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156,318 | Determining the Thematic Proximity of Scientific Journals and Conferences Using Big Data Technologies
The number of scientific journals published in the world is very large. In this regard, it is necessary to create software tools that will allow analyzing thematic links of journals. The algorithm presented in this paper uses graphs of co-authorship for analyzing the thematic proximity of journals. It is insensitive to the language of the journal and can find similar journals in different languages. This task is difficult for algorithms based on the analysis of full-text information. Approbation of the algorithm was carried out in the scientometric system IAS ISTINA. Using a special interface, a user can select one interesting journal. Then the system will automatically generate a selection of journals that may be of interest to the user. In the future, the developed algorithm can be adapted to search for similar conferences, collections of publications and research projects. The use of such tools will increase the publication activity of young employees, increase the citation of articles and quoting between journals. In addition, the results of the algorithm for determining thematic proximity between journals, collections, conferences and research projects can be used to build rules in the ontology models for access control systems. | 1 |
The problem of choice of optimum solutions has always bееn of exceptional importance. In this context, it is necessary to develop and use а new methodology and new tools for evaluating the efficiency of systems at different levels. The process of multicriterial choice of optimum solutions is represented in the form of а hierarchical structure for applying relevant principles: domination, complex indicators, Pareto, identification of the main indicator. In this paper, we consider some issues related to the determination of the economic situation of strategic industrial enterprises of the Nizhni Novgorod region with the aid of the proposed methods and principles. The consistent use of the аbоvе principles in their interrelation allows to find the most effective solutions. | 3 |
PURPOSE. The article deals with ensuring dwelling and settlement protection from fires in winter and increase in fire response rate. METHODS. The proposed experimental construction of a winter well water source taken as a basis for other modifications, has been experimentally researched tested at the premises of the Federal State Establishment All-Russian Fire Safety Research Institute for Fire Protection of EMERCOM of Russia, conclusions on particular stages of the study being relied on the main principles of the system theory, system analysis and information theory. FINDINGS. The possibility of using constructions of a winter well water source made of local materials to extinguish a fire has been shown. This is the first time when engineering solutions to ensure fire appliance water refilling near a fire site have been proposed. This gives the original data for substantiating the necessary and sufficient means and measures to ensure fire safety of settlements and eliminates the need for refilling fire trucks outside the village. RESEARCH APPLICATION FIELD. It allows planning activities aimed at protecting settlements and territories of subjects of the Russian Federation from large-scale fires when drawing up the Passport of a settlement exposed to a forest fire hazard. CONCLUSIONS. Implementation of the proposed engineering solutions will minimize the water tender refilling time at fire suppression in winter, the damage from it and ensure protection of people and rural settlements from winter fires. | 19 |
The way of increase of hydrodynamic characteristics of a screw directing nozzle is offered. The vortical model of the jet-mechanized nozzle is considered. The uniform criterion of an estimation of influence of jet mechanization is chosen. The estimation of change of hydrodynamic characteristics at the expense of jet mechanization is made. Results of numerical modeling of the jet-mechanized screw nozzle under the vortical theory are resulted | 1 |
53,118 | On the Possibility of the Conclusion of a Preliminary Contract of Pledge
The subject of consideration in the present article is the possibility of conclusion of a preliminary contract of pledge. The author considers doctrinal approaches of the possibility mentioned and analyses court practice | 0 |
164,155 | Radiation assessment of soils within urbanized areas
Accuracy in radiation measuring and validity of soil radioactivity norms are necessary for the reliable soil radiation assessment. An approach to meeting both requirements has been worked out based on the revealed heterogeneity in soil radiation. Advantages of this approach are shown in comparison to others, currently in use. | 0 |
In his play “The Lower Depths” Maxim Gorky described the life of the underclass, rawing general attention to them. However a few decades before that Vladimir Gil-jarovsky wrote about slum-dwellers in his works. Despite the fact that both authors derived their materials from life, they did it in very different ways. The article analyzes who of them truly described this social phenomenon, and who better understood its causes. Mr. Giljarovsky actually created a chronicle of that time. Mr. Gorky wrote “a hymn to а man”, a philosophical parable about the life of tramps. | 0 |
A computer system was described for comparison of life cycle characteristics of packaging materials. The system allows, at given requirements for packaging materials, to evaluate the complex of properties of packaging materials, to calculate specific and generalized criteria for evaluating packaging materials and to provide the user with the opportunity to choose the most suitable packaging material based on the results. The developed system includes a library of customizable criteria, a database of rules for selecting packages, databases of life cycle stages, packages, packaging materials, and characteristics of packaging materials. The system was tested on the example of comparative analysis of the process of production of raw materials for packages and manufacturing packages, which may include fresh raw materials and recycled resources. Testing results confirmed the computer system operability and possibility of using it for a comprehensive assessment of the life cycle of the production of packaging materials taking into account environmental safety, consumer and economic characteristics | 0 |
19,440 | Use of alternative kinds of fuel for production of thermal and electric energy on-site
The factors influencing use of biofuel for reception of thermal and electric energy are considered in the article. The way of transfer of existing boilers and furnaces on biofuel burning is offered. Results of computer modeling are presented and practical advices are given. | 0 |
21,108 | Influence of stress dependence of lubricant shear modulus on self-similar behavior of stress time series
Here we consider melting of an ultrathin lubricant layer between two atomically smooth solid surfaces taking into account the stress dependence of the lubricant shear modulus and its decrease with increasing stress (strain). In the adiabatic approximation with the stress relaxation time far longer than strain and temperature relaxation times, a Langevin equation is written and its respective Fokker-Planck equation is derived using the Stratonovich calculus. Phase diagrams for the steady case are presented illustrating the effect of the system parameters on the lubricant behavior. A joint numerical and analytical analysis demonstrates a very close match between probability distributions at different parameters. It is shown that in a limited stress range, a self-similar mode of dry friction is established showing up in self-similar behavior of stress time series. | 0 |
116,055 | “Samoizolyatsiya” (“self-isolation”) as the newest Russian cultural concept: cognitive-discursive aspect
The article examines the reflexes of the discursive variation of the word “samoizolyatsiya” (“self-isolation”) as a representative of the concept of the same name in the speech practice of Russian native speakers of the latest period associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. The author proceeds from the assumption that the speech actualization of collocations and free word combinations, which include the lexeme “samoizolatsia” (“self-isolation”), makes it possible to detect an implicit semantic divergence between its “official”, declared socio-political content and its natural language representation in the contexts of common usage of the word. The work shows that in such expressions as “rezhim samoizolyatsii” (“self-isolation regime”), “indeks samoizolyatsii” (”self-isolation index”), “otpravit' na samoizolyatsiyu” (“send for self-isolation”), “prinuditel'naya samoizolyatsiya” (“forced self-isolation”), etc., the obligatory implication of the voluntariness of this situation is eliminated, which is available in the natural language representation of the word “samoizolatsia” (“self-isolation”) and inherent in its original meaning in Russian. It is noted that in the functioning of the lexeme “samoizolatsia” (“self-isolation”) an internally contradictory cognitive model of the situation of legislative coercion of citizens to voluntarily restrict their rights is verbalized and reproduced clichéd. It is concluded that the discursive variation of the word “samoizolatsia” (“self-isolation”) as an representative of a complex of certain socially-significant information in the speech practice of modern Russian society in the COVID-19 era contains all the signs of an ideologeme and actualizes the communicative strategy of euphemization in order to veil some negative aspects of the established social reality through manipulative mechanisms of appeal to the positive values of debt before society, moral responsibility of a citizen, socially-useful behavior, etc. | 21 |
43,474 | Experimental study of the secondary structures over the local heat source in the axisymmetric case
Formation of secondary flows in a cylindrical fluid layer with local heating was studied in a laboratory experiment. It was shown that secondary structures appears in a temperature boundary layer. The shape of secondary flows essentially depends on the heating. The set of frequencies characterizing the secondary flows generation was obtained by thermocouple measurements. Temperature time series were analyzed by wavelet-analyses for fixed locations over the heater. Azimuthal dependence of frequency of temperature fluctuations and its time inhomogeneity was shown. | 1 |
