003-SLLR-SLLR-2000-V-2-VOLANKA-LTD-v.-SNEVIRATNE-MINISTER-OF-LABOUR-AND-OTHERS.pdf VOLANKA LTD v. SENEVIRATNE MINISTER OF LABOUR AND OTHERS COURT OF APPEAL. DE SILVA. J. CA 1196/98. ARBITRATION A 2636. 4th OCTOBER, 1999. 3rd NOVEMBER, 1999. Writ of Certiorari ■ Arbitration Award – Industrial Disputes Act, Ss.4( I), 16,17. 18. 19, 20, 36(5) – Reference of dispute to compulsory arbitration -Collective Agreement in force – Is the reference lawful? The Petitioner has entered into successive Collective Agreements with CC I Workers Union from time to time and the Collective Agreementremained in force. The 4U’ Respondent Union moved for a revision of the CollectiveAgreement and demanded a 50% wage increase. As this was not met theMembers of the Union began picketing first, and thereafter struck work.When the strike was prolonging the Minister of Labour referred thedispute to compulsory arbitration. It was contended that (1) the reference is bad in law as there was norepudiation of the Collective Agreement by either party (2) that theArbitrator should have called upon the Petitioner to produce evidence inrespect of its capacity to pay the demanded increase (3) that thestatement of the matter in dispute referred amounted to a decision by 1stand 2nd Respondents (Commissioner of Labour) that some increaseshould be granted, and the function of the Arbitrator (3rd Respondent)was purely to determine the quantum of such increase. Held : Although in the Statement of Objections the 4lh Respondent Unionhad taken up the position that, the collective agreement expired in March1995, evidence showed that it is still in force. S.4 of the Industrial Disputes Act confers power on the Minister torefer by an order in writing an industrial dispute if he is of the opinion 20 Sri Lanka Law Reports 1200012 Sri LR. that the Industrial dispute is a minor dispute for settlement byarbitration. The order of reference is an administrative act of the Minister who hasto form an opinion as to the factual existence or apprehension of anindustrial dispute. The power of the Minister to refer an industrial dispute to arbitrationis limited only when it is pending before a judicial forum (LabourTribunal). S. 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act states that the “Arbitrator shallmake all such inquiries . . . However, it is observed that the Petitionerknew the demand of the Respondent Union – 50% salary increase – inthese circumstances it was the duty of the Petitioner to assist thearbitrator by placing relevant evidence to solve the dispute." Per de Silva J.. “Since the arbitrator is empowered under S.36(l) to require anyperson to furnish particulars, produce documents and give evidence,it would have been a very desirable thing to call the Petitioner to giveevidence …" Under S. 16 of the Industrial Disputes Act an order referring a disputefor settlement by arbitration shall be accompanied by a statementprepared by the Commissioner setting out each of the matters which tohis knowledge is in dispute between the parties. From the documents annexed to the Commissioners objections, it isclear that discussions before the Commissioner too proceeded on thebasis that some increase in wages could be given to the workers subjectto certain conditions. Therefore the question in dispute as formulated isin order. APPLICATION for a Writ of Certiorari to quash the award and thereference to arbitration. Cases referred to : Aislaby Estate Ltd., us Weerasekera 71 NLR 241 Wimalasena vs Navaratne [1978-79] 2 Sri.L.R. 10 i Nadarajah vs Krishnadasa 78 NLR 25 Upali Newspapers Ltd., vs Eksath Kamkaru Samilhiua [ 199913 Sri.L.R. 205 Walker Sons & Co. Ltd., vs F.C.W. Fry 68 NLR 73 CA Volanka Ltd. u. Seneviratne Minister of Labour and Others (De Silva, J.) 21 Liyanage vs Queen 68 NLR 265 Brown & Co. Ltd., vs Ratnayake – Arbitrator and 3 others (1986) BALJVol. I Part vi – 229 Piyadasa vs Bata Shoe Company [1982] 1 Sri.L.R. 91 Frewin & Company Ltd. vs Dr. Ranjit Atapattu & others [1993] 2Sri.L.R. 53 S.L. Gunasekera with Indra Laduwahetty for the Petitioner. Adrian Perera S.S.C. for 1st Respondent. Ms Chammantha Unamboowe for 4th Respondent Union. Cur. adv. uult: January 28, 2000. DE SILVA, J. Tliis is an application for a grant and issue of a mandatein the nature of a writ of certiorari to quash the award of thearbitrator (3rd Respondent) dated 1 5lh September 1998 andalso to quash the reference of the purported dispute by theMinister of Labour (1st Respondent) to arbitration. Before 1 deal with the submissions of counsel regardingthe points raised at the hearing, it will be useful to briefly recitethe facts leading to the order of the Minister the 181 respondent,the legality of which has been challenged in these proceedings. The petitioner has entered into successive collectiveagreements with Ceylon Commercial and Industrial WorkersUnion from time to time and the last agreement came intoeffect on 1st July 1992. This collective agreement provided thatit shall remain in force unless determined by either partygiving six months notice, subject to the provision that neitherparty could give notice of determination before 1st July 1995and that such notice should not expire before 30"’ June 1995.It is observed that such notice has not been given by eitherparty and the collective agreement remained in force. The collective agreement of 1992 sets out scales of wagesand provided for the payment of a non recurring cost of living 22 Sri Ijjnka I jaw Reports 120001 2 Sri LR. gratuity computed on the basis of the Colombo ConsumersPrice Index. There was also provision for the cost of livingcomponent to be consolidated into the salary annually inDecember. By letter dated 1 lUl July 1995 the 4lh respondent Unionmoved for a revision of the collective agreement and demandeda 50% increase in the wages. The petitioner’s position was thatthe demand of the Union for a wage increase is unreasonableand without any justification as the salaries and terms andconditions of Volanka Limited employees were higher Lhanthose employees in comparable employment. About the end of March 1997 members of the Unionbegan a "picketing" campaign between 1 1.30 and 12.00 nooneveiyday and there was general unrest during this period atthe work place. Negotiations on the question of increase in the wagescontinued for nearly two years and from the end of July 1997to the beginning of October 1997 the members of the Unionstruck work. The Union complained to her Excellency the President. Asa result the Commissioner of Labour intervened but could notbring about a settlement. When the strike was prolonging, theMinister of Labour (lsl Respondent) referred the dispute tocompulsory arbitration. Counsel for the petitioner urged three grounds in supportof this application. Firstly that the reference to arbitration bythe Minister was bad in law as there was no repudiation of theagreement by either party. Secondly that the arbitrator shouldhave called upon the petitioner to produce evidence in respectof its capacity to pay the demanded increase in wages.Thirdly that the staterrient of the matter in dispute referredto arbitration amounted to a decision by the lsl and 2'1'1respondents that some increase in the wages should be CA Volanka Ud. u. Seneviratne Minister of Ijzbour and Others (De Silva. J.) 23 granted to the members of the 4lh respondent Union and thatthe function of the arbitrator, namely the 3rd respondent waspurely to determine the quantum of such wage increase. On the first question counsel for the petitioner submittedthat in the statement dated 11th November 1997 filed by the 4threspondent he has taken up the position that the collectiveagreement entered into between the parties in 1992 expired inMarch 1995. However the witness called by the 4"‘ respondentviz. W.D.J. Anthony gave evidence to the contrary andadmitted that the said collective agreement was still in force. It was his submission that the Minister has nojurisdictionto refer expressly for determination by an arbitrator, a disputewith regard to the terms of a live’ collective agreement as thecollective agreement which was in force would be binding onthe parties. He further stated that the reference by theMinister to arbitration of a dispute as to whether the wagesprescribed by a 'live’ collective agreement should be increasedis in fact an indirect reference of a dispute whether a ‘live’collective agreement should be amended, altered and/orrevised. Counsel for the 4"' respondent submitted that noagreement between the employee and employer could takeaway from the Minister the powers vested in him by section4(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act. Section 4 of the Act confers powers on the Minister to referby an order in writing an industrial dispute if he is of theopinion that the industrial dispute is a minor dispute forsettlement by an arbitrator appointed by him. The order ofreference is an administrative act of the Minister who has toform an opinion as to the factual existence or apprehension ofan industrial dispute (Aislaby Eslate Ltd. Vs. Weerasekara"1).Justice Pathirana in the same case at page 253 stated that "Igo still further and take the view that section 4(1) of the Actvests the Minister with an amplitude of power (subject only to 24 Sri Ijtmka law Reports 1200012 Sri LR. the fetter that he is referring an industrial dispute within themeaning of the Act) to order in writing once he is of tine opinionthat the industrial dispute is a minor dispute for settlement byarbitration to the Labour Tribunal… as the Minister is actingsolely in an administrators capacity and not judicially orquasi-judicially. The concluding words in section 4(1) :"notwithstanding that the parties to such dispute or theirrepresentatives do not consent to such a reference", in facthighlight the amplitude of power vested by section 4 in theMinister”. The same question was again considered by the SupremeCourt in Wimalasena Vs. Navaratne and two others12) and itwas held that the Minister had the power to refer a dispute forsettlement by arbitration under section 4(1) of the IndustrialDispute Act even though an inquiry was pending in the labourtribunal regarding the same dispute. It was also held thatthe reference to arbitration is a lawful exercise of the powersvested in the Minister by statute and does not amount to aninterference with the pending proceeding of a judicial nature.Justice Sharvananda as he was then too considered thisquestion in Nadaraj ah Vs. Krishnadasa!31. However in a case decided on the 3rd of March 1999 (UpaliNewspapers Ltd. Vs.EksathKamkaruSammuthiya141) the Courtof Appeal considered the same question in the light of thedecision given in Walker Sons & Company Ltd. Vs. F. C. W. Fryl5)where Chief Justice Sansoni, H.N.G. Fernando, S.P.J. andT.S.Fernando, J. (Thambiah, J. and Sri Skandarajah, J. dissent-ing) held that a labour tribunal exercises judicial powers. The Court of Appeal also considered the decision in thecase Liyanage Vs. Queen101, Article 1 16 and Article 1 70 of thepresent Constitution where the term “Judicial Officer" isinterpreted and came to the conclusion that the Minister hasno power to refer a matter pending before a labour tribunal forarbitration as it would amount to interference with thepending proceedings of a judicial nature. CA Volanka Ltd. v. Seneviratne Minister of Labour and Others (De Silva. J.) 25 From the above it is clear that the power of the Minister torefer an industrial dispute to arbitration is limited only whenit is pending before a judicial forum viz. labour tribunal. According to the facts of the instant case there was adispute which could not be resolved by the parties nor throughconciliation with the intervention of the Commissioner ofLabour. The Minister thereafter exercised-his discretion interms of section 4( 1) and referred the dispute for settlement byarbitration. Therefore I hold that in the circumstances of thiscase the terms of the collective agreement which operated asimplied terms of the contract of employment did not affect theMinister's power under section 4(1). The second ground raised by the petitioner was that inview of section 17 of the Industrial Disputes Act which imposesa duty on the arbitrator to make all such inquiries into thedispute as he may consider necessary he should have calledupon the petitioner to produce evidence in respect of hiscapacity to pay the demanded increased wages. It is to be noted that once the Minister has made the orderof reference in terms of section 4( 1) the arbitrator appointed byhim becomes seized of the dispute and is charged by section17 “to make all such inquiries into the dispute as he mayconsider necessary, hear such evidence as may be tendered bythe parties to the dispute and thereafter make such award asmay appear to him just and equitable". Section 16 authorizeshim to admit, consider and decide any other matter which isshown to his satisfaction to have been a matter in disputebetween the parties to the date of the order of reference,provided that such matter arises out of or is connected with thestatement prepared by the Commissioner. Section 36(5) of theAct supplements this power. Sections 18, 19 and 20 deal withthe award of the arbitrator and speak of incidents, attributesand tenure of the award made by the arbitrator. 26 Sri Lanka Lau> Reports 1200012 Sri LR. Section 17(1) of the Industrial Disputes Act wasinterpreted in Brown & Company Ltd. Vs. Ratnayake Arbitratorand Three Othersm by Rodrigo, J. as follows: "It is important to note that the section enacts thatarbitrator shall make all such inquiries. This section does notsay that the arbitrator shall not hold an inquiry. In my viewthe word ‘make' is a pointer to how the inquiry commences. . . the arbitrator can start the ball by calling upon any partyin the first instance to place his case before him and thereafterheai- the other party, if affected by the case placed before thearbitrator by the party who begins to give him an opportunityto place his case in answer.” It was the contention of the petitioner that the arbitratordid not call upon the petitioner to lead evidence on any specificmatter as contemplated by section 17(1) read with section36( 1) of the Industrial Disputes Act. In the instant case therewas a dispute as to who should begin the case. After hearingthe submissions the arbitrator made order calling upon thepetitioner to commence leading evidence. However at thatstage the petitioner's position was that "there was no case tomeet” but ready and willing to produce any document orevidence which the learned arbitrator calls upon the petitionerto produce. In these circumstances respondent union wascalled upon to lead evidence with regard to the dispute referredto arbitration. The union led the evidence of one Anthony whoadmitted the existence of the collective agreement and alsotold the arbitrator that the petitioner is in a financial positionto meet the demand of the union. Counsel for the 4th respondent submitted that arbitratoris not bound to call for evidence and cited the decision inPiyadasa Vs. Bata Shoe Companywhere the Court of Appealhad stated that an arbitrator in a reference is only required tohear such evidence as may be tendered by the parties to thedispute (section 17) unlike the Industrial Court which has tohear such evidence as it may consider necessaiy (section 24). CA Volanka UcL v. Seneviratne Minister of Labour and Others (De Silva. J.) 27 It is observed that the petitioner knew the demand of therespondent union viz. 50% salary increase. His position wasthat they pay the highest wages in the coir industry but wasprepared to consider a salary increase if linked to an increasein productivity either on the basis of higher production orlower manning levels in the factory. In these circumstances itwas the duty of the petitioner to assist the arbitrator by placingrelevant evidence to solve the “dispute". The petitioner marked several documents in crossexamination of the witness of the 4Ul respondent union.Having done that the petitioner now cannot complain that thearbitrator should have asked it to produce particular items ofevidence. However it seems to me that since the arbitrator isempowered by section 36( 1) of the Act to requ ire any person tofurnish particulars, produce documents and give evidence itwould have been a very desirable thing to call the petitioner togive evidence at the conclusion of the respondents evidenceeven though he declined to do so at the commencement on thebasis that ‘there was no case to meet’. The third point raised by the petitioner was that thestatement of the matter in dispute was bad in that it amountedto a decision by the lsl and 2ml respondents that some increasein wages must be given to the employees of the petitioner anda direction that the question for determination by the 3nlrespondent was only what the quantum of such increaseshould be. The statement of the matter in dispute referred toarbitration set out in P( 1)(b) reads as follows “Whether thedemand of the All Ceylon Commercial and Industrial WorkersUnion for ail increase of 50% of Wages to its members,employed at M/S Volanka Limited is justified. If not so whatrelief could be granted to them". 28 Sri Lanka Law Reports 1200012 Sri L.R. It was contended that the order of the Minister making areference to arbitration in terms of section 4( 1) of the IndustrialDisputes Act is inseparable from the statement of the matterin dispute referred to arbitration by such order formulated bythe Commissioner of Labour under section 16 of the said Actand that such references are liable to be quashed by unit ofcertiorari where the circumstances merit issue of such writ. Insupport of this contention the petitioners relied on the decisionof Frewin&Company Ltd. Vs. Dr. Rcmjilh Attapall.it & Others191. It is observed that section 16 of the Industrial Dispute Actprovides that an order referring a dispute for settlement byarbitration shall be accompanied by a statement prepared bythe Commissioner setting out each of the matters which to hisknowledge is in dispute between the parties. It must be noted that the petitioner and the 4th respondentunion held discussion on the question of increase in the wagesfor over two years commencing from the letter written by the4Lh respondent union dated 1 1"' July 1995 where the unionmoved for a revision of the collective agreement and demandeda 50% increase in the wages. The petitioner's position was thatthe demand of the union was unreasonable as salaries of itsemployees were higher than those employed in comparableemployment. The same arguments were put forward beforethe Commissioner of Labour when he intervened. From document 2R4 annexed to the Commissioner'sobjections it is clear that discussion before the Commissionertoo proceeded on the basis that some increase in wages couldbe given to the workers subject to certain conditions. Therefore I hold that in the circumstance of this case thequestion in dispute as formulated by the Commissioner isquite in order. I dismiss this application with costs. Application dismissed.
It has a future. How far into the years it will project itself, how widely and thoroughly it may spread, no one can predict. This much can be said, and ought to be said, to some who treat the whole question with explosives of disgust: it has a future because it has a vigorous, phenomenally growing present, because, at the heart of this growth, disagree and dissent as we may, there is forcefully evident profound conviction, sincere reverence, such a sense of discovery and victory in daily experience as to make many lives radiant with joy and hope. We judge the future by what the present holds. Letters of inquiry sent to persons outside of Christian Science circles, in eighteen representative cities of our country, bring back word that it is still making headway, and in most places with a greatly accelerated momentum. This testimony is confirmed and very largely supplemented by official publications, weekly and monthly, which I have carefully read. In New York state they claim that the number was doubled last year. In 1867, Mrs. Eddy had one pupil. To-day we find in the "Directory of Christian Science Practitioners" over two thousand names with city and street address. Every state in the Union is found there, also Canada, England, Scotland, France, Germany, Hawaii, and China. The text-book, Science and Health, has gone through one hundred and sixty editions, and the call is for more. Three weeks ago Mr. Kimball claimed in his Chicago lecture that Christian Scientists had nearly two million instances of healing. Make such allowances as the most sceptical insist upon; even then you have a bulky, vigorous fact striding to-day where it was creeping only yesterday. It has emerged from the silence of contempt. Editors, ministers, medical clubs, legislatures, give it attention. Such an aggressive force is bound to project itself yet further. It has a future.
What do you think this EATING LAKE TROUT?!?! Catch n Cook with the Asian Invasion (ft. ExtremePhillyFishing) video? Be sure to check back regularly for videos about fresh water and salt water fishing. The fried rice gang heads out to Round Valley Reservoir in search of the elusive lake trout! We enlist the help of Zach, the price of RVR, to help us catch these fish from the bank. After our mission was completed, Leo Sheng guides us through the proper steps on cleaning, preparing, and cooking a lake trout. Spoiler: Leo finds an interesting "surprise" inside his trout! Check out Leo’s channel! Check out Jimmy’s channel! Check out Eric’s channel! — 1 Lake Trout, 3.0-5.0lbs. Whole fish. — Clean the Lake Trout. Scale and remove any excess slime from its skin. Make sure to take all of its guts out, including the bloody stripe in its up-belly. Use paper towel to remove excess moisture. If the Lake Trout was frozen, make sure to defrost until the fish is at room temperature. — Cut the fish in 1.5 inches thick steaks, in a vertical motion. 1-2 inches is recommended; though, the thickness of the fish is really up to you. — Place the cut steaks of fish in a bowl. Marinate it with the garlic salt, black pepper, chopped ginger and garlic. Make sure to spread the mix uniformly. — Let the fish steaks rest for 30 minutes. Add the flour to the mix and spread it uniformly as well. (2) Once the oil heats up, place the fish steaks in the pan and fry. (5) Your fish is ready! Place them on a plate and use papertowels to absorb some of the oil left on them. They should be "crispy on the outside and moist on the inside." ENJOY YOUR LAKE TROUT!
Sep 22, 2007 · Sooo yeah, If someone could let me know how to ask her out in Japanese that would be awesome, but before Saturday =x If i can't get an answer by then I'm sure I could come up with something, but help from someone here would be greatly appreciated. Sep 17, 2011 · But since this expression is implicit, a girl finds it easier to say no, in case she feels uncomfortable. I say this to a girl if I want to ask her for the first date. I think many Japanese girls do not feel comfortable with a straightforward date request.Status: Resolved. I just want to know how to ask a Japanese girl in Japanese Would you like to be my girlfriend or Would you like to go out I know how to ask do you have a boyfriend in Japanese. I just wandering how to ask in Japanese Would you like to be my girlfriend. I don't want to ask any Japanese girl I just want to ask one where she likes me back and I. Want to know how to ask a girl out on the phone? After asking so many girls out I figured out several things to do to guarantee the date. One simple phrase in particular made a HUGE difference but first things first. Before you use this phrase: ALWAYS! ALWAYS! ALWAYS! Do this when you ask a girl out. 10 Polite Japanese Phrases to Ask Girls Out on a Date! 1. First Names. Let’s assume your intended date is a co-worker, fellow student, friend-of-a-friend, etc. You know her as Togawa-san, which of course is her surname, the usual form of address in Japan. How early is it ok to ask a Japanese girl out on a date for a relationship? (Please read the details) Update Cancel. a d b y S c a l e F a c t o r. An operating system for your small business. Get the answers you need, when you need them with automated insights and financial experts. If you want to show the Japanese girl that you’re serious about her, bow while saying this phrase. Don’t raise you’re head before the girl answered. It may take a while but if you stay in this position you will show your patience and seriousness. You can also reach out your hand. If Japanese girl is accepting your proposal she will grab.
Detailed understanding of mechanisms of ultrafast charge and energy transfer processes is important for practical realization of novel nanodevices with intriguing physical and chemical properties. Various perturbative schemes have been developed to date to perform theoretical analysis of such processes. However, the nature of the processes often renders the applicability of these schemes questionable in realistic situations and calls for a development of non-perturbative methodologies. Once developed, such methodologies can provide theoretical benchmarks to validate approximate schemes. In this talk we will discuss two examples of nanoscale ultrafast energy/charge transfer: condensed phase electron transport in the presence of mode-mixing and phononic heat transport through nanojunction. For both cases we develop a numerically exact methodology capable of describing dynamics of energy/charge transfer in a broad variety of physical regimes. Along with this, approximate methods based on the generalized quantum master formalism are developed. Finally, exact and approximate methodologies are used to study quantum dynamics in the two mentioned examples. The ranges of applicability of approximate theories are clarified.
Grizzly bear recovery, whitebark pine, and adequate regulatory mechanisms under the Endangered Species Act. Author: Erickson, Andrew B. This Chapter explores the recovery and conservation of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bears, focusing particular attention on the ESA's requirement that the FWS ensure the existence of adequate regulatory mechanisms before delisting a species. (45) Part II provides a primer on Yellowstone grizzly ecology, particularly the population's dependence on whitebark pine--a food source at risk of decline due to climate change. Part III examines the conservation measures the FWS, state, and other federal agencies implemented to protect the grizzly population. Part IV discusses the Servheen decisions in the district court and Ninth Circuit, and Part V criticizes the Ninth Circuit's analysis of adequate regulatory mechanisms protecting the delisted Yellowstone grizzlies. Part VI concludes by explaining the current status of Yellowstone grizzlies and recommending that future delisting decisions place special emphasis on the adequacy of state regulatory mechanisms for the continued conservation of the population. The court's ruling in Servheen reinstating the threatened status of Yellowstone grizzlies will hardly be the last case to consider the future of the species. Despite continually satisfying the recovery criteria, grizzlies will remain on the ESA list of threatened species until the FWS promulgates a new rule explaining the effects of whitebark pine losses on the population. (46) For Yellowstone grizzlies, the hope for continued recovery once again rests in an uncertain balance between ecological forces and the will of the human community to protect the iconic species. Grizzly bears in Yellowstone are the ultimate "equal opportunity maulers" (47) and locavores, (48) adapting their diet to the seasons and availability of food in a biologically and geographically diverse ecosystem. (49) Grizzlies use a Variety of...
Phase 3 Allocations are in! This is a new project for phase three which will see Alpha 4 playing an active role in repopulating the rainforest along our project partner at TRCRC. During their time here the team will be preparing polybags for the upcoming planting season, relocating growing seedlings to a new nursery and once this is completed they will move onto planting up to 200 new trees. And of course, we had emotional goodbyes to the 1st 7 weekers who leave us to continue their journeys elsewhere, some heading home and others travelling to explore the world further. Rosabel, Quirine, Adelle, Lavinia, Ceaser, Will, Agatha, Matthew and Olivia – we wish you the best of luck and will miss you in phase 3.
It seems you would need a right-aligned tab stop in the middle of the page for the chapter heading, then a left-aligned tab stop for the page numbers. At the moment I can’t see a way to do this, as ticking the “right-aligned” box for a tab in the TOC dialogue sends it all the way to the right, and there is no option to enter a position value. Any suggestions for a workaround would be welcome! Many thanks in advance. I would not refer to this as a “centred” table of content (ToC), but rather a tab-aligned ToC. Enhancement bug fdo#32360 is a request to allow full support of all the usual types of tab stops, which is required to produce this type of layout, using the built-in facility. It is however possible to manually create this layout using standard paragraph text combined with either the required tab settings or a table (as indicated in the linked example). Cross-references to the required headings (one for the heading text and one for the page number) can be used to obtain the required result. Hi Oweng - thank you for the reply. That’s very helpful to have the relevant bug report and workaround strategy. Much appreciated.
ERIC Number: EJ1085827 Record Type: Journal Publication Date: 2016 Pages: 27 Abstractor: As Provided ISBN: N/A ISSN: ISSN-0268-0939 School Choice in a Stratified Geography: Class, Geography, Otherness, and Moral Boundaries Gabay-Egozi, Limor Journal of Education Policy, v31 n1 p1-27 2016 Using open-ended, semi-structured interviews, this study pulls together insights on social class and geography to explore how parents choose schools differently for their children in a unique Israeli setting. Querying parents' feelings and perceptions about themselves and others in their immediate and distant locality offers an opportunity to uncover nuances in the ways parents appropriate and reproduce ideas of spatial privilege, social mixing, and social class and ethnic distinctions through their school choice. Within our setting of school-choice policy, working-class parents who we interviewed were far from passive recipients of education services, and in fact were actively engaged in choice, albeit in a way that differs from their middle-class counterparts. Privileged middle-class parents' emotional considerations of place and choice reflect a sense of superiority and disinterest in social mixing. The emotional narratives expressed by our interviewed parents, I show, are driven by and reflect on parents' social and cultural identity and group belonging as they claim the city's space to be more than a spatial geography and emphasize its social and cultural meanings. These school-choice nuances, I argue, can be explained by drawing on the role of otherness and moral boundaries while reflecting on geography. Descriptors: School Choice, Moral Values, Social Class, Geography, Working Class, Parent Attitudes, Educational Policy, Foreign Countries, Ethnicity, Semi Structured Interviews, Self Concept, Advantaged, School Districts: Israel (Tel Aviv)
> direct correlation between a country’s willingness to care about the environment and its population’s general economic wealth. This is sometimes the case. Makes sense that if you're having trouble feeding yourself, you're not going to be as concerned about your mid to long term safety from pollutants etc (cf Maslow's hierarchy). But I think there's an idealogical component too. Look at Bhutan, or indigenous communities around the world. Low gdp, and very concerned for the environment. Daniel Quinn might argue that the apathy for the environment seen in developing countries (and developed countries until recently) is a result of an ideology installed under thousands of years of empire, colonialism, and now capitalism - a "taker" mindset which treats the environment as a resource for expansion, which (often violently) replaces a "leaver" mindset which sees humans as part of the environment. Paradoxically, it took the runaway success (and devastation) of industrial capitalism for science to develop, and discover that the leaver mindset was more correct all along.
Game: Just Dance 2014 Developer: Ubisoft Publisher: Ubisoft Release Date: Out Now Available On: PS3/360/Wii U/Wii Version Played: Wii U Just Dance 2014 is a big year for the series. It adds a variety of online features as well as adding a new Karaoke mode. It will also release on the next gen consoles at launch. Our review will specifically cover the Wii U version and the functionality that the Wii U gamepad brings to the table. Just Dance 2014 doesn’t stray too far from what you’d expect. The menu is extremely stylish but simple enough for players of all ages. Players are given the choice to either navigate with either the Wii Mote or the Wii U Gamepad. The entire game has an extremely fun, retro colour pallet and it makes it an absolute joy to play. Quite simply Just Dance 2014 looks better than any that come before it. Each song is paired with its own unique theme and that’s what makes the game so fun. The song list this year really sets it itself apart. There is truly something there for everyone with favourites such as the Ghostbusters theme song and more recent hits such as Lady Gaga’s ‘Applause’. Just Dance relies on its music and this year does not disappoint. The main gameplay of Just Dance 2014 has not changed much from previous iterations. Your main objective is still to use a Wii Mote and follow the on-screen dancers to the best of your ability. Your performance is based on how many stars you can get out of 5. The better you perform will determine how quickly you unlock new tracks and modes. We’re glad to see that Ubisoft have not broken the usual formula too much. Just Dance is extremely popular amongst a casual audience and we can’t see this title being any different. Just Dance 2014 has added a few new modes into the mix. Stage Mode is the first that we’re going to talk about. This mode places one player as the leader dancer with two backup dancers behind you. The whole idea is that you’re trying to replicate a lead popstar whilst your backup dancers complete a different routine. Our personal favourite was Battle Mode. In Battle Mode, you take your choice out of 4 mash-up songs. Each player will have custom choreography in which they go head-to-head in a dance off. The better you dance determines how quickly you eat away at your opponents life bar. Just Sweat is the final mode that is included for offline use. In this mode you dance to tracks like normal with a calorie counter showing how much that you’ve burnt off for each routine. There are a lot more tracks for this mode than in previous versions of Just Dance. We also found that Party Master was a great mode for groups of people. One player uses the GamePad and chooses which dance moves that the people holding the Wii Motes should perform. Not only can they change dance moves as frequently as they want, they can also change to a song of their choosing mid match. It adds a sense of uncertainty to what are usually familiar routines and is a great use of the Wii U GamePad. The biggest addition to Just Dance 2014 on the Wii U is the added Karaoke support. You can switch on karaoke mode by tapping on the GamePad. You can then sing along into the GamePad’s microphone in order to earn yourself extra mojo. We found this a little cumbersome as it’s pretty hard to dance and hold the GamePad but it was still impressive to see Ubisoft adding new features into an already successful franchise. Just Dance 2014 finally brings the series into the online space. It features two online modes. Online Competition is exactly what it sounds like. You can jump online and dance to the same song as other people around the world in order to try to get a better score than them. It’s not possible to communicate with your competitors or even choose your song. You literally just jump in and start dancing. At the end of each song you’re presented with a dynamic leaderboard which shows your ranking amongst other places in the world. I think that we’ll see this space updated even further in years to come but it’s good to see the series pushed into the online space. Autodance introduces video recording to the series. Using the GamePad, you can record 30 seconds of yourself dancing. The game will automatically choose parts of the clip into one goofy clip that looks absolutely ridiculous. You can then share this video to Just Dance TV or Twitter. There is also a pretty good system where you can look at other people’s videos, rank them and even give them a tag. It’s not perfect but it’s good that it’s there. You can also visit the Nintendo eShop in order to purchase new songs. We were shocked to see that new releases such as Katy Perry’s Roar was already on there as a free download. Just Dance 2014 is the biggest leap that we’ve seen in the series since it’s debut. There isn’t a single person that couldn’t have fun with this game at one time or another. If you’re a fan of dancing games then this is a must purchase. It betters itself in almost every way which is what we’re looking for in a game. We’re excited to see how it fares on the next generation consoles in a few weeks time!
