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1d031f0 | Venus is the second planet in the solar system from the sun that precedes Earth in the planetary order. This planet is often called Earth's "twin" and the "Evening Star" of the universe because of its brightness and relative similarity to the Earth. In the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author presents facts and figures that one could use to determine whether studying Venus would be an advantageous pursuit even though it would not be very safe. The author focuses more on the drawbacks of exploring Venus, hence the title of this work. The author does not strongly support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit due to his extensive reasearch on its toxic living conditions but does acknowledge the benefits of its accessibility from Earth.
Compared to Earth, the author has found that Venus in less less survivable for humans. In the early years of space industry, numerous spacecraft have embarked on missions to the planet, but they were not able to return home. Unlike Earth, Venus has an atmosphere that is "almost 97percent carbon dioxide" with a surface temperature averaging "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and an "atmospheric pressure [that] is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet"(Paragraph 3). Due to these extreme differences in temperature, pressure, and air content, Venus would be fairly inhospitable for humans. Usually when NASA launches missions to other planets they are trying to find alternatives habitats for the human race in the event that they cannot survive on Earth. If humans will not be able to withstand the conditions of Venus it is no longer a good option; therefore, it is not worth looking into since the author provides evidence that Venus would not be a useful living environment in the future.
However, the author has also found that studying Venus could be beneficial considering its proximity and similar geographical features to Earth. The Earth comes right after Venus in the solar system, making it fairly close given the long time frame of space travel. Astronomers have discovered that it was also previoulsly one of the "most Earth-like [planets]" as it "was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life" (Paragraph 4). Venus also "has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" (Paragraph 4). In the event that Venus became a viable option for humans to inhabit when Earth collapses (as mentioned earlier), humans would have already been exposed to some of the landscape there. Although this would make Venus more assimilable, its similarity to Earth does not outweigh the dangers that still come with the planet being an unknown land changing from its previous state. With this evidence the author provides an advantage to exploring Venus, but it does not hold up against the established points about Venus' overall uninhabitability.
Throughtout the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author presents infomation for exploring Venus being both beneficial and harmful, but he elaborates more on the reasons pointing to the dangers that Venus poses. Compared to current conditions of Earth, Venus does not possess the necessary qualities that would make it a valuable reserve for potentially sustaining human life forms. The author is better able to address the disadvantages of studying Venus because of the extensive research revealing the planet's present volatile state instead of benefits from its similarity to Earth. Therefore, the author fails to thoroughly prove Venus' worthiness of exploration. | 45
defe6bd | About 25 years ago, NASA's Viking 1 and Viking 2 spotted what seeemed to be a giant face that resembled an Egypt Pharoah. Could this be an alien artifact? Haha,..nope just a natural landform.
Only a few scientist thought that the face was an artifact, but as soon as NASA heard this the made it a priority to go back and photograph Cydonia once again. Jim Garvin says "We felt this was important to taxpayers. We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." (Paragraph 6) This mean if it was an alien artifact NASA would have made money and benifited from finding this.
However, when Michael Malin went back and photgraphed this again it revealed only a natural landform.(Paragraph 7) Later when others went back again to photograph it they were fortunet enough to get close enough to get a clear picture. (Paragraph 10)
The picture acutally only shows the Martian equivalent of butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West.(Paragraph 12) Too bad for all those scientist who thought this was an alien artifact. We still have to wait a while before we can prove that there have, are, or will ever be aliens on mars! | 23
83eb2af | Join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can experience different adventures from all around the world.
Body#1: In the program, you can experience different countries and adventures from all around the world. You can also visit places you have not been to before. After you come back home, it can make you more aware of people in different countries.
In the program, you go from country to country delivering horses, mules, supplies and also sometimes food. Joining this program is very helpful to the citizens/people living in these countries because of World War II.
Although, joining this program can sometimes be very dangerous. From high waves and huge thunderstorms, to slipping overboard and getting very wet and ice-cold. Sometimes, you are elected to be a night watchman and check on the animals hourly, but just be careful about where you step because you might slip and fall down the side of the ship.
Now that I've told you everything about the program, who wants to join? | 23
70a621a | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author supports the idea that studying Venus is worthy but also dangerous. The idea of studying Venus is a very scary idea because of all the dangers it can cuase for humans to get close to the very hot and stormy planet.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" they are wanting to explore Venus but they realized the dangers it can have and the worthiness of also trying this experiment. In the text the author states that Venus is a very hard place to land a spacecraft on thats why we haven't done it in 3 decades. A reason for them not landing a spacecraft on Venus is the extreme temperatures that humans can face. The temperatures o Venus can get up to over 800 degrees fahrenheit, also the atmosphric pressure is 90 times greater than wht we experience on Earth. The author states that a "submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our ocean and would liquefy many metals." The author is saying that if went to Venus with a spacecraft there would be a great possibility that the spacecraft could melt right then and there on Venus.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gaves us many reasons why the experiment would be a worthy but also very risky experiment. Knowing what the people from NASA said about Venus's temperatures and atmosphere would be very risky for the humand they would take to that planet. | 23
788f5c1 | Many americains are unable to drive, whether it be from disabilities or out of pure fear. Americains could feel at ease with driverless cars though. Driverless cars could provide a safe and efficent drive for everyday Americains. Driverless cars are safe, efficent, and even smart.
Safety is a key factor in a driverless cars hard drive. Sensors, anti-braking, and even driver assistance are all key safety functions in a driverless car. These help better protect the driver behind the wheel in case of emergency. Driverless cars made by Google have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. This shows that driverless cars are not only safe, but even efficent.
Although safety is huge concern, being efficent is a whole diffrent matter.
Driverless cars are efficent by allowing the driver to have full control of the vehicle and even making sure the drivers paying attention. These cars can be equipped with special touch senserss, which would allow the car to make sure the driver has ahold of the steering wheel. This makes sure that if the car is in need of driving assitance, the driver can safety comply. By allowing the driver full control, this makes the car efficent and smart.
Being efficent is one thing, but being smart is a whole diffrent ball game. These cars respond to their surrondings all the time. With the use of a tech called LIDAR, it uses lazer beams to form a constant 3-D image of its surrondings. This helps the car better navigate on roads and in traffic. These cars are not completely driverless though. If their is roadwork ahead or a big amount of traffic, the car allows the driver to take control and maneuver the car out of the situation. Special sensors in the steering wheel allows the car to know if the drivers hands are on the wheel. This makes the cars not only safe, but very smart.
In the end, Driverless cars should be in development because they are safe, efficent, and smart. These cars are capable of withstanding everyday traffic efficently and even safetly. Cars like these could potentially help thousands of Americains in their everyday life. These cars could revolutionize Americain life for the better! | 34
1f0e22b | The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author wants to know what Venus is about and what are the dangers that it presents. The author wants to know what things happen to venus and the challenges. The author knows that venus is sometimes called the Evening Star. The author also knows that Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size.
Venus is the second planet from our sun and simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. It has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive.
Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value. Human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. The author learned the things he had questions about. He learned about the thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. | 12
adeefca | At night time, when you look at the evening star, you're also looking at a planet called Venus. Venus is also known as Earth's "twin," which is a very incredible planet, one that is almost similar to Earth itself. However, we don't know much about the planet itself. For astronomers and scientists, exploring venus had lead to nothing but failure one drone after another. The author from the article explains in great detail on why these group of scientists shouldn't give up but instead should push themselves harder to reach that goal.
Venus is a complicated planet for scientists to explore. "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours," (Paragraph 2). With the temperatures being an average of 800 degrees Fahrenheit on the planet's surface, the thick layer of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, and the surface having a pressure that is 90 times greater than our ocean floors, it's very difficult almost impossible for scientists to even understand the basic's of the planet. The author also explains "why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" (Paragraph 4). Well, in (Paragraph 4) the author also tells us that "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." After hearing that fact, who wouldn't want to learn more about Venus and, with the advancements of technology and discovring new materials, the goal for exploring Venus may come true one day.
With the issue of trying to explore Venus means scientists needs to come up with a new approach which in (Paragraph 7) explains perfectly well, "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbine have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. Just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Even with the advancements of technology today, we still need help from technology back then too.
With our thirst for knowledge and understanding a force we don't understand yet, pushes us to do wonderous things. The author of this article helped show us if we managed to successfully make it to Venus and study the forces within it. We may have a second Earth in our solar system and our journey to the stars will have finally begun. | 34
1717119 | Can people really show their emotions through a computer? How can this computer see our emotions?
For years people have problems with emotions or telling how their feeling, well not to long ago a man tested his emotions. This wasn't just any old test though, this man named Dr. Huang tested his emotions through a computer. Yes!!!, i said computer. Dr. Huang wanted to test a painting called Mona Lisa, (i'm sure you know of it or heard something about it. Well Dr. Huang tested her faced because she smiles a little and he seen that she's not just happy she has six different emotions all together. She 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. How does this work? Well the process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscels. Movement of one or two muscles is called an "action unti." Your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when your surpried.
six different emotions one you and one computer, will you get tested? | 01
7077598 | I think having Facial Action Coding systems are a bad idea for students and regular people. I feel that it is a lack of privacy of what you think and that humans shouldnt rely on a piece of technology to change who we are, and as for this technology being for students i really dont think is a good idea at all. The reason why is becuase there could be students that prefer not to talk about there problems and this technology wont help them feel happier or any other emotion. Yes it will see that the person is angry about something but i feel that is not something to be said or written down for the public or teachers to figure out. If the student is ready to talk then the student will talk to you, not only that but thats what can create the bond between the teacher and the student and with that bond the student will learn to trust there teacher more better and for the teacher to trust the student better.
But with this technology, I feel like that would not be a good idea for teacher and student bonding, because then students would have a hard time trusting teachers because of the technology and if anything making student feel like they wont want to talk about there problems or anything at all because of the lack of trust that this technology gives them for teachers to figure out. If you want to know how the student is doing so badly then sit down and talk to the student about whats going on you should not need a device to detect what they are feeling. What would they gain from all that information how the students feel what is that suppose to do to make them happier making this sort of technology is a really big lack of privacy.
In conclusion i think having the Facial Action Coding System is a really bad idea especially for students becuase of the lack of privacy the students will have with there own emotions. Yes this sort of technology can figure out whats on there mind at the time but if the student is ready to talk to you about something then the student will open up to you making a better bond instead of having technology that pretty much forces itself to scan and recognize peoples emotions. | 23
9e1754d | What would I say if I were a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens, when I don't? I would first off say they're are no such things as aliens. There is no evidence that aliens are real. The only evidence we have are pictures that people send in of "UFOs" or "aliens" being spotted. Seriously those pictures could be easily edited with the power of the internet.
The Face is just a natural landform! The Face, like many other landforms, looks (hince the name) like a face! Have you ever past by a hill, rock, or any other landform that kind of looks like a human or any other human part? If you have than you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes you start thinking "why does it look ike that?" or "what if someone's body is buried there?".
Although the Face looks like a face, it may have not been built by aliens. Like NASA said when they unveiled the image for everyone to see, it's just a "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.". The Face was just formed by shadows and your eyes playing a little trick on you.
We don't have enough evidence to prove that aliens created this, so it's much better if we stick to my idea. It's all the work of your eyes, shadows, and the form of the rock. If only we could go to Mars and figure out the truth. | 12
f08abdb | Life on another planet is something that is very hard to find scientific evidence for.
In the science world you always have to have many sources to prove something is real.
There were always claims that the Face resembling landform was made by alien people but where is the proof?
I am about to tell you how there is no reasonable explanation for the mesa on Mars being created by aliens.
First, I will tell you a little bit about me.
I am a scienctist and I worked for NASA when Viking 1 journeyed through space. Over the years, as more advanced photography have taken pictures of the mesa, it has led me to believe that the formation is not an alien artifact.
Also, the mount on Mars looks just like the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho".
Which makes me think it was just a coincidence that it looks like a face.
Next, the image from Mars Global surveyor in 1998 does not resemble a face to me at all.
The Viking 1 photo probably had bad shadows.
The face was "formed by shadows giving illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth".
Further, the landform resmebles mountains and hills on earth; and other planets have mountains and hills too.
Moving forward, people think NASA is hiding something, but in reality finding other forms of life would benefit many studies and researchers.
"Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars."
Finally, how come there is no other evidence of life on Mars?
Don't you think that aliens would have made other landforms?
In conclusion, life on other planets is very hard to prove.
We have many explanations for why the Face is a "huge rock formation...which resmebles a human head.".
I hope in future years scientists find more proof leading towards that fact that the Face is a natural landform. | 23
5c94970 | Has televison and movies been showing us the future this whole time? Why showing us the future you may ask well there has been talk about driveless car or self driven? Google has had self driven car since 2009 their car have driven more than half of million miles with out any crashes. Now how will this benifit us and cause problems to other people. What will be the main source that keeps the car running such gasoline,solar power,electric. Self driven car will cost moe than you're normal avarge car that uses gasoline.
There is good thing about the self driven car, but do these changes really matter? If all of us decide to switch over that the self driven car will it run on gasoline like the car that we have today. If they didn't that would destroy other countires that sell potrolium and that would lead them to lower the price and workers won't get paid as much and many work will end up losing their job. Self driven cars aren't all that self driven because they need to be driven when there is construction or a accident. Most big states don't allow the self driven car. Beaucse if someone gets injured or even killed who will be the one taking the responsibility the drive or the manufacture?
Google has not put a exact price for the self driving car but what i think they are going to be around 50k U.S dollars that with it being solar power and self driven. Maybe Google will partner up with big car companies and make something work like Chevy or Kia. I have many questions about the car like the miles it get on the highway and how many miles it gets in the city. What technology will the car have how many people can fit in the car and whats its top speed. All of these questions you and I have we will just have to wait and see when Google decids to release more information about the self driven car. | 12
7c6cd00 | Venus is the closest planet to Earth and one of the brightest points in a dark sky.
Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus has proved it is very challenging to get data from the planet. The biggest question with Venus is it worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Astronomers should try to get more data because it imbodys Earth more than any other planet.
Venus has features that are very simurlar to those on Earth. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author says "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters."
It shows that Venus is very a like to Earth. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has had new and safe ideas so that we can still reserch Venus even with the dangers.
They want to floaut above the fray.
Wouldn't be easy conditions, but not hard enough to kill humans.
Now you know how dangers and worthy the explorion on Venus would be. But you sholudn't let a little fear get in the way of the fun and Knowlege on getting.
Wanting to do the challege on Venus has value, has dangers, and doubts but what are you scarred of you'll die any way. | 12
3f03e94 | Changing our ways on how we use cars for the better? Is it just so happen that people are using there car less than usual? In many places like Germany, Paris, Bogota are changing the ways to use cars. To reduce every little problem cars are causing. Traffic jams, smogs, and reducing greenhouse gas emmisions, people are getting smart about using there cars everyday. Maybe people are tired of using all cars of the time.
When people buy car, it gives them alot of freedom knowing they area able to go where ever they're heart desires. Lately people aren't feeling the whole waiting in traffic if theres an accident or just to much cars. Bus rides, trains, taxi are helping reduce this. People can go somewhere without waiting that long just for a little price. In Germany there are new laws where they put a prices to put cars and there is only certian places you can put there cars at. 70% of families in Germany have do not own cars and 57% sold there cars because of this new law? You would think thats people would complain about having cars and having no place to put them. But many people are accuatly happy that they put this new type of law. Many people prefered to have this happen.
