10 values
smlm episode christmas.. ngeri tengk part kuku sam di cabut.. nasib baik gigi dean x di ambil..
"Hah? Apa maksud kau dia cuba bunuh diri?" bisik Sabo. "He is suicidal person, aku nampak barcode dekat lengan dia and it look horrible. Aku tak tau apa masalah dia but he look so sad and depress" "Sebab tu kau cuba kawan dengan dia cause you don't want him to be sad?"
Kadang2 selalu jugak dia nak panggil org lain tapi terpanggil nama aku. Selalu jugak dia nak call org lain tapi tercall aku even extension akubeza gila dgn extension org yg dia nak call.
Tahap stress waktu tu, fasa yang tak pernah aku alami. Nak nangis, tiada airmata. Nak ketawa, tiada apa yang menghiburkan. Seolah macam zombie. Haha.
psychiatric or mental illness
Tapi bagi ibu tunggal seperti aku jujur aku katakan aku sangat tidak berminat dengan suami orang dan aku harap Allah tidak uji aku dengan ujian itu.
religion insult
Kerana, bagi sebahagian Yahudi, Iran adalah tempat suci kerana banyak nabi mereka dikebumikan di sini. Rasulullah saw berkata: ‘Dajjal akan diikuti 70 ribu Yahudi dari Isfahan mengenakan selendang Parsi.” Ala kuli haal, Yahudi-Yahudi di Isfahan , Iran selalu mengenakan selendang. BETUL LE TU.. SO JGN PERCAYA IRAN TU..MEREKA AGEN YAHUDI..
religion insult
Assalamualaikum..hari ni dah genab 7 bulan Along jauh dari abah...jauh dari adik2..bukan abah tak pernah berjauhan dari Along sebelum ni...pernah..pernah berjauhan..biarpun Along selalu ada depan mata abah sebelum ni,namun hakikatnya kita berjauhan.....
psychiatric or mental illness
I'm actually tired of crying every night. I've been trying to move on for a long time but it's difficult. I just need some motivational words and support from people.
psychiatric or mental illness
Your wrong. Cubones actually kill there moms. then they ate all the flesh off and finish by eating the brain. then they squirm inside the brain whole. Thats how they become adults in the cubone world. god people on reddit are dumb.
If you judge a person's character based solely on their race, I'm sorry to say that you are a racist. Perhaps you should take the time to get to know their personality before making a judgement about whether they are a good person or not.
I was shocked. Does she only care about having a cute child? Doesn't she realize that she should be grateful for having a healthy child? Every child has their own strengths. Don't insult the creatures created by Allah. (It's her own child after all).
religion insult
Oh my country.. what has happened.. the match against Perak at the stadium..
safe for work
yang sibuk keluar time covid ni nak cakap.Kau nak mati mati sorang jangan libatkan orang lain.Sebelum covid en ramai acah depress la anxiety la nak mati la tercekik la.Ha pergi cepat takde sapa nak halang
psychiatric or mental illness
Welcome, just heard the song by Mizz. Your voice sounds great. It feels so relaxing to listen to it on this Sunday morning. Motto motto: pompom.
safe for work
The old man smiled widely, he seemed satisfied and enjoyed feasting at the open house.
safe for work
Pemintak sedekah ni kalau kat kdai makan ke, atau kat tapak food truck ke, slalu aku tgk target orang melayu. sebab melayu paling pemurah, mentality “dia nak tipu ke tu urusan dia dengan Allah”. Kalau pemintak sedekah tu melayu jugak, kalau ko tak bagi boleh siap kena marah pulak. ntahpape perangai.
