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3fe76e7 | In America people use automobiles for evryday life. Look at it this way, if there werent any cars anymore we would be walking all the time. Which would leed to bad joint pain and expensive doctor bills. Plus think of how crowded the side walks would be. Your kids would get lost or even stolen right out from under your nose now do you really want that. Automobiles have been around forever why ruin what people worked so hard to gain. A lot of people would lose their job if we got rid of them. You think the unemployment rait is bad now get rid of cars and watch it increase.
If we had to walk everywhere, that pain that just went away in your ankles and feet would suddenly come back again. And what if your in a hurry to get to work how are you going to get there in time if your only going at a walking speed. The crowd would slow you down emensly, even at school the crowd can slow a person down by a lot. when the teacher lets us out early I dont have to fight the crowd as much and can get to my parent much faster to go home.
Think about the children, if you were walking one day to the store and look back to see that your five year old is suddenly missing, what would you do. You would look and see nothing but people in the crowd, you would have no clue to who has your child. But if your in your car and you look back he/she will be right there safe and sound waiting to get home to watch there favorite show, not in the hands of a stranger wondering who is this person and will I ever see my mommy again.
We Americans work hard for what we get in life, and if you get layed off from your job what gose through your head. Well I dont personnly have a job but you do, and so do hundreds of people at Ford Motor Company, and General Motors two very famous automobile manufacturers. If we dont drive cars and buy cars guess what happens they lose money and if a huge manufactuer loses money then its time to start lowering wages and laying people off. So do you really want that.
So think before you do things like take away our car rights. The prompt says to find good things about not having cars but I just cant because the bad is more bad than the good is good. Personnly if I had a child I wouldnt want him/her being stolen by a stranger. Or being me being layed off because people dont wnat to harm the earth's atmosphere. | 23
09fc519 | The use of the Facial Action Coding System sounds like an excellent idea. It would allow schools to make classes more enjoyable for students. Teachers would know if the students are understanding the lessons. Teachers could know if students are stressing and help them calm down. The software would help provide better data for researchers. The program would benefit both students and teachers. It would also make getting data for research easier.
With the use of the new software, schools can provide a better learning environment. The program can tell people how the students respond to lessons and how they are taught. Teachers can take this information and use it to better their classrooms. They can make their lessons more interactive and fun. The software would allow for more labs to be performed in science classes. It might inspire students to go into science fields if they enjoy the F.A.C.S.
The technology could help teachers recognize struggling students. Many students will not say that they need help, even if they do. Teachers may be able to help brighten a student's day, so they do not spend the rest being sad. This could help prevent school "accidents" and keep the school's environment "happier." The F.A.C.S could help teachers know when the students need a minute's break to help them refocus.
The software could help researchers collect better data faster. Researchers would not need to go to schools to collect information. They could just take it from the program directly. This could help them improve the technology and make it more efficient. The information would help in other studies regarding schools or students. It could also alert people to dangers in the classrooms by detecting whenever students are scared.
The F.A.C.S would make the classrooms of schools better. They could make students safer. The schools could receive better feedback on what works and what does not. Researchers would get better information for studies. The systems would benefit more than just one. | 34
754690b | A wide range of people make conspiracy theories based off of tv and maagazines. Most of their theories are false due to lack of research. A lot of people make conspiracy theories, and a lot of people come to believe they are true and they start making false accusations against the government not revealing discoveries to the public.
A global surveyor orbiting Mars captured an image of a face like figure on the surface of mars, NASA thought it was a mesa. It turned out to be a rock that had formed on the surface of mars.
NASA revealed the image to the public, The image caused an outbreak of conspiracy theories. There were a lot of debates on whether NASA was hiding something from the public or if they were being truthful. The majority of the public thought that NASA was hiding the truth, and they thought that the face was the result of foreign life forms.
Mars surface can form rocks and a vast majority of things that can be spotted on Earth. The rock formed | 01
8618ef2 | What is my position on a driverless car? I believe with enough improvments and optimization it could be a great substitute for real drivers and offers some great advantages with some disadvantages as well. As they currently are however I don't believe they can be substituted fully instead of a real driver. However with enough improvment and bug fixes they certainly could be.
Why couldn't they be used fully now? They aren't really as reliable as they need to be so they can't be used instead of real person. Driverless cars don't seem to have the ability to deal with unknown stimulus such as an accident on the road, therfore it is ill equip to make an apropriate decision to avoid these situations. And it appears the they can't handle speeds that you would find on the highway. Driverless cars aren't perfect but they do have some advantages along with the disadvantages.
First of all they have bulit in GBS so they wouldn't get completely lost like a human can. If there tech is advance enough they could avoid danger more effectively since a computer can react faster than human. There would be a decrease in mortality rate on the road because there wouldn't be as much danger paying attention somewhere else like being on you phone since you aren't the one driving. The amount of money you'd spend on gas would decrease since it would always drive the most cost saving speed.( while staying in bounds of the speed limit of course) You could be more productive with your days since you would be spending less time driving the car.
But currently they aren't advanced enough to take over driving fully from a person. The GBS tachnology that we currently have is faulty and will often make mistakes. The Cars sensors could malfunction causing it to speed up or slow down to rapidly causing a accident. They Currently can't make the apropriate decisons to avoid a accident or navigate around a roadblock. Also it can't really go speeds that you would find on a highway safely.
Now here are some of my suggestions to where they could get to the point where they are useable. There would need to be a large amount of servers set up to help the cars to make all the correct calculations. The censors on the cars would need a serious improvement so that they would be able to take acquire the correct data from the envronment. They would also need a better built in computers to process and interpret all the data. All of this development would increase the number of available jobs around the world helping out the economy. The driverless car isn't a reality but with enough effort it sure could be. Of course i'm no expert so take these suggestions at face value.
So in conclusion no they shouldn't currently be developed. They have a lot of problems that need to be addressed before hand. However in a few years they certainly could be. Technology needs to catch up with the concept because it currently isn't as reliable as they need to be. People also need to change they're perspective on them if they are going to go anywhere. They have a lot of potential and I would love to see them live up to it one day. What about you? | 34
97da44f | The author in the passage "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is talking about how he enjoys learning new things about Venus even though they never stepped foot on it, he enjoys the risk.
The author claims that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because it is so much like earth, they call Venus "Earth's Twin" and the "Evening Star". The author talks about how Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, but it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. "Astronomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system".Since Venus is so close to earth its easier to see what is going on there. As the author said in the passage "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additonal impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface", The author also says Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth.
The author is talking about how NASA has an idea to send humans to study Venus. The only way they could get any close to Venus's surface is if they "float above the fray". "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out their way". In other words means if they don't get anywhere near Venus ground nothing would happen to them. The author stated that anywhere near 30 or more miles above surface temperatures would still be very hot up to 170 degrees fehrenheit. "Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans".
Its is so hot in Venus that taking pictures is very difficult because the light cannot take the horrible hot atmosphere. The author is also talking about how researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything, from a distance. Probably since its not in the same atmosphere it could change or disappear if its not kept in the heat. The author is talking about how they are making up new technology that will survive for a long time in Venus so they could learn new things and discover other things about Venus.
In conclusion, the author said that humans shouldn't be intimidated because of the dangers on Venus and other planets, that should push them to want to try new things and discover more than they thought. | 23
a2ad3dd | The author claims that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because venus might once have been like earth and could be visited in the future. In the article the author gives information about the planet, why scientists want to study it, and possible approaches on studying venus.
In paragraph 4 the article says, "Astronomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." It then goes on to say, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth." In order to study Venus, NASA is coming up with ways to study Venus without risking any lives. One such example is a vehicle that would hover about 30 miles above Venus's surface. Another method is simplified electronics that have been tested in Venus-like conditions.
In conclusion, humans may soon be able to study Venus more closely and maybe one day put humans on the Evening Star. It is yet to be known when this might happen but with new technology, or maybe old technology, it is a possibility not worth giving up on. | 12
b33c427 | I agree with the author when he suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.
Although I agree even more when he says that is presents danger.
There are pros and cons on working with Venus. I agree with him because if him and his scientest discover things dealing with the phisical in venus or just plane facts it could do well for them.
Yet, the cons are extreme. In paragraph 2 it states " No space craft survived the landing after a few hours." The space men are going to have to learn new techniques in order to discover and survive. Another detail to go along with that cause is in paragraph 3 where it states " The conditions are far more extreme then anything humans encounter on earth." Theres gonna be a lot of tracks the men are going to face and have to learn to adapt.
In paragraph 4, it says that " atronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like thing plamet in our solar system." Maybe this is why the author suggest to look into it becuase it was once like us. Maybe he wants to know how it change so much.
Maybe in the near future we can be able to discover why those things happendand why. | 23
528fde0 | How do you get to where you need to go? Do you take a bus, drive a vehicle, ride a bicycle or walk? In 2005 in the United States, almost everybody had a personal vehicle for transportation needs. People all around the world are working to break the habbit of using a motorized vehicle to get places. Scientists say that driving the vehicle has a very bad effect on the enviroment.
In Vauban, Germany people are suburban pioneers. They have forbidded street parking, driveways and home garages. Their streets are car free, with some few exceptions. They have allowed car ownership, but there are only two places to park. They have large garages at the edge of the development, where the car owner has to buy a space that costs $40,000, along with a home. As a result of these limitations, 70% of people do not own cars, and 57% sold their car to move here. Heidrun Walter, a mother of two says that "When I had a car I was always tense. I`m much happier this way." Vauban is a growing trend in Europe, that was completed in 2006. Experts say that it is a huge effort to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States.
In Paris, they have enforced a partian driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday`s motorists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their vehicle at home or suffer a $31 fine. On Tuesdays, the odd numbered license plates would follow the same regulations. Congestion was down 60% in the capital of France, after the intensifying smog. Smog is a big problem in France, and it even rivaled China`s most polluted cities in the world. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals.
In Bogota, Colombia there was a program that is set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car free day. Businessman Carlos Arturo Plaze says that "It`s a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Authorities from other countries came to witness this event and were enthusiastic and believes they are generating a revolutionairy change and it is crossing borders. Parks and sport centers have bloomed throughout the city. Uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks and the rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.
In America, President Obama has ambitious goals to curb the greenhouse gas emissions and has gained a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in American behavior. America had long been one of the world`s prime car cultures, where it was the birthplace of the Model T. It seems that America`s love affair for its vehicles is cooling. The miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and has been on a steady decrease since then. Sociologists believe that if this pattern continues it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the eviroment since transportation is the second largest source of America`s emissions, right behind the power plants. Many people are taking advantage of car pooling apps, the internet is helping keep people connected so that they don`t have to drive somewhere just to talk to someone. There has been a large drop in percentage of 16 years olds to 39 year olds getting a license. A study last year found that driving by young people has decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009. Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company has laid out a business plan for a world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable. He proposed partnering with the telecommunications industy to create cities in which pedestrian, bicylce, private cars, commercial and public transportaion are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve power, lower emissions and improve safety.
Do you think you will still take a motorized vehicle to get to wherever you are going after reading this article? If not, you could be one of the many people that would contribute to saving the Earth and it`s precious enviroments. We are going through a revolution of enviromental friendly transportation, are you going to be apart of this? | 12
210fff5 | It is wise that election is chosen by popular vote. I think that it should be kept this way, and all that are Electoral College should be changed to election by popular vote. Election by popular vote is an easier choice and makes things more simple. It could give candidates more of a chance to get elected. Time would be wisely saved if all states had the same system, it would give people more of a chance to get elected.
In the Electoral College voters vote for a portion of electors, not the president. The Electoral College is unfair to voters, this process is just undated and not right. A lot of states may not even see their candidates. If election by popular vote is used more than the places that don't, then they should be changed.
It is just easier to decide when there are more or less voters. The Electoral College just has less of a chance to be kept. If every state did the same to elect then it would be easier to decide who should be the president of the United States. | 12
55d9189 | How would you feel if you pulled up to a stoplight, and the person next to you was in the front seat, but wasn't driving? It would seem odd at first, but unfortuantely, there is a very good chance that that is the way things could be in the near future. Personally, I do not think that driverless cars should be invented. However, there are people that think that being able to go somewhere in a car without having to actually drive it would be a great idea. Driverless cars are not a good idea, because the cars may be more expensive since they are driverless, there could be malfunctions since the car would be made of new technology, and the people in the car would have to know when to be paying attention, in case of an emergency.
The first negative effect of having driverless cars, is the fact that the cars would probably be more expensive. Since the technology to make the cars would be expensive, the cars might be expensive themselves. If the cars are too expensive, no one would want to buy them unless they had a lot of money. Also, if not enough people are buying the cars, they might have to get discontinued eventually. If the cars had to get discontinued, everyone who already had one of those cars would be in hot water, becuase car repair people would not be able to fix their cars. This now leads me into my second reason why driverless cars should not be made.
What if the car has malfunctions? If there isn't an actual person driving the car, they won't be able to control the speed. The person will just have to trust the car to drive itself, and hope that it doesn't mess up, and accidently over accelerate and cause an accident. If the car did mess up while driving and caused an accident, someone would have to figure out whose fault it is. The article "Driverless Cars are Coming," made a good point by mentioning that if there is an accidnet, whose fault would it be - the driver or the company who made the car? There would defintiely be a big legal case to arise considering that the "driver" isn't technically driving the car.
