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How many times was a Twitter/X post cited as a reference on the english Wikipedia pages for each day of August in the last June 2023 versions of the pages?
On ScienceDirect, what is the difference to 3 decimal places in the sample standard deviations of the number of Reference Works in each Life Science domain compared to Health Sciences as of 2022?
What is the last word before the second chorus of the King of Pop's fifth single from his sixth studio album?
Look at the attached image. The quiz is scored as follows: Problems that ask the student to add or subtract fractions: 5 points Problems that ask the student to multiply or divide fractions: 10 points Problems that ask the student to form an improper fraction: 15 points Problems that ask the student to form a mixed number: 20 points Due to a technical issue that delayed having students take the quiz, the teacher is giving everyone 5 bonus points. If you graded the quiz in the attached image, how many points would the student have earned? There is no partial credit.
Which of the fruits shown in the 2008 painting "Embroidery from Uzbekistan" were served as part of the October 1949 breakfast menu for the ocean liner that was later used as a floating prop for the film "The Last Voyage"? Give the items as a comma-separated list, ordering them in clockwise order based on their arrangement in the painting starting from the 12 o'clock position. Use the plural form of each fruit.
pears, bananas
Hi, I'm making a pie but I could use some help with my shopping list. I have everything I need for the crust, but I'm not sure about the filling. I got the recipe from my friend Aditi, but she left it as a voice memo and the speaker on my phone is buzzing so I can't quite make out what she's saying. Could you please listen to the recipe and list all of the ingredients that my friend described? I only want the ingredients for the filling, as I have everything I need to make my favorite pie crust. I've attached the recipe as Strawberry pie.mp3. In your response, please only list the ingredients, not any measurements. So if the recipe calls for "a pinch of salt" or "two cups of ripe strawberries" the ingredients on the list would be "salt" and "ripe strawberries". Please format your response as a comma separated list of ingredients. Also, please alphabetize the ingredients.
cornstarch, freshly squeezed lemon juice, granulated sugar, pure vanilla extract, ripe strawberries
The attached image contains a Python script. Run the Python code against an array of strings, listed below. The output of the Python script will be a URL containing C++ source code. Compile and run this C++ code against the array [35, 12, 8, 99, 21, 5] and return the sum of the third and fifth integers in the sorted list. arr = ['_alg', 'ghi', 'C++', 'jkl', 'tps', '/Q', 'pqr', 'stu', ':', '//', 'rose', 'vwx', 'yz1', '234', 'tta', '567', '890', 'cod', 'e.', 'or', 'g/', 'wiki', '/', 'ing', 'sort', 'abc' , 'or', 'it', 'hms', 'mno' , 'uic', 'ksort', '#', 'ht' ]
I have the Standard plan in the image below, and I just uploaded 60 equally sized files and got a message that I'm 100GB over the limit. I have 980 more files of the same size to upload. What is the average additional cost per file in dollar that goes over my current plan limit rounded to the nearest cent if I have to upgrade to the minimum possible plan to store them all? Answer with the following format: x.xx
The attached PDF lists accommodations in the resort community of Seahorse Island. Which type of accommodation has a higher average rating in Seahorse Island?
The year is 2022. I am at the National Air and Space Museum east of the Potomac River. I want to go to Fire Station 301 DCA ARFF using the metro. I go in the wrong direction and end up at the station closest to Cleveland Elementary School. How many metro stations am I away from my original destination if I don't change lines? Your answer should be a numerical integer value.
In the Scikit-Learn July 2017 changelog, what other predictor base command received a bug fix? Just give the name, not a path.
It's May 2023, and I'm about to drive across the U.S. from California to Maine. I always recycle my water bottles at the end of a trip, and I drink 5 12-ounce water bottles for every 100 miles I travel, rounded to the nearest 100. Assuming I follow I-40 from Los Angeles to Cincinnati, then take I-90 from Cincinnati to Augusta, how many dollars will I get back according to Wikipedia?
