import requests |
import gradio as gr |
import time |
import subprocess |
import threading |
import os |
import re |
import random |
import platform |
import stat |
import json |
import time |
from pathlib import Path |
from modules.shared import opts, cmd_opts |
from scripts.civitai_global import print |
import scripts.civitai_global as gl |
import scripts.civitai_api as _api |
import scripts.civitai_file_manage as _file |
try: |
from zip_unicode import ZipHandler |
except ImportError: |
print("Python module 'ZipUnicode' has not been imported correctly, please try to restart or install it manually.") |
total_count = 0 |
current_count = 0 |
dl_manager_count = 0 |
def random_number(prev=None): |
number = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) |
while number == prev: |
number = str(random.randint(10000, 99999)) |
return number |
gl.init() |
rpc_secret = "R7T5P2Q9K6" |
try: |
queue = not cmd_opts.no_gradio_queue |
except AttributeError: |
queue = not cmd_opts.disable_queue |
except: |
queue = True |
def start_aria2_rpc(): |
start_file = os.path.join(aria2path, '_') |
running_file = os.path.join(aria2path, 'running') |
null = open(os.devnull, 'w') |
if os.path.exists(running_file): |
try: |
if os_type == 'Linux': |
env = os.environ.copy() |
env['PATH'] = '/usr/bin:' + env['PATH'] |
subprocess.Popen("pkill aria2", shell=True, env=env) |
else: |
subprocess.Popen(stop_rpc, stdout=null, stderr=null) |
time.sleep(1) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Failed to stop Aria2 RPC : {e}") |
else: |
if os.path.exists(start_file): |
os.rename(start_file, running_file) |
return |
else: |
with open(start_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8"): |
pass |
try: |
show_log = getattr(opts, "show_log", False) |
aria2_flags = getattr(opts, "aria2_flags", "") |
cmd = f'"{aria2}" --enable-rpc --rpc-listen-all --rpc-listen-port=24000 --rpc-secret {rpc_secret} --check-certificate=false --ca-certificate=" " --file-allocation=none {aria2_flags}' |
subprocess_args = {'shell': True} |
if not show_log: |
subprocess_args.update({'stdout': subprocess.DEVNULL, 'stderr': subprocess.DEVNULL}) |
subprocess.Popen(cmd, **subprocess_args) |
if os.path.exists(running_file): |
print("Aria2 RPC restarted") |
else: |
print("Aria2 RPC started") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Failed to start Aria2 RPC server: {e}") |
aria2path = Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "aria2" |
os_type = platform.system() |
if os_type == 'Windows': |
aria2 = os.path.join(aria2path, 'win', 'aria2.exe') |
stop_rpc = "taskkill /im aria2.exe /f" |
start_aria2_rpc() |
elif os_type == 'Linux': |
aria2 = os.path.join(aria2path, 'lin', 'aria2') |
st = os.stat(aria2) |
os.chmod(aria2, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) |
stop_rpc = "pkill aria2" |
start_aria2_rpc() |
class TimeOutFunction(Exception): |
pass |
def create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, from_batch=False): |
global dl_manager_count |
if model_id: |
model_id = int(model_id) |
if model_sha256: |
model_sha256 = model_sha256.upper() |
filtered_items = [] |
for item in gl.json_data['items']: |
if int(item['id']) == int(model_id): |
filtered_items.append(item) |
content_type = item['type'] |
desc = item['description'] |
main_folder = _api.contenttype_folder(content_type, desc) |
break |
sub_folder = os.path.normpath(os.path.relpath(install_path, main_folder)) |
model_json = {"items": filtered_items} |
model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(model_id) |
(preview_html,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,existing_path,_) = _api.update_model_info(None, model_versions.get('value'), False, model_id) |
for item in gl.download_queue: |
if item['dl_url'] == dl_url: |
return None |
dl_manager_count += 1 |
item = { |
"dl_id": dl_manager_count, |
"dl_url" : dl_url, |
"model_filename" : model_filename, |
"install_path" : install_path, |
"model_name" : model_name, |
"version_name" : version_name, |
"model_sha256" : model_sha256, |
"model_id" : model_id, |
"create_json" : create_json, |
"model_json" : model_json, |
"model_versions" : model_versions, |
"preview_html" : preview_html['value'], |
"existing_path": existing_path['value'], |
"from_batch" : from_batch, |
"sub_folder" : sub_folder |
} |
return item |
def selected_to_queue(model_list, subfolder, download_start, create_json, current_html): |
global total_count, current_count |
if gl.download_queue: |
number = download_start |
else: |
number = random_number(download_start) |
total_count = 0 |
current_count = 0 |
model_list = json.loads(model_list) |
for model_string in model_list: |
model_name, model_id = _api.extract_model_info(model_string) |
for item in gl.json_data['items']: |
if int(item['id']) == int(model_id): |
model_id, desc, content_type = item['id'], item['description'], item['type'] |
version = item.get('modelVersions', [])[0] |
version_name = version.get('name') |
