translation |
"en": "(Present-day Enni-ji Temple was restored by the 21st chief priest of Higashi Hongan-ji, Kosho OTANI.)",
"ja": "(現在の延仁寺は、東本願寺第二十一世大谷光勝が再興したもの。)"
} |
"en": "Some belongings left by Shinran and a part of his skull were carried to the Kanto region by disciples such as Zensho, and placed into the \"Inada no soan\" in which Shinran lived while preaching in the Kanto region.",
"ja": "頂骨と遺品の多くは弟子の善性らによって東国(関東)に運ばれ、東国布教の聖地である「稲田の草庵」に納められたとも伝えられる。"
} |
"en": "A statue of Shinran at",
"ja": "にある親鸞聖人像"
} |
"en": "In 1272 (10 years after Shinran's death), with the help of Shinran's followers, Kakushinni moved the tomb of Shinran at \"Otani\" to the north of Yoshimizu (near the present Sotai-in (Chion-in Tacchu)) and constructed a hall called \"Otani byodo.\"",
"ja": "文久9年(1272年)(親鸞入滅より10年後)、親鸞の弟子たちの協力を得た覚信尼により、「大谷」の地より吉水の北辺(現、崇泰院(そうたいいん)〔知恩院塔頭〕付近)に改葬し「大谷廟堂」を建立する。"
} |
"en": "(In 1295, Shinran's image was enshrined in the hall, which came to be called \"Otani eido\".)",
"ja": "(永仁3年(1295年)親鸞の御影像を安置し、「大谷影堂」となる。)"
} |
"en": "(In 1312, he posted the name \"Senju-ji,\" but the people of Enryaku-ji Temple opposed it and the name was taken down.)",
"ja": "(応長2年〈1312年〉に、「専修寺」と額を掲げるが、叡山の反対により撤去する。)"
} |
"en": "Hongan-ji Temple survived until 1465 (the time of the 8th caretaker, Rennyo), when it was destroyed by the congregation from the Saito area of Enryaku-ji Temple (the incident is called Kansho no Honan).",
"ja": "寛正6年(1465年)に、延暦寺西塔の衆徒により破却される(寛正の法難)まで、本願寺はこの地にあった(本願寺八世蓮如が宗主の時代)。"
} |
"en": "Texts in Chinese Characters",
"ja": "漢文"
} |
"en": "\"Kenjodo shinjitsu kyogyo shomonrui\" (an abbreviation of the title is \"Kyogyo shinsho\")",
"ja": "『顕浄土真実教行証文類』(略名『教行信証』)"
} |
"en": "A poem called 'Shoshin Nenbutsuge' is in the last part of the volume named 'Gyokan' of \"Kyogyo shinsho\", and the poem consists of 120 lines (7 letters in each line).",
"ja": "「正信念仏偈」は、『教行信証』の「行巻」の末尾にある、七言百二十句からなる偈文。"
} |
"en": "\"Jodo monrui jusho\" (a short treatise on the Pure Land): an abbreviated \"Kyogyo Shinsho\"",
"ja": "『浄土文類聚鈔』…教行信証の要点を述べた書物。"
} |
"en": "\"Gutokusho\" (Gutoku's Notes)",
"ja": "『愚禿鈔』"
} |
"en": "\"Nyushutsu nimon Ge\" (hymns on the two gates, entrance and exit)",
"ja": "『入出二門偈』"
} |
"en": "Texts in Japanese",
"ja": "和文"
} |
"en": "\"Jodo wasan\" (hymns on the Pure Land)",
"ja": "『浄土和讃』"
} |
"en": "\"Koso wasan\" (hymns on the high priests)",
"ja": "『高僧和讃』"
} |
"en": "\"Shozomatsu wasan\" (hymns on the three periods)",
"ja": "『正像末和讃』"
} |
"en": "\"Jodo wasan\", \"Koso wasan\" and \"Shozomatsu wasan\" are together called 'Sanjo wasan' (three books of hymns).",
"ja": "『浄土和讃』『高僧和讃』『正像末和讃』を、「三帖和讃」と総称する。"
} |
"en": "\"Sangyo ojo monrui\"",
"ja": "『三経往生文類』"
} |
"en": "\"Songo shinzo meimon\" (eulogies inscribed on the scrolls of the holy names and portraits)",
