handed hooks help
How will hollow-handed hooks help?
slits sheets
Sally is a sheet slitter, she slits sheets.
purple playpens
Pink playpens. Purple playpens.
packers packed survive
If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years?
The epitome of femininity.
thistle sifter
She sifted thistles through her thistle sifter.
winch wendell wanted
Wednesday, Wendell went to rent a winch. Wendy'd already rented the winch Wendell wanted to rent. "Why did Wendy rent the winch?" Wendell wondered.
linda likes london less
Larry likes London.Linda likes London less.Landon likes London least.
red wretched bull put
The red wretched bull put his foot in the bucket.
fisherman named fisher
There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.
cheerleaders lead lead
Cheerleaders lead cheers. The cheers the cheerleaders lead lead the cheerers to cheer loudly.
tricky trickster
The tracker tracked and tricked and trapped the tricky trickster.
side wrestler went whacko
The wild, side wrestler went whacko.
surely shine
Shannon shut some shutters, but she didn't shut the other shutters. The sun will surely shine through the shutters Shannon didn't shut.
inexplicably mimicking
She stood on the balcony, inexplicably mimicking him hiccuping, and amicably welcoming him in.
five fifers free
Five fifers free, fifing in the fog, Phyllis, Fran and Phil and Dan and Philip's funny frog.
little yodeler learned
The little yodeler learned to yodel loudly.
upper roller
Upper roller, lower roller, upper roller, lower roller, upper roller, lower roller, ...
fevvered fluffin fug till suffing grably
One night when I was fast apeels all duggled snown and warm, I had a very dasty ream about a stunder thorm and fightning lashed and saves at wea like boiling werpents sithed and foaming angs did frockle me and shicked and slucked and eyethed. They ulled me under, lungings full of fevvered fluffin fug till suffing grably I apized upon the redboom bug.
dog dragged daisy
The dog dragged Daisy's dolly for digging.
attempted arithmetic answers
Adam's attempted arithmetic answers were always error-riddled.
buffed boxer
Bryan's bald but buffed boxer.
soft chips
The fish-and-chi[ shop's chips are soft chips.
hunt punt cuddy
Old Mr. Hunt had a cuddy punt Not a cuddy punt but a hunt punt cuddy.
seen three thieves leave
They've seen three thieves leave the scene!
dried draped
Danielle dreams that dragons dance on Dustin's drip-dried draped.
little mike left
Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike's.
shop stock shot silk shorts
Does this shop stock shot silk shorts?
plump turkey
Diderot dined on the back of a plump turkey.
assistant assist
If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister's sister-assistant assist me?
shallow ship showed signs
The shallow ship showed signs of sinking.
goalie gladly going
Gordie the goalie gladly going for gold!
ample apple dapple bumble crumble pie
I'll have ample apple dapple bumble crumble pie.
crowned clown
A laurel-crowned clown.
little willie
Little Willie's wooden whistle wouldn't whistle.
undertaker ever undertook
An undertaker undertook to under take an undertaking. The undertaking that the undertaker undertook was the hardest undertaking the undertaker ever undertook to undertake.
howled horribly
Hercules, a hardy hunter, hunted a hare in the Hampshire Hills. Hit him on the head with a hard, hard hammer and he howled horribly!
thirty thirsty thracians thrust
Through thicket and bush the thirty thirsty Thracians thrust.
sells seashells
She sells seashells on the seashore but she sells seashells, sherry, and sandshoes on the seashore.
son shines shop signs
Sylvester's son shines shop signs.
pamela posies
Pamela posies are supposed to be roses, but she planted the posies so posies' what growses.
flies fly food
Feed the flies fly food, Floyd!
yellow leather
Red leather! Yellow leather!
guyed guy guyed
The guide was guiding a guy. As the guy guided the guy, the guide guyed the guy, until the guy would no longer be guided by a guide whom he had hired not to guy but to guide. So the guyed guy guyed the guide. No wonder why everybody guyed the guyed guide guiding a guyed guy.
much oil boil
How much oil boil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil?
skunk stunk
A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
shy sly sheila sat shivering
Shy sly Sheila sat shivering in her slim, shiny silk smock.
setting sun shone soft upon
She was sitting sipping sarsaparilla slowly through a straw, sipping, sighing sadly on a sweeping sandy shore, Seagulls, shrieking, swooped in circled. Sea spray speckled stones were submerged as surf surged seething, settling where she sat, alone. She sat silent, sea surrounded, still the sarsaparilla gone she swam, a sea sprite, swiftly seawards. A setting sun shone soft upon her scaled tail, sheffing silver sea spray, which slapped the saea, swish, smach! The sound scared the seagulls who swept, screaming in swirling spirals all around.
