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471bc23 | I am going to tell you why you should be a seagoing cowboy. It is really esay, it's fun, and you have to be brave. I will tell you why it is all of those things.
It is really easy. What you have to do is get on a boat go to where the tell you to go. Then get the herd on the boat.
Last you take it to where it goses. Then do it all over agin. Plus I did 9 of then.
It was really fun. You get alot of free time on the boat when you are going to get the cadle. On the way back you have to make sure that the cadle dosenet jump overboard. Plus you get to see alot of things.
You have t be really brave. If are not brave then you wodent be abole to get on the boat. You have to be brave and keep the cadle onboard. You have to be far away from your freinds and family. You have to be brave and ride on a boat all the away around the world. lastly the boat might crash.
Those are just some things about being a seagoing cowboy. That is why you should be a seagoing cowboy. Maby one day you can be like my. | 23
0819c99 | If you don't mind parking in a $ 40,000 lot or not driving. Then you should reconsider living in these countries. Vauban Germany ,Paris and Bogota Colombia. These are just a few countries that do and don't allow citizens with cars to drive. Not allowing people to drive is really benefitial ,It brings down the pollution and it creates a alternative for transportation for some countries.
In the .U.S.A the environmental protection agency started to promte "car reduced". Experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportion bill to be approved. This is good because in american there is a lot of motor vehicals and alot of pollution that needs to be decreased. In paris on the other hand had partial driving ban to clear the air of the city. Another great reason why vehical use should be to limit.
If you wear found driving with a even or odd plate , you would be fined 22-euro ($31).In colombia for the third year in a row they have banned car use for one whole day. Not including buses and taxis. violators faced $25 fines. Most of these countries them not driving is helping reduce the pollution and smog in there countries.
In retospec driving in everyday life may help you ,but its also hurting you at the sametime. | 23
a99d180 | Have you ever wondered what venus is like? Well studying venus can be very dangerous with its carbon dioxide atmosphere, clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid, extremely high temperature and more. Even though it can be dangerous it is a worthy pursuit. Studying venus is a worthy pursuit because it is our sister planet, we are very curious about it, and human can survive venus conditions.
Venus is known as Earths sister planet but we don't know much about it and have never attempted going there. Venus is Earths sister planet because the text talks about how venus is the cloest planet to earth based on size and density. Also Venus has features like vlley, mountains, and craters like earth does and Venus shows that it was most likely covered in oceans long ago and could of supported various life forms. This is why we should explore venus because it is our sister planet
Human curiosity plays a big role into why we should explore Venus. Humans are very curious about the planet since it shows signs that life could of lived there. Also it resembles Earth so much that we want to know more about its geogrpahy. In general we want to know more about this planet and get up close to it and observe it directly instead of from a far. We also want to know what gases there are and so maybe we could build something that wouldn't melt when it lands. This is how human curtiosity plays a role in discovering Venus.
Venus also is a worthy pursuit becuase the text states the temperature is 170 degrees and it states humans can survive on this planet. So even though the temperature and atmosphere seem very dangerous it is worth the exploration because humans can survive so with proper training we could explore Venus. The article also talks about NASA building something to get 30 feet off of Venus so if we can get that close then eventually we will be able to get on the planet.
In conclusion Venus is a worthy pursuit even though it shows many dangers. We can overcome those dangers and make traveling to Venus less dangerous. Since its our sister planet it is worth exploring to find more out about our own planet even. Our human curiosity makes us want to explore Venus in more depth. Also humans can survive on it so with new technology and training they can travel there and be safe. This is why traveling to Venus is a worthy pursuit because it is our sister planet, we are curious about it, and humans can already survive on it. | 34
c9f673e | After reading "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I began to think it was a good idea to have driverless cars. After going back and re-reading the article i dont think that so much anymore. Let me start by saying that this seems like a not too bad idea, but i have things to support that its a bad idea as well. Cars thst can drive by themselves cool ! Here's what i thought didnt make sense, Its a car that drives by its self but you have to be in there also watching the road. I thought that was a waste of an invention. A driverless car shouldn't have to be watched after by a human. The name says it all DRIVERLESS CAR. If really a "driverless car" than why also watch the road ?
Here are some details from the story supporting why i feel this way. In paragraph 7 the author talks about the car " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" clearly we see here that these cars require human skills or techniques. Not a so "Driverless" car after all, in my opinion. If we continue reading it also says " The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires". In my opinion if you have to watch the road no matter what, than you should just drive the car yourself insted. This car requires us to still not be destracted watch and the road i would get bored of waiting and would just want to drive the car my self, wouldn't you ?
Finally i want to conclude by saying I would not buy a car like this. I would not buy a car like this beacuse there would be no point of being inside a car that you would have to watch after but not do anything. Driverless cars would be cool, if in fact they would be driver less. Overall this idea is not bad just not ready enough to come true. I am against this idead beacuse of this. | 23
7728caa | I agree that is is a piece of landform. I agree because of what NASA is saying. I agree with them for what they have said in paragraph 7 which was "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all".
In pragraph 12 it says that "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West". In paragraph 10 the text says that "Each pixel in the 2001 imange spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo".
When they first looked they saw a face, then the second time they looked closer it was just a regualar piece of landform. The person that wanted to publish it so that way everone can see it wanted it to be every where. Well it crtainly did go every where, a lt of people were talking about it and looking at the newspapers.
In the text it says that "The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars". In paragrap 7 it says that "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all".
In paragraph 7 it said this "When they flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper then the original Viking photo". Also the "Face on Mars" has since to become a pop icon. | 23
cde0de4 | We as a people should get rid of the Electoral College, and change it to popularity vote to elect the president. People dont vote for the president but instead vote for state electors, And all together the Electoral College is just not fair for the voters.
When people vote they should vote directly to whom they want president instead of letting state electores vote for whom they want without our vote counting. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect th president." (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) Which is stating that we only vote for representatives of our state, at which vote for they want for president. "Because each state cast only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much to say as the 55 represatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for Congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people." (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) So the voters really don't get to vote who they want, it's the representatives who vote for the president they want.
"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational... It's hard to say this but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college!" (Bradford Plumer, Mother Jones) The electoral college is unfair to the voters and should be taken out of the voting process all together.
Most people would agree and say that the electoral college is unfair to the voters because your vote really dosn't matter it's all up to the state represetative to vote who is president, and thats why the electoral college should not exist. | 23
0630503 | I would not think having the Facial Action Coding System in a classroom is valuable. The fact that not alot of people want others to know how they feel . Especally teens these days. Teenagers hide alot of emotions for multiple reason. Simply because it can lead to alot of questioning about their life. Not everyone would want people to know what goes on in their life that makes them depressed or sad.
Eckman classified 6 basic emotions - happiness, suprise , anger, disgust, fear and sadness. Why would anyone want anyone else to know if they'er sad or disgusted? What if you was talking to some one and they had an awful smell . Then , the Facial Action Coding System just show how disgusted you are. That would not only hurt the other person's feelings but make you feel mean.
Dr. Huang noted "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication," "So computer need to understand that , too" . Most human are nonverbal because they chose not to be. Not every one just want to sit not and talk about their feelings. Also, Dr. Huang noted , "So computers need to understand that , too. Understand what? How might a computer understand? Computers are not humans , they should not have the need to understand anything from a human. That how people these days get so attached to technology. Technology is simply taking over the world and people minds set.
So therefore , i would not think having a the Fscicsl Action Coding Systen in a classroom is valuable. | 23
92f46f7 | I think that the author describes how technolgoy called Facial Action Coding System enables computer to idntify human emotions and expressions of the students in the classroom are valuable. For example at the begging the line " imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." Catches people attention. Another example that the author used that was included that was good was in paragrah one when it states that "Shes 83 percent happy, 9percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. This shows that the author included logos in his paragrah another way of having a valuable short.
Third example has pathos catching peoples feelings or making them think being put into someone els shoes."Hold on! can we actually "calculate"emotions-like math homework? and how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel". The author also gave us examples of looking in the mirror. I think that the author gave details examples for the student to having in the classroom. | 01
1f7c690 | People talk about how driverless cars are going to help the future, and its going to keep reckless drivers from being in control. Now, if you think in some aspects technology today still has not ever ran right, so why try make something so advanced if we can't even get the little things down first.
The world now in days has come to a point where technology is doing everything for us, as we come to a point where we rely on our Phones and computers to do everything for us. Dont get me wrong, technology does have its advantages, it can show us things that we never were taught how to do and help us with our history, it does help with alot of things but is it not kinda sad that we rely on it now.
I believe in some aspects that a car so advanced could decrease wrecks and reckless drivers, but if people now and days would straighten up and be the safe driver that they need to be then we wouldnt have to make a car so advanced to drive for us. Everyone is relying on their electronics to do everything for us now, but dont you think its kinda pety that we need technology to do things that we can literally do ourselves. They say in the passage that the smart car is going to need the passenger to take over on somethings, but is it not kinda scary knowing someday that technology isnt going to need our help and its going tobe doing everything for us. | 12
67c9586 | I am against the development of this car. A few things that I don`t like about it is that, It would cost alot of money, It may cause more wrecks then usual, and the fact it would make us even more lazy when we don`t drive.
First reason why I am against the development of this car is because of money. Some places there may not be enough money or room to even consider doing this project. Also, some people won`t do it because they want to drive, or feel comfortable driving their own car.
Second, it may cause many wrecks. The car itself may be fit and ready, but it may cause wrecks because of weather conditions or the car itself can`t control itself. I also believe people wouldn`t trust something like this. Yes, I have to admit that this car is cool, but many people will not agree to do this.
Third, it would make us even more lazy without walking or driving ourselves places. I think we should stay with driving ourselves for now, until they are 100% sure they`re ready for this and have enough money for it. | 23
069945c | Technology to read emotional expressions of a students could be very vaulable. This would make students life in the classroom easier. There would be so many advantages for to this. It would know what that student is feeling and it could help change that.
If a student was sad then the computer woud know and it could help make a diffirence.
Some students might not want to do work if and not learn if they are sad and this could change that and put a smile on thier face. The author says, " if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This could make the student have a better time in the classroom.
A student might be super confused and not know anything about what they are doing or they might just not understand the question, well this technology could help that. It says, " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This means if the main teachor is telling someone else in a classroom how to do a problem but other people might also be struggling then the computer could help them and see their their emotion and it would change the question to try and make it more understandable.
The technology of this could help so many students and classrooms. So much more things could be learned in classrooms with out kids getting bored. It could help students in the classrooms get through so much more. Teachers wouldn't have to be trying to hurry and help the people that dont understand out and having the other people wait. This technology could be very valuable. | 23
a28d58a | I say that the image on the moon is just a natural land from because , the image is located 41 degrees north martain lattitude where it was winter . Other reason I belive this becuase the passage states" it is not a easy to target cydonia in facts its hard work." My last reason is in the last paragraph , stating that it looks like a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face of the moon . Let me explain my reasons for my beleifes .
My first reason is in paragraph 8 , it states "The facw of mars is located 41 degress north cydonia lattitude where it was winter."
Meaning it was winter, in winter theres very massivewinds odjects are going to fly around out in space . So to me an object hit mars when the winds were blowing . I didnt forget about the passage saying that the image resembles a huam . I mean this is outter space winds are very massive out there , more thatn likely winds just blew so much dust off of the area that those figuares appared .
Second reason falls in paragragh 9 stating that "Its not easy to target cydonia in facts its hard w." This is telling me that cydoia is hard to reach meaning it hard to get out there . That follows on my point because it cant be a human face its its hard to reach , human dont have the speicalised equiment we do , so how could the possibly find there way to make it out there , even if they did you would see no facel features , they would have to have on a helmis in order to breath out there. Also aliens to me are not as identical to us so I dont thing the shape would be so round resembling a human
My third and final reason is that paragragh 12 states that "It looks like a lava dome that takes the form of a isolated mesa about the same height as the face on the moo." I picked this reason because this is more reasonably that the alien canerio . Its already staing that its about the same size as the face on the moon . With all the winds that were happing this could possibly be right . its makes mor scence than the other topics because it adds up .
Thats why I say it's a natural land form . The winds , its hard work to get out there , and that lava dome takes the place of the shape that was on the moon . With my reasonds I just gave its makes scence , and sounds way more believeable that the aliens topic , because we dont even know if aliens are real or not . With my reasons you too should think its a natural land frpm to . | 34
b1bd537 | I support driverless cars. Driverless cars could make this world a safer place. Driverless cars drive for you if you want it to. If theres a construction area, traffic hold up, or its icey out you can take control of the car. If you ever feel unsafe in the car when you aren't driving you can take control. Its not like these cars are always driving for you. These cars are very impressive.
