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df7dd88 | I think the auther supports this idea by explaining to us the things about Venus. The auther explained to us all about Venus, but Venus isn't like earth it used to be a long time ago. Venus could've had oceans and probably could've supported some life forms. Now Venus isn't so much like Earth it still has some treates like surface of rocky sediments it also has valleys, and mountians. All these things sound familiar becuase of here on earth but don't be fooled Venus is about one of the most dangers plantes to vist. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The surface of Venus is average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we have here. Us human could never survive on there the climt is just crazy there even tho Venus is second from the sun it still has the hottist surface of all plantes. Besides all of those crazy condions Venus also has erupting volcanoes and the wether there is also bad it has powerful eartherquakes, and freduent lightning strikes. The auther also said that scientists even wanted to vist the plant but how could they even survive the condition of the plant. It says that the dont want to land on it put more like hover above it becuase the extrem tempiters could easily melt everything. But even tho they won't land on it the air would still be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. But our new genertion is packed with smart ideas and things that can keep us safe from extreme condions like Venus it's self. I think one day we might just be exploring new plantes and you never know might even explore new unvirses. I think our populion will keep growing and one day the earth wouldn't be able to keep all of us and everything will start runnng out faster and faster. The auther did a good job writing about Venus and it's extreme courses and how he thinks sceintist one soon be able to go and explore it. | 12
995506e | My opinion of driver less cars.i stand on the side of liking the idea of it driverless cars would impact everyones lives highly for good purposes the idea of getting into a car and talling it where to take you is quite thrilling.i do believe cars shouls be like this why? because they could help us to especially handicapped individuals ones who are in wheelchairs.driverless cars would be a quite amazing thing to have in society as well as having it in general having cars able to control themselfs could also cause less wrecks due to people who text and drive or dont pay attention.i do find the cars could be bad to why? well the cars could malfunction if not treated/designed prooperly there for say if you were to malfunction out of nowhere.also these cars self driving or not should be exclusively looked and observed and examined properly if not this could cause problems like wrecks and dissasters to happen more frequently.the cars could be a lot diffrent from what we are used to today but if they are not safe? obviously these cars need to have seat belts for more proper safety this could be used for a dummy test to test such abilitys and actions of the car and how to controll a common problem with this car is multiple things engine car navigation and many others but oftenly we should ask ourselfs do we want a car that drives alone? could it be safe? hopefully yet why would it not be there have been many cars that werent designed right or have had many complications these can be caused by electrical failures lack of gas or others.these cars only leave me with multiple questions like how would such things be created and why are these being created butonly true answer is for better ways of my eyes i see these vehicles being completely intresting and fun but could also be completely bad it is a diffrent idea and a very intresting one but all together i say yes these cars should be made because even if there are problems with said car these could be tested on if not already before initall release of the car,making any problems with the car not really a problem at all so my final answer is yes they should be made and tested. | 23
bcec00b | The Venus is second planet from our sun. The Venus is the hottest surface remperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. It is 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
Venus is the closest planet to earth densigy. People sent numerous spacecraft to land on his cloud draped world. No spacecraft survived that land for more than a few hours.
A long time ago Venus is cover with largely oceans and various froms of life just like Earth. Venus still has some feature that are analogous to those on Eart. The planet has a surface or rocky asediment and includes familar feature such as valleys, mountains, and craters. At thirty-plus miles about the surface, temperature would still be toasty at around 170 degree Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth.
NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. For example, like electronic made of silicon and it been tested in chamber simulation the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weaks in such conditions. They have another project to look back an old technology call mechanical computers. This devices make calculation by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick but tend to be more delicate when it come to exterme physical conditions. By comaprison, systems that use mecanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. | 01
f911b99 | Throughout history, soceity has grown because of technology. The techonolgy as of today is seen as both a good and bad thing. From "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the article states that there will be "fleets of driverless cars". To imagine driveless cars on the streets frightens me as a person. I believe that there should not be any driveless cars on the streets and/or highways because of the danger it will cause to not only my community, but the country as well.
United States of America should not be shown any more technolgy where it endangers others. In paragraph 7, the article states "The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over". This statement already displays a red flag to people reading this article. If the driver is not prepared to take over the car, there would be an accident. Also, there are many people who do not pay attention to the road or are deep sleepers who do not wake up from vibrations or flashing lights. Many people, currently, get into accidents from even paying attention to the road. Although, these new cars seem fun, it would not ensure safety. Furthermore, there should not be any driveless cars on the streets and/or highways because of the danger it will cause.
To begin with, my community will be in ruins because of the known amount of accidents that are caused by the manufacturers and the drivers. In paragraph 9, the article states "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?" This statement can go both ways because when the driver buys the car, I assume that they already know the consequences of it. Just buying a regular car, you already know that you are risking your own life while driving it. Although, let us say the car blows up, that becomes the manufacturers fault because it is not normal for a car to blow up. During the Industrial Revolution, many workers would slack on the items they were making because there was such a high demand for items. Many of the items were not as good beause the workers would have a deadline. Linking history to this subject, there will be a high demand for these cars, and there also will be deadlines which will cause them to speed the process. Also, The Martian is another example where the workers wanted to send help, but they rushed and the rocket exploded which delayed the help they wanted to send. Furthermore, in paragraph 7, it states that there will be cameras to watch the drivers, but if something happens and they are a second too late, cameras will not be of any help. As a result, the creation of these cars will cause destruction in our country.
For decades, there have been drunk driving, reckless driving, and even careful driving that has gotten us in accidents. Driveless cars seem like an amazing creation, but there are many cons with this subject. This new creation would bring the fun out of being in a car, but that is not the point of driving. Cars are a means of transportaion; we might as well create driveless bikes while we are at it. The danger that more technology will bring us is frightening to imagine. Therefore, not only is this a scary idea, but also a reckless idea that might be one of the reasons for the downfall of our country. | 45
bd4a2dd | In my opinion, I feel like they shouldn't bother to use the technology because what is it going to solve? I think it pointless, because nobody will speak up on how they feel in the classroom infront of everyone in there. It would probably say how they feel out loud, and maybe someone doesnt want to be pointed out. "You can tell how someone feels by their actions and look on their face", I don't think they'd need a "robot" to understand how someone feels in that exact moment. I think teachers or whoever themselves should go up to that person and have a proivate conversation, some teachers see the facial expressions on some students and wont bother to ask. I feel like the technology would be expensive as well and they would need a lot of them. It would just be a waste of money. Plus, it goes by your facial expressions. I don't believe it would actually tell you how you feel. In the passage it says " even though individuals show varying degress of expression"(like not smiling as broadly) using video imagrey the new emotion-regognition software tracks these facial movements" so it's basically saying if someone fakes a smile it would tell them because how 'powerful' the techonolgy is, but a lot of people are really good at faking smiles and frowns.
Also, once the technology tells you how you feel what's going to make it better. How can the "Mona Lisa demonstration bring a smile to your face by just looking at it". I don't think it's possible, I personally think it wont solve a person's feelings at all, I think its pointless. Some people also fake emotions for attention,so that would be a con about the tecnology. | 23
8e0862d | Dear State Senator:
The Electoral College is only taking your personal vote for a leader for our economy and putting into into another persons perspective. That's unfair. When you make a vote about the leader of your country, you want to be independent. You want to feel like you are doing something great to help your country. Everyone does. The electoral college needs to be abolished for the sake of our citizens. We would all benefit from changing the voting system to Popular Vote, on voting for the president of the United States.
Think about it, what good is the Electoral College system doing for our society. Its surely letting the state electors get their opinion. In source #2,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer , says, " Prehaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. " Who wants that? What's it even worth voting then if your vote, your vote on the leader of America gets put into the hands of the House Of Representatives to decide on. Think about it.
I can see why people would want to keep it. In source #3,
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , by Ricard A. Posner, says "The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring a canidate who receives the most popular votes the winner." It does offer support that maybe our country needs. Maybe we do need help in choosing who our president should be. The Electoral College gives us us a more official point of view on which president should be elected.
Some people have a hard time realizing what the Electoral College is even doing for our society. Me included. In Source #2,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong, by Bradford Plumer, says
"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best." I think its best to say the Electoral college IS outdated, it IS unfair and irrational. Its simply taking away from your one voice of a citizen of the United States of America and vanishing it into thin air. Stick up for yourself and abolish the Electoral College.
In souce #1,
Does the Electoral College Work?
, by the Office of the Federal Register, says " The Electoral College process consists of the selection of electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the president and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." Don't let the electoral votes get in the way of your own. Vote for independence, Vote for your voice, your vote being heard, vote to abolish the Electoral College! | 23
fa3ffaf | The near future holds numerous inventions that have seemed to be impossible.
Ideas that were once dreams have now become reality.
Driverless cars are just one of these various inventions.
Coming in the next few years, driverless cars offer a safer, smarter, and more effective way to travel.
Driverless cars promise highly-advanded technology to provide safety and security for the passangers while allowing the human driver to ultimately remain in control.
The driverless car is a smarter car that requires advanced technology in order to drive successfully.
Some pieces of equipment include a video camera, a GPS receiver, and multiple sensors.
The most important part of the driverless car is the spinning sensor located on the roof.
By using laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model, this sensor allows the car to recognize its surroundings.
These sensors will also detect and respond to unexpected dangers such as rollovers or skids.
A driverless car is safer and more efficient.
With all of the driverless car's sensors and alerts, it is able to detect the situtation around it.
The car will be able to sense other cars, pedestrians, and landscape obastacles.
The driverless car will also be able to handle road situations better than a human would.
Since 2009, the driverless cars have been able to navigate over half a million miles without a crash.
Along with the car's safety, it is also more efficient than a normal car.
The driverless car would use half the fuel of today's taxis and allow more flexibility than a bus, making them the ideal mode of transport.
Even though it is driverless, the car also requires human control.
The driverless car will be able to steer, break, and accelerate on its own, but it will alert the driver when the situation requires.
The human driver must take over in situations such as navigating construction zones or accidents.
Even though the car is not completely self-driving, it allows for the human driver to ultimately remain in control of the situation.
With the driverless car's ability to analyze and respond to its surroundings while allowing human control, it will be the safest and most efficient car of the future.
The new-age technology provided in the driverless cars will make for a smarter car with the ability to be aware of the road, cars, and people, as well as any trouble that happens unexpectedly.
This technology also creates a safer drive while being efficient to the passengers and the environment.
With all of these self-driving features, the human driver will feel in control when navigating the required situations.
All of these technological advancements lead to a promising future of driverless cars everywhere. | 34
a65e1f2 | Who knew that a planet referred to as Earth's "twin" could possibly provide so many unknowns to humans? Venus is the second planet in our solar system and is the "closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too". Venus has a more harsh environment than Earth. With a surface temperature of over 800 degrees, and a thick atmosphere of nearly 97 percent carbon, Venus is not tolerable for humans. Despite these presented dangers, the author of the article suggests that studying Venus is worth the risks.
The author of the article mentions clearly in paragraph three the intolerable living conditions of the planet Venus. Although the author has knowledge of these dangers, they claim that studying the Earth-like planet is worth it. In order to back up their claim, the author provides facts in the texts to convince the reader of the following: "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This excerpt for example, may cause the reader to make inferences about other similarities between Earth and Venus, and would spark more interest in learning about Venus.
In addition to similar physical features, the author mentions how Venus is "our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." This is a very vital fact, and significantly backs up the authors claim. Many planets and stars are several hundred light years away, making space travel and new discoveries by humans difficult. The closeness of Venus would allow humans to visit Venus, if there was a safe way to get there.
Leading off of the previous statement, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been formulating a solution to "the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus... Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape". This would allow scientist to get extremely close to the surface of Venus, yet not close enough to gather samples from the planet itself.
The author of the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author was able to effectively support the idea that studying Venus is worth the risk, as it is the nearest planet to visit, as well as the idea of a blimp-like vehicle allowing close access to the planet to make new scientific discoveries. Despite the dangerous temperatures, and atmosphere composed of nearly 97 percent carbon dioxide, the author provided many examples as to why studying Venus is worth the risk to make new discoveries, and gather beneficial information about Earth's so- called "twin". | 34
7e0cc6b | Can you detect a happy person to an excited person would you want to detect if someone has mixed emotions about you well "Making Mona Lisa smile" does that for you.
This computer software can recognize emotions, which was innovated by professor Thomas Huang.
The development of the computer software is a certain pleasant choice because it can detect mixed emotions, can detect trait easily, and it can bring a smile to your face.
The computer software can detect mixed emotions, Dr. huang says that there are many emotions in this universe but with the video movements Mona Lisa can " by weighing different units, the units can be identified mixed emotions , by comparing agai nst a neautral face." saying it can detect mixed emotions by taking it slow with the detection doing it by unit.
The Mona Lisa can also detect faces really easily but there is a process first the Mona Lisa consturcts a 3D computer model face there is 44 major muscles and that must move like a human muscles the movement is called action unit. Stating that its worked on the musclesof the face.
This software brings also a smile to your face. The Mona Lisa can detect when you are sad or happy whenever you are on a computer and it can help you modify the mood you are in. It can change you expression on your face so you can feel better when on the computer.
The compter software innovated by professor thomas huang "Making Mona Lisa smile" is on the excellent idea category becuase of the reason it can modify your mood, can tell when you are having mixed emotions and also it tells you quickly what your trait is. It will be a treat knowing that this idea can recognize someones trait just by a computer and your muscles moving to the expression you want it to be in . | 23
e001dc1 | Driverless are they going to be part of the future or should they stop trying to make them? Today I'm going to be telling you my opinion on it.
To begin, I don't like the idea of smart cars I believe they're really expensive to make and just recently a driverless smart car ran into a semi. They're not safe and no one wants to spend money on a vehicle they can't drive it's just silly and during the winter they won't know how to handle ice and snow they'd probably spin out and crash and hurt a passanger in it and who's going to get in trouble for the accident? The passenger or the manufacturer? I guarantee you it would be the passenger even though they didn't do anything wrong.
Secondly, a lot of people like/love driving and don't like being passengers. Those people definitley won't buy smart cars they like the feeling of being in control not sitting there watching a car drive them around. It even sounds weird having a car in control. In cities sure they'll work because people use taxis now but think about all the people being layed off because a new type of car took their job! I can't imagine how they would feel. My dad was layed off a few years ago and we struggled getting by and no one should have to go through that especially if they have children.
In conclusion, I believe driverless cars/smart cars are going to cause more problems then they'll fix. I am against driverless cars. Are you against them too? | 23
bf5428a | There are many advantages of limiting your car usage and it too can help the Earth. Limiting car usage can be very helpful towards your health and your environment around you. Elisabeth Rosenthal, Robert duffer and Andrew selsky has all written down thier opnions down suggesting for more people to use bikes, buses or even walking to help people use less cars.
Why, would anyone walk but have easier transport by driving a car? because by walking you being saving money and lowering down pollution that is in the air. In
In German Suburb, Life goes on without cars written by Elisabeth Rosenthal; she is explaining how in Vauban,Germany is a "car-free" city and if you own a car owership you would have to pay a lot of money just for a space in your home for you car. Elisabeth has eclaimed that " Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park-large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home". This quote is showing how by owning your own car can cause too much money in a place that doen'st allow cars but when they do allow cars, you have to pay double of the price of a normal car. There is also something else that is interesing that Elisabeth has also stated: "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car- intensive areas in the United States". This quote is showing us that cars waste too much gas and it goes up into our greenhouse and it is destroying our planet. If the percent number keeps going up, our earth can be harmful.
Also, by not using your car, it can lower down rush-hours and traffice. As stated in this quote by Andrew Selsky written in
Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota: "
Rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffice; and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up". That is very good for the people because they would getting plenty of exerices while walking and they would not have to deal with beeping cars behind them or being stuck in the same place for couples of hours. If more people people come into walking or riding bikes to their homes,schools,or jobs; the bike places would get a lot of money for their bikes and that is good because the car dealership places would get less money and would close down. This quote from
The end of car culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal reflects how the bike shops would get new priorities: "New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation". This is showing how paying for a bike would benefit you and the planet by not buying a car that is polluting the air.
Finally, Paris has been noticing smog going everywhere in france and needs to do something about it so they enforced a partial driving ban to clear up the air. As stated in this quote by Robert Duffer who has written
Paris bans driving due to smog,
"Diesel fuel was blamed, since France has . . . [a] tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline". This quote is explaining how using up too much gasoline can lead to serious problems like having heavy smog everywhere in the country. That only does France have heavy smog but Paris does have the most smog, other European countries as well as stated in this quote: "Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals...[Last] week Paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic metere compared with 144 in Brussels and 79.7 in London, Reuters found"(Duffer). Having so much smog that you aren't able to see toward can be very dangrous.
In concluson, Being able to save your money, and help out the Earth can always be a good thing. Polluting the air can lead to many problems in the future and that could damage many lives and places. Always know how to respect your planet by always using less gas or no gas at all. Biking and walking can lead to a better future and it would turn out better than using a car. | 34
f561cd9 | Giant human face discovered on Mars! NASA phototgraphed an image of a landform on Mars specifically a region called Cydonia that showed the feature of a human face. Some think that Face was created by aliens. Although scentific evidence proves that the Face is a natural land form.
When the Face first got phototgraphed NASA "unveiled the image for all to see." in an attempt to get people to be more interested in mars. "Some people think that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence that NASA would rahter hide, say conspiracy theorist." Yet the article goes on th say "Few scientis belebed that Face was an alien artifact..." This means that many scientiss knew that the Face was a landform form the very beginning but only used it to get money for NASA to research more about Mars. Not only this but the weather was not an ideal time for the image to be taken.
