I have been suffering from amyotrophic laterals sclerosis (ALS) disease for the last three years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. my first sign that something was wrong, was my slurred speech. And then the inability to eat without getting choked, strangled, and coughing.Throughout my three years ordeal, i was able to walk with assistance nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the riluzole (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements with my slurred speech, there is no case of constant pain and chest tightness since treatment, visit Health Herbal Clinic official website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email info@ healthherbalclinic. net. This treatment is incredible!
If you have a Red Seal in Refrigeration, the technical errors in this article must hurt your head also. It makes us think, when they are reporting on issues we know little about, what are they telling us? Probably more Fake News? Seriously Globe, the mechanical refrigeration cycle involves a phase change, the ammonia doesn't "remain as a liquid in the system and turns to gas when released to athmosphere." Ammonia is used because it doesn ZERO environmental damage and requires about 1/3 the energy for the same refrigeration effect as a freon system. Stick with that Globe, it's as simple as that and you won't be tossing your credibility out the window giving us simpletons an erroneous technical talk about something you know little about and can't be bothered researching or verifying. Red Seal Mechanic, I do agree with the education institutions wrongfully pushing the lesser educated into highly technical trades, but to be fair, it seems they get pushed into journalism as well!
Klansman, for us to understand one another you'll have to jettison concepts like 'passive racial reparations', 'making things even with everyone else' and other fallacies embraced by poor put-upon WWSSF (whiny white supremacist snowflakes) when they recount their imaginary "slights" at the merest positive mention of anyone else. What's worse than "playing the victim" is being jealous of those who've actually been victims. That's pretty much all your complaints amount to. Shall I get out my harmonica and play you some "white man's blues"?
Of course they all love working in the NY shyster's office because they probably identify with all of his 'qualities.'
There are no "moderate Republicans". Only lost souls who lean far to the left but not quite far enough to be welcomed into The Democrat Party. But, then, DNC would oust Harry Truman were he alive today.
"Yes, and Harper missed EVERY sign". Every Politician missed every sign, and had Harper stood up and said "We are going into a major recession" You would criticize him for driving us into one. It was obvious from at least 2005 that the bubble was on the verge of bursting, and yet Paul Martin didn't mention it in his campaign once, but campaigned on even more stimulus to inflate our part of the bubble further. The Coalition was formed to increase deficit spending not introduce it - bit of a difference. Harper already knew that deficits were inevitable, it just became a question of how big. "Harper was able to use "Stimulus" like a slush fund with quarterly reports to Parliament morphed into Action Plan advertisements." Partly true - that is the nature of deficit spending everywhere - the "Deadhand" of Government miss allocating resources. No real indication Harper was better or worse than anyone else at that.
The Browns did meet the minimum criteria for EM, however, if all the original 60 charges would've been applied, it's doubtful. I think the judge missed an opportunity to make the Browns an example of the penalties you may face, if your caught cheating on the PFD. The press and exposure in the case has created much more awareness than it does on cases such as this. This slap on the wrist, and paying back the monies stolen, may have been worth taking that chance of being caught.
"The government should not be in the business of picking and choosing which sets of religious beliefs enjoy special favor in the community." That's from New Mexico, where they just took out a tablet with the Ten Commandments on it. Personally, I think the Quebec government should next target those nuns that dress like penguins. They worship statues! Creepy.
To me, all these investigations are politically motivated nonsense. There's been 6 months of investigations into Russian meddling and no evidence of any meddling presented publicly. Anonymous sources leaking selected parts of a memo to reporters from media outlets that have a record of supporting Clinton are not convincing. I hope you're right and Comey presents that memo (if it exists) at a public hearing. If there is a memo, he should have presented it when he testified before the Senate. I'm glad to see some criticism of Hillary. She was horrible, she managed to lose to the most unpopular candidate in history, and that's a real accomplishment. The Democrats should have gone with Bernie Sanders.
RE: "But Gray’s eventual spot in the rotation will remain up for debate." Are you out of your mind? He still has the best stuff of any Rockies pitcher. I agree - - keep Chatwood on the road and have him sit in the sauna for home games. Besides - - the Rockies will need all the pitchers they have during the dog days of late July and August. I read today where the Rockies are looking for a veteran starting pitcher. Huh? They need another strong reliever - - middle to late innings (not a closer). I am intrigued about Justin Verlander, though. I'm not sure how much he has left in the tank but he is a proven winner. And it would be great to see Kate Upton at Coors Field! :>)
I seriously doubt that you can point to our human rights abuses as being worse than your, carding is being eliminated, the people seeking to get out of the US and find sanctuary are being arrested and will have their claims adjudicated, (they are not immigrants), and our "genocidal historical figure" was our George Washington. He certainly had his warts- but he did unite the country and keep us from becoming Americans. And he didn't own any slaves....