These cars would start out very expensive because they are so high tech. It would be hard for some people to afford them. If older people buy these cars it would be better for them. It could drive for them at night if they can't see as well. Or younger people that maybe aren't the best at driving. If your parents don't trust you with your liscense these cars would help. It would make your mom worry a lot less. These cars provide safe driving.
Driverless cars steer for you, the seat vibrates when you might be going into a hazardess area where you need to take control, and it has a GPS reciever. If you have an emergency and need to text someone this car provides safety. It will drive for you when you are texting. Hopefully people won't use this car the wrong way and text all the time because you still need to be aware of what's going on around you.
You don't need to worry about wrecking your car if this car is driving for you. If you are driving there is still a chance you could wreck it. Driverless cars have motion sensors and other things that make it safe in that range.
So all in all these cars provide safety. They have so many qualities that make them usable and great cars. This could be one of the best inventions in this world. It could create less crashes, less drunk driving accidents, less texting and driving accidents,and on and on. I hope they make this car to create a better world. It would help people in so many ways. Movies fanticize about driverless cars so why not actually have and use them. Driverless cars are coming no matter what people have to say about them. If you don't agree with them don't buy one, its simple. They say we will have these cars by 2020. Its coming so quick. The destination is almost here. | 23
f7c4b33 | Being able to see human emotions is a key point in teaching and learning, if a student see's the teacher is distressed they will most likely have a harder time focusing. If the students themselves are bored or confused the teacher has to re-explain wich may confuse others and bore even more. Now think about digital schools, they have no way of telling how the student is learning exept answers at the end, so if the student is bored they will just skip through. But what if it didn't have to be like that, what if there was a way to a a more human element into online school, emotion reading software.
By constructing a 3d model of muscles in the human face this technology can read faces and tell their emotion, such as joy or anger, but most importantly confusion. If the online school could see that the student is confused they could change the content to be
more undertandable. As stated in the text "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal" meaning that it could work for anyone.
If you're still not convinced think of this, if a computer were to be able to read emotions think of what that could do for the students, they could have their own personlized lessons ready for them with ease, they could learn at a pace best suited for them, giving them the experience they deserve. Along side this techers jobs would become monumentally easier, as they would only really need to input the information from the days lesson and keep the system going.
Another benifit of this technology is that if a student is feeling frustrated or distressed the computer could modify the lesson to help them have an easier time, for example if a student's social life had them upset the computer could lessen the amount of work ot be done for the day, or maybe the student is feeling excited, the computer would be able to modify the less and the student might get more done that day.
In any case emotion reading software could be extremely helpfull to teachers and students alike, providing them both with the experience they need to learn better and make a better future. In conclusion Though emotion reading software is relativly new, using it right could make a better learning experience. | 34
da98e49 | Does everyone need a personl car? Cars have allowed us to travel farther and faster than ever before. They give an individual the capablity to live far away from work and still be able to arrive at their job on time. Car also permit one to travel with multiple people as once. However, cars come with the huge problem of pollution, and many counrties have banned the use of cars to combat this issue.
Once Paris, France had seen recored amounts of pullution, in the form of smog, the government enforced a partial driving ban. This ban allowed car oweners with even numbered licese plates to drive one day and car owners with odd numbered to drive the following day. As a result of the ban the somg covering paris had decreased. On the other hand, businesses such as Delivery companies had lost revenue seening as they weren't able to drive.
Other cities ,such as Bogota, Colombia have followed Paris's example and started a car-free day once a year. For three years now this car-free day has promoted alternative transportation, such as walking, biking, or riding a bus. Since, the car-free day has been stared 118 miles of biking paths, broad side walks, and sport centers have been created along with the decrease of polluted air.
Although some cities may put restrictins on cars in the city Vauban, Germany an expermental suburb has been created in which cars are banned completely. As a result 70 percent of the citizens who live here don't own a car. As a result greenhouse gas have been drastically reduced. To make this possible city planners have created communities that are denser and in walking distance of stores and restraunts.
In conclusion cars come with many benifits such as, having the freedom to live anywhere, travelling miles in the matter of minutes, and traveling whenever you want to. However, Paris has put a restricted ban on cars. Bogota has a car-free day. Vauban has created suburbs with a comlete ban on cars. all these efforts are to decrease the pollution created by cars millions of people drive everyday. | 23
c38c5d4 | How i feel about this article talking about having a piece of technology that could show and tell you what people are feeling is pretty crazy.
Ok with starting this off i would say that i am against this because yeah it would be cool to see peoples emotions and see how people are feeling but i think it is bad because teachers for example would use it whenever and espically when a student is mad or acting strange or if the teacher and student got in an argument. The teacher would use it to see how they where feeling and with one other thing if a student is texting under his lap or something is smiling or showing some type of motion a teacher could have the machine read what they are feeling about during that time to even hundred percent know kids where on there phones that could be a good thing for teachers but bad for students and that would make students even more mad or anything towards school or teachers and i think something to let you see emotion would be bad to have in school because you don't need to no how people are feeling its not your buisness to know.
And to sum this all up in my conclusion to the essay of the article is that it would be cool to see something like that but not in school and they should have it set up in places where people could go in public. And try not in schools or places that need it like hospitals or places for crazy people just not school the end. | 12
9036351 | Dear Senator I am not in favor of keeping the Electoral College. We should not keep the Electoral College for many reasons. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all agreed on one thing, and it was abolishing the Electoral College. Another reason being, under the Electoral College System, voters vote for a slate of electors, not the president and in return they select the president. Last but not least, the Electoral College is unfair to voters.
Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all agreed on one thing, and it was aboloshing the Electoral College. This was also agreed upon by many other citizens. According to a Gallup Poll in 2000, which was taken shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the popular vote. According to the poll "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election not the kind we have now." It is said that "this year voters are to expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again loose the presidency."
Under the Electoral College System, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in return elect the president. Because of this there are so many questions asked that are answered very broadly due to the fact you do not really know the correct answer. For instace, who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding the public office. Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, Sometimes the State Party's central comittee, and sometimes the presidential canidates themselves.
Man oh man is the Electoral College unfair to voters! This may be an opinion, but it is on of many citizens who are all in agreement of it." All of the "winner-takes-all" systems in each state, canidates do not spend time in each states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states." In fact in the 2000 campaing there were seventeen states the did not see the canidates at all and it was said that voters in 25 of the largest media markets did not even get to see a single campaign ad. " if anyone has a good arguement for putting he fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in ohio, they have yet to make it...."
As you can see I am in favor of changing the elctoral college to election by popular vote for the president of the United States of America. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all agreed on one thing, and it was aboloshing the Electoral College. Under the Electoral College System they vote not for the president but for a state of electors who in return elect the president. Last but not least, the Electoral College is just unfair in so many differnt ways. These are reasons why I am not in favor of the Electoral College but in the favor to elect by popular vote for the president of the United States of America. | 34
fbc4427 | Dear senator,
I think for electing the president of the united states we should use popular vote because, sometimes certain presidents got more popular votes but the electoral college voting gave them president with the least popular votes with the election and they became president.
In the election between Gore and Bush, Gore had more popular votes than Bush but Bush still became president because of the electoral college voting system it needs to be changed. States with smaller electoral college voters don't have as much say in who's gonna become president,most of the states don't have more than 10 electoral college voters for them but, in the bigger states like califorina,texas,and florida have the most electoral college voters so they bascilly control who's gonna become president.
This is why I think the electoral college voting system should be removed because of its bad way of helping the united states in picking a president and sometimes it can help a bad person become president and ruin this country since it's mostly polticans who are the electoral college voters and they could just pick the person they want to be president and that person could be a horrible president. | 12
44671da | Why Mona never smile in her painting. The artis make Mona smile into art. The artis try to make her happy into art. Mona shes 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do.
The author write about becaues he wants the peolpe to know that there only 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry ina person. The story is best on is trying to make you smile. That why the author write this story. The story is about a smile just a girl smile i always see everybody smile everybody. Making mona smile she probalby don't won't to smile.
While looking the in the mirror there a smile in there. Mona smile when happy or angry. Smile is a good thing in your life. two ways to make someone happy in there life be funny, be really funny be like a bunny to make them smile. We peolpe has the same impressive everty day. Imagine a computer that knows when youre happy or sad. If there a computer know when you're happy or sad that's kinda cool.
A new technology called the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. That is kinda funny how can a computers know when your sad or happy. Computers don't have emotions only living things do have emotions. | 01
f487f7b | " It's 2016 and i still look young!" said Luke. he was the cowboy who rode waves "Ok dad since Forever ago!" said his daughter. She was in town for special reasons.
" Can you tell me a story of when you were young?" his daughter asked. " Oh all right,but just one. When I was young I was a wave surfer and-" he was enturupted by his daughter. " that part changes every time last time you told me this story it was a sailor and then it was a -" "Alright mabey I was just a guy on a cattle boat." he said.
" His daugter laughed at him, just a guy on a cattle boat,huh." she said "Hey it payed the bills, got food on the table,and payed the hospital bills too!" he said angerly. His dauhter sat there with nothing to say. "You promised to never talke about her ever again!" not knowing what he said. she left the room with nothing to say.
She left the hous got in her car and drove off without a hug or a kiss goodbye. She never had done this before. She never knew her mother.
But of course she came back and he talked about his journeys to china and all different places. | 01
535617f | Have you ever thought about being a Seagoing Cowboy? We Seagoing Cowboys go on many adventures, do fun activities, and we also have many responsibilities.
The Seagoing Cowboys go on many adventures almost every day. One adventure that we have done, was we to Europe. There are many other places thta we have gone to, for example, we went to China, New Orleans, Venice, and on our way to China we went to Crete. In Crete, we toured an excavated castle. In Venice, we went gondola riding.
We also did many fun activities in our spare time. Us Cowboys play baseball and volleyball. We also had table-tennis tournaments, we fenced, boxed, read, and we played many other games. Not only do we do these activities, but we also liked to whittle.
The Seagoing Cowboys didn't just do fun activities and have adventures, but we also had many responsibilities. There are different types of responsibilities that the Seagoing Cowboys have to do. One of these responsibilities is that we all took turns nightwatching. What a nightwatcher does is they have to check on the animals every hour and make hourly reports to the captain. We also had to feed and water the animals two or three times every day.
The Seagoing Cowboys go on many adventure, we do activites to make the time pass by, and we have many responsibilities. The Seagoing Cowboys would probably be amusing to most people because a lot of people love animals. Not only do you take care of animals, but you would be able to see the world. Some people might not be too happy with this job, because in this job you have to sail over the Pacific and the Atlantic! I hope you all will want to sign up for this job, because I sure know that I would if I were all of you. I also hope that if you do sign up, you'll love this job as much as i do! | 23
4ff6343 | The" Face on Mars ",this was a therory that even scientist couldn't figure out until 2001. The space probs most liikely sent false information that made them belive that it was a face, when in reality it was just a huge rock formation. Also, in the place that this site was located they are to belive that these things are common in this area. It was the shadows of the rock formation that gave off the belief to be a human face in the rock formation.
NASA states that new high resolution images and 3D altimetry from NASA's Mars Global Survey spacecraft reveal the Face on Mars for what it really is : A mesa. Also, it says that another group of people went to Mars and as soon as they could get a photo of it the the minute that they could.When they put it on the website there were already thousands of anxious web surfers waiting ,so when the image appeared they could identify it as a natural landform and there was no alien monument after all.
Even though they came to a conclusion many people still had doubts about it, so they prepared to look again. They said it's not easy to target Cydonia, so Mars Global Surveyor drew
in closer to the surface and luckly enough it wa not an alien monument.These facts state that there were no aliens on Mars because aliens are not real and they most likely will never be. | 12
2650cb7 | I think the face on Mars is a natural landform because anything can form on land and there is a coincidence that that land formation can look fimiliar to something on Earth, like a human's face. The face on Mars was photographed, so we arent really seeing what the face on Mars looks exactly like, but we are seeing alot of it. Though, the image of the face in the best Viking photo in 1976 proves to show that, because of the 2001 photo's image span of 1.56 meters, if there were ships, planes, or even small shacks, you would be able to spot them out in the photo. What the Viking photo really shows is the Martian equivalant of a butte or mesa, which are both found commonly in the American West. Therefore, Mars has many land formations of all shapes and sizes, so the face that we all know and are so curious about; could just be another on of Mars natural landforms. | 12
6cd8a38 | The venus is the temperature atmosphere is sometime challenging
at the clouds of highly
sulfuric. The temperature
is hottest way for solar system,the venus like volcanoes and powerful earthquakes.The earth is like planet in our solar system,today venus still the something in the feature.The hovering is safely for planet because most forms light cannot be atmosphere,the venus would be needed to get
up close and personal despite the risks for the people in the world.The heat is more than the system,the technology called mechanical computers these devices since 1800s and played in the important think role in the 1940s during World War ll.
