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Madzimai eKumaruwa Ofadzwa neChirongwa cheKuvhenekwa neKurapwa kweGomarara reChibereko('Rural women are happy with the Program for Screening and Treatment of Ovarian Cancer') | | Mamwe madzimai ekumaruwa anoti anotambira nemufaro chirongwa chekuvhenekwa nekurapwa kwechirwere chegomarara rechibereko icho chiri kutungamirwa nebazi rezvehutano richitsigirwa neWorld Health Organisation, W-H-O.Mamwe emadzimai ari kufara nekuuya kwechirongwa ichi munharaunda yavo ari kuMakonde mudunhu reMashonaland West, ayo anoti pari zvino kuongororwa kwegomarara rechibereko uku kwave kuitwa pakiriniki yeUmboe iri pedyo navo zvichienzaniswa nakare pavaiyenda kuno ongororwa kuChinhoyi kunova kure uye kuchida mari yekufambisa.Kiriniki yeUmboe imwe yemakiriniki mazana maviri akaitwa nzvimbo dzekutorera zvinozovhenekwa pamunhukadzi kuti zviongororwe kuti ane gomarara here kana kuti kwete, zvinonzi muChirungu masample.Zvirongwa izvi zvinonzi zviri kusangana nedambudziko rekushomeka kwavanamukoti.Amai Babra Matariranwa, vekuKaswa makare mudunhu diki reMakonde, avo vanove mumwe wemadzimai akaongororwa chirwere chegomarara akawanikwa asina, vanoti vakaongororwa nekuti vari pachirongwa chekunwa mapiritsi ekudzikamisa hukasha hweHIV/AIDS sezvo zvichinzi vanhu vakadai vari panjodzi huru yekubatwa nechirwere chegomarara rechibereko.“Ndakaenda kunoongororwa nekuti ndiri pachirongwa cheHIV/AIDS uye kuti ndizive zvandiri panyaya dzeCervical cancer” Amai Matariranwa vanotsanangura.Mumwe mudzimai akaongororwa, Amai Jane Kavhaya, vanoti kuongororwa kwakanakira kuti munhu anoziva zvaari uye kana ane chirwere anokurumidza kurapwa chisati chakomba.“Kuongororwa kwakanaka kuti ukawanikwa une chirwere unokurumidza kurapwa chirwere chisati chakomba” Amai Kavhaya vanowedzera.Asi mumwe mudzimai wechidiki, Amai Priviledge Masarakufa vekuDoma, avo vasati vaongororwa, vanoti chirongwa ichi chakanaka asi hachisi kushambadzirwa zvakakwana kumaruwa sezvo vakanonoka kuziva nezvacho.“Handisati ndaongororwa nekuti ndanga ndisingazive kuti chirongwa ichi chiri kuitwa muno” Amai Masarakufa vanotsanangura.Gurukotaq rezvehutano, VaDouglas MombeshoraGurukota rezvehutano, Dr Douglas Mombeshora, avo vakabvakachira kiriniki yeUmboe pamwe nevamwe vashandi veW-H-O vainge vabva kumuzinda wavo kuSwitzerland, vanoti chirongwa ichi chiri kusangana nematambudziko akawanda anosanganisira kushomeka kwevanoongorora, kufamba mitunhu yakareba kwemadzimai vachienda kumakiriniki kunoisa ma samples uye kushomeka kwanautsanana vemunzvimbo ,kana kuti village health workers.“Matambudziko akawanda anosanganisira kushomeka kwevashandi vezvehutano kumaruwa” Dr Mombeshora vanozivisa.Dr. Mombeshora vanoti senzira yekuderedza mamwe ematambudziko aya vachaedza nepavanogona kuchengetedza vashandi mubazi rezvehutano nekuvapa zvikwanisiro, dzimba dzekugara pamwe nezvekufambisa kuti vasatize vachienda kunotsvaka mafuro manyoro.“Tiri kuwanisa vashandi vezvehutano zvikwanisiro zvekushandisa, dzimba dzekugara pamwe nezvekufambisa kurerutsa mararamiro avo kuti vasatize kuenda kumafuro manyoro” Dr Mombeshora vanozivisa.Vamwe vanamukoti vari kuita basa muchironga ichi.Asi nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehutano uye vakambove gurukota rezvehutano, Dr Henry Madzorera, vanoti hurumende inofanirwa kuwedzera huwandu hwevashandi vezvehutano vose, zvikuru kumaruwa uye vanofanirwa kupihwa mari dzinovakwanira kwete kupihwa mabhazi ekufambisa kana pekugara.“Vashandi vezvehutano vanofanirwa kuwedzerwa uye kupihwa mari dzemihoro dzinovakwanira kwete kungopihwa zvekufambisa chete” Dr Madzorera vanotsanangura.Vakafanobata chigaro chemukuru weW-H-O muZimbabwe, Dr. Sarah Wanyoike, vanoti Zimbabwe iri kuita basa guru munyaya dzekupedza chirwere chegomarara rechibereko asi vachiti inofanirwa kusunga dzisimbe kuwana zvimwe zvikwanisiro uye kuwedzera vashandi vehutano kumaruwa.“Zimbabwe iri kuita basa guru kupedza dambudziko rechirwere chegomarara rechibereko asi vanofanirwa kuwedzera vashandi vezvehutano nezvimwe zvikwanisiro zvatichaedza kuvayamura nazvo” Dr Sarah Wanyoike vanovimbisa.Dr. Sarah Wanyoike mukuru weWHO muZimbabwe.Bazi rezvehutano rinechirongwa chekuongorora gomarara rechibereko kumadzimai ose ane makore ari pakati pemakore gumi nemashanu kusvika pamakore makumi mana nemapfumbamwe kana kuti 15 kusvika 49.Vasikana vane makore ari pakati pemapfumbamwe negumi nemana kana kuti 9-14 vari kubayiwa nhomba yekudzivirira kuti vasazobatwa nechirwere chegomarara rechibereko ichi kana vakura rinonzi Human Papillomavirus kana kuti HPV.Asi chirongwa chekubaya vasikana nhomba chinonzi chiri kusangana nematambudziko ekuti havasi vasikana vose vari pakati pemakore aya vari kuenda kuzvikoro uko vashandi vezvehutano vari kufamba vachibaya nhomba, sekutaura kwegurukota rezvedunhu reMashonaland West, Amai Marian Chombo.“Vamwe vana vasikana havasi kubayiwa nhomba yekudzivirira chirwere chegomarara nekuda kwekuti havasi kuchikoro, kuri kufamba kuchibayiwa nhomba nevashandi vezvehutano” Amai Chombo vanotsanangura.Amai Marian Chombo.Mudzimai akatorwasamplepakiriniki iri pedyo naye inozoendeswa pachipatara chikuru chemudunhu uko inonoongororwa kuti hapana mazai egomarara here.Kana paine mazai egomarara anobva arapwa kuuraya mazai acho, asi kana pave nechirwere chegomarara panobviswa tunyama twunoendeswa kuzvipatara zvikuru zveParirenyatwa kuHarare kana kuMpilo kuBulawayo kuti zviongororwe kuti gomarara racho rakomba zvakadii, izvo zvinotora mwedzi mitanhatu sezvo vana mazvikokota vanovheneka vari vashoma.Sangano reWHO rinoti gomarara rechibereko ndiro gomarara rechina riri kuuraya madzimai akawanda pasi rose uye rinoti madzimai zviuru mazana matanhatu nemakumi matatu, kana kuti 660 000, vakabatwa nechirwere ichi uye madzimai zviuru mazana matatu nemakumi mashanu kana kuti 350 000 vakafa negomarara iri mugore ra2022 chete pasi rose.Zimbabwe imwe yenyika dziri kuwana rubatsiro kubva kumari inoita mamiriyoni mazana matanhatu emadhora ( US$600 million) yakapiwa ne W-H-O kupedza gomarara rechibereko kana kuti cervical cancer panosvika gore ra2030.('Some rural women say that they are happy to welcome the screening and treatment program for cervical cancer which is being led by the Ministry of Health with the support of the World Health Organisation, W-H-O. The Umboe clinic is closer to them compared to the past when they used to go to Chinhoyi for a check-up which is far away and requires travel expenses. The Umboe clinic is one of the 200 clinics that have been set up to collect samples from women to check if they have cancer or not, called samples in English. These programs are said to be facing the problem of a shortage of nurses .Mama Babra Matariranwa, from Kaswa in Makonde sub-district, who is one of the women who was tested for cancer and was found to be negative, says that she was tested because she is taking pills to reduce the severity of HIV/AIDS as it is said that such people are at high risk of contracting cervical cancer.I went to be tested because I am on the HIV/AIDS program and to know what I am doing in terms of Cervical cancer Ms. Matarinanwa explains. Another woman who was tested, Ms. Jane Kavhaya, says that testing is good because a person knows what they are and if they have the disease, they can be treated quickly before it becomes serious. Testing is good so that you can be found If you have a disease, you need to be treated quickly before the disease becomes serious Ms. Kavhaya adds. But another young woman, Ms. Priviledge Masarakufa from Doma, who has not yet been tested, says that this program is good but it is not advertised enough in the rural areas as she was too late to find out about it. I have not been tested because I did not know that this program is Ms. Masarakufa explains. The Minister of Health, Mr. Douglas Mombeshora. at the clinics to take samples and the lack of local hygiene, or village health workers. Many problems include the lack of health workers in rural areas Dr. Mombeshora informs. Mombeshora says that as a way to reduce some of these problems, they will try their best to protect workers in the health sector by providing them with facilities, housing and transportation so that they do not run away to look for wet pastures. Some nurses are working in this plan. But a health expert and former health minister, Dr Henry Madzorera, says the government should increase the number of health workers, especially in rural areas, and they should be given enough money not to be given transport buses or accommodation. Health workers should to be increased and to be given sufficient salaries and not just to be provided with transportation Dr. Madzorera explains. He previously held the position of W-H-O director in Zimbabwe, Dr. Sarah Wanyoike, says that Zimbabwe is doing a great job in eradicating cervical cancer, but she says that they need to strengthen their efforts to get more resources and increase the number of health workers in the countryside. Dr Sarah Wanyoike promises.Dr. Sarah Wanyoike is the head of WHO in Zimbabwe. The Ministry of Health has a cervical cancer screening program for all women between the ages of 15 and 49 or 15 to 49. Girls between the ages of 9 and 14 or 9-14 are being vaccinated to prevent They will not be affected by cervical cancer when they grow up called Human Papillomavirus or HPV. But the program of vaccinating girls is said to be facing problems that not all girls in the middle of this age are going to schools where health workers are going to vaccinate, according to Mashonaland West regional minister, Ms. Marian Chombo. Some children and girls are not being vaccinated against cancer because they are not in school, they are being vaccinated by health workers Mrs. Chombo explains. Mrs. Marian Chombo. if there are cancerous eggs, they are treated to kill the eggs, but if there is a cancer, the tissue is removed and taken to the main hospitals of Parirenyatwa in Harare or Mpilo in Bulawayo to check how serious the cancer is, which takes six months as there are few specialists who diagnose it. The fourth one is killing the most women in the world and it says that 630,000 women, or 660,000, were affected by this disease and 350,000 women or 350,000 women died of cancer in the year 2022 alone in the world. Zimbabwe is one of the countries that are receiving help. from the amount of 600 million dollars (US$600 million) given by W-H-O to end cervical cancer by the year 2030.') |
Vagari vekuDorapindo Vogara Vachityira Zvirwere Kubva muMvura yemuRwizi Sakubva('The residents of Dorapindo are always afraid of diseases from the water of the Sakubva River') | | Vamwe vagari venharaunda yeDorapindo kumadokero kweguta reMutare mudunhu reManicaland vanoti vari kugara vakangobatira ura mumaoko vachityira kutapurira zvirwere zvemanyoka nezvimwe zvinokonzerwa nekushandisa mvura isina kuchena.Vagari ava vari kushandisa mvura yemurwizi Sakubva iyo vanoti yakasviba zvakanyanya nekuda kwetsvina yevanhu inopfachukira imomo nguva zhinji.Rwizi Sakubva rwunoyerera rwichidarika nemumisha inogara veruzhinji yemuguta reMutare inosanganisira Sakubva, Chikanga, Destiny, Hobhouse neDangamvura, umo mune pombi dzinofambisa tsvina dzinogara dzichipfachuka tsvina zhinji ichiguma yayerera ichipinda murwizi urwu.Kutsemuka nekupfachuka kwepombi dzetsvina yemuzvimbuzi uku kunonzi kunonyanya kukonzerwa nekushayikwa kwemvura mudzimba kwenguva yakareba izvo zvinonzi zvinozokonzera kuti pombi dziremerwe panozouya mvura inofambisa tsvina iyi.Tsvina yevanhu inonzi iri kupfachukira murwizi Sakubva.VaRegis Dembaremba mumwe wevagari venharaunda yeDorapindo uye mhuri yavo ichishandisa mvura yemunaSakubva.VaDembaremba vanoti vakawanda munharaunda mavo vanotongoshandisa mvura iyi kudiridza mapindu avo chete sezvo yakanganisika zvekusakodzera kunwiwa nemunhu, kunyangwe hazvo zvipfuyo zvavo zvichinwa mvura iyi.“Zviri kuitika izvi zvino affecta vose vari kuzasi kuno kusvika muna rwizi Save, nokuti ndimo munodirwa mvura nanaSakubva nanaOdzi, saka zvese zve pollution zvinenge zvichidzika zvozo affecta vese vanenge vachishandisa mvura iyi."Saka dai tarega zvatiri kuita izvi zvatiri kuona zviri kungokandwa murwizi zvinosanganisira ma pampers evana zvinenge zvichingokandirwa imomo nezvimwe zvinenge zvakasungwa zvinenge zvema rituals zvichingokandwa."Remember, mvura iyi inonwiwa nezvipfuyo zvedu, mombe, mbudzi pamwe nesuwo saka zvinokanganisa hutano hwevanhu. Zvekare mune hove dzinoredzwa imomo dzatinodya,” VaDembaremba vanodaro.VaPeter Matimba mumwe mugari wenharaunda yeDora. VaMatimba vaudza Studio 7 kuti kune vamwe vanotoraura hove murwizi urwu vachitengesera vagary vachinyeba kuti vanenge vadzibata kudhamu Osborne riri kuchamhembe kweguta kana kuti kune dzimwe nzvimbo.“Zvechokwadi muna Sakubva River umu mune pollution yakanyanya saka zvinoita kuti tisangane nezvirwere, especially nyaya dzemudumbu, nekuti kunouya vakomana vaine miramba vachitengesa iyo tinongosvika kumba tichibika vachingoti yabva muna Odzi, yabva kwakati, asi yabva muna Sakubva."Saka tiri kudya zvisakachena nekuti mave kushandiswa senzvimbo yekurasa garbage, dumping area, saka dai waro zvagadziriswa,” VaMatimba vanodaro.Mugari wekuDorapindo, VaLuke Mukungatu.VaLuke Mandava Mukungatu mumwewo wemhuri dzinogara mumahombekombe erwizi Sakubva. VaMukungatu vanoti vanotoshandisa mvura yekunwa yemuchibhorani chavakachererwa nehurumende, asi vanoti deno zvibhorani izvi zvikawedzerwa zveso chimwechete ichi chisiri kukwanira vagari.“Isisu mvura yemuna Sakubva hatishandisiba nekuti inobva kumaindasitiri iine maoyiri, ma sewer, saka isusu tinotoshandisa hedu yemuma-boreholes atakachererwa nehurumende ari muno asi mashoma. Mamwe acho haasati apedza kugadzirwa saka tichiri nedambudziko remvura inotikwanira,” VaMukungatu vanodaro.Gweta rinorwira kodzero dzevanhu, VaPassmore Nyakureba, veZimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, vanoti hazvina kunaka kuti vanosvibisa mvura varegwe vakadaro vachingoenderera mberi nekuita uku, asi kuti vanosungirwa kurangwa pasi pemutemo kuti vasiye tsika iyi.“Nyaya ye pollution yemuna Sakubva iyi pane mutemo unoti ano polluta ndiye anobhadhara, the polluter pays principle. Ndiwo mutemo unofanirwa kuteedzerwa neEMA ine basa reku-enforcerma-environmental issues."Saka EMA inofanira kumeka shuwa kuti vanhu vari kupollutarwizi zvinozokanganisa mvura inozoshandiswa nevaridownstreamvanofanira kunge vachibatwa ne-EMA vachibhadhariswa mafainzi anokodzera kuti vasarambe vachi polluta nzizi idzodzo, kunyanya Sakubva River nekuti zvinokanganisa utano hwevanhu nezvipfuyo zvavo kunyanya zvakaita kunana Dora uko.”Amai Alice Rutsvara vanoshanda nesangano rinoona nezvekuchengetedzwa kwezvakatikomberedza, reEnvironmental Management Agency, EMA, vachiona nezvedzidziso uye kubudiswa kwemashoko kubazi iri.Amai Rutsvara vanoti vanoshushikana nekusvibiswa kuri kugaroitwa munarwizi Sakubva uye vari kuita chenjedzo yekuti izvi zviregwe pamwe nekuyambira vari kusvibisa mvura kuti vanoripiswa.Vamwe vanonzi vari kurarama nekutengesa hove dzemuna Sakubva.“Bazi reEnvironmental Management Agency riri kusngana nekusvibiswa kwemvura muna Sakubva River. Kusvibiswa kwemvura iyi kuri kunyanya kukonzereswa nema burst sewer, uye nemamwe makambani kuNyakamete ari kudirira mvura yakasviba munharaunda."Zvakadaro, EMA yakatora matanho ekuramba ichiongorora makambani aya uye kushanda nekanzuru yeguta reMutare kuvhara ma-leakagesmuguta nekushanda nenguva kugadzirisa nyaya dzemaburst sewer pipes."Izvi zvese zviri maringe nemutemo wedu weStatutory Instrument Number 6(Six)wa2007. Ongororo imwe inoratidza kuti nzira dzinofamba ne-sewage dzava nemakore dzagarisa zvekuti hadzichakwanisi kutakura sewage yose iri kubva mudzimba nekukura kuri kuita guta redu, vagari vanokurudzirwa zvakare kumhan’gara pose pane burst sewer kukanzuru yedu.”Vagarai vanonzi vari kunwa mvura isina kuchena mumaguta akawanda emunyika.Vakafanobata chigaro chemutauriri weguta reMutare, VaCharles Sadondo, vanoti seguta vari kuedza napose pavanogona napo kuderedza nyaya dzekusvibiswa kwenharaunda, kusanganisira nzizi sezvinotarisirwa.“Tatsvaga muma centres edu matinosigamuchira zvichemo zvakafanana neizvi asi hapana chichemo chatawana. Asi tinowanzokurudzira vagari nevamwe vakapoteredza guta kuti kana vachinge vasangana nenyaya dzakadai idzi vaisereportkuma-officesedu kwakasiyanasiyana kana kushandisaplatformyedu yeCity of Mutare Whattsapppa0775 792 461 kuti tikwanise kugadzirisa matambudziko akafanana naiwaya,” VaSadondo vanodaro.Dambudziko rekusvibiswa kwenzizi rinonzi nevakawanda harisi rekuDorapindo chete asi kuti nzizi dzinodarika nemumaguta nemumadhorobha akawanda emunyika dziri kusvibiswa zvakanyanya nevagari, makambani pamwe nemakanzuru izvo zvinosiira dambudziko rezvehutano kune vagere zasi kwenzizi idzi.Vanorwira kodzero dzevanhu pamwe nevanomirira vagari vanoti kudzamara mapazi ehurumende atora matanho akakodzera ekuona mafambisirwo ari kuitwa mabasa nemakanzuru uye nevemakambani pakuderedza kuzvibiswa kwemvura nenharaunda, vagari vakawanda munyika kusanganisira vekuDorapindo, vacharamba vakatarisana nematambudziko ekushandisa mvura yakasviba.('Some residents of Dorapindo area west of Mutare town in Manicaland district say that they are sitting holding their intestines in their hands for fear of contracting diarrheal diseases and other diseases caused by using unclean water. These residents are using water from the river Sakubva which they say is very dirty because of the human waste that often overflows there. The river Sakubva flows through the villages public housing in the city of Mutare including Sakubva, Chikanga, Destiny, Hobhouse and Dangamvura, where there are sewage pipes that are always overflowing and a lot of waste ends up flowing into the river. The cracking and overflowing of the sewage pipes in the toilet is said to be mainly caused by a lack of water in the houses for a long time which is said to cause the pipes to become overloaded. The water transports this waste. Human excrement is said to be overflowing into the river Sakubva. Mr. Regis Dembaremba is one of the residents of the Dorapindo community and his family uses the water from Sakubva. Mr. Dembaremba says that many people in his community only use this water to irrigate their gardens as it is contaminated to the point that it is not suitable for humans to drink, even though their animals drink the water What is happening now affects everyone down here to the Save river, because that is where water is poured from Sakubva and Odzi, so all the pollution will go down and affect everyone who is using this water. Remember, this water is drunk by our animals, cows, goats and us, so it affects people's health. Again, there are fish caught there that we eat, Mr. Dembaremba says. Mr. Peter Matimba is another resident of the Dora area. Mr. Matimba told Studio 7 that there are some people who fish in this river and sell it to vagaries, lying that they have caught them in Osborne lake in the north of the city or in other places.Indeed, there is a lot of pollution in Sakubva River, which causes us to suffer from diseases, especially stomach issues, because there are boys who come with bags and sell them, which we just get home and cook, saying that it came from Odzi, it came from somewhere, but it came from Sakubva. So we are eating cleanly because you have It is being used as a garbage dumping area, so it should be fixed, said Mr. Matimba. A resident of Dorapindo, Mr. Luke Mukungatu. Mr. Luke Mandava Mukungatu is one of the families who live on the banks of the Sakubva river. This is not enough for the residents. We don't use Sakubva's water because it comes from industries with oil and sewers, so we use the boreholes dug by the government, but they are few. Some of them have not been completed yet, so we still have a problem with getting enough water, said Mr. Mukungatu human rights activist, Mr. Passmore Nyakureba, from Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, says it is not right that those who pollute water are allowed to continue this practice, but that they are required to be punished under the law to stop this practice. he pays, the polluter pays principle. That is the law that must be followed by the EMA, which is responsible for enforcement-environmental issues."Therefore, the EMA must make sure that people who are polluting the river will affect the water that will be used by those downstream. They should be caught by the EMA and be fined accordingly so that they do not continue to pollute those rivers, especially the Sakubva River because it affects health. of people and their animals, especially that of Nana Dora. Mrs. Alice Rutsvara works with the Environmental Management Agency, EMA, looking after the teaching and dissemination of information to this department. Mrs. Rutsvara says that she is worried about the pollution that is often done in the river Sakubva and she is warning that this should be stopped as well by warning those polluting the water that they will be fined. Some are said to be living by selling fish from Sakubva. Nevertheless, EMA has taken steps to continue to inspect these companies and work with the Mutare city council to close the leakages in the city by working on time to solve the burst sewer pipes. All this is against our Statutory Instrument Number 6 (Six) of 2007. One study shows that the sewage lines have been so old that they are no longer able to handle all the sewage coming from the houses and the growth of our city. .The former Mutare city spokesperson, Mr. Charles Sadondo, says that as a city, they are trying their best to reduce environmental pollution issues, including rivers as expected. But we often encourage residents and others around the city that if they come across issues like this, they should report to our various offices or use our City of Mutare platform Whatsapp 0775 792 461 so that we can solve similar problems, Mr. Sadondo says. The problem of river pollution that many say is not only in Dorapindo but the rivers that pass through cities and towns Many of the country's rivers are being heavily polluted by citizens, companies and municipalities, which leaves a health problem for those who live downstream of these rivers. Human rights activists and citizens' representatives say that until the government departments take appropriate measures to see how the municipalities and companies are conducting their work to reduce the pollution of water and communities, many citizens in the country, including from Dorapindo, they will continue to face the problems of using dirty water.') |
Chizvarwa cheZimbabwe Chiri muSouth Africa, VaPercy Sithole, Votarisana neChikwereti Chikuru kuChipatara Kwavakarapwa('A Zimbabwean in South Africa, Mr. Percy Sithole, Faces Huge Debt to the Hospital Where He Was Treated') | | Muchirongwa chedu chatinotarisa zviri kuitwa nevana veZimbabwe vari kunze kwenyika, nhasi tine nyaya inosiririsa, yaVaPercy Sithole vanobva kuChiredzi kuMasvingo asi pari zvino vari kugara kuSoshanguve muSouth Africa.VaSithole vanoti vakaitwa oparesheni yepachipfuva pachipatara cheDoctor George Mukhari Academic Hospital mwedzi wapera, vakagara pachipatara ichi kwemazuva manomwe vasati vaburitswa.Vakanzi vadzoke zvakare kuchipatara mwedzi uno kunotariswa kuona kuti vari kupora zvakanaka here asi vanoti vakashamisika pavakadzokera vachisvikotambirwa nechikwereti chemari inodarika zviuru makumi mapfumbamwe nezvipfumbamwe zvemaRand, kana kuti 99,544 Rand, (US$5,500.00) iyo yainzi vanofanirwa kutanga vabhadhara kuitira kuti vakwanise kutariswa zvakare.Mari inofanirwa kubhadharwa naVaSithole.Asi vanoti havana mari yakadaro uye havana kwavanotarisira kuiwana, izvo zvave kuita kuti vatadze kudzokera zvakare pachipatara ichi kunotariswa kana oparesheni yavo iri kupora zvakanaka.Tsamba yakabva kuchipatara ichi iyo yaonekwawo neStudio 7, inoratidza kuti VaSithole vakasainiswa magwaro ekuti vange vachibhadhara mari iyi kubva iye zvino, kukundikana kwavo votorerwa matanho.VaSithole vanoti vave kurwara vari kumba sezvo vari kushaya kana mari yekutenga mapiritsi nemishonga zvekuti vazvibatsire kuderedza marwadzo.Vanoti vari kukumbira vana veZimbabwe vanokwanisa kutambanudza maoko avo kuti vavabatsire nepavanokwanisa napo, vachiti chishuwo chavo chave chekuti dai vakwanisa kudzokera kumusha kune mhuri yavo, mudzimai nevana.Vanoda kubatsira VaSithole vanokwanisa kuvabata panharembozha dzavo dzinoti +27 643 394 191.('In our program where we look at what Zimbabwean children are doing abroad, today we have the sad story of Mr. Percy Sithole who is from Chiredzi in Masvingo but is currently living in Soshanguve in South Africa. they have been released. They were told to return to the hospital again this month to see if they are recovering well, but they said they were surprised when they returned to be greeted with a debt of more than 99,544 Rand, (US$5,500.00), which they were told to pay first in order to be able to be examined again. Money should be paid by Mr. Sithole. But they say they do not have that kind of money and they do not expect to get it, which has made it impossible for them to go back to the hospital to check if their operation is recovering well. A letter from the hospital, which was also seen by Studio 7, shows that Mr. Sithole has signed documents that he was paying this money from now on, their failure and action will be taken. Mr. Sithole says that he is sick at home as he does not have the money to buy pills and medicines to help reduce the pain. He says that he is asking the children of Zimbabwe who are able to extend their hands to help them where they can, saying that their wish is to be able to go back He has his family, wife and children at home. Those who want to help Mr. Sithole can contact him on his mobile number +27 643 394 191.') |
Vamwe Vabereki Vane Vana Vane Autism Vodzidzisa Veruzhinji Pamusoro peDambudziko Iri('Some Parents Who Have Children With Autism Are Educating The Public About This Problem') | | Apo pasi rose riri kucherechedza mwedzi uno waKubvumbi unove mwedzi wekutambira kuvepo kwechirwere cheautism, weAutism Acceptance Month, vamwe vabereki vane vana vane chirwere ichi vanoti zvakakosha kuti pave nedzidziso pamusoro pedambudziko iri sezvo vazhinji munyika vasina ruzivo nezvaro.Mumwe mubereki ane mwana mudiki ane dambudziko iri, VaLuke Pencil, vanoti zvakatora nguva yakareba kuti vanachiremba vemunyika vavaudze kuti mwana wavo ane chirwere ichi, vachiti vakatozoziva mwana wavo ave nemakore manomwe.“Saka naizvozvo isusuwo nekurwadziwa kwatakanga taita nerwendo rwedu takatiwo aah, dambudziko iri idambudziko risiri kuzivikana munyika medubecausedzimwe nguva taienda muzvipatara vanachiremba navamukoti vasina kana ruzivo rwekuti mwana wedu ane dambudziko ripi.”Nekuda kwaizvozvo, VaPencil vanoti zvakavapa shungu yekuti vatange kudzidzisa vamwe vabereki pamusoro pechirwere ichi kuburikidza nedandemutande reFacebook papeji ravo rinonzi “Talking Autism in Zimbabwe,” senzira yekuti dambudziko iri ribude pachena.('While the world is observing the month of April, which is the month of accepting the existence of autism, of Autism Acceptance Month, some parents who have children with this disease say that it is important to have education about this problem as many people in the world do not know about it. One parent who has a young child with this problem, Mr. Luke Pencil said it took a long time for doctors in the country to tell him that his child had this disease, saying that they only found out about his child when he was seven years old. who have no idea what problem our child has. Because of that, Mr. Pencil says that it gave him the desire to start teaching other parents about this disease through his Facebook page called Talking Autism in Zimbabwe, as a way to make this problem public.') |
Masangano Akazvimirira Oronga Kushanda neHurumende Mukuvaka Nzvimbo dzeKubatsira Vanotora Zvinodhaka('Private Organizations Plan to Work with the Government in Building Centers to Help Drug Abusers') | | Mutungamiri wesangano reZimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network, VaWilson Box, vanoti sangano ravo nemamwe masangano anoshanda akazvimirira vachange vachibatana nehurumende mukuvaka nzvimbo dzinopa rubatsiro kune avo vari kutora zvinodhaka munzvimbo dzakasiyanasiyana munyika.VaBox vanoti pane hurukuro dziri kutoitwa pari zvino kuti izvi zvibudirire, vachiti pari zvino nzvimbo dzinobatsira vanotora zvinodhaka dziri kudhura uye ishoma munyika.Vanoti pari zvino mapurisa ari kuyedza kusunga vanotengesera vechidiki zvinodhaka asi chirongwa ichi chinoda kusimbaradzwa."Zvakakosha kuti mapurisa arambe achiita basa rawo rekusunga vanotengesa zvinodhaka, asi mitemo yekuti vanenge vabatwa vachitora zvinodhakwa vasungwe inofanirwa kuvandudzwa kuitira kuti vawane simba rekuenda kunozvirapisa vasingatye kuguma vasungwa kana vaziva kuti vave nedambudziko rezvonodhaka," VaBox vaudza Studio 7.('The president of the Zimbabwe Civil Liberties and Drug Network, Mr. Wilson Box, says that his organization and other independent organizations will be working with the government to build centers that provide assistance to those who take drugs in various parts of the country. places that help drug addicts are expensive and there are few in the country. They say that the police are currently trying to arrest those who sell drugs to young people, but this program needs to be strengthened. It is important that the police continue to do their job of arresting drug dealers, but the laws on arresting those who are caught taking drugs should be improved in order to to find the strength to go to self-treatment without fear of being arrested if they know they have a problem with alcohol, Mr. Box told Studio 7.') |
Mapurisa Oshushikana neNjodzi Dziri Kukonzerwa neVatyairi Kunyanya('Police Are Concerned About Accidents Caused By Motorists') | | Mutauriri wemapurisa Assistant Comissioner Paul Nyathi vanoti vari kushushikana zvikuru nenjodzi dzemumigwagwa dziri kukonzerwa kazhinji nevatyairi vasiri kutevedzera mitemo nekumhanyisa motokari nemabhazi.Musi weChishanu neMuvhuro, vanhu makumi masere nevetanhatu vakakuvara mushure mekubheuka kwemabhazi maviri uye mumwe munhu akatsikwao nemotokari akafa.VaNyathi vaudza Studio 7 kuti vachapa huwandu hwenjodzi dzakaitika pazororo reEaster mangwana. Asi ongororo yakaitwa nehofisi yemunyori mukuru weUnited Nations inonzi UN Secretary General’s Envoy for Road and Safety inoti vanhu vashanu vanofa pazuva muZimbabwe nekuda kwetsaona dzemumigwagwa.United Nations inoti pagore vanhu vanodarika miriyoni imwe chete kana kuti 1,35 millio vanofa pasi rose nekuda kwenjodzi dzemumigwagwa kunyanya muAfrica.Mutauriri wesangano revanofamba nemabhazi reZimbabwe Passengers Association, VaTafadzwa Goliati vaudza Studio 7 kuti kumhanyisa mabhazi mumigwagwa isinawo kugadzirwa zvakanaka kukanda vanhu mukanwa mamupere.('Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi says they are very concerned about road accidents which are often caused by drivers who are not following the rules and speeding cars and buses. On Friday and Monday, 86 people were injured after two buses overturned and one person died when they were run over by a car. Mr. Nyathi told Studio 7 that they will give the number of the disasters that happened on the Easter holiday tomorrow. But a study conducted by the office of the Secretary General of the United Nations called the UN Secretary General's Envoy for Road and Safety says that five people die a day in Zimbabwe due to road accidents. The United Nations says that annually more than one million people or 1.35 million people die worldwide due to road accidents, especially in Africa The spokesperson of the Zimbabwe Passengers Association, Mr. Tafadzwa Goliati, told Studio 7 that running buses on roads that are not well-maintained is putting people in danger.') |
Nhomba yeCholera Yoshomeka Apo Vanhu Vanodarika Bhiriyoni Pasi Rose Vari muNjodzi yeKutapurirwa Chirwere Ichi('Cholera Is In Decline As More Than A Billion People Around The World Are At Risk Of Infection') | | Sangano reWorld Health Organization rinoti riri kushishikana zvikuru nekushomeka kwenhomba yecholera panguva iyo chirwere ichi chiri kupararira munyika makumi matatu pasi rose kusanganisira muZimbabwe.Chirwere ichi chabata vanhu bhiriyoni imwe chete pasi rose. Sangano rinoona nezvekuunganidzwa kwenhomba yecholera reInternational Cordinating Group on Vaccine Provisions rinoti gore rapera kwaidiwa nhomba mamiriyoni makumi manomwe nemaviri kana kuti 72 million asi kukagadzirwa mamiriyoni makumi matatu nematanhatu kana kuti 36 million.Izvi zvave kupa kuti vanhu vadonhedzerwea nhomba kamwechete kwete kaviri sezvinokurudzirwa.Bazi rezvehutano rinoti vanhu vanodarika mazana matanhatu nemakumi matatu kana kuti 636 vafa nechirwere ichi kubva zvachatanga kupararira kuchegutu. Mukuru wesangano reCommunity Working Group on Health VaItai Rusike vanoti kuhomeka kwenhomba hakushamise nekuti vanogadzira mishonga vakaona sekuti chirwere ichi chainge chederera huturu. VaRusike vati mushonga mukuru kupa vanhu mvura yakachena.('The World Health Organization says that it is very concerned about the reduction of cholera at a time when this disease is spreading in 30 countries in the world including Zimbabwe. This disease has affected one billion people in the world. The International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provisions, which oversees the collection of cholera vaccines, says that last year 72 million or 72 million vaccines were needed, but 36 million or 36 million were produced. more than 636 or 636 people have died from this disease since it started to spread in Chegutu. The head of the Community Working Group on Health, Mr. Itai Rusike, says that the shortage of tuberculosis is not surprising because the drug manufacturers saw that the disease was less toxic. Mr. Rusike said that the best medicine is to give people clean water.') |
Vamwe Vatendi Vanoenderera Mberi neKuungana muNzvimbo Dzisina Zvikwanisiro zveKudzivirira Kupararira kweChirwere cheCholera('Some Believers Continue to Congregate in Areas Without Facilities to Prevent the Spread of Cholera Disease') | | Kunyange hazvo hurumende yakarambidza vatungamiri vemakereke kuita magungano munzvimbo dzisina mvura yemupombi nezvimbuzi zvakanaka munguva ino yezororo reEaster, vamwe vemakereke echipositori vanonzi havana kuteerera kurudziro iyi.Mashoko atatambira kubva mumatunhu akasiyanasiyana emunyika anoratidza kuti zvinhu zvanga zvichingofamba semazuva ose kune vatendi vemakereke akawanda anonamatira panze.Hurumende yakazivisa svondo rino kumusangano wemakurukota kuti bazi rezvehutano rinofanirwa kuongorora zvakasimba magungano evemakereke ichiti vanoda kuungana vanofanirwa zvakare kutanga vazivisa bazi rezvehutano, ichiti yatora danho iri senzira yekuderedza kupararira kwe cholera.Dunhu reMashonaland Central, iro rinonzi riri kunetsekana nechirwere ichi icho chinonzi chabata matunhu madiki kana kuti madistrictsose ari masere, rakatodzika mutemo unomborambidza kuungana kwevemakereke vanobva kumatunhu akasiyanasiyana.Gwaro rakaburitswa nemukuru wezvehutano mudunhu iri, Doctor Tshuma, rinoti vachabvumidzwa kuungana vachinamata zvenguva diki vagari vemunharaunda chete vachionekwa nemushandi webazi rezvehutano.Hatina kukwanisa kubata mutauriri webazi rezvehutano, VaDonald Mujiri, uye vanga vasati vapindura mibvunzo yedu yatavatura tisati taenda pamhepo.Asi nyanzvi mune zvehutano vari chiremba, Doctor Henry Madzorera, vanoti hurumende inonyanya kungotaura isingazooni kuti mitemo yainenge yadzika inozoteverwa here, izvo zvinozoita kuti vanhu vazoguma vave kuita madiro aJojina.Hurukuro naDoctor Henry Madzorera('Although the government has prohibited church leaders from holding assemblies in places without running water and proper toilets during this Easter holiday, some of the apostolic churches are said to have ignored this recommendation. The messages we have received from various regions of the country show that things were going on as usual for the believers of many churches who pray outside. The government announced this week at the ministerial meeting that the ministry of health should strictly examine church gatherings saying that those who want to gather should first inform the ministry of health, saying that it has taken this step as a way to reduce the spread of cholera. At eight, it has already enacted a law that prohibits the gathering of members of churches from different regions. The document released by the health director in the region, Doctor Tshuma, says that local residents will be allowed to gather and pray for a short time only in the presence of an employee of the Ministry of Health. Our questions have been answered before we go online. But the health expert, Dr. Henry Madzorera, says that the government mostly just talks and does not see whether the laws that have been put in place will be followed, which will cause people to end up doing what Jojina wants. Interview with Doctor Henry Madzorera') |
Chirongwa chePiri cheKudzivirira Mhetamakumbo Chinopetwa Chichinzi neUNICEF Chakabudirira('UNICEF's 2nd Repeated Malaria Prevention Program Says Successful') | | Chirongwa chebazi rezvehutano chepiri chekudonhedzera vana nhomba yekudzivirira chirwere chemhetamakumbo, kana kuti polio, chakapera neChishanu chichinzi chakabudirira chose.Sangano re UNICEF, iro raishanda nehurumende muchirongwa ichi, razivisa kuburikidza nedandemutande re X, iro raimbonzi Twitter, kuti vana vanodarika mamiriyoni mana nezviuru mazana matanhatu, 4.6 million, vakawaniswa nhomba iyi.Chirongwa ichi, icho chakaparurwa nemusi weChipiri chakaitwa kwemazuva mana, chainge chakanangana nevana vane makore ari pasi pegumi.Hurumende neUNICEF vaitsigirwawo nehurumende yeJapan pamwe nemizinda yeEU mu Zimbabwe, Britain neIreland uri kuPretoria, uye masangano anosanganisira Centres for Disease Control kana kuti CDC yekuAmerica, UN Central Emergency Response Fund kana kuti UNCERF neGates Foundation.Hatina kukwanisa kunzwa kubazi rezvehutano sezvo takundikana kubata mutauriri webazi iri, VaDonald Mujiri, uye vanga vasati vapindura mibvunzo yatavatumira tisati taenda pamhepo.Asi nyanzvi mune zvehutano vachitungamira sangano reCommunity Working Group on Health, VaItai Rusike, vanoti chironga ichi vanoona sechakabudirira, vachiti chakanga chakashambadzwa zvizere, zvikuru muchikamu chekutanga.Asi vanoti hurumende inofanirwa kutora matanho ekuwanisa zvikwanisiro kune vashandi vezvehutano vari munzvimbo dzinonetsa kusvika kumaruwa kutiira vabatsire mukuwaniswa kweruzivo pasawana vanosarira shure.('The Ministry of Health's second project to vaccinate children against polio, ended on Friday and was said to be a complete success. UNICEF, which was working with the government in this project, announced through the X network, which used to be called Twitter, that more than 4.6 million children, 4.6 million, received this vaccine. This program, which was launched on Tuesday and was held for four days, was aimed at children under the age of 10. The government and UNICEF were also supported by the Japanese government and the EU headquarters in Zimbabwe, Britain and Ireland in Pretoria, and organizations including the Centers for Disease Control or the American CDC, the UN Central Emergency Response Fund or UNCERF and the Gates Foundation. We could not hear from the Ministry of Health as we failed to contact the spokesman for this ministry, Mr. Donald Mujiri, and he had not yet answered the questions we sent before we went online. But experts in health leading the Community Working Group on Health, Mr. Itai Rusike, says that he sees this program as a success, saying that it was fully advertised, especially in the first phase. But he says that the government should take measures to provide resources to health workers in difficult areas to the rural areas so that they can help in the access of information to those who are left behind.') |
