translation | quality_estimation
float64 0.24
"amh": "áá
áá ááá á 300 á¨ááĽáł áľáááľ áĽáť á ááá ááľá°ááá á áľá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Perfectly plausible story is slowly emerging."
} | 0.733044 |
"amh": "á¨áááá
á ááááľáą á ááľ á¤ááśáá á¨áąááá á´áááŤá˛ á¨áá°á á áá áá á á°á¨á°áᤠáĽááá
á ááááľáľ áŤáŤááą ááŽááá˝ á´áááŤá˛á áá°áá°á ááá°áŠáľáĄáĄ",
"en": "Erdogan brought Turkish democracy to brink of disaster before #coup; coup officers pushed democracy into the abyss. â Soner Cagaptay (@SonerCagaptay) July 16, 2016"
} | 0.714357 |
"amh": "áŁáááľ áĽááľ á¨áá¨á¨áť áłáááłáľ á áąáá á¨áłá á áŚá ááľáĽ á¨ááá á ááŤáł á¨áá°á ášááááľ á áá¨ááą áá¨á¨áť á áá´áł áĄá¨áł áĽáá˛áᥠáĽáá°áá°á¨á á¨ááŤáአá ááŁááłáá˝ á˛áááą áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "For the last couple of weeks there were rumors to the effect that a large group of ranked officers in Turkish Armed Forces would be forced to retire by the end of summer."
} | 0.844857 |
"amh": "á¨áľáááľá ááłá áĽáá
áľáá´ á¨áĽááá
ááŽááá˝ áĄáľá á¨á°á°áŤá áá¨áŤ áááá áĽáŹ áááź áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "My guess is that last night's move was an organized attempt by this group of officers."
} | 0.848828 |
"amh": "á áááá
á ááááľáą áá¨áŤ á¨á°áľá°ááá á¨áłáá ááá ááá
áľ áááľ áĽá áĽá áŤáááá á¨á´áŤ ááľáááłáĽ ááá á¨á°á°áá âááľá á¨á°á á áľááááľáâ áľáŤáľáŤáááľá áłáááá°á ááĽáŤáŤáľ áá˝áááĄáĄ áááłá á°ááá
áˇáᣠá˘áŤááľ áááá
á ááááľáľ á¨ááŤááľ ááłáĽ á áᣠááá á ááŤá áá á áá
áážááá á ááŁááł á á á¨áŁá˘á ááááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "The quite obvious lack of organization and inefficiency observed in the attempted coup can also be explained without resorting to conspiracy theories or theatricality of a staged ploy: The junta prepares for, or at least entertains the idea of a coup but somehow the news of the attempt is leaked and rumor gets around."
} | 0.662271 |
"amh": "á ááłááľ ááááľáłáľ áá¨áá áá°ááłá¸áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Government learns about this."
} | 0.767293 |
"amh": "áŁááá áłáááľ á¨á¤ááśáá ááĽááľ áĽáá°ááá áŁáááľ áĽááľ áááľ ááľáĽ á á áŤá á¨áá á˘ááŁá˛áá˝ á á¨áŁá˘ á¨áłá¨á á¨áá áľááľ áá ááŁááłááš á áľá°áá˝áŚ á áľááá ááá áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "The disappearance of ErdoÄan for the last week and the excitement of several foreign embassies in the last few days can also be attributed to these rumors."
} | 0.792651 |
"amh": "ááááľáľ á á
áľá áĽááá áážáľ ááľáĽ á ááá áĽá á¨áááłáá ááľáááľ á áá¨áłáľ áááá
á ááááľáąá ááłáŞáŤ á ááľá¨á áĽá á áá áá ááŤáą ááááľ áá ááá áľ á áŁá áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "It is also quite possible that the government, with the comfort of being forewarned and realizing the limits of the junta, may have planned to turn this into an advantage and instrumentalize a potential coup for its own benefit."
} | 0.628364 |
"amh": "ááááŁáľá áááłáá á áá á áĽáá
áľáá´ áá áĽááłá áááŤá á á
á°á ááááᣠáá
á ááłáŠá á¨á áá á¨á°á¨áá° áĽá á¨á°áá áŤá°áááááĄáĄ",
"en": "They may have also planned to catch all the junta in the act thus making it a more open and shut case."
} | 0.673931 |
"amh": "ááááŁáľá áááłá ááľá˘áŠ áĽááłáá°áá¨á áľ áĽááłáá ááá˝ áááá á ááášá á¨áá¨á¨áť áááŤá¸áá ááá áá áŤáááá áĽááá á ááá°áľ áŤáłá¸áá áááłá á¨áľáááľááá áá˝áľ ááá á°áŤáá°á ááá áá˝áááĄáĄ",
"en": "Obviously the junta would know that its cover had been blown and in return they may have acted prematurely as a last resort, to save their asses and made the last night's gamble."
} | 0.698553 |
"amh": "áááá
á ááááľáą ááá áááľ áĽáá°áá°á áĽá
á á áŁá ááááŤáłáá áľááłá áá
"en": "I think, this is the most logical explanation of why the coup seemed like a farce."
} | 0.860363 |
"amh": "á¤ááśáá á¨á á°áá á áá áŤááá áľáááľááľ áĽáá° ááŁáŞ áĽáĽááľá áááá¨áą áĽá
á á áŁá áľááá áááľááááĄáĄ",
"en": "As to the the aftermath, I think ErdoÄan is most right when he frames this as a providence from God."
} | 0.786742 |
"amh": "áá
á ááááľáľ áá¨áŤ á á°áťá áá á áááŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "This coup attempt could not have come at a better time."
