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he-en | להיפתח. | - Open up. | Open the door. Open up. | 0.71693 | da |
he-en | ואני חשבתי שלשכב עם עדה היה טיפשי. | And I thought sleeping with a witness was stupid. | And I thought sleeping with a witness was stupid. | 0.965216 | da |
he-en | אתה רוצה להגיד לי שעוד בכלל לא היית שם? | You're telling me you haven't been there at all? | You mean you haven't even been out there yet? | 0.769307 | da |
he-en | לא, הם לא יודעים. | No, they don't know. | No. They don't know. | 0.938558 | da |
he-en | אני חושבת שעבודת הניירת תיקח שבוע בערך. | I think the paperwork will take about a week. | I think the paper work should probably take about a week... | 0.866026 | da |
he-en | צרור מפתחות על טבעת מתכת לבנה. | A keychain on a white metal ring. | One bunch of keys on white metal ring. | 0.764053 | da |
he-en | עשה זאת. | Do it now. | Do it. | 0.842699 | da |
he-en | זה מסוכן מדי. | It's too dangerous. | It's too risky. | 0.880229 | da |
he-en | רק תגעי לי עוד פעם, בבקשה. | Just touch me one more time, please. | Just touch it again. Come on. | 0.694534 | da |
he-en | אין מסיבות עיתונאים, אין תדרוכים. | There are no press events, no instructions. | No press conference, no briefing. | 0.706047 | da |
he-en | זה ב אג'נדה תחת טוד. | It's in the agenda under Todd. | That's in the agenda under Todd. | 0.875056 | da |
he-en | מה זאת אומרת, Quinzin, אני לא יכול להיות בליגה שלך? | What do you mean, Quinzin, I can't be in your league? | What do you mean, Quinzin, I can't be in your league? | 0.971472 | da |
he-en | סיפור על רשלנות בניהול כספים. | A story about a sloppy management of money. | A story about gross incompetence. | 0.641544 | da |
he-en | מה יש שם? מה כתוב? | What's in there? | What does that say? | 0.596106 | da |
he-en | אשתך ניסתה לברוח מהמדינה. | Your wife was trying to escape the country. | Your wife was trying to flee the country. | 0.933606 | da |
he-en | תראי... אני צריך את האנט. | Look, I need the Hunt. | Mom? Look... | 0.382863 | da |
he-en | לא תזכה במענק. | You're not getting a grant. | No extra zero. | 0.378646 | da |
he-en | כמובן, שום דבר לא משתווה לבישול-הביתי שלך, דייל. | Of course, nothing compares to your home cooking, Dale. | Of course, nothing compares to your home-cooking, Dale. | 0.912921 | da |
he-en | ובכן, אני לא הולכת להיות בשקט! | Well, I'm not going to be quiet! | Well, I'm not gonna be silenced! | 0.822383 | da |
he-en | איך ? | - How? | How? | 0.938594 | da |
he-en | אני נזהרתי ... | I was careful... | I was careful- | 0.979242 | da |
he-en | יחי המלכה! | - Long live the Queen! | Long live the Queen! | 0.955224 | da |
he-en | -את אשתו כרגע. | - You're his wife right now. | - ...wife right now. | 0.634658 | da |
he-en | למה אתה מתכוון, "כולנו"? | What do you mean, "all of us"? | What do you mean, "we all"? | 0.878652 | da |
he-en | בלומרק מציגים | In the blurb, the exhibits | " " | 0.227051 | da |
he-en | אני... אני לא חושב שחברה שלי, ג'קי... תרצה שאת תשבי עליי. | I don't think my friend Jackie would want you to sit on me. | I... I don't think my girlfriend, Jackie... would like you sitting on me. | 0.763458 | da |
he-en | אדוני ראש העיר... אדוני ראש העיר! -היו איומים מפורשים כלפיך? | - Were there any specific threats to you? | Were there specific threats against you? | 0.897213 | da |
he-en | הבחור בצרות צרורות. | The guy's in a lot of trouble. | DEVON: This guy's in big trouble. | 0.71259 | da |
he-en | בוא. שב. | - Come on, have a seat. | Have a seat. | 0.77383 | da |
he-en | נעים להכיר, התחלתי לחשוב שג'יל המציאה אותך, שאתה יציר הדמיון שלה. | I was beginning to think that Jill made you up, that you were a figment of her imagination. | It's nice to meet you. I was beginning to think Jill made you up, that you were a figment of her imagination. | 0.842525 | da |
he-en | ג'ינג'ר, לאישה הזו יש כמה שאלות עבורך. | Ginger, this woman has a few questions for you. | Ginger, this woman has some questions for you. | 0.907458 | da |
he-en | Iike האבא שלך עשה כש- - כאשר יצאו לדרך. | Like your dad did when- when you went on the road. | Like your father did when-- when we started out. | 0.589256 | da |
he-en | היא נמצאת בכיתת קרב המגע שלי. | She's in my contact class. | She's in my Krav Maga class. | 0.615598 | da |
