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df23b1d | People do not need cars that can drive themselves. If people were to 'drive' a
car that has the capability to drive by itself.If that same car got in an accident then taht
would mean that the driver is releaing more in the car.
That would also mean that the dirver is not paying attention to the most important thing when driving; the road. Driving laws focus on people safety when people around them are 'driving' and give justice to those who need it; but how can people do that when other would not know who to blame-- the driver or the manucfacturer of that car.
Traffic law was something long ago and it was invented, for human purposes. Majority of people are always careless when driving. Those drivers think that driving is a game and those people don't release their mistake until they have to pay the price. For the actions of those people and for the security and safety of other law where made, specifically driving laws. " Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe......As a result, in most states it is illgal even to test computer-driven cars" The author of the article even implies about cars not driving themselves being a concern and even a threat to others. When people make laws they do not do it just for fun. Most states that value their citizens make laws as harsh as they may be to keep people safe. Something everyone mostly people who are parents want for their kids. Parents may not be very happy to see many or even a few drivers distrated because they have a car that drives itself. thay would mostly see it as a threat for their family safety.
Laws change all the time, but just because they change does not mean it always for the best cause or that verything will turn out as people were hoping they would. "Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover........-the driver or the manufacturer?"
In this detail the author is implying that if they could change the laws as many time as peoplecould.
The question people should be asking is that will that change anything in the way people would rely on the car. Will the laws decrease the numbers of careless drivers and the amount of accidents cause by those careless drivers. Driving laws would be much harder to control with all of those thing in hand. For example if a person that had a car that could 'drive by itself', which cause the driver to not pay attention to the road. Then the car would start malfunction and cause a huge accident in which cause a life of another. Who would be at fault and the careless driver or the mechanic of the car that malfunction.
Many Television show and movies have invision the future with car that can drive and do other amaxing stuff. Those are pretty cool stuff to do. "television and movies have long fascinated with cars that could drive themselves." Now that something to wish for, right? Whrong if you are fascinated with car that could drive themselves that okay, but have theyv stop and look the negative side of this. "Automakers are capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." Would sane peron really rely on that 90 percent when there is a 10 percent chance that something could go wrong. If a person values their life when it comes to a surgery which could save their life. Woudn't it be reasonable that person would think twice about putting risk to themselves and even there family. When that a 90 percent chance of not living.
In conclusion people should have fun with things that enginners bring. Though just because it is fun and many peopldo it and look at the consequences that could cause does not mean anyone should rely on it. Remeber that when a person see's a positive that perosn who ever it may be MUST look at the negatives and see if it really worth everything. Is 90 percent really capable of car driving itself. Are traffic laws really going to stop all people and would changing the laws really protect others that are careful and value their lifes? That would be up to the audience. | 34
dff9ecc | I think that driverless cars are a good idea because drivers will now be more alert to what they are doing. And it may keep people off of their phones while driving because they have to be alert at all times in order to take the wheel. Also i believe it is a good idea because since it is sensored it will let the driver know when it is too close or is getting to close to something causeing less wrecks.
the car will also keep drivers off of their phones. since the driver has to stay aware at all times they wont have time to be on their phones. It also is a good idea because if someone doesnt know where to go the car will know and could get them there.
Also the car breaks its self and steers its self accuratly. The car incase a driver is not fully alert of a problem the car quickly get the drivers attention so the driver is aware.
When the car is unable to get through work places or accidents the car will announce that it is ready for the driver to take over. Manufacturers are also considering putting a camera in the car to make sure that drivers are remaining focused on the road at all times.
The car is going to have a entertainment and information system that use heads-up displays so that the driver doesnt get bored while waiting for their turn to drive. the car is also capable of driving on autopilot 90 pecent of the time. And by 2020 mercedes benz and nissan plan to have cars that fully drive themselves.
So having a car that is going to keep drivers passengers and pedestrians safe is an absolutly great idea. we will have less acciudents and more people aware of their surroundings. It will also help people who cant see very well be aware of the things around them. That is why i beleive the driverless car is a good idea. | 23
704a88b | Students would not be happy that a machine reads your face to tell a teacher how your feeling. Sometimes people want to be left alone because they are sad or mad. So having this machine woud not be good to have because some teacher could be nosy and ask why are you mad or sad. The machine cold also tell if your lying.
Sometimes you got to lie, so you could be left alone. Students would probably skip school because of this machine. Lots of schools will be empty because students do not want teachers to know about them. This machine could be used in pictures or face portates to see how the person in the picture is feeling, but to use it on students then no.
The police could use this machine to find out if criminals are lying about what they did. Parents would also be mad that teachers are using the machine on their children. There is no point of teachers using this machine. They do not need to know how your feeling at all. The teacher only us it for a reason or when nessasary not when they just feel like it. | 12
784d732 | I think you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think you should becuase you get to visit places that you might never get to go to in life or to see things that you may no get a chance to witness.
For example in text, Luke found as much time as he can to have as much fun. Him and his cowboy friends played baseball, vollyball games, etc. They also had some tournaments, like fencing, boxing, reading whatever they can think of to pass time.
Some more infomation from the article is The boat ride was fun and they had chances of seeing countrys like Europe and China and Greece. They took gondala rides in Venice, Italy, In the streets with water. If I was there i would enjoy myself more than other. Even in after the war in Europe was over left in ash and all they still went to the cities.
In conclusion this shows that you should participate in alot of things, Because you will never kniw what will come your way. It happend to me, my friends, even you one day. But even when things go wrong like war or trouble theres all ways is a little light. So Thats why i would particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. | 23
1e48979 | Cars are a very nice thing to have, they are fast and they take you places that you want to go to. Cars come in a variety of colors and shapes. The thing about cars that you probably didn't know is that they pollute. Polluting is a very bad thing, everyday we're breathing in chemicals from cars that pollute. Doesn't sound very good now, does it? Cars are extreamly expensive too!
Cars cost thousands of dollars. Now, lets think for a minute, what if you didn't have a car? You wouldn't be able to get to places fast enough, you won't be on time to where you are trying to go. Well, you see, there are things called bikes and buses. It might not be as fast but, you'll still get there. Their are a lot of advantages of not having a car. You don't have to pay for insurance, You don't have to worry about accidents, You also don't have to worry about polluting the environment. In Vauban, Germany many people do not own cars. Atleast 70% of them do not own cars. Did you know that about 57% of the people in Vauban, Germany sold there cars so they could move to Germany?
In Paris, people enforced a partial driving ban to clear out some of the pollution. If you drove in your car you would have to pay a $31.00 dollar fee. That day, about 4 thousand drivers were fined. Wow! that is a lot of people to be fined for driving. Is it easy for you to imagine a car-free zone, where nobody is driving, and the roads are free of cars? Believe it or not, a lot of people like the idea of a car-free zone. In Columbia, people had banned cars for 3 straight years! Now, that is a long time to not be able to use a car. There was still transportation of course such as, biking, roller skating, walking, and even buses. I mean, you can't walk every where, right?
Even when it rained the people still didn't use cars, and it rained a lot. Not having a car takes away the pollution of the air and stress because, I can imagine having a car would be stressfull due to money you have to pay for gas and insurance. Their was about 118 miles of biking paths that people could take to get around. Stores were moved to be closer to people so they wouldn't have to travel so far. As each year goes by, americans are driving less, buying fewer cars and getting fewer licenses. I guess it's suggested that we don't use cars as much due to air pollution but i dont thing that is going to stop everyone in the world from driving their cars. I think we should cut down on driving every where and maybe car pool instead or take a bus, that way not everyone is driving and there will be less pollution. People will of course still drive cars and cars will pollute the air but, it is not going to stop us from driving. | 23
ae25a55 | Inroduction:
In this article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it talks about how Venus is the hottest planet even though Murcury is closer to the sun. It also talks about the NASA how they sending humans to sudy Venus.
The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers its presents because its cool to learn all the things about Venus but its also is a dangerous place to go to study it. I say that because in paragraph 3 they said
"Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". You wil have to keep ur helment on when you go to Venus because Sulfric acid is a very dangerous chemcial , and if you inhale that or your skin come in contact with that ; you might died. Venus is the hottest planet, Vnus had the hottest surface tempertaure of any planet in our solar syate, even when Murcury is closer to our sun. For example " On the panets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenhiet, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we exprience on our own planet". I chose that because it explains how hot it is and how dangerous it can be.
Another great example is that "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and wether present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes , powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." The reason i chose that is because Venus can cause alot of dangerous things but also its fasinating what Venus can do and how Venus is. NASA is using so much technology so they can get as much information on Venus and how it works. So they going to keep senidn humans to that planet to figure out is Venus was just like Earth. For example " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". I chose that because it just texplained why NASA keep sending humans out to Venus.
Furthermore "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth." I chose that because they getting more and more details on how Venus was just like Earth in some ways. For example " The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar feature s such as valleys, mountains, and craters." I cose that because that can be another option for humans to go there if something happenes to Earth and we can have somewhere else to live. For example "NOt easy conditions, but suvivable for humans". I chose that because it lets you know that even though its dangerous its still a good place for humans.
To sum things up I think its worthy to study Venus because you can learn so much about Venus and how its so much like Earth. For example "Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expande o meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". I chose that because even though its dangerous you should still go visit venus and have a good imagination on how it would be if it was just like earth. It's a lot different and experiental because you get to leave earth and study more thing then just whats on earth. It's also challenging but its also so cool to see so much different things and it can be scary because you soooo many miles away from home; every second you in space is a year that pass by.
Just go to have fun but also study and see kind of things you will find out , out there. For example "Earth's "twin", Venus is the clostest planet to Earth in term of density and size, and occasionally the closest
in distance too." Thats also a fact that Venus can be just like Earth because its right next to the Earth. | 34
16687f8 | Many people believe that the production of driverless cars isn't the best. I'm going to inform you as to why I believe that driverless cars are the best for our near future. Google cofounder Sergey Brin has done a series of tests to prove that driverless vehicles are not a danger to the public but can be very usefull. Not only are the good right now, but they are also improving little by little every day.
For starters, by having driverless cars, we will be able to decrease the amount of accidents that we have. This will happen by having no one at fault but the technology, and I know that sounds like I'm going against it, but I'm not. Not only does the car have special features that make it stop when it's too close to an object but if that fails then who's to blame? Right now we have drivers who are falling asleep at the wheel due to being tired, coming home from work late, and/or going out to parties. Driverless cars will help with this. They have a special feature in the car where if the car feels that the person needs to take over, they will vibrate the seat and even flash the windsheld, (although they're working on the windsheld) this will help keep the driver awake and reduce the amount of accidents we have.
Having driverless cars will also help decrease the amount of air polution we have due to factories and the amount of cars that polute the air.
It says in the passage that "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." By Sergey stating this, he's saying that we would reduce the amount of air polution. Not only is it reducing the amount of air polution but it's also far more comfortable than a bus.
Driverless cars will be an increasing business once it's not illegal in every state. This will happen because who wouldn't want a driverless car? This business will sky rocket due to the amount of people who would want a driverless car. This comes back to helping the economy. By having people buy driverless cars, this will drastically help the economy.
Many people don't like to be supervised while driving, but having a driverless car, this is a special feature. Not only will it help the driver back out of drive ways, or parking lots, but it will also help identify who was at fault if there were ever an accident. It also helps with no texting and driving, because the car will not allow it. Once the car feels that it needs the drivers attention towards the road, the seat will vibrate calling the attention of the driver to take over the wheel. Therefore the driver will not be able to text and drive. Not only is this benefical for drivers, it's also helpful for new drivers. Because they are not experienced they are more likely to be in an accident. Which is why the driver may need this feature while driving.
In conclusion, I believe that driverless vehicles are better for the environment because the positive aspects outweigh the negative ones. Not only will it help the environment it will help the economy. Therefore it will become an increasing production. This is only the beginning of something great. It's improving everyday and will continue to improve. | 34
7035b02 | Dear state senator,
With so many opinions on the electoral college, theres reasons in which to keep it or abolish it.
I would like a favor in keeping The Electoral College because its an election of the president by vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens."The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress(Source 1,2). Without The Electoral College everything will fail due to the fact that the college does all the voting and picking and decideing if not the Electoral College then who else will do it; All the other congessmen has to do there own job in which they cant do what The Electoral College does. The Electoral College has been in plce for a while The founding fathers created it. Its consists of 538 electors. There are disadvantages to like voters dont vote for the president, but for a slate electors, who votes for the president. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. But then theres advantages " The Electoral College is widely regareded as an anachronish, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern sense. it is the electors who elect the president, not the people(source 3). When you vote for a presidental candidate youre actually voting for a slate of electors. People have thier own opinions but i think it would be better to keep the the traditional going on keeping the electoral college.
9e1a696 | In 'Making Mona Lisa Smile', the Facial Action Coding System purpose is described as to enable computers to read human emotions. Should it be brought into classrooms? I believe that it should, as it will engage students in lessons, content will be taught more efficently and effectively, and students academic performances will improve.
If emotion reading technology is brought in to classrooms, it will spark interest in them. As Dr. Huang explains," A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could help students focus on the material, better helping their comprehension and understanding, therefore improving their academic performances.
Overall, the Facial Action Coding System should be introduced to classrooms. Students will value the impact it will have on the content being taught. Why keep the facial reading technology from students when it can benefit them? | 12
b57b6c9 | This articles is about the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. It is important to understanding how other people feeling and emotionall. This technology should valuable expressions of students in a classroom. It importand to understand or learn about facial action so that we can understand other people what they feel how they feel. Sometime we said a word that peple won't want to hear or hurt them. Able to understand they emotion and feeling we have to undertand how the person facial is. In this artile said " In the real smile, the zygomatic major lift the corner of your mouth". The fake smile or false smile is the mouth stretched aideaways using the zygomatic major and different muscle, the risorius. That one Importand thing we all can learn from this article. Also if eveyone understand there will be deeper relationship, deeper friendship and deeper family. Everyone is different so which mean they can pretend to be happy or pretend to be sad you also can tell from using facial action coding system and identify human emotions. To understand facial action is importand for everyone and students in classroom should be using and valuable the technology of facial action coding system. Thank you | 12
5c5ba80 | The author explains venus very well. he describes the atmospher on the planet and the tempreratures on the planet as well. it would be very difficulet to land there because it is very hot. i have seen images from the planet and the ground is very valcanic looking and you cant see very well cause of the atmospher. The planet gets very hot during the day and very cold there during the night as well. its kinda neet to look up at night on planet earth and see all the stars and planets out there. I have seen venus a couple of times and the author is right it is very bright. The reason we cant land their the author sates that it has sulfiric asid for the atmospher and the author is right. A prob was sent there and it only lasted a few hours. The author done a good job at studying veuns and its a good idea to pursuit it. | 01
7c42b99 | Does a computer that can tell when you are happy or sad make a difference. I thinks so because if this happens we can make a computer make a video game AI actually smile using the same muscle groups that we use. It could help students understand more in class. It could even be used in police interigations. This could help this world out.
Gamers all around the world want games to be more human like. With computers that can read and recreate human emotions could help that alot. It would give AI more human like reactions to unrealistic things. It would make the games way more fun. It would also help animation. Disney would really benifit from human like facial reaction in the movies.
Students get confused easily and for online courses that would be a lot harder to notice. With computers that can read human facial reactions they could help when students get confused. I would help the student and the online school would benifit from that. That could prove to be very useful.
Peoples muscles it the face move no mater how straight faced they are and sometimes Police Interigaters miss those little thing and then they get away. With computers that can read facial reaction any muscle movements in the face would be seen and then they would not get away with what crime they have made. This would lower the crime rate and would make police work a little easier. That would be very helpful to the police station.
In conclustion Computers that can read emotions off of the face would greatly benifit society. It would make police work easier. It would help students with there grades and if they get confused. It would greatly improve video games to make them more realistic. | 23
3df3c06 | While having a car that can drive itself would be nice, it can also be very dangerous. Having a self-driving car is a bad idea because it still needs to be operated by humans, the car can malfunction, and the manufacturers can be blamed for the car crashes and other accidents that can happen instead of the blame being put on the driver.
A self-driving car still needs to be somewhat operated by humans. There are certain times when the cars won't be smart enough to drive themselves such as when they need to navigate around accidents or work zones. Having a self-driving car gives humans a reason to not pay attention to the road while in their vehicles, which may cause many accidents.
A self-driving car can malfuction. A self-driving car is a very difficult car to create. Odds are there will be more cars manufactured that have technology problems than there will be cars that are manufactured perfectly. If a self-driving car did malfunction, it may be hard for the driver to take back control of the car and there could be many accidents.
A self-driving car can have many problems to it. These types of cars give drivers a reason to be careless and not pay attention to the roads. If there were to be an accident because a driver wasn't paying attention or because the car failed, blame would bew placed on the manufacturers instead of the careless and irresponsible driver.
All in all, while having a self-driving car would be easier and quite the dream, itr is not a good idea to have one. These cares still need to be operated by humans, these cars can malfunction, and these cars can place blame on the manufacturers instead of the drivers if there is ever any problems. | 34
b27ae7c | Driverless cars have the potential to be somthing great. These cars could make the road a safer place and save you money. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author makes points both for and againts driverless cars. Personally, I am for driverless cars.
