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0 | Thanks, Fortnite, for not counting me marking Raz s bow. Last week, I marked Raz s bow to complete the mark weapons challenge. I spent about 2 hours trying to kill Raz and finally got him on a stroke of luck. Apparently, the marking didn t count and now I have to do it all over again. I m not even going to try. |
0 | Which Skin are you currently maining? To add a little positivity, hopefully with no judgements. What skin are you all currently maining? I'm maining Frosted Flurry as of right now. |
0 | hi talking about map changes with mel Now, i m not here to say fortnite doesn t do good with their map changes because they do amazing. my thing is why does it seem like it s the same poi s getting map changes and not anywhere else. even if it s something little like the cabin that was added to weeping. the spots that have gotten the most recognition for changing is the middle (obviously), the colossal crops area, and maybe boney burbs if we re talking like C2 S3 now. i would like to see all these untouched spots have something added to them, the BIGGEST thing that had everything different was season 3, most of everything had some type of impact of something but! off topic sorry. i would just like some things to change at places that haven t been touched in a while, (steamy stacks,misty meadows, retail row, holly hedges, slurp swamp, dirty docks, craggy cliffs.) let s disagree, let s agree, let s talk. |
0 | What happened to pets? Did they forget about them? The new antman back bling isn't a pet, and it's annoying. They haven't done a pet in so long even though they were really cool, it's like they just forgot they existed |
0 | Primal Pistol is the second strongest weapon in the game just behind the Primal Shotgun and you can't phase me on this fact. The Primal Pistol (Or PP for short) at legendary rarity does 36 body shot which doesn't seem like a lot when compared to it's counterpart however, it fires two shots and if both headshot that's 144 damage with a single press of the button. Not to mention that is has a very fast fire rate compared to the Revolver. |
0 | Connecting to match really late. Whenever I join a game of duos(or any other mode), it always shows me connecting, for a really long time. I spawn into the match so late that, I get kicked out of the bus at the edge of the island. Also, its really laggy and I can barely move when its done connecting. I have a 40 mbps router (wireless) and i've also tried rebooting it. Can anyone help? |
0 | Fishsticks death was brutal And so was eternal voyager I mean come on this comic is dark but I think I love it for that I kinda wish they did more comics for the lore now Anyone agree? |
0 | What is The best way to get XP? I ve been hoping that I can get a lot of XP because there s a lot of skins I like in the battle pass and most of the things I ve been doing isn t working or is very tedious. |
0 | A question about the Piranhas pickaxe To unlock the Piranhas pickaxe, do I have to play for 30 minutes total on the map, or do I have to spend 30 minutes in one match? |
0 | Any chance for Wick's Bounty Challenges And Rewards to return? John Wick 4 will hit the cinemas in 2022. Do you think that Fortnite will once again have the John Wick LTM return with it's challenges and rewards? Many didn't yet experience it and claim the rewards. |
0 | Party at the 02 is available! I just played through it, and WOW. A mind bending experience, good songs and a truly creative map, once you earn the reward stay in the lobby and enjoy it. A couple people left and totally missed out, Loved this mini event! |
0 | fortnite is running but it isnt task manager doesnt have the task i shut down epic games launcher checked task manager stopped the task i open it again and it still says its running help, also i checked the different desktops |
0 | How long would it take to beat the new LTM to get the umbrella. (Impossible Escape) How long would it take to beat it. Is it a long LTM or is it a shorter one. I want to know how long it will take before I do it. |
0 | Is it too late to get Fortnite Battle Pass season 5? I'm thinking of getting the battle pass for chapter 2 season 5 (first time ever buying a battle pass for any video game ever), even though season 6 starts in about a week. Thing is, it says I'll get 400 V bucks since I'm already level 39 in the game, and I'll be able to play as Mando right away. I have 1500 V bucks left, having used 1500 to buy Kratos. If I get the battle pass, I'll be able to play as Mando and I'll get enough V bucks to get the rest of the Kratos bundle I wanted to get (700). Should I just wait a week until season 6 comes out and get that? Mind you they still haven't announced what they're offering with it yet since it's yet to come out. |
