translation | quality_estimation
float64 0.24
"amh": "á¨áťáá áŁááĽááŁááľ áááľáá˝â á¨áááá ááᣠá áá \"áá ááľ ááἠá ááľ áá áś\" á¨áááľá á°áá°á á¨áťááá áááľ á¨áŠáŽá˘áŤ áĽá ááĽáŤá
á ááŞáŤ áá áááľá°áłá°á áá ááá áľ áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "And Chinese officials have used the brothers rhetoric to describe the current One Belt One Road plan to extend the reach of Chinese trade to Eurasia and parts of East Africa."
} | 0.757958 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááᣠáťáá á á˘áŽáá áá°á áľáľááá áĽá áá áŤáá á¨ááł áĽááá°áááˇá áľáłááá á áĽááŽá˝ áá áŤáá áá¨áááľá á¨ááŻá á áááľ á°ááŞááš á˝ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Nevertheless, China has seen a rise in racism against black people since the country began to open up economically and moderate its nationalism somewhat, the two students wrote."
} | 0.839984 |
"amh": "á 1980ášáŁ á áťáá áŠáá¨ááľá˛áá˝ ááľáĽ áĽááŽá˝ áá áŤááŁá አá ááŤáł áá ááá˝ áĽáá°áá አááá¸áá:",
"en": "Throughout the 1980s, there were numerous racist incidents targeting African students at Chinese universities, they explained:"
} | 0.810941 |
"amh": "áĽá á°áá˝ á¨1980áá˝á áááŤá áá˝áł áĽáť áŤáľáłááąá ááĽááá ááááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Many people see the positive developments of the 1980s but forget about its dark side."
} | 0.871426 |
"amh": "á ááą ááłá áĽáá á°ááŞáá˝ áá á¨á°á°á¨á á¨áŤáááľ áááťáá˝ áá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "One example is the campus campaign against African students."
} | 0.947112 |
"amh": "á 1980ááš á áťááá˝ áĽá á á ááŞáŤááŤá á°ááŞáá˝ ááŤá¨á á¨á°áá°áá°á áááľ ááážá á ááŞáŤááŤá á°ááŞáá˝ á áťáááš áááľ ááâ á¨ááá áĽá á¨á¤á˝á á᪠áľáááľá ááááłáľ á¨áťááá áá áá
áá ááá á á
á¨áá°á¨á áá¨á áľááá á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The conflicts between the Chinese and African students in the 1980s were driven by prejudice against the inferior race, discontentment about the subsidies received by African students, fear over the spread of HIV and the call to protect the purity of the Chinese race."
} | 0.701577 |
"amh": "á ááá 3ᣠ1979 á ááľ á¨áá á°á᪠á áťáá á°ááŞáá˝ áĄáľá áľáĽá°áŁ á°ááśá áłááĄáĄ",
"en": "On 3 July 1979, a student from Mali was beaten by a group of Chinese students."
} | 0.919042 |
"amh": "áťááááŤá á°ááŞááš ááłá áľáľ áá áĽáá áአáá ááá á ááľá°áá áłááĄáĄ",
"en": "The Chinese students said the student's skin color was too light and poured ink on him."
} | 0.812311 |
"amh": "áááą á¨á°ááŞááš ááľá´á áá áá á áĄáľá áἠ50 á¨áá á°ááŞáá˝ áĽá 24 áťááá˝ ááłáľ á°ááśáŁá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The scuffle outside the student hostel developed into a gang fight, with 50 foreign students and 24 Chinese students injured."
} | 0.733205 |
"amh": "á áá ááᣠá ááŞáŤááŤá á°ááŞááš áá°áłááááá á á°áŁáŁá á áá á ááľá¨á áťááááŤá áá¨-á ááŞáŤáááľ áľááľ áľááá¸á á¨á ááŞáŤ ááááĽáłáľ á°ááŞáá˝á áá°áťáá ááá áĽáá˛áŤáá á áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Later, more than a hundred African students demonstrated in Tiananmen square, urging governments to stop sending African students to China because China had very serious anti-African sentiments."
} | 0.900941 |
"amh": "á¨áťáá áŁááĽááŁááľ á¨áťááá á°ááŞáá˝ áľáá
ááľ ááááááááľáâ áĽáá°ááŤáťá˝á áá á áááŁáľ ááľá°áą á¨áá¨áááľ áááá áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Chinese officials promised to improve the Shanghai students' education on internationalism and denied the incident was racist."
} | 0.851411 |
"amh": "á¨1979 á áá á áťáááŤá áĽá á ááŞáŤááŤá ááŤá¨á áŤáá áááľ á áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "The conflicts between Chinese and African students did not stop after 1979."
} | 0.886595 |
"amh": "1989 áľá¨áľáŁ áĽáá° áááááᣠáááᣠáĽá áááŚá áŁááľ á¨á°áá˝ ááľáĽ á°ááłáłá ááá á°á¨áľáˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "Between 1979 and 1989, in cities like Nanjing, Hefei and Hanzhou, similar incidents took place."
} | 0.818059 |
"amh": "á á¨ááá á ááśáá˝ á¨ááá አá°ááŞáá˝ á áá
áááľ ááľáĽ ááłá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Every time hundreds of people were involved."
} | 0.884924 |
"amh": "áááłá á á˛á´áá á 29ᣠ1988 ááá ááľáĽ áŤá 300 áťááááŤá á¨ááŚáá áŠáá¨ááľá˛ á¨áłáááľ áĽá á´áááá á°ááŞáá˝ á áá á áá á°ááŞáá˝ áá áľááá á ááááá á¨áľáŞáá፠á¨áᣠá°á᪠ááľá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "For example, on 29 December 1988, 300 Chinese students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan threw stones at foreign students, injuring a student from Sri Lanka."
} | 0.796874 |
"amh": "áĽááᣠá°ááŞááš ááŠáá¨ááľá˛á á áťááľ á°áĽáłá¤ á ááŞáŤá á°ááŞáá˝ áĽáá˛áŁá¨áŠ á˛á áá á á ááŞáŤááŤá áĽá á áťááááŤá á´áśá˝ ááŤá¨á áŤáá á¨áá
á áááááľ á¨áťááá á
áĽá¨á°á°áĽ áááľ ááľáĽ áĽá¨á¨á°á°á áĽáá°ááâ á ááááŤáľ ááá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The Chinese students wrote letters and demanded the university expel African students because dating between African students and Chinese girls had disrupted the stability of Chinese society. The trigger for such incidents usually involved romantic relationships between Chinese women and African men, with the Chinese female students being labelled as traitors of the Han Chinese and whores."