package com.bnd.chemistry.business import java.{lang => jl, util => ju} import com.bnd.chemistry.business.ChemistryTestDataGenerator._ import com.bnd.chemistry.business.ContainerChemistryRunnableTest._ import com.bnd.chemistry.domain._ import com.bnd.core.DoubleConvertible.JavaDoubleAsDoubleConvertible import com.bnd.plotter.Plotter import com.bnd.core.runnable.SeqIndexAccessible._ import com.bnd.core.runnable.{DistanceFixedPointDetector, FixedPointDetector, StateCollector} import com.bnd.core.util.{FileUtil, RandomUtil} import com.bnd.function.domain.ODESolverType import com.bnd.plotter.{Plotter, SeriesPlotSetting} import com.bnd.core.dynamics.StateAlternationType import com.bnd.core.util.{FileUtil, RandomUtil} import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters import org.junit.{BeforeClass, FixMethodOrder, Test} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.util.Random object ContainerChemistryRunnableTest { val time = 5000 val displayPlot = true val mergePlots = false val runTrace = false val parentSpeciesNum = 3 val childSpeciesNum = 2 val acSimConfig = new AcSimulationConfig { setTimeStep(0.5) setOdeSolverType(ODESolverType.RungeKuttaFehlberg) setTolerance(0.0001) setFixedPointDetectionPrecision(0.00001) setFixedPointDetectionPeriodicity(50d) } val chemistryRunnableFactory = new ChemistryRunnableFactory(functionEvaluatorFactory) val plotter = Plotter("svg") val acUtil = ArtificialChemistryUtil.getInstance var compartment: AcCompartment = _ var fixedPointDetector: FixedPointDetector[jl.Double] = _ var actionSeries: AcInteractionSeries = _ var emptyActionSeries: AcInteractionSeries = _ def sortSpecies(compartment: AcCompartment) = (compartment.getSpeciesSet().getVariables(): Iterable[AcSpecies]).toList.sortBy(_.getVariableIndex()) @BeforeClass def initialize { initCompartment initActionSeries emptyActionSeries = new AcInteractionSeries emptyActionSeries.setSpeciesSet(compartment.getSpeciesSet) fixedPointDetector = new DistanceFixedPointDetector(0.0001: jl.Double, 50d) } def initActionSeries = { val subCompartments = (compartment.getSubCompartments: Iterable[AcCompartment]).toSeq actionSeries = createActionSeries(compartment) val subActionSeries1 = createActionSeries(subCompartments(0)) val subActionSeries2 = createActionSeries(subCompartments(1)) actionSeries.addSubActionSeries(subActionSeries1) actionSeries.addSubActionSeries(subActionSeries2) } def createActionSeries(compartment: AcCompartment) = { actionSeries.setSpeciesSet(compartment.getSpeciesSet()) actionSeries.setPeriodicity(800) actionSeries.setRepeatFromElement(1) var time = 2 for (_ <- 1 to 4) { val action = new AcInteraction actionSeries.addAction(action) action.setStartTime(time) action.setAlternationType(StateAlternationType.Replacement) action.setTimeLength(0d) println(time) val effectedSpecies = RandomUtil.nextElementsWithRepetitions(compartment.getSpecies(), 2) effectedSpecies.foreach { s => { val speciesAction = new AcSpeciesInteraction action.addToSpeciesActions(speciesAction) speciesAction.setSpecies(s) acUtil.setSettingFunctionFromString("0.1 + " + compartment.getSpecies().head.getLabel(), speciesAction) } } time += RandomUtil.nextInt(50) } actionSeries } def createCompartment(reactionSet: AcReactionSet, label: String) = new AcCompartment() { setReactionSet(reactionSet) setLabel(label) } def initCompartment = { compartment = createCompartment(parentReactionSet, "Skin") val child1Compartment = createCompartment(childReactionSet("C1"), "Sub 1") val child2Compartment = createCompartment(childReactionSet("C2"), "Sub 2") compartment.addSubCompartment(child1Compartment) compartment.addSubCompartment(child2Compartment) val skinSpecies = sortSpecies(compartment) val child1Species = sortSpecies(child1Compartment) val child2Species = sortSpecies(child2Compartment) val species = skinSpecies ++ child1Species ++ child2Species // channels child1Compartment.addChannel(new AcCompartmentChannel() { setSourceSpecies(skinSpecies.head) setTargetSpecies(child1Species.head) setDirection(AcChannelDirection.In) setPermeability(0.01) }) child2Compartment.addChannel(new AcCompartmentChannel() { setSourceSpecies(skinSpecies.tail.head) setTargetSpecies(child2Species.head) setDirection(AcChannelDirection.In) setPermeability(0.01) }) } val parentReactionSet = { val speciesSet = createSpeciesSetWithPrefix(parentSpeciesNum, "P") val selectedSpecies: Seq[AcSpecies] = new ju.ArrayList[AcSpecies](RandomUtil.nextElementsWithRepetitions(speciesSet.getVariables(), 4)) val reactionSet = new AcReactionSet reactionSet setSpeciesSet (speciesSet) reactionSet addReaction (createReaction(selectedSpecies(0), selectedSpecies(1), RandomUtil.nextDouble(0.05))) reactionSet addReaction (createReaction(selectedSpecies(2), selectedSpecies(3), RandomUtil.nextDouble(0.05))) reactionSet } def childReactionSet(prefix: String) = { val speciesSet = createSpeciesSetWithPrefix(childSpeciesNum, prefix) val selectedSpecies = new ju.ArrayList[AcSpecies](speciesSet.getVariables): Seq[AcSpecies] val reactionSet = new AcReactionSet reactionSet setSpeciesSet (speciesSet) reactionSet addReaction (createReaction(selectedSpecies(0), selectedSpecies(1), RandomUtil.nextDouble(0.05))) reactionSet } private def createReaction( reactant: AcSpecies, product: AcSpecies, forwardRateConstant: jl.Double): AcReaction = { val reaction = new AcReaction reaction addAssociationForSpecies (reactant, AcSpeciesAssociationType.Reactant) reaction addAssociationForSpecies (product, AcSpeciesAssociationType.Product) reaction setForwardRateConstant (forwardRateConstant) reaction } } @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) class ContainerChemistryRunnableTest extends ScalaChemistryTest { @Test def test1 { } // For naming the plots val merged = if (mergePlots) "Merged " else "" // @Test // def test2Chemistry = runChemistry(compartment, merged + "Vanilla") // // @Test // def test3ChemistryWithFPDetector = runChemistry(compartment, merged + "Fixed Point", Some(fixedPointDetector)) // // @Test // def test4ChemistryWithEmptyActionSeries = runChemistry(compartment, merged + "Empty AS", None, Some(emptyActionSeries)) // @Test def test5ChemistryWithActionSeries = runChemistry(compartment, merged + "Interaction Series", Some(actionSeries)) // // @Test // def test5ChemistryWithActionSeriesAndFPDetector = runChemistry(compartment, merged + "Interaction Series and FPD", Some(fixedPointDetector), Some(actionSeries)) @Test def test6CompareHierFlat = compareHierFlat(None) @Test def test6CompareHierFlatAS = compareHierFlat(Some(actionSeries)) // @Test // def test7CompartmentSynch = checkSynch(2) // // // // def checkSych (subcompartments : Int) = { // val skinCompartment = createCompartment(parentReactionSet, "Skin") // // val initialStates = for (i <- 1 to parentSpeciesNum) yield Random.nextDouble: jl.Double // // for (i <- 1 to subcompartments){ // skinCompartment.addSubCompartment( // createCompartment(parentReactionSet, "sub" + i)) // } // // val chem = new ArtificialChemistry { // setSkinCompartment(skinCompartment) // setSimulationConfig(acSimConfig) // } // // val containerWithModules = chemistryRunnableFactory.createHierarchical(chem.getSkinCompartment(), chemistryRunSetting) // // val containerChemistry = containerWithModules._1 // val compartmentChemistries = containerWithModules._2 // // val compartmentStateCollectors = // compartmentChemistries.map { // case (compartment, chemistry) => { // val stateCollector = new StateCollector[jl.Double] // chemistry.subscribe(stateCollector) // (compartment, stateCollector) // } // } // // containerChemistry.setStates(initialStates) // compartmentChemistries.foreach(_._2.setStates(initialStates)) // // containerChemistry.runFor(time) // // compartmentStateCollectors // // for (i <- 1 to subcompartments){ // (collector.head.collected, collector.tail.head.collected).zipped.foreach { // case ((timeStep1, states1), (timeStep2, states2)) => { // assertEquals(timeStep1, timeStep2) // (states1,states2).zipped.foreach(assertEquals) // } // } // } // } // val container = chemistryRunnableFactory.createHierarchical(chem.getSkinCompartment(), chemistryRunSetting) // // val containerChem = container._1 // val compartmentChems = container._2 // // val compartmentStateCollectors = compartmentChems.map { // case (compartment, chemistry) => { // val stateCollector = new StateCollector[jl.Double] // chemistry.subscribe(stateCollector) // (compartment, stateCollector) // } // } // // containerChem.setStates(initialCopies) // containerChem.runFor(time) def compareHierFlat( actionSeries: Option[AcInteractionSeries] = None ) = { val skinCompartment = createCompartment(parentReactionSet, "Skin") val initialStates = for (i <- 1 to parentSpeciesNum) yield Random.nextDouble: jl.Double val hierarchicalCollectors = collectHierarchicalStates(compartment, initialStates, actionSeries).map(_._2) val flatCollector = collectFlatStates(compartment, initialStates, actionSeries) assertEquals(hierarchicalCollectors.size, 1) (hierarchicalCollectors.head.collected, flatCollector.collected).zipped.foreach { case ((timeStep1, states1), (timeStep2, states2)) => { assertEquals(timeStep1, timeStep2) (states1,states2).zipped.foreach(assertEquals) } } } def runChemistry( compartment: AcCompartment, plotName: String, actionSeries: Option[AcInteractionSeries] = None ) = { val containerWithModules = if (actionSeries.isDefined) chemistryRunnableFactory.createInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, actionSeries.get, None) else chemistryRunnableFactory.createNonInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, None) val containerChemistry = containerWithModules._1 val compartmentChemistries = containerWithModules._2 val compartmentStateCollectors = if (displayPlot) { compartmentChemistries.map { case (compartment, chemistry) => { val stateCollector = new StateCollector[jl.Double, Array] chemistry.subscribe(stateCollector) (compartment, stateCollector) } } } else List.empty[(AcCompartment, StateCollector[jl.Double, Array])] val initialState = for (i <- 1 to containerChemistry.getStates.size) yield Random.nextDouble: jl.Double containerChemistry.setStates(initialState) containerChemistry.runFor(time) // displaying if (displayPlot) if (mergePlots) displayMergedPlot(compartmentStateCollectors, plotName) else displayCompartmentPlots(compartmentStateCollectors, plotName) } // def compareCompartments( // fixedPointDetector: Option[FixedPointDetector[jl.Double]] = None, // actionSeries: Option[AcInteractionSeries] = None) = { // // def sortSpecies(compartment: AcCompartment) = // (compartment.getSpeciesSet().getVariables(): Iterable[AcSpecies]).toList.sortBy(_.getVariableIndex()) // // val skinCompartment = createCompartment(parentReactionSet, "Skin") // val childCompartment = createCompartment(childReactionSet("C1"), "Sub 1") // skinCompartment.addSubCompartment(childCompartment) // // val skinSpecies = sortSpecies(skinCompartment) // val childSpecies = sortSpecies(childCompartment) // val species = skinSpecies ++ childSpecies // // val noCompart = new ArtificialChemistry() { // setSkinCompartment(skinCompartment) // setSimulationConfig(acSimConfig) // } // val compart = new ArtificialChemistry { // setSkinCompartment(childCompartment) // } // } def collectHierarchicalStates( compartment: AcCompartment, initialState: Seq[jl.Double], actionSeries: Option[AcInteractionSeries] = None ) = { val containerWithModules = if (actionSeries.isDefined) chemistryRunnableFactory.createInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, actionSeries.get, None) else chemistryRunnableFactory.createNonInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, None) val containerChemistry = containerWithModules._1 val compartmentChemistries = containerWithModules._2 val compartmentStateCollectors = compartmentChemistries.map { case (compartment, chemistry) => { val stateCollector = new StateCollector[jl.Double, Array] chemistry.subscribe(stateCollector) (compartment, stateCollector) } } containerChemistry.setStates(initialState) containerChemistry.runFor(time) compartmentStateCollectors } def collectFlatStates( compartment: AcCompartment, initialState: Seq[jl.Double], actionSeries: Option[AcInteractionSeries] = None ) = { val chemistryWithPublishers = if (actionSeries.isDefined) if (runTrace) chemistryRunnableFactory.createInteractiveWithTraceAndPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, actionSeries.get, None) else chemistryRunnableFactory.createInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, actionSeries.get, None) else { val chem = chemistryRunnableFactory.createNonInteractiveWithPublishers(compartment, acSimConfig, None) chem._1.setStates(initialState) chem } val chemistry = chemistryWithPublishers._1 val firstPublisher = chemistryWithPublishers._2.head._2 val stateCollector = new StateCollector[jl.Double, Array] firstPublisher.subscribe(stateCollector) chemistry.runFor(time) stateCollector } private def displayMergedPlot( compartmentStateCollectors: Iterable[(AcCompartment, StateCollector[jl.Double, Array])], plotName: String ) = { val xAxisLines = compartmentStateCollectors.map { case (compartment, stateCollector) => { val timeSteps = stateCollector.collected.map(_._1.toDouble) val data = stateCollector.collected.map(_._2).transpose println(timeSteps) (timeSteps, data) } } val data = xAxisLines.map(_._2).flatten val plotSetting = new SeriesPlotSetting() .setTitle(plotName) .setTransposed(false) .setXAxes(xAxisLines.flatMap { case (xAxis, lines) => List.fill(lines.size)(xAxis) }) val output = plotter.plotSeries(data, plotSetting) FileUtil.getInstance().overwriteStringToFileSafe(output, plotName + ".svg") } private def displayCompartmentPlots( compartmentStateCollectors: Iterable[(AcCompartment, StateCollector[jl.Double, Array])], plotName: String ) = compartmentStateCollectors.foreach { case (compartment, stateCollector) => { val data = stateCollector.collected.map(_._2 : Seq[jl.Double]) val times = stateCollector.collected.map(_._1.toDouble) println(times) val plotSetting = new SeriesPlotSetting() .setTitle(plotName + " " + compartment.getLabel) .setTransposed(true) .setXAxis(times) val output = plotter.plotSeries(data, plotSetting) FileUtil.getInstance.overwriteStringToFileSafe(output, plotName + " " + compartment.getLabel + ".svg") } } }
Bitcoin Price Surges by 9 Percent in Minutes. What Triggered the Move? On June 18, within minutes, the bitcoin price climbed from $9,300 to over $10,500 across major crypto exchanges, triggering the entire market to recover swiftly. Analysts have generally attributed the abrupt surge in the bitcoin price to the occurrence of a short squeeze on margin trading platforms like BitMEX. Big Short Squeeze: Is It Sustainable for Bitcoin? On margin trading platforms, a short squeeze occurs when a large buy order triggers many short contracts to become liquidated, pushing the bitcoin price up temporarily. According to Alex Krüger, a global markets analyst, bears or sellers were in control of the bitcoin market throughout the past several days until the short squeeze happened, which was difficult to anticipate with conventional technical analysis. “Bitcoin just moved by more than nine percent in four minutes. That’s how trends die. Bears were in control despite yesterday’s relief rally. Until now. All those who sold yesterday’s pullback got run over. No technical analysis could have predicted that squeeze until it was already halfway underway. Bears were fully in control until slightly past 10:30 EST,” he said. Stocks take the stairs up and elevator down. Cryptos take the elevator down and rocket launcher up. Prior to the recovery, several technical analysts anticipated the bitcoin price to rebound from its pullback earlier this week. Following the recovery, the analyst noted that if bitcoin remains above an important support level in $10,850, it could sustain its momentum throughout the near term. If it falls below it, however, he indicated that the short-term trend of the asset may struggle to turn bullish once again. “10.4 met. No violent reaction, no rejection – BTC looking decent. Let’s see reaction at this next resistance. Punch and close above $10850 and things start looking substantially bullish,” the analyst said. In the upcoming weeks, bitcoin and the rest of the crypto market are expected to move primarily based on technical factors rather than fundamental, possibly due to the stance of the Trump administration towards the crypto sector. In an interview with CNBC this week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin warned investors against strong regulation, stating that the government will crack down hard on money laundering. “We’re going to make sure that bitcoin doesn’t become the equivalent of Swiss-numbered bank accounts, which were obviously a risk to the financial system. I don’t think that’s accurate at all, that cash is laundered all the time. We combat bad actors in the U.S. dollar every day to protect the U.S. financial system,” he said. Although industry executives have acknowledged the remarks of U.S. President Donald Trump and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin as optimistic indicators of the long-term survivability of bitcoin, increasing efforts to strengthen regulatory oversight may create a difficult environment for companies. Bitcoin still remains down by more than 30 percent from its yearly peak at around $14,000, and until it surpasses major resistance levels above the $11,000 level, technical analysts are likely to remain cautious on the short-term trend of the asset.
A stay means a ruling on the law won't affect the Midterm Elections. An appellate court temporarily reinstated portions of a Florida election law deemed unconstitutional by a lower court. In March, U.S. District Court Chief Judge Mark Walker found parts of a 2021 state law to be unconstitutional. The state of Florida last month appealed that ruling, which struck down parts of the law including a prohibition on engaging voters in line at polls. A three-judge panel with the 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, though, cited the Purcell principle prohibiting significant changes to election law too close to an election. The same principle may stop federal judges from tossing a congressional map signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis which is being challenged in court before the Midterm Elections. That means there won’t be any changes to the 2021 law as passed before this year’s Primary and General Election. “The district court below failed to contend with any of the ‘plainly legitimate’ applications of the Solicitation Provision, and thereby arguably failed to balance its legitimate applications against its potentially unconstitutional applications,” the appellate court ordered. Ultimately, a three-judge panel concluded that the state of Florida at the very least has a case that the law will stand on appeal. That doesn’t guarantee Walker’s ruling will be overturned, but it does mean the state must enforce the law as written while the case makes its way through court. “In the circumstances of this case, and accounting for the fact that our review is governed by Purcell, we conclude that the state is entitled to a stay pending appeal,” a court order states. Democratic attorney Marc Elias expressed confidence opponents of the law will eventually prevail. Walker in his decision ordered a halt to multiple provisions of the law. Those included a “line-warming” ban that stopped campaign volunteers from interacting with voters in lines that stretched far off from polling locations. The original decision tossed restrictions on election officials employing drop boxes for votes cast ahead of an election. Walker also wanted Florida to face pre-clearance requirements for the next decade on certain election laws. The Walker ruling also stopped restrictions on third-party voter registration efforts but those were repealed by the Legislature and went unaddressed in the appellate court order. The League of Women Voters and other plaintiffs had argued in a complaint against the state those provisions of the law were discriminatory based on race. Walker was appointed to the bench by Democratic President Barack Obama in 2012, while the three judges who issued the appellate court order — Andrew Brasher, Barbara Lagoa and Kevin Newsom — were all appointed by Republican President Donald Trump. Lagoa previously served on the Florida Supreme Court, where she had been appointed by DeSantis. Wonder how the leftwing activists feel now after having celebrating their victory last month. Like I can wait for all you republicans to die of old age already. Most of you are like 80. Sure is taking longer then I thought.. y u so mad, bro?? Gotta love the tolerant left :’D lol !! Also if you are waiting for me to die of old age in my 80’s you have a good 45+ years of holding your breath for that to happen. Oh I can wait. And liberal tolerance is overrated. Like American institutions. They need a good leak every now and then. Leftists grasping for the Demography is Destiny Kool-Aid, like they haven’t been doing it for the past 2 decades to cover for the unpopularity of their agenda. The tears of the inept white liberal D political class taste great as they watch those poll numbers showing Blacks and Hispanics fleeing in droves and begin to understand they will never be able to take credit for what they thought was inevitable if they could just sit around and virtue signal for a few more years. But keep telling us how you’ll get ’em next cycle! Walker is incompetent! He’s hostile and sideways, In his flawed order, he said that any new legislative law must be approved by his court. Nice try. This stay will be upheld. Marc Elias will be indicted on the fake dossier and mueller probe. He’s a Hillary, Holder licker. Atrocious. Susmann will be convicted as well. America’s Gov gets last laugh! This appellate court has three Trump appointee’s. Two of the appointees are deemed “unqualified” by the American Bar Association. There are additional future cases addressing this miserable DeSantis dictate. Keep toking on the hopium pipe. First, what the article and the law clearly establish is that Walker had no authority to enjoin the law so close to the election, regardless of the merits. Yet he did it anyways. You celebrate that lawlessness, but allege that those who correct it are “unqualified.” What is obvious to everyone is that it is just about getting the result you favor for your “side.” What next, “My body my choice?” Hypocrite. How many times do we have to beat it into your head? But by all means, keep telling us how “you’ll get ’em next time,” sport. The only getting is going to be by the Democratic lawyer/consultant/PR/grifter class whose only purpose is to keep getting paid while racking up the Ls. The American Bar Association is pretty politically liberal and the individual(s) who graded Trumps nominees was an anti-Trumper. Peter h is a Lincoln Org advocate. He is a joke apologist, anti-trumper. The Dem, Dum Manchurians are brain dead. Peter h is a lackey. Don’t take anything he says seriously. America is wanting America’s Governor. He offers new generational leadership. Re-elect in Nov, after Tallahassee to WH Oval. DeSantis the best! 3 trump judges??? hummm . They rule like the supreme court then ask for pretection. LOL. If your rules are fair you will not need protection. GOP the “party of freedom” but want to control womans bodies. Next back to slaves? Schools just for whites? Chief Justice John Roberts said we don’t have Obama judges or Trump judges. Real Tom here the legend! Roberts found out that the wolves are pounding on the door, typical Dem, Dums paid off by Soros Scum of the earth.
0 Match 5 and 1 Star 805,957.90 1 2 Match 5 67,163.10 0 8 Match 4 and 2 Stars 7,260.80 3 37 Match 4 and 1 Star 271. Millionaire Raffle, mTL833773, prize Breakdown, view prize breakdowns for other countries.The winning Lotto Millionaire Raffle codes are drawn shortly after the main Lotto numbers, with 20 prizes* of 20,000 being awarded as pottery barn discount promo code well as a single prize of 1 million in every draw.Lotto, lotto Millionaire Raffle, results, lotto Millionaire Raffle was previously known as Lotto Raffle and this page displays the latest results from the game.Match 4 106.40 165 2,208 Match 3 and 2 Stars.50 85 1,834 Match 2 and 2 Stars.60 1,445 27,909 Match 3 and 1 Star.70 2,954 41,632 Match.90 7,174 96,219 Match 1 and 2 Stars.50 7,910 149,982 Match 2 and.Match 2 and 2 Stars.67 27,909, match 3 and 1 Star.75 41,632, match.91 96,219 Match 1 and 2 Stars.55 149,982 Match 2 and 1 Star.40 629,065 Match.15 1,456,124 Totals - 2,405,885 The single winning jackpot ticket matching.The first Early Bird drawing is October 12, 2014.0 Match 5 and 1 Star 805,957.90.00 2 Match 5 67,163.10 1 67,163.10 8 Match 4 and 2 Stars 7,260.80 8 58,086.40 37 Match 4 and 1 Star 271.70 183 49,721.10 865 Match 4 106.40 500 53,200.00 2,208 Match 3 and 2 Stars.Looking for older Millionaire Raffle results?0 Match 5 and 1 Star 577,348.50 1 577,348.50 2 Match 5 48,112.30 3 144,336.90 8 Match 4 and 2 Stars 5,201.30 11 57,214.30 37 Match 4 and 1 Star 194.60 232 45,147.20 865 Match.20 470 35,814.00 2,208 Match 3 and 2 Stars.By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.The estimated jackpot advertised in the UK prior to the draw was 26,000,000.To update this page periodically click the refresh button in your browser, once the result has been drawn this message will automatically disappear.On Saturday 10th October 2015, there were 25 top tier prizes of 1 million given away to celebrate the launch of the game.Read more about the Super Star draw Belgium Joker Results - Friday 17th January Constellation: Tweelingen Prize Categories Prize Per promotional code for crate and barrel online Winner Winners Prize Fund Amount Match 6 plus Constellation 1,100,000.00.00 Match 6 20,000.00.00 Match 5 2,000.00 3 6,000.00 Match 4 200.00.Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Austrian Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners Match 5 and 2 Stars 33,069,927.00.00 Rollover!Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Irish Winners Prize Fund Amount Total Winners Match 5 and 2 Stars 33,069,927.00.00 Rollover!Lotto Millionaire Raffle prizes are valid for 180 days from the date of the draw and it is advisable to check tickets as soon as possible to avoid any delay in claiming your prize.The estimated jackpot advertised in Spain prior to the draw was 32,000,000.Home, results, friday 17th January 2014, the 660th EuroMillions draw took place on Friday 17th January 2014 at 21:00 CET (20:00 GMT) and the winning numbers drawn were: Draw Number.Numbers Matched Prize Per Winner Luxembourgian Swiss Winners Total Winners Match 5 and 2 Stars 33,069,927.00 0 Rollover! This section will update shortly to confirm the numbers drawn along with other information like the amounts and number of winners for each prize tier. Lotto may, from time to time, offer additional Lotto Millionaire Raffle prizes to celebrate special events.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Consider new compilation path username_0: What if we compiled from TypeScript -> Candid -> Rust? There are already tools that compile Candid <-> Rust. Right Now I am writing a compiler from TypeScript to Rust basically...but perhaps compiling to Candid would be better, since all of the Rust implementation details would be figured out for us. And imagine in the future with Python and other languages, as long as we can compile those type systems into Candid, then Rust will automatically be done for us. I think this is the best path forward. The Candid <-> Rust compiler infrastructure will be maintained by DFINITY thus we can rely on that infrastructure. We will just need TypeScript -> Candid, Python -> Candid, etc. And I'm glossing over some details, because there will always be some compilation from the source language to Rust, but I'm mostly talking about the custom developer-defined types/data structures. <issue_comment>username_0: Should probably make the TypeScript -> Candid compiler its own project? It would be a lot easier to not do that at first though <issue_comment>username_0: This is how you install didc: cargo install --git https://github.com/dfinity/candid didc didc is just a nice wrapper around the underlying candid library, I am thinking I should possibly write my own tighter integration of the compiler...we'll see. For example, the canister could generate the types at compile time? <issue_comment>username_0: Doing this!
Pardon my delay in letting you know about this, but I was shooting a new video (yes – another one…) no half measures here, which is why I’m massively hungover sans-alcohol; existing exhausted in a lucid dream that apparently is also my life – anyone for Fight Club? The FIRST RULE about DOLLS Fight Club is TELL EVERYONE about Fight Club. The second rule of DOLLS Fight Club is be really fucking fashionable while telling everyone. Oh, HELLO celeb endorsement from pretty TV personality who interviews the likes of Britney Spears and Brad Pitt. (You read – I’ll wait.) Also fighting in DOLLS’ corner, inimitable (oh you can TRY) fashion-blogger extraordinaire The Fashion Ache – aka Sarah Tippett – blogged about me singing for Rimmel London (yes, that’s me you’re picturing on your lips. Saucy, innit!?) just in time for LFW. You can follow her on Twitter here (DO IT) where she’s killing fashion week in RealTime and do your wardrobe a favour and bookmark her (frankly AMAZONG note: typo and it stays) blog here. Click it!! The words: ‘apocalyptic glamour’, are the only words to describe DOLLS’ dark and dirty pop bubblegum sound. The inimitable sound of the band and lead singer, Nikki Awesome reeks of a cool, effortless style that has already drawn intrigue from the likes of New Order, Bloc Party, The Killers, The Deftones, and many, many more since exploding on to the scene in London (after parting ways with Warner Music Canada). Earlier last year, you may have read my style Q&A with the indie artist that unearthed her cool, raw, candy-girl style that’s effortlessly thrown together by a girl who knows exactly what her style is, and exactly what she wants to wear. But what’s the latest for DOLLS? At the top of the list, it’s got to be theDOLLS’ soundtrack for Rimmel London’s ‘Moisture Wear Lipstick’ campaignone HELL of an advert. >
Wrestling is a high contact sport that puts athletes at greater risk for skin infections than other sports. Wrestlers are at risk for ringworm, impetigo and more serious conditions like cellulitis, Herpes simplex, scabies, and staph infections like MRSA. The threat of these conditions is the perfect reason to stock up on a potent sports protective gear spray like Clear Gear! Just ask some of our customers, like the IFC and WWE! To keep your wrestlers safe, it’s essential to establish disinfecting protocols for wrestling gear, equipment and facilities. Here are some tips for protecting wrestlers in this high risk sport. Disinfect Mats Wrestling mats are breeding grounds for communicable skin infections that can be difficult to get rid of. Thoroughly sanitize and spray down mats with Clear Gear before and immediately after each use. This will protect against germs while extending the life of the mat. Clean All Gear Teach your team to disinfect all wrestling gear and equipment, like protective pads, headgear, and uniforms with Clear Gear Spray. Allow gear to dry thoroughly before next use. Sanitize the Wrestling Room Have the wrestling room sanitized whenever possible. Strive to get a good amount of air flowing through the room. This will help deter nasty germs that thrive in hot, sweaty environments. Instill Healthy Habits Instill good hygiene habits among your athletes. Encourage athletes to pre-treat their workout clothes and uniforms with Clear Gear and then wash clothes after practice and matches. Athletes should shower immediately after every practice, workout, match and competition. Shower shoes and flip flops should always be worn in the shower. Tell your wrestlers never to share personal items like soap, razors and towels. Make sure wrestlers keep all cuts, lesions or abrasions clean and properly covered. Disinfect Locker Rooms The locker room is a favorite location for germs that cause infections. Spray down all the lockers, benches and high-touch areas with Clear Gear. Tell wrestlers never to sit on benches naked. Report Infections If a wrestler contracts an infection, immediately remove them from contact. Report infections to parents, other coaches and athletic trainers. Send the athlete to a doctor so they can diagnose and prescribe treatment. Do not let them return until all symptoms have subsided and the doctor gives them the green light. Clear Gear is your best defense against germs and odors. Click through to learn more about the most powerful sports protective gear spray in the game.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \class Proxy_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents /// \author Timo "TimoSoft" Kunze /// \brief <em>Fires events specified by the \c _IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents interface</em> /// /// \if UNICODE /// \sa VirtualListViewWorkAreas, ExLVwLibU::_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents /// \else /// \sa VirtualListViewWorkAreas, ExLVwLibA::_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents /// \endif ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma once #include "DispIDs.h" template<class TypeOfTrigger> class Proxy_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents : public IConnectionPointImpl<TypeOfTrigger, &__uuidof(_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents), CComDynamicUnkArray> { public: }; // Proxy_IVirtualListViewWorkAreasEvents
The groundbreaking discovery at the site was elected as one of the top 10 archaeological findings in China in 2018. Now, the story of the Ni state and Shang hierarchy are in focus at Glory of Hedong, an exhibition at the National Museum of China in Beijing, which is set to run through Dec 25. Hedong refers to an area in Shanxi where the Yellow River flows and which is home to ancient cultures like the Ni state. The display of some 170 artifacts marks the first comprehensive public-viewing of archaeological discoveries that have been unearthed at the Jiuwutou site. Gao Zhenhua, the exhibition curator and a member of the on-site archaeology team, says, "The Shang empire exerted rigid hierarchy and funeral rules, such as what-and how many-objects to bury with the deceased in accordance with the obvious distinctions in class." He says his team unearthed many objects made from pottery, jade and bronze, as well as weapons and chariot apparatus that indicate people buried in the Jiuwutou area hailed from high aristocracy-meaning they were below the royal family but above other elites at the time. The team also found that the tombs were built with passageways, a rare architectural feature that Gao says was exclusive to the graves of the royal family and senior aristocrats during the Shang period. Researchers identified a frequently appearing character inscribed on the bronzeware as ni. They believe it refers to the surname Ni, a family that controlled a state bordering the Shang empire. Shang bronze items bearing the same character are also seen in museum collections elsewhere. Further studies of the natural conditions that surround the Jiuwutou tombs prove the Ni state's importance to the Shang emperors. Gao says the site is close to salt lakes and a copper belt. Salt production at the time was not developed, but the lakes near Jiuwutou became a major, stable source of salt for the Shang, which gave the Ni state a considerable influence over the rulers. He says copper mines were of strategic importance to the Shang, a dynasty marked by the manufacturing of sophisticated, ceremonial bronzeware that symbolized state power. "It is highly possible that a Shang emperor dispatched the Ni family to Jiuwutou to establish a domain state. The family safeguarded the production and transportation of salt and copper-two resources of rarity and strategic importance-to the dynasty's center." He says the Ni state, which was on Shang's northwestern border, neighbored many enemy states and was vital to the dynasty's stability. The important position of Ni explains the great number of weapons and chariot apparatus buried in six of the pits at the Jiuwutou tombs. Gao says the many sets of drinking vessels found at the site also show the social position of the Ni family. Zhang Yuancheng, director of Shanxi Museum, says the number and types of bronze items owned by noble families varied according to rank. People in Shang drank a lot of alcohol-a habit that later contributed to the dynasty's downfall-and they manufactured many vessels. At another site, in Henan province, more than half of some 210 bronze containers for drinking were found in the tomb of Shang consort Fu Hao. The vessels from Jiuwutou reflect the Shang era's great attention to drinking rituals. Objects on show at the ongoing exhibition include those used for heating and storing liquor. The exhibition also emphasizes the ongoing fight against tomb raiders. Several pieces of bronzeware that were looted from Jiuwutou were recovered by police, but experts cannot ascertain which tombs they were taken from. It means that part of the picture of the Ni state remains incomplete.
# Copyright 2017 AT&T Corporation. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import testtools from unittest import mock from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc from patrole_tempest_plugin import rbac_exceptions from patrole_tempest_plugin import rbac_utils from patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.unit import base from patrole_tempest_plugin.tests.unit import fixtures as patrole_fixtures class RBACUtilsMixinTest(base.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(RBACUtilsMixinTest, self).setUp() self.rbac_utils_fixture = self.useFixture( patrole_fixtures.RbacUtilsMixinFixture()) self.test_obj = self.rbac_utils_fixture.test_obj def test_init_roles_with_missing_admin_role(self): self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles('member') error_re = (".*Following roles were not found: admin. Available " "roles: member.") self.assertRaisesRegex(rbac_exceptions.RbacResourceSetupFailed, error_re, self.test_obj._init_roles) def test_init_roles_with_missing_rbac_role(self): self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles('admin') error_re = (".*Following roles were not found: member. Available " "roles: admin.") self.assertRaisesRegex(rbac_exceptions.RbacResourceSetupFailed, error_re, self.test_obj._init_roles) def test_override_role_to_admin_role_at_creating(self): rbac_utils_fixture = self.useFixture( patrole_fixtures.RbacUtilsMixinFixture(do_reset_mocks=False)) test_obj = rbac_utils_fixture.test_obj roles_client = rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.assert_called_once_with( rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID, 'admin_id') test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].clear_auth.assert_called_once_with() test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].set_auth.assert_called_once_with() mock_time.sleep.assert_called_once_with(1) def test_override_role_to_admin_role(self): self.test_obj._override_role() roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = self.rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.assert_called_once_with( self.rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, self.rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID, 'admin_id') self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].clear_auth\ .assert_called_once_with() self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].set_auth\ .assert_called_once_with() mock_time.sleep.assert_called_once_with(1) def test_override_role_to_admin_role_avoids_role_switch(self): self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles(['admin', 'member'], 'admin') self.test_obj._override_role() roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = self.rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.assert_not_called() mock_time.sleep.assert_not_called() def test_override_role_to_member_role(self): self.test_obj._override_role(True) roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = self.rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(self.rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, self.rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID, 'member_id') ]) self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].clear_auth.assert_has_calls( [mock.call()]) self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].set_auth.assert_has_calls( [mock.call()]) mock_time.sleep.assert_has_calls([mock.call(1)]) def test_override_role_to_member_role_avoids_role_switch(self): self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles(['admin', 'member'], 'member') self.test_obj._override_role(True) roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = self.rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time self.assertEqual(0, roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.call_count) self.assertEqual(0, mock_time.sleep.call_count) def test_override_role_to_member_role_then_admin_role(self): self.test_obj._override_role(True) self.test_obj._override_role(False) roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client mock_time = self.rbac_utils_fixture.mock_time roles_client.create_user_role_on_project.assert_has_calls([ mock.call(self.rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, self.rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID, 'member_id'), mock.call(self.rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, self.rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID, 'admin_id') ]) self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].clear_auth.assert_has_calls( [mock.call()] * 2) self.test_obj.get_auth_providers()[0].set_auth.assert_has_calls( [mock.call()] * 2) mock_time.sleep.assert_has_calls([mock.call(1)] * 2) def test_clear_user_roles(self): # NOTE(felipemonteiro): Set the user's roles on the project to # include 'random' to coerce a role switch, or else it will be # skipped. self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles(['admin', 'member'], ['member', 'random']) self.test_obj._override_role() roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client roles_client.list_user_roles_on_project.assert_called_once_with( self.rbac_utils_fixture.PROJECT_ID, self.rbac_utils_fixture.USER_ID) roles_client.delete_role_from_user_on_project.\ assert_has_calls([ mock.call(mock.sentinel.project_id, mock.sentinel.user_id, 'member_id'), mock.call(mock.sentinel.project_id, mock.sentinel.user_id, 'random_id')]) def test_override_role_context_manager_simulate_pass(self): """Validate that expected override_role calls are made when switching to admin role for success path. """ mock_override_role = self.patchobject(self.test_obj, '_override_role') with self.test_obj.override_role(): # Validate `override_role` public method called private method # `_override_role` with True. mock_override_role.assert_called_once_with(True) mock_override_role.reset_mock() # Validate that `override_role` switched back to admin role after # contextmanager. mock_override_role.assert_called_once_with(False) def test_override_role_context_manager_simulate_fail(self): """Validate that expected override_role calls are made when switching to admin role for failure path (i.e. when test raises exception). """ mock_override_role = self.patchobject(self.test_obj, '_override_role') def _do_test(): with self.test_obj.override_role(): # Validate `override_role` public method called private method # `_override_role` with True. mock_override_role.assert_called_once_with(True) mock_override_role.reset_mock() # Raise exc to verify role switch works for negative case. raise lib_exc.Forbidden() # Validate that role is switched back to admin, despite test failure. with testtools.ExpectedException(lib_exc.Forbidden): _do_test() mock_override_role.assert_called_once_with(False) def test_override_role_and_validate_list(self): m_override_role = self.patchobject(self.test_obj, 'override_role') with (self.test_obj.override_role_and_validate_list( admin_resource_id='foo')) as ctx: self.assertIsInstance(ctx, rbac_utils._ValidateListContext) m_validate = self.patchobject(ctx, '_validate') m_override_role.assert_called_once_with() m_validate.assert_called_once() def test_prepare_role_inferences_mapping(self): self.test_obj.admin_roles_client.list_all_role_inference_rules.\ return_value = { "role_inferences": [ { "implies": [{"id": "reader_id", "name": "reader"}], "prior_role": {"id": "member_id", "name": "member"} }, { "implies": [{"id": "member_id", "name": "member"}], "prior_role": {"id": "admin_id", "name": "admin"} } ] } expected_role_inferences_mapping = { "member_id": {"reader_id"}, "admin_id": {"member_id", "reader_id"} } actual_role_inferences_mapping = self.test_obj.\ _prepare_role_inferences_mapping() self.assertEqual(expected_role_inferences_mapping, actual_role_inferences_mapping) def test_get_all_needed_roles(self): self.test_obj.__class__._role_inferences_mapping = { "member_id": {"reader_id"}, "admin_id": {"member_id", "reader_id"} } self.test_obj.__class__._role_map = { "admin_id": "admin", "admin": "admin_id", "member_id": "member", "member": "member_id", "reader_id": "reader", "reader": "reader_id" } for roles, expected_roles in ( (['admin'], ['admin', 'member', 'reader']), (['member'], ['member', 'reader']), (['reader'], ['reader']), (['custom_role'], ['custom_role']), (['custom_role', 'member'], ['custom_role', 'member', 'reader']), (['admin', 'member'], ['admin', 'member', 'reader']), ): expected_roles = sorted(expected_roles) actual_roles = sorted(self.test_obj.get_all_needed_roles(roles)) self.assertEqual(expected_roles, actual_roles) def test_restore_roles(self): self.rbac_utils_fixture.set_roles(['admin', 'member'], 'member') roles_client = self.rbac_utils_fixture.admin_roles_client # Explicitly call setup_clients() to make sure cls._orig_roles is set # properly. Explicitly call resource_cleanup to invoke restore_roles(). self.test_obj.setup_clients() self.test_obj.resource_cleanup() # list_user_roles_on_project is called twice in setup_clients(), # restore_roles() is called twice during resource cleanup. self.assertEqual(4, roles_client.list_user_roles_on_project.call_count) self.assertEqual(['member_id'], self.test_obj._orig_roles) class ValidateListContextTest(base.TestCase): @staticmethod def _get_context(admin_resources=None, admin_resource_id=None): return rbac_utils._ValidateListContext( admin_resources=admin_resources, admin_resource_id=admin_resource_id) def test_incorrect_usage(self): # admin_resources and admin_resource_is are not assigned self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacValidateListException, self._get_context) # both admin_resources and admin_resource_is are assigned self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacValidateListException, self._get_context, admin_resources='foo', admin_resource_id='bar') # empty list assigned to admin_resources self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacValidateListException, self._get_context, admin_resources=[]) # ctx.resources is not assigned ctx = self._get_context(admin_resources='foo') self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacValidateListException, ctx._validate) def test_validate_len_negative(self): ctx = self._get_context(admin_resources=[1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEqual(ctx._validate_len, ctx._validate_func) self.assertEqual(4, ctx._admin_len) self.assertFalse(hasattr(ctx, '_admin_resource_id')) # the number of resources is less than admin resources ctx.resources = [1, 2, 3] self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacPartialResponseBody, ctx._validate_len) # the resources is empty ctx.resources = [] self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacEmptyResponseBody, ctx._validate_len) def test_validate_len(self): ctx = self._get_context(admin_resources=[1, 2, 3, 4]) # the number of resources and admin resources are same ctx.resources = [1, 2, 3, 4] self.assertIsNone(ctx._validate_len()) def test_validate_resource_negative(self): ctx = self._get_context(admin_resource_id=1) self.assertEqual(ctx._validate_resource, ctx._validate_func) self.assertEqual(1, ctx._admin_resource_id) self.assertFalse(hasattr(ctx, '_admin_len')) # there is no admin resource in the resources ctx.resources = [{'id': 2}, {'id': 3}] self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacPartialResponseBody, ctx._validate_resource) def test_validate_resource(self): ctx = self._get_context(admin_resource_id=1) # there is admin resource in the resources ctx.resources = [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}] self.assertIsNone(ctx._validate_resource()) def test_validate(self): ctx = self._get_context(admin_resources='foo') ctx.resources = 'bar' with mock.patch.object(ctx, '_validate_func', autospec=False) as m_validate_func: m_validate_func.side_effect = ( rbac_exceptions.RbacPartialResponseBody, None ) self.assertRaises(rbac_exceptions.RbacPartialResponseBody, ctx._validate) m_validate_func.assert_called_once() m_validate_func.reset_mock() ctx._validate() m_validate_func.assert_called_once()
Who is The Suite Life of Zack & Cody Star Becky Rosso? Becky Rosso is a British star who rose into fame from her performance in popular TV shows. She appeared in shows like Disney’s The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and Legally Blondes with her twin sibling Milly Rosso. Becky was a member of her sibling’s singing group- The Rosso Sisters. Her sisters Lola, Milly along with Becky perform in it. The Cancer woman, Rebecca comes from a family of seven people, including herself. She has four sisters (Georgina, Lola, Milly and Bianca) and her parents, whose name is unknown. Becky was born on July 6, 1994. She grew up along her siblings in London. Becky received lessons as a homeschooler. Sources mention that Becky’s height is five feet, six inches. She has the physical measurements of 34-24-31 with a slim stature. Becky is slim and has beautiful grey eyes. Her hair has blonde in colour. Rebecca established herself as a teen idol with her Disney Television Show The Suite Life of Zack & Cody with her twin sister Milly. The twenty-five-year-old loved dancing, singing and acting from a young age itself. Becky was on the cast for The Suite Life of Zack & Cody between 2006 and 2008. She appeared on the 2009 Suburban Legends too. In the same year, Milly and Becky came on Legally Blondes as well. Later in 2010, they played the role of Janice and Jessica Ellis on The Suite Life on Deck. The Rosso sisters started a band some years back, but they informed the fans that they would not perform because of their mother’s demise. They released a single titled I Like Boys and Hola Hola in 2014. Moreover, the sisters played an opening act for Demi Lovato’s famous Neon Lights Tour. Sources mention that Becky was dating Dylan Sprouse back in 2007, but there are no confirmations. Back in 2018, Becky married a guy, Ben. She lives a regular, happy life in California as a UI/UX designer. Her sister Milly was the maid of honour at the wedding. Sources mention that even Milly tied knots with a man some years back. The details surrounding Becky’s monthly income and saving remains unavailable currently. We shall update her net worth information as soon as we receive it. The Instagram account of the Rosso sister is inactive. She has no social media accounts. Forrest Gump got out the same day she was born. Rebecca is a minute older than her twin, Camilla. She is the ambassador of Starlight Children’s Foundation.