The years under Harper h e l l + TFW fast-tracking and now Trudeau keeping the same lobbyist advisors to fire-sale us in various treasonous ways is exactly why majority governments should never happen in Canada ever again.
"Mr. Comey wanted more personnel and resources to devote to his examination of the Russia ties, and the White House obviously wanted fewer of each. " That appears to be the heart of this matter. Whatever we might think of Comey, we should assume that FBI investigators are a competent and reasonably principled bunch. If they smell a rat, they will pursue it. If they discover that there are more rats than they thought, they will ask for more resources. If Mr. McCabe is a principled guy the FBI investigation should proceed nicely. If he isn't and tries to suppress it we may see leaks and other action from front-line investigators who refuse to bury what they've discovered.
Ever wonder if Dave & Jen are sitting next to each other in the same room posting on here?
So much for the Dispatch's civil comment system .
Not just the Romans. The Angles and the Saxons pretty much eradicated the original tribes of the British Isles, 'cept the Welsh and the Scots. "Kill everybody" was pretty much official rules of engagement for those particular tribes. Hard not to conclude that it still is for their modern descendants.
It is curious to me that McDonalds would make this decision from a business standpoint. With the number of allergic kids out there, does this really improve their business? I mean Skor McFlurries? Really? Seems like a strange business decision. I hope for their sakes that this is saving them a boatload of money on the supply side (I guess nuts in individual bags are more expensive?) cause I can't really see how this is going to bring in new customers to offset the ones they will be losing...
Oh no you di n't! Bad girl.
They do this every few years, what else is new. These "aboriginals" are mostly descended from whites though, we are all mixed. Anti-immigrant sentiment is just as noxious when it's those who claim to be aboriginals who are expressing it. We all belong here in our country, and we are all indigenous to it.
Great idea! !
The fact that right-wing-minded folks are pressure cooked into one party does not mean that the right is undivided. It seems obvious to me that there are two right winged parties for a legitimate reason, and it only goes bad when that's seen as a problem, and a strong man is "chosen" to solve the problem. It is so strange that right wingers feel coalitions betray them.
I don't understand why we don't have a private vendor in PA for license tab renewals and some other basic county license services. I have driven to Silverdale to transfer title on Saturday at their contract office and it was busy. The employees work hard at the county office but county services are the only business that doesn't serve their customers on convenient hours or Saturday. Do union rules get in the way of a schedule that would serve the public?
Excellent decision by UBC to have Mr Furlong speak-and not be intimidated by the vocal and ignorant minority. The man and his family have been through enough. I trust our police and courts more than a scurrilous reporter and so called newspaper
My husband, now 68, retired" 6 years ago. He started working at 14, put in 3 years of military service (1 yr.Vietnam) + 37 years at the US Post Office. After 6 months, he started driving school bus and found a summer job driving a courtesy van full-time with the tourism industry. He enjoys both jobs, but he isn't doing it for fun, it's out of necessity. I am on SS disability, unable to work since 2006. My 401 K "disappeared" during the recession and during that time, I was bedridden for 7 years. In 2002 we downsized from a larger home to a much smaller one after the kids were gone. We bought a used car, no vacations just the occasional trip South for medical or to attend a family funeral. 2 yrs. ago, turned our furnance off and rely on a wood stove and a space heater to keep us warm. We don't eat out unless we have been invited to dinner. We rely on our son in-laws to hunt and fish for us. Never envisioned a time when we stopped working, our parents never did, so why would we?
I`d vote for Kevin in a Heartbeat.!
Dr. Olson, well stated. You are a community leader that is articulate, and passionate. You would do a MUCH better job than Coghill. Please consider running!
Judge: So, Ms. Turnipseed, what do you want for your new surname? Ashley: Twentybac, your honor!
CU thinks leaving the Big 8 (or 12) and joining the PAC 12 made them a superpower again. They are scared of losing to CSU.
Amen, Poly, they keep propping up that same straw man, as if they're fooling anybody -- though I must give Junkie some credit for introducing yet another stalling tactic: humility.
They are more worried about protections for the "unborn", but don't give a damn about the already living people (including children) who will be harmed by this monstrosity. I am sick and tired of the bishops trying to turn their beliefs into law against the 1st amendment!
