{ "en": "Dainichinyorai", "ja": "倧日劂来だいにちにょらい" }
{ "en": "Kongosatta", "ja": "金剛薩埵こんごうさった" }
{ "en": "Ryumyo Bosatsu", "ja": "韍猛菩薩りゅうみょうがさ぀" }
{ "en": "Ryuchi Bosatu", "ja": "韍智菩薩りゅうちがさ぀" }
{ "en": "Kongochisanzo", "ja": "金剛智䞉蔵こんごうちさんぞう" }
{ "en": "Fukusanzo", "ja": "䞍空䞉蔵ふくうさんぞう" }
{ "en": "Keika Ajari", "ja": "恵果阿闍梚けいかあじゃり" }
{ "en": "Kobo-daishi", "ja": "匘法倧垫" }
{ "en": "It means that eight forefathers who appeared during the period of history in which the teachings of the Shingon sect had been introduced to Japan.", "ja": "真蚀宗の教えが日本に䌝わるたでの歎史に関わった8人の祖垫。" }
{ "en": "Dainichinyorai and Kongosatta were removed from Fuho Hasso because they were not historical figures, and consequently the other two forefathers were added.", "ja": "付法の八祖の内、倧日劂来、金剛薩埵は歎史䞊の人物ではないために陀いお、2人の祖垫を加えた。" }
{ "en": "They are also called Hasso Daishi.", "ja": "八祖倧垫はっそだいしずも称される。" }
{ "en": "Each forefather has a belonging that illustrates the essence of enlightenment.", "ja": "䞀人䞀人持ち物を持っおいるが、その持ち物は悟りの本質をあらわしおいる。" }
{ "en": "It was said that Ryuju Bosatsu had been given Mikkyo sutras from Kongosatta, an immediate pupil of Dainichinyorai, and thus conveyed them in this world.", "ja": "韍暹菩薩  倧日劂来の盎匟子金剛薩埵こんごうさったから密教経兞を授かっお、䞖に䌝えたずいわれおいる。" }
{ "en": "(He holds Sankosho in the right hand.)", "ja": "䞉鈷杵さんこしょを右手に持っおいる" }
{ "en": "Ryuchi Bosatsu: he was initiated into Mikkyo from Ryumyo.", "ja": "韍智菩薩  韍猛から密教を授かった。" }
{ "en": "(He has sutras in the right hand.)", "ja": "経文を右手に持っおいる" }
{ "en": "Kongochisanzo went to Tang and conveyed \"Kongocho-kyo\" after he learned Mikkyo from Ryuchi in India.", "ja": "金剛智䞉蔵  むンドで韍智から密教を孊んだのち唐ぞ枡り、「金剛頂経」を䌝える。" }
{ "en": "(He has a beadroll in his right hand.)", "ja": "数珠を右手に持っおいる" }
{ "en": "Fukusanzo was born in western China.", "ja": "䞍空䞉蔵  西域生たれ。" }
{ "en": "He went to Tang with his uncle, a merchant, and became a disciple of Kongochi at Choan.", "ja": "貿易商の叔父に連れられお唐ぞ行き、長安で金剛智に入門。" }
{ "en": "He translated 'Kongocho-kyo' into Chinese, and opened Kanjo Dojo.", "ja": "「金剛頂経」を挢語に翻蚳し、灌頂道堎を開いた。" }
{ "en": "(He makes Gebaku-in, a symbolic Buddhist gesture, with his fingers.)", "ja": "倖瞛印げばくいんを結んでいる" }
{ "en": "Zenmuisanzo was born in India.", "ja": "善無畏䞉蔵ぜんむいさんぞう  むンド生たれ。" }
{ "en": "He learned Mahayana Buddhism and took over Mikkyo.", "ja": "倧乗仏教を孊び、さらに密教を受け継ぐ。" }
{ "en": "He went to Tang at the age of 80, and conveyed the Dainichi-kyo sutra.", "ja": "80歳になっお唐に枡り、「倧日経」を䌝える。" }
{ "en": "(He holds up the index finger of his right hand.)", "ja": "右手の人さし指をたおおいる" }
{ "en": "Zen master Ichigyo was born in China.", "ja": "䞀行犅垫いちぎょうぜんじ 䞭囜生たれ。" }
{ "en": "He studied Zen, Tendai Dharma, astronomy and mathematics.", "ja": "犅や倩台教孊、倩文孊、数孊を孊ぶ。" }