The final reason that driverless cars should not be made, is because people would have to be able to learn to control the car. However, a positive thing about having driverless cars is that people would not need to take drivers ed anymore, but with a driverless car, you would still have to learn the ways of road. You would still need to be paying attention on the road. Just because your car would be driverless, doesn't mean that everyone's car would be driverless. For instance, if a wreck occured and you weren't paying attention in your driverless car, you wouldn't know whose fault it was, or if there was a way you could have stopped the wreck from happening. Going back to the text, the article mentions in paragraph seven that "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires."
To conclude, driverless cars should not be created. Driverless cars is a situation where the bad outweighs the good. There might be some positives to having a driverless car, but driverless cars seems to risky. With accidents happening, because people are not paying attention to their driverless car is not something I want to be involved in. Driverless cars are not the best idea, because they could possibly be more expensive than our regular cars, they could possibly have malfunctions to put the "driver" and others at risk, and the "driver" may not have to take drivers ed, but they would have to learn how to work their new car, which means that they would need to be paying attention. A driverless car is not something that I would invest in, but I could see them becoming popular in the near future. | 34
8327ea8 | The Electoral college has been around for a long time but, do we really need it? Is it your votes that affecting your next president. Under the electoral college it is not. The electoral college says that voters do no vote for the president but for a slate of the electors, which elect the presidents. We need to kept the voting process we have now so that way we don't arguments throughout the states. In the electoral college yoor vote is sent to someone not holding public office.
When you vote you are getting a slate of the vote and to feel that their vote does not matter, that the new president will have no regard for their interest,is he really your president. The way we vote today is not that best we can do in some ways. I think that we need to have all the voters votes count towards the president that they want. We should let the people vote for who they want and not for someone else to vote for you. The constituiton says "We the people, By the people,For the people." So we should vote for who we want to represent us. The electoral college is based of a winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates.
Another factor that is wrong with the electoral college is that bigger states like Californa get more votes than Columbia. So for example, say that Californa gets 45 electoral votes and then Columbia has the same amount of voters vote for the president they want they will only gte about 5 to 8 because of the state size. Once again restating that we need to vote for we want to and have everyone's vote coung not just the votes added up and then shrunk to electoral votes. The electoral college does have some help in some ways like in a run-off election. The electoral college help control that and produces a clear winner.
The elecoral college does some advantages too, but it still has disadvantges. The electoral college is the president wins by popular vote. The electoral college has a total of 538 electors but, sometimes the electors don't always listen to their voters and vote for who they want not who the state wants. The president has their own group of electors which have been chosen by the canidate's political party, but certain state lwas vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The election is every four years on the first Tuesday of November, which gives you time to think who you want to be the next president and cast a vote, but with the electoral college your vote could not really count. Have knowing that your vote may not count will make you upset and rethink about voting.
In conclusion, the eletoral college has some good things that does help us but, it has bad things too that make is sadband angry. We decide who we want to run our country but, e need to think about how the voting process really works. I am only one person but, one person can make a difference. So just remeber on thing 'We the people, By the people, For the people." | 12
839c4b1 | Should we keep our method of choosing the president? If so there's 3 reasons for why we should: we would have certainty of an outcome, states will have equal voting rights, and we would avoid run-off elections. Those are just a few good reasons for why we should keep our method for choosing a president the same.
The certainty of an outcome will always be there in the Electoral College. Even when a canidate receives more votes than other candidates while not receiving a clear majority of votes. There could always be a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote but that wouldn't mean that there couldn't be an outcome. Even though there's a very rare chance of there being a tie in the outcome since theres 538 votes there would still be an outcome.
Even though the bigger states should have more voting rights than the smaller states it's equal for a couple reasons. They all get Electoral votes, but the large states get more attention then the smaler states because they have more electoral votes then the smaler states do. It also restores the political balance upon states.
We could also avoid run-off elections by keeping the same method. If you win the majority in Electoral votes then there's pressure for run-off elections when no canidate wins a majority of the votes cast. That's why we have our nation to vote for the president, because they effect the matter alot just by putting in one vote.
Those are just a few reasons for why we should keep the same method for choosing the president it's by the outcome and the votes. The reason for why we let our nation choose is because we like for them to be involved with who controls them in every wich way. That's just a few reasons for why we choose the president the method for the method that we use. | 23
2a26e9d | The Facial Action Coding System is a coding program that can read emotions, some say this could help in the classroom to tell if students are ingaged in the lesson. This system was created by Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu Sebe, leaders in their fields of expertise.
The usage of the Facial Action Coding System in schools to determine if a student is getting bored, tired, or angry at a lesson could be very useful. If a student were to get angry or bored during a lesson they are more likely to not pay attention and if you are tired you may not retain the information as well. If your computer could sense this and alert the teacher or change the lesson accordingly then it would give students a better working enviroment and a better chance of doing well in school. This 3D construct could also help teacher's understand their students better and help them learn more efficiently. This can also see through a fake smile and know the students real emotions which is important in case the student is trying to fake it through the leason when they really need help. According the the professional Dr. Huang, he predicts that, "A classroom somputor could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then is would modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."
So in conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System can read emotions and see the real emotions present. This could lead ot improvements in the classroom so that teachers and the computor can alter the lesson as needed to the specfic student and their needs. This is a good idea because it will improve the work enviroment created for students. | 12
9c4d83e | Can't Hide your Emotions Now
A new software that is capable of perceiving your emotions? Yes, it is a new software that can tell what your emotions are by your face experision. The new Facial Action Coding System should be invented. People can figure out what actally that person is feeling. Better ways for humans and computers to commnicate. The system can classifiy six basic emotions happiness, anger, surprise, disgust ,fear, and saddness. Also, it can help people that has disablities that can't speak their emotions.
Who ever thought that by a new software we could even figure out emotions behind images. The software is the lastest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute. Facial Action Coding System enabled on Mona lisa painting of Leonardo da Vinci's. They have discoverd witht the system that she is 83 percent happy,9 percent disgusted,6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. At least that what accorded to some new computer fotware that can recongnize emotions.
Facial Action Coding System process began when the computer constucted a 3-D computer model of the face.44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles."action unit" is movement of one or more muscles. This software can get a great impact. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal oberbes Dr,Huang,'even though indiciduals often show yaring degrees of expression. By weighting the different units,the software can idetify mixed emotions. Experts can use that to show and help themselves state how others feel.
On the other hand, we can already tell how a person or friend is feeling. Most of us would have trouble actually looking or describing each faical trait that conveys happy,worried,etc. Sometimes we can tell if our friends are scared or sad just by the way they express themselves. Maybe Facial Action Coding System is a waste of money and time to make it. We can already state how others feel by their eye or mouth expression.
Better ways for people and computers to communicate. The system classifiys six basic emotions happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,dear and sadness. The new software could helps experts find out how people that can't speak to know their emotions. This is why I am for it to able the Facial Action Coding System. | 23
bfac718 | Joining the Seagoing Cowboys is a once in a lifetime thing. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys also has a lot of benefits to. You can sight see, the crew is nice, you get to travel, and if you are of age the Seagoing Cowboys will replace having to get drafted into the army.
You also get free time. Free time consists of games such as table-tennis tornements, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and board games. Some of the jobs you can have are watch men and you can feed the cattle and other animals.
You can also do it more than once . Another benefit of being a Seagoing Cowboy is that you get to travel to different states and country's such as China, Greece, ect.
There are other wonderful things you could do and can do for yourself and for other people. like help Greece clean up the Debris from World War Two .
So why don't you join the Seagoing Cowboys and help other people in need. | 12
10461dd | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an article about the exploration of Venus. The article says mainly about how difficult, but worth it, is to explore and learn more about this planet. The author of this article makes clear that Venus is one important planet to be researched, most because of its supposed past.
As mentioned in the article Venus has harzadous conditions. For instance, the atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid which makes the planet extreamelly hot and, because of the acid, corrosive. Another point is that this planet is the hottest of all solar system, with average of 800 fahrenheit.
As we can see, this planet is hard to study and learn about it, however, studies proved that Venus might had life before. On the article, he also presents the composition of the planet, which is similar to Earth, even being called as sisters. Also is the closest planet to Earth, and in the "life belt" a safe part of the solar system that life is habitable, making even more attemptable to research it. Because of that scientists are trying to find solutions to overcome the harsh weather and atmosphere.
The planet have series of similar disasters as Earth, such as vulcano eruptions, earthquakes, lightning strikes, showing even more the similarities of the planets, the way that it behaves is similar to Earth, which again, might show profs that before something happened, this planet had life, and abundant water. With that in the mind of hundreds of confused scientists trying to find a way to actually know what happened or if this is really true, researches for making these researches in Venus are getting better and better.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) already found some possible ways to get some evidence in this harsh planet. They are working in simple eletronic with silicon that survived three weeks in the same conditions as Venus. Human is getting closer and closer to find a safe way to research and find a conclusion in this misterious planet.
In conclusion, this article have really good points, showing the importance of researching this planet, even though the difficulties. Researchers are finding better ways to finally might make a robot that can survive and get materials for studing, and hereafter find the real past of this fenomenal planet, | 23
4a4fd10 | Under the electorial college system, voters vote not for the President, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the President. If the people are indeed intitled to their opinion and they ahve the power how come the USA has yet to even talk about changing the electorial college process. If the people do infact get to vote for which ever President they want, then how come the people vote for someone to vote for them, not even considering that that person that they voted for just might defy the will of the people and choose the other candidate.
The single best argument against the elcetorial college is what one might call the disaster factor.''Back in 1960 segregationist in the Louisiane legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the new Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy.(So that a popular vote to Kennedy would not actually go to Kennedy)''Source 2. That saying the electorial college is very eassy to minipulate. ''Faithless'' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and caste a deciding vote for whoever they plaese. What that just means is the people who voted for that pearson might as well just vote for the opposing side if the electors are going to do that.
In Addition what if a state sends two slates of electors to Congress again?''Vice President Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, validated only his opponent's electors, but he made sure to do so without establishing a precedent''Source 2. That could very well happen again, by mistake the stae could send two slates to congress and than we would be right back were we left off.
In Conclusion the electorial college should be no more instead of that we should be able to vote by popular voting . The people should have the power not the people voteing for someone to maybe or maybe not have the power for them. | 23
d550b2d | The face was not created by aliens because there is still no proof that aliens or any living thing that lives on mars NASA are still looking for life on mars so how can the face be made by mars. It was formed by shadows giving the illusion of a human head, eyes, nose and mouth. There was no alien monument after all. The face was just made up with clouds and dust particles from Mars. What the picture actaully show is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common aroung the American West.
The picture saying that the aliens created the face is just clouds forming a face on a stormy day on Mars beacuse our eyes can be illusion of what we see. The face was made up of dust and clouds which formed a face. tThe picture that was taken in 1976 looks like a face but doesnt have all thee features as the picture that was taken in 1998. The pictue that was taken in 1998 looks very simlar like a face u can see eyes, mouth, a nose. The picture that was taken in 2001 doesnt look like a face anymore looks like dryed up dirt.
The first picture starts to look like a face but isnt all done yet. The second picture u can see that it clearly has face features. The thrd picture looks like during the tme of the 1998 picture and 2001 picture (last one) that it doesnt look like a face no more it doesnt have the features of a face that we saw back in 1998. | 12
37e9bc5 | The new software, the facial action coding system in my opinion i think it is valuable. the software or computer can recognize your emotions and the emotions of others. this new software,the facial action coding system has promising applications for variety of industries. the software is the latest innovation from prof. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate.
This new software and technology to be in classrooms i think it is a great idea. This new software well help the teachers in the classrooms and students tell when a kid is feeling some type of way. now teachers will know what students are really thinking and hiding. All the software has to do is construct a 3-D computer model of the face all 44 major muscles and it'll tell you your emotions or that students emotions. this computer and software can recgnize when a student is becoming bored or confused.
so i do think this new software is valuable in a classroom with students. it could tell the emotions of a famous painting from leonardos da vincis , mona lisa. this software will help a lot in any place it is placed. | 12
4b34809 | Article one was about electeral college and how it works. It explanined to us how when presidents get elected they have there own party to vote for them and, how the goverment has to prepare a certificat of ascertainment listing all candidates who ran for presadient in your state alony with the names of their respective electors.
Article two was about the electeral college, and why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong. well in differnt places or state's you would vote for a cernten person supposably all fifty states are differnt some are republicans and some are democarts. so the states that are democrats are the ones that would vote ofr the democrats and the ones that are republinacs would vote for there kind and hopefuly there kind would win.
So i feel that both of the aritcles are the same but personally i thinkthat the first article has more support and more detail. I honestly dont have no idae what the heck Electeral college is it takes more than just two little articlesto tell me what something is. but I think I will have tosay i would like to vote to keep it beacuse it sounds ok from what i've read i maen. It is like i said if I had more information on it and understood what it really maent and what it was for I would be abke to give u a more striaght foward answer. But i do have to say I think we should keep it beacuse it looks like something good and something worth giving a shoot but form where my family is and what they belive i am going to have to go with there choice of who the go for or what they go for which they are republicans so therefor we r going to want nothing but republican to win. I mean not saying i will ever go my own way but i am just not ready to go and pick which party i want to follow yet. So yes i am going to have to vote for the keeping and trying of this i think it is worth the shoot. | 01
fcc6203 | Driverless cars should not become a reality. My first reason why driverless cars should not become a reality is that they can malfunction and badly injure or possibly kill the people inside of the car. Driverless cars can run over an animal or human and possibly kill the living being in front of it. A couple tires can pop and swearve off the road into the a road beside it and injure not only the people inside but inncocent people in a car that didn't see what had happened.