The development of tourism in various regions of Russia today is of great interest for Russia. Concepts of tourism development are being developed both in central regions of Russia and in remote areas; tourist clusters in Altai Krai are being developed; Moscow is developing as a successful center of tourism. Successful technologies applied in several pilot tourist and recrea-tional clusters of the Russian Federation (the tourist-recreational cluster «Abrau-Utrish», a net-work of autotouristic clusters «Mozhzhevelovaya Grove», «Lermontovo», «Goryachy Klyuch» in Krasnodar Territory, a tourist and recreational cluster «Ples» in Ivanovo region, etc.) are expected to be extended to all regions of the country that are promising from the point of view of develop-ing domestic and inbound tourism, thereby ensuring an accelerated return of both public and pri-vate investments. The Kaliningrad authorities also strive for an intensive development of the tour-ist direction on the territory of the city and the region. One of the most important tasks for Kali-ningrad region and the city of Kaliningrad today is to develop as a successful tourist destination. There are grounds for this: the city has a number of cultural attractions, an unusual history, and a unique atmosphere. Kaliningrad is positioned as a historical city, as a modern city, a cultural city. According to the authors, for the successful development of tourism in the city of Kaliningrad, it is necessary to carefully study the resources of urban culture and make the necessary transfor-mation of the urban socio-cultural space. | 22 |
69,817 | The influence of Helianthus tuberosus on immunological status of heifer's organism
Feed Helianthus tuberosus with 500 mg Se on 1 kg dry material increased levels of Se, T-lymphocytes of teofillinresi-stance fraction, absolute level of B-lymphocytes in the blood and IgG and IgA in the serum, activation proteinsynthe-sis function of liver, reactivity of the hepathocytes and level gamma-globulins in animals serum after vaccination and prolonged preservation their high level. | 1 |
83,159 | Legal Grounds for Penetration into a Dwelling of the National Guard Troops
Introduction: due to the fact that the legislation regulating the activities of the National Guard troops is at the stage of formation and development, and the provisions of the current legislation require clarification, the topic of the credentials of the National Guard of the Russian Federation is relevant today, it requires research and discussion. The author analyzes penetration into the dwelling of citizens by the National Guard. Materials and Methods: the research is based on traditional methods of cognition of objective reality. Priority is given to methods of cognition that allowed us to consider the subject of research in dynamics and in a system with other phenomena and institutions. Author uses comparative-legal, formal-logical and logical- analysis methods. The legal base of the research is the current Russian legislation, the theoretical base of the research is the scientific issues related to the research topic. Results: the author presents a model of legal penetration into a dwelling by soldier of the National Guard troops, and also formulates an actual definition of the concept of «inspection of dwelling». Discussion and Conclusions: the article analyzes the provisions of legislative acts regarding the right of National Guard of the Russian Federationtroops to enter a dwelling against the will of the persons living in it, lists the circumstances under which entry into the dwelling is necessary, and formulates the author's legal concept of «inspection of dwelling». | 0 |
47,586 | Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: main reasons and prospects for resolution
Introduction. After the collapse of the USSR, many ethnopolitical conflicts began to occur on the territory of the post-Soviet space. One of the most typical, but at the same time long-lasting and bloody is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This article attempts to analyze the main reasons and prospects for the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study was the paradigms of primordialism, constructivism and instrumentalism. The author relies on analytical articles and other sources of both domestic and foreign authors. Results of the study. The study made it possible to identify the following main causes of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: historical, political, territorial, socio-economic, psychological, cultural, religious, civilizational, situational. There is also a conflict of identities in Nagorno-Karabakh. Discussion. Ethnopolitical conflicts are the result of geopolitical, geoeconomic and geostrategic changes in the modern global world. Ethnicity is subject to the all-round influence of globalization. States whose ethnic structure was relatively stable are facing profound transformations. The collapse of the USSR led to the emergence of independent states on its territory, in which the ethnic factor plays a significant role. This led to many ethnopolitical conflicts in the territory of the post-Soviet space. One of the most typical, but at the same time one of the longest and bloodiest is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. Conclusion. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict dates back to 1918, when this territory, inhabited by ethnic Armenians, was arbitrarily incorporated into Azerbaijan. In modern conditions, there is no solution to the conflict. It can be postponed until future times, when the necessary conditions are ripe for this. | 0 |
273 | Outline learning of the piece of music
Article is devoted to one of specific forms of activity in practice of a performing musician. The method of outline learning of a piece of music is being considered. The main aim of this method i.e. the development and understanding of a figurative and poetic plan of work by a performer is highlighted. This method is postulated as one of significant forms of educational activity. The considered method can bring especially fruitful results, such as expansion of an art outlook, replenishment of musical and acoustical experience, formation of bases of professional thinking, etc | 0 |
98,480 | Subject and Certainty. Normative and Critical Principles of Leibniz''s Notion of Subject
Examining the problem of subject in close relation with the problem of certainty, Leibniz demarcates in this matter several different points of view and, respectively, several different notions of subject. Therefore, although Leibniz uses the term "subject" predominantly in metaphysical meaning, in the controversies, nevertheless, he distinguishes at least five meanings of this term: empirical, gnoseological, epistemical, phenomenological and metaphysical. Since he understood philosophy as the constantly developing system, and its development - expression of human spirit striving for bigger certainty, the bearer of such knowledge Leibniz views neither empirical nor even the transcendental subject, but the whole humanity in the history of its development. In Leibniz' system The God also is the special kind of subject. | 1 |
159,371 | The peasant farmstead in the Russian countryside in the 1970s – 1980s
The article analyzes the evolution of the peasant farmstead, ist intermittenct as a result of drastic state interference, statics, as the preservation of traditions. The article results in stating that conservatism of the peasantry in building of farmstead was able to distate a state necessity and sufficiency of the established principles that have preserved the idea embodied in a new way. | 0 |
66,416 | Sexual dimorphism of dermatoglyphic markers related to Eysenk''s personality traits
This article contains the results of research of correlation between dermatoglyphic features and such personality traits as extraversion and neuroticism. The tendency to have opposite directions for most of the signs among men and women is shown (for example, complex pattern''s dominance correlates with increasing extraversion in men but decreasing extraversion in women). Supposition about reflection of specific neurophysiologic processes in men and women''s brain related to Eysenk''s personality traits and dermatoglyphic patterns organization is discussed. | 0 |
Till today, the duration of antibiotic therapy for community-acquired pneumonia (EP) remains a subject of debate. In different clinical guidelines the duration of antibiotic administration varies. Meanwhile, there is growing evidence that short-term antibiotic regimens for non-severe respiratory infections of the lower respiratory tract seem attractive and promising. | 4 |
In this article we present a detailed analysis of PR-campaigns, which were realized by IKEA company by using creative communication techniques. The effect of increasing brand awareness and loyalty achieved by these satellites is considered. And also the possibilities of ambiguous perception by users of augmented reality technologies used by the company to attract the attention of the audience, and the problem of PR campaigns coverage in the media and the Internet are considered | 0 |
104,406 | The Epoch and Personality of Peter the Great in Nikolay Charykov's Research
The article reviews the academic contribution of Russian historian and diplomat Nikolay Charykov (1855-1930) to our understanding of the reforms by Peter the Great. In his research, Nikolay Charykov argues that the reforms did not result in a radical break with previous Russia's historical path. He stresses that the cultivation of scientific knowledge and labor skills necessary for modernization started in Russia long before Peter the Great because Russia was part of a European system even before Peter the Great. For example, the author points to Ivan III's marriage to Zoe Palaiologina (Sophia Palaiologina); the employment of captive Livonians by Ivan IV; sending Russian youth to study at Western European universities; Boris Godunov's plans to form a European league of Christian sovereigns. Nikolay Charykov focuses in his studies on the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, pointing to his plans to increase the involvement of Westerners in various spheres of life in Russia. Moreover, Nikolay Charykov shows that the personality of the future Emperor was formed under the influence of Russia's increasing interaction with European countries. He concludes that the development of Russia before Peter led to Peter's reforms. He saw the struggle between Sophia and Peter as an interpersonal struggle for power, which in no way violated the primary trend of Russia's development. Peter's reforms became a logical and natural consequence of the previous processes. The merit of Peter was that he successfully continued the previously started transformations by adding to them his character and thinking, which led to the birth of the Russian Empire. | 0 |