When the image was taken it was at a certain time, year, and season. " this on had unusual shadows..." means that the sun was not hitting it deredctly to elliminate any shawdows that were there. "But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north...where it was winter in April'98-a cloudy time of the year on the Red Plant." This proves that the weather does have an effect on the image. Not only that but the image taken at this time was cloudy and reveladed a natural landform. The article goes on to say "a cloudless summmer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look...Malin's tean captured an extrodinary photo using the carmera's absolute maximum resoluiton." Meaning that the image was as clear as it could be and there were no clouds to make the image blurry. "What the pictue actually shows is the Martian equvialent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This proves that landforms like these were also seen on Earth and alien did not make it. Plus landforms like it had been seen on Earth
Further more, this is not the first time a natural landform has been seen on Mars. In the passage it is stated "Scienetist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one has unusual shadows that made it look like a Egyptian Pharaoh." This means that in the location where the Face was discovered landforms were common and nothing more than natural.
An image of a face was photographed on Cydonia. NASA proved that the Face is only a natural landform on Mars and with enough eveidence to support it. The giant "human" face is just another natural landform and most definatly wasn't created by aliens on Mars. | 23
dcc69b7 | The senate should remove the Electoral college and make the popular vote system the main way on deciding who's president. The electoral college seem's to have many flaw's that can make voting a disaster. Voter's aren't truely voting for a president, they vote for a slate of canidates who then vote for president.
The worst part about this type of voting is the disaster factor (sourse 2:paragraph 11). It clearly says '' segragationists in the louisiana legislature nearly succeede in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. This shows that the results of an electoral college can sometimes not be decided by the people, but mostly on the electors of each state. People say the the electoral college is an easier,cleaner, and faster method, but when it comes for the people to vote for president; The electoral college system wont suit what the people mainly would like.
The electoral college is an unfair way to vote for president, During the 2000 campian program, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad.(sourse 2: paragraph 13). These things shows that the candidates dont care about having the smaller states votes, but wants bigger populated states like california and texas. This is often called a '' Winner-take-all'' system since it each state doesn't get to see what there elector is really all about. Also it can show that with the electoral college, electors can vote for a president who is regionally favorable and not nationaly. This can often make the voters feel less satisfied with thier president since there president might not show intrest in there opinions.
The Electoral college also avoids the problem of elections in which there is little to no popular votes what so ever. Nixon in 1968 and clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes,while winning a majority in the Electoral College (sourse 3: paragraph 22).This goes to show that the Peoples votes dont usually matter when it comes to voting for a president but the electors do.
Once agian,The senate should remove the Electoral college and make the popular vote system the main way of deciding who's president. This will be benifitial to many states that want to be involved in the election but feel that there saying in things wouldn't matter. | 34
cd9e877 | "Unmasking the Face on Mars". My NASA friends and I think that the face is just a natural landform. But some other people think that aliens created it. But wouldn't you think that NASA knows alot more about the moon the other people I mean we have been there and they haven't.
I don't see how people would think that aliens created that face we have never seen aliens and they have never seen us. Aliens don't even know what humans even look like. I think all the people that think aliens created that face should fly around the world and look for faces and I bet they will find some. If they find some then they can't say theat aliens came down to earth and did those to. But if they don't then NASA and I might think that aliens made the faces.
If they find faces on the earth then it will be all over and we will know that aliens didn't make them and that it is just a natural landform. On the otherhand if they don't then NASA will spend money and put some type of sensor ore camera or something on mars so that we can see at all times and we will know if aliens really built it or not. | 12
a11cb5b | Do yo know why you should join The Seagoing Cowboys Program?
You should join Seagoing Cowboys Program because you can go to different and unique places around the world. Plus I also went to Europe and China to bring food and water for the animals.
To begin, I went to Greece to help bring food and water for the animals. I had a cargo of 335 horses plus the hay an oats to feed them. Knowing that the the Military might draft me they said " When my draft board learned that I was on a cattle boat trip, they told me to just keep doing that for my service."
Also, I went to China to feed the aninimals. It took a whole month to get to China. Then he says" The cattle boat trips were an unbeliveable opportunity for a small town boy."
The cows had to be fed three time and watered two times a day.
In conclusion, these are some of the reasons why people should sign up for Seagoing Cowboys.
In this story i gave many details why you should sign up. Now you can take into intrest about signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys. | 12
0da70c3 | There are several ways the author suggests studying venus is a worthy pursuit desite dangers along the way. Some examples of these are, how close Venus is from the sun and how it is very similar to Earth. Also Venus may have had forms of life on it. The author gives examples for each one of these claims and how they would give a positive effect. These are just a few reasons we should explore Venus and figure out more about it.
The first reason to learn more about Venus is how close it is from the sun. One example for this is when the text states,"Venus is the second planet from our sun." Which means that it is not very far away from earth. Another reason to study Venus is how similar it is to earth. An example for this is when the text states,"Venus is the closest planet to the Earth in terms of density and size." A final reason is that Venus may of had forms of life on it. Evidence for this statement is shown when the text states,"Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This statement shows how Venus could have been very, very similar to earth.
In conclusion the reasons for exploring Venus include how close it is to the sun, how similar it is to Earth, and how it could have supported life forms long ago. Yes, it is very dangerest because of high temperature and pressure. But if we come up with a way to lower the temperature and pressure it will be surely worth the work put in. These reason are way we should try to visit Venus in the future. | 23
8e25774 | I would like to see this type of car out on the streets. The reason why I agree with my statement is because it would make that driver have a better challenge of controling the car. It will let the driver sit back while the car drives and for the driver to stay alert at the same time.
First, the reason why I said that it will give the driver a better challenge of controlling the car. The driver might be preocupided at the same time driving, so this might help the driver to not have to pay attenction on the road. Also, if the driver is running late for their work, the car can help them, instead of the driver getting a car accitedent.
Secondly, driving a driverless car might be more fun rather than the old fashion way. For the car system for the driverless, the system will shut down when the driver takes back in control. Also, this might help drivers that are learning to drive, this might help them how to control their driving skills.
Thirdly, the driver will have to stay alert while the car i driving for safety reasons. Like the car won't know how to get by through heavy traffic jams. Or through roadblocks, this are the major set backs of the driverless cars. So the car will still need the skills of the human driver to get past them.
In conclusion, the reason why I agree to this is because it will give the driver a bit of a challenge. It would give the driver to sit back while the car drives itself. These are the resorces that the driver is now give .Also, it will give the driver the sense to stay alert while the car drives. | 23
4f0e1e0 | The author claim is that NASA is working on a way to visit venus despite how dangerous it is. They are planning on how they are going to visit Venus wihtout being harmed. In the author claim the reason they thought of "The challenge of Exploring Venus" is to show that even though it could be dangerous to go to Venus but they imagination of Venus makes them want to visit it discover things. The author claim could also be that nothing is impossible because reguardless of how dangerous Venus is Nasa still wants to go and explore it.
In Paragraph 6 it describes how NASA is palnning on visiting Venus despite the dangers . In the text it says , However, perring at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions becausze most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere , rending stand forms of photography and videography ineffective. " This shows that they are still planning to visit Venus despite its dangers .
The text also states how they are trying to visit Venus without being harmed . In paragraph 6 it says " At thirty - plus miles about surface , a vehical hovering oevr Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. " This shows how NASA is pannign the trip but without getting harmed.
" My last author claim is that the author belives that nothing is impossible . Reguardless of how dangerous Venus is for the NASA people to visit they still want to make it possible to go. In paragraph 8 it says , "
Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This shows how the author claim can be nothing is impossible .
In conclusion the author claim presents how the author is planning how to get to Venus , how to get to Venus without being harmed, and how nothing is impossible.
In my first claim in paragraph 6 Nasa is planning on how to get to Venus. In the text it says " However, perring at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions becausze most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere , rending stand forms of photography and videography ineffective.
This shows how the author claim is proven that they are planning on how to get to Venus . My second author claim that NASA is finding a way they can get to Venus without being harmed is proved in parahraph 6. In the text it says , "" At thirty - plus miles about surface , a vehical hovering oevr Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. " For my last author claim that NASA believes anything is possible is presented in paragraph 8. In the text it says , "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." For these reasons proves my author claims that no matter how dangerous Venus is the author belives it is still worthy to discover. | 23
f6f4429 | Even though technology is a huge part of the world today to help with certain problem and can be really helpful to people. The author describes the FACS or Facial Action Coding System as a technology to shows a recognition to facial movement. In today's society we know that its alot of emotions being shown throughout the world no matter what's the case is. For example, emotions are hidden by certain people or even people that don't show emotions at all. To support my claim is that no matter if parents or anybody tells them something they will not show any type of emotion any type of way, so they use equipment or something such as the FACS technology program.
The author says that from using the FACS experiment that it will make you feel sightly happy. In my opinion that is not true because that when you are down or upset you wouldn't want to do a experiment just to make you feel happy because you would think the experiment was nonsense. The author also provided us with is that if you raises your eyebrowns when your suprises and around your mouth tightens your lips to show anger is true because the FACS could shows and tell your emotion at anytime and any place.
When looking at the Mona Lisa painting it was sucessful and was one of Leonardo da Vinci's biggest accomplishment was the painting of Mona Lisa. Some of the new comptuer software that can recognize emotions, It was sucessful because the software is the latest innovation from Professor Thomas Huang of the Beckman Institute for Advance Science at the University of Illinois with collaboration with Professor Nicu Sebe Of the University of Amsterdam.
Comparing school computer and FACS is that school computer can recognize if a students is bored , or even confused about a problem there doing on a website such as Mindplay, Khan Academy , Carnige Learning, and etc. The FACS is extermely helpful and useful is because the FACS materials can be expressive for video games or video surgery. It can also help with human communication that aew nonverbal including emotional communtication. By according to Dr. Huang notes he says " So computers need to understand that too.".
Your home computer or work computer cannot modify Mona Lisa smile. To support my claim is in pargraph 7 it says " Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. " But you can write down some simple instructions that "encode" the different emotions.
The author says in Pargraph 9 us that the FACS can give you happy face that it can acutally be useful.
It can be false because a fake smile is when you mouth widen alittle bit with no teeth showing , and when using the FACS it can probably not show it.
The FACS technology can be very helpful for counselor, teachers , deans, doctors and even more. When someone is mentally challenge or mentally disabled the counsleor can uses the FACS to identify the mental person emotions. It can be helpful with teachers and deans is to identify the different or emotion the child has. For examples, say a child is got bully in the cafeteria for his lunch money and he just walks out the cafeteria with a frown on his face and he doesn't want to show his emotion toward the dean and/or teacher so thats when they can used the FACS technology to figure out there emotions.
The FACS is very helpful for humans that performs the same impressive "calculation" everyday. Of course, most of us can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look of there face , you can probably tell by the look of there faces when they are happy, sad, worried that why Lenardo da Vinci made the Mona Lisa picture and his crew from making the FACS technology. The author is giving us the mood of encouraging because without the FACS technology then we would never know how people feel when it comes down to the people that don't show emotions.
In conclusion , FACS is very useful in many different sceranio. If it wasnt for the FACS technology then we wouldn't know how kids,adults,students,teachers and etc feel. Another thing is that the FACS technology is very helpful because that it can tell if a student is bored , and/or even tired. While a regular computer can tell if the student is bored. I would reccomend this in schools,hostipals, doctors office , or even in the dentist area. | 34
333d99e | I think that a computee can "read" our face. IF we can make rockets reusable, make fully eletric cars we can make a comuter programe that can say if you are happy in a picture or not.
I think that humans can really do anything if they have the right mindset. If they want do achive something bad enough the will try and fail and keep trying until they get it right. If Dr. Huang really wants tpo make a frograme that can measure happieness and saddness i think he can it might take a while but it will be done by him. If he does improve it we can tell how people are feeling by a picture and if they need help or to be cheered up in a bad time.
The ad thing can be used for a bunch of different ways such as studies we can see how a person reactes to a certain picture by their facial exprestions. If 49 out of 60 people react the same what you have youi smnall scale statistics. Class projects could go into the science about how to make some feel a certain way. Class projects won't have to be just stand in front of class and talk you can make them interactive and fun by getting others involved.
Since we as humans can do this everyday with other people knowing is they are sad or not what makes you think that we can't programne a comuter to do it for people that are far away. we as humans have automated so much of our daily lives such as little things like making coffee or bigger things like robots that make cars. I think if we can do all that we can make a face "reader"
Thats all I really got on this topic bye bye. | 12
c68a503 | Dear senator, I am PROPER_NAME and i'm writing to you about the issues of the electoral voting process. Im in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States for a couple of reasons. First, I will know who I am voting for instead of thinking I am voting for the person I wanna vote for, And second the votes will be fair
To start off with, If we keep the electoral voting process then we will continue not knowing who we are voting for , The text asked itself a question "Do citizens sometimes get confused and vote for the wrong canidate?" And the answer was sometimes this process is to confusing for thed citizens to understand and it is not fair to use we have the right to vote but who are we voting for? What are we voting for? If we don't know who we are voting for then why vote. I understand having electors reduces the chance of having a president who can't carry our state,Eventhough the text says is takes away the chance I still think it reduces it I mean look at the Bush family they did a horible job and guess who elected them the electors. But still we have the right to vote for who we want but thats not the case, The case is that we vote for the the electors to represent our vote. I also dont agree with the winner take all vote because is I vote for someone i want me vote to go to that person not switch over to the other because he or she has the majority of the votes.
For my next statement, I will be addressing the fact of unfairness the winner take all rule is not fair as a add on the bigger the state the more electoral votes it gets is not for every state should count as a equal amount of votes because its like the little states doesn't get any say in who gets to represent us. "Do you have a older brother or sister? If you do then you know how it feels to get the remote tooking away from you and not get to watch what you want." And that is the same case here.
So I urgue you senator to help us citizens toi change the way the voting process is set up so we can understand who we are voting for and help us make a fair choice so our vote can stand for something.
94e5039 | Imagine this, Living in a world where pollution no longer exists, where cars have been limiting due to important reasons and where stress no longer affects individuals that drive. Cars have played indeed an important role in our lives since a long time. They do make us get to places faster but they are also making some individuals more lazier than before. They have affected our atmosphere which can affect every living organisms on Earth in the nonfar future. In my opinion cars should not be limited, the companies that make them should just change the way they work.
First of all, less and less people no longer walk or take public transportation in places where every individual in the population owns a car. According to source number 1 paragraph 3 "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way". This is important because it shows that when individuals own a car they are always going to fight against state laws, traffic, people on the streets, meaning that they are always going to stress everytime they ride their car. This could be a lot different if cars were limited for every single individual or if cars somehow where seperated from people's places for walking.
Second of all, our planet's atmosphere has gotten more and more polluted than when cars were not a big thing to people. Pollution is something that some people do not take seriously. It can affect our lives in a big way. According to source number 2 pargraph 1 "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial drivin ban to clear the air of the global city" meaning that the air was being contaminated due to cars. This is important because cars are affecting our atmosphere in a way that can affect us all by destroying our atmosphere and leaving every living organism on Earht with no oxygen.
Last but not least, Scientist's have invented cars that are electric meaning that they dont use gasoline. This is a good thing, because it can reduce pollution for a better atmosphere. Another way that pollution can be reduced is by making more and more individuals use public transportation. This can help by them not using their gasoline powered cars that pollute the air. In conclusion, cars will not be limited in the near future they will just change the way they work. | 23
d7023dd | Dear State Senator,
We have a big conflict containing the electoral college, Im debating on what we should do. Im all in favor for keeping the electoral college, Instead of going by the most popular vote. The most popular vote can be very difficult because the citizens that are voting are just choosing mostly perhaps they dont even know whats going on. They choose based on favoritism and that shouldnt be the case, when you're choosing something so important like this, you have to know the facts about that person and what they're willing to do for us as a whole. Theres a million reasons why the most popular vote shouldn't be even recommended for this, its unnecissariy It should never be based on favoritism its about what they bring to the table.
The electoral college is widely known as an anachronism. I have my opinion they have theres, their gonna give you opinions about how unfair the electoral college is when in reality its not anything thats gonna harm you. Perhaps i think its safer then choosing someone that you have no idea about the decisions they wanna make. Yes people may no be that much interested in politics because their not involved that much. They have to do whatever it takes so our nation can be a great one. Leaving our nation in someone hands that doesnt really know what their doing is completely absurd. Do you know how bad that will make our nation look if we had one? I would be ashamed to claim this as my "Home". | 12
f2e3cfb | What would you think if technology was made that could tell every emotion someone has, at any time of day? Well, pretty soon you may know first-hand, as our current technology is actually well underway to reaching that level. As of right now, a new software has been developed that can percieve emotions in others faces, using several different variables. It is known as the Facial Action Coding System, and judge six different emotions. The question is, how does such a machine work, and how can we know if this machine holds any value in a classroom setting?
Before taking a further look at whether such an ability is needed in classrooms, it is imperative to first understand just how the Facial Action Coding System works. It starts by analyzing the face and constructing a 3-D model of it, so that the 44 major muscles in the face can be easily captured. Then, the system labels slight muscle movements -known as action units- in the face and uses those to calculate emotions. As of right now, there are six classified emotions to compare the facial muscle movements to: Happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness.
The question is, how does this machine gather muscle movements as a certain type of emotion? How that works is the human body has similar facial expressions for certain moods, such as raising eyebrows when surprised. These are automatic in just about everybody, making it way easier to gather emotions. If someone were to, for example, tighten their lips, near everyone could understand the possible tension and anger from the person. Thanks to the easy understanding of facial patterns, the machine can too!
The science of facial mucle patterns may not be completely understoood, but there currently are ideas that maybe making certain faces can change your mood! According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only displays emotions, but it may help produce them as well! This is due to the empathy that may occur when imitating someone's facial patterns, even if one is unaware they are. With this information, we can understand the complexity of human emotion a little better, and possibly gather a conclusion from all of this that goes for this technology in schools. The question is, just what have we gathered and understood so far?
In conclusion, there were several take-aways from this article. For starters, the machine can evaluate six emotions, which are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. It does this via the understanding of the human facial muscles and the different ways we physically convey emotion. And not only that, but when someone may be only appearing as an emotion/set of emotions, they can subconsciously mold into that emotion. From all of this, only one sound conclusion can be made. The use of this technology is valuable in classrooms, as well as outside of school, due to the fact that it helps to recognize facial emotions in students and teachers alike so that they are more aware of their surroundings. | 23
d25b773 | "Imagination" quoted by SpongeBob, is something that everyone have or have done in their life. When you imagine something that you want to do, you search for answer to how or how to figure it out. But when something is not search or have been searching. It gets your curiosity flowing and it makes you research and plan to discover that imagination. Even if its impossible the feeling of figuring the imagination out by yourself could make you feel amazed. Well for this author, this person is just figuring some of the impossible. Even if its impossible this person will gained insight on the planet itself, but also the the human curiosity that will lead us into something different than ever before.
