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he-en | מסרון. | - It's a message. | Text. (CELL PHONE RINGING) | 0.359016 | da |
he-en | זהו אינו כיבוי או נפילת מתח. | It's not a blackout or a power outage. | This isn't a blackout or power failure. | 0.869316 | da |
he-en | רואה את זה? | - You see that? | See this? | 0.854134 | da |
he-en | הי, רגע. | - Hey, wait a minute. | Hey, hold up. | 0.715474 | da |
he-en | לא, נשמע כמו עבודה. | No, it sounds like work. | - No. Sounds like work. | 0.882337 | da |
he-en | אני מצטער. | I'm sorry about that. | I'm so sorry. | 0.833339 | da |
he-en | רק תבטיח לי שלא תשאר. | Just promise me you won't stay. | Just promise me we won't stay. | 0.892011 | da |
he-en | האמת היא, מילו, שאני קצת עסוק לאחרונה, ואני... סול, אנחנו מבוגרים מדי לתירוצים. | The truth is, Milo, I've been a little busy lately, and I'm... | The truth is,milo,I'm pretty busy these days, and I-I-- saulie,we're too old for excuses. | 0.568842 | da |
he-en | מחר היומולדת של אינה. | Tomorrow is In's birthday. | It's Ena's birthday tomorrow. | 0.725083 | da |
he-en | הייתה התקדמות משמעותית בכמה השנים האחרונות. | There's been a lot of progress in the last few years. | Been quite a bit of progress in the last few years. | 0.883468 | da |
he-en | את רוצה שאני אלמד אותו לרקוד? | You want me to teach him to dance? | - Want me to teach him how to dance? | 0.846812 | da |
he-en | למקום הזה יש הרגל להיכנס לך מתחת לעור, נכון? | This place has a foot in your skin, doesn't it? | This place has a habit of getting to you, doesn't it? | 0.553517 | da |
he-en | אני בטוח שהיא תשמח מאוד לתת לך סקירה מלאה של פרטי התיק. | I'm sure she'd be very happy to give you a full review of the case. | I'm sure she'll be very happy to, uh, give you a full rundown of the case details. | 0.836824 | da |
he-en | תסתכלו, חברים, פצצה בדרך אלינו. | Look, guys, a bomb is on its way to us. | [ MUSIC ] [ Reggae Pop: | 0.251286 | da |
he-en | מה סדר הגודל של מגיפת הדם שיש לך כאן? | What's the order of the blood clot you have here? | Just how big a blood-demic y'all got going on around here? | 0.541378 | da |
he-en | -עובר עלי יום קשה עם המכונית המזויינת . | - I'm having a hard day with the fucking car. | - I'm having a bad day with this fucking car. | 0.764476 | da |
he-en | תראה את האורות! | Look at the lights! | Look at the lights! | 0.977892 | da |
he-en | אני מקבל הוראות ממי שעונד את התג. | I take orders from the one who wears the badge. | I take orders from whoever's wearing the badge. | 0.865834 | da |
he-en | היינו נותנות לך להצטרף. | We'd let you join us. | We would have let you join in. | 0.78392 | da |
he-en | השוגון של הארלם | The Shogun of Harlem. | The Shogun of Harlem! | 0.905044 | da |
he-en | יש פה כמה דברים לא הגיוניים. | There's some things that don't make sense. | Some of this isn't making any sense. | 0.831589 | da |
he-en | ידעת שהבן שלך טבח עכשיו? | Did you know that your son is a cook now? | - You know he's such a cook now? | 0.757586 | da |
he-en | -ממך. | - From you. | From you. | 0.943466 | da |
he-en | ואני לא בהיריון. | And I'm not pregnant. | And I'm not pregnant. | 0.991547 | da |
he-en | -הייתה לי בעיה כלשהי עם הפרארי. | - I had some problem with the Ferrari. | - I had a little mishap with the Ferrari. | 0.797148 | da |
he-en | נראהש ... כולםהגיעו. | Looks like... they're all here. | Looks like we're, uh, all here. | 0.805568 | da |
