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7ae56ec | Driverless cars or drivers driving a car? Technology is good but too much can be fatal. Driverless cars will be inefficient, expensive, and make people lazy.
Driverless cars will become inefficient because after a few years they'll need repare and could get viruses in them. Driverless cars so far require of human skill so people still need to be aware. Therefore, probably causing many accidents on the road because of unefficiency from the car. Drivers would get bored to await their to turn to drive. So far there are no laws that approve driverless cars, because it requires a human to drive a car.
Not only will they be inefficient but will cost many companies a lot of money to develop. In the late 1950s, General Motors created a concept car that could run on special track embedded with electrical cable; however, it required massive upgrades to exisiting road, something that was too expensive to be practical. Not only will it be expensive for companies but also for the state making roads for the driveless cars. A radar that would help with the transportation of driverless cars can cost up to two hundred million dollars.
If driverless cars ever came to be that would make people very lazy. People would be picked up whenever they need to go somewhere without causing them a little of activity but to walk to a car. Yes, it could be a benefit when you have an emergency and can't drive yourself around. Yet there are numbers and places you could call in case of an emergency. Humans will eventually rely on technology so much that soon they'll invent chairs that require no getting up from them to go to the kitchen. People need to be active and with driverless cars there'll be a lazy society.
Technology is becoming to powerful and needs to be limited. With driverless cars there will be a lot of economical expenses, many inefficencies, and laziness among the country. | 34
905f9fb | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. the author supports this claim by using logos to give facts and numbers to the readers like, te average temperatures for venus are 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atomspheric pressure is 90 times greater then earths atmospheric pressure. the author also gives the readers pathos to show use what the profesionals, for example the National Aeronautics and Space Adiministration or for short NASA has one compelling idea for sending humans to venus and thats to study the plants resources and gasses but a big problem with that is if we did send humans there, they could only hover above the atmosphere like a plane because of how hot the ground and because it would be impossible for humans to breath due to 97 percant of Venus atmosphere is carbon dioxide that srounds venus, plus the clouds on Venus are highly corrosive sulfuric acid. addition to the problems with exploring Venus is that theres a ton of erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting storms. if venus is so inhospitable then why are scientist and the author so deteminded to visit venus? Astronomers are so fascinated by Venus because it may once have been like are earth with oceans and various life forms of life on venus. in short if vensu was once so much like are earth then what happened to it and thats what researchers and scientists would like to know, because whatever caused that to happen could happen to earth as well. | 12
0ef994a | A huge crowd gathered around me. Teens and young men were crowding around, adjusting themselves to get a better view. This was going to be difficult.
Someone shouted,"Why are you here?"
I closed my eyes and prepared my speech, here goes nothing. "My name is Luke Bomberger and I'm am here, gentlemen, to persuade you to join in a program called the Seagoing Cowboys program."
There was a hushed silence as I finished my proposal. I could see the looks of confusion on many peoples' faces. I'm off to a good start.
After a few seconds there was mumbling in there was mumbling in the crowd.
"What's that mean?" Someone shouted.
"What do we do in it?" Another chimed in.
There were multiple questions being fired in my direction and I was starting to get a headache.
"Lower your voices!" I shouted as I raised my hands in a stop gesture,"I can't answer your questions when you guys are being so loud."
Finally th crowd calmed down.
One young man pushed himself to the front of the stage where I was and asked, "What do we do if we join the program?"
I was prepared for this question and replied," Well, in this program you have to help take care of the animals, like horses and young cows, to cross the oceans."
I felt like that sentence didn't have enough information, so I added,"World War II has ended and we need to assist other countries that have been affected by the war."
"WIll it be boring?" One man asked from the back of the crowd. All eyes were on me, their gazes intent on what I was about to say.
I stopped and mulled over my thoughts before answering,"Well, not really. You would be able to see other countries and their landscapes, but you would have to clean the stables and feed the animals. When they are returned to their destination, on the return trips you can have a lot of fun. I had played some sports like baseball and table-tennis with the other boys who had join during one trip back to America."
The crowd looked interested. I felt like I had said the important parts to persuade them.
"Is it dangerous?" One person said.
"It can be at time when it's raining extremely hard on deck." I admitted.
I thought I needed to say more, so I added,"All the adventures you can have will be exciting, but one thing this program has helped me be aware of is the people of other countries and their needs. I played my part in assisting others, will you do the same?"
There was excited murmmuring as everyone surged forward. I felt pride in what I had said.
"I want to join!" Someone shouted.
"Where do I sign up?" Another one asked.
I allowed a smile to appear on my face as I pointed to the left. "You can sign up over there." | 12
ac7467b | Dear senator, I believe that we should change the electoral college to popular vote. The reason why I believe this is because it's much more simplier and has less problems.
To start off with, its more simplier than the Electoral College. The reason why it simplier is because its much fast and easy than the electoral college. For example,"Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, somethimes the state party's central committee, somethimes the presidential candidates themselves. Can voters control whom thier electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candiddate? Sometimes". This quote just shows how confusing the electoral college is. Another example,"It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. This quote explains that the electoral college is outdated and should be changed.
To contiune, using the popular vote has less problems than the electoral college. For example "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically resposible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. This quote explains that the electoral college will always cause a problem with voting the president you want. Another example "It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality elections are spurious at best". This quote explans that we should abolish the electoral college and it also points out the flaws of it.
To end this off, I still believe that we should get rid of the electoral college. Wheather it's because it has several problems with it or because the popular vote is much more simplier. This is why senator i think we should get rid of the electoral college. | 23
647cd96 | I think that hes right because no body knows about Venus and people would want to know more about it. people can learn what Venus has and how things live there. you are going have to know because theres no oxygen there so you have to take a oxygen tank. Many people have wanted to go visit Venus and see how it is out there. The temperature is very warm and the surface is rough. Scientist are investigating how Venus is, if its safe to visit and explore and find new living things their that people dont know about. They say if you go into it with phones your phones will explode because of how hot it is on the planet. The evidence that shows is that they dont know if its safe enough for regular people just to go because its very hot there. You would have to wear a special suit so you wont burn your skin. | 01
336c6ad | Everybody may be have different opinion for everything,including the emotional expressions. When we at happy time to see that could be a smile photo. When we at med time to see that could be a angry photo and so on. We can not actually know what is the real expression from this painting. But computer can help us to recognize the subtle facial movements.
One reason is''Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists,such as Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System).Eckman has classified six bisic emotions--happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness--and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles.''There have six bisic emotions on computer can help us to recognize the subtle facial movements. Another reason is ''A classroom computer recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,'' Dr. Huang predicts. So that evidenced computer can recognize the emotional expressions of the students in the classroom is valuable.
By the way,people recognize the emotional expressions depented on themself at what time to see the expressions,but computers can ''calculater''that for sure. In my opinion, computer can help us to recognize the emotional expressions. | 01
ebe791f | Foremost, the electoral college is a process used for selecting a president through the popular vote of qualified respesenators. The electoral college was established by our founding fathers, and still benefits us today. Using trusted representatives and efficently casting the desired vote, the electoral college is the best method of selecting a president. The electoral college allows the country to be sure of an outcome, and no one region can elect a president on its own.
Electoral votes are cast by electors chosen to represent each state, these electors are "...trusted to vote for the party's nominee...", stated Richard Posner. This means that electors are trusted and qualified to efficiently represent the vote their state desires. The trust set upon electors is "rarely betrayed" Posner said. The last time an election was won by someone who didn't get the popular vote was in 2000, and this doesn't happen often. This is contrary to what was said by Bradford Plumer. Plumer stated "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse."
The electoral college gives America certainty of an outcome, without a tie, or a run-off election. The ability to rest easy knowing there will be a clear winner is an ability given to America, by the system of electoral votes. A tie occurance in an election is "Highly unlikely..." Posner said. Even though most states use a "Winner-take all" basis, ties and run-off elections are still extremely rare and unlikely.
Swing states- a debated and popular issue amog the electoral college. Swing states are often paid more attention and given more information than regular states. While being paid more attention, the swing states together are able to determine the election's outcome. Though small states don't get much attention, they still have a say in the election. | 23
7f21cc4 | In the article it talks about a man that just got out of college and he is working a 2 part-time jobs working at the bank and the grocery store. So, his friend asked him if he wanted to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke said "Yes!" So, next he got to go on his 1st trip.
Lukes friend told him that UNRRA was hiring "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of peoples horses, cows, and mules. Luke and his friend signed up and they coundn't have been more happierin their life if they didn't do that because the got to help other animals and save peoples farms from being destroyed and the food supply. Next they headed for Greece with a ship load of 335 horses and enough hay and oats to feed them.
Luke helping his Aunt Katie had prepared him for all of the hard work he needed for this trip. On his 2nd trip Lukes job was to check on all of the animals every hour. He got to go to many different places like Italy, Europe, China, etc. He says he was "Grateful for the opportunity." The awareness stayed with him, leading his family to a big number of people and exchange visitors for many years. Now, would you like to do something like that? Do you want to do what he did? Just think about it. | 12
1c24c26 | Considering the fact that more often than not, students get bored in the classroom at least a few times. If their computer had the ability to tell when they are bored, then it can find something that the students enjoy. Paragraph six states that if " 'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused of bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.' " When we get bored in class a good teacher can usually tell. some teachers will try to make class more intersting for the student. The more interesting it is, the more you are likely to learn. But if you're on the computer, the computer will automatically know when you're bored. Teachers don't always know just by you're face because that might not be something they were supposed to learn. Plus computers would most likely have more resources to provide something interesting for you. Teachers might not always have that at hand. Paragraph six also says " 'Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,' notes Dr. Huang. 'So computers need to understand that, too." We already have phones and computers that we can talk to and they know what to do, some smartphones even talk back to you. But they can't read our emotions. They don't know what we need unless we say it. Making computers be able to calculate our emotions could make things easier, for students, for teachers,and for anyone who needs this kind of technology. "So, who really thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions? " Paragraph nine. | 23
56d6e03 | I think that they should not change the Electoral College because it tells us what kind of president we will have in the future and what kind of changes he will make. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. You see this is something that happened a long time ago the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This is a system that makes sure that we know what kind of president we are putting in the white house and what are things to make this state a better state to live in and to have a good job. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the district of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the Electoral College. The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The president only haves four years, it is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. When you vote for your state they have a thing called winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. When the election is done they have a thing they do called Certificated of Ascertainment it lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Ascertainments are then sent to the Congress and then to the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election.
In the article of The Indefensible Electoral College its trying to ask you why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong and it tells you why. What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? They were trying to abolishing the electoral college and they were not alone, according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won thwe popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This is the thing that can not be changed because this is a system that we can pull up see what they were elected for and why they were voted president and how many times. It helps us how we can choose the right president or the right vice president. In 1960 in Hawaii, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was president over the senate, validated only his opponents electors, but he made sure to do so without establishing a precedent. This happened a long time before i was born. You see only one state can casts only one vote in Wyoming,representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California,who represent 35 million voters. In 1968,a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;in 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters on Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way.
In a article i read it says that there are five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president. There are called Certainty of Outcome,Everyones President,Swing States,Big States, and the final one is Avoid Run-Off Elections. Each one tells us how choosing the president and shows us a map how it works and we can see which state shows a breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state. This is something that can help us understand how to vote and how long they will be the president or the vice president i think that we should not change the Electoral College because how would it work without it and how would we pick the next president. This is a hard thing because it would take time to discusses it with the senators and it would take a lot of votes to agree or disagree to the idea. This is why i think that they should not change this because its been around longer before i was born. | 34
1868e57 | Automakers are progressing closer and closer to bringing fantasy and reality together by creating the driverless car. Many people debate whether they should be legal, or if they even have any real use to the world. The driverless car is not a practical option for the world to turn to.
To allow technology to completely overrun our lives and to go on "auto-pilot" for the rest of one's life, would do much more harm than good. The driverless car will allow drivers to essentially ignore the road and their surroundings during their trip. Though the manufacturers may warn consumers to be alert during their ride, one must find it pointless to pay for an automatic car, when they may have a normal car that requires a slightly higher level of attention. One must fear that for going on "auto-pilot" for so long, the people may forget how to drive properly.
When these cars get in an accident, there will be a law suit between the driver and the manufacturer. If the car gets in an accident caused by the car itself, then the manufacturer will have "wrecked" it's reputation, and hopefully will be forced to recall every autonomous car of that model, which would be extremely expensive fpr the company to do. To add to that, these cars will be far too expensive for consumers to be worth all of the legal and insurance hassle that would be attached to it.
Finally, one should find that the automatic car would disconnect their emotional connection to their normal car. Tthe automatic car takes the fun out of driving, making the task seem to be a mundane way to get from point A to point B. The automatic car would steal one's confidence in having control over where their going, which also means drivers would do less "taking the long way home" and more "get me to where I'm going".
In conclusion, the automatic car is not going to become the future of driving. In American society, people have emotional relationships with their cars, and the automatic car would not fill in that gap. For the people that would go for the automatic car would become unaware of their surroundings, and frankly would be set on auto-pilot for so long, that one fears that they may forget how to drive properly. In the end, the automatic car may be good to some, but inpractical and inflexibole to many, but no one knows what the future may hold | 34
3933960 | Driverless cars have positives which they hold but in total perspective driverless cars are a negative. Driverless cars are exciting cars that show progress in technology. As the years go by technology continues to advance, one advance being the driverless cars. As experiements and trails of these driverless cars have been held, I believe they are an awesome new technology advance but would be to advance for our day and age.
Driverless cars come with cool new gadgets and upgrades but they are not neccessarily safe. The cars which have been recently tested by Google are not fully driveless as the driver has to stay alert so they know when they need to step in. "Google cars arent truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents."
In my opinion, the cars are not needed because if we are still needed to always be full attention on the road why wouldn't we just drive. Also in with coming the driverless cars it states we need smarter roads. So the cars would only be able to drive on certain roads or every road in America would have to redone. Every road being redone is unrealstic as it was way to costly and time consuming. " These smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Another reason being the safety and changing of the laws. The safety of one car not catching a sensor of another car and getting into a crash. Another safety problem if they driver is driving a driverless car and is to preoccupied with his phone or another task in the car and the car needs the persons assistance and her is to preoccupied then the car with crash. With the law, many new laws would be needed to be created with the development of driverless cars. Only four states have released permission of testing driverless cars as other states are not on board. "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars. California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia have led the country in allowing limited use of semi-autonomous cars; manufacturers believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars are proved more reliably safe".
Also issues like in a crash who takes the blame if no one is driving? " Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at faultthe driver or the manufacturer?"
As the development of the driverless cars continue I hope manfucaturers see even how neat and technological advanced these cars are they are simply unsafe and unrealstic to the world around us. Many people will argue they do not want a driverless car. We will then have normal cars and driverless cars driving on our roads which will cause more collision. In an overall view driverless cars are a step in awesome technology and development for Google, car companies, and our country but in perspective of safety and realicy driverless cars are just not an option. | 23
b1b3814 | In the text,"The challenge of Exploring Venus" it says that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. On paragraph 5 it says, " NASA's possible solution to the hostile coditions on the surface of venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." I says that NASA does more studying they are going to sent people to study Venus. while, they are studying for Venus they can float around Venus and see it around and how it looks like. In paragraph 7 it says," NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of slilcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." NASA has been trying to study Venus for a long time and they are trying to approach it so they are sending people to study Venus and they have made some inventions. They have been sending it with people that are going to venus and trying it out. NASA is trying to do something with computers called Mechanical Computers. These computer are going to be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. The computer are going to be more better than out computer and phones. In many ways is going to be hard because it does have some risk factor to go to Venus but they are trying to find new inventions are diging up old inventions like the mechanical computers. In many ways I would want to go but then I wouldn't because their is some risk to it. | 23
50677b9 | There are many reasons why you should particiate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. It is one-hundred percent, a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity. It is much, much more than just an adventure. It is a way to open up the world to yourself and others. I just couldn't say no, and you won't say no either! These are just a few of reasons why more people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program.
It is an opportunity/experience of a lifetime! There are many great adventures and ways to have fun. We got to take an amazing tour of a excavated castle in Crete. We also got to see China and Europe. Also, getting to see the Acropolis in Greece was very special. We also got to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. The streets in Venice, Italy are completly water!
We also have a lot of fun on the return trips, after all the animals are dropped off. We have competitions and play many games. We play games such as, baseball and volleyball in the empty animal holds. We also have many competitions such as, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, reading, whittling and much more! We have so much fun once the animals are dropped off!