Oh, btw dulu kitorang selalu dapat flyer/surat dari Siam, gambar sami apa semua, tapi sebab tak faham, kitorang buang je la. Motif sami tu bagi surat kat kitorang yang Islam ni? -..- Dahlah mana temple tu dapat nama and alamat mak aku pun aku tak tahu. I wonder if that has anything to do with the stuff going on at my house.
religion insult
We (my cousin's father and I) plan to preach about the importance of wearing niqab, purdah, and covering aurat for women. Then, there is a pious young man who wants to marry her and write a book on how to get to know each other. But they forget that they are doing it not for the sake of sincerity, but for seeking praise. They show off their beauty on social media.
religion insult
Kisah Blue Lucah
Lepastu aku terus diam, hati aku rasa seperti dihiris. Adakah salah aku kerana buat dia terpaksa terima aku dalam hidup dia ? aku pun tak tahu apa yang perlu aku lakukan. Aku dah lama jauhkan diri dari perempuan lain semata-mata fokus kepada dia, dia pun tahu aku buat kerana aku tahu itu boleh buat dia tahu dialah segalanya. kadangkala kalau kawan perempuan mesej aku, aku suruh dia balaskan dan kalau perkara tak penting aku biarkan saja mesej tu. Aku berharap dia boleh buat keputusan untuk decide apa yang dia mahukan.
psychiatric or mental illness
Hmm.. that information is also good.. I will try to practice it.. my situation is similar to rollaszek's brother.. maybe the effect of a psychologist too.. because I always think.. especially if there are many problems.. it really becomes overwhelming.. even when lying down, it's the same.. my mind keeps racing.
psychiatric or mental illness
So everyone, let's take a break from this issue.
safe for work
you watch movie they always fight fight win liao then start bonking
safe for work
Furthermore, the behavior of Ms. Khan reinforces the enduring falsehood that women often fabricate allegations of assault - a falsehood that has been utilized for a long time to undermine victims of violence while allowing perpetrators to evade responsibility.
yang nie pun menarik Sifat mereka (ada yg mengaku Islam) begini ceritanya : 64. Orang-orang Yahudi berkata: "Tangan Allah terbelenggu", sebenarnya tangan merekalah yang dibelenggu dan merekalah yang dilaknat disebabkan apa yang telah mereka katakan itu. (Tidak demikian), tetapi kedua-dua tangan Allah terbuka; Dia menafkahkan sebagaimana Dia kehendaki. Dan Al Quran yang diturunkan kepadamu dari Tuhanmu sungguh-sungguh akan menambah kedurhakaan dan kekafiran bagi kebanyakan di antara mereka. Dan Kami telah timbulkan permusuhan dan kebencian di antara mereka sampai hari kiamat. Setiap mereka menyalakan api peperangan Allah memadamkannya dan mereka berbuat kerusakan dimuka bumi dan Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang membuat kerusakan. [Tafsir Surah Al-Maidah] Macam berlaku aje di Malaysia ni? Eh? Macam kenal aje. Macam tu cara nak cerita tau! Baru le yg memilih tu Allah, dan bukan pula kita yg suka hati nak pilih.
religion insult
but then hor better be safe go see a doc asap and dun kena cursed again as an id ot driver who come out of minor road without checking
safe for work
Lagipun aku tak suka mengungkit. Last-last aku jawab "dah nak period ni". Mula-mula aku rasa maybe mood swing sebab nak period, tapi dua tiga bulan ni, moodswing aku jadi lepas aku period.
psychiatric or mental illness
So mean.. Ex boyfriend though
Only 1 In 10 People Will Be Able To Pass This Basic Math Test Without Grabbing A Calculator https://www.playbuzz.com/brucebanner10/only-1-in-10-people-will-be-able-to-pass-this-basic-math-test-without-grabbing-a-calculator
safe for work
He has been known to be actively involved in social services related to environmental conservation and scuba diving. He is also actively engaged in motorcycle convoys with powerful motorcycles.
safe for work
Lofa, please, can you imagine if this type of headscarf is accepted in Hollywood? Maybe Lofa can try leaving the turban that doesn't suit her cute appearance.
religion insult
jialat your type is the kind easily suckered by propaganda agents
So, in my racist point of view, I advise against marrying Malay men. I used to date Malays and their behavior was always like that. If you don't believe me, there are many people discussing this issue on a forum called FD. Just look at those who have problems, who did they marry? Malays, right? There are Malays who proudly and openly engage in dishonesty. Of course, not all Malays are like that, but finding the right Malay guy is like finding a needle in a haystack. Don't say I didn't warn you. I've been saying it from the beginning, don't marry Malay men. Just wait and see, there will be people who won't listen to me, won't heed my warnings, and still want to marry Malay men. Then, new threads with problems will surely emerge, and they will most likely involve Malays. It's not just because this forum is in Malay, there are many Malays with issues. If the forum were in Tamil, there would surely be many Tamils with problems too.