files = version.get('files', []) |
primary_file = next((file for file in files if file.get('primary', False)), None) |
if primary_file: |
model_filename = _api.cleaned_name(primary_file.get('name')) |
model_sha256 = primary_file.get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256') |
dl_url = primary_file.get('downloadUrl') |
else: |
model_filename = _api.cleaned_name(files[0].get('name')) |
model_sha256 = files[0].get('hashes', {}).get('SHA256') |
dl_url = files[0].get('downloadUrl') |
break |
model_folder = _api.contenttype_folder(content_type, desc) |
sub_opt1 = os.path.join(os.sep, _api.cleaned_name(model_name)) |
sub_opt2 = os.path.join(os.sep, _api.cleaned_name(model_name), _api.cleaned_name(version_name)) |
default_sub = _api.sub_folder_value(content_type, desc) |
if default_sub == f"{os.sep}Model Name": |
default_sub = sub_opt1 |
elif default_sub == f"{os.sep}Model Name{os.sep}Version Name": |
default_sub = sub_opt2 |
if subfolder and subfolder != "None" and subfolder != "Only available if the selected files are of the same model type": |
from_batch = False |
if platform.system() == "Windows": |
subfolder = re.sub(r'[/:*?"<>|]', '', subfolder) |
if not subfolder.startswith(os.sep): |
subfolder = os.sep + subfolder |
install_path = model_folder + subfolder |
else: |
from_batch = True |
if default_sub != "None": |
install_path = model_folder + default_sub |
else: |
install_path = model_folder |
model_item = create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, from_batch) |
if model_item: |
gl.download_queue.append(model_item) |
total_count += 1 |
html = download_manager_html(current_html) |
return ( |
gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False, visible=True), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=number), |
gr.HTML.update(value='<div style="min-height: 100px;"></div>'), |
gr.HTML.update(value=html) |
) |
def download_start(download_start, dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_string, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json, current_html): |
global total_count, current_count |
if model_string: |
model_name, _ = _api.extract_model_info(model_string) |
model_item = create_model_item(dl_url, model_filename, install_path, model_name, version_name, model_sha256, model_id, create_json) |
gl.download_queue.append(model_item) |
if len(gl.download_queue) > 1: |
number = download_start |
total_count += 1 |
else: |
number = random_number(download_start) |
total_count = 1 |
current_count = 0 |
html = download_manager_html(current_html) |
return ( |
gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=True), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=True, visible=True), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False, visible=True), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=number), |
gr.HTML.update(value='<div style="min-height: 100px;"></div>'), |
gr.HTML.update(value=html) |
) |
def download_finish(model_filename, version, model_id): |
if model_id: |
model_id = int(model_id) |
model_versions = _api.update_model_versions(model_id) |
else: |
model_versions = None |
if model_versions: |
version_choices = model_versions.get('choices', []) |
else: |
version_choices = [] |
prev_version = gl.last_version + " [Installed]" |
if prev_version in version_choices: |
version = prev_version |
Del = True |
Down = False |
else: |
Del = False |
Down = True |
if gl.cancel_status: |
Del = False |
Down = True |
gl.download_fail = False |
gl.cancel_status = False |
return ( |
gr.Button.update(interactive=model_filename, visible=Down, value="Download model"), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=False, visible=False), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=Del, visible=Del), |
gr.HTML.update(value='<div style="min-height: 0px;"></div>'), |
gr.Dropdown.update(value=version, choices=version_choices) |
) |
def download_cancel(): |
gl.cancel_status = True |
gl.download_fail = True |
if gl.download_queue: |
item = gl.download_queue[0] |
while True: |
if not gl.isDownloading: |
if item: |
model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" |
_file.delete_model(0, item['model_filename'], model_string, item['version_name'], False, model_ver=item['model_versions'], model_json=item['model_json']) |
break |
else: |
time.sleep(0.5) |
return |
def download_cancel_all(): |
gl.cancel_status = True |
gl.download_fail = True |
if gl.download_queue: |
item = gl.download_queue[0] |
while True: |
if not gl.isDownloading: |
if item: |
model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" |
_file.delete_model(0, item['model_filename'], model_string, item['version_name'], False, model_ver=item['model_versions'], model_json=item['model_json']) |
gl.download_queue = [] |
break |
else: |
time.sleep(0.5) |
return |
def convert_size(size): |
for unit in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']: |
if size < 1024: |
return f"{size:.2f} {unit}" |
size /= 1024 |