he-en | תן לי שם, כתובת, משהו, ויש סיכוי שעוד היום אתה יוצא מפה. | Give me a name, an address, something, and there's a chance you'll get out of here today. | Give me a name, address. Anything. And we might just let you walk. | 0.674822 | da |
he-en | אבל ההרמוניה הזו שהשגנו נמצאת כעת תחת מתקפה. | But this harmony we have achieved is now under attack. | But this harmony we've achieved is now under attack. | 0.954419 | da |
he-en | תזהר, האל. | Be careful, Hal. | - You take care, Hull. | 0.694846 | da |
he-en | יש לנו משימה. | We have a mission. | We got work to do. | 0.640952 | da |
he-en | וחלומות נועדו לישנים ומשאלות כוכב לא מתגשמות | And dreams are meant to be And wishes star unfulfilled | And dreams were meant for sleeping And wishes on a star Just don't come true | 0.551245 | da |
he-en | ואביך לא יכול כי הוא כעס מידי. | And your father can't because he's too angry. | And your father couldn't because he was too angry. | 0.861321 | da |
he-en | אבא שלנו הסיע אותי לעיר, והכריח אותי לצאת מהמכונית. | Our dad drove me into town, made me get out of the car. | Our dad drove me to the city and had me get out. | 0.762787 | da |
he-en | למה אנחנו עדיין יושבים כאן? | Why are we still sitting here? | Why are we still sitting here? | 0.996698 | da |
he-en | כשלא מתתי, ישר אמרתי, "בן-אדם." | When I didn't die, I said straight, "Man". | When I wasn't dead, immediately I was like, "Oh, man." | 0.587735 | da |
he-en | מרים את הטלפון, טומן אותו בספה אחריה, ואז רושם את המספרים במכתב ביחד עם שאר התחזית המזויפת. | She picks up the phone, buries it on the couch behind her, and then she prints the numbers in the letter along with the rest of the fake forecast. | Our killer comes in, stabs her in the neck, picks up the phone, drops it into the sofa after her, and then puts the numbers into the letter along with the rest of the fake predictions. | 0.656167 | da |
he-en | יהיה בסדר. נחכה עד שזה יעבור ואת תהיי בסדר, מבטיח. | We'll wait until it passes and you'll be fine, I promise. | We're gonna wait this thing out, and it's gonna be just fine. | 0.667449 | da |
he-en | אם אתם צופים בהודעה זו כעת, לפחות אחד מכם הוא הוכחה לכך שהניסוי שלנו נחל הצלחה. | If you're watching this message now, at least one of you is proof that our experiment has been successful. | If you're watching this now, then at least one of you is proof that our experiment has succeeded. | 0.876668 | da |
he-en | קווגמאייר, אם אתה נמצא שם, תחזיק חזק, חבר. | Quagmire, if you're in there, hold on tight, my friend. | Quagmire, if you're in there, hang tight, buddy. | 0.838335 | da |
he-en | - כמה תרוויח? | - How much do you make? | - How much you gonna win? | 0.691518 | da |
he-en | ותן להם לעשות את זה תן למי שרוצה להילחם שילחם בכל מקרה, אני רוצה שתשתף איתי פעולה | And let them do it. Let anyone who wants to fight fight anyway. | I called you here to tell you that. If they want war, let them have it. Come and work with me instead. | 0.521599 | da |
he-en | רק הכותרת. | Just the title. | Here's the title: | 0.797083 | da |
he-en | -זה לא מקצועי. | - That's not a professional. | - It's not professional. | 0.798226 | da |
he-en | אני צריך ללכת. | I have to go. | I gotta go. | 0.880125 | da |
he-en | התנשקנו בליל התאונה, נכון? | We kissed the night of the accident, right? | I mean, we kissed the night of the crash, right? | 0.850821 | da |
he-en | ומתי שהם חזרו ביום שלמחרת, כל בית הקברות נעלם! | And when they came back the next day, the whole cemetery was gone! | When they came back the next day, the whole cemetery was missing! | 0.908009 | da |
