10 values
I can tolerate it, no matter what. But how long can I endure? I didn't get married to face this kind of situation. I'm not sure if I can be patient.
psychiatric or mental illness
How cute, meow..
safe for work
Assalamualaikum.. hai semua apa khabar semua.. diharapkan semuanya sihat dan baik serta dalam lindungan allah.. aku sebenarnya tak tahu nak mulakan cerita dari mana.. entahlah mungkin sebab aku ni memang jenis yg suka memendam perasaan kot.. hati sarat.. tapi tak terluah perssaaan.. aku rindukan mak aku sebenarnya.. saat korang tengah baca ni air mata aku laju mencurah.. betul2 rindu..
psychiatric or mental illness
The United Kingdom does not recognize the Malaysian driving license due to the driving behavior of Malaysians. Therefore, going to the UK is only for work or fruit picking purposes only!
No further comments and agreed with points mentioned. We are descendants of Melano, our family on both our father's and mother's side still have some who are Christian, some who are married to Chinese, Iban, Kelabit, Bidayuh, White, Negro, Tambi..no problem at all..and I get to enjoy all those festive seasons with them. From Hari Raya, Christmas, Gawai, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, and more. Each of us holds onto our own beliefs and respects each other. There's no need to be ignorant and we can't afford to have such a narrow mind. Please! [Last edited by Nur68 at 11-6-2009 11:26]
apa bodoh sangat puak hanat ni babi takpi
Pork senpai, don't troll people, okay?
safe for work
I was never taught to express my feelings or show affection since I was young. So I had to find my own way and ask others to teach me how to love.
psychiatric or mental illness
Alfatihah.. mudah2an roh nyer dicucuri rahmat..
religion insult
I rasa kalau I dah tak mampu sgt nak hadap manusia yg toksik, atau fikiran dan hati I sendiri yang jadi toksik bila tengok someone tu…I block/mute je. Demi kesejahteraan mental sendiri. Pergi mampus la nak cakap I apapun. Nak buat yg sama? Be my guest.
psychiatric or mental illness
He expressed his hope that the crew's hard work will not be undermined and encouraged everyone to avoid bringing drama into the food.
safe for work
Aku mimpi aku "buat" dengan orang. Dengan orang yg aku sendiri tak kenal. Kadang gambaran dia ayah aku sendiri. Aku cuak. Aku takut sangat.
psychiatric or mental illness
Earlier, I woke up and performed Tahajjud prayer, which I haven't done in a long time. I also couldn't wait to hold the Quran again. Oh Allah, I have made so many mistakes. But after performing the 2 rakats of Tahajjud prayer, I became emotional and cried tears while praying. I felt so peaceful. I really needed that peace, especially after being traumatized by Ramadan. All the anxiety and sadness seemed to be absorbed by that 2 rakats of prayer. It was magical.
psychiatric or mental illness
Pukimak walaunjing talibanjing babi sial. Kau sembah syaiton pukimak anak haram
Just continue here http://mforum.cari.com.my/forum... &extra=page%3D1
safe for work
I felt like I was floating when I heard the confession of 'sincerity', I felt like half of my soul was lost and if I didn't have strong faith, I would have jumped into the lake in front of me. Throughout the conversation in the car, I emphasized that he was not worthy of marrying two.
psychiatric or mental illness
left over curry stew and dabao char siew
safe for work
wah i gone through some of your posts not deliberately considering you post frequently and i think it s quite good liao lei
safe for work
My car works in that manner.
safe for work
And throughout the engagement period, he was always in contact. Asking about wedding preparations and such. But seriously, my heart feels so indifferent towards all of this. To marry and live life with someone who knows nothing about me.
psychiatric or mental illness
I once read that we should perform the Taubat prayer when we feel distracted and distant. But how can I do that when I don't feel anything in my heart? Where has my faith gone? How can I concentrate in prayer like I used to? How can I recite the Quran when I don't feel like holding it? Please help me. Tell me what I need to do. I don't want the lack of feeling to be an excuse for not changing. I beg for everyone's help, what do I need to do to change back?
psychiatric or mental illness
Time for Europe to wake up and either drag the US out of the Stone Age or break them down completely. The American elite and their European patsies hold the keys to the global economy and need to be crippled with force if necessary, or else more and more Europeans will join "resistance" movements like Da'esh and Golden Dawn.