0 | What is the current location that you are seeking? You seem to be in need of some assistance. Your gaming headset was purchased from Dollar Tree, or priced at equivalent value. I am inferring to how easy it is to eliminate you, comparable to not having to pay for the usage of a public restroom. You are quite literally, indisputably, dogwater . You do not posses any Power Rankings, nor have you earned money from playing Fortnite. |
0 | I think Epic views this season as a success... Personally I enjoyed this season, especially in the beginning, but they overdid it with the collabs. And as much as the community "disliked" collabs taking over fortnite it brought a lot of attention to the game, I haven't seen people talking about fortnite this much ever since the Black hole event, and looking at the numbers most people were running some sort of collaboration cosmetic. I'm just worried that they're gonna continue this trend of adding collabs with the "lore excuse" I hope season 6 will take a step back from collabs, although I don't expect it. |
0 | Agent Jones J23 to J31 feels like such a downgrade It's the sunglasses. An option to have sunglasses and the bandana on Jump 31 would be amazing. |
0 | This season is perfect for the green arrow skin There are bows everywhere and it makes using green arrow so fun for me. The bows actually seem good this season and I hope they add different kinds over time |
0 | What are some easy methods to level up fast? On this subreddit and in game, I have seen a lot of people at level 200 or more and it made me wonder how I could reach that level quicker as I don't want to not get the zero point skins. I have done all of my weekly challenges, including this week's, and I am now level 147. |
0 | How did you learn to build first shoot second? I'm a gamer dad trying to play with my daughter. I am coming from other BRs like MW, PUBG, stuff without building. Once shots start firing I always try to find cover, get a different angle, turn on them or whatever. I just never build. I practice building on creative island and do ok there. But once the shooting happens the best I do is a panic wall ramp. Is there a mode or training course or something that you guys recommend to get in that habit? |
0 | I don't remember attending the end live event So in my main account I got this item called the comet spray and you gotta watch the end live event to get it but I don't remember watching it or attending it. What does it mean by that? Just curious cause I was always sceptical about me being on the live event when it was live. So if that confirms that I was indeed in the live event and I just don't remember than great. |
0 | Is it worth it to buy the entire R.E.M Walkers set? Just wanna know, got some money a couple days ago, and I think the skins look really cool (yes, Lexa is my favourite female skin). If you bought the entire set (Skins and pickaxes), is it worth it in your opinion? |
0 | I dont like the predator challenge People that already have the skin land at stealthy stronghold so they can get free kills on everybody else and it is so annoying |
0 | Last Standing Squad Mate Close Call with Death! I really thought we lost when he or she feel down cause that was like the very last storm. But surprisingly, we won! I wanna say thanks to my 2 squad mates I had during this match, if they ever see this post, I just wanna say, you guys were awesome! P.S. This is my squad mates' perspective. Me and the other person died but decided to stay till the end. |
0 | Fortnite is not playable for console players due to Crossplay! I am so sick and tired of having the trouble to be forced to play against pc players. Console players have huge disadvantages against PC players. I just don't get why EPIC ever thought this would be a great idea. Fortnite is dead for me due to Crossplay and I know for sure that many console players have the same opinion. GG epic for ruining a great game. |
0 | Emails dont send to my email I have checked every email that I have and even checked my spam yet I still do not get emails. Does anyone know why |
0 | How do you pick your character I might just be dumb how do you pick your character on Fortnite Reddit kinda new to Reddit. |
0 | Why do people who quit Fortnite hate on it so much? I don t get why people who quit Fortnite seem to hate on it so much. A lot of my friends who stopped playing Fortnite constantly hate on it, and even streamers who got popular because of the game seem to constantly criticize it and its fanbase. I ve never seen this with any other game except for maybe Minecraft back in like 2013 and it doesn t make sense to me. I play the game and I ll sometimes show flaws that I believe they could fix, but I try not to say that the game is bad. These people used to play the game and clearly enjoyed it at some point. Why do they continuously hate on it just because they don t play it anymore? |
