I am on the Prepaid Monthly Talk & Text 450 Plan with the LG enV Touch as my handset. My device is getting a little fussy in its old age, so I had purchased an LG Accolade to activate my line of service upon. In the past, on the daily plans, my handsets could be changed effortlessly, but when I enter the MEID for the Accolade, I'm prompted to choose either a monthly or a daily plan. I wish to simply continue with my current plan, but I see no visible option to easily do so on the screen. Thus, this is where my inquiries lie: If I were to select the Monthly option, would it transfer my current, mid-cycle plan to the new phone without charge, OR would it require me to select a new plan, along with the subsequent charges and cycle reset? Thank You to whomever in advance for whatever help you can offer me. My thinking is that your account and plan is attached to your cell number so no matter what new phone (unless it involves a data pkg plan) nothing in your monthly plan that you have now would change. To be on the safe side I would double check this with customer service.
Q: Android: MapView - getMapCenter() not accurate? I'll try to break down my problem to a simple example. I tried to draw a circle which stays exactly in the middle of the view. For this i used the following code in the draw method of my Overlay: GeoPoint mapCenter = mapView.getMapCenter(); Projection projection = mapView.getProjection(); int centerLat = mapCenter.getLatitudeE6(); int centerLong = mapCenter.getLongitudeE6(); Point pCircleCenter = new Point(); GeoPoint circleCenter = new GeoPoint(centerLat, centerLong); projection.toPixels(circleCenter, pCircleCenter); canvas.drawCircle(pCircleCenter.x, pCircleCenter.y, 30, testPaint); When i run the code the circle is exactly in the middle of the screen. It also stays in the mid when i scroll vertical but when i scroll horizontal the circle moves slightly in the scrolled direction. The circle is completely out of position after a few scrolls instead of staying in the mid. (This is just a simplified version of my problem but i need to get the mid this way instead of just sticking it to the middle of the view.) A: One option would be to just add an ImageView through the layout file.
And remember that correlations are very, very rarely 100%. So even if there is a meaningful correlation between height and basketball excellence, height doesn't capture all of the factors that contribute to NBA success. For example, Isaiah Thomas. Plus, regression to the mean. If you have two measurements, one of which is a fair distance off the mean, the second measurement is likely to be closer to the mean. And big picture, the question of over/underachievement is less significant to an individual's outcomes than their capacity to make the most of the opportunities that come their way by exercising character skills.
That support consisted of matching each scholarship recipient with an insurance professional, and, in addition, the students were found internships within insurance companies during the summer vacation. Lorene said her role has changed over the years as, initially, it involved advising on which courses to take, which colleges to consider and which subjects to major in. Joyce Duarte, who is now with XL Capital, said it was Lorene who recommended she take the double major of insurance and finance. “Since graduating, Lorene has helped me adjust to the corporate environment and even though we no longer have formal mentor/mentee roles, we continue the relationship. Lorene is always there if I need her,” said Joyce. However, the usual view of mentoring being of obvious benefit to the ‘mentee' is not always the whole story; the mentor can also gain from the relationship in a number of ways. In a country as small as Bermuda, with such a diverse workforce, this is particularly relevant. “It's the one-on-one contact that really helps people”, said Canadian Don Baker, CEO of Zurich International and mentor to Steven Jones. “I find mentoring helps me better understand where young Bermudians are coming from, and we also learn a lot about each other and our different nationalities. Mentoring is a two-way street that allows us both to benefit. “Steve and I have become good friends and not only have I been able to give him advice and support, but I also feel that I am giving back to the community”. Now, five years on, 27 students have been recipients of scholarship awards to help them through their studies, but more than 80 students have benefited from the BFIS Mentor Programme. Cathy Lapsley, executive director of BFIS, said that she will not turn away a student, even if they are not studying insurance. “As the scholarship criteria has expanded to include students studying actuarial science, risk management and finance, it has meant that BFIS is able to spread its net wider and our mentor programme now includes commerce and international business students,” she explained. BFIS works closely with the Bermuda Insurance Institute young members in promoting careers in insurance to high school students. The profile form that students and mentors fill out when joining the programme includes information about their hobbies as well as their educational backgrounds. BFIS finds this information very useful when matching a student to a mentor, but enthusiasm for the programme is the main pre-requisite. If there is a problem emerging from the programmes, it is that mentees sometimes do not use their mentors enough. This is, however, because the mentees know their mentors are very busy and they don't want to ‘bother' them unnecessarily. “We wouldn't have signed up if we didn't want to be contacted and asked for advice regularly,” is the mentors' response. So the students are now told to keep in contact, even if it is only once a month by e-mail. Of course some relationships work better and are closer than others. “I didn't have any family or friends who were working in the insurance industry, so finding a mentor was a huge help,” said Vinzie Zuill. In September 1999, Vinzie had just entered Bermuda College as a freshman in the Associate Degree Programme when she heard about BFIS and its mentor programme. She did not know what exactly she wanted to do in insurance or who to ask about the options which might be open for her, but following a meeting with Cathy Lapsley, she was matched to Sharon Woods of OIL Casualty. Sharon had only just signed up to be a mentor having heard about the programme from her boss, Doug Kline, senior vice-president and chief operating officer of OIL Insurance, and a BFIS trustee. Now almost two years later, Vinzie has not only had the support and advice she was looking for, but has also been learning the business from the inside through interning at OIL during term-time and vacations. She has even been to Disney World in Orlando, Florida with her mentor's family. Generous financial support together with hands-on involvement by some of Bermuda's insurance leaders has led to the success of BFIS. The innovative step of establishing a formalised mentor programme has proved to one of the main building blocks of this success.
Genemy 1.5.6 – Creative Multi Concept Landing Pages Pack With Page Builder Genemy 1.5.6 is a theme created for various purposes. It is a WordPress theme that consists of a set of landing page designs. In Genemy’s case, the default landing page layout is called Demo’d. It includes a lot of things like a really engaging and fascinating introduction to start with, and a portfolio section with a more engaging modal. These modes are modes that keep users on the same page. Besides these features, the default landing page layout also includes typography section dividers and also a variety of other things like a reference slider. Finally, towards the end of the landing page design, there is contact information to facilitate communication with the company; Also, there is a call to action button at the end. Genemy is an award-winning digital creation agency. Features: - Web development: It is the era of digital marketing and Genemy is a subject who works in the field of web development. - Brand identity: Genemy helps you create a new identity for your business or company. It helps you to make it a well-known and prosperous brand later on. - Keyword Research – Allows you to be the first choice for those doing various research on the internet. - User experience: Genemy offers a great user experience. It has great features that make the theme user friendly and easy to use. - Genemy Concept: The concept and idea behind the Genemy theme was to allow your business to grow tremendously in less time. And this is possible by using high-quality themes with even greater features. - 15 ready-to-open layout styles and multiple pages - One-click demo installation - $ 33 free page builder (powered by visual composer) drag and drop - Ready for WPML - Left / right sidebar, full width page and blog layout. - Sidebar / full width layout of the store and product page - Translation ready with .pot file - Portfolio & Team Post Type - Powerful theme options - Unlimited color presets - Fully responsive design (PC, tablet and mobile phone) - Valid HTML5 / CSS3 W3C - Based on Twitter Bootstrap 4 - Clean and ultra modern design - Developer friendly comment code - Modern responsive mobile browsing - More than 8 additional internal pages - SEO optimized page layouts (use of titles, etc.) - Ready for Google Analytics - Browser compatibility - 630+ cool font icons - Compatible with Google fonts - Documentation is easy to understand - Special support How To Free Download? Download “Genemy” now from the download button given below. Note: If you have any problem while downloading, kindly disable Adblock for this site. Still, facing any issue? feel free to contact us. Demo:
THE first step the Asean 10 citizens must understand and internalize, even in the remotest possibility of a third world war (on the presumption that the word war between North Korean dictator Kim Jung-un and US President Donald Trump will not end in pushing their nuclear buttons) are the bases of the actions of these two. One principal consideration of any analyst of the current Asia-Pacific geopolitical and military tensions is the historical background of all the players in this game—mainly North Korea, the US, China, Japan, and Russia. Important given factor/presumption is that the governments of the Asean members are aware of the realities of globalization and the vital role of economics in this game. And they are using this knowledge, intensifying their individual efforts to gather accurate data in real time— then vetting these—and working to unite faster, trust and closely cooperate with each other so not any one Asean member becomes a collateral damage in case any shooting starts. Of course, it can be argued that this is the ideal situation—but it is impossible to do in the immediate and medium-term future. In the longterm (a century) maybe!Most likely? The reality is: the economies, cultures, and governance of the Asean members are on different levels of development due to their colonial histories. Economically, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam (in various degrees) are ahead of the Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos. Precisely, these are the major reasons there is the urgent need to fast-track the regional unification. It will be best for the Southeast Asian region, with its 650 million youngerpopulation (and still counting), predicted to be the fastest growing group of sovereign states in the next two decades. It is the best peace broker in this North Korean-American verbal war. During the 31st Asean Summit in Manila late last year, President Rodrigo Duerte took the first step to be the concerned mediator and offered his services. This year’s Aseansummit host,Singapore, is expected to continue the group’s initiative to maintain Southeast Asia as a region of peace, amity and friendship. North Korea distrusts Japan and the US because Japan had occupied Korea for 70 years before the last world war. It took Manchuria from China for its natural resources and lost it after Japan lost the last war as member of the Axis powers. The Americans, since 1945, still has military bases in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Americans themselves are critical of, and vocally against, their government leaders for keeping US military bases in foreign lands in this century. It is anachronistic and antithetical to their concept of popular democracy. The second world war, which united the British, the French, the Nationalist Chinese (of the late Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, predecessor of now the Peoples Republic of China in the mainland and in the United Nations), Russia (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the US, also incubated the Cold War even before 1939. In practice, however, as is actually evidenced both in Russia and China, this is a myth. There is a “strong government” which translates in suppression of individual liberties and complete control by the central government. They both have adopted the capitalist principles of international trade and export economy. For student readers of this paper, particularly the millennials, the Cold War was the ideological conflict between the Americans and their European allies on one hand, with Russia on the other. They were allies for convenience against Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Italy under Fascist Mussolini, and Imperial Japan of Emperor Hirohito and Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, known as the Axis. (Before 1939, Stalin’s then Soviet Union, which had converted to communism the North Korean leader Kim Il-sung, Chinese leader Mao Zedong, and North Vietnamese guerilla-chief- against-the-French Ho Chi Minh. They were schooled in Moscow.They all returned home to fight, with Soviet war materiel and financial help, for government control. (Mao beat Chiang in 1949 in their power struggle and he founded the current China. Chiang retreated to Taiwan, and was militarily supported by the US for more than 25 years. Ho and his military chief General Giap beat the colonial French in the 1950s and their successor, the US, in 1957—the Vietnam Wars), while Kim invaded South Korea in 1952 and launched the Korean War which ended in a truce in 1954). Russia directly supplied the North Koreans with war planes and military intelligence during the Korean War. Russian and US fighter jets engaged over the Yalu River known as the MIG alley. China sent army troops and tangled with American (and their allies) foot soldiers under General Douglas MacArthur. Russia’s stake in the Asia-Pacific region is quite obvious if you look at the world map. Its eastern side—part of Siberia—is well in Northeast Asia. Its Asia port of Vladivostok is opposite Japan’s Hokkaido Island. It has a border with North Korea and a long borderline on the Amur River with China. And Putin’s vision of Russia is one of a major influential economic power, in friendly and peaceful competition with Europe and the West. Yet the Russian leadership has not forgotten the historical wars with Napoleon’s France, Hitler’s Nazi Germany, their defeat with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the popular destruction of the Berlin Wall which unified Germany, and their exit in defeat from Afghanistan in 1991. Therefore, the question persists: are the Russians under Putin and the Central Committee not on a revenge mode by dreaming ofreturning their homeland to its “old glorious years”? China has claimed it has not “invaded” nor “colonized” any country or people and its claim of neighboring countries (Tibet, Nepal) and the South China Sea; that it is a “civilization state” because it had been a “unified” country even before the Treaty of Westphalia defined sovereign states as a group of people inhabiting a territory it can defend against invaders, having abinding common language and history, and a duly organized government recognized by other countries. But a cursory readingof a few published accounts shows this being questioned by scholars: In the early centuries of man’s development, communities expanded and grew into territories and eventually into tribes, clans and dynasties of families or ruling classes for their own increasing populations (though infant mortality was also high for lack of medical technological advance). This was called “the territorial imperative,” or the need for land to feed, house and clothe the people. Admittedly, it is primitive but effective. And the only way to expand the territory is by invasion and occupation. China was ruled by families which intermarried to keep their land and continued to go to war—to defend their holdings or acquire additional areas. The Qing Dynasty invaded Burma four times from 1765-1769. They have an 800-mile border. The Northern Burmese fought the invaders each time and China gave them independence. Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty invaded Vietnam, then known as Dai Ngu, and captured the Ho Dynasty, which was ruling Vietnam then and occupied the Vietnam from 1407 to 1427. China invaded Tibet and the current Dalai Lama had to escape through Kashmir in 1957 and is still in self-exile. He has not announced any successor but the Chinese under Mao declared thePachen Lama as the head of government. China invaded Vietnam but the troops of Ho and Giap, victorious over the Americans in 1975, fiercely fought back, forcing the Chinese to retreat in March 1979. Thus, the Chinese are still distrusted despite their financial and technological offers worldwide.
Perform all maintenance services to maintain or enhance the appearance and effectives of ODB facilities and grounds. Perform building projects and repair tasks to include but not limited to carpentry, drywall, flooring, painting and plumbing. Perform ongoing maintenance tasks and various inspections to meet local, state, and federal regulations. Conduct repairs and maintenance on B&G-related equipment including lawn and snow removal equipment as well as limited vehicle repair. Provide lawn service and snow removal as assigned. Maintain lawn-sprinkling system. Fulfill internal customer requests and projects as assigned by Team Leader. Assist with office moves. High school graduate with additional training or experience in mechanical, plumbing, and carpentry. Two years maintenance experience required. Ability to learn ODB’s security and HVAC systems. Internal communication is with teammates, and is frequent with various individuals throughout the organization. External communication is occasional and is usually with a limited audience—salespersons, vendors, service personnel, etc. May need to provide guidance and direction to other teammates and vendors/service personnel. Will be required to use discretion in the control and use of supplies. Responsible for proper operation and maintenance of equipment, vehicles, and facilities. Some danger associated with this position in the area of grounds keeping and general repairs, i.e. climbing and standing on ladders, trimming grass, power tools, handling of chemicals, etc. On call for emergency situations associated with the building and/or its environment. Involves outdoor work in extreme conditions (summer, winter, etc).
EDMONTON — Another person has been hospitalized in Alberta after testing positive for swine flu. Provincial health officials say the woman, from southern Alberta, had travelled to Mexico. The province also reported five other new cases of the illness, but they are all mild. That brings the total number of cases in Alberta to 67. Earlier this month, health officials confirmed that a girl had been admitted to an Edmonton hospital with the illness. A northern Alberta woman is the only Canadian who has died after testing positive, although health officials have said she also had other medical conditions.
Can a good pub sell a country house? A good pub within walking distance is on most buyers’ wish lists and can even uphold an area’s value. But what makes the perfect village pub? Arabella Youens investigates. If the idea that a village pub can sell a country house sounds a bit extreme, here’s a story to prove it. When the parents of James Mackenzie, head of the country-house department at Strutt & Parker, were in Oman and reading a copy of Country Life, they spotted an old rectory near Lyme Regis in Dorset for sale. The Bell at Stow is one such pub – gorgeously cosy with beautiful food. In recent months, Mr Gladwin has handled two transactions where a good pub was at the top of the list of must-haves; as neither client enjoyed cooking, the pub would be an extension of their kitchen, to feed the family and house guests. The Ebrington Arms. ‘Even in less extreme scenarios,’ he adds, ‘it’s great entertainment for guests at weekends, especially if they can combine a good walk with a pub lunch or have a late dinner there after driving down from London.’ The best landlords, adds his colleague Jonathan Bramwell, ‘will keep their kitchens open a bit late to accommodate this type of clientele. Now that you can no longer make a profit on selling pints alone, it’s the food that helps in no small way to keep these pubs alive’. Village pubs that are successful tread a fine line between catering for the weekend crowd and looking after locals. Peter Creed runs The Bell Inn at Langford in west Oxfordshire, having taken over the pub, which was then derelict, with his business partner, chef Tom Noest, two years ago. It’s taken off and they now have an outlet in Soho Farmhouse (The Little Bell) and are in the process of negotiating on another pub nearby. Dogs friendly is a must – luckily, the Ebrington Arms welcomes all types of patrons! Although it may not come as a surprise that the British public hankers after a regular pint to wash down wholesome grub, Charlie Wells of Prime Purchase, Savills’ buying agents, believes the pub factor is increasingly playing a role for international buyers, too. ‘Foreign buyers love a good old-fashioned English pub with horse brasses, which doesn’t really exist in Scandinavia or America,’ he explains. In addition, they attract buyers with families; as children become teenagers, the pub becomes particularly useful if they can walk there and meet friends, rather than using parents as a taxi service. The Fife Arms, Braemar – The Flying Stag adds a unique decorative touch. ‘A good pub makes a good village and vice versa,’ concludes Mr Gladwin. With that in mind, if the current pub isn’t hitting the mark, it might be a good plan to take it over. That may sound like a storyline from The Archers, but these days, communities are beginning to take matters into their own hands and village-owned, village-run pubs are reversing some of the decline in pub closures. < Previous Jeannie Robertson "When I Was Noo But Sweet Sixteen"
I love psionics. To me the great thing about magic as a concept is the feeling of something that's not supposed to be happening - that violates the rules and breaks the system. "Nobody is supposed to be able to do this thing, but I know a trick that lets me do it anyway." The more magic becomes normalized, so to speak, the less special it feels. It starts to become just another kind of science: a tool that follows specific systems that anyone can use if they obey the rules of it. So things like warlocks and psionics, that exist outside of that order, really appeal to me.
Hi there! As a long time childcare provider I know the responsibilities of taking care of kids. Providing comfort and security for parents is of the utmost importance, as is fun, structure and creativity. I love building a friendship with kids and making them feel good about themselves. I am organized and flexible in terms of multitasking around the home. My first job at 15 was as a ski instructor, and then I went onto swim instructing, babysitting on occasion and nannying. I am able to provide fantastic references from past families I have worked with. I am energetic and always, always happy to help!
A journey up the Nujiang Valley is a mixed experience, natural beauty in the shadow of a traffic chaos. We move in stages. The two towns identified as potential stop-overs, ‘two-street’ Fugong and ‘one-street’ Gongshan, as the 2017 version of a reputable travel guide calls them, are, according to our various sources, including local bus drivers, no more than 3-4 hours drive apart, and from Liuku to Fugong is a similar distance. Overseeable. Yet, a small problem arises in Liuku’s bus station, where, despite having been told the opposite by the receptionist of our hotel, there are no busses anymore to Fugong. Neither to Gongshan, and no, not tomorrow, either. Weird. All tickets sold already? Or because it is Sunday, today? Not wishing to hang around in Liuku any longer than necessary, we find a chap with a shared taxi, who is prepared to drive us to Fugong. Only later I wonder whether this guy, who we already met on the way to the bus station, is in fact the cousin of the lady not wanting to sell us any tickets. Anyhow, we left by car instead of by bus, and paid about ten times as much, which in any case was still not very expensive. For what turned out a 5.5 hours’ drive. Almost the entire road, 125 km of it, is in fact a building site. Roadworks equipment is everywhere, to work on the widening of the road, by drilling into the rockface. Which leaves large piles of rock on one half of a road, which is in any case in most places barely wide enough to have two lorries pass each other. And lorries there are, not only those involved in the road works, but also many others, some of which are so big you wonder how they have ever made it here. Where there are no piles of rocks from road works, there are piles of rocks from landslides, creating the same type of obstacle. As do those places where the road has partly disappeared into the river. As if this isn’t enough to frequently block the traffic, in the small towns we pass people have parked their cars, and their tuktuks, haphazardly along the road. Nobody seems to be bothered: isn’t that what you used to do with your bicycle, too? Except that now in each of those towns the traffic comes almost to a complete stand-still, with trucks carefully inching past each other, wherever there is a little room. Creating space by reversing a little, for an oncoming truck, is out of the question, that would be losing face, and besides, so many other vehicles have already piled up behind, that reversing isn’t an option anyhow. And the occasional truckdriver who holds back allowing an oncoming one to pass a narrow stretch gets punished by the drivers of smart sedans and SUVs, who immediately see an opportunity to overtake. So everybody pushes relentlessly forward. To keep the dust under control, a tanker slowly ploughs the road spraying water, which turns the dust into mud. The tanker slows down the traffic further, and the mud sprays the windows of our car. As does the mud that splashes out of the many potholes, and from the unsurfaced stretches of road currently under repair. All together this doesn’t contribute to the experience of driving a scenic route. We reached Fugong, considerably bigger than ‘two streets’, where we found a hotel near the bus station, for an early departure the next day. Where once more we were told that there are no busses. Come on! But now it transpired that the Chinese are very particular about the type of bus you ask for. My Mandarin-speaking travel companion had asked for a long-distance bus, which translates into a slightly more luxurious version of bus, and no, these don’t exist on this route – for obvious reasons. When we insisted, one of the staff finally remembered that there was, indeed, another bus, but smaller. Which was in fact equally comfortable. And which would leave in half an hour. And took, instead of the promised 2.5 hours, almost 5 hours. Same story as above. The scenery did improve, though, and gradually the road became quieter, and the developments less conspicuous. Locally, we spotted even some wooden villages, or at least villages with some wooden houses left. The driver was kind enough to stop at the tourist highlight of the route, the Stone Moon, and let me off the bus to take pictures. First I thought the Stone Moon was the bend in the river, which indeed had somewhat the shape of a new moon. But after more pointing and shouting, I discovered, high up the mountain, a round hole: a much more likely candidate for the Stone Moon. does this look like a new moon to you? Gongshan may be mostly ‘one-street’, but it is a very long one, flanked by plenty high buildings. The bus driver parked the bus at the entrance of town, vaguely pointing along the road to where the connecting transport to Bingzhongluo was supposed to depart. As Gongshan wasn’t particularly attractive, we had decided to push on. After all, Bingzhongluo was only another 1.5 hours drive. We started walking – what else can you do? Until somebody suggested we take a shared taxi, a great idea, as the departure point was indeed at the other end of that very long ‘one street’. Of course, the 1.5 hours became 2.5, but finally we arrived at Bingzhongluo. Which is, indeed, a one-street village. Hopefully, at the end of one of those many bridges, you will still find a traditional wooden village :)… i have a question though: how is Chinese wine, if any? You can’t pass through X-mas, as commercially exploited as it is these days, without at lest a bottle of red. See you soon. We keep an eye on your journey. we did, Adrian, we did. See the next entry :). But somehow we have to adjust expectations, probably for the next few weeks, as well. Chinese progress is unstoppable. But at the end you finished at the richt places.
const INPUT: &'static str = include_str!("../input.txt"); fn int_from_binary_str(s: &str) -> isize { isize::from_str_radix(s, 2).unwrap() } // 2035764 fn part1(lines: &[&str]) { let mut gamma: String = "".to_string(); let mut epsilon: String = "".to_string(); let bit_count = lines[0].len(); for i in 0_usize..bit_count { let mut zero_count = 0; let mut one_count = 0; for line in lines { if line.chars().nth(i).unwrap() == '0' { zero_count += 1; } else { one_count += 1; } } gamma.push(if zero_count > one_count { '0' } else { '1' }); epsilon.push(if zero_count > one_count { '1' } else { '0' }); } println!("Part 1: {}", int_from_binary_str(gamma.as_str()) * int_from_binary_str(epsilon.as_str())); } fn select<'a, const SEARCH_MAX: bool>(input: &'a [&'a str], digit: usize) -> &'a [&'a str] { assert_ne!(input.len(), 0); if input.len() == 1 { return input; } let first_one_pos = input.iter().position(|s| s.chars().nth(digit).unwrap() == '1').unwrap(); if SEARCH_MAX { if input.len() - first_one_pos >= first_one_pos { // more one or equal one select::<SEARCH_MAX>(&input[first_one_pos..], digit + 1) } else { select::<SEARCH_MAX>(&input[..first_one_pos], digit + 1) } } else { if input.len() - first_one_pos >= first_one_pos { // less zero or equal zero select::<SEARCH_MAX>(&input[..first_one_pos], digit + 1) } else { select::<SEARCH_MAX>(&input[first_one_pos..], digit + 1) } } } fn part2(lines: &[&str]) { let oxy = select::<true>(lines, 0).first().unwrap(); let co2 = select::<false>(lines, 0).first().unwrap(); println!("Part 2: {}", int_from_binary_str(oxy) * int_from_binary_str(co2)); } fn main() { let mut lines: Vec<_> = INPUT.lines().collect(); lines.sort(); part1(lines.as_slice()); part2(lines.as_slice()); }
The loss or revenue stems from staff not working to their full potential. It is not that the staffs are not willing to work, but the work was not there. State licensing requires a minimum of two staff present at all times and the legal ratio is one teacher to eighteen children. The highest enrollment was 26 in the afternoon. The morning program was even less. These people are more likely to gain employment as well as employment stability. Gaining more experience provides them with available resources in their current career field and keeps them updated with any changes that takes place within that career field. They may be provided with hands-on opportunities such as internships. Doing so allows them to actually see what they will be doing once they have entered into their specified career field. There is a substantial base of knowledge and specialized skills that are required depending upon your career.
