This is why it's good that you are not a doctor. It's easy to tell you have no concept of what being on call means. Of course you CAN shut it off but that could result in significant morbidity and mortality for the patient that needed urgent care.
Not to mention premiere, debut, encore, ballet, coup d'etat, avant garde, pas de deaux, premier, arriviste. No doubt the Anglo-Saxons should have been up set after the Norman invasion in 1066 when the nobility spoke Norman French instead of English for the next 200 years.
Roy, WTF does this have to do with the article? Please get psychological help immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From the very first day he took public office as a state legislator in January 2001, Charles Djou has always been long on leveling complaints and placing blame on others, but woefully short on offering solutions and taking personal responsibility. He's all meringue and no filling.
Good ridence in spite of his numbers he does not relate to fans or players well. I stopped going 2 yrs after he got here after 41 seasons he is a jerk and was the 7th candidate for the job.
Trump thinks he can intimidate the New York Times!
When the members of the USCCB suddenly jolted their awareness into our current unpleasant Trump reality, my first thought was how similar their 'dismay' and 'disappointment' etc. was to Captain Renault in Casablanca: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! Trump is now what he has always been. Some voted for him in spite of it... and some voted for him because of it.... It appears that our prelates are not just trying to climb out of bed with their messy friend... they are hoping to sneak out and then claim to be on the side of justice and human dignity. Here is a long list of what their candidate has done and undone... They own it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/politics/wp/2017/08/24/what-trump-has-undone/
The time is right. I hope Mr. Trudeau appoints someone with substance over style, someone who will be more than just the "Indigenous" judge, someone with the wisdom and experience in all areas of law.
Nobody is going to give up on this team because Elway won't stand for it. I'm sure it will rub off on Joseph and the rest of the team. I can see them having good as well as bad moments this season, but I think they'll be there in the mix. Depth is indeed the key.
This will come to fruition as well as the 62 Obamacare repeals have.
Compassionate people are siding with the Syrian people. Above all, we want to see the death and destruction end. Russia's involvement makes that a more imminent possibility.
The "Indians"? Oh, dear.
"Those in the middle also have limited resources and can only be bled so much." Scandinavians do a VERY good job of extracting more from both the Middle and the bottom than us.
That is correct but today republicans control everything so go and fix it already! Immigration has been a problem since the Bush administration so now republicans, you are in control so get to work to fix it. No longerr will you be able to play the delay game, now you actually have to do something. Republians have always had enough peple to either delay something, or outright kill it. So now just fix it republicans since you think Obama's position is so wrong.
Yeah, I agree. It's a junk pile at this point, and unusable unless you don't mind, as the article says, sharing with 11+ people and whatever dogs, kids, and detritus they bring with them. We just shouldn't have huts in Alaska.
The mother's a real piece of work to be sure, but an assumption on your part(as to what transpired between the two of them ), I'll take what the authorities are working off of as opposed to your conjecture. Admitting guilt hardly makes him into a "stand up guy", it just helps confirm he's guilty of the charge against him. A real stand up guy wouldn't have let this happen to begin with. Definition of "stand up" : "marked by a high-degree of personal integrity or loyalty" http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/stand%E2%80%93up You really don't know what your talking about, and I have no reason to continue with you on this. Crawl out of your cave and get a little sun, might do you a world of good... or not.
Or we can save jobs and destroy the planet. Of course, we'll be long dead by then so what do we care?
It isn't the censors, weary one. It's the community. There are those among us who deem comments uncivil because they don't jibe with their point of view. An infantile reaction, and one not exclusive to any political stripe --although my casual observation is that those on the far right tend to be the most shrill about it.