Dia cemas tahu duitku tiada. Alasanku assignment semua pakai duit. Padahal, sakan aku berjimba meronggeng, dengan kawan universiti. Ya, kawan yang berpendidikan tinggi, setaraf denganku. Tapi bila susah, telefon juga kawan yang kerja entah apa-apa itu. Haha. Aku ketawakan diri sekarang.
psychiatric or mental illness
If you're comfortable with the current situation, just let it be. No need to make unnecessary changes. You can't force yourself to be outgoing. It's not necessary to eat inside. Women are more suitable to be shy rather than being loud. The important thing is that you need to be a bit aggressive in your career.
I stayed silent and smiled. I didn't answer the questions directly. As usual, I'm someone who cries easily HAHAHAHA. After I cried, I felt relieved. If I remember, I cry again. Besides the friend who was like earlier, I also have a supportive friend. She saw me sad, she bought me food. I ate, I felt happy. The more I cried, the more food I got. Eventually, I became round. Round here and there.
psychiatric or mental illness
> For his actions, the inmate Karim faced six charges for offences under the Official Secrets Act, of which one was amalgamated, and an additional charge for criminal intimidation.
My argument is that even if the methods used to achieve admirable goals are not entirely legitimate, it does not necessarily mean that the goals themselves are not worthy. The danger in labelling all individuals who believe in a righteous cause as dangerous is that it diverts attention from the discussion on whether their criticisms and objectives are justifiable.
safe for work
Cuma aku banyak kali memendam rasa. Rasa kecil hati. Disebabkan semua benda diceritakan kepada keluarga, aku jadi 'insecured' dan rendah diri. Mungkin beliau tak perasan, ia adalah umpama membuka Aib isterinya sendiri.
psychiatric or mental illness
Aku xdapat tidur sgat sebab si S tidur mcm terkejut2 gitu. Tp si J aku boleh dgar dengkuran dia mcm xada apa2 masalah. Nasib xda apa2 jadi lepas tu. Tapi jujur aku cakap aku tkut nak tidur kot2 msa tdur Si S cekik aku ke..mengilai mcm dalam kereta td ke..haruuu.
psychiatric or mental illness
Sakit Asma Tak Kunjung Sembuh, Kakek Di Banyuwangi Bunuh Diri Dengan Cara Ledakkan Petasan Di Mulut https://wp.me/p9uQc5-1mW
Komen geng penyamun
Aku ni sejenis tak percaya sangat kat sesiapa. Hari ni aku tergerak hati nak tulis kat sini. Selalu aku hanya baca saja apa yang orang lain tulis. Hari ni entah macammana aku terasa nak menulis jugak kat sini.
psychiatric or mental illness
Smpai aku rasa aku tak nak khwin, dan tak kan kahwin.. sbb aku dah tawar hati pd mnusia yg tak berkesudahan menilai rupa.. knapa aku dilahirkan berbadan besar? knape bentuk tubuh aku tak menarik? kenapa aku gelap? kenapa aku tak cantik? Tak.. tak.. aku takkan pernah persoalkan itu, siapa aku utk persoalkn pemberian Allah ni? Dah lah Allah kasi free.. tp, soalnya.. knapa mnusia sering menilai rupa yg takkan kekal ni? huh! wahai hati..sabarlah..setiap jiwa akan pulang.. doakan aku kuat :)
psychiatric or mental illness
Saya ingat lagi betapa kuatnya saya menjerit apabila melihat kerusi kayu itu sikit lagi nak kena kepala anak lelaki kedua saya.
If the wife does all that, there won't be any mention of a servant, right? It's expected to obey the husband's orders in the name of being obedient, like that, right?