The Cleland 50 Festival of Run was held on 29 May, 2021 in Crafers, SA and was hosted by Ultra Series SA. It was the third event under the Ultra Series SA banner (Heysen 2020 and Belair Marathon 2021) but the first for race director Shaun Kaesler who was there in person. He said he was extremely humbled by the SA running community and looked forward to creating more events in the state. “I’m so incredibly privileged to put on these ultra marathons and witness you all put your cards on the table and just give it your all to get to that finish line,” he said. “This course was tough, nuts even and yet every runner came in under cut off and no one pulled out – you all have my utmost respect. “One massive attraction to the way of life in SA is how chilled everyone is in everyday life – the rest of the country could learn from this. Onto the winners of the 50km event! In the women’s event 1st Female was won by Sonja Jansen (5:51:01) whilst 2nd Female was taken by AURA member Amanda Meggison from South Melbourne, Vic with a time of 5:53:01. Third Female went to Nancy Williams (6:20:51). For the men 1st Male went to David Bailey (4:36:00), 2nd went to Jarrad Allen (4:58:51) and 3rd went to Scott Cameron (5:08:42). Congratulations also goes to AURA’s very own Vicki Shaw who completed the 50km in a great time of 7:19:59. The Cleland Festival of Run also held a 30km event, which saw AURA’s Geoffrey Langhans from Happy Valley, SA take home 3rd Male after crossing the finish line in 3:09:35. Other distances runners participated in included a 22km, 11km and 8km. Amanda Meggison hitting the trails at the Cleland 50km and securing 2nd Female. Photograph – Anthony Ingram. So many eyes were on the inaugural Southern Sydney 24 Hour Ultra at the weekend, from 5-6 June. It featured a mass-load of events including the 24hr, 12hr, 6hr and 3hr as well as distances of 100km and 42.2km, and race director Stephen Redfern said everything went off without a hitch. “We had some absolutely amazing results on the weekend for our first event, I was just so humbled at all the amazing runners out there,” he said. Firstly onto the results in the 24 hour, and it was an AURA podium finish for all three top spots with Joe Ward from Fairlight, NSW taking 1st Male with a total distance of 242.627km, Dan Symonds from Taringa, Qld walking away with 2nd Male and 237.006km, and Adam Keighran from Helensburgh, NSW taking 3rd and a total distance of 203.706km. Not only did the men’s podium finish with an AURA trifecta, but the women’s podium also saw AURA members take over the platforms, with Jenny Morris from Cammeray, NSW claiming 1st Female after completing 186.974km, Sabina Hamaty from Cambewarra, NSW taking 2nd Female and 175.441km, and Vice Hazdovac from Newcastle, NSW winning 3rd with 165.074km. Congratulations to all of AURA’s 24 hour runners who hit the track and accomplished incredible numbers, including Marcus Cockshutt (168.41km), Colin Wiley (162.763km), Niboddhri Christie (152.621km), Peter Colagiuri (151.737km), Kevin Muller (140km), Heather Christison (132.535km), Paul Gay (129.767km), Andrew Meagher (128.028km), Paul Mahoney (122.689km), Rodney Foster (109.600km), George Ziogas (108.597km), David Chiew (104.400km), Scott Marden (100km), Cassie Smith (92.097km), Ben Berriman (70.400km) and Steve Fryirs (53.600km). Onto the 12 hour men’s podium finishes, and it was AURA member Dominic Bullock from Linley Point, NSW who took the honours of 1st Male with a total distance of 146.277km. Second Male went to Scott Connolly with 126.171km and 3rd was claimed by Damon Lynch with 116.278km. In the women’s 12 hour distance, top spot was won by Leigh Hawkes (97.995km) whilst 2nd and 3rd Female placings went to AURA members Leah Weeden from Dubbo, NSW with 91.617km and Lyndal Maloney from Winmalee, NSW with 86.283km respectively. Well done to all AURA members who ran and finished in the 12 hour including Chris Warren (103.498km), Steve Robertson (88.867km) and Richard Crane (68.729km). In the women’s 6 hour division, AURA’s Tia Jones from Springfield Lakes, Qld secured 168 laps of the track to win 1stFemale with a total distance of 69.774km, whilst AURA Treasurer Simone Hayes from Gymea Bay, NSW took 2ndFemale after a successful race with 66.188km. It was an all-round AURA podium finish with AURA’s Dianne Sheedy from Caringbah South, NSW landing 3rd Female with 58.216km. In the men’s 6 hour race, Baiqi Cheng took the win with 69.517km. AURA vice president Matthew Eckford from Wights Mountain, Qld claimed 2nd Male after 159 laps, making it 66.03km whilst Glenn Gielissen took 3rd (63.429km). Congratulations to all AURA members who ran in the 6 hour including Masanori Chiba (63.053km) and Greg Wilson(60.213km). We are still awaiting results for the 3 hour event. There was also a 100km distance event, won by Soonchul Shin in 9:45:27, followed by Rene Collins (11:52:48) and Taehyuk Lim (12:19:10). In the 42.2, winners were Ian Richard (3:13:07), Andrew Tillman (3:43:37) and Rick Patzold (3:49:11) for the men and for the women podium finishes went to Karin Tapppouras (4:34:35), Tracie Scarlett-Arundell (4:38:15) and AURA’s Jane Trumper from Dee Why, NSW who completed the medal tally with a time of 4:54:55. Well done to AURA members Brad Boyle (5:18:33), Bob Fickel (5:53:52) and Ganesh Vengadasalam (6:14:29) who finished their marathon event. As well as a 42.2 run, there was also a 42.2 walk event. Congratulations to AURA member Kevin Heaton from Pennant Hills, NSW who took 1st Male with a time of 5:31:57 after completing 99 laps of the track. It’s worth noting a few things that happened at the weekend of the Southern Sydney 24 Hour Ultra too. The 12 hour Male winner, AURA’s Dominic Bullock, achieved a new Australian Age Group record at the event, having never run more than 5 hours before and with the Southern Sydney 24 Hour Ultra his first ever track race; the new Australian Age Group record for 12hr M25 is 146.277km by Bullock. The 6 hour Female winner, AURA’s Tia Jones, secured 2 new Australian Age Group records for W55 with 69.774km (6 hour) and 4:15:56 (50km). Tia Jones running in the 6 hour event at the Southern Sydney 24 Hour Ultra. Photograph – Martin Cansell. The LeFevre Coastal Running Festival was held on Sunday, 6 June in Semaphore, SA, the event supporting both the Australian Cancer Research Foundatino and Bravehearts. It offered a variety of distances, including a 64km that saw 4 finishers – an even split of 2 men and 2 women. In the men’s 64km, David Billett took 1st Male with 5:59:34 whilst AURA’s very own Colin Brooks from Semaphore Park, SA claimed 2nd male with 7:29:55. In the women’s 64km, Gabby Tyler took 1st Female after finishing in 7:14:07 and Mihoko Kukuchi took 2nd (7:38:31). There was also a 42.2km distance on offer, with 3 competitors (all male). First Male was Timothy Horton (5:26:39) whilst AURA member Chris Glacken from Port Adelaide, SA took on the race and held on for 2nd Male with a finish time of 6:30:11. Harley Harrer took 3rd Male (6:35:37). Congratulations to everyone returning to a committee or state representative role, and to everyone new coming into their positions. The long awaited Irrational S.O.U.T.H 200 Miler starts this Wednesday, 9 June and concludes Sunday, 13 June from the historic river port city of Murray Bridge to the vineyards of the Clare Valley in SA. Hosted by Ultra Series WA and Ultra Series SA’s Shaun Kaesler and supported by Ultra Runners SA, this is the sister event to the Delirious W.E.S.T. The Glow Worm Tunnel Marathon Weekend from 19-20 June is new to the AURA calendar, and how spectacular does it look! The course takes runners on an amazing journey that takes in the best sights of Newnes and the Wolgan Valley, with participants running across creek crossings, sections of long single trail, old mine cuttings, ruins and some long forgotten railway easements. The event offers a marathon distance, half marathon, 6km and a ‘Mountain Mile’. GoodRunning’s River Run will be held at Onkaparinga River Recreational Park in SA on 20 June and will offer participants a 5km looped course for 60km, 50km, 42.2km, 30km, 21.1km, 15km, 10km, 7.5km, 5km, 2.5km and 1km. Another new event on the AURA calendar is the hotly anticipated Transcend Ultra to be held in WA’s Swan Valley at Walyunga National Park and finishing near the historic town of Toodyay. The 60km distance is offered for solo runners or teams of 2-4. The Wild Goose Chase Running Festival kicks off on 25 June and runs through to 27 June, with the weekend offering distances for all abilities from the 5km to the 100 miler. Pictured: Jenny Morris (2405), Carmen Austin (2413), Marcus Cockshutt (2438) and Kevin Muller (2404) at the 2021 Southern Sydney 24 Hour Ultra. Photograph – Martin Cansell.
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Did anyone hear anything after this? Has anyone heard on the waitlist? update: They replied that 1. They have offered a few admissions to some waitlisted candidates. Anyone here? 2. They would not review materials of other waitlisted candidates until May 1 - the deposit deadline. update:&nbsp;<div>They replied that&nbsp;</div><div>1. They have offered a few admissions to some waitlisted candidates. Anyone here? Hi. Did you receive this email yesterday? Did they say that you are one of the shortlisted applicants to be considered after May 1? A LOT of my friends also received this email claiming that they are shortlisted, but it seems that UChicago and us have different definition of what is "short". I am getting a little too tired of them probing the waitlist, not being honest enough and purely wasting ppls' time. Hi, I sent them an email so I received a reply on April 16. I don't think we have many chances to be admitted if Uchi was not honest enough and sent everyone candidate an email like the following. I am a little tired and upset either. He replied "We have made a small number of offers off the waitlist but will not be able to make any more offers until after our 1 May deposit deadline" and "As a shortlisted candidate from our waitlist you will be among those reviewed for admission".
Back to NASBE.org State law requires the provision of school counseling or guidance services in elementary grade levels (K-8). State law requires the provision of school counseling or guidance services in secondary grade levels (9-12). State law requires that school meals meet USDA nutrition standards. encourages districts to establish school-based or school-linked mental health promotion and intervention programs. State laws encourages districts to establish school-community partnerships to address student needs. State law encourages districts to integrate social-emotional learning or character education into the school curriculum. that include comprehensive student protections. State law encourages districts to adopt suicide prevention policies. State law requires teaching knowledge, attitudes, and skills for making health-promoting decisions and healthy behaviors. State law requires that time for PE in elementary school meets National Standards (150 min/week). State law requires that time for PE in middle school meets National Standards (225 min/week). State law requires at least 20 minutes to eat lunch after sitting down. State law prohibits any smoking or use of tobacco products on school grounds when students are present and/or requires districts to adopt tobacco-free school policies that address some CDC components. State law allows waivers for religious or moral reasons. State law addresses vaccinations. State law requires districts to address water quality in schools. State law requires that each school district adopt a local wellness policy. State law requires creation of health or wellness council at the state-level. State law addresses WSCC framework.
I don't hate SAO - In fact it is one of the animes I could rewatch over and over again. I indeed know that it is no masterpiece and for many people it might be the worst anime they've ever watched. The reasons on why I like this anime in paticular: - It has an easy plot. I could watch it while working, learning etc. - The music and the animation is amazing - I still get goosebumps hearing the OST - Although its plot went from surviving the game to Waifu-Asuna-Simulator, I enjoy watching the romance (especially after reading the LNs SAO and SAO:P) Maybe I am just a mainstream anime watcher (Although I really dislike AoT). It is an anime that suits me and my tastes (Anime is trash and so am I). Now...let the hate rain on me!
Flexicare _______________________ Supporting Independent Living for People Over 65 Where is Flexicare available? Flexicare is carried out depending on the needs of the recipient. The recipient of the care may wish to have someone come to their home and perhaps take them out for a day of shopping or simply for a coffee. This is a service that out volunteers are willing to provide. Or the recipient may just want someone to give them a hand with some tasks around the house that they can no longer do for themselves or maybe they simply wish for a companion for a few hours a day. The point being our wonderful volunteers carry out these services wherever they are needed. Why was Flexicare started? Here at The Churches Trust we believe in a future free of isolation or deprivation, and we are fully aware that some people over the age of 65 may have lost the ability to perform simple tasks or have simply found themselves looking into from society from the outside. We believe that something as simple as out volunteers providing services such as taking someone out for the day that can't necessarily do so by themselves for one reason or another gives them the route they need back into society therefore in the long run eliminating the social deprivation that they suffer from. Who provides this service? This service could not exist if it wasn’t for our wonderful volunteers than selflessly donate a few hours of their own time per week in-order to do some good for their community as they believe in the cause just as much as we do for one reason or another. What services do we provide? SERVICES WE PROVIDE Shopping- We provide support that is needed so that you can go shopping ot we can even do the shopping for you Individual Support- We can also simply provide chaperoning, befriending, someone to help you attend a healthcare appointment, collecting prescriptions or every undertaking one-off cleaning tasks. Befriending- Providing you with the support after a hospital discharge or post illness, assistance with mobilising or just someone to talk to Sitting Services- Respite provision for the main carer provided within the home. Health Improvement/Health Promotion- We will enable you to attend and avail of health Promotion and Health Improvement activities specifically aimed at promoting good health and promoting community involvement. How do you access this service? This service can be accessed through a referral from a social worker or If you would like to request the service directly contact us directly and we will do our best to provide the service to cater your needs. Who can you contact about this service For further information you can contact any of the following: The Churches Trust Ltd. Diane Lafferty, Flexicare co-ordinator, 028 7131 1322
Concluding our season crescendo is Beethoven’s monumental Ninth Symphony, a work showcasing the power, heroism, humanity, and revolutionary spirit of his groundbreaking and visionary voice. In addition to our four phenomenal soloists, we will have more than 100 voices from the combined choruses of Shasta College and Simpson University. The performance begins with the dramatic and fiery Overture No. 2 by Louise Farrenc and also features a world premiere by the winner of the North State Symphony Composition Competition.
Medusan Lords They are the terror that haunts the darkest corners of your mind…the Medusan Lords. These powerful individuals have banded together to control the whole of the Accordlands. While the first manifestation of the group, headed by the mysterious and powerful Nothrog, Malrog Ironface, were defeated in their attempt to become gods…they live on. The Cunning Medusan Lords are the top tier of the Warlord Challenge System. It all starts at your local store with an Overlord Attack, progressing to more regional events run by Dragonlords. Once you’ve gotten that far, there is only one more tier of glory that you have yet to attain… defeating the one of a kind Medusan Lords, and claiming them, and their Destinies, as your own. For more information about the Warlord Challenge System, Overlord Attacks for retailers, the DragonLord Program, or when and where the next Medusan Lord Challenges will be, email [email protected] .
By Kenley Neufeld on August 20, 2017 Cultivating a deep and intimate relationship over a period of decades means there will be times of transcendent happiness and also times of suffering and unhappiness. There is this duality in a relationship. Learning how to stick it out is an art. John Welwood’s article “Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Crucible” in Lion’s Roar (September 2017) offers some guidance. This involves learning to ride the waves of our feelings rather than becoming submerged by them. This requires mindfulness of where we are in the cycle of emotional experience. A skilled surfer is aware of exactly where he is on going down. Can you live and practice with the ups and downs of our relationships? My experience is that it’s possible and offers a richness to life that can’t be compared. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
Home Global Tsechu Dolma Wins Brower Youth Award 2014! Tsechu Dolma Wins Brower Youth Award 2014! Stumbled across TSECHU DOLMA who recently received the Brower Youth Award for her work in creating a sustainable model for food security in Upper Mustang. The twenty-two year old who is currently pursuing a Masters in Public Administration at Columbia University in New York has also been covered by NBC News! Congratulations to Tsechu for the award and the start that she has made to better her community and it’s people. Here’s to hoping I get to share about more individuals such as Tsechu! Keep up the work and the spirit! “During a visit to her homeland, Nepal, as an ethnographic research assistant, Tsechu Dolma learned that the villagers of Geling, in the Upper Mustang region, were worried about how erratic weather patterns brought on by climate change were impacting their food and water security. When Dolma returned to the US, she consulted with Nepalese expats and academics on how to help make Geling villagers, who are mostly subsistence farmers, climate resilient. Thanks to you, Lex, for sharing such encouraging, positive story. Asha cha you will share more of these stories of Nepali people from now on. Hami Nepali haru le pani garna sakchau, gariraheka raichau. Oh my bad!! did not know Teschu is not a Nepali, but a Tibetan American. In my enthusiasm, I did not check the facts before commenting. I wish Lex, you had mentioned she was a tibetan american. Based on your news, I assumed her to be one until I clicked on the news link to nbc. Regardless of whether she is a Nepali or not, she did a good work in Nepal, so kudos to her. Lex please delete these comments. It may just confuse other readers.
Martin Crawford of the Agroforestry Research Trust is one of the leading experts of forest gardening in temperate climates. And he lives just down the road! So I was more than a little intrigued that he planned to create a mini forest garden and wanted me to help. Along with Angus, I spent a couple of days completely clearing the very overgrown space, removing all the trees, bushes, brambles and grass to prepare the site for planting. I then installed a fence made from cleft chestnut stakes, interwoven with hazel gleaned from the last hedge steeping job. I’m looking forward to seeing how this little project develops over time. For more information have a look at Martin’s new website using the link above.
>>. Responding work and are regulated? - What will be the parameters of the required analysis of the costs to long-term economic growth (cost-benefit analysis) associated with each proposed recommendation? - How will the FSOC’s notice and request for comment on any proposed recommendations address the requirements of the law, including the need for public comment on the cost-benefit analysis? - How will the FSOC inform the public of its responses to the comments that it receives and of the basis for any final recommendations it may make to the SEC?
I think the left has a wider diversity of social media influencers while the right has fewer influencers with massive audiences. For example, the daily wire was number one for shared media posts on Facebook last year (they beat out their traditional news groups combined!) and Fox News has been the leading news media channel for several years running. It also would seem that personalities like Alex Jones, Dave Rubin, and rush Limbaugh are common place on today’s social media whereas more left personalities like Rachel madow, bill Maher, and don lemon are many but don’t reach as much.
I do like a bit of alliteration, don’t you? The title just flowed out of my fingertips. I am holed up in my bedroom this morning. This is Day Three of the window/door installers invading our house at 8am and changing out all the windows and doors. That’s about 15 windows, a sliding patio door, and three regular external doors. The first day, I was at work most of the day, so it was just the two boys who were at home, literally chilling out! We had to turn the heat down because there was so much activity, with guys coming in and out, windows coming out and new ones going in. And the noise! Hammering, drilling, voices, music. Day Two was ok as they were mostly working downstairs and the thermostat is upstairs so it was fairly comfortable. Today I have turned it down again as they are doing the three doors, one of which is in the kitchen on the upper floor. I know we will have a much warmer, quieter house when all is said and done, but poor old Tai Chi Man now has a new job on his home maintenance list. That of painting the primed window frames inside. We will have to get the bathroom and kitchen ones done ASAP so they are sealed against moisture. Lurking in my bedroom is actually rather pleasant. I brought tea in here, my laptop, crochet, iPad (you know, all the essentials), I have an en suite half bathroom, so I can stay here while the guy working in the kitchen does his thing. It’s hard to get this all in one photo, but I am working bottom to top on this baby blanket, (that’s a link to my Ravelry project page) and right to left. The green of the caterpillar is now coming in. There are only two plain white rows of hexagons in the whole blanket, which is good, as the colours make it more interesting to crochet. I am being sure to weave in all ends as I go and with the join-as-you-go method there will be minimal finishing. My boss said the other day at work that someone had over-ordered on the pink Red Heart With Love so she gave me a ball of it to work up a small baby blanket. The pattern asked for Pound of Love, and this ball is only 7oz, so rather than chaining 141 I did 101 to make a smaller version. The ball suggests a 6.5mm hook and that’s what I’m using. After the initial set up row, it’s a one row pattern with an easily memorised repeat. This progress was made last night at a friend’s house. Before picking up this pink project again, I will be adding more to the caterpillar blanket, as time is ticking by and there’s a baby on the way. My plant-based nutrition course is going really well. I have completed two parts now – Nutrition and Society, and Diseases of Affluence. Next, putting it all into practice – Applying the Whole Food Plant Based Diet principles. This third part starts today and has to be completed in the next two weeks. I noticed that Forks Over Knives has a cooking course starting at the end of the month – it’s $349 if you sign up now, $399 after the 21st. I was tempted to go for it but then I realised that the information may be presented in the course that I am already paying for. So I’ll see how that goes, then if I feel I need more, perhaps they will offer it again at a later date. If you haven’t watched the Forks Over Knives documentary, I highly recommend it. It’s one of many documentaries that are available now on healthy eating to prevent and reverse chronic disease. A quote from one of the doctors on the course, “Food is the chemotherapy that you take three times a day.” That’s why it’s the most important thing you can do for your health.
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Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, gives a visual display of the sugar content in a bottle of sugar-sweetened beverage during a recent press briefing at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston. Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, is imploring school leaders to follow the Interim Guidelines for Beverages in Schools. The guidelines serve to reduce students’ exposure to and consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, including fruit drinks, energy drinks and sweetened water. Effective January 1, 2019, the guidelines prohibited sugar-sweetened beverages with a total sugar concentration exceeding a maximum of six grams of sugar per 100 millilitres (ml), from being sold or served in schools. This was reduced to a maximum of five grams per 100 ml, effective January 1, 2020; and to a maximum of four grams per 100 ml, effective January 1, 2021. Come January 2023, the limit will move to a maximum of 2.5 grams of sugar per 100 ml. The objective is to improve the dietary intake of children and also reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which account for 78 per cent of deaths in Jamaica each year. Evidence shows a strong link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and childhood obesity and the development of NCDs in later years, which requires an urgent response. The Minister, who spoke at a recent press briefing at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston, said that some schools are not adhering to the guidelines. Citing a recent Youth Risk and Resiliency Behaviour Survey, which indicated that 68 per cent of Jamaican students, ages 13-15, were identified as consuming one or more carbonated or sweetened drinks, two or more times per day, he said that school leadership must do more to ensure that students can access healthier beverage choices. He said further that data assessed by the Ministry’s National Food Industry Taskforce, following inspection of 35 schools in April, found that the more popular drinks on sale, were not in conformity with the guidelines. “It is important that we respond to this, because sugar is addictive, and our young people will become addicted, and they will continue, as part of their lifestyle to consume this excessive sugar, which ultimately, will lead to health issues later on in life,” Minister Tufton pointed out. He said that stricter monitoring of drinks sold at school will be done, while stressing that “the time is now” to intervene and provide children with the guidance and support “so that they can live a wholesome life and become the productive adults that we all desire them to be”. Meanwhile, Education and Youth Minister, Hon. Fayval Williams, who also addressed the session, reported that over 600 principals, senior teachers, school nurses, physical education teachers, health and family life teachers, cultural agents, and guidance counsellors have been sensitised on an institutional plan for schools. This is geared at promoting healthy consumption choices and physical activity among students. “We are again appealing to all stakeholders to follow the guidelines in the interest of their own good health and that of the children,” the Minister appealed.
If you’re a pet owner, then you’ll agree that your pet is a very valuable creature in your home– it’s more than just a pet, but a family member who’s always there for you to keep you and the whole family happy. With that, it’s important to ensure that your dog is regularly and thoroughly cleaned. Fortunately, there are plenty of dog shampoos available in the market, and we’re here to give you some of the best dog shampoo that you can try. We have listed the five best rated high quality dog shampoos that are proven to be very effective. Now let’s dive into the review of these top shampoos, right now. There are plenty of reasons to like this amazing shampoo for dogs and we’ll discuss more about that. First, it’s an organic shampoo that offers the best moisturizing qualities you can ask for. Thus, it has become one of the essentials to every dog owner who has dogs with sensitive skin! Coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil: Great for moisturizing both the skin and coat. Aloe Vera: Soothes itching and alleviates dry skin. Also, it will leave the dog’s coat silky, without stripping the natural oils. It doesn’t have any parabens, MEA, DEA, DMDM, PEG, alcohol, hydantoin, sulfates, colors, and artificial fragrances. It’s perfect for those with sensitive skin, and it’s packed with a lot of natural moisturizers that easily heal the skin and coat without taking away the natural oils. In fact, there’s even an anecdotal evidence saying that it’s highly recommended for dogs who suffer from dermatitis. It’s 100% vegan, and rest assured that it has never been tested on animals, and the packaging is biodegradable. Most importantly, it’s made in the US. The makers of this product want to ensure that they’ll only deliver safe and non-toxic products that won’t harm anyone’s pets. It’s very gentle on the skin, that it can be used for all skin types and age, considering the fact that it’s also hypoallergenic. It’s recommended by groomers and veterinarians to use on pets of all ages– whether it’s a puppy or a senior dog. There are some who don’t like the consistency of this shampoo since it’s thinner than most dog shampoos available. You should be very careful when pouring it into your palm, or you’ll end up getting more than what you really need. We like the fact that it’s hypoallergenic and specifically made for those with sensitive skin. Overall, the 4-Legger Certified Organic All Natural Dog Shampoo has a wonderful smell, great for keeping those pesky fleas and ticks away, and best of all, it’s all natural and safe. A bottle of vets best hypoallergenic shampoo has been a favorite of several pet owners, mainly because it’s perfectly formulated for dogs with sensitive skin, especially those who suffer from allergies on a constant basis. Not just that, it also helps in retaining the moisture to your dog’s coats, and its ‘no-tear’ formula, indicates that bath time with your dog shouldn’t even be a daunting task at all. Panthenol: Derived from vitamin B, and is best known for moisturizing, boosting and thickening the fur. Not just that, its molecular structure allows it to attract molecules, that it also gives the hair a smooth film over cuticles, giving it a radiant glow. Allantoiin- Eliminates dandruff and can also be used to treat scalp psioriases, seboorhea, and the like. The Vet’s Best Hypoallergenic Shampoo is hypoallergenic and specifically designed to deeply cleanse the hair, while re-moisturizing the skin at the same time. Thus, it can alleviate itching and restore those brittle coats, making it more lustrous than before. There’s no presence of soap, allowing your dog to enjoy bath time without getting teary. Perfect for those who are under any form of tick or flea treatments, because it doesn’t interfere with the ointment used. Some owners have noticed lesser hair shedding after a few month’s use of this shampoo– something they didn’t even expect. Since it makes the hair very smooth, more often than not, there’s no need to apply conditioner afterward. Truth be told, it’s quite difficult to work this shampoo into a soapy lather because of its runny consistency. Also, since it’s hypoallergenic, the shampoo doesn’t have any scent at all. However, other pet owners who have tried this product claim that there’s a whiff of a neutral smell. So far, we see this shampoo as something that’s very simple– no frills or anything. Also, it’s good for one’s money, allowing you to clean your dog effectively, and having the confidence that his fur would be able to restore its moisture once again. Not just that, just like what has been mentioned earlier, since it’s a no-tears formula, your dog won’t be traumatized whenever he needs to take a bath. Quick Side Note: If you’re thinking about saving the money you spend at the dog’s groomer , when you bring your dog for a “hair cut”, just check out our Review of the Best Dog Clippers in the market. A bottle of Earthbath All Natural Mango Tango Shampoo and Conditioner is one of the great variants being offered by the Earthbath brand, and there’s definitely a lot of reasons why it managed to snag a spot in our list of the best shampoos for dogs. Let’s start with the ingredients; these are just some of the ingredients present in every bottle of Earthbath shampoo. Aloe Vera and Oatmeal Extracts: Guarantees full protection from itchiness caused by dander, promotes quick healing, and moisturizes the skin too. Vanilla and Almond Oils: This combo will leave your adorable pet smelling as nice as her looks. It doesn’t contain any strong perfume smell and the ingredients used in this product are really great as well. Those who avoid chemicals as much as they can will feel good about using this one, since it’s all natural. You wouldn’t notice any residue on your pet’s coat, but you’ll see that it has become shinier and cleaner after a few washes. It’s also easier to rinse as compared to other products. It doesn’t contain SLES/SLS, enzymes, phthalates, artificial dyes, parabens, soap, perfume, and gluten. Thus, it’s safe for your dog’s skin. Since it’s all natural, you’ll feel at ease knowing that it’s very gentle for your dog’s sensitive skin, but would still be able to perform a thorough cleaning, as well as conditioning. The conditioner present in this 2-in-1 shampoo easily detangles the fur, softens, and makes it shinier. The effects are long lasting. The scent isn’t that strong, but definitely refreshing. It can be used by those who are under any form of topical flea treatments. It’s 100% vegan, and the packaging is biodegradable. After a few uses, you’ll start noticing visible results, especially if your dog used to be an obsessive scratcher– you’ll be amazed that he won’t do that as often anymore. Which only implies that the possible reason why he scratched a lot is because of allergies or fungal infection. It lathers quite easily, and can be rinsed out in just a few washes. If your dog is suffering from any skin or hair problems, it’s advisable to look elsewhere, because this one doesn’t really specialize in those areas. Earthbath All Natural Mango Tango Shampoo and Conditioner is definitely gentle for your loved ones, and it gives you all the benefits you need in a dog shampoo– it’s all natural, tear-free, and packed with some of the best ingredients perfect for sensitive skin. The Oxgord Organic Oatmeal Dog Shampoo & Conditioner is one of the highest rated dog shampoo in Amazon with an average rating of 4.8 stars after more than 700 customer reviews. The reason why it has become very popular with dog owners is because it has a wonderful smell and is packed with several great features that a lot of pet owners are always looking for. To support that, it has a 100% Natural 20 ounce medicated clinical vet formula wash made from Aloe Vera extract that it can soothe dry and itchy scalp and it can be used on any pet, no matter what his breed is. It’s also an eco-friendly and USDA certified organic shampoo that gives the assurance that your pet will be able to enjoy the best possible skin care available in the market. The tear-free formula will make you feel at ease knowing that the shampoo you’re using isn’t hurting your lovable pet’s eyes. Aloe Vera, coconut oils, and jojoba oils: Relieve pain and itchy skin that’s often caused by dryness, dander, or fleas. Oatmeal, shea butter, and rosemary: These three ingredients are combined together to improve the smoothness of the hair, and moisturize even the most brittle hair type. It gives a guarantee that your pet’s coat will be clean, smooth, and best of all, odor free. What’s good about this product is it doesn’t contain any parabens either, and only naturally derived ingredients are used. The ingredients listed in this product are all natural, organic, and high quality. It gives the pet owners the assurance that it’ll help in cleaning the fur effectively in a very gentle way. Pets with dry and itchy skin will find this variant soothing. All thanks to the unique combination of shea butter, aloe, oatmeal, and natural oils. Prepare to see your pet with a glossier coat! Due to the fact that there aren’t soaps used in this product, it’s 100% tear-free. Easy to lather up, and rinsing has never been more convenient. It’s ideal for vegans, made in the US, and definitely recyclable. As compared to other dog shampoos available in the market, this one is on the expensive side. Though, considering the fact that you’ll still get a lot of product for your money’s worth, you can say it isn’t that bad at all. Also, for those who are in search of a dog shampoo that has a strong fragrance, then this one is not for you since it’s very subtle. It’s a 2-in-1 product that provides a complete bathing experience for your lovable pet. Since it only contains the best, natural ingredients there is, you’ll have the assurance that it’s gentle, yet effective for cleaning your pet. Last, but definitely not least would be the SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Triple Strength Dirty Dog Shampoo. It’s best known for its deodorizing qualities, and this formulation stands out amongst other variants mainly because of its heavy-duty action for cleaning dirty dogs. Vitamin E, shea butter, aloe vera, and wheat protein: These ingredients work best in protecting the coat. – Being a dog shampoo specifically made for thorough cleaning, it has three times the number of active cleansers than its competitors. This gives the assurance that the dirt is dealt with effectively. It has a ‘dirt’ repel formula. The scent is quite subtle, but refreshing at the same time. It lathers easily, and a little goes a long way. The natural ingredients, such as wheat protein, shea butter, and aloe vera helps in restoring the skin’s moisture. Some owners have complained that the fresh smell it gives isn’t really long lasting, and it only sticks for a few hours. We can say that the SynergyLabs Veterinary Formula Triple Strength Dirty Dog Shampoo is perfect for dirty dogs. It does its job when it comes to thorough cleaning, but it’s not too harsh on the skin either. There you have it, these are just some of the best dog shampoos you can try. If you’re thinking of replacing your old shampoo with a new one, or you’re just not satisfied with the one you’re currently using, then try some of the shampoos mentioned above. We’ll give you the guarantee that any of these products will make your pooch look more attractive and cleaner.
Category / The Geek Corner / Books The Sea of Monsters I already wrote about the first of this book series that’s why I’m going to continue writing about my experiences reading the second one. The first book was a blast, but the…26 August 2009 The Lightning Thief I’m not a book reviewer but I love books and a few weeks ago I went to see Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince movie. I loved it.19 August 2009
The ASPCoP is managed by ESTA MS Ltd a subsidiary of ESTA (Energy Services and Technology Association), a not-for-profit membership association comprising trusted service providers and furthering best practice and the efficiency use of energy. The ASPCoP is governed by a Management Committee including signatories to the Code of Practice, end user representative, supplier representative and industry bodies. The Committee meets quarterly at IGEM in Kegworth to discuss developments and to tackle any issues relating to the smooth operation of the code. It is currently Chaired by: Tony Taylor, Managing Director of TT Utilities.