Aku dan suami sekufu dari segi pelajaran dan jawatan. Gaji kami tidak jauh berbeza. Tapi suami merupakan seorang yang bergaji paling tinggi dalam kalangan keluarganya dan memang menjadi tempat mereka meminta.
safe for work
Gia fikir dia perlu spend setahun sahaja lagi di universiti tempatan tapi tekaannya meleset apabila dia sebenarnya perlu start over berbekalkan beberapa credits transferred sahaja. Terus Gia switched plan, dia enrolled in IPTS dan dapat skip 8 subjects.
safe for work
Even though he is non-Muslim, but the Metro newspaper doesn't seem to care about the ethics and sensitivity of the society, right? Let's be a little more respectful, this is starting to resemble pictures in men's magazines (aka artist catalogs).
religion insult
If someone is very pretty, people say they should go shopping, but if someone is not pretty but wears revealing and short clothes, why don't they feel ashamed?
mengejar jika itu bisa di kejar dan dipertahankan tugas wanita itu sederhana ko memberikan yg terbai
Shahidan babi pukimak talibanjing sial
rashid: prempuan spatutnye x memprlihatkan diri mreka drpd ditatapi oleh org lain(bukan mahram),especially dlam insta,twita,n fb. prmpuan spatutnya tertutup ,trlindung, dn x memprlihatkan diri pada bukan muhrim..
religion insult
Xi Meng Jia You ,Da Jia Yi Qi Jia You ,Yi Ding Yao Chu Lai Tou Piao
safe for work
Haha, milk is pouring out so much that it can be done like that
safe for work
Aku rasa buat para lelaki dan suami, mungkin ini point yang boleh direnungkan dan muhasabah.. apa yang aku ceritakan, aku rasa kalian tidak boleh nafikan memang ia terjadi. Kebanyakan lelaki hidup dengan imaginary woman dalam minda mereka..belum lagi cerita golongan yang layan pornografi, kalau kalian tengok benda-benda tu berhentilah kerana kesannya nanti pada hubungan kalian dengan isteri...Allah boleh hijabkan segala keindahan isteri dan kalian tidak rasa nikmat dan bahagianya mendapat isteri secantik dia.
religion insult
Lepas tu aku batuk teruk, kepala aku pening, selesma teruk, mulut aku tak boleh buka luas! Sakit, telinga kiri yang tadinya sakit skala 2 sekarang skala 5.
psychiatric or mental illness
biaq pi lah dah dia takmau habaqwartawan tu lah yg nak tulih artikel sampah pasaipa "akak tak kisah dik"..
those ang mo just came from bkk or jb so ty were thinking prices sud b about the same lah
tak macam negara kita sama-sama Islam pun doa perut pecah
religion insult
Dia memang betul-betul nekad untuk tidak izinkan aku baik lagi dengan Lutfi. Katanya aku patut cari suami yang lagi stabil. Bukannya lelaki yang cuma ada SPM dan kerja kilang.
But now when I get sleep paralysis, I no longer feel scared. I have time to think and communicate. I tell the 'thing' not to disturb me and that I will release myself. The way to do it is to move my fingers and toes first, then the other limbs. And then I wake up. And can continue sleeping as usual.
psychiatric or mental illness
Lucah amatur
duduk penang depress sampai nak mati balik rumah anak kau takleh tido salahkan aku kenapa aku tak terjun bangunan je masatu
psychiatric or mental illness
kalau dia tak balik aku terjun bangunan
Aku risau sebenarnya. Duit aku nak buat rawatan dengan Kiwi pun sikit2 di gunakan bagi family dia. Takkan aku nak loan dekat bapak aku je kan.
psychiatric or mental illness
A team of highly-trained, dangerous mercenaries are sent on a mission to a South American country, with the objective to overthrow a cold-blooded dictator. As the mission begins, the mercenaries discover that the situation is not as it appears.
