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News and Features
21st Century Medicine Receives Grant of $150,000 1
Community- Bancorp and Cuyamaca Bank Approve Merger 1
Ontario Convention Center 1
Karen Dil Bowerman, Ph.D. 6
Yamamotoyama of America 7
Mistakes Today’s Executives Make 10
How to Build Your Own Championship Team 15
A Review of Oaks of Ojai 16
California Chamber of Commerce 38
Close-Up 6
Corporate Profile 7
Stocks 8
Letter to the Editor/Commentary . 9
Computers/Technology 12.13
Managing 14
Championship Team Building l5
Executi\u27e Time Out 16
People in Profile 17
Economic Development 18
Office Technology 20
Resource Directory 23
Marketing and Sales 26
New Business List 27
Second Page 1 29
Health 31
Marketing 32
Managers Bookshelf 33
Real Estate/Real Estate Notes 37
SPECIAL REPORT-Nov. Ballot Measure 38-45
Calendar October 2004 46
Restaurant Review4 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Portable wind turbines that ship in ISO containers and set up in one hour to produce clean, affordable electricity directly to the customer. Renewable Energy for the grid's edge and beyond.#sep#Portable wind turbines that ship in ISO containers and set up in one hour
to produce clean, affordable electricity directly to the customer.
Renewable Energy for the grid's edge and beyond. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Only a fucking idiot would buy insurance coverage from $tsla given all the service, warranty collection and vendor lawsuit horror stories. The first time someone has an accident with huge claim including medical and $tsla defaults on the claim, they only have themselves to blame | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Bonitas Boncap Option not adding Value
RE: R Gierdien **********082 **********7)<br> I have written and called Bonitas regarding income bracket adjustment but not getting any joy since April 2015. Now I continue paying for membership but cannot access healthcare and have to pay cash when needed.They have defaulted the membership to highest income bracket due to non receipt of proof of income within a set time. I could not fill out forms since was unemployed in February but submitted forms early in May to support my status after I was successfully employed in May. They have adjusted premiums from May but suspended my membership due to owing them R3000 for March and April respectively since they could not back date the change . Where in heavens name do I get this money? I am on the low income bracket becuase this is all I can afford? The double standard that is protrayed through this action is alarming. What value or saftey net does the Boncap Option offer to me if it is an income based option but holds me liable for high premiums even after I submt proof? Their operational constraints and deadlines cannot be a penalising factor to me who in reality is faced with dire straits-Please help me to get this problem dissolved. RG | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Upshouts + Creators
Automatically monetize links | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Answer this honestly: if she wanted him back, would he leave you? If the answer is yes, you should break up with him. She sounds great but you are also worthy of that kind of admiration and deserve to be treated as such. My relationship motto when I was dating - If you don't want to be with me more than anyone else, I'll find someone who does. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I bought a petite, size 2. i am 5'3", 111 lb - it fit perfect with a tiny bit of room. looks just like the one pictured. length on me was about 1 inch lower than the model. very bright with multiple colors. has a nice stretch. very cute. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
My 3 daughters and i all wear a size small and are heights range between 5'2 and 5'10 . this dress was sloppy on every one of us. i don't think a size x small would have made a difference. the length is all over the place .i"m not sure how or where you would fit a bra into the picture. on the positive side was very soft. it may work as a beach cover -up. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Note 9 -Commitments and Contingencies Management Agreement with ACM We are externally managed by ACM pursuant to a management agreement (the Management Agreement) see also Note 14 , Related Party Transactions . The Management Agreement entitles ACM to receive a management fee payable monthly in arrears. Currently, the monthly management fee is 1/12th of the sum of (a) 1.5% of gross equity raised up to $1.0 billion plus (b) 0.75% of gross equity raised in excess of $1.0 billion . The cost of repurchased stock and any dividend representing a return of capital for tax purposes will reduce the amount of gross equity raised used to calculate the monthly management fee. At December 31, 2015 , December 31, 2014 and December 31, 2013 , the effective management fee was 1.049% , 1.028% and 1.026% based on gross equity raised of $2,507,505 , $2,697,223 and $2,769,661 , respectively. The ACM monthly management fee is not calculated based on the performance of our assets. Accordingly, the payment of our monthly management fee may not decline in the event of a decline in our earnings and may cause us to incur losses. We are also responsible for any costs and expenses that ACM incurred solely on behalf of ARMOUR other than the various overhead expenses specified in the terms of the Management Agreement. ACM is further entitled to receive a termination fee from us under certain circumstances. Indemnifications and Litigation We enter into certain contracts that contain a variety of indemnifications, principally with ACM and underwriters, against third party claims for errors and omissions in connection with their services to us. We have not incurred any costs to defend lawsuits or settle claims related to these indemnification agreements. As a result, the estimated fair value of these agreements, as well as the maximum amount attributable to past events, is not material. Accordingly, we have no liabilities recorded for these agreements at December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2014 . We are not party to any pending, threatened o | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Black salt or kala namak has been used in Ayurveda medicines and therapies for centuries, thanks to its numerous health benefits. Natural rock salt owes its rich dark colour to all the iron and other essential minerals that it contains. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Following from Sconce’s “Irony, nihilism, and the new American ‘smart’ film”, describing an American school of filmmaking that “survives (and at times thrives) at the symbolic and material intersection of ‘Hollywood’, the ‘indie’ scene and the vestiges of what cinephiles used to call ‘art films’” (Sconce, 2002, 351), I seek to link industrial and textual studies in order to explore Smart cinema as a transgeneric mode. I categorise it as a grouping of films which may have different formal characteristics, but are linked by industrial origins and production contexts, and through their use of genre, as Smart cinema embeds more challenging arthouse or cult tendencies in a framework of variable generic familiarity or accessibility. Individual texts contain thematic, stylistic and structural elements which can be positioned at, and interpreted along, loci on a continuum from mainstream to independent.\ud
This is achieved through a process of “double coding” (King, 2009), which King relates to Bourdieu’s ideas of habitus and distinction, but which I expand to include utilising textual attributes to create simultaneous calls to action to multiple audiences, along a continuum from ‘indie’ to ‘mainstream’, often in a manner that obscures their industrial positioning. Double coding works to simultaneously cultivate mainstream-resistant audiences, actively positioning texts as distanced from the industrial circumstances which produced them, and to accrue cultural capital for producers. Crucially, Smart attempts to combine the potentially transgressive, ‘cool’ underground appeal of cult cinema with echoes of high culture and artistic status which comes more directly from the arthouse tradition, and is therefore embedded within what James English calls ‘the economy of prestige’. (English, 2009)\ud
Rather than a generational outcropping, or intrusion of independent cinema into the mainstream, Smart cinema demonstrates product differentiation within the context of horizontal integration: studios making strategic interventions into what would previously have been seen as ‘indie cinema territory’. While encouraging framing within an auterist model, and by utilising – or fetishizing – what we might casually consider ‘indie style,’ Hollywood studios extended their reach beyond the mass market by co-opting notions such as ‘independence’, ‘cult’, ‘authenticity’, and ‘prestige’ | 1 | 0 | 0 |
This thesis explains the benefits of HRM policies and practices for Australian dairy farmers. A conceptual roadmap for rural industry policy-makers and farm owner-managers is presented in this thesis. It helps farmers to enhance dairy farm performance through HRM practices, which in turn would contribute to regional economic development | 1 | 0 | 0 |
During the last decade many local governments have launched initiatives to reduce CO2 emissions and the potential impact of hydro climatic disasters. Nonetheless, today barely 11% of subtropical and tropical cities with over 100,000 inhabitants has a climate plan. Often this tool neither issues from an analysis of either climate change or hydro climatic risks, nor does it provide an adequate depth of detail for the identified measures (cost, funding mode, implementation), nor a sound monitoring-evaluation device. This book contributes to improve the quality of climate planning by providing 19 examples of analysis and assessments in eleven countries. It is intended for local operators in the fields of climate, hydro climatic risks, physical planning, besides researchers and students of these subjects. The first chapter describes the status of climate planning in large subtropical and tropical cities. The following six chapters discuss the hazards (atmospheric drought, intense precipitations, sea level rise, sea water intrusion) and early warning systems in various contexts. Nine chapters enlarge on flood risk analysis and preliminary mapping, climate change vulnerability, comparing contingency plans in various scales and presenting experiences centred on adaptation planning. The last three chapters introduce some best practices of weather and climate change monitoring, of flood risk mapping and assessment | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Caden Terminal
What do data brokers know about you? | 1 | 0 | 0 |
These narrow, long beans called Cluster beans or Guar come with tiny pods and are highly nutritious. We deliver them fresh and diced, making your preparations less messy and much easy. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Amul Kool Badam milkshakes are ended up with 100 % pure natural ingredients and with a richness of milk. It holds carbohydrates, calcium, added sugar, protein, vitamins etc. It is a delectable drink rich in nutrients. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
App Marketer's Playbook for iOS 15
Grow your app revenue with actionable insights | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Virtual Venue by Mixily
Host custom video gatherings right in your website | 1 | 0 | 0 |
The Genius Design of Apple Park
As developer I've always hated open floor plans. In my last 3 years at GM/Opel I had an office with only one other person. The office itself was over 100 years old so that it was super hot in summer. But the quiet was worth it.