For my second reason i think that they could get hacked and get send into the wrong direction. People can get lost and never find their way back to a safe place. Someone can hack the driverless car/s and end up killing the people inside or outside the car by controling the GPS and other important parts of the car.
For my third reason i believe smart cars possibly like driverless cars can or will get a virus and it will mess with the engine and everything that is important about the car. I know from experiance that a car with a t. v. can get a virius if it is not fixed properly. I believe a driverless car can or will get some or many viriuses if it is not check out properly when it is getting fixed.
To conclude my argument driverless cars can be a danger to nature and the people inside or surrounding the car. Driverless cars can get hacked and hurt people more than cars that need a driver all of the time. Driverless cars can get many viriuses and malfunction and destroy what is most important to the car. | 12
896d775 | Driverless Cars are a hot-topic on car manufacturers nowadays. Everyone want's the most safe and also stylish cars that are on the market. Technology developers are making breakthrough devices and electronics that are changing the way the world thinks. The only problem is it takes long and also difficult steps , and how long will these steps take , what about the basics like the take on inertial motion sensor's that has still caused accidents still towards this day. Here is my intake on this hot topic.
Is there going to be lawsuits on the company or the person driving the car if internal damage towards the driver or his or hers car gets wrecked in an accident. Are you going to be the one liable for any malfunctions that happen towards the car that you own. For example water damage , battery heats up , or just warming up the car on a cold day runs out its power source , there will be alot of complaints and that company will be unsuccesful. Will there be an age limit on owning one of these , ''Self Driving cars'' ? Humans are so smart that we came to the idea of creating these smart cars , therefore there will be alot of wrecks because Human errors and Technology errors occur alot. What about the security? will there be no start-up ignition key? can someone drive off with my brand-new smart car !?
These problems still are at risk of making it impossible for a new self-driven smart car to ever be created. Well , until the year of 2020 when Automakers start producing these cars , we will have to see through the oncoming years if these steps are taken seriously and and avoiding these life threatening errors. The plans for them and hopefully lets drive and see how it works. | 12
debbe70 | Cars good or bad. Some citys and some subrbs say yes. In France or in Vauban a suburban area in germany. such as in Paris frances the somg became to thike so for a few days they made moterd vehicles illegile and with doing that the somg cleard up pulotion went down and paris beasy streets wear feild with the silent sounds of bikes, scate boards and scaters. In Vauban a suburban area in Germany the streets are feild with kids and bikes and scaters of plenty in this suburban area moter vehicles of all kinds are illegle and the only place to park are in socure parking grages on out scurst of the suburbes. And in bogota Colombia there is car free day which is a program to get people to get out and injoy the freash air and it hopfully going to spreed to other country. So will cars become a thing of the past or will they just go green lets see what the future brings ous. | 01
e813e51 | Limiting car usage may not seem ideal but it has many benefits. In Vauban, Germany, about 70 percent of the families do not own cars. Limiting car usage is a growing trend in Europe. Automobiles are very harmful to to the enviroment and usually create smog. Also, a lot of care usage means a lot of traffic. Some people have limited their car usage simply to the fact that we're sort of in a recession. Money is tight for a lot of people meaning they cant buy new cars as easily and the price of gas is ridiculous.
In source 1, Vauban,Germany residents dont not own cars. The people of this community have decided to live "car free" because its a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes. Cars are responsible for twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. In the United States, the Enviromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities. Limiting car usage or getting rid of cars all together could get rid of a lot of the pollution in the air.
In source 2, in Paris, motorists with even license plates were ordered not to drive their cars or suffer a 22-euro fine, which translates into $31. Motorists with odd numbered plates had to do the same the following day. In the capital of France, after 5 days of smog congestion was down 60 percent In source 3, people in Colombia have a car-free day which means people biked, hiked, skated or took buses to wherever they had to go. The goal of that day is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Taking a bus is better for the enviroment because the bus can take many people where they have to go as apposed to everybody getting in a serperate car and producing more smog.
In source 4, recent studies show that over time Americans are buying fewer cars, driving kless and getting fewer licences. In April 2013 the number of miles driven per person was 9 percent below the peak and similar to where the country was in January of 1995. Buying a car is not cheap and the price of gas has become so high that many people can't afford to drive all over the place. Car-sharing and bike-sharing programs have popped up across the nation to promote the limitation of car usage.
All these programs and statitics make it clear that limiting car usage is a good idea. Cars create so many problems for the enviroment. Smog is the most common. Also, cars create traffic. The purchase of cars is going down because people cant afford to buy them and also gas prices are up to almost $4 a gallon. | 23
3ca4cae | Dear, Florida Senator
Hello! My name is PROPER_NAME and i am 14 years old. I am from LOCATION_NAME. I go to SCHOOL_NAME. This letter is being written to you beacuse i think we should NOT keep the Electoral College, this is because 1. we the people may vote, but it doesnt mean the person that is most voted for is chosen. 2. we dont get to vote for our candidate's electors. Lastly when we vote by Electoral college the citizens dont get to have the full call on who is elected. Now let me tell you more about why popular vote is way more qualified.
We the people may vote with Electoral College, but the vote that is chosen is not only made up by the citizens, but the vote may be changed by the Congress. Now thats not right! The Citizens should have all the vote like popular vote. The Citizens should choose who is voted for because they are the ones who are going to help us. Not be better for them.
We dont get to vote for our candidate's electors. The citizens of the United States sould be able to vote for who we want our candidate's electors to be. This is because if something goes wrong we will have the right to change the electors and be happy about who they are going to be. We cant do that with Electoral Voting.
Lastly when we vote by Electoral college the citizens dont get to have the full call on who is elected. If we dont get the full call on who is elected then why even vote.
"We the people
" means the citizens not over ride the citizens votes and just do what they want.
Now this is my statement on the Electoral College. I disagree with most of everything the Electoral College has to offer not just me but everyone in the United States. Now lets make the election of our president by popular vote of qualified citizens.
Sincerely, PROPER_NAME | 23
bd92855 | The author supports his idea coreectly because. In the article he talks about how dangerous venus could be. In paragraph 2 the author says," Humans have sent spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. The bad part is that nun of the spacecraft surrvied the landing because of how hot venus is.Venus tmepertaure is 800 degree is really hot for someone to make it to venus.
The author also says that venus atomshpere sulfuric has a acid that can kill a person. Venus only has 9 percent carbon dioxide blankets which means there is not alot of air up there. Venus is more hotter then Mercury even tho Mercury is closet to the sun venus will be more hotter. Nasa is trying to come up with something to study more abot Venus because its really dangerous.
Something else the author says is that the jet of the airplanes travel a altitude to fly over many storms. Which there trying to replace that beacuse of what has been happening with the spacecraft. Nasa wants to use a vechicle hovering which will prevent them from a unfriendly ground Condition.Useing the vechicle hover would be kindve helpful for nasa to travel. the temperature would drop to 170 which would be a litlle helpful.
This would i have found about what the author has said. Venus a really dangerous planet that no one has vist. Nasa is still working On makeing a way to make it to venus. | 12
b0dc05f | The Facial Action Coding system is valuable in the classroom. This technology can tell how a student is feeling even when they do not say it, which is good becuase some students may feel unfortable telling the teacher or class they do not understand the material. Not only does the system know when a student is confused, it also works on everybody and is very accurate.
First off, this technology can tell weather a student is confused or bored. Many students, including myself, find it difficult to addmit when they do not understand something. If this system was in classrooms teachers would know when students do not understand the lesson. Instead of students being in the dark, and end up failing the test, teahers could pull the students aside and give them extra help.
Not only can this technology tell when a student is confused, it can also tell when they are bored. In the text Dr. Huang says "Then it could modify the lesson" which I totally agree with. A student is not going to tell a teacher that they are bored, but with this technology a teacher can still find out. Finding out that a student is bored is great because teachers can modify the lesson to make the students engaged. The students will have more fun being taught with a more engaged lesson, which will raise test scores. Some people may say have this technology in class is werid or creepy, but if they students, teachers, and parents do not have a problem with it there should not be a problem.
Secoundly, the Facial Action Coding System will work on anyone. In the artical it states "the facial expresions for each emotion are universal". This means that it does not matter who you are, or what you look like your results will be spot on. Since we all have the same muscles in our face, this technology will work on everybody. Not only that, but this sytstem is accurate. In the text it says "she is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry." It could have just said she is happy, because it is the highest percent, but this system goes into detail. It also has a psychologist that Dr. Huang relies on to make even more sure the results are accurate.
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System should be in classrooms. It can help students get better learning experience, it works on everybody, and it is accurate. | 34
2f095a0 | The electoral college is a very controversial topic. It has been debated by important figures like Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Bob Dole (Plumer). While some people agree with Bradford Plumer and say that we should abolish this method, others stand behind Richard A. Posner, wanting to keep the electoral college. Although the electoral college restores some of the weight in larger states, it is a very unfair method for voting on our president. The electoral college allows someone to win the presidency who did not win the popular vote, and, if a tie occurs, the outcome is demeaning to larger states.
The electoral college does have a favorable trait. It restores some of the weight in the political balance that larger states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution (Posner). The senate only appoints 2 representatives per state, no matter how large their populations are. The electoral college gets rid of this problem, assigning representitives to states based on population.
While that aspect of the electoral college is beneficial, it may be the only thing. The electoral college is an extremely unfair method. Just take the 2000 election, for instance. Al gore won the popular vote but, thanks to this flawed method of selecting our president, lost the presidency (Plumer). This was uncalled for. If someone wins the popular vote and is wanted as president by the majority of people, then they should be president. Our president is a position of the utmost importance. We should have a leader that the majority of the people want.
Not only is the actual process unfair, but if there ever happens to be a tie it's even worse. In the event of a tie in the electoral vote, the election is passed on to the House of Representatives, who then have the state delegations vote on the president (Plumer). However, the catch is that each state gets only one vote (Plumer). This means that the single represenative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters (Plumer). This process is extremely unequal and should not be allowed. Everyone should be able to have equal representation and play a part in critical decisions like this one.
All in all, the electoral college is unfair and people despise it. According to a poll in 2000, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now (Plumer). The electoral college, while it may restore some of the weight in larger states, is detested all across the United States. The person with the popular vote doesn't always win, and, in the event of a tie, the process is even more unfair than the actual method itself. The electoral college is an awful process that the majority of people don't want. So why is it still here? | 45
595fec4 | Children are full of emotions, and therefore are confused alot. So it comes as no suprise why some children struggle in school. It is apparent that what schools are doing now isn't helping these children. All teachers are different, they have different points of view, different styles on thow they teach. These opposing views make all teachers different and could confuse their students. With a computer however, there could be meximum proformance. The children would learn better and more than they were before. Computers that read emotions could benifit schools and the nation.
Computers reading emotions could be a huge step in the right direction. Children could easily learn what is going on and if they do not the computer can evaluate that and change what it is doing. Dr. Haung explains "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression". The computer knows alot of different facial expressions and therefore can easily and quickly evaluate what the child's problem is, and fix it. The computer knows the students emotions and could easily diagnose problems and help the child to better understand what they are doing.
The computer could also learn to take disiplenry action to the child. Which if the child has violent tendencies could lead to some major conflict. If the child knows that the ocmputer is expensive he/she is less liekly to hit it. The computer may even be able to stop a bad situations before it even begins by anylising the situation by reading emotion. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness". Anger is one of the emotions the computer can detect and could rush into a situaltion(granted it have some way of getting around) and fix or mediate the problem with facts. For diciplenry action computers would bring grat dicipline to the classroom.
Teachers in the future could be more like operators, if something happens to the computer the teachers could work on or fix the computer. Over time this could lead to the teaching industry dissappearing. Children may not think this is good and there would definently be a lack of emotion from the "teacher" in the classroom seeing as it is a computer. But there is too much advantage obver disavantage. All in all teachers would still have jobs but wouldnt be as active. Which would put less stress on teachers, which in turn, would maximise proficiency.
Emotion reading computers would not only benifit schools but the nation as a whole. Computers could read the emotions of each individual child and see chat works and what dosen't. The computers can also mediate arguments and take diciplenry action when needed. And teachers would have a much easier job at managing and teaching the students. Schools around the world need this new state of the art computer system to help read emotions and prepare children for the brightest future. | 34
11d450b | The Challenge of Exploring Venus gives us fastinating information about the planet. Venus is sometimes called "Evening star." The planet is one of the brightest points of light in the sky. Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus is a worthy pursuit to study dispite from its danger it presents in many reasons. Venus is a part of our solar system, and it's also important.
Earth is often concidered just like Venus, they are like twins but only reffered by density and size. Venus had ben proved a very challenging place to examine and to study. It may be the closest to the sun but safe vantage point of Earth. Mars and Venus are actually Earth neighbors.
Concering that Venus is by the Sun it must be hot there. Well that's correct, on the planet surface the tempeture is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atomsphric is over 90 times greater than we experienced on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface in any planet in our solar system although Mercury is closer to the sun Venus is 10 times hotter. With that type of heat it's like erupting volcanos, earthquakes, lighting strike, and even more.
You might ask yourself why do scientists want do travel to Vensus at all for new imormation with that type of heat? Well they are fascinated by it as well as you are reading this story. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration also know as NASA, wants to be able to sent humans to Venus, but wiht heat like that it is impossiable. Even sending a rover wouldn't last a day. Over 800 degrees is very hot for a 30 or so miles vehicle. Wouldn't be easy conditions for the rover or humans.
