2 values
i don't know much about this topic let me ask you does she spell her name with two Ns and an E
How is her name spelled?
I'm glad that I know a lot about this topic.
"Hakuna kitu cha kushangaza kuhusu jina hili, lakini ni kwamba jina lake linaandikwa kwa herufi mbili za ""N"" na ""E."""
Jina lake linaandikwaje?
Ninafurahi kwamba najua mengi kuhusu mada hii.
Pretty soon, the papers will be breathlessly revealing that talk-show couch conversations are scripted and that Sam Donaldson employs fake hair and real researchers.
Sam Donaldson wears a wig.
Sam Donaldson's hair is real and luxurious.
"""Punde si punde, karatasi zitakuwa zikifunua kwa ujasiri kwamba mazungumzo ya televisheni ya mazungumzo yameandikwa na kwamba Sam Donaldson anatumia nywele bandia na watafiti wa kweli."
Sam Donaldson anavaa wig.
Nywele za Sam Donaldson ni halisi na za kifahari.
To identify leading organizations, we reviewed professional literature and research information and solicited suggestions from experts in professional organizations, nationally known public accounting firms, and federal agencies.
To identify leading organizations professional literature information was assessed.
To identify leading organizations professional literature information was not assessed.
Ili kutambua mashirika ya kuongoza, tulichunguza fasihi ya kitaaluma na habari ya utafiti na kuomba mapendekezo kutoka kwa wataalam katika mashirika ya kitaaluma, makampuni ya uhasibu wa umma yanayojulikana kitaifa, na mashirika ya shirikisho.
Ili kutambua mashirika ya kuongoza habari ya fasihi ya kitaaluma ilitathminiwa.
Ili kutambua mashirika ya kuongoza habari ya fasihi ya kitaaluma haikuhesabiwa.
Newspaper reporters increasingly feel themselves irrelevant--marginalized by TV news and the Internet, ignored by a younger generation of nonreaders.
The younger generation reads news on TV and the internet.
No one reads newspapers anymore.
Waandishi wa habari wa magazeti ya habari wanajiona kuwa wasio na maana - wamepuuzwa na habari za televisheni na Intaneti, wakipuuzwa na kizazi kipya cha watu wasio wasomaji.
Kizazi kipya husoma habari kwenye televisheni na mtandao.
Hakuna mtu anayesoma magazeti tena.
It's equally true that Republicans cynically oversimplified Gore's statement about the Internet.
Gore's statement about the internet was simplified by the Republicans.
Republicans over complicated Gore's statements on the internet.
Ni kweli pia kwamba Republican cynically oversimplified taarifa Gore ya kuhusu Internet.
Taarifa ya Gore kuhusu mtandao ilirekebishwa na Republican.
Wa-Republican wamekuwa wakishutumu taarifa za Gore kwenye mtandao.
radios and cassettes and things like that
Things like radios and cassettes.
Things not like radios.
Radio, kaseti na vitu vingine kama hivyo.
Vitu kama vile redio na kaseti.
Vitu si kama redio.
horrified and fascinated by what i was seeing
I was horrified and fascinated by what I was seeing
I was relaxed and apathetic to what I was seeing
Nilichanganyikiwa na kuvutiwa na kile nilichoona.
Nilikuwa na hofu na kuvutiwa na yale niliyokuwa nikiona
Nilikuwa mtulivu na sikujali kile nilichokuwa nikiona
In the past, interest payments contributed to deficits and helped fuel a rising debt burden.
In the past, interest payments contributed to deficits.
In the past, interest payments contributed to helping fuel a decreasing debt burden.
Zamani, malipo ya riba yalichangia upungufu wa fedha na kusaidia kuongeza mzigo wa deni.
Zamani, malipo ya riba yalichangia upungufu wa fedha.
Zamani, malipo ya riba yalitusaidia kupunguza mzigo wa deni.
Robertson sees it as a tool to keep his complex as clean and safe as possible.
To Robert, it's an instrument that keeps his complex as clean and safe as possible.
