Tyee Robinson: often beaten, not a sure tackler. Oliver was a question mark, didn't start much: didn't impress when he did. Juwaan Williams has the skills but has spent most of his career injured so he's an unknown, too. Schooler: started as a freshman, made many open field tackles, ferocious ball hawk. Put him on offense where he has no experience at this level; start in front of Ofodile and Lavette ? If Schooler can pick up complex routes so quickly (in fall camp, for crimey's sake?) what does that say about guys who've spent years as WRs and can't crack the rotation? Malik Lovette is a real surprise, not a good one: rated one of the top athletes in the country, he couldn't make it on O, then went to D, now he's back on O. Strange. The true freshmen WRs are intriguing and were highly successful in high school... but the Ducks have been burned worse at this position than any other in recruiting in the not-too-distant-past: a host of 3-4 stars (one or two 5s) never started and left...
No, he's not caving to pressure from some in D.C. who want to give Trump a win at any cost for purely partisan reasons. MAGA? LOL!
POP QUIZZ: How many WW employees does it take to find Virginia and West Virginia on a US map?
LOL our `90 Miata never had an injection cleaning in the 20+ yrs we owned it, same with our 90 LX 5.0 Mustang and our `01 330ci BMW. Now I did run some injector cleaner through them every 4years or so, even tho' I was told it too was a ripoff. Methinks you are being subjected to the legendary stealership ripoff.
Absolute nonsense. Liberals love to feel guilt and give away other people's money to help them sleep in their liberal beds at night.
The core of the subject is whether less than a 50-50 gender representation is indicative of prejudice and discrimination, and this newspaper column based on Dr. Soh's expertise in the subject addresses that directly, in necessarily summary fashion. Why are you dismissing her professional expertise? Maybe she should be claiming prejudice and discrimination from you?
Putin's thugs murdered Nemtsov. The 5 Chechens hoisted up for trial were nothing but Putin's patsies. Hang the real criminal, the one in the Kremlin.
Exactly, graykeeper. And it's wonderful to see you posting again!
I think the dialogue needs to be open though. With abortion and gay marriage solidified in our country(its really not going to be reversed) We need a healthy discussion between people of true faith and non followers. Only positive communication can 1. Allow people to properly understand the true Catholic Church and be respectful of what they believe 2. Join or come back to the Church after it is seen in a positive light 3. Live in a real secular world where Catholics and Nones can actually live peacefully
Oh come on! They get their information from late night shows and their college academic "intellectuals". I knew an adult who listened to Jon Stuart Daily Show and that was what he considered his news source.
Give me a break. A wealthy, privileged white woman who writes an opinion column for a national newspaper is complaining about her lot in life? And the "treatment" of another wealthy privileged white woman? Oh I'm sorry, is Warren still claiming to be a Native American? Clearly the Renzetti's of the world still have no idea why Trump won, why there was a Brexit, and why Le Pen is winning in France.
Oh for gawds sake get over yourself. You really think wavemaker is some sort of legal name? Are you really that lost on reality. ? Heres a clue... You can use any id you want on line. You dont own diddly squat regarding any id. To top it off , if you think anybody is stalking you you are completely fkn nuts. Your imagination is on overdrive. Heres a hint.... Get a life woman and get used to the fact that you dont own the internet and others have opinions that dont match yours. Grow the F up.
Um, so?
They could start by trading Pacioretty. He's a bust when the chips are down. His record in big games is lousy and that includes international fiascos for Team USA.
Look, what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is far worse than the hideous, but hardly dangerous, hate crimes against Jews in America. It's time for Jews to quit playing the victim card, the pity card, and demand Israel quit practicing apartheid against the people whose land they stole by force of arms. Yes, Palestinians did horrible things to combat this, but what would you do to protect your home, family, and community? Would you... bomb the enemy's hospital, killing many wounded and sick? Israelis did such a thing to a British military hospital. How about attacking your best supporting-country's navy, killing their sailors? Israel did so to an American warship during a dispute with the US. It is especially painful when a friend does something terrible. It leaves one with a horrible dilemma, but remaining silent shouldn't be an option: crime must be called out, especially one for which one's country is complicit.
There is no proof that the documents released by Manning/Wikileaks ever did any damage to individuals, just to the US's inflated sense of itself.
