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he-en | אחי, בחייך. | - Man, come on. - What? | Dude, come on. | 0.714874 | da |
he-en | עכשיו אני אחת מהממזרים רגע, את בקומה ה | Now I'm one of the bastards. Wait, you're on the fifth floor. | I'm one of them bastards now. Wait, you're on the 23rd floor? | 0.681968 | da |
he-en | מה שחשוב זה אני לא סובלת את הרעיון שמרשל יצא עם בחורה אחרת. | What's important is I can't stand the idea of Marshall going out with another girl. | What's important is that I can't stand the idea of Marshall dating another woman. | 0.838478 | da |
he-en | לא סביר. | - That's not likely. | Unlikely. | 0.731612 | da |
he-en | לא, מותק, את תהיי בבי"ח. | No, honey, you're gonna be in the hospital. | No, honey, you're gonna be there at the hospital. | 0.855042 | da |
he-en | למה עלית על הגג? | Why did you go up on the roof? | Why were you up on the roof? | 0.853174 | da |
he-en | אני לא יודע, בחודש. | I don't know, a month. | I don't know, a month. | 0.95618 | da |
he-en | אתה תקפוץ אל המחסה ואז נחורר אותם. | You jump into the shelter and then we'll punch them. | You'll jump into a hide-out and we shall chop-chop them. A hide-out? | 0.589568 | da |
he-en | והמחילה הזאת היא המדרגה הראשונה... בסולם לגן-עדן. | And that forgiveness is the first step... on the ladder to heaven. | And that forgiveness is the first step... on the stairway to heaven. | 0.858598 | da |
he-en | ראיתי איך הפכת גרוטאות ברזל לדג'אגטים מוזרים ונפלאים, מהמנגנונים החריגים ביותר. | I've seen you turn scrap metal into strange and wonderful gadgets, the most unusual of mechanisms. | I've watched you produce all manner of weird and wonderful gadgets from the most unremarkable ironwork. | 0.739094 | da |
he-en | ... משהו במקרה אני מרגיש חרדה. | ...something I just happen to feel anxious about. | ...something in case I feel anxious. | 0.766148 | da |
he-en | תתרגם את זה! | Translate that! | Now translate that! | 0.891409 | da |
he-en | אני יודע, אבל אתה יכול לסמוך עליה. ביום 31 00: 01: | I know, but you can trust her. | I know, but you can trust her. | 0.975751 | da |
he-en | האם לך להבין הבעיה? | Do you understand the problem? | Did you figure out the problem? | 0.826964 | da |
he-en | העובדות פשוטות. | The facts are simple. | The facts are simple. | 0.983882 | da |
he-en | הייתי אבוד. | I was lost. | I was lost. | 0.974719 | da |
he-en | אני מחפש את האלמנה! | I'm looking for the widow! | I seek the Widow! | 0.662495 | da |
he-en | מה הבעיה שלך? | What's the matter with you? | What is wrong with you? | 0.829942 | da |
he-en | איך אתה מרגיש? | - How are you feeling? - I'm fine. | How you feeling? | 0.770015 | da |
he-en | כלומר, אתה בטח לא מבין את זה, אבל... אתה חתיכת סיפור. | I mean, you don't understand that, but... You're a hell of a story. | I mean, you may not realize this yet, but... you are one hell of a story. | 0.736979 | da |
he-en | מיורופילד הפכו אנשים לנשק. | Muirfield turned people into weapons. | Muirfield weaponized people. | 0.719753 | da |
he-en | כבר ראית פעם בריונים כאלה על הספסל? | You ever seen a bully like that on the bench? | You ever see thugs like that on the bench before? | 0.778132 | da |
he-en | לאן אתה הולך? | - Where are you going? - I'm going. | Where are you going? | 0.754502 | da |