Driverless cars could greatly reduce the amount of money spent on cars. Much like the cofounder of Google, Sergey Brin, I like the idea of being able to call for a driverless car. Sergey Brin foresees that these cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis. Households could save the money they saved from not buying a car to go on a much needed family vacation.
Driverless cars could be much safer than a car driven by a human. These cars would have many sensors. Google's modified Toyota Prius has a rotating sensor on the roof. While the human brain is amazing, it cannot process what is happening at all angles around the car. A hightened awareness of the car's surroundings could result in less wrecks. However, a human driver would still have to be in the front seat in case of an emergency.
Driverless cars could be intrumental in both long road trips and nights out. It can be very hard to stay awake when driving after a long day of work. The driverless car could drive while you doze off and has the ability to alert you when human supervision is needed. The same goes for long road trips. It is illegal and incredibly dangerous to drink and drive. With the driverless car, drinking and driving wrecks could be a thing of the past. After a night out you could crawl into your driverless car and be safe while it drives you home, given there is not a need for a human during the drive.
All in all, driverless cars could improve many aspects of life. The cars could save you money and allow you to rest after a long day. While there are still some risks associated with the driverless car, I believe the pros outweigh the cons. | 34
2f5ef45 | The author supports this idea by giving information about Venus and it's pros and cons. The author starts off with comparing Venus to Earth and how they are similiar. They think that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because, it may have been the most Earth like planet in the solar system. In paragraph 4 it says "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth". Also Venus is not that far from Earth.
On the other hand, there are still dangerous thing that can happen from trying to study venus. There is a 97 percent carbon dioxide atmosphere that covers Venus, and it also has sulfuric acid in it's atmosphere. Furthermore, Venus is the hottest temperature in the solar system. The author still feel as if with all of these dangers scientist will be able to work around it to study Venus.
The author supports the idea of studying venus because they feel as if studies should not be limited by dangers and doubts. That beacuse humans are so curious we should keep looking for insight and trying to meet the challenge that is handed to us. in conclusion, our travels on Earth should be expanded because it could ineviblity lead us to something big. | 23
7cc1623 | "Car-free"
Many drivers around the world are deciding to take a break from driving and have now decided to "think green." Although some may disagree that this could be helpful toward the enviroment there is evidence that says it is helpful. Some may not see the point and think that this new epidemic is inconvienient but maybe they just are not educated about these new ideas.
Throughout the globe multiple cities have found ways to use some forms of public transportation, riding bicycles, and even walking to get themselves where they need to go. For example, Bogota, Colombia has a "car-free" day every year where only public transportation is avalible. Like Enrique Riera said in paragraph 26 the people of this city in Colombia are a part of this great change that encourages others to join in. The author also states in paragraph 28 that there is new parks and sidewalks which would have a positive affect on the attractiveness of their city.
Imagine having a "car-free" day everyday of the year. That is exactly what a new city in German has done. Vauban, German was built in 2006 as a suburb with no real streets or parking spaces. Citizen of this new city only have to places to park their cars, in a large garages outside of town with a space costing $40,000 or in their home. As said in paragraph 3 most of the families in Vauban do not own a car and more than half sold their cars to move into the "car-free" city. Most of the citizens feel less stressed and more relaxed about no longer having a car also.
Surely you're thinking "What about the U.S.? They're one of the most powerful countries in the world they must have some insite on this new trend." As a matter of fact they do. The U.S. has slowly started to take a break from the automobile. More and more of the new generations have decided to not get their driver's licenses. In most big cities in the U.S. such as New York most of their citizens do not own a car and rather just walk or use other transportation due to traffic. It can be easier just to walk somewhere rather than to sit in a car thats bascially parked due to such bad traffic. In other parts of the U.S., there is a new trend of car-pooling which can not only have a positive impact on the enviroment but can also save you money. In paragraph 43, even Bill Ford, executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company, agrees that less use of a car can have a positive impact.
Overall, the reduction of private vehicle transportation can help reduce the negative affects on the enviroment and on other aspects of life such as stress level. Multiple countries have started to join in this new world-wide idea of how to make this world a better enviroment for the future and most all of them have contrirbuted having others try it out. If we all are willing to give up a little for one thing it can make a big difference for everyone in the world's future. | 34
94f61c6 | In my opinion I think that driverless cars would be a wonderful thing to have. They would make it much easier to commute to and from work or school. They would also make taking long roadtrips much more enjoyable, being that you would not always have to keep starring at the road ahead in the long, boring sort of way that we have to now.
Driverless cars would also be great for public transportation, being that they could exempt the need for a driver, that would allow companies to make more profit, which in turn would allow for better up-keep on the buses, trams, etc. Also allowing for newer and better modes of transportation to be purchased, all around it would benefit the public transportation industry.
Even if we did not have autonomous, driverless, cars the roads would still be better if we had cars that sensed the road conditions and kept track of the driver to help with accident prevention. It would decrease the number of deaths caused each year by distracted driving, and also maybe even help make the human population as a whole better drivers in the fact that we would realize all of the things that we do wrong while driving and maybe try to correct those things.
Then there is the other side to the autonomous, driverless, cars. Yes they would be good because they would decrease the number of accidents that are caused by distractred dirvers, but this may also be a bad thing. Most humans, if you give them something that can make them have to work less, will rely souly on that one product to do all that it can possibly do to help them, but when that product has a malfunction it could be disasterous.
Lets use this as an example, Johnny and a few of his friends are driving up twisty mountain road in his autonomous car, Johnny, relying on his autonomous car to do its job of driving, is paying no attention to the road ahead. The driving system of the car has a small malfunction in the turning system, the road takes a sharp right turn and the cars is going too fast to recognize that the turn is up ahead, the car comes up to the turn, goes to fast around the turn and starts to slip, the car then overcorrects sending Johnny and all of his friends straight into the side of the mountain.
Now see this would have been no problem had Johnny been paying attention to the road ahead, but he thought that his autonomous car had it all under control. The autonomous car would be a great inovation to driving, but when human nature takes over and we rely too much on the product things such as this may happen. | 34
5e7814c | Go Anyway?
In the article "Challenges Of Exploring Venus" ,the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit.He thinks that despite the dangers the planet is worth studying and going to.But did the author present the informantion well?
The author brings up many reasons that going to and studying Venus is reasonable .One being "If our sister planet is so inhospitable,why are scientist even discussing furthur visits to it's surface"(paragraph 4).The author feels like the planet is some what safe and reason like to go to because scientist still want to visit it.Though that is not the case because, if you go there you can burn to death and many other cases.
Another reason the author considers going to Venus is because of austronomer talk.The article states that,"Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well oncehave been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system"(paragraph 4).Just because Venus maybe somewhat earth like nothing has ever survived there or has even been there in three decades,says paragraph 2.The author isn't putting out good enough reasons or even safety tips that Venus is a planet human kind should visit.He also should've used more facts as to why the planety should be visited,but was Venus once like earth?
The author also seems to keep explaining how Venus was once like earth in (paragraph 4). He says "Today venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth".But how can he be sure if he keeps on saying "long ago" and "astronomers".He isn't full of facts as of now and no one really knows what Venus is like because ,no human has yet to visit.Not once did he say it's aproven fact about anything or show evidence as to what he was putting out.
Overall the authors arguement to suggest "Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents",was a fail.He used past tense so many times through the article and didn't have factual evidence. | 34
d719777 | Part of being a teacher is knowing how to understand students. That's why they're are so many great teachers that know how to talk with their students and have a genuine conversations with their teachers. It is an esential part of their job to be able to do this and they should't rely on technology to do part of their job. It's a natural human trait to be able to read someone. While teachers shuold be able to do that, it could also take some weight off of them. Bringing this technology to the class room woud be revolutionary. Teachers would be able to not only focus more on class but get a real sense of how the class feels about a certain topic, if someone is bored or confused, it would be very easy to tell as well.
When you're a teacher you are expected to understand and sympathize with the student at some point. A lot of the time someone will fake being happy or say they are fine when they are not and it dissrupts the flow of class. With this technology, it will really help the teacher when a student is confused but is too embaressed to say or is just upset in general and won't talk about it. This could lead to more sucess in the classroom and help the teachers do their jobs significantly better.
Sometimes in a classroom the topic or the way something is being taught confuses people. They either don't understand or can not really grasp the concept with the way it is being taught. This could really show the teacher using this emotion techonolgy if what is being taught is sufficent or not. As said in the article "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." This will help students pay attention and stay awake during class.
This human emotion regonzier could be a great help for teachers. It could make teaching as a whole a lot easier on the person actually teaching the class and even help students who find school boring. This technology is a great path towards the future of teaching. | 23
2d6ecf2 | Learning and curiosity are what keep the human race moving foward and contiually evolving. Through this, humans created the ultimate technology, the computer. Computers help with almost everything humans do in their lives, and now there is technology that can decipher the most untouched part of humans, emotions. The technology called FACS (Facial Action Cofing System), can figure out what a person is feeling and do many things with that information. This technology would be valuble because it would help inmprove the quality of learning in the classroom. I believe this because it can help bring back the attention of bored students, figure out problems with students, and figure out the most beneficial way for each student to learn.
First of all, this technology could keep students engaged in their learning experience. Most students drift off during class because the material they are being taught isn't being taught in an interesting way. In paragraph 6, the text states, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts." This shows that a computer could easily recognize when a student becomes uninterested in the lesson they're being taught and what that lesson is about. Being able to discover when a student has become disengaged with their learning could help teachers turn the attention of that student back to what they were supposed to be learning.
Another reason allowing this technology to read student's emotions would be beneficial is because computers would be able to understand more than just verbal human communitation. According the the text, "'Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication.'" Computers are so ingraned in daily life that almost everything that people do involves some type of technology. If they were able to read the emotions of students, teachers could catch problems before they even happened. For example, if a student was becoming depressed, they might not reach out to anyone for help, but a computer could recognize the constant sadness on the students face and contact someone who could help resolve the situation. That is just part of the reason that this technology, which could read students emotions, is extremely valuble.
Finally, this technology could be helpful in the classroom by learning, by it's self, the specialized interests of each specific student. If a student was more interested in one learning style than another, the computer could recognize the facial cues of the student and ajust properly. The text states, "...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar as might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." That could be easily modified to fit into the classroom. Instead of ads, the computer could display a certain type of learning, such as flashcards. If the student enjoyed using flashcards, then the computer could remember that and display flashcards as the initial method of learning in the future. However, if another student was shown flashcards as a learning method and the computer recognized facial cues that showed dislike or disinterest, it could change the learning method to something else, like matching. By reading the emotions of students in the classroom, a computer could figure out the most beneficial way for a student to learn.
In conclusion, this technology has so many potential benefits if it were to be used in the classroom. It can help bring back the attention of bored students, figure out problems with students, and figure out the most beneficial way for each student to learn. Teachers would finally be able to get students interested in learning again instead of having kids dread waking up in the morning because it's time for another day of the same old thing. Having computers in the classroom that can read the emotions of students in the classroom could reignite a passion for leaning that many kids lost the moment they walk in the classroom door. | 45
c1957cd | Pollution as we all know is a growing concern in our world today. There have been many efforts to decrease and try to ultimitley end pollution from recyclicng to not leaving your rooms light on. But the perhaps the best idea is that of car free towns and days to decrease pollution. Many countries have already statred these ideas and the turnout had been rirdiculously successful.
Limiting car use is also a great way to stop traffic congestion in rush hours and reduse smog in big cities. For example, Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer states, "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France." This piece of text shows how reducing car usage can slow traffic jams and make driving around faster and easier.
Another great reason for limiting car use is that 50 percent of the pollution in the United States is from gas emissions. That is why in order to protect our countries enviroment and even our planets the limitation of car use is necessary and even vital.
In all the limitation of car use is a great plan to stop pollution and make roads easier to be driven and through and even safer many other countries have done so and it has been successful so it our turn to try it out. | 12
36d2cfc | The main advantages that people seem to find in the less use of cars is that the bad and harmful emissions given off are being reduced. The amount of emissions entering our air daily is beyond belief. In Germany, passenger cars are guilty for 12 percent of the emissions; while here in America we give off 57 percent. Germany has made the change to allow you to have a car if it is parked in a city garage not near the living quarters, or you can pay $40,000 to have your own "large" garage. All malls, stores and parks are just within a walking distance. With the decrease in the number of cars, the access of public transportation has rose. Paris has recently joined this trend. Days after the record amount of pollution in the air clean air was just a must for these people. the next day you were ordered to leave your cars in the garage or you would be fined a fine of 22 euros($31 dollars).
Within the lack of cars moving around the people, digestion was down 60 percent in as little as 5 days. 27 people wanted to avoid the fine so they had their cars impounded. France blamed the Diesael fuel. Diseal makes up 67 percent of vehicles in France. The goal is to promote alternative transportation. The idea that transportation emissions need to go away has led to this, " these people are generating a revolutinary change. This change is crossing our borders." Imagine bright red and yellow slides, green and blue swings with tons of kids runing and screaming together, or 24 kids all split up into teams for a fun, friendly neighborhood game of kickball. This is what could happen if more countries begin to do what Columbia did. Children would have more access to parks and sports centers. With the sidewalks cleaned up, new restaurants and shopping malls have been added in which makes th city seem more inviting, clean and happy place to be. | 12
81fde2a | Would you like to go on a trip to Europe. Then when you graduate go to seagoing cowboy maybe next time he goes he will bring you with him .
It is really fun you get to go to China you get to go across the Alantic ocean . You can also go across the Pacific ocean.
You can play all kinds of sport s like volleyball,baseball,and table tennis. You an also dance if you want toan. It is so fun there you can do every thing there on th ship ride there you can feed the animals and play with them maybe if they let you.
Another reason is that this trip is a once in a life time. If you like animals and peole you should go on this trip and it is also a once in a life timetrip so if you had a chance to go i would go.
You can help animals such as horse sheep it will be alot of fun . Next time you should go to Europe with your friends. | 12
3df555a | Unmasking the Face on Mars
By Dariontai White
Do you think that the face is from an Alien? I do. and if you keep reading i can tell you why.
I think it's just a human from a long time ago. My evidence is this quote from the text "NASA'S Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos of possible lamding sites for its isster ship Viking 2, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face." This quote explains its self, and thats's why i think its a human.
I think it just a natural landform, and i got a quote to back it up. My quote is "Thousands of anxious we surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform." and that quote tells you that it was a natural landform after all.
My last reason why I think its a landform is because of the quote that say's "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent ro a buttle or mesa - landforms common around the American West."
In conclusion, if anyone ask me what I think it is My answer would be a natural landform, and if they ask me how do i know i have evidence. | 01
4599770 | I am totaly against driverless cars. I do not think that should continue they're production on these vehicles. Simply because they are already having issues. For example in paragraph two they say the car cannot operate or minuver through traffic , road blocks, accidents etc.
So what if there's a storm, or a tornado, or earth quake or something? Will the car know what to do then? If you're going to have to take over you might as well drive it yourself anyway. What could you possibly do for those short moments of time anyway? A driver is always supposed to stay alert and focussed no matter what. Whether you are driving or not because you never know what could happen. Safety first! I dont think a computer is accuipt enough or qualified to think , act, or make decisions a human is supposed to make.
Then what happens if you do decide to let the car do what it is programed for and ypou do get in accident or get hurt? Then what like they said in paragraphs 9 & 7, the big argument will be who,s fault is it, the driver or manufacturer? Well my opinion is driver, because its states that the car wouldn t knolw what to do in these type of situations and youre werent focused and did not jump in when you should have all the more reason you should drive yourself so there will be no reason for this argument. I just really dont think these cars will be that much useful, I actualy really think they will be the cause of alot of future problems. | 23
c71cdd0 | Driverless cars! what a big leap in technology!, My position on driverless cars is that i think that its a very good idea to be able to drive on our own stll, even though the car has acess to be able to drive on it's own. It would make people feel safe to be able to prevent an accident if there was a mounfunction.
How ever the way technology is improving is truly fasinating, but there will be people out there that would like to drive on their own and be able to take breaks often. But like I said in the previous paragraph they would feel more safe if they where able to control on their own as well as wanting to take breaks here and there.
"Within 10 years sensors have become more advanced to detect ands respond to danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers. the sensors can apply breakes on individual wheels and reduce power from an engine allowing far better response and control than a human drive ever could." quoted Google Cofounder Sergey. There could be serious monfunctions, we cant predict that cant happen. So i think it would be safer if we had the ability to choose to drive or not.
But in a way this could really help us out in the future, say that a driver is not paying attention to the road and they are about to hit a deer.. a sensor could very well come in handy to keeping anyone in the car safe and it also can prevent damage to the car. In other wods this could go either way it could be good but also have some concerns.