"ja": "『尊号真像銘文』"
} |
"en": "\"Ichinen tanen shomon\" (notes on one-thought and many thoughts)",
"ja": "『一念多念証文』"
} |
"en": "\"Yuishin shomoni\" (notes on faith, commented)",
"ja": "『唯信鈔文意』"
} |
"en": "\"Nyorai nishu ekomon\"",
"ja": "『如来二種回向文』"
} |
"en": "\"Mida nyorai myogotoku\"",
"ja": "『弥陀如来名号徳』"
} |
"en": "\"Shinran Sho'nin goshosoku\" (the letters of Shinran)",
"ja": "『親鸞聖人御消息』"
} |
"en": "Related Works",
"ja": "関連書籍"
} |
"en": "\"Eshinni shosoku\" (the letters of Eshinni)",
"ja": "『恵信尼消息』"
} |
"en": "\"Tannisho\" (Lamentations of Divergences)",
"ja": "『歎異抄』"
} |
"en": "\"Shukke to Sono Deshi\" (entering the Buddhist priesthood and the disciple) written by Hyakuzo KURATA",
"ja": "出家とその弟子(倉田百三)"
} |
"en": "\"Shiroi Michi - Honen, Shinran to Sono Jidai\" (A White Path: Honen, Shinran and Their Times - made into a movie by SHOCHIKU Corporation in 1987; Director: Rentaro MIKUNI)",
"ja": "白い道法然・親鸞とその時代(三國連太郎、1987年松竹より映画化)"
} |
"en": "\"Mida no Hashi ha - Shinran Shonin Den\" (a bridge of Mida, a legend of St. Shinran)",
"ja": "弥陀の橋は 親鸞聖人伝(津本陽)"
} |
"en": "Jodo Shu is one of the denominations of Buddhism in Japan, which was founded by Honen Shonin and the teaching and practice of which is Jodo Kyo Senju-nenbutsu (Exclusive Nenbutsu).",
"ja": "浄土宗(じょうどしゅう)は、法然上人が開祖である、浄土教専修念仏を宗旨とする日本の仏教宗派の一つ。"
} |
"en": "Honzon (main image) is Amida Nyorai (Funagokoryumida).",
"ja": "本尊は阿弥陀如来(舟後光立弥陀)。"
} |
"en": "Honen swore to be a monk, following the will of his father, URUMA no Tokikuni.",
"ja": "法然(後の法然)は父の漆間時国の遺言通り僧侶になる事を誓う。"
} |
"en": "He was sent to his uncle's temple, Bodai-ji, before he went to Mt. Hiei, the center of Buddhist study.",
"ja": "比叡山に登る前、叔父の菩提寺という寺院に行った。"
} |
"en": "He studied hard under Kangaku Shonin there.",
"ja": "そこの住職の観覚上人の下で勉学に励んだ。"
} |
"en": "But after four years, his teacher monk Kangaku Shonin said to Seishimaru 'I have nothing to teach you any more. How about going to study at Mt. Hiei?', so he went to Mt. Hiei in 1145, when he was only 13 years old.",
"ja": "しかし、4年の歳月が過ぎ師僧の観覚上人から「お前に教える事はもう何もない、比叡山に行ってはどうか」と言われ、勢至丸は比叡山へわずか13歳(1145年)で行く事となる。"
} |
"en": "After that he learned Buddhism under Genko Shonin at Eizan Komponchudo.",
"ja": "その後、叡山根本中堂に於いて源光(僧侶)上人より学ぶ。"
} |
"en": "After Seishimaru had learned everything Genko Shonin could have taught, he started to study under Koen Ajari.",
"ja": "また、源光上人が勉学を教えられなくなり、皇円阿闍梨の下で学ぶ。"
} |
"en": "Seishimaru was ordained officially by Koen in 1147, when he was 15.",
"ja": "ここで勢至丸・15歳(1147年)、正式に得度する。"
} |
"en": "In 1150 (18 years old), Seishimaru moved to Bessho of Seiryu-ji Temple (in Sakamoto, Otsu city), was taught by Jigenbo Eiku Shonin, named Honen-bo Genku (used one Kanji character each from Genko and Eiko).",
"ja": "勢至丸・18歳(1150年)の時、青龍寺(大津市坂本)の別所に移り慈眼房叡空上人に師事して法然房源空(源光・叡空より一字ずつ名を貰った)と名のる。"