he-en | -לילה טוב, אלף. | - Good night, Alf. - What are you doing? | Good night, alf. | 0.713562 | da |
he-en | אני חולה על המראה של השמש. | I'm sick of the sun. | I am sick of the sight of the sun. | 0.78582 | da |
he-en | אתה האידיוט שהחליק מהבמה כשהיינו ילדים. | You're the idiot who slipped off the stage when we were kids. | You're the jackass that flipped off the stage when we were kids. | 0.817375 | da |
he-en | אשמה זה משהו שאני בוחר לא... להרגיש. | Guilt is something I choose not to feel. | Guilt is something I choose not to... Feel. | 0.900754 | da |
he-en | -כלום. | - What's wrong? | Nothing. | 0.494844 | da |
he-en | אני צריך כרטיס נסיעה. | I need a ticket. | I need a trip ticket. | 0.822622 | da |
he-en | זאת הסיבה שאנחנו עושים את הבדיקות האלו. | That's why we do these tests. | That's why we do these tests. | 0.989435 | da |
he-en | אני לא אוהב חיבוקים. | I don't like to be hugged. | - I don't do hugs. | 0.71983 | da |
he-en | לא, לא יכול להיות. | No, that can't be. | No, no, it can't be. | 0.889066 | da |
he-en | למה להביא חול לחוף? | Why bring sand to the beach? | Why bring sand to the beach? | 0.978681 | da |
he-en | היא רק חלמה. | She was just dreaming. | Oh, she was just dreaming. | 0.901827 | da |
he-en | אנחנו מצייתים. | We are obeying. | We obey. | 0.732501 | da |
he-en | ראית את זה? | - Did you see that? - Yeah. | Have you seen it? | 0.763376 | da |
he-en | אחזור מאוחר יותר. | I'll be back later. | I'll be back. | 0.860556 | da |
he-en | אתה רוצה לסגור? | You want to close? | - Do you want to close? | 0.849811 | da |
he-en | שב! | - Sit down! | (firmly): | 0.286162 | da |
he-en | תראו, לא הייתי היחיד שאיזי התעמת איתו באותו לילה. | Look, I wasn't the only one that Izzy confronted that night. | Look, I wasn't the only one whose face Izzy was in that night. | 0.736849 | da |
he-en | תיזהר, סופגניית ג'וף, ברגע שסבא'לה תופס אותך בלפיתתו האוהבת, | Be careful, SpongeBob. Once Grandma catches you in her loving lap, | Be careful, Joff muffin, once Pop-Pop gets you in his loving clutches, | 0.598712 | da |
he-en | אני מעולם לא הייתי חייב לשחורים שום דבר, חוץ מהצלפות השוט... ואני תמיד משלם את החובות שלי... | I never owed a nigger anything but a whiplash and I always pay my debts. | I'll never owe a black nothing except a whipping. I always pay my debts. | 0.632235 | da |
he-en | אבל לפני שאספר, אתה חייב להבטיח שלא תתעצבן. | But before I tell you, you have to promise not to get upset. | But before I do, you have to promise you won't get mad. | 0.817491 | da |
he-en | עכשיו. | - Right now. | right now. | 0.86181 | da |
he-en | -בסדר, בסדר. | - All right, all right. | Come on! All right, all right. | 0.849252 | da |
he-en | הניסיון אומר לנו שכאן בחוץ, עוצמה שווה לסכנה. | Experience tells us that out here, strength equals danger. | Experience tells us, out here, power equals danger | 0.860618 | da |
he-en | היה עליו להפוך לאבק לפני מאות שנים. | He should have turned to dust centuries ago. | He should have been dust centuries ago. | 0.860363 | da |
he-en | בהצלחה ותשמרו על עצמכם בחוץ | Good luck and keep your ass out. | Good luck and be careful out there. | 0.588263 | da |
he-en | -אין בעד מה . | - You are welcome. | - You're welcome. | 0.926453 | da |
he-en | דגן! | - What? | Degan! | 0.406446 | da |
he-en | שאר התושבים הם האשמים. | The rest of the residents are to blame. | Settlements are for the guilty- | 0.422025 | da |