September 7, 2017: “Calls go either way all the time,” MacIntyre said. “You never complain about officiating.” October 4, 2014, following MacIntyre being fined $10,000 by the Pac-12 for screaming at officials: “But I was trying to stand up for our players, for our program, and for the fight in our players,” MacIntyre added. “When you look in their eyes and you can just see that devastation, and you know you’re going to have to talk them in the locker room again (after a defeat), it was a mistake I made and it won’t happen again. It’s something that I definitely regret.”
He is just setting the foundation for his post-Senatorial lobbyist job.
Maybe the rest of the world moving away isn't a totally bad thing. We can stop being the worlds police department, emergency relief agency and stop giving away money we are borrowing to country's that already hate us. Let the UN, as a whole, step up and do those things instead of us jumping to the forefront every time. We certainly have things we can do here at home with a few billion extra dollars.
If Trudeau has "...respect for the free market..." why is interfering with it by giving them our money?!
Wow sounds like an incredible cruise. I've never done the river cruise but the better half and I have done over a dozen ocean cruises. We did 3 in the past year celebrating our 40 th anniversary in 2017. You are indeed right, but I just took a little too much verbal abuse from the jerk. In a lot of ways I felt really sorry for the guy as he is extremely intelligent. Sad to see an intelligent mind reduced to being an 18 hour troll every day. But I'll take your advice and ignore him. You are indeed right about not slowing down as I turn 69 in January of 2018. I have been given the opportunity of giving some lectures out at U.B.C. my old alumni. So you and I are like a fine wine, just getting better with age. Take care buddy and God bless you and your family.
In that case you missed "invisibilised by their positionality". ;-)
"...set British North America on its path to the peaceful democratic country of Canada..." What a "farce" ! What a "gaffe" !
all you illegal criminals, very soon you will be going to the bus station. turn in forged green card, drivers license and social security card. bye! enjoy living in the garbage dump (mexico).
Kate Brown is never going to live this one down. Oregon has too many people who like to camp and hike. Might as well vote Republican next time, they won't try to get billions of dollars more in tax revenue and then have a little hissy fit and say we now have a 1.7 billion dollar deficit despite the fact that tax revenue has gone up. The will of the people is not 'unacceptable', she keeps this up she will be though.
Wasn't the statscan report released last year? Yet several of the quotes are from that report.
Don't be too harsh on Putin's "Mafia State" and it's support of his "nazies" armies in Ukraine!
The involvement of the "State of Hawaii" in the affairs of Hawaiian ali'i is ALWAYS hewa nui! The "State of Hawaii" was created by the laws of a foreign government (US) in direct violation of its own constitution which limits the authority and jurisdiction of its laws to within its own borders. In Hawai'i's case the Hawaii Admissions Act (HHA), (the Statehood Act), unconstitutionally created a US state from a foreign nation, Hawaii. The unconstitutionality of the HHA is based on the FACT that the US NEVER legally annexed Hawai'i, a FACT supported by the 1989 US DOJ investigation into the legality of the US' claim of legal annexation. Since the 1893 illegal takeover of Hawai'i by 13 white supremacists led by Lowell Thurston many ali'i trusts have been raided by their trustees and boards of directors in violation of their fiduciary responsibility including the Crown Trust by the "State". The "interest" of the "state" may just be the "State" claiming its first right to loot the estate.
I was unaware that this article was related to U S Foreign Policy. Can you direct me to that reference? How about a reference in the article to the students being selected due to being American? If not, consider posting a response that is related to the article.
walmart food is HORRIBLE. A lot of it comes from China. While we mostly shop costco and King Soopers, when it comes to shrimp and fish, I prefer whole foods. They will tell you WHERE it comes from, which makes a huge difference. I will not buy from China.
"murdered a 100K citizen's with fossil backup air pollution," "saved a million citizen's lives," Really? your kind of hurting your credibility here. ,with statements like that.
Everything is correct. ScreenVariety is legit.
Thank you Darla for telling the truth. You do the lords work and I have high regard for your integrity. Keep up the good work of taking care of our four footed friends
It is really hard for a journalist not to take a hit at Donald, after all journalists have been spreading their brand of propaganda since 1881. But do they ever ask themselves just what relevance Donald is in the greater scheme of things. The truth is he is nothing but a grain of sand in the hourglass. All that he has or will have done in his term can be undone by the next sucker who thinks he/she is right. Trump is not to blame for low population growth. The cause for low population growth is greed. Greed on behalf of corporate investors wanting more return on their money. That and governments who cannot be fiscally responsible with yours and my tax dollars. Do you see prices falling? No! Does your income support your family to the point where you have pocket change to do what you want with? No! Is educating your children getting less costly? No! Will things ever change? Maybe! If you want change!
