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5143f3e | Some reasons the face is a natural land form is,there was a close up picture taken of it in 200,After the image was pixilized it was proven that there were no buildings around or in the face.
In 2001 there was a close up picture taken of the face. it confirmed there was no alien life, " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform(7)." In the picture the face isn't very defined like a statue would be, there are only shadows where land forms like rocks are making the illusion of a face.
A few people were not happy with the picture, saying that there could be alien markings on it, or a shack. So scientists got a pixilated picture of it, showing every detail of the face," It reminds me most of Middle Buttle in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, says Gavin.(12)" So, it is in fact a natural land form. Before it was probably a rock, or hill. If a person back in that time had the technology to see it they would have seen something not yet weathered down. But now after centuries we see a face.
In conclusion the face is a natural land formmation. That is proven by picture and logic. It is not defined enough to be made by aliens. | 23
6203d5a | After reading the passage and thinking about some other opinions of my own, I do not think it is a good idea to have driverless cars. My number one problem with driverless cars would be safety. In section nine of the prompt it clearly states "Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" If driverless cars were used i feel that there would be multiple more car wrecks then there are now.
If people had a driverless car what is to keep them form thinking " I don't have to pay attention, the car will do all the work for me." in section ten it says "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." Knowing some people they might forget about the other 10 percent and not pay attention to what is happening on the road which could lead to wrecks. If they were, infact going to make a driverless car I would agree with putting in some flashing lights on the windshield of the car to get the drivers attention. Unless the driver had epalepsy, then it wouldn't be a good idea.
Though there are some positive aspects to having a driverless car. For example, in section eight of the prompt it states "Such desplays can be turned off instantly when the dirver needs to take over-- something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." This is good so that drivers will pay attention to aviod geting in a car wreck, but whaty happens when the driver doesn't look up fast enough or just thinks that their phone died and doesn't know to look up. What happens then? In conclusion, I do not believe that having a driverless car is a good idea for more than one reason. | 23
33313a8 | If your tired of your job and looking for a adventure you can come join the
"seagoing cowboys" you can help us bath animals, send goods to people who need yor help the most.
We have so much fun on the ship we feed horses,we bath animals, and clean the stalls. But after that we have so much time to play you can play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, whitting and the games help pass alot of time, since it takes along time to cross the ocean. The ship is just like a cruise but you have to help do some choirs. I had fun on the ship and I think you can to. Being a seagoing cowboy it opened the world to me. I was very grateful for this opportunity. It made aware of people of other countries and their needs.
Thats not you can do or see being a seagoing cowboy you can go to other places like greece. in greece which i thought was reallt speacial was seeing the Acropolis. I also went to venice Italy, a city with streets of water I hope you choose to become a seagoing cowboy and help out the people in need. | 12
1162314 | A world without cars is a world we should all want to live in. Participating in this worldwide fad has been known to benefit the lives of those among us. Thus, causing a decrease in the amount of stress one inhabits, as well as a decrease in pollution, and beneficial effects on carbon emissions. The advantages of limiting car usage are increasing daily, and cutting your time spent driving may have a positive effect on not only your life but your families, and those surrounded by you.
Traveling across the world to Germany, you will find Vauban. A well-known, upscale community where more and more soccer moms and commuting executives are giving up their cars. This experimental, new district has generally forebidden street parking, driveways, and home garages. Therefore seventy percent of the residents in this community do not have cars, and fifty-seven percent sold a car to move to this ecofriendly habitat. One resident, Heidrun Walter says, "When I had a car, I was always tense, I'm much happier now." The atomosphere of this residence has a positive effect on stress, meaning it decreases it! The vibe of walking down a street filled with the swish of bicycles passing by, and the chatter of wandering children has lowered the stress of nearly all residents. This ecofriendly, and stress-free enviroment is a trend that is growing and being adopted by many countries, including the U.S. From Chicago to Shanghai, this residential area may be the place for you.
Paris, France, home to the famous Eiffel Tower even has its pollution problems. After days of uncontrollable smog, the ruling French party enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of thiis well-known city. They ruled that on Monday's even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their vehicles at home, and on Tuesdays, odd-numbered license plates were to do so as well. After this first trial, the congestion was down sixty percent in the capital of France. This was a huge success since Paris typically has more pollution that other European capitals. Temporary laws like this have a huge effect on reducing the amount of pollution in crowded cities. Even the city of love has unclean air, how romantic is that? Limiting the usage of cars benefited this society immensely, and it could benefit our world as a whole if all of us chose to cut back our car usage at least twice a week.
Automobiles are the Beyonce of suburbs, where families from California all the way to Sydney tend to make their homes. Experts have concluded that this is a huge impediment to current efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes all around the world. Passenger cars in Europe are only responsible for twelve percent of these emissions, while America is responsible for up to fifty percent. President Obama's goals to drastically curb these greenhouse gas emissions will be assisted by a shift in American behavior: Fewer Americans getting their license. Studies have shown less and less of Americas youth are prioritizing getting their license. If this pattern persists, it will have a beneficial effect on the reduction of carbon emissions being released into the environment. This calls for less pollution, and a more ecofriendly, healthy society for us all.
In conclusion, limiting car usage in your daily life can cause a drastic change. These changes include a decrease in the amount of stress one inhabits, to less pollution, and a beneficial effect on carbon emissions. Our society as a whole has the opportunity to reduce car usage, so why not grab it while we have the chance. A healthier environment calls for a healthier you. | 34
eb4ead3 | Car-free events have been happening often around the world. This event helps with pollution and smog. As it was said on these sources it is helping with environment, families etc. Families have said that they really like the new "trend" of not using your car or motorcycle on a specific day. This specific days have been established by a few groups around each of the places that it has been happening.
Cars in this time period have become a problem but at the same time it has good qualities. Teens are being allowed to drive without a license causing major accidents to others and themselves. But cars transport us where we need to be in a faster and easier way. Cars are a useful tool but only if it is used in the right way.
The government has provided states to have different options for transportation like: the bus and the train. This useful ways to transport have helped the "Car-free" event. This transportation methods may take longer but they take a larger amount of people to their destinations and not as much pollution is caused.
Evidence from this article says that mom's liked the idea of taking walks to go grocery shopping or any other place. The buildings have been built closer so the time the person has to walk is not a long one. If the day of the event you violated the rules which are to not drive your car you would get a fine. In other states they arranged it by saying that only even license numbers could go out and use their car on a specific day assigned if you were to get caught violating the fine was going to be 22-euro fine ($31).
In Germany, there were some different rules when you were to buy your house, in the overall price, you had to pay for your parking $40,000. Home garages are forbidden so are street parkings and driveways. THe only place that is not car-free is "downtown where Freigburg runs". Cars are allowed to be owned by someone but there are only two places where you could park which is the parking you pay for when buying your house. This has caused Vauban's families to not own cars at all.
In the United States, President Obama has asked: " has america passed peak driving?" this is due to the results from the age of 16- to 39-years-old, the percentage of people getting their license dropped. Now they are not even bothered or in an urge to get it.
In conclusion, there are many states approving of this event which it seems to be luckly succeding. It has changed people's way of life by taking longer to get to their destinations but getting closer as a community. | 23
bd2306a | The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" does suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, but fails to provide enough support to make that statement believable. The author stresses in parts of the article that Venus is valuable and needs to be explored but then counters that with lenghty paragraphs explaining the hazards that come with this. The ratio that Venus is valuable but exploration is dangerous is not one to one. This makes it harder to believe that Venus is actually worthy of exploration. The author mentions that Venus is valuable, but then counters by explaining the dangers that come with this exploration, and finally includes the steps that are being taken to get there which never sheds light on the importance of exploring Venus.
First and foremost, the author does indeed suggest that Venus is important and that it is worth exploring. However, the times that the reader can actually see this written in the article is very few, specifically three times. The first time this happens is in paragraph four and it says,"Recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration". The next time it is mentioned is a little bit after that and it says, "The value of returning to Venus is indisputable".
The last time is at the end of the article. The quote says,"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself". All three quotes are supporting the idea that Venus is valuable to exploration, but they are never given any evidnece to back them up making it hard to believe what they adovcate.
Now, besides the fact that there is little to no support for the previous quotes the author goes on to explain the numerous dangers that come with simply trying to explore Venus. The author spends the majority of paragraph three explaing the hazards that Venus presents. The text says," On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". Later on in paragraph three the text says,"Such and environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to divnig to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liqueft many metals". These two quotes raise red flags in many readers minds, causing them to wonder why scientists are even considering exploring such a deadly planet. The author also failed to inlcude a counter to the dangerous conditions on the planet and didn't explain why it is still valuable.
Finally, the author tries to make the dangerous and possibly deadly pros list seem okay and feasible. The author goes along to explain the steps NASA and othe scientists are taking to possibly make a trip to Venus. According to the text, "One particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray". This quote creates a sense of hope for the exploration argument but does nothing to explain to the reader the value in exploring Venus. The text also states,"NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, simplified electronics made of silicon have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". This quote, yet again, explains how there are possible and theoretical steps and options that can be taken to make exploring Venus safe,
but in the end sheds no light on any benefits, advances, or values that come from being able to explore Venus. The majority of paragraphs five, six, and seven explain more steps and ideas that could be used but, in the end, provide no support for the argument that exploring Venus is worthwhile despite the dangers it presents.
Many people can conclude that space exploration is a positive, beneficial process. However, after reading this article it seems that exploring Venus is not the best idea. The author tires to support the idea that exploring Venus is worthwhile but only mentions it a few times. Then within the middle and end of the article the author stacks multiple counters to his or her argument.The author goes on to explain the hazardous conditons of Venus and steps to get to the planet but never explains the importance of even trying to explore Venus. In the end, the author did not successfully support their argument. | 56
0760f30 | In today's world, technology is everywhere. Technology helps assist in everyday tasks and brings about new levels of creativity. In this new age of innovation, smart cars fit right in with all other aspects of our digitalized lives. Not only could driverless cars help in many other ways regular cars can't, but they also allow for an increase in safety potential. Overall, driverless cars will be beneficial for the modern world.
The use of driverless cars can vary from ecofriendly transportation to customization for individual scheduals. By using driverless cars as a taxi system, gas consumption would majorly decrease. The taxi system idea could also lead to new ways of public transportation. These cars could take their passengers anywhere they needed to go through a direct route. Passengers would no longer have to wait for long periods of time on buses for their stops. These driverless systems would allow for greater flexibility overall.
Driverless cars would also help communities everywhere with safety. Since these smart cars are loaded with sensor technology, they can help limit the amount of crashes that were regularly happening. The protypes of driverless cars have gone millions of miles without crashes and could help stunt the commonality of vehicular crashes and deaths. Driverless cars could also aide with the safety for learning and elderly drivers. Oftentimes, teenage drivers and drivers with slow reaction times are the causes of accidents that could have been avoided with easy assistance. Smart, semi-driverless cars could be the answer to these costly problems.
Ultimately, driverless cars would have an extreme influence on today's society. The assistance from technology has changed the world we live in and will continue to do so. Driverless cars are the step in the right direction for driving innovations all across the world. | 34
68814ce | The electoral college is a thought that came up long ago by our founding fathers. Many people calim that it is antiqiuated and needs to be updated but I dissagree.
Although we are the "Democracy of the USA" we are really a republic (chosing representives to vote for us!) This system is much more effective then an ATCHUAL democracy. Just imagine if on every single issue every single person would have to vote on the outcome to pass anything would take such a long time. Including the elections, the electoral college makes a short sweet way for voting, the population votes and then they vote for what we voted for (most of the time...) Some people don't trust the electorates with this kind of power but I belive that those people are just parnoid pessmist and need to learn to have more faith in the people that we elect or the president appoints. The only flaw I see is the even number which calls for a tie. Also the winner takes all system should be changes I belive that each of the electorates should only have a certin percentage of the votes example: Alaska has 3 electorates, each are assigned 33.33333...% of the population and of course due to the decimals one electorate will have a bit more votes all the votes are then added. 76% voted Republican while 22% voted Democrat and the remaining 2% voted for third parties then the first elector would recive the votes of the 22% and the 2% and do fill up the rest of his 33% he would have 9% Republican his vote goes to the Democrates but the other two are left with only Republicans so there are 2 votes for republicans and the learger the population the more electors because of the increased ammount of citizens that each elector votes on behalf. This way the indivaduals that voted democrate are shown but did not really make as much an impact but it shows and may decide the out come during a tie. The electoral college Is a clean cut way for voting quick effective. Although we may not be a democracy per say we are all accounted for, just a few tweaks and it'll be perfect. | 23
b090319 | I'm here to inform all of you fellow citizens, about the advantages of limiting car usage. Car's do lots of things for you; get you to places, help you not have to hurt your feet walking, but they also do other things that aren't so good for you. For example, cars pollute the air, they put your town or city or country even into debt, and they cause for less use of other equipment which could have a say so in the rise of the obesity as well. It's all a matter of how you look at things.
Car's let out a lot more pollution that you think. Especially bigger vehiciles such as trucks. Trucks contain disel which cause smog in the air. If you dont want your air to be filled with smog, you might as well just stop driving cars! Not just trucks though, cars have a big part in pollution too. In the story,
"Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota"
by Andrew Selsky, it say's "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog."
(Lines 24-25). That is saying that a goal there, in Bogota is too limit the amount of vehicle use so theres less pollution.
With all of the highways being put in and buildings being deystroyed for the highways, they are being made for one reason. Vehiciles and trasnportation. There is suburbs and trains, and taxies and many ways for people to get around other than cars. A lot of people are losing there houses because they have to be knocked down for new highways. People are becoming unemployed because they are having to knock down stores and buildings that contain many, many jobs. All this can be fixed if there wasnt cars!
With cars being around, everyone wants to just get out and drive everywhere. Nobody wants to walk, run, bicycle or any other kind of excersice activity to get there. If cars stick around the obesity level is going to keep increasing because everyone is going to be able to sit in a car and drive everywhere and not get any kind of exercise. If cars werent around and people had to get to work, school, etc. they would walk or ride a bike or walk to a train station or bus station to get a ride from there. Thats a good few minutes of walking which could very much lower the levels of calories and burn fat in you. It's all a matter of reasoning.
There is many advantages of not having cars. Youd on't have to just not use a car all the time, you could just limit your to your car at a certain time. Don't always depend on your car to get you somewhere. What if one day your car breaks down, you run out of gas? Then what are you going to do? Your gonna be too big to walk, or you'll walk but get tired. You and your fellow citizens around you need to think about these things. Thats why, there is many advanatges. | 23
3905809 | Driverless cars shouldnt be a option or even a car to use. Technology can fail which isnt worth risking lives over. Even though the google car has driven more than half a million miles without a crash something can fail. These cars use post estimating sensors to control the vehicle. Imagine if one of these sensors got damaged and caused the car to go out of control. The cars seats also vibrate when the car is in danger of backing into a object. How does that give enough time to the driver to realize what is going on. And what danger the drive is in.
Car entertainment can also distract the driver if the driver has to take over. Anyting can happen why should we trust technology with our lives. People also can get blamed if their car gets in a accident when that person was technically not driving the car. So who would be liable if the car did get into a crash? Its not logical to think that a car has a better reacion time than a real human being. A human can see what is going on before his or her gets in a crash. But now its the car that isresponsible for always being aware. Have these cars been tested on different terrains? People can drive anywhere but if its in a different place with no signal how would you drive the car? im sure the car would need signal o drive. Some places that could shut down and you wouldnt be able to drive the car. | 23
0e2b2aa | When my friend Don Reist offered me on a trip to go to Europe on a cattle boat. I had to say yes, I knew I would never be able to do ever again. It was really fun doing it and special at the same time because I got to help people in need and see Europe and China. I also played a lot off games and we got to just sit there and look at the Pacific Ocean.
First off the best part was that I got to help people in need. I mean these people had nothing everything they had got like wipped out. I got to go all over the place just helping people. All the places we got to see were all so pretty and delightful. By the time i go discharged i had alredy made nine trips that is the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.
Next getting to see all over Europe and China was also really fun. I got to take a gondola ride in Vencice,Italy, that is the city with streets of water. A fun part was after the animals got unloaded. We played games like baseball, volleyball, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whitting in the empty holds were the animals used to be.
Finally all in all the trip made me understand there are people in other countries that need help. If you were everable to do this and you did I bet you really enjoyed yourself. Hopefully by all of these details you will want to sign up for a trip to go to Europe on a cattle boat. It is not all fun and games, your really have to do stuff like feed the animals. If it wasn't for my friend Don Reist I would have never got to witness this amazingness. | 12
b77f90b | Luke thinks people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because people will be able to learn a lot of things from different countries.They get oppertounity to explore the country.They can also do thing like eat food and meet new people.
People like Luke joined the program so they can see different parts of the world and learn more about that country.It gives them a chance to be apart of that country. For an example, Luke had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. For another example, Luke made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. This is why Luke think's you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
This person think that people shouldn't join this program because they could miss out on the high pay jobs.Parents would want to keep their kids in the state
that they graguated from. THey should stay home so that they don't forget where they come from. traveling is the worst idea in the world. this is the reason that people shouldn't join this program.
Some people want you to participate in this program, and some people don't . It would be a great oppertunity to learn about the country, or it can be the worst. But these are reasons people should or shouldn't join this program. | 01
a529ecd | Why is is beneficial to have limited car usage? This is a question that has several answers varying from personal health, to economic gain, to enviromental gain. Though the car has been the symbol of the modern age, there seem to be few 'down-sides' to limiting the usage of these transportation units.
Cars have given mankind the ability to cross great distances in a short amount of time, allowing face to face communication, fast trade between companies and nations, and acess to medical and personal care otherwise out of reach. However, the car has also caused lack of mobility, cutting back on people's exercise as they no longer have to walk very far to get from point A to point B, the overwhelming responsibility and cost of owning a car has also put a mental strain on people, causing needless stress. Of course there are places to go and things to do that require traveling large distances, and no one could be a expected to walk from New York to L.A., so car usage should not be utterly removed, but rather resricted.
