EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS Ankylosing spondylitis is a systemic inflammatory disease mainly involving the axial skeleton. Despite its wide prevalence, this disease is rarely diagnosed at early stages. At the first stage, the algorithm of early diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis comprises detection of the signs of the inflammatory pattern of pain in a patient with chronic back pain. At the same stage, a search for the common signs characteristic of all spondylarthritides is under way. At the second stage, sacroiliac articulation X-ray study is made in patients with pain of inflammatory nature. The presence of valid signs of sarcoileitis permits the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis; when there are no X-ray changes, it is advisable to determine the state of HLA-B27 and to apply high-sensitive imaging techniques.
Tools for working with parametrized graphic representations in the ADEPT tool kit Tools for working with parametrized graphic representations used in the ADEPT tool kit are considered. This tool kit is now developing at the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University. Its aim is to automate the creation of applications oriented to the interactive processing of complex-structure data. The formulation of the problem, the peculiarities of realization, and the use of parametrized graphic representations in the framework of the ADEPT tool kit are discussed.
THE PERCEPTION OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIERS BY TEACHERS IN THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS The article examines the main approaches to the study of the concept of «psychological barrier», a classification of psychological barriers, as well as the analysis of perception of teachers the psychological barriers of collaboration in inclusive educational environment.
Features of education and upbringing in a multicultural region Peace and good-neighborliness in the multicultural region of Russia are determined by the spiritual, moral and cultural level, first of all, of the Russian population. The spiritual and moral condition and cultural level of the population are determined by the education and upbringing of children and youth. Education and culture require serious religious, spiritual and cultural education of teachers of all levels.
INTERACTIVE MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES IN MODERN EDUCATION SPACE The article considers the interactive media technologies as a means of communication with a high specific information capacity which is the most relevant criteria in modern communication. A survey is conducted, dedicated to modern social changes leading to new ways of communication. The article also considers the education process from the perspective of interactive media technology. A conceptual plan for creation of an interactive media study guide for BA students, specializing in public relations and advertisement, is presented.
THE REASONS OF POOR PROGRESS OF MODERN SCHOOLBOYS Influence of an active computerization of a modern society and some other reasons on success of training of schoolboys is analysed.
THE MAIN DIFFICULTIES ASSOCIATED WITH WITH THE DEPLOYMENT OF 5G NETWORKS This article shows the main difficulties that telecom operators face when deploying 5G networks. The issues of deployment of transit optical networks for small cells that support high data rates and short delays, which are one of the main problems that operators will face due to the lack of such networks in many cities, are considered
EVALUATION OF TREE PLANTATIONS IN THE URBAN ENVIRONMENT The analysis of the urban environment by the method of bioindication using leaf plates birch, reflecting the quality of the environment due to their high absorption properties. Identified a statistical relationship between the distance from roads and the area of leaf plates.
THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT PRACTICE AND MEANS TO IMPROVE LEGISLATION ON INTERNATIONAL ADOPTION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION The article is devoted to the actual problem of international adoption. The subject of the article is the judicial practice of adoption (adoption) of Russian children by foreign citizens. The author identifies and describes the characteristic features of the application of national legislation, analyzing the Russian Federation Family and the Resolution of the Plenum of the Russian Federation Supreme Court. The article focuses on the National Action Strategy for Children for 2012-2017. Regarding the results of the study, the author concludes that the measures taken by the state in the field of child protection should be improved.
Predestination in Pythagoreanism, Platonism and the Qumran Theology The widely spread Essenes practice of the future events prediction is likely to be based on their belief in the absolute predestination. In this light the hitherto unclarified etymology of the very term Ἐσσαῖοι / Ἐσσηνοί can be traced to the Aramaic notion חשיא (pl. st. emph.)/resp. חשאין (st. abs.; sing. חשא), which is likely to be interpreted as “what man has to suffer, predestination, fortune”; this derivation appears to be relevant not only semantically, but also linguistically. Thus the term “Essenes” can be interpreted as the “fatalists” (see e.g. Tantlevskij 2013). The doctrine of predestination also plays the key role in religious outlook of the Qumran community, and it is considered to be one of the most fundamental arguments in favor of the Qumranites identification with the Essenes. Some Platonic-Pythagorean (not only Stoic) doctrines can be regarded as certain Hellenistic parallels to the Essenic-Qumranic conception of predestination.
TECHNOLOGY OF FORMATION OF LEGAL COMPETENCE OF THE FUTURE SOCIAL WORKER IN THE PROCESS OF UNIVERSITY EDUCATION The article presents components of technology of training of social workers in the university, allowing to form the legal competence. The author considers stages and methods of formation of legal competence of student.
Isolated non-compaction of the left ventricular myocardium: a clinical and morphological study Isolated left ventricular noncompaction (LVNC) in adult patients is a rare form of primary cardiomyopathy. There have been several morphological studies of this condition in which a heart transplantation was performed. Objective: to analyze literature and clinical cases of patients with LVNC, macroscopic and histological data of the removed hearts. Materials and methods. At our center three patients (2 women aged 18 and 31, and 1 man aged 49) were morphologically diagnosed with LVNC had a heart transplant. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical, macroscopic and histological data of the removed hearts in these patients and the results of the transplants performed. Light microscopy of a fixed myocardial preparation stained with hematoxylin and eosin was used for histological examination. Results. A histological examination confirmed the presence of LVMI in these patients. Conclusion. LVMI is a rare disease, that can occur asymptomatic or cause severe congestive heart failure, requiring transplantation.
About the general sources of emergence of the Chinese and Russian proverbs and sayings In article the general are considered for the Russian and Chinese languages sources of emergence of proverbs and sayings. The special attention is paid to such sources, as a country life, religion, classical literature, foreign languages and so on.
Increase of Wear Resistance of Frost-Resistant Rubbers Due to Reinforcement By Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes The effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNT) on the tribological and mechanical properties of sealing rubbers developed for use in the cold Arctic climate was experimentally studied. Two types of frost-resistant rubber based on epichlorohydrin (EPCHG) and butadiene-acrylonitrile (BNKS) rubbers were selected as objects. Rubber nanocomposites (N) were prepared by mixing CNT with rubber in plasticorder Brabender and then vulcanizing in a mold. CNT were functionalized by oxygen. The static µо and dynamic µ coefficients of sliding friction were determined on a tribometer according to the contact scheme rubber ring - steel disc (simulation of the end seal) at two values of volume temperature T : 23 and -25 °C in the range of normal pressures ( P ) 0,1 - 0,4 MPa and sliding velocity V = 0,1-100 mm/s. Comparative tests to assess the abrasive wear resistance (AW) of the obtained N were carried out at P = 0,4 MPa, V = 10 mm/s, and T = 23 °C. An increase of stress at 100 % ( f 100), elongation εr and tensile strength fr on 27 % under introduction of CNTS in small quantities (1 phr) in rubber samples based on EPCHG as well as increase of the coefficient of frost resistance under compression К at -25 °C by 6 % were shown. Meanwhile the introduction of CNT in samples of BNKS in an amount of 5 phr only slightly increases f 100, εr, and fr. This effect is largely due to the chemical affinity of functionalized nanotubes and EPCHG rubber containing oxygen in the main chain. No change of µо of EPCHG and increase of µ with the increase of CNT concentration in the range of V 0,1-100 mm/s was demonstrated. Introducing of small concentrations (1-5 phr) of CNT in EPCHG results in twice increase of AW resistance, meanwhile AW resistance of samples of BNKS increases only slightly.