I'm a hobby gardener and the parks look really boring. Is there any underplanting at all? It's hard to see. We have come a long way since the original idea of parks with trees only (Dan Pearson, Tom Stuart Smith and so many more). | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I was here about four years ago, talking about the relationship of design and happiness. At the very end of it, I showed a list under that title. I learned very few things in addition since (Laughter) -- but made a whole number of them into projects since. These are inflatable monkeys in every city in Scotland: "Everybody always thinks they are right." They were combined in the media. "Drugs are fun in the beginning but become a drag later on." We're doing changing media. This is a projection that can see the viewer as the viewer walks by. You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart. All of these things are pieces of graphic design. We do them for our clients. They are commissioned. I would never have the money to actually pay for the installment or pay for all the billboards or the production of these, so there's always a client attached to them. These are 65,000 coat hangers in a street that's lined with fashion stores. "Worrying solves nothing." "Money does not make me happy" appeared first as double-page spreads in a magazine. The printer lost the file, didn't tell us. When the magazine -- actually, when I got the subscription -- it was 12 following pages. It said, "Money does does make me happy." And a friend of mine in Austria felt so sorry for me that he talked the largest casino owner in Linz into letting us wrap his building. So this is the big pedestrian zone in Linz. It just says "Money," and if you look down the side street, it says, "does not make me happy." We had a show that just came down last week in New York. We steamed up the windows permanently, and every hour we had a different designer come in and write these things that they've learned into the steam in the window. Everybody participated -- Milton Glaser, Massimo Vignelli. Singapore was quite in discussion. This is a little spot that we filmed there that's to be displayed on the large JumboTrons in Singapore. And, of course, it's one that's dear to my heart, because all of these sentiments -- some banal, some a bit more profound -- all originally had come out of my diary. And I do go often into the diary and check if I wanted to change something about the situation. If it's -- see it for a long enough time, I actually do something about it. And the very last one is a billboard. This is our roof in New York, the roof of the studio. This is newsprint plus stencils that lie on the newsprint. We let that lie around in the sun. As you all know, newsprint yellows significantly in the sun. After a week, we took the stencils and the leaves off, shipped the newsprints to Lisbon to a very sunny spot, so on day one the billboard said, "Complaining is silly. Either act or forget." Three days later it faded, and a week later, no more complaining anywhere. (Laughter) Thank you so much. (Applause) | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I just failed Google onsite EM interview. Last year, I failed another BigTech onsite interview.I think I'm getting tangled in some of their trap questions. I might be wrong to call them a trap, but I believe it is. My two Systems Design interviews went really well. Sharing one scenario based question with you -Interviewer: What you will do if you found your team is struggling?Me: I will talk with - all the stakeholders and team members - to find out what's blocking themInterviewer: Let's say - I'm your manager and I tell you - your team is not able to ship. What you will do?Me: I'd still talk with my team and understand what's holding them from shipping. It could be missing devops pipeline, maybe requirements are changing, maybe priority is not clear, maybe scope is not clearly defined.Interviewer: Let's say PMs are always changing the requirements. What you will do?Me: I'd get an agreement from PMs: once stories are refined or in the sprint, then they can't change it. For any updates\changes, they'd have to create a new story and put it in the backlog.Interviewer: If they'd still change it then?Me: I'll express my unhappiness and ask them - why they continue to change it when we had an agreement? I'd be tough with my follow-up but still respectful and keep the tone conversational. I might escalate it to their manager and will also keep you update about the situation.Something similar happened to me, when I was interviewing with a startup. I cleared their 7 interview rounds. Their recruiter told me - they want to do one more round. He also said - the feedback so far has been positive and encouraging. In that additional and last interview round (although, he told me it's not an interview; just a conversation) - the interviewer, my would-be-manager asked me similar questions like the above, and I was rejected after that. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
All-in-one client and request management platform. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
After many years of domination by the Soviet Union, 1989 brought great changes in Eastern Europe. The collapse of the communist system has led to the beginning of a new era in which Eastern European countries are being required both to develop a democratic system and adapt to a market economy. Left with a legacy of massive unproductive factories and immense co-operative farms, the beginning of the transition towards the market economy has been difficult. One of the factors associated with the emerging market economy is argued to be the increasing importance of the consumer. In Romania, some sectors of the economy declined more than others and compared to other sectors, agriculture and horticulture in particular, have declined less. However, land reform, loss of former markets and poor inputs due to financial constraints have left their mark on Romanian horticulture. Once named by the Soviet Union "the\ud
breadbasket of Eastern Europe", Romania and Romanian horticulture are required to adapt presently to the new market conditions. Within the horticultural sector, the apple industry is one of the areas in urgent need of revitalisation. Reaching its peak under the communist centralised command system, the industry has to be rebuilt to new standards which recognise, perhaps for the first time, the role of the consumer. This research examines the Romanian apple industry (fresh apples and apple juices), in\ud
order to analyse the expectations of consumers and to determine whether the Romanian apple industry is able to adapt and respond to those key expectations in the foreseeable future. Additionally, Romanian consumers and the country's apple industry arc contrasted with those in the UK and Germany, countries with traditional market\ud
economies which also represent potential export markets for Romanian produce. Focusing on the consumer in relation to the Romanian apple industry, the work reports on the findings and discusses some obstacles to, and proposed actions for, the revitalisation of the Romanian apple industry. In order to achieve the various objectives a multiple methodology was developed, including both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The expectations and preferences of consumers were identified by means of questionnaires and focus groups, involving the four domestic apple varieties selected as reference products. The information collected was presented to the apple industry and in-depth interviews were conductedi n order to assess the industry's difficulties and its capacity to respond the consumer requirements which had been determined | 0 | 1 | 0 |
High-tech businesses are the driving force behind global knowledge-based economies. Academic institutions have positioned themselves to serve the high-tech industry through consulting, licensing, and university spinoffs. The awareness of commercialization strategies and building an entrepreneurial culture can help academics to efficiently transfer their inventions to the market to achieve the maximum value. Here, the concept of high-tech entrepreneurship is discussed from lab to market in technology-intensive sectors such as nanotechnology, photonics, and biotechnology, specifically in the context of lab-on-a-chip devices. This article provides strategies for choosing a commercialization approach, financing a startup, marketing a product, and planning an exit. Common reasons for startup company failures are discussed and guidelines to overcome these challenges are suggested. The discussion is supplemented with case studies of successful and failed companies. Identifying a market need, assembling a motivated management team, managing resources, and obtaining experienced mentors lead to a successful exit | 1 | 0 | 0 |
You never heard of expectations or estimates before....
You plug estimates into your valuation model sometimes your estimates are too negative and you have to evaluate when the actual numbers come out. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
I feel like your "friend" who finds issue with you eating and has to throw up is incredibly insecure and has an eating disorder they're trying to justify to themselves by blaming you. They need some help but don't let them get you down they're really not worth it. I'm not sure if it's a translation error or if you believe it but these girls are not genuinely nice - they're textbook fake. If you are getting something out of this relationship at all, you can fake it til you graduate, but if you have other friends it'd be better for you to cut ties with them - it's not worth it knowing them and they're not your friends. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
The New Otter
Everything teams need for hybrid meetings | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Sunning themselves on rocks or waddling awkwardly across the beach, it’s easy to think of these immobile mammals less as sea lions, and more as sea house cats. But don’t be fooled by their beachside behavior. Under the waves, sea lions are incredible endurance hunters. Hurtling around at speeds from 4 to 18 miles an hour and hunting for up to 30 hours at a time, these majestic mammals live up to their name. And thanks to a suite of physical adaptations, finely tuned over millions of years, they make for resourceful foragers. To find their favorite food, sea lions hunt much deeper than many of their semi-aquatic peers. With some species diving to depths of nearly 400 meters, they’re able to cope with the mounting pressure by collapsing their pliable rib cage, and compressing a pair of springy lungs. This pushes air up through the smaller airways, collapsing rings of cartilage as oxygen travels out from the lungs, to be held in the larger, upper airways. Upon surfacing, this air will be used to re-inflate the lungs, but for now their heart slows down to preserve oxygen. Blood flow is redirected towards only the most essential organs like the heart, lungs, and brain, which rely on reserve oxygen stored in blood and muscle. Once they arrive at their hunting ground, sea lions depend on their superior vision to find their prey. Most mammal eyes have a structure called a lens– a transparent, convex structure whose shape refracts light to enable sight. In humans, this lens is curved to process light waves traveling through air. But sea lions need to see their best at hundreds of meters deep. To accommodate, their eyes have a much rounder lens to refract light underwater, as well as teardrop-shaped pupils which can expand to 25 times their original size. This lets in as much light as possible, helping them pinpoint their prey in even the dimmest conditions. But once they’ve closed in, they rely on something akin to a sixth sense to actually catch their meal. Their whiskers, or vibrissae, are composed of keratin and full of nerve fibers that run deep into the connective tissue of their face. Sea lions have full directional control over these whiskers, which can lie flat against their face, or stick out at a 90-degree angle. When properly tuned, these whiskers can sense the slim trails of moving water fish leave in their wake. And they’re precise enough to let blindfolded sea lions tell the difference between objects less than two centimeters different in size. With these tools a healthy sea lion can catch generous helpings of fish such as anchovy, mackerel, and squid on every outing. And with their exceptional memories, they can remember multiple hunting grounds, including those they haven’t visited in decades. This memory also extends to breeding territories and birthing areas, as well as which neighbors are friend and foe. There’s even evidence that sea lions can remember how to perform tasks after 10 years with no practice in between, letting them navigate old stomping grounds with ease. Yet despite these incredible adaptations, there are changes unfolding in their habitats too rapidly for sea lions to handle. As climate change warms the oceans, certain toxic algae species thrive. This algae is harmless to the fish who eat it, but for the sea lions which ingest those fish, the algae’s domoic acid can trigger seizures and brain damage. Changing ocean conditions keep this algae blooming year round, causing more and more sea lions to wash up on beaches. This tragic discovery is just one of the many ways the health of aquatic animal communities can help us better understand Earth’s oceans. These red flags help us take action to protect ourselves and other maritime mammals. And the more we can learn about the changing ocean that sea lions inhabit, the better equipped we’ll be to help these clever creatures thrive. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
StaticWeb Studio
Deployment + CMS platform for static websites with #nocode | 1 | 0 | 0 |
$GOOGL buying $FIT is prime example of corporate dollars going to waste. FIT was trading at 4.31 prior to the rumor and announced acquisition price of 7.35 is a 69% premium. For a company running on fumes, this kind of premium has to be gross negligence on Google’s part | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Show by Animaker
Power your customer journey with video first marketing | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Truecaller 12.0 for iPhone
All your communication in one app | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Some people just don't want to go out, theres nothing wrong with that. I think your anxiety has concocted these consequences, if they do tell their friends then it'll stay within their friend group. Its after college, things don't spread like wildfire becusee no one sees each other again.
Sounds like you've got to work on either your flirting or piking up signs that they were into you, I think those girls were just chatting as friends and when you blurted out date ideas you made it awkward and that's understandable. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Iterative reconstruction algorithm for CT: can radiation dose be decreased while low-contrast detectability is preserved?
To compare the low-contrast detectability and image quality of computed tomography (CT) at different radiation dose levels reconstructed with iterative reconstruction (IR) and filtered back projection (FBP).
A custom liver phantom with 12 simulated hypoattenuating tumors (diameters of 5, 10, 15, and 20 mm; tumor-to-liver contrast values of -10, -20, and -40 HU) was designed. The phantom was scanned with a standard abdominal CT protocol with a volume CT dose index of 21.6 mGy (equivalent 100% dose) and four low-dose protocols (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of the standard protocol dose). CT data sets were reconstructed with IR and FBP. Image noise was measured, and the tumors' contrast-to-noise ratios (CNRs) were calculated. Tumor detection was independently assessed by three radiologists who were blinded to the CT technique used. A total of 840 simulated tumors were presented to the radiologists. Statistical analyses included analysis of variance.
IR yielded an image noise reduction of 43.9%-63.9% and a CNR increase of 74.1%-180% compared with FBP at the same dose level (P < .001). The overall sensitivity for tumor detection was 64.7%-85.3% for IR and 66.3%-85.7% for FBP at the 20%-100% doses, respectively. There was no significant difference in the sensitivity for tumor detection between IR and FBP at the same dose level (P = .99). The sensitivity of the protocol at the 20% dose with FBP and IR was significantly lower than that of the protocol at the 100% dose with FBP and IR (P = .019).
As the radiation dose at CT decreases, the IR algorithm does not preserve the low-contrast detectability.
http://radiology.rsna.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1148/radiol.13122349/-/DC1. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
# Start Spark Session
spark = SparkSession.builder.master('local[\*]'). \
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df = spark.read \
.format("bigquery") \
.option("table", table) \
.option("viewsEnabled","true") \
df.show(truncate = False )
| name|gender |score |
| Jon | Math | 65.6%|
|Mike | Math | 70%|
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| Maria| English | 50%|
| Jenny| Geography| null|
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Systematic evaluation of dose accumulation studies in clinical pharmacokinetics.
