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09b1823 | The author suggetsts that studying the harsh planet of Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. However, the author does not provide ENOUGH information to be convincing. In paragraph 7, it states that "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions" this shows some insightful information, but there should also testing of more complicated and complex electronics and equipment. Another method the author claims is using a mechanical computer to handle the conditions. It's a good method, but it doesn't support HOW it can be used on Venus. The last method is using a blimp/plane-like aircraft to monitor Venus. It's a great method to study more about the atmosphere, but as it states "reasearchers cannot take samples of rock, gas , or anything else, from a distance" hindering the option of a thorough mission. The author has some great claims, but needs to go more in-depth as to what some of the mentioned methods will do and how they will potentially work on Venus. | 23
5d83c70 | Dear senator,
I think keeping the electoral college is pointless. What is the point of having us vote if the electoral college are the ones who get too decide based on our votes. I defend the idea of allowing the popular vote to decide who our president is. I am in agreement with Bob Dole so he says, "Abolish the electoral college!" Like stated in the article, the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational.
As read i the passage, "knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote..." Which brings be back to why the electoral college is irrelevant. The more we feel our vote doesn't count the less were going to care. If majority of us want a democratic president or a republican president, let that be our decision. For all we know the electoral college could just be in favor for a republican president rather than a democratic president and vice versa.
The electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states, as stated in the article. We voters dont even vote for our president, we vote for a slate of elector, who actually elect the president. SO then again our vote doesn't even matter, which makes us upcoming voters not even want to vote. Knowing that my vote doesn't really count. All in all keeping the electoral college is pointless, its unfair, and just needs to be left alone. | 23
878db26 | I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to go places you probably have never been to, and explore them in your free time. You get to see countries that might feel special to you. You get to help countries recover food supplies, animals, and more because of wars.
You have to take care of the animals by feeding and giving them water two or three times a day. Also, you have to clean stalls, move hay bales and bags of oats. I once served as a night watchman, and you may think that it is boring, but you get to check on the animals a few times to see if they are alright. You sometimes can risk yourself working the nightwatch in the rain because I slid down a ladder, and cracked my ribs. It is still a fun job because you have a lot of free time, and you can play volleyball and baseball games. To pass the time from returning the trips after the animals had been unloaded, they would have table-tennis tournaments, boxing, reading, fencing, games, and whittling.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure, but also teaches you that other countries and their needs. My family helped people by hosting a number of exchange visitors, and a number of international students. You should be a Seagoing Cowboy because it's hard work, but it pays off on the beautiful sights you will see. | 23
cdc1cff | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Throughout the reading he talks about how it'll put an impact on daily driving and how modern day cars will be self driving and automatic. In 2009 Google had made a vehicle that'd support the idea of self driving vehicles by creating and designing one himself.
The positives and negatives of being able to own one of these vehicles or being able to have the oppurtunity of them being manuafactured throughout the United States or other countries could have an impact on the world itself. In paragraph one it stated that Google cofounder Sergey Brin had envisions of public transportation systems where fleets of driverless cars became the new form of taxi transportation. The vehicles he foresees would use half of the fuel of todays transportational vehicles. What that means is that the environment around you would have less smog and less toxins in the air. With that being said it could dramatically change how people would be able to get to work everyday. Instead of using a bus and waiting for the stop it'll open up another door for them to use the cars that are self driven and that could be more effeciant with the time of them arriving to their destination.
Now,we will be discussing the negatives of having the cars built. The cost of the technology that needs to be put inside of each cars could cost more than the actually shell itself. If it uses an amazing amount of wiring and sensors then they will also run into electric problems and the hassal of spending all of the time and money on one car. With the gps reciever,four automotive radar sensors,a video camera that is installed near the rearview mirror,and many other things that are needed to even start the "self driving program" just isn't worth it in my opinion. The system will always have a flaw and so will humans. But humans have the skill of being able to get out of sticky situations. The computers inside of the car won't be able to sense all of the risks on the local street or on the highway compared to a humans abilitys and sight. The computers on the vehicle only examine the surroundings and the speed. But how close is soon? An accident could be avoided in most cases because of manual driving. Having a computer that is only set to go a certain speed and to use just the programs on it to avoid certain things isn't worth the time of a regular driver.
In conclusion,I myself would not purchase a vehicle that is assisted and needs all of the technology of doing something that I could do independently. It is a very vague opinion on my part but to me it is a fair share of laziness and the inability to drive a vehicle with basic knowledge. | 34
658794c | we shouldn't use this techlogy to our students because we shouldn't know what your feelings our because thats our priviacy. the only people who should be able to use this technology is our consoulers, and our doctors. This will show them what we are feeling and they could find ways to help us.
The reason why we should use this is that it will help us cut down all the sucides and will help us make a lot more people happy. We would be ableto get helped in different ways then we do already now. this is a new piece of technolgy that could help our world in a big way but the only way we should only be able to use this is if the parents of the or the child if eighteen sign the waiver to tell us we can use it on them. This is a new thing that could help us in school and with everyone who needs help.
The reason why we need this is to help us get more with people trying to endanger them and to make sure everyone can feel better. We can always get help and do everything we can to make sure we have our students to know if we are cinfused or bored on what they are learning. This will help our world out big time and help every student to get better in school. | 12
9691df5 | In today's society, most people believe that having a car is essential to everyday tasks. In their definition, everyday task can range from going food shopping to going to work in the morning. Some, on the other hand, consider everyday tasks to be checking in on friends just to showcase their new car. Although that may or may not be the mindset of many, people fail to realize there are other ways of reaching from point A to point B, without harming the environment and it's people. Limiting car usage not only benefits the person who is using the car, but their community and environment.
The use of a car isn't, at all, important in everyday use. Instead of using a car, which helps build up the problem of air pollution, one can simply walk, take a bike or even use public transportation. Just like Bogota, several countries should participate in a "Car-free day". Spreading awareness, that a car isn't always needed to move around an area, can help to benefit the people and the environment. As said in source 3, "The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog", bringing awareness of more easy and effective public transportation,which can help to rid that particular country of the usage of cars. Once participants of this car-free day understand the effects they are having upon the air pollution, they would be much more willing to help with this process just like businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza, "Its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution". Overall the usage of cars doesn't benefit the environment. Sooner, rather than later, it is important that we realize this problem and fix it before it's too late for our community.
Not only is the usage of a car terrible for our environment, it is also not needed as how it was. "The number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005", during this time, many vehicles were purchased with a high demand and were considered to be popular, although that isn't the case anymore. As years went past, the number of miles began to drop steadily. "Part of the explanation certainly lies in the recession, because cash-strapped Americans could not afford new cars", that may be the case for some, but for others they didnt feel it was necessary to own one. In German Suburbs, "stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway", providing this area with no need for a car. Since everything was so near, a car was a waste of thought. If they did own cars, they would have to pay for both the car and a means of where to park the car. Those expensies were usually "40,000, along with a home", much more money than a free walk to any of your local stores. With the hopes of limiting the usage of cars, comes the need for expanding Vauban-like suburbs. With that being said, according to the article, these suburbs need to be expanded "not only in developed countries but also in the developing world, where emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are chocking cities".
To sum it up, the limiting of cars is becoming important in the development of the new world and the fixation of the old. As of now, cars consist of having no benefit for the environment and of certain communities. As days go on and more people become aware of the means of public transportation, hopefully there won't need to be any cars. To take action in this plan, more Vauban-like suburbs need to be put in place to give off the same react. Although some people understand the full effect of a car on the environment, it is critial that nearly every person understands. Cars, as of today's age, aren't benefiting the public as how they used to. | 34
430de71 | To begin my explanation on informing fellow citizens about the advantages of limiting car usage is that cars are changing the way we live today by harming the ecosystem, harming us in ways that we dont even realize such as health and financially.
Many have been stunned by the effects that our vehicles cause to our world making it a less substainable place for wildlife, us and our children polluting the air we breathe increasing the percentage of smog that over takes our fresh air and taking down natural areas for our doings such as highways and new roads for example europe has a day of no car use for a whole day because of the greenhouse effect and for that smog is starting to decrease as to congestion went down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five days of intensifying smog. But diesel fuel was blamed for the smog because of the tax policy that favors deiesel over gasoline. deisels make up to 67 percent of vehicles in france. Paris has more smog than any other european capitals but not only is it affecting europe, beijing china which is said to be one of the most polluted cities on earth. Much harm is being done to our wolrd but many of us are to blind to even notice that is why we have to make a change in limiting car usage the facts are staring at us in the face and we have the power to make a difference.
The way our vehicles are harming us physically is making us more lazy to even jog a couple blocks without grasping for air like a fish out of water, turning us into obese unhealthy individuals. Many people prefer using cars to get to a destination which is in walking distance than to use their own legs which is pathetic. For those that dont mind the stroll are making the difference for example, A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 for that being many people getting a license is not a priority and by that being those people organize their lifestyle to have a social life around them they can walk to work, the grocery store, and home by not owning a vehicle making their lives more healthier and social. The individuals that were mentioned earlier are the opposite they are harming their health by sitting in a car for a couple of minutes or hours which could lead to a chain of events as in stay home all day watch television,become more social through technology but be less social outside and become more of an obese person.
Many people are having problems paying off there cars because of it being too expensive causing them to have financial issues making them live in their car for not having enough money to even buy a place to live or eat and by that it causes them to lose their car which would make them homeless which would have them struggling even more in life with all the situations that is going on in todays world and for that being persuading people to buy the | 23
1e18757 | We can all help participate in helping other countries that are not our own. Though there is no war happening such as WWII, there are still other countries that need help. Seagoing Cowboys are a great way to help other countries. We get more freedoms than any other country. So, we should help by becoming Seagoing Cowboys.
We should all be helpful. Though our country is in lack of willingness to help, doesn't mean we shouldn't help. To be more factual we should all be willing to become a Seagoing Cowboy. You don't just get the privelage to help people in need, you get to see other parts of the world, you may never see otherwise! Also, don't you just want the feeling of knowing that you are saving peoples lives? That you are making a difference in the world? On the contrary, it could be fun as well. You can play games and, get to know some really great people.
We should all be exited to become Seagoing Cowboys because, it would be such a great experience. I don't have a doubt in my mind that this would be very fun for all ages. The joy, exileration, and pleasure of doing this grand act of kindness. So become a Seagoing Cowboy, for the people that need you most. | 12
6cb0aab | A Face To Remember
A distinctly human face, nearly two miles in length, stretches across an arid, barren landscape. This came to be known as "the face on Mars. It is a highly debated topic, being that some believe it was made by intelligent lifeforms, and others believe it to be a naturally formed landform. The latter is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, correct, the reasons range from picture evidence, to the same landforms forming on Earth, to the fact that it would help NASA's budget immensely if life were to be discovered on other planets.
To begin with, concrete photos have been released to the public that clearly show that the "face" is merely shadows cast onto a natural landform. Since the beginning of its discovery in 1976, "Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah." Guess what? They were right, because in 2001, Mars Global Surveyor brought back a photo of the mesa that was in the "...absolute maximum resolution," and it perfectly showed the mesa for what it was; a naturally formed chunk of land.
Another thing distinct about this landform is that we have similair, proven-to-be natural landforms on Earth. To quote Garvin, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." This means it is an undeniable truth that these kind of things can form naturally. Of course because something can, usually means that it will, so, without denial, this landform is proven to be real, and able to form.
The final fact of the matter is that NASA would get an enormous amount of funding if they could prove there to be life among the stars. So the truth is, "...defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." This discovery would lead to a piqued interest in space, and a need to conduct further research, meaning people would begin to give more donations to this new, interesting cause. In the end NASA would benefit, and the point is proven wrong.
Over all, consiracy theorist seemingly wish to stir the masses, and make distrust flourish, but most times their theories are easily dissproven. The theory of the face on Mars was simple, and very wrong. The topic of solid photographs seems not to be enough, but the similair landmarks being on Earth, and the way it would positively effect NASA's budget should be. After all, there may still be life on Mars, for this is but a bump on a planet. | 45
84df41b | The Face is a natural landform, and we have proof that shows it such as several pictures taken, one clearer than the next. The brightest photo and the examination of the Face tell us there are no aliens on this planet.
Firstly, when NASA got the first picture, I concede that it looked somewhat alien-like, however, that was a huge misunderstanding. A more closely taken picture shows that it is, in fact, a natural landform. I know this because when the picture was taken, there was no alien monument. Therefore, no aliens, right? But the wispy clouds that were there when this picture was taken, envoke skeptics. A third picture silences them.
Secondly, once the skies above Cydonia (the place on Mars where the face is) are cleared, they go in for the third picture of the face. This picture proves to be the of the best quality. Stated in in the text, it reads, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 viking photo."
Proving this photo to be the most accurate. And when they examine the photo,it shows that the picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, common landforms in the American west. Garin then says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho."
With the clearest pictures taken, we can all see that the planet of mars has no aliens, for the Face is a natural landform. Yes, people will believe what they will, but the examinations, and the clear pictures prove that the Face is close to a butte or mesa, common landforms found in the American West. | 23
bcb885a | Being a part of the Seagoing Cowboys was a great experience. I had no idea that it would be as much fun as it turned out to be. For me, this opportuninty meant being able to witness extraordinary places, while being able to help others. For others and yourself it could mean just the same.
I had a great deal of fun on my trip. It gave me an opportunity to see many countries that I may not have seen on any other basis, such as Venice, Italy as well as parts of China, Europe, and Greece. I also chose to spend my off time playing sports and games whenever the chance came along. Your down time; however, would be entirely up to you though, but these are some unique places and things to consider exploring.
My down time was not the most important part of the trip though. It also gave me an opportuntiy to aid others as well as animals, who's homes where left in ruins. After getting this chance to so something more in my life, I knew that this was a great thing that I had invested my time into.
Extensively, I would recomend this as a career path to any who are interested. The years that I was a Seagoing Cowboy, were a great few years in my life. I am very proud of the choice that I had made to do it. This choice changed my life in most every aspect. It opened my eyes to the world and could do the same for you. | 23
090c52d | In all honesty, if it were up to me, I would keep the Electoral College. Because imagaine what a catastrophe it would be if we did not have the Electoral College, how would they count the votes. Anybodyvoted on who you wanted to win it go can cheat the number of votes to change the president they are voting for. With the Electoral College you can't do that because, once you voted who you want to win, it get sent out tothe electors. Who from that point on count how many voted for both of them and decide a winner.
Now it is possible for somebody to secretly change the names that way but it is a higher stake, or risk to take not having the Electoral College. Also, it is possible for worker of the Electoral College to make a mistake in countung the counting the votes and to cause a big confussion in the votes but that is very highly impossible, if not impossible.
If you lived in Texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry. On the off-chance that those electors won the statewide election, they would go to Congress and Kerry would get 34 electoral votes. Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place?
The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachrosim, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruledbydeclaring the candidate who receives the most popular vote the winner. Not only that, but a disputeover the outcome of an Elecotral College voteis possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote.
Their are five reasons to retain, or keep the Electoral College. First, it's a certainty of outcome, the winner is everybodys president, it swings states, not only does ig work for little states, but for big ones too, and you can avoid run-off elections.
So those are my reasons why we should keep the Electoral College, we should not overlook the goods that the Electoral College does to our nation just because of two little bad that can be repaired. | 12
56ecb8f | Companies around the world are coming up with the idea of driverless cars. Driverless cars are just what they sound like in the name, cars that don't require a driver to drive. While some are for it there are some people against, and I'm part of the people that are against it.
First of all, why would people be called drivers if they're not driving? The idea of driverless cars are going to be the start of laziness. Drivers will feel as if they wouldn't have to drive then they wouldn't have to pay attention. So if they don't pay attention they're going to turn their attention to their phones or technology, which is going to be prone to accidents and recks. Manufacters haven't come up with cars that doesn't require any kind of human interaction, so therefore there will be some kind of human interaction. So drivers would still need to pay attention, but they wouldn't know that because car companies would make it seem like their cars are so smart and powerful juist so they could be ahead in the car competition.
Second, if there are number of accidents there would be a ton of conflict. Law makers wouldn't be able to decide who would take the responsibility of recks. Not only just that but also a lot of money being given to accident victims and customers sueing companies.
Third, driverless cars would start other ideas of major things that need human interaction to not have human interaction. Then sooner or later everything would be run by robots or com puters. So if everything would be run by technology then people would start losing their jobs and would stop making money. Also people wouldn't use their hands to eat or drink or even wipe themselves after using the bathroom. Not only that but people would also get very bored and not have anything to do.