So how do people properly regulate their car usage? Several different governments and cities have debated this, trying different tactics and having varied results. As shown in Elisabeth Rosenthal's essay,
"In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars"
, we are shown the result of a community where 70% of the people do not own cars, but with no less activity than their counterparts in cities wheighed down by cars. There seem to be several advantages in this city without cars, one being that people seem to be happier. Heidun Walter, a media trainer with two children informed Rosenthal, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,", the lack of cars seems to reduce stress, without restricting life.
So perhaps this is not enough reason for some to limit their usage of the car, alright, there are many more reasons why this is beneficail. One that is quite familiar to all is the issue of greenhouse gas emissions. The majority of cars produce greenhouse gas emissions, polluting the enviroment and quickening the death of the planet, Rosenthal's essay "
In German Suburbs, Life Goes On Without Cars,
", we are told clearly that, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gass emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. " This may seem like very little, but with the amount of cars in the world, these numbers add up to staggering damage to the enviroment. Robert Duffer wrote an essay telling of these harmful effects in a shocking way: "
Paris bans driving due to smog
". This city had so much pollution that they had to ban the use of cars, "Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London,". This pollution is not only in France, but across the globe, it is only a matter of time before it destroys the ecosystems on Earth, and cars are one of the biggest contributers to this destruction, coming in second only to power plants.
One Colombian city chose not to wait until such things happened, instead choosing to promote limited car usage in a more peacful manner, as described by Andrew Selsky's essay, "
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota
". This city of 7 million people started a program that chooses one day a year to bann all car usage with the exception of buses and taxis, fining violators with $25. One main benefit has come out of this: People are more active phisically and therefore have less stress. Selsky's essay can be quoted saying, "- millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday,". The benefits of more physical movement are obvious, but one is not so obvious: It lowers stress. A businessman by the name of Carlos Arturo Plaza said, "It is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". If a simple day can cause such drastic changes in the enviroment, peoples health, and lower stress, why not go ahead and do it?
In summary, while cars help us get from point A to point B quickly, and are very useful when traveling over great distance, they also cause great harm. A simple cut back on using cars would allow the air pollution to be reduced drastically, promote physical movement and personal health, and help productivity and creativity by reducing stress. Why would you not wish to live in a world like that? | 45
7a9a64c | "Driverless cars are coming" im not so sure that is a good idea for driverless cars, the name doesnt even sound safe. There are many arguments on the subject of having this new idea or not. Some believe it would be a great addition for the future and others think they should not be invented. In my own opinion i believe that the driverless cars should not be a thing for the future. And there are many reason to why i think that.
Although it is known that many people in america are wanting driverless cars im not so sure that it is the best thing we need. There are some advantages to this like how they may be safer when it comes to the new features they are including. But the dissadvantages by far overcome them. For one, driverless cars are less work and basiclly for the most part you just have to watch the road unless you would like to take control, however, that is a huge problem in this day in age because, everyone is creating new things so everyday jobs arent as hard for people to do but that is just adding to the lazyness of americans. Its one thing to create things like a stove so you dont have to create a fire just to heat your food but to go all the way to not even having to drive your car thats a little to much. This problem is just like the idea of elevators so you dont have to walk up and down stairs thats just a creation made out of pure lazyness. So i think driverless cars are really pushing it when it comes to inventions for the people that make us the lazyest country.
The driverless cars may seem to be more safe although think about even the most high tech items you know of even those get messed up and malfuction sometimes right? So there isnt any doubt in my mind that the car wouldnt either. So if you were to be in the car and say it was supposed tos stop at a red light but it got messed up and it didnt stop it could cause a crash and that could do some real damage to you and the others in the crash. And who would they blame was at fault? would you get the blame or would the car? Its hard to trust internet programed things especialy when it may come to your life. If a person was driving they would know to stop at a red light. But with the driverless cars those are just computers that can mess up at anytime.
It might be dfficult to see eye to eye because now days our natural instinct is to go for the thing that makes your life easier. But we all need to see that even though it may be easier and less work it is also a accendent waiting to happen. Although the new car has safty percautions and you can take control of it doesnt make it perfectly safe and it doesnt make it a good idea. And it might use less gas making you able to save you money but that also means the owners to the gas are lossing there money it all works like a chain reaction.
Making the right decision is important for us to do because of our future generation. Think about how this would be a bad effect on our life and society. in my general opinion the phrase "driverless cars are coming" should not come into affect becuase of the dissadvantages and the bad effects and the pure lazyness that would be put into the idea of the car. So i dont think we should get driverless cars. | 34
aa66e68 | Have you ever wanted to get away from home, see the world, and have the amazing opportunity to help others?
If you have, this is the job for you!
Sign up to be a "Seagoing Cowboy."
You can travel the world, meet all kinds of people, all while helping many people in need.
Have you ever wanted a way to fill your service time, without actually having to fight?
Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is the best way to do it!
I served two years in service before I was discharged, without ever stepping foot near a weapon, battlefield, or military base.
While others risked their lives, I was taking care of horses and cattle, seeing the world, and helping others without ever having to be in dangerous situations.
Another reason I was happy to have joined the Seagoing Cowboys is, like I've said before, I had the rare and amazing experience of seeing parts of the world I would never get to see.
I saw places such as Europe and China, but what really was special was seeing the Acropolis in Greece.
I was also breath taken when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, as I called it "a city with streets of water."
I also got to tour an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
Without becoming a Seagoing Cowboy I never would have had any of these amazing experiences.
Besides helping out with others, getting to see amazing places, and filling my service time, I had fun on the trip itself!
I enjoyed tending to the animals (and this will be especially fun for people who love or appreciate live stock), we had table-tennis tournaments, we fenced, boxed, whittled, and played many other games.
Of course you could bring books or board games along with you as well!
On the return trip after we had already unloaded the animals we could play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had been housed.
Perhaps the best part about this is that when I signed up, I was a normal boy with a highschool degree and working two part-time jobs.
I didn't have to have any certification, degrees, or even a full time job.
I was completely average until I signed up.
If you wanted to, you could sign up right now without a degree or training.
Last but not least, this job will make you aware of how lucky you are that you have the opportunites you have, that your country isn't war stricked, that we aren't completely devastated.
Joining this really helped me and my family realise this fact.
To recap, there are many different reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Get away from home for a time, while visiting places like China or Italy, have lots of fun playing games on deck and tending to the animals, all while filling your service time, plus you don't have to have any special qualification! The whole ordeal really made me happy of my current life; it helped me realise how lucky I am.
For all these reasons I think joining the Seagoing Cowboys is the quintissetnial thing to do. | 23
3dea620 | My position on the driverless cars is that they would be good to have. A big reason for this is because if they had driverless cars recks would decrease and people wouldnt get hit crossing the road.the reason I think this is because the cars would have computers that would be smarter and more observent about there surroundings. They would be able to respond to situations better than what humans can. This would also make distracted driving a thing of the past because humans would not be controling the caar but instead it would be a computer with sensorse.
A big problem we have now is destracted driving. It causes alot of accedents and caused deaths. a good way to have no distracted driving would be to have diverless cars. Not only would it stop accednts from acurring but also would minumize the deaths due to car crashes. The car would have a laser beam that forms a 3-D model of the cars surroundings.
Having a car that drives it self would also make parents less afraid of there kids being behind the wheel. If thes cars can drive themself then ther will be no reason parents should be afraid of there teen getting hurt. most car crashs are caused by teen drivers. if cars drive them selfs then teens wont get into car crashs and maybe saving there lives.
The only big problem of having driverless cars would be the price. if not every one can afford a driverless car it wont make crashs go aaway. yes it will make then less likly to happen but if not everyone can afford there will still be crashs. there will still be people driving and not just driverless cars. if they make driverless cars they should make it to where every one can afford them.
In conclusion i think that they should have driverless cars.It would help in many ways and make travleing safer for would also reduce the number of car crashs. Also it could save lives of people. thats why i think we should have driverless cars. | 34
0b6df5c | Emotions in the classroom? This is a question ask by many people. Should we or should we not include technology that can read our emotion in the classroom. I believe that we should because this could bring learn to a whole new level.
We all know that moment when a teacher is teaching something on the board and we pretty much have no idea what they are talking about, imagin a computer being able to reconize that and help you out with out the teacher having to stop the lesson. This would make the lives of students and teachers better, student that understand could go on with the lesson as the teacher teaches it. The students that don't understand could wait up for a second and learn that part of the lesson before they through another wrench at you.
This topic intersest many people because we have the ablity to change the way students loearn every day. I often wonder when my parents ask me what I learned today. Many days I come home without a clue on what I learned then i'm expected to do a homework page or two everynight. With the new technology we would'nt have to worry about students going home without a clue if because if could reconize if they were having a tuff time. then it would instantly jump into action to try to help the student.
This could also help students learn their intrests, here at my school we have a class called Careers. This class exposes us to many diffrent career choices, with this new technoloy this could help us decide if we like that career. The emotion detecer could really help when you are stuck between to jobs. It will tell you what you are feeling between the jobs.
The only issue with this is how could they make this famous around the globe. With technology where its at right now the invention could take years to put into a class room. How would they mass produce this peice of technolohg? This is a question I often find myself thinking about when I am told a new invention is coming out. Paragraph 7 really hits me hard with the question of, How do we need to wait until our home PC can handle it? This is something that the creators need to take into conideration if they want this exposed to the pubic.
I say yes to this technology joining the everyday classroom because I believe that so many kids would beafit from having anothe "teacher" in the class. | 23
82853da | The author said the studying Venus is the worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The Venus was the closet planet to the earth and the closet in the distance. In Venus there are 97 percent carbon dioxide and hightly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, and Venus is the hottest surface temperture than any other planet in our solar system.
First, the author said Venus was the closet planet to the earth and the closet in the distance. Earth,Venus, and Mars orbit the sun at the diferent speed. Sometime the earth are closer to the Venus because Venus is sometimes right around the corner. Human has sent numerous spacecraft to land on cloud-darped world. The mission was unmanned because the numerous factor contribute to Venus's reputation to study.
Second, in Venus there are 97 percent carbon dioxide and hightly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere. Tempeture average over 800 degrees fehenheit and atmosphice pressure is 90 time greater than our planet. It is dangerous for human's environmant because it would crush a submarine accustomed to divided the deepset parts of our ocean.
Next, the authour said Venus is the hottest surface temperture than any other planet in our solar system. Venus is hight pressure and heat,Venusain geology and weather present impediments like erupting volcanoes,power earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it surface.
Then, the author said some features that are anologous on Earth. It has surface on rocky sediment, such as valleys, mountains, and craters. The National Aeronatics and Space Administration has senting human to study Venus. They found that Venus would avoid the ground condition by staying up and out of their ways if they fly over many storm. At the thirthy-plus miles above the surface, temperture would be toasty at around 170 degrees fehenheit, but the air pressure would be closed to the sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth level. It survivable for human.
finally, the author also said Venus from a ship orbiting safty far above the planet can provide only limite insight on ground condition because most of light can't penetrate the dense atmosphere, redering standard form of photography and videography ineffective. Challenge presented by Venus has value because curiosity wil likely to lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
In conclution, the studying Venus is the worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The Venus was the closet planet to the earth and the closet in the distance. In Venus there are 97 percent carbon dioxide and hightly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere, and Venus is the hottest surface temperture than any other planet in our solar system. the author said some features that are anologous on Earth. the author said some features that are anologous on Earth. The author our travels on Earth and beyund should npt be limited by dangers and doubts bu should be expanded to meet the very edges of imgination and innovation. | 12
1a9cda1 | The new age of technology demands something refreshing and new every day,with new cellular phones coming out nearly every six months, such things are expected. However people who enjoy driving as a sport or even a pasttime are not going to be able to enjoy such things with cars that can drive themselves and the inevitability that roads will be a collective of such things. If they can make special roads; like how General Motors created a concept car that could run on track charged with an electrical cable, there should be an on/off switch for this kind of driving as well as things that are restricted to human drivers only. These things will create a kind of harmony between the two groups of people.
However if this alternitive can't be met then self-driving cars should be eradicated as an idea until it is completely safe. To many dangers are posed if we mix the kinds of cars anyway,all it takes is one person to create a wreck, And such things should be avoided at any chance given. Nobody needs to danger more lives than humans do on the highway. We could always put money into better things.
The joy of driving is to great for alot of people to give up driving on a daily basis. Our future isn't looking so bright except for the flourescent lights from the robots who are now part of our daily lives. | 23
b5bd8b8 | Exploring New Places
"Studying the planets is a amazing thing," said my science teacher. When studying the planets there is a lot of information to take in. The atomposhere on Earth is very different from the atmosphere in space. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Scientists should study Venus because it has similarites to Earth, they have the idea of sending humans to Venus, and also studying the dangers of Venus can help scientists conclude their idea of what it is like there.
Venus is known as Earth's twin. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it states in paragraph 4 "Today, Venus still ahs some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This proves that Venus has some identical features to those that Earth has. It also states in paragraph 4 "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This also proves that Venus has some similar characteristics like Earth. This is how the Earth is similar to Venus and why scientist should continue to study the planet, consdering its dangers.
The idea of sending humans to Venus is a topic up for debate by many scientists. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explains how NASA has the idea of sending humans to Venus. It states in paragraph 5 "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This shows how scientists have come up with a way to send humans to Venus, even though no human has set foot on another planet. The author also states in paragraph 5 "Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not excceed Earth levels." This also shows how the radiation of Venus is not much different than Earth's and it would not exceed higher on Venus, so a human would be safe from radiation on Venus. Sending humans to Venus is another reason why the author suggests studying Venus is a worthy pursiut even though it has many dangers.
With many great exeptions of studying Venus and sending humans there, the author also shows the dangers of Venus. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states in paragraph 3 "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This proves that is dangerous to travel to Venus with high tempertures that would burn a human alive. The author also states in paragraph 3 "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." This also proves that Venus has expentionally high temperatures that no human can face. These are the dangers that the author takes into consideration when sending humans to Venus.
In conclusion, the author from "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. After evaluating the article, the author supports the idea of studing Venus. Scinetists should study Venus because it has similarities to Earth, they have the idea of sending humans to Venus, and also studying the dangers of Venus can help scientists conclude their idea of what it is like there. | 34
396898a | I am for having teachnology in class rooms that can read peoples emotions.
If we have this tech we can have a better chance of preventing harmful situations. This will really help the special ed teachers because there is kids with emotional problems and if you can reach out to the students fast enough you can most likely prvent a issue. I thhink if we know what emotions someone is having we would have a better chance of helping them. I like the idea of helping others. We can improve are way of teaching others with this tech. It says in paragraph 1 " Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." we need to leave it to the experts to help us find better ways to communicate with humans and computers.
If we are helping kids on this earth im all for this way of tech. | 12
2480abd | A lot of people enjoy the rush of adrenaline. So much energy is rushed through a persons body when they do something that is looked at to be difficult or dangerous. Once they successfully achieve their goal they feel amazing but they do everything they can to achieve there goal even though it could possibly be very dangerous. This is just like in the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus". In the article it talks about how NASA is interested in studying Venus but they really can't because of all the obsticles they need to get by. But those obsticles don't matter to them. The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Some ways that show that studying Venus is worth it is when it talks about Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration.
Earth has very different characteristics from all the other planets in the solar system. So when astronomers discovered Venus they were fascinated to see how it has many of the same characteristics that Earth does. Since another planet has many similar characteristics to Earth it sparks curiousity. It starts to create questions which people and astronomers want answers to. So scientist and NASA want to do everything they can to answer some of their questions no matter the risk. In the text it says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." This shows how Venus is shown to be very similar to Earth. It has many similar charcteristics which shows there could have been life on the planet very long ago. The reason it is seen to be worth exploring is because if astronomers continue studying the planet then they could possibly maybe find a way to possibly live or find current creatures still living on the planet.
When people want to really know about something they will do everything they can to discover more. Especially when the thing you want to know more about is right next door. It's like having a child and candy. If there is candy right next to a child they can't be told not to have it and expect them to listen. They will go right for it since it is so close to them. That is exactly how astronomers feel. They can't resist the urge to study a planet that is so close to them. There are many other planets in the solar system which they can't study because of the distance from Earth, but this planet is so close. In the article it says, "Often reffered to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closets planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too...Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." This supports how the planet Venus is the nearest to Earth. Making it easier to arrive there distance wise. Yes, there are many dangers of visiting the planet which can make it seem very immature to even risk going, but that doesn't stop NASA. If they have something close to them they can continue doing test and possibly find a solution to reduce risk and fully and appropriately study Venus.
The other reason which NASA wants to continue studying the planet is because of the possible inventions or spark of ideas along the way. If there are new invention or ideas it could change things for ever in the future. It could make further studies a lot more easy. In the text it says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape...a vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions...simplified electronics made of silicon carbide...have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.Another project is looking back to an old tehcnology called mechanical computers." This shows how many great inventions can be created or even early inventions from before can be used. That leads to more curiosity and encourages NASA to keep studying Venus despite it's dangers.
There could be many reasons for why people would like to continue working on something no matter the risk. For example the study of Venus. NASA and many astronomers continue working on the study despite of the dangers because of Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration. | 45
680d445 | The author supports the idea of studying Venus, despite the dangers it presents, extremely well in this article. He uses both good and bad features to portray the idea that Venus is a place where one day humans will be able to study it's exquisite qualities. The article as a whole, relays many strong facts and opinions as to why one should want rearchers to further study Venus.
In each paragraph, the author gives an argument as to why researches should strive to explore the planet in depth. For example, the author says,"Often referred to as Earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet in termos of density and size, occasionally the closest in distance too." (Paragraph 2) As one reads this sentence they begin to compare Venus to Earth. This gives the idea that Venus is an interesting and diverse place with many complex attractions to discover, as one would think of Earth. However, the author will follow up with a counter argument, such as, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The author uses this technique of adding in a counter argument to allow the reader to see that the author also understands that Venus is not an easy planet to study up close.
Another tactic the author uses to persuade the reader that the planet is worth pursuing, is the explanation of their possible future plans to explore it. The author provides the reader with many detailed descriptions on their ideas. He says, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." (Paragraph 5) Not only does this sentence explain what NASA plans to one day achieve, it once again compairs an Earth expample to something on Venus. This allows the reader to feel as if they understand what NASA is willing to do to study this planet and provides them with a reason as to why they should think the same.