Bhanga reAfrican Development Bank Rokurudzirwa Kubatsira Nyika dzemuAfrica Kugadzira Fotereza('The African Development Bank Is Encouraged To Help African Countries Produce Fertilizer') | | Bhanga guru remuAfrica reAfrican Development Bank kuti ribatsire nyikan dzemuAfrica nemari yekuti dzikwanise kugadzira mafoteresa kusimudzira goho. Kurudziro iyi yapihwa negurukota rezvekudyidzana nedzimwe nyika VaFredrick Shava kumusangano weAfrica Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit uri kuitirwa kuNairobi, Kenya.Musangano uyu uri kuuya panguva iyo United Nations iri kuti mudunhu rekuchamhembe kweAfrica chete vanhu mamiriyoni makumi maviri kana kuti 20 million vakatarisana nenzara inotyisa gore rino nekuda kwekushanduka kwemamiriro ekunze.Mutungamiri wenyika VaEmmerson Mnangagwa vasimuka nhasi vakananga kuNairobi kumusangano uyu.Nyanzvi munyaya dzekurima Muzvare Wadzanai Manyore vaudza Studio 7 kuti kubatsira mukugadzira fotereza muAfrica kunobatsira zvakanyanya.Vati Africa inokwanisa kunge yozvimirira munyaya dzechikafu zvinova zvinhu zvakakosha.EmbedshareHurukuro naMuzvare Wadzanai Manyore('The main African bank, the African Development Bank, to help African countries with money so that they can produce fertilizers to increase productivity. This recommendation was given by the Minister of International Relations Mr. Fredrick Shava at the African Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit being held in Nairobi, Kenya. of climate change. President Emmerson Mnangagwa left today for Nairobi for this meeting. An expert in agriculture Ms. Wadzanai Manyore told Studio 7 that helping to produce fertilizer in Africa is very useful. She said Africa can be self-sufficient in food matters which are important things.') |
Hurumende Inoti Vanhu Vanodarika Mamiriyoni Manomwe muMaruwa neMaguta Vanoda Rubatsiro rweChikafu('The Government Says More than Seven Million People in Rural and Urban Areas Need Food Aid') | | Hurumende inoti vanhu mamiriyoni matanhatu vari kumaruwa vanoda rubatsiro rwechikafu nechimbichimbi, panguva iyo varimi vegorosi vakawanda vemunyika vari kuchema kuti havasati vabhadharwa mari dzavo dzegorosi ravakaendesa kuGrain Marketing Board-GMB izvo zvichaita kuti varime ndima diki dzegorosi remuchando mwaka uno, uyo wave kutopera.Vachitaura nevamwe varimi kuChinhoyi nezuro, gurukota rezvekurima VaAnxious Masuka VaMasuka vakabvuma kekutanga kuti vanhu vanosvika mamiriyoni matanhatu kana kuti 6 million pamamiriyoni mapfumbamwe kana kuti 9.2 million vari kumaruwa vanoda ruyamuro rwezvekudya kubva iye zvino kusvika gore rinouya muna Kurume.“Iye zvino tave kuziva kuti vanhu mamiriyoni matanhatu kubva pavanhu mamiriyoni mapfumbamwe vari kumaruwa vanoda ruyamuro rwezvekudya kubva iyezvino kusvika gore rinouya muna Kurume” VaMasuka vanotsanangura.Vakati vamwe miriyoni imwechete nemazana masere kana kuti 1.8 million vanoda ruyamuro rwezvekudya mumaguta nemadhorobha, vakavimbisa kuti hurumende ichatsvaka mametiriki tani zviuru mazana manomwe nemakumi matatu nezviviri kana kuti 732 000 metric tonnes zvechibage kuti vanhu ava vakwane.Ukuwo, varimi vegorosi vari kutarisirwa kurima mahekiteya anosvika zviuru zana nemakumi maviri, kana kuti 120 000 hectares, izvo vanoti hazvisi kuzokwanisika nekuda kwezvikonzero zvakawanda zvinosanganisira kusapihwa mari dzavo dzegorosi ravakaendesa dzisati dzabhadharwa, mvura yekudiridzisa shoma iri mumadhamu, kubiwa pamwe nekufa kwepombi dzemadiridziro uye kushaikwa kwemagetsi nguva dzose.Varimi ava vanoti chinoshamisa ndechekuti matambudziko aya haasi matsva asi hurumende iri kutadza kuagadzirisa.Murimi wegorosi, VaRichard ZikiMurimi ane mukurumbira munyika, VaRichard Ziki, avo vanorima vari kuMhangura mudunhu reMashonaland West, vanoti varimi vakawanda kusanganisira naivo vachatadza kurima nzvimbo yavanga vakatarisira nekuda kwemvura shoma uye nekushaikwa kwemagetsi.“Madhamu haana kunyatsozara uye mvura yekutora pasi yakadzika izvo zvichaita kuti varimi vatadze kurima ndima dzavanga vachitarisira” VaZiki vanotsanangura.Mumwe murimi wekuMazowe mudunhu reMashonaland Central, VaTrust Mudzimuirema, avo vanorima gorosi, vanoti michina yemadiridziro yasakara zvakanyanya uye kuigadzirisa zvinodhura sezvo vachibhadharwa mari shomapazvirimwa zvavanenge vatengesa iyo inononoka kuuya.“Mapaipi atiri kushandisa asakara izvo zvinotora mari yakawanda kugadzirisa kana yafa” VaMudzimuirema vanotsanangura.Mumwe murimi wekuHurungwe mudunhu reMashonaland West, VaNgazimbi Ngokodo, vanoti midziyo yemadiridziro iri kubiwa kana kutanhaurwa zvimwe zvekuti yakawanda yacho haichashanda uye inogara ichingofa.“Dambudziko redu hombe rave rekubirwa mapaipi nezvimwe zviri pamapombi emadiridziro” VaNgokodo vanotsinhiri.Mukuru werimwe sangano rinomiririra varimi, reZimbabwe Farmers Union -ZFU, VaPaul Zakariya, vanobvuma kuti varimi vakawanda havasati vabhadharwa, vachiti kusabhadharwa nenguva kunodzosera hurongwa hwekurima kumashure uye kuwisira bhizinisi rekurima pasi.“Kurima ibhizinisi nekudaro murimi anofanirwa kubhadharwa nenguva kuti akwanise kugadzirira kudzokera kumunda mwaka unotevera”VaZachariah vanotsanangura.Gurukota rezvekurima, VaAnxious Masuka.Gurukota rezvekurima VaMasuka vakabvuma pavaitaura nevamwe varimi kuHurungwe, Chinhoyi neBanket nezuro kuti varimi vakawanda havasati vabhadharwa mari dzavo dzinodarika madhora ekuAmerica mamiriyoni makumi matatu nemana kana kuti US$34 million pamwe nemari itsva yeZimbabwe Gold inoita zviuru mazana maviri nemakumi mashanu kana kuti 250 000ZiG.“Parizvino tinofanirwa kupa varimi mari inosvika mamiriyoni makumi matatu nemana”VaMasuka vanozivisa.Asi VaMasuka vakavimbisa kuti varimi vachabhadharwa mukati memasvondo maviri ari kutevera kunyange vakambovimbisa zvakare munguva pfupi yadarika kuti yaizobhadhara varimi musi wa 30 Kubvumbi usati wasvika asi yakazotadza kuzadzisa vimbiso iyi.Munda wegorosi kuMashonaland West.Varimi vegorosi vari kutarisirwa kuwana mametiriki tani anosvika zviuru mazana matanhatu kana kuti 600 000 metric tonnes gore rino kubva pamametiriki tani zviuru mazana mana nemakumi matanhatu ane zvinomwe kana kuti 467 000 metric tonnes dzakawanikwa mwaka wapera.Asi dzimwe nyanzvi munyaya dzekurima dzakaita saVa Edmore Mazarure dzinoti zvinongove zviroto nekuda kwematambudziko ari kusangana nevarimi munyika.('The government says that 6 million people in rural areas need urgent food aid, at a time when many wheat farmers in the country are crying that they have not yet been paid for the wheat they sent to the Grain Marketing Board-GMB, which will enable them to plant small fields of winter wheat this season, which is almost over. Talking to other farmers in Chinhoyi yesterday, the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Anxious Masuka Mr. Masuka admitted for the first time that 6 million or 6 million people out of 9 million or 9.2 million people in rural areas need food aid from now until next year in March. Now we know that 6 million people from people 9 million in rural areas need food aid from now until next year in March Mr. Masuka explains. He said another 1.8 million need food aid in cities and towns, he promised that the government will seek 732,000 metric tons or 732,000 metric tonnes of maize to feed these people. On the other hand, wheat farmers are expected to cultivate up to 120,000 hectares, or 120,000 hectares, which they say will not be possible due to many reasons including not being paid for the wheat they have sent before they are paid, insufficient irrigation water in the dams, theft and death of irrigation pipes and constant lack of electricity. These farmers say that the strange thing is that these problems are not new but the government is unable to solve them. Wheat farmer, Mr. Richard Ziki. they too will not be able to farm the land they were hoping for due to the lack of water and the lack of electricity. The dams are not full and the water level is low which will make it impossible for the farmers to farm the fields they were hoping for Mr. Ziki explains. Another farmer from Mazowe in the Mashonaland Central district, Mr. Trust Mudzimuirema, who grows wheat, says The irrigation equipment is very old and it is expensive to repair it as they are paid a small amount of money for the crops they have sold which is slow to arrive. The pipes we are using are old and it takes a lot of money to repair them when they die explains Mr. Mudzimuirema. Another farmer from Hurungwe in Mashonaland West district, Mr. Ngazimbi Ngokodo, says that the irrigation equipment is being stolen or stolen. Our biggest problem is the theft of pipes and other things from the irrigation pipes, Mr. Ngokodo comments. the farming system is backward and bring the farming business down. Farming is a business and therefore the farmer must be paid on time so that he can prepare to return to the field next season Mr. Zachariah explains. Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Anxious Masuka. Minister of Agriculture Mr. Masuka admitted while talking to other farmers in Hurungwe, Chinhoyi and Banket yesterday that many farmers they have been paid their fees of more than 34 million American dollars or US$34 million as well as the new Zimbabwe Gold amount of 250 thousand or 250 000ZiG. Farmers will be paid within the next two weeks although they promised again recently that they would pay farmers before April 30th but failed to fulfill this promise. Wheat field in Mashonaland West. Wheat farmers are expected to get 600,000 metric tonnes or 600,000 metric tonnes this year from the 467,000 metric tons that were obtained last season. But some experts in agriculture such as Mr. Edmore Mazarure say that it is only a dream because of the problems facing farmers in the country.') |
Huku Dzinodarika Miriyoni neZviuru Mazana Matanhatu (1,6M) Dzopiswa Kudzivirira Kupararira kweChirwere cheBird Flu muAmerica('More than 1.6M Chickens Are Burned to Prevent the Spread of Bird Flu in America') | | Kambani huru inochengeta huku dzemazai yeRidgeland iri kuMississippi inoti yambomira kutengesa mazai kuTexas nekuMichigan nekuda kwechirwere chebird flu.Mumashoko kuvatori venhau, kambani iyi yati yakapisa huku miriyoni imwe chete nezviuru mazana matanhatu kana kuti 1,6 million uye nhiyo zviuru mazana matatu nemakumi matatu nemanomwe kana kuti 337, 000 kuyedza kudzivirira kupararira kwechirwere ichi chinonziwo chabata munhu mumwe chete.Nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehutano, Doctor Simbiso Ranga, vaudza Studio 7 kuti kazhinji munhu akabatwa nechirwere ichi anoita sekunge abatwa nechirwere chechikosoro.Hurukuro NaDr Simbiso Ranga('The largest company that keeps chickens in Ridgeland in Mississippi says that it has temporarily stopped selling eggs in Texas and Michigan because of the bird flu. 337, 000 to try to prevent the spread of this disease which is also said to have affected one person. Health expert, Doctor Simbiso Ranga, told Studio 7 that most of the people affected by this disease look like they have a cough. Interview with Dr Simbiso Ranga') |
Vamwe Varimi Vari Kutengesa Fodya Yavo kuMisika yekuKaroi Vochemachema neMatambudziko Avari Kusangana Nawo('Some Farmers Are Selling Their Tobacco At The Karoi Markets And Cry About The Problems They Are Facing') | | Varimi vefodya vakawanda vanoti vari kusangana nezvimhingamipinyi zvakawanda zvinosanganisira kunonoka kubhadharwa mari dzavo kana vatengesa chirimwa chavo, kudhura kwekutakurisa mabhero kuenda kumisika pamwe nekubhadharwa mari shoma pakirogiramu rimwechete refodya inenge yatengeswa pamisika yefodya kuKaroi mudunhu reMashonaland West.Varimi ava vanoti matambudziko aya atove nemakore vachisangana nawo uye uye ari kutonyanya.Mumwe murimi wefodya akaendesa fodya yake kuKaroi, ndaVaHarrison Jokonya, avo vanorima vari papurazi reTrokiadza riri pedyo neKaroi.VaJokonya vanoti mari zvikamu makumi maviri nezvishanu kubva muzana, kana kuti 25 percent, dzavari kubhadharwa dziri mumari yemunyika kana kuti ma RTGS hazvina zvazviri kuvabatsira nazvo sezvo mari yemunyika iri kuramba ichidzikira huremu hwayo kana ichienzaniswa nedhora rekuAmerica, uye nekukwira kwemitengo kana kutiinflation.VaJokonya vanoti chichemo chevarimi chekuti zvikwanisiro zvekurimisa zvakaita sefotireza zvideredzwe mitengo kuitira kuti vawane mari yakawanda kana vakazotengesa hazvina ari kuteerera.“Tinokurudzira hurumende kuti idzikise mitemgo ye fotireza kuti ndikatengesa mombe imwechete ndinogona kutenga zvose zvinodiwa asi parizvino hazvigoneke,” VaJokonya vanotsanangura.Mumwe murimi wekuDeve mudunhu reHurungwe, Amai Matilda Ngwerume, vanoti kukohwa nekutakurisa fodya kuri kuvadhurira zvakanyanya gore rino sezvo kusina chibage chakawanda chekubhadharisa vashandi vanenge vakohwa fodya.Vedzimotokari vanonzi vari kuchaja US$30.00 kutakura bhero refodya.Vanoti vanotakura fodya vari kuchaja kusvika kumadhora ekuAmerica makumi matatu kana kuti US$30.00 pabhero rimwechete zvisineyi kuti riri kurema zvakadii.“Segore rino kumamisha chibage hakuna saka tinofanirwa kutenga hupfu kuti tibikire vashandi vari kutemha fodya,” Amai Ngwerume vanotsanangura.Mumwe murimi wekwaRusape mudunhu reManicaland, VaGeorge Pasipamire, vanoti vari kunonoka kipihwa mari dzavo dzefodya zvekuti vari kupedza mazuva mana vakadzimirira.“Mari yedu iri kunonoka kubuda zvekuti tiri kupedza mazuva mana takamirira izvo zvinotipa kurara panze takamirira,” Va Pasipamire vanozivisa.Mukuru wesangano rinomirira varimi vefodya reZimbabwe Tobacco Association-ZTA, VaNicholas Seremwa, vanobvuma kuti pane dambudziko pamusoro pemitengo vachiti vakatomboita misangano nevatengi vefodya nekuda kwemitengo yavo iri kuramba iri pasi.“Ichokwadi kuti panedambudziko sezvo nhengo dzedu dziri kuchemachema nemitengo yakanyanya kuderera,” VaSeremwa vanotsanangura.TVarimi vanokurudzirwa kuramba huwori.Panyaya yekunonoka kubhadharwa kwevarimi, VaSeremwa vanoti, varimi vanofanirwa kubhadharwa mukati memazuva maviri kana kuti 48 hours sezvakabvumiranwa.Mukuru werimwe sangano rinomiririra varimi, reZimbabwe Farmers Union-ZFU-VaPaul Zakariya, vanoti nhengo dzavo dziri kupihwa mari shoma sezvo vanotenga vachiita chirwirangwe chekutenga fodya nemari shoma kuti vaite purofiti yakawanda.VaZakariya vanoti vakaita musangano svondo rino nenhengo dzesangano rinoona nekufambiswa nekutengeswa kwefodya, reTobacco Industry and Marketing Board, TIMB, nedonzvo rekuwedzera mutengo wefodya.“Takaita musangano neveTIMB kutanga kwesvondo rino nekuda kwemitengo iyo yakadzika asi pakutanga zvaiita sekuti vatengi vari kutenga fodya nemari yakawanda,” VaZakariya vanotsanangura.Mutauriri weTIMB,Muzvare Chelessani Moyo, vanoti varimi vanofanirwa kutaurira masangano anovamiririra kuti vaende nechichemo chavo chekuti vapihwe mari yavo yose ari madhora ekuAmerica kubhangi renyika reRBZ.“Sevarimi vanofanirwa kuendesa zvichemo zvavo kumasangano anovamirirrira ayo anozoenda nezvichemo zvekubhadharwa kuRBZ. Isu hatina zvatinogona kuyamura panyaya ye kubhadharwa,” Mazvare Chelesani Moyo vanozivisa.Nyaya yekutengwa kwefodya nemari isingafadze varimi changova chigariro musoro wetsuro kushaya nyanga, asi zvinonzi dambudziko iri harisi kugadziriswa.Fodya ndicho chirimwa chinopa nyika mari yakawanda kudarika zvimwe zvirimwa zvose pari zvino.Gore rakapera yakawanisa nyika mari inosvika bhiriyoni rimwechete nezviuru mazana matatu zvemadhora ekuAmerica, kana kuti US$1.3 Billion.Mwaka wekutengeswa kwefodya wakaparurwa mwedzi wapera bhero rekutanga richitengwa nemadhora mana ane masendi makumi mapfumbamwe nemaviri, kana kuti US$4,92 pakirogiramu.Huwandu hwefodya ichatengeswa mwaka uno hunotarisirwa kuderera nezvikamu gumi kubva muzana kana zvichienzaniswa neyakawanikwa mwaka wapera nekuda kwekushanduka kwemamiriro ekunze kwakakonzera ne El-Nino.Mwakawapera Zimbabwe296 million kilogramsasi gore rino inotarisirwa kuwana goko rinosvika265 million kilogramschete.Nyaya ina Nunurai Jena('Many tobacco farmers say they are facing many challenges including late payments when they sell their crops, the cost of transporting the bales to the markets and being paid less money for one kilogram of tobacco sold at the tobacco markets in Karoi in the Mashonaland West region. These farmers say they have been facing these problems for years and It is getting worse. Another tobacco farmer who sent his tobacco to Karoi, Mr. Harrison Jokonya, who farms at Trokiadza farm near Karoi. Mr. Jokonya says that 25% of the money he is being paid in national currency or RTGS has not helped him. as the country's currency continues to lose its weight compared to the American dollar, and with the rise in prices or inflation. Mr. Jokonya says that the farmers' complaints that the prices of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers should be reduced so that they can earn more money when they sell them are not being listened to. We encourage the government to reduce the prices of fertilizers If I sell one cow, I can buy everything I need, but at the moment it is not possible, Mr. Jokonya explains. Another farmer from Deve in Hurungwe district, Ms. Matilda Ngwerume, says that harvesting and transporting tobacco is costing her a lot this year as there is not much corn to pay the workers who have harvested the tobacco. The motorists are said to be charging US $30.00 to transport a bale of tobacco. They say the tobacco transporters are charging up to 30 American dollars or US$30.00 for one bale regardless of how heavy it is. Like this year, there is no maize in the villages, so we have to buy flour to cook for the workers who cut the tobacco, explains Mrs. Ngwerume. A farmer from Rusape in Manicaland district, Mr. George Pasipamire, says that they are getting their tobacco payments so late that they have been waiting for four days. of the Zimbabwe Tobacco Association-ZTA, Mr. Nicholas Seremwa, admits that there is a problem with prices, saying that he even held meetings with tobacco buyers because of their low prices. Regarding the late payment of farmers, Mr. Seremwa says, farmers should be paid within two days or 48 hours as agreed. The head of an organization that represents farmers, the Zimbabwe Farmers Union-ZFU- Mr. Paul Zakariya, says that their members are being paid less money as buyers are making a conspiracy to buy tobacco for less money. to make more profit. Mr. Zakariya said that he held a meeting this week with members of the tobacco industry and marketing board, TIMB, with the aim of increasing the price of cigarettes. with a lot of money, Mr. Zakariya explains. The spokeswoman for TIMB, Muzvare Chelessani Moyo, says that farmers should tell the organizations that represent them to go with their complaints so that they can be given all their money in US dollars to the national bank RBZ. We have nothing we can do to help in terms of payment, Ms. Chelesani Moyo informs. The issue of the purchase of tobacco at a price that does not please farmers has become a rabbit's head without horns, but it is said that this problem is not being solved. Tobacco is the crop that gives the country more money than all other crops at the moment. Last year earned the country 1 billion 300 thousand American dollars, or US$1.3 billion. The season for the sale of cigarettes was launched last month, with the first bale being bought for 4 dollars 92 cents, or US$4.92 per kilogram. The amount of cigarettes that will be sold this season is expected to decrease by 10 percent compared to what was found last season due to climate change caused by El-Nino. Last year Zimbabwe had 296 million kilograms and this year it is expected to get only 265 million kilograms. Nunurai Jena has the story') |
Varimi Vokurudzirwa Kuderedza Huwandu hweZvipfuwo Nekuda kweKushomeka kweMafuro('Farmers Are Encouraged To Reduce The Number Of Livestock Due To Scarcity Of Pasture') | | Nekuda kwekusanaya zvakanaka kwemvura mwaka uno, bazi rezvekurima rinonzi rave kukurudzira varimi kuti vaderedze huwandu hwezvipfuwo zvawo kuitira kuti vasazoita dambudziko remafuro.Asi kurudziro iyi iri kuuya apo vamwe vagari munyika vave kutotengesa mombe dzavo nechakare vachityira dambudziko rekushaya mafuro nemvura yekunwa zvinovakwanira.Vakawanda vevagari ava vanoti nekuda kwemvura shoma yakanaya, uswa hwemafuro emombe dzavo hushoma zvakanyanya uye chibage hachina mashanga akakwana ekuchengeta kuti azopihwa mombe sezvo chakafa chisati chasvika. Izvi ndizvo zvaita kuti dzimwe mhuri dzitore danho rekutengesa mombe dzisati dzanyanya kuonda nekushaya chikafu.Mumwe mugari wekuChegutu mudunhu reMashonaland West, VaAleck Mabwe, avo vakatengesa mombe mbiri, vanoti zviri nani kuwana mari yakati wandeyi iye zvino pane kuzomanikidzwa kutengesa mombe dzave madore wowana mari shoma.“Tiri kutotengesa iyezvino dzichiri kubhadhara zvakanaka, tiri kutengesa nema 300 dollars (madhora ekuAmerica mazana matatu).” VaMabwe vanotsananguraMombe dzakawanda hadzichina hutano hwakanaka nekuda kwekushaya mafuro nemvura.Mumwe akatengesawo mombe dzake mbiri nemadhora ekuAmerica mazana matatu, kana kuti US$300 pamombe imwechete, ndiVaErasmus Mapfeka, vekuChivu mudunhu reMashonaland East, avo vanoti mombe dzichadzikira mutengo nekuda kwekushaya zvekudya.“Mombe dzichadzika mutengo kwatiri kuenda nekuda kwekushaya zvekudya nemvura yekunwa” VaMapfeka vanotsanangura.Vakawanda vari kutenga mombe ndevemabhucha vakaita saVaMike Jimu vemuChinhoyi, avo vanoti panonaya mvura shoma bhizinesi ravo rekutengesa nyama rino bhadhara zvakanaka sezvo vachitengesa nyama nemutengo uri pamusoro asi ivo vachitenga mombe nemari iri pasi.“Bhizinesi redu ndipo parinofamba mombe dzakachipa asi nyama ichidhura” VaJimu vanozivisa.Asi mumwe murimi, VaTawanda Hozheri, avo vanochengeta mombe kuMhangura, mudunhu reMashonaland West, vanoti vanotenga chikafu chemombe kunyange zvichivadhurira.VaHozheri, avo vane mombe dzinosvika zana, vanoti vanototengesa mombe kuti vatenge chikafu chemombe kwete kuti kutyira kuti dzinofa nenzara.Mutungamiri werimwe sangano rinomiririra varimi, reZimbabwe Intergrated Farmers Union, Amai Mayiwepi Jiti, vanokurudzira varimi kuti vatengese mombe nguva iripo dzichiri kukosha nekuti vakanokoka dzikawondoroka hapana chavanozowana.“Zvipfuwo nemhuka dzesango zvichanetseka kuwana zvekudya nemvura, ndinokurudzira varimi nezvipfuwo kuti vatendese mombe dzichiri kuratidzika zvakanaka”Amai Jiti vanotsanangura .Mutauriri weboka re Environmental Management Agency-EMA-munyika yose, Muzvare Edith Chapungu, vanoti vari kudzidzisa vagari nevarimi kuti vasapise masango asi kuti vacheke uswa hwacho vochengetera mombe dzavo.“Shoko redu rimwechete rekungoti nguva yatiri tinokurudzira kuti vanhu vacheke uswa kugadzira chikafu chekupa mombe” Muzvare Chapungu vanotsanangura.Kusanaya kwemvura kwanakana kwakonzera dambudziko rechikafu nemvura kuzvipfuwo.Kunyange chikoro chepamusoro cheChinhoyi University of Technology, CUT, chiri kugadzira chikafu chekuti mombe dzinonanzva dzozonwa mvura, vakawanda vanoti havana mari yacho sezvo chichitengeswa nemadhora ekuAmerica gumi nemana, kana kuti US$14.00 pamakirogiramu makumi maviri nemashanu, chichidyiwa nemombe gumi pamwedzi.Mutevedzeri wegurukota rezvekurima VaDavis Marapira, vakaudza varimi vemombe kuMaphisa, mudunhu reMatebeleland South svondo rapera kuti vape mombe zvekudya zviri kugadzirwa neuswa zvochengeterwa nguva yekushaikwa kwemafuro, kana kuti Silage, kuti dzisafe uye kuti dziite hutano hwakanaka.Pari zvino munyika mune mombe mamiriyoni mashanu nechidimu asi hurumende ine hurongwa hwekuwedzera mombe munyika kusvika pamamiriyoni matanhatu gore ra2025 risati rasvika.Asi chirongwa chekuwedzera mombe ichi, kana kuti restocking exercise, chave kutyirwa kuti chinogona kukanganisika nekuda kwedambudziko rekushaya mafuro iri pamwe chete nezvirwere zvemombe, izvo zviri kuuraya mombe dzakawanda munyika.Vamwe vari kugadzirira remangwana vari kutengawo madhongi sezvo achinzi anorarama kunyange munguva yekushaya mafuro akakwana. Asi dambudziko rekushaya mvura yekunwa harisarudze kuti imombe here kana idhongi, sezvo zvipfuwo zvose izvi zvichisvika pakufa.Vagari vekuMangwe mudunhu re Matabeleland South nemamwe matunhu vakatokurudzira hurumende kuti itore matanho ekuvawanisawo chikafu chekupa mombe dzavo pamwe nekuti ichere zvibhorani kuitira kuti mombe dzavo dziwane mvura.Nyika iri kutambura nekuda kwekusanaya zvakanaka kwemvura zvichikonzerwa nekushanduka kwemamiriro ekunze, anonzi El Nino.('Due to the lack of rain this season, the Ministry of Agriculture is said to be encouraging farmers to reduce the number of their livestock so that they will not have a grazing problem. due to the low rainfall, there is very little grass for grazing their cattle and the corn does not have enough straw to be fed to the cattle as it has died before it arrives. This is what has led some families to take the decision to sell their cattle before they become too thin due to lack of food. Another resident of Chegutu in the Mashonaland West district, Mr. Aleck Mabwe, who sold two cows, says it is better to get a bit more money now than to be forced to sell the cattle that are old and get less money. We are already selling now that they still pay well, we are selling for 300 dollars (300 American dollars). Mr. Mabwe explains that many cows are not in good health due to lack of pasture and water. Another person who sold two of his cows for 300 American dollars, or US$300 for one cow, is Mr. Erasmus Mapfeka, from Chivu in the Mashonaland East district, who says that the price of cattle will decrease due to lack of food. The price of cattle will decrease for us. going because of the lack of food and drinking water Mr. Mapfeka explains. Many of the people who are buying cattle are butchers like Mr. Mike Jimu from Chinhoyi, who says that when there is little rain, their business selling meat pays well as they sell meat at a higher price but they buy cattle at a lower price. Our business is when the cattle are cheap but the meat is expensive Mr. Jimu informs. But another farmer, Mr. Tawanda Hozheri, who keeps cattle in Mhangura, Mashonaland West district, says that he buys cattle feed even though it is expensive. Mr. Hozheri, who has about 100 cattle, says that he even sells cattle to buy cattle feed and not fearing that they will die of hunger. The president of an organization that represents farmers, the Zimbabwe Integrated Farmers Union, Mrs. Mayiwepi Jiti, encourages farmers to sell their cattle while they are still valuable because if they invite them to die, they will get nothing. they still look good Mama Jiti explains. The spokeswoman for the Environmental Management Agency-EMA-nationwide group, Miss Edith Chapungu, says that they are teaching residents and farmers not to burn the forests but to cut the grass and keep their cattle. people cut the grass to make food for the cows Ms. Chapungu explains. The severe drought has caused a problem of food and water for the animals. Although the Chinhoyi University of Technology, CUT, is making food for the cows to lick and then drink water, many say they do not have the money as it is sold for 10 American dollars and four, or US$14.00 per 25 kilograms, consumed by 10 cows per month. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Davis Marapira, told cattle farmers in Maphisa, in the Matebeleland South district last week to give cattle food that is made from grass and stored for the time of lack of pasture, or Silage, so that they do not die and for them to be healthy. Currently there are 5.5 million cattle in the country but the government has plans to increase the number of cattle in the country to 6 million before the year 2025. But the program to increase the cattle, or the restocking exercise, is now feared to be affected due to the problem of lack of pasture as well as cattle diseases, which are killing many cows in the country. Some who are preparing for the future are also buying donkeys as they are said to survive even when there is not enough pasture. But the problem of lack of drinking water does not decide whether it is a cow or a donkey, as all these animals are dying. The residents of Mangwe in the Matabeleland South region and other regions have even urged the government to take measures to provide them with food to feed their cattle as well as to dig boreholes so that their cattle can get water. This country suffering due to drought caused by climate change, called El Nino.') |
VaMnangagwa Vokurudzirwa Kuita Zvakaitwa naVaHichilema Kukumbira Vekunze Kuti Vabatsire neChikafu neChimbichimbi('Mr. Mnangagwa Is Encouraged To Do What Mr. Hichilema Did To Ask Foreigners To Help With Emergency Food') | | Imwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvechikafu, Reverend Forbes Matonga vari kukurudzira mutungamiri wenyika VaEmmerson Mnangagwa kuti vati nzara yapfunya chisero munyika kuti idambudziko rave kuda rubatsiro rakakura kubva kumasangano ekune anopa rubatsiro akaita seWorld Food Programme nedzimwe nyika kuti vapindire kana kuti state of Emergency.Mutungamiri wenyika yeZambia VaHakainde Hichilema vakatoita izvi svondo nemusi weChina kuti nyika yavo iwane rubatsiro rwekunze nekuda kwenzara yakatarisana nenyika dzemuSADC.VaMnangagwa vakazivisa nyika nemusi weChina kumusangano wavakaita nemadzishe kuti hapana achafa nenzara munyika sezvo vari kutora matanho ekuona kuti munhu wose awana chikafu. Asi vakawanda mumatunhu akawanda vanoti zvinhu hazvina kumira zvakanaka uye chikafu chave kudhura zvakanyanya.Hatina kukwanisa kubata mutauriri wemutungamiri wenyika VaGeorge Charamba kana gurukota rezvemagariro evanhu VaJuly Moyo sezvo vange vasiri kudaira nharembozha dzavo.Asi tabata Reverend Matonga vaimbotungamira sangano rinobatsira nechikafu reChristian Care.('An expert in food matters, Reverend Forbes Matonga is urging the President of the country Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa to say that hunger has spread throughout the country and that it is a problem that needs huge help from aid organizations like the World Food Program and other countries to intervene or state of Emergency. The President of Zambia Mr. Hakainde Hichilema He did this last week on Thursday so that his country could get foreign aid because of the famine facing SADC countries. Mr. Mnangagwa informed the country on Thursday at the meeting he held with the chiefs that no one will die of hunger in the country as they are taking steps to ensure that everyone gets food. But many in many regions say that things are not going well and food has become very expensive. We have not been able to contact the president's spokesperson, Mr. George Charamba, or the social affairs minister, Mr. July Moyo, as they were not answering their phones.') |
Vagari Vonyunyuta neMapinzirwo Ari Kuitwa Vanhu Mabasa neMakambani Ari Kugadzira muMugwagwa weHarare-Chirundu('Residents complain about the way people are being treated and the companies are building on the Harare-Chirundu road') | | Vamwe vagari mudunhu reMashonaland West vanoti havasi kufara nehuori hwavanoti huri kuitika munyaya dzekupinzwa kwevanhu mabasa nemakambani ari kugadzira mugwagwa unobva kuHarare uchienda kuChirundu.Vagari ava vanowirirana nevekumwe kumatunhu munyika kuri kuitwa zvirongwa zvehurumende zvakaita sekuvakwa nekugadzirwa kwemigwagwa, avo vanoti mapinzirwo evanhu mumabasa anopihwa mari nehurumende haana kujeka uye azere nehuori.Izvi zvinotevera kutadza kupinda mabasa kunonzi kuri kuita vamwe vechidiki kumakambani ari kugadzira mugwagwa mukuru unobva kuHarare uchienda kuChirundu uyu.Vashandi vari kugadzira mugwagwa weHarare-Chirundu.Mumwe wechidiki anoti ari kushaya basa ndiMuzvare Benihilda Tsoto vekuMapinga, uko kuri kushanda kambani yeTensor.Muzvare Tsoto vanoti vanofunga kuti vanhu vari kupinda mabasa vari kubviwa navo kuHarare.“Vari kubva nevanhu vavo kuHarare isu tiri kumuka kuma 5 tichiswera pano pasina kana munhu anopinda basa,” Muzvare Tsoto vanonyunyutaMuzvare Tsoto, avo vanoti vaimborarama nekuita maricho, vanoti iye zvino vave kurarama nekutengesa bonde kuvashandi vemumugwagwa vari paMapinga asi hazvisi kubhadhara zvekuti vakwanise kurarama.“Iye zvino ndiri kurarama nekupinda mubhawa asi hazvisi kubhadhara zvekuti ndinotombo shaya kana kobiri zvaro,” Muzvare Tsoto vanotsanangura.Mumwe mugari wepaRukoba, VaJeremiah Sande, vanoti pavanhu vanosvika zana vakanyoresa kuna Sabhuku wavo kuti vapinda basa vaviri chete ndivo vakakwanisa kuriwana, vachiti zviri pachena kuti pari kuitwa zvechioko muhomwe kuti munhu apinde basa.“Vagari vemuno havasi kipinda mabasa, pavanhu zana nemakumi manomwe vakanyorwa mazita naSabhuku vaviri chete ndivo vakapinda basa,” VaSande vanotsanangura.Vagari vekuMapinga vakaforera mabasa.Mumwe Sabhuku wemuwadhi 32 muri kupfuura nemugwagwa uyu asina kuda kuzivikanwa nezita sezvo achitya kuzoshungurudzwa, anoti vari kutambiswa bhora risina mweya sezvo vana vavakanyora mazita kuti vapinde basa vasiri kutorwa.Patabvunza kuti sei vana vashoma vari kupinda mabasa munzvimbo mavo, mukuru wemasabhuku munzvimbo yeMapinga uye vari vaimbove murwi wehondo wyerusununguko, VaEzeria Horwe, vanoti vakambobvunzawo kuvakuru vemakambani vakanzi vashandi vachatorwa zvishoma nezvishoma kusvikira vawanda sezvo mugwagwa uchangotanga kugadzirwa.“Vemakambani ava vanoti vachatora vanhu vakawanda asi vanotorwa zvishoma nezvishoma sezvo kugadzirwa kwemugwagwa kuchangotanga,” VaHorwe vanozivisa zvavakataurirwa.Mumwe mukuru wekambani yeTensor, VaRichman Machanga, vanoti vanopa basa vagari vemunharaunda muchapfuura nemugwagwa uri kugadzirwa sezvo riri donzvo ravo kusimudzira vanhu nenzvimbo dzavanoshandira.Vagari vekuMapinga vachitsvaga mabasa.Mushure mekunge paita mutauro pamusoro pekupinda basa kwevanhu vari kuyamura kugadzirwa kwemugwagwa uyu, gurukota redunhu reMashonaland West, Amai Marian Chombo, vakaita musangano wechimbichimbi apo vakaudza vakuru vakuru vemakambani ari kugadzira mugwagwa uyu kuti vose vachapinda mabasa vanotanga kunyorwa mazita nemaSabhuku, mazita acho ozounzwa kumahofisi kwavo uko gwaro remazita acho richazodhindwa risati rapihwa vemakambani kuti vapinze vanhu mabasa.“Takawirirana kuti mazita anonyorwa nemaSabhuku owuya kuhofisi kwangu kwatinodhinda mapepa acho tisati tapa vemakambani ari kushanda mumugwagwa kuti vapinze vanhu vanemazita akanyorwa,” Amai Chombo vanotsanangura.Pakamboita mutauro zvakare pakagadzirwa mugwagwa unobva kuBeitbridge uchienda kuHarare zvichinzi pari kuitwa zvehuori, sekutaura kwaAmai Sarudzai Makirichi vekuMasvingo.“Nyaya yekupinda basa yakanetsawo kuno kuMasvingo sezvo vemapato ezvematongerwo enyika vaipinza hama dzavo ne vechidiki vebato razo”Amai Makirichi vanotsanangura.Gurukota redunhu reMashonaland West, Amai Marian Chombo.Vaimbove nhengo yeCitizens’, Coalition for Change VaBlessing Mandava, vanoti kutorwa kwevanhu vebasa kuchishandiswa hofisi yegurukota rezvematunhu kupinza zvematongerwo enyika munyaya dzemabasa izvo vanoti zvakaipa.Hatina kunzwa kuti hurumende ine hurongwa here kana kuti policy panyaya dzekupinzwa mabasa nemakambani anenge apihwa basa rekugadzira migwagwa sezvo gurukota rebazi rekutakurwa kwezvinhu, VaFelix Mhona, vanga vasati vatipindura mibvunzo yavanga vati tivatumire padandemutande ravo reWhatsApp.Makambani mashanu anoti Bitumen World, Fossil, Exodus, Masimba neTensor akapihwa basa nehurumende rekugadzira mugwagwa weHarare – Chirundu, uye anotarisirwa kuwanisa mabasa vanhu vanosvika chiuru chimwechete nemazana mashanu.Makambani mashanu aya ndiwozve akambopihwa basa rekugadzira mugwagwa mukuru unobva kuBeitbridge kusvika muHarare, asi vamwe vanoti haana kuita basa nemazvo.('Some residents in the Mashonaland West region say they are not happy with the corruption they say is happening in the recruitment of people by companies that are building the road from Harare to Chirundu. These residents agree with other regions in the country where government projects such as the construction and construction of roads are being carried out, who say that the recruitment of people in jobs funded by the government is not clear. and is full of corruption. The following is the failure of some young people to get jobs at the companies that are building the main road from Harare to Chirundu. The workers are building the Harare-Chirundu road. One of the young people who says she is unemployed is Ms. Benihilda Tsoto from Mapinga, where the Tensor company is working. Ms. Tsoto says that they think that people who are going to work are being taken from Harare. by selling sex to street workers in Mapinga but it is not paying enough to be able to survive. Now I am living by going to the bar but it is not paying so I don't even have a penny, Ms. Tsoto explains. that only two of those who joined the job were able to get it, saying that it is clear that there is a trick in the pocket to get a person to join the job. A Chief of Ward 32 who is passing by this road does not want to be named as he is afraid of being harassed, he says that they are being played with a dead ball as the children who have signed up to join the work are not being recruited. a former freedom fighter, Mr. Ezeria Horwe, said that he had asked company officials and they were told that workers would be hired gradually until more people were hired as the road was just starting to be built. Mr. Richman Machanga, says that he will provide employment to the residents of the community who will pass by the road that is being built as it is their aim to develop the people and the places where they work. Residents of Mapinga looking for jobs. an emergency meeting where they told the officials of the companies that are building the road that all those who will join the jobs will be first written by the Chiefs, the names will then be brought to their offices where the list of names will be printed before being given to the companies to hire people. We agreed that the names are written by the Chiefs and come to my office where we print the papers before we give the companies working on the road to hire people whose names are written, Ms. Chombo explains. There was also talk when the road from Beitbridge to Harare was built and it was said that corruption was being done, according to Ms. Sarudzai Makirichi from Masvingo. Mrs. Makirichi explains. Mashonaland West regional minister, Mrs. Marian Chombo. A former member of the Citizens' Coalition for Change, Mr. Blessing Mandava, says that the recruitment of workers is being used by the regional minister's office to inject politics into employment matters, which he says is wrong. We have not heard that Does the government have a plan or policy regarding the recruitment of companies that have been given the task of building roads as the Minister of Transport, Mr. Felix Mhona, has not yet answered the questions that he had asked us to send to him on his WhatsApp network. Five companies namely Bitumen World, Fossil, Exodus, Masimba and Tensor have been given work. by the government to build the Harare - Chirundu road, and it is expected to provide jobs for 1,500 people. These five companies were also given the task of building the highway from Beitbridge to Harare, but some say they did not do the job properly.') |