Was playing hard mode Resident Evil Outbreak online back in the heyday of the PS2 online network probably 04' or so. The first level in the game has 4 survivors escaping from a bar in Raccoon City as many of you probably remember. You do so by making your way to the roof of the bar and crossing over to the next building before working your way down to the street. In this particular play through things were not going well for the team at all, everyone else was on their last legs by the time we entered the alley with the crashed gas truck and I playing as Kevin (the cop) had precious few bullets left. Knowing the situation was dire I took off ahead to open the valve on the gas truck so that the Alyssa player (who had the lighter) could trigger the cut scene. I fought my way up the hill and reached the truck opening the valve and flooding the alley with gas. As I turned to go back down the hill and help my team the camera transitioned and I was greeted by a literal horde of a dozen zombies marching toward me- and at the front of the pack was all three of my teammates all zombified and eagerly shuffling toward me. The alley is a complete dead end until you trigger the cut scene and without Alyssa's lighter I couldn't move forward. Realizing I was basically screwed and with nothing left to do I ran back up the hill and made my final stand firing off my last clip into the undead wall slowly descending on me. I managed to kill zombie Alyssa and Yoko before my ammo ran dry. At this point I was right next to the gas truck with moments to spare before they circled me, so I opened my inventory to pull out a melee weapon and keep swinging to my last breath- only to find the lighter MAGICALLY in my inventory. I still have no idea to this day how I got that lighter, my only guess is that the game was programmed to pass important items on to surviving players or something. With but that moment to spare I equipped the lighter and triggered the cutscene as zombie Jim stretched out for his first bite of my supple hide. The game took control as a violent explosion rocked the street and next I found myself alone and ammo less in the sewers, but alive. (And I went on to finish the last part of the level all alone no problem, Sole Survivor style.) I still can't believe how lucky I got that time and it felt so good to finish that round all by myself like Rambo or something with everyone watching. It's too bad the game/ps2 network didn't allow for anything more than the pre-scripted chat options, I would have loved to hear the zombie players reaction as I so narrowly escaped their petty vengeance. Sorry for wall of text, tl;dr - got trapped next to gas truck in RE:O by undead team mates, act of god moved the item I needed into my inventory allowing me to escape by the skin of my teeth and finish the level alone.
They then took another gourd and cut it open. We saw this play in Korean during a traditional folk performance and had no idea what was going on because of the language barrier. Convinced that the other gourds contained gold, Nolbu struggled and managed to open another gourd. Hello and thank you for visiting! This page was last edited on 31 Octoberat I like it up to the point where the brother shares his gold. Heungbu and Nolbu Hangul: Then Heungbo splits his fortune equally with Nolbu and they both live happily ever after. Then the swallow dropped a gourd seed on the ground. I think that these stories are very precious and meaningful because they were some of the earliest stories I have heard from my parents, and it also taught me to be humble and kinds towards others and myself. andd They grew big and when he cut all three of them, a monster had come out and had beaten Nolbu. The following spring, the swallow returned and dropped a gourd seed to him. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I am going to keep it short and sweet so I can get into more detail to what makes this story most amusing to us. One day, Heungbu found a swallow with a broken leg. I had heard this heungu when my mom was reading a Korean book with many folktales in it. The sparrow, so thankful for his care, had soon brought three gourd seeds that Heungbu could plant. Now, whenever I hear these heungbh, it makes me remember my childhood and the good times. Their father dies and leaves his fortune to both brothers to split, Nolbu is basically like F you bro, I am taking it all. Only one young swallow escaped death. As an added thank you bobo and chichi readers will get a special discount. The sparrow flew off to Gangnam which was some magical land back then and talked to some mystical creature about how his life was saved. Views Read Edit View history. Heungbo, taking pity on his heunghu greets him warmly. However, out came a batch of little imps wielding sticks. Plus a special bonus for nolby and chichi readers! The plant yielded gourdsand when they were ready to eat, Heungbu and his family split a gourd in half. One day Heungbu came begging to Nolbu for some food since his family was starving to death. The greedy brother reflected on his deeds and was very sorry for everything that he had done that was wrong. Nolbu, thinking that everything would be all right if he could just open up the other gourds, split open the third gourd. The swallow heals and flies south in winter. Then the nymph said, “Now you must build a large mansion here. For many months, Heungbu had worked to take care of the bird and the following spring, he had freed the sparrow. After that, Hungbu became a man of wealth. When it was fleeing, its leg had got caught in a bamboo blind and it had fallen to the ground. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. After doing some research beungbu found that nokbu story is freaking crazy and has to be shared. The story of the two brothers Hungbu and Nolbu is one of the most typical and popular of all Korean folk tales. You can change, you can become a better person. However, Nolbu tricked Heungbu’s family and threw them out in order to keep the entire fortune to himself. Previous Post Wordless Heungbh Nolbu was like WTF, how did this happen? Although he was poor, he was very good-natured. The earliest known recorded versions of the tale occur in several traditional novella or kodae sosol and as the performance text for a Korean sung tale form called p’ansori.
In Hong Kong’s burning political kitchen, recipes are prepared for disaster. However, in view of the current situation in Hong Kong, only those who deny or lack critical ability will be able to see the comments made by members of the council before the cabinet meeting on Tuesday morning. In summary, Mr Lin raised the following question: the new secretary for justice, ms Eva cheng. Illegal structure dispute Does it show that the current senior management review process is not suitable for the purpose? Does it arouse zheng’s credibility? Is she able to complete the work she has obtained? Hong Kong’s leaders say there is no credibility issue and the head of the judiciary who defends the illegal structure of legend. This is Lin’s answer: “… I don’t think this is a matter of integrity, which is why it won’t compromise the position of deng lijun justice secretary. Because of the political situation, it is very difficult to really attract talent, which is why people describe it as a very hot kitchen. The secretary for justice, ms Eva cheng, addressed the opening ceremony of the legal year on Monday. Photo: Sam Tsang “For a very successful with international reputations like Teresa teng’s lawyer, determined to join my team is a very difficult and hard decisions, only with a purpose as a starting point, that is in the service of the Hong Kong people rich” service. If I am wrong, please correct me, but in fact, miss Lin was just admitted that she was forced to hire Mr. Cheng, because increasingly toxic political environment in Hong Kong, almost no one is willing to act as one of the most important work of government. In fact, even if an official core responsibility is to maintain services in the city for decades of law and justice system, were found in violation of the law, we only need to absorb it, let her continue has nothing to do with work, whether it may cause damage to the integrity of the system, because there is no other way. The university of Hong Kong students’ union is trying to select an executive committee. Photo: handouts In other words, if you are now a public officer in a burning political kitchen in Hong Kong, or if you want to be a public servant, then your job is more likely to be a runaway fire. The era of “one country, two systems” is the time to deal with the core contradictions of “one country, two systems”. The leader of the student union at the university of Hong Kong has no candidate for fear of political repercussions. Fueling this worrying fire is another story that emerged earlier this week. It has been widely reported that since 2010, the student union of the university of Hong Kong may not have had an executive committee for the first time, and some people believe that “fear of political repercussions has cooled participation”. But is not convenient, because there is no from the outside to see more and more possible alternatives of city, is inevitable, the future of Hong Kong as a political entity of depository itself must come from the next generation. Officials say that “one country, two systems” could be canceled if it is used against Beijing. Old age and death are certain and will take care of this. If we are the most intelligent young people are not willing to participate in political activities in the university – whether in theory or ideology, this association seems to be wrong – in a mature society, they can hone skills they need to deal with adult political reality, we found the people to run the current chief executive on the city’s concern for her successor doesn’t seem to have any meaning.
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I mean Glock ate everybody's lunch back then in the eighties and nineties. By 1995 a lot of stores were seeing half their sales in Glock pistols. All the other manufacturers had to come up with their own solutions or go out of business. While some of them were downright stupid (SW9VE, anyone?) most of the other major manufacturers came up with pistols that were as good or better. These days the M&amp;P series is as good as Glock and half the price, and that's not a unique strategy. Any modern polymer striker-fired pistol had better be either as good as a Glock or $200 new, pretty much. Then there's SIG Sauer, of course: "Fuck you, our guns were always better than Glocks, they're just really expensive"
<reponame>sloth-tools/sloth-cli<gh_stars>10-100 #!/bin/bash talk() { echo -e $1 } hr() { echo -e "\n" } confirm() { read -n1 -rsp $'Press any key to continue or Ctrl+C to exit...\n' } debug() { if [ -n "$DEBUG" ] then echo -e "[DEBUG] $1" fi } clear debug "Debug mode on" cat << "EOF" /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ \__/| $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ | $$$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ | $$ /$$__ $$|_ $$_/ | $$__ $$ \____ $$| $$| $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$ \ $$ /$$ \ $$| $$| $$ | $$ | $$ /$$| $$ | $$ | $$$$$$/| $$| $$$$$$/ | $$$$/| $$ | $$ \______/ |__/ \______/ \___/ |__/ |__/ EOF talk "In order to install software for you, we need administrator permissions\n" debug "Caching sudo" sudo ls /tmp > /dev/null hr debug "Installing brew" brew --version > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] then /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" < /dev/null fi debug "Installing ansible" brew install ansible debug "Installing nodejs" brew install node debug "npm install" npm install clear debug "Interactive console" node index.js init debug "Installing selected packages" ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yml if [ $? -eq 0 ] then clear hr talk "(^_^) We're done here. Please check everything is in place." else clear hr talk "Something went wrong, please try again." fi hr
Recently, there’s been a surge of interest in visual programming models, all with varying degrees of user-friendliness. These low-code platforms utilize drag-and-drop elements to help citizen developers stitch together applications, avoiding the complexities of hard-coding connections. Such platforms are crucial amid a developer drought and shine in their usability. But, how usable is too usable? “A low-code platform should abstract complexity, yet always offer a way under the hood,” said Jesse Orshan of WayScript. In other words, the platform should never get in the way of advanced mechanics. To do so, “some-code” platforms balance usability and customizability. I recently spoke with WayScript co-founders Jesse Orshan and Lane Eden to see how some-code combines traditional coding and low-code. As opposed to a 100% visual no-code experience, some-code focuses on operational automation while granting a peek under the hood. Read on to see how the notion of “some-code” may set itself apart from the larger visual programming movement. Why Just ‘Some-Code’? Many developers are fully capable of, for example, programming a native iOS app. Yet, turning that into a business application with a back-end running in the cloud with the proper databases, server arrangement, access management, and continuous deployment strategy is a whole different story. “The idea is to blend coding and low-code,” Orshan said. “Scaffolding is the most difficult part of development.” Therefore, a some-code platform provides an operational toolset—a framework that enables developers to focus on their application logic. Event-triggering has become common within modern programming. Triggering is necessary for automating tasks and workflows involving interconnected tools. For example, say an internal tool for a sales department must automatically update a lead spreadsheet and send a Slack notice once an email is received from a prospective client. This process requires scripting a series of API queries involving Gmail, Salesforce and Slack APIs. Though the logic seems simple from the outset, hooking together applications is not a trivial task. “Building a robust triggering system that can scale with your load is a very complicated thing to do,” said Eden. HTTP API integration is a unique skill that not all possess. “Thereʼs an understated art to building good APIs,” according to an Increment blog post. The hurdles of API integration have already given rise to drag-and-drop workflow services such as IFTTT and Zapier. Some-code applications, too, could quickly enable developers to mix-and-match APIs in the programming language of their choice. Abstracted type system: APIs are at the heart of many low code initiatives, enabling integrations with third-party tooling to enable event-based modeling. Some-code could enable developers to program logic without hardcoding integrations, offering a “unifying system abstracted type system,” noted Orshan. Flexibility: A unique prospect of some-code is that it could retain the programming language developers are accustomed to. Aids rapid development: Some code seeks to abstract things away, making it easier for developers to quickly solve core problems. Fill integration talent gap: A lack of specialized talent encompasses integration engineers and IT security disciplines. According to OutSystems, 45% of businesses adopt low-code to reduce dependency on hard-to-hire technical skills. Problem-solvers come in all skill sets. Some are programming novices with little know-how, and UIs cater well to this group. However, only 8% of companies say they have business users utilizing a no-code platform without IT intervention, according to OutSystems’ 2019 State of Application Development report. Instead, the majority of low-code users are professional IT developers, at 69%. Though low-code providers may trumpet the citizen development ideal, in reality, in 2019, only 20% cited enabling citizen developers as a key reason for adopting low-code. Perhaps this need will increase subsequent a fully remote economy and a developer talent shortage. Yet, as of now, experienced software developers are the ones using and benefiting from low-code tools. The usability of no-code empowers business technologists to build basic workflows, yet lacks deep customization abilities. Yet, pure manual programming slows when you consider the many web APIs, differing standards and DevOps tooling integrations necessary to deploy modern enterprise-grade cloud applications. The premise behind some-code is to help skilled developers stitch the operational scaffolding around their source code, helping integrate, validate, test and deploy software in a more streamlined approach. This style could be a better balance for advanced developer teams requiring an extra push.
Emmafairfax, I am so sorry that you’re dealing with this with your husband. It’s definitely one of the sickest things that I became aware of in my exBPD. The thought had never even occurred to me… I had never even considered such a concept. But she entered our relationship, bringing in all of the baggage from her ex and she kept this ex in the picture with their continued drama (they constantly pushed-pulled each other) until the very end of our relationship when my ex used social media to celebrate their friendship...but it wasn’t about that...it was about me and hurting me while she split me for a few days. She replaced me immediately and then tried to bring me into her new relationship. It sickened me. WTF??? Who does this? I had to blocked her on every possible account so that I wouldn’t be used in this way. She made these attempts under the guise of “I will always love you” and other things that ARE ONLY true in the moment she feels them...it’s not real, it’s not constant, it’s only a fleeting sensation she felt in the moment. It’s sick and it’s sad and it is completely not the person that I thought she was. I thought she was way more mature and self actualized than she is. There is so much pain in that…realizing the absolutely one true forever love of your life is not at all who you thought they were… and when the relationship ends, they can still be a threat to your sanity and well-being because of their need for triangulation and attention and drama and we are supposed to be supply for that. NFW!!!!
West Mediterranean Exporters Association (BAIB) continues without stop its operations in order to increase its regional export and reputation of its exported products. BAIB, in this context, participated in the Fruit Logistica 2018 which was held between 7th - 9th February in in Berlin/ Germany. At Fruit Logistica, which is one of the most prestigious fairs of the world in the field of fresh fruit and vegetables and organized this year for the 26th time, export oriented fresh fruit and vegetable products of Western Mediterranean region were introduced. Visitors were informed about the companies that export fresh fruit and vegetables through the sectoral information network web page where all of our companies are registered. Sector professionals not only from Germany but also all over the world visited the BAIB booth in Turkish Pavilion to inform about products and companies. Turkey's Ambassador to Berlin, Mr. Ali Kemal AYDIN, and Berlin Trade Counselor, Mr. Mehmet AZGIN also visited BAIB booth. BAIB will continue to work to increase exports of the region by participating in the fairs in alternative markets.
A sheet folded into twelve leaves: said of a book. Formed of sheets folded so as to make twelve leaves. A book of such sheets-usually written 12mo. A book so made. Having twelve leaves to the sheet. A. A book page of about 4½ by 7½ inches; a book having such pages; often written 12mo. Mns. An interval of a twelfth. Having or consisting of twelve leaves to a sheet. A book in which a sheet is folded into twelve leaves. n. A book in which a sheet is folded into twelve leaves;—12 mo or 12°. A book in which one sheet of paper makes twelve leaves.
It should go without saying, but violent Islamic fundamentalism is an evil that the entire civilized world must vigorously oppose.
Isn't This That Jon Cryer Movie? As far as high school goes, I think there are generally two types of people. There are people who thought their high school years were the best, and those who couldn't wait to get out of high school and get on with the rest of their lives. For the former, conforming to a world so radically different from the rules and hierarchy that accompanied their later teen years is more difficult than it is for the latter. Those people typically move much more smoothly into college and prosperous careers. Such is the case in Never Been Kissed, a Drew Barrymore comedy that relies heavily on her charm. When Chicago Sun-Times copy editor Josie Geller (Barrymore) is handed her first assignment as a reporter, to go undercover back in high school and report on what kids today are like, she jumps at the chance. Problem is, she was never popular in high school and popularity has eluded her ever since. She's a brainy, bookworm who spends her days correcting her coworkers' vocabulary and making them look smarter in their own writing. But with this second chance, Josie has the opportunity to start over at a school where no one knows her name or her past. Almost immediately, Josie begins making the same decisions that caused her to be ostracized originally. She hooks up with the math club and wears her nerdiness so obviously on her sleeve (or her feathered boa) that the popular kids immediately go in for the kill. How do you convince people that you're hip if you've never had to be hip before? The answer comes in the form of her brother (David Arquette), a nice guy that loved high school and now finds his life empty without it. When he secretly enrolls to jump start his baseball dreams, he starts a web of lies spread to give Josie the extra push into popularity. One of the nuggets of wisdom that his popularity has previded is that, "You just one person to think you're cool and you will be." But will this popularity have a price and who might get hurt by the truth? I really, really liked Never Been Kissed. There are some big laughs in this movie, but there's also quite a heart to it. Drew Barrymore is someone that I generally enjoy wherever I see her and this film is no exception. See brings all the goofiness of someone without a cool bone in her body and does the impossible, she blooms and grows right before our very eyes. Everyone always talks about the character arc in films and in Never Been Kissed, you'll literally see that arc. Recommended. Video: How Does The Disc Look? Fox has given Never Been Kissed all the respect a non-anamorphic widescreen transfer can provide. Most of the picture's qualities are very nice, with little in the way of artifacting or pixilation. I did finds the colors, which are strong and bold, to be a tad aggressive every now and again with the slightest touches of blooming. Detail is good, but not excellent. Black level is strong with shadow detail that does a fine job. Not the best disc I've seen from Fox, but there's little to complain about. Audio: How Does the Disc Sound? Who do I have to sleep with to get a decent 5.1 mix on a comedy? Everything is by the numbers here, which means little to no surround activity, bass effects that only kick on with the music, and a generally bland, non-descriptive experience throughout. Dialog is always clear without distortion or masking, which I guess is the most important thing. I just wish these people would get more creative every now and then. An English 2.0 stereo track is also included with English and Spanish subtitles. No French support is offered for those wishing for it. Supplements: What Goodies Are There? A non-anamorphic 1.85:1 trailer, nuff' said! Parting Thoughts At $35, Fox has to do more to make this disc worth a purchase. If you rent it and really like it, wait to buy it, because you'll probably find this used somewhere within the next month. And spending $20 on this disc instead of $35 would sure make me feel better. How about you? » Discuss: Weigh in at the forum DISC FEATURES Specifications - DVD-Video - Single-Layer Disc - Region 1 Aspect Ratio(s): - 2.35:1 Non-Anamorphic Widescreen Dolby Digital Formats: - English 5.1 Surround - English 2.0 Surround DTS Formats: - None PCM Formats: - None Subtitles/Captions: - English Closed Captions - Spanish Subtitles Standard Features: - Interactive Motion Menus - Scene Access Supplements: - Theatrical Trailer InterActual DVD-ROM Features: - None List Price: - $34.95
Announcement: Fr. Antony is Recovering after a Heart Attack Dear Friends & Parishioners of St. Mary's, The Parish Council wants to advise all of the St. Mary’s community that Father Antony suffered a heart attack this past week. Fortunately, he received immediate medical care and is currently recovering under the care of his medical team and his family. Father, Carol and the family appreciate that our church family and friends keep them in their prayers, but the family is requesting that the church family and friends refrain from phone calls and visiting to allow him to recover and continue resting. More information will be sent as it becomes available. Thank you in advance for your understanding, and for keeping Father Antony, Carol and the family in your prayers. Sincerely, Deno Takles Parish Council President
accepting an offer lower than you could have received by pricing aggressively from Day One. see it as the beginning of a dialogue that could ultimately produce a sale. if interest rates suddenly drop. act quickly before letting your negotiations fail. Most businesses use a 90/10 approach to their social media messaging strategy. social channels and use the same hashtag. invitations, updates, announcements like “we’ve moved,” or surveys and discussions. share it for you. Stick to a single message and a clear call to action. also drive traffic to that url from other sites to get more engagement and spark discussion. use a tool like bit.ly to shorten it, which also allows you to track how many people clicked on the link. people. Post these on Facebook and Twitter. well and what didn’t. Take what you learned and repeat in your next campaign. on Facebook for trending news in social media, internet marketing and other helpful tips, www.facebook.com/hutdogs.