} |
"en": "In 1175, when he was 43, Honen realized the truth of Senju-nenbutsu by Kanmuryojukyosho (Kangyosho, Commentary on the Meditation Sutra), written by Zendo Daishi, so he left Mt. Hiei for Higashiyama Yoshimizu and began to spread the teaching of the nenbutsu.",
"ja": "承安(日本)5年(1175年)43歳の時、善導大師の観無量寿経疏(観経疏)によって専修念仏に進み、比叡山を下りて東山吉水に住み、念仏の教えを弘めた。"
} |
"en": "It is said that this is the beginning of Jodo Shu.",
"ja": "この年が、浄土宗の立教開宗の年とされる。"
} |
"en": "The words of Kangyosho, which made Honen found Jodo Shu are:",
"ja": "その観経疏にある立教に至った文字は、"
} |
"en": "The way of Ojo (birth in the Pure Land) is to continue to recite the name of Mida (Amida) intently whenever and wherever, regardless of length of time.",
"ja": "一心に専ら弥陀の名を称えいつでも何処でも時間の短い長いに関係なく常にこれを念頭に置き継続する事が往生への道である。"
} |
"en": "That is because it leads to the true wish of Mida.",
"ja": "その理由は弥陀の本願に順ずるからである。"
} |
"en": "Recite the name of Mida intently.",
"ja": "一心専念弥陀名号"
} |
"en": "Whenever and wherever, it doesn't matter how long you recite.",
"ja": "行住坐臥不問時節久近"
} |
"en": "Continue to recite the name of Mida and it is the true way for Ojo.",
"ja": "念念不捨者是名正定之業"
} |
"en": "That is because it leads to the true wish of Mida.",
"ja": "順彼佛願故"
} |
"en": "\"Namu Amida Butsu\" means to believe in Amida Butsu.",
"ja": "「南無阿弥陀仏」=阿弥陀仏に帰依します。"
} |
"en": "It is said the nenbustu of Jodo Shu began with the selection of these words, Mida Butsu.",
"ja": "弥陀佛の選択(仏教)によって、浄土宗における念仏はここから始まったと言っても良い、。"
} |
"en": "\"Senchaku Hongan nenbutsu Shu\" (Passages on the Selection of the nenbutsu in the Original Vow) is the main sacred book, which is a compilation of dogma.",
"ja": "『選択本願念仏集』が浄土宗の根本聖典となっており、教義の集大成となっている。"
} |
"en": "When Honen founded Jodo Shu, he was criticized by old temples such as Tendai denomination and Kofuku-ji temple of Nara, and exiled to Sanuki province (Jogen persecution), but he propagated Jodo Shu there as well.",
"ja": "また、浄土宗の立教と共に旧来の仏教である天台宗や奈良の興福寺から批判の声が上がり、承元元年(1207年)、法然は讃岐国へ流罪にさせられる(承元の法難)が、その地においても布教をした。"
} |
"en": "After that he was pardoned but forbidden to enter Kyoto, so he continued to propagation based at Katsuo-ji Temple in Settsu Province.",
"ja": "その後、法然は赦免されたものの、京都への入京を禁じられたために、摂津国勝尾寺を拠点に布教を続けた。"
} |
"en": "Honen was allowed to come back to Kyoto in 1211(Kenreki 1), but passed away at the age of 80 next year.",
"ja": "法然は建暦元年(1211年)に京都への復帰を許されたものの、翌年に80歳の生涯を閉じている。"
} |
"en": "History",
"ja": "歴史"
} |
"en": "After Honen passed away, Shinku, an elder disciple, succeeded the Jodo Shu denomination, but there were subtle differences in the interpretation of the dogma of Honen between disciples such as Shoku, Bencho, Kosai, Chosai, Ryukan and Shinran.",
"ja": "法然の没後、長老の信空(浄土宗)が後継となったものの、証空・弁長・幸西・長西・隆寛・親鸞ら門人の間で法然の教義に対する解釈で微妙な違いが生じていた。"
} |