Well, you are welcome to think whatever you want . I don't see where you have provided information to back up your claim that "it was irresponsibly conducted" and I do not agree with it being first and foremost a poll. As the results have no legal or political weight it has the effect of being a poll but it is not a poll per se so I cannot agree with you. I have no idea what you mean by "reporters are pressured to pump out reports without responsibly looking at all of the constitutional validity necessary to publish their information" in this context but I think we are talking past each other here anyway. Thank you for being civil even though I disagree about 100% with your remarks here. Has value.
Marriage or not, love or not, you can't live in the USA until AFTER you go through the proper immigration process. It appears customs felt she wasn't going to follow the process and would be flouting the law. Customs and immigration sees this all the time - marriage for immigration, not love, is all too common. I know more than a few couples where marriage was motivated by one wanting US citizenship
I'm not sure I blame the GOP for Trump being the whiny, lying narcissist that he is. Trump was all of that far before he became a republican (which was like 18 months ago?). But the GOP is certainly responsible for the rabid wingnuts that cheer for him at every revival rally he holds.
And you know all this, how?
Get a job if you're short on cash.
Who won the popular vote? I thought it was a woman, no?
You miss my point. We have freedom from religion in this country. If you don't want to take your own life, don't. You aren't free to impose your views on others. Nobody's saying you have to agree with it, only that it isn't up to you to decide.
But you can't bring 2oz of shampoo or a box cutter right?
The US engages in complete anti-consumer nonsense with practices that include excessive use of antibiotics (as prophylactics) and various growth hormones. If countries can meet or better our health standards let them sell here. As for the Americans, they need to pull up their socks when it comes to various farming practices, including dairy farming. Let's see what their prices are like then.
You’re claiming that you gave your daughters specific instructions on: 1. Maintaining control over relationships with men (that one’s not too far fetched 2. Prosecuting “to the fullest” future rapists 3. Wow, you even counseled them on perspectives they should take and what you’d expect should they ever accept a payout in lieu of pressing rape charges. Either you gave some very retrospectively convenient lessons, or you’re not being entirely truthful.
When the headline reads Davos elites struggle for answers, you have pretty much defined what;s happening in the world. The struggle may be because they didn't have answers before, so why would they have them now.
"...situations the author faced where antiquated or questionable 'cultural' rules guide decision-making..." And also who gets hired. However, if any of this is STILL prevalent, and it appears these issues are, then they aren't as "antiquated" (sic) as you would like to believe. They are still very, very 21st century, as sad as these "questionable" rules may be.
Totally agree...'One China' policy non-negotiable, as Taiwan is the only democratic rep in the region for ALL real Chinese around the world! Communist China is about to have their toy, rust bucket fleet undergo some heavy duty modifications in the upcoming weeks. President-elect Trump recognizes 'paper tigers' when he sees them....enjoy what is left of your 'new year'....lol
Perhaps you should look at the map provided. Cycle Oregon isn't going anywhere near Crow Rd. Do yourself a favor and read their mission statement. CO is a fund raiser to benefit rural economies, started by a Welshman who saw parallels in Oregon's timber country and his native coal towns. People pay $1000 to ride and most of the money goes to local benefits like building schools and helping businesses. Now, about those crashes: Exactly zero of them are caused by people on bikes. They are all caused by people driving their motor vehicles outside of the law. Perhaps you should focus your attention on getting scofflaw motorists off the road rather than worry about those road users who do not cause death and injury. Let's not forget that since 2013, Oregon has seen a 56% increase in deaths due to traffic violence. While some of the victims were people on bikes and people walking, the people who caused the deaths were the people driving, often while breaking one or more traffic laws.
No government funding of American healthcare is nearly 67%. "Tax-funded expenditures accounted for 64.3 percent of U.S. health spending – about $1.9 trillion – in 2013... The Affordable Care Act will push that figure even higher by 2024, when government’s share of U.S. health spending is expected to rise to 67.3 percent." "At $5,960 per capita, government spending on health care costs in the U.S. was the highest of any nation in 2013..." http://www.pnhp.org/news/2016/january And per capita the government funding of healthcare in the US is the highest of any nation. So answer the question. Why is it reasonable to assume that "more government involvement" will result in "good or better health outcomes than we do for less money"? Answer honestly and specifically address the question. Because someone else can do it is not a reasonable assumption. Nor is removing insurance company profit as the federal government already controls a large percent of American healthcare.