When I was young, I could pass as a Caucasian. These local guys are extremely immature.
aku bru nk dload hahahaha
safe for work
Before this, I noticed that I was always the one who gave and contributed more in friendships. This is because I value friendships as a familial relationship due to the lack of friends that I have. Honestly, I do not receive the same level of appreciation that I give to others.
psychiatric or mental illness
menang memaksa memulangkan harta dirampas daripad gereja mengesahkan pemilikan paus terhadap
Later I will tell you why. My aspirations are high. My dreams are big. Whatever I intend, I will continue to strive, pray and work hard until I achieve it.
safe for work
speechless. realistic banget
safe for work
Semoga sejathra
safe for work
ni sebab mentaliti kita yang ada orang akan buat itu job, sama macam makan kat mekdi. buat apa bersihkan, nanti pekerja mekdi takde kerja pulak. yang ni pun sama buat apa tolak, nanti bangla xde kerja plak.
bapa dah amik, anak pun nak amik..?? penat orang tu teran anak.. agak2 la nk heartbreak pun.. ko belum beranak, ko duduk diam2 sudah.. tak payah nak lebih sudu dari kuah..! menyampah aku dgn perempuan yg melebih2 ni.
Kucing mati pun susah nak cope, cant imagine if orang tersayang meninggal. I guess auto depressed kot
psychiatric or mental illness
Saya selalu berdoa kepada Allah semoga saya pergi dalam keadaan yang tenang tanpa rasa bersalah disebabkan kes ini. Semoga confession ini dapat mengubati hati ini.
psychiatric or mental illness
Aku juga terfikir "kalau aku pergi jumpa Psikologis ke apa ke, masalah tu takkan selesai. Sebab masalah tu 'within the barrier'. Bila satu masalah tu adalah konflik dalaman, kita selesaikan dan cadanglah pelbagai penyelesaian pun tetap takkan selesai selagi konflik tu tak dihapuskan atau dibuang. Tapi takkan aku nak bunuh pulakkan. Bunuh masa tido. Serkup pakai bantal, tikam dekat kepala. TAKKAN KOT. Nauzubillahiminzalik.
psychiatric or mental illness
Takkan lah pelakon pakai myvi..
safe for work
oooohooo..that's sharp..but for me, Islamic scholars are still the best throughout history..
religion insult
After that, his family successfully convinced him to abandon his Kiwi stance. Their reason was that he would become a disobedient child. They said that he could always find a new wife. I don't know how to react to that.
Completed cycles already
safe for work
Tunangan sama cewek Indonesia aja dik, insya Allah setia dan bahagia Mesti laki2 indonesia banyak xguna kan.. Sebab tu pompuan indonesia teringin sangat kawen dengan laki2 malaysia..
It's far to go for a meal.. There's delicious steamed rice next to the house.
safe for work
Mun ada orang buang ktk macam sampah. cayaklah esok akan ada lori sampah mutit ktk. Esok khamis
Yeah, I'm not physically abusive, but I'm mentally abusive. She said that Si B cries every day because of me.
psychiatric or mental illness
he say got his toilet paper from oversea leh
Not performing well in bed increases the risk of being divorced or cheated on by your partner. Otherwise, there wouldn't be a flood of products claiming to tighten, whiten, and firm breasts. All of this is for the sake of men.
I saw it that day. It really came out on the front porch, clearly visible. I thought it was just normal, didn't expect it to appear in the news.
safe for work
Manakala di utube, seekor kucen kena scam kat spa di korea.
Ni aku tak berapa gemar. Tetamu datang rumah dan tak solat, biarkan waktu solat berlalu begitu sahaja. Aku akan rasa bersalah. Nak ingatkan, nanti sentap. Tapi tolonglah solat wahai tetamu, aku tak mahu tanggung dosa tak tegur ni.
religion insult
Iyer ke? Where is the evidence? Did Allah say 'The knowledge possessed by Prophet Khidr consumes its owner Khidr'? Why Nizam... Khidr is among His servants, even dogs and pigs are also among His servants. Did Allah say that Khidr killing the innocent slave is without sin? Is digging a hole in the boat without sin? Is rebuilding the structure without reward? The way you behave, is it without sin? Is your cursing behavior so righteous? Lastly, do you really know who Khidr is? Or are you just assuming?
religion insult
So, if it's true that my sister wrote those confessions and tweaked them a bit, I just want to let you know that even Satan thought he was special because of all the worship he did, but in the end he was thrown into Hell for refusing to prostrate to Prophet Adam (AS).
religion insult
Sebijik penampar padu hinggap kat muka aku. Satu sekolah jadi saksi. Aku pun tercengang "besar sangat ka salah aku pi tandas sampai kena penampar macam ni?".