Lastly, the author explains how their methods of exploring the planet in the future will not only succeed in finding many new discoveries, but will be using older technology that uses no electricity. The author then goes to say, "The thought of computers exsisiting in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." (Paragraph 7) As one reads about the use of "mechanical computers" they can recieve a better comprehension of the challenges NASA is attempting to face to study this planet in more detail.
As one reads through this article, they are persuaded into believing that Venus is a planet worth exploring and trying to find discoveries on due to its close relation to Earth, NASA's perserverance to create a way to study it, and the many amazing things it has to offer. The author supports the idea of Venus being worthy of pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well. | 34
7ff2111 | Dear State Sentor,
Why should we change whats already been working for us? You would never know how the outcome of thing will turn out. I think we should kep the Electoral College out founding father established it for a reason. Would u rather vote for President congress or citizens i pick congress because they already know what u have to do in order to do certain thing, our citizens dont know as much.
According to Richard Posner " the Electoral College is widely regarder as an anachrinism" how can u say that now after years and years of this going on. It advoids problems of elections. Even though states thst know their votes will not have aeffect it still can help. It doesnt belong in the past if it help us pick this many president. Electoral College help reduce when there is pressure for run-off to chose a winner.
Toss up states that can make a diffrence in the voting. Campaign focus on those the most cause they knowow important it is to them winning. In 2012 toss up states help the winner out because they are the most thoughtful voter. And the most thoughtful voter should be the ones the vote. Say's Richard Posner " and for the futher reason that thye will have the most infromation and attention" tell you how make of a imapct the toss up states our.
Just like a toss up states of course you going to want to go somewhere there more people to hear you. Thats why you chose a big state to help you out with that. Larger states will catch the capaign more attention rather than a small states becuase of the populations of people to help them out ask President Obama. Electoral College weight in the politcal balance when talking bout big states. | 12
ebb6fff | A furture with driverless cars is certainly possible and also very near to us.It would be a great advancement to our society, increase the saftey and effiencey of transportaion in our world; also, it would save gas and move our world forward as a whole. I support the inquasition of the addition and creation of these driverless cars into and onto our streets and lives.
One good aspect about these driverless cars, is the ablitly to increase the saftey of the drivers and the passengers in the cars. These autonomous cars bring with them many sensors that would held keep us safe from the dangers of the roads and other cars around us. Their are antilock brakes, rotating sensors, radar sensors, and also the LIDAR, and all these high technology systems are all used to keep us safe. They are made to keep total aware of the cars surroundings, which most human drivers cannot do. It eleminates the human error from our rodes and keeps us all alittle more safer.
The addition of these new cars would allow people to use their time more effivently. With the driverless cars, the people inside would be able to focus on other activities instead. Also people in the taxi business would be able to go out and find other jobs, hopefully better ones. They would be far more flexible according to time than a bus or other forms of transportation. These cars could and would majorly create a more efficient life style for us as people.
Another good and actually important detail about these cars, is that they would actually help save gas as well. Gas has become an increasingly talked about and discused topic in today's society. The cons of using so much as we do now a days, is a mojor topic. But the idea of the driverless cars would actually save help us us less gas. They would use half of the gas of today's taxi, and imagine the savings we could have in our cars themsleves if they were driverless. Those times when we took the wrong turn or missed our exit would no longer happen. The cars and their gps and numorous sensors would be able to make the fastest and most direct trips toward our destination. The ablilty to save gas is one of many bounuses of these high tech cars.
The advances we make toward the construction and usage of these driverless cars, truly are the future of our world today. They would drastically and fundamentally change the would as we know it. We as a civilazation would become much more safe and effecient, also save much of the gas we use today. All these factors would make the world a better place, allowing us to move forward and achieve many more world changing advancements. | 34
7677c38 | Luke wanted everybody, including himself, to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program beacause he wanted to help the countries that they were going to. He wanted to help the countries recover their food supplies, animals and more. There would be 44 nations that would join up together to help the countries in need that they were going to.
In August 1945, they recived their orders to report to New Orleans. They had 335 horses in the cargo plus enough hay and oats to feed them. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. They were caring for the animals during the crossings. Luke said,"Besides helping the people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China."
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because there are countries that are in need. What if our countrie didn't have food supplies, or animals, or other things that we need to survive. If we helped their countries when their in need, then they would help our countrie if we were in need. That wouldn't be good if we won't share what we have that they dont have.
If we don't help the countries that are in need, then we might have another war because they would be angry at the countries that have all the things that they don't have. Also what if there were terrible storms that would wipe out all the people that don't have shelter in that countrie. See we have shelter that would protect us from dangerous storms and we also have money to repair what the storm did. But they dont have any money to buy shelter. They also don't have any food to eat, but we do.
In conclusion, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program to help the countries that are in need of. It's not fair if we have something that they don't have and we won't share it. If you don't want to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys progran, then you could also donate some things that you have to the program. | 23
a58fd7c | Sir I belive that u are wrong when u say that the mesa was made by extra terestrials. I believe this to be tru because, mesas are a common land mass in tharea that the "face" was found, There is a sharper image of the mesa that shows that it was not made aliens.
In paragraph two of this article
line two states " Scientist figured it was just another martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian." other evidence in this article that backs my state ment ar as follows. " Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars."
In paragraph 6 of the article line 2 state "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform." Line 3 states "There was no alien monument after all."
Hence there is no way that the mesa could had been made ny aliens. The evidence is every where in the articles about it and there is even more in the article i showed you. So again there is no way in this scientific feild that would support your theory that the mesa was made by aliens. But I do see where you might have thought that on first glance. | 12
d3d80b9 | To get from point A to point B, whether it be from home to the park or from school to the movies, the logical answer that pops up in everyone's mind seems to be a car. Automibles such as cars and motorcycles are widely used and are integrated into every part of society. But do automobiles really need to be so rooted into everything people do as a society? Cars and motorcycles create a myriad of problems such as congestion and smog. Some societies even legally limit their community's automobile usage to attempt to correct some essential problems. Limiting automobile usage is important, because not only is it practiced globally with tremendous success, but it also largely reduces pollution caused by diesel fuel and brings to light issues within communities and accounts for their resolution.
Automobiles are thought of as a daily commodity in most urban countries, but there are some societies in which usage has been reduced or even eliminated entirely and the positive results may be shocking. In the suburban city Vauban, Germany, residents have given up automobiles for a chance at a life free of traffic sounds and stress. This experimental journey within the town has acheived these and so much more. Their streets are essentially car-free and the lack of garages and parking space allows for up to 5,500 people to live in a single rectangular square mile with any necessary stores within walking distance (Source 1 Par 6). Simlarly-yet on a much smaller scale, Bogota, Columbia has initiated a car-free day in an attempt to eliminate the area's pollution as well as reduce stress. The day is on its third year and has done as hoped. Additionally, Bogota's once pitted and uneven sidewalks have been since replaced and made much smoother, and the city has introduced parks and sports centers, new restaruants, and new shopping centers which are blossoming and thriving (Source 4 Par 28). these changes have created a society both happy and strongly bonded. As wonderful as these positive shifts in society are, limiting autombile usage can do even more.
A limit in automible usage can also benefit communities by reducing pollution-seeing as a large majority of air pollution is created through the release of diesel fuels into the air. Paris, France legally banned personally autombile use throughout the city in order to rid the city's air of harsh pollutants (Source 2 Par 10). France experiences a combination of cold nights and warm days that trap the emmisions from cars, scooters, and motorcycles (Source 2 Par 15). By significantly reducing the amount of diesel fuels rising to the air to be trapped, the smog had cleared enough within mere weeks that the city was able to entirely lifted the ban. This is a major example of the advantages limiting car usage entails.
Altogether, limiting automobile usage is key to improving society and has myriad advantages such as creating a more bonded and pleasant community and reduces environmental hazards like pollution. Creating vehicular limits is a promising way to change the world as we know it for the better. | 34
c09b401 | A driverless car is a have to have item! Think about all the benefits the car could offer. Imagine not having to constantly steer the wheel to a destenation 3,000 miles away! Consider the saftey and cost that the car offers too.
Cars arent cheap, not even in todays world. Especially a car that monuvers its self throughout the streets! Ask yourself if the price is worth the actual car. A car that has all these extra accessories clearly needs more checkups to see if the car is running in the best shape it can. Companies such as BMW, Mercedes Benz, the google car, are all very pricey. These cars are often used by people in the upper class percentile. A car introduced by one of these companies are more than likely going to be at a high price!
Creating a car with cameras, sensors, etc all these extra objects will have an imapct on the company because they have to pay the workers there too whom will now have to be trained how to apply these extra wires, objects, etc. Price is something you should take into consideration.
Companies have to be aware of the problems the car may face. What if a part gets damaged or stops working for any reason! Will it be the companies fault or the person? The saftey of this car has to be garanteed to make sure the person is well satisfied! The cameras might be a consideration to this car because if there is ever an accidant , the camera will always be aware of whats happening to see what failed or if the person was not paying attention. That way the company wont have to deal with people trying to sue or any laws. I feel like as if saftey is everything because you are putting your trust in the manufactures! What if something goes wrong and its not the persons fault? This may all have a very big impact on all of us. Especially new drivers who are young.
Imagine the awesome benefits! Long road trips with the people you love! If all goes right the car can break for you and or warn you, etc. Driverless cars could be a dream come true to people who simple do not have time to be on the rode or for medical reasons they can rush themselves to the hospital! A lot of great things coming in the near future.
In conclusion, you should always be aware of whats around you and whats happening! Especially about topic like this. You might find yourself in a car like this one day or someone you may know. Saftey and price should be taken into consideration and think about all the benefits that contribute to the car! | 34
f6b3766 | In the article "the Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states that astronomers are so facinated with venus and its harsh environment because it is the most like earth in our solar system. In fact most scienetists believe Venus was covered in oceans and had the ability to harbor life in it. Getting a better understanding of Venus could help progress space travel and the way astronauts land ships on planets and deal with climate and research.
The author says that Astronomers are facinated with Venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. The astronomers wan tot get a better understandimg of this planet as people may one day be able to set foot on it with enough research put in place. They need to understand the climate and the atmsphere before they can send any manned space shuttles there. The author said that unmanned space shuttles have been sent there before but havnt been sent in a long time because many of the shuttles would not manage to land in the harsh climate, and if they did they did not last long on the planets surface. Studying Venus maore would help astronomers understand how to better their space shuttles and make them work well, land, and last longer. | 12
9722207 | Though it may seem amazing to think about having driveless cars that can just drive us around, but what if a crash happens? Who will get blamed? The car or the driver that was supposed to be driving around. What happens if the car doesn't singal the driver that it needs help during traffic conditions or construction? This car shouldn't be developed, because it still needs technology to become a safer car. I don't approve of development of these cars, because innocent people may be blamed for an inccident that they didn't cause.
There are too many negative sides to the development of these cars on the roads and highways. Movies have influenced car companies to make this driveless car since the 2000s, which didn't have the money or technology to make then. We have all thought these cars would be the future and amazing to ride in. In these cars there are many sensors that are working all at the same time to keep the driver inside safe. What if one or two senors go are ruined by a bump in the road? Then the car would have problems with knowing what to do while driving and knowing what was surrounding the car. Still in the car, the driver still has to controll the car when it should be driverless. The driverless car needs assistance by the driver during road construction, traffic situations, and pulling in and out of driveway. All of these situations happen everyday and mostly everywhere on the road. This just means that the driver would have to still drive everywhere besides some places on the road. The driver would just get bored waiting for their turn to drive. What would happen if the car didn't notify the driver to take over the car? The effect of that situation would turn out to be a big crash or a swing and miss crash that almost would have killed the driver. As the law says," A safe car has the driver controlling the car at all times."
The manufactors of these cars need to stop the development before someone gets blamed over a car's mistake. There are multiple conflicts with the development of this driveless car. What or who would be blamed if someone was injured? Sensors on the car could easily be broken and the car wouldn't be at it's best in safety for the driver. The best way to keep passengers, drivers, and pedestrians safe is to have an alert driver in control of the car. | 23
d8243a4 | I think that FACS is very useful technology, that could benefit classrooms everywhere. It, as the article talks about, can help students if there getting lost or bored. By just adjusting it's teaching algorythms to better help the student.
During everyday life, we look at others faces and can most of the time see how they are feeling. If your friend has a frown on their face, then you can try and use comforting tactics and try to help them in anyway. And you use these tactics because you know what they are feeling. And FACS can do the same thing!
If a student is having trouble in school and there learning style might be different. The FACS can adapt to that students learning style or mood. And help them better than just mindlessly teaching them, and not changing anything thats going on.
FACS can be extremely useful in schools all over the world. And can make students and their learning enviroments more flexible and effective. Which in turn with help a gargantuan amount in them having a succeful career. Because students should come first, they are the worlds future. And anything we can do to assist them or better their education, should be done. | 23
947e3c9 | Dear,Senator
The United States Of America should change the voting of the president to popular vote. popular vote gets to see what the citizens of the United States want not just the 538 electors. They should change it to popular vote because it gets to see what the people want and we cant control who the electors vote for.
The president should be picked by the people because whoever wins the presidency is in charge of us. In the passage "What is the electoral college" it says "The electoral college consists of 538 electors". That means 538 people get a say in who they want the president to be not the many citizens. We all should get a vote because if the electors are the only ones who get to pick then the popular vote is useless.
Another reason why we shuold use only popular vote is because the electors dont always choose the president that their state wants. There only been a couple incidents of this happening but its possible. In the article"the indefensible electoral college:why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" it says "Can voters control who their electors vote for? Not always". That is saying that theres always a possibility that your electors does not vote for what the state wants. Thats not right so they should change it to popular vote.
The citizens of the united states should have direct votes to the election of our presidents. Thats why You should change to popular vote. We get to see what the citizens want and we cant always trust our electors. | 23
14a6a23 | In 1976, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft captured a photo of what seemed to be a face on the surface of Mars. The Face on Mars caused speculation of alien life on Mars. However, the Face on Mars is a natural landform.
One of the reasons that the Face on Mars looks like a face is because of shadows that cause the illusion of facial features. A few days after the Face on Mars was discovered, NASA released the image to the public. On the image was a caption, which stated that the Face was just a "huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." These shadows that were noted in the caption can easily create the illusion of a human head.
Adding to this, the Viking 1's camera quality was low compared to what we have today. So, the picture isn't all too clear. Every pixel in the clearest picture captured by the Viking 1 covers 43 meters. That's a low resolution compared to other spacecrafts that have photographed the face. One of these spacecrafts is the Mars Global Surveyor. The Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time in April 5, 1998. When the spacecraft flew over Cydonia, Michael Malin and the Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture ten times clearer than that of the Viking 1 picture. When the picture was released to the public, it revealed a natural landform. The Face on Mars was nothing more than a rock formation.
Although the pictures were clear, many people say that the pictures taken by the Mars Global Surveyor are unreliable due to them being taken in 1998. The reason for this is that, in 1998, it was winter where the Face was located, which caused a cloudy atmosphere. The Mars Global Surveyor had to peer through the clouds in order to see the Face. This led to many people not being satisfied with the pictures taken. Many skeptics said that the alien markings were hidden by the clouds. The claims that the skeptics made were refuted, however.
On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor came close enough to take a second look, and pictures were taken. On that day, there weren't any clouds due the season being summer in Cydonia. On top of there being no obstacles to obscure the vision of the camera, the picture's resolution was at the maximum it could be. Each pixel spanned only 1.56 meters, compared to the Viking 1's picture. The picture revealed the Face to be a landform, just like the other pictures that were taken after the Viking 1 picture. The landform turned out just to be the equivalent of a butte or mesa, which are common in the American West. These landforms happen to be very common in Cydonia, which is why scientists came to the conclusion that it was a mesa before they had even taken more photos. The only difference between this mesa and another one is the shadows it casts, which causes the mesa to look like a face.
In short, the Face on Mars isn't a sign of alien life. Although it looked like a human head, it's really just a mesa. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform. | 45
10416ad | Nonverbal communication is often used more than verbal. The way someone stands, moves, or sets their face can tell others more of what they feel then what they are told; however, these social cues aren't always understood. Technology is impacting the world greatly and the Facial Action Coding Software may seem like just another gadget, but it could change the way of teaching to specialize for individuals. Though the thought of computers identifying all emotions is slightly unsettling there are many benefits that may clome along with the software.
In schools, there are many students who struggle with the cirriculum because they do not understand the way it is being taught. From the teacher's point of view, it may look like they are not engaged because the aren't interested in learning the material. It may actually be because they are not understanding the material. A face that looks bored is usually a straight mouth and dull eyes, a confused face could look similar but with furrowed brows. There may not be a noticable difference between a bored face and a confused face that a teaher can spot especially while looking at many faces at a time.
According to the article, the software detects facial movements and compares them to a nutral face to calculate the percent of an emotion someone is feeling. Having this software in classroom computers could benefit both the students and the teachers in many ways. Along with modifying the lesson, the computers could collect data of how a student was reacting during an assignment or during a lecture and then notify the teacher or professor about the results. If many of the students are confused by what is being taught, the teacher could re-word the lectures in a way that might be more clear. If the students are becoming quickly bored of the material then the teacher may need to make some assgnment a little more challenging. The software can also show the teacher when students get exited about certain topics or when they are frightened by an assignment. When assignments are turned in and the result is bad grades, many teachers may assume that the student isn't trying their best, but there may be many other reasons why the work wasn't what was expected. With the facial action software, the teachers would be able to understand why the student didn't do the work properly. If they were confused then the teacher could suggest way to understand better, if the student was bored and didn't try, the teacher may talk about the importance of grades.
Even if this software isn't able to be avalible in schools, learning about facial actions and cues can benefit everyone. The article give instructions to make a happy face by highlighting points that are present in a naturally happy face. Learning instructions to making the faces of many emotions can be a helpful tool in classrooms and in many other environment when communication is needed. Emotions are a very personal thing and it should be the person's choice whether to show their emotions or not; however, this technology in class rooms may improve the teavhing style so that there aren't as many kids struggling to pass their classes. | 45
08e2ae1 | Would you join a seagoing cowboys program? Just imagine how good of a idea this would be. It's a good idea to join because you can visit many unique places, experience adventures, and there is travelling if you work.
First, you can see many unique things during the Seagoing Cowboys program. You can also visit unique things while traveling, and find unique stuff during this program. This proves that you should join this program.
