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0 | Ok, it can't be a coincidence with the Thanos skin right? I mean, a few weeks ago Thanos was in tiny town because of people cheating it in etc, then a few weeks later Thanos becomes an official skin... Can't be a coincidence right? Maybe they saw how much we wanted Thanos back so they made him a skin? PS, hope they make the gauntlet a pickaxe as well, maybe you have to buy it separately (although that's kinda weird if it is going to be like that) but hey, at least he's a skin... I'm happy that we're getting Thanos back at least. |
0 | Fortnite chapter 2 season 6 testing Is Fortnite still gonna let comp player test season 6 one week before it starts or was it just fake??? |
0 | idk if this has been posted before but i think its a pretty neat idea so as everyone knows, building is one of the most important aspects of the game. in season 7 we received wraps for our weapons, our vehicles, and even the sentry gun, but what if we had wraps on our builds? now i know what you are thinking "wouldn't that make it ugly?" "wouldn't that ruin building?". i understand where this is coming from that's why the custom "wrap" if you will, will only be for the blueprint and pencil (unless you guys actually want build wraps) here is a basic design i came up with (sorry for the bad Photoshop) but basically its a water themed pencil and blueprint. if you guys want i can create more, but i was thinking of nature, fire, thunder, void, ice, galactic, etc. let me know what you guys think! |
0 | quick note shadow is the good guys and ghost are the io i have some evidence to back up my claim A. in the last laugh bundle, its says "or flooding the island with your best intensions" B. "but midas is ghost?" no, after the event, midas was turned into the shadow outfit, while agent jonesy with all his GHOST logo'd stuff watchs and sees midas might be succeed. C. "but what if midas was just overloading the systems" midas wanted storm gone. bunker jonesy say storm loop, jonesy no like breaking loop. midas not on same side as jonesy aka ghost to simpify for people like me jonesy ghost, jonesy io. midas shadow. midas no like storm |
0 | I really hope we will be able to get enough alien artifacts to finish the Kymera solo I pretty much play exclusively solo, and these Alien Artifacts suck. We should be able to get them all from just finding them, or make them rewards alongside regular quests! I already put a lot of time into unlocking everything, so having to dedicate an extra 30 60 minutes to grind Alien parts is awful. I m a completionist who enjoys playing to complete challenges but this sucks. I m gonna collect all the solo ones I can, and just be stuck with missing some I guess. I don t have the patience or time to do duos with a throwaway account just to get all the styles |
0 | Im good at creative but bad in matches any tips to be better? and im getting into matches with better players, idk if thats related |
0 | Has anyone saw more ads for Fortnite this season than ever before in C2? Recently i saw more ads on YT about Fortnite,that's interesting as i never saw that many ads in a while.What do you think about that? |
0 | Please stop running away from your teammates in squads matches. It is just simple math. If there are more people near by we are more likely to win. I ve lost a lot of matches because I was overwhelmed and overpowered. I could have gotten revived and we could have won the match but my teammate was all the way across the map. Please just stick together with your teammates. |
0 | Incorrect matchmaking every game I m posting for my little sister that just recently joined Fortnite. I ve taught her the really simple basics like building a wall and editing a window or door. Get this, every time I watch her playing random squads or even solos, she is matched with average players that know how to box fight, mechanics are great, and aim well. She s been dying every game and sometimes at 3rd or 4th place. I ve felt so bad at times and took over for the rest of the game when she s matched with sweats. How is this happening when she is new with low kd and that stuff. Sbmm is so bad and inaccurate. Any way to turn of or reset it in console. Any help is appreciated |
0 | Need help with Jonesy style 2 Please help I don't know what to do I've gone to shark Island in 7 different games done the 3 actions at the holo emitters but no anomaly appears in the middle like it's supposed too. Edit finally got it to work in every previous attempt I was in my agent jonesy skin changed to aquaman and it worked |
0 | I'm level 51 will I be able to complete the battle pass? I'm level 51 will I be able to complete the battle pass? How many levels do I need to target a day? |
0 | Asking for aid to complete the PvP impossible escape! I have been struggling to get the umbrella for impossible escape and I am turning to all of you to help me, I am okay with anyone as long as you have a mic for squad communication. I would also prefer playing on NA east servers but I don t mind as long as your server is not Asia or Aussie. If you just put your epic name below then I will add you. My epic name is buttergod7 just so you know who you are getting the invite from. (This is my first time asking for help like this tbh) |
0 | What is going on in the story? What s the timeline? who are these characters? I m a returning player and I have know idea what s going on. The questions in the title are my main ones. Any help is appreciated thanks |
0 | So is the downtime at 2am, or is the downtime at 4am est? The trailer is coming out at 2am, so I was wondering if this means we will be having the downtime at 2am instead of 4am. |
0 | So did anyone else just not get the 1000 vbucks from the crew pack again?!?! I got the emote for a second time and I obviously got the skin but not the 1,000 vbucks. Does anyone know why? Thank you! |
0 | This season has no major issues so far... If the biggest complaints of the season so far is some PC issues and the secret skin I'd say this season is one of the best we've had in years. I love this battle pass and the map and gun changes feel great. What do you think? |