Who did the actor who played Ray in the Polish-language version of Everybody Loves Raymond play in Magda M.? Give only the first name.
What is the latest chronological year date written in the image on the webpage found when following the first citation reference link on the latest version of Carl Nebel's Wikipedia page as of August 2023?
The YouTube channel Game Grumps began a Let’s Play of the game Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) in the year 2012. Thirty seconds into the first episode, a phrase is shown on the screen in white letters on a red background. How many times does the letter "E" appear in this phrase?
This spreadsheet contains a list of clients for a retractable awning company. Each client has ordered a new awning for the back of their house within the last 90 days. The company makes different designs depending on whether the awning is made to block sunrises or sunsets. In this region, houses with odd-numbered street addresses face east, and houses with even-numbered street addresses face west. How many of these clients will be receiving the sunset awning design?
On the BBC Earth YouTube video of the Top 5 Silliest Animal Moments, what species of bird is featured?
Rockhopper penguin
The book with the doi 10.1353/book.24372 concerns a certain neurologist. According to chapter 2 of the book, what author influenced this neurologist’s belief in “endopsychic myths”? Give the last name only.
The longest-lived vertebrate is named after an island. According to Wikipedia as of January 1, 2021, what is the 2020 estimated population of that island, to the nearest thousand?
What is the final numeric output from the attached Python code?
On the DeepFruits fruit detection graph on Connected Papers from 2016, what feature caused the largest bubble to be the size it is?
During the first week of August 2015, one of the NASA Astronomy Pictures of the Day shows the lights of a city on the horizon. The namesake of this city also has a landmark building in Chicago named after him. What is the name of the architectural firm that designed this landmark building? Give the first name appearing in the name of the firm as of June 2023.
How many more blocks (also denoted as layers) in BERT base encoder than the encoder from the architecture proposed in Attention is All You Need?
Bob was invited to participate in a game show, and he advanced to the final round. The final round offered Bob the chance to win a large sum by playing a game against the host. The host has 30 shiny prop coins, each of which is worth $1,000 if Bob manages to win them by playing the game. The host hides the coins in three different prize boxes and then shuffles their order. The only rule restricting the host's coin placement is that one box must contain at least 2 coins, and one box must contain 6 more coins than another box. In order to play, Bob must submit three guesses, one guess for the number of coins in each box. The box is then opened and the number of coins is revealed. If Bob's guess is a number greater than the number of coins in the box, Bob earns no coins. If Bob guesses a number equal to or less than the number of coins in the box, Bob wins a number of coins equal to his guess. If Bob plays uses the optimal strategy, what's the minimum amount of money he can win from the game?
Pull out the sentence in the following 5x7 block of text. Read from left to right and use all of the letters in order: THESE AGULL GLIDE DPEAC EFULL YTOMY CHAIR
The seagull glided peacefully to my chair.
All of the individuals who formally held the position of United States secretary of homeland security prior to April 2019, excluding those who held the position in an acting capacity, have a bachelor's degree. Of the universities that these bachelor's degrees were from, which is the westernmost university and which is the easternmost university? Give them to me as a comma-separated list, I only want the name of the cities where the universities are located, with the westernmost city listed first.
Santa Clara, Boston
The attached spreadsheet contains a list of books I read in the year 2022. What is the title of the book that I read the slowest, using the rate of words per day?
Out of the Silent Planet
Consider the following symbols: 𒐜 𒐐𒐚 This is a number written using the Mesopotamian/Babylonian number system and represented with Sumerian cuneiform. Convert this number into Arabic numerals as a decimal number.
On Cornell Law School website's legal information institute, under the fifth section of federal rules alphabetically, what word was deleted in the last amendment to the first rule in the article that has "witnesses" in the most titles as of 2021?
According to the USGS, in what year was the American Alligator first found west of Texas (not including Texas)?
