Oh, please. This is what a working President looks like. Not a lazy, follow from behind type like 0bama.
Driveway should be included as long as they are on their own property!
Not surprised this is coming from a paper that has proved itself to be a big huge joke.
I'll reread your comment when I encounter you arguing with Mike AA, Steven Shea, PetrusRomanus2, or one of your other buds and respond more positively.
It can be inferred from the welfare clause, just like "offense" is inferred from the defense clause. Also, there is no mention of a right to privacy, though most interpret various clauses as providing that. There is no right to marry, but courts have recognized that marriage is a portal to other rights. "Murderous drones, and disastrous toppling of Libya?" You would have been livid if the President had not done everything in his power to defeat our enemies. Do you also complain about his mission to get Osama binLaden? Funny how you folks rant about the "liberal" NY Times, but quote it when it serves your purpose. Our country has a disastrous records as "sadistic war-maker," indeed. Consider yourself outed.
I believe the thread you're looking for is found at Oregonlive. They'll be more than happy to play with you.
Great, Canada is already governed by an economic imbecile in Trudeau. Now we can have people who can't scrape up a refundable $1,000 wanting to run the country. I think the judge is incorrect. Signatures are required from 100 individuals. If those who sign think so little of the wannabe candidate's policies and reasons for running that they won't contribute a refundable $10 each, then the "frivolous candidate" threshold has been met.
That is SUCCESS to Cladwall. That is $400K more to pay off a contractor to the build the useless bulbouts that no one wanted except the homless and now another $400K to remove them! Cladwall for Gov!
typical left wing bs again eh miller, he is clearly talking about the land slide majority winner in college votes mr trump, hey pal, now tell us how trudeau having one with less than a majority of voters is legitimate now? come on!!!!!
Interestingly much of rural Arkansas just outside Little Rock - Bill Clinton's home town - is sad looking and dilapidated, much like as described in this article. However as the Clinton foundation pours millions into Africa, not a dime form Clinton's charity is spent in America's own backyard. Paul Theroux described it well in his book 'Deep South' where the living conditions he experienced in that part of the US was as worse as what he saw in his many travels through the poorest parts of Africa.
Canadian government should just give into the Americans and increase stumpage taxes ........... This excess tax could be rebated to Canadians and not to American exports ..............It could be called "Trumpage stumpage"
Funny how opinions can be so different. I appreciate Russia's efforts to aid the official Syrian government and considered America's aid to revolutionary factions in the country to be suspiciously imperialistic.
It should be noted that the Alberta Court of Appeal upheld Judge Camp's original decision to acquit the defendant of sexual assault. Judge Robin Camp made no legal error; his mistake was using politically incorrect words. For that, he has been hounded-out of his job. Basically he's a scapegoat.
actually, when you run for office, are a member of a political party, engage in fundraising for that, and/or base your image and your existence off your political pronouncements, you are in fact a politician. Just parading around saying you're not a politician amounts to absolutely nothing---And believing it amounts to far less
The entire Republican platform consists of two words, "Obama bad".
Israel has no choice. For its own honour it must turn its back on ungrateful America. Be strong Mr. Netanyahu! Don't hesitate. Send back those billions.
You're obviously suffering from post-election denial. Get over it.
"but it was Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government this spring that approved the export of the combat vehicles despite Canadian arms-control rules warning about sending weapons to human-rights abusers." So despite protests by Cassandra and her fellow travelers that is the Tories who are responsible it was in fact Trudeau and his Liberals that had final say on this and they chose money over human rights.
"It's basic human nature to congregate with people you have more in common with. Not sure why some people keep trying to fight basic human nature." ....an argument every white supremacist -- oops, white segregationist! -- makes.
What is the price of righting a wrong & exposing the truth. Deniers of the truth & Americans in general like to only focus on the so-called "good" that America does or brings. Americans do NOT like hearing of all the evils that it has done the world over! NEWS FLASH! Karma is coming...
(cont.) I am bleeding badly and am hiding by this tree, I have called 911, they have my location, Chopper is on its way. Ground Search and Rescue is coming, they rescue me and get me to the hospital and save my life. Ohhhhhh, and I do NOT have Medical Insurance. Total Rescue Costs, $48,000.00 THOUSAND DOLLARS. Guess who pays the bill. Is anyone else tired of paying the rescue bills?
well done - wishing you lots of success!