Nzara Yopfunya Chisero muMaruwa Akawanda muNyika('Starvation in many villages in the country') | | Vagari vakawanda kumaruwa vanoti nzara yapfunya chisero mudzimba dzavo sezvo zvirimwa zvavo zvakaita sechibage zvaoma muminda nekuda kwekushaya mvura.Kunyange vagari ava vachinzi vainge vamboyambirwa kuti mwaka uno mvura haisi kuzonaya zvakanaka, vakawanda vanoti havana kumbofunga kuti denga ringavaseke zvakadai zvekuti mvura inoenda chibage chichiri chidiki, chimwe chave kuda kutumbuka.Vakawanda vanoti vanogona kutoshaya kana chibage chekugocha zvacho sezvo chibage chavo chave kuoma nekuda kwekushaya mvura.Mumwe mugari wekuMhondoro, mudunhu reMashonaland West, VaRaymomd Mutyambizi, vanoti havachisina tariro yekuti vanokohwa here gore rino, sezvo chibage chavo chatooma.“Kunze kuri kugocha zvekuti mbeu dzose dzaparara nezuva hakuna mvura,” VaMutyambizi vanotsanangura.Kuoma kwakaita zvirimwa kuMhondoro ndiko kunonzi kwakaita kwaSadza mudunhu reMashonaland East, uko kunogara VaMuchadeyi Hozheri.VaHozveri vanoti havaoni paine muguri wechibage wavanodya mwaka uno sezvo chibage chavo chiri kuoma chisina kufurura.“Handitombobata kana muguri mumwechete zvawo, chibage chose chatsva nezuva,” VaHozheri vanochemachema.Vamwe varimi vave kutotinhira mombe muminda.Kunyange varimi vefodya vakaita saVaNhamo Mkwesha, avo vanorima nemvura yekumudenga, vanoti fodya yavo yatotsvukuruka isati yasimba zvekuti giredhi rayo richange riri pasi zvakanyanya.“Fodya yangu yose yatsvukuruka isati yaibva zvekuti ichandipa mari shoma pane yandaitarisira”VaMkwesha vanotsananguraMukuru werimwe sangano rinomiririra varimi, reZimbabwe Farmers Union, ZFU, VaPaul Zakariya, vanoti mvura ikasanaya svondo rinouya ndipo paperera sarungano yevarimi vakawanda, zvikuru vanotarisira mvura yemudenga.“Pakaita svondo mvura isati yanaya kunyange ikazonaya mbeu hadzichararama,” VaZakariya vanodaro.Izvi zvinotsigirwa nemukuru werimwe sangano rinomiririra varimi, reZimbabwe Intergrated Farmers Union, Amai Mayiwepi Jiti, avo vanoti pazvirimwa zvakawanda hapachisina tariro kunyange mvura ikanaya yakawanda seyenguva yaNoah.“Zvirimwa zvatsva muminda uye zvirimwa zvino rimwe nemvura ye Kudenga zvanyanya kuparara munzvimbo zhinji dzemunyika”Amai Jiti vanotsanangura."Hatina kukwanisa kunzwa kugurukota rezvemabasa nekugara zvakanaka kwevanhu, iro rine boka rinobatsira vakawanda nezvekudya, kana kuti reSocial Welfare Department, VaJuly Moyo, sezvo vanga vasingadavire mbozhanhare yavo. Asi gurukota rezvemaindasitiri, Amai Sithembiso Nyoni, vakamboudza Studio 7 mazuva mashoma adarika kuti matura eGrain Marketing Board -GMB- ane chibage chinokwanira munhu wese anoda ruyamuro.Mutauriri webazi rinoona nezvekuwaniswa kwezvekudya kune vanotambura, reWorld Food Program-WFP munyika, VaChristopher Charamba, vanoti vakatotanga kupa zvekudya zvinokosha madhora ekuAmerica mamiriyoni gumi nerimwechete kana kuti US$11 million, kuvanhu vanodarika zviuru mazana maviri nemakumi matatu, kana kuti 230 000, kunzvimbo dzinoti Chiredzi, Mangwe, Chivi, Mwenezi neBuhera.“Pari zvino tiri kuyamura vanhu mumatunhu manomwe nezvekudya kusvika muna Kurume vanhu vakohwa,” VaChambara vanozivisa.Rubatsiro rwakapiwa neUSAID kusangano reWFP muZimbabwe.Sangano reWFP nebazi re Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) vanoti vanhu vanodarika mamiriyoni maviri nezviuru mazana manomwe, kana kuti 2.7million, vanoda rubatsiro mumatunhu ose emunyika kubva mumwedzi waNdira kusvika kupera kwaKurume.Bazi rekuAmerica, reUSAID, riri kubatsira WFP nemari yekutsigira chirongwa chiri kutungamirwa nehurumende cheFood Deficit Mitigation Strategy Programme, icho chichabatsira vanhu ava.Rubatsiro rweUSAID urwu rwakasvitsa mari yapiwa WFP neAmerica kubatsira zvirongwa zvekurwisa nzara muZimbabwe kumadhora ekuAmerica mamiriyoni makumi maviri nemana nezviuru mazana matatu, kana kuti US$24.3 million, mugore ra 2023.Gwaro rakaburitswa neZIMVAC rinoti zvikamu makumi maviri nezvitanhatu kubva muzana zvevagari vekumaruwa zvichange zvisina chikafu chinozvikwanira zvichaita kuti padiwe matani zana rezviuru zvechibage.Kushanduka kwemamiriro ekunze kana kutiEl Niñomumwaka wa 2023/2024 kunonzi ndiko kwakaderedza mvura yemudenga, uye kunonzi kuchaita kuti vanhu vakawanda vade rubatsiro rwechikafu.Dzimwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvekurima dzinoti kusanaya zvakanaka kwemvura kuchakanganisawo zvirimwa zvemuchando zvakaita segorosi, muriwo nembatatisi sezvo mvura ichange iri shoma, uyewo zvipfuwo nemhuka dzesango zvichanetseka kuwana mafuro pamwe nemvura yekunwa.Bazi rinoona nezvemamiriro ekunze reMeteorological Services Department-MSD-rakatozivisa kare kuti munyika muchange musina mvura yekunaya kusvika neMuvhuro svondo rinouya.('Many residents in the countryside say that hunger has spread to their homes as their crops such as maize have dried up in the fields due to lack of water. Although these residents are said to have been warned that this season it will not rain well, many say that they never thought that the sky would laugh at them like this that the rain will go when the maize is still young, another It is about to bloom. Many say that they may not even have enough maize to roast as their maize has dried up due to lack of water. Another resident of Mhondoro, Mashonaland West district, Mr. Raymomd Mutyambizi, says that they no longer have hope of harvesting this year, as their maize has already dried up. It is roasting outside. so that all the seeds have been destroyed by the sun and there is no water, Mr. Mutyambizi explains. The drought in Mhondoro is what Sadza in Mashonaland East district, where Mr. Muchadeyi Hozheri lives. Mr. Hozveri says that he does not see any corn harvester that he eats this season as his corn is drying up without peeling. I don't even touch a harvester. One of them, all the corn has been burnt by the sun, Mr. Hozheri laments. Some farmers are already herding cattle in the fields. Even tobacco farmers like Mr. Nhamo Mkwesha, who farm with rainwater, say that their tobacco has already turned red before it is strong enough that its grade will be very low. All my tobacco is red. Mr. Mkwesha explains that the head of an organization that represents farmers, the Zimbabwe Farmers Union, ZFU, Mr. Paul Zakariya, says that if it does not rain next week, then the plan of many farmers will end, mainly because they expect rain from the sky. They will no longer live, Mr. Zakariya says. This is supported by the head of an organization that represents farmers, the Zimbabwe Integrated Farmers Union, Mrs. Mayiwepi Jiti, who says that there is no hope for many crops even if it rains as much as in Noah's time. We could not hear from the minister of employment and social welfare, who has a group that helps many people with food, or from the Social Welfare Department, Mr. July Moyo, as they were not answering their phone calls. But the Minister of Industry, Ms. Sithembiso Nyoni, told Studio 7 a few days ago that the Grain Marketing Board -GMB- stores have enough maize for everyone who needs help. The spokesperson of the World Food Program-WFP department in the country, Christopher Charamba, says that they have already started to provide food worth 11 million American dollars or US$11 million, to more than 230,000 people, or 230 000, in places called Chiredzi, Mangwe, Chivi, Mwenezi and Buhera. We are currently helping people in seven districts with food until March people have been reaped, Mr. Chambara announced. The aid was given by USAID to the WFP organization in Zimbabwe. The WFP organization and the Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) say that more than 2.7 million people, or 2.7 million, need help in all regions of the country from the month of January to the end of March The American agency, USAID, is assisting WFP with funding for the Food Deficit Mitigation Strategy Program led by the government, which will help these people. This USAID grant has brought the money given to WFP by the United States to help fight hunger in Zimbabwe to 24,300,000 American dollars, or that US$24.3 million, in the year 2023. A document published by ZIMVAC states that 26 percent of the rural population will not have enough food for themselves, which will cause the need for 100,000 tons of corn. Climate change or El Niño in the 2023/2024 season is said to have reduced the water in the sky, and it is said that many people will need food aid. Some experts in agriculture say that the drought will also affect winter crops such as wheat, vegetables and potatoes as there will be less water, and livestock and wild animals will have difficulty finding pastures and drinking water. The Meteorological Services Department- MSD has already announced that there will be no rain in the country until Monday next week.') |
Zimbabwe Inotambira Rubatsiro rweGorosi neFotereza Zvabva kuRussia('Zimbabwe Receives Aid For Wheat And Fertilizer From Russia') | | Masvingo —Zimbabwe yatambira rubatsiro rwegorosi nefotireza kubva kuRussia pasi pechirongwa cheRussia chekubatsira nyika dzemuAfrica nechikafu.Zimbabwe yatambira nhasi gorosi nefotereza zvayapihwa neRussia sekuvimbisa kwayakaita gore rapera.Mutevedzeri wegurukota rezvekurima, VaVangelis Haritatos vati fotereza yabva kuRussia ichagoverwa kuvarimi pasi pechirongwa chemutungamiri wenyika chekubatsira varimi, che"Presidential Inputs Scheme.”“Tatambira gorosi nefetilisernhasi tiri pa Aspindale patiri kuinspectorkuti matani asvika mangani? Ose haasati auya, takamirira mamwe,” Vadaro VaHaritatos.Fotereza yasvika munyika chikamu chefotereza inodarikaka matani makumi maviri ezviuru akavimbiswa gore rapera pamusangano weRussia Africa Summitnemutungamiri we Russia, VaVladimir Putin, kuti vachabatsira Zimbabwe.VaHaritatos vatiwo mutungamiriri wenyika, VaEmmmerson Mnangagwa, ndivo vachazironga kuti gorosi richazofambiswa sei.“Taendawo kuBindura makuseni kwauya mafotereza, asi mamwe achiri munzira saka izvi ndOzvatapuwa neRussia,” VaHaritatos vadaro.Pamusangano we Russia Africa Summit, VaPutin vanonzi vakavimbisa nyika nhanhatu dzemuAfrica kuti nyika yega yega yaizowana matani zviuru makumi mashanu zvechikafu.Sangano renhau reReuters rinoti Russia yakwanisa kutumira chikafu chinosvika mazana maviri ezviuru zvematani.VaPutin vanonzi vakatiwo vachapa Africa rubatsiro rwechikafu rwunosvika mametric tonesmamiriyoni makumi manomwe, uye chikafu ichi chinonzi chichange chichisvika pamari inoita US$16, 5 billion.Gorosi rapinda munyika rasvika panguva iyo vanhu vari kushaiwa chikafu chakakwana munyika nekudaro vanorwira kodzero dzevanhu vati vanofunga kuti mutungamiriri wenyika achati gorosi ripuwe vagari vekumaruwa.Vanoona nezve matongerwe enyika vakazvimirira, VaTakudzwa Changandeya, vati izvi zvaitika panguva yakanaka sezvo kune nzara, asi rubatsiro rweRussia harungouyi pasina zvainowanawo munyika.“Rubatsiro urwu harusi kuuya pachena. Russia inenge ichida kuitamanipulationyozowanawo zvainoda munyika,” vanodaro VaChangandeya.Ukuwo, Zimbabwe neBelarus dzasainirana chibvumirano chekuvaka matura maviri echikafu kuGrain Makerting Board.('Masvingo -Zimbabwe has received wheat and fertilizer aid from Russia under Russia's program to help African countries with food. Zimbabwe has today received the wheat and fertilizer provided by Russia as it promised last year. The Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Vangelis Haritatos said that the fertilizer from Russia will be distributed to farmers under the president's program to help farmers. Presidential Inputs Scheme. We have received wheat and fertilizer today at Aspindale where we are in the inspector to see how many tons have arrived? All have not arrived yet, we are waiting for the others, said Mr. Haritatos. The fertilizer that has arrived in the country is part of the fertilizer that exceeds 20,000 tons that was promised last year at the Russia Africa Summit meeting with the Russian president. Mr. Vladimir Putin, that he will help Zimbabwe. Mr. Haritatos also said that the president of the country, Mr. Emmerson Mnangagwa, will decide how the wheat will be transported. they promised six African countries that each country would get 50,000 tons of food. The Reuters news agency says that Russia has been able to send up to 200,000 tons of food. Mr. Putin is said to have also said that he will give Africa food aid of up to 70 million metric tons, and this food is said to be worth US$16, 5 billion. Wheat has entered the country at a time when people are in need of enough food in the country, therefore human rights activists have said that they think that the president of the country will say that wheat should be given to rural residents. The independent politician, Mr. Takudzwa Changandeya, said that this happened at a good time because there is hunger , but Russia's aid does not come without its benefits in the country. This aid is not coming for free. Russia wants to manipulate and get what it wants in the country, says Mr. Changandeya. On the other hand, Zimbabwe and Belarus have signed an agreement to build two food warehouses at the Grain Makerting Board.') |
Vamwe Vatungamiri veMatunhu Vonyunyuta neKusungwa Uye Kudzingwa kweDzimwe Mhuri Dziri Pasi Pavo('Some District Leaders Complain About The Arrest And Expulsion Of Some Families Under Them') | | Mamwe madzimambo, masadunhu nemasabhuku vanoti havasi kufara nekusungwa nemapurisa pamwe nekudzingwa nematare edzimhosva kuri kuitwa dzimwe mhuri dziri mumatunhu avo.Vanhu vakawanda vari kudzingwa munzvimbo dzavanga vagere vachiti ndiyo misha yavo mumatunhu akawanda emunyika zvichinzi vakazvigarisa munzvimbo idzi zviri kunze kwemutemo kana kuti dzine hurongwa hwekuvakwa madhorobha.Vamwe vevagari ava vanoti vari kusiiswa zvirimwa zvavo zvichiri muminda, kuparadzirwa pfuma yavo, vana vachisiiswa zvikoro sezvo vari kupiwa nguva pfupi pfupi yekuti vange vabva munzvimbo dzavagere.Chirimwa chesoya bhinzi.Mapurisa anoti kusvika pari zvino asunga vanhu vanosvika zviuru zvitatu nemazana manomwe ane makumi manomwe nevashanu, kana kuti 3 775, vachinzi vagere zvisiri pamutemo pasi pechirongwa chinonzi“Operation No Land Barons And Illegal Settlements.”Asi vamwe vanoti matare anenge ave kuonawo kuipa kwechirongwa ichi sezvo dare repamusoro rekuMasvingo nezuro rakati hurumende imbomira kudzinga vamwe vanhu vange vave nemakore makumi mana vari pamisha yavange vodzingwa nehurumende.Mumwe mugari wepapurazi reLazy Five, kuMashonaland West, apo pakasungwa vanhu vanosvika makumi maviri nevatanhatu kana kuti 26, VaWeston Mukuruva, vanoti vave nemakore makumi maviri vagere papurazi apa vachiti havana kumwe kwekuenda.“Pekugara pandinoziva papurazi pano nekuti ndipo pandakazvarirwa tese nevabereki vangu vakafira pano,” VaMukurava vanotsanangura.Mumwe mugari wekuManicaland, VaJonas Dhlakama, vanoti vari kunzi vabve panzvimbo yemadziteteguru avo kuti paiswe dhorobha, kunyange hazvo vachiti havana kwekuenda nekuti hapana kumwe kwavanoziva kunze kwepakafira madzitateguru avo.Mhuri dzakawanda dziri kuchema kuti dziri kusiiswa misha yadzakavaka.“Madziteteguru edu akafirwa pano akavigwa pano hapana kwatiri kuenda. Tinoda kuona kwazvinosvika” VaDhlakama vanotsanangura.Chimwe chinonzi chiri kunyanya kurwadza vari kudzingwa ava ndechekuti mune dzimwe nzvimbo dzakaita sepapurazi reHapaz kuBanket kuMashonaland West, madzimambo ndiwo ari kutokonzera kubviswa kwevanhu munzvimbo dzavagere, sezvinonzi zvakaitwa naMambo Zvimba, VaStanley Nyamhondoro, avo vanonzi vakasungisa vanhu vanosvika makumi matatu svondo rapera.Asi Mambo Zvimba varamba mashoko aya vachiti vanhu vari kubvisa papurazi apa nebazi rezveminda, kwete naivo.“Hapana vanhu vatakabvisa pano, harisi basa redu ibasa rebazi rezveminda nemapurisa” Mambo Zvimba vanoramba.Mukuru weYouth Platform for Community Development, VaClarisa Madhuku, vanoti mitemo yemunyika haisi kuchengetedza vagary, uye hapana kana munhu mumwechete zvake akatengesera vanhu pekugara, kana kutiland baron, ati asungwa.“Hapana patakambonzwa kuti vari kutengesera vanhu pekugara vari kusungwa, vari kungoshungurudza vagari vari mumatunhu chete,” VaMadhuku vanotsanangura.Mambo Katizagombo, VaGibson Jenami, vekuMashonaland West, vanoti zvinhu hazvina kufambiswa zvakanaka kubva pakutanga vachiti pave nekudhonzerana masimba pakati pemadzimambo nemakanzuru.“Kanzuru ndiyo yaifanirwa kuongorora kuti maSabhuku ari kugarisa vanhu zvakanaka here kwete zvavave kuita Izvi nhasi’ Mambo Katizagombo vanotsanangura.Vamwe vari kupaza vega dzimba dzavo.Ukuwo, gurukota rezveminda, Doctor Anxious Masuka, vanoti ivhu rose nderemutungamiri wenyika vachiti vanorishandisa zvavanoda nekuripa wavanoda.“Ivhu rose ndere mutungamiri wenyika ini ndakangopakata chete hakuna munhu anofanirwa kurota ari mutungamiri wenyika achigovera vanhu ivhu”VaMasuka vanozivisa.Asi VaMadhuku vanodzoka vachiti simba riri kunzi ndere mutungamiri wenyika paivhu riri kushandiswa zvehutsinye.“Simba remutungamiri wenyika kuchengetedza mitemo yenyika kwete kuita zvavanoda nekuti zvinogona kupikiswa” VaMadhuku vanotsanangura.Patabvunza kuti sei nyanya dziri kutengesera vanhu pekugara nekurima dzisiri kusungwa, mutauriri wemapurisa Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, vanoti vari kuenderera mberi nekusunga munhu wose akatyora mutemo munyaya dzenzvimbo dzekugara pamwe nedzekurima.Gweta revamwe vagari vari kubviswa pamisha yavo kuChipinge, Muzvinafundo Lovemore Madhuku, vanoti hapana chavanotaura panyaya iyi sezvo nyaya iyi iri kumatare.Mukuru weZimrights, VaDzikamai Bere, vanoti vanhu havafanirwe kungobviswa pavanenge vagere pasina kwavanoendeswa kune zvikwanisiro zvekurarama.“Hapana munhu anofanirwa kubviswa paagere achinokandwa musango, kutyora kodzero dzevanhu. Kodzero dzakawanda dzinenge dzichityora,” VaBere vanotsanangura.Vamwewo vanoti dambudziko rekubviswa kwevanhu kumaruwa rinofanirwa kutanga kugadziriswa nekuvandudza mutemo weCommunal Lands Actwavanoti wagarisa uye unodzvanyirira vagari.('Some kings, districts and chiefs say that they are not happy with the arrests by the police and the eviction by the courts of some families in their districts. Many people are being evicted from the places they used to live in many districts of the country and it is said that they have settled in these areas which are illegal or have plans to build towns. Some of these residents say that their crops are still in the fields, their property is scattered, children are being left in schools as they are being given a short time to leave their places of residence. The soya bean plant. The police say that so far they have arrested 3,775 people. , or 3,775, allegedly living illegally under the program called Operation No Land Barons And Illegal Settlements. But some say that the courts are now seeing the harm of this program as the High Court in Masvingo yesterday ordered the government to temporarily stop evicting some people who have been living for 40 years One resident of the Lazy Five farm, in Mashonaland West, where 26 or 26 people were arrested, Mr. Weston Mukuruva, says he has been living on the farm for 20 years and says he has nowhere to go. and my parents died here, Mr. Mukurava explains. Another resident of Manicaland, Mr. Jonas Dhlakama, says that they are being told to leave the land of their ancestors so that a town can be built, although they say that they have nowhere to go because they know nowhere other than where their ancestors died. Many families are crying that the homes they built are being abandoned. .“Our ancestors died here and were buried here, we are not going anywhere. We want to see where it goes Mr. Dhlakama explains. One thing that is said to be particularly painful for those who are being evicted is that in some places such as the Hapaz farm in Banket in Mashonaland West, the kings are already causing the removal of people from their places of residence, as is said to have been done by King Zvimba, Mr. Stanley Nyamhondoro, who is said to have arrested up to 30 people Last week. But King Zvimba has denied these claims, saying that people are being removed from the farm by the Department of Lands, not by them. The country's laws do not protect vagary, and not a single person who sold people to live in, or land baron, has been arrested. , from Mashonaland West, say that things have not been handled well from the beginning, saying that there has been a power struggle between the kings and the councils. Minister of Lands, Dr. Anxious Masuka, says that all the land belongs to the president, saying that he uses it as he wants and pays whoever he wants. All the land belongs to the president, I am just dressed, no one should dream of being the president and distributing land to the people, Mr. Masuka declares. The land of the country is being brutally used. The power of the president is to protect the laws of the country and not to do what he wants because it can be challenged Mr. Madhuku explains. When we asked why the people who are selling tomatoes for housing and farming are not being arrested, the police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said that they are continuing to arrest everyone who violated the law in matters of residential and agricultural areas. The lawyer for some of the residents who are being evicted from their homes in Chipinge, Professor Lovemore Madhuku, says he has nothing to say on the matter as the matter is before the courts. No one should be removed while being thrown into the forest, violating human rights. Many rights are being violated, Mr. Bere explains. Others say that the problem of eviction of people from rural areas should first be resolved by reforming the Communal Lands Act, which they say is outdated and oppresses residents.') |
America Yobatsira Varimi neMushonga weMombe('America to Help Farmers with Cattle Medicine') | | United States Agency for International Development (USAID) yapaFood And Agricultural Organisation (FAO) mari inosvika mamiriyoni maviri nezviuru mazana maviri zvemadhora ekuAmerica (US2.2m) yekushandisa muchirongwa chekudzivirira kupararira kwezvirwere muzvipfuyo munyika senzira yekuchengetedza zvipfuyo pamwe nehupfumi hwevanhu, zvikuruseyi vanogara kumaruwa.Mumashoko avo pakuparurwa kwechirongwa ichi muHarare, chinonzi “Mitigating the Impact of Livestock Diseases in Zimbabwe,” mukuru anoona nezvekubatsirwa kwevanhu muUSAID muZimbabwe, Amai Mariaalice Ariens, vati chirongwa ichi chichabatsira mukuchengetedza zvipfuyo neraramo yevanhu mumatanhu gumi nerimwe munyika, uko kune zvirwere zvakawanda.Vati chirongwa ichi chinouya apo zvipfuyo zvakawanda kunyanya kunyanya mombe dziri kufa nezvirwere zvinokonzerwa nezvikwekwe, kana kuti Tickborne diseases, zvakaita se redwater, pamwe nezvimwe zvakaita se Foot and Mouth.Amai Ariens vati, “Nekuda kweElnino tinotarisira kuti zvipfuyo zvakwanda zvichafa uyewo kuchave enzara kune vaya vanowana raramo yavo kubva pazvipfuyo." Vaenderera mberi vachiti, "Saka chirongwa ichi chinouuya panguva yakanaka chose kugadzirisa matambudziko aya.”Vanotsangangura kuti zvimwe zvichaitwa pazvirongwa izvi kudzidzisa vanhu kuchengetedza zvipfuyo zvavo nekuzvipa mishonga, kugadziridza madhibha pamwe nekuchera zvibhorani kuitira kuwanisa mvura kuzvipfuyo nguva dzose.Munyori mukuru mubazi rezvekurima, Muzvinafundo Obert Jiri, vati chirongwa ichi chakanaka nekuti chinotsigira zvimwe zvirongwa zviri kuitwa nehurumende kuvandudza mabasa ekuchengetedza zvipfuyo, zvakaita sePresidentail Silage Scheme ne Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme.Vatiwo nekuda kwekusanduka kwemamiriro ekunze, uko kuchaunza nzara, vanhu vanofanira kutora matanho ekudzivira zvirwere pamwe nekuchera zvibhorani kuti zvipfuyo zvavo zvisafe nenzara. VaJiri vati, “Chembere dzekwedu dzaisunga mabhande gore renzara kureva kuti dzaigadzirira kuti pandanga ndichifanira kudya mukonde wesadza ndaakuderedza huwandu hwesadza. Kana uine mombe gumi neshanu, nzara ichuuya iwe usina chibhorani unotengesa mbiri wocheresa chibhorani.”Mukuru weFAO kuchamhembe kweAfrica, VaPatrice Talla vati sangano ravo rinofara kushanda nehurumende yeZimbabwe pakubatsira kuti zvipfuyo munyika zvive nehutano hwakanaka.Sachigaro vesangano revarimi vemombe dzenyama, reZimbabwe Beef producers Society, VaGeorge Chiwunda, vati vamwe vanhu vakatovhara matanga nekuda kwezvirwere uye chirongwa ichi chabatsira zvikuru. VaChiwunda vati, “Isu maonere edu ndeekuti chirongwa ichi chakanaka uye tinonoda kuti chivandudzwe kuti chiende kunzvimbo dzskawanda kudarika dzakataurwa idzi.”Zvirwere zviri kunyanya kuuraya mombe munyika ndezvinoti, Babesiosis, Anaplamosis, Heartwater ne Theillariousis, iyo inozivikanwawo sekuti January disease.Chirwere "chjanuary disease" chave kuwanikwa kumatunhu mapfumbamwe pamatunhu gumi munyika uye chauraya mombe dzinodarika zviuru mazana mashanu (500 000 kubva muna 2017 kusvika pari zvino.Chirongwa chaparurwa nhasi chichaitwa kwegore rose kumatunhu anoti Chivi, Shurugwi, Chirumanzu, Mberengwa, Insiza, Umzingwane, Centenary, Mt Darwin, Rushinga neMudzi.Zimbabwe ine mombe dzinodarika mamiriyoni mashanu nemazana mashanu ezviuru (5.5 million) uye mukuru mubazi rinoona nezvezvipfuyo mubazi rezvekurima, Doctor Pious Makaya, vati nyika yakarasikirwa nemukana wekutengesa nyama kuAmerica neEurope nekuda kwezvirwere zvemombe.Nyika zhinji dzemuSADC dzakatarisana nedambudziko rezvirwere uye FAO inoti Namibia neBotswana chete ndidzo dzine mukana wekutengesa nyama kuAmerica neEurope nekuti dzakakwanisa kugadzirisa dambudziko rezvirwere zvezvipfuyo.('The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) has allocated a sum of two million and two hundred thousand American dollars (US2.2m) to be used in the program to prevent the spread of diseases in livestock in the country as a way to protect livestock and the economy of people, especially those who live in rural areas. In their words at the launch of this program in Harare, called Mitigating the Impact of Livestock Diseases in Zimbabwe, USAID's humanitarian assistance officer in Zimbabwe, Ms. Mariaalice Ariens, said that this program will help protect livestock and people's livelihoods in 11 regions in the country, where there are many diseases. while many animals especially cattle are dying from diseases caused by ticks, or Tickborne diseases, such as redwater, as well as others such as Foot and Mouth. Mother Ariens said, Because of Elnino we expect that many animals will die and there will be hunger for those who earn their living from He went on to say, So this program comes at a very good time to solve these problems. He explained that other things that will be done in these programs are to teach people to take care of their animals by giving them medicine, to repair cisterns and to dig boreholes in order to provide water to their animals at all times. in the Ministry of Agriculture, Professor Obert Jiri, said that this program is good because it supports other programs being implemented by the government to improve livestock protection activities, such as the Presidential Silage Scheme and the Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme. by digging boreholes so that their animals do not die of hunger. Mr. Jiri said, The old women of our village used to tie belts in the year of famine, that is to say, they were preparing for when I had to eat the corn stalks and reduce the amount of corn. If you have 15 cows, hunger will come and you don't have a drill, you sell two and dig a drill. The head of FAO in northern Africa, Mr. Patrice Talla said his organization is happy to work with the government of Zimbabwe to help the livestock in the country to be healthy. The chairman of the Zimbabwe Beef Producers Society, Mr. George Chiwunda, said that some people have already closed their barns due to diseases and this program has helped a lot. Mr. Chiwunda said, Our view is that this program is good and we want it to be improved so that it goes to more places than those mentioned. The diseases that are killing cattle in the country are Babesiosis, Anaplamosis, Heartwater and Theillariousis, which is also known as the January disease. disease has been found in nine of the ten regions in the country and has killed more than 500,000 cattle from 2017 to now. Darwin, Rushinga and Mudzi. Zimbabwe has more than 5.5 million cattle and the head of the Department of Livestock in the Ministry of Agriculture, Doctor Pious Makaya, said the country lost the opportunity to sell meat to America and Europe due to cattle diseases. Many countries in SADC are facing the problem of diseases and FAO says that only Namibia and Botswana have the opportunity to sell meat to America and Europe because they have been able to solve the problem of livestock diseases.') |
Vamwe Vechidiki Vasati Vabva Zera kumaruwa Vokwezva Kuita zvePabonde('Some Pre-Adolescents in rural areas are lured into sex') | | Vanhu vakawanda kumaruwa vari kuwana raramo kubva mukurima kana mukuchera zvicherwa zvakaita segoridhe nemangoda.Asi sezvakataurwa nevakuri kuti “chakupa chironda chati nhunzi dzikudye,” zvinonzi mari iyi yaunza matambudziko mumatunhu akawanda sezvo vamwe varume vachinzi vave kukwezva vànasikana vasati vabva zera vachiita zvepabonde navo, izvozvinonzi zviri kukonzera matambudziko akawanda.Ongororo yakaitwa nebazi rinoona nezvechirwere cheHIV/AIDS munyika, reNational AIDS Council kana kuti NAC, yakaratidza kuti matambudziko anosangana nevanasikana kumaruwa anosanganisira kukurumidza kuita zvepabonde, kukurumidza kuroorwa, kubata zvirwere zvepabonde uye kubata HIV/AIDS.NAC yakatanga chirongwa che”Sister-To-Sister” chinodzidzisa vanasikana nezvekukosha kwemiviri yavo, kuziva kodzero dzavo, nekusaita zvepabonde vachiri vadiki senzira yekuderedza matambudziko ari kusangana nevanasikana.Ivy Tshuma, anobva kuUmguza, kuMatabeleland NorthMumwe musikana wechidiki ari muchirongwa cheSister-To-Sister, Ivy Tshuma weku Umguza mudunhu reMatebeleland North, anoti chirongwa ichi chakamudzidzisa kukoshesa muviri wake uye kuziva kodzero dzake semwanasikana, achiti ave kukwanisa kuzvimiririra ega panyaya dzepabonde nekuda kwedzidziso yaakawana.“Ndakadzidza zvakawanda zvinosanganisira kukoshesa muviri wangu zvekuti haungobatwe nemunhu wese, uye kuziva kodzero dzangu semusikana”Ivy anotsananguraMumwe musikana wekwaZvimba mudunhu reMashonaland West, Susan Katiyo, anoti akadzidza kusanyengedzwa uye kuramba mari dzavanopihwa nemakorokoza egoridhe ari munzvimbo yavo.“Kana mukorokoza uchizvifambira munzira anongosvika achiti anokusiira, wokuvimbisa kuti achakupa mari inoita ukabvuma, wobatwa nezvirwere zvakaita seAids, vamwe vanema-Cancer, vamwe varikurwara nezvirwere zvepabonde”Katiyo anotsananguraMushandi weNAC mudunhu reMashonaland West anoona nezvezvirongwa, kana kuti Programme Officer, VaDavison Mambudzi, vanoti chirongwa cheSister-To-Sister chinodzidzisa mwanasikana kuzvikoshesa pamwe nezvakaipira kutanga bonde munhu achiri mudiki uyewo nekukurudzira kuenda kunorapwa kana vabata zvirwere nekunoongororwa màgomarara nguva nenguva.“Chirongwa cheSister-To-sister chinodzidzisa mwanasikana kuzvikoshesa, pamwe ne zvakaipira kutanga bonde munhu achiri mudiki uye kukurudzira kuenda kunorapwa kana ave nechirwere”VaMambudzi vanotsananguraVaMambudzi vanoti zvikwanisiro zvekufambisa kuenda kunzvimbo dziri kure rimwe rematambudziko ari kusanganikwa nawo nevanodzidzisa vasikana ava.“Tine dambudziko rezvekufambisa kuvadzidzisi kunzvimbo dziri kure” VaMambudzi vanochemachema.Mushandi weNational Aids Council kuMashonaland West, VaDavison Mambudzi.Mumwe ane kambani yekuchera zvicherwa, Muzvare Chiedza Chipangura, vanoti vanochera zvicherwa vakawanda ndevechidiki vari kuita dzungu nemari izvo zvinoita kuti vaite zvepabonde nevanasikana vachiri vadiki.“Taita dambudziko kuvanasikana avo vanokwezva nemari nemakorokoza munzvimbo dzose dzinocherwa zvicherwa”Mazvare Chipangura vanotsananguraMuzvare Chipangura vanotiwo vanakomana vechidiki vari panjodziwo huru yekutaparirwa zvirwere nemadzimai echikuru anotengesa bonde mumasango munenge muchicherwa zvicherwa.“Vanakomana vari panguva yakaomawo sezvo vari kudzidziswa zvepabonde nemadzimai makuru” Muzvare Chipangura vanozivisaDambudziko revanasikana iri rakaonekwawo nebokà rePlan International iro riri kuyàmura vana vasikana vanosvikà mazana matatu pagore kubva kumatunhu ose ari kumàruwa.Mumwe mukuru musangàno rePlàn International, VaGedion Mukwishu, vanoti kuramba mwana àchienda kuchikoro kunoderedza matambudziko ekuita pamuviri nguva isati yàkwana uye kuroorwa kana kuroora asati abva zera.VaDonald MujiriMutauriri mubazi rezvehutano munyika, VaDonald Mujiri vanokurudzira vamwe vemasangano akazvimirira kuti vàyamure nekutsigira màbasa ari kuitwa nemapazi ehurumende kuçhengetedza vanasikana nevanakomana.“Tinokurudzira vanoda kuyamura muzvirongwa zvinoyamura vanasikana pamwe nevanasikana” VaMujiri vanotsananguraGwaro reongororo yakaitwa nebazi reUnited Nations, reUnited Nations Population National Assessment Pregnancies Report, rinoti musikàna mumwechete pavasikana gumi anobata pamuviri uye zvikàmu makumi mashanu kubva muzana kana kuti 50% vanenge vasina kugadzirira.Zvimwe zvakabuda paongororo iyi ndezvekuti pamadzimai chiuru chimwechete nemàzana mashanu àne makumi matatu nemaviri, kana kuti 1 532 àkafa achibatsirwa, zvikamu makumi maviri nezvishanu ainge asati asvitsa makore makumi maviri nemana ekuberekwa, kana kuti 24.VaMambudzi vanoti kuSister-To-Sister, vasikana vanosvika makumi maviri kanà kudarika vanoumba chipoka chavo icho chinodzidza zvidzidzo zvinosvika makumi manà nezvishanu pagore pasi pemudzidzisi kanà kutimentor.Kana vapedza zvidzidzo izvi vanozoenda vachinodzidzisawo vamwe. Sister-To-Sister iri kuwanikwa mumatunhu ose emunyika.('Many people in rural areas are earning a living from farming or mining for minerals such as gold and diamonds. causing many problems. A study carried out by the agency responsible for HIV/AIDS in the country, the National AIDS Council or NAC, showed that the problems faced by girls in rural areas include early sexual intercourse, early marriage, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. NAC launched the Sister program -To-Sister” teaches girls about the importance of their bodies, knowing their rights, and not having sex at a young age as a way to reduce the problems faced by girls. Ivy Tshuma, from Umguza, in Matabeleland North Another young girl in the Sister-To-Sister program, Ivy Tshuma from Umguza in Matebeleland district North, says that this program has taught her to appreciate her body and to know her rights as a daughter, saying that she is now able to stand up for herself in sexual matters because of the teaching she received. West, Susan Katiyo, says that she has learned not to be deceived and refuse the money offered to them by the gold rushers who are in their area. If the rusher goes along the way, he will come and say that he will leave it to you, and promise that he will give you money that if you accept, you will be affected by diseases such as Aids, some have cancer, others are suffering from sexually transmitted diseases Katiyo explains NAC's Program Officer in Mashonaland West region, Mr. Davison Mambudzi, says that the Sister-To-Sister program teaches the daughter to value herself and the dangers of starting sex at a young age, as well as by encouraging her to go for treatment when she gets sick and get screened for cancer regularly. The Sister-To-Sister program -sister teaches a daughter to value herself, as well as the disadvantages of starting sex when a person is young and encouraging them to go for treatment when they have an illness Mr. Mambuzi explains Mr. Mambuzi says that the ability to travel to distant places is one of the problems faced by those who teach these girls. We have a problem with transportation for teachers in distant places They cry. An employee of the National Aids Council in Mashonaland West, Mr. Davison Mambuzi. One who owns a mining company, Ms. Chiedza Chipangura, says that most of the miners are young people who are obsessed with money, which makes them have sex with young girls. Ms. Chipangura explains Ms. Chipangura also says that young sons are also at great risk of contracting diseases from older women who sell sex in the forests while mining is being done. they reach 300 a year from all the districts in the countryside. One of the officials of Plan International, Mr. Gedion Mukwishu, says that preventing a child from going to school will reduce the problems of premature pregnancy and marriage or marrying before reaching the age of maturity. independently to help and support the work being done by government departments to protect girls and boys. We encourage those who want to help in programs that help girls and girls Mr. Mujiri explains. 50% or 50% are not prepared. One of the results of this survey is that of the 1,532 women who died while being assisted, 25 were under the age of 24, or 24. they say that at Sister-To-Sister, 20 or more girls make up their group who study 45 lessons a year under a teacher or mentor. Sister-To-Sister is available in all regions of the country.') |
SADC Yokumbira Chikafu Chekupa Vanhu Mamiriyoni Makumi Mashanu neMasere (58 Million)('SADC asking for warning food to give 58 million people(58 millions)') | | Vatungamiri venyika dzemuSADC nhasi vaita musangano vakakumbira rubatsiro kubva kumasangano emuAfrica nekunze kuti abatsire vanhu vanosvika mamiriyoni makumi mashanu nemasere, kana kuti 58 million, vakatarisana nenzara nekuda kwekusanaya zvakanaka kwemvura mwaka uno.Mutungamiri wenyika yeAngola VaJoão Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço vanova sachigaro wesadc ndivo vange vachitungamira hurongwa uhu.Vachitaurawo pamusangano uyu, mutungamiri wenyika VaEmmerson Mnangagwa vakurudzira nyika dzemuSADC kuti dzirime zvirimwa zvechinyakare zvisingadi mvura yakawanda.Vaimbotungamira sangano rinopa chikafu reChristian Care Reverend Forbes Matonga vaudza Studio 7 kuti zvinhu nekuda kwehondo dziri kunyika dzakaita seSudan, Gaza, Ukraine nedzimwe zvichanetsa kuti SADC iwane chikafu chinoikwanira mwaka uno.('The presidents of Sadc today who conducted today would ask for help from Africa and outering to help over 50 million people, or 58 millions of Joyla and 58 millions of Joyla. . The President Emmerson Mnangagwa shot a lot of trades of the Samsan Care provider. it is enough for this season.') |