0 | Game Mode Idea Offline Mode This mode would be an offline mode for fortnite. It could also act as a training mode against bots. None of the wins or kills would affect stats. This game mode would be separate from battle royale and would be on the game mode select screen. When playing offline your name would be Player or Looper or something like that. Your skin would be a default or a random skin from the battle pass. When online you would be able to use your own skins and have your normal username. I may try to make a concept of how this would look like on the game mode select screen. |
0 | Wins not recording correctly Got 5 wins in solo today, but profile says 0 wins on solo, 5 on LTM (i can assure u i wasnt playing LTM, and have never played that mode as this is a new account). Anyone else getting this issue? I'm on PC amp x200B |
0 | "i was just doin challenges" so i was in a game doing challenges, i grabbed an UFO to complete abstrakt's challenges, i had decent loot, some io weapons, it was all cool, some kills here and there, then i noticed it was the top 5, my UFO started getting shot,i managed to start shooting someone but it got rail gunned, after it was down i killed a default that was fighting because yes, then a spark was coming, she was waiting for me, but i waited on the wall, didnt get up, she then started building up and got the high ground, i placed a floor and waited, she came down and shot me with her shotgun, i shot as well, and it was a shoot fest, i eventually emerged victorious with amazing 2 health left, luckily there was a medkit right there and i had 2 minis, i got healed up and saw another fight was going on near the zone, i let them finish and once the guy won, i shot him with the rail gun i got from spark, he entered a truck for some reason as well, so after that he got out and ran , i shot him with the rail again and won, i was just doing challenges LOL, (i was gonna make this a comic with stick figures but got lazy) |
0 | Question regarding cosmetics. I play on PS4 most of the time. I recently purchased the Poki emote on my PC. But here is the question Once I log back into my PS4, will the Poki emote still be there? |
0 | So I've noticed something recently and I'm curios. I'm new to Fornite and I have a question, why are some people upset about the Midas skin that came out the other day? I've come to realize that Midas was an older battle pass skin but I don't see the big deal about it. Is it really that big of a deal? |
0 | Do ya ll think we ll be getting an event this season? Personally I think we will I mean why would the Zero Point be making shockwave effects for no reason? |
0 | Lobbies are filled with bots this season? Before this season I could barely get kills in this game, I was really bad, but this season I get at least 10 kills match. Some enemies start shooting at me from far away, then when I get close to them, they ignore me and start running away or still shoot that spot where I came from. They do weird things like that. |
0 | Am I the only one getting tired of the sign meme template? Every single one. They re low effort, boring, lazy, and just an easy way for people to karma farm. And they keep getting upvoted for some reason. Got an unpopular opinion? (it s not unpopular. They never are). Slap it on a sign. Got a rant? Sign. Got a suggestion? Put it on a stupid sign. I think they should be removed. Considered a frequently posted topic. Something It s lazy. It s boring. You re lazy and boring for using it. |
0 | Who in your opinion is an underappreciated members of the community? Like with so many people in one community some will fall through the cracks despite being amazing. Who do you feel is like this? Personally I would have to say u Cyber Owl |
0 | Performance mode. invisible floors and walls. Hello, i have been experiencing invisible walls and floors with performance mode. Any one else? And is there a way to fix it besides switching to dx 11 or 12? Thx |
0 | How does a kill based SBMM work if there are Bots in the game that then hand out free kills? To my knowledge, you're put with harder opponents based on how many kills you get. However anyone can easily kill a bot who shows almost 0 resistance to your attacks and stands there while you kill them, therefore further putting you against real players who move, build, edit, etc. because you were good at killing non moving opponents who let you kill them makes no sense? Surely someone at Epic Games would've realised this now? |
0 | Replay mode unable to bring up the map. OS Windows 10 Platform PC Issue Within replay mode unable to bring up the map. Either the binding isn't functioning or a change has been made to disable the map. It works fine in a match. |
0 | When do you think captain America is gonna come back? Been really wanting the skin recently and i regret not buying it when it came out last season... I know that there is no exact date confirmed, but i just wanted to hear some suggestions. ) |
0 | Did they make it so you can t quit out of a game to complete your challenges ? I m trying to do the spire challenge to do 5 uncommon or rarer quests and if didn t count when I quit out .. then I did a team rumble game and finished the whole game and they counted then . |
0 | Wolverine's Trophy (Sentinel head) activated style Greetings, Last week I noticed that the Wolverine's Trophy (Sentinel head) back bling had a second style, called 'Activated'. It has lights on for it's eyes, and looks cool. I certainly don't remember any additional challenges, so I presume it was a secret challenge. I presume I'm a bit too late now.... Were there other Secret challenges last season I missed? (Any this season?) |
0 | Disable new emote wheel fade animation? I recently updated my game, which i haven t played in a little bit. I reamized that when scrolling through my emote whell, there is a new fade in animation which makes it so much slower to find an emote. Is there a way to disable this? I really don t like this change and it was better before. |