0 | Ay fortnite, why is the xp bugged. Ive reached level 20 4 times this season, and im still there Like, ive hit level 20 4 times already. And I finished a match, reached half of level 20 and entered another match and it was reset |
0 | I got abducted while doing quests. Made my day. So i was doing the repair telescopes quests and got abducted? I thought i only can be abducted when i am at risky reels. |
0 | What the deal with the health eating alien? After the update, the first game I played had a small floating alien that lands on your head and eats your health down to 60. He attached to my head after I killed someone. After I was killed, he attached to the person that killed me. What s the deal? |
0 | Hypothetically, What do you want to see in a Chapter 3 map? Chapter 3 is ages away but I think that it would be fun to discuss ideas for a map for the chapter anyways. Personally, I would like to see a big form of map mobility such as the slipstream. One idea I have thought of is a sort of freight train that circulates around the map. It would have a few containers and some flat bead trailers as well. What would be cool is if you could build on these flatbed carriages. Perhaps you could build a base and travel around the map! It would also be very good for the game as one of the main gripes people had with season 1 (C2) is a lack of mobility. Secondly, I think that there should be a rainforest. We did see this in season 8 but it didn't really last too long. It would definitely add a few possibilities for new items, weapons, and even vehicles. The rainforest would also have a river for mobility. Next to the rainforest, there would be a swamp. I imagine that this would be a modern version of my favourite location, moisty mire. What are your ideas? |
0 | Theory on the battle pass. The first image shows a outfit. I have a feeling this is not a regular Soccer Football skin but a of futuristic version of it Like tier 1 Carbide But it's a Brazilian Footballer Soccer player. So half Collab half Fortnite skin. The next image is a picture of shoes which I believe belong to Shadow Midas. Yes I think they are gonna release him. And I think they are gonna release a skin that is a werewolf and that goes from a wolf at night time and a human at daytime. |
0 | After the new trailer we see jonsey has souvenirs from every reality a hunter has been from. I have noticed these so far Daryl s quiver Arkichage Clan tattoo The Mando symbol I forget the name of Jonsey the cat possibly? I think master chiefs armor without the arm armor I think I saw one of Kratos wrist things on the arm on the left Predators invisibility device on the right Flash s Ring Ryu s headband I will be editing the post as I notice more. Point out any I missed in the comments! |
0 | So, there's a few new tracks on Radio Yonder. I don't actually know them, apart from Spag Heddy Zoom and Qoiet x AFK faded GLASS. So, anyone know what they all are? |
0 | Can you use a VPN for DC Infinite? Can you use a VPN to buy DC Infinite so you can get the fortnite code digitally outside US? If so that would be great so I can get harley quinn lol. |
0 | Is the Snakes and Stones pack worth it? I ve been thinking about buying the snakes and stones pack because I m quite fond of the skin, however I m not fully sure that it s worth it. So what does everyone else think? Cop or drop? |
0 | Why does the Ak suck so much? Why is the ak so shitty compared to like every weapon I just want it gone for ever |
0 | Shanty audio desyncs cuts out on Switch when other players join in with Shanty or Sing Along Just purchased the Shanty emote and tried it in Party Royale. I joined in with another user who was using it, and while the audio did restart it played in sync. However, when another user joined in with the third part, their audio was desynced, starting from the beginning while we were partway through the song. This happened again with the fourth part of the song, until I exited the emote and started again, where all four parts were in sync. In addition, when a user playing the Sing Along emote gets near a group playing the Shanty emote, all parts of the song except yours cut out until that user leaves the radius where the emote picks up other users using a squad emote. Platform this occurs on is the Nintendo Switch. |
0 | So is Impossible Escape a laggy mess for everyone, or just me? I'm on Nintendo Switch, and this particular LTM is unplayable. I'm assuming the amount of npcs populating the map all at once, along with the day night cycle ontop of all the quests, extra items and general mayhem is just causing it to shit a brick Anyone else? |