No, I'm doing the speed limit. You cause yourself so-called "road rage". That's your problem if you can't follow the law and can't control your own emotions.
Thank you captain obvious
Using the right terms to properly identify an inalienable right is tantamount to a "soapbox," Michael? You're probably right-- after all, it's only laws these zealots are trying to pass, right? I mean, semantics-shemantics....SMH: http://www.theblaze.com/news/2014/01/21/anti-gun-senator-is-being-mocked-relentlessly-after-he-warned-of-30-caliber-clip-in-embarrassing-video/ . http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/gun-shots/2013/07/9-dumbest-gun-control-quotes-politicians-and-celebrities#page-6 . Here's wishing you more substantial experience with such matters in the future.
Not only are Gray and Harris-Streeter members of a local black gang, but Gray was arrested and convicted of a similar shooting where he fired at a bunch of people at a McDonald's restaurant just 7 months ago. No one was hurt in that incident, despite several shots being fired. Despite the serious nature of his crime, he was allowed to plea bargain and get a felony conviction for a much lessor crime, and was only given probation for a sentence. This is ridiculous. The courts and District Attorneys need to crack down on gun violence. If a gun is used in a crime, then no plea bargaining to get a reduced sentence should ever be allowed. I guess that now he finally managed to successfully shoot someone, that this time he will hopefully spend some time in prison.
So what's the annual cost of STD treatments in the military? I am guessing it's a lot more than 8M, and it has nothing to with the job. I don't hear anyone suggesting a no sex policy. The medical costs are just a smoke screen to hide the obviously duscrimitay nature of the ban.
According to the FBI, the nation’s homicide rate showed a steady rate of decline from 1995 through 2014, from aprox. 8 per 100,000 people to aprox. 4.5 per 100,000 people. Homicides in Chicago have been roughly 60% under Obama as what they were under the Reagan administration.
Was senseless over a girl. Get all the punks packing knives off the street. How cum Mr. hospitality Mufi is so quiet about the uptic of crime on his watch?
KS, Are you proud that your party chose Trumpet to represent your values and ideals over the 20 other GOTP candidates? Or, are you just another partisan who doesn't care about qualifications and intelligence as long as you can get sufficient electoral votes to win? If the democrats nominated a fool like Trumpet, Lush Limpaugh and FAUX News would never stop demonizing and criticizing such an unqualified person.
Great analysis. I'd say, though, the issue is women aren't being forewarned. Bush, sr shouldn't be shut in and locked up, and no one wants to put Bush in the same class as Weinstein or Trump, but maybe now that women are speaking out, women who are visiting him will be told how not to act and to keep their distance after greeting him. Once again, we have a proud, solid man (in this instance), a person with a long career, whose mind is being destroyed. I saw the movie "Iron Lady" about Margaret Thatcher. Conservatives howled that the movie attempted to show her dementia. But it's part of her story. A woman who defied classism and sexism and tradition and her party and rose to the top -- and is now succumbing to Alzheimer's. I'm liberal, but it still saddens me. And what's happening to Bush, sr saddens me.
Totally agree, hopefully an advocate will document the failings of the Legislature to address this issue. No doubt there are backroom dealings which caused this terrible situation. It cries out for release of the information being hidden and exposure of the good old boy deals in the Legislature.
Support Schatzy on this (IMO the most contentious nominees so far) BUT does the Drumpf even have a backup plan should his boys not be confirmed??? I suspect they'll ooze through though...
Translator, At least I have statistics. You have opinions. Here's another statistic: A majority of Americans think that laws governing the sale of firearms should be more strict.
What a farce! Apart from anything else, Al Jazeera performs a useful function and has a good reputation. I certainly hope that Canada doesn't support this anti-Shia campaign. I also find it hard to fathom why Qatar would support both Sunni and Shi'ite terror groups - that's a tad bizarre. Meanwhile the Saudis are completely devastating Yemen!
Corber, more people have been killed raped and murdered ac ross every continent on the planet by religious, pious (in THEIR view) people, than any other cause of death from what I remember of world history. has something changed? Remember the story of the tower of Babel?
No. You don't understand how the Clean Water Act works. Federal standards are a minimum. Any "delegated" State under the Clean Water Act can make standards more stringent. They can't make them less stringent.