Cryoablation technologies in complex treatment of patients with malignant pancreatic tumor The number of patients with pancreatic malignant tumors increases every year worldwide. The only radical method of treatment is surgical one. It can only be used in 15-20% of cases. The median of survival in patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer varies from 3 to 6 months. The 5-year survival is 0%.Materials and methods. The use of cryoablation (CA) was studied both in patients with unresectable and resectable pancreatic cancer. The patients were retrospectively divided into 2 groups. In the group A, the CA of the residual pancreatic tumor was conducted, if it was impossible to achieve the R0-resection. Twenty two patients after CA of residual tumor on main vessels were assigned to the subgroup A1. Twelve patients with the residual tumor along the edge of the pancreas transection were assigned to the subgroup A2. Comparative analysis of the results of treatment of these subgroups was conducted with the control group AC, where 10 patients with R2-resection after palliative PDR were assigned.Unresectable patients were included in the group B. They underwent the CA of tumor (hereinafter cryocytoreduction) as a step in the shunting operation. Fourteen patients were assigned to the subgroup B1, where the cryocytoreduction of tumor was conducted without transection of the pancreas. Nine patients were assigned to the subgroup B2, where the cryocytoreduction of tumor was conducted after the transection of the pancreas. Comparative analysis of the results of treatment of these subgroups was carried out with the control group BC, in which 25 patients underwent the standard shunting operations (formation of biliodigestive anastomosis with or without gastroenteroanastomosis).The study of tumor cryofixation as a stage preceding its mobilization and removal in potentially resectable pancreatic cancer was started in 2016. Today the study includes 21 patient.Results and discussion. The combined surgical strategy with the use of CA improved the results of treatment in patients with unresectable tumor of the pancreas. In the group of patients with CA of residual tumor on the main vessel the 1-, 3-, and 5-year survival was 73, 41 and 18% respectively. The median of survival was 22 months. In the group of patients, who underwent cryodestruction of the unresectable tumor of the pancreas, it was possible to achieve a 3-year (actuarial) survival rate of 17%, and the median of survival - 16 months.Two cycles of cryofixation of resectable solid tumor of the pancreas, using the cryoapplicator with the diameter of 30 mm, and the duration of exposure to the freezing period of 10 min with thesubsequent spontaneous thawing does not guarantee the irreversible destruction of all tumor cells at the depth from 3 to 18 mm from the working surface of the cryoapplicator.Conclusions. The use of cryo-technologies lets to increase the radicality of surgical interventions, to improve early and long-term results of treatment of pancreatic cancer.
Non-Institutional Forms of Political Participation of Muslim Youth in Modern Scotland The article examines the main forms and socio-cultural features of the participation of Muslim youth in Scotland in non-institutional politics. As their research goal, the authors chose to identify the mechanisms through which political processes specific to the Scottish context (different from the general British or, for example, the English context) generate various forms of political participation of young adherents of Islam. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was a significant layer of empirical data (mainly Scottish), comprehended through an interpretive paradigm, which allowed the authors to analyze the non-institutionalized political experience of young Muslims, finding patterns in how Muslim youth perceive and construct the social world around them. The result of the study was an understanding that the strengthening of the “Islamic factor” in the social and political life of Scotland is explained not only by the growth of the Muslim population, but also by the obvious support that the Scottish authorities provide to adherents of Islam. According to the authors, the issue of national and state independence, the specificity of Scottish nationalism, the attractiveness of the political platform of the Scottish National Party for ethno-confessional minorities became the most important primary factors that predetermined the active entry of Scottish Muslim youth into politics. The main conclusion in this article was the idea that the specific socio-political and sociocultural contexts of Scotland create appropriate forms of political participation of young Muslims. Despite the prevailing opinion that Scottish Muslim youth are interested mainly in international events, the authors show a clearly traceable institutional and non-institutional involvement of young Muslims in national and local political issues in Scotland. According to the authors, the non-institutional political participation of young Scottish followers of Islam is manifested in such forms as social movements, activism and charity, and volunteer work.
FEATURES PROFESSIONAL VALUES FUTURE SOCIAL PEDAGOGUES The article attempts to consider a number of key theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem of development and features of professional values of future social pedagogues.
The comparative study of control packages of the collector current motor The paper analyzes the comparative study of 2 modifications of the device for the direct current motor control which is a part of an electric drive: applied analog control package and developing nowadays package on the basis of AD BMC micro schedule. The paper contains schematic structure and presents the description of devices’ work.
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFENCES IN THE FIELD OF ADVERTISING OF MEDICAL SERVICES This article provides a systematic analysis of the legislation of the Russian Federation establishing basic requirements for the advertising of medical services, as well as legislation establishing the administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of advertising of medical services. The author reveals the content of the legal regulation in this area, identifies basic requirements and restrictions that are applied to advertising of medical services, examines main problems associated with the practice of application of the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising in this area. The author concludes that there is a need for further improvement of the legislative technique and practice of application of the rules governing the advertising of medical services.
Architecture of catholic monasteries Belarus XVII-XVIII: a history of a question and modern level of knowlege Clause is based at the large research work on a history of formation monastic of awards. The review of the versatile sources, involved in clause, gives the basis to conclude, that for today there are various under the contents documentary materials containing extensive given and given an opportunity comprehensively to investigate architectural-building activity monastic of awards on a background of cultural, religious, politic-economic life Belarus XVII-XVIII of centuries. The present work contains a number of the new conclusions made on the basis of published before sources. In the carried out research the wide circle printed and iconography of materials was used. The sources on Russian and foreign languages which have caused an opportunity in certain system to open the contents of a researched theme are used.
INFRINGEMENTS OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURAL LEGISLATION COMMITTED AT FORMATION OF THE JURY: THE REVIEW OF THE SUPREME COURT In the article examples from judicial practice, connected with the infringements of the requirements enshrined in Article 328 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation which led to cancelling the verdict enacted in jury trial are demonstrated.
EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CHIRP SPREAD SPECTRUM IN LORA NETWORKS This article discusses the assessment of the effectiveness of the chirp networks LoRa using simulation program Multisim 12. LFM is a particular case of systems with spread spectrum - a way to improve the efficiency of information transmission using modulated signals as a basis to assess taken chirp modulation AM. Chirped explains the relatively high levels of receiver sensitivity: -148dbm.
The procedural term of submitting a petition about concluding a pre-trial agreement on cooperation This article deals with the procedural terms of submitting by a suspect or an accused a petition about concluding a pre-trial agreement on cooperation. Analyzing the rules of chapter 40.1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and existing law enforcement practice, the author makes a conclusion that any prosecuted person can declare his wish to cooperate and after becoming a suspect or an accused he can submit a proper petition.
THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL DISCOURSE IN G.P. SHCHEDROVITZKY’S STA-METHODOLOGY This article deals with the problem of the anthropological discourse in G.P. Shchedrovitzky’s STA-methodology. The author proves that the anthropological immanence is characteristic for Shchedrovitzky’s thoughts, and the formal absence of anthropological texts in his works is caused by historic context and the metatext of the Soviet Union’s reality of the second half of the XX century. In the following article the Shchedrovitzky’s anthropological ideas are reconstructed. The main idea holds that a man is not just born but created, as belonging to humanity is defined not only by genotype but the inclusion into the structures of action and thinking. Mental activity is a substance that comes to life through its own organ - a human being. Each individual is a material (on which action and thinking are “parasitizing”) and an element (as he occupies a definite cluster in the structure) of the mental activity system. People are occupying stated positions in the system, adopting the mechanisms of thinking and types of activities peculiar to those very positions. This is what defines their perception of the world. A man with rigidly fixed position is only a “cog” in the system. At the same time, an individual can adopt the mechanisms of thinking and types of activities of any other position, gaining, this way, a possibility to change his own one. This “freely moving through the system” man is a personality. Shchedrovitzky’s humanistic pathos consists in convincing that the development of STA-methodology would lead to the appearance of thinking generation of people.
DEVELOPMENT OF INTEGRATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS IN THE FIELD OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORTS FOR PUPILS OF BOARDING SPORTS SCHOOLS AND SPECIALIZED SPORTS CLASSES Modern Russian and foreign experience of training elite athletes and sports reserve national team shows the need for integration of the work of educational institutions and organizations engaged in athletic training. Getting exclusive education can be achieved through the development of a system of boarding schools of athletic profile. The article presents the principles of operation of boarding schools of sports profile, and also features the development of integrated programs and curricula for training of sports reserve without interrupting the educational process. Boarding schools of sports profile implement integrated programs that can adjust the performance of the educational process, to include the goals and objectives of other subject areas and to increase the volume of subject disciplines, such as "scientific subjects" and "Philology".
EVALUATION OF ENERGY-ECOLOGICAL EFFICIENCY OF VEHICLES WITH DIFFERENT ENGINE’S TYPE This article examines the impact of vehicle and the road transport complex on the environment. In addition to the positive impact on society, the car leaves a large footprint in the ecosystem of our planet, making a significant contribution to the formation of the environmental crisis. The main global environmental problems associated with road transport activities are identified: climate change (greenhouse effect), the negative impact of chemically active emissions on living creatures, and the harm of the ozone layer. The components of the combustion products of hydrocarbon fuels in car engines that are persistent organic compounds capable of bioconcentration and bioaccumulation are indicated. The catalog and environmental characteristics of coolants and greenhouse gases that are used in the transport sector are defined. Their main parameters determine the ozone-depleting potential (the possible degree of destruction of the ozone layer) and the global warming potential, which determines the total impact of greenhouse gases on climate change. To assess the energy-ecological efficiency of vehicles with two budding types of engines, a comparison was made of specific greenhouse gas emissions, including indirect emissions of electric vehicles from generating electricity from power plants that burn hydrocarbons. The main advantages and disadvantages of an electric vehicle and a motor vehicle with gas cylinder equipment are also considered.