In conclusion, Venus is the brightest and dangerest planet yet has to be the most fascinating , most information ever. Venus is the cloest planet and the hotest. Studying the planet Venus is very interesting. Striving to meet the challange to be on the planet is dificult. Our travel to Venus will soon come to being able to live on it. Scientists are trying to find more imformation and figure out what can be done and what can not. For these reasons i think studying Venus is a worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents. | 12
002ba53 | Dear, State Senator
This is a letter to argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College."There are many reasons to keep the Electoral College" one reason is because it is widely regarded as an anachronism, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible, but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote, and the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virue of the mal apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution.
I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College because,it is widely regarded as an anachronism. A non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the canaditdate who receives the most populare votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a method sense.It is the electors who elect the the president ,not the people. But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed).
Another, reason I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College is because, a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible. But it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. But it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning canadate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote.
Last but not least, I am in favor of keeping the Electoral College is because, the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virue of the mal apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution. A larger state gets more attintion from presidential canadidates in a campaign than a small state does. It can be argued that Electoral College methods of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a canadidates who has no hope of carrying their state. But of course no voter's vote swings a national election, and in spite of that, about 1/2 the eligible American population did vote in the [2012's] election.
From, PROPER_NAME | 23
3fccfd5 | Driverless cars can go in many different ways for me. I have postive effects on the subject such as, a person not having to drive as much is they don't want to, less accidents, and less distraction. I also have negative effects on driverless cars. Not being in control 100% of the time, being distracted with other actions, and defects with the car.
To most diverless cars sound like a great idea. I know a person like my mother would love the idea of driverless cars because she hates driving. Anyone who really not fond of driving all the time and are really busy alot of the time in their life must get tired of driving. I feel as if the driverless cars would be a huge plus for them! Also I feel as if less accidents would happen if driverless cars were made. The world is full of wreckless drivers and theirs really nothing we can do about it. But if everyone car is driving at the same abount of safety then that should lower the rate if accidents around the world. Plus its like driving with an extra brian in the car,because the car has special ablilties. This creation would also help the mind of teens as well. There are teens all over the world getting ready to drive or are already driving. Teens can be really distracted by just being a teenager. And by the car being a extra helping hand on driving could help the teens do certain things while driving such as chaning the radio, adjusting windows or mirros even making a phone and that could not only help teens but everyone.
Even though I have many positive effects on the driverless cars there is still negative affects. Driving can being a very dangerous thing. There always something you have to look out for while driving. Your mind has be focus everything around it most importantly people. Even thought it is a driverless car I feel as most of the time you should be 100% incontrolled of the car just to make sure nothing bad happen outside your sight. You should be able to control everything. Also not driving your driverless car might give people the idea that it's their time to do what ever. Which is not the case! Even though you are not driving you still should be completely focus. You should not be texing or anything els that would keep yours eyes off the road for more than a few seconds. Lastly with newer cars their will always be deffects in the cars. If the car is brand new then any problems the car has might more difficuly to figure out. And driverless cars have deffects written all over it.
So there goes my position on driverless cars. That even though driverless cars sound like a great idea we always should keep an open mind on cons of the invention. Also that saftey should be a number one factor in the whole situation. I love the idea of making advantages in the world today. Just as long as they work well and make life safer. | 34
5be496b | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," we're introduced to the idea of Venus being like Earths "twin" in terms of density, size, and distance. The author shows us that Venus is a dangerous place, but that it is worthy of studying because Astronomers have the idea of Venus being the most Earth-like planet in the solar system, Venus is probably the hottest planet on earth, but in the
past it was probably covered by large oceans and various froms of life, just like planet earth. Scientists have the hope of Venus being a place esxplored by humans some day in the future and maybe with new technology that would be possible.
On my point of view, Venus is worthy the studying not only beause it is the closest to Earth but also because when Earth is destroyed by humans Venus can be the new Earth, hopefully humans will change their minds when Earth is destroyed and they won't want the new Earth to be destroyed. If scientists are succesfull in sending humans to study Venus, probably in a future th planet can be saved, it won't be as hot as it is now and it won't be as dangerous. Althought because of the dangerous it is at this point Venus won't be able to get reached and studied.
In conclussion Venus is a dangerous but studying worthy planet that may or may not be explored by humans in a distant future, Venus itself can possibly be discovered with advanced technology, it's surface it too hot for the technology we have now but hopefully Scientist will discover something to explore and get to know earth's twin, who knows maybe in a far away future we may be living in Venus, and hopefully humans will change for good. | 23
cdf6869 | The face on Mars cannot be created by aliens if the NASA cameras did not see any people/aliens. On that fact if NASA did see any aliens on Mars they would have kept it top secret and wold have not showed the images to the world. Not saying its true but if NASA had shown an alien on Mars the world would freak out and we wold destroy each other.
Now tell me if you seen an alien on Mars what would you do?
All I am saying is in 1976 if aliens did make that face then why are we still here? Why haven't the aliens came yet ? Because if aliens were to make that face on Mars then that means they seen NASA's cameras circling their planet so they would've found a way to get them down. But I think it's a big pain in the butt to the people that think thier is alien life on a planet in our Solier System.
I also want to no part in this discussing because if you don't want to belive me that is on you to look crazy if front of the world so do what you think is best about it I have to get to back to work. | 12
471fb53 | The use of technology to read the expressions of students in a classroom could be very valuable. In class, no matter what grade a student is in or what gender the student is; they often get confused. When confusion takes place some students would rather not ask for help because they may feel ashamed and notfo as smart as their peers for not understanding.
Teachers are human too, however some could know when something is wrong with a student while others on the other hand wouldn't. The technology that could read emotional expressions could see if a student is confused, frustrated or even angry because they aren't understanding the work given to them. The teacher could use the computer software to detect if the student is progressing during instructional time. This could prevent students from failing on exams and getting poor grades on assignments.
Using the computer software to read the emotional expressions of students could even help the teachers communicate with the students to see what they are struggling with. This way the teacher could discuss with the student about which parts the student does not understand. It would be smart and hughly effecient to enforce this computer software in classrooms. It would have a great effect on not only the students so they could ge good grades, but the teachers too; so they can know how to verbally express themselves while teaching. | 23
f130918 | The Seagoing Cowboys help many people after Worl War 2. Contries were left in ruins and need supplies such as food and clothing. Luke Bomberger joined after his high shool graduation. He crossed the Alantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific twice. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy was the best thing that ever happened to him. That could be the same for you!
Yes,you'd be helping people and their ruined countries,but you'd be on an adventure! Luke went to Europe,Greece,China,and other exotic places. He toured castles and took fun rides on rivers or canals. He got to interact with animals to and from the places he went to. He also ofcourse got to interact with the people of these far away lands.
Now it's not just a bunch of fun and games. You have to do a lot of work. You would have many farm animals to take care of. Horses,cows,pigs,and goats. They need to be groomed,fed,watered,and watched over. Sometimes you'd have to stay up all night to watch over the animals.
I'm not saying you won't have any time to yourself on the boat. when you go to pick up the animals you can read,play baseball,or tennis in a lower deck or you could take long cat naps.
My point is you would be doing a good deedfor many people. You'd be serveing your country. You'd also have a gran adventure and have fun! | 23
c1efcae | We all know there are 7 wonders of the world, but could this be the first wonder of the universe. Nature can make some astonishing things. Many things in the world, or even the universe, are nature-made. They have been here since the beginning of time even though they seem to be man-made. The "Face" should be included in this category. This "Face" was created by natural processes.
Similar to the "Face", places on Earth are nature-made. Even though sand dunes on beaches are kept by humans, they were first nature-made. Sand storms on Earth create higher dunes in deserts because the starting dune blocks the sand from getting across it. This may be what caused the "Face" to be created. There may have been an oval shaped dune at that spot, and, then, a "storm" passed by. The beginning dune blocked the Mars sand from exceeding that barrier, and the "Face" we see now was created. The shadows forming the eyes, nose and mouth were created on accident.
Sometimes landforms are created when objects collide with planets. The "Face" could have been formed when a meteor crashed into Mars. Only this time the crash did not create a crater, but instead a protruding object that over the years got rounded out by storms. Evidence does not suggest that every single meteor strike causes a crater. The reason that craters are an effect on Earth may be due to Earth's atmosphere or it's magnetic field. This may just be the first time NASA has ever seen a mound created by a meteor strike. There could be more out in the universe that NASA hasn't observed yet.
In April of 1998, a photo was taken that was blury due to Martian clouds. Many people exclaimed that the clouds may have blocked some alien markings. When NASA took another photo in April of 2001, the photo does not seem to portray any alien markings. Furthermore, the "Face" looked as though it has cracked on the side. Suggesting that there are Martians on Mars and, along with that, there were Martians that made this "Face", why wouldn't the Martians fix their monument when it cracks. This led me to believe that not only did the "Martians" on Mars not build this, but, additionally, there are no Martians on Mars.
Others may say that, comparative to the Mound Builder Indians on Earth, the "Face" was created by Martians bringing dirt to one spot and creating that "mound". If that was the case, then how come, in all of the photos and evidence we have from Mars, NASA has never once seen a Martian. They might be hiding from us, but, like Humans, couldn't Martians have messed up, and they forgot to hide one time.
This "Face" is created by natural processes. Even though it has been extremely controversial over whether it is alien-made or nature-made, more evidence suggests that the "Face" is nature-made. Many things in the universe can cause a mound on a planet, but finding out which one is the cause of the "Face" may never be known. | 45
dc76991 | The face that was found on Mars may be made by natural causes. There are many reasons why this odd shaped figure would be made by natural causes, like gust of wind throwing rocks around could make that human like face. Or something that can pick up big boulders and can move them into place. There are many reasons why this face showed up, but aliens are not one of them.
What might have caused rocks to move into place to create this human like face is large gust of wind. Or something that is really strong. Or it could have been a big pile of rock and just formed over the years into a face. In the story "Unmasking the Face on Mars", there is more then one lump of rock there is two. The second is just not shaped like a face. There are spots everywhere on this planet with lumps of rock. Most of them are formed by erosion. Erosion is the process of being broken down. There could be parts of the lump of rock that wasn't strong enough to hold it's self up. They may have fell in to make the eye shape. The nose could have been another small pile of rock that made it look like a nose. This is from up high it may look different down low. It may look like a big piece of rock. There are different views or angles you can look at it.
Other people may think that aliens did this. But there was no traces or marks left behind that can detect an alien. In the story it says, "There was no alien monument after all." Now in the story it says that all the traces of the alien that did this were covered in haze. In paragraph 12 it says, "
What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American West."
They strongly agree that this is just natural causes. Now they are probably still doing some testing or research about this face. But they strongly agree that it is just a natural cause. Formed by erosion,or gust of winds,or even soft spots.
They shape is another crazy thing added on the list of things that NASA sees on different planets. This is just another figure made by the planets natural causes. Thats why NASA believes it was made by natural causes and nothing like aliens. This is just another cool object found on a planet. | 23
d77eb24 | Cars; our main source for travel, what we depend on. But consider how things were before cars, and can going back to those times make a positive impact? How can limiting car usage be advantagous to people, the environment, and just everything in general?
In German Suberb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal, a city has already adapted to the idea of a car free, or a non-car dependant city. They did so by having "only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." This limit of parking space can cause drivers to just stop trying to drive, becauuse why bother if there is limited to no places to put the car? This change allows for people to be less stressed, and when one doesn't have a car, there's less of a rush to get somewhere because the ability to rush is gone. There's also the need of less polution that causes car usage to go down. "And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes . . . . Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." The above quote by Elisabeth Rosenthal proves that something must be done to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, and reducing car usage can do so. Vauban finds is useful, why doesn't everyone?
Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer, cars were slowly banned in order to clear the air, sort of like when one puts their body through a detox. When that ended up helping, more cars were banned, and this led to the realization that cars were bad, more or less. The enviropnment needs less cars, which means we need to be less dependant on cars for everything, because soon this so- called need for cars is going to leave us gasping for breath, and that is not a good thing. "Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has . . . tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesel makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters." The usage of diesel, which is ultimately the usage of cars, is leading to a "blanket" of air trapping the car emissions, causing pollution. The pollution is so dangerous to have just sitting there, waiting to be breathed in and choked on. After realizing that the ban of cars has been helpful for the environment, shouldn't everyone else realize it is advantagous too?
The sooner the human race stops depending on cars, the sooner the human race will be able to breath and think carefully and safely again. Everyone is aware pollution is a problem, will continue to complain about it, but then will also continue to fuel the problem, which is quite ironic isn't it? Cars are not worth losing our ability to breath, and if we realize that, then maybe we will be able to breath and see clearly again. | 45
4fce83a | The artical "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I'm am against the cars, because the car doesn't seem driverless if you still someone in the driver seat and at times you also still have to control the car. I feel as if, it was to be driverless no one would need to be included in the driver seat, unless the car is needed to be parked into a store parkinglot and if it was so driverless it still wouldn't need anyone to park the car into a parking lot. I feel as if Google, wanted better votes on the car they should out a little more effort into getting it to become more of a driverless car, without needing anyone to be in the driver seat or worrying about getting into any wreaks.
I would probably agree with the car if they knew who to blame a wreak on. Because, if your not incontrol of the car and just so happens the car starts to get out of control when you tried to turn the heat on but pressed the wrong button by accident. Is it the car owners fault or is it the manufactors fault for having another button by the heat and air conditioner? I feel as if the car would be safer if driverless cars had there a special road built for them, but the cost of that would be a over then a million dollars. i would agree with the driverless cars if thy had a road buildt just for the,m to drive on.