14,831 | The image of Leonardo da Vinci in the aesthetic treatise by A. Volynsky
The article is about a book «Life of Leonardo da Vinci» by A. Volynsky. The author reflects on the aesthetic conception of Volynsky, thinks about its advantages and disadvantages, analyzes some critical works and notes some points, which were mentioned by following writers. | 0 |
149,544 | The Italian technologies from the "KS Vityaz". "Mozzarella" and other new products in your production
Technologists of the company «KS Vityaz» visited Italian cheese making plants and the biofactory «Saœo» where they acquainted with production technologies and got some training course. | 1 |
3,994 | Effect of biological preparations and mineral fertilizers on productivity of natural grasslands of the Sysola river floodplain
In the first time under conditions of Republic of Komi study was conducted on the influence of biologically active substances ("Verva", "Appin") and concentrated organoleptic fertilizer "potassium humate/sodium with microelements" in pure form and on the background of mineral fertilizers on productivity of natural grassland of the Sysola River floodplains, as well as evaluation of hay quality in the period from 2011 to 2015. The results of investigations shown that application of preparations in pure form does not lead to significant increase in productivity but a positive trend of its increasing always exists. In addition the positive effect of growth stimulators on the quality of the products was obtained. Gathering of the exchange energy, fodder units and crude protein increased in all variants with use of preparations in pure form and on the background of mineral fertilizers. Input of the preparation "Verva" on the N30P45K45 background allows to obtain the best result. So productivity grew by 49.0 % (+0.29 t/ha), the yield of exchange energy by 49.1 % (+3.9 GJ/ha); 1.5 thousand fodder units/ha (+66.6 %) was obtained and the content of crude protein in absolute dry matter was 10.3 %. | 4 |
21,577 | Some issues related to the definition of the structure and content of legal relations in the society of mutual insurance by the legislation of the Russian Federation
In article attempts to examine the structure and content of legal relations in the society of mutual insurance by the legislation of the Russian Federation. As a result the conclusion is done, that in the structure of the internal relations in OER can be identified as the corporate and peculiar obligation relations. The author gives the definition of internal relations, arising in the society of mutual insurance. Attempts to reveal the essence of membership (corporate) legal relations in the society of mutual insurance. The legal nature of the members of the mutual insurance company, which can serve as physical and legal persons. Considers the specific character of individuals, as members of the mutual insurance company. The definition of the concept “member of the society of mutual insurance” against natural persons. Describes the specific features of the legal entities, acting as a member of the society of mutual insurance. | 0 |
132,467 | Lessons of crisis and way of overcoming its negative consequences in corporate strategy of development
In article modern level and tendencies of development of the largest companies of branch of ferrous metallurgy is analyzed, major factors and the reasons of a crisis situation in a metallurgical complex of Russia reveal. Presence of strategic miscalculations of top management is proved, recommendations about perfection of corporate strategy of development, control over realization of strategic plans by introduction in practice of all metallurgical companies of the balanced system of indicators, and to increase of economic efficiency of branch as a whole are resulted. | 1 |
149,621 | To a question about the behavior of multilayered plates under distributed loading
The state of multilayer plates under distributed transverse load. The calculation results for the plate at different rates of load application. The behavior of the structure to yield a steady state depends strongly on the rate of load application. | 0 |
123,600 | Ecological subcultural practices in ecological education of children at preschool age
Actual problems of formation of sub cultural education of preschool age children, methods of its appropriation by children and its influence on ecological culture of personality of every schoolchild are being analyzed. The peculiarities of ecological sub cultural childhood practices and results of research in adoption of the program of pedagogical support of formation of the named sub culture in the system of preschool education are discussed. | 0 |
1,007 | The Role of Youth Non-profit Organizations in the Formation and Development of Social Elevators in Modern Russia
Youth non-profit organizations are described considering their participation in the modern political life of Russian society and their role in the political socialization of young people. The author raises the problem of formation and development of social elevators in the context of ensuring social mobility of young people, as well as the possibility of access to this tool in modern Russia. As part of the study of youth non-profit organizations, the author gave a charateristics of the organizations operating on a national scale, which have a media reputation, and develop projects focused on the vertical mobility of their participants. Arguments are given in favor of individual and collective social elevators within the framework of youth non-profit organizations. The conclusions presented in the study allow us to evaluate the activities of youth non-profit organizations as a mechanism for changing the social status of an individual in the stratification structure of society, a channel for vertical social mobility, and prospects for further development of non-profit organizations in this direction. | 1 |
91,276 | Determinants of Retail Prices on Gasoline: Empirical Evidence for Saint Petersburg
We examine mechanisms of retail pricing for gasoline in Saint Petersburg in 2002-2013. Paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of gas station quality and location influence on retail prices. Empirics is based on a unique database of retail gasoline prices for particular gas station. Our main results are that gas station location (such as the number of competitors in the set radius, the distance to the next competitor, location on the way out of the city or vice versa, population density) has extremely weak impact in prices but price time-variance is mainly associated with response for oil price change specific for gas station brand. Cross sectional price variance is mainly explained by the brand identity as well as by the shadow price for the services additionally provided at the stations. As far as the brand identity is concerned, the price difference may reflect the cost difference as well as may be a signal of distinguishing product quality. Then, the price differentiation in response to the fact that the stations provide additional paid or free services is preserved even when the brand identity is taken into account. On the other hand, there is no evidence that the firms try do discriminate the consumers in case several stations of the same brand are located near each other. Additional econometric result of the paper is a numerical evaluated sensitivity of retail gasoline price to oil prices changes on the level of individual station brands. | 3 |
In this article, an attempt is made to develop an effective management system in the agro-industrial complex of the region, based on the allocation of regional authorities to the regional Department of Agriculture. A new approach to the formation of the management system of the agro-industrial complex of the region will allow to consolidate the responsibility of the management bodies of the agro-industrial complex at all levels, grant local authorities additional powers, and develop a draft agrofirm in the management of the agricultural production of the municipal district. The social and economic development of the Kizner District of the Udmurt Republic is no longer possible without an effective decision in the field of support and development of agricultural production. The implementation of cooperation and integration is assumed on the basis of a territorial approach. At the stages of establishment and subsequent operation, the agrofirm will act as a union (association), all incoming agricultural organizations, peasant (farm) farms, personal subsidiary farms, as well as a processing enterprise, trade and service organizations will retain the rights of the legal entity. | 3 |
149,583 | Revealing the secrets of hantovirusnoy infection: discovery and study of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Far East
The discovery and study of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the Far East of the country coincided with the development of the region and the construction of the Pacific Fleet. The ship's healers will and doctors of the Vladivostok Maritime Hospital were the first who drew attention to an unknown infection with acute onset, fever, intoxication and specific renal disease. This article describes the first experiments of doctors Vladivostok hospital for the study and description of the sporadic cases and outbreaks of hemorrhagic - a disease which today occupies a leading position among zoonotic viral infections, one of the highest among all human natural focal disease and occurs worldwide. | 1 |
82,875 | Perfecting of code design procedure for punching of reinforced concrete fl at plates
The paper presents an analysis of the influence of the transverse cross-section form of a reinforced concrete column on the strength of a flat plate under punching. The technique of definition of the design contour size is offered. It is shown that the offered technique allows to provide constructive reliability at calculation on punching. | 26 |
118,213 | Local Synchronized Activity of Neurons of Different Classes in Cat Primary Visual Cortex