In conclusion, if companies really do go ahead with making driverless cars then they should raise the prizes sky high. I say that because if they raise the prices high no one would be able to afford them, therefore there wouldn't be a huge domino affect created. | 34
98241b3 | Venus, as the author talks about, was a worthy pursuit becuase they had found very good and ineresting findings. The author believes them because they have such good outcmomes of the new findings. As the author talks about in paragaph 8 it says,"Been tested in a chamber simulation the chaos of Venus. " This meaning to this is how many things had been tested and seen. Therefore they are dicovering new stuff in this century. Another reason is on paragrpah 8 it states,"Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value." This is explaining how the person doesnt liked the job or does. They are passionate able the stuff they do. As they look into more of Venus, the more excitement is shown and shared. Overall, the author knows how harmful these stuff could be, but they just love how they make a discovery, which is worthy. They feel as to being one step ahead by testing them and keep testing them so they are able to come out with an outcome of something more epic and worthyly of Venus and its dicovering which made it itself a worthy pursuit. | 12
73dcfb0 | Venus, sometimes called the 'Evening Star," is so seeable, that people can spot it by looking through a horoscope. Many people see venus as a star because of its sharp brightness, but venus is actually a planet.
Many people are against landing in Venus, because of the danger it could cause. for example, in paragraph three, venus is stated to be "Temeratured above over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." But despite all this, the study of Venus is a worth pursuit, even of all the danger it presents. Venus is the closest planet on earth, making it easier if people wanted to land. Just like Mars, venus is known to be an earth-like planet and could have possibly had oceans and supported various forms of like.
As more technology advances, NASA has a compelling idea to possibly land on venus safely. In paragraph five, it is stated: "NASA's possible solution to the hostile onditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray." This means that there could be a bump-like vehicle used to hover 30 or so miles above the roiling venusian. The vehicle would be a safe thing to use, because it is made for the rocky textured planet.
Venus is a planet that many people call the "Evening Star." Usually, it is so visable, because people usually see a sharp, brightness. It is known to be spotted easily by looking through a horosope. | 23
9389e5b | The use of Facial Action Coding System to read students' emotional expression in a classroom can make a significant change in how students will learn and how teachers will teach. Teachers will be able to modify their lessons to make it easier for students to understand and students will be able to take lessons that will change by how well they understand the subject to study at their own pase. But how exactly will the introduction of this technology make education better?
I think there are three emotions that the classroom computer can check in order to assist the teacher to understand and help students.
The first thing the classroom computer should check is if the students undestand the lesson or if they are getting confused. Teachers will have an easier time finding students that can't understand the lesson and give extra support. This will also make it easier for students because the lesson will be taught in their own pase.
The second emotion the system should check is boredom. This is especially important because it directly affects the behavior and the study speed of students. It also gives feedback to the teacher to make their lesson more interesting. There will be less students sleeping or not paying attention and the class would have a better time studying.
The last emotion it needs to check is happiness. Of course this will affect how well the students will learn, but it has other purposes too. This will help teachers to detect bullying and trouble outside to class. It is the sad truth that it is hard for teachers to find bullying because they have so many students. But now they can just talk to or have some counselling time with students that are not happy.
Overall, there are many benifits to having the Facial Action Coding System in the classroom. The students will be able to learn at their own pace, take lessons that are made to be interesting for them, and have a teacher that can give support anytime. The teachers will be able to teach lessons that are custom build for students to be comfortable and interested, get feedback of how intersted the students are to teach better, and give instant support to any students that are confused or upset. These benifits will drastically change how education is for students and teachers. | 23
d349bb7 | Why would there be a face on mars? It could be a computer image hicup.
The land erodes. There are a lot of things that are natural and look like faces.
But, it still might not be natural. No the rock formation is natural.
First off, it could be a computer image hicup. What I mean is That the camera that is moving takes different pictures of one area as its moving. I can relate to another "alien" sighting. A comet passing earth was thought to be a triangular UFO
but the telescope took three different pictures at once and gave it that UFO shape.
Secondly, The land erodes over time. The land could have eroded land could cause a "face" to appear. This "face" is nothing more than a simple act of nature and its way. In the top picture over time you can see it erode away, especialy the 1998 photgraph.
Thirdly, We see things that look like faces everyday, wether its clouds or land formations. We see our faces everyday, so its easy to compare. In the top picture you can see a land formation, but scince we know what a face looks like its easy to compare to. In the picture, yes we can see some definition but its still just a land form. For example the man in the moon, it looked like a face but wasn't.
On the other hand, it might be. Most theorists claim it appears to be an Egyptian Pharoh. The theorists also claim that the martians built the pyramids. It's a theory but it might be possible.
In conclusion, No it is a natural landform. It could be a computer image hicup.
The land erodes. There are a lot of things that are natural and look like faces.
But, it still might not be natural. If it is unnatural then there could be other life out there. | 23
c35a9db | Advantages to car limiting!
In different cities like VAUBAN,Germany,Levittown and Scarsdale,Newyork they have banned the use of cars. Some people may wonder how can this be and this is totally wrong. This is not so much of a bad thing. You see this decision is basically helping save the enviornment,Save money, And reduce car accidents. But in some places its not banned instead they have to buy a space for $40,000 along with a home. Now think about it no car or having a car and having to spend over $40,000 to have one and its being okay.
Due to this decision they have made stores a whole lot easier to get to. Now thats one good thing. With banning the cars the air pollution has went down a lot. Think about it all the cars riding around and we dont know what kind of chemicals they are pushing out into the air. But we do know all the chemicals that is getting pushed out is going into your system there's dirt pushing out there's gas pushing out and that is going into your lungs and your body. Talk about being healthy and making sure your body is running in a proper manner. | 12
0a35ec7 | Dear, Mr. Senator
I am writing to you about keeping the electoral college. To me the electoral college is key to the United Stats of America. Why would we replace something that has worked for over 200 years? The founding fathers some of the greatest men to ever live came up with this idea of the electoral college, and now some congressmen want to just get rid of it. As you can tell this makes my temper itch just writing about it. This country has run on this system for grnerations but now people clam it is out dated. Now dont get me wrong I see where they are coming from but the only reason I've found that people dont like this system is either because it has some minor hiccups or that the canidate that the person favored lost. Now I understan how this can upset some one but it doesn't mean we have to compleatly abolish the system. The hiccups in the system dont even happen every election which to me makes the problems irrelevent. Well anyway i'm done ranting so you can continue on with you day
Jackson | 12
6ada9ce | All young adults should consider participating in "Seagoing Cowboys."
They would most likely like it a lot.
Luke Bomberger certainly did.
"Seagoing Cowboys" is a program where young adults take a boat to Europe.
On the way there, they raise horses, cows, and mules.
When they get there, the cattle are taken to countries who need them.
I wish I was old enough to do that.
The "Seagoing Cowboys" help people in need.
There are millions of people out there who need a horse to eat, or a cow to get milk.
They might need a mule to help carry baskets of food or buckets of water that are too heavy for a single person to lift.
If a person were to join, they could see many unique and interesting places.
They would be very lucky.
A lot of people in the U.S. don't even have enough money to visit sites within our country.
Luke got to visit the Acropolis in Greece, take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, tour a castle in Crete, and even see the Panama canal!
It would also be an incredible experience.
How many people get to raise cattle and sail the Atlantic Ocean at the same time?
You may say that there would be no time for fun, but on the way back they do fun games in the space where the animals were housed.
Some of the games they play include sports, so you would also get exercise.
Some of the games they play are: baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling.
Some might say it is very dangerous at sea.
All you have to do is be extremely careful and you won't get hurt.
If you do, then the other ship members will take extra good care of you.
"What if you go to a place with nothing interesting?" you may ask.
Make it interesting.
Play in a field, run around for a bit, just chat.
The place is only as interesting as you make it.
Look into the "Seagoing Cowboys."
You could have the chance to help people in need, visit cool places, and | 34
69dbdef | The Electoral College is a place. In the passage, they are deciding wether or not to abolish the Electoral College. It was originally made as a compromise in the election process for a new president.
Based on the information given in this passage, the Electoral College should be kept. It makes it easier to decide on a new president. The normal citizens vote for who they want, then those vote go to the electors. Those electors then vote for who they think should be president. If the Electoral College is abolished, then it would become way more diificult to decide on a new president .
Although over sixty percent of citizens want a direct vote, it still has its upsides. For example, the Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism. Each state selects a group of their own voters to decide on the next president. Using the Electoral College, this is a certainty of outcome. The winner-take-all method froces candidates to focus on not only the large states, but also the smaller ones. The Electoral College also helps to avoid run-off elections.
In short, the Electoral College should not be abolished, because it makes the voting process much easier. | 12
1c7a00d | The author continuaslly shows that they belive that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author said in paragraph 5 that NASA was working on a "blimp like vechicle" that would hover over the landscape. in the same paragraph they said that this vechicle would hover at about "30 or so miles" above the terrain. In paragraph 5 the author said that the ship would have to stay at 30 plus miles high in order for the tempeture to stay "at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit". Also in paragraph 5 the text said that the "air pressure would be close to sea level on earth".
In paragraph 6 the author includes that "many scientist are working on innovations that would allow are machines to work long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus". In paragraph 7 the text say that NASA has tested some "simplified electronics made from silicon carbide". These "simplified electronics" have been proved to work for about "3 weeks" in a "chamber simulationg the chaos of Venus's surface".
The evidence that was displayed shows that the author and scientist think that a trip to venus would be a worthy cause. The text started out with facts about the planet of venus. Then the author slowly talked about how to safely study venus and the equipment that would be needed to do so. | 23
a0f4aea | The Seagonig Cowboys are a group of people who helped serve after World War 2. They brought horses and small cows to towns that were in ruins. To help these countrys they brought food and cattle. They went across the Pacific and Atlantic ocean to give the homeless food.
People should join this program because it help a town in need of assistance. If they didnt they could starve to death. They need to join this program not just for the people you are helping but to help yourself see the good inside yourself. Take Luke, he is a seagoing cowboy that made 9 trips. That is the longest any seagoing cowboy has ever went.
It clearly states on paragraph 5 that " Besides helping people, I had a side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." He also says it is an oppertunity of a lifetime. He said he couldnt say no. He says it takes about 2 weeks to get across the Alantic ocean. He went over the Atlantic ocean 16 times and the Pacific ocean twice to help those affected by World War 2.
In conclusion, people should join the seagoing cowboys. There are many side benifits of doing so. You could things you could never see and still help people. So, will you join the seagoing cowboys? | 12
decd887 | "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelieveable opportunity for a small-town boy," he says. "Besides helping people, I had the side benifit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,"
Luke had a great time going to take the cattle across water. Luke had the opprotunity to see China, Europe, taking a gondola ride, and even toured an excavated castle in Crete, then marveled at the Panama Canal. Luke was lucky to be able to get that job. People interested in joining that program shuld go out there and try to get it. There are seven good reasons people should join that area of job vacinity. One good reason is it will be fun because you could get to see some things you have always wanted to see and you could go places you have never been before.
The second reason you should join is its for an extremely good cause because it helps animals get where they need to go. Another reason people should join is because you could inspire people to do good for the world like start someting new. The fourth reason people should join is they could get an adventure out of it like luke and traveling to Crete to see an excavated castle. The fifth reason people could join is that. The sixth reason is it could start a chain of good things people do for each other. The final reason people should join is it could make people aware about other countries needs and their people.
People should join because it can help the earth them and everyone else. Luke didnt join because he knew he would get more money he joined because "He couldn't say no. He knew it was an opprotunity of a lifetime."
"Im grateful for the opprotunity," he says. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." Luke had a great opprotunity and he took it that made him get a better start in life thats another reason people should attempt to get the job when its offered. The job may or may not help them in life but it might help somebody else who knows maybe it will start a chain of good deeds.
In conclusion this could help people get a good start on life and get a start in their country. People should join becaus eanimals need their help- to get across water. Th eting their doing is for a really good cause they are trying to help animals so they basically arent put in confined
spaces. People would do that job because they would want to help animals, the enviornment, and even people and their countries. This gives people the chance to get to work better and get out of working at a grocery store.
Everyone should get out there and join. It
helps everythin and everyone. | 12
5e2df05 | Greetings! I have heard that you think the Face on Mars, is a face that was created by aliens. I believe that this "face" is just a natural landform. I will support my claim why I think this, and maybe you will finally believe, that there are no such things as aliens.
There are many reasons why the Face is just a natural landform. On the second sentence paragraph, it says that we scientists have figured that the Face was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only that this one had unusual shadows, which made it look like an Egyptian Pharoah. The reason some people think it look like an alien, was because it looked like a real face, but it looks like a face, because the shadows formed on the rock give off illusions of eyes, nose, and mouth. On paragraph 7, it is said that Machael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture that is ten times sharper than the origninal Viking phots. Later on, thoughsands of anxious web surfers were waiting for the image to appear. When it finally did, the site revealed a natural landorm. People were not satisfied, because it was a cloudy day on Mars. The scientists decided to prove that it was just a landform, so when it was not cloudy, they took another picture. In the final paragraph, paragraph 12, it says that what the picture actually shows in the Martian equivalent of a btte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. A man name Garvin says, "That's a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The lava dome is most of Middle Butte in the Snake Riber Plaint of Idaho.
So, in conclusion, if you first thought that the Face on Mars was created by aliens, than I hope I have gave your enough information, and persuaded you that it is really just a natural landform. I am sorry if you thought it was made by aliens, but it wasn't. I hope that you could understand, and see that it was just the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. | 23
0916c73 | The author states that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.Even though its dangerous the Astronomers are intreguied by the planet.
NASA is working on different projects to study venus. He also states that challenging to meet venus has a value to it. But visiting venus can be dangerous too.
In the article " the challange of exploring venus" The author describes
the planet venus as a "evening star" because it brights up since venus is close to the sun. Astronomers are integuiered by venus because it's not only close to the earth and sun, venus can be a earth lookalike because of it's features.In the article it states this " the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains,and carters." The author describes that venus can be like earth becuase of how both plantes have moutains and valleys. Another quote from paragraph 4 states that ' venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit.. even though there could be a long time frame of space travel."
Even though being able to visit venus is intresting
the plan on getting over there can take up days or even weeks.
The Author also states that the group
NASA has found ways to study the planet venus. For example using technology to study it. In paragraph 7 it says " electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber of venus"s surface and it lasted 3 weeks." This sentence states
that the group working on this project succeded into making a technology that lasts a long time to prove that it works. Another tech they could use is an old one that contributed in World War 2. That computer is powerful and flexible to manage instead of using wired up compueters." sysytems that use mechanical parts can be made more resisting to heat." Meaniing that this technology resists heat and scientist or Astronomers can study peacefully in a safe way therefore no one is in risks.
In advance to the challenges the author thinks that visiting venus is in great value. Why?because since venus has been more earth alike and NASA has been investigating new ideas to study the planet it brings it to be an interesting journey to take. In paragraph 8 it reads that " huamn curiousity will likeky lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors" The author is saying that the eager of the people to know about venus can raise to popularity. Author also says " traveles should'nt let the doubts and danger expand to meet imagination and innovation." The author doesn't want people to let the rumors or the challenges of doing something to stop them from adventuring.
Even though Studing venus or going up to space to visit venus is adenturing, Venus can also be dangerous for humans. In paragraph 3 it says " Venus
has the hottest temperature that can cause earthquakes, erupting volanoes, and bad weather." This could cause a huaman death because your headed to an envirement that has
high temperature and lightning strikes. also " these conditions are far more extreme than anything huamns encounter of earth." What this sentence is refferng to is that since we are not used to extreme heat, our bodies wouldn't be able to hamdle the heat.
Despite the danger that venus can be There is still ways to being able to study the planet Venus. As the author states that Atromomers are intrguied by it and NASA has safe ways of studying venus.Plus even the challenges of venus brings a good value. | 34
870a2fd | Cars are a very usable objects in the kind of society that we are living in today. But with great things comes bad things too. The limit of car usage in any places of the world would have an effect on every one . It could be good, it could be bad. But when it comes to the envirenment, limiting car usage can even help prevent certain problems that people don't realy pay attention to. Prolems like pollution and the government wasting money in highways for cars than trying to find safer ways for transportation.