To Robert, it's an instrument that keeps his complex very dirty.
Robertson anaiona kuwa chombo cha kuweka jengo lake likiwa safi na salama iwezekanavyo.
Kwa Robert, ni chombo ambacho huhifadhi jengo lake kuwa safi na salama iwezekanavyo.
Kwa Robert, ni chombo ambacho huhifadhi tata yake kuwa cha uchafu sana.
Gainsborough's Blue Boy and Lawrence's Pinkie are the showpieces of the Huntington Gallery.
The Huntington Gallery's prize pieces are Gainsborough's Blue Boy and Lawrence's Pinkie.
Gainsborough's Blue Boy and Lawrence's Pinkie were hidden in the storeroom of the gallery.
Mchezaji wa Gainsborough Blue Boy na mchezaji wa Lawrence Pinkie ni vitu vya kuonyeshwa vya Jumba la Sanaa la Huntington.
Vipande vya tuzo vya Huntington Gallery ni Blue Boy ya Gainsborough na Pinkie ya Lawrence.
Blue Boy wa Gainsborough na Pinkie wa Lawrence walifichwa katika chumba cha kuhifadhi cha nyumba ya sanaa.
The Kintetsu Station is the ideal starting point for any exploration of the city.
If you want to explore the city, you should start from Kintetsu Station.
Kintetsu Station is at the margin of the city, a notorious area.
Kituo cha Kintetsu ni mahali pazuri pa kuanzia kwa ajili ya kuchunguza jiji lolote.
Ikiwa unataka kuchunguza jiji, unapaswa kuanza kutoka Kituo cha Kintetsu.
Kituo cha Kintetsu kiko kwenye ukingo wa jiji, eneo lenye sifa mbaya.
Hunt, he's got to learn that losing a war doesn't mean that a man has lost the rest of his life.
He lost the war, yes, but that doesn't mean his life is worthless, Hunt. He needs to realize that.
He has to learn that losing a war means he also lost the rest of his life, he is ready to die.
Hunt, yeye got kujifunza kwamba kupoteza vita haina maana kwamba mtu amepoteza mapumziko ya maisha yake.
"""Alikuwa amepoteza vita, lakini hiyo haimaanishi maisha yake hayana thamani, Hunt."
"Anahitaji kujifunza kwamba kupoteza vita kunamaanisha pia kupoteza maisha yake yote, yuko tayari kufa."""
Then there are the baby monitors, arguably a necessity if you live in a big house and can't hear the baby crying in her room--and also a necessity if you're interested in intercepting police transmissions--but is the Child View Monitor and Television, for $149.
It is possible to not hear a baby crying if you live in a big house.
Baby monitors would be a good idea, but there are none in existence currently.
"Kisha kuna ""Baby Monitor"" ambayo ni muhimu sana kama wewe ni mtoto mdogo na huwezi kusikia mtoto akilia katika chumba chake, na pia ni muhimu kama wewe ni nia ya kukamata polisi maambukizi, lakini ni ""Child View Monitor na Televisheni"" kwa $ 149."
Inawezekana kutosikia mtoto akilia ikiwa unaishi katika nyumba kubwa.
Vifaa vya kuangalia watoto vingeweza kuwa wazo zuri, lakini kwa sasa hakuna vinavyopatikana.
You can always visit independently, but the venue, situated in the suburb of Marianao, is tricky to find, and you might arrive only to find no tickets remaining.
The venue in the suburb of Marianao is hard to find.
The venue in the suburb of Marianao is easy to find.
Unaweza kutembelea mahali hapo kwa kujitegemea, lakini mahali hapo, katika kitongoji cha Marianao, ni vigumu kupata, na unaweza kufika tu kupata hakuna tiketi zilizobaki.
Ni vigumu kupata mahali pa maonyesho katika kitongoji cha Marianao.
Ni rahisi kupata mahali hapo katika kitongoji cha Marianao.
but see just like her Korean food store okay that's mostly for Koreans
Just like her store is only for a specific group.
