "1964687" }, { "contents": "Jack Cannot\n\n\nIf It hadn't been for her we should have been destitute weeks back. My daughter Betty is a sweet angel, and I owe her fees at school, too. I've earned £66 since \"Clown In Clover\" finished, and I am doing this really to get out of the way, as I haven't the money to do abroad or anything. I was going to start a school of singing with the aid of a friend, but I feel that it's no go before we open. So", "id": "8230429" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nget involved in that soundtrack because I've done a lot of soundtracks and we kind of thought we've done a bit too much film stuff. So we should probably just chill and write that third album, which is what I should be focusing on. And then I met the director [Sam Taylor-Johnson] and everyone involved and I was like, 'This is a pretty cool thing to be involved in.' Then I heard the song and I was like, 'Woah, this is a pretty awesome", "id": "8001308" }, { "contents": "Black Mama White Mama\n\n\nwere in a lot of rivers, rice paddies, where there are leeches and bacteria. So it was just a matter of time before it went through a cut and into your brain - and it could kill you.\" She was in bed for a month with a temperature of 105 degrees. \"I lost my hair, I couldn't see, I couldn't walk. I was dying. The doctor kind of froze me to kill the cell in my brain.\" Lynn Borden says she, too, fell", "id": "13676908" }, { "contents": "2,5-Diaminotoluene\n\n\n. It is preferred because of its lower toxicity. However, many home hair dyes still use phenylenediamine. In these applications, these diamines function as a primary intermediate, which means that it is first oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and then combined with a coupler to form the hair dye. 2,5-Diaminotoluene is commonly used to produce black, drab and warm browns, and shades of blonde and gray hair dyes. 2,5-Diaminotoluene is also known to be used in the production of dyes for textiles, furs, leathers, biological stains and indicators,", "id": "4949388" }, { "contents": "Peter (Fringe)\n\n\nin my preparation to find the Walter that we all know now, I had to go back to him right at the beginning to see where he came from. So that process was started before the pilot really, what was this man like before he deteriorated, so I was able to revisit that. Physically, of course, what I had to do was capture the energy, to capture the physicality of the man, the vocal physicality of the man, this was my task. I was aided enormously by my hair", "id": "3937733" }, { "contents": "Theresa Donovan\n\n\nrevealed: \"I got to skip the first audition, which is called a pre-read and is an audition to audition. So then I auditioned with everyone else, and I got to do my screen test twice, which is very unusual. I was the only girl who got to do that, so I went first and last. The reason they had me do it twice is that I wore my hair curly, and I have a really young face, and they said that I looked too sweet and innocent", "id": "16740471" }, { "contents": "Kate Ramsay\n\n\nnot going to be an easy path for her, lots more ups and downs to come, and the people around her may have to adjust to the new Kate. And she has new hair!\" On 11 November 2013, it was announced that Brewer had quit \"Neighbours\", so she could pursue new acting projects. The actress stated \"Having now been on \"Neighbours\" for over five years, I really feel like I've done my character justice and the time is right to close this chapter and open", "id": "22096611" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\nwild as can be, while she asks ladies to \"whip their hair\" and \"shake haters off\". The lyrics have motivational undertones, speaking of self-love and assurance, and referring to letting your hair down as a representation of this in parts like the line, \"Keep fighting until I get there, when I'm down and I feel like giving up/I whip my hair back and forth, I whip it, I whip it real good.\" \"Whip My Hair\" is a high", "id": "17440824" }, { "contents": "Arcangela Tarabotti\n\n\nsaid to have been rebellious and outspoken; Tarabotti refused to wear the religious habits or cut her hair until directly ordered to do so by Catholic Cardinal and Patriarch of Venice, Federico Baldissera Bartolomeo Cornaro. Her beliefs, however, remained unchanged; Tarabotti wrote of Cardinal Cornaro, explaining that \"He made me amend my vanities. I cut off my hair, but I did not uproot my emotions. I reformed my life, but my thoughts flourish rampantly, and just like my shorn hair, grow all the more.\"", "id": "2371036" }, { "contents": "Veronica Lake\n\n\n's long blonde hair accidentally fell over her right eye during a take and created a \"peek-a-boo\" effect. \"I was playing a sympathetic drunk, I had my arm on a table ... it slipped ... and my hair — it was always baby fine and had this natural break — fell over my face ... It became my trademark and purely by accident\", she recalled. \"I Wanted Wings\" was a big hit. The hairstyle became Lake's trademark and was widely copied by women.", "id": "19733927" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\nhospital just passing by, a Mr Rousseau. He, too, refused and so the next passer-by, the administrator of the hospital, was offered the painting - and he, a certain Mr Neuvière, is said to have accepted. Rey later reminisced: \"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting", "id": "7561443" }, { "contents": "Paul Rodriguez (skateboarder)\n\n\n, selling out, this and that ... and I've never really been too worried 'bout that criticism. So my thoughts were just like, I look at it like this, like: My first pair of shoes were the baby Jordans [basketball player, Michael Jordan], you know what I mean, so, like, I had Nikes all my life growing up, and even at the time that I was on éS, any time that I was not skating, I wearing some white-on-white Air", "id": "16460252" }, { "contents": "Armand Traoré\n\n\nthem. I think it's one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life but I will try and correct it. My religion has benefits both personally and in my career. I have always been a Muslim but I wasn't really practising it, I was just saying to people 'I am a Muslim'. It's a gradual development.\" Traoré explained: \"It's all about many of the things that are good in football too – like resting, doing everything right, being nice to people", "id": "7158837" }, { "contents": "Pubic hair\n\n\nbum bone to navel.\" And he adds reflectively – \"there is not much that I have not seen, felt or tried, with respect to this supreme female article.\" In like vein, in \"The Memoirs of Dolly Morton\", an American erotic classic, the attributes of Miss Dean are noted with some surprise – her spot was covered with a \"thick forest of glossy dark brown hair,\" with locks nearly two inches long. One man remarked, \"But Gosh! I've never seen such", "id": "20589785" }, { "contents": "José Luis Appleyard\n\n\n. I have felt as if I were in Academia Universitaria again feeling that beautiful rush that a group of friends generates. And I have also seen myself, with white hair, white bearb, just as I am today”. And he adds: “The eyes of those who read me won't see what I see . But they might build the image of a road in which edges life is found. If this is so, my verses would have had accomplished their mission of leaving my voice within these pages.", "id": "13063762" }, { "contents": "Celebrate the Bullet\n\n\nsuit.\" \"It was decided that I shop rid myself of my hat and let my hair show,\" Black recalled, \"essentially, it was considered a good idea to feminise myself so that we could appeal to a wider cross-section of people. In retrospect this was a terrible mistake and I should have had the foresight and sense to resist, but at times I am the kind of person who says 'anything for a quiet life' and, to be honest, I was by now totally at", "id": "15830173" }, { "contents": "Kurt Vile\n\n\nit made Lex Luthor's hair fall out, and he was like, 'You made all my hair fall out!' It was a really stupid cartoon, but that was my song, 'You Made All My Hair Fall Out'.\" Three years later, Vile created his first \"mass-produced\" tape at the age of seventeen. Influenced by Pavement, Beck, Smog and the record label, Drag City, Vile noted, \"I really thought I could be on Drag City. I really wanted", "id": "13369402" }, { "contents": "The Shakers (film)\n\n\nfor some kind of, I guess, equivalent in my own culture that I could draw on, and I came across a book of Shaker photographs. And I said, 'Gee, these things look like Zen temples. They're all so simple.' They were these really great pictures. And so I was talking to my friend Frank, and he said, 'Gee, I've been thinking about it. I really love the music.' He was a composer and musician. Frank was an editor,", "id": "16519527" }, { "contents": "Fall in Line\n\n\nLovato's second Grammy nomination. Aguilera described the song: \"I wrote 'Fall in Line' a few years ago before all this news came out [Time's Up and Me Too movement]. It was the song that needed to be heard. Because of what I witnessed when I was growing up I always felt really driven to have a voice that my mom kind of never had in my childhood. So I've always wanted to be that advocate for women and anybody that was struggling to have their own voice", "id": "4491539" }, { "contents": "Never or Now\n\n\nin Norway 2003, Scott-lee spoke about the album's planned release, \"My new album is called \"Unleashed\" and it's coming out in July, in the UK and also here in the Netherlands and as I said I've been writing it for over a year so I've taken my time and I've wrote about 40 tracks and I picked the best 12 to put on the album so I feel proud I feel like I've done a good job and I think it's a really good album", "id": "14472337" }, { "contents": "Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State\n\n\nhair long was that it's easier. She has options.\" Clinton professed she was past the point of concern on the matter: \"I feel so relieved to be at the stage I'm at in my life right now, [...] because if I want to wear my glasses, I'm wearing my glasses. If I want to pull my hair back, I'm pulling my hair back.\" In any case, Clinton showed a much more relaxed attitude vis a vis the press than in past eras", "id": "4270974" }, { "contents": "B.o.B.\n\n\nextended play: \"I've been holding back so much rock for so long. I have been performing with my band for a while, so I guess this is a real good canvas for me to paint on. No one's really expecting anything so I can do what I want to do.\" He also spoke lightly on his third studio album as well: \"My album is basically a continuation of \"The Adventures of Bobby Ray\" and \"Strange Clouds\". I feel like it kinda bridges the gap", "id": "3926757" }, { "contents": "The Twilight People\n\n\n. \"It was not time consuming,\" recalled Ashley. \"We never seemed to be waiting for the makeup to be put on. And I remember when I first saw the film, I thought, jeez it worked better than I thought when we were doing it.\" Merlin, who played one of the villains, said Ashley asked him to dye his head blonde to differentiate him from Ashley, who had brown hair. Filming took place at a studio in Manila and on location at a town called Teresa.\\ Ashley", "id": "16847556" }, { "contents": "Native American identity in the United States\n\n\nmy identity, but even so, I was surprised when a fellow graduate student advised me—in all seriousness—to straighten my hair and work on a tan before any interviews. Thinking she was joking, I asked if I should put a feather in my hair, and she replied with a straight face that a feather might be a bit much, but I should at least wear traditional Native jewelry.\" Louis Owens, an unenrolled author of Choctaw and Cherokee descent, discusses his feelings about his status of not being", "id": "15743285" }, { "contents": "Megan Fox\n\n\nthe wrong way\". Fox also said that she was never popular in high school, and that \"everyone hated me, and I was a total outcast, my friends were always guys, I have a very aggressive personality, and girls didn't like me for that. I've had only one great girlfriend my whole life\". In the same interview, she mentions that she hated school and has \"never been a big believer in formal education\" and that \"the education I was getting seemed irrelevant. So", "id": "19716507" }, { "contents": "The Morning (song)\n\n\n\" to annotate his lines: \"Some claim God body, blame Illuminati/All cause his pockets now knotty as his hair, yeah\". The inspiration behind the label and its name was explained by West with the lines: \"I treat the label like money from my shows/G.O.O.D. would have been God, but I added more O's\". The track was listed as an example on the album by \"Consequence of Sound\" of when \"the songs become too jammed-up with so many moving parts", "id": "15548112" }, { "contents": "Kylie Watson\n\n\nwinning the part. Her agent persuaded her to change her mind and she went on to receive the role of Shauna Bradley. It was her first acting role and she revealed \"So at that point, I thought 'What am I going to do? I've never done this before, never acted in my life.' My agent booked me into acting classes – I think I had about eight weeks before I started so I was absolutely petrified. I think I was really bad, to be honest, at the", "id": "7255057" }, { "contents": "Helen Hunt (hair stylist)\n\n\n\"Gilda\", Hunt stated, \"I got fan mail - and hate mail - about Rita's hair! Some clergymen declared that I would go to hell for contributing to evil because of Rita's hair in \"Gilda\"!\" When Orson Welles insisted on shortening the actress's long hair (and dyeing it blonde) for \"The Lady from Shanghai\" (1947), Hunt was flown in from New York, where she was on her honeymoon, to do the cutting. During the course of her career", "id": "2206710" }, { "contents": "Vanessa Abrams\n\n\n. \"I told my agent, you send every picture of my hair short, curly, black, blonde, I don’t care.\" In Teen Vogue, she said the story of how she snagged her breakthrough role on Gossip Girl: \"Two of my friends in L.A. invited me to this Labor Day barbecue, but I really just wanted to stay on the couch with my French bulldog,\" she says. \"I remember hanging out by the pool in an old T-shirt and jean shorts, just", "id": "6661973" }, { "contents": "Trance to the Sun\n\n\nconfrontationalism are quite possibly the only denominators... I just like to play interesting music. It just so happens to be the 'goths' who are listening.\" \"I like good goth music a lot and I do see a certain connection in our music to goth but I've never had any inspiration to be like somebody else or to go in a certain style. I have my own ideas and if they ever too closely resemble something that I've heard before, I usually discard them.\" \"Venomous Eve\"", "id": "5605331" }, { "contents": "Randeep Hooda\n\n\n\" who had a calculated approach to his work. He said, \"Now, I'm a bit more careful. I've changed the way I express myself\". Hooda lived in a hostel from a young age; he said, \"I've always had a good time, it's something that gives me my spirit and fuels my spirit as well. Now, I want my parents to live with me, I want to enjoy their company more.\" He said he had a good relationship with his parents", "id": "6057339" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Michael Cimino\n\n\nn't talk to me for a year,\" Cimino said. \"He was very tall and thin ... His weight never changed his whole life and he didn't have a gray hair on his head. He was a bit like a Vanderbilt or a Whitney, one of those guys. He was the life of the party, women loved him, a real womanizer. He smoked like a fiend. He loved his martinis. He died really young. He was away a lot, but he was fun. I was", "id": "2333597" }, { "contents": "Allyson Felix\n\n\n, saying \"In the 19 years that I've been running track, I've never taken a break. Never had a year where I took it easy. Now that this is kind of a year without a championship, I've had to force myself to have a different approach because my goal is 2020. So, if you guys don't see me at as many of the races as I usually run, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just challenging myself to be smarter.\" Later in", "id": "17812526" }, { "contents": "I Wish I Was a Punk Rocker (With Flowers in My Hair)\n\n\n, but lost to \"Patience\" by Take That. Thom has been the subject of criticism by many artists within the recording world, most notably from Lily Allen, The Fratellis and The Automatic. James Frost and Robin Hawkins from The Automatic stated that \"If she was a punk rocker with flowers in her hair she'd get the shit kicked out of her by other punk rockers, for having flowers in her hair. [...] I haven't found anyone who's told me they like that song and bought it", "id": "13026622" }, { "contents": "Like It Like That (Guy Sebastian song)\n\n\nLike It Like That\" for example was really old school, like real drums, real organic, so we reproduced that and we got it to sound a little more modern, in your face I guess, the way it is now\". In 2010 after being presented with an award by Sony for \"Like It Like That\" he said, \"I think 'Like It Like That' is the most I've ever sat back and gone 'I can't believe this is my life. I can't believe", "id": "5818354" }, { "contents": "William Nack\n\n\ngray combed into his hair, loitering around in the Los Angeles public library. He spied Fischer, ducked behind a card catalog, and recalled: \"I... leaned my head against the files and said, in a suppressed whisper, 'Oh my God! I found him. I don't believe this. Now what the hell do I do?'\" By the early 1990s, Nack was noticing more and more breakdowns during horse races. His investigation met a wall of silence, until one veterinarian spoke to him", "id": "21855364" }, { "contents": "Chris New\n\n\ntold \"Attitude\" magazine: \"To understand the psychology of not necessarily wanting your sexuality to be a major part of you but having it made a major part of you by the people around you. All people talk about with me is, 'Are you out?' And yeah, I am, I always have been and I don't see a problem with that. I've never hidden it. My first agent tried to make me hide it so I fired her.\" New entered into a civil partnership", "id": "16945236" } ]
You like jazz? It's a great genre of music. yea its great Agreed! Jazz came from African-American communities. oh yea its very big amongst them with the blue and stuff Yep! It came from blues and ragtime. Oh yea like the 30-40s?
[{"answer": "Actually back in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 207, "bleu_score": 0.8850548777654513, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Shire of Yea\n\n\nThe Shire of Yea was a local government area about northeast of Melbourne, the state capital of Victoria, Australia. The shire covered an area of , and existed from 1869 until 1994. The shire's population was dominated by the town of Yea. Yea was first incorporated as a road district on 1 February 1869, and became a shire on 28 November 1873. Its boundaries changed a number of times throughout its existence: The Shire was described in the 1949 Australian Blue Book as an elevated area given to pastoral and dairying", "id": "5941609" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Oh Yeah (Ash song)\n\n\n\"Oh Yeah\" (occasionally spelt as \"Oh Yea\") is a song by Ash, released as the fifth single from their album \"1977\" on 24 June 1996. It was released as a single CD, a 7\" vinyl (the limited edition 7\" was yellow and came with a picture sleeve), and as a cassette. The UK Promo version of the track is thought of as quite rare, and a collector's item between fans. It comes on orange 7\" vinyl and has the", "id": "20923244" }, { "contents": "Churchill High School (Winnipeg)\n\n\nChurchill Ho Yea, Yea Churchill go\" \"Head for the red\" \"Fight for the white\" \"You for the blue\" \"And victory too.\" \"Churchill High, Churchill Ho Yea, Yea, Churchill go!\" /poem In 2014, two former bulldogs Evan Gill and Thomas Miles were drafted into the CFL in rounds 1 and 4. In 2013, Tanis Westdal, a teacher in Churchill's Flexible Learning program, was a recipient of the Prime Minister's Awards for Teaching Excellence. The Churchill Bulldogs", "id": "13263282" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\n. Theatrical composers and lyricists like the brothers George and Ira Gershwin created a uniquely American theatrical style that used American vernacular speech and music. Musicals featured popular songs and fast-paced plots that often revolved around love and romance. The blues is a genre of African American folk music that is the basis for much of modern American popular music. Blues can be seen as part of a continuum of musical styles like country, jazz, ragtime, and gospel; though each genre evolved into distinct forms, their origins were often indistinct", "id": "7216662" }, { "contents": "Mississippi\n\n\nmusic traditions: gospel music, country music, jazz, blues and rock and roll. All were invented, promulgated or heavily developed by Mississippi musicians, many of them African American, and most came from the Mississippi Delta. Many musicians carried their music north to Chicago, where they made it the heart of that city's jazz and blues. So many African Americans left in the Great Migration that after the 1930s, they became a minority in Mississippi. In 1960 they made up 42% of the state's population.", "id": "21293504" }, { "contents": "Yea Big + Kid Static\n\n\nYea Big + Kid Static is a hip-hop duo formerly based out of Chicago, Illinois. The group's two members, Stefen Robinson and Moses Harris, Jr., have been working together since 2005. The duo of Yea Big + Kid Static was formed in late 2005 by Stefen Robinson (Yea Big) and Moses Harris, Jr. (Kid Static). Their work is a blend of sample-based experimental hip-hop, D.I.Y. punk, and roots music. Yea Big + Kid Static has toured with bands", "id": "1711907" }, { "contents": "Rhythm and blues\n\n\ngenres of music. These genres of music were often performed by full-time musicians, either working alone or in small groups. The precursors of rhythm and blues came from jazz and blues, which overlapped in the late-1920s and 1930s through the work of musicians such as the Harlem Hamfats, with their 1936 hit \"Oh Red\", as well as Lonnie Johnson, Leroy Carr, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, and T-Bone Walker. There was also increasing emphasis on the electric guitar as a lead instrument, as", "id": "6597679" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nand in 1969 it had to be 'defended on all sides' from fire. Yea is located on the inside (west and south) of a bend in the Yea River about south-east of where it meets the Goulburn River. It is north-east of Melbourne at above sea-level, on the northern slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The centre of the town is on the flood plain of the Yea River, but the residential area to the south extends onto the slopes of the nearby hills.", "id": "17938162" }, { "contents": "Great Victorian Rail Trail\n\n\nYea and Bonnie Doon to Mansfield, with an offshoot to Alexandra from Cathkin. Its highlights include the Cheviot Tunnel near Yea, views of the Goulburn River, the Heritage listed Trawool Valley and a former rail bridge over Lake Eildon near Bonnie Doon. The towns passed through by the main rail trail are: Tallarook, Trawool, Kerrisdale, Homewood, Yea, Molesworth, Yarck, Kanumbra, Merton, Bonnie Doon, Maindample, Mansfield. The trail forks near Molesworth, leading to Alexandra. On 29 April 2009, the Federal", "id": "9119116" }, { "contents": "British jazz\n\n\nin this field. South African and free jazz influences came together in projects like the Brotherhood of Breath big band, nominally led by McGregor. Added to this, more musicians had been raised on rhythm and blues or English forms of rock and roll, which became increasingly significant to the genre. These influences mixed in a way that led to British contemporary jazz of the time developing a distinctive identity distancing it to some extent from American styles. Highly original jazz composers such as Mike Westbrook, Graham Collier, Michael Garrick and Mike", "id": "18827145" }, { "contents": "Jazz poetry\n\n\nwriters were deeply concerned with racial pride and with the creation of purely African-American poetry. Since jazz music was an important part of African-American culture at the time, Hughes and others like him adapted the musical genre to create their own, singularly African-American voices that could easily be distinguished from the work of white poets. Many of Hughes' poems, such as \"The Weary Blues\", sound almost exactly like popular jazz and blues songs of the period, and vice versa. His work is also", "id": "1816143" }, { "contents": "Texas blues\n\n\nTexas blues is blues music from Texas. As a regional style, its original form was characterized by jazz and swing influences. Later examples are often closer to blues rock and Southern rock. Texas blues began to appear in the early 1900s among African Americans who worked in oilfields, ranches and lumber camps. In the 1920s, Blind Lemon Jefferson innovated the style by using jazz-like improvisation and single string accompaniment on a guitar; Jefferson's influence defined the field and inspired later performers. During the Great Depression in the 1930s", "id": "12084288" }, { "contents": "Tariff of 1816\n\n\nforeign textiles altogether from US markets. The bill – requiring a simple majority for passage – passed 88 yeas to 54 nays in the House (62% to 38%). Both parties were divided, with Republicans voting nationwide 63 yeas to 31 nays, and the Federalists voting 25 yeas to 23 nays. A gradual easing of British-American territorial and economic disputes commenced shortly after the passage of the Dallas tariff. The Rush–Bagot Treaty of 1817 demilitarized the Great Lakes regions and the following year the Treaty of 1818", "id": "21816696" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States in the late 19th century\n\n\nof the 20th century. Ragtime shared similarities with both blues and jazz, the two rival forms of African American music at the time. It was primarily piano-based, and could be performed by a single person (more like the blues) or by an entire orchestra (more like jazz). Scott Joplin was the most famous ragtime musician. Rag also shares strong similarities with German polka music, with the strong emphasis on beats 2 and 4. Both styles also rely upon 7th and 9th chords, resulting in a", "id": "6101775" }, { "contents": "25/8 (song)\n\n\n. Conceptualized by Johnson, it was created around its title when she experienced a long wait. She later elaborated: \"I think I was leaving some hibachi spot and I think they had a long wait and I was like “ain’t enough hours in a day for this. I’m hungry, I need to eat now.” I kept saying 24/7, 24/7 and I was like what about, what comes after seven, oh yea eight. I literally think like that. So I’m like “25/8”", "id": "11337111" }, { "contents": "Yea River\n\n\nThe Yea River, an inland perennial river of the Goulburn Broken catchment, part of the Murray-Darling basin, is located in the lower South Eastern Highlands bioregion and Northern Country/North Central regions of the Australian state of Victoria. The Yea River rises in the Toolangi State Forest north-east of and northwest of Mount Tanglefoot, part of the Great Dividing Range. The river generally flows in a northerly direction, generally aligned with the Melba Highway which crosses the river in its lower reaches. The river is joined by", "id": "20797752" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States (1900–1940)\n\n\nof gospel was singing preachers like Reverend J. M. Gates, who passionately sung about the terrible consequences of disobeying God's laws. Jazz was more urban than the blues. Relying more on instrumentation, the sound was well-suited for listeners unfamiliar with the genre's conventions. It drew primarily on New Orleans blues, but also incorporated influences from Jewish-American musicians and composers like Benny Goodman and George Gershwin. In the 1920s, jazz bars became popular among white Americans, particularly young ones. As with ragtime before, and", "id": "10609027" }, { "contents": "Bluegrass music\n\n\nBluegrass music is a genre of American roots music that developed in the 1940s in the United States Appalachian region. The genre derives its name from the band Bill Monroe and the Blue Grass Boys. Bluegrass has roots in traditional English, Irish, and Scottish ballads and dance tunes, and by traditional African-American blues and jazz. The Blue Grass Boys played a Mountain Music style that Bill learned in Asheville, North Carolina from bands like Wade Mainer's and other popular acts on radio station WWNC. It was further developed by", "id": "15054248" }, { "contents": "Yea Big + Kid Static\n\n\n,\" currently spends most of his time working with a community education project, the \"Common Action Free School,\" and participating in other community work and activism. Robinson grew up in Kankakee, Illinois, lived for several years in Chicago, and currently resides in Normal, Illinois. Yea Big has recorded and released several full-length recordings and EP's, both solo and with his main collaborator, Kid Static. In June 2012, Yea Big signed with the record label, Illegal Art, and on October 16", "id": "1711909" }, { "contents": "Matthew 5\n\n\nshalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: ³⁴But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: ³⁵Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. ³⁶Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. ³⁷But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. ³⁸Ye have", "id": "14683252" }, { "contents": "Buddy Bolden\n\n\nhis bandmates with having originated what came to be known as \"jazz\", though the term was not in common musical use until after the era of Bolden's prominence. At least one writer has labeled Bolden the father of jazz. He is credited with creating a looser, more improvised version of ragtime and adding blues; Bolden's band was said to be the first to have brass instruments play the blues. He was also said to have adapted ideas from gospel music heard in uptown African-American Baptist churches. Instead", "id": "12161872" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nnow managed by a Committee of Management and used for community events, including the monthly Yea Country Market. The former Purcells General Store \"is one of the oldest buildings still intact in Yea and was owned and operated by several generations of the Purcell family until 1986.\" The family operated a store in the town from the 1860s until 1986. Other buildings on the register include the former Yea & Mansfield Dairy Co Ltd building (1891) in Rattray St, the Yea Shire Hall (1877), the RSL Hall,", "id": "17938175" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\non 28 May 1977, with the line closed on 18 November 1978. The railway line from Tallarook to Mansfield has now been converted to the Great Victorian Rail Trail. With the withdrawal of the train service, public transport services to Yea are now limited to a V/Line coach service to Melbourne or Mansfield twice a day, and a coach service from Alexandra to Seymour via Yea once a day (on weekdays). Although private religious worship occurred beforehand, the first public services were probably held in the 1850s. In", "id": "17938169" }, { "contents": "Nadiya Yea\n\n\nNadiya yea is the first album from the Ukrainian ska-punk band Mad Heads XL after the former band Mad Heads was complemented with a three piece brass section. It was released in Ukraine and has had great success. The album consists of several covers of Ukrainian folk songs and a cover of the song Don't Worry be happy by Bobby McFerrin. Tracks from it, \"Надія є\" (Nadiya Yea), \"Автобус Буратін\" (Avtobus Buratin), \"Пісня світла\"(Pisnya Svitla) and \"Смерека\" (Smereka", "id": "5286340" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\n1902. The town's high school is Yea High School. Managed also from the school is the Access Yea Community Education Program (AYCE), a statewide educational program that is designed to help school leavers and other students who do not fit into the regular school system. The Yea Primary School and the catholic Sacred Heart Parish Primary School provide education for primary-level students. The earliest available record of a cricket match in Yea is for January 1869, against a Murrundindi side, though formal creation of a club seems not", "id": "17938171" }, { "contents": "Al Jolson\n\n\nto introduce African-American musical innovations like jazz, ragtime, and the blues to white audiences... [and] paved the way for African-American performers like Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Fats Waller, and Ethel Waters... to bridge the cultural gap between black and white America.\" Amiri Baraka wrote, \"the entrance of the white man into jazz... did at least bring him much closer to the Negro.\" He points out that \"the acceptance of jazz by whites marks a crucial moment when an aspect", "id": "13507267" }, { "contents": "Access Yea Community Education Program\n\n\nThe Access Yea Community Education Program (AYCE) is an innovative high school educational program in Victoria, Australia that is designed to help school leavers and other students who do not fit into the regular school system. Established in 1999, this is a statewide program that operates from eight centres across Victoria. It is managed by Yea High School, Yea, under the direction of program manager Annette Scales, but operates completely separate from the school. The program is state government-funded. Each student is given an individual program.", "id": "10322476" }, { "contents": "2005 United States federal budget\n\n\n, 2004 with a vote of 51 to 45 along strict party lines except for Zell Miller, Democrat of Georgia, voting Yea. The resolution was then sent to the House. House Concurrent Resolution 393 was introduced in the House on March 19, 2004 sponsored by Representative Nussle. The resolution was agreed to in the House on March 25 by a vote of 215 - 212; all 215 Yea votes came from Republicans while all Democrats, the Independent Bernie Sanders, and 10 Republicans voted Nay. On March 29, the House", "id": "17478716" }, { "contents": "All the Stuff (And More) Volume Two\n\n\n!) Volume 1\", the disc includes a number of bonus tracks of varying origins: \"Slug\" and \"Yea Yea\" were early demos; \"I Want You Around\" is a demo version of a song included in the film \"Rock 'n' Roll High School\"; and \"I Don't Want to Live This Life (Anymore)\" was first issued as the b-side of the UK single \"Crummy Stuff\" in 1986. All songs written by the Ramones except where indicated.", "id": "10223688" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n, blues, classic jazz and rhythm and blues, also commonly referred to as R&B. The Fisk Jubilee Singers became popular throughout the world for singing traditional spirituals during their tours in both the United States and England. Sexist attitudes during the early 20th century made it difficult for African-American women to have a strong presence in mainstream music. Despite this, women were still extremely influential in the genres of blues, jazz, and R&B. The return of African American soldiers from World War I and the Great Migration both contributed to Harlem", "id": "4863473" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nof Yea still services the farming activities of the area, but over half of the shops now involve food service. The \"Yea District Road Board\" and its successor the \"Shire of Yea\" achieved substantial improvements in transport infrastructure in the area, including the bridges at Molesworth (1874) and King Parrot Creek (1872), and the successful lobbying for the rail line from Tallarook (opened 1883). The railway was extended to Molesworth in 1889, chiefly for timber transport to Melbourne. The last passenger service ran", "id": "17938168" }, { "contents": "History of Memphis, Tennessee\n\n\nthe early 20th century, Memphis became famous for its innovative strains of African-American music, including gospel, blues, jazz, soul, and Rhythm and Blues genres, a tradition that continues to this day. Many notable blues musicians grew up in and around the Memphis and northern Mississippi, and performed there regularly. These included such musical greats as Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, B.B. King, and Howlin' Wolf. Stax Records, which opened in Memphis in 1957, produced almost exclusively African-American music. Stax", "id": "8739282" }, { "contents": "Dixieland\n\n\ndisc in 1917, was the first instance of jazz music being called \"Dixieland\", though at the time, the term referred to the band, not the genre. The band's sound was a combination of African American/New Orleans ragtime and Sicilian music. The music of Sicily was one of the many genres in the New Orleans music scene during the 1910s, alongside sanctified church music, brass band music and blues. Much later, the term \"Dixieland\" was applied to early jazz by traditional jazz revivalists,", "id": "17316680" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nthe labour force. Yea has been a town servicing the agricultural and resources industries of the surrounding area since its inception. These included pastoral agriculture for the entire period, gold mining before 1900, and timber cutting and dairying from then until the late 20th century. The Yea Dairy Factory opened in 1891, and closed in 1993, but other industrial or manufacturing activities have never reached significant scale. The Yea Saleyards has become a significant livestock selling centre for Central Victoria, with sales occurring at least every month. The retail area", "id": "17938167" }, { "contents": "African-American music\n\n\nstructure of the dance and folk music of peoples across western and sub-Saharan Africa. These musical forms had a wide-ranging influence on the development of music within the United States and around the world during the 20th century. The modern genres of blues and ragtime were developed during the late 19th century by fusing West African vocalizations - which employed the natural harmonic series, and blue notes. The earliest jazz and blues recordings were made in the 1920s. African-American musicians developed related styles such as Rhythm and Blues in", "id": "13306674" }, { "contents": "Railway tunnels in Victoria, Australia\n\n\non the line. The Elphinstone Tunnel, long, was built in brick and bluestone as a double-track horseshoe profile tunnel, and was completed in 1860. The Big Hill Tunnel, located between Kangaroo Flat and Ravenswood, south of Bendigo. Like the Elpinstone Tunnel, it was double-tracked when built, but was singled as part of the Regional Fast Rail project. Cheviot tunnel was built for the extension of the Mansfield railway line from Yea and is located near Limestone, roughly halfway between Yea and Molesworth, where", "id": "1615162" }, { "contents": "African Americans\n\n\nand evolved from other black forms of music, including blues, doo-wop, barbershop, ragtime, bluegrass, jazz, and gospel music. African-American-derived musical forms have also influenced and been incorporated into virtually every other popular music genre in the world, including country and techno. African-American genres are the most important ethnic vernacular tradition in America, as they have developed independent of African traditions from which they arise more so than any other immigrant groups, including Europeans; make up the broadest and longest", "id": "1912756" }, { "contents": "Maud Cuney Hare\n\n\nbest-known work, \"Negro Musicians and Their Music\" (1936). In it, Cuney Hare documented the development of African-American music, contextualizing it both nationally and internationally. She writes compellingly of the history of African-American music, from its beginnings in Africa, through the diaspora to the United States and elsewhere, to the development of American traditions of Negro spirituals, and finally the newer forms of blues and jazz. She disliked ragtime, and distrusted the unstructured nature of Jazz music, preferring the", "id": "18260689" }, { "contents": "African popular music\n\n\nAfrican popular music, like African traditional music, is vast and varied. Most contemporary genres of African popular music build on cross-pollination with western popular music. Many genres of popular music like blues, jazz, afrobeats, salsa, zouk, and rumba derive to varying degrees on musical traditions from Africa, taken to the Americas by enslaved Africans. These rhythms and sounds have subsequently been adapted by newer genres like rock, and rhythm and blues. Likewise, African popular music has adopted elements, particularly the musical instruments and", "id": "250769" }, { "contents": "Fast Car\n\n\non it.' And she [said], 'Oh, I've never done dance music before or anything like that so, I'm not kind of sure.' And I was like, 'Listen, you'd be great.' And she came the next day to record it, and what you hear on the radio is her coming in the next day after her show to record it.\" Blue also admitted that he wanted to create a Swedish-esque sound on the record: \"I think", "id": "20125117" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Yea railway station\n\n\nYea is a former railway station in Yea, Victoria, Australia. The tracks have been removed and the reserve has been turned into The Yea Railway Park consisting of the historic railway station and eleven acres of parkland. It has a picnic shelter, barbecue, toilets, playground, skatepark, walking track, community reserve and includes Rotary Park. The station building houses Blackthorn Textiles (a privately run craft shop). Also on the site are the former goods sheds which are available for hire for varied functions. The Yea Country", "id": "20088146" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "Rick Benjamin (conductor)\n\n\nfoxtrots and blues, and, of course, numerous rags, some quite picturesque.\" In February 1999, Benjamin and the Paragon Ragtime Orchestra premiered \"Oh, You Kid!\" at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC, in collaboration with the Paul Taylor Dance Company. The work was commissioned under the Doris Duke Millennium Awards for Modern Dance and Jazz Music of the Kennedy Center and American Dance Festival, which promotes such pairings. Anna Kisselgoff wrote in the \"New York Times\" that the show was \"exuberant romp", "id": "3849696" }, { "contents": "Yun Yea-ji\n\n\nYun Yea-ji (also Yoon Yea-ji; born November 30, 1994) is a South Korean figure skater. She is the 2008 South Korean Junior champion and competed at two Four Continents Championships. Her best result was 12th at the 2011 Four Continents. Yun Yea-ji was born on November 30, 1994 in Seoul, South Korea. Early in her career, Yun performed in shows in South Korea, including Festa On Ice, a show headlined by Kim Yuna. Kim recommended Yun to her choreographer,", "id": "418213" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Chicago Black Renaissance\n\n\nAfrican Americans on the south side coined the word Bronzeville, a word that described the skin tone of most its inhabitants, to identify their community. Jazz, blues, and gospel grew and flourished during the Chicago Black Renaissance. Jazz, which developed as a mix of European and African musical styles, began in the southeastern United States, but is said to have made its way from New Orleans to Chicago in 1915, when migrants came north to work in factories, mills, and stockyards. As more of the population moved", "id": "956447" }, { "contents": "Duck Baker\n\n\nRichard Royall \"Duck\" Baker IV (born July 30, 1949) is an American acoustic fingerstyle guitarist who plays in a variety of styles: jazz, blues, gospel, ragtime, folk, and Irish and Scottish music. He has written many instruction books for guitar. His reputation rests on his work as a solo fingerstyle guitarist in multiple genres: Irish and Scottish music, American folk music, ragtime, gospel, and blues. He was born Richard Royall Baker IV on July 30, 1949 in Washington, D.C.", "id": "13670206" }, { "contents": "Harlem Hamfats\n\n\nThe Harlem Hamfats was a Chicago jazz band formed in 1936. Initially, they mainly provided backup music for jazz and blues singers, such as Johnny Temple, Rosetta Howard, and Frankie Jaxon, for Decca Records. Their first record, \"Oh! Red\", became a hit, securing them a Decca contract for fifty titles, and they launched a successful recording career performing danceable music. The group's inclusion in the dirty blues genre is due to such songs as \"Gimme Some of that Yum Yum\" and \"", "id": "2261113" }, { "contents": "Handel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration\n\n\nHandel's Messiah: A Soulful Celebration is a gospel album by various artists, released in 1992 on Warner Alliance. Executive produced by Norman Miller, Gail Hamilton and Mervyn Warren, it is a reinterpretation of the 1741 oratorio \"Messiah\" by George Frideric Handel, and has been widely praised for its use of multiple genres of African-American music, including spirituals, blues, ragtime, big band, jazz fusion, R&B and hip hop. The album received the 1992 Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Soul Gospel Album, as", "id": "14754660" }, { "contents": "The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps\n\n\n, Franczek Radelet, to investigate the accusations against Hopkins as well as YEA!’s policies and procedures for providing a safe environment for youth members, employees, and volunteers. In addition, YEA! established a hotline for calls to report concerns or complaints. The YEA! organization was immediately put on a probationary status by DCI with the statement that, \"The terms of the probation include multiple steps for YEA! to take in order for its drum corps to participate in the upcoming 2018 DCI Summer Tour.\" As a", "id": "2357893" }, { "contents": "Zameer Rizvi\n\n\nengineering, Zameer has become well versed in business process management for software. In 2016 he founded Odesso, a platform for building applications for on-demand businesses. Odesso has rapidly grown since its beginnings. Zameer operates as Odesso's CEO and it is a major focus for him outside of his music. Zameer started off 2016 with the release of the song and music video \"Oh Yea!\". In July 2016 Zameer went on tour to promote his album \"Her\". During the course of the tour Zameer live", "id": "7372415" }, { "contents": "Send It to Me\n\n\nby reggae music, the Stones being very big fans ever since their introduction to it during the recording sessions for 1973's \"Goats Head Soup\" in Jamaica. Its influence is also felt on a number of earlier tracks like \"Cherry Oh Baby\" off \"Black and Blue\" and later Richards compositions. While the influence is evident, Bill Janovitz notes in his review of the song that also incorporates \"...a great R&B guitar lick from Keith Richards... and then cut to a disco feel for the chorus.\"", "id": "14873691" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "Yea River\n\n\nsix tributaries including the Murrindindi River, flows east and north of the town of before reaching its confluence with the Goulburn River, near Ghin Ghin Bridge. The river descends over its course. The river is also crossed by the Goulburn Valley Highway, east of Yea. The suspected Aboriginal Taungurong language name for the river was Kayigai, with no clearly defined meaning. A surveyor's map of \"circa\" 1860 gives \"Kayigai\" or Muddy Creek, so it is likely that was the Aboriginal name of the river. The", "id": "20797753" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nmusical genres were ragtime and slow blues, but with the start of the 20th century the musicians quickly became involved with America's new musical genre, jazz (from \"jass\"). The house band at Purcell's Cafe would be the first band in history to use the word \"jazz\" in its name when it became called the \"So Different Jazz Band\". The musical venues on Pacific Street usually starting out with just a piano, then later working up to four, and then six pieces according to what", "id": "3886647" }, { "contents": "MxBx 1998/13,000 Miles at Light Velocity\n\n\nof The Beach Boys' \"Surfin' U.S.A.\". The album features an untitled hidden track just a few seconds after \"Plot in a Pot\". This is a noisy instrumental jam with Smelly Mustafa, their tour manager at the time, announcing all of Melt-Banana's tour dates. The album begins in a similar way: before \"Scratch Or Stitch\", their roadie, Todd Nugent, says: \"Yea looks like we're ready to go, yep here they come... yep here we go!", "id": "22147315" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nDistrict Football League and the now defunct Central Goulburn Football League. The Yea Racing Club schedules three race meetings a year, and Yea St Patrick's Racing Club also hold a picnic race meeting each year at the Yea racecourse. Golfers play at the course of the Yea Golf Club on Racecourse Road. Yea has a number of buildings on the Victorian Heritage Register. The former Yea railway station \"is the most intact example of a small group of standard Gothic-styled Railway Station buildings.\" Built in 1889, it is", "id": "17938174" }, { "contents": "Oh Mercy\n\n\nwas already swamped up pretty good when it came to him. Critics usually didn't like a song like this coming out of me because it didn't seem to be autobiographical. Maybe not, but the stuff I write does come from an autobiographical place.\" A propulsive, riff-driven number, it was the first single issued from \"Oh Mercy\". \"Ring Them Bells\" is one of the more celebrated tracks on \"Oh Mercy\", and also where Lanois's production is at its most subtle and", "id": "19062369" }, { "contents": "Music history of the United States\n\n\nof poor black Southerners and the jazz of black urbanites were among the earliest styles of American popular music. At the time, black performers typically did not perform their own material, instead using songs produced by the music publishing companies of Tin Pan Alley. African American blues evolved during the early 20th century, later evolving to create genres like rhythm and blues. During this time, jazz diversified into steadily more experimental fields. By the end of the 1940s, jazz had grown into such varied fields as bebop and jazz. Rock", "id": "2411604" }, { "contents": "San Marcos High School (Texas)\n\n\nto die. See our colors purple and white. We're out to win this game tonight. We are the Rattlers, best in the land. We play the game as best as we can. All you Snakes of S.M High, we're out to Fight, Fight, Fight. Yea Purple! Yea White! Yea Rattlers! Fight! Fight! Fight! Snakes fight! Snakes Fight! Yea Snakes Fight! (similar to the Notre Dame Fight Song melody) Mascot: Rattler (Western Diamondback Rattlesnake) Hand", "id": "4121160" }, { "contents": "The Birds of Satan\n\n\nMurphy] the guitar player – and it was easy. I just said, “You want to help me make a record?” and they were like, “Yeah. Fuck yea.” So we did it really quick, and Dave Grohl came for a couple songs, Pat Smear came in on a song. It was all just us having some fun with friends in the studio.\" The band's self-titled debut album was released on April 15, 2014 and pays tribute to seventies bands such as", "id": "12616679" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\n, in the form of worshipers proclaiming their faith in an improvised, often musical manner (testifying). Composers like Thomas A. Dorsey composed gospel works that used elements of blues and jazz in traditional hymns and spiritual songs. Ragtime was originally a piano style, featuring syncopated rhythms and chromaticisms. It is primarily a form of dance music utilizing the walking bass, and is generally composed in sonata form. Ragtime is a refined and evolved form of the African American cakewalk dance, mixed with styles ranging from European marches and popular songs", "id": "7216664" }, { "contents": "Tattoo (Rory Gallagher album)\n\n\nTattoo is the fifth album released by Rory Gallagher. It demonstrated Gallagher's eclectic range of musical influences starting with the blues and adding elements from jazz, folk, and country. \"Tattoo\" showcased the skill of Gallagher and his band across a number of genres from Delta and Chicago blues, the jazz-influenced \"They Don't Make Them Like You Anymore\" and blues-rock tracks such as \"Tattoo'd Lady\". According to his brother, Gallagher was in a \"prolific and confident mood\" when he recorded", "id": "9164312" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\nand in vaudeville, during which time many marching bands were formed. Black pianists played in bars, clubs and brothels, as ragtime developed. Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which originated in African-American communities of primarily the \"Deep South\" of the United States at the end of the 19th century from their spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants and rhymed simple narrative ballads. The music of New Orleans had a profound effect on the creation of early", "id": "16608907" }, { "contents": "African-American culture\n\n\nresult of the blackface minstrel show, African-American music entered mainstream American society. By the early 20th century, several musical forms with origins in the African-American community had transformed American popular music. Aided by the technological innovations of radio and phonograph records, ragtime, jazz, blues, and swing also became popular overseas, and the 1920s became known as the Jazz Age. The early 20th century also saw the creation of the first African-American Broadway shows, films such as King Vidor's \"Hallelujah!\"", "id": "12117439" }, { "contents": "Gert Town, New Orleans\n\n\nhailed as the king of jazz. Very little is known about his early life. In the early years of his playing with his band, he heard ragtime blues and gospel and fused those styles. Much of his success came while playing in Lincoln Park, an iconic meeting ground for African Americans during the Jim Crow Era. Bolden would play his trumpet or cornet and would call crowds from Johnson Park and the surrounding areas of Gert Town and New Orleans to hear him play. Willie \"Bunk\" Johnson was a jazz trumpeter", "id": "22184575" }, { "contents": "Go Bo Diddley\n\n\nin November 1958 and then released on this album. Bo's next single \"I'm Sorry\"/\"Oh Yea\" was released in February 1959 and reached number 17 on \"Billboard\" magazine's Hot R&B Sides chart. The next single \"Crackin' Up\" b/w \"The Great Grandfather\" was released in May. \"Go Bo Diddley\" was released two months later in July. In November 1959, Bo released his most popular single \"Say Man\"/\"The Clock Strikes Twelve\" which became a crossover hit reaching number 20 on the", "id": "16916668" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "Celtic fusion\n\n\none of the best-selling musicians in the world. The word first entered the English language as slang and was used to describe anyone who was giving a passionate performance, primarily athletes at first. It was only later that the spelling was standardized as Jazz and it became associated with a specific musical Genre. The music we call Jazz today originated in African American communities and evolved out of American Roots music and the Blues and often included instruments like Fiddle and Mandolin that are now more commonly associated with Folk or Roots music.", "id": "20901915" }, { "contents": "1776 (musical)\n\n\n's vote from \"nay\" to \"yea\". It is now July 2. The delegates slowly return to the chamber, including the last-minute arrival of Caesar Rodney from Delaware. Hancock calls for the vote on the Lee Resolution; Thomson calls on each delegation for its vote. Pennsylvania passes on the first call, but the rest of the northern and middle colonies (save New York, which, with some self-disgust, again abstains \"courteously\") vote \"yea\". When the vote reaches", "id": "1969746" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\nand the Post Office opened in 1858. Yea expanded under the influx of hopeful prospectors, both as a natural overnight stopping place on the route from Melbourne to other goldfields, but especially when gold was discovered in the local area in the late 1850s. The gold-mining localities near Yea included the 'Providence' diggings just across the Yea River from the town, in the Ghin Ghin area, the Ti Tree Creek, and the 'Higinbotham' area on the Murrindindi Creek. None except the Providence and Ti Tree Creek", "id": "17938158" }, { "contents": "Music of Africa\n\n\ngenres of African popular music build on cross-pollination with western popular music. Many genres of popular music, including blues, jazz and rumba, derive to varying degrees from musical traditions from Africa, taken to the Americas by enslaved Africans. These rhythms and sounds have subsequently been adapted by newer genres like rock and rhythm and blues. Similarly, African popular music has adopted elements, particularly the musical instruments and recording studio techniques of western music. One of the most important 20th century singers of South African popular music was Miriam", "id": "4636545" }, { "contents": "Cory Atkins\n\n\n, 2014, Voted Yea on Bill S 2123 to increase the minimum wage January 22, 2013, Atkins introduced House Bill 2491, authorizing the town of Concord to impose an income tax on its residents to provide property tax relief. Jan 28, 2010, Voted Yea on Bill H 4441 to establish school nutrition standards April 27, 2009, Voted Yea along with 108 other Democrats on the Sciortino Amdt to increase sales tax from 5 percent to 6.25 percent July 29, 2008, Voted Nay to Bill H 5022 to reduce the", "id": "19150948" }, { "contents": "Yea, Victoria\n\n\ncrossing, and a complaint from the local landholder, a town was surveyed and laid out in 1855 by T.W.Pinniger. Apparently under instruction from the State Surveyor-General Andrew Clarke, it was named after Colonel Lacy Walter Giles Yea – a British Army colonel killed in June of that year at the Battle of the Great Redan in the Crimean War, and who had been Clarke's commanding officer in England in 1830s. Town lots went on sale at Kilmore the following year. There was at least one store open by 1856,", "id": "17938157" }, { "contents": "Big Freedia\n\n\nnot come to play with you hoes, haha. I came to slay, bitch! I like cornbread and collard greens, bitch! Oh yas, you besta believe it,\" in the music video. Beyoncé also uses Freedia's voice to open her 2016 \"Formation\" World Tour. Freedia says, \"Oh Miss Bey, I know you came to slay! Give them hoes what they came to see. Baby, when I tell you, I’m back by popular demand. I did not come to play", "id": "19708482" }, { "contents": "Années folles\n\n\n, while he denied belonging to the surrealists, was unquestionably avant-garde and collaborated with many of its members. In the 1920s, Parisian nightlife was greatly influenced by American culture. One of its greatest influences was the ragtime called jazz, which became very popular in Paris. \"Ragtimitis\" came to Paris with a rendition of The Memphis Blues by a U.S. Army band led by New York Army National Guard Lieutenant James Reese Europe. The band, known as the Harlem Hellfighters of the 369th Infantry Regiment, \"... started", "id": "6972901" }, { "contents": "The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps\n\n\n, '98, and 2000. In 1996, sponsorship of the corps was passed to Youth Education in the Arts (YEA), an umbrella organization sponsoring several youth and musical activities. Also in '96, the Cadets performed at the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. In 2003, Yea! and the corps moved to Allentown, Pennsylvania, and the corps dropped any reference to locale from its name, becoming simply, The Cadets. In January 2009, The Cadets marched in President Barack Obama's Inaugural Parade in Washington,", "id": "2357890" }, { "contents": "Oh Mother\n\n\nof jazz, blues and soul music combined with a modern-day twist, like hard-hitting beats\". \"Oh Mother\" was written by Aguilera, Derryck Thornton, Mark Rankin, Liz Thornton, Christophe Barratier, Bruno Coulais and Kara DioGuardi. Production was done by Big Tank and Q, with L Boggie credited as co-producer and Aguilera serviced as additional producer. Piano and keyboards were provided by V. Young, while Rob Lewis served guitar and arranging. Lewis also played string instruments with Aroussiak Baltaian, Daniel", "id": "12101417" }, { "contents": "Piedmont (United States)\n\n\nblues musicians came from Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia. During the Great Migration, African Americans migrated to the Piedmont. With the Appalachian Mountains to the west, those who might otherwise have spread into rural areas stayed in cities and were thus exposed to a broader mixture of music than those in, for example, the rural Mississippi delta. Thus, Piedmont blues was influenced by many types of music such as ragtime, country, and popular songs—styles that had comparatively less influence on blues music in other regions.", "id": "1946509" }, { "contents": "Belshazzar's Feast (Walton)\n\n\nO Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget her cunning. If I do not remember thee, Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. Yea, if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy. By the waters of Babylon There we sat down: yea, we wept. O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed, Happy shall he be that taketh thy children And dasheth them against a stone, For with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down And shall be found no more at", "id": "6996887" }, { "contents": "I Want You (Janet Jackson song)\n\n\n' She asked and he said yea, and that's when my video came to life.\" Meyers also had the idea for Dupri's cameo due to persistent rumors of their relationship circulating in the media, saying \"That's the whole concept here, a real simple video and then the slam dunk is JD's in the video. He hasn't been in any of her stuff and all the rumors of 'are they together, are they not together.'\" The video begins with Jackson leaving her apartment before", "id": "11881573" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\n. Joplin's \"Solace\" (1909) is generally considered to be in the habanera genre: both of the pianist's hands play in a syncopated fashion, completely abandoning any sense of a march rhythm. Ned Sublette postulates that the tresillo/habanera rhythm \"found its way into ragtime and the cakewalk,\" whilst Roberts suggests that \"the habanera influence may have been part of what freed black music from ragtime's European bass.\" Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre, which", "id": "15637759" }, { "contents": "Terrific Street\n\n\nenabling integrated establishments that would be called \"black and tan clubs\". The brightest aspect of Terrific Street's culture was its robust jazz music scene which grew from earlier versions of ragtime and blues. Jazz may have started in New Orleans, but due to clubs like Purcell's and musicians Sid LeProtti and Jelly Roll Morton, San Francisco inspired composers and band leaders like Art Hickman and Paul Whiteman who taught this jazz to mainstream America. Musician Sid LeProtti recalls the excitement of Terrific Street: We used to call it Terrific Street", "id": "3886649" }, { "contents": "Shire of Yea\n\n\npursuits, along with sheep and cattle grazing. By 1994, 51% of Yea's land was under cultivation as farmland, with the Kinglake National Park and Yea River Regional Park as well as the Murrindindi Forest, the latter being important to Yea's economy for timber production, accounting for much of the rest. On 18 November 1994, the Shire was abolished and merged into the Shire of Murrindindi with Alexandra and parts of Eltham, Broadford, Euroa, Healesville and Whittlesea. Yea's ridings were abolished on 27 May 1930", "id": "5941610" }, { "contents": "Top Authority Uncut (The New Yea)\n\n\nTop Authority Uncut (The New Yea) is the third studio album by American hip hop group Top Authority from Flint, Michigan. It was released on October 21, 1997 through Top Flight Records and Wrap Records with distribution by Ichiban Records. Recording sessions took place at Silver Sun Recording Studio and Pierrenandos in Flint, Michigan, and at Sandcastle in Gary, Indiana. It featured guest appearances from Big Whup, Tuck, Yusef Boswell and Madame Dane. The album peaked at #192 on the \"Billboard\" 200 albums chart", "id": "8422166" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\n, African Americans became the new consumer in a predominantly white culture. Blues went from a small work sound to a nationwide phenomenon. Musicians in New York were very different from the ones in Chicago, St. Louis, Texas and New Orleans; the music of performers of the east had a ragtime style and wasn't original, but eventually the real blues was absorbed in the east. People were only really able to hear the blues and real jazz in the gut-bucket cabarets, which basically means anything really down low,", "id": "11650165" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nThe music of the United States reflects the country's pluri-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. It is a mixture of music influenced by West African, Irish, Scottish and mainland European cultures among others. The country's most internationally renowned genres are jazz, blues, country, bluegrass, rock, rhythm and blues, soul, ragtime, hip hop, barbershop, pop, experimental, techno, house, dance, Disco, Boogaloo, Reggaeton, and salsa. American music is heard around the world.", "id": "7216615" }, { "contents": "Funk\n\n\nFunk is a music genre that originated in African-American communities in the mid-1960s when African-American musicians created a rhythmic, danceable new form of music through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and rhythm and blues (R&B). Funk de-emphasizes melody and chord progressions and focuses on a strong rhythmic groove of a bass line played by an electric bassist and a drum part played by a drummer, often at slower tempos than other popular music. Like much of African-inspired music, funk typically consists of", "id": "10528323" }, { "contents": "Music of Oregon\n\n\nThe music of Oregon reflects the diverse array of styles present in the music of the United States, from Native American music to the contemporary genres of rock and roll, country, rhythm and blues, jazz, pop, electronic music, and hip hop. However, throughout most of its history, the state has been relatively isolated from the cultural forces shaping American music. Much of modern popular music traces its roots to the emergence in the late 19th century of African American blues and the growth of gospel music in the 1920s", "id": "10908644" }, { "contents": "Book of Enoch\n\n\ntearing the sheep and swooping down upon them and devouring them: still the sheep remained silent, but the rams lamented and cried out. And those (Seleucids) fought and battled with it and sought to lay low its horn, but they had no power over it. (109:8–12) All the (Macedonians) and vultures and (Seleucids) and (Ptolemies) were gathered together, and there came with them all the sheep of the field, yea, they all came together, and helped each other to break that", "id": "13306662" }, { "contents": "Zimbabwean jazz\n\n\nSouth African sounds. In Chichewa, the word Kwela has a very similar meaning to the South African meaning: \"to climb\". The music was popularised in South Africa and then brought to Malawi, where contemporary Malawian artists have also begun producing Kwela music. It is also closely related to Marabi which was the name given to a keyboard style (often using cheap pedal organs) that had a musical link to American jazz, ragtime and blues, with roots deep in the African tradition. Early Marabi musicians were part of", "id": "3819684" }, { "contents": "Suge (song)\n\n\n\"Suge\" (also known as \"Suge (Yea Yea)\") is a song by American rapper DaBaby, released as the lead single from his debut album \"Baby on Baby\" on April 23, 2019. It reached number seven on the US \"Billboard\" Hot 100. The song's title is a reference to music executive Suge Knight. It was produced by JetsonMade and Pooh Beatz. \"The Washington Post\" said the song \"showcases DaBaby's versatility\" in sounding \"suave\" and then being", "id": "7526258" }, { "contents": "Messiah ben Joseph (LDS Church)\n\n\nRevelator saw in vision (Rev 3:12; 21:1-5) — the latter-day seer Joseph Smith, in great distress, raised his prophetic voice to the heavens: \"O God, where art thou? And where is the pavilion that covereth thy hiding place? How long shall thy hand be stayed, and thine eye, yea thy pure eye, behold from the eternal heavens the wrongs of thy people and of thy servants, and thine ear be penetrated with their cries? Yea, O Lord, how long", "id": "21337811" }, { "contents": "Music of New York (state)\n\n\nBlues music came to New York in the early 1900s as a slower and rather sad form of music. The term blues comes from the phrase ‘I’m feeling blue,’ as in sad or down in one way or another. Blues Came to New York and very quickly gained a feeling of Jazz and became a form of music that is a tad uptempo in comparison to its slow rural relative. New York Blues was primarily formed by Jesse Stone as well as Mabel Louis Smith who both stem from the southern to middle", "id": "9263735" } ]
It is a shame how many people are obese nowadays. I really feel for those obessed,is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. Do you know the percentage of people that are obese in America right now?
[{"answer": "Well im not a statistician,but People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over , with the range", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 131, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 339, "bleu_score": 0.8798997946017285, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsymbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body", "id": "11648945" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nObesity classification is a ranking of obesity, the medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity by body mass index (BMI), which is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. BMI is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex, and is obesity determination is in", "id": "80477" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nrelation to a historical normal group. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. Relative weight and body mass index (BMI) are nearly identical and are reasonable estimates of body fatness as measured by percentage body fat. However, BMI does not account for the wide variation in body fat distribution, and may not correspond to the same degree of fatness or associated health risk in different individuals and populations. Other measurements of fat distribution include the waist", "id": "80478" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\nNormal weight obesity is the condition of having normal body weight, but with a high body fat percentage, leading to some of the same health risks as obesity. The term \"metabolically obese normal weight\" (MONW) refers to people with normal weight and body mass index (BMI), who display some metabolic characteristics which increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in the same way as obesity. People with MONW have excess visceral fat, and are predisposed to hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistance and thus predisposition to type 2 diabetes", "id": "12503565" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is often used when discussing childhood obesity, especially in open discussion, as it is less stigmatizing. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for", "id": "19958513" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\ndetermining body fat are more accurate than BMI but come with added complexity. If an individual is overweight and has excess body fat it can create or lead to health risks. Reports are surfacing, however, that being mildly overweight to slightly obese – BMI being between 24 and 31.9 – may be actually beneficial and that people with a BMI between 24 and 31.9 could actually live longer than normal weight or underweight persons. While the negative health outcomes associated with obesity are accepted within the medical community, the health implications of the overweight", "id": "850193" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa\n\n\nor obese due to cultural norms and perceptions of appropriate female behavior and occupations inside and outside of the home. The medical condition of being overweight or obesity is defined as \"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health\". It is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI), defined as a person's weight, in kilograms, divided by the square of the person's height, in meters. If an individual has a BMI of 25–29, he or she is overweight. Having a BMI of 30 or", "id": "5562314" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nAbdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, occurs when excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen has built up to the extent that it is likely to have a negative impact on health. Central obesity has been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other metabolic and vascular diseases. Visceral and central abdominal fat and waist circumference show a strong association with type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat, also known as organ fat or \"intra-abdominal fat\", is located inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in", "id": "10161788" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\nLike many other medical conditions, obesity is the result of an interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to weight gain and body fat distribution; although, only in a few cases are genes the primary cause of obesity. Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism predispose to obesity under certain dietary conditions. The percentage of obesity that can be attributed to genetics varies widely, depending on the population examined, from 6% to 85%. As of 2006, more than", "id": "80553" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n–hip ratio and body fat percentage. Normal weight obesity is a condition of having normal body weight, but high body fat percentages with the same health risks of obesity. BMI can be used to predict the risk of metabolic abnormalities like diabetes. Body mass index or BMI is a simple and widely used method for estimating body fat mass. BMI was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet. BMI is an accurate reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of the adult population. However it", "id": "80479" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\neither directly caused by obesity or indirectly related through mechanisms sharing a common cause such as a poor diet or a sedentary lifestyle. The strength of the link between obesity and specific conditions varies. One of the strongest is the link with type 2 diabetes. Excess body fat underlies 64% of cases of diabetes in men and 77% of cases in women. Health consequences fall into two broad categories: those attributable to the effects of increased fat mass (such as osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, social stigmatization) and those due", "id": "11648952" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nunhappy with the treatment of fat people in the medical world initiated the Health at Every Size movement. It has five basic tenets: 1. Enhancing health, 2. Size and self-acceptance, 3. The pleasure of eating well, 4. The joy of movement, and 5. An end to weight bias. However, the consensus within the scientific community is that obesity has a negative impact on the health of an individual. Numerous medical studies have challenged the 'healthy obesity' concept. One complicating factor in", "id": "8626785" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nto figure out a \"rational\" reason for these feelings. The person attributes negative characteristics, such as deciding that obese people are lazy or ignorant, to justify or explain the negative feelings. (Citation needed) Additionally, recent work around physical appearance issues, body image, and anti-fat or obesity prejudice suggests that feelings about one's own appearance may stimulate downward physical comparisons with obese individuals in order to make one feel better about one's own physical appearance. Weight stigma is present in multiple settings including healthcare,", "id": "15640543" }, { "contents": "BPA controversy\n\n\ntheir 2020 Healthy People national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Numerous animal studies have demonstrated an association between endocrine disrupting chemicals (including BPA) and obesity. However, the relationship between bisphenol A exposure and obesity in humans is unclear. Cohort studies have shown there has been an association of prenatal BPA exposure and increased body fat percentage at age 7 and increased BMI by age 9. Not all studies have shown a positive relationship between BPA exposure and obesity, further studies on the effects of BPA on metabolic diseases need", "id": "15799338" }, { "contents": "Obesity medicine\n\n\nfactors contribute to obesity including: gut microbiota diversity, regulation of food intake and energy balance through enteroendocrine and neuroregulation, and adipokine physiology. Obesity medicine physicians should be skilled in identifying factors which have contributed to obesity and know how to employ methods (behavior modification, pharmacotherapy, and surgery) to treat obesity. No two people with obesity are alike, and it is important to approach each patient as an individual to determine which factors contributed to their obesity in order to effectively treat each patient. Some physicians do not feel as", "id": "14664411" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nObesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. This is often described as a body mass index (BMI) over 30. However, BMI does not account for whether the excess weight is fat or muscle, and is not a measure of body composition. For most people, however, BMI is an indication used worldwide to estimate nutritional status. Obesity is usually the result of consuming more calories than the body needs and not expending that energy by", "id": "15571524" }, { "contents": "Katie Hopkins\n\n\nwhile the tweet was distasteful it was not criminal. The tweet was deleted. Hopkins has been accused of fat-shaming by journalists. When appearing on ITV‘s \"This\" \"Morning\", Hopkins expressed her views on obesity stating: \"Would I employ you if you were obese? No I would not. You would give the wrong impression to the clients of my business. I need people to look energetic, professional and efficient. If you are obese you look lazy\", and \"To call yourself 'plus", "id": "21931173" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\n. Proponents view the common wisdom that obesity is unhealthy as part of a general stigmatization of the obese, and especially of obese women; thus, the movement has strong connections with feminism. Health At Every Size first appeared in the 1960s, advocating that the changing culture toward aesthetics and beauty standards had negative repercussions to fat people. They believed that because the slim and fit body type had become the acceptable standard of attractiveness, fat people were going to great pains to lose weight, and that this was not, in fact", "id": "8780634" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nat determining a person is not obese than it is at determining a person is obese. Despite this undercounting of obesity by BMI, BMI values in the intermediate BMI range of 20–30 were found to be associated with a wide range of body fat percentages. For men with a BMI of 25, about 20% have a body fat percentage below 20% and about 10% have body fat percentage above 30%. BMI is particularly inaccurate for people who are very fit or athletic, as their high muscle mass can classify them", "id": "4612953" }, { "contents": "Weight gain\n\n\nWeight gain is an increase in body weight. This can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water or other factors. Weight gain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. If enough weight is gained due to increased body fat deposits, one may become overweight or obese, generally defined as having more body fat (adipose tissue) than is considered good for health. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures body weight in proportion to the square of height and defines optimal,", "id": "12978561" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\ncan have dire health consequences\". In 2018, the University of East Anglia released a report saying that fat acceptance, body positivity and the \"normalization of plus size\" was damaging to people's perceptions of obesity, made overweight and obese people less likely to seek medical attention when necessary, and undermined government initiatives intended to overcome the problem. In response, proponents of fat acceptance claim that being fat in and of itself is not a health problem and that long-term weight-loss is unsuccessful in the majority of", "id": "8626806" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nduration and type of diet (e.g. hydrated gels vs. dry pellets) as well as the environmental conditions and age of the animals, as each may promote different bodyweights, fat percentages, or behaviors. Driven by the worldwide epidemic of obesity, particularly in the Western world, the DIO model has been integral in understanding the relationship between high-fat/high-density diets and obesity, including the discovery of Akt and mTOR, signals in the body linked to obesity and insulin resistance. However, while many insights into the", "id": "10628463" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nconsume higher amounts of alcohol. There are various ways of measuring abdominal obesity including: In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong correlation with cardiovascular disease. BMI and waist measurements are well recognized ways to characterize obesity. However, waist measurements are not as accurate as BMI measurements. For this reason, it is recommended to use both methods of measurements. While central obesity can be obvious", "id": "10161804" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nhigher levels of stigma relative to their thinner counterparts. In addition, they marry less often, experience fewer educational and career opportunities, and on average earn a lesser income than normal weight individuals. Although public support regarding disability services, civil rights and anti-workplace discrimination laws for obese individuals have gained support across the years, overweight and obese individuals still experience discrimination, which may have implications to physiological and psychological health. These issues are compounded with the significant negative physiological effects associated with obesity. Anti-fat bias refers to", "id": "15640533" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Pakistan\n\n\nage of 15 crossing the threshold of obesity. This ratio roughly corresponds with other studies, which state one-in-four Pakistani adults as being overweight. Research indicates that people living in large cities in Pakistan are more exposed to the risks of obesity as compared to those in the rural countryside. Women also naturally have higher rates of obesity as compared to men. Pakistan also has the highest percentage of people with diabetes in South Asia. According to one study, \"fat\" is more dangerous for South Asians than for", "id": "20935342" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody fat. Most researchers have used 25% in men, and 30% in women, as cut-points to define obesity. As by anthropometric methods, body fat percentage can be estimated from a person's BMI by the following formula: There are many other methods used to determine body fat percentage. Hydrostatic weighing, one of the most accurate methods of body fat calculation, involves weighing a person underwater. Two other simpler and less accurate methods have been used historically but are now not recommended. The first is the", "id": "80491" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nrealized the connection between weight and life expectancy and increased premiums for the obese. Many cultures throughout history have viewed obesity as the result of a character flaw. The \"obesus\" or fat character in Ancient Greek comedy was a glutton and figure of mockery. During Christian times the food was viewed as a gateway to the sins of sloth and lust. In modern Western culture, excess weight is often regarded as unattractive, and obesity is commonly associated with various negative stereotypes. People of all ages can face social stigmatization, and", "id": "11648999" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\n) is predictive of increased risk. Another diagnosis of obesity is the analysis of intra-abdominal fat having the most risk to one's personal health. The increased amount of fat in this region relates to the higher levels of plasma lipid and lipoproteins as per studies mentioned by Eric Poehlman (1998) review. An increasing acceptance of the importance of central obesity within the medical profession as an indicator of health risk has led to new developments in obesity diagnosis such as the Body Volume Index, which measures central obesity by measuring a", "id": "10161807" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\n), Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression/anxiety, have all been shown to be associated with an increased risk of obesity, as well as other obesity-related illnesses such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. Other psychological issues which obesity has been shown to trigger are low self-esteem, distorted body image, and body shaming. People who are obese tend to have more increased rates of depression than those who are not overweight. Research done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Dr. David A. Kats and", "id": "20729400" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody weight, and BMI is viewed merely as a way to approximate BF%. Levels in excess of 32% for women and 25% for men are generally considered to indicate obesity. However, accurate measurement of body fat percentage is much more difficult than measurement of BMI. Several methods of varying accuracy and complexity exist. Other proposed but less common obesity measures include waist circumference and waist–hip ratio. These measure a common form of obesity known as abdominal or central obesity, characterized by excess deposits of fat in the abdominal", "id": "80484" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nBMI, total body fat, visceral fat and BVI number. The BVI Number has been designed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative to BMI. It provides an indication of health risk based on fat distribution with a particular emphasis on visceral fat; which is located around organs. Visceral fat is metabolically active, with high levels a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. There is no generally accepted definition of obesity based on total", "id": "80490" }, { "contents": "Waist–hip ratio\n\n\n, different body types, and obesity, the waist may be measured at a horizontal level 1 inch above the navel. The WHR has been used as an indicator or measure of health, and the risk of developing serious health conditions. Research shows that people with \"apple-shaped\" bodies (more weight around the waist) face more health risks than those with \"pear-shaped\" bodies (more weight around the hips). WHR is used as a measurement of obesity, which in turn is a possible indicator", "id": "15808884" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\ndisease and mortality rate. People with android obesity have higher hematocrit and red blood cell count and higher blood viscosity than people with gynoid obesity. Blood pressure is also higher in those with android obesity which leads to cardiovascular disease. Women who are infertile and have polycystic ovary syndrome show high amounts of android fat tissue. In contrast, patients with anorexia nervosa have increased gynoid fat percentage Women normally have small amounts of androgen, however when the amount is too high they develop male psychological characteristics and male physical characteristics of muscle mass,", "id": "14181059" }, { "contents": "Pathophysiology of obesity\n\n\nfat accumulation in adipose tissue. Excess fat accumulation can lead to insulin resistance, and insulin resistance has been linked to meta-inflammation. With insulin resistance, there is an increase in macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, T lymphocytes, and B lymphocytes, and a decrease in eosinophils and some T lymphocytes. Obesity has also been shown to induce hypoxic conditions in adipose cells. Hypoxic conditions result from fat cells expanding, and this decreases vascularization to surrounding fat cells. Decreased vascularization results in decreased amounts of oxygen in adipose tissue", "id": "8664555" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nThis bias is not restricted to clinically obese individuals, but also encompasses those whose body shape is in some way found unacceptable according to society's modern standards (although still within the normal or overweight BMI range). It is a classical example of the halo effect in cultures where physical preferences favor low body fat. Fat-shaming is fairly common in the United States, even though most adult Americans are overweight. \"Huffington Post\" wrote \"two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Yet overweight and obese", "id": "15640540" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nObesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of fat and is predominantly caused when there is an energy imbalance between calorie consumption and calorie expenditure. Childhood obesity is becoming an increasing concern worldwide, and Australia alone recognizes that 1 in 4 children are either overweight or obese. For Australians aged between 4 and 17 years, obesity is a very concerning condition as once gained it is favourably harder to be liberated from. Short-term effects on children can mean a decrease in their psychological well-being (stigmatisation and poor self-esteem", "id": "16685099" }, { "contents": "Sarcopenic obesity\n\n\nSarcopenic obesity is a medical condition which is defined as the presence of both sarcopenia and obesity. Sarcopenia refers to the presence of low muscle mass and either low muscular strength or low physical performance. When this is accompanied by a high fat mass the condition is known as sarcopenic obesity. The symptoms are similar to those of sarcopenia and obesity. The individual may show a BMI that is appropriate and healthy to his or her age but will look fat in appearance. The disease is caused due to a variety of reasons: The", "id": "3720158" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsaid that if an employee's obesity prevents him from \"full and effective participation of that person in professional life on an equal basis with other workers\", then it shall be considered a disability and that firing someone on such grounds is discriminatory. The principal goal of the fat acceptance movement is to decrease discrimination against people who are overweight and obese. However, some in the movement are also attempting to challenge the established relationship between obesity and negative health outcomes. A number of organizations exist that promote the acceptance of obesity.", "id": "11649011" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbeneficial for building specific muscles, but it has little effect, if any, on fat in that area of the body, or on the body's distribution of body fat. The same logic applies to sit-ups and belly fat. Sit-ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal muscles, but they have little effect, if any, on the adipose tissue located there. Several colloquial terms used to refer to central obesity, and to people who have it, refer to beer drinking", "id": "10161820" }, { "contents": "Body positivity\n\n\nbased on body weight. The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA) was also dedicated to changing the dialogue surrounding obesity and health, and spread awareness of the distinction between being fat and being unhealthily obese. Health at Every Size (HAES) is an initiative that resulted from the creation of NAAFA, and set forth the concept that health is better determined by medical testing (e. g. heart rate and blood pressure) rather than empirical observation of one's weight. The second wave of body positivity prioritized giving people of", "id": "13101136" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nof weight stigma can function as motivation to avoid stigmatizing environments, and although it may motivate one to escape stigma through weight loss, it undermines one’s capacity to do so. Researchers have linked weight stigma to decreases in physical activity, decreases in seeking health care and increases in maladaptive eating patterns such as binge eating. In addition, those who have experienced weight stigma have shown altered cardiovascular reactivity, increased cortisol level, oxidative stress, and inflammation. People who expect to be fat-shamed by healthcare providers are less likely", "id": "15640567" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nand obese: Since BMI is not a perfect representation of a person's body fat percentage, other measurements like waist circumference are often used to better assess for unhealthy excess weight as it pertains to body fat. Despite not being a perfect representation of healthy and unhealthy weight, BMI is very important value because it helps health professionals identify people who are at higher risk of developing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), liver disease, and some cancers. In general, as BMI increases so too does a", "id": "19103823" }, { "contents": "Doesn't Really Matter\n\n\nreally about feeling good yourself and accepting yourself. Self-acceptance, which is another story you see here in this film, is the most important thing as well as being happy with who you are.\" The song is based on Jackson's character Denise's \"unconditional love\" for the obese but gentle Sherman. Jackson said, \"I loved this character so much because she didn't care about all the other things that people may have seen or saw and thought was wrong with Sherman. Those were the things she", "id": "10587575" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n. In the European Union waist circumference of ≥ 94 cm(≈37\") in men and ≥ 80 cm(≈31.5\") in non pregnant women are used as cut offs for central obesity. A lower cut off of 90 cm has been recommended for South Asian and Chinese men, while a cut off of 85 cm has been recommended for Japanese men. In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong", "id": "80486" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\ncancer, osteoarthritis, and depression. Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility. A few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications, or mental disorder. The view that obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is not medically supported. On average, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their normal counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass. Obesity is mostly preventable through a combination", "id": "11648942" }, { "contents": "Bariatrics\n\n\nof a euphemism to refer to people of larger sizes without regard to their participation in any treatment specific to weight loss, such as medical supply catalogs featuring larger hospital gowns and hospital beds referred to as \"bariatric.\" Overweight and obesity are rising medical problems. There are many detrimental health effects of obesity: Individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) exceeding a healthy range have a much greater risk of medical issues. These include heart disease, diabetes mellitus, many types of cancer, asthma, obstructive sleep apnea,", "id": "14189979" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary mismatch\n\n\nnutritional value and lead them to consume more sodium, sugar, and fat. These high calorie, nutrient-deficient foods cause people to consume more calories than they burn. Fast food combined with decreased physical activity means that the \"thrifty gene\" that once benefit human predecessors now works against them, causing their bodies to store more fat and leading to higher levels of obesity in the population. Obesity is one consequence of mismatched genes. Known as \"metabolic syndrome\", this condition is also associated with other health concerns,", "id": "1646989" }, { "contents": "Management of obesity\n\n\nstructured setting, 67% of people who lost greater than 10% of their body mass maintained or continued to lose weight one year later. An average maintained weight loss of more than or 3% of total body mass could be sustained for five years. Several anti-obesity medications are currently approved by the FDA for long term use. Orlistat reduces intestinal fat absorption by inhibiting pancreatic lipase. Lorcaserin has been found to be effective in the treatment of obesity with a weight loss of 5.8 kg at one year as opposed to", "id": "11423999" }, { "contents": "Ecklonia cava\n\n\nsince there were no or almost no negative side effects in any on the animals it was tested on, even at relatively high doses. Testing on humans further suggests its safety. It is the major ingredient in the supplement called SeaPolynol™, which has been shown to reduce fat accumulation in obese mice. This suggests that \"Ecklonia cava\" can someday be especially useful for treating diabetes and obesity in some patients. Though its health benefits are not yet entirely understood, it is also regularly touted as an herbal remedy for insomnia", "id": "12968013" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nof barriers that may be associated with overweight and obesity in particular. Finally, across many studies, Puhl and Suh (2015) also found that experiencing weight stigma is related to many physiological consequences as well, including increased blood pressure, augmented cortisol reactivity, elevated oxidative stress, impaired glycemic control/elevated HbA, and increased systemic inflammation, all of which have notable consequences for physical health and disease. Broadly speaking, experiencing weight stigma is associated with psychological distress. There are many negative effects connected to anti-fat bias", "id": "15640572" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nhaving little fat. For example, more than half of all NFL players are classified as \"obese\" (BMI ≥ 30), and 1 in 4 are classified as \"extremely obese\" (BMI ≥ 35), according to the BMI metric. However, their mean body fat percentage, 14%, is well within what's considered a healthy range. The preferred obesity metric in scholarly circles is the body fat percentage (BF%) - the ratio of the total weight of person's fat to his or her", "id": "80483" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nto be the strongest contributors to obesity. One study found that black men and women have a lower percentage of body fat than white men and women with the same body mass index (BMI). A similar study concluded that obese black adolescents had significantly less dangerous visceral fat than obese white adolescents. Visceral fat is significant because it has been more strongly linked to the risk of disease as compared to fat stored in other parts of the body. A multitude of studies show that members of racial and ethnic minority communities are disproportionately", "id": "20729389" }, { "contents": "Obesity in China\n\n\nfrom physical activity. Fat farms, where overweight children try to lose their excess weight, have grown since the 1990s. In 2000, 100 million people were reported to suffer from high blood pressure and 26 million with diabetes. These figures were expected to double within a decade, with doctors warning that obesity could become China's biggest health threat for future generations. Due to the current cultural views on obesity there is a significant need for anti-obesity education. Obesity is often associated with prosperity, thus there is a need", "id": "1324906" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\nthe Sixth Circuit has decided that fat people will only qualify as disabled if it can be proved that their weight is caused by an underlying condition, supporting the concept that being obese is not inherently a disability. Other countries besides the United States have considered legislation to protect the rights of fat people. In the UK an All Party Parliamentary Group published a report in 2012 called \"Reflections on Body Image\" that found that 1 in 5 British people had been victimised because of their weight. The report recommended that Members of Parliament", "id": "8626795" }, { "contents": "Liposuction\n\n\nlinked to life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. Liposuction is generally used in an attempt to change the body's shape. Weight loss from liposuction appears to be of a short term nature with little long term effect. After a few months fat typically returns and redistributes. Liposuction does not help obesity related metabolic disorders like insulin resistance. It can also be used to remove excess fat in the chronic medical condition lymphedema. There is a spectrum of complications that may occur due to any liposuction—", "id": "8931784" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Thailand\n\n\nto junk food, and unhealthy switches from active to sedentary lifestyles. These factors are closely linked to economic growth in the country. The internationally recognised method of measuring obesity is through the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to WHO, an overweight person has a BMI of ≥25. An obese person has a BMI of ≥30. However, while the WHO standard has been used internationally, studies have shown that it may not be accurate for the classification of obesity in the Asian context due to different body fat percentages and", "id": "15555378" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbetween internal organs and torso, as opposed to subcutaneous fat, which is found underneath the skin, and intramuscular fat, which is found interspersed in skeletal muscle. Visceral fat is composed of several adipose depots including mesenteric, epididymal white adipose tissue (EWAT) and perirenal fat. An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, the \"pot belly\" or \"beer belly\" effect, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. This body type is also known as \"apple shaped\", as opposed to \"pear", "id": "10161789" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nassisted reproductive technology (ART) in obese patients, leading to an increase in miscarriage rates. PCOS is a very common endocrine disorder among women who are reproductively active. Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition where there are excessive levels of androgens in the body. It is associated with PCOS. Studies have shown that hyperandrogenism could be caused by a reaction between ovarian theca cells and reactive oxygen species. Obesity interferes with the HPA axis and stops follicular maturation. Hyperandrogenism has a disturbing effect on this process and could cause anovulatory cycles. Currently", "id": "15571529" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Nauru\n\n\nObesity in Nauru is a major health concern for the Republic of Nauru. In 2007 reported that according to the World Health organization's (WHO) latest estimate, Nauru has the highest percentage of overweight and obese inhabitants among all countries. The estimation identified 94.5% of its residents as overweight. The obesity rate is 71.7%, the highest in the world. The definition of \"overweight\" and \"obesity\" are based on body mass index (BMI). People with BMI more than or equal to 25 are", "id": "5393165" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nto the increased number of fat cells (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Increases in body fat alter the body's response to insulin, potentially leading to insulin resistance. Increased fat also creates a proinflammatory state, and a prothrombotic state. Although the negative health consequences of obesity in the general population are well supported by the available evidence, health outcomes in certain subgroups seem to be improved at an increased BMI, a phenomenon known as the obesity survival paradox. The paradox was first", "id": "11648953" }, { "contents": "Inflammatory cytokine\n\n\n. Obesity leaves an excess of nutrients for the body, thereby causing adipocytes to release more proinflammatory cytokines. Classically activated macrophages in the visceral fat accumulate in the fat tissues and continuously release proinflammatory cytokines, causing chronic inflammation in obese individuals. TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 have been found to play a pivotal role in cartilage matrix degradation and bone resorption in osteoarthritis. Animal studies indicate that inflammatory cytokines may stimulate chondrocytes to release cartilage-degrading protease in osteoarthritis. This finding does not, however, necessarily translate to \"Homo", "id": "9018289" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nbirth until age seven and discovered that fat babies at four months were 1.38 times more likely to be overweight at seven years old compared to normal weight babies. Fat babies at the age of one were 1.17 times more likely to be overweight at age seven compared to normal weight babies. Cushing's syndrome (a condition in which the body contains excess amounts of cortisol) may also influence childhood obesity. Researchers analyzed two isoforms (proteins that have the same purpose as other proteins, but are programmed by different genes) in the", "id": "19958542" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nshaped\", in which fat is deposited on the hips and buttocks. Researchers first started to focus on abdominal obesity in the 1980s when they realized it had an important connection to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Abdominal obesity was more closely related with metabolic dysfunctions connected with cardiovascular disease than was general obesity. In the late 1980s and early 1990s insightful and powerful imaging techniques were discovered that would further help advance the understanding of the health risks associated with body fat accumulation. Techniques such as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging", "id": "10161790" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\ndepots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat. In an obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese individual. It may remain as a literal \"apron of skin\" if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of fat (a common result of gastric bypass surgery). This condition cannot be effectively corrected through diet and exercise alone,", "id": "21827531" }, { "contents": "Pathophysiology of obesity\n\n\nand adaptive immunity are involved in meta-inflammation. There are different types of obesity depending on where fat cells are stored. Abdominal obesity, excess fat cell accumulation in adipose tissue of the abdomen, is associated more strongly with meta-inflammation. Evolutionarily, adipose tissue has been shown to function as an immune organ. The immune cells located in adipose tissue are important for maintaining metabolic homeostasis. With obesity, the immune cells important for maintaining metabolic homeostasis are suppressed because immune cell function and immune cell amount are affected by excess", "id": "8664554" }, { "contents": "Adiposopathy\n\n\nto the metabolic syndrome. Most medical organizations recognize obesity as a disease. According to the Obesity Medicine Association Obesity Algorithm: \"Obesity is defined as a chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical, and psychosocial health consequences.\" Consistent with this functional definition, patients with the disease of obesity can generally be categorized into patients with \"fat mass disease\" and \"sick fat disease.", "id": "2892011" }, { "contents": "Obesity in pets\n\n\nObesity in pets occurs when excessive adipose tissue accumulates in the body, and is generally defined as occurring when an animal's body weight is at least 20% greater than its optimal body weight. Obesity is associated with metabolic and hormonal changes. Weight gain will occur when an animal is in a positive energy balance, meaning energy provided as calories in the diet exceed calories expended. Evidence suggests that middle-aged cats and dogs, especially those between the ages of 5 and 10, may be at an increased risk of obesity", "id": "13312991" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nhealthy weight have changed in the opposite direction. In Britain, the weight at which people considered themselves to be overweight was significantly higher in 2007 than in 1999. These changes are believed to be due to increasing rates of adiposity leading to increased acceptance of extra body fat as being normal. Obesity is still seen as a sign of wealth and well-being in many parts of Africa. This has become particularly common since the HIV epidemic began. The first sculptural representations of the human body 20,000–35,000 years ago depict obese females.", "id": "11649001" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\ndescribed in 1999 in overweight and obese people undergoing hemodialysis, and has subsequently been found in those with heart failure and peripheral artery disease (PAD). In people with heart failure, those with a BMI between 30.0 and 34.9 had lower mortality than those with a normal weight. This has been attributed to the fact that people often lose weight as they become progressively more ill. Similar findings have been made in other types of heart disease. People with class I obesity and heart disease do not have greater rates of further heart", "id": "11648954" }, { "contents": "Obesity paradox\n\n\ndisease (COPD), and in older nursing home residents. In people with heart failure, those with a body mass index between 30.0–34.9 had lower mortality than those with what would normally be considered an ideal weight. This has been attributed to the fact that people often lose weight as they become progressively more ill. Similar findings have been made in other types of heart disease. People with class I obesity and heart disease do not have greater rates of further heart problems than people of normal weight who also have heart disease.", "id": "14142013" }, { "contents": "Psychological aspects of childhood obesity\n\n\nthat there is a “hierarchy of aggression,” such that obese children are merely reciprocating negative behaviors directed at them. Given the detrimental effects and rising prevalence of childhood obesity, much research has been conducted on how to prevent and treat the condition. It appears that addressing the psychology of obesity and modifying the family environment are important factors in regaining and maintaining a healthy weight. There is evidence that certain behavioral change techniques may help prevent or treat childhood obesity. A recent survey of the literature revealed six techniques that proved effective", "id": "11433126" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\nas early as April 8, 1999; however, a proactive strategy was considered and rejected. As a general rule, optimizing the amount of salt, sugar and fat in a product will improve its palatability, and profitability. Reducing salt, sugar and fat, for the purpose of public health, had the potential to decrease palatability and profitability. Media influence may play an important role in prevention of obesity as it has the ability to boost many of the main prevention/intervention methods used nowadays including lifestyle modification. The media", "id": "173359" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United States\n\n\n. These studies have resulted in numerous hypotheses as to what those key factors are. A common theme is that of too much food and too little exercise, however. Dieting can be useful in lowering someone's body weight, though which foods should be avoided is very confusing to the public. The public has trouble determining what to eat and what not to eat as well as how much or how little they should. For example, while dieting, people tend to consume more low-fat or fat-free products,", "id": "173345" }, { "contents": "Bariatrics\n\n\nsevere obesity has limited short-term success and very poor long-term success. Weight loss surgery generally results in greater weight loss than conventional treatment, and leads to improvements in quality of life and obesity related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The combination of approaches used may be tailored to each patient. Bariatric treatments in youth must be considered with great caution and with other conditions that may not have to be considered in adults. Techniques used in bariatrics include bioelectrical impedance analysis, a method to measure body fat percentage", "id": "14189981" }, { "contents": "Health in Pakistan\n\n\nin the rural countryside. Women also naturally have higher rates of obesity as compared to men. Pakistan also has the highest percentage of people with diabetes in South Asia. According to one study, \"fat\" is more dangerous for South Asians than for Caucasians because the fat tends to cling to organs like the liver instead of the skin. Facing numerous minor polio epidemics, the Pakistani government has now ruled that the polio vaccination as mandatory and indisputable. In a statement from Pakistani Police Commissioner Riaz Khan Mehsud \"There is no", "id": "4286712" }, { "contents": "Media depictions of body shape\n\n\nand an obese character, with the exception of Beauty and the Beast. A study published in 2010 involved one hundred and twenty one girls age 3-6 to determine the effects of brief exposure to appearance‐related media on young girls' body image. The exposure ended up not affecting body dissatisfaction. Although nearly all the girls did like how they looked ⅓ would change one physical thing and half were worried of becoming fat. In 64% of children's videos and 20% of books obesity is related to negative traits. Obese", "id": "3090898" }, { "contents": "5-HT2C receptor agonist\n\n\nmore favorable for potency and selectivity over the other two receptors (Figure 7). In 2016 the discovery of novel G protein biased 5-HT receptor agonists was published. Obesity is a global epidemic health problem and has received considerable attention as a major public hazard. Obesity is a chronic pathological and costly disease of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body. Studies indicate that 5-HT receptor activation will regulate appetite and food consumption, most likely by promoting satiety through appetite suppression by activation of 5-HT. Consequently, selective agents with high affinity", "id": "1184510" }, { "contents": "Insulin resistance\n\n\nweight gain. Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are associated with excess body weight. A possible explanation is that both insulin resistance and obesity often have the same cause, systematic overeating, which has the potential to lead to insulin resistance and obesity due to repeated administration of excess levels of glucose, which stimulate insulin secretion; excess levels of fructose, which raise triglyceride levels in the bloodstream; and fats, which may be absorbed easily by the adipose cells, and tend to end up as fatty tissue in a hypercaloric diet.", "id": "9716012" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nthe prejudicial assumption of personality characteristics based on an assessment of a person as being overweight or obese. It is also known as \"fat shaming\". Fat activists allege anti-fat bias can be found in many facets of society, and blame the media for the pervasiveness of this phenomenon. Research indicates that self-reported incidents of weight-based discrimination, has increased in the last few decades. Individuals who are subjected to weight-related stigma, appear to be rated more negatively when compared with other groups, such", "id": "15640534" }, { "contents": "James Watson\n\n\nthat Watson's position was misrepresented by \"The Sunday Telegraph\" article, and that Watson would equally consider the possibility of having a heterosexual child to be just as valid as any other reason for abortion, to emphasise that Watson is in favor of allowing choice. On the issue of obesity, Watson was quoted in 2000, saying: \"Whenever you interview fat people, you feel bad, because you know you're not going to hire them.\" Watson has repeatedly supported genetic screening and genetic engineering in public lectures and", "id": "16490195" }, { "contents": "Obesity paradox\n\n\nThe obesity paradox is a medical hypothesis which holds that obesity (and high cholesterol, when the more global term \"reverse epidemiology\" is used) may, counterintuitively, be protective and associated with greater survival in certain groups of people, such as very elderly individuals or those with certain chronic diseases. It further postulates that normal to low body mass index or normal values of cholesterol may be detrimental and associated with higher mortality in asymptomatic people. The terminology \"reverse epidemiology\" was first proposed by Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh in the", "id": "14142010" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nbecoming overweight by changing the way the family eats and exercises together. The best way children learn is by example, so parents should lead by example by living a healthy lifestyle. Screening for obesity is recommended in those over the age of six. The effects of eating habits on childhood obesity are difficult to determine. A three-year randomized controlled study of 1,704 3rd grade children which provided two healthy meals a day in combination with an exercise program and dietary counsellings failed to show a significant reduction in percentage body fat when compared", "id": "19958525" }, { "contents": "National Physical Activity Guidelines\n\n\nfor people whose fat is situated predominantly in the abdominal region. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, but these associations are not the only explanations for the greater stroke rate. Gallstones and gall bladder disorders Gout - the condition may develop in people with obesity incidents are remarkably higher, Gout is strongly associated with obesity. Osteoarthritis - Obesity may be a major factor in the development of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee and especially in women. Cancer -such as endometrial, breast, prostate", "id": "14770038" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of metabolic syndrome\n\n\nthese individuals are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, including a heart attack or stroke. Individuals with prediabetes are also likely to have additional cardiovascular risk factors such as elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. Diabetes and prediabetes are strongly linked to obesity and overweight. Nearly 50% of people with diabetes are obese, and 90% are overweight. 19 A chief risk factor for prediabetes is excess abdominal fat. Obesity increases one’s risk for a variety of other medical problems, including hypertension, stroke, other forms of cardiovascular disease", "id": "18490419" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nof total energy from fat (e.g. 60%). The effect of the diet is quantified using the measures detailed below. Often, the experiment aims to see how obesity affects some other physiological or behavioral outcome, so other measures may be taken. Common such measures include stress (both physiological and psychological), changes in hormones, and insulin. The outcome measure of obesity is usually either the gain of body weight or body fat. The body weight gain is quantified using the difference in the raw mass of the animal", "id": "10628489" }, { "contents": "Trust for America's Health\n\n\neach year. The TFAH report, \"Fixing Food Safety: Protecting America's Food Supply from Farm-to-Fork,\" outlines a plan to reallocate resources and restructure bureaucracy to keep America's food supply more secure. Adult obesity rates have doubled since 1980, from 15 to 30 percent, while childhood obesity rates have more than tripled. TFAH issues its annual report, \"F as in Fat: How Obesity Policies Are Failing in America,\" to track obesity trends and policies. The group recommends that a National", "id": "15518126" }, { "contents": "Consumer electronics\n\n\npains and problems increase, commonly referred to as repetitive strain injuries. Using electronics before going to bed makes it difficult for people to fall asleep, which has a negative effect on human health. Sleeping less prevents people from performing to their full potential physically and mentally and can also “increase rates of obesity and diabetes,” which are “long-term health consequences”. Obesity and diabetes are more commonly seen in students and in youth because they tend to be the ones using electronics the most. “People who frequently", "id": "17111262" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nhad a good general correlation with body fat percentage, and noted that obesity has overtaken smoking as the world's number one cause of death. But it also notes that in the study 50% of men and 62% of women were obese according to body fat defined obesity, while only 21% of men and 31% of women were obese according to BMI, meaning that BMI was found to underestimate the number of obese subjects. A 2010 study that followed 11,000 subjects for up to eight years concluded that BMI is not", "id": "4612960" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders and memory\n\n\n. Focusing on obesity, it has been found that obese individuals have more negative attitudes towards high-fat foods than a normal weight control group. It has also been found that children, particularly obese children, were faster at pushing a positive key than a negative key for food. These different attitudes towards food at different ages could represent different stages in development of obesity. Future research could be done to explore these effects found in obesity and determine if similar effects are seen in individuals with binge eating disorder and perhaps also in", "id": "1901653" }, { "contents": "Scott I Kahan\n\n\n2010. National Public Radio (NPR): \"FDA Approves First New Weight-Loss Drug in More Than a Decade.\" June 27, 2012. HealthDay: \"Docs Aren't Coaching Overweight Kids on How to Slim Down: Study.\" June 8, 2012. WebMD: “Cash Helps People Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes.” May 29, 2012. WebMD: “An Easier Way to Assess Body Fat and Health Risks.” May 11, 2012. Arthritis Today: “Obesity May Be a Risk Factor", "id": "1909769" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nis less accurate in people such as body builders and pregnant women. A formula combining BMI, age, and gender can be used to estimate a person's body fat percentage to an accuracy of 4%. An alternative method, body volume index (BVI) , is being developed by Mayo Clinic in an effort to better take into account different body shapes. BVI measures body fat distribution and calculates the BVI number, based on these results. This BVI number is an indication of weight associated health risk. BMI is calculated", "id": "80480" }, { "contents": "Health at Every Size\n\n\n, obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their healthy-weight counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass. HAES proponents believe that health is a result of behaviors that are independent of body weight and that favouring being thin discriminates against the overweight and the obese. Efforts towards such weight loss are instead held to cause rapid swings in size that inflict far worse physical and psychological damage than would obesity itself. As part of the wider fat acceptance movement, HAES includes also a significant social and psychological dimension", "id": "8780633" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nthe more medical costs they incur. Researchers, therefore, conclude that reducing obesity may improve the public's health, but it is unlikely to reduce overall health spending. Obesity can lead to social stigmatization and disadvantages in employment. When compared to their normal weight counterparts, obese workers on average have higher rates of absenteeism from work and take more disability leave, thus increasing costs for employers and decreasing productivity. A study examining Duke University employees found that people with a BMI over 40 kg/m filed twice as many workers'", "id": "11649006" }, { "contents": "The Daily Telegraph (Sydney)\n\n\n, such as alcohol usage, obesity, and drug dependency, for which \"Young Aussies have only themselves to blame\". The infographic included \"same sex attraction\" among the condemnable health problems it canvassed. A number of LGBTI Australians complained that the article was prejudicial, saying that sexual orientation is neither a choice nor a medical problem, and such coverage contributes to prejudice, shame and suicide risk for young same-sex attracted people. The 'blameworthiness' implicit in the headline was alleged to perpetuate negative stereotypes about gay", "id": "8150361" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nhis colleagues shows that out of 2,931 patients who exhibit chronic health conditions, that clinical depression was highest in extreme obese patients (BMI over 35). Other research done by the Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS), have indicated that clinically significant depression is about three to four times higher in severely obese individuals than in those who are not obese. Professor Marianne Sullivan and her team from Sahlgrenska University Hospital noted from their findings and experience that people who are obese have exhibited depression scores just as bad as, or worse than those", "id": "20729401" }, { "contents": "Sleep apnea\n\n\nsome people find it uncomfortable. Some complain of feeling trapped, having chest discomfort, and skin or nose irritation. Other side effects may include dry mouth, dry nose, nosebleeds, sore lips and gums. Excess body weight is thought to be an important cause of sleep apnea. In weight loss studies of obese and overweight individuals, those who lose weight show reduced apnea frequencies and improved Apnoea–Hypopnoea Index (AHI) compared to controls. Several surgical procedures (sleep surgery) are used to treat sleep apnea, although", "id": "8789611" }, { "contents": "Body Shape Index\n\n\npeople with increased BMI due to muscle development rather than fat accumulation from overeating. A higher muscle mass may actually reduce the risk of premature death. A high ABSI appears to correspond to a higher proportion of central obesity, or abdominal fat. In a sample of Americans in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, death rates in some subjects were high for both high and low BMI and WC, a familiar conundrum associated with BMI. In contrast, death rates increased  proportionally with increased values of ABSI. The linear relationship was", "id": "21603335" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\nthe appearance of a more attractive body shape, and imitate an indication of reproductive health. Another method of reducing android fat is Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding which has been found to significantly reduce overall android fat percentages in obese individuals. Cultural differences in the distribution of android fat have been observed in several studies. Compared to Europeans, South Asian individuals living in the UK have greater abdominal fat. Asian Indians living in the USA have high levels of body fat in contrast to their muscle mass and BMI Newborn babies in India also show", "id": "14181067" }, { "contents": "Fat Head\n\n\nat 5'11, 206.5 lbs, Naughton is merely considered overweight; which challenges one of the main premises behind the film that he is considered obese but appears not to be. Naughton's physician tells him that he is obese based on his body fat percentage, which may have led to this confusion. The documentary also focuses on the science and politics behind the nutrition recommendations given by the U.S. government, largely based on the lipid hypothesis, which \"Fat Head\" claims is in error on all three of its main propositions.", "id": "19706950" } ]
I love baking, I am thinking about taking baking lessons from a baker.
[{"answer": "Im am baker, A baker is someone who bakes and sometimes sells breads", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "251613", "title": "Baker", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 140, "bleu_score": 0.8124382371108969, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "The Great Canadian Baking Show\n\n\n, I have to say I am in love with the Great Canadian Baking Show.\" The inaugural season featured ten bakers from across Canada competing over eight weeks. The season was won by Sabrina Degni of Montreal, Quebec. Runners-up were Vandana Jain (Regina, Saskatchewan) and Linda Longson (High River, Alberta). Auditions for the second season were announced by CBC Television on February 7, 2018. The season began airing on September 19, 2018. The season was won by Andrei Godoroja of Vancouver,", "id": "20336958" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\ngood in quality, and were chosen on aesthetic quality only. Diana Beard left the show before the next episode was filmed due to illness. Beard later gave an interview to BBC Radio Shropshire, saying: \"I'm disappointed with the way it's been portrayed. I've been stitched up, haven't I? We were 12 amateur bakers, [there's] no prize money involved. Why would I sabotage Iain's Baked Alaska? This has made it look like some cutthroat competition. I think someone's culpable", "id": "12151658" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off\n\n\n\"The Great Australian Bake Off\" saw ten home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week saw the bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline. The three finalists were Jonathan Gurfinkel, Maria Vella and Nancy Ho. On 27 August 2013, Nancy Ho was crowned the best amateur baker. Season 2 of \"The Great Australian Bake Off\" will see twelve home bakers take part in a bake", "id": "16197735" }, { "contents": "The Great Irish Bake Off\n\n\ncritically examined by the judges who will then choose a \"Star Baker\" and a baker to be eliminated from the competition. Ten contestants were chosen for the first season, twelve were chosen for series 2 and 3. Series 1 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" saw twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week saw the bakers put through two challenges in a particular discipline. The series", "id": "20297859" }, { "contents": "The Great Irish Bake Off\n\n\nfinal saw Stephen Chisholm win with Maryanne Dalton and Will De Korte as the runners up. Series 2 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" saw twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Irish Bake Off's best amateur baker. The second series aired in Summer 2014 and was filmed at Tinakilly House, Co Wicklow. Series 3 of \"The Great Irish Bake Off\" returns to Tinakilly House, Co Wicklow and sees twelve home bakers take part", "id": "20297860" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off (season 1)\n\n\nThe first season of \"The Great Australian Bake Off\" aired on the Nine Network and saw ten home bakers take part in a bake-off to test every aspect of their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week, saw keen bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline. The season aired from 9 July 2013 till 27 August 2013, and saw Nancy Ho win. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were required to make 24", "id": "20750106" }, { "contents": "Swan\n\n\nrefer to the mute swan of Europe. Perhaps the best known story about a swan is \"The Ugly Duckling\" fable. Swans are often a symbol of love or fidelity because of their long-lasting, apparently monogamous relationships. See the famous swan-related operas \"Lohengrin\" and \"Parsifal\". Swan meat was regarded as a luxury food in England in the reign of Elizabeth I. A recipe for baked swan survives from that time: \"To bake a Swan Scald it and take out the bones, and parboil", "id": "5791850" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off\n\n\n-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur baker. The 10-part season will premiere on 13 October 2015. The three finalists were Jasmin Hartley, Sian Redgrave and Suzy Stefanidis. On 15 December 2015, Sian was crowned the best amateur baker. Season 3 of \"The Great Australian Bake Off\" will see twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned The Great Australian Bake Off's best amateur", "id": "16197736" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Greece\n\n\nBake Off Greece (also called Bake Off) is a Greek television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 23 September 2018. The Show based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off\".", "id": "1069329" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nis illustrated using animated graphics. These graphics have been created by illustrator Tom Hovey since the show's inception in 2010. Series 1 of \"The Great British Bake Off\" saw ten home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week the nationwide tour saw the bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline. The rounds took place in various locations across the UK, with the final round being held at", "id": "21259741" }, { "contents": "Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\n\n\nas I can, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and prick it, and throw't into the Oven. The next appearance is in \"Mother Goose's Melody\" (c. 1765) in the form: Marking pastry or baked goods with an identifiable mark may stem from a time when households without an oven of their own could have brought their items to a local baker or bake house, paying to have their items finished for a small fee. Marking the pastry would have", "id": "4228126" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\n, the bakers were asked to bake a meringue pie—a fruit and/or custard pie topped with meringue, in 3 ½ hours. Once again, in this episode, two bakers were eliminated instead of one baker. For the signature bake, the bakers were asked to bake a cheesecake in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a chocolate roulade in 1 3/4 hours using Mary's recipe. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake Croquembouche inspired bake in 5 hours. For", "id": "2107748" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off (season 2)\n\n\nThe second season of \"The Great Australian Bake Off\" premiered on 13 October 2015. The series sees twelve home bakers take part in a bake-off to test their baking skills as they battle to be crowned \"The Great Australian Bake Off's\" best amateur baker. Unlike the first season, season two airs on pay television channel LifeStyle Food and is produced by FremantleMedia Australia. The season is hosted by Claire Hooper and Mel Buttle and is judged by Maggie Beer and Matt Moran. The season will consist of 10", "id": "20970631" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nThe Great British Bake Off (also called Bake Off or GBBO) is a British television baking competition, produced by Love Productions, in which a group of amateur bakers compete against each other in a series of rounds, attempting to impress a group of judges with their baking skills, with a contestant being eliminated in each round, with the winner being selected from the contestants who reach the finals. The show's first episode was aired on 17 August 2010, with its first four series broadcast on BBC Two, until its", "id": "21259730" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off: An Extra Slice\n\n\nand what happened in the tent that week. In the next segment, she presents images of bakes viewers have sent in, the talks about the bakes the audience have brought to the studio, at least one of which the panelists try. In the final segment, the most recently eliminated baker joins the panel and is interviewed again by Brand. The baker is invited to bring one of their \"less-successful bakes\" which Brand and the panel sample. The segment concludes with the baker being presented a cake that captures", "id": "11896788" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nand Canada. It also has appeared in other countries, and the format has been sold to television producers in many countries around the world, where local versions are made. The baking competition was conceived by producer Anna Beattie after she spoke to a friend who had seen 'bake-offs' in America. Beattie was also inspired by the classic English village fête baking competitions; she said: \"I loved that idea of village fetes and an old-fashioned baking competition with people who only wanted to bake a good cake", "id": "21259734" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nasked to bake their own classic pudding, steamed or baked. They had 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a lemon souffle using Mary's recipe within 40 minutes. The bakers started to bake at different time intervals. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 3 puddings: crumble, bread, and suet, in 5 hours. Bakewell, Derbyshire For the signature challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a savoury pie in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge", "id": "2107708" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\n2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a Tarte au Citron using Mary's recipe in 1 1/2 hours. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 24 miniature sweet tarts. For their signature bake, the bakers were asked to bake a free formed flavored loaf (not using a tin) in 3 ¼ hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were given 3 1/2 hours to bake a Focaccia, using Paul's recipe. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to", "id": "2107745" }, { "contents": "The Great Australian Bake Off\n\n\nButtle and judges Maggie Beer and Matt Moran. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-round baker from the contestants who are all amateurs, where in each episode the bakers are tasked with 3 different challenges; a signature bake, a technical bake and a show-stopper. The bakes are critically examined by the judges who will then choose a \"Baker of the week\" and a baker that is eliminated from the competition. Ten contestants were chosen for the first season. Season 1 of", "id": "16197734" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 1)\n\n\nrecipe. The final bake of the week called the showstopper required bakers to bake a structured gingerbread with decorative designs and cookies around it within five hours. Color key: Eliminated Star Baker Winner Festive holiday bakes continued in the tent as bakers had two hours to create a yule log sponge cake with a sweet filling of their choice. The technical bake was based on the recipe of Johnny Iuzzini's tiramisu cake with ladyfinger crisps. For the final showstopper bake, the bakers created a \"Twelve Days of Christmas\" fruitcake that revolved", "id": "5524139" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\n, the bakers were asked to bake 4 Cornish pasties in 1 1/2 hours. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 2 pastry platters; savory and sweet tartlets, in 5 hours. Mousehole, Cornwall In the final, a baker was eliminated after the first bake, and only two bakers competed in the final day. For the first challenge, the 3 finalists were asked to bake 24 miniature cake in 2 1/2 hours. Only two can advance to becoming the winner of the Great British Bake Off. For", "id": "2107709" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Argentina, El Gran Pastelero\n\n\nBake Off Argentina, El gran pastelero is an Argentine television baking series based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off.\" The series first premiered on 8 April 2018 on the Telefe network with presenter Paula Chaves and judges Christophe Krywonis, Damián Betular and Pamela Villar. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-round baker from the contestants who are all amateurs, where in each episode the bakers are tasked with 2 different challenges; a signature bake and a technical bake. The", "id": "8113277" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nthe week, bakers created another three-dimensional holiday centerpiece for the showstopper bake, this time with different and unique collections of breads. With the judges failing to reach a consensus as to who would go that week, no one was eliminated. The night before the signature bake, Michael withdrew from the competition due to illness. With six bakers left in the competition, pies and tarts week began with a meringue pie baked and torched under a two hour frame. The technical bake challenged bakers to create a free form,", "id": "5753537" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nthe technical challenge, the bakers were to make a Victorian Sandwich using Mary Berry's recipe. For the final challenge, the showstopper challenge, the bakers were required to make a Chocolate Celebration Cake, with perfect execution, original ideas and their own flair. Cotswolds For the signature bake, the bakers were asked to bake their Personality Biscuits within 2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake scones using Paul Hollywood's recipe within an hour. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake Petit", "id": "2107706" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nThe first series of \"The Great British Bake Off\", first aired on BBC Two on 17 August 2010. Ten home bakers took part in a bake-off to test every aspect of their baking skills as they battled to be crowned the Great British Bake Off's best amateur baker. Each week the nationwide tour saw bakers put through three challenges in a particular discipline, with some being eliminated from competition at the end of the episode. The rounds of the competition took place in various locations across the UK following a", "id": "2107704" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 1)\n\n\naround one of the verses from the traditional Christmas carol. In the quarterfinals, the bakers created two batches of breakfast pastries with any holiday flavor of their choosing. The technical tested the skills of the remaining bakers in Mary Berry's Christmas fruit tart. For the final pastry bake, the bakers created a centerpiece made from cream puffs and pastry pieces for a spot in the final three. The final three begun with the signature bake, a holiday pie, to be baked under two-and-a-half hours.", "id": "5524140" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nto bake a macaron display. They need 3 different flavors, bake 120 of them, and had 5 hours to complete it. For the signature, the bakers were asked to bake a family pie with either a ruff puff pastry or flaky pastry in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a batch of 6 miniature pork pies in 2 1/2 hours using Paul's recipe. The technical was a 2 day bake challenge, so the bakers were judged the next day. For the showstopper", "id": "2107747" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\ntheme, for example, the episode on puddings would take place in Bakewell, bread baking would take place near Sandwich. This first series had a voiceover by Stephen Noonan; for the subsequent series this role was taken by the on-screen presenters Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins. The competition was won by Edd Kimber. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were instructed to bake any cake they want using their creativity within 3 hours. It has to be evenly baked, evenly risen, and moist. For", "id": "2107705" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nall three. In this episode, none of the bakers were individually highlighted as Star Baker. For their final signature bake, the finalists were asked to bake 12 mille-feuille in 2 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a sachertorte in 2 hours and 40 minutes. For their final showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 3 different types of petits fours: Meringue, Sweet Pastry, and Sponge Based, within 4 hours. Both episodes 9 and 10 were Masterclasses by Paul and", "id": "2107750" }, { "contents": "David Bakes Baker\n\n\nBluff Magazine\" as \"David (Bakes) Baker\". Baker, who is from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, attended Michigan State University before taking up poker. Hailing from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Baker began playing poker in high school. During his freshman year at Michigan State, he played small-stakes games with future WSOP bracelet winners Justin Scott and Dean Hamrick. He spent two years at Michigan State. After getting distracted from classwork by poker, he began to play online and moved to Miami to enroll at the", "id": "5243335" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 1)\n\n\nFours; Meringues, Choux Pastry, and Macarons, within 4 hours. Scone Palace, Perthshire For their signature bake, the bakers were asked to bake their signature bread within 3 1/2 hours. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake a cob using Paul's recipe within 2 1/2 hours. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 12 sweet rolls and 12 savoury rolls. They can have at least 3 flavours and 6 hours. Sarre Windmill, Kent For the first challenge, the bakers were", "id": "2107707" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\nfilled-loaf that is spectacular and tasty, and would be judged on its appearance, design and crust, and should be well-baked on the inside. For the signature bake, the judges gave the bakers two hours to make eight self-saucing puddings, meaning the sauce should come from the bake itself. The bakers may choose to make either a fondant or a sponge which creates its own sauce at the bottom. In the technical, they had to bake Mary's own tiramisu cake recipe in two and a", "id": "12151643" }, { "contents": "Tammy Wynette\n\n\nman and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette.\" However, the reference to cookie baking more likely comes from an unrelated remark by Hillary Clinton: \"\"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life.\"\") The remark set off a firestorm of controversy. Wynette wrote to Clinton, saying, \"With all that is in me, I resent your caustic remark. I", "id": "21946735" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nchosen for the first series, twelve for the following two series, thirteen for the fourth, and back to twelve from series five onwards. In each episode, the amateur bakers are given three challenges based on that week's theme: a signature bake, a technical challenge, and a show-stopper. The three challenges take place over two days, and the filming takes up to 16 hours a day. The contestants are assessed by the judges who then choose a \"Star Baker\" for the week (introduced in", "id": "21259739" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\n\"\" hosted by comedian Jo Brand started this year was also shown on BBC Two. Colour key: For their first bake, the contestants were required to make a Swiss Roll as their signature challenge in two and a half hours. For the technical bake, the baker were set the challenge of baking a cherry cake in two hours using Mary Berry's recipe. In the showstopper challenge, the bakers were given three and a half hours to bake their own choice of classic British cakes in miniature. The bakers needed to", "id": "12151640" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nmake 8 individual custards, either sweet like a crème brûlée, or using a more savory recipe. They had 90 minutes to finish the task. In the technical bake, the challenge was to bake a chocolate soufflé, however. As the soufflé can fall within minutes of coming out of the oven, the start time for the bakers was staggered so that each bake can be judged immediately after it was baked. The bakers were each given an hour and 45 minutes. For the final challenge, the bakers were required to", "id": "12516516" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nthe signature bake, the semi finalists were asked to bake a layered mousse cake in 2 hours, with the judges seeking a light sponge and a rich mousse. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to bake 12 identical Iced Fingers. Using Paul's recipe, they were to be filled with cream and jam. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake 3 types of pastries. The bakers had to use the same dough - which must be crisp on the outside and soft on the inside - for", "id": "2107749" }, { "contents": "Welsh rarebit\n\n\nBoorde in his \"Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge\" (1542), when he wrote \"I am a Welshman, I do love cause boby, good roasted cheese.\" In Boorde's account, \"cause boby\" is the Welsh \"\", meaning \"baked cheese\", but whether it implies a recipe like Welsh rarebit is a matter of speculation. The word \"rarebit\" is a corruption of \"rabbit\", \"Welsh rabbit\" being first recorded in 1725 and the variant \"Welsh rarebit", "id": "6327533" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nchallenge, the bakers were asked to bake a Coffee and Walnut Battenburg cake using Mary Berry's recipe in 2 hours. The cake needs to have the perfect sponge which holds its form (perfect symmetry), distinguish flavours, and a smooth exterior. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked to bake a chocolate tiered celebration cake with elaborate, multi-layer design in 5 hours. During the Showstopper round, Rob accidentally dropped his cake. For the signature bake, the bakers were asked to bake a savory Quiche in", "id": "2107744" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 3)\n\n\n' winning dish was a three pastry/dessert tower. Color key: For the first signature bake, the bakers were given two hours to bake a \"naked\" cake, a cake that is not entirely covered in icing. The technical bake, assigned by Paul Hollywood, required the bakers to create nine identical lamingtons covered with a white chocolate coating and coconut flakes. In the showstopper, bakers had two hours and thirty minutes to bake a decorative holiday Swiss roll with an evenly distributed spiral filling. Color key: In", "id": "7028324" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 2)\n\n\nbake 2 displays. One display is to make a basket out of bread. The second display is to make 12 sweet and 12 savory rolls. They had 5 hours. In this episode, two bakers were eliminated rather than one baker. For the signature bake, the bakers were give 1 1/2 hours to make 12 biscuits. The biscuits should not be too hard or too crumbly. For the technical challenge, the bakers were given 1 1/2 hours to bake 24 brandy snaps. For the showstopper, the bakers were asked", "id": "2107746" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 6)\n\n\n. The structure must be self-standing, have unique flavors and be completed in four and one half hours. This episode has a theme of using alternatives for ingredients usually used in baking. For the signature bake, the bakers were given the challenge of baking a cake, but without using sugar. They were given two and a half hour for the bake. For the technical bake, the challenge was to make twelve identical gluten-free pita breads in two hours. In the showstopper, the bakers needed to make", "id": "10418302" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nBritish judge Mary Berry. The series returned for a second season in 2016, renamed \"The Great American Baking Show\". Color Key: Episode one aired on May 29, 2013. The theme of the episode was sweet and savory pies and tarts. For the signature bake, the bakers were given two hours to bake an American pie. On the technical bake, the bakers were required to bake a free-standing savory pie using Paul Hollywood's own recipe. The pie would be a hot water crust pastry and", "id": "12516511" }, { "contents": "The Great Irish Bake Off\n\n\nthe TV3 Group confirmed the series would not return for a fourth season run, however the broadcaster did not rule out of returning to the series at a later date. The show is replaced by Masterchef Ireland and Celebrity Masterchef Ireland. The show consists of 8 episodes where in each episode the bakers are tasked with two different challenges; a signature bake and a technical bake or a technical bake and a showstopper. Unlike \"The Great British Bake Off\", the bakers only face two challenges each episode, the bakes are then", "id": "20297858" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nfor the final two bakers before a winner is crowned. For the signature bake, the final two had two hours to bake twenty-four handheld savory pastries and tested the bakers' technical detailing in the creation of different doughs and fillings. In the final technical, Mary Berry set the challenge on the bakers to create a British Battenberg cake with a checkerboard pattern and precise amounts of marzipan and jam on the inside and out. The final bake of the season put all of the bakers' skills to the test with a", "id": "5753541" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nJunior Bake Off is a British TV baking competition series where forty young bakers tackle a series of baking challenges including the art of baking cakes, biscuits, bread and pastries all competing to be crowned \"\"Junior Bake Off\" Champion\", with all their bakes being judged by two leading chefs. It is a spin-off from the main series, \"The Great British Bake Off\" and is broadcast on CBBC. Semi-Finalist Finalist Winner The four finalists are first given a masterclass; in the masterclass they learn", "id": "2997502" }, { "contents": "Wish Upon a Blackstar\n\n\nnumerous times. In a late 2008 interview, he stated that: \"I would love to just tell everyone 'The album will be done by this date,' but I've learned my lesson on that one. It's hard to predict when it will actually wrap up. I can tell you that I am thinking about alternative methods of releasing this album altogether, but I won't say anything until I'm ready to commit... that always gets me in trouble.\" On March 9, 2009, Klayton announced", "id": "10764148" }, { "contents": "List of The Great British Bake Off Star Bakers\n\n\nThe Great British Bake Off is a British television baking competition to find Britain's best amateur baker. The show premiered in 2010, and as of 2015, six series have been completed. From series two onwards, the judges have given the award of \"Star Baker\" to a single baker (though on some occasions there have been multiple) who was seen to have excelled in that particular week. The award is given by judges Paul Hollywood and Mary Berry (later Prue Leith), and numerous bakers have received the", "id": "693572" }, { "contents": "Bread in Europe\n\n\nsliced bread is called \"toustový chléb\" (toast bread) and is used only for making toasts. In the late 19th century, Danish bakers in the larger towns baked fresh bread in the morning. This bread, called \"morgenbrød\", made primarily from wheat and intended for the rising bourgeoisie, was baked into various shapes and with a variety of seasonings. Since then, this freshly baked bread has been produced in every Danish baker's shop, along with a variety of other breads. This decentralised form of baking", "id": "21867099" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\njoin Hollywood as a judge, while Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig would take over as presenters. The programme operates on a weekly elimination process to find the best all-around baker from the contestants, who are all amateurs. The applicants to the show are assessed by a researcher, followed by an audition in London with two of their bakes. They then undergo a screen test and an interview with a producer. A second audition involves the applicants baking two recipes for the judges in front of the cameras. Ten contestants were", "id": "21259738" }, { "contents": "Jorgen Dreyer\n\n\ntablet in honor of 16 students who died in World War I. It was in the library and is now in the archives of the college at Liberty, Missouri. In 1920 Dreyer sculpted two diminutive bakers for the Rushton Baking Company on Southwest Boulevard in Rosedale, a suburb of Kansas City. These figures were given to the American Institute of Baking in Manhattan, Kansas, in 1975. The two sculptures are in the lobby of AIB International. Another form of Dreyer's work was in ornamental statuary for private residences in Kansas City", "id": "4077974" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ncentury in London, commercial trading, including baking, had many regulations attached. In the case of food, they were designed to create a system \"so there was little possibility of false measures, adulterated food or shoddy manufactures.\" There were by that time twenty regulations applying to bakers alone, including that every baker had to have \"the impression of his seal\" upon bread. Beginning in the 19th century, alternative leavening agents became more common, such as baking soda. Bakers often baked goods at home and then", "id": "7706081" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\neither with sweet or savoury fillings. John cut a deep wound on his finger on the blade of the food processor, had to leave the show to receive medical attention, and therefore did not complete his challenge. As a result, the judges thought that it would be unfair to eliminate any baker this week. For the signature bake, the bakers were set to bake 24 buns made from an enriched dough with yeast in three hours. The buns should be all of the same size and evenly baked. For the technical", "id": "2107762" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nthem frequently for important occasions such as feasts and weddings etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking received, around 300 BC, baking was introduced as an occupation and respectable profession for Romans. The bakers began to prepare bread at home in an oven, using mills to grind grain into the flour for their breads. The oncoming demand for baked goods vigorously continued and the first bakers' guild was established in 168 BC in Rome. This drastic appeal for baked goods promoted baking all throughout Europe and expanded", "id": "12725085" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ninto the eastern parts of Asia. Bakers started baking breads and goods at home and selling them out on the streets. This trend became common and soon, baked products were getting sold in streets of Rome, Germany, London and many more. This resulted in a system of delivering the goods to households, as the demand for baked breads and goods significantly increased. This provoked the bakers to establish a place where people could purchase baked goods for themselves. Therefore, in Paris, the first open-air bakery of baked", "id": "12725086" }, { "contents": "Dinara Kasko\n\n\nDinara Kasko is a Ukrainian baker and media figure notable for her usage of 3D printing in cake baking. Kasako was born in Ukraine. She studied to be an architect, but chose to retire from her career as a 3D visualizer and take up baking. Kasako's main method baking involves using a 3D printer to construct a silicon mold that could then be used to shape a cake. Her works of confectionery art employ the mathematical principles of the Voronoi diagram and biomimicry. The cakes have been compared to the art of several", "id": "7329431" }, { "contents": "Baker\n\n\nA baker is someone who bakes and sometimes sells breads and other products made of flour by using an oven or other concentrated heat source. The place where a baker works is called a bakery. Since grains have been a staple food for millennia, the activity of baking is a very old one. Control of yeast, however, is relatively recent. By the fifth and sixth centuries BCE, the ancient Greeks used enclosed ovens heated by wood fires; communities usually baked bread in a large communal oven. Greeks baked dozens and", "id": "14394150" }, { "contents": "How To Cake It\n\n\nplatform that would allow their creation to come to life: YouTube. Contardi and Mercer approached Gampp early 2014 about a more relaxed baking show, starring Gampp, which she was more than excited for. Inspired by her father who was a baker, Yolanda Gampp (born July 21 1984) is a self taught baker and cake designer. She would bake in her mother’s small kitchen filling custom orders. She attended George Brown’s Culinary Arts Program, a culinary school in Toronto, but soon discovered she preferred baking. By", "id": "14495809" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\nand the cake baked should reveal a hidden design when cut. For the signature bake, the bakers were required to make twelve Flatbreads; six with yeast, six without. They were given two and a half hours to complete the task. For the technical challenge, they had to make an eight-strand plaited loaf in two hours using a recipe from Paul. For the showstopper bake, the bakers were given four hours to make 24 bagels: 12 sweet, and 12 savoury. The classic Tarte Tatin was set as", "id": "2107757" }, { "contents": "Xerophyta retinervis\n\n\n, rinse set aside to dry. Bake as much soil as you think you’ll need for the project. Bake at 350F for 45minutes. I usually add 1 1/2 cups of water and cover with foil. Don’t want the soil bone dry. Rocks, mine were collected from the yard, boil in water for 15 minutes. All the above is designed to kill anything living in the soil, water or attached to the plastic container or rocks. The goal is to create an enclosed greenhouse free from any living matter", "id": "15469407" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 8)\n\n\nThe eighth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\" began on 29 August 2017, with this being the first of \"The Great British Bake Off\" to be broadcast on Channel 4, after the production company Love Productions moved the show. It is the first series for new hosts Noel Fielding and Sandi Toksvig, and new judge Prue Leith. This series was won by Sophie Faldo, with Kate Lyon and Steven Carter-Bailey finishing as runners-up. Colour key: For the first challenge, the bakers were", "id": "523986" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\ncrackers or crisp bread for their signature bake. They should be thin, evenly baked and crack when snapped in two. For the technical challenge, the bakers were asked to make six Chocolate Teacakes in two hours using Paul's recipe, a task made more difficult because the high temperature that day would not allow the chocolate to cool. For the showstopper bake, the bakers were challenged to make a Gingerbread structure, which should not be a gingerbread house, in four hours. For the first pâtisserie test, the bakers were", "id": "2107764" }, { "contents": "List of Holiday Baking Championship episodes\n\n\nThis is a list of episodes for \"The Holiday Baking Championship\". There are 8 professional and home bakers competing in a 6-episode baking tournament. One person is eliminated every week until the final episode where the final three compete in a single, all-day round for the grand prize of $50,000. 1st - Erin Campbell, Baker and Manager from Palmdale, California 2nd/3rd - Bill Lipscomb, Culinary Instructor from Atlanta, Georgia 2nd/3rd - Naylet Larochelle, Home Baker & Psychologist from Miami, Florida 4th - Terra Nelson,", "id": "8594506" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nbaking mixes typically require the addition of water or milk, and may also require additional ingredients such as eggs and cooking oil. Some baking mixes are sold in bulk volumes, and the baker measures out the amount needed. In other cases, the mix is sold pre-measured in a commonly desired size, such as enough baking mix to make a particular size of cake. Around 2012, most large American manufacturers of cake mixes reduced the size of their standard cake mixes by about 15% by weight, as a result", "id": "1522776" }, { "contents": "List of Spring Baking Championship episodes\n\n\nThis is a list of episodes for \"Spring Baking Championship\". There are 8 professional and home bakers competing in a 6-episode baking tournament. One person is eliminated every week until the last episode where the final three compete for the grand prize of $50,000. Eight professional and home bakers come to compete in a six-episode baking tournament. This season is the last season with Bobby Deen as host. This season also began the mid-round twists in main heat challenges that are a staple of other baking championships competitions", "id": "16503491" }, { "contents": "List of Spring Baking Championship episodes\n\n\n. This season featured nine professional and home bakers competing in a seven-episode baking tournament with a grand prize of $50,000. The season premiere aired the first and second episodes together. The last two episodes aired as a two=hour finale. Jesse Palmer replaced Bobby Deen as host for this season. This season featured the most bakers to this point, with 10 contestants (including a baker from Canada) competing in an eight-episode baking tournament for a chance at $50,000. Ali Kahn took over as host", "id": "16503492" }, { "contents": "Gingerbread house\n\n\nare ginger, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and cardamom. Gingerbread figurines date back to the 15th century, and figural biscuit-making was practised in the 16th century. The first documented instance of figure-shaped gingerbread biscuits is from the court of Elizabeth I of England: she had gingerbread figures made in the likeness of some of her important guests. The gingerbread bakers were gathered into professional baker guilds. In many European countries gingerbread bakers were a distinct component of the bakers' guild. Gingerbread baking developed into an acknowledged profession", "id": "19590014" }, { "contents": "Rany Jazayerli\n\n\nbeen a baseball writer for over six years, and hardly a day goes by that I don't count my blessings for the opportunity to write about the most uniquely American pastime. But today I can't afford to think about our Great American Game, because I'm too busy thinking about what it means to be an American. You see, I am a Muslim. I am an Arab-American. And right now I am scared to death that in a country I have loved all my life — in the only", "id": "16042568" }, { "contents": "Baker's rack\n\n\nworld. This versatile storage furniture has gained its name because it has been originally used by bakers. In the olden times, bakers use these racks to cool freshly baked goods. Baker's racks are usually made of heat resistant metal that can help the warm baked goods to cool evenly. After cooling, bakers use the racks to let their neighbors preview the goods before selling. They also use these racks to roll dough and store containers of flour, sugar, and other baking needs. Today, many bakers still use these", "id": "19340958" }, { "contents": "Bernese German phonology\n\n\n, however, the opposition is not restricted with respect to syllable structure and also occurs in the syllable onset, for instance ('to bake') vs. ('baked, past participle'); in order for this opposition not to be neutralized, there must be a preceding voiced sound, for instance ('I want to bake a cake') vs. ('I have baked a cake'). In the Northern Bernese German, however, only lenis plosives may occur at the syllable onset, so '", "id": "4820471" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)\n\n\npie must be savoury, the fillings have to create a creative design and has to be strong enough to be served out of the tin. For the technical challenge, the bakers are challenged to make 12 perfectly shaped pretzels; six savoury with rock salt and six sweet, flavoured with poppy seeds and topped with sweet orange zest and glaze. For the final showstopper challenge of the series, the bakers are asked to bake the ultimate showpiece - a three-tiered wedding cake. Mary and Paul take over the tent and take", "id": "19008647" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nthe bakers were given two hours. For the showstopper, the bakers needed to make 36 sweet tartlets within three hours. Color key: Eliminated Star Baker Winner. Episode two aired on June 5, 2013. The theme of the episode was all kinds of cookies. The bakers were set the challenge of baking 12 cookies in an hour and a half using their own recipe, and all the cookies baked should be presented to the judges. For the technical challenge, the bakers were required to make in two hours 18 S'mores", "id": "12516512" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)\n\n\n, the bakers baked an Apricot Couronne using Paul's recipe in two and three-quarter hours. For the showstopper, the bakers needed to make two different varieties of European sweet buns, 12 of each. The bakers were given 30 minutes to start in the first day so that dough may be proofed overnight, to be finished the second day in four hours. The bakers are challenged to bring the old fashioned suet pudding back up to date for the signature challenge. In the technical bake, the bakers are challenged to", "id": "19008643" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\na longer period in the refrigerator. Commercial bakers often retard dough at approximately , while home bakers typically use refrigerators set at about or below. A \"banneton\" is a type of basket used to provide structure for shaped loaves of bread during proofing. Banneton baskets are also known as brotform or proofing baskets. It is normally used for doughs that are too soft or wet to maintain their shape while rising. Proofing baskets are distinct from loaf pans in that the bread is normally removed from these baskets before baking. Conventionally,", "id": "4061656" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show\n\n\nSamson in the finale. Season 2 returned the following year as \"The Great American Baking Show\" with ten bakers and an eight-week competition. The season was won by Amanda Faber, with Stephanie Chen as the runner-up. The third season began airing December 7, 2017 with a two-hour premiere. It is the first season hosted by Curry and Adams and for judge Hollywood who last appeared on the 2013 CBS version of the show. This season, baker Antoinette Love, withdrew following a family death", "id": "7352624" }, { "contents": "Isa Chandra Moskowitz\n\n\nwho loves animals and decided to bake vegan. And then people taste her cupcakes and are like \"What the hell, I'll go vegan, too.\" Obviously, I think the latter is more effective, but I guess people might not see it as activism. In 2008 she founded the organization Apron Activists (\"four courses for causes\") to raise money for local animal rights organizations in Oregon; she also works with Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to raise money through cooking. After the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Moskowitz", "id": "14003464" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off\n\n\nseries 2), and a contestant is also eliminated. In the final round, three bakers are left and a winner is chosen from the three. In the first series, the location of the cast and crew moves from town to town each week, but starting from the second series, the competition is held in one location in a specially constructed marquee. Interspersed in the programme are the background of the contestants as well as video vignettes on the history of baking. What each baker intends to bake during a particular challenge", "id": "21259740" }, { "contents": "David Bakes Baker\n\n\nDavid \"Bakes\" Baker (born October 17, 1986) is an American professional poker player who has won a World Series of Poker bracelet and appeared at four World Series of Poker final tables. He also has a Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) championship. Baker currently has over US$2 million in tournament winnings. In order to avoid confusion with David \"ODB\" Baker, he is listed in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) database by the name \"David Bakes Baker\" and listed at \"", "id": "5243334" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\ncultures. It is such a fundamental part of everyday food consumption that the children's nursery rhyme \"Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man\" takes baking as its subject. Baked goods are normally served at all kinds of parties and special attention is given to their quality at formal events. They are also one of the main components of a tea party, including at nursery teas and high teas, a tradition which started in Victorian Britain, reportedly when Anna Russell, Duchess of Bedford", "id": "7706091" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 5)\n\n\nand a half hours for the bake which is challenging as the bakers were required to use enriched dough which takes longer to proof. In the technical, they had two and a half hours to make a povitica, which Chetna had made for her signature loaf. This technical challenge was particularly hard for most of the bakers, many of whose loafs were raw inside and deemed unsafe to eat. Doughnuts were set as the challenge in the final task, and the bakers were required to make eighteen each of two different sorts,", "id": "12151652" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nmalt syrup. The loaves weighed up to 15–16 kg. They were baked once a month, as heating the oven was both time-consuming and used a lot of firewood. The bakers in the towns baked their rye bread for the day. We only know little about the other types of bread in the olden times. More refined bread types for special occasions and feasts were prepared from sifted rye flour, and loaves made from wheat must have been eaten. Around 1400, the emblem of the bakers’ guild became the", "id": "9179068" }, { "contents": "Paris during the Second Empire\n\n\nso the broth became thinner and thinner. Bread was the basic diet of the Parisian workers. There was one bakery for every 1349 Parisians in 1867, up from one bakery for every 1800 in 1853. To avoid popular unrest, the price of bread was regulated by the government and fixed at about 50 centimes per kilo. The fast-baked baguette was not introduced until 1920, so bakers had to work all night to bake the bread for the next day. In order to make a profit, bakers created a wide", "id": "12952188" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 4)\n\n\nbakers are challenged to bake a loaf that does not use traditional wheat flours, instead they must use flours such as spelt, rye, potato or tapioca. The bakers are challenged in the technical bake to make a Dacquoise which consists of three layers; coiled meringue, coffee custard and a hazelnut praline top. For the showstopper, the bakers are pushed out of their comfort zones and asked to create novelty vegetable cakes which must be dairy free. This week's theme was French pastry. In the signature challenge, the bakers", "id": "19008645" }, { "contents": "The Great British Bake Off (series 3)\n\n\nbake, the bakers were challenged to make ten Jam Doughnuts, using Paul's recipe, in two and a half hours. The jam doughnuts should be consistent in size, shape, jam distribution, and colour. For the showstopper, the bakers each made a Celebratory enriched-dough Loaf. This challenge started straight after the technical bake, so that the dough could be proofed overnight if necessary. Two bakers were eliminated this week as there was no elimination the previous week. The bakers are given two hours to make 48", "id": "2107763" }, { "contents": "Junior Bake Off\n\n\nthey must try and identify the extra baking powder in Mary's Victoria sponge; and finally they have to identify the spices in the jars through the use of their smell. For the second challenge of the day, the four bakers are put into two teams, the teams have to pick two recipes from a selection in which they can adapt. In the final of the series, the four bakers go head-to-head for the very last time, they have to create their most spectacular bake to date. Using", "id": "2997506" }, { "contents": "Bake Off Brasil\n\n\nBake Off Brasil – Mão na Massa (English: \"Bake Off Brasil – Hands On\"), often referred to as simply Bake Off Brasil or BOB is a Brazilian reality television series based on the BBC baking competition \"The Great British Bake Off\". The series premiered on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 9:30 p.m. (BRT / AMT) on SBT, aiming to find the best amateur baker in Brazil. The series currently has two spin-offs: \"Bake Off SBT\", a special holliday series", "id": "11271383" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nand 45 minutes to make eight large soft pretzels using Paul's recipe. Immediately following the technical challenge, the bakers went on to make the showstopper, which was two types of croissants, one plain and one filled. They were given two hours the first day, allowed the dough to rise overnight in the fridge, and then three hours the next day to finish the bake. Episode five aired on June 26, 2013. The theme of the episode was sweet baked goods. For the signature bake, the bakers must", "id": "12516515" }, { "contents": "David Bakes Baker\n\n\nfor a prize of $17,817. Additionally, both David \"ODB\" Baker and David \"Bakes\" Baker won World Series of Poker bracelets three days apart at the 2012 World Series of Poker. ODB won $2,500 477-entrant Event #37: Eight Game Mix, while Bakes won $10,000 178-entrant Event #32: H.O.R.S.E. At the 2010 World Series of Poker, Baker had four in the money finishes, including two prizes over $200,000 and a WSOP bracelet. The bracelet for his 1st-place finish at the 101-player", "id": "5243340" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\ncoconut rum ganache. The showstopper tested the bakers' mousse skills with two distinct flavors and chocolate decorations as a finishing touch. The final four bakers began the week by baking 12 crème brûlées with the flavors of their choice in two hours. Next in the technical, bakers tested their skills in Mary Berry's French recipe œufs en neige, or \"eggs in snow\". The judges looked for six perfectly poached meringues and crèmes anglaise. The quarter-final showstopper required the bakers to bake two dozen pavlovas of two different", "id": "5753539" }, { "contents": "Nancy Birtwhistle\n\n\nNancy Birtwhistle (born circa 1954 in Hull) is a British baker who won the fifth series of \"The Great British Bake Off\". Birtwhistle, a grandmother of eight, had applied in 2013 as well but was unsuccessful. She now contributes to national papers such as \"The Daily Telegraph\", has her own website, and gives baking demonstrations across the UK. She lives in Barton-upon-Humber with her husband, Tim. Before taking baking up seriously, Birtwhistle was a Practice Manager at a GP surgery", "id": "13525766" }, { "contents": "The Hunger Games (film)\n\n\nIt was an amazing experience; I am proud of the film and my performance. I want to thank all of my fans and the entire Hunger Games community for their support and loyalty.\" Dayo Okeniyi was quoted saying \"I think this is a lesson for people to think before they tweet\" and \"It's sad... We could now see where society is today. But I try not to think about stuff like that.\" A number of critics expressed disappointment in Lawrence's casting as Katniss because her weight was", "id": "17067418" }, { "contents": "Ruby Tandoh\n\n\nRuby Alice Tandoh (born 4 July 1992) is a British baker, columnist, author and former model. She rose to fame after becoming a runner-up on series four of BBC's \"The Great British Bake Off\" in 2013. Tandoh's grandfather is from Ghana. She grew up in Southend-on-Sea. Tandoh studied philosophy at university. She has written three books: \"Crumb: The Baking Book\" (2014), \"Flavour: Eat What You Love\" (2016) and \"", "id": "8390609" }, { "contents": "Bammy\n\n\ncan then be eaten with whatever fillings are desired. The more modern (and popular) approach is to bake thicker bammies about 6\" in diameter. These are often mass-produced in factories. When home-baked, the flour may be store-bought or made by hand-pressing. The bammy can be baked on griddles or in baking pans on a stove top. Some choose to bake it inside an oven, and to add butter and other spices before baking. Baking takes longer due to the thickness,", "id": "12402890" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\nusing Marcela's recipe. For the final showstopper, the bakers were given four hours to bake 40 sandwich Macarons. They must be of two different types, have a delicate crisp shell and soft chewy center. Episode three aired on June 12, 2013. The theme of the episode was cake. The bakers were set to make a One-Layer Cake in 90 minutes in the signature bake. In the technical challenge, they were given two hours and fifteen minutes to bake a Chiffon Cake with Tequila Orange Glaze using Marcela", "id": "12516513" }, { "contents": "List of Halloween Baking Championship episodes\n\n\nThe following is a list of episodes for the reality television cooking series \"Halloween Baking Championship\" on Food Network. Seven bakers and chefs competed in a four-episode baking tournament. One person got eliminated every week until the final episode where one person was eliminated early on and the final three compete for the grand prize of $25,000. Judges for this season are Carla Hall, Ron Ben-Israel, and Sherry Yard. Seven bakers competed in a five-episode baking tournament. In this season they incorporated midround twists", "id": "17392814" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 1)\n\n\nThe first season of \"The Great American Baking Show\", released under the title The Great Holiday Baking Show, premiered on ABC on November 30, 2015 as part of ABC's holiday programming schedule. Six amateur bakers competed in twelve challenges throughout the competition for the title of America's best holiday baker. This season was hosted by husband and wife duo Nia Vardalos and Ian Gomez. The judging panel consisted of original \"The Great British Bake Off\" judge Mary Berry and American pastry chef Johnny Iuzzini. As with the", "id": "5524137" }, { "contents": "The Great American Baking Show (season 2)\n\n\nfrosting and lace on the outside. Mary Berry's apple almond cake served as the first technical bake of the season. Lastly, in the showstopper, the bakers had five hours to show off their decorative and structural skills in their multi-tiered holiday celebration cakes. Color key: Bakers were set the challenge to bake twelve bar cookies of identical size and shape. The technical featured biscotti, a \"twice-baked\" cookie with delicate chocolate piping according to Johnny Iuzzini's recipe. The night before the showstopper, it", "id": "5753535" }, { "contents": "List of How I Met Your Mother characters\n\n\na brief relationship with her. It is also revealed in \"Garbage Island\" that Wendy the Waitress falls in love and is later married to Marshall's ex-co worker Meeker (Daniel G. O'Brien) who found out at the time they both hate Marshall after his \"Go Green\" fiasco. She and Meeker have three kids. Played by Ashley Williams. A baker at The Buttercup Bakery, Victoria meets Ted in \"The Wedding\" at the wedding reception of Ted's friends, for whom Victoria had baked the wedding", "id": "10743417" } ]
I don't understand why people with gray hair try to cover it up with coloring I agree, there is nothing wrong with gray or speckled hair. Perhaps it is because many celebrities do it as well. Even more odd is the granny hair trend where young women are coloring their hair different shades of gray. Perhaps if more young women did that then the older women would stop dying their hair! Funny how fads come and go so quickly.