The studying of a Earth-like-twin is something you will never witness since every single planet is different with the density and size. With that discovery people have found, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceasn and could have supported various forms of life.."(paragraph 4). But even a long time ago there are still some features that are those of Earth. It said, "The plaet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes features like valleys, mountains, and craters."(paragraph 4). The fact that Venus have features like Earth does, it fascinate people over the discovery that Venus is Earth's twin but it also has its downfall.
Its the danger that makes the imagination thrive. Because the danger can also make people feel curious how to escape the danger or how to stop it. For Venus its the atmosphere and the surface. The atosphere, "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid." (paragraph 3). But thats not the only danger the danger is how you are land. "On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure if 90 times great than what we experience on our own planet" (paragraph 3). The curiosity of a planet of the same size and density can make the atmospheric pressure 90 times greater makes people imagine. So even though the people know the danger is worst than Earth it does not mean people can imagine.
The insight gained from exploring other planet can make people discover something out of this world. Even though the danger makes the imagination impossible but it makes you think of things that can help. A solution to the imagination that is so called "impossible". So even if people say its impossible you just got to imagine the impossible. | 34
db1689b | Driverless cars will be a bad idea in many ways. They could maunfuciton and create a crash or maybe even death. The car can also watch you, People prefer to have some privacy instead of being monitored 24hrs a day. You have too be on alert everytime you get in the driverless cars. Its like driving people buy it too not drive. Driverless cars are not yet ready to function and Im guessing they will never be.
Diverless cars will casue to much problems. You never know when something can go wrong. The article states that the car notifys the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, the driver could be sleeping and not hear it and maybe cause a crash. If the car is diverless then the car needs no human skill to function it in tough situations. The car can also cause traffic jams if the car breaks it will automatically shut off since its broken. The car can only handle 25 mph so that means no freeways or public roads. also if your in a hurry how are you going to get there in time.
The car will be to expensive, If the brakes dont work your going to have to reapir them right away. If the sterring decides not work properly will the car is operating things can go down hill. A bmw part can cuase up to a million dollars imagine repairng the driverless car proberly like 20 million. They say the want to make driverless cars a taxi how much will it cost to get a ride and who will be responsible if the car crashes will your in it.
Imagine buying a driverless car and you dont even drive it and get in an accident and you are responsible for the damage. From my point of view it has to be the companies since the owner is not tecnically driving. I would be pretty mad if i had to pay for the damage,the car is driving itself and the companies program it to do that. Imagine how much the car will cost and the insurace,alot of money.
Driverless cars is not a good idea in our world becuase its not safe. The car can only go 25 mph and you need to stay alerted 24/7, I rather drive than let a car drive for me. People will feel safer if a human operates it than a machine. Driverless cars can cause accidents,traffic jams and even death. The driverless car doesnt know how to hands tough situations like roadblocks, tough traffic if you get pulled over will the vehical even pull over. If the car crashed I am pretty sure the company will have nothing to do with it since you bought it. The car can get in an acciedent and you didnt even drive but you still have to pay, I would be mad. Our society is not ready for this yet and hopefully they dont waste there money on something that can lead to bad things. | 34
b1fc8c9 | Venus is a planet in our solar system, which is sometimes visible in the Earth's night sky. Scientists are considering ways to get humans to Venus, and in order to accomplish this goal, continue to study it. The author of this essay is heavily in favor of continuing research into Venus, regardless of Venus' incredibly harsh conditions. That this is the main motivation for the writing of this essay is kept very clear throughout the text. To this end, the author makes his text well argued by providing varied and factual support in favor of studying Venus, such as Venus' similarities to Earth, its proximity, and one way scientists are considering surviving on Venus once they get there.
The author provides copious reasoning on why Venus is a planet well worth studying, but his primary argument is that Venus may have been the planet most similar to Earth at one point. This is a valuable point in the author's argument because it explains the similarities between Venus and the Earth, regardless that these similarities may be firmly in the past. For example, Venus may have supported life just as Earth does. Venus also has some features similar to those on Earth, such as mountains, craters, and valleys. These are important points, because the more similar a planet is to Earth, the easier it will be to survive there. This argument's aim is to show the reader that exploring Venus is a goal that could be beneficial to humanity in the future.
The other main point that the author provides is that Venus is, at times, the planet closest to Earth. The author goes so far as to say the planet "is right around the corner" in terms of space. Since space travel already has an impossibly long time frame, this is a crucial piece of information. Humans will not stop exploring outside the Earth, and that journey is sure to be difficult no matter what, but going to Venus might make the trip at least a little bit shorter, and therefore simpler. The reason for this particuar argument is that it makes the reader feel that going to Venus is much more reasonable than anywhere else.
The third reason the author's idea is well supported is that he gives a possible method for humans to survive on Venus. This reasoning is both specific and factual, describing a blimp like vehicle that would be located in the survivable part of Venus' atmosphere. However, the author also specifies that a hovering ship is not nearly enough to truly study a planet, and that NASA is already trying to find a method that would be superior. Both of these details give the reader the impression that Venus is truly an attainable goal. Futhermore, the reader is led into believing that if humanity is going to go to Venus, it needs to understand what it is going to.
In short, the author of this text wrote a well structured, well supported essay that pertained to why humans should explore Venus. There is next to no information that does not pertain to the chosen topic, which is a mark of a solid essay, but more importantly, he supports his ideas. The author describes the reasoning behind exploring Venus, rather than another planet. Furthermore, he specifies how such an act would be done. Together, these traits of the essay combine to make it very convincing and persuades the reader that exploring Venus would, in fact, be a worthy goal for humanity. | 45
9d4e9b4 | "A cowboy who rode the waves" is a story where there is so much going on with so many people.
The main character in the story is "Luke Bomberger" he works two part-time jobs one at the Grocery Store and the other at the Bank. He has a friend named Don
Reist whom asked Luke to go to Europe with him. They would be riding on a cattle boat with 335 horses only. The reason they had to ride on a cattle boat was because World War 2 just ended and most people animals and buildings got destroyed. They were shipping animals over to Europe so that they could have their animals back. He just turned 18 before they left so he was old enough to help out. Since they had all of the horses he helped out with taking care of them they each had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. He was really good at taking care of all the horses because he used to help out on his aunt's farm with all of the animals. He had trouble sometimes when the storms would be super bad and it would make the boat rock with the bad waves. One time he was going to report back to the captin with the news on how the animals were doing because he was on nightwatch and he slipped and fell off of his ladder. When the boat started tilting he went slididng down the deck of the boat and amost went off board. He didn't go off board luckily because a metal bar stopped him from going two far but he did suffer from broken ribs and have to take some time off. On the trips back to go get more animals the people he was with would play games with him and they also got to see amazing sights on their way there and back sometimes even on the way there is they weren't too busy.
Most of the time this is what happens but his story is really interesting. Most people think it is a horrible idea to do this but I think it's a great one because you get to help people. It is nice to do something like that because most people are less fortunet and things that happened in Europe can happen to them and maybe even you when you don't ever expect it. | 12
72c14dc | Electoral voting is a voting system that is trash. No one likes it, its not fair for the people to have somone else (The Electors) vote for them. How do we have freedom of speech if were not the one's who are voting? Electoral votes are not what we need if we the people what a good president. The majority of the popular vote in the united states should determine who sits in the
White House .
Abolishing the Electoral College is the best thing the the United States could do. Under the Electoral Cololege system, we the voters (people) vote not for our president but for a slate of electors that hopefully elect the president you want. We can not controll who the elects vote for, plus we somtimes dont know the electors we are voting for. If the people of the state of Florida wants to have a Republican president but the elector wants a Democratic president then most likely thats who he is going to vote for is the Democratic candidate.
The popular vote is fair and is more likely to get sucessful persidents that people will like. It's like "
American Idole
" you have to perform good, you have to sound good, and u have to be sucessful. You have to get two out of the three judges to say yes in order for you to go to Hollywood. Same thing with the popular vote system, u have to get two-thirds of the popular vote in order to be persident. It's alot better than to worry about who your elector is going to vote for, all they care about (sadly) is the money. We look beyond the money and look at things like: Food, Education, Gas, Roads, Highways, Trade, Money,etc...
Lets make a differnce as a country and not let people do things for us because thats takeing our freedom away. Lets get rid of the dumb electoral system and lets use the popular vote becasue thats when your voice is herd and your vote counts. | 12
b61aeaf | The Face of Mars has proven to be one of NASA's most mystifying cases to ever be solved. Twenty five years ago, as NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling Mars, it snapped a photo of a startling image resembling a human face. After releasing the image to the public, many people became fascinated in the "face". This rolled the ball for many people to believe there was an ancient civilization on Mars. However, modern technology and expertise of numerous scientists have discovered the face is merely a natural landform. The use of more efficient cameras have diminished any hopes of alien life on Mars.
NASA's Mars Exploration Program has already identified the area on which the face is found as Cydonia. When the face was first seen in the Jet Propulsion Lab, scientists figured it was a Martian mesa, which were common enough in Cydonia. Although it was abnormally figured in the shape of a human face, scientists already knew mesa's were prominent in the area of Cydonia. Also, modern technology, such as a Mars Global surveyor camera, has revealed the fact that the Face on Mars is nothing but a natural landform. The camera's absolute maximum resoultion picture ensures that no "alien markings" were hidden by haze, as some skeptics argued. In the 2001 image, each pixel spans 1.56 meters, whereas pixels in the 1976 image spanned 43 meters. Therefore, the better camera quality ensures the truth behind the Face on Mars: a natural landform.
Some people argue that, due to the cloudiness on the planet, alien life could have been hidden by haze. However, NASA sent the Mars Global Surveyor on "a cloudless summer day in Cydonia" and captured another photo. Garvin explained "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." Garvin knew if there were any pyramids or shacks, the camera would have been able to capture it and he would have been able to see it. Thus, there is no chance haze could have hidden the aliens. People also argued that the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars- evidence NASA would rather hide. This is not the case. Authors thought this would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars. Therefore, the belief of life on Mars is simply just for the public. It has been in Hollywood films, books, magazines, and radio talk shows. The Face on Mars was used to engage the public, not neccessariy to inform.
Proven from better camera quality and scientific knowledge, people can know believe the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. If any civilization was there, the Mars Global Surveyor would have been able to seen it. Also, mesa's are common in the Cydonia area, where the face was found. In conclusion, better technology from 1976 proves the Face on Mars is a landfrom, and there is no chance any life on Mars exists based on the face. | 45
e5752c8 | There are many advantages to limiting car usage in our community. Other countries such as France, Germany, and Colombia are home to cities that are working towards cutting down the use of personal automobiles. Many of the people in these places find that using alternative transportation means proves to be less stressful. Studies even show that fewer Americans are purchasing cars for themselves. Now is the perfect time to join in with Vauban, Bogota, and New York and spend less time in our cars.
It may seem hard to believe, but in Germany, there's a suburban area where residents live without their own cars. According to "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, the streets of Vauban, Germany remain "car-free" aside from some public transport. The article states that "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here.". Heidrun Walter was quoted in the excerpt saying "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way..." Communities in Europe and the United States are hoping to move towards this "car-free" lifestyle, in order to become less dependent on automobile usage and cut back on greenhouse gas emissions that damage the environment. We may see an increase in the number of "smart planning" areas across the globe. If a mass of citizens wish to lessen the amount of time they spend in their cars, it's possible, and the city can adapt to a more automobile-less way of life.
Bogota, Columbia dedicates a day to transportation without the use of personal cars, where the city's goal is " promote alternative transportation and reduce smog". Many who visit Bogota during this time are impressed by the "revolutionary change" they see unfold before their eyes. Going "car-free" leads to more physical activity amongst residents and an overall nicer-looking community. "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky claims "Parks and sports centers... have bloomed throughout the city... sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks... restaraunts and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.". Not only does the city reduce the amount of greenhouse gas it contributes to the atmosphere, but it results in a more active and better-looking community.
What change would we see in our own community were we to follow in the footsteps of Bogota and Vauban? The United States is seeing a decrease of car ownership in the country. Less and less people are buying automoblies and obtaining driver's licenses. "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal says that "...America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling." The writer cites investment research company Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, which states "...the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter..." The country is already subconsciously moving towards a more car-independent lifestyle. The millenial generation seems to be the biggest contributor to this declined interest in car-ownership. With improved methods of communication by means of social media and cell-phones, as well as more use of car-pooling and public transportation, people are staving away from car commuting. While this may require a change within the automobile industry, many agree that this turning away from private car usage will see communities striving to be more time and energy efficient when it comes to transportation.
Limiting the use of cars can lead to a less polluted and stressful environment, more exercise-oriented and upscale communities, and the conservation of our natural resources. Cities around the world are working to become less car-dependent, so that they may limit their contribution of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Were our community to move towards this more eco-friendly, car-free way of life, we would not be alone. | 34
ad31adf | This idea could be good because students could get there lesson a diffrent way that makes them learn better. Another way is could be good is because the comuter would tell the teacher if you are confused or bored with the lesson they are teaching. It could also help the teacher and telling you if you are happy or sad.This system could be the solution come kids were looking for.
This would be a good idea to have in classrooms because it will be a different way of learning. In paragraph 6 it talks about how the computer could modify the lesson so it will be like a actual teacher. This will be good because some people dont learn the way there techer teaches and if they had this it will make learning easier for those kids. Also those kids wont be bored by the way there teacher teaches. The wll be more interested in there topic they are learning about.
Next, another way this will be good is it will tell the teacher if you are confused or bored with the way he or she is teaching and it will modify your lesson so it will help you learn the best way that is for you. In paragraph 6 it says " A classroom computer could reognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" this is good because the teacher could try and change the way she is teaching. This will make it better for the students because if the teacher changes then there attitudes will. The student will actually enjoy the lesson and not be bored or confused. Another way the system will help is it will tell you if you are happy or sad. If it tells the teacher if your happy or sad then they will know what to do to help you.
Lastly, In paragraph 6 it says "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad" If the system could do that then the teacher will know not to give you a hard time. If the computer knows that then they will know to give you some time to cool of and gain composure. If all schools had computers like tihs kids will have better grades and not be so bored and confused in class like so kids are now. The teachers could use it to show if they are not having a good mood or if they need to chage the way they teaching there students.
Having a computer like this in school could be a good idea because it will tell if you need to learn a different way, it will tell you if you are confused or bored on what the teacher is teaching about, and it will tell the teachers if there students are happy or sad. Some people need this so they can have better grades and days at school. | 34
562b33a | Do you think there are advantages to reducing car usage? There are many advantages in limiting car usage. Reducing car usage can decrease the amount of pollution and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It can increase physical activity and decrease stress. There can be numerous advantages when we reduce the amount of car usage.
To begin, there are various advantages in reducing the amount of car usage. Limiting car usage can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released into the atmosphere. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (
In Germany Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal). This is an example of how greenhouse gases are polluting the atmosphere; limiting car usage can reduce the amount of pollution being released. "'It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,' said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza". (
Car-free Day Is Spinning Into A Big Hit In Bogota by Andrew Selsky). This is an example of the advantages of limiting car usage.
In addition, some people may think that there are no advantages to limiting car usage; however, they don't think about how it can help the world around them. Durning a car-free day in Bogota, people will use different transportations and avoid traffic jams. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." (
The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal). This is an example of how over the years, people are using less car fuel and reducing air pollution. People are beginning to realize that buying a car is not a priority. To reduce pollution and save movey, people car-pool with others. "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009..". (
The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal). this states that the number of young people are not driving as much as they use to; therefore, it helps reduce the amount of greenhouse gases being released and amount of people on the road.
Finally, there are many advantages in limiting car usage. Limiting the amount of car usage will reduce greenhouse gases, stress behind the wheel, and traffic jams. Greenhouse gases can be very harmful when released into the atmosphere. There may be less deaths due to crashes, and less frustration due to traffic. There can be many advantages and people around the world should consider limiting their car usage. | 23
44d4d56 | I think the technology to read emotional expresions of students is valuable because it would help the student more if the technology knew why they were having problem and where they were having problems at. The Facial Action Coding System could also be a bad thing because some people are more hands on learners and can't
work with computers and some students might show expressions that don't have anything to do with the tasks at hand .
Telling someone to make a certain face cannot change how they're feeling on the inside.People could be feeling a different way then they're really showing on the inside.The computer wouldnt be able to tell how your really feeling it can just tel how your face is looking.
In conclusion I think this facial coding system could help some people and othere need hands on. I dont think it is neccassary but can be valuable.They should get this technology to help the special needs kids . I think it would be very valuable to them because what if they can;t tell you how they're feeling then the computer can. | 12
7bf3f8e | In the Essay, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" , The author suports the claim that the knowledge and insight that could be gained from exploaring Venus outweighs it's risks, making it a worthy pursuit.
The author of the article admits that with todays current technology, it would be impossible to explore Venus. He lists facts that highlight Venus's inhabitability, such as " No spacecraft has survived on venus for more than a few hours", "The atmosphere is almost 97% carbon dioxide", and "the clouds are of highly corrosive sulfuric acid". The author presents these valid points and continues to list more before identifying any specific reward that outweighs them. No spacecraft has landed on venus in over 30 years, so why should we try again? The author reubtes these facts by indirectly claiming that we should attempt and expedition to venus because it is difficult. By overcoming a great and difficult task, we learn and advance more than by overcoming a simple and easy task.
Let it be noted, The author does not expect anybody flying to venus with shear willpower. He also presents ideas and advancments in reguards to how we might be able to fly to venus. In Paragraph 5, the author presents the idea of a blimp, floating 30 miles above the venusian atmosphere, Could be maintained and be used in the research of Venus. At this altittude, the author lists " temperatures would only be a toasty 170 degrees Fahrenheit" and "Air pressure would be close to sea level on Earth". However, the author does not cover the resources needed to produce a spacecraft of the scale.