The suggestion that La Sallete is "forgottent" is very far from being true. The Missionaries of La Sallete have shrines in no less than thirteen countries, to which thousands of people go on pilgrimages, as well as running numerous parishes.
continued... Jews helpfully label themselves officially: Secular (cultural) jews, Reform Jews, Conservative Jews, Orthodox, Ultra-orthodox, Hasidim, etc. Christians have dozens of pretty clearly defined denominations from ultra-liberal to ultra-conservative. So it is much clearer than in Islam, where the battle between islamists and moderates, liberals or secular Muslims isn't between clearly defined groups, but a battle to define what is "mainstream". The battle around the hijab has been going on among Muslims themselves for ages, and after decades of liberal Islam winning, the islamists are now regaining ground, and the left like you are siding with them. The Left that used to ridicule Victorian prudishness and Christian missionaries for making "naked savages" cover up, now see nothing negative about claims that women who bare more than their faces are "immodest" and displeasing to Allah.
More likely silicon valley reverts back to orange groves (rather than becoming a lettuce farm), which is what it was prior to silicon valley. As well, oranges have lower water requirements than lettuce (61 gallons per lb, vs 98 gallons per lb, apparently), which will be necessary to withstand the continuing California drought.
There's something to what you say, though I'm not sure I buy the notion that online company is, on the whole, more "congenial" than actual human contact. Distance and anonymity can make for a particularly toxic brand of nastiness. I know you're not arguing that virtual communities are better than traditional ones, but a lot of people seem to think they are. I find that concerning. The more the technology of communication advances, the less meaningful communicating people seem to do. I worry about those for whom their most intimate relationships are with people they've never seen. As I get older, I find that weekly trip to church increasingly important to me. There's something about being in the same physical space with a lot of other people for an hour and, together, acknowledging our sinfulness, thankfulness and need for sustenance -- and then getting kicked back out into the world. I find it soul-soothing in a way I can't imagine anything online ever being.
Yes, good idea - rest, take a break, relax, etc. She definitely can afford it.
So tell me, when Roger Waters has imagery in his concerts of the Star of David on pigs, or dollar signs on the face of a man with a disproportionately large nose (clearly representing the stereotypical jew) while the song Money plays, is that: 1) anti-semetic 2) anti-israel 3) appropriate social protest that he claims is all he's after Yep, that's what I thought.
What a blast, watching the RGs major Conservative Columnists-- Charles Krauthammer, Jonah Goldberg and George Will scramble for a safe position in this current Republican chaos. Will at least had the integrity to resign from his GOP, but he's always been the image of rectitude. Krauthammer, however, seems to be trying here to talk himself in to finally voting for Trump, whom he does NOT care for. After all, wasn't Goldwater "too radical" too? But mostly, it's Hillary -- isn't she too boring, too uninspiring for this climactic era? No fireworks, no cannons booming when SHE speaks. Just an old policy wonk with years of experience, and sort of a screechy voice. And a continuation of the Obama era-- which now, for many reasons is being seen in a better light, giving Obama higher positive ratings. So CK's gonna support Trump the "loose cannon?" The D's won't have to create a modern version of the Daisy ad--- Trump will bring it on himself.
When you can successfully refute even one of my arguments with FACTS, come ask me again (one sentence).
Good for you Thomas. I don't think people realize the moral courage it takes to support a terrorist so good for you. Canada is luck to have such a progressive as you to call one of its own.
Idk about pot in the "old days..." but the super, rocket fueled weed of today's crazy kids... let's just say it makes you random combinations of hungry, horny and tired... pot is probably very different, now, but apparently it still sends everyone into homicidal rages #reeferMadness
Really good point! It would be nice to see a "citations" list on news reports, like one would see for a scientific paper. I can not familiar with the world of reporters at all. I do know that there is a "news food chain" with big orgs like Huffington Post consuming and reposting news they collect from other sources.
Oh Lynn, you really blew this one especially when you think you are going to run for a senate seat. I really believe your lack of oil/gas financing knowledge is revealed in this amendment. It was so obvious that voters now see who does not have Alaska citizens best interest in these legislators---Gattis and Wilson. VOTE!
