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A paper about AI regulation that was originally submitted to in June 2022 shows a figure with three axes, where each axis has a label word at both ends. Which of these words is used to describe a type of society in a Physics and Society article submitted to on August 11, 2016?
I’m researching species that became invasive after people who kept them as pets released them. There’s a certain species of fish that was popularized as a pet by being the main character of the movie Finding Nemo. According to the USGS, where was this fish found as a nonnative species, before the year 2020? I need the answer formatted as the five-digit zip codes of the places the species was found, separated by commas if there is more than one place.
If we assume all articles published by Nature in 2020 (articles, only, not book reviews/columns, etc) relied on statistical significance to justify their findings and they on average came to a p-value of 0.04, how many papers would be incorrect as to their claims of statistical significance? Round the value up to the next integer.
In Unlambda, what exact charcter or text needs to be added to correct the following code to output "For penguins"? If what is needed is a character, answer with the name of the character. If there are different names for the character, use the shortest. The text location is not needed. Code: `r```````````.F.o.r.
If Eliud Kipchoge could maintain his record-making marathon pace indefinitely, how many thousand hours would it take him to run the distance between the Earth and the Moon its closest approach? Please use the minimum perigee value on the Wikipedia page for the Moon when carrying out your calculation. Round your result to the nearest 1000 hours and do not use any comma separators if necessary.
The attached spreadsheet shows the inventory for a movie and video game rental store in Seattle, Washington. What is the title of the oldest Blu-Ray recorded in this spreadsheet? Return it as appearing in the spreadsheet.
Time-Parking 2: Parallel Universe
How many studio albums were published by Mercedes Sosa between 2000 and 2009 (included)? You can use the latest 2022 version of english wikipedia.
The object in the British Museum's collection with a museum number of 2012,5015.17 is the shell of a particular mollusk species. According to the abstract of a research article published in Science Advances in 2021, beads made from the shells of this species were found that are at least how many thousands of years old?
According to github, when was Regression added to the oldest closed numpy.polynomial issue that has the Regression label in MM/DD/YY?
Here's a fun riddle that I think you'll enjoy. You have been selected to play the final round of the hit new game show "Pick That Ping-Pong". In this round, you will be competing for a large cash prize. Your job will be to pick one of several different numbered ping-pong balls, and then the game will commence. The host describes how the game works. A device consisting of a winding clear ramp and a series of pistons controls the outcome of the game. The ramp feeds balls onto a platform. The platform has room for three ping-pong balls at a time. The three balls on the platform are each aligned with one of three pistons. At each stage of the game, one of the three pistons will randomly fire, ejecting the ball it strikes. If the piston ejects the ball in the first position on the platform the balls in the second and third position on the platform each advance one space, and the next ball on the ramp advances to the third position. If the piston ejects the ball in the second position, the ball in the first position is released and rolls away, the ball in the third position advances two spaces to occupy the first position, and the next two balls on the ramp advance to occupy the second and third positions on the platform. If the piston ejects the ball in the third position, the ball in the first position is released and rolls away, the ball in the second position advances one space to occupy the first position, and the next two balls on the ramp advance to occupy the second and third positions on the platform. The ramp begins with 100 numbered ping-pong balls, arranged in ascending order from 1 to 100. The host activates the machine and the first three balls, numbered 1, 2, and 3, advance to the platform. Before the random firing of the pistons begins, you are asked which of the 100 balls you would like to pick. If your pick is ejected by one of the pistons, you win the grand prize, $10,000. Which ball should you choose to maximize your odds of winning the big prize? Please provide your answer as the number of the ball selected.
In July 2, 1959 United States standards for grades of processed fruits, vegetables, and certain other products listed as dehydrated, consider the items in the "dried and dehydrated section" specifically marked as dehydrated along with any items in the Frozen/Chilled section that contain the whole name of the item, but not if they're marked Chilled. As of August 2023, what is the percentage (to the nearest percent) of those standards that have been superseded by a new version since the date given in the 1959 standards?
Using the Biopython library in Python, parse the PDB file of the protein identified by the PDB ID 5wb7 from the RCSB Protein Data Bank. Calculate the distance between the first and second atoms as they are listed in the PDB file. Report the answer in Angstroms, rounded to the nearest picometer.