0 | One Shot LTM is SO BROKEN right now wtf happened to one shot (1 ) i found a llama, which let me keep 350 mats each, there's normally a cap in one shot, like 70, 50, and 30, (2 ) i have ONE health and ONE shield, so if i get pickaxed once, i die. you normally have 50 health in one shot (3 ) people are SKYBASING because of those extra mats (5 ) THE LOBBIES ARE BEYOND DEAD, 6 people left, and 2nd zone hasn't even started moving yet??? this might have just been my lobby, but it was the first game i played today |
0 | Can't maintain 160fps. Is it normal for Ryzen 5 2600, 1660 Super user? Hey all, Just a quick question. My fps drops around 80 90 during fights. Is that normal? I've seen gameplays with same computer specs easily maintaining 160fps no problem even during fights. My specs Ryzen 5 2600, 1660 Super, 16gb RAM 3200mhz gpu temp during game is around 60 68. It says on task manager that my GPU only uses around 5 GPU on Dx12, and 30 when I use performance mode which I don't want to use since I get frequent game freezes with performance mode on. Any tips? Thanks! |
0 | Fortnite Controller Youtubers Anyone know any good Fortnite controller players that have a YouTube i am trying to get better but can not relate to PC players. I personally play on Xbox and PS4. |
0 | 'Crooked Claw' pickaxe doesn't have the Plus icon in the locker Minor Bug This is from the latest crew pack, and part of the 'Drift Tracker' set. Edit I am on Windows, if this is a platform specific bug. amp x200B amp x200B Doesn't have the plus icon, despite having multiple styles. |
0 | Fortnite Assets and Textures Hello, I'm looking for game assets and textures for a project I'm creating, somewhere I can find it outside of the game files? Thanks! |
0 | What do ya'll think is the most underrated skin? Like just name any skin that you think is unfairly hated or just doesnt get as much appreciation as it deserves in your opinion. Honestly I would say its Doctor Doom. |
0 | Just started the season, level 7, playing with sweaty PC players. If fortnite isnt dying, has a huge playerbase, then why dont they seperate them? It's not like it'll budge their huge playerbase of console and PC players, right? |
0 | I made a recipe that could be possible in the Loop. This is my first time writing something like this, so tell me what you think. Axo's Recipes Spicy Grilled Beef with Seafood Stew and Corn Ingredients Meat from a Boar 2 Peppers, diced Salt and pepper Slurp Juice 2 fish of any type (recommended Flopper and Hop Flopper) 5 mushrooms, cut into thick slices 1 corn cob Procedure 1. Take the meat and shave off medium sized chunks, big enough not to fall through the grill. 2. Season the meat with salt and pepper and place it on the grill. 3. Grill the meat to your liking. 4. Take the meat off the grill and onto a plate 5. Cook it for a short time in a pan with the peppers. 6. Serve the beef on a plate. For the stew 1. Half fill a pot with Slurp Juice and wait until it boils.. 2. While waiting, cut the fish into cubes. 3. If using recommended fish, remove low gravity gland from the Hop Flopper and discard. 4. When the Slurp boils, place the fish cubes in the pot. 5. Cook the fish until tender. 6. Once done, let cool and place the stew in a bowl. Side Dish 1. Scrape corn off the cob and place in a small bowl. 2. Boil the corn and drain it afterwards. 3. Serve with the beef and stew. Enjoy your meal! |
0 | Wishlist for Chapter 2 Season 7 Area 51 POI replacing Colossal Crops Samus Aran, Luke Skywalker in the Battle Pass The Spire gets destroyed by aliens Stealthy Stronghold becomes a UFO site with camps NO more primal weapons, replaced by futuristic weapons Secret skin should be Loki (MCU version) Peely in Spacesuit outfit in the Battle Pass a Space ship POI that is located were the Yacht was |
0 | Question about accounts and all that stuff So I linked my epic and xbox account for avengers beta to get hulk smashers. I heard that soon xbox will change their multiplayer model so f2p games are actually f2p. This year my sister would reach the age that mom would allow her to play fortnite. And what I have to do so she doesn't play on my account? I have some assholes on my friends list and I don't want them to insult her or talk bad things etc. I am just worried |
0 | Just a reminder kratos will leave tonight according to playstation Just a reminder kratos will leave tonight according to playstation. If you want him right now is your last chance. |
0 | Favorite Collabs this season. What is your favorite hunter collab that we got this season? mine is snake eyes! because of how sick he is and how cool his katana is also. |
0 | I Wish These Two Had Made It In As "Hunters" This Season. It Makes So Much Sense. Too Much. amp x200B Parzival and Art3mis would have made for some amazing skins this season. A male and female, both Gunters Egg Hunters and there's some great possibilities for alternate versions of the skins. 'Tis a shame. |