[{"answer": "Yes. They say the trend is attributed to fasion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier's 2011 fashion show", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "47280003", "title": "Granny hair trend", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 127, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nout this new trend. By the summer of 2015, gray and pastel colors were regularly requested at salons, showing the growing popularity of the look. This same year, the website boredpanda asked women to post their photos in gray hairstyles and that page has since then received over 600,000 views. Two groups emerged; young people changing their hair color and the older generation eager to embrace their natural grays. Something previously perceived as a feature that needs to be hidden, considered a flaw of aging, was embraced as desirable and", "id": "8917085" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nis caused by genes being turned on and off during early childhood and puberty. Changes in hair color typically occur naturally as people age, eventually turning the hair gray and then white. This is called achromotrichia. Achromotrichia normally begins in the early to mid-twenties in men and late twenties in women. More than 60 percent of Americans have some gray hair by age 40. The age at which graying begins seems almost entirely due to genetics. Sometimes people are born with gray hair because they inherit the trait. The order", "id": "218628" }, { "contents": "Stain removal\n\n\nfabric for removing stains: Hair coloring products are commonly used to cover gray, look more attractive or keep up with fashion, yet they pose a challenge for many women. Because of the length of time the hair dye must be on the hair to achieve deep, even results, it often seeps or drips down onto the hairline, ears or neck, causing unsightly and irritating stains on the skin. Dye users are not universally affected—some persons have a tendency to get stains while others do not—most likely due", "id": "18611751" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nin several studies. The final color of each strand of hair will depend on its original color and porosity. Because hair's color and porosity across the head and along the length of a hair strand, there will be subtle variations in shade across the entire head. This gives a more natural-looking result than the solid, all over color of a permanent color. Because gray or white hairs have a different starting color than other hair, they will not appear as the same shade as the rest of the hair when", "id": "4824094" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nfirst place. Dying hair was popular among women, although the frequency that hair was coloured often made it weaker. Tertullian discusses how hair dye burnt the scalp and was harmful for the head. Artificial dyes could be applied through powders, gels and bleach. Henna, a temporary dye, or even animal fat, could be applied to make the hair more manageable. Aside from henna, more common permanent dyes were based on natural substances and perhaps more unorthodox mixtures. To prevent graying some Romans wore a paste at night made", "id": "6750003" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Sabino horse\n\n\neven among breeds that do not have true roans, such as Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Gray horses undergo progressive silvering that begins at or shortly following birth. Young gray horses often exhibit a mixture of whitish and colored hairs which can be mistaken for roaning. Grays develop more and more white hairs over the course of several years, most eventually losing all or almost all of their original colored hair. Sabino markings are permanent, and while some changes are not out of the ordinary, drastic color changes are not characteristic of sabino-", "id": "4380706" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n, but most Africans retain their original hair color until their mid-40s. Graying is a gradual process; according to a study by L'Oreal, overall, of those between 45 and 65 years old, 74% had some grey hair, covering an average of 27% of their head, and approximately 1 in 10 people had no gray hairs even after the age of 60. Children born with some hair colors may find it gradually darkens as they grow. Many blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this. This", "id": "218627" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nhappen at a very young age, even as young as 10. In some cases, gray hair may be caused by thyroid deficiencies, Waardenburg syndrome or a vitamin B deficiency. At some point in the human life cycle, cells that are located in the base of the hair's follicles slow, and eventually stop producing pigment. Piebaldism is a rare autosomal dominant disorder of melanocyte development, which may cause a congenital white forelock. Europeans often begin to grow gray hairs in their mid-30s while Asians begin graying in their late 30s", "id": "218626" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\nbirth color and the horse changes slowly to either a \"rose gray\", \"salt and pepper\" (or \"iron\" gray), or \"dapple gray.\" As the horse ages, the coat continues to lighten to a pure \"white \" or \"fleabitten\" gray hair coat. Thus, the many variations of gray coloring in horses are intermediate steps that a young horse takes while \"graying out\" from a birth color to a hair coat that is completely \"white.\" Different breeds, and", "id": "8694740" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthis means that gray and white hair will not dye to the same color as the rest of the head (in fact, some white hair will not absorb the color at all). A few gray and white hairs will blend in sufficiently not to be noticeable, but as they become more widespread, there will come a point where a semi-permanent alone will not be enough. The move to 100% permanent color can be delayed by using a semi-permanent as a base color, with permanent highlights. Semi", "id": "218641" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\n, a gray horse whose hair coat is completely \"white\" will still have black skin (except under markings that were white at birth) and dark eyes. This is how to discern a gray horse from a white horse. White horses usually have pink skin and sometimes even have blue eyes. Young horses with hair coats consisting of a mixture of colored and gray or white hairs are sometimes confused with roan. Some horses that carry dilution genes may also be confused with white or gray. While gray is commonly called a", "id": "8694736" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npopulation has red hair and approximately 40 percent carry the recessive redhead gene. Gray or white hair—sometimes colloquially called \"salt and pepper\" when it is 'peppered' throughout dark hair—is not caused by a true gray or white pigment, but is due to a lack of pigmentation and melanin. The clear hairs appear as gray or white because of the way light is reflected from the hairs. Gray hair color typically occurs naturally as people age (see Aging or achromotrichia below). For some people this can", "id": "218625" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n70% of cases of hair graying. The change in hair color occurs when melanin ceases to be produced in the hair root and new hairs grow in without pigment. The stem cells at the base of hair follicles produce melanocytes, the cells that produce and store pigment in hair and skin. The death of the melanocyte stem cells causes the onset of graying. It remains unclear why the stem cells of one hair follicle may fail to activate well over a decade before those in adjacent follicles less than a millimeter apart. Graying", "id": "218630" }, { "contents": "Nice 'n Easy (hair coloring)\n\n\n” advertising campaign. In the 1950s, just 7% of American women used hair color (or admitted to doing so), at a time when the common belief was that only actresses, models and other women considered promiscuous altered their natural shade. To help change that attitude, Clairol eschewed celebrities in favor of the average woman for its Miss Clairol and Nice ’n Easy hair color campaigns. The idea to buck the trend of that era’s advertising style — which emphasized high glamour rather than girl-next-door", "id": "922178" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\n/Winter 2011 show featured models in grey Beehives. In Spring 2015, his catwalk show at Paris Fashion Week featuring silver haired models as did the shows of other fashion designers Chanel and Gareth Pugh. Ellie Goulding was seen in 2011 with platinum hair that was shaded towards grey instead of white or blond. Kelly Osbourne was also an early proponent of the look, sporting gray hair as early as 2012. Over the next few years, many celebrities like Lady Gaga, Pink, Rihanna, Nicole Ritchie and Dascha Polanco also tried", "id": "8917084" }, { "contents": "Lavender foal syndrome\n\n\nbeen described as a silver sheen, a dull lavender, a pale, dull pinkish-gray, or pale chestnut. This dilution differs from gray foals because grays are born a dark color and lighten with age. It is also different from roan, because the hair is of a uniform shade, not of intermingled light and dark hairs. Foals with LFS are unable to stand, and sometimes cannot even attain sternal recumbency (to roll from their side to lie upright, resting on the sternum, a precursor position to", "id": "17471072" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\nGray or grey is a coat color of horses characterized by progressive silvering of the colored hairs of the coat. Most gray horses have black skin and dark eyes; unlike many depigmentation genes, gray does not affect skin or eye color. Their adult hair coat is white, dappled, or white intermingled with hairs of other colors. Gray horses may be born any base color, depending on other color genes present. White hairs begin to appear at or shortly after birth and become progressively lighter as the horse ages. Graying can", "id": "8694734" }, { "contents": "Roan (horse)\n\n\nhairs are usually seen around the muzzle and eyes. As a gray may go from entirely colored to entirely white over the course of its life, the process of \"graying out\" can, at times, closely resemble roan. Thoroughbred and Arabian horses registered as \"roan\" are often gray, especially chestnuts turning gray. Unlike grays, roans do not develop more white hair with age, and without white markings, roans retain colored heads. Blue dun or grullo (also grulla, mouse dun) coloring is created by", "id": "16462633" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\n. Dappled grays should not be confused with the slight dappling \"bloom\" seen on horses that are very healthy or slightly overweight, as \"bloom\" dapples disappear should the horse lose condition. A horse that has completely changed its base coat will either be pure white or \"flea-bitten\" gray. Flea-bitten gray is a color consisting of a white hair coat with small speckles or \"freckles\" of red-colored hair throughout. Most horses who become flea-bitten grays still go through a brief period", "id": "8694746" }, { "contents": "Coyote\n\n\nat the upper side of the base of the tail and are a bluish-black color. The color and texture of the coyote's fur varies somewhat geographically. The hair's predominant color is light gray and red or fulvous, interspersed around the body with black and white. Coyotes living at high elevations tend to have more black and gray shades than their desert-dwelling counterparts, which are more fulvous or whitish-gray. The coyote's fur consists of short, soft underfur and long, coarse guard hairs. The", "id": "6815510" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\n, and during the Elizabethan era in England, red hair was fashionable for women. In modern times, red hair is subject to fashion trends; celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Alyson Hannigan, Marcia Cross, Christina Hendricks, Emma Stone and Geri Halliwell can boost sales of red hair dye. Sometimes, red hair darkens as people get older, becoming a more brownish color or losing some of its vividness. This leads some to associate red hair with youthfulness, a quality that is generally considered desirable. In several countries such", "id": "218569" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nto become lighter, thinner, and more brittle. Dark hair may turn reddish or blondish due to the decreased production of melanin. The condition is reversible with proper nutrition. Werner syndrome and pernicious anemia can also cause premature graying. A 2005 uncontrolled study demonstrated that people 50–70 years of age with dark eyebrows but gray hair are significantly more likely to have type II diabetes than those with both gray eyebrows and hair. A 1996 British Medical Journal study found that tobacco smoking may cause premature graying. Smokers were found to be four", "id": "218635" }, { "contents": "Bergamasco Shepherd\n\n\nyear to reach the ground. The color can be solid gray or gradations of gray (including merle) up to and including solid black, provided it is not shiny or lustrous. Color also includes shadings only of isabella and fawn at the lower part of flocks (as a result of discoloration of old hair, not as a base color). The Eastern European breeds, the Komondor and Mioritic Shepherd, have a \"single coat\" consisting of relatively little guard hair (also referred to as \"goat hair\")", "id": "179647" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nHair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more eumelanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair is lighter. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a person's hair color to change, and it is possible to have hair follicles of more than one color on the same person. Particular hair colors are often associated with ethnic groups, while gray or white hair is associated with age.", "id": "218613" }, { "contents": "Hype Hair\n\n\nHype Hair magazine is a special interest publication featuring articles and photographs on hairstyles and beauty products for Women of Color. It also features many entertainment industry celebrities and it follows hair, fashion and beauty trends from the music, television and cinema world. There is also an official website which claims to be “The Biggest Hair Website for Women of Color!”. In 2013, \"Hype Hair\" was acquired by Uptown Ventures. The Premier issue of Hype Hair was in 1992. The full name was Hype Hair, subtitle", "id": "17756867" }, { "contents": "Large flying fox\n\n\nIt lacks a tail and has pointed ears. The hairs on much of its body are long and woolly, but are shorter and more erect on the upper back. The mantle hairs tend to be the longest. The color and texture of the coat differ between sexes and age classes. Males tend to have slightly stiffer and thicker coats than females. Immature individuals are almost all dull gray-brown. Young have a dark-colored mantle that becomes lighter in males when they mature. The head has hairs that range in", "id": "11950077" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nof anesthetic. Other research publications have concluded that women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. A study showed women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to that particular pain medication than men. A follow-up study by the same group showed that men and women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to morphine-6-glucuronide. The unexpected relationship of hair color to pain tolerance appears to exist because redheads have a mutation in a hormone", "id": "218562" }, { "contents": "List of Mazinger characters\n\n\nusually dressed in pink; their hair color was slightly different, in two shades of blonde, with Lori having lighter hair. Voice actresses: Akiko Hiramatsu (Loru), Shiho Kikuchi (Lori) The Gamia sisters are three identical young women Gynoids who are vicious and formidable martial artists who are sent by Ashura to assassinate Koji so that his robot can't stop their next attack. Apart from their agility and strength in hand-to-hand combat, they can use their hair as a cutting weapon. They are commonly", "id": "8634005" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ntreated with semi-permanent color. If there are only a few grey/white hairs, the effect will usually be enough for them to blend in, but as the gray spreads, there will come a point where it will not be disguised as well. In this case, the move to permanent color can sometimes be delayed by using the semi-permanent as a base and adding highlights. Semi-permanent color cannot lighten the hair. Temporary hair color is available in various forms including rinses, shampoos, gels", "id": "4824095" }, { "contents": "Grullo\n\n\nGrullo or grulla, also called blue dun, gray dun or mouse dun, is a color of horses in the dun family, characterized by tan-gray or mouse-colored hairs on the body, often with shoulder and dorsal stripes and black barring on the lower legs. In this coloration, each individual hair is mouse-colored, unlike a roan, which is composed of a mixture of dark and light hairs. The several shades of grullo are informally referred to with a variety of terms, including black dun,", "id": "18348114" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\ngray gene and never cause a complete graying of the horse. This change in hair color can be confusing. Many new horse owners, not understanding the workings of the gray gene, are disappointed to discover that their dapple gray horse turns completely white a few years later. Other times, people traveling with gray horses who have a pure white hair coat have encountered problems with non-horse-oriented officials such as police officers or border guards who are unclear about a horse who has papers saying it is \"gray\" when", "id": "8694742" }, { "contents": "2000s in fashion\n\n\nbringing back blended highlights into the mainstream. This look ended up only being a fad. Other popular late 2000s trends included Headbands, headwraps and Scrunchies, side ponytails, and braiding on one side of the head. For European men aged 25–40, shorter hair styles that usually took the form of a quiff were fashionable in the early 2000s, as well as spiked hair and fauxhawks for men aged 18–30. Dark-haired young British men often had dyed-blonde weaves and streaks until the late 2000s when a natural hair color", "id": "1444584" }, { "contents": "Good Hair\n\n\nstyling industry for black women, images of what is considered acceptable and desirable for African-American women's hair in the United States, and their relation to African American culture. According to Rock, he was inspired to make the movie after his three-year-old daughter Lola asked him, \"Daddy, how come I don't have good hair?\" She has curly, wiry hair typical of many people of African descent. He realized she had already absorbed the perception among some black people that curly hair was", "id": "760889" }, { "contents": "Dun gene\n\n\nhas no intermingled black and white hairs, and unlike a true gray, which also intermingles light and dark hairs, the color does not change to a lighter shade as the horse ages. With a dun, the hair color itself is one solid shade and remains so for life. To further confuse matters, it is possible for a horse to carry both dun and cream dilution genes; such horses with golden buckskin coloring and a complete set of primitive markings are referred to as a \"buckskin dun\" or a \"dunskin", "id": "9855376" }, { "contents": "Brown hair\n\n\n(blond) color hair. Often, natural blond or red hair will darken to a brown color over time. Brown-haired people have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired people are thought to produce more skin-protecting eumelanin and are associated with having a more even skin tone. The range of skin colors associated with brown hair is vast, ranging from the palest of skin tones to a dark olive complexion. Brown hair comes in a wide variety of shades from the very darkest of brown (almost", "id": "1603124" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\neumelanin (black and brown), brown-haired people have brown eumelanin; they also usually have medium-thick strands of hair. Brown-haired girls or women are often known as brunette. Chestnut hair is a hair color which is a reddish shade of brown hair. In contrast to auburn hair, the reddish shade of chestnut is darker. Chestnut hair is common among the native peoples of Northern, Central, Western, and Eastern Europe. Blonde (or \"blond\" for men ) hair ranges from nearly white", "id": "218620" }, { "contents": "Hair removal\n\n\nvast majority of women regularly shave their legs and armpits, while roughly half also shave their bikini lines. Many men in Western cultures shave their facial hair, so only a minority of men have a beard, even though fast-growing facial hair must be shaved daily to achieve a clean-shaven or hairless look. Some men shave because they cannot grow a \"full\" beard (generally defined as an even density from cheeks to neck) because their beard color is different from their scalp hair color, or because", "id": "20590009" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nhair is extremely problematic!\" Hair has been used as a tool of oppression to black people in the United States because of the different textures and styles black women’s hair offers. Such textures and styles have been mocked, appropriated, and used as a source for profiling. Solange reflect in her song how her hair is a major part of her identity and influences her daily life, because it offers difference to the stereotyped “normal” hair textures european/white culture so often displays. Historically, black women have “", "id": "14202428" }, { "contents": "Northern voalavo\n\n\ntail length. It also resembles small species of \"Eliurus\", but the fur is darker and there is no tail tuft. The fur is soft, short, and thick, and appears dark gray on most of the upperparts, but more brownish on the sides. On the back, the cover hairs, which form the main part of the fur, are three-colored: most of the hair is gray, followed by a narrow light buff band and a black tip. The longer guard hairs are black.", "id": "421149" }, { "contents": "Horse\n\n\nthat looks \"white\" is usually a middle-aged or older gray. Grays are born a darker shade, get lighter as they age, but usually keep black skin underneath their white hair coat (with the exception of pink skin under white markings). The only horses properly called white are born with a predominantly white hair coat and pink skin, a fairly rare occurrence. Different and unrelated genetic factors can produce white coat colors in horses, including several different alleles of dominant white and the sabino-1 gene. However,", "id": "13421782" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\ntimes more likely to begin graying prematurely, compared to nonsmokers. Gray hair may temporarily darken after inflammatory processes, after electron-beam-induced alopecia, and after some chemotherapy regimens. Much remains to be learned about the physiology of human graying. There are no special diets, nutritional supplements, vitamins, or proteins that have been proven to slow, stop, or in any way affect the graying process, although many have been marketed over the years. However, French scientists treating leukemia patients with a new cancer drug noted", "id": "218636" }, { "contents": "Chausie\n\n\n. As the kittens get older, they begin to look more and more like tabbies. However, they are tabbies with black on black markings. That is, the background color is a sort of dark brownish black, and the markings, such as the mid-line stripe on the spine, are pure black. In addition, alternating bands of off-white appear on individual hairs in the background color. The bands are along the middle of each hair. The root of each hair is mousie gray, while the", "id": "16838362" }, { "contents": "Long hair\n\n\nmore common. In West African cultures, women with long hair were highly valued. Long, thick hair was seen as a sign of health, strength, and capability to bear many children. In keeping with this general theme, women who were too young for marriage would shave a portion of their heads to signal so. This tradition, however, did not extend to every West African culture, as several valued shorter hair. Historically, East Asian cultures viewed long hair as a sign of youth and aesthetic beauty. Long", "id": "10102814" }, { "contents": "Champagne gene\n\n\nwith darker coats than the usual champagne foal, but still exhibiting the expected bright blue eyes and pink skin. The freckling that develops on the skin is also exceptionally dark and dense. Gray-champagnes appear more likely to experience vitiligo. The most unexpected quality of gray-champagnes is the intensity of the fleabitten trait. Flecks of champagne-colored hair are thickly interspersed in the unpigmented white hairs. Many coat color modifying genes affect the skin and eyes as well as the coat color. Several of these may be confused with", "id": "9628529" }, { "contents": "Just for Men\n\n\nJust for Men is an American-based multi-national men's care brand focusing on hair color (Control GX, Original Formula, AutoStop, Mustache & Beard, Touch of Gray, and Touch of Gray Mustache & Beard), beard care (The Best Face and Beard Wash, The Best Beard Conditioner, and The Best Beard Oil), and hair re-growth designed for and marketed to men and manufactured by Combe Incorporated. Just for Men hair color brands are designed to color gray hair, with the Control", "id": "12016641" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nin which graying happens is usually: nose hair, hair on the head, beard, body hair, eyebrows. In non-balding individuals hair may grow faster once it turns gray. Several genes appear to be responsible for the process of graying. \"Bcl2\" and \"Bcl-w\" were the first two discovered, then in 2016, the IRF4 (interferon regulatory factor 4) gene was announced after a study of 6,000 people living in five Latin American countries. However, it found that environmental factors controlled about", "id": "218629" }, { "contents": "Champagne gene\n\n\nshade of their natural color, and begin to develop gray hairs around the eyes and muzzle. With each shed, the coat becomes lighter and lighter. Many older grays develop the \"fleabitten\" trait, in which small, interspersed flecks of red occur and often increase in density with age, even as the rest of the coat loses pigment. A few grays will also develop vitiligo in which the skin also progressively loses pigment. When a horse carries both gray and champagne, additional traits occur: Gray-champagnes are born", "id": "9628528" }, { "contents": "Hairstyle\n\n\nwomen's hair must differ from men's hair. An exception is the men and women living in the Orinoco-Amazon Basin, where traditionally both genders have worn their hair cut into a bowl shape. In Western countries in the 1960s, both young men and young women wore their hair long and natural, and since then it has become more common for men to grow their hair. During most periods in human history when men and women wore similar hairstyles, as in the 1920s and 1960s, it has generated significant social", "id": "7372558" }, { "contents": "Eastern gorilla\n\n\nolder, the hair on the saddle of the back becomes white, much like the gray hair of elderly people. This is why the older males are called \"silverbacks\". Grauer's gorilla has a shorter, thicker, deep black fur, while the mountain gorilla has a more bluish color. The mountain gorilla is slightly smaller and lighter than Grauer's gorilla, but still larger and heavier than the western lowland gorilla and the Cross River gorilla. Males are much larger than females. A full-grown male eastern gorilla", "id": "7972948" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "The Blue and the Gray (The Simpsons)\n\n\nhairdresser that she is completely gray; the fumes from the chemicals he uses to dye it erase her memory. Seeing a gray-haired couple having a good time unworried about their hair, Marge surprises both her family and the neighborhood by going completely gray and sporting a brand new mature hairdo. Amidst mixed reactions, Bart is not happy when the neighborhood kids tease him about Marge’s look, and Marge is annoyed when neighborhood women believe she is older than she really is. Unhappy about Marge's look, Homer initially tells", "id": "4569127" }, { "contents": "Long-tailed chinchilla\n\n\n, and the recessive colors include sapphire, violet, charcoal, and velvet. Their hair is long. It is silky, extremely soft, and firmly adhered to the skin. Up to 75 hairs, in diameter, emerge together from a single hair follicle. Vibrissae (whiskers) are abundant, strong, and long——and emerge from single follicles. The general color of their upper parts is bluish or silvery gray; the underparts are yellowish-white. The tail has long, coarse, gray and black hairs on", "id": "13805945" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nan unexpected side effect: some of the patients' hair color was restored to their pre-gray color. The hair color of buried bodies can change. Hair contains a mixture of black-brown-yellow eumelanin and red pheomelanin. Eumelanin is less chemically stable than pheomelanin and breaks down faster when oxidized. The color of hair changes faster under extreme conditions. It changes more slowly under dry oxidizing conditions (such as in burials in sand or in ice) than under wet reducing conditions (such as burials in wood or", "id": "218637" }, { "contents": "Toupée\n\n\nthe weave area, resulting in traction alopecia. Hair weaves were very popular in the 1980s & 1990s, but are not usually recommended because of the potential for permanent hair damage and hair loss. While toupée dealers attempt to match the toupée's color to the natural hair color of the wearer, sometimes the colors are not identical. This color mismatch is often exacerbated when a toupée is poorly cared for and fades, or the wearer's hair color turns gray while the toupée retains its original color. However a good salon will", "id": "11970693" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\nout the contrast of the markings of these patterns. For this reason, some color breed registries refuse or cancel registration of gray horses. A gray foal may be born any color. However, bay, chestnut, or black base colors are most often seen. As the horse matures, white hairs begin to replace the base or birth color. Usually white hairs are first seen by the muzzle, eyes and flanks, occasionally at birth, and usually by the age of one year. Over time, white hairs replace the", "id": "8694739" }, { "contents": "Wolf\n\n\nalthough with some hair loss around their nipples. Hair length on the middle of the back is ,and the guard hairs on the shoulders generally does not exceed but can reach . Coat color ranges from almost pure white through various shades of blond, cream and ochre to grays, browns and blacks, with variation in fur color tending to increase in higher latitudes. Differences in coat color between sexes are largely absent, although females may have redder tones. Originally, wolf distribution occurred across Eurasia above the 12th parallel north and across", "id": "14933365" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\na \"blue dun\", grullo, or \"mouse\" dun appear to be a solid gray. However, this color is caused by the dun gene acting on a black base coat, and horses who are dun have all hairs the same color; there is no intermingling of white and dark hairs. Also, dun horses do not get lighter as they age. Horses that are a light cream color are also not grays. These are usually cremello, perlino or smoky cream horses, all colors produced by the action", "id": "8694756" }, { "contents": "Bay (horse)\n\n\nturn gray as they mature until eventually their hair coat is completely white. Foals that are going to become gray must have one parent that is gray. Some foals may be born with a few white hairs already visible around the eyes, muzzle, and other fine-haired, thin-skinned areas, but others may not show signs of graying until they are several months old. Traditionally, bay is considered to be one of the \"hard\" or \"base\" coat colors in horses, although genetically the simple base", "id": "1231544" }, { "contents": "Hair fetishism\n\n\nand display it only to their family and close friends. Similarly, many Jewish women cover their hair after marriage. During the Middle Ages, European women were expected to cover their hair after they married, and according to the New Testament, a Christian woman should cover her head while in a church or in prayer. Even in cultures where women do not customarily cover their hair, the erotic significance of hair is recognised. Some hair styles are culturally associated with a particular gender, with short head hair styles and baldness being", "id": "6968883" }, { "contents": "Julian Bilecki\n\n\nRighteous where he was able to be reunited with 5 survivors in the JFK airport terminal. Bilecki with tears in his eyes then said, \"I see you all have gray hair. I too have gray hair. I thought I would never see you again. I feel lost. I thought this would never happen. All I did was help. It is very pleasant that people remember. Now I am getting paid back by God\". The survivors arranged for the family to be honored as Righteous Gentiles by Yad Vashem", "id": "586508" }, { "contents": "Raccoon\n\n\nthe facial expression and posture of other members of their species more quickly because of the conspicuous facial coloration and the alternating light and dark rings on the tail. The dark mask may also reduce glare and thus enhance night vision. On other parts of the body, the long and stiff guard hairs, which shed moisture, are usually colored in shades of gray and, to a lesser extent, brown. Raccoons with a very dark coat are more common in the German population because individuals with such coloring were among those initially released", "id": "13039279" }, { "contents": "Victorian-era cosmetics\n\n\nwomen in the eighteenth-century exhibit these women with extremely long tresses of hair. The length of the hair, in particular, was a display of a women's health and was well taken care of. Both men and women used products to promote hair growth. One of the more popular products of the late eighteenth century was Edwards Harlene Hair “The Great Hair Producer and Restorer.” Products like these promised to restore the color in your hair as well as help promote gorgeous long locks that grow all the way down", "id": "9507889" }, { "contents": "White (horse)\n\n\ngene does not affect skin or eye color, so grays typically have dark skin and eyes, as opposed to the unpigmented pink skin of true white horses. The skin and eyes may be other colors if influenced by other factors such as white markings, certain white spotting patterns or dilution genes. Gray foals may be born any color, but the colored hairs of their coat become progressively silvered as they age, eventually giving mature gray horses a white or nearly-white hair coat. Gray is controlled by a single dominant allele", "id": "17701754" }, { "contents": "Katy Perry Live: Witness World Wide\n\n\nfor \"This Is How We Do\" (2014), after which she received criticism that led her to ask a black friend why it had upset so many people. Perry told Mckesson, \"[Cleo] told me about the power in black women's hair, and how beautiful it is, and the struggle. I listened. And I heard. And I didn't know. And I won't ever understand some of those things because of who I am — I will never understand, but I can educate", "id": "9348205" }, { "contents": "Ashy-gray tube-nosed bat\n\n\nthe color of their dorsal fur, while the ventral fur is dark gray, and there is some white fur on the breast area. In some areas the tips of the hair are dark. It lacks the golden guard hairs so common in other members of the genus \"Murina\". This bat is small enough to fit in a person's hand, weighing . As of 2013, there are still few details known about them and their ecology and it is suspected there are many more species of bats yet to be discovered", "id": "10893382" }, { "contents": "Rhododendron simiarum\n\n\ngrow to be 1 to 2 meeters, but can be as tall as 3 meters. Rhododendron simiarum's bark is gray in color, exfoliating into thin, small, irregular flakes. Young shoots are densely covered with curled grey hairs, also known as Tomentose but later become hairless. Branchlets, with those more than one year old glabrescent, gray tomentose when young. Flowers bloom from April to early May, having up to 4 to 6 clustered flowers at the top of branches, each funnel-shaped, pink with red", "id": "14549570" }, { "contents": "Arabian horse\n\n\n\"sabino 1\". There are very few Arabians registered as roan, and according to researcher D. Phillip Sponenberg, roaning in purebred Arabians is actually the action of rabicano genetics. Unlike a genetic roan, rabicano is a partial roan-like pattern; the horse does not have intermingled white and solid hairs over the entire body, only on the midsection and flanks, the head and legs are solid-colored. Some people also confuse a young gray horse with a roan because of the intermixed hair colors common to both.", "id": "5429576" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\n. In 1913–1914, just before World War I, there was a vogue for dyed brightly coloured hair in exotic shades such as blue, violet or emerald. This started in Paris and then spread to other cities such as London. In 1924, the first celebrity hairdresser, Monsieur Antoine, dyed his dog's hair blue. An influential client, Lady Elsie De Wolfe Mendl, took up the same style and this started a new fad. Later in the 20th century, mature ladies had a blue rinse to conceal grey hair", "id": "21344539" }, { "contents": "Roan (color)\n\n\nRoan is a coat color found in many animals, including horses, cattle, antelope and dogs. It is defined generally as an even mixture of white and pigmented hairs that do not \"gray out\" or fade as the animal ages. There are a variety of genetic conditions which produce the colors described as \"roan\" in various species. A horse with intermixed white and colored hairs of any color is usually called a roan. However, such mixtures, which can appear superficially similar, are caused by a number of", "id": "11313536" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Black hair\n\n\n, gray or blue) colored eyes. Irish people with these traits are sometimes known as the \"Black Irish\". Though this characteristic can be seen in people throughout the United Kingdom and Northwestern Europe, it becomes more common in Eastern Europe. Dark haired people, ranging from dark chestnut and deep brown to black, with either dark or light colored eyes, can also be seen among the Indo-European and non-Indo-European ethnic groups in Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan and India. Hair", "id": "11861935" }, { "contents": "Islamic scarf controversy in France\n\n\nbeen in existence since before the advent of Islam, and depictions of Mary, mother of Jesus, show her wearing a hair covering. In Orthodox Judaism, many married women cover their hair with a form of headscarf, called a \"tichel\". Veiling is also stated in the Quran, but some debate towards the meaning of it, although majority believe it is a requirement for women to cover their hair. The importance assigned to head covering varies, from that of colorful head scarves that do not conceal much hair in", "id": "10872627" }, { "contents": "Golden hamster\n\n\nvariety of color and pattern mutations, including cream, white, blonde, cinnamon, tortoiseshell, black, three different shades of gray, dominant spot, banded, and dilute. The practice of selective breeding of golden hamsters requires an understanding of their care, knowledge about breed variations, a plan for selective breeding, scheduling of the female body cycle, and the ability to manage a colony of hamsters. Often long-haired hamsters are referred to by their nickname “teddy bear”. They are identical to short-haired", "id": "10690819" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Human skin color\n\n\nfrom the amino acid tyrosine. Eumelanin is found in hair, areola, and skin, and the hair colors gray, black, blond, and brown. In humans, it is more abundant in people with dark skin. Pheomelanin, a pink to red hue is found in particularly large quantities in red hair, the lips, nipples, glans of the penis, and vagina. Both the amount and type of melanin produced is controlled by a number of genes that operate under incomplete dominance. One copy of each of the", "id": "17363191" }, { "contents": "Pattern hair loss\n\n\nfrom South Korea showed most people rated balding men as less attractive, a more recent survey of 1,000 Welsh women rated bald and gray haired men quite desirable. Proposed social theories for male-pattern hair loss include that baldness signaled dominance, social status, or longevity. Biologists have hypothesized the larger sunlight exposed area would allow more vitamin D to be synthesized, which might have been a \"finely tuned mechanism to prevent prostate cancer\", as the malignancy itself is also associated with higher levels of DHT. However, this argument", "id": "973247" }, { "contents": "Refinery29\n\n\nof topics for young women. One of the accounts is under the name \"R29unbothered\", which is for women of color by women of color. It covers every aspect of in the life of women of color from topics like hair and skin to work environment and relationships. It features different speakers in a series called \"Go Off Sis\", in which Black millennial women share their experiences and views on a range of topics and controversial issues. Refinery29 was listed three consecutive years on \"Crain's\" \"Fast 50", "id": "14173961" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\n, I figure it’s up to the reader to decide. However, I must inform you that Knives was mainly being mean when she said Ramona was fat.\" Her natural hair colour is not stated. O'Malley said \"Nobody knows her natural hair color. Ramona may not even remember. She changes it a lot because she’s trying to figure out who she is / who she wants to be.\" On another occasion, when asked, O'Malley said \"I don’t know… brown? How many natural hair", "id": "11339000" }, { "contents": "Gray (horse)\n\n\nof the cream gene. However, if a gray parent passes on the gene, the hairs will turn white like any other gray. Another cream-colored dilution, the pearl gene or \"barlink factor\", may also create very light-coated horses. Similarly, the champagne gene can lighten coat color, often producing dappling or light colors that can be confused with gray. In spite of its name, the silver dapple gene has nothing to do with graying. It is a dilution gene that acts only on a", "id": "8694757" }, { "contents": "Long-tailed chinchilla\n\n\nchinchilla\". Males typically weigh with a mean of , while females weigh with a mean of . Domesticated animals are larger than wild ones and more sexually dimorphic, with the female weighing up to and males up to . The word \"lanigera\" translates into 'bearing a woolen coat', yet chinchillas do not have a woolen coat, but instead one consisting of hair. Chinchilla's hair color was originally mottled yellow-gray in the wild. Through selective breeding, their dominant colors include beige, white, and ebony", "id": "13805944" }, { "contents": "Afro-textured hair\n\n\n, or similar hairstyles, while the women typically plaited or braided their hair. During the 19th century, hair styling, especially among women, became more popular. Cooking grease such as lard, butter and goose grease, were used to moisturize the hair. Women sometimes used hot butterknives to curl their hair. Because of the then-prevalent notion that straight hair was more acceptable than kinky hair, many black people began exploring solutions for straightening, or relaxing, their tresses. One post-slavery solution was a mixture of", "id": "2005655" }, { "contents": "Long hair\n\n\nAmerica and were familiar with the native culture there, short hair with less adventurous types. Growing and wearing long hair was common among women in the Western world until World War One. Long female hair never ceased in western culture, though it was rare during the 1920s and 1930s. In most current cultures, it is more typical for women to wear long hair than for men to do so. An American study shows significant correlation between hair length and age, which indicates that younger women tend to have longer hair than older", "id": "10102800" }, { "contents": "The Blue and the Gray (The Simpsons)\n\n\nheads to the club to surprise Homer, but suffers increasing mishaps resulting in her having a witch-like appearance. At the club, she confronts him upon seeing a crowd of women flirting with him, but Homer helps Marge realize that he only has eyes for her and proves that love is still in the Springfield air. Eventually, Marge changes her hair color back to blue to combat her jealousy issues, and Homer dyes \"his\" hair blue for her. Marge is shocked in this episode to discover that her hair", "id": "4569129" }, { "contents": "Bucovina Shepherd Dog\n\n\nribs. The skin is thick and dark gray. The hair is short on the head and forelegs. On the body, the hair is abundant, straight, thicker and harder, 2½- 3½ inches (6–9 cm.) long. The next layer of hair is shorter and thick, with a lighter color. On the neck, the hair is longer and forms a mane. On the backside of the legs, the hair forms fringes of moderate length. The tail is bushy, covered with longer and thicker hair.", "id": "13870793" }, { "contents": "Wig\n\n\nwig (made of horsehair) for men made the retention of wigs in everyday court dress a practical possibility. By the 1780s, young men were setting a fashion trend by lightly powdering their natural hair, as women had already done from the 1770s onwards. After 1790, both wigs and powder were reserved for older, more conservative men, and were in use by ladies being presented at court. After 1790, English women seldom powdered their hair. In 1795, the British government levied a tax on hair powder of one", "id": "8565619" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nwith flowers. In addition to ceremonies hairstyle defined the age of a woman. There was a marked difference in hair acceptable for preadolescent girls and sexually mature women. Preadolescent girls would often have long hair cascading down the back where as women would have equally long hair but it would be controlled through wrapping and braiding. Perhaps due to its erotic association, hair was often linked with Roman ideas of female modesty and honour. We know that veils were important in this case, as they protected (or encouraged according to Seneca the", "id": "6749993" }, { "contents": "Petter's big-footed mouse\n\n\non the shoulders and 7 to 9 mm (0.3 to 0.4 in) on the back. The guard hairs are gray. Because the flanks lack entirely dark cover hairs, they are slightly lighter than the rest of the upperparts. They are sharply separated in color from the underparts, which are entirely white to buffish. The mystacial vibrissae (whiskers above the mouth) are long, up to 60 mm (2.4 in), and white or black in color. The pinnae (external ears) are dark brown and covered", "id": "19886869" }, { "contents": "Dermestidae\n\n\neven gray-yellow. The hairs of the larvae can cause allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis or blisters in humans who come into contact with the sharp tiny hairs. On hatching, the larvae are around 1.6 to 1.8 mm long and mostly filled with dense setae. Khapra beetle, \"Trogoderma granarium\", larvae contain characteristic body setae, such as simple hairs and barbed hairs. Larvae are yellow-white but the head and body setae are brown. As the larvae further develop, their color changes to a golden or", "id": "11743199" }, { "contents": "Karankawa people\n\n\nwere very tall, of strong athletic build, and had coarse black hair. Most men wore their hair so long as to be waist-length. Their foreheads were mostly low and broad, and the heads larger than most whites. The men, in contrast with the women, had lithe builds and slender hands and feet. Their skin color was said to be lighter and closer to cinammon-colored than the women. The women wore no ornaments, while the men were seen with many ornaments. Men's long hair", "id": "10785856" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nClassification of race based on physical characteristics such as hair color is seen as a \"flawed, pseudo-scientific relic of the past.\" In contemporary popular culture, blonde women are stereotyped as being more sexually attractive to men than women with other hair colors. For example, Anita Loos popularized this idea in her 1925 novel \"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes\". Some women have reported they feel other people expect them to be more fun-loving after having lightened their hair. Madonna popularized the short bleached blond haircut after the release", "id": "5633813" }, { "contents": "Roman hairstyles\n\n\nwith wigs, as commonly believed, but with the person's own hair. Busts themselves could have detachable wigs. There have been many suggestions as to why some busts have been created with detachable wigs and some without. Perhaps the main reason was to keep the bust looking up-to-date. It would have been too expensive to commission a new bust every time hair fashion changed, so a mix-and-match bust would have been preferable for women with less money. Perhaps another reason was to accommodate the", "id": "6750001" }, { "contents": "Dracula (Castlevania)\n\n\nan anime character with medium length, purple hair. He has a more demonic look in \"Castlevania: Dracula X\" and \"\". The more recent look of Dracula, starting with \"\", gives him a beard or goatee of some sort and longer hair. His hair color still changes between a dark brown or black and a gray color. His facial proportions also change. He has a very heavyset and muscular looking face in the Nintendo 64 \"Castlevania\" games, whereas he has a more thin and elegant", "id": "5975530" }, { "contents": "Gender-based price discrimination in the United States\n\n\nthis stereotype has changed. Men are often experimenting with their hair, including hair loss treatment and hair color. While women may still spend a considerable amount for hair color and other treatments, many women prefer basic haircuts. Additionally, salon-quality hair styling tools are readily available and easy to use at home. Gendered price disparities for hair salon services have also been documented in different locations across the United States and Europe. The California Assembly Office of Research conducted a survey of five large California cities and found that forty percent", "id": "15686210" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\non people with thin and fine hair. It also recommended for people with at least 50 % gray for easy blending and to diminish the line of demarcation once the new growth is showing. Foil highlighting is the process of using foil to separate strands of hair which will be lightened from strands of hair which will remain its natural color. The process is done by applying lightener to the hair that has been woven and separated using an applicator brush. The foil is then folded to protect the hair and surrounding area during the \"", "id": "16368264" } ]
I've never really thought much about childcare or daycare for children under six and up to 13 weeks. I am still young. Yourself? I don't know much about childcare. Is it rated somehow so you know you are getting a good one? I think it is because the action of skill of looking after children as a provider is very important. Do you think so? It is important and I would be concerned about sending my 13 week old child to the daycare. Yes that is very true. I have read that Day Care can actually refer to daytime care for disabled or elderly people in the UK. I think this is positive. That would be positive. Are there any requirements if it is for older people. No just no ageism or the stereotyping and discrimination of individuals based on age. Is there anyone who regulates it?
[{"answer": "Like how the FDA or Department of Heakth of the United States regulate food. Yes.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11632", "title": "Food and Drug Administration", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 185, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "War of the Worlds (2005 film)\n\n\n, and he would give a section of the script that was relating to whatever somebody was doing. Miranda Otto thought of not even discussing the story with her family and friends. Otto said, \"I know some people who always say, 'Oh, everything's so secret.' I think it's good. In the old days people didn't get to know much about movies before they came out and nowadays there's just so much information. I think a bit of mystery is always really good. You do", "id": "4978206" }, { "contents": "Bump Off Lover\n\n\ncare about my health. Yes, you can call me the \"Queen of Fakeness\" because I care about how people think of me. People's adorations and praises gives me the strength to live. The only person that knows about my fake outward appearance is my younger sister. But in private, I am lazy and obstinate. I am so unlike my younger sister, she is so gentle, sweet, and patient (I think it's probably due to her poor health). I have never seen her angry", "id": "5656493" }, { "contents": "Frightened Rabbit\n\n\n’ve been certainly trying to look for new themes. There’s one that’s currently about how I question whether or not I would be willing to bring a child into the world as it stands. Not that I’m in any position to do so at all, but you know… I’m trying to find different things cause it’s album six, and I can’t do this all time time, you know. I don’t think anybody really gives a fuck about my relationships any more. So yeah, I", "id": "14504535" }, { "contents": "You Give Good Love\n\n\ndon't fall into that category, so I don't think about it at all. But I believe that music does influence people. It's a universal thing. Everybody listens to music and knows about it. I think that the lyrics can have a lot to do with influencing whoever you're singing to. I think that as far as children are concerned, parents should have control over what they listen to. If they don't want them to listen to records that are very sexual or explicit or outrageous, they", "id": "18744352" }, { "contents": "Strange Clouds (album)\n\n\nand what makes me think, and … my story, growing up as a kid and just letting people know who I am really. I don’t think people really know enough of who I am. You know, I had a really good year last year, and it happened really fast … I needed to sit down for year. I recorded my album — I spent about 13-14 months on it. I’m ready to really build the connection with my fans.\" \"Strange Clouds\" features B.o.", "id": "16968032" }, { "contents": "Luther Standing Bear\n\n\nwhen anyone joins this show, about the first thing he thinks of is getting drunk. I understand that regulations of the Buffalo Bill show require that no Indian shall be given any liquor. You all know that I do not drink, and I am going to keep you all from it. Don't think because you may be closely related to me I will shield you, for I will not. I will report to Colonel Cody immediately anyone I find drinking.\" \"Many of the Indians would want to go out", "id": "22084850" }, { "contents": "Ritchie Blackmore\n\n\nIn 1979, Blackmore said: \"I like popular music. I like ABBA very much. But there's so much stigma like, 'you can't do this because you're a heavy band', and I think that's rubbish. You should do what you want ... I think classical music is very good for the soul. A lot of people go 'ah well, classical music is for old fogies' but I was exactly the same. At 16 I didn't want to know about classical music:", "id": "9472817" }, { "contents": "Siamese Dream\n\n\nyear and a half to prepare for this record... I'm surrounded by these people who I care about very much, yet they continue to keep failing me.\" Corgan explained that he began to take the actions of others personally; he said, \"If you really think about it, of course, someone doesn't do the job because they're lazy, or they don't think it's important. But I took it as, 'You're not worth going home and working on the song.'\"", "id": "2650320" }, { "contents": "Agápē (mixtape)\n\n\nwas just going to be an opportunity to present myself in a way that was true to what some kids my age are doing, experiencing and thinking about. I just wanted to paint a true picture... and I think that there are still some things that women aren't \"suppose [\"sic\"] to say,\" you know what I mean? So, it's kind of jarring to hear that. I was more concerned about being respected as a good woman but still expressing myself like the Bostonian I am", "id": "10462233" }, { "contents": "Tom Goss (musician)\n\n\nwith long-time friend Joey Salinas. In an interview with, Goss said \"You know, it's interesting, I think that 2013, or the end of 2012-2013 has been about doing things that I wanted to do, and not really thinking as much about how people are going to perceive it. And I think that's been really freeing. So Joey and I had talked for years about doing a song together, and finally I said, well, I don't know why we're still", "id": "13166001" }, { "contents": "Juliana Hatfield\n\n\nhad: \"I think there are a lot of people out there who don't care about sex, but who you never hear from, so I thought I should say it. The magazine I did the interview for is full of beef-cake hunky guys and scantily-clad models, so I thought it would be really funny to say that I didn't care about sex in a magazine that's full of sex and beauty – but no one really got the joke.\" In 1995, following the success of", "id": "16432803" }, { "contents": "Stupid Dream\n\n\n, you have to - in a sense - 'prostitute yourself' to try and sell your music and your art. And I was very much aware of that contradiction. If you think about that too much, it can drive you crazy, you know. It's an absurd thing to be doing. That kind of led me thinking about when I was a teenager, when I was just starting out and I was interested in being a musician. And I think a lot of teenage kids have this dream of being", "id": "1692817" }, { "contents": "Mark D. Sanders\n\n\nyou looked at my songs 15–16 years ago, you would know what I mean. Learning to finish a song is a process. I've written so many just learn things you don't want to say, things you've said before. I try to think of interesting or quirky things that no one else has said,\" Sanders told American Songwriter. \"You have to also get out of thinking that your life is the most interesting thing you have to write about. I had to write about myself", "id": "12776369" }, { "contents": "The Idiot\n\n\nof 'double thoughts':Two thoughts coincided, that very often happens... I think it's a bad thing and, you know, Keller, I reproach myself most of all for it. What you told me just now could have been about me. I've even sometimes thought that all human beings are like that, because it's terribly difficult to fight those \"double thoughts\"... At any rate, I am not your judge... You used cunning to coax money out of me by means of tears, but you yourself", "id": "10977738" }, { "contents": "Friends (Marshmello and Anne-Marie song)\n\n\nbe more than my friend and I was like 'look brother how many times do I have to tell you we're just friends'. I thought it would be funny to write a song about it and there weren't that many songs about it and it works for Valentine's day for all the people who are single. I don't ever want him to know that it's about him because it's awkward. I do feel a bit bad but I'm trying to forget that it's about him and think", "id": "22070372" }, { "contents": "Hell on Wheels (season 2)\n\n\n's perception of the American frontier through Elam: \"We haven't seen a character like this from that time period, and I think that was important. One thing that I've really appreciated about Elam is that he's a leader and very intelligent. He cares for people, he's passionate, and has his own dream, and thinks for himself. You know, he's a human being. And I think that's one of the most important things that people can learn from \"Hell on Wheels\" and", "id": "17748645" }, { "contents": "Blurred Lines (album)\n\n\nthought you knew, the older you get, you realize, 'Damn, I don't know nothing about this. I better pay attention, I better listen and keep learning.' So I think that, that's what I've been realizing these past few years.\" Thicke also explained his foray into a more mainstream pop-oriented sound than his usual milieu. \"The last year I've been wanting to have more fun. I think I took myself very seriously as an artist and I wanted to be", "id": "7882614" }, { "contents": "Somebody's Hero (song)\n\n\nreally want to write about family. I really want to write about my little girl.' The Thing for me was, when you have a baby you start thinking about your own relationship with your mother, and when you were little, how much you looked up to her. Then you move to, 'Gosh, my baby looks up to me so much. I don't want to let her down. I want to be a hero to her.' Then you start thinking it's not just your mother", "id": "5135502" }, { "contents": "Running Up That Hill\n\n\nwe'd both be very surprised! [Laughs] And I think it would lead to a greater understanding. And really the only way I could think it could be done was either... you know, I thought a deal with the devil, you know. And I thought, 'well, no, why not a deal with God!' You know, because in a way it's so much more powerful the whole idea of asking God to make a deal with you. You see, for me it is", "id": "16085139" }, { "contents": "Cedric Richmond\n\n\n, saying, \"I really just want to know what was going on there, because she really looked kind of familiar there in that position there. But don't answer. And I don't want you to refer back to the ’90s.” Richmond later said the joke was not meant to be sexual. “Since some people have interpreted my joke to mean something that it didn’t I think it is important to clarify what I meant,” he said in a statement. “Where I grew up saying", "id": "12775709" }, { "contents": "Den ständiga resan\n\n\noverwhelming anguish, the kind I thought I could never write about; the very dark thoughts inside me. It was written on a plane, flying to New York from some place I don't remember. After it was written, I presented the lyric to one of my best friends, who said, 'You can't play this. You can't sing about this. Because people might think that you will commit suicide.' So I was scared to release it. It was horrible to get that reaction. But", "id": "5380013" }, { "contents": "Bad Religion\n\n\nYeah, this is a great idea, it'll piss people off.' You know, when you're fifteen years-old, the first thing you think about is 'How can I piss people off?', you know? And it's very good to ... it's very easy to piss people off when you're fifteen, especially it's easy to piss off your parents and adults, in general. But as you get a little older, or as I've gotten older, I've looked back", "id": "5987911" }, { "contents": "Michael Pitt\n\n\n, I think my work is going to come more and more in context. The truth is that you can't take what people say too seriously. If I cared what people think about my career, I would have not done—just look at my work. Don't look at me, look at what I've done. Every movie that I've picked, from my first film on, has been considered by everyone to be \"career suicide.\" And I have an amazing life. I have an amazing", "id": "10091428" }, { "contents": "The Less You Know, the Better\n\n\nera. I think I've done that with this one. It's different at times [...] but I don't think it's a huge departure from anything I've ever done. And I think my fans who have been there since \"Endtroducing\" will really like this one.\" Shadow has connected many themes to various aspects of the album. Speaking about the album's title, \"The Less You Know, the Better\", Shadow explained: \"Any good album title has multiple meanings, and I", "id": "12593531" }, { "contents": "Michael Evans (bishop)\n\n\nfamily until this stage of my life ends. I do not know how long that will be. I am most grateful for the ways you have cared for and so prayerfully supported me in recent years. You remain very much in my thoughts and care. As I am sure you understand, I am able to do very little, and will need to rely on others. Please can I ask you to limit any expressions of care to prayer for now, rather than anything else to which I cannot respond.\"", "id": "5719599" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Heartache\n\n\nhave Gibson's production company assist with her music career, \"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.", "id": "6336716" }, { "contents": "Murdered for Being Different\n\n\ndifficult. I don't think I've cried as much in 10 years. It absolutely broke my heart. It's very graphic, but I don't think it's gratuitous. We have to get that message out there that this is unacceptable behaviour.\" But Rob said he thought he finally got something positive come out of something so utterly negative, which really struck people. Abigail Lawrie, who plays Sophie, gets the ultimate endorsement from Sophie’s mother. “I felt she was very, very good,”", "id": "15752290" }, { "contents": "Perry DeAngelis\n\n\nbut in fact Perry was a very very tolerant person in terms of other people's personal choices. He didn't care what people did or what people believed; he didn't have any real judgmentalism about people's personal choices. If you were an idiot he was very judgmental about that; he did not suffer fools well, but in terms of how you lived your life, he could not care at all. One thing that I think reflects that that I don't think many of our listeners know is that Perry", "id": "8622467" }, { "contents": "One Shot (Mabel song)\n\n\nworth so that you never settle, and that's what 'One Shot' is about.\" She explained that the song is also about being upfront with your love interest: \"I think there is a misconception that being open and honest, and saying what it is you want is something we should be embarrassed about. But that's just not me. I am a very honest person, I always tell somebody what I am looking for, and I don't want people to waste my time basically.\" \"", "id": "4539701" }, { "contents": "Blackbird (Beatles song)\n\n\n] in the last year or so because I've got a poetry book out called \"Blackbird Singing\", and when I would read \"Blackbird\", I would always try and think of some explanation to tell the people … So, I was doing explanations, and I actually just remembered why I'd written \"Blackbird\", you know, that I'd been, I was in Scotland playing on my guitar, and I remembered this whole idea of \"you were only waiting for this moment to arise\" was", "id": "20502574" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nthink it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet. We can't just keep distracting ourselves we do have to educate ourselves and wake up and do something about it. You know at the same time we don't want to be boring and serious and not have fun so it", "id": "20295254" }, { "contents": "Foreign policy of Donald Trump (2015–16)\n\n\ndo something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps he shouldn't be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know. He's under a lot of pressure. I think he's doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned. Well", "id": "21396880" }, { "contents": "Gran Turismo (album)\n\n\nthink we only thought of a few ones we liked\" Nina says, \"we talked about having like Italian or French title and Gran Turismo came up and it sort of felt really good and you know I can think of music sometimes as tourism and traveling. So to me Gran Turismo is sort of the way to describe music sometimes or spending time with music\" Peter says, \"and I think that also the title suits this very album extremely well because the album is pretty much about trying to find your place in", "id": "3297260" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\nn't speak the tongue. I can't read it. I can't write it. I and my people, great masses of them, are unenlightened and uneducated. I am notifying you of these things because your Government officials have told me and my people that they would take care of my relations with the Government and I think they ought to be taking care of them as they promised. He said that if anyone trespassed on my rights or questioned them to let him know and he would take care of them and protect", "id": "8194508" }, { "contents": "Sylar\n\n\nof irrevocable... I don't know what the writers have in mind, but it would probably be kind of a challenge at this point, you know? Quinto has also responded to the question of whether Sylar could ever be good, commenting that I don't really look at him as, you know, absolutely good or bad. I think that he is constantly walking a line of ambiguity within himself and uncertainty within himself that defines the way he acts. Sylar, however, is also shown as very caring and thoughtful", "id": "21863791" }, { "contents": "You Don't Even Know Who I Am\n\n\naround and it says he finds her ring on the pillow and he starts to think, \"Hey, you didn't know who I was either.\" They got to the point in their marriage that they didn't know each other anymore. There's been a lot of men that this song just tears up. I've often said that country is the cheapest therapy you can get. Music can be good for your soul. People can be moved to tears.\" \"You Don't Even Know Who I Am", "id": "11452942" }, { "contents": "Bernard Iddings Bell\n\n\n, I was more so than you are. The study of Arithmetic and, later on, the study of Algebra and Geometry did more to break me of this carelessness and inattention to small things than all my studies put together... I am glad to know that you have a good head. A person can learn to attend to the details but a 'dumbell' can never learn to think. I am glad to know that you \"can\" think. We are looking forward to having you back home next week!", "id": "11761217" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Page\n\n\nmore concerts for the band. He's just playing games, and I'm fed up with it, to be honest with you. I don't sing, so I can't do much about it\", adding, \"I definitely want to play live. Because, you know, I've still got a twinkle in my eye. I can still play. So, yeah, I'll just get myself into musical shape, just concentrating on the guitar.\" On 30 July 2014, an \"NME\"", "id": "13625337" }, { "contents": "Volo's Guide to All Things Magical\n\n\nThere's a hell of a lot of information packed into these 128 pages. It would take weeks to assimilate it all, and months on end of gaming to incorporate it all into your campaign world, The fact that the ref can ignore it at will is important – you really don't want the players thinking they know too much, and, if I were to use it I think I'd actually ban my players from reading it Used as a ref's magical guide in its own right, \"Rolo's Guide", "id": "11937452" }, { "contents": "This Country Is Bad Ass\n\n\nby the name of it. It's just about how amazing this country is. It's OK to be patriotic about your country. People in my age group, we've kind of, I think, forgotten where we came from. The history of this country — it's your morals, it’s, you know, your grounding. It’s kind of a last thought. People don’t really care about it. Unfortunately, eventually you will care about it when it actually affects you.” Pieterse announced that", "id": "5552407" }, { "contents": "Polly Bradfield\n\n\nhappened to her?\" She's still playing. She had a lot of children and went out to California. She was never that driven to have a musical career. She was a really interesting musician though, I really liked her. Very extreme. I think her solo violin album is one of the best things I've ever heard. Do you know that? I have to send you a copy. I've got lots of copies, because when she left New York, in a big hurry, she piled", "id": "8167769" }, { "contents": "Farrago (magazine)\n\n\nwe see you're thinking of skipping this section. You motherfucker. Do you know how long we worked on this fucking guide you inconsiderate ingrate – it's 9:30pm on a Thursday and we are eating cold pizza, chilli popcorn and Maltesers for dinner because we wanted to make this a good read for you. I can't believe you would betray democracy like this after everything we've been through. Don't you think about moving onto the next section, we know we have great articles but this is fucking important so read", "id": "17927110" }, { "contents": "Who I Am (Lena Katina song)\n\n\nA lot of people don’t think of artists as regular people but we all have the same emotions, problems or simple happiness… That was one of my goals, to show that an artist is just like any other person. The only difference is that you might see me on TV because I’ve become an openly public person! I am very curious as to what my fans will think of the video actually, but I know that they love the song. I love it too and I am very happy with it", "id": "4493533" }, { "contents": "Don't Forget (song)\n\n\na little fun fact for you. I was trying not to break my focus pretty much the entire shoot, because I was really in that zone – thinking a lot about the position I was in a year ago... thinking about the situation and how much I wanted to get all that emotion off my chest.\" Steve Helling of \"People\" magazine wrote that Lovato shows her mature side in the video, saying that \"it's hard not to notice that the 16-year-old \"Camp Rock\" star is growing", "id": "3341659" }, { "contents": "New York: A Love Story\n\n\n\" In November 2013, in an interview with \"Complex\", he spoke about if he was surprised by the positive feedback he got from the album, saying: \"I was and I think it’s mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. You do a project, you know it feels good to yourself, you know what it is but to really have it be respected everywhere, by everyone. I really haven’t heard anything bad as of yet.\" He also spoke about how he wanted to", "id": "3878997" }, { "contents": "Jessica Alba\n\n\nwith your face. Just make it flat. We can CGI the tears in.'\" According to Alba, this experience filled her with self-doubt: \"And then it all got me thinking: Am I not good enough? Are my instincts and my emotions not good enough? Do people hate them so much that they don't want me to be a person? Am I not allowed to be a person in my work? And so I just said, 'Fuck it. I don't care about", "id": "50073" }, { "contents": "Electrolite\n\n\nwhen I went up to him and said, 'We have a record coming out in a couple of weeks and you're mentioned in one of the songs, and I just want you to know that it's honoring you; I don't want you to think that we're making fun of you.' And he was saying [impression of Sheen speaking with the dentist working on his mouth] 'Thank you very much!'. He was very nice about it.\" All songs written by Bill Berry,", "id": "21698189" }, { "contents": "Oxegen 2008\n\n\nactually enlightens you that much. I just bought their album \"Rum Sodomy & the Lash\" because I'd lost it years ago. I've been listening to that so I've really wanted to go see them live. I never think it's worth meeting these people. I've met a few of my idols and I never know what to say to them.\" €150,000 worth of drinks were available for consumption in the pampering zone of the VIP area. Singer Lily Allen was spotted walking hand-in-", "id": "14544207" }, { "contents": "Victoria Justice\n\n\n, \"I was looking into different charities and hearing these girls in Guatemala and Africa talk about having to walk miles for water and crying because they don't have any money to go to school. It just really broke my heart, so I want to spread the word as much as I can and get other people working together. Before you know it we can actually make a difference.\" Justice's musical influences include Michael Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears, Pink, Sara Bareilles, The Jackson 5, The Beatles", "id": "12710082" }, { "contents": "Terry Gilliam\n\n\nRoundhouseTV, \"There's so many film schools, so many media courses which I actually am opposed to. Because I think it's more important to be educated, to read, to learn things, because if you're gonna be in the media and if you'll have to say things, you have to \"know\" things. If you only know about cameras and 'the media', what're you gonna be talking about except cameras and the media? So it's better learning about philosophy and", "id": "11652157" }, { "contents": "Kylie Watson\n\n\n. She came out in an issue of \"Cherrie\" magazine in March 2008. Watson told Katrina Fox \"I've never made a point of letting people know about my sexuality because I've never thought it was relevant, but it's who I am and I'm not ashamed of it. However in saying that, I think in this particular day it's a lot easier to be identified as a not-so-straight woman particularly with \"The L Word\" series out where it's glamorised if you like", "id": "7255059" }, { "contents": "Lately (Lisa Scott-Lee song)\n\n\nToazted stated, \"Lately was one of the first songs I wrote after Steps when I wanted to go solo and I was very determined to get a record deal so I wanted to write, you know a really good song so that I could go round to different record companies and it was a very exciting time for me because my thinking of solo made me feel very nervous but I was excited and I.. you know when you get butterflies in your stomach? So I took that feeling and put it into a song", "id": "17173221" }, { "contents": "J.W. Harris (bull rider)\n\n\nan eight-time bull-riding title winner. Gay also commented that Harris's riding will improve as he matures. He added that he will become more educated on injuries. \"He's going to get better at taking care of himself,\" Gay says. \"When you are young, you don't think about that so much. But as you mature, you learn how to do that because you know that there is no check coming in when you are sitting on the sidelines. I really like J.W. Mostly", "id": "19229742" }, { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\ncourt has ruled, and I said we'll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.\" In", "id": "4747708" }, { "contents": "Mayoralty of Rob Ford\n\n\na political function. In a radio interview the following week, Thomson suggested that Ford was on cocaine: \"I thought he was, yes, but I don't know,\" she said. \"I went back and looked up, you know, what are the signs of cocaine use. I looked it up and you know sweaty, talking quickly, out of it, arrogant — all these things were on there. What I read on Google, I would think he's either on that or some other substance", "id": "7256453" }, { "contents": "Paul Ehrenfest\n\n\nparticularly close to both Einstein and Bohr. After Niels Bohr's first visit to Leiden in 1919, for Kramers' thesis defense, he wrote to Ehrenfest: \"\"I am sitting and thinking of all what you have told me about so very many different things, and whatever I think of I feel that I have learned so much from you which will be of great importance for me; but, at the same time, I wish so much to express my feeling of happiness over your friendship and of thankfulness for the", "id": "1926292" }, { "contents": "I Don't Care (Fall Out Boy song)\n\n\n, where people don't care about anything but the superficial, and I think there's something so tragic about that. I also thought there was something so ironically anthemic about the chorus, where it's not something you want to sing along to, because it's vacuous and empty. So I wanted something really anthemic underneath it, like something you'd hear at sports games or whatever, because I wanted people to hear it and be confronted with how empty that is. I didn't want anything to be superficial on", "id": "5503626" }, { "contents": "The Playhouse (radio show)\n\n\nreally pumped him up.\" He went on to say how much he hated cyclists who didn't obey traffic laws and stated, \"When I hear on TV that a cyclist has been hit and killed by a car I laugh, I think it's funny. If you are a cyclist you should know I exist, that I don't care about you. That I don't care about your life.\" Community group \"Bike Portland\" attempted to stage a protest in front of the KXJM studios, but were", "id": "15915212" }, { "contents": "List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters\n\n\nthe situation. When something catastrophic happens to someone you love, or a situation arises that affects people you love the most, if that’s the first time you’ve been in that position, you never really know what to do.\" As this relationship developed through the second season, Henstridge said, \"I don't think they fully realize the implication of how far apart they are. There's so much hurt there. I don't think they realize what they're sacrificing by not figuring this out.\" Talking", "id": "16465442" }, { "contents": "Lynda Barry\n\n\nsaying: \"\"Cruddy has murder galore. It's, like, you know, it's murder fiesta, and lots of knives and killing. ... So does that mean that I'm a person who thinks about murder? Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do think about murder constantly. Actually, when I'm talking to people who are driving me crazy, I often imagine they have an ax in their forehead while they're talking to me. I know that that's my personal relationship", "id": "14007246" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Dennis Miller\n\n\nwhere I’m at. I don't think about any of that. I go on \"O’Reilly\" once a week, I do my radio show and I go on the road about 20 dates a year. I've winnowed my crowd down to a select few who can support me. If you’re 58 and you’re still worrying about whether you're popular, what are you, in eighth grade? I must have started in earnest when I was 25 so I’m working on a quarter century here. I", "id": "10909067" }, { "contents": "List of EastEnders characters (1995)\n\n\nsoap, because I want to do movies, and nobody I know goes from soap to movies, and it's just not the sort of actress I want to be [...] this agent said to me, just let me send you a synopsis of the character and see what you think, and I thought she was fantastic. And I watched \"EastEnders\" that night and I realised just how many people talked about it. So I told my agent, 'All right, I'm going to go for it", "id": "16049493" }, { "contents": "Stars (Collabro album)\n\n\n. Because otherwise, anyone who'd ever sang musical theatre would be doing a cover of someone else and that's not the case. You know, with musical theatre you take on a character so I think that that's our argument with it. We're not doing covers, we're a musical theatre band, we're performing roles, and that's the difference.\" He also said, \"And I don't think there'll be a backlash, I genuinely think we have a very dedicated fan base,", "id": "9851066" }, { "contents": "Pat Barker\n\n\ntold freelance journalist Wera Reusch that \"I think there is a lot to be said for writing about history, because you can sometimes deal with contemporary dilemmas in a way people are more open to because it is presented in this unfamiliar guise, they don't automatically know what they think about it, whereas if you are writing about a contemporary issue on the nose, sometimes all you do is activate people's prejudices. I think the historical novel can be a backdoor into the present which is very valuable.\" \"The", "id": "7591006" }, { "contents": "Annella Zervas\n\n\n\" ... I didn't think of that then, but very soon after it dawned on me that she wouldn't let any of the Sisters be taken out of the Convent without the Bishop's permission. ... I don't know if I mentioned that to mother or if I was just thinking it and in a few minutes Mother [Louise] came back and said, \"Yes. You may take her with you.\" There was never anything as silent as the parlor that day. ... Mother was so pleased and", "id": "16012769" }, { "contents": "Not in This Lifetime... Tour\n\n\n\"Well, we haven't really talked in a long time. But a lot of the tension that you were talking about has dissipated. We don't have all those issues anymore.\" When asked specifically about the chances of Guns N' Roses reuniting, he said: \"I gotta be careful what I say there. I mean, if everybody wanted to do it and do it for the right reasons, you know, I think the fans would love it. I think it might be fun at some", "id": "9063981" }, { "contents": "Daryl Hall\n\n\n\"For me it was sort of an obvious thing. I've been touring my whole adult life really, and, you know, you can't be EVERYWHERE! Nor do I WANT to be everywhere at this point! I only like to spend so much time per year on the road. So I thought 'Why don't I just do something where anyone who wants to see me anywhere in the world CAN?! And, instead of doing the artist/audience performance-type thing, I wanted to deconstruct", "id": "20222192" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nn't know if you can play drums because one, they're noisy, and two, they're very expensive\". Some people ask why she didn't study violin or flute like other girls. \"I learned very early on – when I was 13 – that when I concentrate on those attitudes, I don't make progress for myself\", says Blackman. \"If they're not paying my mortgage, I don't care what they think\". When Blackman was 11, she moved to Bristol, Connecticut and", "id": "8155241" }, { "contents": "Say You Will (Fleetwood Mac song)\n\n\nto dance, everything will be great.\" Then I had to think about what to make the verses about. So I went back over all my relationships with people and think of different ways that I have felt when I wanted basically to burst into song and sing that chorus (laughs). Give me one more chance. That’s what came out of it. It’s funny because, we just did an interview the day before yesterday, and I don’t think any of the band knows that that was the", "id": "11124073" }, { "contents": "Fears (Modern Family)\n\n\nhave to be there to rescue our children, and then we have to stand back and try to act like we don't think they need rescuing.\" Lesley Savage of \"Entertainment Weekly\" gave the episode a positive review and said \"I don’t know about you guys, but I really missed my Family these past two weeks, and this episode was the perfect welcome back. It kept things in the family, no cameos, no big stunts, just each member doing what they do best. And it started", "id": "12945663" }, { "contents": "Sexuality in Star Trek\n\n\nthat. It should be 'When two people are in love.'\" Brannon Braga in 2011 spoke about the ...constant back and forth about \"Well, how do we portray the spectrum of sexuality?\" There were people who felt very strongly that we should be showing casually, you know, just two guys together in the background in Ten Forward. At the time the decision was made not to do that and I think those same people would make a different decision now because I think, you know, that", "id": "14885829" }, { "contents": "The Bonfire of the Vanities (film)\n\n\ngoing to get away with it, but we didn't. I knew that the people who read the book were going to be extremely unhappy, and I said, 'Well, this is a movie; it isn't the book.' And I think if you look at the movie now, and you don't know anything about the book, and you get it out of the time that it was released, I think you can see it in a whole different way.\" In the countries of the former", "id": "2806074" }, { "contents": "Politics of Harry Potter\n\n\nRowling's texts. When asked about the theme of racism and if her books have changed how people think, Rowling said, \"I do not think I am pessimistic but I think I am realistic about how much you can change deeply entrenched prejudice, so my feeling would be that if someone were a committed racist, possibly \"Harry Potter\" is not going to have an effect.\" When asked in a post-\"Deathly Hallows\" webchat about Hermione's future, Rowling said, \"Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at", "id": "20349443" }, { "contents": "Pat Butcher\n\n\nI said, 'I don't want to disturb you all' - but I did make myself behave! And I was quite dispassionate, actually. The strange thing is, after I read the script, I was very moved by it. But as soon as I started working on it, I think everybody did start getting quite emotional - but I couldn't. Even about myself leaving - people in the cast would come up and say, 'How do you feel?' and I'd say, 'I", "id": "19224732" }, { "contents": "It Girl (Jason Derulo song)\n\n\nfound my It Girl, to make myself feel like if I found that one true love. I've basically described what it would be like if I found her.\" Derulo further elaborated about the concept of the song in another interview with Matt Elias of MTV News: An 'It Girl' to me is someone who is selfless, someone who's always thinking about others before she thinks about herself. You know, my mom is a very charitable woman, so I'd want someone who is in line with that", "id": "2827140" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Anthony Steen\n\n\n\" programme on 21 May 2009: \"\"I think I behaved, if I may say so, impeccably. I've done nothing criminal, that's the most awful thing, and do you know what it's about? Jealousy. I've got a very, very large house. Some people say it looks like Balmoral. It's the photographs, it looks like Balmoral, but it's a merchant's house of the 19th century. It's not particularly attractive, it just does me nicely – it's", "id": "7176818" }, { "contents": "Unconditional positive regard\n\n\nwould go to sleep at night and not wake up, because I, I really felt there was nothing to live for. (Therapist: Uh huh [very softly]). Now I, I truly believe that this drug they are giving me helps me a lot, I think, I think it is one drug that really does me good. (Therapist: Uh hm). Therapist: But you say that, that during that time you, you felt as though no one cared, as to what (", "id": "10559611" }, { "contents": "Have I Got News for You\n\n\nBut some people say we see the \"answers\", which we don't, because that would rob it of being a quiz.\" \"There is a certain amount of show business that goes on in putting on a show,\" continued Merton. \"We found very early on that it's worth seeing the questions beforehand so that you can work out your depth of ignorance. If you really don't know, you think, 'Well, I've really got to try and say something here.' It", "id": "13152185" }, { "contents": "Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David\n\n\nand he remains tight-lipped about it when his colleagues notice the change in his behavior. When questioned about the effects this would have on Tony and Ziva's relationship, de Pablo commented, \"Am I just being jealous? I don't know. I still love him very much, but I've sort of thrown away that possibility because I think he's really struggling with some immense feelings for somebody else.\" In an interview with \"Chicago Tribune\", she clarified that Ziva \"does have feelings for DiNozzo", "id": "8274314" }, { "contents": "Henry T. Hazard\n\n\nvisited Los Angeles from his San Francisco home in 1895. Of Hazard, Aoki said: Make him one wise man, one man who has action among other men, much action, much spirit, much wisdom. Am I wrong? I think it is not so when I see his face; he is what you call unselfish, and the man who doe not get rich from his good work for all people He knows much law, and I make him a great man in my native costume. I do more than", "id": "7714449" }, { "contents": "Gary Gilmour\n\n\nthe cricket point of view, World Series Cricket was the hardest couple of years I've ever played in my life. \"But on the other aspect – my position in the Australian side – it seems, [from looking at] the players that the Australians picked for the establishment, I think I could have made it and probably could have finished up financially about the same – for playing less cricket. But I don't think it would have done my game any good because I know that playing World Series Cricket –", "id": "5716061" }, { "contents": "Princess Alice of the United Kingdom\n\n\nbut we never meet each other – we have developed separately...and that is why I feel true companionship is an impossibility for us – because our thoughts will never meet...I love you too so very much, my darling husband, and that is why it is so sad to feel that our life is nevertheless so incomplete...But you are never intentionally to blame for this – I \"never\" think that, \"never\"... The following day, Alice wrote a much shorter letter to Louis in which she looked", "id": "12574311" }, { "contents": "Harry Potter (character)\n\n\nfor children. \"The advantage of a fictional hero or heroine is that you can know them better than you can know a living hero, many of whom you would never meet [...] if people like Harry and identify with him, I am pleased, because I think he is very likeable.\" Harry first appears in \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\" (published in the United States as \"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone\"). Starting in 1981, when Harry was just one year", "id": "18313958" }, { "contents": "Craig Cardiff\n\n\n\"The whole concept was talking about success and innovation,\" Cardiff told the \"Nanaimo News Bulletin\". \"I would meet so many people during shows and tours who would confide in what they really wanted to be doing. 'I would much rather be doing this' or 'I gave up music because my parents told me it wasn't a good idea' or what have you and then they would have all these explanations as to why it wouldn't work. I just connected those ideas of understanding the importance", "id": "818443" }, { "contents": "John Peel\n\n\nnot yet. I'm 61 on Wednesday—just a working day for me, I'm afraid—so actually I should have a mile or two left in me, but I do want the children to be able to stand solemnly at my graveside and think lovely thoughts along the lines of 'Get out of that one, you swine', which they won't be able to do if I've been cremated. I think I want 'Teenage dreams, so hard to beat' on my gravestone and every night", "id": "16003144" }, { "contents": "The Velvet Underground\n\n\n. 'You gotta decide what you want to do. Do you want to keep just playing museums from now on and the art festivals? Or do you want to start moving into other areas? Lou, don't you think you should think about it?' So I thought about it, and I fired him. Because I thought that was one of the things to do if we were going to move away from that…\" Steve Sesnick was soon brought in as a replacement manager, much to the chagrin", "id": "16766883" }, { "contents": "Partition (song)\n\n\nI wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back. I know that there's so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself. I'm not embarrassed about it, and I don't feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power we all have.", "id": "16844444" }, { "contents": "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (British series 4)\n\n\n, I'm over there (points away). Don't keep f**king having a go at me about farting!...Just because you think it's wrong doesn't mean everyone else thinks it's wrong. I'm farting because I need to f**king fart, because all I've eaten is f**king beans!... I take it very personal because you know that there's 16 million people watching!\" \"Brian Harvey's argument speech to Janet\" Day 8 The seventh bushtucker trial of the series was titled 'Snap'.", "id": "11254594" }, { "contents": "Efforts to impeach Donald Trump\n\n\nwas not. During an August 2018 \"Fox & Friends\" interview, Trump was asked about the possible ramifications of him being potentially impeached after his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to charges and implied he had done so by Trump's direction. Trump stated, \"I don't know how you can impeach someone who's done a great job. I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor. Because without this [points at", "id": "5945333" }, { "contents": "Bianca Montgomery and Maggie Stone\n\n\npassionate kisses than her lesbian romances, \"...I think they're a couple of reasons. I don't think that you can necessarily say, you know, that they were scared of it...because I think they didn't want to turn people off because they wanted people to invest in the story. And they thought, 'Well, if we go too far...' Like, they were afraid that people who had — who didn't know gay people, and this was very new to them... You know", "id": "8577926" }, { "contents": "You Can't Count On Me\n\n\nthe line to be ‘You Can Count On Me’ but it's not. No one ever says ‘You Can’t Count On Me’ because it's not a very nice thing to say about yourself. It's also not as ‘hit single’-y in people's minds. I know this because people actually suggested removing the ‘t’. I know some of them were joking but not all of them. I wrote the song on the piano and my original music was very much like a combination of the picking", "id": "11395140" }, { "contents": "True Friends (song)\n\n\nhook \"True Friends stab you in the front\" is based on a quote credited to Irish playwright Oscar Wilde. The song is \"not about anyone in particular\", although Sykes has revealed that \"It's about some people more than it is others, but it's all about one event in particular that spurred it on. It's about people that I thought were my friends, my very good friends, doing something to me that I just didn't see coming in a way I never thought they would.", "id": "21996446" }, { "contents": "Aliyah (NCIS)\n\n\ncopy of the script. People will see the finale and say, 'I know what's going to happen next in the first episode back.' Wrong. You don't know what's going to happen. People will go, 'Am I really seeing that? What just happened?' It really is exciting. I promised that with [the Season 5 finale] 'Judgment Day,' and I think we delivered. It is very much in that vein.\" Fans had previously discussed the possibility that Ziva", "id": "13737724" }, { "contents": "Shake It Off\n\n\nI addressed it very differently. I said, \"Why you gotta be so mean?,\" from kind of a victimized perspective, which is how we all approach bullying or gossip when it happens to us for the first time. But in the last few years I've gotten better at just kind of laughing off things that absolutely have no bearing on my real life. I think it's important to be self-aware about what people are saying about you, but even more so, be very aware of", "id": "16127077" }, { "contents": "Mark Tornillo\n\n\n[Laughs] That's a German band called Accept.' But yes, I was a fan by all means. Still am.\" He then said that he was nervous as being Udo Dirkschneider's replacement, \"I was extremely nervous, especially due to the Internet because the Internet, you know what everyone's thinking right away. It's not like the '80s or the old days where you never got to hear what the audience thought. You just read the magazines and so did they and that was it", "id": "21566213" }, { "contents": "Kelly Clarkson\n\n\nEducation was a key part of my childhood, and I am better for it. Anything for education I am really into and especially for kids. A lot of people don't have computers, and they can't afford them. Without education, you get far behind. As long as they have a chance, you know, I think that's important. I want every kid to have a chance.\" In 2013, Clarkson teamed up with State Farm Insurance to support teen safe driving as a part of Celebrate My", "id": "20474979" }, { "contents": "Shankar Family & Friends\n\n\nA&M, further sessions appear to have been required through to early 1974, at Harrison's Friar Park studio. Side one of the original LP begins with the Harrison-arranged, Spector-esque \"I Am Missing You\", a \"toe-tapping\" pop song about which Shankar would later recall: \"I don't know how I did it, but one day I wrote an English song without thinking ... George heard it and liked it so much he wanted to do a version of his own.\" Released", "id": "961101" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Coleridge, 3rd Baron Coleridge\n\n\na poet, you know, never did anything practical that was any good to anybody, actually not thought much of in the family, a bit of a disgrace in fact ... why a young girl like you should spend your time on the old reprobate, I can't think! ... Now I at least know something about beef cattle ...'. Coburn wrote that Coleridge \"...had a brusque, dry, caustic tongue which could be rude or frightening if intuition didn't tell one that the last thing to do was", "id": "18378261" } ]
I've had issues with my weight in the past. I'm doing really well and have lost almost 50 pounds so far. Obesity increases the likelyhood of other conditions. I'm glad you lost the extra weight. It definitely does. So many health complications can be prevented by healthy eating. Although I do have a sweet tooth. But you can still eat it, it's all about portion control.
[{"answer": "Yep, healthy eating is crucial. An unhealthy diet can cause diseases such as blindness, anemia, or health-threatening conditions.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21525", "title": "Nutrition", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 328, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nof weight stigma can function as motivation to avoid stigmatizing environments, and although it may motivate one to escape stigma through weight loss, it undermines one’s capacity to do so. Researchers have linked weight stigma to decreases in physical activity, decreases in seeking health care and increases in maladaptive eating patterns such as binge eating. In addition, those who have experienced weight stigma have shown altered cardiovascular reactivity, increased cortisol level, oxidative stress, and inflammation. People who expect to be fat-shamed by healthcare providers are less likely", "id": "15640567" }, { "contents": "Chris Crawford (game designer)\n\n\ndeath!… Am I so pitiful that you can sneer in my face like that? Yes, yes, you frighten me! \"You hurt me!\" I've felt your claws ripping through my soul! But I'm going to die someday, and before I can do that, I've got to face you, eyeball to eyeball. I've got to look you right in the eye, and see what's inside, but I'm not good enough to do that yet. I'm not experienced enough", "id": "4224051" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Heartache\n\n\nhave Gibson's production company assist with her music career, \"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.", "id": "6336716" }, { "contents": "Weight of the World (Evanescence song)\n\n\nI don't have all the answers for the meaning of life. That's the thing about our music is that it's deep and I'm trying to find the answers and I guess in that song I was really expressing that this is kind of a lot of pressure sometimes and I wanted to definitely say to all those fans, I'm not a prophet and I don't have all the answers, so you really need to look within yourself and start that journey on your own.\" \"Weight of the World", "id": "1586720" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Page\n\n\nmore concerts for the band. He's just playing games, and I'm fed up with it, to be honest with you. I don't sing, so I can't do much about it\", adding, \"I definitely want to play live. Because, you know, I've still got a twinkle in my eye. I can still play. So, yeah, I'll just get myself into musical shape, just concentrating on the guitar.\" On 30 July 2014, an \"NME\"", "id": "13625337" }, { "contents": "All of You (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nsong, Colbie remains realistic about her wishes, and lets us know: \"There's no more wasting time on what I think I'm supposed to do/ My clock is standing still so I can have my dream life/ Life with the ones I love playin' all day long/ Laying back by the water side with nowhere to go and the music on/ I'm working hard for my dream life to be my real life, and that can't be wrong/ All I have is this life, so I'm makin' it", "id": "19767786" }, { "contents": "McKayla Maroney\n\n\nthe vault. I still walked out with a silver medal and I'm happy about that. I'll have to watch the video and figure out what happened. It's really sad that I had to fall on that vault but I'm glad I won a silver medal. I know I can do better vaults but I also know I didn't deserve the gold medal because I fell on my second vault. It happens. It's gymnastics. You can't always be perfect. Sometimes things don't go as planned", "id": "9418163" }, { "contents": "Destry (TV series)\n\n\n'm not complaining because I was given good roles... roles with scope and breadth. But I wish I could have been put in 40 or 50 roles before making my 'first' picture, do you know what I mean? Doing a series now is like putting the cart before the horse. I'm glad to be doing 'Destry' now though because of the experience. My gosh, I've shot more film in the last five weeks than I have in my entire life... It's a role I can", "id": "9715351" }, { "contents": "Partition (song)\n\n\nI wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back. I know that there's so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself. I'm not embarrassed about it, and I don't feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power we all have.", "id": "16844444" }, { "contents": "Imogen Cairns\n\n\ntrain. I have to have injections to numb my ankles, and I've been told I'll have arthritis in them by the time I'm 30.\" Cairns decided to return to training in 2009. She said, \"I thought about quitting because I was out for so long. I put on a bit of weight and got my social life back and I thought, 'This is it.' But when your whole life has been gymnastics, you do miss it. I thought, 'I have nothing", "id": "13941942" }, { "contents": "Got to Get You into My Life\n\n\n\"'Got to Get You into My Life' was one I wrote when I had first been introduced to pot ... So [it's] really a song about that, it's not to a person.\" Many lyrics from the song suggest this: \"I took a ride, I didn't know what I would find there / Another road where maybe I could see some other kind of mind there.\",'\"What can I do? What can I be? When I'm with you, I want to stay", "id": "9772320" }, { "contents": "John McCain 2008 presidential campaign\n\n\nn't want to do that... Nobody likes a sore loser.\" McCain said, \"I spent a period of time feeling sorry for myself. It's wonderful. It's one of the most enjoyable experiences that you can have. But the point is: You've got to move on ... I'm still a senator from the state of Arizona. I still have the privilege and honor of serving this country, which I've done all my life, and it's a great honor to do so.\" In", "id": "6540468" }, { "contents": "ABBA: The Tour\n\n\nAll I do is eat and sleep and sing // Wishing every show was the last show\". However the song shifts viewpoint in the lines: \"Facing 20,000 of your friends // How can anyone be so lonely // Part of a success that never ends // Still I'm thinking about you only\". Even though ABBA members continue their musical careers as solo artists, they have not regrouped as ABBA for a concert tour. The 1979 tour is considered to be a classic among ABBA fans; many contemporary artists and ABBA", "id": "3210824" }, { "contents": "Son of the Mask\n\n\nwhere I had a good amount of control. And then in this movie I didn't have any control. I just can't do that. I have to have my voice in there. If I can't, I'm just going to be like I'm doing someone else's thing. I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through. All I can do is just try to make things independently. That's the only way you can do it. The only", "id": "53663" }, { "contents": "Where Do I Go from You\n\n\n-wise it's as modern as anything I've ever done. I'm pretty much considered a new traditionalist, but I do have R&B and pop roots mixed in.\" Walker told the \"Albuquerque Journal\", \"I like the new single that's out right now because it's musically just one of those songs you can groove to right away. It's not one that you have to think about. So I like the fact that my record label picked it as the follow-up.\" \"Where", "id": "18337107" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser (season 8)\n\n\nhealth and weight. Jillian has a talk with the contestants about going home and eating right while they sit around the kitchen table. Later at the gym, Bob talks to them about keeping the weight off and wants to know what is scary for them, so they can work on it before they go home. The contestants are made to perform the same exercises they did when they first arrived, so they can see how far they have come. The Challenge involves the contestants having to carry the weight they have lost each", "id": "17683991" }, { "contents": "American Life\n\n\nwon't bring you happiness if you don't have a lot of money? How can you say that fame and fortune are not a guarantee for happiness and joy and fulfillment in your life?' You have to have that experience to know. 'Cause you have all those things, I've had all those things, and I've had nothing but chaos around me. So I'm just sharing what I know with the world. 'Cause I do think that we've become completely consumed with being rich and famous, our", "id": "13875070" }, { "contents": "2014 Tipperary senior hurling team season\n\n\nyou're involved in a game like that, from my perspective, you just try and win the game right until the end. You don't get a chance to get too emotional about it so I'm just looking forward to the next day, \"I thought they (Tipperary) did really well today. They worked really hard, they believed in what they were doing. We could have won it, we might have lost it because we were playing against a fantastic team.\" The final was shown live in", "id": "716852" }, { "contents": "Gok Wan\n\n\nas suffering from anorexia by a doctor. Under the supervision of his family he began to eat more and slowly increased to a healthier weight. Despite the sudden change, he had no problem with having been overweight, later reflecting: \"I don't regret having been fat at all. I know how to throw jokes at myself and I use humour before anything else, and those skills allow me to do the chat-shows. So I'm thankful for that.\" He even lamented that, after losing weight,", "id": "17972318" }, { "contents": "Mark Appleyard\n\n\nlife for sure. It's cool man. I'm happy I didn't do it earlier and that I did it when everything was in order in my own life. I'm feeling pretty good about it.\" In 2013 Appleyard explained his mindset towards his health and skateboarding as a thirty-year-old: As far as physically, I eat really healthy. Every morning I drink green vegetable juice. It also helps that I’ve never drank that much. I drink a lot of water and avoid twenty stair", "id": "20145517" }, { "contents": "Diabulimia\n\n\ndisordered eating behavior (DEB). Many authoritative articles show that preteen and teenage girls with type 1 diabetes have significantly higher rates of eating disorders of all types than do girls without diabetes. This condition can be triggered or exacerbated by the need for diabetics to exercise constant vigilance in regard to food, weight and glycemic control. In adolescent females, increased weight gain that insulin treatment can cause may increase the risk of anorexia and/or bulimia. There are no specific guidelines for the treatment of diabetes and disordered eating, but the standard", "id": "18193571" }, { "contents": "The Sponge Who Could Fly\n\n\nadmitted it was difficult to adapt the show into a musical. He remarked \"It is difficult because you are trying to recreate this character that is so fluid on screen. For example I'm just getting used to my square costume, although it does have an incredible design, so that, although I am restricted, I can do a lot of the things he does in the cartoon.\" The musical was well received by most critics. In his review for \"The Sentinel\", Chris Blackhurst brought along a seven", "id": "17213606" }, { "contents": "The Bickersons\n\n\nYou'd better say you're sorry for that, John. J: Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. B: You are not. J: I am too. I'm the sorriest man that was ever born. B: Is there any milk for breakfast? J: No. B: Then you'll have to eat out. J: I don't care, I've been doing it all week. B: What for? I left you enough food for six", "id": "12588762" }, { "contents": "Maria Callas\n\n\nreally well, as in health; I couldn't move freely. And then I was tired of playing a game, for instance playing this beautiful young woman, and I was heavy and uncomfortable to move around. In any case, it was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. So I felt now if I'm going to do things right—I've studied all my life to put things right musically, so why don't I diet and put myself into a certain condition where I'm presentable. During 1953 and", "id": "17351061" }, { "contents": "I'm Your Captain (Closer to Home)\n\n\nlyric begins: poem Everybody, listen to me, and return me, my ship I'm your captain, I'm your captain, although I'm feeling, mighty sick. I've been lost now, days uncounted ... And it's months since, I've seen home. Can you hear me, can you hear me? Or am I ... all alone. /poem The music has a bass break and then drops down to half time before resuming at its normal tempo. The protagonist's plight becomes worse, with", "id": "10725578" }, { "contents": "Seeing Eye Dog\n\n\nI'm thinking will I be capable? It is very physically demanding and people kind of under estimate the energy you have to put out to play this music. And I don't go out to do a half-assed job. So as long as I can maintain that high level and still feel great, I'll think about doing it.\" Regarding the musical direction of the album, Hamilton told AOL's Noisecreep in March 2010 that, \"It's a cool album. I'm really into it. It", "id": "20343995" }, { "contents": "William Talman (actor)\n\n\nPerry Mason\" TV series. He then said, \"You know, I didn't really mind losing those courtroom battles, but I'm in a battle now I don't want to lose at all. Because if I lose it, it means losing my wife and those kids you just met. I've got lung cancer... So take some advice about smoking and losing from someone who's been doing both for years... If you don't smoke, don't start. If you do smoke, quit!...", "id": "13911908" }, { "contents": "Cadillactica\n\n\nthis record. How I can change these instruments and manipulate my voice; and make my voice an instrument. All these things to me are extremely important to really draw you in, to creatively try to do something totally different with this album. And I think it starts with the base of \"Cadillactica\", you know, the planet of all this. I'm working on it now, I'm brainstorming hardcore, I'm working with other producers as well. You know DJ Dahi, Jim Johnson, Rico Love", "id": "4942987" }, { "contents": "Ray Bright\n\n\n'm averaging between 20 and 30 overs. Previously it was only 10–12.\" \"I've been trying to give the ball that extra tweak,\" added Bright. \"You find, especially against the good batsmen, that you have to do something more than just bowl accurately. I'm glad I was born a left arm bowler. Those sort of bowlers, especially spinners, are a very rare breed in Australia. Batsmen here don't get much practice against a left hander. Anything you can do a little different", "id": "13659147" }, { "contents": "Kat & Alfie: Redwater\n\n\n\" as a brand can afford to do it and I've always wanted to do something like that. I'm from Ireland originally, so it's a place I know well. Shane's Irish, Jessie’s half Irish—so, there’s an Irish connection between all of us. The other important thing about the spin-off show is it's not just about Kat and Alfie—we've created a whole new world and a new lot of characters. The writers have created a really lovely, interesting world,", "id": "18177487" }, { "contents": "Superficial (album)\n\n\nof me.\" Montag addressed the issue by stating \"I love it. I'm a very sexual person and I'm married, so it's okay. I think every woman ... has an alter ego. We all have that really sexual, fun side. I just thought the lyrics were so fun and so sexy. They empower women. That song, when my friends hear it, they feel sexier. They have more fun, because the song is like, 'I'll do whatever you want, but", "id": "6503242" }, { "contents": "Food choice\n\n\nwomen who believed they were perceived as feminine. The weight of eating companions may also influence the volume of food consumed. Obese individuals have been found to eat significantly more in the presence of other obese individuals compared to normal-weight others, while normal-weight individuals' eating appears unaffected by the weight of eating companions. Awareness Although the presence and behavior of others can have a strong impact on eating behavior, many individuals are not aware of these effects, and instead tend to attribute their eating behavior primarily to other factors", "id": "3857904" }, { "contents": "2014 All-Ireland Senior Hurling Championship Final\n\n\na great strike on it and he was unlucky.\" \"I'm looking forward to the next day,\" \"When you're involved in a game like that, from my perspective, you just try and win the game right until the end. You don't get a chance to get too emotional about it so I'm just looking forward to the next day, \"I thought they (Tipperary) did really well today. They worked really hard, they believed in what they were doing. We could have", "id": "9386686" }, { "contents": "Solomon Burke\n\n\ndevelop into what I am now and allowed me to live. It's not an eating disorder. If I had an eating disorder, I wouldn't travel.\" In 2006 Burke acknowledged: \"It's very rough. I love to eat and I love to cook – as you can see. But my hip has to be replaced and a knee has to be replaced and I've got to lose 150 pounds before they can do that. And that's a lot. But it's NOT! God knows I", "id": "3599211" }, { "contents": "Roh Moo-hyun\n\n\nresponse to the pervasive criticism upon Roh's bribery charges, he stated on his website, \"I have lost my moral cause just with the facts I have so far admitted. The only thing left is the legal procedure\". Roh further added, \"What I have to do now is bow to the nation and apologize. From now on, the name Roh cannot be a symbol of the values you pursue. I'm no longer qualified to speak about democracy and justice... You should abandon me.\" Despite", "id": "5009855" }, { "contents": "Troy Davis\n\n\n– I know all of you are still convinced that I'm the person that killed your father, your son and your brother, but I am innocent. The incident that happened that night was not my fault. I did not have a gun that night. I did not shoot your family member. But I am so sorry for your loss. I really am – sincerely. All I can ask is that each of you look deeper into this case, so that you really will finally see the truth. I ask", "id": "7689546" }, { "contents": "World Health Day\n\n\neveryone can play in ensuring that the food on our plate is safe to eat. The WHO focused World Health Day 2016, on diabetes – a largely preventable and treatable non-communicable disease that is rapidly increasing in numbers in many countries, most dramatically in low- and middle-income countries. Simple lifestyle measures have been shown to be effective in preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes, including maintaining normal body weight, engaging in regular physical activity, and eating a healthy diet. Diabetes can be controlled and managed", "id": "16588507" }, { "contents": "List of Loveline games\n\n\nweigh? Caller: Well okay, currently... Adam: Hold on, hold on, you said well, okay, and currently. I'm gonna add $500 just for the currently and the hiccup there. Caller: I just lost 30 pounds, and I'm still losing. Adam: Mm-hmm, so whatcha at? Caller: I'm at 180 now, I don't look 180 though! Adam: Ok, so you look about 185,190? \"Anderson sound drop: Chunky\" Caller:", "id": "10481694" }, { "contents": "Book of Numbers (film)\n\n\nrelationship between the two main characters are that of father and son, as Blueboy explains, \"Dave, do you think I'm proud of what I done? You think I've been proud all my life of having to bow my head and 'Tom.' Just so as I could survive. Son, I did what I done today for you. For you youngins. 'Cause you youngins got to carry on the good fight. Me? My kind, we're finished. But you can't do it behind", "id": "11019469" }, { "contents": "Sound+Vision Tour\n\n\nlast time I'll ever do those songs completely, because if I want to make a break from what I've done up until now, I've got to make it concise and not have it as a habit to drop back into. It's so easy to kind of keep going on and saying, well, you can rely on those songs, you can rely on that to have a career or something, and I'm not sure I want that.\" He would state in another contemporary interview that \"I", "id": "2733481" }, { "contents": "Earl Campbell\n\n\nwho knocks you over ... so the most important thing I think isn't to get a few extra yards every time but to make sure you're healthy enough to play.\" Bum Phillips, though, favored Campbell's running style. \"I've been looking for a back like Earl,\" he said. \"I'm not going to change his style. Why would I? You don't want a guy who gets hit and then flops on the ground. Earl does the same thing other backs do, only", "id": "7316495" }, { "contents": "Comedy of menace\n\n\nmobile phones\".br How are you?br Very well. And you? Are you well?br I'm terribly well. How about you?br Really well. I'm really I'm so Apart from ... oh you know I Apart from ... oh you know I do know. But apart from that ...?br How about you?br Oh you know ... all things considered I know. But apart from that ...? \"Silence\".", "id": "15829874" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "Britney Spears\n\n\ncontext of a Britney Spears concert, does it really matter? [...] you [just] go for the somewhat-ridiculous spectacle of it all\". Spears spoke on the topic saying \"[...] Because I'm dancing so much, I do have a little bit of playback, but there's a mixture of my voice and the playback.\" She added: \"It really pisses me off because I'm busting my ass out there and singing at the same time and nobody ever gives me credit for", "id": "3018645" }, { "contents": "Aaron Lewis\n\n\nbe heard shouting at the crowd, “Shut the fuck up and go home”. Aaron responds to the audience saying “Listen, I'm fucking good. I don't have to do this... Listen, if you don't shut the fuck up, you can't even hear the guitar. So shut up. I've got 3 more fucking minutes... Can you please, for once-- Through the whole fucking evening, you guys have talked all fucking night. Shut the fuck up or I'm done! It", "id": "18662796" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Tunney\n\n\nvault, the Yurchenko double twist and it's paying off, I was really happy with that today.\" In team finals, she competed on vault, uneven bars, and floor for the British team which placed fourth. \"I had good performances all round and I'm really happy with how the team have done. I was nervous coming into this event but think I've coped really well. To make no mistakes in all my routines so far is brilliant, my floor has been solid all week so I'm", "id": "3148058" }, { "contents": "Cat Zingano\n\n\nmy hormones were all screwed up. I had never been hit like that in a fight. You know, it really freaked me out because it was like, man, I am my son's only parent. If I'm all screwed up and I can't drive and I can't work and say this injury is so bad I can't fight anymore...what if I'm incapable of doing that? I can't get to the point where my brain is mush and I can barely talk, because my son", "id": "3697506" }, { "contents": "William Campbell (American football)\n\n\n. 'I'm not huffing and puffing anymore,' the senior defensive tackle said after practice Monday. 'I'm not dying right now.' Teammate Taylor Lewan added, \"His conditioning shows it. You should seem him run – it's like a gazelle. Unreal.\" Team captain Denard Robinson joked: \"Will shows off his stomach more than I do. You can tell that he lost that weight.\" Campbell was a starter at defensive tackle for the 2012 Michigan Wolverines football team. He appeared in", "id": "9890745" }, { "contents": "Erin Martin\n\n\n“That was entertainment. That was fun. I had so much fun watching you guys and that’s what Battle Round should really be about.” Christina Aguilera also sided with The Shields Brothers. Blake Shelton commented, \"Erin I'm glad you wore that because now that I'm married, girls dressed like that is all I have\" and went with Erin. Cee Lo Green commented, “With Erin, maybe the song was not the one that gave you the opportunity to really shine but I love your voice", "id": "20226003" }, { "contents": "We Move\n\n\nin a mental health unit weighing somewhere between 32 and 35 kilograms. McMorrow said in the interview, \"I just wasn't coping well with life. ... I just have a predisposition towards control and wanting to have control of my life. The classic thing with eating disorders is that when life is out of control, it's the one thing that you can control.\" He also admitted that the mental health problems were something he ran away from pretty aggressively when he was in his twenties. \"I'm a classic", "id": "2835626" }, { "contents": "Inchon (film)\n\n\n, dear boy. I'm like a vintage wine. You have to drink me quickly before I turn sour. I'm almost used up now and I can feel the end coming. That's why I'm taking money now. I've got nothing to leave my family but the money I can make from films. Nothing is beneath me if it pays well. I've earned the right to damn well grab whatever I can in the time I've got left.\" Olivier researched the role by traveling to Norfolk", "id": "8403008" }, { "contents": "Demi Lovato\n\n\nthis huge heart where he said, 'I'm so glad that [he's] taking care of you and doing the job that I wish I could do'.\" She has written multiple songs about him. Patrick died of cancer on June 22, 2013, at age 53. After his death, Lovato said that he had been mentally ill, and in his honor she created the Lovato Treatment Scholarship Program. Lovato had suffered from depression, an eating disorder, self-harm, and being bullied before she", "id": "11137694" }, { "contents": "Bionic (Christina Aguilera album)\n\n\naccord, at the behest of then-husband Jordan Bratman, without relying on the record label A&R. She stated: \"Going into [each of these partnerships], I said, 'I'm a really big fan of yours, and I'm interested in stepping into your world and what you do'\", adding: \"'I want to combine that with my sound, and let's see what happens.' I feel like I can do so much with my voice. I would be so bored sitting", "id": "5591006" }, { "contents": "Horatio Sanz\n\n\nTime\". In November 2008, Sanz made his first public appearance in almost a year, after having lost . \"I've been eating better,\" he admitted. Sanz quipped, \"I've been trying to come up with a joke about how I've lost weight and I was going to say, 'I stopped putting nuts in my sundaes.'\" He also says, \"I never weighed myself when I was at my fattest, because I was scared I might die'.\" Sanz says he", "id": "14582235" }, { "contents": "Brandy Norwood\n\n\nto the accident back in 2006.\" In May 2009, Norwood stated, \"The whole experience did completely change my life, and I can say that I think I'm a better person from it. You know, I still don't understand all of it and why all of it happened, but I definitely have a heart, and my heart goes out to everyone involved. I pray about it every single day, and that's all I can really say on the subject.\" Nevertheless, there have been", "id": "14489383" }, { "contents": "Unbroken (Demi Lovato album)\n\n\nrevealed she had not rushed the album, stating: \"Every other album I haven’t had time to really take my time and craft it like I really wanted to do because I was finding spare time between a television show, and movies, and touring, and then all over again. I've worked on [the album] for the past year and really gone hard over the past few months, but you can definitely tell that I took my time with this record.\" In August 2010, Lovato began touring", "id": "6926068" }, { "contents": "Margarita (Master and Margarita)\n\n\n: \"Understood. This thing is pure gold, you can tell by the weight. So, then, I understand perfectly well that I'm being bribed and drawn into some shady story for which I'm going to pay dearly...I know what I'm getting into. But I'm getting into it on account of him, because I have no more hope for anything in this world. But I want to tell you that if you're going to ruin me, you'll be ashamed! Yes, ashamed!", "id": "2810085" }, { "contents": "Oceans (Pearl Jam song)\n\n\nthat can do it so it was an eye opener but he does it better than anyone I've ever seen do it. Drummer Dave Krusen on the song: We originally tracked drum kit on that song. Then I added three tympani parts. I remember we were all in the control room listening to the tympani part with the drums muted. Someone commented how cool it sounded like that, so we kept it that way. I'm glad we did. When the band joined the album's mixer, Tim Palmer,", "id": "1032029" }, { "contents": "Smokey Robinson\n\n\nBetween 1962 and 1966, Robinson was also one of the major songwriters and producers for Motown, penning many hit singles such as \"Two Lovers\", \"The One Who Really Loves You\", \"You Beat Me to the Punch\" and \"My Guy\" for Mary Wells; \"The Way You Do The Things You Do\", \"My Girl\", \"Since I Lost My Baby\" and \"Get Ready\" for the Temptations; \"When I'm Gone\" and \"Operator\" for Brenda Holloway", "id": "16758001" }, { "contents": "Senate career of John McCain, 2001–2014\n\n\nsaying \"at this stage ... my corpse is still warm, you know?\" McCain added that he was over feeling sorry for himself about the campaign: \"But the point is: You've got to move on ... I'm still a senator from the state of Arizona. I still have the privilege and honor of serving this country, which I've done all my life, and it's a great honor to do so.\" (Several months later, McCain would still decline to commit his support to Palin", "id": "5337739" }, { "contents": "Shagrat (band)\n\n\n, pointed beard and the suede shoes.\" Interviewed in 1972, Took himself offered yet another explanation: \"I am gutter Rock, I'm a \"schneide\". That's why I had Shagrat - it was a rat trip. Rats turn over at an amazing pace and they have a lot of kids. Not only do they eat the poison but they thrive on it and get bigger and they can still slip under doorways. It's the ecology trip. Do you know how many rats were killed in New", "id": "18255526" }, { "contents": "Further Seems Forever\n\n\nmy time with FSF, saying to myself 'what happens when your dreams have come true already?' Well my answer is 'it probably wasn't my dream all along.' Sure maybe it was part of my calling but the truth is that making a family has been the goal ever since I can remember. My family is what I live for now and I am very glad to do so.\" Tooth & Nail released a \"best of\" retrospective album that April entitled \"Hope This Finds You Well\"", "id": "17233282" }, { "contents": "Kutiman\n\n\nin the \"Thru You\" project, as well as his own willingness to focus on his work: I got a lot of offers, you know, for gigs and for DJing and for just interviews, but I really do my best, you know. I don't really like it, honestly – but you're so nice and kind, so I'm having a great time. On 12 September 2014 Kutiman released \"Give It Up\", a first video from the sequel project entitled \"Thru You Too\"", "id": "7605863" }, { "contents": "Denise Drysdale\n\n\nholidays I had put on weight, but not much, and as you know, if you put someone in a nice tutu, they don't have bosoms – they have very flat chests. Pete Smith always said, \"You grew boobs, they had to get rid of you.\" They couldn't do it today. And I've suffered to this day. I still stand on the scales six times a day to check whether I've put on half a pound or a pound.\" Photographed at the time", "id": "11824978" }, { "contents": "ConnectU\n\n\nproblem set.\" On December 10, 2003: \"The week has been pretty busy thus far, so I haven't gotten a chance to do much work on the site or even think about it really, so I think it's probably best to postpone meeting until we have more to discuss. I'm also really busy tomorrow so I don't think I'd be able to meet then anyway.\" A week later: \"Sorry I have not been reachable for the past few days. I've basically been", "id": "20306910" }, { "contents": "Criticism\n\n\nAlso, there is an art to truly constructive criticism: being well-intentioned is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for constructively criticizing, since one can have good intentions but poor delivery (\"I don't know why my girlfriend keeps getting mad when I tell her to stop with the fries already; I'm just concerned about her weight\"), or egocentric intentions but appropriate delivery (\"I'm sick of my subordinate coming in late for work, so I took her aside and we had a long, compassionate", "id": "7019683" }, { "contents": "John La Puma\n\n\nChicago at Kendall College as a professor of nutrition. While serving as a professor and practicing medicine, he also cooked with chef Rick Bayless at Frontera Grill and Topolobampo in Chicago weekly for four years. La Puma would later found CHEF Clinic, the Cooking, Healthy Eating and Fitness, program to prevent and treat obesity, maintain weight loss and measurably promote wellness. He is co-founder of ChefMD, a health and media company, and founder of CHEF Clinic, GlutenFreeQuiz for celiac disease screening and Do You Need More Nature", "id": "20661286" }, { "contents": "Black Swan dance double controversy\n\n\n\"I do want people to know that you cannot absolutely become a professional ballet dancer in a year and a half no matter how hard you work. I've been doing this for 22 years.\" Lane also reiterates that she was asked by producers to stop giving interviews until after the Oscars were over and as to why she thinks that happened, explained: Lane continued, \"I do want people to know that she did work really hard. And she lost a lot of weight so that if you looked at", "id": "1768085" }, { "contents": "Life (Boy George and Culture Club album)\n\n\nwere recording in Spain, and we had a really great time doing it. I'm kind of really glad that we did it this year because everyone was in such a much better place. The songs were better, the communication was better. We're really happy that we did it now and not then. I even allowed people to have opinions on this album, which is shocking! \"I mean, my job is lyrics and melodies – I sort of provide the story – so I've always been quite protective", "id": "11844186" }, { "contents": "Oceansize\n\n\nto fetch my guitar because I'm left-handed. I ended up playing all these cheesy porn soundtrack guitar riffs to him for about three hours until I couldn't play it anymore. He likes everything really loose, definitely not tight. His grooves are unorthodox. I'll be honest; I didn't appreciate his music until I saw how they do it all. After every gig he does he has somewhere booked out so he can just turn up with about fifteen guys who all have a Macintosh and just make beats", "id": "4833876" }, { "contents": "Clint Houston\n\n\n\"Down Beat\" magazine, he stressed: \"What I'm really looking for in this instrument and through my kind of bass playing is texture. My notes are very definitely selected, because they have to go through the changes, but there's a texture I hear. It's like if you play fast enough, you can almost play single notes like a chord. If you play an arpeggio on the piano fast enough, it's like you just hit the chord, and sometimes you can just about get it", "id": "18955090" }, { "contents": "Two Out of Three Ain't Bad\n\n\nwant you, I need you, I love you'?\" I said, \"Well I'll try.\" I don't try to make them complicated. I remember going home and I tried so hard but the best I could do was: \"I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you, don't be sad, 'cause two out of three ain't bad\". So it was still a twist but it was my closest to a simple", "id": "15283357" }, { "contents": "Everyday Robots\n\n\n\" he said, \"This one just has my name on it. You could say that I'm embarking on a new stage in my life, but really I could turn around next time and do something else. So it's not a given that I've become a solo artist.\" The drums and percussion on the record are from a musical instrument that Russell had picked up from Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is made mostly of plastic and metal, a modified version of which can be seen", "id": "2369567" }, { "contents": "Voros McCracken\n\n\nn't make rent on his apartment last year. \"If I give DIPS away for free once, that's fine,\" he says. \"I came up with an idea that was monetized to the hundreds of millions of dollars, and I'm broke. I'm glad I did it. Can't do it anymore. I've done enough to prove I can at least do something. Boy, that's a revolutionary idea that changed baseball. Can you do it again? No. I can't do it", "id": "5028698" }, { "contents": "University of Massachusetts Amherst Department of Food Science\n\n\nBecause it's nature’s way of preserving calories so we can eat them six months later. Well, that's essentially what processing and preservatives have done for the whole food supply. And I'm glad they have! Because I like to eat every day!” Francis was a realist and always approached ethical issues with a scientific light. ““An individual may choose to adopt the organic food way for his/her own ethical and moral reasons. They are entitled, and Americans can afford it. But let no", "id": "5350521" }, { "contents": "Mike Huckabee\n\n\nweight. Huckabee acknowledges that he has weighed as much as 300 pounds (135 kg). Coupled with the death of former Governor Frank D. White (whose obesity contributed to a fatal heart attack) his diagnosis prompted Huckabee to begin eating a healthier diet and exercising. He subsequently lost over 110 pounds (50 kg). \"The New York Times\" called the weight loss so rapid that \"it was as if he simply unzipped a fat suit and stepped out.\" Although Huckabee has stated that he never smoked nor", "id": "7702977" }, { "contents": "John Peel\n\n\nnot yet. I'm 61 on Wednesday—just a working day for me, I'm afraid—so actually I should have a mile or two left in me, but I do want the children to be able to stand solemnly at my graveside and think lovely thoughts along the lines of 'Get out of that one, you swine', which they won't be able to do if I've been cremated. I think I want 'Teenage dreams, so hard to beat' on my gravestone and every night", "id": "16003144" }, { "contents": "Star Trek Continues\n\n\nsay, and I said this after 'Lolani', I'm pretty damn sure my dad would consider this canon. The fact that you do stories that mean something, that have depth, that make us all think a little bit, I really think he would applaud you guys, and I applaud you guys, and as far as I am concerned, it is canon. So thank you.\" The publication Wired has dedicated to \"Star Trek Continues\" five videos of its video series \"Obsessed\", that", "id": "5904101" }, { "contents": "Better (Haley Reinhart album)\n\n\n. Reinhart composed five songs with Swedish songwriter Anders Grahn, and her father provided guitar for the album. Reinhart had a lot of production control over the album, specifying \"I feel I've grown as an artist in terms of songwriting and I've really put my producing skills into practice. I was really meticulous about every nuance of the production, so I'm really proud of this record.\" The album includes themes of confidence and progress; Reinhart states \"even in a lot of the artwork I'm doing,", "id": "12721530" }, { "contents": "Yes You Can (album)\n\n\non tour. In July 1992, Harley revealed to \"Record Collector\": \"I've just released a new album called \"Yes You Can\" in Europe, but it's not out in this country. I'm very proud of it. It sounds like a hundred and fifty grand album, and I've spent about a quarter of that on it. Because we were so well rehearsed we went in and played. I do use state of the art equipment. I've been 19 years in the business,", "id": "21310224" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nargument against anti-fat bias is that it doesn't treat the underlying causes of obesity, especially the emotional issues faced by overweight children. Another argument is that you can't tell if someone has food addiction just by looking at them, as obesity is not the same thing as an eating disorder, and someone might be considered healthy even if they don't fit society's standards for what appears healthy. Fighters of anti-fat bias claim that health should not be connected to weight, as a person's weight is", "id": "15640575" }, { "contents": "Roadrunners (The X-Files)\n\n\nPatrick, the actor who portrayed Doggett, however, had a different interpretation: \"The whole essence of the scene was, 'Look, I'm here for you. I've got your back. We're partners now.' And you give that the weight of a marine saying to someone, 'I'll jump on a grenade for you, so you can trust me.' The idea was to really assure the fans that the show was continuing on.\" Several of the characters in the episode were named", "id": "7955935" }, { "contents": "Muhammed Lawal\n\n\nI did research for my training. I didn't get what she meant by the question, and she rolled her eyes and asked, 'Do you speak English? Can you read?' I felt I was disrespected by the woman's comments. How are you going to ask a college educated, well traveled man if he can speak or read English? I'm speaking English right in front of you and I've been speaking English right in front of you for the past 15 minutes.\" After the release,", "id": "12687391" }, { "contents": "Joe Ajuwa\n\n\nto learn from the guys around me – from simple things like the game language and team culture to the technical dynamics within the Scarlets environment. It's a great set-up, a really good bunch of guys and there's a good atmosphere within the squad. I'm really looking forward to be part of that next season and I'm eager to impress so will be do all I can to learn quickly. \"I've been enjoying my time in this part of the world, the Scarlets have great supporters who", "id": "21075690" }, { "contents": "Bottoms Up (Trey Songz song)\n\n\nwebcast, Songz explained how the collaboration came together, stating: \"I'm in L.A. for BET Awards weekend, I'm working on a couple records, and I do this song called 'Red Lipstick,' and then I do 'Bottoms Up' the next day. I hit Nicki and I'm like, 'Man, I've got these two incredible records, I think one of them is gonna be my first single, and I need you to do it. Can you come this weekend? Can", "id": "4588370" }, { "contents": "Serge Mombouli\n\n\nSouth Africa. \"In a famous interview on All Things Considered broadcast of National Public Radio (NPR in Washington), Ambassador Serge Mombouli stated that: \"Tangible development means you can see, you can touch. We need both. We cannot be talking just about democracy, transparency, good governance. At the end of the day the population does not have anything to eat, does not have water to drink, no electricity at night, industry to provide work, so we need both. People do not eat", "id": "8219749" }, { "contents": "Seeing Eye Dog\n\n\n's really good. The mastering guy was freaking out. That makes you feel good. You have to take some time to step back from it. I'm the singer, songwriter, guitar player, producer. I do all the backing vocals and all the extra instruments. It's just about putting everything into it and making it great. You can't really worry about what people are going to say ... a lot of people have a musical agenda or a stylistic agenda. 'I like emo.' Well,", "id": "20343996" }, { "contents": "Jacko Gill\n\n\n. Jacko was the subject of a \"feature\" interview for the IAAF's March 2013 monthly on-line newsletter, in which he said he had a keen interest in the shot from an early age: “Since about 10 years old I've decided to write all of my lifting programs and schedules for my training. I didn't really fit in well at gyms, so I decided to do all weights in our garage at home. I enjoy weight-lifting, power-lifting mainly, so will lift for", "id": "4587068" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "She Won't Be Lonely Long (song)\n\n\nGAC\" Walker explained the song by saying, \"I've played in bars my whole life. As a singer, you have a bird's eye view of everyone in the club. When a good-looking woman walks in, you notice it. What makes it so real is that if a guy does a girl wrong, the first thing she wants to do is go out, look great, show him that you're not the best I ever had, I'm the best YOU ever had.\" Walker", "id": "7310575" }, { "contents": "Bobby Zamora\n\n\nto 2011 in October 2006, saying, \"\"I'm delighted to have extended my contract and I'm now looking forward to spending my long-term future at Upton Park. I've been here for almost three years now, and there is really no other place I would rather be. This is my club and wearing a claret and blue shirt is all I have ever wanted to do.\"\" He started the 2006–07 season well, scoring five of the Hammers' six goals in the first four matches of", "id": "11252243" }, { "contents": "Adam Watts (musician)\n\n\n: creating and trying to connect. BAM! And I've never been so grateful or more filled with energy. And it's not just with my music, I'm bringing everything together and sharing it. Photography, film, apparel design, prose, whatever... anything and everything that's an artistic expression is going to be up on my website. I'm really excited about it. Really. And I have no expectations. Well, at least as few as I can muster:) I feel rejuvenated. It", "id": "13715409" }, { "contents": "Stuart Murdoch (musician)\n\n\n\", \"I'm not actually a Christian with a capital C. I'm still asking questions. But I had this time when I found myself singing all these old hymns in my kitchen and I couldn't work out why I was doing it. Then one Sunday morning I got up, looked at my watch, and thought, 'I wonder if I could make it to a church service?' It was so welcoming. It just felt like you were coming home. Twelve years later, I've never left", "id": "11505247" }, { "contents": "Anthony Ingrassia\n\n\nand the pain and the feelings in the plays.\" Ingrassia's mother died in 1990. In 1995, Ingrassia died of cardiac arrest at age 51 at Brunswick Hospital in Amityville. During his lifetime, Ingrassia struggled with eating disorders and weighed up to 600 pounds. He was seeing an eating disorder therapist before his death. He had to use a freight elevator because of his weight, and said, \"I'm freight, baby... I still have to fight my food addiction. I don't know how much I", "id": "20113624" }, { "contents": "Michael DeBose\n\n\nplate so people can better identify them, saying \"The primary reason they can prey is because they're camouflaged from who they really are.\" On 1 May 2007, DeBose was taking a walk around his neighborhood after returning from Columbus when two armed robbers attempted to hold him up. He had in the past voted against concealed weapon legislation, but cited this incident as changing his stance: \"I was wrong, I'm going to get a permit and so is my wife. I've changed my mind. You", "id": "6665826" }, { "contents": "Liturgy of the eighth book of the Apostolic Constitutions\n\n\nsaying: This is the Mystery of the New Testament; take of it, eat. This is My body, broken for many for the remission of sins. So also having mixed the cup of wine and water, and having blessed it, He gave to them saying: Drink you all of this. This is My blood shed for many for the remission of sins. Do this in memory of Me. For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you announce My death until I come.", "id": "14947809" }, { "contents": "Andrew Reynolds (skateboarder)\n\n\nhe's been really into being healthy and exercising. I'm rooming with him right now, and it's like we're in a gym; the room is like a gym, where he's just constantly eating bananas and only healthy stuff. He's stretching all the time and it's only to get tricks, that's what he says. He's just like, \"I just gotta do whatever I can to get tricks.\" Do everything he possibly can to do it just the way he pictured it", "id": "654721" }, { "contents": "A Few Questions\n\n\nfans deserve.\" Walker mentioned in an interview with \"Country Weekly\", \"This is the most introspective album I've ever made. It really gives people a good look at me - and what I'm thinking. I'm so proud of this record. I've had apprehensions on previous albums. I was fearful that people wouldn't like certain songs. I can honestly say I have no fears about any song on this CD. All of them fit me really well and there's not one thing I would", "id": "4169956" }, { "contents": "Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy\n\n\nHorrid Henry Tricks The Tooth Fairy is the third book of the \"Horrid Henry\" series. It was published in 1996 as \"Horrid Henry and the Tooth Fairy\" and was written by Francesca Simon and illustrated by Tony Ross. Everyone in Horrid Henry's class had lost at least one tooth - that is except Henry himself. Just today, his \"younger\" brother, Perfect Peter had lost a tooth. So, Henry decides to eat as many sweets as he can from his sweet jar, although it is two", "id": "19652163" } ]
I think jazz music is awesome! Many see jazz as being America's classical music! I love Jazz! Who's your favorite artist? I love them all! I can't pick just one! The Jazz age was in the 1920s and is now recognized as a major form of musical expression! Ah, do you know where jazz was invented? It originated in New Orleans, specifically in the African-American communities Oh cool! Anything else cool about Jazz you can tell me? What sets Jazz apart from other types of music is the swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation Do you know any famous jazz players?
[{"answer": "Earl Fuller was an early jazz bandleader - he's pretty famous!", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "21314567", "title": "Earl Fuller", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 5, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 141, "bleu_score": 0.960707139034002, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\n\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European", "id": "5246777" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz is characterized by swing and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African-American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to different styles. New", "id": "15637724" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Music of the United States\n\n\nEric Clapton in Britain and Johnny Winter in Texas. Jazz is a kind of music characterized by swung and blue notes, call and response vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has been a major part of popular music, and has also become a major element of Western classical music. Jazz has roots in West African cultural and musical expression, and in African American music traditions including blues and ragtime, as well as European military band music. Early jazz was closely related to ragtime,", "id": "7216668" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "American popular music\n\n\nsyncopation, swing, call and response, polyrhythms, and improvisation. Though originally a kind of dance music, jazz has now been \"long considered a kind of popular or vernacular music (and has also) become a sophisticated art form that has interacted in significant ways with the music of the concert hall\". Jazz's development occurred at around the same time as modern ragtime, blues, gospel and country music, all of which can be seen as part of a continuum with no clear demarcation between them; jazz specifically", "id": "6698770" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nof jazz.. In the 1920s, jazz became recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical parentage with a performance orientation. From Africa, jazz got its rhythm, \"blues\", and traditions of playing or singing in one's own expressive way. From Europe, jazz got its harmony and instruments. Both used improvisation, which became a large part of jazz.", "id": "20467296" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Indo jazz\n\n\nof the music we play in Indo-Jazz Fusions, the music is all scored. I don't believe in too much improvisation, and when there is space for improvising, this is done in a format which reminds the player of the notes of the raga.\" \"Indo-Jazz Fusions is just such proof of the folly of labels. It isn't a question of the music being jazz, or Indian, or classical; it is a thoroughly satisfying blend of ingredients into something genuinely new, original and forward", "id": "9346973" }, { "contents": "Jazz Age\n\n\nin the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. New Orleans provided a great opportunity for the development of jazz because it was a port city with many cultures and beliefs intertwined. While in New Orleans, jazz was influenced by Creole music, ragtime, and blues. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". In the beginning of the 20th century, dixieland jazz developed as an early form", "id": "20467295" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\ntresillo/habanera, which he called the Spanish tinge, an essential ingredient of jazz. \"Now in one of my earliest tunes, \"New Orleans Blues,\" you can notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can't manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" An excerpt of \"New Orleans Blues\" is shown below. In the excerpt, the left hand plays the tresillo rhythm, while", "id": "15637769" }, { "contents": "Jewish Americans in Jazz\n\n\nJazz music is a multicultural music, created and developed by African Americans using European instruments with Jewish Americans and others mixing in to further diversify the music. Jazz music was invented in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Originating in New Orleans, the music gained its momentum by getting a start in the red light districts. African Americans playing ragtime in the red light districts were the precursor to what was soon to become Jazz. As World War I came to a close Jazz started to enter the public arena. Two years", "id": "17971006" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\ntime) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people.", "id": "18677825" }, { "contents": "I Didn't Know About You (album)\n\n\nI Didn't Know About You is the debut studio album by American jazz singer Karrin Allyson. The album was released in 1992 via Concord Jazz label. She has remained with Concord Jazz for her next 13 albums issued through 2011. Jack Fuller of the \"Chicago Tribune\" stated \"This young singer is terrific. Part cabaret, part Cassandra Wilson, Karrin Allyson has a lovely musical range and a sharp, clear, slightly nasal voice which is capable of stunning scat and other instrumental effects as well as the straight, lyrical", "id": "8522086" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "Jazz, Ltd.\n\n\na gangster looks like but she wouldn't admit one in because \"it's just like swimming in the ocean and waiting for a attack you. You can't see them but you know they're there.\" \"I don't drink and am very conscious of bad behavior. We feel that people come here to hear the music. Any unnecessary noise, from a few, spoils the pleasure of the entire room.\" Jazz Ltd. paid their musicians well, $100 a week in 1948. This", "id": "13265297" }, { "contents": "Seth MacFarlane\n\n\nvocalist with the John Wilson Orchestra, this time in a Sinatra program. Regarding his musical passion, MacFarlane has said, \"I love and am fascinated by exciting orchestration—what you can do with a band that size—and I think in many ways it's a lost art.\" His music is predominantly vocal jazz, show tunes, and swing. He will occasionally use musical comedy for either his shows or movies. MacFarlane has a baritone voice. He is a pianist and singer who, in his early years", "id": "11342269" }, { "contents": "You Know That I Love You (Donell Jones song)\n\n\n\"You Know That I Love You\" is a song by American recording artist Donell Jones, released on April 9, 2002 as the first single from the album, \"Life Goes On\" (2002). Jazz saxophonist Kim Waters covers \"You Know That I Love You\" on his 2002 album titled \"Someone to Love You\", and Kim Waters' cover was picked by several Urban AC stations and some stations such as KJLH in Los Angeles played the Donell Jones version with the jazz mixed in late 2002,", "id": "13182765" }, { "contents": "Val Wilmer\n\n\n, resolutely opposed as I was to anything that smacked of feminine pursuits and did not involve going places, being and doing.\" Aware of the earliest records of jazz and blues, Wilmer began to write about jazz and other African-American music, focusing on the political and social messages of the music. Her first article (a biography of Jesse Fuller) appeared in \"Jazz Journal\" in May 1959 when she was still only 17. Reflecting on how this piece originated, Wilmer states: \"I was an inveterate", "id": "2476356" }, { "contents": "Terence Blanchard\n\n\nNew Orleans from Los Angeles. Blanchard had passionately lobbied the Institute to relocate saying, \"After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans was shaken and its musical roots were threatened. I grew up in this city and learned about jazz here at Loyola with other young jazz musicians like Wynton and Branford Marsalis and I know that the Institute will have a great impact on jazz and in our communities. We are going to work hard to help jazz and New Orleans flourish once again.\" In 2007, the Monterey Jazz Festival named Blanchard Artist", "id": "4422132" }, { "contents": "Lovely Standards\n\n\nwherever I was going.\" She went on to say that the album is geared toward people who \"really do like jazz for jazz, not because the artist that they know is doing it, but they listen to jazz and they're understanding of being experimental within that form.\" Larrieux continues, referring to husband and producer Laru Larrieux: \"We purposely only pressed up a small amount of albums, and you know, didn't go huge with it. We kind of wanted to feel our way around it,", "id": "78233" }, { "contents": "David Krakauer\n\n\nDavid Krakauer (born September 22, 1956) is an American clarinetist who performs klezmer, jazz, classical music, and avant-garde improvisation. Krakauer's performance career focused on jazz and classical music before he joined the Klezmatics in 1988. He sees klezmer as his \"musical home,\" saying \"I can write music within klezmer, improvise, do experimental stuff, be an interpreter and a preservationist. Every side of me can be fulfilled within this form.\" In 1996, he formed his own band Klezmer Madness", "id": "4512917" }, { "contents": "West Coast jazz\n\n\njazz. Bob Rusch concurs: The West coast sound perhaps didn't have the gravitas that the East coast had, but, after all, these were Californians enjoying the sun and the surf and the extent that celebrity offered itself through the studio work that the entertainment industry was offering. So I think, you know, you think of California as sun and surf, you think of New York City as cement and grit, and the music somewhat reflected that. One better than the other? Depends what you want. During", "id": "12013361" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nparentage with a performance orientation. Jazz spans a period of over a hundred years, encompassing a very wide range of music, making it difficult to define. Jazz makes heavy use of improvisation, polyrhythms, syncopation and the swing note, as well as aspects of European harmony, American popular music, the brass band tradition, and African musical elements such as blue notes and African-American styles such as ragtime. Although the foundation of jazz is deeply rooted within the black experience of the United States, different cultures have contributed", "id": "10465447" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "Black women in the music industry\n\n\n's rise as a hive of cultural and artistic activity. It was recognized as the Harlem Renaissance, which allowed for the flowering of music, poetry, and art in the Black community. Jazz music is a musical genre through which many African American artists express their feelings of pain, joy, and freedom. It originated in New Orleans, making its way to Chicago through the diaspora of black southerners during the Great Migration. By the end of the 1920s, Chicago had become the music metropolis for jazz. Jazz was a", "id": "4863474" }, { "contents": "Live at Montreux 1980/1974\n\n\nbeing eased into any new musical progression.\" Less than a year later, Morrison would say that as soon as \"you are committed to a series of concerts you lose all spontaneity. It's not jazz any more. The reason I first got into music and the reason I was then doing it were conflicting. It was such a paradox.\" During the concert but not shown on the DVD, Morrison angrily confronted a woman heckler who said he didn't know how to play the blues. Morrison's stripped-", "id": "1826087" }, { "contents": "I Love American Music\n\n\n1997 compilation \"Zoot Suit Riot\" to consist entirely of jazz and swing music. As such, \"I Love American Music\" follows in the jump blues-influenced swing style as much of the album does, punctuated by the Daddies' trademark horn section and utilizing call and response vocalizations in the chorus. Perry has described \"I Love American Music\" as being a dedication to the fans and musicians of American roots music, particularly influenced by the figures of Eugene, Oregon's blues scene in the 1980s, such as", "id": "10117425" }, { "contents": "Judy Carmichael\n\n\ncompilation on C&D Productions label. Her album Southern Swing (2008) was recorded live at the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz.[18] Her first all vocal CD I Love Being Here With You, released in 2013, was the first where she ceded piano duties to someone else, in this case Mike Renzi (formerly music director for Peggy Lee, Mel Torme, Tony Bennett and Sesame Street). Carmichael followed with her first CD of originals (music Harry Allen, lyrics Judy Carmichael) Can You Love Once More? Judy & Harry", "id": "1808329" }, { "contents": "Nappy edges\n\n\nher project to express herself the way that she chooses to, not the way that she is expected to by both the confines of standard English and also by those who associate poetry with a specific, formal way of expressing oneself. Shange is also incredibly influenced by music, particularly Jazz and Blues artists. Her poems are lyrical and sometimes reminiscent of the style of improvisation in jazz. \"i live in music\", for instance, is explicitly about Shange's love of music, and doesn't stick to a particular rhythm", "id": "21355235" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nyou said your career came before \"everything?\"\" Jack is unsure if he even can replace his father: \"I haven't sung Kol Nidre since I was a little boy.\" His mother tells him, \"Do what is in your heart, Jakie—if you sing and God is not in your voice—your father will know.\" The producer cajoles Jack: \"You're a \"jazz singer\" at heart!\" At the theater, the opening night audience is told that there will be", "id": "18962892" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\nThe following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to jazz: Jazz – musical style that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities in the Southern United States, mixing African music and European classical music traditions. Jazz is a music genre that originated from African American communities of New Orleans in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African American and European American musical", "id": "10465446" }, { "contents": "MUSA's\n\n\ntheir debut. From December 2011 to early January in 2012, Gary Chaw, with MUSA's Trio and Michael Tu, presented the \"Gary Chaw SENSATION x JAZZ\" concerts in Taipei, Kaohsiung and Taichung. At the same time there came the limited single \"Project Sensation JAZZ\" solely available in the live hall and online music showcase, including \"All I Have To Do Is Dream\" and \"I Just Called To Say I Love You\". The songs are newly arranged by MUSA's Trio, and the single", "id": "15398339" }, { "contents": "Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music\n\n\nas \"a true jazz artist in the tradition of Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington.\" Upon his return to the United States at the end of the summer, ABC-Paramount had officially recognized his achievements, presenting Charles with two gold records—one for \"I Can't Stop Loving You\", the other for his \"Modern Sounds\" album—during a live concert performance at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park, New Jersey. Through his ventures into country music and the European jazz scene, Charles's white audience", "id": "10308405" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\ncan notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can't manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz—Morton (1938: Library of Congress Recording).\" An excerpt of \"New Orleans Blues\" is shown below. In the excerpt, the left hand plays the tresillo rhythm, while the right hand plays variations on cinquillo. /score Although the origin of jazz syncopation may never be known, there's evidence", "id": "7124214" }, { "contents": "Latin jazz\n\n\nhe called the Spanish tinge) to be an essential ingredient of jazz. The habanera rhythm can be heard in his left hand on songs like \"The Crave\" (1910, recorded 1938). Now in one of my earliest tunes, “New Orleans Blues,” you can notice the Spanish tinge. In fact, if you can’t manage to put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz—Morton (1938: Library of", "id": "3213685" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\nlocal festivals and hospitals. His father arranged for him to study with jazz percussionists Bill Douglass and Chuck Flores. Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion. \"I used to drive my parents crazy with this. I told my father a few years before he died, you know a lot of times I played that music 'cause I just wanted to see the look on your face.\". His mother's 1964 single \"Ringo Beat\" was inspired by her son", "id": "7781373" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nleading part in the new musical \"April Follies\". Back at the family home Jack left long ago, the elder Rabinowitz instructs a young student in the traditional cantorial art. Jack appears and tries to explain his point of view, and his love of modern music, but the appalled cantor banishes him: \"I never want to see you again—you \"jazz singer!\"\" As he leaves, Jack makes a prediction: \"I came home with a heart full of love, but you don't want", "id": "18962887" }, { "contents": "Beto y Los Fairlanes\n\n\nFairlanes? In his own words on his website, Skiles explains, “Beto was a result of my bilingual roots in San Antonio, a love of jazz and classical music that came from my parents who were both accomplished artists, and a desire to write and perform highly energetic, improvised music that was both challenging to play and fun to dance to! My vision was to combine, in a unique way, what I love about jazz and Latin music\"... \"The name 'Beto and the Fairlanes?' was", "id": "14777172" }, { "contents": "Mel Powell\n\n\nhis life and his reasons for leaving jazz. In an interview with \"The New Yorker\" magazine jazz critic Whitney Balliett, Powell said: \"I have decided that when I retire I will think through my decision to leave jazz – with the help of Freud and Jung. At the moment, I suspect it was this: I had done what I felt I had to do in jazz. I had decided it did not hold the deepest interest for me musically. And I had decided that it was a young man", "id": "8877229" }, { "contents": "Water (Gregory Porter album)\n\n\nBBC Music noted that \"Gregory Porter has a voice and musicality to be reckoned with\" and that Mr. Porter could help fill the gap of new male African-American jazz singers. Howard Dukes of Soul Tracks claims Gregory Porter as a new talent, \"an artist who has a number of classic, familiar elements in his style, but whose approach brings a freshness that both jazz and soul fans should love\" and continues with praise: \"I think Nat King Cole would be pleased.\" All songs written by Gregory", "id": "6113498" }, { "contents": "Myst V: End of Ages\n\n\nLarkin explained. \"You don't guide a player through, since you can't count on being at a certain place at a certain time. I can't write cue music to get the player to do this, this and then this. One player might hear the cue and run the other way!\" Larkin had to step away from what he had learned as a jazz composer and musician writing pieces with a definite beginning and end, instead creating music with \"less arc\" and structure. Larkin admitted that some", "id": "20146077" }, { "contents": "Otherworld (album)\n\n\ndelivering \"a jazz-like sense of swing and improvisation,\" whilst another critic described it as marrying \"jazz rock bass lines and an expanded harmonic sensibility to an older rural music.\" Nonetheless, the band rejected the jazz comparisons, with the band's fiddle player Seán Smyth saying \"we're always trying to blend the new and the old. [...] We don't do any jazz/blues revampings or anything like that, though we do blend in some new melodies and harmonies, and of course added", "id": "19126235" }, { "contents": "Eliete Mejorado\n\n\nMusic 2011 From A Forest Near You / Slum Dunk Music 2010 Let Your X's Be Y's / Soul Jazz Records 2008 I Go To The Doctor 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2008 A Historia da Garça 12 / Soul Jazz Records 2006 L.I.C.K. MY FAVELA / Kute Bash Records 2006 L.I.C.K MY FAVELA / Slum Dunk 2005 The Sexual Life of the Savages / Soul Jazz Records 2005 Bonde do Tetão / Bizarre Music 2004 Slum Dunk Presents Funk Carioca / Mr Bongo 2004 Men In Uniform / Bizarre Music 2003 Tetine Vs Sophie Calle - Samba", "id": "6834992" }, { "contents": "School of Jazz (The New School)\n\n\nchairperson of the program in 1986, as the Jazz & Contemporary Music Program. The School of Jazz at The New School offers Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees in Jazz and Contemporary Music with concentrations in vocal and instrumental performance. The core curriculum includes courses in performance, analysis, composition, music history, and liberal arts. In addition, a student can select or audition for a wide range of elective courses and narrow your focus as you advance toward graduation. Core Curriculum - Instrumental Instruction - Jazz Improvisation Ensemble -", "id": "16195327" }, { "contents": "Kind of Blue\n\n\nto hear things. When you go this way, you can go on forever. You don't have to worry about changes and you can do more with the [melody] line. It becomes a challenge to see how melodically innovative you can be. When you're based on chords, you know at the end of 32 bars that the chords have run out and there's nothing to do but repeat what you've just done—with variations. I think a movement in jazz is beginning away from the conventional string", "id": "19247416" }, { "contents": "My Voice (album)\n\n\nsong and \"I'm OK\" draws influences from jazz. \"Cover Up\" is a tropical house number instrumented by musical keyboard and string instruments, while \"Love in Color\" is an acoustic piano ballad that highlights Taeyeon's vocals. Three new original songs featured on the deluxe edition are \"Make Me Love You\", \"I Blame on You\" and \"Curtain Call\". \"Make Me Love You\" is a soulful pop and R&B song, while \"I Blame on You\" is a pop ballad", "id": "14890285" }, { "contents": "Tom Moulton\n\n\nhis achievements as a remixer. He is the official archivist of the Bethlehem Jazz and Salsoul music catalogues and has overseen all of the digital remastering. In late 2006, Moulton remixed the Brand New Heavies (featuring N'Dea Davenport)'s single \"I Don't Know (Why I Love You).\" \"A Tom Moulton Mix\" was used as the title of a compilation of Moulton's remixes on Soul Jazz Records. UK label Harmless Records has released albums of Moulton's work of remixed tracks originally issued on Philadelphia International", "id": "2705646" }, { "contents": "Music of New Orleans\n\n\nto put tinges of Spanish in your tunes, you will never be able to get the right seasoning, I call it, for jazz.\" Although the exact origins of jazz syncopation may never be known, there's evidence that the habanera/tresillo rhythm was there at its conception. Buddy Bolden, the first \"known\" jazz musician, is credited with creating the \"big four\", the first syncopated bass drum pattern to deviate from the standard on-the-beat march. As the example below shows,", "id": "10831571" }, { "contents": "The Cry of Jazz\n\n\nsurvive. Alex and Louis then assert that slavery and continued racism constitute an erasure of the past, present, and future of Black people in America, and that through music Black people have created a record of their history. Alex traces the history of jazz, from New Orleans jazz, to swing, to be-bop, to cool jazz. Footage of Sun Ra's band playing examples of each style accompanies the description of each type of jazz. A discussion arises concerning what it would take to achieve racial equality in", "id": "18565729" }, { "contents": "Music and Black liberation\n\n\nSpirituals were originally an oral tradition that imparted Christian values while also describing the hardships of slavery. Although spirituals were originally unaccompanied monophonic (unison) songs, they are best known today in harmonized choral arrangements. This historic group of uniquely American songs is now recognized as a distinct genre of music. Jazz originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music", "id": "5246776" }, { "contents": "Music of Australia\n\n\nin Sydney. Soon after World War II, jazz in Australia diverged into two strands. One was based on the earlier collectively improvised called \"dixieland\" or traditional jazz. The other so-called modernist stream was based on big band swing, small band progressive swing, boogie woogie, and after WWII, the emerging new style of bebop. By the 1950s American bop, itself, was dividing into so-called 'cool' and 'hard' bop schools, the latter being more polyrhythmic and aggressive. This division", "id": "18785038" }, { "contents": "Song of Innocence\n\n\nthe music could be better characterized as art pop than jazz. Axelrod, who had produced bebop albums before working for Capitol, asserted that jazz played a crucial role in the music: \"For years, all I did was jazz. When I first got in the record business, I was so into jazz that I had never heard Elvis Presley. I still probably listen to jazz more than anything else.\" Axelrod composed the album as a tone poem suite based on Blake's illustrated 1789 collection of poems \"Songs of", "id": "4324715" }, { "contents": "Dione Taylor\n\n\nDione Taylor is a Canadian jazz singer. Born and raised in Regina, Saskatchewan she released her first album, \"Open Your Eyes\", in 2004. That album was nominated for Vocal Jazz Album of the Year at the Juno Awards of 2005 and was followed by \"I Love Being Here with You\" in 2006. She studied jazz at Humber College in Toronto. A year later in 2004, she sang at the White House for Black Music Month during the administration of President George W. Bush. She received a Gemini", "id": "19422503" }, { "contents": "Lady Gaga\n\n\nin Rodriguez's \"\", and was confirmed as Versace's spring-summer 2014 face with a campaign called \"Lady Gaga For Versace\". In September 2014, Gaga released a collaborative jazz album with Tony Bennett titled \"Cheek to Cheek\". The inspiration behind the album came from her friendship with Bennett, and fascination with jazz music since her childhood. Before the album was released, it produced the singles \"Anything Goes\" and \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love\". \"Cheek to Cheek\"", "id": "18366266" }, { "contents": "High Society (1956 film)\n\n\nfranchise. \"I Love You, Samantha\" has also become a jazz favorite for improvisations. When Bing Crosby sang \"Now You Has Jazz\", he uttered the Porter lyric \"rock and roll\", and it very well might have been the first time that phrase was uttered on film. It would have been ironic coming from Crosby since rock and roll would very soon eclipse the jazz and swing of Crosby, Sinatra, and Armstrong. The first rock and roll film came out the following year. Opening on July", "id": "15772423" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\n, musicians are sometimes reluctant to define the music they play. Duke Ellington, one of jazz's most famous figures, said, \"It's all music.\" Although jazz is considered difficult to define, in part because it contains many subgenres, improvisation is one of its defining elements. The centrality of improvisation is attributed to the influence of earlier forms of music such as blues, a form of folk music which arose in part from the work songs and field hollers of African-American slaves on plantations. These work", "id": "15637733" }, { "contents": "Oppy Music, Vol. I: Purple, Crayon\n\n\nOppy Music, Vol. I: Purple, Crayon is the Debut Album by \"Chris Opperman and the Random Factor\" \"Can you imagine a silken scarf, studded with turquoise Necco wafers? Opperman's music starts on the 'and of 2.' If you think you understand it, you're wrong. There's this weird little plot of land occupying a hitherto unexplored region between rock, jazz, contemporary classical, and some weird fucking shit nobody can explain. There's Opperman. I don't know if you", "id": "16726445" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Rhythm Kings\n\n\narrangements by the New Orleans Rhythm Kings continue to be played by \"traditional jazz\" or Dixieland bands all over the world today. Some of their famous compositions and contributions to the jazz repertory include \"Bugle Call Rag\", \"Milenburg Joys\", \"Farewell Blues\", \"Angry\", \"Baby\", \"Discontented Blues\", \"She's Crying for Me\", \"Oriental\", \"I Never Knew What a Girl Could Do\", \"Everybody Loves Somebody Blues\", and \"Tin Roof", "id": "13586313" }, { "contents": "Outline of jazz\n\n\ntheir own experience and styles to the art form as well. Intellectuals around the world have hailed jazz as \"one of America's original art forms\". As jazz spread around the world, it drew on different national, regional, and local musical cultures, which gave rise to many distinctive styles. New Orleans jazz began in the early 1910s, combining earlier brass-band marches, French quadrilles, biguine, ragtime and blues with collective polyphonic improvisation. In the 1930s, heavily arranged dance-oriented swing big bands,", "id": "10465448" }, { "contents": "Lindy hop today\n\n\n, and for dancers visiting a particular city or country. While lindy hop developed as a response to swing jazz in the 1920s and 30s, its popularity today can be largely attributed to the popularity of neo swing music of the swing revival in the late 1990s and early 2000s. As swing jazz is not the popular music of the twenty first century, and jazz and its cousin blues have themselves undergone significant changes since the original 'swing era', there are ongoing discussions within the lindy hop community about the types of music", "id": "4245859" }, { "contents": "Cool jazz\n\n\nfugues they played were truly baroque in form except that the exposition parts were improvised.\" While third stream music would combine classical elements with jazz, the Modern Jazz Quartet used these forms \"just to play good, swinging, subtle jazz\" and in pursuit of \"the joy of collective improvisation and counterpoint.\" Gerry Mulligan, with Chet Baker, formed a pianoless quartet that was both innovative and successful. Later, Mulligan formed a \"Tentette\" that further developed the ideas he had brought to the \"Birth of the", "id": "2462682" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Barnard\n\n\nhave called the album ‘Music for Listening’, \"\"because some people seriously have thought it’s a new age meditation record. Or I should have called it ‘Music for Listening while Driving\".\" Track listing In 1986, Rebecca Barnard provided vocals to the songs \"The Moon\" and \"Detective Love\" on the motion picture soundtrack to Jamezee's Changing Name – Do You \"Speak My Language?\"album. In 1995, Rebcca's Empire contributed to a compilation jazz and blues album called \"Up All Night\"", "id": "10196072" }, { "contents": "Jazz mugham\n\n\nThe Jazz mugham (also known as Mugham jazz) () is a variant of a musical fusion genre that developed from mixing Azerbaijani jazz with mugham, typically instrumental compositions with a jazz approach to lengthy group improvisations, often using wind and vocal music and displaying a high level of instrumental technique. Vagif Mustafazadeh is credited with fusing jazz with mugham. Mustafazadeh integrated two different ways of musical thinking by conjoining mugham with rich jazz harmony, fusing familiar motifs with swing, using both jazz and mugham types of melodic elaboration Mustafazadeh learned the", "id": "11952006" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\nFields (1905–1974) wrote the lyrics for over 400 songs, some of which were played by Duke Ellington. She co-wrote \"The Way You Look Tonight\" with Jerome Kern, which won the 1936 Oscar for Best Song. She co-wrote several jazz standards with Jimmy McHugh, such as \"Exactly Like You,\" \"On the Sunny Side of the Street\" and \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love.\" Lil Hardin Armstrong (1898–1971) played piano in King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band", "id": "22079870" }, { "contents": "Jazz in India\n\n\nwestern music into Bollywood, but were also filled with India's new-found nationalism and developed an authentic foundation to link the world of jazz with that of Indian classical music. The jazz fraternity was also a melting pot of people of different communities because there were Goans, Anglo-Indians and people from other communities like Rudy Cotton who was a Parsi. Jazz and Indian classical music share some similarities, one of them being that they both involve improvisation. Musicians realised this and collaborations between Indian classical musicians and Western jazz musicians", "id": "8000170" }, { "contents": "Charmaine Clamor\n\n\nmix of beautifully arranged standards and jazzed-up Tagalog love songs took the ‘Filipina Singing Sensation’ into the upper reaches of the jazz and world charts. And no wonder: Her husky, sassy tone, languid moves and unpretentious Pinoy attitude that’s just a tad rebellious have the kind of natural appeal you can’t buy at any music school.” \"Jazz Times\" Magazine described her as \"a dynamic new compass point in world music.\" \"All About Jazz\" wrote that she is \"quite simply one", "id": "1030571" }, { "contents": "Oscar Alemán\n\n\nReinhardt well. He used to say jazz was gipsy—we often argued over that. I agree with many Americans I met in France who said he played very well but with too many gipsy tricks. He had very good technique for both hands, or rather one hand and a pick, because he always played with a pick. Not me, I play with my fingers. There are things you can't do with a pick—you can't strike the treble with two fingers and play something else on the bass", "id": "7653358" }, { "contents": "1920s in jazz\n\n\nimprovised solo had become an integral part of most jazz performances Jazz was becoming increasingly popular in New Orleans, Kansas City, Chicago and New York City and 1924 was something of a benchmark of jazz being seen as a serious musical form. John Alden Carpenter made a statement insisting that jazz was now 'our contemporary popular music', and Irving Berlin made a statement that jazz was the \"rhythmic beat of our everyday lives,\" and the music's \"swiftness is interpretive of our verve and speed\". Leopold Stokowski,", "id": "12002250" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Jazz Museum\n\n\nenhances New Orleans’ ongoing cultural renaissance by providing diverse resources for musicians and music lovers of all languages and nationalities. The museum seeks to explore America’s quintessential musical art form, in the city where jazz was born. The vision of the New Orleans Jazz Museum is to reveal and revel in the history of Jazz in the very city it was born. The New Orleans Jazz Museum will engage and emotionally connect music lovers from Treme to across the globe. Immersive and interactive visitor experiences will tell the story of jazz—its", "id": "4115427" }, { "contents": "I Want to Live!\n\n\nNominations Other honors The film is recognized by American Film Institute in these lists: The film score was composed, arranged and conducted by Johnny Mandel, but the picture also featured jazz themes performed by Gerry Mulligan's Jazz Combo, and two soundtrack albums were released on the United Artists label in 1958. Allmusic's Stephen Cook noted, \"Johnny Mandel's \"I Want to Live\" soundtrack works both as high-end mood music and swinging jazz. ...the most intriguing cuts are those that seamlessly combine jazz, Latin percussion", "id": "18587475" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\nthat Fields' verse is almost identical to the end of the second verse of Lorenz Hart's and Richard Rodgers' song \"Where's That Rainbow?\" from \"Peggy-Ann\", the 1926 musical comedy with book by Fields' brother Herbert and produced by their father Lew: Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga released a collaborative jazz album, titled \"Cheek to Cheek\", in 2014. The version of \"I Can't Give You Anything but Love\" on \"Cheek to Cheek\" has Gaga and Bennett alternating", "id": "921931" }, { "contents": "The New Negro: An Interpretation\n\n\n. Locke's anthology acknowledges how the Jazz age heavily impacts the individually and collectively within the African-American community as well as on America's robust cultural industries, music, film, theater—all of which fully benefited from the creativity and newly discovered contributions of African Americans. Locke in the anthology \"The New Negro\" explains how African American used music such as Jazz and Blues to escape poverty. It was Alain Locke who said that the Jazz age was, “a spiritual coming of age” for African American artists", "id": "16939490" }, { "contents": "I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\n\n\n\"I Can't Give You Anything but Love, Baby\" is an American popular song and jazz standard by Jimmy McHugh (music) and Dorothy Fields (lyrics). The song was introduced by Adelaide Hall at Les Ambassadeurs Club in New York in January 1928 in Lew Leslie's \"Blackbird Revue\", which opened on Broadway later that year as the highly successful \"Blackbirds of 1928\" (518 performances), wherein it was performed by Adelaide Hall, Aida Ward, and Willard McLean. In the 100-most recorded songs", "id": "921926" }, { "contents": "André Previn\n\n\nbefore his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie on Previn:He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "21143271" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nthem... I wanted to sing silky, like butter – mellow. I wanted to sing mellow you know what I mean. One of my favorites is Jessie Velvet – they used to call him Mr. Easy. A lot of people forgot about him you know – Sam Cooke is another one of my favorites.\" Paul explained why he was particularly influenced by female jazz singers: \"I think the reason behind that is because of my high range. The male singers who had the same range I did, when I was", "id": "4949137" }, { "contents": "Gracie Terzian\n\n\non the Billboard jazz charts. Ted Gioia, jazz critic and author of \"History of Jazz\", calls her “a genuine talent.” Terry Teachout, author of \"Duke: A Life of Duke Ellington\", says, “Don’t let the cool, sophisticated surface of Saints and Poets fool you: Gracie Terzian is a deep-dyed romantic who tells her tales of modern love with quiet delicacy and an inborn musicality that’s impossible to overlook. Of such debuts are great careers made.” She is", "id": "2185285" }, { "contents": "Chico O'Farrill\n\n\nwhile others are more jazz-inspired (\"6/8\", \"Jazz\"), and all are brought together under the orderly form of a European suite. O'Farrill states about this piece, \"I was never an expert on Cuban music. What I did, for example, in that suite was purely instinctive [...] They asked me, 'write a suite, Chico,' [so] I just wrote according to my best understanding, letting my jazz sensibility to [sic] guide me most of the", "id": "7926557" }, { "contents": "Symphony in Black\n\n\nthese pieces to be performed\", said Schuller. \"No musical tradition can remain vital unless it’s performed live. No musical tradition can exist in a museum form. I believe that the whole idea of repertory in jazz is long, long overdue. It’s not yet caught on as a major idea, but consider that the history of jazz is 60 or 70 or 80 years old, so we have a tremendous amount of music that can be replicated. It’s no different than in classical, where you play", "id": "5376622" }, { "contents": "Birth of the Cool\n\n\ngone on to become jazz standards. The album was included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Many members of the Miles Davis Nonet went on to have successful careers in cool jazz, notably Gerry Mulligan, John Lewis, and Lee Konitz. Mulligan moved to California and joined forces with trumpeter Chet Baker in a piano-less quartet, before creating his Concert Jazz Band Lewis would become music director of the Modern Jazz Quartet, which would become one of the most influential cool jazz groups.", "id": "6836948" }, { "contents": "Paul Wertico\n\n\n\"Simply a musical masterpiece\" and \"Classic Drummer\" described as \"one of the most ambitious records ever released. Recorded over a period of four years, it documents a completely new approach to combine elements of both rock and jazz music while resulting in a very listenable and captivating final product.\" That same year he released \"Jazz Impressions 1\" with pianist Silvano Monasterios and bassist Mark Egan. \"Chicago Jazz\" wrote: \"From the first note of \"Jazz Impressions 1\", you know you're in", "id": "4899122" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "New Orleans Jazz Museum\n\n\nAfrican-American origins, birth in New Orleans, cultural connections, artistic expressions, musical innovators, and global influence so that audiences can truly understand this American art form. The Museum’s collection includes the world-renowned New Orleans Jazz Club Collections. Gathered over several decades by the storied New Orleans Jazz Club. The collection includes the world’s largest collection of jazz instruments, other prized artifacts, photographs, and ephemera. Examples of artifacts within the collection range from Louis Armstrong's first cornet to a 1917 disc of the", "id": "4115428" }, { "contents": "Gwen Hughes\n\n\naway from her theatre beginnings. She soon was sitting in with bands all around Atlanta. As she told Points North Magazine, \"I just found myself thrilled with the spontaneity of the jazz form. I loved the democracy of it, loved being in a band, really relying on each other.\" In contrast to the structure of theatre, jazz offered a liberating freedom that would, in time, be infused into all of Hughes's music. \"I’m a fusion artist, I suppose…a fusion of..", "id": "3548516" }, { "contents": "The Nightfly\n\n\nand forthright, the cool uncle you wished you'd had.\" At the time of the album's release, he remembered that jazz music offered him an escape from the adults in his life: \"When I saw \"'E.T.\",' I realized that the E.T. in my bedroom was my Thelonious Monk records. Everything that he represented was totally unworldly in a way, although at the same time jazz to me seemed more real than the environment in which I was living.\" \"The Wall Street Journal\"", "id": "8606597" }, { "contents": "European free jazz\n\n\nmusic achieved the relative level of success that \"'bop,' 'early jazz,' and 'swing' enjoy[ed] in America,\" during their respective musical periods. According to Oxford Music Online, \"In Europe (especially England) free jazz is also known simply as 'improvised music,' particularly in performances which emphasize stylistic connections to avant-garde art music rather than to sounds of African-American origin\". As free jazz, or 'improvised music' grew and developed as a popular genre of", "id": "16091151" }, { "contents": "Music of Louisiana\n\n\nProbably the single most famous style of music to originate in the city was New Orleans jazz, also known as Dixieland. It came into being around 1900. Many with memories of the time say that the most important figure in the formation of the music was Papa Jack Laine who enlisted hundreds of musicians from all of the cities diverse ethnic groups and social status. Most of these musicians became instrumental in forming jazz music including Buddy Bolden, Bunk Johnson and the members of Original Dixieland Jazz Band. One of early rural blues,", "id": "11483280" }, { "contents": "Home Is Where the Music Is\n\n\nHome Is Where the Music Is is a 1972 jazz and Afrobeat double LP by Hugh Masekela issued by the joint American label Chisa/Blue Thumb Records. The album was included in the book \"1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die\". Thom Jurek of Allmusic stated \"Home Is Where the Music Is, is a stone spiritual soul-jazz classic, that melds the sound of numerous emerging jazz schools in its pursuit of musical excellence; it succeeds on all counts and is one of the greatest recordings in Hugh Masekela", "id": "20297863" }, { "contents": "Ella Swings Lightly\n\n\nElla Swings Lightly is a 1958 studio album by the American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald, recorded with the Marty Paich Dek-tette. Ella also worked with Marty Paich on her 1967 album \"Whisper Not\". The album features a typical selection of jazz standards from this era, songs from musicals like Frank Loesser's \"If I Were a Bell\", and a famous jazz instrumental vocalised by Ella, Roy Eldridge's \"Little Jazz\". This album won Ella the 1960 Grammy award for the Best Improvised Jazz Solo.", "id": "9489400" }, { "contents": "The Rolling Stones\n\n\nwas more into T-Bone Walker and jazz blues stuff. We'd turn him onto Chuck Berry and say, 'Look, it's all the same shit, man, and you can do it.'\" Charlie Watts, a traditional jazz drummer, was also introduced to the blues through his association with the pair. \"Keith and Brian turned me on to Jimmy Reed and people like that. I learned that Earl Phillips was playing on those records like a jazz drummer, playing swing, with a straight four", "id": "12461521" }, { "contents": "Roulette Intermedium\n\n\nn't just talk about Cage or the Downtown minimalist scene; you have to talk about the avant-jazz scene, too. There's just as extensive a scene going on in jazz as there is in the new music, classical, electronics world. So that's always been an essential part of our programming. According to Downtown Music IV: Loft Jazz, Roulette emerged as \"one of the most important venues for improvised music\" during the late 1970s into the 1980s. In 1985, Roulette presented \"a festival of", "id": "13993887" }, { "contents": "Jazz Advance\n\n\n\"Though many did not understand his approach at the time, the passing years temper scathing criticism, and you can easily appreciate what he is accomplishing... With \"Jazz Advance\", the revolution commenced, Taylor was setting the pace, and the improvised music world has never been the same. For challenged listeners, this CD has to be high on your must have list\". The album was identified by Chris Kelsey in his Allmusic essay \"Free Jazz: A Subjective History\" as one of the 20 Essential Free Jazz", "id": "15203461" }, { "contents": "Neal Hefti\n\n\nsort of got into jazz. The first time I sort of felt that I was anything remotely connected with jazz. Even though he had been playing with swing bands and other popular music bands for five years, this was the first time he had been immersed in the music of Duke Ellington, and this was the first music that really felt like jazz to him. First Herd was one of the first big bands to really embrace bebop. They incorporated the use of many bebop ideas in their music. As part of the", "id": "2917796" }, { "contents": "John Cassavetes\n\n\nan investor who might try to change the script so as to make the film more marketable. Cassavetes was passionate about a wide range of music, from jazz to classical to rock, \"I like all music. It makes you feel like living. Silence is death.\" For the soundtrack of \"Shadows\", Cassavetes worked with jazz composer and musician Charles Mingus and Shafi Hadi to provide the score. Mingus's friend, Diane Dorr-Dorynek, described Cassavetes's approach to film-making in jazz terms: The", "id": "770968" }, { "contents": "André Previn discography\n\n\nLong before his eventual retreat from his jazz work, Previn had become something of a popularizer of jazz rather than a serious practitioner of the music. At his best, however, his music reflected a strong indigenous feel for the jazz idiom. Dizzy Gillespie stated,He has the flow, you know, which a lot of guys don't have and won't ever get. Yeah. I heard him play and I knew. A lot of guys, they have the technique, the harmonic sense. They've got the", "id": "4687734" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nI love) and “art.” He is a serious collector of records, buying at least one every week for the last quarter century. The jazz collection is wide-ranging and current but his favorites are classics such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. He is not a fan of New Orleans jazz saying that it is too mellow and lacks intensity. His obsession with jazz music is such that musicians often appear in his dreams, especially Charlie Parker. In 1973, he married Nora", "id": "19455904" }, { "contents": "Kansas City jazz\n\n\nKansas City jazz is a style of jazz that developed in Kansas City, Missouri during the 1920s and 1930s, which marked the transition from the structured big band style to the musical improvisation style of Bebop. The hard-swinging, bluesy transition style is bracketed by Count Basie who in 1929 signed with the Bennie Moten's Kansas City Orchestra and Kansas City native Charlie Parker who ushered in the Bebop style in America. \"While New Orleans was the birthplace of jazz, America's music grew up in Kansas City\". Kansas", "id": "5738200" }, { "contents": "Black Southerners\n\n\nmostly in small towns like Memphis and New Orleans. Blues often consisted of a sole singer with an instrument, usually guitar expressing their emotions. Blues music generally comes from the inspiration of love, sex, betrayal, poverty, bad luck, and lifestyles that are less than ideal. Jazz music originated in New Orleans in the 1910s. Blacks and Whites made music that would flow together to mix cultures and aspects of European music as well as American music. Jazz was created as a different type of Blues music. Blues was", "id": "21144883" } ]
My dog loves dog biscuits I think he is obsessed with them Same my dogs just loves them. but they tend to be hard and dry Oh no there are some that are soft and chewy, made my milk bone Yeah i have heard some may be sold in a flat bone-shape as well I have seen those as well. They even have some softy ones made from duck I read in a magazine thatSome manufacturers claim the dry and hard biscuit texture helps clean the dog's teeth Yeah there are some made specifically for that
[{"answer": "Have you ever heard of \"Dog's bread\"? it is made out of bran.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "4020758", "title": "Dog biscuit", "start_paragraph_id": 4, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 4, "end_character": 77, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Dog biscuit\n\n\nA dog biscuit is a hard biscuit-based dietary supplement for dogs or other canines, similar to human snack food. Dog biscuits tend to be hard and dry. Dog biscuits may be sold in a flat bone-shape. The dry and hard biscuit texture helps clean the dog's teeth, promoting oral health. \"Dog's bread\", made from bran, has been mentioned since at least Roman times. It was already criticized (as in later centuries) as particularly bad bread; Juvenal refers to dog's", "id": "10343320" }, { "contents": "Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao\n\n\nsome rice.\" In addition, he said, \"I'm going to cook that [expletive] with cats and dogs. Have some rice with a little barbecue dog.\" The following day Mayweather apologized. \"I want to apologize to everybody.  ... I don't have a racist bone in my body, you know. I love everybody,\" Mayweather said. \"I was just having fun. I didn't really mean it, nothing in a bad way.\" On July 8, 2011, ESPN", "id": "10893685" }, { "contents": "Unsavoury Products\n\n\n'd found in Paris, so he was the natural person to help us finish off the album. We got on very well, and had a lot of fun making it.\" br Black Sifichi remembers: \"The Black Dog heard my first album with Negative Stencil 'Tick' and I made contact when I heard about their Burroughs project. I thought I could do a 'cameo' reading of one of Bill's texts somewhere on it. Anyway, The Black Dog loved my voice, how it was delivered.", "id": "7059778" }, { "contents": "Dog biscuit\n\n\nas using animal refuse from which soap grease has been extracted, it is unnecessary to say much.\" Spratt dominated the American market until 1907, when F. H. Bennett, whose own dog biscuits were faring poorly against those of the larger company, had the idea of making them in the shape of a bone. \"His 'Maltoid Milk-Bones' were such a success that for the next fifteen years Bennett's Milk-Bone dominated the commercial dog food market in America.\" In 1931, the National Biscuit Company", "id": "10343326" }, { "contents": "Some Other Guy\n\n\n, saying, \"I put the part to it that made the story ... stealing my girl ... stepping away ... pouring water on my fire ... taking her love ... just like a hog ... taking her love just like a dog, like a yellow dog. A situation with a guy in Harlem going through trials and tribulations with his girlfriend\". In the three-part TV series \"Cilla\" featuring Sheridan Smith playing Cilla Black, Smith sings the song as \"Some Other Girl\", but otherwise her lyrics are", "id": "16407133" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nalso did some boxing in the Army – a sport he had grown up with as he explained in a 2012 interview: \"Yeah we had a gym and all my friends from my neighborhood were boxers. Even during my army days I boxed as well as singing. Actually I still go to the gym; both me and my wife have trainers... Miles Davis would always say: 'Come to the gym! I'm gonna beat your ass!' Then one time I got hit too hard and I said no", "id": "4949146" }, { "contents": "Milk-Bone\n\n\nMilk-Bone is a brand of dog biscuit. It was created in 1908 by the F. H. Bennett Biscuit Company, which operated a bakery on the Lower East Side of New York City. Originally named Maltoid, the biscuit was a bone-shaped treat made from minerals, meat products, and milk. Sometime between 1915 and 1926, the biscuit was simply named \"Milk-Bone\", owing to the high composition of cow's milk. In 1931, the bakery was acquired by the National Biscuit Company (now", "id": "4886192" }, { "contents": "Little Red Rooster\n\n\nrooster, he won't crow 'fore day\" and \"I know my dog anywhere I hear him bark\", which are analogous to Dixon's \"I have a little red rooster, too lazy to crow 'fore day\" and \"Oh the dogs begin to bark\". Some of the lyrics to Memphis Minnie's 1936 acoustic combo blues \"If You See My Rooster (Please Run Him Home)\" are also similar. For example, she sings \"If you see my rooster, please run 'i", "id": "10651094" }, { "contents": "Samuel Logan Brengle\n\n\nthe experience: \"I walked out over Boston Common before breakfast, weeping for joy and praising God. Oh, how I loved! In that hour I knew Jesus, and I loved Him till it seemed my heart would break with love. I was filled with love for all His creatures. I heard the little sparrows chattering; I loved them. I saw a little worm wriggling across my path; I stepped over it; I didn’t want to hurt any living thing. I loved the dogs, I loved", "id": "16750586" }, { "contents": "Diane Bish\n\n\n. When asked if she has any vices, Bish admits to procrastination at times, as well as taking a break from 3 to 4 p.m. to \"have a cup of coffee, some chocolate, and I sit with my dog and just enjoy being alive.\" Her advice for young musicians is to determine what they want to do and then work hard at it. It is important to learn good technique with a serious teacher. It is also important to think about musical interpretation. She noted, \"Don't be", "id": "4311502" }, { "contents": "Dog health\n\n\nof obesity in dogs is between 22 and 40 percent. Obesity may also be caused by some diseases, such as Cushing's disease, or hypothyroidism. Dog treats are often given to pets as a reward for something they did or just to let them chew on a bone, which works their jaw muscles and helps keep their teeth clean. Although dog treats carry high benefits for dogs' teeth, they can also be a source of problems when given excessively. The human food treats are usually the ones that cause the most", "id": "2886789" }, { "contents": "Dog toy\n\n\nto supervise dogs when they are chewing bones and make sure to remove the bone when it is reduced to a size that could possibly be swallowed. Make sure dogs have plenty of fresh water. Latex and rubber dog toys are great for dog entertainment. With these kind of toys, dogs that are aggressive chewers have a safe way to satisfy their biting instincts. These toys also help keep dogs' gums and teeth clean and healthy. In general, hard rubber bones and other latex dog toys help improve dogs' overall oral", "id": "15011261" }, { "contents": "Logan Lynn\n\n\nlost my dog, and I lost myself in the process of losing them both. My own mental health struggles tend to show up in the form of persistent suicidal ideation…so the record is a snapshot of that time in my life. It's about my mental health crisis, overcoming grief, and figuring out that love is still stronger than anything else, even in the face of extreme loss. It feels like the album I have been trying to make since 1998 when I started putting out records.\" In June", "id": "22049782" }, { "contents": "Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham\n\n\nhave them chase, as though we had wanted nothing, until we had cleared our own coast and some part of Scotland of them. And then...we made for the Frith, and sent certain pinnaces to dog the fleet until they should be past the Isles of Scotland, which I verily believe they are left at their sterns ere this...I must thank you for your favourable using of my brother Hoby. He telleth me how forwards you were to further all things for our wants. I would some were of your", "id": "16288880" }, { "contents": "Blu's Hanging\n\n\nhelp them to process another kind of sadness and through the sadness, true happiness. Blu composes cartoons and sayings regarding what happiness is. \"Happiness Is Gunther, Chloe, and Simon after they groom and bathe and stay in the house for on hour of love and play with their friends. When dogs happy, they dream. I seen my dog dreaming she was chasing a rabbit in her sleep. I love dogs.\" Finally, cats and dogs are used to seek revenge upon Uncle Paulo, a \"human rat", "id": "4836302" }, { "contents": "Land of Hope and Dreams\n\n\nhard time locating my rock voice. I knew I didn't want it to be what it was, but I didn't know ... I'd made some records over the past years, I made one in '94 that I didn't release. Then I made a series of demos, kind of in search of that voice. And I was having a hard time finding it. And there was a point I said: 'Well, gee, maybe I just don't do that now. Maybe that's something", "id": "15852049" }, { "contents": "V (The Horrors album)\n\n\naccepted that he in turn drew from the work of others, such as Chris Cunningham. Kanda later defended the Horrors in a statement: \"At first I felt a bit territorial... But when I started seeing some people accusing some of my work being just as similar to some of Chris Cunningham's work, my stance shifted... I absolutely love Chris Cunningham – if I hadn't discovered his art in my adolescence, I wouldn't have made some of my art the same way\". Kanda noted that the similarities might", "id": "11812797" }, { "contents": "Kibbles 'n Bits\n\n\nKibbles 'n Bits is a brand name of dog food manufactured and marketed by Big Heart Pet Brands. It was originally created in 1981 as the first dual textured dog food, having soft chewy pieces as well as hard crunchy ones. In 1985, more bits ingredients were added to the dog food and the brand was renamed \"Kibbles 'n Bits 'n Bits 'n Bits.\" In 1995, the brand was acquired by the H. J. Heinz Company, which in turn sold their pet food division to Del Monte", "id": "20612601" }, { "contents": "Martie Maguire\n\n\nunused frozen embryos.Now that I have children, I see those embryos as possible children. So I have to think about what my options are if there are leftovers again. I could keep them in storage, and maybe they will help my children some day. Or I can try to donate them to stem cell research. I don't think I could give them to another family. I would always worry: what if it's an abusive family? What if they don't get enough love? Natalie Maines has", "id": "12935327" }, { "contents": "Jim Zumbo\n\n\npart: I must be living in a vacuum. The guides on our hunt tell me that the use of AR and AK rifles have a rapidly growing following among hunters, especially prairie dog hunters. I had no clue. Only once in my life have I ever seen anyone using one of these firearms. I call them \"assault\" rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I'll go so far", "id": "3124598" }, { "contents": "Low Dog\n\n\nsome people talking that the chief of the white men wanted the Indians to live where he ordered and do as he said, and he would feed and clothe them. I was called into council with the chief and wise men, and we had a talk about that. My judgment was why should I allow any man to support me against my will anywhere, so long as I have hands and as long as I am an able man, not a boy. Little I thought then that I would have to fight the", "id": "17318083" }, { "contents": "Brenda Fricker\n\n\nthat her loves include her pet dogs, drinking Guinness, reading poetry and playing snooker. (She once stated that she had taken on the whole crew of \"My Left Foot\". \"I played pool against 17 of them, and beat them all,\" Brenda said). In 2012, Fricker said \"Of all the films I’ve made, only three do I remember where I felt I’d moved forward as an actress: \"Cloudburst\", \"My Left Foot\" and \"The Field\".", "id": "2512898" }, { "contents": "Brad Anderson (cartoonist)\n\n\nto develop a dog character specifically for eventual newspaper syndication [...] you couldn't see the eyes of my shaggy dogs, so as I thought more about it I decided I wanted a dog where I could have an expressive face\". Anderson, who said that he drew on Laurel and Hardy routines for his ideas, received the National Cartoonists Society Newspaper Panel Cartoon Award for \"Marmaduke\" in 1978. Anderson made appearances on Animal Planet's \"Breed All About It\" and \"Dogs 101\". Anderson's studio", "id": "10888473" }, { "contents": "Soft rock\n\n\nand Everywhere\" by the Beatles and \"I Love My Dog\" by Cat Stevens, both from 1966. By 1968, hard rock had been established as a mainstream genre. From the end of the 1960s, it became common to divide mainstream rock music into soft and hard rock, with both emerging as major radio formats in the US. Late 1960s soft rock artists included the Bee Gees, whose song \"I Started a Joke\" was a number one single in several countries; Neil Diamond with the 1969 hit \"", "id": "1922861" }, { "contents": "Susan Gerbic\n\n\nundercover sting activities, namely: \"Should false claims in the paranormal realm be identified and the truth about them revealed? And, if so, what methods may be justifiably used to accomplish that end?\" Reacting to Operation Pizza Roll, Thomas John criticized Gerbic's methodology: \"For Susan to come to a reading and get a two-minute reading and say, well, 'I made a fake post about my dog, Buddy, and my father who died,' it’s really not any sort of scientific", "id": "6175960" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nsetting up the microphone when I first saw the lyrics on the music stand, 'She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah!' I thought, Oh my God, what a lyric! This is going to be one that I \"do not\" like. But when they started to sing it – bang, wow, terrific, I was up at the mixer jogging around.\" The \"", "id": "11107981" }, { "contents": "Guiding Eyes for the Blind\n\n\ndog. The good news is that these dogs have many other options open to them. Some of the personality and temperament traits that make a dog unsuitable for guide dog work are the specific traits that are ideal for detection or patrol work. Some even go on to become therapy dogs for programs such as Heeling Autism, which is a program started through Guiding Eyes to help families with kids that have Autism. Most importantly, some of these dogs also get the chance to become loving companions to a family (usually their original", "id": "3015276" }, { "contents": "Hound Dog (song)\n\n\naround with the rhythm (some of the choruses have thirteen rather than twelve bars), and had the band bark and howl like hound dogs at the end of the song: \"I started to sing the words and join in some of my own. All that talkin' and hollerin'—that's my own.\" Thornton interacts constantly in a call and response fashion during a one-minute long guitar \"solo\" by Lewis. Her vocals include lines such as: \"Aw, listen to that ole hound dog howl…", "id": "5315601" }, { "contents": "Hound Dog (song)\n\n\nof there.'... This came out and was a big smash, and everything was all right. I had half the publishing rights and one third of the song-writing. Then Elvis Presley made it a mega hit, and they got greedy. They sued me in court. They won, they beat me out of it. I could have sent my kids to college, like they sent theirs,\" Otis said. \"But, oh well, if I dwell on that I get quite unhappy, so", "id": "5315733" }, { "contents": "My Girl (Hoodoo Gurus song)\n\n\nvideo is Winifred Bale and the race is the 1983 National Sprint at Harold Park in Australia. \"The dog was called Defiant Lee. That dog was very beautiful: I could have kissed that dog myself, I must admit. The dog was a champion. All those trophies you see in the video were, in fact, real, from that one dog. It was incredible. I forget the trainer's name, I've got to be honest.\"- Dave Faulkner. \"My Girl\" was performed by Spiderbait", "id": "18731590" }, { "contents": "Dog biscuit\n\n\nbad bread: \"It is awful, general, they give us dog's bread!\" The English dog biscuit appears to be a nineteenth-century innovation: \"With this may be joined farinaceous and vegetable articles — oat-meal, fine-pollard, dog-biscuit, potatoes, carrots, parsnips\" (1827); \"being in the neighbourhood of Maidenhead, I inspected Mr. Smith's dog-biscuit manufactory, and was surprised to find he has been for a long period manufacturing the enormous quantity of five", "id": "10343323" }, { "contents": "Ernst Haeckel\n\n\nwritten, I should probably never have completed it.\" The first chapter included an illustration: \"As some of my readers may never have seen a drawing of an embryo, I have given one of man and another of a dog, at about the same early stage of development, carefully copied from two works of undoubted accuracy\" with a footnote citing the sources and noting that \"Häckel has also given analogous drawings in his \"Schöpfungsgeschichte.\"\" The fifth edition of Haeckel's book appeared in 1874, with its", "id": "9632269" }, { "contents": "Margo Timmins\n\n\nhusband that if Bruce ever wanted me, that I would be his. And my husband said, OK\". She loves animals and she and Graham have had two Rhodesian Ridgebacks, Achilles and Drusilla, as well as Sparticus the cat. In 2002, Margo and Graham suffered a significant loss in the death of their dog Gaius. Graham described the loss this way, \"On August 20, 2002 our dog Gaius was diagnosed with pneumonia. Margo and I had just finished a three week vacation. I left to come", "id": "16589177" }, { "contents": "Carolina in My Mind\n\n\nwhile stranded on the nearby island of Ibiza with Karin, a Swedish girl he had just met. The song reflects Taylor's homesickness at the time, as he was missing his family, his dog and his state. poem Dark and silent late last night, I think I might have heard the highway calling ... Geese in flight and dogs that bite And signs that might be omens say I'm going, I'm going I'm gone to Carolina in my mind. /poem The original recording of the song was done at", "id": "5591082" }, { "contents": "The Incredibles\n\n\ngood, but I don't have them all together.\" During an interview in May 2013, Bird reiterated his interest in making a sequel. \"I have been thinking about it. People think that I have not been, but I have. Because I love those characters and love that world,\" said Bird. \"I am stroking my chin and scratching my head. I have many, many elements that I think would work really well in another \"Incredibles\" film, and if I can get ‘em", "id": "11540332" }, { "contents": "Victor Mature\n\n\nenjoy life ... I like to loaf. Everyone told me I would go crazy or die if I quit working. Yeah? Well, what a lovely way to die. In 1980, he said he was \"pretty proud of about 50% of my motion pictures. \"Demetrius and the Gladiators\" wasn't bad. \"The Robe\" and \"Samson and Delilah\" weren't bad. I made 72 of them and I made close to $18 million. So what the hell.\" He said in the", "id": "5446342" }, { "contents": "Midgegooroo\n\n\nHe was always present when they attempted to plunder and acted either as the spy or the instigator. He has come to my tent door, and pointed to any provisions which might be hanging up and openly thrust in some other of his tribe to take them away. I have frequently been obliged to make a show of hostility before he would desist. He has also set two native dogs at my pigs, which they have followed to the very door of my tent. He and his tribe have repeatedly robbed me whilst I", "id": "12906869" }, { "contents": "Mark Edward\n\n\nshe spoke up during that period of time, I don't remember that.\" John also argued that the entire experiment wasn’t really scientific enough, saying \"For Susan to come to a reading and get a two-minute reading and say, well, 'I made a fake post about my dog, Buddy, and my father who died,' it’s really not any sort of scientific testing of psychic powers.\" He added, \"First off, someone will have to be a scientist to do a", "id": "9793573" }, { "contents": "Seaman (dog)\n\n\nmusquetoes continue to infest us in such manner that we can scarcely exist; for my own part I am confined by them to my bier at least 3/4 of the time. My dog even howls with the torture he experiences from them.\" Due to a transcription error in Lewis' journals, the dog was once thought to have been named Scannon. However, during Donald Jackson's 1984 study of Lewis and Clark place-names in Montana, he found that Lewis had named a tributary of the Blackfoot River Seaman’s Creek", "id": "4754538" }, { "contents": "Edward Snowden asylum in Russia\n\n\nmuch his appearance with Putin would be seen as a Kremlin propaganda victory. \"I know this is hard to believe,\" Wizner acknowledged. \"I know if I was just watching from afar, I'd think, 'Wow, they forced him to do this.' But it's not true. He just fucking did it.\" Asked six months later about the incident, Snowden conceded, \"Yeah, that was terrible! Oh, Jesus, that blew up in my face. ... And in the United", "id": "7473138" }, { "contents": "In the Neolithic Age\n\n\ntribal singer who reacts badly to criticism of his work. He also deals badly with other artists whose work he dislikes. He kills a younger singer as well as a cave painter. poemThen I stripped them, scalp from skull, and my hunting dogs fed full, And their teeth I threaded neatly on a thong; And I wiped my mouth and said, 'It is well that they are dead, For I know my work is right and theirs was wrong.'/poem His actions are noticed by his tribe's totem", "id": "11735040" }, { "contents": "Street dogs in Sofia\n\n\nDespite that many people have been attacked by stray dogs, those who kill dogs may face from 3 up to 5 years imprisonment, though it is not known if the law is just nominal and may have been even unenforced. In Pernik, which is sometimes considered a suburb of Sofia, some dogs were caught carrying around the streets human bones, remains of hands and legs with eaten fingers. An attack by street dogs in the Sofia Zoo, resulted in the death of eight mouflons, some roe deers and fallow deers.", "id": "9487576" }, { "contents": "Charles Cruft (showman)\n\n\nrole of general manager, after being head of their Show Department for several years. At the age of 26, some twelve years after leaving the jewellery business, Cruft was made office manager. The Spratt's dog biscuits became the forerunner of the modern dry dog food, and under Cruft's work the company went from a single small shop to the British leader in these types of products. In 1878, whilst still working for Spratt's, Cruft travelled across Europe to expand the biscuit business. Whilst in France, he", "id": "21103979" }, { "contents": "Cherokee freedmen controversy\n\n\nhis petition, These is the only children I have as Citizens of this Nation, and as the time I may be called to die is uncertain, My desire is to have them as free citizens of this nation. Knowing what property I may have, is to be divided amongst the Best of my friends, how can I think of them having bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh to be called their property, and this by my imprudent conduct, and for them and their offspring to suffer for generations yet", "id": "19195556" }, { "contents": "Dog fighting in the United States\n\n\ndog. If that's what he wants to do, do it.\" Those comments were sharply criticized by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. The Redskins and Portis himself later apologized, stating that his controversial remarks about dog fighting were insensitive and that he now realizes he \"shouldn't have made the comments.\" He added, \"At that time I had no idea the love people have for animals, and I didn't consider it when I made those comments.\" New York Animal Control Officer Kleinfelder says, \"For", "id": "1701802" }, { "contents": "Guitar Man (J. J. Cale album)\n\n\na certain substance while the traditional ‘Old Blue’ reprises a song that many might first have heard with The Byrds version during the Gram Parsons era.” The traditional song “Old Blue” long fascinated Cale, who reflected, “I have heard that song all my life, it’s an old folk song. I didn’t get quite the way the original went. I’ve changed some of the lyrics to fit my style. I like the song. I’m a big dog lover and animal lover. I", "id": "21637427" }, { "contents": "Spratt's\n\n\ndone to a turn.\" The biscuits were sent to drying bins for 48 hours and then packaged. Meticulous records were kept of the actual number of biscuits produced. Spratt's supplied army dogs with 1,256,976,708 dog biscuits during World War I. The company expanded to include items for dogs such as portable kennels (described as 'palatial' or 'like a drawing room cot'), traveling boxes, chains, collars, dog clothing, kennel accessories, and kennel appliances. Booklets were published giving advice on treating minor canine ailments", "id": "19302139" }, { "contents": "Earwig (band)\n\n\n\"I don't sit down to write a song based on this specific experience, although sometimes I'll look back and say, oh yeah, this is about that time in my life. And a lot of people have mentioned that they see childhood things in my music but I don't look at writing songs like I'm trying to work out a fucked-up childhood or anything. It doesn't stem from problems even if unconsciously my songs are about certain times in my life. I think I'm a pretty", "id": "8603173" }, { "contents": "Juliane Koepcke\n\n\narm. She later recounted her necessary efforts that day: \"I remember having seen my father when he cured a dog of worms in the jungle with gasoline. I got some gasoline and poured it on myself. I counted the worms when they started to slip out. There were 35 on my arm. I remained there but I wanted to leave. I didn't want to take the boat because I didn't want to steal it.\" Because it was already dark, Koepcke slept in the tiny shelter, and", "id": "13315112" }, { "contents": "Guide horse\n\n\ntime. In 1998 he attended a school for the blind to learn basic skills, such as how to read Braille. However, he stated, \"... I was shocked at how few options I had. I didn't want to struggle with a white cane, and I couldn't bear the idea of having a guide dog because of the grief I had experienced when my beloved pet dog died 10 years before. I knew I'd feel the loss of an animal I had relied on for my independence even more acutely", "id": "5996459" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nThat kind of little detail is still in his work. He will write a story about someone. I'm more inclined to write about myself.\" Lennon, being mindful of Elvis Presley's \"All Shook Up\", wanted something equally stirring: \"I don't know where the 'yeah yeah yeah' came from [but] I remember when Elvis did 'All Shook Up' it was the first time in my life that I had heard 'uh huh', 'oh yeah', and 'yeah", "id": "11107978" }, { "contents": "Milk-Bone\n\n\nNabisco). The biscuit was the only Bennett product carried over after the acquisition. Over the next few decades, the Milk-Bone was expanded to include a number of different flavors, such as chicken and beef. The marketing focus was also shifted from Milk-Bone being merely a dog treat to a product that promoted cleaner teeth and better breath. Nabisco, under the ownership of Kraft Foods, sold the Milk-Bone rights to Del Monte Foods in May 2006. Del Monte Foods renamed their pet products division Big", "id": "4886193" }, { "contents": "Lonerism\n\n\nthe picture. There's some guy touching himself, I think, having some kind of fun. He's talking to some girl and he's got his hand on his crotch, and there's a policeman, and there's all this other sort of crazy shit if you look really hard. And the more you examine all these things, the more you realise you're really just perving from the other side of the fence.\" The sign on the gate, written in French, translates to \"Dogs, even", "id": "11162641" }, { "contents": "Outlaw (Mark Chesnutt album)\n\n\njust ‘yes,’ but ‘hell, yeah. I cut my teeth on this kind of music, and it’s an opportunity [that might not have otherwise presented itself] for me to pay tribute to some of my biggest heroes in country music.” Producer Pete Anderson commended Chesnutt on the work he did with the record by saying “Mark Chesnutt put on a vocal display like I’ve never before seen in the studio. He stood in front of the mic and sang the whole record, from beginning to", "id": "13237287" }, { "contents": "Jack Black (rat catcher)\n\n\nhad a little rat dog—a black tan terrier of the name of Billy—which was the greatest stock dog in London of that day. He is the father of the greatest portion of the small black tan dogs in London now ... I've been offered a sovereign a-pound for some of my little terriers, but it wouldn't pay me at that price, for they weren't heavier than two or three pounds. I once sold one of the dogs, of this same strain, for fourteen pounds,", "id": "671708" }, { "contents": "Danish Spitz\n\n\ndog. Since that time the number of Danish spitz has decreased tremendously, and the breed almost became extinct. But since the late 1980s, some have made great efforts to reconstruct the breed as we know it. Today, there's an increasing number of the breed, which are all managed by DKK – a club under the FCI Their coats occur in white to biscuit colors. The top coat is flat, and sheds in small amounts throughout the year. The undercoat is soft, and keeps them cool in the summer", "id": "13232558" }, { "contents": "Minor Tactics of the Chalk Stream\n\n\ndifficult, delicate, fascinating, and entirely legitimate form of the art, well worthy of the naturalist sportsman. In the course of my too rare excursions to the river-side, I have elaborated some devices, methods of attack and handling, which I have found of service, some applicable to wet-fly, some to dry-fly fishing, or to both. In the hope that these may be of interest or service, I have included papers upon them. In \"A History of Fly Fishing for Trout", "id": "15535006" }, { "contents": "Richard Haynes (lawyer)\n\n\nsecret to his legal advocacy as having an answer to any question from a judge or prosecutor, or being prepared to change the subject. At an American Bar Association seminar in New York in the late 1970s, Haynes explained how to plead in the alternative: \"Say you sue me because you claim my dog bit you. Well now, this is my defense: My dog doesn't bite. And second, in the alternative, my dog was tied up that night. And third, I don't believe you really", "id": "6566016" }, { "contents": "Diogenes\n\n\nat those who refuse, and I set my teeth in rascals.\" Diogenes believed human beings live artificially and hypocritically and would do well to study the dog. Besides performing natural body functions in public with ease, a dog will eat anything, and make no fuss about where to sleep. Dogs live in the present without anxiety, and have no use for the pretensions of abstract philosophy. In addition to these virtues, dogs are thought to know instinctively who is friend and who is foe. Unlike human beings who either", "id": "8675712" }, { "contents": "Laura Moffatt\n\n\n. In May 2009, Moffatt made the news during the MPs' expenses row for giving up her flat in London because she said that the \"annual cost did not sit comfortably with me\", in her blog she wrote: \"I never travel first class when commuting and since getting rid of my flat I more often sleep on a camp bed in my office when the house sits late … and have only made one claim for personal goods in 2007/08, under £20, I think, to replace some towels.", "id": "4019653" }, { "contents": "Shai Dromi\n\n\nby property theft. In the months leading up to the incident, several other dogs had been killed and a tractor and horse stolen. Dromi testified at his trial: “I awoke at 3 AM to the barking of the guard dog that I acquired after my dogs were poisoned. Even though I was incredibly tired, I got out of bed and walked around the house. After I went back to bed, I again heard the dog barking irregularly. I went out with my weapon and didn’t see anything. I", "id": "17177130" }, { "contents": "Ulfilas' Alphabet\n\n\n’ve been able to do them, it’s something I’ve always really wanted to do and over the past three years I’ve been getting more and more obsessed with film and I find it a really fascinating world. I love to merge film and music in all of the stuff we do, that’s why it’s nice to do music videos to have a bridge into that world, but yeah I’m still cutting my teeth, it’s so much fun, I’m really enjoying it.\" \"Ulifas'", "id": "5015903" }, { "contents": "Ogden Pleissner\n\n\nlovely effect of color and light so I painted it.” “I frequently make preliminary sketches for a painting, but lots of times I just start a large painting in my mind. Then I may refer to a number of sketches I have made at some point in the past; part of this one, part of that one, and part of another in the finished work. Sort of a composite, putting them all together to express a certain feeling you want on the canvas.” The Pentagon owns his major", "id": "2780960" }, { "contents": "Imperial (automobile)\n\n\ntesting equipment, I’m not out there just to have fun. I want to get from here to there, which may be thousands of miles away, with as much comfort as possible. Besides, Boji [his dog] now demands comfort. So does my wife. I've been on some pretty fancy trains, including private cars, and to this writing, I have never found anything quite as comfortable or more capable of getting me to my destination as the '64 Imperial LeBaron. It's a great automobile", "id": "6255215" }, { "contents": "Salty Dog Blues\n\n\nn’t you let me be your salty dog, I don’t want to be your man at all, You salty dog, you salty dog. Oh honey baby, let me be your salty dog, Salty dog, oh you salty dog. There's just one thing that worries my mind, All of these browns and none is mine, You salty dog, you salty dog. The scaredest I've been in my life Was when Uncle Bud nearly saw me kiss his wife, You salty dog, you salty dog", "id": "20488226" }, { "contents": "Journals (album)\n\n\nand downs, good times and bad.\" \"I know the seasons may change/And sometimes love goes from sunshine to rain/ … I still believe in us/I still believe in love,\" he sings. \"All That Matters\" continues in the same vein, with lines like: \"Oh, oh, whenever you're not in my presence/It feels like I'm missing my blessings, yeah.\" \"Hold Tight\" \"focuses almost exclusively on sex,\" while \"Recovery\" finds Bieber", "id": "18412441" }, { "contents": "The Effigies\n\n\non the latter two albums that I worked on, \"Ink\" and \"Fly on a Wire\". I think both of which have some really f*****g good songs on them, and some are, well, in my opinion, just not all that marvelous. I think John (Kezdy) would say the same thing. I’m sure he likes all the songs, but some of it we could have done better.\" It was at this stage the band began getting tagged with the ill-fitting post-", "id": "19198220" }, { "contents": "Laddie Boy\n\n\nhand carved chair to sit in during Cabinet meetings. The White House held birthday parties for the dog, invited other neighborhood dogs to join, and served them dog biscuit cake. Newspapers published mock interviews with the dog. Laddie Boy was so famous, he even had a caretaker. He was the first \"First Dog\" to be regularly covered in the national press. Harding and his wife Florence shared a love of animals and the First Lady, also an advocate for the care of abused and neglected animals, soon began", "id": "16261330" }, { "contents": "Sea Dog Table\n\n\nThe Sea Dog Table is one of the treasures of Hardwick Hall like the Eglantine Table. It is a very elaborately carved table of around 1600. It has acquired some interesting historical anecdotes concerning the Cavendish family. There are doubtful stories that it may have been a possession of Queen Elizabeth I or Mary Queen of Scots, but it may well have been made after both of these were dead. It is regarded as one of the most important examples of 16th century furniture in Britain. The table is made of inlaid walnut.", "id": "13205761" }, { "contents": "Nature fakers controversy\n\n\nwrote, speaking of my dog-heroes: 'He did not think these things; he merely did them,' etc. And I did this repeatedly, to the clogging of my narrative and in violation of my artistic canons; and I did it in order to hammer into the average human understanding that these dog-heroes of mine were not directed by abstract reasoning, but by instinct, sensation, and emotion, and by simple reasoning. Also, I endeavored to make my stories in line with the facts of", "id": "12968752" }, { "contents": "I Love You, Man\n\n\nSadat's daughters filed a lawsuit against the filmmakers because, in the film, Sydney's dog is named after her father. He tells Peter that he thinks \"they look exactly alike.\" Samir Sabri, the lawyer in the case, asked the US embassy to apologize. Complaints have been raised by Egyptian bloggers as well. In the Arab world, \"dog\" is often used as an insult, and, in the more specific context of Islam, dogs have historically been seen as unclean. Rush were approached by", "id": "16288377" }, { "contents": "Fala (dog)\n\n\nmalicious falsehoods about myself ... But I think I have a right to resent, to object, to libelous statements about my dog. The idea of turning the Republican charges into a joke was that of Orson Welles. Campaigning extensively for Roosevelt, Welles occasionally sent him ideas and phrases that were sometimes incorporated into what Welles characterized as \"less important speeches\". One of these was the \"Fala speech\". Welles ad-libbed the Fala joke for the president, who was so delighted that he had a final version written", "id": "14762200" }, { "contents": "Masood Ahmed\n\n\nI know that I would be so fortunate to have found a character that I have loved playing for nine years. However, after thinking long and hard, I have decided that it is time to get back out there and take on some other roles. I will of course miss everyone at EastEnders – I have had a brilliant time there, and who knows, one day Masood may be back.\" Ganatra also tweeted: \"Genuinely touched by the response to news of my leaving #EastEnders. And thank you for", "id": "10025009" }, { "contents": "Temple of the Dog\n\n\nof that song not even knowing that I'd wanted the part to be there and he sang it exactly the way I was thinking about doing it, just instinctively.\" \"Hunger Strike\" became Temple of the Dog's breakout single; it was also Vedder's first featured vocal on a record. On the 2011 documentary \"Pearl Jam Twenty\", Vedder stated; “That was the first time I heard myself on a real record. It could be one of my favorite songs that I’ve ever been on —", "id": "5408260" }, { "contents": "Pygmoelian\n\n\nopening.\" In 2009, writers for IGN listed a line by Moe from this episode among their top eight favorite Moe quotes. The line was \"Yeah, hey, I've got a gift. As a child, I was bitten by the acting bug. Then it burrowed under my skin and laid eggs in my heart. Now those eggs are hatching and I... the feeling is indescribable.\" Homer responds to this by saying \"I know what you mean. Our dog had that.\" The IGN writers", "id": "9623977" }, { "contents": "Sam Donaldson\n\n\nlambs, I thought the other day I'd put out some mint jelly, in case they want it with their mutton. Every time I say this, the conservationists and the people who love animals just jump all over me. \"What? A coyote is a predator and has a right to live.\" Yeah, they have a right to live, I'm all for that, but they're eating my lambs, folks. I just put it to you, doesn't the lamb have a right to live", "id": "1211099" }, { "contents": "The Big Bang (1989 film)\n\n\nhave always been something, rejecting the ideas of nothingness and infinity. The Gangster says \"I have no idea. You’d have to ask my brother the priest.\" The Girl says it began with \"a piece of dust and then there was a squirrel. Then there was a dog. Then there was a cat...\" Toback continues with questions about love and sex. \"The responses run the gamut from earnest to flippant, some are quite profound.\" Some answer more confidently than others. When Toback asks", "id": "6874887" }, { "contents": "Made in Paris\n\n\nI have the foolish idea that I’d like to settle down in the suburbs with a man I love and have children, and maybe even have a station wagon, and two of those large dogs with hair in front of their eyes. I'm sure you think that's square Mr. Barclay.” Herb Stone – “Any American girl today has two completely different sets of morals. Back in the States, a girl, like Maggie, watches every step but she has her mind on just one thing, a wedding", "id": "8078642" }, { "contents": "Stewart Perowne\n\n\nSt. George's Hospital always refuses to use the word and in both men and women, you have a wide and graded range from ultra-male to ultra-female with naturally most people in the middle ranges ... Now for myself, I put myself in the middle group. I have ordinary male abilities. I like male sports some of them, and I love the company of women. In fact, I find it hard to exist without it. At the same time, I am occasionally attracted by members of my", "id": "2718449" }, { "contents": "Vision of Love\n\n\nvocals \"From those opening sci-fi-esque synths to that signature dog-whistle high note, Mariah's very first single is inspired: Even folks who object to her trademark vocal excesses are hard-pressed to fault this rousing, gospel-tinged song about finding 'the one that I needed.'\" The song's lyrics have been subject to various interpretations and suggested relationships by critics. Some have noted the relationship between Carey and God, while others point out one with a lover. Carey has yielded to", "id": "2924378" }, { "contents": "Butterbeans and Susie\n\n\ngeneral. One of their more popular numbers was \"A Married Man's a Fool If He Thinks His Wife Don't Love Nobody but Him\". The act was risqué at times. One of their more popular comic songs was Susie's saucy \"I Want a Hot Dog for My Roll\", full of racy double entendres: The song was accompanied by Susie's provocative dancing and Buttberbeans's call-and-response one-liners: \"My dog's never cold!\" \"Here's a dog that's", "id": "581298" }, { "contents": "The Secret of Chimneys\n\n\nread \"The Murder of Roger Ackroyd\" which, I think, made her reputation universal. Lastly came \"The Hollow\", a book dear to me as revealing her artistic, simple and sincere temperament. This is the reason for my choice of these three books to be bound together. I wish them to be a testimony of my admiration for her art, and above all, of my gratitude for her loving kindness through all the years I have known her\". The copy of the book was sold at auction", "id": "6769920" }, { "contents": "Timeline of the 2007 pet food recalls\n\n\n130 brands of dog and cat foods from five companies recalled. Most of the foods are wet, though there are some dry foods and dog biscuits as part of the recall as a precautionary measure even though no cases of poisoning from dry foods have yet been reported. Hearings are held by United States Senator Richard Durbin in front of the United States Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. FDA officials admit that contaminated food was likely still on store shelves throughout the country,", "id": "11087192" }, { "contents": "Iridescent (song)\n\n\ngot horns growing out of my shoulders, and I've got one blind eye, and I've got a white dog and a snake on a throne made of antlers. I think you'd have to ask Joe what that all means.\" The video's concept is based on the saying taken from the short story The Country of the Blind by H.G Wells. In the behind-the-scenes video for \"Iridescent\", which was released on May 31, 2011, Hahn stated that he wanted to combine the", "id": "7805400" }, { "contents": "List of All Creatures Great and Small episodes\n\n\nat home. The songs he sings repetitively, much to Siegfried's chagrin, are \"(You're My Heart's Desire, I Love You) Nellie Dean\" and \"Lily of Laguna\". James is still confined to the surgery because of a sore ankle. He meets loner Roderick Perowne, a hatter who can't abide much. His dog, Sligo, has been injured, and Peter Marston, whose dog, Jack, appears to have been caught up in some wrongdoings. Characters: Mr Benson, Mrs", "id": "16534107" }, { "contents": "Willy DeVille\n\n\nwell as at their apartment and studio in the French Quarter of New Orleans. DeVille told an interviewer in 1996: \"I finally got the plantation ... I just bought this house and . It looks a little bit like Graceland ... I got into horses since my wife is into them. We're raising Spanish and Portuguese bullfighting horses. The bloodline is 2000 years old. She's into breeding, but I just love riding. I've also got five dogs, four cats and a partridge in a pear tree.\"", "id": "11199695" }, { "contents": "Kim Mi-wol\n\n\na writer, she says, because \"when the book I was reading had an ending that I did not like, I would re-write the conclusion of as I see It fit. Little Women, A Dog of Flanders, Sonagi (by Hwang Soon Won) and Tess are some of the examples. Considering the examples are all tragic stories, I must have preferred a happy ending even in my younger years. She attended a secondary school for girls in Chuncheon. She then moved to Seoul and got a degree", "id": "7022073" }, { "contents": "Karen MacKenzie\n\n\nhard to get her a [new] story line. Although she may be the only character who doesn't \"need\" a story line. She's a rock. She helps \"solve\" the problems. Certainly, after 12 years of playing Karen, you think, 'Oh, God, I wish I could play the town slut. But I have to save those roles for my hiatus.\" Jacobs also said, \"Karen, Michele Lee's character, was - made the speeches that I would have", "id": "5491798" }, { "contents": "Bitch Better Have My Money\n\n\nhold on the song, some changes were made to it. They were done by Scott, WondaGurl and West; all of them added an additional part by the end of the song. When Deputy was asked whether he was bothered by the adjustments that were made, he responded, \"I thought it was cool. I didn't have any negative feelings to it. Rih[anna] loved it and it was really about what she wants.\" \"Bitch Better Have My Money\" is a trap song with a length of", "id": "12000030" }, { "contents": "Suzy Becker\n\n\nMassachusetts. She left the school after a few years to focus on writing and illustrating full-time. Becker's books include \"All I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat\" now in the \"Double-Platinum Collector's Edition \"All I Need to Know I Learned from My Cat (and Then Some)\", \"My Dog's the World's Best Dog\", \"Manny's Cows: The Niagara Falls Tale\", an illustrated memoir about her own struggle and recovery from brain surgery entitled:", "id": "12101542" }, { "contents": "Olivia (dog)\n\n\n. She has received praise from Viola Davis for her work in \"Widows\": \"I don’t own a dog in life, so I was [complaining] like, ‘I’ve gotta work with a \"dog\". What if the dog licks me? Dogs are nasty and disgusting. Within the first five minutes, I’m kissing the dog, I’m holding the dog, the dog was on my chest. I \"love\" that dog, and she came to me so easily.\"", "id": "15554875" }, { "contents": "Dental avulsion\n\n\nbone ligament cells. Some studies in dental research have shown that knocked out teeth that have been dry for up to one hour will have less resorption if they are soaked in a HBSS for 30 minutes prior to replantation. In these studies, dog’s teeth were extracted and left dry for 30, 45 and 60 minutes and then soaked in HBSS for 30 minutes and then reimplanted. These teeth showed 50% less replacement resorption following reimplantation. It has also been shown that keeping the teeth cold while in the HBSS does not", "id": "16662733" }, { "contents": "Renéessance\n\n\n: just set up like an acoustic gig and play. People tend to like the intimacy of that. It has a certain energy and I think it works.” adding “A lot of these songs were not necessarily that easy to put into an acoustic form, some of them are there because I do them every night and I love them forever, some are on there because they’re important songs in my career. I’m just hoping I did justice to them all.” Geyer toured the album throughout Australia in", "id": "4762550" }, { "contents": "Live at Roseland: Elements of 4\n\n\n, saying: \"The whole time I definitely was thinking, 'Everyone knows, everyone can see.'... I just wanted to give everything I could ... When you're pregnant, it's a little bit harder to breathe, so it was hard doing all the choreography and singing at the same time. I just got my strength from all the love from the fans. I can see all of my super fans in the audience when I'm performing because they're doing the choreography harder than me. Some of", "id": "2415911" }, { "contents": "Piano Concerto No. 1 (Chopin)\n\n\ndo wrong against my will. As something has involuntarily crept into my head through my eyes, I love to indulge it, even though it may be all wrong.” Undoubtedly, this sight must have been the well-known soprano Konstancja Gładkowska, who was the “ideal” behind the Larghetto from Chopin’s Second Piano Concerto. Opinions of the concerto differ. Some critics feel that the orchestral support as written is dry and uninteresting, notably the critic James Huneker, who wrote in \"Chopin: The Man and his", "id": "5560877" }, { "contents": "I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Gone\n\n\n1915, W.C. Handy wrote an answer song to \"I Wonder Where My Easy Rider's Gone?\" which he called \"Yellow Dog Rag.\" \"Yellow Dog Rag\" sold poorly. In 1919, he retitled it \"Yellow Dog Blues\" to take advantage of the popularity of blues, after which it sold moderately well. His song explains what became of Jockey Lee. The version quoted is how Bessie Smith sang it in her well-known 1925 recording: First verse: Chorus: (2) a \"", "id": "18470931" }, { "contents": "You Don't Know Lonely\n\n\n, one of these songs is about eight years old, and I also have a song in this album that is about eight years old. Don normally presents us with songs he thinks Charlie and I are going to like. Sometimes he is wrong.\" In the song \"A Man In Conflict With Nature\", the narrator spends his dog-racing winnings on \"three hookers and some sushi\". Author Perkins admitted, \"I was trying to out-Don Don in that song. My ambition with that song", "id": "11869453" }, { "contents": "Martin Amis\n\n\nbeing that). My friendship with the Hitch has always been perfectly cloudless. It is a love whose month is ever May.\" In 2003 \"Yellow Dog\", Amis's first novel in six years, was published. The novel drew mixed reviews, and was most notably denounced by the novelist Tibor Fischer: \"\"Yellow Dog\" isn't bad as in not very good or slightly disappointing. It's not-knowing-where-to-look bad. I was reading my copy on the Tube and I", "id": "5546844" }, { "contents": "Precious Bane\n\n\nto me afore... as if some creature made all of light had come on a sudden from a great way off, and nestled in my bosom... Though it was so quiet, it was a great miracle, and it changed my life... If I hadna had a hare-lip to frighten me away into my own lonesome soul, this would never have come to me... Even while I was thinking this, out of nowhere suddenly came that lovely thing, and nestled in my heart, like a seed from the", "id": "21122253" }, { "contents": "Indicud\n\n\nfavorite movies to kind of narrate the album a bit and liven it up and give it some personality.\" He declared that throughout the album, people will hear scenes from several different movies: \"Yeah, different actors will pop up periodically. That’s how I felt when I finished the song. 'Oh my God. It's so good!' [Laughs] So there had to be a way that I could express myself. So I had to find some of my favorite quotes from my favorite movies.", "id": "18715796" } ]
Do you have a bad habit of overeating? I do on occasion. Yeah sometimes I have a habit of overeating which I assume it should be an eating disorder. What's your idea? I tend to eat a lot whenever I am stressed out, or when I am at a buffet or a place that serves a lot of food. I try to eat slowly to help with that. Binge eating disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort). Maybe I have that. There are times I probably eat 8000 calories at once!