The amount of drug remaining after previous doses, or drug accumulation, is closely related to drug efficacy and safety. An accurate calculation of the accumulation index or ratio (R(ac)) is crucial for dose finding. However, in drug accumulation studies little consensus exists with regard to experimental design or data analysis. We conducted a systematic review of the literature to produce a detailed profile of drug accumulation studies of the last 30 years (1980-2011). Ninety-six articles comprising 122 studies were analyzed. A typical drug accumulation study enrolled 10 to 20 subjects randomly assigned into treatment groups of 1 or 2 dose levels to observe pharmacokinetic behaviors. The median washout period between single and multiple dosing was 7 days, and the dose interval was 1-2 elimination half-lives in non- or one-compartmental models. Generally, the number of repeated times of administration for multiple dosing was 7-14, and the median number of sampling time points was 11. Eight different methods were used to calculate R(ac). The most frequently used method, in 72.9% of the studies, was to set R(ac) equal to the ratio of the area under a plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) during a dosage interval at steady state to the AUC of a dosage interval after the first dose, i.e., R(ac) = AUC(0-τ,ss) / AUC(0-τ,1). The values of R(ac) in the included studies ranged from 0.85 to 18.8, and 68.03% were <2. We suggest that sample size estimation for an accumulation study should be similar to that of a bioequivalence study, and in most studies, 18-24 subjects will be needed. Appropriate calculation methods for R(ac) should be selected based on the experimental design and data characteristics. The crucial values for non-, weak, moderate, and strong accumulation can be set at R(ac) < 1.2, 1.2 ≤ R(ac) < 2, 2 ≤ R(ac) < 5, and R(ac) ≥ 5, respectively. Accumulations studies should also give more regard to drug metabolism and increased accumulation in kidney or liver damaged patients. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
General Nature of Business Clean Energy Fuels Corp., together with its majority and wholly owned subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the Company, unless the context or the use of the term indicates or requires otherwise) is engaged in the business of selling natural gas as an alternative fuel for vehicle fleets and related natural gas fueling solutions to its customers, primarily in the United States and Canada. The Companys principal business is supplying renewable natural gas (RNG), compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) (RNG can be delivered in the form of CNG or LNG) for light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles and providing operation and maintenance (O&M) services for public and private vehicle fleet customer stations. As a comprehensive solution provider, the Company also designs, builds, operates and maintains fueling stations; sells and services natural gas fueling compressors and other equipment used in CNG stations and LNG stations; offers assessment, design and modification solutions to provide operators with code-compliant service and maintenance facilities for natural gas vehicle fleets; transports and sells CNG and LNG via virtual natural gas pipelines and interconnects; procures and sells RNG; sells tradable credits it generates by selling RNG and conventional natural gas as a vehicle fuel, including Renewable Identification Numbers (RIN Credits or RINs) under the federal Renewable Fuel Standard Phase 2 and credits under the California and the Oregon Low Carbon Fuel Standards (collectively, LCFS Credits); helps its customers acquire and finance natural gas vehicles; and obtains federal, state and local credits, grants and incentives. In addition, for all periods presented before March 31, 2017, the Company produced RNG at its own production facilities, and for all periods presented before December 29, 2017, the Company manufactured natural gas fueling compressors and other equipment used in CNG stations. See Notes 4 and 5 for more information. Basis of Presentation The accompanying interim unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries, and, in the opinion of management, reflect all adjustments, which include only normal recurring adjustments, necessary to state fairly the Companys consolidated financial position as of September 30, 2018 , and results of operations and comprehensive loss for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2018 , and cash flows for the nine months ended September 30, 2017 and 2018 . All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. The results of operations for the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2017 and 2018 are not necessarily indicative of the results to be expected for the year ending December 31, 2018 or for any other interim period or for any future year. Certain information and disclosures normally included in the notes to consolidated financial statements have been condensed or omitted pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC), but the resultant disclosures contained herein are in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP) as they apply to interim reporting. The accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2017 that are included in the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC on March 13, 2018. Reclassifications During the nine months ended September 30, 2018 , the Company adopted Accounting Standards Update (ASU) No. 2016-18, Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230): Restricted Cash (see Note 20 ). The new standard requires restricted cash and restricted cash equivalents to be included as components of total cash and cash equivalents as presented on the statement of cash flows. As a result, the Company chose to also conform this classification on the accompanying condensed consolidated balance sheets. This resulted in prior period restricted cash of $1,127 as of December 31, 2017 being reclassified into one line item with cash and cash equivalents to conform to presentation as of September 30, 2018 . In addition, certain prior period amounts have been reclassified in the condensed consolidated statements of cash flows to conform to the current period presentation. These reclassifications had no material impact on the Companys consolidated financial position, results of operations, or cash flows as previously reported. Use of Estimates The preparation of condensed consolidated financial statements in conformity with US GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements and these notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates and may result in material effects on the Companys operating results and financial position. Significant estimates made in preparing the accompanying condensed consolidated financial statements include (but are not limited to) those related to revenue recognition, goodwill and long-lived asset impairment assessments, income tax valuations and fair value measurements. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Chicken Sausage is made with premium ingredients, giving you the perfect blend of flavours. Easy to cook, this is a perfect option to tame your hunger pangs. Indulge in some premium taste with Fresho. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
HD video player for Android with all-in-one video format | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Meta-analysis: the diagnostic accuracy of lactose breath hydrogen or lactose tolerance tests for predicting the North European lactase polymorphism C/T-13910.
The diagnostic accuracy of two indirect tests of lactose digestion, lactose breath hydrogen and lactose tolerance tests, have not been systematically reviewed for comparison with available publications on genotype.
To perform a meta-analysis of available studies that compares the north-European genetic polymorphism C/T-13910 with the lactose breath hydrogen and the lactose tolerance tests, to determine their ability to predict geno/phenotype relationships. We examine the effects of lactose loading dose, inclusion of children and latitudes of study centre on comparative outcome.
An electronic database of the literature as well as individual references in articles were searched with the theme of genetics of lactase and comparisons with breath or lactose tolerance tests were carried out. Random effect and fixed effect models were used for breath and lactose tolerance tests respectively, to report summary accuracy measures with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
The search revealed 19 studies: 17 evaluated breath hydrogen, five lactose tolerance test (3/17 overlapped). Overall sensitivity was 0.88 (CI, 0.85-0.90), specificity was 0.85 (CI, 0.82-0.87) for breath test. Heterogeneity was explored by adjusting for studies including children, high or low dose lactose and to some extent by site of study. The lactose tolerance test showed sensitivity of 0.94 (0.9-0.97) and specificity of 0.90 (0.84-0.95) with a nonsignificant heterogeneity.
The diagnostic accuracy of both tests individually reflects expected geno/phenotypes when the populations are well defined. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
From your update in the comments, I'm assuming you've spoke to him by now.
I'll cut the crap in this comment and just give 2 different opinions:
1) IF they used a sperm bank as a go-between, you're really overreacting in my opinion. It's his body, and if he doesn't want anything to do with the kid? That's completely fine. As a male, the idea of helping someone create life (of course in a non-legally binding way where there is no sex involved) is kinda nice in some weird way.
It was 100% a bit of a dick move not to tell you, but, if they used a sperm bank and your fiancé has decided not to be involved with the child as if it is his child, then just postpone the marriage, and try to work around this, let him show you if he truly cares. I don't think this is worth fucking up a relationship that otherwise seems so good.
2) IF they fucked... just leave. There's no workaround. 'Insemination' is stand-in for 'we did sexual shit together but Peter didn't want me to fuck up your engagement.' This is really the more likely option, so in my opinion, just leave unless he can get some sort of proof he used a sperm bank.
Obviously those are my opinions, expecting downvotes for that first one, but oh well. Good luck OP. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I think of the casino as the cheapest way to get drunk by betting 25 cents on video poker and losing like $5 an hour on average and tipping $1 per drink. It's by far the cheapest way to go out to drink in cities with casinos that have comped drinks. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Note 11. BUSINESS COMBINATIONS Our acquisition strategy focuses on businesses with a leadership team that is committed to best in class culture, extraordinary client service and cross-serving potential. CBIZ has a long history of acquiring businesses that share common cultural values with us and provide value-added services to the small and midsize business market. The valuation of any business is a subjective process and includes industry, geography, profit margins, expected cash flows, client retention, nature of recurring or non-recurring project-based work, growth rate assumptions and competitive market conditions. During the six months ended June 30, 2020, we completed the following acquisitions: Effective February 1, 2020, we acquired substantially all the assets of Alliance Insurance Services, Inc. (Alliance), a provider of insurance and advisory services based in Washington, DC. Operating results will be reported in the Benefits and Insurance Services practice group. Effective February 1, 2020, we acquired substantially all the assets of Pension Dynamics Company, LLC (PD), a full-service retirement and benefits plan advisor based in Pleasant Hill, California. Operating results will be reported in the Benefits and Insurance Services practice group. Effective February 1, 2020, we acquired substantially all the assets of Sunshine Systems (Sunshine), a payroll solutions provider based in Massachusetts. Operating results will be reported in the Benefits and Insurance Services practice group. Aggregate consideration for these acquisitions consisted of approximately $9.4 million in cash, $0.9 million in our common stock and $4.8 million in contingent consideration. Under the terms of the acquisition agreements, a portion of the purchase price is contingent on future performance of the business acquired. The maximum potential undiscounted amount of all future payments that we could be required to make under the contingent arrangements is $6.2 million. As of June 30, 2020, the aggregated fair value of contingent consideration related to these acquisitions was $4.7 million, of which $2.0 million was recorded in Contingent purchase price liability current and $2.7 million was recorded in Contingent purchase price liability non-current in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2020. Refer to Note 7, Fair Value Measurements, for additional information regarding contingent purchase price liability fair value and fair value adjustments. Annualized revenue from the acquired businesses is estimated to be approximately $6.1 million. Pro forma results of operations for these acquisitions have not been presented because the effects of the acquisitions were not significant to our Income from continuing operations before income taxes. During the first six months of 2019, we completed one acquisition, acquiring substantially all of the assets of Wenner Group, LLC (Wenner), located in Denver, Colorado effective January 1, 2019. Wenner is a full service accounting, tax, compliance and financial consulting firm. Operating results are reported in the Financial Services practice group. Consideration for this acquisition consisted of approximately $1.3 million in cash consideration and $1.8 million in contingent consideration. Under the terms of the acquisition agreement, a portion of the purchase price is contingent on future performance of the business acquired. The maximum potential undiscounted amount of all future payments that we could be required to make under the contingent arrangements is $1.8 million, of which $0.6 million was recorded in Contingent purchase price liability current and $1.2 million was recorded in Contingent purchase price liability non-current in the accompanying Consolidated Balance Sheets at June 30, 2019. Annualized revenue attributable to Wenner is estimated to be approximately $2.4 million. Pro forma results of operations for this acquisition has not been presented because the effects of the acquisition was not significant to our Income from continuing operations before income taxes. The following table summarizes the amounts of identifiable assets acquired, liabilities assumed and aggregate purchase price for the acquisitions for the six months ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 (in thousands): Six Months Ended June 30, 2020 2019 Cash and cash equivalents $ 125 $ Accounts receivable, net 871 550 Client funds 1,716 Operating lease right of use asset, net 224 Identifiable intangible assets 3,629 654 Other assets 53 5 Operating lease liability - current (66 ) Other current liabilities (779 ) (288 ) Client fund obligations (1,716 ) Operating lease liability - noncurrent (158 ) Total identifiable net assets $ 3,899 $ 921 Goodwill 11,158 2,165 Aggregate purchase price $ 15,057 $ 3,086 The goodwill of $11.2 million and $2.2 million arising from the acquisitions in the first half of 2020 and 2019, respectively, primarily results from expected future earnings and cash flows from the existing management team, as well as the synergies created by the integration of the new business within our organization, including cross-selling opportunities expected with our Financial Services practice group and the Benefits and Insurance Services practice group, to help strengthen our existing service offerings and expand our market position. All of the goodwill is deductible for income tax purposes. Acquisitions of client lists - During the six months ended June 30, 2020, we purchased two client lists in the Benefits and Insurance Services practice group and one client list in the Financial Services practice group for total consideration of $0.6 million, of which $0.3 million is contingent. During the six months ended June 30, 2019, we did not purchase any client lists. Change in Contingent Purchase Price Liability for Previous Acquisitions - During the first half of 2020 and 2019, the fair value of the contingent purchase price liability related to prior acquisitions decreased by $0.2 million and by $0.2 million, respectively. These changes in fair value are attributable to subsequent measurement adjustments based on projected future results of the acquired businesses, net present value adjustments and changes in stock price. These adjustments are included in Other income (expense), net in the accompanying Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income. Contingent Payments for Previous Business Acquisitions and Client Lists - We paid $5.9 million in cash and issued approximately 0.1 million shares of our common stock during the six months ended June 30, 2020 for previous acquisitions. For the same period in 2019, we paid $11.3 million in cash and issued approximately 0.1 million shares of our common stock for previous acquisitions. For both the first half of 2020 and 2019, we paid approximately $0.3 million in cash for previous client list purchases. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
This shirt runs large, so order down a size. it is comfortable, cute and great for transitioning from summer into fall. adding jewelry really dresses this top up. can't wait to layer it with kimono, vest, pashminas or wraps. great with sandals or boots. glad i bought both colors. it looks much better on, than in the photo/on hanger. great purchase and can't wait to wear! | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Job Trackr
Notion job application tracker | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Can you solve the MAGNET RIDDLE? ft YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
quickly pass the both the pieces one by one near any metal( magnetic or non magnetic) the piece that is harder to pass is magnetic due to eddy current generation in the metal
second technique is to suspend the pieces magnetic one will allign itself in north south direction
third one is real simple just break it and new poles will be formed and magnetic piece will start to repel also whereas non magnetic one will not show any such sign
fourth is to heat or drop or rub two pieces hardly one by one , the one which show more decrease in attraction after doing these actions is magnetic | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Recently for new job I was told that they don't use Spring boot for development. I am not senior developer but I have been learning Spring boot extensively and for me it makes sense as it gives me structure to write my code and also so many Spring Project and lot of material available. Are you guys(Java People) still using Spring Boot as first choice for Backend development or something drastically changed since few years? Thanks for help :) | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Through a literature review and interviews with nonprofit financial coaches, examines the concepts, training, and capacity building involved in financial coaching for low-income families, as well as critiques of existing models and their implications | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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# Change Impact Analysis
Snapshot provides powerful tools that visualize metadata dependencies and construct entity relationship diagrams.