So in conclusion i belive that if we keep working at the technology we could very well have a success at driverless cars, but untill then i think we should really think out the pros and cons of this situation before we advance to the next step. This could very well be and amazing break through but also could lead us in to some complications, so in other words i belive that we should have thwe choice to drive and be able to have this advantage to be able to have this as an easy safe thing. | 34
08fb0fb | I am Luke Bomberger and I just graduated from High school and had two part time jobs. One was at the bank and another at the grocery store. One day my friend Don Reist asked me if I wanted to go to Euroope on a cattle boat, and I could not resit it.
It was 1945 and World War two had just ended and the UNRRA joined together and helped the coutries to recover from the war. UNNRA hired ¨Seagoing Cowboys¨ to take care of the cattle that were shipped over seas. Don and I signed up to do this position. In August we got orders to go to New Orleans. I had 335 horses that I had to take care of.
After about two weeks we finally arrived, but caring for the animals kept me busy.
They had to be fed and watered at least two or three times a day, bales of hay and bags of oats had to be dragged from the lower holds of the ship and the stalls had to be cleaned out. I had helped out at my aunt? farm when I was younger but I was not prepared for the dangers on the sea. On my second trip I was going to go make my hourly report to the captain and I slid down a slippery ladder. A small metal strip had stopped me from going into the dark atlantic, but I was not able to work for a couple days because my ribs were cracked.
This job kept me very busy, and had many oppertunities to see things I have never seen before. I halso had found some times that I could have fun on board instead of having to care for the animals. After the animals would be dropped off we would head back. We played all kinds of activites and games. The cowboys played baseball and volleyball in empty places were the animals were. We also had table-tennis tournoments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, the games had help pass time.
I encourage ever teenager if you have an opputunity, to sign up for this job. This job I was able to see things I had never seen, it was a lifetime experience, and I was able to stay busy with the animals and then have a little fun. I encourage this job because this is what I did it was an enjoyable jod. I mean how cool is it to ride a ship and take care of cattle. Then after they get unloaded you can even have some fun on the ship. It helped me become more aware of other countries and their needs. | 12
678d7d6 | The Face On Mars
Do you think the face on mars was created by aliens? I dont, and im going to tell you why the "Face on Mars" was not created by aliens. Theres not enough evidence to prove that aliens exist. Conspiracy theorists just want something to obsess about!
The "Face on Mars" was not created by aliens.
A few days after the face appeared, NASA unveiled the image for all to see. It also had a caption saying "Huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giveing it the illusion of eyes, a nose, and a mouth." The authors said it was a good way to engage the public and attract attension to Mars.They also stated that it looked like the head of an Egyptian Pharoh.
Since they unveiled the image, the "Face on Mars" has become a pop icon. It's even been stared in a Holywood film, it's appeared in books, in magazines, on radio talk shows, and in
haunted grocery store cheakout lines for a while! Some people even think the Face is evidence of life on Mars, they say its evidence that NASA woulike to be kept a secret, said conspiracy theorists. All while people who defence the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. A few scientists even thought it was an alien artifact. Capturing photos of Cydonia had become a priority for NASA when the MGS arrived at the Red Planet in September, 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions had ended!
Jim Garvin, cheif scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program stated "We felt this was important to taxpayers. We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." On April 8, 2001, a cloudless day in Cydonia, MGS drew close enough for a seond look. "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the feild of view," said Garvin, "Malin's team captured an extordinary photo useing the camera's abseloute maximum resolution." What they captured was a rock formation.
So, as i have concluded, the "Face on Mars" was a rock formation with shadows makeing the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth (as i stated earlier). So basically, the Face was an illusion of a face, but in reality, it was just a gigantic rock formation with shadows, but i could see how conspiracy theorists would get the idea of aliens. | 12
5d23658 | The Facial Action Coding System is a system that will construct a 3-D computer model of the face and use muscle movements to figure out what you are communicating emotionally. With that being said, will this information given by the system be valuable in a classroom? Here are my reasons why I believe it would be valuable to both the students and teacher in the classroom.
In a classroom, you have a wide range of personalities. Students may feel shy or uncomfortable asking questions. If a teacher asks how well the class is dealing with the subject, a student may say they are dealing well with the subject when they really are not. Dr. Huang says is,"Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication...So computers need to understand that, too." A teacher in a classroom can understand verbal communication but maybe only slight emotional communication. Having a Facial Action Coding System (FACS) in your computer can help it to understand the majority of what a student may really be feeling about the subject.
A lot of times today classrooms are packed with students, also giving a wide range of abilities. This range of ability doesn't allow teachers time to help the struggling students. In paragraph six Dr. Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored...then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." If we had this technology, it could help students to keep up with the rest of their class by changing how the lesson is taught depending on the individual.
This technology would have the capability to figure out more easily the emotions of a student and be able to relay that back to the teacher. A teacher may think that a class is enjoying the subject based on what they say or what they act like, when in actual fact this may not be the case. According to the text, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." This technology can understand if students are not relating well with the style of teaching that is available and then make this information available to the teacher. The teacher can then look at what the students really feel like in their class, and then adapt the style or structure of class to facilitate more engagement and interaction from the students.
Therefore I believe that the use of this new technology would be valuable. FACS would be able to help struggling students do better than they are in their subjects by changing the lesson depending on their emotions. It would be able to modify the lesson for a student so that they may more easily understand. It would be able to help teachers to understand how their students feel in the classroom and so they can more easily facilitate the students different learning styles. This system would help the whole classroom function more effectively. | 34
a1d6398 | Visiting Venus would be a worthy pursit despite the danger it presents says the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus". He makes many assuments that give the idea of going to venus is good and would be life changing. The author says all of this knowing the danger that could come from visiting Venus with much support. In a fair arguement, the author gives details in both sides to basically balance them both out to the point that we shouldn't even bother of thinking.
The author talks about the size of both Earth and Venus in paragraph two, to compare them in way. Line one, paragraph 2 states " Often referred to as Earth's twin, Venus is the closet planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too" the authour is trying to give us a aspect of the planets being simliar. The author brings up the density and size of Earth and Venus being the same to show us that if we were all to move there one day we would be able to fit. The author also brings up how far away it is, casue image if it was at the end of our solar system we would never be able to get there as it take a life time to reach the end of the solar system. Earth and Venus being compared like this is enough for us humans to contunie to explore and maybe hope one day we could be on Venus.
The author also talks about Venus probably being like earth along time ago, to show us that Earth and Venus aren't that different after all. In paragraph four, the author gives us compareise to today Earth to long time ago Venus. The author states in line three, paragraph four " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth" this indicts that life might of occured and if it did thats a game changer. The author also states that the surface of the planet is made up of rocky sediment which include valleys, mountains, and craters just like earth. Venus and Earth once being the same is crazy and who knows maybe they still are in a way we just need to keep on studying it.
Last but not least here comes the danger of pursiting Venus and the diffcults we could face in studying it. Paragraph three states many different kind of problems Venus could bring like the atmosphere, temperatures, Volcanoes and other natural disaters. Venus atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dixode, to us humans that is a very thick atmosphere that we wouldn't like to put up with. Also the temperature there is 90 times greater then Earth standing to about 900 degrees Fahrenheit, just image califorina the way it is right now and times it by 90, it would be literally a burning hell. It just gets better as it also indicts that there are erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting to mess with our landing problems. We may have to risk the danger of our human lives but at all stakes it is worth it, think about what could happen to us if we actually get somewhere with this study.
Therefore all this precautions and dangers in studying/visiting Venus brings i think we can all say we should pursit it. This artitcle gives us a lot of reason why and a lot of reason why we shoudn't but this is why we are humans, we do to achieve. As all is said Venus is worth pursit despite the danger it present and i think we can all agree about this suggestion. | 34
cda1813 | The "Face on Mars" may seem like is was created by aliens but it is just a coincidence that the landform looks just like a face. The "Face on Mars" is in fact just a mesa but with "unusual shadows that made it look like an Egytian Pharaoh". In my opinion,it may seem like a alien has created the face on Mars but I belive that such a thing as alien do not exist.
The picture of the face being in 1976 did not have good quality with the high technology we have today. So when Michael Malin and his MOS team took a photo of the face recently people were shocked to find out that the face is just a natural landform. Also, not many scientist belive that the face is a alien artifact either. The face on Mars is just a "huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth."
The "Face on Mars" may seem like it was created by aliens but it was just a coincidence that the natural landform resembled a human face. The shadows around the face make the landform seem like it has a mouth, nose, and eyes but it is just a mesa. In conclusion, the face that was captured on a region on Mars, Cydonia, is in fact a natural landform and was not formed by aliens. | 23
f16b9e9 | Dear senator of Florida,
In my opinion of the Electoral College, I think we should keep it. Many people would most likely say I am wrong to think that way or I am just a kid and I have no idea what I am discussing, but I really think we should even though it has some flaws, here is my three reasons why.
First, it was established by our founding fathers. The ones who fought in battle against Britan. They sacerficed their lives to get us where we are today. Its not just a law, its what connects us to our ancestors and its what makes us unique from most nations voting systems today and back then.
Second, Though most will complain that we are not actually voting for president, but that we are putting our time and effort into voting for a slate of electors who then vote for president. Even though there is no rule against them not voting for the president of your choosing, most of them will vote for him since they are on his team and have pleged themselves to him. So really there is a very high chance of them voting for the president you want. I say they have done a very good job for such a stressing carrier.
Third, It has been going good so far. There are'nt wars taking place outside our homes like in some countries. Our Republican and Democratic parties are gracious in victory or humble in defeat. Yes there are some flaws in the system but thats just human nature. None of us are perfect and we never will be. We will make mistakes and we just got to live with them because there going to happen whether we like it or not.
This is my three major reasons why I think we should keep the Electoral College. I hope you found them intresting and will take the words to heart. Please dont tred on the fact that I am just a teen, but that there is a teen out there that actually cares about our nations future and government. | 23
d4240bf | Having a device that reads the emotions of humans would no doubt be very valuable. The device would cause the teacher to know the emotions of every one of their students and in return, the teacher would be more effective. Due to the new information they have, the teacher could change the style of teaching, change their lesson plans, or ask the students why they are feeling what, based on the emotions of the students.
Students have a way of staring blankly when teachers are talking. While the students are not paying attention to the teacher's lecture, the teacher is worrying about how to get the attention of his or her students. But the teacher has no idea how the students are feeling, and the students end up not learning anything. In this common situation, the teacher would have been greatly helped if they knew the emotions of their students. If the teacher knew the students were tired, he or she could have made them do a brain exercise or a warm-up. The teacher could have used a conversation starter or made the class more interactive to gain the students' attention.
Once one gains the attention of the students, teaching becomes a lot easier. The students start to have more fun, and they learn effectively. Because students are learning more and becoming smarter, more will go to college and succeed in life at a higher rate.
Although the use of the Facial Acyion Coding System for the teacher and the learning of the students, it would be an invasion of privacy. Students might feel weirded out by the fact that the teacher knows every single emotion they have. Also, it turns out that humans tend to be pretty good at reading each others' emotions, so it might not be all that beneficial, depending on the teacher.
The best way to deal with the invasion of privacy factor, would be to receive consent from all of the students and their parents. If this step is passed, the students will receive a better education and overall, be better students. | 34
a3f2c8f | I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys Program. If you think you shouldn't I will give you two
very good reasons why you should. But remember it's a once in a life time thing.
First of if your the kind of person that likes to save the community or help others this is the perfect job for it. If get you join the club you'll be saving lots of animals, people, plants,and habitats. The cows can be saved by building a farm. The animals like dear, wolfs, and squirrels and all the other animals can be saved by the forest. Sharks and fish and the other sea living animals can be saved by not putting polluted thing in the water. Snakes and the coyotes can be saved by helping the desert animals.
Second, if your the kind of guy or women that likes to climb, or go on journeys, and swim then this also the perfect club. You'll go climb mountains and sail on huge boats and for fun catch fish.
Those are the two amazing reasons now i'll see you there hope you have fun! | 23
5997fe1 | Amazing! Venus often referred to as Earth's twin. Venus is the only planet that has a simlairty of Earth, a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide, and sending humans to study Venus.
Venus is the only planet that has a simlairty of Earth. The size, and density are quite alike. Scientists believe that Venus, "Could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Venus has water just like Earth does too. So this tell us that Venus and earth have many things that make them alike.
Venus got a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide. "Have clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." This tell us that Venus have much more carbon dioxide then earth has. Venus is much more hotter then Earth. Venus has temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus is some what alike to Earth, but it has many difference to it too.
Scientists are planning to sent humans to Venus to learn more about Venus. Scientists believes that, "The surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." To get into Venus is going to be hard because there's a thick hot atmosphere. As in Earth, we don't have a hot thick atmosphere. Witch gives it a more difference.
Overall, there's many things that venus show it's a great planets for people all around the world. It has a simlarity to Earth, it has a thick atmosphere, and scientists are thinking to send humans to learn more about Venus. What other more planets is more alike to Earth? | 01
69e8f9e | Dear every state senator of the United States of America and the District of Colombia, the Electoral College has an unfair sysytem. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The citizens of the U.S doesn't have a say in the desicion of whose going to be their countries leader. Hopefully these senators come to realize that it is a fair oppurtunity if citizens also have a say when the desicions are being made. For the good of the United States of America and the District of Colombia, Changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America would be an amazing change.
To commence with, citizens don't have a say in whose their leader. According to the Office of the Federal Register, "Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are." No where in the process of deciding which president should be chosen , does a citizen have a say in who they want. These are citizens who work and give tax money to the state and help the important people like the senators, presidents , vice president etc., they deserve respect and have a chance to be a part of a popular vote for the president of the united states of America. Although having popular vote can still fail to satysify some masses of people , it is a way where everyone could be involved in fair desicions. "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." The man said it himself. Bradford Plumer is against having the Electoral system. Hopefully one day state senators of the U.S. and the District of Colombia doesn't fail to realize that their system of voting for the president and vice president are unfair to the Citizens of their country. Changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America instead of the electoral college because citizens aren't having a say in any important decisions.
Furthermore, desicions may fall into the wrong hands. "Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the house of representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. (The senate would choose the vice-president.)" The election is only a few swing voters away from a disaster. What if the house of representatives only has one political party? then does the president who is in that political party always win? There are so many reasons why citizens should have a chance to have vote by direct popular votes, that way descions wont fall into the wrong hands.
In conclusion, the state senates should consider making a new sysytem of voting;changing to election by popular votes. | 34
ff0aba9 | Is the Electoral College a good thing? A Majority would say no and that it is a non democratic method of selecting a president. Many believe this system should be changed, as it is not really an accurate way to show what the majority wants, and that the president of the united states should be chosen through the popular vote. What if there is a tie in the electoral vote? In the case of a tie the election would be given to the house of represenatives. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, this isn't really and accurate reflection of the will of the people.
The electoral college is a system that has voters vote for a slate of electors, not the president. If you lived in california, for example, and voted democrat, you actually voted for a slate of Democratic electors pledged to the Democratic party. These electors, if they won the statewide election, would then go to congress and the Democrat candidate would recieve the vote of these electors. Anyone not holding public office can be an elector. And it depends on the state on how they are picked. Sometimes the presidential candidates themselves choose who the electors are. Voters can't always control who the electors end up voting for.
Of course the electoral college method has its upsides. Being that with this system in place the outcome of the election is more certain. Of Course a dispute over the outcome is possible, it did happen in 2000, but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. However, it can be argued that this method can turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, Democrats in Texas for example, or Republicans in California. These voters, knowing their vote will have little to no effect, would have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would if the president was chosen through the popular vote.
At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Most states have a winner-take-all system in place. Which means that they award the winning presidential candidate all of the electors votes. Because of this candidates dont spend time in states they have no chance of winning. They choose to mainly focus on the undecided states. In some cases, states don't get to see the candidates at all during the campaign, or even a single campaign ad.
In short, Does the electoral college work? In some ways yes but in many ways no. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The electoral college should be abolished, and the decision of who becomes president should be left to the popular vote; seeing as it is a more accurate representation of the collective will of the people. | 34
9366611 | From the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," there are many good and bad things about the driveless cars. My position is in this article is that it is not a good idea to have driverless cars because, for example the cars needs to always have someone holding the wheel, many driving laws just want cars where the driver is in control at all times, and new laws would have to be added just in case someone is injured.
The cars that are in now are still not driverless because they still need someone behind the wheel just in case the car has to go through wok zones, accidents, and traffics. In the text it stated, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This means that the car has to alert the driver to take over in case of any situation they are not programmed to do, so the driver has to remain alert and ready to drive the car whenever it needs to.
Many states still do not accept "driverless" cars because the traffic laws require that there is a human driver behind the wheel at all times. In the article it said, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." This quote means that traffic laws do not accept any cars that are driverless because they want to keep every driver, passenger, and pedestrian safe especially just in case technology goes wrong at the wrong time.
Finally, there would have to be new laws added just in case someone gets hurt driving one of the driverless cars. In the texts it stated, "Still, even if the traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technologly fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-- the driver or the manufacture?" What this is trying to explain is that in case of an accident whos fault is it going to be? Will it be the driver even though he is not supposed to be driving, or the manufacture because he was the one who invented that technology.