[{"answer": "As a chemist I believe if food addiction. Many individuals, food can become as addictive as drugs are to a substance abuser.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "1324898", "title": "Food addiction", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 265, "bleu_score": 0.5203527159779404, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Solomon Burke\n\n\ndevelop into what I am now and allowed me to live. It's not an eating disorder. If I had an eating disorder, I wouldn't travel.\" In 2006 Burke acknowledged: \"It's very rough. I love to eat and I love to cook – as you can see. But my hip has to be replaced and a knee has to be replaced and I've got to lose 150 pounds before they can do that. And that's a lot. But it's NOT! God knows I", "id": "3599211" }, { "contents": "Eating disorder\n\n\nAn eating disorder is a mental disorder defined by abnormal eating habits that negatively affect a person's physical or mental health. They include binge eating disorder, where people eat a large amount in a short period of time; anorexia nervosa, where people eat very little and thus have a low body weight; bulimia nervosa, where people eat a lot and then try to rid themselves of the food; pica, where people eat non-food items; rumination disorder, where people regurgitate food; avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder", "id": "11939543" }, { "contents": "Binge eating\n\n\noverweight or depressed about their overeating. Although people who do not have any eating disorder may occasionally experience episodes of overeating, frequent binge eating is often a symptom of an eating disorder. Binge-eating disorder, as the name implies, is characterized by uncontrollable, excessive eating, followed by feelings of shame and guilt. Unlike those with bulimia, those with binge-eating disorder symptoms typically do not purge their food, fast, or excessively exercise to compensate for binges. Additionally, these individuals tend to diet more often,", "id": "12061397" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders in Chinese women\n\n\n. I indulged in binge eating and vomiting. I dont wish to be hurt by them again.” She turns to bulimia as a way of hiding from reality and indulging herself. Because of societal norms in China, it is seen that some women are turning to eating disorders as a way out from their stress and worry. Eating disorders in China were primarily thought to have come about because of the Westernization of their cities through the media. Western media idolizes thin, beautiful woman. This unrealistic standard entices women to", "id": "8818424" }, { "contents": "Judy Grahn\n\n\nmy life, I would have to go all the way with it and take every single risk you could take... I decided I would not do anything I didn't want to do that would keep me from my art.\" Grahn then moved to the west coast where she would become active in the feminist poetry movement of the 1970s. During this period, many rumors surfaced pertaining to Grahn's weight and a possible eating disorder. Grahn attributes her thin frame to poor eating habits, smoking cigarettes, and drinking coffee.", "id": "14923629" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nBinge eating disorder (BED) is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social problems, but without subsequent purging episodes (e.g. vomiting). BED is a recently described condition, which was required to distinguish binge eating similar to that seen in bulimia nervosa but without characteristic purging. Individuals who are diagnosed with bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder exhibit similar patterns of compulsive overeating, neurobiological features of dysfunctional cognitive control and food addiction, and biological and environmental risk factors. Indeed, some", "id": "11806516" }, { "contents": "Gilda Radner\n\n\n, and an older brother named Michael. She attended the exclusive University Liggett School in Detroit. Toward the end of her life, Radner wrote in her autobiography, \"It's Always Something\", that during her childhood and young adulthood, she battled numerous eating disorders: \"I coped with stress by having every possible eating disorder from the time I was nine years old. I have weighed as much as 160 pounds and as little as 93. When I was a kid, I overate constantly. My weight distressed my", "id": "7994833" }, { "contents": "You can't have your cake and eat it\n\n\nMason disagreed with Zimmer's assertion on the mutually exclusiveness of the two actions: \"simultaneous cake-having and cake-eating are NOT mutually exclusive. On the contrary, generally I cannot eat something at any time when I do not have it. But I eat things when I have them all the time. Only when the object is entirely consumed do I no longer have it (and at that time the eating is also terminated).\" Therefore, Mason considers the \"have-eat\" variant to be", "id": "18677842" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Cook\n\n\nrehab for drug addiction and an eating disorder. On being sent to rehab, Cook said \"I needed some help. I did not feel like rehab was what I needed and I tried to desperately convince some key people around me that in that moment I needed intensive therapy and I probably needed medication. They cancelled the tour and said you can't go because we don't trust the state that you're in. You're saying you're not addicted to anything and you're saying you don't have an eating disorder", "id": "20098776" }, { "contents": "College health\n\n\ncan cause muscle dysfunction and weak osmoregulation. It can also accompany emotional symptoms such as depression. Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social problems, but without subsequent purging episodes (e.g. vomiting). People who have this disorder can experience an uncontrollable urge to consume large amounts of food regardless of whether or not they are hungry and can feel like they have no control while they are eating. Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by recurring episodes of binge", "id": "10107739" }, { "contents": "Binge eating\n\n\nBinge eating is a pattern of disordered eating which consists of episodes of uncontrollable eating. It is a common symptom of eating disorders such as binge eating disorder and bulimia nervosa. During such binges, a person rapidly consumes an excessive quantity of food. A diagnosis of binge eating is associated with feelings of loss of control. Typically the eating is done rapidly and a person will feel emotionally numb and unable to stop eating. Most people who have eating binges try to hide this behavior from others, and often feel ashamed about being", "id": "12061396" }, { "contents": "Demi Lovato\n\n\nsaid: \"I believe in gay marriage, I believe in equality. I think there's a lot of hypocrisy with religion. But I just found that you can have your own relationship with God, and I still have a lot of faith.\" On December 23, 2011, Lovato posted a message on Twitter criticizing her former network for airing episodes of \"Shake It Up\" and \"So Random!\" in which characters joked about eating disorders. Disney Channel publicity officials quickly took action, apologizing to Lovato and", "id": "11137703" }, { "contents": "What's Eating You\n\n\nWhat's Eating You is an American reality documentary series about people with eating disorders. The series premiered on October 13, 2010, on the E! cable network. The reality documentary series was announced in April 2010. The six-part television series features people who have compulsive eating disorders; each episode introduces two people whose lives are threatened by harmful eating habits and features doctors trying to help them to overcome the disorders. JD Roth, one of the producers of the series, said, \"One might assume that a", "id": "17184801" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nbe present to classify a person's behavior as binge eating disorder. Studies have confirmed the high predictive value of these criteria for diagnosing BED. According to DSM-5, the following criteria must be present to make a diagnosis of binge eating disorder. Studies have confirmed the high predictive value of these criteria for diagnosing BED. A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following: B. The binge-eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following: C. Marked", "id": "11806528" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Billings\n\n\nBillings thanked the audience, but also said, “I look around and I see you all and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you’re here, and I have to say something to you I think you look great, you look swell and it’s wonderful that you’re here eating the chicken it’s delightful but I must tell you that we have to do something more than sit and speak and talk to our neighbors and eat great food and put on fancy clothes.” She challenges the audience", "id": "19065089" }, { "contents": "The Biggest Loser Asia (season 2)\n\n\nintroduced them an integral tool in weight loss and stressed the importance of good eating habits and to know the amount of calories in your favorite foods. Genghis was caught with surprise when he saw the details of a cheeseburger. “Whoa, a cheeseburger has 308 calories, and that’s just a cheeseburger, and I have ten of those.\"“You have to walk an hour just for that one cheeseburger that you ate. I don’t think it’s worth it.” Genghis added. At the weigh in, the blue", "id": "8250413" }, { "contents": "Emotional eating\n\n\n, the roots of emotional eating are deep, which can make breaking the habit extremely challenging. In some cases, individuals may eat in order to conform; for example, individuals may be told \"you have to finish your plate\" and the individual may eat past the point in which they feel satisfied. Emotional eating as a means to cope may be a precursor to developing eating disorders such as binge eating or bulimia nervosa. The relationship between emotional eating and other disorders is largely due to the fact that emotional eating and", "id": "16944103" }, { "contents": "Diana Kennedy\n\n\nthey were eating and what they consumed and about not wasting.\" In the introduction of \"Oaxaca al Gusto\", Kennedy writes, \"Trying to record the ethnic foods as well as the more sophisticated recipes of the urban centers presented an enormous challenge and responsibility … I am sure that if I had known what it would entail to travel almost constantly through the year, and often uncomfortably, to research, record, photograph and then cook and eat over three hundred recipes, I might never have had the courage to start", "id": "5430562" }, { "contents": "Night eating syndrome\n\n\nNight eating syndrome (NES) is an eating disorder, characterized by a delayed circadian pattern of food intake. Although there is some degree of comorbidity with binge eating disorder, it differs from binge eating in that the amount of food consumed in the evening/night is not necessarily objectively large nor is a loss of control over food intake required. It was originally described by Dr. Albert Stunkard in 1955 and is currently included in the other specified feeding or eating disorder category of the DSM-5. Research diagnostic criteria have been proposed and", "id": "1676532" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\n, or a mixed form of eating disorder not otherwise specified. Binge eating may begin when individuals recover from an adoption of rigid eating habits. When under a strict diet that mimics the effects of starvation, the body may be preparing for a new type of behavior pattern, one that consumes a large amount of food in a relatively short period of time. However, other research suggests that binge eating disorder can also be caused by environmental factors and the impact of traumatic events. One study showed that women with binge eating disorder", "id": "11806521" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders in Chinese women\n\n\nturn to eating disorders as a control. One such girl relates her feelings when she said, “I like to be a little girl. In being an adult, you need to care about peoples feelings and interact with others. They tend to disappoint me. I met two senior students in college and they seemed to treat me well at first. However, suddenly they had become unfriendly and hostile to me. I felt being betrayed. I hid myself in my dormitory, the only place where I felt safe and secure", "id": "8818423" }, { "contents": "Grammatical aspect\n\n\nlocation in time. For example, consider the following sentences: \"I eat\", \"I am eating\", \"I have eaten\", and \"I have been eating\". All are in the present tense, indicated by the present-tense verb of each sentence (\"eat\", \"am\", and \"have\"). Yet since they differ in aspect each conveys different information or points of view as to how the action pertains to the present. Grammatical aspect is a \"formal\"", "id": "12654568" }, { "contents": "Practical syllogism\n\n\nan action. An example might be that the major premise \"food cures hunger\" and the minor premise \"I am hungry\" leads to the practical conclusion of my eating food. Note that the conclusion here is not a third proposition, like \"I will eat\", or the occurrence of an utterance like \"I will eat,\" but is simply the act of eating. For this reason, practical syllogisms are only called syllogisms analogically. Since they do not consist of at least three propositions, they are not", "id": "21313670" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Purging disorder\n\n\nPurging disorder is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent purging (self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas) to control weight or shape in the absence of binge eating episodes. Purging disorder differs from bulimia nervosa (BN) because individuals with purging disorder do not consume a large amount of food before they purge. In current diagnostic systems, purging disorder is a form of Other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED). Research indicates that purging disorder, while not rare, is not as commonly found", "id": "19700076" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nBingeing episodes usually include foods that are high in fat, sugar, and/or salt, but low in vitamins and minerals, as these types of foods tend to trigger the greatest chemical and emotional rewards. The main physical health consequences of this type of eating disorder are brought on by the weight gain resulting from calorie-laden bingeing episodes. Mental and emotional consequences of binge eating disorder include social weight stigma and emotional loss of control. Up to 70% of individuals with BED may also be obese, and therefore obesity-associated", "id": "11806535" }, { "contents": "Eating disorder\n\n\ndue to epigenetic mechanisms has been implicated in various eating disorders. Other candidate genes for epigenetic studies in eating disorders include leptin, pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Eating disorders are classified as Axis I disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association. There are various other psychological issues that may factor into eating disorders, some fulfill the criteria for a separate Axis I diagnosis or a personality disorder which is coded", "id": "11939559" }, { "contents": "Food addiction\n\n\npurging behaviors, such as fasting, laxative use, or vomiting. When compulsive overeaters overeat through binge eating and experience feelings of guilt after their binges, they can be said to have binge eating disorder (BED). In addition to binge eating, compulsive overeaters may also engage in \"grazing\" behavior, during which they continuously eat throughout the day. These actions result in an excessive overall number of calories consumed, even if the quantities eaten at any one time may be small. During binges, compulsive overeaters may consume", "id": "13552831" }, { "contents": "Dana Delany\n\n\n, worked in summer stock productions during vacations, and graduated in 1978. Later, in an interview, she reported that she sometimes had eating disorders during this time of her life. She said: \"I binged... I starved ... I was one step from anorexia – a piece of toast and an apple would be all I would eat in a day.\" After college, she found acting work in New York City in daytime soap operas including \"Love of Life\" and \"As the World Turns\", and", "id": "12083067" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nand 30% to 40% of people who seek weight loss treatments, can be clinically diagnosed with binge eating disorder.” The 2017 update to the American version of the ICD-10 includes BED under F50.81. ICD-11 may contain a dedicated entry (6B62), defining BED as frequent, recurrent episodes of binge eating (once a week or more over a period of several months) which are not regularly followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors aimed at preventing weight gain. Previously considered a topic for further research exploration, binge eating disorder was", "id": "11806526" }, { "contents": "Millie Brown (performance artist)\n\n\n“glamorizing bulimia”. Much of the disapproval took place on Twitter, with Demi Lovato tweeting, “Bulimia isn’t cool. Young people who are struggling to figure out their identities are seriously influenced by the things they see their idols do.” Brown responded to the outrage over her work by saying, “I’m using my body to create something beautiful. I think it’s misunderstood by a lot of people. But it really doesn’t have anything to do with eating disorders. If I was male [no", "id": "4101275" }, { "contents": "Anthony Ingrassia\n\n\nand the pain and the feelings in the plays.\" Ingrassia's mother died in 1990. In 1995, Ingrassia died of cardiac arrest at age 51 at Brunswick Hospital in Amityville. During his lifetime, Ingrassia struggled with eating disorders and weighed up to 600 pounds. He was seeing an eating disorder therapist before his death. He had to use a freight elevator because of his weight, and said, \"I'm freight, baby... I still have to fight my food addiction. I don't know how much I", "id": "20113624" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\neating problem (or not), rather than a disorder. Precisely defining binge eating can be problematic, however binge eating episodes in BED are generally described as having the following potential features: In contrast to bulimia nervosa, binge eating episodes are not regularly followed by activities intended to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, laxative or enema misuse, or strenuous exercise. BED is characterized more by overeating than dietary restriction and over concern about body shape. Obesity is common in persons with BED, as are depressive", "id": "11806518" }, { "contents": "Criticism of fast food\n\n\nby saying, \"While I don’t think it’s a great idea to eat too much fast food...I do think he is right. Fast food, while far from healthy, doesn’t make people gain weight. Eating too much fast food too often is what can make you gain weight—the same way eating too much of anything can pack on the pounds.\" Jared Fogle’s drastic weight loss on a Subway diet is another case that poses a fair debate against the idea that the culprit of obesity is", "id": "5961707" }, { "contents": "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland\n\n\nas well say, \"I see what I eat…I eat what I see\" and so the riddle's solution, put forward by Boe Birns, could be that \"A raven eats worms; a writing desk is worm-eaten\"; this idea of food encapsulates idea of life feeding on life, for the worm is being eaten and then becomes the eater a horrific image of mortality. Nina Auerbach discusses how the novel revolves around eating and drinking which \"motivates much of her [Alice's] behaviour\"", "id": "8001894" }, { "contents": "Priya Sharma\n\n\nand her unborn child are suffering from anorexia, due to her eating disorder. David learns of the eating disorder and is furious, although feels guilty when Georgia explains that stress probably caused it. When Priya returns home, her family, mainly Georgia, try to persuade her to eat different foods. After eating a cooked meal, Priya forces herself to be sick, as she cannot stomach the food. Priya later realises that what she is doing is wrong and goes to a special eating disorder clinic to save herself and", "id": "2245230" }, { "contents": "Exuma (musician)\n\n\n\"It comes from the love of what I am doing. Music is like eating and breathing - every fiber of me is in music. I've always been like that. The music energizes me and keeps me alive, I think. I have a lot I want to say in a positive way. I don't want to say anything negative. I try to go through every word and make sure that there is nothing negative gender-wise or any-kind-wise. If I have done anything in the", "id": "14618336" }, { "contents": "Nicole Richie\n\n\nam not bulimic. I do not have an eating disorder.\" On October 27, 2006, it was announced that Richie was seeking treatment for \"an inability to put on weight\", though it was not for an eating disorder. In March 2007, Richie was taken to the hospital for dehydration. On March 21, her representatives announced she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia. In October 2002, Richie was arrested following a brawl in a New York City nightclub. The charges were dropped. On February 27, 2003,", "id": "12843518" }, { "contents": "Other specified feeding or eating disorder\n\n\nOther specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED) is a DSM-5 category that, along with unspecified feeding or eating disorder (UFED), replaces the category formerly called eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) in the DSM-IV-TR, and that captures feeding disorders and eating disorders of clinical severity that do not meet diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), binge eating disorder (BED), avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), pica, or rumination disorder.", "id": "12281477" }, { "contents": "Impulsivity\n\n\nthese cases, overeating will only take place if the food is palatable to the person, and if so individual differences in impulsivity can predict the amount of consumption. Chronic overeating is a behavioral component of binge eating disorder, compulsive overeating, and bulimia nervosa. These diseases are more common for women and may involve eating thousands of calories at a time. Depending on which of these disorders is the underlying cause, an episode of overeating can have a variety of different motivations. Characteristics common among these three disorders include low self-", "id": "14929148" }, { "contents": "You can't have your cake and eat it\n\n\nnon-topsy-turvy bodily alignment\". Stan Carey, writing for the \"Macmillan Dictionary Blog\", likens the \"have-eat\" vs. \"eat-have\" question with the discussion over \"I could care less\" and \"I couldn't care less\", two phrases that are used to refer to the same thing yet are construed differently, with the former sounding illogical because saying \"I could care less\" would mean that you actually do care to some degree. Carey writes that even though the", "id": "18677844" }, { "contents": "Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder\n\n\nthere have been debates over these two disorders, specialists have examined them to try to determine the differences. Dr. J. Winkelman noted several features of the two disorders that were similar, but he gave one important factor that make these disorders different. In his article \"Sleep-Related Eating Disorder and Night Eating Syndrome: Sleep Disorders, Eating Disorders, Or both\", Winkelman said, \"Both [disorders] involve nearly nightly binging at multiple nocturnal awakenings, defined as excess calorie intake or loss of control over consumption.\"", "id": "16965954" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Cook\n\n\nbut we don't know that\". Cook tried to convince her management that, if she were a drug addict, she would tell them directly which drugs she was taking, saying \"I wasn't doing any of that. I wasn't addicted to anything. I knew I didn't have an eating disorder. I was just skinny from being stressed out but people in positions of power in my life didn't believe me\". She was critical of the treatment she received and checked herself out early, explaining that", "id": "20098777" }, { "contents": "Misty Copeland\n\n\nI was too busy trying to hide my breasts.\" Management noticed and called her in to talk about her body. The professional pressure to conform to conventional ballet aesthetics resulted in body image struggles and a binge eating disorder. Copeland says that, over the next year, new friendships outside of ABT, including with Victoria Rowell and her boyfriend, Olu Evans, helped her to regain confidence in her body. She explained, \"My curves became an integral part of who I am as a dancer, not something I needed", "id": "1486461" }, { "contents": "Anorexia nervosa\n\n\nthe criteria for a separate Axis I diagnosis or a personality disorder which is coded Axis II and thus are considered comorbid to the diagnosed eating disorder. Some people have a previous disorder which may increase their vulnerability to developing an eating disorder and some develop them afterwards. The presence of Axis I or Axis II psychiatric comorbidity has been shown to affect the severity and type of anorexia nervosa symptoms in both adolescents and adults. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) are highly comorbid with AN", "id": "16650646" }, { "contents": "Robbin Crosby\n\n\njust before his death, \"Apparently my pancreas has given up and I'm not metabolizing food the way I should. It's real frustrating... I have a roommate that probably weighs 150 lbs. and he eats a lot more than I do. It's not like I'm a pig or a slob.\" According to an autopsy report after his death, Crosby was and weighed . In a 1999 interview that was first televised in 2006, when Ratt's \"Behind the Music\" episode finally aired, Crosby stated", "id": "20868092" }, { "contents": "Afrihili\n\n\n, and a perfect in \"lo-\". Simple present is not marked. \"U-\" forms relative clauses (who, which). So, from \"du\" 'eat', \"lɛdu\" 'he eats', \"nɛtadu\" 'you & I will eat', \"fulidu\" 'they ate', \"miyɛɛdu ɛn zinga\" 'I eat in the morning (as a matter of habit)', \"miliidu ɛn zinga\" 'I would eat / used to eat in the morning", "id": "18607814" }, { "contents": "Charles Fried\n\n\nwho ask: \"[I]f the government can require me to buy health insurance, can it require me to have a membership in a gym, or eat vegetables?,\" Fried replied: Yes. We hear that quite a lot. It was put by Judge Vinson, and I think it was put by Professor Barnett in terms of eating your vegetables, and for reasons I set out in my testimony, that would be a violation of the 5th and the 14th Amendment, to force you to eat something. But", "id": "6035403" }, { "contents": "Overeaters Anonymous\n\n\n\"one must deprecate oneself, deprive oneself, please other people\" to \"it is okay to express positive feelings about oneself and take care of one's needs\"; \"food is the answer to all problems, the source of solace\" to \"psychological and emotional needs should be fulfilled in relationships with people\"; \"I am a person who eats uncontrollably\" to \"I am someone who has limitations and does not eat what is harmful for me.\" The act of binging and purging provides bulimics with the", "id": "8427572" }, { "contents": "Arian Foster\n\n\nnot last very long, his diet was a very interesting subject to the media for a period of time. Regarding his diet, he said: \"I just like to eat healthy, man. That whole vegan thing, a lot of people are really interested in my food... I've had meat since I've said I don't eat meat anymore. I like to stay with the plant-based foods, but every now and then, I'll eat meat.\" Foster revealed his political affiliation during an NFL", "id": "11115007" }, { "contents": "Smarties\n\n\ntelevision commercials were notable for their advanced use of computer-generated imagery, produced by Martin Lambie-Nairn. The words for the Canadian advertising jingle from the 1970s until the mid-1990s were \"When you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last? Do you suck them very slowly, or crunch them very fast? Eat those candy-coated chocolates, but tell me when I ask, when you eat your Smarties, do you eat the red ones last?\". This jingle was set to the tune", "id": "14321461" }, { "contents": "Pont Vell, Santa Eulària des Riu\n\n\nthen be closed tightly. The bottle could then be kept and opened when hard work was required to be done quickly and properly. Once liberated, the \"Familiar\" will cry: \"Soc es familiar, vull veina o menjar\", which means \"I am a \"Familiar!\" I would like work or food!\" . The drawback of the releasing of this spirit is that if you do not give the \"Familiar\" work to do, it will eat you out of house and home. Although this", "id": "17805794" }, { "contents": "Sociology of food\n\n\nsociology of food. They represent how control (or lack thereof) someone can have over themselves about one of the things they need to live. Eating disorders do not limit themselves to anorexia. These disorders include bulimia and binge eating as well. Some people often use food a comfort, or even a reward. Or in other cases they see food as a negative thing to avoid, even though they need it for survival. The relationships with food that people carry is a very large subject that is very complex. From", "id": "21204205" }, { "contents": "Montreal–Philippines cutlery controversy\n\n\nI said, \"Here, this is not the manner in which we eat.\" ... I don't necessarily want students to eat with one hand or with only one instrument, I want them to eat intelligently at the table ... I want them to eat correctly with respect for others who are eating with them. That's all I ask. Personally, I don’t have any problems with it, but it is not the way you see people eat every day. I have never seen somebody eat with a spoon", "id": "2825148" }, { "contents": "Freddie Welsh\n\n\nthe benefits of vegetarianism, he was not averse to eating meat if required. In an interview Welsh once stated, \"I don't believe in a variety of cooked dishes. I eat as much raw food as possible, and this second meal consists of all sorts of vegetables, and for the main dish I have a macaroni and cheese, followed by fruit and nuts and a little rice or tapioca pudding. I find plenty of vegetable and fruits to choose from without touching meat at all. I am not a faddist", "id": "4467168" }, { "contents": "Aruneya Upanishad\n\n\nthe Aranyakas and the Upanishads. As a renouncer, after \"I am truly Brahman\", should consider Brahman as the internal sacred string, therefrom \"I am the string\", and so he should throw away the external sacred thread. Uttering three times the words, “I have renounced, I have renounced, I have renounced”, he should pick up a bamboo staff and the loins-cloth, thus begin his journey. He should expect little food, eat sparingly as if food was a medicine. The", "id": "17429015" }, { "contents": "National Eating Disorders Association\n\n\nfriends of those with an eating disorder. This includes pertinent terms and definitions, warning signs, and various means of preventing eating disorders. According to researcher [[Ben Radford]] who wrote in \"[[Skeptical Inquirer]]\" \"I found many examples of flawed, misleading, and sometimes completely wrong information and data being copied and widely disseminated among eating disorder organizations and educators without anyone bothering to consult the original research to verify its accuracy\". Radford states that miss-leading statistics and data have been ignored", "id": "9956506" }, { "contents": "The Bickersons\n\n\nYou'd better say you're sorry for that, John. J: Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. B: You are not. J: I am too. I'm the sorriest man that was ever born. B: Is there any milk for breakfast? J: No. B: Then you'll have to eat out. J: I don't care, I've been doing it all week. B: What for? I left you enough food for six", "id": "12588762" }, { "contents": "Appetite\n\n\nanorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder characterized as severe dietary restriction and intense fear of weight gain. Furthermore, persons with anorexia nervosa may exercise ritualistically. Individuals who have anorexia have high levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, so the body is trying to cause hunger, but the urge to eat is being suppressed by the person. Binge eating disorder (commonly referred to as BED) is described as eating excessively (or uncontrollably) between periodic time intervals.", "id": "8904313" }, { "contents": "Sravasti Abbey\n\n\noffer service” performing tasks. Lunch is offered at 12:00. Before eating, an information Dharma discussion is led by Thubten Chodron, other monastics or sometimes guests. These talks (and other teachings) are uploaded daily onto Sravasti Abbey's channel . Before eating, residents recite and reflect on five contemplations to remind them of their motivation for eating: poem I contemplate all the causes and conditions and the kindness of others by which I have received this food. I contemplate my own practice, constantly trying to improve it. I", "id": "21871299" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nyou now?' The prince answered,'I am playing with puppy.' King Ajatashatru asked the prince to have meal together. The prince arrived, but did not want to eat. King Ajatashatru asked, 'Why do you not want to eat?' The prince said, 'If you let me have my meal together with my puppy, I will eat.' King Ajatashatru said, 'As you wish.' So the prince took his meal, and brought the meal for the puppy too. King Ajatashatru told his", "id": "8625696" }, { "contents": "Yasir Salem\n\n\nby eating 61 donuts over 36 miles for a donut-adjusted time of -31 minutes. Salem’s entry into the competitive eating scene started as something of a joke. \"I was watching the Nathan’s contest in 2008, and I thought, ‘Wow, all I have to do is eat a bunch of hot dogs and I can be on ESPN?’\" he told Mental Floss. He trains by eating a 4 to 6 pounds salad everyday for lunch followed by a gallon of water. He credits enlisting the", "id": "12353393" }, { "contents": "Shagrat (band)\n\n\n, pointed beard and the suede shoes.\" Interviewed in 1972, Took himself offered yet another explanation: \"I am gutter Rock, I'm a \"schneide\". That's why I had Shagrat - it was a rat trip. Rats turn over at an amazing pace and they have a lot of kids. Not only do they eat the poison but they thrive on it and get bigger and they can still slip under doorways. It's the ecology trip. Do you know how many rats were killed in New", "id": "18255526" }, { "contents": "Darla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)\n\n\nthey're just kind of warped. From her perspective—first she has to eat—she just happens to eat people! Second, she was in love with Angel, and I always viewed Darla as the jilted ex-wife that could never get over being dumped. If you really look at her, you can have sympathy and empathy for her. In the beginning of her life she was a prostitute, Joss and I actually talked about that a lot, that she was probably abused growing up. She did what", "id": "17094313" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders and memory\n\n\nwas once thought that individuals with eating disorders had different implicit memory biases and attitudes towards food, depending on the type of eating disorder. BED was associated with positive evaluation of food and anorexia and bulimia were associated with negative evaluation of food. This turns out to not be the case. There were no implicit differences in affective attitudes towards foods between high and low-restraint eaters. This suggests that regardless of the type of eating disorder, individuals with eating disorders view food in similar ways and have similar implicit attitudes towards food", "id": "1901652" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\nNicholas Sparks September 25, 1995 Dear Catherine, A month has passed since I have written, but it has seemed to pass much more slowly. Life passes by now like the scenery outside a car window. I breathe and eat and sleep as I always did, but there seems to be no great purpose in my life that requires active participation on my part. I simply drift along like the messages I write you. I do not know where I am going or when I will get there. Even work does not", "id": "2224450" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders in Chinese women\n\n\npatients refuse help and they will not trust the therapist because they see it as another way of their parents controlling them. In a case study done by Joyce L. C. Ma, she was treating a 17-year-old girl who would not accept her help. The girl said, “Its my fathers session, not my session. My father has a problem and I dont have any. He arranged everything for me. He did too much. I am sick of his over–interference in my life. I knew", "id": "8818432" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nfeatures, low self-esteem, stress and boredom. About 50% of the risk for binge eating disorder is believed to be genetic. As with other eating disorders, binge eating is an \"expressive disorder\"—a disorder that is an expression of deeper psychological problems. People who have binge eating disorder have been found to have higher weight bias internalization, which includes low self-esteem, unhealthy eating patterns, and general body dissatisfaction. Binge eating disorder commonly develops as a result or side effect of depression, as it is common", "id": "11806519" }, { "contents": "Bipolar I disorder\n\n\n. Mood stabilizers, especially lithium, may protect against this effect, but some research contradicts this. Information on the condition, importance of regular sleep patterns, routines and eating habits and the importance of compliance with medication as prescribed. Behavior modification through counseling can have positive influence to help reduce the effects of risky behavior during the manic phase. Additionally, the lifetime prevalence for bipolar I disorder is estimated to be 1%. The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was released in May", "id": "4735045" }, { "contents": "Nominal sentence\n\n\nverbs, are specifically used to express person and number and consist of nine different forms: alternating combinations between the three persons and three numbers. Context determines whether the simple present and present progressive (for example, \"I eat\" vs. \"I am eating\") indicates the present or future tense. This is a common phenomenon found in English as well, since the sentence \"I am eating in the cafeteria\" can either mean \"I am eating in the cafeteria [right now]\" or \"I am eating", "id": "8228961" }, { "contents": "Victoria, Crown Princess of Sweden\n\n\nnot only for the individual but also for the people close to him or her. Today I'm fine.\" In November 2002, the book \"Victoria, Victoria!\" came out, speaking further about her eating disorder. Victoria said: \"I felt like an accelerating train, going right down... during the whole period. I had eating disorders and was aware of it, my anguish was enormous. I really hated how I looked like, how I was... I, Victoria, didn’t exist. It", "id": "4739737" }, { "contents": "Blue Horse (Lakota leader)\n\n\n\"I notice that you always eat everything in front of you, but you never pass your plate back the second time or ask for another cup of coffee. Why is that? Is it because you cannot eat any more or drink any more coffee. O, yes, he replied, I could eat more, but I thought the twenty-five cents you paid for my dinner was for just what was placed before me. No, I said, the twenty-five cents pays for all you can eat", "id": "18939580" }, { "contents": "Hajong language\n\n\ntaken your food?) and 'Bhat khabo?'(Do you want to eat?); and the vowels /e/(ei) and /o/(ou) are used at the end of declarative sentences, as in 'Bhat khasei.'([I] have taken my food.) and 'Bhat Khabou'([I] will eat.). Adding the suffix be' or ba to interrogative words turn them into indefinite pronouns; for example, kibe' means something, kei'be' means someone, kumaba means somewhere and also ke'ibe', kageba, kunde'be' and kalaba", "id": "2575736" }, { "contents": "Battle of Suiyang\n\n\nof the nearby Linhuai (). Helan had long been jealous of Zhang Xun's abilities. He also wanted to preserve his forces, so he refused to assist Zhang Xun. Instead, he offered Nan Jiyun a large feast, to try to convince him to join his ranks. Nan replied, \"The reason why I risked my life to come here is because the local civilians and my comrades have no food to eat for over a month. How can I eat such a huge feast when I know that my comrades", "id": "14666698" }, { "contents": "Relative energy deficiency in sport\n\n\ndisorders, but not necessarily so. Athletes may experience low energy availability by exercising more without a concomitant change in eating habits, or they may increase their energy expenditure while also eating less. Disordered eating is defined among this situation due to the low caloric intake or low energy availability. While most athletes do not meet the clinical criteria to be diagnosed with an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, many will exhibit disordered eating habits such as fasting, as well as avoiding certain types of food the athlete thinks are", "id": "3685419" }, { "contents": "Blimp Levy\n\n\ndiscussed the eating habits which contributed to his size. He stated that some mornings he would \"eat a dozen eggs, and then again, sometimes only two. Sometimes I eat six pounds of steak, and then I might eat a pound.\" He also spoke of eating large amounts of mashed potatoes, requiring a half bushel of potatoes, a pound of butter, and two quarts of milk. One of the early Jews in professional wrestling, Levy was honored as part of the Yiddish Fight Club exhibit at the YIVO", "id": "7795611" }, { "contents": "Cynthia M. Bulik\n\n\non eating disorders and is author of the books \"Eating Disorders: Detection and Treatment\", \"Runaway Eating: The 8 Point Plan to Conquer Adult Food and Weight Obsessions\", \"Crave: Why You Binge Eat and How To Stop\", \"Abnormal Psychology\", \"The Woman in the Mirror\", \"Midlife Eating Disorders\", and \"Binge Control\". Bulik is a recipient of the Eating Disorders Coalition Research Award, the Hulka Innovators Award, the Academy for Eating Disorders Leadership Award for Research,", "id": "5008198" }, { "contents": "Raison oblige theory\n\n\nit can be reinterpreted using ROT. The choice of negative feedback reflects the obligation to choose information consistent with an honestly held self view. Correlations do not equal causation; The evidence for SVT assumptions of motivation drawn from studies on depression could be circumstantial and therefore do not provide explicit proof of a motive to self-verify. Motivation is interlinked with desire. I am hungry therefore I am motivated to eat food; I want to eat. In SVT studies of depressed persons they are asked whether they would like to receive favorable", "id": "7301945" }, { "contents": "Yamai Devi, Rashin Ahmednagar\n\n\n, please forgive me. I bow down to your virat Rudra Rupa. This world the entire tribhuvan is your play ground. I deserve to be punished, but please forgive me, please protect me. I will stay wherever you order me to stay, will eat whatever you give me to eat, will live the way you order me to live. I will become your humble servant and serve you. I am a sinned creature, but there is nobody else apart from you whom I can pray for my liberation and", "id": "12815747" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders in Chinese women\n\n\nchildren are taught to be submissive and obedient. This can cause feelings of rebellion in the child which is why some of them may turn to eating disorders. The child wants to have some control, but they also do not want to disrespect their parents by pursuing autonomy, and so restricting food or binging and purging is, in a way, their way of making decisions. Several studies confirmed that cultural factors resulting in rebelliousness caused eating disorder symptoms. Ulrike Schmidt, a professor in eating disorders, studied three patients with Chinese", "id": "8818420" }, { "contents": "Ajda Pekkan\n\n\nway to us, thanks to her I am here too. Ajda's nickname is Angela. We meet quite often at home. We do not have any hidden secrets. Where Ajda goes or what she eats, I also go there and eat the same thing.\". With the help of her sister Semiramis Pekkan, she met İlham Gencer, the owner of \"Çatı\" nightclub in 1961 and began her music career by singing Mina's song \"Il Cielo In Una Stanza\" With the help of \"Los Çatikos", "id": "7720837" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nduring the day), restriction of overall calorie intake (e.g., setting calorie limit to 1,000 calories per day), and avoidance of certain types of food (e.g., \"forbidden\" food, such as sugar, carbohydrates, etc.) Strict and extreme dieting differs from ordinary dieting. Some evidence suggests the effectiveness of moderate calorie restriction in decreasing binge eating episodes among overweight individuals with binge eating disorder, at least in the short-term. “In the U.S, it is estimated that 3.5% of young women", "id": "11806525" }, { "contents": "Fad diet\n\n\nleads to binge eating. Teenagers following fad diets are at risk of permanently stunted growth. Healthy eating is simple, according to Marion Nestle, who expresses the mainstream view of nutrition: The basic principles of good diets are so simple that I can summarize them in just ten words: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. For additional clarification, a five-word modifier helps: go easy on junk foods. Follow these precepts and you will go a long way toward preventing the major diseases of", "id": "18620779" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nobserved in studies to be 2.0 percent for men and 3.5 percent for women, higher than that of the commonly recognized eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Rates of binge eating disorder have also been found to be similar among black women, white women, and white men, while some studies have shown that binge eating disorder is more common among black women than among white women. Though the research on binge eating disorders tends to be concentrated in North America, the disorder occurs across cultures. In the USA, BED is", "id": "11806537" }, { "contents": "Marlene Dietrich\n\n\n. Everybody in America works today. You have to. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I? I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. So I work. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so.\" In her 60s and 70s, Dietrich's health declined:", "id": "15056431" }, { "contents": "Hongjun Laozu\n\n\n.\" But Nian Said \"Haha. You have delivered yourself to me, old man, so now I will eat you.\" The man replied, \"Oh, but what will that prove? Eating me isn't great! Would you dare to eat the poisonous snakes on the mountains?\" \"Bah! What's so difficult about that?\" So Nian went to the poisonous snakes and ate them up. \"How is this? Am I not great?\" \"At the back of the mountain there", "id": "6479205" }, { "contents": "Sotion (Pythagorean)\n\n\nfor their souls, no less than the heavenly bodies, which revolve in fixed circuits? Great men have put faith in this idea; therefore, while holding to your own view, keep the whole question in abeyance in your mind. If the theory is true, it is a mark of purity to refrain from eating flesh; if it be false, it is economy. And what harm does it do to you to give such credence? I am merely depriving you of food which sustains lions and vultures. It was", "id": "13044115" }, { "contents": "Gürze Books\n\n\nshe was told that in a remote region of Bavaria, “Gürze” is used as a greeting with the literal translation, “I greet the God in you.” Hall and Cohn have been influential in bringing eating disorders to public attention, and have received recognition for their contributions to the field. On February 3, 1981, Lindsey appeared on “Hour Magazine” becoming the first person to discuss bulimia on national television. They are on the Founders Council of the National Eating Disorders Association, members of Academy of Eating", "id": "1715855" }, { "contents": "Mesut Özil\n\n\nI always do that before I go out [on the pitch]. I pray and my teammates know that they cannot talk to me during this brief period.\" He observes fasting during the Islamic month of Ramadan, but he has admitted that: \"Because of my job I cannot follow Ramadan properly. I do it only the few days I can, only when I have a free day. But other than that it's impossible, because you have to drink and eat a lot to stay at peak", "id": "8948980" }, { "contents": "Binge eating disorder\n\n\nfor people to turn to comfort foods when they are feeling down. There was resistance to give binge eating disorder the status of a fully fledged eating disorder because many perceived binge eating disorder to be caused by individual choices. Previous research has focused on the relationship between body image and eating disorders, and concludes that disordered eating might be linked to rigid dieting practices. In the majority of cases of anorexia, extreme and inflexible restriction of dietary intake leads at some point to the development of binge eating, weight regain, bulimia nervosa", "id": "11806520" }, { "contents": "Mariusz Pudzianowski\n\n\ndiet and is often seen eating chocolate, ice cream or burgers. On one of the World Strongman events shown on TV, and an interview for MTV, when asked about his diet he said: \"I eat everything. I do not follow any particular diet. I eat anything I want, anytime I want\". He said for MTV that he prefers Polish cuisine. When he has some time he often cooks himself, as he does not particularly fancy meals from restaurants. He often eats bigos, Polish soups,", "id": "5356846" }, { "contents": "The Food Wife\n\n\nthat I always thought was funny and fascinating. The idea of food as not only something you enjoy eating, but as something that you are so passionate about that you're kind of bragging about it. 'I'm the one who discovered this particular Korean pork-neck soup restaurant,' and you can kind of claim that as yours. The blogging just feeds into that kind of territorial element that I always thought was inherently funny. And when I write \"Simpsons\" episodes, I try to start with a world", "id": "15532424" }, { "contents": "Animals in Buddhism\n\n\n, I said a few things on the subject of giving up eating meat. Almost all of you probably already know this. It seems some people did not completely understand what I said. For example, some foreign students seemed to think it meant that once you become a student of the Kagyu, meat is not allowed to pass your lips. They told all the meat-eating Kagyupas, “You can’t be a Kagyupa if you eat meat.” I did not say anything that inflammatory. If a Mahayana practitioner", "id": "8253638" }, { "contents": "Melanie C\n\n\nand an eating disorder. Chisholm spoke of her eating disorder to Contact Music, stating: \"I'd hammered the gym for three hours a day. It was a way of running away, not thinking. I felt like a robot. When the papers started calling me 'Sumo Spice', I was only a size 10. But I was so upset by all the criticism, it got worse and I went up to a size 14\". In 1997, Chisholm had a brief relationship with Robbie Williams. In", "id": "18212961" }, { "contents": "Appetite\n\n\nthat involve energy intake, whereas all other behaviours affect the release of energy. When stressed, appetite levels may increase and result in an increase of food intake. Decreased desire to eat is termed anorexia, while polyphagia (or \"hyperphagia\") is increased eating. Dysregulation of appetite contributes to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, cachexia, overeating, and binge eating disorder. A limited or excessive appetite is not necessarily pathological. Abnormal appetite could be defined as eating habits causing malnutrition and related conditions such as obesity and its related", "id": "8904310" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders and development\n\n\ndisorder can be characterized as mild, moderate, severe, or extreme based on the number of compensatory behaviors per week. Binge eating disorder was added as an eating disorder diagnosis in DSM-V. Previously individuals with binge eating disorder had been classified under eating disorder not otherwise specified. Due to the recency of the diagnosis, less research is currently available on Binge Eating Disorder compared to the other categories of eating disorders. The average age of onset is reported to be 25 years. Binge eating disorder is characterized by repeated binge eating", "id": "4547114" }, { "contents": "I, Too (Langston Hughes poem)\n\n\nI, too, sing america. I am the darker brother. They send me to eat in the kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table When company comes. Nobody'll dare Say to me \"Eat in the kitchen,\" Then. Beside, they'll see how beautiful we are And be ashamed--- I, too, am America. Langston Hughes is an author of poetry. To find out more about him, click the link", "id": "5134329" }, { "contents": "C. J. Pascoe\n\n\nlike saying that you’re nothing,” is how one teenage boy put it to Pascoe. She has also been interested in the subculture that “Pro Ana” websites create and how women with anorexia use the web as a way to connect and encourage anorexia and other eating disorders. “This is by all means not all anorexics; I wouldn't even say the majority of anorexics or people with eating disorders are in this kind of community. These are primarily women who set out to have an eating-disordered lifestyle.", "id": "13007916" }, { "contents": "Eating disorders and memory\n\n\nvarious forms of dementia have impairments in their activities of daily living including eating, and eating disorders have been found in patients with dementia. Patients with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) tend to have an eating disorder where they have food cravings and difficulty controlling the amount and type of food eaten but their memory and spatial functioning is not affected. Meanwhile, patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), do not have this impairment, but their memory and spatial loss is negatively affected. Similar findings were shown where patients with fronto variant", "id": "1901657" }, { "contents": "Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder\n\n\nthe fact that those suffering from NES are completely awake and aware of their eating and bingeing at night while those suffering from NSRED are sleeping and unaware of what they are doing. NES is primarily considered an eating disorder while NSRED is primarily considered a parasomnia; however, both are a combination of parasomnia and eating disorders since those suffering from NES usually have insomnia or difficulty sleeping and those suffering from NSRED experience symptoms similar to binge eating. Some even argue over whether NES and NSRED are the same or distinct disorders. Even though", "id": "16965953" } ]
Seven is my all time favorite number, it comes in between 6 and 8. I hear it's a pretty lucky number too! Is that true? I am not sure. I find it interesting that the Hindus used to write the number and it looked like an uppercase J. What other interesting facts about seven do you have? I'm quite curious.
[{"answer": "The Ghubar Arabs' made the longer line diagonal over stragiht.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "208159", "title": "7", "start_paragraph_id": 18, "start_character": 131, "end_paragraph_id": 18, "end_character": 310, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Evolution of the glyph.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "David Rovics\n\n\nand shows don't get booked by the folk music presenters. Everything I'm doing pretty much in the activist scene. I find that when folk music aficionados come to my shows that they usually like it. I think I could be doing fine in the folk scene if there was enough interest there for more people to be booking shows. The interest in the kind of music I'm doing is almost entirely in the activist scene, which is fine ... If you look at it – take a real cursory glance of the", "id": "15566189" }, { "contents": "Petra Schneider\n\n\nto admissions of doping) with the quote For me swimming is the most beautiful of all sports. Although I have been training for very many years and have taken part in a great number of competitions, I always find something new in this sport. And this I'm sure is greatly to the credit of my coach, Eberhard Mothes, who takes my training sessions at the sport club in Karl-Marx-Stadt and never fails to come up with something interesting or challenging in the course of the work. I am", "id": "17636399" }, { "contents": "Marie Daulne\n\n\nStates. Daulne moved her music in a different direction coming back as the lone Zap Mama to record \"Seven\", a break with the past for the inclusion of male musicians and vocalists, the increased number of instruments and the number of songs in English. \"I made music on \"Seven\" the same way as on the other albums. I only used acoustic instruments... I'm looking for instruments that have vocal sounds, forgotten instruments like the guimbri... The first and second albums were about the voice, what", "id": "12493086" }, { "contents": "Telephone Thing\n\n\n. I think it's good to have a go at things like that - British Rail and British Telecom. It's a natural gripe. One time, I was using the phone a lot and I dialled a number and I could hear people munching sandwiches and talking about my last phone call. I actually rang up the operator and said 'Lookl I'm trying to dial a fucking number here and I can't get through because people are talking about my phone calls! Have you got a bleedin' license to do", "id": "21112725" }, { "contents": "Oh! Susanna\n\n\n'll look all around, And when I find Susanna, I'll fall upon the ground. But if I do not find her, this darkie'll surely die, And when I'm dead and buried—Susanna, don't you cry. /poem Oh, I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee!br Going to Louisiana, my true love for to seebr Oh Susanna! Oh don't you cry for me!br For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my kneebr It rained all night the day I left, the", "id": "10513162" }, { "contents": "Bernard Iddings Bell\n\n\nmisses one's friends. You ask if I am doing any writing. The answer is \"almost none\"... It is not that this new job of mine is impossibly onerous. Far from it. My complaint is the other way about. If and when you come to see me, which I do hope will not be too far hence, I can tell you what it feels like to go into low gear when one has always stepped on the accelerator... I find that I write slowly and badly by machine and", "id": "11761231" }, { "contents": "A Place I Go\n\n\n'd be too scared. The chances of it f**king up are so great, so now when I look back at getting to the final I'm like, 'That was f**king lucky'. I hadn't really done much for four years leading up to that and that part of my life was quite sad and dramatic. So all of these songs coming out now reflects that. There is a part of my brain that's saying, 'Ooh, you better write something a bit more uptempo and happy'. But", "id": "20135034" }, { "contents": "Matt Labash\n\n\nrhythm. And I look like an idiot doing this, quite frankly.” On not being a TV talking head he has said “I have friends who go on TV a lot and say, 'You ought to be on TV.' I don't do it partly because of performance anxiety. I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw it up. Second, it just makes me feel like a fraud. Popping off about issues of the day that I'm considered an expert on simply because I read the", "id": "5608082" }, { "contents": "Star Trek Continues\n\n\nsay, and I said this after 'Lolani', I'm pretty damn sure my dad would consider this canon. The fact that you do stories that mean something, that have depth, that make us all think a little bit, I really think he would applaud you guys, and I applaud you guys, and as far as I am concerned, it is canon. So thank you.\" The publication Wired has dedicated to \"Star Trek Continues\" five videos of its video series \"Obsessed\", that", "id": "5904101" }, { "contents": "Wangari Maathai\n\n\na biological agent or not. But I do know things like that don't come from the moon. I have always thought that it is important to tell people the truth, but I guess there is some truth that must not be too exposed,\" and when asked what she meant, she continued, \"I'm referring to AIDS. I am sure people know where it came from. And I'm quite sure it did not come from the monkeys.\" In response she issued the following statement: On 28", "id": "21174530" }, { "contents": "Further Seems Forever\n\n\nmy time with FSF, saying to myself 'what happens when your dreams have come true already?' Well my answer is 'it probably wasn't my dream all along.' Sure maybe it was part of my calling but the truth is that making a family has been the goal ever since I can remember. My family is what I live for now and I am very glad to do so.\" Tooth & Nail released a \"best of\" retrospective album that April entitled \"Hope This Finds You Well\"", "id": "17233282" }, { "contents": "We Are All One\n\n\nI'd say, 'Hey, I'm in the middle of working on an album. Are you interested in doing a session?' The reason it sounds [so cohesive] — even though it took so long to come together — is because when I do my stuff or I do my thing, it's me. It's what I sound like. Regardless of whether it takes me ten years or two weeks, it usually winds up sounding pretty much the same. For the most part, I play traditional", "id": "10770079" }, { "contents": "Sharon Watts\n\n\nthe departure, Harman said, \"Sharon and Dennis have had such a great run, but what would you do with them next? I could pretty much guarantee we've already done it. It was something that was talked about over a period of time between myself and the producers\"I think it would be weird to have one there without the other and we've taken it as far as we can go. I think [the exit storyline will] be quite juicy but I'm waiting to find out. I'd like", "id": "6193507" }, { "contents": "Jymie Merritt\n\n\ntried it out working and nobody raised any objection. I had been having trouble with my own bass, one of the assembly line types, so I was in the market for a new bass. Anyway, I got curious and bought the thing and played it for the next seven years or so. I guess at the time I was the only one in jazz playing an electric bass. Certainly, I’m pretty sure Monk Montgomery wasn’t playing one because we used to see him in Minneapolis and he was always interested", "id": "17913009" }, { "contents": "Oh! Susanna\n\n\ncry for me!br For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my kneebr I soon will be in New Orleans, and then I'll look all around,br And when I find Susanna, I'll fall upon the But if I do not find her, then surely about to die,br And when I'm dead and buried—Susanna, don't you Oh Susanna! Oh, don't you cry for me!br For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my kneebr This version was sung exclusively in", "id": "10513164" }, { "contents": "Leave Me Alone (Alexander Rybak song)\n\n\nby my doorstep, sent me 600 emails, and always seems to find my new (secret!) phone number. I have to give her credit for her hard work in finding me wherever I am. I am a lucky man to even experience this, it's something you normally only see in a movie. I got so inspired, that I had to write a song about it. I wanted the song to be a huge pop-anthem and luckily I got the perfect man for the job; David Eriksen", "id": "9425349" }, { "contents": "Put It Down (Brandy song)\n\n\ninto my own as a performer, so I really wanted to do good. Standing next to Chris, he's so vibrant, like, 'What am I gonna do standing there next to him?' But I practiced really hard, like two weeks before Chris practiced — wait, I'm pretty sure Chris didn't need to practice. But I practiced, I was ready [...] Chris was not gonna upstage me! I was gonna be right there along with him shinin' too. I", "id": "14966074" }, { "contents": "Razaq Okoya\n\n\nnot look at other people. I am content with myself. I do not look for cheap money. I am not interested in contracts and I do not expose myself to intrigues and politics.\"\" \"\"You do not do business for the ego value. You go for what the people can afford. In business, you have to ensure that the masses are able to afford the cost of your products. That is one of my secrets.\"\" \"\"My main motivation was that I wanted to be", "id": "13726795" }, { "contents": "My Best Friend Is You\n\n\nlove how it looks. I try to be as involved as possible in every single aspect of what I do so that it represents me properly and because it's fun and I care and I'm a control freak.\" The album charted respectively at number 8 and 26 on the UK Album Chart and the Irish Albums Chart in its first week, however quickly dropped in its second week to number 39 and 40. It charted at number 62 on the Billboard 200 and number 6 in the German Album Charts. On her", "id": "14180630" }, { "contents": "Operation Shylock\n\n\nthe contents labels demanded by the strictures of the Food and Drug Administration. 'The book is true,' Roth said the other day. 'As you know, at the end of the book a Mossad operative made me realize it was in my interest to say this book was fiction. And I became quite convinced that it was in my interest to do that. So I added the note to the reader as I was asked to do. I'm just a good Mossadnik.'\" Roth's long-time", "id": "3688418" }, { "contents": "Lou Ferrigno\n\n\n. Early on, as a youngster it was difficult, but I'm not ashamed to talk about it because many people have misconceptions about hearing loss; like who has hearing loss and what it's like not to hear, so I do talk about it. I think my hearing loss helped create a determination within me to be all that I can be, and gave me a certain strength of character too. Anytime I do a movie or a TV show, I make them aware of my hearing loss at the beginning", "id": "19046913" }, { "contents": "Kirke Mechem\n\n\nor her own taste, and I recognize that just as we all come from different backgrounds, we all have different ways of listening. \"And so I readily admit that my own background has conditioned what I look for in a new piece of music, whether my own, or someone else's. I don’t want to find new music \"interesting\" in a purely intellectual way; I am impatient with novelty or experimentation for their own sake; I am too old to be taken in by trends or jargon.", "id": "16330833" }, { "contents": "Inside Story (Grace Jones album)\n\n\nfrom mine, and he was responding to his idea of me, and it was an American Nile production, with all that entails, but I think it is beautiful. There were other ways of doing that material, but I like how it ended up. I don't listen to all my records, but I play that one a lot, because it is interesting to hear what Nile was thinking.\" \"I'm Not Perfect (But I'm Perfect for You)\" became the album's lead single,", "id": "9440335" }, { "contents": "Christine Peng-Peng Lee\n\n\nfor the sport and look forward to competing in the future. Peng Peng Lee At the end of June, Lee said, \"My knee is doing really well. I have had lots of treatment on it, and the mobility is coming back much faster than I thought. I'm not quite sure when I will be able to train on it again. I am taking it day by day right now. Once I undergo surgery I will have a better understanding of when I can start training again and what rehab I", "id": "19236849" }, { "contents": "The Next Three Days\n\n\nthing I did was ask myself what the question was. I need to have a question if I'm starting a movie. The question I came up with, and I'm not sure if it's reflected in the film or not, but it's what I was writing toward, was: Would you save the woman you loved if you knew that by doing so you'd become someone she'd no longer love? That interested me. And that wasn't in the French film at all. The whole issue of", "id": "1350579" }, { "contents": "Gong Byeong-ho\n\n\nThe reason why I have written about such diverse topics as economics, management, leadership, ancient Greek philosophy, and the bible is because of my thirst for knowledge. I am the type that loses interest easily, so I am used to focusing on certain topics for a certain period of time to write a book. Honestly, at the end of the day, the reason why I write about such diverse number of topics is to live an interesting and fun life (\"Gong Byeong-Ho’s Study Guide\",", "id": "21166967" }, { "contents": "Beautiful Heartache\n\n\nhave Gibson's production company assist with her music career, \"If you think about it, every talent needs a serious push and help from somebody who is stronger, because it's pretty much impossible for anybody to succeed in this industry. So I've become very lucky, and I'm very grateful. You don't control the situations or the people you meet. I did not plan this. I'm just doing what I've always been doing. It's not like I've changed my goals at all.", "id": "6336716" }, { "contents": "The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money\n\n\nShaw on New Year's Day, 1935, he wrote: I believe myself to be writing a book on economic theory which will largely revolutionize — not I suppose, at once but in the course of the next ten years — the way the world thinks about its economic problems. I can't expect you, or anyone else, to believe this at the present stage. But for myself I don't merely hope what I say,— in my own mind, I'm quite sure. The first chapter of the", "id": "14123707" }, { "contents": "Cal Schenkel\n\n\nmost part. Now what that means or where it comes from I'm not sure. But I was probably influenced graphically by artists I saw in school. And of course there's the comic book look — like Krazy Kat. A part of it was just lack of skill, trying to take advantage of my own naivety. I'd really only had a semester of art school, so I hadn't evolved my style when I was doing all of this. It just comes natural, too.\" The first large", "id": "14677546" }, { "contents": "Phineas Pratt\n\n\nif I or any of my men have done you wrong.‟ We answered, \"First tell us if we have done you any wrong.‟ He answered, \"Some of you steal our corn & I have sent you word times without number & yet our corn is stolen. I come to see what you will do.‟ We answered, \"It is one man which has done it. Your men have seen us whip him divers time, besides other manner of punishments, & now hear he is, bound. We give him unto", "id": "14698811" }, { "contents": "Rany Jazayerli\n\n\nbeen a baseball writer for over six years, and hardly a day goes by that I don't count my blessings for the opportunity to write about the most uniquely American pastime. But today I can't afford to think about our Great American Game, because I'm too busy thinking about what it means to be an American. You see, I am a Muslim. I am an Arab-American. And right now I am scared to death that in a country I have loved all my life — in the only", "id": "16042568" }, { "contents": "Book of Numbers (film)\n\n\nrelationship between the two main characters are that of father and son, as Blueboy explains, \"Dave, do you think I'm proud of what I done? You think I've been proud all my life of having to bow my head and 'Tom.' Just so as I could survive. Son, I did what I done today for you. For you youngins. 'Cause you youngins got to carry on the good fight. Me? My kind, we're finished. But you can't do it behind", "id": "11019469" }, { "contents": "Kat Flint\n\n\nher lyrics, she says, \"I write lyrics about junkyard prostitutes, life in the fearsome crowd and the fact that your lover is 72.8% water. I was told once that I'm pretty good on guitar 'for a girl'. I wasn't sure if that was a compliment. I am an active campaigner against teenage angst and histrionics in music. I quite like train journeys because they're one of the rare occasions when I can just sit and think.\" From 2000–2004 Kat Flint was vocalist, guitarist", "id": "1179058" }, { "contents": "Jorge Linares\n\n\n] public. You also have my number, I'll call you later bro.\" Gomez later announced that Garcia had rejected their offer for the fight with Linares, despite Golden Boy meeting his terms. Garcia said he had received a more lucrative offer. He said, \"I have more options, in fact [...] the guaranteed purse is better [...] just as Golden Boy is looking to do what's best for their company, I am also looking to do what's best for me.\" Gomez", "id": "10089231" }, { "contents": "I'll Try\n\n\npenned a song that simply says, \"I'm not perfect, just another man/But I will give you all that I am/And I'll try to love only you/And I'll try my best to be true/Oh darlin' I'll try.\" What more could a woman want? Honesty is the best policy, and this realistic look at love is destined to be a hit with country music lovers everywhere.\" \"I'll Try\" debuted at number 67 on the U.S. \"Billboard", "id": "1937354" }, { "contents": "Hollyoaks Later (series 3)\n\n\nscreens on October 25. I play a bit of a bad guy in it and get involved in a spot of kidnapping and whatnot. It's pretty powerful stuff in places and I'm sure people will get a kick out of it. I really enjoyed doing it and I'm pleased I took the opportunity when it came my way. I seemed to have a natural flair for acting and it's something I enjoy. There are a couple of other projects in the pipeline now and I'm interested in doing more.", "id": "3002843" }, { "contents": "Kerry Robinson\n\n\nday he believes he didn’t show St. Louis his true capabilities. It’s his one regret while playing there. “All the time I have people come up to me and say they enjoyed watching me play but I don’t think this city got a complete chance to see what I could do,” he said. “I guess that’ll be my only regret. That’s frustrating too, because I am pretty content with my career and now it’s over. Life goes on after baseball.” Through his", "id": "11064143" }, { "contents": "Plan B (musician)\n\n\nand went straight in at number 1 in the box office charts. Drew expressed an interest in working in film early in his music career. In an interview about \"Who Needs Actions When You Got Words\", he said: \"We're still promoting this album and I've started work on the next one, but I'm really getting into film at the moment. I'm writing this script, and I really want to find some time to focus on it, I really feel that's what I'm destined", "id": "12762042" }, { "contents": "These Are Special Times\n\n\n1998. It included two musical guests: Andrea Bocelli on \"The Prayer\" and Rosie O'Donnell on \"Do You Hear What I Hear?\". Dion also performed album tracks (\"O Holy Night\", \"These Are the Special Times\"), her number-one hits (\"The Power of Love\", \"Because You Loved Me\", \"My Heart Will Go On\"), as well as favorites (\"Let's Talk About Love\", \"The First Time Ever I Saw Your", "id": "20654091" }, { "contents": "Never Too Far/Hero Medley\n\n\nI wrote a song a while back even before \"One Sweet Day\" and it was not my favorite song in the world, but I wrote it. Someone asked me to write a song and they told me the story, and you know it was kind of a moving concept or whatever. And I did it, and I was like you know it’s not necessarily what I like per se, but after doing the song over and over again and having people coming up to and saying, thank you for writing", "id": "22018884" }, { "contents": "Jerry Sandusky\n\n\nwhile testifying during the Sandusky trial, McQueary spoke about what he had relayed to Paterno: \"I told him and I want to make sure I'm clear. I made sure he knew it was sexual and wrong. There was no doubt.\") Paterno told McQueary at the time, \"You did what you had to do. It is my job now to figure out what we want to do.\" At the Preliminary Hearing for Tim Curley and Gary Schultz, McQueary testified that Paterno was \"shocked and saddened", "id": "3860200" }, { "contents": "Battle of Surfaces\n\n\nof 72 victories in series on clay and I have not been defeated on grass since 48 matches. It'll be fun to find out what it's like to play on a court with mixed surfaces! And it ought to be interesting to see who chooses the better tactic. People have been talking about this event for quite a while. Now it's coming up pretty soon already and I like the fact that the stadium - which is very nice, by the way - is located on Majorca, Rafa's home.", "id": "4744635" }, { "contents": "Bob Hayes\n\n\nsure I am going to be around if I get into the Pro Football Hall of Fame so you must read this for me, I am not sure, I guess I am feeling sorry for myself at this time but you must remember everything I want you to do and say. Mother said you would do what I want because you always did. So read this for me. I would like to thank everyone who supported me to get into the NFL Hall of Fame, the Dallas Cowboys organization, all of my team", "id": "19155419" }, { "contents": "Sæhrímnir\n\n\nin disguise) comments that \"you say that all those men that have fallen in battle since the beginning of the world have now come to Odin in Val-hall. What has he got to offer them food? I should have thought that there must be a pretty large number there.\" High replies that it is true there are a pretty large number of men there, adding many more have yet to arrive, yet that \"there will seem too few when the wolf comes.\" However, High adds that", "id": "5548160" }, { "contents": "Bill Pearce\n\n\nto the radio department of Moody,\" Pearce recalls. \"They owned about seven big stations, and the head announcer said to me, 'I can't get you out of my mind – would you ever have any interest in taking an announcing job here at WMBI radio?' I said, 'No, not really, because I have a pretty bad Philadelphia accent and I don't know what to say.' And he said, 'Why don't you take a shot at it?' So I", "id": "1179880" }, { "contents": "Marlon Brando\n\n\na French journalist, \"Homosexuality is so much in fashion, it no longer makes news. Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences, and I am not ashamed. I have never paid much attention to what people think about me. But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. I find it amusing.\" In \"Songs My Mother Taught Me\", Brando wrote he met Marilyn Monroe at a party", "id": "20483096" }, { "contents": "Frederick Wentworth (Persuasion)\n\n\nI had not waited even these ten days, could I have read your feelings, as I think you must have penetrated mine. I can hardly write. I am every instant hearing something which overpowers me. You sink your voice, but I can distinguish the tones of that voice when they would be lost on others. Too good, too excellent creature! You do us justice, indeed. You do believe that there is true attachment and constancy among men. Believe it to be most fervent, most undeviating, in", "id": "17262013" }, { "contents": "The Bickersons\n\n\nYou'd better say you're sorry for that, John. J: Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. B: You are not. J: I am too. I'm the sorriest man that was ever born. B: Is there any milk for breakfast? J: No. B: Then you'll have to eat out. J: I don't care, I've been doing it all week. B: What for? I left you enough food for six", "id": "12588762" }, { "contents": "Hank Monk\n\n\nthe world over. ... It was a dream come true! I'm quite sure that had anyone asked me which of the two I would rather see - hear - speak to, Hank Monk, or the President (and that I mean Abraham Lincoln), it would have been the former I unhestitately would have chosen. Without a doubt my youthful judgment was bias, but the fact remains. Monk died of pneumonia in Carson City on February 28, 1883. Excerpt from \"Roughing It\": This reminds me of", "id": "9763892" }, { "contents": "Among the Leaves\n\n\nto make \"Dark Side of the Moon\" nor do I have the interest. I'm 45 and I don't have time to spend two years of my life bringing in producers and dragging the record around the planet. I'm always moving forward creatively and don't like stalling, trying to find the perfect snare drum sound.\" Kozelek would record the album's songs quickly after writing them, noting, \"I don't make demos. I don't have the interest or the energy or the time. Demos", "id": "1585288" }, { "contents": "Who I Am (Lena Katina song)\n\n\nA lot of people don’t think of artists as regular people but we all have the same emotions, problems or simple happiness… That was one of my goals, to show that an artist is just like any other person. The only difference is that you might see me on TV because I’ve become an openly public person! I am very curious as to what my fans will think of the video actually, but I know that they love the song. I love it too and I am very happy with it", "id": "4493533" }, { "contents": "Ultimate Kylie\n\n\n, I can’t believe how quickly time has passed. This collection is very dear to me and holds a lifetime of memories. There is nothing like time to give you a sense of perspective and I hope the listener gets as much enjoyment out of these tracks as I do. I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to experiment throughout the years and that my fans have embraced the need in me to try new approaches. I am just as excited about the new tracks featured here as I am about all the others", "id": "2036448" }, { "contents": "Earwig (band)\n\n\n\"I don't sit down to write a song based on this specific experience, although sometimes I'll look back and say, oh yeah, this is about that time in my life. And a lot of people have mentioned that they see childhood things in my music but I don't look at writing songs like I'm trying to work out a fucked-up childhood or anything. It doesn't stem from problems even if unconsciously my songs are about certain times in my life. I think I'm a pretty", "id": "8603173" }, { "contents": "Willem B. Drees\n\n\nAm I a religious naturalist? Others have used that label on me. I am not sure I like the label, as it seems to constrain, whereas I want to explore. I also have some sympathy for the naturalistic theism described above. But certainly, precisely in the attitude of exploring, I fit the naturalism referenced above. Or I at least, I hope do. Even if I am not sure whether I am a religious naturalist, I am most interested in understanding what religious naturalism might mean, may become", "id": "3786780" }, { "contents": "Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster\n\n\nAt the opening of the show Dominique said, \" Some months ago, I used to wake up in the silence of the night to think about what I was going to do. But not anymore. People ask me, 'Are you scare?' No, I am not scared. If I was, I wouldn't do it. Rather, I'm excited. I am putting one third of my energy into just staying calm. The work is on such a scale that if you got too excited, you", "id": "2421795" }, { "contents": "Lena Dunham\n\n\ngreat.' So Sue gave it to me just because she had it ... I used to, like, give out copies of the movie. But I'd just broken up with my writing partner and couldn't be less interested in the idea of supervising anybody. I really was like, \"I'm going to find my voice, and be on my own.\" And then they called me and they were like, 'Oh, the \"Tiny Furniture\" girl is doing a show, do you want to", "id": "7572698" }, { "contents": "My Baby (The Temptations song)\n\n\n, bragging about the qualities of a special lady. Ruffin praises his woman's hairstyles (\"hair soft like a baby lamb/and I love to run my fingers through it\") and personality (\"the gold in her personality/could set Fort Knox to shame\"), and hopes that \"she digs me the way I am/but if I have to change/you know I'm gona do it for my baby\". \"My Baby\" was a notable attempt to create an uptempo danceable number", "id": "18676117" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\nI would never write a song so non-linear as that.\" Mr. Bellows: \"I remember the day I wrote it, I said, 'Where is this song coming from?' I was noodling and all of a sudden it was, 'Her majesty the queen's a pretty nice babe/I'd like to take her down to St. Petersburg some day. 'It came in minutes. I played it for Elaine and I said, 'Can I write this? Do you think this is too weird", "id": "14799014" }, { "contents": "Matt Corby\n\n\nwanted to know how the brain functions, partly because of his experiences with depression and anxiety. \"People have said I have depression before, especially when I was younger,\" he offers. \"People were like, you should really go see someone. But I just thought, no, I'm pretty sure the human brain is capable of so much more than what I'm being told I'm capable of. When people say you need help it's like, do I? With what? And if you could", "id": "1744359" }, { "contents": "The Dutchess\n\n\nsuburban, yet I had glimpses from where I lived. I'm hearing all the stories about what was going on in East L.A. and South Central, looking at it from the outside. I think I come from a whole generation of that. That's why a lot of people can relate with me, because they lived that, too. Seeing it but not really living it. So there weren't any of the negative consequences to the guns and all of that. It was just interesting and sexy.\" The", "id": "20648145" }, { "contents": "Raja'a Alem\n\n\nwas a significant decision for Alem. She has said: \"The fact is that my people are drifting away from their own culture, and many of them no longer have a clue about what I'm writing about. So I find myself looking for new ways to communicate, for other languages, and English was the first one that came to hand...'Coming out' in another language is a way of shedding inhibitions. All the things that made me feel ashamed lost their morbid grip on me and became acceptable. I", "id": "21695226" }, { "contents": "John Paul McQueen\n\n\nWhen detailing insight he gained about the gay community while portraying John Paul, Sutton stated, \"My character was straight when I first started so I had to do the whole sort of questioning your sexuality and finding out who you are and what you’re about and what your likes are and what your sexual preferences are, so I got a real insight from the storyline and just how hard it is.\" Sutton cited that John Paul \"was very, very lucky in that his family were pretty much all supportive\".", "id": "4892788" }, { "contents": "One-Way Conversations\n\n\nlife that I've had over the past couple of years. And so, taking those experiences, and kind of hearing them again, through song, is kind of like a one-way conversation with myself. I just kind of feel like, sometimes too, am I talking to -- who am I talking to? Am I talking to a wall, almost, or are my prayers just hitting the ceiling kind of thing? You know what I mean? I'm having a one-way conversation with myself.", "id": "1922556" }, { "contents": "Connotations (Copland)\n\n\nstart of my interest in serial writing ... Although it doesn't use all twelve tones, it does use seven of them in what I hope is a consistently logical way.\" Prior to that interview, few had related Copland's early work to that of the founder of twelve-tone composition, Arnold Schoenberg. By the time he wrote \"Connotations\", Copland had come to the view that serial composition was \"like looking at a picture from a different point of view\" and used it \"with the hope that", "id": "5687145" }, { "contents": "Dmitry Pevtsov\n\n\nare engaged in everything but themselves. And one must begin with the question: what am I? what have I done for my country to become better? What am I, a sinless angel, to pound the government so righteously? I'm deeply convinced that for the first time in 70 years we've got a professional manager, who really works for the state. And, mind you, weekly confesses and takes Communion. I know that for sure! And it tells me a lot. True Orthodox person can not", "id": "15630895" }, { "contents": "7\n\n\n7 (seven) is the natural number following 6 and preceding 8. In the beginning, various Hindus wrote 7 more or less in one stroke as a curve that looks like an uppercase J vertically inverted. The western Ghubar Arabs' main contribution was to make the longer line diagonal rather than straight, though they showed some tendencies to making the character more rectilinear. The eastern Arabs developed the character from a 6 lookalike into an uppercase V lookalike. Both modern Arab forms influenced the European form, a two-stroke character", "id": "379564" }, { "contents": "Modal realism\n\n\na disadvantage compared to someone who pretends as a figure of speech to believe in possible worlds, but really does not. If worlds were creatures of my imagination, I could imagine them to be any way I liked, and I could tell you all you wished to hear simply by carrying on my imaginative creation. But as I believe that there really are other worlds, I am entitled to confess that there is much about them that I do not know, and that I do not know how to find out. While", "id": "21182706" }, { "contents": "Valérien Ismaël\n\n\nsaid the report that was published by the German tabloid Bild, the following: \"\"That's not quite true. I am French, and I still hope for my chance to play for France. I'm feeling fine in Germany, but I do not want to volunteer. Only if Klinsmann wants me, then we would have to talk about it.\"\" If the former German coach Jürgen Klinsmann was interested in him, Ismaël wanted check his ancestry. Gernot Rohr, an expert of French football, explained the", "id": "15214796" }, { "contents": "Valentino Rossi\n\n\nthe World Rally Championship in 2007, having tested for Ferrari and competed in a number of rally events. But Rossi decided to remain in MotoGP; \"I have a contract with Yamaha until 2008,\" said Rossi. \"When that finishes then we will see. What I am sure about is that I will ride until I'm 31 or 32 at most. I will look for new stimuli in the next few seasons, but for now I am fully motivated\". Rossi signed a new two-year contract confirming", "id": "12691071" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of Max Stirner\n\n\n-interest to do so. For him, property simply comes about through might: \"Whoever knows how to take, to defend, the thing, to him belongs property. [...] \"What I have in my power, that is my own. So long as I assert myself as holder, I am the proprietor of the thing\". He says: \"I do not step shyly back from your property, but look upon it always as my property, in which I respect nothing. Pray do the", "id": "20783370" }, { "contents": "Agápē (mixtape)\n\n\nwas just going to be an opportunity to present myself in a way that was true to what some kids my age are doing, experiencing and thinking about. I just wanted to paint a true picture... and I think that there are still some things that women aren't \"suppose [\"sic\"] to say,\" you know what I mean? So, it's kind of jarring to hear that. I was more concerned about being respected as a good woman but still expressing myself like the Bostonian I am", "id": "10462233" }, { "contents": "Friends (Marshmello and Anne-Marie song)\n\n\nbe more than my friend and I was like 'look brother how many times do I have to tell you we're just friends'. I thought it would be funny to write a song about it and there weren't that many songs about it and it works for Valentine's day for all the people who are single. I don't ever want him to know that it's about him because it's awkward. I do feel a bit bad but I'm trying to forget that it's about him and think", "id": "22070372" }, { "contents": "Lost Reputation\n\n\n\"I told my agent and manager, 'Listen, tell me everything that you hear about, but basically I want to do comedy.\" So when she expressed interest in the offer from \"SVU\", \"They called me and they said, 'Are you sure you want to do a law enforcement show?' I asked, 'Do I have scenes with Mariska [Hargitay]?' They said, 'Most of your scenes are with Mariska.' I said, 'I want it. I", "id": "85990" }, { "contents": "Syren (novel)\n\n\nThe Castle. The rest of the story deals with how Septimus and his friends save their home and destroy the evil coming their way. Angie Sage had compared book five to Robinson Crusoe with \"tentacles— lots of them\". Commenting on the book, she says: I've planned the ending, and I'm already just drawing everything in, so with number seven, I can pretty much think what's going to happen. But on the other hand, there's always the unknown. I write in the character", "id": "21021308" }, { "contents": "At Long Last Love\n\n\nheld us up quite a bit because he was not natural with it... He was not the best choice, and it held us up a lot and screwed us up a lot. Bogdanovich later reflected: Nobody quite understood what I was trying to do, and I'm not sure I understood what I was trying to do at the time. I see now quite clearly what I was doing. I was making a movie about people who couldn't talk to each other. It was about people who couldn't communicate,", "id": "834782" }, { "contents": "Carl Robert Pope\n\n\nI don’t think about what I shoot, I just react to what I see. But I am only reacting to what I see and my thoughts about what I want to see. Before I go shoot I have made up my mind about some of the things I am interested in and what I hope to do. Then when I go out and shoot I have already programmed myself about some of the things I am interested in, but I leave myself open to see what happens. Later I think about what it", "id": "8123148" }, { "contents": "The Places Between: The Best of Doves\n\n\nWhen you finish an album quite often you get out of the studio and just want to get away from it. I thought that it was interesting listening to this, because normally when we finish an album you wouldn't hear it again. It was great hearing the B-sides too. We feel we've written some pretty strong B-sides, but you get that thing where we're described as anthemic a lot, which is great, but I think the B-sides reveal a few other sides to us", "id": "12588701" }, { "contents": "Tris McCall\n\n\n\"The Star-Ledger\", joining its editorial staff as the newspaper's music critic. In an interview at that time, McCall explained his interest in music journalism: \"Most of us begin writing about music because we love it so much. We can't wait to tell our friends and neighbors about what we're hearing. That impulse never fades, but if you do it long enough ... you start to develop secondary reasons for doing pop journalism. Me, I am interested in examining why people respond to what", "id": "19237699" }, { "contents": "Sleeper (Ty Segall album)\n\n\nup and change what she does with her life. I'm a bit bitter about that relationship. I don't want to go into details, 'cause that's not classy. That's another reason I was like, \"Should I put this out?\" I'm directly calling out my mother and saying \"Crazy\" is about her. You only have one mother, technically, so that's pretty intense, but that's the thing. If she hears it and decides that she wants to change what she's", "id": "20891218" }, { "contents": "Clifton Johnson (author)\n\n\ndeal like a reporter, though I do not so proclaim myself, and talk along with the people I meet, getting friendly with them, you know, until suddenly they say something which is unusual or picturesque. Then out comes my notebook. Sometimes they ask me why I am writing down what they have said, and I tell them it is because it has interested me. Usually that suffices.” According to Carl Withers, his travel books showed evidence of the life history method and read \"like the field records", "id": "7306310" }, { "contents": "Ab-Soul\n\n\n\"Longterm Mentality\" to the process with all of my joints. Kendrick's \"OD\" had came out and Q's \"Setbacks\" had came out. I had these bodies of work to go off of as references, as inspiration. I hear what Kendrick is talking about, I hear what Q is talking about, I heard what Jay Rock was talking about. So how am I going to piece this all together and add my own two cents, too? How do I continue the sound but have my", "id": "10184594" }, { "contents": "Roadside Monument\n\n\nthe problem comes in when you start using the word 'Christian' as an adjective. And when I start hearing talk like that, my first inclination is to run totally in the opposite direction... It's just a debate that I've been over and over with people so much, that I'm not even sure what to say anymore. It's like, I'm a Christian and I play music, and if that means my band is a 'Christian band', then whatever.\" Many fans of Roadside", "id": "1272247" }, { "contents": "Black Books (Jung)\n\n\npetition, penned by Jung: My soul, my soul, where are you? Do you hear me? I speak, I call you–are you there? I have returned, I am here again. I have shaken the dust of all the lands from my feet, and I have come to you, I am with you. After long years of long wandering, I have come to you again... Do you still know me? How long the separation lasted! Everything has become so different. And how", "id": "943052" }, { "contents": "William Ruckelshaus\n\n\nhad the opportunity to think about what makes them worthwhile. I've concluded there are four important criteria: interest, excitement, challenge, and fulfillment. I've never worked anywhere where I could find all four to quite the same extent as at EPA. I can find interest, challenge, and excitement as [board chair of a company]. I do have an interesting job. But it is tough to find the same degree of fulfillment I found in the government. At EPA, you work for a cause that", "id": "21252804" }, { "contents": "Where Do I Go from You\n\n\n-wise it's as modern as anything I've ever done. I'm pretty much considered a new traditionalist, but I do have R&B and pop roots mixed in.\" Walker told the \"Albuquerque Journal\", \"I like the new single that's out right now because it's musically just one of those songs you can groove to right away. It's not one that you have to think about. So I like the fact that my record label picked it as the follow-up.\" \"Where", "id": "18337107" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nin a room with LenDale White and Chris Johnson. I'm going to make sure to play my role and push them in practice. I'm also going to make sure I ... continue to do what I can do to help Tennessee.\" Because 23 was taken by Donnie Nickey, Ringer was assigned #3, a number normally prohibited for use by running backs. He kept the number until early August, when he switched to number 21. Ringer participated in his first organized team activities in May 2009. When talking", "id": "11053495" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nbrain tells me that I have not trusted in vain. All I am anxious about is that you and the rest of the family will also come to know Him. Ken, I know already does. I commend my Saviour to you. I am writing to Doreen separately. I expect you will have guessed by now that we are quite in love with each other. Well, that's covered everything now I guess, so love to Dad and all, Your loving son Cyril.\" . The attack on Nuremberg was", "id": "16926600" }, { "contents": "Elric of Melniboné\n\n\na definite influence [on Elric], as stated. But oddly, the Kalevala was read to us at my boarding school when I was about seven\", and \"from a very early age I was reading Norse legends and any books I could find about Norse stories\". Moorcock in the same posting stated \"one thing I'm pretty sure of, I was not in any way directly influenced by Prof. T[olkien]\". Elric's albinism appears influenced by Monsieur Zenith, an albino Sexton Blake villain whom Moorcock appreciated", "id": "8467136" }, { "contents": "Mike Fleck\n\n\nabsolutely do believe that I had support from different church organizations throughout the district. I'm proud of it.\" On May 20, 2014, Irvin beat Fleck on the republican ballot, however, Fleck managed to win the write-in on the democratic ballot by 15 votes. The day after the election Fleck stated \"I am gay. I don't wear it on my sleeve, it doesn't define who I am, and quite frankly it's the least interesting part about me … Nevertheless, I knew that", "id": "9798183" }, { "contents": "Vanja Vukovic\n\n\neye tracking. Eye tracking is a scientific method for capturing the perception of images by the viewer through analysis of eye movements. It poses some interesting questions about the effect of images. Is it possible to construct an optimal image for the viewer, and above all, what effect does it have? Picture number seven was created based on the evaluation. The result was the \"perfect\" picture. In the campaign \"\"I am your Camera my Dear\"\" as part of the project \"\"Playing the City\"", "id": "2179713" }, { "contents": "ABC Chinese–English Dictionary\n\n\nusers hear a word pronounced but do not know how to write it in characters, they can very quickly look it up in pinyin order and find the correct characters and meanings. However, to look up an unknown character's pronunciation and meaning, then one needs to use a radical-indexed dictionary. Bauer says \"I have generally succeeded in finding almost all the words and expressions I have tried to look up; this I regard as quite remarkable since I cannot say the same about other dictionaries I have been consulting", "id": "17100040" }, { "contents": "Mal Evans\n\n\n. I find it difficult to live on the £38 I take home each week and would love to be like their other friends who buy fantastic homes and have all the alterations done by them, and are still going to ask for a rise. I always tell myself—look, everybody wants to take from, be satisfied, try to give and you will receive. After all this time I have about £70 to my name, but was content and happy. Loving them as I do, nothing is too", "id": "6412592" }, { "contents": "Look What You Made Me Do\n\n\nthe brothers agreed to a deal, they did not officially find out that the artist in question was Swift until the morning after the song was released, but had deduced that it was her based on the description they were given. Both of the Fairbrass brothers said that they enjoyed \"Look What You Made Me Do\"; Fred Fairbrass told \"Rolling Stone\", \"I like the cynical aspect of the lyric, because 'I'm Too Sexy' is a cynical song, and I think she channeled that quite well", "id": "19682422" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "Pat Nixon\n\n\nno, I've stayed interested in people. I've kept working. Right here in the plane I keep this case with me, and the minute I sit down, I write my thank you notes. Nobody gets by without a personal note. I don't have time to worry about who I admire or who I identify with. I've never had it easy. I'm not like all you ... all those people who had it easy.\" Despite her largely demure public persona as a traditional wife and homemaker", "id": "15322946" }, { "contents": "War with God\n\n\ngot a lot of people taking subliminal shots, but nobody ever says my name. I'm not for sure, so that record is like my way of taking subliminal shots right back. Don't get it misquoted, don't get it messed up. That's basically what it is man. It's like, you know, like I said I do devote a lot of information about myself on there. I started to wreck it up by saying I'm the best, and there's nothing you could do about", "id": "13418062" }, { "contents": "Oral Fixation Tour\n\n\nher voice. Shakira gave her manager the following letter to pass out to the crowd: \"I am very sad I cannot perform tonight. Holland is one of my favorite places on earth and I have been looking forward to doing this show for a long time. I promise I will make it up to you when I come back in March to give you the concert that the Dutch people deserve. Thanks for your understanding. All my love, Shakira\". Shakira played in Mumbai, India, on 25 March", "id": "11035839" }, { "contents": "Into the Light (Matthew West album)\n\n\nbehind these songs, it's not too difficult to discern what they're about. Like his previous record, I find myself able to relate to most, if not all of these songs. And a few more favorites include: 'Hello My Name Is', 'Do Something', and 'We Are the Broken'. If you like his previous record, \"The Story Of Your Life\", you will appreciate this newest offering. Matthew West chose to write yet more songs about his fans’ stories and", "id": "13434648" }, { "contents": "Radio Free Virgin\n\n\nwhat you get for hitchhiking Alaska this time of year. I've been calling the office for almost two weeks straight, but no answer. I'm starting to think that they sent me up here on a ruse of some sort. Like maybe if they got me out of the office on my first vacation in 7 years they'd have a chance to actually have some fun or something. I'm pretty damn sure I heard Antoinette say something about St. John, but that could have just been the voices again. I", "id": "11363781" }, { "contents": "Call Me Maybe\n\n\nhis phone number: \"I was like, 'I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm not going to kiss a guy, especially for $500.' I said, 'I really don't think I'm comfortable kissing a guy for a music video [...] I said, 'You know what? What if instead of me kissing a guy at the end of the video, what if I just give a guy my number or something like that?'\". On March 26", "id": "17476674" } ]
I'm looking for a new recipe and want to experiment with gouda cheese. Do you have any ideas? It's such a mild Dutch cheese, that it goes well with lots of things. You can even just melt it on toast! So it's mild. That's great to know. What else can you tell me about gouda? It's very old, going all the way back to the Middle Ages. The first recorded mention of it is from 1184. 1184? That's amazing. I had no idea about the history of gouda. I've wanted to cook with it for a while now, but it's expensive. Indeed, the price of Gouda has been disputed a long time. In the Middle Ages, buyers negotiated price with a system called "handjeklap," which involved clapping hands and shouting prices. That is so interesting. I wish I could negotiate the price at my local grocery store:) That would make shopping more fun. We're a long way from the time when all the cheeses would be brought to the market square to sell. You're right...we've come a long way since then, however, I do love to go to outdoor farmer's markets which gives me that old world feel.
[{"answer": "Yes, me too. I've loved going to Norwich Market in Norwich here in England.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25979929", "title": "Norwich Market", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 137, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nstraw hats, carried the farmers' cheeses on barrows, which typically weighed about 16 kg. Buyers then sampled the cheeses and negotiated a price using a ritual system called \"handjeklap\" in which buyers and sellers clap each other's hands and shout out prices. Once a price was agreed upon, the porters would carry the cheese to the weighing house and complete the sale. Various sources suggest that the term \"Gouda\" refers more to a general style of cheese making rather than to a specific kind of cheese, pointing", "id": "15616262" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nproduced in or around that city, but because it was traded there. In the Middle Ages, Dutch cities could obtain certain feudal rights which gave them primacy or a total monopoly on certain goods. Within the County of Holland, Gouda acquired market rights on cheese, the sole right to have a market in which the county's farmers could sell their cheese. All the cheeses would be taken to the market square in Gouda to be sold. Teams consisting of the guild of cheese-porters, identified by distinct differently colored", "id": "15616261" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nGouda (, ; , \"cheese from Gouda\") is a mild, yellow cheese, originating from the Netherlands, made from cow's milk. It is one of the most popular cheeses worldwide. The name is used today as a general term for numerous similar cheeses produced in the traditional Dutch manner. The first mention of Gouda cheese dates from 1184, making it one of the oldest recorded cheeses in the world still made today. Cheesemaking traditionally was a woman's task in Dutch culture, with farmers' wives passing", "id": "15616259" }, { "contents": "Dutch cheese markets\n\n\nDutch cheese farmers traditionally took their cheeses to the town's market square to sell them. Teams (\"vemen\") of official guild cheese-porters (\"kaasdragers\"), identified by differently coloured straw hats associated with their \"forwarding company\", carried the farmers' cheese on barrows that weighed about 160 kilograms. Buyers sampled the cheeses and negotiated prices using a ritual system, called \"handjeklap\", whereby buyers and sellers clapped each other's hands and shouted out prices. Once a price was agreed, porters", "id": "20995084" }, { "contents": "Sharky's Machine\n\n\ndo the opposite. I tell the actors, 'You've done that before, so let's go for something else.' On this picture I did with my actors what I always wanted other directors to do with me, which is to say, 'O.K., I have what I want, now you do what you want.' Sometimes magical things happen that way. I had lots of ideas, but I was open to any ideas the actors had. There really was a wonderful feeling of camaraderie. \"", "id": "2149681" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\ntheir cheesemaking skills on to their daughters. To this day, farmers from the surrounding region gather in Gouda every Thursday morning between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm from June until August to have their cheeses weighed, tasted, and priced. Most Dutch Gouda is now produced industrially. However, some 300 Dutch farmers still produce \"boerenkaas\" (“farmers cheese”) which is a protected form of Gouda made in the traditional manner, using unpasteurized milk. The cheese is named after the city of Gouda, not because it was", "id": "15616260" }, { "contents": "Dutch cheese markets\n\n\non Wednesday mornings from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm. Gouda cheese has been traded on the \"Goudse kaasmarkt\" for over three centuries. Nowadays, it is open from mid-June until August, every Thursday morning between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm. Farmers from the region gather to have their cheese weighed, tasted and priced. The Gouda cheese market is surrounded by many exhibitions of authentic Dutch professions, from cheese production to clog making and buttermilk preparation. Opened in 2007 on the Roode Steen square, this cheese market takes", "id": "20995098" }, { "contents": "The Bachelorette (season 3)\n\n\nn't know if it's there forever,\" explained Jen in a comment. br However, when Jerry proposes, she replies, \"I have 100% fallen for you but I've been here before and just want to make sure that we do it right. I want you to keep that, I want you to give it back to me if you feel the same way about me down the road that you do now. I just want to make sure that we do it right. I so want that ring", "id": "20465418" }, { "contents": "Rumor Has It (Clay Walker song)\n\n\nmy song 'Rumor Has It'--very positive. When I do a concert, I can sing for 3- and 4- and 5-year-old kids and not have a guilty conscience about it. I don't want to go out there and depress people. I want them to smile and feel good and feel the way I feel. We don't live that long, and that's one thing that having MS made me realize. My God, you need to love your family, you need to love your friends, and you", "id": "13487596" }, { "contents": "Blue Smoke World Tour\n\n\nher official website. It stated: \"Australia, here I come again. We have a lot of new and exciting things for the show and can’t wait to share it with you. I love my fans in that part of the world. You've been so very good to me for so many years and I know that we're gonna have a wonderful time. It's a long way from home in your part of the world, but I always feel like I'm right at home. So Australia", "id": "14960130" }, { "contents": "Savatage\n\n\nwould make me happier.\" On the future of Savatage, frontman Jon Oliva explained, \"As far as that goes, the whole Wacken thing came up, and I was, like, you know what? If we're going to do anything, we have to do it now. I don't want to do it when I'm 60 years old. I mentioned that to Paul. He said to me, 'We're going to do the Wacken thing, but let's just wait until the winter tour", "id": "19456845" }, { "contents": "Ignition (Remix)\n\n\n, old track that I had in my computer for a long time. When I pulled it up, for some reason I just heard “ignition” on it, so I start really just messing with the words and a lot of metaphors start coming to me. You know “trying to get you to my hotel/ you must be a football coach/ the way you got me playing the field/ So baby give me that “toot toot, that beep beep.” You know what I mean? Just basically having fun with", "id": "16062118" }, { "contents": "Cinderella's Eyes\n\n\n. It was important that my record was personal to me. I wanted to be able to look back on the album and know that I have honestly put 100% of myself into it. I've written songs and stories that I have wanted to write for a long time. I really hope that you're able to relate to my music, because that really is what it's all about.. So here goes, I'm taking a big leap, but it's going to be the best fun ever. The", "id": "14285642" }, { "contents": "Erase Me (album)\n\n\n've been through so you would think, almost rhetorically, 'What do you need now?' All of us are finally in that place in our lives where the only thing we care about is inclusion for everybody—for the world. For me, exclusion is the scariest thing in the world. And I think Underoath coming back now with a new record—which none of us thought was possible—we want people to know that this is your music and you can feel however the fuck you want about it.", "id": "1398421" }, { "contents": "Winchester Cheese Company\n\n\nSan Diego.\" After a plunge in Dairy prices he visited his home town of Haarlem in the Netherlands in 1995, to learn the craft of Gouda cheesemaking. Upon his return he started producing Gouda Boerenkaas (\"farmer's cheese\"), first from milk supplied by his own Holstein cows, a Dutch breed, and after 2001 from other suppliers. Commercial production started in 1996 and by 2008 was up to about 100,000 pounds annually. Winchester Cheese Company has expanded over the years and now includes a gift shop, tasting", "id": "10219438" }, { "contents": "Universal Soldier (1971 film)\n\n\non the Bond film I learnt about the old-fashioned way of doing things-and a lot about what not to do. Now I'm trying to learn the newer, freer approach working with Cy Endfield. I feel once I've learnt from him something about putting a movie together I shall be able to go on and develop some of my own ideas. I'm lucky now, because I know enough of the tricks of the trade to feel I shall never have to starve and this gives me a chance to", "id": "2017688" }, { "contents": "Mike Price\n\n\n. On December 21, 2003, Texas-El Paso announced the hiring of Price as its new head coach. At the press conference, Price said, \"I feel reborn. I think this is the right situation for me. My dad told me a long time ago if you go somewhere where you're wanted and needed, your chances for success are a lot better. I want to be here. It's a match made in heaven.\" In his first season in 2004, he led the Miners to", "id": "15096667" }, { "contents": "Frank Sinatra: Live at Melbourne Festival Hall\n\n\nI do believe this is my interval, as we say... We've been having a marvelous time being chased around the country for three days. You know, I think it's worth mentioning because it's so idiotic, it's so ridiculous what's been happening. We came all the way to Australia because I chose to come here. I haven't been here for a long time and I wanted to come back for a few days. Wait now, wait. I'm not buttering anybody at all. I", "id": "16982430" }, { "contents": "Winchester Cheese Company\n\n\narea, and tour center. \"Winchester cheeses have won numerous awards in competitions around the world, and they're now available at cheese specialty shops, upscale restaurants and wineries throughout the Southland,\" according to a write-up in \"Westways\" magazine as well as area farmer's markets. Flavors included a jalapeño Gouda and cumin Gouda, and Gouda cheeses of various ages. Jules Wesselink died in 2011; continuation of production remained uncertain. As of August 2013, the phone number is not in service and the company", "id": "10219439" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nto its taste, which varies with age. Young (and factory-produced) Gouda has been described as having a flavor that is \"lightly fudgy with nuts, but very, very, very mild\", while the same source describes a more mature farmhouse Gouda as having a \"lovely fruity tang\" with a \"sweet finish\", that may take on \"an almost butterscotch flavor\" if aged over two years. After cultured milk is curdled, some of the whey is then drained and water is added.", "id": "15616263" }, { "contents": "Fancy (Drake song)\n\n\nWe shot 'Fancy,' and to be honest with you, it was done and I watched it and I just had a way better idea, and that's why the video hasn't come out yet. And to follow up 'Find Your Love' and 'Miss Me,' I really wanted to do something different, conceptually, and so I had this amazing idea and now I'm debating whether I should reshoot it or go straight to \"Show Me a Good Time\"\". Drake and Swizz Beatz", "id": "19124314" }, { "contents": "Dancin'\n\n\nburden of an artistic partnership: \"When you have collaborators, you have all those midnight meetings. I'm tired of those...So I just decided to meet myself at midnight.\" Fosse invited choreographer Graciela Daniele to contribute a few numbers, but she declined, saying \"When you are out of ideas, call me. I have the feeling that once you get into it, you're going to want to do it all.\" Despite the lack of creative partners, Fosse still had to negotiate with his co", "id": "19462656" }, { "contents": "Mike Shinoda\n\n\n'of all the things going on in the world right now, why are they covering so-and-so's breakup?' It didn't make sense to me. Add to that the fact that I'm supposed to somehow 'belong' to that celebrity group—and I really don't feel like I do in a lot of ways—and you can see how the topic started to become really interesting to me. The Glorious Excess (BORN) show was my way of diving into those topics, trying", "id": "15174589" }, { "contents": "Dance in the Dark\n\n\nrealized that women of her age do not speak their mind, in fear that their boyfriends would not love them if they did so. All of these new things entering my life are changing the way I view my purpose, but 'Dance in the Dark' in particular is about me wanting to live—but also, the song isn't called 'Dance in the Light'. I'm not a gospel singer trying to cross people over. What I'm saying is, 'I get it. I feel you", "id": "10583580" }, { "contents": "It's Raining Men\n\n\nWanna Go Faster\". Halliwell commented: \"It was really odd because I was all ready to go with my new album. I had the single, I had the video idea all ready and then the producers of the movie said to me, 'do you want to record It's Raining Men for the soundtrack?' I thought it would be fun and I love Bridget Jones cos I've read both books and so I just did it really quickly. They all loved it and wanted it to be a single", "id": "7698817" }, { "contents": "Dan Blackburn\n\n\n.\" He also stated, \"It's not bittersweet, you know what? I don't really miss it anymore - it's been such a long time. It was a chapter of my life and I'm on to the next...I don't have any regrets at all about what transpired or the way things happened for me. I really enjoy what I do now in the business world...From my point of view, I was really fortunate, even though I was only there for a couple of years", "id": "16074398" }, { "contents": "Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Canadian procurement\n\n\nis so mendacious about what the government is doing is that they say to the Canadian people we can get you the plane at the right price. Let me tell you folks. Not even President Obama knows what the planes are going to cost. This thing is out of control.\" Bloc Québécois Leader Gilles Duceppe said, \"What we've said since the very beginning and when Mr. Harper is saying, he [doesn't] want to withdraw a contract, that means there's a contract. It's time until", "id": "19831598" }, { "contents": "Long Way to Go (Stevie Nicks song)\n\n\nmy house at that time, and I said, 'should I go?' And they said, 'well, it's a pretty long way to go to say goodbye again. I thought that we'd already, basically... Stevie, it's taking you an awful long time to get over this. Do you want to go down and start it up again?' And so I went back and forth and back and forth in my mind, and finally he said to me 'I'm sending a limousine", "id": "12446896" }, { "contents": "Yoshitomo Nara\n\n\nimage that I wanted to create, and I would just do it. I would just get it finished. Now I take my time and work slowly and build up all these layers to find the best way. Just like you cook so that you know it’s going to be the most delicious, you find a way to make your art the best it can be.\" In July 2017, The Toyota Municipal Museum of Art held a career retrospective of the artist's work, called \"for better or worse\"", "id": "12914955" }, { "contents": "Making Mirrors\n\n\nmore about reflection - the look at yourself that a mirror offers and also the way it gives you a different perspective on things around you. So I guess I feel a bit analogous to what these songs become to me—you know little ways for me to explore my record collection, explore the world of sound that I'm fascinated by, and also sometimes get a different perspective on memories and emotions I've been mulling over that they find voice in these songs\". Gotye revealed that the second single from the album", "id": "179521" }, { "contents": "Louboutins (song)\n\n\n's been a while and I want to do a dance video, and it's going to be really empowering. It's going to be about that woman, you know when you have that moment when you realize you have to really get out of here that's the moment we're trying to cauterize in the video. Even when you know that it's gonna hurt later, you feel good about making the decision, so you're like \"I decided! I'm walking up out the house right now\"", "id": "8310372" }, { "contents": "The Book of David\n\n\n\"I figure how to come back to music I've done every Breakbeat every Drum pattern that you can possibly do and all the while I feel like I got away from the music that made me want to get into the industry from people like Prince, The Time, The Force M.D.s you know some of these 80's hip hop kind of records and even Michael Jackson used the Roland TR-808 drum machine so I kind of got back into raw drum machines going back to the old drums cause they all got character, so", "id": "8851066" }, { "contents": "American Life\n\n\nwon't bring you happiness if you don't have a lot of money? How can you say that fame and fortune are not a guarantee for happiness and joy and fulfillment in your life?' You have to have that experience to know. 'Cause you have all those things, I've had all those things, and I've had nothing but chaos around me. So I'm just sharing what I know with the world. 'Cause I do think that we've become completely consumed with being rich and famous, our", "id": "13875070" }, { "contents": "Daniel Lambert\n\n\nto charge my memory with the price, but I can put you into a method of obtaining the information you want. If you think proper to make me a present of a new coat, you will then know exactly what it costs\". Another interested spectator claimed that since his entrance fee was paying for Lambert's clothing, he had the right to know about it; Lambert replied \"Sir, if I knew what part of my next coat your shilling would pay for, I can assure you I would cut out", "id": "21985502" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Good Enough (Evanescence song)\n\n\none I wrote for the record -- is definitely the most representative of me now, the way that I feel. If we're talking about the 'new me,' that's it and why it's at the end of the record. You have to go through those things and make the changes you have to make and be there and go, 'Okay, I did it.' It doesn't come that easy. [...] I just didn't hold back this time, and writing that way has", "id": "4985680" }, { "contents": "List of EastEnders characters (1995)\n\n\nsoap, because I want to do movies, and nobody I know goes from soap to movies, and it's just not the sort of actress I want to be [...] this agent said to me, just let me send you a synopsis of the character and see what you think, and I thought she was fantastic. And I watched \"EastEnders\" that night and I realised just how many people talked about it. So I told my agent, 'All right, I'm going to go for it", "id": "16049493" }, { "contents": "Parrano cheese\n\n\nis technically Gouda cheese although its flavour is more pronounced than that of traditional Gouda. Parrano is a versatile cheese that is easy to shred, slice and melt. It is well suited for entertaining, cooking and snacking. Its flavour complements many different types of cuisine, especially Italian dishes. Parrano won a gold medal at the 2006 World Championship Cheese Contest in Madison, Wisconsin, for 'Best of class, Gouda.' It was also first runner up for the World Champion Cheese Title. It is marketed chiefly under two", "id": "20556746" }, { "contents": "Been Away Too Long\n\n\nthing\", stating his song was \"more autobiographical and more of a look back at history in sort of a strange atmospheric way, the way that I write. But the initial spark of the idea did feel like it would be right in the narrative of, yes, we've been out, and we've been gone for 15 years, and now we're back. It's about time, and we still have something to say about rock music that no one else is saying and I feel confident about saying", "id": "1127290" }, { "contents": "Wildest Dreams (Brandy song)\n\n\nway you love me\". A introspective ballad, \"Wildest Dreams\" includes the lyrics \"Never in my wildest dreams did I think someone could care 'bout me/ Not just the way you love me, but you know I'm emotional (sometimes).\" During the course of the song, Norwood mentions herself several times, with lines like \"It's hard to hold back tears whenever you hold me close, I think about the years and been saying this is all I want, Just wanted someone real to love", "id": "19652345" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\npartner died during my planned solo career so I disappeared for a while because I thought it was more important for him. He died due to AIDS complications. It was really quite hard to deal with and took five years out of my life. I made the \"Oh World\" album during the middle of all this, so when you listen to it now you can hear where a lot of the music comes from in a way. I wasn't turning up for stuff and the record company was getting really cheesed with", "id": "8854329" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\ncoating to prevent it from drying out, then it is aged, during which process the cheese changes from semi-hard to hard. Dutch cheese makers generally use six gradations, or categories, to classify the cheese: As it ages, it develops a caramel sweetness and has a slight crunchiness from cheese crystals, especially in older cheeses. In the Netherlands, cubes of Gouda are often eaten as a snack served with Dutch mustard. Older varieties are sometimes topped with sugar or apple syrup. Cubes of old and very old", "id": "15616265" }, { "contents": "The Dharma Bums\n\n\nonly enough to tell you the way he had wanted it to be. How he wanted it to be when he looked back on it.\" Gary Snyder wrote Kerouac saying \"\"Dharma Bums\" is a beautiful book, & I am amazed & touched that you should say so many nice things about me because that period was for me really a great process of learning from you...\" but confided to Philip Whalen, \"I do wish Jack had taken more trouble to smooth out dialogues, etc. Transitions are rather", "id": "19490876" }, { "contents": "Fallen London\n\n\nwant to pay you as I want this to be a professional thing.' He said, 'Cut me in for a percentage,' and I said, 'Sure, that's great! I don't need to give you any money now! But you realise we're probably not going to make any actual money out of it?'\" He claps his hands together. \"We've been on salary for three years now, so... so that worked out.\"The site launched initially in October 2009 as", "id": "5725345" }, { "contents": "Lee Atwater\n\n\nLife\" magazine, Atwater wrote: My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society is what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood. The 1980s were about acquiring – acquiring wealth, power, prestige. I know. I acquired more wealth, power, and prestige than most. But you can acquire all you want and still feel empty. What power wouldn't I trade for a little more time with my family? What price wouldn't I pay for an evening with", "id": "11364440" }, { "contents": "Arlie Russell Hochschild\n\n\nchances are he's giving me hell for it. When I'm doing the right thing at work, my boss is clapping me on my back.\" Parents, she found, handled this strain in several ways. One way was to reduce their idea of what they needed. (\"Oh, I don't really need time to unwind.\") Another was to outsource personal tasks. A third was to develop an imaginary self, the self you would be if only you had time. The \"time bind", "id": "4063360" }, { "contents": "If You Were the Only Girl (In the World)\n\n\nmatter in the world today We could go on loving in the same old way A garden of Eden just made for two With nothing to mar our joy I would say such wonderful things to you There would be such wonderful things to do If you were the only girl in the world and I were the only boy. No-one I'll ever care for dear... but you. No-one I'll fancy, therefore love me do. Your eyes have set me dreaming all night long… Your eyes have set", "id": "12840206" }, { "contents": "Partition (song)\n\n\nI wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back. I know that there's so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself. I'm not embarrassed about it, and I don't feel like I have to protect that side of me because I do believe that sexuality is a power we all have.", "id": "16844444" }, { "contents": "You Make Me Feel...\n\n\n, I find one of Sabi's photos, and she's feeling the same way that I'm feeling, which is incomplete without each other,\" he said. \"We're sharing feelings, and that's what I realize, so I'm like, 'Wow, I want to find this girl.' So I look all over the world for her, and our world is the nightclub. The video is about the photo booth. It's just not any photo booth; it's a photo booth that", "id": "21411794" }, { "contents": "Guvcview\n\n\nI have had to do some video tutorials. I tried recording these tutorials with Ubuntu's default Cheese Webcam Booth, but unfortunately the combination of my Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, Ubuntu 10.10, and Cheese didn't want to record video in any usable FPS. So I had to look elsewhere. My search turned me to GUVCView and I can't tell you how happy I have been with the results. Not only is this tool as easy to use as Cheese, it's far more flexible, and renders much better video", "id": "20216262" }, { "contents": "All of You (Colbie Caillat album)\n\n\nsong, Colbie remains realistic about her wishes, and lets us know: \"There's no more wasting time on what I think I'm supposed to do/ My clock is standing still so I can have my dream life/ Life with the ones I love playin' all day long/ Laying back by the water side with nowhere to go and the music on/ I'm working hard for my dream life to be my real life, and that can't be wrong/ All I have is this life, so I'm makin' it", "id": "19767786" }, { "contents": "Stronger (Sara Evans album)\n\n\nlot of people will say, 'You know when I was going through my divorce or when I was going through rehab or when I was going through whatever ... .' You always hear artists talk about, 'Those are the best songs I've written.' Like, I'm the total opposite\". In an interview with \"The Boot\", Evans spoke highly of the record saying, \"I am so excited and thrilled to finally have NEW music coming out! It took me a long time to make", "id": "1773764" }, { "contents": "The Miracle (1959 film)\n\n\nmy way. I wanted things to be artistically wonderful, and when I worked with a bad director when I did with \"The Miracle\", I was jumping all over him and saying, \"No, you can't do that\" and \"No, you're not going to have me do this.\" I was very difficult. He worked with Bette Davis and she was difficult, so I guess the studio thought he would be able to handle me. Obviously I was more difficult than Bette Davis.\"", "id": "11165128" }, { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "If I Could Make a Living\n\n\n, you have to make people believe what you're singing. You can't fool the public all the time. It makes me buckle down and try to find the best music I can find. I don't take any chances. I'm not looking for one-hit wonders or that gimmick record. I want growth. I want it to take a steady climb.\" In an interview with \"Bankrate\" when asked about if the lyrics to the song \"Money Ain't Everything\" represent a longing for a", "id": "2295179" }, { "contents": "Just No Other Way\n\n\nJust No Other Way is Coco Lee's first full-English language album. It consists of pop and R&B songs. It features the singles, \"Before I Fall In Love\" (from the \"Runaway Bride\" soundtrack), \"Can't Get Over\" featuring Kelly Price, \"Wherever You Go\", and her largest U.S. \"Billboard\" hit so far, \"Do You Want My Love\". While all three singles received a warm reception, only one single charted. \"Do You Want My Love", "id": "17342336" }, { "contents": "Johann August Nahl\n\n\nabout the tomb of the clergymen in the Hindelback you will have to have patience, for I have much to tell on, about and for it. It is a subject about which one could read many a long chapter. I wish I were able to write everything down right now. I have heard so much about it and consumed it, so to speak. People readily speak with firm enthusiasm about such things, and nobody looks at what the artist has done, or indeed wanted to do. \" \" His great", "id": "19714097" }, { "contents": "Bianca Montgomery and Maggie Stone\n\n\nbeen to prison and Bianca hadn't visited her. And they were angry at me! I was like, 'Wait a minute. I want to go back!'\" Riegel felt that the show's writers and producers were not aware of her eagerness to return. So she \"called up\" Julie Hanan Carruthers, executive producer, and said, \"Just so guys know, I would come back anytime, for as long as my schedule would allow. If you guys have an idea, call. I'm", "id": "8577933" }, { "contents": "The Carey Treatment\n\n\nagain if I didn't do everything his and Aubrey's way. They told me that they didn't want quality, just a viewable film. The crew felt so bad about the way I was treated that they gave me a party - and usually it's the other way round. I know I've been guilty of excuses but my God what do you have to do to pay your dues? I made \"Wild Rovers\" for MGM and kept quiet when they recut it. But this time I couldn't take", "id": "16294939" }, { "contents": "5.0\n\n\nan artist, you want to wake up every day and feel like you're doing something people don't think you can do. Now I feel like I've been put in that position again, where it's more doubt than expectancy. The doubt is what fuels me, so to speak. I've been real fortunate where I have great people around me. Everybody wants to freakin' work with me – not that everybody didn't [before], but it's different because I didn't work with a lot", "id": "11293953" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Margarita (Master and Margarita)\n\n\n: \"Understood. This thing is pure gold, you can tell by the weight. So, then, I understand perfectly well that I'm being bribed and drawn into some shady story for which I'm going to pay dearly...I know what I'm getting into. But I'm getting into it on account of him, because I have no more hope for anything in this world. But I want to tell you that if you're going to ruin me, you'll be ashamed! Yes, ashamed!", "id": "2810085" }, { "contents": "Last Stop: Crappy Town\n\n\nexist, that's what I thought was so amazing about the idea.\" On June 30, published an interview with Dewees that further elaborated on this idea: \"The record was inspired solely by me going to rehab. It was a choice that I made. New York is a great city and you can get anything that you want at any time of the day – and I was getting anything I wanted at any time of the day. One morning I was like, “What a fucking mess I’ve", "id": "4088574" }, { "contents": "Faye Dunaway\n\n\nand starring in the film. The production however was a disaster and financing the project has been one of the many obstacles. \"I want to do it my way. I'm not going to sell it out to a studio. You have to raise money. You have to get private investors and it takes a long time to get it right. It takes 10 years. People hear Faye Dunaway and think she has a lot of money, but I don't because I've spent a lot. Not tonnes.", "id": "19154234" }, { "contents": "Call It Whatever (song)\n\n\nsong is so damn catchy.\" Thorne gained a lot of comparisons to other Disney stars who started music careers similarly to Thorne. She denied the comparisons by saying \"I don't think about anything close to that. I don't think, 'Well, Miley went this way, and Selena went that way, so I have to go in the middle. That's not it. I'm just being me. My song is called 'Call It Whatever.' You can call me whatever, if you like", "id": "349306" }, { "contents": "New Amerykah Part Two (Return of the Ankh)\n\n\n,' 'You make me feel like this,' 'Why don't you feel like this?' It's typical of how you feel in relationships. The second movement is called ... 'Easier Said Than Done,' and it's about how hard it is to change after you've been in a relationship for so long. And then the third movement is called 'But Not This Time,' because even though I've done things a certain way for so long, I won't do that this time", "id": "15664378" }, { "contents": "Cobra Kai\n\n\nI thought, “Well, her character really left the world of \"The Karate Kid\" in a way that wasn’t so great…would people care about her coming back?” She later added: “So I was interested in why they wanted Ali to come back in some ways ... I’ll see you know, how it goes … It makes me happy that people care about Ali — with an ‘i’\" When speaking with Entertainment Tonight Canada, Shue said that an offer has been made and that", "id": "5156097" }, { "contents": "Oh World\n\n\nme. I spent a lot of time in hospitals, and it just got all too much for me. There were bigger things going on as well that I can't really tell you about but they knew. I thought I was wasting their time, my time and worst of all his time which was more precious than anything. But some people can deal with that sort of situation. I now see it as sort of a gift in a way; I stepped up. At the time I stood up for gay", "id": "8854330" }, { "contents": "Kevin Mitchell (musician)\n\n\n\"The recording side of things, I've grown to love. When I first started making records, I ... had no idea what I was doing, basically, and it's something that I've had to learn ... I think I'm only just starting to get good at it, after, you know, many, many attempts.\" Mitchell has explained his pseudonym: \"I think Bob Evans is more me than Kevin Mitchell from Jebediah is! In that way it’s like a reverse alter-ego.", "id": "2010923" }, { "contents": "Britney & Kevin: Chaotic (EP)\n\n\nam taking a break from being told what to do. ... It's cool when you look at someone and don't know whether they are at work or play since it's all the same to them. The things I've been doing for work lately have been so much fun, because it's not like work to me anymore. I've been even more 'hands on' in my management and the business side of things, and I feel more in control than ever. A representative for Jive Records stated that", "id": "13219180" }, { "contents": "Henry Newton Brown\n\n\nthe money and not have any trouble with it, but a man's fondest hopes are sometimes broken with trouble. We would not have been arrested but one of our horses gave out and we could not leave him [the rider] alone. I do not know what to write. Do the best you can with everything. I want you to send me some clothes. Sell all the things you don't need. Have your picture taken and send it to me. Now, my dear wife, go and see", "id": "14946105" }, { "contents": "The Way Love Goes (Lemar song)\n\n\ninto what I want to do in the future, I didn't want the first single to be too serious. So, while lyrically the topic of the song is love and there is a serious thread going through it, sonically I wanted the actual track to be light-hearted, upbeat and different to what some people have become accustomed to from me. You know, after songs like 'If There's Any Justice' and 'It's Not That Easy', I think people just got used to hearing me", "id": "14866904" }, { "contents": "Henry Newton Brown\n\n\nthis letter, but it was all for you, my sweet wife, and for the love I have for you. \"Do not go back on me. If you do it will kill me. Be true to me as long as you live, and come to see me if you think enough of me. My love is just the same as it always was. Oh, how I did hate to leave you last Sunday evening. But I did not think this would happen. I thought we could take in", "id": "14946104" }, { "contents": "She Won't Be Lonely Long (song)\n\n\nGAC\" Walker explained the song by saying, \"I've played in bars my whole life. As a singer, you have a bird's eye view of everyone in the club. When a good-looking woman walks in, you notice it. What makes it so real is that if a guy does a girl wrong, the first thing she wants to do is go out, look great, show him that you're not the best I ever had, I'm the best YOU ever had.\" Walker", "id": "7310575" }, { "contents": "Billy Paul\n\n\nwith the filmmakers: \"Well I'm not getting any younger and I wanted to express some things that might have been hidden. I wanted to release my heart and tell people about my highs and lows and I think you get that from this documentary... It wasn't difficult to make. We were followed all over the world by this film crew from Europe and I got to be very good friends with the filmmakers. I would say things and do things as if the camera wasn't even there. They approached me", "id": "4949205" }, { "contents": "La Toya Jackson\n\n\n\"I told him, 'No way, Jack! I can't marry you. You know what marriage means to me. I've never been in love; I don't even date... It's not right. I don't love you. I don't have feelings for you.'\" Jackson tried to run out of the chapel three times but bodyguard Antonio Rossi grabbed her saying, \"There's some things you have to do. Even if you don't want to.\" Jackson told \"Ebony", "id": "19090474" }, { "contents": "You and Your Friend\n\n\nrecorded the first record I had a song called \"Me and My Friends.\" It was a Southern boogie thing about playing in the band. I never recorded it because it never really... \"You and Your Friend\" just has that thing. I like keeping it open for people to use in a way that they want. If you make it specific you spoil it. The song could be just a solitary cry for some kind of support — are you going to come around to my way of thinking? It", "id": "5941510" }, { "contents": "Think Tank (Blur album)\n\n\na con. They charge people to make less exciting records. That doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, recording as it is now, you don't need studios. You can do it on whatever you want, whenever you want. That's a great liberation that computers and technology have given us. It basically means that it's just going back to where it comes from, which is music on the streets and in the houses.\" While in Morocco, Albarn wrote a song about Cook and", "id": "13841663" }, { "contents": "Colman mac Duagh\n\n\nDo you think you could do something useful for me? You see yourself that everyone who lives in the monastery is useful. Well, if I am called away, as I often am, while I am reading, don't you go too; stay here on the spot I mark with my finger, so that I'll know exactly where to start when I come back. Do you see what I mean?\" So, as with the mouse, it was a long time before Colman put the understanding of the", "id": "1793217" }, { "contents": "David Le Batard\n\n\nthat make us who we are by studying those different things and magnifying those things. The things that make us the same, basically, verses the things that make us different. Which is what I think I spend a lot of time doing. When I in my teens, it was all about, you know, \"Well how am I different?\" My way of thinking is like this, and these people's way is like that and so forth. So over the years I've kind of had a real", "id": "8177310" }, { "contents": "Casshan\n\n\nI wanted, it probably would have been like \"Casshern\", where you punch and kick the entire way through. But obviously if it were a game with only punching and kicking, I already did that with \"God Hand\". So, I'm done with that, something else now. So this time he wanted to make a game where you defeat robots with guns. So now, you're going at it with guns, but he wanted to make sure the feeling of speed is still there, that", "id": "10640986" }, { "contents": "Bernard Iddings Bell\n\n\nmisses one's friends. You ask if I am doing any writing. The answer is \"almost none\"... It is not that this new job of mine is impossibly onerous. Far from it. My complaint is the other way about. If and when you come to see me, which I do hope will not be too far hence, I can tell you what it feels like to go into low gear when one has always stepped on the accelerator... I find that I write slowly and badly by machine and", "id": "11761231" }, { "contents": "Jack Gordon (entertainment manager)\n\n\n, 'No way, Jack! I can't marry you. You know what marriage means to me. I've never been in love; I don't even date... It's not right. I don't love you. I don't have feelings for you.'\" Jackson stated that she tried to run out of the chapel three times but bodyguard Antonio Rossi grabbed her saying, \"There's some things you have to do. Even if you don't want to.\" Jackson told \"Ebony magazine", "id": "20319605" }, { "contents": "History of cheese\n\n\nthat the best cheeses came from \"pagi\" near Nîmes, and were identifiable as Lozère and Gévaudan and had to be eaten fresh. Most cheeses were initially recorded in the late Middle Ages. Cheddar was recorded around 1500 CE, Parmesan was founded in 1597, Gouda in 1697, and Camembert in 1791. Cheeses diversified in Europe with locales developing their own traditions and products when Romanized populations encountered unfamiliar neighbors with their own cheese-making traditions. As long-distance trade collapsed, only travelers encountered unfamiliar cheeses. Charlemagne's", "id": "19966093" }, { "contents": "Gouda, South Holland\n\n\nwar, the city started to expand and nearly tripled in size. New neighbourhoods, such as Gouda-Oost, Bloemendaal and Goverwelle were built. Over the last years there has been a shift from expanding the city towards urban renewal and gentrification. Gouda is world-famous for its Gouda cheese, which is still traded on its cheese market, held each Thursday. Gouda is also known for the fabrication of candles, smoking pipes, and stroopwafels. Gouda used to have a considerable linen industry and a number of beer breweries", "id": "13625196" }, { "contents": "Adam Ant\n\n\nI like to use the word 'mutiny'. My band was happy to go. Malcolm tried to see if I could fit into Bow Wow Wow, but I never could've or would've. I might have had a broken heart at the time, but Malcolm didn't leave me with nothing. He mentored me. He said: 'Look, what do you want?' I said: 'I wanna sell millions of records', and he said, 'Well, you're going the wrong way", "id": "586064" }, { "contents": "Ali Mills (character)\n\n\nthought, “Well, her character really left the world of \"The Karate Kid\" in a way that wasn’t so great…would people care about her coming back?” She later added: “So I was interested in why they wanted Ali to come back in some ways ... I’ll see you know, how it goes … It makes me happy that people care about Ali — with an ‘i’\" When speaking with \"Entertainment Tonight Canada\", Shue said that an offer has been made and", "id": "13454491" }, { "contents": "Nobody (Rick Ross song)\n\n\n, but what even the true B.I.G. fans gotta respect—Because you know when I made the record I did it the G way. I took it to D-Roc, you know, Biggie right-hand. He blessed the joint. You know what I mean? And that's what was important to me. You know, he could have told me to kill it and I would have chilled. So, that was a lot of love. And just for everybody that's hearing the record that don't", "id": "11200276" }, { "contents": "Excerpts from the Diary of Todd Zilla\n\n\n, stating \"In Modesto, it's like gravity is a lot heavier. There's something that just makes you feel like you're doing all you can just to keep your head above water, when in fact there's not a whole lot going on.\" He recorded the EP as \"a way to fill the gaps of time while recording the new album. I just thought I could throw together some old songs and some newer ones and a really new one\". \"Todd Zilla\" was recorded at Lytle", "id": "19629062" }, { "contents": "Tenali Rama (TV series)\n\n\nway\".When I received a call for Tenali Rama, I was shocked to be informed that I would have to go bald. But then I decided to give it a try, and it all fell into places. I feel there has been a divine force blessing me for I have managed to sink my teeth into the character so well. I did not do any research nor read about it but I can assure I am doing a good job, even though I do not consider myself so capable. As for the", "id": "14502336" }, { "contents": "House Slippers\n\n\n’ve learned so many things from Eminem and I’ve just been alongside some great people so my story got iller. I feel like if I told my story a year and a half ago it still would have been ill because I’m one of the dopest, but I just think that it’s so much more wide-spread now that this \"YAOWA\" album is going to be received in a way where people are going to learn a lot about the old me and the new me. I couldn’t have it", "id": "20488757" }, { "contents": "Michael Evans (bishop)\n\n\nfamily until this stage of my life ends. I do not know how long that will be. I am most grateful for the ways you have cared for and so prayerfully supported me in recent years. You remain very much in my thoughts and care. As I am sure you understand, I am able to do very little, and will need to rely on others. Please can I ask you to limit any expressions of care to prayer for now, rather than anything else to which I cannot respond.\"", "id": "5719599" }, { "contents": "Archibald Clark Kerr, 1st Baron Inverchapel\n\n\n. But I am a decent fellow, and I do not want to be mean and selfish about what little brightness is shed upon me from time to time. So I propose to share with you a tiny flash that has illuminated my sombre life and tell you that God has given me a new Turkish colleague whose card tells me that he is called Mustapha Kunt.\" \"We all feel like that, Reggie, now and then, especially when Spring is upon us, but few of us would care to put it", "id": "19472665" }, { "contents": "Verdana\n\n\nso you open the IKEA catalog, it’s set in Verdana, with the big prices and everything… how do you tell it’s a screen font? What is it about Verdana that says: this is a screen font? He had no idea. He just knew it because he’d been told. There are many people who make judgments without really understanding what the typographic issues are. Students are interesting—they’ll say things to me like: my professor told me I cannot use Verdana and Georgia in print because", "id": "16953234" }, { "contents": "Say You Will (Fleetwood Mac song)\n\n\nto dance, everything will be great.\" Then I had to think about what to make the verses about. So I went back over all my relationships with people and think of different ways that I have felt when I wanted basically to burst into song and sing that chorus (laughs). Give me one more chance. That’s what came out of it. It’s funny because, we just did an interview the day before yesterday, and I don’t think any of the band knows that that was the", "id": "11124073" }, { "contents": "Son of the Mask\n\n\nwhere I had a good amount of control. And then in this movie I didn't have any control. I just can't do that. I have to have my voice in there. If I can't, I'm just going to be like I'm doing someone else's thing. I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through. All I can do is just try to make things independently. That's the only way you can do it. The only", "id": "53663" }, { "contents": "Ray Price (musician)\n\n\nNews\" that he had been receiving chemotherapy for the past six months. An alternative to the chemo would have been surgery that involved removing the pancreas along with portions of the stomach and liver, which would have meant a long recovery and stay in a nursing home. Said Price, \"That's not very much an option for me. God knows I want to live as long as I can but I don't want to live like that.\" The 87-year-old Country Music Hall of Famer also told the newspaper", "id": "17885322" }, { "contents": "Bounce (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nbiggest party, the most fun ever. So when I was doing 'Bounce', you know I don't actually drink or smoke so I thought I don't wanna do a video in a club like poppin' bottles and all this stuff, although the song's about partying. I [wanted to] do a celebration... and it made me think of that experience with my mother's friend going to an Indian wedding and having the most crazy and amazing time and I though I wanna do an Indian wedding!", "id": "21867077" }, { "contents": "There's More Where That Came From\n\n\nwere the ones who came to me and said, 'When are you going to give us a record?' That's when I started thinking, 'Well, if they want a record, I'll make 'em one.'\" She also said, \"When I started making this record, I said I'm gonna have fun, and that's it. I'm not going to worry about does this sound right coming from a woman, or is this too country, or is this intro too long", "id": "21153582" }, { "contents": "Not in This Lifetime... Tour\n\n\n\"Well, we haven't really talked in a long time. But a lot of the tension that you were talking about has dissipated. We don't have all those issues anymore.\" When asked specifically about the chances of Guns N' Roses reuniting, he said: \"I gotta be careful what I say there. I mean, if everybody wanted to do it and do it for the right reasons, you know, I think the fans would love it. I think it might be fun at some", "id": "9063981" } ]
I am really afraid of clowns even though our modern clowns have been around since the 19th century. I don't blame you! Clowns are creepy! Hence the movie "IT". Why do people have such a fear of them though? My fear is definitely from IT. Even though clowns are designed to entertain large audience Where did clowns get there start? Was it the circus?