Emerging issues concerning hygiene in the Russian aluminum industry In this study the data of multiyear investigations of occupational and environmental hazards at different enterprises of the Russian aluminum industry are presented. Basing on these data, we have been elaborated the algorithm and methodological approaches on management of the occupational and ecology-related risks using hygienic safety criteria, risk evaluation technique, epidemiological and economic analysis.
Analysis of the Eurasian Concept in the Works of Russian Philosophers of the "Silver Age" The article analyzes characteristics of the Eurasian ideology, through which the part of the Russian emigrants who were the members of the Eurasian movement recognized the legitimacy of the Сommunist rule in Russia. There is vivid characteristics of the Eurasian ideology belonging to archpriest G. Florovsky who was one of the foremost critics of this movement. The article shows the reasons why the Eurasian ideology is again in demand by some part of the modern Russian society.
ON THE RESIDENTIAL SECTOR The article deals with the problematic aspects of the use of categorical apparatus regulating the economic and legal basis of relations in the residential sector. The author reveals his vision of possible variants of development of the used categories.
PECULARITIES OF CHARACTERS’ DISCLOSURE AND KEY EVENTS OF THE MANAS EPIC IN THE PROSAIC VERSION BY SAMAR MUSAEV The article analyzes the prosaic text of "Manas" epic by Manas studies researcher Samar Musaev. In particular, the key stories of the epic, life and fate of characters are examined.
LEGAL STATUS OF THE PERMISSION COMMISSION: analytical review This article is devoted to the analysis of the legal status of the commissions on pardon issues on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. These bodies were formed in 2001 after the abolition of the Pardon Commission under the President of the Russian Federation. The commissions are advisory bodies and do not make independent decisions on the issue of pardoning persons, they only prepare conclusions on the advisability of applying the act of pardon and put forward proposals on issues within their competence. In this regard, the question arises about the independence of these bodies, which is decided by the authors of the article. It is interesting that on the territory of each subject there is its own approach to the issues of ensuring the functioning of these advisory bodies. So, in some subjects the provision is carried out by different bodies, in others - only one. This fact is of interest for the reason that pardon is attributed to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and, it would seem, at the federal level, uniform requirements for the provision of bodies that make decisions on the issue of pardoning persons should be enshrined in legislation. The article reflects the analysis of the studied regional normative legal acts on commissions for pardoning, as a result, proposals are made to amend the federal and regional legislation.
Assessment of heavy metals content in soils of Penza region In this article authors give the environmental assessment of heavy metals content in soils of Penza region. They also discuss the usage of selenium as a mean to reduce the toxicity of some metals in the early stages of spring wheat’s ontogenesis.
Current state school meals for example municipal unitary enterprises "Kombinat shkolnogo pitania №1" Krasnodar city municipality Ensuring health of the nation is one of the most important tasks of the state policies of developed countries. In this aspect health of children as keeper of a gene pool and living in poverty the nations deserves prime attention. Question school feeding remains urgent and requires continuous review. The paper reflects the problems of school feeding, food analysis in the city of Krasnodar schools reflected the mechanism of municipal departmental target program "School feeding", is an example of catering in schools served by the municipal unitary enterprise "Combine school feeding №1» of the municipality city of Krasnodar. All activities are carried out now, can improve the quality of the food and popularize school meals - a healthy diet.
ABSCESSES OF ABDOMINAL CAVITY: CONTEMPORARY TREATMENT Nowdays, there is an intensive use of puncture and drainage techniques under ultrasound control for the treatment of the abdominal cavity abscesses, since they have significant advantages in a link of opening classic techniques. The aim of the work was to estimate the results of treatment patients with intra- and out-side abscesses of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space by ultrasound guided percutaneous drainage. The study included 41 patients withintra- and out-side abscesses of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space treated in the City Clinical Hospital named after N.I. Pirogov from 2017 to 2018. The diagnosis was based on clinical, laboratory, microbiological and instrumental investigation methods. The main approach of treatment patients with intra- and out-side abscesses of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space was ultrasound guided percutaneous drainage. It has been revealed that ultrasound guided percutaneous drainage of intra- and out-side abscesses of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space significantly improves the results of treatment of patients with such heavy pathology.
Subjective right as an element of non-prescriptive legal regulation in the system of social and legal assessments: ante legem and pre legem assessments (ending) Subjective rights refer to the means of ideological influence as a value-oriented stage of the algorithm of social management, which includes legal regulation. This is true for all legal systems, because any legal norm is a semantic symbiosis of axiological assessments. Social assessments algorithmically precede any rule of law, although the appearance of a legal norm is not a necessary stage in every algorithm of social (self-directed) management. The most accurate description of these processes is provided only when using the management context. This requires the introduction of such terms as "control and directly managed parameters" (of the social process course), as well as "means of changing of the controlled parameters". This makes it possible to carry out a theoretical reconstruction of the place and role of subjective rights in legal regulation in accordance with objective reality, which is a full-fledged theoretical basis not only for effective legal regulation, but also for an effective usage of their regulative potential in state administration.
FEATURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL OUTSOURCING The existing research and production organizations not always gain a commercial success, owing to a certain specifics; therefore they need a special infrastructure promoting the integration of science and production, commercialization of their scientific products. As such an integrator performs research and production outsourcing
Efficiency analysis of gradient statistical attack on block ciphers RC6, MARS, CAST-128, IDEA, Blowfish This paper is devoted to the pilot study of statistical techniques in cryptanalysis on the basis of block ciphers RC6, MARS, CAST-128, IDEA and Blowfish. The suggested gradient attack is based on statistical test attack called the «book stack». The described scheme and modifed attacks can significantly reduce the complexity of finding the secret key in comparison with previously known types of attacks. This paper studies the effectiveness of gradient statistical attack demonstrating its modern practical and theoretical application (9 rounds of RC6, 21 rounds of MARS and 4 rounds of CAST-128). Analytical dependence between effectively attacked rounds and time/hardware complexity is derived. In addition, in the case of RC6 and MARS, modifications significantly reducing space and operational complexity were developed. Also, this paper shows a selection method of optimum parameters of attack; operational and space complexity were investigated and their dependence on parameters and ciphertext size were shown. Theoretical demand for computing power needed to carry out the attack is described.
CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING REGIONAL RUSSIAN TV CHANNELS IN SOCIAL MEDIA The article is devoted to the problems of communication promotion of regionalRussian TV channels in social media. The reviewed factors which influenced thechoice of this promotion option are as follows: digitalization of television, changesin the structure of media consumption, marketing strategies implemented bycompetitors. The analysis of promotion practices shows the prevailing communicationstrategies used by Russian regional TV channels in the Web 2.0 environment. Theprevalence of the strategy of information promotion used by regional TV channelsin social media is related to the approach to social media primarily as a channel fordelivering TV content, as opposed to a channel for communicating with the audience.
STRUCTURE FEATURES OF KERNELS IN THE PIPELINE ARCHITECTURE V GENERATION This paper examines the requirements for a universal microprocessor-based architecture of the new generation implementing the computation model, designed to meet today's challenges and the relevant modern languages technologies of programming and the opportunities technology manufacturing equipment.
STENTING VERSUS PALLIATIVE SURGERY IN PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT GASTROINTESTINAL STENOSIS Aim: retrospective analysis of the results of stenting versus surgical palliation in patients with malignant gastrointestinal stenosis. Material and methods: 85 patients underwent endoscopic stenting (41) or surgical intervention (44). Level of stenosis: gastric outlet (23/38), multi-level gastric obstruction (2/3), duodenum or jejunum (12/3), gastrojejunoanastomosis (3/0) and gastroduodenoanastomosis (1/0). 49 self-expanding metal stents were implanted in 41 patients. 41 gastroenteroanastomoses and 3 jejunostomas were performed in surgical group. Results: Stents were successfully inserted in all patients. Early complications were observed in 3 (7,3 %) patients after stenting and in 9 (20,5 %) after surgical palliation, p=0,0755. Postoperative lethality was 2,4 % (1 patient) after stenting and 31,8 % (14 patients) after surgery, p=0,0003. Mean hospital stay was 15 days in stenting group and 23 days in surgical group, p<0,001. There was no statistically significant difference in long-term results, neither in late complications (p=0,3691), nor in survival (p=0,3697). Conclusion: Endoscopic placement of self-expanding stents is an effective method of restoration of oral intake in patients with malignant gastrointestinal obstruction. Stenting is associated with equal rates of early and late complications, lower mortality and decreased in-hospital stay as compared with surgery, and therefore may be recommended as a final palliation in inoperable patients.