} | 0.783643 |
"amh": "áĽáá˛á
ááááľ áááŽá˝ áĽá áá á¨ááá°ááąáľ á áťáá á´áśá˝ áĽá á á ááŞáŤ áááśá˝ ááŤá¨á á¨áá
á áááááľ á˛áá á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Chinese authorities tightened their grip on university campuses after the Tiananmen pro-democracy student movement of 1989, and as a consequence racist campaigns came to an end."
} | 0.62501 |
"amh": "á´áśáš á¨áá áťáá á ááśá˝â ááá á¸áááŚá˝â áĽá¨á°áŁá áá°á°áŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "But clamping down on these very public displays of racism didn't eradicate racism, the authors argued:"
} | 0.593358 |
"amh": "á¨áťáá áŁááĽááŁááľ á¨1989á á¨áłááááá á á°áŁáŁá á¨á´áááŤá˛ ááłáľ á°ááŞáá˝ áá
áá á áá ááĽáĽáŠá áľáá á ááľáŁ á á¨áŠáá¨ááľá˛ááš á¨áá°á¨áá á¨áá¨áááľ áááťá á ááŤá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The disappearance of attention-grabbing racial discrimination marked an absence of public discussion, debate and reflection on Chinese racial prejudice."
} | 0.768817 |
"amh": "á á á°áŁáŁá á¨áááá ááá ááá áťááááŤá á áá áá á¨á°áá á¨áą áá¨ááá˝ áá áááá áĽá ááááľ ááŤá°áááŁá¸á áááŁá ááľáá˝á á ááá§ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Such racial prejudice has now become normalized as discrimination against the inferior race."
} | 0.819575 |
"amh": "áĽááá
áááľâ á¨áááľ áá áá á¨á°áá á¨áą áá¨ááá˝ á°áááą áĽá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "They further pointed out that the internet has played a major role in this normalization of discrimination:"
} | 0.69447 |
"amh": "á á°á¨ááŞá á˘áá°áááľ áá
áá áá¨áááľá áĽáá°áááá á¨ááá áŠá ááá á áŁáĽáśáłá:",
"en": "Chinese netizens have radically spread anti-black opinions online."
} | 0.637686 |
"amh": "á 21áá áááááá á¨á ááŞáŤááŤá áá°áťáá ááááľ áľáá áá°áá¸á áĽáá°áá áĽá ááťáá áá áĽá áá ááŞáą á¨ááááľá á¨ááľâ ááłá áĽáá°áá ááááŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "They say the migration of black people to China is the most dangerous issue in the 21 century and call it a matter of life and death for the nation and for the race."
} | 0.818357 |
"amh": "á˘ááŤá á¨á°áŁáá áĽá á¨áťáá áŽáááľáľ ááᲠá°áááá˝ á¨á˘áá°áááľ ááľá¨á áá ááááᥠ(á¨á°áŁáá áĽá áĽá á ááŞáŤááŤá á¨áááá áľ) á¨á°á á áĽáá á°áá˝ ááŤáâ á ááŁáľ á´áľ á¨á˘áá°áááľ á°á áááá˝ á¨áá ááááľ á¨áá°á¨ááŁá¸á ááá°áááŽá˝ áááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "On the online forum Jinjian, a virtual community for Chinese Communist Party supporters, the city of Guangzhou having been seized by black people is a major hot topic among young female netizens."
} | 0.743198 |
"amh": "á¨áťáá áĽááá°áááľ á¨á°áááŁá á áá áááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Chinese nationalism is constructed according to racial order."
} | 0.881913 |
"amh": "áá ááŞáŤ á¨áá°á á á¨áťáá áááłáłá á˘áá á áá°áá ááá á¨á áá áááŤááľ áľááááá°â á¨á°áá°á° á¨áá¨á¨áť áĽááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "China's aid for Africa has also been simplified as a last resort because the first world refused to play with us."
} | 0.736825 |
"amh": "áá˛áĽ áĽá ááááľ áá á¨áá¨-áĽáá áľááą ááááŤáĄáĄ",
"en": "Sex and reproduction is at the core of anti-black sentiment."
} | 0.805439 |
"amh": "áŁááą á á°áŁáá áá
á áŤá áá˛áŤ á¨ááááľ áá áŚá˝ ááľáĽ áĽááŽá˝ á¨ááá áŠáľ á°á¨áá¸á á¨áá¨áą á¨áťáá á´áśá˝ áá áá˛áĽ á¨áááá á áľá°áá áá ááá áĽáá°ááá¸á ááĄáŽá˝ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "On online forum Baidu, in WeChat circles and in the ad we're discussing today, black people are portrayed as scumbags who only want to have sex with Chinese women."
} | 0.768831 |
"amh": "áĽáá áááśá˝á á¨ááŤáᥠáááśá˝ á¨áááá áááŤâ ááá áľá áĽá áŤáá°ááŠâ áĽáá°áá áá á¨ááá áŠáľáĄáĄ",
"en": "Women who date black people are usually labelled as having strong tastes or being poor and uneducated."
} | 0.425468 |
"amh": "á¨1980ááš ááᎠáŤáá áá á á¨áťáá áááŁá áŁááá á¨áťááá˝ \"á˘áŤááľ\" áá áááŤáá á¨áłáááľ áĽá ááááááľ áá
ááłá¸á á áľá°áá
á áĽááłá°á¨á áá á¨ááŤááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Popular Chinese culture since the 1980s has also reinforced Chinese people's yellowness in contrast with scientific achievement and modernization."
} | 0.704768 |
"amh": "áŞá¨á á˘ááâ á¨á°áŁáá á¨áťáá ááᢠááá áááłá á˘áŤá ááá á¨áťáááá˝á á¨á¨á áĽá áá áĽááŁáᣠá°ááŤáá ááá á°áá á¨áááŤáŁááŤáá á´áááŤá˛áŤá áĽá áááľâ áĽááŁá áááá á áááľ á°áŤá˛ááš á˝ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "In the Chinese documentary River Elegyâ, for example, the Yellow River is used to represent China's stagnant, closed-door civilization, while the blue ocean represents the democratic and open Western society, the authors wrote."