Just curious...of all you folks that have commented on this issue and expressed your strong feelings and criticisms, have any of you actually listened to Demoski's radio segment or read her blog in questions? Unless you have, then you're simply relying on ADN's interpretation of the events...so much for relying on facts for your opinions. Kinda like what you're accusing Demoski's of doing!
Uh John...in the video you posted, the US Marine interviewed, Lt. Snelson, is wearing the same uniform pattern as the guys in the picture above. The Japanese marines have a completely different one. Also, they don't have M4s, they're carrying full-size rifles. M16 or M27 I don't know, but very obviously not carbines. And, of course, it's quite obvious that the guy just below on the beach is haole. Even the one in the front doesn't look Japanese. Remember the first rule of holes.
Conservatives just got their own Stephane Dion moment. Buyer's remorse won't be far behind.
AAAAAAGGGHHHHHHHHH! My hair is on fire! Some advice for anyone panicking; stop, drop, and roll.
Better than a New York every week. I couldn't resist, no put down intended. :)
I agree that Wynne has been wasting money but the funding of Toronto transit by the provincial government was cancelled or reduced many years before she came into power.
You have the inside information. What are the statistics showing how many incompetent teachers and administrators have been fired by the school district. And what are your sources?
What about parking for non citizens, Toronto needs more parking and more affordable parking, can we make a tax on foreign parking? Or what about riding transit can we make a transit tax for non Ontario residents. Subways are so busy and transit costs in Toronto are so high. Lets just tax all the non residents they aren't paying for the system their fares should be 5$ or 10$ or something to makeup the difference huh... Or food prices, food prices are going up. HECK LETS JUST DO A FOREIGNER TAX... who cares about housing COST OF LIVING IS INCREASING ON EVERYTHING WE CLEARLY NEED A EVERYTHING TAX, TAX ON EXPORTS CAUSE THEY ARE INCREASING LOCAL COSTS ETC.. etc.. non you know what, that is so not right. We have a service and everyone has the opportunity for it. We shouldn't be discriminating against foreigners. THIS IS A FREE MARKET COUNTRY. SOCIALISM SAY NO. CHINESE BUYERS OR CHINESE SOCIALISM I PICK THE CHINESE CAPITALISTS NOT EXPORT OF CHINESE COMMUNISM
I think you're right about Charles, I made the mistake of thinking that GBA was quoting Charles, but I was mistaken. ***** If I say "God", it will bring an image of God's character to others. My 'God' would not pick and chose winners in an elections. He/she would know us in ways we can't see ourselves. She would see the timeless shared bond of all life and embrace us, all of us. (others have a God that scares the begeebers out of you!) I can't say my God image is complete - how would that even begin to be possible? I chose to believe that God loves us all, including our enemies. If I was Buddhist I might believe that a person I'm angry with, could be my mother, father, son, daughter from a past life. Would we say something kinder to a person if we knew they had nurtured us in the past? My faith is in a generous and loving God. If it's nothing but a purposeful delusion, I'll take it over political partisanship.
Intent has always been judged. It's nothing new.
Traitor to what, lol That's rich! The ultra minority, hate the majority society!! yuk yuk yuk
You are still trying to malign Newman in more subtle ways- as you have been doing since the start of this discussion. Newman has dealt with "this silly question" very well. Factually, you have no leg to stand on. Is it because she is a U of O professor and that you cannot stand those university-crowd people?
Jesus Jonathan, you've squeezed a lot into that bottle, and taken the gloves off as well. A marvelous colour image. I'm on my way to Clicks to get some. Can I use your name to facilitate a discount? Thanks for the lol.
Actually you can blame Alan Wong (and his senior management) for the demise. His kitchen staff was continually understaffed (and under-trained), hence the long wait times on orders. If you look at PR's Yelp reviews the majority of the complaints are about the long wait time for their orders to come out. Last time I was there for lunch two tables near me walked out because they waiting so long for their food. As things got worse, you hardly ever saw Alan there to try to fix things. I think he was resolved to the fact that he was going to close. I was a regular customer there and continued to go there even after things started getting bad mainly because I thought the "front of the restaurant staff" (wait staff) was so good. You can't blame the "wait staff" for long wait times if the kitchen is backed up. When the kitchen would get backed up with orders and you've waited over 30-45 minutes for your order to come out, a free edamame just wont keep customers coming back...