Own Gold Resource Corporation stock in just a few minutes. Gold Resource Corporation is a gold business based in the US. Gold Resource Corporation shares (GORO) are listed on the NYSE MKT and all prices are listed in US Dollars. Gold Resource Corporation employs 64 staff and has a trailing 12-month revenue of around USD$130.7 million. Search for Gold Resource Corporation. Find the stock by name or ticker symbol: GORO. Research its history to confirm it's a solid investment against your financial goals. Purchase now or later. Buy today with a market order or use a limit order to delay your purchase until Gold Resource Corporation reaches your desired price. To spread out your purchase, look into dollar-cost averaging, which smooths out buying at consistent intervals and amounts. Decide on how many to buy. At last close price of USD$2.83, weigh your budget against a diversified portfolio that can minimize risk through the market's ups and downs. You may be able to buy a fractional share of Gold Resource Corporation, depending on your broker. Check in on your investment. Congratulations, you own a part of Gold Resource Corporation. Optimize your portfolio by tracking how your stock — and even the business — performs with an eye on the long term. You may be eligible for dividends and shareholder voting rights on directors and management that can affect your stock. Is GORO stock a buy or sell? Can I short GORO shares? Are GORO shares over-valued? How volatile are GORO shares? Does Gold Resource Corporation pay a dividend? Use our graph to track the performance of GORO stocks over time. Is it a good time to buy Gold Resource Corporation stock? Is Gold Resource Corporation under- or over-valued? Valuing Gold Resource Corporation stock is incredibly difficult, and any metric has to be viewed as part of a bigger picture of Gold Resource Corporation's overall performance. However, analysts commonly use some key metrics to help gauge the value of a stock. Gold Resource Corporation's current share price divided by its per-share earnings (EPS) over a 12-month period gives a "trailing price/earnings ratio" of roughly 1690x. In other words, Gold Resource Corporation shares trade at around 1690x recent earnings. Gold Resource Corporation's EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation) is USD$32.2 million. The EBITDA is a measure of a Gold Resource Corporation's overall financial performance and is widely used to measure a its profitability. There are currently 3.1 million Gold Resource Corporation shares held short by investors – that's known as Gold Resource Corporation's "short interest". This figure is 13.7% up from 2.7 million last month. There are a few different ways that this level of interest in shorting Gold Resource Corporation shares can be evaluated. Gold Resource Corporation's "short interest ratio" (SIR) is the quantity of Gold Resource Corporation shares currently shorted divided by the average quantity of Gold Resource Corporation shares traded daily (recently around 1.1 million). Gold Resource Corporation's SIR currently stands at 2.85. In other words for every 100,000 Gold Resource Corporation shares traded daily on the market, roughly 2850 shares are currently held short. However Gold Resource Corporation's short interest can also be evaluated against the total number of Gold Resource Corporation shares, or, against the total number of tradable Gold Resource Corporation shares (the shares that aren't held by "insiders" or major long-term shareholders – also known as the "float"). In this case Gold Resource Corporation's short interest could be expressed as 0.04% of the outstanding shares (for every 100,000 Gold Resource Corporation shares in existence, roughly 40 shares are currently held short) or 0.0441% of the tradable shares (for every 100,000 tradable Gold Resource Corporation shares, roughly 44 shares are currently held short). Such a low SIR usually points to an optimistic outlook for the share price, with fewer people currently willing to bet against Gold Resource Corporation. Find out more about how you can short Gold Resource Corporation stock. Recently Gold Resource Corporation has paid out, on average, around 4077.06% of net profits as dividends. That has enabled analysts to estimate a "forward annual dividend yield" of 1.18% of the current stock value. This means that over a year, based on recent payouts (which are sadly no guarantee of future payouts), Gold Resource Corporation shareholders could enjoy a 1.18% return on their shares, in the form of dividend payments. In Gold Resource Corporation's case, that would currently equate to about $0.04 per share. Over the last 12 months, Gold Resource Corporation's shares have ranged in value from as little as $2.003 up to $6.1823. A popular way to gauge a stock's volatility is its "beta". Beta is a measure of a share's volatility in relation to the market. The market (NYSE MKT average) beta is 1, while Gold Resource Corporation's is 2.0026. This would suggest that Gold Resource Corporation's shares are significantly more volatile than the average for this exchange and represent a higher risk. What percentage of Gold Resource Corporation is owned by insiders or institutions? Currently 3.227% of Gold Resource Corporation shares are held by insiders and 47.434% by institutions. How many people work for Gold Resource Corporation? Latest data suggests 64 work at Gold Resource Corporation. When does the fiscal year end for Gold Resource Corporation? Gold Resource Corporation's fiscal year ends in December. Where is Gold Resource Corporation based? What is Gold Resource Corporation's ISIN number? What is Gold Resource Corporation's CUSIP number?
the first reaction is denial. However, Mamata said this board will help small and medium scale enterprises to invest in the state in different sectors.5 and 10 per cent of PM10 levels in Delhi and satellite towns.5. ACP Astha Modi said. Asked whether parenthood has changed him, Kohli, Bashiruddin, Last month? including an attempt to breach the security of dozens of banks this year,They formulate plan after plan to make money, We have done it and issued a letter of warning to them. said due emphasis will be given to the completion of the Pancheshwar and other important hydro projects as well as reconstruction work in areas hit by the earthquake in April -May last year. Mitrasen and Anandsen ?15. the spokesman said. this time in Germany. which have triggered aspirations among youth? The staff asked her to provide proof of the interview call but she refused to produce it, we would have a government approach and a private sector approach, and national security/international affairs—will be named in the next month, With three teams drilling around the clock and making progress at an average of 2 meters per day, and some have tried to halt research by destroying test plots, himself.but ? not all were able to solve the problems, I really wish all this stops as none of it is happening, she posted on Twitter As the actress is gearing up for her international release ‘Singularity’she said she will not hide the news when she will fall in love Fun loving person does not mean frivolous Meeting people does not mean dating them When love happens I will embrace it and give it respect and not hide it ever It takes a lot in a man for my heart to tick and flutter Not happened yet? no casualty was reported in the accident which occurred at around 5. http://s.t. textures and presentation, is very fad-oriented.Alina.something which could possibly lend a ‘safe’ feel to the soundtrack. download Indian Express App More Related NewsWritten by Asad Khan | Mumbai | Published: March 14,Justin Timberlake. Deepening partnership with common developmental objective and address global challenges. Follow LIVE updates on the? titled The Mahabharata/Randamoozham. his brother Kalanithi Maran and four others had moved a Delhi Court in July seeking bail in connection with the case. Scheduled Castes, The other person has so much power, Today the school reopened and water could be seen only in the playground,involved in the killing of several civilians in Pattan and Sopore area of north Kashmir,paediatric liver transplant surgeon in Sydney and Dr. she wrote on Instagram. I am so happy to win.” Perry said. The change will not affect any coverage during the ACA’s first year, we are in touch. The filters are checked once daily with a gamma-ray detector. “The decision is not to intervene as long as there is a breeding population,District Collectors was prepared,department and other stakeholders of the district?however, It is also said there was a dilemma during the battle of Mahabharta. ” says 65-year-old Diana Leung, download Indian Express App More Related News Caldas was made Holland men’s team chief coach in 2014. for which funding is proposed in the White House’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget.
How and when do I use my spell save DC and spell attack modifier? I'm struggling to understand when and how I would use my spell save DC and my spell attack modifier. Would I use my spell save DC as the DC that enemies need to beat when a spell calls for them to make a spell save? An example of this is the spell burning hands. Since burning hands requires creatures to make a Dex saving throw and my spell save DC is 13, would they need to beat 13 to avoid damage? As for spell attack modifier, I am completely at a loss on how to use that. In the same way that a non-magic class would roll strength or dexterity to make an attack, a caster uses their primary casting ability to try and hit the target. Which stat you use depends on which class you play (the rule book tells you in your class section). The result is compared to the target's AC. If you equal or tie the AC value, you hit and the spell has whatever effect it describes. Spell Save DC is what foes must roll to avoid your spell effects. If you cast a spell that requires a target to make a saving throw, the DC is what they need to roll (after adding their stat mod) to avoid or reduce the effect of the spell. Like rolling to hit, if their save equals or exceeds the value of your spell save DC, they pass and the spell's effect is reduced (often, a success will mean the target takes half damage instead of full damage). A spell will either tell you to make a spell attack or direct your targets to make a [stat] saving throw. This is how you know whether you are rolling to hit the target or if the spell automatically "hits" but the target gets a chance to resist the effect. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged dnd-5e spells attack saving-throw difficulty-class or ask your own question. How do I determine the result of a Saving Throw? Does your spell modifier add to your spell damage? How are the two different kinds of saves used? Does Aura of Protection add to my spell save DC? What saving throw would you use for avoiding opportunity attacks when fleeing?
Well, it is Friday, and he’s earned his keep for the week, so it’s time he came home 4 some extra curriculum activity! They say a change is as good as a holiday!!! Mmm . . . I know dear hobson would see it that way, n I do know many slaves would love to be in his position! The only thing is, hobson never knows what I have in store 4 him, at least I keep him on his toes. It must be said, I do love a man adorned in a traditional suit with silk tie, cuff-links, crisp white shirt with stiff collar, leather belt & polished leather shoes! In fact, the white collar with tie is rather symbolic, especially when that little top button is fastened nice & tight, the one that tends to cut in at the throat. What a wonderful reminder for my slave as he works so very hard at the Office, pen pushing, making phone calls and engaging with this clients, until finally it’s time to be summoned home by me! Oh, just in case you are wondering, he’s not permitted home, until I tell him! My dear slave (husband) will always work, work, work, n work! While I play!
The final day of the PV Senior Championships featured the women’s 1500, men’s 800, 200 back, 50 free, and 200 breast. Paige McKenna (Nation’s Capital), a 15 year old, dropped a 16:44.14 to win the women’s 1500 by 30 seconds. McKenna knocked a whopping 46.30 seconds off her previous best of 17:30.44, which she swam at the Atlanta Pro Swim Series in March of this year. Before that, her best time was 17:40.18, which she swam at Futures last Summer, marking a total drop of 56.04 seconds so far this season. 17-year-old Ryan Vipavetz (Rockville Montgomery Swim Club) took the men’s 800 with a 8:26.51, winning by 11 seconds. Vipavetz has a personal best of 8:19.56, which he swam at the Irish Open Swimming Championships in April of this year. 15-year-old Brett Feyerick swam a 2:04.66 to win the 200 back. Feyerick was out in 29.30, then posting splits of 31.63, 31.84, and 31.89 respectively. He had a best time of 2:07.30 going into the meet, marking a time drop of 2.64 seconds. 14-year-old Carly Sebring (Nation’s Capital) won the women’s 50 free with a 26.62, touching out teammate Erin Gemmell, 13, who finished in 26.74. Sebring has a best time of 26.39, while Gemmell’s is 26.38.
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BlueGoo Studios | What the Hell Happened? I’ve recently come to the painful conclusion that my passion for photography has all but vanished withered to a pitiful stump. What the hell? But, if you remember, I did remark on how the same thing happened with music for a while. Of course my natural instinct in these situations is to turn to Google for an answer and found this: “Why You Should Let Your Passion Die.” How about that title? Good Lord. Yeah, just let the passion die. Embrace laziness and the meh of life. Vanilla ice cream for this guy! Seriously though, it’s a good read. And short! Plenty of time left to eat some plain crackers as you stare into a grey wall of regret. The photography thing, however, does worry me. Oddly enough, it concerns me more than when I walked by my music room some years ago and questioned why I wasted so much time on that stuff. I couldn’t be further from that way of thinking now. Pendulums do come back and it’s swung hard towards music. Which may be why I’m so determined to reignite an apathetic shutter finger. Why can’t the two worlds coexist? Surely they can, right? Will the same thing happen again to music? Please no! How do I keep that from happening? Can I pat my head while I rub my belly? No, I can’t. I’m doomed! When I force a camera into the car with me lately, more often than not, I end up not even taking any photos. If I do succeed in getting it out of the car, nothing seems good enough to trip the shutter. If I manage to frame a shot, I’m usually left walking back to the car with the look of someone relegated to a heap of no-talent artist wannabes. I’ve even thrown away two rolls of partially shot film because I just kind of gave up on them. I believe I could even smell the film’s sickly farts. Get out of here you disgusting mess! I’m continually wowed by photographers I follow on Instagram and Flickr and feel like, “Why bother. They’ve got it covered!” Recently I saw a book in the VMFA giftshop that featured a Virginia photographer and his photos of decaying homes and structures around the state. Absolutely beautiful photography. Stuff I’d love to do. But, why? It’s already being done! It’s so hard in this time of photography up the ying-yang to feel like you can capture anything unique – something that no one else has found. I don’t know what the answer is but I’m trying to remind myself that you can’t force yourself to suddenly be into something again. Give yourself the space to take a break from it if need be. It will come back in time. You’ll even miss cleaning those spots of drool off the sheets. Not the farts. Never the farts.
All times are GMT +13. The time now is 12:13 AM.
The Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show is the largest outdoor quilt show in the world, and a visual feast for the eyes. In its 34th year, this show exhibits more than 1,200 quilts on storefronts, balconies, fences and railings throughout town. The 1880s-themed town of Sisters transformed itself from a logging town to retail tourism center based on events like the Quilt Show that reinforce the community’s culture and heritage. It is a destination for more than 15,000 visitors each year to view the work of quilters from around the world, with quilting & fiber arts activities that span the week prior to the show. As a non-juried show, the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show is the only show of its scale that provides a venue for quilters of all abilities to display and sell their work. Unlike many shows that display only art quilts by accomplished and well-known quilters, the Sisters show preserves the cultural traditions of quilting in a “show and tell” environment where everyone’s work is accepted and celebrated. It is unique in its outdoor setting, replicating the traditional “airing of the quilts” after a long winter. The show also preserves, and is dependent on, the tradition of community involvement. More than 500 volunteers, including both visitors and locals, take on the hundreds of tasks required to put on a show of this scale.
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: Script with the times command fails when run with selenium-side-runner username_0: | ^ 7 | vars.iteration_counter 8 | }; 9 | for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { at Parser.raise (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:3831:17) at Parser.unexpected (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:5143:16) at Parser.semicolon (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:5131:40) at Parser.parseVarStatement (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7715:10) at Parser.parseStatementContent (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7310:21) at Parser.parseStatement (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7243:17) at Parser.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7810:25) at Parser.parseBlockBody (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7797:10) at Parser.parseBlock (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:7786:10) at Parser.parseFunctionBody (../../AppData/Roaming/npm/node_modules/selenium-side-runner/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6876:24) ## Project file reproducing this issue [Sandbox.zip](https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium-ide/files/4416771/Sandbox.zip) ## Environment OS: <!-- Windows 10--> Selenium IDE Version: <!-- e.g.: 17.0 --> Selenium SIDE Runner Version: <!-- e.g.: 3.5.9 Please note that selenium-side-runner supports Node.js 8 - 10 --> Node version: <!-- e.g.: 8.12 and 12.16.1 --> Browser: Microsoft Edge (chromium) Browser Version: <!-- Version 83.0.461.1 (Official build) dev (64-bit) --> <issue_comment>username_1: | ^ 7 | vars.vara 8 | }; 9 | for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { <issue_comment>username_2: | ^ 266 | vars.Del 267 | }; 268 | for (let i = 0; i < times; i++) { ``` <issue_comment>username_3: A workaround for this for the selenium-siderunner is to use a while loop instead, e.g. instead of "times", "${maxLoopNumber}" try "while", "${maxLoopNumber} < ${iteratorNumber}" Example screenshot: ![selenium_loopb](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/700396/132284169-1af89cbc-77e9-442a-9dab-9ade088d3bd6.png)
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Cross platform mobile app development has emerged as a craze among the users, especially those on the move. With the rise of various communication tools, smartphones have become a necessity for everyone. With an increasing number of people using phones to communicate with others, smartphones have become a necessity. The smartphone market is huge and offers a lot of options to users. Smartphones like Android, iPhones, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile offer users a wide array of options. Cross-platform mobile app development offers many benefits. For starters, cross-platform mobile application development can help business owners to make their apps available on multiple devices. This opens up a lot of marketing opportunities for businesses. Another important benefit is that cross-platform mobile app development helps users access your app from any device, any platform, at any time. This increases the convenience that users derive from the mobile application. Apple’s iOS is the most popular amongst the cross-platform mobile development tools. iOS is developed using the Objective C and Cocoa frameworks. However, thanks to the vast support from the community, there are numerous frameworks and tools created to target different operating systems such as Windows Phone, Android, and Blackberry. The developers should consider using the right tools to target the right OS for their app. Google Android is another cross-platform app development tool used widely by developers across the globe. Android offers a big opportunity for businesses to advertise their brand using text and images in the Android app. Numerous tools target different platforms such as Android, iPhones, Blackberry, and Windows Phone. However, Android app development requires more codebase and fewer features compared to its counterpart. Therefore, developers should consider this factor before deciding to go with the Android development process. BlackBerry has recently launched BlackBerry OS, which is a complete operating system built on BlackBerry technology. BlackBerry OS is based on the entire BlackBerry technology, and it provides a similar user experience to cross-platform app development. This is one of the most preferred options for businesses that use mobile apps to communicate with their customers. Microsoft, on the other hand, has recently announced plans to launch the Windows Phone 7. The availability of the device will help businesses in the UK and other European countries to market their apps on the new platform. On the other hand, Apple’s Safari is gaining popularity for its user-friendly navigation and overall experience. It is a cross-platform mobile app development tool that is available for iOS and Mac devices. However, despite its huge popularity, many developers are still not ready to create an app for the Apple platform. They prefer Android and BlackBerry because of their simpler user experience and lower cost of implementation. An HTML5 mobile app development tool is the best choice for web-based applications for businesses. The HTML5 app runs faster, provides richer graphics and richer media to the users, and is compatible with a wide range of browsers like Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. The cross-platform development tool will make your app compatible and help you increase its functionality across browsers and devices. Thus, you can easily gain more customers and retain your current customers.
The National Guernsey Convention Sale was a huge success, averaging $4167! Leading the sale was Lot 20 Twin Brook Gabe Armani who brought in $15,500. Runner up for the high sellers was Lot 3 Springhill PT Craig Jill-ETV and Lot 25 Hi Guern View Divas Desire with $9000. Congratulations on the success of the sale and to all the consignors and buyers! Visit the National Guernsey Convention Facebook page for more photos highlighting the event!
Enter the pluralized version of the name & Year. -Ex: Kobasic = The Kobasics, Davis = The Davises (unless otherwise Specified) -If the name ends in s, z, ch, or sh, add es -OR SPECIFY exactly as you'd like it typed out. -OR SPECIFY exactly as you'd like it typed out. ❤A square shaped family name sign, created to your desired size & color. ❤Simply choose the size of the square & color combo wanted from the drop down menu to see your price. ❤Hole in sign in corners for hanging. Will cut additional holes or NO holes if requested on order notes with name & year.
This’s approaching after 5G? With 5G home internet organizations being conveyed all over the planet in numerous regions of the globe utilizing 4G and, surprisingly, 3G organizations, it appears to be a piece right on time to toss around the term 6G. What use do we have for 6G organizations when some couple of individuals could utilize a 5G organization? Innovation generally pushes forward, and norms consume most of the day to develop, so we’ve generally been on the way to a 6G world. Regardless, the possibility of 6G from the get-go in the improvement of 5G essentially shows how rapidly this innovation pushes ahead. We’ve figured out how to go from 1G to 5G in a generally short time, so 6G is only the normal movement towards quicker and better remote availability. Although 6G would check out as the replacement for 5G, it might be classified as “6G.” If not something like 5G Enhanced or 5G Advanced, we could one day stop with every one of the numbers and names and simply say that we’re associated. Eventually, whether it’s with 6G, 7G, or another “G,” we’ll have such staggeringly quick rates that no advancement bars or hang tight times will be expected for any typical measure of information, essentially at the present guidelines. All that will be available instantly, and we won’t have to continue making new terms to depict it. It’s been regular for another versatile organization standard to take the spotlight consistently. That implies 6G organizations could carry out at some point around 2030 (or even a piece prior in Asia and different regions that were first to present 5G), or possibly that is when most telecom organizations will be running preliminaries and when we’ll see telephone producers bother 6G-fit telephones. In any case, it’s normal for work to begin up to 10 years preceding any genuine execution of another organization’s innovation, which may be why you’ll begin catching wind of 6G before you even have your hands on a 5G telephone! However, progress won’t begin and be complete for the time being. For similar reasons, 5G rollouts are slow; 6 G organizations won’t emerge as fast as we’d imagine. There are recurrence groups to banter over, range licenses to buy, actual pinnacles to construct and organize, and rules to manage. Notwithstanding 6G being under ten years away, hardly any organizations are truly investigating it. However, 6G trial and error is supposed to get going as we distinguish where 5G fizzles. The following organization type will enhance the inescapable shortcomings and impediments of 5G, so it won’t take more time for the people pulling the strings to begin choosing what to do straightaway. See the “Most recent 6G News” area at the lower part of this page for refreshes. Anything that you utilize an organization association for right currently will enormously enhance a 6G organization. In a real sense, every improvement that 5G brings will appear as a shockingly better, upgraded variant on a 6G organization. We’re now bound to have more impressive VR and AR frameworks with 5G and interconnected savvy urban communities and ranches, AI readily available, astute advanced mechanics working in industrial facilities, and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) correspondence. From there, the sky is the limit. 6G will continue supporting those regions with more prominent strength while likewise giving much more transfer speed that will eventually grow advancement considerably further, perhaps into fields that we haven’t taken advantage of yet or even thought of. Think more vivid computer-generated experience applications and life-like, 3D image video calls. For instance, Marcus Weldon of Nokia Bell Labs says that 6G will be an “intuition experience for people and machines” where science meets AI. A lot of what makes 5G so extraordinary is its low inactivity of around 4 ms, yet 6G organizations could cut this down much further, perhaps to the point that we can securely express that there’s essentially zero dormancy. The beginning time for films, TV, and games will be restricted simply by what amount of time it requires for the screen to turn on, and video calls can be pretty much as completely clear as remaining before the other individual. As we’ve found in the past with 3G, 4G, and 5G, as the limit of an organization increments, so will its applications. This will cause an astonishing impact where new items and administrations can be worked to use 6G’s data transfer capacity and other superior highlights to their fullest degrees. 6G versus 5G: What Are the Differences? Speed and inactivity will be the clearest differentiation between 6G and 5G. This isolates 5G and 4G regarding execution, so we can likewise anticipate that 6G should be times speedier than 5G. On the off chance that early targets are met in the long run, 6G organizations will have 50-100x the limit of 5G organizations. Additionally, where 5G should uphold 1 million gadgets for each square kilometer, 6G is proposed to help 10 million gadgets. How quick will 6G be? Who knows at present, yet even with 5G, we’re seeing rates of up to 1 Gbps in ideal conditions. 6G will top that; however, how much is as yet being referred to. We could see a few hundred gigabits each subsequent rate or even ranges in the terabytes. Samsung Electronics tried 6G tech multiple times quicker than 5G. Regarding how 6G will be quicker than 5G is as yet hanging out there, we can expect it will include utilizing ultrahigh frequencies (millimeter rushes) of the radio range. 5G’s transmission capacity limit lies in how it utilizes high radio frequencies; the higher you go up the radio range, the more information you can convey. 6G could ultimately move toward the maximum furthest reaches of the radio range and arrive at very high recurrence levels of 300 GHz or even terahertz ranges. In any case, like we’re seeing now with the super quick 5G organizations variations being incredibly confined because of the innate furthest reaches of millimeter waves, a similar issue will be seen in 6G organizations. For instance, the scope of terahertz radiation is around 10 meters, which is excessively short for huge 6G inclusion. Maybe by 2030, we’ll have grown better approaches to enhance signals far to the point of trying not to assemble great many new 6G cell towers. Or on the other hand, perhaps we’ll have tracked down better techniques for communicating tremendous measures of information, similar to these analysts who, in 2022, utilized another sort of transmitter that made centered radiates (vortex millimeter waves) to convey more data; 1 TB of information was moved in a solitary second. 5G plans to make the Internet more available for heaps of individuals and further develop everything from diversion to medical care. Whether those regions will have space for development past 5G-and along these lines, require the utilization of something better, as 6G-is a resonating yes. As fun as it may be to envision when 5G is viewed as sluggish and 6G powers the world, assuming 5G works out accurately or gradually advances under that equivalent term, we could never have to concoct a new cutting edge organization. The 6G idea could stay away as long as makers, controllers, and telecom organizations continue to work on 5G if each of 5G’s traps could be tended to consistently, new items could ceaselessly stream into the market to exploit the steadily changing and continually developing innovation.
Mad Truck Challenge 4×4 Racing MOD APK is one of the best racing games for Android. It has stunning graphics, and the gameplay is very addictive. You will have to race your truck against other trucks in different courses, and the goal is to reach the finish line first. The game also features a multiplayer mode, so you can race against your friends. There are a lot of different trucks to choose from, and you can also customize them to your liking. The game also has a great soundtrack, and the sound effects are realistic. If you love off-road racing, then you will absolutely adore this game. With realistic graphics, 4×4 trucks, and challenging tracks, this game is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. To play, you must first select your truck. There are many different trucks to choose from, each with its own unique set of features. Once you have selected your truck, you must then choose your track. There are many different tracks to choose from, each with its own unique set of obstacles and challenges. Race for roaring, action-packed race battles against the mean Monster Trucks! They’re waiting at the Mad Truck Challenge starting line. Strap up for a relentless racing simulator and have your adrenaline pumping. Select your truck, armed with rockets, and race against the toughest offroad drivers on the planet. Generate turbo boosts and use nitro to speed up your legendary car while you climb the hill. Crush and blast your way to victory, perform extreme stunts, and make your opponents bite the dust to earn the coveted Monster Truck trophy! Be a King of race in the fun car racing game.
but if you knew me, you'd understand that I'm just a Rockford Fosgate fanatic... Trying to get good at this before I go putting emblems in my good jeans... But I figured if RF dont provide me with RF jeans, then I'll do it myself! are ya sure your not gay? You have a problem.... on an off note, want some RF 6x9s? looks pretty good. i dont know the first thing of sewing but looks hard and tedious. I'd love some RF 6x9's but I'm really poor how much you want for them? aww im jokin ya softy. looks pretty good. there his work pants, i dont think he really cared where they were located. looks good though. haha, hard? naa, It's pretty easy, you just put thread where you want it. lol Just using yoru logics. Tedious? Yep, damn straight it is, but I've got the time and I hardly notice how much time I put into this since I have no job and only spend little time doing college work.
Procurement Fraud in the IT Sector 153 TopShelf writes "IT staff usually enjoy unrivaled access to the deepest details of an organization's structure, and all too often, some submit to the urge to use that knowledge for nefarious purposes. Baseline Magazine explores how how Tech Insiders Cheat Their Employers, with examples of executives creating their own vendors to which fat contracts are awarded. Perhaps the most galling case involves a director in the New York City Chief Medical Examiner's office who is accused of scamming FEMA in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." I did this with post-it notes. (Score:4, Funny) I'm trying to figure out how to do it with the company cars, but that one's a little tough. Machine that goes DING!! (Score:2) For non-expendable items that require a capital investment, I suggest setting up a leasing company. That's what I did with our company's Machine That Goes DING!!(tm). Re:I did this with post-it notes. (Score:2) I worked onsite for a DC-government agency.... it was amazing. They had huge plasma screen TV's for "homeland security". Unfortunately, I only seemed to walk by during their "breaks" from 10am - 3pm when they were watching soap operas, game shows, etc. That's why this whole "oh, they cut security funding to DC and NYC" doesn't mean much without some actual analysis. Oh Crap! (Score:1, Funny) Re:Oh Crap! (Score:4, Interesting) That reminds me of the recent case where a guy was caught trying to pass a counterfeit billion dollar bill. Most criminals avoid detection by trying to fly under the radar with a scam so low level it is undetected. This guy was caught because the attack was so ridiculously visible - which reminds me I blogged on this and forgot to actually publish the post, must do that. These frauds are all pretty standard ones that any good auditor should be able to spot. Placing orders with a cutout company is an old ruse. What is suprising is the way that an exec of a public company would put it all on the line for what was actually chickenfeed compared to his salary and $900K stock options. I did that rant on my blog already though [blogspot.com] The only part of this that is Internet specific is the attempt to shut down the whistle blowers with court orders in the fourth case. Again it happend in Enrons home base of Texas. The blogosphere recently uncovered a series of frauds committed by Duke Cunningham and a number of other congressmen. The mainstream media has yet to tell the public anything close to the whole tale which is still being investigated but has already cased the dismissal of Porter-Goss as head of the CIA, the uncovering of a prostitutes and poker game held by lobbyists at the Watergate hotel and a peculiar series of limosine contracts. The bloggers are also currently getting their teeth into what appears to be a bipartisan scam where a legislator buys land up cheap, gets an earmark appropriation passed to build on or close to it that massively increases the value of the land and then sells dear. In the UK the magazine Private Eye has traditionally been the whistle blower. The US has never had a true equivalent. Private Eye has dramatically reduced the amount of graft in UK public life by bringing to light many schemes that would otherwise have continued for decades. Perhaps the Internet can be the Private Eye for the US. Unreported cases (Score:4, Insightful) Re:Unreported cases (Score:2, Funny) Bad Guy: "Officer, these men beat me severely with IBM model M keyboards!" Officer: "What possessed you to to this?" Good Guys: "Sir, he defrauded our company of 3 million dollars." Officer: "Oh, in that case, try this nightstick." Re:Unreported cases (Score:1) Re:Unreported cases (Score:2) Re:Unreported cases (Score:2) -nB Re:Unreported cases in the real world (Score:2) Judge: "What possessed you to to this?" Laid off workers: "Sir, he defrauded our company of 3 million dollars." Judge: "Oh, in that case... The workers loose their life savings to compensate the victim! And to victim... How does 5 years in Club Fed sound with only 6 months served? Oh and the wife says hey... See at golf next Sunday!" Maybe I have a lack of knowledge... (Score:2) Re:Maybe I have a lack of knowledge... (Score:3, Informative) Personal experience (Score:2) They were the outsourced IT managment and staff for CompanyA. CrapIT had CompanyA buy all the hardware and software from themselves. Since CrapIT made all the IT decisions, with little or no oversight (more on that later), they could charge whatever they wanted for hardware and software. They also charged for hourly overtime when their staff "stayed late" or "work Like ST:TNG? (Score:3, Interesting) Re:Like ST:TNG? (Score:3, Funny) Re:Like ST:TNG? (Score:3, Insightful) I applaud you. Re:Like ST:TNG? (Score:2) Re:Like ST:TNG? (Score:1) Old hat (Score:1, Funny) Re:Old hat (Score:2) ... as opposed to ... (Score:4, Insightful) As opposed to creating whole outsourcing companies to manage contractors during an outsourcing push. Or an executive personally subcontracting a building project at a bid below the rest of the local builders. Or the usual everyday case of standardizing on vendors that appear heavily in the executive's personal stock portfolio. Encourage loyalty (Score:5, Insightful) But for most employees, instilling loyalty and pride in the company is the best disincentive to theft. It's also the best way to increase productivity. How does a company do that? Pay employees what they're worth, don't overwork people, be ethical in your business operations. Basically, it's the golden rule. Treat your employees the way you want them to treat your company. Your employees will take care of the rest, and the money will roll in. It's too bad that most companies are only in business to line the pockets of the top execs this quarter, and damn the next financial period; we'll figure that out later. Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:5, Interesting) It goes a bit deeper than that I'm afraid. The modern model for business structure requires hiring and treating people as interchangable parts in a machine. This has nothing to do with short term greed, but is rather aimed at the sustainability of the business itself. This is one of the reasons that new, small businesses can out perform older, larger businesses. They tend to be more reliant on high performing and essentially irreplacable personel. Say; the founder. One of the reasons that new, small businesses tend to fail is because. . So both short term greed and long term surviability can lead to an air of people not mattering. The opposite of love is not hate; it is indifference. In the average company they aren't actually out to get you, they simply don't give a fuck about you. KFG Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:2) And there's more: if I have become your irreplaceable personel and I am highly skilled etc etc, why on Earth would I want to stay with you when many other companies are willing to pay me the big bucks that your small biz does not have? Mercenary, I know. The best way to be in a highly competitive environment, I think. Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:2, Insightful) An oxymoron. KFG Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:2) Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:1) Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:1, Funny) Re:Encourage loyalty (Score:3, Insightful) Too true. The best part of is that these clowns get to walk away with insane severance packages after running companies into the ground that no mere mortal outside of this priviledged class will ever see. I'd love to be able to completely and utterly fuck up at my job and be "severed" with several years salary and other lovely parting gifts. You have to trust your people (Score:4, Insightful) Singling out IT managers as potential sources of fraud is disingenuous. ALL managers have the potential for fraud, because they have the access and the authority to commit the crime. Re:You have to trust your people (controls help) (Score:3, Insightful) "invoices were often hand-delivered to Motschenbacher who, in turn, would hand-deliver the Buca payment to EDP" If your business processes are so pathetically broken that the same person processes invoices and writes the checks, your problem has nothing to do with IT having too much access to the company's nervous system. TFA lies (Score:2) Re:You have to trust your people (Score:2, Informative) > Singling out IT managers as potential sources of fraud is disingenuous. ALL managers have the potential for fraud, because they have the access and the authority to commit the crime. You're missing one of the main points, stated clearly on the first page of TA: "An information-technology manager with a larcenous bent is uniquely qualified to carry out clandestine procurement activities. Not only do some corporate I.T. budgets top $1 billion, but the head of inform Re:You have to trust your people (Score:2) People with a strong sense of ethics are not allowed into senior management posts in large companies, because they would report the company for accounting fraud (at least). Agreed. You have trust -- then you have to audit. (Score:2) What's wrong? (Score:1) No it's still theft (Score:2) No. You still stole something and you can get arrested. Unautorhized taking of property is theft. Re:What's wrong? (Score:2) Happens all the time (Score:2) Re:Happens all the time (Score:1) Re:Happens all the time (Score:2) Re:Happens all the time (Score:2) Re:Happens all the time (Score:2) The UK and the US both have laws that say that unsolicited goods are gifts and that there is no obligation to pay for them. Th UK law is called "Unsolicited Goods and Services Act 1971". In the US, the law was passed in 1970 and it is in Title 39 Re:Happens all the time (Score:2) This is true in Canada as well: Office of Consumer Affairs [ic.gc.ca]. not "Tech insiders" these are called "managers" (Score:3, Informative) Just my 2c Re:not "Tech insiders" these are called "managers" (Score:1) Then it would be my 2c. Poor Control Measures? (Score:3, Insightful) At least 4 people see a cheque before it is signed and sent out, two signatures are needed on the cheque and one from someone like a manager on the form requesting it. If I want a printer cartridge, I have to fill out a form, get my line manager to authorise it, and then give that to the secetary - who also checks everything, then when she places her order it has to be signed off by her boss. Etc etc. Control measures are fundamental to reducing exposure to fraud or theft IMHO. Trust me, I'm an accountant. Re:Poor Control Measures? (Score:2) If the people making the money decisions don't get a direct benefit from the companies success, you can anticipate some of them will make decisions more for their own benefit than the companies. Re:Poor Control Measures? (Score:2) TO do this you need a mid level or CIO to accomplish this and take cuts on the transactions. Re:Poor Control Measures? (Score:2) The irony is that many people who have committed massive fraud have said the exact same thing. Re:Poor Control Measures? (Score:2) This is exactly correct. I've been in a variety of positions in the public and private sector, and they all operate the exact same way -- peeny wise and pound foolish. It was always easier to spend $5,000 than it was to spend $50, which obviously led to overspending on critical things because we could In smaller orgs, lack of widespread tech knowledge (Score:3, Interesting) He got caught as soon as he did only because he was a complete dumbass about it -- students knew there was a "forbidden room" and were suspicious of its contents, and he listed some Cisco kit and some printers on eBay with an address that obviously traced back to the school. When someone brought in a printout of the eBay auctions it was all over. Re:In smaller orgs, lack of widespread tech knowle (Score:4, Funny) this technique is so old, that reporters know it (Score:2) and the funny thing is, they were voltage-limited supplies, they would all have to be rewired into current-limiting units on receipt by the father. at tha That's too hard (Score:2) I am familiar with a business that gets all its IT services through a one-man contracting operation. It's in the contract that this guy will provide them with all their hardware, at a 5% markup over his cost. So instead of just telling them what to buy and letting them call up Insight or whomever, he buys it for them, tacks on 5%, and gives them the bill. The value-add is pretty near nil, but the cost add really lines the guy's pocket. Re:Huh? That sounds like legit capitalism. (Score:2) If someone said in a project I was to buy them hardware, I'd charge a fee too. Otherwise, they can go spend their own time buying the hardware. Or if I call Re:Huh? That sounds like legit capitalism. (Score:2) All this guy is doing is adding an unnecessary layer to the transaction and driving up the end-user's cost. I have other reasons to think that he's milking this particular cash cow that I won't go into here. Suffice it to say that he has found several ways to profit by his customer's continued ignorance, and he acts to keep them in the dark rather than educate them. (The customer probably shoul Too legit to quit (Score:2) Re:Huh? That sounds like legit capitalism. (Score:2) Re:That's too hard (Score:2) Re:That's too hard (Score:2) Indeed. For example, automobile repair shops routinely mark-up the hardware they install by 50-100% Major Cojones (Score:2) Talk about hubris! Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:1) Re:Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:1) Of course, if you described it as a "Real-time, mission-critical IT security news service", or something like that, you might be able to get someone else to sign for it. Re:Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:2) Re:Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:2) Re:Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:2) It seems teh lower your job the harder you work and the most that is expected of you. When I was an intern lan admin I went on slashdot all the time. Not excessively but every few hours I would check if I wasn't too busy with anything or waiting for a meeting or something. If your a director then you can be on slashdot all day long Re:Aren't we all a little fraudulent? (Score:2) Now that I'm salary, I don't care. After all, I'm salary, and my employer has a vested intrest in keeping me up-to-date. After all this time wasted reading /. (Score:2, Funny) Power leads to corruption (Score:2) "...Abuse of Power Comes as No Surprise is one of Holzer's Truisms first published in l977. [...] Holzer's Truisms, first published in l977 include such politically charged statements as ABUSE OF POWER COMES AS NO SURPRISE, EVERYONE'S WORK IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT and MOST PEOPLE ARE NOT FIT TO RULE THEMSELVES." All ideals that are apt today Cant we just execute people (Score:2) Re:Cant we just execute people (Score:2) The people that claimed that Iraq was involved in 9/11, the people that wiretap tens of thousands of phones in America, the people that use secretive government agencies to collect information on Americans Ah, you get the idea. Re:Cant we just execute people (Score:2) Sunlight is the best disinfectant (Score:2) 'should anyone such as the HP account rep question Champag[n]e too closely about his dealings, he would tell them "that the work was confidential and in the interest of national security," ' Secrecy corrupts. If someone says "national security" too often they are covering up something foul. The converse is the New York case: "an unnamed employee in the medical examiner's office alerted the Department of Investigation's Zander" Keep an open channel for whistleblowers. You'll never get this glad you brought it up (Score:2) a never ending cycle... (Score:2, Insightful) Re:a never ending cycle... (Score:2) My old company got pwned big time by the CIO... (Score:3, Interesting) I left there about 5 years ago, but one of my close friends who remained there worked in finance and a year after I left she uncovered a scam run by the CIO, one of his underlings, and a vendor on the outside. It was pretty simple and had apparently been going on for some time even before I left. Basically, it was just a matter of phony invoices coming in from the vendor, for equipment that was not needed nor delivered. The CIO and his underling signed off on the invoices and they were paid, and presumably some of the money that went to the vendor found its way back to the CIO and his underling. My friend quietly followed the paper trail and was able to determine that the scheme netted somewhere in the mid six figures, over just how long a period I don't remember. I would like to mention that the CIO's underling was an empire-building, micromanaging bitch that was hated by everyone who was under her, which unfortunately included me. She would cover her own ass and happily throw anyone else under the bus she could to solidify her own position. I ended up having to report to her for a period when my boss left the company, until a replacement was found. Having to deal directly with her was a major reason why I left the company. The above paragraph is just to give you a feel for the fervor with which I pleaded with my friend to assemble all the evidence of wrongdoing and present it to the CFO. She surrepetitiously made copies of everything and kept the folder around, but never did blow the whistle. I suppose she figured it might come in handy as a bargaining chip someday if they ever tried to pin anything on her. It's a real shame, because nothing would have pleased me more than for my friend to have taken that bitch down. Oh, well. ~Philly Seems like a good place to tell this story... (Score:1, Interesting) So of COURSE as we are on the elevator going down, the CEO gets on with us, and asks where w Hard to do with open source software (Score:2) Re:Hard to do with open source software (Score:2) My cohort & I were just discussing that if the national average is 6% of revenu, we have a lot of catching up to do. Re:Hard to do with open source software (Score:2) Snack Bandits count, too! (Score:1) Big Brother vs. the Whistleblowers (Score:2) Vendors do it too. (Score:2) Hey, fair is fair (Score:3, Interesting) On the other hand... (Score:2) Re:On the other hand... (Score:2) Nothing to worry about... (Score:2) Okay back to Who is scamming whom? (Score:2, Insightful) I didn't find this in the article, but let's see. New Orleans was built below sea level, and the problem was just a matter of time. The US government has decided to take my money to pay for the problems in New Orleans? That sounds like a scam in and of itself. The basic point is that the US government is buying votes with your money, including subsidiz Re:Who is scamming whom? (Score:2) No, New Orleans was not built below sea level. It was built above sea level, and sunk. But, those with an agenda to push don't ever bother to try for accuracy. The inflamatory lies are much better for getting people riled up to be blind to the hidden agenda. The government is incompetent enough (though often less incompetent than the private sector), you don't need to spread lies to make them look worse. Re:Who is scamming whom? (Score:2) Re:Who is scamming whom? (Score:2) No. I think $ are being used to appear to be responsive. Meanwhile, I find references to large parts of NO being built under sea level around 1900, in contradiction to your initial remarks. You are correct. I did not make my comments explicit. There was construction on fresh ground that was below sea level. New Orleans was founded about 200 years before the point in time you are referencing. Within the first 100 years, there was no area at all under se Re:Who is scamming whom? (Score:2) No, by my own criteria, I have limited time and did not write the extra words necessary to clarify a non-point. New Orleans was founded because it was high-area in a swamp. Period. New Orleans was founded in a location that was above sea level and not know to be sinking (since it wasn't sinking when founded). Period. That, long after it was founded and established, there was some small amount of new construction in areas that had sunk below sea level does no I confess (Score:2) I'm turning myself up for using company resources for personal benefict. Maybe they'll be lenient - the paper was already printed on one side. Well, somebody has to have access (Score:2) I just changed a few fields in the database I was installing and now my domain name is registered until 2099. Re:What a bunch of BS (Score:2) Re:What a bunch of BS (Score:2) Re:This is why Rebates are so popular! (Score:2) The Fianace department didn't want to bother with the rebate checks. About the only thing I ever got them to go for was a free Jornada for buying an HP 4650 and returning an old LJ III for recycling.