} | 0.783441 |
"amh": "áĽááá
áá áááŹá á áťáá á áĽááŽá˝ áá ááá°áá°á áá¨áááľ á¨áŤáłá¸áá áľááť á°áŤáá°áá ááá:",
"en": "All this has contributed to today's racism against black people in China, they said:"
} | 0.866424 |
"amh": "ááŹáŁ á ááŞáą á¨áťáá áłáá áĽááŤá áłáá ááá°áŤáŤáľâá áĽá¨á°áá¨á á˝ áŁáá˝á áľ ááᣠá¨á ááŞáŤááŤá áááľáá˝ áłáŞá á ááᣠá˘áŤ ááł áŤáá¸á á°áá˝ á¨áá ááł áŤáá¸á á°áá˝ á ááá á¨áá°áá¸á á¨á áłá˝ááľ áľááľ á°á¨áľáˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "Today, as the country is approaching the great revival of the Chinese nation, the history of African brothers has passed and the inferiority complex about yellow skin vis a vis white skin has been abandoned."
} | 0.774754 |
"amh": "áťááá˝ á¨ááŽá˝ ááŠá áááŚá˝ ááá áááááᤠááá áá áá áĽáá°ááŽá˝ ááᣠá¨á áŤá á°á¨áá ááááá á¨áááááľ áĽááŽá˝ áá á ááá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The Chinese want to be equal with white people, but like white people, they have to achieve their status by standing on top of black people."
} | 0.845173 |
"amh": "ááľá:- á¨áłááá፠áááá á áŁá á¨áááľ ááś áŤá á áŠáŤá á áľáá°á áŤááŠáľ (@zittokabwe)",
"en": "Image shared on Twitter by Tanzanian Member of Parliament Zitto Kabwe Ruyagwa. (@zittokabwe)"
} | 0.704532 |
"amh": "á¨áłááá፠áá á¨ááá ááľáá
ááŁáŠá á¤áá á ááľáĄá ááš á¨áłááááŤá ááŹááłááľ áá ááááá á ááłá°áĽ á á áŠáť áá¨áł áááľ á¤áľ áĽáá°á á°áĽáááĄáĄ",
"en": "Tanzanian citizen Isaac Abakuki Emily was convicted of insulting Tanzanian President John Magufuli on his Facebook page by the Arusha Resident Magistrateâs Court."
} | 0.785612 |
"amh": "á¤áá áŚáľáľ áááłáľ á áĽáľáŤáľ ááłáá ááá á á
áŁáľ á¨á°áŁáá áľá á ááľáľ áááŽá á¨áłááá፠áşááá (2300 á¨á ááŞáŤá áśáá) áááá áá á á
á áłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Emily may serve three years in prison, or alternatively pay a fine of five million shillings (US $2300), a steep sum in Tanzania, where the GDP per capita amounts to just under US $1000 per year."
} | 0.770372 |
"amh": "á
áŁáąá áĽáľá¨ ááá´ áááľ áááá á ááŤá á¨á°áá°áá áľ áĽáľáŤáľ áááá¸á áá
á ááá¨áą áááĄ",
"en": "This was reduced from seven million upon appeal by his lawyer, according to local news site The Citizen."
} | 0.515511 |
"amh": "á ááŤá፠á°áŁáľáŁ 2008 á.",
"en": "He must pay the fine by August 8, or serve the prison term."
} | 0.403799 |
"amh": "áááááŞáŤ áá áááľ á¤áľ á¨áá¨á á á¤áá á¨áááŞáąá ááŹááłááľ áá ááááá âá ááłá°áĽâ á áá ááľ á¨áłááá፠á¨áŽáááŠá°á ááááá ááá°ááá á¨áᣠá áá
ááĽá 14ᣠ2015 16ááá ááá á áá°ááá á°á ááĽáŽ áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Emily first appeared in court on April 15, 2016 on charges of insulting the country's president, John Magufuli, allegedly contrary to Section 16 of Tanzania's Cybercrime Act No. 14 of 2015, which says:"
} | 0.807101 |
"amh": "ááááá á°á áá¨áᣠá áá ááá áĽáááłá á¨áááá˝ áľáĽáᣠá˝ááᣠááá á ááááá ááá á¨áŽáááŠá°á áĽáááľá á áá áá áŤá°áŤá¨ áá
áá¨áᣠá áá ááá áĽáááłá á¨áááá˝ áľáĽáᣠá˝áá áá°áľáŁ á¨ááŤáłááᣠá¨ááŤáłáľáľ ááá áľááá áŤááá áĽáá°áá á¨áŚáľáľ áááŽá áşááá áŤááá° áááἠááá á¨áľáľáľáľ ááŤáľ á ááŤááľ áĽáľáŤáľ áááá á áááąá áááŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "Any person who publishes information, data or facts presented in a picture, text, symbol or any other form in a computer system where such information, data or fact is false, deceptive, misleading or inaccurate commits an offence, and shall on conviction be liable to a fine not less than three million shillings or to imprisonment for a term not less than six months or to both."
} | 0.788504 |
"amh": "á¨á°á¨á°á°á áľá áááŞáą ááŹááłááľ á¨áá°áľ ááá á áłáłá˝ á˝áá ááá á á áá á¨á°á¨áá¨á áááá áĽáŤáá
á á ááá˘áľ á ááľáľáŁ 2007 á.",
"en": "He was accused of posting the controversial Facebook message, written in Swahili, on March 17, 2015, despite knowing that posting false or misleading statements about the country's president is against the law."
} | 0.629127 |
"amh": "á. á áŞáľááá ááá á¨á°áťá á ááá᪠á¨ááľáĄá áááááľ ááĽááá á áá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "His comment was in reference to President Magufuli's surprise live call to 360, a current affairs program on Clouds TV."
} | 0.685856 |
"amh": "á¨áĽááą áááááľ áŤá°áŽá¨á á ááááľáľ á˛áŞ áá áá
áłá ááłáŽá˝á á ááłáľá°á 360 ááá ááĽá áá á¨ááŹááłááľ ááááá áŤáá°á á á á¨áľáá áĽáŞ ááľá¨á áĽá á ááĽáł áľáááľ á¨ááá ááĽáŠá á á
áŤá˘áá˝ á ááľááá áááá ááĽáŠ áŤáá¸áá á áľáááľ ááááťá¸áá áá á¨áľ áŤá°á¨á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "While on the air, the president thanked the presenters and expressed his admiration for the show."
