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he-en | אנחנו מציעים להשיג את התיבה ביחד. | We're offering to get the box together. | We propose we get the evidence together. | 0.513661 | da |
he-en | עלינו להיות זהירים. | We have to be careful. | We have to be careful. | 0.973063 | da |
he-en | תמיד ניסיתם להוציא אותם בכוח. | You've always tried to force them out. | You have always tried to extract it by force. | 0.724654 | da |
he-en | מה אנחנו עושים כאן? | What are we doing here? | What are we doing here? | 0.985853 | da |
he-en | בלמון... רק דבר אחד עניין אותו, הוא עצמו. | Belmon... only one thing interested him, himself. | Belmont... had only one interest in life, himself. | 0.789966 | da |
he-en | אז תנו לי להבין את זה נכון. | So let me get this straight. | So let me get this straight. | 0.979797 | da |
he-en | אה, נכון. איך הלך? | How'd it go? | - Oh, yeah. | 0.390619 | da |
he-en | כמובן, גם את צריכה להימנע מלהיכנס לחדר השינה שלנו. | Of course, you should also avoid entering our bedroom. | Of course, you should refrain from entering our bedroom as well. | 0.868427 | da |
he-en | ניסית להתקשר אליו או ליצור קשר? | Did you try to call him or contact him? | Well, have you tried calling him or contacting him? | 0.8521 | da |
he-en | כן, אתה צודק. | - Yeah, you're right. - I know. | Yes... you're right. | 0.801767 | da |
he-en | אתה עושה בסדר גמור. | You're doing great. | You're doing just fine. | 0.835708 | da |
he-en | מה קורה שם? | What's going on in there? | What happens there? | 0.833228 | da |
he-en | אני מכיר את היצור הזה, מילס. | I know this creature, Mills. | I know this creature, Mills. | 0.989975 | da |
he-en | התקשרתי אליך. | I called you. | I called you. | 0.95287 | da |
he-en | אני לא הולכת להתחתן. | I'm not getting married. | I ain't gettin' married. | 0.834317 | da |
he-en | המאמן יושב לי על התחת עם זה, אז... המאמן קודם בסדר העדיפות, מה? | Coach is on my ass with this, so... Coach first priority, huh? | Coach is on my butt about it, so... Coach come first, huh? | 0.734353 | da |
he-en | תוציא אותו. | Get him out. | Now get him out. | 0.860352 | da |
he-en | כאילו, אתה לא רוצה לספר לה מה קרה? | I mean, don't you want to tell her what happened? | Like, you don't want to tell her what happened? | 0.85953 | da |
he-en | משהו קטנטן. | It's a little something. | Teensy little thing. | 0.475615 | da |
he-en | נתראה מחר? | - I'll see you tomorrow? | By tomorrow? | 0.60013 | da |
he-en | אני אביא קפה. | I'll get some coffee. | I'll get some coffee. | 0.99058 | da |
he-en | ואני לא יודעת איך להוכיח לה את זה. | And I don't know how to prove it to her. | I don't know how to prove that to her. | 0.879192 | da |
he-en | את חושבת שאנחנו אידיוטים? | You think we're idiots? | Do you think we're idiots? | 0.922359 | da |
he-en | אני רוצה לנתח את המפגשים שלו כדי להסיק מסקנות בזמן אמת. | I want to analyze his meetings to draw real-time conclusions. | I wanna analyse their interactions so we can work it up in real time. OK. | 0.701922 | da |
he-en | היא אמרה שהוא נחנק על משהו. | She said he was choking on something. | She said he was choking on something. | 0.976552 | da |
he-en | -קשה! | - It's hard! | - Harder! | 0.775828 | da |
he-en | דיי, לוו י את המורה החוצה. | Okay, walk the teacher out. | Di, show the teacher out. | 0.705428 | da |
he-en | הטוב ביותר. | The best. | The best. | 0.981722 | da |
he-en | נייג'ל, תן לי להיכנס. | Nigel, let me in. | Nigel, let me in. | 0.986249 | da |
he-en | בהחלט. | - I'm sure. | Absolutely. | 0.563995 | da |
he-en | אבל גוינס נחשבת למסוכנת מאוד. | But Gaines is considered very dangerous. | But Goines is considered very dangerous. | 0.860043 | da |
he-en | "עושים את זה | ♪ Doing it | ¶ doing it ¶ | 0.752925 | da |
he-en | הטמבל הזה שדד בנק ולקח אותי בן ערובה והם חושבים שזה אני. | That jerk robbed a bank and took me hostage and they think it's me. | This asshole pulled a hold up. He took me hostage, they thought I did it. | 0.626321 | da |
he-en | אני מאוד ממליץ לך לשקול מחדש. | I highly recommend you reconsider. | I strongly urge you to reconsider. | 0.906028 | da |
he-en | או אותה. | Or her. | Or her. | 0.967272 | da |
he-en | אבל... | But... | - But... | 0.951821 | da |
he-en | שמעת את זה? | Did you hear that? | You hear that? | 0.915469 | da |