Reuters reported: "The bill also bars closures of military bases, although top Pentagon officials say they have too much capacity, and it blocks planned reductions in active-duty troop numbers." It's nice to know the congress is looking after the budget.
You don't have to worry wookie wookie. You haven't posted any thought provoking comments as of yet. Keep working on it though, you might just have a chance of not being flagged.
The slobbering dotard is not welcome in Hawaii.
So, what Mr. NetaYahoo can do to revenge the US? Ridiculous! Bite the hand that feeds them, or one better, give back the many $billions of “gifts”?
It has NOT been addressed; it is NOT in the past. Their pain is not a grudge, it is an injustice that needs to be acknowledged. Just as the Catholic Church and other institutions must face a reckoning for the sins of the past; so must governments.
Thank you for stressing that elderly parents need to be medically stable for 90 days. My 89 year old father passed away from heart failure and the insurance would not pay stating that he died of a “pre-existing condition” . If you have elderly parents they will likely be hospitalized or die of a pre- existing condition. Save your money and roll the dice because your odds of winning at the casino are better then they are collecting from an insurance company.
Nice article Charles. It reminded me of my hexagonal cabin covered with Birch shakes that I built north of Talkeetna in 1971. Thanks!
Well done! They really need a "Snort" emoji.
Looking at her history, I don't see anything Hillary Clinton has done for "normal" people, whoever they are. Welfare "reform", i.e., kicking people off of welfare; support for trade deals that have benefited corporations and cost US jobs; wars that have killed both foreigners and US working-class economic "volunteers", a huge waste of our taxes; deregulation of banks and opposition to breaking up the big ones, while she gets big bucks for speaking to Wall Street; the list goes on. Clinton and her husband came into power with the stated purpose of pulling the Democratic party to the right, so they could get corporate money and win elections. His eight years in office were all about deficit reduction in order to pull down interest rates and make it easier for businesses to borrow and buy each other out. Besides the welfare bill, which has been very destructive to poor people, he signed off on bank deregulation.
Two roundabouts in a two-block area is what the design shows. Too many of our US planners wandered off to Europe and think roundabouts are 'tres cool'. They save money on traffic signals and I can't say that I have ever seen an accident at one but they certainly increase the tension level as you try to guess who has never seen one before and who is going to blast into the side of your car.
Bravo Harry, bravo!!!!
I thought jans description fit billary perfectly. Great letter!!
First, it's not my opinion: it's Jesus' commandment that the "Church" (the bishops...who are not the Church) are disobeying. What is this commandment? You should know by now, since I think we've had this discussion before. It's pretty fundamental, T. . Jesus puts it almost on a par with loving his Poppa. Any bells clanging yet?
"I homeschool 3 of my 4 and two of my kids are a year ahead and they are all smarter then I ever was at their age" Did you get assistance from the state education system such as a curriculum, teaching materials, schedules, goals, etc? Did you accept and listen to the advice and assistance? Do you honestly expect her to do the same when it comes to public education or ignore any contrary study, facts, expertise, etc. to assert her own ideology?
... and in Norway, all that was financed by pumping a helluva lot of oil and selling it on the world market. ;-) (At one time, Norway was the world's 2nd largest exporter of crude, after Saudi Arabia.) Gosh - sacrificing global climate for "free" healthcare for 4 million (overwhelmingly white) people? Worthwhile trade-off?
Are you seriously this bitter of a woman? Move on. Jason isn't a bad man and that is his name. However I get it you have a somewhat of a bad past with him. No one is perfect lady but he isn't a bad man. Your past is your past with Jason that's all it is so leave it at that. Getting on here and bashing him is immature on your part when he can't defend himself.. however bet I will as his girl and his best friend I will defend him and fight for him and us. Sry you're so bitter but maybe you should move on like he and I have. He is a good loving man who loves me loves life and loves all children. I will see that he gets the fairness and positive reacinition he deserves.
ya in SOUTH CAROLINA where the min wage is $7.25 a hour! SORRY BURL, but your post is meaningless to this article and the points we make,,
What you're saying is akin to saying the Girl Scouts are all about being salespeople and nothing to do with character building...or that the Boy Scouts are all about the desire to wear khaki shorts and nothing to do with character building. Not everything is zero sum. Open your mind...