} | 0.868654 |
"amh": "ááá áá á ááá á¨ááááľ á¨á¤áá á¨áá á¨ááľáĄá áá˝á áá áááááąá ááĽáá áłá á°áĽá á¨á°ááá¸á á¨ááááľ áá˝ á¨ááľáĄá á áľá°áŤá¨áľ áĽáá˛á
ááá áŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "Neither Emily's personal Facebook page, nor the discussion page on which he is reported to have posted the comment, have come up in searches, but his Facebook comment allegedly read:"
} | 0.659495 |
"amh": "á¨ááá˛áŤ áľáŤáľá ᣠáá
áá áá á°áᏠáĽáá´áľ á¨ááŹáŹ áá áłááłáľáŤáá˝áš?",
"en": "Theatrics in politics , how come you compare this imbecile to Nyerere ?"
} | 0.691499 |
"amh": "á¨áĽááą áĽáá°áááľ áĽáá á áłááá፠á á ááťáŤáááľ á á˛áľ ááŁá á áá˝áá ááááá á¨á
áťááľ áá áá˛áŁá áľáááľ á ááá˝ á˛áá˝á á¨ááŤáłáŠ áá¤áśá˝áᣠá¨áŽáááŠá°á ááŁáŞáŤá áłáł á á ááá áá á¨á°áŤáŤá ááááá˝áᣠá¨á¤áááľáŽáá ááááľ áľáááľáᣠá¨áľáá áááĽááśá˝áᣠáá¨áááľá áĽá á áá ááá á°áá˝ áá áĽááťá á¨áá°áĽáŠ á¨áŽáááŠá°á áá¤áśá˝áᣠá
ááἠá¨áŽáááŠá°á áłáł ááá ááľááá á°áŤá˝ááľá áĽá á¨áá°áľ áá¨ááá˝ á
áľááľá ááááŁá á á áá°áĽ á ááá˘áľ 23ᣠ2007 á. á. áŤá¸á°áá á¨áłáá á ááááá˝á ááá°ááá á¨ááŁá á áá
áá¤áľ áááĄ",
"en": "His conviction comes against the backdrop of Tanzania's relatively new cybercrime bill, which the Parliament passed on April 1, 2015, to address cybercrime issues such as child pornography, cyberbullying, online impersonation, electronic production of racist and xenophobic content, spam, illegal interception of communications, and the publication of false information."
} | 0.74983 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá á áá á¨ááá˛á¨áá˝áŁ á¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤ áŁáááŤáá˝ áĽá á¨á°áĽáá ááĽáľ á áŤááá˝ á°á á°ááá á˘ááĽááá á á ááťáŤáááľ áľáá˝ ááŁá á áá˝á ááááľ áĽá áááá á ááááá á¸áľáááĄáĄ",
"en": "Despite widespread opposition from politicians, social media experts, and human rights activists, the bill was pushed through parliament with relatively little discussion or debate."
} | 0.813308 |
"amh": "á¨ááľáá ááŹááłááľ ááŤáŤ áŞáá´á á á°á 2007 á. á. áááá á
á á áľááááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Former president Jakaya Kikwete signed it into law in May 2015."
} | 0.919145 |
"amh": "á á°á¨ááŞá áááľ ááá ááááľáľ áľááŁáá á¨ááľáá áá á áŤááá˝á áááá á¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤ á°á áááá˝á áááĽááľ áá ááá áľ áá˝áá áĽáá á áľá áá
áá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "They have also cautioned that police or the state could use their power to harass online activists or social media users."
} | 0.874383 |
"amh": "áááľ áłááááŤááŤá á¨á á˛áą á
á á¨ááááŞáŤ á°ááŁáá˝ áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "In October 2015, two Tanzanians became the first victims of the new law."
} | 0.908032 |
"amh": "á¨24 á ááą á¨áłáŹá°áá á´áááá á˘ááľá˛áľáŠáľ á°á᪠á¨ááá á¤áá˛ááľ á ááá áááŤá âá¨áá°áľ ááá á á°áá˘á á áŤá áŤáá¨á°á¨áááĄâ áá¤áśá˝á á áá°áŤá¨áľ á°á¨áś áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Benedict Angelo Ngonyani, a 24-year-old student at Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology, was charged for publishing materials which are false or not verified by relevant authorities.â"
} | 0.853185 |
"amh": "á¨á°á á¨á á¨á âá¨áłááá፠á¨áá¨áá¨áŤ ááá áá á áἠáááŤá áłáŞáľ áááŤáá á¨á°á á¨á ááἠá áá°á ááľááłá áááŁáłá¸ááâ á¨áááá˝ á˝áá ááľáĄá áá á ááá á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "It is alleged that he posted a Facebook post claiming that Tanzania's Chief of Defence Forces, General Davis Mwamunyange, had been hospitalized after eating poisoned food."
} | 0.855351 |
"amh": "á ááŤá áá ááá á¨á á¨ááá¨áĽ á°á áá áá áśáľáá°á áááľ á¨áłááááŤá á á
áá áááľáľá áááá áááł ááá á¨áá˝ááľ á¨áááá á°áŁáŞ áĽáť ááâ á¨áá á¨ááľáĄá áááááľ á¨áá á á áá á á¨ááá¨áĽá á áá ááŁáĽ á áá ááâ á áá ááľ á áśáśá ááá á ááá á¨ááááŞáŤ á°á¨á áááľ á¤áľ ááá§ááĄáĄ",
"en": "That same month, another netizen, Sospiter Jonas, was arraigned in a primary court in Dodoma Region and charged with misuse of the Internetâ after he posted a message on Facebook saying that Tanzanian Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda will only become a gospel preacher.â"
} | 0.725564 |
"amh": "áłáŹ á°áá á áááá áá¨áł áááľ á¤áľ ááá á áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "The four appeared before a Magistrate's court in Dar Es Salaam on November 6, 2015."
} | 0.674896 |
"amh": "á áĽá
ááľ 2008 á.",
"en": "No attribution or further context appears on the site."
} | 0.236043 |
"amh": "ááááŤáá á á ááŞáŤá áŤá°á¨áá á¨á°ááá áá˛áŤ á áŤáá ááá ááááľ á á¨á°ááá áĽá¨á°á¨áłá°á á¨500 áşá á áá á°á¨áłá áŁáá á áŁá áłááá á¨ááľáĄá ááš áľáá°áááá áááἠááá¨áĄáĄ á°áááá á¨á°ááá¨á ááááĽáľ á á˛áľ á á áŁá á ááŞáŤá áá°áááá á¨áŚáŽá፠áĽááť ááŹáśá˝ áááľáááľ áŤá°á áá áá
áľ á ááá°áá á ááľá°á á¨á°ááŞáá˝ á°ááá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "When students in Ginchi, a small town 75 km west of Addis Ababa, organized a demonstration in November 2015, US-based opposition media activist Jawar Mohammed, began posting minute-to-minute âliveâ updates of the protest on his massively popular Facebook page, which has over 500k followers."