} | 0.847966 |
"amh": "ááś á°áá፠á˛á᪠á¨áá¨á á¨áá ááá˛áŁ áá° áśá፠á áááŁáľ á¨á°á°áŤá áľá
á°áľáŁ á ááá˛á ááľáĽ áŤáá áłáá ááľáááľáŁ á¨áśá፠áľá°á°áá˝ ááłá áĽááá
áá ááá˛áá áĽááľ á ááą á¨áá°ááá áĽá áá°áŁá á á áľááĽá°á á¨ááźáá áá áŤáá° á˛áŤá°áááľ á¤ááśááá á°áá á¨áá°á¨áą á¨á°áá á áá áá ááĄáĄ",
"en": "The u-turn in foreign policy, the admittance of failure in Syria, the great purge within the party, the issue of Syrian refugees all had brought the party esprit-de-corps to an all time low and alienated ErdoÄan to his base."
} | 0.566567 |
"amh": "áá
á°áá á¤ááśááá á ááá ááľáĽ ááá˛áŤ ááłá áľá áŤááá˝ááááĄáĄ",
"en": "And as such, it provided ErdoÄan a decisive victory in domestic politics."
} | 0.903144 |
"amh": "á áá áá ááľ á°á¨á᪠áá áľá á áľáŤá á᪠áááᣠá¨áŚáááľ áááť á¨á°ááá°áĄáĄ",
"en": "Now he is a victorious leader once again, a veteran."
} | 0.910226 |
"amh": "á¤ááśááá á áľáá á áľááá á¨á°áá áĽá á á ááá á¨á°á°á áĽá á¨áâá፠á᪠áááá á áĽá áŤáľááŁááĄáĄ",
"en": "The people flooding the streets were also united in their leader's defense and this turned into an opportunity to overcome the alienation."
} | 0.552544 |
"amh": "áĽááἠáá áá
á áá áĽá ááĽá á áጠáĽáá°áá ááá áľ á¨ááŤá áŤáĽá á áá°áááĄáĄ",
"en": "ErdoÄan will once again acquire the status of rightly-guided leader who is led and provided by by God."
} | 0.629077 |
"amh": "áá
á¨á¨á¸á áááá
á ááááľáľá á¨áľáŹáłáááľ áá˝ á áááĄáĄ",
"en": "And of course there is no doubt that he will use this credit to utmost limits."
} | 0.746305 |
"amh": "áá áľáááľááąá á áá°áĽ á°áá á ááŤáł áážá˝ áĽáá°áááŠáľ ááááľ áĽáá˝áááᤠáá
á°áá á áľááá ááąáá ááá˝ á¸áá áĽá á¨áá á¨áááá¸áá á¨ááŤá¨ááᥠáá¸ááĄáĄ",
"en": "Kind of like the Auspicious Affair (Vaka-yÄą Hayriye) of 1826 whereby the Janissary corps were abolished once and for-all, this failed coup has a facet of auspiciousness."
} | 0.568765 |
"amh": "á 1960ᣠ1980 áĽá 1997 á á°á°á¨á áááá
á ááááľáłáľ ááłáľ á°ááśáŁáłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Yet, imagining the aftermath we can also predict that it will have several facets which will prove quite oppressive and burdensome for Turkish citizens."
} | 0.645867 |
"amh": "á¨á¤ááśáá áĽá á¨áá á áĽáŁáá ááá˛á ááľá áĽá áááľ ááᲠáááłáľ á áľá
á¨-áĽáľáŤ áááą ááá áŚáŠ á ááá ááľáĽ ááá˛áŤ á¨áá á¨áá áľááť á ááááá á áłáááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "The rise of Erdogan and his conservative AKP party (Justice and Development Party) in the post-millennial era saw the role of the army in domestic politics weaken."
} | 0.721987 |
"amh": "á
á ááááľáąá ááááἠáŤáá¸áá á°ááłá˝ááľ á á°á°ááá áŤáłáŠáľ á¤ááśáá á áąáá áłáŞá á¨áá አáĽá
á á áŁá áĽááą áĽá á¨áá°á áááľ áŤáá¸á ááŞáá˝ á ááą á°á°ááá á á°áá ááłáŤááĄáĄ",
"en": "Erdogan, who has stated his ambition to change the constitution on a number of occasions, is widely viewed as one of the most powerful and ambitious rulers in Turkey's history."
} | 0.840967 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá ááá˛á á˛ááá áá áľá áááłáľ á¨á°ááá°á á¨á˘áŽáá ááľááľá á áá¨ááἠááá á˘ááá á¨ááááľáľ ááłáá á°á¨áľá áá° áá¨á¤áľ áśá፠áááľ áááá áĽá á ááľáŤá á¨áááŞáą ááá á áľááľ áááłáľ áĽáľá áŤáľáá á¨á á¨áŠááąá˝ á áá˝áŤá áá áŤáá áááľ ááŁáŁáą áááŞáąá áá° áŚáááľ áĽá áá°ááŤáľá°ááá áááł á áááłááĄáĄ",
"en": "Although his party was initially credited for ensuring a decade of robust economic growth, the country has spiralled into insecurity and war following the government's decision to wade into the conflict in neighbouring Syria and escalate a decades-old conflict with Kurdish militants in the east of the country."
} | 0.797565 |
"amh": "á¨á¤á áĽá á áááľáľáŠ áś/á á´áľáŽáľ á áľááá ááĽá¨á¨áąáľ áĽá¤á á 2012áą á¨ááá°á á¨á¤á°á°áĽ ááŁá ááŁá áá áááá á˛áŤá°ááá˘",
"en": "Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Minister of Health, Ethiopia, speaking at the London Summit on Family Planning in 2012."