he-en | כדאי שיהיה, לטובתך. כי המשפחה שלך משתגעת למטה. | It should be, for your own good, 'cause your family is going crazy down there. | Well, there better be, for your sake, because your family is freaking out downstairs. | 0.659011 | da |
he-en | עוד סירה? | Another boat? | Another boat? | 0.994288 | da |
he-en | על מה? | - What's that about? | - We had an... - argument. | 0.430274 | da |
he-en | כאן למטה. | Down here. | Down here. | 0.986337 | da |
he-en | האם אני היחידה שזוכרת את העקבות שהטורנדו שלו ישאיר מאחור אם וכאשר לבסוף הוא יזרק מכאן? | Am I the only one who remembers the trail his tornado will leave behind if and when he finally gets thrown out of here? | Am I the only one who will remember the trail his tornado left behind if and when he's finally thrown out of here? | 0.875247 | da |
he-en | אני חושב שהיא כנראה דבילית. -למה? | I think she's probably just a little bit lame. | - I think she's probably a jerk. | 0.714587 | da |
he-en | לכןהתקנתיבידודחדש , ועם השאר, את תעזרי לי. | That's why I installed a new isolation unit, and with the rest, you'll help me. | I boarded this with new insulation and you can help me with the rest. | 0.654743 | da |
he-en | -ביי. | - I'm going to be a little late. | - Bye. | 0.426362 | da |
he-en | האם הוא היה שם? | Was he there? | Was he there? No. | 0.875686 | da |
he-en | בואי, הנה. | - Here you go. | Now then, here. | 0.595968 | da |
he-en | יחסית לבחור בלי מילים אלה היו הרבה מילים. | Relative to a guy with no words, those were a lot of words. | For a guy with no words, that was a lot of words. | 0.801001 | da |
he-en | הזקנה ראתה אותם. | The old woman saw them. | Old woman saw them. | 0.904066 | da |
he-en | אני לא מאמין שהיא גנבה את המכונית כדי לנסוע לספרייה. | I can't believe she stole the car to go to the library. | Boy, don't nobody care nothing about no library. I had a Shalamar CD in here! | 0.420047 | da |
he-en | -תתקשר לקורין. | - Call Corinne. - What? | - Hey, call Corrine. | 0.71437 | da |
he-en | ראשון זה משהו, לא? | First is something, right? | -First. -It's something, huh? | 0.642812 | da |
he-en | הייתי צריך להתחיל בעיבודו. | I should have started working on it. | I had to start processing him. | 0.534629 | da |
he-en | נגד. | - I'm against it. | Against. | 0.658684 | da |
he-en | אני רציתי אותך. | I wanted you. | I wanted you. | 0.97129 | da |
he-en | משקה אחד. -רק משקה אחד. | - Just one drink. | - Just one drink, just one drink. | 0.846561 | da |
he-en | -באמת ? | - You did? | - Really? | 0.581906 | da |
he-en | הוא לא יחזור הפעם. | He's not coming back this time. | He's not coming back this time. | 0.9751 | da |
he-en | תראי אותן יחד. | See them together. | Look at them all together. | 0.756741 | da |
he-en | Word הוא נטים היו שמירהעלהמזומניםשלהםאתזה לצעוקזמןרב ,ודיקי,שיצא... הואיזדקקלחבר. | Word was he was a tickle that kept his twins from screaming for a long time, and, uh, O'Dee, he was out... he needed a connection. | Word is Bennetts have been keeping their cash up this holler a long time, and Dickie, being out... | 0.455571 | da |
he-en | -בארון. | - In a bar. | -ln a box. | 0.512537 | da |
he-en | .אני מקווה שהשכונה עדיין עומדת | I hope the neighborhood is still standing. | I hope the block is still standing. | 0.825951 | da |
he-en | -ובכן, היי-ליי, את יודעת, כלומר, זה... בסדר, אני מאוהב בה. | - Well, hey-ley, you know, I mean, it's... Okay, I'm in love with her. | Well, Hai Lai, you know, I mean it's a-- Okay, I'm- - I'm in love with her. | 0.793195 | da |
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