The vindication of the temporality of time resulting from this picture is indicated in Anselm’s further statement that, although there is a sense in which God does not exist in the ephemeral past, present, and future of our experience, “yet they can in some sense be said of him, since he is present to all circumscribed and changeable things just as if he were circumscribed by the same places and changed by the same times.” Indeed, Anselm could just as well say that God is more present to time than his creatures, inasmuch as his presence has proven to be the very possibility of time. For Anselm, accordingly, God’s eternality is not the acid bath in which the inherent temporality of time is flatened or dissolved, but (properly understood) brings into even deeper relief and sharper focus the texture and angularities of a real creaturely, temporal difference.[1] If anything, time is more rather than less real for God than it is for his creatures. In this way, Anselm arguably achieves a more dialectically uniform and stable doctrine of divine eternity, one that was presaged in such formative predecessors as Augustine, Boethius, and Damian, and yet arguably not worked out in quite the considered and consistent degree as that achieved by Anselm. [1] Leftow is again helpful here: “For Anselm, God is simultaneously present at discrete, non-simultaneous times, without wiping out their temporal distinction… God, temporal things and times are literally at the same location, and so simultaneous, but are not at the same temporal lcoation, so that times remain temporally discrete.” Leftow, “Anselm: Eternity and Dimensionality,” 183-4. This inclusive, both/and dialectic of Anselm’s doctrine of divine presence within time invites comparison with I believe to be the more either/or, zero-sum approach of his near contemporary, St. Peter Damian. For Damian, God’s transcendence over time arguably came at the expense of his immanence within time and, as a consequence, at the virtual expense of the reality of time. Because every moment of time is eternally present—and hence permanently and atemporally possible—for God, the passing of time and its “tensedness” is ultimately illusory, a perception limited to our creaturely finitude. Anselm’s doctrine of God’s presence in or with time, by comparison, is appreciable for its opposite tendency, inasmuch as his “penetration” into and effective habitation within a given moment may be seen to fix rather than evacuate it of its inherent temporality. For Anselm, a given moment of time is no banal, temporal possibility which is simply “there” with its content to be either observed or determined (or even re-determined, à la the conventional Damian) by God, for it is only God’s intentional creative presence at and for a given moment that makes that moment to exist in the first place.[1] Put in terms of my thesis on possibility, the temporal order is not an otherwise empty logical or metaphysical space or container that makes God’s presence possible, but it is God’s active, creative presence that brings into being the creaturely possibility that is time.[2] Briefer still, God’s creative presence makes time possible, and not vice versa. [1] As Leftow puts it, “if God does not exist at some time, there can be no time there at all. So if there are times at all, Anselm concludes, God is there…. Without the present of God’s power, no time could exist… as He is simple, God = God’s power. Hence God is Himself present with His effects.” Leftow, Time and Eternity, 185. [2] Leftow offers this image: “Anselm’s doctrine of temporal omnipresence would say that God is present where and when His creatures are, in something like the way a field of force is present in an area in which the effets of that field are perceptible…. God is temporally omnipresent because we know that He is the sustaining cause of all time…” Leftow, Time and Eternity, 187. Another discussion in the Monologion meriting some consideration in light of the question of divine possibility is Anselm’s understanding of time’s relation to God’s eternity. A concern I’ve had with Boethius and Peter Damian is their tendency in places to represent God’s relationship to time in terms of a divine surveillance-at-a-distance, as though all of created history were extended before God such that every moment in time was never really past (Damian) or future (Boethius) for God, but always and only “present” to him in his eternity. I would characterize this view as broadly “possibilist” in its treatment of every moment of time as an abstract possibility whose content was for all times observable (Boethius) and even alterable (Damian, as conventionally interpreted) by God. Fortunately, there are significant and ultimately decisive elements in Boethius and Damian’s thought that push toward an understanding of God as more than the mere observer or even implementer of allegedly available, temporal possibilities, but as the designer and providential executor of those possibilities. even though the very same expression is used both of him and of localized or temporal natures because of our customary way of speaking, there is a different meaning because of the dissimilarity of the things themselves. When it comes to localized or temporal natures, this one expression signifies two things: that they are present at the times and places in which they are said to exist, and that they are contained by those times and places. But in the case of the supreme essence, only one of these meanings applies, namely, that he is present, not that he is contained by them. exists with a time or place rather than in a time or place. For saying that something exists in another thing implies more strongly that it is contained than does saying that it exists with that thing. And so he is properly said to exist in no place or time, since he is in no way contained by any other thing. And yet he can be said in his own way to exist in every place or time, since whatever else exists is sustained by his presence so that it does not fall into nothingness. [4] Leftow, “Anselm: Eternity and Dimensionality,” 185. The sceptics’ trick is to get you to admit that, given how things seem to you, they might still have been otherwise, and get you to attempt to show that what might have happened instead did not happen at all, but without your using your knowledge of what did happen as part of your reasoning. Thus, the game is fixed. [1] “ Proslogion 6. [2] “Sed et omnipotens quomodo es, si non omnia potes? Aut si non potes corrumpi, nec mentiri, nec facere verum esse falsum: ut, quod factum est, non esse factum, et plura similiter: quomodo potes omnia?” Proslogion 7. [3] Proslogion 7. [4] On the similarities between Anselm and Boethius here, see D.P. Henry, The Logic of Saint Anselm, 150-4, cited in Whitman, “The Other Side of Omnipotence,” 133n9.
"While it is very early to say that the rise in inflation has passed, there are increasing signs that the fastest part of the rebound in inflation might be over soon," says Jeffrey Kleintop. He believes that the raw material prices have pulled back from the early May highs as supply chains for intermediate goods like semiconductors may be starting to improve.
Ever notice that some people just like being bossy? For some reason, this seems especially true here in Orlando. And the trouble is, when these bossy folks happen to be police officers, it’s usually better to simply obey the commands rather than confront them with their lack of authority. So, let’s dive into a case where a juvenile decided to curse at an officer, rather than obey his command. And, you know what happens when you curse at an officer? One all expense paid trip to the jail. In the case of C.W. v. State, the juvenile offender was convicted of resisting an officer without violence. 76 So.3d 1093 (Fla. 3rd DCA 2011). Remember that a resisting an officer without violence charge is basically the crime of failing to obey the lawful command of an officer. Thus, a resisting charge typically has two main issues: (1) was the officer engaged in his lawful legal duty? And, (2) did the defendant’s actions obstruct that lawful duty? Here’s what happened. C.W. was just chillin’ in the middle of the street, and was told by a police officer to move out of the roadway (remember the good ‘ol days, we would play soccer or football in the street–no problem). C.W. didn’t respond to this request, and instead he uttered a few choice words of profanity. Of course, we all know that cursing at an officer is never a good idea, but C.W. had to learn this lesson the hard way–and the officer proceeded to arrest him. The police reported found that C.W. did not “follow the order of said officer to get out of the street where traffic was moving…” Is this command pursuant to a lawful police duty? The court overturned C.W.’s conviction for resisting, holding that the “officer’s initial request that C.W. move a de minimus distance out of the road was a reasonable part of their job as community safety officers. But the officers had no legal duty to insist on compliance and to enforce that insistence with arrest where the record shows that there were no circumstances warranting this. Here, there is no evidence that C.W. actually interfered with traffic, and the mere potential to interfere with traffic is insufficient to justify the officers’ actions.” Id. at 1096. Basically, the court makes the important distinction here between an officer being “on duty” and an officer “performing a legal duty”. There is a difference. When an officer is not really doing his job, refusing his verbal commands is not a criminal offense. It’s worth noting here that the appeals court was not in total agreement on this case. One judge disagreed, noting in his dissent that “[c]ontrary to the majority opinion, the officers were engaged in the lawful execution of a legal duty: to enforce the traffic laws of this state. Also contrary to the majority opinion, which premises its reversal on its incorrect supposition that ‘there is no evidence that C.W. actually interfered with traffic,’ there was evidence presented that C.W. was standing in the roadway actually interfering with traffic and, therefore, was violating the law”. Id at 1097.
Are We Past Racism? Vanity Fair's All-White New Hollywood Cover: Take The Survey! Now there's been a lot of noise, back and forth, over whether or not this was racist. Vanity Fair didn't seem to make much of an effort to include anyone of color (and no, the 3 brunettes and 2 redheads do NOT count as "diversity.") The cover is racist, in that it erases women of color from the discussion. So now I wanna know: What do YOU think? Take this super-quick survey, and share your view here in comments! I think people are going way over the top with racism lately. Advertising companies now have to go out of their way to put someone of color in their ads or else someone is going to freak out and call them racist. When I see an ad with all white women like that, racism isn't the first thing that came to mind. Maybe those women are better actors. Just because there aren't any women of color, doesn't mean they were excluded on purpose. Unfortunately, Hollywood is dominated by skinny white actors, and the issue overall is complicated. I personally rolled my eyes over the cover. "Oh, great. Skinny white chicks whom I don't know on the cover, wahoo! Goes to show that Hollywood ain't as all-embracing as we'd like it to be." Frankly, anything "mainstream" caters only to a limited audience, i.e., those who'll most likely go for white faces on the cover. Sad thing is a good number of women of color learn to prefer those safe white faces and add to the impression that only white actors and models sell magazines and books. Niche magazines are created to satisfy women of color who rarely, if ever, see themselves represented in mainstream magazines. I think the idea that "no, it's not racist, it's just that no people of colour are as good actresses as these white girls" is incredibly racist. Unless you believe that white people are better actors than people of colour, it seems like the only explanation for not having any diversity in these sort of things is institutionalized racism. I'm not saying that Vanity Fair set out to be racist, but that doesn't make it okay. Karol S said... Lee - just a footnote. Females over the age of, oh...16 - 17, generally appreciate being referred to as "women" rather than "girls." That said, I was at a FABULOUS panel of WGA nominated screenwriters last night and it was all men (not boys), only one of whom was African American. Sigh. I guess it's pointless to mention that people with disabilities were nowhere to be seen as usual. Hi Karol - You're right, I guess I was using "white girl" as an expression, thinking it was distinct from a girl who is white. But I stand corrected: They're all white women. And yeah, it's a good point: even in the diverse spoof version, there's no one with a disability. What about Zoe Saldana from Star Trek and Avatar? What about Gabourey Sibde from Precious? This post is frustrating, particularly on a blog that is helping readers find books dealing with diversity. Cass, I'm sorry you find this post frustrating. Perhaps my attempt to not come down too hard on this issue, thinking that would leave room for everyone to share their thoughts with me, was misleading in that I wasn't clear about my own vast disappointment in what Vanity Fair did. I truly feel that we all need to be allies to encourage diversity, and it's something I try hard to live. I'm sorry if I disappointed you in coming off too "neutral" on an issue I feel really strongly about. I agree with Cass. There most certainly =are= actresses hot new of color in Hollywood. VANITY FAIR ignored them, perhaps deliberately, perhaps accidentally. However, since any magazine cover is examined by dozens and dozens of people before publication, I find it hard to believe that NOT ONE of these people said, "Hey! Why are they all white?" So I'm leaning toward deliberate, racist exclusion. Lee, the sad thing is I wasn't even surprised, and this time I didn't get upset. If I got upset every time this happened I really would be that Angry Black Woman. In all seriousness, after a while you get used to being invisible or you do create the Essence. But what the other reader failed to acknowledge is that the POC mags grew out of exclusion. Is Vanity Fair intended for white readers only? I think we forget that racism is institutional and systematic. All of us are affected regardless if we're conscious of it or if we consciously act on it. You get a cover like this one because we've all been conditioned to see white as the standard. If you want to eradicate racism, you first have to acknowledge that it is real and it's not something a select few choose to act on. And I think white readers need to stop taking every accusation of racism personally. It's not about you; it's about a collective history and mindset in this country. Thanks for discussing it. Now that you point it out - there's something very off about this pale, pale gaggle of "actresses." And I'm not at all sure that Abbie Cornish or Kristin Stewart is actually a good actor; these are It Girls, not talented women. I wish there was another kind of word to indicate the kind of institutionalized, almost-unconscious racism that this cover represents. A word that reflects the scarcity of black female stars in the Hollywood world, in part because of long-entrenched racism, in part because of race-related lack of opportunities of black or non-white women (and men). I think - for better or worse - that "racist" and "racism" have taken on the connotation of intentional, conscious, individualized race-hatred and discrimination, usually involving really blatant acts of violence or discrimination - VISIBLE racism (like the KKK lynchings, or "whites only" signs). The more subtle, insidious, institutionalized racism needs to be recognized and acknowledged, and I think a more precise term for it would be useful in defusing that defensive anger that flares up. Good for you, Lee, for showing that cover. I'm white. But my children are biracial, and whenever I see a cover like that; I cringe, because I wonder : where will my daughters find themselves in this picture ? I recently blogged about the new study showing that if black boys have gained some confidence, black girls continue to think that white is better. A cover like that just hammers that concept down into their brains a little more. Magazines have a responsibility in that matter. They NEED and MUST work actively on changing the pattern that has people erroneously perpetuating the notion that white is better and more beautiful, because that is not only unfair, it's also bullshit ! And simply shrugging and coming up with excuses is not going to cut it. I'll stop here, but I could go on, and on, and on... I don't think this cover is racist and hadn't even noticed the colour issue until reading this blog. I think it's a shame that in today's society people are still seeing colour before the person. I don't look at Halle Berry and think "Wow what a fantastic black actress." I just think "Wow, what a fantastic actress." While people are still using the racist word I am afraid that society will never more on. Lee, thanks for opening up your comments for this discussion. It's definitely something that needs to be talked about. I probably wouldn't have had a problem with the "we couldn't find any actresses of color who are rising to fame THIS year" if they hadn't completely overlooked the wonderfully talented Gabourey Sidibe, who has not only been nominated for an Oscar but who shines in every single interview she gives and seems to win over everyone she meets. Add to that the inclusion of Evan Rachel Wood and Kristen Stewart, two white actresses who have both been around for a while now, and it just seems like an irresponsible oversight caused by institutionalized racism and editors who couldn't see past the end of their own noses. @Donna - Unfortunately, in this day and age, anyone saying they are "color blind" and don't see people's skin color are really doing a disservice to racial issues. How can you acknowledge that there is still discrimination against people of color in this country, and work toward complete equality, if you won't admit or acknowledge that there are people of color at all? The fact of the matter is, white people grow up with a certain amount of unspoken privelege that most of us don't even acknowledge. It's not something that is OK, but it exists. This cover is proof of that and so is the fact that some people looked at the cover, saw all white faces and didn't even realize there was an issue. And if we don't acknowledge that and continue to work toward racial equality (as well as gender equality, GLBT equality and everything else) then we're just choosing to ride the waves of that white privelege while remaining willfully ignorant.
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Observed Colposcopy Practice in US Community-Based Clinics: The Retrospective Control Arm of the IMPROVE-COLPO Study Objective: The aim of the study was to characterize colposcopy practice and management of women with cervical abnormalities in US community-based clinics. Materials and Methods: IMPROVE-COLPO was a 2-arm study of colposcopy patients with an abnormal screening result. The prospective arm recruited women to undergo examination with a commercial digital colposcope. The retrospective-control arm collected data (chart review) from previous colposcopies performed using standard equipment and methods. From the retrospective arm, we analyzed referral trends, colposcopy and biopsy practice, and management patterns. Results: We collected data of 3,602 eligible women (median age = 34 years) that had been examined from 2012 to 2017 by 154 colposcopists at 44 clinics across 12 states. Most patients were premenopausal (87.9%), privately insured (88.2%), and had a low-grade (low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion/atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance/human papillomavirus positive) indication (87.2%). Most colposcopists performed less than 3 colposcopies monthly and their biopsy rate was1.47 biopsies/patient for high-grade referrals and 0.97 for low-grade referrals (p < .001). Random biopsy was rare (0.4% of biopsies). Most women(74.9%) underwent endocervical sampling, including 62.5% of women aged 21 to 24 years. Colposcopic impression was frequently not reported(58.8%), and its sensitivity to predict histology-confirmed cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 2+ as “high-grade” was 56.5% for high-grade referrals and 23.2% for low-grade referrals. Excisions often (44.5%) returned <CIN 2, including patients aged 21–40 years (37.4%). Conclusions: In this analysis, most colposcopists performed few colposcopies and took less than 2 biopsies per patient. Colposcopic impression had a poor sensitivity to predict histology-confirmed CIN 2+. Although recent research indicates that taking multiple biopsies improves sensitivity and detection of CIN 2+, this is not being practiced in the US. disease characteristics, e.g., with lesions detected earlier when they are smaller, which may challenge colposcopy and management to adapt. The US healthcare delivery system, as well as the lack of exact data on how many colposcopies are being performed, on who is offering colposcopy services, on how the colposcopies are performed, and on clinical outcomes, challenges the efforts for standardization and improvement. IMPROVE-COLPO was an industry-sponsored study performed in community-based colposcopy clinics that included a control arm that collected data from these colposcopy practices. The objective of this study is to present data on the real-world practice of colposcopy in the US and to provide insights on how to further improve cervical cancer prevention. MATERIALS AND METHODS The IMPROVE-COLPO study was a multicenter, observational, 2-arm cross-sectional study in patients undergoing routine colposcopy at community-based clinics in the US. The study recruited patients undergoing colposcopy with a commercial digital colposcope integrating dynamic spectral imaging (DSI) mapping (DYSIS by DYSIS Medical, Edinburgh, United Kingdom). A cohort of retrospective patients who had previously undergone colposcopy with standard colposcopes (any type) and methods was used for control. This article presents a post hoc analysis from the retrospective control arm only. The study was approved by a central Institutional Review Board (IRB) (E&I Review Services, Independence, MO) and local IRBs as required and was conducted according to the International Conference on Harmonization Guideline for Good Clinical Practice. Consent was waived for patients in the control arm. Facilities that had adopted the DSI technology, ranging from single-provider private practices to teaching hospitals, were invited to participate, without further selection criteria. The study colposcopists were those conducting colposcopies at the participating sites, to reflect colposcopy practice in US community-based clinics. There was no further quality control or conditions for selection, other than their willingness to participate. Colposcopists involved included gynecologic oncologists, obstetrician-gynecologists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. The number of control cases was matched to the number of patients in the prospective arm of the study, such that each participating colposcopist contributed the same number of cases (1:1) to each arm to minimize potential bias due to variance in colposcopist training/ expertise levels. The number of cases from each colposcopist was not limited but depended on their individual volume of colposcopies, and per facility, cases were collected until the contracted number had been reached. Data were extracted from medical records after eligible consecutive examinations were identified using appointment and billing information. In this way, all patients who had been examined were screen for eligibility, ensuring the robustness of the selection. Criteria for inclusion were 21 years or older and an abnormal screening test result. 4,7 Women undergoing colposcopy for unspecified indications, or with an insufficient result, e.g., after a single atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) or with a single HPV+ result (unless they were older than 25 years with HPV 16/18 from primary screening) 6 were excluded. Other exclusions were known pregnancy, HIV infection or AIDS, previous hysterectomy, and current or previous radiation treatment or chemotherapy for cervical cancer or cancers concurrent with cervical disease. For each patient, we collected basic demographic information, colposcopic impression, number of biopsies taken, endocervical sampling (ECS) and treatment information, all relevant histopathology results (at the single-biopsy level when multiple samples were collected separately), and recommendations for further management. Data are presented as raw numbers and percentages and by descriptive statistics. Different characteristics between subgroups are compared using a two-sided Fisher exact test. A Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare the average number of biopsies taken among different referral subgroups. Role of the Funding Source The study sponsor was involved in the study design, the collection, analysis and interpretation of data, the writing of the report, and the decision to submit the paper for publication. RESULTS Data from 3,780 patients were collected for the retrospective arm of the study at 44 clinics. These patients were examined by 154 individual colposcopists from 2012 to 2017. Fortyseven patients (recruited at 12 of the sites) were not eligible for inclusion (unspecified indications or insufficient result, n = 36; pregnancy, n = 2; previous hysterectomy, n = 3; younger than 21 years, n = 6), resulting in 3,733 patients eligible for inclusion. Furthermore, 131 colposcopies (3.5%) had taken place before the 2012 ASCCP guidelines were presented 7 and were also excluded from analyses hereinafter, resulting in an analyzed cohort of 3,602 patients. Most of the patients were from 2013 (15%), 2014 (50.7%), and 2015(29.4%), so there should be minimal bias with respect to the introduction of the guidelines in 2012. Patients were from the Midwest (Illinois and Iowa, n = 1,280), Southwest (Texas and Arizona, n = 818), Southeast (Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, n = 816) and the Northeast (Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Michigan, n = 688). The recruitment clinics included 2 private teaching hospitals, 24 large (3-15 providers) private clinics and 18 small private offices (1-2 providers). Participating providers were a diverse mix of obstetrician/gynecologists, gynecologic oncologists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants of varying levels of training and experience in colposcopy. The mean number of patients per colposcopist was 23.4. Among the 125 providers (81.2%) who contributed at least 5 colposcopies, the monthly mean number of cases was 2.3 (range = 0.24-13.66, SD = 1.81), with 3 colposcopists at more than twice the SD above the mean (i.e., >5.87 monthly cases). Patient baseline characteristics can be seen in Table 1. The median age was 34 years and the mean age was 36.3 years. Most patients were privately insured (88.2%), with less than 10% with government-based insurance (Medicare, Medicaid, etc) and 2.2% uninsured (including private pay). Women undergoing colposcopy after a high-grade (HG) screening result (including HSIL [high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion], ASC-H [atypical squamous cells (cannot exclude HSIL)], and AGC [atypical glandular cells]) represented 12.1% of the total. Although the study was not planned to look specifically at regional differences, the mean and median ages and the distribution of referral grades (low-grade [LG] vs HG) were similar for the geographic regions; the racial distribution of patients was overall consistent except for Midwest where the African-American population was markedly higher. Analysis of the data demonstrates that patients in the 21-24 age group with ASC-US were frequently (33% of the total) referred with a positive HPV test and without repeat cytology testing as recommended. 7 Similarly, patients with LSIL (54.2%) had been directly referred for colposcopy without repeat testing at 12 months. 7 There were 341 women that were referred with only an HPV-positive indication, and 52 of them were referred with an HPV 16/18 result from primary screening with HPV testing. Biopsy data are shown in Table 2. The average number of biopsies performed per patient was 1.47 for those with an HG referral and 0.97 for those with an LG referral (p < .001, Kruskal-Wallis H test). Random biopsies were scarce (14 in total, taken from 9 patients). In most patients with multiple biopsies, each biopsy sample was processed and reported separately. After excluding 13 patients who had multiple biopsies performed and sent as a single specimen, and a CIN 2+ result reported collectively, the positive predictive value (PPV) of biopsy to find CIN 2+ was36.1% for HG referrals and 8.5% for LG referrals (p < . 001 two-sided Fisher exact test). Endocervical sampling was performed on 2,698 patients(74.9%) (see Table 3) and was more frequent on those with a HG referral than those with an LG referral (86.2% vs 73.6%, p < . 001, two-sided Fisher exact test). Among the 2,509 patients who underwent biopsy, 2,057 also had ECS (82%), compared with 641 among the 1,093 patients (58.6%) without biopsy (p < .001, two-sided Fisher exact test). Endocervical sampling was performed regularly across all age groups. Among the HG referrals, 19.7% of ECS performed returned CIN 2+; among LG referrals, this was 2.8% (p < .001 two-sided Fisher exact test). Table 4 presents the histologic detection of CIN 2+/CIN 3+, for the overall population but also stratified per referral group, race, age group, and detection (worst result) by biopsy/ECS/excision. The overall detection rate for CIN 2+ was 13.7% and for CIN 3+ 7.7%. The highest rates were in the 25-29 age group and among Hispanics. Biopsy detected 394 patients with CIN 2+ and ECS another 64. Of these 64 patients, 23 had undergone no biopsy, and in 41 patients, all biopsy/biopsies were <CIN 2. In this cohort, there were 15 cases of HG glandular lesions or adenocarcinoma in situ (six of them on LG referrals) and 5 cases of invasive cancer (one was on a LG referral). Three of the invasive cancers had been missed by multiple biopsies (that were CIN 3) but were picked up in subsequent excisions. Colposcopic impression was documented in 1,485 cases(41.2% of the total). Fifty-eight providers (37.7% of all) had not documented a colposcopic impression for any of their cases (n = 943, 26.2% of all cases). Twenty-two providers (14.3%) had recorded their colposcopic impression for all their cases (n = 306,8.5% of the cases). Among the 1,485 cases with documented colposcopic impression, there were 211 with histology-confirmed CIN 2+. In this subgroup, colposcopic impression had been "high-grade" for 77, with a sensitivity (calculated against histology) of 36.5%. Sensitivity was higher (p < .001, two-sided Fisher exact test) among patients with an HG referral (56.5%) than for those with an LG referral (23.2%). Table 5 compares colposcopic impression to histology outcomes, for women referred with HG a LG indication. Of the 3,602 patients, 507 were managed with an excision (diathermy or cold-knife conization). Three hundred forty-eight(68.6%) of them were treated after biopsy or ECS had confirmed the presence of CIN 2+ and 112 (22.1%) after biopsy and/or ECS that was normal or CIN 1. The remaining 47 (9.3%) were treated without previous biopsy or ECS. The result of excision was negative or CIN 1 in 221 (43.6%) of the excised patients. Data for the different age groups can be seen in Table 6. Although favored under some circumstances for patients with HSIL cytology, 7 excision at first colposcopy visit ("see and treat") was seen on only 3 of the 222 HSIL patients. Among the 3,144 patients who did not have biopsy or ECS, or if they had, their results were <CIN 2, follow-up (typically) by cytology was recommended at 6 months for 1,313 patients and at 12 months for 1,202. In a further 352 cases, cytology was recommended at an interval of less than 6 months. DISCUSSION Based on this large colposcopy data set of 3,602 patients collected from 44 US communitybased clinics and 154 providers, we are able analyze and discuss cervical cancer prevention practices in the "real world." In this setting, providers perform an average of only 2.3 colposcopies per month. For comparison, in a recent survey of the ASCCP that was used to support the development of practice guidelines, 13 32% of respondents performed 5 or less colposcopies per month and were considered "low volume." The colposcopists included in our study are therefore also "low volume" and might be considered limited in their expertise. It is not known what percentage of colposcopy in the US is taking place in community-based clinics compared with academic centers. Women seen at community-based clinics in this study are most likely to be privately insured and are undergoing colposcopy after an LG screening result. Their demographic profile and the distribution of their baseline cytology likely differ from what is seen at academic centers and compared with those recruited for major academic studies such as the ASC-US LSILTriage Study 8,9 or the National Cancer Institute biopsy study 10 that were used to derive management and practice recommendations. different in these 2 subgroups, and this may be partially due to the number of biopsies taken. Random biopsy was rarely performed. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2+ in this population was detected at a lower rate than that reported in the previously mentioned studies or in other large data sets, 14 which could be either due to differences in patient populations or to inefficient detection or both. A comparison of the results among LG referrals to the active arm of the IMPROVE-COLPO study 15 suggested that detection in a matched and comparable population was higher with the study device and DSI mapping, although the active arm could have participation bias ("Hawthorne Effect"). Most patients across LG and HG referrals and across all age groups underwent ECS, which found CIN 2+ in 139 patients(3.9% of all patients) and was the method that detected 64 of them(12.9% of all patients with CIN 2+), suggesting its utility in colposcopy. Although it was not recorded whether all of this disease was actually endocervical, this detection rate is higher than that reported from the National Cancer Institute biopsy study 16 but consistent with the finding of that study, that detection of CIN 2+ by ECS is associated with a lower number of biopsies. Colposcopic impression, although not a diagnosis or an endpoint, is an important component of colposcopy, and is incorporated as a basic finding to document 17 and a significant risk factor to consider for clinical decision-making. 18 Our results suggest that most often, it is not documented in patient charts, and it is uncertain whether it was formed at the time of the examination or not. Without a standard method to document it, findings on impression should be interpreted with caution, but judging from the limited number of cases with reporting, its performance in predicting CIN 2+ is poor, especially for patients with a LG referral, consistent with the number of biopsies performed and the PPV of biopsy to find CIN 2+ in this subgroup. Recommendations for follow-up after colposcopy that found no CIN 2+ were often for intervals shorter than the 12 months recommended in the ASCCP guidelines. 7 A strength of this data set is that it collected data from retrospective consecutive examinations and in this way captured how colposcopy is practiced outside of a clinical study. At the time of the colposcopic examination, it was unknown that they would eventually be used in a study, so participation bias and performance bias ("Hawthorne effect") are avoided. Such data on real-world practice from a wide range of communitybased clinics and a large number of colposcopists was previously unavailable. The study has its limitations because the data set collected per patient was not as complete as in other studies (e.g., we did not collect information on the visualization of the squamocolumnar junction for each colposcopy or the HPV status of each patient and histopathology was not adjudicated). In addition, although the study recruited according to guidelines (and recorded no information on women examined with insufficient referral indications), judging by the observed exclusions, one can conclude that women are sometimes seen with insufficient indications, such as a single ASC-US or a single HPV positive result. Although the extent and impact of this cannot be evaluated on the basis of the current data, it does highlight a potential gap between recommended and actual practice. Although it would be interesting to evaluate how an HPV 16/18 result affects practices, HPV 16/18 genotyping was uncommon in our study, and thus, data are very limited. Furthermore, in evaluating its relevance, data were derived from clinics with some interest in colposcopy, evidenced by their investment in a novel digital colposcope. It has actually been suggested 19 that a vast number of colposcopies in the US are performed by providers that see an even lower monthly average number of cases than those in this study. This likely results in a further reduction in the accuracy and efficiency of "real-world" colposcopy practice in the US. Finally, as suggested by the patient profiles, the study is missing information and data from lower socioeconomic status patients that would be important to evaluate. CONCLUSIONS Data from "real-world" colposcopy practice in US community-based clinics highlight the need for standardization, training, improvement, and eventually introduction of quality control in colposcopy.