} | 0.861432 |
"amh": "á áŁá á ááŤáľ á¨áá¨á¨áťááš áĽáŠáá˝ á ááłá¸áá áááá¨áĽ áľáá
á¨áá°áĄá áľ áĽááľ áłáááłáľ á áľááľááᣠá ááłááľ á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá á°á°ááŁáżá á¨ááá á¤á áľáá
áľ á á
áá ááááá á ááááŹáľ áťá ááá á-ášá ááá°áŤáľ á¨áłáŠáľ á´áľáŽáľ á áľááá áá á¨áá¨á¨ áááť áĽáŤá°á¨á ááá˘",
"en": "Photo by Flickr user UK DFID. CC BY-SA 2.0 Some Ethiopians are fiercely campaigning against Tedros Adhanom, Ethiopiaâs candidate to replace Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun, as director general of World Health Organization, just a few weeks before member states are set to vote on the final three candidates."
} | 0.756421 |
"amh": "á¨ááľáá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨áá ááłá áĽá á¨á¤á áĽá á áááľáľá á´áľáŽáľáŁ á¨ááŤáľáłááá áłá፠áá˝áłá áĽá áĽáááááá á´áŞáľ ááŁáŽ áá áá á
áá ááááá áááą áŁááá áĽá áá á¨áĽá á°ááŤáŤáŞáá˝ ááŤá¨á á°áłááśáá¸á á¨áᥠáŚáľáľ ááŠáá˝ á ááą áá¸áá˘",
"en": "Tedros, a former Ethiopian foreign and health minister, along with Pakistanâs Sania Nishtar and the UKâs David Nabarro are the three director-general nominees who made the cut from a larger pool of candidates in January."
} | 0.785841 |
"amh": "á áá áŤá á¨áááἠáľáá á¨á°á°á¨áááľ á
áľááł áĽáŤá°á¨á áŤááľ áś/á á´áľáŽáľáŁ á ááľáľáŠ áĽáŠ ááľá áŤáá¸á á°á°ááá ááá áŤáá˘",
"en": "Tedros, who is running a well-funded campaign, is considered as a prime contender in the race."
} | 0.725532 |
"amh": "ááľá á á ááŞáŤ á
áĽá¨áľ á°ááŁáááľ áŤááá áĽáŠááłá¸á áŁááá áłáááľ á°áá á¨áĽáááá á¨áááááá áááľ á¨ááľáá áá á¸áá á ááľáŠ ááźáá á°ááŁáááľ á ááá°ááá˘",
"en": "His candidacy was endorsed by the African Union, and just last week he picked up an endorsement of Andrew Mitchell, the UKâs former international development secretary."
} | 0.73142 |
"amh": "ááá áá á¨áá áááťá¸á ááŁá á¨áááá á°ááá á°áááŚáŁá¸ááá˘",
"en": "However, he is facing unrelenting opposition from his own citizens."
} | 0.89001 |
"amh": "á á ááŤá¸á ááłá á á ááŞáą ááááĽáľ áĽáá°á°ááá á¨áá°áá¸á á˘áľáŽáľáŤááŤá á¨áááĄá áłááá á¨á ááŁáááá˝ áľáĽáľáĽ á¨áááá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á ááŤá áá á¨áááááľ á¨áá áá¨áŤá¨áŞáŤ á áá
á¨áĽ á áś á´áľáŽáľ áĽááłááá¨áĄ á á˘áá°áááľ áá áááť á ááŤáŤ áááť áĽáŤáŤááą ááá˘",
"en": "Ethiopians who feel marginalized by their country's government are campaigning hard against him online, arguing he should not be elected because he represents the interests of Ethiopiaâs autocratic ruling elites and not the people."
} | 0.803475 |
"amh": "á¨ááá á¨á¨á á° áľáá
"en": "The irony is beyond tragic."
} | 0.707589 |
"amh": "á #á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á°á áá áá áá°ááá áááá á°á áŤá á¨áááľ á°á á#ááá á¨á¤á áľáá
áľ á á
áá áá ááá áááľ áĽá¨á°ááłá°áŠ ááá˘",
"en": "The person who is responsible for the crimes against humanity in #Ethiopia is running for #WHODG! #NoTedros4WHO â Kirubel á°ážá (@kiruskyy) April 28, 2017"
} | 0.748907 |
"amh": "#á´áľáŽáľ_áĽááłááá¨áĄ â ááŠá¤á á°ážá (@kiruskyy) April 28, 2017",
"en": "Tedros Adhanom presided and participated in the biggest financial corruption scandal of misusing Global fund in Ethiopia. #NoTedros4WHO â Amsalu (@AmsaluKassaw) April 28, 2017"
} | 0.595682 |
"amh": "á #á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á°á áá áá áá°ááá áááá á°á áŤá á¨áááľ á°á á#ááá á¨á¤á áľáá
áľ á á
áá áá ááá áááľ áĽá¨á°ááłá°áŠ ááá˘",
"en": "The person who is responsible for the crimes against humanity in #Ethiopia is running for #WHODG! #NoTedros4WHO â Kirubel á°ážá (@kiruskyy) April 28, 2017"
} | 0.748907 |
"amh": "á ááłáŠ áá á¨áá°á¨á ááááŽá˝á ááááááľ áĽáá˛ááťá¸á áľáá°á áá #NoTedros4WHO (á´áľáŽáľ áĽááłááá¨áĄ) á áá áá˝áłá áááť á áľááááá˘",
"en": "They have organized Twitter campaigns under a hashtag #NoTedros4WHO to organize conversations surrounding the topic."