Dalam wad, aku banyak spent time dengan Aleah, direct breastfeed dia, dan aku terasa amat dekat dengan Aleah. Athif dulu juga menyusu badan, tapi aku selalu pam saja susu aku diberi dalam botol pada Athif. Memang lain betul perasaan direct breastfeed ni, sambil pandang muka baby. Allahu terasa sayu sangat. Malam tu aku menangis teruk. Teringat Athif, teringat betapa aku terlampau sibuk kerja, hingga kadang aku lupa tanggungjawab aku sebagai seorang ibu.
psychiatric or mental illness
If you don't move on and just indulge in your own feelings, it's okay. I understand that. But this is the type of person who can't move on and then becomes PSYCHO towards others. Let me introduce myself, Mentari (not my real name).
psychiatric or mental illness
Now, no one else.. only my husband whom I hope would contact me every day. But, he rarely contacts me during work hours. It's quiet.. I'm very lonely. Only the sound of my phone alarm works.
psychiatric or mental illness
weather not so good liao looks like it is going to rain
safe for work
Sometimes Allah presents the smallest test in the world, but it has the biggest impact on a person's life. Allah tests us with the love of the world, Allah tests us with the severity of the love of the world. Allah gifts us with the most important people in our lives, our parents, siblings, relatives, and friends. Our love for them is as vast as the ocean, as high as the blue sky. When the time comes, Allah takes back that blessing by presenting separation, death, and small tests like arguments and other worldly problems. At that time, we fall as weak as our hearts, we despair with Allah's mercy, we refuse to accept fate, we forget. YES, we forget, Allah is Almighty over everything. He who gives life and He who takes it away. We forget all that, only our feelings remain that blame fate and destiny in life that has been predetermined since the beginning of time.
religion insult
Bab-bab agama memang semua di serah pada saya. Saya kata kan pada dia, sekali pun abang tak pernah ajak saya berjemaah, sekarang abang nak cari makmum baru??
religion insult
Apparently, I haven't completely moved on yet. It's not easy to move on... I still can't face my wife like I used to face Fazura.
psychiatric or mental illness
Pergi lah mam gizi oli
Recently, Bavarian had a car with the letter Z, but a few days ago they sold it and changed to a Copen.
safe for work
It's not about being capable or incapable. It's about wanting to make quick profits. I don't know what percentage this manipulation has with L... That's the issue. The problem is trading religion, solely based on selling one's name as a celebrity. If you have great knowledge about Umrah and Hajj, people won't be surprised because you provide a service to convey knowledge, being a guide from the beginning until the end, to the same group of pilgrims. Eventually, it will turn into the main issue. Are you inviting people to perform Umrah for the sake of Allah? Or are you inviting fans to go on a (Islamic version) vacation with celebrities?
religion insult
Damn sweet one
safe for work
Dia nak bunuh diri, jadi punca orang meninggal. Celaka menyusahkan orang
gergasi payu dara milf karen fisher miang/gatal ffm / dua perempuan satu lelaki: terbaik video lucah jepun, ideal seks muda lama lucah, hq hd lucah, apa ...
Aku yang banyak experience kena pukul dengan abang2 aku ni ada berfikir secara rasional kalau aku bertumbuk dengan dia confirm aku yang victimize sebab adik aku bukan kurang bengis dia tu.. Haih aku terpaksa cakap jugak..
3. How can an attack occur? There must be a trigger. The three diseases I mentioned have many causes or triggers. Human occurrences are so unique that we cannot generalize everything. Therefore, some people are attacked by fatigue only when the weather is cold, some are attacked by cigarette smoke, some when they are tired, and some are attacked just because they play with cats! The same goes for heart patients and mental patients, as well as other diseases. And no one wants to be attacked. Most of the time, they look normal. But when triggered, you don't know how painful it is and how much struggle it takes to get out of this disease, whether it's fatigue, heart disease, mental illness, or any other disease. What is certain is that it is PAINFUL.