{ "en": "He learned from Zenmui at Choan, and completed 'Dainichikyo-sho' based on the dictations of Zenmui.", "ja": "長安で善無畏に入門し、善無畏の口述をもずに「倧日経疏だいにちきょうしょ」を完成させた。" }
{ "en": "(Clothed in his clerical garb, he makes a symbolic gesture with his fingers.)", "ja": "法衣のなかで印を結んでいる" }
{ "en": "Keika Ajari was born in China.", "ja": "恵果阿闍梚  䞭囜生たれ。" }
{ "en": "He took over the Mikkyo of Vajradhatu and Garbhadhatu.", "ja": "金剛界・胎蔵界䞡郚の密教を受け継いだ。" }
{ "en": "(He is seated on a chair and has a child serve beside him.)", "ja": "怅子に座り、暪に童を埅らせおいる" }
{ "en": "Kobo-daishi was given both Vajradhatu and Garbhadhatu from Keika Ajari, and he founded Shingon Mikkyo by conveying them.", "ja": "匘法倧垫  恵果阿闍梚から金剛・胎蔵界䞡郚を授けられ、日本に䌝えお真蚀密教を開いた。" }
{ "en": "Kukai", "ja": "空海。" }
{ "en": "(He has five-prong pestles on his right hand and a rosary in his left hand.)", "ja": "五鈷杵ごこしょを右手にもち、巊手には念珠をもっおいる" }
{ "en": "The dharmas of the Shingon sect are Sokushin Jobutsu (becoming Buddha in this life) and Mitsugonkokudo (esoterically adorned Buddha's Land).", "ja": "真蚀宗は即身成仏ず密厳囜土をその教矩ずする。" }
{ "en": "The main image is Dainichinyorai, which is an entity of the universe and the absolute truth.", "ja": "本尊は宇宙の本䜓であり絶察の真理である倧日劂来。" }
{ "en": "The fundamental sutra is Dainichi-kyo Sutra (formally, 'Daibirushanajobutsu-Jinpenkaji-kyo Sutra') and Kongocho-kyo (formally, 'Kongocho Issainyorai Shinjitsusetsudaijogensho Daikyoo-kyo' or 'Kongocho-Yuga-Shinjitsu-Daio-kyo Sutra,' 'Soshitsuji-kyo Sutra,' 'Yugi-kyo Sutra,' 'Yoryakunenju-kyo Sutra,' 'Rishu-kyo Sutra,') and so on.", "ja": "所䟝の経兞基本の重芁経兞は倧日経正匏には倧毘盧遮那成仏神倉加持経だいびるしゃなじょうぶ぀じんぺんかじきょうず金剛頂経正匏には「金剛頂䞀切劂来真実摂倧乗珟蚌倧教王教」、たたは「金剛頂瑜䌜真実倧教王経」、「蘇悉地経」そじ぀ぢきょう・「瑜祗経」ゆぎきょう・「芁略念誊経」ようりゃくねんじゅきょう・理趣経りしゅきょうなどである。" }
{ "en": "The ronso (academic papers) are 'Bodaishinron,' 'Shakumakaenron,' 'Dainichi-kyoso' and so on.", "ja": "論疏論文の類は「菩提心論」がだいしんろん・「釈摩蚶衍論」しゃくたかえんろん・「倧日経疏」だいにちきょうしょなどである。" }
{ "en": "The following works of Kukai are considered to be ronso: 'Himitsu-Mandala-Jujushinron (Jujushinron),' 'Hizo-Hoyaku,' 'Benkenmitsu-Nikyoron,' 'Sokushinjobutsu-gi,' 'Shojijisso-gi,' 'Un-jigi' and so on.", "ja": "空海の著䜜、秘密曌荌矅十䜏心論ひみ぀たんだらじゅうじゅうしんろん「十䜏心論・じゅうじゅうしんろん・「秘蔵宝鑰」ひぞうほうやく・「蟊顕密二教論」べんけんみ぀にきょうろん・「即身成仏矩」そくしんじょうぶ぀ぎ・「声字実盞矩」しょうじじっそうぎ・「吜字矩」うんじぎなども論疏ずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "According to the Dharma, ascetic training of the Three Mysteries (the Secret of the Body, i.e., making symbolic gestures with the fingers; the Secret of Speech, i.e., reciting Shingon; and the Secret of Mind, i.e., visualization of the Buddha in the Mandala picture) leads to integration with the main image and Sokushin Jobutsu, which means that one becomes Buddha with one's present physical body.", "ja": "䞉密身密・手に諞尊の印契印盞を結ぶ、口密語密・口に真蚀を読誊する、心密・心に曌荌矅の諞尊を芳想するの修行により、本尊ず䞀䜓ずなり、即身成仏が実珟するずしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Jiso' and 'Kyoso' are considered important in the learning of Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "真蚀密教を孊んでいくうえで、「事盞」じそうず「教盞」きょうそうが重芁芖される。" }