More reasons to why I don't agree with the driverless car is because, the car should be able to navigate it's self through roadwroks and they didn't really give much detail into the car and it not being able to fuction with the road work, baking out of drive ways and accidents. The article didn't explain much about the car it self, does the car take gas or will it be an electrical car.
I feel as if the car was to be electrical it would probably get more votes than what the car is getting now. I feel as if the car should be updated in many ways as in being able to drive no matter the condintion of the road. The article also didn't include if the car could drive through any type of weather. If the car was to slide on ice and crash into a pole whos fault it be the car owners fault or manfactors fault?
Positive things about the artical "Driverless Cars Are Coming" is that the cars have been driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Another thing is that in article it tells the reader about without the option of smarter roads, manufactors turned to smarter cars. I feel as both could of happened in a way and I feel that if we have smarter roads , manufactors wouldn't really have to worry about accidents happening or have to worry about the driver int eh car taking over in cause of a tight situation.
I feel the car would be a success because of the sensors the car has, i feel that with sensos on the car manufactors wuldn't have to worry about the car getting into wreaks, and i feel as if the car would be able to drive through raods that are being worked on. Another positive thing about the driverless cars is that they are willing to make new laws for the car. | 23
361d73f | I always did love taking care of animals and doing other stuff as a crew of the Seagoing Cowboys.
I am here because many people argue whether be a Seagoing Cowboys is something you should do. I believe that being a Seagoing Cowboy is worth the risk all just so you could help people and just have fun.
Helping people in need is really what matters in lfe. Its really in every human job there is. A dentist helps your teeth keep clean, a teacher helps you learn, and a mechanic helps you fix your car. Almost every human job out there is all about helping people. In my case I got to help people in need after World War II . I was in a group called UNRRA, which was a group who helped pople in animals and food supplies. I feel good now that I know I got to serve countries that were left in ruins. I am sure mighty proud that I became a Segoing Cowboy. It helped me realize that not only I need help but other people are also in need of help.
I also had lots and lots of fun while I was a Seagoing Cowboy. In case you ever got bored, there was no problem playing games. There were so many to choose from. There was baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling. I was so entertained. When we played games the time flew by as if it were a cheetah on the clock. There was usually no way you could have got bored with all the choices you had as entertainment. This is another reason why you should join Seagoing Cowboys.
I will warn there will be risks in doing this though. I know it sounds kind of dangerous, but I believe that it is worth it, and I would know. I once was night watchman, I had to check that every thing was going smoothly. Everything was going okay untill I slipped on a ladder and fell on my backside. I was heading for a entrance at the side of the boat, but a small strip of metal stopped my slide. I could have flown straight into the Atlantic Ocean. I also had broken ribs so I coulndn't work. Even though this happened I am still very grateful that I am alive and still helping people in need. I feel good putting my life at risk for millions of people in need.
I know that there is risk but it is worth it. You get to have fun and have a good feeling in your heart, all for just helping people in need. I am grateful for the oppurtunity, and it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. I do believe that being a Seagoing Cowboy is worth it. Who knows maybe you'll become the next one. | 34
e1461b0 | The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" has led me to the thought that driverless cars should be developed. Driverless cars seem much safer than regular cars. These cars also have better features than regular cars. Driverless cars can't be worse than regular cars.
In the article is states that driverless cars can do certain things without human interaction. It mentions that these smart cars can brake themselves. This is something that could come in handy when the person driving is not paying full attention to the road. The car also alerts you when it is need of human skills. These features make driverless cars safer than regular cars.
Driverless cars are equipped with more technology and better features than regular cars. In the article it states that some car manufacturers are hoping to bring entertaiment and information systems into the car. These systems will make sure that a person doesn't get bore while the car is doing the driving itself. Another thing is that the entertainment features will turn off when trying to alert you. These technological features make smart cars unique and fun.
Now compare a smart car to a regular car. Which car seems better? The smart car of course! Our world is improving things everyday and smart cars are one of those things. Why not give these driverless cars a chance. | 23
c6fb45a | I see why you think that aliens could have formed it. In 1976 it looks like a face and we all were surprised about it, but we needed more evidence. The picture quality was not the best so we went back out there in April 5, 1998 and we snapped another picture of the so called "face".
The camera that we used was ten times sharper picture than the first picture that we took. We looked at the picture that we took and there was no alien monument after all, but the picture still wasn't that well of quality. Not everyone was satisfied.
On April 8, 2001,a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, we decided to take another picture but with better quality. We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the face so we could clearly see it. We captured a photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixle spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 photo. It was clear that it was just a land form and no signs of alien form. | 01
a984775 | We should keep the Electoral College its a good process and it keeps us from having the problem of elections in which no candidates receives a majority of the votes cast. Like in 1968 with Nixon and in 1992 in Clinton were they only got 43 percent plurality of the popular votes but with the Electoral College which invariably produces a clear winner. The Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no chance of carrying their state Democrats in Texas, an idea of this is like a Republicans in California. The Electoral College needs a presidential candidate to have have trans regional appeal like South,Northeast,etc. With the Elecoral College is un likely than a dispute over the popular vote. It happened in 2000 because that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote. A example is in 2012, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and romney.
The Electoral College is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non demorcratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overpowered by declaring the candidate who get the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are right in debatingthat the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense it is the electors who elect the president, not the people. When u vote you're not voting for the presidential u pick yor're actually voting for a slate of electoes. Both party each selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee but that trust is rarely betrayed however it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. The Electoral college is good to stay.
The Electoral College helps with Certainty of outcome, Everyone's president, Swing states,Big staes, Avoid run off elections. A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total of numbers of votes are 538 is an even number but it is highly unlikely. The new president will have no regard for their interests,that he really isn't their president. The most thoughtful voters should be the the ones to decide the election. So other being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign tham a samll state does. Voters in a presidential elections are people who want to express a political prefernce rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. | 12
ee1b3c9 | Dear, State Senator I would for you to change the way presidents get elected to the United States of America. The reason for this is becuase, it would be much easier for the president, it would be easier on the states who have racial problems, and states who might cheat.
To back up my arguement, It would be much easier to abolish the electoral college. If the college was to be abolished then presidents themselves would be easily elected. Instead of electing 34 democratic electors. It would be fair to do that so that everything goes smoothly and better for everyone especially for presidents.
Next, it would go easier on states who have a bit of a racial issues. On some states it is diffcult to get elected because of racial issues. For instance, in Arizona there is a huge racial problem there and it would be difficult to elect different types of democractic electors. Thus making it difficult for Arizona to elect a president. In other staes it would also be the samething, just voting for the president would be easier.
My last reason, to abolish the electoral college is because of some states who might cheat. During election it is a diffiucult time because of every state wanting their president to one. That mabe the state would cheat the votes into elect those 34 democratic electors that will do anything to cheat. Another example, is in 1960 segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose popular John F. Kennedy.
In Conclusion, the Electoral college needs to be abolish because it would be easier to vote for presidents, also it would be easier for states who have racial issues, and for states who are unfaithful. | 23
6e84049 | In this article, Luke enjoys being a Seagoing Cowboy and views it in a positive way. This was a great opportunity for him. He was able to help people during World War II. But as said in paragraph 9, he didn't only become a cowboy just to help people, like said in this quote from paragraph 9, "It opened up the world to him." This was was many of his reasons to join this program.
Although Luke had broken his ribs in paragraph 7, Luke continued to go on his adventure and still found ways to have fun like said in paragraph 8. This can prove that Luke enjoys what he is doing and that he loves being a Seagoing Cowboy.
In this whole story, it talks about someone named Luke Bomberger decided to join the Seagoing Cowboy program. It shows his experiences and what he learns from it, and the ongoing adventure he has throughout his life. So, helping people and exploring the seas is a great adventure and can teach many life experiences. There may be dangerous sea animals, such as sharks, but don't get discouraged, this can teach to go through many hardships that you may face and be able survive and be an opportunity for your life and your family.
If you like learning, then being a Seagoing Cowboy/Cowgirl can be an experience that will change your life like said in "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves." If you don't like being what I said in this Draft, atleast reconsider your choice and think about the opportunity said in the Article. I understand, it will be really dangerous and risky, but if you manage to survive, you can learn many lessons and important life things not many people know. | 23
80998b6 | Venus is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky and the closest in distance as well. However, the Venus has proved a very challenging place to explore or to examine more closely. In this exploring process, it will has a variety of stumbling blocks to make scientists stop to explore it. But actually, striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. So that's why people studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Here're some evidences regarding why the people still to explore it. For instance: Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation ( Paragraph 8). According to this evidence of the article, I can see innovation can help people discover more meaningful things and make country's development gradually more flourishing than before. " NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus." " The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all." ( Paragraph 7) From those evidences, I know they've met important problems to solve when they were exploring Venus, but they still work on this project and try to use different ways or technology to solve those difficulties in not good conditions.
All above, despite the danger presents, we can use imagination or innovation methods to create and explore new works of our life, because that not only is able to help us improve our technology skills and the Venus is a valuable science achievement but also it desveres to explore the Venus. So that's why the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. | 12
3bef3a5 | The great new feature's of the face is really impossible liek it is not but it is cause it could be a person's face on there or a alein's head or even just a mask but on the other hand it could all be fake and someone that is or was an astrouant could of tricked up and stuff but know one will know enless you go find out.
Witch my other idea is that domeone put there face in there and made it stay like that but it could of also had made lots of storms up there turning it into a face then might go away soon. This 3D image is kind of interesting if it is ir nit real
. There mus have been a degree of suprise amongg mission controllers back at the jet propulsion lab when the face shows up againso it could take forever who know but i really think thats nothing or no big deal but it could.
some belived that it was and aleins face but some didnt. not everybody was shocked or anything. I guess it was 41 degrees north matian latitude when it is winter on april 98 cloudy most of the time around the red planet. | 01
5e44275 | First , The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers in present , because in the text it says " Numerous factors contriubute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humas to study, despites its proximity to us "
and another example is that it says " Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely " the author supports the idea really well in the story , evidence from the story that supports my claim an introduction is that, our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of the imagination and innovation. Inclusion , NASA has a particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, NASA's possible solution to the hostile condition on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray , the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters . Therefore , studying Venus is WORTHY , many researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus, electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Finally , striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. | 23
c382fe5 | In the article Unmasking the Face on Mars the face is just a natural landform. The reason this is is because there has been things found like this before. Another is that there is no solid proof that the landform was made by aliens. A third reason is that the people that got the rumor started about all of this are conspiracy theorists.
There has been things like this found in space before. In the article the author states that the sensation of finding the landform was short lived because scientists figured it was just another mesa. Since the scientist said another that means there has been things like this found before. If there has been others found before why is this one so special. The scientist state that they were not actually consstructed there.
Besides that there is actually no solid proof that this landform was made by aliens. That is just an opinion. The fact that it looks lika face is the only reason people believed that the landform was made by aliens. Nobody has ever actually been on mars to investigate this landform and prove that it was made by aliens. The only things we have of it are just pictures. So that means that there is no solid proof that the landform was alien made.
The people that came up with the rumor are conspiracy theorists. That means that the thought of this landform being alien made is just a conspiracy theory. A conspiracy theory is just a buch of bits and pieces of infromation that the theorist put together and think is suppost to mean something. These bits and pieces of infromation are put together even if they didn't happen in chronological order. That means that all a conspiracy theory is is an edjucated guess. Once again that also means there if no solid proof about it.
All three of those reasons go along with the fact that the face looking landform in space is not alien made. All of the rumor about this landform beging alien made are just guesses and theories. With that being said I hope that now people will stop believing everything that people say about this subject unless they have solid proof that what they are saying is true. | 34
2426a90 | Hey state senator, I'm writing this letter because I want to change the elections by popular vote for the president of the United States. In the passages say "The Electoral College process consists of selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and Vice President, and the counting of electoral votes by Congress." (Source 1, by Office of the Federal Register) I think the people should vote for the president they want to rule the country, also i think is unfair because people have a voice and they can choose for whoever they want. "Under the electoral college system, voters voe not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president" (Source 2, by Bradford Plumer) Why voting for slate electors when you can vote for the president right away, it is a wate of time. As the passage was saying "The Electoral College is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." (Source 3, by Richard A. Posner) This means that Electoral College prosses is out of age and non-democratic.
Some people might think that the Electoral College is right. "The Constitution as a compromise between electon of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (Source 1, by the Office of the Federal Register) This shows us that the electors are better qualified than ordinary people, they know what the country needs and who is better to rule it.
Indeed, the Electoral College is unfair and a waste of time. who will know what is better of the country than the people who walks in it everyday, who has seen what is going on and who is fighting for making this country a better place for the future. "It's official: The Elrctoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Source 2, by Bradford Plumer) That is why I think it should be abolish the electoral college. | 23
6d3a41b | Venus is very dangerous and volcanic but this article has opened my eyes to the woderful planet. Despite the dangers and challenges that Venus presents I would have to agree with the author, for we could one day benefit from knowing more about this red planet. Regardless of all the challenges that come with it, getting to know the surface and history of this close planet could better pevent ours from turning into a replica.
A couple of statements that fascinated me about Venus is that it has the hottest surface tempurature in our solar system with an average temperature of over 800 degrees Farenheit. That is truly mind-boggling seeing as how Mercury is the closest planet to our sun, not Venus. To make matters worse the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we expirence on Earth, therefore, making it very hard to explore the surface. Even just getting close to the surface you would have to deal with eruptions, earthquakes, and lightning strikes.