In conclusion, there are many things wrong with this idea of a driverless car.For example, still needs a driver behind the wheel at all times, traffic laws require that there has to be an alert driver, and that there would have to be more laws added just in case there is an accident. These were very valid for there not to be driverless cars in the United States. | 34
2357683 | "This face is unbelivable," said Ryan."You really belive that junk they already said that it was just a rock formation," I responded. It was an illusion which resembles a human head formed by the shadows. Ryan got mad but didn't really have any proof to say other wise.
He said that It's bona fied evidence no matter what i said or the article. He also said the alien markings were hidden by haze.
I responded,"But in 2001 during the summer of Cydonia they took another picture and what the picture actually shows is the martian equalvilent of a buttle or mesa landform. He said the picture's could have just decayed and rotted away so that's why it looks so diffrent.
Even though he had a good point he still agreed with me and realized he was coming up with things i already prooved wrong. So we just called it a day and waited for the next debate to come up. | 12
34ad8eb | Ah, the electoral college. Don't you just
how irrelevent, unfair, and confusing it is? In fact, it is so without flaw, that in 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote, but he lost the presidency (Source 2). Some people say that the electoral college is an anachronism, but some people disagree. Those people are wrong. The electoral college was irritating in the 1960's, and it's irritating now. You should side with Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and the Chamber of Commerce (Source 2), and abolish the electoral college.
First, and most importantly, the electoral college is unfair to voters . Most states in the electoral college is based on a "winner take all" system; if the candidate gets the majority of votes in that state, that candidate gets the electors (Source 1). This means most candidates focus in on the states they know that they have a chance of winning, and focus on going after "swing states" (Source 2). If a candidate was to get the majority in Texas, Florida, and California, the three biggest swing states, the candidate would have 122 electoral votes, almost half of the 270 votes necessary to win (Sources 1 and 3). Voters for the electoral college say that people in the swing states are going to pay closer attention to the campaign and become more thoughtful voters (Source 3), but should 10% of the nation decide who runs your country?!
The second virus causing the electoral college to convulse and bite its tongue in half is what happens in the event of a tie. If this is to occurr, then state delegates in the House of Represenatatives decide the President (Source 2). Each state only casts one vote, so the representative from Rhode Island would have just as much to say as the 55 representatives from the state of California (Source 1 and 2). Not only that, but a majority of people vote one party for president and another for Congress (Source 3). There are 538 possible votes in the electoral college (Source 1), so it isn't impossible for a tie to happen. In 1976, if 5,559 voters from Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had switched candidates, there would have been a tie (Source 2).
And finally, the last thing that makes the electoral college as relevant as a new wheel for your horse and buggy is that, it's mind-bogglingly confusing. The electoral college is run by humans, so we must account for human error. The electors are just people chosen by the candidate who don't hold a seat in government (Sources 1 and 2). In 1960, a group of racists in Louisiana almost replaced Democratic electors with ones who would oppose John F. Kennedy, and he would have lost the election (Source 2). In Hawaii, also in 1960, two slates of electors were sent (Source 3). Faithless electors have refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for anyone else (Source 2).
In conclusion, the electoral college is literally pointless. It's unfair and confusing. If America had decided on a majority rules electoral system, and not this pile of trash, we would still have all the same presidents we did before. Well, except Al Gore. | 45
3e60172 | The challenges of exploring Venus can be worthly pursuit but dangers can be presented. One postive example of
Venus is called the evening star is one the brightest ponits of light in the night sky making it simple for even an amater stragazer to spot. The reason we explore or visit other plants its because the human curioity will likely lead us to many other discovers. A not so postive example is just imagine living on Venus and not having electronics lets put an eample just imagine exposing a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. Second Venus is called the earth twins. why do you ask? Earth in terms of density and size and occasionally the closet in distance too. Earth and Venus and Mars are other planetary neighbor who they orbit the sun at different speeds.
The difference in speed from earth to venus is that sometimes we are closer to mars and other times to venus is close to earth. A negavtive reason Venus has a thick atomosphere of almost 97 perecent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Another challange is that that the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atomshere. The conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Thrid reason Venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our planet ,even though Mercury is closer to our sun. The dangers ir presents is the high pressure and heat,venus geology and weather present additionl impediments like erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting. A reason why humanity is exploring venus because it once have been earth like planet in our planet. A long time ago Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. This shows the dangers Venus has and the if it worthly to discovered. | 23
7c244f3 | Driverless cars to some may be benificial and I'm all for it. The news is on everyday and there's atleast one incident where "a car ran off the road" or "there's a traffic jam from a car crash." Would this happen with driverless cars? I don't think we would have as many car wrecks, slideoffs, and traffic jams if we had driverless cars. I feel the streets would be more safe and run extremely smoother, then they are now.
As we all know It's 2016 and we're only moving further and further into technology. Driverless cars are only the next big thing and they're being noticed more and more everyday. All these manufacturers and car companies are trying to come up with the safest driveless cars as possible and that's just what they're doing. Do you think the first car invented had all these gadgets we have now? No, they had no gps, airbags, or these car sensors we have now, but we grew in technology and made them more safe.
The biggest thing that's stopping driverless cars from being on the streets in my opinion is safety. Nobody has saw driverless cars on the street, so we don't know how to react to something so new. Driverless cars would have all of these sensors that will keep the car from crashing or breaking speed limits. These driveless cars are only mimicing a human at the wheel, but these signals and sensors are way safer then a humans senses and signals.
These driverless cars will open up doors for many future inventions. Back in the 1900's they weren't expecting there to be all of this technology, but there is. Technology is only going to grow and grow. What we need to do is adapt to these new inventions and make the best of them because next week you might see Toyota come out with a flying car.
Just think to yourself " could you see driverless cars on the street or even see yourself in one?" Well my answer is yes because we need more safety on the streets and obviosly people can't do it themselves so why not give technology a chance? Driveless cars would change the world and maybe the world needs a change, but the world definitley need safer streets. | 34
a5456c7 | The conviniance of the cars would be nice, but what if the car malfunctioned and it crashed? Would the car owner be responcible or would the manufacturer? Whould the cars be able to be hacked, like a cell phone or laptop?
How would the person or people in the car know they are safe?
I would not feel comfertoble having a computer driving me around and deciding if it takes me through a bad naughborhood or if it takes the long way around. ""The psycological aspects of automation are really a chalenge," admits Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager driver." If I were to be put in danger, would that compurter be able to get me out of that danger? I don't think so because, again, it is a programed computer. The car is programed to follow the laws set forth. If going over the speed limit to get away from a person trying to harm me or the people I am with is the way that we stay alive, then that's what needs to be done.
If the car is programed to go the speed limit, how many police officers would lose their job? There would be no speeding, so there would be no need to have them on the road as much.
What would happen if there was a fire? If the vehicls are programed to go the speed limit, how will the fire fighters get to the house on time? If there is an acident, because the person in the car has no control over it, how will the peramedics get to the scene on time?
If the car doors are locked and there is no way to get out in a crash, there will be more of a chance of people dieing from a car crash than before the cars come out. The officers would have to cut the person out, if that can be done. If the crash is so bad that the person can't be cut out what does that say about cars manufacturer?
In comclution, I think that having driverless cars could cause more damage than good. Yes, it would be more convinient, but safe I dont think so. | 12
9aa64b9 | The aothor support this idea in the article pretty well. Venus is the second planet from the sun.Venus also has one of the hotter surface temperature of any planet in our solar system.Venus is called the "Evening Star''
because it is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky.Venus has the cloest density and size to Earth. So people reffer this planet as twin planet of earth.Venus is survuvable fo human son it is worth pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Venus is survival for human because Venus used to be one of the planet like earth in our solar system along time ago.'' venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have support various froms of life, just like earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.'' this evidence tell us that Venus the most likely going to be where the human move when the earth no longer liveable in the future.
Another reason that Venus is worth pursuit despite the danger it presents is it is closest to the earth.'' furthermore, recall that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel.'' The Venus is close to the planet we live so if something were happen to it we have to move to Mar or Venus. So, we have research do our resarch on it so we stay there before we find a planet that suit us.
The idea that we should do our research on Venus even if we know the danger. But there is going to be alot problem when we do it example '' however, peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most froms of light cannot penetrade the dense atmosphhere, redering standard froms of photography and videography ineffective. More importantly, researcher cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance.'' We will face the danger but it will also evole the human kind by alot.
This very help full in the easy. People does not care about the future so that they are worried that something may happen to the earth . So research have tosearch for away that will make human live in Venus or Mar so that human does not extienct. This article give me more about Venus in many way. | 23
c797511 | The idea of driverless cars has been an idea for many years. Now it's actually happening, companies are starting to test cars like this for near years usage. I think cars should be driverless because it helps people save money, the cars are safer, and they're modern.
Driverless cars help people save money by people not having to buy cars. The passage states in the first paragraph that, "Google cofounder Sergey Brin, envisions a future with a public transportation system with driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system." If people just call the taxi service they won't have the need for a car, so they'll save a bunch of money. With that buses and taxis would use have the fuel they use today, so it could also help with pollution. Also with the taxi system people can be picked up quicker than with taxi services we have today, so people can get to their jobs faster or anywhere.
With driverless cars they're also safer than normal driving cars. The passage mentions an idea of having cameras on the driver to make sure they're alert and paying attention. The car itself has the power to control brake when needed and reduce or increase power from the engine, the car is better at response and control than a human driver alone. There is still the possible mishap of having an accident, but the accident could either be the driver or the car's fault. When the car knows of construction work or too much traffic about to happen the car alerts the driver to start driving, so the car can avoid any accidents happening on its part.
The driverless car is so much more modern than the normal driving car of today. Modernizing cars started in the 1980's, automakers created the antilock brakes and now those have grown to something bigger;the wheels of today detect out-of-control skids or rollovers. The car also tells the driver when to drive for example, GM has developed seats that vibrated to tell the driver to take a hold of the wheel. What's truly so modern about driverless cars is cameras on the rear wheel, rearview mirror, also rotating sensor on the roof, GPS reciever, and inertial motion sensor. All those features are being tested on a Toyota Prius, but the best feature of all is the 3-D model of the surrounding around the car to show the driver what their surroundings are.
I'm personally for driverless cars because they help save money, they're safer, and they're modern. Of course there is still things to work on the cars and some legalizing to be done for states. Driverless cars are the thing of the near future that's for sure. | 23
9853a17 | "Driverless Cars Are Coming" is a great article and makes a lot of great points about this product. My opinion on driverless cars is I think it's a great idea. Also there could be a down side to this product as well.
A public-transportation taxi system that use half the fuel of today's taxis would be a great idea. It would be great for the environment, as well as us as people. This system woul for sure change the world. The Google cars that work independantly have driven half a million miles withough a collision. Which is great because there goes a lot of injured people and totalled cars that people need as transportation. At the same time, these cars still need a human to operate them under certain conditions such as, puling in and out of places, driving through construction places or car accidents. The idea of the cars running on a track is a grea tidea as well, but there is just no time to fix all these roads to make our cars driverless. Also the cost of this would be too expensive. Also if the car could opperate on its own, I would think that the driver would be even more careless than they already are and would pay even less attention. If the car would still need the driver to be alert in case of needing to take over, drivers would just be more tempted to look away and do other things while driving, and then if the car needed the driver to take over they will have already crashed because the driver was distracted by something else. In my opinion driverless cars is a goof idea in some ways, but in other ways they are dangerous. They are nice to have, but only if you are able to be responsible with them. You need to be able to have self dicipline to be able to operate a car like this and stay alert even if the car is driving for you. Anything can happen in a split second. A plus side to them would be if you are someone that works in the city and always has to sit and wait in rush hour, then this would be a good car for you to have. The car would drive for you in this mess, so you wouldn't get so tired of it. But something that I would worry about personally is trusting the car to do it's job. It is a machine, it could malfunction and make a mistake. Like if it doesn't stop when the rest of the traffic does and it rear-ends someone. Or it doesn't go when the rest of the traffic does and someone rear-ends you. It could be dangerous, and the car messing up like that would't be the buyers fault, it is just still something I would worry about as a driver of a driverless car.
The points made in this article are very helpful to understand the progress being made with driverless cars. They would definitely benefit us in the future, and make car pileups a thing of the past. | 12
4d6ac79 | Dear Senator,
The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The system has been around for milleniums from our founding fathers and the Constitution in the 1700s to present day America, it is critical that we update our system to a more realistic process where the citizens have more say in the leader we choose to lead us. I am in favor in abolishing the Electoral College becasue most of the power should be held in the hand of the citizens and the popular vote should have more regards than the vote in Congress. I am not in favor in keeping the Electoral College because under the college system, voters don't vote for the president but for a slate elector, who in turn "elect the president", the process is unfair to voters, and over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election rather than the kind we have now.
When people go out of thier way to vote, they vote because they want to have a say in their potentially future. They vote for who they believe would lead our society and modern day world in the right direction. They would like to think that one vote could make a difference in a election, but with the Electoral College voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than vote who they actulally want to be president. Under the Electoral College voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in return elect the president. In reality the people are not voting for the president they are putting their trust in somebody they vote to vote for the person they have choose to lead. Democrats in Texas for example knowing their vote will have no effect in the election they become less interested in the campaign than they would if the president was choosen diectly by popular votes and that is unfair to the people.
The process is unfair to the people because of the "winner takes all" system in each state the canidates dont take time in states in which they know have no chances of gaining them any power, they stay in states that are more benefically to them. The canidates mostly focus on the tight races ocuring in the "swing states" in 2000 many states didnt even get to see the candiates because they were "little, irrlevent, and worthless" states. I'm sure many people in those sates such as South Carolina and Rhode Island had a lot of input to add in the 2000 campagin but because they were little minority states they werent focused on as much as the other larger staes. This is very unfair and judgementally to these states because the Electoral College is based on involuntary effects, the inhabitants of North Caiolina or Rhode Island cannot control where they choose to live, they might have to live in the certain geograpic location because of finaces or religous persecution. They may want to have a say in the election but cant because of their living arrangements.
Many might contradict that the Electoral College is benefical because it has more of a certain outcome but with that certainty comes many votes and state votes that were disregarded. The Electoral College is unfair in many different aspects we need to update our system of election, becasue like everything else in the world has an expiration date. Their is an expiration date on almost all of our food and beverages, an expiration date on salvery, an expiration date on our life, and so now we need an expiration date on the Electoral College. | 45
12b0d0a | There is alot of advantages to limiting cars. Is there disadvantages? Yes, there is, but limiting cars can also be dangerous, well because the Law Enforcements needs cars and so does the Fire Department or even hospitals. The Law Enforement needs cars to catch criminals faster, and the Fire Departments need cars so they can save us from fires and to save cats from trees, how do they even climb up there? who knows, and the hospital needs them to save patients or to get them to the hospital faster so doctors can save them, but i personally think its a great idea to have limited cars.
First of all alot of people would lose their jobs due to limited cars, such as mechanics, car dealers, etc. mechanics will go out of business because of no business and so will the car dealers, and if cars dealers dont sell many cars, the company might go out of business too, but its good because they might think of building better cars like the hybrid so we wont have much pollution or wont have to use natural gas. In the suburbs of Germany 70 percent of Vauban's families dont own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move there. "when i had a car i was always tense. Im much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter a resident in the suburb.
Another advantage is that it is much more peaceful and quiet. "the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor" this sentence from the "Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" explains that it is very peaceful because theres no noise, no pollution and much more healthier people because they ride bikes everywhere and walk alot, and theres no pollution so theres probably people who dont have breath in nasty air of cars. Even the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are even starting to do the same.
People that have no cars most likely walk alot and ride bikes, or even run, well because of that the amount of stress people have is probably very low, because of low stress people are happier, and thats because excersize relieves stress and even reduce headaches or other health problems. Even the death rate will go decrease because there will less car accidents, and car accidents are the numer one reason of death and the United States. In Bogota they were in their third year where cars were banned but only buses and taxis were permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. Their goal is to promote alternative tranportation to reduce nasty smog and violators faced a $25 fines, the turnout of this was large, despite the gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers. "The rain hasnt stopped people from participating," said the Mayor of Bogota
In conclusion the advantages of limited cars are great and the people of Car-less cities or areas are much happier without them, people are healthier, less stressed and even have less health problem due to it, but who will save the cats from climbing trees? maybe they wont climb it because of no pollution or scary car noises. | 23
da750c7 | I would have to say that I am in favor of moving forward and progressing towards driverless cars. There are quite a few reasons why I believe it's a great idea. After the idea is perfected, roads will be much safer, The cost of transportation will go down and also it could possibly make transporting on roads much faster.
The idea of this "driverless car" is quite astonishing, but once it is perfected it will open up doors to new oppurtunities in transporting on roads. For example, the car would be able to sense cars that a human could possibly not see. This would make the amount of car accidents go down.
Also, some states have already allowed computer driven cars on the road, as it says in the passage. This demonstates that these driverless cars are becoming safer everyday. It also says in the article that manufacturers believe the number of states to allow driverless cars is only going to continue rising as they advance there search for safer and possibly cheaper cars or solutions.