Like many factories, cars give out bad smoke from the pipe under the back of the car. When that smoke goes in the air and get mix with the air, it would create pollution. Now the pollution would create bigger problems like the rise of the greenhouse gas emission and it could also create global warming wich could lead to much worse stuff that I would not get into. All you have to know is that global warming could lead to the destruction of the earth.
In France, their government decided to enforce a driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Based on facts cited in source two, the city of paris was near-record pollution. On my personal experiances, I know what car smoke can do to people. One of my uncles died in Haiti because he inhale too much car smoke. It knind of messed up his lungs.
People are suprisinly over the crisis of cars. But apperently the government deosn't realise that, since based on source 1 it stated "80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport. Bycicles are a much safer way to travel. Though cars are faster, but it is way easier to crash in cars, and bycicles does not release bad smoke that can culminate to pollution . | 23
cd56bc6 | Driverless cars to me are a bad thing. I think they are a bad idea because there are so many things that could go wrong. The cars computer systmem could mess up and cause the car to go out of control and hurt pedistrians or the driver of the car. The driverless car would make road trips with friends and family boring. I think people nowadays are just getting lazier and lazier. I feel more comfortable with being in control of the car instead of the car being in control of itself.
First, the first problem that comes to mind about creating these cars are the costs to build them and the crazy price tag on them. These cars would need special time to build because of all the computer work and the programming. After putting in all the time to build the car and doing all the work would the car even be worth it after all? Maintenance on the cars would be a problem also. One would not be ablet to find parts to fix the car and would have to send the car off to a specialist evertime it needs to be repaired or computer work. Everone doesn't know how to do programming and work with computers.
Secondly, road trips to vacation with family or friends would not be fun at all. What's the whole point of going on a road trip if the car is driving itself. That is the whole point of a road trip to drive where one has never been and enjoy looking out the window. I personally enjoy traveling and road trips just wouldn't be the same with driverless cars. Every year my family and me drive to the Rocky Mountains to spend time with our family and letting the car drive itself up the long windwing mountain roads would be boring for me and the others in the car.
Third, my last issue with the car would have to be the laziness involved. People of today's world have become obese and lazy. People are creating driverless cars because they want to make it easier on the them to go to and from places. Obesity is a problem in todays society because everyone has become lazy and doesn't want to work for what they need or want. People want to create something that makes them do less work and not make them sweat.
In conclusion, I am strongly against driverless cars for the fact of the cost, road trips would not be the same, and the fact that people are getting super lazy. | 23
3af84f4 | In my opinion I believe Facial Action Coding is valuable. You can look at a picture or a person based off there facial expression and conclude what there emotion is. It might not necessarily be accurate but you'll be pretty close to right, but now you have the technology to be accurate. A persons face changes depending on how they feel and most people are able to detect what that emotion is whether its sad, mad, happy, etc.
Dr. Paul Eckman creator of the Facial Action Coding system (FACS) classified six basic emotions which is happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. FACS is a computer process that constructs a 3-D computer model of the face and all forty four major muscles.
Professor Thomas Huang of Beckaman Institute, in collaboration with his collague Proffesor Nicu Sebe University of Amsterdam, are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. They rely on Dr. Paul Eckmans creation using video imagery the new emotion-recognition software tracks facial movements in a real face or painted face like Mona Lisa By: Leonardo Da Vinci.
Like taking a test at the end of the year Istep+ or Nwea can determine how much knowledge your brain has took in and if you are able to pass and further your education or if your incapable of taking in information in a classroom.
As stated before i think the work being put in by these Proffesors and Dr. Paul Eckman is very valuable and should be taken into consideration as usable to determine facial expressions because of the statistics being provided in the article and the credibility of these men. Thats why i think the Facial Action Coding computer process is valuable. | 23
dd80d9b | Innovation for the future. That is what is occuring right now as you read this. Driving your own car is a thing of the past with the new up and coming invention of driverless cars.
New ideas are sprouting on how to make the semi-autonomous vehicle into a fully autonomous vehicle. Wasting your time by driving will be a thing of the past. Driverless cars would be an excellent invention due to the increased safety measures that will enable safer road conditions.
Google cars are semi-autonmous and have driven more than half a million miles without a crash which shows how safe they are. This is due to the increased safety measures that "still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This shows how the google cars are able to drive the easy, everyday road trips to work, school, or home; which is what the majority of one's car is used for. Yet, when the car encounters a circumstance that is more complicated, it will not try to navigate through the complicated circumstance, but instead alert the driver to take over. This shows how safe the car is because it is able to notice when a situation is too complicated for it to handle and then alert the driver of the impending situtation. Therefore, google cars would increase the safety of road conditions.
BMW's Dr. Huber has researched ways that will sustain the driver's awareness in an autonomous car, even though the driver is not actually driving. BMW has stated that they will bring in heads-up displays that "can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take oversomething not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern." This shows how the driverless cars inventors are thinking of every aspect to these new driverless cars, not only the manufacturing aspect, but also the psychological aspects. The displays will sustain the driver's attention even while they are not actually driving, but will turn off the instant the driver needs to take over. This is much safer than what we have today because these displays are not something available to the majority of people who text and drive. Therefore, the new driverless cars will increase safety due to their innovative way of sustaining the driver's attention.
Also, the sensors in today's car have increased safety, which shows how sensors in the upcomign cars will only increase safety even more. Some vehicles have sensors and "the information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." The anti lock brake system has created safer road contions due to the fact that the sensors do the work so the driver does not have to. As the driver brakes, the information from the sensors alerts the car on how much pressure to apply and so forth, thus enabling the car to come to a quicker stop which increases the safety on roads. This shows how the driverless cars would be able to do all the work for the driver which increases the safety.
All in all, driverless cars would make the roads a safer place due to technological innovation. The many positive aspects that the driverless cars would provide would make the world a much safer place to be. So the next time you don't feel like driving, think of the up and coming driverless cars. | 45
5691a11 | The Seagoing Cowboys is a very inspiring program. Not only do you get to help people in need but you also get to visit extraordinary and unique places. These places will open your eyes and inspire you to do many more charity programs. Seagoing Cowboys is a program that take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. Caring for these animals will keep you busy and sure that you are using your time wisely. This is a great opportunity to get to see other animals and meet so many people in need and touch their hearts.
They will make you aware of others countries needs. When you join this progran you are sure to make new friends. This trip would not only be working. You still get to have free time and hang out and play games with your friends. They would have you ride upon a ship and give enough hay and oats for the animals. The animals would have to be groomed and brushed every day. They would have to be properly fed and taken care of.
Besides helping people you get the joy of traveling over sea, meeting new people, and cite seeing in foreign countries. For example you would maybe get to see or visit in Venice, Italy, or maybe even Greece. There are many different advantages and opporunities in this kind of trip. When you get to help these people, you will feel a rush of joy and bring them hapiness. This is a great opportunity. There many benefits and hapiness. | 12
0a62a7a | For many years, the automobile has become and remained a staple in the world as humanity's most popular choice of transportation. The number of cars manufactured by car companies has reached the hundreds of millions. Cars have been a trademark of American ingenuity and the evolution of technology. However, as we go into the great beyond that is the future, we must take into consideration the pains and risks of these vehicles, and if they are worth driving as the world population exceeds seven billion.
Few people can recall a time where global warming wasn't the main conflict of scientists today. The Earth gets warmer as pollution levels rise as smog around cities like Paris and Mexico City reaches an all time high. The polar caps are melting at a rapid rate as hurricanes ravage the mainland harder and harder each year. What caused this stuff to happen? Why, look no further than our friends, the factories and automobiles! These two have been quoted time and time again as the catalyst of the global warming crisis. With such an adverse effect on the ozone layer, governments around the world have to do something to stop it from rising any further, with nothing short of success. Places like France have realized the extreme rise in smog levels in the city of Paris, that they had to do something. So, they made a ban on driving for people with even numbered license plates with only a few exceptions, and banned odd numbered licensed cars the next to try to curtail this occurance. After a few days, it worked. The smog cleared just enough for the French government to rescind its ban on license plates for the city. Such a huge difference in smog in only two days means that making a ban similar to this could be nothing short of beneficial for communities around the globe. So why don't more communities take up the hard task of making this ban a regular happening? It's a slow process, but it is happening, in unlikely places. Including over in our Western European ally Germany.
Vauban, Germany is a small community town located near the border of France and Switzerland. This town is best known for it's extremely unorthodox method of removing greenhouse gases from the ozone layer. People have decided to give up their cars, just relying on other transportation like walking and taking a local tram. Street parking, driveways and home garages are just not allowed in the district, and this has caused a huge difference between non-car owners and car owners alike. Seventy percent of the population in Vauban does not own a motor vehicle, a large portion of them sold their cars to move out to this small, cozy little town. Busy sidewalks and the chatter of civilians outshines the faint murmurs of the few odd automobiles in the city. What started out as an odd social experiment has turned into a great community full of happy people. Although this type of community is generally unpopular, other countries around the world have come to like the idea Vauban came up with. The capital city of Colobia, Bogota, has a neat program they like to call the Day Without Cars. The title speaks for itself. Civilians would take one day out of the year to generally not use cars, to promote the likening of taking other modes of transportation to wherever you need to go. Countries in South America have noticed this day, and are looking to replicate it themselves, which ultimately signifies the success of the Day Without Cars.
Countries around the world have all tried to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, whether by making a community built around the non-use of cars, making a day celebrating the use of other modes of transportation, or just banning the driving of automobiles outright. As just of a cause it may be, Americans are still hesitant to enact such henious laws. However, if more communities are built around this clean idea, more and more people will flock to it. It just takes preserverence, a strong plan, and a whole lot of sidewalks. | 34
abe7f2a | Is the "Face on Mars" real or not real? Some may argue against this, but I feel that there isn't enough proof to conclude that the "Face on Mars" is real. There are many reasons behind this statement. The original picture was taken during the cloudy Martian winter and the photography business has improved so much since then that the new image are proof that there is no face. I feel that the "Face on Mars" in not actually an alien-made structure because The original picture, which is what started the theory of Mars having a "face", was taken during the very cloudy Martian winter, the photographs taken of the "face" have changed a lot over time, and the newest 2001 image has basically proven the "Face on Mars" not to be real.
First off, the original picture of the "Face on Mars" was taken during the Martian winter which was very cloudy at the time. The photograph had obviously had to have been different than the actual so-called "face" because of this. If you were to try taking a picture when it is very foggy outside, would you be able to get a clear picture? No, you would barely be able to tell what the photograph was supposed to be of. Imagine taking that same photo from several hundred yards away. The picture would be even worse than before.
Secondly, the photograpy business has changed a lot from 1976 to 2001. One of the most well known atributes of a camera is its pixel size. The more pixels you have in a certain area, the better the photograph. The original image from 1976 had pixels that were 43 meters per pixel for the photo. 25 years later, during 2001, the new photograph taken of the "Face on Mars" had pixels that were nearly 30 times smaller than the original. This image's pixels were 1.56 meters per pixel.
Finally the most recent photo of the "Face on Mars" has basically proven the theory of the "Face on Mars" to be unreasonable. Afterall, the new image shows that valleys and craters in this structure. You can now tell that what was thought to be the eyes, nose, and mouth of the "Face on Mars" are just mere indentions on the structure. The "Face" really looks nothing like an actual human face. There just simply isn't enough proof in the new photograph to logically think that the "Face" is alien made.
As I said at the beginning of this explanation, there is still a lot that can be argued about. The fact that this structure os probably at least several thousand years old plays a huge factor in the theory. Mars's winds and stroms could have possibly worn away the details on the "face". Also, the valleys and craters could have come because of an earthquake or some other natural event. This is an argument that may last forever.
All in all, there is simply not enough proof to make the conclusion that the "Face on Mars" is alien-made. The time period has changed. The photography has changed. In fact, NASA wishes that there was enough proof to call this alien-made, but they think that there just isn't enough yet. This may truely be a mystery that will never be solved. | 45
3a70d68 | Driverless cars are an intereszting theory.
The thought of someone being able to get in a car and just let it take them where they want to go is definitely appealing, but at the same time I feel that it could have some serious reprocussions.
I am both for, and against this idea.
I have good reason to be in the middle, too.
They're convinient but dangerous.
Also not to mention they're going to need a new system despite our advancing technology.
Plus, what would we use as fuel for them?
Firstly, driverless cars, though being more convinent, could end up being a major safety hazard to those who are still pedestrians. Having a self driving car witch pedestrians around is like letting a wild wolf into a sheep pen.
There's a chance that there maybe a casualty just as much as there isn't.
That brings me to my next point.
I understand that the technology we have now is absolutely outstanding as compared to what it was only 20 years ago, but we really need to step it up.
With GPS, it doesn't quite always get right on the destination.
Say you're letting your car drive you home.
It could very possibly overshoot your drive way and pull right into your lawn that you had been slaving over getting mowed properly for the past hour and a half yesterday.
I think that they need to creat a more accurate GPS system, either that or create a new system all together that can detect speed, what's going on in front of/around you, and be extremely accurate.
As well as going home, going to the gas station will be a nuscience, too.
And that brings me to my last point.
If we were to switch to these cars, what would we use as a fuel reserve.
Would we switch over to electricity, since that's what the HUD system would most likely use?
Even if we did stay on gas and greatly reduce the an=mount used, the combination of all of the people who would be using them would still cause a great deal of pollution.
Plus people would see it as an oppertunity to get out more often without having to do nearly as much as normal.
With that in mind, one would have to think, "Could we possibly end up causing more pollution?"
All in all, I think that though, yes, some of my ideas are a bit far fetched, I have a point.
Yes, having driverless cars is an extremely appealing idea because it would save energy.
I'm just saying that, as there are pros to the situation, there are also cons to it, too.
I'm staying neutral in this case.
It would be great to see, but I guess time will be the ultimate teller. | 12
7b64361 | Have you ever thought you seen something and you look really close and it's something else? Or have you thought something was one thing but it was different? That's what they think happend with Mars. They think there is aliens and that aliens are making faces.
I think people are going crazy. People are watching to many cartoons and they are starting to think that aliens are real. People on talk shows, books, and magazines are talking about it. There is a face on mars and they think it's aliens creating them. I think they it just happend from natural landform. To me it looks like an Egyptian-style pyramid. I didn't see any aliens in the photograph. There aren't homes where they could live. At first scientists thought that it was a Martian mesa, because that is common around that area.
What do you think about the whole thing? I think that people need to go up to mars and really see what is going on. So, we can go and show everyone this there aren't any aliens, and they are just a myth. | 12
e666cd6 | Exploring Venus
Is Venus worth pursuiting? This question is asked by many like the authors of this story. The author told both sides of the story. He told how Venus has dangers but did say why we should go . I think the author supported his idea well.
The author did say many dangers like in paragraph 3 "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and "highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus atmoshere". He also said that venus is often referred to Earths twin and that
"Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of density and size". In paragraph 4 it says "the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". This means that Venus could have once had large bodys of water and could of supported life just like Earth today.
"Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit" said the author in paragraph 4 but getting there is not so easy "given the long time frames of space travel". The author gave one idea from NASA in paragraph 5 that "would allow scientis to float above the fray" and aslo said "imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape". This would keep the scientists out of dangers conditions. in the sky he temperatures would be around 170 degrees but "solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth".
But "orbiting safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions" said the author because of how dense atmophere is. living far above th ground could make it hard to " smaples of rock, gas, or anything else. But "NASA is working on approaches to study Venus" says in paragrph 7. "Another project is looking back at an old technology called mechanical computers" said the author in paragrph 7. "by comparison, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces". says the author in paragraph 7
The author told both sides of the story. He told how Venus has dangers conditinos but did say why we should go. he told way we could fix and how we could go to Venus. this why I think he supported his idea. | 34
6fe2f23 | Can you imagine a place where you no longer have to drive and computers do it for you? As of now, that is not possible but who is to say that cannot be achieved. Driverless cars a thing for the future. Cars that no longer require a driver would be such a pivotal achievement for transportation. But, do we really need a computer to drive for us? Do we really want our safety to be held by computers? The answer is no. My position on driveless cars is that they are far-fetched and not practical. They aren't practical because they aren't truly driverless, they don't fit within current laws, and they really aren't safer. I wouldn't want me safety in the hands of a machine. Driverless cars are a cool concept, but really aren't practical.