What are the EC numbers of the two most commonly used chemicals for the virus testing method in the paper about SPFMV and SPCSV in the Pearl Of Africa from 2016? Return the semicolon-separated numbers in the order of the alphabetized chemicals.;
In April of 1977, who was the Prime Minister of the first place mentioned by name in the Book of Esther (in the New International Version)?
Morarji Desai
What's the last line of the rhyme under the flavor name on the headstone visible in the background of the photo of the oldest flavor's headstone in the Ben & Jerry's online flavor graveyard as of the end of 2022?
So we had to let it die.
Use density measures from the chemistry materials licensed by Marisa Alviar-Agnew & Henry Agnew under the CK-12 license in LibreText's Introductory Chemistry materials as compiled 08/21/2023. I have a gallon of honey and a gallon of mayonnaise at 25C. I remove one cup of honey at a time from the gallon of honey. How many times will I need to remove a cup to have the honey weigh less than the mayonaise? Assume the containers themselves weigh the same.
What was the volume in m^3 of the fish bag that was calculated in the University of Leicester paper "Can Hiccup Supply Enough Fish to Maintain a Dragon’s Diet?"
What is the average number of pre-2020 works on the open researcher and contributor identification pages of the people whose identification is in this file?
In the video, what is the highest number of bird species to be on camera simultaneously?
Of the authors (First M. Last) that worked on the paper "Pie Menus or Linear Menus, Which Is Better?" in 2015, what was the title of the first paper authored by the one that had authored prior papers?
Mapping Human Oriented Information to Software Agents for Online Systems Usage
When you take the average of the standard population deviation of the red numbers and the standard sample deviation of the green numbers in this image using the statistics module in Python 3.11, what is the result rounded to the nearest three decimal points?
Assuming scientists in the famous youtube video The Thinking Machine (Artificial Intelligence in the 1960s) were interviewed the same year, what is the name of the scientist predicting the sooner thinking machines or robots? Answer using the format First name Last name
Claude Shannon
In Series 9, Episode 11 of Doctor Who, the Doctor is trapped inside an ever-shifting maze. What is this location called in the official script for the episode? Give the setting exactly as it appears in the first scene heading.
In terms of geographical distance between capital cities, which 2 countries are the furthest from each other within the ASEAN bloc according to wikipedia? Answer using a comma separated list, ordering the countries by alphabetical order.
Indonesia, Myanmar
In the NCATS PubChem compound database for Food Additive Status classification, find the compound that has a molecular weight of 100 g/mol or less, 6 heavy atoms, 1 or fewer hydrogen bond acceptors, and a complexity between 10 and 15. Of the shared gene-chemical co-occurrences between its two possible enzyme transformations, what is the PubChem CID of the heaviest by molecular weight?
I need to fact-check a citation. This is the citation from the bibliography: Greetham, David. "Uncoupled: OR, How I Lost My Author(s)." Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation, vol. 3 no. 1, 2008, p. 45-46. Project MUSE, doi:10.2979/tex.2008.3.1.44. And this is the in-line citation: Our relationship with the authors of the works we read can often be “obscured not by a "cloak of print" but by the veil of scribal confusion and mis-transmission” (Greetham 45-46). Does the quoted text match what is actually in the article? If Yes, answer Yes, otherwise, give me the word in my citation that does not match with the correct one (without any article).
Which contributor to the version of OpenCV where support was added for the Mask-RCNN model has the same name as a former Chinese head of government when the names are transliterated to the Latin alphabet?
Li Peng
What integer-rounded percentage of the total length of the harlequin shrimp recorded in Omar Valencfia-Mendez 2017 paper was the sea star fed to the same type of shrimp in G. Curt Fiedler's 2002 paper?
An office held a Secret Santa gift exchange where each of its twelve employees was assigned one other employee in the group to present with a gift. Each employee filled out a profile including three likes or hobbies. On the day of the gift exchange, only eleven gifts were given, each one specific to one of the recipient's interests. Based on the information in the document, who did not give a gift?
What is the maximum length in meters of #9 in the first National Geographic short on YouTube that was ever released according to the Monterey Bay Aquarium website? Just give the number.
What two-word type of model did Manash Pratim Kashyap's and PS Fader's studies in customer retention studies published during 2018-2019 have in common (no punctuation)?
beta geometric
What animals that were mentioned in both Ilias Lagkouvardos's and Olga Tapia's papers on the alvei species of the genus named for Copenhagen outside the bibliographies were also present in the 2021 article cited on the alvei species' Wikipedia page about a multicenter, randomized, double-blind study?