0 | When should one buy the crew pass? I m planning on getting the crew pass for Loki. I have the current Battlepass. I have no real interest in the mecha cuddle bear character. When should I subscribe to maximize rewards? I remember hearing discussion on the sub around when the crew was first released, about subscribing for a month at a particular time to get the most V bucks possible. |
0 | Stage 3 of weekly Challenge I never got the "opponent player structure destroyed in a vehicle" challenge. I did damage to descending drop and directly went to stage 4. Anyone else with the same problem? |
0 | What is the biggest thing on your wishlist for Season 7? Personally mine is either a big map change or improved mobility (like chapter 1 season 9 levels of mobility) |
0 | When would be the best time to buy fortnite crew? Hey all, I was wondering when the best time to buy fortnite crew would be. I figured if I bought it the the last week of the month, say the 25th, I d get 1k vbucks, 950 vbucks ( I have the current BP), the Vi set. Then a week later I d get the new crew set, 1k more vbucks, and eventually the new battle pass. I d just like more input as this is ideally how it would play out, but I don t know if it s how crew really works as I haven t ever bought it. Let me know! |
0 | Let s take a moment to appreciate lazars choice for his skin. He literally chose to put in a skin that tells a story about himself. Unlike ninja, loserfruit and Lachlan, the skin literally tells something about him. It s just not just a skin that looks like him. It actually represents him. And I think that s fucking awesome. He could have done literally anything else, but he chose to go with what he started out as. Who he is as a person lol The skin is simple, but I love it a lot. |
0 | I've basically accepted the fact I'm not getting this umbrella I swear this was the worst time for them to do this for me. I recently switched from controller to mouse and keyboard, and I'm simply just not good enough on keyboard and mouse. If I was still on controller I would have no issues at all, but when everyone's sweating as hard as they can to win, and meanwhile I'm still trying to memorize what key is my wall build its safe to say I'm not getting this umbrella. |
0 | was the flutter skin exclusive to when it came out? it hasnt been in the shop for around 600 days if i recall correctly. ive been waiting for it to come out for over a year. |
0 | Map Quests not opening in match (PS4) This started a few days ago but in a match, I couldn't open the map. Thinking my controller was just bugging out I switch the binds and still didn't work. |
0 | Is Fortnite on the switch ever going to get a full overhaul? I know recently there was a nice update which increased the resolution when docked and undocked and a few extra snazzy things, but there are still plenty of problems on the switch. Most dangly objects like skin necklaces or certain back blings flip out and glitch all over the place constantly and almost every skin I see is the same stupid default whether they have a skin equipped or not. This also might be on every platform but every time I die there s a good half a second of lag before I die, making me really mad because Yes I did actually pull the trigger and shoot the guy but I teleported into dead mode . The switch is the only platform I m actually able to play on, is it ever going to get fixed? |
0 | who knew about the infintiy blade franchise before it got added to fortnite? i am not a part of the fortnite community, nor do i wish to be. i just wanna know if there is anyone here that heard of the infinity blade saga before it got added to fortnite and if you have an opinion on the inclusion of the item and if it changed your view on the original infinity blade. thank you for your time and have a nice day evening. |
0 | What Level Should I Be At By Now? A Rough Guide For BP Level Progression Week 8 Chapter 2, Season 6 "Primal" 04 05 2021 (34 Days Left) amp x200B Date BP Day Min Pace to hit 100 Min Pace to hit 225 04 05 2021 50 60 134 05 05 2021 51 61 137 06 05 2021 52 62 140 07 05 2021 53 63 142 08 05 2021 54 65 145 09 05 2021 55 66 148 10 05 2021 56 67 150 amp x200B An explanation Towards the end of C2S5, there were a lot of posts in this sub with players noting how they were under levelled to complete specific goals on the battle pass. To try and help prevent that from happening again, I built a spreadsheet to keep track of how many days were left in the season, how many levels per day were needed to complete the BP, and how many levels per day were needed to unlock the max level rewards. So to hit Level 100 and complete the battle pass in the course of 84 days, a player would need to progress at a rate of at least 1.18 levels per day. For players looking to hit max rewards at Level 225 (according to latest information, subject to change), they would need to progress at a rate of at least 2.67 levels per day. amp x200B DISCLAIMER Please be aware that this is just taken as a mean average of the levels per day required to hit a specific goal and does not reflect the exact XP curve in game. The accuracy will improve as the season progresses, but please only treat these values as the bare minimum required to hit the respective level goals on the last day of the season. |
0 | Tier 100 Possible Upgrade? Hey Fortnite Team I would really like it if the Tier 100 Skins had Backblings, Gliders, Pickaxes that matched their Tier Style Like maybe a Silver Style of Sunny's Fret Basher, Patch Pack or like Golden Versions of Zyg's Zyg Ray, Choppy, Chainblade and even Prismatic Hammerhead Morty, UFO Cruiser and Butter Robot And even if you don't add these please keep this in mind for future seasons |
0 | Cyclo powered down edit style and mask off edit style Short and little suggestion for edit styles. Cyclo should get one especially since he s a legendary skin. Powered down will remove the helmet effects and the storm arm effect. And the helmet would have Midas face inside the suit. And the arm would be a human arm. Helmet off style is obvious. The helmet is removed and has Midas face on instead. Small suggestion, but I think for a legendary skin with no set, pickaxe and glider, it definitely deserves edit styles. |