Even if the author builds the fact that it is currently impossible to send a manned mission to Venus, The author does inspire interest in the topic. Through the description of several ideas that could be actualize into their desired goal, The author builds reason for belief of his topic.
The author ends his peice with the conclusion of "Our Travels on Earth and beyonds should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and inovation". This ending supports his arguement because it gives the argument that no matter what, knowledge will be gained and expanded from this challenging task. With knowledege being the reward, this makes the authors desire to Explore venus a very worthy persuit with consideration to it's dangers | 45
47ba414 | Do you know that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represents? In " The Challenging of Exploring Venus" article, the author talks about supporting the idea that studying Venus.
The author supports this idea by naming this article of usiong the word challenging, which means difficultness and is an obstacle you need to overcome also telling the reader or the audience of this beautiful view. According to the article the author stated that "Venus, sometimes called the 'Evening Star,' is one of the brightset points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot." Therefore, from this I can infer that the author is really into astronamy and wanted to inform the readers about many things about the stars or the planets of the sky.
As a result, this author proofs that the author supports the iead using wors well. So I think that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite of danger. | 12
5c657d7 | Driverless cars
I think driverless cars will be an accident waiting to happen. I think they will just become an danger to people. Sergey Brin is talking about driveless cars, but for a start they arent even driveless at all.
They have a lot to look into before making these cars legal like road condition, an accident, or work areas for the county to do work. There still has to be someone toughing the steering wheel to make the car even move. Before these cars can even become worthy of driving elder people or driving at all it needs to pass a saftey corse or something i think to be able to get on the market.
If these people making these car think about all the promblems that can occur, saftey for the people riding inside the car, and other people around the outside of the car, and make sure that car works like its suppose to before sales start. I think it wouldnt be a bad think to do, but as of right now its just to dangers to trust something that has failed or could poosibly die from. | 12
7ddb665 | The author suggests that studing Venus is worthy for many reasons. Those reasons are how simular Venus is to Earth, it would be the easiest planet to visit, and it wold be the safest planet to study.
In the passage it states "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantge point of earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closly." Venus is dangerous to explore,but Venus seems fascinating to study.
Venus is very simular to Earth. In the passage it states. "Astronmers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system." Venus is much like Earth. Venus could be coverd with oceans, and also have various forms of life." It would be interesting to see if or what forms of life Venus could have.
Another reason why Venus would be worthy to study is it would be the easiest planet to visit.
Venus would be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given to the long time frames of space travel." The value of returning to Venus seems indisptable, but what are the options for making such a mission both save ans scientifically productive?" Not only would Venus be the nearest option for a planetary vistist, but it would also be the safest.
NASA is thinking of the safest way a human could study Venus. The passage states "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float abouve the fray." It would be like a vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above Venus.
The author states many reasons why Venus would be interesting to study. Venus would be hard to eplore, but working on studing planet Venus, we could make it work and see how fascinating Venus really is. | 23
9060cd6 | When it comes to reducing the amount of cars, in any given area, there is multiple advantages. There are many up sides to it, it has a few downsides such as not being able to car far distances...but thats exactly where public transportation comes in. One great advantage to limited car usage is the reduced amount of obesity. When you dont have a car your only other options would be to walk, bike, skate, etc. which helps you lose weight. Not only that, but more parks and sport centers are being constructed. What about traffic? No one likes traffic, so by reducing the amount of cars in a given area, there will be close too no traffic at all. You'd be able to get to work or school on time, not have to worry about finding a parking spot, and generally get to where you need to be in a quicker amount of time. Pollution is as big of a problem as traffic, if not bigger. Many people claim that cars are the main source of air pollution along side with plants. Well, by taking away cars our air will be much fresher and more pleasant to breathe. | 12
59c1a55 | Have you ever wondered about cars that can drive without a human driving it? Cars that can drive themselves will not be good for this world. Driverless cars will not be good for this world because they will not be as safe as humans driving cars, it would cost too much money for the driverless car to work at its full potential, and drivers will get bored sitting in the car. These are reasons why the development of driverless cars needs to stop.
A driverless car will not be good for drivers because the cars would not be as safe as a human would be driving the car. If the car is driving itself and it sees an accident, how will it know how to drive around it. If there is road construction, the driverless car would not know what to do in that type of situation. In the article, the text says,"Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." The text also says,"Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" This shows that even driverless cars can get into car accidents. If the driverless car got in to a car accident-would it be the driver's fault or would it be the car's fault?
Another reason that a driverless car should not be introduced to the world is because it would cost too much money for the driverless car to work at its full potential. For the driverless cars to work correctly there would have to be huge upgrades to all present roads we have right now. If we tried to upgrade all the roads we have now, that would simply be too expensive. In the article, the text says,"These smart-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, somthing that was simply too expensive to be practical." This shows that for the driverless car to really work the builders had to upgrade the present roads we have now. If upgrading just a few roads was too expensive, how will we be able to upgrade all the roads for the driverless car?
Lastly, driverless cars would not be good for the world because the drivers would get bored sitting in the car. For the car to drive itself, the driver must keep their hands on the wheel at all times. The driver must also have to stay focused. Most drivers would rather driver than sit in the driver's seat doing absolutely nothing. In the article, the text says,"Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for theri turn to drive? 'The psychological aspects of automation are really a challenge,' admits Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver." This shows that even if we did have driverless cars that someone would need to be at the wheel paying attetion to the road. This would bore drivers very quickly. Why would we want a driverless car if we have to keep hold of the wheel at all times?
In conclusion, we should not have driverless cars because they will not be as safe as humans driving cars, it would cost too much money for the driverless car to work at its full potential, and the drivers would get bored sitting in the car. Driverless cars will not help the world. The development of driverless cars needs to stop. | 45
279e329 | Plan:A photo from 1998,is a pciture of a mask. So why they "MGS" claims is not a face? We don't,be we do know is that a high-resolution images and 3D altimetry takes picture from outer space. It says that "NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet,snapping photo possible landing sites for it's sister ship". Meaning that maybe their is a possibitiy that maybe there is an "Anicent civilization" that lived on Mars that we don't know about. It also says, "A few days later NASA unveilied the images for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose,and mouth. So basically it tell the readers or the scientist thatat some point of time their was humans on "Planet Mars",and really they're trying to get them to realized just because its a"huge rock formation" what if they'rereally humans skulls under all of the rocks?"The Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars evidence that NASA would rather hide,say conspriacy theorists. This shows that NASA was trying to keep it a sercet that theirs are head with a mouth,eyes,noes,and ears on Mars and they wasn't trying to put in no type of effort to get deeper in the situation or not even assummed is not normal for a planet that has nobody lived on and has a unusal head that just poped up out of nowhere on "Planet Mars". | 12
234a75d | In this article the author explains what Venus is at first , next he/she explains the benefit of learning about it and then finally talks about the dangers and challenges that come with studying it. Venus or the "Evening Star" is a planet similar to earth in size and density and is even reffered as earths "Twin". Yet these to are two very different planets, for example Venus's atmosphere suffers from the "greenhouse effect" which causes its surface temperature to average around 800 degrees fahrenheit! It also supports no life at least that we know of to this point unlike Earth.
To study the "twin" of Earth we must first either put something on the surface of the planet or take pictures of the planet from right outside the planet. This is a problem because its so hot on the surface that it will melt our currant technology and with the greenhouse effect the atmosphee is to thick to take pictures through. This is obviously a problem for scientist who want to learn more about the planet Venus. If we do learn about Venus though it might benefit us tremendously because we will know how to prevent Earth from having the same problem Venus did that eventually destroyed the planet into what it is today.
In conclusion I think the Author of this article realizes the dangers of studying eath's "twin" Venus but ultimantly thinks that the positives outweigh the negitives on this one and I agree. If Venus at one point really was like earth and supported life we need to know what destroyed it to prevent us from rewriting history. I think that outweighs any danger or problem in the longrun and Im sure the author would agree with me based on his/her article. Scientist as I type this are working on a solution for problems such as the ones up above and I wouldnt be surprised if we learned a lot more anout Venus in these next couple of decades! | 23
c6bcaaa | The face on the surface of Mars...It is said that the land formation on the surface of Mars resembles a human face. There is no true face on mars' surface,it is merely a lava dome that takes on the form of an isolated mesa that is about the same elevation as the surface of this red planet.
Nothing more than a huge rock formation that resembles a human face, in the sense that there are irregular shadows that create the odd look of eyes, a mouth, and a nose.This illusion may have made its way to movies, magazines.etc... But just because they mention the name of a planet
that does not make what they say scientificly backed up.
We have already photographed the surface of this grand land structure, and yet it has proved to be nothing more than I have just stated.
through research and diligent study we, scientists, have proved scientificaly that this land formation on this astronomical body is, indeed not a face or an alien monument.
And to wrap up the matter, Nasa has already sent a team of photographers to collect more photos. The pictures support the fact that, this lava dome is just that, a lava dome. | 12
e9dc2b4 | Driverless cars are more of a reality than we think. With all of the new technologies advances in cars, driverless cars aren't just a dream anymore. Although driverless cars can be beneficial, there are just too many risks and consequences for them to be assist with everyday life in a positive way.
Technology is one of the greatest risks with driverless cars. Once driverless cars are available to the public, there are many things that could go wrong. Fluxes in weather could cause major issues within the driverless cars that would have very expensive repairs. Remodeling streets to incorporate driverless cars would be "simply too expensive to be practical" [3]. Car thiefs now only have to hack into cars to steal them. If the technology within the car fails, are all of the passengers stranded? Malfunctions can also cause accidents killing passengers and pedestrians nearby.
The next question is, "if technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver of the manufacturer?" [9]. There will be countless driverless car court cases to decide if the passengers were at fault, or if the technology was to blame. There are more serious court cases to deal with than a surplus of citizens verus technology. Also with their steady supply of resources such as good lawyers, companies have a solid chance at winning majority of these cases and not having to own up to their mistakes. As a result of this, innocent citizens now have to pay these have fees that could ruin their lives.
On paper, driverless cars seem like a great idea, but in reality they could cause many horrible effects. Technology advances on cars that will help with safety are always beneficial, but having a car driver by itself could be harmful. | 34
0bea5df | In the article " Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author talks about how drivers cars may be in the future and the good and bad aspects of driverless cars.Some bad aspects of driverless cars are that some of the drivers of the driverless cars may get bored of sitting and waiting for their turn to drive. Also that antilockbrakes and drivers still seem to be a long way from the dream of calling drivers to take us wherever we may desire to go.
The drivers of the driverless car may get bored sitting and waiting for their turn to drive because there wouldnt even be a point in needing a driver if u have to sit and wait for your turn to drive. In the article it states " The psychlogical aspects of automation are really a challenge, admits Dr. Werner Huber a BMW Project Manager Driver. Also what if the driver gets so bored from sitting around and waiting for his or her turn to drive and ends up getting into a car crash.
" Antilock brakes and drivers assitance still seem a long way from the dream of calling drivers cab to take us wherever we desire."
For example in the article it states that " radar was a device on a hiltop cost two hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at Radio Shack , So how driverless will these cars be in the near future?" Futhermore can you imagine how much the driverless cars will be that can only cause more problems for not only everyone in the society that would like the car but also the manufactures of the car that may not make that much money because of how the expensive the cars may be.
In conclusion I beliveve that there are good and bad aspects of the driverless cars. Driverless cars can be a cool and unique part of the future that can also be hlepful. But
the price range of the car mey be very hgh. Also how bored the driver may be sitting and waiting for there turn to drive. So not only in my opinoin but also in tour opinion how driverless you think these cars my maybe in the future? | 12
1744fe2 | useing technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom to identify human emotions in class .
personal i think that would be a great idea and would help out a lot. it states that "a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored ," that could help in a lot of ways . if you computer could do that it would help many students to get more involved in the class work and not lose anybody with lack of understanding or any other reason .
it can even tell the diffrence between a genuine smile and a forced one . it says that in a real smile a muscle called the zygomatic major lifts the corners of your mouth. when a smile is forced the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a diffrent muscle.
i feel like this would help alot in some cases to keep everyone involed it would help teachers know when someone isnt on the same page or doesnt understand, and the teacher can adress that . so yea its a great idea | 12
41b695b | Driving at times can be a really big issue to deal with. There are so many thing that can go wrong, a crash, then increase in insurence, you might even get your license taken away after that. When you don't drive, the world is an open book just waiting to be read. Walking or riding bikes can relieve stress and make you more fit and in shape. The gasses that come from cars are just aweful for the environment, and there would be such a largly reduced number in traffic jams if pleople would just get off the road. Once your on the road, anything can happen. It's dangerous, i sometimes even wonder if i really want a license.
When you drive there are so many traffic jams. The idea of never having to worry about traffic again is intriguing. Why worry about having to rush through traffic just to get to work on time, when instead you can simply manage your time correctly and walk at the pace you are comfortable with. Traffic jams cause accidents that put peoples lives at risk. In the article, ''Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Botoga'' by Andrew Selsky, he states, ''...millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during a car-free day...leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams''. The car-free day in Colombia is working to perfection to promote alternative transportation, i don't see why we dont have this in the United States.
Drivig causes stress and tension and that's never good. A stressed driver is a dangerous driver, when you're stressed you become more careless and less aware of your surroundings and that is very dangerous as a driver it leads to wreckless driving and accidents. Being without a car relieves this stress for many people. In the article, ''In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars'' by Elisabeth Rosenthal, a quote from the article states, ''When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,'' said Heidrun Walter. This shows that cars are a lot to handle and that most people just believe it is too much stress for one person to deal with.
The smog and pollution caused by all the cars that are on the road these days is another reason why it is best to stay off the road. In the article, ''Paris bans driving due to smog'' by Robert Duffer, he says, ''[The smog] rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world''. The cities ban on cars on the road shows a serious concern in the saftey of the people because of all the smog that driving has caused.
Some people might argue that cars would be faster, but if you take a car you are going to be mor at risk of an accident, you're going to be polluting the air, and you'll only be stressing yourself out in the process. I strongly suggest that America does something to change our ways, because if we don't, we'll end up like Beijing and Paris with an extremly high pollution rate. | 34
a4c08a2 | In "The challenge of exploring Venus", The author suggest that studying Venus would be a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents, I believe that even with the danger it can cause, it would be a nice experience. Venus is so close to the moon that you would possibly be able to see it from just a glance. In the article it stares that b eing able to see venus just from th sky because it is so close to the sun, Nasa should be able to go up to space.Having someone go up to space to land on venus would bring back so much information about that planet. One day if something were to happen to earth, scientist would want to know if there is a possibilty that you can go to another planet, one that will have the same qualities that earth had. As hot it could be since Venus is so close to the sun, it could be good to know that if something were to happen, we would have somewhere else to go. Although I believe that somethung could happen while in space because in the article it states that "No spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours.
The atmosphere in space is so thick it almost has a 97 percent of carbon dioxide which is like a blanket on venus. | 12
581e044 | A good argument starts with research. The author of the article, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" has done his research. Does this mean that his argument is perfect? No. With all this said, I have come to the conclusion that the author has the sufficient evidence to support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, despite the dangers.
First, I would like to address his argumentative claim: studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author is simply saying we should explore Venus. The author is not implying every human being should live on Venus right now. Exploring Venus could be dangerous, but the good outweighs the bad when taking into consideration the advances we could make.
The article says, "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus." The author uses this throughout the article to illustrate that NASA wants to explore Venus. NASA/scientists would not discuss even visiting the surface if it was not a possibility. The author wants to show the audience that it is a worthy and possible pursuit. The author knows the dangers and even expresses them throughout the article. He/she is not trying to hide the fact that their are dangers involved in exploring Venus. The main argumentative point made by the author is the fact that Venus is the closest planet to being exactly like Earth. The article says, "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." Venus is the closest we can get to the planet we are living on now. The author describes the advances we could get from astronaunts touching down on Venus and exploring. Venus could have been just like Earth, but one will never know until humankind touches its surface. The conditions are not easy, but we will not be able to find out if humans can live there until we study Venus.
In conclusion, one can see the author's suggestion as absurd or one could see possiblility/advancements for humans. I see possibilities in studying/exploring Venus. The author should not have included as much research against his claim that he did and I can understand the opposing sides claim, but I also believe the author illustrated the room for advances. Although I know the dangers presented in this article, the author was still able to convince me otherwise. | 23
5285dca | Cars are a thing not many people can drive. You dont have a license so you take the bus or get a cab. Who would ever thought in our life time we would be able to create a car that can drive its self. At first sounds like a good idea , all you would need to do is call for a car and it takes you where ever you wanna go right ? As a beginner driver i have no problem with someone driving me around but what happens when the car or technolgy the car is made out of messes up ? Thats always going to be a issue most will always consider talking about next time they have an idea on the car. There are many things that go into creating these cars like money , who is smart enough to do it , who builds it , and what software goes into it. In the coming future will start to invest in these types of ideas that will shape our future.
Google cofounder Sergey Brin has been trying to figure out a way to build upon this idea that we can create a car without anybody that will come pick you up. Movies and Television have depicted what it would be like if our world had a system like that. If this is a big topic why hasnt our gonverment or anybody tried to invest in the idea of a driverless car. Well theres many things we have to consider. Who would be elgible , how much would it cost etc. In the back of my mind i would think would happen if this wass actually a thing and somebody was in the car and it ran off the road or something even worse would happen. What would happen to cab drivers would they lose their jobs ? So there are many factors that go into creating new things. In Paragraph 8 the first sentence reads " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver ? " that question can be answered in a sence we would still need to be in the car but would we be controling the car or would we sit back and relax? Theres no problem with that but what happens when there is a car acciendent or a traffic stop infront of you will your car alert you on whats happing ? Will you need to take control of whats happing , basically how ssmart is your car ? In the near future i look forward to seeing the first car that can pick up a human and take them where ever they wanna go with out any problems.