psychiatric or mental illness
How to not be brokenI really need help. I feel like I'm too broken to be fixed and if I can't get better, I shouldn't be here. Second semester of my freshman year, I was sexually assaulted. First semester, I got into an abusive "relationship" that continued through the assault with a different person. Since then, I haven't been able to function in school. Or only a little bit. I used to be good at school, as long as it didn't involve writing. I also have ADHD, but I don't know if that's why I struggle with writing. I failed a class that semester and did worse in all my other classes. Then I failed an online course over the summer. Then I did very badly in a semester of classes at a local college during a forced stay at home. Then I took a semester off. I worked hard to get my scholarships back (ultimately failing to follow through on an important final step for one of them.) I couldn't afford to go to a different school because I'm not a freshman. I depend on an almost full scholarship to attend school at all. I auditioned for a different department and got in, but not for the concentration I'm interested in. When I got back to school, my mother read my journal in which I detailed explicitly my assault. She doesn't understand or regret what she did to this day, although our relationship somewhat recovered. I was already insecure about not getting into the concentration I wanted, but then I was surrounded by crazy talented people who did get in and it hit hard. I wanted to ultimately study acting, but I wasn't sure I could be good enough. So I proceeded to barely make it to my classes for a semester, take two Is and a W and a very generous B. I was also scared of my roommate. The next semester I withdrew entirely. During a week that seemed vital, I felt like I had made my partner feel unsafe and panicked and tried to kill myself. It was my first attempt. I went voluntarily, but I was involuntarily held for a week. It was insanely stressful because no one told me what was happening and they lied to us. I'm sorry this is so badly written and rambling. I'm sorry that I'm being so self-pitying. This summer, I thought I'd never be able to go back to school. I worked at Walmart and as a hostess at a restaurant at the same time to be able to pay off my credit card. I moved in with my boyfriend. This fall, I've been too slow and passive at a lot of things and not worked hard and I don't know how to make myself. I don't own a car but I use my boyfriend's. It's hard to get medications I need. Mostly Adderall, because no antidepressant has done anything for me. I'm really depressed this week. I've managed to make it through acting class, but then I performed pretty mediocrely in class and I fell apart. I've been really sad since then. I also have 2 classes I haven't been to in weeks and 1 I'm definitely dropping. I don't know how to pay for this semester because I didn't finish my Is in time to get funding this semester. My boyfriend thinks I'm as hopeless as I do. I'm a piece of shit and I'm not sure I'll change. I don't want to be one of those people who is basically a mental illness junkie. I see so many people who can't seem to get it together. Maybe because of a lack of resources. But I watched an acquaintance go from a BPD diagnosis to self diagnosing DID. I'm in a support Facebook group, but all I see is a bunch of people who still aren't functional human beings. They work minimum wage or no jobs and they feel like shit all the time. This whole post is too rambling to be much of anything, but I'm in pieces and I'd like to know how not to be. I may not have included important information to answering that.
saya mimpi ular hitam minggu lepas, selang 1 malam mimpi ular putih pulak takut .. ular tu merenung saya , terus terjaga
I feel that the best way to take care of our parents is through prayers and efforts, just like how we strive to take care of our children. If our best efforts are not enough, I will still send prayers during every prayer. I feel sad reading your thread. I am also facing the same problem. When do we please everyone (mother, father, mother-in-law, husband, children, bosses), while neglecting ourselves? As long as I have good and pure intentions, I will continue to try my best to please everyone as much as I can.
psychiatric or mental illness
Di awal pertunangan dan perkahwinan kami, aku selalu juga cuba korek kehidupan suami aku sebelum aku kenal dia. Dengan alasan aku nak lebih mengenali dia. Aku yakin ramai yang guna alasan macam aku ni. Tapi suami aku relax aje. Tak melayan sangat pun pertanyaan aku. Aku hanya dapat gambaran kehidupan dia dulu melalui gambar-gambar lama yang dia di-tag oleh kawan-kawan nya dulu. Tapi oleh kerana suami aku malu dengan dirinya dulu, dia cakap kat aku, itu bukan lagi dirinya nya sekarang.