There are no specific stores.
Kwa mfano, kuna duka la chakula la Korea ambalo ni la watu wa Korea.
Kama vile duka lake ni kwa ajili ya kikundi fulani tu.
Hakuna maduka hususa.
PRODUCT - Any discrete, traceable, or measurable good or service provided to a customer.
Products are goods and services provided to customers.
Products include abstract emotions such as happiness and feelings of well-being.
Bidhaa - yoyote tofauti, traceable, au kipimo nzuri au huduma zinazotolewa kwa mteja.
Bidhaa ni bidhaa na huduma zinazotolewa kwa wateja.
Bidhaa hizo zinatia ndani hisia zisizo za kawaida kama vile furaha na hisia za ustawi.
Sphinxes were guardian deitiesinEgyptianmythologyandthis was monumentalprotection,standing73 m (240 ft)longand20 m (66 feet) high.
Sphinxes stood at 73 m (240 ft) long and 20 m (66 ft) high, and were considered guardian deities in Egyptian mythology.
The sphinxes were incredibly small structures that are culturally insignificant.
Sphinx ni mungu wa ulinzi katika hadithi za Misri na ni mlinzi mkubwa wa kifalme mwenye urefu wa mita 73 na urefu wa mita 20.
Sphinx walikuwa na urefu wa mita 73 na urefu wa mita 20 na walikuwa miungu walinzi katika hadithi za Misri.
Sphinx zilikuwa miundo midogo sana ambayo haikuwa na maana yoyote kiutamaduni.
On festival days worshippers blanket the statue with flowers.
Worshippers place flowers on the statues on days there are festivals.
Flowers are not placed on statues at any point.
Katika siku za sherehe, waabudu hufunika sanamu hiyo kwa maua.
Waabudu huweka maua juu ya sanamu hizo siku za sherehe.
Maua hayawekwa kwenye sanamu wakati wowote.
'So I've left all the VR access tabs enabled.'
I enabled the VR access.
I disabled all the VR stuff.
'Kwa hiyo nimeacha tabo zote za upatikanaji wa VR kuwezeshwa.'
Uwezo wa kuingia kwa VR
Mimi disabled mambo yote VR.
The Stone of Destiny and the Scottish crown jewels were stolen, and Scotland's Great Seal was broken up.
The Stone of Destiny was pilfered by a thief.
Scotland's Great Seal remained intact during the event.
Jiwe la Hatima na vito vya taji vya Scotland vilivuliwa, na Muhuri Mkuu wa Scotland ulivunjwa.
Jiwe la Hatima liliibiwa na mwizi.
Muhuri Mkuu wa Scotland ulibaki ukiwa wakati wa tukio hilo.
Postal density is a measure that contains two exogenous cost drivers such as geographic and demographic characteristics of the areas served, and endogenous drivers reflecting the quality of delivery service.
Geographic and demographic characteristics both impact postal density.
The quality of delivery service is not correlated with postal density.
Uwezo wa posta ni kipimo ambacho kina madereva mawili ya gharama ya nje kama vile sifa za kijiografia na demographic za maeneo yaliyohudumiwa na madereva ya ndani yanayoonyesha ubora wa huduma ya utoaji.
Sifa za kijiografia na za idadi ya watu zote mbili zinaathiri wiani wa posta.
Ubora wa huduma ya utoaji hauhusiani na wiani wa posta.
Oh, yes, I was trying to convert you and knowing I'd failed already.
Of course, I tried to bring you over to our side, even knowing that I had not succeeded.
I knew I had succeeded in converting you.
Oh, ndiyo, nilikuwa kujaribu kubadilisha wewe na kujua mimi alikuwa tayari kushindwa.
Bila shaka, nilijaribu kukushawishi uingie upande wetu, hata ingawa nilijua kwamba sikufaulu.
Nilijua kwamba nilikuwa nimefanikiwa kukugeuza.
To get your bearings, picture Paris as a circle, with the river Seine threading across the center, flanked by famous landmarks Notre-Dame, the Louvre, place de la Concorde, Arc de Triomphe, the Tour Eiffel.
