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he-en | עוד לא קיבלנו את בדיקת האבהות. | We haven't gotten the paternity test yet. | We didn't get the paternity test back yet. | 0.854025 | da |
he-en | אז את תמריץ ותו לא. | So you're a stimulus and you're not. | So you're nothing more than an enticement. | 0.462755 | da |
he-en | ובעלך עשה את זה. | And your husband did. | And your husband did that. | 0.850414 | da |
he-en | אני לא יודעת, שאני אפיל אותו או אפצע אותו איכשהו, למרות שזה לגמרי הזוי. | I don't know if I'm gonna hurt him or anything, though it's totally wrong. | I don't know, like, drop him or injure him in some way, which is completely insane. | 0.610998 | da |
he-en | סלח לי, אתה לא מדבר אנגלית? | Excuse me, you don't speak English? | Forgive me, you don't speak English? | 0.910869 | da |
he-en | בואי הנה, זה בסדר. | Come here, it's all right. | Come here. It's okay. | 0.862268 | da |
he-en | - למכונת הכביסה. | - To the washing machine. | - in the washer. | 0.729008 | da |
he-en | אני יודע שזה לא מספיק לסטנדרטים של מיניפילד אבל... זה דיי טוב לקו של סטיבנס. | I know it's not enough for the standards of Minifield, but... It's pretty good for Stevens's line. | I know it's not much for the Minnifield standard but... it's been OK for the Stevens line. | 0.762802 | da |
he-en | אנחנו עכשיו עובדים על משהו, אבל תאמין לי, הציוד הכי חדשני. | We're working on something right now, but believe me, the most innovative equipment. | We're working on something right now... but trust me, the facility's state of the art. | 0.748885 | da |
he-en | אני לא זוכרת שיש לו שמיכה פרחונית. | I don't remember him wearing a purple blanket. | I don't remember him having a floral duvet. | 0.738369 | da |
he-en | צריך הסעה? | You need a ride? | Need a ride? | 0.890369 | da |
he-en | כמה בירות שתית? | How many beers did you drink? | How many did you have? | 0.552087 | da |
he-en | ג'ק, אתה חייב לבוא עכשיו. | Jack, you have to come now. | Jack, you gotta get out here now. | 0.755342 | da |
he-en | אבל... | But... | But... But... | 0.918933 | da |
he-en | אנחנו עייפים. אנחנו רוצים שזה יגמר. | We're tired, we want it to end. | We want it over. | 0.718431 | da |
he-en | כשהייתי בן שמונה או אולי תשעה. | When I was eight or maybe nine. | When I was eight or maybe nine. | 0.988218 | da |
he-en | פני, אל תקשיבי לה, טוב? | Penny, don't listen to her, all right? | Penny, don't listen to her, okay? | 0.881481 | da |
he-en | ריב. | - A fight. | REEVE. | 0.277265 | da |
he-en | אבל ציינתי שעשיתי עסקה עם השטן. עבור זוג נעלי לובוטין מגניבות. | But I did say I made a deal with the devil for a pair of cool lobotomy shoes. | But did I mention that I made a deal with the devil for a pair of really cool Louboutins? | 0.611923 | da |
he-en | -אתה פחדן! | - You're a coward! | You coward! | 0.86269 | da |
he-en | רק אחת, זה הכל. | Just one, that's all. | -Just one, that's all. | 0.939425 | da |
he-en | -אל תיכנעי. | - Don't give up on me. | - Don't give in to him. | 0.734573 | da |
he-en | אתן מסרבות להבחין במצב המבחיל של העולם שבו אתן חיות. | You refuse to notice the plight of the world you feed animals in. | You refuse to notice the disgusting state of the world in which you live. | 0.653554 | da |
he-en | פורסט. | Forrest. | Forrest. | 0.970391 | da |
he-en | כבר החודש אני העוזר שלך. | I've been your assistant for a month. | I have been assistant month. | 0.755917 | da |
he-en | הלימודים נמשכים 6 שנים. | The schooling lasts six years. | The studies take 6 years. | 0.782883 | da |
he-en | אבל איך? | But how? | But how? | 0.991679 | da |
he-en | -גאס, קצת עזרה, חבר . | - Gus, a little help, mate. | - Gus, little help, buddy. | 0.838525 | da |
he-en | אתה יודע למה אתה כאן? | Do you know why you're here? | - You know why you're here? | 0.90324 | da |
he-en | ושנית, אתמול, קייט התרגשה כל-כך לגלות שאני ספונטני כמותה, ואולי לא רציתי לאכזב אותה. | And second of all, yesterday, Kate was so excited to find out that I was as spontaneous as she was, and maybe I didn't want to disappoint her. | Go on. And second, yesterday, Kate was so excited to find out that I was as spontaneous as she is, that maybe I didn't want to disappoint her. | 0.854855 | da |
he-en | אני עדיין לא יודע. | I don't know yet. | I don't know yet. | 0.984175 | da |
