# SCANnotateDataset |
For up-to-date information please visit our [github repository](https://github.com/stefan-ainetter/SCANnotateDataset) |
CAD model and pose annotations for objects in the ScanNet dataset. Annotations are automatically generated |
using [scannotate](https://github.com/stefan-ainetter/SCANnotate) and [HOC-Search](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06107). |
The quality of these annotations was verified in several verification passes, |
with manual re-annotations performed for outliers to ensure that final annotations are of high quality. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="figures/example_annotation.png" width="100%"/> |
</p> |
## Details about Annotations |
For the public [ScanNet dataset](http://www.scan-net.org/), we provide: |
* `18617` CAD model annotations for objects in the ScanNet dataset (30% more annotated objects compared to [Scan2CAD](https://github.com/skanti/Scan2CAD)) |
* Accurate 9D pose for each CAD model |
* 3D semantic object instance segmentation corresponding to the annotated objects |
* Automatically generated symmetry tags for ShapeNet CAD models for all categories present in ScanNet |
* Extracted view parameters (selected RGB-D images and camera poses) for each object, which |
can be used for CAD model retrieval via render-and-compare |
## CAD Model and Pose Annotations |
Our annotations for ScanNet are provided as `.pkl` files, which |
contain additional information about the annotated objects, e.g. view parameters for render-and-compare and the |
corresponding 3D instance segmentation of the pointcloud data. |
For convenience, we additionally provide the annotations as `.json` file using the scan2cad data format. |
**Note** that in order to use any of the provided annotations correctly, you have to preprocess the ShapeNet |
CAD models (center and scale-normalize all CAD models) as explained below, |
to generate clean CAD models which are then compatible with our annotations. |
### Preliminaries: Download ShapeNet and ScanNet examples |
* Download the ScanNet example scene [here](https://files.icg.tugraz.at/f/5b1b756a78bb457aafb5/?dl=1). Extract the data |
and copy them to `/data/ScanNet/scans`. Note that by downloading this example data |
you agree to the [ScanNet Terms of Use](https://kaldir.vc.in.tum.de/scannet/ScanNet_TOS.pdf). |
To download the full ScanNet dataset follow the instructions on the [ScanNet GitHub page](https://github.com/ScanNet/ScanNet). |
* Download the [ShapenetV2](https://shapenet.org/) dataset by signing up |
on the website. Extract ShapeNetCore.v2.zip to `/data/ShapeNet`. |
* Download our annotations for the full ScanNet dataset |
[here](https://files.icg.tugraz.at/f/249aa5c3418f4c1897ee/?dl=1). Extract the data and copy them to |
`/data/ScanNet/annotations`. |
#### Preprocessing ShapeNet CAD Models |
To center and scale-normalize the downloaded ShapeNet CAD models, run: |
```bash |
bash run_shapenet_prepro.sh gpu=0 |
``` |
The `gpu` argument specifies which GPU should be used for processing. |
By default, code is executed on CPU. |
After the above-mentioned steps the `/data` folder should contain the following directories: |
```text |
- data |
- ScanNet |
- annotations |
- scene0495_00 |
- ... |
- scans |
- scene0495_00 |
- ShapeNet |
- ShapeNet_preprocessed |
- ShapeNetCore.v2 |
``` |
#### Installation Requirements and Setup |
* Clone this repository. Install PyTorch3D by following the instructions from the |
[official installation guide](https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/blob/main/INSTALL.md). |
After installing Pytorch3D, run the following command: |
```bash |
pip install scikit-image matplotlib imageio plotly opencv-python open3d trimesh==3.10.2 |
``` |
### Annotations in Scan2CAD data format |
Annotations in scan2cad format are available [here](https://files.icg.tugraz.at/f/aaaf656e64014745af15/?dl=1). |
The file `full_annotions_scannotate.json` contains `1513` entries, where the field of one entry is described as: |
```javascript |
[{ |
id_scan : "scannet scene id", |
trs : { // <-- transformation from scan space to world space |
translation : [tx, ty, tz], // <-- translation vector |
rotation : [qw, qx, qy, qz], // <-- rotation quaternion |
scale : [sx, sy, sz], // <-- scale vector |
}, |
aligned_models : [{ // <-- list of aligned models for this scene |
sym : "(__SYM_NONE, __SYM_ROTATE_UP_2, __SYM_ROTATE_UP_4 or __SYM_ROTATE_UP_INF)", // <-- symmetry property only one applies |
catid_cad : "shapenet category id", |
id_cad : "shapenet model id", |
category_name : "", // e.g. chair, |
trs : { // <-- transformation from CAD space to world space |
translation : [tx, ty, tz], // <-- translation vector |
rotation : [qw, qx, qy, qz], // <-- rotation quaternion |
scale : [sx, sy, sz] // <-- scale vector |
}, |
keypoints_scan : {}, // no keypoints in our annotations |
keypoints_cad : {}, // no keypoints in our annotations |
scannet_category_label: "", // e.g. chair; this label is taken from original ScanNet 3D object instance segmentation |
object_id: "", // unique id for each annotated object in the scene |
is_in_scan2cad: // <-- True if CAD annotation is available in scan2cad, else False |
}] |
}, |
{ ... }, |
{ ... }, |
] |
``` |
### Visualization of Annotations |
Use the following command to visualize the annotations: |
```bash |
bash visualize_annotations.sh |
``` |
## ShapeNet Object Symmetry Annotations |
Automatically generated symmetry tags for all CAD models of considered categories are available for download |
[here](https://files.icg.tugraz.at/f/58469ba8edbd419abb6d/?dl=1). Symmetry |
tags are saved in the following format: |
```javascript |
[{ |
cad_symmetry_dict: { // Symmetry Tags for CAD models |
synset_id: { // shapenet category id, |
category_name: "", // e.g. chair, |
synset_id: "", |
object_sym_dict: { // <-- dictionary containing CAD model ids and corresponding symmetry tags |
'id_cad': 'symmetry_tag', |
}, |
{...}, |
{...}, |
} |
} |
}] |
``` |
To predict the symmetry tag for a given CAD model, we first render depth maps from 6 different views of the |
preprocessed CAD model. |
We then rotate the object around the vertical axis by a specific angle (e.g. 180° to check for |
__SYM_ROTATE_UP_2), and again render the depth maps of the 6 views. If the difference of depth renderings is below a |
certain threshold, we assume that the object is symmetric according to the performed rotation. |
<p align="center"> |
<img src="figures/example_symmetry_annotation.png" width="80%"/> |
</p> |
## Citation |
To create these annotations, we used the CAD model retrieval pipeline from |
[scannotate](https://github.com/stefan-ainetter/SCANnotate), but replaced the exhaustive |
CAD retrieval stage with [HOC-Search](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06107). |
If you use any of the provided code or data, please cite the following works: |
Scannotate: |
```bibtex |
@inproceedings{ainetter2023automatically, |
title={Automatically Annotating Indoor Images with CAD Models via RGB-D Scans}, |
author={Ainetter, Stefan and Stekovic, Sinisa and Fraundorfer, Friedrich and Lepetit, Vincent}, |
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision}, |
pages={3156--3164}, |
year={2023} |
} |
``` |
HOC-Search: |
```bibtex |
@misc{ainetter2023hocsearch, |
title={HOC-Search: Efficient CAD Model and Pose Retrieval from RGB-D Scans}, |
author={Stefan Ainetter and Sinisa Stekovic and Friedrich Fraundorfer and Vincent Lepetit}, |
year={2023}, |
eprint={2309.06107}, |
archivePrefix={arXiv}, |
primaryClass={cs.CV} |
} |
``` |