Second, you can experience adventures. You can experience adventures by going over the oceas. You can slso experience adventures by taking care of the animals. This is another reason why you should join Seagoing Cowboys program.
Finally, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program becasue there is traveliling if you work. So you work to experience unique places and things. Also experience adventures and all you have to do is work a little bit. This is the final reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
If you join this program it is a good idea because you can visit many unique places, experience advcentures, and and travelling if you work on the ship. So you should really consider joing this program. | 12
28382e5 | Well, I do know that Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and that its a very challenging place to examine. I thought that Venus was one of the warmest/coldest planets in the galaxy, but it just so happens that its neither.
I know that Neptune is the most freezing planet. It's the type of planet that people don't want to examine or not even explore. Even though,Venus is really simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth for the ones that like to stargaze.
The article mainly talks about on how others would see the planet "Venus," I see the "Evening Star " as a the brighest of the planets of the whole entire galaxy along with the Sun(Itself).
To me, I also thought that the Sun was just another type of planet,but it wasn't. Turns out the Sun was the "Biggest Star of the Galaxy."
Let's not forget that Venus is often referred to as the Earth's "twin."
Because Venus is after all the closest to the Planet Earth. The author would probably describe as the 2nd planet on the right, but I would describe/define it as the planet with the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it very simple for the stargazers. | 01
b23c02c | The Face on Mars is not made by aliens. There is no proof whatsoever of any signs of life on Mars, which means no aliens. The face on Mars is just a natural landform that coincidently looks like a human face. Given the shadows and shape, the Face very much looks like it has a human nose mouth, and eyes. Although up close, there is no resemblence of a human face. Therefore, do not let this anyone fool you.
Pictures have been taken by NASA of the Face to prove it is just a natural landform. Pictures taken from 1976 appear blurry, and not clear, so it is easy to believe that aliens created the Face. Although, in 1998, the pictures taken aren't as blurry, and you can see the structure of the landfrom clearly. Lastly, the picture taken in 2001 is clear and visible. You can perfectly see that close up, the Face is just another natural landform on Mars. From far away, it looks like a human face because of the shadows, but up close, it is nothing more than a simple landform.
Furthermore, on 1998, the Mars Global Surveyor went back to looks for the Face again. When they snapped a photo of it, it was indeed "ten times sharper than the photo taken in 1976." This revealed that it was just a natural landform when the photo appeared online. "There was no alien monument after all."
Some people who still believe that the Face was created by aliens say that "alien markings were hidden by haze", but the Face was only hidden because it was winter when the photo was taken. Since it was winter in April 1998, it was also the "cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." Therefore, the camera used had to "peer through wispy clouds to see the Face." This proves that aliens markings are not hidden by haze; it's the time of year where it is cloudy on Mars, making it harder to see the Face.
Plus, when NASA took another picture in 2001, it was taken using the "camera's absolute maximum solution." Based on what I read, "each pixel in the image spans 1.56 meters, compared to the 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." There simply can't be anything you can miss using the camera's absolute maximum solution. Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, even said, "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground of Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could what they where!"
Finally, NASA's explanation about the Face on Mars is based on credible information and research. People who believe aliens created the Face often get the information inside their head, making up crazy theories that aren't actually true. Furthermore, NASA went on missions to prove that the Face isn't made by aliens. They took high-quality photos that show that it is just a natural landscape. Besides making things up on their own, skeptics probably take information from the internet on websites that other skeptics have made about aliens creating the Face. You can never trust the internet, and the skeptics who made these websites probably put down their own made up facts and theories to get people to join their side.
In conclusion, the Face on Mars is not created by aliens. It is just extraordinarily shaped to look like a human head, with shadows to create the illusion that it has eyes, a nose, and a mouth from far away. Up close, there is not resemblence of a human face at all. Pictures, missions, and years of research have proved it. Plus, there were no signs of aliens, or any life on Mars when they conducted this research. The Face on Mars is just a natural landform. | 56
5cc4dcc | In the article many positive and negative aspects are shown about driverless cars. From the details in the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I am for the development of driverless cars. Although, people say these cars arn't the safest they are safe. Having these types of cars can also create a world that has less stress. I'm also for this because it's a new fun way for cars.
Many people can argue that these cars arn't the safest. These cars have sensors in them that make them safer then a normal car. These sensors notify the driver if they are ever needed.
The sensors also help you stay out out of danger. They will allow the driver to take over whenever its needed. If the drivers don't see the lights flashing it also vibrates the seat. The vibration of the seats will also help keep the driver awake and aware. This car can also prevent many car crashes that care caused by texting while driving. The car drives most of the time so the driver will have time to look down at there phone every once and a while. Texting and driving is still a bad thing to do but having these types of cars will prevent many crashes.
Having these types of cars can create less stress for the driver. The driver still has to remain aware of the road conditions, but doesn't have to be as alert. If your in a rush the car creates a route for you. Finding routes in croweded highways can be a difficult thing for people to do. Since the car drives for you most of the time you can awnser important calls or texts easily. If your stressed about driving this solves some of that problem. The cars have been driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Also if you are stressed about making it to the place on time you can take control of the car. Many of these ways can help make the driver less stressed.
This driverless car is also a new fun way a car functions. This car has a futuristic look that are appealing to a wide audience. Many people are fascinated by things that arn't the usual thing you would buy. If in the future everyone has these cars noone will feel bad about the type of car they have. Everyone will have the same car. Pyschologist say that many people would enjoy this car because it's new. If you ask many people they would say they like trying new things, this would be the car for them.
This article contains many positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. From reading this article I am for the development of these cars. They are safer then an average car in todays world. using these cars can make people less stresses. Also these cars are a new and different from the cars we see today. | 34
78c495d | We use technology everyday. Technology helps us get through the day and our work a lot more effeciently. Im actually using technology right now. Thankfully this computer isn't examining and scanning my face right now (as far as I know). I don't think we should go this far and use this software at schools. Students need privacy, it won't change our opinions about school work, and plus its also probably petyy expensive.
Students are entitled to their own privacy. In the artile is said, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow."
The last thing you need in school is a bunch of soap ads poppping up because someone made you laugh but the computer thought you were laughing at the ads it was showing you. We dont want a computerscanning our faces everytime we are using it. Its just disturbing to think that this machine is studying every muscle movement in your face to know how you feel.
Of course most kids are going to be bored if they're doing school work on the computer. How is the computer going to change that? Its pretty useless if you really think about it. It will just get annoying after a while. If youre confused you could just ask the teacher instead of exaggerating a confused look until the computer recognizes it.
This software is also probably pretty expensive. We would have to pay for not only the software but also new and better computers because as it said in paragraph 7,"Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." This means that we would need a really, really nice computer to run this software. Schools don't have enough money to buy a software that just reads peoples emotions.
In conclusion I don't think schools need this at all. Its pretty useless because it won't give us students privacy because it will just be sitting there scanning us the whole time we are on our computers, It definitely won't help us with our boredom, and its probably way too expensive. Nobody wants to be baying a bunch of money just to know Tim was 40 percent happy on wednesday after lunch. This software just a waste of money. | 34
55e620e | As the years have gone by, technology has significantly improved. Computers, iPads, and phones are just a few examples. I have to admit, sometimes I really hate having technology around. People become so absorbed in their technology that they lose touch with real people. But what about driverless cars? I believe that we should not have driverless cars.
In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the narrator states that, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills..." However, there lies an important problem in this statement. What if the person in the car is not paying attention? If people today talk on the phone and text while driving, the they most certainly will do the same when they are not driving. Sure the article says that, "...the car watches the driver," but a person can just ignore alerts and attention grabbing attempts from the car. Another problem is drunk drivers. If they drive drunk now, they will be a drunk passenger in the future. As soon as a human needs to take control, then we are back to the same problem as drunk driving now. Or, the drunk passenger could ignore the alert to drive altogether. I understand that in the future, cars may not need any human assistance at all, but the transition will be slow and if both human driven and driverless cars are on the road, I argue that a human driven car is safer. Yes, a driverless car will follow the rules of the road, but humans often do not. There have already been reports of Google cars getting into crashes because they were following the laws. However, a human driver may be able to react quickly enough to another driver.
In conclusion, human driven cars are safer than driverless cars. The transition to everyone having a driverless car will be slow, and therfore driverless cars will have to drive with human driven cars. They may follow the rules, but humans are unpredictable. Also, more people stay alert while actually driving a car rather than being a passenger. The age of driverless cars is not something we should look forward to, but rather something we should be wary of. | 34
ccfbac7 | The author does explain the topic all around and supports his ideas with facts. In the textit states "Striving to meet the challange presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equilly intimidating endevors. This proves that human would like to learn more about venus and understand why venus is the way it is. furthermore the text states that "just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin.". This showsthat the author uses information that people that dont knoe the dangers can understandmore clearly and get the full idea. NASA is working on trying to figure out a way to make instruments to let them study venus long enough to get factual information. to support this" by comparison, system that uses mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces".
in the article i feel like their was plenty of information to learn about the dangers of venus. the text sates "maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on venus in more than three decades". this proves that venus isnt even touchable by humans and intruments would have to be made heat resistant to even get enough information to make a conclusion about venus. venus is a planet that people havent done alot of experiments on it and is misleading. to further prove " Each previous mission was unnanned, and for good reason, since no space craft survived the landing for no more than a few hours".
venus is a hard to explain planet. their is not enough information to know enough about this misterious planet. I felllike the author did explain this subject very well but using nasa research and other sources to make this article factual. | 23
51e9c41 | Three pictures were taken of this odd feature on the land of Mars. The reasoning for the interest of the pictures is because they think the figure of the shape is a face. The first time they saw it they were astonished and had many questions that they sent other spacecrafts to take pictures two other different times. I believe that the "Face on Mars" is just a natural formed mound and scientist need to stop listening to theories.
One reason to stop looking for a civilization is because it is not important. Mars Global Surveyor even said that finding the face is hard work itself because we dont even pass over the Face very often. We don't need to wasting our time on something that is not going to affect us here on Earth. Also, after the discovery and the first picture was taken it was just a landform not an alien momument that some people predicted or hoped to be.
Second, if you look at the pictures you see a difference in all three of them. If there was an ancient civilization wouldn't you think the pictures would be more extravagent each time after the first. What we see is the complete opposite of what was just explained. As each picture gets newer the face looks much more deteriorated than before. They face is practically gone by the third picture and there is nothing really of it to say that it was a face.
Lastly, Even if there were airplanes or Egyptian-style pyramids or things smaller you could see them from the cameras. So don't you think that if there were people on the planet you would also see them as well in the other three photos.
I can see where some people might be interested in the idea of there being people on another planet. It would be awesome to know that you could or can survive on another planet knowing if something happens to the one we are on now. We could even add more information on alien research NASA has been doing.
In conclusion, the Face did turn out to be a mesa and or butte. The same thing as a mesa but a lava dome and just maybe happened to be the same height as the Face on Mars. Also, the pictures you could tell it wasn't a face the dome shaped thing didn't match the features of the far away picture of the Face. | 23
312bef6 | My name is Luke Bomberger and I am a Seagoing Cowboy. I have gone to Europe, New Orleans, and China. I have helped others so I want you to help to. You should help people who are suffering because of World War 2. We can go all around the world and when we are not working we can look around in the country we are in. My friend Don covinced me to join so you should join.
The program was started by the UNRRA or the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. They hired the Seagoing Cowboys to take care of hores, young cows, and mules while they where going across the sea. they fed the animals hay and oats and gave them water. I one time almost died when I was working on the boat at night and watching the animals. I slipped and was sliding down and if the peace of metal was not there I would of fallen into the dark Alantic. I could not though because of my cracked ribs. Other things we would do while on the boats is play table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling to pass the time. I have benn doing this for many years but i dtill love it and you just meet so many new people on the boat and in all the different countrys.
To conclude I hope you will join the Seagoing Cowboy program. we need so many more people to help us on the the boat. You will like all the animals But somtimes we just need more help taking care of the animals. If you ever fell like joining you know what to do. We all hope that you will join us. | 23
5e2a283 | The passage talks about all the positive and negative things that would make Venus be good to study because of some of theories of it being Earth like . The study of life on Venus would have many hard obstacles to overcome and look deeper into. "
A thick layer of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus." That would be the biggest problem to try and fix because humans who take in too much Carbon Dioxide could potentially die. "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth." That whole sentence by it self sums up how much of a complication it would be to study Venus. Astronomers are fascinated by venus that they want to know if it was once a earth like plant long before. Everytime there are some good positives about the study of Venus there's always something negative following it. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has a compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." This a positive input to how to discover some kind of basic of life. " However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only a limited insight on the ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere,rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective." This is a barrier in research not being able to get full anwers is going to be hard to discover life. The study of Venus would make the scientist have to think harder and make more advance technology but they can do that until they get full answers on what they might come up on. | 23
c17cade | The Seagoing Cowboy Heros
Do you like going to new places around the world? Would you like to join the Seagoing Cowboys program? If you would, then go to China. The Seagoing Cowboys program is a program to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke Bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected bt World War 2.
Luke Bomberger had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He know it was an opportunity of a lifetime. He had to go. It was 1945, World War 2 was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recovert their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration). UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the animals that were shipped overseas. Luke and Don signed up.
Here are some reasons you should join Seagoing Cowboys program. The first reason is that you could travel around the world if you like to travel. The second reson is that you would get to take care of animals, such as cow, horses, and even mules! How cool is that. The third reason is that you can play games!
The cowboys played baseeball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing,reading,whittling, and games also helped pass the time. But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the worlkd to him. "Im grateful for the opportunity," he says. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." And that awareness styaed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. So, after i gave you reasons and supported my answer with details, would you want to go to Seagoing Cowboys program?? | 12
7029c66 | Venus is the second planet from out sun and Earth comes after Venus. The name Venus has another name and it is called the "Evening Star". However, the Evening Star is a misleading the reason for that it is because it is a planet. The reason why it's misleading is because its one of the brightest points of light in night sky. How are Earth and Venus alike to the other planets, what was Venus and how was it like, and why it is dangerous and why should we study it more.
First, Earth is known as the twin to Venus. The reason is because Venus is the closest planet to the sun and and its closer to planet Earth. Another reason why Earth is called its twin is because they both have the same density, size, and because its the closest in the distance too. After Earth comes Mars so it goes the Sun, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Those three planets orbit the sun at different speeds and what that means is that Earth is more closer to Mars than we are to Venus.
Long ago Venus was maybe covered tons of water such as our oceans and maybe supported animal life there. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. The clouds are the most challenging because of they are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atomsphere. The temperature on the planet surface is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The pressure of the planet is 90 times greater than what Earth experiences. The conditions on this planet is way more extreme than what the humans have.
The reason why its dangerous is because it the surface is way to hot because Venus is closest to the sun. The reason why its dangerous is because there is high pressure and heat that can cause erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquake, and on going lighting strikes. The reason why we should study it more is because Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Just imagine the thirty-plus miles above the surface like an airplane, the temperatures would be toasty at about 170 degrees Fahrenheit. The air pressure would be closer to the sea level on Earth. The solar power would be more than enough, including the radiation wouldn't exceed to Earth levels.
Venus is planet not a different type of star, and it is the second planet. The Earth and Venus are simliar to each other. Venus is a very hot planet because its closer to the sun and the conditions on that planet are too extreme. It's a dangerous planet because of the erupting volcanoes, very powerful earthquake, and also lighting strikes coming down to the surface constantly. This how Venus was like, how its simliar to earth, and how it's dangerous but they should keep on exploring it. | 23
2150433 | Cars have long been viewed as a common method of transportation from point A to point B. However, in the world that we live in cars have become a burden and limited use would be best. Efforts to reduce car usage have shown to reduce the rate of carbon dioxide produced and smog. The elimination of car use would lead way to further development for other methods of transportation. Countries have taken the first step in banning car usage and its citizens have admitted to living nice and happier lives than they had before.
Common issues faced by car use is the production of carbon dioxide and the risk of smog. Smog is a health hazard to those with asthma, young children, and the elderly. By limiting the use of a car, carbon dioxide and smog rates would plummet dramatically. When Paris was faced with smog at near-record levels driving was banned and after a day of the driving ban smog levels were dropping already. Cars, a major contributor to carbon dioxide production, can decrease the rate of the greenhouse effect by limiting their use. Nearly 50 percent of the United State's greenhouse emissions come from the use of cars alone. By not driving your car the rate of greenhouse emissions would drastically decrease.
Besides the nice look to a car, cars are often used because there appears to be no other way to travel long distances. Other methods of transportation such as riding a bicycle, public transportation, and even walking are viable and beneficial methods of transportation. On bike you travel further than you would walking at a faster rate, Bogota has begun the develpment of 118 miles of bicycle paths in hopes of reducing traffic and carbon dioxide emmisions. A near 80 percent of appropraitions are used on highways, the rest of the 20 percent are used on other methods of transportation. By finding other methods of transportation (ie. walking, biking, public transportation) the 80 percent used on highways could be used to greatly improve other methods of transportation, like public transport.
The thought of parting from our cars is a terrifying idea, however countries around the world have taken the initiative and made these ideas law, laws that are benefiting their copuntries. In Germany an ecperimental community, Vauban, has little to no car activity. 70 percent of its families do not own a car and 57 percent sold their car to move to the community. Startingly, not only is this small community a success but many residents claim to be happier than they were when they owned a car. Columbia, like Germany banned the use of cars for one day in Bogota. Not only is everyone enthusiatic of the event but this day has led to the reduction of smog in Bogota.
The question to drive a car is a simple one. Why drive a car when you can walk, ride a bicycle, or can take the bus? By limiting our car use we'll reduce the rate of carbon dioxide emissions and smog. Other countries have tested and proven that life without a car is not only realistic but very beneficial to how one feels. With the options of other forms of transportation we should limit our use of the car. In doing so we'd be improving our lives and the rate of the greenhouse effect. | 45
459951c | Limiting car-usage would mean eliminating pollution to the air that we need to breathe. Without the millions or cars we have the in world, the air we need to breathe would be way cleaner. Eliminating cars would give people the opportunity to walk and get the excerise that they probably need. Which is more important, your car or your health? The pollution to the air is put there by the cars we drive everyday. If we limit the usage of cars, the world would probably be a cleaner place than it is now.