The earth proved
a very challenging in the place more closely in the life.The sun is different speed in the some time, that is meaning sometimes is close to Venus and the sometimes close to Mars.The mission it was good reason for few time but since no spacecraft.The atmosphere almosst 97 percent carbon dioxiide blankets Venus. That is very much in the life because most people the can died for the this one.The venus is challenging over and over time.The world is so temperatures because is much variable in the life,that makes staying the something is venus and earth.The more importantly is researchers cannot take the simples of rock and gas,
or anything else, from a distance.The temperature is gas actually because if the gas not be in the world we can't no what is heat and cold come from.Is important temperature,earth, gas,rock, planet, solar system, venus because the had works for the feature if the not had all this in the life we can't no peaple can't be in the life, the can't died or be sick.The degrees is 170 fehrenheit ,but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on earth.Is was not easy to conditions, but survivable for humans.However the venus it safely at the hours time,but the can be dengerous for sometimes.Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth -like planet in our solar system. | 01
09f2c09 | I think that this would be valuable because this Facial Action Coding System really work because in the text it stated that they found out what was Mona Lisa moods. And they figured it out so if they put the computers in a classroom for kids they will find out if they need help or not. Another reason why i think that this computer is valuable is because it can help out the kids and to see if they need help and to also see what they are struggling with so they can fix the problems that the kids are having. Another reason why i think that the computers coding system is valuable to the classroom is because if they feel sad or anything going on at home or somewhere the computer can tell what is they mood and why they have this mood. I also think that this coding system would be good for a classroom because it can help teachers and what i mean is that if the student is struggling and the teacher dont know why the student is struggling but the coding system do the system can tell the teacher what she need to do to help the student understand i really think this would be good for school all over the world the world need this new technology and it need to help us get through school. This concludes my reason on why i think that the technology to read the emotion expressions of students in a classroom are valuable. | 12
2a162fa | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is an artical about how Venus an unhabitable planet thats very dangerious for human to go, dispite the bearing heat of the sun blazing down on Venus at over 800 degrees fahrenheit, atmospheric pressuses 90 times greater than earth's, with the planet also being the hottest planet in our solar system. The author suggest many reasons why a trip to Venus is not like anyother trips but also a worthy pursuit.
My first reasons is how the author shows both Cons/Pros of exploring Venus, acording to to artical "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and Weather present additional empediments kike erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." (3) this show how dangerious Venus is for a humans. but the arthor also stated that " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." (4) the author stated that Venus could be Earth long lost brother a planet that once support life, and many scientist want to study Venus to answers.
My Secound reason is how the author claim humans should strive to new challenges for the curisoty to the answers. according to the last paragraph Venus "Our travels on Eath beyond should not be limited by danger and doubt and should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" (8) the author that being cerious for answers it the expande to meet teh edge of imagination to it fullies. My thirth reason is how the arthor concluded different scientist working on new equitment and technology to better the trip to Venus.
Although Venus is extremely dangerious with an unbearible heat and pressure enough to crush a submarine, it may be worth the danger to pursite studying Venus and it hold answers to many question with its history, while on extreme contition a nice trip to Venus might just be worth it. | 23
d4db57e | What we say matters and shouldnt be taken lightly
America is a country of opppurtunity. And many people come to this country to escape or change their harsh living style. When the founding father created the consitution.
I'm sure that they expected the system to last, and for the citizens to have a say in what happens to our home. but now is our government is denying us our, chance to make a difference in america. Voting.
Many people think that the Electoral college is a place, But it actully is a process. the fonding fathers established it in the constioin as a comprmise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. But now it is a way for people with a big pocket, to get there say, in who get to be president. In source 2: the readers are told that over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election. What this tells the readers is, americans don't feel like their vote actually counts towards the election anymore.
Now people are starting to wonder, Whats wrong with the Electoral college? The answer to that questions is, under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. To any american looking at this process happening and knowing their vote doesnt really matter. would feel like an injustise has been done to them, and they are absolutlly right. In the constition it say , That americanshave the freedom to vote, both men and women. so as a citizen of american, WE should be able to choose our president not an elector, from the electoral college.
As an american the citizens should be able choose who they want for president. It is not only unfair and unjust, that our votes don't have any pull. But it is also going against what our fonding fathers worked so hard to perfect. A naton where the people's words matter. The people who work hard everyday, teaching our children, and protecting our citizens, the people who lay down their lives for this country. The people who support this country , no matter how many injustices are thrown at them. Those people should have the most sway in choosing our president. Not the people who have had to never work a day in there life, or the people who are not grateful for this country. when a person who holds a position in an american government office, is easily paid off, It s time for some new, loyal, and dedicated workers. who work just as hard as the rest of america. | 23
bedf882 | Have you ever heard about the new technology called The Facial Action Coding System? What's the firts thing you think about when you hear about this? According to the acticle "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Facial Action Coding System is a new sotfware has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. We are gonna be talking about how the process begings and what methods they use to make this happen and possible
Firts, how this processstart to beings? The article state that, " The process beings when the computer contructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles". Dr. Paul Eckman was the creater of FACS (Facial Action Coding System).
What methods do they use to make this happen and possbile? Dr. Eckman classified the six basics motions-happiness,surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness but he associated each characteristics with the movements of the facial muscles. For example, " your frontails pairs lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger". According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions,but also may even help to produce them. This progrma can not only drescribe your emotions, it also shows when you ae hidding you emotion and when you do a fake smile. For example," intructions for a face that looks happy. Its all about those muscular actions units. They even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one"
In conclusion, the FACS use diiferents many ways to make this experiment to be possible and how this program being to funtion. This program is a good way to recognize how technoly has been imporving and what computers can do. Now with this information and knowing how this program works would you want to try this program and see if this its works? If you do would be a good idea | 12
79f7075 | Technology improves every minute and it seems like there is no stopping. Reading emotions on a persons face can be confusing sometimes, so Prof. Thomas Huang, of Beckman Institute, and Prof Nicu Sebe, from University of Amsterdam, worked together to come up wiht technology that can read human emotions. Using emotion reading computer can be useful when it comes to school, because teachers and students deal with different emotions from their classmates/ colleagues every day. The first benefit is that it will help teachers and student figure each others emotion. Second, is it will make others be more active. Lastly, it lets others know what your emotions are.
First of all, because there are so many facial expressions that teachers often have difficulty reading their students emotions and lots of times that causes confusion among each other. For example, the text states that, "The facial expression for each emotion are universal," observes Dr.Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees od expression'(like not smiling as broadly)." This technology will be able to help teachers and or students have an easier way of reading each others emotion. In advance, it can calculate the different types of emotions that a person may be expressing all at once. The text states, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece)."
Secondly, it will help others be more active, that meaning students will show more happier emotions if the teachers can understand them. More over, Understanding students emiotions will help teachers have more of a positive way of viewing their students. In addition, recognizing a student emotional expression when learning a lesson can help the teachers teach more effectivly with the help of the technology. For example, the text states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confusd or bored, Dr Huang predicts. "then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."
Third, although letting others know your emotions can sometime be scary because some emotions can mean weakness, the computer can give specific emotions that a person is expressing. When you see a friend or
teacher sometimes it is very hard to tell their emotions that they are expressing, but maybe with this technology it will be easier for us to understand them. Because most human connect nonverbally, our emotional communications is considered nonverbal communication and the computer has those skills. The text says, "Most human communications is nonverbal, including emotional communication," notes Dr. Huang. "So the computers need to understand that, too."
In conclusion, using this technology in classrooms can be very useful. It will help teachers and student figure your emotions. | 34
c1500e3 | Automobile companies are beginning research on driverless cars. Many of these companies believe that driverless cars are the safest form of transportation. People think that the mass production of driverless cars could potentially change the entire world. Many people have been fascinated with the idea of cars having the ability to drive themselves. Are self-driving vehicles a smart idea though?
Driverless cars could very possibly be one of the most amazing inventions man has ever known, but are these cars really as safe as people are saying. In my opinion, I feel as if these cars are not as safe as a human having full control of his or her own vehicle, and I feel that once a driverless car is used long enough that it would begin to malfunction and not work properly. I feel like driverless cars are more of a fantasy, than an actual reality. I do not think these cars are safe enough to actually be sold on the market.
Another bad thing about driverless cars is the fact that they would be too expensive for any average citizen to be able to afford. If these vehicles were being mass produced right now and sold on the market, only extremely high class citizens would have the money to purchase one. The amount of technology that each and every one of these cars require, it would be nearly impossible to sell for a reasonable price. People do not have the money to buy a normal used car to drive, let alone a car that can drive itself. The amount of money spent in making these cars would be outrageous, and the very few people being able to afford them would only cause companies to lose an extreme amount of profit.
With all of this being said, I do not feel like driverless cars will ever be more than a fantastic thought. I do not think these cars will become a reality, and I do not think we will ever see the day when everyone owns a self-driving car. The thought of these cars is very fascinating, however it does not seem to be realistic. Driverless cars are an amazing technological advancement, but the day when everyone owns one will not come, so we all need to steer ourselves in the right direction. | 23
888b77e | A car that you do not have to drive. It sounds pretty cool right? There are many aspects on why driverless cars are good, but on the contrast side, many driverless cars are not that appealing, not to mention that they would be highly expensive. Driverless cars can cause accidents, are not truly "driverless', and are not legal in numerous states.
Driverless cars, even though they sound interesting, are in fact not that ethical. When you think of a driverless car you may think that they are safer, when in fact they are not. According to the article, they still have many kinks to work out, and big problems with liability.Cars that are driverless can cause as many accidents as a normal car can. If you were to get into an accident wtih a car that is driverless, and it was the techonolgys fault, who is to blame?
When you think of the word "Driverless car" you would think that the automobile itself would be completely hands free, when in fact it is not. The article states that the driverless car can not do what a human can do. Such as go through heavy traffic, or going through work zones and around accidents. In fact, the article also states, that none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. The driverless cars are not in fact driverless yet.
If car manufaturer was to think of a way to build a driverless car with all of the features it takes to make it a driverless car, he wouldnt be able to unless he lived in one of the following four states in the U.S. In the Unites States, according to the article, only have four states that allow you to test and make driverless cars. These states are: California, Nevada, Florida, and District of Columbia.
With limited states that allow you to test drive these types of automobiles, how do we know that they are truly safe?
On the contrast side the driverless car is a good saftey feature. It drives itself, but alerts the human when an action they can not do arises. Since these cars have this feature, they can alert the driver when they really need to pay attention. When you are driving the driverless car you always have to have your hands on the wheel or else it alerts you, which is a good saftey feature.
Driverless cars have many keen features, and soon this will be the car everyone wants to buy in the future. But with all the saftey features only the higher class members would be able to afford it. Also, cars that are driverless could pose a threat to the newer generation by letting them slack off, and let the car drive itself. When in reality you are supposed to be driving the car. The question is, would you allow your teen to drive this car, even though the technology is not promised to work? | 34
a3f3377 | Driverless cars are clearly the newest innovation that will most likely affect human life.
Not needing to stay awake for an entire roadtrip sounds like an amazing idea.
Being able to take a nap while you are stuck in traffic would make it enjoyable.
But the only problem with self-driving cars would be the price and maintanece required.
They would most likely be too expensive for the average home so the only reasonable answer would be renting the vehicle.
Driverless cars would be a great innovation for people with disabilties.
Someone who was severly injured and is now incappable of driving by themselves would greatly benefit.
A senior who can't rely on their own motor skills could now easily travel to visit family. Transportation would be much simpler when the vehicle is able to pick you up, drive you to your destination, and ounce its delivered you it would drive back to maintanence.
There are plenty of benefits of a driverless car, but the largest benefit would be its impact on the economy.