The risk is incredible but the information provided from this planet may very well save us all one day. As stated, Venus was the most Earth-like planet in our soar system meaning the same thing could happen to us eventually. Even though Venus could have substained life in the past, now is very unlikely. How could we find out more about this interesting planet if we cannot go near it?
As of right now, technologically speeking, we are far to inadvanced to send anything to the surface, let alone humans. The safest possibility to even get close would be to float in a structure roughly 30 miles above the surface. Even at that distance the temperature would still stand at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level.
In conclusion, I feel that if there was a way to study Venus close up without all the provided risks and more, then we should invest. Many great things could come from any planet alone but this one is just amazing. Do you think Venus is worth it? | 34
2daf910 | The Electoral College has been around for a long time. The Electoral College is a process which consists of the counting of the electoral votes by Congress, meetings of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the selection of electors. It consists of a total of five hundred and eight electors and a majority of two hundred and seventy votes are required for presidency. Electors are choosen by the candidates political party. When voting for presidential elections, you are also voting for your candidates electors too.
When the presidential elections are complete the govenor prepares a "Certificate of Ascertainment" which lists all the candidates who ran for President and the names of all the electors and it also tells who won the presidency and the electors that will represent your state. The state conventions, state partys central comitee, and the presidential candidates, all pick the electors.
Even though the electoral college is such and organized process of completing task; it is a disaster factor, it is unfair against voters. The electoral college requires a presidential candidate to be choosen. It can be argued that the electoral college methods of choosing electors is bad. Obama is the president of the United States. Romney is a republican that went against Obama in the presidential election of 2012. Obama had a plurality against Romney, meaning he recieved more votes than Romney but did not recieve a clear majority of votes. | 01
758fd71 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" we can get an understanding of how we have a new technology at our fingertips. This article provides basic information on not only how this technology works but, also how we can apply it to our daily lives. This technolgy can be made into many applications as we can use it in school or at home or even at your job. Using the new Facial Action Coding System in our lives can benefit us in many ways. These benefits include making more realistic animated faces for artwork or even movies, the system can also be applyed toward school and in affecting the lesson to keep the learning process more affective and exilerating.
The Facial Action Coding System can affectivly be used in the enviroment of learning. "' A classroom computor could recogonize when a student is becoming confused of bored,'
Dr. Huang predicts. " Then it could modifly the lesson, like an effective human instructor." (Paragragh six) This can be a huge benefit to students around the world. Many times can students get bored of the lesson and also get confused. With this technology we can all get the benefit of getting the lesson changed if needed to best fit our way of learning and to give us a better atmosphere to learn. This can be applyied to virually everyone that wants it and could benefit everyones program greatly.
Another application of this technology is for it to be used in a job application of creating better faces for animation in many situations. "This same technology can make computor-animated faces more expressive-- for video games or video surgery." (Paragraph six). This can be another Pro for anyone in animation towards video games or a surgeon trying to teach others what is going to happen in the surgy. All these things can be a huge benefit to thses fields of jobs. The application of this technology can not only benefit us but improve our lives as this system can open up new job and make more real live situations better for the user.
The benefits of making more realistic animated faces for artwork or even movies and, the system can also be applyed toward school and in affecting the lesson to keep the learning process more affective and exilerating. Using the new Facial Action Coding System in our lives can benefit us in many ways. The new system can be applyied in countless other things in this world to create many other better to the user. The system can chnage us and form us into a better world with these applications. | 34
6cb0aab | A Face To Remember
A distinctly human face, nearly two miles in length, stretches across an arid, barren landscape. This came to be known as "the face on Mars. It is a highly debated topic, being that some believe it was made by intelligent lifeforms, and others believe it to be a naturally formed landform. The latter is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, correct, the reasons range from picture evidence, to the same landforms forming on Earth, to the fact that it would help NASA's budget immensely if life were to be discovered on other planets.
To begin with, concrete photos have been released to the public that clearly show that the "face" is merely shadows cast onto a natural landform. Since the beginning of its discovery in 1976, "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah." Guess what? They were right, because in 2001, Mars Global Surveyor brought back a photo of the mesa that was in the "...absolute maximum resolution," and it perfectly showed the mesa for what it was; a naturally formed chunk of land.
Another thing distinct about this landform is that we have similair, proven-to-be natural landforms on Earth. To quote Garvin, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." This means it is an undeniable truth that these kind of things can form naturally. Of course because something can, usually means that it will, so, without denial, this landform is proven to be real, and able to form.
The final fact of the matter is that NASA would get an enormous amount of funding if they could prove there to be life among the stars. So the truth is, "...defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." This discovery would lead to a piqued interest in space, and a need to conduct further research, meaning people would begin to give more donations to this new, interesting cause. In the end NASA would benefit, and the point is proven wrong.
Over all, consiracy theorist seemingly wish to stir the masses, and make distrust flourish, but most times their theories are easily dissproven. The theory of the face on Mars was simple, and very wrong. The topic of solid photographs seems not to be enough, but the similair landmarks being on Earth, and the way it would positively effect NASA's budget should be. After all, there may still be life on Mars, for this is but a bump on a planet. | 45
b2ce49b | My fellow citizens, some advantages of limiting car usage is that its better for the earth and reduces the greenhouse effect.
Also there wont be as much smog and there will be a lot less pollution in the air. Limiting the usage of cars can be a better for you. not using a car can really benifit us.
People use cars everyday for everyday things. If people cut down on the usage of cars and took the bus or even rode a bike to work it really could help the earth. Less cars means less of the greenhouse effect. Less of the greenhouse effect means a better world.
Billions of people driving cars can really pollute the earth. Paris had to ban driving because the smog was to great and needed to be cleared from the sky. The smog was so serious that if you didnt leave your car at home you would get a fine. almost 4,000 people were fined. Beijing, China is one of the most polluted city in the world becouse of smog.
If you dont take a car you could walk, bike, or skate witch could be fun. If not then you could always take the bus and still help of the earth. If you didnt take a car to work then it could reduce traffic. Some people enjoy riding a bike instead of a car because it reduces stress and also reduces pollution to the earth.
Limiting car use is not only good for you but also good for the earth its self. there could be less greenhouse effect and smog. Lets all help and limit the usage of cars. | 23
ccc30f4 | Driveless cars are coming may be sooner than expected. Googles cofounder has a dream of make every car to be driverless and run on half the gas taxis use. Since the beginning of the 21 century technology had a major boost computers, sensors and mapping are now up to date with the real world doing things people would dream about in the 1980's. Now that the technology is capable of doing what we want, we should try to progess the technolgy of the world only to help with accidents, and make lifes tasks easier.
Making the driveless car is a challenge that can be accomplished it just requires time for it to happen. Google has already made a car that drove half a million miles without crashing ,but it nedded very little assisstants. Knowing this its only time until they finally make the car that doesn't crash and can drive without any assisstant from a person. Google modified a Prius that has a spinning sensor on the roof that makes a 3-D picture of everything surrounding it. With this and other cameras that allow it to see its blind spots it has the capacity to go a step further in
having the car a reliable source on the road.
Most states outlaw the test of computer driven car such as California, Nevada, Florida and the District of Columbia. The minds of people change once shown it trustworthy. So that once everyone sees that the car is safe to use on everyday roads it would be another step into making driveless cars. But some might say that if the computer crashes that runs it that would end up crashing the car. Well with problems there is always a solution and the only thing would be to add a backup computer that lets it reset itself so then it's able to continue on its route.
For the reasons wirtten driveless cars are no more a thing of the imagnation it would be able to have one in tthe near future. | 12
8f7be0a | Professor Thomas Huang of the University of Illinois has made a great leap in technology that can recognize the emotions one might project. With his collegues, Prof. Huang developed the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS. It utilizes human anatomy to help indentify the intensity of emotions and what range of emotions one might feel. As facial emotions are universal in the muscles that are engaged to produce those emotions, having this technology in different environments can help with productivity and learning. An application of FACS can prove useful in a school enviroment, as it can provide tailored learning, emotional aid through school counseling, and can aid in learning anatomy.
As proposed in paragraph 6, the use of FACS can allow for tailored learning through webcamera software. If the software can be used to detect the emotions on the faces of students, it can identify the emotions associated with success and frustration. If the facial scan sees that a student is struggling with an assignment or is frustrated with it, the lesson plan and the problems given can be altered to maximize what is learned as mentioned in paragraph 6 with Prof. Huang writing, "A classrom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This application can aid struggling students and familiarize students with the given material, meaning that the students can further comprehend the lesson given. For students are exceeding the requirements for the assignment, emotions of happiness could allow for students to face a challenge with tougher problems than the ones given previously.
As seen in the paragraph above, FACS can aid in online learning, but it can also help with emotional help provided by a school counselor. Though it is a profession that entails the analysis of emotion in teenagers, emotions can be tough to read for even the most experienced in the field. FACS could play a big role in identifying what emotions students might have in the name of bettering their life. As mentioned in paragraph 5, humans can differentiate between various emotions when looking at the face of an friend or family member. However, the length of that analysis can only go so far to prove what a student is feeling. Employing FACS could help counselors talk one on one with students about what problems they face in school and at home. Talking through these problems can lead to a more positive outlook on life and could allow for more engagement academically regarding the student. As a whole FACS can improve school life and culture.
Lastly, FACS can play a large role in the education of Anatomy, not only in high school, but in college as well. Paragraphs 7-9 provide simple examples of muscles involved in movements that indicate emotions from the zygomatic major and risorius to the orbicularis oculi pars plpabraeus. Utilizing the FACS can help students identify major muscles and their functions by using different emotional expressions. Since emotion is scientifically proven to be evoked by emotional expression as mentioned in paragraph 9, the results of which emotions are present can be more accurate. Having the ability to identify and associate muscles on a personal level with the aid of machinery allows for the knowledge to be kept with personal association, making FACS very important in this field of education. FACS can help memorize those muscles and retain knowledge about their function from a simple facial analysis.
An application of FACS can prove useful in a school enviroment, as it can provide tailored learning, aid in school counseling, and aid in learning Anatomy. As explored in the paragraphs above, FACS provides a wide range of oppurtunities for schools to engage in different forms of learning and measuring progress with its aid. With a universal impact in many different aspects of school life, FACS can revolutionize what teachers and counselors think is best for students. The software provides a scope of use not limited to just science, but to schools and companies who can utilize FACS for learning and for projects in the future. | 45
19ea366 | The Seagoing Cowboy program is not a popular choice of career. But meeting new people, traveling from place to place, and taking care of animals is fun, right?
If you'd like to make more frineds, there's all sorts of ways to meet new people. In this program you're able to do just about every one of them. The first new people you're going to meet are your fellow crew members on the ship. Then when you get to the destination you meet even more people, whether it's strangers on the sidewalk, or even an army crew waiting for their animals.
Traveling? Definetely! I've traveled to so many places. Some of my favorites are Greece, China, and Italy. My favorite part about Greece was the Acropolis. On my way to China, I saw the Panama Canal. I loved taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, and adventuring an old castle in Crete was pretty cool.
If you're a big animal lover, this job may be for you. I've taken care of hundreds of animals. My first shipment contained 335 horses! Along with the horses, enough hay and oats to get them through the trip. The trips were very long so taking care of the animals kept me busy and as long as I was busy, they were healthy. The animals had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. And the stalls had to be cleaned.
Like I said, meeting new people and traveling can always be fun. And if you love animals, you're practically ready to sign up. The Seagoing Cowboys aren't always easy, but it sure is fun! | 23
b9f4768 | The new technology theses people are wotking on is an outstanding acheivment and will help to improve our education. This technology could be very useful in other situations that require the information this technology can give. Technology of this type is something that could change the way we do certain things in life.
Facial Action Coding System can be very useful in our education system today. In this age we have a good education system but can be improved in so many ways. The FACS can see what we feel by looking atr our faces, so that would allow the student to have a different lesson whether it be more or less difficult to allow him/her to learn at a much better pace than previously. The article states that the FACS can set up a new lesson for the student who is either bored or stressed, this only proves my point further that it would be of great value for our education system today.
The FACS system can be introduced to many lines of work other than our education system. In confrences with people with problems in their live a certain word can trigger an emotion, the FACS system would be able to tell his/her emotion and properly calm him/her down. The FACS system is and amazing feat and even become a great asset to interrogation such as whether or not using fear on a person actually works or if the interrigated person is lying about their emotion.
FACS is a wonderful technological invention that could change many things in our day to day life. This system can help jobs become easier and could very well reduce the amount of suicides by helping people get the help they need. The FACS can make our life so much better and could be effective on therapy and other jobs in that line of work.
Overall the FACS system is revolutionary and we should adopt it into our lives. With the FACS system our lives could change for the better and allow a new dawn to begin. Once the FACS system is in our lives it can be updated on the way we hide our emotions and keep up with the different tactics of concealment and deception to allow a more perfect system made out of the origional. FACS is truly and outstanding acheivment that must be used in our lives. | 34
d3f67cc | Doesnt matter if you take a car , bus, bike, trian or whatever kind of transportation you take to get somewhere as long as your getting there. Therefore if it is so many safer ways to get to where you need to go why would you use the unsafe one? There are a few advantages to limiting car usage. Limiting car usage benifits you by taking strees off of you and make you happier,having less traffic in your way, and it reducue bad air.