To figure out where you are, just imagine Paris as a circle, with the Seine going across the middle.
The river Seine runs around the outside of Paris.
Kwa mfano, Paris ni mji wa kihistoria wa Ufaransa, na mji huo una mto Seine unaoelekea katikati, na pia kuna Notre Dame, Louvre, Place de la Concorde, Arc de Triomphe, na Tour Eiffel.
Ili kujua ni wapi, fikiria Paris kama mduara, na Seine kwenda katikati.
Mto Seine unapita nje ya Paris.
Chatterbox will give the Rev.
Rev will be given the Chatterbox.
Chatterbox will be given to nobody.
Chatterbox atampa Mchungaji.
Rev atapewa Chatterbox.
Chatterbox haitapewa mtu yeyote.
No additional burdens are being imposed on foreign-licensed systems, large or small, because the FCC will apply the same rules that have been applied to U.S. licensed systems.
The FCC applies the rules to the US licensed systems.
The FCC isn't involved in license systems.
Hakuna mzigo wa ziada unaowekwa kwa mifumo ya leseni ya kigeni, kubwa au ndogo, kwa sababu FCC itatumia sheria sawa ambazo zimetumika kwa mifumo ya leseni ya Marekani.
FCC inatumika kwa ajili ya mfumo wa Marekani leseni.
FCC haishiriki katika mfumo wa leseni.
Tuppence had no claim to beauty, but there was character and charm in the elfin lines of her little face, with its determined chin and large, wide-apart grey eyes that looked mistily out from under straight, black brows.
Tuppence has grey eyes and straight, black eyebrows.
Tuppence has a very large face, with brown eyes and blond eyebrows.
Tuppence hakuwa na madai ya uzuri, lakini kulikuwa na tabia na charm katika mistari elf ya uso wake kidogo, na chin yake kuamua na kubwa, pana-kando macho ya kijivu kwamba inaonekana mistily nje chini ya moja kwa moja, nyeusi brows.
Tuppence ana macho ya kijivu na mashavu ya moja kwa moja, meusi.
Tuppence ana uso mkubwa sana, na macho ya kahawia na mashavu ya rangi ya manjano.
On the southwest corner of the square, a fine 18th-century palace has been converted into an arts center.
An 18th-century palace has been converted into an arts center.
An 18th-century palace has been converted into a gym.
Katika kona ya kusini-magharibi ya uwanja huo, jumba la kifalme la karne ya 18 limebadilishwa kuwa kituo cha sanaa.
Jumba la kifalme la karne ya 18 limebadilishwa kuwa kituo cha sanaa.
Jumba la kifalme la karne ya 18 limebadilishwa kuwa jumba la mazoezi.
As you approach the walls near Jaffa Gate, look for flat, Herodian-era stones with slightly recessed borders among the rougher square stones from other periods.
There are Heroidan-era stones mixed with stones from other periods along the approach to the Jaffa Gate.
There is only one type of stone on the approach to the Jaffa Gate.
Unapokaribia kuta karibu na Lango la Jaffa, angalia mawe tambarare ya enzi ya Herode yenye mipaka iliyochongoka kidogo kati ya mawe ya mraba yenye ukali kutoka vipindi vingine.
Kuna mawe ya enzi ya Heroida yaliyochanganywa na mawe ya enzi nyingine kando ya njia ya Mlango wa Jaffa.
Kuna aina moja tu ya jiwe kwenye njia ya Mlango wa Jaffa.
Adjacent is the Chapel/Mosque of the Ascension, located on the spot where Jesus is believed to have begun his ascent to heaven.
The Chapel/Mosque of the Ascension is situated in the place where the faithful believe Jesus rose to heaven.
The faithful don't have any knowledge of where Jesus rose to heaven, so the chapel/mosque was built on a random spot.
Karibu na kanisa hilo kuna kanisa la Msalaba wa Kupaa kwa Yesu, ambalo linajulikana kama kanisa la Yesu, ambalo lilijengwa mahali ambapo Yesu alianza kupaa mbinguni.