Smogs? what are smogs? smogs are grey clouds that hurt is in ways we dont even know. Cars emmit these deadly gases and we dont know it. Cars arent the only one who emmit they clouds of grey smoke, factories emmit this also. Which is not helping our ecosystem at all. In Paris they had an order to help redude this problem. On mondays motorists with even-numbered liscense plates were ordered to leave their cars at home which on the following day people with odd numbered liscenes plates were doing the same thing if they did not follow this ruling they were have to suffer a thirty one dollar fine. This helped alot with the smog.
Places like Germany and Paris arent the only one who are changing the ways. In Bogota they have a car free day which only allows you to take a bicycle, taxi, buses or whatever you want but do not take a car or suffer the rath of fine. Going on for three years now people are saying they enjoy these types of days because everything is more relaxing it reduces stress and air pressure which is a really good thing. Even when it rains it doesn't stop people from participating from this. There is even a 118 mile bicycle path that shows how much people want to change the way they use cars. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city: uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaces by broad, snooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up."
Many sciencetists are believing that the car culture is coming to an end. Cars sales have drop alot. People are taking the bus, taxis, and even trains to avoid traffic. "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn." Younges ages don't even drive till the age of 21 or they don't even care till then. They can usually care poll to places like partys, mall and the beach. They don't need a seperate car for each person when they are all going to the same place. Which is feel its a good and bad things. Its good because poeple are caring more that were causing harm to our own home and that they know that they can do all they want together and still have fun. It causes harm to busineses many stores could go out of business.
It does not matter if we try to stop using cars or not we are always hurting in some other way. Traffic jams, smogs and reducing greenhouse emmisions are just the begining of this all. We can do way more if we put out mind set to it. | 34
fdfda85 | Imagine being able to live on another planet just like Earth! What about Venus? Venus is very similar to Earth but evaluating this planet is dangerous.
Reading the article it can be easily persuaded that venus is worth studying. With details and claims about how many positives will come out of studying Venus, the dangers won't be able to phase them.
Reading through the article dangers are easily noticed but what stands out the most is the the benefits of the continuation of studying Venus. The author provides counter claims in the text to answer questions that contradict the statement but this leads to be more convincing. As readers go through and ask these questions themselves, they probably don't expect an answer but they get one. In the text it says," If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scienctists even discussing further visits to its surface?"
The author contradicts themselves but adds positives about studying. The author applys and knows that it is dangerous but adds its worth it which readers can tell.
Not only by contradicting ones self the author also adds benefits to what people would like to hear if the research continues. By doing this the author gets the readers attention and interest in what they like. For example its no secret today that our world pretty much revolves around technology so by adding this in the text it catches their eye. " By comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." Adding how technology can possibly work on the planet Venus if studies continue add curiosity and wonder. This all leeds to persuation of despite dangers Venus is worth studying. Because I mean come on what person reads that and doesnt want to use their cellphone on a different planet.
Due to Venus being so similar to Earth and believed that there even were oceans on earth opens the eye of many people. If studies continue and Venus can be a planet that is managable to stay on or maybe even liveable it can be a real life savor. The author adds about if something horriific happens on Earth (which it does all the time) then Venus can be an option to go to.
A lot of people care about their safety and lives so if there is a chance they can save themselves they will. When reading and seeing that they won't have to think about their lives at risk if this studying continues, they are 100% on board no matter the dangers. If it can save them they are in.
In conclusion when reading this articles readers can be persuaded that it is worth studying Venus despite the dangeroud obstacles they may run into. If it benefits us then they are all for it. The contradicting of dounts and responses put us on board. As well as how interests can be even better and maybe even the planet saving us. The author definately has anyone agreeing with this idea after reading the article. | 34
3090536 | in my opinion the auther dosint relly oprovide good evidence as to why we should study venus. All he says in the text is that astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our sola system.but but it feels like provides more info on to why we should'nt. In the text the aother states that. On the venus's surface tepertures average
over 800 degrees fahrenhit. it continues to say that atmospheric pressure iis 90 times greater than what we experience here on our own planet. this is showing that it might not be a good idea to explor this planet. but the aother themselfes admit to this in the next part ware the aother states. ''these cinditions are far to extreme than anything humans enciunter on earth. This is from the text weare the aouther them selves admit that the conditions are to extreme. this shows that the outher really didnt soppert his clasim vary well. even though i think it was a good article ifeel that the aouther should have provided more evidence to better support the claim. | 01
7cd59eb | Everyone has heard of the planet callled Venus. Which is the second planet from the sun and it is also
famous for the beauty it has which other planets don't. For that reasons many researchers have tried to study Venus but none have accomplished to do so. The challenges the scientists face might means to end their life but it's worth it. The planet Venus, which is also known as our planet Earth's "twin" is the closest to us
yet far.
once was like our planet Earth, mostly might have been covered with water but as time passed by it became rocky which shows the features of valley, moutains, and craters. According to the article, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valley, mountains, and craters."
The researchers have failed stay long in the planet
to study it
due to the temperatures, which is over 800 degrees and atmospheric pressure it has. The suface of the planet is so hot that it is like volcanoes erupting, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes which make the people who wants to study the planet unable to enter the planet safely.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) is looking for ways to study the planet. The NASA has an idea to send humans to study the planet Venus by looking for a good conditions on the surface of Venus which will allowed them to study the surface of it. It might not be easy for them but at least they will be able to survive. It would be hard for them to take things from the planet such as rock, gas, or other things as a sample to study so they would have to take the risk.
It is worth for them to study the planet Venus because
it has value and they can gain the planet. Also they will know what it is to be like in the planet. The article stated, " Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidation endeavors."
Taking the risk to study the planet might means that they can finally know what it is like tobe in there in Venus and see things in there as well as bringing it into our planet Earth. It is worth taking the risk. | 23
9519ec0 | My position on self driving cars is as good as anyone elses, but my thought on self driving cars maybe different. I think that self driving cars would be beneficial to society. There would most likely be some bad thingsalong the path. Like what if the cars can not perform and hve the necesity that humans can do. People would be able to do more things while in a vehicle than to just watch the road and other vehicles. Say you were in one of these self driving cars and you had a call on your phone you would actually be able to take it instead of just letting it ring, or if you got a text you could message the human back. Now people might say thats not always good, but say you got a text from a family member saying that one someone in your family got into an accident if your were in a non-self driving car you wouldnt know till you stopped and checked your phone. On the other hand if you had a self driving car you could answer it and you would be able to text the human back. Ask where are they taking them and you would be there in no time instead of not knowing. Thus completes my thought on self driving cars hope you liked it. | 12
5f06a48 | When trying to mass produce smart, driverless cars you need stupid people that hate the world to make up some stupid reason as to why you can't possibly have overly used, technological cars.
My position on driverless cars is I think they are making you seem as though you are not knowlegable enough to drive like a normal human being. "Without the option of smarter roads, manufacturers turned to smarter carsbut how much smarter did the cars need to be? For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors." They are telling us that we clearly can't make smart roads. Is there actually such thing as a smart road without the use of modern technology to make the roads smart? No. Why are they saying that roads aren't smart? It's not like we can make concrete have a sustainable life to get it an education and to become smarter.
However, on how technlogically advanced we are getting we might just have some cars that can drive themselves. That would be pretty awesome in my opinion, but that is also telling us that we need to have fewer brain cells on how to operate a car. "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." his is telling us that at least one human needs to be in the car at all times to insure that the car doesn't do something stupid. When humans don't need to drive I could see a lot more accidents happening than when we were actually driving and had the knowlege on how to drive and be safe on the roads.
In conclusion the big car companies are still going to try to be the first ones to make a self driving car. When they do make the first car I want to see the car not get in a wreck within the first month of a teen driving it to change my opinion if they get in more wrecks or not. | 12
ecea555 | The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers when according to Venusian geology,like erupting volcanoes,powerful earhquakes,and frequent lightning strikes can land on its surface. Also when gumans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any palnet in our solar system,even though Mercury is closer to our sun. An example that explains this is "On te planet's surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit,and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". Another detail that supports that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents is the planet has a rocky sediment and includes familiar features sach as valleys,mountains,and craters. Also Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit and seems indisputable. An example is "The value of Venus seems indisputable,but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive". Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions. At thirty-plus miles above the surface,temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit,but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. It may not be easy conditions,but survivable for humans. Also,Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safety far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Mny researchers are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough on Venus. An example that supports this is "Therefore,scientists seeking to conduct a through mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.
An explanation of the evidence of why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because,Venus is the hottest planet and it is difficult to understand the different despites of many risks. Also when simplified electronics that is made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and has lasted over for three weeks. An example that supports this is "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example,some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". One way Venus can not be worthy of despite of the dangers is by looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers and can make calculations by using gears,levers,and do not require electronics at all. Also if you use a phone or tablet to acis or heat capable of melting tin,then those systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure,heat,and other forces. An example is "Modern computers are enormously powerful,flexible,and quick,but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions".
Some ideas that show that Venus is a wothy pursuit despite the dangers when it is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth. also Venus is referred to Earth's twin. An example is "These differences is speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner". Also,each previous mission was unmanned,and no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. It also explains that the spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Long ago,Venus was covered largely wih oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth. A final Example is "If our sister planet is so hospitable,why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface". Finally,when the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. | 23
2e66941 | To begin my argument, I want to say I believe with all the positive values for driverless cars, that nothing compares to a human. Humans are the smartest animals on the planet, and that comes with the proof that driverless cars will make errors much more commonly than a healthy human would. If the driver must pay close attention to the road he or she may aswell drive themselves rather than watching a vehicle drive.
Quite possibly the vehicles could be used for say elderly yet that provides a much higher risk in possible accidents. There is no purpose in the vehicles even if they are supposedly driverless due to the constant and important attention requirement. Regardless you must pay attention to the road. Your eyes cannot stray off nor complete other activities like being on your phone or watching movies. Especially where it states that the plan to improve on the vehicles capabilities and add a feature to focuse on the driver's eyes to keep them paying attention. This defeats the purpose of being able to relax or sleep while the vehicle takes you to your destination.
Concluding my opinion, the entire idea of a self-driving or driverless car is completely redundant and rethorical. There is a very dense and hollow purpose for the creation of self-driving cars other than the fact that people want them. There is no real purpose at all other than people being ignorant and lazy. My opinion stands with driverless cars and I refuse to agree. | 23
892da1a | My position on the driverless car is that it could be useful. But at the same time it could end up being extremely dangerous. With the kind of world we live in, such a car could become a problem. And could have some safety an liability issuses. Here are some examples of how it could turn out to be a bad invention.
The added safety features don't include drivers who are texting. It's kinda pointless to have a driverless car if those heads-up safety features isn't limited to drivers who are trying to text while driving. New traffic laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If there is an accident, it will be hard to discern who is at fault for the accident, the manufacturer or driver.
With liability issuses like this it is much too risky to contine to make advancements on the car. There are one too many safety issuses with such a car. Faulty design, limited coverage, new traffic laws, boring,and so on. It is extremely pointless to even have started to invent such a car. And could turn out to be too much of an expensive investment for those who want to increase the manufacturing process. | 12
37ae74c | I disagre with technology to read the emotional expressions of students in classroom . I dont like the fact that technology can read students emotional expressions because teachers dont always have to know whats going on in teens personal life . one reason teachers shouldnt know everything about teens personal life because teens in highschool go through alot . Teens have house problems that they dont want know body to know about ,teens get bullied,and also some teens deal with personal body problems . This is the reason i disagre with technology reading kids emotional expressions .
In the text it states that the facial expressions for each emotion each universal observes Dr. Huang ,so that means he can se every thing you are feeling .THE Text states that to an expert , faces dont lie ; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a smiling politician or celebirty isn't being truthful . This are other reason why i dont perfer technology reading people faces .But i also have a good thought on technology reading people faces . One reason is that when a kid get in trouble at school and lie about something he did the teacher can get the computer and tell if he is lieing . It also tates in the story the it can tell if you are being truthful .
Another reason i like the tecgnology reading people expressions is because police can use the computer. The police can use the computer for bad people that does bad things . The police can scan they face and their fingerprints also . Also judges can use them when people have a to go to court for a case they have . The judge can scan heir face and see if they are lien .And paremts can also used the computer on their child . And people can also used them to see if other people are lien or however they feel.
In the text it states that even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression "(like not smilingas broadly). using video imagery , the new emotion -reconginition softwaretracks these facial movments -in a real face or in a painted face of mona lisa . By weighting the different units,the software can even identify mixed emotions .Each expression is compared aganist a neutral face (showing no emotion). this explain how advance technology can be .
We as humans practice on this same impressive evey day . For example we can tell if our freind or families are upset . | 23
f79be82 | I feel like the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable for a lot of other things, but I don't think it would really be valuable for seeing what emotions students have because you're going to have a lot of students in a classroom with all different types of emotions. Plus what would it be good for anyway? Why would you need to know the students emotions? I think that it might be an invasion to privacy. I don't think everybody wants people to know how they're feeling and what emotions they're having.
Trying to get information from somebody you don't really know is an invasion of privacy in my opinion. I don't want a teacher that I barley know or if anybody trying to use this know how i'm feeling cause I just don't want people asking how I am all of the time. So if i'm sad and they use the Facial Action Coding System they'll probably think i'm always sad or depressed and feel bad for me and I don't want people feeling bad for me. Or if i'm mad and people know i'm mad and try to talk to me about it and maybe I don't want to talk about it, it would just make me even more mad because I already don't want to talk to anybody.
I think this technology is a great idea dependingon how you use it. Maybe cops can use it so solve crimes and it helps them out, that would be a good use for it. But if you're trying to use it for information on people and knowing what they;re feeling like all of the time isn't cool in my opinion. And maybe people are curious to know what kind of emotions people are having in very old paintings, that would be a great idea. In conclcusion identifying humans emotions is a great idea to not only solve problems but for just being cruious about how people are feeling in not only pictures but in videos to. | 23
3f0b178 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes the new facial recognision technology called the Facial Action Coding System(FACS). This system claims to read emotion expressions. I think that the FACS could help sience in understanding the emotions and muscle relationship and think it is a valuble thing in classrooms.
Some possitive thing about the new technology are adaptation and improvment. With this new technology we can use it to adapt different things like ads and school lessons. Ads can sometimes completely take out the interest on the viewers for the video and can be sometimes unpridictable. This has happend numerous times in classrooms when a teacher wants to show a documentary that is all ready slighty borring and an ad showing an exciting new superheroes movie comes up So now you have the entire class talking about it and not paying any atention to the documentary about Charles Darwin and what he did. Having these distracting ads adapt to what the audience is feeling could help bring down the amount of times this happens. The FACS could also help in computer lesson planing. If the FACS would be installed in a computer the computer would be able to realise that a student is no longer paying attencion becouse of boredom. So system can then improve what the lesson has by chnging the order around to give the student a more personalised lesson thus having the student learn easier.
There are some bad feedback as well. If the FACS system succeds in improving the academic scores of the students the school administration might deside that the teacher are no longer needed to teach the student, the students could just study in there cmputers. Another way the FACS could not be so good is that it is likely to be very expencive and there is ways a possibility it can malfunction and give unwanted changes in lessons and other sections in which it would be used.
