I certainly agree with numbers 2 to 5. It's not progressive. I believe 2-5 simultaneously. Dunno what that makes me. Except, maybe, more fascinated by the phenomenon and inclined to enjoy the time I have.
Singing "How the hell can we believe you, how the hell can we believe you, how the hell can we believe you, you lie you bliksem, you lie!"
I was sarcastically referring to the Govt Hill bears.
I've said elsewhere that I remember the 1950s.
I understand, given how our elected officials have squandered our fortune on studying mega-projects that were never going to come to fruition-like the road to Juneau. On the flip side, we the Citizens of Alaska keep electing these folks, so we are to blame also.
The writer is a Tim Tredwell wannabe. Just not quite as stupid. Facts are is that most common people are scared pooless of bears and do not want them in and around Anchorage. We don't care if only one person was mauled by a bear. It will change your life, if you live, for the negative of that I can assure you. I would not give the entire population of woods pigs (bears are related to pigs) for 1 human mauled or killed. Why not hang up posters of the scars for life that mauled people have experienced at all the trail heads. Never happen! This is very much in the liberal tradition!
Ah yes, "waiver" - the new euphemism to make allowance for a one-time violation of the law so that Republicans can get exactly what they want. First it was "alt-right" to describe neo-nazi white supremicists. Now this. What next?
Reminds me of the Vanity Fair where cheeto talks about Epstein being a good friend. Just a few months before he said he didn't know him in Federal Court. Note the prosecutor in the Epstein case never checked that or prosecuted his lie under oath. Bet he has a nice condo to show for it.
Perfect example of how the Trumpinazi's are destroying this country.
Note Tony Keller's (the editorial writer) sympathy toward Obama, who allowed this entire genocide to occur. Keller reserves his bile toward Trump for perceived ills, while Trump is not yet even President. The Globe's front section is a sad caricature of the MSM.
This guy should be in jail already, don't tell me he hasn't yet committed a crime. Defrauding investors has got to be a criminal offense. Where is Chin when you need him? Is he too busy meeting with $600 hr attorneys to discuss the next appeal of Trump's EO. Seize his assets and pay back the sucker investors Chin. Do your job!
Facts are not a "vendetta" except, apparently, to Trumpsters who believe their leader's lies. See Washington Post's database of 1,316 false and misleading statements by Trump in 263 days. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?tid=a_inl&utm_term=.81a109761834
Do you have any facts, data, examples, studies, stories to support your accusations? Again you don't like government oversight and regulations are you old enough to rememeber what the rust belt and east coast was like before the EPA? Our nation is LESS polluted now than it was a half century ago, and that is a bad thing? Again if you hate government regs you can move to Haiti or Somalia or India they have no Unions or government regualtion of industry.
I got no dog in this fight. But, the fact remains that the workers at the polls violated the rules concerning the distribution of ballots. There is so much ado about printing ballots in Native languages, but, no mention of untrained and/or unqualified election workers manning the polls. Of course the State wants to railroad the results through. Less work. Of course the incumbent wants a recount. Wouldn't you? Be honest now... Had the Division of Elections ordered a do-over from the start, they would have saved the State a lawsuit. Of course, there's always the Boss. Yup. Byron Mallott, the Lieutentant Governor is the head of that division. Who does he favor in this primary? Curiouser and curiouser...
Does the Canadian Muslim Forum have any association with the Muslim Brotherhood?
In case you haven't noticed there have been several thousand forced lay-offs, relocations and retirements in the private sector. We get it, the education folks could care less. And what about that first year UAF engineering student looking for a part time summer job in the private sector, that isn't successful because there are none. But let's tax everything under the sun because we don't want them education folks to suffer one iota. We get it, it's all about greed and an absence of compassion with you folks. The children are nothing but a smokescreen attempt to hide this fact. Alaskans are tired of your old selfish arguments.
seriously-do the amish commit honourkillings upon women who leave the religion?
I think you know that most of the opposition to restructuring the Permanent Fund comes from those who object to the oil industry subsidies remaining in place. In effect half of every Alaskan's dividend check would go to finance the $700 Million in subsidies to the oil industry that would be doing the work without any encouragement because they make Billions of dollars pumping OUR oil. You know that the Governor proposed a balanced set of ideas that in total would have reduced the deficit almost to the balance point but you insist on playing the blame game by pretending the only idea put forth by the Governor was the PFD restructuring. In fact that is the only part of the Governors balanced plan that the legislature had the courage to cheer pick out and pass.