One other reason that i believe that these cars are a great idea is because it says that the cars can make for cheaper transportation. For example, it states in the article that Sergey Brin, cofounder of google, believes that the fuel amount needed in these futuristic cars will be half of what we use today. We would be able to do less harm to the environment by using less fuel. Also, Sergey Brin states that taxis would be more flexible and safe. This reduces the risk of having a taxi driver that might put you in danger. Although these cars will be much safer there are many more reasons to agree with driverless cars.
One final reason I believe in driverless cars itll be much faster to get from place to place. For example, a autonomous car could go a certain speed much higher than the current highway speed limits and sense any danger. It would be able to go at a much faster speed but also keep the roads jusr as safe.
All in all, there is still much research to be done for these cars to be perfected and be able to be driven on the roads legally. Although, if we continue to advance in driveless cars the generations after us will be see roads much different then we do today. They will see a much safer, faster, and cheaper way of moving around. | 23
e630ec3 | The reason why Luke went to Europe was because his friend Don invited him to go. When Luke graduation he had two part time jobs but when his friend Don invited he to go to Europe on a cattle bout luke was happy to go with his friend Don.
Luke was on the cattle bout from 1945 to 1947 because he had to make nine trips from the Eastern coast of the United States to china that is a mouth away from the United States. When Luke was on the cattle bout he found fun thing to do like play baseball,vollyball in the empty holds where animals been housed they even played table -tennis, fencing, boxing and reading whittling.
In Luke point of view he was happy that he got to go on the cattle bout and help people get the animals to Europe and chine but it took two year to get all the animals to Europe and chine. Luke was a seagoing cowboy when he was on th cattle bout. It was more then an adventure to Luke it opened up the world to Luke. Luk was greatful for the opportunity to go on a cattle bout. | 01
c6fb45a | I see why you think that aliens could have formed it. In 1976 it looks like a face and we all were surprised about it, but we needed more evidence. The picture quality was not the best so we went back out there in April 5, 1998 and we snapped another picture of the so called "face".
The camera that we used was ten times sharper picture than the first picture that we took. We looked at the picture that we took and there was no alien monument after all, but the picture still wasn't that well of quality. Not everyone was satisfied.
On April 8, 2001,a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, we decided to take another picture but with better quality. We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the face so we could clearly see it. We captured a photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Each pixle spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 photo. It was clear that it was just a land form and no signs of alien form. | 01
7f20880 | First off I want to let you know that Electoral College is a process and not a place. It was established by the founding fathers. Process consists of the selection of the electors, the metings of the electors where they vote for president and Vice President. The electoral college consists of 538 electors and the majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. The amount of members in its congressional delegation, "one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two of your Senators". The candidate that's running for president in your state has it's own group of electors. They're generally chosen by the candidate's political party but that state law varys on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. One of the best things about the Electoral College is that it's widely regarded as an anachronism and a non-democratic method of the selecting of a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes wins. it also requires a president candidate to have transregional appeal. Always remember "voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. | 01
64b2315 | Automobile accidents are very common in suburbs and in cities. Car reduced communites would not only help help us us a world financially but also help when it comes to our health. Robert Duffer and Elisabeth Rosenthal explain and inform the advantages of limiting car usage.
Cars in this day in age seem like a necessity when it comes to transportaion but cars being the main source of transportation isn't always a good thing. Many countires are beginning to promote the philosophy of car reduced communites. According to David Goldberg, " All of our develpoment since World War II has been centerd on the car, and that will have to change ". Cars being the main focus of transportaion is not good. The gases from the fuel produces pollution which eventually leads to harmful diseases. We should take more advanatge of our technological advances and come up with a safer, effective, and more economical way to transport our everyday citizens. Imagine if we stopped using cars. The air we breath in day by day would be cleaner, we would all have more money, and their would be less automtive accidents day by day which is one of the main reasons are population isn't increasing as fast as it could. Smog is the main harmful effect of abusing our car usage. Source 2 states that " After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving bam to clear the air of the global city ". The city of Paris is probably one of the most visited city in the entire world so for them to have to stop car usage due to smog is a big deal. Studies have shown that cars are very dangerous and harmful yet we still drive them everyday unconcontious of the fact that day by day were slowly making it harder on ourselves as humans to even survive. Cars are the main source of transportation now a days but its clear to see that the use of cars opposes many disadvantages.
Car-free days would be very effective when it comes to the conservation of our people. Bogata Colombia has come up with the idea of car free days but is this idea more effective them it is ineffective? According to Source 3 " It was he third straight year cars have been bannned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of & million ". You can only imagine how positive this idea actually ended up being. Many people thought that it was a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. Having many more of these days world wide wouldn't harm us (unless we allow it to becasuse we've become so dependable on these machines ) but it would would help our planet become cleaner which tends to relieve stress. With the realization of the fact that cars are better helpful then they are harmful many people may stop buying cars. Source 4 claims that " President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emission, unveiled last week, will get a fortutious assist from an incepient shift in American behavior: recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, drving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by ". Many citizens are beginnning to focus and understand that presrving our populaiton is more important then going where they want when they want to. The concept of car-free days seems to be the better route to choose when it comes to survival, living, and a stressless environment.
Automible accidents are becoming very common in surburbs and cities. We as a people need to more contious on healthier and cleaner communites so that we can begin to produce healthier children. Healthier children means focused children and citizens. Children that are focused on having goals and having careers that help our planet.
We should make the smarter decision to be less selfish and more selfless so we as a people should reduce car usage so we can continute to grow as a population, culltivate, and explore together. | 34
1655699 | The use of the technology to discover one's emotions, I would say is not valuable. Many people say technology has already taken over too much and I am begining to agree. Many people may suffer from disorders like and anxiety disorder or a bi polar disorder, and many doctors and humans would much rather like to have these disorders treated verbally and face to face weither it be by talking to a councilor, threapist , your parents or a doctor. A computer does not need to be able to predict ones feelings, maybe the person does not want others to know how they feel.
In the passage it says that a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, so it could change up the lesson , well you don't know if the student is faking their emotions to be able to get the work modified in a fun way to put in less effort and work. This is taking technoogy almost way to far. Many people like to write down how they are feeling and thats better in a natural way than to have a piece of technology dictate your in this case emotions AND your future. Some things are best to just be adressed in a natural way like verbally talking to a human one on one or writing or excersising, Not sitting in front of a laptop or computer and having it read your emotions. You have to keep in mind some people don't want to have everything or everyone especially a computer knowing that much information about you, Thats like putting on the world wide news "HEY IM SAD TODAY!"
Some students could be going through some personal things like puberty, dealing with a divorce or a death in the family and they may need to talk to someone about it , but I dont think that a computer that has been coded with millions of diffrent formulas and data softwares are going to releive that stress or pain. This upcoming of technology could leave some parents uncomfortable with sending their child to school to have a computer stare at them and predict their current emotion or mood.
So I do not find this use of technology in a classroom to be valuable at all. | 23
c90a358 | According to the article, I think this technology would be very useful to students in a classroom. The article states "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." The video imagery tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. It also can be identified by mixed emotions.
The classrom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored. That's not what we notice everyday in life on a computer in class. This computer will be able to recognize our emotions as if we were happy or sad. If we smile, a smiliar ad will appear on our screen but if we are unhappy then the ad will be different. It can modify the lesson like an effective human instructor. The same technology can also make computer-animated faces more expressive! So that could be for video games and also video surgery.
This tecnology will even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. Its all about muscular action units. In a real smile the zygomatic major lift the corner of your mouth. But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the different muscle, the risorius. Not all computers can just detect our facial expressions just like that. This technology can do just about that!
In conclusion, this technology would be great for students to have in the classroom! Not only will this technology detect their facial expressions but moving your facial muscles can help produce them! This technology would be able to indicate very specific emotions that not us humans would be able to tell what kind of emotion someone else is having. This will show us how technology is getting better and even smarter. How interesting technolgy is getting everyday. | 23
16f205a | I suggest to try the Seagoing Cowboys program based on the information and the passage I have read. It can help you learn and experience things you have probably never done before. Also you could go places you have never been before and probably would like to.
A reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys program is to learn and experience new things. If participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program it makes you realize and make you more aware of people of other countries and their needs.
Secondly, playing games on trips like baseball and volleyball can also be fun. Also table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, whittling, and games also helped pass time. At last, being a Seagoing Cowboy can be more than just an adventure.
It can open up a new world.
As I see it, joining the Seagoing Cowboys program can be an opportunity of a lifetime to travel on a cattle boat and help people from a different country. | 12
5e78328 | The reason why people want to learnn more about venus is because is that its the closet planet compaired to earth in are solar system. Even with its dangerous conditions it shares many simularites to earth. It has things like valleys, mountains, and craters.
The reason however why we've never been able to get a closer look at it is be cause of is dangorus conditions. Things like valcanic europtions, earthquakes, and the contsant lighting storm make it difficult to gett anthing to land on the the ground. However the reason why scientist still wish sto study this planet is that it still would be somewhat possible to support human life.
There was even possibley one point when venus was the most earth like planet in our solar system. It may have even at one point when it could have been possible to support life and it might even had supported life at one point. This is probably why scientist strive to land something on it.
These are the reasons why the authors claims are very much a possibilty. Maby some day venus well be more like a countroy and become a tourist destinaition or just become a place for people to live. but we mont know unless we keep on trying. | 23
0975e3f | Driverless cars might not be just a myth or a fantasy anymore. Google has had cars that can drive independantly since 2009. Though they have gone more than half a million miles without a crash, there are cons to these typs of cars. They arn't entirely driverless yet. These cars still need help getting through places like work zones and accidents. These cars are expensive and still need human help, but they do come with a special safety feature that normal cars don't have.
Driverless cars can be helpful, but they are still expensive. The roads would more than likely have to be updated. General Motors and engineers from Berkeley have both tried different ways to improve the roads. This included roads embedded with electrical cables or magnets, sending signals to the car. These methods proved to be unreasonably expensive. Engineers then looked at making smarter cars. To make them smart enough to drive safely without the help of people and smart roads they would need many sensors. They would need at least nine different sensors. Putting that many sensors on enough cars for everyone to drive would be very costly.
People could also benefit from these cars if they truly were driverless. These so called "driverless" cars can't do many things a person can do while driving. For instance, these cars can't pull in or out of driveways. They also can't make it through roadwork or accidents. Currently, the fastest that driverless cars can handle is 25 miles per hour. This would definitly not be safe on a highway or interstate. These cars are ment to take people where they need to go, but the driver must remain focus if they need to take the wheel.
There are pros to cars like these though. There has to be something to keep the "driver" interested while waiting for their turn to drive, so some manufacturers hope to bring in-car entertainment. If there is something that keeps the driver entertained, there has to be something to get them alert again. These entertainment features can be turned off when needed, pulling the drivers attention back to the road. These safety percautions arn't currently in cars for texting and driving.
Though these cars do come with a safety feature, they are still expensive and can't fully drive alone. I do believe the world can benefit from these cars, but i see to many red flags for them to be reasonable at this time. | 34
e164e8c | Would you want your car to drive itself ? Cars have been around for decades. They've been advancing in technology for years. Everyone loves cars , well almost everyone. I personally don't think it would be a great idea to have driverless cars because Safety issues , expenses , and it would limit new drivers learning opportunity.
Firstly , there might be a few safety issues. Already the cars we have now that are "independently funtioning" need human assistance. In the text it states that " all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills , such as navigating through work zones and around accidents". So just right there tells me that there can be various situations where the driver may not be paying too close attention to the road because the car is supposed to " drive independently" and when the car can't handle the road ahead there could be a accident.
Secondly , expenses are way too much. Making a car already can cost a lot of money but now adding all these sensors and stuff will make them very expensive to own and to make. In the text it states that " Radar was a device on a hiltop that cost two hundred million dollars. It wasn't something you could buy at the Radio Shack. So just how driverless will cars be in the near future?". To me all that money could be put into something more proactive and providing.
Last but not least , limiting new driver's opportunity. Imagine if this was a new "trending" thing in 2025. Kids in that generation would have absolutely no desire to learn how to drive. Already in this 2016 generation we have kids that can't even read a wall clock because technology had caused them to lose the desire to actually learn. With kids not wanting to learn how to drive that's just going to be another life lesson thrown out the door. Me personally , I don't want to see that happen in the world.
In conclusion , this is a risky step to take in my opinion. Although, some people can argue that this would be a great idea for "public-transpot taxi system" and I agree but it just isn't worth the risk. So again I don't think this is a smart idea because safety issues, expenses , and limitations on new driver's experiance. | 34
32630a9 | The Face from Mars is just a natural landform and not something an alien created because there's is no life in Mars that we know of. NASA also used a camera's absolute maximum resolution to see if it was created by someone or something.
In the article, in paragraph 10, says "On April 8, 2001- a cloudless summer day in Cydonia- Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look." That is when they used the camera's absolute maximum resolution to capture photographs of the Face. The camera could see airplanes on the ground or even pyramids made my Egyptian from Earth.
Also, On April 5, 1998 when MGS flew over Cydonia for the first time, ten pictures were taken.
These ten pictures showed no signs of alien activity. They were just landforms.
Then, the day had finally came. The day of true, so the true was that the Face was just a landform. This landform looked like landforms from the American West. In the last paragraph it states "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars."
This is why the Face in Mars can't be something created by aliens. It was just a landform created by nature. There is no doubt about it NASA as prove it by supporting their cliam. Thier no life in Mars that we know of so till then. The face is just a landform. | 23
4cf20cf | Using cars creates admissions that damages our ozone layer. Communities around the world know this and are doing something to relax the damage being done. They are doing temporary bans on cars along side with other cities, and trying to make cars with much lower emissions.
Using cars in major cities makes it so noisy but also makes it very bad for the environment, and ourselfs. When you live in a major city like for example New York City, people choose to walk rather than drive cars. Not only is this healthier for us but it is much more healthy for the rest of the environment.
In suburban Germany there is a town that has banned cars from the street completely and has most people riding bikes and walking. Most of these people dont really car so much about having to walk or ride a bike. In Colombia they had one day where they banned cars and in their city of 7 million people, most people walked or rode bikes. Germany and Paraguay arent the only nationd that are taking a part of this, other nations like France, and other eurpoean countries are joining in. President Obama has also pushed for cars with lower emissions and higher gas mileage. This will help save people money if they dont really have it, and help save the amount of gas used and emissions caused.
With all this in mind it would be useful to lower gas emissions or even to stop using cars in general. It will be healthy for us and the environent. We dont even have to get rid over cars completly either, we can just switch over to electric. Theses are easy solutions to our problem, and also giving us and advantage in the world we live in. | 23
85dd935 | Emotions are what you feel on a daily basis sometimes you can be happy and something you can be sad. In this passage "Making Mona Lisa Smile" students from the University of Illinois collaborated with Prof. Nicu Sebe from the University of Amsterdam. They developed better ways for humans and computers to communicate. The technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable because it can how how the student is feeling and it can help see if the student is enjoying what it is learning.
One facial expression can give it all away of how you are feeling. Facial Action Coding System can identify mixed emotions, each expression that is being made is compared to a neutal face that is not showing any emotional. If a student is having a bad day or something is wrong with them the software will instantly let them know how they are feeling. As in the painting "Mona Lisa" they were not sure what her emotions "she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disguested, 6 percent fearful and 2 percent angry."
Another reason it is valuable is it can help see if a student is enjoying what it is doing. For example in the passage it says "A classroom computer coul recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." If that were to happen it would be able to modify the lesson such a effective human intructor.
The use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Examples of why it is vaulable are while a student is working on a lesson the computer can find out how a student is feeling and seeing if a student is enjoying what he or she is learning. | 23
6fa61fd | Today in the recent years car usages rates has been sky rocketing. "All of our developement since World war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change", said David Goldberg. Ever since the gas emissions has been causing problems and polluting the air, and causing smogs. Like in Beijing, China, and other European capitals. It is also almost 50% of the green house gas emissions in Europe in car-intensive area in like the United states!
There can be a solution to this situation..... Car free days! While of the exception of plug-in cars. This helps promote alternative transportation and reduce Smog and a polluted atmosphere. "Public transportation was free of charge from Friday to Monday", "The smog cleared enough on Monday" said BBC.
Or automobiles can be banned completely. Like in the Suburbs Vauban families do not own cars and 57% of families sold their car to move in Vauban. Drive ways and home garages are forbidden generally. By this action stores are placed walking distances rather than a long distance like a highway. Cars can be allowed but only can park in only to places, large parking garages and where a car owner buys a space of $40,000 with there payment of a house! Thats a lot of money.
It is your choice would you rather be fine $40,000 for a parking space along with your house. Be fined every time you decide not to take part in the car free day to help pollution from car emissions. Or do the right thing for you,your family,your kids and your world. To help decrease the usage of automobiles. Lower the stress and air emissions. | 12
fc55299 | computers at school for students that can read your facial emotions I think not. I also, think there could be some benifts out of it too but really there is no need for those computers at school.
First, of all it is dumb to have a computer that reads peoples face emotions. the reason why is because most people hide their emotions because they dont anyone to know how they are truly feeling. Another, reason why is becasue peoples emotions are valueble to them and they just want to keep their emotions hidden. Also, emotions are a big factor of life they can tell alot of things about a perosn.