Being a Seagoing Cowboy was the most amazing experience ever. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It opened up the world up to me! I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. This was truly a great experience. The awareness I had then, is still with me to this day. I am still aware of people of other countries and their needs. | 23
5719378 | The Facial Action Coding System (FACS)is a recent innovation in facial recognition software. It can deciper what a perosn may be feeling by analysing muscle movements and facial structure. While the technological impact of FACS is revolutionary, can a sytem like it be used in schools to give insight into the emotions of a student? The value of FACS in schools has the ptoential to become great, but as of now, FACS still has many challenges to face in order for it to become a practical and valuable part of the education sytem.
Currently, FACS can only recognize "...six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness...". While this abilty is a great acheviment, FACS would have to be able to read many more expressions, such as confusion, boredom, or understanding to become useful in a classroom enviornment.
If implemented in its current state, FACS might look at each student's face and would be able to pinpoint only the happy or suprised students, but typically, the happy students are not be the ones who need help. Without the capabilities to recognize more emotions, FACS would serve little purpose in this setting.
The artical also states that " Your at home PC can't handle the algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." Many school comtuters are out of date and wouldn't be able to run FACS either. So, in order to correctly use it, a school would have to spend large amounts of money to purchase machines with the computing power to run FACS, an investment that may not pay off for years. This expense would only be made greater by the cost of the software itself.
So, while the Facial Action Coding Sytem has the ability to become an integral part of the education sytem, with its current capabilities, it would seem that FACS is not yet ready to assume the role of a valuable tool in classrooms arcross the country. | 34
c038b3a | There are many fellow citizens in the world that have been using cars are having car accidents and many more terribles things that have happen during inside of a car or outside of a car. According to the passage, Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters. Is better to take a walk, ride a bike, and make the streets a better place. Especially, that up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car- free day, was a big hit in Bogota, and should make it in the United States one day to leave the streets without traffic jams.
First, fellow citizens should stop the car usage, to make the streets a better place, walk, ride a bike, or do something that would make the streets much safer. The cars usage, many people have died for these terrible accidents. Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because it supports the streets to not become very dangerous. There are many accidents that have caused of a hit-and-run. So is very important that at least the car usage should stop the humanity.
Next, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, because, according to the passage, up to 50 percent in the United States, there are car-intensive areas. Car-intensive areas, such as the traffic jam. Traffic jam, can be very dangerous at some point, and it keeps people very tired and fustrated. According to the article, In Bogota, Colombia, there's a program set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to keep the area as a car-free day, leaving the streets devoiding of traffic jams. So try to ride a bike, walk, skate, or do something, that can be a car-free day, a much safer environment.
Then, Limiting car usage, is a great idea, also, because without cars, and only buses and taxis, a which the main goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, Violators have faced $25 of fines, according to the article, also. Its a really good opportunity to take away the stress and lower air pollution from cars, especially the stress from traffic jams. As what i was saying in the beggining, that many people prefer to use bike, walk, or skate to keep themselves a much safer habit. If your driving, always put on the seatbelt to prevent from car accidents. Limiting car usage is a great way to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world.
Last, Limiting car usage is a great way to the environment, makes the countries a better place. Having a car-free day, especially, is a much safer way to its environment. Ride a bike, walk, skate, or take a bus, if necessary, to prevent from all the car accidents out there in the world, it takes away the stress and decrease its air pollution from having a car-free day, and to promote from alternative transportation and reducing smog. Limiting car usage, is great way to our planet, but there is times that we need it for transporting to a place we want to go. Also, using a bike, walking, or skating is a great tool and excercise to our legs to keep our body maintained and healthy. | 34
d2a3539 | Do you agree with car-less cities i mean cities with no car? I would because global warming will kill our mother earth . How would u feel being hot during the day and cold at night. "Paris basically has more smog than other European capitals . They try to blame everything on diesel . France has a tax policy that favors diesel . Diesels make up 67 % of france.
In Bogot, columbia - theres a program that sets to spread to there spred to other countries, millions of columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said bogota mayor antanas mockus.
" It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air polution" ." These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders" . President Obama has ambitious goals to curb the united states' greenhouse gas emissions, un vieled last week , will get a fortuitious assist.
The united states, with its broad expanses and suburban ideal, had long been one of the worlds prime car cultures. It is the birthplace of model T ; the home of detroit; the place where wilson pickett immortilized "Mustang Sallyc" . "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per house hold and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn,"
"Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long term cultural shift, " Pedestrian , bicycle , private cars , commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time , conserve recources , lower emissions . Some countries are only 53.3 % average of diesel engines in the rest of western europe .
Now you know why driving is so dangerous to our earth . So you need to think carefully about driving or wanting a car take the subway or somthing . Do not just destroy our home take care of it . Im not a tree hugger but just take care of mother earth . | 12
987afbf | When I was reading this article, it brought to my attention that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
It says that " venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. I think the author supports the idea because, he talks about how he got so many reasons why the mission was successful or not, this also has a reputation.
This was very previous when i decided to support this idea.
Although, this author is very intelligent and experienced alot of things, i will support him in many reasons because The National Aeronautics and Space Adminstration has one part compelling idea for sending humans to study venus, he thinks its so good that now he telling people to check it out. If he had gave up on this support that he had, Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying uo and out of their way.
I agree with him on alot of things that hes done that's why i support him, he tries to provide healthier weapons and materials that would be safe to use. When he intervented this it says that many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to distribute the forceful interaction to our capability of the since of Venus. I support him because he makes it recognizable to see his point of view on this.
It must be scary to live up in Venus or mars. | 01
b1f3891 | Limiting car usages will cause a drop in the amount of pollution there is. In source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog, on mondays, motorist with an even numbered license plate will have to leave their car home or have a 22 euro fine. The odd numbered plates would be the next day and so on. Using this way of driving, it reduced the number of congestion in the capital city of France by 60 percent.
Some places in Germany are catching on and making a comunity free of cars. Residents of VAUBAN, Germany like the way this community is set up. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter. All they hear is the swish of bicycles and the talk of children drowns out the occasioal distant motor. Many places around this world is adopting this act.
In BOGOTA, Colombia a program started for a car-free-day. Only buses and taxis are allowed to be driven. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. People who didn't participate suffered a 25 dollar fine. Bogota made 118 miles of bike paths since the car-free-day.
By driving cars everywhere we are polluting mother earth. We all need to get together and stop driving so much and this will help protect our Earth. | 12
59e32c9 | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring venus" the author
suggersts that studying Venus is a worthy pursit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is a dangeros because is gets to hot, the atmosphere is dangeros, and pressure.
One way that Venus is dangeros because the temperature on the planet gets too hot and it is hotter then Mercury even though its closer then the sun. A quotoe that
''on the planet serface, temperatures average 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.'' This quote states that it gets really hot on venus and the pressure is more higher then earth.
Another way that venus is dangerous because of its atmosphere is that safe.
A quote that states this is that '' A think atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus amosphere.'' This quote states that the atmosphere has a lot of carbon dexide and there is sulfuric acid in atmosphere of Venus
Another reason why venus is
planet because of its pressure. A quote is that " Beyonf high pressure and heat,Venusian geology and weather presents additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful eartquakes,and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface." this quote states that it has high pressure for it to have more storms and really powerful natural disasters on its surface from earthquakes to volcanoes.
In conclusion Venus is a dangeros because is gets to hot, the atmosphere is dangeros, and pressure. Venus will be a very hard planet to get details and research from the planet from its atmosphere and how hot Venus can get. | 12
69e3274 | In this article, the author talks about the dangerous it presents in Venus. Venus is Earth like planet, it supports some forms of life. It has some valleys, mountains, and craters, similar to Earth. It would be a great option for space travel. However, the author discusses that there are many challenges to study Venus.
Venus is almost impossible for human to live. The atomospheric pressure in Venus is 90 times greater than it is in Earth. The temperature is 800 degrees fahremheit average. The author says that, erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes makes researcher harder to approrch.
Author did a good job of showing specific number to makes reader easier to understand his idea, such as showing 800 degrees or 90 times more. Also, he showed "dangers" by making many comparasion to Earth, which is very familiar to us and it ade easier for us to understand.
In conclusion I think author well supported his idea. The author first showed why it is worthy to study Venus. And then, he discussed what type of dangers are present. | 12
4e38e77 | Luke Bomberger had an opportunity of a lifetime after his high school graduation, his friend asked him if he would like to join the "Seagoing Cowboys". Luke could not say no so, although it maybe dangerous, I am sure that there are alot of reason why. Here are some of the reasons why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys".
The first and main reason why you should join is because, it would bring wonderful sightseeing opportunities and you would get to visit many new places that you wouldn't get to visit otherwise. Luke got to travel all over Europe, in my opinion almost everywhere in Europe is beautiful and has wonderful landscape so, I would probably go just for that reason. The next reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is, besides all of the hard work you also have freetime to do many fun activities such as baseball, volleyball, table-tenis, fencing, boxing, whittling, and reading to pass the time. In my opinion besides the labor involved, in a way it would almost be like sailing on a cruise ship. Finally, the final and by far most important reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because, it opens up your eyes to the world and the needs of others. Being a part of this program opened up Luke's eyes so much that for many years after, his family hosted quite a few exchange visitors and international students for some time after his incredible experience.
Those were just a few of the many reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. If you love adventure and want to serve your country and other countries to then join today. It will truely be an unforgetable experience that I promise you'll never forget. | 23
53eb232 | There was a world before cars. One without polluted air, green house gasses, and holes in the O-ZONE layer. Transportation was done the old fashioned way, with your two legs. Aside from your legs, we now have other methods of transportation aside from legs and motor vehicles, such as bikes. Technology is on the rise.. But are cars on their way down?
A new trend is starting, and like all good trends they have hefty price tag. An excerpt from "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" written by Elisabeth Rosenthal in the
New York Times . In paragraph two it gives an example of the expensive lifestyle to live if you would choose to live with a car, "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park--large garages at the edge of the development, where a car-owner buys a space, for 40,000, along with a home." Not going green comes with a price tag. Residents of this new community are pleased with the cut down on motor vehicles. Less stress, less pollution. According to the text in paragraph five "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe." 12% may not seem like much, but if you look at the big picture, its quite the amount.
Another issue that is caused by motor vehicles is smog. Smog is what happens when there is fog and a mixure of gasses created by the exhaust in a motor vehicle. Pollution in Paris is at its all time high. In an article from the
Chicago Tribune by Robert Duffer, "Paris bans driving due to smog" in paragraph eleven says, "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars ar home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to the odd-numbered plates the following day." This ban gives people the opportunity to cut back on fuel by car pooling, taking public transportation, or riding a bike. Many drivers did not cooperate and approximately 4,000 drivers were fined. Consistency is key, will Paris continue the cut back?
Around the world officials are working to cut back. Bogota, Colombia has the car free program which bans all but busses and taxi's and leaving anyone who doesnt obey to pay a 25$ fine. In an excerpt from "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky written in the
Seattle Times paragraph twent two says, "The turnout was large, despite gray clouds that dumped occasional rain showers on Bogota." This shows although there is bad weather people are still set on reducing motor vehicle transportation and decreasing smog. Along with the reduction of car usage Bogota is encouraging sports and outdoor play. Sidewalks have been enlarged and smoothed with leaves way for walkers and bikers. Parks have opened up as well as sports centers.
Are use of motor vehicles really decreasing? In an excerpt from, "The End of Car Culture" by Elisabeth Rosenthal from the
New York Times in paragraph 41 shows evidence, "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009...." Car culture is ending, and going green has just begun. Around the world from Paris, to Bogota, to the United States we are all cutting back on motor vehicle use. This will be a project that takes many years to finish but with the team work of the world, most definately anything can happen. | 12
0bc541d | Being able to have a car that drives itself would be cool, right? Well, maybe not as cool as you think. Having a car that drives itself comes with many complications. These complications may include lack of safety, lack of total automatic driving, and lack of laws needed to operate a smart car.
The smart car is a nice invention, but with the lack of safety it isn't very smart to drive. The systems within the smart car may fail and cause the operator to be injured. Having the systems fail is the worst thing that could happen while driving a smart car. It may cause an accident if the smart car is not at it best quality. This lack of safety really worries me as a driver myself.
While the smart car appears to be able to drive without a driver, it can't. The smart car can operate on its own but it requires the operator to be fully alerted at all times because the car cant drive itself through certain situations. These include accidents and work zones, which would require the driver to take the wheel and drive through these situations. The driver would become bored while not driving and may even fall asleep do to the lack of action. It just seems way to dangerous to trust an "automatic", driverless car that isn't fully automatic nor driverless with my life.
Many states now don't even allow many smart cars to be driven. In order for these cars to be able to be on the streets many laws would need to be made or changed. Without laws just for these smart cars people would drive reckless. If no laws are put in place who will be held responsible for the failing of the systems in a smart car? " New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident ". Laws are needed to drve these cars no matter the argument to keep us and those around us safe.
Do smart cars still seem cool? I'll leave that answer up to you, but take everything i have said into consideration. Smart cars may be the future, but the way they are now is too dangerous. There are too many complications including lack of safety, lack of automatic driving, and lack of laws needed to operate a smart car. So, is a smart car really smart? | 34
ceed91e | hey guys this is tyler, i'm a reporter, today i'm going to give you three reasons why it's a challenge to explore venus.
- my first reason is because venus is a very very hot plant if you so much as enter the plant, the atmosphere it will crush you do to the tempature and the extreme conditions on the plant.
- my second reason it has been claimed that it is more dangerous to see up close.
it's the second planet away from the sun but it is also considered our planet, earth's, "twin" among other things the reason why it's considered our second planet is for density and size also distance.
- my final reason it's thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets venus for a even more challenge the clouds have a high corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. the pressure is 90 times greater than what we exprience on our own planet. the conditions are far more extreme than anything humans can encounter on earth.
i'm going to end this report, thanks for reading and i hope you enjoyed it.
thank you:) | 12
22ae235 | Dear Senator of Florida,
Being a man of your calibar and stature you may already know about the Electoral College. This is the process that consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of electoral votes by Congress. I'm writing this letter to you today beacuse I believe that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.
The process of electoral college has been around for years. I mean think about it our founding fathers created it. Which means its four score and a thousand years too old and irrelevant to todays economy. Sure it helped thousands of years ago but this the dawn of a new era. Why would it still be effective today? Its outdated! You and I both have heard the expression of "If it aint broke dont fix it." Well this the check engine light going off in your car, which means its time for a change.
Additionally, its unfair to the citizens of our nation. For instance, because each state casts only one vote, the single representatives from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters. Sure it helps with Wyoming and the proportionality of their representatives. But,its completely unfair to all those citizens of California who pay their taxes, work hard for their money to better their state. Take the time out in their day to vote. You're telling me that their vote doesn't have a valid say in the choosing of the President?, non sense.
Lastly, the electoral college is completely irrational. Its was created to prevent any regional favorite in voting and for a long time it has been successful in doing so. It totally contradicted itself in 2000, when the Gore had more popluar votes than Bush but yet fewer electoral votes. Bush went on to win the election and manage to destroy the country along the way as well. They thought that it would never happen? I mean the amount of electoral votes is an even number(538). Its unlikely I mean but its not impossible.
In closing, I just wanted to express my thoughts about the electoral vote process with you today. I believe its very unfair, outdated, and irrational. With all the infractions that can occur and risks that are involved, I believe it needs to be changed. And I believe now is time for that change! Thank you.
a11ce4d | In The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author really support the idea of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents in paragraph 1, it started out as Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Each previous mission was unmanned because not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more three decades. Venus is also a challenge planet for human to go study. The clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus atmosphere ,Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solor system. Many reseachers are working on innovations that would allow their machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. NASA is also working on other approches to studying Venus. They look back into old technology called mechanical computer which first envisioned in 1800s and it played an very important role in World War II, calculations by using gears and lever and do not require electronics at all. Striving to meet the challenge of Venus only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself,but also became human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally endeavors. | 12
6b9b40e | Fellow citizens should know about the advantages of limiting car usage. It is less stressful and it saves money. It does not pollute the air as much and keeps the global healthier. Limiting the car usage helps a alot to the citizens and to the earth.
One advantage of limiting car usage is that it is less stressful and it helps you save money. From source 1, Hedirun Walter said " When I had a car I was always tense." In the community you could own a car but you were not allowed to park wherever you wanted. You had to park it in large garages and you have to buy space for $40,000 with a home. So most people didn't have cars but they were saving lots of money. 70 percent of vauban's families do not own cars and 57 percent sold there cars to move to the community. Most of the people liked walking around the community or just taking the transportation they gave them. It peaceful and less traffic.
Another advantage is that it reduces pollution and also reduces global warming. From source 2, "After days of near-record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." If they did not leave thier cars at home they would have to pay a fine, 22-euro ($31). After they have had the cars off the streets "Congestion was down 60 percent in the of france, after five-days of intensifying smog..." The cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer to trap car emissions. They also blamed the diesel fuel..."A tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline. Diesels make up 67 percent of vechicles in france, compared to a 53.3 percent average of diesel engines.."