And yet probably 1/2 of my passengers are non-white. You should be careful there, your racism and bigotry are showing.
Assad may be a doctor, but doctors are just as susceptible to mental illness as anyone else, which he obviously has....
N6ke them President Trump, enough hugging, then they knife you in the back. Then all info leakers get charged with treason and are dealt with accordingly.
It would be ever so transparent to reveal the actual votes, Democrat, Republican or Independent. That may not be possible, of course. It also would be transparent to see if the double-State votes were by transients just moving or by college students.
You didn't read the article: "The meeting with his Russian counterpart [Kirill] drew Francis deep into geopolitics, and led him to condone Russia’s foreign policy and critique the West’s in ways that have infuriated some of the Catholic church’s supporters ... The joint declaration issued after the meeting hewed close to the Kremlin’s positions on the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine." When Sect. of State John Kerry went to Havana the week before, he met with dissidents and spoke about human rights. The pope did not. An April 2015 article in Il Sole 24 Ore stated the Vatican’s assets - securities, commercial real estate and bank accounts - for all its departments and offices combined “by a conservative estimate” would be around 15-17 billion euro. With approximately 400 citizens and 800 residents, that make the Vatican the wealthiest country per capita. The US gov't doesn't claim to be "poor for the poor." Other world leaders ACT to address "social justice."
Technically the IMF and the World Bank are specialized institutions of the United Nations.
Co-signed: Naomi Davidson - Washington State. Not Alaskan.
You seem to forget there are so called "rights" that contradict each other. More than a few years back, a store would carry the sign "We reserve the right to refuse service to ....". The law then changed so that the customer had the "right" to service. So "rights" of the private owner, were taken away, while "rights" were given to the customer. So in effect, the government is the one who defines the "rights" of citizens down to the most minute detail. That might be more scary, then "if you don't like the store, or company to work for, go to another store or company".
We had decades to protect our grid and harden our infrastructure for an EMP attack, and no one in power did anything other than insure their own survival. The sad fact is this....Our globalist leaders want the majority of people to die so they can re-emerge at some future date on a planet devoid of most people. They want us dead!!! That is the reality....
And no one wants to butt into the business of women and their private medical decisions. If it involved a woman who wants to remove her leg, gall bladder, arm, spleen, appendix, etc--no one cares what a woman wants to do to her body. The problem with abortion is that another human person is involved. That is where we have to butt in because we don't get to kill people and claim--it is none of anyone business that we are killing people--because the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy. The Constitution grants us the right to privacy--not the right to murder people. Apparently this reasoning was lost on the SCOTUS. That--is exactly why over education from Harvard and other elitist schools can be a bad thing. It can cause you to miss the obvious.
Except they start teaching it in 5th grade.
if Ottawa was overwhelmed, why not divert to other airports?
Not talking another 'kick the can' "deal", but the resolution of a conflict that has gone on (cold war ) for over 60 years. End the armistice, and get a peace treaty done is step one... Starting a hot war isn't going to solve anything and will likely make things a whole lot worse.
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no!
How much do you make per year?
RG: "But Tuesday, Eugene police confirmed a new detail that wasn’t mentioned the previous day — the man found was dead." - kinda a big detail to not update. WHY ARE THERE NO UPDATES FOR SO MANY STORIES? rg: "Attempts to reach Kucinski’s family were not successful. ) - Some how they never are for the RG..even when family members are posting in comments. Sounds rarely that the RG reaches out to anyone in the news - they just repeat some release. if you read carefully, the RG will give the source in kinda a back door way - the source may be at the end of the story. The whole article is quotes from a 3rd party like the cops, hospital, u of o.. when they say the party was unavailable, is there more than one phone call? the RG used to be a much, much better paper. there is very little actual reporting these days...
Before you point fingers at your favourite likely culprit, you should recall that three years ago Canadian electronic spies hacked the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy. This was revealed through a series of slides prepared by the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC). Those in turn were part of the leaked trove of information provided by Edward Snowden. Speaking at the time to the Globe and Mail, security expertPaulo Pagliusi said he was “astonished” by Canada’s hacking power. www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/canadas-hacking-power-awes-brazilian-security-expert/article14850467/ So, two points. Don't angrily accuse other countries of doing what we have long been doing ourselves. And if you think that only the Russians or Chinese would be the hackers, you are probably naive.