Dynamics of the population interaction between steppe and foreststeppe zones in the first half of I millennium AD The article deals with the dynamics of the interaction between nomads and the population of the forest-steppe region in the South Urals in II-IV centuries AD. Having analyzed archaeological and anthropological data, the author concludes the existence of economic and marital relationships in the early stages and a partial migration in its finale. Overall, the ethnic situation in the steppe was not changing dramatically in the period under review.
The Lord's Prayer in Kubachi and Standard Dargwa This paper offers a linguistic analysis of translations of the Lord's Prayer into two Dargwa varieties (East Caucasian language family): Kubachi and Standard Dargwa. Each translation is accompanied by a literal translation, interlinear glossing, and detailed comments on the most important constructions and wordforms. At the end of the article I provide a comparison of the two translations.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS In legal proceedings, where human activity is limited to certain formal rules, it is permissible to use only specialized intellectual systems that can work independently, but under human control. Artificial intelligence should be recognized as a source of increased danger and put the responsibility for the harm caused by its activities on its owners in accordance with article 1079 of the civil code. The state should be held liable for damage caused by the use of artificial intelligence in legal proceedings. The creation and use of "smart" robots for criminal purposes, as well as unlawful interference in the activities of artificial intelligence systems, which caused socially dangerous harm, should entail criminal liability.
The specifics of universal communication skills in children with general speech underdevelopment of level III The article analyzes the content of the concepts of communication, communication skills, universal communication skills, analyzes the features of the formation of communication skills in preschoolers, describes the main directions of the formation of universal communication skills in children with general speech underdevelopment.
The "interests" category in the Constitutions of North Korea and South Korea: comparative analysis The article deals with the category of "interests" used in the Constitutional law of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea. The author applies a variety of methods and approaches of scientific research in the comparative jurisprudence.
VILYUY FOLKLORIC EXPEDITION OF 1938: MATERIALS ON THE YAKUT HEROIC EPOS OLONKHO The article examines poorly investigated materials on olonkho gathered by S. I. Bolo and A. A. Savvin during Vilyuy expedition of 1938. For the first time the author analyzes in the comparative aspect the level of the collectors’ training, their principles and methods to fix folklore, the state of archival manuscripts. It is shown that the records are distinguished by the choice of model olonkho texts, more accurate transfer of oral speech, detailed certification and commenting on the words. The state of archival materials is unsatisfactory, urgent restoration work is required. S. I. Bolo paid special attention to historical legends on ancestors. A. A. Savvin focused on the poetical aspect of folklore and gathered a lot of materials on the Yakut heroic epos. The organized correspondent network provided the Institute’s archives with valuable folkloric materials. Vilyuy expedition was a fundamental basis for the further collection activity of S. I. Bolo and A. A. Savvin in the northern districts of Yakutia.
The main international legal problems of establishing the rule of law in post-conflict states In the article considers the main international legal problems of establishing the rule of law in post-conflict states, analyzes the activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding.
Value of informative thinking in the concept of information-design training of students In article main principles of realization of dialogue of cultures in the concept of informatively-design training of students are resulted. The category place «informative thinking» at realization of dialogue of scientific cultures is presented to concepts of information-design training in a tabular kind. The scheme of display of a modern scientific picture of the world in informative thinking is offered
PECULIARITIES OF ORGANIZATION OF MENTAL ACTIVITY IN THE PROCESS OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES AMONG PRIMARY SCHOOLCHILDREN The article reveals some peculiarities of formation of thinking of primary schoolchildren in the process of self-developing educational research activity in a specially prepared environment. The paper substantiates the cycles of evolutionary and mental activity of primary schoolchildren, describes the self-organization of the learning process with research activity in a specially prepared pedagogical space, as well as qualitative changes in the thinking process of primary school pupils, which such organization of educational research in primary school classes leads to.
EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF SYNCHRONIZING PSEUDORANDOM SEQUENCES ON THE BASIS OF MAJORITARY ALGORITHM AT THE DEVELOPMENT OF DESTRUCTIVE ERRORS Despite a substantial period of time, the problem of pseudo-random sequences (PRS) synchronization still remains topical. First, this is due to the wide technologies commercialization of distributed spectrum started in the late 70-s of XX century [1] by introduction of mobile telephone systems, and due to continued development aimed at increased efficiency [2]. Secondly, the urgency of the problem can be connected to the implementation of advanced methods of multiple accesses, greatly increasing the performance of media access control (MAC) protocols using PRS. Thus, the use of PRS-oriented MAC protocols in the information processing systems is topical and the most promising tendency of information technology development under informatization conditions in country during the transition to a digital economy. The paper aims at evaluating the effectiveness of PRS synchronization on the basis of majority algorithm with increasing destructive errors and at justification of objectives for further research. The paper deals with the following methods: Ward’s method (for ‘valid interval’), the synchronization method based on a majority of the processing segments of the PRS. It is shown that the majority method is beneficial for noise immunity by correcting errors in the valid interval, in comparison with Ward’s method and can be easily implemented at sub-level access to the transmission medium MAC. Also the paper considers the synchronization method based on a majority of the processing segments of the PRS. It justifies urgency of such techniques at sub-level of MAC protocols. The article also describes goals and topical objectives of further study viz. evaluation of time characteristics of the synchronization method based on the majority of checks; evaluation of probabilistic characteristics method, providing that the information processing system is synchronized by a short segment of PRS; method modification based on obtained results for the purpose of improving its efficiency by increased probability of destructive errors in information processing and control systems using PRS-oriented MAC protocols of multiple access.
PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE AND ORGANIC FOOD PRODUCTION IN RUSSIA The analysis of the principles of organic agriculture and requirements for organic food products, evaluated the possible economic, socio-demographic and agro-industrial prospects of development of the organic sector in Russia.
On the civic education of the student youth: the phenomenon of the “Soviet man” The article deals with the issues of civil and patriotic education of Donbass student youth. The author notes the loss of a significant share of moral and ideological guidelines, the lack of a clear system of values among a significant part of modern youth. The models of education and upbringing in the Soviet Union are analyzed, and the tendency to revive many pedagogical traditions inherent in the Soviet period of the development of the L/DPR is noted.
Role of biological factors in processes of self-cleaning of the water environment of natural re-ser-voirs from the polychlorinated biphenyls Researches on redistribution of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PHB) between components of a water ecosystem in the Orenburg region have been conducted. The role assessment of macrophytes in processes of self-cleaning of the natural reservoirs which are sources of water supply of the population is given.
THE ECONOMIC METAPHOR IN THE IMAGE DISCOURSE (FOR EXAMPLE "BUSINESS" - A SUPPLEMENT TO TOMSK REGIONAL NEWSPAPER "KRASNOYE ZNAMYA") The article (based on a periodical) discusses economic metaphor, investigates its specific features characteristic only for the image economic discourse. It provides a detailed analysis of frames and slots that make up this metaphorical model.
Motivation of students of a non-linguistic university to the foreign language communicative competence formation: current state in the era of anti-globalization of the modern world The article is devoted to the problem of formation of students’ foreign language communicative competence at educational institutions of non-linguistic profile, which is relevant at the present stage of educational development. The aim of the work is to analyze the problem of motivation of students of non-linguistic universities to study the discipline "Foreign Language for Professional Purposes", which is a significant component of the competence under consideration. The need to increase the motivation of students of non-linguistic universities in the process of studying professionally oriented issues in a foreign language is one of the important factors that determine the quality level of professional training of future university graduates, especially in the era of anti-globalization. A theoretical analysis of the work of national and foreign scientists on the problem of motivation was carried out, the features of integrative, instrumental, internal and external, short-term and long-term motivations were identified as significant. The author’s consideration of the concept of “anti-globalization” in the context of the influence of this phenomenon on the process of learning a foreign language by students is given. Taking into account the current level of development of socio-cultural, economic and political relations, a clarification of the term “motivation of students of non-linguistic universities to study a foreign language for professional purposes” is proposed. Based on the consideration of work programs for students of non-linguistic specialties used in the process of learning the disciplines “Foreign Language” (sociocultural direction - General English, studied by students in 1st and 2nd years) and “Foreign Language for Professional (Specific) Purposes” (professionally oriented direction - English for Specific Purposes, studied in 3rd, 4th and 5th years), presented on the websites of Federal Universities of the Russian Federation, as a part of educational and methodological complexes, it was concluded that it is necessary to strengthen the professional component in the process of learning a foreign language by students as well as to maintain continuity and interdisciplinarity of education in the multilevel educational structure of universities. The paper presents the results of a study of students’ motives for learning a foreign language for professional purposes according to students’ technical major, conducted at the Southern Federal University in 2017 and 2022 years. The materials of the article can be used in theoretical and practical aspects to increase the level of students’ motivation to study a foreign language in non-linguistic universities.