#### Table of Contents
## Introduction
Snapshot’s Impact Analysis Report gives you a high-level view of how the assets in your org are connected. You can browse through the metadata dependencies and construct entity relationship diagrams. You can see how the metadata assets in your org are connected. If you select an asset that is going to be changed or deleted, you can see the other assets that it depends on, and how they will be affected.
The Report works with all 250 different Metadata Types and is aware of over 1200 different relationships. This is by far the most comprehensive coverage of any impact analysis report or dependency API on the Salesforce platform. This whitepaper starts with an explanation about how to use the Impact Analysis Report. After that, we present some specific use cases.
## Selecting Metadata Assets
The first screen allows you to select any metadata asset. The left-hand list has the different asset types, and the right-hand list has individual assets of that type. The asset you select will be the starting point for the report. For example, if you were conducting an impact analysis, you would select the asset that you want to change. If you are building an entity relationship diagram, you might select the central entity that you want to build the diagram around.
## Filter Types
The next tab shows the metadata types that are included in the report. The list at left is all available types, and at right are the selected ones. There is a button at the upper left that will reset the selection to some common metadata types that are often connected. There is nothing wrong with including all metadata types in the list. The items in gray are not available in the current snapshot, but they can still be included in the report if desired.
## View Dependency
The next tab shows the entity relationship diagram. The selected metadata asset will appear in the center of the screen and has a green border marking it as the starting point. Assets that refer to the selected asset will be connected to the left. Assets that the selected asset refers to will be connected to the right. This is an important capability: the Impact Analysis Report can show the assets that the selected asset is dependent on and related to in the same interface.
In this case, there is a Custom Field at upper left that has a reference to the Custom Object in the center. The Custom Object in the center has a reference to a Queue at right. What this really means is that the Custom Field holds a reference to Adam\_Bar\_\_c. If you look at the XML for the Custom Field, then you will see that name there in the referenceTo element.
The Custom Field refers to the Custom Object, and the Custom Object refers to the Queue on the right. These are direct relationships. But you can click the little dots to the left or right of the asset tiles and expand the tree farther in either direction. More and more assets will appear, depending on where you explore. These assets will have an indirect relationship to the starting point.
You can double click any of the assets or arrows, and the Relationship Details Dialog will appear. This dialog will show the asset that you clicked on and the direct relationships to the right. For example, if you double-click on the Queue above, then the Relationship Details Dialog will show the connected asset at right and how each one is connected.
You can right-click any of the assets, and more options will appear from the pop-up menu. The first five options let you interactive browse the entity relationship diagram.
* Go Here – Save the current view on the stack and jump to a new starting point
* Go First – Go to the first view on the stack
* Go Back – Go back to the previous view on the stack
* Go Next – Go forward to the next view on the stack
* Go Last – Go to the last view on the stack
The next two options are just like clicking on the expand/collapse buttons.
* Expand Left – Open the related entities to the right
* Expand Right – Open the related entities to the left
The next three options create a red path from the selected asset back to the starting point. This is useful for seeing how any asset is related to the starting point.
* Trace Path – Trace a path to the starting point
* Clear Path – Clear the path that was traced
* Select None – Remove all asset selections from the diagram
The next three options are for exporting things. Export Asset will export the selected asset as a file suitable for a developer project or online repository. The Export Picture option will save a picture of the entire entity relationship diagram to the desktop.
* Export Asset
* Export Picture
* Export Job List
The Export Job List option will save a Job List to the desktop starting with the selected asset and including all of the connected assets to the right. These are the related assets that must be included to deploy the selected asset.
Lastly, the Relationship Details option will bring up the Relationship Details Dialog just like a double-click. You can also right-click and double-click the arrows for similar options.
## Display Report
The next tab shows the entity relationship diagram in report format. All of the assets that are related to the selected asset are visible to the left and right. This report can be exported in many formats, and as usual, all reports can be scheduled as an automated workflow with the last tab. The next part of our whitepaper discusses some common use cases for the Impact Analysis Report.
## Use Case: Browsing Metadata Dependencies
If you are wondering how any part of an Org is structured, then you can use the Impact Analysis Report to explore the various relationships involved. At any time, you can select a new starting point with the Go Here right-click option. Using the view stack, you can also jump back to the previous starting point. This is useful for figuring out difficult deployment scenarios as well. When you get the right tree of asset dependencies, the Export Job List option can create a text file that can be imported into the deployment tools.
## Use Case: Building Entity Relationship Diagrams
Another useful application of the Impact Analysis Report is building Entity Relationship Diagrams. Start with an asset that is central to your diagram and expand out the tree as needed on each side. When the picture explains the relationship that you want to document, save the picture. The pictures can be archived as documentation or incorporated into presentations. The sliders at the top of the View Dependency tab can be used to control formatting of the image prior to export.
## Use Case: Impact Analysis
Lastly, if you are planning on changing or deleting any asset then you can select that as the starting point and see the impacts involved. Assets that reference the selected asset are on the left. If the selected asset is deleted, then the assets to the left must also be deleted or perhaps reassigned. The selected asset will reference assets to the right. If the selected asset is deployed, then the assets to the right must also be migrated.
## Example: Role Hierarchies
Here is a nifty example of using the Impact Analysis report for User Roles. The entire Role Hierarchy can be expanded into an org chart. This report is like Snapshot’s Relationship Hierarchy Report, but sideways. Various Sharing Rules are related to the Roles, so we used the Asset Filter to remove them and focus on the Roles alone.
## Example: Apex Hierarchy
Here is another extremely useful application of the Impact Analysis Report. You can see how the starting point Trigger calls an Apex Class, which calls another Class, which calls two more Classes, and all of the Custom Objects and Fields that they reference. This report would be useful for application development to see all of the references in the code to multiple asset types. This view is also great documentation that shows which Custom Objects and Fields are impacted when the trigger is fired.
## Example: Custom Applications
One of the most useful starting points for the Impact Analysis Report is Custom Applications. These assets reference many other asset types, including Custom Tabs, Custom Objects, Custom Fields, FlexiPages, and Lightning Bundles. Custom Applications have taken on new important under Lightning Experience, where the actionOverride and profileActionOverride elements define the user interface. This structure is revealed below.
## Conclusion
This white paper has discussed some of the use cases for the new Impact Analysis Report. This report works with all 250 different Metadata Types and is aware of over 1200 different relationships. You can really start to understand how your Org is structured by browsing around the entity relationship diagrams. The Snapshot product from Metazoa provides a best-of-breed solution for Impact Analysis through this comprehensive coverage of Metadata Types.
Click the download button to get the pdf version of this whitepaper.
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### 🎉 Congratulations! 🎉
You’ve successfully completed the Metazoa Metadata Studio Certification Class. With the skills you’ve acquired, you’re now adept at harnessing the power of Metazoa’s Metadata Studio, seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence into Salesforce org management.
**You have earned you a certificate!**
Well done, and we wish you continued success in your future endeavors! | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Sound system stolen by auction nation
Im Lerato On the 21 sep i had an accident my car was towed to auction nation and after 2 weeks i decided to go and take out my sound system that i installed in the car i got there and itwas stolen.the guy who assisted me Max Xaba confirmed that the cameras showed that itwas stolen in their premises and and they will deal with it internally and i should confirm sound stolen which was Amp.sup hoover n 6by9 speakers.and send him quotation.quotation sent to Max and he responded me with why i was saying itwas pioneer because itwas xtc and why im including 6 by9 speakers.what ****es me off is that this people are taking advantage of me because i am a lady or becaise im black? If they did not take my sound system things would have not been this way.im so disappointed by the treatment i got at auction nation when they are the ones who stolen from me. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Cartrack fails to honor their long term clients
My vehicle was stolen from my complex in the early parts of the morning, the thieves spent 1 hour tampering with my car until they got it started and managed to drive away, in this time, cartrack could not pick up that my car was being tampered with and did not pick up unusual activity which led to my car not being recovered, their so called warranty is also deceiving as this warranty is not valid if the unit is installed for three years.
I have been a client for 7 YEARS and have never missed a single payment, In those 7 years cartrack never offered me a single update of my tracking device and failed to inform me when my warranty fell away. They couldn't even reduce my installments knowing I don't have the warranty in place.
I fulfilled my end of the deal by making sure my payments were done on time and when my vehicle was taken from me, cartrack failed me by not being able to recover my vehicle or even offer me compensation for the loss I had occurred.
There is no loyalty towards their long term clients and all they care for is promoting low prices to attract new client's.