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol y'all in Anchortown have had it so easy for so long your comments make me laugh. You don't have near the taxes the rest of the state has and for years your legislators have obtained state money for all your projects, roads, and more. Time to actually reduce your budget if you want even fewer taxes. You actually should be paying more taxes and getting less state money.
And you, like all of us, will find out when negotiations begin.
Well that's a nice attempted deflection but it has nothing to do with what I said.
That's true. Which means what, exactly? I am one of the 3%, with 6 rifles, 1 shotgun and 2 handguns. The chances of me using them for nefarious activity is zero, as is with the overwhelming majority of the 3%. So what do we do? Round up the 3% and submit them to scrutiny? I am also appalled by these shootings and don't object to a reasonable tightening of gun laws. But I'm not interested in banning or confiscating legal weapons held by the law abiding citizenry.
So you think secession is legal? Based on what? The "...argument against secession centers on the language of Article I, Section 10, which declares that “No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation….” To proponents of this position, Article I, Section 10 unequivocally shows that the states which formed the Confederate States of America were in clear violation of the Constitution, thus invalidating their government and the individual acts of secession which led to it. Abraham Lincoln indirectly defended this position by declaring the seceding states were in “rebellion” and therefore still members of the Union. The Constitution, then, was still legally enforceable in those states, including Article I, Section 10." http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/is-secession-legal/ Given the choice of Lincoln, or a kon man, I'll go with Lincoln every time.
It's par for the course and just another sad folly the state and our law makers have led us on. Chin is using our hard earned taxpayer money to support his own personal feelings at the cost of current standing law and hardworking taxpayers. Sad!
LW: you are just wasting your time trying to reason with people like S Bellam and 907. Their one sided over the top left wing rants are out of touch with the real world. To make claims that the military is mostly there to protect corporate interests is as about unpatriotic as can be. You are well within your rights to be offended. These offensive people are really part of the problem. And never the solution. Ignore them, as they speak for but a small number of Americans. Very small! The vast majority agree with your sense of being offended.
The only reason that Sanders polls better than Trump is that Republicans are holding back the information they have on Sanders' past history in hopes he is nominated. There are reasons Republicans have never stopped attacking Clinton and have not laid a glove on Sanders, and it isn't because he is Saint Bernie. If he is nominated they will spend hundreds of millions of Koch Brothers dollars telling Americans that Sanders supported the Iranian government in 1980 while the Iranian mullahs were holding Americans hostage. They will tell us all about his support for completely removing funding for American defense. That was part of the platform of his party, the Socialist Workers Party. He was an Elector for the SWP that year. They will tell us about all his wacky theories others have referenced, but it is his past as an active revolutionary trying to undermine the US as we know it that will doom his candidacy.
Isn't the Wall going to be a run-on sentence? The cost will run-on & on & On....etc.
If the Italians leave the EU, along with the Euro currency, and go back to printing Lira, they can recapitalize their banks by having their new central bank buy up bonds issued by the banks. Such bonds may even pay negative rates ( i.e. more money going from the central bank to the Italian banks after it buys their bonds). This has the advantage that no taxpaper funds are used and no savers get 'bailed-in'. In the past this would not have been done since it would have caused massive inflation, but since modern inflation is stuck close to zero there would be little risk in giving it a try. Unfortunately, the problem will be existing debts denominated, and paid back, in Euros. That will probably require a temporary fixed Lira/Euro exchange rate that will then be allowed to float again after the Euro debts are paid back. The EU is a mess, and disentangling from it is also, unfortunately, a mess too.
I did overtime studies of Anchorage police & fire years ago. I doubt much has changed since then. The amount of overtime that APD/AFD officers received in the past could increase their total annual compensation by over 30% on top of already generous pay scales. Muni overtime rules allow the most senior officers - those earning the most because of longevity- to get “first crack” at it. So when you see police directing parking at events or other non-standard patrol duties, they are usually the most senior officers & are making a HUGE hourly overtime pay for that duty. Senior officers tend to start seeking a lot of overtime in the 3 years before their 20-year retirement timeline- because all the overtime they earn in their final 3 years of working is added into the calculation of the size of their annual retirement income. I have known APD/AFD people with retirement incomes larger than the incomes they received while working! has been true under Dem/Republican mayors both. Always.
I cannot put my finger on it exactly but I get this feeling that Trump's attack on the media is just a big "us versus them" distraction. I just don't see how it has any direct affect on policy, domestic or international. Like a bit of showman's misdirection.