This whole article is a wake up call. What will happen to all the other cars in the world ? Will everyone have to use this system. The public will react in a way that this a bad idea and that it should be scapped but we humans are not big on change. This will help out people who cant afford cars or need help getting home from anywhere they are . I hope that someone actually invest in the project google is trying to do and not reject it . This might cause a lot of people to lose there jobs but might create some at that. Technolgy is good for or race might help us learn more about what we are and what are our limitations. There are negatives but there are postives that outweigh everything that will happen in the future. | 23
44b5fc5 | How much money do you think you would you save from gas if you didn't use your car? In Germany people do not use cars, they have given them up. In Vauban's streets they infulenced people to not drive their cars or own a car so they would not pay have to pay $40,000 for a garage to store in their car, including a home. Over all Vauban's streets are car free, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own a car and 50 percent sold a car to move there. When a place becomes car free it leaves more space for walking and less space for parking.
Paris enforced to ban driving to clear the air of the global city. Drivers would have to leave their cars at home if they had odd or even numbered license plates or pay a 22-euro fine. Car traffic decreased to 60 percent in the capital of France after five- days of intensifying smog. Exceptions were made for plug-in cars, hybirds, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Public transportation was free from Friday to Monday. Paris has more smog than other European capitals. The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to recind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday.
Car-free day is a program in Bogota, Colombia;it began in the mid-1990s. The program is meaning to spread to other countries and the goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Colomians did a varitey or activities as a use of transportation; hiking, biking, skating, taking buses, taxis to work on car-free day. Streets were more clear. When Colombians drove cars on this day they would pay a $25 fine. Two cities from Colombia, Cali and Valledupar joined this event, people would still participate dispite the weather condition they were in. Changes were occuring, parks and sports centers were blooming in the city, uneven sidewalks were replaced by smooth sidewalks, new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up.
President Obama's goals were to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies say that Americans are buying and driving less cars and licenses are decreasing as each year goes by. The rise of cellphones and car-polling apps has faciliated and more commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work. New York's biking program bridges and tunnel tolls reflect new priorites as of car-sharing programs accross the nation. People have used other kinds of transportation instead of using their own. Mr. Sivak's son lives in San Fransico and owns a car but uses Bay Area Rapid Transit. A study has shown that fewer people have found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001-2009.
You waste money on gas for your car. There is another way of transportation you could take to arrive to your destination to save money. You could go car polling with a friend or take the communities cheap transportation. Using a bike is also a simple transportation and walking...most people are capable of walking. When cars use gas it eventually spreads in the air that we breath. The only way to decrease the polluted air is to limit car usage. Countries are helping in a way, by encouraging them to participate in a program (car-free day) and banning cars. | 34
2f6584c | I think,that the electoral college should I will tell you right now. The electoral college helps us to avoid problems. So If there is no electoral college we will have problems and I dont want that in our country. You may be thinking what do i mean by i dont want that in our country what I mean by that is that if there is problems I dont want that in our country cause are country is already free so I dont want it to have problems. And then if the United States fight it would not be free so think about that.
Knowing their vote will not effect they will have less time to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. By the way plurality means that when a candidate receive more votes than other candidates while not receiving a clear majority of votes. I think without plurality we would not have a president. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. You have to be 18 to vote in a election to choose your president.
The electoral college restores some of the weight in the political balance that larges states lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the senate decreed in the constitution. The popular vote was very close in florida. Nevertheless obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. So, other thing equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does. So in other words a big state gets more votes than a small state does. From all these i typed i think i want the electoral college to stay were it is as in today. | 12
31c49e5 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming,"that the postive and negtives about
driverless cars is that a postive is in paragraph 7 states that "the Google car simply announces when the diver should be prepared to take over."This is a postive thing that is if a driver asleep or unware it will alert them;nother thing
that manufacturers are also thinking of is that to use cameras to watch the
drivers sre remaining on the road and focused.A other good idea would be
is that if the manufacturers uses both of thoese ideas togather
you never know what could happend.
The negtives about this article is that none of the cars in fact are not fully capable of being driverless it will still requier a driver.Designing
a car that
use a seat that vibrates is not that good of a idea therefore that bad things
can happend, which GM designers had created. The other thing is that it's
not completely diverless that is the car have to still notify the driver for
roads ahead, work zones,accidents, and navigation.Which this just till about the
development of the driverless car that a new ideas that are not vary good
at being driverless.
I belive that form the article that the aspects of driverless cars is that it is more
negtive than a postive. That is it's not fully capable of being a diverless car there is more that they have to do, to be able to get on the road they need to be on .
That what they should do is all of the car maufacturers come togather and create this car,make it what it stands for a diverless car that needs no driver
to contral the car period.GM had cars that was having bad breacks in there
cars which made many accidents an the court got involed which tell you do
not get ideas form GM they make bad ideas and some are good but most can be bad.
That just working togather can help
the deveolpment of these cars an realy
good ideas would make this dream become real to the
people and manufatures,car designers,compenys,and to the world as will.
There will be always a roadblock lie ahead in less you stop it an work
through it as best as you can even though you got your car to half a
million miles without a crash so far is accplishment in any book even though
there is more work ahead an development of driverless cars but people will
hope for it to be done in 2020 or less than that. | 23
f175389 | Many people wonder what would the future be like? People wonder if they the technology would take over. Or the people would have a system in their home. Or even crazier, having cars that are diverless. During this essay, I will be writing my opinion on driveless car that are not safe for people.
I think that during the future, a lot things are going to change, because technonlolgy is going to take over us. For example , " In the late 1950s, General Motors created a concerpt care that could run a specail test tracl. The was embedded with
eletrical cable that sent radion signals a receiver on the front end of the car." This is saying that before the future, and the earlier years, people were starting to build cars for the future. With some old techonology but in the earliers years knew what the furture was going come, with the diverless cars. Since those cars didn't work during the earlies years, they had to make a new . To being to make the cars to be driverless, they were going to need new technology with them. For exmaple, " Toyora Prius uses postition-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sesnor." So, all this, is techology and they put it in a car. And I think that is to much to put in the car. The car are going to be car, they are going to show off and talk about what they got inside the car by themself.
Also, we have to think about the safety in people lives. For example, " They can steer, accelerate, and the brale themselves, but all are designed to nofity the divers when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigationg through work zone and around acciennts." This is saying that there are certain of things that are made for themseleves but only to alert the driver. I mean if we have cars that are driverless, what would alret the driver when something might happened? There have to be something to alrt the driver, so the driver doesn't crash and hurt themself or their family.
Lastly, the law about drivers would be hard to change because they would have to be certain of age to driver a driverless car. Because in my opinion i think kids, like age 16+ shouldn't drive a driverless car because they could get hurt. " Still, even if tracfic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the care of an accident." This is saying that if something happened to the driver, who would cover the accident. And who fault would it be. I think that cars that are driverless shouldn't be allowed because, things might out of hand and maybe, some people would be obessions of buying more and more cars.
In conclusion, I think that driverless cars shouldn't be allow and that people could get hurt easily. And some people wonder how to cover up if they get into a carsh. | 34
d3cc1d2 | Some students don't shre there emotions because something bad or wrong happened in there life they don't want to talk about. Why bring it out of them with technology?
In paragragh 7 it gives intrusctions on what to do when looking in the mirror. Then goes on to talk about how those intrusctions show a happy face and what those muscle actions show if a person shows a genuine smile or a foced smile. If a person was told to follow those instructions wouldn't that be considered a forced smile. What if a student has a bad day during school and in a lab they have to follow these instuctions in a mirror that would be a foced smile. I think that we should not deal with others emotions or try to figure them out because it there life and if they want to let there emtions out they can. Im not trying to say that you should keep your emotions inside and struggle with them. Im saying that a person shouldn't be watched all the time and studied to find there emotions. In paragraph 6 it talks about in an example if you smile or forwn in a Web ad when it appears on your screen a similar follows or changes. Most poeple hate ads poping up on there screen so why make more pop up according to your emotions. A person with an ad popping up made be fine the frist time, but when it happens over and over again the person may get upset or angry because the ads ar changing his/her emotions.
Emotions should be left alone or delt with at the right time, not monitored all the time. I think this technology is an invastion of privacy in a way. People should live there life how they want to live it and if they want there emotions being monitored they can, but if not they have the right to refuse. | 12
f53f3e7 | Have you ever said the words," I wanna travel the amazing beatiful world,"? There is a way you can but there is some danger to it! You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient old pyramids, and see the amazing giantic Eiffel Tower!
First, The 7 seas are the one of the best places on the whole entire planet Earth! "It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China." I can ensure you possibly 1 of your family member has been on one of the great and giant seas and if they haven't you can definetly be the first! I can predict that you've always wanted to visit one of the great seas!
Second, The ancient pyramids are a huge mystery of the glowing universe you can discover them and feel the 8 acres of old limestone. You can visit one of the most famous pharohs also! I can infer you will love and adore this exprience!
Last but not least, The Eiffel Tower is a candy to the brain, one of the best monuments in front of your naked eye! Paris also has alot of beautiful sights and you can get one of the best views from the top. I can see you want to see the beautiful sky on top of the Eiffel Tower.
You can join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you can travel the 7 seas, see the ancient pyramids, and see the amazing Eiffel Tower! Next time when you want to travel think about joing the Seagoing Cowboys program! "It opened up the world to him." | 23
d4407cd | People say that the face figure on mars is made by aliens. That hypothosis is not true because aliens do not excist. This figure on mars can be made by a human or it can be made by natural causes on the planet. as you can see in the pictures the face in 1976 it is full and the one in the second picture is half way gone the third picture it is almost completetly gone. if this figure is made by humans it did not last very long. If this figure is mad eby natural causes on the planet it has faded away over the years. Most people around the world think this figure is made by aliens, This figure could have been made by the astronauts on the ships and they just made a figure and took a picture of it and made people think that it was made by aliens. This figure could have been made not even on the planet they could have took some clay or some other material and made a rock like face and said that they found it on the planet. This figure is probably a fake because how often do you go to a planet and just find a random rock that looks like a face. If this figure is real then they need to take another picture and put it up. If they do take another picture it has to have the shuttle to where you can see it so the people around the world can say it is in space. If there really is a face figure on that planet that might be a sign of life on the planet. Maybe the astronauts have found another planet with life it may not be human it may be im not saying that aliens are real but if there is life on that planet this whole world will be wanting to go up there and see for themselves. If there is life on that planet then people will pay big money to go up,also if theres life maybe we will go back up there and their might be another face figure. If you look at the first picturre and the second picture you can see that the eyes are in differnet spots so thses pictures might actually be fake. | 12
4508da1 | Dear Senator,
Electoral College is defined as a process. The Electoral college was founded by the founding fathers with the Constitution as an agreement between election of the president and by the popular vote of qulaified citizens. imsure you already know all of this , therefore i am here to inform you why Electoral College shouldnt be kept and popular vote should win. This is the citizens country so why should we have a leader that we dont even like? We all have the right of speech and of speeking for what we believe in. Last but not least why would the Electoral College get to choose our choice for us?
The United Sates is an independant country , therefore we should have the majority of the say in who we want to lead our country. say you're at a restraunt and they ask what you want on your hamburger your not just going to tell them to put what ever they want on it because then you wont like it, same situation just not with food. why would you want to live in a world with a leader you dont like, making choices you dont like eighter, everyone obviously wounldnt get their first choice because there has to be a winner and a loser. even if you lose thats better to say that you got a chance to say what you wanted it just didnt follow through.
We also all have the right of speech in the United States. What i mean by this is, we were all given a mouth by God for a reason. "A closed mouth wont get fed" so how would a closed mouth country get the correct leader they wanted? exactly they couldnt thats my point. if we speek were going to get a chance of getting more thought of when the decision is made, so if we were to all speek up the decision would be in our favor.
We all have a choice for diffrent things, some people like peanut butter, some people dont like peanut butter, some people are alergic to peanut butter. so say you hate peanut butter and you told the waitress your order and she said no youre getting a peanut butter sandwhich, you, hatin peanut butter, obviosuly wouldnt like that at all. Same sitauation here. Why would they let you say your choice in what you want then just tell you what youre going to get? its just not right and dsent add up.
Therefore i am a firm believer that it should be popular vote not by electoral college, and if you dont beliee that well you are making the wrong choice and letting other people make the choice up and speek for you. Use your voice. You dont have it for just no reason at all. | 12
5f5e59d | We have all dreamed of owning a self driving car, and have heard about it once or twice. They may seem very cool and very far off in the future, but in fact, driverless cars may be the next big project the world will start to expand on. We all believe that there will come a day when none of the things we do now will be left to do in the future, but how well would the things do today be carried out in the future? I believe that future cars would be very ineffective, because of the cost of the process of putting the plan in motion, the problems that could occur while the cars are driving, and the amount of time it would take before we could make the cars legal.
Throughout history, we have had great success in everything that has advanced in technology, like replacing hard labor with machines like tractors and cars. However, many of these products have been very expensive when we have tried perfecting the dream machine for technology. Cars vary from a large price range, and many of them that are new are not cheap. This could be a problem if we tried launching the driverless cars into action because of how much money it would take to build the right car. The car would have to first be made to be tested, which takes both time and money. Then they would have to gather up a whole bunch of money to start producing these types of cars, which everyone may or may not like. They would then have to take all of the cars from wherever they were made, and ship them to where they need to be. This would be very expensive, and may not even be liked by some people. Some people dont feel safe in a car, so why would they by one where they wouldn't be in charge? These future cars would also come at a very high price, because the top leading car companies are the ones trying to make future cars come true, like"Google's modified Toyota Prius," and,"BMW," which were talked about in the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming." This means cars will just keep getting more expensive, until eventually no one could pay the price, which would also be a drawback for the company, especially in materials, money, and time.
Not only is cost an issue, but so is the technology itself. Most cars malfunction in all different sorts of ways. For example, locked breaks, oil leaks, and much more. This means that not all cars can be trusted and one hundered percent trustworthy. We are still trying to perfect the modern car used today, but there is always something that occurs that stops us in our tracks. Putting our lives on the line by letting a new and advanced car could be very dangerous, because the history of perfect cars is not clean at all. In the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming," there is a lot of talk about sensors and gadgets used to ensure saftey, but knowing about most technology, it would have some downfall, which would be very unsafe. For example, if "antilock brakes and driver assistance" failed, which they could potentially become a big hazard once they failed. In Drivers Ed, they tell you to limit as many hazards and distractions as possible, so that you can be assured safety while driving on the road. If you add more advancments to your car that could be a hazard at any given moment, you would add more problems later on that could become unsafe.
The last big problems future cars are subjected to face are making them legal. If it is very hard to make cars legal by testing them and spending money on them, then the chances are driverless cars would be way worse. They would have to be tested a lot more, and would definatley cost a lot of money. Some people wouldn't even trust the car, because we as humans can't even trust each other at certain points in time. In order for someone to trust the car, they would probably have to make it themselves. Even if they became legal, as soon as one major accident or malfunction with one of the cars happened, we would have to go back to square one, and gain everyones trust yet again, which is very hard to earn back. If someone puts your life at risk over their own, you wouldnt trust them right away after that, would you? Making it legal would be very hard to do, like stated in "Driverless Cars Are Coming," because of the "roadblocks," that, "lie ahead for the autonomous car," and the amount of saftey that would be needed in each car that would have to be tested many different times.
Technology is very cool and facinating, but we all have to take a step back and ask ourselves if putting effort into it is worth the risk. Cars are far from being perfect, and not having any flaws, and driverless cars are way far from being perfect.
In order to actually happen, we would have to consider the cost and amount of time needed to make them work right, the problems with the technology in the car that one may encounter, and the possibility of making it leagal and gaining everyones trust in doing so. Future driverless cars aren't that far away, but are also not that close either, because of the cost, time, problems, and making it legal that would have to be faced while making them. | 45
9f7787b | Many things on earth's surface have been formed based on other things. Not everything is made by someone or in this case aliens. To what the passage tells I think the Face was created by something other than an alien. There are many possible explanations to how it was formed or created.
One explanation on to how this was formed could simply be the weather. Throughout the years of the world, many landforms be been formed due to the weather and nothing else. The text tells of how scientists flew over to where the Face is located and clearly stated that this Face was a natural landform and that there was no monument made be aliens after all.
From what I have read and heard about mars, there is no such thing as life on that planet. Many may argue that there is such thing as aliens on mars and that they did create or form this landform. The text states that due to the time of season, skeptics may believe that alien markings were hidden by the haze. Little do they realize that with the technology the scientists could make the photo bigger to see closer in to what the face looked like up close and the markings or anything that surround the area of the Face.
In the last paragraph of the passage, the text states that this picture show the equivalence to a butte or mesa.
Also according to the text that there are landforms common to this one in the American West. On of the reaserchers, Jim Garvin states, "this landform reminds me most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." He also shares that that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height of as the Face on planet Mars. This clearly shows that this landform was not formed by aliens.
The paragraphs above show why I believe that the Face on planet Mars is not formed by aliens. | 34
37ef1ef | Have you ever thought of how the Facial Action Coding System could be beneficial in your everyday life? In a painting of Mona Lisa this sofware is very helpful at describing emotions. This technology can help computers and humans to communicate better. "At least according to some new computer software that can recognize emotions. The softwarre is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institiute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." This invention can make a difference in our everyday lives.
The Facial Action Coding System can be very effective on teachers in a classroom. Some teachers might have a hard time understanding if the student is grasping onto the content or not. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instrector. The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive." This could dramatically help the teachers and students become more successful. It can help identify emotions that a person is feeling, without verbally having to say what is going on.
This is a valuable technology that can greatly impact the world. Identifying specific emotions for what a person is feeling can do a great deal of help. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only express emotions, but also may even help produce them." This invention will help make life a lot easier for a lot of people. | 12
dc02c32 | Thomas Huang has created an software that can recongnize your emotions from an computer and I dont think its a good or bad idea. Here are some why its not valuable.
People shouldnt always know how others feel. They shouldnt have to be worried about if a computer knows there sad or not. Most students come to class to get away from there emotions so why would you bring them back up?