I second this, I'm in college now and I have a Sociology prof who is absolutely terrified of technology. She initially refused to supply the powerpoint presentations to students, but after many students complained she caved. Now she provides them online, but only after we have completed that chapter, how does it help at that point? She will not allow a student to type notes on a computer, but speeds through her lectures so it is practically impossible to accurately get all the topics discussed. And we found out on friday that this is her first time teaching the class, and she only reads each chapter of the book a week or two before lecturing about it in class. Whats frustrating is that while she is a nice person, she is a HORRIBLE teacher. She is out of touch with her students, technology, and the topic she's teaching. She wants us to regurgitate information memorized from the textbook, but couldn't care less if we actually understand the theories and could carry a conversation on the topics. Its a sad state of affairs. Her's is the only class that I have concerns for the final.
Well done to Alessandro Lauri Menta, Joshua Limbrey and Jude Anson who won trophies at the Quest for the Best Open Championship Doce Pares Tournament. Alessandro won Gold in both the Single and Double Stick contests in the Junior Middleweights and Bronze in the Junior Form. Joshua won the Junior Heavyweight Single and Double Sticks and is the Open Close Quarters Champion. He also won the Junior Best Fighter trophy. Jude came 2nd in the Junior Heavyweight Single and Double Sticks and has won the Adult Form Division.
Today’s special guests are Dr. Ann Valenti, Veterinarian from Inver Grove Heights Animal Hospital and Gail Roddy, vegetarian. Our guests and host are discussing various aspects of animal welfare and vegetarianism. Guests today: Sandy Pappas, President of the Minnesota Senate and women’s rights activist, along with two of the founders of Forward Global Women, Rina Bar-Tal and Rula Quawas. Also participating is Dr. Pnina Steinberg, social scientist and researcher. This episode of IAWW TV was filmed at William Mitchell College of Law.
Venezuela GP Lazarus with Binder and Giovesi at Jerez 25/02/2013 Leave a comment René Binder and Kevin Giovesi will test for Venezuela GP Lazarus once again this week at Jerez. Austrian René Binder joined the team last season after the team dropped the under-performing Serenelli, and despite not scoring points, the team had a good impression of him and decided to call him up for the following post-season tests. He continues his work with the team having signed a 2013 contract. Italian Kevin Giovesi has already tested with Venezuela GP Lazarus, both in Barcelona and in Jerez, therefore he knows the track, the car and the team. Having partnered with the team already ona few occasions, it is likely that he, like Binder, is being considered as a potential driver for 2013.
A lot of it is effectively sex work. For the SDs that only provide a PPM if there is "intimacy", that's clear prostitution. It is the same as hiring an escort for dinner, drinks and a nightcap. If you hired the same escort repeatedly, it wouldn't stop being prostitution. However, I don't view my SRs as sex work. While we have sex, the allowance is not dependent upon sex nor do I push the SB to have sex; if sex is not mutually enjoyed, it's not gratifying for me. Yes, I would likely end the SR if there was no sex involved, but that would be true for a vanilla relationship as well. Basically, if the exchange of money is entirely dependent upon sex, it's sex work.
Blind, K and Iversen, EJ (2004) The interrelationship between IPR and standardisation: patterns and policies. In: 9th EURAS Workshop on Standardization, May 13 – 14, Paris. Official URL: This paper takes a fresh and comprehensive look at how intellectual property rights (IPR) interact with formal standardisation activities. The interaction of these two institutions is integral to the working of the innovation infrastructure. Since the 1980s, this has especially been true for industries involving strong network effects where an increasing level of tension and conflict has been noted. The importance of the relationship and the tendency for the interaction to lead to conflict is however not necessarily confined to information and communication technologies, which has been the focus until now. The paper works from the premise that the interaction between IPRs and standardisation involves a more general strain in the innovation system and that this strain potentially has implications that extend well beyond a single industry. In this light, the paper extends and broadens the existing analysis of this relationship in several fundamental ways. The paper's major contribution to the mainly theoretical treatment in the current literature is a two-pronged empirical analysis involving a survey and a set of 20 case-studies across a set of industries. This exploratory empirical approach provides an initial look at the potential for conflict in other industries where the balance between the importance of standardisation and the importance of patenting differ. The results from the complementary survey and case study work are then used to categorise the type of problems that emerge in a set of industries. In conclusion the paper discusses a set of policy approaches to the emerging problem in Europe. Repository Staff Only: item control page
Name: Wdyw asap ferg File size: 354mb Language: English Rating: 4/10 Download WDYW Lyrics: I turn five to a ten / I turn twenty to a fifty / Forty-forty hit your [ Verse 2: A$AP Ferg] Migo Gang, A$AP Mob, he might fuck around get robbed. 24 Jan Stream Carnage - WDYW Feat. Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Ferg, Rich The Kid by Dj Carnage from desktop or your mobile device. 17 Oct Stream WDYW - Carnage feat. ASAP Ferg, Lil Uzi Vert & Rich The Kid (kLap Flip) by kLap from desktop or your mobile device. Carnage came through with his latest production, "WDYW," featuring A$AP Ferg, Lil Uzi Vert, and Rich The Kid. The record has all the trap theceylontimes.com The official WorldStarHipHop premiere of Carnage's "WDYW" music video featuring Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Ferg & Rich The Kid which available on iTunes. Artists Carnage, A$AP Ferg, Lil Uzi Vert, Rich The Kid. Release. $ Length 3 ; Released ; BPM ; Key A min; Genre Hip-Hop / R&B; Label. WDYW (DJ M.I. Remix) (feat. ASAP Ferg, Rich The Kid & Lil Uzi Vert). Carnage & ASAP Ferg, Rich The Kid & Lil Uzi Vert. Add "Carnage - WDYW (DJ M.I. Remix). In , he signed with the Ultra label and released his single "WDYW," which featured A$AP Ferg, Rich the Kid, and Lil Uzi Vert. Full-length Papi Gordo. Carnage Lyrics. "WDYW" (feat. A$AP Ferg, Lil Uzi Vert & Rich the Kid). [Hook - Lil Uzi Vert:] I turn five to a ten. I turn twenty to a fifty. Fourty fourty hit your woadie. Artist: Dj Carnage, Song: WDYW (feat. Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Ferg & Rich The Kid), Duration: , Size: MB, Bitrate: kbit/sec, Type: mp3. № 4 Feb araabMUZIK flips DJ Carnage's latest single 'WDYW'. Last week, DJ Carnage dropped off the single “WDYW” with ASAP Ferg, Rich The Kid. WDYW (Feat. Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Ferg & Rich The Kid). Carnage (Dance). From the Album 'WDYW (Single)'. Start Station. Play Song. Share. 6 Feb [Lil Uzi Vert] I turn five to a ten I turn twenty to a fifty Forty-forty hit your woadie shorty Balmain, Saint Laurent with the Fendi I turn five to a. Check out Wdyw [Explicit] by A$AP Ferg & Rich The Kid Carnage feat. Lil Uzi Vert on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on. 2 Feb Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Ferg & Rich The Kid (araabMUZIK Remix) araabMUZIK adds his touch to Carnage's latest track “WDYW.” Check out the. More:
There’s a buzz in the air, and it’s centered in the town of Williamsport, Penn. Every August, millions of eyes cast their way towards the Northeastern town as it hosts the best Little League teams from around the world. It’s a true Little League World Series as 16 teams from the US, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia and other countries will battle it out to determine who has the best group of youth baseball players. Little League was what I played most growing up. I did give basketball a try, but picture Manu Ginobili with far fewer skills. Okay, the only thing I had in common with the future hall of famer was floppy black hair, but I still gave it a try and was not very good. But on the baseball diamond, I wasn’t too shabby. Playing in Williamsport wasn’t really on my list of things to do as a kid. I actually pretended to be playing the majors, a member of the Atlanta Braves or Chicago Cubs because those were the teams on TV the most when I was growing up, but I took my Little League responsibilities seriously. When I was 12 I finally had my all-star season. My hitting, fielding and base running, such as it was, turned me into a well-rounded player and the other coaches took notice, electing me to the Del Rio National Little League All-Star team. Clad in red and gray, myself and my teammates, which included fellow News-Herald employee Rolando Cardenas, set out to win the district tournament in our home town and advance to whatever the next step was. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. We lost in the championship game to Crystal City. I had only two at-bats during the tournament and I think that experience soured me on playing organized sports going forward. I do regret not playing baseball in Babe Ruth or high school, but I didn’t miss out on too much I guess. I turned out pretty well. A few years later I got the chance to meet some gentlemen who actually did what my teammates and I couldn’t do – play in the Little League World Series. Seven years ago, I was invited to attend the 50th anniversary of the Val Verde County Little League team that made it all the way to Williamsport and took on the world. They lost only one game in that tournament, but the format back then prohibited them from winning the title. Seeing that memorabilia from the 1962 series, including the cowboy outfits the team had to wear, was beyond cool. Listening to their stories of meeting baseball legend Ted Williams and Jackie Robinson was amazing because they all came from our little town of Del Rio and they held their own against the big boys from cities with far greater populations. That team should always remind us that even our wildest dreams can be achieved. There’s nothing to say the players from the next great Little League team from Del Rio isn’t kicking up the dirt, tossing a ball around in their backyard right now, dreaming of their time in the spotlight. Brian Argabright is the sports editor at the Del Rio News-Herald, where he has worked for the last.
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Turn your company’s values into a competitive advantage with this trust-based strategy. Enron showed what happens when ethics go sour. Authentic leaders show what happens when ethics are emphasized. Invigorate your legacy-building marketing with a 21st-century mind-set and modern methods. COVID-19 is forcing start-ups to home in on their business fundamentals. Perfect service is easy. All it takes is values-driven leadership, focus, execution, trust-based relationships, generosity, investment in employee success and cultivation of customer satisfaction. Oh, is that all? Your CEO just shot his wife. Your products poison people. What do you say?
This is an exciting Bingo Slot created by Pragmatic Play. It is designed with 5 reels, 3 rows, and 25 adjustable pay lines. For Bingo lovers this is a wonderful game to play, as it offers an interesting spin on the classic game we all cherish. In the true spirit of Bingo, the slot reels form a bingo sheet, with symbols are shaped as bingo balls. This slot features both free spins and a bonus game with prizes that exceed 7,000 coins. You can play this game for free or with real money at the casinos listed at the end of this review. Right now, Pragmatic Play is one of the fastest growing developer of mobile and desktop casino games, and they are known for their creative innovation and dedication to the online casino market. Bingo! This is a theme that we really enjoy, as Bingo is a great classic game, and even better when it comes in form of a video slot. It is animated in a way that it feels like the bingo numbers are being drawn, and it is magnified by the awesome sound effects of tumbling balls. It is like being at the bingo hall, but a little bit cooler, because it is all new and unique. Bingo is a form of lottery and the format of the game is inspired by the Italian game called “Lo Giuoco del Lotto d’Italia”, which was offered already in the 1530s in an organised manner, by the Italian National Lottery. Today Bingo can be played everywhere – in bingo halls, on TV, at home with board games, online and now also in form of video slot games at online casinos! This is a game that comes in many forms and it is a game that will be around as long as there are people on this planet. When we play this Bingo slot we can really enjoy ourselves and have a great time. It is a simple game, without any unnecessary quirks and we find it very enjoyable. There is a free spins mode that is activated when you get at least three scatters with a single spin, so when we say simple we don’t mean boring. There is plenty of good old Bingo action going on in this game. Players that get 3, 4, or 5 scatters are rewarded with up to 50 free spins. In this game there aren’t too many symbols to keep an eye on, as they have made it fairly easy with just a few key elements in place. The symbols include a bonus symbol, a wild symbol, and a scatter symbol. They are all easy to spot because they have their function written all over them in capital letters. Exactly like it should be in a Bingo game – straight to the point. Players that get three or more scatters can win up to 50 free spins, so even if there is no separate bonus game in this Bingo Slot, there are lucrative features available. The golden ball is the bonus symbol, and player that get at least three of them on an active payline get to play a bonus round that can bring up to 7,680 bonus points. Keep an eye out for the purple Wild ball. Don’t worry, you won’t miss it. It says WILD all over it! This little guy can substitute for all other symbols except for the scatter symbol and the bonus symbol. When a player gets five wilds on a payline the jackpot is theirs! Provided that you are playing with all 25 paylines at the maximum stake. Our bonus symbol is yellow disco ball with the word “BONUS” written on it. Players that get three of these on an active payline have the chance to win up to 7.680 bonus points. Did anybody say free spins? The Scatter symbol is dark yellow ball with the word “SCATTER” on it. Land at least three of these babies anywhere on your reels to activate the free spins feature. A player can get as many as 50 free spins. Three scatters will give you 7 free spins, 4 scatters will give you 20 free spins, and 5 scatters will take you all the way to free spins heaven with 50 spins. In the Bingo slot it is also possible to win both free spins and bonus games at the same time. It is easy to say that there are more pros than cons with this game, and if we are being completely honest, who needs a multiplier or a progressive jackpot in a Bingo slot? We don’t, anyways. This game is simple, straightforward and does what it says on the tin – and that is why we love it. And also because there are some really lucrative opportunities available, through a variety of winning combinations. This is a pretty unusual game, because it combines the slot machine format with a bingo layout. We definitely recommend that you give Bingo Slot from Pragmatic Play a go, as it is always great with a new gaming experience. For more titles from this game developer, we can recommend popular games like Fairytale Fortune, Great Rhino, Fire 88, Joker’s Jewels, Ancient Egypt and Lucky New Year. To get the balls rolling with Bingo Slot, try out any of the following casinos: Slotsup, Slotu, Livebet, SlotsMillion and Lapalingo online casino.
A car has hit pedestrians in southwest Germany and at least two people have been killed with several injured. German police in the city of Trier are urging people to avoid the city centre and one person has been arrested and a vehicle has been seized, a police spokesman confirmed. Police said on Twitter, ‘We arrested one person and one vehicle was seized. The Mayor of the city will hold a press conference shortly and is also at the scene.
I grew up in a household with strong european roots (especially scottish and dutch). As a result I grew to love almond. One of the main desserts made was an Almond Puff Pastry. It's known often as a Danish Almond Puff Pastry, but frankly it's made all over Europe. I don't have the recipe with me right now but I'll see if I can dig it out. In the mean time I'll link a recipe that looks pretty darn close to the one I got from my grandparents. This is not a healthy snack by any means. Traditional European treats generally aren't. But it is tasty as anything!
. A recent study shows that it is easier to accomplish this in certain states. The personal finance website WalletHub ranked each of the 50 states and the District Columbia to determine the best states for working fathers. The states are ranked based on statistics revolving around a father’s economic and social well-being, work-life balance, child care, and health in each area. How does Nebraska rank? Nebraska came in 16th place out of the 51 options. It ranks higher than most of the other states because it excels in two of the indicators, but is held back due to low scores in the other two factors. Here is where it ranks around each of the criteria: - Economic and social well-being: Nebraska ranks 10th for its average family income, unemployment, and poverty rate. The state also ties for first for the lowest unemployment rate. - Work-Life balance:Nebraska ranks 26th for its parental leave policy score and average workday length. - Child care:Nebraska ranks 31st for its child care costs and quality, amount of child workers and school system. The state previously placed in 30th for school system on the same site. - Health:Nebraska ranks 8th for male life expectancy, suicide rate, physical and mental health. How it affects custody. While a healthy and financially stable father is crucial when raising children and determining custody, where the state ranks in work-balance life is concerning. Even though the state’s lowest ranking is with child care, it is the only criteria that is not gender specific. Less time spent with the children gives Nebraska fathers a disadvantage in custody disputes. If fathers do not spend enough time with their children, then the mother has more potential to build a better relationship with the kids. The court could establish the mother being better for the well-being of the children because of their bond. To eliminate this potential custody advantage, fathers should actively be searching for ways to balance their work and home life. The studies show that fathers have multiple areas of life to worry about when raising children, and it is essential for the future of both the father and the children to find a way to provide in all of them. Contact The Office Bold labels are required. The Law Offices of James A. Adams, P.C., L.L.O. 5822 S. 142nd Street, Suite A Omaha, NE 68137 Map & Directions
ALLEN PARK, Mich. — Former Miami Hurricanes coach Al Golden has been hired as tight ends coach of the Detroit Lions. Golden was fired by Miami in October. He was the coach there from 2011-15 and at Temple from 2006-10. The Lions announced the move Monday night. Golden moves to the NFL after 23 years as a college coach. He was an assistant at Virginia, Penn State and Boston College before taking over at Temple. He went 32-25 with Miami and 17-18 in Atlantic Coast Conference play, his stint marred by an NCAA investigation and subsequent fallout caused by things that happened before he arrived. Golden’s last game with Miami was a 58-0 loss to then-No. 6 Clemson.