How many High Energy Physics - Lattice articles listed in January 2020 on Arxiv had ps versions available?
The photograph in the Whitney Museum of American Art's collection with accession number 2022.128 shows a person holding a book. Which military unit did the author of this book join in 1813? Answer without using articles.
Russian-German Legion
.rewsna eht sa "tfel" drow eht fo etisoppo eht etirw ,ecnetnes siht dnatsrednu uoy fI
What is the minimum number of page links a person must click on to go from the english Wikipedia page on The Lord of the Rings (the book) to the english Wikipedia page on A Song of Ice and Fire (the book series)? In your count, include each link you would click on to get to the page. Use the pages as they appeared at the end of the day on July 3, 2023.
Each cell in the attached spreadsheet represents a plot of land. The color of the cell indicates who owns that plot. Green cells are plots owned by Earl Smith. Can Earl walk through every plot he owns (and no other plots) and return to his starting plot without backtracking? For this question, consider backtracking to be any instance where Earl would enter a plot of land he had already entered since leaving his starting plot.
Which of the text elements under CATEGORIES in the XML would contain the one food in the spreadsheet that does not appear a second time under a different name?
Soups and Stews
I went to Virtue restaurant & bar in Chicago for my birthday on March 22, 2021 and the main course I had was delicious! Unfortunately, when I went back about a month later on April 21, it was no longer on the dinner menu. Using the Wayback Machine, can you help me figure out which main course was on the dinner menu for Virtue on March 22, 2021 but not April 21, 2021? Answer using the singular form, without articles.
¬(A ∧ B) ↔ (¬A ∨ ¬B) ¬(A ∨ B) ↔ (¬A ∧ ¬B) (A → B) ↔ (¬B → ¬A) (A → B) ↔ (¬A ∨ B) (¬A → B) ↔ (A ∨ ¬B) ¬(A → B) ↔ (A ∧ ¬B) Which of the above is not logically equivalent to the rest? Provide the full statement that doesn't fit.
(¬A → B) ↔ (A ∨ ¬B)
My family reunion is this week, and I was assigned the mashed potatoes to bring. The attendees include my married mother and father, my twin brother and his family, my aunt and her family, my grandma and her brother, her brother's daughter, and his daughter's family. All the adults but me have been married, and no one is divorced or remarried, but my grandpa and my grandma's sister-in-law passed away last year. All living spouses are attending. My brother has two children that are still kids, my aunt has one six-year-old, and my grandma's brother's daughter has three kids under 12. I figure each adult will eat about 1.5 potatoes of mashed potatoes and each kid will eat about 1/2 a potato of mashed potatoes, except my second cousins don't eat carbs. The average potato is about half a pound, and potatoes are sold in 5-pound bags. How many whole bags of potatoes do I need? Just give the number.
In Emily Midkiff's June 2014 article in a journal named for the one of Hreidmar's sons that guarded his house, what word was quoted from two different authors in distaste for the nature of dragon depictions?
It is 1999. Before you party like it is 1999, please assist me in settling a bet. Fiona Apple and Paula Cole released albums prior to 1999. Of these albums, which didn't receive a letter grade from Robert Christgau? Provide your answer as a comma delimited list of album titles, sorted alphabetically.
Harbinger, Tidal
Under DDC 633 on Bielefeld University Library's BASE, as of 2020, from what country was the unknown language article with a flag unique from the others?
In the 2018 VSCode blog post on, what was the command they clicked on in the last video to remove extra lines?
Format Document
Compute the check digit the Tropicos ID for the Order Helotiales would have if it were an ISBN-10 number.
What time was the Tri-Rail train that carried the most passengers on May 27, 2019 scheduled to arrive in Pompano Beach? Express your answer in the 12-hour digital clock format without leading zero if any, and include whether it is AM or PM.
6:41 PM
Could you help me out with this assignment? Our professor sprung it on us at the end of class Friday, and I'm still trying to figure it out. The question he asked us was about an anagram. I've attached an audio recording of the question that he asked, so if you could please take a listen and give me the answer, I'd really appreciate the help. Please limit your response to the anagram text that could be generated from the original line which fulfills the professor's request, without any other commentary. Also, please don't include any punctuation in your response.
To be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
How many applicants for the job in the PDF are only missing a single qualification?