Do us a favor, Street Boy. Post the last four digits of your Social Security #. I'm sure you won't have a problem with that. Post your actual name as well. After all, "What do you have to hide?"
Just another "unhinged" article coming from the elite's MSM! http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/8-unhinged-pre-inaugural-media-meltdowns/
Perhaps one reason our economy is so tepid is the burdensome taxes put on consumers. Nobody has any money because everyone is taxed to death at every turn. Open up any newspaper and the talk is of another tax, a tax on Netflix, taxing private health plans and the like. What this useless government has got is a spending problem.
Yet here you are. Again. The press actually doing their job and calling out Trump's myriad lies? Say it ain't so!
Try meetup... great way to meet people.
About 23 years ago I pulled a couple of planks off the Chugach. The forest service wanted to see if the boat needed to be rebuilt. The planks took a lot to get out since they were in perfect condition and the frames were as solid as new oak frames. Despite the fact that the boat was in very good condition the Forest Service decided it still needed to be rebuilt. But according the all the local shipwrights it definitely didn't need to be rebuilt. The planks were 40 grains to the inch, even back then you wouldn't be able to buy wood like that. So the forest service spend $750,000 to rebuild the Chugach anyway. Now just over 20 years later they don't know what to do with the $750,000 boat? I'd buy it for the going price for an old wooden boat. It would make a great boat for a guide.This is once again a good reason why we don't need to pay more taxes, they just throw the money away.
Yeah, Russian or Chinese hegemony will be so much better.../s
Actually two instances mentioned in this article, beyond that just an wry observation and not some judgement or conclusion. Although if you follow the news it would appear that if you attempt to flee you are putting yourself at risk of being shot.
Trudeau is absolutely correct. Canada's oil sands are a sunset dinosaur and need to be phased out and the sooner the better. It is however incumbent upon the government to attract new industry, the greener the better, or our grandchildren will be choking to death. Canada is a high emitter per capita...three times that of China and anyone watching the news understands that what has been occurring in terms of smog and CO2 emissions in Beijing is a mere sign of where this world is heading. It's catastrophic and he deserved to be chided by Jane Fonda last week. Mr. Trudeau has great intent and clearly does not understand how to transform that into action. We all empathize with the job impacts in Alberta and our elected members of parliament have an accountability to create new jobs as the tar sands are being phased out.
If that is your belief, that is your problem not mine.
I figure that if he got a $500 million tax break and then donated $1.6 Billion to Duck U and Stanford, the taxpayers and the employees got a deal! When did you last get double your money back?
Jim, your whole tirade is based upon your interpretation of "willy nilly" and actions you project unto others. Actions that just did not happen in this instance. . The only appropriate response is: piffle!
I suggest that you study the scientific books that 13 year olds study from. One video that has been used [2 hour in duration] in educating young adolescents is called "How the World Began". There is much proof out that humanity, just like other species of animal, began at a lower level and progressed to a higher level. It took us many centuries to even understand this. This is seen in very fact that it was only in the early 20th Century, that the so-called Neanderthal man's remains were discovered. The Neanderthal was a sub-species of humanity living in the Stone Age. If this is the process that God chose to use to develop the universe, and in particular our earth, and especially humanity----what's wrong with that? The Bible was never intended to be a history book, or a scientific text. Genesis tells us that God did create all. YES. But we did not really understand HOW this really happened until just not that long ago.
Prayers to the family...and to the person talking about the weed. People act surprised when they hear a teen had weed. News glad most people started smoking weed when they were teens. What we should be concerned about is the sickness of these kids and why they feel like it is okay to take and kill for what they want. None of us are safe with these weirdo ass kids walking around. They take want they want and they kill and don't think twice about it. We parents need to be more involved with our kids. Stop thinking they can do no wrong. Discipline they asses so they know there are consequences for their actions. Stop protecting them from the wrong they do. I feel for this young man as well was the other young men involved. People we have failed our youth. Remember it takes a village to raise a child.
I remember as early as 1970 in Fairbanks a version of this program was in place recruiting university students to work in the Hospitality industry for the three to four month high season during the students summer break.
I doubt if any opinion writer for this newspaper will ever admit the Trump election might have something to do with this. As well as the resurgence of home sales and home's increasing values in Grays Harbor? Ah, guess not. Ok all in, all done. Might come back when you go to a weekly newspaper--please drop the Daily from your name.
Relentlessly disciplined should have been occurring since day 1 of camp.