Chapel/Msikiti wa Ascension iko katika mahali ambapo waumini wanaamini Yesu alipanda mbinguni.
Waumini hawana ujuzi wowote wa mahali ambapo Yesu alipaa mbinguni, kwa hiyo kanisa au msikiti ulijengwa mahali pasipofaa.
Stars stretch for a total of 31.2 miles (51.2 km) along Hollywood Boulevard from Sycamore Avenue to Gower Street, and along Vine Street from Yucca Street to Sunset Boulevard.
Hollywood Blvd has a total of 31.2 miles of stars along it.
The stars on Hollywood Blvd are few, and only cover a short distance of a few blocks
Mstari wa nyota unaenea kwa jumla ya maili 31.2 (kilomita 51.2) kando ya Hollywood Boulevard kutoka Sycamore Avenue hadi Gower Street, na kando ya Vine Street kutoka Yucca Street hadi Sunset Boulevard.
Hollywood Boulevard ina jumla ya maili 31.2 ya nyota kando yake.
Nyota kwenye Hollywood Boulevard ni chache, na hufunika umbali mfupi tu wa vitalu vichache
The building's distinctive design is credited to recording stars Nat King Cole and Johnny Mercer.
The building's unique design is attributed to Nat King Cole and Johnny Mercer.
Nat King Cole credits Johnny Mercer with the building's unique design.
Muundo wa kipekee wa jengo hilo unahusishwa na nyota wa kurekodi Nat King Cole na Johnny Mercer.
Muundo wa kipekee wa jengo hilo unahusishwa na Nat King Cole na Johnny Mercer.
Nat King Cole anamsifu Johnny Mercer kwa kubuni jengo hilo kwa njia ya pekee.
Offshore, the professional fishing business which was once a major source of income in Ibiza has dwindled significantly.
There is much less professional fishing in Ibiza, where it was once a booming industry.
There is more fishing than ever off the coast in Ibiza.
Offshore, biashara ya uvuvi wa kitaalamu ambayo wakati mmoja ilikuwa chanzo kikuu cha mapato katika Ibiza imepungua kwa kiasi kikubwa.
Kuna uvuvi wa kitaalamu mdogo sana huko Ibiza, ambako wakati mmoja ulikuwa biashara yenye kusitawi.
Kuna uvuvi mwingi zaidi kuliko wakati mwingine wowote kwenye pwani ya Ibiza.
Head across 25 August Street to a small park El Greco named after the painter, a native of Crete, whose true name was Dominicos Theotokepoulos.
There is a park on August Street that is named after the painter El Greco who was born in Crete.
There is a park on 25 August Street named after Andy Warhol.
"Kutoka kwenye barabara ya 25 August Street, unaweza kupata bustani ndogo ya El Greco, ambayo ilipewa jina la mchoraji, mwenyeji wa Krete, ambaye jina lake halisi lilikuwa ""Dominicus Theotokopoulos."""
Kuna bustani kwenye Barabara ya Agosti ambayo imepewa jina la mchoraji El Greco ambaye alizaliwa katika Krete.
Mji wa New York unaitwa 25th August Street kwa jina la Andy Warhol.
He wears a red jacket (Classic Pooh was naked) and speaks with an American accent.
His accent is American and the jacket he has on is red.
He was wearing a black jacket and spoke with a Japanese accent.
Yeye huvaa koti nyekundu (Classic Pooh alikuwa uchi) na anaongea na lafudhi ya Marekani.
Msamiati wake ni wa Marekani na koti alilovaa ni nyekundu.
Alikuwa amevaa koti jeusi na alizungumza kwa lafudhi ya Kijapani.
with the students
accompanied by the pupils
with the teachers
pamoja na wanafunzi
akifuatana na wanafunzi
pamoja na walimu
from scrutinizing any agency activity except the final program result.
from scrutinizing agency activity except the last results.
from scrutinizing agency activity including the last results.
kuamua shughuli yoyote ya shirika isipokuwa matokeo ya mwisho ya programu.