Secondly, there are some good causes to a computer that reads facial emotions becuase at school when kids get bored or tired of listening to the teacher the comouter could read that and make it more intertaining for the kids. Also, I think that would be helpful in schools too. On the other hand it could be bad to because of the students that are having a bad or sad day and it reads their emotions then people will know how they are feeling when they are trying to keep it to them selves because they dontwant anyone to know what is going on in their live or why they are feeling that.
Finally, students probably wouldnt want a computer that could read their facial emotions anyways. Many students are just tired and bored because it is school and they just want it to be over. Also, students arent at school to tell people about about their emotions or have a computer read them. Students are there to learn about school and makes friends like in the real world you would do.
In conclusion, there should be any competer that could read your facial emotions. Its not really a good idea to have them in schools either because it would cause more drama and kids would most likely feel more uncomfortable at school when they are sospouse to feel safe and not have to worrya bout anything but school work. | 23
8a171f9 | The technology that is being used to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because we dont need a system telling us our emotions/ face expressions if we already know them.
In the third paragraph it says that "Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, fear, and sadness." A system does not need to classify thoes emotions for us, or me personally. Some one can already tell those emotions on our faces, or we could just tell them how we are feeling. Theres no need for people to be making coding systems on computers to identify our emotions/expressions. I personaly think its a waste of time to be doing this.
One reason why i do think this is valuable is because in paragraph six it states that "a class room computer could reconize when a student is becoming comfused or bored". This part would honestly help students because when we are
bored or confused we are goning to want to stop learning. So i see why this could be helpful in a way. Also in paragraph six it states that "...if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be diffrent". this statement is good because no one want to watch ads that they dont like. So if a system can notice when you are not having it and changes it, that would be a good help. Ads con make some one click off a videoo fast, like i always do.
I still feel like computers would not be valuable because there is no point in them. Yes its helpful in some ways but i think they should be inventing something
else instead of a system that can read face expressions and emotions. | 23
3dce6b8 | I (being Luke) think that you should be a seagoing cowboy. It is a fun experience to have in your life. Plus you do not get chance like this very often in your life. It is great fun. Here are some reasons you should join me:
If you like helping others you should join. Thats basicly all we do. We as Seagoing cowboys ship or trans port animals to other countries in need. We partern up with UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) which by the way is an awesome team. That is one of the main reasons why I joined.
One other reason is that you get to see the marvels of the world. Like Greece. That place was sure amazing. You get so much extra time after you deliver the cattle.
Another reason is that all that free time my crew and I play games and such during our free time as well. That means that you bond together and have life-long friends that will always be there for you.
I know this speech is long but I have one more thing to say. That if you are an animal lover than this is the job for you. You get to be with animals 24/7. It is a dream-come-ture for animal lovers. | 23
f5b7bcf | Dear Senator,
Have you ever thought about changing a certain system of voting that is currently in place? This system that I am talking about is the electoral college system, used for voting for president, vice president and sometimes other congressmen. This system unites both views from small states and big states, having two senators per state, no matter the size, and also acquires electors based on population. Some people think that this is an effective system and should not be replaced because everyone is president and because of the presence of swing and big states, as stated in source 3, but I beg to differ. I strongly feel that this system should be removed because it is inaccurate, the electors vote, and lastly because of the disaster factor.
Additionally, The reason why I don't agree with this current system is an issue that can have multiple consequences and none are positive, which is that the electors vote, not you. We do not have the ability to vote for president, we only acquire the ability to vote for the electors that will hopefully vote for the president of your choice. Sometimes, the elector completely disregards what the people want and who the people are voting for, and they do have this ability to ignore the majority's preference and vote for the opposite candidate of the people's choice. If their is a tie situation,as stated in source 2, in which both presidents have the same amount of votes, the case is tossed to the House of Representatives, where state electors who would normally vote for the vice president is now obligated to vote for the president.
Additionally, another reason that this system be removed immediately for the reason that it is not very accurate. This system doesn't show who the people actually want to vote for, it just gives the electors some ideas as to who to cast their vote for. So in reality, the people are actually voting for the electoral college and the electors, as opposed to voting directly for the president. According to source 1, most states have a "winner-take-all" system in place in which all votes are awarded to one candidate and is not based on personal opinion. This shows who the state in general or in majority wants to be awarded president; but in source 2 it states, if you want to vote for a democrat and your state is a republican state you have no choice as an individual to change your state's opinion. Referring back to source 1, when you vote for your candidates you are actually voting for your candidate's electors, so if your candidate wants to change opinion, you have no choice. And it shouldn't be like that , we shouldn't have to indirectly choose our president hoping that our messenger doesn't change his/her mind.
Finally, the last and, in my opinion, the most significant issue to this system is the fact that a disaster factor could take place in any election. Looking back to source 2 and also in source 3, we caught a glimpse of this unfortunate situation in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. But this was just a minor part as to what this system is capable of and can do. Another example stated in source 2, in 1960 segregationists almost succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with other electors that would be contrary to John F. Kennedy and would throw him off. According to source 1, each candidate has his or her own group of electors, but there is a possibility that these electors could revolt against his candidates and vote for the candidate's opponent.
To conclude, I feel that this system used for voting the presidents and vice presidents should be replaced by another system that does have a direct correlation to the voters opinion and who they choose in their voting screen. Not acccurate, electors vote not people and the disaster factor- these are all flaws that I have found in this system that is currently in place and I feel that this should be fixed. So I agree with Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Bob Dole where they believe that the electoral college should be abolished and replaced by a better system. Do something about it! | 34
bf2f973 | Imagine, if you will, that you are driving to work one day. And while you are driving to work, you notice another car on the road coming towards you. What makes this car noticable is that the driver isn't steering the car. You become nervous, thinking that the person is going to cause an accident because they aren't driving their car. The car then saftely passes by you and is following the road as if the person was driving it. You have just seen a driverless car. As technology progresses, we begin to see more and more of these driverless cars. As of currently, however, these cars are not completely driverless, and still require some amount of human direction. It is projected that by 2020, we will have completely driverless cars. This is a good thing, seeing as driverless cars bring many more benefits than a human-manned automobile; driverless cars can lower the amount of gas that is consumed by the world, they are more accurate than a car with a driver, and they are overall safer than a human-headed car.
Firstly, using driverless cars as a public-transportation system would lower the total gas consumption of the world, which is a good thing because it will bring down the amount of pollution in our atmosphere. Driverless cars use half the fuel of today's taxis, and have far more flexible hours than a public bus does. Driverless cars would also be safer to use than a bus, because you will have virtually no chance of being attacked by a stranger.
Secondly, driverless cars provide more accuracy and efficency than a car with a driver. Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles and haven't crashed, and is with human direction. Without human direction, there would be virtually no chance of an accident. Driverless cars use sensors, GPS techonolgy, cameras, and radars to function. The most important sensor in these cars is a spinning sensor on the roof called LIDAR. LIDAR uses laser beams to create a 3-D model of the car and it's surroundings. The combination of these is how the driverless car mimics human driving skills. The car will pay attention to its surroundings better than humans will because that is its only task.
Thirdly, driverless cars are all around safer than cars with drivers. Driverless cars have been around for seven years and there hasn't been an accident involving one. Can we say the same about humans? The answer is no, we can't. A driverless car's only task is to focus on the road and its surroundings. A driverless car cannot become distracted because it is not programmed to do so. A human will become distracted; it's how we are wired. Humans do not always pay attention to their surrounds while driving; they will be thinking of something that happen during the day or something similar to that. A driverless car cannot become intoxicated either, and would be safer for someone who is intoxicated or under the influence to get home. You can also install fail-safe safety feautures into a driverless car that will get the car out of a dangerous situation. You can install fail-safe features that will dectect an accident miles before it happens and avoid that accident. Humans are not equipped with these features.
Some will say that driverless cars will not be usefull because if there is an accident, there is no way to tell who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer. This is not true however, as if an accident is simply investigated then it can become clear who is at fault. If the driver does something like become intoxicated and wrecks their car, it is their fault. If many cars are in accidents because of the same technological failure, then it is the manufacturer's fault. If one car unfortunately glitches and crashes, then it is that singular car's fault. Blaming the manufacturer for a situation like that would be like blaming a driver when they are in an accident because the weather suddenly became horrid.
In conclusion, driverless cars are the way of the future. They are more enviornmentally friendly than their driver counterparts. They are more efficient and acurate. They are even more safer than cars with a driver. Driverless cars are here to stay. | 45
6ac9dc2 | I think that they should use this technology to read teenagers faces because if they do it would make school more interesting and actually make us want to go to school. I also think that it would be a great idea to do so because if it see's that you are feeling down, it can inform the techer and the techer can see if something is wrong of if they are having trouble. For example, when I am at school i get frustrated and mad becuase some of the work is not easy. If we had the facial expression monitor, it would let the teacher know that i am struggling and that I need some help. Also, if someone doesn't know how to ask for help and gets nervous, it can inform the techer. There are many possibilities and outcomes of this.
In the passage, it says that Mona Lisa was 83 percent happy. When I first saw that I thought "WOW! technology is really advancing but at the same time I thought no one really knows what Mona Lisa was really feeling.
In conclusion, I think that this might work in many ways and might not. Many people are going to dislike and like this invention but to find out if it really works, they should put in in schools and work places to prove everyone who thought it wasn't going to work wrong. | 12
07ca280 | Dear State Senator, 1/23/15
I have a very strongly worded, persuavive letter written for you today of why our united nation, must abolish the electoral college. I am aware that the electoral college is one of the main ways president's become elected, but it's serving an unjustice to our nations people. You must do something of the crisis that our country is facing with the Electoral College.I have two compelling reasons of why the electoral college should be abolished.
My first reason of why we should abolish the electoral college is because of the method it is done in. What I mean by this is, according to Source 1:What is the Electoral College?, it says, "Most states have a
"winner- take all" system that awards electors to the winning presidential canididate." The winner- take all system is not a fair way to elect a president becuase of its biases. The candidates running for the presidency only visit the largly populated states in order to get their electoral points, for instance, most candidates go to Californa or Texas becuase those are the states that have for electoral points. But, by doing this all the smaller states that have less electoral points are never visited by the candidates, the voters then may have never seen an ad or campiagn for a certain candidates . According to Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong", by Bradford Plummer, it states, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and votes in 25 of the media markets didn't get to see a single campiagn ad". On the contrary, it is stated by Source 3: In defense of the Electoral College, it states," No reigon has enough electoral votes to elect a president." This is true, but candiadtes focus on larger states that will supply them with more electoral votes, and don't even visit or pay any attention the smaller states. I strongly negate the Electoral College.
My second reason of why our country must abolish the Electoral College is becuase it is a "disaster factor", as stated by Source 2. I agree with this for two reasons. First, becuase it does allow the people to vote for the president or canididate they prefer. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but slate of electors, who turn elect the president, as stated by "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best- laid defenses of the system are wrong". I strongly agree with that except from the article I have stated. Another reason, why the Electoral college is a disaster factor is becuase most of the United States citizens prefer a direct election to the kind we have now, Electoral College. More presiciely 60 percent of voters to dont want the electoral college, that's majority of our population! If majority of our nation is against the electoral college why haven't we abolished it?
In conculsion, "It's offical: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly aserations without much basis in reality", according to Source 2. I would like you to consider all the problems our nation is facing due to the Electoral College. I have stated two contentions of why you should abolish the Electoral College; First,the method of how its done is very bias and unfair and secondly, because the Electoral College is a "Disaster Factor" or causes many disruptions in our country.
Sincerly, a very patriotic citizen,
bdc38fe | Self-driving cars a thing of the future that we used to dream about.
With recent technology we are prettty close to having self-driving cars.
Self-driving cars can be the solution to many problems that may occur during the time we are in our vehicles.
However, we solve one problem but other problems will occur also.
There will always be constant arguments about whether these "Self-driving" cars will be a successful impact on society.
My personal opinion on self-driving cars is that they should only be driven by those who can not drive a standard car because of some physical or mental defect.
For example, someone who is paralyzed for the waist below would certainly have need for car to be self-driving so they are not relying on others all the time to get them places.
Once you think about if a driver is not driving their car they are just sitting around doing nothing which would lead to boredom which could lead to more things and so on.
When you drive you have to be alert to the things around them, and keeps your motor skills from becoming lazy.
Another debate that has probably occured is how they are able to prevent accidents with sensors that can control the breaks.
What if something were to happen to the sensors and they malfunction; that could result in an accident or even a fatal one in fact.
Also, people may try to blame their car for the accident and you can not truly figure out who is at fault in the situation.
These are things that everyone should consider about these cars.
These cars sound amazing but are they really worth it.
Like I mentioned in the previous paragraph they could be extremely useful for people who have a mental or physical defect but not so much for others.
Otherwise i can not wait to see what new technology will be introduced in my generation.
To conclude, there will always be arguments on everything so there is not truly a yes this is good or no this is bad, but hopefully it will be a succesful impact on society. | 23
b888c7c | I think everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboy program because it allows you to experience adventure and visit many unique places. In the story is says that his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Eurpoe on a cattle boat and it also says it changed his life.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy will allow you to to experience adventure. And when you experience something for the first time it can be scary and it can be really fun. Also you can visit unique places that some people will never get to go to. And when you go to those places you can tell really good storys. I remember when my family went to Flordia for the first time together and when I got back I had a lot to write about.
By doing something new it could change your future and you might realize you like doing this in sted of doing what you had planed. But you have to want to try something new and you have to give it a chance. When you try something for the first time it might not always work out but most of the time when you keep trying and not give up it will end up going really well and you could learn to like it.
But if you look at it at a diffrent way going into the sea is dangerous and you would have to be really careful. And if you where in a storm you would have to be careful not to tip the boat and you have to remember there would be cattle on the boat. Also you would have to be careful around the animals so they wont bite or try to kick you.
However it can change your life by seeing new things. And you would get to see unique places that a lot of people can't go. You will get to experience adventure and be able to tell great storys about where you where and what you did there. So therefore i think everybody should try something new and be a Seagoing Cowboy. | 34
f4e06fb | Have you ever wanted to experience a life changing event?
Well, now you can.
In fact, by joining the Seagoing cowboys program you can do that and much more including: helping others, seeing and experiencing new things, and having fun along the way.
Since World War II Europe has been in ruins and many people are searching for help to recover. I alone can't do it all. So, this is why I am asking you to help with the job. With your help you can recover many countries' food supplies, animals and more. In fact, you may have the oppertunity to care for as much as or more than 300 some animals along the way. It helped make me more aware of peoples' and countries' needs and I am sure it will you too. Not to mention all of the incredible sights you will see.
We will have plenty of time to see and visit many wonderful sights and places along the way.
For example, the first time I went, we took about two weeks to crosss the Atlantic and about a month to get to China. Therefore we had a plentiful amount of time to relax and enjoy the sights and seans. You may also visit places during this time including Italy, Crete, and the Panama Canal. In these places you can take tours, ride in gondolas, and much more. Please don't forget the time included for fun.
Fun is added in many activities during the trip. One example of this is on the boat after returning from unloading animals. During this time we can play baseball, volleyball, and table tennis. We can also fence, box, read, whittle, and play many other games. Of corse by the time to leave you will always have a part left with you from your voyage, the memories.
Because of the Seagoing Cowboy's program also known as the UNRRA I am open to the world around me. Helping others, seeing and experienceing new things, and faving fun along the way has contributed in me experiencing a life changing event and I want you to experience this fantastic journey with me. So what do you say?
Are you ready to experience it too? | 34
ca6be42 | In my opinion, no the use of technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. Do I believe computers are smart? Sure. But computers arent as smart as humans. Computers do what us humnas tell them to do. I don't believe they can be so advanced as to be asble to read our emotions.
Humans can't always identify another humans emotions, so how can a computer? There's people out in the world whos regular face looks like they're sad, mad, angry, happy, etc. The computers going to pick up that they're always the same emotion, no mater what the situation. Not only that, but there are tons more emotions then the classified six basic ones. Dr. Paul Eckman's FACS picks us just 6 emotions? If thats the case, the computers missing at least hundred other emtions. What about the other emotions? If someone is concerned, unpleased, or please is the computer going to be able to pick that up?
In the reading it says that Dr. Huang states that "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal." How? Like i said before, computers do what we want them too. So how can they read our face expressions? Point blank, they can't. If the world agrees on using this technology for students in the classroom, its a bad idea.
To start with, is a invasion of privacy. If students dont want the teachers know if they're sad or in fear of something, then the teachers dont need to know. Nor do the other students or memebers of the school. If the teachers want to know if the students are bored, or uninterested the teacher should be able to ask the class 'Are you interested in this topic?" "Is this topic boring you." Not being able to look at a screen and count how many are interested and how many are not
Second off Teachers are here to teach us, not be our parents and have pep talks with us. Is school about socializing and meeting people? Yes, to some extent it is. But school is for learning and preparing us for life out of school. Many schools talk about "Oh, the consulers are here for you if you need to talk." "We want you to come and talk to us if something is wrong." Seriously? That's all wrong. Am I the only kid that had to fill out a "slip" and waited until the consuler got with me? Uh, isnt it suppose to be the other way around? Being able to have a technology that can read the students expressions or emotions isnt right, it's honestly kind of dumb. The computer can pick up the six basic emotions right? So what happens if a students wants to get out of class? Does he or she put on a sad face and when the teacher notices sends them to the office? Kids arent dumb these days. We know how to work around the technology and beat the system.