In conclusion I think that the FACS could be of great help in the world if it could be 100% reliable. This system could benifit the every day use if used corectly and I think that the FACS could help sience in understanding the emotions and muscle relationship. I think it is a valuble thing in classrooms. | 23
467b271 | I am against the developement of driveless cars for various reasons. First,
these cars are not 100% driveless. Second, They can be really expensive and not affordable to many and
finally, it cannot navigate through roadwork or accident in which a driver would need to take over.
These cars are not 100% driveless in the article it said that the cars would not be able to navigate through roadwork , accidents , and etc. They also can not drive in or out of driveways or handle complicated driving issues. These things could lead to accidents in which someone could get seriously injured.
Next, these cars will probably or most likely be very very explensive in which millions/billons of people would not be able to aford. Even tho it is not a serious problem i feel like most people would like to have a driveless car of there own,but because of it being expensive it
would be very very difficult. In the article it states that the Engineers at Berkeley tride to something similary as said in the pasage, "these smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to extisting roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical" .In the passage it also said that radar was a device on the hilltop that cost 200 million dollars
Fianlly, it wouldnt be safe. Lets say a driver was taking his driveless car to work in the morning and his lack of sleep from last night got to him in the car and he ended up falling asleep. In the passage it said that google cars werent truly driveless, that the driver would need to take over during complicated things a driveless car wasnt able to do things
like move through accidents or roadwork and if someone got lack of sleep like they guy from above then the car would get into an accident because the person would
be sleeping and this accident could lead to his death. The passage also said that in 2013 Bmw announced trafic jam assistance" and that the car would handle speeds up to only 25 mph that speed is no where near how much people could now a days 25 mph is like for a small neightbor that raffic jam wouldnt be able to work during a regular street in which speeds could reach 55 etc.
Although the develepmonts of these driveless cars are increasing i still believ that it is not at its greatest length and i dont feel like we will reach one day when im alive mabye wehn im dead. As you can see i am against the developement of cars. | 23
d48d0fa | Do you belive in weird landforms?
I believe in them because they didn't just come from any where. Also there are many landforms on the planet Earth.
The face on Mars is a natural landform. This is a natural landform because in paragraph 2 it states "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh".
If it was created by aliens then wouldn't they at least mark or show a sign that it's theirs? They did mark that it was theirs by making it a face. Then why does it look like a human face? It looks lik a human face because maybe thats how they saw the first human.
I believe in weird landforms because it would make since that they would get there from either destrution of something else or creation of another landform. But why doesn't NASA send a space rover to mars to scan the face and collect some samples from it? | 12
0926d5e | "it's official: The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational."
(source 2 para. 14) But is it really? The Electoral College is why are nation is what it is. If we didn't have The Electoral College many of our great Presidents might not have been presidents. it's even under the 23rd amendment of the Constitution.
To begin with, their is a much less percentage of dispute between The Electoral College then their would be over the popular vote. for example, in 2012 election Obama recieved 61.7 percent of the electoral vote and Romney recieved 51.3 percent of the popular vote. just imagine how differently our country would be if we had Romney as our president right now.
Also the Electoral college requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal, which means that no region has enough electoral votes to elect a President. in paragraph 22 it states the Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balence that large states (population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the Constitution.
Even though the Electoral College is amazing and revolutionised The United States, "under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the President, but for a slate of selectors, who in turn could elect the President." (paragragh 10) so if you wanted to vote for Kerry you would have to vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pledged to kerry.
in conclusion, The Electoral College is a revolutionary thing that was created by the founding fathers and put into the constitution as the 23rd amendment. it is a easy process that has made the United States what it is today. some of our very own Presidents have won because of the Electoral college. | 23
6861f05 | Hello I am Luke and I joined the Seagoing Cowboys program and I am here to convice you to join it too. There are some bad things and some good things that happen when you are on board, but that is a normal day for me.
The first reason I thing you should join is we get to see all kinds of things on the boat. Like one time I got to see an excavated castle in Crete and I also marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. The reason I joined is because it is a one in a life time thing. You don't get to see castles every day or the Panama Canal.
When we drop off some of the animals we use some of there stales to play games in and we play like vollyball, and baseball, and table tennis tournaments. We also do boxing, fencing, reading, whittling, and it is a fun time on the boat.
One time when I was on one of my nine trips more then anyone I was a watchman and I was checking all the crates like I normaly do , but that night it was raining so I reported the news with the captian. Everything was good and I was coming down the ladder and I slipped down my back side and my heart raced as I shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. A small strip of metal along the edge stopped my slide and that strip of metled saved me from falling over board. I could not work for a couple of days because of some cracked ribs, but I was happy to be alive.
This opened up the world to me. I'm gratefull for this opportunity and I hope you join the Seagoing Cowboys because it is a one in a life time chance. It is a fun and exsiting thing to do because you are also helping other people. That is the biggest reason why I did it was to help people. I hope if you do join the program that you will have a good exsperiance. | 12
5d6b525 | Dear Mr. Senator,
Over the course of American history the US has always had an Electoral College, which was designed for untrustworthy ballot counting during the 18th century. Today the world is in the 21st century and therefore the Electoral College is outdated on a several century basis. The Electoral College should be abolished because it is outdated and creates politicians that only care about the larger states. Even though America is a Republic the vast majority of people believe it is a Democracy, and that they elect the elected politicians as a people, but in truth elect people to elect politicians for them.
To commence, the Electoral College has no need for presense because it is simply outdated. The Electoral College was made for people to elect people to elect a president, which in its intirety is completly unfair, also it was made when a smaller population was present and the ballot counters where unreliable without the use of electronic counters. Now, one can argue that age has nothing to do with the election process because the close ties rarely happen- the most recent one in 2000 and before that 1888- but a close tie is not the reason. Today the world lives in a modern era where we know how many people voted for a specific candidate but still we use the electoral colleg to see who wins what state. For example, Al Gore, the presidential candidate in 2000, "won the popular vote but lost the presidency"(9), now how is that fair? It is fair because of the Electoral College, where the popular vote isn't always the winner. Clearly, the Electoral College is outdated and should be abolished.
Furthermore, the Electoral College creates politicians that care not about the country but the large states, which have the most votes. A presidential canditate may forget about small states such as Rhode Island and South Carolina and focus on larger ones, like California or Texas, that foster larger amounts of votes. For example, "during the 2000 election seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina"(13), but all the big states did. This is because politicians want to win and not focus on what needs to be done and only say what people want to hear. But once again there is always an argument; people can argue that the Electoral College wins by region, which explains why some states don't see the candidates, or that big sates allows for political balance. "So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does"(21).
In conclusion, the Electoral College should be abolished because it is outdated and creates politicians that only care about the larger states. The US has outdated politics that have no need in todays society, why should the people depend on this outdated system? Also, the politicians only want to win the large states because of this system that does not always coincide with the popular vote. Overall, the Electoral College needs to be abolished.
a1a03f4 | I am certain that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. It has many features, and it has many people concerned about it. The Face on Mars is a natural landform because it was spotted with shadowy likeness of a human, it resembles the human head, and it actually shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa.
This face has many features, including its shadowy likeness of a human. Just twenty-five years ago, something happened that was so hilarious. NASA's Viking one spacecraft were traveling around Mars, then it was spotted looking such as a human. It seemed to them that the face was just starring, just as if it was real. This suprised many of the analyzers.
After many experiments on the Face, they discovered that it is a resemblance of a human head. It is just like an illusion, of eyes, a nose, and even a mouth. According to some authors it would be a great way to engage the public and bring some attention to Mars. They finally realized that is has brung some attention! After that hilarious day it was featured in many magazines, books, and etc. This is a enormous way of saying that this face is very engaging and concerning.
According to Mars Global Surveyor, they flew over Cydonia and snapped a picture of the original Viking photos. The pictures showed that it was an actual natural landform. It wasn't appeared to be an alien monument after all this researching. Even after this stage, people still weren't satisfied with the evidence that they had came up with.
The Face shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. After taking time and time again to review the face, it seems to just show a Martian that is equivalent to a butte or messa. " It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, " says Garvin. Which is a dome with lava that is in the form of a set apart messa, but is the same height of the Face.
As a result, the Face is a natural landform. It has a shadowy likeness of a human, it resembles the human head, and it shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. Research has shown that this isn't just an alien monument after all. There can be more thinking to this, can it? Its just a natural landform, which shows a Martian to represent Mars. | 23
cd4462c | In The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, despite the dangers it has.
Now some may think the author is crazy.
Some may thinks the author is correct.
Well I'm going to find out for sure.
There is a claim that supports is idea.
The evidence is that "Numerous factores contribute to Venus's Reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us.
Meaning that venus can have humans beings on it.
Now that is worthy to pursue, but can also be very dangerous. Due to the scorging hot temperatures there.
I know this because in the article it states that "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit."
Which means that this is a risk. But if its worth finding life, are making a new earth then it's worth it.
In Conclusion I believe that author is not crazy, but has a crazy drive to find a new living planet.
Also that Exploring Venus is a worthy pursuit. It is helpful to NASA and to know or have knowledge of it there another planet we can live on.
The author I feel is correct. | 12
f114047 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that stuying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Venus sometimes is called "The Evening Star", is one of the biggest points in light in the night sky,making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot.This nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet.Venus is the second planet from our sun.Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe ventage point of earth,it has proved a very challenging to examine more closely.
Venus is the closest planet on Earth in terms of density and size.Earth,Venus and Mars,orbit the sun at different speeds.This cause that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other to Venus.Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner.Also notable,Venus has the hottest surface temprerature of any planet in our solar system.Beyond high pressure and heat,present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on it's surface.Nomerous factors contribute to venu's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study,despite its proximity to us.A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus.
Astornomers are fasinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.Long ago,venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various froms of life,just like Earth.Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features such valleys,mountains,and craters.NASA's possible solution to the hosyile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus. For example,some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface.
Researches cannot take samples of rock,gas, or anything else,from a distance.Therefore,scientist seeking to conduct a trorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite risks.many researches are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute to venus.NASA is working on other aproaches to studying Venus.The challenge presented by the venus has value,not only because of the insight to be gained on the
planet itself,but also because human curiositu will likely lead us into many equally intidating endeavors.Our travels in Eartg should not be limited by dangers and doubts. | 34
920a499 | There has been an increasing concern about whether driverless cars should be developed as the technology of autonomous cars advances rapidly. Google has had cars that can drive themselves under special conditions since 2009 and many people are excited to witness the development of driverless cars. However, there are also some people worrying about the disadvantages of driverless cars. In my opinion, driverless cars have more negative effects than positive effects at present.
First of all, driverless cars are not safe enough and today, these so-called driverless cars can only control themselves under centain conditions, which means human drivers are still necessary. Just as BMW pointed out:" They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This means human drivers still play an important role in driving and they should always be prepared so that they are able to take over immediately if necessary. It deserves consideration that whether what we want is just a driving-assisting system. If driverless car cannot control itself under all conditions safely, it is not worth devoting millions dollers and endless hours into its development.
In addition, there are not systematic laws about the driverless cars now. As the author mentioned in the article, who should be responsible if an accident happens because of technology failures, the driver or the manufacturer? There are many more problems to think about. For example, how could laws be made so that driverless cars must pass certain tests before entering market? Should people make a law to force car owners to do a function test regularly? All these problems deserve public attention and should be taken seriously.
Last but not least, drivers may be challenged mentally since they need to be prepared to take over the car while in most of the time, they do not have to do anything. The author stated that some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. It might be helpful. However, people still cannot enjoy "driving fun" and a better solution is needed.
In conclusion, driverless cars have negative impacts on the society, at least at this time. At present, the uncertainty of safety, the lack of relevant laws and the psychological challenges it brings make driverless car impossible to be widely accepted. As an attractive concept, it may be inspiring to people, but it still has a long way to go before it can actullay be taken into practice. | 34
9f843b0 | Dear Florida State Senator,
Im writing this letter because I think that keeping the Electoral Collage is unfair to the citizens of the united staes and the candidates running for president. I think that keeping the Electoral Collage is unfair for many reasons. When i read this passage it gave me a claim, to get rid of the Electoral Collage, and it gave me the counter claim, to keep the Electoral Collage. Both the claim and counterclaim gave facts to show what they thought was right, but as i read this passage i thought that we shouldnt keep the Electoral Collage.
The main reason i think we should not keep the Electoral Collage is because its unfair. For example when citizens of the united states go to vote on election day every four years and they vote for who they would do the best job at making choices for our country. Their vote doesnt go to the candidates it goes to the Electoral Collage. I think that is unfair because its atcually them who get to pick the president of the united states not the citizens. That is also unfair for the candiates becuase they spend alot of time and money to get people to vote for them and when the people vote for them it doesnt really count because the Electoral Collage atcually picks who is and is not president.
I also dont like the winner take all method of voting. When that happens its like the other peoples vote never counted. When the winner take all method happens voters in toss up states are more likely to pay attention to the campaign. They receive the most information and attention from the candidates. Even if they go all out when its time to start voting that doesnt mean that they should be able to decide the election. Everyone elses vote matters too.
Some People think that the Electoral Collage should stay because they think that the Electoral Collage is a process not a palce. The passage says "The Electoral Collage process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress." That just pretty much showed us how they Electoral Collage system worked. Even though most people think that the system should stay I think it should go. It should go for many reason. The main reason that I think it should go is because its not fair.
59f0d46 | Driverless cars can be unsafe to many people, but there are people who support the idea 100%.
Seregy Brin states," he envisions a future with a public transportaion system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-transport taxi systtem. The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus". Since the car will be driving around with no human driver and offer a wider range of transportaion, then, that could lead to many harmful occurances. There have been many things that were technology based that were not the safest thing to have. A stove magically catching on fire is one example but another example could be a plane crash due to malfunctions and not because it was shot down by another country. If the car has to tel the driver that he or she needs to take over then the car is not needed." They still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues". There are so many downfalls to having driverless cars that there does not need to be any type of driverless cars on the street.
If there were to be driverless cars in the near future then no one would have to drive anymore , but some people may not have the money nor the right resources to go and buy a car that drives itself. Many people would be terrified by the idea of a driverless car because the idea has not been around for hundreds of years. Some ideas are not worth sharing with the rest of the world. To have a hightech car such as the driverless car means, it would have to be as smart as a human driver to uphold those type of responsibilities. if Google can create a smart technological car that can drive a car the way a human coould then there could be some exceptions made.
Many people agree with the making of the car because ti will relieve alot of things and no ne will have to worry about driving 15 hours to another state becasue, the new and improved car will do all of that on its own. The traumatic thing about that is, there can be glitches and the car can freeze. The car could glitch, or, freeze in the middle of the road and create a terirble accident that could lead to death. ther are too many negative outcomes towards the car , that, changing the world that much right now, or, even in the near future is too much to try, and handle. There are too many other things going on in the world then to worry about making a car that does not need a human driver to operate it. Even if the car is made correctly , many people will not have money to pay for it. Other than safety there are other things to worry about such as exspenses. then after exspenses ,how much mooney wil be going into having enough supply, product, and inventory for many people to have the car. Then, they would have to worry about how much fuel the car would need, or how much elecricity the car would need in order to be operated. People try to come up with differnt ways to make so much money, they try to make it seem like they are right in what they are doing but in all reality some things can be a joke. The driverless car tempts death. the car does not sound too convincing for many people to pay for it .