Improvement of SharePoint Learning Kit for the Work with the Learning Content, Developed on the Basis of Flash In the article was examined the basic principles of organization of e-learning process. Also was made the comparison and selection of learning content management system from the viewpoint of possibility of making a control measures for testing residual knowledge. Was proposed an approach, and was presented a solution to improve the functionality of the SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK) to work with the learning content that is based on Flash.
Teaching the Speciality Language in the Frames of "Russian Language and Speech Culture" Discipline in the Law School of Bashkir State University The author proves that the studying of “Russian Language and Speech Culture” Discipline may help future lawyers to acquire some skills of selection and use of language means in the process of speech communication.
Formation of the development strategy of construction holdings of the investment and construction complex of the Penza region The article discusses the issues of the effective work of enterprises of construction holdings on the example of a separate region. The theoretical foundations of the “development strategy” are considered. An assessment of the development of construction holdings in the ISK of the Penza region was carried out and recommendations were made to improve their development strategy. The research methods are theoretical analysis and empirical research, in particular the analysis of statistical data, as well as description and grouping of data. Literary sources on the activities of construction holdings under the influence of external and internal environmental factors on the process of developing their functioning and development strategies, scientific articles, monographs, electronic resources, sources of a legal nature were the information base for studying this problem. The methodological basis for the implementation of the article was such scientific methods as description, comparison, classification. For the effective work of construction holdings in the housing market, it is necessary to correctly form and implement a development strategy, taking into account their grouping and the choice of the main directions of operation.
Orders of Visuality. Review on "Imagery in the 21st Century" Declaration invasion image, total and aggressive technogenic new imagery, the requirements of visual ecology hearing the last 30 years. The transformation of social life, the historical development and the emergence of new technological images clearly require reorganization methods of analysis, methods of working with the new forms of visualization. Scientific and practical work with a visual material is really only just beginning. An example is the voluminous book "Imagery in the 21st Century", edited by Oliver Grau and Thomas Veigl, released by the publishing house at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, a leading research institute of technology in the world. Collection raises actual questions of the existence of visual and provides a systematic and interdisciplinary understanding of the origin, production conditions and the effects of new forms of imaging and visualization.
Specifics of the Translation of Euphemisms in Ideological Discourse (for Example, the Vocabulary of the German Language During the Period of the Dictatorship of National Socialism) The focus of the research is on the ways of transferring the ideological component found in semantics of euphemisms when translating from German into Russian. Analysis is concentrated on the language of Nazi Germany with euphemization being one of the prevalent lexical means of propaganda and manipulation. Euphemisms were used to create the new ideological concepts and to delude the recipients as well as to distance the transmitters from the actions implied. The article takes into view some of them and analyzes the ways in which Russian historical tradition interprets them. It points out, that calque translation and explicitation are those ways of achieving equivalence that try at most fully convey the euphemistic connotations and their functions in ideology. The research also pays attention to the historical facts which led to the usage of euphemisms. Among the texts analyzed are the historic documents cited in German academic publications and their Russian translations. The results of the research can be applied in the further studies of the ideological aspects in discourse, theory of translation and in working on translations of historical literature.
IMPACT OF BEHAVIORAL FINANCE ON INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERINGS ON THE US STOCK MARKET The paper examines the impact of behavioral finance on modern global stock markets, using the example of a primary stock offering in the United States of America. The relevance of the information and data reflected in this article is due to the lack of disclosure of behavioural finance issues in modern realities. The purpose of the article is to identify the level of influence of behavioural factors on the IPO market in the developed financial market between 2018 and 2020 inclusive. A cut of the results of the stock yield on the first trading day and on the expiration of 3 months after entering the stock market was carried out. Methods such as statistical analysis, horizontal analysis, and vertical analysis were used in writing the article. The analytical basis of work is based on a systematic approach. Methods such as: derivation, induction, analysis and synthesis were used in the work. The methodological basis of the work was articles and publications of leading Russian and foreign economists. The main sources of work were publications from financial magazines, a news feed and statistics from the Bloomberg news agency. It has been concluded that there is a relationship between the profitability of companies and the industry in which the organization operates.
Methods of the theory of decision-making as a tool for choosing the technology of work This article discusses the problem of choosing the optimal solution, which arises due to many factors. To find the optimal solution, it is proposed to divide this problem into 4 stages. As a result, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to consider this problem using the methods of the theory of decision-making under uncertainty, as well as the possible criteria for choosing the optimal solution. As a result, each criterion determines the best option for the production of works. Since each criterion has its own system of choosing the optimal solution, some options for the production of works do not fit any of the criteria, so these options, according to the paretto principle, can be abandoned, after each criterion is selected one optimal solution using linear convolution. As a result, a tool was obtained that allows you to determine the best option for the production of works using the methods of the theory of decision-making.
The values of cell-mediated and humoral immunity in infants of the first year of life with a history of haemolytic disease of the newborn The objective. To assess the dynamics of the values of cell-mediated and humoral immunity in children with a history of haemolytic disease of the newborn during the first year of life. Patients and methods. A clinico-immunological examination included 32 children with Rh D haemolytic disease of the newborn, of whom 16 received conservative treatment (group 1), and 16 underwent exchange blood transfusion (group 2). The control group comprised 32 full-term newborns who did not have haemolytic disease. Immunological examinations (immunophenotypic analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes, assessment of humoral immunity) were performed in the first hour of life before exchange blood transfusion, then at 6 and 12 months (but not earlier than 1 month after preventive inoculations). Results. In newborns of group 2, an increase of an absolute NK cell count at birth (CD16.56 - 0.81 ± 0.65 vs 0.5 ± 0.33 in the control group), and of the number of lymphocyte pools CD54+ (1.38 ± 1.22 vs 1.0 ± 0.49, respectively) and CD95+ (1.83 ± 1.94 vs 0.5 ± 0.66 in the control group) was recorded. At 6 months, patients of this group had lower levels of IgM (to -0.53 ± 0.29 vs -0.99 ± 0.51 g/l in the control group) and a higher complement haemolytic activity. The specificities of immune responses in children of group 1 were: a higher lymphocyte readiness to undergo apoptosis, a higher complement haemolytic activity during the first 6 months, and also activation of cell-mediated immunity (CD95+ - 1.48 ± 1.06 vs 0.64 ± 0.94 in the control group; CD3+CD95+ - 0.67 ± 0.49 vs 0.24 ± 0.24; CD54+ - 2.24 ± 0.48 vs 1.61 ± 0.75). At 6 months of life, children of this group had lower levels of IgA (0.1 ± 0.11 vs 0.21 ± 0.21 g/l in the control group), IgM (0.53 ± 0.29 vs 0.99 ± 0.51 g/l) and IgG (3.02 ± 0.8 vs 4.88 ± 2.03 g/l) along with enhanced levels of IgE ( 33.19 ± 27.45 vs 4.88 ± 2.03 g/l in the control group and 4.08 ± 1.44 g/l in group 1). At 12 months, patients who received conservative treatment had decreased amounts of major lymphocyte subpopulations and lower levels of activation marker expression. Conclusion. The revealed changes of immune indices in children who had a history of Rh D haemolytic disease of the newborn and received conservative treatment are indicative of a prolonged postnatal course of rhesus conflict, enhanced infectious and allergic morbidity.
FINANCIAL GLOBALIZATION AS A PRELIMINARY CAUSE OF FINANCIAL CRISES The article studies a number of particular consequences of financial globalization that increase instability of the world financial system and boost chances for financial crises.
The role of the role of the epigraph to the novel by N. I. Grech "Black Woman" Nikolai Ivanovich Grech - one of the most influential people of the historical and literary process of the first half of the XIX century. He is the publisher of the firstpatriotic magazine “Son of the Fatherland”, a teacher, the author of several textbooks on the grammar of the Russian language, a talented writer, who needs to return an objective assessment of his life philosophy and creativity. The article presents a study of the intratextual role of the epigraph from the novel “The Black Woman” by N. I. Grech. Inaccurate quote from the N. M. Karamzin's poem “Epistle to Dmitriev...” reflects the literary, historical and cultural views of the author of the novel. The epigraph is regarded as an important element of the structural and semantic organization of the text, expressing the basic conflict, the theme, denoting the relation to the common cultural system. The epigraph sets the Keywords, forming the basic mood and emotional tonality of the novel. This approach contributes to the understanding of the author's position, which is related to Grech's closeness to Karamzin in perceiving the vices of the outside world and a clear view of good and evil.