} | 0.784288 |
"amh": "á°áá˝ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ ááľáĽ á¨áá á¨áá áľááť áĽáá˛á¨áą áááľá¨áᣠáś/á á´áľáŽáľá á áĽááľ áááľáŁ á áá¸áľ áá¨á á á
áŤá˘ááľ áĽá áľáŹáą á áá°áľ á¨á°ááá áááá á¨ááŤááᥠáááá áĽááľ á ááá°ááá˘",
"en": "To make his Ethiopian government profile at the top of the publicâs consciousness, his opponents have share detailed research that accuses Tedros of inefficiencies, misreporting, and exaggerations of his achievements when he used to serve in Ethiopia."
} | 0.725662 |
"amh": "á¨áááą á°ááŤáŤáŞáá˝ áá á¨áś/á á´áľáŽáľ ááľá á¤ááľ á°á°ááá áľ á á˘áá°áááľ á˛áááá á¨áá ᨠááľáá˘",
"en": "One of the images that have circulated against Tedros, showing his face with an X over it next to the two other candidates."
} | 0.669201 |
"amh": "á¨áľáá°á áá á¨á°ááá˘",
"en": "Shared by Twitter user @DahlaKib"
} | 0.552022 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááłá á¨á°ááá áááťááš á¨áá¸áá ááľáá¸áá áááá°áá á°áĽá á˘á°ááᣠá¨ááááĽáľ á°áá˝ áĽáŠááłá¸áá á áá°áá áááť áĽáŤáŤááą ááá˘",
"en": "However, amid fears that the campaign might diminish his chances, government groups are also running a parallel campaign supporting his candidacy."
} | 0.859952 |
"amh": "áĽá¤á á¨ááŤá፠2014 ááᎠá á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨á°áŤáá°á áááŁá á°ááá á¨ááá ááá˝ á¨á°á áá ááááĽáľ ááľááłáá˘",
"en": "Since April 2014, a popular protest movement in Ethiopia has challenged the government, which has responded brutally."
} | 0.88472 |
"amh": "á¨á°áĽáŁá ááĽáśá˝ áłáᢠá˘áŤááľ 800 á°áá˝ áááłá¸á áĽá áĽá áşá á°ááááá˝ áĽá á ááśáá˝ á¨ááá አáĽáá˘á°áá˝ ááłá°ááᣠáá°áá¨áłá¸áá áááżáá˘",
"en": "According to Human Rights Watch, at least 800 people have died, and thousands of political opponents and hundreds of dissidents have been imprisoned and tortured."
} | 0.827792 |
"amh": "áĽá¤á á¨áĽá
ááľ 2016 ááᎠá ááá áĽá
á á¨áŁáľ á¨áááľ á¨ááᣠáááŞáŤáá˝ ááŤá¨á á ááąá á á áľá¸áłá áá á áá
"en": "Since October 2016, authorities have imposed some of the worldâs toughest censorship laws after it declared a state of emergency."
} | 0.839128 |
"amh": "á¨ááá ááá˛áŤ áá",
"en": "The role of ethnic politics"
} | 0.924201 |
"amh": "á ááłááľ á°áşááťá¸á á¨áś/á á´áľáŽáľá ááłá¨áľ á¨áááááľ á¨áĽááľ áááľ á ááŁá¸á á áá ááá˘",
"en": "Some of Tedrosâ detractors say they oppose his candidacy because of his alleged incompetence."
} | 0.814902 |
"amh": "ááá áá á áĽáááá á¨áá¨á¨ á°ááá á¨áááŤá á¨ááá ááá˛áŤ ááá˘",
"en": "But a big part of what drives the fierce opposition to Tedros is the logic of ethnic politics."
} | 0.786959 |
"amh": "áś/á á´áľáŽáľ áá¤á˝á˛áŤá¸áá á¨áŤááľ á áá
á á¨á°áĽ á¤á á¨áá˛áááá áŠáá¨ááľá˛ ááá˘",
"en": "Tedros holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nottingham in community health."
} | 0.841066 |
"amh": "á¨ááááŞáŤ á˛ááŞáŤá¸áá á áŁáŽáá á¨á áľá፠áŠáá¨ááľá˛áŁ á¨ááŤá á¨ááá°á áŠáá¨ááľá˛ á¨ááľáľáŹáľ áľááŞáŤá¸áá á á˘ááŠááá áŚá á˘ááááşá¨áľ á˛áááľ á áá°ááá˘",
"en": "He studied biology at Asmera University before he completed a masterâs degree in immunology of infectious diseases in London."
} | 0.819856 |
"amh": "ááá áŤá
á á áľáá
ááľ áĽá á˘áá áĽááłáŁ á°áá˝ á¨áś/á á´áľáŽáľá áĽá á˛á°á á¨áááŁáŁá¸á á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ á¨áá°áá¸áá á°áá˝áŁ á¨áłá°áŠ á áşá á¨ááá አá°ááááá˝ áĽá á¨á°á°áአáĽáᢠáŁáŽá˝ ááľá áá á°áŤáá ááá˘",
"en": "When people hear his name, as qualified as he may be, his opponents associate him with a repressive Ethiopian government that has killed people, jailed thousands of political opponents, and imprisoned and tortured dissidents."
} | 0.772971 |
"amh": "á¨áĽá á¨áĽááŁá ááá¸á á¨ááá¨á áĽá¤á á 1991 áá¤á˝á˛á á¸áá áĽáá°áŤá á¨áľááŤá á¤á á˘áŽ á᪠á°á°ááá á˛ážá ááá˘",
"en": "His meteoric rise to power started soon after he finished his Ph.D. in 1999 when he was tasked to lead the Tigray regionâs health department."