Ah, over aged. Not overage. That has nothing to do with this whatsoever.
"Crutch"? I won't listen to arguments from illiterates.
Until you are willing to say the same thing about the Planned Parenthood shooter, all you are doing is using this horrific act as a bludgeon to club liberals with.
Actually I'm a Libertarian.
The rail dream that has turned into a nightmare. Prof. Randy Roth had it right with the fallacy of sunk costs theory. In lay terms: When you find yourself in a hole, STOP DIGGING. The "estimated cost" was $3.7B, then $5.3B, now $10B. All without the unknown and similarly increasing operating costs. Add in the false claim of traffic relief – not gonna happen, and you have to ask, 'Why do you keep hitting yourselves on your heads?" Answer: Because it feels so good when you stop. So STOP ALREADY.
I keep hearing people want free speech for all opinions, but when that opinion contradict their own, it's bar the door. Women understand that a group is more powerful than an individual. Men dominated many fields until women simply stopped accepting the barrier and educated themselves. They've leveled the playing field by removing false barriers and they have proven it works with gains in almost every professional field. Men have worked on perfecting their whine. If you thnk women are inferior in a field, just say it. I'll start, women can't compete with men in most championship sports. (based on adult teams of similar age and experience). Sure some women can beat some men, but on average, top athletes in both genders will result in men winning.
The Founding Fathers had amazing foresight. This system was designed to prevent a corrupt state or populous states running roughshod over the rest of the country. Besides that, after we remove millions of illegals running around within this country voting democrat beginning on Jan 20th, the numbers will more accurately reflect conservative American sentiment.
Never start a fight with the wrong weapon. Or, never start a fight you cannot win. Must be awful for the tourists to face these daily attempts on the infideles.
Interesting. I've been diving for over 40 years from Costa Rica to Nome. I've logged over 4,000 dives in this time and some of my very favorite have been in Alaska. I live in SE so much of my diving has been here. There are wonderful dive sites here. Sure, you need to sniff around more than The East Cape in the Baja but there are fantastic dives here in Alaska. My favorite sites are out at Coronation Island. It's right where the warm Japanese currents hit the Islands of SE . World class. If you are an adventure diver (wreck etc) don't miss this spectacular area full of beauty and archeological wonders.
Sadly, becoming a K-12 teacher was never a choice respected by many in our country. Start with Washington Irving's portrayal of the village schoolmaster as well as the popular saying of the early 20th century: "Those who can do, those who can't, teach."
Exiled -- Isn't that exactly what UNIONS do? === Those nonunion workers today who are paid decently benefit from the stands taken and battles fought by their grandparents/great-granparents against lethal, life-shortening working conditions, and for living wages. Workers joined together and fought for worker rights - frequently against corporation-controlled government, starving "scabs", police, judges, well-paid corporate lawyers, and hired corporation "muscle" .. They created the blue collar middle class that many anti-union posters here belong to, and that we have heard so much lamenting about.
Your PFD is history if the level of government we "need" is $8 billion per year
You'll never get rid of the Republicans, the majority of Alaskans don't like Democrats or they're policies of taking from the working and giving to the non-working and non-productive. I'm sorry but that's the truth, why do you think they get elected time after time? Don't kill the messenger!
I'm sympathetic to theologians who are ordered under obedience not to write, but that's the nature of ecclesial authority. It's what they signed up for when they took their vows. Some obey and some have chosen to leave their religious communities and continue to publish under their own authority. In each case, they were exercising personal choice.