Incentive Legal Norms and Socially Active Behaviour The article examines the influence of incentive norms on the behavior of legal subjects, reveals the essence, peculiarities and significance of socially active lawful behaviour. The researchers offer provisions for improvement of incentive legal norms, which further leads to socially active behaviour.
Тhe Efficacy of Aminothiol Antihypoxants in Dynamics of Traumatic Brain Injury The processes of cerebral hydration in dynamics of experimental traumatic brain injury have been studied by means of thermogravimetric method. It has been revealed that aminothiol antihypoxants such as bemithyl, ethomerzol and thrimyn decreased content of general and free water in cerebral homogenate in the traumatic brain injury causing decrease of development of posttraumatic brain edema. Impedancemetry allows to estimate objectively the efficacy of carried out therapy of posttraumatic brain edema. Novikov V.E., Ponamareva N.S. Тhe efficacy of aminothiol antihypoxants in dynamics of traumatic brain injury // Psychopharmacol. Biol. Narcol. - 2007 - Vol. 7, N 1. - P. 1419-1422.
National Security Strategy 2015 - a Step towards the New Phase of Russia’s Development December 31, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the new National Security Strategy. Having analysed the key provisions of this document, we conclude that this event can be regarded as a new and historically significant step toward the strengthening of the Russian statehood and transition to a new stage of development. The National Security Strategy-2015 stipulates that “the implementation of the government policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of national security is carried out through the concerted actions of all the elements of its system under the supervision of the President of the Russian Federation and with the coordinating role of the Security Council of the Russian Federation”. Thus, the President takes on personal responsibility for ensuring the implementation of priority directions of state policy in the sphere of national security, and this is not only a timely step, it also demonstrates Vladimir Putin’s ability to assume the historical role of leader when Russia experiences hard times.
MODERNIZATION PRODUCTION LINE BUTTER IN ORDER TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY OF THE EQUIPMENT This article examines the possibility of modernizing production line of butter by converting high fat cream by means of the introduction into it the frequency converter vector motor shaft of the pump and the microprocessor controller. Pump capacity is adjusted via a variable potentiometer converter unit with control panel production line. Adjusting pump performance is performed by the pressure value on the high-fat cream pump outlet of the discharge line and by the value of oil pressure at the outlet of butter-making unit. The logic circuit operation of the production line production of butter by converting high fat cream is based on a set of functional blocks contained in the programmable logic controller, built-in vector frequency inverter. Introduction of frequency converter and microprocessor controller in-line production of butter will ensure the necessary performance, increase the turnaround time of the pump parts and saving electrical energy.
ON THE NOTION OF "PARENTHOOD" AND ITS ESSENCE The article is devoted to parenting as a social and philosophical phenomenon. The main functions of the institution of motherhood and fatherhood, as well as the infl uence of parents on the formation of the child.
"Design thinking" of artificial intelligence to overcome barriers The subject/topic. The article discusses the content of the concept of "Design thinking" as a new form of effective organization and management of business systems. Goals/Objectives. The purpose of the study is to determine the theoretical foundations of the formation of the concept of design thinking and determine the prospects for its development in Russia. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: 1. To reveal the essence of the concept of “design thinking” and present its main characteristics. 2. Consider the main stages of design thinking. 3. To formulate the author's definitions of the definition of “design thinking”, etc. Methodology . The study used: the general scientific dialectic method of scientific knowledge, as well as some special research methods: historical and legal, comparative, statistical, generalization method and others. The methods of scientific knowledge were applied in conjunction, which contributed to the achievement of validity and consistency of the conclusions formulated in the article. Results. The article reveals the essence of the concept of “design thinking”, which is the basis for modern design of innovations and a tool to overcome barriers. The article presents the main characteristics of design thinking and presents the structure of the design thinking process according to the Stanford tradition. The main stages of design thinking are considered. The characteristic of design thinking methods is given. The prospects for the development of design thinking in Russia are determined. Conclusions/significance. The study concluded that, despite the ease and attractiveness of the methodology of design thinking and design management, its widespread implementation in Russia is a difficult task. First of all, design management as a profession and design thinking as a way of organizing innovative business will be in demand as much as the emergence of a new economic system in society. Application . The results can be used to further develop and improve the effectiveness of the global digitalization policy.
THE ORAL WORD IN THE WORLD OF THE CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE This paper considers the importance of the oral word for language acquisition by children. Basic viewpoints of children's sound perception and playing on words practice are reviewed. Also examined are the relations of phonetics and language sign motivation, child's language and poetics. I quote examples of the German primary school children's play on sounds as well as appropriate contexts from the German literature for children.
A complex of methods of radiation diagnostics in a patient with multiple myeloma (clinical case) The article presents the possibilities of the complex application of methods of radiation diagnostics: bone x-ray, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, computed tomography, positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose labeled with 18-fluorine (PET/CT with 18F-FDG) in a patient with multiple myeloma, which was treated in the amount of high-dose therapy with autologous transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells. The diagnosis was established immunohistochemically. The use of these methods allowed us to dynamically assess the pathological changes characteristic of multiple myeloma.
THE INTERRELATION OF INDICATORS OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL SYMPTOMATICS OF STUDENTS WITH THEIR REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT CONSCIENCE (PILOT STUDY) The work is aimed at comparing the indicators of psychopathological symptoms of students with their representations about conscience. We suggested that there is a correlation between the respondents' psychological health indicators and their representations about conscience, namely: the more expressed the psychopathological symptomatology of the respondents, the stronger the negative attitude towards the phenomenon of conscience. A questionnaire was used for the expression of psychopathological symptoms (Simptom Check List-90-r-Revised, Scl-90-R) and the author's questionnaire for the definition of social representations about conscience. The results showed that the scales of psychopathological symptoms are positively correlated with the answers to the questionnaire statements reflecting the negative attitude toward the phenomenon of conscience and are negatively related to positive judgments about conscience. Ie, the more expressed the psychopathological symptomatology of the respondent, the more he agrees with the statements of a negative nature (conscience is not needed, conscience is a delirium, which must be weaned, conscience prevents one from living, a man with a conscience is weak and timid and etc.), to a greater extent neutralizes the value of conscience. The results of the pilot study allow us to confirm the opinion that psychological health is interconnected with the moral attitudes of the individual and is most likely a necessary condition of human morality, as well as vice versa, moral guidelines help a person maintain mental and psychological health in difficult life situations.
STUDY OF THE ATTITUDE OF THE PARTICIPANTS OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESS TO INTEGRATION RELATIONS ON SAFETY OF ROAD TRAFFIC The results of the study of the attitude of the participants of the educational process to the integration links for road safety are presented. For carrying out the ascertaining experiment, questionnaires for teachers of preschool and school educational institutions, the cadet corps and universities of the Rostov region have been compiled. The index of expediency, necessity, use and readiness is calculated. Based on the data obtained, conclusions are drawn up for the development of a system for implementing social projects for road safety in cities and rural areas based on integration links.
Problems of a historiography of charity in Russia This article is about historiography of charity. It tells about variety of a historical period in historiography in the social society charity in Russia.
Alkaline Hydrolysis Kinetics and Physico-Chemical Properties of Acrylic Copolymers Based on Acrylic Acid, Its Esters and Vinyl Acetate Kinetic regularities of the alkaline hydrolysis of copolymers of methyl acrylate, butyl acrylate, vinyl acetate and acrylic acid of several chemical compositions under various conditions were studied by IR spectrometry. The initial rate of alkaline hydrolysis and the limiting conversion degree were shown to increase with increasing concentrations of the components of the reaction mass and temperature. The methyl acrylate units in the copolymer macromolecules hydrolyze at a higher rate than the butyl acrylate ones, while the vinyl acetate units do not participate in the alkaline hydrolysis reaction in aqueous medium. Alkaline hydrolysis of acrylic copolymers taking place, the -COO - groups, along with the retarding effect, accelerate the reaction of neighboring units by the anchimeric assistance mechanism, thereby partially compensating for the general effect of slowing down the reaction. During the reaction of alkaline hydrolysis, the relatively low-polar initial copolymers convert into polyelectrolytes with a change in the macromolecular composition and with a significant increase in the viscosity of the system. During alkaline hydrolysis, the dynamic viscosity reaches up to 120 mPa∙s at a polymer concentration of about 2 wt.%. In an aqueous-alcoholic medium, due to the reactional availability of all functional groups, hydrolysis rate of the copolymer with vinyl acetate units increases because of alcoholysis of these vinyl acetate units.
