Usage of Inpaint Anything Library
The inpalib
from the
package lets you segment images and create masks using sketches from other extensions.
Code Breakdown
Imports and Module Initialization
import importlib
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
inpalib = importlib.import_module("")
Fetch Model IDs
available_sam_ids = inpalib.get_available_sam_ids()
use_sam_id = "sam_hq_vit_l.pth"
# assert use_sam_id in available_sam_ids, f"Invalid SAM ID: {use_sam_id}"
Note: Only the models downloaded via the Inpaint Anything extension are available.
Generate Segments Image
input_image = np.array("/path/to/image.png"))
sam_masks = inpalib.generate_sam_masks(input_image, use_sam_id, anime_style_chk=False)
sam_masks = inpalib.sort_masks_by_area(sam_masks)
seg_color_image = inpalib.create_seg_color_image(input_image, sam_masks)
Create Mask from Sketch
sketch_image = Image.fromarray(np.zeros_like(input_image))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(sketch_image)
draw.point((input_image.shape[1] // 2, input_image.shape[0] // 2), fill=(255, 255, 255))
mask_image = inpalib.create_mask_image(np.array(sketch_image), sam_masks, ignore_black_chk=True)
Note: Ensure you adjust the file paths before executing the code.