[{"answer": "Not sure but they go back to at least the 1800s when Joseph Grimaldi became the first mainstream clown", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "5928", "title": "Clown", "start_paragraph_id": 5, "start_character": 87, "end_paragraph_id": 5, "end_character": 212, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fear of Clowns\n\n\n, though the website ultimately admitted that \"For horror fans, \"Fear of Clowns\" is definitely worth a look. The film hits its mark much more than it misses and all in all is a fun ride\". A 2/5 was awarded by DVD Talk, which wrote, \"Although it has a few tense moments and creatively creepy scenes, \"Fear of Clowns\" runs on way too long\" and \"There's some good stuff tucked away in the generally forgettable \"Fear of Clowns\" -- and I'll", "id": "10036366" }, { "contents": "Omar Bakri Muhammad\n\n\nJon, I need you more than ever now. You know I am harmless, don't you? You know I am just a clown. You know I am laughable, don't you? ... Why don't people believe you when you tell them that I am just a harmless clown?\" Future Television interviewed Bakri on 11 August 2005. Bakri said he did not have ties to Al Qaeda, calling it a \"media creation\" and said he did not intend to return to Britain. During the interview,", "id": "19730559" }, { "contents": "Julian Ritter\n\n\n. Although he had painted clowns before, Ritter started painting a series of unusual or tender clowns in the summer of 1948. His first visit to a circus was in 1949. Ritter said of his clown paintings \"I don't need to see clowns. My clown portraits are more like human portraits in clown make-up. They are a combination of my imagination and my memory of faces, or even my own face.\" Ritter was commissioned in the early 1950s by an art gallery on Ventura Blvd in the San", "id": "19707873" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nA clown is a comic performer who employs slapstick or similar types of physical comedy, often in a mime style. Clowns have a varied tradition with significant variations in costume and performance. The most recognisable modern clown character is the \"Auguste\" or \"red clown\" type, with outlandish costumes featuring distinctive makeup, colourful wigs, exaggerated footwear, and colourful clothing. Their entertainment style is generally designed to entertain large audiences. Modern clowns are strongly associated with the tradition of the circus clown, which developed out of earlier comedic", "id": "6127858" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\neven though, technically, it should be considered as another character clown. Each of these types of clown may wear a makeup that is either \"neat\" (slightly exaggerated) or \"grotesque\" (wildly exaggerated). There is no single, absolute definition of what constitutes each clown type, with international performers encompassing an extremely wide range of styles, from the classical to the innovative. The whiteface (or white clown) holds the highest status in the clown hierarchy and is the oldest of the clown archetypes. In", "id": "2913143" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nclowns\" do using \"human foibles\" against their victims. Radford states that, although bad clowns permeate the media in movies, TV, music, comics, and more, the \"good clowns\" outnumber the bad ones. Research shows that most people do not fear clowns but actually love them and that bad clowns are \"the exception, not the rule.\" The concept of the evil clown is related to the irrational fear of clowns, known as coulrophobia, a neologism coined in the context of informal \"\"", "id": "1128138" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nit was discovered he had performed as Pogo the Clown at children's parties and other events; however, Gacy did not actually commit his crimes while wearing his clown costume. The modern stock character of the evil clown was popularized by Stephen King's novel \"It\", published in 1986, which introduced the fear of an evil clown to a modern audience. In the novel, the eponymous character is a pan-dimensional monster which feeds mainly on children by luring them in the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown and then", "id": "1128133" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns\n\n\nFear of Clowns is a 2004 horror film written and directed by Kevin Kangas. It was followed by a 2007 sequel entitled \"Fear of Clowns 2\". Lynn Blodgett, an artist with coulrophobia, has a nightmare in which she is a young girl and encounters a clown with a decomposing face after a car crash at a carnival. Lynn's nightmares have been getting worse since she filed for divorce from her husband, Doctor Bert Tokyo, who hit her upon getting the news, and is fighting for full custody of their", "id": "10036357" }, { "contents": "Rodeo clown\n\n\nare designed to tear away, with protective gear fitted underneath. Rodeo clowns require speed, agility, and the ability to anticipate a bull's next move. Working closely with very large, very powerful animals, rodeo clowns are often injured seriously, and, sometimes, fatally. In some venues, rodeo bullfighters still wear clown makeup and some may also provide traditional clowning entertainment for the crowd between rodeo events, often parodying aspects of cowboy culture. But most modern bullfighters no longer dress as clowns, though they still wear bright", "id": "10616114" }, { "contents": "Amateur Night in the Big Top\n\n\nLegs\" express his feelings about the music industry and the legal issues he was facing. Scooter Girl - \"man were not all born equal, you can get stuck with some fucked up people, where the normal is just pure fuckin evil, there's no difference from shit and treacle\" \"Clowns\" - \"I don't want to be beaten to death by clowns, pound for pound, beaten by clowns, big floppy shoes on my head, beating me around until I'm dead...\" \"Long Legs", "id": "3925697" }, { "contents": "Funhouse (Pink album)\n\n\nthat she sees life as a carnival: \"Clowns are supposed to be happy, but they are really scary. Carnivals are supposed to be fun, but really they are kind of creepy.\" [...] \"and that's like life to me, and love. Love is supposed to be fun, but it can sometimes be really scary. And the funhouse mirrors that make you look so distorted that you don't recognize yourself and you ask yourself, 'How did I get here? How do I get", "id": "173214" }, { "contents": "Chocolat (clown)\n\n\nChocolat was the stage name of Rafael Padilla, a clown who performed in a Paris circus around the turn of the 20th century. Rafael was of Afro-Cuban descent and was one of the earliest successful black entertainers in modern France. He was the first black clown to play a lead role in a circus pantomime act, and with his longtime partner George Foottit they revolutionized the art of clowning by pairing the sophisticated white clown with the foolish \"auguste\" clown. Rafael Padilla was born in Cuba sometime between 1865 and 1869", "id": "627771" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nThe evil clown is a subversion of the traditional comic clown character, in which the playful trope is instead rendered as disturbing through the use of horror elements and dark humor. The modern archetype of the evil clown was popularized by Stephen King's 1986 novel \"It\". The character can be seen as playing off the sense of unease felt by sufferers of coulrophobia, the fear of clowns. The modern archetype of the evil clown has unclear origins; the stock character appeared infrequently during the 19th century, in such works as", "id": "1128130" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nproviding a phone number, email address and information about a smartphone app that citizens can use to report suspicious behavior to authorities. That same day the \"Bucks County Courier Times\" interviewed Joyce Meder, also known as \"Bubbles the Clown\" regarding the \"creepy clown\" phenomenon. Meder is an Abington, PA-based professional clown who provides entertainment for children. Describing herself as a \"happy\" and \"fun\" clown, Meder expressed disappointment over the recent clown scare, citing her newfound fears of possible run-", "id": "12032747" }, { "contents": "Chocolat (clown)\n\n\nthat Mr. Mille, the intelligent journalist wrote that I am dead like I pray you, say that I am alive, and that I am playing every night in \"Chocolat aviateur\" at the New You can judge that I did not even turn Please accept my respect,br Chocolatbr Please correct it, because it hurts me. Foottit and Chocolat split up in 1910, when Andre Antoine, director of the Odeon, hired Foottit to play the role of the Clown in \"Romeo and Juliet\". They", "id": "627781" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nsophisticated \"white clown\". Belling worked for Circus Renz in Vienna. Belling's costume became the template for the modern stock character of circus or children's clown, based on a lower class or \"hobo\" character, with red nose, white makeup around the eyes and mouth, and oversized clothes and shoes. The clown character as developed by the late 19th century is reflected in Ruggero Leoncavallo's 1892 opera \"Pagliacci\" (\"Clowns\"). Belling's \"Auguste\" character was further popularized by Nicolai Poliakoff", "id": "6127866" }, { "contents": "It (2017 film)\n\n\nstated \"I think it looks cheap, and it's too related to social events and stuff and circus and stuff. Circus is fine, but I’m more aesthetically attracted to the old time, like the 19th century clown. And given that this guy has been around for centuries, I wondered myself why, why not, having an upgrade that was 1800s?\" Production designer Claude Paré commented that apart from 29 Neibolt Street, that the other main component of Muschietti's \"It\" were both the sewers and the", "id": "13263681" }, { "contents": "Clownhouse\n\n\nand his brothers are locked inside their isolated farmhouse and the power is turned off. Casey attempts to call the police, but because Casey says that the \"clowns from the circus are trying to get him\", the police officers assume that Casey's fear of clowns caused him to have a realistic nightmare. The officers tell Casey that everything will be fine if he goes back to sleep, and hangs up. Randy mockingly dresses up as a clown, disbelieving of Casey's claims that clowns are inside the house. His", "id": "21524815" }, { "contents": "Jack Cannot\n\n\nIf It hadn't been for her we should have been destitute weeks back. My daughter Betty is a sweet angel, and I owe her fees at school, too. I've earned £66 since \"Clown In Clover\" finished, and I am doing this really to get out of the way, as I haven't the money to do abroad or anything. I was going to start a school of singing with the aid of a friend, but I feel that it's no go before we open. So", "id": "8230429" }, { "contents": "Circus Left Town\n\n\nrings going on at the same time. You've got clowns and tigers and everything. They don't do anything in half measures. They just pile it all in. Plus, they're trying to sell you things at the same time. I mean it was an amazing thing. After the show, we were driving back to New York City and all he could remember, all he could talk about was this clown. He'd seen a clown with a knife, which I didn't see at all. Some", "id": "382796" }, { "contents": "Archie Carpenter\n\n\nblokes will, he will never give up.\" In an interview with media website Digital Spy he said of his character: \"He's definitely a wild one. People who have watched Living On The Edge may draw some comparisons. I go to a certain point in life, but Archie's definitely got bigger balls - he'll take things all the way. He's got no fear. At the same time, though, he has a sensitive side. He's like the big class clown but when he gets", "id": "6011017" }, { "contents": "Madonna: Tears of a Clown\n\n\n. Too bad people don't know the art of acting and playing a character. I could never do any of my shows high or drunk. And yes underlying all of this is sexism and mysongony which proves that not only do we not get equal pay but we are still treated like heretics if we step out of line and think outside the box! Sexism is alive and kicking but i am #livingforlove.\" In October 2016, Madonna announced plans of collaborating with Art Basel to revive the Tears of a Clown show", "id": "5367364" }, { "contents": "Clown (film)\n\n\nimpulses\". Brad Miska of Bloody Disgusting rated it 3/5 stars and wrote, \"Even though it's mostly a bore, there's still some really cool and fun stuff scattered throughout.\" Keri O'Shea of Brutal as Hell wrote, \"Neither frightening nor funny, here's another lesson to prove that fake trailers are often fine just as they are.\" Joel Harley of HorrorTalk rated it 2/5 stars and wrote, \"What could have been one of the few great killer clown movies winds up as yet another disappointment,", "id": "3992765" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nfigure of the harlequinade. The circus clown developed in the 19th century. The modern circus derives from Philip Astley's London riding school, which opened in 1768. Astley added a clown to his shows to amuse the spectators between equestrian sequences. American comedian George L. Fox became known for his clown role, directly inspired by Grimaldi, in the 1860s. Tom Belling senior (1843–1900) developed the \"red clown\" or \"Auguste\" (\"Dummer August\") character c. 1870, acting as a foil for the more", "id": "6127865" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nFirst Word\" (1992), children's fear of clowns features in the form of a very young Bart being traumatized by an inexpertly-built Krusty the Clown themed bed, repeatedly uttering the phrase \"can't sleep, clown will eat me...\" The phrase inspired an Alice Cooper song in the album \"Dragontown\" (2001) and became a popular catchphrase. The American rap duo Insane Clown Posse have exploited this theme since 1989 and have inspired Twiztid and similar acts, many on Psychopathic Records, to do likewise", "id": "1128150" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nroles in theatre or \"Varieté\" shows during the 19th to mid 20th centuries. Many circus clowns have become well known and are a key circus act in their own right. The first mainstream clown role was portrayed by Joseph Grimaldi (who also created the traditional whiteface make-up design). In the early 1800s, he expanded the role of Clown in the harlequinade that formed part of British pantomimes, notably at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and the Sadler's Wells and Covent Garden theatres. He became so dominant", "id": "6127859" }, { "contents": "House of Fears\n\n\nthe others her fear is a scarecrow. Before long, a creepy grave-digger attacks the group. They escape the man, and run into another room where Samantha hears the office phone ringing. She finds the phone, but the scarecrow once again appears. Samantha, Hailey and Devon flee while Carter fights the scarecrow, but is ultimately electrocuted to death. The remaining survivors enter a clown section, where Devon becomes separated from the others. A clown stalks him, hysterically laughing. Devon attempts to shoot the clown dead", "id": "12460452" }, { "contents": "Send Out the Clowns\n\n\nand dirty clown, all the while being hysterical. I didn't see this coming from a guy who's known for his more serious and bad-ass roles.\" Donna Bowman of \"The A.V. Club\" gave a B- rating to the episode, saying that she doesn't find clowns funny. \"Clown humor. It's a tricky thing. I know it's a grand tradition of folklore and nomadic entertainment and pantomime heritage, but I don't think I'm alone in regarding clowns less as funny than as", "id": "9336957" }, { "contents": "Explication\n\n\nwhich are considered to have universal meaning across all languages. An example of an explication of the word \"happy\"\":\" X feels happy = What sets the Natural Semantic Metalanguage Theory's explications apart from previous theories, is that these explications can fit into natural language, even if it sounds very awkward. For example: The clown looks [happy] The clown looks like [the clown thinks something like this: 'something good happened to me; I wanted this; I don't want other things now'", "id": "15470633" }, { "contents": "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College\n\n\napplicant's psychology, interests and previous experience. The circus also held in-person auditions at most stops along the route to drum up interest in the show and to get a range of people from all over the United States to apply. Next, tuition was free (though students were responsible for their own room and board, as well as any other incidental expenses incurred), and a graduate from the school finished the term with a full \"Agent Suit\" or specific clown costume, including a wig and proper clown", "id": "1079015" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nclown variety known as an auguste or red clown; the auguste's role is different from that of the white clown. In strict classical European circuses of the past, the augustes were never described as clowns because, technically, they were not instigators but recipients of the comic doings. The augustes are the ones who get the pies in the face, are squirted with water, are knocked down on their backside, sit accidentally in wet paint, or have their trousers ripped off. The base colour for the auguste makeup is", "id": "2913146" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nwidespread use of such comedy and its long history it is a need that is part of the human condition. The \"fear of clowns\", particularly circus clowns, has become known by the term coulrophobia. The \"\"clown\"\" character developed out of the zanni \"\"rustic fool\"\" characters of the early modern commedia dell'arte, which were themselves directly based on the \"\"rustic fool\"\" characters of ancient Greek and Roman theatre. Rustic buffoon characters in Classical Greek theater were known as \" sklêro-", "id": "6127861" }, { "contents": "Insane Clown Posse\n\n\nin God but I haven't been to church since I was like 10. I don't even know if [Utsler has] ever been to church!\" \"Christianity Today\" writer Mark Moring also challenged Ronson's characterization, writing that \"The guys in ICP haven't used the word 'Christian' or 'evangelical' [...] so let's not call them anything that they're not claiming for themselves\". In 2011, Insane Clown Posse appeared on \"Attack of the Show!\" and repudiated claims", "id": "15400568" }, { "contents": "Laugh, Clown, Laugh\n\n\nclown makeup of circus performers and legendary 19th-century clown stage actors like Joseph Grimaldi and George L. Fox, the latter of Humpty Dumpty fame. The film was said to have been Chaney's favorite of all his roles. This film was Loretta Young's first major movie role, at the age of fourteen. In interviews near the end of her life, she expressed her gratitude toward Chaney for his kindness and guidance, and for protecting her from director Brenon's sometimes harsh treatment. An eponymous musical theme was written specially", "id": "11325548" }, { "contents": "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers\n\n\nalbum four out of ten stars. PopMatters reviewer Brendan Maher accused Insane Clown Posse of misogyny and described \"The Amazing Jeckel Brothers\" as \"music to strangle your ex-girlfriend to\". Robert Christgau gave the album a C+, writing \"Though they claim clown, they rarely get funnier than 'I'd cut my head off but then I would be dead'.\" However, Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic gave the album a four out of five star rating, writing that \"[Insane Clown Posse] actually", "id": "8782689" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nchildren's entertainment as it has developed since the 1960s also gave rise to \"Clown Care\" or \"hospital clowning\" in children's hospitals by the mid 1980s. Clowns of America International (established 1984) and World Clown Association (established 1987) are associations of semi-professionals and professional performers. The shift of the \"Auguste\" or \"red clown\" character from his role as a foil for the white in circus or pantomime shows to a \"Bozo\"-derived standalone character in children's entertainment by the 1980s also gave", "id": "6127871" }, { "contents": "Dark Carnival (Insane Clown Posse)\n\n\n[...] I'm proud that we believe in God but I haven't been to church since I was like 10. I don't even know if [Utsler has] ever been to church!\" \"Christianity Today\" writer Mark Moring also challenged Ronson's characterization, writing that \"The guys in ICP haven't used the word 'Christian' or 'evangelical' [...] so let's not call them anything that they're not claiming for themselves.\" In 2011, Insane Clown Posse appeared on \"", "id": "5184148" }, { "contents": "Frank Brown (entertainer)\n\n\nFrank Brown (6 September 1858 Brighton, England – 9 April 1943, Buenos Aires, Argentina) was a clown, acrobat and circus entrepreneur with vast experience in Argentina, where he was known as \"El Payaso Inglés\" (\"The English Clown)\". Son and grandson of clowns, Brown was linked to the circus since childhood with performances in Moscow and Mexico. Reaches Buenos Aires in 1884 where he works in the Brothers Carlo circus and then by the most famous \"criollo\" clown, José Podestá as \"", "id": "3685976" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nin a circus show. In a circus context, clown shows are typically made up of some combination of Entrées, Side dishes, Clown Stops, Track Gags, Gags and bits. \"Clown Stops\" or \"interludes\" are the brief appearances of clowns in a circus while the props and rigging are changed. These are typically made up of a few \"gags\" or several \"bits\". Clown stops will always have a beginning, a middle, and an end to them, invariably culminating in a blow-", "id": "6127884" }, { "contents": "The Day of the Clown\n\n\ntheorises that Spellman is an alien. As Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani attempt to escape the building, Spellman reveals himself to have been the legendary Pied Piper of Hamelin and now Odd Bob the Clown seeking to feed off their fear. Sarah Jane and the rest escape through the back door. Then Sarah Jane tells Luke about why she's scared of clowns saying that a clown toy in her room apparently came to life when she was young. The next morning, Rani looks out of her bedroom window and sees", "id": "174585" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nClowns have always been an integral part of the circus, offering a source of amusement for patrons and providing relief from the array of animal acts and performances by acrobats and novelty artistes. Clowns have also appeared in pantomimes and vaudeville, in films and television, and as straight or comedic characters in plays and operas. Traditionally, there are three basic types of clowns that appear in the circus: the whiteface, the auguste and the character. Nowadays a fourth type, the tramp or hobo clown, is often recognized separately,", "id": "2913142" }, { "contents": "Clowns (video game)\n\n\nClowns is a black and white arcade game released by Bally Midway in 1978. It is similar to Exidy's \"Circus\" from the prior year, in which the player controls a seesaw to propel two clowns into the air, catching balloons situated in three rows at the top of the screen. It was released on cartridge for Commodore VIC-20 in 1982 and for the Commodore 64 in 1983. Players start with two clowns and they get to control where they go with a seesaw. The goal is to prevent them from falling", "id": "3866055" }, { "contents": "Fears of a Clown\n\n\nbecomes an exercise in hand-waving and deep, deep sighs. 'Fears Of A Clown' isn’t good. It’s also not bad. It is, instead, irrelevant in its hollow echoes of past, actually memorable, episodes. When the book on 'The Simpsons' is finally closed...and the inevitable all-time episode rankings are compiled, 'Fears Of A Clown' is one of those installments destined to elicit blank stares, even from die-hard fans. It barely exists.\" \"", "id": "6929002" }, { "contents": "Hopi Kachina figure\n\n\nBear, Bird, and Mouse. Clowns also participate in the Hopi celebrations and sacred rituals. They have dual functions. Their most prominent role is to amuse the audience during the outdoor celebrations and Kachina Dances. They perform as jesters or circus clowns while the kachina dancers are taking a break between their performances. As a result of the spectator acceptance of the humor and variety of entertaining antics, clown carvings have been a favorite figure for sale to tourists and collectors. Carvers have found a strong market and challenge to create dolls", "id": "19125108" }, { "contents": "All Hallows' Eve (2013 film)\n\n\non. I can only imagine the fear would have been multiplied exponentially had the filmmakers spent as much time on the story as they did with coming up with the creepy as all get-out monster.\" Madeleine Koestner from \"Fangoria\" noted that, while the film had its lackluster moments, it was \"legitimately creepy\" and commended the special effects, the lack of rules set forth, and strange characters/creatures, particularly Art the Clown. Brad McHargue from Dread Central gave the film a score of 3.5 out", "id": "3550623" }, { "contents": "The Magic Clown\n\n\nThe action of the program centered around its eponymous host. Tico Bonomo said that finding a host wasn't easy. \"You can't teach clowns to do magic, you have to have a magician and turn him into a clown. And, believe me, it's tough teaching a good magician to put on white face and act like a clown.\" The first \"Magic Clown\" was known only by his stage name, Zovella, and hosted the program from its inception in 1949 until 1952. At that time", "id": "7033906" }, { "contents": "Big Apple Circus\n\n\nover 6,000 children took advantage of these performances. The program is run by the Big Apple Circus. Started in 2017, upon the Circus entering new ownership after bankruptcy, Embracing Autism Performances have a reduced running time, as well as sensory adaptations. Founded in 1986, the Big Apple Circus Clown Care program is composed of over 80 professional clowns, trained extensively in hospital procedures, circus skills, and improvisation, who make rounds as 'clown doctors' at various pediatric hospitals around the U.S. It is estimated that the clowns make", "id": "111597" }, { "contents": "Clown alley\n\n\nThe clown alley in a circus is a backstage area, usually very near the animal pens, where clowns change into their costumes and apply makeup. Generally, the clowns' personal props, costumes, and other items are stored in this area as well. Clown alley was usually very close to the Big Top tents, along the side like an alley, so the clowns could get in and out quickly. If the circus show had some problem with a performance, the ringmaster could yell out \"Clowns Allez\" meaning “", "id": "15536454" }, { "contents": "Thomas Barry (clown)\n\n\nThomas Barry (c. 1810 – 23 March 1857) was an Irish circus clown. He worked with various circuses but was associated most with Astley's Circus. Barry was a traditional \"buffoon\" whiteface clown whose performances were based on physical humour. In 1844 he featured in a famous stunt whereby he appeared to be towed along the River Thames in a tub pulled by four geese. Barry left Astley's Circus in 1848 after falling-out with another clown, though he later returned, he retired permanently in 1856 after another", "id": "21126306" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nno way linked' to the 'creepy clown' craze sweeping across the UK and US\". After the incident police said they are taking the clown craze seriously and reports will be investigated. After the statement it was reported that a clown with an axe broke into a home in County Kildare, and scared a child. There were reports of clowns jumping out of bushes to scare schoolchildren. In mid October Dundalk police issued a warning saying \"A number of people have been hurt as part of this craze and we are", "id": "12032674" }, { "contents": "Red Skelton\n\n\ncomedian goes out and hits people right on. A clown uses pathos. He can be funny, then turn right around and reach people and touch them with what life is like.\" \"I just want to be known as a clown\", he said, \"because to me that's the height of my profession. It means you can do everything—sing, dance and above all, make people laugh.\" His purpose in life, he believed, was to make people laugh. In \"Groucho and", "id": "13279172" }, { "contents": "List of Soul Eater characters\n\n\nand Moonlight - manifest on the moon's surface as a line of defense for Asura. Though regularly regenerate through the effects of Asura's madness wavelength, the three Clowns are destroyed once the witches use their Soul Protect to cancel their healing ability. In the anime, modeled after Justin's Clown, two Clowns appear as autonomous robots designed to guard the last Magic Tool created by Eibon and test those who try to claim it, having devoured everyone in the town of Sarcophagus where the artifact was hidden twenty years prior. Though", "id": "148109" }, { "contents": "Clown (Korn song)\n\n\n\"Clown\" is the fourth single by the American nu metal band Korn from their self-titled debut album. What inspired Jonathan Davis to write this song though, was an early gig in San Diego where a person in the audience was booing them and telling them to \"go back to Bakersfield!\" Jonathan knelt down to hear him and the guy took a swing at him. He missed and the band's manager assaulted him. The person was all tattooed and looked like a \"clown\" to Jonathan Davis,", "id": "10073697" }, { "contents": "Madonna: Tears of a Clown\n\n\nnobody makes any money ... and sometimes I dream about simplicity.\" During the show, the singer explained her decision to do Tears of a Clown: I've had this idea in my head for this show Tears of a Clown which is a combination of music and storytelling. Because at the end of the day I do think of myself as a story teller. But it's rough as f---, so bear with me and give me all the support you can. It's from the heart. I chose to debut", "id": "5367350" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nschool in Bathgate. Pupils at schools in Livingston were locked into classrooms, fearing a break-in from the clowns. On October 5, a boy filmed a person dressed as a clown scaring passing drivers in Caernarfon. On October 7, a 10-year-old schoolboy in Tredegar, South Wales was left with a large bruise after a stone was thrown at him by someone dressed in a clown costume. A person dressed as a clown who was seen frightening people in the street in Rhyl, who was stopped by police,", "id": "12032690" }, { "contents": "Fears of a Clown\n\n\n, it was revealed that the retirement was just a ruse so Skinner would finally blow the whistle on Bart after years of being pranked by him. Feeling embarrassed and angry, Bart chooses to pull off the ultimate prank to the entire staff by super-gluing the faces of Skinner and staff with plastic Krusty the Clown masks. Unfortunately, this causes people around Springfield to become terrified of clowns, and also causes Krusty to lose his comedic edge. Because of this, Krusty is no longer a comedic character and even loses his", "id": "6928996" }, { "contents": "List of productions of The Nutcracker\n\n\nthe \"Dance of the Clowns\", cut from the earlier version, is reinstated, though Mother Ginger does not appear, nor do any clowns; the dance is performed by the same dancers who perform the other \"divertissements\". It is now available on DVD, and has been telecast in the U.S. as part of Ovation TV's annual \"Battle of the Nutcrackers\". The first widescreen high-definition revival of the Grigorovich \"Nutcracker\" was streamed live to movie theatres in Europe in 2010. The use of", "id": "7254970" }, { "contents": "Murder Clown\n\n\n. In late 2007 AAA decided to repackage Aliens turning him into \"Zombie Clown\" and making him a part of Los Psycho Circus along with Psycho Clown and Monster Clown. Unlike previous Clown characters who wore fabric masks Los Psycho Circus wore rubber masks with more horrific, twisted facial expressions, inspired by the movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Zombie Clown's mask features rotting yellow teeth, skin blotches and a small blue tophat. The team made their debut on December 14, 2007 during a show in Chilpancingo, Guerrero where", "id": "20405204" }, { "contents": "Steve Smith (clown)\n\n\nSteve Smith (born August 8, 1951), professional clown and circus director, is best known to audiences as the clown character, \"TJ Tatters.\" Steve Smith began his career in clowning as a graduate of Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Clown College, Class of 1971. He then toured with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for six seasons before leaving the show and moving to Chicago, Illinois, where he attended the Goodman School of Drama and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in acting from the institution", "id": "15714902" }, { "contents": "Wladimir Klitschko vs. Tyson Fury\n\n\nand sponsorships, \"but quite frankly I don't care about all that stuff, all I care about is winning.\" Klitschko continued his talk of therapy, saying that Fury needed help, before telling Fury he was a clown and that he would get him a job at a circus after the fight. Fury continued the mind games by getting up from his chair and kicking it aside, challenging Klitschko to call him a clown again and shouting that he would fight him now and appeared to have to be restrained. Despite", "id": "8955259" }, { "contents": "Los Psycho Circus\n\n\n) in 2007. It was not until AAA took the wrestler who had worked as Aliens, Kronus (son of Brazo de Plata) and a third wrestler whose previous identity has not been revealed and turned them into \"Los Psycho Circus\". Aliens became known as Zombie Clown, Kronus became Psycho Clown and the third man became known as Killer Clown. Unlike previous clown characters who wore fabric masks Los Psycho Circus wore rubber masks with more horrific, twisted facial expressions, inspired by the movie \"Killer Klowns from Outer Space", "id": "20405182" }, { "contents": "Clown Virus\n\n\n— Tim's nose has turned red. Bill comments that he had never noticed that Tim had a small red nose before. Tim states that he does not have a 'small red nose', to which Graeme replies: \"No, you don't have a small red nose - you have a BIG red nose!\". Tim is turning into a clown — closely followed by Bill and Graeme also turning into clowns. The Goodies discover that people, everywhere, are turning into clowns, and come to the conclusion", "id": "6910685" }, { "contents": "Alfredo Guati Rojo\n\n\nthey have dominated the technique. Every time I start a new painting I am terrified that I will fail.\" Although he did not do self-portraits, he included his likeness in some of his works. One of these is \"Salome\" (1984) where the face of John the Baptist is that to the artist with a beard. In another one of his works \"El Circo de la Vida\" (\"The Circus of Life\") Guati Rojo paints a circus with three clowns in the foreground,", "id": "14457358" }, { "contents": "Death of a Clown\n\n\ncredited to Dave Davies but the song also appeared on the Kinks' album \"Something Else by The Kinks\", released later in 1967. In an interview with \"Yahoo!\", Dave Davies said that \"Death of a Clown\" was written about the repetitive performing schedule he and the rest of the Kinks worked through. He said, \"One night I nodded off at a party and woke up and saw all these decadent people running around. I had a vision of being a circus clown. I thought,", "id": "19262243" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns 2\n\n\nFear of Clowns 2 is a 2007 American horror film written and directed by Kevin Kangas. It's a sequel to \"Fear of Clowns\" and takes place two years after the events of the original and continues the story of a young woman (Jacky Reres) getting stalked by a clown killer (Mark Lassise). The film begins two years after the events of the first film, with Detective Peters at the Doctor's office, who reveals to Peters that he has Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), and there", "id": "14459488" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nand chest before adding red triangles on the cheeks, thick eyebrows and large red lips set in a mischievous grin. Grimaldi's design is used by many modern clowns. According to Grimaldi's biographer Andrew McConnell Stott, it was one of the most important theatrical designs of the 1800s. America's first great whiteface clown was stage star George \"G.L.\" Fox. Following English Joseph Grimaldi, Fox popularised the Humpty Dumpty stories throughout the land in the first half of the 19th century in America. The character clown adopts an eccentric", "id": "6127879" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\n\"creepy clown\" sighting was received by local authorities, prompting an investigation in Gander, central Newfoundland. In early October, people dressed as clowns were sighted in Halifax, Hammonds Plains, and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Police responded to a sighting at Halifax West High School. People dressed as clowns in Glace Bay have also interfered with traffic. Police in Clark's Harbour arrested a 24-year-old man wearing a clown mask. Witnesses reported that he grabbed at the clothing of a young boy. In the first half of", "id": "12032662" }, { "contents": "Clown society\n\n\nClown society is a term used in anthropology and sociology for an organization of comedic entertainers (Heyoka or \"clowns\") who have a formalized role in a culture or society. Sometimes clown societies have a sacred role, to represent a trickster character in religious ceremonies. Other times the purpose served by members of a clown society is only to parody excessive seriousness, or to deflate pomposity. In the sense of how clowns function in their culture: By doing ordinary things \"the wrong way\" the clown reveals what would otherwise", "id": "21524581" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nsome type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo. Prime examples of this type of clown are the circus tramps Otto Griebling and Emmett Kelly. On film, Red Skelton, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin would all fit the definition of a character clown. (Note: Nowadays, the hobo or tramp clown is often considered a separate class and is treated as such in competitions at clown conventions.) The character clown makeup is a comic slant on the standard human", "id": "2913148" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nand do not wish to encourage or propagate coulrophobia. Yet, as Radford discovered, bad clowns have existed throughout history: Harlequin, the King's fool, and Mr. Punch. Radford argues that bad clowns have the \"ability to change with the times\" and that modern bad clowns have evolved into Internet trolls. They may not wear clown costume but, nevertheless, engage with people for their own amusement, abuse, tease and speak what they think of as the \"truth\" much like the court jester and \"dip", "id": "1128137" }, { "contents": "Glen Little (clown)\n\n\nin 1991. After his retirement, Little lived in Burley, Idaho, where he ran a circus museum. In 1996, Little wrote a book on his experiences as a clown, titled \"Circus Stories: Boss Clown on the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus for More than 20 Years\". In 1977 Little was asked by the \"Sarasota Herald-Tribune\" what he would do after he retired from the circus. Little replied, \"Leave here? Are you out of your mind? I'm never going", "id": "7580669" }, { "contents": "Carequinha\n\n\nGeorge Savalla Gomes, better known as Carequinha or Baldy the Clown (July 18, 1915 in Rio Bonito – April 5, 2006 in São Gonçalo), was a Brazilian clown and actor, born in a circus to a circus family. He had a thick head of hair, but wore a bald wig, starting from five years old – he was a clown in Circus Ocidental until the age of twelve. He was the first Brazilian clown to have his own TV show – \"Circo Bombril\", later called \"", "id": "12205929" }, { "contents": "The Clown's Prayer\n\n\n, I am poor, I have no gift Meet for Thy shrine; My life is spent in joke and jest, So empty, vain, e'en at its best, This life of mine. But, Lord, beneath my mirthful face I hide a tear, And when the crowd laugh at the fair They seem to gibe at my despair And mock my fear. Lord, I am poor save in this wise: A child have I, And as I joke the best I may, He, uncomplaining fades away", "id": "11338265" }, { "contents": "The Warning (Eminem song)\n\n\na negative light, claiming to have been angered by her not admitting to seeing him. On \"Charmbracelet\", Carey included a song titled \"Clown\", which critics suggested was aimed at Eminem. \"Clown\"'s lyrics were described as \"languidly sinister\" by Sarah Rodman of \"The Boston Globe\", and read: \"I should've left it at 'I like your music too'...You should never have intimated we were lovers / When you know very well we never even touched each other.\"", "id": "5007806" }, { "contents": "Clown bicycle\n\n\nA clown bicycle or clown bike is a bicycle designed for comedic visual effect or stunt riding, typically by circus clowns. It is sometimes called a circus bike. Some clown bikes are also fixed gear, with no freewheeling, so that they may be pedaled either forward or backwards. Some are built very small but are otherwise relatively normal. Pedaling an extremely small bicycle is very difficult and usually much slower than walking, so there is little practical advantage to having a bicycle that will fit in one's purse or pocket.", "id": "12185067" }, { "contents": "Clowning Around\n\n\nveteran American actor Van Johnson along with French actor Jean-Michel Dagory. \"Clowning Around\" features the first film role for Heath Ledger, who appears in the last ten minutes as an orphan clown who closes the film by delivering its final lines. His role was so minor he was not even mentioned in the film's credits. This series was followed up with a sequel entitled Clowning Around 2, which was filmed in 1992. Simon Gunner (Clayton Williamson), is a starstruck kid who aspires to become a circus", "id": "10104039" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\npulling a clown prank, that \" of today we have issued 6,125 (concealed carry) permits in Darke County alone. You might also ask yourself how your luck will be today.\" It was thought that clowns would visit a school in Lowellville which prompted a police investigation. There have been sightings in Oklahoma City, Moore, McAlester, Tulsa, and Chickasha, as well as Miami. During the evening of October 7, 2016, several residents of a Moore, Oklahoma neighborhood confronted two individuals clad in clown", "id": "12032740" }, { "contents": "Clown (comics)\n\n\n-brother. The reason for this deception is unknown. Boomerang and Owl hire Clown onto the Sinister Sixteen, assembled to distract the Chameleon's forces while Boomerang steals from him. A third Clown appeared as a member of the Circus of Crime at the time of the \"Spiral\" arc. This Clown's identity hasn't been revealed yet. During the \"Opening Salvo\" part of the \"Secret Empire\" storyline, Clown was with the Circus of Crime at the time when Baron Helmut Zemo recruited them to join the", "id": "14298542" }, { "contents": "Kachina\n\n\nperformance centers on humor and entertainment, but also they monitor the assembled crowd and provide policing activities over both the Kachina performers and the audience. Mockery is a tool used to warn spectators of non-Hopi behavior, and generally long remembered by the recipient of clown attention. The clown personages play dual roles. Their prominent role is to amuse the audience during the extended periods of the outdoor celebrations and Kachina Dances where they perform as jesters or circus clowns. Their more subtle and sacred role is in the Hopis' ritual performances", "id": "9457425" }, { "contents": "Clown Care\n\n\nmovie Patch Adams by Robin Williams, bringing attention to hospital clowning. Professional Clown Doctors began working in hospitals in 1986 under a program called the Big Apple Circus Clown Care Unit, which was started by Michael Christensen in New York City. Clown Doctor programs now operate in every state in Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Israel, South Africa, Hong Kong, Brazil, and all over Europe. Clown Doctors attend specifically to the psycho-social needs of the hospitalized child but in", "id": "11410432" }, { "contents": "Obnoxio the Clown\n\n\nillo. I think the piece impressed Larry quite a bit, because if my memory is correct, Larry left me strictly alone on anything and everything Obnoxio the Clown-related.\" Most of the Obnoxio features were written by Virgil Diamond, who according to Hama \"was a high school English teacher in Brooklyn. I heard from him a few years ago when he retired. He really labored on those pages and was constantly fussing with them.\" Obnoxio the Clown appeared in a number of single-page gags in \"", "id": "21336984" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nby most British clowns. Grimaldi was known as a master in the use of expressions of the body and face, unique sense of comic timing, imaginative byplay, and his overall comic abilities. He was famous and influential enough in his time to have had Charles Dickens write his biography. Today clowns are often called Joeys in honour of Joseph Grimaldi. (See above in \"Circus clown lingo\".) John Bill Ricketts, an Englishman who brought the first modern circus to the United States, began his theatrical career with", "id": "2913154" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\nprop stunts are generally considered individual bits. In anthropology, the term \"clown\" has been extended to comparable jester or fool characters in non-Western cultures. A society in which such \"clowns\" have an important position are termed \"clown societies\", and a \"clown\" character involved in a religious or ritual capacity is known as a \"ritual clown\". The most ancient \"clowns\" have been found in the Fifth dynasty of Egypt, around 2400 BC. Unlike court jesters, clowns have traditionally served", "id": "6127887" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nclowns sometimes refer to it as a \"skit\" or \"sketch\". Gags are the clown's written and rehearsed performances. They can take place in the ring (a ring gag or production gag), on the track (a track gag or a walkaround) or in the seats. They can be done solo, with the ringmaster, with other clowns or with audience volunteers. They have a beginning, middle and end, finishing with a \"blow-off\". \"Gag\" may also refer to", "id": "2913151" }, { "contents": "Evil clown\n\n\nassuming the shape of whatever the victim fears the most. The evil clown archetype plays strongly off the sense of dislike it caused to inherent elements of coulrophobia; however, it has been suggested by Joseph Durwin that the concept of evil clowns has an independent position in popular culture, arguing that \"the concept of evil clowns and the widespread hostility it induces is a cultural phenomenon which transcends just the phobia alone\". A study by the University of Sheffield concluded \"that clowns are universally disliked by children. Some found them quite", "id": "1128134" }, { "contents": "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College\n\n\nRingling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College (originally located in Venice, Florida, then relocated to Baraboo, Wisconsin and finally Sarasota, Florida) trained around 1,400 clowns in the \"Ringling style\" from its 1968 founding until its 1997 closure. Clown College was the brainchild of Irvin Feld, the owner of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, and longtime Ringling clown and front man Bill Ballantine. In 1968, Ringling had only a handful of clowns in their alleys, most of them over fifty years of age.", "id": "1079008" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nsuburb of Mexico City, possibly due to being beaten to death by a group of people after the clowns were scaring people. This turned out to be false. The news sites reporting the incident used a photo of two clowns murdered in Guatemala in March 2015. Sightings were reported in several New Zealand cities, such as in Auckland where a creepy clown was caught on camera at the University of Auckland library. At 4pm Friday 2 of August Antony was assaulted by a killer clown while walking home with Brendon. Unfortunately they", "id": "12032676" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nshopping centres, parks and schools and jumping from trees.\" On October 5, a number of people dressed as clowns were spotted in Belfast. On October 7, a school in Coleraine had closed its doors for a short time because of fears that people dressed as clowns were on their way to the school. On 7 October a clown threatened children with a knife in Riverside Park, Ballymoney, County Antrim. On Instagram an account called 'killerclownsballymoney' said a clown would be \"waiting at Ballymoney High school gates at", "id": "12032692" }, { "contents": "Mooky the Clown\n\n\nLaci Endresz Jr. (born 28 July 1974) is an English circus performer who performs as the circus clown Mooky the Clown. Endresz was born in Eastbourne, East Sussex, England. His father, Laci Endresz Sr., was born in Hungary and is the director of the Tower Circus at Blackpool Tower, a position he has held since 1992. Seven generations of his family have performed in the circus on his father’s side and nine generations on his mother’s side. He made his first appearance as a clown in", "id": "17170308" }, { "contents": "Fear of Clowns 2\n\n\nis no treatment; it's fatal. Two months later, it is revealed that after being sent to jail two years ago, Doug Richardson a.k.a. \"Shivers The Clown\" was sent to a mental asylum, and Lynn Blodgett has quit her painting career and gone on to write a book called \"Coulrophobia\", which talks about her \"fear of clowns\" and the story about the stalking killer clown two years ago; she and Tucker Reid have broken up and haven't seen each other for a while. But", "id": "14459489" }, { "contents": "Discworld characters\n\n\nhe renounced his clowning heritage, and went to work at the bank. Mr Bent eventually accepts his clown heritage after having a mental breakdown because (among other things) he made his first mathematical mistake. It appears that he remains at the bank, though. In an attempt to honour his clown heritage, he returns to work wearing a red nose. Mr Bent resided in Mrs. Cake's Boarding House. This has likely changed since getting married to a 'Miss Drapes' (although she is presumably now Mrs Bent)", "id": "5614472" }, { "contents": "Circus (video game)\n\n\ngets the clown onto the seesaw, the clown on the other side shoots off into the air towards the three rows of balloons on the top of the screen. The clown may not have enough speed to reach the balloons if the first clown does not land squarely on the seesaw. Clowns bounce off of balloons, walls, and jumping boards, but will pass directly through multiple balloons if they are moving quickly enough. They will only bounce off the jumping boards when they are heading downwards and will pass straight through the boards", "id": "14521734" }, { "contents": "The Day of the Clown\n\n\nsave Luke. Then Clyde uses his funny jokes to dissipate their fear. Odd Bob requires fear to exist, and without it, he is forced to return to the meteorite he used to come to Earth. Sarah Jane puts the meteorite into a box from which nothing can escape, not even thoughts. In the end, Clyde says how the universe is always full of surprises after everyone gets invited to the Chandra's for dinner. After Sarah Jane reveals her fear of clowns, Luke reveals that he knows Johnny Depp is", "id": "174587" }, { "contents": "Circus clown\n\n\nNew York City, Dan Rice gained 19th century fame with many talents, most of which involved him clowning in circuses. In addition to his 'clowning' talents, he was an animal trainer, songwriter, commentator, political humorist, strong man, actor, director, producer, dancer, and politician. He ran for Senate, Congress, and President of the United States - dropping out of each race. He changed the circus into what it is today by mixing animals, acrobats and clowns. His first break came", "id": "2913160" }, { "contents": "Today I Am a Clown\n\n\n. The person tells him that since he never had a Bar Mitzvah, he is not really Jewish. Krusty runs into Bart and Lisa outside, and he tells them of his problem. Bart and Lisa wonder how Krusty could not have had a Bar Mitzvah, especially considering that his own father is a rabbi. They go to Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky to ask why Krusty never had a Bar Mitzvah, and Hyman reveals that it was because he was afraid that Krusty would make a mockery of the whole ceremony. Lisa points out", "id": "11728777" }, { "contents": "Martyn Jacques\n\n\nbeen described as enjoying when audience members walk out of his shows, noting \"It's always funny when people are offended by what I do ... after all, I'm just an entertainer.\" Jacques' songs range from hilarious, dark, up-beat music, even darker, strange and mysterious songs and some cover versions, such as \"My Funny Valentine\" and \"Send in the Clowns\". He is the musical director of the junk opera \"Shockheaded Peter\". \"The Independent On Sunday\" (", "id": "3184734" }, { "contents": "2016 clown sightings\n\n\nIsrael, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South America. One possible precursor event was the 2013 sightings of a \"creepy clown\" in Northampton, England. The Northampton clown sightings, which were in the town during September and October 2013, were the work of three local filmmakers Alex Powell, Elliot Simpson, and Luke Ubanski. The clown shared similar looks to Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's book \"It\". The trio started a Facebook page for the so-called \"Northampton clown\" and", "id": "12032649" }, { "contents": "Fears of a Clown\n\n\npeople to run away but the weight of the water balloons breaks the net, causing the crowd to get splashed with the water, with Marge finally realizing that \"boys will be boys\" saying is real and that motherhood \"sucks\", followed by Homer saying the same saying and Marge walking into the boys restroom to get even with him. On the night of the play, Krusty is still being haunted by his former clown self. During the play, as Krusty tried to quiet the voice inside his mind, he", "id": "6929000" }, { "contents": "Glen Little (clown)\n\n\nGlen \"Frosty\" Little (December 5, 1925 – October 26, 2010) was a circus clown who served with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for over 20 years. He was one of only four clowns ever to have been given the title \"Master Clown\" by the Ringling organization. Born in 1925 in Genoa, Nebraska to Elsie and Glen Little. Little saw his first circus at the age of seven, which instilled a lifelong love of the circus in him. His nickname \"Frosty\" was", "id": "7580662" }, { "contents": "Clown\n\n\ncharacter of some type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo. Prime examples of this type of clown are the circus tramps Otto Griebling and Emmett Kelly. Red Skelton, Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Sacha Baron Cohen would all fit the definition of a character clown. The character clown makeup is a comic slant on the standard human face. Their makeup starts with a flesh tone base and may make use of anything from glasses, mustaches and beards to freckles,", "id": "6127880" } ]
I love rap music. I'm a fan of Snoop Dogg. Yeah, he is a popular rapper, songwriter, Television personality, and actor. I like him too. I didn't know he was an actor. What kind of acting has Snoop Dogg done? He was the voice in the movie Turbo. I actually didn't see that movie. Is that about a car or something?
[{"answer": "It's a Dreamworks Animation in 2013 as the voice of Smoove Move the snail, lol.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "34643655", "title": "Turbo (film)", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 131, "bleu_score": 0.7215195930199078, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nnot I don't give a fuck, it's like maybe I can smoke witchu' maybe I can't, you know what I'm saying?\" Snoop Dogg revealed to MTV that he was looking to get a Britney Spears duet for the album. On November 27, 2010 Snoop Dogg was in the studio with producer David Banner who produced two beats for him. On December 8, 2010, Snoop Dogg reported to \"Complex\" magazine that featured artists will include Daz Dillinger, Too Short, Bootsy Collins, Kokane", "id": "21333619" }, { "contents": "Soopafly\n\n\n. Then in 1996, he was featured on the soundtrack to the movie \"A Thin Line Between Love and Hate\" on the song \"I Don't Hang.\" A remix would later follow. Soopafly was further introduced to mainstream listeners on Snoop Dogg's second studio album \"Tha Doggfather\". He produced the songs \"Freestyle Conversation\" and \"You Thought\", appearing alongside veteran rapper Too Short. Since then, he has been featured primarily on albums by local artists such as Snoop Dogg, Daz Dillinger,", "id": "19014385" }, { "contents": "Shaq–Kobe feud\n\n\n. Bryant commented that he \"didn't take (O'Neal's rap) any kind of way whatsoever.\" O'Neal later said he was freestyling and that \"it was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever ... I'm totally cool with Kobe. No issue at all.\" Rap artist Snoop Dogg, a Laker fan, agreed that \"Shaq has all access and the right to do and say what he wants to say in fun, in the spirit of rap.\" In November of the 2008–2009 season, O'Neal", "id": "13261579" }, { "contents": "No Limit Top Dogg\n\n\nwould best represent him and would best represent me over his music,\" Snoop Dogg said. \"He [directed] me on what to say and how to say it. I just chose the type of beats I wanted and the type of topics I wanted to rap about.\" In response to working again with Snoop and how times have changed since last working together, Dre stated the following: Snoop also continues a previous tradition on his albums to include a cover of an older Hip-Hop song with the song", "id": "14998542" }, { "contents": "The Chronic\n\n\nhe draws.\" Snoop Dogg later commented on the \"reality\" of his lyrics, stating \"My raps are incidents where either I saw it happen to one of my close homies or I know about it from just being in the ghetto. I can't rap about something I don't know. You'll never hear me rapping about no bachelor's degree. It's only what I know and that's that street life. It's all everyday life, reality.\" Three singles were released from the album:", "id": "18702627" }, { "contents": "What I Need\n\n\n\"should be enough to momentum. Here, Ray J's vocals once again seem strained as he cops another plea to the woman he has done wrong. Despite its sap factor, \"What I Need\" will likely lap up radio play.\" The remix version with West Coast rappers Nate Dogg, Shorty Mack, Slim Thug and Snoop Dogg became even more popular being watched more than 200,000 times on YouTube. It's called \"Smokin Trees (What I Need Remix)\" and produced by Ray J for Knockout Entertainment", "id": "2528619" }, { "contents": "Doggystyle\n\n\nhas been criticized for its extreme lyrics, which are often accused of glamorizing gang violence and black-on-black crime. The Gangsta rappers responded that they were simply describing the realities of life in places such as Compton, California, and Long Beach, California. Describing \"Doggystyle\" in 1993, Snoop Doggy Dogg likewise points to the album's realism, and the extent to which it is based on his personal experience. He said, \"I can't rap about something I don't know. You'll never", "id": "1411173" }, { "contents": "No Limit Top Dogg\n\n\n\"Snoopafella\" (a remake of the song \"Cinderfella Dana Dane\" by New York rapper Dana Dane). Despite limited involvement on a musical level from No Limit, Snoop has stated that Master P has influenced the album in other ways with the track \"I Love My Momma\". Snoop mentions \"If I wouldn't be on No Limit, I wouldn't even did a song like that, but since Master P, every album he do, he got a song about his momma. He got a song", "id": "14998543" }, { "contents": "Suboi\n\n\n, Linkin Park, Aaliyah, Kendrick Lamar among many others, her versatile rap style ranges from a laid-back delivery similar to Snoop Dogg to a fast paced style like Eminem. Asked about her style, she states \"I can't pinpoint a particular style or artist but I'm a fan of Mos Def, Da Brat, Snoop Dogg, Aaliyah, Foxy Brown and the newest one Azealia Banks. I also enjoy everything nice from Norah Jones, Bob Marley, Erykah Badu, to German artist Kool Savas, Xavier", "id": "22092457" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nCalvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. (born October 20, 1971), known professionally as Snoop Dogg, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, producer, media personality, entrepreneur, and actor. His music career began in 1992 when he was discovered by Dr. Dre and featured on Dre's solo debut, \"Deep Cover\", and then on Dre's solo debut album, \"The Chronic\". He has since sold over 23 million albums in the United States and 35 million albums worldwide. Snoop's debut album,", "id": "6690570" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg (What's My Name Pt. 2)\n\n\n\"Snoop Dogg (What's My Name II)\" is the follow-up for one of the first singles released by rapper Snoop Dogg, \"Who Am I? (What's My Name?).\" It was also the only CD single released from his fifth album, \"Tha Last Meal\". The music video is directed by Chris Robinson. It was produced by Timbaland and briefly features Dr. Dre, who is sat on a couch portrayed as a pimp with Snoop Dogg to his left. Nate Dogg", "id": "13318873" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nhip hop, the singles \"Who Am I (What's My Name)?\" and \"Gin and Juice\" reached the top ten most-played songs in the United States, and the album stayed on the Billboard charts for several months. Gangsta rap became the center of arguments about censorship and labeling, with Snoop Dogg often used as an example of violent and misogynistic musicians. Unlike much of the harder-edged gangsta rap artists, Snoop Dogg seemed to show his softer side, according to music journalist Chuck Philips", "id": "6690581" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n. \"Rolling Stone\" music critic Touré asserted that Snoop had a relatively soft vocal delivery compared to other rappers: \"Snoop's vocal style is part of what distinguishes him: where many rappers scream, figuratively and literally, he speaks softly.\" \"Doggystyle\", much like \"The Chronic\", featured a host of rappers signed to or affiliated with the Death Row label including Daz Dillinger, Kurupt, Nate Dogg, and others. A short film about Snoop Dogg's murder trial, \"Murder Was the Case", "id": "6690582" }, { "contents": "Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\n\n\nhad a big input on this album, producing several tracks and even rapping a verse on the track, \"Imagine\". Dr. Dre hadn't produced any Snoop Dogg tracks since 2000. He also did I Wanna Fuck You with Akon but had to release a cleaned up version for radio play called I Wanna Love You. Other songs recorded for this album didn't make the final cut, including \"Wannabes\" featuring Young Jeezy and Nate Dogg; produced by DJ Quik, \"Smokin' Smokin' Weed\" featuring Ray", "id": "10590081" }, { "contents": "Nate Dogg\n\n\nNathaniel Dwayne Hale (August 19, 1969 – March 15, 2011), known professionally as Nate Dogg, was an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor. Hale began his career as a member of the California rap trio 213, alongside his longtime friend Warren G and cousin Snoop Dogg. He eventually pursued a solo career, and released three solo albums, \"G-Funk Classics, Vol. 1 & 2\" in 1998, \"Music & Me\" in 2001, and \"Nate Dogg\" as", "id": "16918343" }, { "contents": "Signs (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\nwhat he thinks he has seen, expressing a wish that love (personified as Cupid in classical fashion) should not play around with his emotions. Meanwhile, another male observer (voiced by Snoop Dogg) opines that the Timberlake character is out of his element and should not bother attempting to further relations between himself and the object of his affection, since he lacks the necessary gangster credentials. The verses of the song, rapped by Snoop Dogg, mainly following Snoop Dogg's attempts to charm a woman or women. The first", "id": "19772695" }, { "contents": "Get 'Em Girls (song)\n\n\nbe Snoop Dogg. \"Get 'Em Girls\" was written by David Buchanan, Dogg and Bangladesh, who also handled the song's production. Mauboy had initially planned to have Nicki Minaj, Missy Elliott or Lady Sovereign featured on the song. She explained, \"I didn't end up getting any of them but with the help of Bangladesh who produced the track, he contacted Snoop Dogg and that's how it came about.\" When speaking about the song in an interview with \"Q News\", Mauboy said", "id": "4277815" }, { "contents": "Randy Disher\n\n\n\"Mr. Monk and the Rapper\", Randy boards the stage in a rap club, shouting: \"If you enjoyed that, check out \"\"!\". However, his rapping abilities are questionable and he gets offended when Murderuss (Snoop Dogg) calls him the \"whitest white guy\" after Randy attempts to rap out part of Murderuss's song \"Car Bomb\" (specifically, the part of \"Ch, ch, ch, I put the bomb in your limo, that's what the surprise is", "id": "4008156" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg filmography\n\n\nSnoop Dogg has appeared in various video games, music videos, television series, and films such as the Oscar-winning drama Training Day and the critically acclaimed cable television series The L Word. He also has appeared in documentaries on Hip hop music and other subjects, and is the subject of a 2012 documentary, \"Reincarnated\", on his transformation into \"Snoop Lion\", a reggae artist. He also had an uncredited role in \"I Got the Hook Up\" as the bar patron. Snoop has directed and", "id": "4497817" }, { "contents": "DJ Pooh\n\n\nMark Jordan (born June 29, 1969 in Kansas City, Missouri), better known by his stage name DJ Pooh is an American record producer, voice actor, rapper, screenwriter, actor and film director. He has produced albums for many rappers such as Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, LL Cool J, and many more. Most known for his acting role as \"Red\" in the first \"Friday\" movie with Ice Cube. DJ Pooh co-wrote \"Friday\" and helped with character development. As", "id": "12328416" }, { "contents": "Robyn\n\n\nof \"Hang with Me\" from \"Body Talk Pt. 1\", the day before. The album includes a duet with American rapper Snoop Dogg, \"U Should Know Better\". Robyn performed \"Dancing on My Own\" with deadmau5 at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards on 12 September. In a BBC \"Newsbeat\" interview, she explained her decision to release three albums in one year: \"It was just something I felt like I needed to do. I just never thought about selling records or not", "id": "5997966" }, { "contents": "Ghetto (Kelly Rowland song)\n\n\nback and that's why I had to have Snoop [Dogg].\" Originally recorded without Snoop Dogg for the delayed 2006 \"My Story\" album, it was not until months prior to the \"Ms. Kelly\" release, that the rapper was consulted to contribute additional vocals to the track. \"He's the King of Cool, so I was honoured when he said yes to do the record. It was like a dream come true,\" Rowland stated in an interview with \"Blue & Soul\" in 2007", "id": "13943403" }, { "contents": "Moves (Olly Murs song)\n\n\n\"Moves\" is a song performed by English singer Olly Murs, featuring vocals from American rapper, singer-songwriter and record producer Snoop Dogg. The song was released as a digital download on 28 September 2018 as the lead single from his sixth studio album \"You Know I Know\". The song also features on the \"Johnny English Strikes Again OST\". It was written by Ed Sheeran, Steve Mac, Ammar Malik and Snoop Dogg. The song is similar to \"Feels\", by Calvin Harris. This", "id": "7985565" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nflavor-filled melodic rhyming\". Peter Shapiro describes Snoop's delivery as a \"molasses drawl\" and AllMusic notes his \"drawled, laconic rhyming\" style. Kool Moe Dee refers to Snoop's use of vocabulary, saying he \"keeps it real simple...he simplifies it and he's effective in his simplicity\". Snoop is known to freestyle some of his lyrics on the spot for some songs – in the book \"How to Rap\", Lady of Rage says, \"Snoop Dogg, when I worked with", "id": "6690617" }, { "contents": "Jensen!\n\n\nfrustration about O'Reilly not inviting him on his show to talk about the arrest, so that he could understand Snoop. The footage gained global notoriety after it was uploaded on YouTube, where it reached more than 1,000,000 views. Bill O'Reilly responded on his show, mocking Snoop Dogg for bashing him and the Netherlands for letting Snoop Dogg in the country, something which increased not only Snoop Dogg's popularity in The Netherlands, but also Robert Jensen's popularity. On 26 November 2009 Snoop Dogg returned in JENSEN! to talk about Bill", "id": "2424043" }, { "contents": "God Forgives, I Don't\n\n\nI can't give you too much because I'm going to let him do that, because that's his project, but I could tell you right now it's classic and he is talking that talk.\" In September 2011, Drake spoke on the album during an interview with MTV saying: \"That \"God Forgives I Don't\"; the only way I can describe it, it's like Snoop Dogg's \"Doggystyle\", The Notorious B.I.G.'s \"Ready to Die\", or Clipse's \"Lord", "id": "12610153" }, { "contents": "Vampire in Brooklyn\n\n\nn't going to have any redeeming qualities. But Wes taught us that we must get the audience to care about our characters. And even if they didn't know any vampires personally, they would at least have to identify with the type of person he was. About the movie, Eddie Murphy said: \"I've always wanted to do something where I was the villain in the movie. I love horror pictures and I was a big fan of Wes Craven. This movie started out as something small, this was a", "id": "19690129" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n, which was officially released on July 1, 2019. , the music video has amassed 100,341,914 views on YouTube. Snoop Dogg has appeared in numerous films and television episodes throughout his career. His starring roles in film includes \"The Wash\" (with Dr. Dre) and the horror film \"Bones\". He also co-starred with rapper Wiz Khalifa in the 2012 movie \"Mac and Devin Go to High School\" which a sequel has been announced. He has had various supporting and cameo roles in film, including", "id": "6690609" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Rock (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\n\"I Wanna Rock\" is the third official single from American rapper, Snoop Dogg's tenth studio album, \"Malice n Wonderland\". It was released digitally on iTunes on November 17, 2009, after the second single \"That's Tha Homie\". The song was produced by Scoop DeVille and mixed by Dr. Dre, and Snoop Dogg released it on a mixtape titled \"I Wanna Rock\" on November 23. The song was confirmed by BBC Radio 1 to be released in the UK on March 15, 2010", "id": "8465297" }, { "contents": "What's My Name? (Snoop Doggy Dogg song)\n\n\nof a Black Hat\" (1993). In the UK in 2014, the song was used on an advert for MoneySupermarket, which featured Snoop Dogg. \"\"Who Am I? (What's My Name?)\"\" was the first top-ten of Snoop Dogg on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, the first as lead artist. The song reached number 8 on the chart. The song topped the US Hot Rap Songs for three weeks. It was certified gold by the RIAA in 1994. Fab", "id": "13690231" }, { "contents": "Tha Doggfather\n\n\nDeath Row wanted me to do. I'm gonna bring a positive side of music.\" Although his new lyrical direction was met with mixed feelings from fans and critics alike, Snoop Dogg still thinks of the album as a success: \"I enjoyed it and everywhere I go around the world people, you know, I sign more Doggfather records than any other record I put out. That's the one I sign the most and I'm proud at the thang I did and the thang is... sometimes you can", "id": "10831129" }, { "contents": "15 Years on Death Row\n\n\nbut a \"G\" Thang 3. Dr. Dre – Let Me Ride 4. Dr. Dre – Lil' Ghetto Boy 5. Dr. Dre & Ice Cube – Natural Born Killaz 6. Snoop Dogg – Who Am I (What's My Name)? 7. Snoop Dogg – Gin and Juice (Laid Back Mx) 8. Snoop Dogg – Doggy Dogg World 9. Snoop Dogg – Vapors 10. Snoop Dogg – Murder Was The Case 11. Snoop Dogg – Doggfather 12. Snoop Dogg – Snoop's Upside Ya", "id": "14452817" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\npeople can do what they want.\" In his keynote address at the 2015 South by Southwest music festival, he blamed Los Angeles's explosion of gang violence in the 1980s on the economic policies of Ronald Reagan, and insinuated that his administration shipped guns and drugs into the area. He endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Bravo's Watch What Happens Live in May 2015, saying, \"I would love to see a woman in office because I feel like we're at that stage in life to where we need a perspective", "id": "6690631" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg filmography\n\n\nco-produced, and guest starred in these movies, although he does not feature in any sex scenes. As well as starring and producing films Snoop Dogg has also appeared in a few video games, such as \"\" (as a hidden character) and \"\" (as Crow). On June 5, 2012 at E3, Namco Bandai announced a partnership with American rapper Snoop Dogg for content for Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Snoop recorded an original song for the game, titled \"Knocc 'Em Down\",", "id": "4497818" }, { "contents": "Jordan Allen-Dutton\n\n\nsongs with Erik Weiner including, \"I'm So Straight\", \"One Line on the Sopranos\" and \"I Google Myself\" produced by Yung Mars. Jordan has also written for and produced television shows such as \"America's Best Dance Crew\", \"Snoop Dogg's Fatherhood\", NBC's \"The Sing-Off\", the MTV Movie Awards, the HBO poetry show Brave New Voices and \"Lip Sync Battle.\" In addition to writing and producing Jordan founded a software company in 2004 called Talking", "id": "10436086" }, { "contents": "Fiend (rapper)\n\n\nSnoop Dogg signed to No Limit, Fiend and Snoop developed a friendship: \"Snoop Dogg spending the night at the house on a regular basis.\" said Fiend. He recalled a story wherein he and Snoop had been smoking cannabis and then gone for a leisurely drive. They were too stoned to drive, so they pulled over on Interstate 10 and took a nap. Fiend said that the two had recorded songs that were never released. Fiend also produces music, having done production for songs on Jadakiss' \"Kiss tha", "id": "12883410" }, { "contents": "Tha Doggfather\n\n\nin an interview with Vh1, Snoop Dogg revealed the differences between \"Doggystyle\" and \"Tha Doggfather\", stating, \"I think \"Tha Doggfather\" was a rebirth of me, as far as me being more positive on what I was tryin' to say and, you know, tryin' to live the life through my music, instead of me just livin' my life, tryin' to show people that my life... wasn't like my music...I'm not gonna glorify none of this negativity that", "id": "10831128" }, { "contents": "Michael Corvin\n\n\nhe had once spent there with his grandfather. According to the novelization, Michael had only been in Budapest for a matter of months before the events in the first film. According to Scott Speedman, the actor who portrays Michael in the franchise, about how his \"personal lack of gun knowledge worked in his favor\"; \"\"I get to carry a gun once in the movie and I didn't know what I was doing, and that was appropriate. I'm the \"girlfriend\". Every time I've", "id": "9192083" }, { "contents": "Scoop DeVille\n\n\nElijah Blue Molina (born October 15, 1987), better known by his stage name Scoop DeVille, is a Mexican-American record producer, rapper and DJ. DeVille has produced records for several prominent rappers, such as Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar, 50 Cent, Busta Rhymes and Fat Joe, among several others. He is perhaps best known for producing rapper Snoop Dogg's \"I Wanna Rock\", as well as Kendrick Lamar's \"Poetic Justice\", both of which charted in the top 50 of the", "id": "14552978" }, { "contents": "Mickey Miller\n\n\nthat giving Mickey a family was not the producers' original plan for the character, but he was pleased when he was told of the development one year prior to their introduction: \"Before, I was in and out all the time. I didn't really know where I stood as an actor. Now that the family are here, I feel like Mickey's a more regular character. I'm really happy about it [...] I didn't know exactly what they'd be like until about three or four months", "id": "20915564" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nproduced by Jake One. \"Platinum\" was the third official promotional single from the album. The track features singer R. Kelly and was released to the iTunes Store on February 22, 2011. The single was produced by Lex Luger. Snoop Dogg revealed to MTV about the collaboration \"I think me and Kells understand who we are and what we do to make each other better,\" Snoop said. \"He has a deep love for music, and sometimes he goes over the head of the people that's listening just", "id": "21333627" }, { "contents": "The Beautiful People (song)\n\n\norgan-like sound not noticeable in the previously released versions) have been made more pronounced. In 1997, MTV News reported that Manson had expressed interest in collaborating with Snoop Dogg to produce a rock/rap version of \"The Beautiful People\". It is unknown if the collaboration ever actually occurred, although in his September 4, 1997 keynote address at the CMJ Music Marathon, the singer referred to the project as \"something I would still love to do\" and blamed the hectic touring schedules of both his own band", "id": "5225308" }, { "contents": "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2\n\n\nbigger in that way but to go deeper with the characters... and getting to know them more emotionally... everything is just getting too sprawling and too crazy for me in these superhero comic book movies.\" Gunn added, \"I adored what we had done with him. I think we did something really creative and unique with Adam Warlock. But it was one character too many and I didn't want to lose Mantis and Mantis was more organically part of the movie anyway.\" He noted that Warlock could appear in future", "id": "12263049" }, { "contents": "The Marshall Mathers LP\n\n\nwe just met, but I think I'm in love with you\". \"Amityville\" is a bass-heavy ode to living in Detroit, where the rapper discusses the city's crowning as murder capital of the United States. \"Bitch Please II\" features Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg, and Xzibit, and contains elements of g-funk, as well as R&B crooning from Nate Dogg on the chorus. \"Kim\", the prequel to \"97 Bonnie and Clyde\" from \"The Slim", "id": "18460601" }, { "contents": "List of awards and nominations received by Snoop Dogg\n\n\nDogg has won the award once. The \"AVN Awards\" are movie awards sponsored and presented by the American adult video industry trade magazine \"AVN\" (\"Adult Video News\") to honor exceptional performance in various aspects of the creation and marketing of American pornographic movies. They are called the \"Oscars of porn\". Snoop Dogg has won the award twice. The BET Awards were established in 2001 by the Black Entertainment Television network to celebrate African Americans and other minorities in music, acting, sports, and other", "id": "17634258" }, { "contents": "God Forgives, I Don't\n\n\nabout working with Dr. Dre saying, \"I got to be in the studio with him and watch him turn those knobs which has been a dream of mine since \"Straight Out of Compton\" and I just wanted to ask him. When I'm listening to those \"Chronic\" skits, that was the end of skits like \"The Chronic\" or a Snoop album.\" The first track, \"Pray for Us\", is an excerpt from the movie \"Baby Boy\", in which the actors Omar Gooding", "id": "12610172" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nas three episodes of \"One Life to Live\". He has participated in three Comedy Central Roasts, for Flavor Flav, Donald Trump, and Justin Bieber. Cameo television appearances include episodes of \"The L Word\", \"Weeds\", \"Entourage\", \"I Get That a Lot\", and \"The Price Is Right\". He has also appeared in an episode of the YouTube video series, \"Epic Rap Battles of History\" as Moses. In 2000, Snoop (as \"Michael J. Corleone", "id": "6690611" }, { "contents": "If I Was You (OMG)\n\n\n\"If I Was You (OMG)\" is a song by Asian-American hip hop group Far East Movement. The song features rapper Snoop Dogg and was produced by the Stereotypes and The Smeezingtons. The original recording appears on the album \"Free Wired\" with a total run time of 3:25. It peaked at number 18 on the New Zealand Singles Chart. An official remix was made by Far East Movement and Snoop Dogg called \"On Campus Remix\". The music video for the song premiered on Vevo and YouTube", "id": "19410173" }, { "contents": "Kush Ups\n\n\n\"Kush Ups\" is a song by American rapper Snoop Dogg, and featuring Wiz Khalifa. It was released for digital download on June 7, 2016 as the first single of his studio album \"Coolaid\", with the record labels; Doggystyle Records and eOne Music. It was produced by KJ Conteh. The song was written by Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa and produced by KJ Conteh. The song contains a sample of \"I Wanna Rock\" by Luther Campbell from his album \"I Got Shit on My Mind\"", "id": "21314059" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nended the video out saying he gave him some gangsta tracks, some R&B tracks and some Hip Hop tracks. Snoop Dogg called off plans to release the sequel to his classic debut Doggystyle, instead opting for the title Doggumentary Music for his 11th studio album, set for release in March 2011 on Priority/EMI Records. \"I have been in the game for so long and still have the same passion I did when I first started. I want my fans to ride with me on this one and know that I am", "id": "21333615" }, { "contents": "Ray J\n\n\nWilliam Raymond Norwood Jr. (born January 17, 1981), known professionally as Ray J, is an American singer, rapper, songwriter, television personality, actor, and entrepreneur. Born in McComb, Mississippi and raised in Carson, California, he is the brother of recording artist and actress Brandy Norwood and the first cousin of rapper Snoop Dogg. In January 2017, he competed in the nineteenth season of the UK reality television programme \"Celebrity Big Brother\". William Ray Norwood Jr. was born in McComb, Mississippi to", "id": "16342611" }, { "contents": "Todd Manning\n\n\n\"I don't crave fame. It's kind of goofy. I didn't want to be a public figure. I wanted to be an actor, not a movie star. But I love rock 'n' roll-there, I'd rather be a rock star. That would be cool.\" He said that \"like all soap actors,\" he sticks with the script the majority of the time, \"but every now and then he goes off the page,\" commenting, \"You get to", "id": "16007268" }, { "contents": "Hip hop music\n\n\n\"2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted\", and Snoop Dogg, whose \"Doggystyle\" included the songs \"What's My Name?\" and \"Gin and Juice\", both top ten hits. As the Los Angeles-based label Death Row Records built an empire around Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, and the rapper-actor Tupac Shakur. It also entered into a rivalry with New York City's Bad Boy Records. (See the article on the East Coast-West Coast hip hop rivalry.) Detached from this", "id": "21675770" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg's Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp\n\n\nSnoop Dogg's Hustlaz: Diary of a Pimp is a mixed hardcore pornography and hip hop music video featuring the music of rapper Snoop Dogg, produced by Hustler Video. The video was also directed, co-produced and presented by Snoop, although he does not feature in any sex scenes. In the film's credits, Snoop is listed under the moniker \"Snoop Scorsese\". The film was released in 2002, a year after Snoop Dogg set the trend of mixed hip hop porn films with \"Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle", "id": "18634332" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Love You (Akon song)\n\n\n\"I Wanna Love You\" (titled \"I Wanna Fuck You\" for explicit versions) is a song written and recorded by Akon featuring Snoop Dogg. It was released in September 2006 as the second single from his second album, \"Konvicted\". It is also featured on Snoop Dogg's eighth album, \"Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\". This song was Akon's first #1 single on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and was also Snoop's second #1 on the same chart. The song also reached", "id": "20751146" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nso focused on bringing good music to them,\" explained the veteran MC. \"It's called Doggumentary Music because this is my life and I want to share my music, and my process of making it, with the fans.\" Rap-Up reported that Snoop Dogg has recorded with Wiz Khalifa on a track, titled “This Weed Iz Mine.” The smokers’ anthem is scheduled to appear on Snoop's 11th studio album Doggumentary Music, along with the Scoop DeVille-produced lead single “New Year's", "id": "21333616" }, { "contents": "You Know I Know (album)\n\n\nincluding the lead single \"Moves\" written by Ed Sheeran and featuring Snoop Dogg and the title track featuring Shaggy. \"Moves\" also features in the film \"Johnny English Strikes Again\". Murs worked with producers and songwriters Steve Mac and Steve Robson along with songwriter Wayne Hector on the album. Along with working with Snoop Dogg on \"Moves\" and Shaggy on the title track, Murs recruited Nile Rodgers to contribute guitar to the song \"Feel the Same\". \"Moves\" was released as the lead single from", "id": "9132687" }, { "contents": "Doggystyle\n\n\nhear me rapping about no bachelor's degree. It's only what I know and that's that street life. It's all everyday life, reality.\" Explaining his intentions, Snoop Doggy Dogg claims he feels he is a role model to many young black men, and that his songs are designed to relate to their concerns. \"For little kids growing up in the ghettos,\" he said, \"it's easy to get into the wrong types of things, especially gangbanging and selling drugs. I've seen", "id": "1411174" }, { "contents": "The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014 film)\n\n\n\". I didn't find it. He brought it to me. I think he is an amazing, creative force, especially with horror. I think he thinks about horror in a really unique way. So, he pitched it to me and I really wanted to work with him. I didn't know the [original] movie. That's what got me interested in it. I have had a really good working relationship with him. And the whole point of why my business exists and why I'm such", "id": "5481926" }, { "contents": "Jack Nicholson\n\n\nwent to do \"Easy Rider\", but didn't see him because we didn't have any scenes together ... At the premiere, I saw him out in the lobby afterward and I started crying ... He didn't understand that, but what it was that I really loved him a lot, and I didn't know it until I saw him again, because it all welled up.\" Within a month after the film's release that September, the movie became a blockbuster, making Nicholson a leading man and the", "id": "13511528" }, { "contents": "Universal Soldier (1971 film)\n\n\nwork on my ideals. Lazneby said Endfield wanted to end the film with Lazenby's character being killed and the actor disagreed. \"I didn’t want him to die because he’d done the right thing. So I refused to film it. They had to freeze frame it instead.\" Lazenby claimed that Jimi Hendrix was supposed to do the music for the movie. \"Then he died\", he said. Lazenby later admitted he \"didn't know what he was doing\" when making the film and that the", "id": "2017689" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n\"Hip Hop Weekly\" on June 17, producer Symbolyc One (S1) announced that Snoop was working on his final album under his rap moniker Snoop Dogg; \"I've been working with Snoop, he's actually working on his last solo album as Snoop Dogg.\" In September 2013 Snoop released a collaboration album with his sons as Tha Broadus Boyz titled \"Royal Fam\". On October 28, 2013, Snoop Dogg released another mixtape entitled \"That's My Work 2\" hosted by DJ Drama. Snoop formed", "id": "6690604" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg's Doggystyle\n\n\nSnoop Dogg's Doggystyle is a mixed hardcore pornography and hip-hop music video featuring the music of rapper Snoop Dogg and presented by him. It was released in 2001. It was the first hardcore video ever listed on the Billboard music video sales chart. Because of its huge success, it started a trend where rappers are put into the mainstream of the porn industry by hosting X-rated films. Many films of the genre followed, starring Necro, Mystikal, Too Short, Ice-T and Yukmouth. It also", "id": "6221820" }, { "contents": "Laugh Now, Cry Later\n\n\nlate June 2006, is the song \"Go to Church\", featuring Snoop Dogg and Lil Jon. The third single released from the album was the promo-only \"Steal the Show\". In the song \"Growin' Up\" he talks about and honours his deceased friend and co-rapper Eazy-E who along with Ice Cube were members of rap group N.W.A. \"Never thought I'd see Eazy in a casket, thanks for everything, that's on everything. I learnt a lot of game from you", "id": "3780518" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\n\" magazine, Snoop stated \"Snoop Lion, Snoop Dogg, DJ Snoopadelic—they only know one thing: make music that's timeless and bangs.\" In December 2012, Snoop released his second single from \"Reincarnated\", \"Here Comes the King\". It was also announced that Snoop worked a deal with RCA Records to release \"Reincarnated\" in early 2013. Also in December 2012, Snoop Dogg released a \"That's My Work\" a collaboration rap mixtape with Tha Dogg Pound. In an interview with", "id": "6690603" }, { "contents": "African-American presidents of the United States in popular culture\n\n\n\" When he appeared in speaking roles on Snoop Dogg's album \"No Limit Top Dogg\", actor Rudy Ray Moore joked that he would run for president with two priorities - painting the White House black and legalizing just about everything. An unnamed black president played a major role in the 2000 first-person shooter Nintendo 64 video game \"Perfect Dark\". The player must prevent his assassination and lead him to the escape pod on a futuristic rendition of Air Force One. The Obama presidency has potential to affect television shows", "id": "6781661" }, { "contents": "Wiggle (song)\n\n\npeanut wrappers, and percussive instruments as sound effects. Jason Derulo chose to collaborate with Snoop Dogg because he \"is the coolest, most swagged-out m*****f****r there is. He's iconic, and I wanted to go for a more iconic look for this one.\" Derulo approached him while they were at an All-Star game. Once he heard the song, Snoop Dogg sent Derulo a message saying: \"This is crazy. I'll get back to you in 48 hours\". \"That's exactly what", "id": "12118582" }, { "contents": "Can I Have It Like That\n\n\n. Williams' rap is in a throaty baritone, described as a \"honey-coated version\" of the styles of Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre. He raps about his current lifestyle as well as his life and achievements. The rap is set over a rhythm section consisting of an irregular beat and a grinding bass. The track reflects Williams' minimalist style, and it is inflected with jazz music, including a trumpet part during the bridge. Josh Tyrangiel of \"Entertainment Weekly\" called the song an \"odd opener\"", "id": "20820214" }, { "contents": "Doggumentary\n\n\nthe record with her. Like I said, I'm looking forward to her being on my record as well.\" Snoop Dogg also recorded with Damon Albarn's animated alternative hip hop group Gorillaz. The song is reportedly left over from the \"Plastic Beach\" sessions, in which Snoop collaborated on the track \"Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach\" Snoop said about the collaboration: \"We did that record in London, England at their studio. The track made me wanna' sing & have fun & what", "id": "21333618" }, { "contents": "Gardner McKay\n\n\ndirected a TV film \"Me\" (1973) for Hollywood Television Theatre on PBS. He wrote a script for another TV movie, \"Sea Marks\" (1976), based on his play. \"I'm through with acting,\" he said in 1976. \"I'll never do a series again. I can't. It's a mental mess-up for me. I got all sorts of attention I didn't deserve and I was too sensitive to hear things about myself. People loved me and", "id": "5254980" }, { "contents": "Bad Azz (rapper)\n\n\n\" (featuring Snoop Dogg, Kokane, and Lil' ½ Dead) reached #75 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart. In 2009, he dropped an album with Bizzy Bone, \"Thug Pound.\" In summer of 2010, he dropped a new single For As Long As I Can. In March 2013 Bad Azz got into a fight with Snoop Dogg's cousin Ray J, Bad Azz said it was revenge for getting jumped by Suge Knight and his entourage a decade earlier. In 2011,", "id": "22020382" }, { "contents": "Nate Dogg\n\n\nNate Dogg, Snoop Dogg, and Warren G, formed a rap trio called 213. They recorded their first demo in the back of the famed V.I.P. record store in Long Beach. The demo was later heard by Dr. Dre at a bachelor party. Nate Dogg made his debut on \"The Chronic\". Singing in what later became his trademark style, he was well received by fans and critics alike, and would go on to sign with Death Row Records in 1993. Nate Dogg was additionally featured on Snoop Dogg's", "id": "16918347" }, { "contents": "Boyfriend (Big Time Rush song)\n\n\nhas a moderate 4 tempo of 80 beats per minute. The band's vocals range from E to B. It begins with a basic sequence of A-E-F#m-E and transitions to F#m-G#m-C#m as it chord progression. The song features rap verses from Snoop Dogg and the New Boyz. The lyrics pertain to being the ideal boyfriend for someone, indicated in lines like, \"I don't care at all what you've done before, all I really want is to be your boyfriend.\"", "id": "12634006" }, { "contents": "The Hateful Eight (soundtrack)\n\n\nMorricone stated that he did not want to repeat himself: \"Can I repeat for Tarantino what I've done for Sergio Leone? It's not possible, right? It would be absurd. It would make Tarantino's movie look hideous, because that music is old, you see. I had to write it in another way. But I have written very important music for him. I don't know if he directly realized that, or if the others did. They didn't expect that music, that's why", "id": "7758820" }, { "contents": "Kesha\n\n\nInto The Light\", \"Wonderland\" and \"Past Lives\" display Kesha's vocal ability. Kesha also uses a trademark talky \"white-girl\" rapping style with exaggerated discordant phrasing and enunciation. Her vocal technique has led her to be credited as a rapper, a topic she disagreed with until fellow rappers André 3000, Wiz Khalifa, and Snoop Dogg endorsed her. On the subject, she said: \"The first time someone called me a rapper, I started laughing. I was shocked, and thought it", "id": "18555340" }, { "contents": "List of awards and nominations received by Snoop Dogg\n\n\nThe following is a list of awards and nominations received by American rapper Snoop Dogg. The American Music Awards is an annual awards ceremony created by Dick Clark in 1973 and one of several annual major American music awards shows (among the others are the Grammy Awards, the MTV Video Music Awards etc.). Snoop Dogg has won the award once. APRA Awards are a several award ceremonies run in Australia and New Zealand by Australasian Performing Right Association to recognise songwriting skills, sales and airplay performance by its members annually. Snoop", "id": "17634257" }, { "contents": "Oxymoron (album)\n\n\nshit like that, but at the end of the day, that is a part of life and I like that type of music. That's what pushed West Coast music to where it was at like when Dre, Snoop and all them...Dogg Pound. That's what they was doin' and that's what they was talking about and that's what I was raised off of.\" On December 12, 2012, after multiple hints and hashtags with the word \"oxymoron\", via his Twitter Schoolboy Q wrote:", "id": "18165233" }, { "contents": "Celebrity Big Brother (British series 19)\n\n\nevicted. She left the house on Day 32 finishing in fifth place. William Ray Norwood Jr. known by his stage name Ray J, is an American singer, songwriter, television personality and actor, who has had two top 20 singles in the UK (\"Another Day in Paradise\" - a duet with his sister Brandy - and \"One Wish\"). He is the first cousin of rapper Snoop Dogg. In February 2007, a pornographic home video he made with his then-girlfriend Kim Kardashian in 2003 was", "id": "11075887" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nsecond single \"That's That Shit\" featuring R. Kelly were well received by critics. In the album, he collaborated in a video with E-40 and other West Coast rappers on the single \"Candy (Drippin' Like Water)\". In July 2007, Snoop Dogg made history by becoming the first artist to release a track as a ringtone before its release as a single, \"It's the D.O.G.\" On July 7, 2007, Snoop Dogg performed at the Live Earth concert, Hamburg. Snoop Dogg has ventured", "id": "6690594" }, { "contents": "I Wanna Rock (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\nwas released to YouTube through Snoop Dogg's official channel on March 25, 2010. The video has Jay-Z's vocals but he is not physically in the video Sometimes the Ludacris freestyle is added to the original or The Kings' G-Mix\" on the radio as the remix. It features a vocal sample of \"Microphone Fiend\" by Eric B. & Rakim in Snoop Doggs new verse. It is the 1st track on the album's re-release, entitled \"More Malice\". The 2nd official remix", "id": "8465300" }, { "contents": "Dave East\n\n\nby Styles P, Jadakiss, Cam'ron, Big Pun, Nas, The Notorious B.I.G., Raekwon, DMX, Tupac, Snoop Dogg and The Diplomats. East as a teen joined the Crips and has stated that he is a Muslim, and that he converted to Islam while in prison. Commenting his conversion, East stated,\"Islam really brought a discipline to my life that I didn't really have before... My old mindset was if they ain't helping me, I ain't helping them, but you can't live life that", "id": "162143" }, { "contents": "Doctor's Advocate\n\n\nmentor Dr. Dre on several tracks, most notably \"Doctor's Advocate\" which also features former Aftermath Entertainment rapper Busta Rhymes. This album is known for its heavy West Coast hip hop sound, something that didn't feature much in his debut \"The Documentary\". He worked with a number of west coast artists such as Nate Dogg, Snoop Dogg, Xzibit and Tha Dogg Pound giving more west coast oreientated lyrics. Rapreviews said \"He is absolutely quintessentially relentlessly and unapologetically thugging it up on this CD, but unless your", "id": "9708110" }, { "contents": "Asian hip hop\n\n\n. He has also produced songs for Bollywood movies like Chandni Chowk to China. Canadian based Hip Hop artist Ishq Bector became an outrage after the release of his superhit single 'Aye Hip Hopper'. Malaysian rappers, Yogi B and Natchatra brought in the culture of Tamil Rap in India. After receiving various awards in Malaysia, now they are the most sorted out rappers in Kollywood(Tamil Movie Industry). International artists like 50 Cent, Mobb Deep, The Black Eyed Peas etc. have performed in India. Snoop Dogg appeared in", "id": "8172153" }, { "contents": "Rush Hour (franchise)\n\n\n, because that's a different kind of movie. You got the action and the stuff like that, and they pay 20 million dollars too... I'm just joking! No, you know Jackie Chan, you know I love working with him and those type of movies you can redo them and it's different, we'll see but I don't know though. But we've got some new stuff coming, so we'll see what happens.\" In July 2012, series producer Arthur M. Sarkissian stated that a", "id": "6122815" }, { "contents": "Hot Boyz (film)\n\n\nwhile. My name is Kool, they say I'm a thug...I say I was made into one.\" as the movie flashes back 6 months earlier. Kool, C-Dawg (Snoop Dogg), Pee Wee (Anthony Johnson), and Remo (C-Murder) are all seen playing a card game at a neighborhood barbecue. Kool impresses his friends at the table by free-styling while playing cards. The movie then introduces LaShawna and Mrs. Ferrel (Pamella D'Pella) as LaShawna asks if Kool", "id": "9555175" }, { "contents": "Wet (Snoop Dogg song)\n\n\n's marriage, I knew I had to give them a little something. 'Wet' is the perfect anthem for Prince William or any playa to get the club smokin'.\" The song was premiered on Snoop's website at precisely 4:20 pm PST, November 30. The official remix, featuring Jim Jones and Shawty Lo, was released on February 8, 2011 as a part of Snoop Dogg's \"Puff Puff Pass Tuesdays\" giveaway. The second official remix features production by French DJ David Guetta. This version", "id": "1656514" }, { "contents": "List of awards and nominations received by Snoop Dogg\n\n\nwere established in 1996 by Kanya King. They are held annually in the United Kingdom to recognize artists of any race or nationality performing music of black origin. Snoop Dogg has won the award once from three nominations. The MTV Movie Awards were established in 1992 and is a film awards show presented annually on MTV. Snoop Dogg has won the award once. The MTV Video Music Awards were established in 1984 by MTV to celebrate the top music videos of the year. Snoop Dogg has won the award twice from eight nominations.", "id": "17634263" }, { "contents": "List of Big Time Rush characters\n\n\non his promise. Simon's wife isn't seen in the movie. Snoop Dogg made his Guest Appearance in the movie Big Time Christmas. He is shown first hitting Gustavo with a limo going to his Grandma's House. The boys need two celebrity duet for Griffin and they have already done one with Miranda Cosgrove so Snoop Dogg does the 12 Day of Christmas Snoop Gave to Me but Justin Bieber had released the 50 days of Christmas so they had 5 min to write a song because Snoop needed to get to his Grandma", "id": "10959526" }, { "contents": "Thomas Roy\n\n\nin the film seems to recognize the movie's main character, James Cole, a time traveler portrayed by Bruce Willis. Roy has also done voice over and live radio acting. \"I have a safety net now...And what's great is that just before getting the callback for 'Romans,' I was going to go into semiretirement — but then I was asked to audition. I'm still marketable as an actor.,\" said Roy in the same 2008 interview. Roy was in the television movie, \"", "id": "21294114" }, { "contents": "That's That\n\n\nSnoop Dogg spoke to about the track off \"Tha Blue Carpet Treatment\" which Dr. Dre produced and features R. Kelly. Snoop explained \"Dr. Dre called me today. We’ve been working on my record. He helped me fix this song I did with R. Kelly. It was a hit record before I gave it Dre, but now it’s a super hit record. He made me strike all my vocals. That means, 'Take all your lyrics off, I don’t like ‘em. They’re", "id": "116790" }, { "contents": "Lyrikal\n\n\n's young Lyrikal fell in love with Hip Hop and honed his skills in rapping, rhyming and song writing. He would later be influenced by the music and works of acts like Snoop Dogg (now Snoop Lion), Dr. Dre, Tupac Shakur, Wu Tang Clan, and Nas whom he also happens to share the same birthday with, though ten years apart. In 2003, he began his career with Tuck Tyght, a rap label that housed some of the most celebrated rap talents at the time in Port Harcourt.", "id": "5430933" }, { "contents": "Bones (2001 film)\n\n\nBones is a 2001 American horror film directed by Ernest Dickerson and starring rapper Snoop Dogg as the eponymous Jimmy Bones, a murdered gangster that rises from the grave to avenge his death. The movie is an homage to blaxploitation films of the 1970s and incorporates numerous elements from the genre. In 1979, Jimmy Bones (Snoop Dogg) is a numbers runner who is respected and loved in his neighborhood as its respected member and protector. He is betrayed and brutally murdered by corrupt cop Lupovich (Michael T. Weiss) and drug pusher", "id": "8209602" }, { "contents": "Romeo Johnson\n\n\n, Snoop Dogg \"Ego Trippin\" and \"Can't Say Goodbye\", Stevie Wonder \"Don't Hurt My Baby\", Smashmouth \"More Bounce\", Nate Dogg 7 tracks on an upcoming album, Xzibit \"Symphony in X Major\", Macy Gray \"Time of My Life\", Mack 10 \"Hate In Your Eyes\", George Howard \"I Apologize\", James Ingram \"Natural Man\", Jennifer Holliday \"Love Stories\" and \"Raise The Roof\". Johnson has been on movie soundtracks such", "id": "936731" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\ngive the date on which he joined. He also donated $1,000 to the organization. Claiming to be \"born again\" in 2012, Snoop converted to the Rastafari movement, switched the focus of his music to reggae and changed his name to Snoop Lion after a trip to Jamaica. He released a reggae album, \"Reincarnated\", saying, \"I have always said I was Bob Marley reincarnated\". In January 2013, he received criticism from members of the Rastafarian community in Jamaica, including reggae artist Bunny Wailer", "id": "6690628" }, { "contents": "A Better Tomorrow (album)\n\n\nthe room and be like, ‘What is this? What’s going on?' Or if he didn't like something, he would let you know he didn't like it. If he loved it, he came in the room and was overjoyed with love from his side. So I kind of just miss the energy of him being around, him just being there, or just spotting him from across the room like, 'Look at this dude over there.' But at the end of the day,", "id": "18567904" }, { "contents": "The Source Hip Hop Music Awards 2001\n\n\nand Snoop Dogg?”). Diddy throwing shots (“I live in the East, and I’m gonna die in the East”). OutKast getting booed and Andre 3000's prophecy (“The South got something to say!”). And, too, there was an early sighting of Raymond “Benzino” Scott, then just an unknown rapper from Boston, presenting an award long before his behind-the-scenes involvement in \"The Source\" became the magazine's Achilles’ heel. The", "id": "2158618" }, { "contents": "Craig Dean\n\n\nby all of the attention. \"I'm not from an acting background,\" he stated, \"and for three or four years I was perhaps in the background and a lot of fans probably didn't recognise I was there. That was fine for me but I wanted to prove my worth.\" Burnet's pairing with actor James Sutton, as Craig and John Paul, has also been successful, winning several LGBT awards. \"The gay community likes the story in some ways and I love that,\" cited", "id": "3716751" }, { "contents": "The Game (Alyssa Reid song)\n\n\n\"The Hunger Games\"\". In 2012 a new single version was made for the UK market and features rap vocals from Snoop Dogg. \"The Game\" was written by Jamie Appleby and Alyssa Reid. It heavily samples the pre-chorus of \"Alone Again\" in that verse one has almost identical lyrics to the pre-chorus of \"Alone Again\" (\"When you [I] said I could move on and go, you said I'm weak and it shows I could move on without you,", "id": "446041" }, { "contents": "Detachment (film)\n\n\n\"I'm surprised to hear that actually.\" When asked to clarify, he continued, \"Because I felt that Carl Lund, the writer of 'Detachment,' wrote a really beautiful, haunting script. And I didn't feel that it was honored.\" Shocked by Cranston's frankness, the reporters pushed him for more on that disagreement. \"I was upset with that. I really was. And so I didn't see the movie.\" He sighed, resigned, and continued, after searching for", "id": "19118156" }, { "contents": "Snoop Dogg\n\n\nthe social networking site Instagram, criticizing the police for alleged racial profiling; police spokesman Daniel Nilsson responded to the accusations, saying, \"we don't work like that in Sweden\". He declared in the videos, \"Niggas got me in the back of police car right now in Sweden, cuz\", and \"Pulled a nigga over for nothing, taking us to the station where I've got to go pee in a cup for nothin'. I ain't done nothin'. All I did was came to the", "id": "6690650" } ]
Do you like Gouda cheese, its a mild, yellow cheese Well I like most cheeses so I'd probably like it, yes. Do you know where it originated from?
[{"answer": "It is one of the oldest recorded cheeses still made today, from 1184, people were mentioning Gouda Cheese~", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "146226", "title": "Gouda cheese", "start_paragraph_id": 3, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 3, "end_character": 126, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::History.\n"}]}]
[ { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nGouda (, ; , \"cheese from Gouda\") is a mild, yellow cheese, originating from the Netherlands, made from cow's milk. It is one of the most popular cheeses worldwide. The name is used today as a general term for numerous similar cheeses produced in the traditional Dutch manner. The first mention of Gouda cheese dates from 1184, making it one of the oldest recorded cheeses in the world still made today. Cheesemaking traditionally was a woman's task in Dutch culture, with farmers' wives passing", "id": "15616259" }, { "contents": "Cheese crystals\n\n\nCheese crystals are whitish, semi-solid to solid, slightly crunchy to gritty crystalline spots, granules, and aggregates that can form on the surface and inside of cheese. Cheese crystals are characteristic of many long-aged hard cheeses. Hard cheeses where cheese crystals are common and valued include comté, aged cheddar, grana cheeses like parmesan, grana padano, and Pecorino Romano, as well as old gouda. However, in some cheeses, like industrial cheddar, they are considered a production defect. Cheese crystals can consist of", "id": "5329546" }, { "contents": "Brunost\n\n\nremoved from the milk. Therefore, brunost is not technically cheese, and it does not taste like cheese. However, it is produced by cheese makers, and is sold, handled and consumed in the same way as cheese. Therefore it is generally regarded as a cheese. The texture is firm, but slightly softer than Gouda cheese, for example, and lends itself well to cutting and shaping. It does not crumble like hard cheeses. The taste is sweet, and best described as caramel-like, but with", "id": "14557143" }, { "contents": "Maasdam cheese\n\n\nMaasdam cheese () is a Swiss-style Dutch cheese. Made from cow's milk, it is aged for at least 4 weeks. It ripens faster than other Dutch cheeses. Maasdam has internal holes from the ripening process, and a smooth, yellow rind. Sometimes, it is waxed like Gouda. The cheese was created to compete with Swiss Emmental by being less expensive and quicker to produce. In the process of making a cheese with the same general components as Swiss cheeses, the Dutch ended up with a cheese", "id": "19020818" }, { "contents": "Swiss Cheese Union\n\n\nadd the Parmesan-like Sbrinz cheese to the list of allowed cheeses. After eight years of applications and appeals to the Swiss Cheese Union, his request was denied. In a letter to Barmettler, no specific reason was given for the denial, but it was noted to Barmettler that \"you do not fit into the envisaged structures.\" Nevertheless, Barmettler continued to produce small, soft cheeses stanser fladen, selling them directly to small vendors like hotels and small restaurants rather than larger distributors that would have caught the attention of", "id": "12300583" }, { "contents": "Friesian Clove\n\n\nNagelkaas, also called as Frisian Clove Cheese, is an unprotected name variant of kanterkaas, a Dutch cheese developed in the Frisian Islands of the Netherlands. It is a firm-textured gouda-style cheese made from skim pasteurized cow's milk. The 23% butterfat content results in a mild flavor, which is augmented with the addition of cloves and cumin for a pronounced spicy taste. Its name comes from the Dutch word for clove, which is \"kruidnagel\" literally 'spicy nail' because of the nail-like", "id": "9688945" }, { "contents": "Maaslander\n\n\nMaaslander is a brand name for a Gouda, semihard cheese from Westland Cheese Specialties BV from Huizen, the Netherlands. Maaslander is one of the first Dutch cheese brands, and it is a protected designation of origin. Including the green and yellow stripes, and also the name \"lander\". Regular Dutch Gouda cheese contains salt from the use of brine in the production, which can lead to a high bloodpressure. So, the company began producing the Maaslander at a factory in Arkel in 1978. This cheese, slightly shallower", "id": "8360692" }, { "contents": "Roomano\n\n\nRoomano () is a hard Gouda-like cheese from Friesland in the northern Netherlands. The major difference with Gouda is the percentage of butterfat in the cheese: Gouda contains 48% butterfat or more, while Roomano contains less than 48% butterfat. It is made from cow's milk, and is typically aged for four or more years. The cheese's flavor is very complex, salty and sweet with hints of butterscotch or toffee. It pairs well with aged sherries, port or Belgian-style ales. Roomano is", "id": "11751180" }, { "contents": "Leyden cheese\n\n\nLeyden, from , is a semi-hard, cumin and caraway seed flavoured cheese made in the Netherlands from cow's milk. It is made both in factories and on farms, historically in the Leiden area. \"Leidse kaas\" is the most common type of \"komijnekaas\"—cheese including cumin as an ingredient—in the Netherlands. The cheese is round and flat like Gouda however it is made with sharp edges on one side and less roundness to its side. It has a fat percentage of 30% to 40%,", "id": "3095704" }, { "contents": "Mac n' Cheetos\n\n\nlist \"10 Most Popular Mac and Cheese #Cheatday Meals on Instagram\" with \"a WHOPping (get it?)\" 35,000 likes on Instagram. \"Bustle\"s Claire Warner said \"it sounds like what happens when you accidentally drop a glob of macaroni and cheese into a half-consumed bag of Cheetos resting on your lap, and a few hours later, you decide to eat said glob because it's 2 a.m. and nobody's watching. You already know if this is something you're into.\" One serving of", "id": "5279112" }, { "contents": "Cheese soup\n\n\nin Central Switzerland. \"Churu\" is a Tibetan cheese soup prepared with \"churu\" cheese of Tibet. Cheese is a main ingredient in cheese soup, and is typically used in the dish in grated form or in chunks or pieces. Cheeses used include hard cheeses like Cheddar, Gruyère and Parmesan cheese and soft ones such as farmer cheese, Gouda cheese, muenster cheese, queso blanco and queso Chihuahua. The cheese adds both flavor and nutritional value to the soup. Processed cheese (including Velveeta), such as pasteurized", "id": "14884632" }, { "contents": "Cheshire cheese\n\n\ndrier and less crumbly, more like a mild Cheddar cheese, as this makes them easier to process than cheese with the traditional texture. The Cheshire family of cheeses is a distinct group that includes other crumbly cheeses from the North of England such as Wensleydale and Crumbly Lancashire. Cheshire cheese comes in three varieties: red, white and blue. The original plain white version accounts for most of the production. Red Cheshire, coloured with annatto to a shade of deep orange, was developed in the hills of North Wales and sold", "id": "9127568" }, { "contents": "Mariners Apartment Complex\n\n\n\"I think we are together because we're both similar, like we're both really messed up\" and I thought it was the saddest thing I'd ever heard. And I said, \"I'm not sad, I didn't know that's why you thought you were relating to me on that level, I'm actually doing pretty good\". And he was upset, and that's when I wrote the song. I thought, I had to do so many times, where you know like I had", "id": "7985132" }, { "contents": "Macaroni and cheese\n\n\nof the decorative cut pasta will do, particularly those with folds and pockets to hold the cheese. The dish may still be referred to as \"macaroni and cheese\" when made with a different pasta; while \"shells and cheese\" is sometimes used when it is made with Conchiglie. While Cheddar cheese is most commonly used for macaroni and cheese, other cheeses may also be used—usually sharp in flavor—and two or more cheeses can be combined. Popular recipes include using Gruyere, Gouda, Havarti, and Parmesan", "id": "6243226" }, { "contents": "Nøkkelost\n\n\nNøkkelost (Norwegian: \"key cheese\", ) is a common, Norwegian name for kuminost (\"cumin cheese\"), a cheese flavored with cumin and cloves. It is semi-hard, yellow, and made from cow's milk, in the shape of wheels or blocks, with a maturation period of three months. Nøkkelost cheese is similar to the Dutch cheese, Nagelkaas, which is itself an unprotected name variant of kanterkaas. There are differing theories on the origin of the Norwegian name. The most likely", "id": "15774449" }, { "contents": "Irapuato\n\n\nMajor highways in Irapuato and their starting and ending points: This is the symbol of the city there are many dishes you can do with it like cheese cake for example, but the most important are strawberries with cream and sugar. This is a meat that is prepared with spices, is put in a tortilla with onion and cilantro covered by a sauce that can be red , avocado sauce or habanero sauce. This a tortilla with cheese covered by a sauce with potatoes and carrots. The city of Irapuato is home to some", "id": "8314902" }, { "contents": "John Cooper (musician)\n\n\n, anything with guitars, you couldn't have long hair, you couldn't do this and you couldn't do that. Everything was so lifeless. I know I'd read the Bible and be like...'This isn't what the Bible says. I like the idea of living for Jesus, but I hate the idea of living for you.' Ya know?\" Cooper came from a musical family. His mother was a piano teacher and a singer in the church that he went to. He began singing at", "id": "3203241" }, { "contents": "Cheese curd\n\n\n\" as sounding like \"balloons trying to neck\". After 12 hours, even under refrigeration, cheese curds lose much of their \"fresh\" characteristic, particularly the \"squeak\", due to moisture entering the curd. Keeping them at room temperature can preserve the squeakiness. The curds have a mild flavor and are sometimes somewhat salty. Most varieties, as in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Vermont, or New York State, are naturally uncolored. The American variety is usually yellow or orange, like most American", "id": "5634468" }, { "contents": "Jarlsberg cheese\n\n\nJarlsberg (; ) is a mild cow's-milk cheese with large regular holes, that originates from Jarlsberg, Norway. Although it originated in Norway, it is also produced in Ohio and Ireland under licenses from Norwegian dairy producers. Jarlsberg cheese has a yellow wax rind (outer layer) and a semi-firm yellow interior. It is a mild, buttery cheese. The flavor has been described as \"clean and rich, with a slightly sweet and nutty flavour\". It is an all-purpose cheese, used for", "id": "5105835" }, { "contents": "Lymeswold cheese\n\n\nLymeswold cheese (1982–1992) was an English cheese variety. Many English cheeses are named after regions but Lymeswold was not, the product of a public competition to name it, the winning name may have been derived from a quintessential English place name Wymeswold. The cheese was a soft, mild blue cheese with an edible white rind, much like Brie, and was inspired by French cheeses. It was similar to non-branded cheeses sold as Blue Brie. At the time of its launch, it was hailed as \"the", "id": "4526547" }, { "contents": "List of cassette releases by Mountain Goats\n\n\npoint for all that followed. While I can't and wouldn't disown Taboo VI, I'd like to offer this note of caution to those who like the later stuff and are trying to get their hands on my first efforts: you probably won't like it much, and if you pay an inflated price for it, you'll probably feel cheated. Having said that, if you still feel inclined to hunt it down, I do hope that you enjoy it on its own meager terms. It means well and", "id": "11914471" }, { "contents": "Robiola\n\n\nrind can be cut away, but is mild with no ammonia and adds a subtle crunch to the cheese. La Tur has a cake-like rind over a tangy-lactic layer of cream and is representative of Piedmont's Robiola style of cheese where the fresh curds are ladled into molds, and drain under their own weight before aging rather than by pressing with weights. Robiola from the Piedmont region is a fresh cheese, and is usually eaten on its own, or with a little honey. The cheese has a long", "id": "21524314" }, { "contents": "Sour milk cheese\n\n\naround 25% of production. These are generally fresh cheeses like cottage cheese, queso blanco, quark and cream cheese. The other 75%, which includes almost all ripened cheeses, are rennet cheeses. Some cheeses like ricotta and ziger are made by first heating the milk to between 90-92 degrees Celsius to create coprecipitation of casein and whey protein before addition of lactic or citric acid. Traditional cottage cheese can be made without any coagulating enzymes, though modern processing techniques often do make use of such enzymes to increase yield", "id": "6295146" }, { "contents": "Kalimpong cheese\n\n\nand 1 kg wheels and is produced in limited quantities, just like Gouda. While production of the region's Gouda has been taken over by Amul, a small amount of the local variety by Pappu Dairy Co-op, which shut down wholescale production a few years ago, is available occasionally. Kalimpong cheese and some variety of mozzarella is recently kicked off its production by Dairy Makarios Bous, Kalimpong (only are made each day) in Kolkata's New Market. When kept well-wrapped in a refrigerator for a few", "id": "19251204" }, { "contents": "Parrano cheese\n\n\nis technically Gouda cheese although its flavour is more pronounced than that of traditional Gouda. Parrano is a versatile cheese that is easy to shred, slice and melt. It is well suited for entertaining, cooking and snacking. Its flavour complements many different types of cuisine, especially Italian dishes. Parrano won a gold medal at the 2006 World Championship Cheese Contest in Madison, Wisconsin, for 'Best of class, Gouda.' It was also first runner up for the World Champion Cheese Title. It is marketed chiefly under two", "id": "20556746" }, { "contents": "Clonmore Cheese\n\n\nClonmore is a hard cheese made from goat's milk, with a waxed rind. It originates from Charleville, County Cork in Ireland and is produced by Tom and Lena Biggane on their farm outside Newtownshandrum since 2001. It is a gouda style cheese made with vegetarian rennet, covered in a beige waxed rind. Both pasteurised and non-pasteurised (raw milk) versions are available. It has a mild and sweet flavour, which is stronger when aged. It is a seasonal cheese, produced from late March till early November", "id": "2284475" }, { "contents": "Cheese\n\n\n\") Still, the advancement of the cheese art in Europe was slow during the centuries after Rome's fall. Many cheeses today were first recorded in the late Middle Ages or after—cheeses like Cheddar around 1500, Parmesan in 1597, Gouda in 1697, and Camembert in 1791. In 1546 \"The Proverbs of John Heywood\" claimed \"the moon is made of a greene cheese.\" (\"Greene\" may refer here not to the color, as many now think, but to being new or unaged.", "id": "9948465" }, { "contents": "Yishai Fleisher\n\n\nme where I was originally from. “Haifa”, I answered, “You know, where Jews and Arabs get along, and where I could go into an Arab store and feel welcome, unlike here in Ras el-Amud. Why is it like that?” In a friendly, but serious, tone, he replied, “You know, in Arabic, we have a name for you, Almustawten. Do you know what that means?” “Yes, it means settler.” “Correct”", "id": "3738993" }, { "contents": "Rock & Chips\n\n\n, said that: \"They're from two entirely different suitcases as far as I'm concerned. I didn't want to bring into it anything that I'd already done with Rodney and fortunately there wasn't any opportunity to do so. They're like chalk and cheese.\" Speaking about the 19-day filming schedule and the \"not great\" budget, he also told Michael Deacon of \"The Daily Telegraph\" that: I was very pleased it was made at all. ... There were people who said, 'I", "id": "15045431" }, { "contents": "Chorherrenkäse\n\n\nits curds and whey, was originally dipped in white wax and is now packaged in a loaf-shaped white plastic rind. The cheese is described for having a mild, buttery taste with a hint of nuttiness and is noted for its light yellow color, numerous small eyes (air bubbles) and white rind. It is recommended that Chorherrenkäse \"rest\" in its manufacture. Chorherrenkäse is similar to other cheeses from Austria, e.g., Shardinger Amadeus, another mild, sem-firm light yellow cheese — manufactured in the Austria", "id": "10423193" }, { "contents": "Brick cheese\n\n\nThe loaf-shaped cheese displays numerous fine holes when it is sliced. When young, it is sweet and mild; after aging, it tastes somewhat like a mild Limburger or cheddar, and has been compared to a Danish Tilsit. Corynebacterium and Arthrobacter are the necessary bacterial genera for smear cheese ripening. B. linens, while present in many smear cultures, is not typical. All cheeses, regardless of variety, should be well wrapped and kept in the warmest section of the refrigerator. (The refrigerator door is often one", "id": "13235480" }, { "contents": "Transitions (The Wire)\n\n\nthe neighborhood to do so. Cheese goes to wait outside. Prop Joe warns Cheese about the return of Omar and Cheese tells Joe not to worry about him. After Cheese leaves, Stanfield enters. Joe realizes that Stanfield is not there to see him off and blames Cheese for giving him up, Stanfield confirms his suspicion with a nod. Prop Joe tells Stanfield that Cheese was always a disappointment and reminds Stanfield that he has treated him like a son. Stanfield tells Stewart that he \"wasn’t made to play the son", "id": "18320545" }, { "contents": "The Rutles\n\n\n\"Love Life\" (\"All You Need is Love\"), \"Cheese and Onions\" (\"A Day in the Life\"), \"Piggy in the Middle\" (\"I Am the Walrus\"), \"Doubleback Alley\" (\"Penny Lane\") and \"Get Up And Go\" (CD reissue only – \"Get Back\"). \"I Must Be In Love\" + \"Cheese And Onions \" / \"With A Girl Like You\" \" WEA Records / UK only release", "id": "3668430" }, { "contents": "Västerbotten cheese\n\n\nVästerbotten cheese (, ) is a cheese from the Västerbotten region of Sweden. It is a hard cow's milk cheese with tiny eyes or holes and a firm and granular texture. As in Cheddar cheese, the curd is heated, cut, and stirred before the cheese is moulded and aged. Strong in flavour, its taste is described as somewhat like Parmesan cheese, salty, but with more bitter notes. It is light yellow in colour and has a fat content of 31%. Many Swedish people consider it the", "id": "5382488" }, { "contents": "Guvcview\n\n\nI have had to do some video tutorials. I tried recording these tutorials with Ubuntu's default Cheese Webcam Booth, but unfortunately the combination of my Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000, Ubuntu 10.10, and Cheese didn't want to record video in any usable FPS. So I had to look elsewhere. My search turned me to GUVCView and I can't tell you how happy I have been with the results. Not only is this tool as easy to use as Cheese, it's far more flexible, and renders much better video", "id": "20216262" }, { "contents": "Guvcview\n\n\n...GUVCView, from my perspective, is a much better means of recording video than Cheese. This especially applies if the video you are recording is to be used for something other than, say, Skype chatting.\" Jim Lynch, writing on \"Linux Desktop Reviews\" in May 2011, was less enthusiastic about the application's inclusion in Lubuntu, \"I actually like Cheese so I can’t say I’m real thrilled about it being replaced by guvcview, but it’s sort of six of one or half dozen of", "id": "20216263" }, { "contents": "Bocconcini\n\n\nBocconcini (; singular Bocconcino, ) are small mozzarella cheese balls the size of an egg. Like other mozzarellas, they are semi-soft, white, and rindless unripened mild cheeses that originated in Naples and were once made only from milk of water buffalo. Nowadays, they are usually made from a combination of water buffalo and cow's milk. Bocconcini are packaged in whey or water, have a spongy texture, and absorb flavors. This cheese is described by its Italian name, which means \"small mouthfuls\". It", "id": "19364333" }, { "contents": "If This Is Love\n\n\nout of the office after and had a group hug (yes, my idea, you know I like to cheese things up, haha). I wanted to run out onto the street and shout 'Hey everyone our music video rocks!' PopSugar positively reviewed the video, saying they loved the group's logo and walk in unison. Following the release of the music video, Nadia Mendoza of \"The Sun\" said that Girls Aloud better watch out because The Saturdays could steal their crown as sexiest girl group, further", "id": "21525219" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Carmarthenshire\n\n\n. Teifi Cheese is an organic vegetarian cow's milk cheese with a bright yellow interior and sweet fruity flavour when young. As it ages, the cheese becomes hard and flaky. It is similar to Gouda and can be eaten on its own, or used in recipes where it adds richness and depth. The flavour is influenced by the grasses growing in the Teifi valley. John and Patrice Savage-Ontswedder also produce Celtic Promise, a modern vegetarian surface-ripened cow's milk cheese with a semi-soft texture and a", "id": "8767133" }, { "contents": "List of Italian cheeses\n\n\nprotected cheeses, with 77 varieties, among which Granone Lodigiano, ancestor of all Italian granular cheeses such as Grana Padano and Parmigiano-Reggiano, and the well-known Gorgonzola blue cheese. Italian cheeses Mozzarella and Ricotta, too, are some of the most popular cheeses worldwide. See List of Italian DOP cheeses for a list of those Italian cheeses which have Protected Designation of Origin under EU law, together with their areas of origin. \"This page lists more than 1,000 types of Italian cheese but is still incomplete; you", "id": "17604792" }, { "contents": "Beaufort cheese\n\n\nthe process, one side of the cheese is hand-salted each morning, then turned over and massaged each afternoon. Once the cheese rind has reached a level of maturity, the cheese is smear-ripened with a mixture called morge which produces its strong flavour and pale yellow rind. The prepared cheese must then age for 6–12 months, or even longer, in a cool mountain cellar. Beaufort cheese is pale yellow, with a smooth and creamy texture and lacks holes like other Gruyère-style cheeses, Comté, Vacherin", "id": "15100856" }, { "contents": "Cup cheese\n\n\nhis black bread, he spread it copiously with a yellowish viscous substance that one would not normally identify as cheese; it was more like a very thick, very cold molasses, and it had a horrific smell. Rebecca was not fond of cup cheese; it was a taste that men seemed to prefer. 'Poppa likes cup cheese,' she said with a neutral look on her pretty face. 'You don't? Levi asked. 'Too smelly.' 'That's the good part.' He put", "id": "19951133" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\ntheir cheesemaking skills on to their daughters. To this day, farmers from the surrounding region gather in Gouda every Thursday morning between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm from June until August to have their cheeses weighed, tasted, and priced. Most Dutch Gouda is now produced industrially. However, some 300 Dutch farmers still produce \"boerenkaas\" (“farmers cheese”) which is a protected form of Gouda made in the traditional manner, using unpasteurized milk. The cheese is named after the city of Gouda, not because it was", "id": "15616260" }, { "contents": "Compassionate conservatism\n\n\nI do. And I would like to be for the patients' bill of rights and I'd like to be for closing the gun show loophole, and I'd like not to squander the surplus and, you know, save Social Security and Medicare for the next generation. I'd like to raise the minimum wage. I'd like to do these things. But I just can't, and I feel terrible about it.'\" Similarly, in December 2005, then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair, speaking", "id": "919033" }, { "contents": "Derby cheese\n\n\nDerby cheese is a mild, semi-firm British cow's milk cheese made in Derbyshire with a smooth, mellow texture and a buttery flavour. Like most of the traditional British hard cheeses it was produced exclusively on farms and was typically sold at a younger age than its more famous cousins Cheddar and Cheshire. It has a pale, golden orange interior with a natural or waxed rind and ripens at between one and six months. In many respects Derby is similar to Cheddar in taste and texture, but with a softer body", "id": "9976250" }, { "contents": "You Got to Move\n\n\n, I thought. I thought, probably if you try to do thing like I've done, you'd need, you know, like a college degree. But if you ain't got it, you have to go on without it. So I found out you don't have to be educated to do what you have to do.\" Gail Story and MaryLee Rogers Two housewives from Bumpass Cove in East Tennessee helped organize community action to stop trucks from dumping hazardous chemicals in the garbage dump in their area. \"", "id": "19635396" }, { "contents": "Cheeses of Mexico\n\n\nin fresh corn husks. It has a light, not salty taste, and is used for enchiladas, tostadas, cheese spreads, cakes, and more. Chihuahua cheese is named after the Mexican state which is home to a significant Mennonite population who created it, it is also called \"queso menonita\". The original version is semihard with very small holes, close to a type of cheese called Chester. This version is sold covered in cloth and paraffin wax. The taste varies from a Cheddar-like sharpness to mild", "id": "18068670" }, { "contents": "Requeijão\n\n\nyellowish-white, solid, and usually having a characteristic strong taste; typically sold in specially designed draining plastic or basket-like weaved containers, or in plastic cups. The Brazilian product is a type of cream cheese white in color (but not similar to the American notion of cream cheese, and may be better understood as \"creamy cheese\"). It has a mild taste and its consistency can vary from creamy solid, like the Catupiry, to liquid. Traditionally associated with the state of Minas Gerais, the", "id": "1825199" }, { "contents": "Butterkäse\n\n\nButterkäse (\"butter cheese\" in German) is a semi-soft, cow's milk cheese moderately popular in Germanic Europe, and occasionally seen in the rest of the cheese-eating world. Although primarily produced in Germany, some Butterkäse is produced in Wisconsin. As suggested by its name, Butterkäse has a buttery flavor and appearance. It is often described as mild, partly due to its brief aging time. The softness and mildly salty or acidic flavor is reminiscent of Muenster or Gouda cheeses. Butterkäse first appeared in", "id": "12182464" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\nThis is called \"washing the curd\", and creates a sweeter cheese, as the washing removes some of the lactose, resulting in a reduction of lactic acid produced. About 10% of the mixture is curds, which are pressed into circular molds for several hours. These molds are the essential reason behind its traditional, characteristic shape. The cheese is then soaked in a brine solution, which gives the cheese and its rind a distinctive taste. The cheese is dried for a few days before being coated with a yellow", "id": "15616264" }, { "contents": "Chaource cheese\n\n\n-mouth' texture. The fat content is a minimum of 50%. Regulations currently allow both pasteurised or unpasteurised milk to be used during manufacture. In her 2010 book \"Cheese: Exploring Taste and Tradition\", Patricia Michelson says: \"Chaource has a bitter nutshell-like flavor, with an earthiness reminiscent of the style of the wine here, and you would think it would be a perfect match for the cheese. You should be careful to find the perfect flavor partner, however, because the cheese is also", "id": "14677634" }, { "contents": "Brick cheese\n\n\nBrick cheese is a cheese from Wisconsin, US, made in brick-shaped form. The color ranges from pale yellow to white, and the cheese has a sweet and mild flavor when young, and matures into a strong, ripe cheese with age. It is a medium-soft cheese. Brick cheese was originally produced in Wisconsin. The cheese making process was derived from white American Cheddar that is cultured at a slightly higher temperature, which results in a marginally higher fat content and a slightly altered protein structure. The", "id": "13235477" }, { "contents": "Calendar Girls\n\n\n...] When the biggest compliment you can pay a picture is that it is professional and not smug, there's a little something missing, like invention.\" Manohla Dargis of \"The Los Angeles Times\" said the film \"is closer in texture and consistency to individually wrapped American cheese than good, tangy English Cheddar. But even humble plastic-wrapped cheese has its virtues and so does this film [...] Chief among those graces are Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, two well-matched and criminally underused actresses [", "id": "16851885" }, { "contents": "Arthur Horsfield\n\n\nstormed out of his office and was on my way down the stairs! (laughs) When I'd got to the bottom he shouted out \"If you don't f****** like it, you know what to do!\" So I shouted back \"yeah, well you can have it from me in writing tomorrow morning.\" Don't get me wrong, I did actually get on well with Stan, but I was young and feeling frustrated.' He moved to Newcastle United but only", "id": "14257842" }, { "contents": "Joseph Harding\n\n\nhare and Cheddar cheese for Christmas: My dear Mr. Wary, I answer your lay On behalf of myself and my wife Your poetical lore has raked up my store Long hid' neath the business of life When you speak of our God in sending you here And thank Him for blessings into the third year. You should not have mentioned the cheese and the game They do not deserve among presents a name But I'm pleased that the hare, the \"unparadised hare\" Stood so high in your own estimation, For though", "id": "4514022" }, { "contents": "Stilton cheese\n\n\n\", Letter V, dated October 1722. Daniel Defoe in his 1724 work \"A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain\" notes, \"We pass'd Stilton, a town famous for cheese, which is call'd our English Parmesan, and is brought to table with the mites, or maggots round it, so thick, that they bring a spoon with them for you to eat the mites with, as you do the cheese.\" According to the Stilton Cheesemaker's Association, the first person to market Blue", "id": "2112378" }, { "contents": "Tomme de Savoie\n\n\nTomme de Savoie is an upland variety of Tomme cheese, specifically, one from Savoy in the French Alps. It is a mild, semi-firm cow's milk cheese with a beige interior and a thick brownish-grey rind. Tomme de Savoie dates back to ancient history. Tomme de Savoie, like most Tommes, is usually made from the skim milk left over after the cream is used to make butter or richer cheeses. As a result, the cheese has a relatively low fat content (between 20 and 45", "id": "9129768" }, { "contents": "Processed cheese\n\n\nin 1956. The best known processed cheese in the United States is marketed as American cheese by Kraft Foods, Borden, and other companies. It is orange, yellow, or off-white; mild, with a medium consistency; and melts easily. It is typically made from a blend of cheeses, most often Colby and cheddar. Another type of processed cheese created in the United States is Provel pasteurized processed pizza cheese, which uses cheddar, Swiss, and provolone cheeses as flavorants. Provel cheese is commonly used in", "id": "848097" }, { "contents": "Richard Cheese\n\n\nthe Richard Cheese albums \"Tuxicity\" and \"I'd Like a Virgin\" on their label in 2006. Beginning in 2007, Cheese returned to releasing his own albums through his independent Coverage Records label, about one each year: \"Dick at Nite\", \"Viva La Vodka: Richard Cheese Live\", \"OK Bartender\", \"A Lounge Supreme\", \"Live at the Royal Wedding\" and its companion behind-the-scenes album \"The Royal Baby Album\", \"Back in Black Tie\"", "id": "15566410" }, { "contents": "Marble cheese\n\n\nMarble cheese is a name given to cheeses with marbled patterns. These are produced by combining either two different colored curds, cheese curds or processed cheeses. Marble cheese originates from England. They are usually hard, processed cow's milk cheeses like Colby-Jack which combines Colby cheese and Monterey Jack and is most popular in the United States. Others are produced from a combination of the curds of white and orange cheddars (for \"Marbled Cheddar\"), or similar. The marbling is usually not achieved with artificial additives,", "id": "4931517" }, { "contents": "Zapiekanka\n\n\nfor a submarine sandwich. It may be up to long. The bread is topped with sliced, sautéed white mushrooms and grated cheese to form an open-face sandwich, which is then toasted until the bread becomes crisp and the cheese melts. Hard, mature yellow cheese with high fat content that melts well in heat, such as Gouda, Edam, Emmental, Tilsit or Cheddar, is best for this purpose; Polish smoked sheep milk cheese, such as \"oscypek\", is also a popular choice. A \"", "id": "14096163" }, { "contents": "Bhutanese cuisine\n\n\n(dried pork cooked with chili peppers, spices, and vegetables, including turnips, greens, or radishes), \"thukpa\", \"bathup\", and fried rice. Cheese made from cow's milk called \"datshi\" is never eaten raw, but used to make sauces. \"Zoedoe\" is another type of cheese made in the Eastern districts, which is added to soups. Zoedoe is normally greenish in color and has a strong smell. Other types of cheese include Western types like Cheddar and Gouda. Western", "id": "21052630" }, { "contents": "Galicia (Spain)\n\n\ná Feira\", which roughly translates as \"Fair-style Octopus\", most commonly translated as \"Galician-style Octopus\". There are several regional varieties of cheese. The best-known one is the so-called \"tetilla\", named after its breast-like shape. Other highly regarded varieties include the San Simón cheese from Vilalba and the creamy cheese produced in the Arzúa-Ulloa area. A classical is \"filloas\", crêpe-like pancakes made with flour, broth or milk, and eggs", "id": "12583853" }, { "contents": "Richard Cheese\n\n\nand third albums \"Tuxicity\" and \"I'd Like a Virgin\" were independently released in 2002 and 2004 by Cheese's own label, Ideatown Entertainment (later renamed to Coverage Records). From 2004–2006, Surfdog Records released three new Richard Cheese CDs: \"Aperitif for Destruction\", \"Silent Nightclub\", and \"The Sunny Side of the Moon: The Best of Richard Cheese\", which included newly re-recorded versions of six Richard Cheese classics plus three all-new covers. Surfdog also re-released", "id": "15566409" }, { "contents": "Robert Wagner\n\n\nPanther\" (1983). He also had a supporting role in \"I Am the Cheese\" (1983). He played an insurance investigator in the short-lived TV series \"Lime Street\" (1985). In 1985, he reflected, \"Bad-guy roles work if they're really good parts, but they don't come along very often. I think that what I've been doing has worked for me. Sure I'd like to do a Clint Eastwood, grizzled, down-and-", "id": "14026430" }, { "contents": "Ricotta\n\n\nwhich used a mixture of whey and milk to make the traditional ricotta as it is known today. The ancient Romans made ricotta, but writers on agriculture such as Cato the Elder, Marcus Terentius Varro, and Columella do not mention it. They described the production of rennet-coagulated cheese but did not write about milk boilers or acid-coagulated cheese. A likely reason is that ricotta was not profitable because its very short shelf life did not allow distribution to urban markets. Ricotta was most likely consumed by the shepherds who", "id": "15117592" }, { "contents": "Trou du Cru\n\n\nTrou du Cru is a very strong, pungent French cheese, developed by the cheesemaker Robert Berthaut in the early 1980s. It is a pasteurized cow's milk Époisses cheese from the Bourgogne region. The soft cheese is ivory-yellow in color, with an orange, edible rind. For four weeks during its maturation, each small cheese is washed individually with Marc de Bourgogne, a strong local alcohol, which imparts a straw-like flavor to the cheese. Trou du Cru is molded in small (1.5 in, 60", "id": "17221583" }, { "contents": "The String Cheese Incident\n\n\n\"Hulaween\" weekend of Incidents on Friday, October 29th, with The Disco Biscuits, and a three set night on October 30th at the Hampton Coliseum in Hampton, Virginia. On October 20th, 2010, Billy Nershi announced that, \"[They're] also planning on doing something next summer at the Rothbury site. That will be a weekend festival with a lot of String Cheese sets. It'll be different from Rothbury in that it will be more like our thing at Horning's, where String Cheese plays every", "id": "3955283" }, { "contents": "Who Moved My Cheese?\n\n\nis frightened about the unknown. He knocks the idea again. After a while of being in denial, the humans remain without cheese. One day, having discovered his debilitating fears, Haw begins to chuckle at the situation and stops taking himself so seriously. Realizing he should simply move on, Haw enters the maze, but not before chiseling \"If You Do Not Change, You Can Become Extinct\" on the wall of Cheese Station C for his friend to ponder. Still fearful of his trek, Haw jots \"What", "id": "13788708" }, { "contents": "Men in Black (film series)\n\n\non this one and Barry really likes the body on this one, so why don't you do a mix and match?' And I'd say, because it wouldn't make any sense.\" Sonnenfeld also changed a lot of the film's aesthetic during pre-production: \"I started out saying aliens shouldn't be what humans perceive them to be. Why do they need eyes? So Rick did these great designs, and I'd say, 'That's great — but how do we know where he", "id": "15558793" }, { "contents": "Malsumis\n\n\nthe creation of man. While she and Gluskab both had the power to do good, Malsumis used his power for evil and trickery, like putting thorns on plants and putting bees in cheese cake. While Gluskab protects man, Malsumis uses her power to plot the end of man to this very day.Imagine you go to a party, and there’s cheesecake. You cut the cheesecake and take a bite, only to realize it is filled with bees; that is what Malsumis is like— and then someone comes up", "id": "12344212" }, { "contents": "Monterey Jack\n\n\nWorld War I intensified and shipments of hard cheese from Europe were interrupted, he rediscovered the wheels, which had aged into a product his customers found to be a good substitute for classic hard cheeses like Parmesan. Pepper Jack is a derivative of Monterey Jack flavored with spicy chili peppers, bell peppers, and herbs. Additional flavor and visual appeal is created by marbling with Colby (making Colby-Jack) or a yellow cheddar cheese. Because of its low content of tyramine, an organic compound thought to be associated with headaches", "id": "2036941" }, { "contents": "Winchester Cheese Company\n\n\narea, and tour center. \"Winchester cheeses have won numerous awards in competitions around the world, and they're now available at cheese specialty shops, upscale restaurants and wineries throughout the Southland,\" according to a write-up in \"Westways\" magazine as well as area farmer's markets. Flavors included a jalapeño Gouda and cumin Gouda, and Gouda cheeses of various ages. Jules Wesselink died in 2011; continuation of production remained uncertain. As of August 2013, the phone number is not in service and the company", "id": "10219439" }, { "contents": "Talk (Coldplay song)\n\n\na song nobody had sung/Or do something that's never been done.\" The third line of the third verse is: \"Tell me how do you feel?/Well I feel like they're talking in a language I don't speak/And they're talking it to me.\" In the fifth verse, Martin summarises about an individual who is lost and trying to discover the unknown: \"So you don't know where you're going/But you want to talk/And you feel like you're going where", "id": "12813312" }, { "contents": "Edam cheese\n\n\nmelons, apricots, and cherries. Aged Edam is often eaten with traditional \"cheese fruits\" like pears and apples. Like most cheeses, it is commonly eaten on crackers and bread, and may be eaten with crackers following the main course of a meal as a dessert of \"cheese and biscuits\". Pinot gris, dry Riesling, semidry Riesling, Sparkling wine, Chardonnay, and Shiraz/Syrah are some recommended wines to accompany this cheese. In Spain and some of its former colonies, such as the Philippines and", "id": "6433920" }, { "contents": "Alkmaar\n\n\nfour traditional Dutch cheese markets still in existence. The traditional fare of this cheese market is those cheeses made in the local area, as opposed to the well-known brands of Dutch cheeses, including the Edam and Gouda cheeses. It is not actually possible to buy cheese at the market itself, which is really only a demonstration of how this merchants' market operated in times gone by. However, the demonstration, which takes place in front of the medieval weighing house, is surrounded by many specialized stalls where it is", "id": "13501486" }, { "contents": "Easy Cheese\n\n\nflow rates of the material. In this case, the cheese behaves more as a fluid. After it is expelled, there is no more shear rate and the cheese retains its original higher viscosity. Here, the cheese behaves like a solid. Easy Cheese must provide a smooth uniform texture whilst maintaining its viscoelastic structure to maintain its shape after extrusion from the can. Sodium alginate is the one of the main ingredients that is responsible for Easy Cheese's pseudoplastic characteristics. More specifically, it contributes to the integrity of the gel", "id": "1122225" }, { "contents": "Who Moved My Cheese?\n\n\nWould You Do If You Weren't Afraid?\" on the wall and, after thinking about that, he begins his venture. Still plagued with worry (perhaps he has waited too long to begin his search...), Haw finds some bits of cheese that nourish him and he is able to continue his search. Haw realizes that the cheese has not suddenly vanished, but has dwindled from continual eating. After a stop at an empty cheese station, Haw begins worrying about the unknown again. Brushing aside his fears,", "id": "13788709" }, { "contents": "Edam cheese\n\n\nmajor producer of Edam is the FrieslandCampina company in Marum, The Netherlands. Most \"young\" Edam cheese sold in stores has a very mild flavour, slightly salty or nutty, and almost no smell when compared to other cheeses. As the cheese ages, its flavour sharpens, and it becomes firmer. Edam may have as little as 28% fat in dry matter. Modern Edam is softer than other cheeses, such as Cheddar, due to its low fat content. Mild Edam goes well with fruit such as peaches,", "id": "6433919" }, { "contents": "Du, du liegst mir im Herzen\n\n\n. Yes, yes, yes, yes you don't know how good I am for you. So, as I love you so, so love me too. The most tender desires I alone feel only for you. Yes, yes, yes, yes, I alone feel only for you. But, but may I trust you you, you with a light heart? You, you know you can rely on me, you do know how good for you I am! Yes, yes, yes, yes", "id": "11482205" }, { "contents": "Lisa Fowler\n\n\nknow if it's something I'd want to do again at the moment. It still feels like only yesterday I was there and it's good to kind of recharge your batteries and get out there and do other things. But I love the show and I’d never say never! And I liked playing Lisa. I thought she was a great character so you just don’t know.\" In April 2010, it was reported that Lisa would return for a single episode later in the year in a bid to retrieve", "id": "36821" }, { "contents": "Alpkäse\n\n\nAlpkäse is an Italian cheese made with cow milk in Trentino Alto Adige. The origin of this type of cheese is associated with the Alps located in Germany/Austria. Emmental in nature like its cousin the Swiss cheese, it is featured with tiny holes known as 'teardrops\". Similar to the majority of hard/semi-hard cheese, the more it is matured, the more flavour it develops. The alpkäse cheese from Trentino Alto Adige is made from cow milk. Some of those cheese varieties, exceeding 60 products", "id": "13006629" }, { "contents": "Private Duty Nurses\n\n\n-s-s-s\". He wanted to direct. Armitage: Peter Bogdanovich and Francis [Ford Coppola] had left working with Roger, so there was an opening there for directors, I asked him if I could direct, and he said sure. He said: \"Would you like to do a nurse movie or a stewardess move?\" I said I'd like to do a stewardess movie, and he said: \"Okay, well then you can do the nurse movie.\" Okay! Anyways", "id": "13783980" }, { "contents": "Government cheese\n\n\nthe House by a margin of two votes; in the Senate it had a much larger approval rate. The logic behind the distribution was to effectively remove waste and to use all possible resources available in the United States. One representative from the USDA remarked that, \"Probably the cheapest and most practical thing would be to dump it in the ocean.\" The distribution of government cheese was claimed to not have an adverse effect on commercially available cheeses, as the government was required to purchase dairy products like cheese to keep the", "id": "10531639" }, { "contents": "Emmental cheese\n\n\nEmmental (Emmentaler, Emmenthal, or often known as \"Swiss cheese\") is a yellow, medium-hard Swiss cheese that originated in the area around Emmental, Canton Bern. It has a savory but mild taste. While the denomination \"Emmentaler Switzerland\" is protected, \"Emmentaler\" alone is not; similar cheeses of other origins, especially from France, Bavaria and Finland, are widely available and sold by that name. Emmental dates to the time of ancient history. Three types of bacteria are used in the", "id": "12300528" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "Bleu des Causses\n\n\nsaid, \"Why do you do that, lord emperor? You are throwing away the very best part.\" Then Charles, who deceived no one, and did not believe that anyone would deceive him, on the persuasion of the bishop put a piece of the skin in his mouth, and slowly ate it and swallowed it like butter.\" Many artisanal cheese cellars refine cow's milk, sheep's milk, or even a mixture of both. It is sold without a provincial name. In 1925, during the", "id": "2126273" }, { "contents": "Give You What You Like\n\n\n\"One day I was hungover, tired, vulnerable, and didn't want to sing, but he (Chad Kroeger) made me go in on 'Give You What You Like,' and do it anyway. The rawness of my vocals comes across in the song, which made it better. I'd have to do harmonies sometimes, and I'd start whining, and he'd want me to do 10 takes of vocals.\" \"Give You What You Like\" garnered critical acclaim from critics, who complimented", "id": "20556516" }, { "contents": "Kashkaval\n\n\ntypes of yellow medium and semi hard cheeses made of sheep's or cow's-milk. The best known varieties of cașcaval in Romania are Dobrogea (from sheep's milk only), Penteleu (from mix of sheep's and cow's milk), Dalia and Rucăr (both from cow's milk only). But the term is often used by extension as a generic name for all semi-hard yellow cheeses such as the Swiss \"Emmental\" cheese, the Dutch Gouda and the British Cheddar, or anything that looks", "id": "7515453" }, { "contents": "Take Your Partner by the Hand\n\n\ndoing the U2 stuff. He was like, 'Howie I've just heard something you've done. I don't know if you know who I am but I'd love to do some tunes'. I was like, 'Magic! let's do that! ' He kept sending me cassettes in Dublin. In December we hooked up and did three tunes. Crazy fucking tunes. Then when I finished my album I sent him out a CD and he rang up and said, 'Howie I'd love to", "id": "3082182" }, { "contents": "Pinconning cheese\n\n\nPinconning Cheese is an aged semi-hard whole cow's milk, Colby style cheese named after Pinconning, Michigan, where it was first developed and produced by Dan Horn in 1915. Since then and currently, Pinconning Cheese is made and distributed based on the original family traditional recipe by the originator's related companies, Pinconning Cheese Company and Wilson's (Horn) Cheese Shoppe in Pinconning, Michigan. It is available in mild and then aged many years to sharpness levels of medium mild, medium sharp, sharp, extra sharp", "id": "4969092" }, { "contents": "Live Squad\n\n\nyou do me like that? / I took ya family in / I put some cash in ya pocket / Made you a man again [..] You're a shell of a man / I lost respect for you nigga / We can never be friends / I know I'm runnin' through your head now / What could you do? / If it was up to you / I'd be dead now / I let the world know nigga you a coward / You could never be Live / Until you die /", "id": "12453462" }, { "contents": "Kaasstengels\n\n\nsalju\" are the popular \"kue kering\" (dried \"kue\" or cookie) during festive occasion, such as \"Natal\" (Christmas) and \"Lebaran\" (Eid al Fitr). Kaastengels on the other hand, refer to Dutch \"hapjes\" (snacks) of \"cheese-fingers\", derived from Dutch \"kaas\" (cheese) and \"tengels\" (fingers). It is a small spring roll or \"loempia\"-like crepe of the size of a finger, filled with gouda or edam", "id": "2999123" }, { "contents": "Israeli cuisine\n\n\nin Israel is usually stuffed with rice, meat (lamb or beef), parsley, dried fruits like dates, apricots or raisins, spices like cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice; sometimes herbs like thyme and oregano (not the dried ones) are added on the top of the chicken to give it a flavor and than it is baked in the oven. Many fresh, high quality dairy products are available, such as cottage cheese, white cheeses, yogurts including \"leben\" and \"eshel\", yellow cheeses, and", "id": "1740928" }, { "contents": "Gouda cheese\n\n\ncoating to prevent it from drying out, then it is aged, during which process the cheese changes from semi-hard to hard. Dutch cheese makers generally use six gradations, or categories, to classify the cheese: As it ages, it develops a caramel sweetness and has a slight crunchiness from cheese crystals, especially in older cheeses. In the Netherlands, cubes of Gouda are often eaten as a snack served with Dutch mustard. Older varieties are sometimes topped with sugar or apple syrup. Cubes of old and very old", "id": "15616265" }, { "contents": "Havarti\n\n\nthe cheese is aged. Havarti is a \"washed-curd\" cheese, which contributes to the subtle flavor of the cheese. Havarti is an \"interior-ripened\" cheese that is rindless, smooth, and slightly bright-surfaced with a cream to yellow color depending on type. It has very small and irregular openings called eyes distributed throughout. Havarti has a buttery aroma and can be somewhat sharp in the stronger varieties, much like Swiss cheese. The taste is buttery, from \"somewhat\" sweet to \"very", "id": "12512660" }, { "contents": "Kasseri\n\n\nKasseri (Greek Κασέρι; or in Turkish \"kaşer\", \"kaşar\") is a medium-hard pale yellow cheese made from unpasteurized sheep milk with very little, if any, goat's milk mixed in. The cheese is found in Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey. An alternative way of making the cheese uses cow-milk. It is a soft textured, stringy rather than crumbly, chewy, hard-rind cheese and belongs to the pasta filata family of cheeses, like Provolone or Mozzarella. The use of", "id": "15457185" }, { "contents": "Dutch cuisine\n\n\nbutter. The Dutch are famous for their dairy products and especially for their cheeses. The vast majority of Dutch cheeses are semi-hard or hard cheeses. Famous Dutch cheeses include Gouda cheese, Edam cheese, and Leyden cheese. A typically Dutch way of making cheese is to blend in herbs or spices during the first stages of the production process. Famous examples of this are cheeses with cloves (usually the Friesian Clove), cumin (most famously Leyden cheese), or nettles. Dutch bread tends to be very airy", "id": "1851596" }, { "contents": "Requeijão\n\n\nRequeijão () is a milk-derived product, produced in Portugal and Brazil. It is sometimes called requesón (the Spanish word for ricotta) in English-speaking countries. It is a loose, ricotta-like cheese used to make cheese spreads. A mild, unsalty ricotta can be substituted. This variety is most often sold in the markets wrapped in fresh corn husks. In El Salvador, cheeses such as requesón can sometimes be transported wrapped in banana leaves instead of corn husks. The Portuguese product is white to", "id": "1825198" }, { "contents": "Cougar Gold cheese\n\n\nCougar Gold is an American Cheddar cheese produced at Ferdinand's Creamery on the Washington State University campus in Pullman, Washington. Like other cheeses sold at the creamery, Cougar Gold is notable for being sold exclusively in 30oz tin cans. Cougar Gold is a white, sharp cheddar that is aged at least one year. It has a nutty flavor somewhat resembling Swiss or Gouda. When properly refrigerated, Cougar Gold is claimed to last indefinitely in the can. An unopened can becomes more flavorful, sharp, dry and crumbly with", "id": "14707282" } ]
ive been baking since i was little. My mom loves when i made cakes I love baking too. It is a good form of cooking where Heat is gradually transferred "from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to the centre. never thought of it like that. i haven't cooked bread though before. Any tips on how to make it come out right? Well bread is the most common baked item. Definitely there are lot of recipes that will talk about it well ive done more sweets than anything but anyways, whats your favorite bread recipe ?