Never answer a question with a question. One thing for certain, the quantity of melanocytes in the epidermis does not define a particular race. Einstein and Obama's father, a Luo, share the same haplogroup E1b1b1-M35.1. The Fitzpatrick dermatological pigmentary scale ranges from between 1 to 6 , from "white" to "black"; Hitler's National Socialist herrenvolk master race, the Arians ( German-Iranians) range from 1 to 4 on the scale. The white suprematists who believe themselves to be members of the Arian master race , likely aren't. Back to the question...what is a " racist monument"?
I'm not the one demonstrating negative energy. I'm just saying, don't let it consume you like it did this guy. He also had problems regulating emotion and controlling his leftist tendencies.
Maybe, your Donald is actually the "hopeless" one. You ever think about that ?
Just worry about the snakes who will befriend and betray. The devil is the angel of light who masquerades as the servant of righteousness.
I was kind of hoping for a more black smoke and dirty water kind of a guy.
Getting re-programmed to appear more human...
Obviously Kapolei is poorly coached....the talent there is way better than Leilehua. And let's not forget the snafu that caused them to forfeit the game against Castle....another coaching blunder. Maybe the coach should consider choosing COACHING or BROADCASTING, but not both?
Best time of the year! Counting down the days!
Emmanuel Goldstein, and he got not a single Jewish vote?
WTF is the money going exclusively to Native Corporations?
With regard to CETA , Ms Freeland makes me want to throw up !!! I believe CETA is part of the global movement ; I have been opposed to globalism from its early days . The US ( EU ?) offer to help Ukraine was underhand from the beginning . US intentions were twofold , primarily the opportunity to make Ukraine join NATO so that the US could plant missile defenses on the Russian border and annex the port of Sebastopol in Crimea , to deprive Russia of its southern port giving access to the Mediterranean . Secondly to exploit Ukraine's gas and mineral deposits . The US had no understanding of Ukraine's industrial ties to Russia . Yanukovych didn't sign the EU accord and the EU refused to renegotiate ; so the CIA stirred up people to riot and effect a regime change . Putin knew what the US was up to , at the onset of civil war Russia annexed Crimea .
Yemen is a war crime inherited and embraced by Mr. Trump. Mr. Hewitt is celebrating and elevating a criminal act of war to the level of the transcendent. Mr. Trump's "looking down" reference is a nod to the religious constituency of this con-man who has, like so many American politicians, adopted the rhetoric, style and references of that American archetype...the con-man/preacher.
You need to change your name. Regressivem or something like that.
The obvious answer to gun violence is more guns. More guns=more safety. Just like the best cure for a hangover is an early morning beer. If every man woman and child in this country was armed with a weapon too heavy to carry we would all rest safer at night. Ask the NRA.
I agree, M C. Such a resolute but reasonable stance is only sustainable and credible, however, if our Government and Canadians generally are prepared for the contingency that the negotiations might break down and the US begin a trade war. While not welcoming such a prospect, I think that this is the realistic approach and the best way forward for all concerned. To do otherwise is to court a bad and divisive outcome for Canadians.
Do you realize how historically naive that sounds? Indigenous people stealing resources from European immigrants. There are some good books in the library with documentation and evidence of a different story of colonization. Rural Alaska is where the resources come from that urban dwellers enjoy.
Rebels? What rebels? According to the Globe narratives of the past weeks, the vicious "ethnic cleansing" operations were completely unprovoked attacks, on yet another Muslim population just trying to get along with everyone, like they do everywhere else. No way that the reporting was trying to soften up support in Canada for yet another airlift of "religion of peace-ers" into the welcoming Canadian mosaic.
It should be noted that CA has one of the best economies in the nation, and that is despite (or thanks to) its abundance of immigrants (both legal and non-legal), its strict environmental laws, one of the most active state health care plans, high taxes, and all the other "liberal policies" that Republicans love to put down. If only California had an actual say on who became President!
Booker is a preening, empty suit. Unfortunately, he is also one of my senators. Okay, where is the evidence. Much was collected during the Obama Administration. I wouldn't put it past the Dems to have leaked a lot to try to damage Trump. But, there is no "there" there.
Jr. can't be taught anything, he's a legend in his own mind.
If they get rid of specialty schools does that include the dedicated to black (sorry cannot recall what term I am suppose to use) studies?
I wonder how many of the six dead voters are actually dead. I've had family members killed off on paper by the Social Security Administration. What happens is that when someone dies, their social security number is entered into a database as being deceased. However, there is no procedure in place to double-check the accuracy of the entry. I guess they figure that if someone is still alive and they are listed as dead they will come forward and get it corrected at some point. (I'm not sure how they deal with the fact that for each person wrongly listed as dead there is someone who is indeed dead but is still on the books as living.)