These new cars need to be manufactured, which will create new jobs in factories that wil create these new cars.
It will also require people who repair or enhance the technology.
But the only setback of a self-driving car would be its ability to sence the world.
It would have to be programmed to deal with any situation which takes time to prepare for, because any new situation that the car hasn't dealt with would shurely be a problem.
Self-driving or assiting cars are the future, but of course the future takes time.
Many laws set in place would have to change for any business based on driverless to be a feesable idea.
The largest hill to overcome would be winning over the average person, they need to be convinced that driverless cars are safe and reliable.
Driverless cars sound like science fiction, but they in fact are a reality and people will want this new innovation that will make their lives simpler.
These cars would be a great inprovement in transportaition that would forever change the world. | 23
dafc727 | In today's society, technology dominates many aspects of everyday life. It seems that as humans become more advanced, technology in turn, plays a large part in that advancement. On the subject of driverless cars, of course someday they will be on the road. As time will tell, if technology will allow for it, then new technological advancements will indeed be implemented into society, including that of driverless cars.
Technonlogy has always been advancing since the start of mankind. Whether it be from the development of the wheel to driverless cars, people are always finding easier ways of completing their daily tasks. It is only logical to make life more efficient and the only way to do so is to develop new and improved methods of completing common tasks today such as driving. The driverless car has potential use in society as it would appeal itself to many. "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash" (2). This only proves how much safer a driverless car can be compared to a live human driver. People are easily distracted; whereas technology does not face these same obstacles. When it comes to driving, safety is always the number one concern for not only drivers, but also to pedestrians. If new driverless cars prove to be more safe at preventing accidents then why would it not be implemented into society? In the article, one can also see that there are some added benefits that come with the driverless car. Developers at BMW have been able to create a semi-driverless car with added features. Dr. Werner Huber, a BMW project manager describes the feature as interpreting the driving fun in a new way. To do so, BMW has hoped to bring in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. At the same time, these displays can be turned off instantly if of course, the driver is needed to take control of the wheel.
A problem that arises with the idea of driverless cars is the law and specifically: the rules of the road. Currently, ". . .traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times" (9). "As a result, in most states, it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowoing the limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe" (9). Even so, if traffic laws do indeed change, new laws will need to be made regarding driverless cars. Questions have begun to arise such as who is at fault for an accident in a driverless car. Insurances would also need to adapt to this change in order to cover driverless cars and the question of liability also comes up. Is the driver or is the manufactuerer at fault? Either way there are still a lot of questions that need to be answered before driverless cars are on the road. At the end of the day, as long as driverless cars prove to be more safe and more efficient for people, it will not be long before the drastic change to transportation as society knows it.
As one can see, technology dictates new advancements in society and because of this, the driverless car will soon be the norm. They prove to be safer and more efficient than compared to a car operated by a human driver. There is no certainty as to how this will play out but what is true is that these cars would, in fact, fundamentally change the world. Just as life was different for people twenty years ago, life will continue to be different twenty years from now. | 34
42d5993 | Dear senator we know that there been many changes in the united states of america voter increase there equal right to vote for the president of the united sate. but does the electrol college work? yes becuase if there was not a electral college to vote we wouldnt have a president in the united state. We just need to follow the goverment step to consider there vote. but the electral college consists of 583 electors that means that everyone had the right to vote.
We all have the right to vote because many people dont have the chance to vote for the united sates president so do you think we would have the chance to vote. n and can imagrats vote to thier part of the state we have a big population of imagrant in the united sate they are hispanic, lations. we had save the imagrant because we all vored to come to the united state to serve a better life taht they coulnt have in there counrty. so we all have the right to vote in the congress constitution
Do we all to serve the right in the united even if they are not from the united sate .the population grows even more with the imagrants the reason we have to vote for them was becuase they need a better future to help there family. senator i would say not to change any of the decided thing you would want to do to the voter in the united states. | 01
b5d5592 | Driving smart cars that drive by themself has it's pros and cons. People can come up with a great deal of reasons on why we should or shouldn't have them. Every time someone thinks of the furture they think of fyling cars, cars that drive by themself. But is the furture really that far away from having driverless cars? Should people be allowed to drive cars that drive themself? In my argument against the development of these driverless cars you will hear the pros and cons having this and why we should or shouldn't have them.
First let's start off with the pros of having driverless cars. One would have to be that it would save a ton of fuel, and protentionly help the earth as the yers go by. Driverless cars could also save a bundle of car wrecks everday. By limiting the careless drivers that are in a hurry to get places or not paying attention. Another pro is that it would help people that would be killed by drunk drivers. It would bring down the numbers of death due to car wrecks. It would save a mass of time on the roads for people who are traveling, because there would not be tons of traffic jams due to the lack of car wrecks becasue they won't be in a hurry and driving wreckless.
Now for the cons of having driverless cars. For starters it would cost a bundle of money to make all these smart cars. What if you don't want to get a smart car that drove itself, would you have to? Also would everyone get rid of there old cars and where would they go? Another thing is as a mass of us know technology does not always work when we want it too and is not always on our side. So the car could stop working on us. In the article it said that they made a road that was smart, but that would cost way to much money to replace all the roads and a ton of time spent doing it. The whole car would relay on sensors that could go out at anytime, whenever they wanted to, and however they wanted too.
In my personal argument, I would not trust a car that could give out at anytime it wanted to nor would I want to. Another reason it would cost way to much money to make. Although it could save a big deal of car wrecks due to wreckless drivers, the cars could be just a dangerous. As I stated before technology is just something that is unexpected and you can't really relay on it. | 23
93ef0d8 | Limiting the car usage can have multi advantages for everysingle citizen. reducing car usage can help citizens to live a better life,which mean it can make them happier,healthier and more sociable. for example heidrun walter says "when i had a car i was always tense. i'm much happier this way."this show the effects of limiting the car usage." after days of near-record pollution,paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city.''goverments are now being concius on how cars can affect us todays but, more in a future about pollution. ''the smog rivaled beijing,china, which is know as one of the most polluted cities in the world.'' the cause for this problem are cars. in beijing,china, citizens and tourist are having problems to breath and the smog is causin health problems too.''its a good opportunity to take aways stress and lower the air pollution,''in bogota colombia another citizen name carlos arturo talk about how the reduce of car usage have taken ways the stressand helps to lower the air pollution which is going to help our kids ain a future to have a better life. another important fact is that is car usage is that citizens would have to walk or exercise by using bicycle or other methods to move around the citie which the effect could be everybody having healthier lifeand have a better social life wich in some cases helps the person to be able to be themselves.
i think people should be concius and start reducing their car usage becasue is only for theis benefit but for other or even something more importantr their families. car companies are going to be affected by this change. but their going to be more affective in a future when they see what they have done. not only for the human race but for theis loved members. so i think the advantages of limiting tha car usage is good in many ways but their still one factor is going to bother people like going to some places really far away to see some of theirs family members. | 23
c044d1a | Driverless cars have been in the news all the time in the past few years. Many advancements have been made in order to make this new technology possible. The continued development of driverless cars will benefit in the world today. Car companies need to keep making progress in driverless cars because it wil eventually lead to a safer way of transportation for all people.
Many people die each year in car crashes. Most of these are due to distracted drivers doing things like texting and driving. Driverless cars would greatly reduce the number of these accidents. The article gave details talking about how driverless cars could be activated to take over driving when the driver needs to do something like send a text message. A driverless car is just another high-tech safety feature a newer car could offer just like air bags. Nearly all car buyers are influenced by how safe their car is and how expensive it is. The price on a car with this technology is unknown right now but it may drive many buyers away with a high pricetag. For many people though, safety is a bigger concern over price. People would rather be safer driving around even if it did cost a little more. They would be attracted to a driverless car which could assist them when they needed on the roads. Safety is a major concern in cars and new driverless cars could help improve road safety greatly.
As well as safety concers, the roads need to improve also to further the driverless car experience. There is a large amount of progress that is still to come in order for these cars to be safe. As the article refered to, the roads need to be smarter as well. This was the first way that there were strides made toward driverless cars. According to the article, these pratice tracks with smart roads sending signals to each car worked perfectly. The only problem with this idea was the amount of money needed to fund this project. Companies are already spending large sums of money to make cars with newer better technology. Why not focus some of that money on making these smart roads which would help the driverless cars run. Obviously it is not reasonable to install this technology on all roads, but if it is on highways, busy roads, and throughout cities it would make a difference. This would help prevent drivers from having to take control of their cars due to the car avoiding tough situations altogether. Overall, smarter roads would help these cars and make them better for the people around them.
Lastly, people are always wanting the newest and best technology advances pout there. Each year millions of people swarm to get a new version of the iPhone. These driverless cars would be the iPhone of car industry. Cars have not changed much in the past one hundred years. People put in air bags, seat belts, or navigation systems but nothing major. A driverless car would be something major that no one has ever seen before. Boat loads of people would want to be the first to own this new technology and not have to even drive their own car. Many would see the appel in being a passanger in your own car. These newer driverless cars would be loved by many buyers and sell like hot cakes which is why they need to be manufactured.
In conclusion, driverless cars are becoming a reality that will be loved by many. It is more of a safety feature for many drivers which will help to reduce the amount of accidents. With newer technology being created and used, the cars and roads will both need to be improved before these cars can work well out in the everyday world. Millions of people around the world will flock to car dealerships to buy this new technology though. Driverless cars will change the car industry for the better. This is the future of transportation | 45
231b95b | The use of the Facial Action Coding System technology in a classroom is not valuable.
It could easily distract children from school work.
The technology is not needed for any need in a classroom.
And the technology goes against normal morals and personal space.
The technology shouldn't be used in a classroom.
The use of this technology could easily distract a child from school work.
During a school task, the child nor teacher needs to know the child's emotions.
As a now high school student, i've seen that school work doesn't need your emotions.
School is for learning, not for counceling.
The only place this technology could be used is in theater or health managment.
I'm sure this technology would cost a lot of money that many school districts don't have. Multiple school distrcts in my area are hurting, and they can't afford to pay for this technology that isn't needed.
After the fact of ditraction, the technology doesn't have a select purpose.
There isn't a need for it in schools.
Why would you need to know your emotions for a school task?
School is a place for all children to learn subjects like math, language arts, and science.
School is not for counceling.
There are supplies schools need more than emotion recongnizing technology.
There isn't a place for it in learning through grade school, perhaps in college if you are studying to be some type of counceler.
Last but not least, this technology goes against personal space!
No one wants a computer reading their emotions while trying to test, or without knowing.
It is a persons right to keep how they feel to themselves.
It is unecessary for a teacher to need to know a students emotions.
If the student wants to tell a teacher that he is feeling upset he/she has the right to do so.
And if the student would not want anyone to know, it is his right not to have anyone to know.
it may be good for a student to reach out to a teacher for help, however, this doesn't mean a teacher needs to know a students emotions based of this technology.
During test in schools we have to put our phones nd earbuds away to prevent ditraction. So why have a technology that would distract a child from a task?
This technology isn't needed in schools and isn't valuable in schools.
It would be a big waste of money for a school district to buy this technology and only use in one or so classes. | 23
8abfff9 | Hey Luke here, in your childhood have ever wanted to be a cowboy or wanted to sail the seven seas?
Well why not be both with our Seagoing Cowboys program. I did it and it chaged my life forever.
You can enjoy being the best of both worlds while helping others.
It may be dangerous, but so is everything else. People need us, but we need you to help us.
You may wonder why should I help people I don't know? here are some of the things I saw and did that you will be able to do too.
You can see many parts of the world like China or Europe.
Also you may see Acropolis in greece or take a gondola ride in Venice.
Maybe even Italy with sreets of water, or Creete with its Panama Canal.
Also if you are 18 or older this counts as military service, and when it comes down to it it's more safe to deliver suplies on a boat than be in the battle lines of war.
Plus You are helping people around the world by delivering important suplies like horses, young cows, and mules. Though you will have to feed alot of horses you'll be ok. I fed 335 horses and I was ok.
In concusion that is why you should be a seagoing cowboy. You will see parts of the world you never seen before, you'll be serving your country, and you will help people around the world. Join and you won't regret it, I didn't and you wont ether I promise. We need more Seagoing Cowboys for our program.
This is Luke Bomberger saying will you be the man or woman to anwser our call? | 23
9cc68b6 | Venus is like earth with just worser conditions to living. It's the closet planet to earth in terms of density and size. Studying Venus isn't easy. You can not really sample things on the ground there, that's why NASA is trying to come up with new inventions to help us study Venus.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit because if you meet the challenge presented by Venus you see the value of it, it will lead human curiosity into many equally intimidating endeavors.