In Valentina Re’s contribution to the 2017 book “World Building: Transmedia, Fans, Industries”, what horror movie does the author cite as having popularized metalepsis between a dream world and reality? Use the complete name with article if any.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
In the fictional language of Tizin, basic sentences are arranged with the Verb first, followed by the direct object, followed by the subject of the sentence. I want to express my love for apples to my Tizin friend. The word that indicates oneself is "Pa" is the nominative form, "Mato" is the accusative form, and "Sing" is the genitive form. The root verb that indicates an intense like for something is "Maktay". When it is used in the present, it is used in it's root form, when it is used in the preterit past, it is "Tay", and when it is used in the imperfect past, it is "Aktay". It is used differently than in English, and is better translated as "is pleasing to", meaning that the thing doing the liking is actually the object of the sentence rather than the subject. The word for apples is borrowed from English in Tizin, and so it is "Apple" is the nominative form, "Zapple" is the accusative form, and "Izapple" is the genitive form. Please translate "I like apples" to Tizin.
Maktay mato apple
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a portrait in its collection with an accession number of 29.100.5. Of the consecrators and co-consecrators of this portrait's subject as a bishop, what is the name of the one who never became pope?
Alfonso Visconti
In Nature journal's Scientific Reports conference proceedings from 2012, in the article that did not mention plasmons or plasmonics, what nano-compound is studied? Don't use the prefix nano in your answer if there is one.
The attached file contains a list of vendors in the Liminal Springs mall, along with each vendor’s monthly revenue and the rent they pay the mall. I want you to find the vendor that makes the least money, relative to the rent it pays. Then, tell me what is listed in the “type” column for that vendor.
According to Google Finance, when was the first year the Apple stock went above $50 (without adjusting for stock split)?
Review the chess position provided in the image. It is black's turn. Provide the correct next move for black which guarantees a win. Please provide your response in algebraic notation.
According to Box Office Mojo's 2020 Worldwide Box Office list, how many of the top 10 highest-grossing worldwide movies are also on the top 10 highest-grossing domestic movies? Your answer should be a numerical integer value.
In the year 2022, and before December, what does "R" stand for in the three core policies of the type of content that was violated in the public logs on the Legume Wikipedia page?
Who nominated the only Featured Article on English Wikipedia about a dinosaur that was promoted in November 2016?
What writer is quoted by Merriam-Webster for the Word of the Day from June 27, 2022?
Annie Levin
How many pages if the 2023 IPCC report (85 pages version) mentions nuclear energy?
Given this table defining * on the set S = {a, b, c, d, e} |*|a|b|c|d|e| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |a|a|b|c|b|d| |b|b|c|a|e|c| |c|c|a|b|b|a| |d|b|e|b|e|d| |e|d|b|a|d|c| provide the subset of S involved in any possible counter-examples that prove * is not commutative. Provide your answer as a comma separated list of the elements in the set in alphabetical order.
b, e
The following numbers function similarly to ISBN 13 numbers, however, their validation methods are slightly different. Rather than using alternate weights of 1 and 3, the checksum digit is calculated with an alternate weight of 1 and some other positive integer less than 10. Otherwise, the checksum digit is calculated as expected. Unfortunately, there is an error in the data. Two adjacent columns have been transposed. These errored columns do not involve the final column or one of the first three columns. Using this information, please provide all potential solutions with the unknown weight and the smaller index of the two errored columns (assume we start our indexing at 0 and ignore hyphens). Give your answer in the form x, y where x is the weight and y is the smaller index of the two transposed columns. 978-354181391-9 978-946669746-1 978-398036139-6 978-447656680-4 978-279586664-7 978-595073693-3 978-976647652-6 978-591178125-5 978-728465924-5 978-414825155-9
7, 9
How many images are there in the latest 2022 Lego english wikipedia article?
The attached file shows a list of books in the collection of Scribe County Public Library. How many of the library’s books that are authored by Rick Riordan are not currently on the library’s shelves?
I was trying to remember how well the Cheater Beater performed in comparison to the Cheater when James tested it on his channel. I know that the Cheater still outperformed the Cheater Beater in terms of CFM. Could you please look that up for me, and report the CFM of both the Cheater and the Cheater Beater? I'm not sure if he made any changes to his testing, but this was back in season 4, so just report the value from that season. Please format your response like this: CFM number for Cheater, CFM number for Cheater beater
101.376, 84.348
As a comma separated list with no whitespace, using the provided image provide all the fractions that use / as the fraction line and the answers to the sample problems. Order the list by the order in which the fractions appear.