0 | Why does no one want to team up in the new ltm? I m just constantly getting killed in the first few minutes before I even get a gun because people are rushing for kills |
0 | SUGGESTION Storm Surge in arena Epic should put storm surge in arena just like there is in tournaments, it will mean there will be less camping in matches that storm surge is activated, people will have to learn how to tag people or w key to be above surge and they will be more prepared for tournaments if they re in a stacked lobby |
0 | An amazing discovery for humanity Me and my reasearch team have recently found that when using the Kymera skin and using the respect the peace emote... he just pulls put a middle finger. Lmfao |
0 | GGG, can we please get rid of healing swamp on one shot? So just played a game of one shot and my dup partner and I lost because a guy sat in the swamp the entire match. And since the storm does so little damage he won. We reported him but I doubt this is a bannable offense. Please GGG either make storm do more damage in this mode or turn the healing swamp off, please. |
0 | It's disappointing that themed Music Packs are now always released at the end of their holiday season Halloween music pack last year released at the end of spooky season, same for Christmas season, same for Valentines and now we're getting the IO music pack and later down the line Butter Barn for this seasons theme. Do you remember when in Season 12 the spy music was in your lobby the whole time? Pirate music for season 8? I remember because as soon as I turn on one of those music packs I am back in that season in an instant. So many memories. Getting the theme for a season at the very end so that I can listen to it when it's over just doesn't do it. Christmas music for New Years eve isn't it. I don't want to sound ungrateful, I love the lobby music. But getting it sooner so that I can associate it with the season is so much nicer. TLDR Epic plz give music packs closer to the corresponding season holiday and not when it's over already. It would fit so much better. |
0 | 3 batman zero wing gliders giveaway! Mod approved Hello fellow humans, I'm giving away not 1, not 2, but 3 yes THREE codes for the new batman zero wing glider! (mod approved of course) If you're interested in entering here's how. gt Step 1 comment under this post with what season you started in!E.G. I started in chapter 1, season 6 After you comment that I will add your username to a random name wheel and reply to your comment with "You're entered!" amp x200B gt Step 2 Then you wait. and wait. and wait even longer... amp x200B gt When the giveaway ends When the giveaway closes and I'm no longer accepting entries I will spin the random name wheel 3 times and when I'm finished drawing all 3 winners I will pm them saying that they've won and they will get their code. I'll also make a comment under this post where I will list the winners (for proof reasons) Well that's pretty much all! The giveaway will close and I'll begin drawing winners starting tomorrow at 1 30 pm EST, good luck D Also don't forget that this glider is currently in the item shop so if you win this code the entire bundle will be only 900 vbucks! Update The drawing will begin and the giveaway will close at 1 30 pm EST instead of the originally planned 3 00 pm time Update 2 AHHHH due to the overwhelming amount of entries I got I'm closing the giveaway now as of 12 49 PM EST time. Anyone who comments after this time will not be entered. Update 3 The drawing has begun! With a total of 199 entries only 3 will win, who will they be? Well I'm about to draw! Check your pm's within the next 5 minutes to see if you won Update 4 The giveaway has ended and the 3 winners have been drawn! Here are the winners amp x200B winner 1 u Zestyclose pay 1250 amp x200B winner 2 u RedditIsMyHomeTown amp x200B winner 3 u FluffyCherrysecj I have messaged all 3 winners and they have received their codes. Thank you to everyone who participated in this giveaway! D |
0 | Is there something wrong with the servers currently? I play on Europe servers usually but recently the servers have been really bad, with my ping spiking at 700 sometimes. I set the region option to auto for the best ping and its currently auto set to middle East servers, and even with that being the lowest ping its still almost at 200. I know my Internet isn't what's wrong with my game because all my other games and devices in my house work fine with the Internet. |
0 | What do people think of the beastmode skin Personally I actually really like him but I m curious to know what other people think of him he s on of my favourite skins. No toxicity to other people s opinions please. |
0 | Crossovers skins gt Reskins It bothers me that there are so many complaints about crossover skins but I never see any about lazy reskins that are just item shop or previous battle pass skins with a different colour scheme or gimmick. I don t mind the odd one but this season has had loads in the past few weeks. Toon Meowscles, Scrap Knight Jules, Raptorian the Brave and the Knights of the Food Court. Not the mention the army of Peelys, Fishsticks and Jonesy slowly forming. Not trying to hate but just wondering why the hive mind seems to be cry havoc over beloved characters from other franchises joining the game but loves a battle pass reskin with a new hat. Change my mind |
0 | Mandolorian harvesting tool What do you think is going to be the harvesting tool in the Mandolorian harvesting tool? Beskar Spear Amban Sniper rifle Dark Saber (answer in comments) |
0 | Are the new football skins considerated collab skins? Are the new football skins considered collab skins? or are they just the old football skins that are only by epic? |
0 | The Mandolorian WHERE ARE YOU Where does the Mandolorian spawn every solo game? I really love his weapon and jet pack but have rarely seen him? The only times I've acquired them are from eliminating other players. Know where I have a good chance of finding him? |
0 | Team Qualifies For FNCS Round 4 With No Kills I know you guys don't really care about comp but I think you'll find this story interesting. A team qualified to round 4 of FNCS by getting no kills at all. They have devised a strategy where they are able to heal off at Slurpy and win games against pro players. It's absolutely hilarious. Check the video for more context |