The goal of the present study was to investigate the local synchronized neuronal activity in the cat visual cortex and the role of different classes of neurons in neural synchrony. Four classes of neurons were identified on the basis of electrophysiological properties of extracellular recorded cells: RS, FS, IB and FRB. It was revealed that neurons with short spikes and FRB type of activity were first engaged in synchronization. The model study revealed that neurons with the short action potential had more stable synchronized activity. | 0 |
177,771 | Symbolism of Numbers and Colours in the Novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J. K. Rowling
The research aims to identify the main quantifiers and colour terms used in the first part of the Harry Potter heptalogy by J. K. Rowling which play an important role in creating the magical world of the novel. The article deals with an analysis of the symbolic meanings which are characteristic of the numbers and colours traditionally used in fairy tales, legends and works of the fantasy genre. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in studying symbolism of numbers and colours in modern English in a comprehensive manner based on the material of the popular literary work. As a part of the study, the researchers have analysed phraseological units containing quantifiers and colour terms, determined their symbolic meanings and functions in the novel, as well as carried out a statistical analysis. As a result, the most important and frequent quantifiers and colour terms that help the author to portray magical characters and give readers the sense of “being there” have been identified. | 0 |
36,190 | Interaction Between Institutions of Power and Civil Society in the Context of Countering Extremist Behavior of Modern Youth
The article identifies and interprets the main directions and models of interaction between government institutions at various levels (federal, regional, municipal) and representatives of civil society regarding counteractions against manifestations of extremist behavior of contemporary youth. General and specific factors that determine persistence of extremism among the young both in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries are characterized. The author bases his argumentation on the main provisions of the classical and modern theories of political and communicative interaction between institutions of society and government, conceptual constructions of the institutional, activist and conflictological approaches. It is emphasized that the youth extremism is spreading both offline and online, with employment of digital technologies to mobilize and attract supporters, and institutionalize new digital cultures of fellow citizens. It is proven that global threats (environmental, pandemic - e.g. spread of COVID-19, etc.) are connected with extremist activity of various groups of youth. The real and potential means of interaction between the authorities and society in the Russian Federation have been identified in order to minimize Russophobia (anti-Russian sentiment) used by certain political figures to exacerbate civilization and generation gap. The study revealed a growing trend of purposefully distorting historical facts, using neo-Nazi ideology by unfriendly countries as a technology of "hybrid war" for minds and behavioral models of young people in the context of geopolitical confrontation and overcoming the US hegemony in the system of modern international relations. | 0 |
The article reflects the results of the study of the domestic legal framework and methodology in the field of project management, the peculiarities of the implementation of national projects. The article presents the organizational structures and management models of national projects; clarified the definition of the national project from the perspective of project management methodology; proposed methods for improving project management used in the implementation of national projects; identified barriers that arise in the development of national projects by the subjects of the Russian Federation. | 1 |
Work is devoted increase of operational properties of pipes. It is shown that for the petrowire pipes received by high-frequency welding, at certain modes послесварочной thermal processing it is possible to come into a structural fortune of welded connections and accordingly прочностные and corrosion properties of connections at level of welded metal. Requirements and standards of structure of the welded connections, providing high corrosion firmness of welded pipes are developed | 3 |
The computation of fluid flow through rubber-cord compensator using the finite element method. Obtained solution of structurally-liquid interaction | 0 |
14,010 | Аrchitectural features with the Cherkaskul population from forest-steppe Low Tobol basin (basing on data from Chripunovo 1 non-fortified settlement)
The article considers features of domestic architecture with the Cherkaskul population from Khripunovo nonfortified settlement. Subject to reconstruction being a number of constructions, house building traditions, specifying their similar and distinctive features, compared with the data on other cultures of Bronze Age from the Upper Ural region. | 5 |
Introduction. The mathematical self-adjustment model of the safety device for bridge cranes, which is developed by the authors as the limiter of loading capacity of broad application (OGSh) for the purpose of time reduction for device setup and of other material and labor inputs for requirements implementation of the Federal Norms and Rules (FNP) on protection of bridge cranes against overload, is described in the article. Materials and methods. Mass and dynamic characteristics of the crane (the specified mass of the drive, the inertia moment, rigidity of a pendant, response time and etc.); various stages of the loads lifting, on which absolutely various dynamic loadings impact and which are described by the systems of the differential equations with various entry and regional conditions, were proved in the research. Numerical methods for the solution of the differential equations systems with the usage of experimental data were also applied. Results. Assumptions and regional conditions in settlement model of self-adjustment of the OGSh device for practical application in development and designing of this type of devices are used and proved. Moreover, the settlement algorithm is realized and the OGSh device is programmed according to such settlement algorithm. Natural experiments and tests with the OGSh device on the developed self-adjustment algorithm are made. Thus, the results of experiments have confirmed the possibility of the algorithm application of self-adjustment model as the limiter of the OGSh loading capacity for obtaining work parameters and implementation of FNP requirements, which are necessary for such crane during the operation. Discussion and conclusion. The algorithm of the self-adjustment model of the safety device (SD) as the limiter of loading capacity provides the implementation of the FNP requirements, the reduction of time of the device setup, bigger convenience and simplicity of SD control on the OGSh; decrease in dynamic loads of the drive. Therefore, such algorithm would be recommended for application in all new SD of the OGSh made by ITTs KROS for bridge cranes. | 3 |
This article analyzes the synthesis of methodological approaches to the essence and mechanism of the innovation potential. On the basis of general theoretical approaches the analysis of different views to essence of categories "novation", "innovation", "innovation potential" the differences between the categories "novations" and "innovation" is define. On this basis introduced the concept of "novation potential". The main methodological approach to the innovation potential realizing mechanism is formulated. Was marked a decisive role of social innovation impact concerning to the socially significant products. Been identified concepts essence "socially significant products". | 0 |
4,349 | Medical instrument collections in Russian museums: Problems of preservation and study.
This article examines the history of the formation and preservation of medical instrument collections in Russia. Through a vast range of historical materials, including archival resources, the author discusses the development of diverse medical instruments and devices, the role of doctors and scientists in the process of their creation, and the difficulties of preserving original instruments. In particular, the article discusses one of the earliest surviving records about a 17th century surgical collection and the problems of assembling collections in more recent times caused by the ever increasing complexity and costs of medical instruments. | 2 |
Article is devoted to the analysis of the environment of functioning of the small innovative enterprise working in the sphere of development of rehabilitation systems on the basis of tech-nologies of virtual reality. The major factors of a macroenvironment making the greatest impact are allocated, the analysis of their influence on activity of the enterprise and on the directions of its development in the short term is carried out. | 3 |
24,123 | Correction of mineral metabolism disturbances and restoration of reproductive function at cows by the preparation "Мarimix"
Infertility of cows is a widespread problem of many animal farms. One of the causes of infertility of highly productive cows is ovarian hypofunction of the alimentary nature. The disease causes significant economic losses to livestock producers. Metabolic disorders of cows are developed under the action of alimentary factors, it subsequently contributes to the various pathologies. The changes are found in the digestive, cardiovascular, reproductive and other body systems. Disorders of mineral metabolism play an important role in the occurrence of ovarian hypofunction. The marker of the state of mineral metabolism and metabolism in general can be called calcium. Experimental cows have ovarian hypofunction in the study and the concentration of calcium in the blood was at the lower limit of normal. There was an increase in the concentration of calcium in the blood in groups of cows using the preparation "Marimix" after the experiments. The concentration of calcium in the blood of animals of the control group remained unchanged. We can conclude that "Marimix" enhances the concentration of calcium in the blood of high yielding cows with ovarian hypofunction and, thus, has a positive effect on mineral metabolism. | 4 |
100,467 | Ecological-geochemical assessment of the Surgut lowland.