he-en | לא רציתי את זה באמת, אבל הייתי חייבת לקחת את זה. | I didn't really want it, but I had to take it. | I didn't really want that, but I had to take it. | 0.922024 | da |
he-en | -טוב . | - I'm going to go. | - Okay. | 0.449405 | da |
he-en | מה היית עושה, מאט? | What would you do, Matt? | What would you do, Matt? | 0.984402 | da |
he-en | אתה אנוכי. | You're selfish. | You're selfish. | 0.977972 | da |
he-en | לא, לא אמרו לך. | No, they didn't tell you. | No, you weren't. | 0.627375 | da |
he-en | אתה לא מערב את השם שלי בזה. | You don't get my name in this. | All right. My name stays out of this. | 0.62402 | da |
he-en | גם היא יודעת זאת, והיא לא תבזבז את מרצה. היא תסתער רק אם תצליח להתקרב מאוד. | She'll only get up if you get too close. | The North American pronghorn is the second-fastest sprinter, but over long distances, it's the world champion. | 0.255014 | da |
he-en | איך זה יושב לך? | How's that for you? | How is this sitting with you? | 0.655919 | da |
he-en | -בטח, אם תצליח למצוא אותו. | - Sure, if you can find him. | - Sure, if you can find it. | 0.776876 | da |
he-en | מה שלומך היום? | How are you today? | How are you today? | 0.977167 | da |
he-en | אתה מעדיף להרוס את המשפחה שלך... ההצגה חייבת להמשך. | You'd rather destroy your family... The show must go on. | You would rather ruin your family. The show must go on. | 0.86709 | da |
he-en | סוף-סוף אחווה את פראג האמיתית. | Finally, I'm going to host the real Prague. | I finally will get to experience the real Prague. | 0.708087 | da |
he-en | מי עכשיו? | Who is it now? | Who's up? | 0.544253 | da |
he-en | הוא לא תמיד היה עורך דין, את יודעת. | He wasn't always a lawyer, you know. | He wasn't always a lawyer, you know. | 0.970522 | da |
he-en | אתה לא צריך ללחוץ חזק כל כך. | You don't have to push so hard. | Why do you gotta squeeze so hard, huh? | 0.593651 | da |
he-en | תמהר עם הקלפים, לני. | Hurry up with the cards, Lenny. | Hurry it up with the cards, Lenny. | 0.874745 | da |
he-en | כנראה שהאוויר יישר אותי קצת כי אני זוכרת שתהיתי... מה לעזאזל אני עושה... | I guess the air got me a little straight because I remember thinking... What the hell am I doing... | Guess at the end, I was just straightening up a bit... 'cause I remember wondering... what the hell I was doing. | 0.596615 | da |
he-en | והתעצבנת. | And you got upset. | And you got mad. | 0.862625 | da |
he-en | הפחיד להיות שלא. | Scared to be not. | - Sca... scared be don't. | 0.597265 | da |
he-en | טוב. | - I'm going to go. | Okay. | 0.369815 | da |
he-en | אודרי. | I'm not sure. | Audrey. | 0.373442 | da |
he-en | עשינו זאת, 57. | We did it, 57. | Come on! Fifty-seven. | 0.431655 | da |
he-en | קדימה, קדימה. | - What? | I have a thing. | 0.358217 | da |
he-en | -את רוצה? | - You want some? | You do? | 0.574958 | da |
he-en | אולי אני יכול לעזור לך. | - Maybe I can help you. | Maybe I can help you. | 0.978005 | da |
he-en | בעלך בחוץ חצי עירום. | Your husband is out there half-naked. | Your husband's outside half naked. | 0.819646 | da |
he-en | עכשיו הוא חייל מזוקן חסר משמעות שחוטף זיבה מזונה בטיחואנה. | Now he's a worthless, shitty soldier who's been stealing food in Tijuana. | Now he's a fuzz-faced buck private catching the clap from a whore in Tijuana. | 0.479258 | da |
he-en | תגיד "מנגו". | Say the mango. | Say "mango". | 0.715351 | da |
he-en | יש לי שאלה אתה אומר שבילית את כל חייך בעסקי השעשועים מתי יהיה הסיום הגדול שלך? | I have a question. You say you've spent your entire life in show business. When's your big finish? | I have a question you say you'll spend your whole life in show business when is it gonna be a big finish? | 0.781001 | da |
he-en | אתה לא רותח מקנאה כשאני מקפץ ומקפץ, ומקפץ עוד קצת? | Don't you get jealous when I jump and jump and jump a little bit more? | Are you not seething with jealousy as I bounce and bounce and bounce some more? | 0.653686 | da |
he-en | אל תזוז! | Don't move! | Hold it! | 0.57606 | da |
he-en | כן, אם אתה אוהב את בחורים כאלו, אני מניחה. | Yeah, if you like guys like that, I guess. | Well, yeah, if you like that sort of thing, I guess. | 0.736049 | da |
he-en | כמתים. | Like they were dead. | To be dead. | 0.652393 | da |
he-en | חשבתי שאת הולכת לעצב אותי. | I thought you were gonna design me. | I thought you were gonna mold me. | 0.733066 | da |
he-en | כן. היא גוססת. | She's dying | She's gonna die. | 0.753884 | da |