0 | I just returned after a break, and i have several questions... Why does the elimination goal change in team rumble? what effects it? what's with these primal and makeshift weapons? where do they fit in the story? are they gonna be here next season? why haven't bot grenades been added to creative yet? i wanna reenact WWII battles in creative with bots. pls help |
0 | I m level 197 would I be able to get to level 200 by tomorrow? I finished all my epic challenges except I only finished part 1 of the legendary quest I don t know how to complete that efficiently and I collected all of the XP coins and my blue challenges aren t finished yet and I can do the rest of them in the pit am I set? Would I be able to even go to lvl 205? |
0 | 'Get Headshots with Rifles' problems Is anyone else struggling to so this damn challenge? I'm stuck at 9 10, and have hit another 7 or so headshots, and gotten nothing |
0 | Anyone else absolutely hate the team rumble changes? Like my lobbies are starting with like all the enemies dropping our side and my while team leaving 4 seconds in, it also ruins being able to do challenges. What are your guys thoughts? |
0 | Fortnite freezing dropping FPS for 1 2 seconds It started after the v17.10 update, can someone help me? I've tried to verify game files and even reinstalled the game, i don't know what to do. |
0 | They Fixed The Fossil Flyer! I've been waiting for them to fix the Fossil Flyer for so long! The claw marks are now see through again. I know not many people have the Fossil Flyer but it's my favorite glider and I'm glad it's normal again. |
0 | Get Terminator Bundle for 2,500 v bucks, instead of 2,800 As the title says you can get the terminator set for 2,500 vbucks instead of 2,800. If you buy the terminator skin for 1,500 vbucks, the bundle then goes to 1,000 vbucks, saving you 300! |
0 | Does anyone know who the voice actor for Geno (I think thats his name) in the season 6 event? I just thought I recognised the voice so I am curious to see if anyone knows. I personally think that it is Keifer Sutherland but some say that it could be the Rock so I don't really know. Edit The name of the character is actually The Foundation. |
0 | Will there be an event this season Do u think we will be getting and end event cuz I didn't like the zero crisis event. Cuz I wanted to do it with my friends. |
0 | Things you regret not buying? For me it s gotta be Toon Meowscles and Potassius Peely. They both came out right after I had just bought something else and didn t have any more V Bucks to spend. Hope they return before the end of the season. How about you? |
0 | Anybody need help with challeneges? If anybody needs help with quests n' stuff and play on NA west reply with your name. Wanna help alot of people with their quests before the season ends. Oh yeah I don't a mic so I'll probably use text chat. |
0 | So on the topic of riding ammo We all have seen rocket riding, and right now ok the hot page there is a video of someone riding a sniper bullet. But since they changed shotguns to no longer be hitscan does that mean you can ride shotgun shells? |
0 | Season 6 theory about The Foundation amp The Seven I was thinking back to the event at the beginning of this season and came up with a quick theory on how the Zero Point Spire works and how the rest of the season might play out |
0 | Where can Wildlife be found? I have to complete a challenge which is called Craft a Hunter s Cloak but idk where are the animals are to get the required items to craft it so can anyone tell me where can the wolves and stuff be found |
0 | What are the best building key binds? I just started playing on keyboard but the building keys are tripping me out. I can t find a good combo that works well with the actual game as well. Any suggestions? |
0 | Is this game too glitchy for anyone else? Every pub game I load into, I encounter several glitches and bugs. I don't think I've gone one match in the past month without experiencing some kind of glitch or bug. No other game is like this for me, just fortnite. |
0 | It says I receive my fortnite crew vbucks today but I never received them I thought you got the vbucks after the item shop reset but I have yet to receive them im trying to get deathstroke Edit got them |
0 | What skin would you like to get a counterpart? I feel as if bushranger and axo could use a counterpart tbh tbh (and no, discount mipha doesnt count as a counterpart) |
0 | The stutters and frame drops have been HORRIBLE on PS4 since the last update It is truly the worst I ve seen it. My FPS randomly drop to 15 20, then recover by going to 30, and waver from there to 45 before returning to 60. PC players with good specs have said they are having issues with their FPS also so I would assume it s occurring on all platforms. I looked at the update history for Fortnite in the PlayStation menu and they all say they are for stability yet the game is not stable. PLEASE address the performance issues in the next update. |