Chizvarwa cheZimbabwe Chiri Kunze Kwenyika,VaGarikayi Masamba, Vosimudzira Kwavanobva neZvirongwa zveBudiriro('The Zimbabwean born in the diaspora, Mrs Garikayi Masamba, promoted where he comes from with development programs') | | Muchikamu chedu chatinotarisa zviri kuitwa nevana veZimbabwe vari kunze kwenyika, svondo rino tiri kutarisa zviri kuitwa naVaGarikayi Masamba, avo vari kuBrisbane kuAustralia, uko vari kushandira hurumende yeQueensland semukoti wehutano hwepfungwa.Vasati vabuda muZimbabwe, VaMasamba vakamboshandawo semudzidzisi wemuzvikoro zvepamusorosoro, kana kutilecturer,vakazoenda kuBritain uko vakagara nekushanda kwemakore akawanda vasati vaenda kuAustralia.Kumusha, VaMasamba vanobva kuMagunje kuHurungwe mudunhu reMashonaland West, uko vari kuita zvirongwa zvebudiriro zvakawanda."Tine maprojectakasiyanasiyana. Tineprojectyemaboer goats, tiri kuita huku dzemaroadrunner, uyezve tiri kuitaprojectyenguruveas well. Kozoti tine mawholesale,hardware, zvigayo. Tine marestaurantskuHurungwe kwakare."Kwozotiwo kwanaMutare uko tine zvakaita semalodge.Tiri kuita zvereal estate. Kozongoitawo kuHarare ikoko kuneshopping complexiri kuvakwa. Asi maprojectakati wandeyi zvawo. Ane chitsama. Tave nenguva tichingoshingirira," vanodaro VaMasamba.VaMasamba vane chirongwa chekuchengeta nguruve zvakare.Saka vari kuzvikwanisa sei ivo vari kunze kwenyika paine vakawanda vanotya kutanga mabhizimusi vachiti vanozodyirwa mari dzavo nehama neshamwari kumusha?VaMasamba vanoti, "Ichocho hacho chingangove chokwadi, asi inini hangu chandakadzidza ndechekuti ukange waisa mari yako, wafunga kuti ndakuitabusiness, haikona kuti ukangopa vanhu mari wongoti tengai mbudzi kana kuti isai mari mugrocery shopkana kutiprojectyaunenge uchingoita usingazvitarise."Vanoti dambudziko ravakangosangana naro chete nderekuti kumusha hakuna mikana yekukwereteswa dzimari nemabhanga, zvichireva kuti vakatomanikidzwa kushandisa mari dzavo dzemuhomwe kuti vatange mabhizimusi ose aya.VaMasamba vanoti vakafunga kunotanga mabhzimusi ose aya kumusha nekuti ndiko kwavakakurira saka naizvozvo havaoni chinhu chingatadzisa vana veZimbabwe kuita zvirongwa zvebudiriro kumamisha kwavo kwavanobva, kwavakazvarirwa.('In our section where we look at what Zimbabwean children are doing abroad, this week we are looking at what Mr. Garikayi Masamba is doing, who is in Brisbane, Australia, where he is working for the Queensland government as a mental health nurse. they lived and worked for many years before going to Australia. At home, Mr. Masamba is from Magunje in Hurungwe in the Mashonaland West region, where he is doing many development projects. We have various projects. We have projects for Boer goats, we are doing roadrunner chickens, and we are also doing projects for wells. Then we have wholesale, hardware, mills We have restaurants in Hurungwe."And then there are lodges in Mutare. We are doing real estate. Then there is a shopping complex under construction in Harare. But there are many projects. He has a lot. We have been persevering for a long time," says Mr. Masamba. Mr. Masamba has a plan to keep pigs again. So how are they able to do it while they are abroad when there are many people who are afraid to start businesses saying that they will be robbed of their money by relatives and friends back home? Mr. Masamba says, "That may be true, but I am What I have learned is that if you have invested your money, you have thought that I have made you a business, it is not possible to just give money to people and say to buy a goat or invest in a grocery shop or a project that you are doing without looking at yourself. Mr. Masamba says that he decided to start all these businesses in his village because that is where he grew up, so he does not see anything that can prevent the children of Zimbabwe from doing development projects in their villages where they come from, where they were born.') |
Sangano reVezvitoro Rinonyorera kuHurumende Richiratidza Kusafara neMutemo weSI 180A wa2024('Retailers Association Writes to Government Expressing Discontent with SI 180A Act of 2024') | | Mutungamiri wesangano reConfederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, VaDenford Mutashu, vanoti sangano ravo rakanyorera kumapazi ehurumende anoti rezvehupfumi, neremaindasitiri pamwe neReserve bank of Zimbabwe vachinyunyuta nekudzikwa kwemutemo weStatutory Instrument 81A wa2024.Mutemo uyu unomanikidza vezvitoro kuti vashandise mutengo wemari yekuAmerica unenge watarwa neReserve Bank of Zimbabwe wezuvaro uye wakabvisa mukana waipiwa vezvitoro wekuti vawedzere mitengo yezvinhu zvavo nezvikamu gumi kubva muzana.Asi vezvitoro vanonzi vari kuti havazowana porofiti yekuti vazokwanisa zvakare kutsvaga imwe mari yekunze yekuti vazokwanisa kuhodha zvakare kuitira kuti varambe vari mubhizinesi.VaMutashu vanoti vakatora danho iri nekuona kuti dzimwe nhengo dzavo dzave kuomerwa zvekuti vamwe vavo vakatozvisa kuti vave kutofunga zvekuvhara zvitoro zvavo vopindawo mukutengesa zvisiri pamutemo kuti vararame.Hatina kukwanisa kunzwa divi rehurumende kanawo reR-B-Z panyaya iyi.EmbedshareHurukuro naVaDenford Mutashu('The president of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, Mr. Denford Mutashu, says that his organization has written to the government departments of economy, industry and the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe complaining about the passing of Statutory Instrument 81A of 2024. removed the opportunity given to the shopkeepers to increase the prices of their goods by 10%. But the shopkeepers are said to be saying that they will not make a profit so that they will be able to find more foreign money so that they can order again so that they can stay in business. so that some of them have even brought it to the point where they are thinking of closing their shops and going into illegal sales to survive. We could not hear the side of the government or R-B-Z on this issue.') |
Kubviswa kweMukana weKuwedzera Mitengo neZvikamu Gumi Kubva muZana Kwotyirwa Kuti Kuchaomesera veZvitoro('The removal of the opportunity to increase prices by 10 parts from 100 is feared that it will make it difficult for the stores') | | Zvichitevera danho rakatorwa nehurumende rekubvisa mukana waipiwa vezitoro wekuwedzera mutengo wezvitengeswa zvavo nezvikamu gumi kubva muzana, kana kuti10 percent premium, dzimwe nyanzvi mune zvehupfumi dzave kukurudzira hurumende kuti ione kuti vezvitoro ava vawaniswa mari yekunze nyore kuitira kuti vakwanise kuzotenga kubva kunze zvavanoda mumabasa avo.Mutungamiri wesangano revezvitoro, reConfederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, VaDenford Mutashu, vanoti mutemo mutsva wakaiswa nehurumende unoita kuti vemabhizimusi vashandise chikero chemari chehurumende wakanaka chose sezvo uchichengetedza veruzhinji kuti vasarasikirwe nemari dzavo.Asi VaMutashu vanoti vamwe vezvitoro vari kuenda kusangano ravo vachinyunyuta."Vamwe vakawanda vemhabhizimusi vakauyawo kwatiri vachinyunyuta nemaringe nemutemo iwoyo vari kuratidza sekuti mutemo uyu hauna kunyanya kusiyana neprice controlnekuti vari kutiexchange rateyacho panofanirwa kunge pakanyatsojekeswa kuti zvomene inenge ichi dhetemainwa neaya atingati ma market forces."Nyanzvi mune zvehupfumi vachitungamira bato rinopikisa reCoalition for Democrats, kana kuti CODE, VaTrust Chikohora, vanoti danho iri rakanaka kana mari yacho yekunze inotsvagwa nevezvitoro ichizowanikwa kumabhanga pavanenge voida."Dambudziko rinongozouya kana kuri kuti vaakuzoishaiwa mari yacho kumabhengi kana vave kuidawo kuishandisa kutenga zvavanoda kuisa muzvitoro zvavo. Ndopanozongonetsa chete ipapo. Ndopanenge pachida kuongororwa kuti zvinozoendeka here kana kuti aiwa," VaChikohora vanodaro.Reserve Bank Of ZimbabweIzvi zvinotsinhirwa neimwe nyanzvi mune zvehupfumi vachishanda nesangano re Labour and Economic development Research Institute of Zimbabwe, Doctor Prosper Chitambara, avo vanoti vemabhizimusi vanofanirwa kunge vaine mari dzekunze dzavanofanirwa kunge vachiwana kuitira kuti vakwanise kutenga zvinhu zvekushandisa kana kutengesa kubva kunze kwenyika.Asi imwe nyanzvi mune zvehupfumi vachishanda vari kuBritain, Muzvare Chenaimwoyo Mutambasere, vanoti danho rakatorwa nehurumende iri rinoratidza kuti haisi kunyatsofungisisa panyaya yemari nehupfumi hwenyika.Izvi zviri kuuya panguva iyo hurumende iri kutora matanho akasiyanasiyana ekuona kuti vanhu vatambira nekushandisa mari itvsa yenyika yeZiG iyi.Hurumende kutanga svondo rino inonzi iri kuisa mapurisa asina kupfeka nhumbi dzebasa pamwechete neveFinancial Intelligence Unit yeR-B-Z muzvitoro zvikuru zvemunyika vachisunga vanhu vanenge vachitenga vachishandisa makadhi ekumabhanga asiri mumazita avo.Svondo rapera hurumende yakaparurawo chirongwa chekuteveredza vezvitoro ichisunga vanenge vachishandisa mutengo wemari wemusika mutema uri pamusoro pewakatarwa nemutemo.Asi kunyange hazvo hurumende iri kumanikidza veruzhinji kutambira ZiG, iyo yakazivisa kuti mari iyi haisi kuzotambirwa kumahofisi ayo anotorwa magwaro ekufambisa,passport office,izvo zviri kunzi nevamwe uyu ndiwo mucherechedzo wekuti hurumende haina chivimbo nemari yayo.('Following the decision taken by the government to remove the opportunity given to the shops to increase the price of their goods by 10 percent, or 10 percent premium, some experts in the economy are urging the government to ensure that these shops get foreign currency easily so that they can buy from abroad what they need in their work. The head of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, Mr. Denford Mutashu, says that the new law introduced by the government, which requires businessmen to use the government's monetary scale, is very good as it protects the public from losing their money. But Mr. Mutashu says that some of the shopkeepers are going to their association to complain. complaining against that law, they are showing that this law is not much different from price control because they are saying that the exchange rate should have been made clear that this is actually determined by what we call market forces. They say this is a good move if the foreign currency that the shops are looking for will be available to the banks when they want it. The problem will only come if the people don't have the money from the banks if they want to use it to buy what they want to put in their shops. That's where the problem is. That's when it needs to be checked whether it will work or not, Mr. Chikohora says. Reserve Bank Of Zimbabwe earning so that they can buy consumables or sell from abroad. But an expert in economics working in Britain, Miss Chenaimwoyo Mutambasere, says that the decision taken by this government shows that it is not thinking carefully about the money and the economy of the country. This is coming at a time when the government is taking different measures to ensure that people have received and used the money of the country of ZiG. The government earlier this week is said to be putting plainclothes police officers together with the Financial Intelligence Unit of R-B-Z in the country's supermarkets and arresting people who buy using bank cards that are not in their names. Last week the government also launched a follow-up program shopkeepers arresting those who are using black market currency that is higher than that set by law. But although the government is forcing the public to accept ZiG, it has announced that this money will not be accepted at the offices where travel documents are taken, the passport office, which some are saying is a sign that the government has no confidence and its money.') |
Vakawanda Votenda Ana Amai neMabasa Avanoita('Many Believe that Mothers and the Jobs They Do') | | Zimbabwe yabatana nedzimwe nyika nhasi kucherechedza zuva rekutenda mabasa anobatwa naanaAmai muhupenyu kana kuti Mother’s Day.Vamwe vanoti iri izuva rekutendawo kana vanaambuya, tete, anaambuya nevamwe vanoita basa raamai muhupenyu.Vakawanda vataura neStudio 7 vati vatengera anaamai vavo maruva, kuvaendesa kunzvimbo dzekudyira kana kuvatumira mari zvikuru vari kunze kwenyika. Vamwe vati havo vakundikana kutenga zvipo nekuda kwekuoma kwakaita hupenyu.Zuva iri rine midzi muAmerica kubva muna 1870 apo munyori uye nyanduri Julia Ward Howe akakurudzira kuti paitwe zuva rekuchema nemadzimai ainge arasikirwa nevana nevarume vavo mukurwisana kwaiitika munyika iyi mumakore aya kana kuti “civil war”.Diana Zimbudzana-ChambaraAmai Diana Zimbudzana Chambara vanoshanda neZimbabwe Exiles Forum vari kuSouth Africa vaudza Studio 7 kuti vana Amai vakakosha uye vanofanira kuremekedzwa mazuva ose.('Zimbabwe has joined other countries today in celebrating Mother's Day. Some say it is also a day to thank grandmothers, aunts, great-grandmothers and others who play the role of mother in life. Many who spoke to Studio 7 said they bought their mothers flowers, took them to restaurants or sent them money. especially those who are abroad. Some have said that they have failed to buy gifts because of how difficult life is. This day has its roots in America since 1870 when the writer and poet Julia Ward Howe suggested that a day of mourning be held for women who had lost their children and husbands in the conflict that took place in this country during these years or civil war. Diana Zimbudzana-Chambara Mother Diana Zimbudzana Chambara who works with the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum in South Africa told Studio 7 that mothers are important and should be respected every day.') |
RBZ Inoti Ichaburitsa Mari yeZiG20 Mangwana('RBZ Says It Will Release ZiG20 Currency Tomorrow') | | Dzimwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehupumi dziri kuyambira Reserve bank of Zimbabwe kuti inogona kutokonzera kusagadzikana kwakanyanya munyaya yemari ikasadhinda mari inoenderena nemamiriro akaita hupfumi.Izvi zviri kuuya panguva iyo gavhuna weRBZ Doctor John Mushayavanhu vazivisa bepanhau reSunday Mail kuti kutanga mangwana vanhu vanenge vokwanisa kutora madhora makumi maviri kana kuti ZiG20.Dzimwe nzvimbo dzakawanda munyika dzinonzi hadzinakana mari yemaZiG iyi zvinonzi nedzimwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehupfumi zviri kuitirwa kuti zviite sekuti vanhu vari kuda kushandisa mari iyi zvakanyanya.Hurumende iri kusungawo vemabhizimisi, vezvikoro nevanhuwo zvavo vari kunzi vari kutenga nekutengesa mari pamukoto kuyedza kusimbaradza mari iyi.Chipangamazano cheRBZ VaPersistence Gwanyanya vauda Studio 7 kuti bhanga iri riri kuita zvarakavimbisa kuti richaburitsa maZiG 20 kusvika paZiG200 ichaburitswa nekufamba kwenguva.Asi imwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehupfumi vachishanda neUnderhill Corporate Solutions Doctor Eddie Mahembe vaudza Studio 7 kuti mitengo yezvinhu ikaramba ichiita chamurambamhuri panenge podiwa mari dzemadhora akati wandei.('Some financial experts are warning the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe that it could cause serious financial instability if it does not print money in line with the current economic situation. ZiG20. Many places in the country are said to be free of ZiG money. According to some economic experts, this is being done to make it appear that people want to use this money more. The government is also arresting businesses, schools and ordinary people who are said to be buying and selling money in the street to try to strengthen this money. Advisor of RBZ Mr. Persistence Gwanyanya told Studio 7 that the bank is doing what it promised that it will issue ZiG 20 to ZiG 200 will be released over time. But an expert in economics working with Underhill Corporate Solutions Doctor Eddie Mahembe told Studio 7 that if the prices of goods continue to keep the family away when money of several dollars is needed.') |
Huori Hwopa Kuti Vashandi Vambunyikidzwe neMakambani Anogadzira Machira kuEswatini('Corruption Allowed Workers To Be Abandoned By Textile Manufacturing Companies In Eswatini') | | Kunyangwe makambani ari kugadzira machira muEswatini ari kuita mari yakawanda, vashandi vanoti vari kutambura zvakanyanya nekuda kwehuori. Madzimai anoshanda mumakambani emachira aya akaita saNelisiwe Dlamini anoti mavari kushandira hamuna kukodzera kushandira.Vanotiwo vari kushandiswa kwenguva yakareba asi vasingabhadharwe. Vashandi ava vanoti zvichemo zvavo hazvisi kugadziriswa nekuda kwehuori.Vashandi vepakambani inogadzira machira yeNew Life Garments kuMatsapha Eswatini vakaratidzira mushure mekudzingwa basa. Mumwe akaratidzira ndiMuzvare Nelisiwe Dlamini avo vati, “Taneta nekubatwa neseri kweruoko.” Vaenderera mberi vachiti, “Tiri vanhu kwete michina. Tinofanira kubhadharwa zvakanaka uye tichiremekedzwa. Tinoshanda kwenguva refu asi tisingabhadharwe uye matinoshandira mune njodzi. Kana tichiende kuchimbuzi tinototsvaga mbvura nebhagedhi.Pagore, makambani emachira anounza mari inodarika mamiriyoni maviri kuEswatini uye anotengeswa ku South Africa, United States, a United Kingdom nedzimwe nyika. Asi ikozvino zvave kubuda pachena kuti vashandi havasi kubatwa zvakanaka.Muzvare Phindile Dlamini vashandira kambani yeFashion International kwemakore gumi nemapfumbamwe. Vanoti vane vana vatatu asi havana kuroorwa. Vanoti vanotambiriswa mari shoma uye vari kunonga svosve nemuromo. Vanoti,“Tamboyedza kutaura zvichemo zvedu panyaya yemari. Hapana zvazvabatsira.” Vatizve, “Tine matambudziko akawanda atiri kusangana nawo. Hatikwanise kuendesa vana vedu kuchikoro. Tinongoshandira kubhadhara mari kwatinoroja nekuuya kubasa.”Pave nemakore akawanda vashandi vachiratidzira asi pasina chiri kubuda. Muna 2019, vashandi mumakambani ekugazira machira aya vakapedza mwedzi wose vachiratidzira kuti vawedzerwe mari uye kutambiriswa mari dziri nani. Muna 2021, pakaita kumwe kuratidzira kwevashandi ava vachiti vaisada kusarurwa nekumbunyikidzwa pabasa. Kuratidzira uku kuri kuratidza kuti vashandi vakazvipira kurwira kodzero dzavo.MuEswatini, zviuru nezviuru zvebasa zvevashandi zviri kushanda kwenguva yakareba mumakambani asi zvichiripwa mutero wembwa. Vanorarama zvekushupikira uye muhurombo hunotyisa. Izvi zvinokunzerwa nekushaikwa kwemitemo yekuchengetedza kodzero dzevashandi nehuori. Asi vashandi ava havasi nherera. Kune mamwe masangano evashandi ave kumira semusambangwena kuvarwira.Munyori mukuru wesangano reAmalgamated Trade Union of Swaziland (ATUSWA), VaWonder Mkhonza. Vanoti vari kumiririra vashandi zviuru makumi maviri nemaviri mumakambani emachira aya. VaMkonza vati,“Tinoda kushanda tichiremekedzwa sevashandi.” Vatizve, “ Tinoda kuti mushandi wega wega kuti aremekedzerwe kodzero dzevanhu. Tiri kukurudzira kuti paitwe musangano pakati pevashandi, vashandirwi nebazi rezvevashandi. Ngatiumbe dare rekuti mushandi, mushandirwi nehurumende vataurirane kuti kodzero dzevashandi dziremekedzwe.”VOA yakayedza kubata vekubazi rezvevashandi asi vakaramba kupindura mibvunzo yedu. Asi pane hapo komisheni yehurumende inobatsira kuyedza kuyananisa vashandi nevashandirwi inonzi Conciliation Mediation Arbitration Commission (CMAC) iri pasi pebazi rezvevashandi. Komisheni iyi inoti yave kuyedza kugadzirisa kunetsana kwevashandi nevashandirwi kuburikidza nemisangano yavanotaura nhuna dzavo.('Although textile companies in Eswatini are making a lot of money, workers say they are suffering a lot because of corruption. Women who work in these textile companies like Nelisiwe Dlamini say they are not fit to work where they are working. They also say they are being used for a long time but are not paid. The workers say their grievances are not being resolved due to corruption. The workers at the New Life Garments company in Matsapha Eswatini protested after they were fired. Another protester was Ms. Nelisiwe Dlamini who said, We are tired of being held back. He went on to say, We are people, not machines. We should be paid well and respected. We work long hours without pay and our working conditions are dangerous. When we go to the toilet, we have to find water and a bag. Annually, textile companies bring more than two million dollars to Eswatini and are sold to South Africa, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries. But now it is becoming clear that the workers are not being treated well. Miss Phindile Dlamini worked for the Fashion International company for 19 years. They say they have three children but are not married. They say that they are being paid less money and they are picking ants with their mouths. They say, We have already tried to express our complaints about money. It didn't help. He added, We have many problems that we are facing. We cannot send our children to school. We only work to pay the rent and come to work. The workers have been protesting for many years but nothing has come out. In 2019, workers in these textile companies spent a whole month protesting for more money and better wages. In 2021, there was another demonstration by these workers saying that they did not want to be discriminated against and oppressed at work. This protest is showing that the workers are committed to fighting for their rights. In Eswatini, thousands of workers are working long hours in companies but are being paid a dog tax. They live in destitution and in dire poverty. This is caused by the lack of laws to protect workers' rights and corruption. But these workers are not orphans. There are some trade unions that are now standing like a barbarian to fight for them. The general secretary of the Amalgamated Trade Union of Swaziland (ATUSWA), Mr. Wonder Mkhonza. They say they are representing 22,000 workers in these textile companies. Mr. Mkonza said, We want to work while being respected as employees. He said,We want every employee to have their human rights respected. We are recommending that a meeting be held between the workers, employers and the Ministry of Labour. Let's form a committee for the employee, the employer and the government to negotiate so that the rights of the employees are respected. VOA tried to contact the Ministry of Labor but they refused to answer our questions. But there is a government commission that helps try to reconcile workers and employers called Conciliation Mediation Arbitration Commission (CMAC) under the Ministry of Labor. The commission says it is trying to resolve the conflict between workers and employers through meetings where they express their grievances.') |
Zambia Inoti Yave Kushanda Zvakasimba Kupedza Huori muBazi rezveHutano('Zambia Says It Is Working Hard To Eliminate Corruption In The Ministry Of Health') | | Vakuru vehurumende yeZambia vanoti huori hwakatekeshera mune mamwe mapazi ayo zvichikonzerwa kunyanya nevanenge vachida chiokomuhomwe kuti vakwanise kubatsira vanhu.Bazi rezvehutano muZambia rinonzi nderimwe riri kuitwa huori uye hurumende iri kuyambira kuti vanobatwa mumambure ehuori vacharangwa zvakomarara.Mutungamiri wenyika yeZambia VaHikainde Hichilema vanoti hurumende yavo yakazvipira kurwisa huori. Vanoti, “Chisungo chedu ndechekuti tizadzikise matanho atakatora ekurwisa huori.” Vatiwo, “Tiri kuona kuti tiri kubudirira kurwisa huori tichishandawo nemapurisa nemamwe mapazi anoita basa iri. Hurumende yakaumbawo bazi rinotora pfuma yose yakawanikwa kuburikidza nehuori.VaHichilema vakasarudzwa muna 2021 panguva iyo masangano ekunze akazvimirira akawanda akati huori hwange hwave muropa renyika iyi.Mudzidzisi wepaUniversity of Zambia, Charity Musamba anoti akasangana nematambudziko ari kutaurwa nemutungamiri wenyika. Anoti musi wa 10 Kurume akaenda kuchipatara nemunin’na wake aida kunoongororwa ropa rake apo mumwe mushandi wepachipatara apa akayedza kuda kumumanikidza kubhadhara mari yechiokomuhomwe. Muzvare Musamba vati, “Ndakanzi tarisa kureba kwakaita mutsara wevanhu vari kuda kubatsirwa. Pane muchina mumwe chete uri kushanda uye unombofa. Saka kana uchida kuti munin’ina wako abatsirwe nekukasika tipe mari yechiokomuhomweAsi nyaya dzakadai dzinonzi dzakawanda muZambia. Komisheni inoona nezvekurwisa huori yeAnti-Corruption Commission kana kuti ACC yakaumbwa muna 1980. Inoti kune mazana nemazana evanhu vakamhan’ara nyaya dzechiokomuhomwe kubva kuvashandi vemubazi rezvehutano.Mutevedzeri wemukuru weACC Monica Chipanta Mwansa anoti,“Tiri kuona huori huchitekeshera kana pakutenga mishonga yemuzvipatara nekuti vamwe havasi kutevedzera mutemo.” Vatiwo, tiri kuona vanhu vari kutyora mutemo vamwe vashandi vehurumende vachiti vanoda chiokomuhomwe kubva kune vanenge vatengesera hurumende zvekushandisa muzvipatara.”Sangano rinoona nezvekurwisa huori rine muzinda kuGermany, Berlin reTransparency International rinoti huori munyika dzichiri kubudirira hunokanganisa zvakanyanya nyaya dzezvehutano zvakafanana nekubaya vana nhomba, kumira kwenguva yakareba kwevarwere vasati vabatsirwa uye kusagutsikana kwevarwere nemabatirwo avo kuzvipatara.Muna 2022, Anti-Corruption Commission yakasunga vaimbova gurukota rezvehutano VaChitalu Chilufya nevamwe vana vaipomerwa mhosva yekuba mari inosvika mamiriyoni gumi nemasere. Mari iyi yaibva kune vaida kutenga zvekushandisa muzvipatara. Asi kusvika parizvino hapana ati atongwa akapihwa charango. Mugore rimwe chete iri, Transparency International yakati munhu mumwe chete pavashanu vega vega ainge abhadhara chiokomuhomwe kuti abatsirwe.Amai Mwansa vati, “Tavandudza hurongwa hwekurwisa huori uye uchaparurwa zviri pamutemo nemutungamiri wenyika. Mumazuva mashoma anotevera. Uyu mutemo wenyika yose uye takapa vanhu mukana wekuti vapewo pfungwa dzavo.”Mutemo mutsva uyu wakanangana nekukurudzira vanhu kuti vasiyane netsika yekuita zvehuori uye vabatsire kuti vanoita izvi vasungwe. Vanhu vanokurudzirwawo kuti vasabhadhare mari dzechiokomuhowe.Nyaya iyi yatumirwa naKathy Short weVOA, maiverengerwa neni Blessing Zulu VOA Studio 7('The officials of the Zambian government say that corruption is rampant in some departments which is mainly caused by those who want bribes to be able to help the people. The Ministry of Health in Zambia is said to be one of the most corrupt and the government is warning that those caught in the net of corruption will be punished severely. . They say, Our commitment is to fulfill the measures we have taken to fight corruption. He also said, We are seeing that we are succeeding in fighting corruption while also working with the police and other departments that do this work. The government has also created a department that takes all the wealth obtained through corruption. Mr. Hichilema was elected in 2021 at a time when many independent organizations said that corruption was in the blood of this country. A lecturer at the University of Zambia, Charity Musamba says that she has encountered the problems that the president is talking about. He says that on the 10th of March he went to the hospital with his brother who wanted to have his blood tested when an employee of the hospital tried to force him to pay a bribe. Ms. Musamba said, I was told to look at the length of the queue of people who need help. There is only one machine that is running and sometimes it dies. So if you want your brother to be helped immediately, give us a bribe. But such cases are said to be many in Zambia. The Anti-Corruption Commission or ACC was formed in 1980. It says that there are hundreds and hundreds of people who have reported cases of bribery from employees of the Ministry of Health. The deputy head of the ACC Monica Chipanta Mwansa says, We are seeing corruption rampant when buying medicines from hospitals because some are not to follow the law.” He said, We are seeing people who are breaking the law and some civil servants saying that they want bribes from those who have sold government supplies to the hospitals. Transparency International, an anti-corruption organization based in Germany, Berlin, says that corruption in developing countries has a major impact on health issues, such as vaccinating children, stopping time. the length of patients who have not been helped and the dissatisfaction of patients with their treatment at hospitals. In 2022, the Anti-Corruption Commission arrested the former minister of health Mr. Chitalu Chilufya and four others who were accused of stealing money amounting to 18 million. This money came from those who wanted to buy supplies for hospitals. But so far no one has been tried and punished. In the same year, Transparency International said that one out of every five people had paid a bribe to get help. Amai Mwansa said, We have improved the anti-corruption system and it will be officially launched by the president of the country. In the next few days. This is a national law and we have given people the opportunity to give their opinion. This new law is aimed at encouraging people to stop the practice of corruption and help those who do this to be arrested. People are also encouraged not to pay bribes. This story was sent by Kathy Short of VOA, read by me Blessing Zulu VOA Studio 7') |
Mabhanga emuNigeria Anonzi Ari Kuita Huori Hwakanyanya('Nigerian Banks Are Reported To Be Highly Corrupt') | | Komisheni inoona nezvehuori muNigeria yeEconomic and Financial Crimes Commission kana kuti EFCC inoti mabhanga emunyika iyi ndiwo anopara mhosva dzehuori dzakawandisa.Panyaya dzekubiwa kwemari dzevanhu, mabhanga ari kupomerwa mumhosva dzinosvika pazvikamu makumi manomwe nemashanu kubva muzana kana kuti 75%.Gore rega rega, muNigeria munomhan’arwa zviuru nezviuru zvemhosva dzehuori. Muna 2021 semuenzaniso, pane mhosva dzinosvika zana rezviuru nemakumi mana kana kuti 140,000 dzakamhan’arwa hunova huwandu hwakawandisa kudarika mamwe makore ose. Komisheni yeEFCC inoti iri kushanda kutsvaga nzira dzekumisa huori uhu.Musi wa 4 Kubvumbi, 2021, Muzvare Uche Ohiri akanzwa nezvebhizimisi rekurima raikwanisa kupa munhu mari inosvika zvikamu zvitatu kubva muzana zvemari yaanenge adyara. Vakabva vadyira vachiti zvine mari ndokuuchika mari inosvika mazana mashanu nemakumi mashanu kana kuti US$550. Asi anoti paakangopa varidzi vekambani iyi mari vakabva vatiza ndokuvhara kambani yacho.Muzvare Ohiri anoti. “Ndakayedza kuenda padandemutande kuti ndione kuti mari yange ichifamba sei.” Vatiwo, “Ndaiona mari irimo asi hapana chandaikwanisa kuti ndiitore.”Muzvare Ohiri anoti iye nevamwe mazana nemazana vakabirwa mari nekambani iyi vakabva vamhan’ara kumapurisa.Asi vakabva vaudzwa kuti kambani iyi yainge ichipomerwa mhosva yekuba mari inodarika zviuru makumi manomwe kana kuti 70 000 kubva kune rimwe bhanga ichishanda nevasandi varo. Bhanga iri rinoramba kuti pane charakanganisa. Asi Muzvare Ohiri anoti “Ndakatombofunga kuti ndiri kurota, zvange zvisati zvamboitika kwandiri. Asi ndakatozoona kuti iri raisave dambe.”Nyaya dzekubiwa kwemari muNigeria dziri kuramba dzichiwedzera zvikuru mumabhanga. Mabhanga ekuNigeria arasikirwa nemari inodarika mamiriyoni mazana maviri kana kuti $201 million kubva muna 2020. Izvi zvakaburitswa nesangano rinoita zvetsakurudzo panyaya dzezvehuori reFinancial Institutions Training Centre.Nyanzvi munayaya dzezvehupfumi dzinoti kushandisa mari dzepadandemutande uye kusanyotsotarisisa zvitupa nemamwe magwaro ndizvo zviri kupa kuti huori huwedzere. Mabhanga anonzi nekuda kwekushaya mari haanyatsoferefeta mhosva dzehuori uye haadyidzane zvakanaka kuti apanane mazano.Nyanzvi munyaya dzezvemari VaIsaac Botti vanoti “Mamiriro akaita zvinhu parizvino anoita kuti zvinetse kurwisa huori. Tinoda kugadzirsa zviri kunetsa izvi tosimbisa mabhanga kuita kuti tivhare pombi dzehuori.”Kambani inoona nezvekufambiswa kwemari yeKPMG inoti mabhanga zvikamu makumi matatu kubva muzana kana kuti 30% muNigeria ndiwo akzkwanisa kusimbaradza mashandiro awo kudzivirira huori munyaya dzemari uye achida zvitupa kune vanhu vanoda kuisa mari dzavo mumabhanga aya.Muna 2021, bhanga guru renyika iyi rakakumbira vanhu kuti vamhan’are kwariri mari dzose dzinenge dzabiwa mumabhanga avo.Gore rapera, mutungamiri wenyika yeNigeria VaBola Tinubu vakaparura chirongwea chekurwisa huori. Makomisheni anoti Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPPC) ne EFCC akabva azivisa gore rino kuti ave kuita mushandirapamwe kurwisa huori.Munyori we ICP Clifford Oparaodu, anoti, “Tine zvimwe zvinotikanganisa kuita basa asi nechikwata chatiinancho tiri kumboyedza napose patinogona napo kurwisa huori.Asi VaBotti vanoti, “Huori hwapinda muropa. Tinofanira kumira semusambangwena kuti tiurwise. Tine makomisheni akwanda anofanira kutanga kuita basa raakaumbirwa pachokwadi. Vanofanira kuchuchisa vanhu vakawand.”Sangano rinoona neezvemafambisirwo emari pasi rose reFinancial Action Task Force kana kuti FATF rinoti kusvika muna Chivabvu gore rinoouya, Nigeria inofanira kugadzirisa nyaya dzehuori munyaya dzemari idzi.Kutadza kuita izvi inogona kutemerwa zvirango. Izvi zvikaitwa, vemabhizimisi vekuNigeria vanogona kutadza kuwana zvikwereti kunze kana kutengawo zvimwe zvinhuVakuru vehurumende muNigeria vanoti vachaona kuti izvi zvaitwa nguva yakatarwa isati yasvika.Timothy Obiezu ndiye atumira nyaya iyi mukaiverengerwa neni Blessing Zulu weStudio 7.('The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in Nigeria, or EFCC, says that banks in this country are the ones who commit the most corruption crimes. In cases of theft of people's money, banks are accused in crimes that reach 75% or 75%. Every year, in Nigeria there are many He has fought thousands of corruption cases. In 2021 for example, there are about 140,000 cases filed which is more than any other year. The EFCC commission says it is working to find ways to stop this corruption. On April 4, 2021, Ms. Uche Ohiri heard about an agricultural business that could give a person about three percent of the money he invested. They then ate and said it was money and brought out about 550 or US$550. But he says that as soon as he gave the money to the owners of the company, they ran away and closed the company. Miss Ohiri says. I tried to go online to see how the money was moving. He also said, I saw the money in there but there was nothing I could do to get it. Miss Ohiri says that she and hundreds of others who were robbed of money by this company then reported to the police. there is a bank working with its employees. The bank denies any wrongdoing. But Miss Ohiri says I even thought I was dreaming, it had never happened to me before. But I realized that this was not a joke. Cases of money theft in Nigeria are increasing more and more in banks. Nigerian banks have lost more than 200 million dollars or $201 million since 2020. This was published by the Financial Institutions Training Center, an anti-corruption think tank. Experts in economic matters say that the use of online money and not paying close attention to certificates and other documents are contributing to the increase in corruption. Banks are said to be due to lack of funds, they do not properly investigate corruption cases and do not cooperate well to share advice. Financial expert Mr. Isaac Botti says The current situation makes it difficult to fight corruption. We want to solve these problems and strengthen the banks to close the pipes of corruption. KPMG, a financial management company, says that 30% or 30% of banks in Nigeria have been able to strengthen their operations to prevent corruption in financial matters and require certificates for people who want to deposit their money in banks. In 2021, the country's central bank asked people to report to it all the money stolen from their banks. Last year, the president of Nigeria, Mr. Bola Tinubu, launched an anti-corruption campaign. The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPPC) and the EFCC announced this year that they are campaigning against corruption. ICP Secretary Clifford Oparaodu says, We have some obstacles that hinder us from doing our work but with the team we have we are trying our best to fight corruption. But Mr. Botti says , Corruption is in the blood. We have to stand up like a prostitute to fight it. We have many commissioners who must start doing the work they were asked to do. They should prosecute the wrongdoers. The Financial Action Task Force or FATF says that by May next year, Nigeria must resolve corruption cases in these financial matters. Failure to do so may result in sanctions. If this is done, Nigerian businessmen may not be able to get loans abroad or buy other things. Government officials in Nigeria say that they will ensure that this is done before the deadline. Timothy Obiezu sent this story and it was read by me Blessing Zulu of Studio 7.') |
Mapazi eHurumende neMakambani Okurudzirwa Kuti Atambire Mari Itsva yeZiG('Government Departments and Companies Encouraged to Adopt New ZiG Funds') | | urukota rinoona nezvemari, Muzvinafundo Mthuli Ncube, vatumira mashoko kuvatori venhau vachikurudzira mapazi ehurumende nemakambani kuti vatambire mari itsva yeZimbabwe Gold kunze kwekunge paine mutemo wadzikwa nehurumende wekuti vabhadharise nemadhora ekuAmerica chete.Pari zvino hurumende ine mutemo wechimbimbi, kana kuti Statutory Instrument, wekuti magwaro ekufambisa abhadhariswe nemari dzekuAmerica izvo zviri kunzi nevakawanda ngazvishandurwe.Vemagaraji vanotenegsa mafuta edzimotokari ndevamwe vari kutsikawo madziro pakusatambira mari yeZiG.VaNcube vanotiwo vemabhizimisi vanenge vachida kutenga zvinhu zvinenge zvakakosha kubva kunze kwenyika vanokwanisa kuenda kumabhanga vopihwa mari.Asi vemabhizimisi vanoti mabhanga ari kuti mari yavainayo pari zvino ishoma.Vamwe vemabhizimusi vari kuyambira kuti vanogona kuvhara kana kuti zvinhu zvichatanga zvakare kushaikwa muzvitoro kana hurumende yakaramba ichitora matanho ari kuonekwa nevamwe sekumanikidza kushandiswa kwemari yemunyika.Mari itsva yeZiG inonzi iri kurambwa nevamwe vezvikoro nezvitoro.Bazi rezvedzidzo riri kutiwo zvikoro zvavhurwa neChipiri hazvifanire kubhadharisa vabereki mari dzechikoro nemadhora ekuAmerica.Mapurisa, veZimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, never-B-Z vari kufambawo vachisunga vanotengesa nekuchinja mari pamukoto.Mutungamiri wesangano revezvitoro reConfederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, VaDenford Mutashu, vakurudzira nhengo dzavo kuti dzitevedzere mutemo, vachiti hadzifanirwe kuramba dzichitsigira musika mutema. VaMutashu vanoti kuita izvi kuri kuramba kuchideredza huremu hwemari yemunyika.('The Minister of Finance, Professor Mthuli Ncube, has sent a message to the press urging government departments and companies to accept the new Zimbabwe Gold currency unless there is a law passed by the government to charge only in US dollars. with American money, which many are saying should be changed. The garages that sell motor oil are also stepping on the wall for not accepting ZiG money. Mr. Ncube also says that businessmen who want to buy important things from abroad can go to the banks and be given money. Some of the businessmen are warning that they may close or there will be shortages in the shops again if the government continues to take measures which are seen by some as forcing the use of the country's money. The new ZiG money is said to be rejected by some schools and shops. The police, the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, and N-B-Z are also on the move arresting sellers and money changers on the street. The president of the Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers, Mr. Denford Mutashu, has urged his members to follow the law, saying they should not continue to support the black market. Mr. Mutashu says doing this is continuing to reduce the weight of the country's finances.') |