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C'est là l'objet de nombreuses recherches, en particulier dans le domaine des sciences, qui ont conduit au cours des derniers siècles à des résultats très significatifs, favorisant un authentique progrès de l'humanité tout entière. Translate to English. This is what has driven so many enquiries, especially in the scientific field, which in recent centuries have produced important results, leading to genuine progress for all humanity.
stakes. Now hopefully the next version of Clonedvd will restore my faith in the product,or i’ll have to ask for a refund. It may lack some of the functions that Clonedvd have,but give me quality over functions anytime. Are you saying that you can visually see a BETTER picture with DVD2ONE at the same compression level? Nero Recode 2.x claims to have a better picture quality, but I can only confirm the speed improvement. So far, I have not seen any visual improvement given the same level of video compression with various “shrink” programs. Perhaps a magnified still picture will be more revealing…but then we’re not doing a real-world performance test. Can I split to two DVDs with DVD2one? Can I edit the start and end of the main movie title? And how is the support? Shrink/Recode would be best for the experienced users. However, CloneDVD is still the best PURE DVD backup program for the majority of people. Note that you need AnyDVD to backup with CloneDVD. quality stakes. I’m not blinkered towards any products i tell it as i see it. I assume the refund part was a joke, right? 'cause you probably won’t get one. You got the product you’ve paid for. If you like DVD2One and wish to use it and have the cash, then you should buy it. You can use CloneDVD to write the result of DVD2One to disc. Not to mention, that it cannot write the result to a disc. result it’s about the QUALITY comparison of Dvd2one and Clonedvd. You are missing one very important benefit of Clonedvd…Olli! I can also use Decrypter/Nero etc.etc. But the topic is not about writing the result it’s about the QUALITY comparison of Dvd2one and Clonedvd. And? As I said, if you like DVD2One go ahead and buy it. CloneDVD & DVD2One are very different products. DVD2One is only a transcoder, CloneDVD2 is a all in one solution, including splitting, burning, etc. Maybe so… Are you saying that noone should criticise Clonedvd?It seems to me that some of the replies contributed to this post is biased towards Clonedvd. olli even if dvd2 one is better than clone dvd(which it isn’t} i would never disrespect your program, you have done a great service to us all. Very unlikely, that two different versions have the same runtime. Check, if they reference the same video material. Watch the quality bar. If you can select both with no difference, than select both. Other than that, check the preview and try to figure out which is which (very annoying on multi angle titles). Ot use your DVD player software and remember the title / angle numbers. Threats.what Threats? Looks like i’ve touch a nerve!!. Dvd2one exists. Had it been Dvdshrink vs Clondvd i wondered if the response would be different.
I've a sheetmetal unbended piece and, in the same way that I can obtain the mass and volume, and parametrize them into a relation, can I obtain the perimeter of "all edges in the green side" for example, and parametrize with a relation? the reason tofind the perimeter is because we need this data to calculate the time toc ut by laser. We work cutting and bending sheetmetal pieces and we need this data. Investigating in this item, I saw that the same volume with a "square base prisma" is not the same than in "circle base cilinder", and here is my work. I think that maybe with inertial moments I can find more, but I'm trying. Volume divided by thickness gives you the surface in top view (of a flat sheet). Subtract this twice (top and bottom) from the total surface of the part. This gives you the net surface of the outside edges. Divide this last figure by thickness and it should give you the running length of the outside edges. Just mathematical logic, haven't run a test on this.
The gardens are going strong and with the rain that we've had and the sun that's coming things should start shooting up even more. This week we had some kale, some chard and some lettuce for our clients to select from. On the 4th Tuesday (evening) and Thursday (afternoon) of each month we are happy to put on a collective kitchen. Members of the community come together to cook (and clean up) and everyone goes home with eight portions of homemade food. This month included this colorful (and tasty) pico. Many people don't know that we take pet food as well. For many people pets are their companions and their families and far too often people will go without in order to provide food for their dog or cat. These are the items that we received as part of the After The Bell program. This is a first for New Brunswick and we're happy to be able to take part in it. Summer hunger is a very real issue. Most children look forward to summer vacation as a time for fun and rest, but for those living with food insecurity, it can be a time of worry. After the Bell helps fill the gap during the summer months with nutritious food packs for hungry kids," says Chris Hatch, CEO of Food Banks Canada.
The water embraced them both and welcomed them with a soft kiss of the sun. The water glowed warmly and invitingly. They drifted in a smooth and continuous hug and floated thanks to the light emanating from their hearts. Like a pair of sun twins, they were entwined in each other’s attraction and rotated in each other’s orbit. The world out there paused to honor the existence of the intense longing hidden in the twin’s heart. They wanted nothing more. They did not need anything else to be more complete than this moment, but there was always a link between them and the surrounding creatures. The fish made the surface of the water bubble and surrounded their limbs. Their joy radiated a brilliant protective veil. Fish is a symbol of fulfillment and prosperity. They glided across the deep blue ocean, and their scales shined like gold. Moment of ecstasy in the overflowing happiness, as if this is the last full moment hidden deep under many outer shells, like a school of goldfish swimming in many deep layers of the sea. Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot is the feeling of serenity and peace at the end. Happiness and success are finally achieved, the longing of the heart, the support from the family, the enjoyment of happiness from life, not just only the pleasure of the body, are also fulfilled. Support from family and close relationships is important to enjoy the satisfaction of life. Keywords related to the Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot: serenity, unity, faith, reconciliation, fullness, joy-filled, contentment, safety, prosperity, protection, satisfaction, love, marriage, sincere friendship, cooperation, compatibility, peace, eternity, wish comes true, the Thanksgiving. The Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot is also a very positive card. This card presents happiness in the context. This happiness tends to be more mature and wider at the outside, as opposed to personal fulfillment like the Nine of Cups. This is a good card. In general, this card implies a happy family life (even if you are single), and that happiness is for the people who you care about the most, such as parents, siblings, children. The image of the card also reflects the mental satisfaction. Regardless of any question, this is also a very positive card. First of all, this card expresses pleasure which includes happiness, fullness, and enjoyment. It is the feeling that comes when we know that we have all those things. Unfortunately, this is not quite a common feeling. We are blinded by the challenges of life many times and feel as if we are drowning in the hardships of life. Still, pleasure always exists and is the fundamental right of every human being. Peace is another aspect of the Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot. It is the feeling of peace that comes when all other elements are in harmony. Each person has a sense of inner peace and a sense of external peace interacting with each other. When you are in harmony with yourself, then you will enjoy the harmony in your environment. When you see this card, you should know that it is possible to end the hostility. If there are conflicts or struggles around you, then this is the time when those things disappear. If you have had a hard time struggling to find what you want, at this stage, you can go back and enjoy the present life in the most comfortable way. Very rarely does Ten of Cups Shadowcapes Tarot appear in a negative sense, however, it warns about challenges and things that you have achieved but they still haven’t satisfied you. What you expected did not happen as expected. Remember that when you yearn for something, you have to meet the requirements to get it. In terms of love, Ten of Cups Shadowcapes Tarot is almost a card of happiness, however, you may experience a few negative events. When they are gone leaving feelings of boredom and fatigue, the emotional storm explodes in you. So don’t start making decisions about anything emotionally involved right now. Therefore, you should not decide anything emotionally in a hurry at this time. Let’s wait for the emotions to calm down, you can see through yourself and make the most accurate decisions. At this time, the journey to find happiness has officially just begun. In terms of work, Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot predicts that you may be at the peak of your career, the good news will appear such as promotions, rewards, extra bonus, etc. This stage is very suitable for starting a new job as well as a new plan. You should have a plan before embarking on any project. On the other hand, this card warns of difficulties that may arise at any time, so you should be carefully prepared. In terms of finance, this is a time of wealth, You almost have no hesitation about your finances. You even get the support of money from loved ones in the family. Although the Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot is a very good card for money, the investment did not bring good results during this period. You should only focus on one area, avoid being too greedy and not achieve anything. The calculation, as well as careful consideration, is definitely necessary. Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot warns about the health of family members, especially children. At this stage, some inherited diseases or bad weather can also lead to negative changes in health. You should not underestimate any strange signs at this time. Besides, do not take miscellaneous medicines without doctor’s instructions. You should live in moderation, eating foods with clear origin and rich in nutrients. In short, Ten of Cups Shadowscapes Tarot shows pleasure and satisfaction in current relationships. Happiness is so simple and usual but it makes you feel like you’re in heaven. The image of ten cups represents the fullness of emotion, you are no longer alone, you can share your happiness with families or friends.
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Friends, co-workers and family of the man accused of shooting his neighbor and police testified Wednesday that he had a long downward spiral before the events of Jan. 21, 2020. Benjamin Thomas Murdy, 45 of Street, is charged with five counts each of attempted first- and attempted second-degree murder and over a dozen counts of assault in addition to destruction of property, reckless endangerment, animal cruelty and use of a firearm, according to electronic court records. Murdy is charged in connection to an approximately 90-minute standoff with police in January of 2020, where he allegedly shot his neighbor and fired approximately 200 rounds at police, who responded to his house in the 4500 block of Oak Ridge Drive for a report that he had killed his girlfriend’s dog. He pleaded not criminally responsible — Maryland’s version of the insanity defense — in February of 2020. Because of that, the judge will have to weigh his guilt as well as his criminal responsibility: whether or not he appreciated the criminality of his conduct or could conform his behavior to the law. Murdy’s sister, Koren Dumphy, testified Wednesday that things started to unravel for him after Murdy’s fraternal twin brother killed himself in 2018. While the twins had a quarrelsome relationship, she said his death approximately 18 months before the alleged shooting left a mark on Murdy. Beyond those stressors, Murdy discovered his wife had been cheating on him for over a decade, Dumphy said, and the two of them split. Murdy was also dealing with other family issues, and later began taking Zoloft, an antidepressant, she said. Dumphy said her brother’s doctor had prescribed him 100 milligrams, but that dose was far too high. She said he was frustrated that the medicine was impeding his otherwise stellar performance at work and that he was having delusions, including conversations with his deceased brother and other dead associates. “He would think that I was out to get him, that my mother was out to get him,” she said. She said Murdy’s speaking was disjointed, and while the delusions were worrisome, she thought he was more of a danger to himself than anybody else. “We were more concerned that he was going to take his own life,” she said. Murdy’s father, Ralph Murdy, said the family has a history of mental illness, struggling with depression and suicide. When his son would call him, Ralph Murdy said he could usually calm him down, but the day before the alleged shooting, Benjamin Murdy was inconsolable, he said. The next day, Murdy called his father between six and eight times, similarly agitated. Murdy told his father that dogs were attacking and that he was having a conversation with his dead brother. Murdy’s girlfriend Jennifer Gardner testified that she left the house before the shooting, corroborated by video footage of the property. She said Murdy stopped taking his Zoloft days before the incident, and that he was acting abnormal on the night in question. Gardner said Murdy was rambling about the Delaware lottery and told his ex-wife he could speak to dead people. Gardner said she realized he was acting strange, and left with her two children. She did not take the dog, she explained, because she knew Murdy loved the animal, as all his friends and family testified to. She was not overly worried, because the two used to joke about dark subjects. After shooting the animal, Murdy texted Gardner’s sister and said he had killed the dog. She texted him back to ask if he had really done it, and he replied that he had shot “multiple dogs,” Gardner said. At that point, she called the police and told them Murdy was potentially suicidal. While he was alone in the house, Murdy called his cousin, Jesse Bender, who testified Wednesday that Murdy was not making sense. Murdy told him he was talking with his brother and Bender’s sister, both of whom are dead, and said he saw blood coming out of the walls, Bender testified. As the two spoke, Bender said he heard the sounds of a magazine being loaded and heard “several hundred shots.” Bender said he had a bad feeling when he picked up the call, but had never had an experience like that with Murdy. “It had to just be building over time,” Bender said. At the first day of trial, assistant states attorney Charles Fitzpatrick played video of the arrest and alleged shooting. Pictures taken at the scene also show empty boxes of ammunition piled below the window he allegedly shot from, as well as the two guns and the dead dog. All told, police investigators found 192 fired cartridges at the scene, and traced their trajectory back toward Murdy’s house. Numerous videos of the alleged shooting, its lead-up and its aftermath were played in court Tuesday. In a video of his interview with police, Murdy admitted he had been drinking beer, but did not specify how much. Gardner and Bender both testified Wednesday that he had not seemed drunk. On cross-examination, Fitzpatrick pointed out that Gardner told Maryland Department of Health investigators that Murdy was a heavy drinker — consuming between 12 and 18 beers a day. The trial will resume Thursday with expert testimony. Murdy has opted for a bench trial, rather than trial by jury; Harford County Circuit Court Judge Kevin Mahoney is hearing the case. Trials in which a defendant pleads not criminally responsible, as Murdy has, are often bifurcated into a guilt portion and a criminal responsibility portion, but because Mahoney is hearing the case rather than a jury, the trial will not be split up. Mahoney said he will deliver his verdict on Murdy’s guilt and criminal responsibility at the same time instead of ruling on each separately. That verdict may come next week, he said.
Members of the public who wish to participate during a public meeting may do so by providing public comment during the two designated public comment periods, indicated on the agenda, via videoconference or telephonic appearance. To videoconference, you must have access to an Internet connection and a computer equipped with a camera and microphone with which you can join a meeting at the following link: https://carsoncity.webex.com/meet/sierraroom. To join by telephone, you must dial the following number: +1-408-418-9388 (Meeting ID: 967 882 207). You may also provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following e-mail address |||EMAIL_ADDRESS||| For inclusion or reference in the minutes of a meeting, your public comment must include your full name and be submitted via e-mail by not later than 3:00 p.m. the day before the date of the meeting. Staff Summary: If obtained, this grant would provide funds in an effort to increase the ability of the Carson City Sheriff's Office to provide victim services and crisis intervention to victims and witnesses. The grant would also assist victims and witnesses navigate through the criminal justice process. The Sheriff's Office Victim Witness Coordinator is a full-time grant funded position and would work alongside both front line officers as well as the District Attorney’s Office. Staff Summary: Through this agreement, DPS, CCSO, and DCSO have provided for a Regional Critical Incident Investigation Response Team (Response Team) to investigate officer involved shootings and where directed other major incidents, including an in-custody death of an inmate, an in-custody death involving a peace officer or corrections officer, and any use of deadly force. The purpose of the Response Team is to have an outside investigation determine whether any criminal acts occurred. The use of a Response Team in these circumstances is designed to maintain the public's confidence in their local law enforcement, enhance credibility and transparency, and to ensure a fair and impartial investigation. Staff Summary: Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 361.595(2) provides that if a "property is to be sold, the board of county commissioners may make an order, to be entered on the record of its proceedings, directing the county treasurer to sell the property particularly described therein, after giving notice of sale, for a total amount not less than the amount of the taxes, costs, penalties and interest legally chargeable against the property as stated in the order." On October 3, 2019 the Board approved the sale to be conducted on April 23, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 Virus, the Treasurer is requesting that the tax sale be postponed. The Treasurer will select a new date in coordination with the City Manager. Staff Summary: Carlos and Hilary Mendeguia are requesting an easement through City property located at 4600 Furgerson Ranch Road (APN 010-581-17) for construction of an alternative access and a gas utility line to their adjacent property at 4555 Furgerson Ranch Road (APN 010-032-32). In consideration of this request, the Mendeguia's are proposing to donate approximately 28,100 square feet of property in fee title to the City for a future public trail and to grant a permanent easement and right-of-way for existing underground reclaimed water facilities which corrects an error to an existing easement. Staff Summary: The Fire Department is proposing to purchase two new ambulances to replace two ambulances from the current fleet. The current vehicles have surpassed their usefulness due to the age of the ambulance boxes and the equipment required to outfit current ambulances calls for a more heavy-duty chassis. The City has reviewed other vendors and found that, for the specifications needed, H-GACBuy has the best pricing. Staff Summary: Over the past several years, the Carson City Sheriff's Office (CCSO) has provided SROs to CCSD as part of a grant program. The SRO Program has been successful at reducing crime in the School District's schools, but the grant has expired. This agreement continues the SRO Program, reestablishing and clarifying the working relationship between, and the respective duties of, the City, CCSO, and School District. The agreement provides that the City and the School District will split the personnel costs of the first three SROs and may agree to fund, or find funding for additional SROs. The School District has previously obtained grant funding for two additional SROs. **PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS - The Mayor and Supervisors meet at various times as different public bodies: the Carson City Board of Supervisors, the Carson City Liquor and Entertainment Board, the Carson City Redevelopment Authority, and the Carson City Board of Health. Each, as called to order, will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. Although it has been the ordinary practice of these public bodies to provide an opportunity for additional public comment during each specific item designated for possible action on the agenda, public comment will be temporarily limited to the beginning of the agenda before any action is taken and again at the end before adjournment. This policy will remain effective during the period of time the State of Nevada is under a State of Emergency as declared by the Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and is intended to achieve the efficient conduct of meetings while facilitating public participation via videoconference and telephonic means. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. The Mayor, Mayor Pro-Tem and Chair, also retain discretion to only provide for the Open Meeting Law’s minimum public comment and not call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: 1) it is deemed necessary by the mayor/chair to the orderly conduct of the meeting; 2) it involves an off-site non-action facility tour agenda item; or 3) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the Carson City Municipal Code.
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I started going grey at 22. I remember standing in the bathroom of my college’s volleyball colosseum and cringing at the strands of metallic white hair I saw peeking through the rest of my dark brown locks. For years I plucked the hairs or just let them grow out, but this year – once I turned 30 – I decided to finally take action. That first week I turned 30, I quit my corporate job, took off for four days to drive alone through the hill country, and scheduled an appointment with a new hairdresser to dye my hair for the first time ever. Anyone who didn’t know me would think I was going through a mid-life crisis, but Ashley and others knew the changes were a long time in coming. The Colorist was a nice woman in her fifties – nice but not warm. Tall and slender with angular features and jet black hair, she came off as astute and knowledgeable as she talked me through my options. I’d planned on dying my hair outright, but once she understood that my priorities were hiding the grey and having low maintenance, she suggested highlights instead. “Alright, I’ll give you more of a natural, sun-kissed look,” she agreed. She went to work, and in the meantime, I looked around her salon station, noting the trophies lined the counter. She was good at her job and had been at it for decades. The Colorist told me that working on “virgin hair” was her favorite, so getting to do my highlights was a special treat. We made some small talk, but not much, and when she was finished, she sent me off to have my hair blow-dried by a male hairdresser named Jonny. Jonny was channeling Adam Lambert, circa 2009, complete with shaggy black hair, dark eyeliner and multiple rings on each hand. He seemed nice but frazzled, having misplaced his hairdryer. I thought that was odd, since he was a hairdresser junior enough that his primary job was blow-drying the hair of other hairstylists’ clients. Once Jonny found his hairdryer, he went to work on different sections of my hair, moving through them slowly – and then stopping completely when the back end of his newly-found hairdryer started to smoke. He turned it off and on, shaking it and then shaking his head in frustration. He turned it back on and continued to dry my hair, keeping a wary eye on his questionable equipment. Having finally found his groove, Jonny started to make small talk with me. He asked if I was married, and when I told him I was dating Seth, he asked how we met. I told Jonny about church and meeting while teaching Sunday school. Ever since starting to date Seth, I’ve had an easy gateway into talking with people about faith. Nobody wants to talk about God, but everybody wants to talk about my love life. Since Seth and I met at church, I can pretty easily bridge that gap into the typically taboo topic of faith. Jonny and I got to talking more in depth, and I thanked God that I didn’t have anywhere to be. Every time we talked about something that really interested him, Jonny would turn off his blowdryer so that he could better hear me and make sure I heard his response in turn. As a result, it took him TWO HOURS to dry my hair. I was in the salon for three hours total – a trip that normally takes me less than half that time! But it was worth it. I smiled. At first, Jonny had been intentionally pushing my buttons, trying to see how judgmentally I’d respond when he flippantly told me about waking up next to his girlfriend or how cool it was to get to cut her hair when they showered together. But when I looked past those comments and just focused on the heart of the conversation, he started to open up more.
<reponame>backyq339/laravel-quickpay<gh_stars>0 <?php namespace nickknissen\QuickPay; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use QuickPay\QuickPay as QuickPayVendor; use nickknissen\QuickPay\Exceptions\QuickPayValidationError; use nickknissen\QuickPay\Exceptions\QuickPayTestNotAllowed; use nickknissen\QuickPay\Exceptions\ConfigNotCorrect; use nickknissen\QuickPay\Exceptions\CardNotAccepted; class Quickpay { protected $client; protected $currency = 'DKK'; public function __construct() { $credentials = null; if (config('quickpay.api_key')) { $credentials = ":".config('quickpay.api_key'); } else if (config('quickpay.login') && config('quickpay.password')) { $credentials = sprintf('%s:%s', config('quickpay.login'), config('quickpay.password')); } if (!$credentials) { throw new ConfigNotCorrect('You should specify an `api_key` or `login` and `password` in the `quickpay` config file'); } $this->client = new QuickPayVendor($credentials); } public function request(string $method, string $url, array $data = []) : object { $response = $this->client->request->$method($url, $data); if ($response->isSuccess()) { $data = $response->asObject(); if (App::environment('production') && $data->test_mode) { throw new QuickPayTestNotAllowed(); } if (!empty($data->operations) && !$data->accepted) { throw new CardNotAccepted($data); } return $data; } else { throw new QuickPayValidationError($response); } } public function orderIdPrefix() : string { if (!Str::contains(Str::lower(config('app.env')), 'prod')) { return ''; } return 'E' . mb_substr(config('app.env'), 0, 1); } }
Courthouse wedding costs vary from state to state and you should check with your local authority on the amount that you would pay in the area that you live in. For example, a courthouse. Courthouse wedding cost missouri. A courthouse wedding begins at an average of $25 to $75 depending on your state. Missouri marriage license and. It will cost you about $$58. 00 dollars to get a marriage license in missouri. There are other requirements too, such as laws regulating age and residency. If you're getting married in the. The cost to get married at the courthouse is anywhere between $25 and $100. Make sure to call your local courthouse for exact fees. You will need to pay for the marriage license. Apply for a marriage license at your local circuit court. Call the courthouse and check if you meet the requirements needed for marriage.
THE working class of India is getting ready for another battle --- a battle against the class exploitation of the people of the country by the employers, facilitated by the neo-liberal policies of the government. Expressing its serious indignation at the contemptuous neglect displayed by the government by completely ignoring its demands put forth through 14 countrywide general strikes in the last 20 years, the working class of the country has decided to take the struggle to new heights so as to bring the government to its senses. The historic joint trade union convention, held at Talkatora Stadium in the national capital on September 4, 2012, gave a clarion call to all the toiling people in the country to come together and push back the neo-liberal policies that are responsible for the increasing attacks on their rights, on their lives and livelihoods. The convention decided to unleash a massive campaign on the demands which the central union organisations have been highlighting during the last three years, since 2009, and it will culminate in an unprecedented all-India general strike for two days --- on February 20-21, 2013. The convention also called upon the working people to come out in their full strength all over the country in Satyagraha and court arrest on December 18-19 this year. Thousands of workers led by all the central trade union leaders will march to the parliament on December 20 to press their demands. State, district and local level as well as sectoral joint conventions will be held in September, October and November to take the message of the convention to all the corners of the country and to all sections of the workers. The basic thrust of the convention was that the unity at present achieved at the national level has to be taken to the grassroots level, as a strong united movement alone can reverse the anti-worker anti-people policies of the government. The huge response of the workers to the joint national convention, despite the unfavourable weather conditions, indicates their determination to not only continue but further intensify their fight against the attacks on their rights. They have refused to be cowed down by the attempts of the employers, the national and multinational corporations in various parts of the country, with the open support of the government, to instil a sense of fear and insecurity to prevent them from getting organised, as seen in the case of Maruti Manesar. On the contrary, such attacks in different parts of the country seem to have only increased their determination to fight and protect their rights. Workers from all over the country --- from the organised sector as well as the unorganised sector, from all industries, steel, coal and other mines, port and dock, railways, electricity, oil, transport, telecom, construction, insurance, banks, state and central government departments, postal department --- participated in the convention along with the plantation workers, beedi workers, brick kiln workers, workers from small industrial units, shops, fishers etc. Women workers, Anganwadi employees, ASHA workers, mid-day meal workers and others too participated in large numbers. What was significant was also the participation of large numbers of young workers. Such was the enthusiasm of the workers that the Talkatora Stadium, the venue of the convention, was overflowing and around half the workers had to stand outside to hear their leaders. As the Declaration unanimously adopted by the convention shows, the demands raised by the working class encompass the demands of all sections of the toiling people. These include the incessant price rise, employment, minimum wages to all workers, same wage for same or similar jobs, universal social security and disinvestment, along with the issues of mass scale contractisation, rampant violation of labour laws and onslaught on trade union rights. It is necessary that all democratic forces and organisations of the toiling masses fully support the struggle initiated by the joint trade union movement to ensure the reversal of the neo-liberal policies, because, this is the only way to protect the livelihoods and rights of all sections of the people including the peasants, agricultural workers and others. The Joint National Convention of Trade Unions was presided over by a presidium comprising Akhtar Hussein (BMS), Ashok Singh (INTUC), Amarjeet Kaur (AITUC), Sharad Rao (HMS), A K Padmanabhan (CITU), Satyavan Singh (AIUTUC), Shiv Shankar (TUCC), Abani Roy (UTUC), SP Roy (AICCTU), Ratna Sabhapati (LPF) and Jyoti Marwa (SEWA). B N Rai from BMS, Sanjeeva Reddy from INTUC, Gurudas Dasgupta from AITUC, H S Siddu from HMS, Tapan Sen from CITU, Krishna Chakravarti from AIUTUC, S P Tiwari from TUCC, Ashok Ghosh from UTUC, Swapan Mukherjee from AICCTU, Shanmugam from LPF and Monali Shah from SEWA addressed the convention. The office bearers of the CITU and its state level leaders all over the country, the leaders from different independent all-India federations of workers and employees including state government, central government, banks, insurance, postal, telecom, defence, steel, coal, electricity, oil, transport, railways, plantations etc participated in the convention.