he-en | טוב מאד, דבי תפסה אחת. | Very good, Debbie has one. | Very good, Debbie got one. | 0.855143 | da |
he-en | אני מעלה עשן. | I'm putting up smoke. | Smoking! I'm smoking! | 0.505396 | da |
he-en | זאת תפיסה מוטעית. | That's a misunderstanding. | That is a misconception. | 0.845913 | da |
he-en | -כן, אבל זה לא נכון. | - Yeah, but it's not true. | - Yeah, but it's not true. | 0.984107 | da |
he-en | -ואנחנו גמרנו . | - And we are done. | - OK. | 0.5194 | da |
he-en | - הו כן. | - Oh yeah. | - Oh, yeah. | 0.935839 | da |
he-en | תפסיקו! | - Stop it! - What? | Stop it! | 0.785598 | da |
he-en | בינגו! | - What are you doing? | Bingo! | 0.437685 | da |
he-en | אחר צהריים איתו. | After lunch with him. | Afternoon with him. | 0.725587 | da |
he-en | נשקתי אותו באוזן. | I kissed him in the ear. | - I kissed him on the ear! | 0.839336 | da |
he-en | בשורה התחתונה, שנינו צדקנו כשניסינו לעשות את העסקה עם טנאקה. | In the end, we were both right trying to make the deal with Tanaka. | You see, the bottom line is, is that we were both right when we tried to do this deal with Tanaka. | 0.768133 | da |
he-en | תודה לך, אגרויין. | Thank you, Agroin. | Thank you, Agravaine. | 0.879722 | da |
he-en | מקרה חירום. | It's an emergency. | 5020 Lincoln. | 0.302277 | da |
he-en | ג'ים? | - What? | Jim? | 0.485922 | da |
he-en | טוב? | - You all right? | Okay? | 0.600826 | da |
he-en | בסדר עם זה? | You okay with that? | okay with it? | 0.856394 | da |
he-en | ואל תחשבו שהם לא שמים לב לזה כשהם מכלילים כל התוצאות | And don't think they don't notice that when they include all the outcomes. | And don't think they haven't noticed it down at the Puzzle Palace. | 0.569043 | da |
he-en | זה omore, מכשיר סריקה אופטית המשתמש באור אינפרא אדום למפה הפעילות המוחית של הנבדק כדי שנוכל לראות מה קורה כאשר שטח הפנים של כישורי הופך מנותק מהאמיגדלה. | This is omore, an optical scanning device that uses infrared light to map the subject's brain activity so we can see what happens when Skill's face area becomes disconnected from the amygdala. | This is the omore, an optical scanning device that uses infrared light to map the subject's brain activity so we can watch what happens when the fusiform face area becomes disconnected from the amygdala. | 0.774307 | da |
he-en | רק ליזל תפסה אותך על זה, לא ככה? | Just Lizzel caught you on it, didn't she? | Only Liselle caught you at it, didn't she? | 0.666256 | da |
he-en | לא, לא, תשאירו את הכוסות מורמים. | No, no, keep your glasses up. | Hear, hear. No, no, keep those glasses raised. | 0.703663 | da |
he-en | אני בוכה יותר מהרגיל. | I'm crying more than usual. | I'm crying more than usual. | 0.974159 | da |
he-en | אני... קיוויתי שתשכחי. | I was... I was hoping you'd forget. | I was kind of hoping you forgot. | 0.76274 | da |
he-en | "חג האהבה, עשר בבוקר, לעשות תינוק"? | "Valentine's Day, 10 a.m., make a baby"? | Valentine's Day, 10:00 a.m., make a baby. | 0.793719 | da |
he-en | איפה... היכן כולם? | Where... where is everyone? | Where's... where's everybody else? | 0.790352 | da |
he-en | .בואי,ביטחי בי .הוא בא והולך מתי שמתחשק לו | Come on, assure me. He comes and goes when he wants. | - Follow me! - FATHER DONNELLY: Saints preserve us. | 0.36421 | da |
he-en | את יודעת, עם השינה שלי. | You know, with my sleep. | You know, with my sleep. | 0.973748 | da |