Avoid this company at all costs!!! | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Mother Dairy Dahi Cup 100% Natural is a luscious, smooth and well set curd which gives you the flavor of Homemade curd with no the hassles of setting curd at home. Our curd is arranged using the best quality standards making it disinfected. It is regularly thick, reliable and natural lacking the use of any preservatives. It is complete from pasteurized standardized milk which contains 4.5 % milk fat and 10 % milk SNF. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
I purchased in store to avoid shipping costs. my local stores don't carry xxs, so they are mailing it to me. i usually wear an xs, but it was roomier than i cared for and made it look a bit sloppy on me. this tee is more distressed looking in person than online, as well. i wish it were more refined because the neckline is very feminine & interesting; i would have liked the ability to dress it up more. also, the solid blue and coral are lighter in color than they appear on my monitor. the blue st | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Microfinance is an initiative which seeks to address financial inclusion, micro-entrepreneurship, and poverty reduction without over burdening governments. However, the current sector of microfinance is still heavily dependent on the good will of donors. The over-reliance on donations is a feature which threatens the long term sustainability of microfinance. Much has been written about this reliance, but research to date hasn’t empirically examined the effect of regulation as a mediator. This is a critical area of study because regulation directly affects Microfinance Institutions’ (MFI) innovation, and innovation is what shapes the future of microfinance. This thesis considers the role that regulation plays in affecting MFI’s and their ability to innovate in products, services and long-term sustainability via access to capital. Interviews were undertaken with stakeholders in MFI’s, NGO’s, Self-Regulating Bodies, and Regulators in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. This thesis discusses findings from interviews in relation to regulatory measures regarding financial self-sustainability of MFI’s. The conclusions of this thesis have implications for policy and inform the microfinance literature | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Seafolly is my favorite brand in swimwear. i've collected a few over the years. i was so happy to find this print. the little umbrellas are so cute and fun. i am normally a size 8 in seafolly and this one ran true to size. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Hi Hacker News,Preamble:Matrix [0] is a protocol for real-time communication, most known as secure federated chat with client named "element". If you want to join Matrix you may use any public server, but any features, bridges, integrations, etc. configured by server admin, so if you want to add/change or remove something, you can't do that. In most cases, it's question about bridges - like slack, telegram, discord, facebook messenger, etc.That's why I started is it?Actually, it's html form ( ) where you can select what you need from your matrix homeserver.
After that we contact you and start configuration - DNS records, server, admin user name, etc.
As result - you receive your own matrix homeserver on your server (anywhere), with all features that you want.Why?Because you should be matrix guru to setup it yourself with all perks (like coturn - try to configure it with synapse in separate docker containers), so etke.cc can help to (all items in the list below are existing clients):* people who has no idea what that server voodoo means* people who has idea about servers, but doesn't know matrix homeserver voodoo means* people who has idea about servers and homeservers voodoo, but doesn't want to maintain it themself* companies, who needs secure chat (alternative to slack)* companies, who needs real-time API platform* companies, who builds chatbots for multiple platformsBut At What Cost?Pricing is simple:* Initial setup: 5$ once - you get your matrix homeserver and do what you want* (optional) subscription: 5$/month - we maintain and update your server & homeserver* (optional) consultation - 20$/h - in most cases used by people who wants to understand how matrix homeserver works and/or how to work with protocol to integrate it in own apps/services[0] | 0 | 1 | 0 |
React codebase for building desktop and mobile apps quickly | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Sharing emails made possible | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Except ticket prices differ from place to place and movie to movie. One movie could've made more money just because the tickets costed more. Ticks sold would give a more accurate measure of how loved a movie is, how many people saw it. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
I took a risk and bought this blouse and got a wonderful surprise. i bought my usual size small (34c, 31" waist) and it was perfect. the details of this blouse are amazing. you cannot see the flecks of copper-gold leaves all over the fabric or the gold threads running down the seam in the front. it is really, really beautiful. the fabric overall is soft and flowy and the sleeves do not stand out off my shoulders in a weird way. there is a soft flow of ruffle down both sides of the shirt. the fro | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Corporate scholars rely on traditional theories of the firm to analyze corporate organization and corporate contracting. Traditional theories of the firm, however, have long neglected the role of knowledge in shaping the internal structure of firms. Current analyses of firm structure that rely on these theories therefore suffer from serious shortcomings. This paper begins to address this gap by analyzing knowledge resources and investigating their influence on internal corporate governance structures. We propose a new typology that explains firm internal governance structure based on the types of knowledge used in the production process. We analyze the interaction of law and knowledge management. We investigate how firms can bind knowledge by means of patents, trade secrets and private contracting, such as covenants not to compete. We propose a principle of efficient knowledge allocation, which holds that organizational structures result from the necessity to maximize the use of knowledge resources. We discuss specific hazards that emerge from transactions with knowledge inputs. We discuss particular applications of the typology. We show how the management of knowledge resources required in mass production, high tech and law firms differentially affects the decisional hierarchies of these firms and also their compensation structure in certain instances. We argue that knowledge resources drove the change in the organizational structure of mass production firms from the U-form to the M-form, affecting decision making rights. We show how the adoption of stock options plans in high tech firms aims at constraining knowledge hazards. Stock options prevent leakage by retaining individual knowledge and discouraging hoarding of knowledge. We argue that the model of profit splitting and the hierarchy between partners and associates in law firms are also explained by the necessity of maximizing the use of knowledge resources. We then examine how the change of knowledge types used in law firms is affecting their organization. Finally, we investigate how certain business transactions like mergers, joint ventures and licensing contracts are shaped by knowledge inputs. We show that knowledge considerations provide a positive explanation for firm structure and a normative view in that the principle of efficient knowledge allocation should be an important concern of policy makers concerned with corporate reform | 1 | 0 | 0 |
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Just bring up being healthy. Offer to cook for her, plan fun exciting dates that involve walking far. Take her on swimming dates.
Tell her there's a new takeout or restaurant you want to try (which exclusively sells healthier foods).
Sign you both up for some sort of nutrition lecture, class. Ask for her to come along with you as a favour.
But it honestly depends, you can encourage your gf to be healthy but it doesn't mean she's going to lose weight. If you don't find her attractive now, then it's most likely down the line you'll lose attraction for her again. And if you truly love her then you'll let her go | 0 | 0 | 1 |
MTN-MONDO contract cancellation
I have been contacting MTN-Mondo regarding contract cancellation, i received call from one of MTN consultant offering me a contract sim with router in 2021 only to find out that the network coverage was bad. I requested to cancel at MTN branch Thohoyandou and they provided a settlement amount which I paid on the 11th of March 2022 amount of R2675 and sent proof of payment to *********** as instructed. I have since been waiting for feedback from this department to confirm that the account is closed. I have also gone to the branch in Mall of Africa which they did not help at all. I also escalated this issue to the legal department in March and to my surprise, I still receive calls from the collectors. ALL I WANT IS TO CLOSE THIS ACCOUNT. REF 1-**********1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
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# Storm Damage Roofing Company in Denver, CO
At Roper Roofing & Solar, we specialize in storm damage roofing services, providing expert repairs and replacements for homeowners and businesses in Denver and the surrounding areas. Storms can cause significant damage, and our experienced team is here to help restore your roof to its former condition.
## Why Choose Us for Storm Damage Repairs?
* We understand the urgency of storm damage. Our team is ready to respond quickly to assess the damage and start the repair process.
* We conduct comprehensive inspections to identify damage, including hidden issues that might not be immediately visible.
* Our skilled technicians provide high-quality repairs, ensuring your roof is restored to its original condition and capable of withstanding future storms.
* We assist you with the insurance claims process, providing detailed documentation and working with your insurance company to ensure you get the necessary coverage.
* We offer preventative solutions to strengthen your roof against future storm damage, such as reinforcing weak areas and improving drainage systems.
## Our Storm Damage Roofing Services
#### We help homeowners with various storm damage needs.
Emergency Roof Tarping: We provide temporary roof tarping to protect your home from further damage until permanent repairs can be made.
Roof Repair: Our team addresses all types of storm damage, from missing shingles to structural repairs, ensuring your roof is fully restored.
Roof Replacement: If the damage is extensive, we offer complete roof replacement services using high-quality materials to provide long-lasting protection.
Debris Removal: We handle the removal of storm debris from your roof and property, ensuring a clean and safe environment.
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## Roper Roofing & Solar Is Colorado's First Choice
Our professionals are trained to handle all residential and commercial projects. With nearly a decade of service in Colorado, our reputation for quality workmanship and extensive insurance knowledge ensures property owners consistently choose us.
#### GAF Master EliteⓇ & GAF GoldElite™ Commercial Contractor
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Brent and his team did an excellent job on a roof replacement following a major hailstorm. The workmanship was top-notch and they were efficient at navigating the insurance claim process. As an added bonus, they have always been quick to respond with any questions or requests after the job was completed. Highly recommended! Read MoreRead Less
**Mark Skalican**
Mark Skalican
Brent and his team did an excellent job on a roof replacement following a major hailstorm. The workmanship was top-notch and they were efficient at navigating the insurance claim process. As an added bonus, they have always been quick to respond with any questions or requests after the job was completed. Highly recommended!
I caught Kevin Gallagher by chance looking at my neighbor's roof after the major hail storms in 2023, and it was the best happy accident I could have asked for. He was extremely professional, thorough, and always quick to respond to questions. He took care of working with my insurance company so I wasn't the middle man. Supplies were delayed after the storms last year, and he always kept me aware of the situation and estimated wait times for the next items to be repaired. I currently work in Insurance and hands down, this is the best company to help you with your repairs. I recommend them to my own clients now, which in this industry is huge because it puts my name on the line with my personal clients as well. Great job Kevin and Roper Roofing & Solar, you have made me and my family clients for life! Read MoreRead Less
**Lauren Livingstone**
Lauren Livingstone
I caught Kevin Gallagher by chance looking at my neighbor's roof after the major hail storms in 2023, and it was the best happy accident I could have asked for. He was extremely professional, thorough, and always quick to respond to questions. He took care of working with my insurance company so I wasn't the middle man. Supplies were delayed after the storms last year, and he always kept me aware of the situation and estimated wait times for the next items to be repaired. I currently work in Insurance and hands down, this is the best company to help you with your repairs. I recommend them to my own clients now, which in this industry is huge because it puts my name on the line with my personal clients as well. Great job Kevin and Roper Roofing & Solar, you have made me and my family clients for life!
What a great experience working with John Jamison with Roper roofing and solar. After the hail damage last year they were recommended and they sure have delivered. I would give. 10 stars if it was available. What a honest world class business and individual which is hard to find these days. I highly recommend John and Roper roofing, you will not find a more honest person then John who represents Roper roofing. Read MoreRead Less
**Lavon Haynes**
Lavon Haynes
What a great experience working with John Jamison with Roper roofing and solar. After the hail damage last year they were recommended and they sure have delivered. I would give. 10 stars if it was available. What a honest world class business and individual which is hard to find these days. I highly recommend John and Roper roofing, you will not find a more honest person then John who represents Roper roofing.
Roper took care of my concrete tile roof TWICE! Once after last fall's hailstorm caused a ton of damage and I had a different roofing company bail on me. Roper came to the rescue, then after the wind storm about a month ago, having just recently finished the hail repair, they fixed tiles that had shifted at low cost since we had just done such a major repair. I'd highly recommend these guys, Brad and Filiberto were amazing and I will be using them in the future if needed. Read MoreRead Less
**Morgan Puchek**
Morgan Puchek
Roper took care of my concrete tile roof TWICE! Once after last fall's hailstorm caused a ton of damage and I had a different roofing company bail on me. Roper came to the rescue, then after the wind storm about a month ago, having just recently finished the hail repair, they fixed tiles that had shifted at low cost since we had just done such a major repair. I'd highly recommend these guys, Brad and Filiberto were amazing and I will be using them in the future if needed.