"I could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters okay? It's Like, Incredible." 1.23.2016 Sioux Center, Iowa "That makes me smart", Trump responding to Hillary suggestion that he pays no federal income tax. Time magazine interview "Women you have to treat em like Shit." "With the proper woman you don't need Viagra" Donald Trump "First and foremost, I'm a real estate person. And that's what I love the most." Trump "I'm a believer in the polls, by the way. Rarely do you see a poll that's very far off." Everything is going to be alright, do you recall these quotes. Ride the Tide, the tide can creates flood, it is not safe to ride the tide.
What about the vileness of Antifa or the Alt-left.
You're right. He's not at 57%. That was September. This month he's at 58%. http://angusreid.org/premier-approval-dec2016/ Fact.
Economics 101 teaches us that as the price rises the demand falls and visa versa. Pretty simple stuff. If a company were selling just about anything and had excess supply and all forecasts are that that excess supply will continue to exist into the foreseeable future the obvious answer is to REDUCE prices in order to increase demand. So why have the shockingly incompetent Liberals continued to increase the prices (i.e. decrease the demand) while they have excess supply?
Insurance companies would certainly benefit from your proposed system, but I'm not sure anyone else will. Shifting the medical expenses for chronically ill patients from Obamacare to Medicare won't lower those expenses, it would just change how you pay for them. You, as insurance customer, might not pay, but you, as taxpayer, would. That would be one way to get more young, healthy people to contribute to their medical expenses.
I have never heard so many stupid comments on an article. You wanted it legal so live with the rules
CHOOT EM!!! There's plenty of bears out there- If ya gotta kill one in town to protect our place on the food chain; then so be it. Stop whining about the 'poor bear'. Aint no different tha killing a pesky mosquito...
Wow! Strike One for the good guys - and there are several of them in this story. Thanks to each of you! Alaska Strong.
It would appear that this is a very good program that not only includes using multiple reliable references but also hands on data gathering to reinforce the information.
simply because you have cancer doesn't give you a free reign to distort my point about pain. There are two ways that some people respond here..."exception proves the rule"...and "my condition proves the rule". 2 for 2. Read Salvifici Dolores to better understand the proper Christian understanding of pain, which is at great variance from your view. There is a spectrum of pain & Church teaching accommodates all points in the spectrum beautifully. None of my points depart from this teaching. Some forms of "ordinary pain" (getting up, common colds, twisted ankles, applying exactitude to finish a job well, sore necks, stiff backs, tingly fingers from stenosis, etc.) are perfect examples where a Christian can brace up a bit, & draw closer to union with Jesus in that moment of pain. Offering the little pain for reparation, in thanksgiving, etc. It takes a bit of practice; but the intimacy with Christ is dear. More extraordinary pain can be managed with prudent use of pallitatives
net is closing in...big fish to be snagged pretty soon...waiting...
Has anyone ever said NO to this man?
"Almost all of their traditional lands are already heavily logged, but they have managed over 15 years to reach a series of agreements with the government to set aside nearly two-thirds of the 13,000-square-kilometre Broadback Forest." For scale, this is a little larger than the GTA, and 0.5% of Quebec's surface area.
In Alabama a man has been posing as police and has been accused of rape. So yeah I would not trust some random guy on a motorcycle.
You realize Trump is running as a Republican not a democrat right John? Or are you trying to rewrite history.
what is sick and delusional are nut jobs like you , if people like teachers had guns perhaps they could of stopped that sandy hook before it started you ignorant idiot,, you are the totaly sick delusional idiot
Harper knew nothing.. Thats why he's stuck at Lake Louise at this time drinking tea with Allison.
How police actions are there in a year ? You cite one or two very unfortunate accidents and try to create a pattern out of them, this is utter nonsense. Does anyone on this site take any of your posts seriously ?
true in sick delusional haters minds like you lunatic,
I believe thats the disease of the left.