In paragraph 4 the text states " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth " this meaning that back then Earth and Venus were some what the same even to now they still are. Venus can be sometimes be the nearest option visit for a planetary visit. When NASA sends humans to study Venus they face hostile conditions on the surface of Venus, and if they go Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. It wont be easy conditions but it is survivable for hor humans. It is good and bad because they are hovering over the ground safetly but at the same time they cant take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance. Due to trying to study more on Venus, NASA is working on other ways to approach studying Venus.
This is how it is when NASA tries studying for Venus, it's hard for them because when Venus is sometimes around the corner ( in space terms ),humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land. No spacecraft sruvived the landning for more then a few hours. But hopefully they come out with successful ways to study Venus one day. | 23
9c6dd12 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I am not against it or up for it. These cars
yes they have their positives and negatives so here is what the author said in the article that was really interesting. For example some of the positives might be that the car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves , but the human must remain alert and ready to take over when a situation is required for a human.
Lets say that there is something that the driveless car can not do. When the car is in danger
it can quickly get the drivers attencion when there is a problem. The drivers seat will vibrate if in danger. Also the google car announces when to take over sonat least you get the heads up. Yes, i agree that it sounds vey nice and that you dont want to drive know and then. However the car will not allow you text and drive because that can lead to getting injured.
Lets say the driver wants to take over and drive for him/herself
this display is allowed to get turned off but something that is not available to drivers would be texting with a phone. The car in general is a safefty feature an safety is really a big concern in todays world. The car does however watch the driver while the driver watches the road. There is going to be new laws towards this driveless car. If the technology fails and
someone ends up getting injured , whos fault is it really? Could it be the driver?Would it be the manufacturer? It would honestly depend on how bad the situation was. | 23
7bc0860 | The author supports his theory of going to venus is a worthy pursuit by having creative ideas and sources that supply him with evidence to back up his claim.
Venus has earth like features, its extremely hot and its 97% carbon dioxide.
In the article the author claims that venus has earth-like features "Astronomers are fascinathed by venus because it my well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." this statment gives details on how venus my have looked like earth a long time ago.
In the article the author claims that venus is very hot "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything human encounter on earth;such an environment would crash even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals." in this statment the author gives many specific details on how venus has the hottest surface tempature than any other planet in our solar system.
In the article the author claims that venus is 97% carbon dioxide " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of higly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere."in this statment the author explains venus's atmosphere.
in conclusion the author did a very good job explaining and education on how venus is a good planet to study despite the many dangers it has. | 23
9ac9cfc | There are a lot of mixed opinions about driveless cars. Some are against it and some totally support the idea of it. I support it because I think that it will be easier and faster way to get somewhere and it can be safer which is very important. And while others are against it because it can be dangerous and involve a lot of reckless driving which can lead to accidents. Technology these days have improved from before and it is better now which allows us to make better technology.
Sensors are very important for a driveless car and have improved over the last decade and they can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine which allows better respnse and control than human driving could manage alone. There have been furthur improvements in the sensors and computer hardwawre and software which will make driving safer and it is leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own. Even though some of the technology needed hasn't been made yet some believe that we are catching up to technology necessary to make a driveless car. Though in the past couple of years several car brands have started developing cars that can handle driving functions such as they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves but they are all designed to notify the driver when the car requires human skills such as navigating through work zones and around accidents. Manufacturers are also considering putting in cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. They are also hoping to bring in heads-up dispay signs that can turned off instantly if the driver needs to take over. The in-car system is actually a safety feature which is a big concern, While those who are against it think that it can be reckless driving and cause accidents and it can lead to conflicts regarding who is at fault with injuring someone.
I think that as time goes technology will get better and advance more which can lead to manufacturers making driveless cars. Safety is very important and I think that it can be safer and a faster way to get somewhere. There are manufacturers making cars that are not completely driveless but I think that soon we will have driveless cars selling everywhere. | 23
7d9484d | For a long time, scientists and engineers have been working on developing driverless cars. Although these cars could be useful, they are not safe. These driverless cars could cause many problems on the roads. Scientists should stop working towards making these cars because they are unsafe for everyone.
Driving is dangerous enough as it is. We can not put all of our trust into a machine and expect it to keep us safe. Humans can not rely on a machine because it will not have the senses and reflexes that a human has. In the article it says, "These smart road systems worked suprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." These cars are supposed to be able to take over for the humans driving but there is no possible way to record every road on the Earth. Even if that was possible, new roads are being built every single day. The system would have to update quite often for the cars to be safe and functional.
People today will argue that the new cars will save fuel and money. The new driverless cars could save a lot of money. With these new cars, humans would not have to spend money on drivers training and things of that sort. The article says, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world."
Yes, these cars could possibly save money and fuel. No, it would not be worth risking lives by using these cars. By using these cars we would be risking our lives. Unpredictable things happen everyday. We never know when a pedestrian will be walking in front of our car or when a driver will suddenly slam on the breaks. A car would not be able to sense when these things are going to happen. We as humans have senses to predict these things. We can not replace that with a machine. The new driverless cars are unsafe and impractical.
The new driverless cars will do nothing but make our society more dangerous. Scientists need to stop making these cars. They will put many lives at risk. The driverless cars will be harmful to everyone. | 34
89a47b1 | In this writing prompt, I will tell you as to why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I will explain the duties of this program and the perks and finer points of being a Seagoing Cowboy.
In paragraph one, the last sentence, it clearly states why this program is so highly valued. Luke knew this and it states, "He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." This is simply an opportunity of a lifetime. In paragraph one, it had stated what Luke did before he became a Seagoing Cowboy. It had changed his life and brought him away from working at odd jobs for the rest of his life.
A second reason as to why this program is extraordinary is that you will be able to make a difference in someone's life. It states in paragraph two, "...many countries were left in ruins." This was after WW II. People needed help and, "The UNRRA hired 'Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas."
Besides helping people, the Seagoing Cowboy program also enabled a golden opportunity for new sights and knowledge. Luke states in paragraph 5, "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China." You will get to see Greece, Italy, Crete, the Panama Canal, and other spectacular places on your journey across the world.
If you are an animal lover, the Seagoing Cowboys will also provide a wonderful time with the creatures onboard. Horses, mules, cows all need to be taken care of. While this is hard work, it will be worth it.
The Seagoing Cowboys program also provides some fun in the cowboys' lives. In paragraph eight, it says, "The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time." This program has multiple perks and activities you will discover when you join.
And last of all, being a Seagoing Cowboy isn't just an adventure. In the last paragraph, it says in a response for Luke, "It opened up the world to him." Luke says, "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." This awareness can help you throughout the days of your life. And for Luke, it says, "That awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and echange visitors for many years."
In this writing prompt, I have explained why being a Seagoing Cowboy is a great experience to have. You can help people and animals, have fun, sight-see, and develop your sense of character. you will be able to change your life immeasureably. In the end, the experience can make you into a better, more compassionate person. This concludes the writing prompt for the Seagoing Cowboys. | 23
ac84bac | The face on mars is really just a butte; that is just a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa. NASA has even proved that with the first pucture. But people still didnt beleave them.
Science can prove this by taking pictures every few years to see the diffrance. In the oragnle photo in 1976 it does look like a face but, that was from 1976. Then in 1998 they took a other photo and it dosnt look like a face at all but, people still didnt beleave them so in 2001 they took one more picture, and it revealed it is just a mesa in the martian area of Cydonia. In Cydonia there are many mesas and buttes.
So that proves that the martian face is really a mesa. But you will still come up with awsers for the missing fetures like a ¨cloud¨ in the way, so the camraes couldnt get a good image. So like I said before NASA sent a other probe to get a good image and it was in 2001, and it pleased the publuc. | 12
2f08580 | Cars are almost everywhere, And as they say ''Where ever theres a car, There is polution''. Well thats not what they actually say but thats what they should be said. I mean can you just imaging the gases and smoke coming out of just one car,Its a lot right well now picture a country full of cars and trucks now thats cause for damage. limliting car use can have advantages on the world and ourselfs as a person. One city in germany is making a change for the better.
In VABAN, Germany population of just about 5,500 people, About 70 percentl of the people there do not own cars as said in source three of the article,It also states that 57 percent of people sold there cars to move and live there. this plays a part in the advantge of less air polution, ''Fresh air'' when people say i need some fresh air he not really breathing fresh air unless hes sniffing a tree tahts has just gone to phtosynthisis .Not to mention the gas, In VAUBAN instead of having to use the gas for cars it can be used for other day to day things. although there is less polution in VANBAN it is nothing compared to the air polution that has already been let out but to make things better we all have to start somehwere.
less air polution is good but it might take years before we can implimant a law or rule to have less cars around the world. something good that you can get out of not having a car right off the bat is less stress and being calm.''When i had car i was always tense, i am much happier this way.(source 3) heidrun walker, a media trainer and a mother of two stated that. Now she dose not have to wait in traffic of rush hour to go pick up her kids from school or get groceries all of that is a walk away. Daily excrsics and a nice walk. This is just another couple of advantages that people can get from not having a car.
In my opinion people don't need cars if places are two blocks away. i see it as an acsesorie, Or another toy to play with, But this toy has a cost. If the world for at least one day stoped using cars , They will under stand what is is to live in this small town of 5,500 people are who happy with there life style, hopfully they will understand the advantages towards not having a car. | 23
c07be21 | The Facial action coding system is a good idea to used in estudents beacuse almost the 50% of the students are shy an they dont want to ask when they are confused and bored so if teachers know how they feel they can help them. A classroom computer could reconigze when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts."then it could modify the lesson , like an effective human instructor ." the same technology can make computers-combined faces more expressive- for video games or videos surgery. Many people are going to like this becuase that can help techers, students, and all people that cna get it. Did you know that exist a new sofwart making by Dr. Paul Eckman called " The Facial Aciton Coding" that indentify the humans emotion that it can used in all people bout we can used in students to show how they are feeling. The process begin when the computer contructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major mucles in the model must move like humans muscles. movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit". Dr. Paul Eckman has classified six basic emotions that are happiness, surprise, anger, disguits, fear and sadness -and then associated each whit characteristic movements os the facial muscles. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal, Dr. Huang thought individuals often show varying degrees of expression (like not smiling as broadly), The software can even identify mixed emotions, each expression is compared against a natural face showing no emotions. the monal lisa demostration is really intendet to bring a smile to your face. Imagine making a computer that know when you are sad or happy it can be good for people. In conclusion this idea is really amazing besause it helps people and almost all the people are confused beacuse they dont know how they feel about something, this computer with the sofware it can be good for school because al students got confiused in something bout someones are shy an they dont want to ask to the teachers to make the aclaration about the thing that they are confiused and it can be better for teachers making more things intesting. | 12
cc8319c | Human emotions have been around about as long as humans have. For milenia humans have been able to convey feelings through facial expressions for many hundreds of years. Peole have also figured out ways to fake or force emotions if they feel it necessary and have been doing so for hundreds of years. While classrooms are newer but feel boring to most,they are a big part of life. Classrooms might be boring, and while it has become possible to use new technology to make learning fun, but this begs the question, is it practical?
Computers are newer and facial recognition is on the rise but is the facial recognition software fit for a classroom? Facial recognition software might be available,but as the article mentions,personal computers can't handle the software. How are schools supposed to use something that requires a larger computer with only a small amount of money to spend? The article also doesn't mention how costly the software itself is so it could be too costly for schools. Most schools simply do not have the kind of money required for this new technology.
The new software could be used to make lesson plans more fun but is that practical. Ignoring how the schools would get this new software,the practical use of it has a cost of its own. Changing lesson plans to be more fun may sound practical,but what about the cost and different types of learning? There are different types of learning,auditory,visual,hands on,and probably more types of learning,but how are schools supposed to cater to those who like to learn differently than the rest? The methods of putting these other types of learning into effect would be far too costly for most schools an would probably require even more software and other technology.
The costs of practical facial expression recognition software usage are big but ignoring that, will people accept a comuter watching their facial expressions? Though the article mentions about facial expressions and analyzing them, it fails to take into account how people feel about this. According to the article,this software could be used to tell if a student is bored,but would students be comfortable with a machine that could tell how they were feeling just watching them as it taught? Many students would feel uncomfortable being watched constantly especially by a computer that could analyze how they were feeling. Not to mention the fact that for some forms of learning the computer might be forced to move around with the help of other technology to give examples which might make students more uncomfortable.