In my opinion technology is getting out of hand. How long ago was that painting painted? A hundred years ago? I don't know. But how can we be so sure that back then people knew what emotions were? Was Mona Lisa really disgusted? If so, about what? Or was she really fearful? What was she so fearful about? What about being angry? Why was she angry? Why was she 4 emotions all at once? I dont know about you, but i've never had more then 2 emotions i felt at one time.
After reading this article and seeing my opinion it should be clear that i say no to having this in the classroom. I believe that thistechnology about reading emotions, shouldnt have even been invented. | 45
89a05a7 | In world war 2 the UNRRA hired the "seagoing cowboys" to take care of animals such as cows,horses,mules and other animals.
Now if you ike animals and want to take care of them on certain occations then join the seagoing cowboys."The cattle-boat trips were unbelieveable for a kid" Luke said.
They travel alot and they see alot of places and travling can be sometimes intresting and fun.
It doesnt take that long to get to these places ethier, it only takes about a month because they are on a boat.
Now some people think thats long but it's really not.
They got to china from somewhere in the atlantic ocean in a month.
Not to long right.
The cowboys go to places for jobs and then the play games or go siteseeing its not all just work they have a ton of fun.
The cowboys liked to have fun too.
After unloading the animals they play baseball,volleyball,table tennis,and they read and box.
This can give you great oppertunities as an adult and a kid.
Some of it wont be fun you will have cetain jobs, but sometimes it's better to do hard work instead of play. From what ive said so far are you intrested?
Some of the jobs are even fun and majestic.
If your a watchmen you get a majstic site of what your around.
If theres danger your going to be the hero because you would warn your team about everything that is going on and tell them to turn around.
In some of these jobs you get to work with anaimals and that could be fun because you really dont do alot of work.
The most you have to do in that job is clean the animals and feed them thats it.
Now to me being a seagoing cowboy sounds like an awsome and fun job. | 23
4784274 | Did you know not haveing a car can make you happier. In Vauban,Gremany it costs 40,000 dollars for your home and garage. Because of this 70 percent of the population does not own a car and 57 precent of that sold there car to live there. Many of there residents say there much happier without a car. One offical named Heidrun Walter explained how "When i had my car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way" and its true driving makes you stressed.
Not only not have a car makes you happy but it also can save the ecosystem. Green house gas is a big problem in the world now. Carbon dioxide slowly filling are planet. Acts like Vauban, and others like it, can influnce the world to change from the dangeruos road that we desided to take. But Europe produces 12 precent of green house gas, America on the other hand produces 50 precent of green house gas. America needs to change or we all die off.
Paris has more smog then any other European capitals. Come on if you don't think thats terrable then you need a new mind set because this is evolving into a problem. They say that diesel fual is to blame. because 67 precent of Paris has diesel fuel. I think its because theres, I dont know, A billion people driving at the same time.
This concludes that we need to stop using automobiles. Because its killing are eco system and we can do it . Many small cities are doing it and there happy. So why do we have to be mad and lazy when we can be happy and active. | 23
7c47fed | The author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions by letting know people detect exactly how other people are feeling without being tell about it. It had been created a new software to develop the knowledge of the emotions of others. Although, new applications of thisgeneration can calculate math homework. The Monalisa has been used for this discovery,
Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of FACS, also they uses a computer to created 3-D model of the face basics emotions.
First, the author describe how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions by a computer. This portrays that the technology has been update to let people have more knowledge about this new era. The Monalisa has been used for this discovery. The text says" She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This show us that by just looking at their face we can't notice all this emotions on this paint of Leonardo da Vinci's.
Second, the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computer to identify human emotions just by looking at their normal face. This shows how the technology have been update upon all this year, every year that pass, more discovery are treaten at the world. Dr. Paul Eckman is the creator of the FACS. The text says " Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happines, suprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness." This means that the new discovery of Dr. Paul Eckman can identify 6 basic emotions.
Third, the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions by showing people thier emotion in only one picture of them. This new technology shows how people can have their knowlegde in this topic withot being an expert. To do this discovery they uses computer to created a 3-D model of the face basics emotions. The text says " The process begins when the computer construcs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 muscles in the model must move like human muscles." This means that all the 6 emotions are associated with each charactheristic movements of the facil muscles.
In conclusion, the Facial Action Coding System is usesfull to know the characteristic movement of the facial muscles. | 12
250a6cf | Sad, happy, angry, confused, worried, these are all emotions that humans have that can be can or can't be recognised by other human beings. But wait, now a computer system can detect emotions. The Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions, after all, faces don't lie. We can look at paintings to see how characters, like the Mona Lisa, felt when being painted by artists, create empathy, and identify how someone really feels. Humans are emotional beings but we have a hard time identifying emotions, maybe technology can help.
Technology, espacially the FACS, that can identify others' emotions using facial expressions, can lead to discoverable understandings. The FACS could make it possible to interpret emotions of people who were being painted at the time. According to the passage, "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much much this computer can do". Creating empathy could be possible after moving face muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even produce them, which is what FACA is going to use to indicate emotion. According to the passage, " Constantin Stanisskavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage, as a result, Empathy may happen because we unconciously imitate another person's facial expressions". Detecting emotions in places where emotions are often expressed at different times, such as schools. According to the Dr. Huang's prediction, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". Humans may not be able to tell someone's emotions, but if a computer does, then we'll be able to have a greater understanding of one's emotions and how to predict them.
Humans aren't computers, we don't know how to use emotions or analyze them in daily life. With the invention of FACA, analyzing emotion in someone or something can be put to good use. Emotions can go a long way; from being able to predict emotion to how to use them. From expression to analysis, emotions will always change as we change the future. | 23
21ea962 | I Luke Bomberger was part of the Seagoing Cowboys. Ihave seen a lot of unique things sence I have been on the ship like Dolphens, unique buildings and statues. Im going to give you some facts on why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. Number 1: you can traval the world if thats what you dream, if it wasnt your dream thin you would still seethe things you wanted to go see Number 2: it could change your life like me you could get a job their and paid a lot of money. i cant read your mindbut why would you want to take this job or go. I left when it was1945. In august 19 thy recievedd orders to report to New Orleans. I was on the boat on my way to europe , and world war 2 was going on about time i got their world war 2 was over. It took memonths to get to europe, but when I got their it was worth the wait. | 12
3532621 | Personaly i dont think it is very valuable. Simple things like this is what is wrong with the world because there is no way of for sure telling if it is 100% right and when people get there resolts back they are discusted of themselves. Yes, if there is a 100% guarntee that it is right i wouldnt mind knowing more about myself. Being able to read students emotions would be very good for school just to know how the kids are injoying school and how they are not. Kids would be able to get treated or put into a speical class for the emotions that shouldnt be there and would make them a happier person. The world would be a whole lot differnt if every single person was to be happy and i dont think there is a possible way for every single body on this world to be happy and i dont know if everyone is ment to.
You could cheat the system simply by acting happy and getting your face scanned and it could be completly wrong and the person just hate themselves on the inside. The classroom computer that could tell when a student is confused or bored would work fanominal when you are busy doing something you dont think about anything else and i think that would work exellent. Studentswould enjoy school more becase the teacher would change sometbhing to make it easier and more enjoyable. There are good and bad about this but its jsut my personal opinion. | 12
be496ae | Today, technology is advanced enough to create cars that are semi-driverless.
However, humans demand more.
People want driverless cars for maximum efficiency.
However, letting cars drive for themselves is dangerous and the development of driverless cars should be halted.
Robots are quite common today.
Semi-driverless cars are no exception.
However, if a car was to become fully driverless, it would be considered a robot.
The artificial intelligence operating the car would be like a brain, making decisions about where to turn and how fast it needed to go.
On the surface this seems practical.
No more drivers would be needed, and robots are more coordinated so driving would become a lot safer.
This is not true.
Infact, if drivers were to dissappear due to the appearance of driverless cars, there would be even more problems than today.
According to the three laws of robotics, robots are not allowed to harm or kill humans.
Because fully independent artificial intelligence have not yet been developed, this law has not come into play yet.
If an automatic car was to be developed, then the law would act upon and restrain the robot operating the vehicle.
For example, if a robot driven car was to crash and kill people in the car, the law would be broken.
In paragraph 9, the author discusses how if technology fails, both the driver and manufacturer would be to blame.
Now with the driver being the robot, more complications would arise, proving that independent cars are dangerous.
Danger also comes from another place, being other people.
The robot can prove to be safer, being immune to distractions taking place in the passenger seats.
Without a human driver, the car is able to be controlled from the outside.
If a hacker were to take control of a robot operated car, the passengers inside would fall victim to the hacker.
Computer development has shown to be advanced enough for a hacker to easily get access to the movement of a car, including locks, breaks, steering, acceleration, and pretty much anything that the robot would be controlling.
This danger is already a threat to society today.
Smart cars can be hacked due to them relying on GPS and other wirelessly connected sources.
100% human dependent cars cannot be hacked due to the vehicle being disconnected to outside sources and dangers.
The final major danger with cars being independent is that despite being an automatic system, its reaction speed is too slow.
In paragraph 4, LIDAR is explained as a rotating sensor on the roof that uses laser technology to generate 3-D models of the car's surroundings.
This is all assuming that everything is stationary or slower paced.
If an animal were to suddenly jump in front of the car, or if a pedestrian was to trip and fall infront of the car, it would crush the obstacle.
Despite being an intelligent piece of equipment, the car's sensors would not be fast enough to calculate the sudden appearance of an obstacle.
The car's artificial intelligence would need to gather, process and use the data all in a split second.
This is also assuming that the brakes work well enough and can stop the speeding car in time.
Whoever or whatever was on the street would be crushed before the car had enough time to stop itself.
This also goes back to the danger of driverless cars killing people, except this time it is a danger to the car's surroundings.
Legal issues woud arise, and the robot would take the blame.
However people have the tendency to hurt other humans so the manufacturers would be blamed for not having a better sensor.
The development of newer sensors and faster computers would increase the cost of the driverless cars and decrease its practicality.
Driverless cars would create many issues and potentially be the number one leading cause of death in developed countries.
These three points are just some of the dangers of driverless cars.
The development of this kind of technology is practical but risky.
However the development of new automobile and transportation technology will not yield to its dangers.
People are willing to sacrifice and explore dangerous things if the outcome is tempting enough.
Advancements and changes will take place, and soon driverless cars will take to the roads. | 34
a98bccc | Could the Face on Mars be made by aliens? Sorry to say but no the Face on Mars wasn't made by aliens. Back when it first was foundby NASA's Viking, in 1976, I bet a lot of people thought that it could be made be aliens. Since then, NASA has confurmed it as a natural landform.
The picture from the Viking in 1976 was not clear and had 43 meters per pixal. Now in 2016 43 meters per pixal is like anchent to us. In 1998, NASA's Mars Global surveyor (MGS)
took another photogragh of the Face. The picture was a little more clear but NASA still couldn't tell forsure that the Face was a natural landform. In 2001, NASA's MGS took another photogragh of the Face on Mars. The picture from 2001 as the most clear picture of the Face and the latest image of the Face. Each pixel in the 2001 photogragh spans 1.56 meters. That is much better quality then in 1976 with 43 meters per pixal.
Since 1976 NASA has had two other oportunities to get a picture of the Face. NASA confurmed that the Face is a natural landform on the planet of Mars. The picture really shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. These landforms are common around the American West.
The Face reminds Garvin of the " Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Face on Mars is not made by aliens. NASA has confurmed that the Face on Mars is a natural landform. | 23
11ece20 | The chance that computers would have the ability to fully communicate and understand humans or understansing facial expression has both positive and negative effects in different situations. Some people are unable to transfer their thoughts into the right words to explain how theyre feeling then it would be a positive effect on letting people know how to communicate with them in a way that suits their mood. There are some people that maybe dont want to be read and evaluated by a computer though this is where it would be a negative effect because people should have their own privacy and if they want to look happy but actually be sad then thats just them as who they are and how they handle their feelings how could an evaluation fully understand whats going on the inside someones brain anyway, i dont think peoples privacy should be taken from this new technology. So my claim on this article would be against the new technology to read students' emotional expression im not for it just because in the article it says how their facial expressions are that is how theyre feeling when possibly there's something completly opposite going on in their mind. | 12
2dab24c | Even though the future will consist of almost everything being computerized in my opinion I dont believe cars will make it as far, in the time they stated in 2020, because driverless cars like stated in the text consist of to much human reliability. So far man have been able to create cars to steer by themselves, accelerate, and brake by themselves. But for the safety and just the state of mind for humans I dont think that cars should or will be as advanced as being displayed and hoped upon.
For example, the current information being that so far all these updated cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill. The necessities the car being ready to quickly grapse the driver attention whenever a problem or situation occurs, meaning that even though the car is advanced that drivers still have to remain alert and ready to take over and prepare to put themselves into safety, so whats the point? Whenever a problem is to come about the car cant halp or prevent the situation because it has not been programed to do so, it has only made it to the point where it is suppose to warn a driver so of course we cant rely on a driver-less car.
The question that stands out in the passage is " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver", because thers no such thing , to me it defeats the purpose. So far they`ve only come up with making it fun and entertaining. In my opinion, like everything else in life fun wont insure safety. The only safe car is one with a human driver in control at all times.
For these cars to be accepted in the future alot of changes to laws, safety laws and even the way for a street to be made will have to change to coinside to a driveless car. Another thing is I dont want the society that i have to be a huge part of to be lazy or to miss out on some of the life changing things, like learning how to drive or being happy when you first get your drivers license or even the excitement of getting a car to be demolished. Even though everything in the future will be different I feel as though changing everything is unessicary, people already talk about the upcoming generstion being a threat to society because of computers and so much internet, so what do you think will happen if everything will be done for us. Its going to make them even lazier to the point where they dont have to get up and do anything for themselves. For example a current situation being "Hover Boards", people are complaining about those because they say it costs to much, and that it makes us lazier why cant we just walk on our own, and they`re even blowing up and setting fire on people when in a certain situation or temperature to the point to where they`re being band in many places, so what`s the difference to driverless cars, to me its just something new and different to put out, it will have the same problems as now, because people always find something wrong with everything rather its made to be helpful or not, and with this being computerizd it has many dangerouse effects to it.
In conclusion, I am all for the future to be more futuristic, but I feel like somethings are just to much for no reason and this case being one of them. Like many other things created in this world it gets tireing and boring and sometimes not even taken serious after so long. So yes, in my opinion I do feel as though somethings should stay the same instead of made to impress because not everything is made to turn out like thought, and so far they cant even make a car that 100% doesnt need some type of human reliability so no, the development of these cars will not be to much as a success in my eyes. | 34
e05e8dc | The author thinks that studying Venus is a worthy but risky pursuit because there are as many precautions as there are benifits. For example, the author states in paragraph 5, "Not easy conditions, but surviable for humans." Venus is one of the most earth like planets in our solar system. There are many people researching and finding new things about Venus and our solar system.
Venus has a very thick atmosphere. There is only about 3 percent oxygen and about 97 percent carbon dioxide. This is a huge hazard considering earth has near the exact opposite. getting to close to this planet can be very dangerous because the average tempeture on the surface is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit.
NASA is continuing to grow and develop new technology to study Venus and other planets as well. In conclusion the author wants the reader to undertand that venus has very harsh conditions but if we use the right gear and materials we can succeed on stuying this planet. | 12
62b0697 | I think they should develop the driverless cars, because it would be something new and most likely be safer then normal driving. People say the car could malfunction or go out of control but if they think that then why are there self drive airplanes. (auto pilot). Planes would make a even bigger accident if it were to malfunction. So I think driverless cars should have a chance. If the something happens to the car then it is the drivers fault, because he/she should have been paying attention and making sure nothing is going wrong.
It wouldn't be the manufacturers fault because they just develop it and make sure everything is in order, they don't have control over once a customer buys a uses one. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." If the driver is not co-operating with the driverless car then an accident or something worse could happen, and would be the drivers fault. In passage 7, it says "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing up into an object." If failed to do so an accident will accur on be blamed on the driver for not paying attention.
In conclusion, the driverless car should be developed. If an accident accurs then it would be the driver's fault unless something goes wrong in the car itself. | 12
a5f1644 | In the article it says that it is a rock formation and the shadows create an illusion to the eyes. Mars is made of rock, dirt and other things. If you look at it today you will see a few landforms and few flat surfaces. From what I know mars has sandstorms. Their may have been a sandstorm a few days before that created this landform. If you look closely at the image dents, cracks and dust maybe sand. it happens here on earth, out in the desert. It has sandstorms and afterwards you have this pile of dust and dobre that creates this moutin or hill.