Hurumende Yowedzera Mutero weKutumira Mari yeMadhora ekuAmerica('Government to Increase Tax on Remittance of US Dollars') | | urumende yawedzera mutero wekutumira mari yemadhora ekuAmerica kuchishandiswa madandemutande ichibva pachikamu chimwechete kubva muzana kana kuti 1% ichienda pazvikamu zviviri kubva muzana kana kuti 2%.Gurukota rezvemari Muzvinafundo Mthuli Ncube vazivisa izvi vachishandisa mutemo wechimbichimbi kana kuti Statutory Instrument 80 wegore ra2024.Kutumira mari yemunyika yemaZiG kucharamba kuine mutero wezvikamu zviviri kubva muzana kana kuti 2%.Vezvemabhizimisi vava nenguva vachikurudzira hurumende kuti ibvise mitero iyi sezvo vari kuti inowedzera mitengo yezvinhu.Dzimwe nyanzvi munyaya dzezvehupfumi dziri kuti kuwedzera mitero iyi kuchaita kuti vanhu vasade kushandisa mabhanga sezvo zvichizovadhurira kutumira mari.Vanoongorora nyaya dzezvehupfumi VaRejoice Ngwenya vesangano reCommon Markets for Liberal Solutions vaudza Studio7 kuti havana havo kutarisira kuti izvi zvichakwidza mitengo yezvinhu zwakanyanya.('The government has increased the tax on sending money in US dollars using the internet from 1% or 1% to 2% or 2%. The Minister of Finance Professor Mthuli Ncube has announced this using the emergency law or Statutory Instrument 80 for the year 2024. Sending money in the country of ZiG there will still be a tax of two percent or 2%. Businessmen have been urging the government to remove these taxes since they say they increase the prices of goods. Some experts in economic affairs are saying that increasing these taxes will make people not want to use banks as it will cost them more to send money. Mr. Rejoice Ngwenya of the Common Markets for Liberal Solutions organization told Studio7 that he did not expect that this would raise the prices of essential goods.') |
MaGaraji Angatambire Here Mari yeMaZiG Pakutenga Peturu neDhiziri?('Can Garages Receive ZiG Cash on Petrol and Diesel Purchases?') | | Vanhu vakawanda munyika vanoti vanotenda maruva vadya chakata pakuti vanokwanisa here kutaga kutenga mafuta ekufambisa dzimotokari nemari yemunyika yeZimbabwe Gold kana kuti ZiG.Izvi zvinotevera kuburitswa neZimbabwe Regulatory Authority kana kuti ZERA semazuva ose kwemari yekuti mumadhora emunyika, mafuta ekufambisa dzimotokari anoita mari mumarii.Asi vamwe vanoti hapana chekupemberera nekuti ZERA yagara ichiburitsa mutengo nemadhora emunyika kubva panguva yaishandiswa mabond asi pasina kana garaji rimwe chete rinotambira mari yemunyika yacho.Gavhuna weRBZ VaJohn Mushayavanhu vanoti vange vachiyedza kutaura nevaridzi vemagaraji kuti vanhu vatenge mafuta eekufambisa dzimotokari nemari yemaZiG.Chipangamazano cheRBZ VaPersistence Gwanyanya vati zvekuti mari yekufambisa dzimotokari ibhadharwe nemari yemaZiG ndicho change chiri chinangwa chebhanga guru renyika.EmbedshareHurukuro naVaPersistence Gwanyanya('Many people in the country say that they believe that they have eaten a lot of money in terms of whether they can start buying motor fuel with Zimbabwe Gold or ZiG. This follows the publication by the Zimbabwe Regulatory Authority or ZERA as usual of how much motor fuel costs in local dollars. But others say There is nothing to celebrate because ZERA has been publishing prices in local dollars since the time bonds were used but not a single garage receives the country's money. RBZ Governor John Mushayavanhu says he has been trying to talk to the owners of the garages so that people can buy motor fuel with ZiG money. RBZ advisor Mr. Persistence Gwanyanya said that the money Transportation should be paid for with ZIG money, which is the central bank's goal. Embedshare Interview with Mr. Persistence Gwanyanya') |
Pove neMaonero Akasiyana paNyaya yeKuti Murairidzi weChikwata cheNhabvu cheNyika Obva Kupi?('Have Different Opinions on Where the Coach of the National Soccer Team Comes From?') | | Mhuri yenhabvu muZimbabwe iri kukakavadzana kuti angakodzera kurairidza chikwata chenhabvu chevanhurume chemaWarriors pari zvino angave murairidzi wemunyika here kana kuti wemhiri kwemakungwa.Izvi zviri kuuya panguva iyo vari kufanotungamira nhabvu yemunyika, veZIFA Normalisation Committee vatarisana nekupa basa murairidzi achange ari panyanga pamitambo miviri ye2026 World Cup neLesotho neSouth Africa.Chikwata chenyika ichi hachina murairidzi pari zvino zvichitevera kusiya basa kwaBaltermar Brito muna Zvita gore rapera mushure memitambo miviri iyo chakaita mangange neRwanda neNigeria.Norman Mapeza, uyo mwedzi wapera aive panyanga pamitambo yeFour Nations Tournament kuMalawi, aive apihwa basa rekutungamira chikwata ichi pamakundano iwayo chete ayo aisanganisirawo Kenya, Malawi, neZambia.Kusati kwauya Brito naMapeza, Zimbabwe yakamborairidzwa naZdravko Lugorusic uyo anonzi nevakawanda akawisira chikwata ichi pasi zvinotyisa.VaLincoln MutasaMukuru weZifa Normalisation Committee, VaLincoln Mutasa, vanoti nyaya yemurairidzi inyaya yavari kugadzirisa vachiwedzera ivo kuti vari kutaura neavo vane ruzivo rwakadzama nezvazvo kuti vaone kuti vofambisa sei zvinhu zvavo.Asi mubvunzo kwese kwese ndewekuti Zimbabwe yopa basa ani? Murairidzi wemuno kana kuti wemhiri kwemakungwa mumitambo yayatarisana nayo yeAFCON 2025 neWorld Cup 2026.Kune vamwe vanoti murairidzi wemuno haana ruzivo rwakadzama pamitambo yakaita seyeWorld Cup uyezve anosarudza vatambi achitarisa kuti vabuda mumba maani, kwete nekugona kwavo.Asi vari kutsigira murairi wemunyika vanoti Zimbabwe inoda varairidzi vakaita saBruce Grobbelaar, Kaitano Tembo, Peter Ndlovu, George Mbwando, Kennedy Chihuri naBenjani Mwaruwari, avo vakatamba nhabvu yemhando yepamusoro mhiri kwemakungwa.Vamwewo vakaita semutsigiri weDynamos, VaAdam Mukwasi, vanoti murairidzi wemuno ndiye chaiye nekuti anoziva vatambi vemuno uyezve anoziva mamiriro akaita zvemari muZifa nemuZimbabwe senyika uye nhoroondo yenhabvu munyika inoratidza kuti Zimbabwe yakashura mare pese payairairidzwa nevarairidzi vemunyika.Mutsigiri weDynamos VaAdam Mukwasi."Tikatarisa kwatakabva varairidzi vemuno ndivo vakatisvitsa kuAfcon. Zvekunze izvi zvinotinetsa mangwana. Ngatitoreyi wemuno tione kuti tinosvika kupi," vanodaro vaMukwasi.Maneja wechikwata cheCaps United, VaShakespear Chinogwenya, vanoti dai zvaiita Zimbabwe yachengeta Norman Mapeza naTakesure Chiragwi sezvo vajairana nevatambi."Zviri zvekuenderera mberi ngatipei Norman naiye Teki nguva ino. Kuedza vamwe panguva ino hazvifambe. Ngativape nguva kuti vaite basa. Ndinoziva vanozviota," vanodaro VaChinogwenya.Asi nhengo yeWarriors Friends Club VaThomas Machivenyika vanoti maWarriors ari kuda murairidzi anenge ari pabasa mazuva ese kwete anoti nhasi ari kumaWarriors mangwana ari kuchikwata chake chemuPSL.Muongorori wemutambo wenhabvu,VaKudzai Bere, vanoti murairidzi uyu anofanira kuve ari wekunze kwenyika."Maonero angu ndeekuti murairidzi wemuno ane rusaruro pakushevedza vatambi mukamba asingatarise kugona kwavo. Asi wekunze anotarisa tarenda kwete kuti ndinoziva ani," vanodaro VaBere.Vamwe vari kuti basa ngaripiwe kuna Bruce Grobbelaar.Makore apfuura Zimbabwe yakabudirira kuenda kuAFCON ichirairidzwa nevarairidzi vemunnyika Sunday Chidzambwa, Charles Mhlauri naKalisto Pasuwa.Asi veruzhinji vanoti Zimbabwe yakazivikanwa zvakanyanya munhabvu apo yairairidzwa namushakabvu Reinhard Fabisch wekuGermany, kunyange hazvo isina kuenda kuWorld Cup kana kuAFCON.Zvichakadaro, mitambo yeCastle Lager Premier Soccer League yatambwa nhasi munyika yapera yakadai; Ngezi 1 Highlanders 2, Chicken Inn 2 Greenfuel 0, Herentals 1 Manica Diamonds 2, Bikita Minerals 2 Bulawayo Chiefs 0.Mangwana Svondo mitambo iri kuenderera mberi pakati peSimba Bhora neDynamos kuShamva, Caps United vs ZPC Kariba, Arenel Movers vs FC Platinum, Chegutu Pirates vs Hwange, kuchitiwo Tel One vs Yadah.('The football family in Zimbabwe is debating whether he should coach the men's football team of the Warriors at the moment, whether he is a national coach or an overseas coach. Africa. The national team does not have a coach at the moment following the resignation of Baltermar Brito in December last year after the two matches that drew with Rwanda and Nigeria. Norman Mapeza, who last month was at the helm at the Four Nations Tournament in Malawi, was given the task of leading the team in those tournaments only. which also included Kenya, Malawi, and Zambia. Before the arrival of Brito and Mapeza, Zimbabwe was coached by Zdravko Lugorusic who is said by many to have brought the team down terribly. about it so that they can see how to manage their affairs. But the question everywhere is who will Zimbabwe give the job to? A local or overseas coach in the AFCON 2025 and World Cup 2026 matches. There are some who say that the local coach does not have in-depth knowledge of games like the World Cup and he chooses the players based on who has left the house, not on their ability. But those who are supporting the national coach say that Zimbabwe needs coaches who have such as Bruce Grobbelaar, Kaitano Tembo, Peter Ndlovu, George Mbwando, Kennedy Chihuri and Benjani Mwaruwari, who have played high quality football overseas. Others such as Dynamos supporter, Mr. Adam Mukwasi, say that the local coach is the right one because he knows the local players and also knows the financial situation in Zifa and Zimbabwe as a country. and the history of football in the country shows that Zimbabwe has failed every time it was coached by local coaches. Dynamos supporter Mr. Adam Mukwasi. , Mr. Shakespeare Chinogwenya, says that he wished Zimbabwe had kept Norman Mapeza and Takesure Chiragwi as they are familiar with the players. Trying others at this time will not work. Let's give them time to do their job. I know they dream, says Mr. Chinogwenya. But a member of the Warriors Friends Club, Mr. Thomas Machivenyika, says that the Warriors need a coach who is at work every day, not that today he is with the Warriors and tomorrow he is with his team in the PSL. My opinion is that the local coach is biased in calling players to the camp without looking at their abilities. But a foreigner looks for talent and not who I know, says Mr. Bere. Some are saying that the job should be given to Bruce Grobbelaar. Years ago Zimbabwe successfully went to the AFCON under the guidance of local coaches Sunday Chidzambawa, Charles Mhlauri and Kalisto Pasuwa. But the public says that Zimbabwe became more popular in football when it was coached by the late Reinhard Fabisch from Germany, although he did not go to the World Cup or AFCON. Meanwhile, the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League games played today in the country are as follows: Ngezi 1 Highlanders 2, Chicken Inn 2 Greenfuel 0, Herentals 1 Manica Diamonds 2, Bikita Minerals 2 Bulawayo Chiefs 0 .Tomorrow Sunday the games are continuing between Simba Bora and Dynamos in Shamva, Caps United vs ZPC Kariba, Arenel Movers vs FC Platinum, Chegutu Pirates vs Hwange, and also Tel One vs Yadah.') |
Vanoita zveMitambo Vokurudzira Kuti Paumbwe Homwe Inozovachengeta Munguva dzeKuomerwa('Those who do sports encourage the creation of a fund that will take care of them in times of hardship') | | Hurumende iri kukurudzirwa kuumba homwe inozobatsira vanoita zvemitambo vemunyika kana vawirwa nematambudziko. Asi hurumende inoti iri kutora matanho kugadzirisa dambudziko iri.Mumwe mutambi wemafirimu nemadhirama wekuBulawayo, Ronald Sigeca, audza Studio 7 kuti hurumende inofanirwa kutsigira zvirongwa zvevatambi kuburikidza nehomwe inoenda kuzvirongwa izvi kuti vawanewo kuzviriritira.Mutambi anogara kuChimanimani kuManicaland, Tsitsi Murewa, anoti vanoita zvemitambo muchikamu ichi vanofanirwa kuisa misoro pamwechete voshanda pamwe zvisineyi nekuti vanogara kumaruwa here kana kumadhorobha.Vachitaurawo neStudio 7, nyanzvi inoongorora zvemitambo vari mukuru wechikamu chezvidzidzo zvemitambo paUniversity of Zimbabwe, Doctor Ngonidzashe Muwonwa, vanotiwo panofanirwa kuwanikwa nzira dzekubatsira nadzo vanoita zvemitambo ava munguva dzavo dzekuomerwa.Ronald Sigeca wekuBulawayo.Asi imwewo nyanzvi inoongorora zvemitambo vachitungamira sangano reZimbabwe Theatre Association, Amai Getrude Pfumayaramba, vanoti vatambi nevanyori havafanire kumirira hurumende chete asi kuti vanofanirwa kubatana voshanda pamwe zvinozoita kuti vaumbewo homwe inozovachengeta mune remangwana.Murongi wemabasa musangano reSavannah Trust, VaTedd Mangawa, vanoti kunyange hazvo Zimbabwe iine mitemo inochengetedza vatambi nemabasa avo, yakaita se Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act uye iri nhengo ye Berne Convention, senyika inofanirwa kusimbisa kushanda kwemitemo iyi.Mutambi wechidiki anogara muHarare, Fadzai Gwenhe, anoti vatambi vakawanda vari kudya nhoko dzezvironda zvisingaenderane nembiri yavo pamawairesi, materevhizheni nemumafirimu.Sangano reNational Arts Council of Zimbabwe rakazivisa kuti ririkuedza neparinogona napo kuvandudza hupenyu hwevatambi.Vachitaura neStudio 7, nhengo yeBoard resangano iri vachikokera chikamu chekufambiswa kwezvirongwa VaMarcus Gora vanoti National Arts Council of Zimbabwe yakatoita zvirongwa zvekufamba ichitaura nevatambi kumatunhu ose enyika vachinzwa matambudziko avo kuti vachigona kuzadzisa zvido zvavo.Tsitsi Murewa wekuChimanimani.Vachipindura mibvunzo panyaya yematambudziko evatambi, munyori mukuru mubazi rezvemitambo uye vaimbove mukuru weNational Arts Council, VaNicholas Moyo, vati hurumende ichaparura homwe ichange yakanangana nechikamu ichi uye kuparura zvirongwa zvinopa mikana vatambi vemunyika kuti vashandi pamwe nevekunze kuvandudza chikamu ichi.VaMoyo vanotiwo gore rino homwe yenyika yakaisawo mari kubazi ravo ichabatsirawo muchikamu chavo, zvinova zvichazobatsiridza kugadzirisa matambudziko aya.Vatambi vakawanda munyika, kusanganisira vakaita mukurumbira mukuru, vanorarama hupenyu hunosiririsa vamwe vacho vachifa vachitambura.Mazuva mashoma apfuura, pakave nekutaura kwakanyanya apo mutambi aive nemukurumbira munyika, Stella January, akashaya negomarara, uko mudzimai wemutungamiri wenyika,Amai Auxilia Mnangagwa, vakaendawo kunobata maoko vakabatsirawo nemari inonzi inosvika zviuru zvishanu zvemadhora ekuAmerica kana kuti $5000.00. Asi vamwe vanoti hurumende ndiyo inofanirwa kunge ichiita izvi kuburikidza nehomwe yekuchengeta vatambi uye kupa vatambi ava michero yavo vachiri vapenyu.('The government is being encouraged to create a fund that will help local sportspersons when they are faced with problems. But the government says it is taking steps to solve this problem. Another film and drama actor from Bulawayo, Ronald Sigeca, told Studio 7 that the government should support the projects of actors through a fund that goes to these projects so that they can support themselves. they need to put their heads together and work together regardless of whether they live in rural or urban areas. Also speaking to Studio 7, a sports analyst who is the head of the sports studies department at the University of Zimbabwe, Doctor Ngonidzashe Muwonwa, says that there should be ways to help these athletes in their difficult times. Ronald Sigeca from Bulawayo .But another theater expert who heads the Zimbabwe Theater Association, Ms. Getrude Pfumayaramba, says that actors and writers should not only represent the government, but should unite and work together, which will lead to the creation of a fund that will support them in the future. It has laws that protect actors and their work, such as the Copyright and Neighboring Rights Act and is a member of the Berne Convention, as a country that must strengthen the implementation of these laws. A young actor who lives in Harare, Fadzai Gwenhe, says that many actors are suffering from injuries that do not match their reputation on the radio, television and movies. The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe has announced that it is trying its best to improve the lives of artists. Speaking to Studio 7, a member of the Board of the organization inviting part of the implementation of the programs Mr. Marcus Gora says that the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe has already made travel plans talking to artists in all regions of the country hearing their problems so that they can fulfill them. Tsitsi Murewa from Chimanimani. Answering questions about the problems of the players, the Secretary General in the Department of Sports and the former head of the National Arts Council, Mr. Nicholas Moyo, said that the government will launch a fund that will focus on this sector and launch programs that will give opportunities to local players to work with foreign players to improve this sector. Mr. Moyo also said that this year the national fund has also invested in his department and will help in his part, which will help to solve these problems. Many actors in the country, including those who are very famous, live a sad life and some of them die suffering. A few days ago, there was a lot of talk when an actor who was famous in the country, Stella January, who died of cancer, where the wife of the president, Amai Auxilia Mnangagwa, also went to shake hands and helped with an amount said to be five thousand American dollars or $5000.00. But others say that the government should be doing this through a fund to keep players and give these players their fruits while they are still alive.') |
Zvabuda muMitambo yeCastle Lager Premier Soccer League('Results from the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League') | | Mitambo yeCastle Lager Premier Soccer League yatambwa munyika neMugovera yapera seizvi;Arenel Movers 2-1 Bikita MineralsZPC Kariba 1-2 HerentalsGreenfuel 2-1 Ngezi PlatinumYadah 1-2 Simba Bhora.Mutambo pakati peFC Patinum neCaps United unonzi wamiswa mushure mekunge vatsigiri veCaps United vapinda munhandare vachinyunyuta nekurambwa kwaitwa chibodzwa chechikwata chavo. FC Platinum yanga ichitungamira 1-0 pamiswa mutambo uyu.('The Castle Lager Premier Soccer League matches played in the country on Saturday ended as follows; Arenel Movers 2-1 Bikita MineralsZPC Kariba 1-2 HerentalsGreenfuel 2-1 Ngezi PlatinumYadah 1-2 Simba Bola. The match between FC Patinum and Caps United is said to have been stopped after Caps United supporters entered the stadium complaining about the disallowance of their team's goal. FC Platinum was leading 1-0 when the game was stopped.') |
Vamwe Vateveri veNhabvu Votyira Kuti Nhandare yeRufaro Ichakasika Kuremerwa neMitambo Yavanoti Yawandisa('Some Football Fans Are Afraid That Rufa Stadium Will Be Overburdened With Too Many Games') | | Nhandare yenhabvu yeRufaro, iyo iri mumusha we Mbare muHarare, mangwana iri kutakura mutambo wayo wechitatu pamazuva mana ichangobva kuvhurwa zvakare, izvo vamwe vanotevera nhabvu vave kutyira kuti mashandisiro aya akaramba akadai anogona kukanganisa zvakare nhandare iyi.Nhandare iyi mangwana ichange ichitambirwa ngoma pamutambo uri pakati peCaps United neArenel Movers, iyo ichangopinda mumakundano eCastle Lager Premier Soccer.Izvi zvauya mushure mekunge Rufaro Stadium yakasimudza mutambo wayo wekutanga kubva zvayavhurwa zvakare uyo waive pakati peCaps United neBikita Minerals nemusi weChina. Nezuro nhandare iyi yakasimudza zvakare mitambo wayo wepiri pakati peDynamos neYadah uyo wakapera uri mangange 0-0.Pari zvino nhandare iyi iri kushandiswa semusha nezvikwata zvinoti Caps United, Dynamos neYadah, asi mashoko ari kufamba anoti Herentals yakumbirawo kudzoka muHarare pane kushandisa kwairi kuita nhandare yeNyamhunga kuKariba semusha wayo.Muongorori wemutambo wenhabvu, VaBrighton Makasa, vanoti mashandisirwo ari kuitwa Rufaro akaramba akadai anokwanisa kukanganisa huswa hwemukati menhandare yozopedzisira yamiswa kushandiswa zvekare."Kunyanya kushandiswa kurikuitwa Rufaro Stadium kuchatipa dambudziko seratakawana kuNational Stadium. Nhandare inofanira kumbozorodzwa kwete kuti zuva nezuva mitambo sezvirikuitwa izvi. Huswa hunofanira kumbopihwa nguva yekusimuka," anodaro Makasa.Mwaka wapera zvikwata zvemuHarare zvaishandisa National Sports Stadium asi huswa hwemunhandare iyi hwakaguma hwaipa zvekuti pari zvino nhandare iyi haikwanise kutambirwa nhabvu yepamusoro.Mutsigiri weDynamos, VaAdam Mukwasi, vanoti panofanira kuitwa hurongwa hwekudzikisa mitambo kuti Rufaro irambe ichikwanisa kutambirwa nhabvu yepamusoro yePSL.Izvi zvauyawo mushure mekunge meya weguta reHarare, VaJacob Mafume, vazivisa kuti nhandare iyi ichange isiri yenhabvu chete asi kuti mimwe mitambo inosanganisira magitare." Tavagadzirira stage yavo inogara iripo. Vachakwenedzera magitare. Vechidiki veZimDancehall vachatomuka kusvika vasvika kudenga uko vachifara. Panzvimbo yakanaka," vanovimbisa VaMafume.Asi mutsigiri wemutambo wenhabvu, VaSupa Mushonga, vanoti vari kufara nemamiriro aita Rufaro, iyo yavewo nepekugara pevakaremara, avo vanoshandisa mabhasikoro ekufambisa kana kuti ma wheelchair."Pasvika nhandare iyi rakanakisisa. Uyezve vane mawheelchair vave nepavo pavanopinda napo nekunogara. Hapasisina zvimhingamipinyi sezvaimbosangana nazvo," varikufara VaMushonga.Zvakamira zvakadai, VePremier Soccer League vane hurongwa hwakazara hwemitambo pahorodhi ino yeEaster, kusanganisira mutambo mukuru pakati peNgezi Platinum Stars, iyo ine mukombe uyu, neManica Diamonds, iyo yakapedza iri pachinhanho chechipiri mwaka wapera.Mutambo uyu uriko neMuvhuro muBaobab Stadium kumaruwa eMhondoro-Ngezi.Ngezi yatora mapoinzi maviri chete pamitambo mitatu yayatamba mwaka uno asi mutsigiri wayo VaJacob Pasira vanoti uku kutanga kwemwaka asi Madamburo ichasimuka."Mwaka uno mutambo uchatambika. Tikatarisa vakomana varikutatarika asi uku kutanga kwemitambo," vanozvishingisa VaPasira.Manica Diamonds yacho iri kuremerwawo nemitambo iine poindi imwechete chete kubva mumitambo mitatu zvekare.Asi mutambo weCaps United neArenel mangwana uchange uchibatanawo zuva rimwechete nemutambo weChegutu Pirates neGreen Fuel muBaobab pamwe neweChicken Inn neZPC Kariba muBarbourfields Stadium kuBulawayo, kozotiwo weHerentals neFC Platinum kuNyamhunga kuKariba.Mimwe mitambo iriko neMuvhuro yakamira yakadai....Simba Bhora vs Hwange – Wadzanai, Shamva,Telone vs Highlanders – Bata, Gweru,Bulawayo Chiefs vs Yadah - Barbourfields, Bulawayo,NeBikita Minerals FC vs Dynamos – Sakubva, MutarePari zvino FC Platinum ndiyo iri kutungamira makundano aya yakaenzana pamapoinzi manomwe neHighlanders asi iri pamusoro nezvibodzwa.('The Rufaro football stadium, which is located in the village of Mbare in Harare, tomorrow is hosting its third game in four days after it has just been reopened, which some football fans are now worried that this continued use could damage the stadium again. United and Arenel Movers, who recently entered the Castle Lager Premier Soccer tournament. This came after Rufaro Stadium hosted its first match since it reopened which was between Caps United and Bikita Minerals on Thursday. Yesterday, the stadium hosted its second match between Dynamos and Yadah, which ended in a 0-0 draw. Currently, the stadium is being used as a home by teams such as Caps United, Dynamos and Yadah, but rumors are circulating that Herentals has asked to return to Harare instead of using the Nyamhunga stadium in Kariba. like its home. The researcher of the football game, Mr. Brighton Makasa, says that the continued use of Rufaro can damage the grass inside the stadium and eventually it will be stopped from being used again. The grass should be given time to rise, says Makasa. Last season the teams in Harare were using the National Sports Stadium but the grass in this stadium ended up being so bad that now the stadium cannot be used for high-level football. This has also come after the mayor of Harare, Mr. Jacob Mafume, announced that this stadium will not only be used for football but for other sports including guitars." We have prepared a permanent stage for them. They will play guitars. The youth of ZimDancehall will wake up until they reach heaven where they are happy. It's a good place," promises Mr. Mafume. But the supporter of the football game, Mr. Supa Mushonga, says he is happy with the condition of Rufaro, which also has accommodation for the disabled, who use mobility bicycles or wheelchairs. "This stadium is the best. In addition, wheelchair users have access to them when they enter and sit. There are no more obstacles like before, said Mr. Mushonga, who is happy. As things stand, the Premier Soccer League has a full schedule of games for this Easter holiday, including a big match between Ngezi Platinum Stars, who have the trophy, and Manica Diamonds, who finished in second place last season. This game You are on Monday in the Baobab Stadium in Mhondoro-Ngezi countryside. Ngezi has only taken two points from the three games it has played this season, but its supporter Mr. Jacob Pasira says that this is the beginning of the season but Madamburo will rise. This season the game will be played. We look at the boys who are struggling but this is the beginning of the games, said Mr. Pasira. Manica Diamonds is also burdened with games with only one point from the previous three games. But the game between Caps United and Arenel tomorrow will also be joined on the same day as the game between Chegutu Pirates and Green Fuel in Baobab as well as Chicken Inn and ZPC Kariba in Barbourfields. Stadium in Bulawayo, then Herentals and FC Platinum in Nyamhunga in Kariba. Other matches on Monday are as follows.... Simba Bora vs Hwange – Wadzanai, Shamva, Telone vs Highlanders – Bata, Gweru, Bulawayo Chiefs vs Yadah - Barbourfields, Bulawayo, NeBikita Minerals FC vs Dynamos - Sakubva, Mutare Currently, FC Platinum is leading the league, equal on seven points with Highlanders, but they are higher on goals.') |
Chikwata cheNhabvu cheZimbabwe Warriors Chinopinda muFainari yeMakwikwi eNyika Ina kuMalawi('The Zimbabwe Warriors Football Team Enters the Finals of the Four Nations Championship in Malawi') | | Chikwata chenhabvu chenyika, cheZimbabwe Warriors, chapinda mufainari yemakundano ezvikwata zvina eFour Nations Invitational Tournament ari kuitirwa kuMalawi kusvika musi wa 26 Kurume.MaWarriors arova Zambia 6-5 mumapenareti ndokupinda mufainari yemakundano aya iyo iriko musi weChipiri svondo rinouya.Zvikwata izvi zvapedza zviri mangange 2-2 munguva yakatarwa asi makundano aya haana mutemo unowedzera nguva, kana kuti extra time.Chikwata chaNorman Mapeza ichi changa chakarohwa 2-0 munharaunda yekutanga ndokudzora kusvika pa2-2 nezvibodzwa zvabva kuna McCaulley Bonne naWalter Musona.Kukunda uku kuri kureva kuti Zimbabwe yave kusangana neKenya mufainari, iyo yarova Malawi 4-0.Zimbabwe iri kushandisa zvekare makundano aya kugadzirira mitambo miviri ye2026 World Cup yayakatarisana nayo neLesotho neSouth Africa muna Chikumi.Murairidzi wemaWarriors, Norman Mapeza.Aimbove mutewedzeri wemurairidzi weCaps United, Fungai Kwashi, anoti maWarriors anoda mitambo yegadziriro yakaita semakundano aya kuti chikwata ichi chinyatsosimba zvekumiramira kumitambo yeWorld Cup."Mukasaronga zvinhu zvakanaka zvimhu hazvifambe. Saka ndongoti vakuru vedu ngaronge zvingu zvifambe zvakanaka. Ngavaronge mafriendlies kuti team ijairane, team isimbe," anopa mazano Kwashi.Kukunda uku kwauya panguva yakakodzera mushure mekunge chikwata chevechidiki chemaYoung Warriors chakarohwa 3-2 neMalawi ne3-2 neKenya ndokubuda mumakwikwi mamwechetewo.Zvichakadaro, vatsigiri vechikwata cheCaps United nhasi vanga vari munhandare yenhabvu yeRufaro Stadium uko vanga vachibatsira kugadzirisa zvasara kuti nhandare iyi ichishandisa zvekare mumitambo yeCastle Lager Premier Soccer League.Nhandare yeRufaro mushure mekugadziridzwa.Studio 7 yashanya kuRufaro uko yaona nhandare inoyevedza inokwanisa kufungidzirwa kuti yatove kutambirwa nhabvu yePSL.Mutsigiri weCaps United, VaTavengwa Chirabvu, avo vanove mumwe wevanhu vanga vachishanda munhandare iyi, vanoti chasara chete kuti zvikwata zvipinde zvitambe kurwira mapoinzi."Rufaro yanakisisa kudarika nhandare dzatinadzi. Chatamirira kuti zvikwata zvipinde, zvitambe," vadaro VaChirabvu.Muteveri wemutambo uyu, VaAlfred Maliana, vanoti semaonero avo, nhandare iyi yave pazvikamu makumi mapfumbamwe nezvishanu kubva muzana,kana kuti95 percentkupera."Ranaka ground. Ratove pa95 percent.Yasiyana neRufaro yatanga tichiona iye," vafara VaMaliana.Meya weguta reHarare, VaJacob Mafume, vanoti vari kutarisira kunge vashandisa mari isingadarike mamirioni matatu emadhora ekuAmerica panoperesesa kugadzirwa kwenhandare iyi."Vekumahofiri edu emari vachatarisa kuti tashandisa marii. Asi hatidi kuti idarike 3 miriyoni. Mari dziye dzaitaurwa kwete, iyi imari yevagari vemuHarare," vanodaro VaMafume.Mumwe mutsigiri weCaps United, VaSamuel Saeni, vanoti kushandiswa kweRufaro zvekare kunobatsira vatsigiri venhabvu munyaya dzemari dzekufambisa."Tanga tanzwa kufamba isu tiri pamusha. Tanga tichiremerwa. Ikozvino zvichave nani tave muHarare. Chikwata chedu chichawanawo mari nekuti Rufaro pedyo neruzhinji," vafara VaSaeni.Zvigaro zvitsva munhandare yeRufaro muHarare.VePremier Soccer League vari kutarisira kuti nhandare iyi ichatanga kushandiswa svondo rino.Mugwaro ravakatenderedza kuvatori venhau vari kuti mutambo pakati peCaps United neBikita Minerals uchange uri muRufaro nemusi weChina.Vanotiwo zvekare Dynamos, iyo iri kushandiswa Barbourfields Stadium semusha, ichange ichishanyira Yadah muRufaro umu nemusi weSvondo, svondo rinouya.Vanoita zvekuongorora mamiriro edzinhandare, veZIFA Instance Board, vachange vachiongorora zvekare nhandare yeRufaro nemusi weMuvhuro mushure mekumbenge vanongedzera zvishoma zvaida kugadziriswa, zvinove zvagadziriswa nekanzuru yeHarare.Totarisa zviri kubuda kumakwikwi eAll Africa Games ari kuitirwa kuGhana.Chikwata cheZimbabwe chemutambo wekiriketi chiri munhandare kurwira menduru yegoridhe neNamibia manheru ano.MaChevrons ari kuda kutevera tsoka dzema Lady Chevrons ayo akatora menduru yegoridhe mushure mekurova South Africa.Chimwe chikwata chenyika chemutambo werugby, chemaCheetahs, nezuro chakatora menduru yesirivha.Pari zvino, Zimbabwe yaunganidza menduru gumi neimwechete, mbiri dzegoridhe, shanu dzesirivha neina dzebronze.('The national football team, the Zimbabwe Warriors, has entered the finals of the Four Nations Invitational Tournament which is being held in Malawi until March 26. The Warriors have beaten Zambia 6-5 in penalties and entered the finals of this tournament which is on Tuesday next week. These teams finished with a 2- 2 in the specified time but this tournament does not have a rule that increases the time, or extra time. Norman Mapeza's team was beaten 2-0 in the first round and managed to reach 2-2 with goals from McCaulley Bonne and Walter Musona. This victory means that Zimbabwe will meet Kenya in the final. , which beat Malawi 4-0. Zimbabwe is also using these tournaments to prepare for the 2026 World Cup matches against Lesotho and South Africa in June. This is for this team to be strong enough to compete in the World Cup. So I just want our elders to arrange things so that things go smoothly. Let them organize friendlies so that the team gets used to each other, the team is strong, advises Kwashi. This victory came at the right time after the Young Warriors team was beaten 3-2 by Malawi and 3-2 by Kenya and exited the same competition. Meanwhile, Caps United supporters were at the football stadium today. of Rufaro Stadium where they have been helping to repair the rest so that the stadium can be used again in the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League matches. Rufaro Stadium after renovation. Studio 7 visited Rufaro where it saw a beautiful stadium that can be assumed to have already hosted PSL football. Caps United supporter, Mr. Tavengwa Chirabvu, who is one of the people who have been working in this stadium, they say that all that is left is for the teams to enter and play to fight for points. "Rufaro is better than the stadiums we have. We are waiting for the teams to come in and play, said Mr. Chirabvu. A follower of the game, Mr. Alfred Maliana, says that in his opinion, the stadium is at 95 percent, or 95 percent complete. Ranaka ground. It's already at 95 percent. It's different from the Rufaro we've been seeing, said Mr. Maliana. The Mayor of Harare, Mr. Jacob Mafume, says he expects to have spent no more than 3 million US dollars to complete the construction of the stadium. But we don't want it to exceed 3 million. The money that was mentioned is no, this is the money of the residents of Harare, says Mr. Mafume. Another Caps United supporter, Mr. Samuel Saeni, says that the use of Rufaro will also help football supporters in terms of travel expenses. We have been overwhelmed. It will be better now that we are in Harare. Our team will also get money because Rufaro is close to the public, said Mr. Saeni. New seats in the Rufaro stadium in Harare. The Premier Soccer League is hoping that the stadium will be used this week. In the document they circulated to the press, they say that the match between Caps United and Bikita Minerals will be in Rufaro on Thursday. They also say that Dynamos, which is using Barbourfields Stadium as their home, will be visiting Yadah in Rufaro on Sunday, next week. The ZIFA Instance Board will be inspecting the Rufaro stadium again on Monday after pointing out a few things that needed to be fixed, which have been resolved by the Harare council. Let's take a look at what is happening at the All Africa Games which is being held in Ghana. The Zimbabwean cricket team is in the field to fight for the gold medal against Namibia tonight. The Chevrons want to follow in the footsteps of the Lady Chevrons who won the gold medal after beating South Africa. yesterday won a silver medal. Currently, Zimbabwe has collected 11 medals, two gold, five silver and four bronze.') |
Chizvarwa CheZimbabwe Chinoita zveMitambo, 'Mama Vee,' Omirira Nyika kuMusangano weMamiriro eKunze('Zimbabwean Athlete, 'Mama Vee,' Represents World at Foreign Affairs Summit') | | Chimwe chizvarwa cheZimbabwe chinoita mitambo yekufadza veruzhinji, Admire Mushambi, uyo anonyanya kuzivikanwa nerekuti Mama Vee, ari muNew York muAmerica uko akanga akamirira nyika kumusangano wekuzeya nezvemamiriro ekunze, uyo wakapera nemusi weChina.Musangano uyu, uyo wakarongwa nesangano reBest Diplomats of United Nations, wakapindwa nevanoita zvemitambo vanobva kunyika dzakasiyanasiyana pasi rose.Admire Mushambi - Mama VeeMushambi, uyo ane nhepfenyuro yake yepadandemutande inonzi 'Mhosva TV,' akawanawo mubairo weNational Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) achinzi ndiye akakwanisa kuita mitambo inotsetsa kana kutiskits,yakafadza vazhinji munyika gore rino."Handina kumbofunga kuti ndingawane mubairo uyu zvekuti handina kutomboenda kumabiko aya. Ndakazonzwa nevamwe kuti ndakange ndakunda vamwe, izvo zvakandifadza zvikuru," akadaro Mushambi muhurukuro neStudio7.Mushambi anoti zvakakosha kuti vabereki vatsigire vana vavo vanenge vachida kuita zvemitambo sezvo zvave kubhadhara mazuva ano nekuda kwemadandemutande aveko akadayi seFacebook, YouTube nemamwewo."Vari kuita zvemitambo vave kutokwanisawo kuwana cheuviri sezvo zvave kubhadhara zvekuti munhu awane raramo inowuya nemari yekunze. Vabereki vane vana vane zvipo zvemitambo ngavavatsigire sezvo vanhu vave kukwanisa kuwana raramo mazviri," Mushambi aenderera mberi.('Another native of Zimbabwe who plays games to please the public, Admire Mushambi, who is popularly known as Mama Vee, is in New York in America where he was representing the country at a meeting to discuss the climate, which ended on Thursday. This meeting, which was organized by the organization Best Diplomats of the United Nations, was attended by of sports from different countries around the world. Admire Mushambi - Mama Vee Mushambi, who has her own online radio station called 'Mhosva TV,' also won the National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) and was said to be the one who was able to make funny plays or skits, which pleased many people in the country this year." I never thought that I would get this award so I didn't even go to the party. I heard from others that I had won over others, which made me very happy, said Mushambi in an interview with Studio7. such as Facebook, YouTube and others. "Those who are doing sports are now able to earn a living as it is paying so that a person can earn a living that comes with foreign money. Parents who have children who are gifted in sports should support them as people are now able to earn a living from it," Mushambi continued.') |
Anoita zveMafirimu muAmerica Karen Abercrombie Orumbidza Madzimai Anoita zveMitambo muZimbabwe('American Actress Karen Abercrombie Orumbidza Women Actresses in Zimbabwe') | | Mutambi wekuAmerica anoita zvemafirimu Karen Abercrombie anoti madzimai emuZimbabwe ane zvipo munyaya dzezvemitambo asi vanofanira kuita mushandirapamwe kuti vazvisimudzire mumabasa avo kuti vawane chouviri.Karen Abercrombie uyo ane makore makumi matanhatu ekuberekwa, anozikanwa zvikuru kuburikidza nemafirimu anosanganisira War Room, Discarded Things, God's Compass nemamwewo.Kuburikidza nekambani yake yeEarth Mother Entertainment, Abercrombie anonyora nekubika mitambo yakasiyanasiyana uye muimbi wenziyo dzechitendero.Mutambi uyu ange ari munyika achisangana nemadzimai munzvimbo dzakaita seCelebration Centre pamwe neTheatre in the Park muHarare achivadzidzisa nezvekusimudzira mabhizimusi avo pasi pechirongwa chinonzi Inspire Summit 24.Abercrombie anoti madzimai akawanda emunyika ane zvipo asi vanongoda kubatsirwa nehunyanzvi zvinova zvaave kuita munyika dzakawanda.Anotiwo zvakakosha kuti madzimai ari muchikamu chezvemitamboi abatane kuti vagone kushandisa zvipo zvavo neruzivo rwavo kuti vave neremangwana rakajeka.Mumwewo mutambi wechidiki Dalma Chiwereva akapinda muzvirongwa zvaAbercrombie izvi anoti akadzidza zvakawanda.Nyanzvi yezvemitambo anoshanda akazvimirira Muzvare Marian Kunonga vanoti vatambi vemuZimbabwe neAmerica vakagara vaine hukama hwakanaka.Mushandi mukuru muhofisi inoona nezvekudyidzana neruzhinji musangano reAmerican Chamber of Commerce muZimbabwe Muzvare Wadzanai Chiuriri vanoti munguva yekuona kwezvinhu zvichikonzerwa nenzara, zvakakosha kuti vatambi vashandise zvipo zvavo kuti vawane pundutso.Zvidzidzo zvaAbercrombie zvakaitwa pasi pedingindira rinotarisa budiriro nehunyanzvi hwakasiyanasiyana mune zvemitambo kana kuti; "How to become a successful multi-faceted creative".Zimbabwe ine vatambi vakawanda vaita mukurumbira pasi rose munyaya dzezvemitambo vakaita saDanai Gurira ari mufirimu rinonziWakandauye Chipo Chung ari mufirimu rinonziResurrection.('American actress Karen Abercrombie says that Zimbabwean women are talented in the field of sports, but they must work hard to promote themselves in their careers in order to earn a living. Karen Abercrombie, who is 60 years old, is well known through films including War Room, Discarded Things, God's Compass and others. with his company Earth Mother Entertainment, Abercrombie writes and cooks various shows and is a singer of religious songs. The actor has been in the country meeting with women in places such as the Celebration Center and Theater in the Park in Harare, teaching them how to develop their businesses under a program called Inspire Summit 24. Abercrombie says that many women in the country have They are gifted but they just need help with skills, which is what he is doing in many countries. He also says that it is important for women in the sports sector to unite so that they can use their gifts and their knowledge to have a bright future. Another young actress Dalma Chiwereva who participated in Abercrombie's programs says that she learned a lot. Miss Marian is a sports expert who works independently. Kunonga says Zimbabwean and American athletes have always had a good relationship. The chief employee in the public relations office of the American Chamber of Commerce in Zimbabwe Ms. Wadzanai Chiuriri says that in times of famine, it is important for athletes to use their talents to gain profit. Abercrombie's studies were conducted under the theme of development and skills varied in sports or; "How to become a successful multi-faceted creative".Zimbabwe has many actors who have become famous all over the world in sports such as Danai Gurira in the movie called Wakandu and Chipo Chung in the movie called Resurrection.') |