0 | How do I make the storm shrink at one center point? (Creative) I m currently trying to create a map in Creative, but I can t seem to get the storm to go in the exact center that I ve set. It s only a few blocks (?) off and I have a Storm Controller and a Storm Beacon at the point where I want the center of the storm to be. |
0 | Ready player one crossover Here is My idea for a ready player one crossover yes I know it s not that good of a concept the characters are Parsifal Artemis aech and daito I would ve done sho but he s a kid so he wouldn t work |
0 | Deathstroke Zero cup question So hey guys, I played the deathstroke cup and I had 57 points but I didn't even get the Slades Watching spray. Can someone tell me what to do, is it a glitch or something???? Thanks |
0 | Getting a lil bit tired of UFOs. I know this is the first real fun mobility we have had in a while but it really needs to be nerfed when it comes to healing so you can shoot them down easier. |
0 | No pickaxe for Mandolorian Am I the only one that finds it very odd that they never gave the mandolorian a pickaxe?? Every other bp character got one but not him. Makes no sense at all. And now the season is coming to an end it s looking like it ll never happen as it probably would ve done by now. Such a shame |
0 | Gained 10 tiers upon logging in. ANSWERED My wife and I both logged in and had gained about 10 tiers and we can t figure out why. We were both around tier 104 the day before. Is this a thing? |
0 | Intermittently Stuck on Loading Screen Xbox Series X What issue happened? I routinely get stuck on the loading screen when trying to return to the lobby after playing a match. There doesn t seem to be any pattern to the occurrence, but it happens 2 3 times within an hour of gaming. In order to fix it, I have to go to the Xbox main menu and quit the Fortnite application, then load back in. Luckily, I don t get kicked from my party when doing this, but the constant reloading is annoying. Platform? Xbox Series X with LG CX TV. 120fps mode enabled. What happened prior to the issue? It happens when I either die during a match and select the return to lobby button, and also when I use the leave match button. The regular loading screen appears, but the progress dots don t move and I cannot return to the lobby without restarting. I ve waited as long as 8 minutes without any change in loading screen status. It never happens when loading into a game though, only when exiting back to the lobby from a game. Picture of issue? None. Can provide if it is helpful, but it will just be a static image of a loading screen, so not sure how helpful that is. |
0 | Any info on the next season? Haven t heard or seen anything about next season. Anyone know when it s coming out? Heard there will be a slurp bazooka. |
0 | Free items 2021 Chapter 2 season 5 Are there any free items I could get for doing challenges or other stuff I don't want to do competitive since I'm bad and the voting and other stuff doesn't work so are there any skins or emotes or anything I did 2FA so I got the dance and I want the things outside the battle pass |
0 | Just a reminder to set your skin for event Downtime starts soon and if you wanna have some major drip while watching the event make sure to set your locker |
0 | Am I allowed to sell my fortnite account? I ve got an og fortnite locker and I ve got bored of the game recently and don t want to play it anymore. I m looking to sell my account to get the money I spent on the game back and move on to other games. Is this allowed? |
0 | Would there be any way for me to get the Batman Zero comics if I was living somewhere else? I live in Malaysia and I haven't been able to read the Batman Zero comics except for the 3rd installment due to the courtesy of a kind Redditor. But is there any way for me to buy the comics if I live elsewhere? |
0 | Fortnite x Dababy concert? (no joke) Since we got 2 concerts in the last 2 years, i think we will get a concert evrey year, the party royale concerts are some random guy prefoming (no hate), and not only for dababy, there is a lot of famous rappers and singers out there, i would LOVE a concert for dababy (just for LETS GOO not gonna lie) |
0 | Neymar will most likely be a BP Skin People have to accept that Neymar's skin will be 99 included in the Battle Pass. There is no way Epic will reveal the collaboration in the first teaser of season 6 by coincidence. People now have doubts and ask themselves questions hoping that it does not appear in the pass just because there was a leak that turned out to be fake, removing that all leads to think that the skin appears in the pass. |
0 | Fortnite Loading Bug (Cant get into game) So when i ready up it says "Waiting for matchmaking to commence" for 5 10 min and then when it does go into the loading screen, it stays there for 2 3 min then puts me back into the lobby. Please help if you can. I am on ps4 and have cross platform enabled. |
0 | This was an epic move from Epic games. I didn't know that I was playing some box fight on creative, but well no that's just team rumble in the first minute of the game, this game it was 9 vs 16. Thanks for ruining this gamemode. No matter what you say, this is for people that think that they are in FNCS finals, I literally learned how to play fornite on team rumble, I have an idea, bring back the 50 x 50 if this mode will stay like this. T That's my opinion... |
0 | How many epic quests have there been so far in season 6? Every week it starts me off on stage 2 of my epic quests and I want to know if I m going to miss out on some rewards it says I have 53 epic quests completed |
0 | Do Firefly Jars spawn as floor loot? On a couple occasions, I have found random stacks of 3 firefly jars, however, all of these were late game and I could imagine that they were dropped by players. But I just played a game and found 3 firefly jars together inside a house where floor loot normally spawns, and this was at the start of a game. Are they actually floor loot, but just very rare? |