Driverless cars are not practical because they aren't really driverless. You would still have to sit in the driver seat and pay attention to the road. You still need to be alert and be prepared to take over at any given point. So what's the point of driverless cars? As the article says, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?", the answer is you wouldn't. If the technology of the car isn't ground-breaking and you still would have to drive, there is no reason to have a driverless car. Driverless cars still needing drivers is one reason that they are not practical.
Driverless cars aren't really fitting with the current driving laws. Most laws emphasizes the safety of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. Laws are based on a human driver controlling the vechicle at all times. What would you do if a computer is in control of your car? With the current laws, a very serious questions arises. If you were to get into a wreck, who would be liable? The "driver" or the manufacturer of the car? As of the laws right now, driverless cars aren't really fit for a person to own one. There is too many questions of safety and the liability of the cars and cars around. That is why driverless cars don't fit in with the current laws and aren't really practical at this day and age.
People that are in support of the driverless cars claim that computer hardware and software make driving safer than having a real human driver. These technologies steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. Driverless cars are safer is not necessarily safer, as they still need real humans to take over in times of need. Also, as time progresses technology has a tendency to lag behind. This can cause major hardware and software malfunctions that can actually make these types of cars more dangerous. Driverless cars aren't really safer because they still need an alert driver and that fact that technology can fail.
Driverless cars are a thing for the future if they can be fully developed and made truly driverless. What is the point of driverless cars that still need drivers? What about the fact that these types of cars don't fit within current traffic laws? Are they really safer? The answers point away from driverless cars. They require drivers, they don't fit within laws, and they aren't actually safer. These reasons point to why driverless cars aren't practical and they are not a thing for the current day and age. | 34
d6ca3a3 | In our technological advancements today, the idea of withholding a laptop that has the ability to read your emotions is mindblowing. Using this type of technology could potentionally put smiles of faces to people all around the world. The use of the Facial Action Coding system would greatly benefit the students' views for technology, the students' view for themselves, and most importantly the way that students' view their peers.
The Facial Action Coding Sytem has the power to change technology as we know it. It would forever change the way we use and percieve technology in our day to day routine. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto, "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad....'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored'" (D'Alto). This would bring a whole new light into classrooms. You would find students more engaged and intrested in their studies. Just as D'Alto metions, teachers will be able to critique themselves and better their teaching skills.
If we had the acces to this type of technology on our home desktop or laptop, it would help the user and the laptop or desktop to learn more about what the prefer and what they dont prefere. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto,"...if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a smililar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different"(D'Alto). These simple tasks can make technology smarter and bring smiles onto any individuals face.
Lastly, the most important reason why withholding this type of technology would be the benefits of teachers and students knowing the emotions of their students/peers. According to Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto,"'The facial expressions for each emotion are universal,' observes Dr Huang, 'even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression'...'Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication...'" (D'Alto). Since facial expressions are universal, being aware of others emotions will bring people together and could bring about new or stronger relationships between students and or other students or student to teacher.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System would bring many benefits of the use of our day to day technology, and bring students to pay more attention to themselves, their peers, and their teachers.The technological advancement is very out of sight, considering the reaping benefits brings us to have second thoughts. | 34
32f477a | Dear senator,
I belive that we should change the election to a popular vote for the president of the united states. We should have this for two reasons, one we should make the choice ourselfs so it matters more in the long run and two it will make more potental voters. We as americans should have more power when it comes to chooseing our president.
Some people may argue that the electorial college avoids the problem of run-off elections as stated in source two. I think if there is a tie then there should have the previouse presedent of the united states vote to brek the tie. I dont believe any vote should count more than a citizens vote. If we are suppose to have a goverment run by the people why cant the peoples vote matter.
I feel that people would vote more if their vote could be that single vote that decides who`s president. In the electorial college only their vote matters the popular vote doesn`t make a difference in the long run. The reason people vote is so that the person they want as president will win the race not so the person the electorial college wants to will win. The popular vote is simply deciding electors who can vote however they please which means the citizens vote doesnt make a difference wich unfair.
In conclusion america should have a popular vote not an electorial college because the peoples vote should matter. If you want a fair and honest goverment everyones vote should matter equaly and there should be no electorial college. If you care about what the american citizens opinions and what they have to say get rid of the electorial college. | 23
3af8e31 | Dear senator i think that you shuled change to people vote then a Electoral college.
Here are the reason why you change it is unfair, stuipd. these are the reason why we should go to people vote for the president of the USA.
why does a state person can pick are next president. when the people cant choose and the state vote are more powerful then the people. the people can choose the president.
for example Nixon in 1968 and clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percsnt purality of the popular votes,while winning a majority in the Electoral college (301 out 370). These is a reason why people right need to count more the the state.
A nother reason is it is stuiped you can have more people vote then a nother guy can get the state vote it cost more . If you can get tmore then 200 and get litten the half you won. if you win the big state that have electoral vote you can win. you can get CAL, texas, and florida you got a lot of vote .
These are the reason why you it not faair and stupid. These are the reason why you should not letthe stae vote. You should let the peopel of the USA vote for the president then the state. | 12
bd4bdbf | Advantages of limiting car usage is less car polliution from the gases released from the car and also better health from using other ways to get around such as walking or riding a bike as a form of excerise.
To begin with limiting car usage opens up other new options If you don't depend on a car so much. More money In your pocket because you not paying for gas nor keep the car maintance up no more.
The more you drive the more you polluting your air from the chemicals from the tail pipe of your vehicle hiking , biking , or skating are easy simple excerise you can you for transpertation. You'll know your environment better from exploring It these methods are better for the earth.
In some cities such as New York they've started a bike sharing program and Its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation.
As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was In January 1995. All these charges, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit.
Teens of this generation Is starting to organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car pool with friends. People all around the world are starting to realize the benefits of reducing car usage and taking contol of the situation. | 12
55b53b3 | Limiting car usage can be very helpful not only to our environment, but to our culture. Our ozone is slowly getting worse and worse every year. A heavy contributor to the decay of the ozone layer is the greenhouse gasses, like the ones we emit from our cars on a daily basis. A society without cars could create a safer, more time friendly, and environmentally healthy community.
Think of all the tragedies that have spawned from car crashes. Just this year in our local community, a 16 year old boy was knocked off our local bridge and killed by a drunk driver. Our city is still recovering from this, not a day goes by where I don't see a new person leaving flowers in his spot on the bridge. In a society without cars, this would never have to happen again, think of all the potential lives that could be saved.
Think about how much time you spend in a car on the average day. At least 30 minutes to an hour if you go to school, a job, or a sport. If we didnt have to drive everywhere, everything we needed would be compacted into walking distance. Life would be so much easier if you didnt have to stress about getting up early enough to catch the bus, or for your friend's mom to pick you up. you could just casually walk out the door and be at your destination in no time.
Life without cars could be the change that our country needs. Improved environmental conditions, safety improving drastically, and your precious time being saved. Maybe life without cars wouldn't be as great as we're making it out to be, but how are we ever going to know if we don't try. This change would be for the better, and is exactly what America needs. | 23
d586afa | Did you know venus surface,tempertures average over eight hundred degrees fahrenheit,and the atmospheric pressure is ninety times greater than what we experience on our own planet.
The author supports the idea that studying the planet venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because earth should not be limited by the dangers of exploring and expanding the human eye.
As the curiosity of the human's eye wanting to figure out what new discoverys they can go to and end up in.
The authors explanation of trying to make this challenge a reality and striving to see whats on the other side because human curiosity will likely lead us into many other explorations that are imagination can hold.
In the article of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" they state that atronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. In paragraph 4 their theory of venus was that it was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life'just like earth. Also showing that today venus has various features that are similar to earth like the rocky sediment,valleys,mountains,and even craters. furthermore explaining that our closest option to visiting another planet similar to earth would most likely be venus.
In the article of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the National Aeronaustics and Space Administration which is NASA is working on approaches of studying venus with electronics made of silicon carbide and have them tested in a chamber simualting the chaos of Venus's surface. In paragraph 7 they talk about how using old technolgy that was being used in World war two would be better to discover venus than using are previous technolgy because the shocking part about old technology was that they make calculations by using gears and levers and would not require any electricity. They also state that even if modern computars are enormously powerful,flexable,and quick they can not with stand the physical conditions of venus. Explaining the authors idea of them wanting to discover and expand their curosity and many more adventures that it can lead too.
The authors idea is explained threw out the article how astronomers and pioneers should continue to explore and continue to strive on thinking what's on the other side. As they show and represent that they are using there old technolgy to try to reach the impossable to make it possable but also using venus as a place if needed to be used as a nearest option for a planetary visit. This is what striving and hunger of human curiosity can lead us too an could lead human's to many more adventures. | 34
4e9d2aa | In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explains that Venus is an extremly dangerous planet. The author also suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Due to the fact that Venus is extremely dangerous for human exploration it would be extremly unreasnable for humans to explore the planet.
The first reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because the atmospere is extremly thick and tempatures are really hot. This is true because in paragraph 3 the author explains that the atmospere is "97 percent carbon dioxide. . .." In this paragraph the author also explains that the tempature is so high that it would not only kill any human on the planet, but it would also cook them! This is true because in paragraph 3 the author stated "On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" which is almost double the temperature that you cook a turkey at!
Another reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because some simplified electronics cannot last much longer than 3 weeks in Venus's conditions! This is true because in paragraph 7 the author states "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This statement by the author basically proves that any human involvement on venus would be even more dangerous than previously thought because these custom made electronics are only lasting three weeks which makes the reader understand that a human in these conditions would only last an hour tops!
The last reason why it would be unreasnable for humans to explore the planet is because of the dangerous terrain of Venus. In paragraph 4 the author states that "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes . . . features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This shows the reader that not only is the atomasphere and temperature extremly dangerous but the terrain of the land is rough. This proves to the reader that human involvment at all on Venus is just far to risky!
The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains to the reader that exploration of Venus is nesacary but unreasnable for human involvement. The reasons why it is unreasnable for human involvment include; the atmospere is extremly thick and tempatures are really hot, some simplified electronics cannot last much longer than 3 weeks in Venus's conditions, and because of the dangerous terrain of Venus. allthough it would be unreasnable for human involvment the author did make it clear that we need to explore Venus one way or another. | 34
eea5e34 | To be in a Seagoing Cowboys program would be awesome to be apart of. Being apart of this program you could see cool things,see different cultures,and just think about what an opportunity this could be. You could have so much fun being apart of this journey.
I think being apart of this program would be a awesome opportunity because not alot of people could do this and be apart of a program. You also get to see really cool things like antique artifacts,really old buildings,and diffrent lifestyles. This would be so much fun because you can learn how other people live their lifes in different countries,and explore places you never thought you would even go to. You could also see different cultures and try their kind of food they eat every day,and see how people in different countries go about their everyday lifes.
I think this could be a life changing oppotunity for people. This is a awesome thing to do because it is not an everyday thing for most people to be apart of. | 12
3130ac1 | Most people think that the electoral college is not reasonable. I don't think they're wrong. The electoral college is very unfair. It is unfair because the people's votes might be overuled, the electoral college is biased, and they may not pay any attention to the people's opinions.
First of all, in some cases the popular vote might not be of any value. Besides, the popular vote doesn't matter in the decision for president it elects members for the electoral college. So if I wanted to vote for a republican president but the electoral college ends up voting for the democrat I would have wasted my time going to vote. Clearly, the electoral college's vote overrules the popular vote.
In addition to overruling the popular vote, the people on the electoral college are biased. If the people who are on the electoral college are biased then, they might not take people's votes into account to their electoral vote. I know no one would want their vote to be ignored so this is another reason why the electoral college should be abolished. If a democracy means the people decide who their leaders are, then why are there other people who might not represent the people chosing our president. Quite obviously, the electoral college is biased and might not care about the popular vote.
Furthermore, even if the people's votes go to the electoral college, the college might not even pay attention to the reasons people give to vote for someone. Most people don't really care that their votes go to deciding who is on the electoral college, but they are missing the point. The electoral college are made up of human beings and they will say no to ideas they don't like. I don't think that the fate of our country should be resting on the idea that if one person doesn't like someone they will reject the idea. Obviously, the electoral college might reject some ideas just because they don't like them.
To conclude, the electoral college cannot be trusted to decide the future of our great nation. This group of electors might be biased, their votes overrule the popular vote, and they might not be open to opinions. Consider these reasons for the electoral college not deciding the future of the United States. These people cannot be trusted to vote for our new president. | 34
5ff6c83 | For centuries, we have followed a certian system estabolished by our founding fathers. This system is called the electoral college. This system is based off voting for the president through electoral votes rather than based off more popular. The state has an overall say through its electors. I believe that this system is unfair and should be abolished.
The electoral college should be abolished because you are not voiting directly for the president. You are voting for an elector who would in turn elect the president. While you may end up pleased, others may feel the complete opposite. I believe that it is unfair to not directly vote for the president bacuse it should be completly up to this nation to elect a president. The system they have set up right now is injustice.
The second reason the electoral college should be taken away is that the system has much room for failure. Electors could easily betray the will of the people. They have much more power than the standard voter. The electors would completly oppose the most "popular" vote and put in their vote for whoever they feel deserves it. This is wrong and totally goes against the idea of giving the people power. This would qualify as just giving a few people power. There could also be room for a tie. This could result in the elcetion ending in the hands of the House of Representatives where the state delegates could chose the president. Not only is this destorying the power of the general public but this could also result in people not getting what they wanted. The delegates cuold go completly against what the people say because they technially have the right to since they have the power of the situation.
The final reason the electoral college system should be left behind is the fact that not every state gets to see the canidates. Some of the smaller states that don't count for much of the vote or tend to lean towards a different party don't even get a visit from the canidates. Not only is that unfair but it's also completly demaning towards the state. It makes the citizens of the state feel unworthy or not important enough for not even making an effort for their vote. This is also a stupid move on the canidates part because they might have been able to persuade the state's vote.
In conclusion, the electoral college is not a functional system for its characteristic of being completly indirect, for taking away the power of the people, and for its room for error. Although it may seem like a trustworthy system at first, don't be fooled. So whats more important, the power and opinions of the people or the power and opinion of the delegates? | 34
f136e6c | In this world, we want to gain more knowlege to better understand what's around us.
Now, scientists want to be in the next level of understanding. They want to gain more information about the Venus. Venus is also called,"Evening Star."
They know that it is a very dangerous thing to accomplish. However, they're still doing it anyway. The author even says,"Is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." He also said," To contribute meaningfully to our knowlege of Venus."
Scientists study many things, they explore many planets: Such as Moon, Mercury, Saturn, etc. But this, it's beyond what numbers of people to even imagine doing it.
In paragraph 2; the author help me relize, Scientists love challenge. The author said that, "Since no spacecraft survived the land for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." They know more facts about the danger of this mission. This is what happens, when people set their mind and fucus, nobody can stop them. Still, they willingly to go, the fact knowing the "conditions are far extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth."
Scientists believe seeking to understand is more crucial; despite the risks of dangers. They focus on completing mission that no human has ever done before.
They were motivated by their own believes. They were inspire and get courage on their own ways. The author said,"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers an doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." It means learning and gaining knowlege should not be stop wether it was on Earth or beyond. But rather, increase it to the fullest to reach out expectation.
The author gaves us a way to accomplishes the impossible. It was by not giving up and continues to believes in how we started.
When gazing up the star, we were dazzled by the sprakled. But to look closer, it's a dream came true. We see how wonderful it was. But if we keep on imagine and never do it, it won't come true. Only, if we cast out fear aside and our doubts, then take a step forward. We know that we'll meet our expectation. This is what the author wants us to believes in. | 23
fb307eb | What would you do without car usage? Is there such thing as too much or too little car usage? Many residents or travelers are nearby thier destination and don't nessesaraly need a car to get there. Although, for other's they may need to use a car becasue of extended distance. Limiting car usage has many advantages. For example, in Vauban, Germany streets are completely "car free". According to the article " 70% of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57% sold car's to move here". Families and friends are much active with each other and can spend more quality time outside of school and work.
When there is less car usage more public transportation will be available to thoose who need it more importantly. Also there would be less polution with the gas and air. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution", said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza. Due to the smog that was in France, car's was banned. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday", according to the BBC. Fuel is also a great impact. Do you ever feel like you just work hard for nothing? Money is being wasted on gas, car materials, and car details much more then the things it really needs to be spent on.