he-en | -מיהו גולדוואטר . | - Who is Goldwater? | Who is Goldwater? | 0.976093 | da |
he-en | כן, במשך שנים. | Yeah, for years. | - Yeah, for years. | 0.950181 | da |
he-en | הם נאלצו לשלוח הביתה 20,000 אנשים. | They had to send home 20,000 people. | They had to send home 20,000 people. | 0.981166 | da |
he-en | לורן... אני לא יכולה לומר, בגלל שאני לא יודעת. | Lauren... I can't say, because I don't know. | Lauren... Uh, I can't say because I don't know. | 0.893938 | da |
he-en | -אני עשיתי את זה! | - I did it! | - Get... off. - I did this! | 0.588917 | da |
he-en | כבר מאוחר, שכב לישון. | It's late, go to bed. | It's late, you need to sleep. | 0.8244 | da |
he-en | איך אתה יודע את זה? | - How do you know that? - I don't know. | How do you know that? | 0.81266 | da |
he-en | זה היה מלוכלך. | It was dirty. | That was dirty. | 0.873351 | da |
he-en | ♪ ♪ | ♪ ♪ | ♪ ♪ | 0.814499 | da |
he-en | תרגעי, אל תזוזי. | - Don't move. | Hush now. Just lie still. | 0.482107 | da |
he-en | היא התינוקת שלו הוא לא הראשון שהשיג את הפריצה שלו | She's his baby. He's not the first to get his break. | He her baby's daddy. He ain't the first one to get his spurt. | 0.624204 | da |
he-en | -יש לך דייט? | - You have a date? | -You have a date? | 0.960794 | da |
he-en | כשתהפכי להורה, ילדך חייב לבוא קודם. | When you become a parent, your child must come first. | When you become a parent, you must put your child first. | 0.885785 | da |
he-en | - כמה זמן הוא במצב זה? | - How long has he been like this? | -How long has he been this way? -Almost to the day you left. | 0.687771 | da |
he-en | היא תחת אחריותנו עכשיו. | She's our responsibility now. | She's our responsibility now. | 0.991823 | da |
he-en | -אבל זה לא בריא בשבילה. | - But it's not healthy for her. | WELL, THIS ISN'T HEALTHY FOR HER. | 0.690322 | da |
he-en | תיכנס מלפנים. | You go in the front. | Get the front seat. | 0.53932 | da |
he-en | מחכים. | - We're waiting for you. | Hang on. | 0.357098 | da |
he-en | בסדר, הקשיבי לי, הקשיבי לי היטב. | All right, listen to me, listen to me very carefully. | OK listen to me... Listen to me very carefully. | 0.854414 | da |
he-en | אל תמותי עלי, בבקשה! אל תמותי לי, בבקשה! | Don't die for me, please! | Don't die on me! | 0.718135 | da |
he-en | אנדרוניקוס מסתוריות היה מדען מבריק מברלין שלימד באוניברסיטת Lachute בקוויבק כאשר שמעתי לראשונה את קריאתו הצלולה של המפלגה הנאצית. | Andronicus Mysteries was a brilliant Berlin-based scientist who taught at Lachute University in Quebec when I first heard his slanderous recitation of the Nazi Party. | Andronicus Arcane was a brilliant scientist from Berlin who was teaching at the University of Lachute in Quebec when he first heard the clarion call of the Nazi Party. | 0.652012 | da |
he-en | האחריות המלאה לרצח השוטרים נופלת על אבא שלך. | The full responsibility for the murder of the police falls on your father. | Owen, as far as we're concerned, the ultimate responsibility for the death of these officers lies with your dad. | 0.741392 | da |
he-en | אני כבר לא יודע. | I don't know anymore. | I don't know anymore. | 0.992657 | da |
he-en | נאט לנוקס? | - What about Lennox? | Nat Lennox? | 0.703219 | da |
he-en | אני לא אנוכית. | I'm not selfish. | I'm not. | 0.548367 | da |
he-en | אחרי הכל, היית כבר קיבלת ממני פעם אחת לפני. | After all, you'd already received from me once before. | After all, you'd already gotten away from me once before. | 0.66416 | da |