Does a low COE also affect second-hand cars?
safe for work
Considering i’m white, a son of immigrants and a supporter of pro immigration policies, it’s abit hilarious that you brand me a racist in this context. I certainly think foreign talent is a boon to our economy. But if you’re gonna migrate to a country and then turn around and call the locals of that country devoid of talent, it can’t be a surprise the locals aren’t really that welcoming of you.
smlm dlm kul 10pagi pun rasa bergegar lagi kat opis..kwn aku tanya rasa gegar tak..skali tgk kat frame dinding bergoyang2..so apa lagi capai handbag..cabut sambil jerit lari!!lari!!ramai gak arr berk .. purpleungu Post at 2-10-2009 10:04 ko neh penuh ngan drama dan aksi.. kitorang siap bleh bincang agi nak turun ke tak.. nak tanya bos ke tak.. tipon bos dulu.. pastu agak2 ok.. tak turun pon.. lepak je sambung porem
Sebabnya, yang kejadian tu pon, katanya dia dalam keadaan tak sedar, zaman naif, jauh dengan keluarga, so faham2 je la, buaya2 yang punya angkara...and one thing about her is, dia pon bukan jenis berfoya foya, so yes, dia baik orangnya
Makin lama aku duduk sebilik dengan si pyscho tu, makin aku rasa macam nak mental aku dibuatnya. Last-last, aku sendiri yang mengamuk. Masa tu dia hempas pintu bilik kuat-kuat, pastu aku balas balik. Aku hempas balik pintu dan locker almari. Aku campak segala barang atas katil dan meja. Puas hati aku ! Dia ingat dia sorang boleh mengamuk?
I feel like my dignity was crushed there. If I had known, I wouldn't have bothered to collect the remaining RM100. I went to eat with my parents, so there were three of us including me. When I sat back down at the table, I couldn't hold back my tears.
psychiatric or mental illness
salam guys dah masuk minggu i depressed stress nak mati nak mampus nak terjun (assignment bertimbun)
psychiatric or mental illness
sepanjang sem 1 aku solat dengan terpaksa dan tidak keikhlasan.. yg si B ni pulak bila si A asik ajak solat dia cakap.. aku tak suka orang ajak aku buat benda yang baik
religion insult
heathhofmann.me : Seks dada : Menonton wanita payudara percuma
td aku dpt sms kol 1.40ptg ade org suh vote name die .. nmpk sgt mamat tu x g smyg jumaat td .. ko pun ada kt umah la tadikan??
religion insult
If you want to tie your husband, tie his lust. If your husband always watches porn videos, try for wives to watch and learn, what's so enjoyable about it? And try to act it out again, believe me, the husband will automatically love you. Men only lose in sex, beat men in sex and automatically get love.
Arab citizens are really troublesome when they come to someone else's country. The police can easily say that the case is ... the police's response is that if the species of corruption is involved.
If he doesn't want to pay, threaten him by saying that the prayers of those who have been wronged will be answered. If he still isn't afraid, I don't know what kind of person he is, not fearing the promises of God.
religion insult
Dryness is not normal, even the puddles of water after rain are not normal. What is normal is a 50-year-old man. How sad. I will go to the hospital tomorrow, thanks lox.
psychiatric or mental illness
should have buat kat menteri yang balik sabah haritu sampai mampus aku benci diorang
Soon there will be a knowledgeable 'ustad' who will say, 'This has been mentioned in the Quran a long time ago.' Support this.
religion insult
tiktok rame akun banci (ga lanang ga wadon juga) wekekeke biasanya dia bicarain keluarga cendana, tapi ganok datan https://t.co/w1UmEqhcNS
Akak syak planggan sial itteww pakai kereta myvi sengkek dak sis? Sekian akak perli sis. Tak baik tau sis pooki ni asal pemandu buruk laku .. tuduh yg bawak myvi. Sebagai bekas pemilik myvi yg jujur dan taat undang2 .. iols techik ati tawww.