Of the cities within the United States where U.S. presidents were born, which two are the farthest apart from the westernmost to the easternmost going east, giving the city names only? Give them to me in alphabetical order, in a comma-separated list
Braintree, Honolulu
Eva Draconis has a personal website which can be accessed on her YouTube page. What is the meaning of the only symbol seen in the top banner that has a curved line that isn't a circle or a portion of a circle? Answer without punctuation.
War is not here this is a land of peace
The brand that makes these harnesses the dogs are wearing in the attached pic shares stories from their ambassadors on their website. What meat is mentioned in the story added Dec 8th 2022?
According to Girls Who Code, how long did it take in years for the percentage of computer scientists that were women to change by 13% from a starting point of 37%?
What was the complete title of the book in which two James Beard Award winners recommended the restaurant where Ali Khan enjoyed a New Mexican staple in his cost-conscious TV show that started in 2015? Write the numbers in plain text if there are some in the title.
Five Hundred Things To Eat Before It's Too Late: and the Very Best Places to Eat Them
As of August 2023, who is the only winner of the US version of Survivor to be born in the month of May?
Michele Fitzgerald
How many at bats did the Yankee with the most walks in the 1977 regular season have that same season?
The cover of the August 2021 issue of Vogue shows a famous landmark in the background behind some trees. How tall is this monument in yards, rounded to the nearest yard? Give the number only.
In Audre Lorde’s poem “Father Son and Holy Ghost”, what is the number of the stanza in which some lines are indented?
I'm curious about how much information is available for popular video games before their release. Find the Wikipedia page for the 2019 game that won the British Academy Games Awards. How many revisions did that page have before the month listed as the game's release date on that Wikipedia page (as of the most recent entry from 2022)?
The attached spreadsheet lists the locomotives owned by a local railroad museum. What is the typical American name for the type of locomotive this museum uses for the Murder Mystery Express?
What is the absolute difference in tens of thousands between the population of chinstrap penguins on the Wikipedia page for penguin species populations as of the end of 2018 and the population recorded in the Nature.com "global population assessment of the Chinstrap penguin" article from 2020, assuming two penguins per breeding pair?
The attached file lists the locomotives owned by a local railroad museum. It gives each locomotive’s identifying number, operating status, and the name of the daily excursion it heads, if operational. What are the odds that today’s Sunset Picnic Trip will use a steam locomotive? Assume that each day’s excursion picks one of its assigned locomotives at random, and express the answer in the form “1 in 4”, “1 in 5”, etc.
1 in 3
Hi, I was out sick from my classes on Friday, so I'm trying to figure out what I need to study for my Calculus mid-term next week. My friend from class sent me an audio recording of Professor Willowbrook giving out the recommended reading for the test, but my headphones are broken :( Could you please listen to the recording for me and tell me the page numbers I'm supposed to go over? I've attached a file called Homework.mp3 that has the recording. Please provide just the page numbers as a comma-delimited list. And please provide the list in ascending order.
132, 133, 134, 197, 245
When was a picture of St. Thomas Aquinas first added to the Wikipedia page on the Principle of double effect? Answer using the format DD/MM/YYYY.
A 5-man group made up of one tank, one healer, and three DPS is doing a dungeon that was just released in World of Warcraft. Two are plate wearers and two are cloth wearers. At the final boss, both the tank and the healer are casting holy spells. Ice and fire are being used, each one by a different DPS. A bear from the group is attacking the boss. Metamorphosis is cast. The Kilt of the Forgotten One drops as loot, but no one can use it. If all classes were using their class abilities and all classes are unique, what are the five classes in the group in alphabetical order separated by commas?
Death Knight, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Warlock
On June 6, 2023, an article by Carolyn Collins Petersen was published in Universe Today. This article mentions a team that produced a paper about their observations, linked at the bottom of the article. Find this paper. Under what NASA award number was the work performed by R. G. Arendt supported by?