I would highly recommend Roper Roofing. The roof looks great, and it passed with the city on the first inspection. Kevin was great to work with. He handled all of the interactions and paperwork with the insurance company. He was always quick to respond, professional, and super helpful. Read MoreRead Less
**Steven Brown**
Steven Brown
I would highly recommend Roper Roofing. The roof looks great, and it passed with the city on the first inspection. Kevin was great to work with. He handled all of the interactions and paperwork with the insurance company. He was always quick to respond, professional, and super helpful.
Kevin and Roper were the first and only company we called on a referral from our insurance company. Kevin came and checked out our roof after last summers hail storm, very honest on his assessment of the damage and the direction we needed to go. Very helpful throughout the whole process. Four of our neighbors were so impressed with him and the company they even signed up to have their roofs replaced also! Kudos to Kevin and Roper Roofing! Highly recommend Kevin and his company! Read MoreRead Less
**robb hensley**
robb hensley
Kevin and Roper were the first and only company we called on a referral from our insurance company. Kevin came and checked out our roof after last summers hail storm, very honest on his assessment of the damage and the direction we needed to go. Very helpful throughout the whole process. Four of our neighbors were so impressed with him and the company they even signed up to have their roofs replaced also! Kudos to Kevin and Roper Roofing! Highly recommend Kevin and his company!
Roper Roofing replaced my roof last year after it was damaged by hail. Kevin Gallagher (and the entire team for that matter) were timely, professional and an absolute pleasure to work with! I HIGHLY recommend them for any roofing work that you need done. Read MoreRead Less
**Chethan Lai**
Chethan Lai
Roper Roofing replaced my roof last year after it was damaged by hail. Kevin Gallagher (and the entire team for that matter) were timely, professional and an absolute pleasure to work with! I HIGHLY recommend them for any roofing work that you need done.
Brad and his crew were absolutely amazing. Very professional. They replaced my roof and removed and reinstalled the solar. Shingles were not that available as my neighbor had his roof waiting on shingles for over 6 months. Brad was able to source the required shingles to make sure my job was done quickly. The communication was wonderful and also helped me out with some difficulties that I was having with coordination and with insurance. Absolutely recommend and would use them again in a heartbeat Read MoreRead Less
**Anant Mistry**
Anant Mistry
Brad and his crew were absolutely amazing. Very professional. They replaced my roof and removed and reinstalled the solar. Shingles were not that available as my neighbor had his roof waiting on shingles for over 6 months. Brad was able to source the required shingles to make sure my job was done quickly. The communication was wonderful and also helped me out with some difficulties that I was having with coordination and with insurance. Absolutely recommend and would use them again in a heartbeat
Brad was very helpful and responsive to all my questions and information I needed for my insurance claim. And the crew did a great job on the roof! Read MoreRead Less
**Wendy Lien**
Wendy Lien
Brad was very helpful and responsive to all my questions and information I needed for my insurance claim. And the crew did a great job on the roof!
Brad DiNardo and Roper Roofing and Solar were referred to us by a friend. We needed someone to inspect our roof and give us an idea of what kind of condition it was in. We are also interested in going solar, but are still in the exploratory phase, so we had a ton of questions. Brad came and did a thorough inspection of our roof. He showed us photos and explained everything thoroughly and gave us his honest opinion about the condition of the roof. He was also very knowledgeable about solar and was able to confidently answer all of our questions. We now have a much better understanding of the pros and cons of going solar. Brad took a very consultative approach to our meeting. It never felt like he was trying to sell us anything. I would highly recommend Brad and Roper Roofing and Solar if you’re looking for an honest and knowledgeable contractor to work with. Read MoreRead Less
**Justin Gwin**
Justin Gwin
Brad DiNardo and Roper Roofing and Solar were referred to us by a friend. We needed someone to inspect our roof and give us an idea of what kind of condition it was in. We are also interested in going solar, but are still in the exploratory phase, so we had a ton of questions. Brad came and did a thorough inspection of our roof. He showed us photos and explained everything thoroughly and gave us his honest opinion about the condition of the roof. He was also very knowledgeable about solar and was able to confidently answer all of our questions. We now have a much better understanding of the pros and cons of going solar. Brad took a very consultative approach to our meeting. It never felt like he was trying to sell us anything. I would highly recommend Brad and Roper Roofing and Solar if you’re looking for an honest and knowledgeable contractor to work with.
## Contact Us
Get ready for a Better Roofing Experience!
#### Responsive and Reliable
We quickly return calls and messages, ensuring prompt assistance and problem-free roofing installations and repairs.
#### Experienced and Comprehensive Service
We have years of experience helping with storm damage insurance claims, windows, siding, and more. You can trust us for great value and fair pricing.
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Roper Roofing & Solar is happy to offer you a free roofing inspection. If you suspect damage to your roof, whether major or minor, contact us right away. We look forward to being your #1 choice.
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All-natural plant-based! Know the Science behind Rage Coffee Our proprietary formulation and small-batch crystallisation yields a bold coffee that is ready to help you seize the day. Rage Coffee’s blend of supplements sourced from plant extracts and natural compounds have been scientifically formulated to work synergistically with caffeine. It contains only the best ingredients that have undergone years of clinical studies. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Today our food habits, stress & low activity level affect our health. And without realising it, our heart health too.
A healthy heart is among the first steps to overall health. So it is not about taking care when a problem arises but ensuring you take small steps today to take pro-active care of your heart and health.
The easiest step is to switch to heart-healthy foods. And choosing the right cooking oil can help make your meals better for your heart health.
New Saffola Gold blended edible oil can help keep your family heart healthy. It helps keep your cholesterol in check^.
This vegetable oil's dual seed technology gives you the goodness of 2 oils in 1, rice bran oil & sunflower oil that ensures a good balance of MUFA & PUFA for better nutrition from fats, compared to single seed oils.
It also has the benefit of antioxidants that help fight free radicals.
New Saffola Gold has Oryzanol that helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.
New Saffola Gold cooking oil comes with LOSORB™ technology which ensures that your food absorbs upto 33%* lesser oil.
So choose Saffola Gold, a smart way to keep your heart healthy! ^Helps manage cholesterol better than commonly consumed oils, based on, randomized, double-blind clinical study 2019, as approved by the independent ethics committee.
Saffola encourages you to use less oil, exercise regularly and have a balanced lifestyle. *As compared to commonly consumed cooking oils; basis frying studies on potato, 2019. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
What do augmented reality and professional football have to do with empathy? And what is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Now unfortunately, I'm only going to answer one of those questions today, so please, try and contain your disappointment. When most people think about augmented reality, they think about "Minority Report" and Tom Cruise waving his hands in the air, but augmented reality is not science fiction. Augmented reality is something that will happen in our lifetime, and it will happen because we have the tools to make it happen, and people need to be aware of that, because augmented reality will change our lives just as much as the Internet and the cell phone. Now how do we get to augmented reality? Step one is the step I'm wearing right now, Google Glass. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Google Glass. What you may not be familiar with is that Google Glass is a device that will allow you to see what I see. It will allow you to experience what it is like to be a professional athlete on the field. Right now, the only way you can be on the field is for me to try and describe it to you. I have to use words. I have to create a framework that you then fill in with your imagination. With Google Glass, we can put that underneath a helmet, and we can get a sense of what it's like to be running down the field at 100 miles an hour, your blood pounding in your ears. You can get a sense of what it's like to have a 250-pound man sprinting at you trying to decapitate you with every ounce of his being. And I've been on the receiving end of that, and it doesn't feel very good. Now, I have some footage to show you of what it's like to wear Google Glass underneath the helmet to give you a taste of that. Unfortunately, it's not NFL practice footage because the NFL thinks emergent technology is what happens when a submarine surfaces, but — (Laughter) — we do what we can. So let's pull up some video. (Video) Chris Kluwe: Go. Ugh, getting tackled sucks. Hold on, let's get a little closer. All right, ready? Go! Chris Kluwe: So as you can see, small taste of what it's like to get tackled on the football field from the perspective of the tacklee. Now, you may have noticed there are some people missing there: the rest of the team. We have some video of that courtesy of the University of Washington. (Video) Quarterback: Hey, Mice 54! Mice 54! Blue 8! Blue 8! Go! Oh! CK: So again, this takes you a little bit closer to what it's like to be on that field, but this is nowhere what it's like to be on the NFL. Fans want that experience. Fans want to be on that field. They want to be their favorite players, and they've already talked to me on YouTube, they've talked to me on Twitter, saying, "Hey, can you get this on a quarterback? Can you get this on a running back? We want that experience." Well, once we have that experience with GoPro and Google Glass, how do we make it more immersive? How do we take that next step? Well, we take that step by going to something called the Oculus Rift, which I'm sure many of you are also familiar with. The Oculus Rift has been described as one of the most realistic virtual reality devices ever created, and that is not empty hype. I'm going to show you why that is not empty hype with this video. (Video) Man: Oh! Oh! No! No! No! I don't want to play anymore! No! Oh my God! Aaaah! CK: So that is the experience of a man on a roller coaster in fear of his life. What do you think that fan's experience is going to be when we take the video footage of an Adrian Peterson bursting through the line, shedding a tackler with a stiff-arm before sprinting in for a touchdown? What do you think that fan's experience is going to be when he's Messi sprinting down the pitch putting the ball in the back of the net, or Federer serving in Wimbledon? What do you think his experience is going to be when he is going down the side of a mountain at over 70 miles an hour as an Olympic downhill skier? I think adult diaper sales may surge. (Laughter) But this is not yet augmented reality. This is only virtual reality, V.R. How do we get to augmented reality, A.R.? We get to augmented reality when coaches and managers and owners look at this information streaming in that people want to see, and they say, "How do we use this to make our teams better? How do we use this to win games?" Because teams always use technology to win games. They like winning. It makes them money. So a brief history of technology in the NFL. In 1965, the Baltimore Colts put a wristband on their quarterback to allow him to call plays quicker. They ended up winning a Super Bowl that year. Other teams followed suit. More people watched the game because it was more exciting. It was faster. In 1994, the NFL put helmet radios into the helmets of the quarterbacks, and later the defense. More people watched games because it was faster. It was more entertaining. In 2023, imagine you're a player walking back to the huddle, and you have your next play displayed right in front of your face on your clear plastic visor that you already wear right now. No more having to worry about forgetting plays. No more worrying about having to memorize your playbook. You just go out and react. And coaches really want this, because missed assignments lose you games, and coaches hate losing games. Losing games gets you fired as a coach. They don't want that. But augmented reality is not just an enhanced playbook. Augmented reality is also a way to take all that data and use it in real time to enhance how you play the game. What would that be like? Well, a very simple setup would be a camera on each corner of the stadium looking down, giving you a bird's-eye view of all the people down there. You also have information from helmet sensors and accelerometers, technology that's being worked on right now. You take all that information, and you stream it to your players. The good teams stream it in a way that the players can use. The bad ones have information overload. That determines good teams from bad. And now, your I.T. department is just as important as your scouting department, and data-mining is not for nerds anymore. It's also for jocks. Who knew? What would that look like on the field? Well, imagine you're the quarterback. You take the snap and you drop back. You're scanning downfield for an open receiver. All of a sudden, a bright flash on the left side of your visor lets you know, blind side linebacker is blitzing in. Normally, you wouldn't be able to see him, but the augmented reality system lets you know. You step up into the pocket. Another flash alerts you to an open receiver. You throw the ball, but you're hit right as you throw. The ball comes off track. You don't know where it's going to land. However, on the receiver's visor, he sees a patch of grass light up, and he knows to readjust. He goes, catches the ball, sprints in, touchdown. Crowd goes wild, and the fans are with him every step of the way, watching from every perspective. Now this is something that will create massive excitement in the game. It will make tons of people watch, because people want this experience. Fans want to be on the field. They want to be their favorite player. Augmented reality will be a part of sports, because it's too profitable not to. But the question I ask you is, is that's all that we're content to use augmented reality for? Are we going to use it solely for our panem, our circenses, our entertainment as normal? Because I believe that we can use augmented reality for something more. I believe we can use augmented reality as a way to foster more empathy within the human species itself, by literally showing someone what it looks like to walk a mile in another person's shoes. We know what this technology is worth to sports leagues. It's worth revenue, to the tune of billions of dollars a year. But what is this technology worth to a teacher in a classroom trying to show a bully just how harmful his actions are from the perspective of the victim? What is this technology worth to a gay Ugandan or Russian trying to show the world what it's like living under persecution? What is this technology worth to a Commander Hadfield or a Neil deGrasse Tyson trying to inspire a generation of children to think more about space and science instead of quarterly reports and Kardashians? Ladies and gentlemen, augmented reality is coming. The questions we ask, the choices we make, and the challenges we face are, as always, up to us. Thank you. (Applause) | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Not really. This was two years ago and I summarized what happened. It was at night and a man took my bluetooth doorbell camera (I think it was by Nest) and I remember an alert on my phone and watched the clip up until I could figure out where it was and retrieved it. I then called the cops and it was pretty clear who it was and what naughty things he did. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