Although, in many peoples mind, the idea of a driverless car seems to be more efficient, does not mean it is more safe. The driverless car can change the world really quickly and it can change the world into being alot worst than what it is. The next invention might be robots for every household, and that can lead to many downfalls. The driverless car is inspiring many other ideas that are not safe . What can be depicted from the passage is, that, transportaion isses will be handled more efficiently. Anyone who is in their right mind would not buy such a product. Risking many epoples lives just so that an "interesting' product is out on the streets is not an idea that needs to be supported at all. | 34
6a7fada | Dear Senator of the United States,
I am a student in Miami Senior High School and I've been learning a lot about the Electoral College Vote. I know that the Electoral College is a process in the system and it consists of the selection of the electors and you don't want to get rid of it but I've got some reasons why you should remove it.
I've been reading about the Electoral College Vote and I found a passage that is full of details about how the Electoral College is affecting us, the citizens of the United States. The passage, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong", states that, "-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." This is trying to say that the citizens don't like the fact that we don't even vote for a president anymore, we just vote for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The electoral college vote isn't giving us the opportunity to pick a president we want to win and we sometimes even get confused about the electors and the candidate we decide to choose. This makes it really hard for all of us to have the rights of voting.
Also, I found another quote that supports our thoughts, it says, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." What we're trying to say is that we need a chance in choosing who we want to win in an election. In my opinion, the electoral college vote is unfair to all the voters. Most citizens do agree with what Bob Dole said one day: "Abolish the electoral college!"
To sum it all up, there are some positive things about the electoral college. In the passage I found called "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" says that, "Obama received 61. 7 percent of the electoral vote compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney..". However, we just want the electoral college vote to be abolished because the citizens would appreacite to have a chance in voting for a president by our opinion. I think that the popular vote is a better way to let us do this because it depends on the voters and who they chose for. This way, it will be equal for all of us.
I would like to thank you for taking your time to read this letter and to think about the thoughts that some of the citizens in the United States have in mind. Your service is appreacited by all of us.
A Student in Miami Senior High School | 34
b5af145 | When I got involved in the Seagoing Cowboys program, it allowed me to do many things I had never done before, and go places I had never seen. If I hadn't of joined the program I would have had to stay where I lived and would've never seen the places such as China, the Panama Canal, Italy, Europe, and Acropolis.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy, I was able to see the other side of the story from people on the other side of the world. When I lived in America, al So, I joined in on the Seagoing Cowboy program, thinking that just maybe, I would be able to make a difference in this world. Having prior knowledge about what exactly "hard work"
I was able to get many things accomplished that other people in that program that normally people wouldn't be able to do. Besides just helping devastated people with their homes destroyed from the battles of World War two, I was also able to have unique adventures to places that you don't typically go to everyday. Besides from that, when I was on my second year of being a Seagoing Cowboy, I was serving as night watchman. I was making my hourly reports to check on the animals every hour when I had slipped on the ladder and I went feet first towards an opening on the side of the ship. Luckily, a strip of metal along the edge of the boat had caught my fall and kept me from flying over the edge into the dark Atlantic ocean. Altough I had a few cracked ribs from the inccedent, I was able to find some sort of fun to do while I was waiting for the animals to be unloaded. All of the cowboys decided to get together and play baseball and volleyball in the empty stalls where the animals had been. We also found games to do like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and game helped us pass time. Not only that, but being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than just an adventure for me. It opened up a whole new world for me. I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. Being able to see this, I was able to recruit many international students and exchange visitors for years, and maybe, you will too.
With some background knowledge and determination, eventually you will be able to become a Seagoing Cowboy too. | 23
c37ca8b | The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," has many good points on how the planet Venus could be seen by astronauts but only in a flying/hovering distance. The weather/climate there is too extreme for anyone to set foot on the ground floor of Venus. Venus has up to 97% carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the average temperature there is 800 degree Fahrenheit, and the pressure there is 90 times greater then the pressure on earth.
The author has this idea of the astranauts can hover/fly over the atmosphere of Venus. The text states, "The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus, NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." Imagine if they happened when Neil Armstrong was the first man to land on the moon. That would have been quite astonishing. Now that we have te technology and hands on people that can create a machine/rocket ship that will able to fly over the venus atmosphere.
The author also states that,"Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over any storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." Meaning that the technology could eventually get soo sufficicated that place could fly over storms and not get side tracked.The hovering vehicle could also do the same thing in space once they learn how to do it.
On the other hand, there are many dangers that could come and ruin the mission. Well the atmosphere there is so thick that it is made up if 97% carbon dioxide blankets, the temperatures go over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater then the Earths pressure. The text states, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experienced
on our own planter. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planter in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." Meaning it would be far to dangerous to risk someone's life to just explore a planet. If the hover craft fails the person would most likey die.
In conclusion the NASA, space station is planning on making a risky but worthy adventure to check out what Venus looks like and they are trying to make a hover craft of some kind to make it where the people that go to explore the planet are safe from harms way, The are trying to make it safe from the heat, pressure, and the temperature. As long as they get that done they will be in a good shape to fly it near Venus and explore the new things that no one has ever accomplished. | 34
24e42b3 | The author is supporting this idea very well. Because in the text he is giving many reason on how Venus is our sister planet but a lot hoter than us. In the text they said, "On the planet's surface tempertures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the armospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on our own planet.
They came up with so many ideas to go to Venus and take test samples. Example, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Vensian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms." It's going to be a very dangerous job to do on the planet. Because they cannot take samples from a distance, they have to take samples on the planet.
It's going to be one of the biggest challenges they will ever have, but if they want to know what it's like to be on Venus, they're going to do it for everyone and the people in this world. | 12
35bc274 | This article is about Venus how they exploring this challenge. The author been studying about Venus a years or so. Venus is a dangerous planet but people might be exploring right now how they want to know about Venus. They been expericing a lot of things in Venus. It is a second planet of the solar system. People been challenging to do this because they want to see how they learned and how things are look like. The atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even though, the challenge that are the clouds highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atomosphere. There are other things they are talking about how much temperature does the Venus have and they are like also the weather that can present addtional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and fequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. This article tells a lot of things about Venus and you'll learn new more things about Venus. | 01
3f730ba | The facial action coding system has many promising applications, Mona Lisa has 83% of happiness 9% disgust 6% fearful and 2% ssanger. According to some new computer software that can reconize emotion the sofware is the latest innovation from prof. Thomas Huang, of the beckman institute for advanced science at the unversity of amsterdam. The process begins when the computar constructs a 3-D computar model of the face: All 44 mayjor muscles in the model must move like human muscles movement of one or more muscles in the model is called an "action unit" then Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologist, such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS. Eckman has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristics movements of the facial muscle. I think i like the new technology that the person invented it can detect your emotins and feelings. And i doubt others can invent something like that | 01
7c4b9e5 | Facial Action Coding System or also known as FACS is a new and revolutionary technology that can recognice emotions. This new technology was invented by Dr. Huang. Dr. Huang created this amazing tehnology so people would know how others are feeling so they can get help. He even goes and says that it could be use in cumpter classes. So would it be a good idea?
The answers is yes. Now the reasons i think its a good idea its because it can help the student to actually enjoy what they are learning . So the reason that i can help the student is because if they feel bored in classroom the computer would notice and it would take action, for instance it could change the lesson. And that is what Dr. huang predicts as in the paragragh he says "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor ". So that is why i beileve it would be a great idea for those computer classes.
In conclusion Facs is a great technology that should be use to help others and to know how they are feeling. Because as we just saw this is something that is usefull and that it could help. Human communication is nonverbal and that includes emotional communication that's why this piece of technolgy could be and will be usefull. | 12
fac4912 | I'm tottaly for driverless cars. I like the idea of driverless cars because they will make te roads a lot safer for everyone. The "cars have driven half a million miles without a crash" and when they do get in those crashes it's usually a human behind the wheel that is rsponsible for the accident.
As long as there is some sort of manual overide for the automated cars there is really no reason not to have them on the streets. So for anyone worrying about the cars buging out and crashing the human behind the wheel can take over and prevent the car crash from happening. The person behind the wheel should still have to have a drivers license in order to be there in case the need for manual over ride ever arrises. If theres a thought of a driver falling asleep behind the wheel when the car is in danger of crashing there is no need to worry because "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." and "The google car simply announces when the driver needs to take over."
Things like The Traffic Jam Assistant where "The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph" prove that we are well on our way to at least partially automatic cars being available in the market in the near future. Since things like antilock brakes which "can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine" already being in many cars that drive our streets today the thought of cars completly driving themeselves doesn't seem like something just for movies anymore.
When someone takes a long drive or a road trip with a self driving car ,in the not so distant future, and they think that it will be realy boring without driving themselves there is no need to fear becase some manufacturers are planning on "bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads up displays" into the cars . This will not cause more car accidents becasue "Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over."
Self driving cars need to be a thing available to the public. They will make the road a safer place. They can be manually over ridden. There are already cars that help the driver in many ways. It can make long trips entertaining. Automated cars are not a thing of the future they are just around the corner. | 34
a6a80ed | With the article i have read it tells me many interesting information and facts also oppinion and it also tells me the mesege the writer is trying to send me about car-free cities.
For example in source 1 " In German surburb, life goes on without cars " it talks about how there is a place over there that you can not have cars it is in VAUBAN , Germany .
in that article it tells me how many people that live there today have had to sell their cars just to live in that residents community and if you do own a car you have to pay $40,000 , along with the home your buying in that residential area it is completely car-free except for the main thoroughfare, where, the trm to downtown freiburg runs and a few streets on one edge of the community. and some of the oppinion from the people who live there are really positive for example mrs. Heidrun Walter said "When i had a car i was always tense. i'm much happier this way." Many experts say is a huge impediment to current effort to drastically reduce greenhouse gas are responsible for 12 pecent of greenhouse emissions in Europe .... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the united states.
Another example why some cities are making car-free places for example paris has band driving due to smogs. even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine $31 american dollars paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. Another intresting source is source 3: car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota. Bogota , Colombia in a program thats set to spread to other countries millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. this program has been on for three straight years cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in that capital city of 7 million their goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. violators faced $25 fines.
some of the peoples oppinios of this is "it is a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said businessman carlos arturo plaza and for the first time in three years two other cities of colombia joined the move like cali and valledupar.
these articles have really gave me alot of information i reallly didnt know about car-free day or places and tehy are pretty interesting and i really feel that the writer has giving me the messege he wanted to show when he made this article with so many good information and evidence from different places of the world and honestly my personal oppinion on this is that i really think it is god that some places have that because it shows how they care for thier community and i think they should fdo thhat in america but they did by changing the type of car that dosent use gas but it would be really good if we could get the car-free day in america because thatt would help our air our community and our bodies it would make them healthier. | 12
c766a61 | Do you want your car to drive you in the future? or perhaps would
you rather do it your self ? Google cofounder Sergery Brin wants to have driveless cars for public -transportation taxi systems . The driveless cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and off far more flexibility than a bus but what would happen if the car ran out of gas. No one knows how dangerous this could be for humans in everyday life . Driveless cars shouldn't be aloud on the road.
Driveless cars shouldn't be aloud on the road because of safety hazardous. One example of this is that the car could malfuction its self while driving automatically. In the article it nevers explain what the car would do in a car accident or even when damaged. It could hurt the driver and other drivers on the road. There is no such thing as a driveless car because it doesn't have the smartness and the physical view and skills as a human do. " Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over."
Driveless cars could be a better for humans to sit back and stretch and give time for the driver to eat something maybe check a text message. It could also be better if the driver doesnt realse something near by. Thats why they have
sensors that can that detects
danger and out of control skids or rollovers. The would accelerate and the car would stop. However driveless cars can't drive through workzones and around accidents. If the driver was looking for something and happen to look up and the car did not alert the driver that he/she
is in a construction work zone and is about to get hurt that would be the car and the companies fault.
Google cofounder Sergey Brin wants to have driveless cars in the futue. He wants to use them for public transportation. Driveless cars are very dangerous and could be a risk to everyday life. | 23
98a1e0f | Have you ever thought about how the world would be if our cars drive for us? Inventers are trying to make that happen but driverless cars come with a lot of prons and cons. It can be a good thing but also a very bad thing in some situations.
Driverless cars can help us a lot. Such as if an person doesnt have legs but still want to get around and, doesnt always want to wait on someone to come get them. Driverless help so they can start to move around on there own more often. Another reason it can help is it takes half the fuel it does than the cars we have now. Also its more flexibility than a bus, you dont have worry about missing the bus or loosing you bus pass. You just have to get in your own car and go and come as you please. The driverless car can go more than half a million miles with no crash. And the car alerts you when its needed, during heavy traffic or pulling our drive ways and, going in reverse and navigating through roadwork or accidents.
Driveless cars also has its cons and could hurt humas. When the driveless car alerts the person to take over what if they cant? What if the person doesnt has legs to take over the car, what are the supposed to do ? Laws are written with the assumption that onlysafe car has a human driver in control at all times. Technology messes up all the time. And that can occur during a person driving and can cause them to be injured or death. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- driver or the manufactuer? Sometimes its hard to debat that question which is another reason why its hard to pass the law for driverless cars. Driverless cars are going to make people think thats its okay to text while the car is driving , which takes there attention off the car. And It could be their time to take over they wouldn't know because they are texting. Also with the driverless car gives people to much freedom in the car such as, to move around more or look back and do make-up , everything but pay attention.
My position is that we should keep cars how they are now. I feel that if we made it this far with driving for ourselves our riding the bus why cant we just contuine? Driverless cars are dangerous and just a waste. If a person doesnt want to drive than they have the opition of riding the bus or riding in a taxi. I feel that driverless cars is going to make the work even more lazy than we already are being told.
Have you took deep thought until how the world would be with driverless cars? Driverless cars could be a big help in a lot of ways. Driverless cars can be a hurt in a lot of ways. | 34
4e1b427 | Man conquered its environment with advancements and technology, they make life easier but some are harmful to our environment. Automobiles were derived from carriges but unlike carriges automobiles requiered some kind of power to run on. Most vehicles in modern day run on gasoline, Diesel, or electricity. They make transportation easier for us but like every good apple it has its rotten side. Fumes produced by the burning of Diesel and Gasoline are harmful to our ozone. The fumes produce a green-house like effect and trap in the heat contributing to global warming. Although Desiel engines have improved and are now cleaner our atmosphere is still taking a sucker punch. Almost every family in the United States owns an automobile, thats millions and millions of people driving increasing carbon emmisions. If less people used their personnal vehicle they could save money and diminish the amount of pollution produced by their automobiles. There is no way we can obliterate car use because we have built our world centered on car use but we don't have to stop driving we could simply reduce our impact by using public transportation, walking or riding a bicycle. Walking or driving a bicycle could relieve stress while commuting and traffic jams increase your stress level do something for yourself and our environment and decrease your stress level.
The are many many reasons to decrease our reliance on automobiles yet even with many benefits we refuse to do our part. The amount of fossil fuels available in earth is limited, in the past decades we have used much of it there will soon come a day when we will experience a shortage of fossil fuel. The day will come regardles of anything because of our relaince in this source of power but we can slow down its arrival by using less. Americans use thousands and thousands of dollars a year to fill up their tanks, when they could walk or car pool and save money. They could use that money to pay bills, make improvements in their home or make a college found for their kids. Yet many preffer to drive and just burn their money away. The use of public transportation doesn't only save you money it can increase your comminities economy.