Although this computer could be valuable in some ways like helping your friend feel happy. As they said in the passage " it could recognize when a student is becoming confused and bored" which would get them back on track. It also modifies the lesson for you. Making it easier on the person that is on the computer.
So is the emtional expressions of students in a classroom valuable? I would have to save thats all up to you. Some people would like others knowing if they are sad or not. Personally I woud not like them knowing I was sad all the time. | 12
201523b | In the article the author talks about the ups and downs of getting to know venus as a planet and having human life live their.
Now, even though their are good parts about exploring venus there are many bad and dangerous parts about venus. Like for example, in the begining of the article the author talks about how, every mission was unmanned because, they couldn't even surive on the planet for no longer than a few hours. Also , they even talk about how Venus has a thick atmosphere of nearly 97 percent carbon dixide and thatn just blankets venus.This tells us that we have a less chances of even surving on venus. Venus weather is also horrible their teamputer averge is over 800 degrees, they have things like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes , and frquent lighting strikes. I know that these are things that happen on earth nearly everyday or every now and then but, with all that plus the heat ; we might not even be able to surive on there. The author does talks about how we and ahve a ship orbiting or hovering over the planet safely but, researchers wouldn't be able to take
samples of rocks,gas, or anything. So,what would be the point of even going down there if we can't even really explore it.
The postive things about venus, is one: Venus is already one of our
sister planet and is referred to as Earth's "Twin." It is the closest in distance, size ,destiney, and it even the most Eart-like planet in our solar system. So, we do have many things alike that well help [people feel better about even getting to explore venus. Another, thing is that in the article the author states that "we havent touched Venus in more than." Meaning that we don't know what down there things could have changed drasctically we would never know. The authour also includes, how the planet has a rocky surface of sediment and has many features such as valleys, mountains and craters; plus Venus was proplaby even cover in largely oceans that could have supported many forms of life.The author use these facts to show us what we can benfit form exploring venus.They evne put in how NASA is compeling the idea of sending researchers down to study Venus. The last thing the aouthor states is how we should'nt keep our limits small just becuase were afraid of the dangers that migh happen but we should expand them and think of them as challenges too.
So,include Venus can be a worthy of studying and exploring. Just with a little more reseacher and better technogly; the authour shows us that we might actually have a chance of living on venus. | 34
bd0e1a1 | Have you ever gotten bored during a lecture or lesson at school? Do some classes just seem like they don't fit you, or that you will never be very good at some subjects? Well this could be because of the way you are being taught, whether by a computer program or a teacher. What if a computer could detect when you are not understanding part of a lesson? What if it could alter the lesson, or repeat specific parts so that you know what is being taught? Well that's what Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu Sebe have designed; a computer program that can change and adapt to your needs in school when you are bored or confused.
The computer starts by constructing a 3-D model of the face. Movement of one or more of the major 44 facial muscles is called an "action unit." Dr. Huang then uses the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman. Eckman created FACS, which is an acronym for Facial Action Coding System. He classified six main emotions that humans experience, and connected each of them with characteristic movements of the facial muscles.
Using video imagery the emotion-recognition software, that Dr. Huang has designed, can track your facial movements and detect your emotions. Dr. Huang believes that this software could be extremely useful in a classroom. "The classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."
But what would be better about an emotion-detecting computer than a great teacher? Well, the computer has the ability to tell the students' emotions to a much higher degree than any other human could. The two could even be used in tandem, with the teacher taking advantage of the information the computer outputs about his or her pupils' emotions. If the software is properly used and designed, it could become a great tool in any school. I think that if teacher's use this tool properly, teaching would be easier, and students would learn and retain more information. All this would inevitably lead to better test scores and higher overall GPA.
It might take many years, but I think that if the technology is perfected and used properly, this could be one of the most amazing innovations for years to come. For a teacher to know what his students are feeling and how he can convey information for them to better understand would change teaching as we know it. The Facial Action Coding System could be revolutionary in the classroom. It could make school more interesting for those that find it boring, or those that find it difficult. It could make harder subjects easier on some students. That is why I think we should use this technology to read students' emotional expressions. | 34
de6630e | Have you ever wonder if the is life on auther plant and if alien or real .In the photos or the face of mars peole think aliens mad it but they didnt three reason that did it not made by aliens are
rale martian mesa nasa the photos
martian mesa one fact is that these martian mesa can all so can be found on eath and the can be the same size this show the face can be a martian mesa
likes earths sceod is that martian mesa can be any where in mar there are other ones on mars to this show the its just a martain mesa face that be just a conwece dcenthird is like look like the one on eath in the snake river plain of idaho this show that mesa can be anywhere to wrap up this just is a land mind on mars
my scode reason is nasa one fact is if this was aliens nasa whould of told us like in the artice it said "nasa budget wish there was an ancient civilization on mars" this shows that there is no aliens there sceod fact is nasa is spending to much money so if there where aliens there would of told us like they told us about the face on mars this show that nasa got nothing to had third fact is that nasa aready look in it for
us and tld ever thing there know this show that nasa is right about the face and to wrap up there nothing there
my third reason is the photos nasa took for a example the frist one just look like a bumb in mars this show that it not even a big deal secod is the photo of 2001 it show there really is in face it third the last photo its show us a face but as one see it there other martian mesa there this show that the face was not made by aliens ot wrap up the face in the photos show us that its not even a face
in conlution the face on mars is just a martian mesa and there is no life on mars and nasa is right but what the photos show us that it looks like a face but its not becaues if it was there would be other and just show aliens life on it so this show that the is not aliens lif on mars and the face is just a martian mesa becaue if you look this is no lif so i ask again do u wonder if ther life on mars are think aliens are on there the answer should be no there not | 12
e1a65d5 | As i read the article " Driverless Cars Are Coming " i think its would be a great idea for future. As a driver myself driving may sleepyness if driving for a long time so i best believe that " Driverless Cars " are a great a idea for some of us drivers on the road. For examples in paragraph 2 its said " In reality , Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half million miles without a crash.
That was a good way of saying about driverless cars. But they not really driverless cars in one of the paragraphs its said " Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." Now that really telling me there i can't trust the computer to take over and drive for me. I best off driving the car myself if the computer can't handle stuff like backing out or in , or
parking the car. | 01
a1e35a3 | Why do people hate the electoral College Proccess? It's just trying to choose a more helpful priesident. Although the Electoral College should be abolished for there dispicable disision making,there just choosing a way to get a better prisident. Although there just doing the proccess to help peoples everyday lives, but also the proccess is to help other people choose the right prisident and not just because they can talk proffessionaly on a TV screen but to choose the one with a pure heart about helping the people and not just themselves.
Why are people so angry about the Electoral College? The Electoral College process is showing how to choose the right way for a good prisident."Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsiblities are...."(office of the federal register, source 1).
this process will help choose a president not by how professional or handsome he look but by the his chocies and background he or she has made in the past."The winner-takes-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates- as we saw in[2012's] election- to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states...."(Posner, source 3,3. swing states,passage 20). But why do people hate this process? Just because it is antiquated doesn't mean it is a terible process, but people and there studorn ways will not drop this stupid stituation and go on with a "normal" life.
Even thought this process is antiquated done not mean it need to be abolished and destroy but the true reason why everybody today hate the process is because we want somebody professional but the process chooses the the president right for the cause and not if he professional. We get caught up in this world, but we forget what the true meaning of being a president. Being a president is a honor but it come with difficult task and you need to learn to be a leader and not be the person behind the mask. | 12
0b095ea | He supports his idea with a lot of facts. he also uses a lot of deytails whitch is good because we get a lil bit more of an idea. i get what the athour is saying because if you look at it venus is the second closest to the sun that is why it makes it so hard to land spaceships there. i think that the ships over heat when they are entering venus because it is so hot.
It would be cool if we knew what is in venus because we could find some new minerals or some other stuff. but i think that there no creatures because in paragraph 3 the first sentence talks about how the atmosphere is 97 percent carbon dioxide so that means nothing could be liven there. there is one example for why it is so hard to land ships on venus,m in paragraph 3 it says that the tempature can reach up to 800 degrees fahrenheit that is way to hot for the ship. and i dont think any human can land on venus do to the heat.
Even though we would risk a lot of chances it would be so cool for us to see what type of things are on venus. on paragraph 7 it says that nasas is working on other ways to study venus i think that it is going to be possible due to all the new technology we have. even though we have ships that hover over venus it is still hard for us to clearly see what is on venus . | 23
ec9a106 | The dispute over keeping the Electoral College or changing to election by popular vote has been going on for awhile. "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." (Source 1). However not everyone thinks this is fair. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president." (Source 2) So as a result, it is not the people voting for their president, but it is the slate electors. Voting should be based off of popular vote because theb electors might not always be picked fairly, the "winner-take-all system," and what happens when there is a tie.
"Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, sometimes the presidental canidates themselves." (Source 2) This can be a problem because voters can not control who their electors vote for, because now the decision is in their hands. Also, voters sometimes will get confused about the electors and then will vote for the wrong canidate. The electoral college is also unfair because of the winner-take-all system. According to source 2, "Canidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races."
Another common concern in the electoral voting process is "What happens when there is a tie?" If there is a tie, the election then goes to The House of Representatives where they then have the state delegations vote on the president. This is your country, so don't you want to have a say on who runs it? "Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for Congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect then will of the people." (Source 2)
In Conclusion, we should change voting to popular vote. "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Source 2) The Electoral College is not always fair, and at times can be uncertain. As the people we should be able to vote for our president, and not have to leave it up to The House of Representives to make the right choice for us. | 34
19d7b55 | Dear Senator,
I am not alone when I say that I'm not in favor of keeping the Electoral College. According to the Gallup poll taken in 2000, over 60% of voters prefer a direct election, but Congress does nothing to change that. Keeping the Electoral college is unfair to the people of the United States. We should not keep the Elctoral College because, when Americans are voting, they are not voting for their president but for a slate of electors; the legislature is responsible for picking our electors not the people; and the process of a tie in the Electoral College is too unfair to the people.
When Americans are voting for a new president, they want their opinion to count. The popular vote explains what the people wanted for president, but that's not what the people are voting for. When we are voting for president, we are instead voting for a slate of electors; they in turn vote for the president. Voters can't control who the electors vote for, and this gives the a small say in voting for the president.
In the 2000 presidential race Al Gore received more individual votes thjan George W. Bush, but Bush won the election due the amont of elctoral votes over powering the popular votes. This completely goes against what the people want. The state legislatures are responsible for picking our slate electors; these electors have the right to defy the will of the people. Electors have refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a vote for whomever they please.
During a presidential election, one of the most worrying things to receive from an electoral vote is a tie. When there is a tie, the election is sent to the House of Representatives. Due to the fact that many voters vote one party for the president and another for Congress, the House's selection will barely reflect the will of the people. Their votes can be the complete opposites of the people's vote. You could help us bring an end to the Electoral College.
301c5a5 | I strongly think that
Unmasking The Face Is A Natural Landform let me tell you how. The article says that the space carft was circling the planet snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship. When he spotted human face enormous head nearly two miles from end to end looking back at the cameras from the planet called Cydonia. Others thinks that it is just a resemble of a human head by a shadow.
The auther predicts that its two diffrent side that us humans have to figure out. Web surfers were waiting for the image to apear on JPL web sit revealing a natrul landform. Web surfers also can remake and edit a photo so who willl know if its real or not we would never know. Unmasking is trying to figure out if the face of the human really real. Mars global surveyor is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km wide strips. They say the never passed the face.
They also says that alien markingds were hidden by haze. The mission controllers prepared to look again. Its not easy to target cydoin say gargvin. | 01
e4cd5f0 | A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves
Beginning - resson to join
You should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys , because you will have the opportunity to go to many places such as different cities, and countries places you never been before that you been hoping your entire life to go. You can see many animals , Animals you never seen before. Being a Seagoing Cowboy means you get to experince many things in the world. you could be the person to tell everyone that how you made an trip to the Pacific Ocean , Atlantic Ocean , New Orleans, and mabey even to Flordia.
Middle - Luke claims
Luke claims that he had no idea his life would change soon after his high school
graduation. Luke also claims that he finds times to have fun on board ,exspecially on return trips after the animals has been unloaded. August 14 Luke claims that the Pacific war was ended. He claims that the Cattle -boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy he says. He claim seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special.
If i were you i would go ahead and participate in being a Seagoing Cowboy
because it seems really fun and awesome. think of how many places you would be visting. | 12
2b63205 | Transportation is a large necessity in most countries worldwide. With no doubt, cars, buses, and other means of transportation make going from place to place easier and faster. However there's always a negative; pollution. Although mobile transportations are a huge part of daily lives, we are endangering the Earth with harmfull greenhouse gases, which could be suppressed.
A small suburb community in Germany called Vauban, has started a "car-free" lifestyle. In this city, markets and stores are placed nearby homes, instead of being located by far-end highways. Although Vauban is not completely car-free, 70% of Vauban families do not own cars; Even a large 57% of families stated to have sold their cars to move to Vauban. Some families have even said to be less stressed depending on car transportation. Cars are responsible for about 12% of greenhouse gases, and can even be up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States.
Another insight to reduced car zones brings Paris' incident with smog. Paris' officials created a system that would in fact lower smog rates. On Monday, the motorists with even-numbered license plates numbers would be ordered to leave their cars at home, or they would suffer a fine. Same rule would occur on Tuesday, except motorists with odd-numbered license plates were targeted with fines. Congestion, or traffic, was reduced by 60% after five days of intense smog. Diesel fuel played a huge part in this pollution, having the fact that 67% of vehicles in France are of Diesel fuel. The impact of the clearing of smog, resided in banning the Tuesday rule of odd license plates.
Could you imagine a day without seeing a single car being used? This phenomenon occurs once a year in Bogota, Colombia. With the exception of buses and taxis being used, cars are to be left unattended for an entire day. Having a car-free day just once a year can even reduce the pollution slightly. The day without cars is part of a campaign that originated in Bogota in the mid 1990s. This campaign has renewed and constructed numerous bicycle paths and sidewalks all over the city. Parks and sports centers have also sprung from this campaign. Devoting your time to a car-free lifestyle has it's hassles, but in hindsight, it has it's benefits.
To conclude, living a car-free lifestyle does not seem like a possibility in this day and age, however managing the use of cars and pollution is something every country should take time investing in. Think about how much of an impact it would be if everywhere world-wide would take part in air-pollution reduction. Mobile transportation is lifestyle in a sense, and being dependent on cars or other means of transportation can impact the health of the Earth and even ourselves. | 34
a35725b | Many people believe that " the Face" on Mars is actually a alien of some sort or a human. I can truly convince you why it's not a alien, it's only a landform. I can see why people can believe its an actual face because it has the qualities of a face: eyes, mouth, and nose. Here are my reasons why this is definetly a landform.
First, there is no evidence of anyone going to Mars. " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on the JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." Mars has a very harsh climate and no one would even dare go off to a terrible, deserted planet to just not come back.
Secondly, there is no history of anything in space involving aliens and their artifacts. Many would say that the aliens didn't want us to knw they exist but the article states it could have been a person going to Mars. Scientists would have contacted the world and said we have evidence or living organisms on Mars.
Yet many people would believe living organisms on Mars and I can agree with that if they have fantastic reasoning to their theory. They might say that if someone went to Mars they coud have not brought back anything or they got stranded on Mars and that could have been their body. People may believe that anyone on Mars would not survive the deserted planet with harsh climate and they would surely die there. Some sort of creature may have made it and they would give us evidencce of life on Mars.
You never really know if there may be some sort of living organim on Mars unless you study it closer. Either I may be correct and it just being a landscape made from a storm or I could be wrong and its a living organism. We will never know unless we do the research. | 23
d76a09e | The author uses many details to support their idea that Venus has value. They state that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" and that it is the closest to Earth when it comes to density and size. I believe this supports the claim because it means that it is fairly close and could be easily acessed for research.
The author also explains that people have sent spacecraft to land on Venus, but the missions were not completed since the crafts did not last very long. This supports the idea that there is not a lot known about Venus. It is said that the atmosphere is made up of nearly 97% carbon dioxide, and is covered with clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, and that the surface of the planet averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. This tells us that Venus may not be the ideal place for human life, but still has plenty of value when it comes to research.
The article tells us that it may have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, and that it once may have been covered by large oceans and could have possibly supported life at one time. Venus still has some features that are similar to Earth such as valleys and mountains. It also states that it is sometimes our nearest option for a planetary visit. NASA has developed an idea for sending humans to study Venus. they suggest floating above the hostile conditions, but that would make it difficult to gather samples from the ground. We are told that scientists are creating new and innovative electronics and machines to help us get a better understanding of the planet. This gives us hope that there will be a solution if we need to stay above the ground to study Venus.The author explains to us that NASA is working on more devices and even going back to some simplified electronics. I believe they explain this to show that there are still many possibilities when it comes to electronic devices for research.
The author states that Venus has value because of the insight to be gained from researching it, but the author also states that human curiousity will likely lead us to equally dangerous places, and that our travels should not be limited by dangers and doubts. I believe that this statement is true and helps support their claim because if we let ourselves be consumed by fear and doubt, nothing would ever be accomplished. | 23
e45e3ee | In "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author gives examples of both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. The article has more convincing exaples of negative aspects of "driverless cars". "Driverless cars" are something that should only be seen in movies.
"Driverless" cars can only drive under certain conditions, so why pay extra money for a car that can only do basic things when you can do them and more yourself. According to the article,"The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents."
Why would anyone want to go 25 mph in a 30, 35 or even a 45. People already complain about how slow traffic is. ow about getting to work in 10 minutes with out traffic in a "driverless car", when it only takes 5 minutes with traffic in a regular car. The "driverless cars" are not really driverless all they can do is steer, accelerate, and brake, but the driver still has to do every thing else. Is the "driverless car" really worth wasting money that was earned by working hard? Americans are already struggling to find money, are they now just going to be broke because everyone wants a "driverless car".