[{"answer": "Just give me any staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water and get it baked. I will love it", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "36969", "title": "Bread", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 83, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nBaking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, normally in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones. The most common baked item is bread but many other types of foods are baked. Heat is gradually transferred \"from the surface of cakes, cookies, and breads to their center. As heat travels through, it transforms batters and doughs into baked goods and more with a firm dry crust and a softer centre\". Baking can be combined with grilling to produce", "id": "7706067" }, { "contents": "Banana bread\n\n\nBanana bread is a type of bread made from mashed bananas. It is often a moist, sweet, cake-like quick bread; however there are some banana bread recipes that are traditional-style raised breads. Banana bread first became a standard feature of American cookbooks with the popularization of baking soda and baking powder in the 1930s. It appeared in Pillsbury's 1933 \"Balanced Recipes\" cookbook, and later gained more acceptance with the release of the original \"Chiquita Banana's Recipe Book\" in 1950. National Banana Bread", "id": "14957915" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nvoluminous bread. In southern Sweden, rye bread was more often baked into softer and thick bread cakes (kavring, “round bread”), and from the 19th century flavoured with syrup or molasses. Professional male bakers started to sell bread in the cities during the 13th century. However, in the countryside, everyday bread was baked at home by the women. Swedish recipe books dating from the 17th–18th century contain recipes of cakes, but not everyday bread, indicating that cakes were baked less often and amongst the higher echelons", "id": "9179107" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nsuch leavenings varied widely. Resulting baked goods often had a sour or bitter taste. Breads were made of grain, water, yeast, and sometimes salt. Cooks also made yeast, sponge and pound cakes. Yeast cakes were similar to breads but included fancier ingredients, like sugar, spices, fruits or nuts. Sponge cakes used beaten egg whites for leavening. Pound cakes combined butter, sugar, and flour and eggs, and were particularly dense. Making cakes was even more laborious than making bread: to prepare a cake", "id": "18227658" }, { "contents": "Plum cake\n\n\n\". The comment in an Indian Household Management book is indicative both of the reach of Mrs Beeton's book as well as the range of interpretations of plum cake and plum pudding. The author says, \"Mrs Beeton’s recipe is by far the best if modified a little: 12 units of manukka raisins ...\" Up to World War I, cakes, including plum cakes, were baked along with loaves of bread. \"A smaller cake or pasty might be slipped in or pulled out after the baking had begun,", "id": "15865635" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nancient Rome, basic bread dough was sometimes enriched with butter, eggs, and honey, which produced a sweet and cake-like baked good. Latin poet Ovid refers his and his brother's birthday party and cake in his first book of exile, \"Tristia\". Early cakes in England were also essentially bread: the most obvious differences between a \"cake\" and \"bread\" were the round, flat shape of the cakes, and the cooking method, which turned cakes over once while cooking, while bread was", "id": "12365287" }, { "contents": "Azerbaijani cuisine\n\n\nare baked in Azerbaijan like: flat, rolling, flat bread, lavash, səngək, xamralı, thick, thin, crepes, cakes, bread oven (tandoor bread).Tandoor bread is a type of bread baked in a clay oven called a tandoor. Mostly it is used for baking bread and cooking meat, but generally any type of food can be cooked in tandoor ovens. The secret of tandoor oven is process of heating up the oven. Wood is put on the ground and ignited. It is necessary to wait till it", "id": "21052611" }, { "contents": "The American Baking Competition\n\n\n's recipe. For the showstopper, the challenge was to make a Surprise Inside Cake where, when sliced open, a surprise design is revealed. The bakers were given five hours for the challenge. Episode four aired on June 19, 2013. The theme of the episode was bread and pastries. For the signature bake, the bakers had three hours to make a free-form loaf of bread. The bread had to be yeast bread, and hand shaped. In the technical bake, the bakers were given one hour", "id": "12516514" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\nand other products made from doughs are often baked, some types of dough-based foods are cooked over direct heat, such as tortillas, which are cooked directly on a griddle. Fried dough foods are also common in many cultures. Pancakes, waffles, some kinds of bar cookies such as brownies, and many cakes and quick breads (including muffins and the like) are often made with a semi-liquid batter of flour and liquid that is poured into the final shape, rather than a solid dough. Unlike bread", "id": "18974234" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nas baked goods, especially breads, are a common and important food, both from an economic and cultural point of view. A person who prepares baked goods as a profession is called a baker. All types of food can be baked, but some require special care and protection from direct heat. Various techniques have been developed to provide this protection. In addition to bread, baking is used to prepare cakes, pastries, pies, tarts, quiches, cookies, scones, crackers, pretzels, and more. These popular", "id": "7706069" }, { "contents": "Tahinopita\n\n\nTashinopita is a Cypriot cake flavored with sesame paste. Variations on the recipe include quickbread versions with chemical leaveners (such as baking soda or baking powder), yeasted versions, and phyllo layer versions. As most varieties contain no dairy, eggs, or oil, they are popular during Lent and can be considered vegan. In the Greek language, where the word \"pita\" is a generic word for either bread, cake or pastry, \"tashinopita\" refers to a sweet bread roll (see tahini bread roll).", "id": "16167442" }, { "contents": "Zucchini\n\n\nthe flowers attached is a sign of a truly fresh and immature fruit, and it is especially sought after for its sweeter flavor. Unlike cucumber, zucchini is usually served cooked. It can be prepared using a variety of cooking techniques, including steamed, boiled, grilled, stuffed and baked, barbecued, fried, or incorporated in other recipes such as \"soufflés\". Zucchini can also be baked into a bread similar to banana bread or incorporated into a cake mix similar to carrot cake. Its flowers can be eaten stuffed", "id": "2779480" }, { "contents": "Brown bread\n\n\n. New England or Boston brown bread is a type of dark, slightly sweet steamed bread (usually a quick bread) popular in New England. It is cooked by steam in a can, or cylindrical pan. Boston brown bread's colour comes from a mixture of flours, usually a mix of several of the following: cornmeal, rye, whole wheat, graham flour, and from the addition of sweeteners like molasses and maple syrup. Leavening most often comes from baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) though a few recipes use", "id": "15418726" }, { "contents": "Cornbread\n\n\nas unleavened pone, corn fritters, hoecakes, etc.). Cornbread is a popular item in Southern cooking enjoyed by many people for its texture and aroma. Cornbread can be baked, fried, or (rarely) steamed. Steamed cornbread is mushy, chewier, and more like cornmeal pudding than what most consider to be traditional cornbread. Cornbread can also be baked into corn cakes. Cornbread is a common bread in United States cuisine, particularly associated with the South and Southwest, as well as being a traditional staple for", "id": "12152767" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\n. Foreign sailors often paid for services on land with different kinds of bread (double-baked bread, cookies, skonrogge, etc.). Most types of breads available in other Western countries are now also available in Iceland, either baked in Iceland or imported. Everyday bread is mostly made by industrial bakeries or bought at the local bakery. However, baking at home is still a common practice amongst young and older households alike, especially in connection with having guests and celebrations. Both traditional recipes and modern/new recipes", "id": "9179089" }, { "contents": "Afghan bread\n\n\nAfghan bread, or Nân-i Afğânī (Persian: نان افغانی), is the national bread of Afghanistan. The bread is oval or rectangular and baked in a tandoor, a cylindrical oven that is the primary cooking equipment of the sub-continental region. The Afghan version of the tandoor sits above ground and is made of bricks, which are heated to cook the bread. The bread, also known as \"naan\", is shaped and then stuck to the interior wall of the oven to bake. It is", "id": "771579" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nA baking mix is a pre-mixed formulation of ingredients used for the cooking of baked goods. Baking mixes may be commercially manufactured or homemade. Baking mixes that cater to particular dietary needs, such as gluten-free baking mixes or kosher baking mixes, can be bought in many places. Baking mixes are produced for the preparation of specific foods such as breads, quick breads, pancakes, waffles, cakes, muffins, cookies, brownies pizza dough, biscuits and various desserts, among other foods. Some all-purpose", "id": "1522774" }, { "contents": "Dutch oven\n\n\nmaking roasts, stews, and casseroles. Virtually any recipe that can be cooked in a conventional oven can be cooked in a Dutch oven. When cooking over a campfire, it is possible to use old-style lipped cast-iron Dutch ovens as true baking ovens, to prepare biscuits, cakes, breads, pizzas, and even pies. A smaller baking pan can be placed inside the ovens, used and replaced with another as the first batch is completed. It is also possible to stack Dutch ovens on top of", "id": "19875918" }, { "contents": "Crumpet\n\n\nof the word. In either case breads were, historically, commonly cooked on a griddle whererever bread ovens were not available. The \"bara-planc\", or griddle bread, baked on an iron plate over a fire, was part of the everyday diet in Wales until the 19th century. Small, oval cakes baked in this manner were called \"picklets\", a name used for the first recognisable crumpet-type recipe, published in 1769 by Elizabeth Raffald in \"The Experienced English Housekeeper\". This name was", "id": "3415406" }, { "contents": "Bost's Bread\n\n\n. In 1992 the parent company of Bost's and Wonder Bread (Continental Baking Co.) shut down the bakery in Shelby NC and Also the Hamburger and Hotdog Bun Bakery in Thomasville NC, ending a tasty chapter in the history of Shelby and Cleveland County, North Carolina. Wonder Bread and Hostess cake lines were transferred to other plants within the Continental Baking company. In the early 90's the formulas or recipes, intellectual property, as well as some hardware of Bost's Bread were sold to Waldensian Bakeries, owned by the", "id": "17802253" }, { "contents": "Welsh cake\n\n\nWelsh cakes ( or '), also bakestones or pics\"', are traditional in Wales. They have been popular since the late 19th century with the addition of fat, sugar and dried fruit to a longer standing recipe for flat-bread baked on a griddle. The cakes are also known as griddle cakes or bakestones within Wales because they are traditionally cooked on a bakestone ( or ), a cast-iron griddle about 1.5 cm or more thick which is placed on the fire or cooker; on rare occasions,", "id": "13291843" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\ntypes, as well as more expensive and higher status bread products in the form of cakes baked with sugar, butter and oriental spices. The boundaries should not be interpreted as being definitive, as cultural ideals always tend to vary along a boundary. During the switch to a modern urban and industrialised society, bread types changed when large industrial bakeries introduced new soft bread, which from the early 1920s was often sweetened (sötlimpa, sweet thick bread). From then on, bread was bought from stores and bakeries, rather than", "id": "9179111" }, { "contents": "Biscuit\n\n\ncake or bread. As it was so expensive to make, early ginger biscuits were a cheap form of using up the leftover bread mix. With the combination of the Muslim invasion of the Iberian Peninsula, and then the Crusades developing the spice trade, the cooking techniques and ingredients of Arabia spread into Northern Europe. By mediaeval times, biscuits were made from a sweetened, spiced paste of breadcrumbs and then baked (e.g., gingerbread), or from cooked bread enriched with sugar and spices and then baked again. King Richard", "id": "12744530" }, { "contents": "Proofing (baking technique)\n\n\nIn cooking, proofing (also called proving or more rarely blooming) is the final rise of shaped bread dough before baking. It refers to a specific rest period within the more generalized process known as \"fermentation\". Fermentation is a step in creating yeast breads and baked goods where the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough. Fermentation rest periods are not always explicitly named, and can appear in recipes as \"Allow dough to rise.\" When they are named, terms include \"bulk fermentation,\" \"first rise", "id": "4061641" }, { "contents": "Amish friendship bread\n\n\nAmish friendship bread is a type of bread or cake made from a sourdough starter that is often shared in a manner similar to a chain letter. The starter is a substitute for baking yeast and can be used to make many kinds of yeast-based breads, shared with friends, or frozen for future use. The sweet, cake-like Amish cinnamon bread is a common bread that is made from this starter; it is a simple, stirred quickbread that includes a substantial amount of sugar and vegetable oil, with a", "id": "10226362" }, { "contents": "Potato bread\n\n\nPotato bread is a form of bread in which potato flour or potato replaces a portion of the regular wheat flour. It is cooked in a variety of ways, including baking it on a hot griddle or pan, or in an oven. It may be leavened or unleavened, and may have a variety of other ingredients baked into it. The ratio of potato to wheat flour varies significantly from recipe to recipe, with some recipes having a majority of potato, and others having a majority of wheat flour. Some recipes call", "id": "13713277" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ncakes, layer cakes, tiered cakes, and wedding cakes. Other bakeries may specialize in traditional or hand made types of bread made with locally milled flour, without flour bleaching agents or flour treatment agents, baking what is sometimes referred to as artisan bread. Grocery stores and supermarkets, in many countries, sell prepackaged or pre-sliced bread, cakes, and other pastries. They can also offer in-store baking and basic cake decoration. Nonetheless, many people still prefer to get their baked goods from a small artisanal", "id": "12725090" }, { "contents": "Potato cake\n\n\nto a preparation of mashed potatoes baked in the form of pie or a scallop made using potatoes or potato flour. In U.S. fairs, they are known as battered potatoes. Irish potato cakes are typically made from mashed potato, and either flour or baking soda, and are usually fried. This is not the same dish as boxty; boxty is made using raw potatoes, whereas potato cake is made using cooked potatoes. In Ireland, potato cakes are typically known as potato bread, or spud bread, and are served in", "id": "11350584" }, { "contents": "Bush bread\n\n\nmixed with water to make a dough and placed in hot ashes for baking. The results could be small buns, today referred to as johnny cakes, or a large loaf, known today as damper. Damper appears to be a mix of this traditional style of bread-making and European-style bread-making. The dough could also be eaten raw. Cooking was a good way to prepare the bread if the group was about to travel for some time. Bread could also be made from roots and corms of plants", "id": "16583368" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth David bibliography\n\n\ndevotes chapters to recipes for various forms of baking. Bread comes first, followed by recipes for, among many other things, buns, yeast cakes, soda-bread, brioches, croissants, pain au chocolat, and pizza. As in her earlier books, the recipes are interspersed with excerpts from earlier authors, including Fernand Braudel, Auguste Escoffier, and the painter John Constable. In \"The Observer\", Hilary Spurling called the book \"a scathing indictment of the British bread industry\" and also \"a history of", "id": "10927756" }, { "contents": "Robert V. Richardson\n\n\nregiment was attached to James R. Chalmers' command. A communication from Richardson dated October 28, 1863 at Water Valley, MS indicated the difficult living conditions experienced during the War: \"For God and the country's sake, make your fair promising but never complying Quartermaster send me skillets, ovens, pots, or anything else that will bake bread or fry meat. I want clothing, shoes and blankets for my naked and freezing men. . . . I cannot fight any more until I get something to cook in", "id": "3950018" }, { "contents": "Baked bean sandwich\n\n\nThe baked bean sandwich is a sandwich composed of baked beans between two slices of bread, which may include garnishes such as lettuce and toppings such as mayonnaise or ketchup. Recipes for a baked bean sandwich can be traced from as early as 1909. One book entitled \"Cooking For Two\" by Janet McKenzie Hill suggests such a recipe as a \"substitute for meatless cooking\", and is a much more elaborate sandwich compared to its most common manifestation today. Many early recipes describe essentially the same product that has become popular today", "id": "15643905" }, { "contents": "English Bread and Yeast Cookery\n\n\n\" In the second part, David devotes chapters to recipes for various forms of baking. Bread comes first, followed by recipes for, among many other things, buns, yeast cakes, soda-bread, brioches, croissants, \"pain au chocolat\" and pizza. As in her earlier books, the recipes are interspersed with excerpts from earlier authors, including Fernand Braudel, Auguste Escoffier, and the painter John Constable. The following list refers to the 1977 edition. In 1977 David was badly injured in a car accident", "id": "1163811" }, { "contents": "Baking powder\n\n\nquick breads. The introduction of baking powder was revolutionary in minimizing the time and labor required to make breadstuffs. It led to the creation of new types of cakes, cookies, biscuits, and other baked goods. Baking powder is made up of a base, an acid, and a buffering material to prevent the acid and base from reacting before their intended use. Most commercially available baking powders are made up of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO, also known as baking soda or bicarbonate of soda) and one or more acid salts", "id": "18227650" }, { "contents": "Teacake\n\n\nA teacake in England is generally a light yeast-based sweet bun containing dried fruit, typically served toasted and buttered. In the U.S. teacakes can be cookies or small cakes. In Sweden they are soft round flat wheat breads made with milk and a little sugar, and used to make sandwiches, with butter, and for example ham and/or cheese. In India and Australia a teacake is more like a sponge cake. Tea refers to the popular beverage to which these baked goods are an accompaniment. In most of England,", "id": "9292254" }, { "contents": "Peter Reinhart\n\n\nfor Celiac Disease, Diabetes and Weight Loss\". The book includes recipes for gluten-free, sugar-free breads, pizza, focaccia, crackers, breadsticks, pretzels, breakfast breads, cookies, brownies and cakes and pies. Reinhart first got interested in gluten-free baking because of a friend who suffers from Celiac disease (gluten intolerance). When Wallace came up with the idea of using nut and seed flours in place of the standard tapioca-potato-rice flour trilogy that once dominated gluten-free baking", "id": "12510190" }, { "contents": "Veda bread\n\n\n. The molasses in the treacle help to preserve the mixture, and veda bread connoisseurs will leave a freshly baked loaf for several weeks in a closed cake tin to allow the flavours to mature before they eat it. It is still impossible to find a recipe for a Veda loaf, over a hundred years after it was invented. However, devotees have had good results by following the instructions for a malted fruit loaf but without the fruit or alcohol. Although a sweet bread, Veda is often eaten toasted with butter and cheese", "id": "3231760" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\nbiya are made from sorghum or millet, and are ground and boiled. Quick breads use leavening agents other than yeast (such as baking powder or baking soda), and include most cookies, cakes, biscuits, and more; these may be based on a batter or a dough. Techniques used in dough production depend on the type of dough and final product. For yeast-based and sponge (such as sourdough) breads, a common production technique is the dough is mixed, kneaded, and then left to rise", "id": "18974231" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\nfood products, such as baked goods, desserts, powdered drink mixes, dehydrated potatoes, and chewing gums. In Canada, it is commonly used in yeast-leavened recipes as an emulsifier during bread making. In bread, calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate helps to improve the mixability of the dough and strengthen it. It also improves bread's grain and texture, as well as the volume of the final loaf. Chlorine is a food additive that bleaches flour products. In cake production, the application of chlorinated flour helps to improve the structure", "id": "18974239" }, { "contents": "Escagraph\n\n\nand the Roman Empire, primarily bread with words stamped into them prior to baking. Use of escagraphs waned a bit during periods of early Christianity to the 19th century, though some interesting examples exist in bread assizes and sotelties. Most forms of escagraphs today are sweet, either molded into or drawn onto the surface of the food. Cakes with \"Happy Birthday\" are extremely common. Heart-shaped candies with mottoes on them have been produced since about 1901 and are often shared at Valentine's Day. Many chocolate bars bear", "id": "10753346" }, { "contents": "Sweet potato\n\n\nRhoda Nungo of the home economics department of the Ministry of Agriculture has written a guide to using sweet potatoes in modern recipes. This includes uses both in the mashed form and as flour from the dried tubers to replace part of the wheat flour and sugar in baked products such as cakes, chapatis, mandazis, bread, buns and cookies. A nutritious juice drink is made from the orange-fleshed cultivars, and deep-fried snacks are also included. In Egypt, sweet potato tubers are known as \"batata\" (", "id": "6589327" }, { "contents": "Backe, backe Kuchen\n\n\nresidual heat of the oven could now be used to bake the women's own cakes. Also, where the bread was baked on certain days in the common village oven, there was a signal when the bread was removed and the residual heat of the oven could be used for baking cakes. It is striking that the text points to the yellow coloring effect of saffron. None of the other six mentioned ingredients provides an obvious rhyme word for the German standard \"gelb\" which means yellow. Therefore, the traditional lyric writes", "id": "16479766" }, { "contents": "Coffee cake\n\n\nlayer, flavored with either fruit or cinnamon, and leavened with either baking soda (or baking powder), which results in a more cake-like texture, or yeast, which results in a more bread-like texture. Coffee cake -- also referred to as gugelhupf or kuchen -- evolved from other sweet dishes from Vienna. In the 17th century, Northern/Central Europeans are thought to have come up with the idea of eating sweet cakes while having their coffee. As the region's countries were already known for their", "id": "14403178" }, { "contents": "Biscuit (bread)\n\n\nuse the same word to refer to two distinctly different modern foods. Early hard biscuits (North American: cookies) were derived from a simple, storable version of bread. The word \"biscuit\" itself originates from the medieval Latin word 'biscoctus', meaning \"twice-cooked\". The modern Italian baked goods known as biscotti (also meaning \"twice-cooked\" in Italian) most closely resemble the Medieval Latin item and cooking technique. In the Hispanic world a bizcocho refers to an array of differing baked goods", "id": "1626280" }, { "contents": "Biscuit\n\n\n\" became the words of choice to mean a hard, baked product. Further confusion has been added by the adoption of the word biscuit for a small leavened bread popular in the United States. According to the American English dictionary Merriam-Webster, a cookie is a \"small flat or slightly raised cake\". A biscuit is \"any of various hard or crisp dry baked product\" similar to the American English terms cracker or cookie, or \"a small quick bread made from dough that has been rolled out and cut", "id": "12744521" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\nA bakery (also baker's shop or bake shop) is an establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. Some retail bakeries are also cafés, serving coffee and tea to customers who wish to consume the baked goods on the premises. Baked goods have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking was developed early during the Roman Empire. It was a highly famous art as Roman citizens loved baked goods and demanded for", "id": "12725084" }, { "contents": "Dassant\n\n\nthe Italian Orange Dessert Cake. In early 2012, Dassant introduced a line of baking mixes including pancakes, cookies, carrot cake and pumpkin bread. In April 2013 Dassant launched Dassant Classics, a brand new selection of three baking mix flavors including brownie, carrot cake and a blondie bar. Dassant Classic Beer Bread was introduced in 1980 as a baked loaf. It was first distributed to the Portland area bakeries and restaurants. In 1985 it made its first appearance as a simple-to-make mix requiring no measuring, kneading", "id": "6426654" }, { "contents": "Rusk\n\n\nbread for making rusks. The price of rusk in those bakeries is usually low, as the bakeries do this to avoid wasting the leftover bread and buns. \"Sponge rusk\" is similar to biscotti but it is made out of twice-baked yellow cake batter. The yellow cake batter is baked into a flat, rectangular cake pan; once it is baked and cooled off, it is sliced into strips and baked again or toasted to make a cake toast. It is usually eaten with Cuban coffee (Cuban espresso)", "id": "1935915" }, { "contents": "Shortcake\n\n\nShortcake is a sweet cake or biscuit (in the American sense: that is, a crumbly bread that has been leavened with baking powder or baking soda). The earliest recipe for shortcake is in an English cookbook from 1588. Shortcake is typically made with flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, salt, butter, milk or cream, and sometimes eggs. The dry ingredients are blended, and then the butter is cut in until the mixture resembles cornmeal. The liquid ingredients are then mixed in just until moistened,", "id": "12386460" }, { "contents": "Johnnycake\n\n\nkeep them supplied with enough sausage or bacon fat so they will become crisp, and not burn. Cook slowly for half an hour, turn occasionally, and when done serve with plenty of butter. In Australia, \"Johnnycake\" refers to a quick bread made with flour rather than cornmeal; the cakes are baked in the hot ashes of a fire or fried in fat on a skillet. In the Bahamas \"Johnny Cake\" refers to a bread made with flour, sugar, butter, and water. After being kneaded", "id": "22214311" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nprimarily on ingredients and mixing techniques. Although clear examples of the difference between cake and bread are easy to find, the precise classification has always been elusive. For example, banana bread may be properly considered either a quick bread or a cake. Some varieties of cake are widely available in the form of cake mixes, wherein some of the ingredients (usually flour, sugar, flavoring, baking powder, and sometimes some form of fat) are premixed, and the cook needs add only a few extra ingredients, usually eggs", "id": "12365291" }, { "contents": "Confectionery\n\n\nbe plain dough. Doughnuts may be fried or baked. Scones and related sweet quick breads, such as bannock, are similar to baking powder biscuits and, in sweeter, less traditional interpretations, can seem like a cupcake. Cookies are small, sweet baked treats. They originated as small cakes, and some traditional cookies have a soft, cake-like texture. Others are crisp or hard. Sugar confections include sweet, sugar-based foods, which are usually eaten as snack food. This includes sugar candies, chocolates", "id": "1129243" }, { "contents": "Britain's Best Bakery\n\n\ntraditional bakers with top-secret family recipes compete against former patisserie chefs and bread-makers are challenged to create stunning celebration cakes. Two big names from the world of baking judge the competition, not just tasting and analysing the bakes but visiting the bakeries. The competition builds from regional heats to a dramatic finale where the winner of Britains Best Bakery is crowned. Britains Best Bakery shines a light on baking in the UK in all its delicious shapes and sizes. But more than just a competition, it is a celebration of", "id": "9359775" }, { "contents": "Schmidt Baking Company\n\n\nSchmidt Baking Company is a bakery in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. The company makes Schmidt's Blue Ribbon and Schmidt's Old Tyme Breads and, as a licensee of the Quality Bakers of America Cooperative, bakes and distributes Sunbeam Bread in its territory. It was founded in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1886 by Elizabeth and Peter Schmidt at their house using recipes from their native Germany. The company now has more than 800 employees and makes several varieties of bread, most prominently white bread. Its 1970s and 1980s advertising jingle was \"", "id": "11831796" }, { "contents": "Biscuit (bread)\n\n\nwheat that grows in the warm Southern summer. This summer growth results in wheat that has less protein, which is more suited to the creation of quick breads, as well as cookies, cakes and muffins. Pre-shaped ready-to-bake biscuits can be purchased in supermarkets, in the form of small refrigerated cylindrical segments of dough encased in a cardboard can. These refrigerator biscuits were patented by Ballard and Ballard in 1931. Biscuits can be prepared for baking in several ways. The dough can be rolled out flat", "id": "1626285" }, { "contents": "List of desserts\n\n\nalso commonly found in dessert courses because of its natural sweetness. Many different cultures have their own variations of similar desserts around the world, such as in Russia, where many breakfast foods such as blini, oladyi, and syrniki can be served with honey and jam to make them popular as desserts. A B C D E J M Y Cake is a form of bread or bread-like food. In its modern forms, it is typically a sweet baked dessert. In its oldest forms, cakes were normally fried breads", "id": "20165526" }, { "contents": "Streusel\n\n\nIn baking and pastry making, streusel () is a crumbly topping of flour, butter, and sugar that is baked on top of muffins, breads, pies, and cakes. Some modern recipes add spices and chopped nutmeats. The mixture can also be layered or ribboned in the middle of a cake. Some baked dishes which have a streusel topping are streuselkuchen, coffee cake, babka, and apple crisp. The term is also sometimes used for rich pastries topped with, or mixed with, streusel. From German (", "id": "19462451" }, { "contents": "Parkin (cake)\n\n\n. Molasses has the hygroscopic property. German Lebkuchen and Pfefferkuchen were other examples of hygroscopic holiday ginger-breads. They too were baked hard in summer and allowed to moisten for consumption at Christmas. Though parkin and tharf cake appear to be synonymous, all parkins generally were sweet tharf cakes. Parkin and tharf cake were used interchangeably in Lancashire and South Yorkshire until 1900. Over the 500 years the recipe and taste of these cakes have changed considerably. It was the food of the poor. Ovens were rare in the houses of", "id": "20155899" }, { "contents": "Cuisine of Hamburg\n\n\nfluffy whole wheat bread. For tea (or ‘coffee and cake’ as teatime is called in Germany) Kopenhagener are served which is filled with jam or marzipan. Another famous baked good for ‘coffee and cake’ is the traditional apple pie of Hamburg which is prepared by pan-frying the apples and deglazing them with white wine before baking the actual cake. \"Black and white cookies\", either self-made or bought in local pastry shops, are popular in Hamburg, too. Franzbrötchen are also very popular", "id": "9406683" }, { "contents": "Cake\n\n\nCake is a form of sweet food that is usually baked. In their oldest forms, cakes were modifications of breads, but cakes now cover a wide range of preparations that can be simple or elaborate, and that share features with other desserts such as pastries, meringues, custards, and pies. The most commonly used cake ingredients include flour, sugar, eggs, butter or oil or margarine, a liquid, and leavening agents, such as baking soda or baking powder. Common additional ingredients and flavourings include dried, candied", "id": "12365283" }, { "contents": "Muffin\n\n\ntopped with sweet toppings, such as jam or honey, or savoury toppings (e.g., round sausage, cooked egg, cheese or bacon). Flatbread muffins are typically eaten as a breakfast food. The flatbread muffin is a type of yeast-leavened bread; generally about round and tall. Rather than being oven-baked, they are cooked in a griddle on the stove top and flipped from side-to-side, which results in their typical flattened shape rather than the rounded top seen in baked rolls or cake", "id": "12126720" }, { "contents": "Paul Hollywood\n\n\nyear. In 2008, Hollywood created an almond and roquefort sourdough recipe that was said to be the most expensive bread in Britain. The roquefort is supplied from a specialist in France at £15 per kilo, while the flour for the bread is made by a miller in Wiltshire. Hollywood describes it as a \"Rolls-Royce of loaves\". Hollywood is a guest speaker at several food festivals, including the Cumbrian Food Festival, and the BBC Good Food Show and the Cake and Bake Show, both in London.", "id": "21259790" }, { "contents": "Simnel cake\n\n\nthe outside to stop the marzipan burning. Simnel cakes have been known since at least medieval times. Bread regulations of the time suggest they were boiled and then baked, a technique which led to an invention myth, in circulation from at least 1745 until the 1930s, whereby a mythical couple, Simon and Nelly, fall out over making a Simnel. One wishes to boil it, one to bake it and, after beating each other with various household implements, they compromise on one which uses both cooking techniques. Simnel cakes", "id": "21008308" }, { "contents": "Genoise\n\n\nSpanish bread\"), another Italian sponge cake. It is a whole-egg cake, unlike some other sponge cakes for which yolks and whites are beaten separately. The eggs, and sometimes extra yolks, are beaten with sugar and heated at the same time, using a bain-marie or flame, to a stage known to patissiers as \"ribbon stage\". A genoise is generally a fairly lean cake, getting most of its fat from egg yolks, but some recipes also add in melted butter before baking.", "id": "3453928" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nKorean baked goods (한국 생과자, \"\"hanguk seanggwacha\",\" lit. \"Korean style snacks\" 한국 빵, “\"hanguk bbang”\" lit. \"Korean bread\"\") consist of Korean style breads, buns, pastries, cakes and snacks. Korean bread did not enter Korean diets or become a mainstream staple until the late 1980s. To a large extent bread was not part of Korean cuisine other than some types of traditional steamed breads that were made of mixed rice flour and wheat. Korean breads", "id": "9902461" }, { "contents": "Bread and Butter (The Newbeats song)\n\n\nin the Dickie Goodman novelty song \"Presidential Interview (Flying Saucer '64)\". \"Bread and Butter\" was the inspiration for the advertising jingle of Schmidt Baking Company used in the 1970s and 1980s; it went: \"\"I like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\"\". Devo covered the song in 1986 for the soundtrack to the film \"9½ Weeks\", but it was not used in the film. A", "id": "9424504" }, { "contents": "Mrs. Cubbison's Foods\n\n\nHer father was of German descent, and her mother a Californian of Mexican descent.) At the age of 16, Sophie began cooking for her father and brothers as well as the hired hands on the ranch during the summer and early fall to save money for college. She baked ‘black bread’ for the workers which is a bread made from 100% whole wheat flour. She learned the recipe from her father who had in turn learned it from his mother while they lived in Bockhorn, Germany. Sophie also baked", "id": "13475748" }, { "contents": "Beshalach\n\n\n\"The good thing\" refers only to the Torah, as says, \"For I give you good doctrine; forsake not My teaching.\" The Gemara asked how one could reconcile which reported that manna fell as \"bread from heaven\"; with which reported that people \"made cakes of it,\" implying that it required baking; and with which reported that people \"ground it in mills,\" implying that it required grinding. The Gemara concluded that the manna fell in different forms for different classes of people:", "id": "4652184" }, { "contents": "Cardamom\n\n\nseeds quickly lose their flavour. Grinding the pods and seeds together lowers both the quality and the price. For recipes requiring whole cardamom pods, a generally accepted equivalent is 10 pods equals teaspoons of ground cardamom. It is a common ingredient in Indian cooking. It is also often used in baking in the Nordic countries, in particular in Sweden, Norway, and Finland, where it is used in traditional treats such as the Scandinavian Jule bread \"Julekake\", the Swedish \"kardemummabullar\" sweet bun, and Finnish sweet bread", "id": "15330999" }, { "contents": "Edward Espe Brown\n\n\nto teach others how. When he got home he asked his mother to teach him to bake bread. She said, \"No, yeast makes me nervous.\" Brown eventually learned to bake bread, eleven years later, from two chefs at Tassajara. Brown later asked his brother if he remembered their trip to visit Alice. Dwite said yes he did, \"What I remember was the Smithfield ham, but it didn't change my life\". He wrote \"The Tassajara Bread Book\" in 1970 with a 100", "id": "4415509" }, { "contents": "Bond Bread\n\n\nBond Bread was a product of General Baking Company. The name comes from the term bond which is a promise or guarantee of repayment of debt. The company used the name as a way to say its purity of ingredients were guaranteed like it was home-made bread. The idea for Bond Bread came from William Deininger, president of General Baking Company at the time. The company was producing bread under the name \"Superior Bread\" which Deininger became aware contained 65 substitute ingredients. He held a national recipe contest in 1915", "id": "9598881" }, { "contents": "Dough\n\n\ncooking or baking technique. There is no formal definition of what makes dough, though most doughs have viscoelastic properties. Leavened or fermented doughs (generally made from grain cereals or legumes that are ground to produce flour, mixed with water and yeast) are used all over the world to make various breads. Salt, oils or fats, sugars or honey and sometimes milk or eggs are also common ingredients in bread dough. Commercial bread doughs may also include dough conditioners, a class of ingredients that aid in dough consistency and final", "id": "18974228" }, { "contents": "Mjukkaka\n\n\nMjukkaka can be baked in an oven (directly at the bottom), in a hot pan or even directly on top of your stove on a heated plate. Making inroads into the bread (by using a rolling pin with deep grooves or just a regular fork) is done in order for it to not rise during baking and instead stay flat. Liquid from baking blodpalt is used in some recipes instead of milk in some parts of northern Sweden around Luleå. In some recipes rye flour is mixed with wheat or includes just", "id": "16477662" }, { "contents": "Bouchon Bakery (cookbook)\n\n\npastry, brioche and levain bread, as well as a recipe for baked dog food. \"The New York Times\" food critic William Grimes called \"Bouchon Bakery\" \"a real cookbook\" but noted that \"going to Keller for a blueberry muffin recipe seems a little like hiring Frank Gehry to design your birdhouse\". Russ Parsons of the \"Los Angeles Times\" wrote that \"so many \"finesse points\" are demonstrated and explained that one could conceivably start a bakery by cooking your way through\" \"Bouchon Bakery", "id": "1779559" }, { "contents": "Taíno\n\n\nfrom wood. Women processed the poisonous variety of cassava by squeezing it to extract the toxic juices. Then they would grind the roots into flour for baking bread. \"Batata\" (sweet potato) was the next most important root crop. Contrary to mainland practices, corn was not ground into flour and baked into bread, but was cooked and eaten off the cob. Corn bread becomes moldy faster than cassava bread in the high humidity of the Caribbean. Corn also was used to make an alcoholic beverage known as chicha.", "id": "15824196" }, { "contents": "Zucchini\n\n\nwell as lightly cooked in hot salads, as in Thai or Vietnamese recipes. Mature (larger sized) zucchini are well suited for cooking in breads. Zucchinis can be cut with a spiralizer to make zucchini noodles that act as a spaghetti substitute for low-carbohydrate recipes. In Bulgaria, zucchini may be fried and then served with a dip, made from yogurt, garlic, and dill. Another popular dish is oven-baked zucchini—sliced or grated—covered with a mixture of eggs, yogurt, flour, and", "id": "2779482" }, { "contents": "Monkey bread\n\n\nMonkey bread (also called monkey puzzle bread, monkey brains, sticky bread, Hungarian coffee cake, golden dumpling coffee cake, pinch-me cake, pull-apart bread, pluck-it cake bubble loaf, bubble bread, pull-apart bread, and/or funky bread) is a soft, sweet, sticky pastry served in the United States for breakfast or as a treat. It consists of pieces of soft baked dough sprinkled with cinnamon. It is often served at fairs and festivals. The origin of the term \"", "id": "7386999" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\neverything together, mashing it into a kind of broth-like paste. The paste was cooked by pouring it onto a flat, hot rock, resulting in a bread-like substance. Later, when humans mastered fire, the paste was roasted on hot embers, which made bread-making easier, as it could now be made any time fire was created. The world's oldest oven was discovered in Croatia in 2014 dating back 6500 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians baked bread using yeast, which they had previously been", "id": "7706077" }, { "contents": "Baking mix\n\n\nusing an employee stock ownership plan. Dassant is an American brand of baking mixes. The company was founded in 1980, with its specialization product the Classic Beer Bread. Dassant Truffle Brownie mix was first introduced in 1987. Since then it has been reviewed by numerous publications. In January 2012, Woman's World Magazine called the mixes the \"holy grail of brownie mixes\". In early 2012, the company introduced a line of baking mixes including pancakes, cookies, carrot cake and pumpkin bread. Jiffy mix is a baking", "id": "1522783" }, { "contents": "Awadhi cuisine\n\n\non the type of biryani), then sealed and cooked over low heat until done. The vegetarian version is called tehri. As wheat is the staple food of the state, breads are very significant. Breads are generally flat breads baked in a pan; only a few varieties are raised breads. Improvisations of the roti (or bread) are of different types and made in various ways and include the rumaali roti, tandoori roti, naan (baked in a tandoor), kulcha, lachha paratha, sheermaal and baqarkhani.", "id": "21677213" }, { "contents": "Beamish Museum\n\n\nincluded in the row is an office for the miner's paymaster. In the rear alleyway of the cottages is a communal bread oven, which were commonplace until miner's cottages gradually obtained their own kitchen ranges. They were used to bake traditional breads such as the Stottie, as well as sweet items, such as tea cakes. With no extant examples, the museum's oven had to be created from photographs and oral history. The school opened in 1992, and represents the typical board school in the educational system of the", "id": "19729350" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nimported sweets, today often from milk cartons). When ovens became a household item, the containers were placed in them. Where thermal springs were available nearby, they were (and still are) used to bake these dark, moist and rather sweet breads (taking up to 24 hours). Rye breads baked in hot springs are a popular item today, being served for local consumption as well as for tourists. In general, stock fish () was served as a bread substitute, eaten with butter on the side", "id": "9179087" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nand Press. Last year, they held an innovative competition for pupils to make the best school bread. Since the very beginning, bread-making has always been a male task and associated with high status in Sweden. These first breads were baked using barley flour, or perhaps wheat for thin or flat bread cakes (tunnbröd). Bread became an important item in the new Christian religion (AD 900) for celebrating Holy Communion (bread and wine), which emphasised bread as being both new and important. Thin bread", "id": "9179104" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\nmarie. Mexican bread While the consumption of wheat has never surpassed that of corn in the country, wheat is still a staple food and an important part of everyday and special rituals. While Mexico has adopted various bread styles from Europe and the United States, most of the hundreds of varieties of breads made in the country were developed here. However, there is little to no baking done in Mexican homes; instead, Mexicans have bought their baked goods from bakeries (and street vendors) since the colonial period. \"Como", "id": "8988003" }, { "contents": "Bánh\n\n\nIn Vietnamese, the term bánh ( or ) translates loosely as \"cake\" or \"bread\", referring to a wide variety of prepared foods. With the addition of qualifying adjectives, \"bánh\" refers to a wide variety of sweet or savoury, distinct cakes, buns, pastries, sandwiches, and other food items, which may be cooked by steaming, baking, frying, deep-frying, or boiling. Foods made from wheat flour are generally called \"bánh\", but the term may also refer to", "id": "11276661" }, { "contents": "No-knead bread\n\n\nNo-knead bread is a method of bread baking that uses a very long fermentation (rising) time instead of kneading to form the gluten strands that give the bread its texture. It is characterized by a low yeast content and a very wet dough. Some recipes improve the quality of the crust by baking the bread in a Dutch oven or other covered vessel. According to one version of the method developed by New York baker Jim Lahey, as described in his book \"My Bread\", one loaf of the bread", "id": "19455434" }, { "contents": "Alpine cuisine\n\n\nand today is mainly found in the form of maize semolina in dishes such as polenta or Riebel. The typical dishes of the Alpine region also include many variations of baked goods, preferably long-lasting varieties such as the South Tyrolean Schüttelbrot or the Vinschgauer. Particularly in winter, breads and cakes are prepared with dried fruit such as Kletzen - for example Kletzen bread, which is widespread in Austria and South Tyrol, or Swiss specialities such as Birnbrot and Schlorzifladen. In poor mountain regions, these recipes were often created out of", "id": "14849569" }, { "contents": "Commercial sorghum\n\n\nbut rice is more commonly used in place of sorghum. In the cuisine of the Southern United States, sorghum syrup was used as a sweet condiment, much as maple syrup was used in the North, usually for biscuits, corn bread, pancakes, hot cereals or baked beans. It is uncommon today. In Arab cuisine, the unmilled grain is often cooked to make couscous, porridges, soups, and cakes. Many poor use it, along with other flours or starches, to make bread. The seeds and stalks", "id": "403863" }, { "contents": "Baking\n\n\nincluding nuts, roast beef and baked bread.\" The moisture is never entirely \"sealed in\"; over time, an item being baked will become dry. This is often an advantage, especially in situations where drying is the desired outcome, like drying herbs or roasting certain types of vegetables. The baking process does not require any fat to be used to cook in an oven. When baking, consideration must be given to the amount of fat that is contained in the food item. Higher levels of fat such as", "id": "7706089" }, { "contents": "Grilling\n\n\nlava rocks or infrared heat sources, offering meats that are cooked in this manner as \"charcoal-cooked\" or \"charcoal-grilled\". By using a baking sheet pan placed above the grill surface, as well as a drip pan below the surface, it is possible to combine grilling and roasting to cook meats that are stuffed or coated with breadcrumbs or batter, and to bake breads and even casseroles and desserts. When cooking stuffed or coated meats, the foods can be baked first on the sheet pan, and", "id": "8183206" }, { "contents": "Entenmann's\n\n\n620 million cookies. Since its first opening in 1898, Entenmann's has been selling an \"all-butter loaf cake\", and has sold more than 700 million to date. Several of Entenmann's larger cake-baking methodologies had been converted to \"easy-bake\" style preparation, wherein the recipe allows for assembly-line baking under hot lights rather than oven baking, as evidenced by the total absence of any trace of oven heat signatures at the bottom of their cakes. This allows for a much higher volume", "id": "18352065" }, { "contents": "Schmidt Baking Company\n\n\nI like bread and butter, I like toast and jam, I like Schmidt's Blue Ribbon Bread, It's my favorite brand\", which was derived from The Newbeats 1964 song, \"Bread and Butter\". There was a major fire at an empty building owned by the company on Fitch Lane in Fullerton, Maryland, in April 2008. In 1941, the company was cited by the National Labor Relations Board for failing to engage in collective bargaining with its employees. The company sponsored the Preakness Stakes pre-race", "id": "11831797" }, { "contents": "Pumpkin bread\n\n\nPumpkin bread is a type of moist quick bread made with pumpkin. The pumpkin can be cooked and softened before being used or simply baked with the bread (using canned pumpkin renders it a simpler dish to prepare). Additional ingredients include nuts (such as walnuts), and raisins. Pumpkin bread is usually baked in a rectangular loaf pan, and is often cooked in late fall when fresh pumpkins are available. It can also be made from canned pumpkin, resulting in a stronger pumpkin taste. Some varieties use canned pumpkin", "id": "15462333" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\naverage annual  increase of 10.6%. In relation to Asia-Pacific region, the bread & rolls market grew by 6.1% in 2014 to reach a value of $20,215.5 million. In 2019, the bread & rolls market in Asian-Pacific is forecast to have a value of $27,731.7 million, an increase of 37.2% since 2014. Overall, South Korea has seen rapid expansion of dessert cafés and unpackaged baked goods from specialist coffee shops and small bakery specialists. Baked goods, artisanal bread, cake and pastries continue", "id": "9902478" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nstyle buns are soft, springy and sweet. Other than some softer bread varieties like the croissant or brioche, Asian breads differ greatly from most traditional European breads, which characteristically have a harder crust and a dry, salty crumb. In Western-style baking, bread has zero fat and the main components are flour, salt and water. Asian style bread on the other hand are high in fat and sugar, which together give the bread its unique soft texture. Korean baked breads are very soft and typically drizzled with condensed", "id": "9902463" }, { "contents": "Malay sponge cake\n\n\nEurope and Asia are often spotted there. More Asians are getting their hands on sponge cakes, too, and mastering the craft. The early immigrants from Guangdong to the south of the ocean were one of them. However, in traditional Chinese cuisine, baking does not exist. As a result, producers often steam and cook steamed buns. Although the ingredients were still flour, eggs and butter from Europe, the result was more like steamed bread than cake. This unusual strange food, in the late qing dynasty was introduced", "id": "13903627" }, { "contents": "Eruvin (Talmud)\n\n\n\" (Hebrew: עירוב תבשילין \"mixed cooked food items\") is made in the home on the eve of a holiday with a work proscription that directly precedes the Sabbath. It is made by taking a cooked item and a baked item, and placing them together. It is common to use a piece of cooked egg, fish, or meat as the cooked item and a piece of bread or matzah as the baked item. It is needed because while it is allowed to cook and transfer fire on holidays (unlike", "id": "20297950" }, { "contents": "Bing (bread)\n\n\nsauce or hoisin sauce. \"Bing\" may also have a filling such as ground meat. \"Bing\" are commonly cooked on a skillet or griddle although some are baked. Some common types include: The \"Yuèbǐng\" (月餅; mooncakes), whilst sharing the name bing, is really a baked sweet pastry usually produced and eaten at the mid-autumn festival. Some other dessert bings are \"Wife\" cake (老婆饼), which contains winter melon, and the sweetened version of 1000 layer cake (千层饼", "id": "22121564" }, { "contents": "Prądnik bread\n\n\noldest document to mention Prądnik bread originates from 1421, when the Bishop of Kraków, Albert gave his cook two domains (\"źreb\") of land by the Prądnik River and tasks him with baking bread for the bishopric. By royal prerogative, on May 26, 1496, King John I Albert gave the bakers on the River Prądnik (among others) the right to sell bread in Kraków once a week, during the market occurring on Tuesdays. Bakers outside of Kraków had limitations on their sale and production of bread,", "id": "19565064" }, { "contents": "Nordic bread culture\n\n\nmalt syrup. The loaves weighed up to 15–16 kg. They were baked once a month, as heating the oven was both time-consuming and used a lot of firewood. The bakers in the towns baked their rye bread for the day. We only know little about the other types of bread in the olden times. More refined bread types for special occasions and feasts were prepared from sifted rye flour, and loaves made from wheat must have been eaten. Around 1400, the emblem of the bakers’ guild became the", "id": "9179068" } ]
I love the color red, its so unique! (Unlike the other colors) What about red makes you love it over others? It's just so strong, its so impulsive! It's all, "HEY! I'M RED, YOU SEE THIS?" Ah I see, that's very true. Why do you feel red is such a strong color overall? It's probably because blood is red, so when people see it, they're like "STUFFS GOING DOWN" and just the color in general. I agree with you on that. It also is the color of warning signs such as stop signs.
[{"answer": "I never even thought of that, very true. It's also the most dominant wavelength.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 98, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 163, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Fargo (season 3)\n\n\nthe people. Which is somewhat strange, but it still doesn't feel like you're doing a trick of any sort.\" As with the previous two seasons, the third season had its own distinct visual style, achieved through color grading by removing the blue channel, as Noah Hawley explained: \"So you take the blue channel on the digital image and you just dial it out. And what you end up with is a very distinctive look in which colors like red and orange and yellow; they just really pop", "id": "8309724" }, { "contents": "Functionalism (philosophy of mind)\n\n\nso forth. So, suppose, for example, that you and Jane are looking at the same orange. While you perceive the fruit as colored orange, Jane sees it as colored blue. However, when asked what color the piece of fruit is, both you and Jane will report \"orange\". In fact, one can see that all of your behavioral as well as functional relations to colors will be the same. Jane will, for example, properly obey traffic signs just as any other person would, even", "id": "18009371" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "Red State (2011 film)\n\n\nwhere I'm like \"this is awesome\", and I put my money down, and I'm like \"You fucking lying whores\". So ladies and gentleman, as you can see we're up here alienating all our future work, just burning the bridge as we cross it, and ah, that means there's probably not going to be much studio help for me and Jon in the future. According to some writers, the internet community seemed to galvanize in response to the controversy, \" seems", "id": "1967884" }, { "contents": "Strong (One Direction song)\n\n\nhow when you tell someone like 'I need you, I love you and I need you 'cause you make me strong,' essentially you can scare someone off. It's pressure, so people just kind of run from it. So, that's what the lyric is,\" recalled Bunetta, who also helped produce songs on the album. \"It's saying 'I'm sorry if I say this, but fuck it. It was just sort of a thing that I think all guys feel, having to", "id": "14517387" }, { "contents": "American Idiot\n\n\ncolor deemed it appropriate for use on the cover. He explained, \"I'm sure there's psychological theories of it being the same color of blood and therefore has the powers of life and death... And as a designer I always feel it's kind of a cop-out, so I never used it before. But there was no way you couldn't use it on this cover.\" The band also underwent \"a significant image change,\" and they began wearing black and red uniforms onstage. Armstrong considered", "id": "4305847" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Papercut (Zedd song)\n\n\n, because it's so long and it's not very catchy. It's unconventional and has this long dip in the middle, which to me is like the movie moment where you close your eyes and see \"Inception\" or \"Interstellar\". I love that kind of stuff but I thought people wouldn't.\" \"Papercut\" was premiered at Zedd's \"True Colors Experience\" on 10 May 2015 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The listening session was held in Fonthill Castle, chosen to reflect the cinematic nature of", "id": "12778975" }, { "contents": "Color mixing\n\n\nall other colors in the visible spectrum except for red. The red light, not being absorbed, reflects off the paint and is what we see. This name mechanism describes the color of material objects – note that light is not a material object – and so applies to the yellow paint as well. Making recourse to the figure above demonstrating additive color mixing, one sees that yellow light is composed of an (additive) mixture of red and green light. When we mix the two paints, the resulting substance has red", "id": "4179390" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan\n\n\n're not colors you see today, so in a subtle way their indicate another time.\" Meyer did not like the Starfleet uniforms from either the television series or \"The Motion Picture\" and wanted them changed, but for budgetary reasons they could not be discarded entirely. Dye tests of the fabric showed that the old uniforms took three colors well: blue-gray, gold, and dark red. Fletcher decided to use the dark red due to the strong contrast it provided with the background. The resulting naval-inspired", "id": "7347062" }, { "contents": "I Do (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\n'm going and doing stuff around the house, and everything in my house kind of portrays the way I'm feeling. There's an alarm clock that you see a smiley face on, and you see a hanger on the door and somehow the door knob and the hanger look like they're smiling. It's all these cool little things when I'm walking around my house. I play with my dog, I start singing to my dog because I'm so happy and giddy. It shows the real moments of when", "id": "7572744" }, { "contents": "Say Something (A Great Big World song)\n\n\nlike this before and I was just like, 'You know', I just started to hear a harmony part over it and I was like, 'get in touch with these guys and see if they wanna get in the studio and sit behind the piano and just vibe together and see what happens...' and we did, and they're so humble, so sweet, so down to earth, and I'm all about that and supporting that, and we came together so organically and it was fun.\"", "id": "10679822" }, { "contents": "The Receiving End of Sirens\n\n\nabout seeing us anymore,” you know? And it got to the point where like, “Man, we miss playing hall shows and stuff. Let’s just do one,” and we talked to Alex from Therefore I Am because we love those guys and love playing with them, and worked it out. He set up the show and it just worked out great. People have caught on and every time they see The Red Eye of Soromon they’re obviously going to know it’s us, but it’s", "id": "8392693" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Nea Salamis Famagusta FC\n\n\nto red and white: red symbolizing power, and white symbolizing peace. Red-and-white striped jerseys were chosen because they resembled those worn by Olympiacos Piraeus. The anthem of Nea Salamina transferred in English: poem As red the blood in veins, so red you’re wearing shirts keep fighting Salamina, we offer you ourselves Olympic rings of peoples are lighten by your flame over the glorious emblem of nineteen forty-eight Your red and white colors, I know they will one day return to Famagusta and come alive again", "id": "9350878" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "Stroker\n\n\nslow down or pause your rhythm to avoid the inevitable. On-screen you are presented with a hand holding a penis. To start off, you must achieve an erection, this is done by moving your hand up and down at a medium pace. You'll know when you are getting close because the penis will flash all different colors, red means he is just about to let off, so you'll need to hold back for a second or two. You can also tell when to hold off by looking at", "id": "7593506" }, { "contents": "List of people with synesthesia\n\n\nvery sterile to me. Somehow all the keys seem to have colors and textures. I love B and E and A and F sharp. I actually associate them with colors, but Jim Hall, the guitarist, does too, so I don't feel that ridiculous about it.\" In another quote: \"The key of D is daffodil yellow, B major is maroon, and B flat is blue.\" Lead vocalist and guitarist for The Red Paintings. Chordal structure → color. Composer and organist (December 10", "id": "1786846" }, { "contents": "List of people with synesthesia\n\n\nDecember 18, 2001) Music → color \"Instead of thinking 'Well, how can you hear something that sounds like a feeling?' You can. If you let yourself... I match everything with a color, a number, a day of the week, with a shape... but so every time I create something, I'm already thinking what color is it? what day of the week? what number is it?\" -Billie Eilish Musician and Singer-songwriter (born April 25, 1994) Music →", "id": "1786858" }, { "contents": "Little red dot\n\n\nspirit\". He said that he had told them: \"If you look at the map of South-east Asia, you [Indonesia] are so big, and Singapore is just a dot. But if you come to Singapore, you see people with vision.\" He also claimed that \"I have corrected [myself] many times, but they have never put it . And I could not prove it in writing because I was talking freely.\" The term \"little red dot\" has come to be", "id": "18918801" }, { "contents": "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)\n\n\n\"can you colorize my life, I'm so sick of black and white?\" in the song I'd Do Anything For Love. In early 2017 previews of his musical Bat Out Of Hell, there was a line in dialogue \"Why are nuns so scary? It's because the world is in color and the nuns are black and white\". The scenario of this music video does appear to be part of Steinman's \"Obsidian\" universe. The location is mentioned in Steinman's earlier work Neverland and is", "id": "9752129" }, { "contents": "Black Spiderman\n\n\nin your SOUL!\". In the liner notes for the song, Logic said that: This song is the celebration of unity and a world built upon division. People say things like I don’t see color, I just see people. To which I retour you should see color, you should see a black man, a white woman, a brown little girl or any other color of the rainbow. The song's accompanying music video premiered on April 13, 2017 on Logic's Vevo account on YouTube. In", "id": "3732079" }, { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Rush Hour (franchise)\n\n\n, because that's a different kind of movie. You got the action and the stuff like that, and they pay 20 million dollars too... I'm just joking! No, you know Jackie Chan, you know I love working with him and those type of movies you can redo them and it's different, we'll see but I don't know though. But we've got some new stuff coming, so we'll see what happens.\" In July 2012, series producer Arthur M. Sarkissian stated that a", "id": "6122815" }, { "contents": "Anthony Kiedis\n\n\nI meant to say was the Red Hot Chili Peppers [are] the worst band in the universe. I'd like to apologize for that confusion. I want to explain that we live in a binary universe,\" he continued. \"You're either a Faith No More fan, or a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan. You cannot love Mike Patton and Anthony Kiedis, because they are two different people. You have to love Mike Patton, you cannot love Anthony Kiedis. So that is why the Red", "id": "12904796" }, { "contents": "The Red Woman\n\n\nalso spoke about the scene, saying \"And what I like about that, and seeing her like that is you know then that her sexuality over the course of the last few seasons, we've seen her use as such a tool -- that's all very deliberate. She presents herself in this way as this beautiful woman because she knows the effect that that can have on people. She knows the effect that that has on Stannis, and that can make men do unadvisable things. So the fact that she did that", "id": "12236511" }, { "contents": "Volume 9: I See You Hearin' Me\n\n\n. Homme has since stated that “Dead In Love” and “I Wanna Make It Wit Chu” were written for Brody Dalle \"I went back to do those Desert Sessions, and you can tell what I was going through because I was writing stuff like “Dead In Love” and “I Wanna Make It Wit Chu”. I was so in love, I was totally revelling in it so much, I was a little paralysed”. A music video was created for Crawl Home, featuring Josh Homme and", "id": "21567695" }, { "contents": "Nirmala Srivastava\n\n\nan early form of dynamic meditation, discoursed on \"kundalini\" and other matters, and answered a question about sahaja yoga. Nirmala Srivastava said that while in Nargol, on 5 May 1970, she witnessed the rising of the Primordial Kundalini. Later she described the experience as follows: \"I saw my kundalini rising very fast like a telescope opening out and it was a beautiful color that you see when the iron is heated up, a red rose color, but extremely cooling and soothing.\" She stated that the potential", "id": "8878095" }, { "contents": "Purpose (Justin Bieber album)\n\n\nto try some stuff that I had never done before and we ended up making something really unique.\" Bieber also commented about West, declaring: \"I've been in the studio with him for the past month or so. I think that he just pushes you. He definitely wants it to be my way and my direction and he doesn't want to steal what I want...that's why artists love to go to him, because he pulls something out of you that other people don't.\" In August", "id": "2393205" }, { "contents": "Stay (Rihanna song)\n\n\n've ever collaborated with him, so I'm excited about that because he's actually the one who wrote the song and I kinda just fell in love with it so much and in love with the tone of his voice and we wanna keep him a part of it, so you'll see him in the video.\" The singer added, \"It's a very emotional song and it's personal, so you just think about, it's almost like telling a story, and when you tell a story, even", "id": "8477319" }, { "contents": "Nicolas Winding Refn\n\n\n's like a painting—you paint the movie as you go along, and I like the uncertainty of not knowing exactly how it's going to turn out.\" Refn spoke more about shooting in chronological order in September 2011, in reference to \"Drive\": On his approach to working with actors, Refn has said: Refn's color blindness has influenced his style: \"I can't see mid-colors. That's why all my films are very contrasted, if it were anything else I couldn't see", "id": "6665859" }, { "contents": "Qualia\n\n\nsort exist, then a normally sighted person who sees red would be unable to describe the experience of this perception in such a way that a listener who has never experienced color will be able to know everything there is to know about that experience. Though it is possible to make an analogy, such as \"red looks hot\", or to provide a description of the conditions under which the experience occurs, such as \"it's the color you see when light of 700-nm wavelength is directed at you\", supporters of", "id": "10038976" }, { "contents": "Matt Corby\n\n\nwanted to know how the brain functions, partly because of his experiences with depression and anxiety. \"People have said I have depression before, especially when I was younger,\" he offers. \"People were like, you should really go see someone. But I just thought, no, I'm pretty sure the human brain is capable of so much more than what I'm being told I'm capable of. When people say you need help it's like, do I? With what? And if you could", "id": "1744359" }, { "contents": "Fauvism\n\n\nSignac. Other key influences were Paul Cézanne and Paul Gauguin, whose employment of areas of saturated color—notably in paintings from Tahiti—strongly influenced Derain's work at Collioure in 1905. In 1888 Gauguin had said to Paul Sérusier: \"How do you see these trees? They are yellow. So, put in yellow; this shadow, rather blue, paint it with pure ultramarine; these red leaves? Put in vermilion.\" Fauvism has been compared to Expressionism, both in its use of pure color and unconstrained", "id": "20096866" }, { "contents": "Knowledge argument\n\n\nif she so chooses, but as long as she does not exercise this ability, to imagine cherry red, she does not know what it is like to see cherry red. One might accept Conee's arguments that imaginative ability is neither necessary nor sufficient for knowing what it is like to see a color, but preserve a version of the ability hypothesis that employs an ability other than imagination. For example, Gertler discusses the option that what Mary gains is not an ability to imagine colors, but an ability to recognize colors", "id": "6168350" }, { "contents": "Color Struck\n\n\npretty to you.\" \"Scene I\" Emma: \"….I can’t help mahself from being jealous. I loves you so hard, John, and jealous love is the only kind I got.\" \"Scene I\" According to Martha Gilman Bower, Emma is an exemplar case of the \"damaging consequences of an obsession with skin tone among Blacks.\" The consequences of being \"color struck\" that one sees throughout the play is escalating anger, low self-esteem, paranoia, and schizophrenia. Bower", "id": "11610576" }, { "contents": "Portable optical air sensor\n\n\nthe sensing of air acidity. The sol-gel is made with an organic dye, (2-[4-(dimethylamino)- phenylazo]benzoic acid). The dye has a pH color range of 6.7-8.7. This means that below a pH of 6.7 you see one color, in this case a red-pink, and at a pH higher than 8.7 you see a different color, in this case yellow, and you see a changing orange in between. The testing procedure is incredibly simple since all you have to do is expose the sol-", "id": "16987443" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\nthey began to record in May 2013 and continued through the summer of that year, beginning by recording \"White Christmas\" with Clarkson in the vocal booth and with Kurstin on a piano. She commented: \"The production is all him. I would be just like 'Hey, can we make this more jazz? Hey, can we make this more bluesy. And he just, like Harry Potter, made this happen. It's so weird.\" Clarkson has cited the color red as the album's only theme", "id": "19916590" }, { "contents": "Solid white (chicken plumage)\n\n\n\"dominant white\" \"I\" mutation for plumage color. This mutation selectively inhibits black color and dilutes red color in the feathers. So, it is also known as \"inhibitor of black\". It is less effective in heterozygotes, having poor effect on red but reducing black to just a few ticks and spots. In other words, homozygous \"I\"/\"I\" chickens have solid white plumage regardless of the other major or complementary mutations present in the individuals, but without effect on the melanin of the eye. \"Dominant", "id": "7957286" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsoul\", he wrote. \"A certain red affects your blood pressure.\" He also was familiar with the way that complementary colors, such as red and green, strengthened each other when they were placed next to each other. He wrote, \"My choice of colors is not based on scientific theory; it is based on observation, upon feelings, upon the real nature of each experience ... I just try to find a color which corresponds to my feelings.\" Later in the century, the American artist Mark", "id": "6274134" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nCentral Africa, Ndembu warriors rub themselves with red paint during celebrations. Since their culture sees the color as a symbol of life and health, sick people are also painted with it. Like most Central African cultures, the Ndembu see red as ambivalent, better than black but not as good as white. In other parts of Africa, however, red is a color of mourning, representing death. Because red bears are associated with death in many parts of Africa, the Red Cross has changed its colors to green and white", "id": "6274159" }, { "contents": "Mad Love (JoJo album)\n\n\nyou through it all, I love you as you are, I love you in a crazy way, in a deep way, in a way that other people might not understand.' And that's how I feel about music, and that's what my relationship is with my fans, and it's an intense, passionate love. That's also the love that I like to have in my romantic life. So, all of that is represented on this album.\" On September 7, 2016 just over a", "id": "6349541" }, { "contents": "Make Me (Cry)\n\n\ninto being about a toxic love and that's when I was like, 'Lab, there's no way I'm doing this without you.' It was so organic, and I think that shows in the video because it's very real. I think it's cool because they're asleep the whole time and you're trying to get into this person and they're just not listening to you. The video really explains the song.\" \"Teen Vogue\"s De Elizabeth dubbed it a \"gut-wrenching power-", "id": "1192013" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nthe color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love and joy. In China, India and many other Asian countries it is the color of symbolizing happiness and good fortune. See also below for shades of pink The human eye sees red when it looks at light with a wavelength between approximately 625 and 740 nanometers. It is a primary", "id": "6274072" }, { "contents": "White Dwarf (film)\n\n\nI didn't care so much about it. I wanted to create a template for our pilot where things were more emotional. I loved the stuff between Osh and Lady X. I'm enthralled every time I see those little scenes with Wagner playing in the background, this two-ton walrus alien obsessing over this gorgeous, ancient woman. And this whole scene where (Akada and Rampart) are examining her and she says, `Do you know what it's like to live forever?' I just love that stuff.", "id": "4943119" }, { "contents": "Natalya Baranskaya\n\n\nof my whole working time, in sick days and certificates. And all because of the children. Everybody copies out their days and so can see what everybody else has got. I don’t understand why I feel so awkward, even ashamed. I shrink, avoid looking at people. Why? I’m not guilty of anything.\" –Olya \"As I pass by I say loudly: 'Incidentally, I've got a degree as well, you know, I'm just as highly trained as you are.", "id": "20205239" }, { "contents": "Red–black tree\n\n\nmade with B-trees with larger orders that can be structurally equivalent to a colored binary tree: you just need more colors. Suppose that you add blue, then the blue–red–black tree defined like red–black trees but with the additional constraint that no two successive nodes in the hierarchy will be blue and all blue nodes will be children of a red node, then it becomes equivalent to a B-tree whose clusters will have at most 7 values in the following colors: blue, red, blue", "id": "6723138" }, { "contents": "Shabari\n\n\ndevotee (...) This clearly shows that you will neither see whether a devotee lives in a palace or humble hut, whether he is erudite or ignorant (...) neither see caste nor color. You will only see the true \"bhakti\" (...) I do not have anything to offer other than my heart, but here are some berry fruits. May it please you, my Lord.\" Saying so, Shabari offered the fruits she had meticulously collected to Rama. When Rama was tasting them, Lakshmana raised", "id": "7963163" }, { "contents": "KCBS pentagram\n\n\nyou randomly pick an edge and uncover the colors on its vertices. This random choice is necessary because if the pentagram producers had been able to guess your choice for each pentagram in advance, he could have \"conspired\" to fool you. You find no matter which edge you choose, you find blue-blue with a probability of formula_1, red-blue with formula_2, and blue-red with formula_2. So, the expectation value of the sum of mismatches is formula_4. How was it done? Each pentagram is", "id": "13886508" }, { "contents": "The White Stripes\n\n\n' You care more about the music, not the relationship—whether they're trying to save their relationship by being in a band.\" The White Stripes made exclusive use of a red, white and black color scheme when conducting virtually all professional duties, from album art to the clothes worn during live performances; Meg said that \"like a uniform at school, you can just focus on what you're doing because everybody's wearing the same thing.\" Jack also explained that they aspired to invoke an innocent childishness without", "id": "6266093" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nhook line: 'I see the sun setting on you,' and he changed like a chord in it. But basically that was a song that I had written that I didn’t think he was going to like because he doesn’t usually like romantic, warm and fuzzy loving songs, you know what I mean. He likes stuff with grit and real life matters. So I did co-write with him but not in the sense that we sat down and wrote a song together. He just kind of said", "id": "12993497" }, { "contents": "List of EastEnders characters (1995)\n\n\nsoap, because I want to do movies, and nobody I know goes from soap to movies, and it's just not the sort of actress I want to be [...] this agent said to me, just let me send you a synopsis of the character and see what you think, and I thought she was fantastic. And I watched \"EastEnders\" that night and I realised just how many people talked about it. So I told my agent, 'All right, I'm going to go for it", "id": "16049493" }, { "contents": "Qualia\n\n\nabout color but to actually know \"all\" the physical facts about it, which would be a knowledge so deep that it exceeds what can be imagined, and twists our intuitions. If Mary really does know everything physical there is to know about the experience of color, then this effectively grants her almost omniscient powers of knowledge. Using this, she will be able to deduce her own reaction, and figure out exactly what the experience of seeing red will feel like. Dennett finds that many people find it difficult to see", "id": "10038999" }, { "contents": "Ibanez JEM\n\n\nTime Designs), stated on, \"For the record if you own a DNA you have a good amount of the \"DNA\". The \"blood red\" paint that I mixed was mixed at a ratio of approximately 8:1 [paint:blood] so the content is quite high. There had to be pigment mixed into the paint to hold it onto the guitar as well as a carrier. If you purchase a canvas you get a picture of myself and someone mixing [the blood] in to the color", "id": "1545158" }, { "contents": "Hat puzzle\n\n\n. In all, there are three red hats and two blue. Each person can see the hats of two others, but not their own. On a cue, they each have to guess their own hat color or pass. They win release if at least one person guessed correctly and none guessed incorrectly (passing is neither correct nor incorrect). This puzzle doesn't have a 100% winning strategy, so the question is: What is the best strategy? Which strategy has the highest probability of winning? If you", "id": "21445792" }, { "contents": "Luke Strong (Coronation Street)\n\n\nhave probably said 'no'. Because it was Corrie and the breakdown of the character was so fantastic, I just thought to myself 'why not?!' I met the team and was offered the part. I instinctively knew that this was for me. Even though it's a big step and a change of direction for me, it's still acting and I'm still getting paid for what I love doing. It's all exciting and quite surreal, especially when you walk onto the Street for the first", "id": "15639820" }, { "contents": "James Perry Wilson\n\n\nand painting a diorama background. He collected reference photographs from the specific locations he intended to depict, in addition to painted color references. When asked why he didn't use photographs exclusively, he replied, \"Because you can't rely on photographs, even the best color film, to record the color exactly as the eye sees it. Color film tends to increase contrast. So I use my field paintings as an over-all check.\" Wilson sought to remove the artist's subjective emotional interpretation by letting his many", "id": "17138726" }, { "contents": "Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not\n\n\nBet You Look Good on the Dancefloor\", \"Still Take You Home\", \"You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights but You Were Staring Straight at Me\" and \"Dancing Shoes\" all examine human behaviour in nightclubs. Frontman Alex Turner describes \"Dancing Shoes\" as being about \"people always looking to pull when they go out however much they mask it.\" Other songs examine other aspects of nightlife; \"From the Ritz to the Rubble\" is an account of nightclub bouncers, \"Red Light Indicates", "id": "19343472" }, { "contents": "Red Queen (Gotham)\n\n\nright now. I don't know why \"Gotham\" had to tease us with a possible romance between Nygma and Penguin only to pull it away so quickly. Were the writers just testing the waters to see what the reaction would be? I'm highly disappointed that \"Gotham\" decided not to go down that road.\" Vinnie Mancuso of \"New York Observer\" wrote, \"I love that \"Gotham\" is setting up a love triangle that only one participant is aware of, because it highlights wonderfully the character", "id": "20441749" }, { "contents": "Put It in a Love Song\n\n\ncity matches the energy of the song. It's sensual, it's exciting, it's so rich with color. I loved it. The people came out so heavy and so hard. I think it was exciting, especially to participate and experience it with them like that. Me and B have a good relationship. And to be able to have the chemistry we have and do it in a city that's so unique like that is unforgettable. The pictures speak a thousand words. So you saw the energy out", "id": "19279553" }, { "contents": "Midnight in Paris\n\n\n, intensely warm, because if you go to a restaurant and you're there with your wife or your girlfriend, and it's got red-flecked wallpaper and turn-of-the-century lights, you both look beautiful. Whereas if you're in a seafood restaurant and the lights are up, everybody looks terrible. So it looks nice. It's very flattering and very lovely.\" To achieve this he and his cinematographer, Darius Khondji, used primarily warm colors in the film's photography, filmed in", "id": "5126804" }, { "contents": "Rachel Constantine\n\n\nrarely use artificial light sources; there's a limitlessness about the color and range of natural light that artificial light just can't reproduce. To my thinking, color in and of itself does not make art. There's form, function and foundation there, it's one thing to say something's beautiful- because there's beauty in almost everything, if you take the time to stop and really look hard enough- but it's another to call it a work of art. So I tend to admire painters who are strong draftsmen", "id": "2707747" }, { "contents": "Red John\n\n\nan artist. He has a strong sense of theater ... the first thing that anyone sees is the face on the wall. You see the face first and you know. You know what's happened and you feel dread. Then, and only then do you see the body of the victim. Always in that order.\" Jane uses this information to work out that an apparent Red John murder was a copycat crime. Red John has twice painted his victim's toenails with their own blood. Both were female. The", "id": "14856704" }, { "contents": "Hongjun Laozu\n\n\nare many great beasts. Can you subdue them?\" So Nian went and scared all of the dangerous beasts out of the back of the mountain. \"Old man, now its time for me to eat you!\" \"Sure, but just wait while I take my clothes off, I will taste much better then\". So the old man took his clothes off to reveal his undergarments, which were red. \"OK, you can eat me now.\" But Nian said \"Ah! a red undergarment", "id": "6479206" }, { "contents": "Light and Space\n\n\ncolor as one moves around them, as if lit by multihued bulbs.\" McCracken states the following. \"I was always primarily interested in form alone, but then to make a form, you have to make it out of something. So color seemed a natural material to use, because color is abstract. If you make a form that appears to be composed of color, then you have something, an object, that's pretty abstract. Just form alone would be more abstract, of course, because it's", "id": "12701379" }, { "contents": "Substrata (album)\n\n\na tremendous feeling of optimism and confidence in you and your future. That was my vision of you. I'm so glad to have had this opportunity to share it with you. I wish you nothing but the very best in all things. This is either a metal or... If it is a metal, then it's painted... Cold surface... This is either a metal, painted, or could be a plastic... Colorful, there are... Bright... Seems like... Is this a toy? Probably. The", "id": "11691405" }, { "contents": "Red diamond\n\n\nwas graded with an Internally Flawless clarity. A red diamond's clarity has little effect on its value because of the rarity of the color. A red diamond buyer will be far more interested in the purity of the red and the carat size in order to decide on its desirability. This is not true for all diamond colors, but it is especially so for the colors that are highest in demand, namely red, pink and blue. For the less expensive colors, such as yellow and brown, clarity will be more", "id": "20830722" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, and in traditional color theory, red is one of the three primary colors, along with blue and yellow. Painters in the Renaissance mixed red and blue to make violet: Cennino Cennini, in his 15th-century manual on painting, wrote, \"If you want to make a lovely violet colour, take fine lac [red lake], ultramarine blue (the same amount of the one as of the other) with a binder\" he noted that it could also be made by mixing blue indigo and red hematite", "id": "6274076" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "It Was Always You\n\n\nfriends becoming lovers, features Levine singing such lyrics as: \"Woke up sweating from a dream / With a different kind of feeling\", \"Hazel eyes, I was so color blind\", \"It was always you / Can't believe I could not see it all this time, all this time\", \"Now I know why my heart wasn't satisfied, satisfied\" and \"All my hidden desires finally came alive\" in his signature falsetto, belted over synthesizers. E! Online's Chima Simone noted", "id": "13094887" }, { "contents": "Slow Dance (song)\n\n\nabout the video and on the sensuality of the live performances compared to video, Hilson responded, \"Yeah. It is a bit of that, but it’s a bit toned down for the video, because you got so much censoring, I can’t do everything I do on stage (laughs). So when people come out they’re probably still gonna be a bit surprised to see it live, after seeing the video. But I’m very pleased with the video. I love the colours and it’s", "id": "16399764" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, though it is less visible at twilight, when green is the most visible color. Red also stands out more clearly against a cool natural backdrop of blue sky, green trees or gray buildings. But it was mostly chosen as the color for stoplights and stop signs because of its universal association with danger and warning. The 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals of 1968 uses red color also for the margin of danger warning sign, give way signs and prohibitory signs, following the previous German-type signage (established", "id": "6274148" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Henry James\n\n\n, writing, for example, to fellow novelist Lucy Clifford: \"Dearest Lucy! What shall I say? when I love you so very, very much, and see you nine times for once that I see Others! Therefore I think that—if you want it made clear to the meanest intelligence—I love you more than I love Others.\" To his New York friend Mary Cadwalader Jones: \"Dearest Mary Cadwalader. I yearn over you, but I yearn in vain; & your long silence really breaks", "id": "4297456" }, { "contents": "Torii Hunter\n\n\nnot us. They're impostors. Even people I know come up and say: 'Hey, what color is Vladimir Guerrero? Is he a black player?' I say, 'Come on, he's Dominican. He's not black.' ... As African-American players, we have a theory that baseball can go get an imitator and pass them off as us. It's like they had to get some kind of dark faces, so they go to the Dominican or Venezuela because you can get them", "id": "8790005" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\nearly as 1956 and during the 1960s, ads for Lady Clairol asked, \"Is it true blondes have more fun?\"; those for Loving Care asked, \"What would your husband do if suddenly you looked ten years younger?\" When the company introduced Nice 'n Easy, the first at-home shampoo-in hair color, women were told, \"The closer he gets, the better you look\". Radiantly Red was advertised with \"Some lucky girls are born red. Others catch up\".", "id": "13572450" }, { "contents": "Freakum Dress\n\n\n. The choreography was done by Danielle Polanco and Jonte' Moaning, who used a 1980s retro set. Beyoncé explained the concept of the video at MTV: \"It's probably the most flamboyant video, and the metallic dresses are so beautiful, they added so much color. I had to do a video for this song. Everyone wanted to know what a 'freakum dress' was, and you can't really explain it, you have to see it. Everyone has their own version, so we had so many", "id": "1203389" }, { "contents": "Relationship between Ramakrishna and Swami Vivekananda\n\n\nsays that I love you because I see the Lord in you. The day I shall not see Him in you, I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you. He compared Narendra with \"a thousand-petalled lotus\", \"a jar of water\", \"Halderpukur\", \"a red-eyed carp\" and \"a very big receptacle\". He asked others not to attempt to assess or judge Narendra as he felt people would never be able to understand or judge him. He", "id": "3526958" }, { "contents": "Brody Dalle\n\n\nthe two began dating. Homme said of the beginning of their relationship, \"we had to be very secretive, because she was just starting a divorce process. I went back to do those Desert Sessions, and you can tell what I was going through because I was writing stuff like 'Dead In Love' and 'I Wanna Make It Wit Chu'. I was so in love, I was totally revelling in it so much, I was a little paralysed.\" Dalle leaving Armstrong and beginning a relationship with", "id": "14592964" }, { "contents": "Red Jacket\n\n\nexist between both people with his elaboration on the Great Spirit. He states, \"You say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the book?\". Red Jacket distinguishes the fallacies that exist between the Americans speech and their actions. If the Indians are being secularized for their religious beliefs, yet they believe in one ultimate Creator, just like", "id": "9135585" }, { "contents": "The Eureka E.P.\n\n\n. It was a pretty good year though. Touring with bands like Rodan(r.i.p.), Ruby Falls, Dambuilders, The Strapping Fieldhands, GBV, Ed Hall, Versus, Red Red Meat, & Jawbox kind of makes being away from Memphis worthwhile not to mention getting to meet so many good people all over the world. We sincerely love you and look forward to seeing you all again this year. And we will. Maybe we'll even have that lunch we're always talking about. Also explained is the peculiar recording", "id": "11013950" }, { "contents": "Florynce Kennedy\n\n\nsteps of the University's Lowell Hall, a protest Kennedy thought of and participated in. When asked about this, she said: I'm just a loud-mouthed middle-aged colored lady with a fused spine and three feet of intestines missing and a lot of people think I'm crazy. Maybe you do too, but I never stop to wonder why I'm not like other people. The mystery to me is why more people aren't like me. In 1974, \"People\" magazine wrote that she was", "id": "5859440" }, { "contents": "Color Struck\n\n\nlots of bustle, John and Emmaline arrive at the train just on time. Emmaline made John take the last coach, because she felt he was flirting with Effie, a lighter-skinned black woman. The play's title focuses on colorism, the idea that people in the black community were judged based on the hue of their skin. Emma is terrified that John will leave her for a lighter-skinned woman, and is very jealous; Emma says, \"I loves you so hard, John, and jealous love", "id": "11610566" }, { "contents": "Unbreakable (Janet Jackson album)\n\n\nsound like her late brother Michael Jackson, and addresses the curiosity about her romantic life. \"I don't see why loving someone or what I do seem so radical to you [...] What you think doesn't mean nothing at all / Doesn't change who I am.\" The next track, \"Shoulda Known Better\" opens as a ballad, but develops EDM beats for its underpinning. During the song she asks \"Why, why, why?\", before making a call for social action. \"", "id": "15875400" }, { "contents": "Albert Henry Munsell\n\n\nPurple. These hues were arranged in a circle. Each hue can be mixed with the same amount of the neighboring hues to create intermediate hues: yellow-red, green-yellow, blue-green, purple-blue, and red-purple. Each color can be defined by how much of each principal hue it contains. A color that is composed of just a principal hue would be given a number 5. So, the red primary would be given the number 5R. If you move to the left of the", "id": "2271228" }, { "contents": "System of a Down Reunion Tour\n\n\n— he lives part time in New Zealand. And then I think he's got another solo album coming out next summer. So you might see System touring next summer, you might not. But for the people who are waiting for an album — I know there's a lot of people waiting for an album; I'm waiting for an album just like they are. It's gonna happen when it's right and when we can make something that tops what we've done in the past. Because we do", "id": "15393579" }, { "contents": "Satisfied (Jewel song)\n\n\nhappiness and what makes a person happy. It's funny because I feel like we all are interested in happiness, but I feel like very few of us sit down to actually see how much we're doing in our day lends to our happiness. It also seems like when you're a kid you have all these goals about what you want your life to become. Now when you accomplish those goals, you have to re-evaluate and see if they are making you happy because what makes a person feel satisfied might", "id": "7979102" }, { "contents": "Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot\n\n\nafter, because I love more than anything else the overall effect, the harmony of the tones, while color gives you a kind of shock that I don’t like. Perhaps it is the excess of this principal that makes people say I have leaden tones.In his aversion to shocking color, Corot sharply diverged from the up-and-coming Impressionists, who embraced experimentation with vivid hues. In addition to his landscapes (so popular was the late style that there exist numerous forgeries), Corot produced a number of", "id": "487140" }, { "contents": "Color Struck\n\n\nwith Emma.(not a mulatto) Effie is a mulatto woman who Emma is jealous of. Colorism Throughout the play Emma is overly and self-destructively preoccupied with skin color. Emma is plagued by colorism—intra-racial racism—which causes her to be jealous of light-skinned Black people and despise her own Blackness. John: \"(kisses her). Emma, what makes you always picking a fuss with me over some yaller girl. What makes you so jealous, nohow? I don’t do nothing.\"", "id": "11610571" }, { "contents": "Flawless (Beyoncé song)\n\n\njust going to put it out. People like it, great; they don't, they don't. And I won't do it every day because that's not who I am. But I feel strong. And anyone that says, 'Oh that is disrespectful,' just imagine the person that hates you. Imagine a person that doesn't believe in you. And look in the mirror and say, 'Bow down, bitch' and I guarantee you feel gangsta! So listen to the song from that", "id": "16844567" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nI am definitely doing a lot of watching, Different things that they do is the reason why they're successful in the NFL, so I am kind of watching and learning and seeing how they go about their business. ... I am asking questions and they've been very helpful with me.\" Teammate Chris Johnson said of the other backs, \"Basically if you have the talent to make it here, you pretty much know how to read a defense and know how to run a ball, So there are not a", "id": "11053500" }, { "contents": "Complementary colors\n\n\ncontain some of the complementary color of the object. For example, the shadow of a red apple will appear to contain a little blue-green. This effect is often copied by painters who want to create more luminous and realistic shadows. Also, if you stare at a square of color for a long period of time (thirty seconds to a minute), and then look at a white paper or wall, you will briefly see an afterimage of the square in its complementary color. Placed side-by-side", "id": "17175135" }, { "contents": "The Red Meadows\n\n\nis an informant in the group, so the plan is delayed. One of the group's members, Dreyer (Freddy Koch), is arrested, so Ruth and Michael flee to her uncle's summer house. Ruth is frightened of losing Michael. She says, \"If you die, then everything is meaningless - then I'm not a person anymore - and the meadows aren't green anymore -- they are colored the red of your blood.\" Plans for the sabotage are completed and the group goes into action.", "id": "2711699" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nbrightness. It occurs in two primary forms: There is generally no treatment to cure color deficiencies. ″The American Optometric Association reports a contact lens on one eye can increase the ability to differentiate between colors, though nothing can make you truly see the deficient color.″ Optometrists can supply colored spectacle lenses or a single red-tint contact lens to wear on the non-dominant eye, but although this may improve discrimination of some colors, it can make other colors more difficult to distinguish. A 1981 review of various studies to evaluate", "id": "7540056" }, { "contents": "I Want You (She's So Heavy) (The Simpsons)\n\n\npleasing color palette to pop like no other show on TV. The title is a reference to one of the Beatles’ sludgiest and most un-commercial songs, a mesmerizingly plodding meditation on love and desire whose infamously abrupt ending feels like something breathtakingly catastrophic. There’s a title card at the end of the episode bidding a sad farewell to memorable one-time guest star, Luke Perry, which is very sweet.\" \"I Want You (She's so Heavy)\" scored a 0.8 rating with a 4 share", "id": "6326124" }, { "contents": "Harolyn Blackwell\n\n\npassive way. I think in order to participate you have to have knowledge and knowledge means you have to take the time to sit down and educate. When you are able to communicate with people and show them you're just another human being with a gift, it makes all the difference. My gift happens to be singing. When you go to an opera you see so many people, but you don't have an opportunity to have that one-on-one contact and that's what was so great about that", "id": "9642698" }, { "contents": "Daredevil: Chinatown\n\n\nhe's done so far' even things other people would consider questionable are in service of the people, saying \"I know this to be true. I have seen it. I am a Hero Mr. Murdock. A Savior. You are a faithless, mean little man doing everything he can to stop me. If I am God... I wonder... What does that make you? Later that night, Matt changes to Daredevil, and busts some bombamker terrorists in a building in Red Hook, Brooklyn thanks to a tip", "id": "16140050" }, { "contents": "Thomas Jefferson Jackson See\n\n\n\".\" See is notorious as the primary modern proponent of the idea that various ancient observers report the color of the bright star Sirius to be red as a result of stellar evolution. The Red-Sirius controversy arises because modern observations show that Sirius is white in color, and the very strong realization from modern astronomers that a reddish color for Sirius in antiquity is essentially impossible by any mechanism of astrophysics. See published six papers from 1892 to 1926 on the topic, making shrill attacks on critics, and ignoring the substantial", "id": "15462276" } ]
Hey there! Let talk about numbers,, mine is 7,how about your? Why should we talk about numbers. My favorite number is 4 Yeah ,cos numbers is applies to various aspects of our lives ,like team sports, the number, often referred to as the uniform number, squad number, jersey number, shirt number, sweater number,etc I see. Do you know anything about roman numerals
[{"answer": "Yeah! Numbers in this system are represented by combinations of letters .its a Latin alphabet", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25657", "title": "Roman numerals", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 164, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 254, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Number (sports)\n\n\nIn team sports, the number, often referred to as the uniform number, squad number, jersey number, shirt number, sweater number, or similar (with such naming differences varying by sport and region) is the number worn on a player's uniform, to identify and distinguish each player (and sometimes others, such as coaches and officials) from others wearing the same or similar uniforms. The number is typically displayed on the rear of the jersey, often accompanied by the surname. Sometimes it is also displayed on", "id": "7771056" }, { "contents": "Samurai Jack\n\n\nthe \"Samurai Jack\" movie is in pre-production: \"I've been trying so hard every year, and the one amazing thing about Jack is that I did it in 2001, you know, and it still survived. There's something about it that's connected with people. And I want it, it's number 1 on my list, and now Bob Osher, the president, is like 'Hey, let's talk about Jack. Let's see what we can do.' And I go", "id": "7662442" }, { "contents": "Nancy Pelosi\n\n\nposting losing numbers, if you were talking about any sports team that was losing time and time again, changes would be made, right? The CEO out. The coach would be out and there would be a new strategy put in place.\" In a press conference, Pelosi responded to the criticism by saying, \"I respect any opinion that my members have but my decision about how long I stay is not up to them.\" When asked specifically why she should stay on as House minority leader after numerous Democratic", "id": "16372616" }, { "contents": "Seungri\n\n\nsingles: \"VVIP\" and \"What Can I Do\" (Korean: 어쩌라고; Revised Romanization: \"Eojjeolago\"). The latter peaked at number seven on the Gaon Digital Chart and the album sold over 50,000 copies. His second Korean EP \"Let's Talk About Love\" (2013) fared better, becoming his second number one album and selling over 80,000 copies. \"Let's Talk About Love\" was supported by \"Gotta Talk to You\" (Korean: 할말 있어요; Revised Romanization: \"", "id": "5288347" }, { "contents": "Jim Valvano\n\n\nshould do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going", "id": "16798764" }, { "contents": "Overkill (band)\n\n\n, Ellsworth stated, \"When it comes to being selected and not selected, that's a simple accounting issue. When you talk numbers, numbers make the world go around, numbers put food on your table, and numbers put the 'Big Four' in arenas. And they sell enough records to do that. For me, it's not a concern. To even be asked the question from you is quite a compliment with regard to, let's say, our longevity or tenacity doing what we like doing.", "id": "21742488" }, { "contents": "Talk About Love\n\n\n\"'Talk About Love\" is a song recorded by Christine Anu. It was released in October 2003 as the first and only single from her third studio album, \"45 Degrees\" (2003). The song peaked at number 85 on the ARIA Chart. Lyrically, the song sees Anu confront someone who believes they know about love, without evidence: \"You talk about love / But I can't see any love coming out of your mind br You talk about truth / But you don't seem to know", "id": "6039725" }, { "contents": "Telephone Thing\n\n\n. I think it's good to have a go at things like that - British Rail and British Telecom. It's a natural gripe. One time, I was using the phone a lot and I dialled a number and I could hear people munching sandwiches and talking about my last phone call. I actually rang up the operator and said 'Lookl I'm trying to dial a fucking number here and I can't get through because people are talking about my phone calls! Have you got a bleedin' license to do", "id": "21112725" }, { "contents": "These Are Special Times\n\n\n1998. It included two musical guests: Andrea Bocelli on \"The Prayer\" and Rosie O'Donnell on \"Do You Hear What I Hear?\". Dion also performed album tracks (\"O Holy Night\", \"These Are the Special Times\"), her number-one hits (\"The Power of Love\", \"Because You Loved Me\", \"My Heart Will Go On\"), as well as favorites (\"Let's Talk About Love\", \"The First Time Ever I Saw Your", "id": "20654091" }, { "contents": "The Female Boss\n\n\ntell you something, do you know how many artists go to number one in the charts and they release on a certain week because they know that in that week they have more chance of going to number one? Then they drop out of the album charts a week later and they might have sold 100,000 when they could have sold 400,000. For me, just like with N-Dubz, I don't care about having a number one album, I care about going platinum. I care about the overall sales. What", "id": "18429374" }, { "contents": "Baxter Taylor\n\n\n' \" \"My friend said, “Up to now I was buying this whole singer/songwriter bit. Now, you try to pass off a hit song as yours. I’m not buying that!” “What are you talking about?” I said. “I’m probably one of only three or four people who know that song.” “Yeah, right,\" my friend replied. \"That song is number one on the country charts right now. Bobby Bare sings it.” And he", "id": "18417903" }, { "contents": "9 (Lil' Kim album)\n\n\nmeaning behind her fifth album in a interview with BET on the red carpet at the 2019 BET Awards, “it’s a spiritual awakening number for me. Also, when I started out in Junior M.A.F.I.A. it was 9 members, my daughter was born June 9th, Biggie died March 9th, it is twenty-nineteen. It’s a powerful number for me. One day, you know, I’m very spiritual and one day God was talking to me and I was like ‘7 is my favorite number’ and", "id": "8631501" }, { "contents": "Augustine's laws\n\n\nbeen talking about. Eventually, you spend more and more time talking about less and less until finally you spend all your time talking about nothing. Law Number XLIX: Regulations grow at the same rate as weeds. Law Number L: The average regulation has a life span one-fifth as long as a chimpanzee's and one-tenth as long as a human's, but four times as long as the official's who created it. Law Number LI: By the time of the United States Tricentennial, there will", "id": "14011691" }, { "contents": "You, Me and the Big C\n\n\n: \"We wanted to create a space where you feel like you're sitting down with girls like you, having a cup of tea, talking about it like it's EastEnders.\" Co-host Deborah James described the podcast in an interview with \"The Sun\" newspaper as being honest about cancer: \"We are uncensored and real. We all speak honestly about our cancer, the highs, lows and everything in between.\" The podcast reached number one in the UK podcast charts on September 4, 2018,", "id": "6940231" }, { "contents": "Juan Mata\n\n\nTorres helped persuade him to move to Stamford Bridge, saying \"Fernando got me excited about the thought of coming here. He said it would be good for me here, and that me and him together could be good. I also talked to my family and friends about it as well.\" On 26 August 2011, Yossi Benayoun offered Mata his number 10 shirt. The Israeli captain said, \"I decided to give Mata the number 10 – his favourite. For me, it's just a number, not my", "id": "19432418" }, { "contents": "Let's Talk About Love / Falling into You / A New Day Has Come\n\n\nsleeve complete with a 16-page picture booklet. The box set includes track list from the US versions of \"Let's Talk About Love, Falling into You\" and \"A New Day Has Come\". At first, \"Let's Talk About Love / Falling into You / A New Day Has Come\" entered the charts in Canada and Belgium in November 2007. It reached number 97 on the Canadian Albums Chart and number twenty on the Belgian Ultratop Wallonia Mid Price Albums. In May 2008, \"Let's Talk About", "id": "20570434" }, { "contents": "Ben Gordon\n\n\n12th. As we started getting closer and I started to get an inkling that the Bulls could be a team that I could end up playing for, I started to look at the numbers. Michael Jordan was drafted by the Bulls and he was the third pick just like you.\" Gordon wore the number 4 on his jersey in high school and college, but had to wear the number 7 with the Bulls due to the number 4 being retired. Gordon said, \"I wore No. 4 my whole career but", "id": "9487829" }, { "contents": "Cheryl's Birthday\n\n\nI have two younger brothers. The product of all our ages (i.e. my age and the ages of my two brothers) is 144, assuming that we use whole numbers for our ages. br Albert: We still don't know your age. What other hints can you give us? br Cheryl: The sum of all our ages is the bus number of this bus that we are on. br Bernard: Of course we know the bus number, but we still don't know your age. br Cheryl:", "id": "15730490" }, { "contents": "Kimberly Dos Ramos\n\n\nstudy business and explained: \"Everybody says hey, why dont you study Social Communication?, But the truth is that I like numbers so much that Id have always wanted to study A career related with number, so when I get to start my own business I will know how to administered \". According to Dos Ramos family is very important in her career because \"without their support i would not be here right now. My mom is always with me in all recordings, her companionship is fundamental\".", "id": "12105633" }, { "contents": "Danzig 4\n\n\n'Devil thing', so we figured, 'Let's give them something to really talk about'.” There are several blank tracks before \"Invocation\", so that it is numbered track 66. CD players that display the \"current track number\" and \"total disc time elapsed\" in minutes thus read \"66  61:38\" on the display as the final track starts. This is perhaps an intentional reference to The Number of the Beast and the song \"We Are 138\" that Danzig wrote during his days", "id": "12627935" }, { "contents": "The 6th Man\n\n\nnumbers sports movie, this one about a college basketball team that makes it to the NCAA finals with the help of the ghost of one of its dead stars. Let's not talk about how predictable it is. Let's talk about how dumb it is. … Movies like \"The Sixth Man\" are an example of Level One thinking, in which the filmmakers get the easy, obvious idea and are content with it.\" The soundtrack was released on March 25, 1997 by Hollywood Records. It peaked at #", "id": "15624169" }, { "contents": "Augustine's laws\n\n\nprovide the additional hours needed to fix the broken electronics. Law Number XLV: One should expect that the expected can be prevented, but the unexpected should have been expected. Law Number XLVI: A billion saved is a billion earned. Law Number XLVII: Two-thirds of the Earth's surface is covered with water. The other third is covered with auditors from headquarters. Law Number XLVIII: The more time you spend talking about what you have been doing, the less time you have to spend doing what you have", "id": "14011690" }, { "contents": "Whitney Houston (album)\n\n\n\" Hot 100 chart. It would reach number one in the United Kingdom and was successful around the world. With her first number one, Houston began appearing on high-profile talk shows and became the opening act for Jeffrey Osborne and Luther Vandross. Thinking About You was released as the single only to R&B-oriented radio stations. It peaked at number 10 on the Hot Black Singles chart and at number 24 on the Hot Dance/Disco Club Play chart. In 1985, \"How Will I Know\" was released", "id": "849836" }, { "contents": "Let's Talk About Love / Falling into You / A New Day Has Come\n\n\nLove / Falling into You / A New Day Has Come\" debuted on the charts in the United Kingdom and Sweden. It peaked at number 106 on the UK Albums Chart and number 95 on the Scottish Albums Chart. In Sweden, the album reached number three and was certified Gold for selling 20,000 copies. It also became 41-st best-selling album in Sweden in 2008. Thanks to the success in Sweden, \"Let's Talk About Love / Falling into You / A New Day Has Come\" also entered the European", "id": "20570435" }, { "contents": "Manchester City F.C. EDS and Academy\n\n\nage group of players. The EDS currently play all of their home fixtures at the CFA Academy stadium in Manchester. The squad numbers depicted for the EDS players in this article are the MCFC first team squad numbers – which means that these are the shirt numbers that the EDS players will wear if and when team-sheeted to play for the MCFC first team in either a friendly or competitive game. The MCFC official first team squad consists of about 40 players, which is why the EDS players' squad numbers start in the", "id": "2174503" }, { "contents": "Graham Norton\n\n\n, and is also the first panel game the channel has shown, either of British or American origin. In October 2018, talking to BBC News about his reported 2017-18 BBC salary, Norton said that he genuinely \"doesn't know\" how the corporation arrived at that figure. \"Myself and my agent look at that number and we go 'I wonder how they came up with that',\" he says. \"It bears no relation to anything I know. But if that's what they say I", "id": "11486380" }, { "contents": "Retention rate\n\n\nthe number at risk\".\" In contractual situations, it makes sense to talk about the number of customers currently under contract and the percentage retained when the contract period runs out.\" This term should not be confused with growth (decline) in customer counts. Retention refers only to existing customers in contractual situations. \"In non-contractual situations (such as catalog sales), it makes less sense to talk about the \"current\" number of customers, but instead to count the number of customers of a specified", "id": "7543876" }, { "contents": "Octavarium (album)\n\n\nartwork for \"Octavarium\". The idea of depicting a giant Newton's cradle was born out of discussions between Syme and Portnoy. The two talked about how \"for everything you do in music you create either a cluster or triad\", according to Syme. \"And then it became evident that for every action there is an opposite reaction. So I thought we could do something based on the Newton's cradle.\" There are numerous references to the numbers five and eight throughout the artwork, alluding to the album's", "id": "21258922" }, { "contents": "Double-mindedness\n\n\n, he had no idea of how knowledge is changed when he needs to apply it.\" \"Is this perhaps your case, my reader? I do not judge, I merely ask you. Alas, while the number of those who know so much increases more and more, the really able men become fewer and fewer! But it was such a man that you once wished to be. You have surely not forgotten what we said about sincerity: that a man must retain a clear recollection of what he once wished", "id": "9233660" }, { "contents": "Kisses on the Bottom\n\n\nof the album with the musicians who played on it: \"We haven't really talked about it yet. People have plenty of ideas and suggestions. I'd like to see how it goes live, just how much we enjoy it. If we all enjoy it, then we've got to think about taking it out.\" McCartney performed \"My Valentine\" live at the 54th Annual Grammy Awards in 2012 with Diana Krall and Joe Walsh of the Eagles The single climbed to number 20 on the \"Billboard\" Adult", "id": "13348216" }, { "contents": "Page numbering\n\n\nPage numbering is the process of applying a sequence of numbers (or letters, or roman numerals) to the pages of a book or other document. The number itself, which may appear in various places on the page, can be referred to as a page number or as a folio. Like other numbering schemes such as chapter numbering, page numbers allow the citation of a particular page of the numbered document and facilitates to the reader to find specific parts of the document and to know the size of the complete text (", "id": "10922416" }, { "contents": "Magic number (sports)\n\n\n. Magic numbers are generally confined to sports where each game results in a win or a loss, but not a tie. While this number is referred to as \"magic,\" there is nothing \"magic\" about it. It could also be referred to as the \"clinching number.\" Teams other than the front-running team have what is called an elimination number (or \"tragic number\") (often abbreviated \"E#\"). This number represents the number of wins by the leading team or", "id": "2440222" }, { "contents": "Philosophy of mathematics\n\n\nsuggested that mathematics was indispensable for our best scientific theories, and therefore should be accepted as a body of truths talking about independently existing entities, Field suggested that mathematics was dispensable, and therefore should be considered as a body of falsehoods not talking about anything real. He did this by giving a complete axiomatization of Newtonian mechanics with no reference to numbers or functions at all. He started with the \"betweenness\" of Hilbert's axioms to characterize space without coordinatizing it, and then added extra relations between points to do the work", "id": "2536936" }, { "contents": "Tie Me Down\n\n\nBoyz' number and I’m about to call them over right now,' you know like that type of thing. So I got their number and they called me, then I called them and they asked me to do a record, and I said, 'Okay, send it over.' I heard it and it just went from there. We worked out a little deal and we got it in.\" The song entered the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 in the week labeled October 31, 2009 at number", "id": "9204989" }, { "contents": "Feel Like a Number\n\n\n. \"With the IRS you certainly are just a number, and that's alright, as long as they don't call your number. If you feel that way at work, however, you have a problem.\" Allen Baswell regarded \"Feel Like a Number\" as an example of Seger's \"rich lyrics\" describing \"the hopes, dignity and dreams of working people.\" According to Seger (in 1978): I got the idea for the song after watching a show about computer banks and how many", "id": "13427959" }, { "contents": "My Little Secret\n\n\n\"My Little Secret\" is Xscape's second single, produced by Jermaine Dupri, from their third studio album \"Traces of My Lipstick\". The song reached number nine on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 and number two on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks, becoming their last single to reach the top ten on both charts. The song talks about a sexual relationship on \"the side\" while cheating, with lyrics :\"everybody cheats, but you gotta know how, you got", "id": "21838594" }, { "contents": "FFH (band)\n\n\n\" and \"Watching Over Me\" which hit the number one spot on Adult Contemporary radio and the Top 5 on Christian Hit Radio, \"On My Cross\" which had a two-week run at number one inspirational radio, \"One of These Days,\" \"Big Fish\" and \"I Want to Be Like You\". Also including hit single \"What It Feels Like\".\", which according to Jeromy Deibler is a song of lament. He explained: \"It talks about how it feels to", "id": "8115121" }, { "contents": "Team (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nsnippet featuring Azalea chanting the lyrics: \"Yeah, that's all I need/ That's all I need/ Baby I got me, only friend I need/ Playing on my team is someone like me.\" During an interview with etalk that same month, Azalea commented while talking about her upcoming album, \"My first single has no feature on it which was my number one goal, to try to achieve a song which was strong without needing somebody else to sing it.\" \"It was good to get back to doing", "id": "5895776" }, { "contents": "The X-Files (season 9)\n\n\nwas not being renewed for a tenth season. When talking about the beginning of the ninth season, Chris Carter said, \"We lost our audience on the first episode. It's like the audience had gone away, and I didn't know how to find them. I didn't want to work to get them back because I believed what we are doing deserved to have them back.\" \"The Truth\" received the highest Nielsen household rating and viewership numbers of the season. It earned a 7.5 rating and gathered", "id": "4783104" }, { "contents": "Let's Talk About Love\n\n\n's Talk About Love\" spent seven weeks at number one and was certified Diamond in April 1998, selling 1,610,000 units. \"Let's Talk About Love\" became Dion's first chart-topping album in Germany, where it spent five weeks at number one. In 1999, it was certified three-times Platinum by the BVMI for sales of 1.5 million copies. The album has also sold over one million units in Japan and was certified Million by the RIAJ. In Australia, it debuted at number one and spent five", "id": "705426" }, { "contents": "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)\n\n\nLennon introduces McCartney as lounge singer \"Denis O’Bell.\" The reference prompted numerous telephone calls to O'Dell's home by fans who told him, \"We have your name and now we've got your number,\" as well as personal visits by fans wanting to live with him. The song is in the key of D. The \"You know\" involves F–D melody notes against a I (D chord). A point of interest is the raised A melody note against a D/F chord on \"name", "id": "13634745" }, { "contents": "Vicki Vann\n\n\nfavorable Liquor Rank is easily and immediately recognized as a symbol of achievement as it was earned via the ultimate definition of balanced spirits evaluation. Your brand truly earns its score, it doesn't just get awarded a medal for showing up. Victoria has said this about how \"Liquor Rank\" works, \"Literally, you take a number, and we all know numbers are useful. They help us count; our money, our time, and just where we stand in the world. In the world of selling more liquor", "id": "10626602" }, { "contents": "Let's Talk About Love\n\n\none of the best-selling albums in history. In the United States, it debuted at number two with 334,000 copies sold. The sales kept increasing until a 624,000 total in its sixth week, though remaining at number two. Finally, \"Let's Talk About Love\" topped the \"Billboard\" 200 chart the following week in January 1998. Until May 1998, the album stayed a total of seventeen weeks at number two, despite reaching number one only once. It was certified Diamond by the RIAA in November 1999", "id": "705423" }, { "contents": "Romanian numbers\n\n\nfigures: As seen above, ordinal numbers are often written using Roman numerals, especially in this reverse order case. The ending specific to the ordinal numbers (\"-lea\", \"-a\") must be preserved and connected to the Roman numeral with a hyphen. Examples: In the morphological processes described above, some pronunciation changes occur that are usually marked in writing. This section gives a few details about those pronunciation aspects not \"visible\" in the written form. The letter \"i\" in the word \"zeci", "id": "18678706" }, { "contents": "Albert Pujols\n\n\nRBI in the series. Over two games in April 2006, Pujols hit home runs in four consecutive plate appearances, making him the 20th player to accomplish the feat. Pujols maintained after the game that he was more concerned with winning than the numbers: \"I don't look at numbers,\" he said. \"I don't know. I didn't know anything about [the record] until you guys brought it up. Because that's not me. I don't get locked in on numbers. I do", "id": "16558318" }, { "contents": "Squad number (association football)\n\n\nused the number 10 shirt; playmakers, second strikers and attacking midfielders usually wear this number. \"7\" is often associated with effective and profitable wingers or second strikers. \"9\" is usually worn by centre forwards or strikers, who hold the most advanced offensive positions on the pitch, and are often the highest scorers in the team. The first record of numbered jerseys in football date back to 1911, with Australian teams Sydney Leichardt and HMS Powerful being the first to use squad numbers on their backs. One year", "id": "22179159" }, { "contents": "Talk About Our Love\n\n\n2004, the song debuted at number eighty–eight on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100, the sixth-highest US debut of the week. The single peaked at number thirty–six on June 3, the same week it earned the Hot 100's greatest retail gainer designation, eventually becoming Norwood's lowest-peaking lead single then. Moreover, it became her first single failing to reach the top 20 since 1999's \"U Don't Know Me (Like U Used To)\" at number 72. \"Talk", "id": "6225208" }, { "contents": "How Will I Know\n\n\n). According to MTV UK and Ireland, the single has sold about 280,000 copies in the United Kingdom. In New Zealand, the single debuted at number 35 and later peaked at number 19. In Austria, the single reached a peak position of number 28, while reaching a peak of number 12 in the Netherlands. It also reached number two in Norway and Sweden, while charting at number 11 in Switzerland. According to AllMusic, \"How Will I Know\" has sold about 1.5 million copies worldwide. In Australia", "id": "9471793" }, { "contents": "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number\n\n\nher and what kids her age and her friends were talking about\". According to Aaliyah \"He just spent time with me, trying to see how I thought about things and what people my age think,\". When discussing the writing process for the album Aaliyah said \"We vibed off of one another, and that’s how the songs was built, He would vibe with me on what the lyrics should be. He’d tell me what to sing, and I’d sing it. That’s how the whole", "id": "5324137" }, { "contents": "David Villa\n\n\nwhere Villa was accused of taking the number 7 jersey away from the then-Real Madrid player. In March 2009, Villa spoke out, saying, \"I have not taken anything away from anybody, I was simply playing well for my club and the national coach gave me an opportunity. Too much has been said about the number issue. I’m not looking to cause any controversy. In fact, Raúl and I were in the national squad together in the past. I haven’t forced anybody out.\" When", "id": "7041842" }, { "contents": "Divisibility rule\n\n\nprocedure you obtain a 0 or any recognizable multiple of 7, then the original number is a multiple of 7. If you obtain any number from 1 to 6, that will indicate how much you should subtract from the original number to get a multiple of 7. In other words, you will find the remainder of dividing the number by 7. For example, take the number 186: Now we have a number lower than 7, and this number (4) is the remainder of dividing 186/7. So 186 minus", "id": "12510790" }, { "contents": "How Long Will I Love You?\n\n\ncan't really complain if somebody changes mine.\" \"How Long Will I Love You\" debuted at number 192 on the UK Singles Chart for the week ending 7 September 2013. On the chart dated 23 November 2013, the song jumped from number 117 to its peak position of number three, selling 82,872 copies. The music video for \"How Long Will I Love You\" was directed by Mike Sharpe and released on 9 September 2013. The video shows Goulding walking along a beach, intercut with footage from \"About", "id": "5585004" }, { "contents": "When You Talk About Love\n\n\n\"When You Talk About Love\" is a song recorded by Patti LaBelle. It was released from her 1997 Platinum album, \"Flame\". The song was written by Ann Nesby and musically composed and produced by the team Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and James \"Big Jim\" Wright. The song became one of the singer's most popular hit singles in the 1990s reaching number 56 US pop and number 12 R&B in the summer of the year. A dance remix of the song helped to bring the song to number", "id": "13408355" }, { "contents": "Lloyd (singer)\n\n\na classroom full of gorgeous girls, and I feel the best thing I can give them that's really worth having is lessons in love!\" he said about the issues worked into the tracks. The album debuted at number seven on the \"Billboard\" 200 and number one on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums charts, with moderately successful first-week sales 51,000 — about half as many as his previous effort, number two album \"Street Love\". \"How We Do It (Around My Way)", "id": "4546506" }, { "contents": "General semantics\n\n\nwho would be competent to utilize the discipline in various fields and to train others. We should have done this before encouraging anyone to popularize or spread the word (horrid phrase) in societies for general semantics, by talking \"about\" general semantics instead of learning, using, etc. the methodology to \"change\" our essential epistemological assumptions, premises, etc. (unconscious or conscious), i.e. the \"un\"-learning basic to learning to learn. Yes, large numbers of people do enjoy making a philosophy of general semantics", "id": "14995332" }, { "contents": "Pokémon Sword and Shield\n\n\nwith \"GameSpot\", at which point he said that \"it does get complicated when you talk about the details and we're still figuring it out, but we do have plans to find ways to let players use their Pokémon in the next game.\" However, by 2019, after announcing the decision to limit the number of Pokémon in the games, he explained that they wanted to leverage the Switch's hardware and make the Pokémon more \"expressive\", but that the sheer number of species, combined with the", "id": "4565131" }, { "contents": "Number bond\n\n\n. Number bonds are often learned in sets for which the sum is a common round number such as 10 or 20. Having acquired some familiar number bonds, children should also soon learn how to use them to develop strategies to complete more complicated sums, for example by navigating from a new sum to an adjacent number bond they know, i.e. 5 + 2 and 4 + 3 are both number bonds that make 7; or by strategies like \"making ten\", for example recognising that 7 + 6 = (7 +", "id": "21208497" }, { "contents": "Hemingway's Whiskey\n\n\nFall\", \"Somewhere with You\", \"Live a Little\", and \"Reality\" all reached number one, while \"You and Tequila\" went to number three. In an interview with \"The Boot\", Chesney explained the reasoning behind the title of his new release, citing the influence of Guy Clark, saying \"I was sitting in my truck and a friend had given me Guy's album, which had just come out. It's a song that talks about living life to its fullest,", "id": "10964018" }, { "contents": "Feel Like a Number\n\n\nnames were in them. We're all in computer banks. Lord knows how many data collections there are. Everybody is a number and in the record industry you're also thought of a lot of times as a number — the amount you sell or whatever. Some of the humanity gets lost and the hype takes over. You have to watch out. That's the whole idea of \"Stranger in Town\" as an album, actually. It's about identity and trying to survive and keep your identity. According to", "id": "13427960" }, { "contents": "Mental health in the United Kingdom\n\n\n, there is limited financial detail. It talks about rolling out a number of initiatives in a number of areas but funding is only secured to these areas until 2023. The prime minister has talked about this issue as a burning injustice but we don't think the action is matching the rhetoric.\" Large numbers of psychiatric patients are sent out of the area where they live for treatment. In January 2018, 700 patients were sent out of their area and in February that year 650 patients received inpatient treatment outside their area.", "id": "13267472" }, { "contents": "Someday (Nickelback song)\n\n\n\"Someday\" is a song by Canadian rock band Nickelback. It was released on August 5, 2003 as the lead single from their 2003 album \"The Long Road\". It reached number one in Canada for three weeks and number seven in the United States. It also charted in the top 10 of the UK Singles Chart, where it peaked at number six. The lyrics chronicle a lost promise; the singer talks about how a relationship failed and he wonders \"how the hell'd we wind up like this\".", "id": "19936490" }, { "contents": "Heaven Knows (The Pretty Reckless song)\n\n\nsecond number-one song on the UK Rock Singles Chart. \"Heaven Knows\" became the band's first song to chart in New Zealand and France, reaching numbers 38 and 158, respectively. The music video for \"Heaven Knows\", co-directed by lead vocalist Taylor Momsen and Jon J, was shot on location in Miami. Momsen said of the video, \"How do you sum up a song that is metaphorically speaking about everyone's life from any general perspective on video? You understate it. We", "id": "13165479" }, { "contents": "List of Hot Country Singles & Tracks number ones of 2001\n\n\nthe issue dated December 16, 2000, and remained at number one until the issue dated January 20, when it was replaced by \"Born to Fly\" by Sara Evans. McGraw also topped the chart with \"Grown Men Don't Cry\" in June and \"Angry All the Time\" in November. Toby Keith also achieved three number ones in 2001, \"You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This\" in March, \"I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight\" in September and \"I Wanna Talk About Me\"", "id": "14756970" }, { "contents": "Gianluigi Buffon\n\n\n2020. Upon arrival, he was offered the number 1 shirt and captain's armband by Wojciech Szczęsny and Giorgio Chiellini, respectively, but he turned them down by saying, \"I didn't come back to take something from someone or take it back...I just want to do my bit for the team. It's only right that the starting goalkeeper, Szcz[ę]sny, has the number 1 jersey. And for the captaincy we have a great player like Giorgio Chiellini.\" Instead, he chose to wear number 77;", "id": "21727585" }, { "contents": "Harvard Design Magazine\n\n\nthe relaunch of the \"Harvard Design Magazine\" with issue number 38, \"Do You Read Me?\", September 2014. It's Nice That, Interview with Jennifer Sigler about the relaunch of the \"Harvard Design Magazine\", January 2015. D&AD Award, Harvard Design Magazine, number 38, \"Do You Read Me?\" January, 2015. GSD Talks, Harvard Design Magazine, number 42, \"Shelf Life,\" Pecha Kucha, February 2017. magCulture, \"Harvard Design Magazine\", number 42", "id": "21715746" }, { "contents": "List of number-one singles in Australia during the 1990s\n\n\nLove\" by Taylor Dayne, \"Sweat (A La La La La Long)\" by Inner Circle, \"What's Up?\" by 4 Non Blondes, and \"Dreams\" by Gabrielle. Songs which peaked at number 3 were \"How Do You Talk to an Angel\" by The Heights, \"December 1963 (Oh, What a Night)\" (Remix) by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, \"You Ain't Thinking (About Me)\" by Sonia Dada, \"Gimme Little Sign\"", "id": "15316250" }, { "contents": "Old Flame (Juice Newton album)\n\n\n\"Old Flame\" and \"Cheap Love\", the next two singles to be released, peaked at number five and number nine, respectively. \"What Can I Do with My Heart\", the album's final single release was written by Newton's long-time collaborator Otha Young and also peaked at number nine. \"You Make Me Want to Make You Mine\" earned Newton her fifth Grammy Award nomination for Best Female Vocalist. However, she lost to Rosanne Cash's \"I Don't Know Why You Do", "id": "6641247" }, { "contents": "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom\n\n\nLost Ark\". Lucas, Huyck, and Katz had been developing \"Radioland Murders\" (1994) since the early 1970s. The opening music was taken from that script and applied to \"Temple of Doom\". Spielberg reflected, \"George's idea was to start the movie with a musical number. He wanted to do a Busby Berkeley dance number. At all our story meetings he would say, 'Hey, Steven, you always said you wanted to shoot musicals.' I thought, 'Yeah, that", "id": "3265437" }, { "contents": "Watershed Music Festival\n\n\nfor 'Promoter of the Year'. When discussing the festival to Billboard Magazine, O'Connell said: \"Watershed is an idea that we have been kicking around for a number of years. The Pacific Northwest is a real special place in our country. I've been doing shows up there at the Gorge for years, and Jeff Trisler, my partner at Live Nation and I got to talking about it, and we finally made the call six to eight months ago. I think it will be one of the most unique", "id": "7946791" }, { "contents": "Gary Carter\n\n\nto the ice during pre-game warm-ups wearing number 8 Carter jerseys, and Youppi! appeared wearing an Expos uniform. In addition, Youppi! wore a patch on his Canadiens jersey featuring a white circle with a blue number 8 inside it for the remainder of the season. Tom Verducci, longtime \"Sports Illustrated\" baseball writer, reminisced about Carter following his death, \"I cannot conjure a single image of Gary Carter with anything but a smile on his face. I have no recollection of a gloomy", "id": "3096051" }, { "contents": "Sing! (song)\n\n\nwas a \"cute comical song and dance\". Independent Newspapers said it \"provide[s] comic relief\". AussieTheatre called it a \"comedy number\". The Real Chrisparkle commented: \"When Bad Wolf and I were talking about the show beforehand, we both agreed that “Sing” is probably our least favourite number, because of its potential to irritate; just slightly. But it occurred to me whilst watching it, that it must be extraordinarily demanding for its performers. You need the verbal dexterity of a Gilbert and", "id": "6906742" }, { "contents": "If I Never See Your Face Again\n\n\nfor the pairing registers at zero.\" Fletcher commented about the song further, writing that it should never have left the recording studio. \"If I Never See Your Face Again\" achieved moderate chart success on singles charts around the world. It debuted on the Australian Singles Chart at number 28 June 1, 2008, and peaked at number 11 in its sixth week. The song debuted on the New Zealand Singles Chart at number 37 on June 9, 2008, and peaked at number 21 the following week. In Europe", "id": "22176654" }, { "contents": "Twennynine\n\n\nTwennynine released their third album \"Just Like Dreamin' \"in 1981. The group added guitarist Steve Horton for this album. \"Just Like Dreamin' \"reached number 41 on the Billboard Top R&B Albums chart. The singles \"Didn't Know About Love (Till I Found You)\" and \"All I Want\" reached numbers 31 and 62 respectively on the Hot R&B Songs chart. Another single, \"My Turn To Love You\" reached number 29 on the Billboard Dance Club Songs chart. The group split up", "id": "11151821" }, { "contents": "The Documentary\n\n\nmy first week. And if I only sell one album the following week, I'm good.\" He also admitted feeling nervous about not being able to live up to the industry expectations, saying, \"Yeah, I've got some butterflies. I'm worried about my first-week numbers, and I'm worried about living up to the hype.\" The album debuted at number one on the US \"Billboard\" 200 chart, selling 586,000 copies in the first week. The Recording Industry Association of America certified", "id": "18840818" }, { "contents": "Killpop\n\n\n, really, is about how much I still love making music, but also how much I just hate the business side, the numbers side, the people in the suits who try to run stuff, and having to deal with them and having to learn how to talk to them. And, you know, it's frustrating sometimes, but it is what it is. And luckily, we got a great song out of it, and we were able to really paint something really cool with it and just be able", "id": "2905507" }, { "contents": "Talk About Our Love\n\n\n, \"Talk About Our Love\" debuted at number six, becoming Norwood's fifth non-consecutive top-10 single. The song was the second-highest entry of the week behind Britney Spears' \"Everytime\" at number-one, and remained two weeks within the top 10. Elsewhere, \"Talk About Our Love\" enjoyed moderate success. While it still managed to reach the top 40 in Australia, Ireland, Italy, and the Netherlands, the single failed to enter the top 50 on other foreign markets. The", "id": "6225210" }, { "contents": "WWII (album)\n\n\n, \"You could tell Waylon was bothered by Willie's success, although he said he didn't care. He'd tell audiences, 'I don't care if I'm not number one. I'll be number two.' The crowd didn't even know what he was talking about. I saw Willie on some cooking show on TV and the host said Waylon was mad at him. Willie laughed and said, 'What's he mad about today?' Waylon cared. Willie didn't.\" Although Chips", "id": "1475048" }, { "contents": "Already There\n\n\n(Hall). So wherever you are in your life, just know that at the end of the day, Jesus is already there. The song has had many positive reviews from many critics talking highly about the songs musical style which is more like Pop Rock and the lyrics having a strong connection to God (Hall). The song has also gotten its fair share of ratings, hitting number 10 on the Billboard Hot Christian AC chart and number 12 on the Hot Christian Songs Chart. Hall composed the song after a", "id": "14070071" }, { "contents": "Texas Night Train\n\n\nbe destroyed and Shanti Guy should be legally prohibited from ever picking up a camera again.\" Despite the negative critical reaction, filmmaker Shanti Guy told the media that audiences were more receptive. As he stated in an interview: “There are three standard reactions that I got. Number one: we are proud of you whatever you do. Number two: that was some much cooler than I thought it would be. And number three: so, what was it about? I plan to try the film in some festivals", "id": "2792791" }, { "contents": "Number (sports)\n\n\nCardinals tried out uniforms with small numbers on the sleeves, but the players did not like them, and they were removed. For the 1929 Major League Baseball season both the New York Yankees and Cleveland Indians put numbers on their jerseys, the first two teams to do so, beginning a trend that was completed by 1937, when the Philadelphia Athletics became the last team to permanently add numbers to their jerseys. There is no system for numbering players in baseball, though in the very early years some teams did employ their own", "id": "7771081" }, { "contents": "You're My Number One\n\n\n7 single to be released as a double A-side, later followed by \"Say Goodbye\" and \"Love Ain't Gonna Wait for You\" in 2003. \"You're My Number One\" is described as a fun up-tempo retro number. \"You're My Number One\" is an upbeat, retro-styled song about a person questioning what love is to them. They feel that if love is what they are feeling, then they have to tell the person they like that they're their", "id": "11522677" }, { "contents": "That's What I'm Talking About\n\n\nThat's What I'm Talking About is the debut studio album by Australian singer Shannon Noll, released on 9 February 2004 (see 2004 in music) and debuted at number 1 on the ARIA Charts. The album includes his number one, 4x platinum debut single, \"What About Me\". Limited edition copies of the album were housed in a slipcase and also contained a bonus disc containing the following tracks: The album debuted at number-one on the Australian Albums Chart with sales of 131,680 copies. The album remained", "id": "6272017" }, { "contents": "Trip distribution\n\n\nOne configuration of such trips will be: where 0! = 1. That configuration can appear in 1,260 ways. We have calculated the number of ways that configuration of trips might have occurred, and to explain the calculation, let’s recall those coin tossing experiments talked about so much in elementary statistics. The number of ways a two-sided coin can come up is formula_26, where n is the number of times we toss the coin. If we toss the coin once, it can come up heads or tails,", "id": "5708984" }, { "contents": "Tom Snow\n\n\nThomas Righter Snow (born 1947 in Princeton, New Jersey) is an American songwriter. Snow has written songs for Gayle McCormick \"(Even a Fool Would Let Go\" with Kerry Chater - a song covered by a number of artists including Kenny Rogers and Joe Cocker). \"Love Not War\" (with Barbara Griffin), Olivia Newton-John (\"Deeper Than the Night\", \"Make a Move on Me\"), and Melissa Manchester (\"You Should Hear How She Talks About You\")", "id": "13745755" }, { "contents": "Nothing Short of Dying\n\n\n\"Nothing Short of Dying\" is a song written and recorded by American country music artist Travis Tritt. It was released in February 1992 as the fourth and final single from Tritt's album \"It's All About to Change\". It peaked at number 4 on the \"Billboard\" country music chart in the United States, and at number 7 on the country singles chart in Canada. \"Nothing Short of Dying\" is a ballad telling of a failed relationship. In it, the male narrator talks about how he", "id": "16806287" }, { "contents": "Something to Talk About (Bonnie Raitt song)\n\n\npool. The song was popular on multiple formats of radio: it peaked at number 5 on Billboard's Adult Contemporary chart, number 12 on Billboard's Mainstream Rock chart, and number 5 on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100. It is one of Bonnie Raitt's most popular songs, along with \"I Can't Make You Love Me\". 7\" Single (1991) Raitt won the Best Female Pop Vocal Performance at the Grammy Awards of 1992 for her recording of this song (Oleta Adams, Mariah Carey,", "id": "3267264" }, { "contents": "DevilDriver\n\n\n\" refers to the \"storm\" his life has been the past 10 years, \"You have your maker's hand and I have my maker's hand and we both living in our fury, the fury of our maker's hand. It explains my life\". The album was released on June 28, 2005 and debuted on the \"Billboard\" 200 chart at number 117, with sales of 10,402 in its first week. The album also debuted at number 1 on the Top Heatseekers chart. Johnny Loftus of Allmusic", "id": "9464964" }, { "contents": "There You Have It (album)\n\n\nthe album was originally released on May 19, 2017, and the label later decided to re-release the album. Describing his first meeting with TDE, Reason said: When discussing his different experiences with label meetings, Reason said \"Every meeting, all they talked about was my social media, my YouTube numbers, my SoundCloud numbers, and then we would play music for six minutes and that would be it, Top did not bring those things up once, and we played music for an hour and a half,", "id": "13428027" }, { "contents": "Paulo Henrique Ganso\n\n\nAlexandre Pato to São Paulo FC he was awarded the number 10 shirt, and was hopeful that the number would give him confidence, and that his performances would improve. Ganso stated: \"I am very happy to wear the shirt of São Paulo and, now, to be given the number 10 shirt. This number was already worn by so many good players and I feel an immense happiness to be among them. My playing style is more traditional and I am told that a number 10 must know how to play in", "id": "14230814" }, { "contents": "Squad number (association football)\n\n\nas FIFA World Cup or continental cups) each team must list a squad of 23 players, wearing shirts numbered 1 through 23. Thus, in this case, third-choice goalkeepers often wear the number 23. Prior to the 2002 FIFA World Cup, only 22 players were permitted in international squads; therefore, the third goalkeeper was often awarded the number 22 jersey in previous tournaments. The move to a fixed number being assigned to each player in a squad was initiated for the 1954 World Cup where each man in a", "id": "22179193" }, { "contents": "Chetton\n\n\nbut it was not in a manual profession, they were employed in a domestic service role or in an office. Census data has enabled us to have an insight to the way Chetton used to be. In 1831 the census began to gather more personal information about people's properties, the number of rooms, the number of people living there etc., but the statistical data gathered was the number of people occupying the house and the number of rooms. We are able to use this data and see that there were 123", "id": "1721308" }, { "contents": "MyLifeIsAverage\n\n\nsubmissions, so until it recovers, only registered users can submit.\" As a response to why a user should join, MLIA states: \"No one cares. It would let you comment on submissions, but really, does anyone need or want to read your literary flatulence?\" Karin Fuller of \"The Charleston Gazette\" found a number of MLIA stories to be her favorites. In \"The Charleston Gazette\", Fuller shared the MLIA post: \"Today, I saw a commercial about a dandruff shampoo that said", "id": "967523" }, { "contents": "Can't You See That She's Mine\n\n\n\"Can't You See That She's Mine\" is the fourth single released in the United States by the Dave Clark Five. Written by Dave Clark and Mike Smith, it reached number four on the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart for the week of 18 July 1964. In the UK, the single rose to number 10 in June 1964. It was the Dave Clark Five's fourth Gold Record. The middle four bars start with the lyric \"People talk and try to break us up. Well we know they", "id": "19339873" }, { "contents": "Just Like You (Three Days Grace song)\n\n\nairplay on mainstream rock, active rock and modern rock radio stations than \"Just Like You\". However, both songs peaked at the same position (number 55) on the U.S. \"Billboard\" Hot 100 pop singles chart. Adam Gontier reflected on the meaning behind the song; he said: \"It's about being told how to live your life. When we were growing up, we saw it sort of first hand. A lot of our friends were pushed into doing jobs their parents were telling them to do", "id": "11740667" }, { "contents": "Bitch I'm Madonna\n\n\nnow in the process of talking to various co-writers and producers and talking about where I want to go with my music\". By the next month she started posting a number of images on social media website Instagram, where she hinted at possible songwriters and collaborators with hashtag captions. Two months later, Madonna posted a selfie where she talked about working with American DJ Diplo. Madonna had invited him to her annual Oscar party, but he was unable to attend. They eventually started talking about music through texts and decided", "id": "15023944" }, { "contents": "Kylian Mbappé\n\n\n, Mbappé played as PSG won 2–0 against Les Herbiers VF to clinch the 2017–18 Coupe de France. In July 2018, Mbappé was given the number 7 jersey for the upcoming season with PSG, taking up the squad number vacated by Lucas Moura. Sporting the hashtag #K7LIAN, Mbappé stated, \"I keep trying to progress on the pitch and I think that, for me, it was the right time to change number. It is something of an affirmation. The No. 7 shirt is a legendary one and many", "id": "9354002" }, { "contents": "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)\n\n\n/title after seeing a phone book. He said: McCartney once told Beatles recording analyst Mark Lewisohn, \"[People] are only just discovering things like 'You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)' — probably my favourite Beatles' track!\" He went on to explain: The lounge section includes a reference to Denis O'Dell, associate producer on the \"A Hard Day's Night\" film, whom Lennon had also worked with on \"How I Won the War\". Partway through the song,", "id": "13634744" }, { "contents": "What Makes You Country (song)\n\n\nworrying about what makes someone 'country'; rather, we should be celebrating our own unique lives.\" The song is an anthem with a central theme of identifying with country lifestyles. Bryan performed the song at the 2018 telecast of the Country Music Association awards, with accompaniment from Lindsay Ell, Ashley McBryde, Chris Janson, Luke Combs, Jon Pardi, and Cole Swindell. \"What Makes You Country\" peaked at number 2 on the \"Billboard\" Country Airplay chart, and at number 7 on the Hot Country", "id": "4114757" }, { "contents": "Tramp (Lowell Fulson song)\n\n\nnumber five in the \"Billboard\" R&B chart. The song was also Fulson's most popular single in the broader, pop-oriented \"Billboard\" Hot 100 chart, where it reached number 52. Fulson recalled Bihari's initial reaction: \"Oh, he hated 'Tramp', Jules [Bihari] did.\" However, when he previewed the song for two influential disc jockeys, the response was \"Hush! Man, get me my copy, quick. You sitting on a gold mine, talking about you", "id": "20088149" }, { "contents": "A Thousand Words Before Friday\n\n\na singles bar. Henry wants to help out, but Betty suggests Gio (\"He's perfect, he's a total dog\"), making Henry uneasy. At the bar, Betty and Gio talk about what Gio likes in a woman. Gio agrees to help Betty with her research but is upstaged by Henry, who challenges Gio to a contest to see how many girls' phone numbers they can get. Henry beats Gio 7 to 6, but as Betty begins to tear up the numbers, Gio tells her", "id": "7634275" } ]
I own a Ferrari, do you know anything about them?
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[ { "contents": "Arnold Geulincx\n\n\nmodo fiat, non facis\"—if you do not know how a thing is done then you do not do it. He also states a form of this principle in his \"Metaphysica vera\". Since then, the movements of my body take place without my knowing how the nervous impulse passes to the muscles and there-causes them to contract I do not cause my own bodily actions. \"I am therefore a mere spectator of this machine. In it I form naught and renew naught, I neither make anything here nor destroy", "id": "3729389" }, { "contents": "John Thune\n\n\n'll look at the facts when we get them all in here. I think a lot of us want to do everything we can to prevent tragedies like that from happening again. You know, it's an open society. And when somebody does what he wants to do it's going to be hard to prevent anything. But I think people are going to have to take steps in their own lives to take precautions. To protect themselves. And in situations like that, you know, try to stay safe. As", "id": "14397042" }, { "contents": "Dom Kennedy\n\n\nfocused on business management while I was there, not really thinking about music per se at first, but just on life. You know, like damn if I wasn't rapping or doing anything with music that was kind of where I saw myself in the world. I always hoped I could be an entrepreneur, you know I guess, but thats the aspirations of many people but I just felt like if I was going to learn about anything I might as well learn about structures of corporations, or at least find", "id": "10926855" }, { "contents": "Joe Paterno\n\n\n, Paterno testified: \"I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it. You did mention — I think you said something about a rumor. It may have been discussed in my presence, something else about somebody. I don't know. I don't remember, and I could not honestly say I heard a rumor.\" Freeh's team also discovered a 2001 email from Curley about the subsequent 2001 incident in which McQueary witnessed Sandusky", "id": "14593735" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump sexual misconduct allegations\n\n\nbeing able to kiss and grope women because he was \"a star\": \"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it, you can do anything... grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.\" Many attorneys and media commentators have said that Trump's statements described sexual assault. On October 7, Trump released a video statement", "id": "17721304" }, { "contents": "Andrew Reynolds (skateboarder)\n\n\n, and [asked] \"Do you wanna do something with us?\", not knowing anything about me. Yeah, Tony's the man. Sure, he's the best. In 2012, Reynolds recruited Hawk's son Riley Hawk for Baker and explained the process in an online interview: ... I [thought], \"it's kinda touchy, you know what I mean, like?\" It's kind of weird, you know? Tony's kid, he rides for Birdhouse. But I look at", "id": "654723" }, { "contents": "Coretta Scott King\n\n\n-in-law's eyes.\" According to Coretta, Kennedy said \"I want to express my concern about your husband. I know this must be very hard on you. I understand you are expecting a baby, and I just want you to know that I was thinking about you and Dr. King. If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to call on me.\" Kennedy's contact with King was learned about quickly by reporters, with Coretta admitting that it \"made me feel", "id": "4075627" }, { "contents": "It's Good\n\n\nReally you got baby money ... You ain't got my lady's money.\" Kanye West played the track for Wayne but his response was \"I wouldn’t ask him about a Jay-Z line because he’s not Jay-Z.\" Lil Wayne further elaborated on the alleged attack by saying \"I know there won’t be any repercussions behind what I did. I know for a fact music is about perception. You can’t do anything but perceive what you hear. I know that for a fact. So", "id": "14315272" }, { "contents": "Jerry Lewis\n\n\nin their country, stating, \"President Bush is my president. I will not say anything negative about the president of the United States. I don't do that. And I don't allow my children to do that. Likewise when I come to England don't you do any jokes about 'Mum' to me. That is the Queen of England, you moron.\" \"Do you know how tough a job it is to be the Queen of England?\" In a December 2015 interview on EWTN's", "id": "16001771" }, { "contents": "New York: A Love Story\n\n\n\" In November 2013, in an interview with \"Complex\", he spoke about if he was surprised by the positive feedback he got from the album, saying: \"I was and I think it’s mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. You do a project, you know it feels good to yourself, you know what it is but to really have it be respected everywhere, by everyone. I really haven’t heard anything bad as of yet.\" He also spoke about how he wanted to", "id": "3878997" }, { "contents": "Wilhelm Reich\n\n\nthen 13: I am in Lewisburg. I am calm, certain in my thoughts, and doing mathematics most of the time. I am kind of \"above things\", fully aware of what is up. Do not worry too much about me, though anything might happen. I know, Pete, that you are strong and decent. At first I thought that you should \"not\" visit me here. I do not know. With the world in turmoil I now feel that a boy your age should experience", "id": "20123209" }, { "contents": "Our House (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song)\n\n\nordinary moment that many, many people have experienced. In the same interview, Nash was asked about the harmonies in the song: \"It's me and David [Crosby] and Stephen [Stills] doing our best. That's all we ever do. You know, we're lucky enough to be able to do, you know, anything that we want to do, musically. And, you know, these two guys are incredible musicians. Crosby is one of the most unique musicians I know, and Stephen", "id": "6930189" }, { "contents": "On the Mindless Menace of Violence\n\n\nYou know, God's been good to me and I really don't need anything. But I just feel that if He's been that good, I should try to put something back in. And you all call yourselves leaders and you've been moaning and groaning about personal problems. You haven't once talked about your own people.\" The meeting ended with most attendees pledging their support to Kennedy's campaign. One of them later acknowledged that Kennedy was \"completely sympathetic and understanding\". Kennedy then restlessly wandered around", "id": "15697676" }, { "contents": "El Americano: The Movie\n\n\n' works, Arnaiz has decided to partner with the studio, which primarily focuses on animation for video games and promotions. “They were very creative, they had a lot of knowledge and I said: ‘Would you be interested in doing a movie with me? I don’t know anything about CGI, you don’t know anything about making movies — let’s combine and create this thing together,” says Arnaiz. For assistance, Arnaiz tapped animation veteran Raul Garcia, and Mike Kunkel, who is Arnaiz's personal", "id": "6545241" }, { "contents": "Climax (2018 film)\n\n\nhim a script so they could learn their lines, he answered \"no, just come to the set and do whatever you want, I’ll never push you to do anything against your will and if you have any ideas please tell them to me.\" Noé did give several ideas to the cast, but let them free to follow them or not: \"I knew the start and the end point, but I didn’t know the in-between. For example, initially I thought Sofia Boutella’s character,", "id": "9437034" }, { "contents": "Henry Wirz\n\n\nat Andersonville, his sentence would be commuted. Allegedly, Schade repeated the offer to Wirz who replied, \"Mr. Schade, you know that I have always told you that I do not know anything about Jefferson Davis. He had no connection with me as to what was done at Andersonville. If I knew anything of him I would not become a traitor against him, or anybody else, even to save my life.\" Rev. P. E. Bole received the same visitor and later sent a letter to Jefferson Davis, who", "id": "7055184" }, { "contents": "Mamie Francis Hafley\n\n\ntalk with them. I told them that I had no ill will toward them or hard feelings against them about staying with you and Frank. I know that I can get along without Dick better than you can without Rene, but any time that business slacks up, or you do not need them, I will always be glad to have them come over with me; or any or all of you, as far as that is concerned. I know of no friends that I hold in higher esteem than I do you", "id": "6983893" }, { "contents": "Rock Star (2001 film)\n\n\nthe band we offered our help. We said 'If there's anything you want to know, talk to us at the time.' And certainly our communication was cut off and that was it and they went off on their own tangent.\" Hill added \"I mean, I quite enjoyed the movie. It was entertaining, you know?\" Hill was quoted as saying \"It had nothing to do with Rob Halford, Ripper Owens and Judas Priest, it's got nothing to do with that, whatsoever.", "id": "13352495" }, { "contents": "John Milius\n\n\nmistake on the form, you flunked the class. His attitude was that the least you can learn is the form. \"I can't grade you on the content. I can't tell you whether this is a better story for you to write than that, you know? And I can't teach you how to write the content, but I can certainly demand that you do it in the proper form.\" He never talked about character arcs or anything like that; he simply talked about telling a good yarn", "id": "18137359" }, { "contents": "You Know What You Did\n\n\nthat \"I wouldn't fight for the camera. If anything I would try not to.\" In a separate interview, she revealed that she almost quit the program before the season began, stating \"it wasn't so much about the filming, but I didn't want to do a show with the other people on it\", which was assumed to be alluding to Montag and Pratt. \"You Know What You Did\" was met with generally favorable reviews from critics, who felt that the changed dynamic between Conrad", "id": "12368639" }, { "contents": "Bat Out of Hell\n\n\n\" when CBS executive Clive Davis rejected the project. According to Meat Loaf's autobiography. Davis commented that \"actors don't make records\" and challenged Steinman's writing abilities and knowledge of rock music: Do you know how to write a song? Do you know \"anything\" about writing? If you're going to write for records, it goes like this: A, B, C, B, C, C. I don't know what you're doing. You're doing A, D, F,", "id": "7571662" }, { "contents": "Tame Impala\n\n\n-minded about thinking an album is the only way you can put out music, especially in the world we’re in at the moment. Anything is possible. There’s so many people doing interesting things with the internet and technology, there could be so many ways of making music and listening to it. It’s 2013 and you can make music anywhere ... There are so many possibilities, my brain is overloading on them all. I just need to wait, think about things a bit more. Then I’ll know", "id": "12414061" }, { "contents": "Robert Kanigher\n\n\nput it in the next. Just because I was distributing space. I was so stupid and naive, I said to him, \"It doesn't bother you, does it, that I sometimes switch some of the panels around and move some of the balloons from one panel to another?\" He started to chew me out in the elevator! \"Who the hell do you think you are, changing my stuff? Where do you come off changing my stuff? You don't know anything about this business!\"", "id": "10076447" }, { "contents": "Do You Like Worms?\n\n\nnew title \"Roll Plymouth Rock\" with almost all of its original lyrics. When asked about the name change from \"Do You Like Worms?\", Wilson explained, \"Because we wanted something a little more appropriate, you know? Something that sounded more appropriate.\" In 2013, Al Jardine stated: \"I kept yelling at people over at Capitol that there’s not one goddamn lyric about worms on this track. It’s called 'Roll Plymouth Rock'. I defy you to find anything about worms on", "id": "13564153" }, { "contents": "Billy Breathes\n\n\nfor where the bird in front or in back of them is going. Musically, each member of Phish knows what the other is doing, which then carries over to the whole. The band can play anything, which then raises the question: Well, what should they play? With \"Billy Breathes\", it's the closest they got to making what I would say is a good stoner album. You know what I mean: you put on the CD, you fire up a big one and you just go", "id": "2834115" }, { "contents": "Cultural and political image of John McCain\n\n\nhe said: \"I understand you called my ex-wife. I want you to know that, campaign aside, politics aside, you ever do anything like that again, anything against a person in my family, I will personally beat the shit out of you.\" The smear campaign against his adopted Bangladeshi daughter during the 2000 South Carolina presidential primary so bothered him that, by some accounts, he considered leaving the Republican Party. The traditions McCain was brought up under have extended to his own family. His son", "id": "5798662" }, { "contents": "Tony Hawk\n\n\nbasically, to me it says, \"You can be a skater and take over everything and be, you know ... and use skateboarding to be ... a businessman, a ... role model to young people,\" um, he's just the best. And, he called my house when I was fifteen, and was, like, \"Do you wanna do something with us?\" not knowing anything about me. Yeah, Tony's the man, sure, he's the best. In 2012 Reynolds recruited Hawk", "id": "5688604" }, { "contents": "Lennon Remembers\n\n\nfans at the height of Beatlemania, saying that American youth in 1964 displayed a clean-cut, wholesome appearance yet represented an \"ugly race\". Regarding rock critics, he states: \"What do I have to do to prove to you son-of-a-bitches what I can do, and who I am? Don't dare, don't you dare fuckin' dare criticize my work like that. You, who don't know anything about it. Fuckin' bullshit!\" Lennon says that the", "id": "21691819" }, { "contents": "In Living Color\n\n\nHalf of comedy is making fun of stereotypes. They only get critical when I do it. Woody Allen has been having fun with his culture for years, and no one says anything about it. Martin Scorsese, his films basically deal with the Italian community, and no one ever says anything to him. John Hughes, all of his films parody upscale white suburban life. Nobody says anything to him. When I do it, then all of a sudden it becomes a racial issue. You know what I mean?", "id": "10219926" }, { "contents": "Just the Way You Like It (The S.O.S. Band album)\n\n\n” He said, “What do you mean?” I said, “The little bassline in that record is from the S.O.S. Band.” He replied, “No. I didn’t know that.” My kids are always trying to turn me on to new stuff, and they think I don’t know anything. They were trying to turn me on to ASAP Rocky, and I had to tell them I cleared the sample for him to use in the record six months earlier.\" Jam and Lewis'", "id": "1945691" }, { "contents": "4 Minutes\n\n\nthink it's important to take it too literally. I think the song, more than anything, is about having a sense of urgency; about how we are you know, living on borrowed time essentially and people are becoming much more aware of the environment and how we're destroying the planet. We can't just keep distracting ourselves we do have to educate ourselves and wake up and do something about it. You know at the same time we don't want to be boring and serious and not have fun so it", "id": "20295254" }, { "contents": "Billy Bush\n\n\n\"I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.\" He also talked about stars groping women: \" just kiss...when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything [Bush: Anything you want]...grab them by the pussy...\" When the news of the footage first broke, Bush was at New York's JFK International Airport waiting to take off for Los Angeles. He spent the six", "id": "2241519" }, { "contents": "Boléro\n\n\nToscanini responded, \"You don't know anything about your own music. It's the only way to save the work\". According to another report, Ravel said, \"That's not my tempo\". Toscanini replied, \"When I play it at your tempo, it is not effective\", to which Ravel retorted, \"Then do not play it\". Four months later, Ravel attempted to smooth over relations with Toscanini by sending him a note explaining that \"I have always felt that if a composer", "id": "14401841" }, { "contents": "Marshall Field\n\n\n1917 and was thus unable to collect his inheritance, leaving the Field fortune in the hands of Marshall Field III. The Field Museum of Natural History was named after him in 1894 after he gave it an endowment of one million dollars. Field was initially reluctant to do so, reportedly saying \"I don't know anything about a museum and I don't care to know anything about a museum. I'm not going to give you a million dollars.\" However he later relented after railroad supplies magnate Edward E. Ayer,", "id": "10639832" }, { "contents": "Le Chat Bleu\n\n\nwe had all these great people involved, you know, and we thought we had something great. I came back to America, and my label at that time said, “Well, we think we should put it on the shelf for a while.” This was right before Christmas for God's sake when you know people are going to be buying stuff, so I asked them what the problem was. They said they had never heard anything like it before and didn't know what to do with it. We", "id": "2477384" }, { "contents": "Cleveland Indians name and logo controversy\n\n\nAmerican baseball player. So I think what we choose to do is celebrate, you know, Louis Sockalexis and his history and tradition with the Indians and, and not to focus on uh anything that we would view, that, you know, anything that we don't view and certainly don't want to put, uh, be offensive to anyone.\" DiBiasio has described conversations about Chief Wahoo with the Cleveland American Indian Movement and others as \"an exchange of ideas, concepts, philosophies\". The Cleveland American Indian", "id": "4742269" }, { "contents": "Radislav Krstić\n\n\nnot there. Only four of them are still there. They took off, fuckers. They're not there RK: I'll see what I can LB: Check it out and have them go to Drago's. Krle, I don't know what to do RK: Ljubo, take those MUP guys from up LB: No, they won't do anything. I talked to them. There is no other solution but those 15 to 30 men with Indjić.br RK: Ljubo, you have to", "id": "11828807" }, { "contents": "Heart to Yours\n\n\n. This is something that has been in my heart to do, so I had to do it. I thought that it would be a perfect time. Choosing to do this at the height of my career rather than doing it when Destiny's Child is at a downfall, you know? Most people do that. They go Gospel when they don't have anything else to do anymore, you know? I chose to do this while I can reach people.\" She echoed this sentiment in speaking with \"Billboard\"", "id": "3782805" }, { "contents": "Hans Litten\n\n\nNo one will be able to do anything for Litten. Hitler turned red with rage from just hearing Litten's name, once bellowing at Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, 'Anyone who advocates for Litten lands in the concentration camp, even you.'\" Litten: (…) Did you know that in the circles of the SA there is talk of a special \"rollkommando\"? Hitler: I haven't heard anything about a \"rollkommando\". (…) Litten: You said that there will be no violent", "id": "20035269" }, { "contents": "You Oughta Know\n\n\nI just connected with her as a person, and, almost parenthetically, it was like 'Wow, you're 19?' She was so intelligent and ready to take a chance on doing something that might have no commercial application. Although there was some question about what she wanted to do musically, she knew what she didn't want to do, which was anything that wasn't authentic and from her heart.\" \"You Oughta Know\" was co-written by Morissette and Ballard. Morissette stated that she wrote", "id": "6796222" }, { "contents": "Ian Hill\n\n\n? When we heard about the production company were going to make a movie based, as far as we knew, about Ripper joining the band we offered our help. We said 'If there’s anything you want to know, talk to us at the time.' And certainly our communication was cut off and that was it and they went off on their own tangent.\" Hill added \"I mean, I quite enjoyed the movie. [laughs] It was entertaining, you know?\" Hill was quoted as", "id": "18212855" }, { "contents": "Cole Weston\n\n\nfilms Kodachrome and Ektachrome to Edward because they wanted him to \"photograph Point Lobos in color\" to which Edward responded: \"Well, I don’t know anything about color, but I know Point Lobos better than any man alive\". With the leftover film, Cole began experimenting with the new medium and, in 1957, he created his first color prints of the California coastline. \"I’m a color photographer. That’s what I do. Whether you like it or not, that’s what I do.", "id": "2965300" }, { "contents": "The Thing (1982 film)\n\n\nof the day, that was the position these people were in. They just didn’t know anything... They didn't know if they knew who they were... I love that, over the years, that movie has gotten its due because people were able to get past the horrificness of the monster... to see what the movie was about, which was paranoia.\" Carpenter summarised, \"Now, I do know, in the end, who the Thing is, but I cannot tell you.\" In the", "id": "12207477" }, { "contents": "Extreme Measures\n\n\nas a hired hand so it wasn't that I didn't know anything... Yes, there are things I know now that I didn't know before. But there are things a monkey could learn to do... I think learning to keep on top of things ... You have to, sort of, learn that as you go. I hadn't realized how fragile a film could be. I did end up being very hands-on. I ended up doing much more than I had expected to. I didn't", "id": "5779044" }, { "contents": "Charles Taze Russell\n\n\nare not exclusive to Masonry but pre-date the fraternity. In June 1913, during a transcontinental speaking tour, Russell lectured in a Masonic hall in San Francisco, saying: Although I have never been a Mason ... Something I do seems to be the same as Masons do, I don't know what it is; but they often give me all kinds of grips and I give them back, then I tell them I don't know anything about it except just a few grips that have come to me naturally.", "id": "20108602" }, { "contents": "Cursed (2005 film)\n\n\nscrewed up. I mean, that went on for two-and-a-half years of my life for a film that wasn't anything close to what it should have been. And another film that I was about to shoot having the plug pulled – \"Pulse\" – so it was like, I did learn from the \"Cursed\" experience not to do something for money. They said, 'We know you want to do another film, we'll pay you double.' And we were 10 days", "id": "5190320" }, { "contents": "2002 United States Grand Prix\n\n\nof a second. It was Ferrari's eighth one-two finish of the season. Barrichello said \"To win, it was very, very, very good... I got to the last corner, I didn't know what to do and nothing has been said. Michael was just very kind to, you know, let us finish equally. I guess I pointed a little bit in front, but, you know, what can we say?\" Schumacher said \"The end of the race was not planned...", "id": "9182606" }, { "contents": "Modal realism\n\n\na disadvantage compared to someone who pretends as a figure of speech to believe in possible worlds, but really does not. If worlds were creatures of my imagination, I could imagine them to be any way I liked, and I could tell you all you wished to hear simply by carrying on my imaginative creation. But as I believe that there really are other worlds, I am entitled to confess that there is much about them that I do not know, and that I do not know how to find out. While", "id": "21182706" }, { "contents": "Metro-2\n\n\n\"I would be surprised if it did not exist.\" In the same year, in an interview with \"Izvestia\", he said: \"There is a lot of talk about the existence of secret transport tunnels. I will not deny anything. I would be surprised if they did not exist. You ask: Can we use them to transport passengers? It is not for me to decide, but for those organizations who own the railways. I do not exclude such a possibility.\" In 2008, in", "id": "16470109" }, { "contents": "The Voice of the Philippines\n\n\n. It's not what most people grew up that you need to sing the highest notes. It's all about good music, how you give your own interpretation and it's the uniqueness actually.\" When asked about her coaching style, she said, \"Anything that I see that is lacking or wrong, I always say it straightforward. That the trouble me sometimes. I also said that I really don't know how to speak well so that is why I'm straightforward. \"If you have no emotions while", "id": "17817555" }, { "contents": "John Cooper (musician)\n\n\n, anything with guitars, you couldn't have long hair, you couldn't do this and you couldn't do that. Everything was so lifeless. I know I'd read the Bible and be like...'This isn't what the Bible says. I like the idea of living for Jesus, but I hate the idea of living for you.' Ya know?\" Cooper came from a musical family. His mother was a piano teacher and a singer in the church that he went to. He began singing at", "id": "3203241" }, { "contents": "The Past Presents the Future (Ugly Betty)\n\n\nhe then tells Betty that she looks great. Hilda gives a speech and talks about knowing someone better than they do and that you would do anything to protect them and how that's when you know that you are in love. During Hilda's speech, Daniel gazes at Betty, indicating that he has realized that he's in love with her. Betty decides to accept the London job and Justin takes a big step too, when he leads Austin to the dance floor and all of his family smile. Marc tells Spencer", "id": "1385168" }, { "contents": "Geoffrey Coleridge, 3rd Baron Coleridge\n\n\na poet, you know, never did anything practical that was any good to anybody, actually not thought much of in the family, a bit of a disgrace in fact ... why a young girl like you should spend your time on the old reprobate, I can't think! ... Now I at least know something about beef cattle ...'. Coburn wrote that Coleridge \"...had a brusque, dry, caustic tongue which could be rude or frightening if intuition didn't tell one that the last thing to do was", "id": "18378261" }, { "contents": "Do You Know (Michelle Williams album)\n\n\nlives?\", Williams responded \"That everybody live in peace and not settle for anything less than what the Lord wants to bring your way. I know what I went through, I know God is taking me to another level. I had people around me that were not going where I was going – I had to release them from my life.\" Critical reviews of the album were generally favorable. Kwaku of \"Cross Rhythms\" wrote that \"Michelle seems happy to produce music which straddles between contemporary gospel and inspirational", "id": "3782842" }, { "contents": "You Set Fire to My Life\n\n\nand her son Gabriel.Arena said, \"The song is about them allowing me to shine, like I hope I allow them to do also.\" she added, \"It's the great thing about being in a relationship where you know there's genuine love with a man who inspires me and challenges me, both intellectually and spiritually. I guess it is a tribute to him. When you do find someone you are on the same page with, it's a beautiful thing.\" In October, Arena promoted", "id": "15284054" }, { "contents": "I Do (Colbie Caillat song)\n\n\nyou're not with that person, when you're thinking about them and knowing that you're ready to tell them that you love them.\" Caillat did get miffed at the way video directors were interpreting the song. She told AOL: \"Every single director who sent treatments in [made it] all [about a] wedding dress, or me at the altar or me dreaming about a wedding. And I was like, 'No. Come on, if you understood the song then you'd know it was", "id": "7572745" }, { "contents": "The Second Coming Tour\n\n\ntalks of a tour in the United Kingdom began to circulate in November 2008. These rumors were later dismissed by bassist Billy Gould. He stated: \"If anything like this were to happen, it would have to come from the band, and I haven't spoken with any of them in over a year. So as far as I know, there isn't anything to talk about, and I'm pretty sure that if you were to contact Patton, he would tell you the same thing.\" On February 24", "id": "16660709" }, { "contents": "Scream Queens (2015 TV series)\n\n\nI don't think it'll take anything away from anything.\" Falchuk talked at length about the decision making processes as to who will die in each episode, \"It's harder casting and directing actors you know you're going to have to kill off. Once you get on the set and you're working with them, they're sometimes so great that it's challenging.\" The creator continued, \"...when we got to know the actress who played Deaf Taylor Swift, she was so funny that we got", "id": "19200271" }, { "contents": "Eric Brown (pilot)\n\n\nreview highlights in this series have included the following types: As regards his preferences Brown states: My favourite in the piston engine (era) is the de Havilland Hornet. For the simple reason it was over-powered. This is an unusual feature in an aircraft, you could do anything on one engine, almost, that you could do on two. It was a 'hot rod Mosquito' really, I always described it as like flying a Ferrari in the sky. On the jet side I was a great", "id": "15319965" }, { "contents": "Beauty & the Streets Vol. 1\n\n\na minute. Teamed up with Young Empire and there is a demand for Mýa to come back but I had to come back in a different way. Because I have a fan base and reputation for doing so many collaborations I’m like I want to do that and you know that rap dominates now so this is for the jeeps. The mix tape is really about who Mýa is and the streets. If I have anything to do with it I am going to keep serving my fans. There should never be a time", "id": "13251024" }, { "contents": "Chris Barnes (musician)\n\n\n've kind of eased off and been watching different types of films, you know, back into that. I like all sorts of stuff, it just has to be a well-told story, like everything coming from the writers look. I mean, special effects and that type of stuff doesn't impress me that much more subtle effects do, I mean, I know of the editing process and that doesn't really do anything for me, you know, the magic's taken out. I just like a well", "id": "3885379" }, { "contents": "Al Jaffee\n\n\ncharacter. Something different, something new.\" I searched around and thought, \"I've never seen anyone do anything about a seal,\" so I made him the lead character. So I created \"Silly Seal\". One day, Stan said to me, \"Why don't you give him a little friend of some sort?\" I had already created Ziggy Pig, who had his own little feature, so it was quite easy to combine them into one series. I said, \"How about Ziggy", "id": "20202326" }, { "contents": "Izvorne i novokomponovane narodne pesme\n\n\na hurry anymore. I still do not know how many tracks will be on the album and when I publish it. These songs are singing in a specific way, and you can not love them. All my life, I had to make songs for other people. I do not have to do anything at the moment and I want to dedicate the edition to my mother Ifeta. Thanks to her I learned to sing and love many beautiful original songs. Nineteen old hits by Lepa Brena were included on her new album", "id": "16907647" }, { "contents": "Teen Tech Week\n\n\nAre you a teen? Then here is what you can do! \"The best thing to do is to talk to your public or school librarian. Ask them if they have anything planned for Teen Tech Week and let them know you are interested in helping out. If your teacher or librarian does not have anything planned or has never heard of Teen Tech Week, show them this web site and help them get started!\" What does it cost to participate in Teen Tech Week ? There is no cost for participating in", "id": "17106050" }, { "contents": "Pakistan Zindabad\n\n\nof Muslims chanting \"Pakistan Zindabad;\" among them was a young boy of about 10 years age, who was scantily clothed. Jinnah called him and asked, \"You were shouting Pakistan Zindabad, what do you know about Pakistan?\" The boy replied, \"I do not know very much about Pakistan. I only know that Pakistan means Muslim rule where many Muslims live, and Hindu rule where Hindus live,\" to which Jinnah observed that his message had reached the people and remarked that now the struggle for Pakistan", "id": "3901230" }, { "contents": "Street Angel (album)\n\n\nfor about eight weeks and I didn't mess with the vocals, which I should have. But I was so sort of overwhelmed with trying to fix the things that I didn't like about the music, which was like... there was no percussion, there was no Waddy Wachtel. Because I was told that the last thing that I would need was Waddy Wachtel. And I, you know... I mean, to that comment I was so speechless that I just didn't do anything, I said ok. So", "id": "12512948" }, { "contents": "Tony Martin (British singer)\n\n\nten years. It sounds like a really stupid thing to say, as they didn't say anything to my face – and, if that's the case, then more fool them for not saying anything, because, you know, we could have fixed it. I said to them, endlessly, that if there was anything they wanted changed, done differently, just to say and we could fix it, but clearly they didn't, they hadn't got the guts to, obviously, and to write about it", "id": "8120536" }, { "contents": "Secret Court of 1920\n\n\nright and be of service, whether at Harvard or outside. I know that you will keep on trying wherever you are. Secondly, please remember that if there is ever anything I can personally do to help you, I shall be glad to know it and to do it.\" Given the number of interviews, and the consequent expulsions, the undergraduate population must have become aware of the Court's work in a matter of days. Yet the Court's work escaped public attention. At least twice the Court was told", "id": "10978846" }, { "contents": "Ed Wilkes\n\n\nhim as the farm director; he taught me everything I know about farm broadcasting. He was always 'Big Ed' and I was 'Little Jimmy.' ... He meant a lot to Lubbock. He wasn't outspoken, but he always spoke out. He'd open that line at his radio station to anyone who wanted to talk, but he also always let you know exactly how he felt. Everybody loved 'Big Ed' ... He'd do anything in the world for you.\" Wilkes subsequently purchased KRFE", "id": "20640039" }, { "contents": "Cass Elliot\n\n\non stage. Embarrassed by the debacle, Elliot plunged into a deep depression. David Crosby published a memoir in 1988, saying the following about his use of heroin with Elliot: It was always the bad drug, always the worst. It got a little more open around the time that Cass and I were doing it, but it wasn't something you told people [about]. It wasn't anything you bragged about, you know. ... Me and Cass Elliot were closet junk takers and used to get loaded with", "id": "2053249" }, { "contents": "Rick Moranis\n\n\ndo it, but it's got to be good.' You know, I'm not interested in doing anything I've already done, and I thought the second one was a disappointment. But I guess I'm interested in where that guy is now. I sort of see him as being Bernie Madoff's cellmate in jail. Both of them being so orderly that they race to get up and make their beds.\" In 2015, regarding an offer for a brief appearance in the film, he concluded: \"", "id": "6271563" }, { "contents": "Bayer Mack\n\n\nno business to learn. Do you. I really don’t do sh*t. I don’t watch Rap City or anything. Maybe I should, but I’m out grinding. Def Jam ain’t never dealt with a cat they had to catch up with. I be doing sh*t they don’t even know about.”\" After seeing a photo of Lil Wayne with guns and marijuana in \"VIBE\" magazine, Mack expressed his frustration in a July 12, 2006 interview with \"Velocity\", saying intelligence was \"", "id": "9158616" }, { "contents": "Albert Pujols\n\n\nRBI in the series. Over two games in April 2006, Pujols hit home runs in four consecutive plate appearances, making him the 20th player to accomplish the feat. Pujols maintained after the game that he was more concerned with winning than the numbers: \"I don't look at numbers,\" he said. \"I don't know. I didn't know anything about [the record] until you guys brought it up. Because that's not me. I don't get locked in on numbers. I do", "id": "16558318" }, { "contents": "Puddle of Mudd\n\n\n, he doesn't produce our songs, he doesn't do anything for us. He doesn't do our videos anymore. He doesn't do anything for this band. I don't know what he's doing, I don't know what the guy's like. All I know is that he's like Mr. Hollywood guy, Mr. Celebrity. Like, 'I don't hang out with anybody except Hollywood celebrities'. Every single fucking interview I've ever fucking done, I get asked about that fucking guy...", "id": "2589976" }, { "contents": "The Possession\n\n\nbox, Jason Haxton, offered to send it to producer Sam Raimi, who was both interested and reluctant. Raimi laughingly told an \"Entertainment Weekly\" interviewer, \"I didn't want anything to do with it. I'm scared of the thing.\" He also told the interviewer that he was raised in a conservative Jewish home: \"You don't hear about dybbuks when you go to synagogue. I know the demonic lore of \"The Exorcist\". But what does my faith believe about demonic possession? ...", "id": "263250" }, { "contents": "Don Young\n\n\nreferred to Brinkley's argument as \"garbage\", but also addressed Brinkley as \"Mr. Rice,\" (rather than Dr. Brinkley). Brinkley responded with remarks about Young's own education, stating, \"I know you went to Yuba College and couldn't graduate.\" Young's reaction, \"I'll say anything I want to say! You just be quiet!\", was met with Brinkley's refusal, and response that Young, \"didn't own [him]\" and quipping that as a taxpayer", "id": "17907604" }, { "contents": "Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape\n\n\na woman that he and Bush were about to meet. He added, \"I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.\" Commentators and lawyers have described such an action as sexual assault. News of the recording broke two days before the second 2016 presidential debate between Trump, the Republican nominee, and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Trump gave a statement in which he apologized for the video", "id": "17208849" }, { "contents": "Abbey Lee Kershaw\n\n\nthe blogosphere, where Richardson was accused of cajoling the girls for his own sexual satisfaction. In his defense, Kershaw said, \"Terry doesn't force girls to do anything they don't want to. He puts you in a G-string in a pile of mud because you want to do it. You touch yourself because you want to. For me, that shoot was the truth about how things were between us both, and I felt good doing it. I'm not ashamed of it—why should I", "id": "4244558" }, { "contents": "Sun Deng (recluse)\n\n\nthree years. K'ang asked for his prognosis concerning his own future, but Teng never answered. However, K'ang always sighed in respectful admiration over the fine subtlety contained in his godlike counsels. When K'ang was about to take his leave, he said to the man, \"Sir, have you nothing, after all, to say?\" Teng finally answered, \"Do you know anything about fire? When it is lit it gives light. Yet knowing when not to use the light is, after all, included in", "id": "6992292" }, { "contents": "Plain Spoken\n\n\ndon't know about people who love each other until death do they part. I don't know anything about it. So all I can figure is that Tennessee Williams sent me that thing.\" On \"The Courtesy of Kings,\" Mellencamp told iHeart radio: \"It's a real old American expression that people used to say to each other back in the 1800s. Like a father would say to his son, 'Now make sure you show the guy the courtesy of kings.' In other words, be", "id": "3113247" }, { "contents": "New England Skeptical Society\n\n\non... We totally over-estimated them... They’re presented as serious researchers who actually know what they’re doing. Then you meet them and, '“Oh, my god.”' ...The guy had no idea what he was doing, didn't know the first thing about anything relevant to paranormal investigation or ghost phenomenon.\" Novella and DeAngelis asked and were promised that they would be allowed to follow along on one of the Warren's investigations, but were repeatably turned down with different excuses. The Warrens", "id": "1346751" }, { "contents": "Joost van der Westhuizen\n\n\nit's only when you lose them that you realise what it is all about. But I know that God is alive in my life and with experience you do learn. I can now talk openly about the mistakes I made because I know my faith won't give up and it won't diminish. It's only when you go through what I am going through that you understand that life is generous.\" In May 2011, van der Westhuizen's publicist confirmed that he had been diagnosed with motor neurone disease. Some", "id": "17693940" }, { "contents": "Converse (shoe company)\n\n\nmake something with it. It just definitely started consuming me like skating did. I wanted to read about it, you know? Go on the internet and watch videos about it, and just learn anything and everything I could about woodworking. The first thing I ever made was a bench, and that's, kinda, what I've been making ever since. the cool thing about working with Product (RED) is just by doing the two things that I love, I'm also able to help people. Pappalardo", "id": "19865207" }, { "contents": "Jerry Cantrell\n\n\nChains may have stalled this release. When asked about releasing another solo album, he issued this statement in 2010: In November 2014, during an interview on radio 95.5 KLOS, Cantrell was asked if he had any plans on doing more solo work, to which he replied: \"I don't know. Maybe somewhere down the road. The only reason I ever did anything by my own was because my band wasn't really doing anything. My band has been doing things lately, so I don't really have time", "id": "18213558" }, { "contents": "Durga Charan Nag\n\n\n, I tell you, take my word. Nothing can taint you, even if you remain a householder. Men will wonder to see your life. Nagmahashaya: How should I pass my days as a householder? Sri Ramakrishna: You have not to do anything; only be always in the company of pious men. Nagmahashaya: How am I to distinguish a pious man, unintelligent as I am? Sri Ramakrishna: Oh no, you have not to search for them. You remain in your own house, and the", "id": "2542611" }, { "contents": "Broke with Expensive Taste\n\n\nyou saw me on Twitter, like, 'The fuck? I'm tired of talking to these white guys about my shit.' It felt like they were playing some sort of head game. And you know I love conspiracy theories. I was like, 'They're trying to brainwash me! Fuck these guys!' In regard to the album's sound, Banks has stated that she was aiming for something \"just as stylish and authentic as anything that I do.\" She added that she did not want", "id": "993849" }, { "contents": "Grievance (song)\n\n\neasy. It tries to make us believe that it's some sort of freedom we have. Of course, it's easy and comfortable if you can do all your shopping via the internet, if you don't need to leave the house to do anything. But, on the other hand, what is going to happen? You lose touch with people. You don't meet new people except on the internet and whatever you do can be traced. They know everything about you; they know what you buy; they", "id": "20735880" }, { "contents": "Madman theory\n\n\nVietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war. We'll just slip the word to them that, \"for God's sake, you know Nixon is obsessed about communism. We can't restrain him when he's angry—and he has his hand on the nuclear button\" and Ho Chi Minh himself will be in Paris in two days begging for peace. In October 1969, the Nixon administration indicated to the Soviet Union that \"the madman was loose\" when the United", "id": "13397594" }, { "contents": "Racial views of Donald Trump\n\n\nthe same interview, Trump was asked if he would \"repudiate\" Duke, Trump said: \"I would do that, if it made you feel better. I don't know anything about him.\" On February 25, 2016, Duke said that he did \"support\" a vote for Trump. On February 26, Trump said that he \"didn't even know\" Duke endorsed him: \"I disavow, okay?\" On February 28, Trump was asked by CNN's Jake Tapper if he would \"", "id": "21859768" }, { "contents": "Savatage\n\n\nstate that a one-off anniversary tour featuring Skolnick, Wacholz and other past Savatage members is being planned with Paul O'Neill as a final send off to the band. Zachary Stevens has made it clear that he will participate in a 25th anniversary festivities with the band. Jon Oliva then said about the band \"Well, it's over but it's not over, you know what I mean? It's over right now because no one's doing anything. We haven't disbanded or anything. We have plans to do", "id": "19456839" }, { "contents": "The Life of Mary Baker G. Eddy and the History of Christian Science\n\n\n, and it takes every hour of my time and as much vitality as I can put into it. ... You can't know, never having done it, how such work does sap your poor brain and wring it dry of anything you'd like to pretend was there. I jump about like a squirrel in a cage and wonder how I got here and why I am doing it. I never in my life wanted to do this sort of thing. I have a clean conscience on that score. Then why am", "id": "8535491" }, { "contents": "James Dean\n\n\na study of poor Jimmy Dean. I've made a study of myself, and I know why girls, at least the young 'uns, go for us. We're sullen, we're broodin', we're something of a menace. I don't understand it exactly, but that's what the girls like in men. I don't know anything about Hollywood, but I know you can't be sexy if you smile. You can't be a rebel if you grin.\" Dean and Presley have", "id": "13725007" }, { "contents": "Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me?\n\n\n'Harry Kellerman' ... Much of the dialog is too cute ('What should I do for reality; it never did anything or me.' 'If Shakespeare wrote music, they'd all be in the top 10.' 'Doctor, I came to you in flames, and you treated me for sunburn.') And when Dustin Hoffman can't deliver these lines smoothly, you know they are stilted.\" Charles Champlin of the \"Los Angeles Times\" was positive, calling the film \"a crackling", "id": "1907951" }, { "contents": "Burning Image\n\n\nJello if he knew about what was happening in Bakersfield, so that’s why Jello asked my wife, “Hey, do you know anything about the Lords of Bakersfield?”... So after we told Jello, his jaw dropped to the floor... he asked me again, “Moe, so are you guys going to write a new album?”... He says, “That sounds like some intense subject matter, maybe you should write about that.” I really didn’t give it a second thought that night", "id": "2832101" }, { "contents": "Blank Page\n\n\nfrom F to G. Lyrically, the song is about how Aguilera wishes to \"wipe the slate clean\" with a former lover and \"reconcile an old romance\". She knows that she has wronged him, but is asking to be given a second chance. Andrew Hampp for \"Billboard\" noted that this sentiment is revealed by Aguilera in the lyrics \"If I could do undo that I hurt you/ I would do anything for us to make it through\". The song begins with the chords of a piano as Aguilera", "id": "8538641" }, { "contents": "Basic Instinct (album)\n\n\nLos Angeles Times\", if the label [ LaFace Records ] had anything to do with the delays in release or late promotion, Ciara replied \"I did see a few comments and I said, 'You know what? I one day look forward to being able to share with my fans (things that happen).' Right now, this is about living in a world of possibility and doing my best, .. Getting the record out there, I just want my fans to hear it. This album is really", "id": "2269657" }, { "contents": "Dom Kennedy\n\n\nnot trying to do anything, you know, different or to say, ‘This is new.’... I set out to do it the way they did it, just in my own way\". Kennedy has rapped over a wide range of past and present hip hop beats in his career, consistently bringing the element of L.A. and West Coast hip hop to his music. Such beats include Big Poppa on the track \"Notorious Dom\" \"(25th Hour)\" and Best I Ever Had on the track \"", "id": "10926867" }, { "contents": "Mel Gibson\n\n\na whole other world. Once you've been exposed to it, once or twice or however many times, if you know the facts and see how they're presented, it's mind-boggling. It's a very scary arena to be in, but I do vote. I go in there and pull the lever. It's kind of like pulling the lever and watching the trap door fall out from beneath you. Why should we trust any of these people? None of them ever deliver on anything. It", "id": "355039" }, { "contents": "The Fellowship (Christian organization)\n\n\na 'confidential' memorandum, and leakage always seems to occur. Thus, I would urge you not to put on paper \"anything\" relating to any of the work that you are doing... [unless] you know the recipient well enough to put at the top of the page 'PLEASE DESTROY AFTER READING.' In 2002, Coe denied that the Fellowship Foundation owns the National Prayer Breakfast. Jennifer Thornett, a Fellowship employee, said that \"there is no such thing as the Fellowship\". Former Republican Senator", "id": "512056" }, { "contents": "The Handmaid's Tale\n\n\ntheir husband, father, or head of household. They are not allowed to do anything that would grant them any power independent of this system. They are not allowed to vote, hold a job, read, possess money, or own anything, among many other restrictions. A particular quote from \"The Handmaid's Tale\" sums this up: \"The Republic of Gilead, said Aunt Lydia, knows no bounds. Gilead is within you\" (HT 5.2). This describes that there is no way around the", "id": "3932804" } ]
I dont like alchohol. I have never drank it! That means you may not have experienced Sobriety before which is a form of not having any measurable levels or effects from alcohol. I see, is it the same as a sobriety test done by law enforcement?