While i'm all for saving money there is a greater cause then just saving money. Although is obvious we could all use a few extra bucks in our wallet we could also use a healthier planet. We breath in the fumes that automobiles produce, carbon is not good for us its a health hazard. We are polluting the air we breath our body needs oxygen not carbon and yet that's a high percentage of what our lungs inhale. There is also the concern that carbon emissions are causing holes in our ozone layer. The ozone protects us from all the harmful rays that the sun emmits like Uv-rays. There has been an increase of people sufferring from skin cancer in the last decade. why you may ask, well carbon emissions make holes in our ozone layer which in essance allows harmful sun rays to reach us. With a certain amount of exposure to radiation our cells experience mutations caused by the harmful rays and essancially give birth to cancer. Many people die because of this disease and we lament their loss but not enough to make a change. Pollution produced by automobiles has many negative effects on our environment, and health. We could decrease the damage by doing our part and leaving our car parked in the garage.
If saving money and having a cleaner environment isn't a good enough reason to limit you car usage then do for your own health. There is more to life then just driving impatienlty in a car you could walk and enjoy nature. Our reliance on cars is unhealthy for us and our environment. We are polluting our beautiful planet and causing an increase of health hazards. There is only so much fossil Fuel left we can waste it all at once or make it last a little longer. I myself enjoy the pleasure of just driving to a store rather than walking but i preffer a healthy environment over a car ride. Do your part walk, take a bus, or car pool with your friends. Every grain of sand counts. | 34
1319f06 | We are coming to a time in history where our knowledge of technology is at an all time high. We have new phones, computers, ipods, and a bunch of different devices that we use in our everyday lives that we depend on every single day. As technology advances we see many new inventions and usful things come into our lives. Some of these things can cause a harm to the people in different ways, but some are things that will change the way we look at life, one invention that will change all of peoples lives forever, in the good way, is the driverless car. These cars will change how we as a people go about our every day lives and how we handle ourselves.
There are quite a few major benifits to the driverless car, for instance, the cars will be able to cut down on the amount of injurys and even deaths for texting and driving. Instead of having to try and drive while answering a text message people will be able to look down and talk on the phone while the car in driving itself. Another way this car will benifit us is how effective it will be at cutting down pollution. The driverless cars will cut the gas used in half in major areas where taxi's are one of the main sources of transportation. This will help the entire planet by cutting down the hurt on the ozone layer.
This car has other benifits as well. Such as it's constantly updating 3-D sensors that make the car aware of what is around it. This improves safety and the reliablity of the cars giving the person in the car more confidence in what it is doing. The cars also contain a feature that would alert the person in the car if there was something coming up that the car may not be able to handle on its own. This improves safety and majorly brings down the amount of crashes.
However, these cars are not perfect by any means. They are sitll a work in progess meaning they will have some difficulties, or things that would hold them back. One of those things being that even thought the cars dont have a driver needed most the time, they will still need the drivers to take over in some situations. These include times when they are approaching a car accident or road work. They will have to be driven by the driver to get around it. They also have a confusing part to them. If they do in fact get into an accident whose fault would it be? The human who owns the car or the manufacturer? This could cause for some long and dramatic legal cases no body wants to deal with.
The advancment in technology in recent years has led to many ground greating discoveries. With the way we are headed we may be in store for a world full of technology. Will driverless cars be a factor in the future? If they can perfect it and get them up and running, then yes they can. | 34
da4513f | In "The Challenge of exploring venses " the author suggests that studying venus is a wrothy prsuit despite the dangers it presents. The author thinks studyinfg venus is a worthy pursuit because venus is the most earth like planent in our soloar system. "venus is the closest planet to earth in term of denstiy and size, and occasionaily the closest in distace too." the author belives one day that people cuold go there and vist and study on venouse more or maybey even live there, " imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian landscape. just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher ataltitude to fly over many stroms,a vehicle hovery over hovering over venus wuold avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out their way"
But studying vesue is pretty challageing and dangeus because being able to study tha planent you have to be on it and that diffcult because " a thick atmousephere of almost 97% carbon dixide blankets venus. even more challenging are the clouds of hihly corrosive sulfuric acid in venuis atmoahere." and "since no spacecraft suurvived the landing for more then a few hours. maybe this issue explans why not a single spaceship has tuoched down on venus in more than 3 decates."
" noumerous facters contrirbute to venus's repuaton as a challenging planet for humans to study on." | 23
e5cf186 | Luke was working when his friend Don Reist said if he wanted to go europe on a cattle boat. Luke said it was an opportunity of a lifetime. So he didnt give up the chance to go with him. The reasons you should go is that you can see new places that you have most likely never seen before or have never visited before. You will have an experience of how to take care horses,young cows,and mules that would be shipped from place to place.
But along the way you'll find out what it feels like to take care these animals like as if you were on a farm because these are animals that would be on a farm. Besides you could try new food that you could have never tried in your life. You could have a chance to meet new people. Also while in that place you could experience what their culture is and also what they do in that culture. The only places you would go to though would be italy,china,new orleans,and greece.
So on your way these are the places you could explore and visit for a while. So these are the reasons I think you should take the chance to become a seagoing cowboy if you ever got the opportunity to become one. | 12
c6cfd2f | Many kids should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program will help other kids, and adults, to be more aware of people in other countries and their needs. This can open up the world for everyone in many ways.
In this case, this program helped Luke find time to have fun on board. The cowboys played many different sports at this program.
They played sports in empty holds where animals had been housed.
Table-tennis tounaments, fencing, boxing,reading,whittling, and games also helped pass the time for the Seagoing Cowboys when there was nothing to do. This was cool.
Some children might not want to go to this program, but if they do go then they would have a great opportunity to experience what it is like to do new things that they have never done before. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than an adventure for everyone. Even for Luke Bomberger.
This program is helpful for young children to get a chance to discover many things, and it will give them a chance to make outstanding, new friends to hangout and play with, too. Anyone who wants to become a Seagoing Cowboy, can travel to this camp and have a really great time there. Also, anyone can even visit many unique places. | 12
7f66ed8 | Dear Mr. Senator,
Today I am asking for your favor of keepig the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. This process now consists of the selection of the electors and meeting where they vote for the president and vice president, and the counting of votes by the congress. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, but only 270 of those votes are required to elect the president. I think that we should change the way that our citizens vote. I also think that we should update how the elections are run.
First of all, we should change the way that our citizens vote. When we vote for a president we are actually just voting for that Elector. So there is a possibility that the Elector could vote for the opposite president and your vote basically not be put in. I think that our citizens should have enough rights that they dont have to have Elector to do the voting for them and we can all just vote for who we want. For instance, it could be just all politics and the Electors get paid to vote for a certain person and thats why most of the presidents who get elected get elected today.
Secondly, We should update how the voting system works. Instead of it being 270 people out of 538, we should just have everyone one vote without Electors. Then everyone would have there say in the voting system and then they could just average it out or figure out the math of who won by percentage. For instance, take the number of all the people who voted for both presidents and take the number of one of the presidents and divide them by eachother and multiply it times 100. Then all the political stuff wouldnt happen because everyones vote counted. Maybe a change in the system would be a good idea.
Last but not least, In The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, Bradford said that in 1960 segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. So that vote would not have actually gone to Kennedy. So the Electors are not as reliable as everyone thought. Some Electors have also refused to to vote for there parties canidate. My honest opinion is to just change the Electoral College.
In conclusion, I am writting to you Mr. Senator in hopes that you can fix the Electoral College and change the election to a popular vote. If this were to happen, it could make our citizens have a little more rights. We may also update our system a little bit so that the election voting is a little more accurate so that everyone gets to get there vote in. Maybe this could be what solves most of the political problems in the world.
652db13 | Dear State Senator,
There is arising conflict on whether or no to abolish the electoral college system. It has it's pros and its cons but reasonablly, the cons out-do the pros. The electoral college needs to be taken over by popular vote in Presidential elections. It creates a more biased vote in the sense that the electors vote may oppose yours. On another note, the disaster factor is a negative factor of the electoral college.
First, in the electoral college, you will never be 100% that your states' electors will vote in your favor. By doing a popular vote, voters will be ensured that their vote is literally counting towards the candidate. For example, If you lived in Florida and wanted to vote for Mitt Romney, you'd vote for him. The electors may vote for Obama and just ignored the winner-take-all strategy and vote for Obama. In a sense, the electors may pay attention to the winner-take-all strategy. The problem is that in past elections, the popular vote has had majority and the electors vote for the minority.
Secondly, a flaw of the electoral college is the disaster factor. It is pretty much when a majority votes for a candidate and the electors give the minority vote. If the popular vote was to occur, then the candidate the majority wanted would've got elected.
To conclude, the electoral system should be removed because it is biased and popular vote will be more ensuring and 100% true. On my behalf, popular vote will be much better for everyone .
Tj Gries | 23
16e1b85 | This new technology shows that no matter what, until humans are gone they will keep evolvng.
However, with this certain technology, I do not agree with the concept, while it may be practical in certain ways, at the same time some can feel, as many others probably would as well, that it could feel like it would be an invasion of privacy.
The reasons for this are as follows, when people are trying to hide how they feel it is for a reason and in a classroom, the computer would constantly be changing and running even harder to get nothing done or even hurt the learning, because no matter how much they like the subject, some students would still get bored or not engaged.
The first reason for thinking that this could be considered an invasion of privacy is that when people are trying to hide their emotions they are hiding them for a reason.
They might not have a good reason for hiding their emotions from you, but it is still their reason and their emotions, and whether or not you agree with how they're feeling and why, you have to respect their feelings.
While in certain aspects it could be useful to have this in a classroom setting, as a whole, it would not do much good.
Where the computer could change the lesson to help you be more engaged, it could also hurt in the actual learning of the subject.
Some people work in a way that, while they may seem like they are not engaged in the subject and therefore not learning anything from the subject, they are still learning just as well as if they were actively engaged in the subject.
In a perfect world, students could be engaged and still learn at the same time, while some students can, lots of students can't learn as well if they are engaged to an extent in the lesson, they may feel engaged and seem engaged, but at the same time they may forget everything that they learn within the next day.
This new technolgy could be beneficial, but at the same time it could be considered a breach of privacy and it could hurt and not do anything to change the learning of the subject by the student.
For these reasons I believe that this software should be used, but only for certain reasons, and not generally in schools. | 34
c8d0a57 | I do agree that "Driverless Cars" could be a good thing it is a large step for the human race. It would take technology to a whole other level.
In paragraph 5 it states that "sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine,allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." Which means or brains or slower then the advanced technolgy that there is to come. Where our human instinct "fight or flight" ,such as panic or shock might accure , a compuer would do as programed to act with no feeling and just steer away from harm.
In California, Nevada, Florida ,and the District of Columbia they have started to allow some working w/ the cars and the Google company is hoping soon more to follow as soon as the cars are more reliably safe.
Automakers are continuing to work out problems abd should have all the problems worked out by 2020 , and they grow closer to the destination everyday. | 12
1781f4e | The aurthor of this story thinks that despite all the negitive and dangerous
things about the planet it still might be worth studing for.And i would say yes.
I think that i would care about the dangers of venus but in the article in paragraph 4 is says 'Astronomers are fascinated by Venus bucause it may well once been the most Earth-like planet'.But we cant really study the planet because a single spaceship hasn't touched venus in over 3 decades.The author also talks about how the tempatures would be 170 dagrees Fahrenheit and the air pressure is close to sea level on Earth if someone were to fly a plane on venus .The aothor is saying that dispite all the dangers venus could be like earth.
I think the author is right to keep on trying to study the planet venus and build machines so that is could stand venus hard conditions.And by studing that they can try and make some metal or some sort so it wont melt when the machine touches the ground and last long enough so they can study venus.He also talks about how the conditions are not easy but survieable to humans.Also in paragraph 4 it talks about 'Venus having mountians and craters simmilar to earth".
In this article i think that the author did a good job at explaing why we should study venus and dispite the dangers.I think it would be a good idea but NASA should make a machine first that would last the conditions of venus.And if venus was Earth like i would try and discover the planet to see if the conditions are stable or not.
Dispite all the negitive stuff thats wrong with venus i would say stick with the author about trying to learn more about the planet. | 34
5f0c4d9 | To begin with, the development of driveless cars is going to have a really well efficent outcome in the future. First off, in the article it talked about how driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. Secondly, the article explains how there hasn't been a crash when driving a driverless car. Lastly, the driver who drives a driveless car would also have the opportunity to drive the car when there is an accident ahead, or when there is a traffic jam. First off, in the article, it talked about how driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibilty than bus. This option would be excellent for the people who have a job far away from where they live. Therefore, they wouldn't have to waste time getting up early in order to go to the gas station to load gasoline, because their driverless car would safe more gasoline than what cars today do. People would also save more money and wouldn't have to worry about it. By driving a driverless car, the conductor wouldn't have to worry about going anywhere because the driverless car can drive any destination at the speed up to 25 mph, that it if you own a BMW. Secondly, the article explains how there hasn't been a crash when driving a driverless car. This is a wonderful benefit and relief because with less car accidents, there would be fewer people getting injured and less problems with the police. Also, if driving a driverless car means there would be fewer accidents, that also means that the roads wouldn't be a chaos and people will be able to get to where they need to arrive in a much safer and faster way. In that case, people would be allowed to drive with no hesitation since the cars can steer, accelerate, brake themselves, and are designed to inform the conductor when the road ahead requires for a human to take control. Lastly, the driver who drives a driverless car would also have the opportunity to drive the car when there is an accident ahead or when there is a traffic jam. For example, if the driver is talking on the phone or is not paying attention to what is occurring ahead of them, the driverless car has the right equipment to warn the driver when a problem occurs, as implied in the article. As mentioned in the article, GM has developed driver's seat that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing up into an other object. Therefore, there would be less injuries and less problems. In conclusion, the driverless cars have a great future ahead of them. First off, driving a driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than a bus. Secondly, there would be a greater chance that there would be less crashes and accidents. Lastly, driving a driverless car would allow the driver to take control of the vehicle if the car requires human control. | 34
09b7afb | Thier are a bunch of reasons for not using a car I can name you 10 off the top of my head. It limits pollution saves money great excerise thier multiple reasons not to drive a car everday.
For example if you limit your car use to 3 times a week you would save a ton of money. Also you would help get rid of pollution as it states in the article "Pairs bans driving due to smog" that congestion was down 60 percent in the captial of france after 5 day of intensifiying smog. That happened after five days the smog cleared up enough and they let people start driving again. Also if you limit your car use you could start doing some excersie which is great because the rate of obesity may drop. Also if you limit your self from driving you are less likely to be in a car acciedent.
In the passage "car free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" that they for one whole day dont use cars. They instead ride bikes every where because they want to reduce smog as Pairs wants to. In the passage it says that since its such a big hit that two more colombian cites, Cail and Valledupar joined the event. They have built over 118 miles of bike paths, the most of any latin American city, according to Mockus, the city's mayor. It also says that "the rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus. Also that day lets people probaly enjoy life way more because all you can do is ride bike and walk so they probaly go on adventures.