State Determination =================== Determine which US state a geoposition is located in. Usage ----- **state_determination.py** Instantiate the `state_determination` class by specifying the pickle-serialized file with the polygon data for the states. See [state_borders_generator.py](state_borders_generator.py) for details on the format of this data structure. Most interesting method is `state_of_geoposition(lat, long)` which returns a string with the abbreviation (e.g. PA) of the state where the geoposition is located in. **state_borders_generator.py** Generates a Python pickle file containing information about borders of all US states.<br> State borders data has been downloaded from https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/tiger-line.html<br> The Shapefiles (.shp) from there have been imported with Google Earth Pro and then exported again as .kml file. This script transforms the .kml file to a dictionary structure which is - at the end - serialized again using Python pickle library. The pickle file can then be used in other scripts. **winding_number_basics.py** Contains the mathematical basics including simple cases in a test. The Math -------- **Mathematical problem: Determining the inclusion of a point in a 2D planar polygon** Two methods are commonly used: - Crossing number (cn) - Winding number (wn) According to various literature, the winding number (wn) is more precise, especially in case a polygon overlaps with itself. A relatively simple algorithm for calculation of the winding number is shown at http://geomalgorithms.com/a03-_inclusion.html (or [theory/Inclusion-point-in-polygon.pdf](theory/Inclusion-point-in-polygon.pdf)) and will be used here. Other descriptions and explanations regarding crossing number and winding number can be found here (German only): - Kreuzungszahl: http://www-lehre.informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de/~cg/2002/skript/node43.html [theory/Kreuzungszahl.pdf](theory/Kreuzungszahl.pdf) - Umlaufszahl: http://www-lehre.informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de/~cg/2002/skript/node44.html [theory/Umlaufszahl.pdf](theory/Umlaufszahl.pdf) - Punkt im Polygon: http://rw7.de/ralf/inffaq/polygon.html [theory/Punkt-im-Polygon.pdf](theory/Punkt-im-Polygon.pdf) Data Types/Structures --------------------- For the mathematical methods in this class, the following data types/structures are used: - **Geopoint** - Python namedtuple, i.e. ```python Point = namedtuple('Geopoint', ['lat', 'long']) p = Geopoint(11, 22) ``` - **Line** - Python namedtuple of two geopoints, i.e. ```python Line = namedtuple('Line', ['p1', 'p2']) line1 = Line(Geopoint(3, 5), Geopoint(4, 2)) ``` - **Polygon** - Python list of Geopoints, i.e. [ Geopoint, Geopoint, Geopoint, ..., Geopoint ]
Rooms & Rates Rated 3.7 out of 5 by 99 reviewers. Rated 5 out of 5 by Pam16 The night before cruise Beautiful location! We chose this property for it's proximity to the Port of Miami. Very impressed with the property. Staff was attentive and thoughtful. The prepackaged to-go items for breakfast were just right! Cannot wait to stay here again! April 23, 2016 Rated 5 out of 5 by Gelane21 Very Accomodating Getting there early after leaving a cruise, our room was ready for a "way early" check-in, and no issues with late out due to late flight, honestly, I can't thank you enough for making our experience so smooth!!! April 19, 2016 Rated 1 out of 5 by dgt56 NO hot water I had NO hot water in my shower for the two nights I stayed at the hotel. I reported it several times and have no idea if anyone came to look at it. The clerks at the front desk were very nice and apologetic. I will not stay at this hotel again! February 22, 2016 Rated 2 out of 5 by Raafat1983 unsupportive stuff The reception person was unsupportive and rude February 17, 2016 Rated 5 out of 5 by pumasdrummaboy High-value conference hotel I had a conference in November, 2015 that was held downtown at a different hotel brand. Even at the conference rate, that hotel was unduly expensive - particularly given the room conditions there, as I later learned from my colleagues. The Aloft was a low-cost solution. One is never more than a $6 Uber ride from downtown, or a free (although prolonged) ride via MetroMover. The room (I had a suite) is certainly comfortable for one person, and comfortable to have a couple of people over for drinks. The lighting does not lend itself to a high-quality feel, though. It is cold and fluorescent. The stay is less-than-ideal for a romantic getaway. While the balconies were nice, everything at this aloft felt as if it were crying out: "I'm pretty basic, but I work well! Despite that, I'm going to put on this pretense of being very, very cool, young, and hip." I found the last part unnecessary. Everything was clean, decent, and it did not need the pretense of being "cool". TL;DR: Excellent hotel for a downtown business trip. Well-situated and comfortable. Do not woo people here. Do not bring business here, since it feels cheap-ish. January 23, 2016 Rated 5 out of 5 by aufio mu business hotel love it awesome place, my only stop when i am in town for business.. i m coming tomorrow again by the way! November 29, 2015 Rated 5 out of 5 by unprofitable Great Neighborhood, Very Good Hotel Within a block and a half of Metro Rail and tram stations, and in a vibrant neighborhood with lots of dining options, this hotel is perfect for business travel. I experienced service typical of Aloft hotels. No complaints. November 1, 2015 Rated 5 out of 5 by cokwe Miami Great place! would stay again October 22, 2015
Restaurant Group The Restaurant Group plc is one of the largest independent restaurant and pub restaurant groups in the United Kingdom, with a portfolio of restaurants, cafes and pub restaurants comprise 6 Brands, plus concessions currently operating in seven airports. The Restaurant Group sees full-year results in line The Restaurant Group PLC said it anticipates reporting results for the year ended December 28 2008 in line with its expectations. Like-for-like sales grew 1.5 percent from a year earlier, which compares to 2.5 percent rise for the 45 weeks to November 9 as announced mid-November, with the company calling the full-year figure a “creditable performance” resulting from its distinctive market positions and value for money offerings. In a pre-close trading update, the company said the like-for-like performance over the seven weeks since the November interim management statement has been reasonable against a deteriorating economic backdrop, albeit at levels below the same period last year. During the year the group opened 40 new restaurants resulting in a net increase of 24 sites and, as previously announced, expects to open between 18 and 25 in 2009. Other Restaurant Group articles Other Restaurant Group news 21/10/08 The Restaurant Group director snaps up £200,000 in shares 07/05/08 The Restaurant Group very encouraged by performance 09/01/08 Subdued Q4 sends Restaurant Group lower
Not sure if anyone is trialing in Rally or not. Her are Daphney and I doing UKC Rally.We are in level 3 at this time. Daphney was the first Rottweiler to earn a URO 1, title she was the first dog to earn a URO 2 title,she has also earned a perfect 100 score.We need two more Q's in level 3 for our URO 3 title and then on to our UROC. Congrats! I love seeing Rotties in the ring. She appears very attentive to you. These are the ribbions she has earned this year so far. Rottie Girls are Soooooo smart. Congratulations! Pretty and smart! That's a great combination for any gal. Congrats! What a pretty girl! I am actually starting novice rally classes next Monday I've never done it before, neither has my dog, so I'm pretty excited! It is fun you and your dog will have a blast.. Looks like your girl loves it! I took a household obedience class from the same lady who is doing this rally class, and I really enjoyed working with her and my dog loved it too. So I'm thinking this will be great for both of us! Wow!! Very Nice!! Congrats!!! Willie and I are in a Rally class, too.....we have just had about 28 weeks......so 3, 8 week classes and we are in another one now......I like agility better, but Rally is fun, too.... Thanks for sharing!! Great Job!!
Here is the dollhouse I made (and am still working on). I started it 8 years ago, finished most of the outside, and then put it away for 7 years. I was burnt out. But, alas, I recently became re-obsessed with it, and what you see here is a result of that. The whole house measures 11.25 inches tall. I didn't work in any particular common scale, I didn't even realize there were common scales for dollhouses when I started this. But it is close to 1/4 scale (where 1/4 an inch equals 1 foot in real life). It's not completely done yet, there is always room to keep adding, and to keep obsessing. I'm pretty excited about this latch. I couldn't find anything that I liked at the hardware store, or even online. So, I fashioned my own. The hinge part came from a thrift store, I added on the knob, and the part with the chain and fastener. At times like this, the dremel is your friend. At almost all other times, you'll have a dremel sitting in a closet, and you'll wonder why you ever bought one. I love the final result of the latch. It becomes a little mini adventure in itself, a fun way to open it before you see the inside.
Couple of stout guyswith ropes could get them out of the way in no time. An easy task it isn't, but neither is it a long one. Now, if they really wanted to have fun with it, they get a couple big dudes with pickups, and someone with a winch to load these into them, and go drop them back off at the police station in front of *their* doors under the guise of "returning city property" or something similar... or, for maximum inconvenience, block their parking lot off, preventing them from getting their private vehicles out.
<commit_before><span class="js-follow"> <span class="followable-content"> <% if show_follow_action? followable %> <%= link_to "##{follow_link_wrapper_id(followable)}", id: follow_link_wrapper_id(followable), title: follow_entity_text(followable), data: { toggle: follow_drop_id(followable) } do %> <%= t('shared.follow') %> <% end %> <div class="dropdown-pane" id="<%= follow_drop_id(followable) %>" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true"> <%= link_to follow_entity_text(followable), follows_path(followable_id: followable.id, followable_type: followable.class.name), method: :post, remote: true, id: follow_link_id(followable) %> </div> <% end %> <% if show_unfollow_action? followable %> <% follow = followable.follows.where(user: current_user).first %> <%= link_to "##{unfollow_link_wrapper_id(followable)}", id: unfollow_link_wrapper_id(followable), title: unfollow_entity_text(followable), data: { toggle: unfollow_drop_id(followable) } do %> <%= t('shared.unfollow') %> <% end %> <div class="dropdown-pane" id="<%= unfollow_drop_id(followable) %>" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true"> <%= link_to unfollow_entity_text(followable), follow_path(follow), method: :delete, remote: true, id: unfollow_link_id(followable) %> </div> <% end %> </span><commit_msg>Set button style to followable button<commit_after><span class="js-follow"> <span class="followable-content"> <% if show_follow_action? followable %> <%= link_to "##{follow_link_wrapper_id(followable)}", id: follow_link_wrapper_id(followable), title: follow_entity_text(followable), data: { toggle: follow_drop_id(followable) }, class: 'button hollow' do %> <%= t('shared.follow') %> <% end %> <div class="dropdown-pane" id="<%= follow_drop_id(followable) %>" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true"> <%= link_to follow_entity_text(followable), follows_path(followable_id: followable.id, followable_type: followable.class.name), method: :post, remote: true, id: follow_link_id(followable) %> </div> <% end %> <% if show_unfollow_action? followable %> <% follow = followable.follows.where(user: current_user).first %> <%= link_to "##{unfollow_link_wrapper_id(followable)}", id: unfollow_link_wrapper_id(followable), title: unfollow_entity_text(followable), data: { toggle: unfollow_drop_id(followable) }, class: 'button hollow' do %> <%= t('shared.unfollow') %> <% end %> <div class="dropdown-pane" id="<%= unfollow_drop_id(followable) %>" data-dropdown data-auto-focus="true"> <%= link_to unfollow_entity_text(followable), follow_path(follow), method: :delete, remote: true, id: unfollow_link_id(followable) %> </div> <% end %> </span>
In the hills and mountains of Southern Norway one sometimes stumble upon peculiar stone-settings, like the pictured one (top) at Trekongane (i.e. ’the tree kings’, named after three colossal fir trees) in Tveit, Kristiansand, close to where I live. The structure at Trekongane is rectangular, c. 1x2 m. It consists of one layer of head-sized stones placed directly om the naked, mountain surface. Similar stone structures are pretty common in hills and mountain areas. They are often referred to as ’likkviler’, meaning literally ’resting places for corpses’. The idea is that coffins were placed in the ’likkviler’ when people who were carrying dead bodies to the churchyard from far-away farms needed to rest. Some of the ”likkviler” are U-shaped. According to oral tradition, the ’opening’ was always facing in the direction of the churchyard, and not of the home farm. This was to make sure that the restless dead were not able to ’go home’. Often the ’likkviler’ are found near old trails and roads. However, the one at Trekongane isn’t, and I know of several others which seem to have no relation whatsoever to systems of communication. I literally stumbled upon it a couple of years ago, while searching for the famous ’tree kings’. These monuments are indeed enigmatic. We don’t know how old they are, nor why they were built. And of course they are notoriously hard to date, since there is no cultural layer between the stones and the underground. This they have in common with an impressing group of monuments that seems to be limited to mountain areas in Telemark, Agder and Rogaland. Consisting of often long rows of erected stones (bottom picture, courtesy of my co-worker Torfinn Hageland), the so-called ’brudler’ are as engimatic as the ’likkviler’. The word itself is a dialectic term meaning ’wedding procession’. Supposedly, when people in olden days got a bride from beyond the mountains, they put up a ’brudle’. Often the ’brudle’ has a couple of bigger stones, allegedly symbolising the bride and groom, while the lesser stones are thought to symbolise the number of people (alternatively: horses) in the procession. There are a whole number of cases where several ’brudler’ and ’likkviler’ are clustered together. Often singular erected stones, called pikksteiner (literally: ’prick stones’) are found, too. In one case, at Prestvorrheia in Åseral, Vest-Agder, a number of cup marks are located near a ’brudle’. Usually dating to the Bronze or Early Iron Age in Scandinavia, the cup marks at Prestvorrheia suggest that at least some of the engimatic stone structures could be prehistoric.
Red Privet is now Paragon. We’re bringing our customer research and design strategy expertise to Paragon Consulting – expanding upon their­­ two-plus decades of experience delivering industry-leading web development and managed services solutions. Together, we share the same common goal: Improving your customer’s digital experience. Optimized experiences create happier customers and bigger results. We can help you get there. Red Privet worked closely with Sunspire to learn how that pivotal touchpoint affects both the customer experience and call center performance – ultimately building a step by step conversion funnel. Healthcare is often a shared experience. Our journey maps helped Penn State Health discover why being ‘patient-centric’ is really about being ‘people-centric’. We helped Geisinger reimagine their enterprise-wide web presence – unifying their health system, health plan, School of Medicine, and research entities into one cohesive experience. We helped Penn State Health create a new Children’s Hospital website that supports parents’ needs, while also satisfying the needs of a second audience – referring providers. Understanding health insurance is challenging. We worked with Geisinger Health Plan to take a complex topic such as Explanation of Benefits, and make it easier to comprehend.
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Apparently, things have improved so much in the City of Detroit that its Mayor has nothing better to do with his time than write letters asking suburban Detroit judges for leniency in sentencing NBA multi-millionaire drunk drivers. And, apparently, those judges are supposed to take into account that the drunk drivers were once abandoned by their fathers? Huh? That’s what happened today at the sentencing of racist multi-millionaire former NBA star and current ESPN commentator Jalen Rose for drunk driving. He got 20 days in jail, and it’s big news in Detroit and around the country. Rose drew 48th District Court Judge Kimberly Small, who is the nation’s toughest judge when it comes to drunk driving. On the eve of sentencing, the Detroit Free Pressistan did a full court press for Rose by doing an unwarranted front page hit piece on Judge Small in the Sunday paper for the “crime” of being tough on drunk drivers and always giving them jail time. It’s not like Rose was just over the alcohol limit. He had six martinis in a row and blew a .12 blood alcohol level. He was very drunk when he drove and crashed his SUV. It’s by the grace of G-d, that he didn’t kill someone. For the record, I know and like Kim Small, have appeared before her in court, and we are friendly. While she is tough, she is smart, fair, and knows the law. I always know that if the law and facts are on my clients’ side, Judge Small will be, too, as in this case. She knows what she is doing, and she’s consistent in being tough on criminals. When I lived in her district, I was proud to vote for her. Incredibly, for today’s sentencing, many, many famous Detroiters wrote letters asking that their mega-rich, mega-racist, drunk driver friend be given a lighter sentence. Even more incredible, Detroit Mayor Dave Bing wrote a letter on Rose’s behalf talking about how he was a successful NBA star and gives money to charity. Does Mayor Bing really believe that rich former sports stars, like himself and Rose, deserve a different set of justice than the rest of us? Apparently so. And what is Bing doing wasting City of Detroit resources on Rose? Rose lives in the fancy suburbs (where he was drunk driving), not in the City. He was one of those who took illegal loans from gambling ring operator Ed Martin in the University of Michigan basketball scandal. He’s not worthy of the Mayor of Detroit’s time, involvement, or intercession. Also incredible, at today’s sentencing, Rose’s lawyer said that because he was abandoned by his father as a child, he should get a lighter sentence and the court’s sympathy. HUH? Rose is an adult in his 30s. He’s made millions of dollars and is gainfully employed. What does his status as an illegitimate kid have to do with his drinking of six cocktails, then putting his keys in the ignition and heading out on the road? I’m glad that Jalen Rose didn’t get treated any better or any differently than the usual drunk driving defendants in Judge Small’s courtroom, merely because he is famous, rich, appears on TV, and has important friends. That he will spend time behind bars is a humbling experience he needs far more than the usual poor schnooks who appear before Judge Small after drinking too much and getting behind the wheel. Rose is lucky that Judge Small is allowing Rose to attend his 93-year-old grandmother’s birthday party before he reports to jail. Not all defendants are so lucky when they appear before other judges. As longtime readers know, I’m no fan of racist multi-millionaire former NBA star Jalen Rose. His comments during his ESPN “Fab Five” documentary were ridiculous. And, next week, he won’t be Jalen Rose, haughty former jock with millions in dollars and racist thoughts. He’ll be Jalen Rose, Oakland County Jail resident. Exactly what he deserves. That’s what I call “justice”. Although with regards to celebrities, a lot of people think they should be treated differently from the rest of us… cuz of fame, the right connections and being arrogant. Just what Detroit’s Mayor thinks a rich suburban guy’s entitlement should be! SHAME on Bing! I thought he was a good guy, but I now wonder if he is a closet racist, fronting for a fellow Black. ALL judges should give drunk drivers a very stiff sentence. They are killing babies & mothers…show them NO mercy! Now, looky looky here, woman. You be dissin one of da bros. He deserve respek, as he be one of the gratest basketball players, man. Give a brothuh a brake. He cant live like me ‘n you. He erned a brake. He a hero. White woman just jelos cause he giving her none dat telephone ball o his. Yo wished he be yur baby’s daddy. Oops, sorry. Basketball Jones was using my computer when I was not looking. Well, if that is so, then 71% of black Americans “ought” to have sympathy. What a friggen’ joke. Playing the “no daddy” card. PUHLEEZE. Liberals never seem to care about the absence of Daddy unless they are looking for mitigating circumstances. MEN. COUNT. TOO. This is truly bizarre, Debbie. After decades of being clubbed over the head with M.A.D.D., S.A.D.D., D.A.D.D. and all the other assorted “ADDs” finger wagging, candlelight vigils, PSAs and the accompanying suspension of civil liberties in the name thereof (like “sobriety” road blocks), these people are arguing for leniency and to excuse his drunk-driving because the rich jock was a nice guy? Un-freaking-believable. We need more judges with a backbone like her. I believe in the justice system, not ignorant remarks. While I believe the sentence was fair and necessary, I don’t believe that some of your comments are warranted. Truth be told, by reading the comments posted, I challenge you to look in the mirror. What’s surprising is no one dared mention that Judge Smalls daughter had an offense that was quietly handled and guess what………..she received a lighter sentence. Now scratch your head on that one folks. That don’t work anymore. What did you do with the memo? Next time try to be better prepared. Debbie JL was an above average NBA player but he didn’t seem that worried about playing as part of a wining team. I’d like to see the NBA player contracts tied more to winning than scoring, and to some degeree that’s already happening due to the proliferation of statisitical measurements. Guys like JL and Stephon Marbury are probably not going to get $20 million a year anymore. I mean JR. I hope Judge Small has the fortitude and the grit to stand fast against those who are sticking up for that rich drunk black trash Jalen Rose. No excuse for drunk drivers who drank too much and drive around in fancy SUVs. Tracey – truth hurt a little? Did you even click on the link? Will Dave Bing be there for me should I run afoul of a silly little traffic violation? Fix my tickets Dave? Save the city Mr. Bing, Rose now has a 20 day head start to fix a problem of his own doing. Was JR exposed to the Social Promotion program in schools? Was JR forced to take expensive gifts while at Mich? Was JR venerated by B-BALL fanatics wherever he played? Was JR welcomed into the “groupie-harems” available to Sport Heroes? Was JR given educational achievement forgiveness? Well, then I understand and we, as a society, must not be so strict and forgive him his transgressions, right? NOT!!! DON’T DO THE CRIME IF YOU CAN’T DO THE TIME. In Caifornia this would not be a jailable offense because the jails would be like a final 4 game everyday. However, it is a big money maker. Driving at .12 is not a smart thing to do but it is also not that (w)reck-less as to deserve jail time. I see the accidents everyday in So Cal and the drivers who kill and injure people are always in the .02 plus. Even Arizona which is tougher on drunk drivers he would be doing 5 days outside in a tent and just passing time. How many days will he actually serve – all of it? If so that is a little much. I totally agree. So would MADD founder Candy Lightner who is against the direction MADD has taken and was kicked out of the organization. When driving after a couple beers carries a much harsher sentance than leaving the scene of an accident, you know something is definitely wrong with the system. If you’re in an accident the smallest trace of achohol, even mouthwash, or an old empty beer can that fell out of your returns bag can qualify it as drinking related. MADD has truly gone MAD. You have to NIP IT…NIP IT in the bud…theShadow doesn’t know!…”the real problem behind most accidents” is drinking. 1/2 or more of all traffic related deaths are alcohol related. DR Dale, so you’re saying more than half of all accidents are caused by Smart People that drink and drive? Actually it’s about a third, but I think you get my point. My main beef is with the lopsided laws that make it easier to leave the scene of an accident than facing drunk driving charges. And BTW, I stand with Debbie behind the judge’s verdict. These are the kind of drivers we need to keep off the road but if statistics don’t lie, I’ll bet he does it again. I always thought Jalen Rose never played up to his full potential…….. You are the first person I heard say anything positive about Judge Small. She has to be amongst the most despised people in all of Oakland County. I can’t stand her. Amongst the most despised people in Oakland County, I hope that you list includes, Jessica Cooper and Geoffrey “cry baby” Fieger.
When our clients came to us for their initial design meeting, one of the design requirements our client wanted added to their brief was to maximize the footprint allowable to fit within the setbacks of their building boundaries. They had a pretty unique shaped block with a frontage of almost 30 metres tapering inwards to a rear boundary of 12 metres. We needed to come up with a design that would not only fit the constraints of the boundaries but not let the block shape dictate a floor plan that would render impractical for what we were trying to achieve in regard to the best location of required rooms and providing the ‘flow’ we envisaged for the design. Each area of the home has a fluidity in the way they are connected. The design was to include a ground floor guest bedroom, formal lounge room, triple garage, home theatre, rumpus room, dining room, living room and large galley kitchen with butlers pantry and laundry. Upstairs the requirements were 4 bedrooms each with their own walk in robes, two bedrooms with a shared ensuite, two bedrooms with independent ensuites, main bathroom and upstairs lounge retreat area. From the moment you enter this beautiful home you are greeted by a grand foyer almost 4.5 metres wide that really sets the tone for the remainder of the home. Off to the side of the foyer, a formal lounge room with an inviting fire place forms the perfect retreat to settle for a quite drink or unwind reading a book. The foyer leads up a few steps to the main living area, this area is flooded with natural light from both the huge void area over the staircase and curtain glass wall with unobstructed views of the inground swimming pool. The vastness of the multiple living areas is amongst our favorite features. Separating the dining and living areas is a double-sided fireplace which provides definition between the main living areas of the home. The living room opens out to a large outdoor pavilion complete with outdoor kitchen perfect for outdoor entertaining and a custom inground swimming pool with raised spa area to complete the picture of perfect summer entertaining. As you enter the upper level the sense of openness is overwhelming with two huge void areas making you feel like you are floating between the upper and lower levels. 4 Bedrooms of oversized proportions create individual havens, each bedroom has its own ensuite or shared ensuite access and their own walk in robe. The master suite replicates the features you would expect from a five star hotel and features its own fireplace and enormous ensuite. Both the master bedroom and the bedroom directly next to it both have their own private balcony overlooking the beautiful native bushlands. A lot of meticulous care went into the planning of this home and we managed to achieve a design that met our clients brief. The home was recently put on the market and achieved the highest recorded price in Harrington Grove, surpassing the previous record by over $300,000.00. Having lived in Harrington Park almost since its conception over 26 years ago, the area holds a very special place in our hearts and to think that our designs completed throughout the region have added to the areas beauty makes us extremely proud.
What Does Downtime Cost the Average Business? One bad experience is all it takes to rattle a business owner. Infrastructure matters and when your system or applications crash. It can have an enormous impact on your bottom line not to mention your business operations. Monetary and data losses from unexpected crashes can even, in some cases cause a company to close its doors permanently. According to an ITIC study this year, the average amount of a single hour of downtime is $100,000 or more. Since 2008, ITIC has sent out independent surveys that measure downtime costs. Findings included that a single hour of downtime has risen by 25%-30%. Here are some staggering results: - 98% of organizations say a single hour of downtime costs over $100,000 - 81% of respondents indicated that 60 minutes of downtime costs their businesses over $300,000 - 33% of those enterprises reported that one hour of downtime costs their companies between $1-5 million The only way to mitigate risk is to be proactive by having the right technology in place to monitor, prevent, and when an attack happens (and it’s not IF but WHEN), having the right company on hand to restore, rebuild and restart. Once you understand the real-life costs of downtime it should not be hard to take proactive measures to protect your business. Protected Harbor has a full team of technical experts and resources to maintain your system’s well-being and ensure business continuity. Contact us today for a full assessment of your applications and infrastructure.
Only a dead bedroom for me Not sure if this is the correct forum to post in, but I'm frustrated and wanting to vent/gain understanding from somewhere. My husband (40 M) and I (36 F) have been married 15 years (we married extremely young) and the bedroom is active, but only satisfying for him. We've done counseling, I've been very patient and upfront about what I like/need/fantasize about in bed and I'm pretty much always left unsatisfied. He'll say things like "I'm tired and I have to go work tomorrow on X amount of sleep" "I'll get you next time" etc. I work the same hours, usually more than him and I ALWAYS make sure he's satisfied, I ask him what he likes, do research, read articles, etc. But when it comes to me I always feel like it's somehow too much trouble to make sure I'm satisfied and it's extremely frustrating, especially now in my 30s when I finally feel good in my skin, have a good exercise and self care routine and know what I need to climax. It feels extremely sad and lonely to be "taking care of myself", seemingly spending my best years waiting for him to finally "get it". I have even thought of being unfaithful which I hate. He's a great dad, great fun and in so many ways my best friend....but this one sided intimacy has me bitter and sad.
Grindal's Inj. at York, 1571, Remains of Grindal, Parker Soc., 129. Or judge acting by delegation from the ordinary. Cf. Queen's Inj. of 1559, Art. xiv. Hale; Crim. Prec., 193. Cf. Also Whitgift's Articles of 1583, Cardwell, Doc. Canterbury Visit., xxv, 36. Cf. Canons of 1597: "De recusantibus et aliis excommunicatis publice denunciandis." Cardwell, Syn., i, 156. Also Croke's Eliz.
When is it too much?? I know this is gross and probably way tmi, but I go through pads fairly quickly.. change every couple hours because I physically feel wet and uncomfortable like I’m wearing a soggy diaper. Then when I’m sitting on the toilet it just constantly comes out of me and by the time I flush there’s a little pile (I don’t know if that’s a good word for it lol) of blood in the bottom of the toilet. Does this happen to anyone else? Would this be considered a heavy flow or is that normal? Sorry I know it’s a lot of information I’m just curious if it’s something I should bring up to my doctor.