[{"answer": "Of course yes they need to know if the person is sober or in a state of sobriety", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "872424", "title": "Sobriety", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 183, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 235, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\nor residual effects of any mind-altering substances. Colloquially, it may refer to a specific substance that is the concern of a particular recovery support program (e.g. alcohol, marijuana, opiates, or tobacco). \"Clean and sober\" is a commonly used phrase, which refers to someone having an extended period without drugs or alcohol in their body. Field sobriety tests and breathalyzer testing are two ways law enforcement officers often test for sobriety in a suspected drunk or high driver. In the US, these \"standardized field", "id": "16400290" }, { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\nSobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels or effects from alcohol or drugs. Sobriety is also considered to be the natural state of a human being given at a birth. A person in a state of sobriety is considered sober. In a treatment setting, sobriety is the achieved goal of independence from consuming alcohol. As such, sustained abstinence is a prerequisite for sobriety. Early in abstinence, residual effects of alcohol consumption can preclude sobriety. These effects are labeled \"PAWS,\" or \"post acute withdrawal syndrome", "id": "16400288" }, { "contents": "Alcohol and health\n\n\nwere in effect \"saving up\" their units and using them at the end of the week, a phenomenon referred to as binge drinking. \"The Times\" reported in October 2007 that these limits had been \"plucked out of the air\" and had no scientific basis. Sobriety is the condition of not having any measurable levels, or effects from mood-altering drugs. According to WHO \"Lexicon of alcohol and drug terms...\" sobriety is continued abstinence from psychoactive drug use. Sobriety is also considered to be the", "id": "5664536" }, { "contents": "Alcohol intoxication\n\n\nperformed as part of a toxicology screen. Law enforcement officers in the United States and other countries often use breathalyzer units and field sobriety tests as more convenient and rapid alternatives to blood tests. There are also various models of breathalyzer units that are available for consumer use. Because these may have varying reliability and may produce different results than the tests used for law-enforcement purposes, the results from such devices should be conservatively interpreted. Many informal intoxication tests exist, which, in general, are unreliable and not recommended as deterrents", "id": "8107134" }, { "contents": "Dennis Martínez\n\n\ntried to play, it wasn’t the same. I wasn’t the same pitcher, not the same before I stopped drinking. And it’s true, you can’t concentrate on the game and on sobriety at the same time. You have to concentrate on one or the other.\" He had slight improvements in 1985, going 13–11 with a 5.15 ERA in 33 games and 180 innings of work. He allowed more hits and runs than the season before while having 68 strikeouts and 63 walks. On June 5,", "id": "920389" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\nbreath sample. It was developed by inventor Robert Frank Borkenstein and registered as a trademark in 1954, but many people use the term to refer to any generic device for estimating blood alcohol content. With the advent of a scientific test for BAC, law enforcement regimes moved from sobriety tests (e.g., asking the suspect to stand on one leg) to having more than a prescribed amount of blood alcohol content while driving. However, this does not preclude the simultaneous existence and use of the older subjective tests in which police officers", "id": "21329290" }, { "contents": "I Never Liked You\n\n\nas \"an example of sobriety and restraint, and one of the harshest, most hopeless teenage portraits ... in any medium\". Scripter and critic wrote the book demonstrates Brown a master of his medium. Norwegian cartoonist Jason calls \"I Never Liked You\" a favourite autobiographical work. Alongside Seth's \"It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken\" and Joe Matt's \"The Poor Bastard\"—works by Brown's Toronto-based friends and Drawn and Quarterly stablemates—\"I Never Liked You\" is seen as a prominent example", "id": "2145865" }, { "contents": "Troy Donahue\n\n\nwas never made. After his fourth marriage ended in 1981, Donahue decided to seek help for his drinking and drug use. In May 1982, he joined Alcoholics Anonymous which he credited for helping him achieve and maintain sobriety. \"I look upon my sobriety as a miracle,\" he says. \"I simply do it one day at a time. The obsession to not drink has become as big as the obsession to drink. I was very fortunate.\" Donahue continued to act in films throughout the 1980s and into", "id": "14357850" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nvalidated tests by NHTSA are: Alternative tests, which have not been \"scientifically\" validated by the NHTSA, include: There were three tests chosen to constitute the \"Standardized Field Sobriety Tests\", which are: (1) the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Test; (2) the Walk & Turn Test; and (3) the One-Leg Stand Test. Although most law enforcement agencies continue to use a variety of these FSTs, most use the three-test battery of validated field sobriety tests, referred to as", "id": "6114371" }, { "contents": "Monica Youngblood\n\n\narrested on May 20, 2018 at a sobriety checkpoint under suspicion of driving under the influence. According to police, Youngblood smelled of alcohol and her speech was slurred. She was placed under arrest after performing poorly on field sobriety tests and refusing to take a breathalyzer test. Youngblood made several statements regarding her position as a legislator to the arresting officers. She was recorded on tape telling police, \"I literally fight for you guys.\" According to the New Mexico Governmental Conduct Act, it is a criminal offense for public", "id": "5903123" }, { "contents": "Jack Grisham\n\n\na nut. I used to think I didn't have a problem because I didn't shoot up and I didn't take acid.\" After several minor tangles with the law stemming from his drug and alcohol abuse, Grisham married a 16-year-old girl in Mexico, which he claims got him on the road to sobriety. When asked how he got sober in a 2008 interview, Grisham said, \"Actually, I married an underage girl. I wanted her to get clean. I said I would support her.", "id": "7885558" }, { "contents": "Sobriety\n\n\n.\" Someone who abstains, but has a latent desire to resume use, is not considered truly sober. An abstainer may be subconsciously motivated to resume alcohol consumption, but for a variety of reasons, abstains (e.g. a medical or legal concern precluding use). Sobriety has more specific meanings within specific contexts, such as the culture of many substance use recovery programs, law enforcement, and some schools of psychology. In some cases, sobriety implies achieving \"life balance.\" Sobriety may refer to being clear of immediate", "id": "16400289" }, { "contents": "Alcohol and health\n\n\nresume drug use, but for a variety of reasons, abstains (e.g. such as a medical or legal concern precluding use). Sobriety has more specific meanings within specific contexts, such as the culture of Alcoholics Anonymous, other 12 step programs, law enforcement, and some schools of psychology. In some cases, sobriety implies achieving \"life balance\". Injury is defined as physical damage or harm that is done or sustained. The potential of injuring oneself or others can be increased after consuming alcohol due to the certain short", "id": "5664538" }, { "contents": "Climax (2018 film)\n\n\nit was eventually added them to the film. Those scenes were also completely improvised. While he had also featured drugs in previous films, Noé decided to have a different approach in \"Climax\": \"I didn’t want to do any visual or sound effects to reproduce the feeling you are having when you’re on drugs. I thought it would be funny it do it the other way, like shoot almost documentary style with long cuts, seeing how the effects of drugs and alcohol are experienced, how its seen from", "id": "9437043" }, { "contents": "Dane Eagle\n\n\nto submit to a field sobriety evaluation. Following his arrest, he refused to take a breath test. Following his arrest, Eagle put out a statement, declaring, \"I was arrested in Tallahassee and accused of driving under the influence of alcohol. While there are some decisions I would have made differently, I do not believe there is a complete and accurate picture of the events. Under the advice of my legal counsel, I cannot discuss all of the details right now, but I look forward to sharing the", "id": "9286612" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nthe organization's battery of standardized sobriety tests to help make decisions about whether to arrest suspected impaired drivers. The tests were designed to indicate intoxication associated with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.10%. An early NHTSA report described a 6-test battery. A 1981 report became the basis of SFTs used in the United States, including the NHTSA's Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) battery published Mar-1999. After some US states began lowering their BAC limits to 0.08%, a study was done to see if the battery", "id": "6114365" }, { "contents": "Death, Sex and Money\n\n\nout.\" On the May 25th, 2015 episode of the podcast, 2016 Tony nominee Jeff Daniels discussed relapsing at 50 after 14 years of sobriety saying, \"And I hadn’t drank for 14 years, cold. Just cold turkey. Just quit … I was two months into 50 and I was checking into a hotel room in some city. I’m throwing the suitcase on the bed and I hear a voice behind me. And it’s me, clear as day say, ‘Don’t you think you’ve", "id": "11329272" }, { "contents": "John O'Donnell (Irish politician, born 1980s)\n\n\na negative person. I like to see things going forward, progress, like ... and eh ... there's some members of Donegal County Council who would be the completely opposite ... I have done it before on other stuff ... within the council, I would have probably – there's 37 [councilors] there, I would certainly have 25 to 30 that are always nearly with me ... you know what I mean ... Because they know I am a populist, like I use common sense ... I am a realist ... you", "id": "11606374" }, { "contents": "York Regional Police\n\n\nin Ontario as well as in the US The enforcement unit is responsible for enforcement of all traffic laws. Officers from the enforcement unit perform breath tests and test drivers for sobriety utilizing standardized field sobriety testing and drug recognition experts. The York Regional Police's traffic bureau has trained over 100 frontline officers in the SFST battery and 15 officers trained as DREs Officers from the enforcement unit utilize various speed measuring devices from hand-held radars and lasers to moving radar units in their police vehicles. Speed enforcement is conducted throughout the region.", "id": "18694645" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\ncould be used to detect BACs at or above 0.08% and above and below 0.04%. This was done to deal with the changes in the laws that led to lower legal BAC limits across the US. One of the most controversial aspects of a DUI stop is the use of Field Sobriety Tests (FST). The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has developed a model system for managing Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) training. They have published several training manuals associated with FSTs. As a result of", "id": "6114366" }, { "contents": "First Great Awakening\n\n\nwhere I never expect to enjoy my liberty. While I lived in my own country, I knew nothing of that Jesus I have heard you speak so much about. I lived quite careless what will become of me when I die; but I now see such a life will never do, and I come to you, Sir, that you may tell me some good things, concerning Jesus Christ, and my Duty to GOD, for I am resolved not to live any more as I have done.\" Davies became", "id": "4175268" }, { "contents": "Alcohol laws of Texas\n\n\nstorage to which the driver and or any passengers do not have access. An operator of a motor vehicle is considered under the influence of alcohol if a chemical screening test shows a blood-alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher. No other evidence (such as Field Sobriety tests) need be presented to the court to obtain a DUI (driving under the influence) conviction. A driver testing 0.15 percent or more over the legal limit of 0.08 percent faces more severe penalties for enhanced BAC. When under the age of 21", "id": "20140756" }, { "contents": "Gary Wallis\n\n\nknow how much it applies to any music that you record, or bands that you play with. I mean, it's great to have all those chops and it allows you to interpret whatever's in your mind, which is great, but, it's never really been for me. I mean, I like band drummers\"...\"I like to see bands as a cohesive unit and no-one sticking out too much.\" Gary Wallis is the cousin of Pink Fairies guitarist and former member of Motörhead, Larry Wallis", "id": "12136268" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\ndriving under the influence with tools like breathalyzers during field sobriety tests. Excluding edibles, a THC breathalyzer has the potential to measure how \"high\" an individual may be at the time. The legality of marijuana does not entail safety on the road, and accurate methods have become required to determine driver impairment. A THC breathalyzer could revolutionize roadside sobriety testing for drivers suspected of impairment. In the US state of Colorado, impaired drivers may potentially be charged with child endangerment if they are arrested for DUI with minor children in the", "id": "21329317" }, { "contents": "Hills Like White Elephants\n\n\nrid of, whereas the woman only sees it as this due to the fathers views. \"They look like white elephants,\" she said. \"I've never seen one,\" the man drank his beer. \"No, you wouldn't have.\" \"I might have,\" the man said. \"Just because you say I wouldn't have doesn't prove anything.\" The girl looked at the bead curtain. \"They've painted something on it,\" she said. \"What does it", "id": "13039581" }, { "contents": "Drunk driving in the United States\n\n\n0.08% or higher (see blood alcohol test assumptions). If it is determined after arrest that the person's BAC is not at or above the legal limit of 0.08%, they will probably be released without any charges. One may, however, still be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol on the basis of driving symptoms, observed impairment, admissions or performance on the field sobriety tests. And if there is suspicion of drug usage, a blood or urine test is likely, or at least the testimony", "id": "8899010" }, { "contents": "Jackass (franchise)\n\n\n, \"He's taking to sobriety like he took to drugs and alcohol, I'm very proud of him. I think we'll see him doing some stuff here really soon. As a matter of fact, I know we are.\" He later stated \"Something's coming. We're pretty excited.\" Later, he added, \"I think it'll be a big year next year, but I don't want to talk about it yet ...\" In September 2009, Margera revealed to \"Iltalehti\"", "id": "7504413" }, { "contents": "Marilyn Manson (band)\n\n\nin the mid-90s. Soon after, Manson announced that he had \"decided to part ways\" with his longterm bassist. Several days later, Ramirez released a statement which said: \"I have only recently been made aware of these allegations from over 20 years ago. I do not condone non-consensual sex of any kind. I will be taking some time to spend with my family and focus on maintaining my several years of sobriety. If I have caused anyone pain, I apologize and truly regret it.\" On", "id": "19662190" }, { "contents": "Bulletproof (La Roux song)\n\n\nit was one of the reasons she was experiencing panic attacks while touring for the debut album: \"I wasn't that keen on it. I don't know if I want to have a hit like that again [...] But it's 10 years ago for me now and I think it's weird when so many people see you as being represented by that song, and you feel so far away from it. [...] You stop being able to be respected in any way shape or form. I started", "id": "21312771" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\nchemical testing (breath, blood, etc.) In Republic of Korea, it is crime to drive if one's level of alcohol is .03% or greater. Police often operates sobriety checkpoints without notice in advance, and it is criminal offense to refuse a sobriety test. Driving under influence of alcohol result in suspension or disqualification of driver's license. In British law it is a criminal offence to be drunk in charge of a motor vehicle. The definition depends on such things as being in or near the vehicle,", "id": "21329328" }, { "contents": "Frank Buchman\n\n\n: \"I have been impressed by the effectiveness of Moral Re-Armament in creating unity between peoples who have been divided. I have myself experienced the power of honest apology in healing the hurts of the past.\" MRA played an important role in the peaceful decolonization of Morocco and Tunisia. In 1956, King Mohammed V of Morocco wrote to Buchman: \"I thank you for all you have done for Morocco, the Moroccans and myself in the course of these last testing years. Moral Re-Armament must become for", "id": "1027842" }, { "contents": "Alcohol laws of Utah\n\n\nscientist with the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, points out that “... no research has been conducted to establish whether there is any actual benefit to this law's implementation. Exposure to alcohol does have an effect on teen drinking, but I worry that the multimedia, including alcohol advertising, would overwhelm any effects that the Utah law might have,\" said Fell. \"It's important to evaluate this — but it would have to be done by an independent, objective researcher, not someone who is an advocate or", "id": "9502174" }, { "contents": "Dry drunk\n\n\nhence, they act like \"dry drunks.\" In most cases, alcohol dependency is a substantial factor in the lives of the alcoholics and accepting sobriety comes with its own challenges and understanding of their personality. Despite leaving alcohol and de-addicting themselves, most of their personalities are an embodiment of their drunkard selves. The dry drunk is portrayed with feelings of profound depression and frustration and with the indecisive feeling of wanting a drink that they have given up. Several alcoholics drink for about 10-20 years before maintaining sobriety", "id": "3847113" }, { "contents": "Steve Kilbey\n\n\nmembers of the group got 100 bucks each. i mean he couldnt give us nothing to he came up with 100 bucks each. i am insulted. i have decided to leave the church. this is not a joke. i will complete the current tour and then i’m done. i implore you all not to buy any records from second motion records. as you see none of it will come to us. same as it ever was. However, the Church continued as an active band and, in November", "id": "10977834" }, { "contents": "Alexander Gooch and Alice Driver\n\n\nyou mean thereby, for in all my life I never heard nor read of any such Sacrament in all the Scripture.\" \"Spenser\": \"Why, what scriptures have you read?\" \"Driver\": \"I have, I thank God, read God's Book... the Old and New testament. That same book have I read throughout, yet never could find any such Sacrament there; and for that cause I cannot make answer to that thing I know not. Notwithstanding for all, I will", "id": "7183472" }, { "contents": "Peter Dupas\n\n\nremarked \"...the prospects of your eventual rehabilitation must be regarded as so close to hopeless that they can be effectively discounted. There is no indication whatsoever that you have experienced any sense of remorse for what you have done, and I doubt that you are capable of any such human response. At a fundamental level, as human beings, you present for us the awful, threatening and unanswerable question: How did you come to be as you are?\" Dupas appeared in the Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal in", "id": "12673972" }, { "contents": "Hope Is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have – but I Have It\n\n\nand that it was \"recorded no click mostly live\". He also commented its combination of \"felt piano\" and Del Rey's \"perfect vocal\" had \"sounded exactly like that in the room\". In the song, Del Rey discusses religion, family, troubled romance, her struggle with alcoholism, her \"journey to sobriety\", and her refusal of fame and complex relationship with the limelight. \"Hope\" also contains references to Sylvia Plath, after whom the song was originally named. Writing for \"", "id": "21037324" }, { "contents": "No Lifeguard on Duty\n\n\nthat I have never experienced.\" Banks elaborated that she wanted a judge on the program that had gone through issues in her modeling career that she herself had not: \"I sit all the time and talk to girls and say, 'Don't drink. Don't smoke. Don't go out. Don't do this. I never did it.' But there's only so much you can preach to someone if you've never done it. I thought I could have someone like Janice because she's so", "id": "9900765" }, { "contents": "Justin Lee (activist)\n\n\nThe majority of people whom I have met, and I would say the majority meaning 99.9 percent of them, have not experienced a change in their orientation or have gotten to a place where they can say that they could never be tempted or are not tempted in some way, or experience some level of same-sex attraction.A year later, when Exodus announced that they would be closing, Lee wrote, \"As a Christian, I grew up believing groups like Exodus could make me straight. Even years after I", "id": "15288512" }, { "contents": "Death of Jaylene Redhead\n\n\nprovided the Special Investigative Report. The panel lambasted the Native Women's Transition Centre in Winnipeg, with Justice Larry Allen stating that \"There does not appear to be any point to sending drug/alcohol addicted mothers to supposed 'safe houses' if these people are going to have free access to the community without making sure that their sobriety is tested\". The grandmother of Jaylene Redhead says her life will never be the same after the murder, stating \"God gave us these kids to look after them, not destroy them", "id": "2048030" }, { "contents": "The History of the Rebellion\n\n\nsuffer the same fate as her grandfather Charles I. The Queen wrote to her friend Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough on 21 October 1703: Sir B. Bathurst sent me Ld Clarendons history last week, but haveing not quite made an end of ye first part, I did not unpack it, but I shall have that Curiosety now, to See this extraordinary dedication, which I should never have looked for in ye Second part of a book, & me thinks it is very wonderfull that people that dont want sense in some things", "id": "21582175" }, { "contents": "Welsh v. Wisconsin\n\n\nwhich the States have provided remedies for violations of federally defined obligations. E.g., Moore v. Chesapeake & Ohio R. Co., 291 U. S. 205 (1934). But it has done so in contexts where state remedies are employed to further federal policies. See Greene, Hybrid State Law in the Federal Courts, 83 Harv.L.Rev. 289, 300 (1969). The Fourth Amendment of course applies to the police conduct at issue here. In providing that a driver may reasonably refuse to submit to a sobriety test if", "id": "6808705" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nthe discretion of the officer to determine whether what he/she see observes is actually a cue sufficient to count against the test subject. The NHTSA's 1977 study had an error rate of 47 percent, and the 1981 study had an error rate of 32 percent, which is considered unusually high for a scientific study. One of the main criticisms of field sobriety tests is that the judgment is left up to the discretion of the police officer. An officer may have some bias towards a suspect and judge the test more critically", "id": "6114385" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nrequirements are considered mandatory.) A suspect requested to participate in a Field Sobriety Test is likely to be told that the purpose is to determine whether the suspect is impaired; however, FST tests are widely regarded as having, as their primary purpose, gaining tangible evidence for use against the suspect. The evidence is important in the establishment of probable cause for arrest. Since \"probable cause\" is necessary under US law (4th Amendment) to sustain an arrest and invocation of the implied consent law, it is important that", "id": "6114390" }, { "contents": "Tonya Cooley\n\n\nseries \"The Erotic Traveler\". The stressful environment of the \"Real World/Road Rules Challenge\" seasons led to a bout with alcoholism, but in 2016, BuzzFeed News reported she has gained sobriety in the years since leaving the series and that she is now a salon owner. Cooley told the publication, \"I am a genuinely happy person now.\" Tonya Cooley hails from Walla Walla, Washington. At the time she began filming \"The Real World: Chicago\", she claims to have never interacted with", "id": "6112428" }, { "contents": "Movement in Black\n\n\na Simple Dream, Movement in Black, Move in Darkness, My Lover Is a Woman, Cop-out, For Willyce, Best Friends, Pit Stop, Sobriety, For the Straight Folks Who Don't Mind Gays But Wish They Weren't So BLATANT, My Lady Ain't No Lady, Non-monogamy Is a Pain in the Butt, Language, Let Me, Solitary Lover, I Kumquat You, A Small Contradiction, I Wish That I Could Hate You, Break-up, Sunshine, I Have,", "id": "9584703" }, { "contents": "John Inglis (civil servant)\n\n\nhave been under the afflicting necessity of rusticating your son for the remainder of the present term. You will doubtless recollect that, on a former occasion (Nov. 1838), I had the painful duty of inflicting on him ... a solemn Reprimand & Admonition, for joining a late, and very turbulent party, by which much mischief was done, and several students greatly annoyed and molested. His recent offence is, that ... he dined at an Inn at Hoddesdon, and returned to College in a state of very questionable sobriety", "id": "6440277" }, { "contents": "Like We Never Said Goodbye\n\n\nwas where to take it if he did sit down next to her. What would be the next logical thing that happens? How do you break that ice and start talking again? I knew I wanted it to have a snowball effect with the story. You see each other, and then this happens and this happens and this happens … like a snowball effect, where they’re together at the end. Like if I hadn’t of walked back in, then we would have never sat down to talk. If we", "id": "8856184" }, { "contents": "Artie Lange\n\n\nTo this day I have never seen it because I don't think it's possible to purchase a copy of it anywhere ... it was screened in a theater at least once, because my manager went to see it\". Filming for the second season of \"Mad TV\" began in August 1996. Two months later, Lange ended his sobriety and returned to doing cocaine. His time on the show ended in November 1996 when his agent and the show's cast and crew attempted an intervention. The incident began when Lange", "id": "8999316" }, { "contents": "George Cheyne (physician)\n\n\nI thank you for your Jacob Behemen [sic]; you will never have done with your Bribes. I wish I could do for you what you want and desire. All I can say, without Bribe or Entreaty, of mere Love and good Will, I shall ever do my best for you, and I shall beg of God to direct me in this particularly.\" Cheyne may have referred here to any of Boehme's works which had been translated into English during 1645-1662 by John Sparrow, John Ellistone", "id": "10230481" }, { "contents": "There There (novel)\n\n\nbe a real Indian,\" and in the mirror, wearing tribal regalia pulled from a closet, sees only \"a fake, a copy, a boy playing dress-up\". Calvin Johnson confronts his guilt at claiming to not be Native at all, admitting \"Mostly I just feel like I'm from Oakland.\" Tony Loneman grapples with the fetal alcohol syndrome left him by his alcoholic mother, while Octavio Gomez remembers alcohol through the drunk driving accident that claimed his family, and Jacquie Red Feather faces sobriety from", "id": "16753365" }, { "contents": "Rob Halford\n\n\na more detailed explanation looking back on the day he quit drugs and alcohol and how it affected his live performances and emotional well being since then, \"It's a trail of sobriety that I really know for a fact has helped me in my career and in my life as a musician and as a person. I'd like to feel that I'm better in both worlds in that respect. I think I've improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober. But, you know", "id": "18111547" }, { "contents": "Martin van Creveld\n\n\nis a dilemma which others have suffered before us, and for which as far as I can see there is simply no escape. Now the Israeli army has not by any means been the worst of the lot. It has not done what for instance the Americans did in Vietnam... it did not use napalm, it did not kill millions of people. So everything is relative, but by definition, to return to what I said earlier, if you are strong and you are fighting the weak, then anything you do", "id": "14574880" }, { "contents": "Phineas Pratt\n\n\nif I or any of my men have done you wrong.‟ We answered, \"First tell us if we have done you any wrong.‟ He answered, \"Some of you steal our corn & I have sent you word times without number & yet our corn is stolen. I come to see what you will do.‟ We answered, \"It is one man which has done it. Your men have seen us whip him divers time, besides other manner of punishments, & now hear he is, bound. We give him unto", "id": "14698811" }, { "contents": "Sexaholics Anonymous\n\n\narticle titled Principles Corroborating SA's Interpretation of Sexual Sobriety Roy wrote, \"\"Ever since attending the April 1986 and 1987 NYC Marathons, I have been examining my own assumptions in the same-sex area. That year I wrote a letter to a same-sex member sharing my thoughts; it now has the title \"Recovery Reveals Our False Assumptions.\" That paper, which follows, gives reasons from within our common recovery experience why I believe we in SA should not endorse or validate, even indirectly, same-", "id": "3862161" }, { "contents": "Jon Karamatsu\n\n\nJon Riki Karamatsu was a Democratic member of the Hawaii House of Representatives, representing the state's 41st district from 2002 to 2011. On October 16, 2007, at about 1:15 a.m., Karamatsu lost control of his vehicle and struck a concrete pillar while travelling west-bound on the Moanalua Freeway. Karamatsu failed a police sobriety test and was found to have a blood alcohol content of .171 - more than twice the legal limit of .08. Karamatsu had previously been cited by law enforcement for speeding violations. As a result of", "id": "6679867" }, { "contents": "Erasmus\n\n\non this ‘Evangelical’ generation, and observe whether amongst them less indulgence is given to luxury, lust, or avarice, than amongst those whom you so detest. Show me any one person who by that Gospel has been reclaimed from drunkenness to sobriety, from fury and passion to meekness, from avarice to liberality, from reviling to well-speaking, from wantonness to modesty. I will show you a great many who have become worse through following it...The solemn prayers of the Church are abolished, but now there", "id": "10021152" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nis one of the main causes of mortality. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration alcohol-related crashes cause approximately $37 billion in damages annually.DUI and alcohol-related crashes produce an estimated $45 billion in damages every year. With alcohol, a drunk driver's level of intoxication is typically determined by a measurement of blood alcohol content or BAC; but this can also be expressed as a breath test measurement, often referred to as a BrAC. A BAC or BrAC measurement in excess of the specific threshold", "id": "6114361" }, { "contents": "Drunk driving in the United States\n\n\nin a Field Sobriety Test is voluntary, and not required under implied consent laws. (Police are not obliged to advise the suspect that participation in a FST or other pre-arrest procedures is voluntary. In contrast, formal evidentiary tests given under implied consent requirements are considered mandatory.) A suspect requested to participate in a Field Sobriety Test is likely to be told that the purpose is to determine whether the suspect is impaired; however, FST tests are widely regarded having, as their primary purpose, gaining tangible evidence for", "id": "8898998" }, { "contents": "Renaissance Girls\n\n\nlevels of life. They’re kind of like overachievers and never seem to be satisfied with how [much] they achieve in life. I can see that with myself as well because you expect so much from yourself. You expect yourself to be the best friend, have a great career, be really talented and be able to cook—you just have to be great at everything. I think genders have been washed out a little bit -- like you have to have masculine qualities as well as feminine. It’s just", "id": "21283923" }, { "contents": "Bill W.\n\n\na letter to Heard saying: \"I am certain that the LSD experiment has helped me very much. I find myself with a heightened colour perception and an appreciation of beauty almost destroyed by my years of depressions.\" Most AAs were strongly opposed to his experimenting with a mind-altering substance. Wilson met Abram Hoffer and learned about the potential mood-stabilizing effects of niacin. Wilson was impressed with experiments indicating that alcoholics who were given niacin had a better sobriety rate, and he began to see niacin \"as completing", "id": "17941359" }, { "contents": "Hungarian verbs\n\n\nverbs (modal and temporal).\" \"-at-/-et-\" and \"-tat-/-tet-\" have a causative meaning. It can express \"having something done\" or \"having/making someone do something\". For example: \"beszélek\" \"I speak\", \"beszéltetek\" \"I make somebody speak\". (Incidentally, it is the same form as \"you [pl] spoke\", analysed \"beszél|t|etek\", see Past tense.) \"-tat/-tet\" is used if the word ends in vowel + \"-t", "id": "3418259" }, { "contents": "Princess Alice of the United Kingdom\n\n\ndisappointed with myself when I look back, and see that in spite of great ambitions, good intentions, and real effort, my hopes have nevertheless been completely ship-wrecked...You say, darling, that you would never have caused me hardship \"intentionally\"...I only regret the lack of any intention or desire – or rather insight – to be more to me, and that does not mean spending all your time with me, without wishing to share anything with me at the same time. But I am wrong to", "id": "12574309" }, { "contents": "Illusory promise\n\n\nIn contract law, an illusory promise is one that courts will not enforce. This is in contrast with a contract, which is a promise that courts will enforce. A promise may be illusory for a number of reasons. In common law countries this usually results from failure or lack of consideration (see also consideration under English law). Illusory promises are so named because they merely hold the illusion of contract. For example, a promise of the form, \"I will give you ten dollars if I feel like it", "id": "20009288" }, { "contents": "Steve-O\n\n\nhome-made video footage of Steve-O using drugs and vandalizing his apartment. In an August 2009 interview with Johnny Knoxville for \"The Times-Picayune\", Knoxville on the topic of Steve-O's recovery and rehabilitation said \"He's taking to sobriety like he took to drugs and alcohol, I'm very proud of him. I think we'll see him doing some stuff here really soon. As a matter of fact, I know we are.\" He later stated \"Something's coming. We", "id": "3851432" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nField Sobriety Tests (FSTs), also referred to as Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs), are a battery of tests used by police officers to determine if a person suspected of impaired driving is intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. \"FSTs\" (and \"SFSTs\") are primarily used in the US, to meet \"probable cause for arrest\" requirements (or the equivalent), necessary to sustain an alcohol-impaired driving (DWI or DUI) conviction based on a chemical blood alcohol test. Impaired driving,", "id": "6114359" }, { "contents": "Messiah ben Joseph (LDS Church)\n\n\ndesired, but was by the Lord restrained from, revealing his true or 'eternal' identity to the world: \"\"You do not know me. No man knows my history ... I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it ... If I had not experienced what I have, I could not have believed it myself ... Would to God ... I could tell you who I am! ... You would call it blasphemy ... When I am called by the trump of the archangel\" [meaning Michael, who", "id": "21337763" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\na presumption of impaired driving, a driver may similarly be convicted of impaired driving based upon the officer's observations and performance on other sobriety tests. In the United States, local law enforcement agencies made 1,467,300 arrests nationwide for driving under the influence of alcohol in 1996, compared to 1.9 million such arrests during the peak year in 1983. In 1997 an estimated 513,200 DWI offenders were in prison or jail, down from 593,000 in 1990 and up from 270,100 in 1986. In the United States, DUI and alcohol-related crashes", "id": "21329335" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\nthe film titled \"The Ruler and the Killer\". Referring to \"The Ruler and the Killer\", Cudi wrote on his Twitter feed: \"I could not have done it without my producing partners on the project for the film, The legendary and Godly T Bone Burnett and Greg Wells!\" While working on the band's self-titled debut, Cudi claims he had writer's block for almost 5 months because of his new sobriety; something that had never happened to him for such an extended period of time", "id": "13738701" }, { "contents": "Hugo Black\n\n\nmembers of the colored race. Certainly, they are entitled to the full measure of protection accorded by our Constitution and our laws...\" Black also said, \"I did join the Klan. I later resigned. I never rejoined. ... Before becoming a Senator I dropped the Klan. I have had nothing to do with it since that time. I abandoned it. I completely discontinued any association with the organization. I have never resumed it and never expect to do so.\" The \"Pittsburgh Post-Gazette\"", "id": "17645956" }, { "contents": "David Trezeguet\n\n\nform for River Plate. Trezeguet would later state that the adrenaline he gets while playing for River surpasses any other moment he experienced in his career, including winning the 1998 FIFA World Cup with France and scoring the golden goal in the finals of UEFA Euro 2000: \"I am feeling things that I have never felt before. Not with Juventus, nor with Monaco and not even at international level with France. Being a River fan and seeing the passion that exists in this team, all the people and all the pressure,", "id": "21727308" }, { "contents": "Coralie Blythe\n\n\nat Wyndham's Theatre. A 1905 interview, when she was appearing in a revival of \"Mr Popple (of Ippleton)\", contained the following: \"I have never been late for a cue,\" said Miss Coralie Blythe, as she arranged the masses of beautiful fair hair that she \"lets down\" so effectively during her dance in Mr. Popple, \"I have never had any adventures, I have never forgotten my part, and things have always gone just as they should; so you see there really", "id": "1606518" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\n\" requirements are of course likely to be less restrictive on PBT/PAS requirements.) section begin=fst_criticisms / FSTs are considered subjective. Additionally, their applicability to large segments of the population is limited. Critics of standardized field sobriety tests often question the statistical evidence behind them, and the ability of the officers to administer the tests and actually judge for impairments related to alcohol. According to Barone, one study involved completely sober individuals who were asked to perform the standardized field sobriety tests, and their performances were videotaped.", "id": "6114383" }, { "contents": "I'd Have You Anytime\n\n\n\"All I have is yours / All you see is mine\"\" providing the same \"element of reciprocity that distinguished the declaration of love\" in Harrison's song \"Something\". In his Harrison biography, \"Here Comes the Sun\", Joshua Greene notes the effect that this time with Dylan and the Band had on Harrison, with regard to his growing dissatisfaction as a Beatle. \"Like Dylan, George was beginning to see that his next step needed to be away from everything he had done up to that", "id": "20005627" }, { "contents": "Chelsea Lawson\n\n\nnot have any friends. And now, you will be able to see her personality. We can see her finally in some hot clothes, maybe a skirt, and high heels. She is no longer the beached whale at the bar.\" In an interview in 2013, Egan stated that she thought Chelsea had \"certainly evolved a lot\", saying: \"Well she’s certainly evolved a lot; I mean she’s done a complete 180 as far as her intentions are. When I started, like you said", "id": "12321840" }, { "contents": "Château de Meudon\n\n\nthat the house is finished as it is May easily be added to it by adding to it certain small invitations, which I have dressed, and our tests of marbles, which are in Paris, it is not to recognize the wonders of other beautiful houses of this kingdom, nor any healthier prince, Before Quaresme takes hold of you and you and your husband and you will see if I am good profiles and if there is fault, reproach me ... \" The cardinal has the wings on the side of a gallery surmounted", "id": "7623558" }, { "contents": "Rhyme-as-reason effect\n\n\nThe rhyme-as-reason effect, or Eaton–Rosen phenomenon, is a cognitive bias whereupon a saying or aphorism is judged as more accurate or truthful when it is rewritten to rhyme. In experiments, subjects judged variations of sayings which did and did not rhyme, and tended to evaluate those that rhymed as more truthful (controlled for meaning). For example, the statement \"What sobriety conceals, alcohol reveals\" was judged to be more accurate than by different participants who saw \"What sobriety conceals, alcohol unmasks", "id": "7435725" }, { "contents": "Katie Peretti\n\n\nwrote it was so beautiful, because he comes back to life for a bit there, and you think he’s going to be all right. And we have this conversation that everything is going to be great, and I go get the baby and while I am gone he dies. He never gets to see the baby. I don’t get to have a goodbye with him, and it’s really something I have not seen done before, and I was so glad about that.\" —Terri Conn, \"", "id": "20610519" }, { "contents": "Billy Connolly\n\n\nThe headbanging stupidity, the loveliness, the craziness of it. I miss it terribly.\" He recalls blackouts that he would fill in upon returning to sobriety. \"Well, [the memories] stopped coming back. But when I drank, I would go, 'Oh, I remember now.'\" Psychologists call it state-dependent learning. \"That was frightening. I remember thinking, 'Beware, Billy boy. Beware. All is not well. Do something.'\" Regarding the decision he made", "id": "14046732" }, { "contents": "Twiggy Ramirez\n\n\nfrom over 20 years ago. I do not condone non-consensual sex of any kind. I will be taking some time to spend with my family and focus on maintaining my several years of sobriety. If I have caused anyone pain I apologize and truly regret it.\" While in Marilyn Manson, White used the following bass guitars, among many things, showing a strong preference for Gibson instruments, and bass guitars used by his classic rock mentors: During his parting of ways with Manson from 2002–2008, he took up", "id": "8282115" }, { "contents": "The Twonky\n\n\nlaw enforcement officers attempt to arrest West, though, the Twonky places all of them in a trance, and they leave without complaint. Frustrated, West escapes the house and returns drunk, only to have the Twonky return him to sobriety with a light beam. After his wife returns to see a visiting bill collector driven from their home by the machine, West decides to take action. Luring the device into his car, he attempts to crash it by a variety of means but is frustrated by the Twonky’s ability to", "id": "21444596" }, { "contents": "Alexandra Sophia Handal\n\n\ncan be attributed to this cycle of dislocation... I have experienced no other form of belonging but that of an outsider. However, what this meant transformed over time from being a space of alienation to one of novelty, where new imaginings are possible. Having multiple affiliations means that I am never seen completely as an insider. And yet, while I have never known what it means to be wholly part of one country, I have ties and access to many, whether they are legal, cultural, historical, linguistic or", "id": "18215071" }, { "contents": "Matt Gaetz\n\n\n, initially denied that he had drank alcohol, but later admitted to drinking two beers. Gaetz failed an eye test twice, then declined field sobriety tests. After Gaetz was arrested, he refused to take a breathalyzer test. Shortly after Gaetz's case was referred to state attorney Steve Meadows, Gaetz's driving license was reinstated. Despite a time period of a year's suspension is mandated by Florida law when a driver refuses a breathalyzer test, Gaetz's suspension was less than a year long. Gaetz's refusal also did", "id": "13737903" }, { "contents": "Feargus O'Connor\n\n\nthe authorities, and a sentence of 18 months in York Castle was passed on him in May 1840. In his farewell message, he made clear what he had done for the movement: Before we part, let us commune fairly together. See how I met you, what I found you, how I part from you, and what I leave you. I found you a weak and unconnected party, having to grace the triumphs of the Whigs. I found you weak as the mountain heather bending before the gentle breeze", "id": "7339912" }, { "contents": "Rob Halford\n\n\n, it is remarkable. And you can't do it by yourself — you have to use the tools that you're given by other people who have got your back and look out for you. And, again, it comes back, a lot of it, to my fans.\" In a 2016 interview with \"The Washington Times\", he was asked what part sobriety has played in the band's longevity, he responded, \"Without it? Oh, I'd be dead. Literally, I would be", "id": "18111548" }, { "contents": "The Less You Know, the Better\n\n\nera. I think I've done that with this one. It's different at times [...] but I don't think it's a huge departure from anything I've ever done. And I think my fans who have been there since \"Endtroducing\" will really like this one.\" Shadow has connected many themes to various aspects of the album. Speaking about the album's title, \"The Less You Know, the Better\", Shadow explained: \"Any good album title has multiple meanings, and I", "id": "12593531" }, { "contents": "The Less You Know, the Better\n\n\nhoped the album would be \"timeless\" and not restricted to any time period. He also explained that he wanted the album to be able to \"appeal to the minds of people, and have them accept what I've done.\" \"I don't put out a record every year so I can see what others are doing and learn from that and see things that are happening. So I feel that a good record from me never defines 2011 -- it should be totally timeless and be able to live in any", "id": "12593530" }, { "contents": "Field sobriety testing\n\n\nused to test for high blood alcohol levels and/or the presence of certain drugs. While the purpose is obtaining probable cause support for an arrest and possibly screening, in some jurisdictions, the HGN test may be used as corroborating evidence at the trial stage. US jurisdictions differ on whether trial use of the HGN test requires that an expert establish a reliable foundation, as required under the \"Daubert\" standard The second test that is usually administered is the Walk and Turn Test, or WAT Test. This test measures the suspect's", "id": "6114375" }, { "contents": "Chad Everett\n\n\ntold his daughters (who were living at home at the time), \"I am addicted to alcohol, and I am not going away to detox. I am going to do it here so that you can see what happens to someone if you let a substance take control of you.\" He attended his first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting the next day and claimed he never drank again, attributing his discipline to his Christian faith and his self-pride. Beginning in 1973, actress Sheila Scott initiated court proceedings against Everett three", "id": "19295263" }, { "contents": "Moby\n\n\naudiences at concerts to give him drugs. Matters culminated shortly after he turned 43 when he attempted suicide; he had his last drink on October 18, 2008 and has since attended Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. In 2016, he said of his sobriety: \"Since I stopped and reoriented myself towards things that have meaning, everything has gotten a million times better\". Moby has adopted different faiths throughout his life. He identified himself as an atheist when he was growing up, followed by agnostic, then \"a good eight or", "id": "19661081" }, { "contents": "Victoria Woodhull\n\n\nsame speech, which became known as the \"Steinway speech,\" delivered on Monday, November 20, 1871, in Steinway Hall, New York City, Woodhull said of free love: Yes, I am a Free Lover. I have an inalienable, constitutional and natural right to love whom I may, to love as long or as short a period as I can; to change that love every day if I please, and with that right neither you nor any law you can frame have any right to interfere.", "id": "14363667" }, { "contents": "Breaking Benjamin\n\n\nthe front man noting that the lyricism in \"Dear Agony\" is more thought out. Rito Asilo of the \"Inquirer\" writes that Burnley \"owes the improved clarity and coherence in Breaking Benjamin's music to sobriety.\" Burnley has said that before sobriety, anything that made sense thematically was a coincidence, and that he would take shots if he were dissatisfied with a lyric. Breaking Benjamin's lyrics have been noted for their vague, angst-heavy themes, Burnley saying that \"I try to keep my writing vague", "id": "18507361" }, { "contents": "Macklemore\n\n\nand mass media. In August 2008, Macklemore admitted himself into rehab for drug addiction and alcoholism, and celebrated three years of sobriety before a brief relapse in 2011, which he describes in his song \"Starting Over\". He said in a 2012 documentary that he spent most of his twenties trying to combat his addictions and destructive way of life, saying \"I want to be someone who is respected and not just in terms of my music. I want to be respected in terms of the way that I treat people", "id": "10510586" }, { "contents": "Sir Gawain and the Carle of Carlisle\n\n\nhis clothes were peculiar; they were not made of wool, but neither were they made of linen! 'What are you, my friend?' I asked. 'I am a man,' he replied. 'I have never seen one like you before!' 'I look after the animals. I am master of them all.' Later in the romance, Sir Yvain, having heard this story from Sir Colgrievance, follows the same route, encounters the same giant herdsman and arrives at a fountain that", "id": "8553668" }, { "contents": "Acharei Mot\n\n\nexactors righteousness [, \"tzedakah\"].\" Rav Bibi bar Abaye taught that on the eve of the Day of Atonement, a person should confess saying: \"I confess all the evil I have done before You; I stood in the way of evil; and as for all the evil I have done, I shall no more do the like; may it be Your will, O Lord my God, that You should pardon me for all my iniquities, and forgive me for all my transgressions, and grant", "id": "1044248" }, { "contents": "Special reconnaissance\n\n\nI decide that there's no way we can effect your rescue [in Cambodia], I’ll order the gunships to fire at you to prevent the enemy from getting their hands on you. I can’t risk having any of the [recon] teams compromised if they take you alive.\" Most of the same methods used to infiltrate may be used to exfiltrate. Stay-behind forces may wait until friendly forces arrive in their area. One of the more common means of exfiltration is by special operations helicopters. There", "id": "8708340" }, { "contents": "Ignacio De La Fuente\n\n\n2006 mayoral bid. On December 23, 2010, a California Highway Patrol officer alleges to have observed De La Fuente speeding around 80 mph and making unsafe lane changes while driving his 2006 Buick on the Nimitz Freeway, I-880, near the Fruitvale Avenue exit in East Oakland. A CHP spokesperson alleges that, after being stopped, De La Fuente was noticeably impaired and failed field sobriety and driver coordination tests. He was booked into the North County jail in Downtown Oakland before being released the same evening to the custody of his wife", "id": "12839235" }, { "contents": "First Train Home\n\n\n\"First Train Home\" is a song by British singer/songwriter Imogen Heap, and the only single off her third solo album \"Ellipse\". Imogen Heap revealed a story behind the creation of the song in a few interviews. She claimed: \"I was trying to project manage my studio, and the house and moving in never having done anything like that before is EXTREMELY stressful. [...] I was so stressed out. So my friend rang me up and said “I never see you anymore, why", "id": "14708124" }, { "contents": "Driving under the influence\n\n\ntests that led to the creation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) battery of tests. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) established a standard battery of three roadside tests that are recommended to be administered in a standardized manner in making this arrest decision. There are Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests as well; however the Non-Standardized Field Sobriety Tests have not received NHTSA Validation. This is the difference between the \"Standardized\" and the \"Non-Standardized\" Field Sobriety Tests. The NHTSA has", "id": "21329311" }, { "contents": "Frightened Rabbit\n\n\non the West Coast and California, is the effect that may have on my writing, and whether I would be all happy and full of vitamins.\" In January 2014, Scott Hutchison revealed plans to record a solo album, stating: \"With \"Pedestrian Verse\" being more collaborative, I said I’d never write a Frightened Rabbit record in the way I used to, which is true. But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to write any records like that. It’s going to be really pleasant", "id": "14504530" } ]
I love dyeing my hair funky colors.
[{"answer": "yes me too, hair coloring can be done at home or by a professional, do you do yours at home?", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 83, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Doc Hammer\n\n\nthe band Weep, which formed in 2008. Hammer was born in Ledyard, Connecticut. He has stated that his hair naturally grows in both black and blonde, a condition he attributes to \"a pigmentation problem or a birthmark or something. But my hair is naturally like this... Kinda. Because my eyebrows are black, I used to dye my whole head that color. Also, I used to enjoy looking like Dracula for some asinine reason.\" He suffers from Ménière's disease, a disorder of the inner ear", "id": "14487837" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nHair dye stripping is a process used to rid the hair of unwanted deposited color. Hair dye stripping is a chemical process involving the application of a sulfur-based product to hair in order to remove deposited color. Hair dye strippers raise sulfite levels to make hair more porous and reverse the oxidation of color molecules. This breaks the bonds dyes form between one another and the hair shaft that were formed by oxidizing small hair color intermediates, shrinking the molecules and allowing hair color to be washed out of the hair. Because of", "id": "7210630" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ndiscoloration and unexpected hair color results. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in vitro and in vivo studies (in exposed human populations) have shown that some hair dyes and many chemicals used in the hair dyeing process can be considered mutagenic and carcinogenic. In certain individuals, the use of hair coloring can result in allergic reactions and/or skin irritation. Individuals allergic to gluten for example, will need to be cautious when purchasing hair color since certain hair dye includes gluten. Gluten does not need to", "id": "4824100" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nDip dye (also known as \"tip dyeing\") is a hair coloring style that involves dipping the ends of the hair into dye. The dye used can be either a naturally colored dye or a bright colored dye, the latter being the more popular choice. The method has become increasingly popular as a result of social media and its usage by celebrities. Dip dye originates from the process of tie dyeing clothing (especially T-shirts). Dip-dyeing and the ombré hairstyle are similar. However, dip dyeing", "id": "13290039" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Dye My Hair\n\n\n\"Dye My Hair\" is a song performed by Finnish singer-songwriter Alma. The song was released in Finland as a digital download on 28 October 2016 as the second single from her debut extended play \"Dye My Hair\" (2016). The song peaked at number 8 on the Finnish Singles Chart. A music video to accompany the release of \"Dye My Hair\" was first released onto YouTube on 16 December 2016 at a total length of three minutes and twenty-eight seconds. As of October 2018,", "id": "9281002" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair. Henna is an orange dye commonly used as a deposit-only hair color whose active component, lawsone, binds to keratin. It is therefore considered semi-permanent to permanent, depending on a person's hair type. Most people will achieve a permanent color from henna, especially after the second dye. With repeated use the orange color builds up into red and then auburn. While \"natural\" henna is generally a red color, variations exist. These variations usually contain ingredients from other plants and even synthetic dyes", "id": "4824110" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nproduct, \"Poly Color\". Hair dyeing is now a multibillion-dollar industry that involves the use of both plant-derived and synthetic dyes. Hair color was traditionally applied to the hair as one overall color. The modern trend is to use several colors to produce streaks or gradations, but not all work on top of a single base color. These are referred to as: There are also newer coloring techniques such as ombré, in which hair is dark on the crown and bit by bit becomes lighter toward the", "id": "4824086" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nbut the darker shades in particular may persist longer than indicated on the packet. Semi-permanent hair coloring involves little or no developer, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, and is thus less damaging to hair strands. The reduced amount of developer, whether peroxide or ammonia, means that hair previously damaged by applying permanent color or permanent reshaping is less likely to be damaged during the color application process. Semi-permanent hair color uses compounds of lower molecular weight than are found in temporary hair color dyes. These dyes penetrate the hair", "id": "4824092" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nAnthocyanin pigments were extracted from the blackcurrant skin waste and formulated into hair dyes. The dyes showed high buildup on hair and gave an intense blue colour, which was stable to multiple washes. Hair dyes are cosmetic compounds that make contact with the skin during application. Because of this skin contact, there exists some health risk associated with use of hair dyes. Thus, hair dyes are regulated in the commercial marketplace and, as new toxicity data is generated for some hair dyes and health risks are discovered, some of these hair", "id": "4824113" }, { "contents": "Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair (EP)\n\n\nBlack Is the Color of My True Love's Hair is the title of a 2003 EP by the American rock band The Twilight Singers. The song \"Black Is the Colour (Of My True Love's Hair)\" is a traditional folk song which was first known in the United States about 1915. However, it may have come from Scotland originally. It is about a girl who is waiting for her lover to return from sea. Greg Dulli's cover of the song would later appear on The Twilight Singers' 2004", "id": "10129311" }, { "contents": "Lisa Haydon\n\n\na distinct Indian identity. \"Bohemian, jersey for comfort wear and structured cuts, I love it all,\" Lisa says. \"My personal style is the way I'd put an outfit I love together\". The line will not have completely Indian pieces, but will borrow elements for Indian fashion through buttons, embroidery, colors, dyes and fabrics. This is the first time an Indian model and actor is designing her line internationally, along the lines of celebrities such as Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica-Parker and", "id": "14390247" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nCH(NH)(NH)) (not shown). The second step involves the attack of this quinonediimine on the coupler. In organic chemistry, this reaction is called electrophilic aromatic substitution: In the third and final step, the product from the quinonediimine-coupler reaction oxidizes to the final hair dye. It was once believed that the dye forms in the above reaction bonds to hair permanently. It was later shown that the main reason that this reaction imparts a permanent color on hair by producing larger dye molecules, which is locked inside the", "id": "4824109" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\napplied with a toothbrush may also help remove the uppermost layer of skin and dye (neither removes just the dye). Acetone and nail polish remover are not considered effective; laundry detergent may sometimes work as may moist cigarette ash rubbed into the stained area. Several factors influence the final color of the hair following the coloring process. In October 2017, the leading breast surgeon Professor Kefah Mokbel published a meta-analysis showing that use of hair dyes might increase the risk of developing breast cancer by 20% among users. Permanent", "id": "4824105" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n, red ochre and leeks. In the 1661 book \"Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art & Nature\", various methods of coloring hair black, gold, green, red, yellow, and white are explained. The development of synthetic dyes for hair is traced to the 1860s discovery of the reactivity of para-phenylenediamine (PPD) with air. Eugène Schueller, the founder of L'Oréal, is recognized for creating the first synthetic hair dye in 1907. In 1947 the German cosmetics firm Schwarzkopf launched the first home color", "id": "4824085" }, { "contents": "List of Victorious characters\n\n\nsuccessful love life, a loud voice, and even a loud, unseen husband whose name is Morty. Her dislike for Cat stems from her dyeing her hair a bright, artificial shade of red; she specifically says that \"a girl doesn't dye her hair that color unless she has psychological problems!\". Dickers (portrayed by Rob Riggle) is the vice principal of Hollywood Arts, who appears in \"The Breakfast Bunch\". He is the one who gave detention to Tori and the gang after they end up", "id": "11655984" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "Leven Rambin\n\n\nalso the lead counselor of the Ares Cabin 5) and Percy's rival throughout the story. In an interview with \"\", Rambin explained her casting and her time as a brunette, \"Yeah, I was really lucky that Thor was able to see me as a brunette with this blonde hair. That's not typically the first thing that comes to mind when you look at me, I don't think. But when I put on that wig – luckily they didn't dye my hair – and change my", "id": "5391708" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Hairstyles in the 1950s\n\n\n's salon. Mouseketeer Annette Funicello dramatically presented this hair style in the movie “Beach Party”. Short, tight curls with a poodle cut known as \"short bangs\" were very popular, favored by women such as first lady Mamie Eisenhower. Henna was a popular hair dye in the 1950s in the US; in the popular TV comedy series \"I Love Lucy\", Lucille Ball (according to her husband’s statement) “used henna rinse to dye her brown hair red.” The poodle cut was also made", "id": "1127390" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Hayley Williams\n\n\nmakeup artist, Brian O'Connor. The colors offered by the company include an orange, \"Riot!\"; a pink, Ex-Girl; a blue, Blue Ruin; a yellow, Steal My Sunshine; a red, Rock Lobster; a purple, PPL Eater; a green, Kowabunga; a teal, Narwhal; and a black, None More Black. In 2017, Good Dye Young launched a temporary hair dye line, that disappears after one wash, called Poser Paste. Williams is a Christian and regularly", "id": "4788108" }, { "contents": "Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair)\n\n\n\"Black Is the Color (of My True Love's Hair)\" (Roud 3103) is a traditional ballad folk song first known in the US in the Appalachian Mountains but originating from Scotland, as attributed to the reference to the Clyde in the song's lyrics. The musicologist Alan Lomax supported this Scottish origin, saying that the song was an American \"re-make of British materials.\" Many different versions of this song exist, some addressed to women and others addressed to men, as well as other differences", "id": "8507726" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair coloring requires three components: (1) 1,4-diaminobenzene (historically) or 2,5-diaminotoluene (currently), (2) a coupling agent, and (3) an oxidant. The process is typically performed under basic conditions. The mechanism of oxidation dyes involves three steps: 1) Oxidation of 1,4-diaminobenzene derivative to the quinone state. 2) Reaction of this diimine with a coupler compound (more detail below). 3) Oxidation of the resulting compound to give the final dye. The preparation (dye precursors) is in the", "id": "4824106" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nway that allows for migration of the pigment to the interior of the hair shaft. Alternative hair coloring products are designed to create hair colors not typically found in nature. These are also referred to as \"vivid color\" in the hairstyling industry. The available colors are diverse, such as the colors green and fuchsia. Permanent alternatives in some colors are available. More recently, blacklight-reactive hair dyes have been brought to market that Fluorescence under blacklights, such as those often used at nightclubs. The chemical formulae of alternative", "id": "4824097" }, { "contents": "Tericka Dye\n\n\nI'm a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who's made a lot of bad decisions in life. Anybody who's been in my classroom could tell you how much I love teaching and how much I love these students, and that should be what matters more than anything in my past.\" In 2007, Dye's lawyer confirmed she would not pursue the appeal of a lawsuit against the McCracken County Public Schools and was moving out of Kentucky, though he did not disclose where. In March 2011, Don", "id": "21728926" }, { "contents": "Tattoo\n\n\ntemporary tattoos labeled as black henna or pre-mixed henna as these may contain potentially harmful ingredients including silver nitrate, carmine, pyrogallol, disperse orange dye and chromium. Black henna gets its color from paraphenylenediamine (PPD), a textile dye approved by the FDA for human use only in hair coloring. In Canada, the use of PPD on the skin, including hair dye, is banned. Research has linked these and other ingredients to a range of health problems including allergic reactions, chronic inflammatory reactions, and late-", "id": "11862687" }, { "contents": "Frank Macchia\n\n\nLevy (best known as a founding member of Béla Fleck and the Flecktones) on Harmonica. In 2006 Macchia released Emotions, another highly programmatic project in which each piece is loosely inspired by a primary human emotion. The recording features Macchia performing with the Prague Orchestra conducted by Adam Klemens. This recording also revisits Macchia’s recurring interest in American folk music with arrangements of Black Is the Color of My True Love’s Hair and The Lonesome Road. Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair was nominated in the Best", "id": "13088333" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\nwild as can be, while she asks ladies to \"whip their hair\" and \"shake haters off\". The lyrics have motivational undertones, speaking of self-love and assurance, and referring to letting your hair down as a representation of this in parts like the line, \"Keep fighting until I get there, when I'm down and I feel like giving up/I whip my hair back and forth, I whip it, I whip it real good.\" \"Whip My Hair\" is a high", "id": "17440824" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nleuco (colorless) form. Oxidizing agents are usually hydrogen peroxide, and the alkaline environment is usually provided by ammonia. The combination of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia causes the natural hair to be lightened, providing a \"blank canvas\" for the dye. Ammonia opens the hair shaft pores so that the dye can actually diffuse inside the fiber. These dye intermediates and coupler compounds can undergo oxidation and coupling reaction as shown in the scheme below to form high molecular weight products, which are trapped in the hair matrix and cannot", "id": "4824107" }, { "contents": "It's About Time (Christina Milian album)\n\n\nAfter several comparisons to Beyoncé Knowles in regards to appearance, Milian said \"I think she is a lovely artist, very talented but the only reason I changed my color hair is because I was getting bored of my same old look and I wanted to do something different.\" Elysa Gardner of \"USA Today\" found that with Milian's \"slight, sweet vocals and blithe, breezy pop-soul sensibility\", the genre of the album was more pop than R&B. Andy Kellman of Allmusic described \"Dip It Low\"", "id": "10308257" }, { "contents": "Tina Tailor Soldier Spy\n\n\nend. She finds that Troop 257 is made up of extreme and hard edged girls who use a secret handshake involving farting noises when their finger is pulled. Meanwhile, in a subplot, Gretchen convinces Linda to dye her hair blonde. At first, Linda is enamored with her new look and aspires to play the \"dumb, sexy blonde\", but begins to fear that she truly is losing her intelligence because of her hair color. After seeing Gretchen dye her hair brunette, Linda changes her hair color back and feels", "id": "19209795" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "My Scene\n\n\nShe is Chelsea 's cousin. According to the My Scene website, she enjoys the beach. Ellis is her boyfriend. Her birthday is May 10 and her astrological sign is Taurus. Her look is edgy, funky, and colorful. She was named after Delancey Street in New York City. Her pet is named Sugar. Delancey is voiced by Meghan Black. Kenzie has red hair, light freckled skin, and green eyes and is from Atlanta, Georgia. Kenzie has appeared four times since she was introduced in 2004.", "id": "10588215" }, { "contents": "Stefanie Dolson\n\n\nto be out, but I feel called to lead an authentic life in the open. I know who I am and I don't care if people judge me. I am 6-5, and I dye my hair purple and experiment a lot with fashion. My motto is: If they're going to stare, they might as well stare at something fun. There are a lot of girls who struggle being who they are. We need people who are out so that those girls know it's OK to be", "id": "16688719" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nthis means that gray and white hair will not dye to the same color as the rest of the head (in fact, some white hair will not absorb the color at all). A few gray and white hairs will blend in sufficiently not to be noticeable, but as they become more widespread, there will come a point where a semi-permanent alone will not be enough. The move to 100% permanent color can be delayed by using a semi-permanent as a base color, with permanent highlights. Semi", "id": "218641" }, { "contents": "The Blue and the Gray (The Simpsons)\n\n\nheads to the club to surprise Homer, but suffers increasing mishaps resulting in her having a witch-like appearance. At the club, she confronts him upon seeing a crowd of women flirting with him, but Homer helps Marge realize that he only has eyes for her and proves that love is still in the Springfield air. Eventually, Marge changes her hair color back to blue to combat her jealousy issues, and Homer dyes \"his\" hair blue for her. Marge is shocked in this episode to discover that her hair", "id": "4569129" }, { "contents": "I Love My Music\n\n\nI Love My Music is the third studio album, released in 1978 by Wild Cherry. It includes \"Don't Stop, Get Off,\" a single with no lyrics outside the title itself, sung in a strident voice, backed by horns playing a funky riff. Also featured on the album is \"1 2 3 Kind of Love,\" which, while never released as a single, did receive radio airplay and is still played occasionally on beach music programs and oldies stations today. The record sleeve displays a sexy", "id": "20848075" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\ndepends on the original color of the hair, as well as the quality of the henna, and can range from orange to auburn to burgundy. Henna can be mixed with other natural hair dyes including \"Cassia obovata\" for lighter shades of red or even blond, or with indigo to achieve brown and black shades. Some products sold as \"henna\" include these other natural dyes. Others may include metal salts that can interact with other chemical treatments, or oils and waxes that may inhibit the dye, or dyes which", "id": "3908411" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\n. 71% of the adults polled by the Christian Science Monitor in 2002 said they would not allow a 12-year-old to dye their hair blue. The social dislike of the hair color can lead to a suspension from school and the loss of a job, among other things. The \"blue hair effect\" has been used as a metaphor for social distancing. For example, a man who worked for a hospital for 10 years was fired for coming to work with blue hair after refusing to dye it back to its", "id": "21344551" }, { "contents": "My Scene\n\n\nvoiced by Kathleen Barr. Chelsea has light (then pale) skin, brown/hazel eyes and auburn hair. Chelsea is an artist and was one of the original dolls. She wants to be a fashion designer and according to the official website, her signature look is \"...original and funky.\" Her birthday is November 10 and her astrological sign is Scorpio. She loves retro clothing stores, her prized possession is her notebook and she loves pets. She is named after the Chelsea neighborhood in New York City and", "id": "10588212" }, { "contents": "Hair care\n\n\ndry, weak, or prone to breakage. After the hair processing, the cuticle may not fully close, which results in coarse hair or an accelerated loss of pigment. Generally, the lighter the chosen color from one's initial hair color, the more damaged it may be. Other options for applying color to hair besides chemical dyes include the use of such herbs as henna and indigo, or choosing ammonia-free solutions. Perms and relaxation using relaxer or thermal reconditioning involve chemical alteration of the internal structure of the hair", "id": "19772406" }, { "contents": "Hair highlighting\n\n\nprocessing\" time. This is the amount of time required to achieve the desired results. In highlighting hair, hydrogen peroxide mixed with pigment is used to change the color of the strand. This process is also used in applying \"lowlights\" to the hair. In this process, hair dyes are used to create strands of hair that are darker than the natural color. Hair painting is a method of highlighting hair that may be done at home. Hair painting methods are often permanent and employ a simple hair-painting brush", "id": "16368265" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\nblue was 1,4,5,8-tetraaminoanthraquinone prepared as \"Disperse Blue 1\" with water and lignosuphonate dispersant. This is a semi-permanent dye as the dye molecules do not penetrate the hair shaft and so wash out in subsequent shampooing. It is no longer used in the US as it is thought to be carcinogenic. The hair of workers who regularly come into close contact with cobalt or indigo may become blue because of the dust of the substance mixing into the hair follicles. The color in these cases is \"not merely superficial\", but", "id": "21344541" }, { "contents": "Cousin Bette\n\n\nmon sang, mon honneur, ma vie\" (\"I commit for [you] all the follies that a Hulot commits for Madame Marneffe; I give you my blood, my honor, my life\"). Baron Hector Hulot is a living manifestation of male sexual desire, unrestrained and unconcerned with its consequences for the man or his family. As the novel progresses, he becomes consumed by his libido, even in a physical sense. When Valérie tells him to stop dyeing his hair, he does so to please", "id": "17268248" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n: \"...Not since Camlann has there been such weeping, Gone is our mainstay, his golden hair, stained with a death blow...\". The dyeing of hair is an ancient art that involves treatment of the hair with various chemical compounds. In ancient times, the dyes were obtained from plants. Some of the most well known are henna (\"Lawsonia inermis\"), indigo, \"Cassia obovata\", senna, turmeric and amla. Others include katam (\"buxus dioica\"), black walnut hulls", "id": "4824084" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncause problems later when trying to do a perm or permanent hair color. Some store-bought henna contains metallic salts which reacts to hydrogen peroxide that is used in hair lightening. This may lead to unpredictable results, such as green or blue tones in the hair. Henna is a healthy way to color hair, as long as no metallic salts are used. In 2018, a system for making semi-permanent hair dyes from renewable waste blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) fruit skins from the fruit pressing industry was developed.", "id": "4824112" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n. Indigo is natural dye from a plant (Indigofera tinctoria, suffructicosa, or arrecta) that can be added to henna or layered on top of it to create brown to black colors in the hair. Henna is orange, and indigo is blue, so as complementaries on a standard color wheel, the two colors' combined effect is to create brown tones. Like henna, indigo may fade after one application, but it becomes permanent on the hair with repeated use. Using a plant-based color such as henna can", "id": "4824111" }, { "contents": "Folk Songs (Berio)\n\n\nsongs were \"Cries of London\", \"Coro\" and \"Voci: Folk Songs II\". The first two of the \"Folk Songs\" are not actual folk songs. \"Black Is the Colour (Of My True Love's Hair)\" and \"I Wonder as I Wander\" were both written by the Kentucky folk singer and composer John Jacob Niles. There is a traditional tune for \"Black is the Color ...\" but, because his father thought it was \"downright terrible\", Niles recalled,", "id": "2526926" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nfor the at-home process. L'Oreal provides a process that you can follow. An important step of the Dip Dye process is to make sure your hair is healthy and hydrated. Healthy hair will allow it to absorb the color which will lead to longer lasting results. If the hair is not healthy, it is important to switch shampoos and conditioners for several weeks before starting the process. The first step is to wear clothes that can be ruined. Brush your hair out nice and thoroughly to remove any knots in your", "id": "13290042" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nfamous statue of Aphrodite, the \"Aphrodite of Knidos\", sculpted in the fourth century BC by Praxiteles, represented the goddess's hair using gold leaf and contributed to the popularity of the image of Aphrodite as a blonde goddess. Greek prostitutes frequently dyed their hair blond using saffron dyes or colored powders. Blond dye was highly expensive, took great effort to apply, and smelled repugnant, but none of these factors inhibited Greek prostitutes from dying their hair. As a result of this and the natural rarity of blond hair in", "id": "5633798" }, { "contents": "Indophenol\n\n\nIndophenol is an organic compound with the formula OCHNCHOH. It is deep blue dye that is the product of the Berthelot's reaction, a common test for ammonia. The indophenol group, with various substituents in place of O\"H\" and various ring substitutions, is found in many dyes used in hair coloring and textiles. Indophenol is used in hair dyes, lubricants, redox materials, liquid crystal displays, fuel cells and chemical-mechanical polishing. It is an environmental pollutant and is toxic to fish. In the Berthelot test (", "id": "8615064" }, { "contents": "Kazakh clothing\n\n\nknife before being heated; this gives the skin its whitish color. The fur is then ready for dyeing in a variety of colors. Yellow dye is made from the crushed root of the Taranovy plant. Red dye is made from the root of \"Uiran Boyau,\" and orange dye is often made from dried pomegranate crusts. Kazakhs often use white wool, and consider wool from the neck of a sheep valuable. The hair of the Bactrian camel is also used for more luxurious clothing. An undercoat, collected after the", "id": "10952110" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\naside and asked him about the true color of his girlfriend's hair. \"Does she color her hair, or doesn't she?\" the embarrassed Polykoff could imagine her mother-in-law-to-be asking. Although Polykoff did color her hair, the practice was not something to which women openly admitted during the Depression (when her future mother-in-law first asked the question). In 1956 (when Polykoff was assigned the Clairol campaign), hair dye was still considered something not used by", "id": "13572447" }, { "contents": "Acid dye\n\n\nAn acid dye is a dye that is typically applied to a textile at low pH. They are mainly used to dye wool, not cotton fabrics. Some acid dyes are used as food colorants. In the laboratory, home, or art studio, the acid used in the dye-bath is often vinegar (acetic acid) or citric acid. The uptake rate of the dye is controlled with the use of sodium chloride. In textiles, acid dyes are effective on protein fibers, i.e. animal hair fibers like wool, alpaca", "id": "19361895" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Helen Pitts Douglass\n\n\ntown, though the Douglasses were firm in their convictions. \"Love came to me, and I was not afraid to marry the man I loved because of his color,\" she said. Douglass laughingly commented, \"This proves I am impartial. My first wife was the color of my mother and the second, the color of my father.\" A main source of support was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who said: \"In defense of the right to ... marry whom we please – we might quote some of the", "id": "778031" }, { "contents": "Emma Stone\n\n\n. She portrayed Gwen Stacy, the love interest of the title character (played by Andrew Garfield). Stone returned to a blond hair color for the role, having dyed it red previously. She told \"The Vancouver Sun\" that she felt responsible to educate herself about Spider-Man and admitted that she had not read the comics: \"My experience was with the Sam Raimi movies ... I always assumed that Mary Jane was his first love\", adding that she was only familiar with Stacy's character from Bryce Dallas", "id": "18928195" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nbeautiful. Movie stars Dame Judi Dench and Jamie Lee Curtis also wore more natural tones. Coloring hair gray often requires the use of dyeing as well as bleaching the hair and both the practices are damaging to the health of the hair. To achieve the look prior to naturally graying, hair must first bleached until it's white. Then tones of gray, blue or violet are added. If the color isn't made light enough, the hair will take on a green tone instead of gray. Maintaining the look of artificially", "id": "8917086" }, { "contents": "Good hair\n\n\nher use of the book (Johnson, 343). \"The Washington Post\" reported that Herron said black students were her target audience for the children's book: \"I wrote it delighting in nappy hair,\" said Herron, who is black. \"I love my own nappy hair and the stories my uncle used to tell me about it. It was a celebration, and I had no idea it would be political. I am a '60s person and thought we had already dealt with this problem of being", "id": "7927984" }, { "contents": "Purple Mark\n\n\nMark Wirth, better known as Purple Mark, is a Seattle, Washington resident, \"fashion notable\" who has become locally famous, especially around the Capitol Hill neighborhood where he lives, for his colorful attire and his equally colorful dyed hair and beard. He has been quoted as saying, \"So many people are against color, so many people are afraid to live.\" Purple Mark usually dresses and dyes his hair, beard and other hair on his body, such as on his eyebrows and arm-hair,", "id": "16847069" }, { "contents": "Impatiens\n\n\ncomponent of the seed fat of garden jewelweed (\"I. balsamina\"), and perhaps other species of \"Impatiens\". This is interesting from a phylogenetic perspective, because the makita tree is a member of the Chrysobalanaceae in a lineage of eudicots entirely distinct from the balsams. Certain jewelweeds, including the garden jewelweed contain the naphthoquinone lawsone, a dye that is also found in henna (\"Lawsonia inermis\") and is also the hair coloring and skin coloring agent in mehndi. In ancient China, \"Impatiens\" petals", "id": "12429817" }, { "contents": "Blue hair\n\n\nan actual coloration of the hair. Blue hair has been described as a \"sacred aesthetic\" in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where lapis lazuli was used in funerary art and statuary. Many colored pictorials from the Anglo-Saxon tribes after the departure of Roman troops feature women with blue hair. According to Gale R. Owen-Crocker in \"Dress in Anglo-Saxon England\" \"the use of colour in Anglo-Saxon art is not realistic ... and there is no need to assume dye was used on the hair.", "id": "21344542" }, { "contents": "I Love the '90s: Part Deux\n\n\nColor Me Badd, \"I Can't Wait Another Minute\" by Hi-Five, and \"Because I Love You (The Postman Song)\" by Stevie B 90210 Lost Diary of 1991: December 12, 1991 College Radio Cut of 1991: \"Dirty Boots\" by Sonic Youth Raw: Michael Ian Black on Wilt Chamberlain Then and Now 1991: Then - Joey Lawrence & Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, \"Blossom\", and Elizabeth Taylor & Larry Fortensky; Now - Joseph Lawrence & Mark Wahlberg, \"", "id": "16341474" }, { "contents": "Food safety incidents in China\n\n\nthe press about cheap soy sauces made from human hair. These sauces were manufactured in China using a chemical amino acid extraction process similar to artificially hydrolyzed soy sauces and then quietly exported to other countries. An investigative report that aired on Chinese television exposed the unsanitary and potentially contaminated sources of the hair: In response, the Chinese government banned production of soy sauces made from hair. Other carcinogens remain; see 3-MCPD. In 1996, China banned food manufacturers from using Sudan I red dye to color their products. China followed a", "id": "2611702" }, { "contents": "Susan Kennedy\n\n\nher long hair cut when she wanted a fresh start following a split from Karl. Woodburne has revealed that there is no chance of Susan growing her long hair back. She said \"I could never grow it long again. I love the ease of having short hair. Back when it was long, I used to wash and dry my hair every morning at home before going into work. That added an extra half-hour to my day\". She also added that the \"Neighbours\"' bosses at the time", "id": "12335516" }, { "contents": "Film colorization\n\n\nsuch as those between a subject's hair and face. Colorization of moving images also requires motion compensation, tracking regions as movement occurs from one frame to the next. Several companies claim to have produced automatic region-tracking algorithms: The earliest form of colorization introduced limited color into a black-and-white film using dyes, as a visual effect. The earliest Edison films, most notably the \"Annabelle Serpentine Dance\" series, were also the earliest examples of colorization, done by painting aniline dyes onto the emulsion.", "id": "20241655" }, { "contents": "Bratzillaz (House of Witchez)\n\n\nsee the future. She loves vintage romantic looks, retro style and funky braided hair. With her spellbinding style and oddball pet, Winkers, she stands out as a unique individual. Her witchmark is an Egyptian eye, and her color is purple. She is very dedicated to \"always\" having good fashion, as in the web series for the webisode: \"Rrr-runway\", when Sashabella said: \"Exactly. Imagine how you would feel if you had \"no\" stylish clothes\", Yasmina responded with", "id": "16623810" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "David Christie (singer)\n\n\nthe world. Their hits include: \"I Love to Love (But My Baby Loves to Dance)\", \"Love Me Like a Lover\" and \"Rendezvous\" (Tina Charles); \"Saddle Up\" (David Christie); \"Strut Your Funky Stuff\" (Frantique); \"(If You Want It) Do It Yourself\" (Gloria Gaynor); and \"Do or Die\" (Grace Jones). In 1973, Christie had his first child, Nathalie, with Françoise Richard. He", "id": "13095084" }, { "contents": "Yellow\n\n\n'. The color yellow was associated with the sun gods Helios and Apollo. It was fashionable in ancient Greece for men and women to dye their hair yellow, or to spend time in the sun to bleach it. In ancient Rome, prostitutes were required to bleach their hair, to be easily identified, but it also became a fashionable hair color for aristocratic women, influenced by the exotic blonde hair of many of the newly conquered slaves from Gaul, Britain, and Germany. However, in medieval Europe and later,", "id": "15581743" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Stain removal\n\n\nfabric for removing stains: Hair coloring products are commonly used to cover gray, look more attractive or keep up with fashion, yet they pose a challenge for many women. Because of the length of time the hair dye must be on the hair to achieve deep, even results, it often seeps or drips down onto the hairline, ears or neck, causing unsightly and irritating stains on the skin. Dye users are not universally affected—some persons have a tendency to get stains while others do not—most likely due", "id": "18611751" }, { "contents": "Ombré\n\n\nwith graduated color designs. \"Ombré\" as a textile treatment came back into fashion in around 1840 and was used throughout the 19th century. In machine embroidery an \"ombré\" effect was achieved by dyeing the threads in graded colors beforehand. \"Ombré\" as a hair-coloring technique is believed to have been popularised in 2000 when the artist Britney Spears had her hair dyed in a subtle gradual fade from black at the roots to lighter towards the hair tips. It also was popularized in 2001 when the artist Aaliyah dyed", "id": "6369222" }, { "contents": "1990s in fashion\n\n\ncloser to the forehead. The pixie cut and Rachel haircut, based on the hairstyles of Jennifer Aniston in \"Friends\" and Marlo Thomas in \"That Girl\", were popular in America from 1995 onwards. Around the same time red hair also became a desirable color for women, as well as feathered bangs, and mini hair-buns. From 1995 until 2008, dark-haired women tended to dye their hair a lighter color with blonde highlights (popularized by Jennifer Aniston). In the late 1990s, the Bob", "id": "10981104" }, { "contents": "Hurrem Sultan\n\n\none and only love. The most beautiful among the beautiful... My springtime, my merry faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart, laughing leaf... My plants, my sweet, my rose, the one only who does not distress me in this world... My Istanbul, my Caraman, the earth of my Anatolia My Badakhshan, my Baghdad and Khorasan My woman of the beautiful hair, my love of the slanted brow, my love of eyes full of mischief... I'll sing your praises always I, lover of", "id": "1810358" }, { "contents": "Harley Quinn\n\n\nfull-sleeve top, tight shorts, opaque stockings, garter belt attachments and boots. Harley Quinn is adorned with tattoos and her hair color is blonde hair with blue dip dye on the left side and pink dip dye on the right to match the movie and her new hair style in \"52\". Unlike her counterpart in the \"New 52\" series (who may be a sequel to this series after Harley finishes her time on the Squad, even going so far as to erase her public criminal record despite the", "id": "12061267" }, { "contents": "Jack Robinson (songwriter)\n\n\nTogether their songs have sold more than50 million records around the world. Their biggest hits: \"I Love to Love (But My Baby Loves to Dance)\", \"Love Me Like a Lover\" and \"Rendezvous\" (Tina Charles); \"Saddle Up\" (David Christie); \"Strut Your Funky Stuff\" (Frantique); \"(If You Want It) Do It Yourself\" (Gloria Gaynor); and \"Do or Die\" (Grace Jones). Robinson also wrote the original,", "id": "4936546" }, { "contents": "Two Steps from the Move\n\n\nis a piece of shit\". There are some funny lines in that song. \"I tell the little buggers what to wear, I show them how to set and dye their hair. There will be no costumes at our swimming pool. There will be no ugly girls in my high school\". It's a fun song.\" \"It had mine and Ian Hunter's lyrics originally. But in the end Bob looked through it and re-did the whole song. I put some stuff into the song", "id": "10056608" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\nhospital just passing by, a Mr Rousseau. He, too, refused and so the next passer-by, the administrator of the hospital, was offered the painting - and he, a certain Mr Neuvière, is said to have accepted. Rey later reminisced: \"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting", "id": "7561443" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\npale blond. However, it can be red, darker blond, light brown, or rarely, even dark brown. Vitiligo is a patchy loss of hair and skin color that may occur as the result of an auto-immune disease. In a preliminary 2013 study, researchers treated the buildup of hydrogen peroxide which causes this with a light-activated pseudo-catalase. This produced significant media coverage that further investigation may someday lead to a general non-dye treatment for grey hair. Malnutrition is also known to cause hair", "id": "218634" }, { "contents": "The Return of Dr. Octagon\n\n\nthe production of the album, Thornton told \"Rolling Stone\" that \"this album is fine-tuned with instruments, deeper and more spaced out. The last one was cool, but I didn't like it because it wasn't funky. When I don't work on a project, it's not that funky. When I do work on it, it's funky, and it has soul to it...I'm proud of my funky sounds right now.\" Fanatik J was not named as the album's producer", "id": "3989289" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "Commander (song)\n\n\non dashes off to remedy the situation.\" Alyssa Rosenberg of \"The Atlantic\" agreed, calling the clip \"dopey ... with guys who forgot to wash the home dye out of their hair\" (sic) and the dancing was on-par with sci-fi film \"The Matrix Reloaded\". However she did say that \"It's a high-concept understanding of the dance floor, even if it's not my preferred interpretation of that space. If love and shaking it are war, Kelly seems like", "id": "1968642" }, { "contents": "I Think I'll Just Curl Up and Die!\n\n\n. Angry, Laura runs away to her father's house, but he and Betsy insist she returns home. Laura attempts to dye her hair black to attract Jon's attention, but the dye comes out wrong. Melvyn pays for a professional hairdresser to fix it, and Laura decides he is not as stupid as she thought. Sumitha is in love with Bilu, but he is not always nice to her. He takes her to a party where she gets drunk and then his friend Giles drugs her drink. Bilu begins", "id": "16462860" }, { "contents": "D Mob\n\n\nto Get Funky\", which reached #9, \"C'mon and Get My Love\", which reached #15, and \"Put Your Hands Together\", which reached #7. In the late 1980s and early 1990s D Mob charted five songs on the U.S. Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart, four of which went to #1, including \"We Call It Acieed\", \"It is Time to Get Funky\", \"C'mon and Get My Love\" (with Cathy Dennis), and \"That", "id": "15279710" }, { "contents": "Henna\n\n\nshe dyed her pet dog's fur to match her own hair. By the 1950s, Lucille Ball popularized \"henna rinse\" as her character, Lucy Ricardo, called it on the television show \"I Love Lucy\". It gained popularity among young people in the 1960s through growing interest in Eastern cultures. Muslim men may use henna as a dye for hair and most particularly their beards. This is considered \"sunnah\", a commendable tradition of the Prophet Muhammad. Furthermore, a \"hadith\" (narration of the", "id": "3908409" }, { "contents": "Janine Antoni\n\n\npaintbrush and Loving Care hair dye as her paint. Antoni dipped her hair in a bucket of hair dye and mopped the gallery floor on her hands and knees and in the process pushed the viewers out of the gallery space. In this process Antoni explored the body, as well as themes of power, femininity, and the style of abstract expressionism. Her performance was at the Anthony d'Offay Gallery, London, in 1993. Tableaux vivants are another art form that Antoni has used. In her installation \"Slumber\" (1994", "id": "12683043" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nred hair', and she just grabbed me, and in three hours we read through the play, and she just had her fingers in my hair the whole of the reading. Katharine Hepburn just fell in love with me the first time I met her and I say that modestly because she actually admitted she did... She loved my eyes, she said they were full of fire\", Willcox was saying in her 2000 interviews. Willcox played Calamity Jane at the Shaftesbury Theatre and was a guest vocalist in the anniversary concert", "id": "21947151" }, { "contents": "Suleiman the Magnificent\n\n\nbeautiful among the beautiful ... My springtime, my merry faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart, laughing leaf ... My plants, my sweet, my rose, the one only who does not distress me in this room ... My Istanbul, my karaman, the earth of my Anatolia My Badakhshan, my Baghdad and Khorasan My woman of the beautiful hair, my love of the slanted brow, my love of eyes full of misery ... I'll sing your praises always I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the", "id": "7191750" }, { "contents": "Jean Harlow\n\n\nhair color, called \"platinum\" by Hughes' publicists. Though Harlow denied her hair was dyed, the platinum blonde color was reportedly achieved by bleaching with a weekly application of ammonia, Clorox bleach, and Lux soap flakes. This process weakened and damaged Harlow's naturally ash-blonde hair. Many female fans began dyeing their hair to match hers. Howard Hughes' team organized a series of \"Platinum Blonde\" clubs across the nation and offered a prize of $10,000 to any beautician who could match Harlow's shade", "id": "5727964" }, { "contents": "Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life (film)\n\n\nroom with his best friend, Leo, who suggests that to get even, Rafe should destroy Dwight's rule book. To show the ridiculousness of Dwight's rules, Rafe and Leo pull several pranks such as papering the walls of the hallways as well as Dwight's office with colored sticky notes, rigging the period bell to make it end with a fart, filling the teachers' lounge with plastic balls, putting pink hair dye in Dwight's hat, and turning the trophy case into a fish tank, complete with an", "id": "11282731" } ]
Fun fact about me. I have worked in a bakery that sells bread as a part time employee while attending college Really what a coincidence. I have a friend who has worked in a deli bakery for several years now. Did you like it?
[{"answer": "The International Dairy Deli Bakery Association is the reason why I am familiar with deli bakery. Good for your friend to have worked there", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "12916701", "title": "International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 106, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Gibson's Bakery vs. Oberlin College\n\n\n.\" During the trial, witness Eddie Holoway, a black man who worked his way through technical college while working at Gibson’s Bakery, said that the racist allegations against his former employer were untrue. \"In my life, I have been a marginalized person, so I know what it feels like to be called something that you know you’re not. I could feel his pain. I knew where he was coming from.\" Clarence 'Trey' James, a black man employed at Gibson's since 2013,", "id": "17532636" }, { "contents": "List of What I Like About You characters\n\n\n, Gary is the only other character to appear in all seasons of the show. Gary goes through several jobs in the series, the first being an employee at a copy store where he finds Holly a job. Subsequently, Gary finds work as a salesperson at a clothing store and is eventually hired as an employee at Val and Lauren's bakery. Because of his business major and dedication to his job, Val promotes him to become the bakery's manager, much to Lauren's ire. The beginning of the series hints", "id": "46073" }, { "contents": "Atlanta Bread Company\n\n\nhad to plead to something. We felt the fine would be the quickest way to get back to doing our business.\" Company officials stated that the charges were related to a decade-old lawsuit that had previously been settled; Jerry Couvaras further stated, \"I think people can really see through what's happened here. People can see what this was really about. I think it was really old animosity.\" In 2004, Atlanta Bread Company had 5,000 employees and was one of the largest cafe and bakery chains in", "id": "16570608" }, { "contents": "Brownberry (bakery)\n\n\nBrownberry is a bakery in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, United States. The bakery was established in 1946, and is best known for its wheat bread. The company has changed management several times, and as of 2014 is owned by Bimbo Bakeries USA Brownberry was created by Catherine Clark in 1946. Catherine was baking bread for her family and friends. Clark’s friends and family urged her to sell the bread. Catherine Clark and her husband mortgaged their home for $7,000 to become Brownberry Ovens. Catherine Clark came up with the name", "id": "3477495" }, { "contents": "Avalon International Breads\n\n\n% of the bakery's employees are residents of the city; however, Avalon City Ovens manager Kyresha LeFever notes that hiring has not always been easy, and the bakery has had \"a hard time finding inner-city people that just have...a baking background or a pastry background\". LeFever also adds that the bakery is a very LGBT friendly employer, and that \"it's a breath of fresh air to work for someone that plays such a major role in the LGBT community\". The original Avalon International Breads", "id": "6758347" }, { "contents": "Italian People's Bakery\n\n\nItalian People's Bakery is a bakery located in the Chambersburg neighborhood of Trenton, New Jersey, founded in 1936 on Hamilton Ave. The bakery expanded to wholesale distribution of products and now serves parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The bakery of established in 1936 when Pasquale Gervasio opened a bakery on Hamilton Avenue in Trenton, New Jersey. The bakery was known for its bread spread and expanded over the years into wholesale distribution for local delis and supermarkets. In 1956, the bakery was incorporated and moved into automated production. By", "id": "11982516" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\nthe upper classes and control over most of the rest of the market for breads. These members had to be of Spanish descent, and even though there was some selling of breads outside of guild bakeries, such as those made by indigenous women who learned as helpers at convents, they risked punishment for doing so. Being a guild member carried high status, but the work was done by employees who had no chance to advance. Until the early 20th century, life for bakery workers was exceedingly hard. The work of baking", "id": "8988036" }, { "contents": "La Brea Bakery\n\n\nbread. Since 2001, La Brea has been owned by Aryzta AG. Founders Mark Peel and Nancy Silverton had originally wanted to open a restaurant that offered fresh-baked bread. At the time, Silverton was working at Wolfgang Puck's Spago. However, she found that \"unless you were really set up for it, it wasn't very profitable to make your own bread. You need to have a dedicated space and you need to do wholesale to make money at it.\" Originally just a small storefront, in", "id": "2741736" }, { "contents": "George Weston\n\n\nBy late 1902, the Pickering News gave every indication that the merger had been a success: Those of our readers who have not paid a visit to The Model Bakery at Toronto, should do so at the first opportunity, as there they see the manufacturing of bread done on a collossal scale, can you imagine for a minute what it means to bake a million pounds, (1,000,000) of bread each month, which is 12,000,000 lbs. a year. This is what The Model Bakery has done this year, and", "id": "16405235" }, { "contents": "List of What I Like About You characters\n\n\n, Lauren constantly competes with Val for promotions by superficially trying to impress their boss, Vic. When Val chooses to quit Harper & Diggs to start her own PR company, Lauren joins Val as her partner, though the company fails due to Lauren's irresponsibility. The two women subsequently open a successful bakery, though Lauren is irate when she learns that Gary, who has demonstrated himself to be a responsible employee, is promoted to be the bakery's manager by Val. Throughout the series, Lauren has so-so luck", "id": "46083" }, { "contents": "Colleen Madigan\n\n\nare 183 million other Americans who also enjoy online games. What’s next? Will I be ostracized for playing \"Angry Birds\" or \"Words with Friends\"?\" She added, \"What’s really weird is that the Republicans are going after my hobbies instead of talking about their record while they’ve been running Augusta for the last two years. Instead of talking about what they’re doing for Maine people, they’re making fun of me for playing video games. Did you know that more people over the age", "id": "3935109" }, { "contents": "Bianca Montgomery and Maggie Stone\n\n\nwhat they thought accounted for their on-screen chemistry. While Riegel replied that \"chemistry can't be faked, and when two people like each other, there's an energy between them that's undeniable\", Hendrickson stated, \"When I started, my friends were telling me what great chemistry we had, and I didn't notice it. But now that I've worked with probably half the cast, I realize what amazing chemistry we have together. I'll have to work with men and really, I'm", "id": "8577898" }, { "contents": "B. G. Henry\n\n\nwas not required and then should have found this one so much to my liking. In actual fact, what I am doing now is selling, and, moreover, selling the most difficult commodity of all, namely, advertising space. To my surprise it suits me splendidly, which goes to show, I suppose, that you never know what you can do until you try”. In May 1949 he was transferred to display advertising, where he took over responsibility for all client work in the area of TV, radio", "id": "13178398" }, { "contents": "Misfits (TV series)\n\n\nthings. Maybe they think everybody has moved on, I don't know. You never say never but I have not heard anything of it of late\". Iwan Rheon later commented: \"It looked like it was really going to happen at one stage, but it's gone away now. I don't know exactly why or what's going on. It would've been nice to do for old times' sake. It's been a while now since we did it and it would've been nice to work", "id": "2737494" }, { "contents": "I Lived\n\n\nlife expectancy for the first time, it really scared me. Right now, it's about thirty-six. It's just one of those things that really makes you appreciate life. It makes me appreciate where you are, as a person. I want to make the most out of my life and have as much fun as I possibly can and my biggest fear is not being able to do that. In the video, Warnecke is seen bicycling, skateboarding, playing hockey and taking part in other leisure activities to", "id": "3302629" }, { "contents": "Dark Cousin\n\n\ngreat performances and I really love what it's about. I love Franny [Frances Conroy] and she and I were presenting at the Creative Arts Emmys and I said, 'I think I have something really good for you, sort of the opposite of what you did last year.' She and Jessica [Lange] loved working together. So we came up with this character and I like that she's around in all the individual stories at that pivotal moment of are you going to fight or are you going to", "id": "7710009" }, { "contents": "List of What I Like About You characters\n\n\nafter becoming dissatisfied when her role in the company, she starts her own PR company with her co-worker and friend, Lauren. When their company falls through due to Lauren's irresponsibility, the two start a successful bakery, where Gary eventually works. Like Holly, Val goes through several relationships in the series. Her first boyfriend during the series was Jeff, whom she dated for a year until he revealed that he didn't want to get married. After their breakup, Val develops feelings for her boss Vic,", "id": "46068" }, { "contents": "Research (Big Sean song)\n\n\ndid too/I saw you wearin’ Drake’s chain like you were part of his crew/I saw you chillin’ with Meek Mill up at the summer jam oooh/I hope my eyes the one that’s lying to me girl and not you.” In the chorus, meanwhile, Grande sings, “I still have to hide/Now you're next to me at night/You test me all the time/Say I know what you like, like I did the last time/Do you remember", "id": "17294133" }, { "contents": "Depot Town\n\n\nRiver Street-Cross Street intersection since 1980, while Aubree's Saloon is in the last building on the north side of Cross Street. The Ypsilanti Food Co-op, established in 1975, moved into the Mill Works Building in the 1980s and in addition to groceries, sells sandwiches, salads, soups, and fresh bread from the bakery next door. The River Street Bakery, also in the Mill Works Building and now owned by the Co-op, claims to have the only wood-fired brick oven in commercial", "id": "2182577" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Jerry Cantrell\n\n\nwritten about his mother's death. \"When I was a little kid, I'd always tell her, \"I'll be famous and buy you a house and you'll never have to work again. I'll take care of you like you took care of me.’ When she passed away, it was a really shitty time for me. I didn't know how to deal with it then, and I still don't. But it gave me the impetus to do what I'm doing.\" In", "id": "18213528" }, { "contents": "Dan Lepard\n\n\nSpice Bakery in 1997. At his time at Baker & Spice he worked with Sami Tamimi (chef), Yotam Ottolenghi (head pastry chef), and Jim Webb (head viennoiserie chef). Tamimi, Ottolenghi and Webb along with Noam Bar later teamed up to start Ottolenghi's deli's and restaurants, and Dan helped advise the team on the bread for their bakeries. He has founded bakeries for Fergus Henderson at St John, John Torode at Mezzo, Tony Kitous at Levant and Giorgio Locatelli at Locanda Locatelli and Zafferano", "id": "9844545" }, { "contents": "Ministry (band)\n\n\nasking me what is going to happen to Ministry. He wasn't even buried yet. I thought, 'Fuck you.' I was really pissed and really angry. I said, 'Fuck Ministry and fuck you for asking.' They want to comment on Ministry when my best friend had died. It's been more than two years now, and I got more ideas and I have done albums with Mikey and have done them without him. It's time to get another record out. I have a bunch", "id": "2215933" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\n, and loving what makes you, you. It is a fun upbeat track, and has a similar message to it like the game does, but the game is more of a ballad or anthem. 'Just the thing' is lighter and fun. It can be to a boyfriend or girlfriend, or to a best friend that really gets you. When I wrote it I was thinking about that, and close relationships with people who love you for your weirdness. I co wrote the song with Heather Holley, and", "id": "7223867" }, { "contents": "The Killing (season 2)\n\n\nnever done it before. It's interesting when you only have so much time that's in your hands to tell your part of the story. Having to pop in and out of the plot and work with the space that I had was really fun and challenging... I kind of enjoyed the space that I had to work with and I trusted that in the end that they would bring it back around. I don't think it would work if you saw more of her — you're getting what everyone else remembers,", "id": "10401608" }, { "contents": "If I Had One Chance to Tell You Something\n\n\n, is about how God can refresh you. She commented, \"I love that this song is the first single from the album because it really represents where I am in my life right now. I feel over the last few years that God has really refreshed my soul. He’s done a lot of work in me personally in just re-vitalizing me as well as re-energizing me in a musical/ministry sense.\" The title song \"You Are Loved\" was inspired by an old family friend.", "id": "7283087" }, { "contents": "Gibson's Bakery vs. Oberlin College\n\n\nprotest, telling him that he did not have a right to photograph the student protestors and handed him a flyer that read \"This is a RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.\" Local police records showed no previous accusations of racial profiling by Gibson's Bakery. Of the forty adults arrested for shoplifting from the bakery in a five-year period, only six were black. In the three students' guilty plea in August 2017, each read a statement saying, \"I believe the employees of", "id": "17532634" }, { "contents": "Newman (Seinfeld)\n\n\ncoming on to sabotage me in some way. And so why would I not hate him forever for that?\" Seinfeld also stated in an interview with BuzzFeed Brews that \"The real answer for why I hated Newman was because it just seemed funny to hate Newman... Everybody has one very eccentric friend that is kind of out there. You've got your friends that are like you, then you have that one friend that's really not like you at all and that's what you like about them, they're kind", "id": "16177004" }, { "contents": "WZRD (band)\n\n\n. And you can still work with Dipo. You guys can still work on your music. So it’s a win-win.' I remember being like, 'Holy shit. Like, really?' Because I was really about to go back home, and I ended up staying there, and the rest is history. It was really, really an amazing thing. It was a blessing just to have them in my life and for them to want to do that for me. Like I said, me", "id": "14777988" }, { "contents": "Mexican breads\n\n\nWhile employment practices did not change during most of this century, an important strike in 1895 signaled the beginning of the end for them, ending the practice of enclosing bakery workers in dormitories during non-working hours. Although able to leave the bakeries on their off time by the beginning of the 20th century, bakery workers still have 14 to 18 hours shifts, leaving little time for anything but sleep. Day of the Dead was one of few, if not the only holiday recognized by bakers. Much of the baking industry", "id": "8988045" }, { "contents": "Ron W. Miller\n\n\nyour children. You're going to die out there. How about coming to work with me?' I did and it was a wise decision on my part. I'm really very proud of having been a professional athlete. I think it teaches you to be competitive, to accept challenges and to see things through. I realize the image some people have of jocks, but I think that certainly has changed over the years,\" Miller told entertainment reporter Dale Pollock in August 1984. Miller initially worked at Walt Disney", "id": "18435443" }, { "contents": "George Martin\n\n\n. I'd like to hear Dick James' music and I'd like to hear George Martin's music, please, just play me some.\" In a 1971 letter to Paul McCartney, Lennon wrote, \"When people ask me questions about 'What did George Martin really do for you?,' I have only one answer, 'What does he do now?' I noticed you had no answer for that! It's not a putdown, it's the truth.\" Lennon wrote that Martin took too", "id": "1026355" }, { "contents": "Erin Martin\n\n\n“That was entertainment. That was fun. I had so much fun watching you guys and that’s what Battle Round should really be about.” Christina Aguilera also sided with The Shields Brothers. Blake Shelton commented, \"Erin I'm glad you wore that because now that I'm married, girls dressed like that is all I have\" and went with Erin. Cee Lo Green commented, “With Erin, maybe the song was not the one that gave you the opportunity to really shine but I love your voice", "id": "20226003" }, { "contents": "AmeriKKKant\n\n\nMikey passed and the entire media immediately starts asking me what is going to happen to Ministry. He wasn't even buried yet. I thought, 'Fuck you.' I was really pissed and really angry. I said, 'Fuck Ministry and fuck you for asking.' They want to comment on Ministry when my best friend had died. It's been more than two years now, and I got more ideas and I have done albums with Mikey and have done them without him. It's time to get", "id": "13571427" }, { "contents": "Bakery\n\n\ngoods was developed and since then, bakeries became a common place to purchase delicious goods and get together around the world. By the colonial era, bakeries were commonly viewed as places to gather and socialize. On July 7, 1928, a bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri introduced pre-cut bread using the automatic bread-slicing machine, invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder. While the bread initially failed to sell, due to its \"sloppy\" aesthetic, and the fact it went stale faster, it later became popular. In", "id": "12725087" }, { "contents": "Dana Delany\n\n\nget married... I don't know who he is yet but I'm ready... He has to be smart, funny and kind.\" She added a year later: \"Marriage has never been a big deal for me... But I think I'm ready now... I got to have all the fun in the world, to experience a lot of people and figure out what I really like.\" Delany (in 1988) said she doesn't find being a celebrity to be that appealing: \"I'm not", "id": "12083092" }, { "contents": "Superficial (album)\n\n\nof me.\" Montag addressed the issue by stating \"I love it. I'm a very sexual person and I'm married, so it's okay. I think every woman ... has an alter ego. We all have that really sexual, fun side. I just thought the lyrics were so fun and so sexy. They empower women. That song, when my friends hear it, they feel sexier. They have more fun, because the song is like, 'I'll do whatever you want, but", "id": "6503242" }, { "contents": "Life (Boy George and Culture Club album)\n\n\nand a bit precious about that, but on this particular record I was very open to 'what do you think about this?' and trying things, which is quite different. If you don't know me, you'd be alarmed really.\" George also stated that he had been working on material for years and wanted to put out more than one album over the ensuing time period, and that while he \"really enjoy[s] the creative process\", \"trying to sell them is not so great\".", "id": "11844187" }, { "contents": "Dan Blackburn\n\n\n.\" He also stated, \"It's not bittersweet, you know what? I don't really miss it anymore - it's been such a long time. It was a chapter of my life and I'm on to the next...I don't have any regrets at all about what transpired or the way things happened for me. I really enjoy what I do now in the business world...From my point of view, I was really fortunate, even though I was only there for a couple of years", "id": "16074398" }, { "contents": "Make It Happen (film)\n\n\n\"What attracted me to \"Make It Happen\" was the fact that I could really just incorporate a lot of styles that I had done over the years. You have the dance element, and each little dance routine was going to be like its own little music video,\" Grant explains. When it came to helping the director to tell the story, Grant went to work with longtime collaborator, 1999 Kodak Cinematography Award winner David Claessen. \"I've worked with David since I was a PA and an electrician,", "id": "18968355" }, { "contents": "Come to Life\n\n\nand it was later confirmed by Martin himself and people involved in the recording process that he had worked with Imbruglia on a \"string of tracks\". Chris Martin wrote the song \"Fun\" for Natalie. \"\"When he sang it to me, I almost did one of those ugly cries. But I held it together. That's the crazy thing - he wrote it, not me. Who knows what Chris was thinking, you would have to ask him about that. But I thought it was a stunning", "id": "4186713" }, { "contents": "Elizabeth Brim\n\n\nfrilly dresses for my sister and me and told us fairy tales. The things I make are all about being female and the expectations of women of my generation. I'm just playing dress-up, making a little fun of myself and having a really good time.\" (Elizabeth Brim Brim's mother did not think blacksmithing was a very ladylike thing to do, so Brim began wearing pearls while working as a kind of joke and it has now become her \"signature\". As she moved from basic tool-", "id": "19027763" }, { "contents": "Childers Bakery\n\n\npassed to Edward Gorrie who sold it to William and Annie McKay in 1958. It was purchased in 1976 by Earle and June Robinson who subdivided the property so that each shop was on a separate title. The shop has changed hands several times before passing to the current owners, but appears to have always been a bakery. It is now Childers Hot Bread and Cake Shop. The bakery is one shop within a row of single story masonry shops built conjointly on the south side of Churchill Street, adjoining the Palace Hotel.", "id": "7047251" }, { "contents": "Eleanor Parker\n\n\n\" but both those pictures appealed to me. I did enough of the bad ones (films) while I was under contract – because I was being told to do them. That's the problem with being under contract. You do the pictures or be suspended. Now I don't want to work unless I have faith in the part. This has nothing to do with wanting to be famous or anything like that. It's just that I love acting.\" In the early 1960s, she worked increasingly in television", "id": "15453472" }, { "contents": "You Follow Me\n\n\nher original collaboration with Boom Bip \"[...] ended up not really working as intended. He sent me some songs and was saying, \"Why don't you write lyrics over them?\" And even though it was beautiful music, I couldn't figure out what to do with any of it. And I didn't have time to figure it out. I already had \"Our Discussion\" finished so I just sent him that. He did his version of the instrumental — he remixed it — and I really", "id": "17038935" }, { "contents": "Nostalgia, Ultra\n\n\n, then you can really deliver the story most effectively while keeping the ear of the listener the whole time. I guess it all starts with the stories for me.\" When asked by The Quietus if the songs from the album drew from his personal experiences, Frank commented \"My kitchen is usually pretty clean, you know. But you have fun with the imagery, and for me the whole concept that everything has to be... Like, nobody gets upset with a director when a director's film isn't about his", "id": "6883359" }, { "contents": "Alive and Schticking\n\n\nwork with Megan Mullally, who plays Karen; \"I just love Megan. And so I said, 'Well, if you let me do it with Megan.' And they said 'You got it.' So I went and did that with them for four [episodes]. It was fun. For me now, it's about who I work with.\" \"Will & Grace\" creators and executive producers David Kohan and Max Mutchnick were in favor of doing a live episode; \"We love the", "id": "2807348" }, { "contents": "Jerry Falwell\n\n\nhow much you dislike a person, when you meet them face to face you will find characteristics about them that you like. Jerry Falwell was a perfect example of that. I hated everything he stood for, but after meeting him in person, years after the trial, Jerry Falwell and I became good friends. He would visit me in California and we would debate together on college campuses. I always appreciated his sincerity even though I knew what he was selling and he knew what I was selling. In 1984, Falwell", "id": "16653438" }, { "contents": "Julie, or the New Heloise\n\n\nyour part. I can't believe that. If so, how could a mistaken reading have produced sensations like the ones I felt when I read the book? I implore you, Monsieur, tell me: did Julie really live? Is Saint-Preux still alive? What country on this earth does he inhabit? Claire, sweet Claire, did she follow her dear friend to the grave? M. de Wolmar, milord Edouard, all those persons, are they only imaginary as some want to convince me? If that", "id": "5534926" }, { "contents": "Bost's Bread\n\n\nlike \"If it's Fresher'n Bost's it's Still in the Oven\", \"The Best Taste You Ever Toasted\", and \"Baked Slow to Sell Fast\" became bywords and embedded into the cultural slang-speak of the area where Bost's Bread was sold. around 1986 the Bost's Bakery was sold to Wonder Bread[Continental Baking Co.], which operated the Bakery 6 years till 1992, adding its staple \"Wonder Bread\", Twinkies, frosted cupcakes and other confections to the product line alongside the bread products", "id": "17802252" }, { "contents": "Now Voyager\n\n\nme think seriously about it was Irving Azoff, who convinced me that there was possibly a market out there for me. As unhappy about it as we were at the time, we now appreciate why it didn't do well. We worked nine months on that album. That's crazy. I think you lose energy by doing that. The message has to be that we really can't take so long making albums. The business doesn't like to see its artists get too hot. I think the same thing may", "id": "17093448" }, { "contents": "Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility\n\n\nhousing and providing treatment to inmates with severe mental illnesses, and inmates who have been identified as having medium to high risk medical concerns. Donovan has five interfaith chapels. Each religion represented at Donovan gets a series of lockers to store materials. The prison includes a bakery that serves the facility and five other CDCR facilities. Each day, it produces about 9,760 loaves. About 85 prisoners work in the bakery, as of 2010. During that year, the monthly salary of a prisoner working in the bakery was between $90", "id": "5817634" }, { "contents": "No One (Game of Thrones)\n\n\nthe set piece. Visual effects were added to create the rest of the castle. Clive Russell, who portrayed Blackfish, spoke about working with Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth, noting \"There's something very curious, by the way, I'm probably about 6'6\" tall. I think she's about 6'3\", but all the time I worked with her, I felt like she was taller than me. Now I don't really know what that has to do with it. It might be something to do", "id": "19970082" }, { "contents": "The White Stripes\n\n\nit's not my style or what works for this band. I get [criticism] sometimes, and I go through periods where it really bothers me. But then I think about it, and I realize that this is what is really needed for this band. And I just try to have as much fun with it as possible ... I just know the way [Jack] plays so well at this point that I always know kind of what he's going to do. I can always sense where he's going", "id": "6266084" }, { "contents": "Eric Avery\n\n\nfor his work, but said the sessions were a lot of fun: \"I went into [the Pumpkins] with the same mentality I took with me when I auditioned for Metallica – I expected to have a good story to tell my wife. I had no expectations. I had heard nothing but bad things about working with Billy, but I went, and I found it to be a really inspiring time.\" Billy Corgan ended up playing bass on what would become 2007's \"Zeitgeist\" and hired Ginger Reyes", "id": "4229677" }, { "contents": "Lundberg Bakery (Austin, Texas)\n\n\nThe building served as a bakery until the death of its Swedish born owner, Charles Lundberg (1835-1895), who had settled into Austin during 1872. At the time the bakery first began operations, bread was not sold wrapped or packaged. People would wait in line with cloth lined baskets to place the bread in after buying it. Short story writer William Sydney Porter frequented the bakery as he passed it to and from work while employed at the General Land Office Building. . The building was used as a bakery", "id": "9195179" }, { "contents": "Palin-Couric interviews\n\n\ntalking to outlets like FOX and the \"Wall Street Journal\". I really didn't have a say in which press I was going to talk to, but for some reason Nicolle seemed compelled to get me on the Katie bandwagon,\" wrote Palin. \"Katie really likes you,\" Wallace said according to Palin. \"She's a working mom and admires you as a working mom. She has teenage daughters like you. She just relates to you. ... Believe me, I know her very well. I", "id": "1098407" }, { "contents": "Batsugun\n\n\n-camp that is undergoing destruction. However, no one will ever know what really happened.\" BELTIANA: The world has been saved. SCHNEIDER: Yes; I haven't encountered such thrilling adventure in a long time. It sure was fun. BELTIANA: But we still have a lot of work to do. SCHNEIDER: Yes, your generation will now be faced with creating the new era. BELTIANA: It's finally over. ALTEENO: Hey, you look tired. BELTIANA: No. I still have a", "id": "14761895" }, { "contents": "Boy (I Need You)\n\n\nunderstand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal of the", "id": "21456747" }, { "contents": "Version of Me\n\n\nwas just taking my time, so that was really cool. One of the songs on the album, as you know, is \"Version of Me,\" and I thought this is a really good album title. Each record has been me at that moment in time, and this is really an expression of what's going on in my life in the last five years. So, that felt really good. I also like the thought that we all do this, we all have versions of ourselves. We're", "id": "12032117" }, { "contents": "Lee Harvey Oswald\n\n\n, \"Did you kill the President?\" and Oswald — who by that time had been advised of the charge of murdering Tippit, but had not yet been arraigned in Kennedy's death — answered, \"No, I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question.\" As he was led from the room the question was called out, \"What did you do", "id": "17699872" }, { "contents": "Horrible Science\n\n\nalready but then I really like finding out more information. If I over-research then I don’t just have all the facts I need, I have a lot more – and that means I can really choose what I want to include. The thing about a Horrible Science book is that actually it is all about imagination. The more you know the more you want to know and the more you want to develop that.\" The response towards the series has been generally positive. Some reviews of the series website included", "id": "8031364" }, { "contents": "Ciara (album)\n\n\n, 'I need this song. It just seems like it was just speaking to me. Give it to me, give it to me.' I was like, 'Man cool, you can have it.\" Ciara's fifth album was originally called \"One Woman Army\" after a song of the same name produced by The Underdogs. Speaking on the concept Ciara said \"It really is the best way to represent what the body of work is, On \"One Woman Army\", I talk about where", "id": "2696628" }, { "contents": "Unapologetic Bitch\n\n\nyou know I gotta call I like it is.\" The song was allegedly written about Madonna's ex-boyfriend Brahim Zaibat. She told \"Rolling Stone\" that the song \"it's like, fuck you, I'm going to have fun. You think you're going to ruin my life and you think that it's over for me, but guess what? It's not. Life goes on.\" While commenting to \"Billboard\" over the usage of the word \"bitch\" numerous times in", "id": "2163840" }, { "contents": "Dead Silence\n\n\nwhich means that I write them in my own time without getting paid and then take them out into the world to see if anyone's interested. Never again will I enter the arranged marriage of selling a pitch. I have also become very gun-shy about working with studios. In the world of independent film, what you write ends up on screen. Plus, they don't have the money to bring in script doctors! Works fine for me. Who knows, maybe one day I will work with a studio", "id": "21841206" }, { "contents": "Allen Stone\n\n\nwas just a year older than me and I was like, 'Man that would be so much fun to do, sing and actually have people listen.'\" When Stone was 18, he moved to Spokane, where he attended community college for a semester followed by a year at Moody Bible Institute in Spokane. After that year, Stone had a realization. He stated in an interview with SF Gate, \"I learned the history of the church and the conception of the Bible and learned about the religion and really", "id": "12294964" }, { "contents": "Saidels Bakery\n\n\nThe bakery is also notable as the only bakery in the country that grinds its own stone ground organic whole grain flour, using a vintage stone mill. Saidels Bakery is most noted however for its exclusive , (also known as Rambam Bread), a health bread that is baked using a unique process, based on the writings of the scholar and physician Maimonides, which reduces the gluten quantity of the bread. Pioneering the dissemination of knowledge about artisan baking in Israel, the bakery expanded to become what is now the Saidel Artisan", "id": "19105616" }, { "contents": "57th Academy Awards\n\n\n, \"The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!\" (often misquoted as \"you \"really\" like me!\") 77-year-old Peggy Ashcroft won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in \"A Passage to India\", making her the oldest winner in that category. This ceremony marked the first time that multiple black nominees would win an Oscar,", "id": "8839237" }, { "contents": "Milwaukie Pastry Kitchen\n\n\nin two years, making him the first Black person in Oregon to be state-certified as a journeyman baker. As part of the apprenticeship program, Hadley attended Portland Community College, where he earned an Associate Degree in Baking Technology. According to the \"Northwest Labor Press\", Hadley \"...worked at several Albertsons in-store bakeries before accepting a job at the grocer as bakery manager/bakery trainer for the Oregon division. He had his eye on becoming a district manager, but was told at the time,", "id": "5831108" }, { "contents": "Uzo Aduba\n\n\nwent in and auditioned for another part, and my representatives called me about a month later and they were like, \"Hi, we have some really good news. You remember that audition you went on for \"Orange Is the New Black\"? You didn't get it.\" I go, \"So… okay, what's the good news?\" They said they wanted to offer me another part, Crazy Eyes. I was like, \"What in my audition would make someone think I'd be right", "id": "16738798" }, { "contents": "Stevie Nicks\n\n\nwith them ... but then another part of me thought, I would be very sad if some 25-year-old lady rock and roll singer ten years from now said, 'I wish Stevie Nicks would have thought about it a little more.' That's kind of what stopped me and made me really look at the world through clear eyes.\" Later that year, on the advice of friends concerned that she might relapse, she visited a psychiatrist who prescribed the sedative Klonopin to help her remain free from cocaine. In", "id": "16105195" }, { "contents": "Sukierae\n\n\nalbum and have a feeling that one part, has ended, and now I can take a little breather before I listen to the second part. Or I can listen to the second part another time. It’s a double record on vinyl, so there are three breaks like that. I wanted it to have different identities artistically and the album format allows me to do that.\" \"Working toward Sukierae I must have written or recorded around 90 songs. I was pretty sold on the idea of two really good-", "id": "11951831" }, { "contents": "The Idiot\n\n\nof 'double thoughts':Two thoughts coincided, that very often happens... I think it's a bad thing and, you know, Keller, I reproach myself most of all for it. What you told me just now could have been about me. I've even sometimes thought that all human beings are like that, because it's terribly difficult to fight those \"double thoughts\"... At any rate, I am not your judge... You used cunning to coax money out of me by means of tears, but you yourself", "id": "10977738" }, { "contents": "Gustav I of Sweden\n\n\none of the soldiers came close to check Gustav Vasa, all of a sudden the landlady took out a bakery spade and started to hit Gustav and scolded him as a \"lazy farmboy\" and ordered him to go out and work. The Danish soldier found it amusing and did not realise this \"lazy farmboy\" was in fact Gustav Vasa himself who managed to slip away from danger and escape death. There are many other stories about Gustav's close encounters with death, however it is questionable if any of his adventures really", "id": "4549094" }, { "contents": "You Fail Me\n\n\n\" and managing to make my bandmates happy with the work I did on that record, I thought that I’d really like to go back and remix \"You Fail Me\". I recorded that one, but Matt Ellard, who did most of the engineering work on \"Jane Doe\", was the one who mixed it. But it was also mixed under less than ideal circumstances.\"\"\"Jane Doe\" was mixed at Fort Apache on a console that Matt was familiar with, and we had sufficient time to do those", "id": "14647278" }, { "contents": "Victoria Studd\n\n\ngirlfriend convincingly, I really should know what it's like to kiss you.' He agreed, and we were just going to kiss for the first time when a friend of his interrupted us.\" Grant has said that, in a sense, he owes his entire career to Studd; \"The first time I was in front of a camera was when I was at Oxford University and we did a very pretentious student film, I didn't have any goal apart from having sex with a girl called Victoria Studd who", "id": "19218342" }, { "contents": "Jon Morter\n\n\nthe following year. In 2009, The Morters tried on a bigger scale. Jon Morter said to London \"Metro\" he learned how the system worked through Rick Astley's bid. He said: \"What I learned from that was how the charts work a little bit really, and what you can get away with. So when this year came around I just thought 'let's have another go'. If anything, last year was fun, it was just a good bit of fun I think. This year", "id": "18714252" }, { "contents": "Unanswered Prayers\n\n\ntwo years of my married life, I really thought the girl that was for me was still that girl that was in high school. And now man just the realization that what you have is the best for you, and the best you could ever do in your lifetime. It sure makes you sleep well at night.\" Garth provided the following background information on the song in the CD booklet liner notes from \"The Hits\": \"\"Pat Alger and I worked on this song quite a long time without a", "id": "3650614" }, { "contents": "Korean baked goods\n\n\nbakeries\"'\". Bakeries selling Asian style breads can be found all over the world and some of largest chains today include Grupo Bimbo, BreadTalk Group and Yamazaki Baking. The Chinese market is fast becoming the largest consumers of baked goods since foreign bakeries entered the market in the 1990s. Since then, businesses trying to reach success in China, like in other Asian markets, have aimed to strike a balance between making breads that look like Western baked goods but are filled with cream and are sweet and buttery in flavour.", "id": "9902482" }, { "contents": "Rebecca Tunney\n\n\nunexpected to win. The main focus with it being the Olympic trial was to stay clean and I thought if I did that I could get maybe in the top 5 but to win is incredible. The trials have all gone really well for me so it’s now just up to the selectors to decide what works best for the Olympics. The first year as a senior couldn’t have gone better really and I’m really enjoying competed in front of big crowds. Having won the junior title last year and moved straight up", "id": "3148061" }, { "contents": "Cassie (album)\n\n\nI do my slow songs and stuff that the girls will love, I have a down South joint, I have a rock song that I did with my girls–this band called Pretty Boys. [...] It has some funk, some old stuff, it's really fun.\" She paid tribute to her Filipino culture by incorporating OPM sounds into some of the ballads. While describing the process of working with Leslie, she stated, \"I will talk about situations that I was going through at the time and", "id": "17702199" }, { "contents": "Dirty Work (All Time Low album)\n\n\nsaid it was \"a totally fun song.\" Gaskarth said \"Guts\" was \"about finding within yourself the ability to say and do what you want no matter what the repercussions might be.\" Maja Ivarsson from The Sounds provides guest vocals on the track. Gaskarth said Ivarsson was \"someone I’ve always respected vocally\". He added that the pair \"both sound really similar ... she definitely sounds like a girl and I sorta sound like a girl so there’s a weird mix that happens but trust me it", "id": "5561518" }, { "contents": "Ignition (Remix)\n\n\n, old track that I had in my computer for a long time. When I pulled it up, for some reason I just heard “ignition” on it, so I start really just messing with the words and a lot of metaphors start coming to me. You know “trying to get you to my hotel/ you must be a football coach/ the way you got me playing the field/ So baby give me that “toot toot, that beep beep.” You know what I mean? Just basically having fun with", "id": "16062118" }, { "contents": "I'm Alive (Celine Dion song)\n\n\ncouldn't wait to go back into the recording studio. And, I loved the songs that people wrote for me on this album. Those songs became even closer to me because, the fact that I took two years off, they wrote songs for me that were even closer to my emotions. I had things to talk about. I had things to sing about. It was a fun adventure, no pressure, relaxed, smooth, powerful but controlled. I really had a wonderful time. And to see my friends", "id": "7402049" }, { "contents": "Jumbo King\n\n\nA Jumbo King vada pav consists of a batata vada (a spicy deep-fried potato patty) in a pav (bread roll), similar in size and shape to a Quarter Pounder. Jumbo King is considered Mumbai's first branded vada pav, and is the largest selling brand. The pav used by Jumbo King was designed by Salim Malik, who dropped out of college to help run his father's bakery. Thanks to work with Jumbo King, their bakery has become the largest dealer of pavs in Borivali. They", "id": "18156651" }, { "contents": "I Know What You Did Last Summer\n\n\nto never discuss the incident again. A year later, Julie returns home from her college in Boston for the summer. Since the incident, the friends have gone their separate ways. Julie receives a letter with no return address, stating, \"I know what you did last summer!\" Disturbed, Julie tracks down Helen, who has returned to Southport to work at her family's department store after a failed attempt at an acting career in New York City. The girls take the note to Barry, who immediately suspects", "id": "15662429" }, { "contents": "Lauren Jackson\n\n\nShe said of her private life: \"I don't really have a private life. I've found it difficult as an athlete, to maintain a relationship. It's not one of my best points but I've got family and friends who compensate for that. When I was younger I went out and had a lot of fun, and there were moments when people criticised me for that, and you know what, I'm young, I'm going to do that, and anyone who is going to get on", "id": "18811271" }, { "contents": "Andy Ritchie (Scottish footballer)\n\n\nleft behind. I have to admit my appetite diminished, my general play wasn't good and I lost my way. It was not a conscious decision. In fact, when I moved to Motherwell they didn't want to announce it at Morton because they thought they wouldn't sell season tickets for the next year. I had lost my way. I was what you would call these days a sick pup. I really needed someone to have some faith in me, but I was 26 and ended up taking a non", "id": "5031194" }, { "contents": "The Elephant Vanishes\n\n\ncat and meets a girl in a neighbor's garden. A recently-married couple in their late twenties lie in bed, famished; they have little in their refrigerator: a six-pack of beer and some cookies. After drinking and eating all of it, the man recounts to his wife a time he and his friend “robbed” a bakery ten years ago. The two intended to take all the bread they could from a bakery by force. The man who ran the bakery offers a counterproposal before the two", "id": "4666394" }, { "contents": "Rachel Scott\n\n\nher death. The letter included the words: \"Now that I have begun to walk my talk, they make fun of me. I don't even know what I have done. I don't even have to say anything, and they turn me away. I have no more personal friends at school. But you know what, it's all worth it.\" On many occasions throughout Scott's adolescence, her family observed her in prayer both at home and at church. Her mother said that her daughter would", "id": "10107583" }, { "contents": "Cheese Board Collective\n\n\n. As the sale of bakery products grew so did the variety of breads, pastries and other baked goods offered. \"The Cheese Board: Collective Works\" reports that, \"The varying bread schedule is complex enough that even the workers have difficulty remembering it.\" In 1990, a second semi-independent operation (which the members call an empowered committee), Cheese Board Pizza, was formed to produce pizza (originally sold as an occasional lunch and Friday night offering by the Cheese Board bakery) full-time.", "id": "15986228" }, { "contents": "Eddy Gesualdo\n\n\nGesualdo) can do; he has the offensive skills and Tommy has told him what he needs to work on. We really hate to lose him.\" Eddy was then quoted on saying, \"I'm really disappointed in how things have gone because it took me five years to make this team, I finally did and Archie (former coach) gave me my chance, but now I am starting all over again.\" \"Winnipeg Fury.\" Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 2004. 5", "id": "15998803" }, { "contents": "Joan Juliet Buck\n\n\n\"La Femme Française,\" and she had a quantum physics-themed issue. Looking back she described what she envisioned for her employees then: \"I wanted the magazine to be fun. I wanted everyone who worked on the magazine to go toward what they liked. Again, it’s that distinction between what you should do and what’s expected, and what you feel, what you want.\" In the \"Price of Illusion,\" she talks about wanting to upend French cliches such as black sweaters and Helmut", "id": "447510" }, { "contents": "John Erik Kaada\n\n\n, but at some point, writing film scores was what I did. In the beginning it was quite stressful and made me nervous, but now I'm enjoying the work much more, thinking of it as a compositional playground. Orchestration and sonorous experimentation are the fields that I really enjoy delving into these days. Working on film scores enables me to create unconventional instrument ensembles. I'm also doing music for documentaries and television scores in between film scores. TV gigs is a great composers' workshop, because you have the", "id": "20567317" }, { "contents": "Warnings/Promises\n\n\nattention to critics, though – if you did you’d never get out of bed, because you’d be so worried about what people thought of you. I think people that criticise need to get out more and go for a walk. I mean, what’s the point? If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. I think the good thing about the band now is that we’ve got a body of work – you don’t have to like all of it, it’s not a", "id": "1561518" }, { "contents": "Sen Dog\n\n\ncould talk about personal aspects of his life with this album. He said, \"With Cypress, I never really felt that comfortable to put personal aspects of my life into the music. It feels good to have the opportunity to be the quarterback, if you want to call it that, in the studio, and be creative. I definitely found that I had more in me than I thought I did.\" He said that he wanted to have fun with this album and that he has tried out a lot of", "id": "13578368" }, { "contents": "Jacqui McQueen\n\n\nfelt Cooper or Jacqui didn't need that \"support system\". He increased her role in storylines. This made Cooper delighted, of the changes she stated: \"he seemed to like what I did and he's worked on it and developed it. Paul has really taken me under his wing, he's worked me so hard and he's given me opportunities that I could only have dreamt of.\" Speaking of her approach to playing Jacqui, Cooper has said: \"I try to tame Claire back because I", "id": "21925265" }, { "contents": "Wrecked (film)\n\n\ncan't just make safe bets. Even directors and actors who do great work, do not always do great work. And I don't feel like you can wait around until someone of note comes to you and says come work with me. You have to seek out new things that inspire you. The key to this working is that he really didn't have to babysit me. You have to have trust in each other, and I trust Michael.\" \"Wrecked\" received mixed to favorable reviews from film critics", "id": "2897033" }, { "contents": "Nozomi Momoi\n\n\nthe AV work both in interviews and in private conversations. She told an interviewer, \" was a lot of fun at first, but I'm really tired nowadays. To tell you the truth, I think I'm over-exerting myself right now. So I want to take a decent vacation rather than get paid.\" She continued, \"Like I said before, I enjoy the shoots a lot. There are times when I think it's hard and tiring, but the fun part is a lot", "id": "6719380" }, { "contents": "Le Kov\n\n\nyou tell me about David Bowie or people like that?’ And she said that it was all just around, that I was always going to find out about that stuff myself. But it was really annoying for a while, because I’d meet people and have no idea what they were talking about – you know, ‘Who are Pavement?’” Gwenno was also, in part, inspired to record \"Le Kov\" due to a decision by the British government to cut funding towards the Cornish language in 2016", "id": "21967369" } ]
Red is my favorite color. I love wearing this color. Do you like the color red?
[{"answer": "I do like red! It is actually at the end of the visible spectrum of light.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "25825", "title": "Red", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 97, "bleu_score": 0.8656030552541708, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Unusual types of gramophone records\n\n\nI'd Died And Gone To Heaven\" on silver colored vinyl in 1992, in order to commemorate the massive sales of his earlier hit single \"(Everything I Do) I Do It For You\", which was featured in its full-length version on the disc. Isis released their first EP \"Red Sea\"' on tri-colored vinyl. Divided like a pie, one third was red, one third was black, and one third was tan/gold. Other bands have released records with 2 colors", "id": "7384056" }, { "contents": "Nune Siravyan\n\n\nNune has solo exhibitions in Nune Siravyan's works has been exhibited in \"Black Maria\" gallery, Glendale, \"Papillon\" art institute, Los Angeles. Nune Siravyan has Exhibited with these artists: I love colors too much. I do not hesitate to synthesize them. I do not have a favorite color. There are no bad colors, we can combine the nuances. In my collages I use paper, cloth materials which come to replace paint. Unlike paint they make my works more interesting and (in a good", "id": "12302390" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\n.\" \"I thought the collection was very fresh and colorful. There were a lot of twists at first. And I love the way the fabrics, they were like graphism on the tweed of red and blue and white. It's always a surprise with Karl, I never know where I'm going to end up.\" \"I like the shape of airplanes. I love airplanes. It's like a kind of butterfly,\" Lagerfeld added. \"They also wear very formal things with nothing. The Chanel", "id": "6500725" }, { "contents": "Wrapped in Red\n\n\n. A color traditionally associated with Christmas, she affiliated the color to various emotions in the holidays. Wanting to stray away from her usual pop sound, she described \"Wrapped in Red\"s music as a representation to explore different genres such as jazz, country and Memphis soul. She recalled: \"What's cool about Christmas albums is you can do jazz, rock and roll, you can do pop, you can do blues, like you can do all that stuff and it works—cause it's all classic and it", "id": "19916591" }, { "contents": "There's a Riot Goin' On\n\n\nJonathan Dakss Stone explained the album cover's concept, stating \"I wanted the flag to truly represent people of all colors. I wanted the color black because it is the absence of color. I wanted the color white because it is the combination of all colors. And I wanted the color red because it represents the one thing that all people have in common: blood. I wanted suns instead of stars because stars to me imply searching, like you search for your star. And there are already too many stars in", "id": "10100209" }, { "contents": "Janice Olivencia\n\n\ntournament. Olivencia began her U.S. Women's Open debut on July 9, 2009, wearing her nation’s colors. “I knew right then I’d be setting an example for little girls back in Puerto Rico,” said Olivencia, attired in her nation’s colors — red shorts and red bow in her ponytail, white shoes and a navy blue shirt. “It’s history, and yes, I am honored and very proud to represent my country, but today I’m just another female playing in the Open.", "id": "18506540" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\n\" \"My favorite thing was the colorful tweed suits,\" explained Nana Komatsu. \"I also liked how the models wore their caps to the side. It's very street style.\" \"A house like Chanel has these iconic pieces, which are renewed by Karl in a totally different way each time,\" observed Gaspard Ulliel. \"I think it's a very young collection.\" \"The set was a perfect backdrop for the collection with its play on light and color,\" stated Anna Mouglalis. \"", "id": "6500735" }, { "contents": "Liberal paradox\n\n\nand hates red. Bob loves the color green and hates yellow. If each were free to choose the color of their house independently of the other, they would choose their favorite colors. But Alice hates Bob with a passion, and she would gladly endure a red house if it meant that Bob would have to endure his house being yellow. Bob similarly hates Alice, and would gladly endure a yellow house if that meant that Alice would live in a red house. If each individual is free to choose their own house", "id": "14221543" }, { "contents": "Madhura Mangalam\n\n\nup. The centre line represents the Consort of Lord Narayana. It os adorned with Shree choornam. Some use golden color since the goddess is of golden color (Hiranya varnam Harinieem...). And some use red color. Sumangalis wear this Shree Choornam in red color and a small Thiruman-like goddess Ghodha Devi Wears. And yellow Shree choornam if they are widows. Now the Sequence of adorning the holy Urdhra Pundaras are: 1. On Forehead – Keshava. Lord holds Chakra in all four hands and his consort name", "id": "3626475" }, { "contents": "Tsáchila\n\n\nlike the seed pods. They speak the Tsafiki or Tsáchila language of the Barbacoan language family. Men wear horizontally striped cobalt blue/black and white skirts, and the women wear brightly colored horizontally striped skirts. The Spaniards called them \"Colorado\" (meaning colored red) because they used to cover their entire bodies in the red juices of the achiote seeds, for prevention against Smallpox, but the Spaniards thought red was indeed their true skin color. The largest city of the canton is \"Santo Domingo de los Colorados\"", "id": "17141501" }, { "contents": "Red–black tree\n\n\nmade with B-trees with larger orders that can be structurally equivalent to a colored binary tree: you just need more colors. Suppose that you add blue, then the blue–red–black tree defined like red–black trees but with the additional constraint that no two successive nodes in the hierarchy will be blue and all blue nodes will be children of a red node, then it becomes equivalent to a B-tree whose clusters will have at most 7 values in the following colors: blue, red, blue", "id": "6723138" }, { "contents": "Wrapper (clothing)\n\n\nWest African weddings is white. The most popular non-traditional color is purple or lavender, the color of African royalty. Blue, the color of love, is also a common non-traditional color. Most women wear black kaftans to funerals. However, in some parts of Ghana and the United States, some women wear black-and-white prints, or black and red. The kaftan is the most popular attire for women of African descent throughout the African diaspora. African and African-American women wear a", "id": "10894685" }, { "contents": "Xiao (mythology)\n\n\n. Another name for it is Jo-nei; you may use both these names together. There is another mountain power, this one in the shape of a drum, colored red, and also with only one foot. Its name is Hui. Still another power has the shape of a human being nine feet tall, dressed in fur-lined clothes and wearing a large straw hat. Its name is Chin-lei. Another is like a dragon, variegated in color and with red horns, the name being Fei", "id": "6919428" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "Do I Know You?\n\n\nthe TV to Metro News 1 and affectionately watches a brief segment of Robin's newscast. Marshall asks Ted for some wedding shower gift ideas for Stella. He asks if Stella likes to cook, what her favorite color is, or if she has any hobbies; Ted doesn't know the answer to any of these questions. It is determined that Ted doesn't know Stella's eye color, so he says they are the color of the ocean after a storm, though he doesn't actually know what color that is.", "id": "11886996" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nsoul\", he wrote. \"A certain red affects your blood pressure.\" He also was familiar with the way that complementary colors, such as red and green, strengthened each other when they were placed next to each other. He wrote, \"My choice of colors is not based on scientific theory; it is based on observation, upon feelings, upon the real nature of each experience ... I just try to find a color which corresponds to my feelings.\" Later in the century, the American artist Mark", "id": "6274134" }, { "contents": "Color term\n\n\nspeakers do not say \"light red\". Color words in a language can also be divided into abstract color words and descriptive color words, though the distinction is blurry in many cases. Abstract color words are words that only refer to a color. In English white, black, red, yellow, green, blue, brown, and gray are abstract color words. These words also happen to be 'basic color terms' in English as described above, but colors like maroon and magenta are also abstract though they may", "id": "19429210" }, { "contents": "Nirmala Srivastava\n\n\nan early form of dynamic meditation, discoursed on \"kundalini\" and other matters, and answered a question about sahaja yoga. Nirmala Srivastava said that while in Nargol, on 5 May 1970, she witnessed the rising of the Primordial Kundalini. Later she described the experience as follows: \"I saw my kundalini rising very fast like a telescope opening out and it was a beautiful color that you see when the iron is heated up, a red rose color, but extremely cooling and soothing.\" She stated that the potential", "id": "8878095" }, { "contents": "Color preferences\n\n\n, children prefer the colors red/pink and blue, and cool colors are preferred over warm colors. Purple is a color favored more by girls than by boys. Color perception of children 3–5 years of age is an indicator of their developmental stage. Color preferences tend to change as people age. Favoritism of colors varies widely. Often societal influences will have a direct impact on what colors we favor and disdain. In the West, the color black symbolizes mourning and sadness, red symbolizes anger and violence, white symbolizes purity", "id": "4725330" }, { "contents": "American Idiot\n\n\ncolor deemed it appropriate for use on the cover. He explained, \"I'm sure there's psychological theories of it being the same color of blood and therefore has the powers of life and death... And as a designer I always feel it's kind of a cop-out, so I never used it before. But there was no way you couldn't use it on this cover.\" The band also underwent \"a significant image change,\" and they began wearing black and red uniforms onstage. Armstrong considered", "id": "4305847" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\nweb color called \"maroon\" in HTML/CSS. Displayed at right is the color \"barn red\". This is one of the colors on one of the milk paint color lists, paint colors formulated to reproduce the colors historically used on the American frontier and made, like those paints were, with milk. This color is mixed with various amounts of white paint to create any desired shade of the color barn red. Displayed at right is the color \"Turkey red\". \"Turkey red\" is a color", "id": "6592057" }, { "contents": "La Marque Independent School District\n\n\nrequired PreK-8 students to wear golf shirts colored navy, gold, or white and navy trousers. The Texas Education Agency specifies that the parents and/or guardians of students zoned to a school with uniforms may apply for a waiver to opt out of the uniform policy so their children do not have to wear the uniform; parents must specify \"bona fide\" reasons, such as religious reasons or philosophical objections. High school students were permitted to wear solid-colored or striped golf shirts that do not have the colors red and black.", "id": "17018824" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nis called \"krasávčik\" (Russian: краса́вчик). To describe a lovely girl or a woman the word \"prekrasnaya\" (Russian: прекрасная) is used and \"prekrasnyy\" (Russian: прекрасный) is used for guys. Many places in Russia are also associated with the color red, like for example the Red Square or the city Krasnodar. Red is a predominant color on Russian folk costumes like the Sarafan and handicrafts like the Rushnyk and Khokhloma. Red roses appear on women's folk costumes, on men's", "id": "6274162" }, { "contents": "Color psychology\n\n\nWWII, teams wearing red uniforms have averaged higher league positions and have had more league winners than teams using other colors. In cities with more than one team, the teams wearing red outperformed the teams wearing other colors. A study of the UEFA Euro 2004 found similar results. Another study found that those taking penalty kicks performed worst when the goalkeeper had a red uniform. More anecdotal is the historical dominance of the domestic honors by red-wearing teams such AFC Ajax, FC Bayern Munich, Liverpool F.C., and Manchester United", "id": "11080449" }, { "contents": "Diva Starz\n\n\nher favorite color. She had a pet dog named Budster (nicknamed \"Buddy\"). Voiced by Joanna Rubiner. Summer (Irish-American, light tone skin, red hair, green eyes) - a model citizen who'd \"\"love the outdoors so much, that she'd bring it inside\"\", she was an animal lover and compassionate environmentalist. She also owned many pets, including a pet rabbit named Sunny Bunny. Her representation color was green, which was also her favorite color. She was", "id": "20635771" }, { "contents": "Color blindness\n\n\nbrightness. It occurs in two primary forms: There is generally no treatment to cure color deficiencies. ″The American Optometric Association reports a contact lens on one eye can increase the ability to differentiate between colors, though nothing can make you truly see the deficient color.″ Optometrists can supply colored spectacle lenses or a single red-tint contact lens to wear on the non-dominant eye, but although this may improve discrimination of some colors, it can make other colors more difficult to distinguish. A 1981 review of various studies to evaluate", "id": "7540056" }, { "contents": "List of Donald Duck universe characters\n\n\ntheir age, the girls routinely wear high-heeled shoes. Like the nephews, April, May & June usually wear the colors red, blue and green, but unlike them, a color assignment has never been established. The girls also frequently wear yellow, purple and orange. However, one might consider \"blue\" to be April's color since that was the color she wore when she appeared solo in \"Dell Giant\" #35. It is also unknown which nephew is paired with which niece when they double", "id": "59472" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "Color\n\n\nor \"[[Salmon (color)|salmon]]\", while others are abstract, like \"red\". In the 1969 study \"[[Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution]]\", [[Brent Berlin]] and [[Paul Kay]] describe a pattern in naming \"basic\" colors (like \"red\" but not \"red-orange\" or \"dark red\" or \"blood red\", which are \"shades\" of red). All languages that have two \"", "id": "6127834" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, it is the color traditionally worn at Christmas by Santa Claus, because in the 4th century the historic Saint Nicholas was the Greek Christian Bishop of Myra, in modern-day Turkey, and bishops then dressed in red. While red is the color most associated with love, it also the color most frequently associated with hatred, anger, aggression and war. People who are angry are said to \".\" Red is the color most commonly associated with passion and heat. In ancient Rome, red was the color of", "id": "6274144" }, { "contents": "Native American jewelry\n\n\nbeads, and certain seeds, such as mountain laurel seeds, and even plant roots. Necklaces often feature abalone shell pendants. When trade beads became available from Europeans and European-Americas, Apache women began wearing several layers of string glass bead necklaces. Mirrors obtained from traders were also worn as pendants, or woven into vests and other clothing items. Apache jewelers use virtually any color, but do tend toward traditional favorite color combinations, including black and white, red and yellow, or pale blue and dark blue. The", "id": "1784692" }, { "contents": "List of Fruits Basket characters\n\n\na super-sentai–style \"School Defense Force\", and once tries to get the rest of the student council to pick their team colors. When Yuki asked Manabe's younger half sister, Machi, what her favorite color is, Manabe later claimed that he knew that her favorite color was red. Though by saying so heavily implied that he knew about her crush on Yuki, who was decided by Manabe that his color, as president was red. In an author's note, Takaya calls him a good friend", "id": "14652076" }, { "contents": "Lars Westman\n\n\n-2008 The MST struggle for bread and earth in Brasil. CESIUM IN MY BLOOD Together with Zenildo Barretto 55 min color 2007 Following up of the Goiania radioactive accident 1987 DO YOU LOVE ME? Together with Niels-Pagh Andersen, Thomas Stenderup 55 min color 2006 My love relations in my life. GARRINCHA AND HOT DOGS Together with Fredrik Ekelund 55 min color 2007 Football player Garrincha's Swedish son take up the roots. AMA DO JORGE The Brazilian writer Jorge Amado's work and life and death. 50 min video 2000.", "id": "2205722" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\n, and in traditional color theory, red is one of the three primary colors, along with blue and yellow. Painters in the Renaissance mixed red and blue to make violet: Cennino Cennini, in his 15th-century manual on painting, wrote, \"If you want to make a lovely violet colour, take fine lac [red lake], ultramarine blue (the same amount of the one as of the other) with a binder\" he noted that it could also be made by mixing blue indigo and red hematite", "id": "6274076" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nby Verordnung über Warnungstafeln für den Kraftfahrzeugverkehr in 1927). Red is the color that most attracts attention. Surveys show it is the color most frequently associated with visibility, proximity, and extroverts. It is also the color most associated with dynamism and activity. Red is used in modern fashion much as it was used in Medieval painting; to attract the eyes of the viewer to the person who is supposed to be the center of attention. People wearing red seem to be closer than those dressed in other colors, even if", "id": "6274149" }, { "contents": "Red diamond\n\n\n. A pure red diamond is ideal but an even rarer find than a red with a secondary color. Like with other diamond colors, a purely red diamond will fetch a higher per carat price than one with a secondary hue. Brownish red and Orangey red diamonds are generally considered inferior to Purplish Red diamonds and are priced accordingly. All of these colors run upwards of $400,000 per carat, but a pure red diamond can cost significantly more per carat. Few colors of fancy color diamonds are characterized by having a singular color", "id": "20830718" }, { "contents": "Stop light party\n\n\nA stop light party, stoplight party, traffic light party or traffic party is a party at which guests wear different colors indicating their relationship-seeking status. While they are held anytime, anywhere, they are commonly held around Valentine's Day and in areas around Colleges and Universities. The basic idea of the party is that the person enters the room and receives a bright color (light stick or glow necklace) or wears a color that best suits their status. Red if you are taken (stop), yellow if", "id": "21204554" }, { "contents": "Color psychology\n\n\nWollard, (2000) seems to think that color can affect one's mood, but the effect also can depend on one's culture and what one's personal reflection may be. For example, someone from Japan may not associate red with anger, as people from the U.S. tend to do. Also, a person who likes the color brown may associate brown with happiness. However, Wollard does think that colors can make everyone feel the same, or close to the same, mood. In particular, the color red", "id": "11080447" }, { "contents": "The Black Prism\n\n\n. It would seem that in order to be considered a Drafter in a particular color, said Drafter must be able to Draft the \"whole\" color: Karris Whiteoak, who can Draft Green, Red and \"most\" of Sub-Red, is only considered a Bichrome. In order to draft a color of Luxin, a Drafter must see the color somewhere in his or her surroundings. If the color is not available in their immediate surroundings, most Drafters get around this by wearing colored spectacles to filter their color", "id": "13546958" }, { "contents": "You Can't Do That on Television\n\n\n\" in the \"Not So Far\" episode. Although the slime was usually green, other colors, such as red, blue, yellow, and even black and white, were occasionally used. 1981's \"Safety First\" episode, which featured white slime as part of a recurring joke in about \"wearing white at night,\" was the first episode known to have used a slime color other than green. The most dramatic example of this, however, was in the 1982 episode \"Television,\" in which", "id": "10161385" }, { "contents": "Support our troops\n\n\nthe armed forces abroad, regardless of the circumstances under which they were deployed. People in Canada have worn red on Fridays to show support for troops serving in the Canadian Forces. Red is chosen because it is an official Canadian color, and historically is a color of remembrance because it symbolizes the red poppies in Flanders Fields and the loss of life that the country has endured. Many positions in the House of Commons do not allow employees to dress outside of uniform, but allow staff to wear a red ribbon as a compromise", "id": "4086807" }, { "contents": "Vejigante\n\n\nA \"vejigante\" is a folkloric character in Puerto Rican festival celebrations (mainly seen in Carnival time). Traditional colors of the Vejigantes were green, yellow, and red or red and black. Today, Vejigantes wear brightly colored, ornate masks corresponding to the colors of their costumes that detail bat-like wings. The term vejigante derives from the words vejiga (bladder) and gigante (giant) due to custom of blowing up and painting cow bladders. The masks are often linked to festivals that continue today, especially", "id": "8851730" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n\"red\" is a tone of Indian red, made like Indian red with pigment made from iron oxide. The first recorded use of \"English red\" as a color name in English was in the 1700s (exact year uncertain). In the \"Encyclopédie\" of Denis Diderot in 1765, alternate names for Indian red included \"what one also calls, however improperly, English Red.\" The source of this color is: ISCC-NBS Dictionary of Color Names (1955) – Color Sample of English Red (", "id": "3697592" }, { "contents": "Fargo (season 3)\n\n\nthe people. Which is somewhat strange, but it still doesn't feel like you're doing a trick of any sort.\" As with the previous two seasons, the third season had its own distinct visual style, achieved through color grading by removing the blue channel, as Noah Hawley explained: \"So you take the blue channel on the digital image and you just dial it out. And what you end up with is a very distinctive look in which colors like red and orange and yellow; they just really pop", "id": "8309724" }, { "contents": "Red\n\n\nwear red, often through association with their national flags. A few of these teams feature the color as part of their nickname such as Spain (with their association football (soccer) national team nicknamed \"La Furia Roja\" or \"The Red Fury\") and Belgium (whose football team bears the nickname \"Rode Duivels\" or \"Red Devils\"). In club association football (soccer), red is a commonly used color throughout the world. A number of teams' nicknames feature the color. A red", "id": "6274169" }, { "contents": "Arsène Lupin III\n\n\npreference for large and rather plain boots, Lupin is a sharp dresser. He typically wears a button-down shirt, tie, chinos and a brightly colored sports jacket—exclusively red in the manga, while in animation his jackets are various colors which color-code his TV series (green for Part I, a few OVAs and \"The Woman Called Fujiko Mine\"; red for Part II, and most films and television specials; pink for Part III; blue for Part IV and Part V). In Monkey", "id": "20057631" }, { "contents": "Indian red (color)\n\n\n. This color was also produced in a special limited edition in which it was called Vermont maple syrup. At the request of educators worried that children (mistakenly) believed the name represented the skin color of Native Americans, Crayola changed the name of their crayon color \"Indian Red\" to \"Chestnut\" in 1999. In reality, the color Indian red has nothing to do with American Indians but is an iron oxide pigment the use of which is popular in India. At right is displayed the color English red. This", "id": "3697591" }, { "contents": "Red states and blue states\n\n\neach party is becoming common. Both parties have since adopted logos that use their respective colors (a blue \"D\" for Democrats and a white \"GOP\" with a red elephant for Republicans). National conventions for both major parties increasingly feature the parties' respective colors, from the colors emphasized on convention podiums to the color conventioneers can be seen wearing on the delegate floor. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee also alluded the color scheme when it launched a national \"Red to Blue Program\" in 2006. The scheme has", "id": "10502253" }, { "contents": "Red shirt (photography)\n\n\nin \"National Geographic\" photographs of the Maasai people of Africa, who traditionally wear a red robe. This method grew increasingly popular as color photography technology improved, and was spurred on by color film companies like Kodak. It received a boost with the spread of digital photography, as digital photographs can be easily enhanced by differential color saturation treatments on different parts of the image. The technique has influenced numerous trends in contemporary photography, such as advertising photography, where it is used to highlight the advertised object in question. An", "id": "7040313" }, { "contents": "Loona (singer)\n\n\n(like I do)\") or reggaeton, such as \"Everybody on the floor (Uh la la la)\". While Loona experimented with ambient sounds on the second album \"Entre dos aguas\", such as in \"Pajaro sin cielo\" or \"Tell me why\", for the third studio album \"Colors\", she used a more mature and oriental sound, which can be heard on songs like \"Land of broken dreams\", \"If you want my love\" or \"Rhythm of the", "id": "19673157" }, { "contents": "Ryoma Echizen\n\n\nin English, which his classmates admire him for. He is also the object of admiration of his own fan club in school, which is led by Tomoka Osakada. However, he does not care about girls at this point in his life, due to solely focusing on tennis. His favorite color is silver although he is always seen wearing a red shirt and a red racket. His favorite racket is Bridgestone Dynabeam Grandea. In the manga, he is shown wearing Fila shoes, cap, wristband and shirt; in the", "id": "17692284" }, { "contents": "Color psychology\n\n\ncolor with halting. Red is also perceived as a strong and active color which may influence both the person wearing it and others. An evolutionary psychology explanation is that red may signal health as opposed to anemic paleness, or indicate anger due to flushing instead of paleness due to fear. It has been argued that detecting flushing may have influenced the development of primate trichromate vision. Primate studies have found that some species evaluate rivals and possible mates depending on red color characteristics. Facial redness is associated with testosterone levels in humans, and", "id": "11080451" }, { "contents": "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)\n\n\n\"can you colorize my life, I'm so sick of black and white?\" in the song I'd Do Anything For Love. In early 2017 previews of his musical Bat Out Of Hell, there was a line in dialogue \"Why are nuns so scary? It's because the world is in color and the nuns are black and white\". The scenario of this music video does appear to be part of Steinman's \"Obsidian\" universe. The location is mentioned in Steinman's earlier work Neverland and is", "id": "9752129" }, { "contents": "Road coloring theorem\n\n\nin the graph you start, if you traverse all nine edges in the walk \"blue-red-red—blue-red-red—blue-red-red\", you will end up at the yellow vertex. Similarly, if you traverse all nine edges in the walk \"blue-blue-red—blue-blue-red—blue-blue-red\", you will always end up at the vertex marked in green, no matter where you started. The road coloring theorem states that for", "id": "8018688" }, { "contents": "Columnea consanguinea\n\n\ntheir leaves give them a brilliant red color, reminiscent of stained-glass windows. Hummingbirds, like all birds, possess excellent color vision greater than that of humans. They are attracted to the red color of the markings and can then find their way to the flowers to feed. In doing so, they pollinate the flowers of \"C. consanguinea\". The same strategy is used by \"C. florida\", which also have red markings on their leaves. \"Columnea consanguinea\" grow in tropical rainforests at altitudes of above", "id": "2172984" }, { "contents": "Allan Crite\n\n\n. So I used that, for example, as the frame of discipline to illustrate the spirituals, by making use of the liturgy, the vestments, and everything like that -- using the vestments and appurtenances as, you might say, a vocabulary. His work is recognizable to the use of rich earth tone colors. According to one biographer, his favorite color was \"all colors\" and his favorite time of year was \"anything but winter.\" According to one reviewer, \"Crite's oils and graphics, even", "id": "4524177" }, { "contents": "Croatian national costume\n\n\nshawls, aprons, and jewellery. Red is the most popular color, especially in Zagorje, and the aprons and vests worn by the men and women are red with elaborate stitching and embroidery, mostly with gold thread. Women wear colorful shawls and kerchiefs which are usually red with flower designs. The second most popular color is black, which could have gold or white embroidery, or none at all. Very often, the men and women would not wear any aprons or shawls, and their costumes would mostly consist of their", "id": "7471300" }, { "contents": "Sam Watters\n\n\nTrain Music Award for Best RB/Urban Contemporary Single - Group, Band or Duo for Color Me Badd’s “I Wanna Sex You Up” -1991 Soul Train Music Award for Best RB/Urban Contemporary Song of the Year for Color Me Badd’s “I Wanna Sex You Up” -1991 American Music Awards nomination for Favorite New Artist - Pop / Rock for Color Me Badd -1991 American Music Awards nomination for Favorite New Artist - Soul / Rhythm & Blues for Color Me Badd -1991 American Music Awards nomination for Favorite Single -", "id": "12013499" }, { "contents": "Foundation (cosmetics)\n\n\n2017 list. You can also color correct to help any discoloration. To do this you will want to use something that is on the opposite side of the color wheel. For example, if you have dark blue/purple circle you will want to use an orange color corrector. If you want to cancel your redness you will want to use a green corrector. Coverage refers to the opacity of the makeup, or how much it will conceal on the skin. There are various tools that can be used to apply foundation", "id": "11916858" }, { "contents": "Nea Salamis Famagusta FC\n\n\nto red and white: red symbolizing power, and white symbolizing peace. Red-and-white striped jerseys were chosen because they resembled those worn by Olympiacos Piraeus. The anthem of Nea Salamina transferred in English: poem As red the blood in veins, so red you’re wearing shirts keep fighting Salamina, we offer you ourselves Olympic rings of peoples are lighten by your flame over the glorious emblem of nineteen forty-eight Your red and white colors, I know they will one day return to Famagusta and come alive again", "id": "9350878" }, { "contents": "Galero\n\n\nrelatives had a \"galero\" installed above his tomb in Westminster Cathedral, alongside those of his predecessors. The privilege of wearing the red \"galero\" was first granted to cardinals by Pope Innocent IV in 1245 at the First Council of Lyon. Tradition in the Archdiocese of Lyon is that the red color was inspired by the red hats of the canons of Lyon. Pope Innocent wanted his favorites to be distinct and recognizable in the lengthy processions at the council. Anachronistically, some early Church Fathers are shown wearing a galero,", "id": "19536801" }, { "contents": "Mickey Mouse\n\n\ncharacteristics, evolved from blackface caricatures used in minstrel shows. Besides Mickey's gloves and shoes, he typically wears only a pair of shorts with two large buttons in the front. Before Mickey was seen regularly in color animation, Mickey's shorts were either red or a dull blue-green. With the advent of Mickey's color films, the shorts were always red. When Mickey is not wearing his red shorts, he is often still wearing red clothing such as a red bandmaster coat (\"The Band Concert\",", "id": "789547" }, { "contents": "Oksana Kovalevskaya\n\n\nsang \"He does not know anything.\" After the tour concluded, she released her third single \"I love you Joe\". In January 2003, she released her fourth single, \"My Mother\" (), which is about a grown-up girl who wonder what's next. \"My Mother\" topped the singles charts. In 2003, Paints appears on some Russian television programs. Paints returned to the studio to record their second album, which uses the red color theme. The first single off of", "id": "3827697" }, { "contents": "Gang signal\n\n\ngenerally more individualistic with their clothing. The gang would wear a specific clothing and certain accessories that would match their crew's colors. Examples include the Bloods, whose gang colour is red, and the Crips, who wear blue. Most gang members wear brands such as Pro Club, Dickies, & Levi’s. Bandanas can be worn in various types of colors and ways. This is done by gang members to signify which gang they are affiliated with. The most popular bandana colors are red, blue, black, white", "id": "19147480" }, { "contents": "The Color of Me\n\n\nrace supposed to define me? If I am a person of color, can I still have the freedom to be whoever I want without worrying about representing my ethnicity? I want this story to show that you can be anyone, no matter what color you are\", stated Nair. \"This unexpected, quirky tale explores what it means to love the skin you're in. It challenges us to explore how we alter our behavior based on the world's perceptions of us and what it would take for us to stop", "id": "21075300" }, { "contents": "Take Me Home (Cher song)\n\n\ntime in twenty years on her concerts from her Do You Believe? Tour, which ran from 1999 to 2000, wearing an almost identical silver sequined outfit she wore during the Take Me Home tour. During her (2002–05), she performed it in a similar fashion, changing the wig and shirt-and-pants set's color to a sparkly red. At her residence in Las Vegas at Caesars Palace, in the show Cher at the Colosseum, Cher performed the song in a similar costume in turquoise color. Cher", "id": "8839201" }, { "contents": "Lavender (color)\n\n\n. After the introduction of the Munsell color system, in which purple, described as equivalent to red-violet, is described as one of the five psychological primary colors along with red, yellow, green, and blue, some people began to think of lavender as being somewhat more pinkish color. This color can be described as lavender pink or \"pale pinkish-purple\" when purple is defined as equivalent to \"red-violet\" as artists do. This tone of lavender, displayed at right, is the color", "id": "13558826" }, { "contents": "The White Stripes\n\n\n' You care more about the music, not the relationship—whether they're trying to save their relationship by being in a band.\" The White Stripes made exclusive use of a red, white and black color scheme when conducting virtually all professional duties, from album art to the clothes worn during live performances; Meg said that \"like a uniform at school, you can just focus on what you're doing because everybody's wearing the same thing.\" Jack also explained that they aspired to invoke an innocent childishness without", "id": "6266093" }, { "contents": "Pie (game)\n\n\narea the Easter Basket. Another variant is called Red Devil, where one child is removed from the group, and the kids are assigned colors (pink,yellow,blue) the child then returns and says \"Red Devil, Red Devil, may I borrow a crayon?\" the group then asks \"What color?\" and like pie the color chosen must try to catch the asker before the asker takes that person's seat. In another variant, the Buyer is known as the Witch. The Witch says to", "id": "17346268" }, { "contents": "Midori Naka\n\n\nsurvived, along with Sadao Maruyama, Keiko Sonoi and Shozo Takayama. Naka later described her experience: When it happened, I was in the kitchen, since it was my turn to make breakfast for the company that morning. I was wearing a light housecoat, colored red and white and had a scarf tied about my head. When a sudden white light filled the room, my first reaction was that the hot water boiler must have exploded. I immediately lost consciousness. When I came to, I was in darkness and", "id": "4872717" }, { "contents": "Scarlet (color)\n\n\nPope, wore red robes, but a red closer in color to the purple of the Byzantine Emperors, a color coming from murex, a type of mollusk. After the fall of Constantinople to the Turks in 1453, however, the imperial purple was no longer available, and Cardinals began instead to wear scarlet made from Kermes. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, scarlet was the color worn by Kings, princes and the wealthy, partly because of its color and partly because of its high price. The exact shade,", "id": "15173250" }, { "contents": "Coat of Many Colors (song)\n\n\nsewed, she told her child the biblical story of Joseph and his Coat of Many Colors. The excited child, \"with patches on my britches and holes in both my shoes\", rushed to school, \"just to find the others laughing and making fun of me\" for wearing a coat made of rags. And oh I did not understand it, for I felt I was richbrAnd I told them of the love my momma sewed in every stitchbrAnd I told 'em all the story momma told me while she sewedbrAnd how", "id": "8969307" }, { "contents": "Chanel ready-to-wear collection\n\n\nI really, really loved the layering, the colors, the tweed—I wanted so many pieces right away… Everything was brilliant. I think was very me. I feel like I could wear everything in the collection.\" \"We saw the punk girl. I think I saw the sophisticated, the very young teenagers—they were all there, it feels like a brand that you can wear throughout any age,\" noted Alicia Vikander. \"I think that's one of the most extraordinary things about Karl,", "id": "6500708" }, { "contents": "Red Canna (paintings)\n\n\nto look at what I saw and when you took time to really notice my flower you hung all your own associations with flowers on my flower and you write about my flower as if I think and see what you think and see of the flower – and I don't.\" O'Keeffe was not unaware of the sexual references in her work, but male art critics' misinterpretations of these references perpetuated a sexual understanding of her work that was very different from her original intention. She expressed herself through the use of vibrant colors", "id": "9280950" }, { "contents": "Crveni Đavoli\n\n\nTherefore, there is a deep-rooted antifascist attitude within the Djavoli. The group's traditional colors are mainly red which are also the colors of all the Radnički Kragujevac sports clubs. During games fans will often be clad in red, as well as official team merchandise, and other productts. Red caps are especially popular, just like the first fans of Radnički Kragujevac through which they were recognizable. Some also wear the Šajkača. Their style of supporting includes the use of flares and large flags, choreographies, chanting, and", "id": "9718788" }, { "contents": "Crayons (CupcakKe song)\n\n\na big fuck you to anyone perpetuating discriminatory practices in lieu of equal rights for LGBTQ people.\" \"The Red & Black\" stated that \"as the LGBT flag has all the colors of the rainbow, so do the crayons she mentions in her song. In the first verse, she asserts her stance and stands with the queer community, saying, \"Love is love, who give a fuck?\"\" \"XXL\" wrote that the \"LGBTQ-advocating track that showcases her chameleon-like ability to adapt", "id": "4551112" }, { "contents": "Portable optical air sensor\n\n\nthe sensing of air acidity. The sol-gel is made with an organic dye, (2-[4-(dimethylamino)- phenylazo]benzoic acid). The dye has a pH color range of 6.7-8.7. This means that below a pH of 6.7 you see one color, in this case a red-pink, and at a pH higher than 8.7 you see a different color, in this case yellow, and you see a changing orange in between. The testing procedure is incredibly simple since all you have to do is expose the sol-", "id": "16987443" }, { "contents": "Mahogany (color)\n\n\nMahogany is a reddish-brown color. It is approximately the color of the wood mahogany. However, the wood itself, like most woods, is not uniformly the same color and is not recognized as a color by most. The first recorded use of \"mahogany\" as a color name in English was in 1737. Mahogany red is equivalent to the color called \"mahogany\" in Crayola crayons. \"Mahogany\" was made a Crayola color in 1949. The first recorded use of \"mahogany red\" as a color", "id": "10327301" }, { "contents": "Moose: Chapters from My Life\n\n\ndialogue is nearly identical. About the \"No Red In London\" sequence, scriptwriter Kelly Marcel later blogged, \"Anything that shocked me and surprised me went in, because that's how you make drama, you know? I think the one that freaked me out the most, that I could not believe, was that she wouldn't allow the color red to be in the film.\" On January 6, 2014, \"Moose\" editor, Robert J. Sherman produced, wrote and emceed a two night cabaret at", "id": "10048355" }, { "contents": "List of Monster High characters\n\n\nthe son of a zombie (father) and a unicorn (mother). He has long black hair with blue, yellow, and red highlights in a ponytail, and he wears a colorful shirt and pants whose color splash patterns seem remincient of anatomical models. Neighthan is somewhat clumsy, but he is a social monster who loves hanging out with his beast friends. He doesn't like monsters judging other monsters based on their appearances. He has the ability to heal thanks to his unicorn horn. He makes his first webisode", "id": "18420821" }, { "contents": "Cole Weston\n\n\nfilms Kodachrome and Ektachrome to Edward because they wanted him to \"photograph Point Lobos in color\" to which Edward responded: \"Well, I don’t know anything about color, but I know Point Lobos better than any man alive\". With the leftover film, Cole began experimenting with the new medium and, in 1957, he created his first color prints of the California coastline. \"I’m a color photographer. That’s what I do. Whether you like it or not, that’s what I do.", "id": "2965300" }, { "contents": "Ogden Pleissner\n\n\nasked me why I didn’t paint watercolors. I said I don’t know how, and he said all you have to do is keep your board a little slanted so when you wash the color onto the paper it runs downhill. That I was my only lesson in watercolor.” “It’s hard to say whether I have a favorite place to paint. There are many fascinating places in Europe and there’s so much right here in this country. . . Whether it’s Vermont, Normandy, or Paris,", "id": "2780956" }, { "contents": "Equine vision\n\n\ncolors of the spectrum and the color variations based upon them, but cannot distinguish red. Research indicates that their color vision is somewhat like red-green color blindness in humans, in which certain colors, especially red and related colors, appear more green. Dichromatic vision is the result of the animal having two types of cones in their eyes: a short-wavelength-sensitive cone (S) that is optimal at 428 nm (blue), and a middle-to-long wavelength sensitive cone (M/", "id": "843283" }, { "contents": "Marriage and wedding customs in the Philippines\n\n\nthe Filipino Barong, or a suit. Women wear a formal or semi-formal dress, the length and color determined by the wedding theme. It is discouraged for female guests to wear white since this competes with the bride's traditional wedding dress color. For Chinese Filipino weddings, it is customary for the bride to wear red. It is frowned upon to wear this color as a guest, for the same reason. Black and white ensembles are also considered impolite in traditional Chinese Filipino weddings. These colors symbolize death and", "id": "11332303" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Eugene Leake\n\n\nAlbers came to my studio one day. I was painting semi-abstract landscapes, horizontal bands of color. He said to me, 'I've heard about you. You are de old Prix de Rome - type painter. Mit underpainting und all dot garbage?' I said, 'Yeah, I learned all that.' And Albers looked at my painting and said, 'Vot you doing here? Dis is about color! It's a metamorphosis!'\" In June 1961 Eugene Leake moved to Maryland after", "id": "22059092" }, { "contents": "Red diamond\n\n\nA red diamond is a diamond which displays red color and exhibits the same mineral properties as colorless diamonds. Red diamonds are commonly known as the most expensive and the rarest diamond color in the world, even more so than pink diamonds or blue diamonds, with less than 30 known red diamonds having been found. Red diamonds, just like pink diamonds are greatly debated as to the source of their color, but the gemological community most commonly attributes both colors to gliding atoms in the diamond's structure as it undergoes enormous pressure during", "id": "20830712" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nto thank you guys especially for supporting me all these years and especially during the last 2 years while I was rebuilding and rethinking everything about what I do. It really helped to have my TCF fans when things got hard. I won't let you guys down -Fred\" In 2012, Fred toured as The Color Fred for the Super Karate Tour On January 29, 2019, a new website for The Color Fred went online, announcing that Fred was in the studio recording new material for the band. On May 1,", "id": "11087979" }, { "contents": "Albert Henry Munsell\n\n\npossible to distinguish a color based on its Munsell Notation. Take for example the color 2.5YR 3/4. This color is between red and yellow-red, but closer to yellow-red, has a value of 3 which is closer to black, and has a chroma of 4. Munsell also wanted to create a standard way of measuring and viewing color. To do this, he investigated the relationship between the color and the light source used for illumination. In short, he found that the light source used drastically effected the", "id": "2271233" }, { "contents": "Wrestling singlet\n\n\ncompetitors wear singlets in their team colors. To designate a competitor's color for scoring purposes a red or green anklet is also worn. Outside school competition (e.g., in international wrestling: freestyle and Greco-Roman) wrestlers bring a red and a blue singlet (or reversible singlet) and are told before the match which color to wear. Singlets are also common among professional wrestlers (such as Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, and Rob Van Dam). Many of these are much more stylized than those worn by amateurs", "id": "11103094" }, { "contents": "Gaddi Vasquez\n\n\ndo you mean, I don't look like an American? Why do you say I don't look like an American?\" He said, \"The color of your skin. You don't look like an American.\" And I said, \"Well, my grandparents came from Mexico to the United States, pursuing dreams and opportunities.\" By the end of Vasquez's tenure, 16 percent of the 7,810 volunteers were minorities — the highest percentage since the agency began collecting data on volunteer diversity. Portions of the", "id": "15323543" }, { "contents": "Studentenverbindung\n\n\ncavalry jackets, depending on circumstances and tradition. Most commonly, a thin sash displaying (usually) three distinctive colors is worn in everyday life, this is called \"Band\". This display while common in the past (Wilhelmine Period) is not as common at German universities anymore. Color-wearing (\"farbentragend\") Studentenverbindungen are those, whose members that wear a \"Band\" a headwear with their fraternities colors. Many Burschenschaften wear the color combination Black-Red-Gold as a historical symbol for German unity", "id": "19942467" }, { "contents": "8-bit color\n\n\npalette of 16,777,216 colors (24 bits: 8 red, 8 green, 8 blue). But in the original VGA card's 320x200 mode, 256 on-screen colors could be chosen from a palette of 262,144 colors (18 bits: 6 red, 6 green, 6 blue). Some older cards prior to the VGA (like the Professional Graphics Controller) can only choose the 256-color palette from 4,096 colors (12 bits: 4 red, 4 green, 4 blue). The other form is where the 8", "id": "10051446" }, { "contents": "Penn Jillette\n\n\nresponse to questions about his red fingernail, Penn has stated \"People are asking about my fingernail. Wear my Dad's ring and my Mom's nail polish. Just for remembrance and respect.\" The color he uses is Jelly Apple Red (#054) by Essie. On the podcast \"Skepticality\" in 2012, Jillette said that he was considering changing the meaning of the red nail polish, telling his daughter it is for her. During his appearance on the \"Chopped\" Tournament of Stars (2014),", "id": "1096632" }, { "contents": "Williamsport Crosscutters\n\n\nthe Pittsburgh Pirates to the Philadelphia Phillies. The colors resemble the red, white, and blue scheme of the Phillies, but with some additional colors and minor tweaks. The former colors were burgundy and black. The Crosscutters wear a red cap with the W-shaped saw cap logo in dark tan and ivory for home games, and a navy blue cap with a logo depicting a capital \"C\" superimposed over a tree stump. The home uniforms include sleeveless, white jerseys with traditional red piping and the \"Cutters\"", "id": "4052712" }, { "contents": "Shades of red\n\n\ncolor wheel with five primary colors—red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The Munsell colors displayed are only approximate as they have been adjusted to fit into the sRGB gamut. The color defined as \"red\" in Pantone is displayed at right. The source of this color is the Pantone Textile Paper eXtended (TPX) color list, color No. 032M—Red. The color defined as \"red\" in Crayola crayons is displayed at right. \"Red\" was one of the original colors formulated", "id": "6592048" }, { "contents": "Red-violet\n\n\n14-3207 TPX—Pink Lavender. Puce is a medium grayish red-violet color. The color pale red-violet (identical to the web color \"pale violet red\") is displayed at the right. This color is a pale tone of red-violet. The color violet-red is displayed at the right. \"Violet-red\", a bright tone of red-violet, has been a Crayola color since 1958. Red-purple is the color that is called \"Rojo-Purpura\"", "id": "12926969" }, { "contents": "List of Blue's Clues characters\n\n\nfor his house and Blue. He is played by Steve Burns. Joe is the replacement host for the show's last two seasons. He is Steve's younger brother who stays at the Blue's Clues house after Steve leaves for college. He wears a variety of different colored shirts with a horizontal line of squares on the front. In each of Joe's episodes, he alternates between colors (red, yellow, green, orange, purple, and blue). His favorite toy is a stuffed duck named Boris.", "id": "4038254" }, { "contents": "McCollough effect\n\n\nand a single color (say black and red). If the color used was red, then after the induction phase the achromatic grating appeared slightly red. This effect is distinct from the classical effect in three important regards: the perceived color of the aftereffect is the same as the inducer's color, the perceived color of the aftereffect is weaker than the classical effect, and the aftereffect shows complete interocular transfer. Like the classic effect, the anti-McCollough effect (AME) is long lasting. Despite producing a less", "id": "20918518" }, { "contents": "Tetsuo Ochikubo\n\n\nonce the design is made, and then I don't have any pleasure in it. My favorite way of printmaking is lithography, somethings combined with etching. Black-and-white is one thing, but with color graphs. you can cut out shapes and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle.\" \"I feel I understand the East and the West. Now my influence is very Oriental. I am very inclined to Oriental philosophy.\"\" This interview was recorded by Francis Haar, only a few months before", "id": "21230068" } ]
I have purple dyed hair and I love, love, love it! Wow really? What made you do that?