Take Paris, France for an example. They banned the driving of cars because the car had almost a "near-record pollution". What if we, the people of the United States, drove our cars so much that there was smog everywhere and the government had no choice but to ban driving priviledges from everyone? No one would like that. But it doesn't have to come down to that. We can change that, today! If the people in Paris refused to leave their cars at home, they were fined 22-euros ($31), and if they reacted a certain way, their cars were impounded. Imagine if that was you. What if you had to pay $31 because you didn't want to leave your car at home and have your car impounded if you got an attitude about it? How would you feel? Most of us don't like to ride the bus, but what if we had no choice?
In Bogota, Colombia, they have the "Day Without Cars" event, where only buses and taxis were allowed to use to roadways. THe "Day Without Cars" event has been going on since the mid-1990s, and it's part of an improvemenet campaign. If every cities in the entire world had a "Day Without Cars" event, that would generate a change to everyone at one time. Just imagine, one a year, to go a day without driving your car. The world would be a much cleaner and safer place without cars. People die everyday because of car accidents. We could change that with just one event each year.
In America, people are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by, according to Elisabeth Rosenthal. Rosenthal also says that "America''s love affair for its vehicles seems to be cooling.", meaning that we are starting to realize what our precious cars are doing the the environment. In April of 2013, the number of miles each person drives was almost as low as it was back in January of 1995. Imagine if you were to live back in 1700s. There were no cars, people had to walk were they need to go. Yes, it took forever to get there, but it was the only transporation that they had. If we keep going at the rate that we're going with these cars, there won't be any good air left to keep us alive. | 23
d51d3e0 | Driverless cars are in our near future, but is this the best way? There are many reasons why I dont believe so, such as the fact that they are going to need to make logical decisions and could be dangerous to drivers and pedestrians due to the drivers not needed to pay as much attention to driving.
What does it mean for a computer to make a logical decision? Lets imagine that your in a driverless car, and your headed towards an inevidable crash that will kill you. The only way to get out of it is to go on the sidewalk, where 3 small children are playing hop-scotch. If your watching "in-car entertainment" and the computer decides that you need to take over at this time, there is no time for us as humans to think. This is a major problem that will come up. Unless everyone's cars are fully driverless, its hard to prevent this scenario. This would mean we would have to make traditional cars as we know it, illegal.
Fully driverless cars are coming, but there are a lot of problems that we need to address before that happens. The idea of logical decision making for a computer processing things in 1's and 0's is a hard conundrum to overtake. Once we address whether or not the government keeps or takes away our driving privledes, then we can garauntee that our roads will be fully safe. | 23
f93c8fd | Have you ever heard of a driverless car? Well Google has had some cars that can drive themselves since 2009. The cars they made have drove more than half a million miles without crashing. The driver still has to back out the driveways and go around traffic issues like other car crashes or roadblocks, but other than that the car will drive on its own. I think these cars would be useful when the driver wouldn't feel like driving.
First off, I think these cars would be useful because what if you don't feel like driving and you don't have anybody with you that can drive the driverless car would be perfect to have in that kind of situation. Yes sometimes the driver would want to drive so thats why they have a heads-up display. When thats turned off the driver would be in control until they turn it back on. Another reason why a driver would want a driverless car is because what if the driver wants to text a person back and they can't use one hand to type they could make the car drive itself so they could that. So that's why some drivers would want to have a driveless car sometimes.
Yes the driverless car would be useful when the driver wouldn't feel like driving. However the car could still crash if your not paying good attention to it and also the law could see that your hands isn't on the wheel. Another reason is that there could be an accident with the driverless car and the law wouldn't know who to blame the driver or the car manufacturer. | 12
6c6ca59 | Ever wondered how your peers feel like but don't know, well now you do! Due to new technology by Dr. Paul Eckman, you can now tell how someone is feeling. But is this new technology useful? And is it reliable? Well let me inform you about it.
Is this new technology FACS (Facial Action Coding System) actually useful? Yes it is, what if "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored", well as stated in paragraph 6, the computer "... could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This technology could contribute to the teacher, in multiple ways.
Well according to Dr Eckman, he has programmed the system to classify "six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness..." These six basic emotions are then "associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles". These muscles are Frontalis pars lateralis (above your eyes) which raise your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.
Well now that you no about this new technology, you might be able to figure out how someone is feeling, just by the facial expressions that they show. And yes it is useful, and actually reliable. | 12
710b137 | Have you ever heard of the Seagoing Cowboys program ? If you have not heard of this program you are missing out . The Seagoing Cowboys program helps with animals and people . I think you should sign up for this program if you can . It is fun , your helping while having a awesome time , and doing your part while being exited .
First of all I think you should sign up for this program because its alot of fun .Can you imagine traveling while helping others ? If you sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program you get to see all types of sights . In the passage Luke got to go to New Orleans , and Greece which shows you that you get to travel to awesome , mouth dropping sights. The passage states that Luke says "
the cattle-boat trips were an unbelivable opportunity for a small-town boy " which shows that this is not a waste of time . So you have alot of fun , get to see amazing sights , and its not a waste of time so why not sign up .
Second of all do you see how much help and care your giving . In the passage Luke cared for animals during the crossing , he fed them , and cleaned after them . Luke also severed as a night watchman for the animals , which means he was being on gard for the animals . Him watching over the animals effected people by them not having to worry about the animals . Luke also made hourly reports to the captain , while he was doing this he was also having fun . So Luke helped alot while having fun , why not join today .
Third of all you are doing your part . Everyone has a part to play , and everyone has to help in something . Luke stayed up late to watch animals and gave reports to the captin , Luke made his mark on the world and he didnt expect anything back , but he did get something he got to see mind blowing sights , meet new people and animals , and the satisfaction of knowing that he helped . So there are three important things that will make you think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program , why would not you join .
On the other hand people might say its not worth the time , you will have to leave home for some time , and you do not get anything out of it . Well , it is worth the time because you get to see amazing sights , and meet amazing people and animals . Yes , you will have to leave home but just think of all the stories you will have to tell . If people say you will not get anything out of joining the Seagoing Cowboy program , tell them you will see many sights , have alot of fun , and meet new people . So you do get something out of being in this program .
In conclusion , i think you should sign up because you will help animals and people . You wll see alot of places , Luke even went to Europe . If you sign up you will do your part . Also you will be happy and exited , nothing close to boredum while your with the Seagoing Cowboys program . So go and join the Seagoing Cowboy program ! | 34
2047852 | Who likes driving? Everyone has once though of cars that drive themselves. Although it sounds good, Im against the development of driverless cars. Driverless cars can be risky, expensive, and its against the law. Its not worth fighting for.
First, driverless cars are too risky. It is dangerous to be in a vehicle that you can't control. If you were to be in a driverless car and something goes wrong do you even know what to do? Its like any other electronic that may need to be charged and things that charge have the possibility of blowing up. It's not like a motorized car with common mistakes it'll be something most mechanics haven't seen before, and would have to refer you to someone else who may be far and expensive.
Second, it would be very expensive. Smart cars are expensive and these are even smarter cars. In the article, it said "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." which are expensive branded vehicles and that makes driverless cars cost even more. The newer the more expensive. Also, if your driverless car needs repaired then it will be very expensive because not many mechanics will have the parts and the experience for these cars.
Last, because it's a law. It's a law for a reason and there must have been problems with this before for this law to have been put in place. In the article, it said, " In most states it is illegal to even test drive computer-driven cars" so why would they be safe to put on the road?
Although driverless cars sound fun, it is not worth it. I'm against driverless cars. Driverless cars can be risky, expensive, and they are against the law. These vehicles will cause havoc on the roads. Do not support driverless cars. | 23
9c1a9ab | I think that yes if there was driverless cars that not just a couple people should have them everyone should. If there was someone that did not have one of these cars they would be at a higher risk of someone wrecking. The laws on speed limits would definetly change. There would be a bunch more laws besides thatone that would change as well. People would act different one the road knowing who is responsible.
I mean if your driving one of these smart cars and someone else dosn't have one and they wrecked into you it would not be good. There would be a big debate about this and who would be to blam. The companies would have too much money so you could not sue them. Your attention would imidietly turn on the driver of the other car the company would have your back then. Those people should not have to deal with it if that is the case the company should.
It would be nice for everyone to have one of these because drunk driving issues would go down. wrecks would be less common if the mechanics work on the cars they provide. Companies think to much of money so that would be the only problem. I mean sure they wold not make as much money as they would like to but people would be a lot more safe then they are. The money they make should go to the coverage of peoples cars.
Another problem I would have with this is would you be able to get to your job on time? If you have a certain speed limit and or if yor car stops working what are y going to do. I think that if you get this car everything should have to be covered by the compaies you buy it from. Some states are already trying to ok all of this through way higher powers than they should. They should have a system on the car that explains why your late.
One of my last concerns is if the future generations would still know how to drive. I mean if they don't know how the car works than what is the point of it. I think that anyone who gets one of these cars should have to take driving courses one a year for a week. They can take them any day they choose as long as it adds up to a week out of the year. The car is not the only problem think about the roads next. | 12
41f185b | Gaining vast information and knowlege on the planet of Venus would be worth the dangers it pourtreys, because it is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author explains that Venus is very valuable planet to scientists and NACA, even though all previous missions for exploring it have not lasted for no more than a few hours. "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system"(4). So it is very important to gain more information and data on such a unquie planet. By gaining information on Venus we may learn more about our own planet, Earth, which is worth the dangers exploring it presents.
While scientists and Astronomers would gain vast data and information if they were to explore Venus up close, exploring it is not an easy task. In the article it states that "Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no scapecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours" (2). Also it exclaimed that the "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet" and "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system" (3). So it is very hard and dangous to send any kind of big technology to Venus, without it getting destroyed; let alone sending a human and explecting them to make it out alive. Even if we were able to send a probe to Venus, the article explains that "Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes" (3). While there are thousands of reasons for NACA scientists to give up on finding information on the planet of Venus, they still are trying new ways to make it up there, despite the dangers.
Scientists find it crucial to continue in their research, for several reasons. The main reason is becuase, "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of size, and occasionally the closest in distance too" (2). Which makes it important to use Venus to learn more about our own planet. "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters",which is one of the reasons it is so earth like (4). Also it is important to learn more about Venus becuase we currently contain little knowlege about Venus becuase "researches cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance" (6). For these reasons it is important for NACA and other scientists across the world to continue to try and gain a more vast arae of information.
In conclution, while Venus has presented many obsticles for scientists to get around, they find the prize of great value. Although Venus is extremly hard to explore because of its ruff teraine and extreme temperatures. Scientists find it to be of great value because of its Earth like appeal and its unknown information. Therefore, scientists and NACA will continue to atempt to gain more data on the planet of Venous despite the dificulties. | 34
9efb395 | Can you believe there is a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that can identify your emotion? I believe this system would be outstanding to use in a classroom because this system can look at a students face and determine their emotion. Just like any new system there are going to be advantages and disadvantages, so those need to be taken into consideration. In summary, I stongly believe that schools should begin using the Facial Action Coding System in school.
What is the Facial Action Coding Sysytem and how does it work? This system is a computer that builds a 3-D computer model of the face that you are testing. Then, the computer analyzes the face movement. For instance, when the muscle above the eye moves and
eyebrows are rasied the emotion is conveyed as suprised. Now, there are also many other emotions that the computer can read like happiness, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. In summary, this system is a process that works by analyzing a face and the face movements of a person to determine their emotion.
There are
many outstanding reasons why this program could be valuable for students in a classroom. First of all, this system can show how students are feeling. When a student is feeling sad or scared someone will know and they can help the student that is feeling those emotions. In addition, this program shows many emotions. For instance, a student will know when another student is happy, sad, suprised, angry, scared, or disgusted. Now, most of all classrooms have the shy students who are scared to talk, so by using this, the students teacher or other classmates can recognize the shy students emotion and help them through it. In wrap, students and teachers would be able to talk more easily about their emotions with one another by using this program.
Using the Facial Action Coding System could potentially be useless for students to use in schools. Many people aroud the world use different facial expressions for different emotions. By using this program, it could become inaccurate due to students not using similar expressions for each emotion. For example, some students don't smile as broadly as others so they may not be considered as happy as other students convey. Now, home PC's can't handle complex algorithms, so how is a teachers outdated PC going to handle this program? Many teachers still use PC's that are out of date and very ancient, so teachers won't be able to demonstrate how this emotion reading system opperates. In addition, students may also not be able to utilize this system becasue their PC might be unable to handle complicated algorthisms as well.
The Facial Action Coding System could become valuable to students in classrooms. Although the system has many disadvatages like reading an emotion inaccuratly; I strongly believe that this system could work wonders for students in classes everywhere. In summary, because of the ability to recognize many emotions, this program could become extremely valuable to students in classrooms all around the world. | 34
227d74d | Do you like to go to different places? Or if you like animals. And if you like to help others. I know the best thing for you. And that is to join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
You might be thinking what is the Seagoing Cowboys program. Well since World War ll is over in Europe many countries were left in ruins. And to help these countries get better we need to bring them food, supplies, and animals. That is why we need you. There are benefits in helping. First of all you get to travel around the world and go to places like Europe, China, Greece, and Italy. If you don't really like that well you can just help people and help their country get better. And if you still don't like that you can hang around with animals untill we give them to other countries.
If you like to go to different places. Hanging around with animals. Or just helping others. This is the perfect thing for you. And that thing is the Seagoing Cowboys program. Join the Seagoing cowboys now. | 12
4309da2 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, he talks about new technology that can identify human emotions. This new technology, the Facial Action Coding System, is not relevant for children in classrooms because it is not needed, a disruption, and not trustworthy.
Although, the Facial Action Coding System in unique it is disruptive to a class. The article says that this new system could help kids with their learning by "recognizing when a student becomes confused or bored." The computer would then have to alert the teacher and disrupt the class while learning and everyone then would be confused. There would also be computers all around the class and kids would most likely pay more attention to those instead of their lesson.
All of this new technology seems cool but can people trust it? This computer "constructs a 3-D computer model of the face" and from that it base a persons emotions by facial expressions. That is not something people could really trust. A person could easily smile and really be sad but the computer thinks the person is happy because they smiled. The computer also only know happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness but what about other emotions like depression? There could be a flaw in the system and could label people as "confused" and have their teacher think they don't understand a lesson in school even though they do.
This technology is not really needed at all. The article says, "humans perform this same impressive "calculation" everyday," what is the point of having a computer do a job that a human can easily do? This new system is more of a accessory than it is a help. People would just be paying for something they could do themselves.
The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto talks about new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. This new system is not needed for children in classrooms because it is disruptive, not needed, and not trustworthy. | 23
5be63fc | To state senator i'm argue is that we should keep the Electoral College because it's a place where we vote on President and Vice President,and the place where we count the votes,and the Electioral College process consists of the selection of the electors. Reason number one is it's the place where we vote on President and Vice President because it's in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in congress. And election of All the soon President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Reason number two is the place where we count the votes is because a majority of 270 electoral vote is required to elect the President. And when we vote for our candidate we are actually voting for your candidate's electors. And each of the candidate running for President in our state has his or her own group of electors. And reason number three is the Electional College process consists of the selction of the electors and that is my thrid reason is because were states's entitled allotment of electors equal the number of members in it's congressional delegation:and one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for you senators. And this are all my three reasons why we should keep the Electoral College. | 01
ea817ee | NASA is a goverment funded project that uses science facts, pictures, and advanced technology. NASA has been constintally working hard and, according to the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars."
"NASA's Viking 1 spacraft was snapping photos of possible landing sights for its sister ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." As soon as NASA saw the picture they instantly started going to work to see what it was.
NASA has already created scientific technology for this reason. They would want to get the best looking picture and the most acccurate one. The acticle states, "Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." The first immage they snapped revealed that it was nothing but a landform, but still people were not satisfied. On April 8, 2001 another photo was captured at the cameras maxium view. Each pixil spanned 1.56 meters, compard to Vikings 43 meters per pixel
NASA has been specifically designed to explore outer space and to discover what was there. They have been working even before 1976, Thats more than 40 years! They have only had a number of break throughs, proving that NASA would not hold back information about ancient civilizaions or alien lifeform because it would be a great breakthrough. The defenders of the NASA budget even wished there was an ancient civilization on mars. There was a degree of suprise for mission controllers at the Jet Propulsion Lab when the face appeared. They were fascinated by what they saw.
The alien conspiercy believers may reject the pictures and say they have been tampered with. NASA would not do that, however. They have already spent loads of money for this project and made all the equipment. They would not go through all that trouble just to lie to the public. NASA also took may pictures with their instruments from many angles and different views. They are high resolution photographs and they even have 3D alimetry, according to the article "Unmasking the Face of Mars."
Overall, NASA is an important space project that is honest and truthful about their work. They prove their claims with scientific facts and photos. They have the brains, tools, and budget that allows them to do that. If the public is not happy with their results they will find a different way to show it and find more evidence that will satisfy them. | 45
1c5210a | I think if we limit the usage of cars it could possibly be a good thing. America has very high pollution a lot of it comes from cars, second only to power plants. If say Jacksonville decided to be car free it would be hard because Jacksonville is the biggest city, according to how much land it takes up. But Vauban in Germany is the perfect city for it because it has 5,500 people in a rectangular square mile which is small and allows people to walk from place to place. But jacksonville, say if i wanted to walk to Orange Park it would take a long time beacause it is already a 45 minute drive.
If America was to become car free then there would be a lot of complications, such as if you live at the beach and have to go downtown for work and cant catch a bus. I think America should pick one city to start this and if it works well then move it to a whole state and only allow buses and taxis to be driving around. In America the drving peak has already passed, in 2005 was the when the highest amount of cars and most driver liscense were given out.
An advantage of being "car free" would be that the stress of evryday life would go down. A lot of stress results from cars and driving. If you get stuck in traffic your going to get mad but we wouldnt have to worry about traffic anymore because we would be either walking or taking buses/taxis. Also local buisness would be making more money because if a person is walking they are going to want to eat what ever is nearest to them. People live very close to some local buisness and instead of just driving by them all the time you would actually eat there.