1 | My 12 year old son built a PC parts list, and I would love some help vetting it. My son has been literally DYING to get a gaming PC, and he just finished a week long Build Your Own Gaming PC camp where he learned about all of the parts, what's important, and how they work. Now that he has a build (and the knowledge that he can flaunt in my face), I would just like some feedback before I fork over my credit card. I told him we would purchase him the base computer, and if there was anything above the baseline that he wanted, he could pay for the difference in the upgrade. He has saved up about 200, so if there is anywhere you recommend he boost the build, please let me know. (He has already rejected my recommendation of a 200 custom mouse pad with my face on it.) Build Help Ready Have you read the sidebar and rules Yes What is your intended use for this build? The more details the better. This is a new gaming PC for my 12 year old son, his first ever (upgrading from a Chromebook!). Since he's 12, he obviously wants to play Fortnite and Minecraft, but he'd also like to play whatever other games his friends may be playing at the time, as well as anything available on Xbox Game Pass Ultimate. If gaming, what kind of performance are you looking for? (Screen resolution, framerate, game settings) I don't know enough to provide specifics here, but I know he'd like to play whatever mainstream PC games exist, especially anything that has online multiplayer that he'd play with his friends. Probably a lot of stuff with shooting and killing and other things his mother wouldn't be thrilled about. What is your budget (ballpark is okay)? What he built right now feels a bit higher than I'd like. If there is any room to wiggle things down a bit, that would be appreciated. (If we could get it to under 1,000, I would have very warm feelings in my heart.) In what country are you purchasing your parts? United States Post a draft of your potential build here (specific parts please). Consider formatting your parts list. . This is the build he put together after a week long Build Your Own Gaming PC camp Provide any additional details you wish below. No feedback is too small. Thank you in advance for any help you provide. And if you have a favorite desk that could replace the folding table he's currently using, that would be great too. Thank you! |
1 | Upgraded from 5600X to 5950X and now have high(er than I would like) temps. Build specs Ryzen 5950x CPU, ASUS 3070 KO GPU, ASUS ROG Strix B550 F Gaming WiFi mobo, Corsair Vengeance Pro RAM (4x8GB 3600), 1TB WD Black m.2, Lian Li Galahad 360 AIO, Corsair 5000X RGB case w 9 Lian Li Unifans. I initially built this setup with a Ryzen 5600x but through a Newegg shuffle, was able to upgrade (traded the 5600x for some work on my car done by a fellow PC enthusiast!). With the 5600X and all other components being the same as listed above, the highest temps I recorded for the CPU was 68 , which seemed to be relatively normal since I only play WarZone (pretty GPU heavy from my understanding) and play at 1080p. It would play at 1080 at 144fps with the settings on normal or higher with no issue. The GPU also didn t seem to be straining, rarely seeing higher than 71 72 while in game. I swap in the 5950x a week ago, go into BIOS to allow it to do it s updated CPU things, and fire up WarZone. The temps pretty much instantly go to 70 , and as I m loading into a pregame lobby it jumps to 79 , then hits 81 in game. The highest I ve logged in HW Monitor is 82 , so I don t think I m in danger of hurting anything, but I do feel like 78 82 is at least 10 higher than it should be seeing. WarZone settings are still normal to high, certainly not maxed out. It still locks into 144FPS easily and rarely drops below that framerate. I ve tried to include as much info as will hopefully be needed, but if there are any other details that are needed, please ask and I ll try to answer quickly, but I am going to bed now so it will be a few hours before I m back amongst the conscious. Thanks in advance for any help or advice! |
1 | Pc worked fine, now won't post Please HELP Hello all, I built a new gaming rig about a month ago. Everything was running fine. About 3 weeks in, my pc randomly froze when starting a game which hadn't happened before. I was able to pull up task manager through ctrlaltdlt but when I tried using it, that also froze, I once again hit ctrl alt dlt and was able to restart my pc from there. After this however, my pc will no longer post. Everything powers on but I get no video output. I tried resetting cmos, I even reset the bios to make sure it was up to date and still nothing. I got it to boot once after resetting the cmos like 10 times and even was able to open programs. I reset the pc to see if it was working, but then I could NEVER get it to post again. My msi mobo was showing a cpu debug light the entire time. I decided to buy a new mobo because I suspected that was the issue, however, once I swapped the MSI for the Asus mobo, I still could not post and the Asus mobo Dram light was staying on instead of the cpu light on the MSI mobo. I updated the bios successfully on the Asus mobo and still nothing. I made absolutely sure everything was seated properly as I had the new mobo bread boarded. Did my CPU die somehow? I have never heard of that happening for no reason because I have never overclocked it and the cpu never got over 70C. Ryzen CPU R7 3700x Original mobo MSI B550 gaming plus New mobo Asus B550 f gaming GPU Msi Ventus 3x 3070 PSU Super flower 650w 80 Gold If I could get any insight I would love it because I am stumped! Thank you! Edit Turns out CPU was bad, slapped a new cpu in and it worked perfectly after that. |
1 | Can't migrate data onto SSD from Hard Drive I recently bought a Samsung SSD 870 EVO and have been trying to migrate my data to the drive but have been running into countless issues. The computer recognizes the drive and in events tells me that the device did not migrate when I attempted to do so. I am currently booted onto my current Hard Drive and not the newly purchased SSD. After some more examination I have found that the disk management service is running into issues. Under Device and Drivers, the new SSD is not present. I have run out of ideas and am looking for help here. Please. Link to image library below. amp x200B |