} | 0.761707 |
"amh": "á¨áŚáŽá፠ááá á áá ááááĽáą áŤáąá á˝á áĽáá˛á°áłá°á á¨á°áá°áááľ áľáá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááá áááĄáĄ á áá áá áŁáááľ ááĽá áááłáľ ááááĽáľ áá á¨á°á°á¨á á°ááááá˝ áľáá áĽá á°á¨áłáłá á¨ááᣠáĽá á°á á¨áá°á°á áľáŁ á áľááš 400 á°áá˝ á¨á°áá°áá áľáŁ á ááŤáśá˝ á¨áá°áá áľ áĽá á áş á¨ááá አááá˝ ááĽáľá áá°á°áłá¨áá áľ áĽáá
áľáá´ á°ááá§ááĄáĄ",
"en": "What started as a small-scale student protest over Ethiopian government's plan to expand Addis Ababa into adjacent farm lands of Oromia, Ethiopiaâs largest constitutionally autonomous state, evolved into a series of largest and bloodiest demonstrations against Ethiopian government in a decade leaving at least 400 people killed, many more injured, and thousands jailed."
} | 0.82539 |
"amh": "ááá á ááľáĄá áŤá°áŤáŤá¸á áľáá°áááá á¨ááááš á¨ááĽáł áááŁáá˝ áá ááá á¨á á¨á áá¨áĽ á°á áááá˝ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááᥠá ááŤáł ááľáá˝áŁ áŞá˛áŽáá˝áŁ áŚááŽá˝áŁ áľááłáá˝á á á°ááŤáŠ á¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤ áá
áłáŽá˝ á ááŤáááľ á°ááá¨áąáĄáĄ",
"en": "Along with Jawarâs live updates about the protests on Facebook, netizens saw a flood of digital photos, videos, blog posts, and tweets on other social media platforms coming from inside Ethiopia, mostly under the hashtag #OromoProtests."
} | 0.778477 |
"amh": "á¨ááĽááľ áááłáľ á áá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ á áŚáŽá፠á°ááá á¨ááŤá°á á°ááŞáá˝á á ááŤá á˛á°ááĽáŁá¸á á˘ááá áĽáá° á áá áá á¨á˘áá°áááąá áľáŠá¨áľ á ááłá á áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "For over a decade, the Ethiopian government has been violently cracking down on protesting students in Oromia, but these incidents have never garnered the online attention they did this time around."
} | 0.816266 |
"amh": "á áŁá áĽááľ á¨áá ááľáŤáá˝ áá á áááľáśá˝á áĽá á¨á áááŹ-ááááĽáľ áá˛áŤáá˝ áááł áĽá á áłáłá˝ áááŁá á°ááś á áááá¨áĽ áľá á°áááá áá¨á á áá°áŤá¨áľ áĽáá°áá áááááľ á ááááááĄáĄ",
"en": "With scant coverage by foreign media from the front lines, and silence and misinformation coming from Ethiopiaâs largely pro-government media outlets, the Internet emerged as the main channel used to disseminate information about protests."
} | 0.736045 |
"amh": "á¨ááá ááľáĄá áá˝ áĽá á¨áľáá°á ááᢠáľáá°áááá áá¨á á¨áá°áĽ áŚáá´á áŤááá áŚáá´áá (ááá áŤááá ááá áá ááá áŁááĽááŁá) ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Jawarâs Facebook page and Twitter feed became the official-yet-unofficial story of the protest, leading diaspora writers to identify Jawar as a key shaper of public opinion on the events."
} | 0.550573 |
"amh": "áá
á á¨áłáŤáľá፠á¸áááŤá áááá áĽáá°ááá á¨á
áĽá¨á°á°á°áĄ á áľá°áłá°áĽ áĽá ááľá°áśá˝ á
áá˝ á°áŞ á ááá áĽáá˛ááľáąáľ á áľááá¸ááᥠááá áĽááłá áĽááá
á¨á°áŁáአá¨á°ááŁáŚáľ á´áááá áá¤áśá˝ á ááá ááá á¨á°áááą á˘ááá á¨á áááá¨áĽ á°á°áŤá˝ááľ á¨á ááľáľ á ááś á áłá˝ á ááŤááŁáĽáŁáľ á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á
ááŚáľ áá¸ááĄáĄ áá
áá¨á ááá¨á¨áť áá áĽ.",
"en": "Though these networked communication dynamics are commonplace in many parts of the world, they are novel in Ethiopia, where Internet penetration hovered just below 5% in 2013, which is the last time that Internet access data was collected there by the International Telecommunication Union, a UN agency."
} | 0.701831 |
"amh": "á¨á áŽá á°ááá #OromoProtests áŤáá°áá¨á áá°áľ ááááĽáľ á¨á˛ááłá áá°áąá áááá°áĽ áĽá áááááľ á ááŤáł áá¨áŤáá˝á áĽáá˛áŤá°áá á áľááľáśáłááĄáĄ",
"en": "The steady stream of #OromoProtests content triggered various attempts by the government to limit digital traffic and block telecom services in Oromia."
} | 0.777964 |
"amh": "á áľááš ááááľ áááľ ááŤáľ á¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤá á¨á°ááááá ááŹáá˝ á¨ááááľ áľááť áĽáŤá°á áááŁáľá ááááłáľ áĽá á¨á ááááľá áááááľ á ááááĽáľ áááł áĽá á¨áááá áĽá¸áá á áááááľ á á
áŤá˘ á˘áľáŽá´ááŽá áľáá°áᣠááľáĄá áá´ááá áĽá ááľáľá áá á¨áᎠá¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤ áá
áłáŽá˝ á áŚáŽá፠áĽááłááłáŠ á ááˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "In a bid to quell the growing role of social media in magnifying the stories of protests and to regain the upper hand, Ethiopiaâs state-owned telecommunication monopoly EthioTelcom blocked social media platforms including Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger in Oromia for at least two months."