Looking into the future I could see honestly say I dont see America becoming car free. I see it staying in Europe the reason I say this is because we have a lot of evryday commuting going on, in every city, in every state someone is almost always out driving wether its to catch a early flight or to get a head start on a road trip. people are always drving. Looking back into the past, a lot of people did walk places, and then more and more people started driving and it eventually caught on.
So now once again I ask you, do you think America will ever become car free? Do you think less and less people will start driving or will the number of drivers increase? People who have tried this seem to be a little less stessed wich could ultimatley help us all. | 23
5cdd3f5 | The idea of being able to calculate someone's exact emotions based on simply looking at their face seems almost impossible, but doctors seem to be proving that wrong. People may ask themselves, how can you know what can be going on in someone's brain when you cannot see through their head? Dr. Huang and his colleagues are experts in figuring out new ways for humans and computers to communicate. In fact, Prof. Thomas Huang and Prof. Nicu Sebe have recently innovated a new computer software. This new fantastic innovation can potentially solve problems and help many people.
This new software has been used on Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting, the Mona Lisa, and there has been actual results that produce accurate persentages.This type of computer software could be installed everywhere, from your work, to your home, and even to you school. Dr. Huang predicts, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." I believe that this new invention could be very helpful to teachers and principals in all schools. For instance, if a student is too shy to ask questions about a lesson they do not understand, the software could pick up confusion from the kid's face and notify the teacher.
Dr. Huang also says, "Then it could motify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Not only does the new software detect emotions, but can make modifications towards a lecture as well. This innovation has the porential to do the tasks of a human being and beyond. Now a days, adults do not seem to understand what a child or teenager goes through, but the invention can help those adults assist a person in academic and emotional needs.
As for learning, the software can help excell and challenge students in a new way. This could teach students many new things related to anatomy, psychology, and even art. It would bring so much new information to the table and further technology even more. This could even open up a new field of work for those students interested in the innovation.
In conclusion, a new invention like this would do wonders for the human population. Everyone would get a better understanding of what they feel and what others feel as well. There is nothing better than getting a chance to learn more about yourself. This new software could change the way we look at others, ourselves, and even the world. | 34
eb351dc | This new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable.
This technology is valuable because we can actually determine what or how someone is feeling. However making faces can reveal so much about the science of emotions. Alot of us human beings hide our emotions either because of what other people might think or because
you dont want them to feel empathy for you, which is feeling someone else's emotional state. There's also a big lack of human communication. For example, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr.Huang."So computers need to understand that too."
Yes i know everyone is like how can we acually calculate our emotions or how can a computer recognize the facial movement that we use to express how we feel. I have prove from the article,"Making Mona Lisa Smile",...all 44 major muscles in the model(face) must move like human muscles." That detects whether its a human or not because of the muscles in our face. Even if we dont have the system just by looking at someone when they are sad there's a frown, when they're happy abviously a smile, etc.
The system and us humans can also tell the difference between a fake and a real meaningful smile. In the cite it states," In the real smile, the zygomatic(muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the corners of your mouth." And in a false smile,"..,the mouth is stretched sideways
using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." Using this system would really benefit all of us in whether there's no communication then with the system you'll see why.
Another example would be the Mona Lisa Smile theres alot of emotions going on its a pretty confusing picture if you look at the details pretty closely, but just looking at her like this in the painting we see a smile and we just think that she is happy which in reality there's more than that being shown. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", they used the system and these were the results,"she's 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry."
The system will show more than what we human beings believe a human's emotion or how they are feeling, thats why it is valuable. | 34
b8f5028 | Dear Senator,
I believe that is is time to get rid of the electoral college. The electrorial college is outdated and irrational, the best arguments are only assertions that dont have much basis in reality.
There are too many faults and risks in the electoral college such as the coming of a tie in the voting and that even though one canidate may win the popular vote they can still lose the election. As Bradford Plumer says "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" (paragraph 9). It would be better in elections for it to go by popular vote instead of representatives deciding for you. A solution for this could be to simply go by popular vote. There is also the fact that the electors could defy the will of the people.
The electors are not trust worthy. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy" (Bradford paragraph 11). They did this so the popular vote would not actually go to Kennedy. In the past electors have refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a vote on whomever they want. People are thinking we have "faithless" electors because of this. We need to select electors that we can trust will go by the states overall decision instead of their own personal preference.
It is hard to vote for the president not knowing if your vote is actually going to mean anything. Us as voters cannot control what the electors do and who they vote for, we just have to hope that our canidate wins. Us as voters also sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong canidate. The voters need to know that their vote is going to mean something for the canidates running and that their decision will be taken into consideration.
To conclude the electoral college is not a safe and trust worthy system. I believe that the arguments against electoral colleges are much stronger tyhan the ones saying to keep it around, give the people what they want. No more electoral college!
a7d8379 | Empty streets,with eerily devoid traffic jams is an example of what happens when a city bans car usage. Cleaner air, and less stress are two of the many reasons why the idea of limiting car usage is becoming popular. Many cities are taking place in what they call a " Car-Free Day" in which they participate in a day without cars. Taxis and buses are permitted only, with the goal to promote alternitive transportation. Bikers covered the streets and hikers flooded the sidewalks as a result of car-free day. Violators were faced with fines of $ 25.
A day without cars is considered part of an improvement to many cities. Cars cause major damage to the world around us, smog is one of the many reasons places like Paris are reducing their car usage as well. Car usage reduction has beneficial implications for the enviorment we live in. Paris is a testimony to that statement. With smog polluting the global city, Paris was forced to create a partial driving ban to clear the air. WIth France favoring diesel fuel over gasoline, Paris had more smog than other European capitals. Therefore, Paris decided to make motorists with even-numbered license plates leave their cars at home. Same with the odd-numbered license plates the following day. Reuters claim that up to 4,000 drivers were fined, and 27 car owners had their vehicle impounded due to their reactions to the fines. After the ban was implemented, the smog had cleared enough for the French ruling party to remove the ban off of odd-numbered plates the next day.
Car reduced communities are finding that being less dependant on cars is helping by drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Less pollution is a major goal being achieved by this concept of reduced car usage. " It's a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Carlos Arturo Plaza commented as he rode his two-seat bicycle with his wife.
Fellow citizens it is our responsibility to stop pollution, take a stand by reducing your car usage. Ride your bike to school or work instead of driving. Walk to places near by and give your car a break. Consume less gas, stop choking your city. Make an impact today, put your car away. Global pollution is adding to the problems of our global warming today. | 23
9b7d16d | I believe that through the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," that the author has built an exellent argument for why we should explore Venus. I say this because throughout the article the author points out many of the challenges that would come up durring exploration, as well as potential solutions to them.
In paragraph three the author tells us that no previous spacecraft has been able to survive for more than a few hours. The author counters this problem in paragraph seven when they show us how simplified electronics made from silicon carbide last for weeks in simulations of Venus's conditions.
Another time the author shows us some of the most challenging problems with exploring Venus is in paragraph four when she talks about he clouds of sulfiric acid, the 800 defree Fahrenheit temperatures, volcanoes, earthquakes, lightning strikes to probes surface and atmospheric pressure much greater than here on Earth. They go on to explain, in paragraph five, a solution to this problem would be to make vehicles that would fly thirty miles above the landscape where the conditions are nowhere near as hostile with temperature of 170 degrees, and air pressure similar to Earth. This solution not only solves the problems of being on the surface but also comes with the advantage of having solar power.
In paragraph six the author states that from the thirty mile height above the the vehicle could not easily photograph the surface or take samples of the planet. She debates this in the same paragraph when they tell us that scientist are currently working on machinery that could contribute meaningful knowlege about Venus.
In conclusion trying to explore Venus cold be potentially dangerous, but possible. All of the problems the author has shown us have potential solutions, and the exploration could contribute to the knowlege of Venus. I Believe that because of this, the author has made an excellent argument as to why we should explore Venus. | 34
b65bc0a | The details in this article suggest that this article is presented well. The author talks about how Venus is very simaler to our planet Earth. He spoke about how dangerous Venus is and why it is dificult to go there. Then he spoke about how NASA will try to get there to continuer theyre reaserch. now how similar is Venus to our Earth.
Venus, the second planet from our sun is some what extrordanary. Venus unlike any other planet in our solar system is very similar to our Earth, so similar its referd to as Earth twin. Venus has about the same mass as our Earth, the same density, and is similar in size. But, unlike Earth it is scorching hot. this poses a problem when our scientists at NASA try to study it.
NASA or The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is trying to study Venus. NASA has sent numerous space crafts to Venus, but none of them made it. None of the space crafts could survive the hot 800 degree weather on the surface of Venus. Not only did the spacecrafts have to endour that but they had to withstand the enormous pressure which is 90 time greater than our Earth. Now that NASA's scientist have this information they think they have a solution.
NASA has tryed many times to study Venus but have failed, because of this they have thought of a possible solution. They think the can get a man to Venus by creating a blimp like spacecraft that will float 30 or so miles above the ground. Now its still going to quite toasty at around 170 degrees. Second the pressur would then be around sea level and radiation wouldnt be too high making these conditions surviveable for a human. Having all of this information definately suggests that the auther has presented his point well.
In conclusion the author has done a great job at presenting the information above. First the author has stated how similar Venus is to Earth. Then he spoke about the dangers, problems, and the conditions that NASA needed to overcome. Then he spoke about NASA's possible solution to the many problems they have with getting a man to Venus.
In conclusion the author has presented an informational essay about how similar Venus is to Earth, the problems that we have when trying to study the planet, and the solution that will help us get there. | 34
c9fd0a5 | Can computers read our emotions? Ths simple answer is yes they can a new technology has been invented that lets computers read our human emotions. I for one think that this new technology is very valuable to us and can be used in many diffrent ways
I belive in the classroom will be the most effective. Students who are my age or even younger are good at two things being bored, and hiding how we really feel. Thats why I belive this would be perfect to be used in the classroom because in the text it says that the facial expression software will be able to read if the student is bored or confused with the lesson, which would help that student get the help they need to pass the course cause the teacher would know how that student feels towards the subject. Now others may disagree with me and state that its useless to read expressions via computer but I belive that there totaly wrong because so many people hide their emotions towars things and people they dont like, and if you ask me nobody likes school unless you like learning or a nerd but the point is that everyone hides there emotions in the classroom and in everyday life and its a big part that seperates us from eachother and the things we want to pursue. The expression teller I belive will break down thoes barriers that weve set up hiding are emotions and possibly even open oppurtnities to subjects in math, reading,and science that we just might like and not even have known it because were to busy hiding our emotins towards how we feel about school that we dont like anything that does with school.
All in all I feel that these facial expression readers can go a long way in the classroom and even in everyday life making the world a more brighter place to live. Also in helping kids who are tired of the boring lectures and confusing lessons with the stressful homework. | 23
89ba46c | Cars have been a huge advancement in technology in the past 100 years. Although they make traveling much easier, cars are a big reason for economical displeasure. Limiting car usage can help us in many ways. It will reduce pollution, more building space, and death rates will decrease.
Initially, limited car usage can play a major factor in pollution for the world. In "Paris Bans driving due to smog," it says that 147 micrograms of particulated matter was fount in London. This is causing sickness and illness in alot of countries. If we would reduce car usage there would be alot less smog and greenhouse gases in the air that we breathe every day. Who wants to live in a cloud of dust?
More so, cars are congesting the roads and towns of almost every city. In France they had a day where they didnt allow you to drive your vehicle a certain day, and the congestion rate was down 60%. With less vehicles on the road, it gives more space for buildings to be built. Parks and sport centers will be built, giving more kids the chance to grown up being healthy and fit. As you can see limiting car usage can help in more ways than you thought. Also the less cars being bought and made, the more money we can have to better the lives of the sick and poor in the world. to use the money for events in the world aswell. The jobs that would become available to people for building more bicycles and sidewalks would increase tremendously.
Therefore, the limitation of car usage will drastically change the rate of death in America and throughout the world. A study shows that driving by young people has decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. If there are less people on the road then there will be less devastating fatalities on the road. The road is a path to your next door, not soppose to be the last path that you take. I dont want to be remembered as a statistic in this world, so less people driving and more people living is a great thing. Maybe we can see more good news than bad news whenever we turn the television on on sunday mornings after all.
In conclusion, The reduced limitation on car usage in the world can drastically improve our pollution problem, help with more buildings, and the death rate. Now let me ask you, if you had to choose wheither to drive that Mustang or to walk. After reading this passage, which would you choose? Like i said, i dont want to be remembered as a statistic. | 34
f3fd856 | In the passage, it talked about this new technology that can break down your facial expression and figure out your mood. In this case, they did Mona Lisa. They said, her face was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, and 2 percent angry. I dont know they are to come up with these percentages.
I feel like this technology can come into good use, although, i just dont really see the importants of it. In cases like this one, with Mona Lisa, yes i feel as if it was a great thing, but i just dont see any other good uses for it. I would really like to find out another use for this technology to be able to think it is very useful.
I do think this technology is very interesting. I like how it broke up Mona Lisas face into three different emotions. I think that is very cool. I dont see any other use for the technology, but if it is just used for paintings, i think it could be kinda useful. I would like to see the technology in action more to see what all it can do. I want to see it figure out peoples emotions by the look on their face. I hope to see more of this technology in the future. I would also like to know who the inventors of this technology are. You would have to be very smart to be able to invent something like this. | 12
93bb1d4 | Dear state senator of Florida,
I'm sending you this letter for one purpose only, to convince you with strong defensive facts the electoral college is unfair, outdated, irrational and should be replaced with the popular vote. Let's begin with the simple fact that we, the common people of the United States of America, land of the free, don't even have the right to directly vote for a human being that is to be running our country for the next 4 years, possibly 8. Instead, we are voting for electors in the same political party as the candidate we wish for? Actually no, we don't even obtain that right because as stated in source 1 electors sometimes aren't even chosen by politcal party considering "state laws vary on how electors are selected and what their responsibilities are..."
In source 2 it states that an elector can be anyone not holding a public office. The elector chosen is a complete stranger to more than half of the population of the state yet we are expected to trust that this person will live up to his or her word that he/she will vote for the president we want to be running this country when we have absolutely no control over their actions election day. Trust isn't easily given especially when there are no laws given that the elector must only vote from the candidate majorly favored in that particular state. So lets see the elector that we vote for, which in some cases people even get confused and vote for the elector of opposing team, can walk in election day, decieve all the people from his/her state and walk out with absolutely no penalty.
In source 3 it later states that "voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay attenten to the campaign knowing that they are going to decide the election" but what about the swing states? Because the winner-take-all system candidates don't even go to those states knowing that they'll most likely lose. Does that seem fair to you? That basically means that winner candidate could be the same man/woman that couldn't careless if their votes were on them or not.
Furthermore, in source 3 it explains how the electoral vote is the only way to ensure a certain outcome but as said in source 2, a tie may seem unlikely but highly possible. So let's say there is a tie, the winning decision then passes down to the House of Representatives. Here the state delegations cast one vote for the candidate they wish for but in the light of truth it is impossible for one representative of millions of people to be able to reflect on what the people want. So now what? Not only is plan A, the electors, totally bogus but plan B,which is the house representatives, completely takes our right to chose the citizen we want to represent the United States.
I hope you read my letter and come to realization that the electoral college is basically just a dirty method that's taking the rights of the common people. If it keeps on there will be one election year where more than half the population will open their eyes to fact that they don't even have a say in who they want to be running this country and simply not vote, then where will that lead us? Dictatorship? Rebellion? Popular vote is the way to go. It for one allows citizens to be apart of descision making in who should be president which later on abolishes the whole dispute over "swing states" and "toss-up states" because candidates will have to work twice as hard to earn their seat in the big house. Candidates will have to visit each state, anwser necessary questions from the citizen, compaign harder and at the end of the day a hard-working candidate will become a hard-working president who will lead our country to prosperity.
Sincerely, a concerned citizen | 45
f6dea82 | If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program i can gurantee sastisfaction. I've been doing this for 2 years and it's been a part of my life. Somethings that are great if you join our program is you go siteseeing,you get to on amazing journeys, and just knowing that your helping someone in need is gratifying. I hope i will see you in the future. May this be your opprotunity to change someone's life .
One of the most enjoyable things to do is go sitesee. It really makes time fly by so much quicker . I've beenn doing this for what now,2years? And i've already been on 9 trips! Though sitseeing is not the only thing we do we trasport animals to country's in need . So far it's been a huge success and we don't want to look back, not yet.
There are there flaws though it's kinda hard to be constantly on the move with a spouse or heck maybe kids too just at home. So, why not bring them with you i'm pretty sure we would have more then enough things for you children to do. Remeber this is a very serious and dangerous job . I've gotten through a only one bad injury where I broke a rib .(paragraph7). That will be very unlikely to happen though considering none of my parteners have ever had that happen to them.
So as you can see our program will be grat for you with amazing siteseeing , journey's tat are kid friendly, and your helping someone so will you come work for us. | 12
45c5fcd | I believe that reading the expresion of someone is a very important thing. And the technology that is being used for it is amazing and very useful. in the artical it says that "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smaile and a forced one." That is a very useful thing to be able to do when it comes to knowing if the person is really okay or if they are not telling the truth. The technology they are making escpecially inventions like this will one day change the future.
"She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent happy." To be able to read a persons emotions like that and basically know how they feel and what they are thinking is revolutionary. This technology can build off into so much more. This could lead into so many jobs especially law inforcement. Becasue this could tell the cop annything they wanted to know just buy having the computer read the suspects face and know if they are telling the truth or not.
Another thing the author says in the artical that leads me to belive this is a wonderful inventions is. "The facial expressions for each emotion are uneversal." this statment basically says that they know your truth feelings and emotions and you cant hide it. Because the expressions are the same for everyone. another amazing part about this invention is its ability not only to read the persons face and emotions. The computer can read the emotions on a picture or in a painting.
For example they used the Mona Lisa "It's the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting." This opens up even more doors into what this invention can be used for. If it can read off a picture or a painting then they can use it to find out so many other things in history on other paintings or photos. This invention is amazing and truly a revolutionary peace of equipment.