he-en | אפשר להביא לך משקה נוסף? | Can I get you another drink? | Can I get you another drink? | 0.98443 | da |
he-en | זוזו! זוזו! | Move it out! | Go, go, go! | 0.454255 | da |
he-en | כן, וחברה רווחית לא יכולה לנהל ספורט, ולכן פפ רוצים למנוע מעידוד תחרותי להפוך לספורט, | Yeah, and a for-profit company can't run a sport, so the P.E.P. wants to prevent a competitive outfit from becoming a sport, | Yes, and a for-profit company cannot run a sport, Which is why pep wants to keep Competitive cheer from becoming a sport, | 0.735947 | da |
he-en | -בסדר כמו הגשם. | - Fine as rain. | - Right as rain. | 0.790848 | da |
he-en | אולי יש שם רמזים. | Maybe there are clues. | Could be some clues. | 0.890261 | da |
he-en | -ראיתי אותה. | - I saw her. | - I saw her. | 0.980477 | da |
he-en | זה הכי טוב אתה יכול לקוות כהורה. | It's the best you can hope for as a parent. | That's the best you can hope for as a parent. | 0.900777 | da |
he-en | הם יהיו חיות מחמד נפלאות. חוץ מזה שהם באמת זקוקים לסביבה טבעית. | They'll be wonderful pets, except they really need a natural environment. | They would make great pets except that they really do need a wild surrounding. | 0.806349 | da |
he-en | אינך יודע היכן אוכל למצוא אותה או את שמה? | You don't know where I can find her or her name? | You wouldn't happen to know where I could find her...or her name? | 0.825866 | da |
he-en | לאן את הולכת? | Where are you going? - I'm going. | Where are you going? | 0.785031 | da |
he-en | חיפשתי בכל מקום. אינני מוצאת את המצנחים. | I've looked everywhere, I can't find the parachutes. | I looked everywhere, and I can't find the parachutes! | 0.853317 | da |
he-en | אנחנו הגנו על עצמינו. | We were protecting ourselves. | We were defending ourselves. | 0.85684 | da |
he-en | הוא רצה לראות את אביו, זה טבעי. | He wanted to see his father. It's natural. | He wanted to see his father. It's normal, darn it. | 0.829528 | da |
he-en | באותו זמן, הרגשנו שכל האימונים שלנו התבזבזו. | At the time, we felt all our training was wasted. | At the time, we felt like all of our practice went to waste. | 0.846472 | da |
he-en | אני חושב שאני סובל ממכת קור. | I think I'm having a cold. | I think I'm getting hypothermia. | 0.771335 | da |
he-en | איכס. | - I mean, I'm... | Yuck. | 0.277153 | da |
he-en | כי אני... | Because I... | really? | 0.397602 | da |
he-en | -לך תזדיין. | - Fuck you. | - Fuck you. | 0.971253 | da |
he-en | הוא חיבק אותי. | He hugged me. | He hugged me. | 0.982476 | da |
he-en | מה... --הלכתי לבית ספר. סליחה . | I went to school. | Wha... where's my baby? | 0.331776 | da |
he-en | רק שהוא התכווץ והפך לקטן, והוא ממש מעצבן, כאילו שאין לו אמא? | Only he shrunk and became tiny, and he's really annoying, like he doesn't have a mom? | Except shrunk into a miniature, and he's really obnoxious like he has no mother? | 0.745919 | da |
he-en | אני הלכתי אחריו. | I followed him. | I followed him. | 0.977121 | da |
he-en | - מאוחר יותר. | - Later on. | - Later. | 0.824565 | da |
he-en | טוב, אחינו האנג וון. | Well, our brother Hang Won. | Alright, Brother Hung won. | 0.571929 | da |
he-en | יכול להיות. אין לי את הפרטים. | I don't have the details. | It may be, I don't have the facts. | 0.765671 | da |
he-en | הוא קורע את השטיח. | He's tearing the rug. | Oh, he's tearing up the rug right now. | 0.736316 | da |
he-en | כעת שמונה. | It's eight now. | Make that eight. | 0.619707 | da |
he-en | אנחנו עורכים מסיבה בשבת הבאה. | We're having a party next Saturday. | We're having a party a week from Saturday. | 0.81305 | da |
he-en | -תודה לך. | - Thank you. - I'm sorry. | - Thank you. | 0.812557 | da |
he-en | אעמוד בראש החיפוש בעצמי. | I'll lead the search myself. | Understood. | 0.312501 | da |
he-en | אני לא מדבר אליך, גמד! | I'm not talking to you, midget! | I'm not talking to you, midget! | 0.973547 | da |
he-en | הם היו צריכים לחזור מזמן. | They should have been back a long time ago. | They should be long back by now. | 0.816301 | da |
he-en | מה שתחליט, זה בסדר. | Whatever you decide, it's all right. | Oh, whatever you decide is fine. | 0.859056 | da |
he-en | הגיוני אם הוא מנסה להשאיר אותם בחיים בזמן העינוי. | Makes sense if he's trying to keep them alive during the torture. | Well, that would make sense if he's trying to keep them alive for the torture. | 0.810246 | da |