In '76 you couldnt tell as time went on better camera quality and better technolagy. In the picture tooken in '98 the top of it the point were further out and compare that to the 2001 image and it looks as if it had been reshaped or knoked off. Their was a sandstorm since '98 and now you get this diffrent image. you would know it if you had taken a better look at it. | 01
213f930 | So today, my friends and I are going to meet up about joining the UNRRA. I hope they say yes (which i'm pretty sure they are going to).
"Hey, Luke," says Mort and Jake.
They say,"Uh, we have something to tell you. We aren't joining the UNRRA."
I say,"What? How come you don't want to join the UNRRA?"
Jake says,"Well, I'm sort of afraid of oceans or lands of water."
"No need to worry about that," I say,"You would be distracted by all the amazing places we get to see such as how I got to see Crete and I got to see the Panama Canal."
"Oh really?" says Jake,"I've never knew that, thanks for telling me. I might join the UNRRA, now.
"Would't you be on the ship all the time? I want to have some sort of fun while i'm on the ship," says Mort.
I say,"No need to worry about that, Mort. We do a lot of things to past time on the boat."
Mort says,"Really? What do you guys do?"
I say,"Well, there's Table-Tennis, Fencing, Boxing, Reading, Whittiling, and games to pass up the time."
"Oh, that's all I wanted to know," Mort says.
I say,"Now, are all of you convinced to join the UNRRA?"
Both Mort and Jake say,"oh, yes we are!"
So, as you can see, convincing friends to do something can be hard at times. Sometimes, you just have to have the facts to come with you. I'm very glad I signed up for the UNRRA in the past because is I didnt, I problaby wouldn't have been able to convince them to come. | 23
f546cf5 | This article
is talking about
Venus where the author suggests that studying this planet is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. In this article you can see the description
of Venus , its has a nickname
called the "Evening Star" ,
is a place to examine more closely , which is a vantage for the scientists.We have numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a
challenging planet
for human to study .But its a planet with
diferents things that make it
a planet diferent to our planet , but interesting .
A point that the author used to support
the idea to study Venus was that Venus is closest planet to Earth, and has similar things as the author said " Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and
occasionally the closest in distance
too. "
But its has diferences
like the temperature , in Venus is 90 times greater than our planet and the author said " These conditions
see more far extreme than anything humans encounter onEarth."
The author
make a questiosn
himself that says " if our sister planet is so inhospitable , why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface ?", so what that's mean ,its mean that the Venus planet it's not a good place where humans can be survive
about the temperature and the health in this planet .But Venus was probably covered largely with oceans
as the Earth .
We have the NASA's ideas about sending humans to study Venus ."NASA's possible solutions
to the hostile conditions on the surfac of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray ."
they said too
that the solar power
would be pentiful and radiation
not exceed erath levels , not easy conditions , but survivable for human . NASA work on approaches to study Venus
like electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos Venus's surface .
In conclusion Venus a planet interest to the scientists , beacuse Venus has many similituds and diferences about the temperature , few life and others
and with the NASA's ideas its most interesting . this challenge to study Venus has value , not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet
itself , but also beacuse human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors , thats mean it can be a good work and study for humans in
our planet , because Venus is a interesting place
that make us imagination and importance for more imformation . | 23
6e33b3a | I think Driverless cars would not be a good idea. Driverless cars should have a human being inside of the car to prevent accidents. Many car accidents happen around the world everyday, this car could be the cause of over half of those accidents if there is no driver in it. Someone needs to be Maintaining the wheel at all times when driving the Driverless car. Driverless cars would slow traffick down and keep people from where they are going. Not only that, but people will have to wait to go on a green light if there are driverless cars because there is not a human being in the car to press the gas.
Having driverless cars in the world can cause a lot of damage to the car its self, and people maybe even buildings. Having the driverless car is not such a great idea to have in the world today due to what it can cause for us humans in the world. What happenes if a kid in is in the back of the car with their parent and the car gets in a bad accident?
If we were to have driverless cars, it would take forever to get the laws passed for it on what you can and can not do while driving this wreckless vehicle on the streets. The world is better off without driverless cars. We can do just fine without them. | 23
128467a | Life without a personal vehicle may seem very hard of a challange, but in some areas of the world everyday life does'nt require a personal car. In many cities around the world, personal transport is less than a necessity. Cities have taken action to reduce the green house emitions that cars give out. Many large cities are providing alternet modes of transportation. These alternet modes of transportation can reduce smog over the city and contribute less to co2 emitions.
In a German suburb named Vauban cars are a rare sight. Personal garages and home driveways are not commonly seen. Only 30% of famikies in this suburb own a personl car, everyone else walks or rides a bike as their daily comute. City planners are working on ways to better suite sidewalks for citizens that do not hane cars. Life is said to be "much better this way" by people living in this community.
In Bogota Colombia is a program that is expected to spread to other countries. On one day all personal car transport is banned with voilators faccing a $25 fine, this day was proporly named the day without cars. Only taxies and buses are permited vehicle transport, while most people will either walk or ride a bike to work and to complete the days tasks. The goal of the day without cars is to promote alternet forms of transporn and to reduce smog output by the city of 7 million. Many people are welcoming to the idea and are happy to participate in it.
The city of New York is a large and bustiling city, and anyone who has ever been there will tell you of the extreme road congestion. A large amount of people in the city do not own cars and will use public transport to get to their destination. Using the subway, sky rocket or a taxi/bus people are able to move around on their own two feet sometimes faster than a car. In the whole United States the amount of 16-19 year olds getting their license has dropped since 2006. Along with the amount of cars being sold each year. This has made people wonder if the driving peak in America has passed and that more youngsters will resort to public transport like in New York.
Places around the world are now taking action to reduce co2 emitions in the atmosphere. Places like Germany, Bogota Colombia and places in America are now relying on public transport more than before. Bogota Columbia is so dedicated to this idea that they have reserved a day in which nobody drives a car and only walks, rides a bike or takes the bus. In Vauban Germany a suburd has shown that you don't need a personal car to "survive" in this world where only efficiency matters. Also in New York people have adapted to walking and using public transport to get to where they need to go. It has been proven that life isn't imposible without a car. | 23
b984bfa | The electoral college is an unfair and outdated system. It is unfair to voters. A states electoral votes often do not tell what that state truly wants. And no candidate should face what Gore did in 2000, with a winning popular vote, but less electoral votes losing him the election. It is an outdated system that should not be used in today's modern society.
When we vote for a specific president, we are actually voting for a slate of electors. The chosen electors are supposed to support the winning candidate, but they can easily decide to ignore that and cast their vote toward whomever the please. This can cause a president to get the greatest popular vote, and still lose because they did not get as many electoral college votes once all states' votes have been combined. This should certainly not happen. Whatever candidate is preferred by the most people to take office should win the election, period. In the past, maybe it would have been good to let the more educated electors choose the president rather than any citizen, but in this modern age of knowledge, people can be trusted to choose a leader that shares in the best interests of our country. Al Gore in 2000 lost the election after winning the most popular votes. That shows us that this electoral system does not work effectively, and should not be used today.
Perhaps more worrying is the electoral college's winner-take-all system. If a candidate wins a state's election by a tiny amount, they get every electoral vote for that state. This allows candidates to ignore smaller states, or states they know they will win, and focus on larger states and ones that have a very tight election could be easily persuaded for advertisements and campaigns. Ohio is known as a state that looks at their candidates closely, and can be persuaded to choose one based on what they know about them. Candidates tend to focus more resources here or in other similar states. It makes some sense to focus more on larger populations, and states like Ohio that are more interested in the election, but during the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, and could not make educated descisions during the election. In a close election, half the people in the state's views will be ignored, and will not matter to the elction. That means half of California's 35 million voters would not matter at all in the election. The fate of the election should not be put in the hands of Ohio or other "swing" states, just ignoring less important ones.
Today's society needs a more fair system of electing a president. A popular vote from everyone is the most fair way to make sure the most popular candidate wins the election, and will cause candidates to focus on all citizens, focusing on large populations, but still trying to gain popularity with rural areas as well. America's citizens deserve a fair, proper election, that satisfies the most people possible. | 45
92bdac3 | The Mona Lisa Smile is a intresting article about this new upcoming production of technology. It says that in the future they could have students computers have a facial reconzation deviece in it to tell what mood there in to adjust the to whatever there feeling. I feel as if it is not needed for it to be in a learning enviroment. I think its inpratical and would be very expensive for the school to have. That could cause multiple problems just with that problem alone. What if the student wasn't even paying attention to the lesson and it causes it to register there mood but there mood isnt based off the lesson because there not paying attention so it would be invaild infomation. He states in the article it can only find out a couple emotions and boredom isnt one of them. It also poses a security threat to the students or surrounding family because if it can see faces what else would it see or even not mean to capture but does. Over all I just don't see this fit for a students use and would be to expensive anyways. It could work in a perfect world though but we don't have one of those. | 12
1d62313 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. He supports this idea by explaining why Venus is a good planet to study and the things that make it challenging to study the planet Venus.
The author explained why Venus is a good place to study by stating many reasons why it should be studied. For example, Venus is called the Earth twin becuase of the size, shape, e.t.c. In paragraph 2, the author said, "Often reffered to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too,"
also, in paragraph 4, the author said, "If our sister planet is inhospitable, why are scientist even
disccussing further visit to its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planent in our solar system." Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has valu, not only because of the insght to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
This explains why the author, In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and how the author supports this idea by explaining why Venus is a good planet to study and the things that make it challenging to study the planet Venus. | 12
a5254a8 | In 1976 Viking 1 snapped a photo of Mars. Viking 1 spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face. Many people think it was created by the life on Mars. Many people think that it is just a natural landform. There was no alien creation after all. I am going to tell you why this is just a natural landform created on Mars.
First, Michael Malin and his MOC took a picture of the "face" and claimed it to be just a natural landform. The picture was more clear than the orginal 1976 photograph. When NASA got a good shot at the "face" they rused out there to the Red planet to get a good shot. Jim Garvin said, "We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a god shot at it." And it was revealed that it is a natural landmark.
On April 8th, 2001 Cydonia became cloudless. And it was easy for NASA to see the mysterious face. NASA took a picture "3 times bigger than the pixel size." So if there was an object like a airplane on the surface of Mars, you would be able to see what the object was. Turns out that the picture showed a butte or mesa.
"It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River of Idaho," says Garvin. The mysterious face turned out to be a butte. Not a Alien artifact. Each pixel in the 2001 photo spans 1.56 meters. compared to 43 meters per pixel in the Viking 1 photo. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars," said Garvin.
NASA is apart of the Government. The Government lies all the time. So that kinda makes people think that NASA is lying about the "Face" being a natural landmark. The Government and NASA are keeping secrets in Area 51. So they must be keeping this whole "Face" thing secret too. That it's not a butte or a mesa. But that it was created by life on Mars.
In conclusion, NASA still hasn't prooved that there is life in Space. But does this "Face" landmark proove that there is? We just have to wait and find out. This is a story that has been going around for decades. And it is still unsolved. NASA recently found ice caps on other planets. And claimed that there was water on Mars but it evaporated, casusing the huge valleys and canyons on Mars. | 23
50cf7e6 | I would tell who ever I was telling the face about to read the paragraph if they don't belive me. The reason why I would say that is because they could find out there own self if it was a alien face or if it was a natural landform. But I would also tell them that aliens isn't real. If they would still be arguing then I would kinda talk to them about it.
I would tell them that you can read about it. It could be someones face that visited there a long time ago. The reason why I say that is because it probably is really hard to shove your face in a moon rock. You could ask someone that reshearch stuff like that. It seens to the (MGS) and (NASA) that it was hard to get pictuers of the face.
The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April at 98, it was a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. The reason why there are so many storeys about the face on Mars is because the scientest didn't know if they should beleve if there really was a face on Mars or not. So thats when (NASA) went and saw it with their own eyes.
In the pictuers in the passage you can tell during the soan of 1976-2001 the face has gotten clear. But in 1976 the face was all blurrey to where you can barley see it. In 1998, it doesn't quite look like a face but it is still kind of blurrey to where you can hardly tell its a face, and then in 2001 it was the shape of a face but you stilll can't see the eyes or mouth or nose yet. In 1976 you could see the face oerfectly fine from a distance away. | 12
23649bd | Sharing Our Future with Technology
Driverless cars will be more of a negative thing for the human race, because they spy on you, lead to distractions, and would add on to the idea of the "robot takeover".
Driverless cars would not be a good thing because, yes they do the work for you but they will be spying on every move you make in the vehicle. In the article it says that "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver". That is in invasion of privacy. A person's car is like their second home. There could be a time where something need to be said and left in the moment. Not recorded for later use.
Another reason the Driverless Cars are not a good idea is because people would get bored in a car waiting on their turn to drive. Humans usually try to preoccupy themselves when passing the time by and waiting on other things. Driverless cars would in a way increase the risk of accidents because people may try to text or do something that will distract them from paying attention to when they are being signaled to take over.
The last reason that the invention is bad is because, the cars could be a great addition to the "Robot Takeover" that is so popularly expected. A great amount of developement has to go into these cars, because they are driving themselves so they have to be really smart. They could possibly turn into the expectation of the takeover that will put humans to end. It is not smart for humans to create something that will demolish us.
The idea of driverless cars is a bad idea because you would not have private moments in the car anymore, they lead to distractions, and could possibly be a factor in the end of all man-kind. | 34
e962f04 | I am writing this paragraph about a argumentive essay and to say that the face that was found on Mars was not a alien it's a natural born landform.
The face that was found on Mars was not a alien, I think that because it had the shape on a human face and a human face does not look anything like a alien face, they are two different types of faces.
The reason is on May 24, 2001 when the face was spotted it even says " When it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face", it does not say anything about it looking like a alien face.
Then, the NASA opened up the image for everyone to see this caption had a huge rock resemble they said, " which resembles a human head formed by shadows giving a illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth". This little sentence that was stated when they took a good look at the picture pretty much states that they is a possiblity that it could be a alien head but a very low chance, so most likely this head is a human head (90%). This little sitiuation attracted a nice amout of attension to Mars.
Also, on April 5, 1998 Michael Malin and his camera got 10 good pictures of the face the pictures were better than the vikings pictures so now they can really look into the picture. Then the pictures that were taken a lot of people were waiting on them, and finally they first appered on a JPL web site, the picture that first appered on JPL's web site revealed a natural landform. They said, " There was no alien monument after all ", so that means that the head was into a human head and it was not a alien head. So they were planning a date to take more pictures just so they can look at it and make sure that there evidence is not wrong and they said everything right.
In Conclusion, I wrote this argumentative essay to explain how the head that was found on Mars is a human head not a alien head. It so happend to be that it was a human head and it had thne natural landform to even show that it was a human head. After all it takes alot of research to get things done and have them done the right way in science, but it was a human head. | 23
dc60914 | You should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
It was a great opportunity, and I got to do so many things that an average small town boy would normally never do.
I met new friends, helped out people and their countries, and got to visit so many amazing places.
I loved that I got to see all the sites.
I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, saw the Acropolis in Greece, toured an excavated castle in Crete, and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China.
It was so unbelievably marvolous that I made nine whole trips of exploring and being a Seagoing Cowboy.
I crossed the Atlantic Ocean sixteen times, and the Pacific Ocean twice.
If you become a Seagoing Cowboy, you will be able to do everything that I did, maybe even much more.
If you aren't already convinced, with getting to explore and tour many parts of the world, then you should know this.
With joining the Seagoing Cowboys, you get to help people and their countries' needs.
After World War 2 there is a lot to recover from in Europe and many parts of the world.
By joining us and working for the UNRRA you would be helping by taking care of the horses, young cows, and mules being shipped overseas to the needy countries.
If you like animals and don't get sea sick too easy, I say you join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Going on this journey made me more aware of people of their countries and their needs.
It changed me in a wonderful way, and it will do the same to you.
The new friends, exploration, sites to see, and people to take care of is just a few of the reasons to consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys.
You would be not only helping the needy, but you'd also be helping yourself become a better person.
Joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is an eye-opening experience, and I strongly encourage you to take part in the journey. | 34
dfbaca5 | The author of this article thinks that we as humans should explore Venus despite the dangers it presents. Venus is the second planet closest to the sun it's also the hottest planet in our solar system. Venus is also considered Earth's twin, it is the closest planet to the Earth terms of density and size.
The author starts his claim on how Venus is somewhat similair to Earth. He also says that long ago Venus was just like earth it had different forms of life and landscapes. It still holds some of the more rocky landscape. The author says how the condition on Venus is bad, but still liveable for humans and NASA should send humans to go and study Venus.
The idea of studying Venus sound really mindblowing, but with all of the grotesque conditions it's going to make it dificult to imposible for humans to go there. First of all, Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide. The clouds are made of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The tempetures in venus are even worse it can get up to 800 degrees Farenheit, 90 times greater than what we experence on Earth. With that type of environment it's going to make it extremely difficult to go and study Venus.
Even with all of the difficult challenges Venus has, the author is very optimistic of how we as humans should explore Venus despite the dangers it presents. | 23
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