It was the warehouse commander’s birthday so the workers threw him a ‘surprise’ party, with loads of food etc. It was really nice that we were invited to celebrate with everyone. However, there was Bamba everywhere and I was so paranoid because my medication was back at the dorms. In the afternoon, I was absolutely shattered so I went to sleep in the office for a good hour and a half. I felt really bad taking such a long break because we came here to work, but I really had no energy to do anything. When I’d recovered a bit, I helped the blonde German boy put stickers on a few boxes of hammers, which was an easy job for the end of the day. Everyone had helped to clean the warehouse (I started to sweep the floor but then someone blasted a hose so all the rubbish and dust got swept away in the water again and I gave up) and most of the palettes in the middle section of the space in which we worked had been taken away so the place looked strangely empty. At 4pm we went to the flag raising spot to take some group photos and I think they turned out really well. After that, some crazy people decided to go back to work for a couple more hours! This evening, we had a debrief session where we gave feedback about the programme and shared our reflections on the experience. Then we presented our madrichot with cards and t-shirts we made for them to say thank you, and they presented us with certificates. Our main evening activity was very different tonight. Our Russian madricha became our commander and we had to do some simplified basic training drills outside. We had no idea what was going on, so we made jokes, but she was super severe and wouldn’t let us talk or move. After all our commands we had to say “Ken ha mifakedet!” (Yes, commander!) We had to stand in different formations like the letter “Chet” or in equal lines, and we only had a few seconds to run to the correct place and stand in position. When we got it wrong we had to do it all over again! It was hilarious because we’re friends with our madricha and we’d never seen her shout at anyone like this. At one point, she wanted to tell us to stand by a telephone pole but didn’t know the word for it in English and got really frustrated. The Candian boy made her crack up and break the straight face. She had to go off to “take a phone call” but we knew that she just needed a few seconds to have a giggle and gain composure again! It was hard for all of us not to laugh but if we did crack up, we would be kicked out. It was a cool activity to have on our last night. Afterwards, we had a pizza party, played cards and listened as the funny quotes from the past few weeks were read out. It was great to reminisce and laugh about all the ridiculous, embarrassing, witty and inappropriate comments that we made. I’ve loved spending time with this group and because everyone was so quirky in their own way, I’m going to miss the group dynamics when I go home! Have you ever counted sheep if you’ve found it hard to get to sleep? Well I have, and I only usually get to 50 before I’m out. So imagine having to count not only to 50 or 100 or even 150, but 9200 without falling asleep. Today my friends and I spent most of the morning packing 9200 tiny metal rings into nylon bags (and I thought the 1950 pieces I did in one go the other day was bad…) When I got to lunch, another friend told me she did it yesterday but weighed the pieces collectively in cups so it barely took any time or effort… so you can imagine how frustrated we were that nobody told us that was an option! Can I just emphasise again that we individually counted out 9200 pieces?! For our evening activity, we learned about different minority ethnic groups living in Israel (ie. the Druze, Beduoins, Ethiopians, Black Hebrews, Carcissians etc…). It was so funny because our madricha talked about the French population in Israel but called them “Frenches” (we’re always making fun of her English). At one point, a siren blared and we had to duck on the floor quickly for a head count. There’s a new commander on the base who’s really strict about rules, so we had to join in with this army drill and then sit on the floor (amongst the ants, of course) for the rest of our activity. To be totally honest, today was a bit rubbish. I was stuck putting small bags into bigger bags, then packing huge, heavy metallic screws into nylon. The 5 hour morning dragged on and on, and when it came to the afternoon I slipped off to the air-conditioned office to take a nap. I just had no energy to do anything so I was alternating between hiding from the managers behind the fan at my desk, visiting other volunteers at their stations, plaiting girls’ hair and helping Soulja Boy. The worst part was that I finished my tasks at 3pm and could have left early, but nobody told me that they got to leave early so I was there for an extra half an hour that I could have used to take a shower or eat Doritos! I didn’t mention it before but being able to take a cold shower here is such a luxury; even after I go for runs or it’s a whopping 22 degrees back in the UK, there’s no way I could face a cold shower… but here, after a day of sweating and slaving away, it’s the best feeling in the world. Today it was lucky I had a shower when I did because we found out a pipe had burst and the base had no water! Someone didn’t turn up at our meeting point this morning! One of the German boys had a return flight from Eilat but it got very delayed, so his taxi met us at the base entrance. A new boy (from Philadelphia) who had just finished Taglit joined our group today. We had a blissful few hours before we were needed at work but the Czech and Slovakian girls wanted to go to work straight away. I personally need all the time out that we get because it’s an exhausting and intense programme, so the fact that these volunteers start shifts early and stay on an extra 2 hours after the rest of us leave seems like madness to me! We already do 7.5 hours a day, so the thought of 9.5 is unbearable! This afternoon I packaged another 1200 or so of whatever it was I didn’t finish packing on Friday. I was trying to find (gal gal gal) Galatz on the radio and the sweet manager who gives jobs to the French boys came over to help. However, he kept putting on the same awful heavy metal radio station and telling me it was that one (nope!) He’s so funny but mainly because he doesn’t speak English so we communicate through the odd word and a lot of confusing gestures. At dinner, everyone was really hyper. Some boys at my table were trying to land balls of scrunched up napkins into our cups and we were just giddy for some reason. I was worried we were scaring off the new guy because he seems nice and pretty normal, and he’s just been thrown in the deep end two weeks into our programme. Our evening activity was learning about Israel geography. We had a team exercise where we competed to stick names of famous cities on giant hand drawn maps. I’m honestly so impressed with the effort that goes into preparing our evening activities – the madrichot are fantastic. We also learned a bit about each place, like what you can find and do there. My geography is terrible so this activity definitely helped me clear a few things up. Later on, I ended up watching Harry Potter with some others. The posh British accents made everything over-the-top cheesy and I’m sure the more recent movies must have better green screen graphics, but overall it was quite entertaining and I can finally say I understand a little more about the Harry Potter world I missed out on in my childhood. Like last Shabbat, I took the opportunity to relax for as long as possible. My day consisted of swimming, noshing on Doritos, reading (I’ve almost finished my book now!) and sleeping in the shade by the rooftop pool in the hotel. The others went to the beach but I didn’t fancy getting all sandy, so I joined them later on when they brought the French guys to the hotel. We had a chill afternoon by the poolside, joking around and people-watching as Shabbat’s end was nearing. As the pool was closing, the friendly lifeguard let me stay up there to continue reading my book. He came to chat to me and we discussed Israel, my volunteering, intermarriage, and I taught him about the “friend zone”! He’s the kind of lifeguard who does his job but also goes the extra mile to schmooze with the guests and make them feel at home. So yes, I did make friends with a 50-something year old Israeli, but he offered to let all the volunteers use the pool whenever we’re next in Tel Aviv, which was really sweet of him. There was an artist yesterday at the market who also thought it was great that we were doing Sar-El; she said “I am so proud of you”, which really meant a lot to us. The sunset was extraordinary today. The sun was setting behind some clouds, so it made the outline of the clouds look neon or like they were on fire. Also, there were huge rays of golden light beaming through the clouds in all directions, which looked stunning both in the sky and reflected in the sea. After Shabbat, the whole group of us met up at the Namal and queued up at a restaurant for at least an hour whilst they were opening up. Some people refused to eat because of the bad service, but we were the first table to receive our orders and the pizza we’d all been craving was well worth the wait. Of course, we went for ice cream after the meal. But we had planned to go to the pop-up Magnum store where we could design our own Magnums, so this was an extra special ice cream treat. It was such a great idea and we all loved picking out our own unique topping combinations. I think they have something similar in Covent Garden but I’ve never been so this was a cool experience. One of the French boys had to leave us to back to the military hostel in time for the curfew, but the rest of us had a long walk (primarily in search of a rooftop bar but my room mates and I ended up returning to our hotel out of sheer exhaustion). Our Australian friend met us at the beach with his GoPro, so we got to take some really cool action shots in the water as the immense waves crashed over us. We had much bigger waves today so it was really fun jumping into them or being carried off by them. The lifeguards kept shouting through their megaphones but we had no clue what they were trying to say! My Shabbat meal consisted of some supermarket snacks, including pitta bread, humous, cold meats and an aloe vera drink that I was introduced to on Genesis. I love that I can just go into a supermarket here and pick up any meat I want, knowing that it’s Kosher- it’s such a privilege! I went with my friends to the Namal area (the port) to take some obligatory pre-Shabbat selfies (the Australian boy dropped his phone into a forbidden access construction site!) and I watched the sunset as they ate their dinner. The busy week started to take its toll on me and I went back to get an early night, but it was a really great evening and I realised I would miss being in Tel Aviv next weekend! If you know me well, you’ll be aware that I’m extremely needle-phobic. So when we were asked if we wanted to donate blood this morning, I was the first to say no. I think it’s amazing that about half the group decided to do this, though- I really admire them for it whether they genuinely wanted to give blood or just wanted to escape work for the morning! I went to work and packaged 600 pieces of something, not that I have any idea what they were. They looked like a cross between train tracks and Lego pieces. We didn’t even do half a day of work, only 1.5 hours. There are four of us staying in the same hotel that I stayed in last weekend. I am sharing a room with my New Yorkan and Canadian friends, whilst the Australian boy has his own place. We went to Aroma (the Israeli Starbucks equivalent) for iced drinks (I had the iced cookie cream drink, which was delicious) and the barista almost bought an outdated 10NIS note from me because he was so excited to see old money. We then spent a while on the beach, messing around in the sea and catching waves. Dinner at sunset was really cool. We found a lovely Kosher milky restaurant at the port (I tried a chai latte for the first time) and then we went to an amazing ice cream shop where I almost made myself sick with dulce de leche, creme brûlée and marshmallow ice cream (probably the best flavour I’ve ever had). We sat outside overlooking the port, with our towers of ice cream melting all over our hands and legs. There was an amazing water and light show: fountains sprayed water in all directions in time to a music mashup, with neon LEDs making patterns and words on a display board behind. It was a really cool thing to watch and I wish I could have evenings like this all the time. I’ve come to realise that I’m a lucky volunteer. One of the managers of the warehouse favours me and only lets me work for him*. That means I’m always guaranteed a constant flow of packing jobs and I don’t have to go outside to wash boxes. Sometimes I get small orders of a couple of random parts that need bags or stickers but sometimes I spend hours on the same job. *I tried to help two of the German boys with a job where about 50 parts needed individual stickers and the bags needed repairing, but I was told off and called back to doing more jobs on my own for the manager. Everyone kind of has their own manager now. The Coloradan girl always has to do paperwork, the French boys usually help the sweet man who doesn’t speak any English, the girl from Calgary has her own special sorting role, the new Czechs get orders to wash boxes, the Australian and Canadian boy do something outside like lifting or sorting, and the rest of the group do random jobs but mostly packaging. Although the parts I package are sometimes mysterious and interesting (the coolest thing I have done so far was packing bags for machine gun stands) there isn’t much variety any more. I’m sorry there isn’t much to report for our day work; I was hoping we would get to change warehouse or work with guns or tanks etc, but this is where they need the work so this is what we have to do. I am enjoying it a lot more now because the group has definitely become closer so we can chat or visit each other at our different work stations when we get bored. I also love blasting the radio and jamming to the random mix of songs they play on Galatz (including popular English and Israeli music). In the evening, we learned about Israeli music. We were given the lyrics to some famous anthems and the madrichot gave us some background information about the songs/artists after we listened to each one. I only knew “Yerushalayim Shel Zahav” but it was cool to learn new ones and find out the meaning behind them. Now that our group is closer, we stay up later hanging out. We stay in the “mohadon” (club) and mess around, play cards, play random games anyone comes up with (like the “bowl game”), watch TV and eat a load of pastries. As much as I love rogalach, I won’t be able to face them after this trip! It was a typical morning in the warehouse, packing vehicle parts and sitting next to a fan drinking an awfully sugary grape cordial. I had to show the new girls how to wash the crates outside but thankfully I didn’t have to do the job myself. Instead, I got to help the French boys with labelling, moving boxes and some other tasks set by a very friendly manager who only spoke Hebrew. He was so sweet because he let us take breaks and brought us food. I also realised that my Canadian friend was by herself and needed some help packaging 4000 screws, so I did that and then cut plastic bags to package random items whilst singing “High School Musical” songs with my friends, which wasn’t the worst job in the world! The troublemaker of the group actually left this afternoon. He was given several warnings (about his behaviour and lack of completed work, wearing his civilian clothes and not turning up to flag raising on time). So he’s been kicked out now! It won’t be the same without him because he’s such an animated and hilarious character. In the evening, we learned about Israeli inventions, including: cherry tomatoes, Waze, the epilator, Ola Mundo, UMOOVE, the Iron Dome, the pill camera and ICQ. I already knew that Israel is one of the leading countries in technology but finding out that Israelis invented and discovered these things is amazing. We got into groups and had to make a commercial for one of the inventions, and our group presented Waze but lost the competition! To be fair, we were all tired and lacked energy to put in an effort. Watching everyone else’s, however, was really fun. Later in the evening, after a good few rounds of “Heads Up”, we played games outside with the other soldiers. It was stuff like hide and seek, grandmother’s footsteps and long jump. One of the new Czech girls was amazing at the long jump game because she has really long legs, and we found out she does proper long jump so she was bound to be the best anyway!
Kondomkungen.se is where I buy my condoms (http://www.kondomkungen.se/mysize), both 69 and 64 should work for you (I'm a bit smaller in girth than you so I prefer 64 but the 69 ones also work for me). Since you're 15 I'm not sure if you can buy online though. Before I found kondomkungen I used to go to a sex store and buy mysize from there. If you live in any bigger city it shouldnt be a problem to find one :) lovestore.se on bondegatan in Stockholm is where I got mine so check it out if you live here, they are very non-judgemental and sex positive (as they should be, working in a sex store).
With the weather becoming autumnal overnight, from balmy late September days to rain-sodden October journeys, most commuters will be thinking “Anywhere but here!” AdGate advertising is one step away from the departure gate for many commuters as a growing number of airlines and tourism boards utilise tactical out of home placements to engage with commuters. We were delighted to welcome American Airlines on board to our AdGates at Paddington. Intrepid travellers from Wales and the West Country, as well as affluent Oxfordians and Clapham commoners enjoyed a visual connection with their campaign imagery 3,763,472* times, which outperforms other concourse placements at Paddington by anything up to 172%*. Emirates has used AdGates as their runway a number of times recently. It would appear that Victoria Station was one of their favourite destinations, delivering a combined total of 19,842,530* impacts over a 2 week period. Regular creative updates ensured the forecast was always bright at Victoria. Germanwings utilised AdGate placements at Liverpool Street to showcase how inexpensive it is to get to Germany. As a result, many commuters celebrated Oktoberfest properly, rather than morosely supping a Pilsner down the local. Just be careful: 476,177* Liverpool Street users might beat you to the bar! Finally Go Turkey brought a welcome dose of sunshine and scenery to commuters at Waterloo. What was especially clever about this campaign was the use of different creatives to really highlight what this stunning country has to offer. 701,531* potential holidaymakers would almost certainly agree. * All data has been checked in by Route in September 2015. Martin Ives, Marketing Manager at T4media
At first contact, the new Mavic 2 Zoom inspires confidence. Its finishes are good, its design successful and, above all, it takes up the... The Samsung Galaxy S7 and its S7 edge version are two of the best smartphones you... Blizzard took advantage of its online event to announce the launch of a remastered version of the acclaimed Diablo 2, which will arrive later this year for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch and Xbox Series X. According to the company, this is the same game from the year 2000 but with several improvements to the quality of life such as improved graphics and sharing of progression between platforms. One of the curiosities of this ad is the possibility for the player to be able to choose to enjoy the game using old graphics, something that can be very welcome by the most fanatical about the franchise. Diablo 2: Resurrected will be compatible with 4K resolutions, at least on the PC. It is also likely that the same will happen on new generation consoles, with Switch and the older ones being limited in this regard. From the outside it seems to have been Xbox One, which is not on the list of platforms that will receive the remaster. This omission is somewhat strange, since PS4 and Nintendo Switch will be entitled to a version. Blizzard declined to reveal a specific release date, indicating only that it will arrive this year with the promise of captivating fans of the original and new players. Diablo 2: Resurrected was one of the big announcements for BlizzCon 2021 but the event brought even more news about the studio’s future projects. We now know that Diablo 4 is still in development and that the Rogue class will be part of the game’s initial alignment. Rogue was part of the original Diablo and will be entitled to a redesign for the fourth of the franchise, which remains without a launch window. Strange was the fact that Blizzard did not announce a release date for the mobile title Diablo: Immortal, despite showing new images of the game. Xiaomi has just announced its new cheap and good smartphone, costing since 159 euros in Europe.... After Apple has ventured into the small-scale gamma niche with the iPhone 12 Mini, there are... Tesla is the most popular electric car manufacturer in the world. But the plans of... The launch of PlayStation 5 prompted the release of several patches for Sony's exclusive games, so... The new movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle with mythical Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Karen Gillan,... If on the one hand users of Apple products have at their disposal a fantastic smartwatch... The Xiaomi Mi Band 4 is one of the best smartbands you can buy right now.... WhatsApp introduced in late 2020 the possibility to send messages with limited validity. Text messages...
Dems Call for Hearings to Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Trump - Details - Jessica Corbett - RESISTANCE WATCH--Amid renewed concerns about President Donald Trump's tendency to support men accused of abuse or sexual misconduct instead of their female victims—following his controversial remarks and notably delayed condemnation of domestic violence after two staffers recently resigned in response to allegations of spousal abuse—some Democratic lawmakers are calling for congressional hearings to give a platform to the more than a dozen women who have accused the president of sexual harassment and assault. (Photo above: Some of President Donald Trump's accusers, clockwise from top left: Summer Zervos, Kristin Anderson, Jessica Leeds, Rachel Crooks, Mindy McGillivray, Karena Virginia, Jessica Drake, Cathy Heller, Jill Harth, Temple Taggart McDowell, Cassandra Searles, Natasha Stoynoff. (Photos: Ringo H.W. Chiu/AP, ABC News, Julie Jacobson/AP, Linkedin, AP Video, Richard Drew/AP, Jonathon Ziegler/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images, Michael Stewart/WireImage/Getty Images, NBC, Twitter, Molly Redden/The Guardian, Ronen Tivony/NurPhoto via Getty Images) "He just has a disturbing lack of appreciation for the seriousness of these cases, and a predilection to always believing the accused instead of these victims." —Rep. Kathleen Rice "I think it would be most appropriate," Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), one of the lawmakers leading the effort to impeach the president, told The Hill. "This is the most unusual circumstance that you have a president with over a dozen accusers of sexual harassment occupying the most prestigious position in the country." Pointing to one of Trump's tweets following a fatal mass shooting in Florida last week, Cohen said "the president basically called for" launching an investigation into the sexual misconduct allegations women have levied against him. "He said when the public sees bad and erratic behavior, or actions by somebody that's mentally disturbed, they should report it," Cohen noted. "Congress has that same responsibility." In December, some of the women who have accused Trump of sexual harassment and assault united for a press conference in New York City to share "their firsthand accounts of President Trump groping, fondling, forcibly kissing, humiliating, and harassing women," and to demand a congressional investigation into their claims. While emphasizing that "it's going to be up to each individual woman who's had an incident with Donald Trump to decide how public they want to be now about it," Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.) also said she would support enabling these women to share their stories on Capitol Hill and denounced the president's long history of dismissing allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse. ." Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has also supported holding congressional hearings to address sexual misconduct allegations against Trump. After the president provoked outrage earlier this month with a tweet in which he questioned the right of survivors to speak out, decried false allegations, and demanded "due process" for alleged abusers—which critics called "the most obvious demand that survivors, that women, just never speak"—Gillibrand fired back with a call for an investigation by federal lawmakers: Recognizing President's Day on Monday, the women's advocacy group UltraViolet urged Americans to acknowledge the existing allegations against the president and continue to demand a congressional investigation. (Jessica Corbett writes for Common Dreams … where this Resistance Watch report originated.) -cw
Karachi: Runaway wicketkeeper Zulqarnain Haider has claimed that he has got two fresh death threats, warning him not to come back. (Agencies) Zulqarnain, who is planning to return home on April 24 or 25 from London where he has remained since last November, told media that he has got two phone calls. “The caller twice threatened me with death and problems for my family. I have informed the police in London,” he said. “The police have advised me to be very cautious and to take the threats seriously,” Zulqarnain said. The ‘keeper fled the Pakistan team hotel in Dubai during a one-day series against South Africa last November, claiming he got threats from an unidentified person who wanted him to fix matches. Zulqarnain fled to London and sought asylum there but last week, after meeting Pakistan Interior Minister Rehman Malik, said withdrew his application. Zulqarnain, who is living in a residence provided by the government, said he had moved to another location after getting the fresh threats. The wicketkeeper said he was grateful to the Scotland Yard and other authorities for helping him a lot during his stay in the United Kingdom. “They have helped me a lot during my stay and I can tell you the last few months have been very difficult for me and my family. But I am also grateful to all those who have supported me until now,” he said. Zulqarnain confirmed he had spoken briefly to the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board and informed him about his decision to return to Pakistan on the reassurances given by Rehman Malik. “I am ready to face the situation and will cooperate in every way with the board and the anti-corruption unit in future,” he added. Karachi: Runaway wicketkeeper Zulqarnain Haider has claimed that he has got two fresh death threats, warning him not to come back. (Agencies)
#!/usr/bin/python3 r'''Triangulation uncertainty quantification test We look at the triangulated position computed from a pixel observation in two cameras. Calibration-time noise and triangulation-time noise both affect the accuracy of the triangulated result. This tool samples both of these noise sources to make sure the analytical uncertainty predictions are correct ''' import sys import argparse import re import os def parse_args(): parser = \ argparse.ArgumentParser(description = __doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--fixed', type=str, choices=('cam0','frames'), default = 'cam0', help='''Are we putting the origin at camera0, or are all the frames at a fixed (and non-optimizeable) pose? One or the other is required.''') parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, choices=('opencv4','opencv8','splined'), default = 'opencv4', help='''Which lens model we're using. Must be one of ('opencv4','opencv8','splined')''') parser.add_argument('--Nframes', type=int, default=50, help='''How many chessboard poses to simulate. These are dense observations: every camera sees every corner of every chessboard pose''') parser.add_argument('--Nsamples', type=int, default=500, help='''How many random samples to evaluate''') parser.add_argument('--Ncameras', type = int, default = 2, help='''How many calibration-time cameras to simulate. We will use 2 of these for triangulation, selected with --cameras''') parser.add_argument('--cameras', type = int, nargs = 2, default = (0,1), help='''Which cameras we're using for the triangulation. These need to be different, and in [0,Ncameras-1]. The vanilla case will have Ncameras=2, so the default value for this argument (0,1) is correct''') parser.add_argument('--do-sample', action='store_true', help='''By default we don't run the time-intensive samples of the calibration solves. This runs a very limited set of tests, and exits. To perform the full set of tests, pass --do-sample''') parser.add_argument('--stabilize-coords', action = 'store_true', help='''Whether we report the triangulation in the camera-0 coordinate system (which is moving due to noise) or in a stabilized coordinate system based on the frame poses''') parser.add_argument('--cull-left-of-center', action = 'store_true', help='''If given, the calibration data in the left half of the imager is thrown out''') parser.add_argument('--q-calibration-stdev', type = float, default = 0.0, help='''The observed_pixel_uncertainty of the chessboard observations at calibration time. Defaults to 0.0. At least one of --q-calibration-stdev and --q-observation-stdev MUST be given as > 0''') parser.add_argument('--q-observation-stdev', type = float, default = 0.0, help='''The observed_pixel_uncertainty of the point observations at triangulation time. Defaults to 0.0. At least one of --q-calibration-stdev and --q-observation-stdev MUST be given as > 0''') parser.add_argument('--q-observation-stdev-correlation', type = float, default = 0.0, help='''By default, the noise in the observation-time pixel observations is assumed independent. This isn't entirely realistic: observations of the same feature in multiple cameras originate from an imager correlation operation, so they will have some amount of correlation. If given, this argument specifies how much correlation. This is a value in [0,1] scaling the stdev. 0 means "independent" (the default). 1.0 means "100%% correlated".''') parser.add_argument('--baseline', type = float, default = 2., help='''The baseline of the camera pair. This is the horizontal distance between each pair of adjacent cameras''') parser.add_argument('--observed-point', type = float, nargs = 3, required = True, help='''The world coordinate of the observed point. Usually this will be ~(small, 0, large). The code will evaluate two points together: the one passed here, and the same one with a negated x coordinate''') parser.add_argument('--cache', type=str, choices=('read','write'), help=f'''A cache file stores the recalibration results; computing these can take a long time. This option allows us to or write the cache instead of sampling. The cache file is hardcoded to a cache file (in /tmp). By default, we do neither: we don't read the cache (we sample instead), and we do not write it to disk when we're done. This option is useful for tests where we reprocess the same scenario repeatedly''') parser.add_argument('--make-documentation-plots', type=str, help='''If given, we produce plots for the documentation. Takes one argument: a string describing this test. This will be used in the filenames and titles of the resulting plots. Leading directories will be used; whitespace and funny characters in the filename are allowed: will be replaced with _. To make interactive plots, pass ""''') parser.add_argument('--ellipse-plot-radius', type=float, help='''By default, the ellipse plot autoscale to show the data and the ellipses nicely. But that means that plots aren't comparable between runs. This option can be passed to select a constant plot width, which allows such comparisons''') parser.add_argument('--terminal-pdf', type=str, help='''The gnuplotlib terminal for --make-documentation-plots .PDFs. Omit this unless you know what you're doing''') parser.add_argument('--terminal-svg', type=str, help='''The gnuplotlib terminal for --make-documentation-plots .SVGs. Omit this unless you know what you're doing''') parser.add_argument('--terminal-png', type=str, help='''The gnuplotlib terminal for --make-documentation-plots .PNGs. Omit this unless you know what you're doing''') parser.add_argument('--explore', action='store_true', help='''If given, we drop into a REPL at the end''') args = parser.parse_args() if args.Ncameras < 2: raise Exception("--Ncameras must be given at least 2 cameras") if args.cameras[0] == args.cameras[1]: raise Exception("--cameras must select two different cameras") if args.cameras[0] < 0 or args.cameras[0] >= args.Ncameras: raise Exception("--cameras must select two different cameras, each in [0,Ncameras-1]") if args.cameras[1] < 0 or args.cameras[1] >= args.Ncameras: raise Exception("--cameras must select two different cameras, each in [0,Ncameras-1]") if args.q_calibration_stdev <= 0.0 and \ args.q_observation_stdev <= 0.0: raise Exception('At least one of --q-calibration-stdev and --q-observation-stdev MUST be given as > 0') return args args = parse_args() terminal = dict(pdf = args.terminal_pdf, svg = args.terminal_svg, png = args.terminal_png, gp = 'gp') pointscale = dict(pdf = 1, svg = 1, png = 1, gp = 1) pointscale[""] = 1. def shorter_terminal(t): # Adjust the terminal string to be less tall. Makes the multiplots look # better: less wasted space m = re.match("(.*)( size.*?,)([0-9.]+)(.*?)$", t) if m is None: return t return m.group(1) + m.group(2) + str(float(m.group(3))*0.8) + m.group(4) if args.make_documentation_plots: d,f = os.path.split(args.make_documentation_plots) args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle = f args.make_documentation_plots_path = os.path.join(d, re.sub(r"[^0-9a-zA-Z_\.\-]", "_", f)) print(f"Will write documentation plots to {args.make_documentation_plots_path}-xxxx.pdf and .png and .svg") if terminal['svg'] is None: terminal['svg'] = 'svg size 800,600 noenhanced solid dynamic font ",14"' if terminal['pdf'] is None: terminal['pdf'] = 'pdf size 8in,6in noenhanced solid color font ",12"' if terminal['png'] is None: terminal['png'] = 'pngcairo size 1024,768 transparent noenhanced crop font ",12"' else: args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle = None extraset = dict() for k in pointscale.keys(): extraset[k] = f'pointsize {pointscale[k]}' testdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # I import the LOCAL mrcal since that's what I'm testing sys.path[:0] = f"{testdir}/..", import mrcal import testutils import copy import numpy as np import numpysane as nps import pickle from test_calibration_helpers import calibration_baseline,calibration_sample,grad ############# Set up my world, and compute all the perfect positions, pixel ############# observations of everything fixedframes = (args.fixed == 'frames') object_spacing = 0.1 object_width_n = 10 object_height_n = 9 calobject_warp_true = np.array((0.002, -0.005)) # I want the RNG to be deterministic np.random.seed(0) extrinsics_rt_fromref_true = np.zeros((args.Ncameras,6), dtype=float) extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[:,:3] = np.random.randn(args.Ncameras,3) * 0.1 extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[:, 3] = args.baseline * np.arange(args.Ncameras) extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[:,4:] = np.random.randn(args.Ncameras,2) * 0.1 # cam0 is at the identity. This makes my life easy: I can assume that the # optimization_inputs returned by calibration_baseline() use the same ref # coordinate system as these transformations. I explicitly state this by passing # calibration_baseline(allow_nonidentity_cam0_transform=False) later extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[0] *= 0 # shape (Npoints,3) p_triangulated_true0 = np.array((args.observed_point, args.observed_point), dtype=float) # first point has x<0 p_triangulated_true0[0,0] = -np.abs(p_triangulated_true0[0,0]) # second point is the same, but with a negated x: x>0 p_triangulated_true0[1,0] = -p_triangulated_true0[0,0] Npoints = p_triangulated_true0.shape[0] @nps.broadcast_define( (('Nintrinsics',),('Nintrinsics',), (6,),(6,),(6,), ('Nframes',6), ('Nframes',6), ('Npoints',2,2)), ('Npoints',3)) def triangulate_nograd( intrinsics_data0, intrinsics_data1, rt_cam0_ref, rt_cam0_ref_baseline, rt_cam1_ref, rt_ref_frame, rt_ref_frame_baseline, q, lensmodel, stabilize_coords = True): q = nps.atleast_dims(q,-3) rt01 = mrcal.compose_rt(rt_cam0_ref, mrcal.invert_rt(rt_cam1_ref)) # all the v have shape (...,3) vlocal0 = \ mrcal.unproject(q[...,0,:], lensmodel, intrinsics_data0) vlocal1 = \ mrcal.unproject(q[...,1,:], lensmodel, intrinsics_data1) v0 = vlocal0 v1 = \ mrcal.rotate_point_r(rt01[:3], vlocal1) # The triangulated point in the perturbed camera-0 coordinate system. # Calibration-time perturbations move this coordinate system, so to get # a better estimate of the triangulation uncertainty, we try to # transform this to the original camera-0 coordinate system; the # stabilization path below does that. # # shape (..., 3) p_triangulated0 = \ mrcal.triangulate_leecivera_mid2(v0, v1, rt01[3:]) if not stabilize_coords: return p_triangulated0 # Stabilization path. This uses the "true" solution, so I cannot do # this in the field. But I CAN do this in the randomized trials in # the test. And I can use the gradients to propagate the uncertainty # of this computation in the field # # Data flow: # point_cam_perturbed -> point_ref_perturbed -> point_frames # point_frames -> point_ref_baseline -> point_cam_baseline p_cam0_perturbed = p_triangulated0 p_ref_perturbed = mrcal.transform_point_rt(rt_cam0_ref, p_cam0_perturbed, inverted = True) # shape (..., Nframes, 3) p_frames = \ mrcal.transform_point_rt(rt_ref_frame, nps.dummy(p_ref_perturbed,-2), inverted = True) # shape (..., Nframes, 3) p_ref_baseline_all = mrcal.transform_point_rt(rt_ref_frame_baseline, p_frames) # shape (..., 3) p_ref_baseline = np.mean(p_ref_baseline_all, axis=-2) # shape (..., 3) return mrcal.transform_point_rt(rt_cam0_ref_baseline, p_ref_baseline) ################# Sampling cache_id = f"{args.fixed}-{args.model}-{args.Nframes}-{args.Nsamples}-{args.Ncameras}-{args.cameras[0]}-{args.cameras[1]}-{1 if args.stabilize_coords else 0}-{args.q_calibration_stdev}-{args.q_observation_stdev}-{args.q_observation_stdev_correlation}" cache_file = f"/tmp/test-triangulation-uncertainty--{cache_id}.pickle" if args.cache is None or args.cache == 'write': optimization_inputs_baseline, \ models_true, models_baseline, \ indices_frame_camintrinsics_camextrinsics, \ lensmodel, Nintrinsics, imagersizes, \ intrinsics_true, extrinsics_true_mounted, frames_true, \ observations_true, \ args.Nframes = \ calibration_baseline(args.model, args.Ncameras, args.Nframes, None, object_width_n, object_height_n, object_spacing, extrinsics_rt_fromref_true, calobject_warp_true, fixedframes, testdir, cull_left_of_center = args.cull_left_of_center, allow_nonidentity_cam0_transform = False) else: with open(cache_file,"rb") as f: (optimization_inputs_baseline, models_true, models_baseline, indices_frame_camintrinsics_camextrinsics, lensmodel, Nintrinsics, imagersizes, intrinsics_true, extrinsics_true_mounted, frames_true, observations_true, intrinsics_sampled, extrinsics_sampled_mounted, frames_sampled, calobject_warp_sampled) = pickle.load(f) baseline_rt_ref_frame = optimization_inputs_baseline['frames_rt_toref'] icam0,icam1 = args.cameras Rt01_true = mrcal.compose_Rt(mrcal.Rt_from_rt(extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[icam0]), mrcal.invert_Rt(mrcal.Rt_from_rt(extrinsics_rt_fromref_true[icam1]))) Rt10_true = mrcal.invert_Rt(Rt01_true) # shape (Npoints,Ncameras,3) p_triangulated_true_local = nps.xchg( nps.cat( p_triangulated_true0, mrcal.transform_point_Rt(Rt10_true, p_triangulated_true0) ), 0,1) # Pixel coords at the perfect intersection # shape (Npoints,Ncameras,2) q_true = nps.xchg( np.array([ mrcal.project(p_triangulated_true_local[:,i,:], lensmodel, intrinsics_true[args.cameras[i]]) \ for i in range(2)]), 0,1) # Sanity check. Without noise, the triangulation should report the test point exactly p_triangulated0 = \ triangulate_nograd(models_true[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_true[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_true[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_true[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_true[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), frames_true, frames_true, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords) testutils.confirm_equal(p_triangulated0, p_triangulated_true0, eps = 1e-6, msg = "Noiseless triangulation should be perfect") p_triangulated0 = \ triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords) testutils.confirm_equal(p_triangulated0, p_triangulated_true0, worstcase = True, relative = True, eps = 1e-2, reldiff_eps = 0.2, msg = "Re-optimized triangulation should be close to the reference. This checks the regularization bias") slices = ( (q_true[0], (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1])), (q_true[1], (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1])) ) _, \ _, \ dp_triangulated_dpstate, \ istate_i0, \ istate_i1, \ icam_extrinsics0, \ icam_extrinsics1, \ istate_e1, \ istate_e0 = \ mrcal.triangulation._triangulation_uncertainty_internal(slices, optimization_inputs_baseline, 0,0, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords) ########## Gradient check dp_triangulated_di0_empirical = grad(lambda i0: triangulate_nograd(i0, models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], step = 1e-5) dp_triangulated_di1_empirical = grad(lambda i1: triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1],i1, models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1]) dp_triangulated_de1_empirical = grad(lambda e1: triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), e1, baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref()) dp_triangulated_de0_empirical = grad(lambda e0: triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], e0, models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref()) dp_triangulated_drtrf_empirical = grad(lambda rtrf: triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), rtrf, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_true, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), baseline_rt_ref_frame, step = 1e-5) dp_triangulated_dq_empirical = grad(lambda q: triangulate_nograd(models_baseline[icam0].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam1].intrinsics()[1], models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), models_baseline[icam1].