he-en | בסדר, אז תוך יומיים יש לי 53 הורים ושני מורים. | Okay, so in two days, I have 53 parents and two teachers. | Okay, so in two days, I got 53 parents and two teachers. | 0.898055 | da |
he-en | כן, כן. | - I know. | Yeah, yeah, yeah. | 0.489538 | da |
he-en | עכשיו, מטיף? | Now, preacher? | Now, Preacher? | 0.866113 | da |
he-en | טוב, המשטרה עצרה את מייק. | Well, the police have Mike in custody. | Well, the police did arrest Mike. | 0.795656 | da |
he-en | יחידת אקדחי הגומי. | The rubber gun unit. | Sir. The rubber gun squad. | 0.708996 | da |
he-en | נכון, מר רוג'רס? | Isn't that right, Mr. Rogers? | Isn't that right, Mr. Rogers? | 0.979393 | da |
he-en | אם האפליקציה לתרגם שלי זה נכון, זה משהו שקשור גרין קארד. | If my translation app is correct, it's something to do with a green card. | If my translate app is correct, it's something about a green card. | 0.834011 | da |
he-en | הגיע הזמן שתעשי את עשרת העבודות הגרועות בניו-יורק. | It's time for you to do the ten worst jobs in New York. | It's time for you to do ten worst jobs in New York city. | 0.886109 | da |
he-en | אני מכין צלי לארוחת ערב. | I'm making my shadows for dinner. | I'm makin' pot roast for dinner. | 0.45815 | da |
he-en | המעיל שלך. | Your coat. | You're cold. | 0.379501 | da |
he-en | וכפי שאתם רואים, ד"ר קפנר מבצעת את שיטת חוסם העורקים במפשעה, שסיפרתי עליה, וד"ר אדוארדס מטפלת בתוספת הקטועה. | And as you can see, Dr. Kapner is performing the artery-blocking procedure in the groin, which I described, and Dr. Edwards is treating the severed appendix. | Dr. Kepner is doing the groin tourniquet method as I was telling you about, and Dr. Edwards is attending to the severed... appendage. | 0.686051 | da |
he-en | אל תדאגי, אשמור עליך. | Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. | Don't worry, I'll keep you safe. | 0.990726 | da |
he-en | זה הזמן לקרוא את המכתב. | It's time to read the letter. | - It's time to read the letter. | 0.94151 | da |
he-en | בילי! | - What? | Billy! | 0.43158 | da |
he-en | אז עכשיו היא הופכת אותו לקורבן? | So now she's making him a victim? | So now she's making him into a victim? | 0.900682 | da |
he-en | הונגריה. | Hungary. | Hungary. | 0.940985 | da |
he-en | -בלי מה ? | - Without what? | -No what? | 0.738651 | da |
he-en | אני כבר מגיעה. | I'm on my way. | I'll be right there. | 0.629135 | da |
he-en | ארבעה חודשים בים, זמן רב מדי עבור גבר... יודע מה אנשים אמרו לי? | Four months at sea, too long for a man... You know what people told me? | - Fourmonths at sea Is more than a man can stand Do you know what people have been saying to me? | 0.762728 | da |
he-en | אני לא דיברתי איתהמאז ... האם היא בסדר? | I haven't spoken to her since... Is she okay? | I haven't spoken to her since... Is she all right? | 0.905051 | da |
he-en | הבניין יהיה סגור. | The building will be closed. | The building will be locked. | 0.836966 | da |
he-en | לינקולן סידר אותנו. | Lincoln set us up. | Lincoln set us up. | 0.96828 | da |
he-en | הדבר הראשון שיוצא מהפה שלך הוא המענה. | The first thing that comes out of your mouth is torture. | That was it. The first thing out of your mouth is the comeback. | 0.542889 | da |
he-en | זה כלום. | It's nothing, you know. | Ain't nothing. | 0.757339 | da |
he-en | נראה שאתה צריך טיפה עזרה. | Looks like you need a little help. | Looks like you need some help. | 0.902032 | da |
he-en | בחייך. | - I'm not. | Come on. | 0.297267 | da |
he-en | הילד שלך. | Your child. | Your child. | 0.97798 | da |
he-en | טוב, אעשה את זה. | - All right, I'll do that. | Okay, I'll do it. | 0.866117 | da |
he-en | מה גרם לך לשנות את דעתך? | What made you change your mind? | Do you mind if I ask, what made you change your mind? | 0.778934 | da |
he-en | אין לך מושג. | You have no idea. | You have no idea. | 0.98824 | da |
he-en | אם יש לך תלונה, אז אתה לוחש לי באוזן. | If you have a complaint, then you whisper in my ear. | If you have a complaint, then you can whisper in my ear. | 0.870409 | da |
he-en | הוא לא. | He didn't. | - He didn't. | 0.929291 | da |
he-en | -יאנג . | - Young. - What is it? | - Yang. | 0.465852 | da |
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