0 | i dont like pickaxe frenzy anyomore i dont like shield in pickaxe frenzy it was not a nice touch and makes the game more frustrating than usual. i dont want to play because of how hard it is its frustrating because it takes out the fun and replaces it with sweats it was a bad idea adding shield in pickaxe frenzy i want to quit |
0 | Help! Im trying to figure out if i can reach level 100 this season Im level 64 WITHOUT battle pass and I have a brothers that helps me. Im good at doing quest but not that good at the game urself. |
0 | How does everyone feel about the item shops? Personally I ve been hating them. It s the same crap all the time. I stay up until midnight my time just for awful skins. Maybe someone else wants them idk but it s the same stuff. IVE BEEN WAITING FOR SIG SINCE AUGUST. AUGUST . |
0 | I dont know which flair to use for this sorry I just got 8.75 brick? And a vault? What do they do can anyone explain and how did I got them ? |
0 | Will I ever see NPC vault style POI's again? I started playing Fortnite in Chapter 2 Season 2 the spy season. The Yacht, The Shark, The Grotto, The Rig, The Agency. All so awesome. Survive the players, kill the boss, get the card, loot the vault, and fly away in a chopper with your whole squad armed to the teeth. By far my favorite season. The next seasons water, marvel both had the same, so I thought it was a central part of the game. But the last couple seasons didn't have anything like this, and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever see it again. What were prior seasons like? All of Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 Season 1. Did any of them have vaults and NPC's? My friends and I all agree the last two seasons were the worse so far. I'm just wondering what to expect from here on. |
0 | can you share stories of the past? i started the game late (chapter 2 season 2) so i never got to see all the crazy cool stuff everyone talks about like the legendary food fight or the mania of tilted towers.. anyone wanna share some stories with this youngling? |
0 | Why does some of my EXP not register when I m doing challenges? Lately I ve noticed whilst doing my epic quests that half of the time my EXP doesn t register. Has anybody else had this issue? |
0 | New player Not sure where I should be improving I'm talking specifically about the game modes here. I find that if I play Arena the opponents are significantly better than me to the point where I have no chance. Then in a normal Solo game I find the opponents skill can be anywhere from people hardly moving to players who are clearly extremely good. All I'm looking for is to play vs players of a similar skill to me and then improve from there. In other games I would play some placement games, get ranked accordingly and move from there. Should I just stick to Arena, lose a bunch and hopefully get demoted to play vs similarly skilled players? If that is the case why bother starting a new player vs much better players? |
0 | What "pet" backpacks can be interacted with by other players? I know every variant of 'Bonesy' can be petted, but what about all the others, including the new 'Chopper' pet? |
0 | I'm legit the best fortnite player ever I'm so good at fortnite that I'm getting destroyed by a Grey tac. I'm so good that I'm actually in the top 7k for the switch cup, ask me anything and do the exact opposite of what I tell you |
0 | Controller drift in Battle Royale but not in Creative Hey guys, I m having a problem in which my controller drifts weirdly when I play battle royale. This problem doesn t happen in creative. I also increased my dead zone to 50 but still no fix. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how do I fix it? And my controller is also new and it doesn t drift in creative or other games. And also I m on PS4 |
0 | What do you think the returning gun for this week is? Due to the hints A update rapidly approaches and spread the news I think it is one of three thing s rapid fire smg, drum gun, and my prediction, the drum shotgun |
0 | Unvault amp Buff The Burst Assault Rifle The aug has been vaulted for 2 seasons and it only fires 2 bullets per burst instead make the burst fire 3 per burst and decrease the reload time and add mythic items to creative |
0 | I know I'm late to this post but What if the garden center in Holly Hedges became a Pizza Pit or Durr Burger, or expand Holly to include Valhalla and Logjam and rename it |
0 | Master chief skin not recieving matte black style on xbox series s. I got the legacy, but not the skin. What is this bug? Has anyone else experienced it? I'm on xbos series S. |
0 | Packet loss on only fortnite Anyone know why I m getting insane amounts of packet loss on only Fortnite. The rest of my games work fine but it s only fortnite. It s already plugged in via an Ethernet cable and the rest of my devices work fine showing no problems with the WiFi. |