The following user(s) said Thank You: floridakamper, larryf, Sarge3398, Ed Kelly, waangret, greyhound73772, Cdr_Cody, LamSan, usvetlaw, simpsondr and 1 other people also said thanks. Looks like all sites are "satellite" spots now! Too bad! It's a nice FAMCAMP; we stayed a couple times. Sure they'll make a good recovery... So sorry to see all this happen. Where are all the winter campers going to go? For several years we visited Raptor Ranch in the early Spring, and saw the regular winter residents leave to go home. I wonder when this campsite will get back together. I fear it may never feel the same. Raptor Ranch FamCamp at Tyndall AFB, FL is now open again!
He and his wife lived in a cluttered trailer up a dirt and gravel road near Weitchpec, a village deep in the Hoopa Reservation in Northern California. His name was Calvin Rube, and he and his wife Georgina Matilton were Yurok Indian healers. I had come to them for help with an intestinal ailment. They put me in the wood frame house Rube was building, where I slept on the floor next to a wood-burning stove. The house had no walls, just a roof. It was November, and I could hear and feel the rain. Then they put me to work, clearing and flattening the road to their trailer, hauling wood, and helping Calvin build his new house. At night, they performed ceremonies and came up with a diagnosis—some evil being, perhaps a black spider, had a grip on my guts. The spider represented an old girlfriend I hadn’t gotten out of my system and, once I did, I’d heal. Call it superstition or power of suggestion, but I let go of that girlfriend emotionally, indeed got better, and wrote the story for the San Francisco Chronicle. That was 23 years ago. That experience taught me something about California Indian ways and opened the door to many other stories. Here—learned through trial and error—are some tips for covering Indian Country. If it’s important for the story, always ask how someone prefers to be identified. For a while, the term “Native American” was considered politically correct. Then I met an anthropologist from a Southern California Indian nation who said she was neither Native nor American. Now I politely ask people what nation—or nations—they’re from. It’s more respectful than asking someone their tribe, since the term nation honors Indian sovereignty. I like “First Nations” people, the term used for indigenous people in Canada, because it seems most accurate. “American Indian” now seems preferable to “Native American,” but again, I suggest asking what each person is most comfortable with. It’s often much easier to talk to Indian people face-to-face than on the phone. Given America’s shameful, tragic history in its dealings with Indians, it’s not surprising that some Indian people still distrust non-Indians—what I call the “guilty until proven innocent” syndrome. Many people—not just Indians—prefer face-to-face interviews because it’s easier to gauge a person’s honesty and motives. Once you’ve shown respect for a person’s culture and a genuine interest in learning something new, the guilty until proven innocent syndrome disappears. Don’t come to an Indian story with preconceived or overly romantic notions. There are more than 550 federally recognized Indian nations within the United States—most with their own languages. Dozens more aren’t federally recognized but nevertheless preserve their nationhood through distinct customs, language and oral histories. Californian Indians didn’t have powwows, they had Big Times, but the relocation of thousands of Indians from other states in the 1950’s and ’60’s brought powwows here. There are often factions or divides about which reporters need to be aware. It’s often a mistake to let one person speak for the “Indian community” (or the African-American community or any other ethnic group whose members naturally reflect many viewpoints). As one California Indian elder recently told me, “If somebody tells you there’s someone you shouldn’t talk to, maybe that’s the person you should talk to.” Be patient and respectful, and try not to take any setbacks personally. Some Indian people tell stories in a circular way—rich in context and metaphor—before they arrive at a response to a specific question. Don’t interrupt, just hang in there. Generally there will be plenty of time for the question to be answered. Two years ago, when I was researching tribal justice in Navajo and Hopi Country—and how traditional ways of conflict resolution might help resolve bitter disputes in California Indian Country—most people were extremely generous with their time and insights. But a few folks blew me off, failing to show up for scheduled interviews after I had driven hours to get there. When I mentioned this to a Navajo friend at Stanford University, she replied, “It’s not about you.” Which I guess means it’s about long memories of exploitation and abuse by outsiders. No one likes the idea that somehow their culture and knowledge will be exploited for profit, even in a newspaper story intended to enlighten readers and resolve problems. Most of the time, if an Indian person tells you about an event, you’re invited. And if you write balanced, nuanced stories, Indian readers will notice. After I had done a series on Hmong and Iu Mien shamans—traditional spirit healers from the mountains of Laos—a California Indian leader, Cindy La Marr, called me in for a meeting. She said she liked the approach to the Hmong and Iu Mien stories and said it was time I wrote the California Indian story. La Marr—now president of the National Indian Education Association—opened many doors for me by calling Indian leaders and elders throughout California and telling them I was okay. The result was a four-part series called “Lost Tribes,” published in 1997 in The Sacramento Bee, and focused on the tragic modern history of California Indians. Reporting ‘Lost Tribes’ As an outsider, sometimes a reporter has to pass a test. While working on “Lost Tribes,” I flew to San Diego to meet with California Indian leaders there. The gatekeeper I relied on to open doors for me there was Ron Morton, who ran an urban Indian health clinic. “In the Indian world you earn the right to speak after listening and observing,” Morton said. “The Indian way of learning is by experiencing.” He took me to a sweat on the Viejas Reservation in East San Diego County. I remember that cool February night like it was yesterday. As a full moon arched over the San Diego hills, each of us gave some tobacco to sweat leader Ron Christman, a Kummeyaay Indian. The sweat leader’s assistant, an Oneida Indian named Larry, was shoveling rocks into a fire outside the sweat lodge, a circular, canvas-covered structure about four feet high. Larry asked me if I’d ever been to a sweat before. I hadn’t—and I had no clue. “Know why you’re going in,” he counseled. “The sweat is Mother Earth’s womb. Thank her for her womb. If you pray hard, it gives strength to the others in the sweat. If you feel you can’t take it anymore, pray harder. You’re going to experience a little suffering. There are people suffering a whole lot more than you every day—people with cancer, alcoholics, people who have nothing. So remember your suffering is only temporary. [But] if you just can’t take it, get out.” Finally, when the rocks in the fire glowed red-hot, Larry shoveled them into a pit in the center of the lodge. Twenty of us—including older men and women and children as young as eight—smudged ourselves with sacred smoke, then crawled inside the mouth of the sweat lodge, forming a human coil, and rubbed ourselves with sage. Larry shoveled some more hot rocks into the fire pit, doused them with water—creating a blast of steam—and then shut the flap to the sweat lodge. I couldn’t move, see or breathe, and all I could feel was the relentless heat. The only way to survive is to focus on anything but yourself. And in the next hour, I sang and prayed harder than I ever have in my life—for women and children, for sick people, for those incarcerated, for my friends, family and even people who had done me wrong. After each round of song and prayer, the flap would open, Larry would shovel more hot rocks into the fire, douse them with water, and the flap would close again. I didn’t want to be the white wimp who runs out of the sweat, but after the flap opened a fourth time, I was finished. “Ron,” I said, “I don’t think I can go another round.” Morton smiled and said, “That’s OK—it’s over. The Creator doesn’t give us more than we can endure.” The sweat was over. I’d survived this rite of passage, and the sweat leader and others spent hours talking to me about Indian traditions, their personal stories, and pros and cons of Indian gambling. Once I have been able to sit with them face-to-face, Indian people have proven to be exceedingly candid, patient, honest and generous with their time and insights. And as long as they think I’m telling the truth, any subject is fair game, including the challenges generated by sovereign immunity on Indian lands and the epidemic of California Indian nations that have been kicking members out (and denying them a cut of casino profits). The key seems to be to present Indian perspectives—and to write about solutions as well as problems, renaissance as well as dissonance. In California, more than 200,000 people each day drive into Indian Country to gamble, dine, see shows, play golf, and visit discount outlets. Millions of outsiders nationwide cross the border daily into some part of Indian Country. We need to understand the nations in our midst and where the people who live there are coming from. The best way to do that is to treat people as individuals, with respect and an appreciation for a worldview shaped by history and circumstances that are often very different from those of most mainstream Americans. Steve Magagnini has covered ethnic affairs and race relations for The Sacramento Bee since 1994. He received a Lifetime Achievement Award from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism for his outstanding coverage of race and ethnicity in the United States. His series “Lost Tribes” is available online.
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Contents This. This sample consists of the following files: The important lessons of this sample are in the six named schemas and one table schema defined in SharedSchemas.sbint. The alphabetic order of the schemas in the interface file is also the best order to study them and understand how they work. Follow these steps to run the provided unit test in StreamBase Studio: In the Package Explorer, open the java-srctree, and open the TestFxOrderMatching.javafile. Make sure the file is the currently active tab in the EventFlow Editor. From Studio's top-level menu, invoke→ → . In the JUnit view, observe the test running to completion, with a solid green bar indicating success. Edit and re-run the test file as desired to test different scenarios. In the Package Explorer, double-click to open the TopLevelFX.sbappmodule. Make sure the module is the currently active tab in the EventFlow Editor. Click the Run button. This opens the SB Test/Debug perspective and starts the module. Open the Manual Input view and select the Orders stream. notice that the Instrumenttuple field shows only the concrete Currency1and Currency2fields. The capture field that comprised the original abstract Instrumentfield was overridden by the concrete Instrumentfield. This replaced the capture field that has data type placeholderFieldswith the concrete fields Currency1and Currency2. Enqueue two tuples to the Orders stream in the Manual Input view: Observe a matching order emitted from the Fills stream in the Application Output view. Enter other tuples as desired. Remember that no order emits from the Fills stream until there is a match between IsBid=no and IsBid=yes tuples. When done, press F9 or click the Stop Running Application button. To understand how the inner module can be re-used to handle a different asset type, perform the following additional steps: Open the TopLevelFX.sbappmodule. Select all six components and invoke Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V to make a second copy of the module on the same canvas. The copied components take the same names as their counterparts with "Copy" appended. Double-click the OrdersCopy input stream to open its Properties view. In the Edit Schema tab, select the EquitiesOrder schema in the drop-down control. This is the only step necessary to convert the OrderMatcherRefCopy module to process order matching for equities orders instead of FX orders. Save the module and click the Run button. In the Manual Input view, select the OrdersCopy stream. Notice that the Instrumenttuple field now shows only a single field, Symbol. Enqueue two tuples to the OrdersCopy stream in the Manual Input view: Observe a matching order emitted from the FillsCopy stream in the Application Output view. Enter other tuples as desired, matching IsBid=no and IsBid=yes tuples to see output from the FillsCopy stream.. The following steps presume you have modified the TopLevelFX.sbapp module as described in the additional steps section above. Open four terminal windows on UNIX, or four StreamBase Command Prompts on Windows. In each window, navigate to your workspace copy of the sample, as described below. In window 1, launch StreamBase Server running TopLevelFX.sbapp: sbd TopLevelFX.sbapp In window 2, run a dequeuer for the two output streams: sbc deq Fills FillsCopy (You can optionally run separate dequeuers in separate windows.) In window 3, run an enqueuer to the Ordersstream: sbc enq Orders In window 4, run an enqueuer to the OrdersCopystream: sbc enq OrdersCopy In window 3, enter the following tuples: 1,"USD,CAD",1.0525,no,1000,A 2,"USD,CAD",1.0564,yes,1000,B In window 2, observe a fill order tuple: Fills,"2,""USD,CAD"",1.0564,true,0,B","1,""USD,CAD"",1.0525,false,0,A",1000 In window 4, enter the following tuples: 10,GOOG,580.50,no,50,AA 20,GOOG,580.75,yes,50,BB In window 2, observe a fill order tuple: FillsCopy,"20,GOOG,580.75,true,0,BB","10,GOOG,580.5,false,0,AA",50 To stop the sample, type Ctrl+C in one of the enqueuer windows, then run sbadmin shutdown. In StreamBase Studio, import this sample with the following steps: From the top menu, select→ . In the search field, type captureto narrow the list of samples. CaptureParentSchemasfrom the Data Constructs and Operators_CaptureParentSchemas See Default Installation Directories for the location of studio-workspace on your system. In the default StreamBase installation, this sample's files are installed in: streambase-install-dir/sample/CaptureParentSchemas See Default Installation Directories for the location of streambase-install-dir on your system. This location usually requires administrator privileges for write access.
Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported on Wednesday evening that four Palestinians were killed and nine others were wounded after the Egyptian security forces sprayed a border tunnel with Gas. The sources identified the slain residents as Mohammad Abu Jamous, 25, his brother Osama, 22, Khaled Al Ramly, 20, and Nidal Al Jady, 20, while nine residents were wounded. The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza confirmed that the four were killed after the Egyptian border police sprayed a tunnel with toxins, and denied reports that the tunnel was detonated leading to the death and injury of the residents. Adham Abu Salima, media correspondent of the Military Medical Services in Gaza, slammed the Egyptian Authority and stated that this act violates the International Law and the basic principles of human rights. Abu Salima added that instead of being part of the siege on Gaza, Egypt must act to open all border crossings and allow the entry of the urgently needed medical equipment and medications. He also stated that Egypt must allow the patients to be able to enter the country for medical treatment, and should allow the entry of basic supplies into the coastal region. The Egyptian authorities stated a wide campaign against all siege-busting tunnels in the Gaza Strip, detonated several tunnels and sprayed other tunnels with toxins and with waste-water.
Commencement exercises of the Protestant Reformed Semi¬nary were held on June 16, 2011 at Grandville Protestant Reformed Church. An abbreviated version of Prof. Dykstra’s address on that occasion was begun in the July issue and is concluded here. The Reformed minister is a soldier, called to war a good warfare (I Tim. 1:18). He fights for the gospel of Jesus Christ, for doctrine which is according to godliness. Hence he battles against the lie and all sin. At the same time, the minister is a pastor, a shepherd. For God’s people are sheep. “We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture” (Ps. 100:3). Moses was prepared for leading Israel by tending to sheep. Likewise David. Jesus identifies Himself as “the good shepherd” (John 10). In restoring Peter to the role of a preacher/apostle, Jesus commanded him: Feed my sheep and be a shepherd to them, and feed my lambs. The form for ordination of ministers identifies ministers as pastors. “Here we see that the holy apostle, among other things, saith that the pastoral office is an institution of Christ.” The form adds: calleth unto salvation and counts as sheep of His pasture. And again, Love Christ and feed. And: “Preaching the gospel for the comfort of the sheep.”In harmony with that calling is the admonition to Timothy: “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (II Tim. 2:24, 25). That the minister, the servant of Christ, is not to strive is not a contradiction of the calling to war a good warfare. The context of II Timothy 2 makes it plain that Paul has reference to battles over pointless matters—the foolish questions and discussions that have no value, and are not even answered by Scripture. At the same time, it does indicate the proper attitude of the minister towards his flock. He must not be at war with his sheep. The pastor’s calling is to feed them and care for them, not to battle them. Thus, Paul adds, but be gentle to all men. The only other place that the word translated “gentle” is used in Scripture is in Paul’s description of his work among the saints in Thessalonica: “We were gentle among you as a nurse cherisheth her children” (I Thess. 2:7). Do you see the picture of a nurse walking the floors, tending to the baby in her arms with tender affection? That is the attitude of the minister to his congregation. He has a tender affection towards them. Such a minister has the desire to teach (apt to teach). That does not refer merely to the ability to be a logical, capable teacher. A basic requirement for every minister is that he be able to teach. Rather, that a pastor is apt to teach means first that he wants to teach. He is not looking for a fight. He is rather looking to instruct. And second, that a man is apt to teach includes that he knows how to give instruction to the particular member of the congregation. It is instruction fitting both for the member and the issue at hand. In addition, Paul reminds pastors that they must be patient. The word implies that one does not take offence at wrongs done to him. In harmony with that, he must labor “in meekness.” Meekness is the opposite of pride. It is the opposite of putting oneself forward. It is an activity of seeking the good of the other, and in humility willing to put oneself down. In meekness, the pastor is to give instruction (as one would to a child) to those who “oppose themselves,” that is, set themselves to oppose something. And what are they opposing, but the way of truth and godliness? These people, who are to be treated with gentleness and patience, are those ensnared by the devil, who require repentance (vv. 25, 26)! A minister is a shepherd of the sheep, gentle to all. What are the tools of a shepherd? His tools are the same that he uses in the good warfare. Preaching is the shepherd’s rod and staff. By preaching he leads the sheep in green pastures, beside still waters. That is, by preaching, chieflyby preaching, he teaches, and this must be done patiently and in meekness. Preaching must edify, exhort, and comfort, according to I Corinthians 14:3. It begins with edification—building up the believers. A preacher is a teacher. Jesus’ word to Peter is: Feed my sheep. Feed my lambs. Be a shepherd to my sheep (John 21:15-17). As a warring minister, your sermons must contain polemics. However, if the greatest part of your sermon is polemics, it has entirely the wrong balance. And if the part of the sermon that you enjoy is especially polemics, that is entirely the wrong emphasis. Preaching is, first and foremost, for edification. Then exhortation and comfort. The Double Calling God calls the minister to war a good warfare. God exhorts him to be gentle to all. Preachers need these admonitions. Let us see why. We ministers need this admonition to war, first of all, because of very real opposition to truth and godliness. Heretics and heresies abound. The truth is openly denied, even cardinal truths such as the creation account of Genesis 1-2; the deity of Christ; heaven; hell; sovereign grace; God’s everlasting covenant of grace; and so much more. And sin is openly approved in the church world—divorce for any and all reasons, and remarriage after divorce; homosexuality; rebellion; abortion; euthanasia; Sabbath desecration; and so much more. It would be a relief if the minister need battle such evils only outside the walls of the congregation. That, however, is not the case. II Peter 2 warns against false teachers who will be within the church itself. Pretending to be true preachers of the gospel, they will surreptitiously bring in damnable heresies. The Revs. Hoeksema, Danhof, and Ophoff discovered that heresy was being taught in their denomination, our mother church, and fought against it in the 1920s. In the PRC, ministers were promoting the heresy of conditional theology in the 1950s. The ministers (as well as the members) were compelled to do battle for the truth. Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that Satan will no longer trouble the PRC with heresies. In addition to such battles for the truth, virtually all the congregations have faced those who blasphemed the truth (like Hymenaeus and Alexander) and finally had to be excommunicated. Indeed the battles are fought within the congregations. In Ephesus, certain members wanted to be teachers of the law (I Tim. 1:7). Battles often rage in connection with the law. Some are antinomians (against law), and some are legalists who want to press their “laws” on all the members. Ministers must war against both. And then there is the constant battle against sin. Every member of the congregation has an evil nature, prone to hate God and the neighbor. The minister fights his own sinful nature. He also wars against the sins of the flesh—instructing, warning, reproving, rebuking. Clearly, there is a war to be fought. A spiritual war with many sides and facets. Surely you graduates see the battles. Yet, God does not leave it to the discretion of the minister whether or not to war a good warfare. Rather, God specifically commands you men to war. Why? God must call us to the battles exactly because you and I do not like to fight. Talk to any soldier who has been through a war. Wars are ugly; they are bitter; they are simply horrible. The same is true of this spiritual war. The attacks can leave wounds far worse than the wounds of a bullet or a hand grenade. They leave scars in the soul. There are casualties in the war—people leave the congregation after being unnecessarily wounded in the battles. Besides that, we want to be liked. We would rather not confront those speaking the lie, or living in sin. In the face of all that, God commands: War a good warfare. The Other Admonition But you men are also called not to strive, but rather to be gentle, patient, apt to teach, and meek. Why is this admonition necessary? It is necessary, first, from the point of view of the congregation. God’s people are sheep. Sheep, left on their own, are prone to stray from the good pasture. They are apt to follow—follow also someone teaching errors or walking in sin. And sheep are proud. They can be stubborn and rebellious. “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way” (Is. 53:6). Accordingly, the people of God need instruction from a gentle pastor. If we are fierce and unapproachable, or if we bristle anytime someone comes with a criticism of our preaching, we will drive the people away from us. That is wrong! Ministers must be shepherds who draw the people to them in love. For that, they must be gentle. We ministers need this admonition too because of our pride. When a member opposes us, we sometimes would like to retort something like this: I went to seminary. I know Greek and Hebrew, the original languages of the Bible. I have had three years of Dogmatics. Who are you to question me?! And if that is the attitude of the minister, he will not have to say any of those things. The people of God will feel that proud attitude. If, when he is attacked, the minister rises up in pride; if he strikes out at the sheep; if he attacks in kind, if he uses the pulpit as a whipping post and uses the preaching to settle his disagreement with someone in the congregation—(I’ll show him that I am right!)—such a minister needs to hear the word of Paul to his beloved spiritual son—”The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all.” This is particularly difficult when a member of the congregation attacks the minister personally, or even criticizes his family. Be gentle to all. The Possibility Can you graduates do this? How is it possible for you to be warriors for truth and godliness, and yet gentle pastors to all the flock? I Timothy 1:18 gives the key: “according to the prophecies which went before on thee.” And then notice, “that thou by them mightest war a good warfare,” that is, by the prophecies. The prophecies refer to the preaching, that is, the preaching of the glorious gospel of Christ. The good news that Christ humbled Himself—came into the flesh, suffered, even unto death. And yet it was in that most astounding humility, that He also did battle with the ungodly, with sin, and with Satan, death, and hell. Jesus did all of that out of love for God, and love for God’s people. The preaching of exactly that gospel prepared you graduates. You have been prepared from your youth in catechism and under the weekly preaching. You have been prepared through your seminary instruction—a special kind of preaching. By all the preaching that “went before on” you, God prepared you for today, and in a few months to take up the work of being both a pastor and a soldier. God gave gifts and developed them. God give you the spiritual blessings of strength and wisdom. Now, live out of that gospel as a soldier/pastor. And if you live out of that gospel, you will live out of the power of God’s love. You will love God, and thus be filled with zeal for His glory. You will not tolerate false teaching about the God whom you love. You will fight error in the church world around, in the congregation, and in the hearts and minds of the children, the youth, even to the aged saint. You will stand for the truth, and not allow sin in yourself or in the congregation to go unreproved. For God, whom you love, is a holy God. At the same time, your actions are governed by love for the people of God. You will be a pastor, caring for the people of God, remember, “as a nurse cherisheth her children.” And since all three of you men are fathers, you know what this means. As a father loves his children, so you will love your sheep. Faithfulness to the calling to be both a pastor and a soldier takes wisdom. When do I battle? When must I be gentle? When do I give a stern rebuke? And when a gentle admonition? You will need wisdom and courage as you prepare a sermon, where the text speaks to a particular walk of life, perhaps a particular sin. Yet, perhaps, you already had that very week a confrontation with a member over this very sin. The sermon must not become your instrument to whip the member. However, you must be faithful to the text—both explaining and applying it correctly. Wisdom. And courage. Pray for wisdom. You will grow in wisdom if you continue to beseech God for it as you ought, and as you labor faithfully with the Word. So, young men, you go forth with our blessing and with our prayers. Be faithful as a minister of the Word. Warring a good warfare; gentle to all.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. After snagging his toe, Mr Nogginbody visits his local hardware shop in search of solutions. Armed with a shiny new hammer, he successfully fixes the nail protruding from his floor. But the satisfaction of his first repair carries him away and he figures that anything resembling a nail—from a lamp switch to a fire hydrant—can be fixed with a good whack. The results are predictably and theatrically disastrous until Mr Nogginbody arrives at a gentle awakening and recognises that not everything is a nail.