The article deals with the evaluation of soil pollution within a large oilfield under bioclimatic and soil-geochemical conditions of the Surgut lowland and possible differentiation of its territory according to pollution effects. As a index plot was researched the area of Fedorovskoe oilfield. Methods of field, laboratory and cameral studies are discussed, as well as the resulting soil-geochemical parameters (lateral and radial distribution of oil products and heavy metals in soils, their migration and accumulation on various geochemical barriers, etc.) The results of the study are of practical importance. | 1 |
182,177 | The analysis of the structure of continuums in logistic systems
In the present work we execute the analysis of the general continuums of productive resources in logistic systems. It is shown, that, in general case, the continuum has two components: vector and scalar. The scalar component is the concrete volume of the productive resources and vector component is the direction of movement of those. Moreover, the vector component is determined by the conditions of forming the continuums. So, in the process of the material continuum formation the significant role is played by the information, financial continuums and also the continuum of transport vehicles (the vector components). Absence of at least one of them transfers the material continuum to "the reserve" (the continuum is developed only in time). The mathematic expressions, describing the structure of еру continuums, are obtained. | 7 |
173,808 | The Concept Work, Labour Activity and Its Representation in British and American Culture
The article is devoted to the study of the concept work, labour activity with the help of the examples of English phraseological units with work and labour components. The study reveals the attitude of British and American citizens to the ideas work, labour activity which found its reflection in phraseological units in whole and in proverbs in particular. Linguistic experiment conducted by the author proved the idea that there are certain differences in British and American linguistic pictures. The differences occur in the linguistic layer related to the concept work, labour activity | 0 |
51,134 | Results testing the efficiency of divalent vaccine against Rhinopneuvmonia and Salmonella abortion of horses
Rhinopneumonia and horse Salmonella abortion, which lead to infectious abortions in mares, cause great economic damage to herd horse breeding. Specific prophylaxis of associated vaccines remains unsolved. Although there are separate vaccines against rhinopneumonia and Salmonella abortion. Preclinical trials of divalent vaccine showed sufficient immunogenicity in laboratory mice. The goal has been set to develop a new vaccine: to test the effectiveness of the associated vaccine on mares. An experimental series of vaccines was developed in conjunction with the department of virology of the All-Russian Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after Kovalenko Y.R. and Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture. The associated vaccine is made from the strain SV/ 69 of the Rhinopneumonia virus and the strain of the bacteria Salmonella abortus equi BN-12 with the addition of an immunomodulator, the culture fluid (centrate) from the strain of the bacteria Bacillus subtilis TNP-3. The vaccine is administered once. There were performed hematological and biochemical studies before and after vaccination. Phagocytic activity of blood neutrophils and lysozyme and bactericidal activity of blood sera of pregnant mares were determined. The production of antibodies to the rhinopneumonia virus was investigated by ELISA. Production tests were conducted in 6 farms of 4 districts Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2010-2013 yy. disadvantaged in rhinopneumonia and Salmonella abortion. After vaccination with bivalent vaccine against rhinopneumonia and salmonella abortion of horses, business output of foals in OJSC "Nam" was 78,0 %, SUE EPF "Krasnaya Zvezda" - 79,0 %, APC "Chychymah" - 66,0 %, APC "Uruye" - 53,0 %, EPF "Mandiginskaya" - 50-68,2 %, APC named after "Strod I."- 83,3 %. Immunization of mares causes the production of specific antibodies in high titers, stimulates immunobiological reactivity. As a result, immunity of high tension develops and business output of foals increases by 10,0-24,1 %. A new vaccine should be submitted to the Rosselkhoznadzor for approval. | 0 |
136,328 | Method of plan view formation on the front-line aircraft layout scheme synthesis stage
This article describes a method, which allows to generate the aircraft plan view with a minimum number of iterations (revisions after aerodynamic and weight calculations results). The method is described by the example of the front-line aircraft layout scheme development (synthesis), front-line aircraft model made by the normal balancing scheme with two engines and internal cargo bays. The synthesis is carried out on the basis of pre-defined design parameters, constraints, and solutions, which are set by the designer, based on parametric relations and statistical relationships analysis. Designer need to determine the so-called “Layout Field” on the stage of aircraft layout scheme synthesis. “Layout Field” is a plan view on the aircraft geometric shape formation initial stage. Plan view determines the load-bearing capacity and area chart, which defines aircraft volume and wave component in the aerodynamic drag increase. Work is carried out taking into account the structure and division of tasks in the interconnected units, which sequential study allows to achieve the objectives. The transition to the formation of the plan view implies a preliminary definition of design parameters, boundary conditions and areas chart. Design parameters determination, described in the work, carried out at the selected engine thrust based on the approximation of design parameters statistical dependencies of a number of existing fighter aircraft 3, 4 and 5 generations at a selected level of superiority over the prototypes according to the criteria of energy characteristics and the specific load carrying properties. Thus, to determine such parameters included in the methodology, as an area washed by the surface, the volume of the aircraft, space and lengthening the base of the wing. The initial step is to determine the range of possible design parameter values (area of aircraft surface, aircraft volume, area and lengthening of the base wing), in which the method will be working out (verification) further. With the known range of the basic parameters and criteria, there is a further possibility to define the existence region of the main part of the design parameters. The rest of the plane parameters are determined on the basis of a design layout constraints based on the existence region of these parameters. The presented method of determining rational variants of the airplane geometric shape in the early stages of design allows to pre-drop not implemented vectors of design decisions, which, in turn, will reduce the time and costs of the aircraft view synthesis and improve the quality. The possibility of reducing the number of unnecessary options is realized at this stage, and thereby this will reduce labor and time for further analysis. | 0 |
Investigation of Wistar rat liver cells on 7th and 14th day after carcinosarcoma Walker 256 implantation in thigh muscle was carried out. We revealed correlation of nonspecific endogenic paraneoplastic intoxication manifestation with blood and lymph circulation disturbances and liver parenchyma and stroma morphometric data changes at different periods. Distant tumor influence leads to necrosis, dystrophy and apoptosis of liver cells, contributes to terminal thrombotic angiopathy and causes compensatory reactions lowering on 14th day because of disintegration and cell death. | 1 |
In article the review of the covered medical knowledge is provided in the sacred book of the Bible. Data which can have historical value - about medical, hygienic knowledge of ancient Israelis, during creation of the Bible are provided. From medical positions the analysis of pages of the Old and New testament of the Bible is made. The miracles made by Jesus have psychotherapeutic roots. | 1 |
172,247 | Trends and prospects for the introduction of digital technologies in the electric power industry
The article discusses a significance of the digitalization for the electric power industry, describes the main areas of application of digital technologies in the electricity engineering. It analyses such basic digital technologies in demand in the electric power industry as the industrial Internet of things, digital twins, automated observation and diagnostic systems, automated maintenance and repair systems, decision support systems, augmented reality systems, personal digital interfaces, blockchain and others. Possible options for using various digital technologies in the functional areas of management of electric power companies are considered. The article also discusses the main approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of digital technologies at the enterprises of the electric power complex, including economic and qualitative methods. It proposes the author’s approach to assessing the effectiveness on the basis of an integral assessment following the study of financial and non-financial factors of the effectiveness in the implementation of digital technologies. | 1 |
One of the ways to improve the urban environment is to create urban landscape and recreational territorial entities. Green spaces growing on the territory of parks, small gardens and squares perform an important biological and ecological function. In addition, parks of culture and recreation contribute to the varied recreation of local residents and tourists. A brief description of the landscape and recreational formations of the city of Astrakhan is given. The main points of their significance for the city of Astrakhan are highlighted. A map was created using the Gis program "QGIS 3.4.14", which allows obtaining information on the territorial distribution of landscape-recreational formations in the study area. | 1 |
25,232 | Regional differences in the natural population movement in Russia
On the basis of index method the Russian Federation subjects were grouped by the upward or downward differences of their crude natural increase rates as compared to the national average in 2014, and by the components determining these differences: fertility, mortality, age and sex structure of population. There were identified six groups of regions with the natural increase rates higher or lower (i.e. with natural decrease) than across Russia, fully or mainly determined by differences in the rates of fertility, mortality or age and sex structure of population. Specifics of the rates and dynamics in fertility, mortality, life expectancy, age and sex structure of population were analyzed for regions in each group. | 8 |
41,750 | Effect of heat generation due to plastic deformation on behavior of material in surface layer at sliding friction.