Thank you. And yes to wanting, insisting on a "responsible government, balanced budgets, lower taxes and regulations, and a GDP growing at 4-5%, and they'll vote out every Establishment Republican up for re-election -- the same people who opposed Trump in the primaries -- to get it." Absolutely yes. You can count on me for that.
You live under a rock. Stay there.
He was FIFTEEN feet away while simply carrying what THEY thought was a stick, and for that the officer felt such FEAR he decided lethal force was necessary? And they wonder why people fear and despise themselves? Unfortunately it's a cinch this will be his claim in court, and of course this murderous cop will walk free.
I already answered them and they have nothing to do with Trump. Pay attention and quit shifting subjects. I've read what Trump has said and sir, if you don't think Trump is is a misogynist, a liar, xenophobic, and a hateful racist, then you have a serious problem. "If you really look at his comments...", "Women are dogs", "just look at that face", "Mexicans are rapists", etc. Now answer my question - why do you support this behavior?
No Bob, both you and the ADN, Wapo, etc. can and do say anything you want no matter how out of touch, wrong, poorly informed or off topic. It's just tiring, Give the new prez a chance. He won for a reason.
Not quite sure what this 20 % means. Middle class households pay 13% (Ontario HST). Property taxes payroll tax and excise taxes are not income taxes. I'm not disputing the fiqure but I wonder if it has any meaning on its own.
There is a reasonable expectation of security that was being met here. Driving a vehicle through a doorway is not something that is easily guarded against. Better question-what do you propose should be the punishment for those caught and convicted of these types of smash and grabs, like the kids caught in the other case? Are you for extremely harsh mandatory sentencing?
The ontario economy in jobs is so far down from when they were first elected never mind the crash in 08, they own the mess we are in and are doing nothing but more harm to our jobs and economy every day. we have had very low can dollar and still cant turn things around here while the ROC seams to be doing just that such the ontario liberals being the most corrupt and incompetent government in our history owns our mess
Guess it's only WWE, tractor pulls and Nascar for the trumpians from now on.
Because it's a big name possible stealing should be swept under the carpet ? What's next---you think it was ok that another big name got busted with drugs at the airport and he should have been given special treatment as well ? With every new day we are seeing the Iditarod and everyone involved aren't the good people or hero's they are portrayed to be.
Please. Republicans, where they are in charge, are just as corrupt as Democrats. Our problem is single party rule by Democrats, with no one watching them. The best thing we could do would be to oust Brown and turn over one House of the legislature to the Republican's. Even then, my inside observation is that you'd still need to watch them like hawks. The Largest newspaper is worthless as the Fourth Estate. The RG does a fair job, but needs more reporters and money.
She does have a point. If Americans were better educated perhaps not so many of them would have fallen for the Amway scam that helped make her a billionaire. Talk about elite. Do you think this lady has EVER gone through the TSA body grope at an airport? No. She gets whisked right through security to her private jet. Has she ever personally done a load of laundry? Of course not. Worked till midnight at some crappy job on her feet dealing with rude customers? Dream on. Education? Her kids, if she has any, went to the finest private schools out there - never rubbed elbows with kids like yours. And they'll grow up to be billionaires themselves without ever having earn it. Welcome to the new America, little fella. Did you dream for one instant that Trump was going to change that? Sucker.
Obviously the jury agrees with you. When I watched the video I took into account the amount of adrenaline that would have been flowing through me if I were the officer and believed he did not necessarily want to kick the rider so hard. Had he wrestled the man to the ground and broken a rib would you feel the same? Either way the state should have settled this long before it went to trial - a trial lawyer once told me that big firms settle with big firms but fight with small firms - as the state did in this case - making it prohibitively expensive to risk losing for a small firm.
You're a f-----g idiot like your moron of a president. Just can't let it go no wonder your wife,left you or is about to. No common sense plus decency equals loner.
As I have stated many, many times before... "War crimes" are joke. International justice is dead. No one who's truly responsible for their megadeathcrimes will ever be brought to justice--Bush, Bush, Putin, Assad, Kim, Xi, Trump...none of them. "War crimes"? 'Tis to laugh (sadly, to be sure, but 'tis to laugh).
Charge the US significantly more for hydroelectricity and water.