he-en | אכפת לך מבקש ממנו? | Do you mind asking him? | Would you mind asking him to? | 0.792362 | da |
he-en | אני יכול לצפות. -בהצלחה, מותק. | - I can watch. | - I get to watch. | 0.805498 | da |
he-en | -עלייך להשגיח על... לך מכאן! | - You have to watch out for... - Get out of here! | - You need to keep an eye on... Go away! | 0.654412 | da |
he-en | -לא איתך. | - Not with you. | Which is | 0.303802 | da |
he-en | היינו שם אתה, אני, סאלי... ומה היה שם הסניוריטה? | We were there you, me, Sally... and what was the seniority name? | It was you, me, Sally, and what was the senorita's name? | 0.614704 | da |
he-en | אני בוגד בה, היא חותכת אותי עמוק. | I'm betraying her. She's cutting me deep. | I betray her, she cuts me to the quick. | 0.631668 | da |
he-en | אבל חשוב יותר, אמנדה המחברת של... | But more importantly, Amanda, the author of... | But more importantly, | 0.62413 | da |
he-en | - זאב רע... הדברים שראית.. | - Bad wolf... The things you saw... | The things you've seen... | 0.582645 | da |
he-en | לא, אנחנו חושבים שהאישה הזאת השתמשה בכרטיס האשראי שלך. | No, we think that this woman used your credit card. | No, but we think this woman used one of your credit cards. | 0.869309 | da |
he-en | -הוא לא חבר שלך . | - He's not your friend. | - He is not your friend. | 0.91982 | da |
he-en | ואין שום דבר שהיינו רוצים יותר מכך, מתוק. | And there's nothing we'd want more than that, honey. | And there's nothing we would have wanted more, sweetie. | 0.808122 | da |
he-en | חכי רגע בבקשה אני מצטער סלחו לי | - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. - I was just... | Hold on just a second. I'm sorry. Excuse me. | 0.54293 | da |
he-en | צריכות להיות כמה פחיות מקס רייג'ר במקרר, ליב. | There should be a couple of cans of Max Rager in the fridge, Liv. | Uh, there should be a few Max Ragers in the fridge, Liv. | 0.770633 | da |
he-en | הוא סחורה נאה, הלא כן? | He's a piece of work, isn't he? | A fine offering, is he not? | 0.598306 | da |
he-en | הוא יוביל אותנו לרוצחשלוונג. | He'll lead us to the run-down. | He'll lead us to Weng's assassin. | 0.478012 | da |
he-en | -הו כן. | - Oh, yeah. - What? | - Oh, yeah. | 0.829974 | da |
he-en | היו לי כל הפרטים מושלמים. | I had all the details perfect. | I had all the details perfect. | 0.969782 | da |
he-en | אני רק עושה כאן את העבודה שלי. | I'm just doing my job here. | Just doin' my job here. | 0.891716 | da |
he-en | כן, תעשו את זה. | Yes, you do that. | Yeah, do it. | 0.763371 | da |
he-en | אתה מצלף די-טוב לאסלה. | You're a pretty good shot of the toilet. | You have pretty good toilet aim. | 0.52379 | da |
he-en | יש לי מספיק כדי לכסות אותנו עד שנגיע ללונדון, נחתום, ונרוויח. | I have enough to cover us until we get to London, sign, and make a profit. | I've enough to cover us until we're in London, signed and earning. | 0.816484 | da |
he-en | לא, אבא, אני בכלל לא יודעת לבשל. | No, Dad, I don't even know how to cook. | No papi I don't even know how to cook at all | 0.885296 | da |
he-en | זה לא עובד ככה. | It doesn't work like that. | Doesn't work that way, Jack. | 0.826916 | da |
he-en | קצת. | A little. | A little. | 0.979723 | da |
he-en | לך לשם ובדוק מה לא בסדר. | Go over there and see what's wrong. | Get in there and find out what's wrong. | 0.843591 | da |
he-en | -אבל הם לא . | - But they don't. | - But they won't. | 0.834026 | da |
he-en | מי מר האישיות שם? | Who's Mr. Personality over there? | Who's mr. Personality there? | 0.858914 | da |
he-en | הוא לא הבטיח דבר כזה. | He didn't promise anything like that. | He made no such promises. | 0.839772 | da |
he-en | חייבת להיות דרך. | There's got to be a way. | Well, there's got to be a way. | 0.92193 | da |
he-en | ניחוש ראשון: לאיזה גובה ינתר פרנק ממשטח בטון? | First guess: how high will Frank fall off a concrete surface? | The first guess is... how high Frank bounces off concrete | 0.793118 | da |
he-en | את יודעת, עברתי את זה עם אחותי. | You know, I've been through this with my sister. | (Ragtime music playing) | 0.28879 | da |
he-en | שחרר אותה גנרל! | Let her go, General! | Let her go, General. | 0.932695 | da |
he-en | הנער מבלבל אותו, הוא הולך עד הסוף. | The boy's confusing him, he's going all the way. | Kid's got him. He's going all the way. | 0.606335 | da |
he-en | -ומה עם ספקטור? | - What about Spector? | And what about Spector? | 0.920751 | da |
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