A modified macroscopic model taking into account frictional heating and additional heat generation in the material surface layer due to its plastic deformation is used to simulate sliding friction of materials having different ability to work hardening. It is shown that the consideration of additional heat generation affects the thermal state and shear deformation in the surface layer provided that the ability of the material to hardening is within the certain range. The comparative calculations performed with and without consideration of additional heat generation are used to show the qualitative and quantitative differences in the processes of the heating and plastic deformation of the surface layer in these cases | 6 |
94,012 | Introduction of law education at the primary stage in the Murmansk region educational establishments
The need to introduce the law education system in Russia became a point of consent between the disputing researchers. The article is to show necessity and conditions for introduction of this system. The attention is paid to the regional aspect. Besides, there are arguments relating to the introduction of the law education system into practice of primary school as well as information about the conducted work and the achieved progress in this direction. | 1 |
103,028 | Actuality and meaning of the political and legal doctrine of Platon
Platon's achievements in construction of the concept of «Laws» are analyzed in the article. Such concepts as virtue, law, supreme authority of the law, its compulsion for all, justice, art of the legislation are considered. | 4 |
130,716 | The study of parameters of acute toxicity of a new antioxidant drag for animals
One of the etiological factors in the development of many animal diseases is a disruption in the functioning of the body's antioxidant system and the associated increased concentration of reactive oxygen species. In the normalization of the oxidant-antioxidant balance, the most effective method is now pharmacological correction with the use of antioxidant drugs, and their development is an actual task of veterinary science. The article presents the results of studying the acute toxicity indicators of an antioxidant preparation for animals developed at the Stavropol State Agrarian University. As a result of the experiments, the maximum tolerated doses were established, which amounted to 1070 mg / kg for white mice and 1130 mg / kg for white laboratory rats. In the experiment to study the toxicological parameters of the developed drug, various doses were introduced and expressed the effects as a percentage of lethality and probit. As a result of the calculations, the average dose was calculated, which was 5564 mg / kg for mice, and 6780 mg / kg for rats. When constructing the probit charts, a 16 percent and 84 percent lethal doses of the new antioxidant drug were calculated. Using the data obtained in the analysis of the results of the acute experiment, the average error in the dose of the effect was calculated. Based on the results of scientific research, it has been established that the antioxidant preparation for animals belongs to the fourth class of hazard, that is, substances that are low-toxic in accordance with the current standard. | 4 |
170,036 | Current Requirements for Studies of Drugs for the Pathogenetic Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis
More than 10 multiple sclerosis-modifying drugs (MSMDs) are widely used now. Novel MSMDs should be investigated in strict accordance with the evidence-based medicine principles governing clinical trials (of both original drugs and their analogues) that prove the high efficiency, safety, and tolerability of new drugs versus the already existing ones. Russia has gained extensive experience in conducting such studies using the well-known drugs as a comparison group. The efficiency and safety of new therapy should be evaluated according to the international criteria on the basis of a sufficient number of patients during a long-term follow-up. When combining the drugs, their efficiency and the risk of adverse effects can vary. The published results of a small study of the combined drug Leucovir (Belarus) do not meet these requirements, and the possibility of using this drug to treat multiple sclerosis can be discussed only after adequate phases II and III clinical trials. | 0 |
The article is devoted to the current areas of activity of the operational divisions of the internal affairs bodies - the search for minors who left without permission for families or specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation, as well as minors who left without permission from special educational institutions of a closed type education authority. In it, the authors analyzed the status of the search for minors in the territory served by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod region for 2017-2018. Explained the main reasons affecting the unauthorized care of adolescents. Some examples from the practice of the activities of the search units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod region are given. Recommendations are given to readers of the article on what signs it is necessary to pay attention when systematically leaving minors.The main role of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Belgorod Region in organizing the search for imperfectly summer people in the region has been determined. Some provisions of the “Instructions on the procedure for the consideration of applications, reports of crimes and other information about incidents involving the disappearance of persons” are disclosed.The interaction of the police, the prosecutor’s office, the investigative units of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Liza-Alert volunteer search and rescue unit of the Belgorod Region, regarding the examination of applications and reports on the facts of the disappearance of imperfect citizens and children and some initial and subsequent actions effects. Effective measures carried out by law enforcement agencies, authorities, authorities, education, health care of the region to reduce the number of unauthorized departures of minors. | 1 |
The article focuses on the problem of environmental pollution in Russia from vehicles, in particular from automotive equipment. A method is proposed for determining the amount of emissions of pollutants during the operation of automotive equipment in various conditions, in order to develop technical solutions and organizational measures in military units to reduce the toxicity of pollutants. | 0 |
Based on an analysis of various scientific approaches to the protection of rights and the theory of law enforcement the article justifies proposition that it is a complex integrated system of interventions, which include various manifestations of the active-state power relations in the face of the specialized agencies and bodies to the offenses, their causes and consequences. | 1 |
The cycles fluctuation of outputs and prices is following irregular technical innovation in the time | 1 |
The MRI with suppression of signals from two or more normal (non-pathological) tissues having differ- ent longitudinal relaxation times T1 was described. Because of this, a tissue contrast picture is simpli- fied and visualization of lesion zones is improved. Multicomponent signal suppression is realized by us- ing in the MRI pulse sequence the combination of inversion-recovery and Dixon methods. It gives the differentiation of tissues both by T1 and chemical shift. | 0 |
The article substantiates that the correct use of mechanisms of social work by older people will create a condition for their involvement in social and social life, thereby ensuring satisfaction with the new role, their lives. Social work technologies are a kind of social technologies focused on social services, assistance and support of citizens in difficult life situations. In social work with the elderly and old people, as one of the most vulnerable due to age characteristics of the population, various technologies of social work are used. Social services for the elderly are the most widespread, as this technology is the most relevant to the needs of this category of citizens. The social protection of older persons is based on the fundamental norms of the Constitution and is guaranteed by legislation that meets international standards. Social work with the elderly is one of the most important areas in the field of social protection. The strategic importance of this direction is due to the phenomenon of demographic aging of the population, when the proportion of elderly citizens in the total population is steadily increasing. | 0 |
The article presents a method of forming a set of multi-axis configurations for gear cutting machines based on the possibility of obtaining any the relative motions of the tool and the product due to different sets of mobile units both in the form of motion or spatial orientation of their movement. | 0 |
157,981 | Doppler investigation of cerebral and renal blood flow in newborns with hypoxic brain damage
The studies of brain and renal hemodynamics in neonates with hypoxic brain damage are fragmented and nonintegrated. The data of different authors on the changes in the peripheral resistance of cerebral and renal arteries are contradictory. The relationship of cerebral and renal blood flow in these children is not regulated in detail so far. In addition, the statistical data analysis in most of the analyzed research works was carried out using parametric methods. Experience shows that in medical research, not more than 20 % of quantitative traits satisfy these conditions. To improve the efficiency of the Doppler examination of cerebral and renal blood flow in newborns with hypoxic brain damage, it is necessary to use non-parametric statistical methods of data processing and methods of evidence-based medical practice. | 0 |
Using the material of the "Russian associative dictionary", "Siberian associative dictionary" and experimental data, the authors develop a model of an associative-verbal field WORK in the mental lexicon of native Russian speakers. Thematic clustering of reactions was based on the word work lexicographic definition. The authors conducted a diachronic analysis of the associative and verbal field, which allowed identifying some significant structural, semantic and functional changes over the past 25 years. The results of the associative experiment conducted in 2021 have shown that there can be distinguished core features in the concept WORK which are actualized in the mental lexicon of native Russian speakers to different extents depending on the social dimensions, namely the residence of respondents. | 0 |
In the results of studding identification of the high yield of new potato varieties, as Dusti, Faizabad, Tojikistaon and Rasht, which selected under of the Institute of botany, plant physiology and genetic of Academy Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, have more 6.3- 9.1m/he or 17.50-25,56% than standard variety Cardinal. | 1 |