Heidrun Walter said in passage one "when i had a car i was always so tense. Im much happier this way. Everyone likes things that make them happy. in passage three a businessman name Carlos said ' It's a good opportunity to take away stress." Therefore less car usage is a very good advantage to your life. Many people want to be less stressed , they can always try riding a bike , i garantuee some of there stress will be taken away.
when your going somewhere and your stuck and traffic does it furstrate you?
Anthor advantage of limiting car usage is how much less traffic you will be in. In passage two it states that in france when they put a ban on car driving congestion was down 60 percent. Also in passage three they talked about the Colombia car-free day. they said that the car free day left the streets eerily devoid of traffic jams. Limit car usage limit traffic !
Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in europe and up to 50 percent in some car intensive areas in the united states (Article1).To live long we have to decrease the pollution that causes the air to become bad. in article three you find out that less car usage reduces smog which also makes the air bad. This is a big advantage of limiting car usage.
some people may say that cars get you where you have to go quick fast and in a hurry but what if there is traffic? Limiting car usage reduces stress, traffic and pollution. those are all advantages of limiting car usage. now think about and start limiting ! | 23
b5bc455 | The Lively Impacts from a Dead Engine
Personal automobiles and cars have played a major role throughout the world since the invention of the car in World War 2. Cars have been a very successful invention and many people drive their own every day on their way to work, school or other places their feet cannot carry them. Though the car has fulfilled its duties in making the lives of humans easier, it has also contributed to many negative events. For example, car emissions get trapped in the atmosphere and cause living things to breathe in dirty air around them. Therefore, a revolutionary idea has been spreading around the world: using personal automobiles less. The new aspect of using cars less has promoted a happier society, a cleaner environment, and an open attitude towards alternative transportation.
First of all, by establishing an agreement to decrease car use, people have been said to be happier and stress-free. The continuing congestion and traffic jams that are among most areas of the world, create an enormous amount of stress for the people driving. Many develop road rage or irritability and are unhappy after suffering from a long ride home because of traffic. Some believe that cities should become more like Vauban, a community in Germany in which the citizens have given up their cars, because those who live there are not focused on driving and are pleased living in such a manner. Heidrun Walter, a mother who lives in Vauban, portrays her love for this car-free community when she states, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (Rosenthal). By living in an area with little or no use of cars, the society becomes more cheerful and has less stress to cope with. In addition, with no cars people are forced to spend more of their time outside to get from one place to another. In Bogota, Colombia there is an annual car-free day, in which anyone who does use their car has to pay a fine. Many spend their day outside walking or riding their bikes to get around and believe that the car-free day is "a good opportunity to take away stress..." (Selsky). As they exercise more without cars and enjoy the great outdoors, they wear bright smiles on their faces and look at things with a positive attitude.
With a smaller amount of people using their personal vehicles, less gas emissions are becoming a part of the Earth's atmosphere. Humans breathe in the gases that are polluting the air and can become sick from it. The environment suffers from the dirty air and may not be able to sustain life if there is not a stop to the large amounts of pollutants being emitted into the air. In the United States, passenger cars are the cause of "up to 50 percent" of greenhouse gas emissions while in Europe they are "responsible for 12 percent" (Rosenthal). This means that the car use in the United States is ruining the air around us and assists greatly in creating a disgusting environment. In popular and global cities, pollution is even more noticeable and overwhelming. For example, in Paris smog has become an everlasting issue. The climate in the area contributes to the smog filling the air along with the use of cars: "Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions" (Chicago Tribune). To reduce the smog in the area, an elaborate plan was taken into action. Cars with even license plates could not drive on certain days and cars with odd license plates could not drive on the other days. By doing this, the air in Paris cleared up dramtically. Therefore by promoting a system where car usage is not as common, the environment can become healthier and cleaner, which benefits the citizens of the Earth.
Last, declining the use of cars creates an open attitude towards alternative transportation methods. Those who live in car-free communities discover new ways to reach the destinations they have reach throughout the day. Some will utilize their body and take advantage of nature by biking or walking from one place or another. Others might us public transportation or will car-pool with those who do own a car. As previously mentioned before, Colombia participates in a car free day, which means "Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses" to get where they needed to be (Selsky). Their use of other means of transportation on the day without cars, exemplifies that it is possible to live using other ways to get around. Some people are against the idea of using other transportation, but if they were to see the impact the alternatives have, they would be more accepting. These days many young people tend to get their license later by waiting until they reach their twenties, suggesting that they can live a happy life without relying on a personal automobile. Instead of using their own cars, they find other ways to get to work or school. These people become acclimated to organizing their lives "around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends" (Rosenthal). Younger people who commit their lives to walking or public transportation, become aware of the fact that driving a machine that can negatively affect the world is not a necessity. Their awareness then can continue passing on to each generation and can ultimately prevent the excessive use of cars throughout the world.
In conclusion, a life without cars might be a life worth living since it contributes to a stress-free society, a healthy environment, and an acceptance of other means of transportation. By relying less on cars, people can eliminate the variety of negative impacts on the world. The Earth can become a happier, cleaner, and more accepting place with a dead engine. | 45
52b037c | You now that in the paint of the Mona LIsa she is" 83 percent happy, 9 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry", (D'Alto 1). How we know that because a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System this technology can read your face and tell how you feeling. This new technology is valuable because this is a better way in which humans and computers can release, also the doctor who do this study the emotions and expressions before do this technology and because people communicate more in facial expressions than in words.
The facial Action Coding System is a relationship between humans and computers "Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate, (D'Alto 1). This show how this invent help humans and computers to communicate and understand better. This is important because show how in this time when everything is technology is important that we understand better with the technology and technology understand us better too so this new invent help a lot in the communication between humands and computers.
This new invent is valuable because the creator of this before doing this technology study the emotions and the facial expressions "Then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul (creator of facial action coding system). Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness- and then associated each with characteristics movements of the facial muscles," (D'Alto 1). This show how this new technology its valuable. The inventor of this with a psychologist study the emotions and then the movements of the facial muscles. This is important because we can conclude that the emotions and the expression in the Facial Action Coding System are real like the humans expressions and emotions.
Also people communicate more in facial expressions than in word "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication Dr. Huang, " (D'Alto 1). This mean most humans communicate with expressions and not word. Its more easy for humans make a facial movement that express his emotion that tell someone how he feel. This is important because show how this invent understand better the humans and not neccesary with word, this understand humans with only his expression.
In conclusion we can see how this new technology is valuable. We can conclude that the Facial Action Coding System is a better way in the communication between humans and computers. Is important because at this time everything is technology. Also we can conclude that the inventor study emotions and facial expressions before do the invent. We can infer that the emotions and expression are fact like that the humans do and fell. Humans also communicate more with expression than word so this is very good manner to communicate between humans and computers. | 23
c9c5c3b | Dear Senator Adams,
Voting for a president is not what it seems to be. The electoral college makes the people's votes so that the electors are actually voted. These electors vote for the president in favor of their party which is not always trustworthy or reliable. The popularity winner can also lose, due to lack in electoral votes. Many voters are still confused or don't know how the system works. In reality, electoral system is outdated and should be tweaked of how it would work today.
To begin with, Electors that are voted for by the people are not always trustworthy. They're hand picked by their politcal party but sometimes,"-state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsiblilties are..."(Does The Electoral). Voters can't control who their electors vote for president. The electoral college should be changed to popularity votes because, "-(the) electors could always defy the will of people"(The Indefensible Electoral). This is unreliable and the way of voting by the people can be easily swayed by the electors.
Additionally, the popularity winner can lose by having less electoral votes. Voters can be discouraged to elect their president when really the electors do the job. This situation has happened when,"-Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes-"(In Defense Of). Any election, voters can expect another close election in which the popular winner could again lose the presidency. The electoral college is unstable and this major downside is a factor.
More over, many voters are still confused or don't know how the system works. In this article it states that, "-voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate"(The Indefensible Electoral). The electoral college does not clarify to voters on what the people are actually voting for. In another article it explains that people actually voted for a slate of electors. This would mean that the author had to reassure the right understanding. Readers of that article who've voted are now in disbelief or shocked.
In conclusion, the electoral college should be addressed to a win by popularity. The electors in favor of their political party are not always trustworthy. The popularity winner can lose due to lack in electoral votes. Also, many voters are confused or don't know how the electoral college works in presidential elections. These facts add on to more cons than pros of the idea of electoral college. | 34
f5180f3 | Do you ever wonder what life today would be like if we didnt have cars? Not having a car today wouldn't be such a bad thing. Maybe the economy would get better because we would have to pay for fuel. The advantages of limiting your car usage is the it could lower the rate of global warming and people around the worls wouldn't have to pay for parking or tolls to get somewhere.
The first advantage to limiting your car usage is to lower the rate of global warming. Cars today are the main source of global warming. Source two says "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five-days of smog...", This is what happens when ther is too much smog in the city and people can't drive around because they can't see where they are going. In Europe, the United States, and other places are startinga movement called "smart planning" where they seperate suburban life from auto use. Source one states "And that, experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions...". That right there proves that the use of cars and fuel are a big part of global warming and that we should limit car usage.
The second advantage to limiting car usage is that we wouldn't have to pay for parking anymore and we wouldn't have to pay for tolls. Citizens probably pay millions of dollars everyday for parking and tolls. Source one says "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the adge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." Citizens shouldn't have to pay that much for a parking space and thats just in Vauban, Germany. What if every country statered doing that? Then the economy would really be bad.
In the end, there aren't very many advantages to limiting car usage but the adventage of lowering the rate of global warming and not paying parking or tolls is a good start and maybe if we start with something small like that we can conqure something bigger later on and not use car at all. | 23
103d884 | Driverless cars should not be created as they are unpredictble and are not very relilable. The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" explains the basic functions of driverless cars and the safety and dangers of driving one.
The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states that the driverless cars that exists today are not completely driverless. They are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. The sensors on a driverless car are unable to maneuver through work zones and around accidents. The driver basically waits around for their turn to drive. The point
of a driverless car is so that the driver does not have to necessarily pay attention. The driverless cars that exist today require the driver to remain alert and be ready to take control of the car. The driverless car becomes useless if it still requires a driver. The driver would need to pay as much attention in the driverless car as they did in a regular human automated automobile. In most states its illegal to even test computer-driven cars. Traffic laws focus on keeping drivers and pedestrians safe. If we were to have driverless cars, traffic
laws would mostly likely have to change to accomidate.
Google's modified Toyota Prius uses plenty of sensors needed for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Sebastian Thrun, the founder of the Google Car project believes withat with the technology that we have today, we are finally able to make improvements to the driverless car that in the the past would have cost millions. Driverless cars can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but only in certain road conditions. While the driverless car appeals to a majority of the population due to its futuristic feel, they are not entirely reliable. The driverless car must be human operated when navigating through work zones and around accidents. The car is also unpredictable. With most technology these days, malfunctions can occur spontaneously. If the brake on the driverless car were to stop working, then the driver and the passengers who are not paying attention could get seriously injured.
Driverless cars, while an innovative idea, are not necessarily the best idea. Driverless cars still require the driver to be alert. The technology that drives the car could break down at any moment and cause harm to the occuptants. Technology can be helpful, but it is best to not completely depend on it. | 34
6a7fada | Dear Senator of the United States,
I am a student in Miami Senior High School and I've been learning a lot about the Electoral College Vote. I know that the Electoral College is a process in the system and it consists of the selection of the electors and you don't want to get rid of it but I've got some reasons why you should remove it.
I've been reading about the Electoral College Vote and I found a passage that is full of details about how the Electoral College is affecting us, the citizens of the United States. The passage, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", states that, "-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." This is trying to say that the citizens don't like the fact that we don't even vote for a president anymore, we just vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The electoral college vote isn't giving us the opportunity to pick a president we want to win and we sometimes even get confused about the electors and the candidate we decide to choose. This makes it really hard for all of us to have the rights of voting.
Also, I found another quote that supports our thoughts, it says, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." What we're trying to say is that we need a chance in choosing who we want to win in an election. In my opinion, the electoral college vote is unfair to all the voters. Most citizens do agree with what Bob Dole said one day: "Abolish the electoral college!"
To sum it all up, there are some positive things about the electoral college. In the passage I found called "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" says that, "Obama received 61. 7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney..". However, we just want the electoral college vote to be abolished because the citizens would appreacite to have a chance in voting for a president by our opinion. I think that the popular vote is a better way to let us do this because it depends on the voters and who they chose for. This way, it will be equal for all of us.
I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this letter and to think about the thoughts that some of the citizens in the United States have in mind. Your service is appreacited by all of us.
A Student in Miami Senior High School | 34
9291825 | Why should the people of the united states vote if the electoral votes are the onlt ones that count? I feel it should be up to the people of the united states not all up to the electors. Even though most people know the people are actullay voting for the slate of electors when i feel we as the people of the united states that are votes should count we shouldnt have to depend on someone else.
Even though if the electors tie and then the peoples votes count it would be fair but we be able to fight for are country at the age eighteen and be able to vote but still not count is unfair because that would then be the boss of are country and are troops. Also they can leave us to fight over seas and defend are country but we have electors who stay in th u. s all there life and get to chose who run the untied states.
Also, it sates the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. It should not be are votes through another person we dont know. For an example that would be like giving a stranger three-thousand dollors and telling it to mail it to one of your family members its a fifty-fifty chance its going to actully get to them.