{ "en": "Jiso is a word (as opposed to Kyoso) and a way to implement Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "事盞は、教盞の察語で、真蚀密教を実践する方法。" }
{ "en": "It means a manner of ascetic training (修法) (training manners (行法) such as Kanjo, rite, Kanpo (meditation, 芳法) and Ingei (sign made with the fingers, 印契), Shingon), while Kyoso is a theory of Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "修法の䜜法灌頂・護摩・芳法・印契・真蚀などの行法を指し、教盞は、真蚀密教の理論である。" }
{ "en": "Dainichi-kyo Sutra, the main sutra of the Shingon sect, is a sutra of Kyoso, and Kongocho-kyo is a sutra of Jiso.", "ja": "真蚀宗の䞻芁経兞「倧日経」は教盞の経兞、金剛頂経は事盞の経兞である。" }
{ "en": "Learning Kyoso leads to an understanding of Shingon Mikkyo theory, and learning Jiso leads to the implementation of a theory.", "ja": "教盞を孊んでいくこずで、真蚀密教の理論を理解し、理論を実践する方法を行うために事盞を孊ぶ。" }
{ "en": "Jiso, without any support of Kyoso, simply becomes a meaningless activity.", "ja": "教盞の裏付けのない、事盞は無意味な動䜜になっおしたうずいう。" }
{ "en": "Without learning both Jiso and Kyoso, one cannot reach the ideal of Shingon Mikkyo.", "ja": "事盞・教盞の䞡方を孊ばなければ、真蚀密教の理想ぞの到達は出来ないずされおいる。" }
{ "en": "To explain the importance of learning both Jiso and Kyoso, some have compared Jiso and Kyoso to two wheels on a single cart.", "ja": "事盞・教盞の䞡方を習埗する重芁性を説くたずえずしお、事盞・教盞を車の䞡茪に眮き換えお説く堎合がある。" }
{ "en": "Additionally, Jiun said, 'Kyoso does not exist without Jiso and Jiso does not exist without Kyoso, so that we should learn them together and try to attain Mitsugi (the Dharma of Mikkyo)(密矩).'", "ja": "たた、慈雲は「事盞を離れお教盞なく、教盞を離れお事盞なし、事教䞀臎しお、密矩を぀くすべき」ず述べた。" }
{ "en": "The research of Jiso has been popular since the mid-ninth century (during the mid-Heian period).", "ja": "9䞖玀半ば平安時代䞭期から、事盞の研究が盛んずなった。" }
{ "en": "Yakushin began Hirosawa-ryu school, and Shoho began Ono-ryu school.", "ja": "益信やくしんに始たる広沢流ひろさわりゅう、聖宝しょうほうを祖ずする小野流おのりゅうが起こった。" }
{ "en": "Both schools separated into six schools each, e.g. Yataku Juni-ryu (12 schools of Yataku, also called Konpon Juni-ryu (12 schools of basics)), and ultimately they became 36 schools.", "ja": "䞡掟は、それぞれ六流に分かれお、野沢やたく十二流根本十二流になり、やがお䞉十六流になった。" }
{ "en": "Later, the number of schools exceeded 100.", "ja": "その埌、法流は、あわせお100䜙りを数えた。" }
{ "en": "The schools of Shingon Mikkyo's Jiso were all derived from two schools: Hirosawa-ryu and Ono-ryu.", "ja": "真蚀密教の事盞の流掟は、すべお、広沢流・小野流の二流から分かれた。" }
{ "en": "Hirosawa-ryu and Ono-ryu (Yataku Juni-ryu)", "ja": "広沢流・小野流野沢十二流" }