} | 0.777464 |
"amh": "á á°ááłáłá áá
áľ áĽáá°áŤáá áᣠááľáĄá áá´áááᣠáľáŤáá áĽá ááá áááááľ á¨ááłá°á áłáá á á˘áá°áááľ á¨áá°á¨á á¨áľáá
ááááŚá˝á (VoIP) ááŽááŤáá˝á ááľá¨áá áĽáá°áááá á áłáá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Around the same time, EthioTelecom also announced plans to begin charging customers for using popular voice over internet protocol (VoIP) applications such as Viber, Facebook messenger, Skype, and Google hangouts."
} | 0.790136 |
"amh": "áĽáá° á¨á áá ááľáĽ áá˛áŤáá˝ ááᣠá˘áľáŽá´ááŽá á á˛áľ á¨áá፠ááá ááĽá áááááľ áŤáá°á áĽáŤááłááą á¨á˘áľáŽá´ááŽáá ááľááá á¨áá áá á°áá á á áááá¸á á¨áľáá áááá˝ áá áłáłáá˝á á¨áááŁá አáĽá áá áá ááááľ á áááŹá˝áá˝ ááá áá áĽáá°á°áŤá á¨ááááš á´áááááá˝á á áá áá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to local media reports, EthioTelecom plans to enforce a new price scheme for VoIP data usage by deploying technologies that will more heavily regulate data plans and what kinds of apps operate on devices of each subscriber active on EthioTelecom network."
} | 0.818545 |
"amh": "á á°á¨ááŞá á˘áľáŽá´ááŽá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áá ፠áŤáá°áá á°áááłáá˝ á¨áľáá áááá˝á áĽáá°áá°ááᣠáĽáá°ááá áĽá áĽáá°ááŤááľ á áľáłááááĄáĄ",
"en": "In an unprecedented move, EthioTelecom also announced a plan to track, identify and ban mobile devices that are not purchased from the Ethiopian market."
} | 0.839418 |
"amh": "áá
áá°áľ á áľáŽá´ááŽá áá ááááľ á°ááľ á¨á¨áľáá á°á áá áá°á¨áľáá á°á áá áĽáá°ááá áĽá áĽáá°áá°ááľ á áľááá ááá
"en": "This move will allow EthioTelecom to keep a track of exactly what data is being sent to and from each subscriber active on the network."
} | 0.787855 |
"amh": "ááá áá áŤáááá ááááá á¨á˘áľáŽá´ááŽá ááááľ áĽá¸á á áááááľ á°áŞ áááá áá á áá áááá˛áŤ áľáá áĽá¨á°á ááá áľ áĽáá°áá áŤáłáŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "It remains unclear exactly how this technology will work, but it unquestionably demonstrates EthioTelecom's intention to take full political advantage of its monopoly."
} | 0.701864 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá á ááŞáą á¨á á¨á áá¨áĽ áľáááłá¸á áĽá
á á°áŤá á¨áááŁá¸á á¨á ááŞáŤ á ááŤáľ á áᡠáĽáľááá á¨áŚáŽá፠á°ááá #OromoProtests ááááŤá¸áá á ááŞáŤ áŁá°á¨ááľ á á°áá áŚá¤áá¤á áĽá á˘áłáľ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áłáŤáľá፠áłá°áááľ á´ááŞáĽáá˝ á°á¨áłáłá áĽá áá áááŁáá˝á á áááˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "Despite being one of the poorest countries in terms of Internet penetration in Africa, #OromoProtests garnered wall-to-wall coverage by the US based Ethiopian diaspora satellite television stations, particularly OMN and ESAT."
} | 0.78224 |
"amh": "áááąá á´ááŞáĽá áŁá˘áŤáá˝ áľáá áŽá፠á°ááá #OromoProtests á¨ááŤááą ááŹáá˝á á¨ááá áŤá áá˛áŤáá˝ á ááá°áľ á¨á°áááłáá˝ áľáá á áááááľ ááľá°ááá á᪠áááአá áááŽáá˝ áááá አá˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá ááá°á á á°áŤáá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Both stations picked various stories of #OromoProtests from social media and rebroadcast them to millions of Ethiopians living off the grid of mobile phone infrastructure."
} | 0.772328 |
"amh": "áĽááá
á á¨á°ááá áŤáá˝ á áľáŹáłááľ ááááłáľ ááááá áĽáĽá
á¨áŽáááŠá°á ááááá á¨áá°áááᣠá¨á°ááá áá á¨á°áŤáŤá á¨ááĽáá áá ááááŽá˝á áááá á¨ááŤá°áá áĽá á˛ááłá á¨á°ááŁáŚáľ ááŁáŞáŤá áá° ááá˝á áá°á፠ááŁáŞáŤááľ áĽáá˛áŤáááá á¨á áá á áጠááá áá á¨ááŤáľá˝á á áá
á á
"en": "To top all this off, on the heels of the protests, the parliament passed a stringent computer crimes law that looks very much like an effort to criminalize protest-related online speech and to more effectively utilize digital communication as a tool of public surveillance."
} | 0.668 |
"amh": "áľáá á˛áą áá á¤áááľáŽáá ááŽááłá¨á áááá´á˝á á á°á á á¨á°á áľá˝áľ áĽáá˛á
"en": "In a critical piece about the new law, the Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote,"
} | 0.71343 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áááĽáŤá áá ááááá á´áááá áá áááᣠáá¨áá áá á°á áĽááłáŤá¨á ááááá áĽá á¨áááááľ áá á á፠ááŁáŞáá˝á á¨áá áá ááááľá á˝áĽáá°áá˝á á¨áá°áá ááááľ áááá á áááľ á¤áľ á áá¨áŤá¨á áá áá¸áľ á¨ááአááá°áá⌠á¨áááľ á°áááľ áĽáá
áľáá´á áááá á ááľá¨á ááááá á á áááá¨áĽ áá á¨á°áááá¨áŁ á¨á áááá¨áĽ áá ááť ááłáĽá áááá˝á á¨á°áá á ááľ áá á¨áá á°áᣠáĽáá°ááá áŤá¨ááá áá⌠á°áŤ á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá ááá˝ á áááá¨áĽ áĽááłáá áá á ááľááŤáŤáľ á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá á¨á´áááá ááľááľ á¨áá¨á¤áśáż ááá˝ á¨á ááŞáŤ á ááŽá˝ áĽáá á¨ááŞá á¨ááá ááá á¨á áá á ááá á áá°áá á¨ááŤáľáá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Ethiopia's prosecutors have long demonized legitimate uses of technology, claiming in court that the use of encryption, and knowledge of privacy-protecting tools is a sign of support for terrorists....By criminalizing everyday actions it ensures that anyone who speaks online, or supports online free expression, might one day be targeted by the law.... will intimidate ordinary Ethiopian citizens into staying offline, and further alienate Ethiopia's technological progress from its African neighbors and the rest of the world."