From source 3, Colombia had a "car-free day" where all colombians hiked, biked, skated or took the transportion buses to work. For 3 years they have been doing this being they wanted to reuduce the smog. People who disobeyed had to pay $25 fines. " It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,"said businessman Carlos Arthuro. Since people have started waliking or riding bicyles, they have improved the city by fixing the uneven sidewalks and making them smooth. Also since there is no traffic, " new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up."
In conclusion, there are many advantages limiting car usage. It saves money, helps the enviroment and a human's health. Limiting the car usage teaches the citizens that we also have to car about the enviroment and that is it less dangerous. | 34
ff108ca | The face on Mars is in fact not created by aliens. it was shaped by the wind like some of are things on our earth. aliens are science fiction, not real so how would aliens creat the face on mars.
25 years ago( 1976 ) we had a viking 1 spacecraft circling around mars snapping photos
of possible landing sits. You would think if the face was ctreated by aliens there would be something around it to prove it was made by them. We took another photo in 1998 and there was no sign of other life. you would think that it would be revisted, but it wasn't so that tells you something right? no life on Mars at all. in 2001 we took another photo of the face. we made the image 3 times bigger than the pixel size. so if there was objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or egyptian-style pyramids or even small sacks , you could see what they were." but there wasn't, so why would you think aliens created it because it was on another planet? if so thats no profe at all.
The "aliens" did not create the face it was naturally built. By the winds, thats were the science falls that there are no aliens walking around Mars. these aliens you guys belive in is only science ficition. Made up for your guys entertanment, so quite mixing up sicence fiction with real science. | 23
9c8b1e6 | Dear State Senator,
I think the Electoral College shouldn't decide on electing the president. The electoral college only focuses on electors from the state that are pleged to one of the candidates trying to win presidency. The people are not actually voting who they want to become president. Somrtimes the Electoral College can take a long procces. If there is a tie between two candidates, meaning they both have 270 Electoral votes, the house of representatives would have to decide.
There are reasons for retaining the electoral college despite it's lack of democratic pedigree. Certainty of Outcome, if one of the candidates has the most electoral votes that candidate wins office. Onother would be the number of electors a state has, for instance, if one state has a bigger population than onother state it would contain more electoral votes for a candidate. Swing states, when a candidate has the majority of electoral vote, that wins office, thats why they have the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes. | 12
d61e1f2 | Hi im Luke Bomberger and I want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. There are so many things you get to do as a Seagoing Cowboy.
You get to go to so many differnt places, you get to play games, and you get to help people and animals. There are so
many differnt things you get to do as a Seagoing Cowboy if you don't join you will be missing out on a HUGE opportunity.
Helping people and amimals is a nice thing to do. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys then you get to help people and animals. When you help some one, that feels good right. When we help amimals to, that will make you feel twice as good from before. if you were a pearson in neeed of help then u would want some one to help u, so pay back the favor anad join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Sight seeing is the best thing ever right, I do it all the time now that I have joined the Seagoing Cowboys. The Seagong Cowboys have gone almost every were so I have seen it all. Europe to China I have seen so many places i didnt even know where real. If you want to go see some places out of this world then join the Seagoing Cowboys.
In the seagoing Cowboys we dont just do work all the time we get to have fun just like the rest of you. We get to play games, such as Table Tennis, Baceball, and Volly Ball games. Of corse the animal holds were unlouded when we played those games. Come play games with us and have more fun then you would in a life time and join the Seagoing Cowboys.
You have read all these things now so if you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys. | 23
4d3c72c | There are many advantages in limiting the amount of car usage. Many people seem to believe that if you do not drive everywhere, you can preserve the land and it is proven to reduce stress. Another advantage would be that the government wouldn't have to spend as much money on highways and other transport. There is a lot less congestion, and polution without the use of cars. These are all good examples of how ruducing the use of cars could be very good for the environment.
To expand on the theory that a car-free cities are a lot better for the environment, we can say they preserve lands and cause stress levels to be reduced. In the first article, "In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars", Heidrun Walter is quoted explaioning that he is "much happier" without a car in his life. He also states that when he did have a car, he was "alway tense". This seems to show stress levels going down, but that is only one example. In addition to stress levels, land preservation was also brought up. It is stated that without cars, roads and suburbs would be nicer and better for walking. Without cars, cities are also considered denser. Researchers are trying to conduct an experiment with a no car city and see how different and "better" life would be, to get more facts about it.
Next, this car-free world could help save the government money. Studies shouw that in recent years, eighty percent of appropriations have gone to fixing and preserving highways for cars to continue driving on them safely. In additon to that eighty percent, twenty percent was provided for all the other ways for transportation, for example, buses. Without cars, we would be saving the government eighty percent of their money, holding on to the idea that areas would be kept in good shape without cars driving on them! Thats crazy!
Lastly, polution is a HUGE factor in this idea. Without cars, we would have a lot less polution and smog. In France, they have a few car-free cities and they states that without cars, sixty percent of smog levels went down in only 5 days! Fuel is blaimed for a lot of polution dailey and without cars, we could have a cleaner air and city in only a few days!
In conclusion, car-free cities could be a very good idea for some cities. We can make the air better, having less smog, spend less money, and have nicer land. These are only a few of the advantages to having a carless city. Even the limition of cars could help the environment in all these ways, you don't have to cut them out completely! | 34
fc7b015 | The conspiracy about aliens has been starting to go too far. An isolated mesa was found on Mars, but when its picture was taken, it looked like a face. The conspiracy theorists have been thinking that that's the proof that there's life on Mars, but they're wrong. The picture was taken in 2001, which means it was very detailed, so it would've been obvious if there were any tombs or buildings surrounding the mesa. Also, it only looks like a face because of it shadows. The shadows actually shape it into a face. Finally, if it was actually a sign for alien life, it would've profited NASA, so there wouldn't be a point in hiding the "truth" that the conspiracy theorists believe. These all show that the Face is just an ordinary rock.
The last picture of the Face was taken in 2001. This was a very detailed picture, even for being taken so long ago. Each pixel in the image was equal to 1.56 meters in real life. This means that any other nearby buildings or tombs would've been seen near the rock. There weren't any buildings or any sign of actual alien life nearby, so the picture at least proved that the Face wasn't a sign from the aliens, but just a rock.
The only reason that the Face looks so much like a face is because of the shadows. Without the shadows, the Face might just look like an ordinary rock on mars. The shadows themself give the illusion of the rock having eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Those shadows are the only reason that the Face IS
the Face.
Without those shadows, the Face wouldn't be so famous. Nobody would have probably ever known or cared about it.
The conspiracy theorists and many people in general probably think that NASA is hiding the fact that aliens are real, so they're lying about the Face and just saying that it's a landform, when they think it's a sign that aliens exist. That's not true. NASA is a company that needs money like all the rest. They know that telling people that aliens were real would profit them a lot, so they wouldn't just hide the fact that the Face was an alien artifact if it was one. NASA probably wishes that they had found an ancient cililization on Mars, just for the profit.
The theorists are wrong about the Face being an ancient artifact. The latest picture of the Face is so detailed, that any ancient civilizations nearby would be visible. Also, the Face is only the Face because the rock has shadows along it that makes it look like it has eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Finally, NASA would proabably like to find an ancient civilization on Mars, just so that they could profit from finding something related to alien life. They wouldn't just hide the truth if they could gain money from it. Therefore, theorists should just realize that facts are facts, and that if NASA finds an ancient civilization on Mars, they'll tell everyone. | 45
bfa8186 | What's the first thing you think about when you see a car? How much gas mileage its has? What year is it? How fast can it go? Well, have you ever thought about how much polution it puts into our air that we breathe? Or the car bill you have to pay every month? I'm going to assume you don't. There are ways we can change this problem and im going to prove how!
To begin this argument im going to point out that over 77% of American people are in debt in their car bill, ALONE. That's over 3/4 of our population in the U.S. You cannot tell me people are not stressed from this over whelming statement! "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way.", said by a former car owner Heidrun Walter. She now rides bicycles with her two children and now a car bill is one less thing she has to worry about in her hectic life.
Another advantage of limiting car usage would be do reduce smog polution. Now this is not only a problem in America, it's all over the world. Paris is particularly bad in this division. Paris typically has more smog that other European capitals. It got so horrible they has to enforce a "driving ban" to ensure all the air was clear in the global city. It even rivaled Beijing, China which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. After about five days the congestion on the streets plumitted down to 60%.
Having said that, not only is car usage bad for our earth, we could benifit our health from it! In Bogota, Columbia they set up a program named "Car free day." Millions of their citiznes hiked, climbed, skated or took bus transportation to work. This day left the streets empty with no traffic, and the people that did drive had a $25 fine. Rain or shine nothing could stop these people from participating in this event. The city benifited from this so much that parks and sport centers have boomed from high demand because people want to have a healthier lifestyle in general. One day they hope every city has something simlilar to this day so that our owlrd will be heathier and even happier!
Therefor it is clearly obvious of the advantages we would have if we limited on car usage. People would be alot healthier not only from the excersise, but the air would be alot more cleaner to breathe in. Also it would be safer and cut down tremendously on deaths. We might just be over the peak of driving. | 34
b5cd4cc | The Electorial College is the way us United State citizens vote. "The foundinding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." said a passage known as "What is the Electorial College?" written by, the Office of the Federal Register. There is what people say is a argument wether or not to keep this Electoral College method or go back to our popular votes. I believe we should keep the Electoral College, without it there is no possible way to believe that every single person who voted actually paid attention to who they voted for and the people they voted for belief's. The whole point in voting is to choose who you best believe depending on beliefs and what they say they will do. You should not vote if you beleive the one guy has the best hair or you like his tan ect. So i write this to you my state senator that we should keep our ways since it's there for resons and those reasons are... number one, you will be certain of the outcome. Number two, the electorial collge shows that no matter what you choose it will be everyones president. Number three, since the US have big states the electorial college keeps that ballenced.
"A dispute over the outcome of an Electorial College vote is possible -it happened in 2000-but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electorial College invariably exceeds his share of popular vote." says a reason I agree with in a text called "In Defense of the Electorial College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" from "Slate Magazine" by Richard A. Posner. I agree with this manely because it is highely unlikely to get a tie in the Electorial College because there is a even number of a elctors.538 to be exact.
"The Electorial College requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal. No region (South, Northeast, ect.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president." from "Slate Magazine" by Richard A. Posner. I agree with this reson manely because even if you get the popular vote doesnt mean you become president, the expression "Everyone's President" in this text means to me that with the Electoral College you won't have the good percentage of the voters who voted and not cared who they picked gets stopped with the Electoral College.
"The Electoral College restores some of the weight in the political balence that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-apportionment of the Senate decreed in the Constitution..." from "Slate Magazine" by Richard A. Posner. This quote from the same passage as reason one and two came from just basically states that even if you have a big state with a big population doesnt mean the majority in that state that voted for someone will nessicarly get that same person. This helps keeps this system balenced.
Everything that i have stated that was from these passages i strongly agree with. Well Senators, you might have to argue something like "But how do we know the Electorial electors are actually voting for who they should be voting for?" Or another one would be "what if the voters have a hard time figuring out which is which Electorial elector." Well thats a simple one because yes it can happen but its as rare as someone who puts ketchup on pizza. And if they dont know the facts about who is who maybe they shouldnt be voting because seriously like i said dont just vote to vote you should vote if you know information about what you are doing and who you are voting for snd most importantly why? So I have listed my reasons and beliefs now its up to you to agree with me or not but just belive that the Electorial College was made for a reason, and that is to make voting much more fair and simple. Have a nice day. | 34
71905fe | This day more and more people are trying to limet car usage. Some people are use to not using cars, is a way of living. Other's are trying to stop car pollution and limet the usage of them. Cars cause alot of smog wich then goes into the air and pollutes it. This is very bad, especially for our health. Were the one that breathe this air in and if its polluted we may become sick. It is also a good stress releiver since you dont have to be stuck in trafic or having to hear the car honk all day.
In source 1 "German Suburb, Life goes on Without Cars" it talk abou how the people in Vauban, Germany do not use cars. Cars are allowed but people chose too not use them. 70 percent of Vauban's families to not own a car and some have even sold there to move there. Heidrum Walter said that when she had a car she was always tense and is more happier know that she dosen't own one. Vauban may be the most city in low-car suburban other part of the world are taking this as an example and trying it out to. More and more places around the world are making stores more near by or on a main street, rather than having them in a shopping center with a highway distant.
Parin,France is the city that has the most smog out of all cities in Europe. This means that the pollution rate is higher. Thats why acording to source 2 ,Paris enforeced a partial driving ban to help clear the air in the city. Citizens were ordered to leave there vehicles at home or pay a fine of $31. But this did not stop people from using cars almost 4,000 drivers were fined after this ban was enforced. The reason Paris had for doing this is because after five days of intensive smog the congestion was down by 60 percent. By enforcing this ban Paris was able to clear out the smog in 3 days and be back to normal on Tuesday.
I know that people may not want to give up using there cars, yes is an easier way to travel and get places faster. There right, but it would be better for the world and ourself if we could reduce the usage of cars not just in our cities but all over the world. Just how in Bogoa, Columbia they have car free days. People who live there have a car free day wich mean they biked, walked or took buses to all of the destenations they had that day. Bogota had been doing this for three consecutive years and the goal is to promote alternativ etransportation and reduce smog. Some people who live there say that by doing these they relieved stress. By Bogota doing this they have parks and sports centers, uneven sidewalks have been taking away and replaced with smooth sidewalks.
In the United States more and more people are buying less cars and fewer people get there licens as the years go by. Even though americans are know for ther big love on carr ,that seems to be reducing. This is very beneficial for carbon emmissions and the environment. People like Mimi Sheller a sociology professor at Drexel University researched different resources and said that the Internet makes telecommuting possible and we don't have to drive to a friend house to see them or talk to themm we can just use technology to do that. Also the percentage of people getting there license has chaged. People are finding ways to either walk, take public transportatio, or have somone cal-pool them ,rather than diving a car themselfs.
In conclusion limiting car usage is getting bigger and bigger as the years go by. We should all be helping this to make it happen all over the world. It helps with pollution problems, its great for your health and it helps relevied stress. | 23
da85290 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author does mention "a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. There are many challenge's to studying venus. "On the planet's surface temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit. " The author mentions challenges that we face in order to study venus. The author states "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." While they are many challenges that scientists, and that people may face, Venus is worthy of being studied. Nasa's possible solution to thhe hostile conditions on the surface on Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. They are many ways Venus can be studied, with NASA's solution , we are closer to discovering the many secrets of venus. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. | 12
1f06856 | do you think that car should be able to drive by their self? I don't think that cars should. Now I Know many people might disagree with me, but hear me out. I don't think that driverless should be develop because of reckless driving, car start to mafunction, and why would you need a driverless car if someone still have to drive the car.
there are many reckless driver out in the world today. when people are on the rode they think that they wouldn't have to look at the rode because their car is driverless. That car can stop working at any point of time, so why risk it. In a passage, I recently read, it say " the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times, so why make the risk of an accident go up.
Next why do you need a driverless car when you still have to driver the car. you are better off buying a cheeper car that works just as well. You wouldn't be able to take a quick nap if you wanted to. In the passage it say you would get bored waiting on your turn to drive the car. that can make accident happen.
I think that cars should not be driverless because of reckless driverss, stop working, and why drive a driverless car that someone still have to driving. It just not important to me as food and water is, so I'm saying no to driverless cars. | 23
894104e | The story talks about how computer can recognize emotions by on our face. Dr. Huang made a computer that recognize Mona Lisa's face that she is mostly happy. People can recognize emotions but not guarateed while computer is guarateed. In next paragraph I will put few edivence to support the claim.
"The process begins when then computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. Yet, Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code." ""A classroom compter could recognize when student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts."
Therefore, compter can recognize people when they are happy or sad. Even people can hide their emotions from people but not computer. I think it will help us to make others feel better when they are sad and they won't admit that they are sad. | 12
a889edc | I agree driverless cares should be used because it is useful and can be stress free. The driverless cars can reduce fast speed racers and crinimals that drive away. The driverless car can do many thing to help the environment.The car would stop crime, follow the speed limit and can reduce stress. The car can do many things but those were the main ones.
The driverless cars can stop crime becuase when you look at the news there are people driving away in high speed races and crashing evrywhere. If we had driverless cars this would'nt happen at all. The car would only go at a specific rate of speed and this way this can reduce car crashes. People tend to drive fats where they arn't suppose to and later on get killed in a car crash.This car there isn't a way you can get in a crash.