Mudzidzisi weMutambo weTennis muAmerica, VaJulius Mashonganyika, Vanowana Mubairo Mukuru weUSPTA('American Tennis Coach, Mr. Julius Mashonganyika, Receives USPTA Grand Prize') | | Muchikamu chedu chatinotarisa zviri kusangana nevana veZimbabwe vari kunze kwenyika, tine hurukuro nechizvarwa cheZimbabwe chinodzidzisa mutambo wetennismumatunhu eVirginia, DC, Maryland neWest Virginia muAmerica, VaJulius Mashonganyika, avo vakawana mubairo wepamusoro weUnited States Professional Tennis Association 2023 Star Award mudunhu reMid-Atlantic.VaMashonganyika, avo vari kudzidzisa mutambo wetennismuAmerica kubva muna 2011, vanoti ndivo mutema wekutanga mudunhu kuwana mubairo mukuru uyu, uyo unopiwa kumunhu anenge awedzera mikana kune vamwe kuti vapindewo mumutambo uyu.Mukombe weUSPTA Star Award wakahwinhwa naVaJulius Mashonganyika muAmerica.Pari zvino vanoshanda semukuru wemutambo wetennispaLoudoun County School muLeesburg, mudunhu reVirginia muAmerica, uyewo vanopa zvidzidzo zvemutambo uyu pachena kuvana nevakuru mumatunhu akasiyanasiyana emuAmerica.Vachangobvawo zvakare kudomwa semurairidzi mukuru weMeridian High School Athletic Department vachidzidzisa chikwata chetennischevakomana, cheVarsity Boys.VaMashonganyika, avo vahwinha mikombe ine chitsama, vanoti vakatanga kutambatennismuna 1984 kuMufakose muHarare uko vakadzidziswa mutambo uyu nemudzidzisi ane mukurumbira, VaAlbert Nhamoyebonde, pasi pechikwata cheMufakose Tennis Coaching Agency.Mikombe yaVaJulius Mashonganyika.Vanoti vakatambira chikwata cheMufakose Tennis Club, icho chakashura mare mumutambo uyu sezvo chaive chevatambi vanobva kumisha inogara veruzhinji.Vakazotorawo zvidzidzo zvepamusoro zvakasiyanasiyana zvekurairidza mutambo uyu, vakazove mukuru weWhite Rhinos Tennis Club.VaMashonganyika vakadzidzisawo mutambo wetennismuZimbabwe neSouth Africa vasati vaenda kuAmerica.Vakazoendawo kuLondon, kuEngland kunoita zvimwe zvidzidzo zvekurairidzatenniszvepamusorosoro, zveAll-England Lawn Tennis Club Facilities Management Seminar.VaMashonganyika vanoti chinangwa chavo ndechekusimudzira vatambi vechidiki pamwe nevamwe varairidzi vemutambo uyu kusanganisira vanobva kuZimbabwe vari muAmerica.('In our section where we look at what is happening to Zimbabwean children abroad, we have a conversation with a native of Zimbabwe who teaches tennis in the states of Virginia, DC, Maryland and West Virginia in America, Mr. Julius Mashonganyika, who received the highest award of the United States Professional Tennis Association 2023 Star Award in the Mid-Atlantic region. Mr. Mashonganyika, who who has been teaching tennis in America since 2011, says he is the first black person in the region to receive this great award, which is given to a person who has increased opportunities for others to participate in this game. in the state of Virginia in the United States, and they also provide lessons in this game for free to children and adults in different states of America. He has also recently been appointed as the head coach of the Meridian High School Athletic Department, teaching the Varsity Boys tennis team. this is a famous teacher, Mr. Albert Nhamoyebonde, under the team of Mufakose Tennis Coaching Agency. The trophies of Mr. Julius Mashonganyika. They say that they played for the team of Mufakose Tennis Club, which made a lot of money in this game as it was made up of players from public housing. They also took various advanced courses to coach this game, and became the head of White Rhinos Tennis Club. Mr. Mashonganyika also taught tennis in Zimbabwe and South Africa before going to America. He also went to London, England to do some advanced tennis coaching courses, the All-England Lawn Tennis Club Facilities Management Seminar. Mr. Mashonganyika says his goal is to promote young players and other coaches of this game, including those from Zimbabwe in America .') |
FC Platinum Inotungamira Mujaho weCastle Lager Premier Soccer League('FC Platinum Leads the Race to the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League') | | Chikwata cheFC Platinum chatora hutungamiri hwegungano renhabvu yepamusoro munyika, reCastle Lager Premier Soccer League kwatambwa mitambo maviri kubva zvatanga makwikwi aya.Chikwata ichi chatora hutungamiri hwegungano iri mushure mekushanya kumaruwa eMhondoro-Ngezi ndokurova Ngezi Platinum Stars 2-0 muBaobab Stadium.Zvibodzwa zvabva kuna Wilfred Muvirimi zvapa Platinum kukunda uyezve mapoinzi matatu ayo aibatsira kukwira pamusoro petafura.FC Platinum yave nemapoinzi matanhatu kubva mumitambo miviri mushure mekurova Chegutu Pirates 1-0 svondo rapera.Asi murairidzi weKugona Kunenge Kudada, Norman Mapeza, anoti rwendo rwuchiripo."Munhu wese anoda zvakanaka asi hatisi tese tinokwanisa kuzozviwana mukupera kwenwaka. Tongotarisira kuti mwari achatitungamirira tozofara mukupera kwemwaka," anodaro Mapeza.Murairidzi weFC Platinum, Norman MapezaKukunda kweFC Platinum kwauyawo munguva iyo chimwe chikwata chine mukurumbira che Caps United chakundawo Herentals 2-0 kuNyamhunga Stadium.Murairidzi wemutambo wenhabvu, Mugove Makanyire, anoti FC Platinum kana chimwe chezvikwata zvine mukurumbira ndicho chichatora mukombe uyu." Ndinofungira Ngezi Platinum Stars asi ana FC Platinum havana kukotsira. Ana Dynamos nana Highlanders mateam mahombe nana Caps United ava. Saka kwakaoma," adaro Makanyire.Dynamos yaita mangange 2-2 neHwange muBarbourfields Stadium mushure mekunga Dembare yambotungamira 2-0.Mutambo uyu wanonoka kutanga mushure mekunge unifomu yemubati wepagedhe weDynamos, Martin Mapisa, yafanana nedzevatambi veHwange.Mubati wepagedhi weDynamos, Martin MapisaSimba Bhora, iyo yanga ichitungamira makwikwi, aya yawira pasi mushure mekuita mangange 1-1 neGreenfuel, Chicken Inn ndokuitawo mangange 0-0 neArenel Movers.Asi Manica Diamonds yarohwa zvekare, asi iko zvino 3-1 neTelOne muBata Stadium.Izvi zvauya mushure mekunge Manica Diamonds svondo rapera yakarohwa 3-2 pamusha neSimba Bhora.Muongorori wemutambo wenhabvu, VaKelvin Mushonga, vanoti zvichanetsa kuchikwata chemangoda ichi kukwanisa kubata sechikwata sezvo chiine vatambi vatsva vakawandisa vachakatenga pamwe nevachaive navo kare."Maplayers ayakatora akabva kuzvikwata zvakasiyana siyana. Kuti vazojairana zvekutamba vese, zvichatora nguva," anoona Mushonga.Mimwe mitambo iriko mangwana inenge yakamira seizvi..Bulawayo Chiefs v Highlanders – Barbourfields,Chegutu Pirates v ZPC Kariba - Baobab.NeChitatu svondo rinouya Yadah ichange yakananga ku Lithium Stadium kuBikita kunosangana neBikita Minerals, iyo ichangopinda muPSL.Amai Elleta Nengomasha veSports and Recreation CommissionTotarisa makundano eAfrica Games ayo ari kuitirwa kuGhana;Mutambi wetenesi wemuZimbabwe, Benefict Badza, asimudzira makundano ake zvine mutsindo mushure mekurova Ahmed Mouhani wekuLibya 2-6, 6-2 (10-5)Asi Falix Tazvivinga arohwa 6-0, 6-1, naChristian Utopia weku Ivory Coast.Mukuru wekumahofisi eSports and Recreation Commission, Muzvare Elleta Nengomasha, vati vamwe vatambi vemuZimbabwe, Benjamin na Courtney Lock, vanga vasati vapinda munhandare.Pari zvino, Zimbabwe yatora menduru ina dzinoti yehoridhe, yesirivha nembiri dzebronze.('The FC Platinum team has taken the leadership of the highest football conference in the country, the Castle Lager Premier Soccer League where two games have been played since the start of this competition. The team has taken the leadership of this conference after visiting the Mhondoro-Ngezi countryside and beat Ngezi Platinum Stars 2-0 at the Baobab Stadium. The goals came from Wilfred Muvirimi. it gave Platinum the win and also the three points which helped them climb to the top of the table. FC Platinum now have six points from two games after beating Chegutu Pirates 1-0 last week. not all of us will be able to achieve it at the end of the season. Just hope that God will guide us and we will be happy at the end of the season, says Mapeza. FC Platinum's coach, Norman Mapeza. FC Platinum's victory also came at a time when another famous team, Caps United, beat Herentals 2-0 at Nyamhunga Stadium. The football coach, Mugove Makanyire, says FC Platinum or one of the famous teams will take the trophy." I suspect Ngezi Platinum Stars but FC Platinum are not sleeping. Ana Dynamos and Highlanders are the biggest teams and Caps United. So it's difficult, said Makanyire. Dynamos drew 2-2 with Hwange at Barbourfields Stadium after Dembare had taken a 2-0 lead. The match was delayed after the uniform of Dynamos' goalkeeper, Martin Mapisa, was the same as that of Hwange's players. Dynamos' goalkeeper, Martin MapisaSimba Bora , which has been leading the competition, has fallen down after a 1-1 draw with Greenfuel, Chicken Inn and a 0-0 draw with Arenel Movers. But Manica Diamonds has been beaten again, but now 3-1 by TelOne in Bata Stadium. This comes after Manica Diamonds week It ended with a 3-2 defeat at home by Simba Bora. The football analyst, Mr. Kelvin Mushonga, says it will be difficult for this gold team to be able to manage as a team as it has too many new players who will be bought along with the ones they had before. For them all to get used to playing, it will take some time, says Mushonga. The other matches tomorrow will be like this.. Bulawayo Chiefs v Highlanders - Barbourfields, Chegutu Pirates v ZPC Kariba - Baobab. On Wednesday next week, Yadah will head to the Lithium Stadium in Bikita to meet Bikita Minerals , which has just entered the PSL. Mrs. Elleta Nengomasha of the Sports and Recreation Commission Let's look at the African Games that are being held in Ghana; The Zimbabwean tennis player, Benefict Badza, has improved his results after beating Ahmed Mouhani of Libya 2-6, 6-2 (10-5) But Falix Tazvivinga was beaten 6-0, 6-1 by Christian Utopia from the Ivory Coast. The head of the Sports and Recreation Commission, Miss Elleta Nengomasha, said that other players from Zimbabwe, Benjamin and Courtney Lock, had not yet entered the stadium. Currently, Zimbabwe has won four medals. they are gold, silver and bronze.') |
Mwaka weNhabvu weMunyika Unotanga Ngezi Platinum Stars FC Ichimiswa neArenel Movers FC('National Football Season Begins With Platinum Stars FC Hosted by Arenel Movers FC') | | Makundano enhabvu yepamusoro eCastle Lager Premier Soccer League emwaka uno asimuka nhasi Ngezi Platinum Stars, iyo ine mukombe uyu, ichikundikana kutora mapoinzi ose.Makundano aya asimuka musi uyo chikwata chine mukombe uyu cheNgezi Platinum Stars chichiita mangange 0-0 neArenel Movers, iyo ichangopinda muPSL.Veruzhinji vanga vachitarisira kuti Ngezi ichaitirwa nyore nemutambo uyu yokunda, asi Arenel yaratidza kuti hakusisina zvikwata zvinonzi zvidiki.Mitambo yatanga zvinodakadza asi vamwe havana kufara, nezvabuda mumitambo iyi.Ngezi Platinum Stars ndiyo ine mukombe weCastle Lager Challenge CupChikwata cheCaps United charohwa 1 kwa zero neChicken Inn, kuchitiwoZPC Kariba ichiita mangange 2-2 nechimwe chikwata chitsva che TelOne, kuchitiwo Greenfuel ichirova Bulawayo Chiefs 2 – 1.Makundano aya ari kusimuka paine manyuku-nyuku ayo awedzerwa nekudzoka munyika kwemutambi ane mukurumbira Khama Billiart, uyo anga achimbotamba ari kuSouth Africa mumakore gumi adarika.Khama, uyo anga achidiwa nezvikwata zvinosanganisira Dynamos, Ngezi Platinum Stars neManica Diamonds, akazosarudza Yadah, iyo yakamukwezva nekumupa mari zhinji kudarika zvimwe zvikwata izvi.Murairidzi wemutambo wenhabvu, Mugove Makanyire, anoti kudzoka kwaKhama naKuda Mahachi muPSL kunobatsira kusimudzira nhabvu yemunyika.Yadah naBilliart vari kusimudzira makundano avo nemutambo wavo wekutanga neHwange mangwana muColliery, umo Chipangano isingawanzoroveka zvekutamba.Kunyange zvakadaro, Yadah haisi pazvikwata zviri kutarisirwa kurwira zvine mutsindo kutora mukombe mukuru wenhabvu munyika uyu.Zvimwe zvikwata zvanga zviri mubishiwo pamariketi kutenga vatambi vatsva zvichitungamirwa neSimba Bhora, iyo yakatenga vatambi gumi nevaviri, neCaps United, iyo yakaunganidza vatambi vatsva gumi.Asi mukuru weCaps United, VaFarai Jere, vayambira vatambi vakatengwa nechikwata chavo kuti vanofanira kuziva kuti kutambira Caps United zvinorevei?Asi nyaya iri pamiromo yevazhinji ndeyekuti achatora mukombe mukuru uyu ndiani?Mumwe muongorori wemutambo wenhabvu, VaKelvin Mushonga, vanoti mitambo iri kuratidza kuti inenge yakabaka moto mwaka uno, asi pakugumisira vanoti Dynamos ndiyo ichatora mukombe.Chikwata cheDynamos.Asi Dynamos ichange ichirwa hondo mbiri sezvo iri kukwikwidza zvekare mumakundano eCAF Confederation Cup mushure mekutora mukombe weChibuku Super Cup mwaka wapera.Ngezi Platinum Stars, iyo inove ndiyo yakatora mukombe weligi, ichange yakamirirawo nyika asi muCAF Champions League.Makanyire anofunga iye kuti Ngezi inogona kutora mukombe weligi zvekare, asi asingakanganwewo FC Platinum.Mimwe mitambo iriko neSvondo yakamira seizvi, Highlanders vs Dynamos - Barbourfields; Manica Diamonds vs Simba Bhora - Sakubva.('The Castle Lager Premier Soccer League for this season started today with Ngezi Platinum Stars, who owns the trophy, failing to take all the points. The public was hoping that Ngezi will have an easy time winning this game, but Arenel has shown that there are no more small teams. The games have started well but some were not happy with the results of these games. Ngezi Platinum Stars are the champions of the Castle Lager Challenge Cup. , while ZPC Kariba drew 2-2 with another new team TelOne, while Greenfuel beat Bulawayo Chiefs 2-1. These competitions are rising with excitement which has been increased by the return to the country of the famous player Khama Billiart, who has been playing in South Africa for the past ten years .Khama, who was wanted by teams including Dynamos, Ngezi Platinum Stars and Manica Diamonds, finally chose Yadah, which attracted him by giving him more money than the other teams. The coach of the football game, Mugove Makanyire, says that the return of Khama and Kuda Mahachi in the PSL will help promote national football. Yadah and Billiart are to promote their leagues with their first match against Hwange tomorrow in Colliery, where Chipangano does not often play. However, Yadah is not among the teams that are expected to fight effectively to win the biggest football championship in the country. Other teams were in the market to buy new players led by Simba Bora, which bought 10 players and two, with Caps United, which gathered 10 new players. But the head of Caps United, Mr. Farai Jere, has warned the players bought by his team that they should know what it means to play for Caps United? But the issue on many people's lips is who will take this big trophy? Mr. Kelvin Mushonga, says that the games are showing that they are on fire this season, but in the end, he says that Dynamos will win the cup. The Dynamos team. But Dynamos will be fighting two battles as they are competing again in the CAF Confederation Cup after winning the Chibuku Super Cup last season. Ngezi Platinum Stars, which won the league title, will also be representing the country but in the CAF Champions League. Makanyire thinks that Ngezi can win the league title again, but not forgetting FC Platinum. Other matches on Sunday are as follows, Highlanders vs Dynamos - Barbourfields; Manica Diamonds vs Simba Bola - Just off.') |
Gwenyambira Nyamasvisva weChikwata cheMawungira eNharira Ochemachema neKushomeka kweVanhu Vachiri Kufarira Musambo weMbira('Mbira player Nyamasvisva of Mawungira's Nharira Team lamenting the lack of people who are still interested in the sport of Mbira') | | Muchirongwa chedu chemagitare chesvondo rino taita rombo rakanaka rewana hurukuro nagwenyambira ane mukurumbira, Wilfred Tichaona MaAfrica, uyo anonyanyozivikanwa nerebasa rekuti Nyamasvisva.Nyamasvisva, uyo anotungamira pamwe nekuimba nechikwata cheMawungira eNharira, anoti ave nemakore akawanda ari mune zvekuimba nziyo dzepasi chigare izvi.Asi anoti zvinhu zvachinja kubva kumakare avaive nevakawanda vaitevera musambo wechinyakare uyu, izvo zvaanoti hakusisina mukore uno.('In our guitar program this week, we were lucky enough to have an interview with a famous musician, Wilfred Tichaona MaAfrica, who is best known by the name Nyamasvisva. Nyamasvisva, who leads and sings with the band Mawungira e Nharira, says he has been in the country music scene for many years. But he says things have changed. from the past there were many who followed this traditional style, which he says is no longer the case this year.') |
Chikwata Chichanomirira Nyika kuAll Africa Games kuGhana Chogadzirira kuSimuka('The team that will represent the country at the All Africa Games in Ghana is ready to take off') | | Chikwata cheZimbabwe chiri kunomirira nyika kumakundano eAll Africa Games chakawonekana neveruzhinji neChishanu manheru chamirira kusimuka chakananga kuAccra, Ghana, uko chiri kutarisira kunokohwa mamenduru akawanda.Chikwata ichi chakaitirwa mabiko nehurumende muHarare neChishanu chisati chasimuka nemusi weChitatu svondo rinouya.Vatambi nevarairidzi vakaunganidzwa ava vanosvika ivo makumi masere nevapfumbamwe.Makundano eAll Africa Games ari kutanga neChishanu 8 Kurume achipera musi wa 30 Kurume.Mutambi wechesi, Zhemba Jemuse, uyo ari pachinhanho chegumi nenhanhatu pasi rese, anoti ari kuona menduru yegoridhe chete mumasizo ake."Semakore ese, ndinozivakanwa nemagold medals. Ndodzoka negold medal," anodaro Jemusi.Ukuwo, mumhanyi wemijaho mipfupi, Bradley Makuvire, anoti haasi kuvimbisa zvakawandisa asi kufadza ruzhinji rweZimbabwe."Ndiri kutarisira kuwanika mufainari ye400 metre hurdles.Pamusoro pezvo ndiri kuda kubatsira kutora goridhe mu 400 takabatana," adaro Makuvire.Rugby ndemumwe wemitambo iri kuAll Africa Games.Asi mutambi wemutambo werugby,Carlos Matematema, anoti ari kufara nekusarudzwa kumiririra nyika achiti iye chinangwa chavo imenduru yegoridhe chete."Ndofunga tichadzoka nezvakakwana. Tashanda zvakanyanyisa zvinodagold," adaro Matematema.Zimbabwe iri kushandisa zvekare makundano eAll Africa Games aya kugadzirira makwikwi e Olympic Games ayo ari kuitirwa muParis, France, muna Chikumi wegore rino.Murairidzi wemutambo wejudo,Simbarashe Mashaya, anoti vatambi vake vari kugadzirira zvakasimba vari kunze kwenyika.Vachitaura pamabiko ekuonekana nevatambi aya, gurukota rezvemitambo, Muzvare Kirsty Coventry, vakati hurumende ndiyo iri kubata zvose kubva kumbatya dzemitambo kusvika pekugara.Makundano eAll Africa Games akamboitirwa muZimbabwe muna 1995 apo nhandare dzemunyika dzakange dzichiri dzakanaka, kwete zvadzaita pari zvino apo dzangoti ngondongondo nekusabatwa zvakanaka.Makundano aya anoitwa mushure memakore mana ega ega, uye akapedzisira kuitwa muna Nyamavhuvhu 2019 kuRabat kuMorocco, akazombosendekwa muna 2023 nekutyirwa kupararira kwechirwere che Covid 19.('The Zimbabwean team that is representing the country at the All Africa Games was seen by the public on Friday evening as it waits to leave for Accra, Ghana, where it is hoping to win many medals. The All Africa Games starts on Friday 8 March and ends on 30 March. The chess player, Zhemba Jemuse, who is ranked 16th in the world, says he only sees a gold medal in his eyes. medal," says Jemusi. On the other hand, the sprinter, Bradley Makuvire, says that he is not promising too much but to please the people of Zimbabwe. "I am hoping to be in the final of the 400 meter hurdles. On top of that, I want to help win the gold in the 400 together," said Makuvire .Rugby is one of the sports at the All Africa Games. But the rugby player, Carlos Matematema, says he is happy to be chosen to represent the country, saying that his only goal is a gold medal. "I think we will come back with enough. We have worked hard for gold, said Matematema. Zimbabwe is again using the All Africa Games to prepare for the Olympic Games which are being held in Paris, France, in June this year. The judo coach, Simbarashe Mashaya, says his players are preparing hard outside Speaking at the farewell party for these athletes, the sports minister, Miss Kirsty Coventry, said that the government is taking care of everything from sports clothes to accommodation. The All Africa Games were held in Zimbabwe in 1995 when the stadiums in the country were still in good shape, not what they are now when they are just empty and untouched This tournament is held every four years, and was last held in August 2019 in Rabat, Morocco, but was postponed to 2023 due to fears of the spread of the Covid 19 disease.') |
Vanorwara neChirwere cheShuga Vorangarirwa kuMasvingo Vachirapwa Pachena('People suffering from diabetes in Masvingo being treated in public') | | Vanorwara nechirwere cheshuga kuMasvingo vanoti vari kufara nerubatsiro rwavari kuwana kubva kusangano reSolidArmed, iroriri kubatsira vanhu mazana mapfumbamwe pachena.Sangano iri rinowana rutsigiro kubva kunyika yeSwitzerland uye iye zvino vanhu vari kubatsirwa paMasvingo Provincial Hospital, Mashoko Christian Hospital neNdanga District Hospital.Mumwe anoshanda nesangano iri,uye arizve nhengo yeNoncommunicable Diseases and Injuries Poverty Network, VaTinotenda Dzikiti, vari kukurudzira vane chirwere cheshuga nezvimwewo zvinoda rubatsiro kuti vaende kuzvipatara zvekuMasvingo.VaDzikiti vanoti vari kurarama nechirwere ichi pari zvino uye vari kushandisa ruzivo rwavo mukuyedza kudzidzisa vamwe, kunyanya vanoshaya, pamusoro pekukoshesa kuwongororwa chirwere ichi nekupanga kutora mishonga wekuti vararame zviri nani."Ini ndiri mumwe weavo vanotora mishonga yeshuga uye ndiri kushandisa ruzivo rwangu pasi pechirongwa cheVoice For Pen-Plus Advocate mukuyedza kuparadzira ruzivo urwu kune veruzhinji vari kutarisana nedenda nechirwere cheshuga, nyanya vasina mari yekuwongororwa kana kurapwa. Sangano randiri kushanda naro rinopa zvakare mishonga pasi pechirongwa chiri kuitwa kuMasvingo pari zvino," VaDzikiti vaudza Studio7.VaDzikiti vanoti pari zvino vakatobva kune mumwe musangano mukuru wange uchiitwa kuTanzania wanga uchizeya pamusoro pezve nzira itzva dzekurapa chirwere cheshuga.('People suffering from diabetes in Masvingo say they are happy with the help they are getting from the SolidArmed organization, which is helping 900 people for free. This organization receives support from the country of Switzerland and currently people are being helped at Masvingo Provincial Hospital, Mashoko Christian Hospital and Ndanga District Hospital. Someone who works with this organization, and who is also a member of the Noncommunicable Diseases and Injuries Poverty Network, Mr. Tinotenda Dzikiti, is encouraging people with diabetes etc. who need help to go to Masvingo hospitals. This is by planning to take medication to live better. I am one of those who take diabetes medication and I am using my knowledge under the Voice For Pen-Plus Advocate program in an effort to spread this information to the public who are facing the epidemic and diabetes, especially those who do not have the money for examination or treatment. The organization I am working with also provides medicines under the program currently being implemented in Masvingo," Mr. Dzikiti told Studio7. Mr. Dzikiti said that he had already come from a big meeting that was being held in Tanzania that was discussing about new ways to treat diabetes.') |
Hurumende Yotumira Chikwata kuHurungwe Kwafa Vana Makumi Matatu Nemashanu (35) neChirwere cheMahumunya neGwirikwiti('Government To Send Team To Hurunge Thirty Five (35) Children Died Of Measles And Mumps') | | Munyori mukuru mubazi rezvekuburitswa kwemashoko VaNick Mangwana vanoti chikwata cheCivil Protection Unit kana kuti CPU vari kuHurungwe, Mashonaland West kune vana makumi matatu nevashanu vafa nechirwere chemahumunya nechegwirikwiti.VaMagwanwa vakataura mashoko aya padandemutande reX, yaimbonzi Twitter. Vanotiwo vana ava vane vabereki vanopinda kereke dzisingabvumidze nhengo dzavo kubayiwa nhomba kana kuenda kuzvipatara.VaMangwana vanoti nyaya iyi yakazobuda mushure mekunge mumwe wechitendero ichi aendesa vana kuchipatara cheKaroi vakawanikwa vaine chirwere chegwirikwiti nemahumunya.Mugore ra 2022 vana vanodarika zana nemakumi mashanu vakafa nechirwere chegwirikwiti icho chakabata vamwe vanodarika mazana maviri.Asi mutauriri webazi rezvehutano VaDonald Mujiri vati vange vachangopinda muhofisi nekudaro vati tozovabata mangwana sezvo vange vasati vasumwa zvizere.Asi chiremba VaSimbiso Ranga vaudza Studio7 kuti chirwere chegwirikwiti chinogona kukundwa chete nekubaya vana nhomba.('The chief secretary in the information department, Mr Nick Mangwana, says that the Civil Protection Unit or CPU in Hurungwe, Mashonaland West has 35 children who have died of mumps and measles. They also say that these children have parents who attend churches that do not allow their members to be vaccinated or go to hospitals. Mr. Mangwana says that this issue came to light after a member of this religion took the children to the Karoi hospital and they were found to have measles and mumps. In the year 2022, more than 150 children died of measles which affected others. there are more than 200. But the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Donald Mujiri, said that they had just entered the office and therefore said that they would contact them tomorrow as they had not yet been fully introduced.') |
VOA Inoti Inomira neNyaya Yayo Pamusoro peBurkina Faso Apo Nyika Iyi Inombomisa Kushanda kweVOA neBBC/Africa('VOA Says It Backs Its Story About Burkina Faso When This Country Suspends VOA's Work With BBC/Africa') | | Burkina Faso yambomisa kutepfenyurwa kwezvirongwa zvenhepfenyuro dzeVoice of America neBBC/Africa munyika iyi zvichitevera kuburitswa kwenyaya dziri pamusoro pegwaro reHuman Rights Watch iro riri kupomera mauto ehurumende yeBurkina Faso mhosva dzekutyora kodzero dzevanhuwo zvavo munyika iyi.Kanzuru yepamusorosoro inoona nezvekufambiswa kwemashoko, yeSuperior Council of Communication, nemusi weChina yakamisa kuburitswa zvakare kwenyaya idzi uye zvirongwa zvenhepfenyuro dzekunze idzi kwemasvondo maviri.Mukana wekupinda pamadandemutande eBBC, VOA neHuman Rights Watch wakabva wavharwawo mukati meBurkona Faso.Mukutepfenyura kwayo nyaya yegwaro reHuman Rights Watch, VOA yakaedza kunzwa mativi evakuru vakuru veBurkina Faso vakawanda asi haina kuwana mhinduro.VOA inomira nenyaya yayo yayakaburitsa pamusoro peBurkina Faso uye inotarisira kuramba ichienderera mberi kuburitsa zvinenge zvichiitika munyika iyi zvizere zvisina kwayakarerekera.Burkina Faso, iyo iri kutongwa nemauto, mumwedzi ichangodarika yakamisa kushanda mamwe masangano enhau anobva kumawirira, kusanganisira nhepfenyuro dzeterevhizheni dzekuFrance dzinoti LCI neFrance24; nhepfenyuro dzerhedhiyo dzinoti Radio France Internationale, nemapepanhau anoti Le Monde ne Jeune Afrique.Burkina Faso ndeimwe yenyika dzekumawirira kweAfrica dzine chitsama dziri mudunhu re Sahel, kusanganisira Mali neNiger, dzanga dzichimisa kusimuka kwevanopfurikidza mwero vechi Islam.Mauto akabvuta masimba muna 2022, achipomera hurumende mhosva yekutadza kuparadza vechi Islam vakapandukira nyika iyi muna 2015('Burkina Faso has temporarily suspended the broadcasting of the Voice of America and BBC/Africa programs in the country following the publication of the articles on the Human Rights Watch document which accuses the government forces of Burkina Faso of violating the rights of civilians in the country. The Superior Council of Communication, on of China suspended the re-release of these stories and the programs of these foreign radio stations for two weeks. Access to the websites of the BBC, VOA and Human Rights Watch was also blocked inside Burkina Faso. In its broadcast of the Human Rights Watch report, VOA tried to hear the sides of many Burkina Faso officials but did not receive a response. .VOA stands by its story that it published about Burkina Faso and hopes to continue to publish what is happening in this country fully and impartially. Burkina Faso, which is ruled by the military, in recent months stopped working some media organizations from the country, including the French television stations LCI and France24; the radio station Radio France Internationale, and the newspapers Le Monde and Jeune Afrique. Burkina Faso is one of several countries in the Sahel region, including Mali and Niger, that have been stopping the rise of Islamic extremists. The military seized power in 2022, accusing the government of failing to destroy the Islamists who rebelled against this country in 2015') |
Vakaremara Votambira neMufaro Kusarudzwa kweAnovamiririra KuAfrican Union('People with disabilities welcome the election of their representative to the African Union') | | Vanomirira vakaremara musangano reAfrican Union (AU) kana kuti Disability Ambasador, VaNyasha Nhau, vanoti kuumbwa kwechigaro chemumiriri wevakaremera muAU pamwe nekudomwa kwavo semumuriri wevanhu ava kwave kubatsira zvikuru mukugadzirisa matambudziko avo sezvo hurumende dzemuAfrica dzave kutesrera mazano anobva kwavari.VaNhau vanoti zvinhu zvashanduka zvakanyanyanya kubvira pavakadomwa saAfrican Union Disability Ambassador muna 2019.Vanoti kunyangwe hazvo zvirongwa zvavo zvakambovhiringidzw nedenda reCovid-19 pari zvino vari kuita zvirongwa zvakawanda zvekusimudzira vakaremera munyaya dzekodzero, mitambo, kusanduka kwemamiriro ekunze nezvimwe.Vanoti kunyange vari kufara kuti hurumende yeZimbabwe nedzimwe nyika dziri mugungano reAU dzave kuteverera mazano avo pachine zvakawanda zvinoda kuitwa zvakaita sekupa mari yekuti zvirongwa zvakaita seNational Disability Policy zvitevedzwe.Vanotiwo huwandu hwevamiriri vevakaremera hunofanira kuwedzerwa mudare reparamende makanzuru nemasangano akaita seSADC ne African Union.VaNhau varied pari zvino vari kunyora gwaro rine zvinhu zvese zvavanoda kuti zvigadziriswe iro vachatura kumusangano wevatungamiriri vemuAfrica.Mumwe anoita zvemitambo yakaita seWheel Chair Racing, Basketball neSitting Volley Ball kunyangwe akaremara, Moline Mjoni anoti kubvira kudomwa kwaVaNhau semumiriri vavo, vakaremera vave kupinzwa muzvirongwa zvakawandaAsi anotiwo pachine zvakwanda zvinoda kuti zviitwe nehurumende neAfrican Union.Mumwewo anotamba mitambo yakaita seWheel Chair Baseket Ball asi akaremarawo, Gladys Masembura, anoti anofara chose kuti AU ichishanda nehurumende yave kuvapinza muzvirongwa zvavaisiiwa kare zvakaita sekushanduka kwemamirire ekunze.Mukuru anoona nezvavakaremara mubazi revashandi nekugara zvakanaka kwevanhu, Doctor Christine Peta, vaudza Studio 7 kuti kuveko kwaVaNhau kuAU kwakakoshera nyika.Vanoshanda nesangano reCentre for Disability and Development VaMasimba Kuchera vanoti chingave chinhu chakanaka kana vatungamiriri vemuAfrica vakateerera mazano anobva kuvanomiririra kodzero dzevakaremara.Vanhu vakaremara munyika zvikamu gumi zvevanhu vose vat munyika. United Nations inotiwo muAfrica yese mune vanhu vanodarika mamiriyoni makumi masere, 80 million, vakaremara. Sangano iri rinotiwovakaremara vanokwanisa kurarama zvakanaka kana hurumende dzemuAfrica dzikazadzikisa zvisungo zvakaita seAfrican Protocol on Human and People’s Rights neUnited Convention on People with Diasbilities.('The representatives of the disabled at the African Union (AU) or Disability Ambassador, Mr. Nyasha Nhau, says that the creation of the position of the representative of the disabled in the AU and his nomination as a representative of these people has been very helpful in solving their problems as African governments are now listening to his advice. Mr. Nhau says that things have changed a lot since he was appointed. as the African Union Disability Ambassador in 2019. They say that although their plans have been interrupted by the Covid-19 epidemic, they are currently carrying out many programs to promote the disabled in matters of rights, sports, climate change etc. They say that they are happy that the government of Zimbabwe and other countries in the AU assembly are now following the advice There is still a lot to be done, such as providing funds for programs such as the National Disability Policy to be implemented. They also say that the number of representatives of the elders should be increased in the parliament, councils and organizations such as SADC and the African Union. .Someone plays sports such as Wheel Chair Racing, Basketball and Sitting Volley Ball even though he is disabled, Moline Mjoni says that since Mr. Nhau was appointed as his representative, overweight people have been included in many programs. , Gladys Masembura, says she is very happy that AU, working with the government, is now including them in projects they were left behind in the past, such as climate change. The head of the Department of Labor and Social Welfare, Doctor Christine Peta, told Studio 7 that Mr. Nhau's presence at AU is important for the country. He works with the Center for Disability and Development Mr. Masimba Kuchera says it would be a good thing if African leaders listen to the advice that comes from them to represent the rights of the disabled. Disabled people in the country make up 10 percent of the total population in the country. The United Nations also says that in all of Africa there are more than 80 million people with disabilities. This organization also says that disabled people can live well if African governments fulfill obligations such as the African Protocol on Human and People's Rights and the United Convention on People with Disabilities.') |
Mapurisa Onetsana neMagweta paNyaya yeKuuraya Vanofungidzirwa Kuti Imbavha('Police Clash with Lawyers in Case of Killing Suspected Thieves') | | Mapurisa anoti mumwe murume, Blessing Sumbani Sithole anofungidzirwa kuti aive pachikwata chembavha dzakaba kukambani yeQuest Financial Services kuBelgravia muHarare muna Kukadzi akapfurwa akafa ari mumaoko ematikitivha eCentral Intelligence Department kana kuti CID.Mumashoko padamdemutande reX, mapurisa azivisa nhasi kuti akauraya VaSithole vane makore makumi mana nemasere ekuberekwa kuSouthlea Park muHarare pedyo nerwizi Mukuvisi. VaSithole nevamwe vavo vange achipomerwa mhosva yekuba mari inosvika US$720,676.00, ZAR 10,500.00, ane Euro 120.00 uye pfuti yemhando ye7.65 mm CZ Vzor pistol nemalaptops matatu musi wa25 Kukadzi.Vamwe vange vasungwa asi Sithole ndiye ega ange asara akawanda kuChiredzi uko akazosungirwa. Mutauriri wemapurisa Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi vanoti pavaienda kunovaratidza pavainge vaviga imwe pfuti yavo, vakabva vayedza kuikoka nekuda kupfura matikitivha zvakapa kuti vabve vapfurwa nemapurisa nekumusana.('The police say that a man, Blessing Sumbani Sithole, who is believed to have been part of a group of thieves who stole from the Quest Financial Services company in Belgravia in Harare in February, was shot dead in the hands of detectives from the Central Intelligence Department or CID. at Southlea Park in Harare near the Mukuvisi river. Mr Sithole and his accomplices were accused of stealing US$720,676.00, ZAR 10,500.00, Euro 120.00 and a 7.65 mm CZ Vzor pistol and three laptops on February 25. Others had been arrested but Sithole was the only one left in Chiredzi where he was arrested. Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi says that when they went to show them where they had hidden one of their guns, they tried to call it and wanted to shoot at the detectives, which resulted in them being shot in the back by the police.') |
Studio 7 Yopemberera Makore Makumi Maviri neRimwe Kubva Zvayatanga Kutepfenyura('Studio 7 Celebrates 21 Years Since It Started Broadcasting') | | Pakaparurwa Studio 7 musi wa 7 Kubvumbi 2003, zvirongwa zvose zvaiitwa mumaminetsi makumi matatu, Shona yaiitwa mumaminetsi makumi maviri ukuwo Ndebele maminetsi gumi.Nhau dzinotepfenyurwa neStudio 7 idzi kubva zvayatanga kuenda pamhepo dzakakosha zvikuru kumhuri yeZimbabwe uye tinoda kutenda sangano reUSAID rakatsigira zvirongwa zvekutanga izvi.Zvirongwa zvekutanga zveShona zvaitepfenyurwa kuruzhinji namushakabvu Carol Gombakomba naChampion Chigwedu, nhau dzeNdebele dzaitepfenyurwa kuruzhinji naPraxedes Jeremiah, Chris Gande naNjabulo Ncube. Studio 7 kubva nguva iyi yakabva yatekeshera zvikuru muZimbabwe nedzimwe nyika.Nekuda kwekufarirwa kwenhau dzedu, zvirongwa zvakazowedzerwa nguva kuita maminetsi makumi matatatu muchirongwa chega chega dzichitepfenyurwa kwemazuva manomwe muShona neNdebele.Parizvino, Studio 7 ine vashamarari makumi maviri nerimwe muZimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa nevamwe gumi nevatatu vari muWashington DC, Studio 7 iri kuramba yakamira semusambangwena pakupa vanhu nhau dzisina divi radzakarerekera.MuWashington DC Praxedes Jeremiah ndiye anopepeta chirongwa cheNdebele ukuwo Blessing Zulu achipepeta chirongwa cheShona. Anotungamira zvirongwa zvose izvi ndiRay Choto.Patiri kupemberera makore makumi maviri nerimwe tichitepfura, tinoda kukutendai nekuramba muchititsigira. Tinoshuvira kuramba tichitepfenyura kwemakore akawanda tichikuzivisai zvinenge zvichiitika munyika nekunze.('When Studio 7 was launched on the 7th of April 2003, all the programs were done in 30 minutes, Shona was done in 20 minutes while Ndebele was done in 10 minutes. The news broadcast by Studio 7 since it started going on air is very important to the Zimbabwean family and we would like to thank the USAID organization that supported these programs. the first Shona news was broadcast to the public by the late Carol Gombakomba and Champion Chigwedu, Ndebele news was broadcast to the public by Praxedes Jeremiah, Chris Gande and Njabulo Ncube. Since then, Studio 7 has become very popular in Zimbabwe and other countries. Due to the popularity of our news, the program was extended to thirty minutes in each program and broadcast for seven days in Shona and Ndebele. Currently, Studio 7 has 21 broadcasters in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa and 10 others. with three in Washington DC, Studio 7 continues to stand as a leader in providing people with unbiased news. In Washington DC, Praxedes Jeremiah edits the Ndebele program while Blessing Zulu edits the Shona program. The director of all these programs is Ray Choto. As we celebrate 21 years of shooting, we want to thank you for your continued support. We wish to continue broadcasting for many years, informing you about what is happening in the country and abroad.') |