} | 0.805488 |
"amh": "áĽáá°áááŁáá˝ á á˛áą á áá
á¨á°áŁá á á á¨áá á¨áá áĽáá° ááłáĽá á ááťááľ á¨áááá˝ ááĽáľ áŤá á˛ááłá ááĽáśá˝ á¨á áá á¨ááŤá áĽáŁ ááááá á¨ááŤá°áá áĽá á¨áĽá ááĽááľ áá áá°áŤáŤá á¨á áááá¨áĽ áá ááááŽá˝ á¨áŁáľ á
áŁáśá˝á á¨ááĽá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to reports, the new legislation further limits already-diminished digital rights such as freedom of expression and privacy, criminalizing and levying severe punishments for defamatory speech online."
} | 0.755164 |
"amh": "á áá á á°á¨á᪠á áááááľ á°áŞáá˝ á áĽáááą á áŠá á¨ááŤáááá á á
áá á¨áá¨á áááἠá°áá°á á áľááš áá ááľ áááľ áĽáá˛áŤáľááᥠá¨ááŤáľáá°áľ áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The legislation also obliges service providers to store records of all communications along with their metadata for at least a year."
} | 0.758453 |
"amh": "á¨áááŁá áŽááľá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá áŚáŽá፠á°ááá #OromoProtests áŤááĽáĄ",
"en": "Read Global Voices' special coverage of Ethiopia's #OromoProtests."
} | 0.57485 |
"amh": "á ááľáĄá á áľááľ á¨á°á፠áŤááąá",
"en": "Cartoon widely shared on Facebook."
} | 0.740099 |
"amh": "áŁááá á áἠáááľ (ááá 8/9 2008 á. á. ) á¨á°áá á¨áá ááááľáłá áľáááľ á°á¨áľá á ááááľáľ áĽá á á áĽááá áąááŤá áĽáá°á¨á¸á á¨á°áá°á°áá á¨áááá
á ááááľáľ áá¨áŤ á¨á°áá°áá á¨á˘áá°áááľ ááá á áá°áá ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "In the aftermath of what the government and much of Turkey views as a failed coup attempt on the night of July 15 through July 16, one section of the Turkish internet still isn't buying it."
} | 0.652903 |
"amh": "áá˝áłáá á áá áá á¨áá˝á á°áá˝ 160 á°áá˝ á¨ááąá áľáŁááááá á áŚáἠá¨á°ááłá áĽá á á˘áľáłááĄá áĽá á ááŤáŤ á¨áŚá ááśá˝ á ááŤáľá፠áááł áá
áĽáá áĽá á°á ááá°á á¨á á¨áŠáľ ááľá°áľ á¨á áá ááŹááłááľ áŹáŹá á áἠá¤ááśáá áá°áá á¨á°á፠áĽá á¨á°á¨á á¨áá á¨ááá ááľáĽ ááá˛áŤ á°á˝áááá á¨á áá áááľááľ áĽáá°á°ááá á á ááŤá áŤááááĄáĄ",
"en": "Users posting under the hashtag typically believe that events that saw over 160 people die, the parliament pounded by bombs and military jets fly frighteningly low over densely populated Ankara and Istanbul, were staged by incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in order to expand his already formidable influence over domestic politics."
} | 0.54718 |
"amh": "á á áá á°ááľ á áąáá áľáá°á áá áľáŹááľ áĽáŤá°á¨á áŤááľ á¨ááľ á
áŁáľ áĽáááááâ áĽá áááá
á ááááľáľ á áá°ááᣠáľáŤáľá ááâ áá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Trending on @Twitter in Turkey right now are: I want the death penalty (#idamistiyorum) & Not a coup."
} | 0.762178 |
"amh": "á¨áŚáľáŤá á á¸áá⌠ááŹááłááľ á¤ááśáá!",
"en": "And the Oscar goes to..."
} | 0.882897 |
"amh": "áĽáá° áŹáá°ááľ áĽáĽáĽáĄ áá á áá á¨áááłá ááłá°áŽáš á áááŞáą áľáá á¨á°á á˘áľáłááĄá á¨ááááá á¨áŚáľáá¨áľ áľááľá ááá˘áŤ ááááśá˝á á¨ááááłá¸á ááᣠá á˘áá°áááľ á¨áá˝áą á ááľ á°ááľ á°áŠá áá á˛á°áŤá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to Reuters full blown upheaval in Turkey began at around 19.30 local time when reports of army personnel closing down access points to the main Bosporus bridge in the country's biggest city, Istanbul, started circulating online."
} | 0.814161 |
"amh": "á á°ááłáłá á°ááľ á á¨áŁá˘ á¨á˘áľáłááĄá ááá°áá áľááľá á ááłá°áŠ ááĽáĽá áľá áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Around the same time, Istanbul's second bridge was taken over by the military."
} | 0.861204 |
"amh": "á¨ááá˝ á°ááľ á áá á á˛áľ á¨á°ážááľ á á
áá áááľáľá á˘ááá áŞáá˛áŞá á ááŤáľáłáá
ááአáĽá¨á°ááá áᥠá á°áá°á á¨áąáá áŚá á áŁááľ á áá˝â áĽáá°á°áá°áá° áĽá á ááš á¨ááŹááłááľ á¤ááśáá á¨á¨á
á áá á¨áá á°áááá á¨áááľ ááááŤá¸áá á á ááŞáŤ áŁá°á¨ááľ áĽáľááá ááá
á ááąá ááá áĽáá°á°á°áá á°áááŠáĄáĄ",
"en": "Half an hour later, in a notably shaky public appearance, Turkey's newly appointed Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said there had been an uprising staged by a faction within Turkey's military, and that the uprising had been supported by a long time personal rival of President Erdogan, US-based Islamic cleric Fetulla Gulen."