Kuangalia kwa makini shughuli za shirika isipokuwa matokeo ya mwisho.
Kuangalia kwa makini shughuli za shirika, ikiwa ni pamoja na matokeo ya mwisho.
Wag the Dog director Barry Levinson writes that his movie was just a joke but compares Hillary Clinton's allegation of a right-wing conspiracy to the distraction ploys found in the film.
Barry Levinson directed the motion picture Wag the Dog.
Barry Levinson directed Wag the Dog as a serious portrayal of the Clinton era.
"Mkurugenzi wa filamu ya ""Wag Dog"" Barry Levinson ameandika kuwa filamu yake ilikuwa ni mzaha tu, lakini alilinganisha madai ya Hillary Clinton ya njama ya mrengo wa kulia na mbinu za kugeuza fikira zilizopatikana katika filamu hiyo."
Barry Levinson aliongoza filamu ya Wag the Dog.
Barry Levinson aliongoza Wag the Dog kama picha nzito ya enzi ya Clinton.
However, the 1998 Report of the Legal Services/Pre Bono Committee, of the Judicial Advisory Council found that the ability of low- and middle-income Coloradans to obtain equal access to the legal system has been limited by the number of lawyers available and willing to serve them and by the growing complexity of the law.
The means for low to middle income Coloradans to obtain legal access has been limited.
Coloradans have plentiful access to lawyers, many are always available.
"Hata hivyo, ripoti ya 1998 ya Kamati ya Huduma za Sheria ya Pre Bono ya Baraza la Ushauri la Mahakama iligundua kuwa uwezo wa watu wa Colorado wenye mapato ya chini na ya kati kupata upatikanaji sawa wa mfumo wa kisheria umepunguzwa na idadi ya wanasheria wanaopatikana na tayari kuwahudumia na kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa utata wa sheria. """
Njia kwa ajili ya chini kwa mapato ya kati Coloradoans kupata upatikanaji wa kisheria imekuwa mdogo.
Wakazi wa Colorado wana uwezo mwingi wa kupata wanasheria, wengi wao wanapatikana daima.
He is vice president and defense minister.
He serves as the vice president and the defense minister.
He is only the vice president, being barred from serving in any other position.
Yeye ni makamu wa rais na waziri wa ulinzi.
Yeye hutumika kama makamu wa rais na waziri wa ulinzi.
Yeye ni makamu wa rais tu, akizuiliwa kutumikia katika cheo kingine chochote.
The ghastly horned face of the devil has been terrifying the irreverent into repentance since 1688, when Nicolas de Busi carved it.
The ghastly horned face of the devil, carved by Nicolas de Busi, has been scaring sinners into repentance since 1688.
Nicolas de Busi carved the face of the devil, but it is not all that scary.
Uso wa shetani wenye pembe umekuwa ukiwaogopesha watu wachafu tangu mwaka 1688, wakati Nicolas de Bussi alipouchonga.
"Mfano wa ""mwenye pembe"" wa shetani, uliochongwa na Nicolas de Bussis, umekuwa ukiwafanya watenda dhambi wafanye toba tangu mwaka 1688.""
Nicolas de Bussy, mchongaji wa picha ya shetani, aliwahi kuonekana kama mtu mwenye kuogopesha.
Shopping in Milan
You can shop in Milan.
Shopping in Havana.
Ununuzi katika Milan
Unaweza kununua vitu huko Milan.
Ununuzi katika Havana.
they even had somebody portraying Ed Sullivan and it was very very funny i think it was the funniest part of the of that movie
I thought the guy playing Ed Sullivan was really funny.
The guy that played him did not portray him very well.
"Hata hivyo, kuna watu ambao wanaonekana kuwa na Ed Sullivan, na kwa kweli, hii ni sehemu ya ""mwisho wa filamu."""
Nilidhani mtu kucheza Ed Sullivan alikuwa kweli funny.