So i conclude that this invention is a great tool for many things and it will be used for many great things to come. This will change the way some people work and how they do there everyday tasks. This can branch off into so much more then just reading someones face. It really will revolutionize and change a path for the future if they build off of this invention in the right way. | 23
92c1fff | Greenhouse gases are a major problem all over the world. Almost all forms of transportation emit these and people are starting to take notice. Heavy, dark smog hangs over cities for weeks at a time like a depression and by just simply limiting cars on the streets for a few days, an extravagant improvement can be made. With greenhouse gas emissions increasing by the day, some cities have begun to limit or even ban driving all together, with the exception of public transportation. The environment is reaping the benefits with every car taken off the street.
After days of reaching near-record pollution in Paris, they enforced a partial ban to relieve themselves of the intensifying smog. Even-numbered license plates were ordered to stay home for the first day and odd-numbered the next. They alternated every day for one week. A fine was issued to those that did not abide resulting in almost 4,000 drivers ticketed, according to Reuters. Typically, Paris has more smog than other European cities. In this particular week, they had 147 micrograms of particulate matter versus 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London. By the end of the week the air had made drastic improvement and the ban was lifted.
A more permanent display of a city wanting to improve air conditions is present in Vauban, Germany. Cars are indeed allowed, but the only places to park are on the edge of the development, and a space can cost as much as $40,000. The main public transport still runs and most people ride bikes to get around. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and as much as 50 percent in heavily populated areas in the United States. This upscale suburban city in Germany is making impact around the world, influencing more accessibility to public transportation and stores.
Warm, Bogota, Columbia makes a celebration out of a nationwide day-long ban on cars. Warm temperatures tend to trap greenhouse gases which creates smog over cities. Only buses and taxis are permitted on the Day Without Cars. Violaters also faced a fine here but millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, and enjoyed the day. This day is part of an improvement campaign that began in the mid-1990s. Bogota has constructed 118 miles of bycicle path, more than any Latin American city. Parks have bloomed and other forms of transportation has been made easily accessible.
In America, recent studies suggest that citizens have been buying and driving fewer cars and getting fewer licences each year. Has car culture really started to diminish? The number of miles driven peaked in 2005 and has steadily dropped afterwards. If the pattern persists carbon emissions will be greatly decreased and the enviroment will definitely take notice. Transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, right behind power plants. The decrease in car commuting may find reason in the recession, and it may become a new habit. Wether the millenials will buy more cars when they have kids remains an open question, but it is very much doubted.
Greenhouse gas emissions from cars are very detrimental to the enviroment and even ourselves. Just by limiting how much cars are used in ordinary day we can preserve our earth. It is apparent that people already cut back on using cars for financial reasons, why dont we begin to cut back for environmental? | 23
75b1b41 | The Electoral College, its something that can change the amount of votes someone has rapidly depending on how many he or she has recieved. For some it is something that can help you, and for others its a nightmare. Most people would say it is something to be aware about and the rest dont care about it.
To start off, The Electoral College is not a physical builiding or place, its a process that the founding fathers established in the Constitution as a compromise between elections of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Most people belive that this process should be eliminated, some of those protesters are or were very important people, for example Bob Dole, he once said "
The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational.
Secondly, If someone is in the Electoral College and vote for who they want for President, really they dont vote for them, according to "The Indefensible Electoral College" by Bradford Plumer, the people on the Electoral College actually "vote not for the President, but for a slate of electors, who in return elect the president." Thats messed up! They barley have any control on who they vote for. What if the electors dont vote for who the voters expect to win? Actually, this incedent has happend before in Hawaii in 1960 with two electors, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please.
Next, The Elecotral College is widley regarded as an anachronism. According to "In Defense of The Electoral College" by Richard A. Posner, "
the advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense...
". It is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When people are voting for a presidential candidate, they're actually voting for a slate of electors. Its is truley unfair for that to happen because the electors can betray the presidential nominee and cast their vote for the opposing nominee.
Finally, It is entirely possible for the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. It is very rare for something like that to occur. According to "In Defense of The Electoral College" by Richard A. Posner, "
It happend in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush, yet fewer electoral votes..."
.A tie in the nationwide electoral votes is possible because the total number of votes, which is 538, is an even number, but it is highly unlikely.
Overall, The Electoral College should be removed, because when the electors cast their vote, they dont really take part in the vote, it really is the slate. Sure, it can add more votes than the nominee actually has, but it is an unfair, outdated, and irrational procces that should no longer be in the Constisution. | 34
cb989ad | Driverless Cars would be great. But in all reality how safe are they? Are they going to be expensive? Should we trust these cars with our lives? There are a lot of questions that could be asked about these cars. But can they all be proven? Well people will soon come to find out.
How safe are these cars? They are safe until they have a technology mishap or faailure. You can not always trust technology. Any question of these cars could be asked. But what if they can't be proven? For instance if your car doesn't warn you of danger, road construction, or any detours and you're asleep. But your car didn't warn you. How's that your fault? That's the thing they will tell you that you were "driving" so it was your fault.
These cars may not be safe. They may not even be cheap. Do i think driverless cars are a good idea? No i think they are a terrible idea. I'm sure many people would agree. There are enough accidents as there is. But if a car is going to fail there's another. And it may not be your fault. But you were the one driving. | 12
635a4b4 | Cars are a normal form of transportation some might say, but in Vauban, Germany there is a car free town. "Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this new experimental district on the outskirts of Freiburg, near the French and Swiss borders". Says paragraph two in the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", some people may find this scenrio strange but its actually becoming more common. Many countries all over the world are starting making either a "car free day" or on certain days, making people pay fines for driving.
First, an example of a "car free day" is in Paris, France. This city has typically more smog than other European capitals. "Last week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found". After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear air pollution of the global city". Monday motorists with even number license plates were ordered to leave their car at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31)". The same would apply to odd number plates the following day". The congestion went down sixty percent in the Capital of France, the smog cleared enough monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd numbered plates on Tuesday.
Secondly, another example of a car free day is in Bogota, Colombia. "Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work on car-free day". This day in Bogota has been celebrated for three years straight now, "where cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of seven million". The goal of this day is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Even when it rains on car free day in Bogota this doesn't stop people from participating," says Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus. A businessman says "it's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."
In conclusion, countries all over the world are trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and smog. Paraguay, France, Colombia, and even America is trying to get people to use different types of transportation and reduce smog. So citizens all over the world should just for one day not use a car. One person can start a revolution for their community, city, or state. If everyone all over the world could do this we would reduce tons of greenhouse gases amd smog. We can make earth a better place and more healthy enviroment. | 23
f73a4ae | Limiting car use could be a good thing, or producing greener cars that find an alternitive fuel rather than burning fossil fuels. The american society is built around cars, and as cars have only been around for a hundred years. we have not been interested in changing what they run on. Maybe we could find a cleaner burning fuel source so that we dont have to cut cars completly out of our lifes. Alternative means like electric cars and cars that run on solar power are out there we are just not mass producing them. the cars that are out and that run on an alternative means of fuel are to expensive for the avarage american. Oil companies dont want to see this switch happen to cars that run on alterniatve fuel because then that cuts into their budget.
There are cities that have cut cars out of their society completly, like vauban germany. were they are almost completly car free. You can still own a car there you just have to pay 40,000 for a parking space, which deters most people from owning a car. 70 percent of the population in vauban do not own cars as a result. Making the air in their city alot cleaner than their neighbors. Cities like paris and beijing china have some of the worst polution records than any other city in the world. Paris got so bad that they had to inforce a driving ban just to let it clear up. Cities like these have alot of residents which means they have alot of cars. Offering free transportation on some days might intise peple to leave their car at home and help lession the rate of polution that is given off.
Their are alternatives for now like car pooling and public transportation, but as the population keeps growing we are going to have to find another means of getting around greener. Once plug in and hybrid cars become cheaper there will be more of them found on the road, but for now we can try and cut back on our car use to help the enviorment. as more places become more populated the polution is only going to increase. In america however the main source of polution is not coming from cars it is coming from factories. which burn fossil fuels and blow them right up into the atmosphere. so we need to not just focus on cars we need to also focus on factories and trying to find an alterntive fuel that can power them.
We cant just cut cars out of our life but maybe we can cut back our use of them in our society, just so we can leave a better world for genorations to come. Alternative fuel is the answer we just have to start producing cleaner burning cars and more effiecent factories. | 23
3d37123 | I feel that the driverless cars are a great idea. It shows how much we are developing and what we can do, and also make the roads much safer. There are alot of positive aspects of the driverless cars. This could lead to many other great things!
The passage says,"Sensors cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine.'' This is a positive aspect because this will help people not get into wrecks. Alot of people and their children would be safer because of these sensors. The sensors and computer hardware are leading to more cars that can do other task by theirselves.
The driverless car has multiple sensors. The sensors will tell you if its getting to close to something. That would make it harder for people to get into wrecks. The car uses laser beams to form a 3-D model of the cars surroundings, so the car knows when to stop when it comes to close to an object.
Driverless cars have touch sensors to make sure the human has their hands on the wheel at all times. This is a very positive aspect, because if the car malfunctions then the human can take over right away and still be safe. The cars alos notify the driver when it requires the human driver's skills. This makes it even harder to get into a wreck.
There are alot of positive aspects of the driverless cars. All of the aspects are very positive and safe. Imagine not having to worry about everyone else on the roads and feeling completley comfortable in your own driverless car. These cars will make the world more developed and make our everyday lives safer. | 12
74aab02 | Their are so many things you can do to help keep the envierment safe to live in. Some countys world wide have already started taking these procations to protect the earth. The thing these countries have decided to change in their everyday life is to take cars away or start limiting the use of them. Now this might sound like a big deal but their are many advantages to this appeal of motor use.
Some advantages of cars being limited or just not used at all, would mean we would be saving more money. Just think about all the money you throw away to put it towards your car. Their are bills, repairs, new car if you get into a bad acident, ect. The list just goes on and on. Their could be so much more you could spend your money on and it could make are economy richer.
In source 3: car-free day is sprinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky it states that " In Bogota people who violated the car usage would be faced witha fine of $25". This is another way of showing you how much money you are wasting on your car.
Another advantage to not owning or using a car would be the pollution levels in the earths atmosphere would go down. In sourse 2:paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer it states that "after days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a parital driving ban to clean the air of the global city". Now the people of the world should have never let pollutin get this bad. The french more of paris had smog (a type of pollution) for at least a week. In sourece 4: the end of the car culture by Elizabeth Rosenthal it states that "As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was on January 1995". So the cars limitations is actually helping lower the number of miles which means the pollution rate is also going down.
Their are many advantages to not using or at least limiting the use of a car. such as reducing the money that is spent on one which wouls help the economy out. Also reducing the the polluction that cars produce. These are just some of the small advantages that come with the reduction and limitations of cars in the world we live in today. | 34
10d4feb | In 1976 NASA released a photo of a landform on Mars resembling a human face. Not everyone was easily convinced that it was only just a landmass though. Conspiracy theorists believed that it was, "Bona fide evidence of life on Mars." In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars," the author, Garvin, believed that it was only a mesa. I agree with Garvin that this landmass was not an alien or proof of aliens whatsoever.
There is a large amount of proof in the article that was confirmed by NASA that this face is only a landmass, nothing more. In paragraph two of the article the author claimed that mesa's were ordinary in Cydonia, area the mesa was located, according to scientists. The only difference between this mesa and other mesa's found on Mars is that it had uncommon shadows over it illustrating eyes and a mouth. Since mesa's are common in this area it is very unlikely that this, "face," was anything different than just an average mesa taken at an odd angle with a low quality camera.
The author also stated in paragraph seven that in 1998 that the photo was retaken with a higher quality camera. NASA released the photo onto a JPL website once the photo was confirmed and the only thing found was not an alien monument, but a natural landform. Many people still doubted that it was a mesa after this photo due to wispy clouds bluring the picture of the monument. According to paragraph ten in the article, the picture was taken one last time of the landmass revealing the same thing, an average mesa.
Mesa's also are found commonly in the american west as said in paragraph eleven. The mesa resembles the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain in Idaho. The two mesa's share a similiar height, appearence, and were not alien monuments. People argue that the mesa in Ohio doesn't have a face appearing on the top, but the only reason the mesa on Mars has a face is due to the angle at which the picture was taken as I said earlier in my piece.
The two oppsing sides in this argument have evidence to argue their opinion. The belief that the mesa is actually a face is inncorect due to evidence in the article and my essay. Mesa's are common in the area the picture was taken and the face was caused by shadows along with a low quality camera. Whichever side you are on I believe I have brought forth enough evidence to change your opinion or strengthen your opionion that there was no alien lifeforms yet found on Mars. | 34
2209d70 | I think that the "Face on Mars" is just a naturual landform. I think that it is unlogical to say that Aliens created that face. I'm going to give you a few reasons as to why I think that. What do you say?
Okay so, if the "Face on Mars" was really created by aliens, why would there be absolutley no evidence of the aliens creating it? How come it has only appeared in books and magazines? Im just curious. I do believe that the "Face on Mars" has always been there and is a naturual landform.
I know that this is just my opinion though. You all have the rights to your opinons as well. So, what do you guys think about the "Face on Mars"? I would love to hear your guys' opinion! Feel free to write the NASA scientist labratory to fill me in on what you think! | 12
bd2920f | A new piece of technology, the Facial Action Coding System, has been developed and is helping with the learning the emotions of others. Some may say that this technology should not be used in classrooms because it invades the students' privacy. However, finding the emotions of students in classrooms could help teachers with what kind of lessons to prepare and finding out potemial problems that students had. The ability to read the emotions of students in classrooms could be extremely valuable.
Some may argue that having the emotions of students read in class would be a bad idea. If the school could find out what their students were feeling with a computer program, the students may be unhappy with the idea that their school was observing their feeling. In paragraph 8 of the article, the author states, "faces don't lie". If teachers used this technology, they could know the emotions of students even if students tried to hide it. In this way, students could feel as though the school is invading their privacy by finding out emotions that they want to keep hidden. Their emotions can be tied to their thoughts. In most cases, people consider their no one else should be able to know their thoughts and emotions without the person's consent. Some argue that reading the emotions of others will be an invasion of privacy.
Teachers using the knowledge of students' emotions could be helpful in a classroom. If teachers know how students are reacting to different assignments, they could alter the worksheets to make the students more interested and understand what they are learning better. Also, if a computer can understand the emotions of children that are using it, the computer can change the material to aid in the learning. The article states, "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" and "it could modify the lesson". Teachers being able to help students better understand what they are being taught is just one of many benefits to using the Facial Action Coding System in classrooms.
The knowledge of students' emotions could be beneficial to schools. If teachers could figure out the emotions of students, they teachers could potentially find and help students that are suffering with problems. The author states, "faces don't lie". Knowing what is truely going on with students by using this program could help the teacher recognize if a student is struggling with anxiety or stress. Students with anxiety and stress could potentially have suicidal thoughts or actions. By identifying this problem, teachers could get help for the student and help prevent the death of an innocent life. The article also states, " moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them". The teachers could additionally do exercises with students to reduce their stress levels. The technologies like the Facial Action Coding System could help teachers know about students' anxiety and prevent harm to the students.
Though some say there could be several issues with using technology to read emotions in classrooms, there are many more benefits than issues. The system could modify the learning style to one that suits the individual student and could help teachers learn of problems the student has. Using technologies like the Facial Action Coding System to help read students' emotions could be an important asset for schools. | 45
d2ef605 | The face. People think it was created by aliens, some others belive it's just a natural landform, but it is in fact a natural landform. Although it does look like a face, that aliens created, it is a landform created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa, with shadows that make it look like it has facial features.
A Martian mesa. That's all the face is. It was created by a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated messa, with shadows that give it the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. Martian mesas, are common enough around Cydonia, which is another reason why this could'nt have been created by aliens. Lastly, this couldn't have been aliens, because there is not enough scientific proof to even know if there is even any form of life on mars. The face is just a huge rock formation, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features.
Even though most people believe that it is a natural landform, some do believe it was aliens who created it. One reason is because, it is more benitfital for Nasa to keep quiet, and say it is a natural landform. Another reason is because, the face looks more like an alien face than a natural landform. Although there is more proof that it is a natural landform, that face could have been made by aliens.
All in all the face appears to be a natural landform. Some people may disagree but, there is more facts and research, that the face is a natural landform. Although there is more facts about it being a natural lansdform, some people still will think it could have been aliens who created the face. But the face is just a huge rock formation created by a Martian mesa, with shadows that give you the illusion of facial features. | 23
f8f4fe9 | Venus is the secound planet from the sun and yet it is also the hottest. It is also the closest planet the resembile Earth. It orbits the sun just like Earth and it is decently close to Earth. Mars is also kind of like Earth but not like Venus is. I think that Venus is very worthly to pursuit but with all the dangers I don't think we should visit, but I do think that we should keep studing.
According to the text "Whille Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very callenging place to examine more closely." This shows that Venus is safe to study here from earth and that there is no dangeres with looking at it with a microscope. This shows that we can study Venus and still be safe here on Earth.
I also think that we shouldn't have anyone on a ship go to Venus just yet until we study it more and figure out how to land the ship. According to the text " Eah previous mission was unmmanned, and for good reason, since no pacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe the issue expalins why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." This shows that is is not safe to send people on spacecrafts to Venus woth out them dying in a few hours. I odnt think that someones life is worth a few hours on anouther plant, all though it would be very benfishal. If they owuld take samples of things that we need to look at and some how get it back to us so we can study and get to kow the planet more, but i don't think that it is safe or smart to send people there.
Last but not leasat Venus has the hottest surface temperature than any other planet. According to the text " These conditions are far more exterme than anyhting humans encounter on Earth; such an enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals. Also notable, Venus has the hotterst surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." This shows that Venus is not safe and that it is too dangrous to survive. It is too hot and it is too dangrous for any human being.
With all of this information we should jsust hang back and study, maybe even try to make a ship that can with stand the pressure or even a suit that can survive with all the heat. We just need to study maybe run some trials on gettings ships there but not with people on them. | 23
36d1d91 | The "Unmasking the Face on Mars" can be believed as being a natural landmark or created by aliens. There are many thoughts to as it being natural or aliens creating the face. Everytime scientists go to Mars they normally see the face. So who knows if it was actually created naturally or by aliens. It is your opinion as to how the Face on Mars was created.