he-en | הבחור הזה טוב. | This guy's good. | Damn, this guy is good. | 0.820053 | da |
he-en | אמרת לי אתמול. | You told me yesterday. | You told me that yesterday. | 0.862872 | da |
he-en | זה רק כסף. | It's just money. | It's only money. | 0.92736 | da |
he-en | כנראה שפלסמה, אינסולין. | It's probably a plasma, an insulin. | - Probably plasma, insulin. | 0.709176 | da |
he-en | עם מי לעזאזל הוא מדבר? | Who the hell is he talking to? | Who the hell's he talking to? | 0.925498 | da |
he-en | הכן צוות נחיתה. | Prepare a landing team. | Outfit a landing party. | 0.718613 | da |
he-en | טוב, את בת 21 עכשיו. | Well, you're 21 now. | You're over 21. | 0.795429 | da |
he-en | אני לא יודע אם היא איתו. | I don't know if she's with him. | I don't know if she's with him. | 0.958991 | da |
he-en | החלפתי תרופות בחודש שעבר ואולי היה רווח קצר. | I switched medication last month and it may have been a short-term gain. | I mean, I changed medications last month and there might have been, like, a brief window. | 0.662743 | da |
he-en | כמוך. | Like you. | Like you. | 0.959903 | da |
he-en | איזה חווה? | What farm? | What farm? | 0.994341 | da |
he-en | לא איכפת להם אם כל השאר יפסידו, אבל הם לא מפסידים. | They don't care if everyone else loses, but they don't lose. | They don't mind if everybody else does, but they don't lose. | 0.8416 | da |
he-en | זה מחליש אותו. | It weakens him. | It weakens it. | 0.743326 | da |
he-en | שאני מאוד אוהב. | I love very much. | Which I love. | 0.696405 | da |
he-en | אם לא, הוא יישרף. | If not, he will burn. | If not,he will be burned. | 0.887933 | da |
he-en | היאנושאנפרדלחלוטין. | She's completely separate. | Is completely a separate issue. | 0.519247 | da |
he-en | מתת שבני-תמותה יכולים רק לחלום לקבל. | A gift that mortals can only dream of receiving. | Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. | 0.810115 | da |
he-en | אז הפעם השתמשת רק בחיפושיות השמנות בבדיקת מפרט-המסה. | So this time you only used the fat beetles in the mass-specific test. | Oh, so this time you only used the fat beetles to run through the GC Mass Spec. | 0.699138 | da |
he-en | לא נתתי לה לומר את זה, אבל אני יודע מה היא צריכה שאעשה. | I didn't let her say it, but I know what she needs me to do. | I wouldn't let her say the words... but I know what she need me to do. | 0.805337 | da |
he-en | ראיתם אותי? | - Did you see me? - Yeah. | Have you seen me? | 0.769821 | da |
he-en | ועכשיו יש לי הזדמנות לעשות משהו שיש לו עתיד. | And now I have a chance to do something that has a future. | And now I have this opportunity to do something that really does have a future. | 0.875269 | da |
he-en | אז בוא נרד לשם. | So let's go down there. | So let's get down there. | 0.877418 | da |
he-en | ג'ס, תפסיקי. | Jess, stop it. | Jess, stop. | 0.859064 | da |
he-en | לילה טוב. | - Good night, you. | Night-night. | 0.614352 | da |
he-en | אנדרה קוקטאו, מדען חיוני לצד שלנו, מוחזק כאן בידי האוייב. | Andre Cocteau, a vital scientist on our side, is being held here by the enemy. | Andre Cocteau, a scientist essential to our side is being held here by the enemy. | 0.884725 | da |
he-en | הגז נישא עם הרוח והרג 9 אנשים. | The gas was carried by the wind and killed nine people. | The gas blew downwind and killed nine people. | 0.839289 | da |
he-en | הבנים שלי דיברו עם אחד של אמבר s עמיתים לעבודה. | My sons were talking to one of Amber's coworkers. | My boys spoke to one of Amber's coworkers. | 0.851164 | da |
he-en | כי זה לא בסדר כמו כשלוגמים לגימת מים ומסתבר שזה ספרייט | Because it's not as good as when you're in a water tank and it turns out to be a spray. | ♪ Like when you take a sip of water And it turns out to be Sprite ♪ | 0.489159 | da |
he-en | מה אני אקבל מכל זה? | What do I get out of all this? | What will I get from all this? | 0.889853 | da |
he-en | זו הסיבה שהתיישבת פה? | Is that why you settled here? | -That's why you sat here? | 0.70804 | da |
he-en | פאנייה, היום בו אשתמש בנשק על חבריי יהיה היום בו אפסיק להילחם. | Fania, the day I use a gun on my friends will be the day I stop fighting. | Look, Peña, the day I have to take arms against my comrades will be the day I stop fighting. | 0.677011 | da |