The car itself can follow the speed limit. Some people ignore the speed limit and it can cause major injuries. The driver would always want to speed up and not pay attention but the car it will react faster and go slower. In the text it says, "That only the driver can have control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars". Driverless cars can be tested but it would be difficult becuase you need to put all the road rules in the cars system. This can helop and cause some issues.
The driverless cars can reduce stress to the driver on the wheel. If an important call happens adn thier in the highway she cant answer it becuase she would get it into a crash. If she had the driverless caar the car can go on autopilot and drive itself so she can answer the phone. If the driver has somehting wrong with him while he's driving the car,the car will drive itself by just a pushing button. In the text it says," New laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured who is at fualt the driver or the manufacturer". People would think anything will go wrong but no one will now until we try it.
Driverless cars can really be benificial in people's lives. They can be trust worthy and reliable. It can stop fast speed cars, follow the law more often and reduce stress on the driver. The driverless car can be the next big thing if it works. Most likely it would work becuase of the technology we have today. People sometimes dont wanna drive and this can help with that. Let just for say the people int hecar were drunk.The car would drive them home no one would go to jail. | 34
200c863 | Venus is a worthy pursuit depite the dangers because in the article
¨The challange of exloring venus¨ that says that many reaseachers are working on inovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus ans it wont be dangerous. i believe that the people who are trying to go to venus or sent something to venus should do it because you never know what other kids of things are out there and if we dont try news things we wont discover new stuff .
one reason we should try to go is only becuase of the insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because humans curisoity will likely lead us into many eqaully intimdating endeavors and if they have doubt that their nort going to make well the new inovations that wont hurt us and it will now longer be dangerous . | 12
57998bc | Dear Senate,
I think we should change the election by popular vote, because with the electoral college not everyone is getting to vote like they should be doing. The Electoral College selects the electors, so the canadates are gonna choose the electors that have things in common with them so they win the election. Voters vote for a slate of electors, they dont get to vote for President.
The Electoral College is unfair because the winner-take-all system makes it so candidates don't spend time in the states they know their not gonna win. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and you need at least 270 votes to elect the President. The Electoral College process is so much more complicated and long than popular vote, so why do we still use the Electoral College? We shouldn't.
Im not the only one that thinks this way. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, and so many more people think that we should abolish the Electoral College. And soon its gonna get to out of hand and then were not gonna have a President. Their gonna make it so the Electoral College votes for everything! Abolish it! | 12
006c931 | What if we could tell how all of the people us were without even asking. Most people can tell when someone is sad, happy, or mad just by looking at them, but what happens when that person is hiding how they are truely feeling. What then? Well new techonlogy can allow us to see exctly how someone, who is trying to hide there emotions, is feeling. This is unfair for many reasons. The technology may be cool but people have a right to keep how they are feeling a secert.
The computer software works by making a 3-D computer model of the face; the computer watches the different muscles in the face move to identify how the person is feeling. The technolgy delevopted by Dr. Huang can even calculate mixed emotions with the exact percent of how strong the emotions are. Dr. Huang obseres that "facial expressions for each emotion are universal" I htought people expressed emotions in different ways though? Dr Hoang also states that "even though individuals often show verying degrees of expression."
People have a right to not tell people how they are feeling. Did we really need to know the Mona Lisa was 9 percent disgusted? Now that raises the question of why? Was Leonardo de Vinci's hair messed up? Or did she think he needed to take a shower? What is the point in knowing someone is feelings without knowing why? We do not need technology to ask someone how they are feeling. or even why the are feeling the way they are feeling that way.
There are really no benfits to knowing how someone is feeling without knowing why. The technology is very cool. It is crazy how Dr Huang was able to develope a computer that uses muscle movment to idenitfy emotions. The technology is useless though unless you are prepare and willing to ask why? | 23
86ad427 | Driving a car is not a necessity in life and countries are starting to realize that. A car is merely "just a means of getting from [point] A to B" (Source 4). The stress and pollution caused by these vehicles is not worth it for some countries. They would rather have less stressed people, less pollution and less traffic accidents and congestion in the streets.
Germany believes that the lifestyle of driving a car is not neccessary. "There are only two places to park - large garages [] where a car owner can buy a space" (Source 1) These parking spaces cost $40,000, and the car owner buys this space along with a house. As a result of this phenomenon "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars" (Source 1) and 57 percent of people sold their car and chose to move to Vauban, Germany. Cars are "responsible for 12 percent of greehouse gas emissions in Europe" (Source 1). Yet there have been efforts to lower the greenhouse gases, Vauban put a stop to cars to make the citites nice, and better for walking.
Paris is one of the most known tourist destinations in the world. People cluster in from around the world to see the Effiel Tower, which stands straight into the sky. Their main tourist attraction is a monument that goes into the sky. No wonder they want to cut down on cars' pollution. "Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals" (Source 2).
A home to 7 million people, Bogota, Colombia is trying to spread their program globally and reduce the pollution from the once nessecary cars. "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog" (Source 3). Violaters are faced with $25 fines. In a car free day, "the turnout was large" (Source 3). It is believed to be a great oppurtunity to relieve stress and lower air pollution. Bogota's program is "generating a revolutionary change" (Source 3) and the idea is spreading across borders.
"America's love affair with its vehicles seems to be cooling" (Source 4). The United States is one of the top most prosperous countries in the world and the culture revolves around transportation. Americans depend on their cars to help them preform their daily lives. The explaination of the "cooling of vehicles" is a result of unemployment and the recession. Many Americans are "cash-strapped" (Source 4), and cannot afford new cars. If the pattern of car ownership continues to decrease, it will benefit the environment with less pollution and car emissions. But, a negative results for the car industry's.
Pedestrians, bicycles, cars, commerical and public transportation all play a crucial role in the lives of people across the globe. They are "woven into a connected network" (Source 4) to save time, resources, pollution and promote safety. | 23
ad9c9d2 | In the article it states that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life. It then adds on that Venus has a rocky surface and has familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.
NASA is also working on getting people to somewhat like hover over the earth. The passage describes it as "a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the Venusian landscape." The author later goes on to say that the tempature would be about 170 degrees fahrenheit and that the living conditons wouldn't be easy but definitaly surviveable for humans.
In conclusion, the author does talk a lot about how NASA is improving the drones that we send. In the article it states that we have put a new and improved drone on earth but had it simulat being on Venus to see how it would handle the conditions. In the article it said that the drone has been able to survive for about 3 weeks now. | 01
3698f22 | By limiting car uses, many great advantages arise. A few of these are the reduction of smog and air pollution, more money saved, and a healthier lifestyle.
Places such as Paris and Bogota, Columbia have noticed the unhealthy amount of smog in the air so they decided to do something about it and the result was exactly what they were hoping for. In Paris, days went by with near record pullution levels which made them decide to do a partial driving ban to reduce the smog. Their intentions were to have even number starting license plates leave their cars at home the first day while the following day, odd numbered plates were to do the same thing. After the first day, the smog had reduced so much that they lifted the ban before the second day. In Bagota, it has been their third year in a row banning cars for a day (with the exception of buses and taxis.) The smog and air pollution reducion in these two places alone is massive! Not to mention the amound of money they have saved.
In America, it seems that we are finally starting to cool our love affair with our vehicles. People are realizing how expensive it is to be a car owner. Source 4 shows how much the number of miles driven per person has decreased by nearly 9 percent which is equal to to where the country was in January of 1995. This realization started from when Americans could not afford new cars and the unemployed did not need them to go to work anyway. Though now that the economy has risen, we still are sticking to this money saving way. Even teenagers who are elligable for licenses and live in places where it could come in handy are not making it a priority. Instead, they are basing their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or car-pool with friends. Saving money is great, but keeping our bodies strong and healthy is even better.
Because of Bogota's Day Without Cars, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated, or took busses to work during this time. During this day when the transportation is not just sitting lazy in a car, the city's parks and sports centers seemed to have become the new hot spot. People spent the whole day exercising and getting their blood pumping instead of sitting in their car or doing othing. By limiting car usage, we almost have no other choice than to be active! Our bodies will thank us for it later.
By limiting car usage, there are many advantages. Advantages such as reduction of smog and air pollution, more money saved, and a healthier lifestyle make it almost impossible to not want to join the bandwagon of reduced car use. | 34
0912e51 | In a Cowboy who Rode the waves , the author talks about the Seagoing Cowboys program. Not only does this program help victims , but it can save many cities that would soon start a war. Luke went over the Atlantic Ocean 16 times to help WW2 victims and help their community grow and rebuild their city. There are more than 1,000 victims in each world war that happens and just imagine how many animals were killed too.
One way you could join the Seagoing Cowboys would be to simply sign up for it, since Luke claims that he just signed up ,as stated in the text. You could also join the UNRRA and get the opportunity to get to choose every branch that could help victims in need. Even though Luke signed up to help the Cattle boat, he got to go sight seeing in China, Acroppolis , Venis,Italy and the Panama Canal.
Out of all of the time, Luke was on the Cattle boat , but in the text it states that he did the same things on his Aunts farm, but did not help him at sea. One day a bad storm hit and he landed by the animal pens and landed on a pice of metal , he could not work for a few days because of his broken ribs. He was happy to be alive but when the animals were shipped the crew would play lots of fun games. He had done this 9 times to and from where they were getting dropped off at. Also, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times.
After doing this job he helped get awareness of everything and why other people needed to join . He helped most victims with getting a new home and rebuilding their city. Luke enjoyed doing this job and loved playing with the crew after the animals were loaded. For Luke this was more than a job. After all he had to have a little adventure , right?
In conclusion , Luke loved his job. It was as it was all an adventure. The text states that it opened a new world to him. After that he raised more awareness. All i know is that he will , Survive ! | 12
6751494 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author attempts persauding the audience that it's worth exploring Venus. The author gives us reasons why Venus is dangerous, but also gives reasons as to why it'll be a good choice to explore Venus. The author convinces us that Venus is a worthy planet of being explored, despite its dangers.
The author makes it clear that Venus is a dangerous planet. There's been numerous spacecrafts thats landed on Venus, but "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." Venus' atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds are made of "highly corrosive sulfuric acid." The temperature averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, unsuitable for humans. The atomospheric pressure is also 90 times greater than what we're used to, which could "crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals."
Venus also has the hottest surface temperature. With high pressure and heat, there's no doubt that there are erupting volcanoes, frequent lightning that strikes down, and very powerful earthquakes. The author makes it clear that Venus is very dangerous and has extreme living conditions. An average human wouldn't last a day.
However, the author continues on and tries to persuade the readers that Venus is still a worthy planet of exploring. In paragraph four, the author writes, "If our sister planet is so inhosspitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface? Astronomres are fascinated by Venus because it may well have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." The author then informs us of NASA's possible solution. The solution is to hover over Venus. Hovering over Venus keeps humans out of danger and the atmospheric pressure would be just enough for a human to handle. The author ends the passage with revealing why we really should explore Venus - "...Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gianed on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavours."
The author convinces us Venus is a planet we should explore despite its extreme living conditions. Throughout the passage, the author gave us every reason why we shouldn't go, and then ended it with a reason why we should. Exploring Venus would allow us to gain insight on the planet, and the knowledge from Venus could help us explore other areas safely. It would be a gateway for us exploring other dangerous, intimidating areas. | 45
f6a186b | I think it will be a bad idea because, the auto mechanuics will lose alot of there jobs because they would have to go back to college in order to know how to fix these new cars. And I think is just pure laziness because we dont want to drive. Yeah it might be easier in some ways but also harder we will have to learn alot more new things. You can also get seriosly injured I mean yeah you could still do that in a regular car but you will at least be in control and it would be on your part. But if its not you driving the car the dealership or the manifracture will be the one to get in trouble because there system is the one driving the car. What if the car decides to turn and go fast into a ditch you can do nothing about it and you would just have to set thier and watch it happen. I know people are busy but you can atleast take time out of your day to drive somewhere yourself.
Alot of laws will have to be changed as well because their really wouldnt be any reason to take a drivers test because the cars already know what to do. What would the age limit be? How will the car know the aspeed limit will there have to be new road put in so the car can detect it? See i just think there would be to much conflict and we should just have to drive the cars our self. | 12
b5bd8b8 | Exploring New Places
"Studying the planets is a amazing thing," said my science teacher. When studying the planets there is a lot of information to take in. The atomposhere on Earth is very different from the atmosphere in space. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Scientists should study Venus because it has similarites to Earth, they have the idea of sending humans to Venus, and also studying the dangers of Venus can help scientists conclude their idea of what it is like there.
Venus is known as Earth's twin. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it states in paragraph 4 "Today, Venus still ahs some features that are analogous to those on Earth." This proves that Venus has some identical features to those that Earth has. It also states in paragraph 4 "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This also proves that Venus has some similar characteristics like Earth. This is how the Earth is similar to Venus and why scientist should continue to study the planet, consdering its dangers.
The idea of sending humans to Venus is a topic up for debate by many scientists. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explains how NASA has the idea of sending humans to Venus. It states in paragraph 5 "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This shows how scientists have come up with a way to send humans to Venus, even though no human has set foot on another planet. The author also states in paragraph 5 "Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not excceed Earth levels." This also shows how the radiation of Venus is not much different than Earth's and it would not exceed higher on Venus, so a human would be safe from radiation on Venus. Sending humans to Venus is another reason why the author suggests studying Venus is a worthy pursiut even though it has many dangers.
With many great exeptions of studying Venus and sending humans there, the author also shows the dangers of Venus. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author states in paragraph 3 "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This proves that is dangerous to travel to Venus with high tempertures that would burn a human alive. The author also states in paragraph 3 "Also notable, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." This also proves that Venus has expentionally high temperatures that no human can face. These are the dangers that the author takes into consideration when sending humans to Venus.
In conclusion, the author from "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. After evaluating the article, the author supports the idea of studing Venus. Scinetists should study Venus because it has similarities to Earth, they have the idea of sending humans to Venus, and also studying the dangers of Venus can help scientists conclude their idea of what it is like there. | 34
f02843e | In a competitive world where automobiles keep getting faster, drivers are more reckless, and the death toll is rising, a solution to maintain public safety is necessary. Distracted and careless drivers may no longer be a public menace with the rise of a new technology, driverless cars. Driverless cars are beneficial to the public because the cars will have a better sense of the world around them, and they will eliminate most of the dangers of drunk and/or drowsy drivers.
The continued evolution of a self-driving car has created many advanced sensors that can sense and adjust to the world around it more efficiently than any human.
According to "Driverless Cars Are Coming," a sensing system called LIDAR that "uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." This would eliminate the current problem of blindspots and reduce the rate of collisions dramatically. The LIDAR system would also be able to instantly sense any changes in the surrounding area, where as a human would only be aware of a change if he/she looked in the correct mirror, or when a collision was already happening. There has also been an advance in wheel sensors. According to "Driverless Cars Are Coming", these sensors can detect various dangerous situations and can "...cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." Obviously, these sensors can keep the passengers and general public safer than just one unassisted driver.
Along with more advanced features, comes the elimination of many public menaces and dangerous drivers. If a driver is drowsy, they won't be endangering the public, because the car would be driving for them. There won't be any slip of the wheel to send a car into a ditch, a heavy foot excelerating the car into a tree or pedestrian, or fender benders because the driver was unable to apply the brake. Of course, if the car would happen to need a driver, the safety sensors could easily wake up the sleeping passenger with vibrating seats, as mentioned in paragraph seven of "Driverless Cars Are Coming," voices demanding the driver to take over, and other alarms to wake the driver up. In the case of drunk driving, even though they may need to take the wheel in certain situations, it would be quite rarely, and would still decrease the danger of drunk drivers. Someday the self-driving car may no longer need any human assistance, which would eliminate the danger of drowsy and drunk drivers all together.
In conclusion, the creation of self-driving cars would be beneficial to overall public safety because the developing sensors can already detect and adapt to changes more efficiently than a human can, and it would eliminate the danger of sleeping, distracted, and drunk drivers. | 45
35f642a | Dear Senator,
I argue in favor to changing the election by popular vote for the president. I aruge this because we aren't even really vote for a president, we are jsut voting for people who pick the president for what the passage says.
In what's wrong with the electoral college , its says "voters vote not for the president, but for the slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. So this means we aren't even electing our own president, just people who do. which is not what everybody is thinking, everybody is thinking we are voting and we have that right and we have a say.
But in all reality do we really? We are just voting for people not the president and i think it should be changed. Then the passage goes on about if you vote for a certain people you've voted for a slate of how ever many people to vote for our president. Now to me that doesnt sound very right, it sounds like we are just voting for pretty much nothing. That we just get to vote for nothing and it doesn't even really matter what our vote is and they're going to pick who they want. I really thinkg it should be changed becuz reading this passage makes me kind of not even want to vote. Because i feel like its not helping any and i think that should be chamged and we shoukd have more of a right to vote for the president.