ДНК-паспортизация современных российских сортов риса с применением SSR-маркеров In the presented study, we have performed genotyping of modern Russian rice cultivars using microsatellite DNA-markers. The markers showed different level of allelic polymorphism: from 2 to 8 alleles per locus. For all studied cultivars,unique DNA-fingerprints were obtained
SYNONYMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN JURIDICAL VOCABULARY UNITS IN THE DOCUMENTS OF YENISEI REGION SIBERIA OF THE XVII CENTURY The article describes synonymic relations between the special vocabulary units of court records of Yenisei region Siberia of the XVII century. The author considers lexical-semantic variants of full and partial synonyms of different structural arrangement fixed in the regional business speech of the initial period of Russian national language formation. In this connection the paper approaches the problem on what type of synonymy basically predetermined, firstly, lexical variability, and secondly, the redundancy of Russian lexical means.
"We were shocked": Soviet captivity and internment as acculturation stress N.V. Surzhikova's article based at the specific source type - memories - covers social and cultural issues of the Soviet captivity and internment. The author analyses manifestation of cultural shock or a stress of acculturation that proceeded from the direct contact of the prisoners and interned persons with another cultural conditions as well as mechanisms and limits of their adaptation.
REDUCED EXPRESSION OF DOPAMINE D2-RECEPTORS BY PERIPHERAL BLOOD LYMPHOCYTES AS A MARKER FOR PROGRESSION OF SUBCORTICAL VASCULAR COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS We studied the expression of dopamine D-2 receptors on peripheral blood lymphocytes (indirect immunoperoxidase method by the number of D-2 positive cells per 100 lymphocytes) in 18 patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment (SSLKP) and 10 patients with initial stages of subcortical vascular dementia (WDS). It is shown that the expression of dopamine D-2 receptors on lymphocytes decreased in severity as the growth of subcortical cognitive deficits, making the group SSLKP 19.5 (19–20) and in SSc group – 18.5 (18–19) (P = 0.016 ). It is concluded that downregulation of dopamine D-2 receptors of lymphocytes may be a marker of the transition SSLKP in SSc and display downregulation of postsynaptic D-2 dopamine D-2 receptors in the frontal-subcortical regions of the brain.
Evaluation of the Efficacy and Safety of Sevelamer Carbonate for the Treatment of Hyperphosphatemia in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis. Results of a Prospective, Open-label, Multicenter Study Sevelamer carbonate is a non-intestinal, calcium-free phosphate binder. Sevelamer carbonate controls hyperphosphatemia in dialysis and non-dialysis patients with renal insufficiency, without the concomitant risk of hypercalcemia. The phosphate-binding ability of this drug is clearly dose-dependent, and its lack of effectiveness in some patients may be associated with receiving it in an insufficient dose. Our study aimed to determine the average daily dose of sevelamer carbonate required to achieve a target serum phosphorus level of > 1.13 and 2.42 mmol/l (> 7.5 mg/dl). The dose of sevelamer carbonate during the treatment period was titrated according to serum phosphorus levels. In patients, the levels of Ca and PTH were also monitored. Adverse events (AEs) were assessed from the time the informed consent was obtained until the end of the study. Results. 94patients were randomized to the study (52patients with baseline P 1.78-2.42 mmol/l and 42patients with P > 2.42 mmol/l). Of the 94 randomized patients, 86 (91,5%) completed the study. Serum phosphorus levels consistently decreased in all patients from a mean level of 2.43 ± 0.65 to 1.67 ± 0.47 mmol/l (p < 0.0001). In the group of patients with a maximum P level of up to 2.42 mmol/l, the average phosphorus level decreased from 1.92 ± 0.23 to 1.62 ± 0.31 mmol/l (p < 0.0001). In patients with high P levels (more than 2.42 mmol/l), the mean phosphorus level decreased from 3.05 ± 0.33 to 1.72 ± 0.44 mmol/l (p < 0.0001). The average daily dose of sevelamer carbonate in 2groups of patients was 5.63 ± 1.98 g, by the end of the study. The level of adjusted Ca decreased statistically significantly from 2.27 ± 0.12 to 2.04 ± 0.11 mmol/l (p < 0.001), the PTH level did not change. All study drug-related adverse events included gastrointestinal manifestations (nausea and constipation) and were expected based on previous studies. Conclusions. The use of sevelamer carbonate allowed to significantly reduce the level of phosphorus in all patients receiving hemodialysis, and in most patients the target levels of phosphorus in the blood were achieved. These results indicate that the use of sevelamer carbonate is effective and safe in patients with CKD and hyperphosphatemia.
The Problem of Relations between the West and the East in the Heritage of V. S. Solovyov The article deals with the problem of correlation between the worldviews of the West and the East in the heritage of V. S. Soloviev. The study revealed that V. S. Solov’ev considers the formation of a perfect moral order both within an individual and the entire human society as the highest goal of historical progress. In moving towards achieving this goal, mankind goes through several stages, represented by different civilizations, with various forms of development of spirituality, the main of which are the West and the East. V. S. Soloviev comes to the understanding that their opposition is not absolute, but relative, and they must strive for unification.
INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO THE ORGANIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATIONAL SPHERE OF THE TEACHER The article presents the results of a study conducted to provide the theoretical rationale and concept development of personal and professional growth of the teacher in an integrative learning sphere. A key component of the study is a conceptual model of integrative professional development of the educational sphere. This model is based on the idea of level integration of the educational environment and includes the components and properties of the sphere, its functions in teacher development, as well as the classification variable professional development resources. The article considers the structural-functional organization of integrative professional development of the educational environment, analyzes the features of the self-development of the teacher in the context of this sphere. The practical value of scientific results is determined by the development of replicable models of integrative professional development of the educational sphere. The results of this research can be used in the organization of scientific and methodological activities of educational organizations in the system of teacher training.
IDENTIFICATION FEATURES OF PHRASEOLOGICAL DOMINANT IN THE SYNONYMIC PARADIGM (BASED ON THE GERMAN LANGUAGE) The article is devoted to the study of identification strategies of German phraseological units by determining the phraseological dominant. Analysis of the data obtained during the free association experiment allowed identifying the criteria for determining phraseological dominant in the group of phraseological units in the individual vocabulary.
STATE OF INTRA- AND EXTRACRANIAL ARTERIES, WHITE MATTER AND CEREBRAL CORTEX IN ASYMPTOMATIC HYPERTENSIVE PATIENTS Aim. To assess the state of intra- and extracranial arteries, white matter and cerebral cortex in asymptomatic hypertensive (HTN) patients according to multimodal examination. Material and methods. The study included data from 147 asymptomatic individuals (without prior ischemic stroke) with an established HTN (n=43; 29,3%) and without it. All participants underwent extracranial duplex ultrasound, transcranial duplex sonography, detection of middle cerebral artery microembolism, and brain magnetic resonance imaging. We performed a statistical analysis of the data obtained, adjusted for age and body mass index. Results. In patients with HTN, atherosclerotic plaques were more often detected - 37,2 vs 14,4% on the right (p=0,027) and 41,9 vs 13,5% on the left (p=0,001). In these patients, intima-media abnormalities and common carotid artery narrowing were also more common. Regional temporal lobe atrophy (p=0,044 on the right and p=0,046 on the left), central atrophy (p=0,045), focal periventricular white matter abnormalities (p=0,004) were more pronounced in hypertensive patients. There was no association between HTN and the presence of cerebral microbleeds, as well as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) score. Conclusion. In asymptomatic hypertensive patients relative to those without HTN, with comparable body mass index and age, head arterial abnormalities are more pronounced, but this regards only large ones - the common carotid artery. In these patients, more pronounced white matter and cerebral cortex changes were revealed.
INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF SUBSOIL USE ON THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TERRITORY IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL MARKET The paper shows difficulties in the investment process of subsoil use in Russia associated with the economic crisis and insufficient use of new technologies and production facilities. Risk factors that affect investment attractiveness of mineral complex industries at global and national levels are considered. Current statistics about availability, mining, and processing of minerals in Russia and about attractiveness of the sphere for foreign investors have been analysed. The problems of the Russian organization of subsoil use that reduce investment attractiveness of the industry have been discussed, and the expediency and directions of reform is substantiated.
METAREALISTIC STYLE OF ALEXEY PARSHIKOV Article Is devoted the analysis of structural features of the poetic text of Alexey Parshikov. The aesthetics used by the poet metarealism changes representations about a form and content of poetic product.