1 | Do keyboards with OSD even exist anymore or is it all just RGB Mechanical? Im still using my 12 year old logitech G15 keyboard and the OSD is amazing for real time info on my pc, completely customizable using AIDA64. Luckily i have a brand new G15 keyboard still sealed as backup all these years, though just curious if OSD keyboards are still produced or has it just been replaced by RGB Mechanical focused keyboards? |
1 | MSI B550 A PRO ARCTIC FREEZER 34 ESPORTS DUO Hello guys, so I'm having a problem installing this cooler on the motherboard, as the backplate seems to be not compatible.. Is this cooler not compatible? |
1 | Infographic Performance boosts after completed PC upgrade After a good few months of research and building, I am finally done with my PC upgrade! For those that are interested, I have put together an infographic showing performance before and after upgrading, as well as some light overclocking You can look at in interactive version here I am very relieved that I have seen pretty good boosts in performance after my upgrade. Thank you to everyone who offered help and advice here! |
1 | What PC Case Do You Recommend? Hello, I am looking to upgrade my case and am wondering if their are any decent looking cases with good airflow. It annoys me that they stop making cases like NZXT phantom which is one of the nicest looking cases with a side fan. Also why have they stoped making cases with side fans? This makes no logical sense from a good airflow design which I know people care about. |
1 | PC won't boot after installing new motherboard and CPU. Which is more likely to be DOA? Troubleshooting Help What is your parts list? Consider formatting your parts list. PCPartPicker Part List Type Item Price CPU Intel Core i7 10700K 3.8 GHz 8 Core Processor 369.99 Newegg CPU Cooler CRYORIG H7 49 CFM CPU Cooler 99.00 Amazon Motherboard Gigabyte Z490 GAMING X ATX LGA1200 Motherboard 179.99 Amazon Memory Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4 2666 CL16 Memory 84.99 Newegg Storage Samsung 850 EVO Series 500 GB 2.5" Solid State Drive Storage Seagate Barracuda 2 TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive 110.31 Amazon Video Card EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB Black Video Card Case NZXT S340 ATX Mid Tower Case Power Supply EVGA B2 850 W 80 Bronze Certified Semi modular ATX Power Supply 238.49 Amazon Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64 bit 109.99 B amp H Case Fan Phanteks F140SP 82.1 CFM 140 mm Fan Case Fan Phanteks F140SP 82.1 CFM 140 mm Fan Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts Total 1192.76 Generated by PCPartPicker 2021 01 22 13 43 EST 0500 Describe your problem. List any error messages and symptoms. Be descriptive. After swapping out the motherboard and CPU (i7 10700k, Gigabyte Z490 Gaming X) my computer no longer boots. Nothing happens when I hit the power button, no fans, no lights, no beeping. Everything was working yesterday before I swapped out those two parts, so I don't think, e.g. the power supply is broken. List anything you've done in attempt to diagnose or fix the problem. I've checked all the motherboard connectors (24 pin, front panel power switch, 8 pin cpu power), unplugged and re plugged everything back in, and nothing seems to fix it. The PSU switch is set to on, yes. The only hardware I've changed is the motherboard and CPU, so my guess is one of those two was DOA, but I don't know how to tell which. Is there a way I can figure out, or at least make an educated guess as to which one is broken? I would return the defective part except I don't know which one is defective. |
1 | Used gpu, what questions should I ask. Used gpu worth it? What questions and tests should I do ( I found a used ASUS STRIX RX570 4gb for 155usd. Is it worth it? What if after a year it dies? What s the ave lifespan of gpus? |
1 | Gaming on zotac gtx 1050ti without fans Hello, i have mini zotac 1050ti but its fan had been broken, i tried playing with only the heatsink and the temp was 86 90 degree, can i continue using it or it will be damaged ? |
1 | How are is everyone actually getting their GPU's? I've seen quite a few people actually manage to snag a new GPU and it boggles my mind because I've struck out every time I've tried but I also refuse to shop eBay for scalpers... any advice? |
1 | Where can and can't I build my PC and why? Why do people say to build a PC on a table or carpet? I've heard it's because of electrical discharges but how and why? And where exactly is it okay to build it? |
1 | Motherboard Recommendation Help I am planning to put together this PC and need help choosing a motherboard. From what I understand, 11th Gen Intel can support DDR4 3200 natively, so I would also like to have a motherboard that can support DDR4 3200 without the need to overclock. I would also like for this motherboard to have WiFi. Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated. |
1 | Got a rough idea for how I want my new PC to look, what do you guys think so far? Got a rough idea for how I want my new PC to look, what do you guys think so far? CPU AMD Ryzen 5 3600 (100 100000031BOX) Base Clock 3.6GHz with Wraith Stealth Cooler Motherboard MSI (MAG B550 TOMAHAWK) AMD B550 Type A C ATX RAM Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB Kit (8GBx2) DDR4 3600 Desktop RAM Video Card Asus Nvidia GeForce (DUAL RTX3070 8G) 8GB RTX 3070 DUAL VGA Card SSD Samsung 870 QVO (MZ 77Q2T0BW) 2TB SATA III 2.5" 6GB s 4 Bit MLC V NAND SSD Case Thermaltake (H330) Tempered Glass Mid Tower Case (CA 1R8 00M1WN 00) PSU Thermaltake (Smart RGB 600W) 80 Plus WHITE Power Supply (PS SPR 0600NHSAWA 1) Edit formatting |