} | 0.823964 |
"amh": "á áááľ áááľ ááľáĽáŁ áŤáłá¸áá á¨áľááŤá á°ááá
á¨áááľ á¨ááľá á á
áá áááľáľá áááľ ááá á¨á ááŞáą á¨á¤á áĽá á áááľáľá á áľááá áś/á á´áľáŽáľá ážáá¸áá˘",
"en": "After two short years in Tigray, he was promoted to Ethiopiaâs minister for health by the late prime minister Meles Zenawi, a Tigrayan himself."
} | 0.855482 |
"amh": "áĽá¤á á 2012 á áś áááľ á˛ááą áś/á á´áľáŽáľ á¨áá ááłá áááľáľá á°á°ááá á°ážáá˘",
"en": "In 2012 when Meles Zenawi died, Tedros became Ethiopiaâs foreign minister."
} | 0.895483 |
"amh": "áľááŤá á áĽáá á¨á°á¨ááááľ áá á á¨áá´áŤá áááá˝ á áᡠáá˝á˘",
"en": "Tigray is one of the nine regional states that are federated based on ethnolinguistic compositions."
} | 0.883655 |
"amh": "áŁáááľ 26 áááłáľáŁ á¨áľááŤá áááá ááłá°áŤáᣠá¨áľáá áĽá á¨á˘áŽáá ááłáŽá˝á á á ááááľ áááŁá á á ááťáá¸á á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááá˛áŤá ááłáŽá˝ áá ááá¨áá áľá፠ááľá°ááá˘",
"en": "Over the past 26 years, the Tigrayan elites have taken center stage in Ethiopiaâs political affairs, largely due to their control of the military, security and the economy of Ethiopia."
} | 0.877132 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááł á¨ááἠáĽááłá¸á á¨6% áŁáá ááĽáᣠá¨áľááŤá áááá áááá á¨áá¨áá¨áŤáŁ áľáá áĽá ááá˝ á áá á°áááľ á¨áááááľ áŚáłáá˝ á°ááŁáĽá¨ááá˘",
"en": "Though accounting for only 6% of Ethiopiaâs population, all senior positions of countryâs military and security and the most meaningful positions in state institutions are packed by Tigrayan elites."
} | 0.813826 |
"amh": "áá
á°á°áá¨á á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá ááἠ65% á áá¸áááľ á¨áŚáŽá áĽá á¨á á፠áááá áááľ á¨áááá á¨á
áŹáł ááá áá áááˇáá˘",
"en": "This has always been a sore point with the elites of the Oromo and Amhara ethnicities, who together comprise 65% of Ethiopiaâs population."
} | 0.786417 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ á ááŁáááá áá´áá˝á á¨áá áá á˛ááᣠá¨ááá˛áŤ áá
áłáŠá áá ááᤠááá áá áĽáá° á ááŞáŤ áĽá áĽáááá áŤá áľááá
á ááŤáľá áľáá ááá ááá˘",
"en": "Ethiopia's government has used authoritarian tactics against its people and the country's politic space is a closed one; however, it enjoys the support of powerful countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom."
} | 0.877409 |
"amh": "á áááááá ááľá¨á á¨á ááááľáĽ á ááááŁáŁáľ",
"en": "Domestic disputes on a global platform"
} | 0.736902 |
"amh": "á¨áś/á á´áľáŽáľ áĽáŠááľ á¨áá áá á ááŤáŤ á°ááá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááá˛áŤ áľáá á áááááá á á°áŁáŁá ááááŁá¨á
ááááŠá áá áááá˘",
"en": "The vigorous opposition to the Tedros candidacy suggests that Ethiopians political struggle has spilled over into the international arena."
} | 0.83389 |
"amh": "áá
á á ááľ á áŠáᣠá¨áááááá ááľá¨á á á áá ááľáĽ á¨á°áááá á¨ááá˛áŤ áá
áłá ááľá ááááá áŤáłáŤáá˘",
"en": "In some sense, it also suggests that these global platforms have become a substitute for a repressed domestic political space."
} | 0.772389 |
"amh": "áᏠá ááŞá 28ᣠá á ááŽá á°ááľ 18:00 áĽá á áá˝ááá°á á˛á˛ 12:00 á¨á°ááľ á áá áĽáá˛áá á áĽáááá á°ááľ 17:00 á°ááľ áá á¨áľáá°á áááť áááŤáá˘",
"en": "Since Ethiopiaâs local political institutions and communications infrastructure are controlled by the government, diaspora groups, however sporadic and uncoordinated their efforts may be, have used the opportunity to shed light on the human rights violations using Twitter campaigns."
} | 0.577294 |
"amh": "com/YIXHJjErwB â ááľáá¤á ááŽáá (@NatnaelMekonne7) April 28, 2017 áᏠá ááŞá 28ᣠá á ááŽá á°ááľ 18:00 áĽá á áá˝ááá°á á˛á˛ 12:00 á¨á°ááľ á áá áĽáá˛áá á áĽáááá á°ááľ 17:00 á°ááľ áá á¨áľáá°á áááť áááŤáá˘",
"en": "A twitter campaign on today April 28th Europe Time 18:00 And 12:00 PM Washington DC USA Time 17:00 Uk time Key tags #NoTedros4WHO & #WHODG â Natnael Mekonnen (@NatnaelMekonne7) April 28, 2017"
} | 0.702935 |
"amh": "áĽá¤á á 2015áą á¨ááá á¨á áŤáŁá˘ áá á¨á ááŞáŤ á¤ááŁá˛ áľááá°á áŤá°á¨áá á¨á°ááŞáá˝ áááážá áá á¨ááááť áááá áŤá°á¨áá á´á˛ á ááŽá˘",
"en": "Ethiopian singer Teddy Afro, who delivered opening remarks at a U.S. Embassy-sponsored workshop for students on the occasion of World Environment Day 2015."