Senator, i dont think its a fair choose and it should be changed and so we can vote. People say its up to us be is it really, so i think it should be changed. | 12
ea8d794 | The author of the passage(The Challenge Of Exploring Venus) suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.I belive that the author suggests this because even though venus is a dangerous planet and no human could possibly survive the climate there,it is still a planet worth researching.
Also all though venus is very easy to spot from a distance and safe vantage point of earth,It is for a fact a very challenging place to examine more closely.
As it says in paragraph two''Humans have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world.each previous mission was unmanned,and for good reason'' With out being able to send a person to study it up close an bring back samples scientests have limited knowlage on venus.For
more then 3 decades not a single space craft has touched down on venus. Acording to the passage paragraph 3 ''A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent blankets venus.even more challangeing are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfric acid in venus's the the planet surface,temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit,and the atmosphericpressure is 90 times greater then what we experience on our own planet. '' All of these condition are way more extreme then anything humans encounter on eaarth we wouldnt even be able to survive this.
Even though venus really is an imposible planet study with alot of obsticles the author still belives it is a worthy persuit.Even though we cant meet the challenge venus has alot of value,not only because of the knowlage we want to gain on the planet itself,but also because our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers an doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation ( as said in the last paragraph).At this point i agree with the author we should keep exploring all posebilitys and not give up. | 23
23b30d1 | Astronauts risk their life by exploring the different planets in our solar system. In the article ''The Challenge of Exploring Venus'' talks about how dangerous it could be to exoplor it. Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because it was once the most Earth-like planet in our solar system, Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, and NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.
Venus may be inhospitable now, but it was once the most Earth-like planets in our solar system. In the article it discusses how Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. It states that, ''The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features [like] valleys, mountains, and craters.'' Meaning it has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. Venus is also the second planet from our sun.
Earth, Venus, and Mars orbit the sun at different speeds, which could lead to planetary visits. ''The differences in speed mean that sometimes we ae closer to Mars and other times Venus.'' Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned, and no spacecraft survuved the landing for more than a few hours. Venus has proven to be a very challanging place to examine more closely.
There are inhancements that NASA are trying to improve for differnt approaches to studying Venus. The author exclaims, ''A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus.''
An example of what NASA is trying to do is to create simplified electronics made of silicone carbide that have been tested to in a chamber that stimulates Venus's surface; this electronic has survived three weeks in such conditon. What's even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. So imagine exposing a cell phone to acid or heat capable of melting tin. | 23
6bd256c | In the article Driverless Cars Are Coming,i think having driverless cars is a good idea. They say that these driverless cars had driven more than half a million miles without crashing, thats pretty awesome.Many people dont like this new idea because they think its dangerous, it can cause accidents, the car wont work right or wont know what its doing. What they dont know is that, when the driver is in the car and they car is driving by itself, they arent truly driverless because they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents.
That Right there tells you that, even if it doesnt sound safe it is safe because your car is really not driverless when it comes to stuff like that, you can control it whenever you want to control it, or feel like you have to. Driverless Cars aslo have a lot of good sensors like, position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof of the car, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar senors, a GPS receiver, and lastly an interial motion senors. All of those senors are a very good use for your car and is very helpful throught the drive.
The Driverless Car, can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch senosrs make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. In fact, none of the cars developed so far are not completely driverless. This car can steer, accelerate, and brake themsleves when coming upon a stop light or traffice jam, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skulls , for example, navigating through work zones and around accidents.
The Law does focuses on keeping the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in some states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars. Such as, California, Nevada, Florida, anbd the District of Columbia have led thye country in allowing limited uses of semi-autonomous cars.
By 2020, Automakers plan to have cars like a Mercedes-Benz, Audi,and Nissan drive by themsleves. | 34
10a4863 | I can see why you can think that "the Face on Mars" is some form of proof that either alien life did at one time or is still cuurrently on Mars . The human mind is meant to think, imagine and wonder "what if". Let's say these "aliens" are in fact real and constructed "the Face" in order to communicate with us. Carving a giant face has got to be one of if not thee least effective way of dong so.
These "aliens" very well could have simply just put a peice of shiney metal on the surface and the MGS would have seen it and we would probaly think "hey, this unknown element is here on the surface of a planet where there are no metals". Not only would it make us think that there is indeed metals on Mars but then we would think "hey metals most usually form deep undergroud so there is no reason for this to be on the surface". THAT would be a valid way of letting us know "hey, we exist".
Also another thing, if "aliens" made "the Face" how is it no footprint s were found. And there's no wind on Mars they coulnt have blown away. Seriusly, that's a big project so you're gonna need a lot of your alien buddies to help you out with it and no footprints....hmm. Well hey,maybe they have got giant eagle wings and fly everywhere. Yeah, on a planet that HAS NO GRAVITY!
Let's face it though (ha, face, get it?) everybody loves a good "supernatural " story. I believe that this is nothing more. "Once in 1976 a NASA spacecraft was looking for a place to land, and there on the surface they found... a huge human's face carved out of the surface Mount Rushmore style....wooouuh"
In conclusion, The very thought that "aliens" somehow carved a face onto Mars is ridiculis . And the final nail in the coffin? When you hear "conspiricy theorist" you think of a frail, usually middle aged, pale becuase he hasn't stepped out of his trailer in weeks, guy with a aluminum cone on his head and always taling about how"The Man" is out to get him.
Also he is dirty becuase hasnt shaved or showered in like a year. His trailer that's in the middle of nowhere has got newspaper
Scoch taped on the windows and the inside is filled with shelves of "alien communicating devices" (Yeah well, tell E.T. I said Hi) | 12
8f644c5 | Dear state senator,
I have come to a conclusion that I argue in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states. I think if we kept the Electoral college and we voted for this person and he went against us and chose the wrong person for president we would be out of luck. Voting ourselves for the president of the United States would be the best for everyone. No one would get confused on who they want to vote for or wo they want to win the election. In my opinion its just best that way. as they say in source 2 "can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always." If you cant control whom your voting for as the president it makes no sense to even vote. That's like saying im voting for no reason. For example in the Electoral College you aren't voting for the president your'e voting for the electors who then votes for the presidet. If you dont know who the elector is going to vote for how do you know to vote for that elector, let's say you do know and they change their mind and go against you. You cant do anything about it but hope for the best. I say get rid of the Electoral college and let voters vote who they want to be the president of the United States. | 23
29e3246 | Twenty-five years ago a photo was taken of a natural landform that appears to look like a face. Many people will argue that it isn't a natural landform but, more of an alien artifact. While the two sides still don't see eye to eye they both have evidence that could support their belief.
While, some people think that the face on Mars is "bona-fide evidence" that there once was life there. NASA has defended that remark by saying that they wish that it was a mark of ancient civilization but, it's not. NASA has also made it a priority to photograph the face because, they felt as if it was "important to the taxpayers" to give them evidence that it wasn't an alien landform.
So, in 1998 they flew a shuttle over Cydonia, the face/lanform, for the first time to go take pictures of it. Thousands of people were waiting to see pictures of it. It had turned out to be just a landform ,like NASA had said, not an ancient lifeform. Many people disagreed with the pictures that NASA took because they had stated that it was cloudy during the time they had taken the pictures on Mars so, they couldn't really get a clear shot of the face. While NASA agreed with them that it was a cloudy time of year on Mars they are still sure that there has never been life on the planet.
While NASA hasn't changed there opinion because it is in fact just a landform. Many people still want good proof that it could quite possibly be acient civilization. So, they prepared to send up another. This time they sent it up on a cloudless summer day so that no-one could argue that the weather affected the pictures. NASA was right again. This time they took up a camera that zoomed in the structure and it didn't show anything new that would have meant that there has ever been any life there.
All together, these facts prove that it is just a landform. A scientist named Garvin was quoted saying "That's a lava dome that take the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The face is indeed just like a landform that we have here on Earth. Although the other side of this long running debate did have some evidence that might have made NASA think twice, there is still more proof that it is a landform. | 34
00ef89f | In my ophion, technology reading students emotional expressions is the dumbest thing ever and here is why.
First, the apps they are using just changes the student indivaully like you can not make someone be happy on a computer you can make them look happy they should not change someone for who they want them to be vs what they are. Second, you should not change a photo or use any edits because thats changing you and you should just be you if you dont smile thats okay dont let people judge you on how you look you should impress your self not somebody eles. Third, People today need to realize that changing someone in any type of way could hurt them even worse. Yes, messing with peoples emotion or sometimes trying to figure it out whats wrong with them can set off alot of things. Instead of making someone look happy people should talk to the person that is upset, trying to be there for them maybe thats all they need or tell them soemthing postive to brighten there day.
In Conclusion, I think changing someones pictures to make them look like they are happy is the wose idea ever because deep down they know they are, but do you just because someone makes and upset face dosnt always mean they are. | 01
c63b3bc | My position on driverless cars is that they are a misunderstood, underestimated, and misrepresented technological revolution that can change the transportation system completely for the better.
The technology used in these vehicles are designed to be perfectly accurate with sensors, laser technology, and a self updating 3D software that has greater awareness than that of a human driver.
These cars also take advantage of their programming capabilites to more efficiently brake and prevent accidents. The computerization of the "driver" will ensure that texting, alcohol, and other common driving problems are ruled out completely. In addition to these safety features the driverless cars will always roll back to their ultimate and final safety feature; the driver himself.
The technology used in driverless cars consist primarily of sensors and laser technology.
The document describes the LIDAR sensor; "it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3D model of the car's surroundings" (paragraph 4) .
This shows that the LIDAR sensor creates a perfect 3D model of all of its surroundings, meaning that it has a 360 degree field of view, and a higher sense of awareness than an ordinary human being with a field of view much smaller than that.
Sensors are another key technology used in the driverless car.
In Paragraph 5 the document states that "Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out of control skids or rollovers.
The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone".
This fact again enforces the boost in safety that driverless cars would bring.
Programs in the vehicle would take advantage of their domain over the individual functions of the machinery, and manipulate it to create a more responsive braking system that will prevent skidding and roll-overs.
Texting and driving, drinking and driving, and driving under the influence of other drugs are just some of the many bad habits that humans partake in that drastically increases the chance of a crash occuring.
These problems would see a significant decrease, as it is impossible for a computer to ingest a substance that would hinder its performance.
Texting is a program completely seperate from what the vehicle would use to operate and drive, so it would not be an issue in the slightest.
Most concern toward driverless cars is the basic idea of a driverless car - it has no driver.
People are reluctant to put their life in the hands of a machine, and rightfully so.
Technology will always have its glitches and quirks that lead to failure.
However, these mistakes would happen much less frequently as technology advances.
As stated in paragraph 5 "Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars tha can handle more and more driving tasks on their own.
Another point to consider is that coded programming will not make silly "human errors" that lead to many accidents.
When active, a 3D software program attached to a fully aware 3D laser scanner will never be caught off guard, and will never day dream.
To further address the concern of lack of human intervention, these vehicles are designed to put full control back in the hands of the driver at the first sign of uncertainty.
This is seen in paragraph 7 with the quote "In fact, none of the cars develped so far are completely driverless.
They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating throught work zones and around accidents.
This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to rake over when the situation requires".
The vehicle will not attempt to navigate an obstacle that it is not prepared for.
One technology that manufactures are considering ensures that the driver keeps his/her eyes on the road at all times.
This is seen in paragraph 7 when it says that "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road.
While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver".
This reliance on the driver ensures that human interference is always possible.
Driverless cars are an underestimated and somewhat feared technology that can help prevent the thousands of deaths that occur each year due to driving accidents.
With a little research and enlightenment on the topic, one can learn about the levels of safety that driverless cars can bring, and understand just how capable the technology used is now, and how capable it will become in the future. | 34
a1028ad | Is it possible for us to identify human emotions with just a simple picture? Prof. Thomas Haung, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, is working with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam to make a software that is able to recognize the human emotions on Leonardo da VInci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa.
You may wonder how a computer can recognize facial movements that we use to express our feelings. Well this computer makes a 3-D model of the face. By this point Dr. Huang gives the work over to a psychologist such as Dr. Paul Eckman, who is the creater of FACS. Eckman has classified six basic emotions such as; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. All of those feelings are associated with characteristic movements of the facial muscles.
Sometimes we can notice these expressions on our own friends almost every day. Then again we might also end up reading their expression wrong, because we aren't really experts. Yet Dr Huang observes that artists such as da VInci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as eletronic code.
Wouldn't it be awesome if a computer could read your emotions? Like what if you smiled every time you saw something that you liked, and the computer decided to give you more things simliar to that. Or if you decide you don't like it by scowling or frowning it changes it to something completely different. If these advances were possible it could make learning in school possible to understand if you are struggling. By that I mean you could be getting frustrated with a problem, the computer reads your expression, and suddenly it is giving you an easier version of that same topic you are going over.
I think that these softwares actually could be valuablle for the students in the classroom. If the computures could read our expression and help us by
automatically changing the lesson to a slightly easier version is very helpful. This can show teachers how well a student is progressing in school by the way the computer is understanding the individual itself. So if it is possible for this kind of technology to happen it would be very successful in most learning industries.
This kind of technology can be helpful to some of those who struggle. Sometimes teachers can't just focus on helping one individual at a time every single day when they obviously have other students to attend to. If the computer read every kids facial expression then it could help show the teacher is a student is struggling or not. | 34
5a7f694 | Not everyone has the luxury of owning a car. But cars are not the only means that can get us from point A to point B. In fact, having limited usage of cars is an advantage to society, our own good, and also the environment. In the twenty-first centruy, it may seem that possessing a car is a vital aspect of living, however, that is not always the case.
To began with, having a limited amount of cars on the roads means a less amount of car emission that stays in the air. Carbon emissions from cars are responsible from around 50% of the greenhouse gases in the United States alone (Source 1). If we were to limit our car usage, it is very likely for that percentage to go down. Taking the account that cars are the second most item that pollutes the air, it would be a dramatic change for the environment to be a cleaner and heathier place to live (Source 4).
Additionally, if we were to use our cars less and relie on public transportation, we would be able to help the economy. Using individual cars does not help anyone economically. In the other had, riding subways, buses, taxis, and other public transportation will allow the public economy to rise, which in turn allows the government to recieve extra money that could benefit the local city. Taking the desicion to not use cars promotes alternative ways to get to the final destination in mind (Source 3). It also lets parks to be used more often than before and sidewalks become wider and safer. Moreover, the less cars that are on the street, the less traffic jams, car crashes, and time that is wasted sitting in a car wishing to be somewhere else (Source 3).
Futhermore, if more people were to walk or bike on the side walks, they would be able to enjoy the natural nature that they cannot fully appreciate when they are zooming pass it in their cars at fifty miles per hour. Also, getting the chance to actaully look at what the local city has to offer helps little businesses to become successful. Not using cars can also be included in our daily excersise that we are all supposed to be doing. Instead of being lazy and using cars to take us to places, we can all use that extra mile or so to help improve our health. Getting out in the open and getting some fresh air will also be beneficial to one's health by allieviating them from bad thoughts and "it is a good opportunity to take away stress" (Source 3). Getting away from the busy life that includes cars is extremely advantageous to humans' health and the city they live in.
Much has changed throughout history. Nothing ever stays the same, so maybe it's the time to change the amount of car usage. This era is a time period where there are many technological inovations that allow humans from all across the world to stay in touch without leaving their couch. There has been a noticeable decrease in the amount of miles that have been driven since 2005 (Source 4). This is a positive step foward to a better future for the generations to come for less cars on the road means there wil be less pollutions entering the atomsphere, more opportunities for businesses, and incouraging individuals to make healthier choices. | 34
1061742 | There are millions of wrecks in the U.S. every year, some due to their own cars not being very reliable. Cars and their manufacurers must be very reliable when it comes to bringing up new models of vehicles. Imagine if you could cut the number of car wrecks in half. Technology is fast pacing and is advancing every day. What if we could have driverless cars, cars that could not only make the world a better place, but also prove how amazing our technology is. Driverless cars are the next, new future.
Driverless cars have an abundant amount of pros and maybe a little bit of cons, but overall these cars can do great things. A driverless car could possibly stop different aspects of accidents happening. They could even get someone where they need to go. These cars can also help people who barely passed their driver's tests. The car could perform even the most basic stuff, such as, driving through the city, making turns, driving the steering wheel itself, and watching for dangerous things a new or inexperienced driver could not do. Being a new driver can be very challening at first and may even bring a traumatic experience. Coming off as a new driver and only having my license for three months, I know what the pressure can feel like when you feel like you havent learned soemthing and you are already on your own.
There are some cons when it comes to new driverless cars; Let's say someone is in a wreck and later come to find the car had failed them, who is responsible now? The manufacturer. The car could fail out of nowhere with no warning signs and even cost someone their life. Though there have been studies, a driverless car could have a potential downfall affect on drivers. Some could feel like they can be lazy and not have to worry about their surroundings and cause an accident that way; A person could even fall asleep at the wheel and do more damage than good. Some states make it illegal to even drive computer-type cars because of a law they have.