0 | Outhouse portal glitch when abducted. Got abducted in regular duos. I jumped into an outhouse in the abducted game and it would not let me out. My duo partner eventually died. I stayed in limbo onboard the ship that abducted me and eventually won the game. All players either killing each other off or dying to storm. |
0 | Any ways to farm xp withought challenges? I have done all the challenges other than one (deal dmg to vehicles with a player inside) and I'm only level 78 and doing the uncommon and common changes don't give much xp so is there another way to easily get xp? |
0 | Why do people like the heavy shotgun? Why? I don t get it? Ive used it in creative it literally fires as fast as a pump but it does less damage than a blue tac and has less ammo than a tac? Although it has quite a small spread and a good headshot damage but most if the time the damage feels random |
0 | Is there a problem with the Shark Island Anomaly quest? I've tried it a dozen times and watched several videos but nothing happens after I activate the third node. Am I missing something? |
0 | Why in tf are there no frogs in Slurpy Swamp!? Sorry if this has been brought up before but that doesn't make any sense to me at all. Countless times I've been roaming through with a primal just looking for the frog component and there's literally none. If anything that should be the only place they are! |
0 | Sky and textures flickering bright colors. I m playing on Xbox series X, after the recent update the game has this weird flickering flashes of color in the sky and on walls ceilings. This is the only game that has this issue. Sorry I do not have a photograph to show. |
0 | Anyone know if the ball drop happens in battle lab? We are gonna watch it in fortnite and I dont know if it goes off in battle lab. |
0 | It won't let me refund superhero skins I bought joltara when the superhero skins first came out, and it won't let me refund her, when i go onto refunds where u have to click submit a request it is greyed out and won't let me click and it says i have no refunds remaining. Does anyone know how i can stop this from happening?? Thanks |
0 | Can we all agree that Unvaulted Team Rumble is the best thing ever and needs to stay forever. It has literally, and I mean LITERALLY every weapon that has been vaulted. It's a fun mix of different weapons and that's all I've been playing the past few days. Please epic, Keep it, I beg. |
0 | Spire Quests are still broken for some players For anyone who died while talking to Tarana (after finding the artefacts), the Raz quest is not showing up. Is there any chance that Epic will fix this problem, or will they just assume that all of the spire quests are working now that a few more players have been able to finish them? |
0 | The problem with the Heavy AR The Heavy AR has been mistreated ever since it came out of the vault in Chapter 2 Season 1. The reason for this is that you greatly reduced the damage in turn for a higher fire rate but it didn't work too well for it. The Heavy AR looking back to Season 6 and even 9 X was always an AR that rewarded tap firing. It worked similar to the Infantry before the Infantry was introduced. Nowadays in Chapter 2 Season 7 most people carry purple and gold AKs only to turn it into AUGs which doesn't have to be the case anymore. So. I'd suggest just reverting it to its balanced but very viable Season 9 X stats. Here are the two blue iterations of the AK for comparison. (Before anyone calls it OP, let me remind you of the AR headshot multiplier nerf that will still count for the AK). amp x200B Chapter 2 Season 7 Rare AK DPS 157.25 Damage 37 Fire Rate 4.25 amp x200B Season 9 X Rare AK DPS 157.25 Damage 42 Fire Rate 3.75 amp x200B As you can see, the damage got nerfed by 5 while the fire rate increased by 0.5 to reach just the exact same DPS of 157.25. First of all, trying to equalise the stats somewhat with that of the regular M14 SCAR was the wrong move in the first place as it takes away from the identity feeling of having an AK. Secondly (the real issue), the fire rate increase does not make up for its terrible bloom and recoil. Skilled players used to bypass them by not spraying at all and instead tap fire or shoot in very short bursts. But since the damage has been nerfed so much, it really isn't a viable strategy anymore. This is why I suggest reverting the AK so it has a spot in the meta against SCAR and AUG. Also, the Surpressed SMG is a whole 'nother story jeez |
0 | Why does litterly most of the lobby use the star wand pickaxe? What is so special about it? It doesn t grant any advantage, it doesn t deal more damage, it doesn t swing faster. So why is everyone just obsessed with that damn magic wand? |
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