[{"answer": "Well, I figured if I don't want gray hair I might as well be bold.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 75, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 318, "bleu_score": 0.9432691605012545, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Michael Giacchino\n\n\nvisiting the school with his parents thus: I thought, wow, this is fantastic. They actually have colleges like this? Where I can do the things that I am really interested in doing? That was amazing to me. I loved SVA. I loved the kind of freedom that it provided. It was kind of like this great experiment—okay, you're here because you like something. So let's see how much you like it. We're not going to regulate you too much. We're going", "id": "3956592" }, { "contents": "Michael Wardian\n\n\nthe counter argument is that you could get hurt and you wouldn't have any races a year. There are so many opportunities out there and, I love to toe the line. I love to see what I can do and just push the limits and try and experiment with myself. I like that people can look at me, and say, \"Wow, if that guy can do 13 marathons a year and do pretty well maybe I can do one.\" I think a lot of people can relate to that", "id": "17282695" }, { "contents": "Let Me Hold You\n\n\n. This is what I want to do for you as a man. These are the things I'm capable of doing for you if you get with me. Just hear me out.' I'm just really talking to the ladies. The song is really special to me, and I love that song.\" The collaboration began when Bow Wow was talking with producer Jermaine Dupri about the song and how he suggested on getting Omarion to appear on the track. In a 2011 retrospective of his previous hits with \"Complex", "id": "133692" }, { "contents": "She Loves You\n\n\nsetting up the microphone when I first saw the lyrics on the music stand, 'She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah!' I thought, Oh my God, what a lyric! This is going to be one that I \"do not\" like. But when they started to sing it – bang, wow, terrific, I was up at the mixer jogging around.\" The \"", "id": "11107981" }, { "contents": "Stephen King\n\n\nsimple—there was nothing else I was made to do. I was made to write stories and I love to write stories. That's why I do it. I really can't imagine doing anything else and I can't imagine not doing what I do.\" He is also often asked why he writes such terrifying stories and he answers with another question: \"Why do you assume I have a choice?\" King usually begins the story creation process by imagining a \"what if\" scenario, such as what", "id": "7132094" }, { "contents": "The Walking Dead (season 1)\n\n\nit [the script], but she said, \"Wow, I really love this pilot you wrote. What are you doing with it?\" I said I'd been trying to set it up forever... She said \"I think AMC might be the place to take this.\" She did, and then bam! They were immediately interested. I had to credit Gale, her insight into marrying the material and the buyer.\" Darabont's original pilot script was split in half and embellished, making the first", "id": "13687803" }, { "contents": "Dark Cousin\n\n\ngreat performances and I really love what it's about. I love Franny [Frances Conroy] and she and I were presenting at the Creative Arts Emmys and I said, 'I think I have something really good for you, sort of the opposite of what you did last year.' She and Jessica [Lange] loved working together. So we came up with this character and I like that she's around in all the individual stories at that pivotal moment of are you going to fight or are you going to", "id": "7710009" }, { "contents": "La Llorona (song)\n\n\nthe inside of my soul. I love you because it emerges, Llorona, from the inside of my soul. If because I love you, you want, Llorona, you want me to love you more. If because I love you, you want, Llorona, you want me to love you more. If I have already given my life to you, Llorona, What more do you want?, You want more? If I have already given my life to you, Llorona, What more do you want", "id": "4180382" }, { "contents": "Survivor (band)\n\n\nNever Stopped Loving You / Ready For The Real Thing [1984] 11. Slander / I Never Stopped Loving You [December 1983 (German only)] 12. It Doesn't Have To Be This Way / Ready For The Real Thing [ June 1984 (German only)] \"worldwide:\" Caught In The Game / Santa Ana Winds [August 1983 (German only)] I Never Stopped Loving You / What Do You Really Think? [1984 (Japan only)] 13. The Moment Of Truth /", "id": "15292414" }, { "contents": "Made in Paris\n\n\nring. Well, here in Paris, she has no chance of getting married so she lets her hair down. She does all the things she's always wanted to do. Plus, a few things that uh, she never thought of.” Mark Fontaine – “Do you know what you really want, Maggie? You want a thrilling evening of 'almost'. Yes, almost romance, almost love, almost sex. Maggie, I told you Paris would give you whatever you were looking for. You've", "id": "8078643" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Commander (song)\n\n\nbecause we started out together, people are going to say things like that. But I really don't care, I love her 'til our dying days and that's all that counts.\" \"Commander\" is an electro-house-R&B song, set in a common time signature of 125 beats per minute. It was written by Kelly Rowland, Rico Love, David Guetta and Sandy Vee with deliberate grammar errors such as \"there's no other who do it like I do it\" and \"you wo", "id": "1968614" }, { "contents": "Henry James\n\n\n, writing, for example, to fellow novelist Lucy Clifford: \"Dearest Lucy! What shall I say? when I love you so very, very much, and see you nine times for once that I see Others! Therefore I think that—if you want it made clear to the meanest intelligence—I love you more than I love Others.\" To his New York friend Mary Cadwalader Jones: \"Dearest Mary Cadwalader. I yearn over you, but I yearn in vain; & your long silence really breaks", "id": "4297456" }, { "contents": "Kid Cudi\n\n\nI do. Why I write my life, and why I love you all so much. Life is really f---- up sometimes, but I know Ben is at Peace, and I hope he gets a chance to sit and talk with my Dad. We love you Ben. Forever. Thank you for loving me. To Ben’s family, you raised a real hero, he’s definitely mine. You have my love.\" In January 2012, Cudi appeared on two songs from Chip tha Ripper's mixtape \"Tell", "id": "13738699" }, { "contents": "Live Like We're Dying\n\n\nI’m not gonna lie: The first time I heard that song I wasn’t crazy about it. But after a couple listens, I really, really like it.' And I mean, I think that’s how everybody felt about the song. And I think that’s a testament to a good song. You don’t have to love ‘em the first time you hear ‘em. It grew on people.\" \"Live Like We're Dying\" is described to be in a \"moderate pop", "id": "15297040" }, { "contents": "Selena Forrest\n\n\nYork Times\" style magazine, \".\" Forrest has spoken out on issues of racial equity in the fashion industry, critiquing designers who don't cast models of color as well as the lack of stylists able to care for black women's hair properly. Speaking to \"The Cut\", Forrest described her sexuality as, \"I love girls. Or, you know what, I just love people. So, that’s what it is. I don’t really categorize it, but if there was a category,", "id": "14712977" }, { "contents": "Is This What I Get for Loving You?\n\n\n\"Be My Baby\", \"Baby, I Love You\", and \"Do I Love You?\", had featured a more up-beat, positive attitude towards love, while \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" moved The Ronettes into a different, more mature direction. Unfortunately, this attempt to bring a more mature image of the group proved to be unsuccessful. \"Is This What I Get For Loving You?\" became one of The Ronettes most unsuccessful singles, peaking only at", "id": "12544584" }, { "contents": "Mario Borrelli\n\n\nme why I am here in the slums, I must honestly reply I don't really know. I could reply: “Because I love you”. If someone from outside addresses me the same question, what do you think I should reply? “Because I love them”. Even this sounds like a sentence that has become rusty by centuries of abandonment. We have become Pharisees and always prefer considering the poor as the sole responsibles of their misery.» Mario Borrelli, \"Un prete nelle baracche\", La", "id": "7789036" }, { "contents": "Nicole Schmitz\n\n\nfact about you? Well, I really like outdoor activities and extreme sports. I love the thrill of those types of things. I love rollercoasters. I love going camping. I hiked to the top of Mt. Pinatubo. I love adventure like water rafting, bungee jumping, things like that. br[...]br What’s the most fearless thing you’ve done so far in terms of sports? I’ve done whitewater kayaking by myself in a small town in Boracay area, Antique. And they have really wild rapids.", "id": "16934566" }, { "contents": "Shauna Bradley\n\n\ninto some acting classes. She commented \"I think I was really bad, to be honest, at the beginning. But like anything if you really put your mind to it and love what you do, you invest the time to grow and educate yourself and I did do that.\" Watson made her first appearance as Shauna in August that same year. Shauna's \"natural skill and ability\" at lifesaving began when she was five. She then entered various competitions during her teenage years and progressed to the professional lifesaving", "id": "20400347" }, { "contents": "Never Again (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\nin an interview with MTV, has cited Alanis Morissette's 1995 single \"You Oughta Know\" and Pat Benatar as influences for the record. According to her, someone at her label disliked the song because it was too similar to Benatar's music. \"I was like, 'Now I really like it! I love her, and what's wrong with you?'\", Clarkson said. \"I love any kind of rock chick who's just totally into what she's doing. What's funny is that", "id": "22016999" }, { "contents": "New York: A Love Story\n\n\n\" In November 2013, in an interview with \"Complex\", he spoke about if he was surprised by the positive feedback he got from the album, saying: \"I was and I think it’s mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. You do a project, you know it feels good to yourself, you know what it is but to really have it be respected everywhere, by everyone. I really haven’t heard anything bad as of yet.\" He also spoke about how he wanted to", "id": "3878997" }, { "contents": "The Voice of the Philippines\n\n\n.\" \"The blind auditions, because you don’t really know what to expect when that chair turns. I thought that was a really smart thing to do. It’s what makes this show different from the rest. Hats off to the creators of the show. And I loved battling for a good singer. But the live performances, I just love the pace, the energy, the performances, the crowd... simply awesome,\" he further added. Mañalac also gave a statement why \"The Voice\" is", "id": "17817561" }, { "contents": "Love You like a Love Song\n\n\nit's kind of repetitive in the best way. It's one of those songs that you can't get out of your head.\" In an interview with another publication, Gomez explained what she expected from the record: \"This song is fun and I wanted it to be really high fashion and different and I think we have accomplished that. It's basically talking about how crazy you are about someone whenever it's the beginning. It's the honeymoon stage if you will.\" \"Love You like a Love", "id": "11198319" }, { "contents": "Habanera (aria)\n\n\nnever known the law, If you don't love me, I love you, If I love you, do stand on guard! (Do stand on guard!) If you don't love me, If you don't love me, I love you! (Do stand on guard!) But if I love you, if I love you, Do stand on guard! If you don't love me, If you don't love me, I love you! (Do stand on guard!) But", "id": "19355471" }, { "contents": "True Vine\n\n\nmy joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of my Father", "id": "14178900" }, { "contents": "Ersel Hickey\n\n\nRoad/Love in Bloom/Another Wasted Day/You Threw A Dart/Shame on Me/What Do You Want?/Stardust Brought Me You (2)/Due Time (Incomplete)/A Mighty Square Love Affair/Teardrops at Dawn/Magical Love/I Guess You Could Call It Love/Lips of Roses/What Have You Done To Me?/Stardust Brought Me You (1)/Roll on Little River (Unknown)/Don't Be Afraid of Love/People Gotta Talk/I Can't Love Another/Bluebirds Over The Mountain (CAN Version) Collectables Records – COL 6479", "id": "8730735" }, { "contents": "I Could Fall in Love\n\n\nlead to romantic love. She then sings \"I could fall in love (in love) with you\" before wondering how she would feel if she were to touch him for the first time. The fear of being rejected and unloved leads her to keep her feelings to herself, and she begins to believe that her love is \"not right\". She continues, \"and I guess I should try / to do what I should do / but I could fall in love / fall in love with you\".", "id": "14149611" }, { "contents": "Somebody Loves You (Nik Kershaw song)\n\n\npublicity. You know, you walk into a room. You didn't have to try too hard. Everyone knew who you were. It's just the images and pictures for me of that time, when I was onstage and saw the faces singing all those songs back to me. It was weird. And the chorus, \"Somebody Loves You\", that's really what it feels like. There is all this love coming back towards you. You have stop and think, \"How much of that is really", "id": "19841532" }, { "contents": "The Getaway (1994 film)\n\n\nI liked that, too. I saw how I could put my own stamp on it. There were lots of things about it that appealed to me: I love the Southwest, I love the genre of the road movie, I love a thriller and I like the sort of underlying conflicts of the relationships in that movie.\" Baldwin said he \"always wanted to do a movie that required what I consider to be movie acting, which is that it's not what you do, but what you don't do", "id": "10856559" }, { "contents": "List of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. characters\n\n\nthe situation. When something catastrophic happens to someone you love, or a situation arises that affects people you love the most, if that’s the first time you’ve been in that position, you never really know what to do.\" As this relationship developed through the second season, Henstridge said, \"I don't think they fully realize the implication of how far apart they are. There's so much hurt there. I don't think they realize what they're sacrificing by not figuring this out.\" Talking", "id": "16465442" }, { "contents": "Conrad Tao\n\n\nbe an active performer as well as a student. It's a delicate balance that you never quite learn to master – but that's also part of the fun. I love doing all of these things at once and giving myself as many challenges as I can, because I learn so much from the experiences that result. Everything I teach myself or see or do can be applied to a larger framework, and this is what I really love about being a teenager, a high school student, and a working musician all", "id": "3236918" }, { "contents": "Terri Walker\n\n\nI'm not really trying to do the artist thing anymore. I love to sing but let me just work alongside people.\" She explained her hiatus from the music industry by saying \"If you're an artist doing something else you feel like people aren't really trying to buy into it because these artists have flooded the market so much. It just makes you wonder, 'Why should I bother? No one's going to be interested in what I'm trying to do. I was locked into that industry.", "id": "16193108" }, { "contents": "Christine Peng-Peng Lee\n\n\n, Gymnastics Canada, teammates and fans for all the love and support you have given me through this difficult time. I am truly honoured to be surrounded by such loving and supportive people. All of you have really helped lift my spirits with your kind words and well wishes. I’ve read every single message and have taken it to heart. I love you all!!! I am really excited about continuing my gymnastics career at UCLA and becoming part of the Bruin Family. I still have the same passion and love", "id": "19236848" }, { "contents": "The Crying of Lot 49\n\n\nYou\", as well as hinting at the areas the Beatles were later to explore. Pynchon writes, Whenever I put the headset on now,\" he'd continued, \"I really do understand what I find there. When those kids sing about 'She loves you,' yeah well, you know, she does, she's any number of people, all over the world, back through time, different colors, sizes, ages, shapes, distances from death, but she loves. And the 'you", "id": "20815450" }, { "contents": "J. B. Stoner\n\n\n. We don't believe in getting along with our enemy, and the nigger is our enemy. Every time a nigger gets a job, that's just one more job that you can't have. You notice the niggers are singing 'I Love Everybody.' They sure do love everybody, and especially our white women. What the nigger really wants is our white women. Stoner ran for governor of Georgia in 1970. During the campaign, where he called himself the \"candidate of love,\" he described Adolf", "id": "7119126" }, { "contents": "Flea (musician)\n\n\nFame too. But I inducted Metallica a couple of years ago, and it was really a beautiful thing to see as all these people were being inducted. It made me love it. I love halls of fame anyway—the Basketball Hall of Fame, the Baseball Hall of Fame. So I feel grateful for the recognition of what we have done and for the hope and potential of what we'll continue to do.\" The debut album by Rocketjuice and the Moon was released on 12 March 2012. On 19 July", "id": "11642594" }, { "contents": "How Do You Say I Don't Love You Anymore\n\n\nHow Do You Say I Don't Love You Anymore was Freda Payne's second American album (following a release in Sweden with Don Gardner) released May 28, 1966. although regarded primarily as a jazz album, there are also several covers of pop songs featured, including the Beatles' hit \"Yesterday,\" \"Let It Be Me,\" the Righteous Brothers' \"You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin',\" \"Feeling Good,\" and \"If You Love Me (Really Love Me).\" \"", "id": "8837033" }, { "contents": "Mélanie Laurent\n\n\nhave everything to do and most of your ideas come from that first part… you just imagine things, and you imagine actors.\" She described the shooting process as \"the fun part\" because of: \"working with people I love—it’s always a great human moment because we’re sharing things and it’s good to see people who are here for you and your story, to tell your story. It’s really beautiful, it’s why I love making movies.\" Laurent made her English-language", "id": "7749605" }, { "contents": "You Are Loved\n\n\nDaniel had really fallen away from God and that he'd been abusing drugs as well. As I was thinking about what I wanted to write about on this album, he very randomly came to mind—and I felt that this 'random' thought was actually placed there by God. I had the concept… 'If I had one chance to tell Daniel something, what would I say to him?' The message I felt God really laid on my heart was to tell him…'You are loved.'\"", "id": "11607111" }, { "contents": "What Separates Me from You\n\n\nnowhere.\" McKinnon said the song is a \"more personal song [...] It discusses how the choices I've made to put my best foot forward in my career, in a sense, have really done damage to my personal life.\" Both \"You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic\" and \"Out of Time\" talk about \"how I feel like I'm doing what I want with my life, but I think, \"Wow, I just did something that really affected me.\"\"", "id": "20334337" }, { "contents": "Flashing Lights (Havana Brown song)\n\n\n: \"It's about sexual kryptonite and intense passion\". In the chorus Brown sings, “In the flashing lights / Looking for some love tonight / You know I love the way you lie / I wanna do it and do it / and do it again.” She elaborated on the lyrics with the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA), saying \"Its about that sort of a relationship where you... try and break up, and you get back together cause you think it's love but really it's", "id": "16677198" }, { "contents": "Darrell Brown (musician)\n\n\n\"In The Arms Of The One Who Loves Me\" \"Mighty Mighty Love\" \"Mercy Line\" \"There Will Be A Better Day\" \"If I Could Only Have Her Love Back\" Radney Foster \"Raining On Sunday\" \"Drunk On Love\" \"Again\" \"A Little Revival\" \"Everything I Should Have Said\" \"You Were So Right\" \"What It Is That You Do\" \"Another Way To Go\" \"Big Idea\" \"New Zip Code\" \"I Won't Lie To", "id": "16902486" }, { "contents": "I Love You (Miss Robot)\n\n\n\"I Love You (Miss Robot)\" is a song written, performed and produced by the Buggles, a duo of Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes, for their 1980 debut studio album \"The Age of Plastic\". It was not released as a single. The song is, according to Downes, about \"being on the road and making love to someone you don't really like\", although music critics consider the song's subject having to do with a robot. The song was performed live in 2010,", "id": "21440715" }, { "contents": "David Helvarg\n\n\n\"Boy, I loved this book. David Helvarg captures, in a really readable way, the quirky and head-over-heels love we have for our seas.\" - Ted Danson. \"Having lived in California for forty-four years, I was surprised by how much I learned from David Helvarg's book The Golden Shore. It blew my mind. If you have the same love affair for the beautiful California coast and ocean as I do, this marvelous and compelling book is a must-read.", "id": "5189426" }, { "contents": "Ngaiire\n\n\n, \"Hey, man, I just really love what you do. Can I come over to Japan and hang out with you a bit and write some music?'\" They spent two weeks working together, which she described to Kate Kingsmill of \"\" as, \"you just had to keep cracking and keep cracking until it burst open. And once you got there it was the best feeling. Nothing could really replace the feeling of having completed a song.\" The title was inspired by a combination of", "id": "14861273" }, { "contents": "The Miracles\n\n\nby members of the Miracles include songs for the Temptations (\"The Way You Do The Things You Do\", \"My Girl\", \"Don't Look Back\", \"Since I Lost My Baby\", \"It's Growing\", \"Get Ready\", \"My Baby\"), Mary Wells (\"My Guy\", \"The One Who Really Loves You\", \"What Love Has Joined Together\", \"Two Lovers\"), Marvin Gaye (\"I'll Be Doggone\",", "id": "3578132" }, { "contents": "Not in This Lifetime... Tour\n\n\n\"Well, we haven't really talked in a long time. But a lot of the tension that you were talking about has dissipated. We don't have all those issues anymore.\" When asked specifically about the chances of Guns N' Roses reuniting, he said: \"I gotta be careful what I say there. I mean, if everybody wanted to do it and do it for the right reasons, you know, I think the fans would love it. I think it might be fun at some", "id": "9063981" }, { "contents": "The London Sessions (Mary J. Blige album)\n\n\nbut I've never had the chance to really soak in it the way I have this time. To make records from the London-scene perspective. The music is free over here the way it used to be in the States. Artists are just free to do what they love. Listening to the radio you can hear the freedom. The music is living and breathing – you can hear that from Adele's last album. It was massive – a big deal. But she did what she loved.\" Rodney Jerkins", "id": "18122683" }, { "contents": "The Beach Boys Love You\n\n\nsongs. For these contributions, he was credited as the album's mixdown producer. Around this period, the call and response tag to \"Airplane\" was recorded. Jardine considered Carl and Dennis Wilson's contributions to be crucial, accordingly, \"I didn’t have that much to do with it... I remember watching the brothers work on it. In a way, [\"Love You\"] was Carl’s tribute to Brian. The title of that album is really \"The Beach Boys Love Brian\". Carl", "id": "8029096" }, { "contents": "Maria von Trapp\n\n\nin her autobiography that she was very angry on her wedding day, both at God and at her husband, because what she really wanted was to be a nun. \"I really and truly was not in love. I liked him but didn't love him. However, I loved the children, so in a way I really married the children. I learned to love him more than I have ever loved before or after.\" They were married on 26 November 1927 and had three children together: Rosmarie (born", "id": "1843465" }, { "contents": "Tom McCall\n\n\n. McCall was dying of cancer and used the final months of his life making sure that Measure 6 did not pass. During his campaign against Measure 6 McCall said, \"You all know I have terminal cancer—and I have a lot of it. But what you may not know is that stress induces its spread and induces its activity. Stress may even bring it on. Yet stress is the fuel of the activist. This activist loves Oregon more than he loves life. I know I can't have both very", "id": "13668011" }, { "contents": "DJ Premier\n\n\n\"Oh no. Please don’t.\" Then when they heard \"Ain’t No Other Man,\" \"Back In The Day,\" and all the other records were still constructed like Premier tracks they were like, \"Yo, I really love this album. I was really impressed. I was worried, but you totally sound like what we love about you.\" Until you hear it, don’t say a word. I never want to be just attached to hip hop. I want to be attached", "id": "14368429" }, { "contents": "Number Ones, Up Close and Personal\n\n\nset focused on upbeat love songs, beginning with \"Doesn't Really Matter\" and leading into \"Love Will Never Do (Without You)\", \"When I Think of You\", and \"All for You.\" After a slight pause, she sang \"That's the Way Love Goes.\" The band played an instrumental version of \"What About\" during a costume break. Upon emerging, Jackson segued through a rock-influenced portion in a black jacket, performing \"Black Cat\" and \"If", "id": "16921427" }, { "contents": "Run the World\n\n\nMarc Anthony. The song is about a \"type of love when you come together you make each other better\". Lopez further stated that she believes that since her and Anthony have been together they have made each other better artists and better people — \"and that's when you can really run the world\". Of working with Stewart and The-Dream, Lopez stated that: \"What I love about great producers and writers is that they can take you and transport you right into this moment, but not change", "id": "8460767" }, { "contents": "Black Flag (Machine Gun Kelly mixtape)\n\n\nback. I couldn't handle it. This was until I experienced the loss of love for what I love doing most: music. That was the one thing worth fighting for, even more-so than the love of my father. I've found that love again. And I plan on never surrendering it. Find what you love and fight!! Black Flag (sic)\" On February 18, 2013, Machine Gun Kelly released the song titled \"Champions\" as a thank you to the fans, the", "id": "10581783" }, { "contents": "Promise (1986 film)\n\n\nthat people are watching me. I know there really aren't any voices, but I feel that there are, and that I should listen to them or something will happen. … I can remember what I was like before. I was a class officer, I had friends. I was going to be an aeronautical engineer. Do you remember, Bobby? I've never had a job. I've never owned a car. I've never lived alone. I've never made love to a woman. And I", "id": "740974" }, { "contents": "Ice Prince\n\n\nDuring the aforementioned interview, Ice Prince opened up about why he chose to name his debut album, \"Everybody Loves Ice Prince\". He said \"What made me give my album that name was when I lost my Mum, really. There was so much love, so much care from all around the world. People really showed me love and it was after that incident that I came back to record my album and I thought what better name to call my album than Everybody Loves Ice Prince because I was shown love", "id": "11809681" }, { "contents": "Ice Hockey Hair\n\n\nJune 1997 and looped a sample of the Black Uhuru track \"I Love King Selassie\", playing along and writing \"Smokin'\" \"completely spontaneously\". According to singer Gruff Rhys the song is \"really light and up\" as a result of being recorded in the summer. The track's lyrics refer to smoking cannabis, with Rhys stating that it \"seems ridiculous that you can't do what you want with a plant that grows naturally\" in reference to the drug's illegal status in many countries. Rhys", "id": "11439012" }, { "contents": "I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman\n\n\nto prove that compassion is the only thing that can really make change.\" \"Vanity Fair\"'s Laura Bradley offered comment on Silverman's interviews when saying, \"Some viewers will find these conversations galling and ill-considered; for those willing to stick around, however, \"I Love You, America\" is a fascinating, if occasionally challenging exploration of what, precisely, a streaming talk show can do.\" Darren Franich of \"Entertainment Weekly\" positively compared Silverman to other late night hosts saying, \"I", "id": "5298944" }, { "contents": "Perfect (Vanessa Amorosi song)\n\n\nof love where I'm like that's obsessive and there's hard work in love and what you see as perfect is not necessarily going to be perfect in 20 years time.\" Amorosi says \"Perfect\" is \"really a love story by two totally different people. That's my interpretation of it. I mean, it's open to anyone's interpretation but for me love is ... I find it to be quite obsessive. I love the imperfections in a person more so than the perfect things about them. Love", "id": "13967611" }, { "contents": "Do I Love You (Yes in Every Way)\n\n\n\"Do I Love You\" is a song co-written and recorded by Paul Anka, from his 1972 eponymous LP. Released as an advance single in late 1971, \"Do I Love You\" reached number 14 on the Easy Listening Singles charts of both the U.S. and Canada, number 16 on the Canadian Pop chart, and was a modest hit on the U.S. Hot 100 as well. \"Do I Love You (Yes in Every Way)\" was made most famous when covered by American country music artist Donna", "id": "17291989" }, { "contents": "Marshall Crenshaw (album)\n\n\noverwhelm you.\" \"Cynical Girl\" was, according to Crenshaw, \"really not about a girl—that's just off-the-shelf rock-and-roll language. To me, what the song says in a funny way is 'I hate brain-dead mass-culture [stuff] and I want to hang around with people who feel the same.' People have always really loved that song and identified with it and of course I love that!\" \"Marshall Crenshaw\" was released in", "id": "15568695" }, { "contents": "List of Home and Away characters (1999)\n\n\nSuddenly I had this opportunity thrown at me, that I'd always dreamed of, and I felt great. I came back to Sydney to start filming in June.\" As \"Home and Away\" was her first acting job, Watson's agent booked her into some acting classes. She commented \"I think I was really bad, to be honest, at the beginning. But like anything if you really put your mind to it and love what you do, you invest the time to grow and educate yourself and", "id": "17459822" }, { "contents": "Say You Will (Fleetwood Mac song)\n\n\n’s experienced it - when you like somebody, it makes you a different person. It changes you and it changes you in a minute. But that song is not just about Lindsey. It’s about a movie I saw about Arturo Sandoval, the trumpet player. I loved this movie, and I just loved the way that through all the pain and separation, they managed to do music and stay happy and keep love alive, and dancing and rhythm and music, how healing it was. That was really my inspiration", "id": "11124071" }, { "contents": "If I Didn't Love You (Squeeze song)\n\n\nI'd hate you,' because at the back of your mind you've got that insecurity about your inability to have a proper relationship with somebody.\" Difford also praised Tilbrook's guitar solo, saying, \"I also love Glenn's slide guitar solo. When he first did it I thought 'This guy's out of his tree. What's he doing?,' but it's brilliant.\" \"If I Didn't Love You\" was released as the second single from Argybargy, backed with the non", "id": "18128921" }, { "contents": "What's That I Hear?: The Songs of Phil Ochs\n\n\nloved his music and his politics and respected what he did. Then I happened to hear this group disappear fear—Sonia Rutstein and her sister Cindy—do the song 'Is There Anybody Here?' That just clicked the light on, you know, that here's a young group in their twenties, doing Phil Ochs material and doing it in a really dynamic way. I was really inspired. That demonstrated to me that the songs were still valid, still vigorous, and could be done in contemporary way.\"", "id": "7108366" }, { "contents": "The Next Three Days\n\n\nthing I did was ask myself what the question was. I need to have a question if I'm starting a movie. The question I came up with, and I'm not sure if it's reflected in the film or not, but it's what I was writing toward, was: Would you save the woman you loved if you knew that by doing so you'd become someone she'd no longer love? That interested me. And that wasn't in the French film at all. The whole issue of", "id": "1350579" }, { "contents": "La Toya Jackson\n\n\n\"I told him, 'No way, Jack! I can't marry you. You know what marriage means to me. I've never been in love; I don't even date... It's not right. I don't love you. I don't have feelings for you.'\" Jackson tried to run out of the chapel three times but bodyguard Antonio Rossi grabbed her saying, \"There's some things you have to do. Even if you don't want to.\" Jackson told \"Ebony", "id": "19090474" }, { "contents": "Funhouse (Pink album)\n\n\nthat she sees life as a carnival: \"Clowns are supposed to be happy, but they are really scary. Carnivals are supposed to be fun, but really they are kind of creepy.\" [...] \"and that's like life to me, and love. Love is supposed to be fun, but it can sometimes be really scary. And the funhouse mirrors that make you look so distorted that you don't recognize yourself and you ask yourself, 'How did I get here? How do I get", "id": "173214" }, { "contents": "Love Really Hurts Without You\n\n\non Radio Luxembourg. I felt so good, because I knew I was free to leave. So I left.\" \"Love Really Hurts Without You\" afforded Ocean an international hit with high rankings in national hit parades around the globe: its March 1976 US single release drew a somewhat muted response, the \"Billboard\" Hot 100 peak of \"Love Really Hurts\" being #22. Ocean would state in 2015: \"A few [Americans] might remember 'Love Really Hurts' because I believe it was a", "id": "1759750" }, { "contents": "Billy Ward and his Dominoes\n\n\n(Little Esther) Federal 12022 - \"Sixty Minute Man\"/\"I Can't Escape From You\" Federal 12036 - \"Heart To Heart\" (with Little Esther)/\"Looking For A Man To Satisfy My Soul\" (Little Esther) Federal 12039 - \"I Am With You\"/\"Weeping Willow Blues\" 1952 Federal 12059 - \"That's What You're Doing To Me\"/\"When The Swallows Come Back To Capistrano\" Federal 12068 - \"Have Mercy Baby\"/\"Deep Sea Blues\" Federal 12072 - \"Love, Love, Love\"/\"That's What You're Doing To Me\" Federal", "id": "2775605" }, { "contents": "Who's Been Sleeping with Kat?\n\n\nthis... What do you mean... it's been going on for months? We can get over it, because I know you don't love him... What, you love this guy? It's someone we know? Someone in the pub...?\", and said that Alfie needs to know who it is for his own peace of mind, though \"his whole life just crumbles in his hands\". Richie said that viewers would be surprised by the final reveal, stating that \"it's really interesting about", "id": "10011619" }, { "contents": "Ronnie Mitchell\n\n\nthe Mitchell sisters. I know Ronnie had a love affair and she got married, but what I loved about the character was her relationship with her sibling. It was nice being with another woman and doing most of our scenes together. That was a relationship on the show I really enjoyed. There are no plans [for Ronnie to return] at the moment but I definitely wouldn't rule it out. I love the show and I love the character. I miss the character enormously.\" On 17 May 2013,", "id": "10384766" }, { "contents": "All You Need Is Love\n\n\nSo I think 'All You Need Is Love' is a true statement ... It doesn't mean that all you have to do is put on a phoney smile or wear a flower dress and it's gonna be alright ... I'm talking about real love ... Love is appreciation of other people and allowing them to be. Love is allowing somebody to be themselves, and that's what we do need.\" Ian MacDonald views the song as \"one of The Beatles' less deserving hits\" and, in its", "id": "8486837" }, { "contents": "Erin Martin\n\n\ntoo. I think it’s so strange. I think in another kind of setting, I can really embellish on it. I love you both and I see things that we can both do but what I feel like have the most prospect with is Erin.” Martin advanced to the live Shows in a hotly contested battle that got her trending worldwide on Twitter. For Live Shows, Martin performed “Walk Like An Egyptian” by The Bangles. Blake Shelton commented on her performance, “I think you did as good", "id": "20226004" }, { "contents": "Yo-Yo (Nicola Roberts song)\n\n\n, which was the chorus. We had the lovely shoes, which was the verse. ‘But what do we need to really set this song off? A big, fancy, bow in the hair would really set this song off.’ So when I got to the middle eight I wanted to go really erratic, almost like taTu on All The Things She Said. I wanted it to be proper fucked up and crazy – hands in the air. Roberts' debut single, \"Beat of My Drum\",", "id": "6078405" }, { "contents": "The Outsiders (Eric Church album)\n\n\n'Talladega.' I love ‘em both, but I don’t love ‘em near as much by themselves as I do in the sequence. The space they get from the songs around them, and the space they give the songs around them, makes me love those songs more. If you take them out, mix them all up — totally different album, it’s a totally different journey. It’s one of the only albums I can think of that I really believe that, if you put it on", "id": "3654184" }, { "contents": "Murder in a Small Town\n\n\nSmall Town\". \"I said, 'I know exactly what you want — you don’t have to tell me.' I am their audience. I watch \"Sherlock Holmes\", \"Inspector Morse\", \"Cracker\". I love a good mystery. I’d prefer to see a mystery to anything else.\" \"We heard through the grapevine that Gene really liked our mysteries and was interested in doing a mystery with us, so we jumped,\" said Brooke Bailey Johnson, executive vice president and", "id": "836702" }, { "contents": "What Do I Know?\n\n\neveryone, everything is going to s_t' It's just like love can change everything, love can change the world in the moment, but I don't know anything, what do I know, don't quote me. Basically being able to say anything \"political\" I want to say, but then being like [shrug].\" Sheeran also said that he intended to end concerts on the North American leg of his ÷ Tour with \"What Do I Know?\", saying 'I really want to close", "id": "8873852" }, { "contents": "Love a Woman\n\n\nthis record because it was so amazing.\" Blige further spoke about how she started the collaboration with Beyoncé on the song: \"The song was so amazing I had to be sure, as an artist, that she really was trying to give it to me. I was like 'is she really trying to give me this song, because it's pretty amazing.' They were like 'yes, but she wants to stay on it with you.' And I was like, 'Wow! Beyoncé? Thanks", "id": "7275952" }, { "contents": "Love\n\n\nwas said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more", "id": "17642914" }, { "contents": "Love It to Death\n\n\n\"I'm Eighteen\" single, opens the second side of the album. The verses pose the questions: \"What have I got? / That makes you want to love me? / Is it my body?\"—and declare in the chorus: \"Have you got the time to find out / Who I really am?\" \"Hallowed Be My Name\" follows with lyrics such as \"Screaming at mothers / Cursing the Bible\". \"Second Coming\" continues on the theme of religion: \"... have no other gods", "id": "1693169" }, { "contents": "Jack Gordon (entertainment manager)\n\n\n, 'No way, Jack! I can't marry you. You know what marriage means to me. I've never been in love; I don't even date... It's not right. I don't love you. I don't have feelings for you.'\" Jackson stated that she tried to run out of the chapel three times but bodyguard Antonio Rossi grabbed her saying, \"There's some things you have to do. Even if you don't want to.\" Jackson told \"Ebony magazine", "id": "20319605" }, { "contents": "Enchanted (film)\n\n\n. His reply was, \"I've heard things but there's nothing yet. I don't know much about what's happening with that. Honestly, I don't know what the studio wants to do next. I presume there will be some future projects for me to work on. I love doing that, I really do. But I'm not frustrated that it isn't one of them. At the moment I have a lot of stage things happening and I'm busy enough with that, so I really", "id": "22217112" }, { "contents": "Seth Bogart\n\n\njuxtaposes against Chela's hidden sorrow. When planning how he would tour in promotion of the album, Bogart garnered the inspiration from Le Tigre to have a video play behind him for it to be played for each song so the audience could walk into his own world: \"I love their music, but what I loved most is that they would have video components to their shows that made things so much more exciting; you could really see them more as artists as well.\" Bogart considered it lame to try to keep", "id": "7256791" }, { "contents": "Lesbian Request Denied\n\n\nI love that book and I'm dying to do something.' Then that's what happened. They don't tell you what episode you're shooting so it's a wonderful exercise and meditation in letting go because you have no idea what you're doing. One episode takes eight days to prep and eight to shoot. It's a fast deal. And I'd never done TV before.\" Series creator and showrunner Jenji Kohan stated that Foster directed the episode as \"sort of her dry-run for when she", "id": "1046955" }, { "contents": "A Day Without Rain\n\n\nSo many years have passed, am I happy with the way I'm working? And my answer is that I wouldn't change anything. I really love what I do.\" \"Flora's Secret\" is a song that makes reference to Flora, the Roman mythological goddess of flowers. Enya and Roma incorporated some of Enya's experiences from her own love life on \"Only Time\" and \"Fallen Embers\". The former alludes to the difficulties and pressures of finding \"the perfect love\", which Enya has", "id": "6903145" }, { "contents": "Do You Love Me\n\n\n\"I like it like that\", as \"You like it like this\", and many other fad dances of the 1960s. The song is noted for the spoken recitation heard in the introduction which goes: \"You broke my heart / 'Cause I couldn't dance / You didn't even want me around / And now I'm back / To let you know / I can really shake 'em down.\" The song has a false ending. Berry Gordy wrote \"Do You Love Me\" with the intention that", "id": "20710264" }, { "contents": "Why Don't You Love Me (Beyoncé song)\n\n\ndeal of release schedules and trying to create a feud where it doesn't exist.\" She also told Hip Hop Hollywood: \"We all came out at the same time and it really doesn't matter ... I think there's room for everybody ... There's B[eyoncé], there's Ciara putting something out and [Lady] GaGa putting something out, but, because we started out together, people are going to say things like that. But I really don't care, I love her [un]til our dying days", "id": "7602765" }, { "contents": "The Ed Sullivan Show\n\n\nand gentlemen. Wow\", and wiped his brow. \"This is probably the greatest honor I've ever had in my life. Ah. There's not much I can say except, it really makes you feel good. We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart. And now ...\" \"Don't Be Cruel\", which was, after a short introduction by Elvis, followed by \"Love Me Tender\". According to Elaine Dundy, Presley sang \"Love Me Tender\" \"straight,", "id": "12860951" }, { "contents": "True Vine\n\n\n, and my words abide in you, you shall ask whatever you will, and it shall be done unto you. In this is my Father glorified; that you bring forth very much fruit, and become my disciples. As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you shall abide in my love; as I also have kept my Father's commandments, and do abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that", "id": "14178899" }, { "contents": "Mondomanila (novel)\n\n\n, \"\"This is another book, a local one this time. You will not find anything likeable but since it is written brilliantly, I have no qualms of giving this a 5-star rating here in Goodreads. You hate the characters and what they do but you love the writing.\"\" Another comments, \"\"Vulgar, crass, puke-inducing, shocking--these are the reflexes that How I Fixed My Hair After a Rather Long Journey playfully provokes. It is the much more 'squatter-punk'", "id": "11246458" }, { "contents": "Ima Be Alright\n\n\nHe sent Tiller a song with just the beat, which Tiller sent back later and messaged Khaled the following; “Yo this is how I’m feeling. Here’s what’s on my mind at this moment.” Khaled then approached Future, which Future replied; “Khaled, I don’t usually… But for you, I got you. I love your album and I love what you’re doing. I appreciate it.”.The song deals with betrayal, animosity and the loss they have experienced due to", "id": "21296709" }, { "contents": "Darrell Brown (musician)\n\n\nThe Pain\" Arianna Grande \"The Beauty Within You\" Bon Jovi \"Work For The Working Man\" \"Lonely\" Stevie Nicks \"Borrowed\" Faith Hill \"Wish For You\" \"Never Been So In Love\" Josh Turner \"Why Don't We Just Dance\" LeAnn Rimes \"Nothin' Better To Do\" \"What Have I Done\" \"Who We Really Are\" \"Spitfire\" \"What I Cannot Change\" \"You've Ruined Me\" \"Borrowed\" \"A Waste Is A Terrible Thing To Mind", "id": "16902482" }, { "contents": "Valene Ewing\n\n\nalso said: Since Valene, I’ve tried to do anything and everything but play a goody-two-shoes. I love Val, I adore her. But I spent a total of 15 years—if you count the first year I played her on \"Dallas\". That was quite an investment for me as an actress. If you were playing a goody-two-shoes today, the tabloid media would be dying to catch you on a bad day. Look at what they’ve done to Tiger Woods", "id": "13485353" }, { "contents": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 (soundtrack)\n\n\nmusic as well, that they felt it. So I played it for them, and it was my most nervous moment, and I played it for them, and I was like, 'Oh, God, are they going to like it?’ and they loved it.\" Rowling praised the scene stating, \"I liked that scene because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it... you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene.\"", "id": "19124364" }, { "contents": "This Guy's in Love with U Mare!\n\n\n2012. Toni Gonzaga also quoted in an interview that she is excited to do the film with his friends, Ganda and Manzano. This movie is Toni Gonzaga's first movie produced by Viva Films. Reports told that the film is a \"love-triangle\" film. Philbert Ortiz Dy of \"ClickTheCity\" gave the film a favorable review. He states that,\"...I have to admit I’m a little astounded by This Guy’s In Love with U, Mare. The sexual politics of the film are really intriguing,", "id": "14719841" }, { "contents": "KaDee Strickland\n\n\nmy joy, it's what I love, and there's no feeling like being able to do what you love in life, and really fully doing it\", she said. Strickland called her life as an actress \"a crazy existence\" and \"completely unstable\" because of the frequency with which she has to look for new jobs, but she said she is \"gonna be whole hog with it\" and continue to act until her death. Strickland is a self-described \"big fashionista\" and \"", "id": "1952103" }, { "contents": "You Must Love Me\n\n\nPerón's emotional state at the time as well as her relationship with her husband Juan Perón; \"[Eva] is dying and she knows she's dying. One reason she is saying, 'You must love me', is out of desperation. She's also saying, 'You must love me because you must have always loved me', so it's a little word play, I guess, which Tim Rice has written\", he explained. It was released as the soundtrack's first official single on", "id": "4456949" } ]
I love jazz. I listen to it whilst working and studying. Many people see Jazz music as "Americas classical music." I can see why, so many popular Jazz musicians are from old US.
[{"answer": "Well it has been recognized as a major form of musical expression since the 1920s", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "15613", "title": "Jazz", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 262, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 353, "bleu_score": 1.0, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Charles Segal\n\n\n(Columbia, EMI) • It was A Great Year • Jazz World • Miles of Music • Mirror I See • Sentimental Journey • Take the Floor (CBS) • You’ve Got a Friend • South African Jazz Scene (Spin) • \"Seagull\" Visits USA • Let’s Go Gay (CBS) Easy Listening: • Pastel Moods • Piano and Strings • Relax to the Music of Charles Segal • Spa Music • Thanks for the Memory • Relax to Romantic Moments • In the Mood For Love • Classical Melodies", "id": "14207628" }, { "contents": "Buffalo High School (Minnesota)\n\n\nbe in music but are not in the auditioned Concert Band or Choir. The Varsity Orchestra is for all freshmen and those who wish to continue in orchestra but are not in the auditioned Concert Orchestra. Course offerings also include Music in America, Classical Music Listening and AP Music THeory. Along with these, Buffalo High School also offers opportunities to be involved in music outside the classroom. For band they offer Jazz I, II, and III with Jazz III reserved for freshman (though upper classman can join if they so choose", "id": "18329850" }, { "contents": "At the Great American Music Hall\n\n\nher very best: singing jazz standards, ballads, the American songbook, popular songs of the day and some bossa nova to boot\". Otwell said that \"Working with Carmen I always felt like her choice of tunes was magical. I always felt that it was just so very special and I think the tunes on the album really do work. As I was listening to it, I loved it all.\" Baron said of Mcae's performance on \"Old Folks\" that \"Carmen always sang it with such feeling", "id": "161241" }, { "contents": "Song of Innocence\n\n\nthe music could be better characterized as art pop than jazz. Axelrod, who had produced bebop albums before working for Capitol, asserted that jazz played a crucial role in the music: \"For years, all I did was jazz. When I first got in the record business, I was so into jazz that I had never heard Elvis Presley. I still probably listen to jazz more than anything else.\" Axelrod composed the album as a tone poem suite based on Blake's illustrated 1789 collection of poems \"Songs of", "id": "4324715" }, { "contents": "Nada (English musician)\n\n\ndance music, easy listening and jazz. The name nada, according to Grainger is: \"\"...supposed to indicate my attitude toward music; you see, 'nada' is the ancient Sanskrit word for the universal sound vibration - which I believe gives rise to the entire universe, everything we know... and of course, it's also Spanish for 'nothing' so, to me, 'nada' means 'everything and nothing', which is how I think about music..!\"\" Live performances -", "id": "11519864" }, { "contents": "Peter Apfelbaum\n\n\nMy vocabulary reflects the fact that I started life as a drummer, was trained in jazz theory, blues and gospel music as a pre-teenager, became absorbed in African and Latin music as a teenager, listened to a lot of contemporary classical music, worked in R&B, reggae, blues, Latin, African, jazz, funk, Middle Eastern and Indian bands and, for as long as I can remember, I've been fascinated by how sounds can be fitted together.\" Peter's latest musical pursuits include collaborating", "id": "19133643" }, { "contents": "Leb i sol\n\n\nTheir music combined elements of rock, jazz fusion and ethnic Macedonian music. As the band matured, the jazz influences became less obvious. However, in concert, Leb i sol performances of jazzed-up and lengthy versions of traditional ethno-folk classics such as \"Jovano Jovanke\" or \"Aber Dojde Donke\", were often received with great enthusiasm and cheer. Leb i sol were very popular in the 1970s and 1980s and, while not selling as many records as some pop and folk acts, were very well known", "id": "14136297" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nstarring Al Jolson, reprising his screen role. The first aired August 10, 1936; the second on June 2, 1947. \"The Jazz Singer\" was parodied as early as 1936, in the Warner Bros. cartoon \"I Love to Singa\", directed by Tex Avery. Its hero is \"Owl Jolson\", a young owl who croons popular ditties, such as the title song, against the wishes of his father, a classical music teacher. Among the many references to \"The Jazz Singer\" in popular", "id": "18962939" }, { "contents": "Anne McCue\n\n\nBlue Sky Thinkin' a collection or original songs reminiscent of swing era jazz. The album is a return to her early days in music. In an interview, she noted, \"In my earlier existence as a young guitar player in Melbourne, I wanted to be a jazz guitar player. I was studying jazz guitar. I was making my living playing jazz music, more like singing and playing guitar. ... So for me [Blue Sky Thinkin'] was more like going back to that. ... I love the", "id": "13082000" }, { "contents": "I'll Be Seeing You (Richard Poon album)\n\n\nis basically in the jazz genre category. He expresses not being bothered by people and listeners, who criticize how he does his music, saying “It’s their opinion. I respect that. \"Ako\" [Me], I just do what I love to do”. To increase the chance of getting the album noticed, the label used a novel packaging for the album, incorporating a pull-out calendar in the design. Poon explains, “\"Eto ‘yung perfect example ‘nung sinasabi ko na minsan", "id": "16414226" }, { "contents": "Blues\n\n\nmany other genres of music, such as rock and roll, jazz, and popular music. Prominent jazz, folk or rock performers, such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and Bob Dylan have performed significant blues recordings. The blues scale is often used in popular songs like Harold Arlen's \"Blues in the Night\", blues ballads like \"Since I Fell for You\" and \"Please Send Me Someone to Love\", and even in orchestral works such as George Gershwin's \"Rhapsody in Blue", "id": "2951038" }, { "contents": "Jung Mina\n\n\nwas traditional Korean music. I think I would be making only shallow and superficial music.\" She has said she differs from many musicians, in choosing to write her lyrics first, and the melodies afterwards. She worked in Hongdae for five years, becoming popular as a fusion indie musician, known as the first with a gayageum to perform there on a regular basis. She uses a 25-string variant of the original 12-string gayageum, to give variations in the range of notes, and incorporates her Western music theory and jazz training", "id": "20520395" }, { "contents": "John Cassavetes\n\n\nan investor who might try to change the script so as to make the film more marketable. Cassavetes was passionate about a wide range of music, from jazz to classical to rock, \"I like all music. It makes you feel like living. Silence is death.\" For the soundtrack of \"Shadows\", Cassavetes worked with jazz composer and musician Charles Mingus and Shafi Hadi to provide the score. Mingus's friend, Diane Dorr-Dorynek, described Cassavetes's approach to film-making in jazz terms: The", "id": "770968" }, { "contents": "Vassar Clements\n\n\n, but I couldn't get nothing out of the fiddle. So every time I'd see those instruments sitting side by side, I'd grab that fiddle.\" Big band and swing music were considerable influences upon his style and musical development, and he said that, \"Bands like Glenn Miller, Les Brown, Tommy Dorsey, Harry James and Artie Shaw were very popular when I was a kid. I always loved rhythm, so I guess in the back of my mind the swing and jazz subconsciously comes out when", "id": "18744744" }, { "contents": "Sarah Vaughan\n\n\navoided classifying herself as one. She discussed the term in a 1982 interview for \"Down Beat\": I don't know why people call me a jazz singer, though I guess people associate me with jazz because I was raised in it, from way back. I'm not putting jazz down, but I'm not a jazz singer ... I've recorded all kinds of music, but (to them) I'm either a jazz singer or a blues singer. I can't sing a blues – just a right", "id": "5304722" }, { "contents": "Lisa Hilton (musician)\n\n\nof a warm summer's day, of love or grief, of a subway or dolphins even. I think of my – and our – music as abstract or non-figurative paintings.\" Hilton ventures into longer musical forms, fusing jazz onto classical forms, as in \"Midnight Sonata\" from her album \"Nocturnal\". On \"Escapism\" her arrangements paired modern jazz modalities and classical techniques with a \"lofty sophistication reminiscent of classic piano music from Beethoven, Chopin, or Stravinsky.\". As a bandleader,", "id": "2102265" }, { "contents": "David Krakauer\n\n\nDavid Krakauer (born September 22, 1956) is an American clarinetist who performs klezmer, jazz, classical music, and avant-garde improvisation. Krakauer's performance career focused on jazz and classical music before he joined the Klezmatics in 1988. He sees klezmer as his \"musical home,\" saying \"I can write music within klezmer, improvise, do experimental stuff, be an interpreter and a preservationist. Every side of me can be fulfilled within this form.\" In 1996, he formed his own band Klezmer Madness", "id": "4512917" }, { "contents": "Neal Hefti\n\n\nsort of got into jazz. The first time I sort of felt that I was anything remotely connected with jazz. Even though he had been playing with swing bands and other popular music bands for five years, this was the first time he had been immersed in the music of Duke Ellington, and this was the first music that really felt like jazz to him. First Herd was one of the first big bands to really embrace bebop. They incorporated the use of many bebop ideas in their music. As part of the", "id": "2917796" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\n. During its first decades, the Afro-Cuban jazz movement was stronger in the United States than in Cuba. According to bassist Randy Jackson, jazz fusion is a difficult genre to play. \"I...picked jazz fusion because I was trying to become the ultimate technical musician—able to play anything. Jazz fusion to me is the hardest music to play. You have to be so proficient on your instrument. Playing five tempos at the same time, for instance. I wanted to try the toughest music because I", "id": "2409279" }, { "contents": "Concerto for Free Bass Accordion\n\n\n\" in 1968 and dedicated to Julio Giulietti (a leading promoter of the instrument in the United States). The work is noteworthy in so far as it represents an attempt on the part of a known musician to complete a classical composition for an instrument for which relatively little classical music was written in America during the early 20th century. (See Accordion Use in Classical music, Accordion music genres & List of jazz-influenced classical compositions) The score was premiered by a student of the composer (Joseph Nappi) during the", "id": "12511027" }, { "contents": "Yitzhak Yedid\n\n\npositive flow of energy that keeps the music alert and compelling, and Yedid is capable of striking lyricism. Jazz musicians often describe their art as storytelling. Yedid embodies this.\" Some of Yedid's works have been described as Third Stream, which combines contemporary classical music with jazz improvisation. Much of Yedid's output includes slots where soloists can improvise. Yedid has often said he is delighted when performers surprise him with their inventiveness. Yedid says his music is influenced by Arabic music. \"When I was a child I went", "id": "1370062" }, { "contents": "Guy Warren\n\n\nJohn Collins, \"I had to make a choice between being a poor imitation of Buddy Rich or playing something they couldn't. I could play jazz well, but I possessed something nobody else had, so I started to play African music with a little bit of jazz thrown in, not jazz with a little African thrown in.\" In 1956 his first album, \"Africa Speaks, America Answers\", was recorded for Decca. It confirmed Ghanaba's reputation as a credible musician. It cross-fertilized African and", "id": "1472244" }, { "contents": "Flea (musician)\n\n\na long hiatus due to exhaustion, Flea enrolled in music classes at the University of Southern California. Beginning in the fall of 2008, he studied music theory, composition and jazz trumpet. Flea attributed his interest in attending such courses to a newfound desire to widen his appreciation and understanding of music: \"it's so much fun to learn this stuff because I never knew anything. I played trumpet in the school bands. I learned things I liked to play on my trumpet but I didn't learn why this note goes", "id": "11642585" }, { "contents": "Rainy Milo\n\n\nKid Cudi, N.E.R.D, as well as her reggae-DJing grandfather. Milo grew up listening to her mothers Jazz music which has been one of her biggest musical influences saying \"I’m instantly attracted to music with some kind of Jazz element to it, but I also think the fact that even my mum never played only one genre in the house rubbed off onto me, I don’t want to have just one sound in my music when there’s so many other genres that inspire me.\" Milo is inspired by", "id": "21344843" }, { "contents": "Theo Croker\n\n\nhype” that he sees many musicians devoting themselves to according to. Theo then responded by saying, “I know that many people use jazz to spice up their music, politically, but don’t give back to it because they don’t learn it and don’t respect the masters or their ancestors.” Earlier 2019 China Moses and Theo Croker, along with the DVRK Funk band double headlined in Ludwigshafen, Germany at the Das Feierabendhaus der BASF. This time, Fawzi Haimor conducted. Theo Croker is based in Los Angeles", "id": "11437708" }, { "contents": "Chord progression\n\n\nis also used cadentially in a common chord progression of jazz harmony, the so-called ii–V–I turnaround. Three-chord progressions provide the harmonic foundation of much African and American popular music, and they occur sectionally in many pieces of classical music (such as the opening bars of Beethoven's \"Pastoral\" Symphony). Where such a simple sequence does not represent the entire harmonic structure of a piece, it may readily be extended for greater variety. Frequently, an opening phrase has the progression I–", "id": "13978599" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\nlocal festivals and hospitals. His father arranged for him to study with jazz percussionists Bill Douglass and Chuck Flores. Despite his jazz roots he admits that his interest in performing rock music was an act of rebellion. \"I used to drive my parents crazy with this. I told my father a few years before he died, you know a lot of times I played that music 'cause I just wanted to see the look on your face.\". His mother's 1964 single \"Ringo Beat\" was inspired by her son", "id": "7781373" }, { "contents": "Except Sometimes\n\n\ninterest in her music at this time of her career and wanted to experiment with jazz music as that's what she grew up listening to. Speaking of the album's influences, Ringwald said, \"I had quite the musical repertoire; it was pretty much traditional jazz but there was some Bessie Smith and Helen Kane, the original Betty Boop.\" Inspirations for the album also included Ella Fitzgerald, Blossom Dearie, and Susannah McCorkle. \"Blossom Dearie was the only one I got to see live. Susannah's recordings have", "id": "9105334" }, { "contents": "Craig Safan\n\n\nplay. \"I was a very straight kid from a nice Jewish family whose idols were mostly junkies but I didn't really understand that at the time.\" After this experiential background in jazz, Safan found his way into classical music indirectly. \"I never studied the classics,\" he said. \"The first piece of classical music I ever studied was Stravinsky's \"The Rite of Spring\" and that was because I read about it in Leonard Bernstein's book \"The Joy of Music\". So my musical", "id": "17681765" }, { "contents": "Folk jazz\n\n\nFolk jazz is music that pairs traditional folk music with elements of jazz, usually featuring richly texturized songs. The origins of folk jazz can be traced back to the fifties, when artists like Jimmy Giuffre and Tony Scott pursued distinct approaches to folk music production, initially, as a vehicle for soloist expression. Folk jazz was most popular during the middle and latter parts of the sixties, when some already established folk musicians incorporated diverse musical traditions into their works. Many already popular musical styles diversified as counter-culture bands embraced experimentation", "id": "2865396" }, { "contents": "Symphony in Black\n\n\nthese pieces to be performed\", said Schuller. \"No musical tradition can remain vital unless it’s performed live. No musical tradition can exist in a museum form. I believe that the whole idea of repertory in jazz is long, long overdue. It’s not yet caught on as a major idea, but consider that the history of jazz is 60 or 70 or 80 years old, so we have a tremendous amount of music that can be replicated. It’s no different than in classical, where you play", "id": "5376622" }, { "contents": "1950s in music\n\n\nyears than I know.\" By 1958, many rockabilly musicians returned to a more mainstream style or had defined their own unique style and rockabilly had largely disappeared from popular music, although its influences would remain into the future. Bebop, Hard bop, Cool jazz and the Blues gained popularity during the 1950s while prominent Jazz musicians who came into prominence in these genres included Lester Young, Ben Webster, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Thelonious Monk, Charles Mingus, Art Tatum, Bill Evans,", "id": "9928695" }, { "contents": "Defiance (TV series)\n\n\n\"Heavy synths and ethnic soloists played a key role in defining the sound of \"Defiance\", but the cinematic quality came from working with a string orchestra.[...] I was asked to help bring the alien cultures to life by developing a distinct musical heritage for each. I fashioned Votan instrumentation and lyrics into a variety of popular songs and ceremonial pieces. I wrote pieces for street musicians that float through open-air marketplaces. I produced alien classical music, jingles, jazz, rock-anthems and torch songs", "id": "1584961" }, { "contents": "Jazz\n\n\nJazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as \"America's classical music\". Since the 1920s Jazz Age, jazz has become recognized as a major form of musical expression. It then emerged in the form of independent traditional and popular musical styles, all linked by the common bonds of African-American and European-American musical", "id": "15637723" }, { "contents": "Vic Schoen\n\n\nand Whispers\", \"Classical Jazz\" and some of the original music from the 1959 album. Of the nine pieces on the 1959 album, the original scores and parts currently exist for only five, the reason being that Schoen would let many people borrow his music over the years, which he sometimes never received back. The album was re-issued on LP four times, sometimes even without Schoen's knowledge. \"I was surprised to see it in the record store with a new cover every time they would re", "id": "12837490" }, { "contents": "Igor Butman\n\n\n. Two big bands on one stage occasionally played at the same time, but more often passed the music back and forth In an interview with Jazz Times magazine, Marsalis said of Butman, \"I love Igor's Butman playing and I love him personally. He has a great feeling for the music and for people and he's phenomenal musician. Igor Butman is my main man!\" One of the Butman’s accomplishments as a producer is \"The Triumph of Jazz\", a festival which takes place annually in the biggest", "id": "421345" }, { "contents": "Horn in jazz\n\n\njazz sound tracks. His greatest accomplishments though are his compositions for orchestra with jazz horn. From a young age Schuller listened to both jazz and classical music. Having grown up in a home with his father a violinist, he originally considered classical music of higher quality musically and culturally than jazz. One night Schuller had an epiphany while listening to Duke Ellington that jazz was not as lowbrow as his father had originally considered. He began transcribing Ellington’s recordings and studying his work, which was very similar to the way he started", "id": "17447371" }, { "contents": "Afro-Cuban jazz\n\n\nsaw the Cuban folk elements as a type of nationalistic \"fig leaf\", cover for their true love—jazz. They were obsessed with jazz. Cuba's Ministry of Culture is said to have viewed jazz as the music of \"imperialist America.\" Pablo Menéndez, founder of Mezcla, recalls: \"Irakere were jazz musicians who played stuff like 'Bacalao con pan' with a bit of a tongue in cheek attitude—'for the masses.' I remember Paquito d'Rivera thought it was pretty funny stuff (as opposed to '", "id": "7124236" }, { "contents": "Jazz in Germany\n\n\nradio; after 1926, when Paul Whiteman enjoyed sensational success in Berlin, regular radio programmes were broadcast with jazz played live. His music was also available on record and in sheet music. The Weintraub Syncopators were the first hot jazz band in Germany at their summit beginning around 1928. Musicians from many musical backgrounds, composers of classical music concerts such as Paul Hindemith, Ernst Krenek and Kurt Weill, turned to the new music genre that came from America and incorporated it into their musical language. For the classical composers, the", "id": "19568378" }, { "contents": "Noel Elmowy\n\n\nBitelli (who worked with Elton John, David Bowie and Joe Jackson (musician)), Martin Ditcham, Gordon Hunt (musician), Ray Carless and Chris-Scott Francis. It was whilst in London where Noel became absorbed in Latin jazz, Smooth jazz and Jazz fusion. At the age of seven Noel began classical piano studies for 10 years before turning to contemporary jazz fusion and began playing on the Sydney music scene. Playing regularly throughout school, Noel pursued music after school and university, graduating with a Bachelor of", "id": "13738986" }, { "contents": "Don Gardner\n\n\njazz musician, and had been part of the management of the Clef Club of Jazz in Philadelphia since 1985, serving as Executive Director. Lovett Hines, the current Artistic Director of the Philadelphia Clef Club, was at the hospital when Gardner died, playing the artist's music. \"And I just held the telephone to his ear on YouTube,\" Hines said. \"And you could see his reaction with his eyes moving and moving his hand. So he responded to the music, and I'm glad that was the", "id": "10703728" }, { "contents": "Jazz standard\n\n\nJazz standards are musical compositions that are an important part of the musical repertoire of jazz musicians, in that they are widely known, performed, and recorded by jazz musicians, and widely known by listeners. There is no definitive list of jazz standards, and the list of songs deemed to be standards changes over time. Songs included in major fake book publications (sheet music collections of popular tunes) and jazz reference works offer a rough guide to which songs are considered standards. Not all jazz standards were written by jazz composers", "id": "13857370" }, { "contents": "Music of New York City\n\n\nimmigrants. The best-known New York composer — indeed, the best-known American classical composer of any kind — was George Gershwin. Gershwin was a songwriter with Tin Pan Alley and the Broadway theaters, and his works were strongly influenced by jazz, or rather the precursors to jazz that were extant during his time. It is not clear that he was a classical musician, though neither is it clear that he worked in jazz, popular music or any other field — he primarily synthesized and utilized elements of many styles", "id": "10001842" }, { "contents": "Italian jazz\n\n\nItalian jazz refers to jazz music that is played by Italian musicians, or to jazz music that is in some way connected to Italy. James Reese Europe's military concerts in France in World War I in 1919 are claimed to have introduced Europeans to a new, \"syncopated\" music from America. Yet, Italians had an even earlier taste of a new music from across the Atlantic when a group of \"Creole\" singers and dancers, billed as the \"creators of the cakewalk\" performed at the Eden Theater in Milan", "id": "5222961" }, { "contents": "Ray Brown Jr.\n\n\non the road. He states, \"I love to tour. I've been able to see a lot of the world and I just absolutely enjoyed being able to be with different types of people, different cultures and to see the world. It's just kind of broadened who I am as a person, which eventually will filter down into the music, the influences.\" In 2001, Brown recorded his debut album \"Slow Down for Love\" on SRI Jazz, which reached the top 50 of the Gavin Report", "id": "7781375" }, { "contents": "Lorraine Gordon\n\n\nstuck to what I loved. That was my art. I'm not a musician; I'm not a singer; I'm not a painter; I'm not an actress. I'm none of those things. But throughout my life I followed the course of the music that I loved.\" The book received the ASCAP Deems Taylor Award for excellence in music print publishing. In 2013, Gordon's contribution to jazz music was recognized by the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts, and she received the NEA Jazz Master", "id": "10116511" }, { "contents": "North Scott High School\n\n\nSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs\", \"Loving Lives\", and \"The Spitfire Grill (musical). The music department has multiple choirs (including two jazz choirs), two jazz bands, two concert bands, a pit band, a marching band and an orchestra. North Scott's Jazz band has been the winner of many state contests, and its participants winners of many individual honors. On February 25, 2009, it was announced that Jazz I was one of fifteen high school jazz band finalists for the", "id": "4313887" }, { "contents": "Chord names and symbols (popular music)\n\n\n, a jazz musician who sees the turnaround I VI/ii V written as C A/d min G in a fakebook typically interprets this as C7 A7/d min7 G7. This interpretation means that a composer who wants a jazz comping musician to play a simple triad (for artistic reasons or effect) usually must be explicit in the lead sheet or part. For example, if a song in the key of C has a chord labelled \"G\", a composer who wants a simple triad (the notes G", "id": "21548501" }, { "contents": "Arthur Briggs (musician)\n\n\njazz musician Tom Waltham, who was interned at the Camp des Internés Britanniques in Saint-Denis, petitioned the German authorities to have Briggs moved there, and this was granted. There Briggs and Waltham were at the heart of the camp's musical activities. Jazz was forbidden in the camp so the interned jazz musicians, many of African heritage, turned to classical music. A printed program survives of a 1942 \"Concert Symphonique\" including works by Albeniz, Granados, de Falla, Mozart, Handel, Franck and Liszt.", "id": "8731457" }, { "contents": "Jazz fusion\n\n\na codified musical style, fusion can be viewed as a musical tradition or approach. When John Coltrane died in 1967, rock was the most popular music in America, and \"DownBeat\" magazine went so far to declare in a headline that: \"Jazz as We Know It Is Dead\". Guitarist Larry Coryell, sometimes called the godfather of fusion, referred to a generation of musicians who had grown up on rock and roll when he said, \"We loved Miles but we also loved the Rolling Stones.\" In", "id": "2409252" }, { "contents": "List of jazz venues\n\n\nin the Swing era, because at that time, jazz was popular as a dance music, so the dancers needed space to move. With the transition to 1940s-era styles like Bebop and later styles such as soul jazz, small combos of musicians such as quartets and trios were mostly used, and the music became more of a music to listen to, rather than a form of dance music. As a result, smaller clubs with small stages became practical. In the 2000s, jazz clubs may be found in the", "id": "1741006" }, { "contents": "Lenny Kravitz\n\n\nHe began playing the drums and soon added guitar. Kravitz grew up listening to the music his parents listened to: R&B, jazz, classical, opera, gospel, and blues. \"My parents were very supportive of the fact that I loved music early on, and they took me to a lot of shows,\" Kravitz said. Around the age of seven, he saw The Jacksons perform at Madison Square Garden, which became his favorite group. His father, who was also a jazz promoter, was friends with", "id": "4257006" }, { "contents": "The Jazz Singer\n\n\nleading part in the new musical \"April Follies\". Back at the family home Jack left long ago, the elder Rabinowitz instructs a young student in the traditional cantorial art. Jack appears and tries to explain his point of view, and his love of modern music, but the appalled cantor banishes him: \"I never want to see you again—you \"jazz singer!\"\" As he leaves, Jack makes a prediction: \"I came home with a heart full of love, but you don't want", "id": "18962887" }, { "contents": "Betcha Bottom Dollar\n\n\nwhat I wanted to do until I saw this.\" Tom Lewis from Universal Classics and Jazz signed The Puppini Sisters to the label after seeing them perform live at Trinity College of Music in London, where the girls had met. Lewis thought the group were \"fresh, energetic and engaging\". The Canadian composer, Benoît Charest, who created the music for \"The Triplets of Belleville\", produced \"Betcha Bottom Dollar\". Puppini, Kate Mullins and Stephanie O'Brien arranged all the songs themselves and played as many instruments", "id": "17648246" }, { "contents": "Papa Jack Laine\n\n\nGeorge Vital \"Papa Jack\" Laine (September 21, 1873 – June 1, 1966) was an American musician and a pioneering band leader in New Orleans in the years from the Spanish–American War to World War I. He was often credited for training many musicians who would later become successful in jazz music. Laine's Reliance Brass Band was the first to fuse European, African, and Latin music. The earliest jazz musicians can be traced back to playing in the Reliance Brass Band or being influenced by those who had", "id": "7156316" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\ndecline, and so was the popularity of jazz clubs. In the early 1940s, bebop-style performers began to shift jazz from danceable popular music towards a more challenging \"musician's music.\" Since bebop was meant to be listened to, not danced to, it could use faster tempos. Drumming shifted to a more elusive and explosive style and highly syncopated music. While bebop did not draw the huge crowds that had once flocked to Swing-era dance clubs, the bebop style was based around small combos such as", "id": "16608911" }, { "contents": "Helge Lilletvedt\n\n\nHelge Lilletvedt (born 13 June 1964 in Bergen, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz keyboardist, composer and music arranger, known from collaboration with musicians Terje Rypdal, Vigleik Storaas, Arve Henriksen, Per Jørgensen, Olav Dale, Ole Amund Gjersvik and Herborg Kråkevik. Lilletvedt studied classical piano at the Bergen Music Conservatory and was early interested in jazz and other rhythmic music. He has for many years been in the lineup of Bergen Big Band. Lilletvedt is a versatile performer, and as a freelance musician he works in many different", "id": "17545652" }, { "contents": "Robert Martin (singer)\n\n\nI remember hearing, identifying and asking for was \"The Firebird\" by Stravinsky. I used to ask my mom to play that piece – it was the most intensely visual music I had ever heard.\" Apart from the exposure to classical music he gained through his parents and through performances of the Philadelphia Orchestra, he also listened to other kinds of music. His father was a fan of Big Band music, he regularly watched Dick Clark's \"American Bandstand\" show, and he listened to the excellent jazz that was", "id": "2264271" }, { "contents": "Horn in jazz\n\n\nby Gunther Schuller, composer and hornist, to describe a fusion of jazz improvisation and classical music. This new genre gave the horn a more permanent place that traditional jazz groups could not offer. John Graas is one of the foremost orchestral jazz arrangers. Before arranging Graas played horn with many famous jazz musicians such as Paul Whiteman, Stan Kenton and Glenn Miller. In the early 1950s he began composing third stream music, even before there was a term to define it. Throughout his career he would arrange and play many popular", "id": "17447370" }, { "contents": "Ian Gardiner (musician)\n\n\nplay with when Cummings went solo. In 1965, surrounded by Winnipeg's exciting music scene and after seeing The Beatles on Ed Sullivan, thirteen-year-old Gardiner joined his first band: Ragnar and the Pagans. Soon, he and his good friend Glen Hall began listening to more eclectic music, Frank Zappa and jazz. At about seventeen, Gardiner started playing with Winnipeg jazz players: Al Thumbler at a Winnipeg pub called the Big \"A\"; jazz drummer Bill Graham at The Old Bailey Lounge, and with", "id": "20332628" }, { "contents": "Polly Bradfield\n\n\n, but I started improvising by playing piano in a high school stage band. I studied jazz in college after hearing Cecil Taylor I started developing a style of improvisation on the piano, playing with many different musicians and performing occasionally. When I met Eugene Chadbourne and John Zorn on moving to New York, I quit playing the piano and concentrated on the violin. My playing really changed and so did my attitudes about music and improvising...\" (from Bradfield's own liner notes on the back of her \"Solo Violin Improvisations", "id": "8167765" }, { "contents": "Jazz, Ltd.\n\n\na gangster looks like but she wouldn't admit one in because \"it's just like swimming in the ocean and waiting for a attack you. You can't see them but you know they're there.\" \"I don't drink and am very conscious of bad behavior. We feel that people come here to hear the music. Any unnecessary noise, from a few, spoils the pleasure of the entire room.\" Jazz Ltd. paid their musicians well, $100 a week in 1948. This", "id": "13265297" }, { "contents": "Women in music\n\n\n. Many of the women in jazz music at the time helped influence the genre and many jazz women musicians were people of color. These factors helped grow the jazz music genre that is it today. Many women influenced jazz music by producing, composing and performing jazz music. A woman who was influential in jazz music was Bessie Smith, also known as the Empress of the Blues. She lived from 1894-1937. She is a rock and roll hall of fame inductee, and 1989 Smith was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement", "id": "22079873" }, { "contents": "Sitar in jazz\n\n\nThe history of the sitar in jazz, that is the fusion of the sounds of Indian classical music with Western jazz, dates back from the late-1950s or early-1960s when musicians trained in Indian classical music such as Ravi Shankar started collaborating with jazz musicians such as Tony Scott and Bud Shank. Later jazz recordings containing sitar music include albums by Miles Davis, Alice Coltrane, Yusef Lateef, Joe Harriott (in collaboration with composer John Mayer),and Ornette Coleman. Although music based around the sitar would later spread from jazz to more popular music via", "id": "8967459" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Owens (musician)\n\n\naround. I saw Eubie Blake, Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges, and Paul Robeson. I was standing in the midst of so many of the African American people who had contributed significantly to the history of American culture. What an incredible moment it was! It reconfirmed for me what I had learned in my travels as an artist. Jazz is the heartbeat of the world.” Owens has always held a profound admiration for the art of jazz and displayed an immeasurable respect for the jazz pioneers that set the stage before him", "id": "20661411" }, { "contents": "Jazz education\n\n\nwith varying degrees of musical literacy. In New Orleans at the turn of the 20th century, as jazz was taking form from its roots, musicians learned in a style that is best described as an apprenticeship. Younger musicians would study with an older and more experienced musician, learning by listening to the music their mentor played. This relationship also extended to a personal level. Many of these younger musicians would run errands for their mentors in order to repay them for the musical lessons. An early example of this style of education", "id": "4176560" }, { "contents": "Debby Ryan\n\n\nthat her other role models include Anne Hathaway, Rachel McAdams, and Tobey Maguire. When asked about musical tastes, she said, \"I love jazz! I love singing it. I also love country! My brother loves rock; he also has this chill Jason Mraz-like style. So basically, my answer is: jazz-country-rock-alternative? I have no idea! But I honestly would love to make country music\". Ryan was involved in Disney's Friends for Change. She was featured", "id": "10576897" }, { "contents": "Indian rock\n\n\nDon\" (1978). In the 1960s, renowned Western acts such as The Yardbirds, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors and The Byrds were notably influenced by Indian classical music as a way of reinforcing the psychedelia in their music. While jazz musicians, notably John Coltrane, had ventured into Indian music and spiritualism (see Indo jazz, Sitar in jazz, and Jazz in India), the influence of Indian classical music on 1960s rock began in earnest with George Harrison's Ravi Shankar inspired raga rock song", "id": "7779021" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nand rhythm. For him, painting is performance. He paints to music with his hand and brush mimicking the music and considered the music essential to his art. \"I try to capture in paint the sounds and images of the music and the personalities of the musicians,\" he says. His approach to painting is rapid and gestural. Most of his jazz paintings have a jazzed, nervous quality, with figures and images look uncontrolled. Other works are calmer, such as some of his nightclub scenes. Many of his", "id": "19455922" }, { "contents": "Samuel Charters\n\n\nwas my way of fighting racism. That's why my work is not academic, that is why it is absolutely nothing but popularization: I wanted people to hear black music, as I said in \"The Poetry of the Blues\". . . . It's where I say, you know, if by introducing music I can have somebody look across the racial divide and see a black face and see this person as a human being—and that's why my work is unashamedly romantic\" (Ismail, 2011,", "id": "10151971" }, { "contents": "Jazz in India\n\n\nwestern music into Bollywood, but were also filled with India's new-found nationalism and developed an authentic foundation to link the world of jazz with that of Indian classical music. The jazz fraternity was also a melting pot of people of different communities because there were Goans, Anglo-Indians and people from other communities like Rudy Cotton who was a Parsi. Jazz and Indian classical music share some similarities, one of them being that they both involve improvisation. Musicians realised this and collaborations between Indian classical musicians and Western jazz musicians", "id": "8000170" }, { "contents": "Art music\n\n\nbe synonymous with \"art music\", \"canonic music\", \"cultivated music\", \"serious music\", as well as the more flippantly used \"real music\" and \"normal music\". Musician Catherine Schmidt-Jones defines art music as \"a music which requires significantly more work by the listener to fully appreciate than is typical of popular music\". In her view, \"[t]his can include the more challenging types of jazz and rock music, as well as Classical\". The term may also", "id": "16019794" }, { "contents": "Aaron Copland\n\n\nmusic heard in one's own country ... when I heard jazz played in Vienna, it was like hearing it for the first time.\" He also found that the distance from his native country helped him see the United States more clearly. Beginning in 1923, he employed \"jazzy elements\" in his classical music, but by the late 1930s, he moved on to Latin and American folk tunes in his more successful pieces. Although his early focus of jazz gave way to other influences, Copland continued to make use of", "id": "6233286" }, { "contents": "Jacques Loussier\n\n\ndescribed as third stream, a synthesis of jazz and classical music, with an emphasis on improvisation. Loussier was born on 26 October 1934 in Angers, France. He started piano lessons there aged ten. When he was eleven, he heard a piece from the \"Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach.\" In a 2003 interview, he said \"I was studying this piece and I just fell in love with it. Then I found I loved to play the music, but add my own notes, expanding the harmonies and", "id": "10546520" }, { "contents": "Tom Moulton\n\n\nhis achievements as a remixer. He is the official archivist of the Bethlehem Jazz and Salsoul music catalogues and has overseen all of the digital remastering. In late 2006, Moulton remixed the Brand New Heavies (featuring N'Dea Davenport)'s single \"I Don't Know (Why I Love You).\" \"A Tom Moulton Mix\" was used as the title of a compilation of Moulton's remixes on Soul Jazz Records. UK label Harmless Records has released albums of Moulton's work of remixed tracks originally issued on Philadelphia International", "id": "2705646" }, { "contents": "Cor anglais\n\n\nin classical music, the cor anglais has also been used by a few musicians as a jazz instrument; most prominent among these are Paul McCandless, Jean-Luc Fillon, Sonny Simmons, and Vinny Golia (see also Oboists performing primarily outside classical genres). From the mid-1930s, Mitch Miller played the instrument in popular radio orchestras and made a number of recordings with the instrument, notably solos on the albums \"Music Until Midnight\" (1954) and \"It's So Peaceful In The Country\" (1956) with", "id": "5990863" }, { "contents": "I Love the Life I Live\n\n\nI Love the Life I Live was a jazz and blues album by the American musician Mose Allison, released in 1960. Allison became notable for playing a unique mix of blues and modern jazz, both singing and playing piano. After moving to New York in 1956, he worked primarily in jazz settings, playing with jazz musicians like Stan Getz, Al Cohn, and Zoot Sims, along with producing numerous recordings. \"All compositions by Mose Allison except as indicated\" On tracks 3, 4, 7, 8, and", "id": "4130658" }, { "contents": "1920s in jazz\n\n\nThe period from the end of the First World War until the start of the Depression in 1929 is known as the \"Jazz Age\". Jazz had become popular music in America, although older generations considered the music immoral and threatening to cultural values. Dances such as the Charleston and the Black Bottom were very popular during the period, and jazz bands typically consisted of seven to twelve musicians. Important orchestras in New York were led by Fletcher Henderson, Paul Whiteman and Duke Ellington. Many New Orleans jazzmen had moved to Chicago", "id": "12002241" }, { "contents": "Jazzamoart\n\n\nI love) and “art.” He is a serious collector of records, buying at least one every week for the last quarter century. The jazz collection is wide-ranging and current but his favorites are classics such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Thelonious Monk. He is not a fan of New Orleans jazz saying that it is too mellow and lacks intensity. His obsession with jazz music is such that musicians often appear in his dreams, especially Charlie Parker. In 1973, he married Nora", "id": "19455904" }, { "contents": "Jazz club\n\n\npopular as a dance music, so the dancers needed space to move. With the transition to 1940s-era styles like Bebop and later styles such as soul jazz, small combos of musicians such as quartets and trios were mostly used, and the music became more of a music to listen to, rather than a form of dance music. As a result, smaller clubs with small stages became practical. In the 2000s, jazz clubs may be found in the basements of larger residential buildings, in storefront locations or in the", "id": "16608899" }, { "contents": "Violin\n\n\n-Luc Ponty. While not primarily jazz violinists, Darol Anger and Mark O'Connor have spent significant parts of their careers playing jazz. The Swiss-Cuban violinist Yilian Cañizares mixes jazz with Cuban music. Violins also appear in ensembles supplying orchestral backgrounds to many jazz recordings. The Indian violin, while essentially the same instrument as that used in Western music, is different in some senses. The instrument is tuned so that the IV and III strings (G and D on a western-tuned violin) and the II and I", "id": "14050649" }, { "contents": "Ziba Shirazi\n\n\n'Voice of Women' in the Iranian community, Ziba's lyrics are colored by passionate feminist tones, love, compassion and universal human stories. \"Obviously, I am a shameless romantic and shamelessly, a woman. The beauty that I see is abundant and joyful and always full of love, passion and sensuality, as they are my salvation.\" Her collaboration with Chilean-American Jazz pianist, Dr. Jose-Miguel Yamal, has deepened the presence of jazz and Latin music in her performances. They have performed together", "id": "3874096" }, { "contents": "Culture of Europe\n\n\nthe nineteenth century onwards. Many classical composers used folk melodies, and folk has influenced some popular music in Europe. See the list of European folk musics. Popular music: Europe has also imported many different genres of music, mainly from the United States, ranging from Blues, Jazz, Soul, Pop, Electronic, Hip-Hop, R'n'B or Dance and creating its own genres like Britpop, French hip-hop or German hip hop and many others. \"Main articles\": List of European television stations \"Main", "id": "5539738" }, { "contents": "Danilo Pérez\n\n\nThe performance techniques of the ensemble have formed the basis of new pedagogy for the study of the relationship between improvisation and composition and is the subject of numerous research studies in jazz. Regarding Shorter, Pérez says, “Wayne has encouraged me to write what I hope for and what I wish the world to be.” In 2003, Pérez founded Panama Jazz Festival with the stated mission of bettering the lives of people through shared musical experiences as listeners, on stage and in the classrooms. About the festival Pérez states, \"", "id": "4728840" }, { "contents": "Blues People\n\n\nBlues People: Negro Music in White America is a seminal study of Afro-American music (and culture generally) by Amiri Baraka, who published it as LeRoi Jones in 1963. In \"Blues People\" Baraka explores the possibility that the history of black Americans can be traced through the evolution of their music. It is considered a classic work on jazz and blues music in American culture. The book documents the effects of jazz and blues on American culture, at musical, economic, and social levels. It chronicles the", "id": "11650127" }, { "contents": "Jazz standard\n\n\n. Many are originally Tin Pan Alley popular songs, Broadway show tunes or songs from Hollywood musicals – the Great American Songbook. In Europe, jazz standards and \"fake books\" may even include some traditional folk songs (such as in Scandinavia) or pieces of ethnic music (such as gypsy melodies) that have been played with a jazz feel by well known jazz players. A commonly played song can only be considered a jazz standard if it is widely played among \"jazz\" musicians. The jazz standard repertoire has some", "id": "13857371" }, { "contents": "Martin Bejerano\n\n\nPenguin Guide to Jazz\" commented that there was a \"classical sumptuousness in his work, though in jazz terms he is most obviously influenced by Chick Corea\". In 2010, Bejerano was awarded a Chamber Music America commission for a new jazz work. Bejerano has cited as influences a number of rock and pop bands and classical music composers and performers, as well as jazz musicians including pianists Corea, Herbie Hancock, and Keith Jarrett. Bejerano is an Assistant Professor of jazz piano at the Frost School of Music at the University", "id": "3687075" }, { "contents": "Arabic music\n\n\nelectronic musical instruments with traditional Middle Eastern instruments. Artists like Richii popularized this style with songs like \"Ana Lubnaneyoun\". Another popular form of West meets East, Arabic jazz is also popular, with many songs using jazz instruments. Early jazz influences began with the use of the saxophone by musicians like Samir Suroor, in the \"oriental\" style. The use of the saxophone in that manner can be found in Abdel Halim Hafez's songs, as well as Kadim Al Sahir and Rida Al Abdallah today. The first mainstream", "id": "14394893" }, { "contents": "1940s in jazz\n\n\nIn the early 1940s in jazz, bebop emerged, led by Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk and others. It helped to shift jazz from danceable popular music towards a more challenging \"musician's music.\" Differing greatly from swing, early bebop divorced itself from dance music, establishing itself more as an art form but lessening its potential popular and commercial value. Since bebop was meant to be listened to, not danced to, it used faster tempos. Beboppers introduced new forms of chromaticism and dissonance into jazz;", "id": "11944564" }, { "contents": "List of jazz arrangers\n\n\nThe American Federation of Musicians defines arranging as \"the art of preparing and adapting an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form. An arrangement may include reharmonization, paraphrasing, and/or development of a composition, so that it fully represents the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structure\". Jazz arrangers often take music written for other forms like popular music, religious music, or classical music and alter the tempo, rhythm, and the chord structure to re-create music for a jazz idiom. They can also", "id": "20490179" }, { "contents": "Role of music in World War II\n\n\nculture of their remote ancestors, while promoting the distribution of radio to transmit propaganda. The Nazi government had an obsession with controlling culture and promoting the culture it controlled. For this reason the common people's tastes in music were much more secret. Many Germans used their new radios to listen to the jazz music hated by Hitler but loved all over the world. In art, this attack came after expressionism, impressionism, and all forms of modernism. Forms of music targeted included jazz as well as the music of many of", "id": "8781624" }, { "contents": "David Berkman\n\n\n. Tracing the trajectory of mapped out by his earlier CD's we can see a greater level of melodic sophistication and more intense coalescing of compositional elements\". As a jazz clinician, Berkman was awarded the Homer Osborne Award from the Wichita Jazz Society and has performed and taught at numerous jazz camps, universities and conservatories around the United States, South America and Europe. Berkman published three books with Sher Music Publishing: \"The Jazz Musician's Guide to Creative Practicing\" (2007), \"The Jazz Singer's Guidebook\"", "id": "9134619" }, { "contents": "French jazz\n\n\nJazz music has been popular in France since the 1920s. Its international popularity peaked in the 1930s, and it has been continually enjoyed since. Following World War I, a number of American expatriates settled in Paris and began to build up a jazz scene. France did not suffer from racial discrimination as much as the US, so a mixture of musical styles from different cultures began to emerge. As with Brazil, the French were at first concerned it was too American of an influence before \"making it their own.\"", "id": "6876311" }, { "contents": "Håvard Fossum\n\n\nSchool of Music at The University of Miami, Florida. Here he studied composition and arranging with Ron Miller (\"Modal Jazz Composing and Arranging, Vol I & Vol II\") and Gary Lindsay (\"Jazz Arranging Techniques\"). Fossum was awarded a grant of US $16 000,- by the \"Norge-Amerika Foreningen\" to take this education. After finishing his music studies in 1998, Fossum worked as a freelance musician in Miami for a year. It may be mentioned that in February–March 1999 he", "id": "10951894" }, { "contents": "Pete Rose (musician)\n\n\nPete Rose (born 1942) is an American recorder player and composer. He is the foremost interpreter of contemporary classical music for recorder. He is also one of the few recorder players who plays jazz on the instrument. He has many published works (see his web page: He has performed the music of Daniel Goode, Ryohei Hirose, Luciano Berio, and Benjamin Thorn. Rose has also written a number of comprehensive articles documenting the use of the recorder in contemporary classical music. He resides in Bridgewater,", "id": "19341049" }, { "contents": "Porgy and Bess (Miles Davis album)\n\n\nacknowledged by some music critics as the best of their collaborations. Jazz critics have regarded the album as historic. In 1958, Davis was one of many jazz musicians growing dissatisfied with bebop, seeing its increasingly complex chord changes as hindering creativity. Five years earlier, in 1953, pianist George Russell published his \"Lydian Chromatic Concept of Tonal Organization\", which offered an alternative to the practice of improvisation based on chords. Abandoning the traditional major and minor key relationships of classical music, Russell developed a new formulation using scales or", "id": "14791938" }, { "contents": "Hand On the Torch\n\n\nHand on the Torch is the debut album by the jazz-rap group Us3. It received much attention because of its mix of jazz and rap, using live jazz musicians. All samples used on the album are from old Blue Note classics: the most famous being Herbie Hancock's \"Cantaloupe Island\", used on the track \"Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia)\", which was recorded with two different music videos. In 2003, \"The Ultimate Hand on the Torch\" was released, including many of the songs used", "id": "19691981" }, { "contents": "Paul Rudd (DJ)\n\n\nsaid later, \"I was really interested in doing something like this. There's so many classics from the 80s being revamped and I was delighted that Paul approached me to re-work Set Me Free, as recently I have been recording mainly contemporary jazz music for the new album. I liked the instrumental and I'm just happy that one of my favourite hits has been given a 2012 makeover that appeals to all!\" Rudd followed up this success with two more tracks in 2012, \"Neon Lights\" and \"", "id": "7111354" }, { "contents": "Music of Malawi\n\n\n. Sunday Jazz is a popular event in many lodges and hotels in Malawi, where it is a social event for people in the suburban areas to meet and listen to Jazz music on Sundays. Influenced by the 1980s music from the Congo, Malawi's own kwasa kwasa music grew. The 1980s saw soukous from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (then \"Zaire\") become popular, and result in a Malawian variety called kwasa kwasa. Malawian urban music really began with the popular group Real Elements. The group consisted of", "id": "1678697" }, { "contents": "Mill Valley High School\n\n\nfor upper-level musicians. Jazz Band received high marks at the Kansas City Jazz Summit festival in 2017. The Mill Valley Theatre Department puts on two productions a year (usually these consist of one fall musical and one spring play), and the department also offers many stage related classes such as Drama I, Drama II, and Stagecraft. Their 2018 student-led production of \"She Loves Me\" was the first Thespian musical produced at the school. The Debate team was created in 2017 where Mill Valley competed against", "id": "8990917" } ]
By today's standards I am not physically fit. I like the definition of the industrial revolution: ability to carry out the day's activities without undue fatigue. That is crazy I guess I am not fit either but I just got a gym membership Today the definition includes proper nutrition and sufficient rest as well. I eat right, but I don't sleep! Oh I am the same way! I eat really healthy but I have sleeping problems! What other standards are there? Well, your gym membership is good, because there is a relation between fitness and attractiveness that caused gyms to spring up in the last 30 years. Oh I guess I haven't thought of how recently popular they have become. Have you tried crossfit?
[{"answer": "I haven't, because I thought it was Olympic weightlifting? I'm more of a Zumba gal.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11568969", "title": "CrossFit", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 277, "bleu_score": 0.7993439247359807, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Patrick McHenry\n\n\nwith you. But I felt safe. And so in the morning, I got up early – not that I make this a great habit – but I went to the gym because I just couldn't sleep and everything else. Well, sure enough, the guard wouldn't let me in. Said I didn't have the correct credentials. It's 5:00 in the morning. I haven't had sleep. I was not very happy with this two bit security guard. So you know, I said, \"I", "id": "7456060" }, { "contents": "Mallory Haldeman\n\n\nmy recovery time. At the time I had zero interest in lifting weights or making a daily trip to the gym. It didn’t take long, however, until I found that I loved what resistance training can do to your body. After only a few short weeks I was hooked and started to learn everything I could about sculpting and building my physique….and although a few years have passed since then I am just as excited learning about everything health and fitness related ! It is a life style that I have completely", "id": "19030633" }, { "contents": "Iris Kyle\n\n\nfit, healthy-looking people, she thought she could obtain a similar highly trained, sculpted physique. Kyle walked into a gym and took out a membership. \"I distinctly remember being a bit overwhelmed with the facilities and the seemingly endless variety of training equipment, but I knew at that exact moment ... without feeling even the slightest doubt ... that I could develop the kind of physique I wanted.\" She was later hired by the same gym and, as an employee, got more opportunities for training and growth.", "id": "19623311" }, { "contents": "Boy (I Need You)\n\n\nunderstand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal of the", "id": "21456747" }, { "contents": "Australia's Next Top Model (season 7)\n\n\nunderstand it's probably a reality of the industry but no one likes to be told they look fat - regardless of what job you are in, I have never thought of myself as fat. I am a health freak. I go to the gym and eat well.\" There was also some backfire from animal rights group PETA over the prominent use of animal fur in one of the photo shoots of the series. Foxtel defended the shoot, with a spokeswoman explaining that it had been inspired by Native American culture. The", "id": "19948369" }, { "contents": "Something to Live for: The Alison Gertz Story\n\n\n? Yes. Guilty? Oh, sure. I remember having dinner with Carol and Jerry - Ali's mother and father. They sat there looking at her and looking at me and we're close to the same age and I'm healthy... I guess it was hard for everyone. Meeting her sort of made me panic like: \"How am I going to get that voice right?\" Then I realized - I'm not an impersonator. I didn't want to try to imitate Ali. And I think it", "id": "672307" }, { "contents": "Mariah Carey\n\n\ntrying to understand things in life right now and so I really don't feel that I should be doing music right now. What I'd like to do is just a take a little break or at least get one night of sleep without someone popping up about a video. All I really want is [to] just be me and that's what I should have done in the first place ... I don't say this much but guess what, I don't take care of myself.\" Following the quick removal", "id": "19775334" }, { "contents": "Cyril Joe Barton\n\n\nbrain tells me that I have not trusted in vain. All I am anxious about is that you and the rest of the family will also come to know Him. Ken, I know already does. I commend my Saviour to you. I am writing to Doreen separately. I expect you will have guessed by now that we are quite in love with each other. Well, that's covered everything now I guess, so love to Dad and all, Your loving son Cyril.\" . The attack on Nuremberg was", "id": "16926600" }, { "contents": "Chitto Harjo\n\n\n\"Oh, yes, I am a farmer. I have a farm and a home there on it. I used to have horses and hogs and cattle but I have precious few left now. The white people have run all through me and over me and around me and committed all kinds of depredations and what I have left is precious few. I am here and stand before you today, my fathers, as a man of misery. I am here appealing to you to have the laws carried out.\" Senator", "id": "8194516" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\n. Oh Lord, rescue me from sins and do not deceive me. br (6) Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are intelligent but I am a fool. Knowing fully well the merits have some kindness for me. br (7) Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are a store house of knowledge and I am ignorant. Kindly rescue me from this dangerous Kali Age. br (8) Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are expert in rescuing and I am fit for being condemned. You can save", "id": "6556696" }, { "contents": "1902 Michigan Wolverines football team\n\n\n, Fitzpatrick noted:\"I think our team-work today was fine. The men certainly have the right spirit. Coach Yost hated to go away. ... The last thing he said to me was, 'Keene, just before they go into the game, give them a good talk.' Well, I guess they did, and I am proud of them.\" One of the Iowa team members reported receiving a message from Iowa City: \"Oh, My. Isn't it awful. Box the remains and send them", "id": "11056940" }, { "contents": "Just What I Am\n\n\nthe devil! I know he’s friends with Satan! I can feel it.' You know what I mean? Niggas be knowing I guess. So my way of tricking everybody, being that I had that control, I was like, 'Oh man. Wouldn’t it be cool if we just threw a bunch of fucking Satanic devil-worship Illuminati symbols into the video, just like abruptly popping up all over the place and fuck people up?' Just to fuck with them and then not say anything,", "id": "2182883" }, { "contents": "2009 Coke Zero 400\n\n\nStewart was unexcited on his victory. He said with a disappointed tone, \"Well... I am not proud of what I did back there. I went where I had to go and he went where he had to go. I got into the back of him without thinking... I don't like winning 'em like that. I wish I could enjoy my win but it does not feel good when you have a good day and you wreck someone out of a good day, especially how Kyle helped me the whole race", "id": "11240269" }, { "contents": "Kenojuak Ashevak\n\n\nwith subjective reality or not. And that is how I have always tried to make my images, and that is still how I do it, and I haven't really thought about it any other way than that. That is just my style, and is the way I started and the way I am today. In 2004, Kenojuak designed a stained glass window for a chapel at Appleby College in Oakville, Ontario. The window, of an Arctic char along with an owl against a vibrantly blue background, is the", "id": "16589074" }, { "contents": "Nicole Schmitz\n\n\n. \"It showed me more what to expect in terms of the length of the pageant, the importance of getting proper rest and eating right. But I guess the biggest thing for me, is knowing that you really have to be focused from beginning to end, every step of the way. And if you give your heart to it the entire time, that’s the biggest difference. I did that this time, and luckily, I got one of the crowns,\" she says. She entered the top 15", "id": "16934570" }, { "contents": "Kerry McCarthy\n\n\ngoing to turn vegan because I am in post\", McCarthy said on BBC Radio 4's \"Farming Today\" shortly after her appointment. \"I have my own personal views on what I choose to eat, but I accept that we have a livestock industry in this country. What I want is for the industry to have the best welfare standards possible, to be sustainable as well as economically viable.\" On 26 June 2016, McCarthy was among dozens of shadow ministers who resigned from Corbyn's team. She argued", "id": "5162101" }, { "contents": "I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan\n\n\nhead And watch the stars upon my pillow Oh what I light the moonbeams shed I feel so happy I could cry And tears are born right in the corner of my eye To be at home with Ma was never like this I could live forever like this I love to lie awake a while And go to sleep with a smile The song was originally given the sub title of \"The Blue Pajama Song\" because of the opening lines of the first refrain: \"I guess I'll have to change my plan / I", "id": "14716870" }, { "contents": "Live from the Tape Deck\n\n\nup to the second album [...] It's not the second album because I didn't want to just rush out with another album right away.\" Skyzoo believes that experience is the best teacher. \"I felt like I needed to live in order to have something to write about because I write about what I am living. However, we live in a blog world, here today gone today. So you have to keep your name on the blogs. With that being said, you gotta keep music out", "id": "18287511" }, { "contents": "Nicole Schmitz\n\n\nbut don’t know how to act. I prefer TV hosting.\" In another interview that talked about her preparations for the pageant: \"There are a lot of preparations. It's getting a little bit scary now, because it's closer, but we're doing a variety of things. We go to the gym to get more toned, more fit, and healthier. We also get health checkups, eating well to make sure I don't get sick, and recently we started to have personality development classes,", "id": "16934557" }, { "contents": "Marlene Dietrich\n\n\n. Everybody in America works today. You have to. Oh - know, I could live tucked away out of sight in some Swiss chalet - but why should I? I am an American citizen, and proud to be so. I enjoy living in that country and one pays for one's pleasures. So I work. And as long as people want me, and I have them eating out of my hands, I shall continue to do so.\" In her 60s and 70s, Dietrich's health declined:", "id": "15056431" }, { "contents": "I Don't Know (Paul McCartney song)\n\n\nthis song. In the 'Words Between Tracks' about writing a song, McCartney said: \"I wrote this after going through a difficult period. Like people have nothing sort of madly serious or anything, but just one of those days when it’s like, \"Oh my god, am I doing wrong here\", you know. And sometimes that’s a good way to write a song, because you’re coming from your soul. And we often used to say that writing a song was like talking to", "id": "18533273" }, { "contents": "Destra Garcia\n\n\n: the audiences what people are saying about you what you are doing what you are wearing”. Not only do blogs about Destra revere her musical talent, they also express admiration for her physique, in particular her fit abs. Her defined abdominals have also become part of Destra’s celebrity persona that fans think of when they think Destra Garcia. One blogger exclaims ‘I will admit I am extremely jealous of dem abs, I wish mines was like dat but I guess I hadda wuk rel hard’. The tumblr page", "id": "4535725" }, { "contents": "Josh Peck\n\n\nknew I could be happier as well as being healthier. I started by going on a diet a year and a half ago and I got a personal trainer, but I definitely have a healthier lifestyle now. Also I feel that because I do so much television, I am a better role model. I don't really understand why I should be a role model, but I know that kids do look up to me, so it is my responsibility to motivate people and be inspiring. I hope that I can do", "id": "14038247" }, { "contents": "2009 Coke Zero 400\n\n\n. You want him to have a good day too, and I couldn't just give the win to him so I tried to make my move, he went up to block us and I was already there. I am sorry. I may be too hard on myself but I do not feel like I am... I am sorry but I am thankful for my nice Stewart-Haas Racing team who brought me here today.\" When Kyle Busch's friend/boss Joe Gibbs was asked about the finish he said,", "id": "11240270" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nhave no companion or friend, but I am in coupe. As soon as I assumed body, delusion is sticking to my skin and hairs of the skin. br (12) Oh Alekha God, you are my illustrious preceptor and I am your disciple. I am being drowned, save me. What more I will tell you. br (13) My good preceptor is very virtuous, and I am a great sinner. Kindly see my condition and save me from the earth which is like an ocean. My", "id": "6556698" }, { "contents": "Beth Tweddle\n\n\nmy collection; this is the one I really wanted. I tried to keep calm and do what I do best and the crowd were amazing, as soon as I walked into the arena it was incredible. I haven't made any future plans yet, I definitely won't be in Rio but I'm happy to go home now and have a bit of a holiday and get back into the gym; if my heart's in it I will continue. I had a step on my dismount but at the end of", "id": "21309377" }, { "contents": "Brad Ausmus\n\n\nJewish Journal\": \"I wasn't raised with the Jewish religion, so in that sense I don't really have much feeling toward it. But, however, in the last 10 or so years, I have had quite a few young Jewish boys who will tell me that I am their favorite player or they love watching me play or they feel like baseball is a good fit for them because it worked for me or it worked for Shawn Green or other Jewish players at the major league level. It has been", "id": "3254044" }, { "contents": "The Organ (band)\n\n\nand band politics, and all that stuff. I am still writing music, but it's not my first priority any more. [My first priority now is] getting my life back together. We'd been touring for so long and working so hard that I didn't know how to function on a daily basis. So just little things, like, I'm going to have breakfast today, or I'm going to the gym, or I'm going to get a job. I didn't really have any", "id": "2020691" }, { "contents": "Stuticintamani\n\n\nme divine wisdom so that I will get rid of the sins of nature. br (3) Oh preceptor, oh Lord, You are beyond the Vedas, but I bear a shape. You take ablution in the Ganges water but I take bath in the well-water of this earth. br (4) Oh Lord of the void, You have got one foot but I have two. Rescue me with Your single foot. br (5) My preceptor is free of sins but I am a great sinner", "id": "6556695" }, { "contents": "Charles Fried\n\n\nwho ask: \"[I]f the government can require me to buy health insurance, can it require me to have a membership in a gym, or eat vegetables?,\" Fried replied: Yes. We hear that quite a lot. It was put by Judge Vinson, and I think it was put by Professor Barnett in terms of eating your vegetables, and for reasons I set out in my testimony, that would be a violation of the 5th and the 14th Amendment, to force you to eat something. But", "id": "6035403" }, { "contents": "Andrew Reynolds (skateboarder)\n\n\nhe's been really into being healthy and exercising. I'm rooming with him right now, and it's like we're in a gym; the room is like a gym, where he's just constantly eating bananas and only healthy stuff. He's stretching all the time and it's only to get tricks, that's what he says. He's just like, \"I just gotta do whatever I can to get tricks.\" Do everything he possibly can to do it just the way he pictured it", "id": "654721" }, { "contents": "I Am a Rock\n\n\nn't believe in them as I once did. I have included them because they played an important role in the transition. It is discomforting, almost painful, to look back over something someone else created and realize that someone else was you. I am not ashamed of where I've been and what I've thought. It's just not me anymore. It is perfectly clear to me that the songs I write today will not be mine tomorrow. I don't regret the loss.\"\" As a result, the", "id": "14762307" }, { "contents": "Willem B. Drees\n\n\nAm I a religious naturalist? Others have used that label on me. I am not sure I like the label, as it seems to constrain, whereas I want to explore. I also have some sympathy for the naturalistic theism described above. But certainly, precisely in the attitude of exploring, I fit the naturalism referenced above. Or I at least, I hope do. Even if I am not sure whether I am a religious naturalist, I am most interested in understanding what religious naturalism might mean, may become", "id": "3786780" }, { "contents": "Kerry Kennedy\n\n\ntaken when Kennedy was arrested, at which point Kennedy released a statement saying in part, \"The results we received today from the Westchester County lab showed trace amounts of a sleep aid in my system, so it now appears that my first instinct was correct. I am deeply sorry to all those I endangered that day, and am enormously grateful for the support I have received over the past two weeks.\" Kennedy said she did not remember anything after entering a highway to go to a gym and before she found herself", "id": "10630809" }, { "contents": "William Heirens\n\n\nhandcuffs on me for hours and hours. They threw me in the cell and blindfolded me. They handcuffed my hands behind my back and pulled me up on bars until my toes touched the floor. I no eat, I go to the hospital. Oh, I am so sick. Any more and I would have confessed to anything. Verburgh spent 10 days in the hospital. It was determined that Verburgh, a Belgian immigrant, couldn't write English well enough even by the crude standards of the ransom note itself for", "id": "11152839" }, { "contents": "The Writing on the Wall (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)\n\n\ngoing to pull his plug, that’s a real concern. I don’t want to die again. I was so surprised when it got to that bit in the script at the table read. I was like, “Oh, am I better now?” And they went, “Well, let’s just say you aren’t crazily carving anymore.”\" On whether he will have the same drive to find the newly revealed city, Gregg said \"One of the really cool sci-fi elements of this", "id": "5497526" }, { "contents": "Hugh Blaker\n\n\n, born centuries late. No kid ever had greater equipment. No kid ever faced greater frustration. Centuries ago I would have been apprenticed to a painter – as a boy well fitted to make good in a prosperous trade. Instead, at that period of my development, I was the veritable curse of damn-fool schoolmasters at my \"public school\", Cranleigh. I was a wondrous fair kid, strong, and good at games. I got something out of them. In the gym I builded up a body", "id": "12004163" }, { "contents": "Troye Sivan Live\n\n\nlive performances, Sivan stated: \"I haven't performed since I was 16 or something like that. It's such a different ball game now though—these are my songs and my vision come to life. I am really excited about it. I think it's going to be a connection unlike any I have experienced before. I am definitely going to cry. If people sing back lyrics to me, I am done.\" Sivan's debut album \"Blue Neighbourhood\" came out four days after the conclusion of", "id": "21811556" }, { "contents": "Sally Webster\n\n\nthe rest of them but really she is just the same. There aren't many dull moments. Sally is a fabulous character and I know I am so lucky to play her. All those years ago when I started she wasn't like this so I am so pleased that the producers have made her change. It has only been over the last five years that she has turned into a right cow. That is brilliant because it means I can show what I can do as an actress. I know some viewers hate", "id": "1884020" }, { "contents": "Recurring Saturday Night Live characters and sketches introduced 1992–1993\n\n\nthe norm\". I'm not \"camera friendly\". I don't \"wear clothes that fit me\". I'm not a \"heartbreaker\". I haven't \"had sex with a woman\"; I don't know \"how that works\". I guess I don't \"fall in line\". I'm not \"hygienic\". I don't \"wipe properly\". I lack \"style\". I have no \"charisma\" or \"self esteem\". I don't \"", "id": "8756387" }, { "contents": "French Grant\n\n\nand rubbing his eyes, said, \"Friends, I am very sorry it is so, but I have been very poorly for some days; have no appetite and have not cooked anything, nor have I prepared anything to cook.\" The two, making themselves very free, opened the cupboard and continued, \"Well, Doctor, as you are sick, we can cook a little for ourselves.\" Doctor—\"I don't like to put you to so much trouble; besides I have nothing fit for you.\"", "id": "13826403" }, { "contents": "2016 Can-Am 500\n\n\nsaying \"I guess I wrecked a teammate. I feel horrible about it … Right now, it feels really (expletive), but tomorrow it might feel a lot better. … The 20 should have been the Gibbs car to (advance).\" Logano after the race said he \"saw Kyle getting a run on him and I was like, 'Oh, boy! I knew Kyle was going to go three wide, and he has to. He's racing for a championship. That's the desperation that", "id": "20914029" }, { "contents": "Dusty Hernández-Harrison\n\n\nring after sitting on the shelf for 22-months. \"I am excited to have the opportunity to get back into the ring and fulfill my goal of becoming a World Champion. I am in the gym and I am working hard to get back to where I was two years ago,\" Hernandez-Harrison said. \"I just want to fight at this point; it’s been way too long,\" he added. On December 20, 2018, Dusty signed with Lee Baxter Promotions. \"I'm excited to get", "id": "14128127" }, { "contents": "Ciung Wanara\n\n\nyou wish to be a king?\" The king knew it because he was endowed with supernatural power. \"No, Your Highness, I shall not be able to.\" \"Do not lie, Aria Kebonan, I know it.\" \"Excuse me, Your Highness, I have just thought of it.\" \"Well, I shall make you king. As long as I am away to meditate, you shall be king and rule in a proper way. Then you shall not treat (slept with)", "id": "5967166" }, { "contents": "Rany Jazayerli\n\n\nbeen a baseball writer for over six years, and hardly a day goes by that I don't count my blessings for the opportunity to write about the most uniquely American pastime. But today I can't afford to think about our Great American Game, because I'm too busy thinking about what it means to be an American. You see, I am a Muslim. I am an Arab-American. And right now I am scared to death that in a country I have loved all my life — in the only", "id": "16042568" }, { "contents": "Password strength\n\n\n: \"I claim that password policy should say you should write down your password. I have 68 different passwords. If I am not allowed to write any of them down, guess what I am going to do? I am going to use the same password on every one of them.\" Software is available for popular hand-held computers that can store passwords for numerous accounts in encrypted form. Passwords can be encrypted by hand on paper and remember the encryption method and key. And another approach is to use a", "id": "13942078" }, { "contents": "Pat Nixon\n\n\ndrive of her youth into playing a role, and she may no longer recognize it as such\". As for the criticisms, she said, \"I am who I am and I will continue to be.\" She unguardedly revealed some of her opinions of her own life in a 1968 interview aboard a campaign plane with Gloria Steinem: \"Now, I have friends in all the countries of the world. I haven't just sat back and thought of myself or my ideas or what I wanted to do. Oh", "id": "15322945" }, { "contents": "The Near Future\n\n\n\"Gem of the West and Soldiers' Friend\", a journal of curious miscellany. The passage describes a \"sleeping car adventure\" in which \"one lady exclaimed in a slow and solemn voice, 'Oh, how dry I am\" several times until someone brings her some water, after which \"came the same solemn tones, 'Oh, how dry I was,\" much to the annoyance of the rest of the passengers on the train. The phrase \"how dry I am\" had become structured into", "id": "4108340" }, { "contents": "Javon Ringer\n\n\nfuture pro career, \"I definitely have something to prove with me showing that I am just as good, if not better, than a lot of the running backs that went above me. I don't want to be one of those running backs who is titled as, He was a good running back in college and went to the NFL and became a bust. I want to make sure I continue to be called a great running back also in the NFL.\" He mentioned of where he would fit in,", "id": "11053493" }, { "contents": "Serve the Servants\n\n\na father/but instead I had a dad/I just want you to know that I don't hate you anymore/There is nothing I could say that I haven't thought before\"\". However, Cobain stated that the lines were included at the last minute and that \"they just happen to fit really well\". Author Charles R. Cross, in his 2001 Cobain biography, \"Heavier Than Heaven\", also described these lines as bitter lyrics aimed at Cobain's father. The last line of the chorus", "id": "5426554" }, { "contents": "Jack Cannot\n\n\nto enable my children to get a proper education and my darling wife to feel that every postman's knock doesn't contain a summons. Charles, I have the greatest wife and children a man could wish for so you can guess with what heart yearnings I am leaving all I love best, but I cannot get decent work: I have done 28 weeks in two years, and then I got 'scaled' for £70 in a pantomime. Now, old sport, you and Walter – god bless you both", "id": "8230427" }, { "contents": "Durga Charan Nag\n\n\n, I tell you, take my word. Nothing can taint you, even if you remain a householder. Men will wonder to see your life. Nagmahashaya: How should I pass my days as a householder? Sri Ramakrishna: You have not to do anything; only be always in the company of pious men. Nagmahashaya: How am I to distinguish a pious man, unintelligent as I am? Sri Ramakrishna: Oh no, you have not to search for them. You remain in your own house, and the", "id": "2542611" }, { "contents": "Terrence Boyd\n\n\nsaying in a 2012 interview,I don't think I would have become a pro without him because I am a lazy guy... He was really strict, but he helped me to stay out of the trouble and all the s--- that could do some problems for you. I'm a guy who is trying to get better every day, and that focus, I got it from him. Boyd grew up playing in various youth systems but made his senior debut with Hertha BSC II in 2009. After a couple of seasons", "id": "13218827" }, { "contents": "Carol Kendall\n\n\n-book\" with my new power. The opening line was \"I saw my first robin today.\" It was also the last line, for clearly I had run out of words I knew how to write. The rest of my thoughts would have to wait a spell. I am still not adept at entering conversations when there are more than three competing talkers, but I don't mind much because I know I can put my own offerings into the computer and fish them out when the time is ripe. Kendall", "id": "16619319" }, { "contents": "Anton Doboș\n\n\nBut he remained with loss of memory. \"I am feeling OK now, I am doing my treatment and resting. I haven't fully recovered yet though, I still have memory problems. If I know Lăcătuş? I know him just from what I saw on tape, but I do not recognize him. Only his name. I was also surprised when I learned that I was president of Poli Timișoara and Universitatea Cluj. I don't even remember that I've played football\", said Anton Doboș in EVZ.", "id": "3234616" }, { "contents": "Amir Benayoun\n\n\nWho enjoys all the worlds like me?\" \"Today I am moderate and smiling\" \"Tomorrow I shall ascend to heaven\" \"I shall send to hell a Jew or two\" \"It’s true that I am just ungrateful scum\" \"That’s true, but I am not to blame, I grew up without love\" \"The moment will come when you turn your back to me\" \"And then I shall stick into you the sharpened axe.\" \"I am Ahmed living in the central region", "id": "576818" }, { "contents": "Art Alexakis\n\n\n— and so I was like, it's okay to be a Christian. I'm not like a born-again... Well, I guess I \"am\" born-again, in a way. But I don't knock people over the head with it. I just kind of use my spirituality to make my life better.\" Alexakis is also a gay rights activist. In 2010, he expressed his support for gay marriage and opposition to Proposition 8, \"I don't think Prop 8, gay marriage", "id": "10225934" }, { "contents": "Muawiyah I\n\n\nthe fact that you are unhappy over my taking over of government and you people don't like it. I am well aware of whatever is there in your hearts regarding this matter but still I have taken it from you on the basis of my sword… Now if you see that I am not fulfilling your rights, then you should be happy with me with whatever is there.\" Muawiyah I is a reviled figure in Shia Islam for several reasons. Firstly, because of his involvement in the Battle of Siffin against Ali", "id": "65428" }, { "contents": "Axeman of New Orleans\n\n\nbeing, but a spirit and a demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians and your foolish police call the Axeman. When I see fit, I shall come and claim other victims. I alone know whom they shall be. I shall leave no clue except my bloody axe, besmeared with blood and brains of he whom I have sent below to keep me company. If you wish you may tell the police to be careful not to rile me. Of course, I am a reasonable spirit. I", "id": "18677822" }, { "contents": "Wishmaster 2: Evil Never Dies\n\n\nthe film: \"That's one that I have very mixed feelings about because there are parts of it that I really like, but I think, all in all, it's a little dumb. To tell you the truth, I haven't seen it since I, uh, made it. When I was making it, I thought it was good. I thought a lot of it was kind of funny or clever. I definitely feel it has merit. From what I can gather, it's one of", "id": "2828942" }, { "contents": "K. Muthukumar\n\n\n-based newspaper. I am also one like you. I am just another average person who has been reading newspapers and websites of how fellow Tamils are daily being killed, and like you I am unable to eat, unable to sleep, unable to sleep and unable to even think. While his ancient land of Tamils lets anyone coming here, like the Seths, to flourish, our own blood, the Tamils in Eelam are dying. When we lend our voices to say the killings should be stopped, Indian imperialism maintains", "id": "9635330" }, { "contents": "Hongjun Laozu\n\n\n.\" But Nian Said \"Haha. You have delivered yourself to me, old man, so now I will eat you.\" The man replied, \"Oh, but what will that prove? Eating me isn't great! Would you dare to eat the poisonous snakes on the mountains?\" \"Bah! What's so difficult about that?\" So Nian went to the poisonous snakes and ate them up. \"How is this? Am I not great?\" \"At the back of the mountain there", "id": "6479205" }, { "contents": "True You\n\n\n, because I already had breasts. At a young age, I was being told I wasn't good enough. So the book is about self-esteem as well\". The online media newspaper PopEater published an exclusive interview with Jackson involving the book. Talking about the writing process, she admitted \"The whole book was difficult to write. I am a very private person. I guess I always have been, even as a child. I am not accustomed to revealing that much about myself.\" She also said", "id": "9150719" }, { "contents": "Todd McMillon\n\n\n, McMillon was told by his doctor that he had prostate cancer, and stated, \"When he told me I was positive for cancer, I just went numb. I thought he had the wrong test. I played in the NFL. I am super healthy. I work out all the time, so I am in really good shape. I was like, 'This can't be me. I'm only 39 and I have prostate cancer?'\" In August, McMillon had his prostate removed, which had", "id": "3400482" }, { "contents": "Lasers (album)\n\n\n: \"I think I set the precedent for record labels — showed everyone that you can have rappers that don't fit the format and still have a presence [...] You look at a person like me, or Kanye [West], and it was sort of a shock to the system. I definitely think I was part of changing that, and an influence to a lot dudes that are coming out today.\" In a 2011 interview with MTV UK, Fiasco said that the album \"doesn’t have a", "id": "6228331" }, { "contents": "Vision of Love\n\n\nproblem. If you look a certain way everybody goes, 'White girl,' and I'd go, 'No, that's not what I am.'\" According to Nickson, Carey chose to express her innermost feelings in her songs rather than becoming depressed and bitter throughout the hardships in her life. \"You really have to look inside yourself and find your own inner strength, and say, `I'm proud of what I am and who I am, and I'm just going to be myself.", "id": "2924381" }, { "contents": "The Power of Myth\n\n\nsays that science has made a housecleaning of beliefs. But there was value in these things for me. I am today what I am because of those beliefs. I wonder what happens to children who don't have those fixed stars, that known horizon - those myths? Joseph Campbell: Well, as I said, all you have to do is read the newspapers. It's a mess. On this immediate level of life and structure, myths offer life models. But the models have to be appropriate to the time", "id": "17984825" }, { "contents": "Johnny Handsome\n\n\nWorld War, thanks to theories of modern psychology and confusion about what was scientific and what wasn't, the definition of character became much more, `How did I become what I am?' I am not so much interested in that theory as I am in the previous theory. And I think that throws you profoundly out of step with your peers and with the critical community. Not so much around the world, but certainly in the United States. But I think it's changing. Shooting took place in November", "id": "21728337" }, { "contents": "2015 International Premier Tennis League season\n\n\nonly see on TV or play on the Play Station, is fantastic. It's great to be able to call these guys and ask for help. We have a really good chemistry on and off the court and that definitely made the difference in us getting the win today.” Belinda Bencic: “I had a great year and I am very happy to have been in this position. It really helps me with next year and my preparations. I am really looking forward to 2016 and I'd like to be back", "id": "15866336" }, { "contents": "Luther Standing Bear\n\n\nabout the same number of years I had tried to live a peaceful and happy life; tried to adapt myself and make re-adjustments to fit the white man's mode of existence. But I was unsuccessful. I developed into a chronic disturber. I was a bad Indian, and the agent and I never got along. I remained a hostile, even a savage, if you please. And I still am. I am incurable.\" While Standing Bear left the confinement of the reservation, he continued his serious", "id": "22084874" }, { "contents": "2015 Windows 10 400\n\n\n) in Turn 3 run up the track and I thought he just got loose and everything was fine, but getting into Turn 1 the car in front of me ducked out at the last minute and there was the 9 sitting and I got on the brakes really hard. I think it got on the splitter, and (I) couldn't go left or right and just ran right into him. It is not a good day for us. I guess the 9 missed a shift or something and I wasn't aware", "id": "10154196" }, { "contents": "Tory Lanez\n\n\n15. \"I ended up moving downtown with these three dudes that I didn’t really know. I came into the house and I didn’t realize how things worked. From like fifteen to eighteen, I was just fighting them. It was every man for himself. That’s what made me a man, having to fend for myself and being in a situation where there is no dad, no grandma and no mom to help you. It changed the person that I am today\", he says. He then", "id": "1367983" }, { "contents": "Armor for Sleep\n\n\nband comes from his early experiences of writing music and not being able to sleep. As he recalls, \"I guess when I started the band I was kind of, like, retreating in my room and I kind of couldn't really fall asleep, so I started playing music. I just thought of the name Armor for Sleep, because it was really, the music was keeping me from passing out! Which was something I was procrastinating on.\" Ben would go on to record demos of songs that would later", "id": "6617713" }, { "contents": "Labor federation competition in the United States\n\n\nworks, both in English and German—have not only read, but studied them. I have heard your orators and watched the work of your movement the world over. I have kept close watch upon your doctrines for thirty years, have been closely associated with many of you and know how you think and what you propose. I know, too, what you have up your sleeve, and I want to say to you that I am entirely at variance with your philosophy. I declare it to you, I am", "id": "16043677" }, { "contents": "Lhakar\n\n\n\" \"I am Tibetan, from today I will wear only Tibetan traditional dress, chuba, every Wednesday.\" \"I am Tibetan, from today I will speak only Tibetan every Wednesday.\" \"I am Tibetan, from today I will learn Tibetan language.\" \"I am Tibetan, from today I will stop eating meat and only eat a vegetarian diet and gain more merit every Wednesday.\" \"I am Tibetan, from today I will only use Tibetan and speak Tibetan when I call or send a message", "id": "4942386" }, { "contents": "Message in a Bottle (novel)\n\n\nNicholas Sparks September 25, 1995 Dear Catherine, A month has passed since I have written, but it has seemed to pass much more slowly. Life passes by now like the scenery outside a car window. I breathe and eat and sleep as I always did, but there seems to be no great purpose in my life that requires active participation on my part. I simply drift along like the messages I write you. I do not know where I am going or when I will get there. Even work does not", "id": "2224450" }, { "contents": "Flawless (Beyoncé song)\n\n\njust going to put it out. People like it, great; they don't, they don't. And I won't do it every day because that's not who I am. But I feel strong. And anyone that says, 'Oh that is disrespectful,' just imagine the person that hates you. Imagine a person that doesn't believe in you. And look in the mirror and say, 'Bow down, bitch' and I guarantee you feel gangsta! So listen to the song from that", "id": "16844567" }, { "contents": "I Am Weasel\n\n\n\"There was a lot of pressure to complete \"Cow and Chicken\" quickly, and I felt that I couldn't dedicate enough time to the second show. But Cartoon Network wanted to spin off \"Weasel\", so we did. I don't really remember asking if I could or could not cross populate the two shows--I just did it because it felt like the same universe, plus I thought it was funny to have the Red Guy in \"I Am Weasel\"\". The story started to show", "id": "10479693" }, { "contents": "Nominal sentence\n\n\nverbs, are specifically used to express person and number and consist of nine different forms: alternating combinations between the three persons and three numbers. Context determines whether the simple present and present progressive (for example, \"I eat\" vs. \"I am eating\") indicates the present or future tense. This is a common phenomenon found in English as well, since the sentence \"I am eating in the cafeteria\" can either mean \"I am eating in the cafeteria [right now]\" or \"I am eating", "id": "8228961" }, { "contents": "Mandy Salter\n\n\nproblem in \"EastEnders\" more people will be willing to help [...] It is important that people realise that anyone can end up homeless. If you lose your flat or your job, you can end up in a downward spiral that will dump you on the streets. We can't shut our minds to this situation, because it could happen to any of us. I know how fortunate I am, and therefore I know that I am in a position to help, which is why I have got involved with", "id": "376929" }, { "contents": "Christine Pomponio-Pate\n\n\nher face from nerve damage), but I'm so lucky to have my life and no physical handicaps. That's motivation to continue to work out and compete. I definitely don't feel sorry for myself. It makes me who I am.\" \"I will compete as long as it stays fun.\" \"I feel lucky to have my life and abilities after the accident, so I need to take advantage of what I'm still blessed with.\". Christine began weight training as a way to be", "id": "8506797" }, { "contents": "2009 MTV Video Music Awards\n\n\nthe moment it happened, she stated: Well, I think my overall thought process was something like, 'Wow, I can't believe I won, this is awesome, don't trip and fall, I'm gonna get to thank the fans, this is so cool. Oh, Kanye West is here. Cool haircut. What are you doing there?' And then, 'Ouch.' And then, 'I guess I'm not gonna get to thank the fans.' Swift described how", "id": "14610142" }, { "contents": "Mr. Happy Go Lucky\n\n\n'How am I going to deal with this?' That came out of a conversation I had with him. He was saying, 'You've got to be able to suffer through, and enjoy, the full catastrophe of life.' I thought, 'Yeah, he's right. You can try to make the bad stuff good, you can really live that, really say, 'This is (screwed) up, so what? I can make something good out of it.' Consequently, seeing", "id": "14799017" }, { "contents": "Gym Class Heroes\n\n\nwas released on September 9, 2008. The album featured numerous collaborations with other artists, including Daryl Hall (from Hall & Oates), The-Dream, Estelle, and Busta Rhymes. Guitarist Disashi Lumumba-Kasongo said of the album, \"I would definitely say that this is the most collaborative album I've played on with the band. I remember the very first day we started jamming out and working on the songs. I thought, Man, I haven't felt like this since I was in high school", "id": "19613671" }, { "contents": "Who I Am (Lena Katina song)\n\n\nA lot of people don’t think of artists as regular people but we all have the same emotions, problems or simple happiness… That was one of my goals, to show that an artist is just like any other person. The only difference is that you might see me on TV because I’ve become an openly public person! I am very curious as to what my fans will think of the video actually, but I know that they love the song. I love it too and I am very happy with it", "id": "4493533" }, { "contents": "Orlando: A Biography\n\n\na man; about her need to hide her sexuality and about the unhappy end of her relationship with Violet Trefusis in 1920. Sackville-West in a letter praised Woolf for compensation for her sense of loss, saying: \"I am in no fit state to write to you...I only tell you that I am really shaken, which may seem to you silly and useless, but which is really a greater tribute than pages of calm appreciation...Darling, I don't know and scarcely even like to write how overwhelmed", "id": "1698527" }, { "contents": "Clark Gable\n\n\na composite picture of Gable. The opening lines are: \"Dear Mr Gable, I am writing this to you, and I hope that you will read it so you'll know, my heart beats like a hammer, and I stutter and I stammer, every time I see you at the picture show, I guess I'm just another fan of yours, and I thought I'd write and tell you so. You made me love you, I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to", "id": "19510908" }, { "contents": "Lashmer Whistler\n\n\nthe Brats. I don't think I have made any good resolutions but hope to keep fifteen minutes ahead of my job for the rest of the war. I would like to be able to do something towards peace afterwards, but am too simple a soldier probably to be of any use... A bit nervous of the great offensive but do not wish to miss it – wish I could go on with this outfit but have been too long with it. Am not fit for an Armoured Div and do not want a Bum", "id": "10885304" }, { "contents": "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking\n\n\n: I dunno, got drunk, didn't have a condom, and her mom gets freaky when she hears Oingo Boingo. Britta: Oh god, I wish I could relate, but much like my son I'm a closet homosexual. Jeff: Don't apologize for that. You're talkin to the guy that banged Britta's mom. I have no standards. Britta: Well, what do you say we take a tumble? I'll put on a wig. Jeff: That's it, you're under", "id": "9938782" }, { "contents": "Weight of the World (Evanescence song)\n\n\nI don't have all the answers for the meaning of life. That's the thing about our music is that it's deep and I'm trying to find the answers and I guess in that song I was really expressing that this is kind of a lot of pressure sometimes and I wanted to definitely say to all those fans, I'm not a prophet and I don't have all the answers, so you really need to look within yourself and start that journey on your own.\" \"Weight of the World", "id": "1586720" }, { "contents": "Pussy (Iggy Azalea song)\n\n\nthat it would open up these doors, because it's so out of the box that I just didn't think that it'd really go like that. I definitely have a master-plan that I'm trying to accomplish, which by the way has nothing to do with vaginas.\" Explaining the concept behind it, Azalea added, \"The song is pretty forward but I don't really relate what I say to my personal life ... I'm talking about that just because I, personally as a female, think", "id": "8539534" }, { "contents": "The Will to Fly\n\n\n. “I didn’t really know what I wanted and whether to stay in the sport, whether to retire. “Then I thought, ‘What the hell am I going to do? I don’t really have anything else but my sport’. “I walked off the plane and still had the movie stuck in my head. “As soon as I walked out the door of the airport, I was like, ‘Right I am coaching myself, I’m going stay in sport and we’ll see what", "id": "21003022" }, { "contents": "Mario Borrelli\n\n\nme why I am here in the slums, I must honestly reply I don't really know. I could reply: “Because I love you”. If someone from outside addresses me the same question, what do you think I should reply? “Because I love them”. Even this sounds like a sentence that has become rusty by centuries of abandonment. We have become Pharisees and always prefer considering the poor as the sole responsibles of their misery.» Mario Borrelli, \"Un prete nelle baracche\", La", "id": "7789036" }, { "contents": "Holiday From Me\n\n\nto collaborate with and began to record demos. \"I ask people that I really like to help out. Sometimes I come up with a really good verse but no chorus yet, or a good chorus but no verse, so I just invite people I really like to get involved... I guess I don't work with people I don't like, or people I think are fake. So I kinda adore everybody on the album because I really believe in them as musicians.\" Paul describes the album as very \"", "id": "11384365" }, { "contents": "Sheila Kuehl\n\n\nher sexuality, she later recalled \"So it wasn't until I went to [Harvard] law school in my thirties that I fell in love again with a woman after having dated lots of men in between, and I thought 'Oh, no, this is really who I am.' And by then in the mid-seventies, there was consciousness about being gay. My second partner was out…and I was still in the closet I thought, [but] I wasn't really in the closet at", "id": "17296422" }, { "contents": "(Last Night) I Didn't Get to Sleep at All\n\n\nloved it and they'd do it. [Later] I got a phone call about 2 o'clock in the morning that woke me up (they hadn't figured out the time change between here and America). They said 'Oh, we can't record it because it mentions sleeping pills and they are drugs and we don't mention drugs.' So I got up in the middle of the night and rewrote the last verse without the sleeping pills.\" However, Macaulay was not happy with the change to the", "id": "18527325" }, { "contents": "Đura Jakšić\n\n\n! Oh, my mother, happy am I now! Yet have passed me many, many years With their bitter and still bitter truths; Many times my breast has trembled, And my heart was fain to break, Because of people and their errors. Yet I consoled myself with death; Many bitter cups I quaffed of, Many loaves with tears I melted... Oh, mother, mother! Oh, dear spirit! Since I last saw you, mother darling, No good has come near to bless me, And", "id": "10713368" }, { "contents": "Mountain (song)\n\n\nI was playing this game where I was running back from the gym, trying not to step on the cracks in the pavement... and suddenly the rhythm that I was running or jogging sort of fitted, and I had that chord going on in the background and I thought ‘Gee, that’s a good melody.’ And when I got back, virtually within a night, we’d written \"Mountain\"and we knew straight away that it was going to be a hit single. We just knew.\" Thompson added;", "id": "3929474" }, { "contents": "Steve Birkinshaw\n\n\nsuffered health problems diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome, saying in an article in \"Fell Runner\" in 2017 that he \"is not sure if he is fully recovered. 'Sometimes I have days when I feel completely normal. Other days I have some \"brain fog\" but it is nowhere near as bad as it was. ... I have done some longer harder runs and sometimes I have felt OK and sometimes I have really struggled. Basically I am happy with where I am. I might recover fully and be able", "id": "8897822" }, { "contents": "The Driver\n\n\nlike Bogart and Bacall. We are both gamblers in our souls and we do not show our emotions or say a lot. For us, talk is cheap. I am really quite a mysterious girl in this film, with no name and no background. And I must say that it is restful not to have a life behind me; this way, I don't have to dig deep to play the part. All I know is that life for me is gambling and I am a loser. I have what people", "id": "18841908" } ]
Obesity is a condition where excess body fat is very high That's true, I think obesity is a big problem in the US right now.