"en": "In 1227, Senju-nenbutsu was forbidden again, and Jodo Shu was damaged heavily and moved toward separation (Karoku persecution).",
"ja": "嘉禄3年(1227年)、再び専修念仏の停止が命ぜられて、浄土門では大きな被害を蒙り、以後、法然教団の分派が加速することとなった(嘉禄の法難)。"
} |
"en": "The reason for this persecution was that nenbutsu priests were suspected of robbery when the treasure of Hossho-ji Temple was stolen.",
"ja": "事の発端には、法性寺の寺宝が盗まれた際に、念仏者が盗賊団の一味として疑われたことがある。"
} |
"en": "In addition, monks of Enryaku-ji Temple attacked nenbutsu priests, \"Senchaku Hongan nenbutsu Shu (Passages on the Selection of the nenbutsu in the Original Vow)\" was banned, and Honen's mausoleum at Higashiyama Otani (Kyoto) was destroyed.",
"ja": "また、延暦寺の僧徒たちが念仏者を襲撃したりし、『選択本願念仏集』は禁書扱いを受け、東山(京都府)大谷の法然墓堂も破壊された。"
} |
"en": "At this time Kosai was exiled to Iki Province and Ryukan to Mutsu Province as well.",
"ja": "なお、この際に幸西は壱岐国に、隆寛は陸奥国に配流されている。"
} |
"en": "Honen's body was accepted by Raigo Enku of Uzumasa Koryu-ji Temple and cremated at Ao'no in Nishiyama.",
"ja": "法然の遺骸は、太秦広隆寺の来迎房円空に託され、1228年(安貞2年)に西山の粟生野で荼毘に付された。"
} |
"en": "After that, Jodo shiryu (four sects of Jodo Shu) were founded.",
"ja": "その後、浄土四流(じょうどしりゅう)という流れが形成される。"
} |
"en": "That is the four sects that were the mainstream of Jodo Shu after Shinku's death, Seizan-gi of Shoku, Chinzei-gi of Bencho who was patronized by the Kusano clan in Kyushu, Chorakuji-gi of Ryukan who spread Tanen-gi in Eastern area after exile there, Kuhonji-gi of Chosei who taught Shogyohongan-gi against Shoku in Kyoto.",
"ja": "すなわち、信空の没後、京都の浄土宗の主流となった証空の西山義、九州の草野氏の庇護を受けた弁長の鎮西義、東国への流刑を機に却って同地で多念義を広めた隆寛の長楽寺義、京都で証空に対抗して所業本願義を説いた長西の九品寺義の4派を指す。"
} |
"en": "These four sects do not include Shinran's sect, one of the strongest sects at that time, which became independent as Jodo Shinshu after he died. Other independent sects were founded left and right by other priests such as Tanku of Nison-in Temple in Saga (Kyoto), Genchi who revived Chion-in Temple and Kosei who introduced Ichinen-gi.",
"ja": "もっとも当時の有力な集団の1つであった親鸞の教団はその没後に浄土真宗として事実上独立することとなりこの4流には含まれておらず、他にも嵯峨(京都市)二尊院の湛空や知恩院を再興した源智、一念義を唱えた幸西など4流に加わらずに独自の教団を構成した集団が乱立した。"
} |
"en": "But only Seizan-gi and Chinzei-gi remained through the Middle ages, other than Jodo Shinshu, and they were called Seizan School and Chinzei School.",
"ja": "だが、中世を通じて残ったのは浄土真宗を別にすると西山義と鎮西義の2つであり、この両義の教団を「西山派」「鎮西派」と称することとなる。"
} |
"en": "On the other hand, the Kamakura Shogunate oppressed Jodo Shu to stop nenbutsu in Kamakura, but Seizan-ha was welcomed by Hojo clan later and built a base in Bengayatasu of Kamakura.",
"ja": "一方、鎌倉においても鎌倉幕府によって念仏停止などの弾圧が行われたが、後には西山派は北条氏一族の中にも受け入れられて鎌倉弁ヶ谷に拠点を築いた。"
} |
"en": "Moreover, Ryochu, who was a disciple of Bencho, founder of Chinzei-ha, had established his influence in Kanto area based on Goshin-ji Temple (present Komyo-ji Temple in Kamakura city).",