Trump surely got his info on our immigration from Trudeau, he sure didn't speak to us Canadians about it.
It was a "private" business that was open to the public. There are laws that protect anyone. Tell me how this man choosing to use his religion as a reason not to serve someone, is ANY different than someone else using their religion not to serve a Jewish person, or a Muslim? Or are you OK with that also?
. " Armed attackers raided Iran's parliament in Tehran, then a suicide bomber and other assailants targeted a shrine outside the capital. Iran media report at least 12 killed, 42 injured. Islamic State claimed responsibility." -- I look forward to President Trump speaking out forcefully in defence of Iran as victims of terrorism. .
How pathetic! Typical behavior of men who dislike any organization that encourages the education, independence, and confidence building of young women!
Wait till springtime when the flood will begin. The US doesn't want these rejects for a reason. I'm hearing a lot about Somalians in Minnesota, as if the ones in Canada are any better. I'm not a bigot, I just know several cops. FACTS don't lie. Our crime rate would drop if we kicked them all out.
Oh, well, when and if it comes, it will be fast. I would not worry that much.
Much is written of Trudeau's trust fund, not to be confused with his Foundation, but it would be wise to understand where the money came from. Grandfather owned a chain of gas stations, later sold to Imperial. He has a good understanding of the business.
Just another anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist nut job... Your city water is more legislated and 100 times safer than any bottled water you can drink. Over 85 different water tests are done daily at water treatment plants in my city. There are no deadly carcinogens or toxins in my water. Educate yourself and read The Big Thirst: http://www.thebigthirst.com/the-book/
I think that the tiny house movement is a good thing , especially if it involves solar power, but for it to do well we are going to have to change our culture. When I was in grad school at UCCS back in the early 80's there was a consensus that houses should be smaller and use less resources, but what actually happened? Houses got bigger, used more resources, and local government made codes that discouraged smaller houses. Making them conform to existing codes or getting around codes is a short term solution. The codes should be changed to conform to what is needed.
all you illegal criminals, very soon you will be going to the bus station. turn in forged green card, drivers license and social security card. bye!m enjoy living in the garbage dump (mexico).
They hired her because they know they can control her like a puppet.
Is Pease Limitation the future? mixed with AMT the present?
It's fitting that "kuspuk" is misspelled "kuska" in this article as none if any of the delegates I'm aware of have any native heritage, and Republican politics is discriminatory towards all minorities, including Natives. This is a disrespectful marketing stunt.
I don't share your vision of billion dollar lawsuits, though I know that lawyers go for the gold. I found a surprising consensus about the cost of malpractice suits among a variety of sources. 30-80 billion isn't chump change, but it's a rounding error (two sources said that) considering the gigantic cost of health care. I don't want to look it up again, but I think I remember for the US it's 18% of GDP. So 1.5% of that would be 0.003% of GDP approximately. Malpractice is a constant in health care - ask any nurse. One I knew told me that a mistake in filling an IV bag with the wrong chemical killed a patient's entire gut. Of course the patient died, we need our guts. This happens from time to time, and those who are damaged need money to live, or their survivors want justice.
If ur dead ur no longer sick - Rep. Tammi Wilson has the company of like-minded Sen. Mike Dunleavy who share the goal of methodically dismembering public education rather than strengthening it.
So you live with a goat on a mountain and that's it?
Jean Chrétien? That's the idiot that gutted the military and let our dollar go down to 60 cents US.
for years the us has tried to dissuade NK from developing nuclear weapons and the delivery of them via missiles and has failed miserably. America is paranoid that only they should have nuclear weapons. but since the first nuclear weapons were fired, many other countries have developed the capability, Russia, china, Pakistan, india. while these countries have the weapons, they have not used it in warfare. they all know the devastating effects of it and are reluctant to use them and even Russia instead of using nuclear weapons have only used conventional warfare. so, is it so bad that NK have these weapons? being a small country, can they really be a nuclear threat to any other country? hence, actual facts show that nuclear nations will not use such weapons, knowing full well that they can be annihilated if they did so. America should pull out of SK and let them and NK resolve their differences and become united again. we failed so time to let them do it, as in Vietnam.
Melanoma Trump condemning bullying is like Mike Tyson condemning boxing.
6.2L ? Old-tech, thirsty lump. Drive one of these 3.5L - they've got torque the 6.2 never dreamt of.
This'll upset his disciples.
If you think it is irrelevant as to whether we have an armed drunk wandering about, you have a totally different view of reality than I do! I don't think that is what you are saying, but the word 'irrelevant' in your response is confusing for me.
It takes two to participate in the "exploit" party - if you line up to be exploited don't please whine about it later.
The Federalist reported: According to Soviet documents unearthed in the early 1990’s, Kennedy literally asked the Soviets, avowed enemies of the U.S., to intervene on behalf of the Democratic party in the 1984 elections. Kennedy’s communist communique was so secret that it was not discovered until 1991, eight years after Kennedy had initiated his Soviet gambit. From the KGB memo: Picking his way through the Soviet archives that Boris Yeltsin had just thrown open, in 1991 Tim Sebastian, a reporter for the London Times, came across an arresting memorandum. Composed in 1983 by Victor Chebrikov, the top man at the KGB, the memorandum was addressed to Yuri Andropov, the top man in the entire USSR. The subject: Sen. Edward Kennedy. Read more: http://americanlookout.com/rms-flashback-ted-kennedy-secretly-asked-soviet-union-for-help-overthrowing-reagan/#ixzz4mjEBwHnL
And given the extensive use of lynching - extra-judicial executions - by the Canadian state against First Nations leadership from the very beginning of the national journey. From theTsilhqot'in Chiefs, to the execution of Anayitzachist, of Louie Sam, etc, the Canadian government - cheered on by the Globe and Mail - has always loved to "hang 'em high". Perhaps a writer more aware of Canadian and Indigenous history might have avoided such an clanger of an image: surely good clink-bait; but also indicative of poor reasoning and great ignorance.
Ok this is an ad but it is unpaid ... for years I ran snows in the winter and endured the twice a year swap and then I read about the Nokian all weather tires and tried them (first set was WRG2's) and they are quite good in the snow and acceptable on ice. These are put them on and leave them on and not all season but all weather and have a winter rating. My son just switched over to them on his Acura MDX and loves them. Not cheap and they do have a higher wear rate but no spring and fall switch. Previously I had Michelin X-ice and before them Blizzaks so I am doing a decent comparison to a couple of the best snow tires on the market. FYI https://www.nokiantires.com/winter-tires/nokian-wrg3/
The patent on Malarone expired in 2013 so it is no longer expensive. Malarone is not effective in all types of malaria so cannot be effectively used everywhere. (It only takes 30 seconds of googling to confirm your claims - you should really do that before spreading misinformation.)
They'd be reacting to it. As Ben Franklin said, when the Constitution was signed, "You have a Republic now, if you can keep it." As another famous quote goes--inscribed at the entrance to the National Archives, "The price of freedom is constant vigilance." We will have to apply the rule of law very strictly and carefully, to ensure that we do keep our Republic.
You have missed his point entirely. I would suggest you re-read this editorial more slowly.
well, ....... some things will be at half mast as the world mourns the passing of hugh hefner.
The Oilers looked tired and the Sharks draw penalties like no other team in the league.
Until they're walled in. :(
Why are so many comments in here suddenly disappearing?
Such disrespect for the transabled. Surely their time will come? "Gender dysphoria" is as much as socio-political term as it is a medical one. The term is used in preference to "gender identity disorder". DSM-5 introduces the term "gender incongruence" as a better identifying and less stigmatising term. The cause of this condition is as yet unknown: it is psychological or psychiatric in origin and not physiological. Are you so cavalier about the mutilation of genitalia as you are that of breasts? Perhaps you agree FGM should be permitted if a child or young woman wants it for religious/cultural reasons?
Read the Feds criminal complaint document with this SA story. The feds subpoenaed cell phone records of all involved and they have call records between the Kealoha’s and the cops indicted when all of this mailbox theft and manipulations were going down. Also goes to motive. All these arrested cops or former cops had NO reason to frame Puana and ONLY the Kealoha’s had a reason to fabricate this elaborate fake mailbox theft and pin it out Puana, Katherine’s relative. All that is left is for the rest of the cops to flip on the Kealoha’s and testify against them on the content of those cell phone conversations and how either Louis and/or Katherine instructed them to frame Puana with their mailbox scheme. Feds have these cops dead to rights on multiple felonies like fabricating evidence, perjury against federal investigators, etc. and they have to decide if they want to do hard time in federal prison, including the threat of spending many years in general population...