psychiatric or mental illness
Disebabkan melihat ketabahan dan senyuman tu, aku secara spontan dapat merasakan keperitan hidup yang die lalui. Air mata aku pon bergenang, and jatuh air mata jantan aku dengan laju. Aku cakap kat dia yang aku bangga melihat dia hidup tabah sebegini, walhal kalau jadi kat aku, tak tau laa macam mane hidup aku. Aku pon tak dapat nak sampaikan ape2 cukup sekadar sosok dan wajah yang dapat mengubati rindu dia kat abang dia. Pertemuan tu bagi aku sangat epik dan bersejarah dalam hidup aku. Seriously, aku tak pernah berhadapan dengan keadaan dimana kau bermotivasi tinggi utk memberi orang lain manfaat tetapi kau sendiri yang rebah dengan keinsafan yang dalam.
psychiatric or mental illness
Mcm2 can become a person who lacks sustenance (regardless of gender) if they do not remember God, it is indeed deceitful.
religion insult
God willing, the whole family will go together - me, hubby, and our 2 sons (12 & 6).
safe for work
I can't believe he wants to become a secretary, busy with that girl. He wants to leave soon, and you will be the new director's secretary, who knows for how many years. So, be good at pleasing the boss, take over his name. During the transitional period, act sweet, treat him well, whatever it takes. Let him hang out like a monkey all day, it's up to you to do your job. If you're not sure, ask him if he's lying or if he's serious. Just endure it until the day comes when you take over everything. You are the boss's trust, even if your interpersonal skills are lacking. How did you become a secretary? What did they teach you in secretary school? I hope you have a pretty face, because you're not good at being a pole dancer. Even that requires hard work, not ragging or bullying juniors or newbies, that's everywhere. Are you surprised? If you can't stand it, find a man. Being single is fine. Stay at home, have many children, play with them. That's a peaceful life, right?
"beauty with the brain,". Beauty pulak? Ini masalah lelaki. Dah jumpa pandai masak, mengemas, solehah, pandai jaga hati tapi nak yang cantik pulak. Dia nak perempuan bijak, at the same time cantik! Ok Dee hudsnuzon je, yang nak beauty with the brain ni mesti lelaki yang handsome + bijak jugak. Kalau tak kenapa nak memilih sekali package cantik kan?
He got woke and started cutting his GPS tracker.
Ala.. hiraukan je la suara2 sombang tu. Kawin je la cepat2 dari dok buat maksiat. Maksiat ni macam2. Kuar dating tu pon kira maksiat. Kalo jadi yg lebih teruk ke ape ke, org2 yg sora sumbang ni ke nak tanggung. Cer uols p baca kat board masalah peribadi tu. Siap ada yg da terlanjur. Ada yg da pregnant. Da kawen pon masih bleh sambung study. IOls sokong sejuta peratus tindakan uols nak kawen. Rejeki murah kawen ni.
religion insult
When I entered university, I was scared. With my 'religious-looking' attire, people assumed that I had extensive knowledge about religion. However, I am not well-versed in even the common Surahs and lack basic knowledge about many things. I am still ignorant about many things.
religion insult
Jadi adik2 sudah tahu mengapa akak masih tidak mahu vaksin yahudi saparti pfizer astra yang adik2 re .. Tak pe rakyt mesia.. tunggu skitt je lg.. lps aku ngorat ngan putin.. kita semua mesti happy.. sskjp leh balik raye aji dah
religion insult
Cerita Lucah Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Ustazah Nasuha | Melayu ...
I am Siti Noraiyesah,
safe for work
Congratulations Azmi. Take care of your wife.
safe for work
JDT fans club Sanjung Abang. .. .! cara orang bijak berpikir, .
safe for work
Masa dlm class dulu kalau ngantuk gaban suruh kawan cubit2 tangan bila rasa sakit terus mata segar
Aku ingat lelaki biol yang boleh excited dengan species dia ni mesti telan date (rape) drugs. Dah macam bini frankestein dah aku tengok
Padan muke ngan Jerry tue, memula ckp besar sgt. Tup2 die yg kuar.
But my father would quickly dismiss it by saying that my stepmother came from a poor family. As if my dad's poverty is less significant when my father describes it.
menyaksikan hukuman penggal kepala dikenakan terhadap