"ja": "一方、鎮西派を開いた弁長の弟子であった良忠も鎌倉の悟真寺(現在の光明寺_(鎌倉市))を中心とした関東各地に勢力を伸ばしていった。"
} |
"en": "Gokuraku-ji Temple in Kamakura (Kamakura city) was said to have been a Jodo Shu Temple before becoming a Shingon-risshu temple, and Kotoku-in (Kamakura Daibutsu) is a representative Jodo Shu temple in Kamakura (it is said that it was in the Edo period that it officially became a Jodo Shu Temple, there are various opinions about the early period.",
"ja": "鎌倉にある極楽寺_(鎌倉市)は真言律宗になる前は浄土宗寺院であったとも言われ、高徳院(鎌倉大仏)も同地における代表的な浄土宗寺院である(ただし、公式に浄土宗寺院になったのは江戸時代とも言われ、その初期については諸説がある)。"
} |
"en": "But Jodo Shu fell into an era of separation; Nishiyama-ha separated to Nishitani-ryu, Fukakusa-ryu, Higashiyama-ryu and Saga-ryu after Shoku died, and Chinzei-ha separated into Shirohata-ha, Nagoe-ha, Fujita-ha, Ichijo-ha, Kobata-ha and Sanjo-ha after Yoshitada died.",
"ja": "だが、西山派は証空の死後、西谷流・深草流・東山流・嵯峨流に分裂し、鎮西派も良忠の死後に白旗派・名越派・藤田派・一条派・木幡派・三条派に分裂するなど、浄土宗は更なる分裂の時代を迎える事になる。"
} |
"en": "From the Nanbokucho period to the Muromachi period Shokan and Ryoei of Fujita-ha and Shogei and Shoso of Shirohata-ha appeared within Chinzei-ha and founded new sects, overcoming Seizan-ha and other sects of Chinzei-ha.",
"ja": "その後南北朝時代(日本)から室町時代にかけて、鎮西派の中でも藤田派の聖観・良栄、白旗派の聖冏・聖聡が現れて宗派を興隆して西山派及び鎮西派の他の流派を圧倒した。"
} |
"en": "Especially, Seido insisted on the rule of Goju-soden (Fivefold Transmission) because Jodo Shu has a succession of dogma and genealogy, and tried to integrate various sects by organization of genealogy and dogma.",
"ja": "特に聖冏は浄土宗に宗脈・戒脈の相承があるとして「五重相伝」の法を唱え、血脈・教義の組織化を図って宗門を統一しようとした。"
} |
"en": "Shoso built Zojo-ji Temple and his disciple, Gutei, built Daiju-ji Temple at the request of Chikatada MATSUDAIRA.",
"ja": "聖聡は増上寺を創建し、その孫弟子にあたる愚底は松平親忠に乞われて大樹寺を創建した。"
} |
"en": "Chion-in, which was revived by Shirohata-ha after the Onin War, was admitted as the head temple of Jodo Shu by Emperor Ogimachi in 1575 and given authority to grant or deny vestments to Jodo Shu monks in Japan ('Kiharinji').",
"ja": "応仁の乱後、白旗派の手によって再興された知恩院は天正3年(1575年)に正親町天皇より浄土宗本寺としての承認を受け、諸国の浄土宗僧侶への香衣付与・剥奪の権限を与えられた(「毀破綸旨」)。"
} |
"en": "In addition, after the foundation of the Edo Shogunate by Ieyasu TOKUGAWA, who was a descendant of Chikatada MATSUDAIRA, Jodo Shu was protected heavily.",
"ja": "更に松平親忠の末裔である徳川家康が江戸幕府を開いた事によって浄土宗は手厚い保護を受けることになる。"
} |
"en": "Sonsho in Chion-in and Son'o in Zojo-ji Temple were especially respected by Ieyasu.",
"ja": "特に知恩院の尊照と増上寺の存応は、家康の崇敬を受けた。"
} |
"en": "In 1615 Jodoshu hatto was established as one of the rules of Jiin shohatto, in which Chion-in was recognized as the head temple, and Zojo-ji Temple was given the name of Daihonzan and Sorokusho (a government office of religion) was founded there although it had a lower position than Chion-in.",
"ja": "元和(日本)元年(1615年)に寺院諸法度の一環として浄土宗法度が制定され、知恩院が門跡寺院・第一位の本山とされ、増上寺はこれより下位に置かれたものの、「大本山」の称号と宗務行政官庁である「総録所」が設置された。"