When scientist go to Mars they scan over it in "2.5 km-wide strips," and they hardly every pass over the face. The face has had unusual shawdows when they examine it. Sometimes the face "has given an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Have you ever thought of the face coming from nobody realizing it when they walk they may kick the dust and it could have formed and it may not be that windy, so it nevers moves. The face could represent that there could be life on Mars.
There are many thoughts as to how the face happened. Also "few scientists believe that it is an alien artifact." Not every scientist has to believe the same thing as another scientist. The face is most likely naturally there because there are many things in the universe that are naturally made. Many mountains, hills, cracks, and special marks on things are usually natural, which is why many people believe the Face on Mars is naturally there. | 12
a3127af | Have you ever gotten one of those moments where you think, "how did they read my emotions?" Now imagine that with a computer. We can use computer technology to detect emotions of someone. It could even help in detecting depression.
The Facial Action Coding System can detect multiple emotions at once. The author even considers that "Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of "Da Vinci Code"(Paragraph 5). The scientists that work with FACS demonstrated with the Mona Lisa, with the intention to see what she was feeling like. Computers should have this technology because most communication between humans is nonverbal, in realtionship with emotional communication.
While your PC at home can't handle the complexity of this expirement that was used to decode the Mona Lisa's smile, it is still possible to find emotions. "But we can write down son simple instructions that "encode" different emotions (paragraph 7).
You may not always need this type of technology, but with increasing cases of depression, it could be possible to detect early stages of depression before it is too late.
Some experts are able to see when people lie on television. Actors for example, are caught lying by professionals because of the certain muscles that would have been used by that actor. The experts are able to figure out if that muscle they are using is making a fake emotion or not. But not everyone is an expert in this type of facial reading. Which is why we should have technology in classrooms detecting student emotions. During a lesson in a class or something, expressions cold be read to figure out if they aren't paying attention because they are laughing, if they feel mad about something, or if they just don't care. The technology could even detect when something is putting on a fake smile during class.
I stand with the people who believe that we should use FACS to read students emotinal expressions. It could help detect depression in students, it could help with finding out what the students could be confused about; and it could also be used to see what students may be distracted on something else. Putting on a fake smile may not always work, but putting on a real one will make you feel happier. | 23
5736882 | The Facial Action Coding System would not be very useful in the classroom because most teachers do not change their lesson just because one of their students is confused or bored, the FACS is not even able to read past the basic six emotions so it will not know when a student is bored or confused, and most teachers do not use computers all the time or even at all in class.
Teachers do not change their lesson when one of their students is bored or confused. Everyone that has been in school is well aware of this. Most teachers do try to make it less boring and more fun if multiple students are feeling the same and they do try to explain things better for those that are confused. A computer that "senses" when a student is becoming bored or confused, will not be able to do the same and have the same result. The FACS could help the computer see that a student is becoming bored and modify the lesson, but how much help would that be? People learn better when other people are there to explain things. A computer cannot provide the same effect.
According to the fourth sentence in paragraph three, the FACS only knows how to read the six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Meaning that the FACS would not actually be able to tell if the user or student is bored or confused. If the program cannot actually sense those two emotions, how will it be able to modify lessons for students to learn a little better without being confused? In paragraph four, it does mention how the software can identify "mixed emotions" but it would ot be very helpful for those two considering that they are harder to tell by just looking at someone's face when it is better to ask.
Most teachers do not use computers in class often. Sometimes, they do not use them at all. Unless the students are in a typing class or a program coding class, teachers for other subjects rarely use computers outside of taking tests or doing projects. They rarely ever trust a computer to teach their lessons for them. That is why they are called "teachers". So the FACS software program would merely go to waste.
The Facial Action Coding System would not best suit being in classrooms since the teachers do not change their lessons so the computers should not either, humans express way more than just six emotions and a computer would not be able to detect them all, and very few teachers actually have full computers in their classrooms to help them teach instead of small laptops or just very little technology altogether. | 34
d8b7938 | The Face on Mars is not an alien monument or creation. A lot of people do think that it was made by some alien life form but they are mistaken. Scientists have done multiple studies to conclude that it is a natural landformation.
First of all, the formation is known as a mesa. There are shadows from the formation that give the illusion of eyes, a mouth, and a nose. Also in the picture from 2001 each pixel in the photo graph is 1.56 meters on the planet so you would be able to see any artifacts or structures if there were any.
In conclusion, the Face on Mars is not an alien formation. Scientists have proven this by the effect of the shadows on the rock, the fact that it is a mesa, and by there not being any artifacts on or around the formation. Therefore, this is not evidence of there being ancient civilizations on Mars. | 12
f9da9bf | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is known as Eath's "twin" and is closest planet to Earth, and the untold mysteries it holds.
Exploring Venus to study is infact dangerous but as the aouthor states in the text " Today, Venus still has some features that are analgous to thos on Earth". This line explains that the possibilities of surving in Venus is about 50/50, it also meant that if Venus has these various feathers that Earth have, then it's the chances of being able to go there is hiher because of feathers like; oceans, valleys, mountains, craters, and differnt forms of life. It also says that " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray".
This is significant because it explained how the NASA already have plans and intructions for this event that they are hoping to make it happen. Furthermore, it says how the process and devices would help them to go on Venus and how it is survivable for humans because the temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, and machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to the NASA's knowledge of Venus.
This article shows all the possibilities of surviving on Venus to study the Venus with their new machines, and innovations for the sucess. | 23
9e9a1d4 | Technoloagy has improved the world, with new technoloagy humans acomplish jobs quicker, but there are some technology that shouldn't be allow to be use by humans. One of the technology is driverless cars. There should not be any driverless cars on the road conserdering the safty of everyone, the moneny that the goverment and taxes needed and the improvement is just not that useful.
Google confounder Sergey Brin invented a transportation system that could drive independently under specific conditions. But "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic isssues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." If the cars still needs human to operate then why even have a driverless car? This improvement of tecnology is useless, improving car to driverless yet still need driver to oprate and drive.
Furtheremore, the driverless cars are computer driven cars, there are no garrenties that the computer will not make any misstake. Even smartphones and GPS these days have problems and makes misstakes. So, there could be a chance that the computer driven cars will make misstakes, rather the misstake will cost a life or more. "Most driving law focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safty is best achieved with alert drivers." The lawmakers know that if a driver is not alert, accedients will happen.
Adding to the point, driverless cars "read the positive and negative polarity in binary code. These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." The money that is need to build these code on roads inorder for driverless car to work better are way to expensive, why waste the moeny on a fancy road when now there are still holes on normal roads?
In conclusion, humans should not use driverless cars. It is a waste of moeny and investment. While the car is called driverless car, the irony of still needs a driver to operate is just unecerary. Also, for the safty of the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians it is to dangerious to drive a driverless car. The technologys are not perfect. Driverless cars that are controled computers and computers will make misstakes, when is this does happen who is it that to blame? The drive or the computer? | 34
ad11bff | In the future, driveless cars can become something big that can benefit or cause problems. Cars in my opinion should be driven by people and not driven by a car. It would be better because people wouldn't have to be depending on the car. Plus, everyone takes a drivers test before getting a official license. Would people still need one to drive a car that already drives itself?
Cars either way have to be driven. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." This quote in the draft explains well on how a car still can't compete with actual human help to drive. It can also tell how driving a car still requires someone. Especially when they go through construction work or other accidents on the road.
The safety is also important. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." This is an example of how people need alert drivers and not some random car driving itself. They need someone to be in control of a car and watching the road.
It will cause many problems. "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault—the driver or the manufacturer?" This statement is true. Who will be responsible? It would probably be the drivers and the cars fault, but would someone actually be blamed if the car was driving? They would have to think of laws that would have to protect the people in the accident and who aren't.
All of this with the car that drives itself is just to much for people. People can't be depending on technology even more, but in their skills. They need to know that they can drive and prevent things from happening and not having to depend on a car to do the work for them. Where will they be in the future, if people do sale these cars and put them in the streets? | 34
1fc74a6 | Self-driving cars are the new inventions of our generation! Let's celebrate we just made a new creative invention that people have been waiting for...or maybe not. We still make mistakes. We are not computers, but we are the ones that create them. Maybe this is not such a fantastic idea when you think about it.
According to the article, these cars will be "safer" due to sensors that should alert the driver as soon as there is a task that the car cannot perform by itself. These tasks include situations such as navigating around accidents and construction. However, this is still a very new invention. Even older technology that we continue using today contain glitches. The most common is the computer. Even the most popular and well-made brand will still have difficulties. In my experience, cars have had way too many glitches too. Every year people spend way too much money on cars. Maybe we should perfect everything we have before we try to find a possibly more harmful solution.
I don't believe that this was in the article, but I would think that most people would by this driverless car because they want to rest on the way to work. It's early in the morning, and people must want to have just a few more minutes or relaxation, maybe even sleep, before they have to deal with another full day of stress. The problem with this is that people fall asleep quite fast. What worries me the most is that individuals who miss their alarm clock in the morning would most likely miss the vibration that the car would provide, as stated in the article. Therefore, our lack of awareness would cause even more accidents than before.
In our economy today, people are constantly looking forand losing jobs today. My mother is currently searching for a job that would help benifit our family since she lost her job that provided everything we needed. Now imagine a thousand drivers education teachers and BMV workers struggling to find a job because of this one car. I understand that this will not be an immediate change, but overtime people will lose money and families could eventually break up due to the widespread of this invention.
In conclusion, I do not support this idea. I worry too much about others due to personal experiences. It's great that our community is using our brains to create an easier world; However, i do not believe that it is the right time. Our knowledge of electronics and awareness of basic people's needs must grow more. I can see driverless cars in our future, but I will only support it when it is the right time. | 34
3142f8d | I'm opposing the idea for driverless cars because, although it's a good thought, I wouldn't feel safe driving on a road where there is a car without a person. I was intrigued by the question in paragraph 9 when it asked, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fauly - the driver or the maufacturer?" I think the maufacturer is to blame because they're the people putting these cars on the street although people are buying them and giving their lives to a computer I just wouldn't feel comfortable doing it.
I could see why people think that driverless cars are a good idea because in paragraph 2 Google states that their cars have driven half a millions miles without a crash, but those cars aren't truly driverless, they have a human sitting in it ready to drive and the car alerts them when there's roadblocks, when the driver has to pull out of the driveway, and when there's traffic issues.
The author puts some good details about how they have advanced sensors (paragraph 5) and i can't wait to see the Mercedes, Audi, and Nissan driverless cars in 2020. | 12
4fc2548 | These four passages "In german suburb , life goes on without cars " , "Paris bans driving due to smog , " Car -free day is spinning into a hit hit in bogota and " The end of car culture . Talk about life with out cars , how that benefits us and how it makes people feel.
Source one talks about life in Vauban , germany and how cars arent allowed in the suburbs . If so then you need to pay a fee . Not using cars is better for the environment and makes people feel better about themselfs . "When i had a car i was always tense . Im much happier this way " stated heidrun walter . You see more people outside , riding boikes , and children playing . 70 percent of people in vauban dont own cars , and 57 percent of people sold their cars so they could live there . Also in source two it talks about the banning of cars in order to clear the air of the global city . Anyone who refused to stop using their cars were fined . Paris had more smog than other european capitals . In source three People of the city bogota , colmbia , hd a free day also in order to get rid of smog . People hiked , took buses , or skated places ."its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution ." Stated businessman carlos arturo . Improvements have also been made to the city . such as new side walks ,less traffic,parks , and sports centers .People are way happier . In source four it talks about how americans are becoming less interested in cars . Sociologists believe that it will have a positive impact on carbon emissions . Limiting car usage is better for the environment and the people who live in it . Its better for people to ride bikes and go walking . I think that if everyone would continue to stop driving then the world would be a better place .People would live longer , less violence and more happiness .
In conclusion , driving cars can cause a big probem in people lives . things would be easier if everyone quit driving all together .More and more people each year dont get their licence or just stop driving period . Thats how things should be . | 12
c2a3c50 | Venus; the second planet in our solar system, Earth's twin, and neighbors next to Earth and Mars. Venus and Mars are the closest planets to Earth, but when moving around the sun, sometimes mars is closer to earth than venus and vice versa. Another thing about Venus is that its kind of Earth's twin. Venus is closest to Earth's size and density than all the other planets. But one thing about mars is, its virtually unexplorable. Despite the dangers on this planet, the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" wants scientists to go foward into exploring Venus. Here is his evidence in his article that supports him.
Scientists have tried to explor Venus, and have spent millions of dollars on space craft to try to land on it. Those missions had to be unmanned, why though? None of the spacecrafts that went to Venus survived for lots of reasons. Venus's atmosphere is thick and is 97 percent carbon dioxide and is full of clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, also the temperature averages over 800 degrees fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we feel here on earth. Venus could crush anything and liquefy our metals as well with the hottest surface temperatures in our solar system. Along with all of those factors of stopping the exploration of Venus, there are also earthquakes, erupting volcanos, and lightning strikes. Even after listing all those facts, the author still wants to study Venus.
Scientists are able to study some of Venus while being a safe distence from the planet, but they wont be able to get any fragments of the ground or any samples of the planet. Also, with the dense clouds in Venus's atmosphere, they wouldn't be able to see much of the ground. But, the author thinks they have found a way. Scientists at NASA have been testing out a some new eletronics and puttuing them to the test with similar Venus dangers, and so far they have passed. The scientists are making new technologies stronger to be able to withstand Venus, at least long enough to get what they need to be able to study venus further. I bet the author is happy about that.
This author of this article did not give up on his idea of studing Venus. No matter how many dangerous and deadly things they threw at him, and even the scientists. They never gave up hope of someday exploring venus, and now hopefully hear soon they can give the new information they have gathered from venus to the author. | 23
63d70fa | Do beleive in life on Mars? Many people do, they beleive that there is evidence to back up their theory. Such as the photograph, that was originally taken in 1976, of a rock that supposedly looks like a face. Though scientists know that the "face" is only a natural landform on Mars such as a rock.
The rock was photographed three times, in a place on Mars called Cydonia, the photgraphings were in , 1976, 1998, and 2001. Each time that picutre was taken it became more clear revealing that the "face" is simply a rock with many shadows. The shadows make the rock look like a face giving and illusion of a nose, eyes, and a mouth.
The photo was released to the public in 1976. This lead many people to believe that there really was life on mars. Many conspiracy theories formed. People believed now more than ever that life exsisted on Mars. Scientists knew this was false, it was merely a mesa, or rock.
Another photo was taken above Cydonia in 1998. This photo was taken by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) unlike that of the 1976 photo which was taken by NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft. This photo was ten times sharper than the original one. The picture provided even more evidence that "face"
was nothing more than a natural landform.
Though not eveyone was satisfied because the photo had been taken during a cloudy time on Mars. People believed that alein markings were hidden behind the cloudy haziness of the planet. Therefore in the summer of 2001 the MGS snapped another photo of the "face". The camera could capture pyramids, small shacks, or airplanes because the image could capture objects 3 times bigger than the pixel size.
The image revelad no such evidence that life once occured on Mars.
Many people might still be skeptical of the "face", but there is not enough evidnece to back up life on Mars. The "face" is just another conspiracy of life. Scientists know that the "face" is only a rock, or other natural landfrom on mars. | 23
4dc320a | Is studying Venus worth the dangers it presents to people? This topic is often debated, many want to but cannot seem to overcome the atmoshperic conditions. The author of this article thinks it is worth exploring. The modern electronics wouldn't survive,it's tempurature is 800 degrees and NASA's sulotion has even greater diffficulties.
The third paragraph in this article the author discusses the planets atmopshere and temperature. The atmosohere surronding Venus is 97 percent carbone dioxide,a gas deadly to humans. The clouds around Venus are very corrosive sulfuric acid, and the pressure is 90 times greater then on earth. The temperature at the surface is 800 degrees. These climates are far more extreme than any climate on eath. The author does not give a very good reason the danger are worth it in this peregraph. These dangers could very easily end a life of any person willing ot explor Venus.
In paragraph four the author discusses how NASA wants to send people to study venus. They do not currently have any invintions that would allow humans to be on the sufrace of Venus. They are purposing a vehicle similar to a blimp that would travel 30 miles above the surface of Venus. The heat would still be a 170 degrees, but the pressure would be survivable. However in paragraph six the author continues to shut down ideas, that would prove their point. They talk about how the atmosphere is so dense that light would not be able to penetrate it. Then continues to talk about how they couldnt gather rock,gas or any other samples. They also state that standered photography and videagraphy would be useless.
In paraghrap seven the author goes over the aproaches of tecnology. They say NASA is working on some electronics made of siclicon carbide,though they are simplified they lasted three weeks in a simulatution of Venuses atmosphere. They are also working on old technology. The devices were first thougt of in the 1800s and played a big part during world war two. The devices used levers and gears to make calculations. They do not work as quickly as modern computers but are less sensetive to extreme conditions.
Over all the author of this article did a poor job supporting this idea. They made many claims, but the counter claims seemed to take more importance. In the last paragraph the author seems to support the idea better then in the rest of the article. | 34
c89eda8 | For decades, humanity has been using cars as the daily mode of transportation. New innovations are starting to question whether the original car should be replaced by a smart car that could drive itself. However, these cars have multiple flaws that only confirms that it is not yet time for a re-invented car.
The greatest flaw of driverless cars is that they are not fully driverless. These cars, many of which can drive themselves up to ninety percent of the time, require drivers to stay at the wheel. Traffic issues and and irregular roadwork problems are always unique and require drivers to take over and fix the situation. Some cars even alert the driver to take over when pulling out of driveways or fulfilling other everyday situations.
When the cars are not completley driverless, new law issues emerge. As of now the majority of states deem selfdriving cars are not as safe as normal cars and prohibit any use of them whatsoever. Even if selfdriving cars were accepted, states would have to decide if the technology were to fail whether the driver or the manufacturer should be blamed.
Lastly, driving is a great experience reguardless of new technology. Many people enjoy having the time in the car to reflect while driving. If drivers were not forced to look at the roads they would most likely look at in car entertainment systems in hopes of recreating a fun driving experience. This would only take away from the feeling conveyed when traveling.
Driverless cars are not ready to be released to the public. They are still flawed in various ways because of how they still require a driver in order to drive with common situations. The tradition of driving should be, as it always has been, an experience shared by all people. | 23
Subsets and Splits