} | 0.690808 |
"amh": "á¨á፠ááĽá áŁááľ á°ááłáľ á¨á°áŠáľ ááááŚá˝ áĽá áááłáłáá˝ á á˘áľáłááĄá áĽá á á ááŤáŤ á°á°áᤠá¨áŚá áááŽáá°áŽá˝ áĽá á¤á á áľáŤ áľáľáľáśá˝ (F16s) á áąáá áá áá á¨á°áá˝ á°áá áá á˛áŤáᥠáłáŠáĄáĄ",
"en": "Over the hours that followed, gun shots and explosions were heard in Istanbul and Ankara, while military helicopters and F16s roamed the skies in Turkey's major cities."
} | 0.79149 |
"amh": "áąááŤááŤá á¨á á¨ááá¨áĽ ááá˝ á˘áá°áááľ áá áá áĽáá°á°á¸áአáááĄá¤ áĽáá á°ááá˘á á¨á°áŁá á¨áá á¨á˘ááľáááľ ááľááá á áááááľ á°áŞ á áąáá áá áá°áášâ áĽááľ á ááľ áĽáá˛ááá áá°áĽ á¨ááá á¨á˘áá°áááľ á áááááľ á°á áĄáĄ",
"en": "Turkish netizens reported problems accessing online platforms and VPN-provider TunnelBear offered unlimited data for their friends in Turkey to stay connected."
} | 0.801991 |
"amh": "á áąáá áŤáá˝áš áá°ááťá˝áᣠá¨á áá á°ááľ ááᎠáĽááľ á ááľ áĽááľáľááá áá°áĽ á¨ááá á¨á˘áá°áááľ á áááááľ á áááłá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Soldiers whose ultimate commander was not immediately identified then took over the Turkish State broadcaster as well as CNN Turk building and other key media outlets."
} | 0.646689 |
"amh": "áá á áἠááŞáŤá¸á áá˛áŤá áŤááłáá ááłá°áŽá˝ á¨áąááá ááááľáłá á´ááŞáĽá áŁá˘áŤáᣠá¨á˛á¤áá¤á áąáá á
ááťá áĽá ááá˝ ááá áá áá°áŤáŤáá˝ á°ááŁá áŠáĄ",
"en": "BREAKING A group of soldiers landed in Dogan Media Center where @cnnturk is based."
} | 0.735923 |
"amh": "á°á á ááᣠá¨ááłá°áŽá˝ áĄáľá á˛á¤áá¤á áąáá áá°áááá áľ áá° áśáá áá˛áŤ á°áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "They have entered the studio. â CNN TĂźrk ENG (@CNNTURK_ENG) July 16, 2016"
} | 0.541448 |
"amh": "á áá
áľáááľááľ ááŤá¨á áŚáŠ á¨ááááľáľá áľááŁá áĽáá°á°ááŁá á¨áŁ á˛áááŤá˛áŤá áľáááľ áááś áĽáá°ááŤá°áá áĽá ááłá°áŤá áľáááľ áĽá á°ááľ áĽáá ááłááá á¨áááá˝ ááá፠á ááŁáĄáĄ",
"en": "Amid this chaos, the military issued a statement in which it declared that it had seized control of the government in order to reinstate the democratic order and declared the imposition of martial law and a curfew."
} | 0.769723 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáłááĄá á á¨á áá¨á፠á᪠á¨á°á°áá áłááŽá˝á á¨ááŤáłáŠ ááľáá˝ áááŁáľ áááŠáĄáĄ",
"en": "Images showed tanks lined up outside Istanbul airport."
} | 0.83597 |
"amh": "ááľáłáá á á°á°á á¨á ááá áľáá á áááŹá˝á ááááŞáą á
áἠáŁá°á¨áąáľ áááááľ á
áἠáá°á á፠ááłááá˝ áĽáá˛áᣠáĽá áá´áááŤá˛ áĽáá˛áłáá á ááá˝ áĽáŞ á áá¨áĄáĄáĄ",
"en": "He addressed the nation via the FaceTime app on an iPhone and openly called on people to take to the streets and fight for democracy."
} | 0.832855 |
"amh": "áá° á á፠ááááśá˝ áᥠáĽáá áááąáá áľá§á¸áâ áĽáá á°áááŠáĄáĄ",
"en": "Go to the streets and give them their answer, he said."
} | 0.809722 |
"amh": "á
ááŚáťá˝á áá°á á°áŁáŁáŽá˝ áĽá áá° á á¨á áá¨ááŤáá˝ ááĽá°á áá´áááŤá˛ áĽá ááĽááŤá ááá áĽáá˛áá áĽááĽááááĄáĄ",
"en": "I invite our people to the squares and airports to stand up for our democracy and national will."
} | 0.919535 |
"amh": "á¨ááŤá á
áᥠá á፠ááááśá˝á áŤáᤠá áĽá ááłáŽá˝ á
áᥠá¨áŚá ááŽáááá˝á áá á¨á ááááąá á áłááˇááĄáĄ",
"en": "And the people did take the streets, in many cases overwhelming army officers."
} | 0.815232 |
"amh": "áĽáá° á˛á¤áá¤á á¨ááĽáł áŚáá á¨áááá
á ááááľáą áá¨áŤá á á á
ááá á161 á°áá˝ ááľáŁ á¨1400 á áá á¨ááá á°áá˝ ááá°á áĽá 2839 ááłá°áŽá˝ ááłá°á ááááŤáľ ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "According to CNN live blog, the attempted coup resulted in a total of 161 dead and over 1,400 people injured with some 2,839 military officers detained."
} | 0.7862 |
"amh": "áĽáá ááááľáľ á¨áááá
á ááááľáľ á áľáŤáááš áá
áľ áĽáá°á°ááá á° áĽá á áľá¨ ááááľáąá á áá áááś áĽáá°á°ááŁá ᨠá°ááá¨á¤ ááá áĽááłá áŁáĽááá á ááááľ á¤ááśáá ááľááŽáł ááá˛áŤ áŤááá áá´áł á˘á¨áąá á ááŤáł áąááŤááŤá á áááŞáą á¨áááá
á ááááľáľ áá¨áŤ áĽáá°á°áŤáá° áľááłá áá á°á¨áąáĄáĄ",
"en": "And as the government claimed to have rolled back the coup plotters and regained full control, more and more Turks reached the conclusion that despite the vastly ambitious Erdogan's penchant for provocative politics, there had, in fact, been a coup attempt in their country."
} | 0.739321 |
"amh": "áá
áá á áľáá ááľáĄáĄ",
"en": "Don't buy it."
} | 0.844147 |
Subsets and Splits