A new insight on the war with the United States in Vietnamese literature The article dwells upon publications by Inostrannaya Literatura magazine of two Vietnamese literary works - a short story by Nguyen Thu Tran “The Settlement of Vietnamese Servants” (“Xom so My”) and a short story by Le Van Thao “Mr. Giant with Big Moustache” (“Ong ca ho”), in the translation of I.V. Britov. Based on the content of the story by Nguyen Thu Tran, the author of the article highlights new approaches in covering the war theme by Vietnamese writers and notes new trends that are characteristic of Vietnamese public consciousness, in particular, regarding the U.S. military, former adversaries during the Second Indochina War (Resistance War). The story “The Settlement of American Servants” attempted to whitewash the former enemy. However, against the general background of modern Vietnamese literature, such an attitude to the matter is only an exception. The author tried to compare the Russians' understanding of the lessons of the Great Patriotic War (of the USSR against Nazi Germany in 1941-1945) with the Vietnamese perception of the lessons of American aggression. It is shown by the example of Le Van Thao's story how important it is for the reader to know the biography of the author to understand the essence of creativity and the emotional charge of the works of a particular writer.
Organization and carrying out of role-playing game-quest "Mysteries of the Vikhorevsky Lukomorye": methodical development The methodological development of the event, the role-playing game-quest «Mysteries of the Vikhorevsky Lukomorye» is presented in the article. The authors of the work describe its compilation, note a number of its advantages: helping teachers to study with their students the history and culture of their native land with the help of legends and tales of indigenous peoples, research activities and active teaching methods: games, quests, theater performances, round dances.
LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SOCIALLY DANGEROUS AUDIO INFORMATION AND PSYCHOLOGICAL INFLUENCES The legal regulation of the influence of auditory information during public events to ensure public order and security is discussed. Analysis of the regulatory framework is made. Proposals on the improvement of legislation in the regulation of auditory information and psychological influences are presented. It is pointed out that the Federal Law “On Assemblies, Rallies, Processions and Picketing” should be supplemented. It is justified to establish administrative legal responsibility for illegal audio effects in the context of the procedure for holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing before cases of the commission of actions (inaction) that caused harm to human health or property if these actions (inaction) do not contain criminal punishment. The issues of introduction of part 3.1 of article 20.2 of the Code of the Russian Federation of Administrative Offenses providing responsibility for violating the conditions determining intensity, direction and maintenance of audio and musical accompaniment directly during assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, processions or picketing is identified.
FORECAST OF DECREASE COLLECTIVE DOZE OF THE POPULATION OF BELARUS IN THE RESULT OF OPTIMIZATION OF ACIDITY OF SOIL,CONTAMINATED BY <sup>90</sup>SR Results of researches on study of efficiency of soil acidity optimization on decrease of a collective doze of an irradiation 90Sr on the population of Belarus are submitted. On the basis of the "cost-benefit" analysis it is shown, that expenses for averted collective doze for liming on cereals are 21-170 thousand $ per 1 man.-Sv depending on density of 90Sr soil contamination of rural districts.
Jetlag prevention in sports The reasons and mechanisms of development of jetlag in athletes are presented. Organizational solutions of maladaptation prevention are proposed. Proposals for preparation for flight, adjustments for arrival of both medical and pedagogical nature are looked at.
Secondary Plant Metabolites: Mechanisms of Antibacterial Action and Perspectives of Application in Pharmacology Antibiotic resistance is one of the world problems of the XXI century, resulting from the activation of adaptive mechanisms in the structures of bacterial cells. Secondary metabolites of plants are synthesized as byproducts of their metabolism. The release of secondary metabolites into the environment is associated with the activation of protective mechanisms in plant cells. In the course of the study of the literature data the following mechanisms of antibacterial action of secondary metabolites of plants were identified: mechanisms of damage to the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, violations of energy metabolism and metabolic processes, as well as DNA synthesis. The principles of the systems «metabolite-metabolite» and «metabolite-antibiotic» are generalized, which makes it possible to judge the possibility of potentiating the action of antibiotics by secondary metabolites of plants.
The Practice of Arbitration Courts on Corporate Contracts The article is devoted to the study of the corporate contract introduced by the legislator in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation in 2014. Particular attention is paid to the procedure for concluding and terms of the corporate contract, including the rights and obligations of the parties, forms of liability. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the conclusion and regulation of this agreement, one of the parties to which is a foreign person. The author focuses on the practice of considering disputes regarding a corporate contract in Russian arbitration courts.
Set-theoretic and functional models for the implementation of plural Diversified authentication of RDMS users. In this article there are set-theoretic and functional models that are proposed for using in the RDMS users diversified authentication protocol are introduced.
Novel polymer surfactants based on the branched silatrane-containing polyesters and polyethers Objectives. Biologically active polymeric surfactants are a new promising class of macromolecules that can find application in medicine, cosmetology, and agriculture. In this study, a number of new biologically active amphiphilic polymers based on branched silatrane-containing polyesters and polyethers were obtained, and their surface-active properties were investigated.Methods. The branched polymers were represented by polyethers and polyesters, obtained respectively via the anionic polymerization of 1,2-epoxypropanol or a combination of equilibrium polycondensation and ring opening polymerization. The polymers were modified with 3-isocyanopropylsilatrane and trimethylethoxysilane to obtain the amphiphilic compounds containing silatrane groups bonded to the polymer backbone by the urethane bond. The structure of the synthesized polymer silatranes was confirmed via nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography. The surface active properties of all the copolymers obtained were investigated in connection with their obvious amphiphilicity. In particular, the formation of micelles in aqueous solutions is such a property. The critical micelle concentrations were determined by a method of quenching the fluorescence of the polymers.Results. It was shown that the values of the critical micelle concentrations and the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values of polymers determined by the Griffin equation correlate well with each other. A linear relationship between the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance and the critical micelle concentrations was established. At the same time, polyether-based polymers generally showed higher critical micelle concentrations than polyester-based polymers, although the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance values for polymers of different series, but with close degrees of substitution, were close. It was found that the use of all synthesized polymers as stabilizers of direct and reverse emulsions leads to an increase in the aggregative stability of both types of emulsions. The stability of emulsions depended both on the degree of substitution of peripheral hydroxyl groups of polymers by silatranes and on the molecular weight and structure of the branched block of polymers. The stability of direct emulsions increased for all polymers, while that of inverse emulsions decreased with an increasing degree of substitution of hydroxyl groups by silatranes. The increase of the branched block molecular weight led to an increase of droplet sizes for both direct and inverse emulsions. The smallest droplet size for direct and inverse emulsions was obtained using polymers with low molecular weight branched polyester blocks as surfactants.Conclusions. The results obtained prove the possibility of creating polymer surfactants containing silatrane groups. By varying the structure of the polymer, its molecular weight and the degree of substitution of peripheral functional groups, it is possible to obtain surfactants with desired surface properties.
The Edel'veis alkaline intrusive complex, Gorny Altai: a plume-related derivative of the early paleozoic magmatism in Central Asia The 40Ar/39Ar isotope age (506,8±3,5 MA) was determined for alkaline rocks of the Edel'veis carbonatite-bearing Complex in Gorny Altai. Its formation is related to the origin of a large igneous province during the Caledonian epoch of the Central Asian folded belt evolution. This alkaline intrusion is regarded as a result of the activity of mantle super-plume that initiated different magmatism of Central Asia in the Early and Middle Palaeozoic.
Intensification of the Process of Learning German as a Second Foreign Language at Military University(Basic Course) The article deals with the methods of intensifying the process of teaching a second foreign language at a military university at the initial stage. The purpose of this paper is to review the organization of the entire educational process of learning German as a second foreign language, the content of educational material and methods of its introduction. The article is based on the hypothesis that the process of teaching German as a second foreign language will be carried out more effectively if it uses elements of the silent method, binary pedagogical cues, visualization of educational material, as well as altera lingua means when reading professional texts of a small size. The methods used in the process of intensification of the educational process include: a method for analyzing and evaluating test results; comparative method; trilingual method; communicative method based on the correct distribution of study time taking into account the cadet's linguistic experience. The intensification of the learning process is based on the principle of similarity of languages and psycholinguistic patterns in the study of a second foreign language. The achieved learning outcomes were identified on the basis of an experiment on skim reading of professional texts, which showed that, despite the shorter period of learning German, the amount of material read, the time spent on reading and the quality of understanding were comparable, confirming the positive effect of using a complex methodology.
Hegel and Savigny: the formation of the idea of historicism in law The idea of historicism in law was first introduced in the concepts of GVF. Hegel and K. Savigny. Only here the historical process of law is interpreted not simply as a prerequisite for its formation, but as an internal content of the law itself. The specificity of the doctrine of the unity of the universal and the special in history enabled Hegel to reveal the dialectic of the absolute value principle of law and historically changeable in law. In contrast, Savigny was forced to introduce into the theory of law an irrational element - the concept of «people's spirit.»