I just feel that are votes should matter more then electoral votes we get harmed by what ever the president does not any of the electorals. Most of the people now days dont even get into the elections for that reason that they dont even matter. Plus that was the old way of doing the presidency but now were in 2014 it should change cause it only will effect the people of the united states. | 12
4e9d2aa | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explains that Venus is an extremly dangerous planet. The author also suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Due to the fact that Venus is extremely dangerous for human exploration it would be extremly unreasnable for humans to explore the planet.
The first reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because the atmospere is extremly thick and tempatures are really hot. This is true because in paragraph 3 the author explains that the atmospere is "97 percent carbon dioxide. . .." In this paragraph the author also explains that the tempature is so high that it would not only kill any human on the planet, but it would also cook them! This is true because in paragraph 3 the author stated "On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" which is almost double the temperature that you cook a turkey at!
Another reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because some simplified electronics cannot last much longer than 3 weeks in Venus's conditions! This is true because in paragraph 7 the author states "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This statement by the author basically proves that any human involvement on venus would be even more dangerous than previously thought because these custom made electronics are only lasting three weeks which makes the reader understand that a human in these conditions would only last an hour tops!
The last reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because of the dangerous terrain of Venus. In paragraph 4 the author states that "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes . . . features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This shows the reader that not only is the atomasphere and temperature extremly dangerous but the terrain of the land is rough. This proves to the reader that human involvment at all on Venus is just far to risky!
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains to the reader that exploration of Venus is nesacary but unreasnable for human involvement. The reasons why it is unreasnable for human involvment include; the atmospere is extremly thick and tempatures are really hot, some simplified electronics cannot last much longer than 3 weeks in Venus's conditions, and because of the dangerous terrain of Venus. allthough it would be unreasnable for human involvment the author did make it clear that we need to explore Venus one way or another. | 34
b9d2914 | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger. Throughout the article, the author supports this claim very well. The author gives a few real benefits for exploring Venus. The author continuously tells us, the readers, about advancing technology thanks to human curiosity. The author even gives problems and solutions to explore Venus.
At the end of the article, paragraph 8, the author says, "Striving to meet the challenges presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This means that by exploring Venus, we will gain knowledge and be prepared for future missions with similar conditions. Paragraph 4 talks about Venus's past like how it "may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." With knowledge of Venus's past, we could not only learn about Venus more, but we could use that information and compare it to Earth to predict some of Earth's future. That is how Venus's benefits outweighs its dangers.
In paragraph 7, it talks about NASA's interest to study Venus. In doing so, NASA is creating better technology and pushing the human race further. "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such contitions." With advancing technology thanks to the interest in Venus, we can now create objects that can survive over 800 degrees Fahrenheit on Venus's surface for three weeks. That is how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because we advance with the study.
Throughout the article, many problems are brought up with solutions. For example, paragraph 3 talks about Venus's dangerous conditions that aren't fit for humans, but in paragraph 5, NASA believes they can solve this problem by allowing scientists to float above the chaotic conditions which would allow humans to go to Venus and study it better. Paragraph 6 introduces the problem that humans wouldn't be able to gather a lot of information if they are on a ship orbiting Venus because of its dense atmosphere. In paragraph 7, the article says, "systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Paragraph 7 gives us the solution to the problem in paragraph 6. This in turn can also relate to the fact that our technology would advance thanks to the planning for Venus. That is how the author supports his claim by giving us problems and solutions to explore Venus, which negates some of the dangers.
With insight from Venus, advancing technology, and solutions to problems, the author supports his claim. The author tells us about benefits of exploring Venus. The author tells us how technology would advance thanks to the curiosity humans possess for Venus. The author tells us solutions to problems which negates some of the dangers. Therefore, the author supports his claim very well since he gave reasons why the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit, and why some of the dangers aren't a big enough threat to stop humans. | 45
077377d | The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The meaning of Electoral College is stated in Source 1: What is Electoral College and in paragraph 2. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of electors, the meeting of electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the countiing of the electoral votes by congress. It consist of 538 electors. a majority of 270 eletoral votes is required to elect the president. The electoral College is very important because it helps us decide who the new president of the United States is going to be, but alot of people thimk that it is unfair and should be abolished.
To begin with, Electoral College is unfair because voters do not vote for the president they vote for a slate of electors, who turn in elect the president. The electors can be anyone not holding public office. The elector are picked by the state. Sometimes the voters cannot pick who the electors vote for. "The electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." It is hard to say but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the Electoral College.
But, in defense of the Electoral College, there are a few reasons to keep our disliked method of choosing the president. One reasons is the Elecotoral College requires a prestidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. Also to avoid the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the vote cast. Lastly the winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states.
Inconclusion, the Electoral College can be a good way to vote, but also it can be a bad way to vote. | 23
01c5750 | Our curosity leads us to many things despite the dangers, Every human on earth are curious, about something. Curosity can lead us to danger or it can lead us into something big.
The author claims well enough to make you think, if studing venus is worth doing. Despite the dangers isn't it better to try then not have tried at all, progress is still progress. Someone or some, but a lot are curious, it is what makes us human, thinking of doing or having the challenge in us. Wouldn't it be amazing to to discover what Venus has in store? Venus could have things that we never thought of could exist, this makes the progress worth knowing. This made me feel curious of knowing more about it, One day knowing what scientist have discovered in planet Venus could be something amazing.
The danger that comes along with worth studing venus seems better not to try to move on with our lifes and stop trying to explore venus. But has that stopped people doing amazing things despite the danger it comes along with it? People have climbled all the way to the top of
Mount Everest being the biggest mountain on earth, coming along with danger with involving death or getting your hand or leg getting cut off because of the low temperatures. People going through the heardest things in life but later on succeding even when getting discriminated or getting yourself killed. But then you are known to being the most inflentual person on earth. All those things turned out to be amazing things, that know matter the consequences or danger it's better to try then not haved tried. There is something that will come along the way to get there. In evidence " Another project is looking back to an old technonolgy called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800's and played an important role in the 1940s during world war II . The thought of somputers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears annd levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormosly powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat and other forces." So that's a step to trying to get to know more about it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Even though we been on earth for a thousands of years, But we are just getting to know or discover more things even out of our planet earth. Curosity is always on are minds for an example how many candies do you think are in that jar? or how did you make that object fit when it seems impossible to make it fit, and many more that makes us wanting to know more. " Astronomers are facianted by Venus because it may well once have been most Earth- like planet on are solar system.
Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. " Wouldn't that be amazing to know how close or different Plant Venus could be to are planet earth. Only trying will get us to are answers. | 23
df3edd3 | Every day, we all wake up and instantly start to calculate how the day will most likely go. Much of this calculation revolves around the people that surround us constantly, like our family and our friends, who have the most impact on our behaviors and moods. We take a quick look at their faces and their body language, and can make a pretty close assumption as to what that person is feeling, what thoughts they are having, and how they will feed off of other people's moods as well. It's pretty easy to decipher many of these things without a problem, but sometimes, especially when an emotion is mixed, it's a little harder to calculate. Now, technology has been formed to help us find out what others are really feeling, even if they are hiding it. In many situations, this software could be useful. Some settings, not so much.
In a public schooling atmosphere, mood is pretty much what makes or breaks how a class will go. If the students are sad or the teacher is moody, the class might be that much more of burden to deal with all the negativity. If a class is particularly boring, and the students are tired, the class might go on for ages. Plus, some material might be confusing for some students, and this will make the class much harder as well to understand and pass. As people, we tend to subconsiously figure out this kind of information as soon as possible, in order to better guess how they should behave. We do it so often, we as a people have gotten pretty good at this. So how useful would this technoogy be in this particular situation? Not very, since in a clasroom setting it is fairly easy to tell when a student is confused or bored. Now, there are other situations, some even still withing the guidelines of 'school', in which this technology would be used more often.
Online schooling is an ever-growing web of ideas and people, and is almost always a good experience to have even if they dont stick with it. However, the social aspect of school is forgotten as well as the face-to-face contact with teachers that is useful in situations like confusion, boredness, or even sickness. This technology would be especially useful for this type of setting, since it can give teachers an insight on what their students are feeling about the material that they are teaching. It can help them shape their curriculum to better fit that student's needs, and therefore give a better and long-lasting impact on that student's grades, and possibly even future. It could be an integrated part of the website or a type of software that is highly reccomended or required to download. Even aside from all of that, there are even more uses for this software outside of the school setting.
In therapy sessions, or even interrogations, this kind of technology could be even more useful. In therapy, the people that go have most likely gotten very good at concealing their emotions, and doing things like fake smiling. This kind of technology could help the therapist better understand when something like this happens, and therefore help the patient get better faster, and to a higher degree. Interrogations, often done to help gain information that the prisoner most liekly does not wish to give. This technology could better read the facial expressions in details that we normally cannot decipher ourselves, and therefore better know when a person is lying or witholding information, and also help people know when they gave all the info they know.
A public school setting is most likely not the best way to use this programming, especially since it has so many other incredibly helpful uses that would be much more beneficial to many things. Its obvious when someone is happy, excited, overly sad, or losing their temper. bot expressions like boredness, disgust, fear, and pride are hard to figure in small doses. This new technology will be used in a variety of ways, but how many of those will actually we beneficial? | 34
94d4c0f | The Electoral College is how America votes for the President and Vise President, which is a process that the U.S. shouldn't have. Intially, if people are voting for a President, they know what they want and have done their research. Along with that, it gives the Electorial College more rights than the actually people voting for the President and Vise President. Lastly, it's just down right unfair to the voters. The U.S. wants every person to have equal chance at the election for a president and if about 500 people are voting compared to the millions, it's just unfair to the citizens. In the world now, this process is taking away the freedom of decision or making it seem useless to the people. The Electorial College shouldn't be a process we use for voting.
Most people voting, actually care who is running the country and they took the effort to make sure they got the vote in. The votes from the actually people should count because, evidentally, they know what they want. Most people do not go to a place if they do not care for the purpose, but if citizens are voting for their president, it should count, not having other elected officials vote. The elected officials voting, are in the government and that creates a biased vote which is uncalled for. The votes need to be from the people because they see the actual truths of what is happning to the economy, salary, taxes, the process of the government, and much more. It is obvious that having the people vote is a more efficient choice than pre-elected officials.
Secondly, the Electorial college takes away the rights to choose what president they want. Yes, they get to vote for which electoral college member they want but, it doesn't actually add up to the number the citizens actually participate in. As stated in the Constitution, citizens of America have freedom, and they should have the freedom of choosing the Preseident and Vice President they want without out any ifs,ands, or buts. America has the freedom to choose and the Electorial College shuts it all down, which is disrespect to citizens and to the country.
Lastly, it is such an unfair process. As said previously, it geneuinly takes our freedom of choice away. People need to be heard and listened for what they actually want but the government lives their own way and doesn't take into count what the people, that make the country up, want. "Because of the winner-takes-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states."(The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the laid-back defenses of the syster are wrong by Bradford Plumer). This here proves that the candidates are only in for the game and not the real true choice in who will be a perfect official that runs the country all together. Clearly, the process all together is a complete unfair, brutial game to the people.
In Retrospect, having the Electorial College is a disaster and having it as a process makes we use every four years is unbelieveable. It treats the Americans like there freedom is worthless and makes the voting process unfair. If the people take the time to actually stand in line to vote, they hould earn the right of having their vote count in full picture. This process shouldn't continue on, for it is 500 or so people voting for the President and Vise President for over millions. That itself, is outragious and shouldn't be apart of the American voting process anymore. | 34
812bb51 | The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that exploring and studying Venus must be done despite the dangers. They support this idea by stating how similar Venus is to Earth and that Venus could have been like Earth many years ago. They don't ignore the dangers though.
The author makes a point to mention the dangers of conducting research on Venus with statements like "almost 97 percent carbon dioxide," and "highly corrosive sulfuric acide in Venus's atmosphere." They still combat this with reasons to continue though with statements about how similar it is to Earth, and that it "could have supported various forms of life".
Venus could have supported life forms and we might be able to research them if we were able to get to them. The author brings up computers that are entirely mechanical. these computers could be build to withstand the intense conditions of Venus. It is possable for us to research Venus further but how many lives is that worth? Our Author did a great job at informing us, but they didn't give us enough reason to make it worth the risk to research Venus. | 12
6a52cf6 | if you join the sea going cowboys you domany different types of things .one thing you can do is go exploreor even do an activity that you have alwase wanted to do but never did. you can also get to see many different types of animals. the best of all is that you can get to help other peopledo there job.
you can see many different types of caves,monuments or even statues on your adventure. if your going to drop off animals you can gothere a quick little cave. if you go to china you can get to see the great wall of china, even if you go to itaily you can get the chance to see the leaning tower of pisa. finallyyou can get too see many different types of statues you nerver had the chance to see. so if you come and jpoin you can see many different types of animals and monuments.
if you come and join i will promise you atleast one anial that you have never seen in reallife. as your in your job you feed different animes almost about every month or so. your going to see mostly horses because thats what goes on the boat. but if you get off to see something new you can see animals on a farm from a different country. espaccaly you will see some fish LOTS of fish. so if you join you will seeatlest one different animal.
but other that sight seeing or seeind different animals you are mostly helping someone go threw there job. you can be bringging an animal to a farm to feed a family. or you can be helping someone put an animal at a zoo so everyone can see it. as you ar helping you are helping somebody be excited to even heathy all because of you. you can feel like some sort of hero if you ask me so if you do join you will be doing many different types of things. you will be able to see different types of monuments. or even see atlest one different type of animal. vfinally (and most importantly) you will be helping someone do there job and accually be excited because of it. so those are some best reasons why you should join us. | 23
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