They are so easy to make. All you need are pretzel rods, frosting, sprinkles, pretzel bags (I bought them at Party City) and labels from onlinelabels.com. For a complete how-to, go to onlinelabels.com. The trick to frosting pretzels is to melt frosting in a cup in the microwave. Then dip the pretzel inside. Then dip the other side. Then place them on a piece of parchment paper. Sprinkle them and place them in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then put them in the pretzel bag! After that you decorate using labels!!! If you want you can label your Cupid’s Arrow with a Sharpie.
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Auth extends CI_Controller { public function index() { $result = array("id"=>"Admin", "nama"=>"Admin"); $this->session->set_userdata("userlogin", $result); echo '[{"return":"1"}]'; exit; $this->load->model('Auth_Model'); $data = array( 'uid' => $this->input->post('uid'), 'upwd' => $this->input->post('upwd') ); //$result = $this->Auth_Model->login($data); $result = true; if ($result == TRUE) { $id = $this->input->post('uid'); //$result = $this->Auth_Model->read_user_information($id); $result = $this->Auth_Model->read_user_information("<EMAIL>"); $this->session->set_userdata("userlogin", $result[0]); echo '[{"return":"1"}]'; } else{ echo '[{"return":"0", "msg":"Username atau Password Salah."}]'; } } public function logout() { $this->session->unset_userdata('userlogin'); header("location: ".base_url() . "login"); } }
Moschari is veal in Greek and Lemonato is the method of cooking, which means anything cooked with lemon juice. Lemonato dishes can be made with chicken, lamb, pork, liver, fish (anchovies) or vegetables. I have posted a Chicken Lemonato recipe in the past, Lamb Liver Lemonato Ladorigani, Lemony Roasted Potatoes, Gavros Lemonatos Ladorigani and with vegetables, such as my Artichoke Dish (Agginares à la Polita). However, today we will be using veal. Veal in comparison to beef, is very popular in Greece and although I have never cooked beef before, may be it’s time to soon try some beef recipes as well. This veal lemonato recipe is a very popular Sunday meal, which although very simple to make it is so delicious. The meat cut which is suitable for this dish, apart from the round that I used, chuck, brisket or rump are also good for pot dishes. I chose the round because my children don’t like fat in the meat, so it’s the leanest of the cuts. The meat is cut into thin slices and fried in olive oil in order to reduce the cooking time. It can also be made with bigger chunks of meat but it will need more time of cooking. The pieces of meat added to be frying pan must not be too many, as otherwise the meat will not fry properly. Also when removing the fried meat to the pot, I leave a couple of pieces in before adding some more, to keep the temperature of the oil steady. I fried the meat in three batches and at the end you can see that the frying pan looks as if the oil was burnt. However, those sticky residues left (the fond) are those that will give flavour to the dish. When adding the onion, I mix and scrape the frying pan well, to that all those particles which stick to the frying pan can be removed while the onion is sauteing, then I add the garlic and wash anything leftover with water. Instead of the water, you can add the wine and add the water after adding the onions in the pot. The lemon juice and seasoning are added at the end, after the meet is tender and soft. It is said that adding salt and lemon juice at the beginning, will make the meat tougher. Before adding the lemon I dissolve some flour in it, which I also pass through a strainer for any lumps to dissolve. This will help bind the sauce and enhance the citrus flavour. If you want to cook the potatoes together with the meat, you can follow my recipe for Kotopoulo Lemonato and fry the potatoes first, remove them to the pot and the remaining procedure is the same as above but you will have to add more water, as the potatoes will absorb all the liquid. However, I love my roasted lemony potatoes, so this time I baked them separately. Wash and cut the veal in thin slices. Let it drain or pat dry. Heat the olive oil in a skillet and sauté the veal in three batches, on both sides. Add the onion and sauté until translucent, scraping the frying pan to loosen up the fond. When the onion is soft, add the garlic and mix for a few seconds and then add the rosemary. Put the pot with the meat on the heat and add the wine. Cook for a few minutes until the alcohol evaporates. Add the mixture of water with onions, garlic and rosemary. Bring to a boil, lower heat, cover with the lid and cook until the meal is tender, for about 1 hour. Dissolve the flour with the lemon juice. Pass it through a strainer to dissolve any lumps. Add the lemon juice as well as the salt and pepper and cook until the sauce thickens. Cook for 5 more minutes to absorb the flavours and let it rest for a while for the sauce to thicken. Serve with mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, rice, pasta or roasted potatoes, as I did.
Kimera Labs is a biotechnology company and contract research organization that develops umbilical cord and organ based exosome products for research and therapeutic purposes. Since 2012, Kimera Labs has invested significant resources into IP protection of exosome methods and therapy protocols for the treatment of burns, orthopedics and inflammatory diseases. Functioning within a 6,000 sq ft ISO:9001/13485 certified facility in Miramar, Florida. We feature an ISO 5 GMP cleanroom with in-house particle size and flow cytometry characterization of incoming and outgoing samples. With a combined experience of over 75 years in the biotechnology and medical device industries, the Miramar laboratory is developing manual and robot controlled cellular isolation devices for stem cell therapeutics within a rigorous quality control environment. As a regenerative medicine focused biotechnology company, Kimera Labs is focused on therapies that heal from within. By providing regenerative cellular signals under the control of messenger and micro RNA, we believe it is possible to instantiate healing processes that can benefit patients of any age. Dear Patients, Physicians, and fellow Scientists, Over 15 years ago my Oceanographer father and I were faced with an almost impossible decision. The chemotherapy we were using to treat his leukemia was no longer functional, and we were forced to choose an immunological approach, bone marrow stem cell transplantation (BMT), for which the rate of survival was 50%. We hesitated for so long that when we finally decided on BMT he was no longer eligible. Two years before his death, I enrolled in the Ph.D. program at the University of Miami and today I am still trying to control disease using immunological approaches. One of those approaches used in BMT is the use of Mesenchymal Stem Cells to control rejection. I have been published in a number of journals for BMT and now I would like to bring this same academic approach to the clinic in what is largely an unregulated segment of medicine today: the Stem Cell Clinic. Through partnerships with US Physicians I would like to help clinicians bring a tailored immunological approach to their patients, in order to PROVE, using real data, that our regenerative medicine works. Contrary to many of the treatment centers in business today, we do not “guess” as to what should be done to our patients, or point to publications by others. We are only interested in benefits we can show in the laboratory. A clinic may offer nebulization of stem cells with no scientific back up besides the fact that it “sounds” appropriate, while we will show you that the cells are destroyed. This is just one in a myriad of decisions that require a trained scientific team to evaluate. As FDA regulations emerge, we want to be your exosome experts, providing tissue specific therapies for an evolving population. Sincerely, Duncan Ross Ph.D. Immunology – University of Miami. Please contact us to learn how Kimera Labs line of products can heal your patients today. Kimera Labs is an FDA registered tissue bank located in Miramar Florida. Our amniotic fluid products fall under 361 tissue product regulation while the XoGlo exosome product is for topical use only. The donor mother's serum in is each case is tested for the following viruses: Further IND applications for tissue specific therapies are underway.
Like some faculty members (and probably more than many others), I have a tendency to be picky (or, as I prefer to think of myself, “detail-oriented”). I care about the way that things look and the way they are presented and I like things to be done right the first time. This is true of my own work as well as things like student assignments (is there a shortage of staples in the world?). When changing institutions, it turns out, there are a lot of details and a lot of details for people to get wrong. As a result, I’ve been concerned recently that pickiness would be perceived as being a pain in the ass, especially in the months leading up to the start of the academic year. This started early in the summer as I selected my office furniture (and its placement). The person who was in charge of ordering everything remarked on my slightly unusual placement preference for my bookshelves by saying that “hopefully they’ll install them in the right places and if they don’t… it will be okay.” I also felt picky when discussing my computer and its software, since some software that I needed had more functionality in Windows but I wanted a Mac with Windows running in Parallels for the purposes of using this software. If making these purchases for myself I wouldn’t have been concerned but I wondered how ridiculous these requests looked to the IT people who ordered everything and got it set up. Things continued when I arrived on campus and went through the steps necessary to acquire office keys, an ID, and business cards. There was a delay in getting an office key (which turned out only to be a day or so) and the ID camera wasn’t working when I went to have my picture taken (is there anything with a higher failure rate than ID cameras?). Worst was my order for business cards. On the first proof the administrative assistant sent me, my rank was incorrect (not that I would mind being a full professor) but after that was corrected I noticed that the second proof omitted my middle initial, which I use professionally (this was omitted on the first proof, too, but I was too concerned about the rank to notice). Each change probably took somebody five seconds, but I could feel my reputation as a pain in the ass growing. Since the beginning of the semester, things have settled down considerably. I don’t think that I have made any egregious requests and I’ve actually found myself struggling to get used to allowing the department’s administrative assistant and student assistants do things for me since my previous administrative assistant was also burdened with the work of five other departments on campus. On the other hand, I did just hand back the first round of papers for a class, so instead of going away, the perception that I’m a pain in the ass has probably just shifted from staff members to students. Where it belongs.
How Can Government Align “Open” Data and Technology Strategies to Improve Government Performance? Understanding and acting on the connection points across open data, open source software, and hybrid cloud domains will drive more effective outcomes for government. This week, the excellent efforts of government employees is being recognized as part of Public Service Recognition Week (#PSRW).
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 I'm also going to miss having sitting down dinners and breakfasts, if I have anything to say about that, I learned a lot more about my father while talking to him over dinner than I did all these years over the telephone. I might go back to my coffee and muffin life soon but at least I'm going to try and cook more often at home from now on:) Monday, November 29, 2010 here. Thursday, November 25, 2010 I'm really thankful for spending the holiday with my family and boyfriend, and that life has been good to us and blessed us with happiness and health. Kelly and Bobby are not the talkative type but I'm guessing that they were thankful for all the long walk and cheese and chicken that they got today, and hoped there will be more of it in the future. Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Monday, November 22, 2010 Saturday, November 20, 2010 Friday, November 19, 2010 Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Sunday, November 14, 2010 Saturday, November 13, 2010 Once in a while I go to my local bakery and buy a cupcake, I never walk out of there with just one cupcake though. Today I got chocolate cupcake, cheese cake and cream horn, but then there's this chocolate bun which just came fresh out of the kitchen so I had to get it. All the while I drove home my car smelt of sweet warmed honey, Christmas trees are being sold on the street corner and the sun feels warm on my skin, at the moment life is pretty sweet! Friday, November 12, 2010 Thursday, November 11, 2010
This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Kaij. let me ask you a question. I have Leica DFC camera and I need to develop a app which would show “live preview”. I would acquire images from the DS in an infinite loop and display the in the window. My question is, whether the TWAIN acquisition is fast enough (that means at min 20images per sec) to make the preview “smooth”. I’ve tried using EZTwain library – but the best results I achieved was 3-5 imgs/sec. Is TWAIN suitable to do this? Or is there any different way how to do it? Basically the TWAIN architecture is designed to acquire up to hundreds of images per minute but I do not expect that you can reach 20 images per minute. The influencing factors are the TWAIN driver itself (I assume you are using Leica DFC Twain – V7.1.0. or V7.2.0), the performance of the TWAIN application library and the PC system performance. You may reach 6 – 8 images per second if you use for preview a smaller resolution. If you really need 20 frames per second you have to think about alternatives. Have you considered to use LAS for preview and TWAIN for acquire only?
I think I new I was going to get laid anyway. But I had 'fuckable hair' if that makes sense. A co-workers sister was visiting and I had hair that people always complimented on. I had seen her at my job hanging out about 4 times until she finally said hello to me. I knew who she was but we just never said hello. Her sister invited me out as it was her sisters last night before leaving town. So for about 45 minutes (no joke) I let her rub my hair.
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Please answer the following question: Here is a review left by a customer on a product. Would you say he was satisfied or dissatisfied? Title: Do it..... Review: This is a great album. If you're familar with Rome, you should know to cop this one.This album is sure to inspire a lot of baby making sessions.My favorite cut is track 13 (Picture this).He blasted onto the music scene and then seemed to disappear. But his back stronger than ever. This is a must have to any CD collection. Answer: satisfied
Nagel blends medical and personal knowledge and policy expertise to portray the complexities of chronic pain for both patients and physicians. Using his and other patients’ stories to illustrate the difficulties of treating chronic pain, and describing the ways in which sufferers are often ostracized by the medical system, the author begins by exploring the reality of chronic pain both in biology and those who live with it, providing helpful suggestions for reform of disability insurance and entitlement programs so they may reenter the workforce without losing their benefits. This interesting book is a giant step forward in transforming individual and societal perceptions based on "ignorance, laziness, and greed. . . . Recommended. Dr. Nagel is a rebel. He does not accept the status quo and challenges current medical models. He takes aim at the "business of medicine", the disability system, and the impersonal electronic health record. This is contrasted with affirmative recommendations about changing primary care training and incentives for treating chronic pain. His ideas about patient care will inspire readers to hold fast to concerns about our medical system and to advocate passionately for patients with chronic pain and other difficult-to-treat illnesses. This book is a must-read because David Nagel remembers why he went to medical school. The United States has a broken pain treatment infrastructure that has patients and health-care providers in turmoil. Dr. Nagel has a unique understanding of both the problem and the solution. Needless Suffering is a remarkable book that has the potential to change the way we talk about pain in America. Dr. Nagel unveils the many unspoken truths about a flawed health-care system that imprisons chronic pain patients for life. This book should be mandatory reading by health-care regulators, lawmakers, and anyone who wants to remove the stigma of the most prevalent medical problem in America: chronic pain.
George Wallace Melville was irascible, short tempered, a near genius and to a great degree, as Chief Engineer, father of the modern United States Navy. Of Scottish descent he was born in New York City, the son of Alexander Melville and Sara Wallace, on January 10, 1841. He showed an early aptitude for mathematics and engineering and, following a high school education at the School of the Christian Brothers, he enrolled and graduated from the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. He began his career as an apprentice with the James Binns engineering works of East Brooklyn. Melville's employment was abruptly terminated with the outbreak of the War of the Rebellion. On July 29, 1861 he was commissioned a third assistant engineer in the United States Navy. Barely twenty years of age at the time of his commissioning he was to lead an active and important life in the U.S. Navy during the Civil War. His initial assignment was on the U.S.S. Michigan on the Great Lakes. He was then transferred to the sloop of war Dacotah on the North Atlantic Blockading Squadron. He participated in the attack on Lambert's Point, the capture of Norfolk, Virginia, and assisted in clearing the obstructions from the James River. He served with the fleet supporting General McClellan's forces at Harrison's Landing during the Peninsular Campaign. He was appointed Second Assistant Engineer with the rank of Master on December 18, 1862. His most heroic exploit during the war, was his participation in the engagement between the U.S.S. Wachusett and the C.S.S. Florida in the harbor of Bahia, Brazil on October 6, 1864. Despite being in a neutral port the captain of the Wachusett, Commander Napoleon Collins, determined to either seize the Florida or sink her. Dressed in civilian clothing Melville rowed around the Confederate vessel in broad daylight in order to make an assessment of her strength. Commander Collins decided to ram the Florida, but all the officers believed that there was a strong probability that the shock would dislodge the machinery and cause death to all in the boiler room by scalding. George Melville volunteered to remain below to operate the machinery taking his chances. One enlisted man finally agreed to stay with him. Owing to some oversight some part of the anchor gear remained over-board and so retarded the speed of the Wachusett that the impact did not seriously damage the Florida. The rebel steamer was, however, boarded and captured and taken north where, after several misadventures in the harbor at Newport News, she sank. George Melville was appointed Chief Engineer of the Wachusett remaining with her until he was transferred to Torpedo Boat No. 6 serving in the fleet under the command of Admiral David Dixon Porter and, as such, was present at the capture of Fort Fisher. For his services at Fort Fisher he was promoted First Assistant Engineer (Lieutenant) on January 30, 1865. At the close of the war he determined to make the Navy his profession and continue in the engineering field. He served successively in the West Indies, Brazil and the East Indian stations and at various United States Navy yards. His interest in exploration came to a head with his participation in Arctic exploration. He made two voyages to the Arctic all in attempts to rescue previous expeditions: the Polaris expedition, and the Jeannette expedition to relieve the Greely Expedition. In the Jeannette expedition Melville commanded the whaleboat which managed to bring the entire crew out alive and then returned to bring out the bodies of Lt. George W. DeLong and his companions and the records of the expedition. In response to his heroic efforts Congress advanced him fifteen numbers in grade for promotion and awarded him a gold medal for heroism in the Arctic. He was appointed Lt. Commander on March 4, 1881. On August 9, 1887, President Grover Cleveland advanced Melville over forty-four senior officers, and appointed him Chief Engineer with the rank of Commander and on January 16, 1892 he was appointed Chief of the Bureau of Steam Engineering and Engineer-in-Chief of the U.S. Navy with Flag Rank of Commodore. On March 4, 1899 he was promoted to Rear Admiral. During his tenure in the Navy he designed the machinery of about sixty-percent (120 ships) of all vessels of the U.S. Navy. In the course of his career in naval engineering he invented the watertube boiler, the triple-screw system, vertical engines, and numerous other devices. He served as president of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and of the American Society of Naval Engineers. He received honorary degrees from six universities, including Harvard and Columbia. He retired August 1, 1903, at the mandatory age for retirement from the U.S Navy. Admiral Melville's work was concentrated in the later years of his career at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and he became a resident of Philadelphia for the last 25 years of his life. On May 5, 1886, George Wallace Melville was elected a Companion of the First Class of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion through the Commandery of Pennsylvania. He served as Senior Vice Commander of the Commandery for the years 1892-1893 and as Commander for the period 1908-1909. On October 18, 1911, Rear Admiral Melville was elected Commander-in-Chief of the Order. After serving only five months as Commander-in-Chief of MOLLUS Rear Admiral Melville died at his home in Philadelphia on March 17, 1912. George Melville was married twice, first to Henriatte Beatty Waldron, from whom he was later divorced (and by whom he had four daughters, Estella, Maude, Elsie and Meta) and secondly, Estella Smith Polis by whom he had no issue. Meta married Herbert G. Stockwell and their son, Melville Stockwell was designated his grandfather's successor in MOLLUS. . He was laid to rest in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia. In his will he wrote, "I devise and bequest that all paintings, relics and articles of vertu relating to my military, naval and Arctic service, including all my medals, orders, swords, bronze bust and statuettes, and other articles contained in my dwelling house in the city of Philadelphia, all said articles to be selected by my literary executor, Walter M. McFarland, and delivered to the Recorder of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, and I hereby allot $2,000 out of my estate to properly place them in the musuem of that Order." Previously, on December 13th, 1905, Admiral Melville had donated to the War Library and Museum, in a letter to Col. John Page Nicholson, the Recorder-in-Chief of MOLLUS "two of the flags that were captured on the Confederate State Ship "Florida" in the harbor of Bahia when the "Wachusett" cut her out in the fall of 1864. These flags were taken from her signal chest by myself the day after the capture. I was serving on the "Wachusett" at the time of the capture and was transferred to the "Florida" to prepare her to make the voyage to the United States, and so secured the flags." A large bronze statue of Admiral Melville is in the Philadelphia Navy Yard. In 1970 a 2075-ton oceanographic research vessel was commissioned at the Nimitz Marine Facility, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California in San Diego and named the Melville. Dr. William M. McBride Associate Professor of History at the U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis MD, is currently in the process of writing a biography of Rear Admiral Melville.
Church Online is about the shared experiences of community chat, prayer requests, decisions for Jesus, and follow-up as you attend one of our online services. Invite your friends to a Church Online service and attend together from your own homes on any computer or mobile device. Live Streaming is our YouTube channel of non-interactive videos of all our worship services, and is the same live video showed on Church Online. The YouTube channel is widely available on any device and best experienced on a big screen TV. Learn how to setup your TV.
Allie, Jonathan, and I are home alone again after my mom (Grandma), her husband (Opa), and Jonathan's dad (Papa) all left from their birthday party visit. We decided to make a dent in our leftover pizza stash for dinner and we challenged Allie to eat with Righty for fun. She took the challenge and showed off her skills. See one of her many Righty bites below. In mid-April, we will be starting Allie's third KKI constraint therapy program. She's old enough to do the full-time program so her left arm will be in a full cast for an entire month and she'll get 3 hours a day of therapy. I'm nervous but it seems like Allie is at a point where she's really excited to use Righty. Nights like tonight make me feel like she at least won't starve during the month. The party sounds like it was perfect. She looked adorable and now can eat pizza right handed! A great couple of days. Kisses to my girl! Gama
Regular Member number20121 Posted November 27, 2016 Regular Member Share Posted November 27, 2016 (edited) Now this is not a question - as this sub forum might suggest - but rather a statement which I am very excited about. I am not quite sure where to post it, because it concerns water quality, food fed, and of course the importance of maintenance. As you will find out quickly all my tanks are overstocked. This topic is NOT about advocating that over-stocking is fine. It is if you can deal with it but if you can keep goldfish without overstocking, then stick to NO overstocking. This is just my personal experience which involves over stocked goldfish.Anyway. Just recently I posted a topic about control testing the nitrate test of the API Freshwater Master Test Kit, because I keep getting 0 nitrate when testing my tanks. And for those newer ones of you who don't know my years of fish keeping: all of my tanks are stocked at about 200+% recommended capacity. However, instead of the 50% weekly water changes per 100% recommended capacity I do twice weekly 85% water changes - which is about triple water changing compared to normal standards. I keep all tanks bare bottom with a decent amount of anubias, and on average 15x filtration.Filters are cleaned out every couple months but I try to not do all of one tank in one go, but do one of each tank every other week etc. So to get back to that topic I had posted about how to control test my nitrate test, I ended up stuffing a hand full of basic potting soil into a stocking and letting it soak in a cup of spring water for 12 hours, after which I then ran the water through a coffee filter to remove most of the soil, and then tested it. Below is the comparison between my 55g with currently 8 fish between 5 and 11 inches length - all single tails - where the last water change happened four days before the testing. The fish were not starved; they were fed twice daily with once pellets and once dried seaweed. I do wonder if feeding the seaweed - which is actually quite high in protein and makes a great main food for these fish - is part of the reason why less nitrate is the end product. With it being in a way so much more natural than feeding them food that contains grains and additives, although obviously not a native food source to wild goldfish, it also has improved the color on some of the fish a lot. But maybe it causes them to produce less ammonia as waste product, which in the end means less nitrate.Also I keep a lot of shubunkins and "sakuras" and can really tell when the white heads and fin bases turn yellow from the sea weed. But ever since I started making this about half of their main diet, I also have less floating issues in those food sensitive, improved growth and color, and now apparently better water quality.The picture below shows the test result of my tank/s (the same for all of them) on the left vs the deep red result of the potting soil water on the right.Years ago I would used to get 20-40ppm between those water changes with "only" 5 fish in a 55g but ever since I changed the food a couple years back, the test result has gotten pale golden yellow showing 0 nitrate. And also to put this out there, it is the same result in all my 6 tanks. Almost all of them are by Koko's standard quite overstocked.Not that those standards are wrong, because they are awesome. I only have them overstocked because I could not find good enough homes for my home bred fish and decided that they would be better off in my extreme care than handing them over to some shady pet store. Edited November 27, 2016 by Oerba Yun Fang 0 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Recommended Posts Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account.