FeedbackScout for WordPress
Collect user feedback, vote on features, publish roadmaps | 1 | 0 | 0 |
I guarantee you even at a $50 a plate risotto place, they par cook the rice. you cant make it in bulk or it becomes gruely, and if you spent 30 minutes on a plate, you'd need a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of cooks to customers. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Business and Basis of Presentation Based in Waterford, NY, Momentive Performance Materials Inc. (the Company or MPM), is comprised of two reportable segments: Silicones and Quartz. Silicones is a global business engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of silanes, specialty silicones and urethane additives. Quartz, also a global business, is engaged in the manufacture, sale and distribution of high-purity fused quartz and ceramic materials. As a result of the Companys reorganization and emergence from Chapter 11 bankruptcy on October 24, 2014 (the Effective Date), the Companys direct parent became MPM Intermediate Holdings Inc., a holding company and wholly owned subsidiary of MPM Holdings Inc. (Momentive), the ultimate parent entity of MPM. Prior to its reorganization, the Company, through a series of intermediate holding companies, was controlled by investment funds managed by affiliates of Apollo Management Holdings, L.P. (together with Apollo Global Management, LLC and subsidiaries, Apollo). Upon emergence from bankruptcy on the Effective Date, the Company adopted fresh start accounting which resulted in the creation of a new entity for financial reporting purposes. As a result of the application of fresh start accounting, as well as the effects of the implementation of the Plan, the Consolidated Financial Statements on or after October 24, 2014 are not comparable with the Consolidated Financial Statements prior to that date. Refer to Note 2 for additional information. References to Successor or Successor Company relate to the financial position and results of operations of the reorganized Company subsequent to October 24, 2014. References to Predecessor or Predecessor Company refer to the financial position and results of operations of the Company prior to October 24, 2014. During the three months ended December 31, 2015, the Company recorded out-of-period adjustments totaling approximately $3. A $2 adjustment related to property taxes should have been originally recorded in each | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Auto waxing. Auto polishing. Truck running boards. In business since 1987. Call us today for a free estimate. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
This top fit me great across the bust - true to size there, however, it was very loose other than that (outside of the peplum of course). it did not seem flattering for my body shape/did not give me much shape on top. i was wider than i should be/am. this may work on some body types, but did not work for me. it was a nice feeling, comfortable top however. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I've just plugged and play on my Galaxy S3.It is very cheap for extra 64 Gb. (If you want the same on an i-phone, you'll pay US$ 100 per 16 Gb, with a 2 year contract with your carrier).I do not remember the last time I downloaded the pictures to my PC...I took hundreds of 8MP pictures and a bunch of full HD videos, I have around 30.000 mp3 and I still have space.I just love it! | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Lack of service delivery
I have an international parcel awaiting clearance at SA customs. The DHL representative dealing with my parcel is Luyanda Ngwenya and Teboho Molefe. <br> <br> Neither of them contacted me to inform me that the parcel had been stopped for inspection. I had to phone them to follow up on the parcel even though my contact details are clearly on the commercial invoice.<br> <br> I was told that I needed to supply documentation to them and they would forward this to customs. I did this within 20 minutes of receiving the request. I was not informed about the progress or even if they had received my details. <br> Again, I had to phone to follow up, only to be told that Luyanda was not at work that day, so nothing had been submitted to customs! <br> I submitted the information a second time this time to Teboho Molefe. I received a generic email stating it would take customs 3 to 5 working days to process the information. 6 days later and my email requesting information is answered with the same generic reply that it takes 3 to 5 working days. Where is the service from DHL? or is it easier just to send generic replies to customers queries. Shocking service!! | 0 | 1 | 0 |
NOTE H COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Merger Agreement : In the event that (i) the Company terminates the Merger Agreement to enter into a definitive agreement with a superior company proposal, (ii) the Company or IRT terminate the Merger Agreement for failure to close by October 15, 2015, (iii) the Company or IRT terminates the Merger Agreement because the Company fails to obtain stockholder approval if prior to termination of the Merger Agreement, subject to certain conditions, a Company takeover proposal is announced and has not been publicly withdrawn prior to the termination of the Merger Agreement, or (iv) the Company or IRT terminates the Merger Agreement after the Company s Board of Directors withdraws or materially modifies its recommendation of the Merger and within 12 months following termination of the Merger Agreement the Company either consummates a transaction or enters into a definitive agreement with respect to a Company takeover proposal, the Company could become obligated for payment to IRT of (i) a $12.0 million termination fee and (ii) reimbursement of 100% of IRT Merger expenses up to $2.5 million and 50% of IRT Merger expenses exceeding $2.5 million provided that the aggregate reimbursement shall not exceed $ 5.0 million. In the event that (i) the Company or IRT terminates the Merger Agreement because the Merger has not closed by October 15, 2015 and the Company shall have obtained stockholder approval and satisfied all of its other closing conditions and IRT is unable to close because of a failure to obtain financing, or (ii) the Company or IRT terminate the Merger Agreement because the Merger has not closed by October 15, 2015 (as may be extended to December 31, 2015) and the only closing conditions not satisfied are certain loan amendments, IRT could become obligated to pay a $ 25.0 million reverse termination fee to the Company. Legal Proceedings : The Company may from time to time be involved in legal proceedings arising from the normal course of business. Other than routine litigatio | 0 | 1 | 0 |
[Carbon emissions and low-carbon regulation countermeasures of land use change in the city and town concentrated area of central Liaoning Province, China].
Carbon emissions due to land use change have an important impact on global climate change. Adjustment of regional land use patterns has a great scientific significance to adaptation to a changing climate. Based on carbon emission/absorption parameters suitable for Liaoning Province, this paper estimated the carbon emission of land use change in the city and town concentrated area of central Liaoning Province. The results showed that the carbon emission and absorption were separately 308.51 Tg C and 11.64 Tg C from 1997 to 2010. It meant 3.8% of carbon emission. was offset by carbon absorption. Among the 296.87 Tg C net carbon emission of land use change, carbon emission of remaining land use type was 182.24 Tg C, accounting for 61.4% of the net carbon emission, while the carbon emission of land use transformation was 114.63 Tg C, occupying the rest 38.6% of net carbon emission. Through quantifying the mapping relationship between land use change and carbon emission, it was shown that during 1997-2004 the contributions of remaining construction land (40.9%) and cropland transform ation to construction land (40.6%) to carbon emission were larger, but the greater contributions to carbon absorption came from cropland transformation to forest land (38.6%) and remaining forest land (37.5%). During 2004-2010, the land use types for carbon emission and absorption were the same to the period of 1997-2004, but the contribution of remaining construction land to carbon emission increased to 80.6%, and the contribution of remaining forest land to carbon absorption increased to 71.7%. Based on the carbon emission intensity in different land use types, we put forward the low-carbon regulation countermeasures of land use in two aspects. In carbon emission reduction, we should strict control land transformation to construction land, increase the energy efficiency of construction land, and avoid excessive development of forest land and water. In carbon sink increase, we should improve forest coverage rate, implement cropland, grassland transform to forest land, strengthen forest land and water protection, and adjust cropland internal structure and scientifically implement cropland management. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
"The Intimus Menstrual Cup is bell-shaped and is a great replacement for traditional sanitary pads and tampons. It has an extended stem-like handle at the bottom for easy use, and the cup is flexible and extremely comfortable to wear. The Intimus cup prevents leakage, making it easy to participate in sports and other activities without the worry of stained garments. The cup is made of medical grade, silicone material certified for LFGB and FDA regulatory standards. The Intimus Cup is available in two sizes: Size S, has the capacity of 25 ml, for women under 25 years old who have never delivered a baby. And, Size L, has the capacity of 35 ml, for women above 25 years old or have delivered a baby through natural path or C-section.Do you think the menstrual cups are very scary? According to the latest investigation, over 90% of women who try a menstrual cup never go back to using pads or tampons. Do you feel uncomfortable with Tampons and Sanitary Napkins during period? The Intimus Menstrual Cup will solve your problem effectively. Super soft materials will make you feel nothing in your body. Hardly feel its existence. A woman who uses tampons will go through 9,120 tampons in her lifetime on average. So why not choose the Yuminer menstrual cup? No More Ruined Underwear and Soiled Sheet The menstrual cup can stick on the surface in your body without leakage with the somatological design. Won't interfere with your body natural flow. Easy to put it in and remove. No More Worry the Harmful Chemicals in Tampons and Sanitary Napkins. The Yuminer menstrual cup is 100% hygiene without peculiar smell. We choose FDA registered material which is which is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, nonirritant and absorption-free. You can often see such kind of material in healthcare products. Your health is guaranteed. No More Restriction in Your Menstrual Period You can choose all the lifestyles you like in menstrual period. You can wear this menstrual cup for 12 hours. No more worry about the menstrual period stops you from swimming, hiking, sitting, sleeping overnight, etc. Package Includes: 1 x Intimus Menstrual Cups (The ordered size) 1 x User Pamphlet 1 x Small Carrying Bag Ingredients FDA Approved BPA Free German Imported Medical Grade Silicone. Indications To be used during woman's menstrual cycle instead of tampons or pads Directions Use during menstrual cycle 100% Guaranteed Customer Service. If you are not 100% satisfied with the quality of the product, we support FULL REFUND. We will try our best to help you within one day. Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed. Add to your Cart! No worry any more!SMALL & LARGE CUPS: Size S is for pre-birth women; Size L is for post-birth women. When you buy pack of two units, you can carry one in the Handbag and keep another at home. Don't have to worry about the size problem again.100% BODY-SAFE: The menstrual cup is made of imported medical silica gel for 100% safe usage, which is non-toxic, hypo-allergenic, nonirritant and absorption-free. Just use it with ease and give yourself a better period.REUSABLE & EASY TO USE: The menstrual cup is different from traditional Tampons and Sanitary Napkins. You can use it many times. It is easy and soft to insert and remove. Simply fold it for insertion with clean hands and remove it with its ribbed pull tab. Then wash the cup thoroughly, make it dry and store it for next use.STAY ACTIVE & PERFECT FOR ALL LIFESTYLES: No more restriction in your menstrual period with your Menstrual Cup. No matter swimming, hiking, dancing or sleeping overnight, you can do all the activities freely with the menstrual cup. It is the best feminine alternative protection for cloth sanitary napkins. Never worry about your menstrual period will hold you back again!MORE COMFORTABLE: You can hardly feel the menstrual cup's existence in your body with its somatological design, which makes you feel much more comfortable during menstrual period. The menstrual cup won't get lost inside and interfere with your body natural flow. What's more, you can wear your cup up to 12 hours at a time, better keeping you clean and fresh in menstrual period". For Beauty tips, tricks & more visit https://bigbasket.blog/ | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Classroom Quizzes
A digital teacher’s helper for making online tests | 1 | 0 | 0 |
A simple yet powerful tensorboard event log parser/reader | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I've been using this card for over 2 months and it works perfectly. I installed it in a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it was immediately recognized. No need for formatting or other special handling. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
I drove 1800 miles in a Hydrogen Car
Since this is essentially advertisement for this, they don't talk about the negatives. No, I do not KNOW what they are but there certainly are some...Everything's a compromise.