We have laws for a reason, why would we change them just because someone watched back to the future where they had flying cars? The car manufacturers believe that states are going to overide the laws just because California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have passed a new law were "driverless cars" are only limited. Laws are put in to place for a reason, this particular law was put into place because no one really knows if "driverless cars" are safe. The text states, "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that saftey is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times."
There are so many unanswered questions about "driverless cars". Do we really want to put something out in the streets that we hardly know anything about? Most people are scared when they do not know the basics of something.
According to the text,"If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer." Most people would not buy it if they can buy it get injured in an accident and it be their fault because the car is not safe.
Although the article has more evidence leading to why we should not have driverless cars, some might argue that it is fun to adventure. The "driverless car" would be a easy way out if you do not like driving, and can put enough faith into something you harldy know about. Some might argue that change is good, but change can sometimes be bad.
"Driverless cars" are something that people should not have. Why waste money on something that no one knows if it works or not? Is taking a risk better than being able to assure the safey of everyone? Car manufacturers should get all of the questions answered before they start selling "driverless cars". "Driverless cars" are something that should only be seen in movies. | 34
f81d850 | Dr. Huang and his collegue developed a way to read emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of your face; all 44 major muscles in the the model must move like a human muscle. Eckman has classified six basic emotions. Thsy want to take it to classes rooms to read students emotions. I feel like that is a terrible idea. Let m explain why, I feel like that is not right if you have a student premission then okay, but for the students that don't want it it will unfair because th technology is still in the room and they don't know if you are testing them. Some people like to keep their emotions to theirselfs. I feel that it should stay that way. The technology isn't even valuable. I mean no student is going to be like yes im fine with you seeing all my emotions. Like what are you gainning on see the students emotions ? How much they hate or love a class ? Honestly I think this techology is useless. This is why I think this techology isn't very valuable... | 12
2bb8a01 | The face found on Mars is just a natural landform. It is considered a natural landform because there is no proof that aliens made it. We also have yet to find any type of life form on Mars. They have investigated this face since 1976 to 2001.
There is no real evidence or proof that an alien made that face on Mars. It was first noticed in 1976. It could have been there way before then. Its a natural landform because as the planets move around the sun that could make the land make any type of shape that no one has any control over. There is also no proof that aliens are real either so it could really be from anything.
When NASA first spotted this face, they didn't have the best cameras back then. Once it got to the media everyone was coming up with there own theories about how the face got there. NASA caption noted it as a "huge rock formation which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth." Thhe public took it out of hand and said it was created by aliens and didn't have any real evidence.
On April 5, 1998 when they flew over the planet for the first time and got a sharper picture of the face, the picture revealed that it was a natural landform. There was no evidence or proof that an alien made it.
In conclusion, the face found on Mars is just a natural landform formed by shadows and gives off illusions. It was most likely formed because of the planets spinning on the axis around the sun. The sun and other weathers, such as rain and snow can cause the land to form into anything from erosion or deposition. | 23
82269ec | The study of Venus is an exciting but dangerous journey to go on. The planet being so similiar to ours it gives thoughts or ideas on what's there. The only part about it is that the dangerous conditions of the planet is holding us back a little in the devlopment of learning about it. The author belives its a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and I think that as well.
I feel like the author supports his idea very well throughout the passage. He puts alot of benifits of visiting Venus and he shows examples of how we can overcome the dangeours of Venus. He states," It's worthy because its the most Earth-Like planet from the features like the rocky sediment , valleys, mountains, and craters and how if it's similiar to Earth". We could also explore and find more Earth like things to help us or either just cool things to discover. He also states, "How learning about Venus could lead us into many equally imitanding endevaors and expand our innovation and imagination for other planets".
In conclusion I feel like the author provides good enough points and details to overcome the dangers of Venus. He made good points on how Venus is the closest thing we've seen to Earth and we should see if we can find more Earth-Like things about it or even new things we've never seen before. | 23
cc08072 | Driverless cars are the future of transportation. These types of cars will allow for the easy transportation of people without the need to take accout for human fatigue. Increasing technological standards along with the development of new programs are allowing for the development of driverless cars with power and complexity never before seen. While driverless cars have been a reality for mulitple years now, the technology to be able to allow them to function is just now being completed.
After maunufactures discovered that it would be too costly to devlop smarter roads, the focus shifted to smart cars, cars capable of driving themselves. Driverless cars would allow for the development of new transportation infrastructure and an upgrade to the traditional way of driving, as well as being more fuel efficient and more enviromentally friendly. Google's own self driving cars have been able to driver over half a million miles without a crash. (Paragraph 2) Here we can see that the technology is there, it just has not been able to be implemented and the law has not caught up to where self driving cars are. People would become better connected in a world occupied by self driving cars. The reliable and more affordable use of transport that allows for the car to continue driving even after the driver has fallen asleep or become fatigued will allow for people to better communicate and be more easily connected to friends and family. New technology, like the "LIDAR" (Paragraph 4) becoming more readily available to the average consumer and not sitting at a price point well out of the average persons reach allows for the driverless car to become more of a reality.
Even looking outside of truly driverless cars, cars that used assisted driving features, like cars made by BMW, GM, or Google, are still capable of helping the driver drive in a more safe manner. Technology has been developed that allows for the driver to be alerted to a hazerdous situation by vibrating the seats, flashing a light, or finding another way to notify the driver. (Paragraph 7) The technology is present to allow self driving cars to function, it just needs some fine tuning. Cars that have been made by these manufactures "... can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves," (Paragraph 7)
It is important to understand why driverless cars propose a danger to us, however, because the benefit of an automated car is not gained without risks and challengs. Driverless cars, at this very moment, are not capable of dealing with complicated traffic situations or roadblocks, and this is primarily the argument for why these cars should not be allowed on the open road. Other arguments include the reasoning that the enjoyment is being taken out of driving by allowing a computer to do the driving for you. In regards to that, I respond by saying that cars that will have automated features will also be able to be driven. Most are not completely autonomous and will allow for the driver to take control at their leisure. In a hypothetical world where the autonomous car drives perfectly in all conditions, the driver would still be able to take control of the car and drive as s/he pleases and continue the drive as they wish it to be driven. Some people might see a driverless car as a loss of freedom or a loss of control, but a better way to observe the idea of a driverless car is to think of it as a car, just like any other, with a few extra features; and one of those features happens to be that the car is capable of driving itself. Another argument not stated in the document was the issue of misuse of the self driving car. A major trajedy in our society is that people would possibly try to use its autonomous abilities to achieve a terrorist goal. A driverless car could be used as a weapon for a group not willing to lose their own members in a fight, but this is still not a reason to stop the development of new technology. We as humans can not let fear stand in our way and give up on our evolutionary duty because we are afraid that someone else will hurt us for it. We are required as competent members of an advanced society to continue to devlop this technological marvel and use it for the betterment of mankind. Of course evil will still exist, and it always has and always will. It is important that we continue to develop, to move on in the face of danger and not let fear take hold of us.
With self driving cars, the possibilities are endless. We have the power to travel anywhere and drive anywhere without worrying about fatigue or losing your way. We could leave Chicago one night, get a good nights rest, and wake up in Washington D.C., parked at your hotel. A fully developed automated car society would help to reduce the risk of collisions and would reduce emmissions that are harmful to the enviroment. Advanced technology has become more readily available to the consumer in recent years and allows for the driverless car to be cheaper and easier to produce than ever before when technology that these cars required was but a dream. Driverless cars could allow for a safer society that is more connected with transport that is cheaper and more reliable than that of the traditional car. Greater fuel efficiency and the lower enviromental impacts would promote the development of these cars by companies wishing to see a better world. The self driving car is the next step in the automobiles evolution. | 45
1542a67 | Why do we need driverless cars? They're not worth it, they might seem cool and everything but it could be dangerous. The car might malfunction and crash, it might make the driver get distracted, ect. There are many things that could go wrong so I am against the driverless car.
The reason I am against it is because of three main reasons. To start with the car is not yet ready to be tested in our generation yet, we can barely handle a normal car without crashing, and lastly is the car 100% sure it can handle evrything? The reason I say the car isnt ready for our generation is because the teenagers from this era are always distracted with their smart phones and maybe a cute girl passes by and they try to get a glimpse but the fact is the teenagers of today can't be trusted with a normal car. How are they going to handle a car thats driverless i say itll be more of a trouble because it will have more features in the car like the use of bluetooth and youtube that could be a problem. They'll want to look something up or try to change the song and they'll turn away from the street for one second and next thing you know they crash. Our generation of teenagers just isnt ready for that advanced technology yet so i propose we restrict the cars to only adults even tho thats another argument as well but they're atleast aware of what they're getting themselves into.
The other things are accidents, its not only the driver who is to blame sometimes its the car and the manufacturer who are to blame. yeah, maybe the driver took his eye off the road for a second and didn't see the other car but what if the driver never took his eyes off the road and saw the car and tried to stop but couldn't because the car wasn't responding. Then it would be the companies fault for not assuring that their cars are ready and safe enough. So what if the driverless car sin't safe enough too. They say that the car is ready but there have been many situations where the company assures you its safe and weeks later there are news about the car malfunctioning because the company forgot to check something that could happen with all the driverless cars they might malfunction and kill or injure someone. so I would rather wait utnil everythung is safe and sucure and that the company can assure us a 99.99% assurance that it will work.
To conclude my argument is the car ready for any situation or anything at all? like is it safe enough to have a baby in it can it even have a baby in it. Can it handle weather, can it handle accidents ahead? there are many things that can occur and we don't know if the car is ready. Plus the repairs for it would be expensive I don't think anyone would want to pay a lot for that car too much money. Do they meet with the safety standards, are they approved by all the states? There are just so many things that I could say to go against the driverless car i can't finish today but this is a little of what i think about the driverless car. | 34
5a22a42 | The FACS (Facial Action Coding System) machine developed by Dr. Paul Eckman is turning the tides of facial expression recognition. It is able to distinguish individual expressions such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness which humans can find hard to do making it vital to being infused into the use of schools. Teachers would be able to learn more of their students and improve on their curriculums in order to satisfy the needs of their students. The FACS machine would be able to tell whether a student is lying, needs emotional support and help, and see whether they understand the lesson or not making the machine essential to school life.
When it comes to school, students will not always tell the truth. They may lie about not doing their homework or be untruthful about whether they were involved in a fight. The FACS machine could solve that issue as it is able to determine whether someone is lying or not based on their expression which is stated in the quote," To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." This machine is able to examine the details of one's face to find out if they are lying or not. It examines the key traits of each specific emotion and if they are not meant, that is how it knows whther the truth has been told or not. Students will no longer bee able to weasel their way out of punishment due to their superior lying skills as the FACS machine is able to see through the lies. This is not the only thing this machine can do though for schools.
This mechanism is able to determine the emotions of a student and see if they need help or not. It can read a total of six emotions with some branches coming off of those emotions. The six emotions are stated in the quote," Eckman has classified six basic emotions - happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness - and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." The machine is able to determine whether a student is in distress or not thus telling the teacher to help the student out with the problem that they are facing. The teacher would be able to help the student cope and deal with their emotional sadness or anger and tell them how to deal with it in order to assist them in getting through it. This is not the end though of what this incredible machine can do for a school.
Students may not understand a lesson and are having troubles getting through it. SInce humans find the task of reading emotions diffficult, a teacher may not be able to see this and help the student out but this machine can deal with that problem too. How the machine deals with this horrible issue is state in the statement," A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This quote shows how the FACS mechanism would be able to tell if a student is bored which would signal the teacher to modiffy the lesson in order for it to be better understood. Students would no longer have to complain about not understanding their homework or curriculum. This would allow for better grades and better lives for the students in the future.
In conclusion, the FACS machine would be essential to the lives of students in a classroom. Teachers would b able to make the experience of school even better than it is already and easier than it is already. No student would have to struggle anymore which is key to the success of a school as everyone would learn greatly and effecttively. The machine would deal with the problems of whether a student is telling the truth or not, whether a student is in need of emotional support or not, and whether a student needs help understanding the curriculum and lesson that they are learning. | 56
0329d02 | I am against driverless cars because I think the electrical components and computer software are more likely to fail than a human driver. The idea of a driverless or smart car was actually a really dumb idea if the smart car was really 'smart' then it could navigate its way through roadwork but people just keep getting lazier and lazier their always looking for much easier ways of doing stuff, my personal opinion is that we need to go back to making vehicles like we did in the 1970s they were simple, easy to fix, and were real nice looking vehicles. The human drivers of a driverless car can easily be distracted by all this technology the car manufacturers have put in and on these vehicles that they could be driving and end up in a fatal crash just because they was distracted by some 3-D lazer mapping or a camera on the inside of the car.
These kind of cars would change the world but people would regret it later on in the years when more and more people get killed because of them. If it ever happens I do not care what people say or do I am still going to have a completly human driven vehicle i would not buy one of those junk driverless ones. | 12
7b2ab96 | Are you guys bored at home and you got nothing to do? Join our program.
First, our program is about Seagoing Cowboys. A Seagoing Cowboys is a program that you take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. A Seagoing Cowboys is like a adventure that you ever had.
Next, sign up are in Europe and this boy Luke sign up. He was having a life time on his adventure. He went to Panama Canal and Crete and China. Luke crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II.
Then, it takes him two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean to get to China. Luke was busy the whole time. Be care full when working because one rainy night Luke slid down a slippery ladder on his backside, but he is still alive. He also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games and table-tennis tournament, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time.
Last, it was a open world for him. He had fun sometimes when his group are done with empty holds where animals had been housed. So join now to become a Seagoing Cowboys. | 12
fad71e0 | Joining the Seagoing Cowboys program would be a great opperatonuty for you. This would let you see the world in a differnt way. You would get to travel the world. See differnt things and go siteseeing. This opperatonuty would let you have fun with work and and with your job by working with animails. There are many reasons why you schould join the Seagoing Cowboy program.
One reason is this oppertonuty would let you see the world in a differnt way. It would make you aware of people and people of there other contries and there needs. It might evan lead you closer to makeing something good in this world. It led Luke Bombergers family to do amazing things like hosta number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
Another reason is this oppertonuty would let you travel the world , see new thing, and meet new people. On return trips after the animails have been unloaded you can paly games like Baseball and Volleyball games where the animails used to be hosted. Boxing, tabeltennis, fencing, whittiling, reading, and playing games also made it fun and let time pass quickley.
Some people might say it would be to boring to be on a ship in the middle of the sea with nothing to do and they would miss friends and families because it a long trip. On the ship you have jobs and on the return trips you can play games in the stalls where the animails where hosted. They might also say they have no point in doing this. This would be a great oppertunity for anyone who loves farming evan if you don't you could learn a great lesson from this Seagoing Cowboy program.
In conclusion going on this trip would be a great oppertonuty for any one. You could get a great life lesson out of this and you could meet new people and see differnt things. you could also have lots of fun on the return trips and with your jobs. You would get to play lots of games. If you get a good oppertonuty take it because most people don't get chances like this. | 23
7a2d72e | The Seagoing Cowboys program. Why is it such a good program? I'm Luke Bomberger and I'm here to tell you why the program helps and why you should join. The Seagoing Cowboys program helps the world. Here are some reasons why the program is helpful. And, maybe why you would want to join.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy takes alot of time, but is an opportunity of a lifetime. I got to travel the world. I got to see Greece, China, Europe, and etc. And, the best thing is I got to help people and their countrys.
Also, something really cool is you still get to play the sports you like such as. Table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading,and whittling. We played baseball and volleyball in empty animal holds to help pass the time. Last, being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure, it opened up the world for me.
In conclusion, the job may have been hard, but it was worth it. I got to give people hope again. I got to travel and see things I never thought I would have. That is why you should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. Help the world through its hard times. Be a hero and help. Would you like to help and give hope? | 12
c438a8a | Venus may be easy to spot in the nightsky, being nicknamed the "evening star," but it's not so easy to examine. There have been attempts to land spacecrafts on the planet; however, none have survived more than a couple hours. There are many factors that contribute to the difficulty of exploring Venus, but that won't stop NASA from trying to get as much information that they can get. The author thinks that it would be beneficial to explore Venus, but is it really worth trying to explore the planet despite all of the difficulties?
What factors exactly make the exploration of Venus so difficult? Although Venus may once have been "the most Earth-like planet in our solar system," it no longer appears to be that way. According to the article, the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Also, the average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions are nothing like ones that are found on Earth. This environment would crush a submarine and would liquify metals, as stated in paragraph 3. Along with the atmospheric difficulites, weather difficulties also present themselves. The article states that volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes would be a danger to anything looking to land on Venus's surface.
With all these difficulties, how was NASA planning on examining the planet? NASA wanted to study the planet from above. They want to send a vehicle to hover over Venus in order to avoid the ground conditions, as stated in paragraph 5. However, this would limit the amount of information NASA could collect about the ground conditions of the planet and would restrict them from bringing back any samples.
Overall, I don't think think it is worth trying to explore Venus with all these difficulties, and I don't think the author did a good job supporting the idea that it would be beneficial. If anything, I think the author explained why trying to explore Venus would be nothing but harmful. In the artcle, the author discusses the dangers of trying to explore Venus much more than the benefits we would gain. The author provides no imput as to why we should explore the planet other than the fact that curiosity is what lead people to wanting to explore it in the first place. If people took the time to explore everything they were curious about, nobody would have a life and imaginations would be pointless. | 34
fcab2b2 | Technology has grown more and more over the years, and sometimes we're for sure lucky to have the technology we do have today. The use of this new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because we should not always trust our eyes, it helps us to better understand what it is we're looking at, and knowing what others around you and what your looking at, can reflect on how you feel as a person.
When looking at a picture of someone smiling, you may think they're happy. Although they're smiling, that smile could surely be fake. What if they threw the smile on so people would think that they're okay? Maybe they just dont want to be bothered. You can't always trust what it is, that your eye is seeing. With this technology, you don't have to trust your eyes to tell how the person in this work of art is feeling. With a few simple steps, you can tell what the emotions in the paintings are. "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how mcuh this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you are happy or sad".