Limiting car usage could mean less accidents. Less accidents means less deaths and injuries. Driving could be risky especially in crowdy places with people and other cars. Limiting cars could also mean people getting to know diffrent places often and not just the places they are used to going. Parks and sports centers also have had bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, smooth sidewalks; rush-hour restrictions have dramtically cut traffic; and new resturants and upscale shoppung districts have cropped up. Families are more engaged together and work together to make it to thier destination.
In conclusion, Do you feel as if car polution should be limited becasue of all the advatages. Limiting car usage has it advantages and disadvatages. Many things could possibly happen. According to The end of Car Culture article, "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportations traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve recources, lower emissions and improve saftey". The Mobile World Congress is looking for more saftey ways to transport and get to yout destintation when needed. Due to limiting car-usage families and friends can now spend quality time while getting to thier locations, you can go to your nearby places, you could save more money of gas and car details, and also you could prevent less accidents if possible. | 23
26fcefe | The Electoral College is a system where elected senators from each state vote for the next president of the United States Of America. But doesn't voting belong to the hands of the citizens? Citizens of the U.S should pick their president without the hand of the state senators that would vote for the other canidate. The state of Wyoming representing 500000 voters have as much say as the senators from California with 35 million people and more. The Electoral College is a flawed sytem in which the senators not the people choose their next president.
The Electoral College should have less say in the next presidency because of the "Winner take all" system in which candidates don't spend time in areas they know have no chance at getting their votes. These canidates would only then go for the Swing states and not even try to get the votes of the other states. Leaving the fate of the next president in the hand of a few is not a reasonable act. Although few citizens of America know the complex working of the government and need the knowledge of the senators to get the right vote. The goverment should know that giving the right to vote to only a few people is not a good solution to the problem. The problem lies where the senators not the people vote for their next prisent.
The prime example of a canidant that won the popular vote but loss on the Electoral vote was Al Gore. George W. Bush won the election with only 5 Electoral while Gore won the peoples votes. Only 5 people were able to change the presidental election, this is exacly why people should be the one to vote for their presidents not the other way around. This flawed system brings out the question that "are we really voting for the president or our senators?" it is the latter. The peoples votes aren't for the president but really is for the senators that then vote for the president. But the senators would then only vote for the president that would only for for the mijority of the people not the minority.
Electoral College should be replaced with a popular vote system that allows for more equal voting amoung the people instead of a few. The Electoral College should be instead a advice System giving people an idea of who to choose and tell the people what the president is looking for and what to do. With this new system presidents would actually go for the states that they knew wouldn't have voted for them before and at least try to get a few votes out of the smalle places that would vote for them. All in all the Electoral College has many flaws and holes, but in the end the people should the ones to vote their president not the senators. | 23
7082c02 | Is Venus a worthy persiut? Will it help us learn more about our Earth? The answer to these questions is yes. Venus has some features that are really similar to the ones on Earth. By learning more about Venus we can apply the knowlege to our palnet to further help it. This knowledge can be applied to avoid catastrophes or other bad furtune.
One way we know exploring Venus is a good idea. Is the fact that Venus is a dead ringer for earth. Their apperance is uncanny just by looking at them. Venus and Earth are really similar plants, they are even nicknamed twins. Earth's size is extremely close to Venus's size. The fact that these planets share a similar size can help infer that they work and sustain themselves similiar. For example, if two people are the same size they probably have similar needs. Their caloric, water, nutrient, and other needs are probably the same. Knowing more about Venus can help the Earth be a healthier place.
Another reason the exploration of Venus is essential is that Venus used to have the same geological features that earth has now. We know that Venus was once covered by ocean just like Earth. The surface also was evidence of rocky sediments. This can help infer that there used to be valleys, mountains, and even craters. The earth inhabits all of these characteristics as well. What happend to the ones in Venus? The answer is unknown that is why it is crucial to explore Venus so that Earth can avoid the same misfortune as its twin planet.
The last reason Venus needs to be explored is that by the few times that it was explored. The is evidence of past life. There is a big chance that Venus supported various forms of life. These forms of life are now certainly absent on Venus due to the horrid atmosphere. Why is life absent? The reason is unknown, but Venus has answers. The future of man kind depends on an exploration to Venus. The Earth can not parish, just as Venus did. Scientist need to uncover why Venus is in the condition it is in, so that they can mold Earth's future for the better to substain forms of life.
Venus and Earth share so many characteristics. Knowing all the possible information about Venus can help the Earth avoid the current state of Venus. Their size will help us know the needs of Earth. The change of the geological features in Venus can help humans prepare for change. Finally, Knowing what happend to the forms of life in Venus can help the human race live on. All these factors are crucial for the prosperity of our home. | 34
8d9682b | I think people should become a seagoing cowboy because you do alot of things. Like raising some cattle like cow and horses. Play games on the way home like vollyball. Plus you can visit places like italy and china. You can feed cattle or work the night shift its fun.
You can raise animals. Like cows because there are alot of young cattle on the boat. There is 335 plus horses on the cattle boat plus loads of food so you can feed them which is kinda helping them live so they can help other people that were affected by world war 2. Plus the cows can give them meat and milk so they can feed their famliys.
Plus you can have fun on the way home by playing games. One of the games are baseball/softball which is played in the place the horse and cattle were. one other one was table tennis which is basically ping ball but was called table tennis. We also did tornaments with the table tennis. There was also boxing. reading was also a option with whittling wood was also a nother free time.
One of the best reasons for going on these trips are the place we went like china. You had time to tour the city you went to on the boat. so you go to new places on these trips like to castles fameous citys and things you can think of. I went to so many place on this trip so i hope you do too.
In conclusion i say you go on these trip because they are fun but dangerous i cracked a few rips on a night shift and almost fell overboard too. so don't get to excited because you can get super hurt on these things because i didn't get hurt to bad does't mean you can't get hurt that bad. But i still think you should get signed up. Its super fun but you can get super hurt. ive made alot of trips and helped alot of people more people than trips. | 23
0548f53 | Luke's point of view convincing others to participate in the seagoing cows program.
Luke did not know that when he grauated from high school it will become hard. He has to work two part time job to get money to buy his own stuff.
So one day his friend asked him to go to Europe with him he could not say no because it was a big opportunity of a lifetime.
In 1945 world war two was over in Europe and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover there food supplies animals and more 44 nations joined together to help these people get all the things they need and all they supplies they need to help the animals thats why Luke and Dan sign up to help the animals and peole to get better and get the stuff they need to survive.
Thats why Luke and this friend Dan wants you to be in the seagoing cowboy group beacuse wants you to learn how to help other and do somethink nice just to do it and just to give because giving is nice beacause some people in that country like i said dont have food supplies now if you help them get that they will have enough to feed kids themselfs and others that dont have food. | 12
a187d56 | The electoral college is unfiar to voters. Electing the president should not be on how many electors vote for the candidate, it should be about how many people in each state vote for this representative. The electoral college is only 538 electors that vote for president which is not everyone that goes to the election booth and votes for president. In the electoral college, voters do not vote for the president but for a slate of electors who in turn elect the preisdent. Over 60 perecnt of the voters prefer direct election instead of the electoral college.
Voting for president should be about the number of people who vote for a candidate. Voting should not be about the number of electors each candidate has. Direct voting is what should be taking place, not an electoral college. Direct voting is when a voter goes to an election booth and votes for who they think should be president. Their vote does not get sent to an electoral college where electors vote for the candidate. Every voter goes to an election booth to vote the candidate they think should be president, they dont vote for the electors.
"The electoral college is unfair,outdated and irrational." This is true because with the electoral college, voters vote not for a slate of the president but for a slate of electors who in turn elect the president. The electoral college's only purpose is so the candidate can have agroup of electors just in case the number of votes is low for the candidate. The electors votes are the only votes that really matter which is not fair to the voters. Out of everyone that votes for president and having only 538 votes count does not seem fair to the voters at all.
Over 60 percent of voters prefer direct election. 60 percent is the majority of voters the rather have direct election instead of the electoral college. Since most of the time it is majority rules then why not cut the electoral college from the voting process? I'll tell you why, because ever since the disaster hat occured in 2000, the candidates still need a chance at winning the election even if they do not get to visit every state during the campaign.
Yes, the electoral college is unfair and irrantional but it has also created a new system known as the winner-takes-all system. This system allows the candidates to focus on the states that they do have a chance winning over instead of focusing on the states that they know for a fact have no chance of winning over. Over all, the electoral college has no point in being apart of the voting process. The only voting process this country should yse is direct voting because it is fair to everyone. The election process should be a fair process, it should not have everyone voting and only having 538 vote count. Even when over 60 percent of the voters choose direct voting, the country still agrees to use the electoral college. All in all I have to agree with Bob Dole, Mr. Senator and abolish the electoral college! | 34
997679c | Imagine is a good way to detect exactly how people's feeling, even when people wants to hide their emotions. To read the emotional expressions is also important and valuable for our students in class.
There is a technology called the Facial Action Coding System, it can able to help people to identify human emotions on the computers. It also has promising applications for a variety of insudtries. This technology can use 3-D to scan the face, there are 44 major muschles in the model must move like human muscles, and the software can even identify mixed emotions.
Dr. Huang said:"The facial expressions for wach emotion are universal." In reality, our human are performing the same impressive every day, just like the article said:"You can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." We can observe the emotions from people who are around us every day, we can describe they are happy or make something troubles.
Everyone of us have a conversation everyday, we can learn the personality through people's emotion during the school. We can not only use the languague to talk, but also can use the emotion to have a communication, just like the people who can not talk to each other, but they still can use the emotion to expression their feelings.
In this article, Dr. Huang observes da Vinci also studied human anatomy to help him to paint facial muscles predcisely enough to convey specfic emotions. This imagine demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, just like the computer knows you are happy or sad. If you are following the Web ad appears, then there will have a similar ad comeout. But if you do not follow it, they will change a different for you.
When we have a classroom computer, it will recognize us is bored or confused about it, then it could modify the lesson, just like an effective human instructor. The emotions have a big effect during the class, we should learn how to read the emotional expressions and also manage our emotion better.
The mirror shows in this article is important too, it suggest an emotion when we have expression. Actually it is all about the muscular action units. When we have a meanwhile, our muscle make crow's-feet around your eyes. But our muscle will change to stretched when we have a wrong smile. So the muscle makes our smile truthful beacuse our faces do not lie.
A drama coach had his actors carefully produce smiling and creating emotions on stage. Your face shows happy even though you do not happy, but it still an help you to produce the happy muscle. For example, even you are not happy, but you are effected by the people who are making a happy face to you, you still can change your emotion even a little bit.
We cannot believe that technology teach us a lot, and we never think that making faces can reveal the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. It is valuable to express people's emotion, and it is also important to detect people's feeling. | 34
69715eb | My thought on driverless cars is that they will or can be more safer so people dont get road rage. Some people get mad because they cut them off on the high way or they flip them off, but if the cars drove by them selves then the people wouldnt have to worry about going to fast to cut someone off or crash. The almost most deaths of todays society is crashes because people are texting and driving or they just dont pay attention. people could just kick back in their cars and just sleep or listen to music and tell the car where to go and the car will take them on its own.
The only reason i dont like the idea of smart cars is because something could malfunction or miscommunicate and go bad and it crashes or catches on fire. NOt saying its true but you never know if the car will come allive and terrorize the world and take over, but then again it will be safer and better gas mialage.
its good to have sensors in the car to alert the driver in case of an emergency to keep them safe but if it goes all computer and cars opperate them selves just hope we have a plan B. | 12
8eee8c8 | the way the face is a natural landform and not created by a alien. in pargraph 7 give me the information to tell me that its a natural land say thousand of anxious web surfers were wating when the image first appeared on a jpl website, revealing a natural landform.there was no alien monument after all.
next another way is i know its not
created by alien is the picture actually show is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landform common around the american west the man say it remind him most of the middle butte in the snake river plain of idaho says garvin. its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same heght as the face on mars. the martin meas is a term used for to use land forms and it no prove that there is the face on mars is created by mars. | 01
eede6b5 | The years go on and knew inventions keep comming out. The facial Action Coding System is a new technology that has scientists have came up with. The tool is used to messure your state of emotions wheather you're happy, sad, worried, or even surprised this tool will say it all. This could be used for many things and i think its a good idea.
This technology can be used in school to show the emotions of students while they are in class. This could help school directors know wheather a teacher is a good teacher or, well not such good teacher. While calculating the expressions of students in the class students should have a excited and calm expression. Of course there will be that 2% bored out of their mind. But i think many kids should be relaxed at school. This will show the teacher that they understand the lesson and they dont need to reteach it. Lets say that almost more than half the kids are stressing and are showing a worried or bored expression on their face this could mean that the teacher is just not doing enough to help teach the kids. The teacher could also ask if the kids understand and most of them stay quite when confused with the lesson because they are scared of being judged. But now the teacher can know to reteach the lesson or move on with the next.
Another way this technology could be used is to show the expression when adds pop up, as the article states when an add that someone doesnt like pops up the next one could be an add that is related to one that is in their interests. in that form you wont see any dumb or just adds you dont need to see. Today in this scociety we use fake emotions just to be nice or so we dont get in trouble but with this technology we can truly understand and know how we humans feel. Many people lie when it comes to crimes this could help cops with their investigation go alot smoother by seeing peoples ex[pression and they could tell if the person is lieing or trying to hide things. It could possibble help end crimes.
I believe this technology can be very helpful in society today. This technology could help kids around the world accomplish many things. It could also help people opinions get out there therefor we could have better things on earth and less bad things. With this invention many things could be done without even saying a word just by your face muscles. who would have thought! | 23
8a526cd | The way we should change the way we choose our United States president. I am against the Electoral college. I feel like with the Electoral college my vote does not matter. The Electoral college is a pretty unfair way to choose out president. I think its time to try something new. A expirement prehaps. How do we know the popular vote system doesn't work if we had not tried it. You know what they say don't knock it to you try it. We can avoid what happend in 1968 or 2000. Im just saying and im not the only one saying this but the Electoral College is unfair and irrational.
The Electoral college is a voting castrophe. Many people fell like their vote doesn't matter or even make a differance. Their not the only ones. Some people just feel like the Electoral College is way too complicated to understand. Some just rather have their vote go straight to the president. Well they say their trust is rarely broken. Well thats still means it can be broken. Also, whats with the ''winner take all'' ? People here that say '' wait what?''. Well to start off its a little bit unfair. We the people just want to pick our president of united states not some electors who might not even be that loyal to the person you voted for any way. We young generartion should try something new in the future. Which im saying that the Electoral College is a little bit old and outdated dont yout think.
This Electoral College can be unfair and irrational at times. Also complicated as well. We voters wish their was an easier way to choose the president. well their is, we just haven't been useing it yet. They say they want to avoid another 1968. Or, even a 2000 election. Well i haven't seen any change or concern for this matter. Instead of chaging the rules , how about we change the voting systems in all. People have been trying to abolish the Electoral College for decades. People like President John F. Kennedy. Even one of our presidents was oppose to the Electoral College. Who is the Electoral Collage any way. Just some people who Dont currently hold office. Well whats the point of knowing who your voting for but not actully know who your voting for. Basiclly voting for someone who can not be trusted or not be loyal enough. We have to vote on trust and confidence. I know i want my vote to matter.
So you see why we should change the way we choose our president. The Electoral college is a pretty unfair way to choose out president. I think its time to try something new. Many people fell like their vote doesn't matter or even make a differance. I just want to seeif any change can happen in the future. This Electoral College can be unfair and irrational at times. Also complicated as well. If we want to avoid 1968 or 2000 lets make a change. Atleast lets try it out for a election or two to see how it works. Instead of going off of this is what we been using so we are going to keep using it. Im just saying and im not the only one saying this but the Electoral College is unfair and irrational. | 34
66c512f | The Challenge of Exploring Venus
The authour suggests that studing Venus is worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents, the aouthor in my opinon he does support his idea very well beuse he mentioned that venus is often refferd to as earth's "twin", venus is the closest planet to earth in tearms of density and size, and occasionally in the distance to,i didnt know anything about this till i just read this i think that this is a part that supports his idea.
There are so many things that i didnt know about venus that im learing by reading this paper so it is worthy."each previous mission was unnamed,and for a good reason becuse not single spaseship has landed it venus"this was a real good information that make me want to know why it can never make it to venus even though it not far from earth.a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankeys venus.