In conclusion while facial reading software seems like a good idea,maybe it isn't. The software wouldn't be compatible with school computers. The cost of replacing the computers and putting the new and more fun learning techniques into practice would be very costly. Many students would feel uncomfortable with this new technology and some things students are forced to learn simply can't be made fun easily. While it might seem like a good idea on the surface,some things just aren't practical. | 34
2a447bd | CLAIM
The author explains the story very well by including the high co-op of the united states that could be the NASA and scientists are studing this planet because of the simelarity that has with planet earth.
To sport my claim thwe author says " if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visists its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have beem the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.
This story talks about how the nasa is trying to study the planet called "the even star" or for short "Venus." However, this nickname is misleading since Venus was considered a planet in our solar system. Scientists says that "venus is to simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth", the NASA refers venus as the twin of earth, venus i the closest planet to earth in terms of denisty and size and the closest in distance too.
On the other hand sometimes the Earth is closer to mars in other times to Venus, sometimes right around the corner-in space terms. However, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. This planet is nnot that all safe the atmosphere of Venus is almost at 97 percent carbon dioxide and it has more challeng to studing it because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere.
Scientists are discussing further visits to the surface of Venus because it's the planet more likely of planet earth in our solar system.
Venus,sometimes called the "evening star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even
an amateur stargazer to spot. Often referred to as Earth's "twin, Venus i sthe closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally the closest in distance too. Earth, Venus and Mars, our other planetary neihbor orbit the sun at different speeds.Thses differences in spped mean that sometimes we are are closer to mars and other times to venus.
Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbin dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, tempetures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.
To conclude scientist are keep studing this planet to see if it's safe to live their or not. | 23
944301c | In this world many people or students were being suicide and some people they just don't have hope. Many people are facing many different kind of difficulties and sadness. For instance some people might be upset because they don't have families and can be because they are not as smart as other people in school. Some people are facing difficulties while other are living happily. But we people don't know how other people feel and we don't understand each other how we feel inside of our heart.
First,using this technology to read students' emotional expressions is valuable. The reason why i think it is good is because sometimes some students are not as smart as other students and some students are afraid to ask question that they don't understand and afraid to discuss with their teacher. But if we use this technology to read students' emotional expression in class, it would be really useful thing and meaningful for students. it would make students even better and smarter. As we can see in the articles it says"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" If all teachers use the computer that knows students' feelings that would also help/make student to improve and develope their knowledge. Second,some students keep skipping class it can be because since they don't understand the lessons that they learn, they feel bored and stress and they behave bad in class so it makes them want to skip class so that they can stay away from stressness. But if teachers use technology that can read studens' emotional expression so that teacher would know which student doesn't understand and confused the lessons and teacher can explain those who didn't understand after school or during their lessons. Finally if they keep using this technology,one teacher can change a thousand studens' bad behavor and mind.
In conclusion,making useful things for those who feel hopeless and helpless are one of precious thing in our lives. Even though we all are came from different countries we have similarities things in some ways like how we face difficulties and that thing makes us one. | 23
98a7fbf | Did you know that NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was the first spacecraft of any sort to see the mysterious face on Mars? This mysterious face was first discovered in 2001. I am a scientist from NASA that has been researching this unusual, shadowy likeness of a human face since about twenty-five years ago. My name is Ellie. I get all sorts of questions and opinions asked to me about the human face. Some people say that they do not think that it's real, and that NASA is just making it up to get more people to notice us. Well, that would be wrong, considereing that we have pictures to prove it. We know that the face is just a natural landform because the pictures show it to be almost equivalent of a mesa or butte, and it looks identical to the Middle Butte in Idaho.
We know that the shadowy likeness of a human face is just a natural landform because is looks almost equivalent to a mesa or a butte. We have many questions asking things like, " How do you know that aliens didn't form it?"
and, "How do we know that this picture is not photoshopped to get NASA more commercial business?" The answer is we don't know exactly what formed it, but our research shows that it is a natural landform. First of all, pictures do not lie, especially that camera that we took it with. We took the picture with using a camera's absolute maximum resolution. In this camera, "each pixel in the 2001 images spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo" as we know from our research. Also, the mysterious landform that we captured looked like a mesa or a butte- landforms that are common around the American Midwest. to add to that, the Face takes the same shape as a lava dome and the same height. Not only does the face look almost equivalent to a mesa or butte, but it also looks almost identical to most of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.
Another reson that we know that the Face is just a natural landorm is because it looks almost identical to a landform is Idaho. People send NASA emails, and letters asking questions. One of our most states opinions is," Just because it looks like a landform on Earth doesn't mean anything. Things might be different there and there could be aliens there." Yes that could be true, but our research and pictures also prove it to be wrong. The first snapshot of the Face was captured was a long time ago. Since then our camera and photo quality has improved. Today we now have way better pictures of the Face than we did over twenty-five years ago. That means that we can see the landform better and look at the different characteristics of the landform. Then after we looked at the characteristics, we found that the Face had almost the exact same size, shape, quality of a landform in Idaho, United States. Also, one of our researches stated the definition of the Middle Butte. He stated,"That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face in Mars. Thousands of web surfers had been anxiously waiting for images for NASA to be revealed. Until one day we released the pictures. As we knew already, web surfers found that there was "no alien monument after all" as we know from our research. We also released how we took the picture. We had a picture taken by a camera on board MGS, but it had to peer through clouds. Then people started saying statements like," Perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze." Once again, that cannot be true because the characteristics and qualities of the Face look exactly like a part of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.
Now you have been proved wrong, and I hope all your questions were answered about the Face, or at least the questions that were stated in the article. we have done a lot of research on this mysterious human face, and found that it was not created by aliens. We know that it is a landform because it looks like a mesa or a butte, and it looks almost identical to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Therefore, this Face is just a landform. | 34
ba98667 | A driverless car is a dream that most believe can come within the near future so long as technology continues to advance the way it seems. However, many also know that sometimes, technology can malfunction and cause devastating accidents and injuries to the populous in factories, as well as on the roads in car crashes. Driverless cars can improve the efficiency of roads in that they require less gas to run, but their combined safety hazards still influence state governments to disallow these types of cars. Right now, in present day, driverless cars will not be accepted into development as there are still many things to change and improve on before they can be considered "safe" by the general populous.
Driverless cars provide a safety issue in how they are run, in which they are run through multiple sensors. These sensors are the only judges on what is obstructing the road and what is around that the car cannot crash into. There are sensors all around the exterior of the car, like on the rearview mirror and the roof of the car, for example. The problem with this is that if any one of these sensors were to malfunction, this could lead to catastrophe as the car wouldn't know what was around and what wasn't. This is a main issue with driverless cars that many state governments take into account when restricting the use of these cars.
In many states, it is illegal to test computer-driven cars. Only in a select few states, such as California, Nevada, and Florida, have limited restrictions on the use of semi-autonomous cars. Even then, the states do not fully allow the use of driverless cars, due to the notion that human driven cars are the most safe. This creates a problem in the development of cars, as if the state governments restrict the use of these driverless cars, many will be disheartened to use the semi-automated cars and most likely prohibit their children to drive cars like these too, as these cars still require a driver at hand to maintain focus on the roads, in case there is an unexpected event that occured in traffic.
One thing that most people fear about the driverless cars is that they are semi-automatic. This means that it is not a fully driverless car, but rather a more assisting car on the road. The reason for this is that the sensor cannot track everything, such as if there were an accident on the road, and driver assistance is needed. This means that the driver must stay alert on the road and cannot become distracted or else risk a crash. This becomes dangerous for the distracted driver when a sudden message appears that they must take over. If they are not prepared, it can lead to major injuries and even death. Of course, there are some automated cars that use the feature of sensors on the wheel, so that the driver must have hands on the wheel most of the time.
Now, there is always the arguement that driverless cars are safe because they have so many sensors working for them and that the driver can maintain focus with the combatants that manufacturers place in automated cars such as heads-up displays and cameras to make sure the driver is focused on the road. But the arguement still stands that as of now, it wouldn't be best to develop any automated cars. There are too many risks and hazards that could come into play with the car, as well as the major support of the government against these automated cars. The idea could be sound in the very near future, however in the mean time, a traditional driven car would be best. | 45
79cbb62 | Dear Senator,
The Presidential Election is one of the most important events that goes on in the United States. At the core of this election is the Electoral College. The only problem is, the college has many flaws. Like in Source 1, it states that our Founding Fathers established the Electoral College as a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and election by a popular vote from the citizens who qualify. As you know the E.C consists of the selection of electors, meeting of electors where they vote for the President and Vice, and the counting of the votes by Congress. There are 538 electors, 538 votes, and it takes a majority of 270 votes to win the election. This flawed system has been around too long and it needs to be altered. I am in favor of getting rid of the E.C and going to winner by a popular vote.
If the Presidential candidate is favored by more than 50% of the country then he or she should win. Like in Source 2 history shows that in the past candidates have clearly won the popular vote, but sill lost the presidency race. The problem with the current system we have in place is that the people who are supposed to have a direct voice in the government do not. Instead the people vote for other people who they are supposed to trust vote in favor of their opinion. I can see how some people believe in this system of trust, however some history has shown us otherwise.
History has shown that electors can go against the opinion of the public. When you vote for electors most of the time they in turn vote for what the people want. The only thing is you are not ensured that this will occur. In the end it is up to the elector who can decide however they wish. Personally for the U.S. it would be more effective to go to winner by popular vote, not only because of the unsureness of the electors, but also because that is what the people want. Another valid arguement to get rid of the whole Electoral College process is in Source 2, it states that sometimes voters get confused with the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. That could be detrimental to the country if the wrong person for the job was elected. If it was the popular vote sytem the selection of candidates would be clear and easy to understand, which leads to less mistakes when voting.
The view of getting rid of the Electoral College is actually quite popular. In Source 2 it tells us Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerce, and others have all agreed that we should abolish the Electoral College. Going all the way back to the beginning of our country we started off on the base priciple that the people must have a direct voice in the government. That is the reason our country was made a democracy. The Electoral College has bent those principles and hasn't fully allowed the voice of the people to be heard. With the popular vote put in place their are no middle men, it is just the people voicing what they want and who they want to represent them.
Looking over the information that has been presented it is clear that the Electoral College has to go. The system is flawed for many reasons such as the popular candidate not winning, voices not being ensured that they will be heard, and the confusing system of not voting directly for your President. If the change of winner by popular vote in the election is made none of the previous flaws will be present. The popular vote sytem will ensure the people get what they want and the process is completely fair. For these reasons it is in our society's best interest that our government makes this change. Abolish the Electoral College and bring on a new age of simple and fair elections!
A concerned citizen. | 34
143409c | Many places in Europe, Paris, Colombia, and The United States have all had a "car-free day" or less driving each year. These changes have showed such a drastic change in lower air pollution and smog in the atmospher. As well as less pollution there has been a drastic change in amount of crowed areas, and less driving. These are all advantages, as well as the less amount spent on car and license plates in each of these cities. Limiting car usage has such a drastic change on the enviorment as well as the citzens pockets.
"Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe.." (Source 1) Paris enforced a partial driving ban to have cleaner air after almost reaching a new record for polluted air. Paris has much more smog and polluted areas than Europeans capitals which are known as the most conjested areas. In Bogota, Colombia many people rode on buses and bikes and even walked to there destination on car-free days to reduce smog. Those who did not follow the rule where fined up to 25$. A businessman Carlos, rode a two- seat bike for him and his wife and stated, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower aur pollution." After this huge event other Colombian cities joined this event for advantages of low pollution. In the United State, "Has America passed peak driving?" (Source 4) In 2005 there was a show in less driving and since it has decreased. If this decreasing of driving continues to change there will be such a huge advantage on the air pollution from cars. As well as less air pollution, the change in driving cars and "car-free days" has lead to less overloading areas and conjestion. | 23
27065ce | The Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, could be useful for school purposes, and may help students and teachers tremendously. On the otherhand, however, it is not perfect and may cause more issues than it solves.
For school purposes, the FACS can be used to alter an online course, assessment, or even just a simple knowledge check, using facial expressions to determine if the students are confused, bored, or if they understand it. If they are confused, it may be altered to help them understand whatever it is they're working on. For someone who is bored, it may try to make an online course more interesting to grasp their attention.