The final reason why you limit car use is thier would be less of a chance for you to get hurt or even worse. Thier are many acciedent evey year because of drunk and reckless drivers many have lost thier lives to idiots on the road. Thier was a story on the news that three teenage kids died in a car acciedent because they where under the influnce of drugs. They could have hurt other people the reporter said they crashed into a store and the store owner almost got hurt. Those kids almost took someone else life which is scary but if you limit your car use thier wont be that many acciedents.
All in all if you just limit your use of the car you can be helping out a bunch. The pollution can be reduced not as many car acciedents you can save your self some money. Also you can get more excersie in if you dont use your car that often. | 34
df46087 | Limiting Car Usage
Cars have no doubt become the leading mode of transportation all over the world. Due to the amount of exhaust that they give out, there is a negative effect with greenhouse gases.
Many places in the world have become very polluted due to the pollution that the cars give off. Did you know that Paris, the beautiful city we all know and envision in our minds was once so air polluted that they had to ban driving!? Only certain vehicles were allowed on road at times and eventually when things cleard up they let people back on the road.
Vauban, Germany. A little suburban town that has given up automoblies altogether! "Im much happier this way, when i had a car i was always tense," said Heidrun Walter, a mother of two. Bicycles have become a part of their daily lives and as a result, resteraunts, clothing stores, grocery, and other shops have all sprung up on the streets in walking disatnce making everything easliy more accesible. The town itself is very clean, since they don't use automoblies the effect of pollution is drastically different.
In Bogota, Columbia-There is a program that they do every year called "
Car-free day ." Car free is a day in which everyone in guessed it, doesn't drive. The people of Bogota care for their enviorment and see a need to take a day out their lives to try and improve it in the slightest. Their determination of upholding this tradition has even brought in someof the neighboring countries to partake in this car free event.
The United States is one of the leading countries in the world for car pollution. Peaking in miles driven in 2005, President Barack Obama took a stand. President Obama set high goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies have shown that the yearly average of miles driven is decreasing and it is believed that if this trend continues, it will benefit the rest of the country.
Cars are a majorform of pollution in the world we live in today, if we all just took some time out of our lives and rode a bike to work one day, or walked to the park, we might be able to stall the slow defeat of our planet. People desrve to live in a clean well taken careof enviorment and the first step to making that enviornment the way which we you. | 23
3358e08 | In everyday life people's emotions can affect certain things they are doing, like listening to or watching something. This is also the case in a classroom at school. Typically when a student is portraying positive emotions they will be more interested in the lesson and therefore pay more attention. The opposite goes for negative emotions, if a student is for example sad or worried they will be less interested in the lesson and pay less attention. Now if a teacher were able to detect when a student is portraying negative emotions, which is now possible with the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), that could be very valuable, because it could make the classroom a better and more affective learning environment.
First of all if FACS was to be used in the classroom it could help teachers and instructors know whether or not a student is telling the truth about something based off of facial features. According to the article FACS can "even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." This means that if a teacher asks a student if they are doing okay and they smile back and say that everything is fine, even though it is not fine for them, FACS would be able to pick this up and notify the teacher so that they could help the student.
Secondly students already don't like going to school but, when they have to come to school and sit through boring lessons it makes things worse. Now teachers usually try to do their best to make the lectures as fun as possible in order for the students to stay engaged. This sometimes does not work out though and the teacher may not even realize it, but Dr. Huang predicts that FACS "could recognise when a student is confused or bored." With that the teacher could change what they are doing in the lesson to make it more engaging and therefore help students learn better.
So in conclusion, FACS would be valuable in a classroom environment, because it could help teachers be more affective with their lessons and get students the help they need to succeed at school and later on in life. This new technology is just one of the many new and incredible things technology is capable of and with the continuation of these discoveries we can strive to make the world a more positive, safe and liveable place. | 23
4d80945 | To:Barack Obama
Hello dear president, my name is Nathan and I think it's already time to admit that the Electoral college system should always be part of our government.
The electoral college process was established by the founding fathers in order to settle an important compromise in our nation. This electoral process consists of regulating the way in which our nation will decide who will be the next president. Consisting of 538 electors, a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. This system allows the most experienced people to choose the future of the nation, and changing it to anything else would slowly cause the whole federal system to collapse. The electoral college method may not seem democratic in a modern sense, because it's actually very unique. This method turn off potential voters for a reason; The candidate that must be chosen is the most prepared one. There is so many factors related to the immense amout of security the college electoral process brings to our people that changing this precise system would be like deciding to turn off the country. Choosing an unprepared president will potentially cause the economy to break, civil wars involving every state, protests, and our nation's reputation to die. It was also revealed this year that in the states in which education is one of the main investments, nearly 90% of the people were in favor of the keeping the system the way it is. The electoral college method is professionalism at it's highest level, and any other different system is clearly inferior to it.
It's politically notable how the nation is reacting to this possible change with disappointment and sadness. I hope you as the leader of the people we all love, will understand the amount of value put in this constitution, and notice that changing it would be catastrophic.
-From: PROPER_NAME | 23
dabd869 | What if I said that there are computers that can identify students emotions during class, well if you thought that was fake its actually real! Recently we've made this new technology called the Facial Action Coding System that allows computers to show human enotions and even things like paintings. For an example we used this on a famous painting everyone has a least seen once in their ifetime, which is the Mona Lisa. It shows that she is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. Those are things that can be cool to find out but it can also can be really valuable in a classrom.
For a classroom it can valuable like after lunch every student must use it before starting class to check how they're feeing. It will very useful if a student is sad or angry percent is high. It can give the teacher a reasoning to go up to the student and ask, why are you sad or why your angry. It can be very valuable like if a student just went through a terrible situation and the teacher can try to help cheer them up. One downside is that it can give out a students business and if like a student is sad, it can become a joke to the other students and make that student even more sad. It also identify if your making a fake smile or not as it can tell by how you make your smile like, if you make a fake smile your mouth is stretched sideways, as in a real smile your zygomtic major(that begin at your cheek bonees) lift the corners of your mouth.
This technology might be seen as a joke, but it can be very valuable in a classroom. It would be helpful if classrooms to get a hold of it as it could benefit the students. Most students are not always happy in school and this technology can be the one to help that not be a case. Teachers can now help the students get even more smartier then they already are. Whoever thought a computer can be the one to help take your students to the top! | 23
7012c1c | The use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, it'll allow teachers to better understand their students.
If teachers could identify when a student begins to lose interest in a lesson, then the teacher can think of a better way to teach them. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The FACS also allows teachers to identify which students are going through depression. Leading those students getting faster help, and less suisides. The FACS is able to tell mixed emotions and identify each one in a percent value. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry."
I believe this evidence is able to express my claim that, the use of FACS to read emotional epressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The technology gives teachers chances to avoid multiple, unwanted situations. | 12
fbe8b9e | Yes, I believe that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit also. In paragraph 4, it states "astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar sytem." It was once covered with large oceans. Venus has features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. If Earth was to end Venus would possibly be our best choice to go to.
Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin." Venus has the density and size closest to Earth. In paragraph 8, is states " Venus has value." Only because the insight we have so far on Venus is unbelievable. Studying more on this planet may lead us to many equally intimidating endeavors.
There are also many more things we need to study about Venus, that may not be so safe. Venus is the second planet to our sun, which may be too hot for humans to be on. This planet is a very challenging place to examine. Each mission that was sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived more than a few hours. In paragraph 2, it states "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." Not one person have been missioned to go to Venus for those reasons.
In paragraph 3, it states "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." Also in paragraph 3, is saids "the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These issues are way too dangerous for humans to be on. Solar power could be plentiful but the raditation would not exceed Earth levels. This may still be survival for humans.
In paragraph 6, it states "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." Like I have said no human has been on Venus because they will die right away. But, they believe they can make a machince that last long enough to live to take those samples. They would have to make that machine with mechanical parts so that it can be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In paragraph 8, it states " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." I believe they will and can studying farther than they have in the past years. | 23
81eaec9 | I agree that we should give these car a chance to fundamentally change the world. My personal view of this is such a great idea. I strongly believe that these automakers would make the roads safer.
In this generation we have many people who like to text and drive or even snapchattng and drive .Why would we want teenager or even some adults to be on the road that aren't paying attention to their phones and the road ? Is that what we really want ? No we don't. With automakers the drivers would not have to worry about paying attention if they're driving right. Yeah maybe i see where their coming from, not passing the law because if the technology fails and causes an accident . But why would there be an accident if there would still be a driver in charge of that as well . A human brain with technology would be a perfect combination making it safe for everyone. There is so many kinds of problems in this world right now with driving and people not paying attenton to the roads . That is why if the techology does fail the driver would be in control and would be notified because the techology would give the driver the attention and giving the wheel to the driver. They would have sensors, computer hardware and software to make driving safe. The driverless cars would not only make the roads safer but it would make it better for the driver as well. It would be life changing.
So I think that driverless would be a great why to start off something different and would not cause as much accidents. It would be a smart idea to pass this law | 23
3ead430 | Dr. haung and his colleagues are creators of the FACS (Facial Action Coding System). They are from the University of Illinois. The FACS is a system that can detect different emotions from a persons facial expressions. This system is on a computer and it can identify if a person is happy or sad and many other emotions. The way the system can tell is by indentify the different muscles used for each facial expression.
This idea is very interesting to me. I find that the system has positives and negatives. Also there is nothing out in the world right now like it. I think that the FACS could be very helpful in some ways. The system can work in schools which would help the teachers know who is needing help and who isnt understanding the subject. It can also show what students might be feeling like that day and if a person should be trying to make their day better.
The sytsem can also help others know when someone could be depressed. Then the person could get the help they need right way and get it before it is to late. I also think this could help with bullying because other students will know if that person is relating to them or not. The students would maybe understanding one another more by knowing that they arent the only ones that are feeling the way they do.
The system also doesnt let people hide their emotions. This could be a good thing and a bad thing. Some people dont like to show their emotions and dont trust people enough to tell them what is going on. This system could be forcing people to say whats on their mind and they might not want anyone to know. On the other hand it might be good for them to get those feelings out and find help or have someone to talk to.
The FACS is still being worked on. It is a great and unique idea that has more positives that negatives. It would be very successful for many schools all over the country. The Faical Action Coding System in my opionion is going to help kids or teenagers more than adults. Overall i think this would be a good idea for schools to have. | 23
f55537c | Limiting car usuage would help the world In so many ways. First of all, there wouldn't be that much people getting hurt from car crashes. Also cars were affecting France by letting out to much smog. Cold nights and warm days had affected the warmer layer of air to trap emissions. If you limit car usage then you wouldn't have that problem.
Another advantage would be that you wouldn't be Inhaling as much polluted air If cars were limited. Polluted air Isn't good to Inhale and also will mess with people allergies so that would definitely be a big advantage. If car usage Is limited, more people would be active. That would help with people's health and decrease the number of lazy people we have In this world.
Plus If another advantage would be that beneficial Implications for carbon emissions and the environment. It would definitely help with that since car transportation Is the second largest source of America's emission. Carbon emissions play a pretty big role to so benefiting that would be fantastic. Limiting car usage would also help you save money by not having to repair your car. You won't have to take It to get checked by a mechanic every three months. You would be saving thousands of dollars If you limited car usage.
The day without cars Is the day that Bogota has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to Mockus, the city's mayor. Also the parks and sports centers have bloomed through the city. Pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks. Another advantage Is that rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic. New restaurants and upscale shopping districts have Increased.
There would be many advantages of limiting car usage. People will find a type of way to benefit themselves from it. It would also be way much better air we Inhale If cars are limited. Saves money that people could be using on more Important things. Limiting car usage would be great. | 23
beed224 | Facial Action Coding System is a new improved software system for find out people emotions and feelings just by their facial expressions. The Reason using tehnology to read students emotional expressions is valuable is because better way of getting close and personal with people, the improved way of helping people with their problems, and just by looking at a picture or word, we can make ourselfs feel that emotion. Those three exaples are ways that this system is valuable.
One reason the system is valuable is because it is a better way of getting to know people. In the story, the author explains how Mona Lisa has different emotions in the famous picture that was made from Leonardo de Vinci. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent dearful, and 2 percent angry". Thinking the only way possible to find out is to ask Leonardo. Well, there is a "new software system has been developed that improves acuracy in perceiving the emotions of others". This quote explains how through one scan on the computer, we can find out how they are feeling. This software system is a better way of getting to know eachother, but also it is a better way of helping people through their problems.
Also, a reason this system is valuable is because it is i proved system to help us help other people through their problems. "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeoing simply by the look on her face." That quote explains how facial expressions help. People can only tell if their happy, sad, mad, etc. Just mainly the basics. But with this system, you can tell how they are really feeling and be very specific. Just by raising your eyebrows, it'll tell you are curious. Or just by squinting your eyes when your smiling, the system can tell you are happy. For a computer, that is pretty impressive. Not only you can tell their problems, but it explains how looking at different emotions make you feel the same as them.
One last reason this system is valuable is because by us just looking at picture or a word, we can make ourselfs feel that emotion. "Empthy (feeling someone else's emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions". That quote explains how just by looking at a person, screem, picture, etc. we can feel the same exact emotion just because how normal and easy it is these days.
Technolgy has changed many ways over the passed years. Theere was internet coming out, then touch screen, many websites and video calling apps, etc. But now all the way to the fact we can express and know eachothers emotions by just one scan on the computer. A better way of getting close and personal with people, the improved way of helping people with their problems, and just by looking at a picture or word, we can make ourselfs feel that emotion is the reason using technology is valuable. | 34
6b57a15 | Imagine a world where you get out of bed. Fix your self or your child something to eat, Get ready and walk out of the door. Only not to a car that you youself will be drivin, but a car that will drive you any where you want it too.
The problem that I have with driverless cars is, that I believe it's another way for humans to be lazy. In todays world we have machines to vacum our floor, and wash our dishes. Now we want cars to drive us places? The world is getting lazy. America is one of the countries with the highest obesity rate, now driving a car has nothing to do with your weight, but it has something to do with your mind. When driving a car you have to be alert. Not only for yourself but for others around you. When I drive my mother always tells me to watch myself and the people around me, because you may be paying attention, but others might not be. When growing up getting and driving a car at 16 is almost every teenagers dream, but how will the future teenagers of the world get that experience if we have driverless vehicles? When I got my license it was a feeling of accomplishment. I had read that long drivers manual forover a month and when I took both of those test I was ready, but with a driverless car will a person even get that feelling? Will they even need a license or even a car of their own?
Now I get what the article says about driverless cars use less fuel than a normal one, and "Driving fun in a new way".
Having a driverless car would be pretty cool. Getting into a car and typing in where you want to go and the car just taking you there. Or just telling it what to do due to voice actiivation. But, is driving suppose to be fun? Or a way to get to one place or another. If driving was fun it wouldn't be safe. People would be drag racing throughout the city causing chaos and getting into serious damage.