The author has really grat supporting fact on studying venus is a worthy persuit dipite its dangers. | 12
045fabf | Would you think its interesting for computers to analyze your emotion? imagine a computer showing if you're sad, wouldn't that be cool? Well if you think thats cool, Dr. huang and his colleague are creating new ways to figure out people's emotions through computers!
That is a good idea because this could impact investigation, like cops figuring out who the're dealing with. For example, say there was a bank robbery and the criminals got away, but soon the cops found them and arrested them, they could either sit down with them and try and work their way around to see if the're is something wrong with them or they could just snap a picture and figure out thier expressions by using the FACS, (Facial Action Coding System). that would make it easier on investigators because the artical says "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression like not smiling as broadly". using video imagery, the new software tracks the facial movements in a real face. This technolgy can improve how well things are animated too, like on tv, and video games. overall i think this is a gonna impact so many cool things that is still to come.
The FACS is gonna change alot of things in a positive way, its going to improve ivestigation and recgonizing different facial expressions to those who are either really happy or really sad and depressed. | 12
4442f3c | Have you ever wondered what students are emotionally expressing? Well now a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System are trying to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. Do you think the use of this technology is valuable? A new piece of technology is coming out called the Facial Coding System it enables computers to identify human emotions.
A piece of technology that enables computers to identify human emotions is called the Facial Action Coding System. I think the technology is valuble because so that the teachers and students now what each other is feeling. To backup my claim it says in the text " Most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc."
Which means that the technology is valuble so that you don't have to describe it will tell you.
I think that the techology called the Facial Action Coding System would be valuable because it could help with communication so they know if you are sad, happy, etc. In the text it states that " Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication." Which means that most communication is non talking just by emotion.
Finally, my last reason I think that the new technology called Facial Action Coding System is valuable is because it helps produce your facial muscles. In the text it states " According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them". Which means that the technology helps produce your facial muscles.
All in all the technology called the Facial Action Coding System is valuable in many ways. By the facial muscles, the nonverbal communication, and how the students are feeling. There are also many ways to back it up. The Facial Action Coding System is reading the emotional expressions of students. | 23
323bd4f | Dear senator, the electoral college many be a good process to help select a president. "The founding fathers established it in the constiitution as a compromise between election of President by a vote in Congress and by popular vote of qualified citizens.(infor. find in paragraph 1)", but in my opinoin i think that we should change the election by the popular votes. By doing that, it allows voters to have a fair vote. There would not a "winner-take-all" system anymore, but above all the candidates can have a fair fight against each other without the interfrence of the representatives.
Well to start it off, why would having the popular vote be better than the electoral college? That's because the electoral college is unfair to voters. "The winner-take-all system in each state caused the candidates to not spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states.(infor find on paragraph 13)"
Perhaps you are wondering, what does the reprentatives got anything to do with electoral college being unfair to the candidates. When there are two candidates who are tie in the electoral vote, the decision whould be thrown to the representative to decised. "The single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, and the 55 representatives from california represent 35 million voters.(infor find on paragraph 12)" By given that many votes for just one representative, is it fair for the candidates? Not only that, but what about the 55 representative from california, what if all those 55 representative voted for their candidate from california? You know without thinking, of course the candidate from california would win. Would it be fair for the candidates and the other voters?
Although if you think about it, electoral vote can help in cerent ways. Like what if there is not many voters that voted? Or being in a tie, but of course that wouldn't happens, and like i said earlier it would'nt be fair to some of the candidates and voters who tried hard to elect or be elected. Like i said before please change the system of electing president by popular votes instead of electoral college! | 23
910d63d | Everyone knows that a teenagers emotion can change very fast .Some people know that If in a bad mood it can affect how us students do our work. I think its not a terrible idea to have facial recongition to access our emotions.
First, I think using technology to access our emotions is a smart idea. Teachers often pick on the students who dont seem to be paying attention to what he or she is saying but what if that kid that they call on is just having a bad day? well with this technology they can tell if their students are sad or mad or even surprised .
To continue, I also see why people would argue why it is not a good idea. Maybe the technology will glitch and cause error. People also might say that the technology is reading enough of our emotions, and should include more emotions to read. Maybe it doesnt read some important ones like disgust or surprised. I would like to argue that even though it may not be able to read all of our emotions yet that they might be able to come up with ways to read more of our emotions in the future.
Secondly, I think it would be a greater and easier way for teachers and classmates to come in touch with their students and be able to support them when they are in need. I also think if schools began to use them less students would be bullied because knowing everyone else can read the bullies emotions will not help the bully and he will begin to stop and realize what he is doing to himself and his peers. I think using this technology will help with bettering our world.
to continue, I think people would disagree with me becsuse our world has a lot of problems with technology and should try and reduce how much technology is being used nowadays. Everyone uses technology to communicate with each other and now letting technology tell us everyones emotions can cause a lot of damage to our new world. It would take away our sempathy and empathy we have for people as we communicate with them about how they feel and using technology to tell us how someone feels is taking away the point of even talking about it because everyone already knows.
Lastly , I think getting this technology will help better our schools and help better our technology. Many things could go wrong with technology but with schools helping and participating giving the creator feedback on how it is working and what needs to be better about it. I think if enough schools participate in getting this technology we will come into better understanding with technology and each other. Thats why I think using technology to read emotion in school is a good idea. | 34
5b36e7d | I think having driverless cars is a great idea. I support it alot because it will make road trips very easier and more exciting for the driver. If taking a long road trip, the driver will be able to sleep as well as the passengers. But the con about that, is that the driver might have issues trusting the driverless car. If the driver dont trust the car, he/she might stay awake as the car have a long trip to where ever the destination is located. Another con will be how might the driverless car react upon other driverless cars. Will the sensors be too hype from every car causing a traffic jam, slow traffic, or maybe an accident. Thats why i also support the driverless cars to let the driver take control at certain points while driving. Eventhough the driver would have to still keep watch of the rode, thats what he or she have to do anyway. So as of right now, ill just say that driverless cars would be good for drivers who like to text while driving and maybe talking on the phone while driving. That is what i think about driverless cars untill they can approve the use of the cars to sleep in while driving. | 12
0ea87c4 | Dear senator,
I was meaning to ask you can you please leave the electoral college. In way many people were grateful for this kind art education in many ways people use this place for so long to know how many scarefices that many people choose this area than no other. There got to be a diffrent reason to come in mind for can stop this idea from elimanating this fine place to construct for all years of hard work. For so long many people still would like to choose this college as great example for their success. This my letter to you senator. But if you refuse this than i don't know what i would do,but what I do know is you choose what it came from your mind I can not stop you from picking the good or bad choices but I can help you pick the right choice. As well making a election area that only happens in four years is not really worth anything many would disagree for this nonsense build and just forget what just came in mind and pick the right choice. | 01
ec9ef19 | All over the world people have different ways to limiting car usage. They have a lot of pollution so why not do it? Many do car-free day where no cars are used. Others do a bike program. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."
There are some ways where people shouldn't use their car. If not you'll get a fine of $31 if you have even numbers on your license plate one day and the next day odd numbers. Private cars owned by middle class are choking cities. Heidrun Walter, mother of two and a media trainer was always tense when she had a car.
Vauban is making a new approach. Stores are being placed a walk away. In New York thay have a new bike-sharing program. Millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work, leaving the streets devoid of traffic jam. Even Mr. Sivak's son which lives in San Francisco has a car but takes Bay Area Rapid Transit, when he can. Knowing it takes him longer than driving.
It's a whole lot of new experiences and people can stay active. "Pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." | 12
8e63734 | "Hi", I am Luke Bomberger.
I am a Seagoing Cowboy a part of the "Seagoing Cowboys" from the UNRRA
( the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.)
I was not always a Seagoing Cowboy, I was actually a regular boy just graduating high school and working two part-time jobs one in a grocery store and the other at a bank.
I was doing just fine, until my friend Don Reist invited me to go to Europe on a cattle boat, I couldn't say no, and he said it was an opprotunity of a lifetime so, I said, "What the heck, I'll go" and that's the begginning of how my life changed.
It was in August in 1945, when I went on my first adventure as a Seagoing cowboy, I just arrived on August 14, when the Pacific War ended and me and Don got our seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W. Wooster and headed for Greece-with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay for us to feed them.
The next day I turned 18 before arriving in Greece and I realized that I could be drafted for military service, so instead I drafted myself and by the time it was 1947, I had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy, I helped many people while stopping, but most inportantly I hope that you can also help people just how me and Don did.
So, in conclusion, just become a Seagoing Cowboy, because it opened the world up to me and gave me a grateful opportunity, and It can make you more aware of people of other countries and their needs. | 12
d3aaf6d | "Unmasking the face on mars" this is a natural landform and you can't argue it i'm going to make you believe with these facts your about to recieve. On May 24, 2001 witch was 25 years ago something happended around Mars. NASA's V1 spacecraft was circling the planet, getting photos for landing sites for V2, when it spotted a shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous
head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be looking back at the cameras from a red planet called Cydonia. A few days after it was spotted by NASA they unveiled the image for all to see. They noted it was a 'huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human face. Althought few scientists believed the face was an alien artifact, photo of cydonia became a priority for NASA. And so on April 5, 1998 Mars global surveyor flew over cydonia for the first time snapped a picture then times sharper then the originals then later on the web they revealed . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. | 12
71aefb8 | My position on the driverless cars is positive. In todays time driving has become a nesesaty. You have to drive to get around anywhere. Acceddents happen and accidents will still happen its not the car its the perso whom is driving. Sould you be hadycapped or sck,or having issues with your sight. The Driverless Cars are a more safe and enviromental transportation system. Think about it it would be more safe for everyone. In the passage it states that they are so safe that their cars have driven half a million miles without a single crash or accident.
in the driverless car it has a rotation mirrorsensor int he roof. avideo camera mounted near the rearview mirror,four automotive radar sensors,a GPS reciever,andan intertail motion sensor all of wich in a regular simple car these delecasies for safty are not nearly mimicated. Now those sensors can respond to out of controlskids or rollovers. the information from the sensors can make the car apply brakes if they are needed o stop. It can also reduce power from the engine,allowing far better response ad control that a ¨huma driver¨ could manage on his own.
I quote the passege ¨while the driver watches the road the car watches the driver¨. | 12
2e1bf25 | Dear. mr. sentor
The electoral college is it right that you have speaker that deside for you? when we pick a presendent when have to think about the out come ad what will change and what is he planig on doing it we elect him. Everone in office basicly decides what where going to do nobody has a say in it. They tell us where we go in war they ca start something they mihgt think they can finish but everyone will be aganist them or they decide who going to war or not and if we come home to see our family.
So think about wen we go to elect someone think about your futher and how it mhite be if they sit in the big chair. also when you go to vote do who desides if we want them to speak for our state teaxes has 34 electors to speake for you and tot ell you about how things are going to ran. But why you mhite ask? because that who you voted for with out even relizing it when you choses president you chosesing you life basicaly
When we trun 18 we all as american citezens have the right to vote but who are you voting for we leave in a non-democratic country where everthing is not ran by one person but sevral and is that right to have other poeple speak for how your life wants to be. most of you say no but that the world we live in today and all of this is based on a populaty vote.
A dispute about the outcome an Electoral collage is possible but vary hard to because you may have other poeple wanting it but may not see it your way. Every electal vote needs a presdintal vote to so if we do the math you have a state and a country aginst you so the odds arent in your favor. Now there is a method called winner takes all and it basicaly what they say gose!
Do you think you should have poeple deciding you faith? Poeple like the presedent or the electoral collage. So you may not know where your life is headed but is it ok to have them choses your life off of some vote you had no clue you picked him. well then do agree whit the electoral college.
0d34dea | Luke was a great guy he was a Seagoing Cowboy who worked 2 jobs so as, grocery store and bank. He thought things wouldn't be well after he got done with his graduation. Boom! Something changed, it was a opportunity for him so let me tell you.
One day his frend Don asked him do u want to go on a Europe cattle boat with me. Luke said yes because he thught it would been a nice thing to do. After that Luke and Don seen that the UNRRA were looking for Seagoing Cowboys to help out with animals that were are shipped overseas. So Luke and Don signed up, they knew it wouldn't hurt to try something new.
Trips, yes trips Luke went to several places he went to Europe and China. Also, went to Venice and got to ride the gondola ride he even seen a castle in Crete he thought it was beautuful. Ah forget he went to Panama Canal too, well I dont know what that is but seems intresting though.
Seagoing Cowboy, it was alot of work but it turned out really fun. Luke said it was more then a adventure. A opportunity to try something new and helping other and spending the with new friends. Saying yes was good after all.
So i hope you liked it how Luke had a awesome time. Thinking it wouldn't be good after graduation but well it did. So thank you for reading hope it put intrest on your face. | 01
3c56be8 | The electoral college has many reasons it should stay , but more reasons why it should be gone. The electoral college is giving people false hope in the election, yet many people think there choosing the president , or they have voice when really the choose the electors who choose the president. The election should be chosen by popular vote afterall it is the peoples "say" who runs there country.
In the electoral college who really has a voice apparently not the people. In the article "What is the Electoral College " author "The Office Of The Federal register" it proclaims " You help choose your state electors when you vote for president because when you chose your canditate you actually vote for your candidates electors. It is evident that many people really not dont know who there "voting" for in the democratic government . We have discovered the decision isn't in the people hands , but did we think about how "the electors could always defy the will of the people" in the article "The Indefensible Electoral College" author Bradford Plumer says , and he makes a valid point no matter if your candidate wins by a landslide the electors still choose who becomes president.
Another reason why the electoral college should be changed into popular vote is because each has a diffrent amount of electors. If you thought not being able to actually your president was wrong, but what about your state having fewer or more electoral votes ,and thats the deciding factor on if your candidate wins. Author of the " The Indefinsible Electoral College" Pulmer states "at the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voter, because of the winner-take -all system in each state,candidates dont spend time in states they know thaey hace no chance in winning". The electoral college should be done away with imediately not only is the democratic system is not so democratic , but its not letting the peoples voice be heard.
Futhermore it is evident that the election should be based on popular votes. And if its based on popular votes the people voices will be heard , and they will actually have a say in which candidate wins . And isn't that why America is so special because it lets peoples voices be heard. Dont take that distinctive factor away because it makes
The United states
Of America what it is today "
". | 34
1f3ac05 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", it shows how Venus actually is. It tells of how dangerous it is to explore, and learn more about. However, it also explains the importance of knowing about Venus. Here are some of the reasons stated on why it's important to know and learn more bout Venus.
First, it is thought Venus was once more Earth-like. It's believed that long ago it was covered in oceans. Also having features, such as, valleys, mountains, and craters, similar to the ones on earth. This excites and fascinates astronomers working on exploring Venus.
Second, Venus is sometimes our nearest planet to us. Venus, Earth, and Mars orbit at different speeds, causing Venus to sometimes be our nearest planet.
Which is a huge consinderation in exploring it, becaus eof long times of space travel. It is also known as Earth's twin because it is close in size and density.
Lastly, NASA is already working on a way to seend humans to Venus to study. NASA thinks a solution to the hostile enviroment is to let scientists float above the fray. If a vehicle could float above Venus, you could avoid its hostile enviroment. It allows them to stay up and away from danger. Though the temperatures and pressure wouldn't be easy, they would be survivable.
Therefore, exploring Venus is a good idea despite the dangers. We've already put a lot of work into developing plans to explore Venus, plus all the work we've already done to get them information we have. Venus is one of our closet planets, which is good keeping in mind the long time of space travel. | 23
a752c11 | The use of the technology Facial Action Coding System in the classroom is useful and can help improve the students learning by knowing their emotions like if they are bored or interested in the lesson. By knowing the students emotions at all times, the teacher can how to improve the lesson and even help a student who may be sad, but is not telling anyone. This technolgy could prove to be very valuable in the classroom because it is able to detect if the student is understanding the lesson and if he is not then the the the classroom computer can modify the lesson,''A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored''. Knowing the students emotions can be benefical to the teachers and students because that way they know how to help them if they are stuck on a problem or are sick and have to go to the nurse. By having this technology in the classroom it will improve the students education and test scores because the teacher will know if they are struggling on a certain subject or equation, which then allows the teacher to help the student improve their skills in the certain area or subject. Using this technology will make students excited for school because they know they will get additional help, now that they can read their emotions and the teacher will know how to approch them if they need help. Even though the teacher might have a hard time telling a student's emotions by their facial expression,now they got some help from the Facial Action Coding System which reads facial expressions to find your emotion. Not only can it tell your emotions , but it can calculate the percent like 80 percent happy and 20 percent sad. | 23
bc3cab8 | I think that the idea of using driverless cars in the future sounds unsafe because of risks of not using them with drivers. The risks of driving a car without a driver are like the risks of driving a car with a driver.