Mtu ambaye alicheza yeye hakuwa na kuigiza yake vizuri sana.
The intervention, which lasted 30 to 40 minutes, was delivered in the emergency department either immediately or within a couple of days of the visit.
The intervention was less than an hour.
The intervention lasted hours.
Ugonjwa huo ulidumu kwa dakika 30 hadi 40 na ulifanywa katika idara ya dharura mara moja au siku chache baada ya ziara hiyo.
Uingiliaji huo ulidumu kwa muda usiozidi saa moja.
Uingiliaji huo ulidumu kwa saa nyingi.
An herb called Saint Johnswort seems to alleviate mild depression with no nasty side effects.
Saint Johnswort is a kind of herb that has medicinal qualities.
Saint Johnswort is a kind of herb that has no medicinal qualities.
Mimea inayoitwa Saint Johnswort inaonekana kupunguza mshuko wa moyo wa kadiri bila madhara mabaya.
St. John's wort ni aina ya mimea ambayo ina sifa za dawa.
St. John's wort ni aina ya mimea ambayo haina sifa za dawa.
Beneath its pious talk of visions and core beliefs, it is teaching a lesson about politics that is much shabbier and much more real than the one it pretends to teach.
It pretends to teach pious subjects, but actually teaches a very shabby lesson about politics.
Its writing is extremely straightforward; there is no subtext to be found.
Chini ya mazungumzo yake ya uaminifu ya maono na imani ya msingi, anafundisha somo kuhusu siasa ambayo ni shabbier na halisi zaidi kuliko ile ambayo inadai kufundisha.
Inajifanya kuwa inafundisha masomo ya kidini, lakini kwa kweli inafundisha somo duni sana kuhusu siasa.
Maandishi yake ni sahili sana; hakuna maandishi ya chini yanayopatikana.
Civility is not one of the major virtues.
Civility is not one of the major virtues.
Civility is the most important major virtue of them all.
Utamaduni si mojawapo ya sifa nzuri.
Utamaduni si mojawapo ya sifa nzuri.
Utamaduni ni sifa muhimu zaidi kati ya sifa zote.
because it's old they figure it's got to cost you know thousands of dollars
Due to their age, they're worth thousand of dollars.
They're pretty much new but they're worth thousand of dollars.
Kwa sababu ni ya zamani, wanafikiri inapaswa kugharimu maelfu ya dola.
Kwa sababu ya umri wao, wanagharimu maelfu ya dola.
Ni mpya sana lakini zina thamani ya maelfu ya dola.
According to the Enquirer , Sawyer became a sort of second mother to the child, whose own parents were recovering drug addicts with no steady employment.
The child's parents were addicts and jobless.
The tabloids reported that Sawyer never met the child.
Kulingana na Enquirer, Sawyer akawa aina ya mama wa pili kwa mtoto, ambaye wazazi wake wenyewe walikuwa wakipata dawa za kulevya bila ajira ya kudumu.
Wazazi wa mtoto huyo walikuwa wavutaji-sigareti na hawakuwa na kazi.
Magazeti ya habari yaliripoti kwamba Sawyer hakuwahi kukutana na mtoto huyo.
because we have so much to pay for now it's going to be really passed on to your generation and maybe a few others
We hvae to pay for a lot now.
We have no financial obligations.
"""Kwa sababu tuna mengi ya kulipa sasa, itapita kwa kizazi chako na labda wengine wachache."
Sisi hvae kulipa kwa ajili ya mengi sasa.
Hatuna wajibu wa kifedha.
well that's how that's what they serve these margaritas in these frozen margaritas it's just huge things
they put the margaritas in huge things before giving them to people
the margaritas here are tiny, so don't bother
Kwa hivyo, kwa sababu ya kuwa na margarita ya barafu, hii ni moja ya njia bora ya kufurahisha.
Margaritas ni bidhaa ya kawaida ambayo hutumiwa kwa watu wengi kabla ya kupewa kwa watu wengine.
Margarita ni ndogo sana, kwa hiyo usijisumbue.