he-en | זה כל מה שהצלחנו לחלץ מהמיכל שהוצנח. | This is all we could get out of the tank that was dropped. | That's everything we could retrieve from the drop canister. | 0.75418 | da |
he-en | לא החלטנו אם אנחנו הולכים לרוץ לסנאט. | We haven't decided if we're going to run for the Senate. | We haven't decided if we're going to run for Senate. | 0.927932 | da |
he-en | אני מעריץ את העקשנות שלך לבוא לפה, אבל אמרתי כבר את עמדתי בטלפון. | I admire your stubbornness to come here, but I already told you my position on the phone. | I admire your tenacity, coming down here, but I told you my position on the phone. | 0.802206 | da |
he-en | ביגלס מת, כריס. | Biggles is dead, Chris. | Biggles is gone, Chris. | 0.818821 | da |
he-en | אז, מה את חושבת על טד? | So, what do you think of Ted? | So, what do we think of ted? | 0.861664 | da |
he-en | רק יבוא איתי, בואו נלך לבדוק את הבנים, ואם אתה חושב שהם למצוץ, לך ללכת משם. | Just come with me, let's go check on the boys, and if you think they're sucking, you go away from there. | Just come with me, let's go check out the boys, and if you think they suck, you walk away. | 0.742864 | da |
he-en | -אז זה לא ממש מציאותי . | - So it's not really realistic. | - So it's not exactly realistic, then? | 0.884949 | da |
he-en | אני מכין ארוחת בוקר מעולה. | I'm making a great breakfast. | - I make a mean breakfast. | 0.709875 | da |
he-en | התכנית שלך לא מסתיימת עד יום ראשון. | Your show doesn't end until Sunday. | Your program doesn't end until Sunday. | 0.912065 | da |
he-en | למה שלושה חודשים מהיום לא? | Why not three months from today? | Why not three months from now? | 0.866121 | da |
he-en | -זה החלקים. | - It's the parts. | - It's the parts. | 0.982673 | da |
he-en | אז, מה חשבתם? | So, what did you think? | So, what'd you guys think? | 0.910341 | da |
he-en | אתה לא מרגיש טוב? | - You're not feeling well? | Is it upset? | 0.502305 | da |
he-en | לכאורה כן. | Apparently so. | - Allegedly. | 0.714167 | da |
he-en | זה רק קיטלוג, אך איני בעמדה לסרב להצעה. | It's just a catalog, but I'm not in a position to reject an offer. | It's only cataloguing, but I'm in no position to turn it down. | 0.747598 | da |
he-en | אני בהחלט מוכן לטהר את האווירה לגבי חילוקי הדעות, אך אתה מסרב? | I'm certainly willing to clear the air on the disagreements, but you're not? | I'm perfectly willing to clear the air of our differences, but you refuse. | 0.782087 | da |
he-en | רק אמא שלי קוראת לי דוקטור. הרמן, אלו בני-אדם. | Only my mother calls me Doctor. | Only my mother calls me doctor. | 0.926184 | da |
he-en | אין apos זה; t, דאש. | There's no such thing, Dash. | This isn't you, Dash. | 0.606277 | da |
he-en | שמי סידני. | My name is Sydney. | My name is Sidney. | 0.872162 | da |
he-en | הם מסווגים. | They're classified. | They're classified. | 0.975484 | da |
he-en | אלוהים, לא ראיתי אותך המון זמן. | God, I haven't seen you in a while. | God, I haven't seen you in an age. | 0.837712 | da |
he-en | מה האירוע החירום שלך? | What's your emergency? | What is your emergency? | 0.938558 | da |
he-en | אבל אני אוהבת לעשות חיים כמו כל אחד אחר. | But I like to have fun like everybody else. | But I do like having fun as much as the next person. | 0.788707 | da |
he-en | הודו איננה חדר אורחים. | India is not a guest room. | India isn't a drawing room. | 0.654049 | da |
he-en | אז, נראה לי שאני צריכה לכסח אותך. -אם נדמה לך שזה עומד להיגמר, את טיפשה , | So, I guess I should kick your ass. | So I think I need to kick your... ass. | 0.82496 | da |
he-en | -תעזרי לי. | - Give me a hand. | -Give me a hand. | 0.930808 | da |
he-en | זה צריך להיות יותר מהודק. | It's got to be more than a pinch. | It is very tight. | 0.440901 | da |
he-en | שועלה! | That's it! | Vixen! | 0.491948 | da |
he-en | זה אפשרי. | It's possible. | That's possible. | 0.902326 | da |
he-en | תמיד היית המועדף עליהם, תומאס. | You've always been their favorite, Thomas. | You were always their favorite, Thomas. | 0.912449 | da |
he-en | ולתקוף אותי לא יגרום להיילי להגיע הנה מהר יותר. | And attacking me won't make Haley get here any faster. | And taking shots at me won't make Haley get here any faster. | 0.885778 | da |
he-en | -הארט להארט"" -טרנר והוץ"" | - "Hart to Hart". | - "Hart to Hart." - "Turner Hooch." | 0.679413 | da |
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