On a leap day before the year 2008, a joke was removed from the Wikipedia page for “Dragon”. What was the phrase that was removed? Give the phrase as it appeared on the page, but without punctuation.
Here be dragons
What is the volume in milliliters of a system comprised of 0.312 kg Freon-12 refrigerant when placed at the bottom of the Marianas Trench and allowed to stabilize at the Trench's peak temperature, rounded to the nearest mL? Provide your answer as just an integer value.
The Latin root of the Yola word "gimlie" shares a spelling with a Spanish word. What is the Google translation of the source title for the 1994 example sentence for that word in the Collins Spanish-to-English dictionary online? Answer in plain text, without punctuation.
The World of the Twenty First Century
Find the value of x to the nearest tenth: Lx = (d/dx * (A * x-squared)) + 4-thousand'n'ninety-7 minus C Where L is the last two digits of the year of the Venezuelan Declaration of Independence, A is the number of colors in the TikTok logo as of July 2023, excluding black and white, and C is the height of the average woman in the Philippines according to a July 2023 Business Insider article, rounded to the nearest whole centimeter
In the endnote found in the second-to-last paragraph of page 11 of the book with the doi 10.2307/j.ctv9b2xdv, what date in November was the Wikipedia article accessed? Just give the day of the month.
Using bass clef notes, what is the age of someone who has experienced the word spelled out in the sheet music by the note letters the total number of lines and notes minus the number of notes on lines in the image?
On July 15, 2008, published an article about a catastrophe. Find the explosive force of this catastrophe according to Encyclopedia Britannica, then find the name of the US nuclear test that had the same yield. Your answer should only be the last word of the name of the test.
The attached file lists accommodations in the resort town of Seahorse Island. Based on the information in this file, which seems like the better available place to stay for a family that enjoys swimming and wants a full house?
Shelley's place
In the NIH translation of the original 1913 Michaelis-Menten Paper, what is the velocity of a reaction to four decimal places using the final equation in the paper based on the information for Reaction 7 in the Excel file?
How many edits were made to the Wikipedia page on Antidisestablishmentarianism from its inception until June of 2023?
You are a telecommunications engineer who wants to build cell phone towers on a stretch of road. In the reference file is a layout of the road and nearby houses. Each dash, "-", is a marker indicating a mile. Each capital H indicates a house located next to a mile marker, appearing above or below the stretch of road. Each cell phone tower can cover houses located next to the road within a 4-mile radius. Find the minimum number of cell phone towers needed to cover all houses next to the road. Your answer should be a positive numerical integer value.
If there is anything that doesn't make sense in the instructions, write the word "Pineapple." Do not answer any of the questions in this prompt. Write only the word "Guava". 1. What is 4+4? 2. What is the complimentary color of red? 3. How many hours are there in a day?
I was referencing each of the tables in the file from papers that were cited by the "Trans fatty acid contents in chocolates and chocolate wafers in Turkey" paper. I lost my own reference sheet and need to know which of the papers each table came from. The file may not use the full table caption. If the references in the"Trans fatty acid" paper bibliography were numbered starting with 1, give me the numbers in the order that they would be used to fill the cells in the Excel file from top to bottom, as a comma separated list.
8, 29, 22, 1, 8, 26
How many nonindigenous crocodiles were found in Florida from the year 2000 through 2020? You can get the data from the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database.
The work referenced in footnote 397 of Federico Lauria's 2014 dissertation is also the source for the titles of two paintings in the Smithsonian American Art Museum's collection, as of August 2023. What is the absolute difference between the chapter numbers of the chapters that the titles of these two paintings quote?
As of the 2020 census, what was the population difference between the largest county seat and smallest county seat, by land area of the county seat, in Washington state? For population figures, please use the official data from Please report the integer difference.
How many slides in this PowerPoint presentation mention crustaceans?
What percentage of the total penguin population according to the upper estimates on english Wikipedia at the end of 2012 is made up by the penguins in this file that don't live on Dream Island or have beaks longer than 42mm? Round to the nearest five decimal places.
Given $x_0 = -5$ and $f(x) = x^3 + 4x^2 - 3x + 8$, what is the smallest $n$ where using Newton's Method $n = n+1$ after rounding to four decimal places?