The risks of driving include going over the speed limit, driving through a red traffic light, and driving into somebody crossing the street. Going over the speed limit can lead to the police putting the person speeding under arrest. Driving through a red traffic light can end up with the driver go into somebody else or making them stop. Driving into somebody crossing the street can send the person crossing the street into the hospital and the driver charged with it. An example of a risk done by driving is while Dad is taking me to school, somebody made him stop by going through a red traffic light just when he is about to go and it was not the driver's turn.
Sergey Brin may think driverless cars may change the world fundamentally, but I think they may change the world unsafely. He may say they would go in 2020, but I say they should not appear in 2020 at all. With all of the accidents driverless cars can cause, I have to say no to the idea of using such things. If there is somebody crossing the street and a driverless car goes by without noticing the person walking, there is a chance that the driver can be charged for not paying attention if the person gets sent to the hospital. If a driverless car goes through a red traffic light and crashes into somebody, then the driver can be put under arrest for not taking a turn of driving it.
Driverless cars may have technology like other machines, but they can malfunction and result in causing accidents that normal cars can cause. If the GPS receiver starts malfunctioning and starts heading towards a cliff with the driver not paying attention to the situation, there is a high chance the driver can get into big trouble. If the video camera starts malfunctioning and somebody in another car is speeding, the driver cannot get it to work properly after stopping and the other driver drives into the driverless car. If the wheel starts malfunctioning and loses control, there is a good chance the driver will get seriously hurt and hospitalized for it while losing the car. Like all kinds of machines, driverless cars can get out of control and not into good use for the owner of the cars.
I chose safety over driving in my future and I tell myself that safety is more important than anything just to ensure it will be in my adulthood. | 34
d507ed3 | The computer software is very valuable. It can calculate diffrent emotions, it can tell if the smile is fake or not, and it can show varying degrees of expression. The new computer software can recognize if your friend is happy or not.
The software can calculate diffrent emotions. On paragraph 3 it says that Eckman has classified 6 basic emotions, happyness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. This means that the computer can calculate which emotion is showing the most by calculating the muscel movement. The emotion that has the most percent is the emotions that your freind or someone is most likey showing.
The computer can also detect if your smile is real or not. In paragraph 8 its says ''if the zygomatic is streched sideways then you are fake smiling. The zygomatic is a muscel in your face that can make you smile and if you stretch it sideways then the smile is fake. If you were to be mad you could fool your friends but not fool the computer.
The computer can show the percent in which you are smiling. Paragraph 5 it states that the computer software stores simular antomical information as an electronic code. The code enters in the computer and it reads the code to tells you the percent of youe emotions. It dosnt take a long time at all it reads your face with a 3-D scanner.
The computer software is very valuable. It can tell a lot of emotions that you or your friend has. Wouldn't you wanna know how happy or sad you or your friend are? The computer would just do everything for you instead of you asking questions about your friend or you friend asking questions about you. | 23
5051480 | Google confounder Sergey Brin believes that driverless cars could be fundamentally change in the world.
Google has had cars that help a driver since 2009 but still doesn't drive by its self. There shouldn't be cars driving theirselfs around. There would be an accident or a techonolgy problem that could cost someones live. Google wouldn't take the responsibility for that it would try to protect themself.
First, In paragraph 4 it said, "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel.". Don't think a lot of people would feel safe, do you? Probably there would be many people against it because who would feel safe knowing a machine drives by it's self .
Then, in paragraph 5 it said, "The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone.". How can they be sure there wouldn't be techology problems when the car is driving by itself? would well take responsibility for someone that's been in an accident? People will be having many questions about this driverless car. How can people know they will be safe.
Next, in paragraph 7 it said, "...BMW announced the develpment of "Traffic Jam Assistant"... non of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill...GM has developed driver's seats the vibrate when vehicle is in danger of backing into an object..." Having a assistant is fine but what if the driver can't avoid something on time or when its backing out accidently hit someone else. Who's fault would it be the car or the driver?
In conclusion people should be against the driverless cars. We will never know when a techologyical problem can happen and we may not be ready. People should consider not making any driverless cars, there's already too many accidents with humans driving. | 23
bacae94 | Google has had cars that could drive independently since 2009 under certain conditions . Driverless cars would have a huge impact in our world today with both a positive and negative affect. Google cofounder Serger Brin belives that the future of driveless cars a form a future of public taxi system. This would have a postiive affect because the cars would half of the fuel of todays taxi and would more flexible than a bus. Driverless cars are coming soon and has been used before, these will soon be able to help us and change the world, they will soon change the way we look at cars today.
Google cars have been known to drive more than half a million miles without a crash . This showes that they are safe but arent completly driveless. The use of driverless cars beneifits use because they arent driverless in certain conditions. These are arent driverless and require the use of the driver conditions like pulling in and out of driveways, getting through complicted traffic issue, and getting through road work. This will have a negative affect because they should be able to work under all condition of driving. Driverless cars can have negative aspect and positve aspect on the driving laws . In a negative way these cars cant function in certain areas and this can disrupt driving , it is also illgeal to even test computer driven cars in most states, and in a postive way these are allowed to be tested in most states and upgraded to the point of the driver can receive alters to notify them on things.
In 2016 Telsa has projected the use of a computer driven car, with 90 percent of autopilet driving system an used most of the time. otyher cars like Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan have pakned to relase the version of a computer driven car in 2020. These cars a ere soon to realese and they will help with many driving difficulties that we encounter today. This will have a positive outcome in our world. | 23
a411b28 | First of all,Driverless cars are a great idea to have in the future because it helps prevent alot of accidents and would be cool to have. I think they should do more stuff to the driverless car like add a entertainment center so the driver would be entertained and more people would probably be interested in buying one in the future. Driverless cars would be wonderful to have in the future because they can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves without a human having to do anything and it would notify a human driver to take over when the situation requires.
Also, manufactures are considering to use cameras to watch the driver while the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver so that the driver is not texting or doing other things while driving, which would prevent accidents or being pulled over and given a ticket. A negative thing about having a driverless car is that drivers would get bored when waiting for their turn to drive. But, some manufactures hope to bring in some car enterainment and information systems so that the driver would be entertained in having something to do when they´re not driving.
Finally, driverless cars would be great to have in the future because it has all this new technology inside that would keep you safe and entertained when you´re not driving. Although, driverless cars has some negative things about it that would need work on but overall, I would reccomend it to people to buy in the future. Also, this specific car would help prevent alot of accidents and deaths from a regular car because a driverless car has a camera to watch what you´re doing so you are safe. | 12
13d0391 | I think that getting told how you feel by a computer is fucked. computers shouldnt knoiw how we feel that some pedofile shit right there. fuck that dude i dont need a computer telling me how i feel. But right now in really hungry. You guys should tell NN to get better food it would help out alot if we ate food that wasnt moldy. if we really need to be here in this shit hole at least let us have so damn WIFI because this is bs. last year we were all good when we got the WIFI.
but now they done did takeded that away from us. It juat all depends on how we look at it. Like this school is stiraght garbage. i would rather go to hell then to be in here. Even people that are in jail dont have to pay for there meals that shits free to them. but i cant say shit because there food sucks dick too.
if the state can see this send me a letter to the school so i can know that you can really see my shit. i think that i could do good on this test id=f i really tried but im not a pussy try hard i just do the most that i can do. usualy thats nit alot tho because fuck 12 nigga i hope if you can see this your black in sorry. but what is uo with the purple koolaid you thinkin that you sippin on kean or some shit. and the watermelon yall niggas can eat a damn watermelom. you can go back to africa ill go back to mexico.
this test is boo boo {fucking garbage}. get us better food and ill find a way to pay you guys back with the money from my taxes your fucking cunt.
The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you’re happy or sad. this shits taking to long i just wanna go home and beat my meat to some fire my dude. if your a girls grading my shit do you have fat boobs and a fat ass. if you do you know where to find me. but if your ugly get fucked. im sorry but thats just how its suppose to be no ugly bitches. if your a dude and you have a daughter my age ill pound if you want.
By the way, did making a happy face in this experiment also make you feel slightly happy? According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. (“Putting on a happy face” actually works!) A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Empathy (feeling someone else’s emotional state) may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person’s | 01
8ceea76 | With a time like this, your country needs you most. That is one of the many reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, you will see amazing sights, and have fun while you work.
When you join the program, you will have opportunities to see parts of the world you never thought you would see. You will see Europe, China, and even Greece. You an even take a gondala ride in Venice, Italy, or marvel at the sight of the Panama Canal. You can see th Acropolis in Greece and castles in Crete. But those are not the only benifits. Even tough taking care of animals is hard work, you still have time to have fun. When we unload the animals, We often do things to pass the time where we used to keep them. Games like baseball, volleyball, and even table-tennis tournaments.
We sometimes do boxing, fencing, whittling, reading, and other games.
When you join the Seagoing Cowboys you will open up a world of opportunities. But it is much more than just an adventure, it opens up the world to you. | 12
726d43a | the usage of this new technology to read emotion has alot of potential for many things. It can read off your emotion even if your faking your smile, frown, etc. The use of this technology to read the emotional expression of students in a classroom is valuable because it can benefit the students learning, it can make learning more enjoyable and can help the student with any conflict they are facing inside or outside of school.
This new usage of technology can be used to benefit many people. This new technology can benefit students by being able to know their emotional expression and how they feel that day this can lead to teachers helping cheer up the class if the majority are not doing the best. this could also detect the stress/worried emotion in a student letting a teacher now that they may be overworking their students. This is similar to how
they said ¨you could probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by looking on her face.¨ if a teacher knew directly how stressed/worried you were they might slow down or postpone due dates for later dates.
This new technology can make the student into a new person and change their learning expierences. This new technology to read the emotional expressions of students can make a class enjoyable. For instance if you are not enjoying a class and or the class has always been boring or you know that you struggle in that subject this new technology can change that. This new technology can sense the emotions you feel class and inform the teacher on how you feel leading to the teacher making changes to the class or how he teaches. This was best explain when the article stated ¨A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, ¨Dr. Huang predicts. ¨Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor". this explains it all and how a teacher could use this to their advantage.
The usage of this new emotional expression reading technology could detect emotions that could cause dangerous things. for instance they can help a student who may be dealing with something outside or inside of the school. This new technology can help prevent bullying, schoolshootings, self-harm, etc. If this technology is implanted anytime soon it could save many peoples lives. this new technology even has the power to " Indicate the difference betweem a genuine smile and a forced one.¨ this could really identify any troubled students and prevent them from doing anything risky
Overall this technology could really benifit all schools around the world. They have the potential to change learning, make students happier, prevent dangerous activity and develop new ways of learning. If this tech was implanted many years we could have prevented lots of bullying, shootings and sef-harm. | 34
101b994 | I think that the Facial face Coding System is a good thing because it can tell other peoples emotions. Also not everyone will have the same emotion. Another reason would be that the face scanner wouldnt mess up because it gets all of your face bones. Their is a doctor who studies all the basic emotions what are called happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear and sadness and the doctor who descovered these are Dr. Paul Eckman and they all had charcterastics movements such as your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrow when your suprised. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. We always perform this same impressive calculation every day. For instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look of their face. Meanwhile muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crows feet around your eyes. According to the faial feedback Theory of Emotion moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them. Some of this may happen because we unconsciously imitate another persons facial expressions. whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions! | 01
e2797ec | Alot of ignorant theorists claim that us, NASA, is purposely editing these photos and spewting lies to the general public to hide evidence of alien civilization. One of these people is this man, named Billy Bob. Billy Bob claims that a few blurred photos immediately mean that there used to be civilization on Mars. So, how about you guys help me convince that Billy Bob here, is wrong. So let's get started!!!!
So once upon a time, in 1976, we sent an MGS to take photos of Mars. One of these said photos, with our technology at the time, blurred different parts and shadows of a Martian butte or mesa to look like a face. A few days later, we, "Unveiled the image for all to see". We reasoned that this human-esque photo was going to enchant the public and attract attention to Mars, which it ineed did!!!
The "Face of Mars" has appeared in various forms of media for twenty-five years. Some think it immediately proves an ancient civilization on Mars. There are many here at NASA that wish it was true, but alas it isn't. Few of us believe in the Face. Years after, with a ten times sharper camera, we got a great shot of it, revealing it to be a natural landform.
But the problem is that many conspiracy theorists still try to bring in people to their rediculous false theory using either a)No evidence to support their claim or
b)Extremely bad evidence that has no sense to it, such as; The theory saying that we are trying to hide the ancient civilization of Mars to somehow benefit us. How rediculous is that?!?! First of all, how, in what way, would that benefit us? Second of all, wouldn't it benefit us if it was a civilization? Because with active evidence of aliens, the government would most likely fund a great expedition to Mars to either examine the remnants of this old civilization, or to see if they are still there, to perhaps set up peaceful relations with this new alien race of sentient lifeforms.
Now, there are many other theories to somehow suggest that the Face is real, but the simple debunking of that one should be able to prove that the Face isn't even a face, but a simple natural landform that got blurred with old technology. Plus, not only that, but I doubt that anyone wants this type of "rant" to go on any longer. So, I'd say that Billy Bob has learned the truth, wouldn't you? | 34
f834b3c | The effect of cars in our world today has grown tremendously. As companies create new models of various cars, buyers don't often think twice about how these cars hurt the environment and cause serious global emissions. The production of "Hybrids" is the first step to solving this problem. The advantages of limiting car usage can result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community.
Pollution amounts have skyrocketed in the past several years. Due to the increase in the amount of people on the road using motor vehicles, pollution has increased and is becoming more of a threat than ever before. In Vauban, Germany, a new community has been constructed, and contains suburban pioneers that have given up their cars. They are devoted to taking public transit, such as city buses, or even personal vehicles like a bicycle. "As a result, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) The residents of this community are committed to preserving Earth by limiting their car usage to reduce pollution. Pollution is a harmful matter that can cause negative effects to an area. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Car-Free Cities, Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars.) When you limit the amount of time you use your car, not only does it reduce pollution, but it also saves you money, now that you are not paying a monthly fee, or taxes on the car, or for gas every month.
In the exquisite community in Vauban, Germany, many of those people have gotten rid of their car, and are now probably saving extremely high amounts of money. Between highway tolls, gas, oil changes, insurance, and the overall monthly payment on a car, these residents are saving so much money because they are not paying for all of these necessities. When they travel, they use public transit, like the city bus, which costs a fraction of what car owners pay. Paris is trying to limit the amount of individual transportation due to the smog in the area, so they made a deal. "Public transit was free of charge from Friday to Monday, according to the BBC." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) People taking public transit are saving even more money now. Due to the intense smog in Paris, and the busy streets, a limit was set for the amount of drivers allowed on the road throughout the week. "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined, according to Reuters...Twenty-seven people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Compared to the amount of money car owners spend, people without a car save a lot more money.
With the reduction of car usage, a safer community will result as well. The amounts of accidents will be substantially lower. With fewer cars on the road, the risks of car crashes greatly decrease. Many accidents result in impatience at the wheel, and careless drivers. "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog..." (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog.) Bogota, Columbia created a day for no car usage and it turned out to be a very big success, spreading across borders and leaving an impression on other countries about how limited car usage positively effects the environment. "It was the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in this capital city of 7 million. The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Violators faced $25 fines." (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota.) Countries across the globe are attempting to limit car usage, and it will begin to greatly help the environments. "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture.)
The effect of cars today is not a positive thing, except for hybrid cars. Countries are beginning to limit car usage and soon we will see the impact and changes in the enviromments due to car reduction. Clearly, the advantages of limiting car usage result in a decrease in pollution, a more relaxed personal budget, and a safer community. | 34
0f20721 | In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative ideas of driverless cars. Some say that driverless cars will be the future to public transportation, but others think that dirverless cars should be illegal even to test on roads. The development of driverless cars should be illegal.
Google has had cars that could drive indepently but under very specific conditions. Google's driverless cars are not truely driverless. These cars still require a driver to navigate in and out of driveways and if there is complications in traffic such as contructions sites. The driver must stay alert at all time is complications are ahead of them.