} | 0.808537 |
"amh": "ááś á¨á ááŞáŤ á¤ááŁá˛áŁ á á˛áľ á á ᣠCC BY-ND 2.",
"en": "Photo by U.S. Embassy Addis Ababa; CC BY-ND 2.0."
} | 0.816439 |
"amh": "á¨á´á˛ á áᎠá áá áá˝ ááĽáĽ á¨ááŤá ááĽáá á¨ááá áľáá áŽá˝á á¨á°áťáᨠá ááááá á
áĽáᣠá ááľááľ áĽá áá
á ááááŁáľ á¨ááŁá á áľáááááľ áá áŤá°áŠáŤáá˘",
"en": "Ethiopian singer Tewodros Kassahunâs most anticipated and highly promoted studio album was released to great fanfare at the beginning of May 2017."
} | 0.729988 |
"amh": "á ááá áĽá áŚáŽáá ááጠá ááááá áľ á ááľ ááá á ááááá áá°áá á¨á áŽáľá˛á ááłáᣠá¤á ááłá áĽáá˛áá áľáŤá áá á áá
áś á¨á°á ááá á ááľ ááłá ááá˘",
"en": "The album also includes a song with lyrics in a coded language, which is being interpreted by some as a rebuke to his detractors."
} | 0.59319 |
"amh": "á á ááą - áá áŤááá - á´á˛ á áᎠá áá áŚáŽáá á¨áŹá áá ááጠá°áŤáá°áá˘",
"en": "Ever since he caught the public's attention with his debut album in early 2001, Teddy Afro has been a household name in Ethiopia."
} | 0.369763 |
"amh": "- áĽáĽáŤáľ á°ážá - áá 2, 2017",
"en": "He is a melodic singer and prolific songwriter."
} | 0.627293 |
"amh": "á áľááááš áĽá á°áşááš á áááᣠá ááĽááš áĽá ááá áááś á á˛á˛ á˝áá ááľá áłááá áá ááłá´ áá ááá á°ááá¨ááá˘",
"en": "Ethiopiaâ, a single that appeared on his new album, racked up millions of views on YouTube as soon as it was released."
} | 0.689579 |
"amh": "á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááá á áá á á¨áᏠáŚáľáľ áłáááľ á¨á°ááá áá˛á
á áá
á áŤá áá˛áŤáá˝ á¨á°áŤáá°á á áĽááá áááá áľá á´á˛ á¨ááá˛áŤ áááá˝ áá áá˘",
"en": "Within a period of just 1 week, the single audio music of #TedyAfro, #Ethiopia has reached 1.9 million views on YouTube."
} | 0.81509 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áŁááĽááŁááľ á¨ááá áááľá ááá áŁááá á¨ááá˛áŤ áááááśá˝á á ááá ááłáááá˘",
"en": "Ground Breaking! â áááŤáľ (@MickyEthiopia) April 25, 2017"
} | 0.644637 |
"amh": "á á°áá \"á áŤáľá°á°ááŤá\" á¨á°áŁáá á ááą ááá ááá á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááá˛áŤ á°ááááá˝ ááŤá¨á á¨áĽáá
áĽáŞ á¨ááŤá°ááᣠááłáá ááááĽáá´á á¨ááŤááľáľ ááá á°áá á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááááĽáľ ááá áŁááá á á á¨ááá
áľ á°á°áá ááá°áľ áá˝ááá˘",
"en": "The recurring theme in Afro's albums, is the need to nurture countrywide harmony, unity, and love which transcend ethnic and religious boundaries in his beloved Ethiopia."
} | 0.774613 |
"amh": "áĽááá˝ áá
áá áá á¨áľá
ᨠ1997áą áá፠áááľ áá áľáá áá¨áá¸á á¨ááááĽáľ á°ááá ááááŤá¸á á áľááááłáá˘",
"en": "Expanding upon this foundation, this latest album solidifies this message, both in thematic content and lyrics."
} | 0.705294 |
"amh": "á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áłáŞáᣠáĽááá˝ á¨ááá ááľ áááŽá° ááá á¨áŁááá˝ áá
áľáŁ á¨ááá áá°ááá áŤáá áľ 3000 áááłáľ á¨ááá á¨ááááááľ ááŽáááľ áĽááŤá \"á á°áŁáłá˘ áłáŞá\" áá¤áľ áĽáá°áá ááᢠááá áá áá
ááŽáááľ á 1983ᣠá áĽááľ á ááľ áŚáááľ áĽáá˛áá¨áĽ á°á°áááá˘",
"en": "While the album is mainly an Amharic language pop music offering, some segments of lyrics are inserted into his Amharic songs from other Ethiopian languages, such as Afan Oromo, Tigeregna, and Sidama, which all reflect the singerâs philosophy and interests."
} | 0.718897 |
"amh": "áááááĽáľ á°áááá˝ áĽá áááá áĽááá°áá˝ á´á˛ áá°áŞ áá áá á¨ááłáŤá¸áá˘",
"en": "He blends his version of reggae with Ethiopian beats, styles, and instruments."
} | 0.73158 |
"amh": "áŽááłá á°áľááŹá˘",
"en": "Yonatan Tesfaye."
} | 0.863223 |
"amh": "ááś á á˘áŤáľááľ á°áľáᏠ(@eyasped) áľáá°á áá á¨á°áá á",
"en": "Photo shared on Twitter by Eyasped Tesfaye @eyasped"
} | 0.792184 |
"amh": "áá áłáááľ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤáŁ áááľ áłáá á¨á°áĽáŁá ááĽáľ á°ááážá˝ áá˘áá ááááĽáľ á áá°á¸áłá¸á á ááľáĄá \"á¨áááłáłáľ\" ááľ á¨áá áŤá á¨áĽáľá á
áŁáľ á¨á°áŁááŁá¸á áłáááľ ááá˘",
"en": "This week in Ethiopia, two prominent human rights advocates and critics of the ruling government were given long-term prison sentences for incitement on Facebook."