Yeah nearly 2 million CanadianS are out of work and youth unemployment is at 27% maybe you should learn math, read and stop being an ass. The temporary foreign worker program needs to be abolished and the TFWS *sent home* ON THE COMPANIES DIME.
Really? I've never heard those before. Seriously, do you have any original thoughts, or are you just a mouthpiece? Your comment is nothing but one, big cliche taken from chapter 21 of the handbook.
I wonder how 'African' the countries bordering the Mediterranean really feel..... perhaps though Dik-o should ponder on why so many people don't trust the ANC, least of all in the W Cape.
Trump is a super dumb ass mental case who will get all of us on this planet killed, or do it himself. Please white folks, come to your senses and choose another Great White Hope. We (brown and black folks) mean ya'lls no harm
Well, the extra level of insult is that not only is your spouse having it off with someone else, but with ...one of THOSE PEOPLE. Plays into a few stereotypes about black males, too.
Oh great. More brinkmanship and sabre-rattling from the party of peace and love. Even if Russia did release the information to Wikileaks, I think that the population had a right to know about the corruption inside the DNC. Any good journalist would have done the same since Watergate. None of this hyperbolic outrage changes the fact that the population was pretty well-informed when they made their choices at the polling station.
Why are we trying to stop people from using cocaine? I hear it's something they like.
The Anti-Trump Faction is dragggin' that chain across the bottom in a futile attempt to find something that isn't there. Once again they will fail.
That is easy to say when ARE " from afar" What about thise losing thier livelyhoods? After eight years of being unable to work I finally found a reason to get out of bed in the morning-the clay studio at the community center. With time I could have perhaps made a living at it. As it was, it was somewhere to go and because of this I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and found an employer who was willing to work with my physical limitations. I lost that job to Amazon; not presumably, actually. No one comes to the store, they only buy off Amazon so they couldn't afford anyone to work at the counter. It was a huge disappointment but at least I had the clay studio. Well, now that is being taken away too. Many people have a good reason to complain. It is not just about the noise.
It is true that 'getting pregnant' always involves sexual intercourse. Conservatives are not content with restricting abortion, they also would restrict contraception and education about how one becomes pregnant. Insisting that a female can always control whether she gets pregnant is very ignorant.
The ethics commissioner should ban Khan from dealing with the Canadian government. Khan should receive no more money from the Canadian taxpayer. This is blatant corruption and another Trudeau lie.
You must not be good at math or not making much money then. Check out Mr. Money Mustache, you'll see that with a 50% savings rate you should be able to retire in 17 years.
You can justify this if you are a fat white overweight bigot, or it seems like it anyway from the looks of these two, lol
You're not interested, you're just here to speak up for your hero and king Obama. I'm sorry if the truth hurts but from a guy who once said he would "unite the country" he's done the absolute opposite. Come out from the basement and look around a bit Ivan!
Is ADN finally interested in WTF's really going on, with the oil giveaway?
I think you need a better understanding of the law. If your house was broken into and robbed, and the crook was never found and prosecuted, do you really think that means you weren't the victim of a crime? Or do you think there should be a different standard for victims of sexual assault -- that we should deny there was a crime unless someone is convicted?
This precedes Trump so your argument is invalid. Also, it wasn't just one guy. Do you even watch football? And if it's not such a big deal why don't they just stand the hell up instead of bringing politics into an arena it doesn't belong in? Just play f**king football.
I love this man
It was just weeks and days before the election we were told there was no way any hacker could infiltrate our ballots to the extent they would have any significant affect on the outcome. So why now are so many losing their minds about that very possibility? I can't say I'm excited Trump is the Pres-E, but I am so relieved HRC isn't.
I share this view.
Let's stop being so judgmental here. Who among us hasn't done the same thing? And more than once!
That's pure awesome!
It is a shame that Ms. Hanabusa made the decision to move ahead with a run for the CD 1 seat when there is so much that needs to be done at HART. As I stated in a previous post, I am disappointed that she didn’t choose, instead, to continue to serve at HART Chair until the issues currently surrounding the multi-billion dollar program were resolved. This lack of commitment to complete a job is weighing a great deal on me as a resident of CD 1, as well as as a voter who is evaluating Ms. Hanabusa for this job. The editorial should have been written where Civil Beat calls out Ms. Hanabusa to complete her task here before finding another job to do.