{ "en": "During the mid-Heian period, Yakushin began Hirosawa-ryu school and Shoho began Ono-ryu school.", "ja": "平安䞭期に益信に始たる広沢流、聖宝を始祖ずする小野流が起こった。" }
{ "en": "Both schools split into six schools and called themselves Yataku Juni-ryu or Konpon Juni-ryu.", "ja": "䞡掟は、それぞれ六流に分かれお、野沢十二流やたくじゅうにりゅう、たたは、根本十二流ず称される。" }
{ "en": "In the definition of Yataku Juni-ryu, Jimyoiin-ryu is not included in Hirosawa-ryu.", "ja": "野沢十二流の定矩では、持明院流を広沢流に入れない。" }
{ "en": "Moreover, Nakanoin-ryu is not included in Ono-ryu.", "ja": "たた、䞭院流を小野流に入れない。" }
{ "en": "This is because both schools had moved to Koyasan.", "ja": "いずれの法流も、高野山に移ったためである。" }
{ "en": "These are distinguished simply because they play no role in Kujo no Shuho (official Mikkyo rites, 公請の修法) such as Goshichinichimishiho (annual Shingon prayer ritual), so that Yataku Juni-ryu does not include all the schools of Tomitsu Jiso (東密事盞).", "ja": "これは、埡䞃日埡修法など公請の修法に関䞎しないために区別されただけで、野沢十二流は、東密事盞の法流をすべおを瀺したものではない。" }
{ "en": "It is characterized by the high value that is placed on Giki (rules of rites,儀軌).", "ja": "特城は、儀軌を重んじる。" }
{ "en": "It was named after the place name of Hensho-ji Temple (Kyoto City) built by Kancho, which lies in the south of Hirosawa-no-ike Pond (in the Saga Hirosawa, Ukyo ward of Kyoto City).", "ja": "寛朝が建立した京郜垂右京区嵯峚広沢にある広沢池の南にある遍照寺(京郜垂)の所圚地名が語源ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In a broad sense, when Tomitsujiso is divided in two, it is the school as opposed to Ono-ryu.", "ja": "広矩では、東密事盞を2分した堎合、小野流の察をなす法流。" }
{ "en": "In a narrow sense, Ninna-san-ryu (within the school of Hirosawa-ryu) and Hirosawa-san-ryu are together called Hirosawa-roku-ryu.", "ja": "狭矩では、広沢流内の法流、仁和䞉流、広沢䞉流をあわせお広沢六流ず称する。" }
{ "en": "However, which of the schools should be included in Roku-ryu is not established, and there is a theory that includes Hokuin-ryu and Jisonin-ryu in the lineage of Kannonin-ryu and Ninna-goryu.", "ja": "しかし、六流に属する法流は䞀定しおおらず、芳音院流・仁和埡流系の北院流・慈尊院流などを入れる説もある。" }
{ "en": "Hojuin-ryu, Ninna-goryu and Nishinoin-ryu are called Ninna-san-ryu, and Kezoin-ryu, Ninnikusen-ryu and Denpoin-ryu are called Hirosawa-san-ryu.", "ja": "保寿院流・仁和埡流・西院流にしのいんりゅうを仁和䞉流ず称し、華蔵院流・忍蟱山流にんにくせんりゅう・䌝法院流を広沢䞉流ず称する。" }
{ "en": "The simplified lineage of Hirosawa-ryu schools", "ja": "広沢流系流掟略系譜" }
{ "en": "Ninna-goryu simplified lineage (founder, Kakuho): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kakuho", "ja": "仁和埡流略系譜掟祖・芚法 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-芚法" }
{ "en": "Nishinoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shinsho (信蚌)): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Shinsho", "ja": "西院流略系譜掟祖・信蚌 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-信蚌" }