Charlie, your first comment made me think you believe we should only teach our kids in our own language. Certainly, we are doing a poor job of teaching basics. Our graduation rates are appalling. We need to get serious about change. But foreign language immersion programs do not detract from our success (or lack of it) in those areas. They are a part of our overall solution; they are not part of the problem.
It is ironic that those who label others, who hold a different opinion, "fascist", act, and some even dress like the original "fascist" "Black shirts" of Benito Mussolini. But as Joseph Goebbels noted, telling a lie long & often enough, some will believe it.
For the same reason that her Palace Guard evaporated and her Ministers and Police were hiding out with a Gatling Gun in the jail across town the night of the Revolution of 1893. There was no way they would die for her. Then two years later when she with other conspirators came up with a plot to overthrow the new Republic Government with a population of 40,000 Polynesians she could only find 175 to take part. No. Two years after the new government had been established and was working well the people had now had a taste of Democracy and had no stomach to return to the Monarch model. A model under her and her brother that was nothing but constant intrigue, corruption, and fiscal irresponsibility. Read all about that night in Lucien Young's book "The Real Hawaii", published in 1899. You can read the whole account on line just search the book's name, pages 177-193 pertain to this event.
Good for America! I was hoping that the robust nature of their constitution and law would withstand the test. However, I do wish that media would stop conflating 'immigration' and refugees'. Those are 2 very different things - one is a measured program to bring new people into a country, while refugees are people fleeing for their lives to live in a new country.
And then communism collapsed
The shift is to later start times, not earlier start times, as the article incorrectly states.
You offer no evidence to substantiate any of the assertions you make. For example you say that the Natural Law is outdated yet you offer no explanation as to why. Why should anyone simply take your word for it?
The State has sworn to preserve and restore the Native Hawaiian culture, defined by the pre-contact status under King Kamehameha. This is the State's definition. There are two people here who don't seem to get it or want to get it, but Native Hawaiian and native Hawaiian are defined by the State. (Upper Case) Native Hawaiian is some one born in Hawaii with 50% direct ancestry to the ohana alive at the time of King Kamehameha, or 50% blood quantum. Hawaii is very different from the Native Americans because they had census taken from almost the beginning. The Ancestral Ohana Names are well documented. For now, verifiable ancestral heritage is the most used, DNA only starting to be used. (Lower Case) native Hawaiian is anybody born in Hawaii, with accompanied state right, without 50% blood quantum. The State often announces they are only in stewardship of these lands until they are returned to the Native Hawaiians. The top of Mauna Kea is Ancestral Kanu'ana Aina, kapu to even talk about.
Why do you assume that most Canadians hate their jobs and want to retire? Of all people, the poor would be the least likely to want to retire early since they would not hav been able to save enough money to travel, etc in their retirement. Retiring from work only to stare at four walls is not very good for mental or physical health.
The final judgment, the rapture, et al are myths. When we are judged, it is us and God. No cast of thousands. The main thing in our lives, by the way is finding God in the poor, the uneducated and the gay. Wills is an accomplished scripture scholar. His Greek is better than most. It takes intellectual strength to read sources you disagree with. Sadly, he is afflicted with the gift of prophesy (not soothsaying, but speaking out). That is never convenient.
Dear Mr. McLeod - the game was played in Baltimore! Early season jitters cost the BJs this game - Donaldson misses a grounder to third; Pillar and Carrera watch a ball drop between them for a double. Embarrassing. All the big bats look very shaky.
No. Do you have anything, anything at all, intelligent to say about my post? Did I get any of my facts wrong and if so what were they? Is your real name Butts? Are you a charter member of Justin and The Butts Kissers? Please advise.
I wish Trump's children would persuade him that he is not physically up to the stress so he could retire to a sanatorium somewhere...
Stronger growth calls for higher rates, what are you waiting for BoC? The RE bubble just keeps getting bigger and bigger while you're waiting...
I appreciate your civil comment! :)
Right now 9 minutes ago .@RepJasonGrenn is proposing a 75% cut to #akleg per diem payments in an effort to have lawmakers help fill $2.7 billion budget gap. #akleg
I think you missed the part where Canada's high tech CEOs think Trump will be good for foreign recruitment here in Canada. A better destination for the best and the brightest, whether they wear a Niquab or not. That might mean more competition in the short run for Canadian High Tech Grads, though if we become a major hub of activity that won't be an issue.
The last swamp was too small...and had too many peasants...