Driverless cars come with baggage on both sides of good and bad, but with a little more knowledge and research it could change someone's opinion overtime. They could potentially save someone's life and other people surrounding them. They could save a new driver's life and could even help them learn all of the skills of the road. With the new techonology we have in this new future, we could cut the wreck numbers in half to seventy five percent. Driverless cars are not a bad idea and they could possibly save this world. | 34
abbcf44 | I disagree with the topic about driverless cars.
It will be too much money. There is a possibility of it malfunctioning. The drivers still have to be cautious. Plus some of the states doesnt want this to even be in there state. Driverless cars are dumb and doesn't any make sense. If this does happen to our country, there could be some danger to it.
The topic about driverless cars will probably be too much money. Look at electric cars, They're a lot of money but doesnt use gas. The driverless car you will still have to get gas. It might take a certain gas which could be expensive. If a certain part quits working on the car, It could be really expensive and you're going to be losing a lot money that way. This is why the United States should just stick with the same old cars that are cheaper than driverless cars.
Another reason why there shouldn't be driverless cars is it could malfunction. They've been working on this since 2009 and it can barely drive by itself up to the speed of 25 MPH. Imagine just driving down the road and the car just stops. It could be a bad situation. You could also be just sitting there and it starts going really fast and you can't control it. This driverless car could be really dangerous if it had a malfunction.
When having a driverless car, the human being thats in the car has to be cautious when driving. The driverless car needs help in traffic situations, parking your car, and driving through a constrution zone and even around accidents. Whats the point of having a driverless car if you have to do all the hard parts. Why dont we just have assistance with stopping when a car or and item is behind the car, or even when were not paying attention when there is something in front of us. Honestly we just need to keep the maual cars and have some assistance attached because then we wont have as much problems and we will be a lot safer. Thats why we shouldn't get driverless cars because we still have to be cautious.
Having a driverless car is dumb and pointless. As I stated, The car could be very expensive leaving our country in debt. Also if it malfunctions, It wont just be our safety that is in danger, we will also lose money trying to fix the car. If we have to be cautious by watching the road, whats the point of even having a driverless car. This talk about driverless cars should stop. They put the driver in danger and they put pedestrians in danger also. Driverless cars should never happenen and i hope they don't. | 34
c783ce5 | The auther suggeats that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despire how dangers it's on the present. The auther suggest stadying venus becauses is worthy,pursuit and dangers.evenggely is a star and it call venus or for his nickname is misleading. The since sctually say venus is a planet in our solar system ,Venus is earty to see it from the distart by a safe vantage. It had proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Maybe this issure explains why not a single spaces had touche down on Venus is more then thee decades of numerous
factoris contribute of venus.Venus is one of the first one planets the human stared stady on it,the scine start send robots to venus for stady if human cat live there. they also venus
has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in a our solor system, even though the others planets closed
to the sun. It is beyoud
high pressure and heat and venusian geology
and weathers present
aad impediments like erup of volcanoes of the earth,and others powerful earthquakes.
If our sister planet is very inhospitable, The scientists discussing further visits to it
a surface, the astronomers are fascinated with venus maybe it may
well once have astronomers are never see before,because once hace been the most
earth-like the planets in the solor system. the long age of venus was probably covered by largely on the ocean and could have support by valious of the life,exacly the earth do today.
In my conclusion;venus is one of the humans curiosity will able to stady by lead used into many equally intimidat endeavors. Venus and the earth our travel and beyond that shoud not be limite or dangers,doubts of imagination and innovation. | 01
92cf776 | Driverless cars would be useful and should continue to be developed because they would be potentially safer, more efficient, and help drivers by making driving a less intensive and dangerous activity.
Driverless cars would be safer then current cars. One way this woud be true is because many driverless (and current with-driver cars) have features that allow them to sense danger in traffic. For example, as stated in paragraph 7, it is shown that BMW is developing a car that can steer, accelerate, and brake. Even though the cars are not completely driverless, further development of the cars could possibly fix these issues. Driverless cars may also be able to find each other via GPS to avoid collisions.
Driverless cars could be possibly more efficient than current cars. For example, a driverless car with a GPS could possibly find the quickest and most fuel-efficient route to a destination. Another thing driverless cars may be able to do more efficiently is determine the best way to save gas or prevent wear and tear to the car on a case by case basis. For example, a car with a smart computer may be able to decide whether it is more fuel efficient to turn off the engine or leave it running, depending on the amount of time it will be left idle. To combat wear and tear, a driverless car may be able to accurately determine the best distance and amount of time to brake to keep the damage to tires and brakes as low as possible.
Driverless cars could make driving less dangerous and intensive for drivers. Currently, drivers must keep their eyes on the road and have full awareness of everything going on around them to drive safely. A driverless car with safety features similar to the ones described in paragraphs 7 and 8 would allow the driver to not worry as much about what is going on around them. This may allow them to do other work or concentrate on something else, like children in the car.
Driverless cars would generally be a good thing to continue researching and developing, as they would make driving safer, more efficient, and less intensive for drivers. | 34
c591447 | I think theat limiting car usage in some cities and towns can be a good thing. It can be helpful because with less cars on the road that means less trafic on the roads. It is also helpul because if your need to get somewhere, now you can walk, run, or bike ride there.
Limiting cars on the road can help public transportation get to their destination faster because there is less trafic. With less cars on the road in helps the Planet by comsuming fuel. By driving your car around the citie, it causes pollution to be in the air, the same air we breathe. According to the article, in some cities like Paris and Bejing, they baned driving your own car due to the pollution it releases in the the atmosphere. If you are caught driving your own car out in pulic you can get finned and even towed away.
In addition to limiting car usage, it can benefit you getting some exercise. To get to places, you would either have to ride a bike or walk there. It can help you loose weight or to get your cardio vascular system going and ready for the day. Even if your destination is far away, you would have to walk to the bus stop, even just a short little walk everyday for many days can help your fitness, and can keep you healthy.
In conclusion, Limiting usage of cars is helpful to the environment and also to your fitness, keeping cars off the road for public transportation the get to destionations quicker. | 23
7815231 | Today I -Luke- think you should join the progam i joined called "Seagoing Cowboys progam " . I joined the progam for a certain reson and thats because of a great friend of mine - Don -invited me to join him to go to Europe on a cattle boat . I knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. And at that time in 1945 in Europe the World War II had just ended which ment so many things were ruined i wanted to help out so I joined the Seagoing Cowboys progam .And if your not selfish and care about other people take this opportunity and help out a persons life join not only cause we wan't you to but it would be good for a change if someone you loved lived in a country were distruction had just happened you would join but these people you may not love or you don't know but they are still humans maybe even children still they have lives to live and children to have to keep the population growing. I'm giveing you a great opportunity just think about it consider trying . | 12
04575a9 | The Disadvantage of Facial Action Coding System
According to TechGen, about 72% of students in the United States get distracted from a technological device, this can be a cell phone, computer, smartwatches, and more. Everyone has at least on technological device. Schools worldwide should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a distraction to students, they are a waste of money, and certain students do not want to show their emotions without being told to.
First, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they can be considered a huge distraction for students. Students worldwide need to learn the materials that is needed in order for them to graduate, the Facial Action is not going to help them at all. Students will also be distracted by it, and they will have a hard time focusing on what is going on in the classroom. If schools put the Facial Action System in all of their classroom, then it's going to be harder to the teacher and/or professor to get the students engaged in the activity. This technological system can be a big waste of money for classrooms.
Next, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a waste of money. According to TechPort, technological devices are increasing every single day with more things being imported to them. Schools have better things to spend their money on, such as sporting equipment, new choices of food, and extension of school building. Putting this Facial Action Coding System in all classroom can be schools go in debt because they'll have a difficult time paying materials off. There are certain students who do not want to show off their emotions.
Finally, schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because certain students do not want to show off their emotions without being told to. The article states, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Most of the time students do not want their classmates or teachers to know how they are feeling because it can be embarassing for them to know. Students can be going through a rough time, and it can be discouraging for them to go to classroom knowing that the teachers know how they are feeling.
According to Techop, 62% of all classrooms in the world have at least one computer or technological electronic in their classroom. The majority of the students have at least used a device in their classroom. Schools should not invest in Facial Action Coding System because they are a distraction to students, they are a waste of money, and certain students do not want to show their emotions without being told to. | 34
5de3eb1 | To whom it may concern,
I a citizen of the United States Of America would like to voice my opinion, on behalf of the Electoral college I think the Electoral college shall stay put. A while back the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of quallified citizens. which means the tradition have lasted for decades and it shall not end now it shall remain forever. If there is no more Electoral college it would not be fair because we would not be able to vote for the president we desire. Who knows who will become the president then! Not only will we not be able to vote for the president of the United States of America but we wont be able to vote for the vice president, governor, senates...
. That would not be fair, all that hard work and dedication that people put in to help the women stop sacrificing and vote and you all are going to put it to waste, you will not only dissapoint us but you will dissapoint the people who led women to vote. I dont think the founding fathers established the constitution for decerations I think the established it with a purpose.
Under the 23rd Amendment of the U.S. constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the
Electoral College. | 12
da7968c | Cars are a life line and much used tool for people on day to day commutes. Can we live without i? In Vauban Germany there is a town that does not own one car. How do they get around then? They city trans and running. the reason is the cars are spouing out tons of green gasses. Its not only in Vauban either. This is a trend world wide in most suburbs.
Does everyone agree with this no car trend? After Paris recived a near record pollution they banned driving in the city. On some days the city would allow odd licence plates. On other days the city would allow even number plates. Near 4,000 drivers were given a 31$ (22-euro) fine. This cleared the smog over a period of time. What was the effect on the city after words? Smog cleared from the city vassly but. Citizens were able to freely use the transit without cost. There wwere acceptions to plug in cars and viecles holding more than three people.
On the other side of the world people in Bogota Colombia created and set a carfree day. On this day people Hiked, Biked, and took buses to destinations. This was a ecelent strategy to promot alternative transportation and reduced pollution for this large city of 7 million. People who did not go along with the day were fined 25$. Now to more close by cities Cali and Valledupar have joined the event. This has been amazing for upcoming local city buissnessis. Also reconstruction on side walks and parks.
What about the largest car loving cuontry, America? Well it seems the trend has effected us as well. Although there are no limits the driving has seemingly cooled over the years. This will be a long term cultral shift with companies like Ford and Mercedes calling hemselves mobility companies. When someone does drop the habbit it is hard to pick up again. Even driving by young people has dropped 23%. These changes have changed the pollution rate and many more car related problems. There mabey a time where traffic jams no longer exist. | 23
4a2dcc3 | This author supported the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by showing many details and giving good examples of how it would be possible. From information we could gain from exploring Venus to humans curosity, the author gives clear evidence that exploring Venus is going to happen. The author throughout the text keeps the readers attention by giving physical attributes about Venus and explaining how NASA is involved in finding a way for humans to survive at least 30 miles above the surface.
In this text the author covers many different facts about venus itself and how we can explore it. For example in paragraph 3 the author starts by giving us specific details to get a picture of venus in our head. The author did this by making the statement that, "Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide that blankets it. The author also compares Venus to other things we might know like the "evening star," or earths "twin." This helps the reader undertand that the author really wants to make a point that Venus isn't uncommon to most people. Jumping back to paragraph 4, the author tells us about Vesus's features and possibly its past features. They explained that Venus at one time probably was capable of supporting life because of signs of oceans and features still there like mountains, valleys and craters.
In conclusion the author in my opinion did a very good job supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author used clear examples and ideas that kept my attention reading the text. One day maybe we will be able to survive on Venus as long as people like this author can inspire people to take actions. | 23
d6cbb21 | INTRODUCTION: A brand new software has been developed. This software improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others; This new software has promising applications for a variety of industries.
Imagine a computer can tell how you're feeling just from your face, like for example you go to a computer and ask her how am I feeling today, then the computer will say= 83%happy, 9%disgusted, 6%fearful, 2%angry; And you'll be like WHAT?, how can a simple computer make such a thing?.
The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D model of the face, with 44 major muscles this is called "action unit".
Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS (Facial Action Coding System)
BODY: Dr. Huang observes that the facial expressions for each emotion are universal and humans perform the same impressive "calculation" every day; How?: you can probably tell how is your friend feeling just looking at him or hearing his voice.
This software could change the whole world; For example imagine you are in the ethernet and then a web ad player pop's up, if you smile at it a similar ad might follow; But if you frown, the next ad will be different.
"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" Dr. Huang predicts.
CONCLUSION: Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also can help produce them; we unconsciously imitate person's facial expressions. So in conclusion I would say that we can start using this magnificient software and his technology to read student's emotional expressions because it could also help teacher's to see how their student's are doing and if someone is distracted or bored the computer will notice the teacher so he/she can move on into another thing or go talk with the student. | 12
9e6d437 | The development of driverless cares are a negative impact to the society here is why. Technoogy has been
improving everyday new items in the market
have been coming out and lately everyone has to have the new items . We were born in the 21 century now we have smart phones that can track friends or family around to see where they are at theres computers that can speak for the
mute many more things.
Now they have created a new invention which is driverless cars a car desgined to drive itself around without human sensory . According to the article in verse 2
it notes that " Google cars arent truly driverless they still alert
the driver to take over when pulling in and out of the driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues "
by issues they mean " navigating through road work or accidents" Are driverless cars really benefitful for our society ? If you think about how many things are placed in the car wouldnt you think the car would be expanisve to buy. This would mean that certain people are more likely to get the car and others would probably be vechile less because if the world gets rid of cars and places new cars that drive on their own wouldnt you think people would be either calling a taxi or find another way for transportation.
Now in verse 5 it states that " senors can cause the car to apply brakes on individuall wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manange alone"
what would happen if the satiltite glitches and the sensors dont pick up the signal?
There would be more accidents caused then when people actually drove the car.Also would the car even come with emergency brakes like todays cars do in case of an emergency.
In todays society there had been notifiers letting citizens know not to tex and drive due to driverless cars wouldnt you think that the human brain would be devious and be tempted to reach for a cell and text. Now that the human isnt driving maybe there could be other things going on the driver wouldnt be aware because they were to busy being distracted by the items in the car or in their hands | 34
49e0d87 | Why is the world upgrading so fast? Living in a world that is upgrading by the day is like watching your son or daughter grow up from day one. Most people around the world want to upgrade one thing at a time and other people want to upgrade a hundred things everyday. What is the point of having driverless smarter cars? There isn't one. There are so many teens around the world that just can't wait until the day they get that special with there picture on it. Their licence. Yes, teens can be dangerous on the road;but still. I bet, when your was a tennager, you couldn't wait for that special day. Now, what teenager wants to grow up to not getting a licence and just being driven around by a driverless car? Nobody does.
We all know that guys who have nice lifted trucks or jeeps, they like to have fun with them. With driverless smarter cars you can't do none of that. What if something inside the car broke all the sudden and you couldn't do anything about it because it is a driverless car? "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture?"(parragraph 9). Now, when there is a wreck on a highway or backroad, the world doesn't freak out about it. If the world started to buy driverless smarter cars and something like that happened because of the car malfunctining, the one who was injured will probably sew and world would stop buying them becuase they are scared it will happen to them. That wouldn't be good for that certain buissness.
The world shouldn't be upgrading as fast as it is now. Before, the world was upgrading but not as fast. The world should have kept it that way. At the rate we're going, by 2020, factories won't even make steering wheels anymore; because the world doesn't need them. "Mercedes-Benz, Audi,and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020"(parragraph 10). If anything, cruise control is enough. I mean, nobody wants to drive a thousand miles while pushing on a gas pedal. Who can trust a driverless car and sleep while it drives you a thousand miles away? Not a whole lot. "Telsa has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time'(parragraph 10).
Driverless cars are pointless. Who wants to be killed because of a car that drives itself when you could've just driven yourself and avoided what happened? Not me. In conclusion, if people around the world feel that they have a driverless car, then go for it. | 34
7a24b91 | Driverless cars sound like a really good deal, right? A person doesn't have to drive all the time, they don't have to use up all their money on gas, and they don't have to spend thousands of dollars on a car because the driverless car is a form of public transportation. The development of driverless cars should be a good beginning to the future.
The making of driverless cars isn't for a person to buy it, though it could be possible. The driverless car is a form of public transportation for everyone to use and be a part of. The car is loaded with sensors that will know when and where to be on the side roads, highway, and main roads to get the passenger to their destination in a safe and effeciant manner. Also, in the driverless car, a passenger will have a bit more privacy than on a public bus or in a taxi. The car does have a camera for saftey reasons, but they aren't distracted by lots of other people.