Moving into a world where technology is becoming more and more relevant is good, but driverless cars..Not so much. It was very innovative,and futuristic, but in my opinion a waste of money, time, and space. | 12
07f838d | I think this technology might be helpful for students, but it could also be a bad thing. It could be good for students becase it would show how they really feel about the work so the teacher would know that their confused, bored, or angry. In the paragraph 3 it talks about what it is capible of in facial recognizion and how it could chage a lesson to better suit a student just by their facial expression. I also believe it could be a bad thing. For example would you like someone to know what you're thinking just by your exepression. Lets say your're talking to a friend of yours and they ask you what you think about their favorite song and you know its their favorite song, but you really don't like it all and you dont want to maybe hurt their feelings by saying what you really think, so you might say " it's ok" or "not my style". Now think if this technology was out there that you might not be able to do that, and you might not be able to hide how you really feel. That is why I think this technology could be a good thing and a bad thing. | 12
bd80d69 | The authors support of the idea of going to Venus is not very well known, we can only infer whether they are for it or against it because they never fully specify. The author give some pros and cons to the exploration of the planet but does not pick one side more than the other. I believe that they author is against the idea of Venus exploration.
The authors pros and cons list combat eash other because, the author gives a pro on the exploration of Venus but instantly combats it with another con to weigh it out. One example of this is in paragraph 5 when the author states that the conditions of floating above planet Venus would be difficult but survivable for humans. However, right after making that statement, the authors first sentence in paragraph 6, combats the idea that it is survivable for humans because the article states, "However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and vidoeography ineffective." From that statement we can infer that the author doesn't really see the exploration of humans going being very useful but, we can only infer because the author never specifies, for or against.
Another way we can infer that the author is against it, is by looking at paragraph 3 when the author is talking truthfully about the planet. The author explains that planet Venus has a thick atmorsphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide and that the planet's surface temperature averages out at over, 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The way that the author describes Venus, is not in a way of much liking or making it sound like a good planet to send our people to. The author explains how dangerous Venus is by listing the weather barreries like "...erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightening strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface.", all in paragraph 3. By listing how dangerous the weather is, listing how hot and unlivable it is, and by saying that the lightening frequently strikes the probes trying to get into the planets atmosphere to land, we can only infer that the author doesn't really think that the dangers of humans being out into this kind of situation, is worth it.
Additionally, one last way we can infer that the author doesn't favor the idea of Venus exploration is that when in paragraph 2, the author states, "Each previous mission is unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." That statment really pushes the idea that the author defiently doesn't not favor the idea of the exploration using man and spacecraft. But once again, we can only infer because the author never gave a clear personal opinion.
In conculsion, I believe that the author does not favor the exploration and does not think that the study of Venus is a worthy pursuit depsite the dangers it provides. The pros and cons weigh each other out, the planet is too dangerous with the heat, the weather, and the obsticles on the surface. The overall thought of the author shows no favor towards the exploration of Venus. | 45
9959c22 | You know what i do agree on what this article is saying why because people tend to use their cars all the time and yea what if we live far from town ok thats fine but i see people in my naighborhood driving two streets down just to hang out with there friends when one could simply just i mean put it this way if we were to drive less we would limit accidents , tickets, and polution so come with me as i explain my ideas.
You might ask your self how would this limit accidents well say you were driving one night to your best friend jeffs house and jeff lives three streets but you wanted to get there faster and the car on the oppisite lane the driver falls asleep and all of a sudden boom!! you dont know what just happen think about you could of been dead right in that instant but if you would of walked no accident you could of dodged the car.
Tickets and people might say " man, police be racist pulling me over for know reason and now i have to pay a fine and go to court" no buddy you were pulled over because you were being stupid on the road trying to act cool in front of your friend but see maybe if you where riding a bike or walking you probaly would of never got pulled over and wouldnt have to pay a fine.
Less polution polution is really bad in alot of countries i mean its so bad that its kind of hard to breathe i mean it would suck if yoy were on vacation in the carrabians trying to enjoy a nice tropical day outside but you can't why because you can bearly breathe with all that polluted air around so yea.
I mean its not hard to ride a bike or to get a electric scooter or a moped or walk it benefits you and our earth i mean i agree with driving just to places you need to go like traval or grocrey shopping not to race act dumb or black smoke people i we made a don't drive your car week it would really benefit our earth alot. | 23
f49f29e | The Face on Mars is a natural landform, though, some may think that it was created by aliens. NASA's research has shown otherwise. The Face was not made by aliens, but under natural circumstances. There were many high quality pictures of this landform taken and many scientist who studied them. Scientist have come to conclusion that the Face is just a natural landform that has taken a not so natural shape.
Many people still believe that the Face is some sort of acient alien monument. These conspiracy theorists think that NASA is just trying to hide the evidence of life on Mars. As said in the article "defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars" (Unmasking the Face on Mars). Believers were still skeptical so, to be sure, NASA took more pictures of the Face that were clear to the eye. With these new high resolution pictures, as Garvin said, "you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." Basically, if there were life on Mars we would be able to see even the smallest of things through these photographs. There was nothing unusal found.
For 25 years conspiracy theorists have been questioning NASA's research. Specifically, on Mars and whether or not there is alien life on it. There have been movies and books that fanticize on the things that could possibly be living on the Red Planet. These theories are not backed up by knowledge and facts like NASA's. NASA's scientist are the best of the best when it comes to knowing abot outer space. These scientist have seen Mars, and the Face, in person. Most of the theorist have never left the planet. Lastly, there are many natural landforms like the Face on our own planet. An example of this is, Middle Butte in the Snake River PLain of Idaho as pointed out by Jim Garvin.
Outer space is the home to many mysteries bu, the fact that the Face is a clue to alien civilation isn't one. Even though the landform looks as if it could a ruin of a acient alien civilization, the facts have shown that it is not. Through studying the pictures and positioning of the Face, NASA's professionals were able to conclude that it was just a natural landform much like the ones found here on Earth. This does not mean that there is no life on Mars, it just means that the Face is not a hint to finding it. | 34
e498c83 | The probelm with driveerless car: what if the car stops driving and the driver doesnt know how to drive a car, what if the car malfuntions, what if the car breaks down and the driver doesnt know how to fix it.
What if the driverless car stops driving itself and the driver cant driver or doesnt know how to drive it? well there is alot of probelms that could happen. For example: Your in the car and your in the middle of nowhere and your by yourself and the car stops driving and you dont know hpw to drive. most likey you'll have to leave the car there. Another example: Say your driving in heavy traffic and the car stops driving itself and you cant drive, it could cause a accident.
What if the car malfuntions? For example: Say if your driving in a city and the light turns red and the car doesnt stop. An accident can happen, or someone or people could get hit and killed,or the car can run off the road, or hit into a buliding or object. Another example: What if the car doesnt slow down or picks up speed and you can't stop it. There an accident can happen, or you or someone or people could get hurt or killed.
What if the car breaks down and you dont know how to fix it. For example: Say your driving in the country and your on a back road and you car breaks down and you dont know how to fix it. What are you going to do? Leave it, try to call for help, try to see if you can find the probelm so yu can try to fix it? Another example: What if your in heavy traffic and the car malfuntions, it can cause an accident or it can get someone or people killed.
Those are some probelms that could happen with driverless cars. If they do make them, lets hope they wont cause has many probelms. | 23
8a3c5fd | First of all, I feel like it's pretty reliable, BUT one of the parts that threw me off was when Professer Nicu Sebe said that shes "83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry."
Professer Nibu said the process begins when the computer construts a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit. Then his friend Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists such as Dr. Paul Eckman, the creator of FAC (Facial Action Coding). Dr Huang then observed that "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression."
By using video imagery, the new emotion recognition software tracks the facial movements in either or real face or painted picture of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions, each expression is compared against a neutral face. In fact, Dr. Huang said that we humans perform the same impressive calculation everyday, like for instance, me going to one of my close friends and seeing them frowning I will assume that they're upset about something.
According to the machine if you frown at it, the next ad will be different. I feel like a machine like this would be very useful for computers so they can track if a student is getting distracted, tired or bored, because I feel like it could give the student a warning or something to not fall asleep during a test. And lastly, no, the expirement didn't really make me happy, I tried smiling and it felt awkward.
According to the "Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion" moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but it may even help producethem in a way, which was very shocking to me because I never knew anything could work like that. Reading this article made me feel smarter in a way, learning something I've never heard or seen before. But in conclusion I feel as if this article is helpful and should be seen to my peers. | 12
4836f2f | I think that the use of the Facial Action Coding System is very accurate all the time and it should be forced to read students emotional expression. It reads the muscles in one's face to calculate how they are feeling. Also it would be very benafical for students to learn better.
The Facial Action Coding System looks at the movements of all 44 major muscles in the human face as said in paragraph 3. Dr. Eckman has classified 6 basic emotions: happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. He has studies how those emotions contract with human facial muscle movement. Using video imagery the system will monitor the face. Making it universial to anyone that uses it. The software can identify mixed emotions. For example the Mono-Lisa 93% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful, and 2% angry. It is similiar to the calculations we perform everyday such as telling how someone is feeling by the look on his/her facial expression.
This would be tremendously beneficial for students because it can adapt a lesson particularly for that exact student. Making the class lesson more intersenting and benefical for the student to remember and retain what they just learned in the lesson. Also within the system it can detect a fake smile due to a different muscles being used. It could also be very benefical on students in medical school. It would benefical for them because it can make animated faces more expressive in video surgery. Humans mostly have communication that is nonverbal including emotion communicatio, and this would be a great way for doctors to study it.
The use of Facial Action Coding System could do tremendous things in human psychological research. It can help adapt a amazing classroom lesson made custom to the student only. Also it can truely detect peoples emotions by reading the muscle movement in the human facial anatomy. This could help cure depression, and anexity related issues. I think that the Facial Action Coding System could work, and I believe it should be reasearched on more. | 23
7c7715f | Have you ever thought that it would be the same being different planet as it is on Earth? It is not. Venus is the closest planet to Earth and people can not land on its surface for long because it is very different, as in the way it orbits the sun or how the clouds are corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggest that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because Venus is so close to earth and share similar traits with each other, the author wants this challenge to be conquered, and for the experience to be a learning insight.
First, the author states that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" because of their close proximity, density and size. This is a way that the author supports the idea because it should be a way that humans can reach this planet and study it. Also, because Venus is thought to be the most Earth like planet in the solar system. Ideas should be created in order to reach the limits of Venus.
Then, the author supports the idea with the statistic of how spaceships has not been able to touch Venus in more than three decades. As said in the article, "the value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?"(paragraph 4) If the challenge can be conquered of landing on Venus safely, Astronomers can gather so much insight that could also lead to other big things being conquered.
Lastly, the author supports the idea with the knowledge that can be gained from the experience. There has already been an idea of how humans will get to Venus, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray."(paragraph 5). With all the compelling ideas just to get to Venus is inspiring, like bringing back mechanical computers from World War II to gather the samples off of the surface to test. The pursuit of getting to Venus is full of new innovations, old improved innovations, and imagination.
In conclusion, the author's idea is very well supported with statistics and ambition. One day someone will make it to Venus and the results will hopefully be insightful and rewarding. Beyond what is on Earth should not be given up on or intimidating, instead it should be charged with great intentions. | 34
265499b | In the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that, studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Some of the reasons the author staes that venus is dangerous is because, the clouds have a highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, the surface's temperature averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit while the, atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we are used to on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Adding onto that there are, erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and freuqent lightning strikes. Venus is actualkly a lot like Earth with its, volcanoes, density and size.
Despite The planet's dangers, Venus is a very interesting planet with many things that astronomers are astonishes by. They believe long ago, that venus was like earth by a lot. They also believe that venus was covered with oceans and could have supported tons of forms of life just like planet, Earth. Even today,Venus has feature that are very similiar to Earth's. One of the biggest reasons for wanting to find out more about Venus in a serious note is for a planetary visit, if the time were to ever come. A lot of scientists and astronomers are very intrigued into the idea of exploring Venus even more. NASA has one idea for sending humans to study venus. They want to scientists float above the surface of Venus in some sort of blimp-like vehicle.
I believe that we should explore venus, i would love to know more about Venus. It's always fun learning about things that you never knew, which a lot of people like the astronomers and scientists. I think that exploring and studying Venus is very dangeous consdering the surface tempersature and the risky weather. I think that NASA would have their best astronauts be prepared and safe at all times. We dont know all the possibilties of what could happen while a visit at Venus, but if we ever do get to explore Venus we should be prepared with the best technology. I don't know if studying Venus is the most important thing scientists and astronomers are worried about, but at one point it would be great if they took it to another level. I think the autho explained why studying Venus is so important and why it is dangerous also. | 12
235422a | The Facial Action Coding System is a valuable software, that helps recognize the emotional expressions of students in classrooms. Through the developed technology, detecting emtions has became easier to identify. The improved accuracy has changed the ways of communication by students. In the following paragraphs, the advatanges for using this new system will be introduced.
Being able to detect exact emotions through a promising application has impacted the emotional recgonition of students in serval ways. As mentioned in the passage, "humans perform the same impressive calculations every day." This means that it is easy for others around you to identify how you are feeling by simply looking at your face, however it is challenging to observe if a person is hiding true emtions. The Facial Action Coding System is intended to catch these instances and convey real feelings.
In conclusion, the value of this technology can have a positive effect on any person that incounters it. The modified information could improve complex communication and give imediate feedback. To this "expert, faces do not lie," in fact this developed a better way for humans and comupters to improve skills. | 23
3643a55 | In movie's robots are shown to have less emotion then a brick. However what if we could change that and make them not only capable of expressing emotion, but also reading it! That is why I am for this idea, this is easily the next step to creating a robot that acts like a human! The sheer amount of other possible uses are nearly endless!
Tired of watching and seeing the same add you don't like? This can fix the problem! the platform running the video (for example, youtube) could find out how much you liked the add before and after, using this information, they can write an algorithem to see what ads you like and don't like and see. Running a school filled with computers? Have the lesson teach itself by keeping the student entertained! As said by dr. Huang "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor".
Hospitals could use emotion to check how a patient is feeling. if they're sad the camera will tell them. are they in pain? the camera can tell them. The knowledge of emotion just by seeing the patient's face in a camera reduces the need for nurses and allows a hospitel to hold more patients. maybe in the far future, we could have medical assistants, like baymax from big hero six, who could act as an automated doctor or nurse. need an example? in december of 2017 the flu broke out killing more then 500 people, if hospitals would've had more room, it could saved 80% of the people who died from the flu that year.
The sheer amount of uses are too vast! Ads could finnally maintain revelancy. Teachers could be replaced by good programmers, hospitals could save more lives than ever! I feel that the downsides, if any, Are complete obsolete when compared to the upside. I think we all should focus on the study of emotion and learn how much it can help. | 23
bddcbac | Is there a possibillty that we can live a better life without the use of cars? Yes there is many counties have stoped the use of cars because it's cheaper. For example in VAUBAN,Germany they have given up theif cars street parking,driveways,and home garages are generally forbidden. Vauban's streets are car free except the main thorougfare of course. 70% of Vaubans's familis do not own cars, and 57% sold there cars to move there. Many people say that when they had a car there were more tense they say there much happier this way without a car.
Cars come with a responasabillaty thers so much dangrous things that can happen to you while in a car. For example all the accedentd people get in each day hundres ot thousands of people die each year for car crashes. Also people who cause the accedents like drunk driving, or texting while driving ect.. Any little thing can happen in a car that can take your life forever just with a blink of an eye. In other cases like getting pulled over and the incerance you have to pay and all the money we spent daily on gas.