However, the FACS is not perfect. It may mistake a facial expression for the wrong emotion. This could result in issues involving altering an online assessment, or course. Some students may feign emotions, and make faces to do the easier course that's meant for students who require additional help. Also, students who take an online course may be confused about something else, not the course they're taking. The FACS will still read that expression as confusion and alter it because of that confusion.
Altogether, I feel that these cons outweigh the pros too much, and I believe that the FACS should not be used for purposes such as an online course or assessment. Too much may go wrong too easily with the use of FACS. | 23
d29de25 | People have been driving for many years. Cars today have evolved dramastically since the first car came out. Since we have new technology, it means that we have more non-fuel efficient cars. We need to think of a way to cut out all the negative things that cars give us. Paris, for example is banning cars that have an even numbered license plate on Monday. Bogota, Columbia is also banning cars and telling people to find an alternative transportation. Lastly Vauban, Germany is demanding to be "car-free".
Paris has had days of near-record pollution, so they had to think of a plan to reduce the pollution in the air. On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave thier cars at home of pay a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the crime.
In Bogota, Columbia millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during the car-free day. This day has been going on for 3 years. People faced $25 fine if they violated this event. Citizens were saying that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower the air pollution". Parks and Sports Centers have been built, old un-even sidewalks have been smoothed out and rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic.
In Vauban, Germany residents of this upscale community are giving up their cars. Street parking, driveways and home garages are generally forbidden in this experiment of being car-free. Car ownership is allowed but there are only 2 places to park; large garages at the edge of the development, where a car owner buys a space for 40,000, along with a home. 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57% sold a car to move here.
Even though many people still own cars, they still give off bad things for our enviroment. Many cars produce a gas that is bad for the air. Many countries have banned cars on certain days to cut down on air pollution. Paris makes you pay a fine if you are caught driving a car on a certain day. Bogota, Columbia has a specific day that cars are banned and you have to find a different way of transportation. Lastly, Vauban, Germany is demanding to be car-free and have certain ways to have cars but pay for them. If we can keep making acceptions of taking different ways of transportation then maybe we can cut down on air pollution for good. | 12
ae0c1d5 | I personally am not for driverless cars. I think that a person needs to operate a car not a computer. I think we need the brain of a person behind the wheel. When people hear driverless car they might think the car can do everything anot be be focused on the road for an emergency to happen.
There is alot of problems with technology now such as cell phones, computers,ect. There will be a big problem if something happens with the car and a wreck takes place who is a fault the technology or the person. All people need to be safe on the road or walking on the road so we need an alert persom behind the wheel.
People won't be focused on the road and if something is about to happen someone needs to be ready for an emergency so I think there will be alot of accidnets with the cars people will not be foucused like they are now not reliying on technology.
We rely on technology to much now. I think people will be bored behind the wheel and wait on their turn to drive. Technology is expensive to create and to buy. The cars will be over priced and won't sell that many. Not everyone will be offord one. So i think cost will be a problem with the cars to and taxes will be raised on the people to fun these cars and I don't think people will like that.
Driverless cars are not a good idea. They will not be safe because people will not be focused on the road anymore and that can be a problem for passegers or people on the side walks. Funding will be a problem I feel many people won't be able to buy them and with technology means people will lose there jobs and that's not a good thing. | 12
be7c6bd | In "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes the Facial Action Coding System, or FACS, which allows a computer to identify human emotion through the expressions of one's face. The FACS has decyphered the many different expressions portrayed by the famous Mona Lisa painting, created by Leonardo Da Vinci. But it can be channeled into a much more profitable cause; reading the emotions of students in a classroom. It could allow teachers to see how effective the lesson is on the students and how many students are truly paying attention.
The effectiveness of a lesson is essential to the understanding of a class. If students cannot understand a lesson, frustration sets in and the student begins to give up. With the FACS, however, that sense of frustration could end as quickly as it began. The FACS would allow teachers to monitor the facial expressions of teir students, alowing them to probe the student to ask questions, rather than sit in confusion.
The FACS could also allow teachers to see who is truly paying attention in class. With Dr. Huang's software, teachers could tell how effectively the lesson changed the mood of the students, allowing them to see any signs of mixed emotions or emotionless faces. For example, just like how Mona Lisa's expressions revealed her emotional state in paragraph one, it could do the same for students. Also i paragraph 6, it describes a visual perception of certain Web ads could cause certain emotions, just like a lesson. All these emotions could the be associated with many different moods such as boredom or tiredness. The teacher could then switch to an activity which allows all students to actively pay attention to what is being taught.
Overall, the effectiveness of the Facial Action Coding System could be very beneficial in a classroom environment. It could allow teachers to see the cloud of confusion that hangs over the room of students, enabling them to prod the efforts of the students to ask questions. It also allows teachers to see who is paying attention in class, giving them a sense of how effective the lesson plan is, which could lead them to either continue with the same teachings or switch up the activities done by the class.This could help the grades of many students for the better. | 34
66de556 | I think that driverless cars are an amazing example of what humans are capable of doing. I also believe that they can be dangerous. They can really become a big help to society if they can make them as safe as possible.
The reason I think the driverless cars could be dangerous is because they could lead to wrecks. In paragraph 2 it says that the car alerts the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents. The driver might not be paying attention and if he doesn't take over the wheel, that could lead to an accident. The driverless cars do offer great things that could help us. In paragraph 1 the article tells us that the cars use half of the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus.
My conclusion is that we should take some more time with these driverless cars. I think we should work on them more and make them even smarter than they already are. This is the best option because it could make them even safer and that is the most important thing. | 12
b79920d | "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is a monument created by aliens, and i do believe that their was a alien life on this planet, says Dr. Chase. " With no living evidence Dr. Chase i do know that this monument was made naturally by mars, caused by wheathering, says i Dr. Clay.
"Since we do not have a real answer to how the face was made, if it was made naturally or even made by aliens which we all know do not exist, i suggest to just let the public get over it, says I" " But since the media and everyone around the world thinks that the aliens and the Egyptians were envolved in this, i say again to just let the media know that it was just a myth, says I"
" We should just let the media know that it was caused by natural causes by mars since thier are many storms their, says I." " the world should not be in panic, and that we have fewer problems and no aliens,says I" | 01
8204f35 | Venus is a challenging plant to explore but who doesn't like a challenge. However Venus
is the second plant
from our sun which makes it a little challenging to expoler. but also Venus nickname is a evening star becuase of it bright light points in the night sky. Now why
wouldn't you want to explore Venus?
Venus is Earth twin because of the camparison about how the size and density are the same. also that Venus it the closest to the earth. Venus speed is different from the Earth because of how the Earth, and Mars orbit around the sun sometimes the earth gets more closer to Mars than to venus which causes the speed difference. Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space. So our NASA friends had sent several spaecarfts to land on venus which none of the survived execpt for a few hours or some didn't even make it. but it also makes Venus more interesting to explore the plant and how to make the spacecarft last longer then a few hours.
The NASA sent somes humans to study Venus about their hostile conditions on their surface by hovering or a ship orbiting over Venus. Venus limited the ship to insight the grounds conditions so they wouldn't get rocks, gas, or anthing else from distance. so the scientists are trying to seek conduct mission to understand Venus but there are risk they have to take but they are not go to think of them as risk but challenges.
NASA is working on study Venus by building the ships to last for three weeks or more. so they are looking back at their own old mechanical computers and trying to fix what they did
wrong. They can now build
ships that flexible, powerful, quick, and they can handle the strong physcial conditions down there.
Venus is a challenging plant to explore but who doesn't like a challenge espcially when they came up with more ideas and built better ship to explore Venus. Venus has this curiostiy about it so i dont see why wouldn't want to explore Venus even if there challenges you have to face. | 23
e07e781 | "The Challenge of exploring venus" it talks about space administration and the national aeronautics (NASA) they talk about tecnical use and the things that go on in space. the authors is studying about things that are good and bad up there he seaches and sees what goes on up there in pharagraph 3 he talks about how atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus is more challangeing are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere.
the planet surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet . venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our solar system even erupting volcanone, powerful earth quakes and frequent lighting strikes. temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees fahrenhket. solar power would be plenttiful and radiation would not exceed earth levels. not easy conditions.
NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus, some simplfied electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and lasted for last weeks in such conditions venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth these differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars our other times to venus. venus is someties right around the corner a thick atmosphere of almot 97 percent carbon dixoide blankets venus temtures. these conitions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. | 01
fae8a55 | In the article Driverless Cars Are Coming, there is an argument about the driver and the manufacturer. Most driving laws focus on keepping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawnmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in a car entertainment and information systems that use heads up dispalys. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who fault is it? The driver or the manufacturer?
With cars becoming smart over the years and new technogly tried with these cars, there has been less accidents. There are sensors now that can tell people when they are in danger and there are safety bags for peeople's safety in case they do get in a accident. But manufacturers are trying to make it bigger and make the cars smarter to decrease the ammount of car accidents there are. There is probably a lot of testing and tries for the next new big thing. I guess it depends if the manufacturer does fail, they'll try again but i dont think it's their fault for trying to make more safety for people. It will defientely be a new change to everyone if they succeed at this, and people will just have to adjust to it for their safety.
If the driver manufacturer does fail and someone get injured, it will not be the manufacturer fault for focusing on keeping drivers safe. They will have to do a lot of testing on it anyway, so highly doubt anyone will get hurt. Authomakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved. Everyone just wants what's for the best and that is keeping drivers off their phones and focused on the roads. The smart cars can help that happen, so there will be a lower ammount od people in accidents. | 23
30aed5f | Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and since it is now 2016 it was about 40 years ago that a face was found on the planet. Some people think it was made by aliens and other people are logical and say it is a natral land form. I think it is just a land form because you can duscern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size, we havent found anything else, and it look like some of the landforms here on earth.
First of all, in paragraph 11 it says that as a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image up to 3 times its size. This helps prove it wasnt made by aliens because they cal close in on the picture and they didnt find anything else around it like other sculptures or houses or anything. therefore, it was either really old or just a land form.
Also, we haven't found anything else on the planet. If aliens made that dont you think they would have made other things and if they did wouldnt they also be there. It is not likely the face is an artifact because there should be more and if it was made by aliens and they had more it is unlikely that they made them and only that one is still there.
It does look a lot like what the agyptians made so if there were aliens they would probably be capable of doing that but it also looks like some of the landforms we have here on earth. Garvin even says in paragraph 12 "It reminds me most of middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. hat's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated masa about the same height as the face on mars."
In conclution, It is just a natural landform that happens to look like a face. We havent found anything else on the planet and the ppicture doesnt have anything in it like a home. Also it looks like some of the landforms here on earth, we have some natural things that look wierd so why cant mars? The face was not made by aliens. | 23
242eb2a | Scientists want to study Venus for a variety of reasons, it seems. They have discovered valleys, mountains, and craters in Venus's surface. NASA seems to be working on several ideas for machiens to go down to Venus's surface as well.
NASA is working on a few different projects for going down to Venus's surface. One of these projects is a set of simplified electonics made, or coated, with silicon carbide. This material is proven, in a simulation chamber, to be able to handle conditions not unlike those on the surface of Venus. It'll have to be able to handle acidic rain, lightning stikes, and extremely high temperatures. 800* F, in fact.
But, why would anybody even want to study Venus? It's so brutal over their. Well, scientists think that long ago, it may have been an Earth-like planet. This is where the mountains, etc come in. Because Earth and Venus both have these rock formations. The atmosphere is almost 97% carbon dioxide, which could have come from severe global warming, which brings the temp. up to 800*F. We're slowly heading that way, so people on Mars, in a long, long time, might be making these same observations, about Earth. Or maybe, they already did, a long, long time ago. Either way, NASA wants to be able to make closer observations about Venus. They think hovering 30 miles above its surface would still be at temperatures of around 170* F, which is still pretty warm, you'll want a lot of AC. But, the radiation levels won't be unlike that of earth, and the air pressure would be about that of sea level on earth. So, it'd be rough living, but it'd be fairly survivable for humans to live in.
So, again, Venus is a tough planet, it's atmosphere is absolutely crazy dangerous. There's lighting, earthquakes, and freaking volcanoes!!
Plus, it's atmospheric pressure, is 90 times that of Earths!!!!