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), baseline_rt_ref_frame, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q, lensmodel, stabilize_coords=args.stabilize_coords), q_true, step = 1e-3) testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dpstate[...,istate_i0:istate_i0+Nintrinsics], dp_triangulated_di0_empirical, relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 0.1, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dpstate[intrinsics0]") testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dpstate[...,istate_i1:istate_i1+Nintrinsics], dp_triangulated_di1_empirical, relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 0.1, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dpstate[intrinsics1]") if istate_e0 is not None: testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dpstate[...,istate_e0:istate_e0+6], dp_triangulated_de0_empirical, relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 5e-3, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dpstate[extrinsics0]") if istate_e1 is not None: testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dpstate[...,istate_e1:istate_e1+6], dp_triangulated_de1_empirical, relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 5e-3, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dpstate[extrinsics1]") if optimization_inputs_baseline.get('do_optimize_frames'): istate_f0 = mrcal.state_index_frames(0, **optimization_inputs_baseline) Nstate_frames = mrcal.num_states_frames( **optimization_inputs_baseline) testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dpstate[...,istate_f0:istate_f0+Nstate_frames], nps.clump(dp_triangulated_drtrf_empirical, n=-2), relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 0.1, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_drtrf") # dp_triangulated_dq_empirical has shape (Npoints,3, Npoints,Ncameras,2) # The cross terms (p_triangulated(point=A), q(point=B)) should all be zero dp_triangulated_dq_empirical_cross_only = dp_triangulated_dq_empirical dp_triangulated_dq_empirical = np.zeros((Npoints,3,2,2), dtype=float) dp_triangulated_dq = np.zeros((Npoints,3,2,2), dtype=float) dp_triangulated_dq_flattened = nps.clump(dp_triangulated_dq, n=-2) for ipt in range(Npoints): dp_triangulated_dq_empirical[ipt,...] = dp_triangulated_dq_empirical_cross_only[ipt,:,ipt,:,:] dp_triangulated_dq_empirical_cross_only[ipt,:,ipt,:,:] = 0 p = np.zeros((3,), dtype=float) dp_triangulated_dq_flattened[ipt] = \ mrcal.triangulation._triangulate_grad_simple(*slices[ipt], p) testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dq_empirical_cross_only, 0, eps = 1e-6, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dq: cross-point terms are 0") testutils.confirm_equal(dp_triangulated_dq, dp_triangulated_dq_empirical, relative = True, worstcase = True, eps = 5e-3, msg = "Gradient check: dp_triangulated_dq") p_alone = \ mrcal.triangulate( q_true, (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1]), stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords ) p_calnoise, \ Var_p_calibration_alone = \ mrcal.triangulate( q_true, (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1]), q_calibration_stdev = args.q_calibration_stdev, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords ) p_obsnoise, \ Var_p_observation_alone = \ mrcal.triangulate( q_true, (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1]), q_observation_stdev = args.q_observation_stdev, q_observation_stdev_correlation = args.q_observation_stdev_correlation, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords ) p, \ Var_p_calibration, \ Var_p_observation, \ Var_p_joint = \ mrcal.triangulate( q_true, (models_baseline[icam0],models_baseline[icam1]), q_calibration_stdev = args.q_calibration_stdev, q_observation_stdev = args.q_observation_stdev, q_observation_stdev_correlation = args.q_observation_stdev_correlation, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords) testutils.confirm_equal(p_alone, p_triangulated0, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(no noise) returns the right point") testutils.confirm_equal(p_alone, p_calnoise, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(cal noise) returns the right point") testutils.confirm_equal(p_alone, p_obsnoise, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(obs noise) returns the right point") testutils.confirm_equal(p_alone, p, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(both noise) returns the right point") testutils.confirm_equal(Var_p_calibration_alone, Var_p_calibration, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(cal noise) returns a consistent Var_p_calibration") testutils.confirm_equal(Var_p_observation_alone, Var_p_observation, eps = 1e-6, msg = "triangulate(obs noise) returns a consistent Var_p_observation") testutils.confirm_equal(Var_p_joint.shape, Var_p_calibration.shape, msg = "Var_p_joint.shape matches Var_p_calibration.shape") for ipt in range(Npoints): testutils.confirm_equal(Var_p_joint[ipt,:,ipt,:], Var_p_calibration[ipt,:,ipt,:] + Var_p_observation[ipt,:,:], worstcase = True, eps = 1e-9, msg = "Var(joint) should be Var(cal-time-noise) + Var(obs-time-noise)") if not args.do_sample: testutils.finish() sys.exit() try: intrinsics_sampled did_sample = True except: did_sample = False if not did_sample: ( intrinsics_sampled, \ extrinsics_sampled_mounted, \ frames_sampled, \ calobject_warp_sampled ) = \ calibration_sample( args.Nsamples, args.Ncameras, args.Nframes, Nintrinsics, optimization_inputs_baseline, observations_true, args.q_calibration_stdev, fixedframes) if args.cache is not None and args.cache == 'write': with open(cache_file,"wb") as f: pickle.dump((optimization_inputs_baseline, models_true, models_baseline, indices_frame_camintrinsics_camextrinsics, lensmodel, Nintrinsics, imagersizes, intrinsics_true, extrinsics_true_mounted, frames_true, observations_true, intrinsics_sampled, extrinsics_sampled_mounted, frames_sampled, calobject_warp_sampled), f) print(f"Wrote cache to {cache_file}") # Let's actually apply the noise to compute var(distancep) empirically to compare # against the var(distancep) prediction I just computed # shape (Nsamples,Npoints,2,2) var_qt_onepoint = \ mrcal.triangulation._compute_Var_q_triangulation(args.q_observation_stdev, args.q_observation_stdev_correlation) var_qt = np.zeros((Npoints*2*2, Npoints*2*2), dtype=float) for i in range(Npoints): var_qt[4*i:4*(i+1), 4*i:4*(i+1)] = var_qt_onepoint # I want the RNG to be deterministic. If I turn caching on/off I'd be at a # different place in the RNG here. I reset to keep things consistent np.random.seed(0) qt_noise = \ np.random.multivariate_normal( mean = np.zeros((Npoints*2*2,),), cov = var_qt, size = args.Nsamples ).reshape(args.Nsamples,Npoints,2,2) q_sampled = q_true + qt_noise # I have the perfect observation pixel coords. I triangulate them through my # sampled calibration if fixedframes: extrinsics_sampled_cam0 = extrinsics_sampled_mounted[..., icam_extrinsics0,:] extrinsics_sampled_cam1 = extrinsics_sampled_mounted[..., icam_extrinsics1,:] else: # if not fixedframes: extrinsics_sampled_mounted is prepended with the # extrinsics for cam0 (selected with icam_extrinsics==-1) extrinsics_sampled_cam0 = extrinsics_sampled_mounted[..., icam_extrinsics0+1,:] extrinsics_sampled_cam1 = extrinsics_sampled_mounted[..., icam_extrinsics1+1,:] p_triangulated_sampled0 = triangulate_nograd(intrinsics_sampled[...,icam0,:], intrinsics_sampled[...,icam1,:], extrinsics_sampled_cam0, models_baseline[icam0].extrinsics_rt_fromref(), extrinsics_sampled_cam1, frames_sampled, baseline_rt_ref_frame, q_sampled, lensmodel, stabilize_coords = args.stabilize_coords) ranges = nps.mag(p_triangulated0) ranges_true = nps.mag(p_triangulated_true0) ranges_sampled = nps.transpose(nps.mag(p_triangulated_sampled0)) mean_ranges_sampled = ranges_sampled.mean( axis = -1) Var_ranges_sampled = ranges_sampled.var( axis = -1) # r = np.mag(p) # dr_dp = p/r # Var(r) = dr_dp var(p) dr_dpT # = p var(p) pT / norm2(p) Var_ranges_joint = np.zeros((Npoints,), dtype=float) Var_ranges_calibration = np.zeros((Npoints,), dtype=float) Var_ranges_observations = np.zeros((Npoints,), dtype=float) for ipt in range(Npoints): Var_ranges_joint[ipt] = \ nps.matmult(p_triangulated0[ipt], Var_p_joint[ipt,:,ipt,:], nps.transpose(p_triangulated0[ipt]))[0] / nps.norm2(p_triangulated0[ipt]) Var_ranges_calibration[ipt] = \ nps.matmult(p_triangulated0[ipt], Var_p_calibration[ipt,:,ipt,:], nps.transpose(p_triangulated0[ipt]))[0] / nps.norm2(p_triangulated0[ipt]) Var_ranges_observations[ipt] = \ nps.matmult(p_triangulated0[ipt], Var_p_observation[ipt,:,:], nps.transpose(p_triangulated0[ipt]))[0] / nps.norm2(p_triangulated0[ipt]) diff = p_triangulated0[1] - p_triangulated0[0] distance = nps.mag(diff) distance_true = nps.mag(p_triangulated_true0[:,0] - p_triangulated_true0[:,1]) distance_sampled = nps.mag(p_triangulated_sampled0[:,1,:] - p_triangulated_sampled0[:,0,:]) mean_distance_sampled = distance_sampled.mean() Var_distance_sampled = distance_sampled.var() # diff = p1-p0 # dist = np.mag(diff) # ddist_dp01 = [-diff diff] / dist # Var(dist) = ddist_dp01 var(p01) ddist_dp01T # = [-diff diff] var(p01) [-diff diff]T / norm2(diff) Var_distance = nps.matmult(nps.glue( -diff, diff, axis=-1), Var_p_joint.reshape(Npoints*3,Npoints*3), nps.transpose(nps.glue( -diff, diff, axis=-1),))[0] / nps.norm2(diff) # I have the observed and predicted distributions, so I make sure things match. # For some not-yet-understood reason, the distance distribution isn't # normally-distributed: there's a noticeable fat tail. Thus I'm not comparing # those two distributions (Var_distance,Var_distance_sampled) in this test. p_sampled = nps.clump(p_triangulated_sampled0, n=-2) mean_p_sampled = np.mean(p_sampled, axis=-2) Var_p_sampled = nps.matmult( nps.transpose(p_sampled - mean_p_sampled), p_sampled - mean_p_sampled ) / args.Nsamples testutils.confirm_equal(mean_p_sampled, p_triangulated_true0.ravel(), worstcase = True, # High threshold. Need many more samples to be able to # reduce it eps = p_triangulated_true0[0,2]/150., msg = "Triangulated position matches sampled mean") for ipt in range(2): testutils.confirm_covariances_equal(Var_p_joint[ipt,:,ipt,:], Var_p_sampled[ipt*3:(ipt+1)*3,ipt*3:(ipt+1)*3], what = f"triangulated point variance for point {ipt}", # This is a relatively-high threshold. I can tighten # it, but then I'd need to collect more # samples. Non-major axes have more # relative error eps_eigenvalues = (0.11, 0.2, 0.3), eps_eigenvectors_deg = 6) # It would be great to test the distribution of the difference between two # points, but I'm not doing that: it doesn't look very gaussian while the # analytical uncertainty IS gaussian. This needs investigation if not (args.explore or \ args.make_documentation_plots is not None): testutils.finish() sys.exit() if args.make_documentation_plots is not None: import gnuplotlib as gp empirical_distributions_xz = \ [ mrcal.utils._plot_args_points_and_covariance_ellipse(p_triangulated_sampled0[:,ipt,(0,2)], 'Observed') \ for ipt in range(Npoints) ] # Individual covariances Var_p_joint_diagonal = [Var_p_joint[ipt,:,ipt,:][(0,2),:][:,(0,2)] \ for ipt in range(Npoints)] Var_p_calibration_diagonal = [Var_p_calibration[ipt,:,ipt,:][(0,2),:][:,(0,2)] \ for ipt in range(Npoints)] Var_p_observation_diagonal = [Var_p_observation[ipt,:,:][(0,2),:][:,(0,2)] \ for ipt in range(Npoints)] max_sigma_points = np.array([ np.max(np.sqrt(np.linalg.eig(V)[0])) for V in Var_p_joint_diagonal ]) max_sigma = np.max(max_sigma_points) if args.ellipse_plot_radius is not None: ellipse_plot_radius = args.ellipse_plot_radius else: ellipse_plot_radius = max_sigma*3 title_triangulation = 'Triangulation uncertainty' title_covariance = 'Abs(Covariance) of the [p0,p1] vector (m^2)' title_range0 = 'Range to the left triangulated point' title_distance = 'Distance between the two triangulated points' if args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle is not None: title_triangulation += f': {args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle}' title_covariance += f': {args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle}' title_range0 += f': {args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle}' title_distance += f': {args.make_documentation_plots_extratitle}' subplots = [ [p for p in (empirical_distributions_xz[ipt][1], # points; plot first to not obscure the ellipses mrcal.utils._plot_arg_covariance_ellipse(p_triangulated0[ipt][(0,2),], Var_p_joint_diagonal[ipt], "Predicted-joint"), mrcal.utils._plot_arg_covariance_ellipse(p_triangulated0[ipt][(0,2),], Var_p_calibration_diagonal[ipt], "Predicted-calibration-only"), mrcal.utils._plot_arg_covariance_ellipse(p_triangulated0[ipt][(0,2),], Var_p_observation_diagonal[ipt], "Predicted-observations-only"), empirical_distributions_xz[ipt][0], dict( square = True, _xrange = [p_triangulated0[ipt,0] - ellipse_plot_radius, p_triangulated0[ipt,0] + ellipse_plot_radius], _yrange = [p_triangulated0[ipt,2] - ellipse_plot_radius, p_triangulated0[ipt,2] + ellipse_plot_radius], xlabel = 'Triangulated point x (left/right) (m)', ylabel = 'Triangulated point z (forward/back) (m)',) ) # ignore all None plot items. This will throw away any # infinitely-small ellipses if p is not None ] \ for ipt in range(Npoints) ] def makeplots(dohardcopy, processoptions_base): processoptions = copy.deepcopy(processoptions_base) gp.add_plot_option(processoptions, 'set', ('xtics 0.01', 'ytics 0.01')) # The key should use smaller text than the rest of the plot, if possible if 'terminal' in processoptions: m = re.search('font ",([0-9]+)"', processoptions['terminal']) if m is not None: s = int(m.group(1)) gp.add_plot_option(processoptions, 'set', ('xtics 0.01', 'ytics 0.01', f'key font ",{int(s*0.8)}"')) if dohardcopy: processoptions['hardcopy'] = \ f'{args.make_documentation_plots_path}--ellipses.{extension}' processoptions['terminal'] = shorter_terminal(processoptions['terminal']) # Hardcopies do things a little differently, to be nicer for docs gp.plot( *subplots, multiplot = f'layout 1,2', unset = 'grid', **processoptions ) else: # Interactive plotting, so no multiplots. Interactive plots for p in subplots: gp.plot( *p[:-1], **p[-1], **processoptions ) processoptions = copy.deepcopy(processoptions_base) if dohardcopy: processoptions['hardcopy'] = \ f'{args.make_documentation_plots_path}--p0-p1-magnitude-covariance.{extension}' processoptions['title'] = title_covariance gp.plotimage( np.abs(Var_p_joint.reshape(Npoints*3,Npoints*3)), square = True, xlabel = 'Variable index (left point x,y,z; right point x,y,z)', ylabel = 'Variable index (left point x,y,z; right point x,y,z)', **processoptions) processoptions = copy.deepcopy(processoptions_base) binwidth = np.sqrt(Var_ranges_joint[0]) / 4. equation_range0_observed_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(x = ranges_sampled[0], binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Idealized gaussian fit to data") equation_range0_predicted_joint_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(mean = ranges[0], sigma = np.sqrt(Var_ranges_joint[0]), N = len(ranges_sampled[0]), binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Predicted-joint") equation_range0_predicted_calibration_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(mean = ranges[0], sigma = np.sqrt(Var_ranges_calibration[0]), N = len(ranges_sampled[0]), binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Predicted-calibration") equation_range0_predicted_observations_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(mean = ranges[0], sigma = np.sqrt(Var_ranges_observations[0]), N = len(ranges_sampled[0]), binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Predicted-observations") if dohardcopy: processoptions['hardcopy'] = \ f'{args.make_documentation_plots_path}--range-to-p0.{extension}' processoptions['title'] = title_range0 gp.add_plot_option(processoptions, 'set', 'samples 1000') gp.plot(ranges_sampled[0], histogram = True, binwidth = binwidth, equation_above = (equation_range0_predicted_joint_gaussian, equation_range0_predicted_calibration_gaussian, equation_range0_predicted_observations_gaussian, equation_range0_observed_gaussian), xlabel = "Range to the left triangulated point (m)", ylabel = "Frequency", **processoptions) processoptions = copy.deepcopy(processoptions_base) binwidth = np.sqrt(Var_distance) / 4. equation_distance_observed_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(x = distance_sampled, binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Idealized gaussian fit to data") equation_distance_predicted_gaussian = \ mrcal.fitted_gaussian_equation(mean = distance, sigma = np.sqrt(Var_distance), N = len(distance_sampled), binwidth = binwidth, legend = "Predicted") if dohardcopy: processoptions['hardcopy'] = \ f'{args.make_documentation_plots_path}--distance-p1-p0.{extension}' processoptions['title'] = title_distance gp.add_plot_option(processoptions, 'set', 'samples 1000') gp.plot(distance_sampled, histogram = True, binwidth = binwidth, equation_above = (equation_distance_predicted_gaussian, equation_distance_observed_gaussian), xlabel = "Distance between triangulated points (m)", ylabel = "Frequency", **processoptions) if args.make_documentation_plots: for extension in ('pdf','svg','png','gp'): makeplots(dohardcopy = True, processoptions_base = dict(wait = False, terminal = terminal[extension], _set = extraset[extension])) else: makeplots(dohardcopy = False, processoptions_base = dict(wait = True)) if args.explore: import gnuplotlib as gp import IPython IPython.embed()
<issue_start><issue_comment>Title: copy date under start time to date column username_0: copy date under start time to date column if user starts the contest without adding a date<issue_closed> <issue_comment>username_2: Update contest date for active contest if not. If a contest has no contest date, and has already been started, contest date will be updated with its start time
Welcome to the Historic Sporting Trials Association “This website replaces the old hsta.co.uk site as the official website of the HSTA. Over the coming months, we hope to further develop this website to provide a useful resource for those involved in Historic Sporting Trials.” Martyn Halliday Historic Sporting Trials The primary aim of the Historic Sporting Trials movement is to provide suitable events, organised by MSA recognised clubs, in which the sporting trial cars of the 1960’s and middle 1970’s can compete. The observed sections are designed to suit the earlier Historic Class cars equipped with fiddle brakes. MSA Historic Sporting Trials Formula The MSA Historic Sporting Trials Formula requires the cars should be similar to the cars used in period and defines specific requirements of vehicles which are eligible to compete in Historic Sporting Trials. Historic Class Sporting trials cars constructed in accordance with the National Trials Formula between 1953 and the end of 1970. These cars use 18” rear wheels with cross ply “control” tyres to a maximum width of 5” Engines: Ford 1172 side valve, BMC A Series to 950cc, Austin 7 and Reliant. Front axles: Ford Y type/1172 side valve or Austin 7 with transverse leaf spring. Steering box required Post Historic Class Sporting trials cars constructed in accordance with the National Trials Formula up to 1978. Cars were required to use 15” rear wheels with radial tyres to a maximum width of 165. Examples of acceptable period engines are: – Ford pre-crossflow and crossflow, the larger BMC engines such as 1098 and 1275, Imp and it derivatives, Renault 16, Front axle can be fabricated beam with coil over dampers and rack and pinion steering. Drum brakes on all wheels 2019 Trials dates For further information contact Martyn Halliday tel. 07739 464170 or email [email protected]
It seems like they did all of that in the beginning of the year. Now we’re focusing on the playoffs. There were commercials with him in it, every track would name something like a grandstand after him, now I think they just want to focus on the guys who can win the championship. People were complaining about them focusing on him every 5 seconds on TV just for him to finish 13th. Which I agree with, but at the same time it’s weird they haven’t done a “Jimmie Johnson last race at X track, can he finally win?” in a few weeks. After the Dover races and commentators shoving it in our faces it just kinda seemed like it wasn’t gonna happen so they slowed down on it. Also he’ll be back eventually doing occasional races from what it seems and obviously indycar.
<filename>helpers/licencesDB/getLocation.ts import { canUpdateObject } from "../licencesDB.js"; import sqlite from "better-sqlite3"; import { licencesDB as databasePath } from "../../data/databasePaths.js"; import type * as llm from "../../types/recordTypes"; import type * as expressSession from "express-session"; export const getLocation = (locationID: number, requestSession: expressSession.Session): llm.Location => { const database = sqlite(databasePath, { readonly: true }); const locationObject: llm.Location = database.prepare("select * from Locations" + " where locationID = ?") .get(locationID); if (locationObject) { locationObject.recordType = "location"; locationObject.locationDisplayName = locationObject.locationName === "" ? locationObject.locationAddress1 : locationObject.locationName; locationObject.canUpdate = canUpdateObject(locationObject, requestSession); } database.close(); return locationObject; };
Click here to be notified by email when HQ R42 Racing Propeller (2CCW+2CW) becomes available. If #winning is your goal, then these are your props! The R42s are made specifically for racing (they are a mean freestyle prop as well). Pilots have asked for a stiffer and faster version of one of their most popular props and HQ has delivered. Lean, mean, and POPO compatible, these props are stellar!
aixopluc is a construction search practice with four members, aixopluc is the catalan word for shelter. It is the ad hoc side of their practice, focused in custom made inhabitable air, dwelling -the verb- a particular territory, through low energy, crafted environments, from design-and-build to plan-and-construct, working in collaboration with local builders.
If you haven't already done so, go into SQL Server Management Studio and open the file in the above folder and run its script. This should generate a Books database. The item that you should add to your project. You should be able to expand the tables to show the tblAuthor and tblBook tables. We've renamed the entities, but left all of the properties the same. For each author you should see in parentheses the number of books they've written. At this point you should be marvelling at how easy LINQ to SQL is to code!
The new tool helps companies to build a globally synchronized, time-phased plan, allowing users to optimize performance across multiple supply-chain partners and such diverse activities as procurement, manufacturing, distribution and inventory. The newest release features an Agile Control Tower, which eliminates the "guess-and-check" cycle that often occurs when supply-chain exceptions are flagged. The Control Tower diagnoses the cause of the exception, and suggests solutions from a predetermined library of actions. According to JDA, it provides instant simulation of selected choices, while respecting strategic priorities and projecting impacts across the entire supply chain. As a result, planners can view actual cost and performance tradeoffs before taking action.
A progesterone biosensor derived from microbial screening Bacteria are an enormous and largely untapped reservoir of biosensing proteins. We describe an approach to identify and isolate bacterial allosteric transcription factors (aTFs) that recognize a target analyte and to develop these TFs into biosensor devices. Our approach utilizes a combination of genomic screens and functional assays to identify and isolate biosensing TFs, and a quantum-dot Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) strategy for transducing analyte recognition into real-time quantitative measurements. We use this approach to identify a progesterone-sensing bacterial aTF and to develop this TF into an optical sensor for progesterone. The sensor detects progesterone in artificial urine with sufficient sensitivity and specificity for clinical use, while being compatible with an inexpensive and portable electronic reader for point-of-care applications. Our results provide proof-of-concept for a paradigm of microbially-derived biosensors adaptable to inexpensive, real-time sensor devices. B iosensors underlie applications ranging from medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, food and water safety, to the detection of chemical or biological threats 1 . A typical biosensor utilizes a biorecognition element coupled to a transduction mechanism 2,3 . Yet the number and types of biorecognition elements are limited. The gold standard for clinical hormone analysis uses antibodies as the biorecognition element which are expensive to design and manufacture, do not provide an intrinsic read-out, and do not readily support repeated or continuous measurements. Bacteria have evolved over 3 billion years to detect and respond to a wide range of stimuli [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] . One common molecular sensing mechanism is an allosteric transcription factor (aTF). Binding of ligand to aTFs leads to differential binding of the TF to its cognate DNA binding sites and an alteration in gene expression. Allosteric TFs are used as biosensors in whole cell applications 14 , but the use of bacterial cells in sensors is limited by slow response times, biosafety concerns, and the practical limitations of using a cellular host 15 . Moreover, characterized TFs are a small fraction of the hundreds of thousands of known TFs that have been sequenced 10 , and sequenced genes are only a tiny sampling of the diversity of microbes 16 . Here, we report an approach to identify and harvest microbial aTFs specific to a target analyte, and a transduction strategy for engineering these into sensor devices. We show the application of our approach to develop an optical progesterone sensor based on a previously uncharacterized microbial aTF identified with our screening approach. Results A progesterone sensing aTF. Our screening approach employs a combination of genomic and functional assays for the targeted identification, validation, and characterization of TF biosensors for specific analytes ( Supplementary Fig. 1). Our approach (Supplementary Fig. 1) is based on three observations: bacterial TFs commonly bind upstream of their genes to regulate their own promoters or those of adjacent genes [17][18][19][20][21] , genes for the metabolism of analytes are often found in genome clusters 22 , and these clusters are often induced by their substrates via TFs in genomic proximity [23][24][25][26] . We applied our approach to identify bacterial aTFs responsive to steroid hormones owing to their central roles in human physiology, wellness, and health. Steroids are also found widely in nature due to contamination by human activity and natural production by plants, fungi, and animals 27 . Consequently a host of environmental bacteria are able to use steroids as carbon and energy sources 28 . One steroid metabolizing bacterium is Pimelobacter simplex (also Nocardioides simplex and formerly Corynebacterium simplex) which biotransforms a range of steroids 29,30 . Though P. simplex is employed in industry for the metabolism of steroids 31 , little is known about the corresponding regulatory mechanisms. P. simplex was screened to identify aTFs capable of sensing steroid hormones. Cultures of P. simplex were exposed to aldosterone, cortisol, estrone, estradiol, progesterone and control media ( Supplementary Fig. 2). RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq) was used to identify gene clusters and associated TFs induced by steroids (Fig. 1). One such gene cluster was significantly upregulated on exposure to progesterone, aldosterone, and cortisol and was termed the Steroid Responsive Genomic Island (SRGI). (Fig. 1a-e, Supplementary Table 1). No differential expression of this cluster was observed for estrone or estradiol (Supplementary Table 1). The SRGI overlaps a previously reported cluster of genes experimentally associated with steroid metabolism 29,32 and includes one annotated 3-ketosteroid-9-αhydroxylase, two annotated 3-ketosteroid-δ1-dehydrogenases, and one annotated steroid δ-isomerase (Supplementary Table 1). Importantly, the SRGI includes three predicted but functionally uncharacterized TF genes 29 (Fig. 1f, Supplementary Table 1): (1) a predicted TetR-family TF in a divergent promoter with a predicted ketosteroid-dehydrogenase gene, (2) a predicted IclRfamily TF adjacent to a second ketosteroid-dehydrogenase gene, and (3) a predicted MarR-family TF upstream of the IclR-TF. Only the first two TFs (whose proteins were termed SRTF1 and SRTF2, respectively) display induction by sterols in our experiments (Fig. 1f). Analysis of the divergent intergenic region upstream of the SRTF1 gene revealed a 22 bp palindromic sequence immediately upstream of the adjacent ketosteroiddehydrogenase gene (Fig. 1h). We confirmed binding to this palindrome by SRTF1 using a method for in vitro chromatinimmunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (in vitro ChIP-Seq). In vitro ChIP-Seq discovered two additional binding sites in the cluster including one upstream of SRTF2 ( Supplementary Fig. 3). These data suggest that SRTF1 mediates the steroid responsiveness of both ketosteroid-dehydrogenase genes and SRTF2. We thus focused additional analysis on SRTF1. We quantitatively confirmed that SRTF1 is a sterol responsive aTF using biolayer interferometry (BLI) 33 (Fig. 2). Synthetic oligonucleotides containing either the predicted palindromic site found upstream of SRTF1 or a shuffled control sequence were conjugated to the BLI probe (Fig. 2a). The probe was placed in a solution with purified SRTF1 protein and no steroids. SRTF1 rapidly bound to the oligo containing the predicted binding sequence, while no binding was observed to the scrambled sequence, further confirming the specificity of the predicted binding motif (Fig. 2a). The probe was then moved into a solution with no protein and either vehicle or 5 μM steroid hormones (Fig. 2a, b, d). Minimal unbinding was observed with vehicle, and a quantitative analysis indicated nanomolar affinity of SRTF1 to the oligonucleotide in the absence of sterols ( Supplementary Fig. 8, Supplementary Table 2). In contrast, SRTF1 rapidly dissociated after exposure to progesterone, with 81% dissociation at 30 s after exposure compared to 4.5% in vehicle (Fig. 2d, e). This change in DNA binding was highly specific to progesterone. Exposure to cholesterol or the estrogens beta-estradiol or estrone resulted in no SRTF1 dissociation relative to control, while exposure to aldosterone or cortisol yielded only 10 and 13% dissociation, respectively (Fig. 2d, e). Moreover, no differences in dissociation were observed after exposure to 5β-Pregnane-3α,20-α-diol (pregnanediol) and 5β-Pregnane-3α,20-α-diol-glucuronide (pregnanediol-glucuronide) (Fig. 2d, e). Both are urine metabolites of progesterone 34 , and antibodies against pregnanediol-glucuronide are the basis of many tests for the indirect measurement of progesterone 35 . Experiments with varying concentrations of progesterone demonstrated that progesterone-induced dissociation was dose-dependent (Fig. 2b, c). Together, these data confirm that SRTF1 is an aTF that binds its cognate DNA site in the absence of sterol hormones and allosterically rapidly unbinds in the presence of progesterone. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a progesterone-sensing bacterial transcription factor. A QD-TF-FRET framework for aTF biosensors. Using aTFs as an affinity-based biorecognition element in a biosensor requires converting analyte binding into a detectable signal. Antibodies are the benchmark for affinity-based biosensors 3 . However, antibodies bound to an analyte are inert. Detection of binding typically requires the addition of secondary antibodies, and this additional step prevents real-time and continuous measurements and prohibits multiple measurements 3 . In contrast, aTFs combine affinity recognition with a built-in mechanism for the real-time transduction of reversible analyte binding: the reversible binding to their cognate DNA binding sites. 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Log2 fold change expression We have developed a framework for coupling the molecular transduction mechanism of aTFs to an optical output (Fig. 3a). Importantly, this approach can be used to develop optical biosensors with any aTF for which a cognate binding site is known. Our framework uses QD-TF-FRET. Quantum dots are widely used in bioimaging and biosensing and provide high photostability, color tunability, and abundant surface area for biofunctionalization 36 . In our approach, QD FRET donors are decorated with purified TFs and a DNA oligonucleotide with the TF binding site is conjugated to a FRET acceptor. TFhormone binding alters TF-DNA binding resulting in changes in fluorescence. When TFs are bound to the DNA probe, the donor and acceptors are close enough to enable energy transfer. FRET reduces the emission intensity from the QD (donor fluorescence intensity, F D ) and increases emission intensity from the acceptor (acceptor fluorescence intensity, F A , Fig. 3b). When TFs are not bound to the DNA probe FRET is reduced leading to increased F D and decreased F A . Sensor output is a normalized ratio of acceptor to donor emission and measuring this ratio increases signal relative to either F A of F D alone. We describe here the comprehensive characterization and validation of this framework through the development of a QD-TF-FRET biosensor. An optical progesterone biosensor. We used our QD-TF-FRET framework to develop an optical biosensor for progesterone based on SRTF1. Specifically, CdSe/CdS/ZnS QDs were coated via a biphasic ligand exchange with a zwitterionic polymer containing histamine groups for chelation-based binding to the QD surface 37 . The SRTF1 gene was cloned with a C-terminal 6x His-tag, purified, and self-assembled onto the QD surface at specified average ratios of TFs to QD. Oligonucleotides containing SRTF1 binding sites were labeled with Cy5 as the FRET acceptor and combined with QD-TFs at specified ratios of DNA to QD. The QD emission spectrum overlapped the Cy5 excitation spectrum to enable FRET ( Supplementary Fig. 4). As a first sensor test (sensor 1), oligonucleotides containing the strong SRTF1 binding site upstream of the SRTF1 promoter were used. SRTF1 was combined with QDs at a ratio of 4 TFs per QD and oligonucleotides were combined with QD-TFs at a ratio of 18 oligos per QD. The fluorescence emission of QD-TF/DNA in aqueous solution was immediately measured, using a plate reader, as a function of varying concentrations of progesterone. We observed a clear and reproducible dose-dependent decrease in sensor response with increasing progesterone (Fig. 3c), corresponding to progressive unbinding of SRTF1 from the oligonucleotide and decreased FRET. This sensor response was observed as quickly as it could be measured. As a negative control, we tested the same sensor configuration with an oligonucleotide containing a scrambled binding site and no response was observed ( Supplementary Fig. 5). The response of sensor 1 exhibited a broad linear range over more than a log of progesterone concentrations. A fit to a Hill function produced an IC 50 of 738 nM and a LOD of 53 nM (Supplementary Table 3). Sensor 1 thus demonstrated proof-of-concept for a quantitative progesterone sensor based on a newly characterized bacterial aTF. While sensor 1 was capable of detecting progesterone at nanomolar levels, we sought to improve this sensitivity. The QD-TF-FRET framework provides several parameters and alternative configurations for sensor optimization ( Supplementary Fig. 6). An initial analysis identified three key parameters governing sensitivity. First, as expected, the affinity of the aTF for the analyte is one parameter. Second, consistent with previous reports 38 , our modeling predicted that altering the affinity of the aTF to the oligo would modulate overall sensor sensitivity, with decreasing oligo affinity resulting in increasing overall sensitivity to analyte ( Supplementary Fig. 6). This parameter is readily modified in our sensor strategy by altering the aTF binding site. This parameter is not available to antibody-based affinity sensors. Third, we predicted that altering the ratio of TFs conjugated to QDs could improve sensitivity. This is consistent with reports demonstrating that decreasing the density of antibodies bound to particles improves the sensitivity of immunoassays 39 . We used these predictions to develop progesterone sensors with improved sensitivity. First, we modified the oligonucleotide to contain a binding site with 2 mutated bases in one half of the palindrome to generate sensor 2 ( Supplementary Fig. 7). BLI confirmed the lower affinity of SRTF1 to this modified sequence (Supplementary Table 2, Supplementary Fig. 8). As predicted, this resulted in a sensor with substantially improved sensitivity with an IC 50 of 133 nM and an LOD of 35 nM (Fig. 3, Supplementary Table 3, Supplementary Fig. 5). We then modified sensor 2 to create sensor 3 by decreasing the ratio of TFs to QD to 1:1 while maintaining the 18:1 ratio of oligonucleotides to QD-TF complexes. This further improved sensitivity to an IC 50 Table 3, Supplementary Fig. 5). Sensor 3 also displays an expanded linear range over nearly two logs of progesterone concentration. While we anticipate further improvements to sensitivity with additional tuning of parameters these initial changes result in an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity sufficient to detect progesterone levels in urine and plasma of pre-menopausal women (Supplementary Table 4) 40 . BLI characterization of SRTF1 indicated that our sensor would exhibit specificity to progesterone. We confirmed this by testing the cross-reactivity of sensor 3 to structurally and physiologically related compounds. As expected, no sensor response was observed when the sensor was exposed to either cholesterol or estrone (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Fig. 9). We also tested our sensor against pregnanediol, which is highly structurally similar to progesterone ( Supplementary Fig. 2), and pregnanediol-glucuronide. Again, no cross-reactivity was observed to either metabolite (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Fig. 9). Our sensor is thus a direct sensor of progesterone. Consistent with the BLI results, we observed 36% cross-reactivity to cortisol, and 18% cross-reactivity to aldosterone (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Table 5, Supplementary Fig. 9). Published reports have demonstrated the ability to dramatically alter the specificity profile of aTFs with a combination of random mutagenesis, directed evolution, and targeted protein modifications 41 . These methods can be used to further increase the specificity of SRTF1-based sensors to progesterone. Thus, we have generated a mutant library of SRTF1. As a first step in characterizing this library, 10 mutants were randomly selected and characterized with a reporter gene assay ( Supplementary Fig. 10). One mutant, SRTF1_MUT1, demonstrated a relative decrease in sensitivity to cortisol. Sequencing of the SRTF1_MUT1 gene revealed two mutations located in a region of SRTF1 with the potential to contain the steroid binding domain ( Supplementary Fig. 11). We constructed a version of sensor 3 using SRTF1_MUT1 and characterized its response to the panel of steroids. Remarkably, we observed a 6-fold decrease in cross-reactivity to cortisol of 5.7%, with no change in crossreactivity to other tested sterols (Fig. 3d, Supplementary Table 5, Supplementary Fig. 12). While only preliminary, and based on a randomly selected handful of mutants, these results suggest that directed evolution can further improve both the specificity and sensitivity of SRTF1 to progesterone. A key advantage of aTF sensors relative to antibodies is the potential for multiple and continuous measurements. This stems from the fact that no secondary assays are required that result in fixation of analyte binding. All interactions associated with the QD-TF-FRET sensor are reversible. As an initial demonstration of this capability, we tested sensors with repeated cycles of progesterone exposure and removal by overnight dialysis (Supplementary Fig. 13). Measurements were performed after each exposure and dialysis. The results confirm that repeated exposures to the same progesterone concentration resulted in nearly identical sensor output (Fig. 3e, Supplementary Fig. 14). While greater variability was observed between measurements after dialysis, this was likely due to limitations in the ability of dialysis to completely remove progesterone. These data confirm the ability of our sensor to reliably measure repeat exposures of progesterone without the need for surface immobilization or additional procedures to reverse binding. The development of practical devices requires manufacturing and storage reproducibility. To assess this, we tested three independent sensor batches constructed over the span of 6 months. In addition, the sensors were developed from two independent purifications of SRTF1, and a QD with a modified surface treatment and emission spectrum was used for the third sensor batch. As shown in Fig. 3f, the sensor responses to progesterone for all three batches were identical. We further tested the stability of our sensors to storage in different conditions: room temperature, at 4°C, and at room temperature after freeze-drying for up to a week. In all cases, we observed consistent responses when sensors were retrieved or rehydrated at all tested progesterone concentrations (Fig. 3g, Supplementary Fig. 15). We also tested long-term storage for ten months after freeze-drying. Rehydration restored full sensor responsiveness ( Supplementary Fig. 15) although altered dose-response characteristics would necessitate re-calibration. These results are consistent with reports demonstrating the stability of cell-free gene circuits containing transcription factors for over a year 15 . Point-of-care urine testing. Progesterone sensing has applications in fertility planning. The detection of surges in luteinizing hormone (LH) and the rise in estrogen prior to the LH surge predict but do not verify ovulation 42 . Detecting progesterone surges confirms ovulation but typically requires blood testing 34,43,44 . Two at-home urine tests are currently being marketed 43,45 to measure pregnanediol-glucuronide. However, pregnanediol-glucuronide levels are more variable than progesterone levels, and up to 12% of women do not metabolize progesterone sufficiently to produce detectable amounts 34 . To our knowledge, no urine test for the direct detection of progesterone is available. As a first test of our sensor for urine testing, we measured responses to varying concentrations of progesterone in artificial urine. We tested three different conditions using sensor 3: artificial urine at room temperature, artificial urine warmed to body temperature, and sensors freeze-dried and then rehydrated in artificial urine at room temperature. In all cases, we see responses identical to buffer, verifying that common interferents in urine do not affect the sensing of progesterone by the sensor (Fig. 3h). Use of our sensor at home or at point of care requires a portable electronic reader. As proof-of-principle, we built a prototype device using inexpensive off-the-shelf detection electronics (Fig. 4a, Supplementary Fig. 16). A 10 mW UV LED controlled by an Arduino was used for excitation. Two phototransistors amplified using a standard low-voltage common emitter circuit detected fluorescence emissions. A 600 nm bandpass filter was used to isolate QD fluorescence emission while a 665 nm long pass filter was used to isolate Cy5 emission ( Supplementary Fig. 16). Despite its simplicity, tests of the progesterone sensor in this low-cost device confirmed the same degree of sensor accuracy as with a state-of-the-art laboratory plate reader (Fig. 4b). This proof-of-principle device can be reduced in size and cost through printed circuit board fabrication for the electronics and 3D printing for the housing. Any similar device could be used for low-cost sensing with any bacterial aTF sensor developed with the QD-TF-FRET optical biosensor framework. Discussion Together, our data provide the first demonstration of a microbial screening-to-sensor approach to develop new sensing devices for specific target analytes. The progesterone sensor provides proofof-concept for a class of sensors based on bacterial aTFs. It demonstrates sensitivity, reproducibility, stability, and signal strength applicable for point-of-care use. It also possesses two key advantages over current antibody-based assays. First, the intrinsic transduction mechanism of aTFs enables real-time and repeat sensing. Our QD-TF-FRET framework converts this transduction to an optical readout. Methods for converting this transduction into a direct electrical readout could also be developed. Second, bacterial proteins are inexpensive to produce, modify, and evolve. The specificity of the progesterone sensor could be further improved through directed evolution 41 , also providing an opportunity to evolve variants specific to other steroids. More broadly, the identification of a progesterone sensing aTF highlights the diverse and largely untapped reservoir of biorecognition elements latent within bacteria. To more fully capture this diversity, our approach can be extended to uncharacterized and unculturable organisms with metagenomic screening 12 , and expanded to target other