On December 5th, 2016, Cacao Barry held a chefs table dinner hosted by Chef John Kraus of Rose Street Patisserie featuring a handpicked set of eight Minneapolis area chefs. Each dish featured a Cacao Barry product, and the meal was created by chefs, for chefs. Rose Street Patisserie provided a modern yet rustic ambiance, which perfectly complemented the courses. Nick Rancone of Corner Table showed off his sommelier skills to beautifully pair wine with each course. For the first course, Chef Erick Harcey of Upton 43 balanced delicate sweet and savory flavors in his dish, "Roasted Beets with White Chocolate & Passion Fruit." A dusting of Cacao Barry Zephyr 34% white chocolate was perfect finishing touch to this dish. Our chefs table's second course was Chef Thomas Boemer's "Game Tart with Cherries," featuring a variety of textures, flavors, and ingredients, including Cacao Barry Saint Domingue 70% dark chocolate. This dark chocolate was perfect for complementing his choices for savory ingredients. While not the main ingredient, chocolate plays a big role in flavor of mole sauce. For the third course, Chef Jorge Guzman of Surly Brewing Company created an especially flavorful mole sauce for the pork in this dish, "Mole Puerco en Mole Negro." Chef Jorge fittingly used Cacao Barry Mexique 66% dark chocolate for an authentic flavor. Chef Paul Berglund of the Bachelor Farmer prepared a hearty pork dish for the fourth course of. His dish, "Red Wattle Pork Dolce Forte" featured wine-braised pork atop creamy polenta sprinkled with fresh parsley. Chef Paul is the recipient of the 2016 James Beard Award for Best Chef Midwest. Chef JD Fratzke of The Strip Club Meat & Fish created the last savory dish for our chefs table. In his entree, "Braised Boar & Beans," the boar gets its color from Cacao Barry Extra Brute cocoa powder. The dish also features fresh parsley, carrots, and homemade hand-rolled gnocchi. Chef Adrienne Odom of Parasole Restaurant Holdings presented this creation for the first dessert course. Dark chocolate perfectly complements the sweetness of roasted pears in Chef Adrienne's recipe for "Chocolate & Roasted Pear Cake." This dessert featured Chef John Kraus’s Or Noir chocolate, Rose Street 72% dark chocolate. Chef Shawn McKenzie of Minneapolis restaurant Burch Steak crafted this tart with luscious layer after layer using seasonal flavors, like pears, cinnamon, and cloves. She topped the tart off with Cacao Barry Brilliance Noire glaze for a glossy shine. Her creation, the second dessert course, was "Chocolate Pear Tart." Host Chef John Kraus of Rose Street Patisserie was the last, but certainly not the least, course of our co-hosted chef table. His frozen dessert, "Chocolate Vacherin Finger, featured creamy, crunchy, and fruity layers. The exotic flavors mixed seamlessly with chocolate. The dessert wouldn't be complete without his signature Cacao Barry Or Noir chocolate, Rose Street 72% dark chocolate, which he blended himself. Our chefs table with Chef John Kraus and Rose Street Patisserie was an event to remember. The collaboration and celebration of the night was thanks to a wonderful group of chefs. During this event, Chef John was able to speak about his Or Noir journey. His chocolate, Rose Street 72% dark chocolate, is used in many of Rose Street Patisserie’s creations. The blend features beans from around the world, and the unique taste gives his creations the special signature they deserve. This event with Chef John Kraus was especially wonderful because it not only gave us a chance to highlight his Or Noir experience but also his most recent accomplishment. In 2016, Chef John was admitted to one of the world's most prestigious group of pastry chefs, Relais Desserts. After a career of accomplishments, he can add this one to the books. It is not often chefs get to prepare a spectacular meal for themselves, much less for chefs in their community. This event was full of appreciation and spurred great ideas for the future. For more photos and details, visit the Cacao Barry US Facebook page.
Teseq offers the world’s most comprehensive range of EMC systems for immunity and emissions testing. Teseq take great pride in our world-class research and development program, backed by state-of-the-art global manufacturing. Teseq membership in the relevant international committees demonstrates our commitment to the industry. Teseq develop and manufacture test instruments, software and accessories for EMC emissions and immunity testing. Teseq engineers are experts in their field, who are constantly applying the latest technology, focusing on user-friendly design solutions and incorporating current information on the latest standards. The new CW or pulsed TWT series are modular, scalable, and designed explicitly for reliability whatever the application requirements. Either as a standalone bench mount device or seamlessly integrated as part of a Teseq radiated Immunity test system. Covering the frequency range of 2 to 18 GHz IFI designed Pulsed - TWTA (Traveling wave tube amplifier) offer a wide range of dependable products. GTEM, DTEM, Striplines and Reverberation Chambers (RCs) are modern EMC test environments in addition to the established methods like semi- or full anechoic rooms and open area test sites. They can be used for emission and immunity testing as required by the IEC / EN 61000-4-20, 21 and other standards. Absorbing Clamps are used for measuring interference signals on power supply cables. Decoupling clamps and ferrite tube are available for a variety of different EMC applications. The current sensing probes are used for current monitoring applications, such as those required by the BCI standards. Specially designed system components for EMC testing requirements featuring a large dynamic range, fast measurement devices, rugged design and a frequency range that matches the application. The system components can be purchased as individual parts or as a full configured system defined by the user for frequency and power requirements.
OPINION – Teaching the morality of right and wrong is relatively easy. The rule of not doing to others what we wouldn’t want done to us is simple enough that a child can understand it. Teaching this principle in the context of what is proper and improper for government to do can be trickier. Nowhere is this more apparent than when the discussion turns to free market economics. I like how Richard Ebeling of the Future of Freedom Foundation teaches the morality of free market economics to his students. Ebeling starts by pointing out that there are essentially two ways human beings can interact and associate with one another: through the use or threat of force or by mutual agreement and voluntary consent. By now the students are getting the picture that no one in their right mind would consider being murdered, robbed, defrauded or enslaved to be a good or just outcome. This means that each of us have inviolable individual rights to life, liberty and honestly acquired property. This has not been the form of most political systems throughout human history. Free market capitalism is the polar opposite of collectivism which subjugates the individual to the will of the majority. Free markets, also referred to as free enterprise, are what you have when people are free to exchange voluntarily with no interference whatsoever from government at any level. This means competition drives the need to create the greatest value for the greatest number of people at the most competitive price. Free market capitalism used to refer to the ability of honest people to accumulate capital, either money or privately held property, and to put it to the best use of their own choosing. Today, the word “capitalism” has come to mean something very different. It means that our laws are written to favor those with capital, particularly corporate interests, who aren’t shy at all about using their money to purchase influence in our national and state legislatures. There’s a lot of lip service given regarding the free market, but we do not currently live under a free market system. If you doubt this, publicly announce your intention to start any kind of money-making enterprise. Like moths to a flame, the bureaucrats and regulators (or their enablers) will be drawn to you as they pressure you to obtain the necessary permits and permission to start and operate your business. Be prepared to grease their palms as part of their legitimizing process. The fees they collect are actually taxes, but we seem to submit to this fleecing when those holding the shears dress it up in softer language. Ostensibly, every bit of regulation and oversight that government provides is to “help protect us” from predatory individuals and businesses. In reality, free markets will not support dishonest or unethical practices since every transaction is purely voluntary. The choice ultimately comes down to whether we favor using government force or voluntary persuasion. Whatever risks may accompany the greater amount of individual freedom, they’re still preferable to the sedate misery of collectivist equality. Bryan Hyde is an opinion columnist specializing in current events viewed through the lens of common sense. The opinions stated in this article are his and not representative of St. George News. So assuming everyone is moral and good and honest and nice everything will turn out just swell? You have to factor in greed, idiocy, and malice as these are parts of human nature. Why is it that free market capitalism left to its own devices always seems to lead to monopoly and oligarchy? In a perfect world Bry with rainbows, and unicorns, and puppies, and cotton candy I’m sure it would be swell. What we have today is free market globalist capitalism, and it always seeks out the absolute cheapest labor sources in the world–at the expense of society as a whole. Keep on daydreaming Bry. and I’m aware this wasn’t you’re quote, but you cite it like it’s a gold standard. Your comments are common liberal remarks; when you don’t like the opinion and argument you give it an F and are disrespectful “Bry”. Ugh to you comm. Now make your case for a government body controlling your and my life. 21st century and the big gov, socialist/communist/fascist folks throughout history have never made it work. I’m not gonna sit here and write an essay on it just for your amusement, and what’s wrong with Bry? Sounds nice on paper. In the real world, money and power rule. And the purchasers of goods and services are at the mercy of those who own the companies that produce them. Companies can increase their profits by limiting availability and creating a shortage thus increasing costs because of supply and demand. They can use many money-saving techniques that include polluting our water and air, using inferior materials, adding unhealthy chemicals and fillers to food, drugs, and health and beauty products, paying low wages and eliminating benefits. As long as there are no controls, people tend to do as little as possible to get the largest profit as possible. There is no guarantee that companies will compete with each other… they tend to band together and keep prices similar. It would be nice if everyone operated with conscience and fairness, but one of the first things we learn as children is that there is no such thing as fair. And most people don’t have the time or the interest to research every single item or service they use to find the best deal based on not only price, but also quality. “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill, October 1945. Bottom line, capitalism works and collectivism doesn’t. Laziness and complacency should never be rewarded. Liberals always assume rich people were just handed their wealth. Truth is rich people work harder and smarter. We all have equal access to wealth. Most are not willing to pay the price. Free markets allow all to choose and gives them the option to fail. To underwrite this failure weakens society. Reminds me of old western movie town scenes where a gentleman outside of the town bar is trying to sell special tonic juice that will cure all your wants. A hand- full of the bustling town folks stop to consider the sales pitch. Most just pass by thinking, ‘what a crock’. Some buy into the sales pitch and buy. Of those who buy the tonic, some are mind happy with the results. Others yell ‘I’ve been coned ! This is just a damn laxative. A free capitalism society gives all the opportunity to buy something they want and need at a agreeable price, those who fell for the sales pitch before and who would never buy from that vendor again. (been there, done that) and the majority of folks just passing by, thinking ‘I don’t need no damn laxative, just give me a beer’ i.e. everybody is free to make up his or her own mind. That’s what I think a Free Capitalism Society means to me. Have you ever notice the small fine print in/ on the bottom of the product before buying? You should. Liberals like name calling (wing nuts) and metaphors (selling snake oil) but the reality is that socialism has created a financial nightmare in Russia, Europe and really around the world. Most European countries are broke and no one wants to give up their benefits. Trump is reversing most of Obama’s policy which doubled the national debt in 8 short years. If repeal of the ACA can happen it will reduce the debt by trillions. Sorry but the government can underwrite all of your health and personal issues. It has no money other than that which it takes from you. And you don’t want to work. The gov’t makes the money (indirectly, the Fed actually “makes it”). The gov’t can never “run out of money”. You blather on about the national debt as if it’s just like a big credit card debt the gov’t owes. That aint how it works, bud. Comments you are 100% wrong. The treasury actually borrowed money from China and US Treasury bond holders to fund your food stamps, foreign aid and other budget expenditures. The USA treasury owes the money. P.S. Currency is printed relative to treasury assets. It’s not monopoly.
South West Podiatry with its close transport links to Tooting and Balham are capable of solving your foot pain. Our team has spent years perfecting the treatment of heel pain, the treatment of plantar fasciitis and of course the treatment of metatarsalgia, some times referred to as a mortons neuroma. All of these conditions are treated at our Podiatry practice in Earlsfield, near Southfields (Wandsworth) If you have a foot pain, give our team of podiatrists a call and get it treated.
I know this might be hard for you....but we (test certainly) had titans ready to be handed out...Vily was giving them out during the fight and the 40 dudes in legacy who lost titans have already been given them....I understand that actually doing preparation is alien for a group like goons who ONLY JUST finished sorting Super Cap SRP after the 49U supercap loss....also, you wouldnt be building new supers in 2 days, so if the fact that you have got some jobs running in 1dq is your attempt to replace your lost titans and supers...Yikes...
new to this. Does anyone have a set of plans for a Big-twin motorcycle? I prefer a soft tail with a fat rear tire 250 or better. I am also looking for a good dedicated forum for chopper builders if anyone knows of one. I tried this yesterday and checked out the poll thing then couldn,t figure out how to back out of it! HELP!! I am hoping to get some help on this still. Have I broken some kind of forum rule or is there really no-one that has any information regarding chopper frames and the jigs used to build them? 250mm tire , get the front section of the frame you like and start writing (drawing).You may even find a local cycle shop that has the stuff you want to copy and will let you take notes. I know all about the complications (I have built bikes), but trust me its not rocket science. I think Big Bear choppers site has all the info for rake and trail for the front end. One thing I can tell you, if you think you are going to make something as nice as what you buy and save a bundle of money, you probably wont. Unless your time is free and you have a heck of a shop full of benders and fixtures, forget it. Dont forget the whole DMV issue with MSO's and titles. Last bike I did, I found a $600 frame that was close to what I wanted, it has a MSO, I had a title with a motor (older HD here), then cut the frame, made "my" modifications to it, and down the road it went. Saved me hassles, time, and wasting materials on fixtures that would rarely get used again. Plus my title was wham-bammer. i know for a fact that you are going to have to pay for that kind of info. IMHO, unless you're a very good welder, already own good equipment and plan on building more than 2-3 frames you're farther ahead to buy a frame. There's more to building a 100mph motorcycle than welding up some tubing.
If you spent a lot of time on MySpace.com circa 2007-2009 you’ve most likely heard of Animal Collective. And if you were alt enough to regularly read the now defunct Hipster Runoff you most likely owned Merriweather Post Pavillon on vinyl. The Baltimore based experimental pop trio released their tenth studio album Painting With last week. Centipede HZ (2012) was their most recent release and let’s admit it: us aging hipsters were waiting impatiently for some new material. Ah, nostalgia. Once opening track “FloriDada” starts I remember Animal Collective’s knack for making one question their sobriety. Sounds as if it belongs as a theme song for a children’s television show, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. By the third track “Hocus Pocus” the novelty has worn off. Like, okay we get it. Animal Collective knows how to make an eccentric quirky pop song. Painting With begins to coast, string after string of repetitive melodies echo through my speakers. “Bagels in Kiev” stands out as Lennox charismatically proclaims “bagels for everyone!” – a sentiment I heartily endorse. “Golden Gal,” one of the more notable tracks, is evocative of their 2009 hit “My Girls.” Maybe it’s their followup? Closing track “Recycling” is titled appropriately. Summarizes how Painting With is essentially a recycled Animal Collective record and I could not have said it better myself. 3 out of 5 thrift shop flannels.
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Information about assessment of Wikipedia article "Julije Cezar" in Serbo-Croatian language. Julius Caesar - Roman general, statesman and final Dictator. This person is the 95th most popular in the global Wikipedia ranking of people and the 56th most popular people in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. Article "Julije Cezar" in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia has 64.9 points for quality (as of April 1, 2022). The article contains 29 references and 10 sections. The 320th most popular in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. The 128th most editable in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. The 56th most popular in people in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia. The 1749th most popular in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia in the last month. Since the creation of article "Julije Cezar", its content was written by 24 registered users of Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia (128th place) and edited by 9826 registered Wikipedia users in all languages (169th place). Julius Caesar is on the 56th place in local ranking of people in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia and on the 95th place in global ranking of people in all the time. The article is cited 667 times in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia and cited 42140 times in all languages (3383rd place). Language versions of the article "Julije Cezar" with the highest AI. Only registreted Wikipedia users were counted. Quality and popularity scores of the article "Julije Cezar" in Serbo-Croatian language. Local (in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia) and global popularity rank history of the article "Julije Cezar" Local (in Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia) and global Authors’ Interest (AI) rank history of the article "Julije Cezar" In Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia the most popular articles on that day were: Carles Puigdemont, Ray Liotta, Strofa, Ed Lauter, Milorad Vukojičić, Donbas, Karaula (film), Mimi Mercedez, Instagram, Norijada.
THAT'S WHY THE PRINCES WAS TOLD NOT HAVE ANOTHER CHILD. Did I miss something here? The government is telling the princely couple to not have anymore children? Just because of the constitution?? That's horrible, IMO!!! Hypothetically speaking, if the government 'orders' them from having more children and the princess becomes pregnant again, what would happen in that case? Would they make her (for lack of a better word here) abort? True but there is always the 50% it may be a boy...... Now that the former legislature has come to an end of a new one is begining, without any signs of change, how is this issue to be solved?... Are we going to wait 4 more years? I have no idea, during the elections campaing the politics dind´t talk about this! It sure would be good if it really is back on the agenda again, because I didn't hear anything about did during the elections campaign either, and it's an issue that should be dealt with! I think it is dangerous to change the Constitution with all this nationalist problems. If they change here others would like to change other parts... seems dangerous to me and a bit unfair to other most important affairs. Unless Letizia gives birth to a son there is no rush to change it anyway. It will be the decision of the princes to leave as it is with Leonor becoming the heiress or, with going for another child, risk lots of controversy because a) traditionalists want a son and him to be king b) other people think women should have equal rights and the constitution should be changed with the consequence of Leonor as Queen despite having a brother c) the changing of the constitution topic could turn against / question the monarchy as institution itself as public opinions vary and lots of factors are involved. In countries where the male heir is being preferred there will always be pressure on the woman to give birth to a son, to continue the tradition. It would have been the same in Britain but Diana did her "duties" well. The Dutch have a tradition of female monarchs and have always been liberal on the topic; in Britain there were greatest ever women monarchs but only because the male heir was missing, even QE II wasn't supposed to become the monarch when she was born so Queen Mum did not feel any pressure regarding a male heir. Women proved in the past that they are absolutely capable of the top job but still, a male heir represents the ancient idea of monarchy and tradition. I hope it is Letizia of Spain. She needs to give birth to a son in order to strengthen her position after all. Strengthen her position? This is 2010 and not 1536. Letizia is not Catherine of Aragon......her position is fine. And so is her daughter. If Felipe and Letizia don't have a son, Lenor will be a Queen of Spain. Why does Letizia need a son to stregnthen her position? According to Wikipedia (which is not very reliable) the law hasn't been review yet since the birth of Sofia but I think they would move quickly if Letizia is pregnant again. Well, in that case, I had the impression that Infanta Elena comes first... I don't know, do you think they can just "skip" her? Why would they skip Lenor because she is female? Wouldn't that apply to Elena as well? Perhaps you are thinking of Crown Princess Masako of Japan. I may be wrong but the law of succesion in Spain did not change yet. Felipe is now next in line because the eldest male, legitimate child of the monarch inherits the throne. If the law remains as is and primogeniture applies, Elena will be next in line to succeed if there are no male legitimate heirs. That said, Felipe may change the law and the Cortes may accept the change, after Felipe becomes King and if Letizia does not give birth to a male child. That doesn't make sense to me. I thought the Spanish used the same system the British use (and the Danes used up until recently) - male children get preference, but females can take the throne if there is no male. Leonor should be able to be Queen under the current law unless Letizia suddenly has a son, in which case he becomes King unless the law is changed. The only way Leonor would be denied the throne under the current no-male-heir situation would be if the Spanish used the system the Danes had up until 1953 and the Norwegians had up until the 70s - females can't inherit at all. If that's the case, then not only can Leonor not be Queen, neither can Elena or Cristina. Male children of a parent succeed before female, and otherwise in order of age. If descent from male children of a parent does not exist (ever or any longer), a female and her heirs succeed. That is the same for any Male primogenture succesion. Leonor will succed Felipe, there is no reason to bypass her for another female. So, you are saying that Felipe's children will be bypassed altogether because they are both girls. But, Elena who is also a woman would inherit? I would think they would bypass her as well due to male preference and go for Juan Froilan. That makes more sense to me. But, as others have said before, Spain follows male preference primogeniture like the UK and Monaco. So at present, Felipe is the heir and his children after him unless he has a male child which will automatically overtake his sisters in the line of succession. If the couple don't have anymore children, then Leonor will inherit after Felipe. If Leonor has no children then Sofia will inherit and if Sofia doesn't have any children then Elena will inherit the throne. Btw, I thought the debate that happened after Leonor's birth had more to do with changing the male preference primogeniture to absolute primogeniture. I thought the issue was being debated because they wanted Leonor to become Queen regardless of whether she has a brother or not. Or maybe I am dreaming this stuff Can anyone confirm or deny?
OK, I checked out the Youtube page. For a minute I thought this was an actual interview with some yuppie couple. I mean, no one could actually be that... that... "I'm Soy milk kind of guy." "I'm a flaming faggot". What do you expect. They live in a place with 2 Starbucks opposite each other! Soy milk is obviously bad for your teeth and testicles. Glad I could inspire you. "I'd think maybe... I should go over to that Starbucks the next weekend... and you'd be at the other Starbucks..." I wonder if either of them ever brush their teeth. Nasty! I'm not sure who's the pitcher or the catcher, tho. At least they found each other and aren't bothering anyone else. What ever stupidity they have, I just hope it isn't the catching kind. THIS! IS! EXCELLENT PARODY! it must be swpl to have braces as an adult now. they're so f'n expensive its gotta be a status thing. really funny, nate! This clip is from the Christopher Guest film "Best in Show." The whole movie is brilliant.
Answer the following question: On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Makes interactive fiction easier to read." Answer: 5
Warning: The NCBI web site requires JavaScript to function. more... Generate a file for use with external citation management software. 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), which is produced during cooking and is mutagenic to bacteria and cultured mammalian cells, was found to induce high incidences of colon and mammary carcinomas in F344 rats when administered at a concentration of 400 p.p.m. in the diet for 52 weeks. Since PhIP is the most abundant of the mutagenic heterocyclic amines in cooked meat and fish, the compound might be related to malignancies of the colon and breast in humans. National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA
Who all are on the lease? More importantly is the person in jeopardy of being kicked out on the lease? If they are, they have nothing to worry about. Keep in mind, the smoking thing means EVERYONE is violation of the lease and could get you kicked out. If you don't mind going that route, tell your landlord about the smoking and see his reaction. Maybe he'll start the process to kick everyone out. Also, you could just tell your LL what's going on and that you want out. If you get his permission as well as others on the lease, you can be let go easily.