return f"{size:.2f} GB" |
def get_download_link(url): |
headers = _api.get_headers() |
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) |
if 300 <= response.status_code <= 308: |
if "login?returnUrl" in response.text and "reason=download-auth" in response.text: |
return "NO_API" |
download_link = response.headers["Location"] |
return download_link |
else: |
return None |
def download_file(url, file_path, install_path, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): |
try: |
disable_dns = getattr(opts, "disable_dns", False) |
split_aria2 = getattr(opts, "split_aria2", 64) |
max_retries = 5 |
gl.download_fail = False |
aria2_rpc_url = "http://localhost:24000/jsonrpc" |
file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) |
download_link = get_download_link(url) |
if not download_link: |
print(f'File: "{file_name}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
elif download_link == "NO_API": |
print(f'File: "{file_name}" requires a personal CivitAI API to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') |
gl.download_fail = "NO_API" |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name}" requires a personal CivitAI API to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') |
time.sleep(5) |
return |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
if disable_dns: |
dns = "false" |
else: |
dns = "true" |
options = { |
"dir": install_path, |
"max-connection-per-server": str(f"{split_aria2}"), |
"split": str(f"{split_aria2}"), |
"async-dns": dns, |
"out": file_name |
} |
payload = json.dumps({ |
"jsonrpc": "2.0", |
"id": "1", |
"method": "aria2.addUri", |
"params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, [download_link], options] |
}) |
try: |
response = requests.post(aria2_rpc_url, data=payload) |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
if 'result' not in data: |
raise ValueError(f'Failed to start download: {data}') |
gid = data['result'] |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Failed to start download: {e}") |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
while True: |
if gl.cancel_status: |
payload = json.dumps({ |
"jsonrpc": "2.0", |
"id": "1", |
"method": "aria2.remove", |
"params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, gid] |
}) |
requests.post(aria2_rpc_url, data=payload) |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") |
return |
try: |
payload = json.dumps({ |
"jsonrpc": "2.0", |
"id": "1", |
"method": "aria2.tellStatus", |
"params": ["token:" + rpc_secret, gid] |
}) |
response = requests.post(aria2_rpc_url, data=payload) |
status_info = json.loads(response.text)['result'] |
total_length = int(status_info['totalLength']) |
completed_length = int(status_info['completedLength']) |
download_speed = int(status_info['downloadSpeed']) |
progress_percent = (completed_length / total_length) * 100 if total_length else 0 |
remaining_size = total_length - completed_length |
if download_speed > 0: |
eta_seconds = remaining_size / download_speed |
eta_formatted = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(eta_seconds)) |
else: |
eta_formatted = "XX:XX:XX" |
if progress != None: |
progress(progress_percent / 100, desc=f"Downloading: {file_name} - {convert_size(completed_length)}/{convert_size(total_length)} - Speed: {convert_size(download_speed)}/s - ETA: {eta_formatted} - Queue: {current_count}/{total_count}") |
if status_info['status'] == 'complete': |
print(f"Model saved to: {file_path}") |
if progress != None: |
progress(1, desc=f"Model saved to: {file_path}") |
gl.download_fail = False |
return |
if status_info['status'] == 'error': |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
time.sleep(0.25) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Error occurred during Aria2 status update: {e}") |
max_retries -= 1 |
if max_retries == 0: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
time.sleep(5) |
except: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: \"{file_name}\" Please try again.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
time.sleep(5) |
def info_to_json(install_path, model_id, model_sha256, unpackList=None): |
json_file = os.path.splitext(install_path)[0] + ".json" |
if os.path.exists(json_file): |
try: |
with open(json_file, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as f: |
data = json.load(f) |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Failed to open {json_file}: {e}") |
else: |
data = {} |
data['modelId'] = model_id |
data['sha256'] = model_sha256 |
if unpackList: |
data['unpackList'] = unpackList |
with open(json_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f: |
json.dump(data, f, indent=4) |
def download_file_old(url, file_path, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): |
try: |
gl.download_fail = False |
max_retries = 5 |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
downloaded_size = 0 |
tokens = re.split(re.escape(os.sep), file_path) |
file_name_display = tokens[-1] |