[{"answer": "Yes and the negative health effects can include mortality", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "56435", "title": "Obesity", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 130, "bleu_score": 0.8895260356363631, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or well-being. As methods to determine body fat directly are difficult, the diagnosis of obesity is often based on BMI. Due to the rising prevalence of obesity in children and its many adverse health effects it is being recognized as a serious public health concern. The term overweight rather than obese is often used when discussing childhood obesity, especially in open discussion, as it is less stigmatizing. Body mass index (BMI) is acceptable for", "id": "19958513" }, { "contents": "Normal weight obesity\n\n\nNormal weight obesity is the condition of having normal body weight, but with a high body fat percentage, leading to some of the same health risks as obesity. The term \"metabolically obese normal weight\" (MONW) refers to people with normal weight and body mass index (BMI), who display some metabolic characteristics which increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome in the same way as obesity. People with MONW have excess visceral fat, and are predisposed to hyperinsulinemia, insulin-resistance and thus predisposition to type 2 diabetes", "id": "12503565" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nObesity classification is a ranking of obesity, the medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies obesity by body mass index (BMI), which is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat. BMI is further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. In children, a healthy weight varies with age and sex, and is obesity determination is in", "id": "80477" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nObesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over ; the range is defined as overweight. Some East Asian countries use lower values. Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of", "id": "11648941" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\n–hip ratio and body fat percentage. Normal weight obesity is a condition of having normal body weight, but high body fat percentages with the same health risks of obesity. BMI can be used to predict the risk of metabolic abnormalities like diabetes. Body mass index or BMI is a simple and widely used method for estimating body fat mass. BMI was developed in the 19th century by the Belgian statistician and anthropometrist Adolphe Quetelet. BMI is an accurate reflection of body fat percentage in the majority of the adult population. However it", "id": "80479" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nsymbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world. In 2013, the American Medical Association classified obesity as a disease. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health. It is defined by body mass index (BMI) and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution via the waist–hip ratio and total cardiovascular risk factors. BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body", "id": "11648945" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nrelation to a historical normal group. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it has an adverse effect on health. Relative weight and body mass index (BMI) are nearly identical and are reasonable estimates of body fatness as measured by percentage body fat. However, BMI does not account for the wide variation in body fat distribution, and may not correspond to the same degree of fatness or associated health risk in different individuals and populations. Other measurements of fat distribution include the waist", "id": "80478" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody weight, and BMI is viewed merely as a way to approximate BF%. Levels in excess of 32% for women and 25% for men are generally considered to indicate obesity. However, accurate measurement of body fat percentage is much more difficult than measurement of BMI. Several methods of varying accuracy and complexity exist. Other proposed but less common obesity measures include waist circumference and waist–hip ratio. These measure a common form of obesity known as abdominal or central obesity, characterized by excess deposits of fat in the abdominal", "id": "80484" }, { "contents": "Android fat distribution\n\n\nin children who are obese. Even adults who are overweight and obese report foot pain to be a common problem. Body fat can impact on an individual mentally, for example high levels of android fat have been linked to poor mental wellbeing, including anxiety, depression and body confidence issues. On the reverse, psychological aspects can impact on body fat distribution too, for example women classed as being more extraverted tend to have less android body fat. \"See Gynoid fat distribution\" Central obesity is measured as increase by waist circumference", "id": "14181062" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nObesity is defined as an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual's ideal body weight. This is often described as a body mass index (BMI) over 30. However, BMI does not account for whether the excess weight is fat or muscle, and is not a measure of body composition. For most people, however, BMI is an indication used worldwide to estimate nutritional status. Obesity is usually the result of consuming more calories than the body needs and not expending that energy by", "id": "15571524" }, { "contents": "Precocious puberty\n\n\n\" precocity. It is very rare in comparison to isosexual precocity and is usually the result of unusual circumstances. As an example, children with a very rare genetic condition called aromatase excess syndrome in which exceptionally high circulating levels of estrogen are present usually develop precocious puberty. Males and females are hyperfeminized by the syndrome. Many causes of early puberty are somewhat unclear, though girls who have a high-fat diet and are not physically active or are obese are more likely to physically mature earlier. \"Obese girls, defined as", "id": "6256944" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\neither directly caused by obesity or indirectly related through mechanisms sharing a common cause such as a poor diet or a sedentary lifestyle. The strength of the link between obesity and specific conditions varies. One of the strongest is the link with type 2 diabetes. Excess body fat underlies 64% of cases of diabetes in men and 77% of cases in women. Health consequences fall into two broad categories: those attributable to the effects of increased fat mass (such as osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, social stigmatization) and those due", "id": "11648952" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nObesity is defined as the excessive accumulation of fat and is predominantly caused when there is an energy imbalance between calorie consumption and calorie expenditure. Childhood obesity is becoming an increasing concern worldwide, and Australia alone recognizes that 1 in 4 children are either overweight or obese. For Australians aged between 4 and 17 years, obesity is a very concerning condition as once gained it is favourably harder to be liberated from. Short-term effects on children can mean a decrease in their psychological well-being (stigmatisation and poor self-esteem", "id": "16685099" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nat determining a person is not obese than it is at determining a person is obese. Despite this undercounting of obesity by BMI, BMI values in the intermediate BMI range of 20–30 were found to be associated with a wide range of body fat percentages. For men with a BMI of 25, about 20% have a body fat percentage below 20% and about 10% have body fat percentage above 30%. BMI is particularly inaccurate for people who are very fit or athletic, as their high muscle mass can classify them", "id": "4612953" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nduration and type of diet (e.g. hydrated gels vs. dry pellets) as well as the environmental conditions and age of the animals, as each may promote different bodyweights, fat percentages, or behaviors. Driven by the worldwide epidemic of obesity, particularly in the Western world, the DIO model has been integral in understanding the relationship between high-fat/high-density diets and obesity, including the discovery of Akt and mTOR, signals in the body linked to obesity and insulin resistance. However, while many insights into the", "id": "10628463" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa\n\n\nor obese due to cultural norms and perceptions of appropriate female behavior and occupations inside and outside of the home. The medical condition of being overweight or obesity is defined as \"abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health\". It is measured through the Body Mass Index (BMI), defined as a person's weight, in kilograms, divided by the square of the person's height, in meters. If an individual has a BMI of 25–29, he or she is overweight. Having a BMI of 30 or", "id": "5562314" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nHigh BMI can identify a possible weight problem, but does not differentiate between fat or lean tissue. Additionally, BMI may mistakenly rule out some children who do have excess adipose tissue. It is therefore beneficial to supplement the reliability of a BMI diagnosis with additional screening tools such as adipose tissue or skin fold measurements. The first problems to occur in obese children are usually emotional or psychological. Obese children often experience bullying by their peers. Some are harassed or discriminated against by their own family. Stereotypes abound and may lead to", "id": "19958515" }, { "contents": "Weight management\n\n\nand obese: Since BMI is not a perfect representation of a person's body fat percentage, other measurements like waist circumference are often used to better assess for unhealthy excess weight as it pertains to body fat. Despite not being a perfect representation of healthy and unhealthy weight, BMI is very important value because it helps health professionals identify people who are at higher risk of developing illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (high cholesterol), liver disease, and some cancers. In general, as BMI increases so too does a", "id": "19103823" }, { "contents": "Evolutionary mismatch\n\n\nnutritional value and lead them to consume more sodium, sugar, and fat. These high calorie, nutrient-deficient foods cause people to consume more calories than they burn. Fast food combined with decreased physical activity means that the \"thrifty gene\" that once benefit human predecessors now works against them, causing their bodies to store more fat and leading to higher levels of obesity in the population. Obesity is one consequence of mismatched genes. Known as \"metabolic syndrome\", this condition is also associated with other health concerns,", "id": "1646989" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbetween internal organs and torso, as opposed to subcutaneous fat, which is found underneath the skin, and intramuscular fat, which is found interspersed in skeletal muscle. Visceral fat is composed of several adipose depots including mesenteric, epididymal white adipose tissue (EWAT) and perirenal fat. An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, the \"pot belly\" or \"beer belly\" effect, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. This body type is also known as \"apple shaped\", as opposed to \"pear", "id": "10161789" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nassisted reproductive technology (ART) in obese patients, leading to an increase in miscarriage rates. PCOS is a very common endocrine disorder among women who are reproductively active. Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition where there are excessive levels of androgens in the body. It is associated with PCOS. Studies have shown that hyperandrogenism could be caused by a reaction between ovarian theca cells and reactive oxygen species. Obesity interferes with the HPA axis and stops follicular maturation. Hyperandrogenism has a disturbing effect on this process and could cause anovulatory cycles. Currently", "id": "15571529" }, { "contents": "Obesity in China\n\n\nfor a widespread attitude shift to decrease the current rising rates. Perhaps resulting from the famines of generations past, food, specifically high-fat foods, are now seen as a luxurious item. With growing incomes in Chinese society, families are now able to afford these unhealthy but highly desired foods resulting in increasing rates of consumption of high-fat diets. As a major contributor to the spread of obesity, these high-fat diets are creating a major public health problem across the country. There are currently a few initiatives", "id": "1324907" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\nbirth until age seven and discovered that fat babies at four months were 1.38 times more likely to be overweight at seven years old compared to normal weight babies. Fat babies at the age of one were 1.17 times more likely to be overweight at age seven compared to normal weight babies. Cushing's syndrome (a condition in which the body contains excess amounts of cortisol) may also influence childhood obesity. Researchers analyzed two isoforms (proteins that have the same purpose as other proteins, but are programmed by different genes) in the", "id": "19958542" }, { "contents": "Pathophysiology of obesity\n\n\nand adaptive immunity are involved in meta-inflammation. There are different types of obesity depending on where fat cells are stored. Abdominal obesity, excess fat cell accumulation in adipose tissue of the abdomen, is associated more strongly with meta-inflammation. Evolutionarily, adipose tissue has been shown to function as an immune organ. The immune cells located in adipose tissue are important for maintaining metabolic homeostasis. With obesity, the immune cells important for maintaining metabolic homeostasis are suppressed because immune cell function and immune cell amount are affected by excess", "id": "8664554" }, { "contents": "5-HT2C receptor agonist\n\n\nmore favorable for potency and selectivity over the other two receptors (Figure 7). In 2016 the discovery of novel G protein biased 5-HT receptor agonists was published. Obesity is a global epidemic health problem and has received considerable attention as a major public hazard. Obesity is a chronic pathological and costly disease of abnormal or excessive fat accumulation in the body. Studies indicate that 5-HT receptor activation will regulate appetite and food consumption, most likely by promoting satiety through appetite suppression by activation of 5-HT. Consequently, selective agents with high affinity", "id": "1184510" }, { "contents": "Obesity in China\n\n\nfrom physical activity. Fat farms, where overweight children try to lose their excess weight, have grown since the 1990s. In 2000, 100 million people were reported to suffer from high blood pressure and 26 million with diabetes. These figures were expected to double within a decade, with doctors warning that obesity could become China's biggest health threat for future generations. Due to the current cultural views on obesity there is a significant need for anti-obesity education. Obesity is often associated with prosperity, thus there is a need", "id": "1324906" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nbody fat. Most researchers have used 25% in men, and 30% in women, as cut-points to define obesity. As by anthropometric methods, body fat percentage can be estimated from a person's BMI by the following formula: There are many other methods used to determine body fat percentage. Hydrostatic weighing, one of the most accurate methods of body fat calculation, involves weighing a person underwater. Two other simpler and less accurate methods have been used historically but are now not recommended. The first is the", "id": "80491" }, { "contents": "Sarcopenic obesity\n\n\nSarcopenic obesity is a medical condition which is defined as the presence of both sarcopenia and obesity. Sarcopenia refers to the presence of low muscle mass and either low muscular strength or low physical performance. When this is accompanied by a high fat mass the condition is known as sarcopenic obesity. The symptoms are similar to those of sarcopenia and obesity. The individual may show a BMI that is appropriate and healthy to his or her age but will look fat in appearance. The disease is caused due to a variety of reasons: The", "id": "3720158" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of metabolic syndrome\n\n\nthese individuals are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease, including a heart attack or stroke. Individuals with prediabetes are also likely to have additional cardiovascular risk factors such as elevated cholesterol and high blood pressure. Diabetes and prediabetes are strongly linked to obesity and overweight. Nearly 50% of people with diabetes are obese, and 90% are overweight. 19 A chief risk factor for prediabetes is excess abdominal fat. Obesity increases one’s risk for a variety of other medical problems, including hypertension, stroke, other forms of cardiovascular disease", "id": "18490419" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nto obesity via increased food intake. Weight gain is the primary effect of diet-induced obesity, but there are a variety of additional physiological side effects. One such side effect is that the body gains more fat cells. The increased number of fat cells persists even after the diet becomes lower in fat. Weight put on during the high-fat diet also tends to persist. Changes in the composition of the body are accompanied by hormonal changes. High levels of leptin and insulin are produced; at the same time,", "id": "10628493" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\ndepots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat. In an obese person, excess adipose tissue hanging downward from the abdomen is referred to as a panniculus. A panniculus complicates surgery of the morbidly obese individual. It may remain as a literal \"apron of skin\" if a severely obese person quickly loses large amounts of fat (a common result of gastric bypass surgery). This condition cannot be effectively corrected through diet and exercise alone,", "id": "21827531" }, { "contents": "Pathophysiology of obesity\n\n\nfat accumulation in adipose tissue. Excess fat accumulation can lead to insulin resistance, and insulin resistance has been linked to meta-inflammation. With insulin resistance, there is an increase in macrophages, mast cells, neutrophils, T lymphocytes, and B lymphocytes, and a decrease in eosinophils and some T lymphocytes. Obesity has also been shown to induce hypoxic conditions in adipose cells. Hypoxic conditions result from fat cells expanding, and this decreases vascularization to surrounding fat cells. Decreased vascularization results in decreased amounts of oxygen in adipose tissue", "id": "8664555" }, { "contents": "Weight gain\n\n\nWeight gain is an increase in body weight. This can involve an increase in muscle mass, fat deposits, excess fluids such as water or other factors. Weight gain can be a symptom of a serious medical condition. If enough weight is gained due to increased body fat deposits, one may become overweight or obese, generally defined as having more body fat (adipose tissue) than is considered good for health. The Body Mass Index (BMI) measures body weight in proportion to the square of height and defines optimal,", "id": "12978561" }, { "contents": "Labrador Retriever\n\n\nexercise. Laziness can contribute to this. Obesity is a serious condition and can be considered the number one nutritional problem with dogs. A study shows that at least 25% of dogs in the United States are overweight. Therefore, Labradors must be properly exercised and stimulated. A healthy Labrador can do swimming wind sprints for two hours, and should keep a very slight hourglass waist and be fit and light, rather than fat or heavy-set. Obesity can exacerbate conditions such as hip dysplasia and joint problems, and can", "id": "1990103" }, { "contents": "Diabetes\n\n\ngenetics. A number of lifestyle factors are known to be important to the development of type 2 diabetes, including obesity (defined by a body mass index of greater than 30), lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, and urbanization. Excess body fat is associated with 30% of cases in those of Chinese and Japanese descent, 60–80% of cases in those of European and African descent, and 100% of Pima Indians and Pacific Islanders. Even those who are not obese often have a high waist–", "id": "15255298" }, { "contents": "Genetics of obesity\n\n\nLike many other medical conditions, obesity is the result of an interplay between environmental and genetic factors. Studies have identified variants in several genes that may contribute to weight gain and body fat distribution; although, only in a few cases are genes the primary cause of obesity. Polymorphisms in various genes controlling appetite and metabolism predispose to obesity under certain dietary conditions. The percentage of obesity that can be attributed to genetics varies widely, depending on the population examined, from 6% to 85%. As of 2006, more than", "id": "80553" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\ncontrol rodents and obese vs non-obese humans are found. This is particularly true in the case of glucose regulation, which greatly hinders the ability to apply the results of the DIO model to humans, especially for drug development. In terms of dietary, there are numbers of \"high fat diet-HFD\" experiments that have been done in rodents realizing the difficulties in interpreting the literature composition of high fat diet into actual experiment. With varied sources and types of fat, researches have shown the complexity of defining a model", "id": "10628472" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nalternative to BMI. BMI doesn't account for muscle and fat distribution, or gender, or ethnicity; and therefore is not an accurate measure of obesity in many individuals. BVI uses 3D technology to analyse overall body shape, identifying where fat is distributed across the body. Body Volume means the composition of a person and their body parts; each part of a person’s body (arms, legs, chest, etc.) has its own 3D shape, individual weight and measurement. An increase in the volume of fat", "id": "80488" }, { "contents": "Type 2 diabetes\n\n\nwith type 2 diabetes. Lifestyle factors are important to the development of type 2 diabetes, including obesity and being overweight (defined by a body mass index of greater than 25), lack of physical activity, poor diet, stress, and urbanization. Excess body fat is associated with 30% of cases in those of Chinese and Japanese descent, 60–80% of cases in those of European and African descent, and 100% of cases in Pima Indians and Pacific Islanders. Among those who are not obese, a high waist", "id": "20203006" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nredefined obesity; Japan has defined obesity as any BMI greater than 25 kg/m while China uses a BMI of greater than 28 kg/m. Excessive body weight is associated with various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus type 2, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, and asthma. As a result, obesity has been found to reduce life expectancy. Obesity is one of the leading preventable causes of death worldwide. A number of reviews have found that mortality risk is lowest at", "id": "11648948" }, { "contents": "Liposuction\n\n\nlinked to life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack. Liposuction is generally used in an attempt to change the body's shape. Weight loss from liposuction appears to be of a short term nature with little long term effect. After a few months fat typically returns and redistributes. Liposuction does not help obesity related metabolic disorders like insulin resistance. It can also be used to remove excess fat in the chronic medical condition lymphedema. There is a spectrum of complications that may occur due to any liposuction—", "id": "8931784" }, { "contents": "Bariatrics\n\n\nsevere obesity has limited short-term success and very poor long-term success. Weight loss surgery generally results in greater weight loss than conventional treatment, and leads to improvements in quality of life and obesity related diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus. The combination of approaches used may be tailored to each patient. Bariatric treatments in youth must be considered with great caution and with other conditions that may not have to be considered in adults. Techniques used in bariatrics include bioelectrical impedance analysis, a method to measure body fat percentage", "id": "14189981" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nconsume higher amounts of alcohol. There are various ways of measuring abdominal obesity including: In those with a BMI under 35, intra-abdominal body fat is related to negative health outcomes independent of total body fat. Intra-abdominal or visceral fat has a particularly strong correlation with cardiovascular disease. BMI and waist measurements are well recognized ways to characterize obesity. However, waist measurements are not as accurate as BMI measurements. For this reason, it is recommended to use both methods of measurements. While central obesity can be obvious", "id": "10161804" }, { "contents": "Abdomen\n\n\n, or after spine surgery. When strengthened, the abdominal muscles provide flexibility as well. The abdominal muscles can be worked by practicing disciplines of general body strength such as Pilates, yoga, T'ai chi, and jogging. There are also specific routines which target each of these muscles. Abdominal obesity is a condition where abdominal fat or visceral fat, has built up excessively between the abdominal organs. This is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, asthma and type 2 diabetes. Abdominal trauma is an injury to the abdomen", "id": "5881060" }, { "contents": "Fat acceptance movement\n\n\ncan have dire health consequences\". In 2018, the University of East Anglia released a report saying that fat acceptance, body positivity and the \"normalization of plus size\" was damaging to people's perceptions of obesity, made overweight and obese people less likely to seek medical attention when necessary, and undermined government initiatives intended to overcome the problem. In response, proponents of fat acceptance claim that being fat in and of itself is not a health problem and that long-term weight-loss is unsuccessful in the majority of", "id": "8626806" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nAbdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, occurs when excessive abdominal fat around the stomach and abdomen has built up to the extent that it is likely to have a negative impact on health. Central obesity has been strongly linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and other metabolic and vascular diseases. Visceral and central abdominal fat and waist circumference show a strong association with type 2 diabetes. Visceral fat, also known as organ fat or \"intra-abdominal fat\", is located inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in", "id": "10161788" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nBMI, total body fat, visceral fat and BVI number. The BVI Number has been designed by Mayo Clinic as an alternative to BMI. It provides an indication of health risk based on fat distribution with a particular emphasis on visceral fat; which is located around organs. Visceral fat is metabolically active, with high levels a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes type II. Body fat percentage is total body fat expressed as a percentage of total body weight. There is no generally accepted definition of obesity based on total", "id": "80490" }, { "contents": "Body fat percentage\n\n\nseveral advantages over established reference methods, including a quick, comfortable, automated, noninvasive, and safe measurement process, and accommodation of various subject types (e.g., children, obese, elderly, and disabled persons). However, its accuracy declines at the extremes of body fat percentages, tending to slightly understate the percent body fat in overweight and obese persons (by 1.68–2.94% depending on the method of calculation), and to overstate to a much larger degree the percent body fat in very lean subjects (by an average", "id": "6936747" }, { "contents": "Social stigma of obesity\n\n\nThis bias is not restricted to clinically obese individuals, but also encompasses those whose body shape is in some way found unacceptable according to society's modern standards (although still within the normal or overweight BMI range). It is a classical example of the halo effect in cultures where physical preferences favor low body fat. Fat-shaming is fairly common in the United States, even though most adult Americans are overweight. \"Huffington Post\" wrote \"two-thirds of American adults are overweight or obese. Yet overweight and obese", "id": "15640540" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the United Kingdom\n\n\ngrowing rates of obesity in the United Kingdom are multiple and the degree of influence of any one factor is often a source of debate. At an individual level, a combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity is thought to explain most cases of obesity. Reduced levels of physical activity due to increased use of private cars, desk bound employment, a decline in home cooking skills and the ready availability of processed foods high in sugar, salt and saturated fats, are variously cited as contributing factors. Media", "id": "21313684" }, { "contents": "MicroRNA\n\n\noverexpressed to mimic accelerated aging, mice became insulin-resistant, and thus more prone to high fat diet-induced obesity and diabetes. In contrast when let-7 was inhibited by injections of let-7-specific antagomirs, mice become more insulin-sensitive and remarkably resistant to high fat diet-induced obesity and diabetes. Not only could let-7 inhibition prevent obesity and diabetes, it could also reverse and cure the condition. These experimental findings suggest that let-7 inhibition could represent a new therapy for obesity and type 2 diabetes. miRNAs also play crucial roles", "id": "21453128" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\ncountries, where it is associated with the urbanization of populations. Waist measurement (e.g. for BFP standard) is more prone to errors than measuring height and weight (e.g. for BMI standard). It is recommended to use both standards. BMI will illustrate the best estimate of your total body fatness, while waist measurement gives an estimate of visceral fat and risk of obesity-related disease. A study has shown that alcohol consumption is directly associated with waist circumference and with a higher risk of abdominal obesity in men, but not", "id": "10161802" }, { "contents": "Lipotoxicity\n\n\nof excess lipids. Currently, there is no universally accepted theory for why certain individuals are afflicted with lipotoxicity. Research is ongoing into a genetic cause, but no individual gene has been named as the causative agent. The causative role of obesity in lipotoxicity is controversial. Some researchers claim that obesity has protective effects against lipotoxicity as it results in extra adipose tissue in which excess lipids can be stored. Others claim obesity is a risk factor for lipotoxicity. Both sides accept that high fat diets put patients at increased risk for lipotoxic", "id": "20270294" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nThe diet-induced obesity model (DIO model) is an animal model used to study obesity using animals that have obesity caused by being fed high-fat or high-density diets. It is intended to mimic the most common cause of obesity in humans. Typically mice, rats, dogs, or non-human primates are used in these models. These animals can then be used to study \"in vivo\" obesity, obesity's comorbidities, and other related diseases. Users of such models must take into account the", "id": "10628462" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nto be the strongest contributors to obesity. One study found that black men and women have a lower percentage of body fat than white men and women with the same body mass index (BMI). A similar study concluded that obese black adolescents had significantly less dangerous visceral fat than obese white adolescents. Visceral fat is significant because it has been more strongly linked to the risk of disease as compared to fat stored in other parts of the body. A multitude of studies show that members of racial and ethnic minority communities are disproportionately", "id": "20729389" }, { "contents": "Obesity and the environment\n\n\nthe highest prevalence of obesity, followed by Hispanics, then whites. Many explanations exist to explain the disparity, among which include different behaviors among racial and ethnic groups, differing cultural norms in regards to body weight and size, and unequal access to healthy foods. Race and genetics are two other dimensions of obesity that have been extensively studied. Some researchers have found that genetics increase the likelihood of occurrence of obesity through higher levels of fat deposition and adipokine secretion. Others think that race itself may affect the way obesity presents itself", "id": "20729387" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nwomen in the United States between the ages of 50 and 79 years now exceed the waist circumference threshold for central obesity. When comparing the body fat of men and women it is seen that men have close to twice the visceral fat as that of pre-menopausal women. Central obesity is positively associated with coronary heart disease risk in women and men. It has been hypothesized that the sex differences in fat distribution may explain the sex difference in coronary heart disease risk. There are sex-dependent differences in regional fat distribution.", "id": "10161811" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nhaving little fat. For example, more than half of all NFL players are classified as \"obese\" (BMI ≥ 30), and 1 in 4 are classified as \"extremely obese\" (BMI ≥ 35), according to the BMI metric. However, their mean body fat percentage, 14%, is well within what's considered a healthy range. The preferred obesity metric in scholarly circles is the body fat percentage (BF%) - the ratio of the total weight of person's fat to his or her", "id": "80483" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Nauru\n\n\ncountries like Australia and New Zealand. Most, if not all, of the diet on Nauru is high fat and high sugar foods with very little nutritional value. Apart from an unhealthy diet, lack of physical exercise, and lack of proper health education, cultural attitude towards obesity has played an important role in the high obesity rate in the country. According to the University of Queensland professor and South Pacific researcher Clive Moore, obesity is seen as a sign of wealth in Nauru. As a consequence of high obesity rates,", "id": "5393169" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\ndetermining body fat are more accurate than BMI but come with added complexity. If an individual is overweight and has excess body fat it can create or lead to health risks. Reports are surfacing, however, that being mildly overweight to slightly obese – BMI being between 24 and 31.9 – may be actually beneficial and that people with a BMI between 24 and 31.9 could actually live longer than normal weight or underweight persons. While the negative health outcomes associated with obesity are accepted within the medical community, the health implications of the overweight", "id": "850193" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nor in the Lee index (an index similar to the BMI in humans). The body fat gain is quantified either indirectly through the weight gain, or directly using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. When studying effects of obesity on diabetes, a fasting blood sugar test is also done before and after the diet. Scientists have successfully induced obesity in animals using a wide range of diets. Although generally diets containing more than 30% of total energy from fat are considered to induce obesity, scientists have induced obesity with", "id": "10628490" }, { "contents": "The Woman in White (musical)\n\n\noversweating in the fat suit he wore to play the grossly obese character Count Fosco (originally reported as having the flu). Crawford explained: \"For four months I had played the obese Count Fosco in a fat suit: a costume that had been my own clever idea. Unfortunately. Night after night on stage, the suit meant that I'd sweat profusely, to the point where I was losing all the essential minerals and nutrients from my body. In January 2005, I went into a kind of physical meltdown.", "id": "5519198" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nof total energy from fat (e.g. 60%). The effect of the diet is quantified using the measures detailed below. Often, the experiment aims to see how obesity affects some other physiological or behavioral outcome, so other measures may be taken. Common such measures include stress (both physiological and psychological), changes in hormones, and insulin. The outcome measure of obesity is usually either the gain of body weight or body fat. The body weight gain is quantified using the difference in the raw mass of the animal", "id": "10628489" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nhad a good general correlation with body fat percentage, and noted that obesity has overtaken smoking as the world's number one cause of death. But it also notes that in the study 50% of men and 62% of women were obese according to body fat defined obesity, while only 21% of men and 31% of women were obese according to BMI, meaning that BMI was found to underestimate the number of obese subjects. A 2010 study that followed 11,000 subjects for up to eight years concluded that BMI is not", "id": "4612960" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\ndiets containing 13% to 85% of total energy from fat. The specific fatty foods used in the diets vary across studies, ranging from Crisco to lard to palm oil. Other researchers have shown that an animal diet more similar to the human Western diet (i.e. a diet with high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt, and low-fiber content) is more effective in inducing obesity and obesity-related disorders than a traditional high-fat diet. Sensory stimulation from high-fat foods is one", "id": "10628491" }, { "contents": "Adiposopathy\n\n\nto the metabolic syndrome. Most medical organizations recognize obesity as a disease. According to the Obesity Medicine Association Obesity Algorithm: \"Obesity is defined as a chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adipose tissue dysfunction and abnormal fat mass physical forces, resulting in adverse metabolic, biomechanical, and psychosocial health consequences.\" Consistent with this functional definition, patients with the disease of obesity can generally be categorized into patients with \"fat mass disease\" and \"sick fat disease.", "id": "2892011" }, { "contents": "Dog food\n\n\nthe diet, and the same can be said in regards to the energy density. In contrast, high-protein diets will provide excess protein content after meeting maintenance demands; this can therefore lead to the protein being utilized in fat and energy storage. Ultimately increasing risks for developing obesity and other health related issues. However, higher protein in the diet helps reduce lean body mass loss, but will not lead to an increase in size of muscle unless paired with resistance exercises or anabolic steroids under maintenance conditions. There is an", "id": "9250318" }, { "contents": "Insulin resistance\n\n\nweight gain. Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes are associated with excess body weight. A possible explanation is that both insulin resistance and obesity often have the same cause, systematic overeating, which has the potential to lead to insulin resistance and obesity due to repeated administration of excess levels of glucose, which stimulate insulin secretion; excess levels of fructose, which raise triglyceride levels in the bloodstream; and fats, which may be absorbed easily by the adipose cells, and tend to end up as fatty tissue in a hypercaloric diet.", "id": "9716012" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nfat within the liver cells. Musculoskeletal defects such as osteoarthritis are also said to have a strong link with obesity due to excessive amounts of weight being exerted on the joints. Individuals who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) that is equal to or greater than 25 kg/m2 are also said to have an increased chance of premature morality. As a result of the alarming statistics involving the number of obese children in Australia the consequences have also been extensive to the economy. Between the ages of 4–5 years the costs of", "id": "16685128" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nexcellent for identifying obesity and body fat in large populations, but they are far less reliable for determining fatness in individuals.\" A frequent use of the BMI is to assess how much an individual's body weight departs from what is normal or desirable for a person's height. The weight excess or deficiency may, in part, be accounted for by body fat (adipose tissue) although other factors such as muscularity also affect BMI significantly (see discussion below and overweight). The WHO regards a BMI of less than 18.5", "id": "4612935" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\nto measure a child's excess weight can encounter regular issues. The Body Mass Index is used to decipher an individuals excess body weight but not their excess body fat. In this way the measurements taken from a child who is at different stages of their sexual maturation compared to another may alter the reliability of the data. Other issues that may affect the results surrounding this method for children and adolescents includes their age, sex, ethnicity muscle and bone mass, their height as well as their sexual maturation levels. Using the percentile", "id": "16685102" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\nbeneficial for building specific muscles, but it has little effect, if any, on fat in that area of the body, or on the body's distribution of body fat. The same logic applies to sit-ups and belly fat. Sit-ups, crunches and other abdominal exercises are useful in building the abdominal muscles, but they have little effect, if any, on the adipose tissue located there. Several colloquial terms used to refer to central obesity, and to people who have it, refer to beer drinking", "id": "10161820" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of obesity\n\n\n, 31% are obese. Increases in obesity have been seen most in urban settings. Since body fat can be measured in several ways, statistics on the epidemiology of obesity vary between sources. While BMI is the most basic and commonly used indicator of obesity, other measures include waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, skinfold thicknesses, and bioelectrical impedance. The rate of obesity increases with age at least up to 50 or 60 years old. Obesity rates in Western Africa are estimated to be 10%. Rates", "id": "3126050" }, { "contents": "Classification of obesity\n\n\nskinfold test, in which a pinch of skin is precisely measured to determine the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. The other is bioelectrical impedance analysis which uses electrical resistance. Bioelectrical impedance has not been shown to provide an advantage over BMI. Body fat percentage measurement techniques used mainly for research include computed tomography (CT scan), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). These techniques provide very accurate measurements, but it can be difficult to obtain in the severely obese due", "id": "80492" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity\n\n\n% of those who were considered active at ages 14 to 19 were also active adults, compared to 2% of those who were inactive at ages 14 to 19, who were now said to be active adults. Staying physically inactive leaves unused energy in the body, most of which is stored as fat. Researchers studied 16 men over a 14-day period and fed them 50% more of their energy required every day through fats and carbohydrates. They discovered that carbohydrate overfeeding produced 75–85% excess energy being stored as body fat and", "id": "19958534" }, { "contents": "Epidemiology of obesity\n\n\nbe as high as 17%. The rate of increase in the incidence of obesity began to slow in the 2000s, but as of 2014, obesity, severe obesity, and obesity in children continued to rise. Obesity is one of the leading health issues in the United States, resulting in about 300,000 excess deaths per year. However, in 2005 using different methodology, research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention produced a nationwide estimate of 129,000 excess deaths per year relative to individuals with a BMI of 21 to 25", "id": "3126066" }, { "contents": "Obesity and fertility\n\n\nfertility decline. Taken into consideration firstly must be the weight of the individual before investigating further into complications surrounding fertility. Initially, treatment should proceed for obesity, then if complications still arise with infertility then progression onto ART is required. There are many other ways of reducing body fat including modifying diet or administrating diet pills, increasing energy expenditure, or surgically removing abdominal fat/surgical fitting of a gastric band in order to subside excess abdominal weight. Restoration of fertility should follow these modifications. A weight-loss study was carried", "id": "15571532" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\n. It is now generally believed that intra-abdominal fat is the depot that conveys the biggest health risk. Central obesity can be a feature of lipodystrophies, a group of diseases that is either inherited, or due to secondary causes (often protease inhibitors, a group of medications against AIDS). Central obesity is a symptom of Cushing's syndrome and is also common in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Central obesity is associated with glucose intolerance and dyslipidemia. Once dyslipidemia becomes a severe problem, an individual's", "id": "10161792" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nattributed to excess weight. On average, obesity reduces life expectancy by six to seven years, a BMI of 30–35 kg/m reduces life expectancy by two to four years, while severe obesity (BMI  40 kg/m) reduces life expectancy by ten years. Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental conditions. These comorbidities are most commonly shown in metabolic syndrome, a combination of medical disorders which includes: diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and high triglyceride levels. Complications are", "id": "11648951" }, { "contents": "Adipose tissue\n\n\nsubcutaneous and is not consistently spaced tissue, whereas fat in the abdomen is mostly visceral and semi-fluid. Visceral fat is composed of several adipose depots, including mesenteric, epididymal white adipose tissue (EWAT), and perirenal depots. Visceral fat is often expressed in terms of its area in cm (VFA, visceral fat area). An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, or \"belly fat\", in which the abdomen protrudes excessively. New developments such as the Body Volume Index (BVI)", "id": "21827533" }, { "contents": "Social reproduction\n\n\nrisk of suffering from illness. In the past, the poor suffered from hunger and starvation. However, in high-income countries like the U.S, the opposite is true. Food-insecure families are the most prone to high rates of obesity, especially in children. That is because they cannot afford to buy groceries and may purchase fast food for its low cost instead for a meal. This leads to long-term problems where children who become obese continue to be obese into their adult lives, suffering from other", "id": "477443" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\nobesity. For example, in one experiment, male Sprague-Dawley rats were given either a low fat or a high fat diet, with the high fat diet containing 35% more fat than the low fat diet. The results of the study illustrate that the high fat diet rats had a higher adiposity index than the low fat diet rats. Dogs are used for research because they can be domesticated, and because they have been used in studies concerning diabetes in the past. For example, dogs were used as subjects in", "id": "10628487" }, { "contents": "Inflammatory cytokine\n\n\n. Obesity leaves an excess of nutrients for the body, thereby causing adipocytes to release more proinflammatory cytokines. Classically activated macrophages in the visceral fat accumulate in the fat tissues and continuously release proinflammatory cytokines, causing chronic inflammation in obese individuals. TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 have been found to play a pivotal role in cartilage matrix degradation and bone resorption in osteoarthritis. Animal studies indicate that inflammatory cytokines may stimulate chondrocytes to release cartilage-degrading protease in osteoarthritis. This finding does not, however, necessarily translate to \"Homo", "id": "9018289" }, { "contents": "\n\n\n. For example, on obesity, in late January 2019, a series of posts attacked the right of disabled and obese passengers to fly on commercial airliners. One poster stated, \"Let’s cut out the PC nonsense, shall we? The passenger was fat, plain and simple! Yes, most people who are fat or obese are responsible for their bulk. Claiming a disability because of being fat or obese is such nonsense and is merely a crutch to gain special treatment.\" Another added, \"Being fat is", "id": "20044802" }, { "contents": "Obesity and walking\n\n\nwalking across differing speeds. They found that standing metabolic rate when normalized for body weight was ~20% less for obese people (more adipose tissue and less metabolically active tissue), but that metabolic rates during walking were ~10% greater per kilogram body mass for obese individuals when compared to lean. These researchers also found that increased thigh mass and adipose distribution did not matter, overall body composition of percent body fat was related to net metabolic rate. Therefore, obese individuals are using more metabolic energy than their lean counterparts when walking", "id": "11249648" }, { "contents": "Anoop Misra\n\n\nto have been involved in advanced researches in the fields of Diabetes and Obesity and is reported to have introduced novel definitions for obesity. His research interests included abdominal obesity and Syndrome X in Indians and is credited with development of dietary and exercise guidelines for Indians. His group has worked extensively on body fat depots, specifically hepatic and pancreatic fat, and their relationship with insulin resistance and the metabolic syndrome in Indian population. He has also conducted several intervention trials with nuts, edible oils and proteins in individuals having high risk for diabetes", "id": "15404545" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\nBeing overweight or fat is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight is especially common where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are sedentary. , excess weight reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults being either overweight or obese. In 2013 this increased to more than 2 billion. Increases have been observed across all age groups. A healthy body requires a minimum amount of fat for proper functioning of the hormonal, reproductive, and immune systems, as thermal insulation, as shock absorption for sensitive areas", "id": "850189" }, { "contents": "Obesity in Thailand\n\n\nto junk food, and unhealthy switches from active to sedentary lifestyles. These factors are closely linked to economic growth in the country. The internationally recognised method of measuring obesity is through the Body Mass Index (BMI). According to WHO, an overweight person has a BMI of ≥25. An obese person has a BMI of ≥30. However, while the WHO standard has been used internationally, studies have shown that it may not be accurate for the classification of obesity in the Asian context due to different body fat percentages and", "id": "15555378" }, { "contents": "Body mass index\n\n\nthe United States' third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) and found that BMI-defined obesity (BMI 30) was present in 21% of men and 31% of women. Body fat-defined obesity was found in 50% of men and 62% of women. While BMI-defined obesity showed high specificity (95% for men and 99% for women), BMI showed poor sensitivity (36% for men and 49% for women). In other words, BMI is better", "id": "4612952" }, { "contents": "Obesity\n\n\nto the increased number of fat cells (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Increases in body fat alter the body's response to insulin, potentially leading to insulin resistance. Increased fat also creates a proinflammatory state, and a prothrombotic state. Although the negative health consequences of obesity in the general population are well supported by the available evidence, health outcomes in certain subgroups seem to be improved at an increased BMI, a phenomenon known as the obesity survival paradox. The paradox was first", "id": "11648953" }, { "contents": "Lipedema\n\n\nLipedema is a disorder where there is enlargement of both legs due to deposits of fat under the skin. Typically it gets worse over time, pain may be present, and sufferers bruise easily. In severe cases the trunk and upper body may be involved. Lipedema is commonly misdiagnosed. The cause is unknown but is believed to involve genetics and hormonal factors. It often runs in families. Risk factors include being overweight or obese. Other conditions that may present similarly include obesity, lipohypertrophy, chronic venous insufficiency, and lymphedema.", "id": "1221629" }, { "contents": "Hard keeper\n\n\nkeeper is an \"easy keeper\" (\"good doer\"); an animal that can live on relatively little food and is prone to obesity and other health problems associated with a too-rich diet. In contrast, a truly hard keeper is almost never fat under any circumstances. It is extremely rare for a pony or a donkey to be a hard keeper. The condition is most often seen in light horse breeds that have either a naturally high-strung temperament or breeds that tend to a very lean phenotype and", "id": "12863840" }, { "contents": "Obesity in the Middle East and North Africa\n\n\nconsumed 42 liters of soda per year, as well as 40% more carbohydrates, 30% more fat, and 40% more food than the body needs. The greater availability of fast food and junk food in combination with a low activity lifestyle has contributed to the obesity trend. Other factors include the impact of technology and a high consumption of rice and bread. Many families with a moderate income are limited in the foods they are able to afford, resulting in a higher incidence of obese children. However, childhood obesity", "id": "5562334" }, { "contents": "Abdominal obesity\n\n\n) is predictive of increased risk. Another diagnosis of obesity is the analysis of intra-abdominal fat having the most risk to one's personal health. The increased amount of fat in this region relates to the higher levels of plasma lipid and lipoproteins as per studies mentioned by Eric Poehlman (1998) review. An increasing acceptance of the importance of central obesity within the medical profession as an indicator of health risk has led to new developments in obesity diagnosis such as the Body Volume Index, which measures central obesity by measuring a", "id": "10161807" }, { "contents": "Overweight\n\n\n, and as energy for future use. But the accumulation of too much storage fat can impair movement, flexibility, and alter the appearance of the body. The degree to which a person is overweight is generally described by the body mass index (BMI). \"Overweight\" is defined as a BMI of 25 or more, thus it includes pre-obesity defined as a BMI between 25 and 30 and obesity as defined by a BMI of 30 or more. Pre-obese and overweight however are often used interchangeably,", "id": "850190" }, { "contents": "Childhood obesity in Australia\n\n\na common and useful measurement of body fat that helps individuals understand the difference between being overweight and obese. The system can be used to calculate a persons Body Mass Index (BMI) by dividing their weight (in kilograms) by the square of their height (in meters). According to the World Health Organisation (2015) a BMI greater than or equal to 25 kg/m2 in adults is overweight and greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 regards individuals as obese. Using the BMI method, however,", "id": "16685101" }, { "contents": "Big Bertha (comics)\n\n\n've been fired and can no longer use the Avengers name, leaving them confused. Big Bertha has the ability to make herself superhumanly strong and durable (to the point of being bulletproof) by becoming extraordinarily obese. She has suggested that her abilities are actually based on an increase and manipulation of her body mass, so that she could selectively increase the fat distribution in specific parts of her body to make them larger. Big Bertha can also leap great distances and purge most fat from her body through vomiting to take on a", "id": "13358824" }, { "contents": "National Physical Activity Guidelines\n\n\nfor people whose fat is situated predominantly in the abdominal region. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, but these associations are not the only explanations for the greater stroke rate. Gallstones and gall bladder disorders Gout - the condition may develop in people with obesity incidents are remarkably higher, Gout is strongly associated with obesity. Osteoarthritis - Obesity may be a major factor in the development of osteoarthritis, particularly of the knee and especially in women. Cancer -such as endometrial, breast, prostate", "id": "14770038" }, { "contents": "Diet-induced obesity model\n\n\na study of the effects of diet-induced obesity on insulin dispersion. In this experiment, it was found that a high-fat diet caused insulin resistance, contributing to cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. As in most science experiments, a good experiment using the diet-induced obesity model has an experimental and a control group. The control group is given a diet with low percentage of total energy from fat (e.g. 10%), while the experimental group is given a diet with a high percentage", "id": "10628488" }, { "contents": "Psychological aspects of childhood obesity\n\n\nChildhood obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) at or above the 96th percentile for children of the same age and sex. It can cause a variety of health problems, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, sleeping problems, and joint problems later in life. Children who are obese are at a greater risk for social and psychological problems as well, such as peer victimization, increased levels of aggression, and low self-esteem. Many environmental and social factors", "id": "11433108" } ]
manta rays are very big, i was swam with them have you ? I did swim with them once, when I was about 7. Are there many kinds of manta rays?
[{"answer": "yes there are different types such as the reef mata ray and black manta ray", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "50838", "title": "Manta ray", "start_paragraph_id": 1, "start_character": 58, "end_paragraph_id": 1, "end_character": 154, "bleu_score": 0.8862476419965991, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Mirror test\n\n\nsuggested contingency checking. They also showed unusual self-directed behaviours when exposed to the mirror. Manta rays have the largest brains when it comes to fish. In 2016, Dr. Csilla Ari tested captive manta rays at the Atlantis Aquarium in the Bahamas by exposing them to a mirror. The manta rays appeared to be extremely interested in the mirror. They would behave strangely in front the mirror, including doing flips and moving their fins. They would also blow bubbles. They did not interact with the reflection as if it were", "id": "9731242" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\ndive operators and organizations. Manta rays in other parts of the Pacific Ocean have been hunted by fishermen as a result of the increasing demand for manta ray gill plates. Local organizations, such as the Manta Pacific Research Foundation, try to protect the local manta rays and educate the public about manta rays and other sea life. The Manta Pacific Research Foundation's mission is to \"study manta rays in their natural habitat, conduct scientific research, provide education programs for the public about manta rays and the marine environment, and to", "id": "13174129" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nwhile females mature at . In Hawaii, \"M. alfredi\" matures at a width of for males and for females. Female mantas appear to mature at 8–10 years. Manta rays may live as long as 50 years. Swimming behavior in mantas differs across habitats: when travelling over deep water, they swim at a constant rate in a straight line, while further inshore, they usually bask or swim idly around. Mantas may travel alone or in groups up to 50. They may associate with other fish species, as well", "id": "5683418" }, { "contents": "Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium\n\n\nsuch panel in the world when the aquarium was opened. Whale sharks and manta rays are kept alongside many other fish species in the main tank. The world's first birth of a manta ray in captivity was at the aquarium in 2007 and involved the reef manta ray (this species and the giant oceanic manta ray were only recognized as separate species in 2009, meaning that all were listed as \"Manta birostris\" until then). As of July 2010, there have been a total of four reef manta rays born in", "id": "4064231" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nwith tourists. Only a few public aquariums are large enough to house them. The name \"manta\" is Portuguese and Spanish for mantle (cloak or blanket), a type of blanket-shaped trap traditionally used to catch rays. Mantas are known as \"devilfish\" because of their horn-shaped cephalic fins, which are imagined to give them an \"evil\" appearance. Manta rays are members of the order Myliobatiformes which consists of stingrays and their relatives. The genus \"Manta\" is part of the eagle ray", "id": "5683401" }, { "contents": "Nan Vernon\n\n\nTijuana and that I gave them a ride home, but that wasn't how I met him. It was a call out of the blue from Wardrobe Stylist, Genny Schorr, who suggested that I might be someone Dave would like as a member of his band. Dave is the kind of person who encourages people.\" She subsequently \"sang backup as one of his Spiritual Cowboys on Stewart's 1990 release. Vernon parlayed \"her high-profile acquaintance with Stewart into a record deal and released \"Manta Ray\" in", "id": "9145560" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\nA manta ray night dive is a scuba diving excursion to view manta rays. Depending on the amount of microscopic plankton present, the number of manta rays will vary. Some days no manta rays are seen while on days with high plankton levels upwards of a dozen may be present. While diving, scuba divers shine lights up while snorkelers shine them down creating a column of light which attracts millions of minuscule plankton, which in turn attracts the manta rays. A popular site is just off the coast of Hawaii Island called Garden", "id": "13174125" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nthe Resorts World Sentosa in Singapore, was the only to maintain this species, but since late 2018 it has also been exhibited at Nausicaä Centre National de la Mer in France and Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium in Japan. When traveling in deep water, the giant oceanic manta ray swims steadily in a straight line, while further inshore it usually basks or swims idly around. Mantas may travel alone or in groups of up to 50 and sometimes associate with other fish species, as well as sea birds and marine mammals. About 27%", "id": "15908964" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nstudy in Sri Lanka and India estimated that over 1000 were being sold in the country's fish markets each year. By comparison, \"M. birostris\" populations at most of the key aggregation sites around the world are estimated to have significantly fewer than 1000 individuals. Targeted fisheries for manta rays in the Gulf of California, the west coast of Mexico, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines have reduced populations in these areas dramatically. Manta rays are subject to other anthropogenic threats. Because mantas must swim constantly to", "id": "5683428" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\ndivers may get a chance to watch mantas visiting cleaning stations and night dives enable viewers to see mantas feeding on plankton attracted by the lights. Ray tourism benefits locals and visitors by raising awareness of natural resource management and educating them about the animals. It can also provide funds for research and conservation. Constant unregulated interactions with tourists can negatively affect the fish by disrupting ecological relationships and increasing disease transmission. At Bora Bora, an excessive number of swimmers, boaters, and jet skiers caused the local manta ray population to abandon the", "id": "5683438" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nfish. \"Mobula alfredi\" is similar in appearance to \"Mobula birostris\" and the two species may be confused as their distribution overlaps. However, there are distinguishing features. The first difference could be the size because the giant oceanic manta ray is bigger than the reef manta ray, on average versus on average. However, if the observed rays are young, their size can easily bring confusion. Only the color pattern remains a fast and effective way to distinguish them. The reef manta ray has a dark dorsal side", "id": "15908979" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\noccasionally taking scuba divers to areas such as the Kona Surf Hotel for manta ray encounters. The frequency of these dive trips increased over the years with many dive operations offering trips most days. Travel guides often rate this dive highly. The Professional Association of Diving Instructors states that \"dive magazines the world over consistently rank Kona's manta ray night diving as one of the best things you can do underwater\". In 2017, the 3 most popular sites to do the manta ray night dive on the Island of Hawaii are (", "id": "13174127" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nappearance to \"Mobula alfredi\" and the two species may be confused as their distribution overlaps. However, there are distinguishing features. The oceanic manta ray is larger than the reef manta ray, 4 to 5 meters in average against 3 to 3.5 meters. However, if the observed rays are young, their size can easily bring confusion. Only the color pattern remains an effective way to distinguish them. The reef manta ray has a dark dorsal side with usually two lighter areas on top of the head, looking like a", "id": "15908960" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nof California found them to be placid and that they could interact with the animals. Several divers photographed themselves with mantas, including \"Jaws\" author Peter Benchley. Due to their size, mantas are rarely kept in captivity and few aquaria currently display them. One notable individual is \"Nandi\", a manta ray which was accidentally caught in shark nets off Durban, South Africa, in 2007. Rehabilitated and outgrowing her aquarium at uShaka Marine World, Nandi was moved to the larger Georgia Aquarium in August 2008, where she", "id": "5683435" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nAlfred, Duke of Edinburgh, the first member of the British royal family to visit Australia.. It was originally described as part of the genus Manta but in 2017 was changed, along with the rest of the mantas, to be included as part of the genus Mobula. Reef manta rays are typically in disc width, with a maximum size of about . Long included in \"M. birostris\", the status of the reef manta ray as a separate species was only confirmed in 2009. The reef manta ray is found widely", "id": "15908975" }, { "contents": "Mako Shark (concept car)\n\n\non top and silver/white along the rocker panels. The original Mako Shark was then retroactively called the \"Mako Shark I\". In 1969 the Mako Shark II was returned to GM design studios and transformed into the Manta Ray. Modifications include a front spoiler and redesigned grille and external exhaust pipes. Modifications were also made to the rear that included a buttress style rear window and a longer more horizontal end section. The Firestone tires were replaced with Goodyear tires. Both Mako I and Manta Ray are currently part of the", "id": "21965456" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nthought. As a result, giant mantas were renamed \"Mobula birostris\" to reflect the new classification. The giant oceanic manta ray can grow to a disc size of up to across with a weight of about but average size commonly observed is . It is dorsoventrally flattened and has large, triangular pectoral fins on either side of the disc. At the front, it has a pair of cephalic fins which are forward extensions of the pectoral fins. These can be rolled up in a spiral for swimming or can be flared out", "id": "15908957" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nM. alfredi\" is even more localized. Their distributions are thus fragmented, with little evidence of intermingling of subpopulations. Because of their long lifespans and low reproductive rate, overfishing can severely reduce local populations with little likelihood that individuals from elsewhere will replace them. Both commercial and artisanal fisheries have targeted mantas for their meat and products. They are typically caught with nets, trawls, and harpoons. Mantas were once captured by fisheries in California and Australia for their liver oil and skin; the latter were used as abrasives. Their", "id": "5683426" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nmanta rays have been discovered. Their cartilaginous skeletons do not preserve well, as they lack the calcification of the bony fish. Only three sedimentary beds bearing manta ray fossils are known, one from the Oligocene in South Carolina and two from the Miocene and Pliocene in North Carolina. Remains of an extinct species have been found in the Chandler Bridge Formation of South Carolina. These were originally described as \"Manta fragilis\", but were later reclassified as \"Paramobula fragilis\". Manta rays have broad heads, triangular pectoral fins,", "id": "5683407" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\noften migrate through unregulated waters, putting them at increased risk from overfishing. The IUCN declared \"M. birostris\" to be 'vulnerable with an elevated risk of extinction' in November 2011. In the same year, \"M. alfredi\" was also classified as vulnerable with local populations of fewer than 1000 individuals and little or no interchange between subpopulations. The Manta Trust is a UK-based charity dedicated to research and conservation efforts for manta rays. The organization's website is also an information resource for manta conservation and biology.", "id": "5683431" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\ntook place there in 2007. Although this pup did not survive, the aquarium has since had the birth of three more manta rays in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Sites at which manta rays congregate attract tourists, and manta viewing generates substantial annual revenue for local communities. Tourist sites exist in the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands, Spain, the Fiji Islands, Thailand, Indonesia, Hawaii, Western Australia and the Maldives. Mantas are popular because of their enormous size and because they are easily habituated to humans. Scuba", "id": "5683437" }, { "contents": "Stingray\n\n\ncalled ampullae of Lorenzini. Located around the stingray's mouth, these organs sense the natural electrical charges of potential prey. Many rays have jaw teeth to enable them to crush mollusks such as clams, oysters, and mussels. Most stingrays feed primarily on mollusks, crustaceans, and occasionally on small fish. Freshwater stingrays in the amazon feed on insects and break down their tough exoskeletons with mammal-like chewing motions. Large pelagic rays like the Manta use ram feeding to consume vast quantities of plankton and have been seen swimming in", "id": "9395901" }, { "contents": "Manta (SeaWorld Orlando)\n\n\nManta is a steel flying roller coaster at SeaWorld Orlando. The attraction allows guests to encounter numerous species of ray before boarding a manta ray-shaped train that takes them on a roller coaster ride above the park, reaching top speeds of . Designed by Swiss firm Bolliger & Mabillard, \"Manta\" restrains riders in the prone position and features four inversions. The well-received attraction officially opened to the public on May 22, 2009. Their slogan is \"Dive deep, fly high…\". SeaWorld Orlando revealed the", "id": "15811380" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\na caudal spine. The mouths of most rays lie on the underside of the head, while in mantas, they are right at the front. Manta rays and devil rays are the only ray species that have evolved into filter feeders. The scientific naming of mantas has had a convoluted history, during which several names were used for both the genus (\"Ceratoptera\", \"Brachioptilon\" \"Daemomanta\", and \"Diabolicthys\") and species (such as \"vampyrus\", \"americana\", \"johnii\",", "id": "5683403" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nmacropredators. On the surface, they consume large quantities of zooplankton in the form of shrimp, krill, and planktonic crabs. In deeper depths, mantas consume small to medium-sized fish. When foraging, it slowly swims around its prey, herding it into a tight \"ball\", and then speeds through the bunched organisms with a wide-open mouth. If a ball is particularly dense, a manta may somersault through it. While feeding, mantas flatten their cephalic fins to channel food into their mouths and the", "id": "5683420" }, { "contents": "List of threatened rays\n\n\none of the highest brain-to-body mass ratios of all fish. Manta populations suffer when they are caught as bycatch by fishermen fishing for other species, but fisheries which target manta rays are even more harmful. Manta rays use their gills to filter plankton from the sea. Demand for their dried gill rakers, cartilaginous structures protecting the gills, has been growing in traditional Chinese medicine practices. The market is \"bogus\" since dried manta gills have never been used historically in Chinese medicine, and there is no evidence", "id": "17855652" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nM. birostris\" also has enlarged teeth on the upper jaw. Unlike \"M. alfredi\", \"M. birostris\" has a caudal spine near its dorsal fin. Mantas move through the water by the wing-like movements of their pectoral fins, which drive water backwards. Their large mouths are rectangular, and face forward as opposed to other ray and skate species with downward-facing mouths. The spiracles typical of rays are vestigial, and mantas must swim continuously to keep oxygenated water passing over their gills. The cephalic fins", "id": "5683411" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\nestablish and promote global manta ray conservation\". As a result of manta rays' fragile biological composition, guidelines to protect the health of the manta rays at this dive have been set forth by The Ocean Recreation council of Hawaii and PADI's Project AWARE. The guidelines are strictly enforced by dive operations that conduct this dive. Several dive shops in Kailua-Kona and offer one-tank or two-tank dives. Most dive trips depart from Honokohau harbor, which is only a short trip to the dive site. Manta", "id": "13174130" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nfew natural predators which can be fatal to it. Only big sharks, as for example the tiger shark (\"Galeocerdo cuvier\"), the great hammerhead shark (\"Sphyrna mokarran\") or the bull shark (\"Carcharhinus leucas\"), and also the false killer whale (\"Pseudorca crassidens\") and the killer whale (\"Orcinus orca\") are known to kill and eat mantas. The reef manta ray may escape an attack, leaving it with a part of the wing missing. The reef manta", "id": "15908985" }, { "contents": "Manta Matcher\n\n\nManta Matcher is a global online database for manta rays. It is one of the Wildbook Web applications developed by Wild Me, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization in the United States, and was created in partnership with Dr. Andrea Marshall of the Marine Megafauna Foundation. Manta rays have unique spot patterning on their undersides, which allows for individual identification. Scuba divers around the world can photograph mantas and upload their manta identification photographs to the Manta Matcher website, supporting global research and conservation efforts. Manta Matcher is a", "id": "7912503" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nfor mantas existed in the state but migratory fish that pass the islands are now protected. In 2010, Ecuador introduced a law prohibiting all fishing for manta and other rays, their retention as bycatch and their sale. The ancient Peruvian Moche people worshipped the sea and its animals. Their art often depicts manta rays. Historically, mantas were feared for their size and power. Sailors believed that they were dangerous to humans and could sink boats by pulling on the anchors. This attitude changed around 1978, when divers around the Gulf", "id": "5683434" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nManta rays are large rays belonging to the genus \"Manta\". The larger species, \"M. birostris\", reaches in width, while the smaller, \"M. alfredi\", reaches . Both have triangular pectoral fins, horn-shaped cephalic fins and large, forward-facing mouths. They are classified among the Myliobatiformes (stingrays and relatives) and are placed in the family Myliobatidae (eagle rays). Mantas are found in warm temperate, subtropical and tropical waters. Both species are pelagic; \"M. birostris\"", "id": "5683398" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nwith usually two lighter areas on top of the head, looking like a nuanced gradient of its dark dominating back coloration and whitish to greyish, the longitudinal separation between these two lighter areas forms a kind of “Y”. While for the oceanic manta ray, the dorsal surface is deep dark and the two white areas are well marked without gradient effect. The line of separation between these two white areas form meanwhile a \"T\". Difference can also been made by their ventral coloration, the reef manta ray has a", "id": "15908980" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\na more resident and coastal species. Seasonal migrations do occur, but they are shorter than those of \"M. birostris\". Mantas are common around coasts from spring to fall, but travel further offshore during the winter. They keep close to the surface and in shallow water in daytime, while at night they swim at greater depths. The greatest threat to manta rays is overfishing. \"M. birostris\" is not evenly distributed over the oceans, but is concentrated in areas that provide the food resources it requires, while \"", "id": "5683425" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nflush oxygen-rich water over their gills, they are vulnerable to entanglement and subsequent suffocation. Mantas cannot swim backwards, and because of their protruding cephalic fins, are prone to entanglement in fishing lines, nets, ghost nets, and even loose mooring lines. When snared, mantas often attempt to free themselves by somersaulting, tangling themselves further. Loose, trailing line can wrap around and cut its way into its flesh, resulting in irreversible injury. Similarly, mantas become entangled in gill nets designed for smaller fish.", "id": "5683429" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nThe giant oceanic manta ray (\"Mobula birostris\") is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae, and the largest type of ray in the world. They are circumglobal and are typically found in tropical and subtropical waters, but can also be found in temperate waters. Until 2017, giant mantas were classified in the genus \"Manta\", along with the smaller reef manta (\"Mobula alfredi\"). DNA testing revealed that both species are more closely related to rays of the genus \"Mobula\" than previously", "id": "15908956" }, { "contents": "Mobulidae\n\n\nThe Mobulidae (manta rays and devilfishes) are a family of rays consisting mostly of large species living in the open ocean rather than on the sea bottom. The Mobulidae have been variously considered a subfamily of the Myliobatidae by some authors, and a distinct family by others, but recent work favors the latter. Two genera have been traditionally recognized, \"Manta\" and \"Mobula\", but recent DNA analysis shows that \"Mobula\" as traditionally recognized is paraphyletic with respect to manta rays, making \"Manta\" a junior", "id": "6413887" }, { "contents": "Cahuamanta\n\n\nCaguamanta is a typical Mexican seafood dish made with manta ray and shrimp. It is usually prepared as soup, containing manta ray, shrimp and vegetables. It also can be prepared as tacos. When the broth is served alone, it is called \"bichi\" taken from the Yaqui language word that means \"naked.\" Originally, the main ingredient was sea turtle (caguama), but due to it being placed on the endangered species list its hunting has been outlawed. Since then, manta ray and shrimp have become", "id": "1575584" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nnuanced gradient of its dark dominating back coloration and whitish to greyish, the longitudinal separation between these two lighter areas forms a kind of \"Y\". While for the oceanic manta ray, the dorsal surface is deep dark and the two white areas are well marked without gradient effect. The line of separation between these two white areas form meanwhile a \"T\". Difference can also be made by their ventral coloration, the reef manta ray has a white belly with often spots between the branchial gill slits and other spots spread", "id": "15908961" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nThe reef manta ray (\"Mobula alfredi\") is a species of ray in the family Mobulidae, one of the largest rays in the world. Among generally recognized species, it is the second-largest species of ray, only surpassed by the giant oceanic manta ray (a currently unrecognized species from the Caribbean region also appears to be larger than the reef manta ray). The species was described in 1868 by Gerard Krefft, the director of the Australian Museum. He named it \"M. alfredi\" in honor of", "id": "15908974" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nat high tide. It does not rest on the seabed as do many flat fish, as it needs to swim continuously to channel water over its gills for respiration. Males become sexually mature when their disc width is about , while females need to be about wide to breed. When a female is becoming receptive, one or several males may swim along behind her in a \"train\". During copulation, one of the males grips the female's pectoral fin with his teeth and they continue to swim with their ventral surfaces", "id": "15908967" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nwater in order to catch zooplankton. Research indicates that mantas probably may live to at least 50 years old. The reef manta ray, as the oceanic manta ray, is ovoviviparous. After mating, the fertilized eggs develop within the female's oviduct. At first, they are enclosed in an egg case and the developing embryos feeds on the yolk. After the egg hatches, the pup remains in the oviduct and receives nourishment from a milky secretion. As it does not have a placental connection with its mother, the pup", "id": "15908983" }, { "contents": "Andrea Marshall\n\n\nAndrea Marshall is a marine biologist known for her research into manta rays, and a founder of the Marine Megafauna Foundation. She was the subject of the Natural World documentary \"Andrea: Queen of Mantas\". She completed her PhD on manta rays in 2008 and now works at the Manta Ray & Whale Shark Research Center at Tofo Beach, Mozambique, where she also lives. She is credited with the inclusion of manta rays in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITIES). She", "id": "15383908" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nresides in its 23,848-m (6,300,000-US gal) \"Ocean Voyager\" exhibit. A second manta ray joined that aquarium's collection in September 2009 and a third was added in 2010. The Atlantis resort on Paradise Island, Bahamas, hosted a manta named \"Zeus\" that was used as a research subject for 3 years until it was released in 2008. The Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium also houses manta rays in the \"Kuroshio Sea\" tank, one of the largest aquarium tanks in the world. The first manta ray birth in captivity", "id": "5683436" }, { "contents": "The Manta Rays of Time\n\n\nThe Manta Rays of Time is Bill Callahan's fourth EP released under his Smog moniker. It was released in Australia only on Spunk Records in 2000. \"Real Live Dress\" later appeared on the 2002 rarities compilation \"\", while the remaining two tracks on the EP are exclusive to this release. Real Live Dress features elements from Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot. When questioned on the use of these elements Bill said he thinks the lines are \"pure and true\" and that he included them", "id": "10102694" }, { "contents": "Mobula\n\n\n, or simply \"flying rays\", due to their propensity for breaching, sometimes in a spectacular manner. Depending on the exact species, the devil rays can attain widths up to , the largest being second only to the manta rays in size, which can reach . Despite their size, little is known about the devil rays, much of it being from anecdotal accounts, whereas the manta rays are better known. Most species entirely lack a tail stinger. In most species having a stinger, it is encased, rendering", "id": "18399389" }, { "contents": "Nusa Penida\n\n\nand-down-currents. Then, Manta Point is a limestone rock off Pandan cafe. The swell is relatively strong. A bay frequented by tourist boats because it is a known location for spotting and swimming with Manta Rays. Crystal Bay is located on the west side of Nusa Penida. The bay is a popular tourist destination. The beach is jotted by lonely palm trees. One can rent umbrellas, chairs, snorkel gear, and light refreshments. Just outside the bay there is a big rock, a small island", "id": "9365158" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nsmall particles are collected by the tissue between the gill arches. As many as 50 individual fish may gather at a single, plankton-rich feeding site. Tests have shown that around 27 percent the diet of \"M. birostris\" is from the surface while around 73 percent is at deeper depths. Mantas are themselves preyed upon by large sharks and by killer whales. They may also be bitten by cookiecutter sharks, and harbor parasitic copepods. Mantas visit cleaning stations on coral reefs for the removal of external parasites. The ray", "id": "5683421" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nin the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific, but with a few records from the tropical East Atlantic and none from the West Atlantic or East Pacific. Compared to the giant oceanic manta ray, the reef manta ray tends to be found in shallower, more coastal habitats, but local migrations are sometimes reported. \"Mobula birostris\" is similar in appearance to \"Mobula alfredi\" and the two species may be confused as their distribution overlaps. However, there are distinguishing features. The reef manta ray can grow to a disc", "id": "15908976" }, { "contents": "Manta Trust\n\n\nThe Manta Trust is a UK-based charity that was formed in 2011 to co-ordinate global research and conservation efforts for manta rays, their close relatives and their habitat. As charismatic megafauna, manta rays act as a flagship species, helping to promote and engage the general public in the wider message of marine ecosystem conservation. Through this top down approach to conservation the manta ray becomes the catalyst for change, engaging and motivating the general public, governments and local communities alike. A UK Registered Charity, the Trust brings", "id": "1999975" }, { "contents": "Manta Trust\n\n\nin the Maldives. In March 2013, Manta Trust helped secure protection for both manta ray species with approval for listing in CITES Appendix II. In November 2014, Manta Trust played in key role, along with several NGOs and other groups, in proposing and subsequently succeeding in getting new protective legislation granted to 21 species of sharks, rays and sawfishes by the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals. In October 2016, the Manta Trust played a key role in a proposal for listing mobula rays on Appendix II", "id": "1999977" }, { "contents": "Cownose ray\n\n\nstingray due to the very close relation to both sharks and skates. These rays also belong to the order Myliobatiformes, a group that is shared by bat rays, manta rays, and eagle rays. \"Rhinoptera bonasus,\" comes from the Greek derivation of the word parts. \"rhinos\"- nose \"pteron\"- wing \"bonasos\"- bison Cownose rays breed from June through October. A large school of cownose rays gather of varying ages and sexes in shallow waters. A female will swim with the edges of her pectoral fins sticking out of", "id": "4226986" }, { "contents": "ES (Eternal Sabbath)\n\n\nscaring her \"omiai\" (speed-dating) partners away by speaking about the exact kind of thing you're not supposed to speak about when dating someone - the reason why alpha lions eat lion cubs, ray mantas' mysterious and exciting way of procreating, that sort of things. She isn't quite the regular woman you meet every day - though she could be called a beauty if you look closely, she is more the type of woman who's talking, when not screaming to herself. She is qualified by", "id": "3097990" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nof their diet is based on filter feeding, consuming large quantities of zooplankton in the form of shrimp, krill, and planktonic crabs. An individual manta may eat about 13% of its body weight each week. When foraging, it usually swims slowly around its prey, herding the planktonic creatures into a tight group before speeding through the bunched-up organisms with its mouth open wide. While feeding, the cephalic fins are spread to channel the prey into its mouth and the small particles are sifted from the water by the", "id": "15908965" }, { "contents": "List of threatened rays\n\n\nthousand of these were being sold in the country's fish markets each year. In 2011, manta rays became strictly protected in international waters thanks to their recent inclusion in the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The CMS is an international treaty organization concerned with conserving migratory species and habitats on a global scale. Although individual nations were already protecting manta rays, the fish often migrate through unregulated waters, putting them at increased risk from overfishing. In 2013, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) listed", "id": "17855654" }, { "contents": "Sphyraena viridensis\n\n\nand an instance of them actively swimming towards a manta ray \"Mobula tarapacana\". In the Azores juveniles of \"Sphyraena viridensis\" are preyed upon by the lizard fish \"Synodus saurus\", this predation shows that there is an overlap in habitat between the juvenile barracudas and the lizard fish which occur in sheltered, very enclosed bays with sandy substrates. \"Sphyraena viridensis\" is landed in small quantities in the eastern Mediterranean by fishermen using in trammel-nets and beach-seines. It has been reported from markets in Turkey", "id": "9344749" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nfamily Myliobatidae, where it is grouped in the subfamily Mobulinae along with the \"Mobula\" devil rays. In 2017, an analysis of DNA, and to a lesser degree, morphology, found that \"Mobula\" was paraphyletic with respect to the manta rays, and they recommended treating \"Manta\" as a junior synonym of \"Mobula\". Mantas evolved from bottom-dwelling stingrays, eventually developing more wing-like pectoral fins. \"M. birostris\" still has a vestigial remnant of a sting barb in the form of", "id": "5683402" }, { "contents": "Batoid locomotion\n\n\n(rays) and the Rajiformes (skates). The two other orders: Rhinopristiformes and Torpediniformes exhibit a greater degree of body caudal fin swimming. br Mobuliform swimming is common in pelagic Myliobatiformes species such as manta rays and is characterized by a flapping motion of the pectoral fins. It is very similar in appearance to flight in birds. Batoids that utilize mobuliform swimming can be identified by their high aspect ratios, thicker pectoral fins that taper to a point and a lateral profile that resembles a hydrofoil. They are highly efficient open", "id": "14533511" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nBesides these international initiatives, some countries are taking their own actions. New Zealand has banned the taking of manta rays since the introduction of the Wildlife Act in 1953. In June 1995, the Maldives banned the export of all ray species and their body parts, effectively putting a stop to manta fishing, as there had not previously been a fishery for local consumption. The government reinforced this in 2009 with the introduction of two marine protected areas. In the Philippines, the taking of mantas was banned in 1998, but this", "id": "5683432" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nwas overturned in 1999 under pressure from local fishermen. Fish stocks were surveyed in 2002, and the ban was reintroduced. The taking or killing of mantas in Mexican waters was prohibited in 2007. This ban may not be strictly enforced, but laws are being more rigidly applied at Isla Holbox, an island off the Yucatán Peninsula, where manta rays are used to attract tourists. In 2009, Hawaii became the first of the United States to introduce a ban on the killing or capturing of manta rays. Previously, no fishery", "id": "5683433" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nobserved in several often-visited regions such as Hawaii, Fiji, French Polynesia, Micronesia, Bali, Komodo, Maldives, Mozambique, Australia and the Philippines. It is primarily found in coastal regions. Reef manta rays live in a more or less identical wide area with the possibility of short migration to follow the zooplankton. They therefore have a relatively sedentary behavior with precise areas for cleaning and feeding still within close proximity of coasts, reefs or islands. The reef manta ray has a pelagic lifestyle and feeds by filtering sea", "id": "15908982" }, { "contents": "Mobula\n\n\nMobula is a genus of rays in the family Mobulidae found worldwide in tropical and warm, temperate seas. Some authorities consider this to be a subfamily of the Myliobatidae (eagle rays). Their appearance is similar to that of manta rays, which are in the same family, and based on genetic and morphological evidence, the mantas belong in \"Mobula\" (they are traditionally in their own genus \"Manta\"). Species of this genus are often collectively referred to as \"devil rays\", \"flying mobula\"", "id": "18399388" }, { "contents": "List of threatened rays\n\n\ncannot recover as rapidly as many faster growing fish can if their populations are depleted. As with sharks, rays are increasingly becoming vulnerable because of commercial and recreational fishing pressures, the impact of non-ray fisheries on the seabed and ray prey species, and other habitat alterations such as damage and loss from coastal development and marine pollution. Most particularly, the continuing decline of threatened rays and sharks is the consequence of unregulated fishing. Manta rays are largest rays in the world, with wingspans reaching 7 metres. They have", "id": "17855651" }, { "contents": "Diving in the Maldives\n\n\n. The site is named for the abundance of manta rays seen here (Madi means manta ray in Dhivehi) during the northeast monsoon season. Depths at Hukrueli Faru range from 25 feet to almost 100 feet. Manta rays are attracted to Hukrueli Faru because of the strong currents that form a whirlpool effect in the deeper parts of the site, where they can hover over the currents. The mantas are also attracted to the several cleaning stations located around Hukrueli Faru. Kudarah Thila Declared a “Protected Marine Area” by the Maldivian", "id": "12906522" }, { "contents": "Animal locomotion\n\n\nthe remora can then attach to other animals. The remora's lower jaw projects beyond the upper, and the animal lacks a swim bladder. Some remoras associate primarily with specific host species. They are commonly found attached to sharks, manta rays, whales, turtles, and dugongs. Smaller remoras also fasten onto fish such as tuna and swordfish, and some small remoras travel in the mouths or gills of large manta rays, ocean sunfish, swordfish, and sailfish. The remora benefits by using the host as transport and protection", "id": "10716626" }, { "contents": "Tofo\n\n\nTofinho\"\" (\"Little Tofo\"), a 10-minute drive out of town with scenic views. Tofo's tourist industry is built around its exceptional opportunities to see manta rays and whale sharks which are permanently resident in these waters. Diving centers run snorkeling trips to swim with the whale sharks and diving trips to see the manta rays (these dives are below 20 metres). Tofo is not otherwise a good location for those who wish to snorkel to see coral reefs and fish as these are too deep. A resident", "id": "16997425" }, { "contents": "Reef manta ray\n\n\nrelies on buccal pumping to obtain oxygen. The brood size is usually one but occasionally two embryos develop simultaneously. The gestation period is thought to be 12–13 months. When fully developed, the pup is in disc width, weighs and resembles an adult. It is expelled from the oviduct, usually near the coast, and it remains in a shallow-water environment for a few years while it grows. Because of its large size and velocity in case of danger ( escape speed), the reef manta ray therefore has very", "id": "15908984" }, { "contents": "Black Manta\n\n\nspeargun on the right arm, a harpoon, deployable miniaturized torpedoes, and a diving helmet that can discharge powerful optic blasts from the eye lenses. Black Manta often uses unique vehicles, such as a modified manta ray-shaped submarine, for traveling underwater. At one point, Black Manta was transformed by the demon Neron into a human-manta ray hybrid in exchange for his soul, which allowed him to breathe underwater without the use of his suit. This transformation has since been undone by Aquaman. For a brief time", "id": "3637868" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nSome mantas are injured by collision with boats, especially in areas where they congregate and are easily observed. Other threats or factors that may affect manta numbers are climate change, tourism, pollution from oil spills, and the ingestion of microplastics. In 2011, mantas became strictly protected in international waters because of their inclusion in the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals. The CMS is an international treaty organization concerned with conserving migratory species and habitats on a global scale. Although individual nations were already protecting manta rays, the fish", "id": "5683430" }, { "contents": "Aldo Ray\n\n\nalong as it is today because if that had been the case I wouldn't have been married. Three women in my life utterly destroyed me.\" In 1979, Ray appeared in a pornographic movie, \"Sweet Savage\", in a non-sexual role. Ray said later: I wanted, I guess, to see what it was all about--a kind of half-assed adventure, you know? It was also a kind of vacation for me in a bad time--a nice location in Arizona--", "id": "16672317" }, { "contents": "Opel Manta\n\n\nIt took its name, and a few minor styling cues, from the Manta Ray concept car (1961), which also famously influenced the 1968 Chevrolet Corvette C3 (both Chevrolet and Opel have General Motors as their parent company). In the UK market, the first Manta was sold only as an Opel: there was no Vauxhall-branded Manta (or Ascona) until after the launch, in 1975, of the Manta B1 and Ascona B as the Mark 1 Cavalier coupe and sports hatch (Manta) and saloon", "id": "17736856" }, { "contents": "Racing Extinction\n\n\n. The film deals with the illegal wildlife trade, including the filmmakers exposing a whale meat restaurant in the US (on the same day Louie Psihoyos was originally planning to collect his Academy Award for \"The Cove\") and covert undercover investigations of the shark fin and Manta ray gill trade in Hong Kong and mainland China for traditional medicines. The film also documents successful efforts to include manta rays on the CITES Appendix II list of protected species, thus stopping the village of Lamakera on Solor in Indonesia from killing them to supply", "id": "1467976" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\n\"Sphyrna mokarran\"), the bullshark (\"Carcharhinus leucas\"), the false killer whale (\"Pseudora crassidens\"), and the killer whale (\"Orcinus orca\"), are capable of preying on the ray. Nonlethal shark bites are very common occurrences, with a vast majority of adult individuals bearing the scars of at least one attack. The oceanic manta ray is considered to be vulnerable by the IUCN’s Red List of Endangered Species because its population has decreased drastically over the last twenty years due to", "id": "15908971" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nthe same cleaning station or feeding area repeatedly and appear to have cognitive maps of their environment. In 2016, scientists published a study in which manta rays were shown to exhibit behavior associated with self-awareness. In a modified mirror test, the individuals engaged in contingency checking and unusual self-directed behavior. Mantas are found in tropical and subtropical waters in all the world's major oceans, and also venture into temperate seas. The furthest from the equator they have been recorded is North Carolina in the United States (31", "id": "5683423" }, { "contents": "Batoid locomotion\n\n\nwhile benthic ones are efficient at lower speeds. Many Benthic rays have adapted to be incredibly stealthy, they have a low profile and create very little disturbance when they move. They have the potential to generate large thrust; this is what allows giant manta rays to completely clear the surface of the water. The variations in performance capabilities of each species lead to the development of a variety of different biomimetic automated underwater vehicles (BAUVs). There are a multitude of designs based on pelagic and benthic batoids, there are even some", "id": "14533521" }, { "contents": "Great white shark\n\n\nCetorhinus maximus\") and the giant manta ray (\"Manta birostris\"), in that order, are on average larger and heavier. These three species are generally quite docile in disposition and given to passively filter-feeding on very small organisms. This makes the great white shark the largest extant macropredatory fish. Great white sharks are at around when born, and grow about each year. According to J. E. Randall, the largest white shark reliably measured was a individual reported from Ledge Point, Western Australia in 1987.", "id": "6686" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\ntissue between the gill arches. As many as 50 individual fish may gather at a single, plankton-rich feeding site.. Research published in 2016 proved about 73% of their diet is mesopelagic (deep water) sources including fish. Earlier assumptions about exclusively filter feeding were based on surface observations. The giant oceanic manta ray sometimes visits a cleaning station on a coral reef, where it adopts a near-stationary position for several minutes while cleaner fish consume bits of loose skin and external parasites. Such visits occur most frequently", "id": "15908966" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nare usually spiraled but flatten during foraging. The fish's gill arches have pallets of pinkish-brown spongy tissue that collect food particles. Mantas track down prey using visual and olfactory senses. They have one of the highest brain-to-body mass ratios and the largest brain size of all fish. Their brains have retia mirabilia which may serve to keep them warm. \"M. alfredi\" has been shown to dive to depths over , while their relative \"Mobula tarapacana\", which has a similar structure, dives to", "id": "5683412" }, { "contents": "Mars Attacks Judge Dredd\n\n\nin IDW's Dredd continuity: \"I tend to think of it as 'Ultimate Dredd,' which means that I can reach into the toybox and pull out elements that have been used in \"2000 AD\" and use them a little differently.\" This meant he could write a younger, \"meaner\" Dredd than he did in \"2000 AD\". At this point in time, the Manta Tank is still a classified prototype, East-Meg One is still intact, and Dredd and Anderson have worked together", "id": "781366" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\nfrom south to north) (1) in front of the Sheraton Kona Resort & Spa at Keauhou Bay (formerly known as the Kona Surf Hotel, the dive spot is called 'Manta Village'), (2) in front of the Kona International Airport at Keahole, Hawaii (also called 'Garden Eel Cove' or 'Manta Heaven'), and (3) between Kawaihae harbor and the Kohala resorts. With the increasing popularity of this dive the conservation and protection of manta rays has become a priority for", "id": "13174128" }, { "contents": "Rachael Ray (talk show)\n\n\njoin her in the kitchen. According to Ray, \"People know me for my love of food, but I have so much more I want to share.\" The set has the audience seated on a large turntable that rotates so that the audience can always see the \"action\" on the circular stage that surrounds them. At the end of each show, with the exception of a few more guests after Ray's cooking segments, Ray's tagline is, \"We'll see you when we see you.\"", "id": "21879668" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nto channel water into the large, forward-pointing, rectangular mouth when the animal is feeding. The teeth are in a band of 18 rows and are restricted to the central part of the lower jaw. The eyes and the spiracles are on the side of the head behind the cephalic fins, and the gill slits are on the ventral (under) surface. It has a small dorsal fin and the tail is long and whip-like. The manta ray does not have a spiny tail as do the closely related", "id": "15908958" }, { "contents": "Hannah Mermaid\n\n\nand Shawn Heinrichs released \"Manta's Last Dance\", a video of Fraser's freedive performance with manta rays, just two weeks prior to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The video, played to CITES delegates, is cited as having contributed to manta rays securing worldwide protected status. She appeared in the TV documentary film \"Great White Shark: Beyond the Cage of Fear\" in 2013, in which she freedived with a mature great white shark while wearing a mermaid tail but notably had no", "id": "10645752" }, { "contents": "James Brown\n\n\nHe's like a grandfather to me.\" In 2003, Brown was the featured attraction of a Washington D.C. fundraiser for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Following the deaths of Ronald Reagan and his friend Ray Charles, Brown said to CNN, \"I'm kind of in an uproar. I love the country and I got – you know I've been around a long time, through many presidents and everything. So after losing Mr. Reagan, who I knew very well, then Mr. Ray Charles, who I worked with", "id": "15697213" }, { "contents": "Manta Ray (song)\n\n\n\"Manta Ray\" is an original song composed by J. Ralph and Anohni and performed by Anohni. The song was released as the lead single from the soundtrack album of 2015 documentary \"Racing Extinction\" written by Anohni. \"Manta Ray\" received critical acclaim and was nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Song at 88th Academy Awards for Anohni and J. Ralph. The lyrics are written and sung by singer Anohni, with the melody and music composed by J. Ralph who also produced the recording. The song was inspired by the", "id": "17872616" }, { "contents": "Joel Moss\n\n\nlot more exciting than a reward. Also, to receive an award in a Broadway category when Broadway, like many things, is in dire straits is kind of daunting.\" Of Moss’s seven Grammy awards, he said the most meaningful was recording Ray Charles for his album \"You Don't Know Me\", recorded in 2004 and released in 2005. \"The Grammy I won, for Ray Charles, was very special, because I was the last person who recorded him. He died a few days later.", "id": "18687231" }, { "contents": "Fish locomotion\n\n\nby undulating their very long fins while keeping the body still, presumably so as not to disturb the electric field that they generate. Many fish swim using combined behavior of their two pectoral fins or both their anal and dorsal fins. Different types of Median paired fin propulsion can be achieved by preferentially using one fin pair over the other, and include rajiform, diodontiform, amiiform, gymnotiform and balistiform modes. Rajiform locomotion is characteristic of rays, skates, and mantas when thrust is produced by vertical undulations along large, well developed", "id": "9341928" }, { "contents": "Black Manta\n\n\nkilled the scientist who had administered the treatment and escaped from Arkham. As an adult, the man who would become Black Manta designed a costume (primarily a black wetsuit with a bug-eyed helmet, that was able to shoot rays from its eyes) and fashioned a high-tech submersible inspired by manta rays. Taking the name Black Manta, he and his masked army became a formidable force, engaging in at least one unrecorded clash with Aquaman prior to his first appearance as a rival to the Ocean Master (and", "id": "3637843" }, { "contents": "Smalleye stingray\n\n\nthe tail base. One of the largest stingray species, the smalleye stingray can reach a disc width of and a total length of . The disc shape of the smalleye stingray suggests that it may swim in a fashion unlike other stingrays and more akin to other rays with very broad pectoral fin discs (such as butterfly or manta rays), i.e., flapping its pectoral fins up and down rather than undulating the pectoral fin margins; this species would thus represent a case of convergent evolution with those ray families. Off Tofo,", "id": "4774367" }, { "contents": "History of baseball team nicknames\n\n\nteam's logo included an illustration of a manta ray, also called a devilfish or devil ray. The team was also called the D-rays or the Rays for short. As of 2007, one version of their home uniforms said \"Rays\", and no version said \"Devil Rays\", although a patch illustrating a manta ray was used. On November 8, 2007, the club announced that they were dropping the \"Devil\" part in order to identify themselves primarily with the rays of the sun, Florida", "id": "7469576" }, { "contents": "Giant oceanic manta ray\n\n\nthe northern Atlantic. In the Southern Hemisphere, it occurs as far south as Peru, Uruguay, South Africa, and New Zealand. It is an ocean-going species and spends most of its life far from land, travelling with the currents and migrating to areas where upwellings of nutrient-rich water increase the availability of zooplankton. The oceanic manta ray is often found in association with offshore oceanic islands. There are few public aquariums with giant manta ray in captivity. For a period Marine Life Park, a part of", "id": "15908963" }, { "contents": "Manta Ray (film)\n\n\nway. French composers Christine Ott and Mathieu Gabry, working as a duet under the name \"Snowdrops\", created an original score for the movie and had been part in the sound design. Thai cutting-room ace Lee Chatametikool was also involved in the project. \"Manta Ray\" is a continuation of Aroonpheng's 2015 short film \"Ferris Wheel\", which also deals with migrant workers and the porous border between Thailand and neighbours. Aroonpheng began his work on \"Manta Ray\" in 2010, consecutively to Mae Sot", "id": "6448246" }, { "contents": "Wrath of the Black Manta\n\n\nfive. The second stage in \"Ninja Cop\" is completely removed from \"Black Manta\". This Japanese exclusive stage also has a floating eyeball boss that isn't in \"Black Manta\". In the final stage of the game there are also a couple alterations. In \"Ninja Cop\", you must take on all of the bosses from the previous levels, where in \"Black Manta\", you only have to take on one of them. The final boss is also completely different in both games. In", "id": "3418426" }, { "contents": "I Know What You Did Last Summer (novel)\n\n\nthey could have been involved. At the Greggs', Ray and Julie use the excuse of car trouble and Megan, David's sister, lets them in. Ray goes into the hallway and pretends to make a call while Julie talks to Megan. She tells Julie that their mother had a breakdown following David's death and was sent to a hospital in Las Lunas, and their father moved there to be close to her. When Ray and Julie leave, Julie tells Ray what she found out. Ray sneaks into the", "id": "12323306" }, { "contents": "Manta (SeaWorld San Diego)\n\n\nin place by the California Coastal Commission. \"Manta's\" four trains each feature manta ray shaped fronts. The 5-car trains each seat riders 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 20 riders per train. There is also elevated seating for the second row of each car. \"Manta\" begins with a 270 degree projected media experience at the first launch. The train rocks forward and backward in synchronization with the projected film of a coral reef and school of rays. The media tunnel and film was produced by Falcon", "id": "8165803" }, { "contents": "Manta ray night dive\n\n\nEel Cove, as well as the Kona Surf Hotel. Located just off the coast of Keahole Point (near the Kona International Airport), it attracts scuba divers for the abundance of manta rays. Its official name is Hoona Bay, at . Other sea life includes garden eels, Hawaiian turkeyfish, and Heller's barracuda. For decades travelers to Hawaii observed manta rays from restaurants and hotels along the coast, such as the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel and the in 2002 closed Kona Surf Hotel. In 1992, dive operators began", "id": "13174126" }, { "contents": "I Know What You Did Last Summer\n\n\nbodies of Helen and Barry in the boat's ice box. Ray regains consciousness and steals a motorboat to rescue Julie. He ultimately uses the rigging to sever Ben's hand and send him overboard. When Julie and Ray are questioned by the police, they deny knowing why Ben attempted to kill them, but they are relieved not to have actually killed anyone the previous summer, and reconcile. A year later, Julie is in college in Boston. As she enters the shower, she notices the words \"I still know", "id": "15662436" }, { "contents": "List of threatened rays\n\n\nboth species of manta rays as CITES Appendix II species. This means that the international trade of manta rays will now be monitored and regulated. Sawfish are a less well known family of rays which have a long rostrum resembling a saw. Some species can reach in length. All species of sawfish are either endangered or critically endangered as a result of habitat destruction and overfishing. Their young stay close to shore, and are particularly affected by coastal developments. Because their rostrum is easily entangled, sawfishes can easily become bycatch in fishing", "id": "17855655" }, { "contents": "List of threatened rays\n\n\nthat the gills have any medicinal value. The flesh is edible and is consumed in some countries, but is tough and unattractive compared to other fish. To fill the growing demand in Asia for gill rakers, targeted fisheries have developed in other parts of the world, including Sri Lanka, Indonesia, West Africa and Central and South America. Each year, thousands of manta rays, primarily the giant manta ray, are being caught and killed purely for their gill rakers. A fisheries study in Sri Lanka estimated that over a", "id": "17855653" }, { "contents": "Manta ray\n\n\nwhile \"M. alfredi\" reaches about . Dorsally, mantas are typically black or dark in color with pale markings on their \"shoulders\". Ventrally, they are usually white or pale with distinctive dark markings by which individual mantas can be recognized. All-black color morphs are known to exist. The skin is covered in mucus which protects it from infection. The two species of manta differ in color patterns, dermal denticles, and dentition. \"M. birostris\" has more angular shoulder markings, larger ventral dark spots on", "id": "5683409" } ]
I love to color my hair every month, its so much fun. Are you interested in coloring your hair too? What would you like to know? I've been thinking of coloring my hair but I can't decide between letting a professional do it, or do it myself. What do you think? Well since most hair coloring is done by a professional hairdresser id go with that but you can always do it at home. It would probably be cheaper if I did! Coloring one's hair is a popular thing to do, isn't it? hair coloring is super popular, I know that over 75% of women and 18% of men dye their hair according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. Wow, that's amazing! I guess noone is happy with their original color! LOL I wonder why so many people color their hair?
[{"answer": "I know right, hair coloring in the US has reached $1.9 billion dollars in 2011 and is actually expected to raise to $2.2 billion by 2020. .", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "439075", "title": "Hair coloring", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 264, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 377, "bleu_score": 0.8466657105524215, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nHair coloring, or hair dyeing, is the practice of changing the hair color. The main reasons for this are cosmetic: to cover gray or white hair, to change to a color regarded as more fashionable or desirable, or to restore the original hair color after it has been discolored by hairdressing processes or sun bleaching. Hair coloring can be done professionally by a hairdresser or independently at home. Today, hair coloring is very popular, with 75% of women and 18% of men living in Copenhagen having reported using", "id": "4824081" }, { "contents": "Woman with Flowered Hat\n\n\nmakes \"Woman with Flowered Hat\" \"the most thoroughly documented of his variations after Picasso\". Discussing the painting with Richard Brown Baker, Lichtenstein commented, There are some changes in this from the Picasso, obviously complete changes all over, but the more obvious ones: I've changed the face-color to the pink dots and the hair-color to the yellow, since all my girls have yellow hair, almost all of them do. And I was curious to see what it would look like with a more", "id": "2372012" }, { "contents": "Hair (musical)\n\n\nHair\" crews also contributed a day's pay, and Butler contributed a day's profits from these productions. Moreover, as Ellen Stewart, La MaMa's founder, noted: \"Hair\" came with blue jeans, comfortable clothing, colors, beautiful colors, sounds, movement. ... And you can go to AT&T and see a secretary today, and she's got on blue jeans. ... You can go anywhere you want, and what \"Hair\" did, it is still doing \"twenty years later\".", "id": "18844625" }, { "contents": "Purple Mark\n\n\nthis color to white, and some hair had fallen across my eyes, so when I opened them, my hair appeared bright green. I thought to myself: 'I'm gonna do that.'\" From 1994 to at least 2007, he worked in the Ballard neighborhood in what was basically an assembly line job at motor oil and fuel additives company Bardahl. Most of his wardrobe is purchased second-hand or made by himself. He brings a variety of techniques to making his own outfits, ranging from dying", "id": "16847072" }, { "contents": "Too Many Humans.....\n\n\nreissued due to the destruction of the original master tapes. The album has been described as violent, misanthropic, noisy, and mean-spirited. Most lyrics mock punk subculture and the social normalities of human life; such as marriage, fashion, and so on. As vocalist Jeff Mentges mentioned in an interview: ...I've always been confused by why what music you listen to would dictate what kind of clothes you wear or what color your hair is. If there's a philosophy in the music you like, you", "id": "4342731" }, { "contents": "Nicki Minaj\n\n\na teenager: \"When I first went to get my hair colored, I was about 14 and I wanted blonde highlights. The beautician said, 'No, you have to get your mother on the phone,' and I was just crying and begging. I've always been experimenting. Cyndi Lauper's videos – that's what intrigued me.\" Minaj has often been referred to as the \"Queen of Rap\", and has been considered to be one of the most influential female rap artists. In 2012,", "id": "14836796" }, { "contents": "Selena Forrest\n\n\nYork Times\" style magazine, \".\" Forrest has spoken out on issues of racial equity in the fashion industry, critiquing designers who don't cast models of color as well as the lack of stylists able to care for black women's hair properly. Speaking to \"The Cut\", Forrest described her sexuality as, \"I love girls. Or, you know what, I just love people. So, that’s what it is. I don’t really categorize it, but if there was a category,", "id": "14712977" }, { "contents": "Hair (Lady Gaga song)\n\n\nalways come down the stairs of my parents' house, and they would say, 'Go back upstairs and brush your hair, change your clothes, you can't go out wearing that', and I felt like it was stifling my identity... My hair was my glory. It was the only thing that I could change about myself.\" Initially \"Hair\" was supposed to be released as the second promotional single from \"Born This Way\", following \"The Edge of Glory\", on May 16,", "id": "2542050" }, { "contents": "Ty Segall (2017 album)\n\n\nColor Queen\" is a love song written for Segall's girlfriend Denée. Upon the album's announcement, Segall noted: \"I've written her many [songs], but I think this is my favorite. I travel around the world for a living and have developed a slight fear of flying. She's one of the things that makes it better for me to travel. Especially when she is with me. She has orange hair, and is my orange color queen. I rarely write songs like this, because", "id": "803694" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nThe Color Fred's Myspace page, Fred said: \"A lot of people have been asking about TCF as well. I still love all the songs I've put out through that so it will continue to be my solo project that I'll do when the new band is on break... if it ever is! But I really feel that if you were ever a fan of the music I've been so lucky to make over the years, you won't be let down by the Terrible Things record. I want", "id": "11087978" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\n, I figure it’s up to the reader to decide. However, I must inform you that Knives was mainly being mean when she said Ramona was fat.\" Her natural hair colour is not stated. O'Malley said \"Nobody knows her natural hair color. Ramona may not even remember. She changes it a lot because she’s trying to figure out who she is / who she wants to be.\" On another occasion, when asked, O'Malley said \"I don’t know… brown? How many natural hair", "id": "11339000" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nhair. Then, part your hair to its usually placement. After that, separate your hair into two parts. Next, apply the dye on a brush rather than directly on your hair and use a sweeping motion to spread the mixture onto the hair. Depending on your hair length, you can choose where you want to start the hair fade. Allow the dye to sit on the hair for at least 25 minutes to get the best results. After you're done, rinse your hair and begin to use color saving", "id": "13290043" }, { "contents": "Ferris Bueller's Day Off\n\n\nthe brilliance of John's deciding that I should sing \"Danke Schoen\" on the float in the parade. I had never heard the song before. I was learning it for the parade scene. So we're doing the shower scene and I thought, 'Well, I can do a little rehearsal.' And I did something with my hair to make that Mohawk. And you know what good directors do: they say, 'Stop! Wait until we roll.' And John put that stuff in.\"", "id": "6104722" }, { "contents": "Eric Carr\n\n\nyou know. Half a cup of vodka in those days was enough to get you drunk.\" However, he has described himself as overall \"a real good kid. I didn't do anything to make trouble.\" Caravello was one of only two students in his high school who had long hair, mostly due to his love of the Beatles. He recalled that \"I used to Dippity-Do my hair down, to make it stay flat. I used to have a Beatles haircut, but my hair's", "id": "9248359" }, { "contents": "Bleach (2018 film)\n\n\nand new fans may enjoy it. He also stated that his only concern was the color of Ichigo's hair, which in the manga and anime is a bright shade of orange. He said, \"If that color is in the live-action movie, it'd be strange, so I wonder what they're going to do!\" Regarding what fans could expect in the live-action adaptation, Sota Fukushi, who will portray Ichigo, stated that the film would feature \"the monstrous Hollows, otherworldly Soul Society", "id": "9647635" }, { "contents": "Red hair\n\n\nof anesthetic. Other research publications have concluded that women with naturally red hair require less of the painkiller pentazocine than do either women of other hair colors or men of any hair color. A study showed women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to that particular pain medication than men. A follow-up study by the same group showed that men and women with red hair had a greater analgesic response to morphine-6-glucuronide. The unexpected relationship of hair color to pain tolerance appears to exist because redheads have a mutation in a hormone", "id": "218562" }, { "contents": "Made in Paris\n\n\nring. Well, here in Paris, she has no chance of getting married so she lets her hair down. She does all the things she's always wanted to do. Plus, a few things that uh, she never thought of.” Mark Fontaine – “Do you know what you really want, Maggie? You want a thrilling evening of 'almost'. Yes, almost romance, almost love, almost sex. Maggie, I told you Paris would give you whatever you were looking for. You've", "id": "8078643" }, { "contents": "Cookie Mueller\n\n\npursue her writing, and in high school hung out with the hippie crowd. One of Mueller's idiosyncrasies as a teen was that she constantly dyed her hair: \"Whenever you're depressed, just change your hair color,\" she [her mother] always told me, years later, when I was a teenager: I was never denied a bottle of hair bleach or dye. In my closet there weren't many clothes, but there were tons of bottles.\" She took a small job at a Baltimore men", "id": "13932615" }, { "contents": "Kim Novak\n\n\n,\" and all the talking in that scene, I just identified with it so much because going to Hollywood as a young girl and suddenly finding they want to make you over totally, it's such a total change and it was like I was always fighting to show some of myself, feeling that I wanted to be there as well. It was like they'd do my hair and go and redo a bunch of things. So I really identified with the fact of someone that was being made over with the resentment", "id": "17715808" }, { "contents": "Believe in Me (Michelle Williams song)\n\n\nBelieve in Me,\" the song she most connects with on her album'. \"People might tell you 'oh my gosh you're great, you have a great calling on your life,' or 'Oh your hair is so pretty today'\" Williams told CP. \"...If I come to you and give you a compliment, it probably should be confirmation of what you already know. I just did not believe, I didn't think I was as good as other people around me.\" Williams", "id": "19209068" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ndiscoloration and unexpected hair color results. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in vitro and in vivo studies (in exposed human populations) have shown that some hair dyes and many chemicals used in the hair dyeing process can be considered mutagenic and carcinogenic. In certain individuals, the use of hair coloring can result in allergic reactions and/or skin irritation. Individuals allergic to gluten for example, will need to be cautious when purchasing hair color since certain hair dye includes gluten. Gluten does not need to", "id": "4824100" }, { "contents": "Titian hair\n\n\nTitian is a tint of red hair, most commonly described as brownish-orange in color. It is often confused with Venetian and auburn. The term originates from Titian, an Italian painter who would often depict women with red hair of this description. Titian has been used as a hair color term in the United States as early as the 1800s, when women were commonly using henna to dye their hair a Titian color. Titian is commonly misused as a synonym for hair colors with similar definitions or hues of color. Titian", "id": "8900956" }, { "contents": "Don't Touch My Hair\n\n\nits release. During the writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" and the creation of the full album, she has posted personal essays on her website, Saint Heron, linking the ideas of these personal essays with messages in the album. One essay that has been linked to the creation and writing of \"Don't Touch My Hair\" would be \"\"And Do You Belong? I Do.\" In this she says “You and your friends have been called the N-word, been approached as prostitutes", "id": "14202426" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nthat developer may be lower than used with a permanent hair color. Since the alkaline agents employed in demi-permanent colors are less effective in removing the natural pigment of hair than ammonia these products provide no lightening of hair's color during dyeing. As the result, they cannot color hair to a lighter shade than it was before dyeing and are less damaging to hair than their permanent counterpart. Demi-permanents are much more effective at covering gray hair than semi-permanents, but less so than permanents. Demi-", "id": "4824090" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nthe chemical nature of hair dye strippers, they are effective on both newly dyed hair and older dye. Note that this type of color correction is ineffective on hair lightened with hydrogen peroxide, as hair bleaching is an irreversible chemical reaction that oxidizes hair's melanin, effectively rendering it colorless. Most color depositing dyes use a weak hydrogen peroxide-based developer, or oxidizing agent, so results may not match natural hair color. It is advisable to follow color removal with a clear color filler before attempting to color hair again because", "id": "7210631" }, { "contents": "John Cooper (musician)\n\n\n, anything with guitars, you couldn't have long hair, you couldn't do this and you couldn't do that. Everything was so lifeless. I know I'd read the Bible and be like...'This isn't what the Bible says. I like the idea of living for Jesus, but I hate the idea of living for you.' Ya know?\" Cooper came from a musical family. His mother was a piano teacher and a singer in the church that he went to. He began singing at", "id": "3203241" }, { "contents": "List of people with synesthesia\n\n\nDecember 18, 2001) Music → color \"Instead of thinking 'Well, how can you hear something that sounds like a feeling?' You can. If you let yourself... I match everything with a color, a number, a day of the week, with a shape... but so every time I create something, I'm already thinking what color is it? what day of the week? what number is it?\" -Billie Eilish Musician and Singer-songwriter (born April 25, 1994) Music →", "id": "1786858" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair dye according to a study by the University of Copenhagen. At-home coloring in the United States reached $1.9 billion in 2011 and is expected to rise to $2.2 billion by 2016. Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian, described in detail how Celtic people dyed their hair blonde: \"Their aspect is terrifying... They are very tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin. Their hair is blond, but not naturally so: they bleach it, to this day, artificially, washing it in", "id": "4824082" }, { "contents": "Azealia Banks\n\n\nterm doesn't come from me! People think I invented it, but I didn't. To be cunty is to be feminine and to be, like, aware of yourself. Nobody's fucking with that inner strength and delicateness. The cunts, the gay men, adore that. My friends would say, 'Oh you need to cunt it up! You're being too banjee.' Banjee means unrefined and rough. You need your cunts: they fix your hair for you and do your makeup. They give", "id": "8049879" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nshampoo and conditioner to keep the results. Dip Dye began with a more extreme look that had neon colors added to the end of the hair. Later it began to transition to colors that have a more natural look. For blondes, many recommend going up to four shades lighter than your natural color. Brunettes and darker hair colors have more of a variety of options to explore such as copper or red. Celebrities play a big role in trendsetting. They provide a variety of styles that you can try to copy or just", "id": "13290044" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nof color fading in the hair. Celebrities like Lea Michelle, Vanessa Hudgens and many more have represented this trend. Dip Dye is similar to the ombre and balayage styles that have a color fade in the hair. These are all ways to color hair without using the highlighting or dyeing processes that use foils. They tend to have more natural looking styles than the highlighting processes. Dip Dyeing hair is a simple task, it can be easily done at home instead of having to go to a salon. There are several steps", "id": "13290041" }, { "contents": "Human\n\n\n: most of the genes do not cluster together and are not inherited together. Skin and hair color are not correlated to height, weight, or athletic ability. Human species do not share the same patterns of variation through geography. Skin color varies with latitude and certain people are tall or have brown hair. There is a statistical correlation between particular features in a population, but different features are not expressed or inherited together. Thus, genes which code for superficial physical traits—such as skin color, hair color, or", "id": "11237591" }, { "contents": "Video Phone (song)\n\n\nwas doing her video with her, she called me and she said, 'What do you want to do?' [...] And I'm like, 'I don't want to show up in some frickin' hair bow and be fashion Gaga in your video.' I said, 'I want to do you.' [...] I want to do my version of Beyoncé. So the whole time I was learning the choreography they were calling me \"Gee\"-yoncé.\" Later, during an interview with", "id": "11987149" }, { "contents": "Dream Life\n\n\nschool and if the character gets good grades, she can get things for her room like a TV or phone. She can get a makeover (which is a choice of hair style, hair color and makeup), develop a crush (and maybe dance with him at a party). She can interact with other people created by the makers of the game at the stations where you can do everything. She can also earn money by doing chores in your house, particularly the kitchen. Another way to earn money is", "id": "5963562" }, { "contents": "Clairol\n\n\nearly as 1956 and during the 1960s, ads for Lady Clairol asked, \"Is it true blondes have more fun?\"; those for Loving Care asked, \"What would your husband do if suddenly you looked ten years younger?\" When the company introduced Nice 'n Easy, the first at-home shampoo-in hair color, women were told, \"The closer he gets, the better you look\". Radiantly Red was advertised with \"Some lucky girls are born red. Others catch up\".", "id": "13572450" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nand artificial will fade the fastest (depending on the color molecules and the form of the dye pigments). Permanent hair color gives the most flexibility because it can make hair lighter or darker as well as changing tone and color, but there are negatives. Constant (monthly or six-weekly) maintenance is essential to match new hair growing in to the rest of the hair, and to remedy fading. A one-color permanent dye creates a flat, uniform color across the whole head, which can look unnatural and", "id": "218639" }, { "contents": "Start a People\n\n\nStart a People is the second studio album by the American psychedelic rock band Black Moth Super Rainbow, released in 2004. It is the band's fifth album if releases under the name Satanstompingcaterpillars are included in the chronology. \"Vietcaterpillar\" and \"I Think It Is Beautiful You Are 256 Colors Too\" are re-recordings of songs from their first album, \"Falling Through a Field\". \"The Primary Color Movement\", \"Sadness in Her Hair\", \"Snail Garden\" and \"From the See\"", "id": "19964658" }, { "contents": "Hair dye stripping\n\n\nHair dye stripping is a process used to rid the hair of unwanted deposited color. Hair dye stripping is a chemical process involving the application of a sulfur-based product to hair in order to remove deposited color. Hair dye strippers raise sulfite levels to make hair more porous and reverse the oxidation of color molecules. This breaks the bonds dyes form between one another and the hair shaft that were formed by oxidizing small hair color intermediates, shrinking the molecules and allowing hair color to be washed out of the hair. Because of", "id": "7210630" }, { "contents": "Color analysis (art)\n\n\nthe hair may be the first thing that strikes the observer's eye (particularly if the hair color is dramatic). Thus, \"even though [one palette of] colors work best for [a particular person's] complexion, the individual may look like another Season because of haircoloring...I call this their secondary Season.\" The color of the hair and eyes serve to heighten the appeal of certain color choices for clothing and makeup, and to rule out certain other choices, but all such choices must be made", "id": "3075811" }, { "contents": "List of Scott Pilgrim characters\n\n\ncolors are there really? She isn’t blonde. Honestly, I never thought about it… her hair color didn’t matter to me. Because I was drawing a black and white comic. Her hair color is whatever u desire~.\" For the new colour editions of Volume 2 he kept Ramona's hair as purple, reserving the blue colour spectrum for Ramona's hair for Volume 4 and onwards. O'Malley said that if Ramona hypothetically broke up with Scott after Volume 6, she would change her hair to a chin-length", "id": "11339001" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nand green dyes. Although some alternative colors are semi-permanent, such as blue and purple, it could take several months to fully wash the color from bleached or pre-lightened hair. There are many ways that people can maintain their hair color, such as: Hair coloring involves the use of chemicals capable of removing, replacing, and/or covering up pigments naturally found inside the hair shaft. Use of these chemicals can result in a range of adverse effects, including temporary skin irritation and allergy, hair breakage, skin", "id": "4824099" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nthe side of turning hair a little too red, in the absence of enough blue, instead of possibly giving the hair a purple or blue tint, in the absence of enough yellow and/or red pigmentation (as might be the case when applied to grey or very light blonde hair). The first way that hot roots can occur involves two separate color applications. Once permanent hair color is applied and subsequent hair growth occurs, the roots of the affected hair can, and usually do, exhibit a noticeably different color from the", "id": "12863612" }, { "contents": "Zoot Money's Big Roll Band\n\n\nKnow\"/\"Big Time Operator\"/\"Hide Nor Hair\"/\"Haunted House\"/\"La La La La La/The 'In' Crowd\"/\"Let's Run For Cover\"/\"Self-Discipline\"/\"Big Time Operator\"/\"Zoot's Sermon\" CD 3: Live At The BBC plus 1964 in the studio - \"Cool Jerk\"/\"Interview\"/\"Big Time Operator\"/\"Barefootin'\"/\"BBC Announcement\"/\"I Can't Turn You Loose\"/\"Interview\"/\"Chauffeur\"/\"Picture Me Gone\"/\"Interview\"/\"Star Of The Show\"/\"Let The Good Times Roll\"/\"Interview\"/\"Something's Worrying Me\"/\"Ain't That Love\"/\"You Don't Know Like I Know\"/\"Interview\"/\"Let's Run For Cover\"/\"People Gonna Talk\"/\"Think\"/\"The Morning After\"/\"It's Been Such A Long Way Home\"/\"You Can't Sit Down\"/\"What Cha Gonna Do?\"/\"The Uncle Willie\"/\"Zoot's Suit(e)\"/\"Gin House\"/\"Rockin", "id": "19809306" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nusually involves brighter neon colors and a less smooth gradient in color than an ombre style, which is typically a more blended and natural coloration. Another similar hair coloring technique that is confusing is balayage because it is so similar to Ombré, but looks like \"growing-out\" highlights. It is common for people to change the color of their hair or even just spice up their look a bit. Dip dye hair is one of the biggest trends of the decade with hairstyles. Many celebrities have been seen with this idea", "id": "13290040" }, { "contents": "You Are Old, Father William\n\n\nWilliam\"\", and she recites. poem \"You are old, Father William,\" the young man said, \"And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head— Do you think, at your age, it is right?\" \"In my youth,\" Father William replied to his son, \"I feared it might injure the brain; But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again.\" \"You are", "id": "20118751" }, { "contents": "Hot roots\n\n\nnatural hair is determined by the melanin present. Generally, the more melanin, the darker the hair. In order for the color of hair to be lightened, a chemical must penetrate the cuticle of the hair, enter the cortex and destroy the melanin. Permanent hair color, bleach and other decolorants can do this to varying degrees. Permanent hair color, unlike bleach and other decolorants, leaves behind an artificial pigment while destroying the natural pigment. This pigment is a mix of the primary colors: blue, red and yellow", "id": "12863609" }, { "contents": "Sad Clowns & Hillbillies\n\n\nI just went 'Wow, these songs are great.' So I went and bought their record. I was a hippie once upon a time. I had [long hair] – it was 1969, 1970, you know, barefoot with a guitar. You people that are old enough probably remember but you young people don't remember, but people used to have parties and you would pass the guitar around and all the guys would play a song. So whenever the guitar came my way I always played 'Early", "id": "12993504" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncause problems later when trying to do a perm or permanent hair color. Some store-bought henna contains metallic salts which reacts to hydrogen peroxide that is used in hair lightening. This may lead to unpredictable results, such as green or blue tones in the hair. Henna is a healthy way to color hair, as long as no metallic salts are used. In 2018, a system for making semi-permanent hair dyes from renewable waste blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) fruit skins from the fruit pressing industry was developed.", "id": "4824112" }, { "contents": "Cole Weston\n\n\nfilms Kodachrome and Ektachrome to Edward because they wanted him to \"photograph Point Lobos in color\" to which Edward responded: \"Well, I don’t know anything about color, but I know Point Lobos better than any man alive\". With the leftover film, Cole began experimenting with the new medium and, in 1957, he created his first color prints of the California coastline. \"I’m a color photographer. That’s what I do. Whether you like it or not, that’s what I do.", "id": "2965300" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\ncolor dyes typically contain only tint and have no developer. This means that they will only create the bright color of the packet if they are applied to light blond hair. Darker hair (medium brown to black) would need to be bleached in order for these pigment applications to take to the hair desirably. Some types of fair hair may also take vivid colors more fully after bleaching. Gold, yellow and orange undertones in hair that has not been lightened enough can muddy the final hair color, especially with pink, blue", "id": "4824098" }, { "contents": "Romeo Void\n\n\nwere considered new wave, but for me Romeo Void was a reaction against the regimentation of everyone having to be bleached blond and everything being about despair and no future, when I thought the do-it-yourself thing should encompass all the different kinds of emotions, and all the different colors. [...] I was proud of being American Indian, so I purposely never bleached my hair blond.\" The band became busy playing shows at clubs and warehouses around San Francisco, and quickly became popular. Saxophonist Benjamin Bossi", "id": "4117120" }, { "contents": "Dead Bang\n\n\n… It’s kind of odd. I don’t really know how to describe it. I don’t know if you know a lot about perms, but if you do them, they relax after about two or three weeks. So my hair goes through these amazing transitions of being really tight and really wavy and sort of goofy-looking. [Laughs.] According to director Frankenheimer, Connie Sellecca was originally chosen for the part that went to Penelope Ann Miller. Johnson refused to work with Sellecca, so she was", "id": "2328320" }, { "contents": "Rodney Bingenheimer's English Disco\n\n\nGold Cup, and Danielle’s, where drag-queen hookers would meet their tricks in the bathroom), or we’d go to Westwood to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show for the millionth time. These places didn’t serve alcohol, so of course they didn’t card you. And you could feel totally at home in your fishnets, heavy makeup, and divinely decadent attitude. I mean, who was going to hassle you over your hair color? A drag queen? Rodney’s English Disco had closed down,", "id": "18571020" }, { "contents": "Alfred Hair\n\n\nthat his art would make him millionaire by the time he was 35 years old. In 1970, Hair was killed in a barroom brawl at age 29 and the prodigious output of the movement's artists began to wane. Hair \"eschew[ed] any formal color theory and rel[ied] on instinct and intuition to depict [a] steady stream of beaches, palm trees and Everglades scenes. Organic colors were not their main focus; they wanted to wow buyers with burnt-orange Florida skies or unnaturally florescent clouds.\" Hair worked", "id": "1733301" }, { "contents": "Barber\n\n\ndo not. Barber license exam fees typically range from $50 to $150. Length—Most states require the same amount of training hours for barbers as they do for cosmetologists. The number of hours required ranges from 800 to 2,000 training hours, depending on the state's licensing requirements. Most programs can be completed in 15 months or fewer. Curriculum—The barber school curriculum consists of hair cutting, coloring and styling for men's hair and women's short hair. Chemical processes such as bleaching, dyeing, lightening", "id": "15975476" }, { "contents": "It's About Time (Christina Milian album)\n\n\nAfter several comparisons to Beyoncé Knowles in regards to appearance, Milian said \"I think she is a lovely artist, very talented but the only reason I changed my color hair is because I was getting bored of my same old look and I wanted to do something different.\" Elysa Gardner of \"USA Today\" found that with Milian's \"slight, sweet vocals and blithe, breezy pop-soul sensibility\", the genre of the album was more pop than R&B. Andy Kellman of Allmusic described \"Dip It Low\"", "id": "10308257" }, { "contents": "Cowboy Take Me Away\n\n\nearly days, when all three women had hair either naturally or dyed blonde. Maines' hair was cropped so short she looked like the country Cyndi Lauper and Martie Seidel with cross-colored braids and locks. Looking back, Robison commented, \"You have three girls, so automatically you get the roll-the-eyes, you know; it's the band that's been put together,\" Robison says. \"And at the time we were all blonde. And, you know, it was just so -", "id": "11013507" }, { "contents": "Nice 'n Easy (hair coloring)\n\n\n” advertising campaign. In the 1950s, just 7% of American women used hair color (or admitted to doing so), at a time when the common belief was that only actresses, models and other women considered promiscuous altered their natural shade. To help change that attitude, Clairol eschewed celebrities in favor of the average woman for its Miss Clairol and Nice ’n Easy hair color campaigns. The idea to buck the trend of that era’s advertising style — which emphasized high glamour rather than girl-next-door", "id": "922178" }, { "contents": "Ebernoe Horn Fair\n\n\non your way, I will not let you ride on my grey mare today, You'd rumple all my muslin and uncurl my hair, And leave me all distrest to be seen at Horn Fair.\" \"O fairest of damsels, how can you say No? With you I do intend to Horn Fair for to go, We'll join the best of company when we do get there, With horns on their heads, boys, the finest at the Fair. They are the finest horns you did ever behold", "id": "15362139" }, { "contents": "Theresa Donovan\n\n\nand young with the curly hair. So they straightened my hair and had me do it again. On the second take, I knew that I had nothing to lose. I had already done a perfect first take, and they told me it wasn't going to get better than that so I could do whatever I wanted. I just did everything out of the box, and that's what got me the job. I mean I took the guy's shirt off in the scene! I told the actor that this", "id": "16740472" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nbut the darker shades in particular may persist longer than indicated on the packet. Semi-permanent hair coloring involves little or no developer, hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, and is thus less damaging to hair strands. The reduced amount of developer, whether peroxide or ammonia, means that hair previously damaged by applying permanent color or permanent reshaping is less likely to be damaged during the color application process. Semi-permanent hair color uses compounds of lower molecular weight than are found in temporary hair color dyes. These dyes penetrate the hair", "id": "4824092" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nin several studies. The final color of each strand of hair will depend on its original color and porosity. Because hair's color and porosity across the head and along the length of a hair strand, there will be subtle variations in shade across the entire head. This gives a more natural-looking result than the solid, all over color of a permanent color. Because gray or white hairs have a different starting color than other hair, they will not appear as the same shade as the rest of the hair when", "id": "4824094" }, { "contents": "Auburn hair\n\n\nbeing reddish. This is in reference to red hair itself, not the color red. Auburn encompasses the color maroon, but so too do chestnut and burgundy. In contrast with the two, auburn is more red in color, while chestnut is more brown, and burgundy is more purple; chestnut hair is also often referred to as \"chestnut-brown\". The word \"auburn\" comes from the Old French word \"alborne\", which meant blond, coming from Latin word \"alburnus\" (\"off-", "id": "11952791" }, { "contents": "Cher... Special\n\n\n\"Momma, I'm still here. I've got the same hair, the same bumpy nose and vampire teeth. But you were right, I feel better about myself now\". Then Cher's nine-year-old daughter Chastity asks, \"Mom, have you been into my records again?\" Cher says, \"my children Chastity and Elijah both have blonde hair. I guess they don't have the advantages of having black hair, but nobody told them it was going to be easy.\" Then", "id": "1398070" }, { "contents": "Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier\n\n\ncolor of their puppy coat before it eventually grows out to the wheat color. It may also come out to a molten chocolate color, either white or milky colored fur . The Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier is a medium-sized dog, which ranges on average from in height and about in weight. The breed has a square structure and is well built. Their soft, silky hair does not shed like most dogs; like human hair and Poodle hair, it keeps growing; they do need trimming and should be brushed", "id": "12893964" }, { "contents": "The Color Fred\n\n\nto thank you guys especially for supporting me all these years and especially during the last 2 years while I was rebuilding and rethinking everything about what I do. It really helped to have my TCF fans when things got hard. I won't let you guys down -Fred\" In 2012, Fred toured as The Color Fred for the Super Karate Tour On January 29, 2019, a new website for The Color Fred went online, announcing that Fred was in the studio recording new material for the band. On May 1,", "id": "11087979" }, { "contents": "Piece of Me (Britney Spears song)\n\n\nwith what was going on. Not being over-the-top sarcastic, but ... having a laugh at everything that was going on around her, with confidence. [...] The very last dance of the piece, she had her hair up, and I go, 'Can you just do one for me with your hair down?' She dropped her hair down. You'll see we intercut with her hair up and her hair down. That was the last piece. She just rocked it from her heart", "id": "7773191" }, { "contents": "Blonde versus brunette rivalry\n\n\nblonde. Many news organizations covered the story as evidence that blondes were not preferred over brunettes. In March 2016 a study by the Ohio State University was published in the \"Economics Bulletin\". According to Jay Zagorsky, author of the study, the results show that: \"the average IQ of blondes was actually slightly higher than those with other hair colors, but that finding isn’t statistically significant.\" He adds:\"I don’t think you can say with certainty that blondes are smarter than others, but you can definitely say", "id": "6098406" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\n, but most Africans retain their original hair color until their mid-40s. Graying is a gradual process; according to a study by L'Oreal, overall, of those between 45 and 65 years old, 74% had some grey hair, covering an average of 27% of their head, and approximately 1 in 10 people had no gray hairs even after the age of 60. Children born with some hair colors may find it gradually darkens as they grow. Many blond, light brown, or red haired infants experience this. This", "id": "218627" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nplaster coffins). Hair color can be changed by a chemical process. Hair coloring is classed as \"permanent\" or \"semi-permanent\". Permanent hair color means that the hair's structure has been chemically altered until it is eventually cut away. This does not mean that the synthetic color will remain permanently. During the process, the natural color is removed, one or more shades, and synthetic color has been put in its place. All pigments wash out of the cuticle. Natural color stays in much longer", "id": "218638" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\n. Indigo is natural dye from a plant (Indigofera tinctoria, suffructicosa, or arrecta) that can be added to henna or layered on top of it to create brown to black colors in the hair. Henna is orange, and indigo is blue, so as complementaries on a standard color wheel, the two colors' combined effect is to create brown tones. Like henna, indigo may fade after one application, but it becomes permanent on the hair with repeated use. Using a plant-based color such as henna can", "id": "4824111" }, { "contents": "Cindy Blackman Santana\n\n\nto do what I'm going to do musically anyway.\" However Blackman draws on the role models of her mother who played violin in an orchestra and her grandmother who was a classical pianist and does not let stereotypes deter her. \"God forbid I should be limited to only play my drums in my basement; but if that's all I had, that's what I would do\", says Blackman. \"Any woman, or anyone facing race prejudice, weight prejudice, hair prejudice ... if you let somebody stop", "id": "8155268" }, { "contents": "Purple Mark\n\n\nMark Wirth, better known as Purple Mark, is a Seattle, Washington resident, \"fashion notable\" who has become locally famous, especially around the Capitol Hill neighborhood where he lives, for his colorful attire and his equally colorful dyed hair and beard. He has been quoted as saying, \"So many people are against color, so many people are afraid to live.\" Purple Mark usually dresses and dyes his hair, beard and other hair on his body, such as on his eyebrows and arm-hair,", "id": "16847069" }, { "contents": "Dip dye\n\n\nfor the at-home process. L'Oreal provides a process that you can follow. An important step of the Dip Dye process is to make sure your hair is healthy and hydrated. Healthy hair will allow it to absorb the color which will lead to longer lasting results. If the hair is not healthy, it is important to switch shampoos and conditioners for several weeks before starting the process. The first step is to wear clothes that can be ruined. Brush your hair out nice and thoroughly to remove any knots in your", "id": "13290042" }, { "contents": "Color field\n\n\nWilkin curated an exhibition called \"Color As Field:American Painting 1950–1975\" that traveled to several museums throughout the United States. The exhibition showcased several artists representing two generations of Color Field painters. In 1970 painter Jules Olitski said: I don't know what Color Field painting means. I think it was probably invented by some critic, which is okay, but I don't think the phrase means anything. Color Field painting? I mean, what is color? Painting has to do with a lot of things. Color", "id": "13309059" }, { "contents": "Tatjana Patitz\n\n\n.\" Her versatility was exemplified by the changing of her hair color and style with each passing year during the late 1980s, from short-haired brunette to tawny mane to long and blond. For an April 1989 editorial titled \"Earthly Powers\" in British \"Vogue\", hair stylist Didier Malige cut and restyled Patitz's foot-long blonde hair into a cropped shag just above her shoulders. \"Once I cut my hair - I cried for two months,\" Patitz told Esquire magazine. \"People said, '", "id": "3255553" }, { "contents": "Ogden Pleissner\n\n\nasked me why I didn’t paint watercolors. I said I don’t know how, and he said all you have to do is keep your board a little slanted so when you wash the color onto the paper it runs downhill. That I was my only lesson in watercolor.” “It’s hard to say whether I have a favorite place to paint. There are many fascinating places in Europe and there’s so much right here in this country. . . Whether it’s Vermont, Normandy, or Paris,", "id": "2780956" }, { "contents": "Hair (musical)\n\n\n\"My idea was to make a total funk show. They said they wanted rock & roll – but to me that translated to 'funk.'\" That funk is evident throughout the score, notably in songs like \"Colored Spade\" and \"Walking in Space\". MacDermot has claimed that the songs \"can't all be the same. You've got to get different styles. ... I like to think they're all a little different.\" As such, the music in \"Hair\" runs the gamut", "id": "18844551" }, { "contents": "The Strawberry Blonde\n\n\nWestmore memoed Wallis: \"Her head is so large and she has so much hair that it will practically be impossible to put a wig on her. Whatever color you decide on, she will be happy to have it made that color. Then at the end of the picture, we will dye it back to its natural color.\" This film marked the first time Hayworth was seen as a redhead and the first and only time in her career that audiences heard her real singing voice. The shooting of \"Strawberry Blonde", "id": "6240229" }, { "contents": "Rose Nylund\n\n\nlive with a couple of bitches myself.\" Rose's hair color is debated from time to time. She claims it is her natural color, but several characters comment that it is a result of cheap hair dye. In one episode, Rose claims that she never lies, but abruptly leaves the room when Dorothy asks what her natural hair color is. On another occasion, Sophia remarks that Rose is known as a dumb blonde. Another time, while Blanche is discussing her hair's \"natural hue\", Rose says", "id": "10150270" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nproduct, \"Poly Color\". Hair dyeing is now a multibillion-dollar industry that involves the use of both plant-derived and synthetic dyes. Hair color was traditionally applied to the hair as one overall color. The modern trend is to use several colors to produce streaks or gradations, but not all work on top of a single base color. These are referred to as: There are also newer coloring techniques such as ombré, in which hair is dark on the crown and bit by bit becomes lighter toward the", "id": "4824086" }, { "contents": "Toyah Willcox\n\n\nI'm not going to wear a wig, I'll just go with my red hair'. And I walk in and George Cukor said: 'would you like to take your hat off?' (laughter) and my hair was quite short back then and it was – it looked like feathers. And his face went ashen as to think: 'oh, what have done, this is absolutely terrible!' And he brought me in to see Katharine, and he said: 'Katharine, this girl has", "id": "21947150" }, { "contents": "One Hundred and One Dalmatians\n\n\nI've ever had a chance to work with. A voice like Betty Lou's gives you something to do. You get a performance going there, and if you don't take advantage of it, you're off your rocker.\" While her hair coloring originated from the illustrations in the novel, Davis found its disheveled style by looking \"through old magazines for hairdos from 1940 till now.\" Her coat was exaggerated to match her oversized personality, and the lining was red because \"there's a devil image involved", "id": "12039869" }, { "contents": "Sabino horse\n\n\neven among breeds that do not have true roans, such as Thoroughbreds and Arabians. Gray horses undergo progressive silvering that begins at or shortly following birth. Young gray horses often exhibit a mixture of whitish and colored hairs which can be mistaken for roaning. Grays develop more and more white hairs over the course of several years, most eventually losing all or almost all of their original colored hair. Sabino markings are permanent, and while some changes are not out of the ordinary, drastic color changes are not characteristic of sabino-", "id": "4380706" }, { "contents": "Granny hair trend\n\n\nThe granny hair trend (also known as Granny gray) is a new phenomenon of young women coloring their hair to different shades of gray. For centuries, people have tried to hide graying hair with methods like dyeing, coloring and henna since gray hair appears most often on older adults and aging is stigmatized in most Western societies. A recent beauty trend has seen women defying stereotypes and opting to leave graying hair natural or purposely gray their hair prematurely. The trend is attributed to fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, whose Autumn", "id": "8917083" }, { "contents": "Portraits by Vincent van Gogh\n\n\nhospital just passing by, a Mr Rousseau. He, too, refused and so the next passer-by, the administrator of the hospital, was offered the painting - and he, a certain Mr Neuvière, is said to have accepted. Rey later reminisced: \"When I saw that he outlined my head entirely in green (he had only two main colors, red and green), that he painted my hair and my mustache--I really did not have red hair--in a blazing red on a biting", "id": "7561443" }, { "contents": "Toupée\n\n\nthe weave area, resulting in traction alopecia. Hair weaves were very popular in the 1980s & 1990s, but are not usually recommended because of the potential for permanent hair damage and hair loss. While toupée dealers attempt to match the toupée's color to the natural hair color of the wearer, sometimes the colors are not identical. This color mismatch is often exacerbated when a toupée is poorly cared for and fades, or the wearer's hair color turns gray while the toupée retains its original color. However a good salon will", "id": "11970693" }, { "contents": "Nan Kelley\n\n\nmay not be my super perky self and definitely my hair style will change. If you happen to be going through this at this time in your life, or maybe you have a friend or family member going through it right now, I wanted to share this with you in hopes that we can help each other. Thanks for listening and as always, we thank you for watching. We can’t do this without you and I mean it. I'll see you real soon.\" From May 2008 to August 2008", "id": "8532609" }, { "contents": "Blond\n\n\nClassification of race based on physical characteristics such as hair color is seen as a \"flawed, pseudo-scientific relic of the past.\" In contemporary popular culture, blonde women are stereotyped as being more sexually attractive to men than women with other hair colors. For example, Anita Loos popularized this idea in her 1925 novel \"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes\". Some women have reported they feel other people expect them to be more fun-loving after having lightened their hair. Madonna popularized the short bleached blond haircut after the release", "id": "5633813" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nbut less bio-chemically stable than brown eumelanin, so it breaks down more slowly when oxidized. This is why bleach gives darker hair a reddish tinge during the artificial coloring process. As the pheomelanin continues to break down, the hair will gradually become red, then orange, then yellow, and finally white. The genetics of hair colors are not yet firmly established. According to one theory, at least two gene pairs control human hair color. One phenotype (brown/blonde) has a dominant brown allele and a", "id": "218615" }, { "contents": "Olga de Amaral\n\n\nand have continued with it because it has never disappointed me. As I get to know it better, the better it knows me. In briefer words, it has never stopped arousing my curiosity. Fiber is like an old pencil: one has used it for so long that you take it for granted. I am made of fiber because I have embraced it and because I know it\". Olga de Amaral on color: \"When I think about color, when I touch color, when I live color - the", "id": "20511199" }, { "contents": "Whip My Hair\n\n\na tribute to his Ethiopian daughter's hair, writing it, stating that he wanted to say, \"Your hair is great. You can put it in ponytails. You can put it in cornrows. I wish I had hair like you.\" The mash-up uses different shots in the show's segment paired with \"Whip My Hair\" to act as a music video. During the week of release of the \"Whip My Hair\" video, the \"Sesame Street\" clip also went viral. Veronica Miller", "id": "17440845" }, { "contents": "Corky Rogers\n\n\nreception at a hotel out at the beach. My wife and I went out to see him. He was on the balcony where this elderly woman was serving boiled shrimp. Coach Dodd said, ‘Y”know, if you tell that lady her hair looks nice, you’re not going to run out of boiled shrimp all night, and what’ve you done? Something honest, fair and nice. Do that and people are going to want to do something nice for you.’ That’s the best coaching lesson I ever", "id": "777088" }, { "contents": "Human hair color\n\n\nHair color is the pigmentation of hair follicles due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin. Generally, if more eumelanin is present, the color of the hair is darker; if less eumelanin is present, the hair is lighter. Levels of melanin can vary over time causing a person's hair color to change, and it is possible to have hair follicles of more than one color on the same person. Particular hair colors are often associated with ethnic groups, while gray or white hair is associated with age.", "id": "218613" }, { "contents": "Freakum Dress\n\n\n. The choreography was done by Danielle Polanco and Jonte' Moaning, who used a 1980s retro set. Beyoncé explained the concept of the video at MTV: \"It's probably the most flamboyant video, and the metallic dresses are so beautiful, they added so much color. I had to do a video for this song. Everyone wanted to know what a 'freakum dress' was, and you can't really explain it, you have to see it. Everyone has their own version, so we had so many", "id": "1203389" }, { "contents": "Ajatashatru\n\n\nmother,'I did a difficult thing. Why do I say that? I am a king, and because I love my son, I had my meal together with dogs.' The mother said, 'This is nothing difficult. Why do I say that? There are people who eat dog meat, so what is strange in giving food to dogs? Do you know that your father did difficult things?' Ajatashatru asked, 'What difficult things?' The mother said,'When you were young, your finger was wounded. You", "id": "8625697" }, { "contents": "Anime\n\n\nshade, the tone color, and a dark shade is used. Cultural anthropologist Matt Thorn argues that Japanese animators and audiences do not perceive such stylized eyes as inherently more or less foreign. However, not all anime have large eyes. For example, the works of Hayao Miyazaki are known for having realistically proportioned eyes, as well as realistic hair colors on their characters. Hair in anime is often unnaturally lively and colorful or uniquely styled. The movement of hair in anime is exaggerated and \"hair action\" is used to", "id": "218236" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nhair. Henna is an orange dye commonly used as a deposit-only hair color whose active component, lawsone, binds to keratin. It is therefore considered semi-permanent to permanent, depending on a person's hair type. Most people will achieve a permanent color from henna, especially after the second dye. With repeated use the orange color builds up into red and then auburn. While \"natural\" henna is generally a red color, variations exist. These variations usually contain ingredients from other plants and even synthetic dyes", "id": "4824110" }, { "contents": "List of Star Wars species (F–J)\n\n\nand recessiveness, such as with the Ewok species, whose fur comes in various colors and patterns. Iridonians can be completely bald or fully haired. Again, it is analogous to race/subspecies. Certain horn patterns are linked with certain hair patterns or lack thereof. Hair can be any of the same colors seen in the human species. However, unlike humans, Iridonian males do not have eyebrows and do not grow facial hair. There is also a different pattern of horns for each gender. The horns on the female", "id": "12304152" }, { "contents": "Hair coloring\n\n\nway that allows for migration of the pigment to the interior of the hair shaft. Alternative hair coloring products are designed to create hair colors not typically found in nature. These are also referred to as \"vivid color\" in the hairstyling industry. The available colors are diverse, such as the colors green and fuchsia. Permanent alternatives in some colors are available. More recently, blacklight-reactive hair dyes have been brought to market that Fluorescence under blacklights, such as those often used at nightclubs. The chemical formulae of alternative", "id": "4824097" } ]
I love ferrari's I have riven quite a few before. I like the red one espicially. I have never been in one, but they are nice. The Italians really do the most beautiful job with sports cars. They sure do. I agree 100 percent. I would love to own soem day My friend has one and he lets me drive it, Nice friend.
[{"answer": "Very nice friend! Ferrari was rated the world's most powerful brand recently. Everyone knows the Ferrari brand.", "provenance": [{"wikipedia_id": "11225", "title": "Ferrari", "start_paragraph_id": 2, "start_character": 0, "end_paragraph_id": 2, "end_character": 75, "bleu_score": 0.8371170098777919, "section": "Section::::Abstract."}]}]
[ { "contents": "Greenlee Smythe\n\n\n\"very happy\" at \"All My Children\". \"I don't even know how to describe it; it's just been a really nice experience for me. I'm friendly with everyone\", she stated. \"I have to tell you, I am in love with Judy Blye Wilson and Jean Dadario Burke [\"AMC's\" executive producer]. Jean is like my mother, and Judy is like my best friend. It's been really nice to be around people like that\". Budig additionally", "id": "3785493" }, { "contents": "Promise (1986 film)\n\n\nthat people are watching me. I know there really aren't any voices, but I feel that there are, and that I should listen to them or something will happen. … I can remember what I was like before. I was a class officer, I had friends. I was going to be an aeronautical engineer. Do you remember, Bobby? I've never had a job. I've never owned a car. I've never lived alone. I've never made love to a woman. And I", "id": "740974" }, { "contents": "Love Me like You Do\n\n\nhave become fascinated with ballroom dancing so I was like, 'Can I please do some dancing in it?'. So they let me do that. There's a guy in it, Charlie, and there's some really sensual moments in it, and it's in a really beautiful house. I think it's one of my favorite videos.\" The video received a nomination for Best Female Video at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards. With over 2.0 billion views, the video is the 36th most viewed YouTube", "id": "8001327" }, { "contents": "Heat (perfume)\n\n\nI do it 100 percent, and I've never had [creative control over a fragrance] until this project. I learned a lot of great things from the past — but I always asked myself, 'If I could have my own scent, what would it be?' I wasn't worried about deadlines. It could have taken me three, four, however many years — this was my first fragrance, and I wanted to make sure that it was something I would love forever. In November 2009, the", "id": "1949309" }, { "contents": "Maisie Smith\n\n\nfew months after her casting, Smith said that she was loving being on \"EastEnders\", telling the Echo (Essex) \"I love being on \"EastEnders\". I really get on with Patsy who plays my mum. She looks after me so well. It's like I'm her real daughter some days. Everyone is really nice. Pam St Clement, who plays Pat Butcher, is also really lovely to me. I’m glad I get to be cheeky and say some funny lines. I would never", "id": "11721801" }, { "contents": "Live, Laugh, Love\n\n\nnot really holding back on this record. It's very much about baring my soul. I've never really let it all out before in the studio like I did on this album.\" He also said, \"Although my single releases have not been exactly repeats of each other, I think there is a trap that some people in this business fall into. They have a hit with one type of song and then try to do another one just like it. To some extent I wasn't throwing enough curve balls", "id": "4169850" }, { "contents": "Feodor Kuzmich\n\n\ntime I am free, independent, and, most importantly, - easy-going. Before, my peace and happiness depended on many conditions: it was necessary to take care of my loved ones enjoying the same happiness as I did, so that my friends would not deceive me ... Now there is nothing of this except what will always remain with me - except the words of my God, except for the love of the Savior and neighbor. Now I have no grief and disappointment, because I do not depend on", "id": "7932282" }, { "contents": "Dolce Vita (song)\n\n\nand the melodies of Giombini and I said to him: \"I will bring you one of my English songs\". That night I composed a new song and three days later I presented it to Giombini who loved the song. We worked on my song two times and one day Giombini told me: \"I wrote a song for you but it is not a rock song\". When I heard the song I really made a big jump because it was very nice. There have been least 49 separate releases, in", "id": "3481098" }, { "contents": "How Do I Breathe\n\n\nof way\". Aaron Fields of stated: \"First single off the album, yet didn't have the success like \"Let me love you\" did. I remember thinking he was definitely back when I heard this song. I'm not sure why this song didn't get more attention as it is one of the better songs done by him, nevertheless I probably would have picked this for the first single as well. I still bump this one in the car.\" The video was directed by Melina and", "id": "823691" }, { "contents": "Grant Hutchison\n\n\n've got some songs I've been working on. I think it'd be nice to do something else, not because I don’t like [playing in Frightened Rabbit]. I absolutely love it, but it'd be nice to have something else too\". In 2018 he appeared on \"Let's Be Wilderness\", the second album by Postdata. Regarding his potential career options, were he not a member of Frightened Rabbit, Grant has noted: \"I have no qualifications to do anything else, so I", "id": "20836771" }, { "contents": "Trisha Paytas\n\n\nI have a lot of insecurities. I just want people to know me and to love me, because I have no love. I literally have zero friends. So I like people to adore me, but I never had a talent that made people adore me. So I would try everything, but nothing really worked. But, honestly, YouTube was a godsend. I could literally be myself, and people loved it. Paytas has said she was inspired by comedian Andy Kaufman, whom she has been a fan of", "id": "6822922" }, { "contents": "Eric Rudolph\n\n\nbooks. Most of them have, of course, an agenda; mostly born-again Christians looking to save my soul. I suppose the assumption is made that because I'm in here I must be a 'sinner' in need of salvation, and they would be glad to sell me a ticket to heaven. I do appreciate their charity, but I could really do without the condescension. They have been so nice I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible.\" In", "id": "9494053" }, { "contents": "Hanan Schlesinger\n\n\nbuilding blocks as my own narrative, but which I could not reject out of hand. The stories I heard—of deep connection to the land, of exile, of suffering, of humiliation, of loved one lost in the conflict—were authentic and they were real. Never before had I heard such stories. And they affected me deeply.\" In another article, he mentions, “I have never been the same since that fateful day when I met the Palestinians who are today my friends, partners and life", "id": "10734252" }, { "contents": "Dora Carrington\n\n\n... you \"do\" know very well that I love you as something more than a friend, you angelic creature, whose goodness to me has made me happy for years, and whose presence in my life has been and always will be, one of the most important things in my life ...\" On his deathbed Strachey said, \"I always wanted to marry Carrington and I never did.\" His biographer calls this sentiment \"not true; but he could not have said anything more deeply consoling\". Upon his", "id": "6198351" }, { "contents": "Les biches\n\n\nhave filled my whole loft. Great gods! I do not know how to marry all these children. \"Ah! I will love whoever loves me, \"I will love whoever will love me.\" My daughter, I'm talking to you, my daughter, do you hear me? \"My father, what do you say?\" I say that if you are wise you will make a beautiful marriage. Beautiful one, do you hear me? Oi, Oi, Oi, Oi. Then in going", "id": "18355080" }, { "contents": "Friends & Lovers (Marsha Ambrosius album)\n\n\n& Lovers\", that’s my baby, well baby number 2. I feel like I’m definitely pregnant with the little one, which is the second album. And it’s absolutely; it just feel crazy this time around because it’s real. The first time around was like, let me get the album out, let’s make sure the album is right, let me do what I need to do and I did that to myself. I put all of the things I need to do on the album", "id": "20327531" }, { "contents": "Renée Geyer\n\n\nwith people on different things and other projects, but I would like to do something of my own again. And I think in the next twelve months it will happen. And it probably might be my last one. I will probably do something, like a tribute to a blues situation, because I have been so influenced by the blues through my life, and I have never really spoken to that. So, I might do something, that has to do with that. Some version of a blues record\".", "id": "12949404" }, { "contents": "Low (Kelly Clarkson song)\n\n\nbeen low? Have you ever had a friend that let you down so?\". Harry has said that \"Low\" \"was a really personal song for me. I wrote it and wasn’t quite sure what to do with it because it was a pretty brutal lyric and I felt it wasn’t something a lot of pop artists would want to do.\" Henry Goldblatt of \"Entertainment Weekly\" praised the vocal performance and wrote that Kelly owns country-ish \"Low.\" Arion Berger of \"Rolling Stone", "id": "10483641" }, { "contents": "Owen Hunt\n\n\nWhen asked of how he got involved with the show, McKidd offered the insight: McKidd told BuddyTV, \"It's been really great. I was nervous when I started because every job I've ever done before this, I have been in the job right from day one when everybody's new and getting to know each other. So I was nervous because I had never done this before. And I feel really grateful to the Grey's cast and crew and everyone there, really, because they've been so nice", "id": "3700985" }, { "contents": "King ov Hell\n\n\nscene and to be friends with some of the old schoolers, but when I talked to the old schoolers they did not have nice things to say about King, and he most quite often referred as a \"newcomer.\" Just smells like \"poser\" to me. You really have to give me credit for biting my tongue in that one. Scrutiny over the legitimacy of King's claims to being a Satanist have been notably expressed by Blackmoon, who supported Gorgoroth founding member Infernus during the Gorgoroth name dispute. In an", "id": "608566" }, { "contents": "John Gavin\n\n\nwealthy. The fact that I went to a nice prep school and Stanford University has something to do with it ... I went on a scholarship. I have been on my own ever since I got commissioned in the Navy. I never came into an estate or anything like that. Following his naval service, Gavin offered himself as a technical adviser to family friend and film producer Bryan Foy, who was making a movie about the \"Princeton\". Instead, Foy arranged a screen test with Universal-International. Gavin turned", "id": "15565985" }, { "contents": "Jimmy Bullard\n\n\nthe summer I knew I wanted to give it one last crack and show people what I could do, But what I think with my strong head and what I could physically do are two different things. My head tells me I can do it, but my body tells me, no Jim, you can't\".\" The following day, he was reported to have joined non-League side Holland as a player coach, with Holland chairman Mark Sorrell saying: \"Jimmy is a family friend and has agreed to", "id": "8289918" }, { "contents": "2009 Coke Zero 400\n\n\n. You want him to have a good day too, and I couldn't just give the win to him so I tried to make my move, he went up to block us and I was already there. I am sorry. I may be too hard on myself but I do not feel like I am... I am sorry but I am thankful for my nice Stewart-Haas Racing team who brought me here today.\" When Kyle Busch's friend/boss Joe Gibbs was asked about the finish he said,", "id": "11240270" }, { "contents": "Misfits (TV series)\n\n\nthings. Maybe they think everybody has moved on, I don't know. You never say never but I have not heard anything of it of late\". Iwan Rheon later commented: \"It looked like it was really going to happen at one stage, but it's gone away now. I don't know exactly why or what's going on. It would've been nice to do for old times' sake. It's been a while now since we did it and it would've been nice to work", "id": "2737494" }, { "contents": "Bill Pearce\n\n\nmy trombone playing days were nearing an end, so I asked the Lord if he would give me one more shot at it so I could do one more solo album but the Lord said 'No.' So I asked my friend Otis Skillings if he would help me put down one more track. I really wanted to record 'Beyond the Sunset.' Would you believe it took us four three-hour sessions to get through one simple little solo? I used to do an entire album in 10 hours! I", "id": "1179892" }, { "contents": "Rakie Ayola\n\n\n, despite being \"nervous about signing such a long contract\", stating: \"I've been someone who's loved the uncertainty of acting. I've loved that one month it's \"Sahara\" in Morocco and the next I'm doing a stage play, then it's a six-part telly thing. But last summer I started thinking it would be really nice not to have to look for a job every couple of weeks. It would be nice just to stay put for a while. If I'm", "id": "6018533" }, { "contents": "Jay Presson Allen\n\n\nin. Writers who are fast and reliable. We are nicely paid to do these production rewrites... and we love these jobs. Without credit? Never with credit. If you go for credit on somebody else's work, you have to completely dismantle the structure. Who wants a job where you have to completely dismantle the structure? I only take things that I think are in reasonable shape. The director and the producer and the studio may not necessarily agree with me, but I think the script is in reasonable shape", "id": "18509132" }, { "contents": "Armand Traoré\n\n\nthem. I think it's one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life but I will try and correct it. My religion has benefits both personally and in my career. I have always been a Muslim but I wasn't really practising it, I was just saying to people 'I am a Muslim'. It's a gradual development.\" Traoré explained: \"It's all about many of the things that are good in football too – like resting, doing everything right, being nice to people", "id": "7158837" }, { "contents": "Million Dollar Mermaid\n\n\nhad greatly changed her film \"Neptune's Daughter\" when they remade it as an Esther Williams vehicle. (She felt it should have been a fantasy like \"The Red Shoes\".) \"I cried so about it that at the time I never would have agreed to let them do my life story.\" However Kellerman changed her mind when she met Williams and liked her. \"I realised she really wanted to make my life story,\" said Kellerman. \"I never would have thought of her for the", "id": "7533090" }, { "contents": "Audioslave\n\n\n, remembering their 2014 Seattle performance with great fondness: \"I love Chris and consider him a great friend. The Hall of Fame jam was nice, but a little chaotic. Playing with him in Seattle, that was just fantastic. I love that guy. He's one of the most talented vocalists in the history of vocalists. And to be able to play the songs that we wrote together, it was awesome and so much fun. I hope we do something like that again.\" On January 17, 2017", "id": "18976742" }, { "contents": "Henry Raeburn Dobson\n\n\n, née McKechnie, in an ailing handwriting: \"My Dear Margaret, Do please forgive me for never having written to you to acknowledge receipt of your lovely letter with all the nice compliments for the portrait of Kersten. It was grand to know it was so well liked: and I thank you for your cheque for £52.50p. in payment thereof. I am beginning to find life is getting a bit too hectic for me at my age, and I shall have to pack-up soon. It is a tremendous", "id": "16681723" }, { "contents": "Eiður Guðjohnsen\n\n\ncountries but I have never seen anything like this before. It really made me feel welcomed. I was informed that I would have been greeted but this was not what I had in mind. I am a 100% sure I have made the right choice going to AEK. I have come for trophies and nothing else. The least thing I can do is help AEK achieve their expectations after the way I was greeted at the airport.\" On 15 October 2011, in the derby match against Olympiakos, Gudjohnsen was injured", "id": "8197177" }, { "contents": "Pete Miller\n\n\nErin. \"I really appreciate how much he wanted my own contribution to what this potentially new love interest for Erin should be like and how this affects Erin,\" Kemper told \"\". \"Erin has a habit of saying dumb things and not thinking things through, but at the end of the day, I do want to think of her as a three-dimensional character that has room to mature and develop. So, I think that is such a nice thing to happen in the final season and he", "id": "16617894" }, { "contents": "Girl Distribution Company\n\n\nthat his departure was not due to dissatisfaction: There was absolutely nothing wrong with the way things were going with Girl. That's why it was hard to go through with everything because we're all really close friends and I love those guys so much. I just felt like I wanted to do something for myself, instead of in a few years realizing that I can't jump down stairs when I'm 45, and I kinda wanted to have my own thing started by the time that happens. I have a few", "id": "17845739" }, { "contents": "Deadly Friend\n\n\nwas 16. I committed myself completely to it. I just went full out with it. I wanted to do the best job I could possibly do. I was having the time of my life. As for the movie itself, some people love it, some people hate it. It is what it is. I really enjoyed making \"Deadly Friend\". At that point in my life, it was spectacular.\" Some time after the film was released in theaters, Swanson mentioned in a promotional interview (\"", "id": "21619149" }, { "contents": "Breathe (Taylor Swift song)\n\n\n\" Swift explained, \"It was total therapy because I came in and I was like look, 'One of my best friends, I'm gonna have to not see anymore and it's not gonna be part of what I do. It's the hardest thing to go through. It's crazy listening to the song because you would think it's about a relationship and it's really about losing a friend and having a fallout.\" Caillat and Swift said one of the beauties of the song was that", "id": "11294983" }, { "contents": "Lucky Day (Nicola Roberts song)\n\n\nwas jumping around on the set with no music playing so people did not understand what she was doing. Roberts expressed her discomfort with the shoot due to the weather saying; The video was really relaxed... it was so hot. I was literally dripping! Not nice! In between takes I had about 5 fans on me, one up the front of my dress, one up the back of my dress. I was wearing trainers again—I learnt from the day before that I needed to bandage my feet up so", "id": "6296044" }, { "contents": "The Prisoners (The Walking Dead)\n\n\nin person. We had a really nice visit about what we were doing with Axel, and he was so effusive and kind and lovely, saying \"I really dig how you're bringing Axel out, and the layers that are there. We can go in so many directions because you're keeping things close to the vest and we're not sure what he's about.\" So I was fairly excited, and I got a call from his assistant the next day saying Glen wanted to speak with me, and I", "id": "9272116" }, { "contents": "Mayhem (Imelda May album)\n\n\nsaid in an interview with RTÉ: \"This new album, I didn't feel any pressure on it. People have been saying to me, 'Oh it must've been hard doing another album' [but] it's what I do and it's what I love to do. The only stress I'd say that I had was convincing the record company to let me produce it, because that's unusual. I'd done quite a decent job on 'Love Tattoo' but it was very basic. I", "id": "12740653" }, { "contents": "Claude VonStroke\n\n\nto do a mix, and he accepted saying, \"Fabric called me, and of course I agreed without hesitation. I have wanted to mix one of the Fabric series since I started DJing house. I feel like it is a nice achievement for a DJ, something that says, 'OK, this person is legit.\" Crenshaw's record label, Dirtybird Records has been recognized as one of the top independent electronic music record labels in the world. In 2017, Mixmag named Dirtybird one of the \"top 50", "id": "3533636" }, { "contents": "2016 Pure Michigan 400\n\n\npeople who have gotten me to the Cup Series all paid off. I couldn't quite catch my breath there after I got out of the car because I spent two minutes screaming. I was so pumped up. It was pretty special, and I will remember it forever. I have been close a few times in my career and to get it before my 100th career start next week is pretty awesome.\" He also took time to dedicate the victory to his friend, the late Bryan Clauson, saying \"This one", "id": "10300693" }, { "contents": "Sylvester (singer)\n\n\npeople have put me on a pedestal and I love it. After all, of all the oppressed minorities, they just have to be the most oppressed. They have all the hassles of finding something or someone to identify with – and they chose me. I like being around gay people and they've proven to be some of my closest friends and most loyal audiences.\" Elsewhere, he nevertheless remarked that he felt his career had \"transcended the gay movement. I mean, my sexuality has nothing to do with my", "id": "2494931" }, { "contents": "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (film)\n\n\nJane\" was a one-woman show after they nominated her. What was I supposed to do, let her hog all the glory, act like I hadn't even been in the movie? She got the nomination. I didn't begrudge her that, but it would have been nice if she'd been a little gracious in interviews and given me a little credit. I would have done it for her.\" Contemporary reviews were mixed. In a generally negative review in \"The New York Times\", Bosley", "id": "11233041" }, { "contents": "Anthony Casso\n\n\nI have disgraced my family heritage, lost the respect of my children and close friends, and most probably added to the sudden death of my wife and confidant for more than 35 years. I wish the clock could be turned back only to bring her back. I have never in my life informed on anyone. I have always hated rats and as strange as it may sound I still do. I surely hate myself, day after day. It would have definitely been different if the Government had honest witnesses from inception.", "id": "6346632" }, { "contents": "If I Had One Chance to Tell You Something\n\n\n, is about how God can refresh you. She commented, \"I love that this song is the first single from the album because it really represents where I am in my life right now. I feel over the last few years that God has really refreshed my soul. He’s done a lot of work in me personally in just re-vitalizing me as well as re-energizing me in a musical/ministry sense.\" The title song \"You Are Loved\" was inspired by an old family friend.", "id": "7283087" }, { "contents": "Let There Be Love (Christina Aguilera song)\n\n\nhad the huge pop explosion, and he was all over radio and I just wanted to work with others like Linda Perry and do that route and do \"Beautiful\" and songs like that. We built a level of respect for each other. So at this point, coming together, especially embracing my true pop-starness, at this point in my career having come full circle, I was able to really truly embrace it, and embrace him. He gave me the freedom to really sing on these songs, and", "id": "8538592" }, { "contents": "Turn Me On (Kim Kyu-jong EP)\n\n\nin grooming their outer appearances to look good. Despite his initial plans of looking like a woman, however, he stated that he looked more of a transvestite. Regarding the cover art, he wanted to make sure the look was different than anything he had done during SS501 days. He explained: Even though it would be great to hear many nice words about it but getting away from that, I thought that I should do something that I have never done before, and it attracted many people's attention on it...", "id": "6987404" }, { "contents": "True Vine\n\n\nmy joy may be in you, and your joy may be filled. This is my commandment, that you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends, if you do the things that I command you. I will not now call you servants: for the servant knoweth not what his lord doth. But I have called you friends: because all things whatsoever I have heard of my Father", "id": "14178900" }, { "contents": "Miss Coco Peru\n\n\nbest for me to be openly gay on stage, and create my own character. I did a one-person show early on as myself ... All my friends came, and loved it; I was always considered funny. But I knew it wasn't going to be enough.\" Leupp recalled thinking, \"How do I change people's minds, those who might not have a clear picture of who gay people were?\" He said, \"Coco came about at a time in my life when I didn't", "id": "3334227" }, { "contents": "Ryan Connor\n\n\nbut I don't know if that will happen for the foreseeable future. I am sad, because it has been the biggest part of my life for the past four years. It has given me the freedom to work on my music, though. Writing music is something I have always done, but I've never been able to focus on it before because I had to do Coronation Street. It's nice to be able to do something completely different to acting. Kym Marsh revealed that she was upset over Thompson's", "id": "6281479" }, { "contents": "Rumor Has It (Clay Walker song)\n\n\nmy song 'Rumor Has It'--very positive. When I do a concert, I can sing for 3- and 4- and 5-year-old kids and not have a guilty conscience about it. I don't want to go out there and depress people. I want them to smile and feel good and feel the way I feel. We don't live that long, and that's one thing that having MS made me realize. My God, you need to love your family, you need to love your friends, and you", "id": "13487596" }, { "contents": "James Laurinaitis\n\n\nChristian. Laurinaitis has spoken about his faith saying, \"To me, there's nothing that trumps my faith in Christ—not even an NFL career. Everything I have on this earth is borrowed. All that really matters is eternity. God has blessed me with a platform and with an opportunity to do something that I love to do. Out of my gratefulness, I give all that I have as if He's the only One watching.\" The Big Ten Network hired Laurinaitis in 2017 as a college football analyst", "id": "20812267" }, { "contents": "Alain Mimoun\n\n\nhe arrived home from Melbourne, he returned to the regular job that he had been doing since 1946 – as a waiter in a café-bar at the Racing Club de France “I was sure Emil was there at my heels,” Mimoun told Sports Illustrated in 1972. “I was hoping he would be second. I was waiting for him. Then I thought, well, he would be third. It would be nice to stand on the podium with him again. But Emil came in sixth, oh,", "id": "10450207" }, { "contents": "Meredith O'Connor\n\n\nshe was really awesome. Writing the bridge of 'Just the Thing' is probably my favorite verse I have ever written, because it is so different and theatrical. Freddie Mercury from Queen inspired it, and the song really does describe me. I love being a singer. I really feel that I can influence my fans, and those who listen to my music for the better, and music is such a powerful way to do it. Acting will always be a job I love to do, but music is something", "id": "7223868" }, { "contents": "Who Is She 2 U\n\n\nsure so many females have experienced,\" she elaborated. \"And I've definitely experienced this before, just like, 'Who's that? Let me know what's going on!'\" She also termed the song \"reminiscent of a vintage Mary J. Blige. I was expressing my innermost feelings about life, love and relationships. It was me at my most raw. He [Timbaland] really encouraged me to do my best.\" In late October 2003, an early version of \"Who Is She 2", "id": "6225394" }, { "contents": "À Tout le Monde\n\n\nloved one that dies and they end on a bad note, you know, they wish that they could say something to them. So this is an opportunity for the deceased to say something before they go. And it was my impression of what I would like to say to people, if I had say, 3 seconds to do so in life before I died I'd say to the entire world, to all my friends, I love you all, and now I must go. These are the last words I", "id": "11628027" }, { "contents": "Milo Yiannopoulos\n\n\ndad is just a doorman, why do we have such a nice house? Then I saw it on \"The Sopranos\"\". Raised by his mother and her second husband, Yiannopoulos has stated that he did not have a good relationship with his stepfather. Yiannopoulos has spoken of how his stepfather would beat him up. In a previous interview, he told \"The Times\": \"My mother never really stopped that stuff happening with my stepdad. She just let it go on. I don't want to go", "id": "10404841" }, { "contents": "Trampoline (Joe Henry album)\n\n\nbass and a vocal. As luck would have it, my friend Page Hamilton happened to be in Los Angeles recording for a soundtrack and I invited him over one evening to play guitar on it, purely for sport, and only much later did I think of it as a piece of the puzzle, that I recognized that it lyrically and sonically fit with the record. I just assumed it was a catalyst for Page and me starting to work together and I brought him back to do a few more days of recording.", "id": "1114190" }, { "contents": "Eric Corton\n\n\nwould have had by their own power. Eric Corton has a big love for cars. He has owned many cars and said about this on Dutch television: \"I can fall in love with a car, but when I see another one I fall in love with, my current car has to go. That’s my form of infidelity like a rock star, while I treat my actual wife with a lot more respect and devotion\". He wrote down a lifetime of stories, following the cars he then possessed,", "id": "11244706" }, { "contents": "Thomas Cahill\n\n\nafter spending twelve years on Death Row. Green made a final statement before his execution: \"There was a lot of people that got me to this point and I can't thank them all. But thank you for your love and support. They have allowed me to do a lot more than I could have on my own. I have overcome a lot. I am not angry but I am disappointed that I was denied justice. But I am happy that I was afforded you all as family and friends. I", "id": "19648705" }, { "contents": "Tanenbaum–Torvalds debate\n\n\nI REALLY am not angry with Linus. HONEST. He's not angry with me either. I am not some kind of \"sore loser\" who feels he has been eclipsed by Linus. MINIX was only a kind of fun hobby for me. I am a professor. I teach and do research and write books and go to conferences and do things professors do. I like my job and my students and my university. ... I wrote MINIX because I wanted my students to have hands-on experience playing with an", "id": "21760576" }, { "contents": "Billy Ray Bates\n\n\nBlack Superman\" emblazoned on it. Bates was so flattered big time with this endorsement that he was spreading the word back home in Mississippi about his success in the Philippines, even having a pair of rubber shoes named after him. \"Those people, they loved me\", Bates would tell The Oregonian. \"There, I was like Michael Jordan. I could have anything I wanted. All I had to do was snap my fingers. I had my own condo, my own car and my own bodyguard with an", "id": "16245642" }, { "contents": "Day 5: 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.\n\n\nthey sent one of my friends, who's now the show's runner, and he convinced me to do it because they needed to launch the season - I believe that was Season Five - and they said they really couldn't do it without me having the characters assassinated. I acquiesced, but if I had to do it over again, I wouldn't do it.\" Reiko Aylesworth, who had played the character of Michelle Dessler since the premiere of the second season, was more satisfied with her death. During", "id": "7769234" }, { "contents": "Drive (The Cars song)\n\n\nthe video. And he said, \"You know, everything you're saying sounds really interesting. Do you mind if… Would you be up for me passing that concept along to Ric Ocasek?\" I said, \"Sure!\" So he got back to me the next day and said, \"Ric and I think you should direct the video. We love your idea, your take on it.\" So that's how that happened. And about a month later, I was in New York at the", "id": "19610422" }, { "contents": "Will Ferrell\n\n\nso nice to fans and collectors and a great signer. What makes him so bad is that he'll taunt people asking for his autograph.\" In response, Ferrell stated: \"I don't know how I got on the list. I sign a lot of autographs.\" He has, however, admitted to taunting autograph-seekers: \"I do. I really do. I'm like, 'How badly do you want this autograph?' 'Are you sure?' 'You say you're my", "id": "12039709" }, { "contents": "Ulfilas' Alphabet\n\n\n’ve been able to do them, it’s something I’ve always really wanted to do and over the past three years I’ve been getting more and more obsessed with film and I find it a really fascinating world. I love to merge film and music in all of the stuff we do, that’s why it’s nice to do music videos to have a bridge into that world, but yeah I’m still cutting my teeth, it’s so much fun, I’m really enjoying it.\" \"Ulifas'", "id": "5015903" }, { "contents": "Claire Sugden\n\n\nshe had unilateral power to call a public inquiry into Foster's actions. She also said that she believed Foster should remain in office while any investigation took place. She said that she would not resign, but that \"Martin and Arlene have both let me down. I have not been sold a pup. But, when I took up the job, I did ask them one thing - let me do my job. And increasingly, particularly over the last four weeks, it's been difficult to do my job.", "id": "21140183" }, { "contents": "Peter Ellis (childcare worker)\n\n\nsensed that.\" She said she felt pressured by investigators. \"I had a feeling I was involved in something pretty serious. One of the women told me Peter had done all these really bad things, and I remember saying, 'But he's a really nice guy'.\" She said she would have remembered if she had been abused: \"I knew he didn't do it.\" She believes he was convicted because he is homosexual and was the only male worker at the creche. In August 2005", "id": "10708992" }, { "contents": "Shel Silverstein\n\n\nabout your business, do your work and not care about how it's received. I never read reviews because if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones too. Not that I don't care about success. I do, but only because it lets me do what I want. I was always prepared for success but that means that I have to be prepared for failure too. I have an ego, I have ideas, I want to be articulate, to communicate but in my own way", "id": "11979296" }, { "contents": "The Winds of Winter (Game of Thrones)\n\n\n, minding my own business, and I got a phone call. I picked up the phone, and instantly, I knew it was coming. It was David Benioff and Dan Weiss, the two creators of the show, and they stated the facts. But they did it really nice. I couldn't have asked for a better way to have that news broken to me. Them telling me beforehand really helped me out, otherwise I would have been in a state when I read it in the scripts. I probably", "id": "21388208" }, { "contents": "Kim Hughes\n\n\nof Australia, \"The one thing in my favour is that I will never change. I hope I will always be a likeable enough, easy-to-get-along-with type of person.\" His biographer noted, \"[F]riends, team-mates, coaches, teachers, officials, close observers. Almost all mentioned Kim's niceness. He addresses people by their first name. He loves being around and encouraging children. He likes being people's best friend.\" As captain Hughes was popular and", "id": "12431053" }, { "contents": "Flea (musician)\n\n\nrealized, Anthony, man, he's my brother, I love him so much, and we started this band when we were kids. I wanted to keep that going, I never want to let that go. Playing with him is something, even though I can do other things that are exciting and beautiful and I always will do those things and I'll always want to grow and do music outside of the band, the thing that we have is special to us and something that is blood.\" The Red", "id": "11642591" }, { "contents": "The Secret Lovers (novel)\n\n\nbe a noun rather than an adjective—at one point the cool, distant Christopher tries to explain his remoteness and emotional detachment to his beautiful young wife, \"I love secrets, we all do. That's why we do the work... I put my emotions aside... I couldn't do the job if I let myself go free.\" As the book progresses, however, in a subplot nearly as important as the primary one involving espionage, his wife creates her own secret world of lovers to try to break", "id": "9885270" }, { "contents": "David Haughton\n\n\nunless one is quite unworthy of one’s human dignity one must live by it for the rest of one’s life. I have no idea what caused it, whether it really was the divine and transcendent visitation that it so clearly seemed to be or merely a freak of one’s chemistry. But I do know that it was all important and utterly beautiful, a trance that went beyond logic but never against it, and that I was at home and everything was mine, loving and tender, the landscape and houses a", "id": "3570900" }, { "contents": "Cordelia Chase\n\n\na lot of who she is, comes out around Xander. Because she is in love with him in spite of herself, or in spite of him. I have my best moments with [Nicholas Brendon].\" However, her character's growing involvement with Buffy and her friends caused the actress some concern; \"I wasn't sure how I felt about it, because I didn't want to lose my edge. I didn't want her to be nice; I didn't want her to change because that's", "id": "16862175" }, { "contents": "Matt Labash\n\n\nrhythm. And I look like an idiot doing this, quite frankly.” On not being a TV talking head he has said “I have friends who go on TV a lot and say, 'You ought to be on TV.' I don't do it partly because of performance anxiety. I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw it up. Second, it just makes me feel like a fraud. Popping off about issues of the day that I'm considered an expert on simply because I read the", "id": "5608082" }, { "contents": "All I Wanna Do (The Beach Boys song)\n\n\nto academic Philip Lambert, Talking about the song in 1995, Brian expressed: \"That was one of those songs that had a nice chord pattern, but I think it was a boring song, and I thought it wasn't done right. I thought it should have been softer, with boxed guitars.\" In 2000, he called the song \"a real nice one\". On February 24, 1968, an early version of the song was recorded during the \"Friends\" sessions. Another version was recorded on", "id": "8821353" }, { "contents": "Alien Nation (film)\n\n\nyou bring up that?\" before stating, \"Yeah, well, I don't know. I don't have too many ... [Hesitates.] I mean, I loved Mandy Patinkin. Mandy was a riot. But ... I don't know. It was a lot of silly stuff, creatively. And we had this English director who I wasn't really that fond of. I mean, nice guy, but ... it was just one of those things where, you know, you don't quit,", "id": "13135848" }, { "contents": "Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich of Russia\n\n\na good match for Konstantin. Alexandra was strikingly beautiful, tall and slim and Konstantin was immediately eager to marry her. \"I don't know what is happening to me. It is as if I am a completely new person. Just one thought moves me, just one image fills my eyes: forever and only she, my angel, my universe. I really do think I’m in love. However, what can it mean? I've only known her a few hours and I'm already up to my", "id": "2913877" }, { "contents": "Holly Throsby\n\n\nBirchall on cello, bass and mandolin – have performed the album as a live show at festivals in the Australian state capitals. Throsby told Darren Levin of Mess+Noise, \"I thought it'd be fun to make one for friends who had kids... hanging out with them, and babysitting them, and driving around in the car listening to this children's music that just made me want to stab my ears out... I thought it'd be a nice idea to make an album that wasn't like warbling 'Itsy Bitsy Spider", "id": "21699960" }, { "contents": "Cornelia Meigs\n\n\nTwo Arrows. The former had been in hand for a very long time, quite the largest piece of work I had ever undertaken, but it has been the one that I most enjoyed. I have a real passion for history, which grows as the years go by, and was whetted ever more by my seeing some of it being made first hand while I was doing a very humble job in Washington. I realized that if I did not finish it while I was at Bryn Mawr I never would, so I", "id": "7639100" }, { "contents": "Scythian (band)\n\n\nhave to sink to the bottom to know which way is up, but I'm on my way and I hope you'll come with me. \"I'd like to thank my amazing wife and daughter, my family and my dearest friends for helping me through this with unending love and support. And I will be forever grateful to Fr. Martin's Ashley Addiction Treatment Center, the MusiCares Foundation and Kolmac Outpatient Recovery Centers for believing in my recovery and giving me the tools to continue to do what I love to do", "id": "20797725" }, { "contents": "Andrea Gibb\n\n\ndesire, no intention, no belief that I could write,\" recalled Gibb in 2016. \"It never occurred to me, and it was never something I imagined myself doing in the future. My writing career just happened, almost accidentally, and now I don't act very much at all. Occasionally I'll do the odd short film for a friend. I did a theatre job about three years ago that I absolutely loved. I miss actors and I miss that sense of camaraderie. You become a family.", "id": "20888716" }, { "contents": "Burt Reynolds\n\n\nreflected: The only thing I really enjoy is this business, and I think my audience knows that. I've never been able to figure out exactly who that audience is. I know there have been a few pictures even my mother didn't go see, but there's always been an audience for them. I guess it is because they always know that I give it 100 percent, and good or bad, there's going to be quite a lot of me in that picture. That's what they're looking", "id": "11158054" }, { "contents": "Mark Zuckerberg\n\n\nwas for 1.2 million Facebook shares. Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard in his sophomore year in order to complete his project. In January 2014, he recalled: I remember really vividly, you know, having pizza with my friends a day or two after—I opened up the first version of Facebook at the time I thought, \"You know, someone needs to build a service like this for the world.\" But I just never thought that we'd be the ones to help do it. And I think a", "id": "2807688" }, { "contents": "Extricating Young Gussie\n\n\nnever occurred to me at the time that he would ever do anything except appear at doors and announce people. Then – I don’t think it was the next Bertie story but the one after that – I had got Bertie’s friend into a bad tangle of some sort and I saw how to solve the problem but my artistic soul revolted at the idea of having Bertie suggest the solution. It would have been absolutely out of character. Then who? For a long time I was baffled, and then I suddenly thought", "id": "2475667" }, { "contents": "Gary Cooper\n\n\nHanks \"I don't particularly like westerns as a genre, but I do love certain westerns. 'High Noon' means a lot to me - I love the purity and the honesty, I love Gary Cooper in that film, the idea of the last man standing.\" Daniel Day-Lewis \"I started watching Westerns when I was shooting in London about four or five years ago. I really fell in love with Gary Cooper, and his stuff. That sucked me into the Westerns. Before, I never", "id": "546320" }, { "contents": "The Driver\n\n\n, really because after \"The Story of Adele H\" everyone urged me to make a Hollywood film. I turned down several, and felt I couldn't continue to do that. And I liked Walter Hill. Only later did I realize I'd made a terrible mistake.\" Walter Hill recalled, \"Had I not been shooting \"The Warriors\" at the time, I don't think my career would have survived. They loved it overseas, but in those days, that didn't matter that much. It", "id": "18841919" }, { "contents": "John Kasich\n\n\ncourt has ruled, and I said we'll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn't think the way I do doesn't mean that I can't care about them or can't love them. So if one of my daughters happened to be that, of course I would love them and I would accept them. Because you know what? That's what we're taught when we have strong faith.\" In", "id": "4747708" }, { "contents": "Didi Benami\n\n\ndo a record the following year. I definitely want to do a compilation of Rebecca's music. I would eventually like to act, that would be fun. I would love to do sitcoms, like Friends. I love Jennifer Aniston, I think she's amazing. I would eventually like to write a book about all my experiences since I moved to L.A. About losing a friend, being an inspiration and turning something bad into something good.\" In mid-April, Benami volunteered with '\"Idol Gives Back\"", "id": "11227995" }, { "contents": "Logan (Iroquois leader)\n\n\nquite a few panthers, the last in 1860. I have always been fond of sports. I walk two miles to town (Corydon) every time there is a baseball game. As a boy I excelled at the Indian games of long ball and snow snake. I love a joke and enjoy a good dinner. I use tobacco and liquor sparingly. I attribute my long life to my love of outdoor exercise and hunting and fishing. In my old age I am well cared for by my Indian friends, but regret", "id": "10226239" }, { "contents": "Do You Love Me\n\n\n\"I like it like that\", as \"You like it like this\", and many other fad dances of the 1960s. The song is noted for the spoken recitation heard in the introduction which goes: \"You broke my heart / 'Cause I couldn't dance / You didn't even want me around / And now I'm back / To let you know / I can really shake 'em down.\" The song has a false ending. Berry Gordy wrote \"Do You Love Me\" with the intention that", "id": "20710264" }, { "contents": "Premalekhanam\n\n\nhappily. My dearest Saraamma, When life is at its most intense state of youth, and one's heart has reached its most beautiful state of love, how does my dearest friend spend her time during this rare and short-lived beautiful period of life? As for me, I am living each moment of my life with my mind stirring hopelessly in love with my Saaraama. What about Saaraamaa? I request you to think deeply and kindly bless me with a sweetly generous reply, Saaraama's own, Keshavan Nair...", "id": "19099811" }, { "contents": "It's All True (film)\n\n\n-page autobiographical sketch. \"Armstrong is reported to have truly regretted the eventual cancellation of the project,\" wrote film scholar Catherine L. Benamou. Mercury Productions purchased the stories for two of the segments—\"My Friend Bonito\" and \"The Captain's Chair\"—from documentary filmmaker Robert J. Flaherty in mid-1941. \"I loved his pictures, and he wasn't getting any work, and I thought, 'Wouldn't it be nice?'\" Welles told Peter Bogdanovich. \"At that time I felt I was powerful and could do that", "id": "17718196" }, { "contents": "The Bad and the Beautiful\n\n\nafter \"All About Eve\" that a Hollywood setting would have more novelty. \"I liked it,\" said Houseman. \"I said, \"I'll do it, but not as a Broadway picture.\" I was sick to death of Broadway pictures. I said, \"I wouldn't know how to add anything to the stuff that's been done, but if you'll let me do it as a Hollywood picture, I'd love to make it\".\" Clark Gable was originally attached to star", "id": "21184448" }, { "contents": "My So-Called Life\n\n\nwanted to do it. And I love her. So part of the joy and excitement and happiness would have gone out of me if she had not been on board 100 percent. I wasn't able to say this at the time, but in retrospect it was a blessing for it to end at a time when we all enjoyed doing it. That's not to say that if the network had ordered more shows that I wouldn't have given it my best. But there was a rightness in how short the season", "id": "7105393" }, { "contents": "Amor fati\n\n\n\"The Gay Science\": I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who makes things beautiful. \"Amor fati\": let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. \"Looking away\" shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish", "id": "19755945" }, { "contents": "Jack Cannot\n\n\n-will you do what you can for my loved ones, especially my boy. Oh. what a grand little fellow, and how I worship the ground he walks on. He has been at college since he was nine years old, and he is 14 and two months now. I am behind with his schooling fees. If you read this letter before they find me I would like a decent burial. We owe at least 15 weeks' rent, bat here again we have a wonderful woman for a landlady.", "id": "8230428" }, { "contents": "One-Punch Man\n\n\nhe contacted One. Reflecting back he said, \"\"Around that time, I was actually really sick. I broke out in hives, my inner organs were infected, and I couldn't breathe well with my windpipes swelling. I was in the hospital when I thought, 'Ah, I guess people die just like that.' If I'm going to die, I want to do something I really love to do. I want to draw manga with Mr. ONE. That's what I thought.\"\"", "id": "6374762" }, { "contents": "Korn\n\n\neverything ... rehab, stuff on the Internet, but nothing helped me kick it. I was trying on my own to quit and couldn't do it. I wanted to die. No one knew what I was going through. I could not quit. Church was my last shot. I would sit in church high [on drugs]. I would wonder why people would go up to the front after the service. But one day it was for me. I said [to God], 'Show me how", "id": "1588033" } ]