79,565 | The first data about iodine and bromine mineralization in the black shales of the Far East <i>.</i>
Microaggregates of subnanocrystals of iodargirite – AgI and iodobromite – Ag (I, Br) with native silver, acantite – Ag 2S, cerargyrite – AgCl were detected by scanning electronic microscope. This mineral assemblage indicates crystallization of silver halides from hydrothermal fluid. Besides, Br admixture up to 3.2 at.% was measured in pyrite, arsenopyrite, scorodite and native silver. Br admixture in ore minerals excepts isomorphic substitution and accounts for an endocryptic process (after V.L.Tauson). Analysis of I and Br content in metamorphic rocks allows evaluating sedimentary or magmatic genesis of a protolite owing to the well-defined tendency of I and Br to accumulate in marine sediments. | 1 |
In this article we have investigated the specific features of social intelligence and the level of empathy in students with different training directions. | 0 |
115,198 | The Role of the Social Work Specialist in Suicide Prevention among Youth
The author reveals the problem of suicidal behavior of modern youth. The official statistics of youth suicides around the world and in Russia are presented. The key causes of suicide among young people are characterized, among them: a passive position in relation to social and personal life, a weak interest in ongoing socio-political events, a weak development of the value of life, a lack of clear goals and a vision of one's own prospects, etc. The limitations of the Russian state policy and the institutional model of social work with the younger generation to prevent suicidal thoughts and self-destructive behavior are systematized: bureaucracy, «protocol» assistance, the lack of development of a differentiated approach; lack of a national plan on the problem of suicide among youth, etc. It is proposed to create a coordinated multisectoral system and an interdisciplinary team to develop an effective policy to prevent suicide and suicide attempts among young people in modern Russia. The need to form a new mental culture where young people will be active participants in public life, a full-fledged subject of law in this historical, social, and economic context is noted; the need to develop a new paradigm, a look at the problem of suicides of young people, which today is caused not only by intrapersonal conflicts or interpersonal disagreements but has a nationwide global context is stated. | 0 |
The article discusses the migration context of ethno-political conflicts in modern Russia. The purpose of this article consists in the theoretical and methodological justification of the huge threat of uncontrollable migration, namely, in its role as a social context of ethno-political conflicts in modern Russia. | 1 |
17,204 | Diagnosis of recurrent bladder cancer by fluorescence in situ hybridization assay on urine sediment cells
A sample of 63 patients with bladder cancer (BC) was used to estimate the informative value of a noninvasive UroVysion test carried out prior to cystoscopy on urine sediment cells when diagnosing BC recurrences. The latter were detected by either the two techniques (cystoscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay) or one of them in 19 patients in different periods after treatment for primary BC (1-36 months). Cystoscopy revealed 13 recurrent BC cases; FISH assay identified 17 cases and in earlier periods. The total sensitivity of the FISH assay was 84.6%. The sample of 20 FISH-positive primary patients showed a direct correlation between BC stage, grade, and the number of abnormal cells (as indicated the UroVysion test) in the urine sediment. | 7 |
102,963 | On Some Issues Related to Students'' Adaptation to the Life under the Conditions of Hostel
The article dwells on the problem being for today - it is optimization of theory and practice concerned with a preparation of highly qualified human resources. The peculiarities of student’s life under hostel conditions of are disclosed. The author's central attention is concentrated on the issue of transition - student's adaptation to the new environment he(she) whirls in after the in the family, to higher school educational mileu from that one of secondary school. The work has been conducted on the basis of rational combination of theoretical and empirical methods of pedagogical research. Such methods are: formalization and modelling of psychologico-pedagogical processes, pedagogical observation, pedagogical analysis of students' life activity under hostel conditions. The work bars an interdisciplinary character as the problem researched and the ways of its solution have been carried at the junction of pedagogy, psychology and sociology. The author discloses the notion of «adaptation» in reference to higher school milieu. The new material on the explored theme is generalized, such notions as «transition», «adaptation», «everyday hostel life of students» are introduced into usage. The author proposes three levels of everyday life organization: the first group - high level; the second group - middle level; the third group - low level. This type of outlook will be interesting for experts working in high school spheres. Considerable attention is paid to planning and organization of upbringing work in a hostel. Pedagogical experience related to the problem explored is generalized. In the conclusion the author discloses the peculiarities of the formation of the quality of self-sufficience which plays a decisive role in students' adaptation to their new life. | 2 |
148,851 | The effect of friction modifiers on the topography of the surface of the steel 45 and the chemical composition of composite cermet coating
The paper is concerned with the effect, which the modifying of steel by 45 mineral, organomineral, and metallopolymeric materials has on the topography of the surface of the steel and the chemical composition of composite cermet coating. The parametres of roughness and topography of various coatings have been determined. It was established that the lowest roughness can be achieved when modifying the composition with 50 % metallosiloksana + 50 % aluminosilicate. High content of carbon, silicon, aluminum and oxygen in the composite coat is indicative of the formation of a layer of wear-resistant cermet. | 0 |
164,218 | Some Tools in Determination of Car Service Economic Efficiency at the Entrance Stage into the World Trade Organization
Methods of an assessment of car service economic efficiency are presented in the article. The special attention is paid to modeling and the multidimensional analysis. | 3 |
A mitochondria-targeted chimeric molecule (a conjugate of a rhodamine derivative linked to a plastoquinone molecule, 10-(6'-plastoquinonyl) decylrhodamine 19, SkQR1) was explored under conditions of acute brain or kidney damage. The protective effect of this compound was demonstrated in the model of focal brain ischemia, rat kidney ischemia/reperfusion, myoglobinuria (rhabdomyolysis, or crush syndrome) and pyelonephritis. We found that a single ip injection of 1 μM SkQR1 diminishes the ischemic zone in the brain and lowers neurological deficit in ischemic animals. The analog of SkQR1 not containing plastoquinone (C12R19) did not demonstrate neuroprotective properties. The data show that SkQR1 possesses apparent nephro- and neuroprotective properties, which may be due to antioxidative ability of this Skulachev cation. | 15 |
In the article settled tendencies, peculiar to Russia after disintegration of USSR are considered. The tendencies are appertain to spheres of foreign policy, potentials of macroregions inside the country, religion, education, science, technology, economics, right. Interactions of the tendencies are considered. The shape of relatively settled state of Russia, toward it developing. The features of this shape are: combination of relatively self-sufficiency and direction plurality in economics and foreign policy, significance of religion, diversity of forms of properties, diversity of political movements and world outlooks, considerable efforts for development of scientific, technological and educational spheres. The considerable difference of this shape, as particular combination of phenomena, from previous settled sharps (Moscow Russia, Russian Empire, Soviet Union), and considerable resemblance with each shapes in separate aspects are marked. | 0 |
The type of urinary derivation after radical cystectomy due to urinary bladder carcinoma may greatly influence quality of life of patients. The purpose of this study was to estimate influence of different types of urinary derivation after cystectomy upon lifetime and health-related quality of life of patients with invasive urinary bladder cancer. | 14 |
The article is devoted to syntactic structure - et cetera. Et cetera is a syntactic phenomenon, an equal component of the syntactic structure, used at the end of an enumeration as a sign that it can be continued. The materials of the research are sentences with homogeneous attributes, which indicates multiplicity, similarity, and other semantic relationships between different parts of the series. The article considers the functions of et cetera with homogeneous attributes, characterizes the specificity of homogeneous attributes, analyzes the quantity of components in the series, characterizes the pragmatic features of homogeneous attributes with et cetera. | 0 |
In her third novel The Hundred Secret Senses Amy Tan explores a half-sisters’ relationship against the broad cultural background making use of traditional Chinese beliefs and symbols. The image of yin-yang hologram presented in Tan’s novel highlights the coexistence and interaction of two perspectives that express simultaneously the various contents of the worlds within a single work. The novel recognizes the nature of yin/yang multiplicity and balance. By juxtaposing both rational and irrational elements of life Tan seems to tell us that“the world is not a place but the vastness of the soul” | 0 |
2,411 | Strategic changes in conditions of crisis and paradigm of organization value maintenance
In article models of carrying out of strategic changes in conditions of financial crisis are considered. The author offers classification of strategic changes in the organization on which basis it is possible to define management types in a crisis situation. We consider four types of strategic management in a crisis situation which are directed on value of business maintenance. The general lines of successful campaigns of overcoming of crisis: fast reaction of management, concentration on the core manufactures, bases of anti-recessionary strategy are developed in advance, and the control of position in business allied industries. | 0 |
47,031 | Front runners - 2020