start_time = time.time() |
last_update_time = 0 |
update_interval = 0.25 |
download_link = get_download_link(url) |
if not download_link: |
print(f'File: "{file_name_display}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name_display}" not found on CivitAI servers, it looks like the file is not available for download.') |
time.sleep(5) |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
elif download_link == "NO_API": |
print(f'File: "{file_name_display}" requires a personal CivitAI API key to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') |
gl.download_fail = "NO_API" |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f'File: "{file_name_display}" requires a personal CivitAI API key to be downloaded, you can set your own API key in the CivitAI Browser+ settings in the SD-WebUI settings tab') |
time.sleep(5) |
return |
while True: |
if gl.cancel_status: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") |
return |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) |
headers = {"Range": f"bytes={downloaded_size}-"} |
else: |
headers = {} |
with open(file_path, "ab") as f: |
while gl.isDownloading: |
try: |
if gl.cancel_status: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") |
return |
try: |
if gl.cancel_status: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") |
return |
response = requests.get(download_link, headers=headers, stream=True, timeout=4) |
if response.status_code == 404: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, file is not found on CivitAI servers.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
total_size = int(response.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) |
except: |
raise TimeOutFunction("Timed Out") |
if total_size == 0: |
total_size = downloaded_size |
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): |
if chunk: |
if gl.cancel_status: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Download cancelled.") |
return |
f.write(chunk) |
downloaded_size += len(chunk) |
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time |
download_speed = downloaded_size / elapsed_time |
remaining_size = total_size - downloaded_size |
if download_speed > 0: |
eta_seconds = remaining_size / download_speed |
eta_formatted = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(eta_seconds)) |
else: |
eta_formatted = "XX:XX:XX" |
current_time = time.time() |
if current_time - last_update_time >= update_interval: |
if progress != None: |
progress(downloaded_size / total_size, desc=f"Downloading: {file_name_display} {convert_size(downloaded_size)} / {convert_size(total_size)} - Speed: {convert_size(int(download_speed))}/s - ETA: {eta_formatted} - Queue: {current_count}/{total_count}") |
last_update_time = current_time |
if gl.isDownloading == False: |
response.close |
break |
downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) |
break |
except TimeOutFunction: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc="CivitAI API did not respond, retrying...") |
max_retries -= 1 |
if max_retries == 0: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
return |
time.sleep(5) |
if (gl.isDownloading == False): |
break |
gl.isDownloading = False |
downloaded_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) |
if downloaded_size >= total_size: |
if not gl.cancel_status: |
print(f"Model saved to: {file_path}") |
if progress != None: |
progress(1, desc=f"Model saved to: {file_path}") |
gl.download_fail = False |
return |
else: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") |
print(f"File download failed: {file_name_display}") |
gl.download_fail = True |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
except: |
if progress != None: |
progress(0, desc=f"Encountered an error during download of: {file_name_display}, please try again.") |
gl.download_fail = True |
if os.path.exists(file_path): |
os.remove(file_path) |
time.sleep(5) |
def download_create_thread(download_finish, queue_trigger, progress=gr.Progress() if queue else None): |
global current_count |
current_count += 1 |
if not gl.download_queue: |
return ( |
gr.HTML.update(), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=None), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=random_number(download_finish)), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=queue_trigger), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=False) |
) |
item = gl.download_queue[0] |
gl.cancel_status = False |
use_aria2 = getattr(opts, "use_aria2", True) |
unpack_zip = getattr(opts, "unpack_zip", False) |
save_all_images = getattr(opts, "auto_save_all_img", False) |
gl.recent_model = item['model_name'] |
gl.last_version = item['version_name'] |
if item['from_batch']: |
item['install_path'] = item['existing_path'] |
gl.isDownloading = True |
_file.make_dir(item['install_path']) |
path_to_new_file = os.path.join(item['install_path'], item['model_filename']) |
if use_aria2 and os_type != 'Darwin': |