Another useful part of the driverless car is it will use half the fuel to run than public transportation does today. Using less fuel is not only environment friendly, but it saves money. This means the driverless car doesnt have to stop as often for gas as a normal car would. The "driver" of the car also doesn't have to drive all the time. Although, the driver does have to be alert the entire time just to be sure that there arent any difficulties. The driverless care will notify the driver if there is a difficulty like "pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues."
The driverless car is not perfect, though. If there is a wreck in a driverless car, whose fault is it? Would it be the driver or the car? Do you have to switch to a different driverless car if you want to go a certain distance? These questions are still awaiting to be answered. An accident in a driverless car can be from the driver missing an alert or the car malfuntioning and not alerting the driver at the correct time. There could be different types of driverless cars, like a certain type for the highway and one for in a city. These questions are not yet answered in certainty but will be soon.
Although the driverless car can have son setbacks, it is still a postive impact for the future of the world and the way we will live. The driverless car is the start of a new world. They are in the near future for us and could help virtually everyone who is a part of it. | 34
fe936f8 | With so much technology already being developed for the analysis of human tendencies, what could one more hurt? Nowadays, manufacturers and creators of products are using technologies and algorithims to analyze everything from shopping preferances, to the economic strengths and weaknesses that characterize a specific a consumer. Not to mention, with facial recognition, and widespread survelliance, complex human interactions are beginnning to be broken down into code. While some may argue against this simply because the idea of being "watched" does not appeal to them, these advancements have real-world applications that could actually be quite beneficial to society as a whole. The concept of the FACS program being implemented in classrooms is a concept that really should be taken into heavy consideration. The practical applications of something such as an emotional analysis program within schools, have no end. For this reason, it is concievable that the FACS program should be introduced into the fabric of the modern schooling system.
Imagine if a computer was able to comprehensively custom-tailor lessons for struggling students, based solely on their unconscious reactions to other lessons. Often times this is exactly what a student needs, and what many student activist groups have been proposing for years. The notion that a student could have a lesson that was customized to fit his or her personality, might be exactly what some parents of stuggling (and academically adept) students have been craving. In the article, Making Mona Lisa Smile, by Nick D'Alto, it is stated that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This is a compelling argument for a fairly simple reason; most students that do not do well in school, claim that it is because they do not enjoy it, or that they do not appreciate the way that information is conveyed to them. However, this can be remedied. The implementation of the FACS program within schools would provide an alternitave to traditional teaching, and could improve the overall experience of students. Besides that, the FACS program could also be used to analyze the general student reaction to a specific topic or concept. This would provide teachers with more insight into the lives and emotions of their students, and allow them to better prepare lectures, and their coverage of that topic. The article also states that, " Most human communictation is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Not only would the gathered information be beneficial to other parties for the betterment of schooling, but it would also allow school systems to pick up on particular emotional cues that may only be visible to someone who is emotionally close to a particular student.
This program, without a doubt, offers many helpful options when it comes to its use within school systems. The FACS system should be implemented into the fabric of modern schooling. With so many applications, It would be foolish not to at least experiment with it in a school setting. While it is true that privacy and reliability are great concerns for many people, convenience and better academics are also great concerns in today's modern society. In a culture that is beginning to value knowledge over all else, it is important for schools to employ every method available to them, to better prepare students for the life ahead of them. Technology should not be viewed as an enemy in an academic world. Rather, it should be percieved as a tool. A tool that gives humanity the ability to accomplish whatever can be dreamed, and gives it the resources necessary to lead its people into a golden era of knowledge and education. | 45
f686cd8 | How would education change for students if lessons were taught based on emotions? In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto , he informs the readers on a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) which is a computor software that can essentially 'read' or recognize human emotions by observing various facial expressions. He also explains the many ways FACS can improve the development for human and computer communication. This technology would be a great contribution because using it would keep many students in happy/better moods and because it could possibly improve a students performance in an online school setting.
Allowing this software to be used by many students could help them maintain a happy mood. In paragraph 6 , D'Alto writes," If you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This type of feature will result in a student having a better experience because they would be more susceptible to having a smile on their face while doing any kind of work that could have been dreadful. But along with better moods, using this technology could also make a better student academically.
Another reason this technology should be adapted into many student computers is because it could improve a students performance on tests and schoolwork.The authuor writes in paragraph 6," Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." Being able to modify the lesson soley based on whether or not this software can pick up a students emotion is completely genuis. Through this students would be able to learn more efficently while maintaing their focus because the lesson would alter depending on their lack or growth of emotion.
This invention can produce many positive outcomes because it has the potential of keeping students happy and working while improving their performance. Many scholars today aren't looking forward to walking into a school building which would put their work ethic at a low, leading them into feeling like school just isn't for them. But if technolgy like FACS could be available to every kind of student the outcome would be mind boggling. All students would feel better and do better in school. | 34
e1de5e0 | I think that we should change the voting system from the Electoral college to the most popular vote. Let me tell you why I think we should.
The first reason is that it is unfair to voters and presidential nominees. If the voters can not get there votes in to the nominee that they want then how do the votes go to the right elector. For example,the winner take all system,presidential nominees go to the states that they know they have a chance of getting there votes from. A few states never saw a campaign ad such as Rhode island and south Carolina,voters from 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad.
The second reason is that most voters only vote if they they like him or her on the way he or she dresses,talks,looks like,race,etc. Real voters now what they are doing and know who is really better for the country on his or hers facts and statistics. Some people just don't know who they should really vote for but that's what makes the country bad off. For example,people could vote for a president who says to lower minimum wage so so the higher paid people get paid more but he or she don't tell you about cutting down the minimum wage to $5.00 and then the people who voted for the good nominee and get paid minimum wage are now getting paid less but really the other nominee is the good one.
The third reason is that even Richard Nixon,Jimmy carter,Bob Dole,the U.S. Chamber of commerce,and the AFL-CIO all agreed on abolishing the electoral system. Almost every one has agreed on abolishing the electoral system. But there needs to be more people with higher grounds and words to abolish the system.
In conclusion the electoral college has no really good side to it. Its unfair,outdated and irrational. Almost everyone says to get rid of it. If you want it gone your gonna have talk to someone of high authority. | 23
2cb191e | This story explains how fascinating Venus is. Venus was compared to Earth. They have expalined how close it was to Earth. Venus has lead human curiosities. Venus is a planet that deserves to be examined because of how unique it is.
Venus and Earth were compared. The comparison with Venus and Earth was that they were both had largely covered oceans. Venus also has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. But the difference bewtween Earth and Venus is that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." Venus was a challenging planet for humans to study uinlike earth.
They had an explanation on how close Venus was to Earth. It was referred as Earth's twin because of how close Venus was to Earth "in terms of density and size." It was also closer in distance to Earth. In space terms, Venus was right around the corner. Sometimes, Mars is the closest planet. They were closer to Earth in different speeds.
Humans had some curiosities about Venus. The story expalins how NASA was studying Venus. The curiosity for humans would lead to equally intimidating endeavors. Scientists would need to get to a "close and personal despite the risks." The conditions for Venus were not easy.
The story explains how Venus is truly fascinating. It have compared Venus to Earth. It informs us of how close Earth is to Venus. It explains why humans have curiosities for Venus. The story explains why Venus is worth studying and exploring. | 12
eaa07cd | Car usage is very popular in this world we have come to know. It used for many means of transportation like going to work, school, social events, or just simply going shopping or hanging out with friends. Those are some up sides to having and using a car. But they are some down sides as well. I will be explaining the down sides of using a car as well as the advantages of limiting car usage.
My first reason in this topic that i have chosen to tell you about are "Car-free" cities. what are Car-free cities? well the name says it all is a new project they are working on in europe of this city who is car free. This new city has no cars, no street parking, no driveways or or home garages. Why do they exist? well the obvious answer is to minimize car pollution that are creating green house gases and are polluting the air and more places can adopt this idea and have more "car-free" cities so we can save the planet and ultimately save our selves from extinction because we did not know how to maintain our planet clean. Also a thing a like about this new "Car-free" city is that theres a main street where theres all the stores at a walking distance like how great is that? u can just take a ten to twenty minute walk and go shopping for anything like grocerys, shoes, clothe, restaurants instead of driving to a mall along some distant highway and ultimately that is where everybody is so hanging out with your friends and meeting all up in one place is at a walking distance and if you dont have any friends well you make new friends at this main street because that is where everybody is.
Another great reason for considering less car usage is less traffic. Who does not like less traffic? everybody hates traffic is slow, boring, and annoying. Now if we have less traffic that means we have less commute time when trying to get to work if you have a job that is far from your home and that means you get to work sooner and on time and hopefully get a raise because you feel like you dont get paid anough to do what you do. Also if we have less traffic we have less commute time and what does that mean? well it can mean multiple things like having more time to sleep because you dont have to worry about waking up early to beat the morning traffic like my mom and plenty of other people do. At the end of the day you will be able to get home quicker so you can spend more time with your family and do stuff you usually cant because of the time you spend at traffic.
My last reason is a very important reason and it is simply "safety". Think about it, it is simply just common sense. if they are less cars in the road at one time then the chances of car accidents decreases. Now i dont know about you but that sounds like a win win to me. One theres less accidents so theres less people in the hospital so they dont have hospital bills to worry about and less accidents means less traffic as well. And also if you ban the cars for a day or have one of them "car-free" cities you have less drunk drivers; one because they dont have a car so they will probably just drink at home and two if the bar or where ever is that there going to drink is close enough then they can just "walk" there sober and "walk" back to the house drunk instead of being in a car a causing a fatal accident.
Ultimately i feel that the usage of cars should be limmited because of many reasons. This reasons are as follows. Less car pollution. living in a car-free city so you are able to walk everywhere. Less traffic, less commute time, having more time to do stuff. and last but not least the safety of drivers. personally i think we should supervise the usage of automobiles and have more "car-free" cities and have days where car usage is baned or restricted by some amount. | 34
fd553c7 | "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is about the idea that venus is worth studying despite the dangers on the planet. venus is the seconed planet from the son making it close to earth. Acording to the author venus was often referred to as earth twins acording to the text it states "Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". The author also states that venus has proved to be very challenging place to examine up close.
For many reason like "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxid". Even more challenging reasons is clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmosphere and temperatures over 800 degrees fahrengeit. Are just some of the reasons that it would be hard to explor venus. The author mainly just states the reasons its hard to vistit venus and the author really doesnt state why it would be worthy to go and study venus. Except for samples of rocks and gases.
Inconclusion it wouldnt be that worthy to visit venus its just to risky and a waste of time instead we could study other planets like mars. Which we already know alot about. | 12
25024a4 | Would you keep the Electoral College how it is or would you keep it? I would want to keep it how it is. In the artical it says " the Electoral college is a process not a place.
why i think that we should keep it how it is because is concissed of it concissed of 538 electors and the majority of 270 elector votes is required to elect the president. your state is required to allotment of the electors to equal the number od members in its Congerssional delgation. Under the 23 Amendment the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors. each canidate running for state has the there own group of electors. Electors are genarall choosen by the politial party. you or who ever is voteing helps choose your states electors when you vote. but when you vote for your candidate you ae actually voting for you candidates electors. After the electon there is a Certificate of Ascertainment perpared by the governor listing all of the canidates who ran for President along with the hname sod their electors.
Althoe there are some reasons why the Electoral college should change. Richard Nixon, Jimmy carter, Bob Dole, and plenty of oothers think that it should change because according to a gallup poll in 2000 taken shortlyafer Al Gore he wonn the popular vote but lost the presidency dur to the quirks of the electoral college. in the Electoral College system people vote not for the prresident but for a slate of electors as i had said in the last pargrraph who in turn elect or the president. electors could be anyon not holding public office. voters sometimes control who there electors vote for. wich makes the voters sometimes get confsed about the electors wich makes them vote for the wrong candidate. In the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in the centery. in 1960 segegaters in Louisiana legslater nearly suceeddin replacing Democratic electora with new electors. So that the popular vote for Kennedy woulld not have actually gone to Kennedy. So them electors in the same vein they qould have to occasionally refuse to vote for the partys cannidate and cast a decideiing vote to who ever they please.
So as research shown ther are som eflaws in the Elecoral College. | 01
d07ec0b | Yes, I think that it will be an okay idea to put this technology in the use to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. I said yeah because there's a lot of students in one classrom and all of them have different types of expressions. So at times we dont know how someone is feeling. For an examle are they feeling happy,sad,excited,mad,depressed and etc. That's where this new technology comes in handy. If a teacher puts this amazing piece of technology to work. Now they can understand how their students are feeling or what type of expression or mood they are currently in. I've seen a lot of people that dont even talk in school/classroom and sometimes that puts you to wonder. Why are they like that? Are they alright? Is something wrong? Those 3 questions can't be asked no more if this technology goes into schools. Now the teachers will understand how they feel and know that they need some time alone or they need to talk about something. For an example teachers are always in saying do we need to talk? Is everything fine and the students sometimes say yes or they don't even say nothing and the teachers know that's not the truth. They would understand more about their students. This is a phrase that they said in th article on paragraph 7. "Does your expression in the mirror suggest an emotion". That right there is not enough for me the mirror can show an expression but might mean another expression. For an example again you can look at yourself in the mirror and look happy but you know that your not. This technology here can change the future and we can look further in the future starting with is invention and come up with better things following it. The article aslo said " Can your lab partner recognize which one" which the answer here is no they can't know how you feel like but this here. This technology will let you know exactly how they feel. It will be the next life changer. So that's why my answer for this question is yes they should but this technology in use in schools and it will help students and teachers know how one another is feeing. | 12
b48701e | This article introduces an idea of space exploration, specificaly to Venus. The author was bringing up the idea of studying Venus, which sounds fine untill you look into it more.
He says "no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." this is not very promising news, because the author wanted to put humans on the planet to study it. We could acheive the same things with a robot that people can acheive, and we dont need to risk lives. If a spacecraft cant make it more than a few hours neither can a human. Even if we try the blimp idea we couldent get the same data we could get with a robot. We could only study the planet's atmoshere. Some might say it would be better to wait for advances in spacecraft material so we could send things there and get data back before they got destroyed.
With the information the author brings forth with his passage studying Venus isnt worth the trouble yet. If we wait for new technoledgy we might be able to in the future. | 12
b8c4484 | To whom it may concern, I have recently been enlightened on what Electoral College is all about. According to "What Is the Electoral college?" Electoral college is a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and the election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. It consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. As quoted also from "What Is the Electoral College?" by the Office of the Federal Register.
First of all, the Electoral College should be kept because no, one region has the ability to elect a president. A certain region can gather all it's people to favorite one of the candidates, but it still won't be enough to reach a biased conclusion in the final election. The candidates also cannot count on one of their favorite states or rven regions for them to win because, with only regional or state appeal, it will become unlikely for them to be a successful president.
In addition, having The Electoral College will ensure that the larger states can't overrule the smaller state based on population. It balances the weight of more populated states to smaller populated states. This is good because now, the smaller populated states will feel that they actually have power in the Election process instead of feeling left out due to a larger population. This is also significant because now the candidates won't aim their campaigning only towards the higher populated states. They will go all around the country trying to emphasize their importance in winning the campaign.
In conclusion, the obvious solution here is to keep using the Electoral College process. It not only ensures that one state or region does not have enough votes alone to sway the election, it allows the smaller populated states to have just as big of a say in the election as the larger states. The procedure of using The Electoral college has been around for quite a while now and it's clear why. It is the most beneficial way of ensuring that the right candidate will get into office, based off of the right terms. | 34
b355884 | The way the Author was telling us throughout the story was fasanating and he let you know everything the hwole way. he studied about the pmanet Venus to let us all know about it and understand it better so we arent as worried to think aliens are on that planet but if they knew that no life forms live on that planet and people get a relief. They steady study about the the way Venus is what if thier is a living form okn the planet but just is hiding like no one would ever know but they are still trying to find things out and thier are things we do know about but are going to find out alot more about. They are trying to improve thier computers the way they do thinhgs just to get to where they need to be to be able to research what they want to research but we just have to eaiot and see wjat other things we have to go through and face with the earth we have right now is getting worse and worse people try and justify others when in order to judge someone you have to of went what they have went through and its hard but we try and move as a team to get to where we should be going. The better we get technology wise the farther we can look and just do things it would be amazing and just progress and everybodyu would be good. | 01
69084e9 | In the article, "Driverless Cars Are Coming," there are several given arguments to support whether the development on these cars are positive or negative. In my opinion, I think that the development of this futuristic concept is more negative and outweighs much of the positives.