Then Schatz you and the other Hawaii Representatives will soon be looking for another job. We the people of Hawaii are tired of old politics and plan to put new blood in office. Drain the swamp in Hawaii too
Oh dear god. I can hardly believe this. So, Gattis says that the Administration hasn't done enough to cut State spending. What in the hell do you think paying $700 million to the oil industry is? Is that not State spending? I personally believe the operating budget can be cut, but the big hole in the bucket is where we pay 3/4 of a billion to the oil industry and give them half a million barrels of oil a day. Those who buy into this nonsense are either morons or criminals. Either way, they aren't suited to hold elected office.
Just PMJT's new electoral system. A cross between FPTP and party list PR. Turns out it's party list FPTP. Enjoy, Liberal voters.
Mucky- you either agree with that fact that our Founding Fathers made us a Christian nation through their Judeo-Christian paradigm, or you don't -- which one is it?
Add to the meeting was Sec. of State Tillerson, who released a similar statement as NSA Dir. McMaster released, in that there were no secrets discussed with the Russians. Imua.
Sounds like someone has discovered "rabbit stew"
These new best friends of little potato (or as I much prefer, Zoolander) know exactly what they're doing, since swindling, stealing, extortion and buying politicians is how someone goes from zero to a Billionaire in a Communist Country in ??? 20 years. Our trouble is Justin's to dense to see it. He actually thinks they like and respect him because he's a World Leader of a country with a population equal to an ordinary city in China. They're going to eat our lunch. Thanks, Zoolander.
The Democrates are the reason our Country is not secure, they sold the America Public out But they paid the price for their ignorance
Great column Margaret !! Keep going. We need more M.Wente.
really?? go to alaskalist.com or grab a classified section of your local newspaper.
Receding economy. Check. Fewer jobs. Check. Stagnating wages. Check. Runaway debt. Check. Cost of everything going up. Check. Canada is back!!!
Completely agree Carol!
Google "map of Islamic terroism" here's what comes up... https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1i_O_lT5CPsJ0orP_jp5A9ZnrtWY&hl=en_US Then google "map of Christian terrorism" https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1VuDe0s4k_7dcWp6_qEIsx6LJ2rU&hl=en&ll=12.132512400346576%2C-6.606374899999992&z=1 See a difference? Lol
I enjoyed this article! My father in Adak during WWII and I have heard many stories about the Aleutians my whole life. My mother and grandmother were both teachers who at times taught in isolated areas. Lisa is an excellent writer and reporter!
No it wouldn't. We can't afford 24000 state employees much less going them raises. Your post does not address the root problem
Krugman doesn't sneer at Germany or its economy, even though he is a Jew whose grandparents escaped Hitler. What Krugman says is that Germany uses the Euro to suck money out of Southern European nations that can't keep up, like Greece and Italy and Spain. I'll take your word on the French stats, but I remember in the '50's that the French peasants were wearing shoes cut from old auto tires. Germany uses the Euro, weakened by the other economies, to export BMW's by the millions along with Mercedes. If Germany reverted to the Mark, they couldn't sell their beautiful cars in America. Germany is at the top of the heap and wants to remain there. The French rely on immigrants to work to support their retired folks. A somewhat high unemployment rate keeps the wages low. Sort of like how we run our agriculture sector.
Even if true (unlikely given he was a millionaire) why would you do this? E.g., how does this help? I could maybe see killing a bunch of dealers or something, but random people at a concert? What does that have to do with gambling debt?
!!! I hear ENB uses a special "smoker" like this when they cook their accounting books. Its a patented secret recipe... Their was a bit of a smell coming off it today...."Memories of April 2015"...
Yet one more bag lady to take down in 2017: one A. Merkel.
And you would know the difference? :)) LOL Funny, how quickly you forgot to address the fact that you know nothing about diplomatic telegrams, and their use. :))) Instead you lounged into a personal attack. Typical, I would say for those loudly proclaiming their "progressiveness," whatever that means. :)))
Did you have a problem with the 4 years and 7 investigations of Hillary Clinton?