he-en | לא אהיה עקרת בית. | I'm not going to be a housewife. | I am not going to be a housewife. | 0.920106 | da |
he-en | והנה המסמכים על סטרו שביקשת ממני הבוקר. | And here are the documents on the Strou you asked me to do this morning. | And here are the Stroh files you asked for this morning. | 0.652035 | da |
he-en | הסוד שלך שמור אצלי. | I keep your secret. | Your secret dies with me. | 0.649312 | da |
he-en | ולא יכולתי להתוודות. | And I couldn't come clean. | But I couldn't come clean. | 0.911393 | da |
he-en | איך אוכל? | How can I? | How can I? | 0.982992 | da |
he-en | הסיבה היחידה ששחררנו מטופל חולה נפש היתה אם הוא הורשע כקטין ומלאו לו 18. | The only reason we let a mentally ill patient out was if he was convicted as a juvenile and turned 18. | Only reason we release a patient ? Disturbed Is if he had been admitted as a minor and turned 18. | 0.634127 | da |
he-en | הוא לא ימכור את הסיפור. | He's not gonna sell the story. | He won't sell the story. | 0.893685 | da |
he-en | היי, נינה, תני לי וויסקי "מייקרס מרק". | Hey, Nina, pass me a Maker's Soup whiskey. | Hey, Nina, give me a Maker's Mark. | 0.528124 | da |
he-en | מה הסוד? | What's the secret? | - What's the secret? | 0.946407 | da |
he-en | אולי הוא שוכב באיזו תעלה. | Maybe he's lying in some ditch. | - Why would you say... | 0.296795 | da |
he-en | מרכז הפיקוד, זה רס"ן טאנר אנחנו בשלב שלוש. | Command, this is Major Tanner. We're in stage three. | Center Command, this is Major Tanner. | 0.65658 | da |
he-en | קוראים לי אליס איירס. | My name is Alice Ayers. | My name is Alice Ayres. | 0.941189 | da |
he-en | זה לא בתחום השיפוט שלנו. | It's not in our jurisdiction. | It's not in our jurisdiction. | 0.976547 | da |
he-en | הוא ביקש ממני לרשום. | He asked me to write it down. | He asked me to. | 0.686062 | da |
he-en | הם מטילים רשת רחבה כדי לראות מי ינגוס בפיתיון. | They're casting a wide net to see who will take the bait. | They're casting a wide net to see who will bite. | 0.742151 | da |
he-en | -אני לא יודע. | - I don't know. - What? | Why? I don't know. | 0.756049 | da |
he-en | המטרות שלי הן מעבר להבנתך. | My goals are beyond your comprehension. | My goals are beyond your understanding. | 0.891813 | da |
he-en | מה את חושבת? | What do you think? | What do you think? | 0.990563 | da |
he-en | הוא אפילו כבר לא מבקש ממני תמונות עירום שלך. | He's not even asking me for naked pictures of you anymore. | He doesn't even ask for pictures of you naked anymore. | 0.849571 | da |
he-en | אימך אוהבת אותך בדרכה, בלייר. | Your mother loves you in her own way, Blair. | Well, your mom loves you in her own way, blair. | 0.847324 | da |
he-en | בסביבה. | - Around the corner. | - Around. | 0.704477 | da |
he-en | אפשר להשתיל לרום הבטן ולוורידים המלווים. | You can put it in the stomach lining and the lining. | You could implant onto the epigastric And the, uh, vena commitante. | 0.428729 | da |
he-en | מצטערת, אבל הן אף פעם לא מצליחות. | I'm sorry, but they never work. | Sorry, but they never work. | 0.899316 | da |
he-en | -לא, תודה. | - No, thank you. | - No, thank you. | 0.975196 | da |
he-en | צריכים... | We need to... | We gotta... | 0.793888 | da |
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