On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation the traditional awarding of the winners of "Best Teacher" and "Best Researcher" contests took place. Annual competitions are an effective incentive way for faculties and researchers. Awardees are nominated through a multi-step selection process based on results achieved over the past year. | 0 |
The problem of improving the quality of crude oil by neutralizing or removing hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans during the processes of extraction, collection and preparation of oil is considered. Currently, for the removal of sulfur-containing compounds present in oil, the following control methods for their functional orientation are known: removal of hydrogen sulfide from well products; prevention of the formation of biogenic hydrogen sulfide; prevention of hydrogen sulfide corrosion of oilfield equipment; prevention of the formation of deposits of iron sulfide in the reservoir and downhole equipment. The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various methods of combating hydrogen sulfide and mercapts. Based on the studies of the content of these compounds in oil delivered to the Belkamneft PSP, it was found that in order to improve its quality indicators, the most optimal method is to use chemicals that neutralize hydrogen sulfide at a dosage of 200 g/t, since this is due to the ease of implementation and small capital expenditures. | 0 |
137,849 | The role of lung ultrasound in the COVID-19
Currently, a certain amount of clinical data has been accumulated about the basics of lung ultrasound examination in the patients with pneumonia caused by COVID-19. The use of ultrasound can be informative for assessing the state at the pre-hospital stage and triage, identifying patients with minor forms of the disease and their consequent routing. This review of literature has focused on the principles of the diagnosis of pneumonia using ultrasound in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. | 3 |
Article considered problems and directions of perfection and integration of diverse sportsmen psychomotor qualities in specific complete motor actions in various sports with use of the modified touch Gellershtejn technique adapted in each specific case to features of movements structure in the basic techniques. As a physiological basis of such perfect integration it is offered to use sportsmen abilities to increase high specialization distinctive sensitivity of time, spatial and power characteristics, development thin differentiation dynamic parametres of their technical competitive actions. On the basis of long-term researches in various sports perfection directions of specialized techniques of technical training with the account stress factors of a sport and features of work in it of external analyzers (visual, acoustical, tactile and a vestibular mechanism) are considered and offered. For sports with difficult biomechanical structures of technical actions possibilities of use of specialised techniques of impellent training on the basis of key points are considered. On examples of volleyball and hand-to-hand fight methodical approaches to perfection of separate techniques with possibility of integration of perfection of thin time, spatial and power characteristics with as much as possible effective competitive technics of the sportsman are shown. | 19 |
153,343 | Role of dispensarisation in evaluation of children health
The authors studied data of health evaluation of 658 orphans from Childs Houses of Ekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region. Majority of them had retardation of physical growth (up to 88,0%). The analyses of anthropometric data comparatively with WHO standards show, that Z-score for length was negative (< - 2 SO). The authors revealed high level of morbidity, including alimentary-depending diseases. Childs with nutrition upsetting were 41,2-48,7%. The third health group prevailed in infants and child from 1 to 3 years (35,0-43,6%), up to 4-5 years majority of children belonged to fifth health group (76,0%). | 15 |
A. P. Chekhov’s mastership as a writer and expert in children’s speech is testified by his ability to represent in his works all the nuances of child’s psychology and specific child’s behaviour. The article is devoted to studying linguistic peculiarities of A. P. Chekhov’s children’s works by the example of the story “Children” taking into account the usage of artistic means to intensify the statement. The choice of linguistic means for children’s stories has its own peculiarities since they represent the specificity of children’s psychology and children’s behaviour. The relevance of the problem is determined by the importance of intensity category for the formation of text semantics in A. P. Chekhov’s children’s stories. It first of all refers to a literary text with the included children’s speech for which the intensity category is the verbal expression of specificity of narrator-child’s speech. | 0 |
The work investigated the influence of small additives of nanoparticles on the deformation-strength characteristics, the density and strength of composites based on synthetic isoprene rubber (SKI-3) and low density polyethylene (LDPE). Revealed extreme dependence of the strength and density of the nanoparticles concentration. | 2 |
123,450 | Word-formation Family as a Means of Actualizing the Concept of Movement (on the material of the Old Russian families with the roots -id-, -khod-, -shed-)
The article presents semantic analysis of the derivatives of Old Russian root families of the movement verbs. Groups of words with the roots -id-, -khod-, -shed-, which constituted the core of the Russian concept of movement in the XI-XIVth centuries, are singled out according to different aspects of movement - direction, way, goal, environment. | 1 |
The article analyzes the heating of the recording medium by laser radiation directly to the recording layer. An expression is obtained for calculating the temperature of the recording medium depending on the incident radiation power density and the thermal parameters of the substrate. | 0 |
Productivity of agricultural crops directly is connected with exact installation of norm of seeding of seeds which changes at the expense of change of working length of sowing coils and change of the transfer relation in a reducer. The reducer provides step installation of the transfer relation, and by that step installation of norm of seeding that conducts to decrease in productivity of culture. Therefore for the purpose of the decision of the given problem on chair «Agricultural cars» the lever variator of a drive of sowing devices of seeders has been developed, made. | 6 |
14,970 | Cultural potential as a driver of spatial development
The article is an attempt to prove the application of human geographical approach in studies of culture as a factor of spatial development. Key elements on which cultural potential is based and develops are given. Relevance of the concept of a cultural paradigm in relation to northern territories is presented. | 2 |
110,316 | Study of the influence of soil cover and relief on crop productivity
The purpose of the research was to study the influence of soil conditions and the relief of the agricultural landscape on the yield of crops in crop rotation. The work was performed in 1997-2000 at a test site in the Tver region located within the terminal moraine hill. Agroecological transects -fields crossing the main microlandscape positions (relief elements) and elementary soil combinations of the agrolandscape - were used as options of the experiment. The results of the research on crop yields were processed by various methods of multifactor variance analysis. The relief and soil features of the agricultural landscape had almost the same effect on crop productivity. Each of these factors, on average, determined 27-28% of the spatial variability of productivity. The yield of potatoes and winter rye was somewhat more strongly influenced by the relief while the harvest of flax, oats, barley, and herbs depended more on soil conditions. The influence of the factors studied in the experiment on the yield of crops depended on the value of the hydrothermal coefficient. The relationship between the relief and the value of the hydrothermal coefficient was directly proportional (r=+0.87); the relationship between the soil the value of the hydrothermal coefficient was inversely proportional (r=-0.75). Under conditions of a specific soil combination, significant differences in yield were noted much more often than within one relief element. It was assumed that for the development of the theoretical foundations of landscape agriculture, it would be more rational to directly study the phytogenic fields with cultivated vegetation within the agrolandscape to identify the main characteristics of the “sowing topography”, the features of which can be explained on the basis of an analysis of the orographic and soil conditions of the area, as well as other environmental factors. | 8 |
The article is devoted to the divisions formed in Kazakhstan during the Great Patriotic War and their exploits on the battlefields. The author emphasizes the role of Kazakhstan in the mobilization of fighters to the front and the contribution to the training of military personnel already in the first months of the war. The exploits of the divisions that entered the war are provided for during participation in the battles in the Moscow, Leningrad directions and during the liberation of Europe. Naturally, only the main stages of their glorious history are marked, filled with failures and victories, the bitterness of the loss of comrades in arms and the joy of the liberation of cities and villages of our common Homeland at that time. | 0 |
8,471 | Typological and Integrative Models of Sexual Abuse
We discuss the basic typological and integrative theoretical models that explain the occurrence of child sexual abuse and the differences detected among the perpetrators of crimes against sexual integrity of minors. A comprehensive review of the theoretical concepts of sexual abuse in our country, in fact has not been carried out, and in this paper for the first time we made such an attempt. It is shown that the existing notions of sexual abuse largely overlap each other, but each of the models somehow takes into account the factors not explicitly addressed in other concepts. Systematic consideration of the theoretical models of sexual abuse can generalize and systematize the available data on the mechanisms of pedophile behavior. This review provides an opportunity to develop a new benchmarkin the study of sexual abuse, get closer to building the most accurate and comprehensive model. In turn, this may contribute to solving the questions about the factors, dynamics, and the prevention of criminal sexual conduct against children. | 4 |
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