thread = threading.Thread(target=download_file, args=(item['dl_url'], path_to_new_file, item['install_path'], progress)) |
else: |
thread = threading.Thread(target=download_file_old, args=(item['dl_url'], path_to_new_file, progress)) |
thread.start() |
thread.join() |
if not gl.cancel_status or gl.download_fail: |
if os.path.exists(path_to_new_file): |
unpackList = [] |
if unpack_zip: |
try: |
if path_to_new_file.endswith('.zip'): |
directory = Path(os.path.dirname(path_to_new_file)) |
zip_handler = ZipHandler(path_to_new_file) |
for _, decoded_name in zip_handler.name_map.items(): |
unpackList.append(decoded_name) |
zip_handler.extract_all(directory) |
zip_handler.zip_ref.close() |
print(f"Successfully extracted {item['model_filename']} to {directory}") |
os.remove(path_to_new_file) |
except ImportError: |
print("Python module 'ZipUnicode' has not been imported correctly, cannot extract zip file. Please try to restart or install it manually.") |
except Exception as e: |
print(f"Failed to extract {item['model_filename']} with error: {e}") |
if not gl.cancel_status: |
if item['create_json']: |
_file.save_model_info(item['install_path'], item['model_filename'], item['sub_folder'], item['model_sha256'], item['preview_html'], api_response=item['model_json']) |
info_to_json(path_to_new_file, item['model_id'], item['model_sha256'], unpackList) |
_file.save_preview(path_to_new_file, item['model_json'], True, item['model_sha256']) |
if save_all_images: |
_file.save_images(item['preview_html'], item['model_filename'], item['install_path'], item['sub_folder'], api_response=item['model_json']) |
base_name = os.path.splitext(item['model_filename'])[0] |
base_name_preview = base_name + '.preview' |
if gl.download_fail: |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(item['install_path'], followlinks=True): |
for file in files: |
file_base_name = os.path.splitext(file)[0] |
if file_base_name == base_name or file_base_name == base_name_preview: |
path_file = os.path.join(root, file) |
os.remove(path_file) |
if gl.cancel_status: |
print(f'Cancelled download of "{item["model_filename"]}"') |
else: |
if not gl.download_fail == "NO_API": |
print(f'Error occured during download of "{item["model_filename"]}"') |
if gl.cancel_status: |
card_name = None |
else: |
model_string = f"{item['model_name']} ({item['model_id']})" |
(card_name, _, _) = _file.card_update(item['model_versions'], model_string, item['version_name'], True) |
if len(gl.download_queue) != 0: |
gl.download_queue.pop(0) |
gl.isDownloading = False |
time.sleep(2) |
if len(gl.download_queue) == 0: |
finish_nr = random_number(download_finish) |
queue_nr = queue_trigger |
else: |
finish_nr = download_finish |
queue_nr = random_number(queue_trigger) |
return ( |
gr.HTML.update(), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=card_name), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=finish_nr), |
gr.Textbox.update(value=queue_nr), |
gr.Button.update(interactive=True if len(gl.download_queue) > 1 else False) |
) |
def remove_from_queue(dl_id): |
global total_count |
for item in gl.download_queue: |
if int(dl_id) == int(item['dl_id']): |
gl.download_queue.remove(item) |
total_count -= 1 |
return |
def arrange_queue(input): |
id_and_index = input.split('.') |
dl_id = int(id_and_index[0]) |
index = int(id_and_index[1]) + 1 |
for item in gl.download_queue: |
if int(item['dl_id']) == dl_id: |
current_item = gl.download_queue.pop(gl.download_queue.index(item)) |
gl.download_queue.insert(index, current_item) |
break |
def get_style(size, left_border): |
return f"flex-grow: {size};" + ("border-left: 1px solid var(--border-color-primary);" if left_border else "") + "padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px;width: 0;align-self: center;" |
def download_manager_html(current_html): |
html = current_html.rsplit("</div>", 1)[0] |
pattern = r'dl_id="(\d+)"' |
matches = re.findall(pattern, html) |
existing_item_ids = [int(match) for match in matches] |
for item in gl.download_queue: |
if not item['dl_id'] in existing_item_ids: |
download_item = f''' |
<div class="civitai_dl_item" dl_id="{item['dl_id']}" style="display: flex; font-size: var(--section-header-text-size);"> |
<div class="dl_name" style="{get_style(1, False)}"><span title="{item['model_name']}">{item['model_name']}</span></div> |
<div class="dl_ver" style="{get_style(0.75, True)}"><span title="{item['version_name']}">{item['version_name']}</span></div> |
<div class="dl_path" style="{get_style(1.5, True)}"><span title="{item['install_path']}">{item['install_path']}</span></div> |
<div class="dl_stat" style="{get_style(1.5, True)}"><div class="dl_progress_bar" style="width:0%">In queue...</div></div> |
<div class="dl_action_btn" style="{get_style(0.3, True)}text-align: center;"><span onclick="removeDlItem({item['dl_id']}, this)" class="civitai-btn-text" style="font-size: larger;">Remove</span></div> |
</div> |
''' |
html = html + download_item |
html = html + "</div>" |
return html |