} | 0.854894 |
"amh": "áááŚáľ 17ᣠáŽááłá á°áľáᏠá áá á á¨ááľáĄá á˝áááš ááááĽáľá á¨áááá á ááá˝á \"á ááłáľá°áá\" á áá á¨áľáľáľáľ áááľ á¨áľáľáľáľ áá áĽáľá á
áŁáľ áĽáá á°áááá áłáá˘",
"en": "On May 25, Yonatan Tesfaye was sentenced to six years and three months in prison for incitingâ antigovernment protests in nine Facebook updates."
} | 0.843316 |
"amh": "á°á á áá: á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áá´áŤá áááľ á¤áľ á¨ááľáá á¨á°ááŤá ááᲠá¨ááἠáááááľ ááá áŽááłá á°áľáᏠáá á á˝áĽá á¨6 áááľ á¨3 áá á¨áĽáľá á
áŁáľ á áľá°áááá áľá˘",
"en": "Breaking: #Ethiopia fed court sentenced former oppos'n Blue party PR head #YonatanTesfaye to six years & 3 months in jail for terrorism â Addis Standard (@addisstandard) May 25, 2017"
} | 0.678655 |
"amh": "á¨2008 ááᎠá¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤá áᢠááᲠáŤáľá¨áááá á°ááá á°á¨áľáᣠá¨30 áááą áá
á¨ááĽáśá˝ á áŤáá
á°ááááá á áá á˛ááá˝ áá áá˘",
"en": "The 30-year-old activist has been an outspoken opponent of governmentâs violent response to the popular protest movement that has challenged Ethiopiaâs ruling party and government since 2015."
} | 0.82613 |
"amh": "áŽááłá á 2008 á áá áááą á¨áá°áá áą á ááľ ááłááá á°áááᣠá¨á°ááŤá ááᲠá¨ááἠáááááľ ááá á ááá á áááááá˘",
"en": "Yonatan had previously served as a press officer for the leading opposition Blue Party before resigning in 2015."
} | 0.803849 |
"amh": "áŽááłá á¨á°á¨á°á°áŁá¸á áá á á¨ááľáĄá á˝áááš áá°áááááš á ááááľá á¨ááłá¨áłá¸áá áŁáťááᣠáááá˝ ááááľ á¨áááĽá áĽá á°á á ááłá˝ á áá
áĽáá˛áá áĽáŞ á¨ááŤá°áá áá áŠá˘",
"en": "Yonatan was jailed for nine Facebook posts that expressed solidarity with the protesters, called for open dialogue and pleaded for an end to the violence."
} | 0.81754 |
"amh": "áŽááłá áá á¨á
áŁáľ áĽáá á¨áá°ááá á ááľ áá á áľááľáᣠá¨ááľá áŁáá°á¨áŁá ááłá¸á á˝ááŤá áá á ááľáĄá á¨ááľáĽ ááľáá á á°áááá á áááááľ áłá˘áŤ á áá
ááááłáłáľ á ááá¨á á¨áĽáá°áááľ áááľ á°ááááá˘",
"en": "The day before his sentencing, Yonatanâs former colleague Getachew Shiferaw, was found guilty of inciting violence for a private message he sent to colleagues through his Facebook messenger app."
} | 0.751357 |
"amh": "á¨á°áááá ááᣠááᨠá˘áľáŽáľáŤ áá á ááá
á¨áá á¨á ááłá¸á á¨á ááľ áááľ á¨áľáľáľáľ áá á¨áĽáľá á
áŁáľ á°áááá áłááŚ",
"en": "The former editor-in-chief of opposition newspaper Negere Ethiopia, Getachew was sentenced to one year and six months in prison:"
} | 0.802527 |
"amh": "á°á á áá - á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áááľ á¤áľ á¨ááᨠá˘áľáŽáľáŤ ááᣠáá á ááá
áá áĽáľáŤáá á¨áłá°á¨áá áŤá
áᣠá¨1 áááľ á¨6 áá á¨áĽáľá á
áŁáľ áĽáá á áľá°áááá˘",
"en": "Breaking- #Ethiopia court sentenced #GetachewShiferaw, editor-in-chief of Negere Ethiopia NP, to 1yr & half in jail, time he already served â Addis Standard (@addisstandard) May 26, 2017"
} | 0.598875 |
"amh": "á¨ááľáĄá áááááľ áááᥠá 2004 á¨ááľáá á á
áá áááľáľá áááľ ááá á áá˝ááá°á á˛á˛ á¨á°á á˛áááá¨á áá áááá á˛áŤá°áá á¨á°á¨á°á°áŁá¸áá á¨áá°ááá áá áá á¨áááá˝ áá áᢠááłá¸á á áťáá áááááľ ááľáĽ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ á¨ááá˛áŤ áá
áłáŠ áľáá á á ᣠáŁááĽááŁááąá á áľááá
ááľá¨áŽá˝ áá°ááá áá°á á áľááľ ááá á áá áľâ áĽááá˘",
"en": "The Facebook message that allegedly contained inciting content made reference to a heckling incident targeting late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi at a 2012 symposium in Washington, D.C. In the message Getachew wrote, since the political space in Ethiopia is closed heckling Ethiopian authorities on public events should be a standard practice.â"
} | 0.778828 |
"amh": "áĽááá
áĽááĽáá á¨áááłáá ááá áá á¨ááŹáľ ááĽáľ áĽá á áĽá ááá˝á áá á¨áłá ááĽáśá˝á áĽá¨á á¨áá°á¨á á°ááááá˝á á á ááá á ááá á¨ááľáá áááť á°á á á¨áá ááá˝ áĽááśáš áá¸áá˘",
"en": "These cases are among many others of less well-known citizens who have spoken out against the regime's violent targeting of protesters demanding protections for land rights and other fundamental freedoms."