This new technology helps us better understand what it is that we are looking at. This Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. The Facial Action Coding System gathers what muscular action units are being used. The muscular action units is how the Coding System collects its data and registers what it is the person is feeling. "They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one".
Whether it's a family picture you're looking at, or a painting by the greatest painter of all time, If it makes you happy, hinting a genuine smile, can reflect on how you feel. If you know that a painting of sunflowers, is something that you like to see, can cheer you up a little. Although you're not going to be the happiest person in the world because you looked at a picture/painting you enjoy seeing, you will for sure be more happy! "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them".
In all reality, technology has had a huge impact on our lives, and we would be lost if it was to be taken from us. This technology may have one of the biggest impacts on our life since smarthphones had first came out. Maybe this will soon be the "style". The use of this new technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because we should not always trust our eyes, it helps us to better understand what it is we're looking at, and knowing what others around you and what your looking at, can reflect on how you feel as a person. | 34
3acd644 | The face that NASA found on mars was not made by aliens. The Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and got better pictures than the Viking did and it showed that there was no alien monument, it was just a natural landfrom. The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. Lastly the picture that the Viking took was not very good quality compared to the pictures took in 2001.
One reason that the Face on Mars was not made by aliens is because the Mars Global Surveyor got the best picture of it in 2001 and it just turned out to be a natural landform. In line 11 it says that "As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," he also added. "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!"
Another reason that the Face was not made by aliens is that the face is the equivalent of as butte or a mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. In paragraph 12 it compares the Face on Mars to the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The Snake River Plain of Idaho is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa that is about the same height as the Face on Mars.
The pictures that the
Mars Global Surveyor took in 2001 were a lot more clearer than the pictures took by the Viking in 1976. In paragraph 10 it says that Malin's team captured an amazing picture using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixal in the 2001 photo spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixal in the best 1976 Viking photo. This proves how bad the quality was in the 1976 photo taken by the Viking. Also, it proves that it was not a good photo and that the 2001 photo shows so much more and is way better quality. Other people might say that in the photo of '98, taken by the cmaera on board the MGS had to pear through wispy clouds to see the face, which made the alien markings hidden by the haze. Then the picture or 2001 proved that there was no alien markings and that the Face was just a landform.
In conclusion, this is why I believe that the Face of Mars was not made by aliens and is just a natural landform. First of all, The Mars Global Surveyor got better quality pictures than the Vikning did. Also, the 2001 picture shows that the Face is the equivalent to a mesa or butte, which are landforms that are common in the American West. Lastly, when you compare the '76, '98, and the '01 picture side by side you can tell that the '98 and the '01 pictures are more clear and show that the Face is just a landform. | 45
307b540 | Dear Florida Senator,
The ongoing debate of whether or not the Electoral College process is fair or unjust is always around you, I presume. I would like to give some personal feedback in the matters of this situation.
I understand that the Electoral College was created in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. (Source 1) However it is not a fair or even equal compromise. The people hardly have any political voice in this aspect. The electors that in return vote for the people generally aren't chosen by the people, the electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party. (Some state laws vary) (Source 1) If you faithfully are going to vote for the Presidential candidate of your choice, you should be able to have faith in your vote. Those in favor of the Electoral College could make the remark that "Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election..."(Source 3) In the world of reality people don't just want make a comment and expect no reaction, people want to be heard. This is similar to voting, people want their vote to count toward the candidate of their choice not the electors for the candidate.
This then runs into the problem of unfaithful electors. Their votes are never for sure. Although they claim to have "trust that is rarely betrayed" (Source 3) you can never be a hundred percent sure in the electors. "Faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..." (Source 2) If this happens the popular vote actually wouldn't go to the thought candidate.
"Perhaps the most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote." (Source 2) In a case of a tie the vote would go to the House of Representatives. This means that each state would only be able to cast one vote. This is not a smart backup plan. It is not fair for states of different population sizes to have one vote- basically being categorized as one. Proportionally it is not right for a state who represents 500,000 such as Wyoming to recieve the same number of equally weighted votes as a state who represents 35 million such as California. (Source 2)
The Electoral College also follows the "Winner-take-all" method. This means that most in most elections the focus is on the swing states or toss up states, all the efforts go to these states. Even though "the voters are most likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average, and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election", as said by those who believe in the Electoral College (Source 3) what about the voters who have been faithful all along? How can you expect them to feel when they barely get noticed? Those are the ones the candidates should be thanking and having gratitute toward because they are the ones who will be supporting them and their campaign.
I know that politics are filled with misconceptions and many confusing roles and aspects but please consider my thoughts and words. I speak for the voiceless and my fellow neighbors, but most importantly I speak for what our government was founded upon, WE THE PEOPLE.
SCHOOL_NAME Student | 45
157c8cb | The Face that appeared on Mars was something that all of us would never forget. We didn't know how it appeared or why it appeared, but we were going to figure it out. Some scientist including me think it was just a natural landform. Other scientist think it was created by aliens,but I highly doubt it was.
I'm here working with one of the other scientist, and we're talking about the Face that appeared on Mars. The scientist thinks that the face was madeby aliens but I think it wasn't that it's just a natural landform.
It was a natural landform because the caption that we put for people to see was " huge rock formation..... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The face was just a rock formation that gave the illusion of the eyes, nose, and mouth becuse it was just a shadow that we were seeing.
However the scientist doesn't think that. He thinks that the face was made by aliens. He says that there is no way it was just a natural landform that aliens made this as a sign for something.
He believes that it was a sign for something that the aliens were going to end up doing. But I told him that it was a natural landform because when we waited to get the best picture in 1998 all we saw was a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all.
But of course not everyone was satisfied.
It was a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze.
I think even though some people still may think it was made by aliens, we all know that it is just a natural landform and it wasn't made by aliens.
I after all did convince the scientist that I was working with, that the Face was just a natural landform and it wasn't made by aliens . But all we have to do now is to convince everyone else that it was just a natural landform. I believe that the Face is just a landform because of so many reasons. So what do you think?
Do you think it was just a natural landform or it was made by aliens? | 23
24ff191 | I am all for driverless cars because I think it's the next step to further our advancments in technology. We have always wanted to strive for more and always have wanted more, this is the nextstep for that. Right now we are just in the midst for driverless cars, but very soon we will have them as they are in the works and being planned right now.
I think we should have driverless cars because the rest of the items around us are also advanving in technology so why not cars while we're at it. It's not a brand new idea because we've seen this creation or idea in many sci-fi movies and fictional movies as well. If phones can advance from large, bulky, and using buttons to smart, small, and being touch screen then cars can become self drivers. Another example of advancement are tv's they have had alot of history because when they were first made they didn't have any color and they also varied in size. Then they went ahead and added color to advance the creation just a bit more. Now look, we have flat screens all in HD being hanged on the wall with color! They have come along way and so can cars! We're almost there to reaching self driving cars, all it takes is time. We already have technology for it we just need a bit more tweaking on it. Take a look at the google car as mentioned in paragraph 4, it can basically drive all by its self thanks to all the technology it has such as the sensors on it. There are certain times it may need human help, but all we need to do is perfect the technology and boom we'll have self driving cars everywhere in no time!
We don't always want to remain in the same place without advancement so with these cars it will be the next step, the next step to change! We've always been about change and advancement so why stop here? Why stop here and not achieve a goal many people have dreamed about for years and finally make it a reality? With time, belief, and great minds working with great technology, it is most likely possible that one day we will have these self driving cars. Very soon! | 12
52dea19 | The system by which America elects its president is neither democratic nor fair. It favors small states, could possibly elect the loser of the popular vote, and discourages minority voters.
In many states, the electors who vote for president are not required to vote for who won in the state they represent, says Plumer. An elector could decide, "I dont like who won, so I'll vote for this other candidate". One could say, since a party will choose its electors, that it will hardly ever happen, says Posner. It's true, but it shouldn't ever be able to happen, and it has happened. Plumer points out, that several times in America's past, electors have defied the will of the people. It is impossible to be completely sure of someone's loyalty.
Another problem is that it is possible to win enough electoral votes to become president, but not enough of the actual population's vote to have won the popular vote, argues Plumer. Because senatorial seats count towards a state's electoral votes, and the fact that each state gets 2 Senators, no matter their population, more populated states' votes are technically stolen by less populated ones through the Senate. The Electoral College essentiallty has a skewed view of population distribution. Winning a majority of the popular vote in smaller states will give you slightly more electoral votes for population than larger ones. In most cases though, a candidate will win both the electoral and popular vote, says Posner. While that is the case msot of the time, people would not accept the possibility that in, say, a sports game, the loser might randomly win because of the system used to determine it. It is arguably more important that a country is run by the correct person.
Posner claims that the Electoral College prevents a third party jumping in and grabbing enough votes prevent either "big party" candidate from winning. While in a truly direct vote, this could happen, the Electoral College allows for the same exact problem. If a third party candidate manages to win the election in just a few states, he could steal enough electoral votes that no candidate manages to get the 270 votes needed for a victory. Plumer warns that "most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote". A tie, with both candidates getting 269 votes, would be solved in the same way as a third party getting enough votes that no one manages to get over 269. The House of Representatives would vote on the president. Here, the bigger states are again cheated of their power, as the delegates for as states, and not individuals. Wyoming's sole representative has as much sway as the 55 from California. On top of this unfairness, the delegates do not have to vote as the states have. If a majority Republican state were to have a majority Democratic representation, the state could very possibly end up voting in the candidate of the opposite party. As the Electoral College was created at the creation of the nation itself, and the president and vice-president didn't campaign together, the Senate chooses the vice-president, indpependantly. If the Senate and House are are opposite parties, the president and vice-president could end up being from opposite parties. Plumer gives the examples of 1968 and 1976, where "a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election," and "a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way," respectively.
Posner addresses the argument that the Electoral College discourages voters of the opposite party of a state dominated by the other party from voting. He says "no voter's vote swings a national election... Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a politcal preference, rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election." That view is what causes people to not vote. Even 1% of America's population would be three million people, and among those three million, there are without a doubt, people who believed that lie that their vote doesn't matter. Plumer's examples of the elections of 1968 and 1976, referenced earlier, are prime examples of times where just about 1% of that 1% of the population's votes were needed to change the possible outcome of the election.
The Electoral College is an outdated and unfair system. The fact that it even has the possibility to essentially make the loser win should be enough of a reason to abolish it in favor of something like a true majority wins election. On top of possible "failure", the Electoral College pretends that more people live where they dont, and less people live where they do, and discourages minority voters from even voting, especially if they're in a larger state, an extreme minority, or a combination of the two. | 45
320ae92 | I think the NASA are just lying so they can caught attantion to the public plus i think that the NASA just made the face by them self and made it look like it was there before they get to mars, and there is no such as alien the NASA are just lying to make it realistic and in the artical they said this might caught attation to the public and it really did, even tho there was an alien, the how can the alien know hwo human faces look like, it not impossible plus the alien won't even know how to draw, alien don't have brain's they are just a creature living with out brain's so I'm not gonna believe that their are alien or the human face that had been discovered by the scientist i think it just a lie or they just make it up, i think the public shouldn't belive it either. But it up to them im just saying that it a lie. | 01
dcd9634 | The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditiond on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. If you image blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or more miles above the roiling Venusian landscap, it would be a shocker. Temperatures would still be tasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would ber close to the level of the sea and Earth. I think the autors statement on this is that when the temperature drops its very hard to communitcate with people going up there, but when it cools down its better for them. The Earth and Beyond it should not be limited by dangers and douts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
There devices were the first envisioned in the 1800s an playedan important role in the 1940's during World War ll. The thoughts of computers in those days did caulations for them, which in today's years we know thing about. Many of the reserchers of the NASA is working on other approches to studying Venis. Like some are simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus' surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditiond. There a lot of projects that there looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. Using mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. | 01
e1bc399 | Aliens making a face on Mars, yeah I don't think so. You believe that an alien created a face on Mars to show that something really does live in space. Well you hear all the time that on Earth people find certain landforms or even a persons body to look like something other than what it actually should.But how was it created? Nature? Aliens?
In the passage it states that "Although few scientists believed the Face was an alien artifact, photographing Cydonia became a priority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking mission ended." So to my unserstanding I believe that from the information given there is no sign that the Face was created by aliens.
Further more there is more evidence given by Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera that him and his team "snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." After this it all means that no substantial alien creations were happening,or ever did happen.
In conclusion, by the evidence that has been given and from my prespective the "Face" is just a natural landform. The pictures shown give an excellent representation that over the years cameras have different pictures qualities, and also that the Face could grow or form differently after a long period of time. Being a scientist here at NASA and being given this information we have found and from others, our claim is more effective than someone believing that it was created by aliens. | 23
070faae | Technology is a great thing to have in a classroom. It helps kids in many ways. It helps being able to know when a kid is struggling and the computer can go back and help the kid. The computer can do many different things. It could help with their homework. Being able to use a computer is a nice thing to have especially in the classroom, because a teacher isn't always going to be there for the child that has a question. Technology could be very productive too. Most kids like being able to use technology instead of pencil and paper. Kids engage more when they use computers.
Technology is a great resource is the classroom to have because it is hard for kids to pay attention. If you have a computer software that could recognize emotions it would help with what you need to help the kid with more. All the computer would have to do is be able to have a wide understanding of subtle facial movements with a 3-D computer model of the face. The software would have an understanding of all the 44 major muscles in the model that would need to move like the way the muscles do in a human face.
I'm very supportive with technology being used in the classroom, because if a kid cannot write it could potentially be easier for a kid if he were to type it. If a child were to have trouble than it would pick up on it from the child's facial reaction. In Paragraph six it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becomeing confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." It could be more beneficial than a teacher, because for the kids who do understand it they can move onto other things and the kids who don't can have extra help.
Most humans show facial expressions toward someone instead of verbal communication. Paragraph six Dr. Huang said that "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computers need to understand that, too." Most people could have a benefit to this so that they could understand the assignment they're assigned for the lab they could be doing for a science class. It just all depends on whether or not the kid would use this tool effectivly as others. It could be used as a lie detector in a way if it picks up any facial expressions.
This facial recognition can be very benefital for the kids who struggle on watching a video over how to do something. The 3-D will calculate the kids who are struggling with a problem or anything that is assigned to them. This strategy is very useful for when kids don't have any help or when the teacher is helping someone else it can help and walk the kid through the problem instead of having them get upset, because the computer can detect anything that happens to the kid while in the process of the lesson. Technology is a very useful thing for kids who struggle, become upset, or have trouble understanding. | 23
7bb751c | In the year of 1976, an object was discovered that looked like a human face on the planet Mars. NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling around Mars and taking pictures of possible places for Viking 2 to land. This 'human head' as they call it stretched two miles from each end of Mars. The passage states, "It seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia." NASA believed that there must have been a degree suprise among the mission controlers at the Jet Propulsion Lab when this 'Face' appeared on their monitor screens.
Days after this what seemed to be 'human face' was released for all to see. The authors say, "It would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars." It did! NASA decided to call it "Face on Mars." This 'Face' became a popular icon throughout the world. The text states, "It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows-even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!" This object on Mars lead people to think that maybe there really was life on Mars.
When the MGS arrived at the Red Planet in September of 1997, 18 years after the Viking missions ended photogrpahing, Cydonia was still a big priority for NASA. Chief scientist, Jim Garvin says, "We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." Jim believed it was important to taxpayers. One year later on April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time takig a picture that was ten times sharper and more clear than the photos taken by Viking. Thousands of people were waiting for the picture of the Face to appear on their monitor screens any minute.
Not everyone was satisfied with the picture of the Face that was taken that day. The author states, "The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face." The mission controllers were prepared to look again and noted, "It's not easy to target Cyndonia," says Garvin. "In fact, it's hard work." NASA does not pass over the Face very often, in fact, they scan the planet in 2.5 narrow strips.
On April 8, 2001, MGS drew close enough for a second look at the Face. Jim Garvin states, "Malin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution." The picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa which are landforms common around the American West. The passage states, "You can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size." If there were any objects in the picture taken of the Face in 2001 like an airplane or the ground or a house or pyramid, you could definitely be able to see them!
The Face found on the planet Mars is an extraordinary icon that will always be popular. Few believe that the Face could have been an alien artifact. The picture that was released for all to see noted, "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Could there really be life on Mars? It is possible. | 01
0210900 | That technology would not help in schools because the fact that students are sometimes not happy with how computer ads put up. Teacher can also see how their students are feeling on the computer but one flaw about this is that what if it didn't work. The technology would have to have many updates to get the system right and make the experiance better. Someone can hack that computer and can be watching you or the government might be trying to watch us. How much is schools going to be paying for these compter? Maybe around a million dollars in buying and fixing it. Most schools don't have good internet or they have bad students that might break these computers and the school or stduent would have to pay for it. The computers schools have now barely even work now so why buy a computer that most likely not going to work no better than the computers they already have. Why take away a ad and putting a new ad is going to make a student happy? What if they dont like ads at all? what is the point of the putting a computer that can read people emotions by scanning their face and the students are not going get any happier they are going be excited about at first and then get bored with it. Computers are not good for kids at a young age they will get addicted to being on a computer won't go outside and then they are going to gain weight and then be fat. | 12
2042022 | Can we really use technology to help us with our emotion's in life? Well I think we should have technology because you never know what the object would do to make you feel better or calm you down in a bad situation. Well technology can be very useful when it comes being lonely, sad, or bored which tecnology can support you with all different ways to make you feel better.
There are a lot professer's who are trying to test out these technology to be safe and to support them in life. Some tested on the emotions of their face expression of how to tell how they are feeling toward in life. Some also tested ways to describe how they are feeling towards that person. Some technoogy that professor's tested on was the ad's that can help with there feelings by giving them a support in life. Finally their's one more that they tested on was the human communication of how people interact with each other and at the end the technology will give some hints,or tips that will support us in a way.
Technology can support us in a way we might think it doesn't do in life, but i it will help us in life wilth bad situation,or worst senario we have trouble. This might be a chance for you to understand why technology is good instead of losing your mind,lonely,or just need some one to support you when it's hard times to deal with in life. | 01
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