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. . .
Excellent point. The former deals with facts and salient details; the latter leans on supposition and speculation to embellish a preferred narrative. The second is not quite William Randolph Hearst vowing to "furnish the war" -- itself an apocryphal tale to some who study media manipulation -- but it still provides a convenient foundation upon which to act for those so inclined. History in a hurry has a way of taking truth as its first hostage.
Good advice Denby. Thanks for pointing out where flipping the bird originated. I can remember working with a lot of young people when the " f "word first became part of everyday language and being so annoyed at the overuse of it in ordinary conversations. I felt that there should be a guide or thesaurus on when and how to use it. Must admit that I use the word occasionally when driving, but that in itself can sometimes be a combat like situation I suppose.
"There’s a reason that news sites’ comment sections are second only to YouTube’s as the most stereotypically awful places for discourse on the internet." . YouTube is one of the few bastions of free speech left. So sad to hear you're moving away from such a novel concept. But then the Denver Post has always been far left of center.
sierra club sold their soul to the devil with the bright shirt
Big amount of people. I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes and put on Metformin on June 26th, 2016. I started the ADA diet and followed it 100% for a few weeks and could not get my blood sugar to go below 140. Finally i began to panic and called my doctor, he told me to get used to it. He said I would be on metformin my whole life and eventually insulin. At that point i knew something wasn't right and began to do a lot of research. Then I found Lisa’s diabetes story (google " HOW EVER I FREED MYSELF FROM THE DIABETES " ) I read that article from end to end because everything the writer was saying made absolute sense. I started the diet that day and the next morning my blood sugar was down to 100 and now i have a fasting blood sugar between Mid 70's and the 80's.
And there is just no market for them.
I see...you ask me a question and then answer it for yourself according to your views...so I will not waste any more time. I taught theology in a Catholic University for 35 years and was on my parish RCIA team for ten years. You don't want to hear the truth, that Catholic moral decision making is far more complex than you seem to think, so you just hug your little prejudices to yourself and I'll go on trying to bring the Light of Christ, accepting all people, since that is the Gospel imperative, and feel sorry that you want it all to fit into your little narrow confines. Have a nice day!
Not bad. I am sure nobody would miss Leah if Globe replaced her with you.
So, in truth, a newspaper paid for research on multiple candidates, there was no Russia or Steele involvement. Amazing, the long list of lies the mainstream press has concocted about the Russian dossier and fed to the American people..
Thanks for the insight Rambler. I think that would point to another reason not to sell at this time. We can continue sustainable logging of parts of the forest and allow the non logging assets to thrive as well.
How would any of us know if emails had been doctored unless we had access to them and to an expert?
This is unbelievably sad. How will this change when the people in power and the leaders of our community are all chasing dollars and not the goals for these social needs? The students donʻt even know what theyʻre being cheated out of until itʻs way too late, if ever.
That's why it'd be nice if they actually reported what caused the warrant. Just another wonderful one sided piece of reported from your wonderful Denver post.
I disagree. I happen to know some very moral, wonderfully good people who class themselves as more "right" than "left" on the common political spectrum.
Who is more buffonish? Trudeau takes shirtless selfies in public Does Trump? Trudeau delights in colourful socks Does Trump? Trudeau sticks out his tongue Does Trump?
you were right, smh
living wage?? what planet of stupid are you on? can anyone afford a house in Toronto on 15 an hour?? get real see ignorant sheep min wages were NEVER about anyone managing their lives on, it is an beginning that you are expected to work hard for promotions, get an education etc, to better yourself,,, but you lunatics think its to live on for life!!! put away your ignorance and learn facts like where its been forced up too fast, the very people it is claimed to help have lost thier jobs! https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/07/26/seattles-minimum-wage-rise-is-reducing-employment-in-seattle-i-was-right-in-predicting-this/#3d7788f7f4c8
Why the lies There was three pig flying around and none had stars of David on them. They did show Donald Trump's face but no Stars Here's a link to check for yourself https://youtu.be/PckPB4RAWOs Unbelievable how many falsehoods are needed to support Israel