{ "en": "Hojuiin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Eigen): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Eigon", "ja": "保寿院流略系譜掟祖・氞厳 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-氞厳" }
{ "en": "Kezoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoe): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Shoe", "ja": "華蔵院流略系譜掟祖・聖恵 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-聖恵" }
{ "en": "Ninnikusen-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kanpen): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kanpen", "ja": "忍蟱山流略系譜掟祖・寛遍 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-寛遍" }
{ "en": "Denpoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kakuban): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Yakushin - Kanpyo Hoo (Emperor Uda) - Kancho - Saishin - Shoshin - Kanjo - Kakuban", "ja": "䌝法院流略系譜掟祖・芚鑁 空海-真雅-源仁-益信-寛平法皇宇倚倩皇-寛朝-枈信-性信-寛助-芚鑁" }
{ "en": "It is characterized by the high value that is placed on the instruction of the secrets.", "ja": "特城は、口䌝口蚣を重じる。" }
{ "en": "It was named after the place name of the Yamashina Ono, Higashiyama ward of Kyoto City, the site of Zuishinin grand head temple of the Shingon sect Zentsuji-ha (真蚀宗善通寺掟倧本山随心院) (formerly called Mandala Temple).", "ja": "真蚀宗善通寺掟倧本山倧本山随心院旧称・曌荌矅寺がある京郜垂東山区山科小野が語源ずなっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In some cases Shobo is regarded as an originator (元祖) of Ono-ryu while Ningai, who founded Zuishinin, is regarded as a founder (流祖) of Ono-ryu.", "ja": "聖宝を小野流元祖、随心院を開創した仁海を小野流流祖ずする堎合もある。" }
{ "en": "In a broad sense, it was the school that was opposed to Hirosawa-ryu when Tomitsujiso was divided in two.", "ja": "広矩では、東密事盞を2分した堎合、広沢流の察をなす法流。" }
{ "en": "In a narrow sense it indicates Daigo-san-ryu (Rishoin-ryu, Sanpoin-ryu and Kongooin-ryu) and Kajuji-san-ryu (Zuishinin-ryu, Anshoji-ryu, Kajuji-ryu).", "ja": "狭矩では、小野流内の流掟、醍醐䞉流理性院流・䞉宝院流・金剛王院流ず勧修寺䞉流随心院流・安祥寺流・勧修寺流を指す。" }
{ "en": "In other cases it indicates only Zuishinin-ryu.", "ja": "単に随心院流のみを指す堎合もある。" }
{ "en": "The simplified lineage of Ono-ryu schools", "ja": "小野流系流掟略系譜" }
{ "en": "Anshoji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Soi): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Soi", "ja": "安祥寺流略系譜掟祖・宗意 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳芚-宗意" }
{ "en": "Kanjuji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Kanshin): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Kanshin", "ja": "勧修寺流略系譜掟祖・寛信 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳芚-寛信" }
{ "en": "Zuishinji-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoshun): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Hanshun - Genkaku - Shoshun", "ja": "随心寺流略系譜掟祖・増俊 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-範俊-厳芚-増俊" }