I addressed a misguided attempt to compare natural skin color to unnatural spray tan. One is immutable, the other is a CHOICE. Does a snowflake need a safe space from commentary on the choices our president makes? Sorry Trump looks silly and pointing it out makes his fans mad, but he does. He chooses to look ridiculous. To paraphrase Trump stans: "suck it up, Buttercup". Trump also has spent his entire life engaging in juvenile taunts: with Rosie O'Donnell, with Russel Brand, with Barack Obama, with Marco Rubio, with Jeb Bush, with Mika Brzezinski, with Megyn Kelly, with Ted Cruz, with Hillary Clinton, with John McCain, with gold star families, with Bernie Sanders, with a disabled reporter, with... etc. etc. etc. His unvarnished "politically incorrect" barbs are what many of y'all keep saying you love about him. So save any attempts at trying to claim the mature moral high ground with respect to Donald J Trump.
Agreed it is not large in scope. However, it seems to me this is one of the most unnecessary tourist headaches we must endure.
Chad Kelly? He stunk in college...
This last second move should surprise no one. Obama is a tool of the far left environmentalists and apparently applauds the US' continued IMPORTS of 6 mILLION barrels of oil each day, harming our balance of payments and supporting Middle East countries. Obama is such a shallow, Empty Suit who is such a blind zealot who cannot see the real damage he continues to do to the US., It's as though he is a foreigner who devises ways to hurt the US. The guy is simply a crack pot who had no right to be the US' president.
Public schools are now little more than tax payer funded day care and social gathering places.
My favorite of this draft. Give me 4 TD's from this guy and that at the minimum should put us 10-6. A little more than that, & who knows! Go BRONCOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haven't you heard? Humans are the center of the universe! And the sun revolves around the earth! And scientists are heretics! But seriously, agreed. We're the ones who don't want to take responsibility. We're the ones in control, but we're doing a poor job of it. We praise ignorance and reward failure. We don't bother learning lessons, though we love saying that we will learn lessons. We go along, too lazy and apathetic to pick up after ourselves. We'll be our own demise, and we've only ourselves to blame. I'm just disgusted that the other inhabitants have to pay for our willful arrogance.
No clue
Stereotypical much, Mr Tetpon? Hmmmm.
Yeah .... no. I don’t get “doom and gloom for Canada” out of this. None of your rationale is at all rational. .
Now THIS is an example of why we need an unfettered and thriving press/media!
And on this side of the fence I meet people who voted for Junior and wouldn't be voting for him again 2019. Perhaps there is hope !
"restore ‘public trust’" LOL! That ain't ever happening. Just the fact that Drumpf thinks not giving Comey a rose will make everything better is hilarious. The whole administration is going down in flames. Comey is a nice start.
This is the most profoundly silly comment on this board. Perhaps alcohol advertising guidelines are in need of some revision, but your hyperbole are merely a hindrance.
Try to remember that Obama and the Democrats got us into this mess to begin with. And...as your articles states, quite a mess it is. Republicans want excellent healthcare, not substandard care. Finding that is not easy if you have ever seen, first hand, what socialized medicine does to the quality of care.
The FBI and Justice Department would not defy Nunes so flagrantly if somebody didn't have their back, namely the tacit support of Paul Ryan. The question that should be asked is, where are Wray and Sessions? Is Wray unable to make the FBI comply? Can't Sessions order his subordinate at Justice honor the subpoena? Something doesn't pass the smell test.
You are partially right. Certainly not the fake news part. Especially since Jr. released the e-mail chain himself. You are right about the centrist dems attempting to blame anything and everything for Clinton's loss when in reality, like any good football team, if your ground game is strong and you have a great quarterback, you'll win despite a couple bad calls and a turnover. She did have old ideas that worked for 3rd way dems in the 90's but are no longer viable or even workable. The dems do need to reflect more deeply on their loss and adjust or they will keep losing. You really went off the rails though when you claim Trump had a "real policy platform" though, expressing that belief does make it difficult to take you seriously.
I think I understand your point; that there are many others behind the scene who are also part of the team, in the heat, in the bush, etc. who deserve recognition for their efforts? Indeed, I have a dear friend who cleans toilets at YKHC all night. No I am not pontificating, and if I am in a comfortable place is irrelevant. Having known Dr. Seaman for many years and having watched her hard efforts grow and take fruit, I think it's very safe to say she shuns accolades and a high profile. Nice sharing views with you.