1 | What's the sweetest spot for gaming the 4 6, 8, 12 cores? Is the 5950x 16 cores futureproof for 5 years from now for gaming?? against 6 and 8 cores What's the sweetest spot for gaming the 6, 8, 12 cores? How many cores do generally ask for? Can games play better at 8 and 12 cores than the six cores right now? Do you think the eight cores from next year will be the standar in relation to the six cores? Do you think the 8 and 12 cores from next year will be more demading and more recommended for new games? in relation to the 6 and 4 cores? amp x200B so if someone wants future proof i believe 16 cores is the bet for this... all the people say 6 core is ok for gaming.,. you dont need 8 or 12 or 16 core.. most peoply say 6 and 8 cores will be ok for the next 4 years,. i dont believe it i believe that 6 cores from the next year will be the minimum and 8 cores will be maxinum,, more games slowly will come for 12 and 16 cores.. lets take example cyberpank i have seen in benchmark with 10900k and 6800tx that there is bottleneck from the cpu and not from the card 6800xt but there is one question.. for 2018 2020 the games were ok for six cores .. but the question is do we know from the next year when will be more upcoming games if will be demanding in more than 6 cores. .?? because i believe from next year more games will be demanding in more than 6 cores. . all the benchamarks that we have seen so far is based in games from 2018 and some from 2020 so ok 6 cores are ok now.. but 6 cores wll be ok from the next year??? do we know if the games from 2021 and 2022 will be ok with six cores?? is the 5950x 16 cores futureproof for 5 years from now for gaming?? against 6 and 8 and 12 cores?? |
1 | Displays on pc go black and fans go full speed need help Right so last night I was gaming like normal I had been playing from the afternoon to night then my displays went black as I was loading into a game of tarkov and my fans went full blast, I could hear the game and people in discord fine and they could hear me, the only way to fix it was to restart, the issue keeps appearing now making it unplayable to play games I can't load into one without it doing the same thing any help is appreciated as I'm clueless on what to do Specs 2080ti I9 9900k 32gb of ram On m.2 ssd On 750w psu The pc has been running fine for a long time and I haven't had any issues till last night all my drivers are up to date so I'm at a loss on what to do |
1 | new Pc build micro stuttering while playing games Built a new pc around a week ago all new parts apart from graphics card. Ryzen 5600x, 2x 8gb crucial ballistix ram, MSI b550 A pro motherboard, crucial p2 1tb SSD, gtx 1070, windows 10 pro. While playing games my pc will freeze for about half a second every so often, I've been searching the internet and have found people with the same problem but never seem to find an answer. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem or knows a solution. |
1 | Display sleeps and not turning on I recently bought a gpu and put it in, but when i turn my pc on, monitor goes to sleep I made sure that i put it in correctly, followed a guide this vid Uninstalled display drivers using ddu and after installing the gpu and try to turn it on, nothing but a black screen Pls halp... |
1 | So I couldn t get my cpu fan off the processor because it was like glued together. I got it released from the socket even though it wasn t possible because it was locked. Anyways, how f ed I am? Could I have possibly damaged the cpu from pulling it off the socket? Also, I got some thermal paste on my cpu s pins. |
1 | What's the best monitor i can get for 600 What in your opinion is the most bang for your buck in that price range. I know i know youre gonna ask "well it depends in what you want". Don't ask me that. If you had 600 what monitor are you buying with it? |
1 | PC Restarts After Starting Playing Apex Legends (No Blue Screen, Just Completely Turns Off and On), But Doesn't With Titles Like Battlefield 1 and Rocket League As the title says, this is my issue. I've gotten Apex Legends to run for around 3 hours with no issues, but as soon as I leave, whether turning my PC on or off, it auto shuts down the next time I try to load the game. I've ran a handful of benchmark tests, from Heavenly to Furmark to Superposition on Benchmark with no issues. I can overclock the CPU and GPU safely, and the PC runs perfectly fine other than that issue. I would really appreciate some help, this is the PC I've been trying to build for 7 years since my original rig, so I'm pretty anxious. My build b550 gaming w wifi MSI GTX 970 AMD 5800x 32GB Vengence RAM AIO Cooler Corsair iCUE 100i Corsair Force Series MP600 M.2 SSD 750 Watt PSU Corsair I'VE TRIED Replacing the PSU with an 850 watt EVGA Monitoring temps to find signs of overheating (to no avail) Setting BIOS settings to default (besides RAM Speed at 3600) Turning Performance Mode Off Increasing Load Line Calibration Stress testing components Rebuilding the PC from the ground up NEW SO NO DUST Cleaning my GPU |
1 | 1st Build! Are These Components good? Hello! I'm planning on building my first PC Soon and I wanted to make sure I had some good components picked out. Down below is the list of parts I have looked at amp x200B CPU Ryzen 5 3600 (6 Core 12 Thread) AM4 amp x200B Motherboard MSI B450 Tomahawk Max AM4 amp x200B GPU Gigabyte GTX 1650 D6 OC 4G amp x200B Memory Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) 3200MHZ DDR4 amp x200B Storage WD Blue 500GB SSD amp x200B Case NZXT H510 Compact (White, ooo!) amp x200B PSU Corsair CX750M (80 Plus Bronze) amp x200B All together it's 1,284 CAD with a Windows 10 Key and extra Thermal Paste. My budget would be around 1,400 CAD but could go a smidge higher. amp x200B I plan on using it to play games like Minecraft, Euro Truck Simulator 2, Assetto Corsa (VR?), CSGO, ETC. amp x200B If you have any feedback or tips, lmk! Thanks! |
1 | Ryzen 4650g vs Ryzen 3600 GT 710 vs i5 10400 With the current state of the GPU market, I need to build a PC without a GPU as I refuse to buy overpriced 1050tis. All three of these options fall in my budget. The price difference is minimal between these three options, but the 10400 option is the cheapest and the 3600 710 is the most costly. Which is the best value for money? I think the 3600 710 as I can upgrade to a 1660s or something like that when prices become normal. Usage Video editing and 3d modelling rendering |
Subsets and Splits