The Trudeau Liberals are being very shortsighted and frankly...stupid. We on the West Coast are witnessing a shift by foreign buyers from Vancouver to Victoria. Institute a change in Victoria and the foreign buyers will go after Nanaimo or Campbell River. All of Canada needs to be protected so national home ownership remains a reality for the younger generations.
As usual I agree with you but the foreign buyers tax came to late to save Vancouver west end and yes more should have been done. == A quote from the NP: "In China and Hong Kong, foreigners are banned and locals restricted to one mortgaged unit and a second one only if they pay cash for it. The Swiss have a quota for foreign purchases and allow one unit as a second residence for their exclusive use. European countries often charge foreigners twice the property taxes they charge locals. In Thailand, foreigners cannot buy land but can buy condos, but only up to 49% per building. The United States does not restrict foreign housing, but keeps track and mortgages are difficult to get This will result in a catastrophe. If Canada does not stop foreign buying, or temporary resident buying, Canadian taxpayers and homeowners will pay an enormous, and potentially disastrous, price." == The time for LIBERAL inaction must end, our sovereignty is under attack and personal debt has become crippling.
I wasn't thinking of women's ordination in particular (though Francis is practically indifferent to the profound problem of the church's ontological view of women). He's obviously critical of clericalism and centralization and has tried to introduce reforms, but even these modest gestures provoke hysteria among traditionalists. The abiding presence of a reactionary Pope Emeritus may also be a factor. My impression is that Francis wants to sow seeds that may eventually disrupt the status quo after his death but is otherwise wary.
Gonna outrun the interceptors?
What a sad social commentary. In my career I've often had female bosses and the thought of not meeting with them one-on-one on a regular basis is ridiculous - there is no way we could have had an effective working relationship or organization otherwise. I also think the idea of not having a dinner or drink with a boss or co-worker of the opposite sex requires context - I've often had lunch or dinner (with a drink) with a superior or subordinate of the opposite sex to discuss work, which is entirely fine to me and very different from doing the same just for social reasons, which would not be entirely appropriate. I think avoiding such situations to "avoid temptation" is a reflection of the moral character of the individual if they think they're unable to "resist temptation".
I don't disagree with your food recommendations, I just disagree with your statement that there is a problem. Association is not causation, and the article itself admits to arguments against the causation theory. However, the modern puritans will use these studies to campaign against stuff like pop.
Where did you get that definition of authority, yourself? The hierarchy has a mandate from the living God that walked among us. The authority of the church rests on the promise Christ made to Peter, not your subjective feelings.
The Harper type of Reform Con (and that is what new leader Scheer is as well) appear to be foaming at the mouth with jealousy over Trudeau - still. They seem to forget that Harper tried mightily to run his government on glib photo ops. As we are in August, they might remember that this entire month was often devoted to Harper's Arctic visits, posing on ships, posing with his "cabinet" and a podium on the permafrost, etc. Harper also demanded the questions from journalists so he could rehearse his "answers" before the supposed media scrum. The jealousy appears partly due to Trudeau being so good at impromptu photo ops while the Harperites were just awful at all their "government by visual" manipulations including their dreadful channel 24/7/. I don't vote Liberal but for all the gnashing and wailing from the Cons - Trudeau still looks authentic and Scheer looks like Harper with a painfully fixed grin.
"It's called OPM. I do it all the time in business. It's called other people's money," Trump said. "There's nothing like doing things with other people's money because it takes the risk -- you get a good chunk out of it and it takes the risk." Trump is using Americans' tax dollars to pay for an investigation that is nothing but a pathetic and desperate attempt to create a distraction from his train wreck of a presidency and its dalliance with the Russians. Very sad, as he likes to say.
"Because we interpreted the end of the Cold War as the ultimate vindication of America’s economic system, we intensified our push toward the next level of capitalism, called globalization. It was presented as a project that would benefit everyone. Instead it has turned out to be a nightmare for many working people. Thanks to “disruption” and the “global supply chain,” many American workers who could once support families with secure, decent-paying jobs must now hope they can be hired as greeters at Walmart. Meanwhile, a handful of super-rich financiers manipulate our political system to cement their hold on the nation’s wealth." http://www.commondreams.org/views/2016/08/06/dont-blame-masses The Democratic convention platform committee refused to come out against the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, which Obama has pushed. Hillary Clinton now says she's against it but until the campaign she was for it, as was her VP choice.