} |
"en": "At this time the Edo government established Jodo Seizan-ha hatto for Seizan-ha independently.",
"ja": "なお、この際西山派に対しては別個に「浄土西山派法度」を出されている。"
} |
"en": "By these rules Jodo Shu was protected by Tokugawa Shogunate, in other words, Shogunate and domain system.",
"ja": "だが、これによって浄土宗は徳川将軍家、ひいては幕藩体制の保護を受けることとなる。"
} |
"en": "After the chaos of Haibutsu kishaku, Tetsujo UGAI and Gyokai FUKUDA tackled modernization of Jodo Shu. Integration of Chinzei-ha by the Shirohata-ha that unified Nagoshi-ha and others led to the prototype of present Jodo Shu.",
"ja": "廃仏毀釈の混乱の中から養鸕徹定・福田行誡らによって近代化が図られて白旗派が名越派などを統合する形で鎮西派が統一されて現在の浄土宗の原型が成立する。"
} |
"en": "After World War, Kurodani Jodoshu, based in Konkaikonmyo-ji Temple, and Honpa Jodoshu (Jodoshu Honpa), based in Chion-in, became independent, but in 1961, when a memorial ceremony for the 750th anniversary of Honen's death was held, Jodoshu Honpa returned and Kurodani Jodoshu also returned 16 years later.",
"ja": "第2次世界大戦後は金戒光明寺を中心とした黒谷浄土宗、知恩院を中心とする本派浄土宗(浄土宗本派)が分立するが、昭和36年(1961年)の法然750年忌を機に浄土宗本派が復帰、16年後に黒谷浄土宗も復帰した。"
} |
"en": "The representative director of Jodo Shu as a present religious corporation is called 'Shumu Socho' and responsible director is called 'Naikyoku'.",
"ja": "現在の宗教法人としての「浄土宗」の代表役員は宗務総長、責任役員は内局と呼ばれている。"
} |
"en": "On the other hand, Seizan-ha has been separated into Seizan Jodoshu, Seizan Zenrinji-ha and Seizan Fukakusa-ha.",
"ja": "一方、西山派は現在も浄土宗とは別個に西山浄土宗・西山禅林寺派・西山深草派の3派が並立した状態が続いている。"
} |
"en": "Jodoshu Shasei-ha, which was separated in the reform movement in Edo period, also has remained.",
"ja": "また、江戸時代の改革運動の際に分裂した浄土宗捨世派の勢力も存在する。"
} |
"en": "Characteristics of Jodo Shu Temple",
"ja": "浄土宗寺院特徴"
} |
"en": "Main image: Amida Buddha",
"ja": "本尊:阿弥陀仏、"
} |
"en": "Main image (left): Seishi Bosatsu (Seishi Bodhisattva)",
"ja": "本尊左:勢至菩薩、"
} |
"en": "Main image (right): Kannon Bosatsu (Kannon Bodhisattva)",
"ja": "本尊右:観音菩薩、"
} |
"en": "Left: Zendo Daishi",
"ja": "左:善導大師、"
} |
"en": "Right: Honen Shonin",
"ja": "右:法然上人、"
} |
"en": "Note: the following two are Chinzei-ha (Jodo Shu)",
"ja": "注)下記二名は鎮西派(浄土宗)。"
} |
"en": "Second founder: Genchi Shonin, Bencho Shonin",
"ja": "二祖:源智上人、弁長上人"
} |
"en": "Third founder: Ryocho Shonin",
"ja": "三祖:良忠上人"
} |
"en": "Note: the following is Seizan-ha (Seizan Jodo Shu, Jodo Shu Seizan Zenrin-ji Temple ha, Jodo Shu Seizan Fukakusa ha)",
"ja": "注)下記一名は西山派(西山浄土宗、浄土宗西山禅林寺派、浄土宗西山深草派)。"
} |
"en": "Second founder: Shoku Shonin",
"ja": "二祖:證空上人"
} |
"en": "Jodo Shu sutras",
"ja": "浄土宗教典"
} |
"en": "Jodosanbu-kyo (Three Sutras of the Pure Land)",
"ja": "浄土三部経"
} |
"en": "Muryoju-kyo Bussetsu muryoju-kyo (Sutra of Immeasurable Life)",
"ja": "無量寿経仏説無量寿経"
} |
"en": "Kanmuryojukyo (Meditation Sutra)",
"ja": "観無量寿経"
} |