But yeah, it's definitely be great to get some of those rock samples or gas samples from Venus. I think it'd definitely be a planet worth studying. | 23
5cf885b | The use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotions of students in a class room is valuable. The Facial Action Coding System uses science and math to predict what emotion you are experincing. This means, that one, if a student is acting up in class or falling behind you can figure issue that student is having by using this sowftware, acting up or falling behind could be an emotional issue, and two knowing what your students are feeling may help you better teach them.
Most students do not tell teachers why they act up or why they are falling behind. Most teachers always try to help their student, but they cannot help without knowing whats wrong. The Fatial Action Coding System allows teachers to know what students are feeling during their time of need, and it also could better enable a teacher to help them over come their problems. This technology calculates "six basic emotions, happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness" these emotions are always expressed when a student is falling behind, upset, or mis behaving. If a teacher better understands the emotion a student is feeling it could help that teacher help that student overcome what is happening in their life.
Knowing what a student is feeling when a new lesson is taught could better help a teacher teach the lesson it could also even improve a class no one likes. Most students love some classes or hate some classes, but there is almost never an inbetween. If the classes students hate could get tested on with what emotion each indevidual is feeling while taking that class, could better help make the class better. Using the Facial Action Coding System you can get acurate readings for why students dislike a class emotion wise becuase the software precisly computes a "3-D computer model" of your face including all "44 major muscles" that tell your emotion.
In conclusion I belive that the technology is valuable to classrooms. It could better help how students act in a class and it could help the teacher teach the class in a way that students like and love it. This technology could revolutionize a classroom experince, teachers will finally know the "why" behind why you like a class. It is all based on emotion and knowing someones emotions could help solve so many everyday problems teachers have with students. | 34
abf0922 | Dear Senator,
I would love it if the electoral college was gone because it really is crazy if people are thinking their voting for someone when they really aren't like the presidents. We actually help pick our state senators because when we vote for presidents we are actually voting for the canidates electors. Some states have a winner takes all system, and what that system does is awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. But Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. after the prsidential election, our governor prepares a certificate of asertainment, l isting all of the canidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors.
Under the electoral college system, we do not vote for presidents, but for the slate of electors who then elect the president. We should consider ourselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, the system allows for much worst. Consider that state legislaturwes are responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.
Back in 1960, segregationist in Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors with new electors who would oppose for John F. Kennedy. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast deciding vote for whomever they plaese. | 12
803954d | As it shows in the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", towns or cities like the experimental town of Vauban, Germany, are capable of continuing life without the added stress of owning a car and lowering the greenhouse emissions caused by them. Although the majority of the citizens do not own a vehicle, there are about 30 percent who do, and those who don't, either ride a bicycle or on what little amount public transportation there is. Out of the 70 percent of Vauban's families that do not own a car, 57 percent sold theirs to move there.
Areas all around the world are beginnig to do the same as Vauban. Creating areas that do not require vehicles mainly due to the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that are causing the majority of the worlds climate change. Even in Paris they are beginning to cut back on vehicle usage due to large amounts of smog. In 2014, Smog in Paris measured 147 micrograms of particulate matter (PM) per cubic meter which is more than other European capitals with Brussels at 114 and 79.7 in London. | 12
70348bd | I believe that there should be no more Electoral College because it doesn't give people much of a say in who becomes President because there is just a commitee of people that are voting for the President. "The Electoral College established by the founding fathers in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens" (Office of the Federal Register, Para. 1). The Electoral College only consists of qualified citizens it elect the President, so even when you vote the majority doesn't even matter because the President is only elected by those qualified citizens.
A lot of people prefer to have a different way of voting than we have now. "According to a Gallup poll in 2000, shortly after Al Gore won the popular vote but, still lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind that we have now" (Bradford Plumer, Para. 9). This shows that more that half the country doesn't want the closed election, they want a direct election.
Some people still say that the Electoral College is a good thing because they think it is a fair way of voting for President, but even if their vote doesn't really matter they still think it is a good thing to have for our country. Also if they vote for a canidate who has the popular vote and still loses because the Electoral College voted for a different person, they might think that it is unfair, but they still think it is a good way of doing things.
All in all, we should do away with the Electoral College because it is an unproper way of voting for the President and also can be unfair. It is unfair because it doen't give people a say in who should become President. If the person running for office has the majority vote and still doesn't win, it shows that the people of this country don't really get a say in things that are important. Most Americans would like to do things as well. | 23
2bab4f9 | Driverless cars should not be able to be developed and used. They aren't safe because you do not know when they'll mess up. Also because if the technology fails, and a serious car crash happens there is nobody to blame. I know that driverless cars are improving, but there are just some obstacles that they aren't good enough for, like driving fast on the highway and switching lanes when needed. Also because driverless cars still haven't developed to where they can detour around things like work zones and car crashes.
If driverless cars were to be allowed on the roads of the united staes it would not be good at all. This is because, in the United States, there are already too many cases where people are getting jailed for killing someone because of drunk driving, or driving under the influence. So if driverless cars were allowed on the streets people who are breaking the law, and driving under the influence will not be able to take over control of the car when a situation pops up where they are needed to manually drive. So therefore if a crash happens and someone got hurt who is there to blame, the manufactuers or the person in the drivers seat.
Another reason that driverless cars shouldn't be able to hit the streets is because these cars are not able to perform things that humans can do. For example, when a human is driving down the street they look ahead for things they have to watch out for like, potholes, speedbumps, roadkill, and glass. These cars will not be able to do things like this because they are built to a specific system to where they just know where they are going, and how to stop and stuff. So therefore they will just run over these things. If they just run over things like glass, and potholes objects like the tires on the car may be damged. If the tires get damgaed that means they'll have to be replaced. And replacing the tires on a driverless car may be really expensive.
So my point is that accepting driverless cars in the united states is not a good idea. Simply because they're too many things that may happen to the car. And also there are too many risks that may apply when having this car on the road. | 23
09c97ba | Venus is a planet in our solar system and is one of the closest to Earth. The harsh conditions on Venus's surface make it dificult to explore though. But scientist are eager to do this because Venus might have had life a while back. It might have had oceans too to support life.
Venus's conditions are so harsh that no space craft sent to the planet survived the landing for a few hours Venus has a thick atmosphere that is almost 97% carbon dioxide and is one of the hottest planets in our solar system. Its average temperature is about 800 degrees Fahrenheit. That's not all though, Venus also has acid rain and errupting volcanoes. It is truely a harsh planet.
However, NASA had an idea for sending humans to study Venus. This may sound like a crazy idea, but NASA will make sure the conditions will be safe enouph for humans be safe and study Venus. They could make a a blimp-like vehicle hovering about 30 miles above the surface of Venus. At that height, the temperature would be about 170 degrees Fahrenheit and the air pressure would be simular to sea level on Earth. These conditions are a little rough, but survivable for humans.
There could be many new discoveries found on venus. It may be a hard task, but maybe one day, we could find a new discovery that could change the world. Who knows what we will discover on our next mission to Venus. | 12
00a6e71 | Limiting car use is a great way clean up greenhouse gases. In some car intensive areas in the united states passenger cars are responsible for 50% of greenhouse gases. Not ownly limiting car use help redouse greenhouse gases it benfits people personly by saving them money on gas and other expensis brought on by owning a car. It aslo would make it safer since car accidents are one of the leading causes of death. I dont think people shouldn't own a car i just dont think we should use them for everything. In some cases cars are anasetiy so there's aways gonna be car use we should just limit it.
Greenhouse gases are bad so by limiting car use we could redouse greenhouses in some areas up to 50%. Limiting car use will aslo save people money not ownly in gas but expensives as well. There are sevrale expensise that come with owning a car just in get a car would require paying to get your permit/lisnes. Then buying the car itself witch no car is cheap. Then once you get the car the expesise just keep coming. Such as payments on the car asoming you didn't pay it all off when you got it there's also gas, changing tires, check ups, inter stuff, repairs, etc... Nothings cheap about a car.
Limiting car use would also make the streets a safer place. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death. Anything from fender benders to full on collishens are dangours. There's also sevral cases where people are hit just walking down the street. Cars are dangours plus limiting car use or restricting it in some cases may aslo bring down the drunk driving incadents.
Im not saying we should get rid of cars. I just | 12
d926aa2 | The reduction or limited usage of cars impacts the daily lifes of society and also benefits the enviroment; It could also Change the way you see things.
Limiting the usage of cars can reduce the pollution in the air caused by cars and motorists.
Around the world people have a different way of thinking when it comes to cars, Society has come to realize that car usage is becoming dangerous & unnecessary. "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the day; to promote alternative transportion and reduce smog". In colombia People have decided to change the routine of driving everywhere in cars because it might be unnecessary since their destinations might be close; instead they reduced the transportation usage and only buses are permitted; it lowers the pollution in the air. This demostrates that a campaign of limiting the car usage should begin in other countries.
In Germany People have founded other ways to limit the car usage instead of banning cars. Society decided to make the streets more compact less far away from the community itself. "Make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation with, less space for parking, stores are placed a walk away on a main street" By doing this action; it takes pressure away for people who use their cars everyday to drive anywhere. It also saves people money by not spending on gas & most importantly it encourages people to walk and exercise by doing simple things like shopping. It also psychologicaly impacts community members. " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way".
There's many others ways of influencing people to not use cars. For example, making a national fine. Like the goverment in France made " License plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine".
Driving less could have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, It will allow people to feel more free and less stressed and it also allow them to meet new friends, their could health become better ; The economy could rise, traffic will be cut. There would also be less car accidents and crashes due to less traffic. | 34
c43fc51 | Having to not worry about not staying alert constantly or saving up for a new car over a life time are a just a few benefits we could potentially recieve with the development of driverless cars. I feel that scientists and developers should continue the development of driverless cars because with this new technology the rate at which an accident occurs could potentially be decreased, the amount fuel used to operate a car would be cut in half, and if you ever decided to operate manually, the vehicle could apply its advanced accident safety systems before an accident has the oppurtunity to take place.
One reason why the development of driverless cars should be continued is because they can prevent accidents from occuring. Being built with the new technology allows these vehicles to stop when needed, slow down when entering harsh conditions, or alert the driver when an accident could potentially occur. These types of safety features could prevent head on collisons, hydroplaning on roads, and accidental traffic violations.
Another reason why the development of driverless cars should be continued is because they can cut the amount of fuel needed to power a vehicle by half. This is important because in today's modern day scientists have discovered that the amount of fossils fuels fuels in the world is decreasing exponentially. At that rate, they say that within the next five hundred years there will be no more fuel left. With the development of these types of vehicles, scientists have the ability to cut the amount of fuel needed in half, which could increae the number of years to one thousand.
The last reason for why the development of cars should be continued is because they can provide anticipated accident safety features. What I mean by this is that before a collision takes place, the advanced sensors constructed inside the car are able to detect an accident and provide an earlier response. This could mean that they will deploy airbags earlier or even apply substantial pressure to the brakes hundreds of feet away from opposing harm.
To say that driverless cars would be benficial is an understatement because they have the ability to change the world. Their new features could end the number of accidents involved with vehicles. The amount of gas that will be used could be saved and manipulated for other life changing technology. Lastly, they could prevent, us, drivers from suffering from severe injury in a collision. | 34
fa5fa54 | Florida State Senator,
The Electoral College is a crucial part of the United States's election process. There are some negatives to the Electoral College but the positives outweigh them by a landslide. The certainty of the outcome and having a president that the majority likes are key beneficial factors to the Electoral College process that would be lost if we changed the election by popular vote for the president of the United States.
With the Electoral College, there is a very rare chance that there would be a tie in the nationwide electoral vote. However, according to
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner, "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible--it happened in 2000--but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." A clear winner will always be produced with the slight innormality of a tie. In 2012's election, Barack Obama received 51.3% of the popular vote compared to the 61.7% of the electoral vote. If the election process was by popular vote, it would have been a much closer race between Obama and Romney.
To win the Electoral College vote, each region must like you. You cannot have a presidential candidate that favors one region and only one region favors that candidate.
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner states, "...a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president." In contrast,
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Bradford Plumer claims that even "at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states."
What Is the Electoral College?
by the Office of the Federal Register says, "The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President." Because of the number of electoral votes each state has is based on population, meaning Texas has more votes than Rhode Island, every presidential candidate focuses on winning over the big states. The big states are a better representation of our nation's opinion. The Electoral College process should not be replaced by the popular vote due to the extremely rare chance of a tie. It should remain because an outcome is certain and majority of the population would like the president. | 34
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