VaMthuli Ncube Voendeswa kuMatare Nekupa Mari Komisheni yeNPRC Yave Kushanda Zvisiri paMutemo('Mthuli Ncube will be taken to court for giving money to the NPRC Commission, which is working against the law') | | Vanorwira kodzero dzevanhu muzvare mestina mukoko vari kuronga kuendesa gurukota rezvemari muzvinafundo Nthuli ncube kumatare nekupa mari mubhajeti ravo kukomisheni yezverunyararo nekuregererana yeNational Peace and Reconciliation Commission kunyangwe pamutemo komisheni iyi yaifanira kuve isisashande musi wa 13 Nyamavhuvhu 2023.Mubumbiro remitemo, komisheni iyi yaifanira kushanda kwemakore gumi chete kubva muna 2013.Vamwe vari kuendeswa kumatare idare reParamende nemuchuchusi mukuru wehurumende amai Mirginia mabiza. Hatina kukwanisa kubata VaNcube sezvo nharembozha yavo yange isiri kudairwa.Tatumirawo mibvunzo kuna amai Mabiza uye mutauriri weNPRC asi haina kupindurwa pataende pamhepo.Asu mutungamiri webato rinopikisa reNCA, vari nyanzvi munyaya dzebumbiro remitemo Muzvinafundo Lovemore Madhuku avo vati vanopikisana nekuendesa VaNcube kudare."Nyaya iyi handiwone ichienderera mberi uye ndinopikisa danho ratorwa rekuendesa gurukota wezve mari VaMthuli Ncube kumatare nekuti semawonero angu vari kuita basa ravo zviri pasi pemutemo," VaMadhuku vaudza Studio7. Vati VaNcube chavo kupa mati mubjajeti kwete Mugadza makomishina.Studio7 yabatwo rimwe gweta rinorwira kodzero dzevanhu VaPaidamoyo Saurombe avo vati vanowiririna nedanho ratorwa naMuzvare Mukoko nekuti nyaya dzakadayi dzinofanirwa kukwidzwa kumatare kuitira kuti dzizeyowe kana paine zvinoda kugadziriswa zvogadziriswa.('Human rights activists in Ms. Mestina Mukoko are planning to take the Minister of Finance, Professor Nthuli Ncube to court for donating money from their budget to the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission even though legally this commission should have ceased to function on August 13, 2023. In the constitution, this commission should have worked for only 10 years from 2013. Others are being taken to court by the Parliament and the chief public prosecutor, Mirginia Mabiza. We have not been able to contact Mr. Ncube as his phone was not being answered. We have also sent questions to Mabiza and the spokesperson of the NPRC but they were not answered when we went online. Asu is the leader of the opposition party NCA, who is an expert in constitutional matters Professor Lovemore Madhuku who said he is against taking Mr. Ncube to court. I don't see it continuing and I oppose the decision taken to take the Minister of Finance Mr. Mthuli Ncube to court because in my opinion he is doing his job under the law, Mr. Madhuku told Studio7. He said Mr. Ncube is responsible for giving the budget and not Mugadza for appointing commissioners. Studio 7, another lawyer who fights for human rights, Mr. Paidamoyo Saurombe, who said that he agrees with the decision taken by Mrs. Mukoko because such cases should be brought to the courts so that they can review if there is anything that needs to be resolved and resolved.') |
PaEaster Sunday: Pope Vokurudzira Runyararo muGaza('On Easter Sunday: Pope Calls for Peace in Gaza') | | Pope Francis nhasi vatungamira zuva rekumuka kubva muvakafa kana kuti Easter Mass pamberi pezviuru zvevanhu zvakawanda paSaint Peter’s Square kuVatican.RELIGION-EASTER/POPEVakurudzira kuti hondo imbomiswa kuti pave nerunyararo pakati peIsrael nechikwata cheHamas.Pope vaita izvi kunyangwe vatendi vakawanda vasina kugadzikana muhana nekuda kwehurwere hwavo.Vasvika pagungano iri vakagara pawhealchair. Zuva reEaster Sunday rakakosha kune vatendi veRoman Catholic vanodarika bhiriyoni imwe chete kana kuti 1,3 billion pasi rose.POPE-HEALTH/Vatendi vemamwe makereke vanokoshesawo zuva iri zvakanyanya.Reverend Oliver Mandisodza mutungamiri weMen of Valour, Purpose and Vision Trust Globla Network vaudzawo Studio 7 kuti zuva ranhasi rinovarangaridza kuti kufa handiko kuguma kwemutendi asi anozomuka kubva muvakafa achikunda rufu zvakaita Jesu.('Pope Francis today led the Easter Mass in front of thousands of people at Saint Peter's Square in the Vatican. RELIGION-EASTER/POPE He called for a temporary cessation of hostilities so that there could be peace between Israel and the Hamas group. The Pope did this even though many believers were not stable because of their illness. They arrived at the assembly sitting in a wheelchair. Easter Sunday is important for Roman Catholic believers, who are more than one billion or 1.3 billion in the world. POPE-HEALTH/Believers of other churches also value this day very much. Reverend Oliver Mandisodza, leader of Men of Valour, Purpose and Vision Trust Globla Network also told Studio 7 that today reminds them that death is not the end of the believer but that he will rise from the dead and conquer death like Jesus.') |
Sangano rePassenger Association Of Zimbabwe Rokurudzira Vatyairi Kuti Vasamhanye muMigwagwa muNguva Ino yeZororo reEaster('The Passenger Association Of Zimbabwe Urges Motorists To Avoid The Roads During The Easter Holidays') | | Mutungamiri wesangano rePassenger Association Of Zimbabwe, VaTafadzwa George Goliati, vari kukurudzira vatyairi vedzimotokari nemabhazi zvinotakura veruzhinji kuti vasamhanye kana kunwa zvinodhaka vari pabasa kuitira kuti vachengetedze hupenyu hwevafambi panguva ino yezororo reEaster.VaGoliati vakurudzirawo veruzhinji kuti vamhan’gare kumapurisa kana vawona kuti vatyairi havasi kutevedzera mitemo yemumigwagwa.Mumashoko avo kune veruzhinji panguva ino yezororo reEaster avaburitsa padandemutande re“X” iro raimbonzi Twitter, mukuru wemapurisa munyika, VaGodwin Matanga, vazivisa kuti vachange vachiwedzera huwandu hwemapurisa nguva ino kuitira kudzivirira kuparwa kwedzimhosva pamwe kudzivirira tsaona dzemumigwagwa."Tiri kukurudzira veruzhinji kuti vasakwire mota kana mabhazi anomhanya uye kuti kana izvi zvaitika vabate sangano redu kuti tikwidze nyaya dzkadayi kumapurisa kuitira kuti hupenyu zvevanhu huchengeteke kana vachifamba," VaGoliati vaudza Studio7 .Izvi zviri kuuyawo panguva iyo vatendi makumi mana nevashanu (45) vakashaya mutsaona yemumugwagwa yakaitika nemusi weChina kuSouth Africa mushure mekunge bhazi ravaive rabheuka nekubatira moto.Zvinonzi mwana ane makore masere ndiye chete munhu akapona mutsaona iyi.Vatendi ava vaibva kuGaberone, kuBotswana vachienda kugungano ravo ku St. Engenas Zion Christian Church kuMoria pedyo nePolokwane.('The president of the Passenger Association of Zimbabwe, Mr. Tafadzwa George Goliati, is encouraging drivers of cars and buses that transport the public not to speed or drink drugs while on the job in order to protect the lives of passengers during the Easter holidays. In his message to the public during the Easter holidays, which he published on the X website, which used to be called Twitter, the head of police in the country, Mr. Godwin Matanga, has announced that he will be increasing the number of police this time in order to prevent crime and prevent road accidents. We are encouraging the public to They should not ride cars or fast buses and that when this happens they should contact our organization to report such cases to the police so that people's lives are safe when they travel, Mr. Goliati told Studio7. This is also coming at a time when 45 (45) believers died in a road accident on Thursday in South Africa after their bus overturned and caught fire. It is said that an 8-year-old child was the only person who survived the accident. The believers were coming from Gaberone, Botswana on their way to their assembly in St. Engenas Zion Christian Church in Moria near Polokwane.') |
Mudzimai weKuendesa Mamwe Madzimai muHunhapwa kuOman Okandwa Mujeri kweMakore Makumi Matatu('Woman Who Sent Other Women into Slavery to Oman Jailed for 30 Years') | | Mumwe mudzimai ane makore makumi mana nemaviri Caroline Zinyanga akatongerwa kugara mujeri kwemakore makumi matanhatu mushure mekubatwa nemhosva yekuendesa mamwe madzimai mapfumbamwe kuDubai uko vaibatwa senhapwa kana kuti human trafficking.Bepanhau reHerald rinoti mudzimai uyu ainyepera vanhu kuti aibatsvagira mabasa kuDubai.Gore rega rega bazi rinoona nezvekudzyidzana nedzimwe nyika muAmerica restate Department rinoburitsa gwaro rinotarisa nyaya dzekubatwa kwevanhu senhapwa rinonzi Trafficking in Person Report uye rinoti Zimbabwe imwe nyika ine dambudziko mukugadzirisa nyaya iyi.Madzimai, vanasikana nevakomana vemunyika vanonzi vanomanikidzwa nekuda kwehurombo kugumisira vanyegetedzwa kuenda kunze vozonobatwa senhapwa kunyika dzakaita seIraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Oman, Saud Arabia neChina.Iyo Zimbabwe inonzi yave kushandiswawo nevamwe kuendesa vanobva kuSomalia, Ethiopia neMalawi kuSouth Africa uko vanopedzisira vobatwa senhapwa.Vachitaura pakuparurwa kwegwaro rekurwisa dambudziko iri gore rapera, mutevedzeri wemutungamiri wenyika VaConstantino Chiwenga vakati hurumende yakazvipira kurwisa dambudziko iri nekuranga zvakasimba vanopara mhosva dzakadai.Mukuru weZimbabwe Human Rights VaDzikamai Bere vaudza Studio 7 kuti Zimbabwe yadzika mimwe mitemo yekurwisa dambudziko iri asi nyaya yekusamira zvakanaka kwehupfumi nematongerwo enyika iri kupa kuti hupfumi hugwadame vanhu vachiita huori nekuyedza kutiza munyika zvinozopa kuti vagume vave mukanwa mamupere.('A 42-year-old woman, Caroline Zinyanga, was sentenced to 60 years in prison after being found guilty of taking nine other women to Dubai where they were treated as slaves or human trafficking. The Herald newspaper says that this woman lied to people that she was looking for jobs in Dubai. The United States State Department publishes a document that looks at cases of people being held as slaves called Trafficking in Person Report and says that Zimbabwe is another country that has a problem in solving this issue. Women, girls and boys from the country are said to be forced because of poverty to end up being forced to go abroad and then be held as slaves in countries like Iraq, Kenya, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and China. It is said that Zimbabwe is also being used by others to take people from Somalia, Ethiopia and Malawi to South Africa where they end up being treated as slaves. Speaking at the launch of the policy to combat this problem last year, the country's vice president Mr. Constantino Chiwenga said that the government is committed to combating this problem by severely punishing those who commit such crimes The head of Zimbabwe Human Rights Mr. Dzikamai Bere told Studio 7 that Zimbabwe has put in place some laws to combat this problem but the issue of poor economic and political stability is causing the economy to collapse and people doing corruption and trying to flee the country will end up in the mouth of wolves.') |
Hurwere Hwotadzisa Pope Francis Kuita Zvimwe Zvirongwa ZveZuva reMuchingwi Kana Kuti Palm Sunday('Illness Prevents Pope Francis From Making Other Plans For Palm Sunday') | | Pope Francis avo vasiri kunzwa zvakanaka vanonzi havana kuzotungamira munamato pazuva remuchingwi kana kuti Palm Sunday nhasi past Peter’s Square kumuzinda wavo weVatican nhasi sezvange zvakatariasirwa.KenyaPope vave nemakore makumi masere nemanomwe vanonzi havasi kunzwa zvakanaka sezvo vasiri kufema nekuda kwechikosoro zvakanaka uye makumbo avo achinzi ari kuvadzimba zvakanyanya.Muzinda weVatican unoti vanhu zviuru makumi maviri nemashanu vaungana pamunamato uyu.Pope Francis vanonzi vari kuda kuzorora sezvo svondo rino v ari kutarisirwa kuita basa rakawanda kusanganisira kuenda kumajeri kuRome nemusi weChina kunogeza tsoka dzevasungwa vechidzimai nemusi weChishanu vachatungamira hurongwa hwekucherechedza rwendo rwaJesu kuenda kumuchinjikwa kana kuti Way to the Cross kuRome.Zvitendero zvakawanda zvechiKristu zviri kucherechedzawo zuva rePalm Sunday iri.Reverend Kenneth Mtata vanoshanda kuWprld Council of Churches vati svondo rino rakakosha zvikuru muchitendero chechiKristu sezvo chichirangaridza vanhu nezvekufa nekumuka kwaMammbo Jesu kubva mune vakafa.('Pope Francis, who is not feeling well, is said to have not led the prayer on the day of Palm Sunday past Peter's Square at his Vatican residence today as expected. The Kenyan Pope is 87 years old and is said to be not feeling well as he is not breathing well due to a cough and his legs are said to be very weak. The Vatican says that 25,000 people have gathered for this prayer. Pope Francis is said to want to rest as this week he is expected to do a lot of work including going to prisons in Rome on Thursday to wash the feet of female prisoners and on Friday he will lead the process of observing Jesus' journey to the cross or the Way to the Cross in Rome. Many Christian religions are also observing this Palm Sunday. Reverend Kenneth Mtata who works at the World Council of Churches said that this week is very important in the Christian religion as it reminds people of the death and resurrection of Jesus from the dead.') |
Madzimambo Oyambirwa Kuti Asatendere Wanano yeVasati Vabvazera.('Chiefs Are Warned Not To Allow Marriage Of Minors.') | | Madzimambo emunyika apiwa yambiro yekuti asabvumidza kuroorwa kanakuroodzwa kwevana vasati vabva zera sezvo izvi zviri kunze kwemitemo yenyika, uye zvichidzorera kumashure donzvo rekuchengetedza vana zvakanaka. Ukuwo, mamwe madzimambo anotiwo zvimwe zviri mumutemo wakavandudzwa weMarriages Act hazvienderani netsika dzechivanhu uye zvinobvisa chiremera chemadzishe. Kudzanai Musengi anotipa nyaya inotevera.Yambiro iyi yabuda pamusangano wemazuva maviri watanga nhasi muBulawayo wekudzidzisa madzishe emunyika pamusoro pezviri mumitemo yenyika yewanano neyekugara nhaka.Pasi pemutemo wakavandudzwa wewanano, madzimambo ave kubvumidzwa kupa magwaro ewanano pasi pewanano yekuroora kana kuroorwa mutsika dzechivanhu, kana kuti Customary Marriage muChirungu.Mutevedzeri wasachigaro weLaw Development Commission, VaRex Shana, vaudza gungano iri kuti zvimwe zvezvakakosha ndezvekuti madzimambo anokwanisa kuroodzanisa vanhu kana chete agutsikana kuti vaviri ava vanenge vasiri pasi pemakore gumi nemasere, kuti hapana mumwe wavo anotori mune imwe wanano uyewo kuti havafanirwe kuve nehukama hwepedyo.Vatsinhira kuti imhosva pasi pemitemo yenyika kuti madzimambo abvumidze wanano yevanhu vanenge vasati vabve zera vari pasi pemakore gumi nemasere.Amai Vimbai Nyemba, munyori mubazi rezvemitemo, vati bazi ravo riri kuita chirongwa ichi zvichitevera danho rakatorwa rekuti madzimambo akwanise kuitisa wanano kumamisha. Amai Nyemba vati, “Madzishe ndivo vachengetedzi vetsika nemagariro edu saka vave kukwanisa kupa magwaro ewanano kumamisha; vanhu vose vanenge vakagarisana kumamisha pabadharwa roora nezvakadaro, icustomary marraiage saka madzimambo ave kubvumidzwa pamutemo kuti ape macertificate."Vaenderera mberi vachiti, "Izvi hazvina kufanana nemuchato wekuchurch kana kwaMagistarte asi kuti madzimambo anobvumidzwa kuita izvi pawanano inoitwa netsika dzechivanhu. Hurumende ine donzvo rekuti vanhu vose munyika vakwanise kuwana zvose zvine chekuita nemitemo pedyo nekwavanogara, ndiko kusaka hurumende yakatora danho iri.”Murwiri wekodzero dzevanasikana nevanhukadzi Kuda Kunze ano mukuru mukuru wesangano reWomen’s Association of Survivors, ati anofara kuti mitemo yenyika yanyatsojeka kuti vana vari pasi pemakore gumi nemasere havafanirwe kuroorwa kana kuroodzwa. Ati, “Izvi zvichabatsira kuti nyaya dzema child marriages dziderere nekuti kumamisha ndiko kune nyaya dzakawanda zdekuti vanasikana vanoroodzwa vasati vabva zera, kana kuti vari below 18. " Atiwo, "Ndinofara zvikuru kuti madzishe edu ari kuwana dzidziso iyi ine chekuita nemitemo yewanano nenhaka nekuti ndivo vanogara neveruzhinji. Izvi zvichabatsirawo zvikuru kuti kumbunyikidzwa kwevanhukadzi vanenge vafirwa nevarume vasawanikwa vachidzingwa pamisha yavo kana kutorerwa pfuma nezvimwe zvakadaro.”Asi madzimambo ane chitsama ashora zvimwe zvezvinotarisirwa pasi pekuvapa masimba ekuti vaitise wanano kusanganisira kuti hazvina kukosha kuti vaviri vanenge vachida kuwanana vaunze vabereki vavo pamberi pedare, asi kuti vangounza chete vafakazi vavo avo vanogona kuve hama kana shamwari.Ishe Chikwaka ndemumwe weavo vashora izvi vachiti zviri mumutemo hazvizi izvo zvakabvumwa nemadzimambo. Ishe ava vati, “Panoroodzwa patsika yechivanhu ndibaba vanoreva pfuma yavo kune ari kuroora, mwana wavo achitotanga abvuma kune madzitete kuti ‘hongu munhu uyu ndinomuziva uye ndinoda kuti andiroore."Vaenderera mberi vachiti, "Naizvozvo isu takati ivavo ndivo vanofanirwa kuuya kudare pawanano yakadai kunze kwekuti kana baba namai vakafa ndipo pangazonzi dzimwe hama dzerudzi rwake. Zvino kana mutemo wacho wave kuti chero munhu zvake anogona kupa huchapupu pawanano yakadai hatichaziva kuti zviri kubva kupi.”Mamwe madzimambo atiwo mutemo uyu hauenderani netsika dzechivanhu.Mambo Mutasa vati zvakakosha kuti madzimambo asangomirirwa muSenate chete asi vavewo mudare reHouse of Assembly, umo vati ndimo munogadzirwa mitemo. Mambo Mutasa vati, “Ngatirwise kuti tiwane madzimambo anopinda mudare rehouse of Assembly nekuti ndiko kunogadzirwa mitemo."Vatiwo, "Uku kuSenate kwatiri ndekwekungoisa zvidhindo pamitemo inenge yagadzirwa kare sezvatiri kuona nezvimwe zvezviri mumutemo weMarriages Act uyu. Zvakawanda hatina kubvimirana nazvo asi hazvichabatsiri kuti tizvirambe nhasi nekuti mutemo wacho watovepo. Chatingaita kuti tikurudzire kuti zvatisiri kuwirirana nazvo zvibviswe.”Pamubvunzo wabvunzwa nevamwe wekuti mutemo weMarriages Act uyu haujekesi kuti munhurume haakwanisi kuwanana nemumwe munhurume kana kuti munhukadzi haakwanisi kuwanana nemumwe munhukadzi, VaShana vati bumbiro remitemo wenyika rinobudisa pachena kuti izvi hazvizi pamutemo.Amai Nyemba vati vanonzwisisa kugunun’una kwemadzimambo pane zvimwe zvavanonzi vanokodzera kuita nezvimwe zvavasingakwanise kuita pasi pemutemo weMarriages Act asi vati izvi zvinogona kuzogadziridzwa muparamende vachiti chinhanho chavepo ndechekuti madzimambo azive kuti anoshanda sei panyaya yewanano pasi pemutemo uyu.Mutemo wewanano wakavandudzwa muna 2022 asi wakambotora nguva uchizeyewa vamwe vachiti waive nezvakawanda zvisingaenderani netsika dzechivanhu.('The kings of the country have been warned not to allow the marriage or marriage of children before they are of age as this is outside the laws of the country, and it sets back the goal of protecting children well. On the other hand, some kings also say that some of the provisions of the amended Marriages Act are not in line with traditional customs and remove the authority of the chiefs. Kudzanai Musengi gives us the following story. This warning came out of a two-day meeting that started today in Bulawayo to educate country chiefs about the content of the country's laws on marriage and inheritance. Under the revised marriage law, kings are now allowed to issue marriage certificates under customary marriage, or Customary Marriage in English The deputy chairman of the Law Development Commission, Mr. Rex Shana, told the assembly that some of the important things are that kings can marry people only if they are satisfied that the couple is not under the age of 18, that none of them take part in another marriage and that they should not have intimate relationships. that it is a crime under the laws of the country for kings to allow the marriage of people who are under the age of 18. Mrs. Vimbai Nyemba, a secretary in the Ministry of Law, said that her department is implementing this project following the decision taken so that kings can conduct marriages in villages. Mrs. Nyemba said, The chiefs are the custodians of our culture and society, so they are now able to issue marriage certificates to villages; All people who live together in villages when dowry is paid and such, is a customary marriage, so kings are now legally allowed to give certificates."He went on to say, "This is not the same as a church wedding or a Magistrate's wedding, but kings are allowed to do this in a marriage that is done according to traditional customs. The government's aim is for all people in the country to be able to access everything related to the law close to where they live, that is why the government took this step. The activist for the rights of girls and women, Kuda Kunze, who is the head of the Women's Association of Survivors, said that he is happy that the laws of the country are clear that children under the age of 18 must not be married or betrothed. He said, This will help to reduce the number of child marriages because in the villages there are many cases of girls being married before they reach the age of 18. He also said, I am very happy that our chiefs are getting this education related to marriage and inheritance laws because they live with the public. This will also help a lot to ensure that women who have lost their husbands are not found to be evicted from their homes or property confiscated and so on. they have only brought their witnesses who can be relatives or friends. Lord Chikwaka is one of those who have criticized this saying that what is in the law is not what the kings have agreed to. The Lord said, When it is customary to get married, it is the father who gives his wealth to the one who is getting married, while his son first admits to the aunts that 'yes, I know this person and I want him to marry me."He went on to say, "That is why we said that they are the ones who should come to the court for such a marriage except that if the father and mother are dead then other relatives of his tribe will be called. Now if the law is that anyone can testify to such a marriage, we will no longer know where it is coming from. Some kings have also said that this law is not in line with traditional customs. King Mutasa said it is important that kings are not only represented in the Senate but also in the House of Assembly, where they are made. rules. King Mutasa said, Let's fight to get kings who enter the House of Assembly because that's where laws are made. We did not agree with a lot of it, but it is no longer useful to deny it today because the law is already in place. What we can do is encourage that what we do not agree with be removed. When asked by some that the Marriages Act does not make it clear that a man cannot marry another man or a woman cannot marry another woman, Mr. Shana said that the constitution of the country makes it clear that this is illegal. Mrs. Nyemba said that she understands the problem. For the kings, there are certain things that they are entitled to do and others that they cannot do under the Marriages Act, but they said that this could be amended in parliament, saying that the current stage is for the kings to know how they work in the matter of marriage under this law. and traditional customs.') |
Zvimwe Zvizvarwa zveZimbabwe Zviri muNzvimbo yeWellington muCape Town, South Africa, Zvotarisana neMhirizhonga('Some Zimbabweans in the Wellington Region of Cape Town, South Africa, Face Violence') | | Mutungamiri werimwe sangano rinorwira kodzero dzevabvakure vari muSouth Africa, rePeople’s General Foundation, VaShelton Chiyangwa, vanoti vari mushishi rekuunganidza rubatsiro rwechikafu nezvekupfeka zvekubatsira zviuru zvezvizvarwa zveZimbabwe zvakadzingwa mudzimba dzazvo munzvimbo yeNew Rest kuWellington muCape Town, mushure memhirizhonga yakaitika pakati pesvondo rino.Mhirizhonga iyi inonzi yakatanga mushure mekuuraiwa kwechimwe chizvarwa chenyika iyi nevanofungidzirwa kuti vanobva kuZimbabwe, zvakaita kuti vagari venzvimbo iyi vadzinge zvizvarwa zveZimbabwe zvinosvika kana kudarika zviuru zvitatu nemazana mashanu, kana kuti 3 500, izvo zvakazonopotera kukamba yemapurisa pachiitwa nhaurirano dzekuunza runyararo.Studio7 haina kukwanisa kubata mapurisa emunharaunda iyi kuti tinzwe divi ravo sezvo nhare dzavo dzange dzisingadairwe."Parizvino panenhaurirano dziri kuitwa dzekuyedza kuyaaanisa vagari vemunzvimbo iyi nezvizvarwa zveZimbabwe kuti avo vakadzingwa vadzokere kumisha dzavo," VaChiyangwa vaudza Studio7."Tiri kuita zvese zvatinokwanisa tichishanda nemamwe masangano ari muCapeTown kuitira kuti vese vakatarisana nedambudziko iri vawane zvekudya nezvekupfeka."Zvizvarwa zveZimbabwe zviri muSouth Africa zviri kuita zvese zvavanokwanisa kuitira kuti tibatanidze rubatsiro rwunemutsindo," VaChiyangwa vaenderera mberi.('The president of an organization that fights for the rights of immigrants in South Africa, the People's General Foundation, Mr. Shelton Chiyangwa, says that he is in the process of collecting aid for food and clothing to help thousands of Zimbabweans who were evicted from their homes in the New Rest area of Wellington in Cape Town, after the violence that occurred in the middle of this week. The violence is said to have started after the killing of a native of this country by those suspected to be from Zimbabwe, caused the residents of the area to expel up to 3,500 or more Zimbabweans, or 3,500, who fled to the police station while negotiations were being held to bring peace. Studio7 was unable to contact the local police to find out Currently there are discussions being held to try to unite the residents of this area with Zimbabweans so that those who have been evicted can return to their homes, Mr Chiyangwa told Studio7. Zimbabwe nationals in South Africa are doing everything they can to provide effective aid, Mr. Chiyangwa continued.') |
Zimbabwe Inobatana neDzimwe Nyika muKucherechedza Zuva reMadzimai('Zimbabwe Joins Other Countries in Observing Women's Day') | | Hurumende inoti yakazvipira kusimudzira madzimai munyika, ukuwo madzimai achiti kunyange hazvo bumbiro remitemo yenyika richisimudzira kodzero dzemadzimai, kusazadzikiswa kwaro kuri kudzorera shure zvakawanda zvinosanganisira kuenzaniswa kwemikana pakati pevanhurume nevanhukadzi.Vachitaura nhasi pamhemberero dzekucherechedza zuva remadzimai pasi rose, kana kuti International Women’s Day dzaitirwa kuChitora kuShurugwi mudunhu reMidlands, gurukota rinoona nezvemadzimai, Amai Monica Mutsvangwa vati hurumende iri kukoshesa zvakanyanya kusimudzirwa kwevanhukadzi.“Kana kuri kune zvekurima tiri kutarisa kuti madzimai edu ari kupiwa zvakakwana sePfumvudza. Kana kuri kune zvekuchera totarisa kuti madzimai edu ari kupiwa here kwekuchera nekuwaniswa kushanda zvakasununguka,” vadaro Amai Mutsvangwa.Amai Mutsvangwa vati chiri kudzosera madzimai kumashure zvakanyanya inyaya yemhirizhonga ine chekuita nekuti uri munhukadzi kana munhurume here?Vati bazi ravo riri kutora matanho ekupedza dambudziko iri akaita sekuwanisa madzimai anenge asangana nemhirizhonga rubatsiro rwakazara, vachiti nyika haigoni kuzadzisa chiga cheVision 2030 pasina madzimai.Amai Mutsvangwa vati , “Haungakwanisi kusiya zvikamu makumi mashanu nezviviri zvevanhu varimunyika kumashure wotarisira kuzadzisa vision 2030.”Gurukota rezvemadzimai, Amai Monica Mutsvangwa.Asi Amai Memory Mvura, vanove mugari wemuHarare, vati zvisineyi nemhemberero idzi gore negore, kodzero dzemadzimai hadzisi kusimudzirwa munyika.“Madzimai hatisati tapiwa masimba. Hatisati tave tinezvinhu zvinganzi tasimudzirwa. Ukatotarisa zvehupfumi zvinhu hazvina kumira zvakanaka.”Mumwe mudzimai angoda kuzivikanwa nekunzi MaMoyo, atiwo zuva ranhasi kwaari nderekuti madzimai aungane achichema nhamo dzavo sezvo madzimai asina hupfumi kana masimba munyika.Mamoyo ati, “Kurema kwakaita hupfumi munyika ari kuomerwa mukadzi baba vanogona kutiza vakaremerwa. Madzimai havako kunezvehupfumi chero kuzvicherwa.”Amai Otilia Chikandira, avo vanoraramawo nekutengesa mumigwagwa, vatiwo madzimai munyika ari kunhonga svosve nemuromo sezvo ari kushungurudzwa pose paanotsvaka kuraramisa mhuri.Amai Chikandira vati, “Tino mhanyiswa nemapurisa hatina kana nguva yekutengesa apa ndipo patinoraramira saka kana tichivhiringidzwa kudai tinenge tichitotyorerwa kodzero.”Madzimai akawanda anonzi ari kurarama nekutengesa.Mumwe mutori wenhau wechidzimai, Veneranda Langa, atiwo kushaikwa kwemunhukadzi muhutungamiriri hwenyika mucherechedzo wekuti Zimbabwe ichiri shure mukusimudzira madzimai pamwe nekuenzanisa mikana.Langa ati, “Kuhutungamiriri hwenyika hakuna kana munhukadzi. Kana madzimai akawana zvigaro kumapazi akakosha munyika sebazi remari tinoona sekuti hupenyu hwavo hungasimudzirwe nekuti mapazi awa ndiwo anoronga zvehupfumi."Zuva remadzimai rinocherechedzwa musi wa8 Kurume gore rega rega pasi rose senzira yekupemberera budiriro yevanhukadzi pamwe nekuendesa mberi kodzero dzavo.Zimbabwe yacherechedza zuva iri pasi pedingindira rinotarisisa zvakadzama nyaya yekusimudzira madzimai senzira yekuwana budiriro, kana kuti 'Investing in women: Accelerate progress.'Madzimai munyika anogarochema nematambudziko anosanganisira mhirizhonga yemudzimba, kubatwa chibharo, kuroodzwa vachiri vadiki, kusaenzaniswa kwemikana nekutarisirwa pasi mumabasa pamwe nemumhuri.('The government says it is committed to the development of women in the country, while the women say that although the constitution of the country promotes women's rights, its non-fulfilment is setting back many things including equal opportunities between men and women. They were speaking today at the International Women's Day celebrations held at Chitora in Shurugwi district of the Midlands, the minister for women, Ms. Monica Mutsvangwa said that the government is paying more attention to the development of women. When it comes to mining, let's see if our women are given mining and are allowed to work freely, said Mrs. Mutsvangwa. Mrs. Mutsvangwa said that what is holding women back the most is the issue of violence related to whether you are a woman or a man. She said that her department is taking steps to end this problem. such as providing full assistance to women who have experienced violence, saying that the country cannot fulfill the provisions of Vision 2030 without women. Mrs. Mutsvangwa said, You cannot leave 52 percent of the people in the country behind and hope to fulfill vision 2030. The Minister of Women, Mrs. Monica Mutsvangwa. who is a resident of Harare, said that despite these celebrations every year, women's rights are not being promoted in the country. Women have not been empowered. We have not yet had things that can be said to have been promoted. If you look at the economy, things are not going well. A woman who wants to be known as MaMoyo, said that today is the day for women to gather and mourn their troubles as women do not have wealth or power in the country. Mamoyo said, The economy in the country is so heavy that women and fathers can run away burdened. Women are not there for the economy as long as it is mined. Mrs. Otilia Chikandira, who also makes a living by selling on the streets, also said that women in the country are picking ants with their mouths as they are being harassed every time they try to support the family. Mrs. Chikandira said, We are chased by the police if we don't even have time to sell, this is where we live if we are disturbed We are being violated. Many women are said to be living by selling. Another female journalist, Veneranda Langa, also said that the lack of a woman in the leadership of the country is a sign that Zimbabwe is lagging behind in promoting women and equalizing opportunities. Langa said, There is no woman in the leadership of the country. If women get positions in important departments in the country such as the finance department, we feel that their lives can be improved because these departments are the ones who plan the economy. focuses in depth on the issue of promoting women as a way to achieve success, or 'Investing in women: Accelerate progress.' Women in the country often complain about problems including domestic violence, rape, early marriage, unequal opportunities and being looked down upon at work and in the family.') |
ndiudze zvishoma nezve Africa('tell me a little bit about Africa') | Afurika ndiro ziwumbe riri panzvimbo yechipiri pakukura kwenharaunda uye Afurika ndiyo yechipiri pakuwanda kwehugari hwavanhu ichitevera Ezhiya. Nharaunda ye Afurika yakakura kusvika 30.2 miriyoni km², izvi zvichisanganisira zvitsuwa zviri pedyo nayo. Chikamu chinosvika 6% yenharaunda ye Rinopasi chinotorwa ne ziwumbe reAfurika uye chikamu chinosvika 20.4% chevhu chiri muAfurika.
Afurika yakapoteredzwa ne: Bhahari re Medhiteraniya kuMaodzanyemba; Gungwa re India kuMabvazuva nekuChamhembe; ne Gungwa re Atlandiki kuMadokero nekuChamhembe. Matagadzikwa (Madhagaska) ndiyo chitsuwa chikuru chinoverengwa kuva mudunhu re Afurika. Zvimwe zvitsuwa zvinosanganisira: Seyisheri; Morishasi; Kabho Vherite; Ghini Yomutsazanisi; Chitsuwa cha Robheni (kureva Robben); Zanzibhari nezvimwewo zvidiki. (werengai zvakadzama...)('Africa is the second largest continent in terms of area and second most populous after Asia. The area of Africa is 30.2 million km², including the surrounding islands. About 6% of the world's land area is covered by African soil and about 20.4% of the land is in Africa.
Africa is surrounded by: the Mediterranean Sea in the South;Indian Ocean to the East and North; and the Atlantic Ocean to the West and North.Matagadzikwa (Madhagaska) is the largest island in Africa. Other islands include: Seychelles;Mauritius;Cabbage Verite;Gin of the mix;Robben Island (meaning Robben);Zanzibari and other small ones. (read more...)') |
ndinyorere detembo ra Nehanda('write me poetry about Nehanda') | Nhetembo iyi yakatogwa kubva mubhuku rinonzi, Feso, rakanyogwa naVaSolomon Mutswairo (mugore ra1956). | Aah! Nehanda Nyakasikana!
Kunozove riniko,Isu VaNyai tichitambudzika;
Mweya Unoera!Kunozove riniko,
Isu VaNyai tichidzvinyirirwa?
Ko, inga taneta wani nokunwa misodzi;
Ko, toshirira kudzamara kuve riniko?Ko, inga panguva yechando miti inozvizorodza,
Inokuhumuka mashizha yombowana rudekaro,Kwozoti nokuchena kwokunze yodombera;
Mashizha yovawo nenhenhere inoyevedza;
Shiri nemhuka nenyuchi dzokwezvwa nehwema,
Ko, isu rugare ruchatisvika riniko?Vana vacheche vatinobereka,
vawakatipa Iwe Samasimba,vanova ndivo vadyi venhaka dzedu,nhasi vokura vakasunzumara munyika yavo,
Voshaya nzvimbo dzokurarama nokuzvidekadza?
Apa nepapo pazere rufuse,Makumbo avo ane matuzu nokupfuviswa neriri pfumojena.
Ko, vosvikepiko?Mudzimba dzose nomumisha yose vari kutandwa pamwe nokurohwa;
Munzvimbo dzose nomumatare mose avanotongerwa, vari kungourayiwa senhunzi,
Pasina chikonzero, pasina mhosvaPfuma yenyika nhasi yakatorwa vakagovana paukama hwavo vepfumojena.
Nhasi vari kudya mafuta ayo nyikaIsu tichidya nhoko dzezvirondaNhasi vari kudya, vakora sehochiIsu toondoroka sembwa ine gwembeNhasi vagere murusunungukolsu todzipwa huro nemajoto
Rusununguko, Nehanda, ndorupi?Hamungaburukirewo kwatiri here?Harahwa dzedu dzobatwa sepwereMunyika yawavapa, musiki mugoni!
Havasisina rukudzo panyika.Havasisina chavanachoDambudziko guru ndiro ravawiraBaba mutsvene!Gomo rine ngoni!
Hamungotinzwawo kuchema kwedu here?
Tine chitadzo chakakura seiChokubva matiramwa zvakadai?Nehanda Nyakasikana!
Kunozova riniko?Isu VaNyai tichidzvinyirirwaNeriri pfumojena rasvika munyika. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti jongwe | | Chakati zvino chobvunza mutupo.
Miti dzave huni.
Dunhu rafuka iro jena.
Mazino okuyana sesimbi dzaMakiwa.
Nhume yadzo akava Jongwe.
Nhai Jongwe iwe-e-e!, ndiHanga uyu.
Handichaui ko-o-o!, ndi Jongwewo uyu.
Nezwi riri pasi achinonga tsanga dzechibage;
Pano hugaro kaka dumbu sengoma.
Hurema kunokacha shomwe.
Nhai Jongwe iwe-e-e!, ndi Horwe uyu wo.
Ndati handichauyi ko-o-o!, ndiJongwe pakare.
Nezwi riri mundebvu achinonga tsanga dzezviyo;
Chawawana pfumbata, vashakabvu havakandi ruviri.
Pano hubva nerwaNyadenga. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti hadyana | | Mwari, kana muri imi makandipa upenyu uhu,
Bva murisatani chisina moyo.
Chokwadi, kuzvarirwa gehena, ini Hadyana.
Sendakaita chivi ndiri muchibereko.
Riri zuva ripi rinopfuura ndisina kubvuraudzwa.
Kubva pahucheche, upenyu hwangu igarira neko.
Uku magaro anotsva uku mugoti unorakasha matadza.
Kukanga manyautsa mukanwa andisingawani kana muto.
Mwari itayi moyo wehumwari,
Mundipewo nduramo isina marwadzo pano pasi. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti munyai | | Ndiri sahwira asi wandiita munyai.
Moyo wangu unofara wawana rumbabvu sahwira.
Chikuru rangarira,
Munyai mukuri wenzira,
Mufambi wayo ndiwe.
Munyai mumwai wemvura mudariro,
Mutambi weshangara ndiwe.
Munyai mukaki wengoma,
Murovi wayo ndiwe.
Munyai mutsvaki wepasina zvikwenzi,
Mutambi wehorikotyo ndiwe.
Munyai muvaki wedumba,
Mugari waro ndiwe.
Munyai ndimucheki,
Murimi wegombo ndiwe.
Munyai mutumwa,
Muridzi wesoko ndiwe.
Ini ndasakura ndikazunza,
Kukohwa kwasarira iwe. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti mukoma | | Wachiti gude mune rekwaMupfiganebwe.
Ivhu kuno roundura hukwana dzako.
Rinoti hamuzivi ziya iropa?
Mukoma wakaita mudhende wadenhera gwavava.
Worara hako dzisingapepukwi.
Ivhu kuno rokanga mhutwa dzako.
Rinoti zvakauya sei kuchohonya rawakamwa?
Hona yave mangachena mukoma.
Wachiti zi-i urikunyikadzimu.
Ivhu kuno rosundira mbudzi dzako kumapere.
Rinoti, shoko haritongi mhosva here?
Tarisa wasikira mhuri moto muziso mukoma. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti hurukuro natenzi | | Neinzwi nyoro, makandidana.
Nemoyo unobvuma, handina kukakavara.
Zvino ndapfugama pamberi penyu.
Ndamirira mutongo wenyu.
Nguva yako panyika yakwana mambakuyedza.
Hongu kukakavara hauna pandakudana.
Asi meso ako azere kupunyaira.
Chema ndinzwe zvirikudya moyo wako.
Handirambi kugara kuno.
Imba yangu ndinoiwona yapera kuvakwa.
Ko nyn’ana randasiya risina kana gushe?
Honai richiri kubomha ropa, origezesa ndiyani?
Roshama, kutsvaka mukaka, ini kuno mazamuorwadza nekusisa.
Kugomera nemabayo, kuchema kutsvaka rudziira rwamai.
Roita serutsanga murwizi, chando chapinda pamongo.
Chikumbiro Tenzi, zvimazuva ndimbonorisvusvudzira.
Chandasunga pasi, nekuno chasungwa.
Usachema mhuru iyi murandakadzi,
Rangarira kurarama kweshiri dzedenga.
Imba yako iyo, chigaramo, uture mutoro pafudzi rangu.
Chitarisa kwandiri, nekuti ndini munyaradzi, ndini muchengeti. |
ndinyorere nyaya yemablack boots | | MaBlack Boots, na Tendai Huchu
Ndaichovha bhizautare ndakananga kuEastlea kwandaishanda ndiri bharanzi raimira paZebra Crossing kuti vana vemhene vepa Admiral Tait vagone kuyambuka nzira zvisina tsaona. Tose tinoziva kuti masaskamu ekumayard haagone kuyambuka ega nekuti havana skop dhonoro sevapfanha vekumarukisheni. Chokwadi ndechekuti kabasa kandanga ndapihwa ndiko kaifaniropihwa koporo vanenge vachatanga chingonjo, asi ini mudhara ane bvudzi jena, ane makore akutosvika makumi matatu ari pabasa ndakakandwa uku nekuti vakuru vakanga vaindibatirira. Asi iyo yatova imwe nyaya hayo. Ndichiri munzira chiovha-ovha chakarira, zvikanzi naSajeni, “Zuze, mhanya kubasa izvozvi. Kwaita nyanya kuno. Ovha.