According to Openreview.net, at the NeurIPS 2022 Conference, how many papers by an author named Yuri were accepted with a "certain" recommendation?
If this whole pint is made up of ice cream, how many percent above or below the US federal standards for butterfat content is it when using the standards as reported by Wikipedia in 2020? Answer as + or - a number rounded to one decimal place.
Take the gender split from the 2011 Bulgarian census about those who have completed tertiary education. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number, then return the difference in thousands of women. So if there were 30.1 thousand more men, you'd give "30.1"
What was the actual enrollment count of the clinical trial on H. pylori in acne vulgaris patients from Jan-May 2018 as listed on the NIH website?
I'd like to learn more about some popular reality television competition shows. As of the end of the 44th season of the American version of Survivor, how many more unique winners have there been compared to the number of winners of American Idol?
Where were the Vietnamese specimens described by Kuznetzov in Nedoshivina's 2010 paper eventually deposited? Just give me the city name without abbreviations.
Saint Petersburg
A standard Rubik’s cube has been broken into cubes making up its sides. The cubes are jumbled, and one is removed. There are 6 cubes with one colored face, 12 edge cubes with two colored faces, and 8 corner cubes with three colored faces. All blue cubes have been found. All cubes directly left, right, above, and below the orange center cube have been found, along with the center cube. The green corners have all been found, along with all green that borders yellow. For all orange cubes found, the opposite face’s cubes have been found. The removed cube has two colors on its faces. What are they? Answer using a comma separated list, with the colors ordered alphabetically.
green, white
What country had the least number of athletes at the 1928 Summer Olympics? If there's a tie for a number of athletes, return the first in alphabetical order. Give the IOC country code as your answer.
I read a paper about multiwavelength observations of fast radio bursts back in March 2021 on Arxiv, and it had a fascinating diagram of an X-ray time profile. There was a similar burst-1 diagram in another paper from one of the same authors about fast radio bursts back in July 2020, but I can't recall what the difference in seconds in the measured time span was. How many more seconds did one measure than the other? Just give the number.
Who are the pitchers with the number before and after Taishō Tamai's number as of July 2023? Give them to me in the form Pitcher Before, Pitcher After, use their last names only, in Roman characters.
Yoshida, Uehara
The attached Excel file contains the sales of menu items for a local fast-food chain. What were the total sales that the chain made from food (not including drinks)? Express your answer in USD with two decimal places.
What is the first name of the only Malko Competition recipient from the 20th Century (after 1977) whose nationality on record is a country that no longer exists?
In the YouTube 360 VR video from March 2018 narrated by the voice actor of Lord of the Rings' Gollum, what number was mentioned by the narrator directly after dinosaurs were first shown in the video?
In NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day on 2006 January 21, two astronauts are visible, with one appearing much smaller than the other. As of August 2023, out of the astronauts in the NASA Astronaut Group that the smaller astronaut was a member of, which one spent the least time in space, and how many minutes did he spend in space, rounded to the nearest minute? Exclude any astronauts who did not spend any time in space. Give the last name of the astronaut, separated from the number of minutes by a semicolon.
White; 5876
In the film Goldfinger, what color was the object that James Bond concealed himself and his companion Pussy Galore at the end of the film? If there are multiple colors, put them in a comma-separated list in alphabetical order.
orange, white
As of May 2023, how many stops are between South Station and Windsor Gardens on MBTA’s Franklin-Foxboro line (not included)?
In the 2015 Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition titled after the Chinese zodiac animal of 2015, how many of the "twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac" have a hand visible?
At the two-minute mark in the YouTube video uploaded by the channel “GameGrumps” on May 14, 2017 as part of their playthrough of the game Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, the shows’ hosts are competing on one of the game’s racetracks. What was the world record time for that track in the game’s 150cc mode as of June 7, 2023? Express your answer in minutes and seconds, rounding the seconds to the nearest hundredth, e.g. 1:01.001.