Guru Letak Jawatan Lepas Aksinya Dalam Filem Lucah ...
Tadi satu thread ada forummer cakap kebanjiran pekerja asing di Malaysia adalah disebabkan oleh kapitalis Cina yang tamak. Tapi ini Dubai ok? Sebuah negara Isle ok? Back to the topic.. actually kebanyakkan pelabur yang pesat membangunkan Dubai adalah orang luar dari Barat dan juga dari Asia Timur. Maybe the authorities can just go after them for the bad conditions of the foreign workers in Dubai. Vey sad to see them like this.
If I get married, maybe my reward will be less because of the heartache caused by my husband over small things. If I get married, maybe I won't be able to attend the mosque and listen to religious sermons because of my husband's restrictions.
religion insult
In my opinion, the way we approach someone can open the door for them to think and if it's done nicely, they can accept it. The success of a conversation is when we can see a positive change in the person we're talking to, where they become better than before the conversation took place.
safe for work
After my first child was born, during the confinement period, I had to cook, serve, set the table, fetch water, brush teeth, do laundry, mop, sweep, and many other chores. Until I was admitted to the hospital, my husband asked me to go back home because there was no one else to do all those things for him. I had to obey. Almost every day, I was brainwashed, my ex-husband always repeated that other married people live like this. Every day I heard that, I really thought that other people were like us.
Kebanyakannya kita takkan perasan pun mereka ni ada penyakit ni , tak perasan struggle dengan diri mereka. Ya, mungkin mereka ni tampil dengan senyuman, perwatakan happy go lucky, mereka orang yg berjaya. Tapi begitulah..realitinya tak semestinya seperti apa yg kita nampak. Tuhan saja tahu struggle mereka hari hari. Moga dikurniakan kekuatan kesabaran kepada korg, dan ganjaran yg sebesar besarnya. Moga dikurniakan juga kepada kami kesembuhan. Amin
psychiatric or mental illness
Pray for me to stay strong in forgetting what happened that night because whenever I remember (the cries and screams of my siblings), tears will surely flow.
psychiatric or mental illness
Aku ni bermasalah ke? Boleh bagi tips nak hilangkan rasa ni? How to fit in without trying too hard? Aku rasa ada time aku try hard sgt to please them. Aku letih sebenarnya.. adakah dorang rasa aku ni tak matang lagi untuk berbaik dengan aku?.. sepatutnya dah 2 tahun aku duduk dengan mertua dan almost hari2 jumpa abang ipar and his family, i suppose dah rapat la sikit takda rasa kekok dengan dorang. Since aku surirumah full time kan. Tapi still rasa kekok tu masih tebal.. maybe dorang menyampah dengan aku kot..
psychiatric or mental illness
Maybe if it was someone from outside, I could ignore it, but when it's your own family providing such treatment, it really breaks your heart. Especially since we didn't ask to be born this way, with so many imperfections.
psychiatric or mental illness
Within 2 to 3 weeks if I'm not mistaken, I think. I am calm without Yin. I found strength. I wrote a long essay. I want to end this relationship, I am honest I do not see my future with her. I have dreams and family. I forgive (just forgive with my mouth) the money I have given. Blue tick but no replies at all. But once I knew she read it, I felt relieved.
psychiatric or mental illness
Petua mudah masukkan zakar ke dalam faraj wanita,Tips penjagaan zakar,Teknik unggul besarkan zakar secara ... lucah melayu, cerita sepasang remaja di ... pantat ...
don’t go by hearsay leh
safe for work
Sometimes I am too soft-hearted (easily feel sorry) and at the same time, I can get angry quickly. I have a short temper. Luckily, my husband is patient enough with my personality.