That is not correct. It was not witnessed. The "evidence " against him, including his coerced confession would never stand up in any court you or I would want to be tried in. Furthermore, even if he had there is no justification for his being tortured and denied basic rights. We claim to have gone into Afghanistan to uphold law. We are obliged to live by our laws ourselves. That is what two successive governments failed to do.
No need for that caution - very few Canadians are leaving this country to live in China while the number of Chinese wanting to get out of China is monumental.
No rule of law, no innocent until proven guilty. Separating children from their parents. I think ICE may become Trump's jackbooted brown-shirts! I wonder what constitutes a crime for a DACA child? Jaywalking?
I do not appreciate it. So long as a pope teaches and preaches in conformity with the magisterium--he SHOULD silence his critics, for they presumably would be causing scanadal or spreading error.What is the name of that traditional order that was essentially mothballed last year? And this pope, the pope of "mercy", never misses an opportunity to lambaste traditionalists.
Yeah well, there's laws against unlicensed citizens selling certain narcotics, but that doesn't seem to prevent Vancouver's drug problems. Laws are ineffective if government is too incompetent or unwilling to enforce them.
Actually, the "little color screen" only shows the aircraft that have the necessary transmitter to talk to the "little color screen;" many don't. I know boats better than planes but the technology and rules are much the same. In VFR conditions, apparently the situation here, the most important navigational tool is the Mark 1- A1 Eyeball. One pilot or the other lost what is euphemistically called "situational awareness." There is a reason that when you seek a license to operate an airplane or a boat, they make you learn how to do it with NO electronic aids. The electronics make it easier, but they also make you lazy and careless. I ran the investigation of the allusion of M/V LeConte with Cozian Reef on a beautiful cloudless day; the last words from the deck officers were, "I lost situational awareness." There is no substitute for the Mk.1-A1 Eyeball.
Pretty scant in details for an "article". Where was this? "South of Downtown Kirkland", is not enough info. Male or Female?
“It's funny...I don’t usually recommend angry knitting, but there’s a lot of anger in the hats I’ve done so far… :/” Watch out for the needles, I'm knitting d--- it! I welcome a new project especially now, even if I don't march. There's also a good youtube showing the steps.
Last I looked corporations are staffed with people, who each get paychecks, with all the same deductions as everyone else. Last I looked stockholders who gain from the profit of well managed companies pay taxes on those gains as well. Do the two-thirds who believe corporate taxes are too low factor these substantial tax revenues in at all, and that "corporate" taxes are the third tax hit on a company? Poll results are only as reliable as the quality of the questions. It appears this question was intentionally worded to generate the desirable clickbait headlines. And it worked!
Interesting, I thought this was an article about a criminal episode involving a juvenile. I didn't realize it was a whole exposition of contemporary political philosophy and intergenerational social polarization. Oh wait a minute. It's not.
Don't count on it.. Odds are 50/50 there might be another Dimocrat like James Hodgkinson around the next time she shows respect for Trump's star.
Public education has a responsibility to every American child, but there is no utopian model for the system. Each student has the potential to gain much from what is offered, and each student will get out of it what they put into it. Unfortunately, many of our young, talented individuals seem to expect the system to spoon feed them, or come into it lacking appreciation of the opportunity it presents. All of them come with the bias that they have been raised with, and all of them will experience the painful process of learning about prejudice. Society is innately homogenous in it's pristine state, and our public education system has been built on that foundation. Public education should continue to support that ideal. If parents feel that private, or religious education is necessary, they should budget and pay for that on their own. We have incorporated charter schools into our system, but It should not be our responsibility to issue vouchers for private and religious schools.
He has not been convicted in any real court.
Won't be voting for Cadwell
And walk the walk
I'm really sick of daily Rasmuson polls. Who put them in charge, anyway?
Locker room talk. We all do it. Both men and women.
Your hallucination that Trump is profiteering from the White House has been noted.
The SA censors are at work
Just wondering.... Do you have a problem when "ultra liberals" force out a speaker? Can provide a list.....
ChristianISTS is a highly IMPROPER term. Christians are simply people who belief in Christ. Pretty sad blanket statement. Why not just use the term religious fanatics? Radicals, as you then said, was even better. I'm not religious. There's a difference.
Oh Come on Canie is this really necessary? You are better than that pal, why not simply enjoy your teams run while you have it. I hope you have a nice long run, but because of your team's makeup, Sens may also be out on the greens soon.