Ndakarova kabhizautare kangu, tande, nekuti ukasakurumidza vakuru vadana, basa rinogona kukuperera ukakwangwaya. Vaindiona ndakapomba munaEnterprise vaiti kamudhara aka kanenge kasvikirwa. Ndaienderana nemota chaidzo zvekuti miti yemupuranga mucheto menzira ndanga ndisingatomboiona. Tumakomba twakazara mumugwagwa ndaingopinda, tubwi, ndichisiya ndamwaya mvura yainaya muzhizha.
Pandakasvika paMorris Depot, ndakaona vakomana vachimhanya-mhanya kunge nyika yava kuguma nemoto weSodhomu. Misindo yavo yaiti dhi, dhi, dhi patara senge vane nyundo kunze kwetsoka.
“Zuze, mhanya-mhanya, mdara. Chaputika mudhorobha,” ndiNdlovu uyo aindidana. Ndakaona anga akapfeka riot yake, full gear chaiyo.
“Uthini mfowethu?” Ndakapindura nechiNdevere nekuti ndakambenge ndagariswa kwaBurawayo nyika payakawana kuzvitonga kuzere.“Mfowethu, mfowethu chiiko? Chatsva muguta, Zuze, Sajeni vati munhu wese ngaapinde mugear.”“Kana neniwo?”Usaite kunge mbwende so. Munhu wese arikupinda nhasi. Unofunga vangakusiye wakamira kunge chitunha kuzvikoro mune mabiribobi muguta? Manya unopfeka, ukanonoka uchaenda uri musvuu kunge nzungu.”Ndakamhanya ndichinzwa achidevedzera kuti “Simudza gumbo, harisi rako…” Sezvinei, nebasa redu iri, zvinhu zvinogara zvakarongeka mumba yenhumbi. Vakomana vaikatanura hembe dzamazuvaose vachipfeka dzebasa chop-chop chaiyo. Hazvina kumbotora nguva, ndakanga ndatosimira hembe yeruvara rweutsi, bhurugwa riri reruvara rwedenga, nemumusoro – nguwo yakasimba kunge damba mbishi. Muruboshwe ndaiva newuko, kurudyi ndine tsvimbo, mutsoka, ndakapfeka shangu dzangu nhema dzaipenyeswa nezuva. Ndiyo gear yanga yakapfekwa nevamwe vedu iyi.
Ndakanopinda padandaro apo vebato rangu vanga vakatomira kuti twi, pasina arikufamba. Sajeni kumberi vaideedzera nezwi riri pamusoro-soro:“Pinda mumutsetse, wanonoka, Zuze! Varume woye, nhasi, ndiri kuda zvitunha. Mazvinzwa here kumashure uko? Nhasi vachachema kuti amai. Hazviitwe muguta mangu zvavari kuita izvi. Bodo. Kwete muguta mangu. Tanzwisisana here?”
“Hongu, ishe,” takapindura tose. Patiri nehembe dzebasa, taiita kunge mhuka imwe chete, ine chinangwa chimwe.“Ndati nhasi kunofiwa. Vatamba nemago iwo vasiri wekwa Mhofu. Mazvinzwa here, machinda?” vakashedzera Sajeni.“Hongu, ishe,” takadavira nehukasha.Takamira takadai, tichinzwa Sajeni vachishaura, tanga tatova imbwa dzapihwa mhiripiri. Vakawanda vakomana vaivepo vaiva majaha anotemwa dzinobva ropa, asi kana nesu ana makeyi takatozvinzwawo ipapo.“Muri kumirirei apo. Pindai mumota. Pindai, Pindai, Pindai!”Takamhanya tichinopinda shure kwemaLandrover nemaSantana anga akatimirira. Yangu ndakatobata yava kufamba ndikaita zvekushetukira mukati. Pane akashedzera kuti “Ninja”, asi handina kuona kuti ndiyani. Tanga takazara kunge pakisimusi. Ndagara, ndakaona, hezvo, ndiNdlovu akagara parutivi pangu. Maziso ake anga akatsvuka kuti piriviri, zvairatidza kuti anga adziputa.
Kwese, kwese tainzwa mota dzichichema bopi, bopi, bopi, takacheka munaChinamano kuti tinobata Fourth. Mhepo yaitirova tiri shure, mota ichigujumuka zvekuti ukasabatisisa waidhonha, woita munyama, dzaitevera kumashure dzaikupwanya senhanga. Mota dzepovho dzaisuduruka, isu varidzi veguta tichimhanya zvedu. Vetsoka vaingotarisa vachiti asi chava Chimurenga? Pamarobot aFourth na Samora Machel, takangopinda ari matsvuku. Kamwe kasawara kaitoda zvekufamba kunge tsikombi kachitaura parunhare, asi sporo yakakarova tauya! Kakapona neburi retsono nekuti kaigona kufira ipapo.
Takapinda muna Nelson Mandela, takanaga Africa Unity Square. Mapato ese aiziva kwaari kunosiiwa. Chinangwa changa chiri chokukomba guta, tobvisa mhandu dzaikonzera mhirizhonga.Takaburutswa pedo nepariyamende, tiri kumucheto kwemugwagwa. Muna Africa Unity Square manga makazara kuti ta nevanhu. Vaiita kunge masvosve chaiwo. Mureza weZimbabwe waizeya nemhepo. Magonhi epariyamende anga akapfigwa, varimukati vasunga mbariro. Kurimwe divi, panaSilundika na Third, paiva nemahofisi makuru eOld Mutual. Mberi, paunosvika pana Jason Moyo, ndipo paiva nehotera yeMeikles. Chandakatanga kufunga ndechekuti, chikatsva pano, vemadzibasa – vashandi mumahofisi, nevatishanyira vekudzimwe nyika vachaona mhirizhonga. Chokwadi zvainyadzisa.
Vanhu vaiva pakati, padariro raAfrica Unity Square vaiimba. Vaiimba karwiyo kekushoropodza vachiti, “Dzemadhisinyongoro povo yaramba/ dzemadhisinyongoro povo yaramba…” Vamwe ndivo vairidza ngoma, pakati pedariro paiva netukomana twaitamba kongonya yekwaBorder Gezi chaiyo. Muchawonga maiva nemadzimai akapfeka mazambiya nemadhuku, vamwe vaiva vanhurume, majaha ne mhandara zvaivemowo. Ndakaona vamwe vainge mhuri, baba naamai, baba vakatakura mwanasikana pamapendekete.
Magirazi epa Meikles aipenya nezuva remasikati. Kwaipisa asi povo yaidzivirirwa nemimvuri yemiJacaranda nemiPine, miti yaive muSquare macho. Pandakakura, Harare ichiri Salisbury, painzi Cecil Square zvichirangaridza Cecil John Rhodes, bhunu rakaisvoronga kuti nyika yedu ipambwe. Chero marongerwo etwunzira twepo twanga twakagadzirwa twakachekana kuti varimudenga vaone mureza weBhuriteni uya unonzi Union Jack. Pakatizve ndipo paiva nemvura yaipfachuka-pfachuka mukachisipite kakaumbwa nemaoko.
Paiva nemurume akanga akamira aripamusoro, akabata loudspeaker muruoko achisvevedzera nechirungu, iye ari mutema, munyika yevatema:“The price of bread has become unaffordable for the ordinary man on the street. Everyday prices are going up, we are hungry, yet those we voted into power are driving around in their airconditioned Mercedes Benz!”Vamwe vakaridza muridzo, vamwe vachisvedzera kuti, “Taurai, Save, munotaura chokwadi.”“We are here to tell the government that enough is enough.”
Haiwa ndaifunga kuti ava ndivo vekumaUniversity, vaya vanotaura chirungu chemuduramazwi. Ndakamira ipapo ndichiti murume anotaura chokwadi uyu. Netumari twangu twekubasa twushomanana, mhuri yangu yakanga isisakwanisa Lobels kana Aroma. Mangwanani ndanga ndamwa hangu svutugadzike ndikatsenga chimupotohai nembambaira dzandanga ndabikirwa naMai Bhoi.Mupovho maiva nevanhu vakabata zvikwangwani zvemavara akawanda zvakanyorwa zvichemo zvavo. Vamwe ndivo vaidemba mitengo, vamwe vaigunun’una kuti havana mabasa, vamwe vaiti hurumende ngaichibva. Asi pavari vese apa, hapana aiita musindo, vaiisa zvichemo zvavo murugare rwaKristo. Ndinganyepa ndikati panga pane mhirizhonga.
Kumativi kainga kwakamira vaya venhau, vaya vanopona neghuhwa. Pavari paiva nevarungu, ava taiziva kuti vaimiririra mapepa emhiri kwemakungwa. Mashoko avo ainyadzisa hurumende mumaziso edzimwe nyika. Vatema vaive veHerald, kana mamwe mapepa omuno.“Vamwayei chiutsi, vakomana,” Izwi revakuru rakaupa pazviovha.
Pasina kana nguva takaona vemagidi voanangisa mumhepo.“Fire!” Sajeni vakashedzera.Takangonzwa magu-gu-gu, ndokuonda muchaonga mopfumbuka utsi kunge makore edenga. Povo yakatanga kuchema ichiti, “Yowe, amaiwe.” Maiva nevaikosora, misodzi ichierera. Chiutsi chakaipa hama dzangu, hachisi chekutamba nacho. Vakatanga kutiza nekuti dariro ranga risisagarika nemweya wetsvina wanga wazaremo. Asi kwavaitizira panga pasina nekuti takanga takavakomba. Takaona vaimhanya vakananga kwanga kunebato redu, Sajeni vakati:“Munhu ngaarohwe semunhu, vakomana.”Ndakaona Ndlovu osimudza ruoko achirakasha kamwe kamupfanha kanga kave pedo. Yavo yanga iri nhamo yefodya yemudzanga, uko kwaiva neutsi, kuno kunemazino eMaBlack Boots. Vamwe amai vakangoyerekana vavepadhuze ndikavarova bendekete netsvimbo yangu.“Mwari we!” vakachema vachidzokera kuutsi. Yakanga yava mhirizvonga. Ndaingonzwa vanhu vachichema. Kwese kwanga kuzere maBlack Boots achitinha vanhu. Chero mombe iri pagejo hainzwarwo.
Ndakarova kamwe kamukomana, kadhonha ndikakakava mumbabvu. Pane akakanda chidhinha chikarova wuko. Simba racho rakaita kuti mabhonzo emuviri wangu agedegede. Dai pasina wuko ndakatofa ipapo. Kamukomana kandanga ndarova kakamuka kakarova sporo senge tsuro murutsva. Handina kuona nyakupotsera chidhinha, asi ndakabva ndarova vamwe baba vaimhanya vachipfuura.Hamenho kuti unosvikirwa nechii panguva dzakadai asi ndakarova munhu semhuka. Sajeni vaisheedzera vachitiraira pekumira, vachitinangisa kune vanga vasina kurohwa. Asi kune vaipoya. Povo yanga yakawandisa, isu tiri vashoma. Vakomana vechidiki ndivo vaiedza kurwisa, asi vakanga vasina zvombo kunge isu. Mumwe akandirova musoro nechikwangwani, ndokubva atinhwa naMuvingi aive pedo neni. Takamurova kusvika tara yatsvuka neropa.
“Rovai, rovai, varovei,” Sajeni vaikurudzira, apo vachiriga rimwe zihofori ranga raita munyama kuuya padhuze navo.Varume, vakadzi, vana, chembere neharahwa, vose taingorova kunge mwana wemunhu mumwe. Pane murume aidzedzereka akabata kuoko rwerudyi, bhonzo richionekera panze. Vamwe ambuya vaichema kuti, “Mwanangu wakundiuraya,” kunaBhimha aivatinha. Neukoko Chasisi akasvetuka akakava kamwe kamuchinda. Ndakabwaira nekuti akaita kunge ari mubhaisikopo rekung-fu raibuda Chishanu paZBC.Mumhirizhonga umu ndakamira kumbotura mafemo. Ibasa guru, rinonetesa kunge kusakura pamugwazo. Ndlovu akanditarisa achinyemwerera.
“Machemberaka, mudhara, hamucharigona,” akataura Ndlovu.“Fokoro mupfana. Ndakapinda basa iri usati wazvarwa,” ndakamupindura.“Bvuma wasakara, bvuma waunyana,” akataura Ndlovu.Mashoko ake akandipa ukasha, ndikabva ndatandanisa imwe mvana ndikairova kuti Ndlovu aone kuti ndichiripo. Ndakanzwa achiseka, achindikuza mujambanja. Takashanda nesimba zvekuti pasina nguva takanga tabvisa vanhu vose vakanga vakaungana. Chakangosara chete zvikwangwani, mapepa, marara, neropa raiyerera patara. Dariro rose ranga ranyarara kuti mwiro. Mureza waizeya zvinyoro-nyoro mumhepo papariyamende yenyika.Vaya vanga vanyanya kukuvara zvekuti havaikwanisa kufamba vakauya vachitorwa nemahamburenzi, vachinorapwa kuParirenyatwa. Taingovanzwa vachigomera vakarara pasi. Vaityisa ndevaya vainge vakarara vakati zii, waishaya kuti munhu mupenyu here kana kuti atisiya. Asi tose takadzidziswa kuti rovai muviri, kwete musoro. Taive mapurisa, kwete mhondi, asi panenge pachiitika jambanja, zvinonetsa kunyatsoona kuti chii chiri kuitika. Bato redu rakanzi ridzokere kukamba, vamwe ndivo vakanzi vasare kuona kuti muguta mune rugare rwaKristo. Ndakadzokera mumota, Ndlovu akanyarara ari pedo neni. Hapana aitaura nemumwe. Handizive kuti vakomana vaifungei. Mumwe nemumwe aitaura neMusiki wake nechomumoyo.
Patakasvika, ndakanokatanura nhumbi dzebasa ndikapfeka dzomazuva ose, bhurugwa rejinhi, nehembe chena. Chandisina kubvisa shangu dzangu dzebasa. Sajeni vakapinda mumba mataipfekera vakati:“Magona basa, vakomana. Ndizvozvo zvatinoda. Hamuone kuti muguta mava nerunyararo. Honai vatishanyira vemhiri kwemakungwa wava kugona kurara zvakanakamuMeikles vasinganzwe ruzha nhasi manheru. Haiwa, chero vakuru vari kumusoro vatiudza kuti maisvonatsa.”Ini ndakatora twumuriwo twekovho twandanga ndatenga nebhodhoro rekokokora zvaiva muplastic bag.“Toonana mangwana, varume,” ndakaoneka.“Ko, uri kumhanyireiko? Dai wambogara mbichana, Zuze, tapfuura nepabhawa,” Ndlovu akataura.“Inga unoziva Mai Ano vanovava. Uri kuda kundiuraisa?”“Ramba mukadzi timwe hwahwa, ndigokutengera chingoto,” Chamisa aikatanura nhumbi akashaura, vakomana vose vaive mumba vakatanga kuimba naye.Ndakaseka hangu, ndikati vari kuda kuputsa musha wangu. Vakawanda vaigara pedo, kuChikurubhi. Ini ndaigara Mufakose. Handaigona kuswera ndichimbeya mumabhawa, mhuri yakandimirira kumba.“Zuze,” Sajeni vakandidana ndava pagonhi. “Nezviri kuitika izvi, tiri kuda munhu wese kuti asvike pabasa zvinenguva. Mangwana fumobata jongwe muromo, tichatumira mota iri kutenderera ichitora vanhu vese zuva risati rabuda. Handitika?”“Hongu, ndichagadzirira, shefu.”Ndakaoneka, ndikavasiya hangu ndoende kumba, kundozorora.
Ndakaburuka dutavanhu munaMarimba, paduze neMufakose 1, ndikatanga kufamba pore-pore. Akanga ava mahusiku, saka taivhenekwa nemagetsi aive pamusoro pemitanda yesimbi, mudenga-denga, saka zvaingoita kunge kwakachena. Taimbova nemagetsi aripedo nemigwagwa seari kumayard, asi mandururani ekumarukisheni airamba achiaputsa nematombo kusvika taisirwa emhando imwe.Ndakakomoka munaMuriranyenze ndichinzwa kuneta kwemuviri wangu. Tsoka dzairwadza nekumhanya kwatanga taita masikati. Bendekete rangu rekurwudyi ndanga ndisingatomborinzwa, bodo. Zvaiita kunge pasina chinhu, kunge ruoko rwangu rwava rwechitunha chaicho. Basa redu raida ana nhingirikini, vaya vachiri kunzwa, isu vakwegura tainga tisisazvikwanisa. Dai ndakadzidzawo, pamwe ndaiwana remumahofisi zvakaita vamwe. Asi apo ndozvifadza nenhema. Hapana mawaniro andaiita chinzvimbo muZRP. Yanga iri tsaona yemapindiro andakaita basa.
“Maswera here, baba Ano?” ndakanzwa izwi richidana mumba iri pedo.“Taswera maswerawo,” ndakapindura ndichipfuurira zvangu.Mumugwagwa mainge makazara vanhu vaifamba-famba, chero ari mahusiku, sezvinoitika mumarukisheni. Kuruboswe kwangu kwaiva nemajaha ainga akagara achitamba njuga vachiputa fodya. Pavakandiona vakandikwazisa. Vaiva vakomana vapedza chikoro, zvino kusina mabasa vaigoitei havo. Isu takakura nguva mabasa akawandisa, vanhu ndivo vaitoita vashoma.Maraini ekuno aiva netumba tutukutuku. Dzimwe dzaitove dzakabatana, yeapa neyeapa, zvokutoti vavakidzani vemo vainzwanana, uyu achinzwa zvinoitika mumba memumwe. Dzakawanda dzacho dzaiva nematenga easbestos. Tainge takanzwa kuti yaikonzera zvirwere zvemumapapu, asi ndopataiita sei – taizopfira dzimba dzemuguta nehuswa here, vakomana? Zvimwe tongorarama nesimba raKristo.
Mukuneta kwangu, ndakatanga kugaya kuti dai zvaiita ndicharegera basa hangu. Ndaida kudzokera kumusha kwedu, kuManhenga, uko kwandanga ndakavaka kamba. Amai vangu nababa vakanga vachiri vapenyu. Munyika medu maifa vaduku, vakuru vachisara. Mumba yemuguta taisiya vana hedu. Ndaiva nemunda wangu wandaida kurima chibage, mhunga, nzungu, nyimo, mbambaira, nemuriwo. Zvimwewo maizongobuda ipwa, magaka, nembeva. Kumusha ndakange ndine miti yemichero, taiva nemitsubvu, mimango, migwavha, nemahabirosi, apo mumasango muzere mizhanje nemitohwe. Hapana asinanungo aifa nenzara kwedu! Hapana chinofadza moyo kunge kudya chikafu chawakarima nemaoko ako ukadiridza neziya rako wega. Maborn-rukisheni havazvinzwisise izvi, ukavati tora dura utswe vanokuti handei kuchigayo, kana kutoti tinotenga Roller Meal muchitoro. Ndiwo mafambiro enguva aya. Ndaive nedanga remombe, mbudzi, huku nemadhadha kumusha. Hapana chataishaiwa.Asi mumafungiro angu ekusiya basa, ndaiziva kuti ndaizvifadza nenhema. Ndanga ndichinemakore maviri chaiwo kuti ndikwanise penje- eh, mudyandigere wangu. Mudenga mangamusina makore, saka ndaiona nyenyedzi dzichipenya. Asi hadzina kuwanda sedzaunoona kumusha kusina magetsi. Ndinoyeuka ndichiri mudiki kuti mumwedzi waMbudzi denga raizara nemasvosvobwa zvaifadza maziso, zvichiisoshamisa moyo.
Tara yaiva pamusoro-soro, apo isu pataifamba pamavhu pari pasi, nekuti madzimai aitsvaira paruvanze mangwanani ogaoga. Ndakasvika pamba munaMucheresesa painonosangana naMushuma. Ghedhi rakanga ravharwa apandisina svumbunuro, saka ndakaridza muridzo, ndikanzwa mitsindo, kamuzukuru kangu, Chamunorwa, kachimhanya kuzondivhurira.“Manheru, Sekuru?” kakandikwaziza kachiuchira.“Manheru, mwana wehanzvadzi.” Ndakapindura, ndichikapa maplastic bag.Ndakapinda mumba, umo Mai Ano vakanditambira nomufaro. Ndakagara pachigaro chababa ndikakwazisana nemhuri yangu yaivemo. Taigara tiri vanomwe; taive nevanasikana vatatu, apo taichengeta vazukuru vatatu – vana vasisi vakashaya, nevamwe tsano – hama yaMai Ano.“Kwanga kuri sei kubasa?” Mai Ano vakandibvunza.“Aiwa, nhasi kwanga kune basa guru. Tashanda sembongoro chaidzo,” ndakavapindura.“Mbavha dzemuHarare dzawandisa, mabata vanganiko?”“Nhasi dzanga dzisiri mbavha, adzimai,” ndakabva ndamira ipapo nekuti ndanga ndisina simba rekunyatsotsanangura nhorondo yezvanga zvaitika.“Todya here, Museyamwa?” Mai Ano vakandibvunza. Tanga tagara tose makore akawanda zvokuti ndivo shamwari yangu yaiziva zviri muninga, mukati-kati memoyo wangu.“Hezvo, manga makandimirira, vana vachifa nenzara.”
Vakaunza mvura, vakapfugama, vakandichingura kuti ndigeze maoko. Vapedza vakandiunzira ndiro yaive nesadza, muriwo, nematemba akabikwa mumafuta enguruve. Ndakavatenda ndikatungamira munamato tisati tadya. Kubika kwaMai Ano kunodadisa, pamusha pano ndaidya senge ndini Munhumutapa chaiye. Zvaindifadza kunzwa mazwi evana, tichidya tose semhuri pamwechete.Pamadziro, mberi kwangu tanga tine mifananidzo yakawanda yemhuri. Panga pane wepamuchato wedu tichiri jaha nemhandara. Pazasi pacho taive nemufananidzo waMakomborero, mwanakomana wedu wekutanga. Aive asiri pano nesu nekuti anga atumirwa namauto kunorwa hondo yaKabila kuDRC. Zvaindishungurudza mumoyo paakatanga kutumirwa kuhondo, zvokuti ndaishaya hope. Ndainge ndisingade kuti apinde muchiuto. Dai akaita hake mudzidzisi kana mabharani, asi ainge ava pazera rekuzvionera, zviya zvinonzi pachiNdevere, “Indoda kufanele izibonele”. Nepamwe, mumoyo mangu ndaimuremekedza nekuti airwira nyika yake. Ini baba vake handina kurwa muhondo yerusununguko. Pamwe ndiwo mamiriro apasi kuti vana vairwa hondo dzisina kurwiwa namadzibaba awo. Ndakadya ndichitarisa mufananidzo wake, akapfeka hanzu dzake dzemavara-mavara echiuto, ngowani yebhareta iri mumusoro. Aive nemakore makumi maviri nerimwe asi ainga avakutoita kunge murume mukuru. Ndiwo mafambiro enguva.
“Muzukuru Tanaka, waita homework yako here?” Ndakabvunza.“Hongu, Sekuru.”“Zvakanaka. Kovamwe mese, makangoti zii so, maita basa renyu rekuchikoro here?”Vakangoti tuzu, vachibwaira, ndikavadana nemazita:“Sekai, Vheneziya, Chenhamo, hamusi kunzwa zvandabvunza here? Zvimwe muri kuda kuti nditore mvuu, ndiyo ingaite kuti mugone kutaura. Ndati maita homework yenyu here?”“Aiwa vana, varegei vakadaro,” vadzimai vakada kuvadzivira.“Kwete, ndaramba, hatitambe nechikoro tichidaro. Siyai sadza renyu, moenda kunotora mabhuku enyu. Pataikura isu, hapana aidya asina kuenda kumunda, mazuvano hapana anodya asina kuita basa rekuchikoro.”“Hezvo, Baba Ano-”“Zvandataura ndizvozvo,” ndakabva ndatoipedza nyaya yacho.
Ndaifarira kuti kana ndagara nevana ndizive zviri kuitika kuchikoro. Ini ndakangogona kusvika standard six nekuti vabereki vanga vasina mari yekundiendesa mberi. Ndiko saka ndichikurudzira vechidiki vanemukana kuti vashande nesimba. Chinongondishungurudza chete ndechokuti isu taiwana mabasa nedzidzo iri pasi-pasi, asi vana vemazuvano vanoshaya mabasa ivo vane dzidzo yekumusoro kunyangwe yekumauniversity chaiyo.
Pakazorira ngoma dzenhau, vanga vapedza mabhuku avo nekudya, ndakaudza vana kuti vaende kundorara. Joseph Madhimba naColin Harvey vakanga varipanyanga. Vakatanga nekutiudza kuti mutungamiriri wenyika anga ashanya kuAmerica, uko aienda kumusangano weMubatanidzwa weNyika Dzose kuNew York. Dzapera kwakauya nhau dzemhirizhonga yakaitika pakati peguta. Harvey akati povo yaipaza zvitoro ne mahofisi muguta saka mapurisa namauto akaita basa rakaisvonaka kudzosa rugare muguta guru reZimbabwe. Vakaratidza mahwindo anga akapazwa, vakaburitsa mukuru wemapurisa, ivo VaChihuri vachiyambira kuti vaya vanoda kukonzera mhirizhonga vazive kuti mapurisa anovabata. VaChimutengwende vakabudawo vachikurudzira vanhu kuti vadzokere kumabasa avo. VaDabengwa ndivowo vakati mauto enyika anga apihwa shoko rekuti vabatsire mapurisa uyezvo, “Havamire kupfura kana pane anoda kukonzera misindo.”Ndakaona ndakanyarara, ndikati kuna Mai Ano, “Handei hedu tinorara.”Takaenda kumba yedu yekunorara, nokuti chero mumba mekudyira mataionera terevhizhoni maiva nevana vairaremo. Kamba kedu kaiva kadiki. Ndakakatanura hembe, ndikapinda mugudza ndiri musvuu. Mai Ano vakanditsvoda tikaenda pabonde chinyararire. Tapedza vakandinyemwerera, vakandidetemba nomutupo, ndikavakumbira kuti vandimutse makuseni-seni nokuti pane mota yaiuya kuzonditora kundiendesa kubasa. Manheru iwawo, ndakarara ndakavabvumbamira, shungu dzaiva mumoyo mangu dzikatonhorerwa. Mukadzi uyu chipo kubva kuna Mwari. Dai pasina Mai Ano, pfungwa dzangu dzakatenderera kare, nekuti mararamiro apasi pano ava kuvhiringidza chero vanozviti vakasimba.
Ndakamutswa mangwanani zuva risati rambobuda naMai Ano. Ndaitonyahwaira pamba kuti ndisamutse vana, ndikageza, ndokupfeka. Mai Ano vakandipa kambuva kekuzodya magwanani ndava kubasa. Ndakavatsvoda ndikandomira paghedi, ndakamirira mota yebasa.Sezvinei ndakanzwa kutinhira kweLandrover. Mushure manga muna Magaisa, Chiutare, Sibanda naMangwiro, vandakakwazisa ndichipinda imomo. Kwaitonhora asi Magaisa anga aunza kagumbeze katakafugatose, takafuratira kwaienda mota kuti tisarohwe nemhepo. Taingondzwa mota ichigujumuka ichikwira mahump azere mumigwagwa yekumarukisheni. Kaitano aityaira taimuziva nenyaya yekumhanya, asi hapana zvataigona kutaura nekuti aiva pamusoro pedu. Magaro edu ndiwochete aigununguna nekukuvara pamusaka pematyairiro ake aiita kunge tiri mungoro.
“Unofunga kuti chichatsva zvakare nhasi, Zuze?” Sibanda aive pedo neni akabvunza.“Ndiri munhu wenyama, ndingaziveiko hangu,” ndakapindura.“Nekurohwa kwakaita munhu nezuro unoti vangabude futi?” Sibanda akaenderera mberi.“Handizive,” ndakapindura.Mangwiro akati, “Vanenge vachitopenga vakabuda nhasi. Vanhu imbwende, takavagadzirisa. Uyezve nyaya yacho yapindirwa nemasoja, saka anenge achitsvaga rufu rwake ndiye chete angabude.”“Ndakanzwa kuti nhasi tinenge takazara pakati peguta zvekuti hapana anotogona kupinda. Kune vakomana varikubva Bindura, nekumaprovince kuzotisimbisa,” Sibanda akataura.Magaisa akabvunza kuti, “Ko chikatsva kumaprovince?”“Maya, haitambike iyoyo, vemuHarare neBurawayo chete ndiwo vane misindo. Hapana anoti bufu kunze uku.”Vachikurukura nyaya, ndakafunga hangu matangiro andakaita basa muna1976 hondo yerusununguko ichipisa. Ndanga ndichiri mujaha ainzwa, ndikawanirwa basa muchipurisa nasekuru vangu, VaMarange, vaigara Haifiridzi, vaiva Sub-Inisipekita. Makore iwawo ndicho chinzvimbo chikurusa chaigona kusvikwa nemunhu mutema mumapurisa aSmith. Zvinzimbo zvevarungu zvaiva zvakasiyana nezvedu, asi chataiziva ndechokuti chero wakwirira sei uri mutema, chero chinzvimbo chako pabepa chiri pamusoro pemurungu arikutanga basa, iye aive pamusoro pako pamusaka peganda rake. Masimba aVaMarange aingova pamusoro pemapurisa matema oga. Varungu vaizvionera. Ndichochokwadi chemagariro edu muRodhizha.
Ndavakuchipurisa, takadzidziswa kufora, bumbiro romutemo, kushandisa gidi, kubata mbavha nezvimwe zvinhu zvaienderana nebasa redu. Chero bhunu raitidzidzisa, Parkinson, rakandikurudzira richiti ndaishanda nesimba, uye ndikaramba ndakadero ndichakwirira. Mumusoro mangu ndaitozviona ndasvika chinhano chinenge chasekuru, ndava munhu anoonekerawo munharaunda. Handina hangu kuzokwirira nekuti pakazowana nyika kuzvitonga kuzere, vakarwa hondo ndivo waikwirira, isu veRodhizha tichisara tiri pasi. Asi iyo yatove imwe nyaya.
Motokari yakamira ichinhonga Ngwenya naKutyauripo vainge vakatimirira pamusika ndokubva tasimukazve. Takwazisana, ndakadzokera mundangariro dzangu. Ndichiri kuyeuka muna1978, kana kuti ndemuna1979 here – patanga tava pasi pehurumbende yechimbwasungata Muzorewa, handichanyatsoziva, kwavakare, asi ndinoyeuka kwakaita mhirizhonga kuMbare. Mazuva iayo mhirizhonga yaingoitikira kumarukisheni chete nekuti vatema vainge vasina mvumo yekuunganirana pakati peguta. Zveshuwa mazuvano kupinda kwebongozozo muguta kunoita kuti basa rinetse nekuti tinofanira kudzivirira dzimba nemabhizimusi evanemari. Mumarukisheni taingopaza, tichiita madiro aJojina.
Takatakurwa nemaLandrover, kwete emazuvano asi emakore iawo, tikamhanyiswa kuMbare. Munhu wese anoziva kuti makore iawo, varungu vaigara kumayard, vatema vachigara kumarukisheni. Mbare ndiyo rukisheni rwokutanga rwevatema. muSosibheri. Takasvika pane gurusvusvu revanhu vatema, ndinofunga vaitsigira mapato ekuzvitonga, vainge vakatakura zvikwangwani vachiti varikuda rusununguko.
“Right, boys, let’s show these bloody gooks just who’s in charge here,” akataura Bramford, bhunu raititungamira.Takamwaya vanhu chiutsi ndokutanga kuvatinha netsvimbo dzedu. Vamwe varimukati vaikanda matombo, asi tanga takasimba, takawanda, tine zvombo. Tanga tisina matyira kuti arohwa anofa kana kuti anorarama here. Chedu chete chaiva chekuratidza masimba evapambepfumi. Ropa raiyerera munzira, vanhu vachimhanya vachichema kuti midzimu yavabatisa pasi. Makore iawo ndaive ndichiri kunzwa, ndaiti ndikarova munhu kamwechete ndaimuriga pasi. Vainditi “Tree cutter” kana kuti “Murigamiti” pachivanhu.Chinhu chega chainyanya kutyisa patairova vanhu kumarukisheni tichirwira hurumende yevarungu changa chiri chekuti paishandiswa imbwa huru. Imbwa dzacho dzaingobatwa nemapurisa varungu chete, vachidzisikira mupovo. Imbwa yaiti ikaruma munhu yaimuita kanyama-kanyama. Chainyanya kutyisa ndechekuti imbwa idzi dzainge dzakarerwa dzichidzidziswa kuruma vanhu vatema saka wanga uchitotyawo newewo, chero uri mupurisa, kuti imbwa yacho inogona kukuruma.
Tototenda Mwari kuti hatichashandisa imbwa mazuvano. Zvinoratidza kuti nyika yedu yafambira mberi kubvira patakawana kuzvitonga kuzere muna1980. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti ugo hwenhetembo | | Ndomuka hwandambe kuridza mapika.
Gandira nehosho ndichiimba chamutengure.
Mudariro ndichibvukuta nhetembo,
Dzemadzinza, rayiro, rufu, rudo neyemuro.
Kunyunyuta, ndyariro,
Ndichizavaza, muugo hwenhetembo.
Nheketerwa, dzounga hwenhetembo ndichipangura.
Pangu pangu chingoma chaZindoenda.
Shavi rezendamasiinda rasiti tuku.
Ndotsiura mvangamakomwe,
Ndambakuudzwa ndoruma nzeve.
Vangoni vebasa ndopembedza.
Mbumbuchena ndodzikasvisa mataipedza,
Muugo hwenhetembo.
Gombwe renyika yaVaDuma,
Nevanji waJongwe, Rusakaniko, Mutinini,
Mutungachuru cheUbvume.
Vari Mutikizizi, vakati zikiziki,
Ndauya ndakagukuchira mondo yerutendo,
Rutendo rwuri muchainga cheugo hwenhetembo.
Tambirai vari Gover |
Vhenyenguro: naTinashe Muchuri | | Sezvo zvichinzi murume haadonhi netsvimbo imwe, Ignatius Mabasa adzoka netsvimbo yake yetatu kuzoruka tswanda yamazano kune vane nzeve dzinonzwa dzichiturira pfungwa dzichichengeta.
Nekumwe kutaura zvinonzi potsi kana piri haarwirwi, asi tatu. Akapotswa netsvimbo yekutanga yainzi Mapenzi neyepiri yainzi Ndafa Here, neiyi yetatu inobuda nemumharidzo yake iyo yakaumba nganonyorwa inonzi, ‘Imbwa yemunhu’ haangapotswi zvakare nedama rakanaka. Munyaya Imbwa Yemunhu mune murume anonzi Musavhaya, kana kungoti Musa muchidimbu, uyo anoti ane kusasimba pamberi pedoro nezvipondamwoyo izvo zvinosakisa kuti ade kuroora mudzimai wemuridzi anonzi, Juli. Murume waJuli anonzi Richard anoita zvemadhiri achisiya imba yake ichidhirika. Nyaya inotenderera zvakanyanya pavaviri ava vanoti, Musa naJuli kunyange zvayo ichizopota ichipinda muhupenyu hwavamwewo vanhu, vehukama, vekukereke pamwe neavo vaisanganikwa navo munzvimbo dzokutandarira dzakaita sedzekumwira nedzimwewo dzakangadaro.
Imbwa Yemunhu, ibhuku rinoburitsa pachena umhizha hwaMabasa hwekuda kuyanika pachena matambudziko anowanikwa navanhu zuva nezuva mukuedza kuraramira nyika nezviri mairi. Izvi zvinojekeswa pachena neapo Musa anobatsirwa namai vake pamwe nemukoma wake kuroora Hazvi, asi iye asina rudo kana hanya naHazvi. Anogozviitira kufadza hama dzake nenyika inomuseka. Richardwo anozviita apo anoroora Juli kuti angova chishongo che |
ndinyorere rondedzero pamusoro peZuva randisingakanganwi | Kuvharwa Kwandakaitwa Nezama kuHigh School | Zvinhu zvekuweka weka zvaive zvakandiomera ma days aya.Kana nanhasi handidi kuzviona. Hazvisi zvekutamba nazvo kana kudherera. Pese pandinoona pachitaurwa zve maths or ma calculations ndinototiza. I regret sometimes.
Anyway back to nyaya so yanga iri second term tava towards ma exams ndaive form 4 ipapo. Saka yaitongova busy busy kuverenga nekuweka weka nekuita ma final touches. Zvanga zvakandiwandira ndaive type iya yainonoka kubata zvinhu so panga pakaipa ma laggards chaiwo.
Nguva yakafamba tasarwa ne one week kuti tichitanga mazama. Ndione mumusoro hamuna kana chinhu ma formulas chii chii can't get zvaiita, kuramba kupinda mumusoro worse ma calculations haa ndaiona horror ini. Apa ndoranga riri zama riri kutanga kunyorwa the first paper kaa.
Week iroro ndakatanga kuita ma calculations kuweka weka kana misodzi yakabuda week iroro. Ndichiti chandakambozvitangira chiiko zvechikoro izvi. Manheru aye ndarara ndava mumagumbeze ndobva ndatanga kuchema hangu. Ndichiti term ino ndazofoira kumba ndichaitwasei.
Fast forward musi wezama ndobva wasvika.Tamu exam room paya, ndakati ndichiti ba kutarisa test paper hana yakati pangu. Ipapo ndakabva ndati midzimu yandirasha. Hamawee uku maziso ainge atsvuka kuti piriviri semhiripiri.
Ndakatomboita ka prayer ndikafunga kuti pamwe ma formulas angadzoke mumusoro. Hapana kana one mudumbu ndobva mati cruuuuu kurirara makatanga kurwadza ndanga ndakutonzwa manyoka chaiwo. Ndobva ndasimudza ruoko ndikati dakubaya ku recess.Ndakadzoka kubva kurecess ndabva ndadzokera paka desk kangu kaya ndakushaiwa plan kuti ndodii. Then ndobva ndatarisa ma sides ese checking on my classmates kaa ndichiti pamwe ndingawane kukopera kaa.
Vanga vakaita kuvhara work yavo zvavainyora zvekuti hapana kana one munhu chawaiona. Ndakatanga kudikitira. Ndikati plan ndeipi ndobva ndatanga kunyora ma questions aya anga ari mu question paper sezvaari. Ndakangokopera word to word zvese.Ko ndaigodii amana ndaitongoda kaa kuti nguva dzifambe ndiite kunge ndiri kunyora something.Ndakatombofunga kuda kungobuda kaa ndobva ndaregedza kudzoka.But ha ndakangoshingirira. 2 hours dze exam dziya ndobva dzapera. Mapepa ndobva atakurwa kunomakwa hawo.
Tabuda muzama paya ndakaona vamwe vachifara. Zvavainge vaiita revise ndozvanga zvauuya and they expected some good news. Ini nechemumoyo ndichingoti haa ndanyora marara. Ndakatotarisira Zero hangu.Mapepa akapera kumakwa paakadzoka ,ndakaona pangu pakanzi 2% neka see me. To make matters worse mark yangu yakabva yadedzerwa mu classroom nemudzidzisi vanhu vese vakati bvu kuseka.
Ndakaita celebrity makuhwa akaiita kutenderera chikoro chess mukomana we 2%. Ndakaita kunge munhu achazvisungirira. Trunk ikaridzwa kuma hostels ndakuitwa kunge munhu arambwa nebhebhi.Anyway ndakazvishingisa hangu.Dai vakandipa Zero havo nanhasi ndotoshaya kuti 2% idzodzo dzakabvepi, coz ndakangonyora kaa ma questions sezvaangari. Ndobva ndamaisa mu answer sheet hapana kana one chandanga ndapindura wani. Pamwe dzaiva 2 marks dze presentation.Kwozoti kumba haa yakaita nyaya . Ndikatopedzisirwa ndaendeswa kuma extra lessons kana Tv handina kuiona term iyoyo. |
ndinyorere nhetembo yekuti Zhara Takarima | | Denga rakapwipwitika mhepo yegukurahundi. Dzibwa rikapararira nedunhu, rikabata kubva kurusvava kusvika kuvemidonzvo. Izvi zvainge zvotoera munzvimbo yaChivi umo zuva raingoti kubva muchando rododonya kusvikira rinyaradziwa nechimwe chandozve. Vana Sorojena vaiti kupanduka kwaiva kwaita pwere, dzataramuka pabwaridziro bwovunhu nechinyakare chaMakaranga. Ukuvo vana Mudyamagwaro vainenera mabatiro avanhu zvipo zvedenga, masango nemhepo chaiyo. Waiziva chaiye hapana. Kwaingova kuvhumuka kwezhara nokuvaraidza nhambo sezvo mapadza takanga tatorivara nepatakaacherera. Kunopinda muna Gumiguru, hapana wakasara mumusha washe Manjongo. Takakoromoka tokwira makura. Savanhu vakanga vasina kumbokohwa makore matatu akanga apfuvura, vazhinji mbewu takanga takavirira mudumbu.
Musi wakana mahakurimwi, denga rakatinhira, rikadzvova vusiku bwose. Vaya vaiva varega kuvunganidza mwanda yovupwa vachiti mvura haichani , havana kudziti chata vusiku ubwu. Pamufuku zuva rakatevera, nyaya yaingova pamuromo ndeyemvura yovusiku bwaiva bwapfuvura. Vakati vasvika mai Sarai, migomo yakamira kuchereregwa. Chembere iyi muromo wayo hawaimhagwa nenhunzi; zvaiita kuti munda wayo uvate negore rezhizha. Vakarondedzera kuvata vamire kwavakanga vaita vachikupa mvura muhozi yavo. |