Don't let any of the negativity get to you guys. I can't imagine anyone would take issue with this movement if the picture at the top reflected a less diverse crowd. That's a personal problem on their end. You guys are doing great. 🤘
Please take CJ off the field. He runs into traffic and falls down. Booker twists and turns and grabs an extra yard even as he's going down. And where is Charles?
and the paid lib troll spews the usual nonsense,, see loser if not for the tax support of our money those so called green cars would not be anywhere to be seen,, its a false to say they are taking off, remove the tax support and they go away since they are far more expensive,, we should not be subsidizing such private products period
A little behind the times, Darryl. CTVglobemedia ceased to exist years ago (2010). The Globe and Mail has no affiliation with CTV.
I didn't get a notice; not yet, anyway. I clicked the button that says "ACTIVITY >" up by the commenting field. The comment in question includes this line: "This comment was rated below the civility threshold for publication."
A big "if'" in the beginning of your statement yet you come to a decisive conclusion as if your "if" was reality. Look up "Strawman".
I read from a different news website that Obama meddled with our elections the same way he did with Israel's elections. He sent his team and sent funds during our elections. Didn't you notice how biased media was and were constantly attacking Harper? Trudeau had help from the US to win our elections. It's not fair!!
Where do these "academics" come up with these articles? They're all the same - is there a fill-in form that they download? Please circle all that apply. 1. There is a war/famine/disaster/in: ________________ (please specify country or region) 2. It is the fault of Western military/economic/political/industrial policy/other: ___________________ (please specify) 3. Canada can lead the World in solving said crisis and earn much sought after praise from: the affected region/Western governments/UN/ other _____________________ (please specify) 4. What Canada should do: _______________________________________________ (please specify) But they never fill in number 4 Perhaps it would be helpful if the Globe refused to publish incomplete forms.
Actually that doesn't qualify, since there is an argument he was right. He was not pinning a label on someone he didn't agree with, just giving his opinion.
Along Phoenix light rail route is hundreds of billions in investment. We also need to invest in kids in poverty who never receive adequate early education. They do very poorly in school and in life if they miss the important developmental tasks in their early years. For them it's a basic need. And for us it's an investment in their futures that they cannot afford. Studies show that even at ages 27 and 40 they lose out and are on the bottom of the heap. "...significantly higher earnings, rates of home ownership, and levels of schooling, as well as significantly fewer arrests and social service interventions, than a control group of non-preschool participants. Cost-benefit analysis revealed that, over the lifetimes of the participants, the preschool program returned to the public an estimated $7.16 for every dollar spent."
Admonish by strangulation. How honourable. No doubt the photographic evidence is theatrical and this inconvenient smudge will be wiped swiftly away. She is a girl-child and he an alpha male after all.
Onlly if ms.amylou goes first. After all, she caused my temporary break with reality.
You keep saying such things, and I keep reminding everyone of what you are actually saying. You have a remarkably arrogant attitude, in that you insist that you are the soul of orthodoxy, and that anyone who disagrees with anything the magisterium says is not a true Catholic. You also say that the magisterium has never, ever changed a teaching, which means that you are either ignorant or dishonest.
I find it hilarious when a Djou-ite comes out, blasts the mayor and his "interesting friends" but will not even bat an eye about what "interesting friends" Djou has surrounding him in this campaign. Maybe that should be also something worth investigating, Chad. I predict that on both sides of the campaign, both on Caldwell and Djou, one can easily pick out "nefarious" individuals who are creating and putting out some pretty slick pieces blasting the other candidate. And I am not talking about the union bosses that have already come out for Djou and Caldwell. I am talking about the others, the men (or women) behind the man.
where was the corruption? Parnell Not releasing them, or Walker releasing them?
Anyone else have the sinking feeling that this protest action will achieve no change but will mean major disruption to work and travel, huge potential for looting and violence, and a lot of entitlement demands that are not fully connected to reality?
Uniforms fulfill the same function. The identify the wearer as a member of a specified group, while suppressing his or her individuality. Do you claim that uniforms are not clothing?