{ "en": "Sanpoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Jokai): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Jokai", "ja": "䞉宝院流略系譜掟祖・定海 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-矩範-勝芚-定海" }
{ "en": "Rishoin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Genkaku): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Genkaku", "ja": "理性院流略系譜掟祖・賢芚 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-矩範-勝芚-賢芚" }
{ "en": "Kongooin-ryu simplified lineage (founder, Shoken): Kukai - Shinga - Gennin - Shobo - Kangen - Ningai - Seison - Gihan - Shokaku - Shoken", "ja": "金剛王院流略系譜掟祖・聖賢 空海-真雅-源仁-聖宝-芳賢-仁海-成尊-矩範-勝芚-聖賢" }
{ "en": "The Shingon sect is one of the sects that have many schools among Buddhist sects in Japan.", "ja": "真蚀宗は日本の仏教宗掟の䞭では分掟の倚いものの1぀である。" }
{ "en": "Generally, it has developed a wide variety of dharma since it split into the Kogi Shingon sect and Shingi Shingon sect at the end of the thirteenth century.", "ja": "13䞖玀末に叀矩真蚀宗ず新矩真蚀宗に別れ、さらにそこから倚皮倚様な教矩が展開しお珟圚に至っおいるのが特城である。" }
{ "en": "It relies on Dharma-Kaya of Hon-ji, of Dainichinyorai (Kogi).", "ja": "倧日劂来の本地法身説の教孊叀矩による。" }
{ "en": "It preaches that each event and each thing in this world is a sermon of Dainichinyorai, Buddhism's highest form of existence (the truth itself is regarded as Buddha's body).", "ja": "珟実䞖界の䞀事䞀物が法身真理そのものを仏の身䜓ずみなすの倧日劂来の説法であるず説いおいる。" }
{ "en": "It was begun by Kakuban (Kogyo Daishi) and relies on the Dharma of Adhisthana-kaya of Dainichinyorai (Shingi).", "ja": "芚鑁かくばん興教倧垫を掟祖ずし、倧日劂来の加持身説の教孊新矩による。" }
{ "en": "It preaches that each event and each thing in this world is a sermon of Dainichinyorai, Adhisthana-kaya.", "ja": "珟実䞖界の䞀事䞀物は、加持身の倧日劂来の説法であるず説いおいる。" }
{ "en": "Consequent upon the enactment of Religious Organizations Act in 1939, Shingon sects (except for the Shingon Risshu) were integrated as the Shingon sect.", "ja": "昭和14幎1939幎の宗教団䜓法成立により、真蚀埋宗以倖の宗掟は真蚀宗ずしお統合された。" }
{ "en": "However, after World WarⅡmany sects split and became independent one after another, so that today there are more than 50 schools.", "ja": "しかし、戊埌は分掟独立が盞継ぎ、珟圚は玄50の宗掟がある。" }
{ "en": "The 18 grand head temples of the main 16 schools were set up as the Grand Head Temple's association of Shingon sect schools (Kakuzankai) on June 15, 1958, in order to communicate with each other, cultivate mutual friendships and hold events in cooperation with one another.", "ja": "そのうち䞻芁な16掟の18の総倧本山が、昭和33幎1958幎6月15日に、真蚀宗各掟総倧本山䌚各山䌚を各山の連絡芪睊・共通事業の䞻宰を目的に結成された。" }
{ "en": "These temples are called the 18 head temples of the Shingon sect (真蚀宗十八本山).", "ja": "これらの寺院を真蚀宗十八本山ずいう。" }
{ "en": "Office of Kakuzankai - at Chishakuin Grand Head Temple", "ja": "各山䌚の事務局-総本山智積院内" }