psychiatric or mental illness
2. Mempopularkan pondan/bapok yang bermekap mcm perempuan. Maaf bahasa aku kasar, tapi yang ni serious aku geram. Admin kalau nak edit, silakan. Ada beberapa jugak la produk mekap lokal yang aku tengok, owner nya sah2 Islam. Duk upload quote ayat Al-Quran. Cakap 'Alhamdulillah' bila ada customer bagi review memuaskan dsb. Tapi...pegi upload pondan/bapok pakai mekap diorang. Erghhhhh! Dalam Islam HARAM hukumnya lelaki menyerupai perempuan dan sebaliknya. HARAM faham tak??? Kalau awak bukan Islam dan upload/share benda2 sebegitu takpe. Ni ISLAM. Jual mekap, upload/share MUA pondan pakai mekap dia. Esok lusa upload ayat Al-Quran, Hadis, quote agama dsb. Apakah??? Ya, faham, MUA tu pun cari rezeki. Tapi kalau upload/share hasil mekap dia dekat orang perempuan takpe (tu pun sebenarnya haram laki bukan mahram mekapkan perempuan), boleh lagi diterima akal. Ni ha duk post/share/upload gambar MUA LELAKI tu sendiri pakai mekap. Haih.
religion insult
When I remember the time I was pregnant.. oh my goodness.. I was really weak. I couldn't stand the smell of anything. I would even vomit at the smell of rice.. I could only eat dry bread dipped in orange juice.. my sister had it worse.. she couldn't even swallow her own saliva. She had to keep a container to spit her saliva into. She even brought a container to collect her saliva and placed it beside her head when she wanted to sleep..
psychiatric or mental illness
Lagi bestnya bila mak, nenek dengan mak cik-mak cik kau sedap je cakap suruh kau kemas semua sekali ya. Kena la kemas sebab ni kerja orang perempuan. Boleh tak stop generalize kerja rumah ni kerja orang perempuan semata.
It is important for husbands to maintain the dignity of their wives when it comes to malicious gossip from outsiders who like to ask questions such as "When will you have children?" or "Don't you have children yet?"
Pre-dawn meal ~ a little rice + boiled egg soup + a little vegetables + a little fried fish.. all with plenty of drinking water..
safe for work
I'm planning on suicideI don't wanna die but I want the pain to end. I've been planning on killing killing myself IF things don't get better soon. Maybe I won't do it but if things get worse then I can't handle it anymore. But I'm still planning on doing it. I've been googling suicide methods and writing suicide notes to my family members and other important people. I still think it could get better but if it doesn't I'm gonna do it
Muhammad Hafizz masa 22 bulan tu Geng2 abahcow dgn Mahathir ni la. Geng2 abah kau ni dari masa PH, sampai ke BN dok buat huru hara. Lepas tu dok tunggang PAS, hasut negara kena ancaman Yahudi dan kristian . Siap la SPRM siasat kes derma melampau dekat PRU Sabah dan kes RM600Billion
bila nak hbs ni agaknya..geram baca penyembah tuhan yibit komen kt fb
religion insult
I'm sitting in the room watching movies for 24 hours. I'm stressed. If I'm alone with the kids, I can cook simple meals or start the car engine and go out to buy food. But the problem is, there are many people at home. I have to cook 2-3 times a day.
psychiatric or mental illness
mcm ada si polan ni semayang tka tinggal lepas semayang mesti baca quran tiap2 hari camtu lah tapi.. panas baran tahap gaban melawan mak bapak ni camner nak wat? Itu TANDA nya.. Dier kena banyak lagi bersolat n ber:pray:. Agar solat nya DAPAT MENGUBAH diri nya menjadi ia seorg muslim yg beriman lagi bertaqwa. Salam
religion insult
Ni ajelah modal PasUmngok nak dapat undi melayu..kalo tak main isu kaum,buat fitnah
In the midst of a chaotic political situation, it's good to have some jokes like this. It's not too stressful. Just don't take it too seriously, whether it's the MB of Johor or not. Let's just chill and lighten up the mood.
safe for work
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. YB, what is the status of our EPF? I want to use the money. Please don't stay silent about EPF. Don't procrastinate. If you don't take care of it, in the hereafter, I will drag you in front of Allah and accuse you of oppressing and committing cruelty by delaying my rights and money in EPF.
religion insult
Just hire one Bangladeshi worker and make this announcement, it will be much cheaper.