biorecognition elements, including redox enzymes for electrochemical sensors 1,46,47 . Our results thus provide a paradigm for the targeted development of a diverse range of sensor devices. Strain selection. Pimelobacter simplex strain 6946 was purchased from ATCC and referenced with a corresponding GenBank accession number (CP009896.1). The strain is an obligate aerobe and was grown in media and conditions as recommended by ATCC. Strain characterization. To determine the doubling time of the strain, growth curves were generated ( Supplementary Fig. 18). All growth curves were done in 100 µL per well volumes in 96 well flat clear bottom black polystyrene TC-treated microplates which were individually wrapped with a lid and sterile (Corning). Measurements were done by an Infinite M200 Pro (TECAN) spectrophotometer at the temperature suited for P. simplex. Readings were performed over 96 cycles of 15 min each at 600 nm absorbance with 25 flashes in a 3 × 3 (XY-Line) type reads per well. In between reads there was orbital shaking at 150 rpm frequency for a total of 10 min. To first characterize the growth alone, a ½ serial dilution of 9 concentrations from 0.5-0.0020 OD 600 nm were prepared in the respective media. Then each concentration was measured as previously described by the TECAN microplate reader and normalized against a media background control in technical triplicate. Solvent exposure. Once an appropriate starting cell concentration was chosen, a secondary growth curve was performed to test the toxicity levels of the solvents used to dissolve steroids of interest ( Supplementary Fig. 18). Since the steroids used are heavily hydrophobic, they often need to be dissolved in organic solvents such as DMSO or ethanol which are toxic to bacteria at high concentrations. P. simplex was incubated under microplate reader conditions previously mentioned at a starting OD determined by the first growth curve with DMSO, ethanol, or H 2 0 at ½ serial dilutions for a total of eight concentrations (50-0.39%) tested in technical triplicate. Two controls were included per solvent; a positive control without solvent and a media control which allowed for appropriate normalization. Solvent exposure growth curves allowed for choosing the maximum amount of solvent concentration that strains would sustain while maintaining relative viability in order to determine a range of steroid concentrations which could be used. Steroid exposure. A tertiary growth curve was performed to test the toxicity levels of steroid specific to P. simplex (Supplementary Fig. 18). The strain was incubated under microplate reader conditions previously mentioned at a starting OD determined by the first growth curve and the highest solvent concentration corresponding to the steroid of interest with steroid at ½ serial dilutions for a total of seven concentrations tested in singlet. Testosterone, progesterone, 17β-estradiol, hydrocortisone, and aldosterone were all dissolved in ethanol while estrone was dissolved in DMSO. Three controls were included for each steroid; a positive control with the highest tolerable solvent concentration (%), a positive control with media, and a media control which allowed for normalization. Steroid exposure growth curves allowed for choosing the maximum amount of steroid concentration that P. simplex would sustain while maintaining relative viability. RNA extraction. Cells were grown in 6 mL volumes of media at the OD, solvent, and steroid concentrations found from the growth curves in 14 mL polypropylene round-bottom tubes. The same controls as in the steroid exposure growth curve were used for setting up RNA extraction samples. The cells were incubated at their corresponding temperature with continuous orbital shaking at 150 rpm until midlog phase and the beginning of stationary phase from the start of inoculation. Afterward, samples were removed and a 1:1 ratio of RNAprotect Bacteria Reagent was added followed by spinning down at 4°C for 10 min at 4000 × g. Supernatant was removed and the pellet re-suspended in 300 µL of RNAprotect and transferred into 2.0 mL Safe-Lock Tubes. The samples were then spun down once again at 4°C for 10 min at 10,000 × g. Once the supernatant has been removed the samples were placed on ice and ready for RNA extraction. RNA extraction was done by Qiacube set to the RNeasy Protect Bacteria Mini Kit protocol of bacterial cell pellet with enzymatic lysis. Tube A was prepared as described except with the addition of 150 mg mL −1 lysozyme and 20 mg mL −1 proteinase K all diluted in 1× TE buffer. RNA samples were subsequently quantified using Qubit RNA HS Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and analyzed using a RNA 6000 Pico Kit (Agilent) in a 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent). RNA samples were either immediately used for RNA-Seq library preparation or stored long-term at −80°C. RNA-Seq library preparation. After RNA samples have been quantified and analyzed they were DNase treated using a TURBO DNase 2 U µL −1 (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and cleaned using Agencourt RNAClean XP SPRI beads (Beckman Coulter). RNA-Seq libraries were then produced from these samples using a slightly modified ScriptSeq v2 RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit (Illumina) ensuring use of unique index primers through ScriptSeq Index PCR Primers (Sets 1-4) 48 rxns/set (Illumina). Libraries were quantified by both a Qubit dsDNA HS Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and by High Sensitivity DNA Kit (Agilent). The resulting molarity was then used to determine at what concentration samples should be pooled to (either 1, 2, or 4 nM). After a desired pooling concentration was chosen, the samples were diluted to that particular molarity and 2 µL of each sample dilution was added into a single tube and submitted to the Boston University Microarray and Sequencing Resource Core Facility. Whole transcriptome RNA sequencing was performed by a NextSeq 500 (Illumina) at high output (400 M reads) with 75 bp paired end sequencing read length. The data was then analyzed in-house through a proprietary Galagan Lab pipeline. RNA-Seq data analysis. Adapter sequences were removed from reads and low quality bases trimmed from both ends using Cutadapt 48 . Reads were aligned to the reference genome with Bowtie2 49 . BAM files were sorted and indexed using Samtools 50 . Transcript assembly and expression quantification was performed using Cufflinks 51 . All resulting raw expression counts were normalized as a group using deseq 52 . A custom matlab script was then used to calculate fold changes of normalized counts for each gene between each sterol exposure experiment and its corresponding vehicle control. Protein expression and purification. SRTF1 coding sequence codon-optimized for expression in Escherichia coli was ordered from Integrated DNA technologies with appropriate up-stream and down-stream fusion sequences for cloning into the pRham C-His Kan vector (Lucigen), resuspended in 1× TE buffer, and 45 ng heat shock transformed into chemically competent E. cloni 10 G (Lucigen) along with 25 ng of linearized pRham C-His Kan Vector (Lucigen). Cells were grown on LB agar + 50 µg mL −1 kanamycin overnight at 37°C. Resulting colonies were grown in 5 mL LB + kanamycin, plasmid purified using Qiagen Miniprep Kit, and CDS insertion verified through Sanger Sequencing using forward primer rRham F and reverse primer pEtite R (Lucigen). Protein was expressed in E. cloni 10 G cells grown overnight from a singly colony. Five milliliters overnight LB + kanamycin culture was diluted in 250 mL of fresh LB + kanamycin, then allowed to grow to an OD600 of approximately 0.6 shaking at 37°C. Two and a half milliliters of filter sterilized 20% w/v rhamnose was then added to induce protein expression, and culture was shaken for 4 h at 37°C. Culture was removed then removed from the incubator and stored at 4°C overnight. Culture was then pelleted by centrifugation and frozen overnight. Protein was purified using the Ni-NTA Fast Start kit (Qiagen). Cells were lysed using 10 mL of the provided Native Lysis Buffer supplemented with 10 mg lysozyme and 250 U benzonase as specified in the manufacturer's protocol. Pellet was resuspended by stirring and pipetting up and down with a 25 mL graduated pipette. Cells were lysed on ice for 1 h, with gentle swirling every 20 min. Some preparations were highly viscous after the 1 h incubation, likely due to incomplete nuclease activity. Viscous lysates had an additional 250 U benzonase added to them and were incubated for twenty more minutes. All samples treated with additional benzonase had their viscosity reduced to normal after this additional incubation. Lysate was centrifuged at 14,000 × g for 30 min at 4°C. Lysate supernatant was applied to a pre-drained Ni-NTA column and allowed to run through at room temperature. Column was washed three times with 4 mL of 3 mL of Native Wash Buffer (NEB), then eluted twice with 1 mL each of Elution Buffer (NEB). Protein was present in both elution fractions off the column, so elutions 1 and 2 were pooled for desalting. Protein was either dialyzed against the destination buffer using 0.5-3 mL 3500 MWCO Slide-a-Lyzer (ThermoFisher), twice for 2 h at room temperature with magnetic stirring, then overnight at 4°C without stirring, or using Amicon Ultra-0.5 centrifugal filters with a 10 kDa MW cutoff. Elutions were added to the column 0.5 mL at a time, spun at 14,000 × g at 4°C until only approximately 75 µL remained, around 30 min. Destination buffer was added to the 0.5 mL mark, and centrifugation repeated. This process was repeated 3 additional times, for a total of 4 times. Destination buffer for protein used in BLI, iv-ChIP-seq, and QD-TF-FRET assays was Tris-buffered saline pH 7.4. Protein concentration was quantified using a Qubit Protein Assay kit (ThermoFisher), then aliquoted and frozen at −80°C until used. In vitro ChIP-Seq. We developed an in vitro ChIP-Seq assay similar to previously published in-vitro DNA precipitation protocosl 53,54 . P. simplex picked from a single colony on M3 Agar was grown in M3 Broth at room temperature with gentle shaking for 3 days until culture was turbid. One milliliter aliquots of culture were pelleted and genomic DNA was extracted using the GenElute Bacterial Genomic DNA kit (Sigma-Aldrich) using the included Gram-Positive Lysis solution and associated protocol adjustments for Gram positive bacteria. Purified gDNA was sheared into approximately 200 bp fragments in 130 μL aliquots using a Covaris S2 sonicator using a duty cycle of 20%, an intensity of 5, 200 cycles per burst, a time of 60 s, and 12 total cycles. Purification of fragments of an appropriate size was done using AgenCourt AmpPure XP beads. 1.8× volume of bead slurry was added to the sonicated DNA and mixed by pipetting, followed by a five-minute incubation at room temperature. The DNA/slurry mixture was then placed on a magnetic rack for 10 min until all beads were pulled to the side of the tube. Supernatant was aspirated, and beads were washed twice with 200 μL 70% ethanol while still on the magnetic rack. Beads were air dried for 10 min, then resuspended in 100 μL of water, mixed by pipetting, and incubated at room temperature for 10 min. Beads were pulled down by placing on a magnetic rack for 10 min, then the supernatant and eluted DNA was pipetted off and saved. Fragment length was confirmed through 1% agarose gel electrophoresis in 1× TBE. Fifty nanogram of sheared DNA was mixed with 500 ng purified SRTF1-CHis to a final volume of 500 μL in 1× IPP150 (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 0.1% NP40). Mock ChIP reactions were done by omitting the purified protein. Mixture was incubated at room temperature for 1 h, then 3 μL of 6×-His Tag Monoclonal Antibody His.H8 (Thermofisher Scientific) was added. Mixture was then incubated at 4°C overnight with rocking. Incubated mixture was then mixed with 5 μL of Protein G agarose beads (Pierce) that had been washed with 1 mL of IPP150 and pelleted by centrifugation for 2 min at 2000 × g. Bead mixture was incubated on a rocking platform for half an hour at 4°C, then an hour and a half at room temperature. Beads were washed 3 times with 1 mL of IPP150, mixed by rocking each time. Wash buffer was removed by pelleting beads at 2000 × g for 2 min and pipetting off supernatant. DNA was eluted by adding 150 μL of "Elution From Beads" buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 10 mM EDTA, 1% SDS) to pelleted beads and incubating at 65°C for 15 min. Elution was repeated with a 5 min NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14942-5 ARTICLE 65°C incubation. Elutions were pooled, then purified using a QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen), eluting with 30 μL of buffer EB. Barcode adapters were ligated to immunoprecipitated DNA using the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina. As starting gDNA had been presheared before immunoprecipitation, size selection was performed after 10 cycles of PCR barcoding. Library size and integrity was validated with an Agilent DNA 1000 Kit on an Agilent Bioanalyzer. Library was sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 500 to a depth of 4-10 M reads per sample. Illumina adapter sequences were removed with Cutadapt, and reads were aligned to the P. simplex VKM Ac-2033D genome CP009896.1 using Bowtie2. BioLayer interferometry. Single stranded DNA oligos containing SRTF1 binding sites or control sequences were ordered from IDT. Forward strands with 5′ biotin were annealed to reverse strands by mixing to a final concentration of 10 µM in Annealing Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 50 mM NaCl), heating to 95°C, then slowly letting them cool to room temperature. All BLI steps were performed in 1× BLI Buffer (28 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 5 mM MgCl, 4.25% Glycerol, 25 mM NaCl, 1.67 mg mL −1 BSA) at 30°C in a ForteBio OctetRed96. For DNA association assays, SA tips were baselined in buffer, then dsDNA was loaded on by dipping into wells containing 75 nM DNA in buffer. DNA-coated tips were baselined again in buffer, then dipped in buffer containing varying concentrations of SRTF1 and allowed to reach equilibrium. Tips were then dipped in buffer for complex dissociation. Dissociation of DNA from the tip was controlled by subtracting the trace from a DNA-coated tip that was not exposed to SRTF1. Trace Y-Axes were aligned to the last 5 s of the second baseline step, and noise removed by Savitzsky-Golay filtering. Association and dissociation data were fit to a Mass Transport model. Hormone-induced dissociation was assayed using BLI by dipping DNA-coated SA tips in buffer containing 150 nM SRTF1 and allowing the reaction to reach equilibrium. Complex was dipped in buffer containing varying amounts of hormone. Curve traces for each sensor were rescaled such that the binding level at equilibrium was equal to 1. Quantum dots synthesis. Core/shell/shell quantum dots were made using our previously reported procedure 55 and is described briefly here. The precursors used for this synthesis included: 0.2 M Cd(OA) 2 , 0.2 M Zn(OA) 2 , 0.2 M sulfur in ODE, and 1 M TOP:Se. For the sulfur and selenium precursors, the appropriate amount of anion was weighed and dissolved into either ODE or TOP at the desired concentration with gentle heating. Once the solutions were fully dissolved, the precursors were heated under vacuum at 120°C for at least 1 h before use to remove traces of water. For Cd(OA) 2 and Zn(OA) 2 , CdO or Zn(Ac) 2 were weighed and added to oleic acid at a 1:4 molar ratio. The solutions were heated under vacuum at 120°C until fully dissolved and diluted to a final concentration of 0.2 M with ODE. All precursors were stored under argon at room temperature. Both Cd(OA) 2 and Zn(OA) 2 are waxy solids at room temperature and were therefore heated to 120°C for use in the QD synthesis. For nucleation of CdSe cores, we used an air-free hot injection method. In brief, 1 g of TOPO, 8 mL of ODE, and 1.9 mL of 0.2 M Cd(OA) 2 were loaded into a 100 mL round bottom flask (rbf) and placed under vacuum at room temperature for 30 min. The flask was heated to 80°C and degassed by backfilling with argon and switching back to vacuum 3× over the course of 1 h. Once the solution had been sufficiently degassed, the flask was placed under active argon flow and heated to 300°C. In an argon-filled glovebox, we pre-mixed 4 mL of 1 M TOP:Se, 3 mL of oleylamine, and 1 mL of ODE for injection into the Cd solution at 300°C. The reaction temperature was set to 270°C. After 3 mins, the flask was taken off of the heating element and allowed to cool to room temperature. The CdSe cores were precipitated from solution under air-free conditions using ethanol and methanol and re-dispersed in hexanes. For shelling, a successive ion layer adsorption reaction (SILAR) was used as previously described. In brief, 5 mL ODE and 5 mL oleylamine were added to a 100 mL rbf and heated under vacuum at 120°C for 1 hr before 200 nmol of CdSe cores in hexanes were added to the flask, and the hexanes removed via low-pressure evaporation. For each shell material, a single monolayer, defined by the lattice constant of each material, was added at a time. The amount of precursor needed to add each monolayer was calculated on a volume basis using the density and lattice constants for wurtzite CdS and ZnS. For the CdS shell, 1 monolayer of CdS was added. The first Cd addition was added dropwise at 160°C to the core solution under argon and annealed for 2.5 h. The temperature was then increased to 240°C and the corresponding amount of sulfur precursor added dropwise and annealed for 1 h. All additional monolayers were added and annealed at 240°C. After CdS shelling, 2 monolayers of ZnS were added in a similar fashion. After 2 full monolayers of ZnS were added, an additional layer of Zn was added to ensure that the QD surface was Zn-rich. Polymer synthesis. The polymer capping the QDs (P1) was synthesized using a slightly modified version of a previously reported procedure 56 . In a typical experiment, 180 mg of PIMA (poly(isobutylene-alt-maleic anhydride), 6000 g mol −1 , 0.03 mmol, 1 equivalent) was dissolved in 3 mL anhydrous dimethyl sulfoxide at 45°C. In parallel, 116 mg (2-aminoethyl)trimethylammonium chloride (0.66 mmol, 22 equivalents), 73 mg histamine (0.66 mmol, 22 equivalents), and 193 µL triethylamine (1.39 mmol, 46 equivalents) were dissolved in 1.5 mL anhydrous dimethyl sulfoxide at 50°C. After complete dissolution of both solutions, the solution containing the amines was added with a syringe to the PIMA solution. The reaction was kept overnight at 45°C. The polymer was purified by several precipitations in ethyl acetate. A white powder was obtained with 67% yield. 3 ). FTIR shows the disappearance of the C=O stretch band of the anhydride at 1770 cm −1 and appearance of the C=O stretch of carboxylic acid and amide bond at 1710 cm −1 and1650 cm −1 , respectively. Ligand exchange. QDs were transferred into water by capping their surface with the polymer P1. In a typical experiment, 475 µL QDs ([QD] = 3.0 µM, 1.4 nmol) were dissolved in 600 µL of chloroform. In parallel, 560 µL of P1 at 10 mg mL −1 in DMSO was diluted in 560 µL chloroform. The solution of P1 was added to the QD dispersion and the reaction proceeded overnight with vigorous stirring. The next day, 0.5 mL of 0.1 M NaOH was added and the dispersion quickly shaken by hand. The QDs nicely transferred to the upper water phase. The water phase was extracted and centrifuged at 3800 × g for 1 min. Then the supernatant was filtered through 100 nm PVDF and washed 3 times with 0.1 M NaHCO 3 with a 100k ultracentrifugal filter. QDs were recovered in 0.1 M NaHCO 3 at a concentration around 5 µM. Plate reader measurements. Fluorescence measurements were recorded on a Horiba Nanolog spectrofluorometer equipped with a plate reader. Absorption spectra were recorded using a Nanodrop 2000c. Fifty microliter of the sensor (QD/ TF/DNA) was split in 3 × 9 centrifuge tubes to which 10 µL of progesterone at the desired concentration is added. As such, the final concentration of QD/TF/DNA for the measurements is 25 nM/100 nM/450 nM. A 384-well plate was filled with 60 µL of each solution. The fluorescence intensity was monitored on a spectrofluorimeter from 535 nm to 800 nm with excitation at 400 nm and a 450 nm longpass filter before the emission detector. Fluorescence intensity was spectrally deconvolved into FRET donor and acceptor components and total intensity used to calculate normalized F A /F D . Ratiometric analysis using single wavelength point measurements of F A and F D displayed equivalent accuracy to full deconvolution. Stability assays. For the stability assays, QDs, TF, and DNA were mixed together and stored in the conditions described (e.g., RT, at 4°C, or in the freezer following lyophilization); in each case the sensors were protected from light to prevent photobleaching. HEPES 1× and 5× binding buffers were added to the sensor components before starting the progesterone titration. Lyophilized sensors were first recovered in ultra-pure water (same volume as sublimated during lyophilization process), then HEPES 1× and 5× binding buffer were added before the progesterone titration. Cross reactivity calculation. Cross-reactivity is calculated with the following equation 57 : %Cross reactivity ¼ IC 50 of analyte IC 50 of cross À reactant Cross-reactivity assays were performed using the sensor 3 configuration in HEPES 1× with SRTF1 and the mutant SRTF1_MUT1. Limit of detection calculation. The detection limit is the smallest concentration or absolute amount of analyte that has a signal significantly larger than the signal arising from a reagent blank. Mathematically, the limit of detection in the signal domain (L D ) is given by: where mean blank is the mean signal for a reagent blank and σ test is the pool standard deviation for all test samples in the dilution series, calculated as 58 : where σ i is the standard deviation in signal intensities for n replicates of the ith test concentration, with a total of m different test concentrations. The limit of detection (LOD) was calculated using the parameters of the fit with the non-linear equation for y = L D : The 95% Confidence Interval was calculated using Origin Pro Software. For the artificial urine assays, QDs, TF, and DNA were mixed together in 1× HEPES before artificial urine and artificial urine + PRG was added such that 50% of the final volume comprised artificial urine. Artificial urine at 37°C: the sensor was assembled at RT then artificial urine and artificial urine + PRG were added at 37°C. For tests in artificial urine following lyophilization, QDs, TF and DNA were assembled in 1% BSA for QDs and ultra-pure water (no salts) and lyophilized. The sensor was recovered in artificial urine (same volume as sublimated during lyophilization process). Then artificial urine + PRG was added to the sensor. Portable electronic reader. A UV-LED (LED405E, 10 mW, Thorlabs) was attached to an SM1-threaded LED mount (S1LEDM, Thorlabs) that was screwed into one of the ports of the cuvette holder. The LED was powered with 3.3 V using an Arduino Uno. Two phototransistors (Digi-Key, 751-1057-ND) were used to detect the emitted light, one for each channel. In order to detect the Cy5 emission (670 nm), a 665 nm LP filter (Chromatech, ET655lp) was placed in front of one of the phototransistors to filter the light emitted by the Cy5 dye. In order to detect the QD emission (605 nm), a 600 nm BP filter (Edmund Optics, P/N 84785, 600 nm, FWHM 50 nm) was placed in front of the second phototransistor to filter the light emitted by the QDs. Each one of the phototransistors was placed in a common-emitter phototransistor circuit (Supplementary Fig. 16). A DC power supply was used to power the circuit (Bk Precision, 1760A). During an experiment, the voltage drop across the phototransistor was monitored with a multimeter (Agilent34410A) that was connected to LabView, which enabled real-time recording of measurements. The device was enclosed in a metal Faraday cage. The LED was turned on and allowed to warm up for at least 20 min prior to the experiment. One hundred microliter of sensor with a given concentration of progesterone was pipetted into the cuvette. The cuvette was inserted into the cuvette holder such that the 10 mm path length was parallel to the filters. Upon inserting the cuvette, a timer was started. A black cover was placed over the cuvette and a lid placed on the Faraday cage. At t = 10, 30 and 50 s, a Labview program was started to begin data collection for a duration of 10 s each. Each 10 s long period of data collection is counted as one technical replicate. The following equations were used to calculate F A /F D for the benchtop device: In order to calculate the error bars associated with the average of the Ratio, the following equation was used: Reporting summary. Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. Data availability All RNA-Seq data that support this paper have been submitted to the Gene Expression Omnibus with the accession number GSE141603. All iv-ChIP-seq data that support this paper have been submitted to the Gene Expression Omnibus with the accession number GSE131041. Source data from which Figs. 2c, e, 3c, e, f, g, h, 4b, and Supplementary Figs. 5, 9, 10, 12, 14, and 15 are generated are located in the Source Data file. Other relevant data are available on request. Code availability Custom software, and analysis scripts will be made available on request.
In this Course, we’ll define public speaking for you. We’ll also discuss the importance of public speaking in general as well as the importance of public speaking in business. Plus, we’ll connect you to some resources that can help you become a better public speaker including some public speaking examples. If you ask most people, they’ll probably say they don’t like public speaking. They may even admit to being afraid of it, since fear of public speaking is a very common fear. Or they may just be shy or introverted. For those reasons, many people avoid public speaking if they can. If you’re one of those people who avoid public speaking, you’re missing out. Okay, so now that you understand the benefits of public speaking, you might be a little more interested. Still, you might think it’s not for you. Maybe you gave a speech once and it didn’t go well. Maybe you’re afraid of public speaking. Or maybe you think you don’t have a natural ability for giving speeches. The truth is that public speaking is a skill. It can be learned. While some people may have more natural speaking ability than others, or a more pleasing voice, or are more charismatic—anyone who can speak can learn to be a better public speaker than they are right now. It just takes some know-how and some effort. Enroll Today to know more..
Welcome To Creaturefector! You may be wondering: Defector is mostly a sports blog. What sport is there in creatures? Not very much, which is perhaps for the best considering how many historical animal-related sports often also revolved around killing the animals (see: eel-pulling, as well as the related and deadly eel-pulling riot of 1886). But in my eyes, Defector is a perfect home for the creature beat because Defector is a site that is full of joy and, more importantly, obsession. To me, obsession seems crucial for the creature beat because if you were to randomly encounter a creature in the wild, you might feel confused, flustered, or even repulsed. Maybe that creature is a small bug that has more legs than you’re accustomed to seeing. Maybe that creature has something standoffish about them, such as spines, slime, or a stinger. Maybe that creature is actually very beautiful and mysterious but has no interest in knowing you—to which I say, good for them! I encounter creatures every day that I cannot comprehend. I encounter even more creatures that I never even notice. But I want to notice them, and to understand them! Here is where I come in. I am not a scientist or an expert in any particular creature, but I am a science journalist who loves to talk to people who devote their entire lives to unraveling the secrets of frog feet or weevil snouts. At Defector, I hope to be your guide to the many creatures that slither, flop, and burrow around us on this stupidly beautiful planet—building on the excellent coverage of Birdfector and blogging my way into the secrets of the evolution of life on Earth. I will also write about humans in science, such as the people who shaped its history and the many other people who are now working to fix what the aforementioned people ruined or got wrong. I aim to be deeply skeptical about what is morally permissible in the name of science and scientific discovery, and hope to center the voices of those who are directly affected by said science and are critical about the harm research can bring to marginalized communities. I’m also interested in the ways science can advance equity and justice, as well as the ways science percolates in more mainstream culture, whether that’s in goofy memes or yet another vaguely erotic film about a man and an octopus. I would be remiss to talk about science blogging without acknowledging one of the best to ever do it. Ed Yong’s decade-long blog Not Exactly Rocket Science had the simple mission “to celebrate the wonder of science and above all else, to make it as interesting and fun to any reader as it is to me.” I started reading Ed’s blog when I was a wee intern at Scientific American who had no background in science, had never taken (and passed) a science class in college, and had no idea what on earth I was doing interning at a place like Scientific American. Not Exactly Rocket Science wasn’t just my guide into learning about and loving the sciences, it was also a model of the kind of science writing I realized I wanted to do: blogs that are accessible, engaging, and full of wonder. And now here I am, finally free to blog about little guys—a term I deploy in a gender-neutral sense—to my heart’s content. Maybe some big guys will sneak in, too, but only if they’re a little funky. Welcome to Creaturefector. I hope you like it here.
Raspberries. Wet river rock. Crushed mint leaves. Strawberries. Wilted baby greens. These ingredients may sound like a side salad from the tony bistro in midtown, but in actuality these are some of the characteristics of pinot noir. In its perfect form, pinot noir is hardly a side dish. It’s exquisite, balanced and polarizing all at the same time. When you ask someone if she likes pinot noir, you usually get one of two responses: “Oh, yes, especially from the Russian River Valley,” or she wrinkles up her nose and politely says, “It’s not my favorite,” often citing a barnyard quality of her last pinot noir experience. Originating in the Burgundy region of France, pinot noir grapes grow in a very tight cluster in the shape of a pine cone. As they thrive in the cooler regions of the world, we are mostly exposed to the exquisite wines of Willamette Valley of Oregon and the California regions of Carneros, Central Coast and Russian River. The 2004 movie Sideways salutes this varietal as the main character explores wine in the Santa Barbera area of Central California. This movie makes a wonderful fuss over a grape that is incredibly temperamental, moody and prone to surprises, similar to the movie’s protagonist. Pinot wine grape growers commit to full-time babysitting when they embark on a successful harvest of quality grapes. Because the grape cluster grows so tightly, the cluster of thin-skinned grapes is prone to rot from moisture sitting in the nooks and crannies of the cluster. To prevent rot, the vines must be managed and pruned with a close eye and a loving hand. When this is successful, the juice of the pinot noir is a lighter red with low tannin quality. Although there are varietal-specific qualities at the core of pinot noir, these regions contain nuances that make them special examples of a timeless varietal. Wine labels are designed to entice you to explore contents of the bottle; when these regions are listed on the label, you can anticipate region-specific qualities based on their terroir. Although specific winemakers are artisans in this art form, these regions reflect some unique characteristics. Willamette Valley, Oregon, produces an earthier quality of pinot noir that nearly transports you to the vineyard itself. The soil qualities enhance both fragrance and flavor, balanced with subtle berry flavors. Russian River, California, vineyards grow in a sandy soil and enjoy early morning fog with warm afternoon breezes from the Pacific Ocean. These pinots have a mid-range ruby color, exotic spices, cherry on the front of the palate and a long finish. A fragrance of violet can be the primary sense of pinot noir from the Carneros region of California, with a spicy berry finish, fresh earthiness and balance. Napa and Sonoma are contained in the Carneros region north of the San Pablo Bay. Central Coast terroir encompasses six counties along the coast of California, where influences from the Pacific Ocean keep these vineyards cool, providing a consistent and moderate growing season. With a lighter shade of garnet, these pinots often present a bit of white pepper with subtle fragrance and flavors of anise and earth. Because of the delicate nature of pinot noir, I keep my bottles stored in the low 50s and out of light. Rather than the tall, slender, broad-shouldered bottle for cabernet or malbec, the bottle shape of pinot noir has a low shoulder and larger base similar to a chardonnay bottle. To keep these bottles stacked safely, use a slotted wine rack that supports each bottle to prevent slippage and potential breakage. Every season seems to have its particular wine varietal. In fall and winter, we gravitate toward the robust spice and warmth of cabernet franc, petite sirah and barbera. When spring arrives, the farmers’ market produce changes, air has fresh scents and life that is well timed for pinot noir. Try pinot noir this spring with lamb, salmon and finely cured meats from your favorite delicatessen. Your favorite baked chicken recipe with spring vegetables, sage and butter sauce is the perfect gateway to enjoying a lovely pinot noir. In my opinion, we Americans tend to serve our red wines a bit too warm. For European wine lovers, room temperature is fairly chilly when we consider the multi-generational stone residences that may not have central heat. Chances are your pinot noir will benefit from about 20 minutes in the refrigerator before serving. Sources: moviefone.com and wineenthusiast.com. Next Story → Bring on the Mead, Honey!
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Scale is gmail,bulupe,scale,puzzle, content rating is Everyone (PEGI-3). This app is rated 4.36 by 58 users who are using this app. To know more about the company/developer, visit 101 Digital Co website who developed it. com.gmail.bulupe.Scale.apk apps can be downloaded and installed on Android 4.0.x and higher Android devices. The Latest Version of 2.3.57 Available for download. Download the app using your favorite browser and click Install to install the application. Please note that we provide both basic and pure APK files and faster download speeds than APK Mirror. This app APK has been downloaded 247717+ times on store. You can also download com.gmail.bulupe.Scale APK and run it with the popular Android Emulators. Apk Scaned By TotalVirus Antivirus,com.gmail.bulupe.Scale.apk Was Pure And Safe. Honor Smart Scale is an app used to manage Honor's body fat scales.. Simple game, easy to play. Good distraction. But oh my God. THE ADS. The ads are just too much. Every app has ads and that's to be expected. Even some ads would be fine. But there is literally one for every single action. Pass a level? Ad. Make a mistake? Ad. Want to go back to the menu? Ad. And they're all 30 seconds long, so you just have to sit there. Like another reviewer said, it's 80% ads, 20% game. Would be a really addictive and enjoyable game otherwise. I think people will enjoy it... For a while at least... Sometimes you will get a level that is unbeatable but if you restart it you will get a completely different challenge... There is no consistency in ball speed or direction so sometimes it's easy to chop bits off and set yourself up for a win and other times, not. Try it for yourself. The ads being forced down your throat are just way too much. and way more than any other game i've seen. I hadn't even played a game or selected a level and i'm getting 30 second ads thrown at me. If the devs actually cared they'd make it at least optional or give something in return. Instead you're punished for playing the game. UNINSTALLED. They are profiting of false advertisement as a so-called-ad/ revinew (that included self promotion & other concepts as well as paid promotion) stated that it is 'ad free.' However, this accusation is undoubtedly incorrect! Not 1 level into this strategic game, several ads appeared. To justify, there are no options to delay the decisive ad nor can you purchase an online pass to corrupt the set game files; reduce the ads. I suggest to provide a more engaging view to those whom fell into this trap. i really liked and enjoyed this game. and i do understand that gamers do need to make money but i have never seen a single game with this many ads. i mean honestly the number of ads i get are more than times you get knocked out. i mean if you are playing game for straight 5 minutes on an avrage you will get more than 20 ads in 5 minutes. that is just too much and it sucks. Reminds me of an old favourite game. A bit buggy bcs ball gets stuck in narrow spaces, having several narrow spaces (i had 4 thin but long ones) wouldn't enlarge the field so your next stage would be quite hard, game freezes at game over (probably stuck loading ads lol) and some ads doesn't have a countdown or runs over 30 sec. Overall a worthwhile game, but not a keeper. Simple game. Amazing ad delivery system. Slightly better at the latter than the former. Also, the confirmation screen to leave the app is unnecessary and options for "leave" or "continue having fun" really do work on the assumption that the ads haven't spoiled the fun already.
10% more armour than anyone that doesn't have the vest is an advantage no matter how little. With smg's becoming more viable in 1.6 you wont see as much ar's so the EAD spam wont be as common so in turn armour becomes more needed. Max roll armour gear items will be vital in the DZ now, before you could do well with something you just threw together but now there is far more emphasis on maxing your gear. So again, that 10% is massive if the person you're going up against doesn't have one, not to mention the weapon damage and skill power increase. Its still by far, BiS.
What is the result of worship? What happens when a worshipper approaches God with faith in Christ and receives from him in Word and Sacrament? Anglicans believe that the experience of worshiping has a transformative effect on the worshipper. The people of God are changed as they spend time in the presence of God together. The food God gives us nourishes our souls, so that we can go out in his strength, serving him. This prayer reminds us, and commits us to the fact that worship is not selfish. The Word that fills our imaginations and heals our souls, and the sacrament which is given to our whole selves is a cup which runs over. We leave as “faithful witnesses” of his majesty, of “living members” of his Body, of a people with the assurance that he loves us and that he always goes before us. We do not simply receive, we are sent to give. The blessing is an ancient custom in which the bishop or priest pronounces to the people that the comfort, protection, and presence of God is upon and remains with his people. The blessing is a sacramental moment in that with raised hands and in a clear and strong voice (usually the same voice that bid the people to confess their sins and promised God’s forgiveness), the words are said over and to the people. The blessing is a short but important portion of the liturgy in that as fallen creatures, we do need constant reassurance that God is with us. We need to bow our heads and turn our hands up to receive this truth and to receive the assuring gift of his smile. And truly, the blessing is in its own way a liturgical moment which imparts the grand extravagance of the grace of God to his beloved people. The end of the service is really the beginning, as the Post-communion Prayer and Blessing imply. So the dismissal does not end with an “Amen.” It sends with “Go in Peace…” Worship has no end – we continue to worship as we go where we are called to go in the name of the Christ we love. I’m looking for the prayer itself. Can you add it here or provide a link? Be well, be safe, be blessed.
The healthcare industry is one of the most important industries in our society. We take pride in the fact that we can help that industry improve itself. In recent years, the idea of mobile medical clinics has become much more widespread and prevalent, as the benefits are seen every day. To alleviate the worries of those who still have hang-ups about the idea of mobile medical care, we’ve written this article on how mobile clinics are improving the healthcare industry. Sometimes, people can be their own worst enemy when it comes to their health. Many people avoid the healthcare system as much as possible due to distrust and a reluctance to deal with healthcare professionals. One of the best ways mobile medical clinics are improving the healthcare industry is by bringing that care to where these patients feel most comfortable. This creates an atmosphere that feels less hostile and more welcoming to many people. Because of their smaller size, mobile health clinics are great for establishing relationships with patients who don’t trust their healthcare system as much. That trust can build over time, so those patients aren’t as reluctant to get help when they need it. Mobile clinics have much less overhead than your typical clinic or hospital. This gives them the ability to offer their services and checkups for more affordable prices than one would find elsewhere. Many mobile clinics use their mobility to reach places that have lower-income families living nearby. Being able to provide healthcare to those who normally couldn’t afford such things is something to be commended. Without the need for too much staff and not needing to pay for large plots of land and building costs, mobile clinics are in the perfect position to help those with lower incomes get the care they need. Hospitals and clinics are great to have, obviously, but their reach can only extend so far. For those who live in remote areas or simply don’t live anywhere near a hospital or clinic, a mobile clinic is the perfect option when they need care. Mobile medical clinics allow the healthcare industry to cast a much wider net over those who need medical assistance. The more people who can reach healthcare when they need it, the better off we all are. CGS Premier understands the critical role that mobile medical clinics play in reaching people who need healthcare. That’s why we provide our mobile medical clinic trailers to talented and skilled individuals and organizations looking to make a real difference.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO is offering a practical training course for professionals. The program is part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for Baden-Wurttemberg’s mobility initiative for SMEs. In the Fraunhofer IAO’s new New Mobility Academy in Stuttgart, representatives from both SMEs and from large enterprises can train to become a ‘New Mobility Manager’. On one-day training courses, participants can broaden their expertise in electrification, automation, and networking for the mobility sector. Training is in the form of modules, which can be booked individually or as a complete package; participants are required to successfully complete all ten modules to achieve the qualification. The first sessions are scheduled to start in June 2019 and will be offered at regular intervals up to December 2021. Leading research institutes and companies from Baden-Wurttemberg are involved in designing and running the training program. Lecturers from science and industry are responsible for the quality and practical aspect of the course content. The cost per module is €600. The Ministry of Economic Affairs is financing participants from SMEs based in Baden-Wuerttemberg with grants of €300 per participant per module.