} | 0.776316 |
"amh": "áĽáá° á°áĽáŁá ááĽáśá˝ áłáá˘áŁ 800 á¨ááá˛áŤ á°ááááá˝ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áááľ áĽá
á˛áá°á ááá˝ á áşáá˝ á¨ááá አá°áá áłáľá¨áᣠá¨áá°áá¨áľ á°ááŁá á°áá
"en": "According to Human Rights Watch, at least 800 people have died at the hands of Ethiopian police, and thousands of political opponents have been imprisoned and tortured during the protests."
} | 0.822444 |
"amh": "ááľáĄá áĽá ááá˝ á¨áá
á áŤá ááľáŤ ááľá¨áŽá˝ á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áŁááĽááŁááľ áĽá á°ááááá˝ ááŤá¨á á¨ááááááľ ááá¨áá áá áĽá¨á°áŤááą ááá˘",
"en": "Facebook, along with other social media platforms, has had a central role in interactions between authorities and protesters."
} | 0.853787 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áŁááĽááŁááľ á ááŤá፠2006 ááᎠáĽáľáŤáá ááááá á¨á°ááá ááá á áá
á áŤá áá˛áŤá ááá
"en": "Ethiopian authorities have blamed social media for waves of protests that began in April 2014 and have continued ever since."
} | 0.903401 |
"amh": "á áĽá
ááľ áá 2009 á¨áłáááá á¨á áľá¸áłá áá á áá
á°á¨áľáᣠááľáĄá á á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áĽááłááłá áłááˇáá˘",
"en": "In October 2016, Facebook was blocked in Ethiopia as part of the government's state of emergency."
} | 0.894407 |
"amh": "ááá áĽááł áľáááá ááĽáŤá¸áá ááá
áŁááťááᣠáĽá á°ááá áĽáľá¨áá˝ á¨ááľáĄá á˝áá á ááá°áłá¸áᣠá ááťáá¸á ááá á áááŤáłá¸á áĽáť ááááľ áĽá¨áá¨áĄ ááá˘",
"en": "Although it is difficult to know the precise number of detainees, dozens of arrests appear to have been triggered by a person posting, liking or sharing a post on Facebook."
} | 0.822235 |
"amh": "ááá˝ á°áá á¨áłáŤáľá፠á°ááááá˝ áá á áá áááááľ á áááááŁá¸á áá á¨áłá°áŠáľá˘",
"en": "Others have been arrested for communicating with diaspora-based activists through Facebook messages."
} | 0.842366 |
"amh": "á¨á˘áľáŽáľáŤ áŁááĽááŁááľ áĽáľá¨áášá á¨ááľáĄá á¨ááá áááťá¸áá á ááá á á¨ááá ááˇá¸á ááśá˝ áĽá¨á°áááą ááĽá°ááá˘",
"en": "These cases have been compounded by an increasingly common practice in which Ethiopian authorities demand that detainees divulge their Facebook logins and passwords."
} | 0.732793 |
"amh": "á ááłáá´áŁ ááá˝ ááá ááľ áłááá á¨áľáŁá¸á ááłá°áŠá á¨ááľáĄá á¨ááá ááá¸áá áĽáá˛á°áĄ á°áá°áᣠáŁááĽááŁááą á¨áĽáá áŤá á ááŤáááľ ááľ ááá á¨áľáŁá¸ááá˘",
"en": "In some cases, people have been arrested before being charged, forced to hand over their Facebook credentials, and then charged based on what authorities find in their accounts."
} | 0.764213 |
"amh": "áááľ á¨ááĽáľ á áŤááá˝á áŤá°á¨ á áá á¨ááľáĄá á¨ááá ááá¸áá á ááá á á ááŤá°ááá áĽáá áŤáŁ á¨áá á¨áááááľ ááááŚáťá¸áá á á
áś ááľ ááá ááľáŁá¸ááá˘",
"en": "Police will arrest activists, force them to hand over their Facebook credentials, and then charge them based on what they find in their private message logs."
} | 0.808838 |
"amh": "ááłá¸á \"á áá
á¨áááłáłáľ\" ááľ á¨á°áá á¨á°á áľ á¨áłá°á¨ á áá á¨ááľáĄá á¨á°á áá áĽáá áĽá á¨ááá ááá áĽáá˛á°áĽ á¨á°áá°á° á áá ááá˘",
"en": "Getachew was charged with inciting violenceâ after he was forced to give his username and password of his Facebook page."
} | 0.834217 |
"amh": "á¨áá á¨áááááľ áááᥠá¨ááľ ááľá¨á á°á°ááá áááľ á¤áľ ááá áá áłáá˘",
"en": "The private chat texts on his Facebook message were presented as evidence in his charge sheet."
} | 0.807081 |
"amh": "áááľ á¤áą ááá áá°á ááᣠá¨áŽááłá áĽá ááłá¸á ááłá
áááśá˝ áááŁá¸áá á ááá áááŁáŠ áľáá ááááááľ áá°áą áśá áĽáá˛á ááá
"en": "Whatever the court decides, friends and family members of Yonatan and Getachew wanted the case to end. So, they would learn their fate, to take their fight to the next stage."
} | 0.816655 |
Subsets and Splits