For some smart cars there must be electrical cables sending signals to the car. But without the opition of smarter roads manufacturers how will the car sense what is ahead? The manufactors would have to install more motion sensors, which requires more money and time that people do not have. Humans are far better off to control the car, rather the car control them.
The driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. Lawmakers know the right way to get the alert the drivers if something is happening ahead. Most traffic laws are written with the conclusion that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. For most states it has been illegal to even test ccomputer-driven cars.
Though some people believe that driverless cars should be legal to develop and drive.Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions that the driverless cars will be the future of public transportation. The use of driverless cars can decrease the use of gasoline and can be less harmful to the community. If driverless cars become popular there will be less accidents. Yet the people would still have to navigate the cars into or out of driveways and through construction sites.
The author of this article presents the reader with a positive and a negative aspects of driverless cars. some people believe is a great idea to develop these cars, But technology always has a down fall to it, if someone is injured by the driverless car who is to blame. | 34
0a67e11 | Hello Senator of the state,
I think we should change the Electoral College to the election by popular vote because whats really the point in having people vote for president if it doesn't contribute hardly any to which person gets elected?
The Electoral College in highly unfair to voters simply because of the winner-take-all system. Voters vote for a slate of electors to choose instead of the president him/herself. Although the electors could be anyone not holding public office. Sometimes State Convetions, State Party's Central Committee, and sometimes the Presidential Candidate's themselves choose the electors. Which also is not fair because they could choose a party who favors them and their party to win, or help the president win the election. In
Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong mentions "The single best argument against the Electoral College is what we might call the 'Disaster Factor.' ... Back in 1960, segregationist in the Lousiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote would have not gone to Kennedy) Perhaps not worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote, in that case the State Delegate would vote on the president and the senate would choose the vice-president.
But on the flip side there are "five reasons for retaining the Electoral College regardless of it's lack of domocratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons."
Certainty Of Outcome
- a dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote.
Everyone is President
- a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states because he wouldn't gain electoral votes in states he already won over, so he went to other regions to try to win them over to gain more electoral votes.
Swing States
- the winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates.
Big States
- other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does.
Avoid Run-Off Elections
- the Electoral College avoids problems of elections in which no candidiate receives a majority of the votes cast.
It can be argued that the Electoral College is the better route to go but it could cause voters to turn away on voting for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state, and knwoing their vote will have no affect they will have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. | 23
0cdf1ff | Having a new technology that can detect facial expression is not valuable in classrooms. Having technology that can detect when a student is enjoying a specific lesson or action, is not valuable due to the fact that the student's facial expression may have more to do with than just the lesson being learned. The Facial Action Coding System would be able to tell if a student is sad or happy, or frusterated, or disgusted. But it does not have the technology to determine prior emotions, or the cause of them. Therefore, Facial Action Coding Systems are not valuable in classrooms. However they may be useful elsewhere, such as doctors offices, and airports.
Although the author gives a practical use of his product, "A classroom computer could recognize when a studnet is becoming confused or bored." Students go through a fair amount of stress throughout the year, and can witness or partake in many activities which can be detromental. This is where the author's claim is no longer valid.
For instance, maybe a second grader gets into school one day, and is distrought because his or her mom and dad got in a divorce the night prior. This is a scenario where the Facial Action Coding System is not going to be able to benefit the kids learning based off of his or her facial expressions. Another example includes highschoolers. What if a boy or girl is being bullied and not reaching for help and bottling all of their emotions in. A system that recognizes facial expression would not be worth having at that time because the system would base its opinion off of what the student is learning, even if the student may be enjoying what they are learning. This is just one case where the Facial Action Coding system would not be valuable.
Although the Facial Action Coding System may not be useful in school classrooms, their is practical application outside of the classroom. For instance, what if a little kid gets signed out of school because they are sick. The mom would most likely take the kid to the doctors to get them examined, if they are truly sick the Facial Action Coding System may be useful to tell if the kid is truly sick, or if they are most likely faking it, prior to the actual visit with the doctor. It may also be useful in principals offices. The Facial Action Coding System may be of use when a student makes a report. If the students emotions can be told as angered, or distraught, it may further prove that the student is actually being truthful, not just trying to get someone in trouble.
Another great use of the Facial Action Coding System is in airports around the world. The system could be of use to tell if someone is of threat or is in an unstable condition prior to boarding the plane. Airport officials could analyze reults of suspected threats before allowing them on a plane. This application would be more practical than it being used in classrooms.
Although I believe that the Facial Coding System is not of use in classrooms, the technology would be great if applied elsewhere. The authors opening sentence in paragraph nine may be the solution to classrooms. "Putting on a happy face actually works." This small quote may help lighten a students day more so than a system trying to fix what is wrong by changing what they are learning. | 45
c44350f | Luke Bomberher had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working a two part-time jobs in a grocwry store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.
When Luke and Don got there they were so happy. That is when Luke relized that he wanted to serve there.
Lukealso wanted to help. He says that seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. That is one of the reasons why he wants to serve and help.
Helping out on Luke's aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared him for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea. On his second trip, Luke served as night watchman. His job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slipperu ladder on his backside. Likes heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. He was safe.
Luke is now a Seagoing Cowboy snd is much more adventurous. It opened the eorld to him, and now Luke Bomberger is reslly happy.
These are some reasons from the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves, " and why he wanted to join the program. | 12
f2b3076 | Its a great idea to have something read what your're feeling. That way teachers can know what there students are feeling. That can also help the teacher to find ways to help the student.
The person reading the other person feelings can know how that person is feel so that way they can help them out. Like if the person is feeling sad,mad,or similar feelings like that they will know that they have to try to find a way to cheer them up.
This would be a great expirces that teachers can try and also students,other people. Peolpe can learn new things like how to cheer up a friend. Or how to make someone feel better.
This is a good resorceful way to use technolgy. We should be using technoligy for good not bad and this would be a good way. That way from this expirement we can learn to make other ways to use it for good. | 12
a608acf | Everyone has dreamed about aliens living on mars at least once in their life. As exciting as it would be to discover living beings on mars, there is no evidnece today that would support that theory. Here at NASA, we have been debating this topic for more than thirty years. The Face could not have been created by aliens because there are no alien markings and there are landforms very similar to the Face here on Earth.
When analyzing a digital image, you can dicern things 3 times larger than the actual pixel size. If aliens had created the Face, there would be some kind of marking that the aliens would have made. On our 2001 trip to the big red planet, we used our best cameras with their absolute maximum resolution. The images that we took showed no sign of any martian markings. This proves that aliens could not have created the Face on Mars.
Here on Earth we have many different types of landforms. One of which looks very similar to the Face on Mars. This landform is called a Mesa. These landforms here weren't created by living beings. They were created by natural causes, like erosion. So, since the landforms here weren't made by creatures, why would the landform on Mars have been made by creatures? There is no evidence that proves the Face could have been created by alien life forms.
In conclusion, although everyone here on Earth would love to discover that the Face was created by aliens, there is no evidence that can prove that theory. There are not any alien markings and there are landforms on Earth that look very similar to the Face on Mars. | 23
c0679f5 | Venus simple to see from a distants but very hard to see up close. Astronomers are very facinated by this planet. Before venus had an average temperature over 800 degrees fahrenhit and an atmostphereic pressure that is 90 times greater than ours is here on earth. Astronomers think it was alot like earth with big oceans and they think it could have supported forms of life like we have here. NASA is working on other approaches to study venus. "Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been testeed in a chamber simulationg the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for 3 weeks in these conditions"(venus 7). This is a challenge that Scientist and astronomers should definetly look into. "Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors"(venus 8). | 01
0a31858 | The author do it a very good job, because, its very elaborate
Firts, the thougth of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not requiere electronics at all, and then maybe this issue explains why not single spaceship has touched down on Venus's in more thn three decades, numerous factors contribute, to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us.
However, peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited inshigt on ground conditions becuse most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, renderig standard forms of photography and videography ineffective, more importantly researchers are maybe we should think of them as challenges, many researchers are working on innovations that would allow allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of venus.
my conclusion is this essay is very specific, because we need learn, about The Challenge of Exploring Venus. | 01
9aa26b9 | Luke's particapation in the seagoing cowboys program allowed him to experience adventure and visit many unique places. luke visited very unique places like China,Italy,Europe, and even Greece. In the text it says that luke knew it was the oppertunity of a lifetime. This evidence proves that in the program seagoing cowboys Luke was visiting many unique places. In conclusion, people like Luke can help change the world and have fun while doing it.
Luke joined the program because he wanted to help other countries recover there food supply and animals. i know this because the text says he cared for animals which is what kept him busy. This evidence proves that luke is very caring. The text also states that he slipped down the ladder and broke his rids. This evidence proves that he was still caring even though he cracked his rib because he still was helping feed them and help them as much as he could. One of the last reasons why that seagoing cowboys place allowed him to visit unique places is because he got to go to China ,Greece,Italy, and Europe. How many people do you know that can do that on a daily basis. In conclusion,luke is a very hardworking person and he deserves whatever comes to him.
In conclusion, Luke is very hardworking. Luke is also very brave and couragous. Luke is very dedicated to what he does. All of this evidence proves that the seagoing cowboys place can go a long way. I wish more people in life were more like him and then we would know peace. | 12
5a99050 | venus is consideree as a planet beause it's the second planet on hour solar system bt it have something difference to the other planets on our solar system, venus orbit at a different speed around the sun. we said the venus is the second planet in our solar system so that means it's the closest planet to the sun but sometimes it can be located right at the
venus has been a difficult planet to humans to study, it's so challenging.
something that makes venus challenging is that a thick atmostphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanked venus,
in my on opinion it's something good because it can protect animals and other things that live in venus bus i also think it's something bad because it do not let humans to visit and learn about that planet because it could be dangerous for humans because no body knows what can happen to humans if they try to live in other panets like if their were living at the Earth because the atmospheric preasure is 90 times greater than in te Earth, sohumans would'nt survive to the preasure of that atmosphere.
i think that if humans start like experience they may one they visit other planets. | 01
e9b0d70 | My position on driverless cars is that im against the developing of these car because of what they bring. Things like this would probably cause chaos. More than likely to have accidents and whos fault would it be. Some situations with these driverless cars can also be crutial. Im against it because the laws, what wil happen after a accident, and how these things would actually work.
If the law focuses on how safety works and keeping everyone in the car safe, what if theres a malfunction and theres a accident ? Then who will get the blame for it ? The way it will work is if a human driver is in control right, but then the driverless car looses control or has a breakdown who will be affected ? The developer or the ones in the driverless car. The traffic laws are for someone to be in control of the car so therefore it is safe. Maybe a change in laws can solve this problem and conflict that may possibly happen.
Accidents happen daily, so will the driverless decrease the chances of that happening ? In my opinion is that technology goes wrong here and there not always but it happens. If these cars arent deveoped the proper way where theres accidents daily, who gets the blame. I personally think that the developer and the one who had the idea to make this should take a part in it. Why ? Simply because if you took the time to make something so cool and fun, it should also reach state safety laws. When accidents happen and if its the drivers fault they get blamed for it right ? So if this driverless car where there is no driver who get the blame for a injury, the driver or manufacturer.
How will this driverless car even work or be developed. The car is gonna have a sensor input system to take over when in traffic. Sensors arent really the best thing to have because something can cause it to stpo it from working then what happens there. If you still need to be in the driver seat and paying attention to the road what is the purpose of this developement ? It has its own brakes but you can take turns, but cant you do that in a normal car just takes alittle bit more time. This driverless car isnt a bright idea just because of the way it works and the problems it can cause.
Im against it because the laws, accidents and what can possibly happen, and the way this technology might take place. States are gonna have to change safety laws which in some the car needs to be proven to be safe. The accidents and the way things will be faced and who will be blamed is gonna be insane in most peoples opinion. The way technology might take place is also gonna be a factor because it can go wrong if not built right. Therefore im not so convinced about the developing on this driverless car. | 34
e3f11a5 | Cars Driving Themselves?
How efficient could a car be with nobody behind the wheel? Many automobile companies like, Gerneral Motors and Berkeley, are contemplating the creation of a driverless car. A driverless car would require no help accerlerating, steering, braking, or any other task. A prototype has been created by Google's cofounder, Sergey Brin, who hopes to reduce the use of taxis and busses. If driverless cars are created, disaster will be the only task achieved.
For starters, companies will spend far too much money on trying to create this dream car of theirs. According to paragraph 4 in the "Driverless Cars Are Coming" reading, these cars will require many sensors, which are not cheap. Wasting money on uncertain creations, like this one, will ruin the company's budget plan. Of course, sensors are nothing new, but the excessive amount of money needed for them is unbelievable. No company should risk their money and, possibly, their bussiness on pure hope.
People may argue that they will never need their own car again, if a driverless car could just take them anywhere, but those people never think about how much they would have to pay for this car to take them anywhere. Yes, without a car, one would never have to pay for insurance or gas, but once those fees for the driverless car start stacking up, paying for insurance and gas would not be so bad. These cars are basically an overpriced taxi without a driver.
Safety is also a key factor. When riding in a driverless car, one is giving a computer the responsibilty of their life. According to paragraph 9, it is illegal in most states to even test driverless cars because of how dangerous they can be. Accidents are also bound to happen in these new cars, so what if the driverless car causes a severe accident? Will the owner of the car or the manufacturer be liable for the damage done? With cars driving themselves, accidents will be more likely to occur. The only positive way to keep drivers and the people around them safe is to have a human being manually driving the car.
Automakers are still testing and trying to improve the flaws of the driverless car, but they should reconsider their priorities. Companies such as, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have driverless cars by the year of 2020. These companies are putting a lot of time and money into a dangerous creation. Developing a car that could have a strong possibility of failing should not overshadow the safety of citizens. Supporting driverless cars is the beginning of giving up control. | 34
ad7c1bb | A Seagoing Cowboy is a job that you dont see that often. So why not try it out this job could change your life significantly. But if you dont want to try it then thats you choice.
The first reason this is a good job is because you can expirence awesome adventures. This is good because you get to see places youve never seen before in your life! This man got to go on an adventure to Europe to help Fix things.
The second reason this is a good job is because you get to visit uniqe places that youve never seen. This is good because sometimes nobody have seen these places. Half the people you see probably havent even heard of the places you get to see doing this job.
In conclusion this job is good but it is not meant for every body. So before you voluteer, think into it to really make sure you think this job is right for you or others. | 12
1a5babf | Commonly known as Earth's twin, Venus has many similarities to Earth but also many differences. For around 30 years, no spacecraft has been on the surface of Venus or even near the planet. Many conditions such as the atmosphere, the surface temperature, and the atmospheric pressure all contribute to why it seems that humans might never be able to live there. Along with weather such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and common lightning strikes, it seems to dangerous to be a safe place for humans to live. The dangers of this planet may hurt the case presented that Venus could be a possible place to live if we need to evacuate Earth.
Years ago, scientists believe that Venus was quite like Earth is today. It had many oceans and could support many forms of life, even though today Venus seems as if it is a dark, cold, and a dreadful planet. Though, today it still has some land forms that resemble Earth, such as valleys, mountains, and craters. It seems if there was ever a way to live there, it could resemble a home that we currently have on Earth.
Due to space travel being a good length of time, Venus is the closest planet we could escape to from Earth. There have been many spacecrafts that have been destined for Venus but have never got there, also they were no humans aboard. Once we can have a human sent to Venus it opens many doors for humans to inhabit Venus. NASA has a inticive idea for sending humans to study Venus, but it would be from a far, because of the weather, temperature and pressure from the atmosphere. But flying 30 miles in the air may not seem great conditions to live. It is shown that even though the living conditions might not be as great conditions as the ones we have on Earth, mankind would still be living and studying a planet from afar.
The author seems to show the dangers of space travel especially space travel to Venus. It seems to many people that we may never get a human near Venus. A spacecraft hasn't been able to survive a couple of hours into orbit, much less a manned spacecraft. The dangers of space may outweigh the dangers of staying on Earth. But any advancement of science will require risks, nothing can be achieved if there are no risks taken. Taking a chance and risking everything has to happen for the possibility of people living on Venus.
The health of our planet is deterorating, and it may be soon that we may not have a planet to live on, the exploration of planets especially Venus may be crucial for the survival of mankind. People are intimidated of the risks that come with explore outerspace, but we have to take risks in order to get a reward. Advancement of science and technology is crucial to the survival of humans and this Earth, hopefully we will never need to use Venus as a evacuation planet. As the author said in paragraph 8, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". | 34
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