While in BOGOTA,Colombia they have a no car day! It all started in the 1990's where there was traffic jams it was 3 straight years cars been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day without cars in this city of 7 million people. But a man named Carlos Arturo he rode a two seated bicycle with is wife other two colombians saw hin and decided to do the same. tjis becaqme big everyone stared doing this and they even smoothen out the side walks for the bikes. The streats where busy with bike traffic.
I think we should start walking places like for example if you need to go to the store and you have one right neer your home dont get in your car walk. By doing this it will help us save gas money and get excerce. Many american are over weight because they dont get any excerce. So by not using our cars once and a while it will help us and our invierment it will stop so much palustion caused by cars. we should take some time off our car and enjoy nature. | 23
c9f673e | After reading "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I began to think it was a good idea to have driverless cars. After going back and re-reading the article i dont think that so much anymore. Let me start by saying that this seems like a not too bad idea, but i have things to support that its a bad idea as well. Cars thst can drive by themselves cool ! Here's what i thought didnt make sense, Its a car that drives by its self but you have to be in there also watching the road. I thought that was a waste of an invention. A driverless car shouldn't have to be watched after by a human. The name says it all DRIVERLESS CAR. If really a "driverless car" than why also watch the road ?
Here are some details from the story supporting why i feel this way. In paragraph 7 the author talks about the car " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" clearly we see here that these cars require human skills or techniques. Not a so "Driverless" car after all, in my opinion. If we continue reading it also says " The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires". In my opinion if you have to watch the road no matter what, than you should just drive the car yourself insted. This car requires us to still not be destracted watch and the road i would get bored of waiting and would just want to drive the car my self, wouldn't you ?
Finally i want to conclude by saying I would not buy a car like this. I would not buy a car like this beacuse there would be no point of being inside a car that you would have to watch after but not do anything. Driverless cars would be cool, if in fact they would be driver less. Overall this idea is not bad just not ready enough to come true. I am against this idead beacuse of this. | 23
124b5f9 | The advantages of limiting car usage is that less gas is released, thus causing a steady, more healthier Earth. Limiting cars is completely world changing. Although most people arent in favor of the cause, they dont know the real effects of the gas that is produced by cars around the world. The gasses that are released from cars are very hazardous to the ozone, and can cause environmental changes if too much gas is released. For example in Paris, they had a almost near-record pollution buildup, and since diesel is popular in France because of a tax policy that favors diesel over standard gasoline, the gas released from diesel was more thicker and hazardous. After a bunch of air pollution built up, they enforced a ban that would stop cars from driving for a specific amount of time to halt the gas buildup. If you were caught driving when the ban was active,you were fined 22 euros, (or in american currency, 31 dollars) and people the declined the fine, the authorities impounded their car. Paris was generous enough to allow public transit and it would be free of charge, but it wasn't too easy for the companies to budge because they would be losing money.
In Bogota, Columbia, they have already been taking action in this gas problem, by banning cars for a specific amount of time, but this is their third straight year doing this. This campaign originated in the 1990s and was said to improve Bogota. They have constructed 118 miles of bicycle paths and have promoted bicycle use. A business man named Carlos Arturo said that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" which is entirely true. Their goal is to get people to use alternate transportation and to reduce the smog that the cars created. | 23
2e8cee4 | Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because it has proved that it is a very challenging place to examine more closely,so because of this they find that sudying Venus is a worthy pursuit no matter how dangerous it could be.
One reason why Venus is a worthy pusuit because it is one of the most chalenging places to examine. In the article it said,"While venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vintage point of Earth,it is proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." this meant that even though we are able to see venus it is very challenging to examine closely.
Another reason why Venus is a worthy pursuit is because venus is the closest planet to earth which makes it easier to get there but the problem is Venus is a very challenging planet for humans to examine and study even though it is Very close to Earth. In the Article it said,"Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challanging planet for humans to study despite its proximity to us." this means that even though Venus is very close to us it is still a very challenging planet to study.
One final reason why Venus is a worthy pursuit is because astrononers were fascinated by Venus because it may have been the most Earh-like planet in our solar system. It says," Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This means that astronomers like that Venus could have been an Earth-like planet.
In conclusion, Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is the closest planet to Earth and it may have been the most Earth-like planet. Venus many be easy to see but it is very challenging to study and examine. | 23
8950f29 | In the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves" Luke joins the Seagoing Cowboy program.
In this story it talks about what Luke does on his journey so, this is what were are going to talk about.
In paragraph 1 it says Luke's friend Don Reist invited Luke to go with him to the Seagoing Cowboy program and Luke did not turn the offer down because that was an opportunity of a lifetime.
In paragraph 4 it said that
Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which ment he could be drafted for military service.
"When my drafy board learned that I was on a cattle-boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."
By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy.
In paragraph 5 there were some reasons he should join the Seagoing Cowboys, and it said "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy," he says.
"Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China.
But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,"
he says. "So was taking a Gondala ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water."
Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.
In paragraph 7 the way Luke's claim supported the outcome of the story.
Helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea.
On his second trip, Luke served as night watchman.
His job was to check on all the animals every hour.
One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside.
Luke's heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship.
A small strip of metal along the edge stopped his slide, keeping him from flying overboard into the dark Atlantic.
He was happy to be alive.
But he could not work for a couple days because of cracked ribs.
My conclusion of the story is in paragraph 9 when it says, But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.
It opened up the world to him.
"I am grateful for the opportunity," he says.
"It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs."
And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. | 01
6309f92 | Have you ever heard of a software that tracks your movements to tell you your emotion? This software is able to detect percentages of emotions on your face, all you have do do is look in a camera. But, should this be used on student computers? I think that this software should not be used on students computers because of distractions, the speed of the computers, and the anxiety of somebody always watching you. I can see the argument for this software going both ways, but I would not want a camera watching me all day.
This software can be very distracting. Say a student is getting bored with the lesson being taught in class that day. They might decide to play around with facial expressions to see how their laptop with this always-watching software reacts. This can cause the student not to hear the lesson being taught, or make it easier by tricking the software. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," it tells some of the facial expressions you can make to get this software to react.
Have you ever dealt with a slow computer due to something not running properly? With this software on school laptops, they will be so slow that nothing at all will work. As a result of this speed issue, students will fall behind in class, and at home. This software is much to massive for a school laptop. To run this you would need a state of the art computer costing you thousands of dollars. "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorythems used to decode Mona Lisas smile." Schools can't affort to give every student a computer capable of running this software.
Anxiety. It is a growing problem in the United States today. Anxiety of people judging you, stress from work, or just nervousness. This facial recognition software on school computers would bring anxiety to a whole new level. The thought that someone is always watching you is not a good thought. This program will not only feel like you are constantly being watched, but in a way will be true. The software always tracks you facial expressions, your emotions, to adapt to how you "feel". Also, imagine how easy it would be to hack into this intricate software. It would be fairly simple to someone with experience. If someone were to hack into the camera, they could constantly watch you. As long as your computer is opened up, they are watching you.
Did you change your opinion on this software? It is terrifying to know that someone could be watching at any time they choose. This software is wrong for school computers because of the speed of the computers, the anxiety of someone watching, and the distractions. I hope you consider voting no for this software in the future. | 34
a5e4cbf | How can a computer detect how you are feeling? In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto it talks about a computer program called FACS (Facial Action Code System) can detect how you are feeling. This could be valuable in classrooms because it can help students learn better and be in better moods through out the school day.
In class a lot of students do not care because they are bored or sleepy or in a bad mood. This new technology could help solve that problem for many students worldwide. In the article Dr. Huang says "Using video imagery, the new emotion recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or a painted face...". This quote explains how the computer system could help with students moods. It could also help teachers identify how students are feeling and how to go about approaching them and trying to solve the problem.
If this technology could be put in schools around the world it could lead to school being less frowned upon and become a more positive thing.
Students go to school to learn. But not all teachers teach in a way where all students can understand it. If this new technology could be put into schools there would be less failing students and more college graduates. In the article it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a students is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instuctor". The tecnology in schools would be great for students. This could make it a lot easier for teachers as well.
Computers can help us feel better by using software to help understand how we are feeling. In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile" it talks about how a computer software call FACS can identify our emotions. This technology could be valuable in schools because it can help students learn better and help them be in better moods. | 23
22a129c | A Facial Action Coding system sounds like something that would be invented or created in the far future. So if there is a real such thing as a facial action coding system it seems that there aren't many negatives as to why it shouldn't be used in a classroom setting today. The Facial Action Coding System should be used in the classroom setting because it will show students understandment, interest level, and overall thoughts over a topic or subject. Also another plus is it could show students themselves something they may be interested in which they didn't know even themselves.
So imagine a class where there is a Facial Action Coding System on a computer for each student to use, there would be so many benefits to using something like this, it sounds perfect for a classroom setting. First of all, it would show teachers the understandment level of students to a certain topic or subject, so if there is a subject or topic in which kids faces were scanned for their feelings about that subject, the teacher could maybe improve or make the lesson easier for students, which overall would create a better education system for the sutudents in the class and better oppurtunity. The second reason as to why it would be valuable to have the facial action coding system int he classroom would be because it would show students and teachers levels of interest kids may have on a certain subject or topic. For example say there are kids in a class and they begin there science notes or studies etc., and some kids have more higher interest feelings than others on the topic, that can show both teachers and even students what they truly feel about science, and it can lead to helping kids making bigger decisions in their lives, such as whether or not they want to pursue a career with lots of science involved or not. The third reason to use facial action coding system would be because it is universal. From the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", it is said that "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." The facial expressions for each emotion being universal means that anyone from anywhere around the world can use this as a tool to help them succeed in school, no matter what ethnicity they are from, and if they look different. Also if this facial action coding system is universal, imagine how accurate it is. So it definetely would be valuable to classroom setitngs all around the world, and would creat greater oppurtunites for students to get a better education.
To conclude, the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable to a classroom setting because it shows understandment, shows interest, and is universal which could also mean it is extremely accurate and enhanced. The Facial Action Coding system has many benefits to it which would be a great help to teachers in a classroom as well. The Facial Action Coding System could be used as a tool to succeed to many around the world. And so overall, the Facial Action Coding System is great and would be extremely valuable to classroom settings. | 34
9d5eacc | Cars one of the world's basic means for transportation from places such as Chicago to Shanghai. Have you ever heard of a place where they bearly use cars. Due to that fact people in different areas dont even use cars such as the suburbs ranging from New York to Vauban. As a result of driving the famous greenhouse gases is coming from emissions from everyone's car not even knowing that you might be the cause of the greenhouse gases ranging from 12 percent in Europe and up to 50 percent in the United States in more car filled areas. Creating a natural disaster just by taking a drive to the store or taking a mid-night drive with your girl. All avoidable by just minimize the use of personal transportation.
Even though driving is not seen as a bad thing it has caused many complications in the past such as Paris's smog. Smog deadly to breathe was Paris's problem since everyone was driving a vehicle at the time. Due to the massive amount of people using cars smog became a daily routine producing 147 micrograms per week. As a result to this unforseen complication many decided to ban the use of cars until the smog was lifted or completely gone. Since people don't listen many still continued to drive their cars making about 4,000 people getting fined 22-euro which is about $31 in U.S money. Giving blame to diesel fuel since that is the main source of fuel in France many turned their heads to the emissions that diesel fuel has created mainly since 67 percent of the residents in France use compared to 53.3 in Western Europe, according to Reuters. Usually Paris has more smog than any other European capitals since the streets are filled with people driving. As many days gone by reducing the smog many were allowed to drive resigning the ban starting on Monday continuing on Tuesday.
How would you feel if you was not allowed to use your car for a full day? The people of Bogota feel it as an ordinary day just without vehicles. It had been the third straight year since cars had been banned with the execption of buses and taxies. It was used to promote alternative transportation and to reduce smog in the city. If violated the person would recieve an amount of 25 U.S dollars. Even though dark grey cloubs usually gave rain showers to the people of Bogota people remained casual and continued their natural lives. Parks gyms and things like it flourished with people so did new restaurants and upscale malls.
Will it be the end of the car culture? Will people stop using cars altogether? Is it possible that in the future we wont be using cars anymore for any reason? If so life without cars I think would be better just by reducing greenhouse gases and smog to a minimum. | 12
6ea3842 | We (NASA) have recently discovered the "face" on Mars which has been a big thing since we gave the information out to the world.
A lot of people think it's an actual face created by aliens because the time before we discovered it it was foggy up on Mars so they think aliens must have did it then.
Do you think it's a real face created by aliens or just something natural that happened? Since you said yes your wrong and now I'm going to give factoral information to support my answer.
First we did think that it could have been a real face too but that didn't last very long because every happening has to have an explanation.
We figured it was just another Martian mesa but it did turn out to have unusual shadows making it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
But that's all it was just unusual shadows that appeared on the "face".
We then later revealed the image for everyone to see and it sure did give a lot of attraction to Mars.
The "face" appeared in movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in a haunted grocery store check out line for 25 years!
Then everyone thought that that was actual evidence of life on Mars!
NASA kind of did wish that there was ancient civilization on Mars.
It was our priority to take bunch of pictures of this controversy to come up with an explanation for all this for everyone to understand what it really is.
So in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, the (MOC) team shot a picture ten times that was even more clearer than the originals.
Everyone was exited, waiting for the picture to come out on the internet to figure out what it really was.
The picture then finally came out and it turned out to be a natural landform!
Not very exiting, huh?
But still a lot people didn't believe us because in the winter of 1998 it was very cloudy up there and some beleive the aliens were hidden by the fog.
So in April 2001, we went to get a second look and this time we used the best camera we could find that picked out every detail.
Do you think they found alien evidence?
Nope we didn't, it turned out to be a butte or a mesa.
So now you know the real answer.
Even though it does look like a face and is very unusual we found the facts.
But could maybe someday we find weird alien evidence up in space on a planet?
We'll see! | 23
12ec9ce | Well I think if we could have driverless cars it wouldn't be more safe or more dangerest. But if I had to choose to go againgst it or go with it I would go with it because it would be cool to have driverless cars. I think evryone it waiting for something like this to happen so they should be everywhere.
The first reason why i wouldn't go against it is because I can see evryone liking a driverless car. But I also know that there are a lot of promables that can happen with the car like what if you crush was it because the driver was not paying attebtion or because the car manufacurter. How would you know if it was the driver or the car? Well you wont so thats one of the reasoning that its not out yet. they need to put cameras was if it crushes they could see what happen and if it was the driver or the car.
My second reason is how cool would it be not having to own a car and paying an arm and leg for one. Thats why googles cofounder Sergay Brin is trying to do. He can see a furture with a public transportation system can drive themself and from an public transport taxi syatem. How amazing would it be to redus the fuel we use today and help the planet out more than we do now. That would help with keeping earth so much cleaner and better for the future to grown.
My thrid and last reason is right now there not all the way driverless because you have to stay alert. The car still needs a driver it can't pull in or out a driveway and can't deal with complicated traffic issues. So its not that if it crushes it woudl be the cars fault because theres a high number that it could be the driver fault. Thats bout the only thing that coudl go very wrong with the driverless car.
Now I hope you can see that the driverless car not all that bad. There still working out all the deails about how to make the car safer for everyone in and around the car. But i think everyone would agree that a driverless car would be pretty cool thing to have. | 34
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