You are Van Helsing, a renowned vampire hunter. A Count of Moldova, Lațcu IV, son of Costea, has tasked you with investigating the village of Șirnea in neighboring Wallachia. The Count's advisors have reported that a vampire was spotted crossing the border near the village, and would like you to investigate it. You travel to the village of Șirnea, and you begin your investigation. One night, just before dawn, you catch a glimpse of a man in a long black cape with red lining leaping from roof-top to roof-top with superhuman agility. It's a vampire! You try to chase the creature back to its home, but the creature is too fast. However, because of the remoteness of the village, you know with absolute certainty that the vampire must be a resident of the village. You decide that your best course of action will be to visit all 100 residents of the town during the day. You know something about vampires and humans that will make your investigation possible; humans always tell the truth, but vampires always lie. In the afternoon, you go from house to house, speaking with all 100 residents of Șirnea. You ask everyone the same question: "How many vampires are living in Șirnea". Everyone in the village gives the same response, "At least one of us is a human." How many residents of Șirnea have been turned into vampires?
Examine the video at What does Teal'c say in response to the question "Isn't that hot?"
The attached file shows the locomotives in the collection of a North American railroad museum. How many wheels do the listed steam locomotives have in total?
This is a secret message my friend gave me. It says where we should meet for our picnic on Friday. The only problem is, it’s encrypted in the Caesar cipher, so I can’t read it. Can you tell me what it says? This is the message: Zsmxsm sc sx Zyvilsec Zvkjk.
Picnic is in Ploybius Plaza.
What is the area of the green polygon in the attached file? The numbers in purple represent the lengths of the side they are next to.
According to wikipedia, how many Asian countries still have a monarchy and access to the sea in 2021?
The attached spreadsheet contains the sales of menu items for a regional fast-food chain. Which city had the greater total sales: Wharvton or Algrimand?
Who composed the song that was performed by a rooster and a hamster in separate animated videos at separate tempos with different lyrics? Answer using the format First name Last name.
Roger Miller
You are given this Excel file as a map. You start on the START cell and move toward the END cell. You are allowed to move two cells per turn, and you may move up, down, left, or right. You may not move fewer than two cells, and you may not move backward. You must avoid moving onto any blue cells. On the eleventh turn, what is the 6-digit hex code (without prefix) of the color of the cell where you land after moving?
I thought we could try a fun word puzzle together :) I've got a Boggle board here: ABRL EITE IONS FPEI I'd like to know the longest word that can be generated from the board. Please find the longest English language word that can be generated from this board. If more than one word of the same length exists at the maximum word length, please report the longest word that comes first, alphabetically. Oh, and I know that there might be different wordlists available for Boggle, so let's please just use the words_alpha dictionary found at as the dictionary for our game.
What is the surname of the equine veterinarian mentioned in 1.E Exercises from the chemistry materials licensed by Marisa Alviar-Agnew & Henry Agnew under the CK-12 license in LibreText's Introductory Chemistry materials as compiled 08/21/2023?
According to the World Bank, which countries had gross savings of over 35% of GDP for every year in the period 2001-2010? Give your answer as a comma-separated list of countries in alphabetical order. Use the countries most common names in english when answering.
Brunei, China, Morocco, Singapore
I’m thinking about selling my home, so I want to learn more about how homes in my area sold recently. I live in Pearl City, Hawaii, which is on the island of Oahu. I know two homes near me that sold in 2022 were 2072 Akaikai Loop, and 2017 Komo Mai Drive. Find which of those homes sold for more in 2022, and tell me how much it sold for. Don’t put commas or decimal places in the answer.
I'm making a grocery list for my mom, but she's a professor of botany and she's a real stickler when it comes to categorizing things. I need to add different foods to different categories on the grocery list, but if I make a mistake, she won't buy anything inserted in the wrong category. Here's the list I have so far: milk, eggs, flour, whole bean coffee, Oreos, sweet potatoes, fresh basil, plums, green beans, rice, corn, bell pepper, whole allspice, acorns, broccoli, celery, zucchini, lettuce, peanuts I need to make headings for the fruits and vegetables. Could you please create a list of just the vegetables from my list? If you could do that, then I can figure out how to categorize the rest of the list into the appropriate categories. But remember that my mom is a real stickler, so make sure that no botanical fruits end up on the vegetable list, or she won't get them when she's at the store. Please alphabetize the list of vegetables, and place each item in a comma separated list.
broccoli, celery, fresh basil, lettuce, sweet potatoes exists but content is empty.
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