Beginning with paragraph two, it states that Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific directions since 2009. I have one question regaurding that statement and that is, if these cars have been around for seven years already, why are they not the main source of transportation yet? The only answer to that is that these cars are not the most efficient way of transportation. In paragraph three, the author states that the "smart-road system", the only way for these driverless cars to travel, would require massive upgrades to existing roads. If we are being practical, it would not be possible for every road to be rebuilt so that it is sustainable for these driverless cars to operate on. In addition to that, how would we travel in the meantime while the roads are being rebuilt? It is simply not practical to do that with our busy societies today.
In paragraph four, it states that manufacturers soon realized that the development of smarter roads weren't going to be possible, so they turned to smarter cars. Although this is a little more realistic, there are still several flaws in this idea. Technology is not always a reliable source, and that is exactly what these manufactureres are doing-trusting technology. They're trusting these sensors in the cars to drive and operate smoothly without any human assistance. No matter how high-tech these cars are, there is always a chance of risk. You might argue that humans driving have just as high of a risk, but if you look at paragraph seven, it mentions that although these cars do not need human assistance, the driverless cars can not detect crashes or road construction like humans can. They have installed a warning system that lets humans know when they need to take over, which means that the humans must stay alert of the driving at all times. I think that this defeats the purpose of having a "driverless car" if you have to be prepared to take over once your vehical is headed towards something unfamiliar. In paragraph seven, it also mentions that the cars will have cameras built in to watch the driver to make sure that they are paying attention to the road at all times. Yes, this is safer, but again, it defeats the purpose of having a car that doesn't require a driver.
With that said, in paragraph eight, the author says that sitting in a driverless car, not having anything to do, could get boring so they are planning on programming entertainment sources in the car. In my opinion, I think that if the driver is supposed to be paying attention to the road, then the sources of entertainment in the car could potentially be a distraction to the driver and take their attention away from the road.
Although there are a few positives to these "driverless cars", such as saving fuel, the negatives outweigh the postivies. I believe that our society is safer and better off with normal functioning vehicals than getting into a car that comes with more possible risks. | 45
a0d4f2b | Has anyone ever actually seen an alien? I believe we have no reason to believe this supposed 'face' was created by them. The 'face' is just a natural landform because I can't even pick out the face, aliens are most likely not even real, and it looks like a natural build-up of sand or dirt.
I can't even see the face in 'the Face on Mars.' To me it looks like any normal pile of hardened dirt or sand. From what I can tell, this 'face' isn't even a face. It's more like when you see a crack in the sidewalk, and pick out a cool design, making it seem like something it's not, with your imagination.
Aliens probably don't even exist. No one has ever seen one, so why should we believe aliens created it at all? Even if it did just happen to be aliens, they probably weren't intelligent enough to create a 'face.'
The pile looks like a natural build up of sand or dirt. Stuff like that happens all the time with hardened dirt or sand, whether by accident or by choice. It doesn't make any sense at all, personally those are my thoughts.
Just because aliens haven't been found yet, doesn't mean they don't exist. While this is true, we also have NO evidence that aliens ARE real, therefore, this means there is a chance they still don't exist at all, which just as much chance that they do.
The face on Mars is probably just something that formed by accident, because there really is no point to it all, which brings us to the question, even if it was aliens, and it is a face, what reason would they have to do this? That isn't something that can be explained which is why it's just a natural landform... I can't even see the face in it, aliens probably don't exist, and it looks like a natural build-up of hardened sand and/or dirt. | 12
5ff1aa5 | The use of technology is extrodinary as it has shown that it is able to recongize the different emotions that we have. It has also became
discussion about using it in class. And the fact that it could really help in the future is absolutly amazing.
The author has stated the new software has been developed and impoves accuracy in perceving the emotions of others; like Mona Lisa, a subject of Leonardo da Vinci's Renaissance painting. From the article the aurthor provides lots of research from doctors that states it indeed can determind the emotions- happiness to sadness- just because of the characteristic movements of the facial muscles. They explained that its compaired to a photo of a person with a expression thats neutral.
The debate on if this new technology should be used in schools to read students emotions. As a student myself i can personally see why most kids would disagree, but it may help us in the future. All students are different and we all have our own stories so this may help teachers help us. I am not really one that like to raise my hand if I am confused, and I for am not the only one. So if this software is used then it may help a student to get help from a teacher.
Students getting their exact feelings will also save a life. Now a day multiple kids are going through things so if teachers have acess to knowing our emotions then it could hlep prevent suicide. Students have a tendancy to like to keep to themselves and don't seek for help till tits to late. So this new software can be a red flag to the teachers before anything happens. Teachers can get a better understanding if only the saw the signs the student is showing.
So in the end if ther were computer that had a software to read the emotions it could benifit everyone. Not only will students be helped if they have a problem but then there will be a better bond between students and teachers because they can understand each other a bit more. | 34
3865c55 | Being a Seagoing Cowboy is fun and interesting. I would know, because I have have crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times in total. It only takes about two or three days to cross the Atlantic Ocean. You get to see beatiful sites, help people, deal with animals, and play games with other Seagoing Cowboys. You also get to travel places.
On the boat, time will fly, because you will be doing something fun most of the time. You get to see beatiful sites such as: the Atlantic Ocean, Europe, China, and the Acropolis in Greece. You also get to help people in need, and you can tend to animals. An example of an animal is a horse, you would have to clean them and feed them. On the way back, after the animals have been dropped off, the Seagoing Cowboys and I can play baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals have been. As a Seagoing Cowboy you get to travel a lot, places like: Greece, Europe, and China.
I have been a Seagoing Cowboy for a long time, and I like it a lot. You get to see beatiful sites, help people, deal with animals, and play games with other Seagoing Cowboys. You also get to travel places. It's an opportunity of a lifetime, that you don't want to miss. It's a lot of fun, and I would recommend that you try it. | 12
7f1c9a0 | Autonomous cars are not the thing of the future. At this point in time, our technology can not match real life situations. There are too many conditions and too many saftey standards that are virtually impossible to accomplish while creating a "Driverless Car".
In the subtitle; Sensing the World, it explains how most of the driverless cars act and how they truely work. Many of the first productions were meant to run a specific track rigged with wires, magnets, and etc. This technology would be far too expensive, so we must rely on sensors and other features connected directly to the car. The problem with sensors, video cameras, and laser systems, is that they all can malfunction. The last thing anyone wants to do is to rely on something may indeed malfunction and put them in danger. Even if we were to say that the sensors and other technology was working in top shape, there still are limits to them such as poor lighting, bad weather conditions, and even animals.
Overall, we as human should not rely on technology to perform one of the worlds dangerous daily functions. Instead of progressing AI control, we should focus more on how the car would react if we the humans lost control. We have come this far by manual control, why switch now? Most accidents that occur on the road are drunk driving, distraction, and un safe conditions. Built in technology would be able to counter both driving under the influence and distractions. | 23
9c76a86 | Driverless Cars are Coming is a story about cars that don't really require a human driver. It talks about the history of driverless cars and how far they have come. It also gives some examples of some driverless cars. However, in the story it describes how these driverless cars have some positive and negative aspects. I believe that these cars have positive aspects and should be developed more because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel, the drivers will be more alert, and they have a lot of safety functions.
To begin with, I am for the development for the driverless cars because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel. For example, in the story it says, "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial notion sensor. The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel."
In addition, the next reason I am for the development of driverless car is because the drivers will be more alert. For example, in the story it says, "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." The story also says, " The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over." Finally, one last example from the story is when it says, "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver."
Finally, the last reason I am for the development of driverless cars is because they have a lot of safety functions. For example, in the story it says, "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over---something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern." Also, another example the story says is, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone."
In conclusion, I am for the development of driverless cars because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel, the drivers will be more alert, and they have a lot of safety functions. | 23
372c68e | We as Americans have the right to vote for who we want to be president. American citizens should be able to vote directly for the president, not for a state of electors. This is why we need to abolish the Electoral College. It is unreasonable, unfair, and unreliable to the people. In recent times, the Electoral College has been known to have made mistakes on purpose and on accedent. The Electoral College system that they have going now is very unorganized and needs to be changed. It is about time that we change the way our citizens vote for our president. This is a huge deal to our country considering the fact that the president is one of the most important people in the country. We as American citizens should be able to trust that our vote was for the candate they chose.
First of all, lets discuss the past issue that have happened withe Electoral College system. The incident in 1960 with John F. Kennedy was a huge disaster. As said in source 2 "...The Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy." This is a perfect example of how the Electoral College is a misused way of voting. They tried to basically sabatage Kennedy's election. What about other problems that also occur with this system? The voters can't always control who their electors vote for. The confusion is a big key factor in the situations also. voters can easily get confuse about the electors and they will accidently vote for the wrong candidate.
The peoples rights. Dont they have a right of who becomes president? They should. The Electoral College is taking away from the excitement of getting to make a huge decision on who will run the country. When a teenager finally becomes eightteen, what do you think is on their mind? Freedom. And part of getting their freedom is getting to vote for their country. The people should have the right to vote for whoever they may choose and trust that it went for the person they chose and not to a state of electors to vote for them. It's in the facts that more people prefer to have a direct election. The people think that it is unfair to their rights and we all believe that it is not the best way to decide who runs our country.
Organization is a key factor in this country. So why aren't we showing it? The voting system that we use to this day is very unorganized and has many flaws. The Electoral College is much to confusing of a system that we need to be using. We need to change our system now while we can before we hit another mistake. We need to take advantage of the freedom that we have in this country of ours and make a difference. We can change this system so it is much easier and more reliable to vote from. The people want it, so it's about time that the government stands up and agrees with us on that point. We can change our disorganization.
Our country needs to change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I have discussed the problems our country has faced with Electoral College system, and hopefully it changes your view on what really is the right and better thing to do for our country. Voting is a very big deal here in America and it is one of the ways it shows we have freedom. The voting system would be much more organized if the system were changed to direct vote by the people. That is the right way. Its about time we change the system for the better. | 34
6b6da28 | I think that driveless cars should not be allowed in the U.S becuse, they can be a danger to the citicens, or people on this planet or they might start messing up and might cost a lot of money to repair.
First I think that driveless cars should not be allowed because they can be a danger to the people of america, they can develop a mind of their own or they ,ight cost too much money to fix or mechanics may not be able to fix them, they weren't trained to do those type of cars.
Another reason, is that companies might stp making that much gas because we would have robotic cars and they might not run on gas so companies might not make that much money so they might slow down on producing gas and it would just cause a lot of problems.
Also, why driveless cars should not be allowed is because what if thr robotic driver and a human get into a car accident the judge or whoever is handlling the case wouldnt know who to believe so probably the human would be at fault most likely. | 12
8101828 | The author supports his/her idea well with all the details they gave of the temperatures and conditions of Venus. Although it seems near impossible, the author leads one to believe that exploring Venus' surface may be more possible than it looks at first glance. There are metals that could survive such conditions.
While floating 30 or so miles above the surface of the fireball-like planet might give us more insight than we already have, to really acquire significant information, we need to get right down on the ground. On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit. While that may be hot enough to melt a chinsy-built little robot, the author makes a valid point that a system of steel gears and levers would be able to withstand such conditions for a long period of time. If we could send a mechanical-built robot down to explore, it might be able to survive on the surface of Venus long enough to collect some of the information we need. Perhaps a machine made out of tungsten, it'd be heavy, but the melting point would be significantly higher.
In conclusion, the author makes many valid points that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers that come with the exploration of the planet. Harder metals with hotter melting points are obviously going to last longer. Even floating 30 or so miles above the surface in a space ship could potentially give us more information than we already have. If we have the resources to make landing and exploring our sister planet possible, why not get all the way on the ground and get as much information as possible though? | 23
672c071 | Being able to tell exactly how somebody else is feeling would be very valuable in a classroom. Able to tell when one of your classmates is sad, angry, or happy. You can change the subject of whatever your class is talking about to make someones mood change. You can tell if someone is being truthful about their emotions.
Not everyone will just go up to you and start talking about how bad their day is or how happy they are because they could be very shy or don't like to express their emotions. If you're able to tell if someone is sad or scared you can then think of the best way to make them feel better or make them feel comfortable and safe.
When a teacher can tell if one of his or her students are feeling down they can say something funny or have a fun activity for the class to do, just to get the student distracted with whatever their going through just for a while. Teachers sometimes even will pull you to the side and ask you what is going on and just being able to let everything out can even make you feel better.
How do i know i can trust someone? This article has explained how a rela genuine smile can be distinguished from a fake and untruthful smile. I would really like to be able to tell how or when when someone has good or bad intentions with being my friend.
The Facial Action Coding System is very conveniant and valuabe to students in a classroom. It is very suptising how youu can point out somebody's emotions with just the muscules in their face. If you can tell if someone isn't feeling okay or is down you try your best figuring ou thwta you can do to help them out. Put a smile on somebody's face. | 23
50edf08 | Does technology make you useful? reguardless of that question you have gone to school and you might haved had some problems and had to talk to an adult at school or a guidance counselor. What if the question was given to a teacher of the future, lets say around 20 years from now that this FACS technology might be qite advanced then. How useful with teachers and therapist be in school if they want to help out kids in school and not have a robot do a humans job.
Using the technology to read students emotional expression in classrooms is just not important becuase there is already an adult that the student can talk to about their issues when it is neede emotionaly. There can many things that go wrong with the computers and maybe misunderstand a student that is unique or a student that was born with a mis-shaped face. what would the cost of this software and could it really be avalable and valuable to our education?
I know that it may be fasinating to be able to tell anyones emotion by just using technology; t is it personal information if someone is trying to conseal being worried or mad and not have a computer tell them their emotion. "in fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day.", i used this quote from the text to show you that yes we are capable of telling emotions as well. This technology in my opinion is not useful whatsoever because it does not show any real-world values.
There may be some science in this FACS (Facial Action Coding System) but this tech can be used somewhere else that someone may find it useful like if someone want to know if the president is making a fake emotion pretending that he is happy.
This may be one of those trends that has just recently come up because the year is 2018 right now and litteraly tons upon tons of new things are coming up. It is not like nothing new has come up there has always been fasinating things that have come up in the past. I have not ever even heard of the Facial Action Coding System untill i had just now read about it in this article so you know that it is not even close to becoming an essential in classrooms.
Could this technology be more than just decoding the facial expressions of humans or could this technology be used in Artificial Intelegence? This can be a step closer to the future but people like myself think that this is useless. Some students can have a bad day and the computer may be able to pick up on the student's emotion, i feel like the computer does not have the ability to comfort the student. I can probably tell that some students may be ofended when a computer just " Dumbs things down" students may feel bad about themselves and the lesson that the computer modifies can make the student feel diferent in school especially in highschool because everything can be told apart on the social scale in the hallways to the lunch room.
No, there is some value to this technology but not enough to be used in schools and help students learn better that traditional public schools. This technology is not essential for the education of students i feel that teachers should be paid just as much as doctors and psycologist because they are a part of bringings ones future brighter either physicaly or emotionaly. | 34
23d7e8f | Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is an opportunity of a life time. The places you get to go, experiance you gain, and the fun to be had is all to much to pass up. It opened up a whole new world to me and a lot of other people.
If it weren't for the Seagoing Cowboys Program, I wouldn't have visited half of the places I have in my whole entire life. While on the job, I had time to visit Greece, Italy, China, Crete, and many other countries. I even got to sail the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean 2 times!
Another reason that you should join is the amazing experiance you'll gain. When I first joined, I had a tiny bit of experiance with animals from helping out at my Aunt Katie's farm. But even if you don't have a little bit of a backround with helping out animals, you'll have all of the knowledge you'll need just by taking one trip. Being in the Seagoing Cowboys program also taught me about all of the dangers there are at sea.
The last reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is the fun you get to have. Yes, you do have to work hard and still get the job done correctly. But after the job has been completed, you can play games with the other cowboys. For instance, I used to play a lot of baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where the animals had been housed. Other stuff that helped pass the time were table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling.
Now that you've read why I recommend you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, (especially for the places you go, experiance you gain, and fun you get to have) I hope that you will consider my point. It really cahanged me for the better, and I thing it will change you, too. | 23
ef95422 | The Electoral College has been well working for many year and think that we shouldn`t change it because it been an well know process for elections for the pasted years of our country`s history.
The Electoral College is a process, consider a place. Our founding fathers established it in the our country`s Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by voting in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
The process of the Electoral College consists of the selection of the electors. They vote for th President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The Electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your state`s entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation, one for each member in the House of Representives plus two for your Senators. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia(DC) is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Every candidate running for President in your state has his or her own electors group.
The electors generally are chosen by the candidate`s political party, but the states laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November, you help help choose your state`s electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate`s electors. Than after the presidential election, your governor prepared a " Certificate of Ascertainment" listing all of the candidates who ran for President in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascetainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state and shows which electors will resprent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people.
That is why we should keep the Electoral College, because it to is party of what make our country`s history. | 01
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