audioduration (s)
csa nine two seven descend flight level nine zero and contact ruzyne radar one one nine decimal zero
eight romeo golf descend to flight level one five zero and contact praha one two seven decimal five seven five good day
ruzyne tower csa three sierra lima
four five two
oscar kilo k uniform november descend four thousand feet qnh is one zero two zero
speed bird eight six zero turn left heading three three zero cleared ils three one report when established
aero flot one four one turn right heading two two zero vec
direct kolad finn air eight zero seven mike
clear to land three one swiss four seven two echo
charlie zulu wind two five which is at one four knots fato two five landing on discretion
climb flight level o
descend flight level seven zero papa
air france two four eight three sorry right turn negative but after pssing ten dme
praha radar good afternoon nor shuttle four five zero two approaching flight level three hundred looking for flight level three eight
zulu bravo delta holding point one three call you
csa seven three one contact ruzyne ground one two one decimal nine
csa two mike delta continue present heading
seven whiskey continue approach
descending flight level one three zero information lim
descend flight level seven zero
time air eight four lima golf contact ruzyne tower one one eight decimal one good day
direct rapet point confirm please airbridge cargo three eight nine
good day nor shuttle one five one four praha radar radar contact descend flight level one zero zero lima information
copied that thank you lot three zero six contact praha one two seven decimal one two five good bye
man wing eight november xray contact praha one three three decimal three nine zero
klm five six tango runway three one cleared for takeoff wind calm bye bye
four zero six bye bye
praha good afternoon four one six flight level two seven zero climbing three one zero
german cargo five three
sierra papa kilo papa sierra prah praha radar radar contact climb flight level one zero zero for
csa seven three two three descend four thousand feet qnh one zero one nine cleared for ils approach runway one three
lufthansa two five three one on course kolad
ruzyne tower
two eight dencending one seven zero information lima
good morning lufthansa eight lima l ruzyne tower
lot five romeo whiskey ruzyne tower
mosquito six zero echo ready to check
thank you man
praha austrian three seven one quebec flight level two six zero climbing level two eight zero
donavia three zero five roger continue approach and contact tower one one eight decimal one one nintee decimal one donavia three zero five
correction hotel delta oscar sun express nine seven four
six one three golf praha radar conta
and ready for departure opera three hundred
thank you
one two one nine thank you bye bye austrian seven zero
meo nine two three level one hundred swiss four seven two echo
ups two contact warsaw one three four decimal nine two five bye bye
lufthansa four mike hotel when ready descend flight level two five zero level by kolad
descend flight level
hotel golf sierra can offer you only one touch and go then upon route whiskey due to it s launch time there are no circuits approved
hotel delta lima report echo two
good day speed bird eight five five radar radar contact
csa five bravo b contact radar one one eight decimal three seven five one one eight deci
hotel delta lima via bravo then taxi your discretion blue sector if it is full green four is available
affirm we descend flight and we are ready for visual delta alfa uniform
line up runway three one
radar iberia three eight zero nine go ahead is any message for me negative copy thank you
sa three charlie november after vemu
wizz air four romeo alfa heading one zero zero cleared for ils approach runway one three
csa four yankee alfa reduce speed one six zero knots till four miles final contact ruzyne tower one one eight decimal one
germania seven six four four contact praha one three four decimal five nine zero good bye
ruzyne tower csa five zero nine visual approach
qatari three zero six four climb flight level three seven zero
so expect three three zero final level for the time
channex eight eight papa romeo good evening radar radar contact climb flight level one six zero
austrian seven zero six papa line up runway three one
lufthansa two five three zero direct to one three three three nine zero good bye
runway three one
charlie lima golf one six four two climb flight level three five zero
one two seven one two five niki eight zero one seven bye bye bye bye
nine zero jobair
controle this is euro trans four eight
sky travel one zero zero one established
nine aero flot one four three
praha good afternoon turkish one seven six nine descend flight level three four zero inbound lales
hello tower cimber three f
roflot one four nine turn right heading two three zero
hotel bravo kilo charlie juliett echo one five thousand and eight four thousand eight hundred feet
increase maximum spee
do you
climbing three four zero and request three six zero final nor shuttle one six three three
e six two euro trans six zero one one
hotel whiskey alfa taxi to holding point bravo runway one four
passing flight level three six two descending three five zero overhead ko
tango charlie alfa romeo bravo call us on frequency one three two decimal eight zero five
line up one three camber
yes good evening sir i m checking in flight level three four zero overhead
one one nine decimal
two xray charlie inbound enita maintain three t
easy three eight papa golf we are ready for depart
air berlin eight four three nine
zulu one four one transition climb initially five thousand feet squawk two seven six zero
csa four bravo echo climb to flight level three four zero continue climbing to flight level three four zero csa four bravo echo
martinair zero nine six contact rhein
three five one three five bye bye lufthansa
one three qnh is one zero one nine cleared visual one zero one nine swiss four nine eight yankee