wrong one
Ron wrote the wrong one
mother utter
Once I heard a mother utter, "Daughter, go and shut the shutter." "Shutter's shut," the daughter uttered, "For I can't shut it any shutter."
tired turtle tried
The tired turtle tried to tread tenderly.
clever kelly grasps
Clever Kelly grasps and clasps the glass cask.
many cans
How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans.
neat trousers
I need not your needles. They're needless to me. For needing needles is needless, you see. But did my neat trousers but need to be kneed, I then should have need of your needles indeed.
toy phone
Toy phone, toy phone, toy phone.
cheerful cheap chop suey shop
Where can I find a cheerful cheap chop suey shop?
Two to two to Toulouse?
dude designed
The dude designed the desperate plot to dupe the dreadful desperado.
shop stock short socks
Does this shop stock short socks with spots?
caught coughing
Cuthbert was caught coughing in his coffin.
three thick thimbles
They both, though, have thirty-three thick thimbles to thaw.
grey gay brigade
Gaze on the grey gay brigade.
sleigh slams surprised snowmen
Soon Santa's sleigh slams surprised snowmen!
egg examiner
The ex-egg examiner.
full merrily spake
She wallowed in the Zuyder Zee. The breeze had ceased to spank. The crew of her was him and me, a Dutchman and a Yank. Inside her there was cider, there was cider in the sea. And cider on the starboard side, the larboard side, the lee, and much of such inside the Dutch, and much of such in me. From starboard spake the Dutchman, and full merrily spake he, "The starboard is the steer-board side, so steer me two or three, and when we've slipped the cider, we will sip the cider sea." From larboard then the Yankee spake, the Yankee being me, "The larboard is the loading side, so load in two or three. We'll sip up all the cider, see, and then the Zuyder Zee."
stoutest wrists
Amidst the mists and coldest frosts, With stoutest wrists and loudest boasts, He thrusts his fists against the posts, And still insists he sees the ghosts.
eli eats eels
Eli eats eels from Ealing.
face cloth
Faith's face cloth, Faith's face cloth, Faith's face cloth, ...
yellow lorry
Red lorry, yellow lorry.
thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly
These thousand tricky tongue twisters trip thrillingly off the tongue.
sure saw seven segregated seaplanes sailing swiftly southward saturday
Sweet sagacious Sally Sanders said she sure saw seven segregated seaplanes sailing swiftly southward Saturday.
hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen
In Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen.
let little nellie run
Let little Nellie run a little.
mighty master murdered
The mighty master murdered the maddened magistrate.
one wombat
One wombat won't walk and one wombat won't run.
two tiny timid toads trying
Two tiny timid toads trying to trot to Tarrytown.
baseballer briefly broke baseball bats
Bobby the baseballer briefly broke baseball bats by bashing baseballs.
three fluffy feathers fell
Three fluffy feathers fell from Phoebe's feeble fan.
chop chocolate chips
Chip couldn't chop chocolate chips 'cause Chip chipped his chocolate chip chopper.
smelt smelled
Of all the smells I ever smelt, I never smelt a smell that smelt like that smell I smelt smelled.
baking brown bread
Barbara's brother's baking brown bread.
generally geographic
Geography is generally geographic.
bugs buzzed
The bugs buzzed and bugged Buzz.
homicidal hombre
The hedge hindered the homicidal hombre from hurting himself.
government library particularly rich
He generally reads regularly in a government library particularly rich in Coptic manuscripts except during the month of February.
savannah ate
Savannah ate a banana in a cabana in Havana.
four frozen flies
Four frozen flies were free to flee.
clipper ship chip chop shop
I suggest that you chew a few chips and a chop at Skipper Zipp鈥檚 Clipper Ship Chip Chop Shop.
slitted sheet
I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit, upon a slitted sheet I sit.
master mess makers
Making mustard is messy, and mustard mixers are master mess makers.
green gloves glided gracefully
Grace's grey-green gloves glided gracefully to the ground.
scottish soccer stars
Scarlett saw some Scottish soccer stars.
shoot soon
The sad soldier should shoot soon.
harder thing still
But a harder thing still to do.
messy may messant may
Messy May Messant may, but musing Maisie May mustn't.
one hundred air
One hundred air-inhaling elephants.
dripping tap
Dripping tap, dip your hat.
biff brown bluffed
Biff Brown bluffed and blustered.
ten tiny toddling tots trying
Ten tiny toddling tots trying to train their tongues to trill.