One thing against batteries is that the environmental impact of fabricating, maintaining, and disposing of batteries (as well as other factors) almost outweigh the impacts using standard engines. At least, this used to be the case ~20 years when they were trying to sell us on the idea. I expect that today, it's nowhere near as bad.
I guess it's the pessimist in me. When something seems too good to be true, there's usually a catch. As much time needs to be spent on these videos detailing the disadvantages of this technology. As with all newer technology, time will tell. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
# The Nacerá Project
**Lifestyle | Event | Elopement | Branding**Wichita Photographer ~ Se habla Español.
## Community Events
Community gatherings are at the heart of what I do. I've done everything from neighborhood block parties to ribbon-cutting ceremonies for small businesses! Let me capture the candids so you can sit back and run your show.**55+ edited images in an online gallery | 1-3 week turnaround time**
## Lifestyle Sessions
Whether you need an updated headshot or want to capture those adorable moments with energetic kiddos, I’m here to help! I love turning the ordinary into something special. Let me help you feel incredible!**30+ edited images in an online gallery | 2-4 week turnaround time**
## Intimate Ceremonies & Elopements
There is literally nothing I would love more than to be allowed in the room to document your love. If you are the type of person who appreciates giving creative control to someone like me, trust that I will do everything I can to stop time on your special day. I choose my couples very carefully and ensure that I capture every bit of what will be one of the best days of your life. Love is love is love, and I absolutely love to witness every form of it.**250+ edited images in an online gallery | 4-6 week turnaround time | travel fee for events located more than 30 minutes outside of Wichita city limits**
## Ready to book?
Whatever kind of session you need, I know that you want someone who’s skilled, and just as invested as you are. Scroll down, drop me a message, and let’s get you booked!
## A photoshoot with me is more than just a session; it's an experience.
I don't quite know how to put into words just how much I love and appreciate each and every family that chooses me to capture their love. The organizations that trust me with their vision. Small business owners who allow me to take a glimpse behind the curtain.I've worked for and with just about every demographic, and I am all the better for it! Learning from artisans and lawyers and politicians and baristas alike. When you choose me you are choosing familiarity, you are choosing someone who will commit to giving you what you didn't know you were looking for.
## Hola, I'm Aileen!
Photojournalist. Educated Latina. Conceptual Creative. Thoughtful Storyteller. Mami to two remarkable girls.
## Let's Meet!
Reach out so we can discuss. I want to know all about you!
* Email (Alt)contact me now!
© 2025 by The Nacerá Project | Sun & Prairie Studios LLC | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Garbage service
Bad service do not use cartrack for anything useless.
I joined cartrack for my Uber bike business. I noticed on the app two days late that on of my bikes was in one place. I called for location they couldn't pick it up they told me system server is down it takes time to locate position. Few hour late they tell me the suspect that the battery has been removed from the bike. After a whole 24hrs they only "suspect" I had to call in and ask bike was stolen they did not recover I called countless times everytime they escalate it they will call me back it's been 2 full months now never heard from them.
While dealing with insurance on the other hand the same useless cartrack sends me an email to give consent to the insurance. I call back to how can they be taking calls from the insurance but ignoring my calls. . Am sitting on position my business has taken huge losses insurance declines the payout now I need cartrack to pay my bike back its 3 full months now they still debit the full amount. Useless.
If I don't get my bike back am opening a case with ombudsman am sick and tired..
DO NOT USE CARTRACK | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Some years ago I was at a new years dinner in a friend's apartment when the neighboring apartment got shot up from down on the street. The sound was wimpy enough that we just assumed it was fireworks until the cops filled the street. I think I'm unusually numb to that kind of thing. I can definitely understand how it can get to people in a bad way. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Unauthorised deduction
I received a call from Platinum life about one of their policies. I reluctantly signed up. I then decided to cancel the policy. I received confirmation that the policy will be cancelled. This was in August. On 26/10/15 Platinum life deducted an amount of R146.11 without my permission. I emailed them and they responded saying \it was an error"and my money will be refunded. I am still waiting for my money. They are not responding to my emails.""" | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Note M Business Segments The Company, which aggregates its operating segments based on the nature of services, has three reportable segments: temporary and consultant staffing, permanent placement staffing, and risk consulting and internal audit services. The temporary and consultant segment provides specialized staffing in the accounting and finance, administrative and office, information technology, legal, advertising, marketing and web design fields. The permanent placement segment provides full-time personnel in the accounting, finance, administrative and office, and information technology fields. The risk consulting segment provides business and technology risk consulting and internal audit services. The accounting policies of the segments are set forth in Note A Summary of Significant Accounting Policies. The Company evaluates performance based on income or loss from operations before net interest income, intangible amortization expense, and income taxes. The following table provides a reconciliation of revenue and operating income (loss) by reportable segment to consolidated results (in thousands): Years Ended December 31, 2012 2011 2010 Net service revenues Temporary and consultant staffing $ 3,324,286 $ 3,050,999 $ 2,568,255 Permanent placement staffing 334,198 302,155 221,219 Risk consulting and internal audit services 452,729 423,822 385,619 $ 4,111,213 $ 3,776,976 $ 3,175,093 Operating income (loss) Temporary and consultant staffing $ 276,826 $ 209,101 $ 108,443 Permanent placement staffing 55,745 35,340 17,502 Risk consulting and internal audit services 10,875 4,977 (10,945 ) 343,446 249,418 115,000 Amortization of intangible assets 398 153 411 Interest income, net (1,197 ) (951 ) (579 ) Income before income taxes $ 344,245 $ 250,216 $ 115,168 The Company does not report total assets by segment. The following tables represent identifiable assets by business segment (in thousands): December 31, 2012 2011 2010 Accounts receivable Temporary and consultant staffing $ 336,468 $ 342,122 $ 296,722 Permanent | 0 | 1 | 0 |
It's becoming more and more popular in Canada, and the paving industry is "lobbying" for it, along with regional governments. It greatly reduces the requirement for raw materials (less oil refining, less aggregate strip mining, less transport of materials, etc), labour costs, and industrial overhead costs of companies. It's not necessarily best for your average worker, but roads aren't going anywhere any time soon. One big plus is the amount of carbon emissions avoided by simply recycling roads | 1 | 0 | 0 |
For over 20 years Clean Energy Design has been providing solar panel installations and energy efficiency consultations designed to maximize benefits. | 0 | 1 | 0 |
BREAKING: New Phase of Matter
She is correct about the spin two times : it’s hard to explain and neutrons, but neutrons are build from charged particles, so it’s not surprising they are affected by magnetic fields. So yes difficult to explain what spin is. In classical physics one can create a o je y that is always spinning , just get a disk and spin it in space. Contrary to what people believes, and this video seems to imply that does not violate thermodynamics. An even better perpetual motion device is throwing and object and let inertial take over. In the mental experiment it will never stop. I know Diana knows this but people in in a habit to say that kind of stuff. What we can’t have is a device that makes work continuously forever. Work in the physics sense. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Customs clearance assistance lacking miserably
Logging a complaint with DHL unfortunately seems to be the only way to get some meaningful assistance from the company. As someone who has been using them on a regular basis I find this to be incredibly draining. I have had to call every day for the past 3 days to ask for update on my parcel, and for the past 3 days I would get promised a call back, which in every instance never came. The exorbitant fees one pays for express shipping should ensure some level of seamlessness when it comes to customs clearance, but my experience has so far been that whenever there is a clearance step additional to the normal process, DHL agents become hand tied and think it is totally adequate to inform you to "wait and see". The best I could get in as far as an update goes (after call them AGAIN and holding for an excess of 20 minutes) is "maybe we'll have feedback today, maybe on Monday"...yesterday I was told first thing this morning I would receive the feedback. This is not the international shipping expert assistance that has been advertised and made to believe is worth the money we pay. Please provide more solid feedback on my parcel. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Chadha Oriental Foods, a member of Grace Foods UK Ltd, are one of the UK's largest importers and distributors of Asian and Oriental foods. | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Mathematical model of the anatomy and fibre orientation field of the left ventricle of the heart.
One of the main factors affecting propagation of electrical waves and contraction in ventricles of the heart is anisotropy of cardiac tissue. Anisotropy is determined by orientation of myocardial fibres. Determining fibre orientation field and shape of the heart is important for anatomically accurate modelling of electrical and mechanical function of the heart. The aim of this paper is to introduce a theoretical rule-based model for anatomy and fibre orientation of the left ventricle (LV) of the heart and to compare it with experimental data. We suggest explicit analytical formulae that allow us to obtain the left ventricle form and its fibre direction field. The ventricle band concept of cardiac architecture given by Torrent-Guasp is chosen as the model postulate.
In our approach, anisotropy of the heart is derived from some general principles. The LV is considered as a set of identical spiral surfaces, each of which can be produced from the other by rotation around one vertical axis. Each spiral surface is filled with non-intersecting curves which represent myocardial fibres.For model verification, we use experimental data on fibre orientation in human and canine hearts.
LV shape and anisotropy are represented by explicit analytical expressions in a curvilinear 3-D coordinate system. The derived fibre orientation field shows good qualitative agreement with experimental data. The model reveals the most thorough quantitative simulation of fibre angles at the LV middle zone.
Our analysis shows that the band concept can generate realistic anisotropy of the LV. Our model shows good qualitative agreement between the simulated fibre orientation field and the experimental data on LV anisotropy, and the model can be used for various numerical simulations to study the effects of anisotropy on cardiac excitation and mechanical function. | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Laura Lattanzio-Joubert- A SUPER STAR
After living in my house for over 25 years I decided to put my house on the market. Being very sceptical about Estate agents and not trusting their valuations, I was extremely lucky to meet Laura.
When you first meet her you realise that she is a genuine caring person and that she has your well being at heart and you know you're in the right hands.
She informed me of every person that she took though the house and gave me continual feedback.
She sold my house in just three weeks without any show day and even achieved my asking price. She sent me the signed offer to purchase on Boxing Day last year which just proves her integrity and total commitment to her work.
Laura's communication is super efficient and right up until the transfer went through she kept both myself and the purchaser up to date at all times.
I can highly recommend Laura and I am eternally grateful that I entrusted the sale of my home to her. Thank you Laura for everything!!!!! | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits