Today was the opening of an info centre in the jungle – a collaboration between CMS, help Calais and the Hummingbird Project. The space has been set up to share information on things from asylum in the UK and elsewhere, to goings on in the jungle, to information on the history of struggle in Calais, to issues that go beyond Calais that affect travellers (such as deportations and mass arrests). It’s also a space where people living in the jungle and other groups can share information. On the weekends the space will also be used as a clinic. Already in day one there were numerous people dropping in. [Its worth saying that this is not a space where people can give advice. We just share information. Also, If you want to make an info-based project in the jungle, this might be a space you can use]. ————————————————————————————— Aujourd’hui était le jour d’ouverture du centre d’information à la Jungle- une collaboration entre CMS et help Calais et Hummingbird Project. L’espace a été monté afin de partager les infos concernant l’asile au Royaume-Uni et ailleurs, en passant par ce qui se passe dans la jungle ou encore l’historique de la lutte à Calais, ou bien des problèmes plus larges qui affectent les voyageurs (comme les déportations ou les arrestations de masse). Il s’agit aussi d’un endroit où les gens habitants dans la jungle et d’autres groupes peuvent partager l’info. Les weekends, l’espace pourra aussi etre utilisé comme une clinique. Déjà pour le premier jour de nombreuses personnes se sont trouvées ici. [Ca vaut le coup de rappeler qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un lieu pour donner des conseils. Nous partageons juste l’info. Aussi si vous avez un projet de transmettre de l’info dans la jungle vous pouvez utiliser cet espace].
LG G3 Set to Receive a Marshmallow Update in December We may earn a commission for purchases made using our links. Poland is once again a country where a new Android revision for a popular phone will appear. According to reports, LG will release an Android 6.0 Marshmallow update for its LG G3 2014 flagship in just four weeks. Marshmallow updates are rolling out for many devices of major Android OEMs. We know that HTC and Samsung are trying to deliver the update as fast as possible. It’s quite common to see Poland as a country where the update is actually deployed first. Samsung and LG have some sort of tradition where they release updates in Europe first, and often in Poland. The first LG device that got a Marshmallow update was LG G4, and its predecessor, the LG G3, will use a very similar graphical style. An update is scheduled to roll-out on mid December (16-18 December to be precise). According to the source, the software is far from being perfectly fast and fluid, but LG has one month to iron out the remaining bugs and work on performance. We hope that such a mobile giant will prepare the update really well… or they’ll face the same backlash they saw from previous mistakes. According to Jarosław Bukowski from LG Poland, an update is at its final testing stage and will surely improve before the deadline. @Dritone a czy ja coś takiego napisałem? inna sprawa, że sam nie ukrywałem, że aktualizacja jest przygotowywana, właśnie wgrywam! 🙂 — Jarosław Bukowski (@bukosss) listopad 17, 2015 Translation: @Dritone, did I write something like this? The other thing is that I never actually hide the fact that the update is prepared. I’m flashing it as we speak! Stay tuned as it’s very likely that XDA users from Poland will capture the OTA link and share it on the forums. A Marshmallow update for the LG G3 is a nice gift for the upcoming Christmas! Is your device set up to receive an Android 6.0 update? Are you are a die hard fan of custom ROMs? Let us know in the comments section below!
A bomb threat has prompted the evacuation of the main railway station in Strasbourg, France. The city has been on high alert after an attack on a Christmas market earlier in December. Police received a message that an explosive device was present at the station around 6:15 pm on Thursday, local media reported. The station was quickly locked down and the passengers evacuated. 🔴🇫🇷URGENT - Alerte à la bombe à la gare de #Strasbourg, le trafic est paralysé, plusieurs centaines de voyageurs sont bloqués. (France Bleu) pic.twitter.com/FXOeDOOLNb — AlertesInfos (@AlertesInfos) December 27, 2018 French police have called on the public “not give in to panic” and not to broadcast or relay false information. Actuellement évacuation de la gare de @Strasbourg. Policiers et démineurs effectuent une levée de doute suite à un appel malveillant.Ne cédez à aucune panique et s’il vous plait, ne diffusez ou ne relayez pas de fausses informations.@Prefet67 — Police Nationale 67 (@PoliceNat67) December 27, 2018 Bomb alert at #strasbourg train station. No trains for the moment.. My bus got cancelled 🙁😷 pic.twitter.com/Lim0GOv85Q — Abhinandana Boodi (@Abhinandanjainb) December 27, 2018 “Ordnance disposal teams are on hand to remove the suspicious package and traffic will gradually resume after their intervention,” the police said. At 9:01 pm local time, the police gave an all-clear, saying nothing suspicious was found and calling it a “false alarm.” “Thank you for your patience. Have a good rest of the evening and safe travels to those taking the train,” the police tweeted. Strasbourg has been on edge since the December 11 attack on the Christmas market, which killed five and wounded 12 people. The attacker, 29-year-old Cherif Chekatt, had pledged allegiance to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) before his rampage. DETAILS TO FOLLOW
French President Emmanuel Macron | Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Image Angry reaction to Emmanuel Macron’s remark that Africa has a ‘civilizational’ problem The French President was discussing aid programs for the continent. French President Emmanuel Macron is facing a social media backlash for talking about Africa having a "civilizational" problem and women having "seven or eight children." The remarks were made at the G20 summit on Saturday, when a reporter from the Ivory Coast asked the French president why there was no Marshall Plan for Africa. "The Marshall Plan was a reconstruction plan [...] The challenge of Africa is totally different and a lot more profound, it's civilizational today," said Macron, adding that "we need to develop policies that are a lot more sophisticated than the Marshall Plan." [VIDÉO] Au G20, interrogé sur l'#Afrique, Emmanuel #Macron se lâche sur les «7 à 8 enfants» des Africaines. Un problème «civilisationnel». pic.twitter.com/pJgdaeuuoz — Politis (@Politis_fr) July 10, 2017 The clip has provoked an angry reaction on social media with people accusing Macron of racism and of perpetuating stereotypes about the continent. Macron: My jupiterian thoughts are too complex for you simple people to understand Also Macron: Africa is dumb & pops out too many babies — Shafik Mandhai (@ShafikFM) July 10, 2017 Uh oh... golden boy Macron said some really dumb things about Africa and now the honeymoon is over. — Milena Rodban (@MilenaRodban) July 10, 2017 Macron: "Africa has a civilizational problem" Me: "The legacy of colonization, slavery, & imperialism?" Macron: "No, women having 7 kids" — Starrcade Barricade (@marxismflairism) July 10, 2017 But many social media commentators missed the broader context of Macron's comments: the widely-circulated clip did not show Macron's full answer. In his three-minute discussion of the topic, Macron laid out the differences between a postwar reconstruction program such as the Marshall plan and modern country-level and regional-specific approaches to development. Macron called for the creation of partnerships as he pointed to challenges like trafficking, corruption, weak states, and the demographic transition. Here is the full answer.
CRS fire tear gas into Jungle ​/ CRS tire du gaz lacrymoégne au Jungle On the night of the 2nd of November, at around 9:00 pm, refugees were violently attacked by the CRS. This assault lasted for two hours. This video documents the actions of the police and begins at around 11:30 pm. The CRS (French riot police) delivered several salvos of tear-gas. During the whole operation, approximately 20 tear-gas grenades were fired into the camp. Several shots landed in areas where refugees were sleeping. One shot (0:29) directly hits the living-area of a majority Eritrean community. At about 12:45 am, the police formed a blockade of about 25 men at the main entrance of the Jungle. The whole event disrupted an entire community trying to rest while angrily provoking others. The police’s action show a level of barbarism, gassing sleeping people, including women and children. Dans la nuit du 2 novembre, à 9 heures approximativement, des réfugiés étaient traités violemment par les CRS. Cet affrontement durant pour plus ou moins 2 heures. La vidéo commence à 11:30 heures et documente les suivantes actions de la police. Les CRS (Compagnies républicaines de sécurité)ont gaze au lacrymogène. Durant toute l’opération, à peu près 20 bombes de gaz lacrymogène omt étaient tirées. Quelques tirs touchaient les zones de vie des réfugiés. Un tir (à 0:29) frappe directement une communauté érythréenne. A 0:45 heures, les CRS ont formés un blocus de 25 personnes à l’entrée principale de la Jungle. En plus, une dernière bombe de gaz lacrymogène a été tirée. ensuite, l’affrontement s est termine. En somme, les actions de la police témoignent une forme de barbarisme, gazant des gens dormant, y compris des femmes et des enfants.
Inbjudna spelare Ret Snute TLO Nerchio NaNiwa kas StarDust Harstem NightEnd SaSe SjoW MC HyuN LucifroN VortiX HasuObs Inkvalade spelare HuK TargA Dayshi Bly Elfi RunA uThermal sC Invited players Ret Snute TLO Nerchio NaNiwa kas StarDust Harstem NightEnd SaSe SjoW MC HyuN LucifroN VortiX HasuObs Qualified players HuK TargA Dayshi Bly Elfi RunA uThermal sC Om tolv dagar börjar StarCraft II-turneringen i Fragbite Masters och idag kan vi presentera de 16 spelarna som har fått en inbjudan till gruppspelet. Svenska spelarna NaNiwa, SaSe och SjoW är några av de spelarna som har fått en inbjudan.Redan nästa vecka spelas nästa kval och då ska fyra nya spelare ta sig in till Fragbite Masters. Anmälningar för det nästa kvalet kommer på öppnas på lördag.The StarCraft II tournament of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem will begin twelve days and today we can gladly announce the 16 invited players. MC, NaNiwa, TLO, Lucifron and Nerchio are some of the invited that will participate in this edition of Fragbite Masters. You can find the full list of invites below and next week eight new players will be qualified and ready for Fragbite Masters.The third qualifier will begin next week on monday. More information and sign ups will come this saturday.
La socialité y empresaria Paris Hilton arribó a México para promocionar su nueva fragancia Electrify, y sus fans abarrotaron el Aeropuerto Internacional de la Ciudad de México para darle la bienvenida. A su llegada la modelo accedió a tomarse fotos y firmar autógrafos con los fans que estuvieron por horas apostados en el lugar, mientras que los medios de comunicación también obtuvieron algunas declaraciones de la artistas. «Estoy fascinada con el recibimiento de mis fans, ellos son mi razón de ser, por ellos me dedico a lo que me dedico y me encanta venir a México. Amo México», dijo Hilton. Just landed in #MexicoCity for the launch of my 25th fragrance #Electrify ⚡️👸🏼⚡️So happy & excited to be here! 🥰 Love all my fans so much!😍🇲🇽 #ParisInMexico pic.twitter.com/efiH2AKdYC — Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton) October 16, 2019 También compartió a través de sus redes sociales el itinerario de actividades de lo que será su gira de promoción por México. Hola #Mexico ❤ Tenemos una cita el viernes 18 de octubre de 12:00 a 16:00 hrs en @Moda_Suburbia Parroquia CDMX✨ ¡Te espero! 😍 – – – – – – Hello #Mexico ❤ I will see you Friday October 18 from 12:00 – 16:00 hrs at @Moda_Suburbia Parroquia CDMX ✨ Can’t wait! 😍 pic.twitter.com/d55PJCKPgR — Paris Hilton (@ParisHilton) October 11, 2019 https://twitter.com/ParisHilton/status/1184143376477835264 Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando...
Thieves use bulldozers to steal $2.3 million from armored van on highway In southern Italy today, a brazen highway robbery in which thieves used bulldozers to pry open an armored van on the road. Police say the thieves blocked the money-mobile off with two big vehicles on both sides, then ripped the doors off with the machine's giant digging jaws, then made off with at least 2 million euros, or $2.3 million in US dollars, in cash. Ammonta a più di due milioni il bottino di una #rapina a un #portavalori a #Bari ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/d42YaAUBc5 — Sky tg24 (@SkyTG24) January 2, 2019 From Reuters: The blue security van had left the city of Bari and was carrying pensions to be distributed in post offices in nearby Matera when it was blocked on the road by two lorries. Two diggers then tore open the vehicle, using their mechanical arms like can openers to gain access to the cash. The lorries were then set ablaze as the hooded thieves escaped with their loot in a waiting car. The three guards in the van were unharmed. Images and video below. Very well-planned armored car to heist. Armored cars can be a tough nut to crack — unless you have a big enough hammer.https://t.co/lL3Hi6eb4L — Scott Stewart (@stick631) January 2, 2019 Bari, assaltato con le ruspe: portavalori aperto come una scatoletta di tonno https://t.co/iYxDo8OKz6 — Gazzetta di Modena (@gazzettamodena) January 2, 2019 #Bari, spettacolare rapina ad un furgone portavalori sulla statale 96 barese. La banda ha bloccato la strada con 2 camion dati alle fiamme e poi ha sventrato il mezzo con una ruspa. E' caccia ai rapinatori. Al #Tg2rai ore 20,30 pic.twitter.com/1m2ANjp4aY — Tg2 (@tg2rai) January 2, 2019
MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday gave his unsolicited advice to Vice President Leni Robredo: Do not run for president, you know nothing. He even warned that the country won’t be in good hands if Robredo becomes the nation’s top leader. ADVERTISEMENT “’Wag ka tumakbong presidente, wala ka talagang alam,” Duterte said in an interview with CNN Philippines. (Don’t run for president, you know really nothing.) “Disgrasya kayo pag si Leni ang… subukan n’yo,” he added. (You’re in for a disaster if Leni Robredo is elected…just try.) Duterte even noted that Robredo took the bar exams twice. Citing his previous “accepting-gifts-not-bribery” remark towards policemen back in August, Duterte noted how Robredo said that law enforcers who would accept bribes from those involved in their cases would be “biased.” Robredo cited Section 7(D) of the Code of Conduct And Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (Republic Act No. 6713), which prohibits the solicitation or acceptance of gifts. “Tapos dalawa kayong senador, in a knee jerk. Akala mo automatic, ah that is immoral (Then you two said) that is illegal, that is unconstitutional. Sabi ko, ‘Hoy gaga (Then I said, ‘hey stupid’), I was using the words of the law itself. The anti graft and corrupt practices’,” Duterte said. “Abogada ka tapos hindi mo alam, tapos mag presidente ka? Tapos magsabi ka na lang relying on your being a lawyer? Ah patay,” he added. ADVERTISEMENT (You’re a lawyer and you don’t even know this and you want to become president? Ah a disaster.) A few days ago, Duterte fired Robredo from her post as co-chairperson of the Inter-agency Committee on Anti-Illegal Drugs (ICAD) after appointing her on October 31. . Edited by KGA Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
: #46 @ffreak – Fixed now. You can report base2 bugs on the issues page: http://code.google.com/p/base2/issues/list Comment: #47 Hey Dean, Any chance there will soon be a documentation of Base2 in German or at least French? Regards Sandra Comment: #48 @Sandra – although I suspect that your comment is sophisticated spam, I will answer it anyway. There isn’t any documentation for base2 yet. When there is I will try to get some translations made. I can’t do it myself as I am a native English speaker and therefore speak no other language. Comment: #49 Dean Your right it’s sophisticated spam but when someone from commercial website want to comment everyone think the only thing he wants is to make spam but a lot of users wants to say something and get some link love. That’s why i use my name when I comment. btw. I tested MiniWeb and it’s great im not native English speaker so sorry if I write something wrong. Comment: #50 […] Previous post: ← MiniWeb […] Comment: #51 […] Diesen Mai hatte Dean Edwards eine wirklich coole Idee: Eine komplette Website in einer einzigen HTML-Datei! […] Comment: #52 […] Dean Edwards: MiniWeb jak do jedne stranky html nacpat cely web (tags: js html) […] Comment: #53 MiniWeb is one cool little application. I had some fun playing around with it. Nice work Dean! Comment: #54 Hello Dean, nice application. However it seems broken at this moment (the error I get is: reduce is not defined ; I had tried it a few weeks ago and was impressed then) Have you checked google gears? I will do some experiments with google gears in the near future. Perhaps a nice experiment would be porting miniweb to that platform. Jan. Comment: #55 @Jan, fixed now. If you want to port MiniWeb to gears you only need to change the FileSystem class. Comment: #56 MiniWeb seems to be a great attempt… and awesome implementation of all the work you did on base2 library all these days… Hope to get inspire and come up with good concepts and share it with you. Comments are closed.
exc-54dbb15be4b07bfb9a83826c Because I couldn’t get to Wacken, the next best thing was reading the German websites for updates and photos. Because I don’t speak German, the next best thing was using a very shoddy free online translation service to decipher what exactly I was looking at. Endless fun! 1. (photo above, credit: dpa) Nicht nur die jüngeren Einwohner Wackens freuten sich auf das Festival und den Trubel in dem sonst eher verschlafenen Ort. Shoddy translation: Not only the younger inhabitants Wackens looked forward to the festival and the Trubel in the place rather sleepy otherwise. Headbanging zur Musik: Schon bei der Warm-up-Party kam ordentlich Stimmung auf. Shoddy translation: Headbanging to the music: Already in the warmly-up-party, mood arose orderly. NSFW Dass sie mit heruntergelassener Hose am Tresen standen, schien diesen Festivalbesuchern nicht unangenehm zu sein. Shoddy translation: That they stood with lower pair of pants at the counter, seemed to be not unpleasant to these festival visitors. In ihren weißen Anzügen stachen diese Heavy-Metal-Fans aus der großteils schwarz gekleideten Menge hervor. Shoddy translation: In its white suits, these Heavy-Metal-fans stuck out quantity of blackly clothed out of the large parts. Diese Metaller sahen zwar bedrohlich aus, dennoch geht es beim Wacken meist ausgesprochen friedlich zu. Shoddy translation: These Metaller looked to be sure threateningly, nevertheless it closes woke expressed in that usually peacefully. This picture was from an American newspaper, so there’s no German caption, but this dude is awesome, so he deserves to be in our photo dump. And here’s a memorable shot from Wacken 2010. On that note, have a great week, everybody!
Les images sont tout simplement ahurissantes. Suite à la victoire de l’Angleterre face à la Suède (2-0), ce samedi en quart de finale de la Coupe du monde, des supporters anglais ont décidé d’aller fêter cela. Mais pas vraiment d’une manière sport. Ils n’ont rien trouvé de mieux à faire que d’aller foutre le bordel dans un magasin IKEA de Londres. IKEA étant une enseigne suédoise… Voici les quelques images qui tournent en boucle sur les réseaux sociaux Tu les vois sauter sur les lits, hurler partout canette à la main, renverser des poufs, balancer des oreillers… There were some ugly scenes in London after #ENG beat #SWE Some shameful fans decided to smash up an Ikea store in 'celebration' ? https://t.co/Nq44stSxFt pic.twitter.com/UNnB4THFKx — MARCA in English (@MARCAinENGLISH) 7 juillet 2018 Alors qu’IKEA félicitait justement l’Angleterre pour leur victoire en offrant des fish and chips à 1 livre (environ 1,13 euro) toute la journée de dimanche… Gros décalage What a match! Congratulations @england on their win this afternoon. Head in store tomorrow to get £1 fish and chips to celebrate! https://t.co/4pCsMCi9py pic.twitter.com/qNw3wMOrzz — IKEA UK (@IKEAUK) 7 juillet 2018 Non mais franchement: la fête a ses limites! “Quel match! Félicitations à l’Angleterre pour leur victoire cette après-midi. Venez tous demain en magasin pour bénéficier d’un fish and chips à une livre pour fêter cela.
न। Plato प्लेटो Quote 73: In English: A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men. In Hindi: एक नायक सौ में एक पैदा होता है, एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति हज़ारों में एक पाया जाता है, लेकिन एक सम्पूर्ण व्यक्ति शायद एक लाख लोगों में भी ना मिले। Plato प्लेटो Quote 74: In English: A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers. In Hindi: एक अच्छा निर्णय ज्ञान पर आधारित होता है नंबरों पर नहीं। Plato प्लेटो Note: – आपको यह Plato Quotes and Thoughts in Hindi कैसी लगी अपने comments के माध्यम से ज़रूर बताइयेगा।
er]. However, the verb ser is used in its compound tenses (ha sido, había sido, habrá sido, etc.) For example: Las tiendas han sido abiertas por los dueños los domingos. – The stores have been opened by the owners on Sundays. La mesa había sido puesta por el mesero, antes de que entraran los comensales. – The table had been set by the waiter before entering customers. Los gastos habrán sido pagados por la compañía, antes de que salgamos de viaje. – The costs have been paid by the company, before we go traveling. The Passive Voice with “se” If the agent (doer) is not mentioned or implied and the subject is a thing, the reflexive construction [se + verb form él/ella/ustedes/ellos/ellas] is used in Spanish to express the passive voice. In such constructions, the subject usually follows the verb. For example: Aquí se habla español. – Spanish is spoken here. Aquí se hablan español y alemán. – Spanish and German are spoken here. ¿A qué hora se abren las tiendas? – At what time do the stores open? De hoy en adelante se ofrece un descuento. – From today on a discount is offered. Aquí se vende pan en la mañana solamente. – Here we sell bread in the morning only. En Guatemala se hacen buenas botas. – In Guatemala ​​good boots are made. ¿En qué momento se deben hacer preguntas en una conferencia? – At what point should one ask questions at a conference? ¿Por qué en este letrero dice “ Se Vende Pescado”, cuando es obvio, por el olor? – Why does this sign say “Fish for Sale”, when it is obvious from the smell? photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin photo credit: hélziopires via photopin
Phoenix Police investigators are searching for two suspects in an aggravated robbery case, as newly released surveillance video shows the moments after the incident. Gabriela Guerrero just got her business up and running about seven months ago, but now, she's questioning her safety after one of the suspects put his hands on her before stealing her money. Guerrero is hoping tips from the public will lead to justice. "We get a bunch of kids, so it's nice to see kids hang out here after school," said Guerrero, who owns AZ Heat El Botanaso. It's a shop for kids to come and enjoy their favorite snacks and treats after school. Just a month ago, Guerrero says the two suspects posed as customers. She says the one in gray pretended to buy a soda, moments before robbing her. "When he handed me the money, I opened the register to put the money inside and he grabbed me by my forehead and, like, pushed me away really hard," said Guerrero, who went on to say the suspects stole more than $100 before running off near North 67th Avenue and Indian School Road. Security cameras in the area caught the suspects, who are believed to be in their late teens. "It's a lot of work that you have to put into for somebody to just walk in and take your money," said Guerrero. Guerrero says there was no one else inside at the time of the robbery but her mother. She also thinks she's seen the suspects before. "They're obviously running 'cause they live around the area, so it's scary that they're gonna come back," said Guerrero. New security cameras are installed in the shop, in case the suspects do come back. The hope, however, is police will arrest the suspects sooner than later. "I guess it would be a way of like showing them that they're not going in the right direction at this young age," said Guerrero. Anyone with information should leave an anonymous tip by calling Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS. Spanish speakers can leave an anonymous tip by calling Testigo Silencioso at 480-TESTIGO. Si tiene alguna información sobre este caso, llame a la línea de Testigo Silencioso (480-TESTIGO, 480-837-8446). Silent Witness http://www.silentwitness.org
File: Fr. Amado Picardal MANILA - Malacañang on Tuesday said a priest, who had claimed that his life was in danger under President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration, should seek legal remedy. Rev. Amado Picardal, one of the first critics of the President, in a blog post last Sunday claimed he has gone into hiding to preserve his life. Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said Picardal should file a writ for amparo (protection) before the courts. “So si Father, tama na po ‘yang pagdedeklara na ang buhay mo ay may banta sa buhay mo. Gamitin ninyo na po iyong mga remedyong legal na naririyan – writ of amparo po ‘yan. Napakadali pong makakuha niyan, mabibigyan kayo ng proteksiyon kung talagang may ebidensiya na may banta sa buhay ninyo,” Roque said in a Palace press briefing. (To Father, declaring your life is in danger is a good move. It’s easy to secure one. It will be given to you if you have evidence that your life is in danger.) Picardal said he has transferred to a “more secure location” after learning that motorcycle-riding men were looking for him in a Catholic monastery in Cebu. “Since 2017, I was receiving information that the death squad was going to target priests and that I was on top of the list. When the three priests were killed, I was certain that I could be next,” Picardal said in his blog, referring to 3 slain priests under the Duterte administration. “I am not out of danger yet. Some of our priests and staff noticed that men riding in tandem continue to keep watch outside the monastery for several days after that. So my superiors told me that it would be dangerous to go back to the hermitage and so I have to move to a more secure location and avoid public exposure. They are determined to complete their ‘project,’ otherwise, they won’t be paid.” Picardal, 69, has published reports on the killings allegedly carried out by the Davao Death Squad, which was used to support the complaint against President Duterte in the International Criminal Court.
Mart Helme, Estonian Minister of the Interior, known for his unpopular statements passed a comment on a radio program on Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin. According to Estonian Broadcasting Company ERR: In a radio program, the Estonian Minster commented on how the “Saleswoman” became the Prime Minister. He initially quoted Soviet Leader Vladimir Lenin, who Helme said had said: “something to make every kitchen baker become a minister“. “Now we see how one saleswoman girl has become prime minister, and how some other street activists and uneducated people have become members of the government,” Helme said. Olen tavattoman ylpeä Suomesta. Täällä köyhän perheen lapsi voi kouluttautua pitkälle ja yltää elämässään moneen. Kaupan kassasta voi tulla vaikka pääministeri. Ilman duunareita ei Suomi selviäisi. Arvostan jokaisen työntekijän, ammatinharjoittajan ja yrittäjän työtä korkealle! — Sanna Marin (@MarinSanna) December 15, 2019 On the other hand, Marin tweeted on Sunday, “I am extremely proud of Finland. Here, a child from a poor family can get educated and achieve many things in their lives. The cashier of a shop can become a prime minister. I appreciate the work of every employee, practitioner, and entrepreneur!“ The Prime Minister of Estonia, took on to Facebook to praise Sanna Marin, Ratas wrote: “Finland is our close friend and ally, with whom all the governments of the Republic of Estonia have cooperated well and closely. It has not been influenced by which democratic parties are currently members of or run by the coalition of each State. Personally, I had very good cooperation with the two previous Prime Ministers of Finland as well as already very positive first contacts with their new Head of Government. Last week, I discussed with Sanna Marin our common interests in the European Union and the closer Nordic-Baltic action this week on Thursday before the European Council. I look forward to meaningful and respectful cooperation from all members of the Estonian Government with our Finnish counterparts.“
Temogen "Cocoy" Tulawie. Vina Araneta-Pilapil, ABS-CBN News DAVAO CITY - Former justice secretary and now Senator Leila de Lima, former Sulu governor Abdusakur Tan and three others are facing charges before the Office of the Ombudsman - Mindanao for their supposed involvement in the release from jail of three suspected Abu Sayyaf members. Temogen "Cocoy" Tulawie and Abner Salahi Tahil filed on Friday charges of "financing terrorism, dishonesty, neglect of duty, grave misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service" against De Lima, Tan, Atty. Mehol Sadain, Atty. Wendell Sotto, and Ediwasif Baddiri. In his affidavit, Tulawie accused the five of violating Section 4 of Republic Act No. 10168 or ''The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012'' for knowingly and directly aiding, protecting, providing shelter, transportation and legal services and financing the release of Mohammad Sali Said, Jul Ahmad Ahadi and Robin Sahiyal from the Special Intensive Care Area of Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig on February 15, 2013. "There's a need to expose itong evidence that we have and witness para at least ma-expose at ma-dismantle iyung mga taong nagbibigay ng aid sa mga terrorists like Abu Sayyaf,” Tulawie said. (There's a need to expose the evidence and witness that we have so we can expose the people aiding Abu Sayyaf terrorists.) Tulawie stressed that they only managed to file the complaint now because at that time, he was still detained at the Manila City Jail while Tahil was jailed at the Special Intensive Care Area of Camp Bagong Diwa. Tulawie and Tahil had been tagged in a bombing in Sulu in 2009. Tulawie alleged that then Justice secretary De Lima did not bother to respond to formal letters and media statements condemning the release of the Abu Sayyaf inmates. "I have personal knowledge dito na may Abu Sayyaf na ni-release nila sa jail. Si Secretary, siya yung nag-utos na mapalaya yung mga Abu Sayyaf,” Tulawie said.
President Rodrigo Duterte made fun on Thursday of the Catholic celebration of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day in the country. “Happy All Saints’…Bakit naman…tarantado talaga itong mga Katoliko ang puta, bakit ba may All Souls’ Day at All Saints’ Day?” Duterte asked during a post-disaster command conference in Isabela. ADVERTISEMENT (Happy All Saints’ Day. Why do we have to…these Catholics are fools, why do we have this All Souls’ Day and All Saints’ Day?) “Hindi natin alam kung sino mga santo na ‘yun. Mga gago na iyon, mga lasenggo. Dito na lang kayo. I’ll give you a patron. Get hold of a picture of mine, iyan lagay niyo sa altar, Santo Rodrigo,” he said. (We don’t even know who those saints are. Those are fools, drunkards. Just stay here with me. I’ll give you a patron. Get hold of a picture of mine. Put that in the altar, Santo Rodrigo.) The President’s remarks came on the same day Malacañang issued his message for All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, calling on Filipinos for a “solemn and meaningful” celebration” and urging the public to “emulate our saints.” READ: Duterte urges Filipinos to help ‘alleviate the suffering of others’ “Together, let us emulate our saints, pray for the eternal repose of souls and deepen our engagement with our communities as we work for real and lasting change,” he said in his message. Earlier during the post-disaster briefing, Duterte said everyone has “obligations to the dead.” “It’s practically part of the culture but more than that, it’s something that’s very important for us to commune with our ancestors,” he said. Duterte was previously under fire for calling God “stupid” and for questioning the creation story in the bible. /ee ADVERTISEMENT Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
United Nations (@TRT) On December 17th, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) approved the Global Pact for Refugees. This victory for human rights and international cooperation comes one week after the General Assembly approved the Global Pact on Migration. 181 countries signed the pact that outlines steps that the international community will take to guarantee the welfare of refugees. Three countries abstained, and the United States and Hungary voted against it. The United States had previously stated that, although it agreed with most of the Covenant, it did not want to accept a limitation on the detention of asylum seekers. The Pact will try to give more support to the countries that host refugees, and when possible, help refugees to return to their countries of origin. It also calls for promoting the independence of refugees. To improve infrastructure and services to refugees, the pact will try to encourage more investment from governments and private sources. Although the Covenant is not binding, it represents a possibility of progress for the international community. Currently there are more than 25 million refugees in the world, representing only a part of the 68 million people who have been forced to flee their homes because of violence. Under international law, to be considered a refugee, you have to cross an international border. The Pact on Refugees received more votes in its favor than the Global Pact on Migration (which was supported by 164 countries). In general, the rights of refugees have been clearer and therefore more protected than those of migrants. For more information in Spanish: Asamblea de la ONU avala el Pacto Mundial sobre Refugiados (La Jornada, 18 de diciembre de 201). Asamblea de la ONU aprueba pacto mundial sobre refugiados (Telesur, 18 de diciembre de 2018). ONU: Asamblea General adopta el Pacto Mundial sobre Refugiados (Kausa Justa, 17 de diciembre de 2018). For more information from SIPAZ: National/International: 164 Countries Approve UN Global Migration Pact (January 2nd, 2019) National/International: World Network of Mothers of Disappeared Migrants Formed in Mexico (November 12th, 2018) National/Chiapas/Oaxaca/Tabasco: Founding of the Collective of Defenders of Migrants and Refugees (CODEMIRE) (April 23rd, 2015)
by masc » Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:54 am This Mod needs at least The Sims 3 v1.6x Dieser Mod benötigt mindestens Die Sims 3 v1.6x DOWNLOAD Scroll down for download links of older versions. Created by masc This Nude Patch / Censor Remover removes the censor grid / blur in 'The Sims 3' that you see when your Sim gets undressed like when taking a bath.This version is for game versions v1.6x and up including the last addon "Into The Future".Please make sure that you have not installed another Nude Patch / Censor Remover or a older version of this mod. If this is the case you should uninstall it first or it might not work together with this one!Uninstaller for our Nude Patch / Censor Remover is included.The current version should be fully compatible with the new expansion Generations as well as with all older addons!However, if you come across any problems please let us know.Dieser Sims 3 Nude-Patch / Censor-Remover entfernt das Mosaic in 'Die Sims 3' das Ihr seht, wenn Eure Sims sich ausziehen wie z.B. beim Baden oder Duschen.Diese Version ist für die Spiel Versionen v1.6x und aufwärts als auch für das neueste Addon "Into The Future".Bitte stellt vor der Installation sicher, das kein anderer Nude-Patch / Censor Remover, oder eine ältere Version dieses Mods, installiert ist. Wenn ja, so sollte dieser vor der Installation entfernt bzw. deinstalliert werden oder dieser Nude-Patch wird vielleicht nicht richtig funktionieren.Ein Uninstaller ist ebenfalls enthalten.Diese Version sollte voll kompatibel mit dem Addon Lebensfreude sowie allen älteren Addons sein!Wie auch immer, wenn Ihr über irgendwelche Probleme stolpert, dann lasst es uns bitte wissen.
At least 20 people have been killed and dozens more injured after two bombs exploded during Sunday Mass near a Roman Catholic cathedral in the Philippines island of Mindanao. The first blast that took place outside Jolo cathedral was followed by a second explosion just after emergency services arrived at the scene to treat the wounded, security officials told AP. At least 20 people were killed and more than 70 others wounded in dual explosions, security officials said. According to unofficial reports, casualties included both troops and civilians. Hindi bababa sa 15 ang patay sa naganap na pagsabog sa Jolo Cathedral sa Jolo, Sulu, ngayong umaga. @gmanews@[email protected]/x7RoswlMKW — peewee bacuño (@hero_peewee) January 27, 2019 While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the Philippines armed forces have long been fighting Abu Sayyaf terrorists on the island of Mindanao. The Sunday morning explosions seem to resemble tactics previously used by the Islamic State-linked (IS, formerly ISIS) militant group to inflict mass casualties. LOOK: Situational images after the explosion that happened at a cathedral in Jolo, Sulu this morning. @cnnphilippines(Photos: Amarkhan Jidara) pic.twitter.com/VSWTqBpm4O — Marlon Pañares 🇵🇭 (@marlon_gevity) January 27, 2019 JUST IN: Two explosions occurred in Jolo Cathedral, Jolo, Sulu at about 08:28AM. The explosive is still of unknown make and origin. Postblast investigation to be done. Suspects and motive to be identified and investigated. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/y6jTRm1tk2 — People's Television (@PTVph) January 27, 2019 Fearing further attacks on a turbulent island, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana directed troops to secure “all places of worships and public places.” The country’s officials pledged to “crush” those responsible for the bombings. “The Armed Forces of the Philippines will rise to the challenge and crush these godless criminals,” Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s spokesman, Salvador Panelo, said, according to local media. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
I dec 2011 anklagade Venezuelas president Hugo Chavez USA, att ha orsakad hans och andra sydamerikanska ledares cancer. Den som har forskat i strålningsvapen som använder sig bl. a. av skalärvågor, vet att det är lätt att inducera cancer för att lönnmörda. Titta på den banbrytande intervjun med den engelska whistleblowern och MI5 agenten Dr. Barrie Trower som på en direkt fråga av Henning Witte från White TV, om det är möjligt att orsaka cancer med modern teknologi, svarar, att det är lätt att göra med strålningsvapen. Hemligt amerikanskt strålningsvapen, källa White TV misstänker också att stjärnjournalisten Hannes Råstam blivit lönnmördad med cancer, då han kom sanningen med Thomas Quick och det kriminella nätverket, som låg bakom hans "erkännanden", för nära. Nu kräver också en partiledare i Ryssland att mordet på Hugo Chavez utreds. Han tror inte att det är av en slump, att så många USA kritiska ledare i Sydamerika fallit offer för cancer. USA suspected for killing Hugo Chavez with cancer beam weapon The late president of Venezuela, the great Hugo Chavez, complained already in 2011, that the USA are causing his and other south american leaders cancer. The interview that Dr. Henning Witte/White TV made with whistleblower and MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower reveals, that it is easy for the secret services to cause any kind of cancer with microwave and other beam weapons. The US and CIA have a long track record of killing south american politicians. The economic hitman John Perkins made a lot of confessions on that topic. MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere from Henning Witte on Vimeo.
echo "La aŭtoro";?> La lastaj artikoloj de tiu ĉi aŭtoro: Tradukita de: el la franca. [1] Vd. Marie-Pierre Rey, La Russie face à l’Europe. D’Ivan le Terrible à Vladimir Poutine, Flammarion, kol. « Champs histoire », Parizo, 2016. [2] Vd. Guillaume Serina, Reagan-Gorbatchev. Reykjavik, 1986 : le sommet de tous les espoirs, L’Archipel, Parizo, 2016. [3] Citita de Marie-Pierre Rey, « Gorbatchev et la “maison commune européenne”, une révolution mentale et politique? », La Revue russe, n-ro 38, Parizo, 2012. [4] Citita de Mary Elise Sarotte, 1989 : The Struggle to Create Post-Cold War Europe, Princeton University Press, 2009. [5] Citita de Andreï Gratchev, Un nouvel avant-guerre? Des hyperpuissances à l’hyperpoker, Alma, Parizo, 2017. [6] Jack Matlock, Superpower Illusions : How Myths and False Ideologies Led America Astray–And How to Return to Reality, Yale University Press, New Haven, 2011. [7] Lenta.ru, 15-a de majo 2018. [8] Kimberly Marten, « Reconsidering NATO expansion : Acounter factual analysis of Russia and the West in the 1990s », European Journal of International Security, vol.3, n-o 2, Cambridge, junio 2018. [9] Richard Sakwa, Russia Against the Rest : The Post-Cold War Crisis of World Order, Cambridge University Press, 2017. [10] Sergej Lavrov, « Russia’s foreign policy in a historical perspective », Russia in Global Affairs, n-o 2, Moskvo, aprilo-junio 2016. [11] Vladislav Surkov, « La solitude du métis » (en la rusa), Russia in Global Affairs, n-o 2, marto-aprilo 2018.
JEUX VIDEO Le salon du jeu vidéo devait se tenir du 9 au 11 juin à Los Angeles L'édition 2019 de l'E3 — Charley Gallay / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP Après le Mobile World C, le festival SXSW, les conférences de Google et de Facebook, c’est l'E3 qui passe à la trappe des mesures liées à la lutte contre le coronavirus. Le salon du jeu vidéo devait se tenir du 9 au 11 juin à Los Angeles. « L’équipe de l'E3 est dévastée d’avoir à annoncer cette information. Cette décision n’a pas été prise à la légère, mais c’est la bonne décision pour la santé et la sécurité de tous ceux qui sont impliqués », a tweeté ce mercredi le compte officiel de l'E3. The E3 team is devastated to share this news. This decision was not reached lightly, but it is the right one for the health and safety of all involved. Read our statement here: https://t.co/1uOWxTerN9 pic.twitter.com/gD2IxNACLX — E3 (@E3) March 11, 2020 « Après une consultation attentive de nos sociétés membres au sujet de la santé et de la sécurité de tous dans notre industrie -nos fans, nos employés, nos exposants et nos partenaires de longue date de l'E3- nous avons pris la décision difficile d’annuler l'E3 2020, prévue du 9 au 11 juin. à Los Angeles », peut-on lire sur le site du salon. Le même jour, l’édition 2020 du festival Séries Mania, plus gros festival de séries en France, qui devait se tenir à Lille et dans les Hauts-de-France du 20 au 28 mars, a été annulée, ont annoncé mercredi ses organisateurs.
Reacting to the call of the Marcos family for Martial Law victims to “move on,” Sen. Risa Hontiveros said they should be the ones to just accept defeat in the May 2016 vice presidential election and move on. “Ang dali sa kanila magsabi ng ‘move on.’ Kung move on din lang, eh di mag-move on na rin si Bongbong Marcos sa kanyang malinaw na pagkatalo sa 2016 [vice presidential] race,” Hontiveros told radio dzBB on Sunday. ADVERTISEMENT Vice President Leni Robredo narrowly won the election over Marcos with a margin of about 260,000 votes. Marcos questioned the results from 39,221 clustered precincts and filed an electoral protest in June 2016 claiming poll fraud. READ: Marcos asks SC to set aside Robredo proclamation; files protest Last August 21, a sister of Marcos, Ilocos Norte Gov. Imee Marcos, urged people to “move on” from the feud between their family and the family of late-senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr. “The millennials have moved on, and I think people at my age should also move on as well,” said Marcos as the country commemorated the assassination of Aquino on the tarmac of the Manila International Airport. Read: Imee Marcos asks Filipinos criticizing her family: Why don’t you move on? Hontiveros suggested that the Marcoses return their ill-gotten wealth and apologize to the public if they really want the victims to “move on.” “Kung gusto talagang magmove tayong mamamayan sa martial law, napakasimple ang kailangang gawin, isoli po nila sa kaban ng bayan ang lahat ng kanilang nakaw na yaman,” Hontiveros said. “At dahil hindi na nila mabuhay yung patay na, humingi man lang sila ng kapatawaran sa mga pamilya, sa sambayanan na naabuso noong panahon ng batas militar,” she added. /cbb ADVERTISEMENT Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
Spanish daily ABC has just released a surveillance video clip, reportedly depicting the minutes leading to the arrest of Saudi prominent Princess Basmah bint Saud Al Saud, who has been missing for more than a year now. The Spanish report explained that the princess, who has been a vocal advocate for women's rights and has often criticized religious institutions in Saudi, was abducted on the 28th of February 2019, while trying to leave the country for Switzerland to receive medical treatment. Princess Basma has since been held in Hair's maximum-security prison, the newspaper confirms. The short security clip showed 8 men dressed in t-shirts and jeans waiting for the princess and two of her daughters outside an elevator in her Jeddah palace, led by another man dressed in a white traditional thobe. صحيفة اسبانية تنشر فيديو اختطاف الاميرة بسمة آل سعود من قصرها في جدة على يد فرقة النمر التابعة لابن سلمان. pic.twitter.com/qHoW3Hglck — خط البلدة 🚐 (@saudibus222) March 15, 2020 Translation: "Spanish newspaper posts a video of Princess Basma bint Saud Al Saud being arrested from her palace in Jeddah by the Tiger squad that is run by MBS" News of the princess, who grew up between KSA, Lebanon, and the UK, going missing was circulated last November after a Newsweek report that believed she was abducted by security forces because she was out of sight since last spring. Sources close to the princess suspect that her arrest is part of a crackdown led by the Saudi heir Mohammad bin Salman against his critics among the royal family. The Saudi royal family's fearless princess, Basma Bint Saud, was stopped before going abroad for treatment and has since mysteriously disappeared. The princess's close associates are seeking answers to her alleged arrest. — YesIm_awais❤ (@WasiDot) November 27, 2019 Early last week, western media reported the arrest of several senior Saudi princes and linked them to MBS's alleged attempts to claim power next fall.
prix abordable. Or le Québec regorge de ces ressources, qu’il s’agisse de terres agricoles ou d’espace utilisable à des fins de culture, d’électricité peu coûteuse (surtout en comparaison avec l’Ontario, où elle est de 8 à 10 fois plus chère) ou alors de personnes hautement qualifiées en ingénierie, en design, en informatique, en intelligence artificielle et autres spécialisations professionnelles porteuses. Bref, le Québec ferait bien de réexaminer sa fermeture à l’égard de l’industrie du cannabis, une fermeture quasi institutionnelle qui trouve ses racines dans les plus hautes sphères de sa hiérarchie politico-financière. Sans un coup de barre rapide, cet autre vieux réflexe québécois, celui d’être réactionnaire et uni dans l’adversité, pourrait ressortir plus tôt que tard. Quand le Québec constatera que l’Ontario, l’Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique se partagent presque à elles seules les profits du marché hautement lucratif des produits issus du cannabis, tout cela sera encore ― évidemment! ― la faute du fédéral… Cet article fait partie du dossier Naissance d’une industrie : l’an 1 de la légalisation du cannabis. Photo : Des plants de cannabis à la nouvelle usine montréalaise du producteur Aurora, en 2017. La Presse canadienne / Ryan Remiorz. Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it.
In the EU, almost one quarter (23.8%) of household income spent on rent with highest share recorded in Spain (32.1%), lowest in Malta (7.6%).?? Source data: https://t.co/nnrKrV4T9Q pic.twitter.com/5VEngvLI7B — EU_Eurostat (@EU_Eurostat) 1 de novembro de 2018 Os portugueses não são dos que mais gastam do seu rendimento em renda da casa. Nesse indicador, Portugal está, na realidade, abaixo da média europeia, segundo os dados do Eurostat divulgados esta sexta-feira, 2 de Novembro.Na União Europeia quase um quarto (23,8%) do rendimento mensal é dedicado à renda da casa. Mas entre os Estados-membros há realidades muito diferentes.Espanha é onde essa percentagem é maior com 32,1% do rendimento a ir para a renda enquanto Malta regista a percentagem mais baixa com 7,6%.Portugal está abaixo da média europeia. Os portugueses gastaram, em média, 21,1% do seu rendimento na renda da casa em 2017. Ou seja, por cada 1.000 euros de rendimento foram gastos, em média, cerca de 211 euros em renda da casa.A percentagem diminuiu face a 2016 (22,6%) e ao pico de 2015 (23,1%). O valor mais baixo registado em Portugal, segundo a base de dados do Eurostat, foi 14,5% em 2008.Os dados do Eurostat não permitem perceber o porquê desta diminuição. Os dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) mostram como as rendas têm vindo a aumentar nos últimos anos. Por outro lado, os salários têm estado a subir, mas ainda de forma gradual
One of France’s richest families promptly stepped up to calls from the country’s president to help rebuild the Cathedral of Notre Dame and pledged about $113 million to restore the gutted Paris icon. Shortly after, another wealthy family offered $226 million to the restoration fund. “My father and I have decided to release immediately from the funds of Artemis a sum of 100 million euros to participate in the effort that will be necessary for the complete reconstruction of Notre Dame,” François-Henri Pinault said in a statement quoted by Le Figaro and other French news outlets. “Mon père (François Pinault) et moi même avons décidé de débloquer dès à présent sur les fonds d’Artemis une somme de 100 millions d’euros pour participer à l’effort qui sera nécessaire à la reconstruction complète de Notre Dame“, écrit François-Henri Pinault — William Plummer (@PlummerWilliam) April 15, 2019 The younger Mr. Pinault is the chairman and CEO of the Kering group, which controls such luxury-goods brands as Gucci and Saint Laurent. He also is president of Groupe Artemis, the French holding company that owns Christie’s auction house. As the fire died down Monday evening at the centuries-old landmark, French President Emmanuel Macron pledged a national fundraising campaign. “We will rebuild,” he said. “We will rebuild Notre Dame because this is what the French expect, because this is what our history deserves, because it is our destiny.” The younger Mr. Pinault is married to actress Salma Hayek. Following the report about François Pinault’s contribution, French tycoon Bernard Arnault and his luxury goods group LVMH pledged 200 million euros ($226 million) for the reconstruction of Notre Dame. A statement Tuesday from LVMH said the luxury goods group and the Arnault family would make the donation to a rebuilding fund for the cathedral. LVMH called the cathedral a “symbol of France, its heritage and its unity.” • This article was based in part on wire service reports. Sign up for Daily Newsletters Manage Newsletters Copyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
One of the typical sweets that accompanies the Venezuelan Christmas dishes is Papaya Halwa, to prepare it we must first choose a green papaya unripe and we will use the following ingredients: 1 papaya. 1 cup of sugar. 1/2 papelón. Species: Brads, cinnamon and Guayabita. Preparation: Open cuts to the OWL that you throw away milk internal and so leave it for at least one hour, then wash it peel it and cut it as seen in the photo. Put it to cook with sugar and pamela, move constantly and leave until they soften and becomes caramel color, add the species in the middle of the cooking, allow to cool and put in the fridge. I hope you enjoy this recipe, it is a very tasty sweet, finger-licking. Thank you all for your attention!. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS YEAR 2017 Version en Español Navidades en Venezuela, El tradicional Dulce de Lechosa Uno de los dulces típicos que acompaña los platillos navideños Venezolanos es el dulce de lechosa, para prepararlo debemos primero escoger una lechosa verde sin madurar y utilizaremos los siguientes ingredientes: 1 lechosa 1 taza de azúcar 1/2 papelón Especies: Clavitos, Canela y Guayabita Preparación: Abrir unos cortes a la lechuza para que bote la leche interna y dejarla así, por al menos una hora, luego lavarla pelarla y cortarla como se ve en la foto. Colocarla a cocinar con azúcar y pamela, mover constantemente y dejar hasta que ablande y se torne de color caramelo, agregar las especies en medio del cocimiento, dejar enfriar y meter a la nevera. Espero que disfruten de esta receta, es un dulce muy sabroso, para chuparse los dedos.
that left Sidon, Jbail and Tyre had 200 or 300 boats that headed to Brazil. The smallest one was used to bring the members of the crew with their support material and equipment. They usually stopped to rest and also to buy supplies in Tunis and at the Canary Islands. Among the Phoenician civilization monuments in Brazil there is a city that was called "Airo", today completely lost in the admirable immensity of this country. Its ancient inhabitants were proud of belonging to the Phoenician lineage just like the Irish people. They used to say that they were Tyrian descendants who, during King Hiram's time, came to take gold. They took this precious metal to Tyre and to King Salomon of Jerusalem from the land of Ofir, where this mineral was very abundant. It is located in the Amazon River borders. Finally, we verify that truth is clear and positive. I wish the Brazilian honourable governors could help twentieth century dedicated scientists to research, in the Brazilian entrails, for its pre- historic reality, the one of its archaic civilization, and maybe we would have even surpassed the Greek and the Roman civilizations. References 1. Excertos do livro de: Lisboa, Luiz C. e Andrade, Roberto P. "Grandes Enigmas da Humanidade " - Capítulo 5: "Os que antecederam Colombo" páginas 96- 100. Círculo do Livro S.A. Editorial. São Paulo, 1969. 2. 3. Excerpts from the book by: Lisboa, Luiz C. and Andrade, Roberto P. "Great Enigmas of Mankind" - Chapter 5: "Columbus antecessors" pages 96- 100. Círculo do Livro Press. São Paulo, 1969. 4. 5. Excertos do livro de: Bastaní, Tanus Jorge "0 Líbano e os Libaneses no Brasil" -Parte oitava: "Indícios da vinda dos Fenícios ao Brasil" páginas 155- 159. Edição independente. Rio de Janeiro, 1945. 6. 7. Excerpts from the book by: Bastani, Tanus Jorge "Lebanon and the Lebanese in Brazil" -- Eighth part: "Traces of the Phoenician arrival in Brazil" pages 155-159 Independent edition. Rio de Janeiro, 1945. Bibliographía
Lundi soir, le président américain Donald Trump a comme le veut la tradition aidé les bénévoles et militaires qui répondent aux milliers d'appels d'enfants qui suivent le parcours du père Noël à la trace. À lire aussi : Pourquoi fête-t-on Noël le 25 décembre? Ainsi une scène a particulièrement été remarquée quand Donald Trump a pris au téléphone la petite Coleman Lloyd, 7 ans. "Et toi, tu crois toujours au père Noël? Parce qu'à sept ans, c'est rare, pas vrai?", a dit Trump à l'enfant. Une réplique qui n'a pas manqué d'irriter de nombreux internautes derrières leurs écrans, la scène ayant été diffusée par le site The Daily Beast (l'extrait est assez bref et en anglais : "Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at seven, it's marginal, right?"). "Oui Monsieur", a répondu Coleman, qui n'avait jamais entendu le mot "marginal", a-t-elle confié plus tard au journal Post and Courrier, qui a retrouvé sa trace. Ce qui a provoqué chez le milliardaire une moue rieuse et sardonique. Le président américain lui a quand même souhaité un "Joyeux Noël" et l'a invité à prendre soin de lui et à dire "bonjour" à sa famille. "Well, honey, happy Christmas, and you just take care of yourself and say hello to your family, OK? Say hello to everybody," dans le texte. Aux dernières nouvelles, et toujours d'après le Post and Courrier, après avoir trouvé sous le sapin sa toute nouvelle poupée, Coleman croit toujours au Père Noël.
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Forty-eight people have been wounded in a train crash at Francia station in the Spanish city of Barcelona, according to emergency services cited by Reuters. No deaths have been reported. The train was arriving from the Spanish town of Sant Vicenç de Calders in the province of Tarragona, on the R2 line of the Rodalies commuter rail service, emergency services have said, according to Reuters. It is not yet known what caused the train to crash. #últimahora Veinte heridos en un accidente de tren en la Estación de Francia de Barcelona https://t.co/hzB1NHs1W5pic.twitter.com/rhY1kcAxzB — Crónica Global (@cronicaglobal) July 28, 2017 Among the 48 people wounded, five have been gravely injured and 18 were sent to hospitals, a local journalist has tweeted. The driver of the crashed train is among those injured, local media reported. Mi tren ha chocado al llegar a estación de Francia hoy pic.twitter.com/WYGJMbcw7j — Felix Rios (@iamfelixrios) July 28, 2017 48 heridos, cinco de ellos graves, en el choque de un tren de @rodalies en la estación de #Francia en #Barcelonahttps://t.co/F2vU0XUNhRpic.twitter.com/i5Y3yFKBXs — CIEM - Info y Emerg (@Cieminfo) July 28, 2017 52 ferits en xocar contra topall estació de França un tren de Rodalies. Hi ha 5 ferits greus pic.twitter.com/wg4h45yUQJ — Guillem Sànchez (@guillem_sm) July 28, 2017 🔴ÚLTIMA HORA: Un tren de rodalies xoca contra el topall de la via a l'estació de França de Barcelona.20 ferits. @gr_angelapic.twitter.com/U0DAX1egL2 — L'Informatiu (@linformatiu_tve) July 28, 2017 DETAILS TO FOLLOW
echo "La aŭtoro";?> La lastaj artikoloj de tiu ĉi aŭtoro: Tradukita de: el la Franca [1] Paul Berstein, "Putin’s Russia and US defense strategy", National Defense university (NDU), Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS), Vaŝingtono, DK, aŭgusto 2015. [2] Vidu : Alexander Mattelaer, "The NATO Warsaw summit : How to strengthen Alliance cohesion", Stategic Forum, NDU-INSS, junio 2016. [3] Camille Grand, "La dissuasion nucléaire et l’Alliance du XXIème siècle, Revuo de NATO, 4-a de juilo 2016. [4] Legu la dosieron "Diplomatie des armes", Le Monde diplomatique, aprilo 2016. [5] "Remarks by Secretary Carter on the budget at the Economic Club of Washington, D.C.", Ministrejo pri Usona defendo, 2-a de februaro 2016. [6] Ash Carter, "Submitted statement - Senate appropriations committee-Defense (FY 2017 budget request)", Ministrejo pri Usona defendo, 27-a de aprilo 2016. [7] Legu : Serge Halimi, "Atlantikaj provokoj", Le Monde diplomatique, aŭgusto 2016. [8] "Komunikaĵo de la Varsovia pintkunveno, NATO, Varsovio, 9-a de julio 2016. [9] Stephen Castle, "Theresa May wins votes to renew Britain’s nuclear program", The New York Times, 18-a de julio 2016. [10] Legu Didier Cormorand, "Kaj por kelkaj pliaj rokoj...", Le Monde diplomatique, junio 2016. [11] "Remarks by Secretary Carter on the budget at the Economic Club of Washington. Club of Washington, D.C." jam citita. [12] Maggie Haberman kaj David E. Sanger, "Donald Trump expounds on his foreign policy views", The New York Times, 26 de marto 2016.
Bolivian President Evo Morales, deposed by a coup d’etat in his country on November 10, arrived Thursday in Argentina from Cuba, to meet his children, who also had to leave Bolivia after the coup. Morales plans to stay in Argentina indefinitely. The Bolivian leader arrived in the company of his vice president, Álvaro García Linera; former Health Minister Gabriela Montaño; former Foreign Minister Diego Pary and Amanda Davila, who held the position of Minister of Communications for Morales in the past. Morales signed an application for refuge at the Ezeiza International Airport in Buenos Aires. RELATED CONTENT: Trump’s Envoy to Fernandez Inaugural Leaves Argentina Abruptly Over Jorge Rodriguez and Rafael Correa Presence Through his official Twitter account @evoespueblo, he reported that he arrived in Argentina to continue fighting for the humblest and to unite the Patria Grande. Evo Morales, arrived on Argentine soil through a joint operation led by the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and of Argentina, Alberto Fernández. Mi eterno agradecimiento al presidente @lopezobrador_, al pueblo y al Gobierno de #México por salvarme la vida y por cobijarme. Me sentí como en casa junto a las hermanas y hermanos mexicanos durante un mes. — Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) December 12, 2019 RELATED CONTENT; Alberto Fernandez and Political Realism in Argentina In Mexico, the President of the Plurinational State of Bolivia remained in asylum for a little less than a month before arriving in Argentina. Therefore, in another tweet he said : “My eternal gratitude to President López Obrador, the people and the government of #Mexico for saving my life and for sheltering me. I felt at home with the Mexican sisters and brothers for a month.” For his part, Argentine Foreign Minister Felipe Solá received him after his trip from Cuba, where he was for a few days. “He is coming to stay in Argentina.” According to Solá, Morales enters asylum status and in the next few days will request his declaration as a refugee. Source URL: Alba Ciudad Translated by JRE/EF
Following the devastating 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Mexico City and surrounding areas on Tuesday, CEO Tim Cook has announced today that Apple will be contributing $1 million to recovery efforts in the country… Tim Cook made the announcement in a tweet this afternoon, saying that “Mexico’s resilience is in its strength.” Earlier this week Cook offered thoughts and prayers to those affected by the earthquake: Our thoughts are with all those affected by the earthquake that Mexico suffered today. Praying for our friends and colleagues. While there is life there is hope. Mexico’s resilience is its strength. Apple is contributing $1M to recovery efforts. Following Hurricane Harvey’s devastation last month, Tim Cook said that Apple was donating $2 million to relief efforts while also matching employee donations two-for-one. The company later donated $5 million to Hand in Hand for Hurricane Irma and Harvey recovery efforts. Mexico City was struck by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake on Tuesday afternoon, wrecking havoc on the city and surrounding areas. According to Reuters, the most recent death toll was at least 233 with over 1,900 injuries. The quake is the deadliest to hit Mexico in the last 32 years. More than 50 survivors have been plucked from disaster sites in Mexico City since Tuesday afternoon’s 7.1-magnitude quake, and first responders, volunteers and spectators joined in chants of “Yes we can!” The death toll was at least 233, revised down from 237 earlier on Thursday, according to Mexico’s head of civil protection Luis Felipe Puente. In Mexico City 1,900 were injured. Tim Cook’s tweets can be seen below: Mientras hay vida, hay esperanza. Mexico’s resilience is its strength. Apple is contributing $1M to recovery efforts. #FuerzaMexico 🇲🇽 — Tim Cook (@tim_cook) September 21, 2017 Nuestros pensamientos están con todos los afectados por el terremoto que sufrió México hoy. Rezando por nuestros amigos y colegas. 🇲🇽 — Tim Cook (@tim_cook) September 19, 2017 Check out 9to5Mac on YouTube for more Apple news: FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More. Check out 9to5Mac on YouTube for more Apple news:
I have directed that special units of the NPA be put together to act immediately and arrest those against who we find evidence of corruption. We will work with the judiciary to expedite cases against implicated persons and make sure the guilty go to jail. South Africa has a safe, sound, well-regulated and resilient financial sector. Since the global financial crisis, we have taken steps to strengthen the banking system, including increasing capital, improving liquidity and reducing leverage. With a strong financial sector and deep and liquid domestic capital markets, we have the space to provide support to the real economy. We can make sure money flows to firms and households. We can ensure that our markets are efficient. Last week, in line with its Constitutional mandate, the South African Reserve Bank cut the repo rate by 100 basis point. This will provide relief to consumers and businesses. The South African Reserve Bank has also proactively provided additional liquidity to the financial system. The Governor has assured me that the Bank is ready to do ‘whatever it takes’ to ensure the financial sector operates well during this pandemic. The banking system will remain open, the JSE will continue to function, the national payment system will continue to operate and the Reserve Bank and the commercial banks will ensure that bank notes and coins remain available. The action we are taking now will have lasting economic costs. But we are convinced that the cost of not acting now would be far greater. We will prioritise the lives and livelihoods of our people above all else, and will use all of the measures that are within our power to protect them from the economic consequences of this pandemic. In the days, weeks and months ahead our resolve, our resourcefulness and our unity as a nation will be tested as never before. I call on all of us, one and all, to play our part. To be courageous, to be patient, and above all, to show compassion. Let us never despair. For we are a nation at one, and we will surely prevail. May God protect our people. Nkosi Sikelel’ iAfrika. Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso. God seën Suid-Afrika. God bless South Africa. Mudzimu fhatutshedza Afurika. Hosi katekisa Afrika. I thank you.
Charles B. Côté Avocat criminaliste 507, Place d’Armes Bureau 1212 Montréal, Québec H2Y 2W8 T 514.845.5660 F 514.313.5588 C 514.894.9988 charlesb côté Avocat criminaliste | Criminal law specialist © 2012 Charles B. Côté, avocat criminaliste 514. 894.9988 514. 845.5660 514. 313.5588 mobile office fax Charles B. Côté, one of the best Montreal criminal lawyers, started practicing Criminal Law in the year 1989. The practice brought Côté before various criminal courts of Québec, for some of the most intense criminal cases. Being an old hand criminal defence lawyer, he has defended many of his clients, accused of murder, manslaughter, robbery, theft, assault, sexual offense, drugs act violation, etc. Over the years, Charles B. Côté has successfully saved his clients before the Appeals Court of Québec, in Superior Court for trials, with or without jury, the Court of Québec in Criminal and Penal matters, various Municipal Courts in Québec and some courts in Ontario. Côté is a member of the Association des Avocats de la Défence de Montréal (AADM) and the Association Québécoise des Avocats et Avocates de la Défence (AQAAD). He worked for four years as an appointed federal prosecutor in some penal matters for Justice Canada. Since 2008, Charles B. Côté has been a senior associate at the law firm of Morneau, L’Ecuyer, La Leggia, Rouleau s.n. The reputation of CrimLaw, the law firm established by Charles B. Côté handles cases across Canada and beyond. We are a dedicated Criminal Lawyer Canada firm, which strives to provide impeccable and incomparable law consultation services. From 1999 to 2010, he gave legal services and advices in political domain, to various politicians regarding domestic political matters. At present, he is volunteering his time to the Barreau du Québec’s Disciplinary Board, and Arbitration of accounts Board, and offers legal services within Salon VISEZ DROIT, which is setup by the Barreau de Montréal.
Questo è uno screenshot del profilo facebook di Stefano Altinier, consigliere comunale della Lega a Gorizia. @JOI_JewOpInc @romaebraica @mariomieliroma @Arcigay @gaycenter_it @ugei_it pic.twitter.com/z0b54UwJeP 1 settembre 2019.Questo è uno screenshot del profilo facebook di Stefano Altinier, consigliere comunale della Lega a Gorizia. @emanuelefiano September 1, 2019 cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId: '36af7c51-0caf-4741-9824-2c941fc6c17b' }).render('4c4d856e0e6f4e3d808bbc1715e132f6'); }); A member of the city council of an Italian town listed “antisemitic” as his religious views on Facebook, Italian media reported on Sunday.Stefano Altinier, 35, was elected in the city council of Gorizia, North East of the Italian peninsula, in 2017. He belongs to the right-wing party League, whose leader Matteo Salvini recently triggered a political crisis, pulling the plug from League’s coalition with the anti-establishment Five Star Movement.According to the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Altinier deleted the entry on Friday after being alerted that someone had spotted his profile. However, screenshots of his Facebook page started to circulate online.“The opposition is trying to discredit me in a boorish way. I have always thought that social media do not reflect reality. Some people claim to exercise a certain profession or to be married, and it happens not to be true. I have never been antisemitic, I have even attended a Hanukkah celebration once, and I’m fascinated by the history and tradition of this people,” Altinier said.Altinier also claimed that he was “a teenager” when he compiled his Facebook profile identifying his religious views as antisemitic, “ten or fifteen years ago.”“The word was meant as a joke,” he further said. “I apologize if I hurt someone’s sensitivity. Today there is no more trace of what I wrote.”
i=0;$i<$samples;$i++) { $data.= pack(‘v‘,$audioData->[$i]); } #Return a byte string of the wave return $riff. $format. $dataChunk. $data; } 1; Reading a Bitmap Luckily I found a simple bitmap reader on CPAN called Image::BMP. This is a nice lightweight library that dose not depend on any external libraries or compiled code. Using this library I was able to easily load and read the bitmap data. Encoding the Image The first pass of my program disregarded the color data and only produced a frequency for the Y axis if the color intensity was less that half the sum of all colors. Below is an example. Note: I converted the WAV to an MP3 to conserve bandwidth, at 320kbps not much data is lost. Audio File: ohmpie.mp3 I was really shocked to fist see the image! The only tweaking I needed to do was to use a linear scale for the frequency. Also if I selected too high an amplitude for the sin wave, clipping occurred in areas with too much black. For image above I used an amplitude of about 1000 on a scale of 0 to 32768. The next step was to add amplitude scaling to match the color intensity. For this I summed all the color channels for a given pixel and scaled it to represent the max amplitude ‘(R + G + B) / 768 * max_amplitude’. Below is a picture of me after using the scaling. Audio File: evan.mp3 By selecting a color scheme that goes from black to white and using a linear scale for the volume I get a very good black and white image. To prevent clipping on very dark images I added an inverse option that will invert the color producing a negative image. Audo File: evanInv.mp3 You can reverse the color scheme to go from white to black to produce the regular image Full Program Below you can view and/or download the full code to this program. Currently performance is not optimized. So don’t write me telling me its slow. I currently have a few idea to speed it up. Also for best results use a small image around 100px tall. Download: imageEncode-0.7.tar.gz
: change tack. Instead of conducting a witch-hunt, work to earn the respect of the people who have put their trust in you…. Burkinabe Facebook user Paz Hien remembers what Naïm Touré once confided to him: Un jour, Naïm Touré m'a dit ceci : “les gens me guettent. Certains mêmes me l'ont dit ouvertement qu'à la première occasion ils vont me mâter. Mais ça ne m'inquiète pas. Plus ils me menacent, plus je suis engagé. Et s'il arrivait que je meurs un jour, svp ne trahissez pas la lutte. Souvent certains pensent que je suis contre eux, et finalement ils se rendent compte que c'est pour eux que je me suis battu car moi je n'y gagne rien directement. Nous avons un devoir d'honnêteté mon frère”. Ces propos sonnent en moi depuis hier! LIBEREZ NAÏM TOURE. One day, Naïm Touré said to me, “I am being watched. Some people have even told me outright that at the first chance they get, they’ll take me down. But that doesn’t worry me. The more they threaten me, the more committed I become. And if someday I die, please don’t give up the struggle. Often, people think that I am against them, but since I don’t stand to gain anything directly, they end up realizing that it’s for them I’m fighting. We have to be honest, brother. These words resound in me since yesterday! FREE NAÏM TOURE. This is the third time that Naïm Touré has appeared in court for posts on his Facebook page. The first case against him was filed in 2016, for a separate attempt to attract the attention of authorities to the case of an injured military serviceman, the Chief Warrant Officer Moussa Nébié, alias Rambo. He was prosecuted again in 2017 for “public injury and defamation” of the then-special counsel to the National Assembly president, Elisée Antoine Zong Naba.
ENVOI POSTAL En plus du croquis de l’Arbre aux Hérons imprimé, dédicacé par les auteurs des Machines de l'île et numéroté de 1 à 250, les NOMS des 250 grands donateurs seront GRAVÉS SUR LES BANCS installés sur le site des Machines de l'île! A l'inauguration de l'Arbre aux Hérons, ces bancs seront implantés dans le jardin extraordinaire... SENT BY POST You will receive the Sketch of the Herons' Tree dedicated by the authors of Les Machines de l'île and numbered from 1 to 250 and NAMES of the great backers will be ENGRAVED ON PARC BENCHES at the Machines de l’île. These benches will then be moved to the foot of the Herons' Tree for the opening where they’ll remain for as long as the tree stands... Includes: Merci! Affiche_L'Arbre aux Hérons_Imprimée et signée Affiche collector_Inauguration des Machines_Imprimée L'histoire de la construction de l'Arbre aux Hérons Titre de copartage_Imprimé "luxe" Croquis_Le Membracide de Voyage_Imprimé et signé Croquis_Le Héron_Imprimé et signé Croquis_L'Arbre aux Hérons_DÉDICACÉ et NUMÉROTÉ de 1 à 250 Votre nom sur un banc! ---------ENGLISH--------- Thank-You! Poster_The Herons' Tree_Printed and signed Collector’s edition poster_Les Machines de l'île opening_Printed The story of the Herons' Tree construction Co-sharing title deed_Deluxe print Sketch_The Treehopper_Printed and signed Sketch_The Heron_Printed and signed Sketch_The Herons' Tree_DEDICATED and NUMBERED 1 to 250 Your name on parc benches! Less
A hijacker has taken the passengers of a bus hostage on a bridge in Brazil. Armed police have surrounded the vehicle and begun negotiating with the suspect. It’s unclear exactly how many hostages are on board the bus, but the man has reportedly freed five people so far during the siege. The hijacker’s earlier claim of being a former military police officer has been denied by the police. Passageiros são feitos reféns durante assalto em ônibus na Ponte Rio-Niterói. Cerca de 50 policiais rodoviários federais e militares negociam com um homem armado que está sob posse de um ônibus na Ponte Rio-Niterói, no sentido Rio, que está completamente interditada. (+) pic.twitter.com/yY2P4RfLJG — BandNews FM - Rio (@bandnewsfmrio) August 20, 2019 Local media reports describe the suspect as a gunman and claim that he has threatened to set fire to the vehicle, which is parked at roughly the midway point along the Rio-Niteroi bridge. The hostage situation began shortly after 6:30am local time when the suspect forced the driver to pull over while crossing the bridge on Thursday morning. Units from the Federal Highway Police, the Military Police and the Special Police Operations Battalion (Bope) are all on scene. “At first, he called himself a military police officer and we are still negotiating to release more hostages because we do not yet know what his real purpose in this matter is,” Federal Highway Police (PRF) spokeswoman Sheila Sena said, as cited by O Dia. Passageiros descem de ônibus e voltam a pé para Niterói por causa de sequestro na Ponte Rio-NiteróiSAIBA + EM https://t.co/8Knjm1YRkvpic.twitter.com/6YUiXobQ62 — Jornal O Dia (@jornalodia) August 20, 2019 Trapped commuters were forced to abandon their cars and evacuate the scene on foot. Commuters between Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi have been advised to use ferry services as the bridge is shut down while hostage negotiations continue. Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
It was a day like today two years ago that the Gamergate movement began as a reaction to bad gaming journalism, collusion and censorship. Looking in retrospective i don’t think it can be said it was just a consumer revolt about videogames. Gamergate were the first ones to rebel against a wave of political correctness and social justice insanity that was begining to consume everything it touched. We were the ones who identified the threat now known as the regressive left and served as spearhead for other people to join the cultural war. I think whatever success or lack of success one or another may argue we had in the gaming journalism scene pales in comparison to that. For me it was all worth it and succesful because now people has awakened to the insanity of the regressive left and is fighting back. Happy anniversary, Gamergate. And if you like the drawing, there’s a T-shirt with it. Because i’m one of those sick artists who pretend to live of their trade. Fue un día como hoy hace dos años que el movimiento Gamergate comenzó a raíz de malas practicas en el periodismo de videojuegos, colusión y censura. Mirando en retrospectiva, no creo que se pueda decir que fue solo una revuelta del consumidor sobre videojuegos. Gamergate fuimos los primeros en rebelarnos contra la oleada de corrección politica y locura de justicia social que estaba consumiendo todo lo que tocaba. Fuimos los primeros que identificamos la amenaza ahora conocida como izquierda regresiva y servimos de punta de lanza para que otra gente se uniese a la guerra cultural. Creo que cualquier exito o falta de éxito que se pueda decir que tuvimos en el ambito del periodismo de videojuegos palidece en comparación a eso. Para mi ha valido la pena y ha sido exitoso porque ahora la gente ha despertado a la locura de la izquierda regresiva y esta combatiendola. Feliz aniversario, gamergate. Y si os gusta el diseño, hay una camiseta con ello.
From 8:30am to 12:30pm on Friday, April 18, BART Police, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and Bay Area law enforcement will be working with other local transit agencies to conduct joint security training exercises at the SFO, Embarcadero, West Oakland, and Coliseum BART stations. The purpose of the training is to prepare for possible future emergencies. The training should not affect service. Please do not be alarmed if you hear or observe activity related to this special training or if you see uniformed officers and police canine units accessing station areas, or emergency vehicles parked in station parking lots. We appreciate your understanding of the need for these types of practice events. BART conducts drills throughout the year with other local and regional agencies. BART encourages our passengers and employees to report suspicious activity or unsafe conditions to BART Police at 510-464-7000. Remember: If you See Something, Say Something. If you need language assistance services, please call BART’s Transit Information Center at (510) 465-2278. 如果需要语言帮助服务,请拨打 BART Transit(快速交通)信息中心,电话号码为 (510) 465-2278。 통역이 필요하시면, BART 수송 정보 센터 (510) 465-2278로 전화해 주십시오. Si necesita servicios de asistencia de idioma, llame al centro de información de tránsito del BART al (510) 465-2278. Nếu quý vị cần các dịch vụ trợ giúp ngôn ngữ, xin gọi cho Trung Tâm Thông Tin Chuyên Chở Công Cộng của BART tại số (510) 465-2278.
We can't believe it! Thank you so much for trusting us! You will get a mention in our future website, a digital edition of Retrato Hablado, a catalogue published by the Museum of Contemporary Art in Santiago, Chile, and a digital edition of Núñez – Printuras – Exculturas, a reissue of the catalogue of the 1975 exhibition that resulted in the exile of the artist. We will also send you a physical certificate for your donation to this project, an original drawing signed by Guillermo Núñez, a copy of "Break it Apart and Throw it Away: Dangerous Portable Toy for Anti-Popular Use", print created in 1970 for the exhibition "The People Have Art with Allende" and also exhibited in the Venice Biennale in 1974. You will also have the opportunity of visiting the artist's workshop in a guided tour hosted by Guillermo Núñez himself (previously scheduled) ¡Increíble! ¡Muchísimas gracias por confiar en nosotras! Por este aporte serás mencionado en el listado de agradecimientos en nuestra futura página web, además recibirás una versión digital de “Retrato Hablado”, catálogo realizado por el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago de Chile y una versión digital de “Núñez – Printuras – Exculturas”, una reedición del catálogo de la exposición de 1975 que le costó el exilio al artista. Te enviaremos también, un certificado que dé cuenta de tu aporte en este proyecto y un dibujo original firmado por Guillermo Núñez, una copia de “Desármelo y bótelo: peligroso juguete móvil para uso antipopular” serigrafía realizada en 1970 para la exposición “El pueblo tiene arte con Allende” y exhibida en 1974 en la Bienal de Venecia. Además tendrás la oportunidad de visitar el taller del artista en una visita guiada por Guillermo Núñez (agendado previamente). Less
There was no politics involved in President Rodrigo Duterte’s remark that the home province of Vice President Leni Robredo was a breeding ground for drugs, Malacañang said on Thursday. “Ang shabu ay hindi pupulitikahin ni Presidente (The President isn’t putting politics in the issue of shabu),” Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque said in a press briefing on Thursday. ADVERTISEMENT “Buong Pilipinas naman po may problema sa shabu. Siguro sinasabi lang niya na mas matindi ang problema dun sa mga lugar kagaya ng Naga,” Roque clarified to the media. (The entire Philippines has a problem with shabu. Perhaps he’s just saying that the problem is more pressing in areas like Naga.) Speaking before businessmen and diplomats in Malacañang, Duterte branded Naga as a “hotbed of shabu” after he disparaged Robredo as a weak leader who can’t “improve on anything.” “I have nothing against Robredo. She’s a lawyer, you’ve heard her talk. But I do not think she can improve on anything,” Duterte said in a speech on Tuesday, August 14. “You can ask the hotbed of shabu. In the past years. I will not mention the name. It was Naga City. It was in Naga City,” he claimed. The Chief Executive’s remarks, however, earned the ire of government critics who accused him of politicizing the issue of illegal drugs to stain Robredo’s image. In response, Roque said: “I tend to believe na may mga area talaga na medyo nahuhuli sa development, doon talaga lumalakas ang merkado ng pinagbabawal na gamot (there are areas that are straggling in development, and it’s there where the market for illegal drugs is strong).” “I don’t think it’s something that the President would say from thin air because he has access to all information that even you and I don’t have access to,” the Presidential spokesman also said. /je ADVERTISEMENT Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
First of all, let me start off by saying my books santa is a Rad person who put a lot of thoughtfulness into my gift. Today in the mail I received a card from them explaining the books (omg plural!) That they chose for me and why they chose those books. I love letters and the envelope (hailing all the way from Germany!) Was COVERED in bad ass Pokemon stamps. My books are still on the way, so I will be updating with awesome pictures as they come in. Thank you Santa! You're a wonderful person and I appreciate how much time you put into picking out the best books for me. Truly, I'm touched. UPDATE AND WOOOOOW SO WORTH THE WAIT!!!!!!! today I came home to two packages on my door step. Wow my Santa seriously nailed my interests perfectly! First book that I opened was a copy of Le Petit Prince, which is an endearing children's story book with lovely illustrations. It's also really good doe throwing down some adult level wisdom, and perhaps one of the more famous quotes that LPP is known for goes thusly : "on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. Nos yeux ne voit pas l'essentiel." In english, you can see clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eyes. I started reading it right away and got to chapter four before I remembered that I had more books to open! My Santa also sent along a Neil Gaiman + Terry Pratchett novel, Good Omens. I've only read two Neil gaiman novels to date and I'm really excited to start this new one. The third book I received is The Selected Works of TS Spivet. Just from reading the dust jacket flaps, I can tell I'm really going to love this. Off beat characters in an on-the-road adventure across-country. Also, the illustrations! The story follows a gifted cartographer and the drawings look like they really add depth to the story. Can I rate this gift 15/10? Please mods. Reddit. Look how damn awesome my Santa is and be envious!!!!! Wow Santa. Wow. You've outdone yourself. My eternal thanks and gratitude go out to you. You really researched my tastes and picked out incredible books for me. Also, the postcard you included. Spooky! I love it!!!!! Your generosity and thoughtfulness. I'm not kidding my head is still spinning. Wow. Just. Wow.
to working with the new President on a wide range of shard priorities,” the spokesperson said. Other European leaders took to Twitter to commend Macron, such as Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel and the head of the European Commission. Bravo @EmmanuelMacron Laat ons samenwerken om Europa een nieuw elan te geven! #Presidentielles2017 — Charles Michel (@CharlesMichel) May 7, 2017 Félicitations @EmmanuelMacron! Heureux que les Français aient choisi un avenir européen. Ensemble pour une #Europe plus forte et plus juste pic.twitter.com/GWlxKYs4hL — Jean-Claude Juncker (@JunckerEU) May 7, 2017 Congratulations @EmmanuelMacron. Congratulations to French people for choosing Liberty, Equality and Fraternity over tyranny of fake news. — Donald Tusk (@eucopresident) May 7, 2017 A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Macron on the win. “Congratulations, @EmmanuelMacron. Your victory is a victory for a strong and United Europe and the Franco-German friendship,” Steffen Seibert said. The value of the Euro reportedly jumped after Macron was projected as the winner. The closely watched race has been viewed as a test of the nativist and populist sentiments rising to the surface in Europe since the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union and since President Trump’s November election victory in the U.S. Le Pen's loss would be the second for a far-right party in Europe in recent months. Geert Wilders of the Party for Freedom in the Netherlands lost in the country's March election. Macron in the last week officially gained the support of former President Barack Obama Barack Hussein ObamaGOP senator blocks Schumer resolution aimed at Biden probe as tensions run high D-Day for Trump: September 29 Obama says making a voting plan is part of 'how to quarantine successfully' MORE, who endorsed Macron on Thursday. But his campaign also fell victim to a large-scale email hack just days before the election when an archive of purported campaign was posted online. The Sunday runoff putting Macron against Le Pen did not include a candidate from one of France's major political parties. Macron, who is consistently pro-European Union, previously served as the economy minister under current Hollande. Updated 4:45 p.m.
The 2012 Islay Festival will run from Friday 25th May through to Sunday 3rd June. The Islay Festival supports sensible drinking. For the big events book your taxis, use the festival buses or dedicate a driver. Special Festival bus on Sunday 25th May leaves Port Ellen at 11.30am, calling at Bridgend and Bowmore before stopping at Bruichladdich Distillery for their Open Day. Failte gu Ìle is Fèis Ìle A hundred thousand welcomes to our lovely island – Ceud Mìle Fàilte Carson nach gabh sibh cuairt dhan taobh siar am bliadhna agus taghail air Fèis Ìle? Gu cinnteach geibh sibh fàilte chridheil, caoimhneas, òrain bàrdachd, eachdraidh, pìobaireachd, biadh, clasaichean seinn, clasaichean gàidhlig agus iomadh ruit eile. Bidh sibh toilichte gun tàinaig sibh ann. Why don’t you take a trip west this year and visit Fèis Ìle? Truly you will receive a warm welcome, songs, kindness, poetry, piping, history, souvenirs, food, classes for Gaelic song and language and more. You will be pleased you came. Since our beginning in 1984 the Islay Festival Association must have greeted literally hundreds of thousands of visitors, and still you find us!! We have celebrated together many birthdays and wedding events in cooperation with www.eternityrose.co.uk. This year we will be featuring an outdoor gig, music, Gaelic lessons, fishing, whisky tasting, songs, ceilidhs and much more. The Festival is held in the last week of May every year, with ceilidhs, recitals, dance, children’s workshops; there is something for everyone. Come along and enjoy a week long celebration of music and all that Islay has to provide. Last years all of the Islay distilleries have held open days throughout the week of the festival, adding to the mix! The 2013 Islay Festival will run from 24th May 2013 until 1st June 2013. We are looking for festival photos. Can you help? More details…
2017-2018 BRAZILIAN WOMEN’S SUPERLIGA Tifanny Abreu shocked the volleyball world this Tuesday by breaking Superliga’s single game scoring record by netting 39 points on Vôlei Bauru‘s 17th round match-up against Dentil Praia Clube/Uberlândia. Along the way, her Bauru team almost pulled off an upset against still-unbeaten Praia, but at the end fell 3-2 (20/25 14/25 25/17 25/18 13/15). Tifanny’s 39-point-night came at 33/75 (44%) hitting, including 6 blocks. The old record of 37 points belonged to Brazilian national teamer Tandara Caixeta, achieved in 2013. Tifanny’s performance is made even more impressive when taken into consideration she did it against an unbeaten squad with three Olympic gold medalists in it: Fabiana Claudino, Fernanda Garay, and Waleska Menezes. Tifanny caught the attention of volleyball fans all around the world this season when she became the first trans volleyball player to participate in the Brazilian Superliga. The fact has been met with both praise and defamatory remarks by fans and the media alike, and her record breaking performance only added fuel to the fire already going on on social media, as Brazilian volleyball legend Ana Paula Henkel was one of the many who voiced her opinion on Tifanny’s record setting night: “We have applauded the IOC and its policies in favor of fair sports in the past. Now women who have honored these same anti-doping policies for decades, who have been clean in countless tests since the age of 16, have to watch a biological man break their records.” Já aplaudimos o COI e suas políticas em prol do esporte justo e sem trapaças. Agora, mulheres que honraram essas mesmas políticas antidoping por décadas, que passaram limpas por incontáveis testes desde os 16, 17 anos assistem a um homem biológico quebrar seus recordes. @volei https://t.co/RZNWyYyZ0X — Ana Paula Vôlei (@AnaPaulaVolei) January 31, 2018 Also on VolleyMob
o frívolo y superficial de hoy. Ellos deben seguir un trabajo de actor que se llama trabajo arquetípico, que es creación mía. Deben investigar el mito en cuestión. Consultan varios autores. Y buscan el animal tótem que lo representa. Deben conocer el animal y sus costumbres para luego aplicarlo en la construcción del personaje”, describe Escalona. “I'm not a conformist, and I don't want them to be conformists. Despite their young ages, I demand a lot from them, I know. But it gives me satisfaction that I'm taking them away them from today's frivolous and superficial world. They have to follow a path as an actor called the “archetypal work,” which is my creation. They have to investigate the myth in question. Look at various authors. And search for a totem animal that represents it. They have to know the animal and its habits in order to later apply it to creating the character,” says Escalona. Many members of the theatrical group, like their director, recognize that the challenge requires a significant intellectual effort, but that it comes from a place of pleasure: They have to enjoy it despite the deep psychology that they must confront, in some cases, from age nine. “We situate ourselves in somewhere in the middle, between the methods of the Russian [director] Konstantín Stanislavski, which demanded that the actor ‘involve himself too much’ with the character, and those of the German [playwright and director] Bertolt Brecht, who proposed the complete opposite: that is, extreme distance,” explains the man who christened his creation Hýbris, which means “hubris“—”the arrogant excess of one who forgets the human condition and defies the will of the gods, who then end up cruelly hurting the guilty.” According to Escalona, the “happy medium” between the two dramatic schools is that it allows for critical feedback between the role and the person who assumes it, in order to achieve the growth and individual learning which is one of the great objectives of this adventure in the performing arts, whose alumni include Alejandra Oraa, presenter of CNN Spanish, and actor Willy Martin.
Authorities haven't said what caused Tuesday's explosions. Out of the market's roughly 300 stalls, about 10 are still standing. An image captured by a drone shows smoke billowing from the market after a series of blasts Tuesday. Frantic search Video of Tuesday's blasts showed flashes of fire and what appeared to be fireworks exploding. The area is densely populated, and witnesses from surrounding neighborhoods captured images of the huge volume of smoke that billowed into the sky. Explosión en el mercado de cohetes Tultepec. A video posted by Anunnaki Enlil (@enlilanunnaki) on Dec 20, 2016 at 1:01pm PST The explosions have left people shaken in Tultepec, where the economy depends heavily on the fireworks industry. There's a 200-year tradition of manufacturing pyrotechnics in the city, which hosts a huge fireworks festival every year that's drawn international attention. Crowds jump around as rockets rain down at the National Pyrotechnic Festival in Tultepec in March. The focus remains on "saving the lives of the injured," a press statement released by the Mexican government said Thursday. Sixty people were injured in the blasts, officials said Wednesday, and dozens remain hospitalized. One of two teens severely burned in the incident was airlifted for treatment at Shriners Hospital for Children in Galveston, Texas. "The patient has arrived here and is being treated and is doing well," Dr. David Herndon, hospital chief of staff, said in a news conference. A decision on whether to airlift the other is pending, authorities said. A son looking for his mother comes up to me. She was working at #tultepec fireworks market when it exploded. So sad. Any help out there? pic.twitter.com/5G88eOWAyd — Sara Sidner (@sarasidnerCNN) December 21, 2016 One man told CNN en Español he was visiting his children when they all went to the market to buy fireworks. His kids went one way; he and his granddaughter took another route. When he heard the explosion, he ran looking for his loved ones. He found them all, except for one, the baby. Soon, panic set in. "We have called the ambulance, the Red Cross and no one has any information," he said as he wept. "No one knows anything."
uitstel nadat Malema en die EFF se hoofde van betoog laat ingedien is. Die regter het gevolglik ’n bestraffende kostebevel teen Malema en die EFF uitgereik. Met die hofverskyning in Februarie vanjaar het Malema en die EFF se regsverteenwoordigers nie opgedaag nie en die saak is in AfriForum se guns beslis met die tersydestellingsaansoek wat met koste van die hand gewys is. Nadat Malema en die EFF die hofbevel van 7 Maart 2017 geminag het deur voort te gaan om mense aan te moedig om grond onwettig te beset, het AfriForum ’n saak van minagting van die hof teen Malema en sy party aanhangig gemaak, wat op 14 November vanjaar ’n aanvang sou neem. Malema en die EFF se regspan het hul antwoordende verklaring om die minagtingsaak teen te staan nie betyds ingedien nie, wat beteken dat die saak later aangehoor sal moet word. Op dié wyse het Malema en die EFF hulself nóg ’n kostebevel op die hals gehaal. Malema en die EFF se poging om op 14 November 2018 ’n dringende hofbevel te bekom wat AfriForum sou verhoed om die EFF se eiendom te verwyder en op ’n veiling te verkoop om regskoste te dek, het ook misluk. Die hof het beslis dat daar geen dringendheid aan dié saak is nie en het daarom nóg ’n kostebevel teen Malema en die EFF uitgereik. Volgens Kriel sal AfriForum se regspan nou poog om die hangende saak van minagting van die hof teen Malema en die EFF so spoedig moontlik weer voor die hof te kry.
The holy relics of Saint Demetrios the New were taken out of the Patriarchal Cathedral and driven on the streets of Bucharest in a procession of cars on Sunday to halt the coronavirus pandemic. The restricted procession of three cars was led by the patriarchal auxiliary bishop Varlaam of Ploiesti. The holy relics and icon of Bucharest’s Protector Saint toured several hospitals where Covid-19 patients are treated. The convoy made a first stop in front of the Victor Babes Hospital, where Bishop Varlaam said a special prayer to ward off the pandemic. During the tour, clergy offered prayers to Saint Demetrios for deliverance from sickness and the end of the coronavirus outbreak. The procession of cars stopped a second time at the Matei Bals National Institute for Infectious Diseases, where petitions were offered for the health of patients and medical staff. A third stop was made in front of the 1989 Heroes’ Cross at Universitatii Square, where the clergy chanted the troparion of Saint Demetrios the New. Before bringing the relics back to the Cathedral, an additional prayer was offered at the base of the Patriarchate’s Hill. #SfântulDimitriecelNou Moaștele Sfântului Cuvios Dimitrie cel Nou, Ocrotitorul Bucureștilor, au fost purtate în procesiune, astăzi, pe străzile Capitalei. Publicată de TRINITAS TV pe Duminică, 5 aprilie 2020 Saint Demetrios the New was called in prayer in Bucharest two centuries ago to end the epidemic of bubonic plague (1812-1813). At that time, his relics were carried through the capital, and the number of illnesses decreased significantly. Similarly, the relics of the Holy Protector of Bucharest were carried in processions during the drought of 1827 or the cholera outbreak of 1831. On Sunday, April 5, the relics of Saint Parascheva the New circled Iași, Neamț and Botosani counties to halt the spread of the coronavirus. Check out more pictures in our exclusive Photo Gallery! Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Raluca Ene Follow us on Twitter: @BasilicaNews
160112 Rap Monster’s Tweets 나와 우리의 팬이어서 고맙습니다. 나도 그대의 팬입니다. 그대가 오롯이 견디는 외로움과 싸움과 삶을 묵묵히 응원하는 팬입니다. 무대 뒤편에서, 작업실에서 오랜 시간 음표로써 음악으로써 나의 팬레터를 보냅니다. 그 그리운 소리를 읽어주시기 바랍니다. Thank you for being my fans. Our fans. I am also your fan. I am the fan that silently supports you through your personal battles and loneliness in life. Whether I be back stage or in the work room, I send you my fan letters written in long musical notes, through music. I wish you’d read that sound of missing you dearly. 말로 다 못해도, 설사 음악으로 다 못해도 눈빛으로 마음으로 그대를 응원합니다! - RM Even though I’m incapable of expressing it all in words, even if I can’t do it all through music, I send you my most sincere support! -RM
CANADA DEFEATS ANGOLA 87-65 IN FIBA U19 WORLD CUP ROUND OF 16 DATE TIME OPPONENT LOCATION July 5, 2017 7:15 AM EST Angola Cairo, Egypt CAIRO, EGYPT (July 5, 2017) - The U19 Men's National Team defeated Angola, 87-65, in the Round of 16 at the FIBA U19 Basketball World Cup 2017. The win secures a spot in the quarter-finals where Canada will compete for its first-ever birth in the medal round at the U19 Men's World Cup. Danilo Djuricic (Brampton, ON) led the way with 22 points while Abu Kigab (St. Catharines, ON) added 17 points and 16 rebounds. RJ Barrett (Mississauga, ON) chipped in with 18 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists. Click here for the box score. Lindell Wigginton (Halifax, NS), Abu Kigab (St. Catharines, ON), R.J. Barrett (Mississauga, ON), Danilo Djuricic (Brampton, ON) and Amidou Bamba (Toronto, ON) started for Canada. Click here for the full team roster. QUOTES “I’m excited and proud of these boys for making the final eight (teams) of the World Cup and excited for the opportunity to go to the final four.” – Roy Rana, Head Coach “Coach told me not to hesitate on my shot, so when I was open I let it fly and it was falling today. We had a tough first half but we picked up our defensive intensity and our intensity overall in the second (half) to get the win.” – Danilo Djuricic (Brampton, ON) UP NEXT Canada moves on to the quarter-finals where they will face the winner of France and Puerto Rico on Friday, July 7. Game time TBD - stay tuned to Canada Basketball on Twitter for more information. Click here for the full tournament schedule. -30- Ce texte est également disponible en français. Pour en obtenir une copie, veuillez communiquer avec Matt Walker. (coordonnées ci-dessous). For more information, contact: Matt Walker, [email protected]
It also delivers a range of other benefits, from improving housing quality to increasing the energy efficiency and therefore competitiveness of industrial and commercial power users. Yet Ford proposes to eliminate the small surcharge on electricity rates that currently funds conservation initiatives. That would leave only three options: terminate conservation programs altogether; increase taxes to cover the costs of conservation programs; or cut spending somewhere else to provide the required funding. Ford hasn’t indicated which option he has in mind. Ford’s third proposal is to impose a moratorium on new electricity supply contracts and to reopen existing ones. A pause on new contracts (except for conservation and efficiency measures) is not necessarily a bad idea, as long as it applies across the board to all technologies, including the massively expensive and economically and environmentally risky refurbishments of Bruce and Darlington. There are a number of steps Ontario’s political leaders could take from there if they are serious about controlling hydro costs in the future. Regulatory oversight of the semi-privatized Hydro One should be tightened to make sure the utility is not leveraging the money it collects from Ontario customers’ electricity bills to finance out-of-province ventures — effectively asking Ontarians to underwrite the risks of enterprises from which they will receive little or no benefit. A strengthened focus on conservation, with an emphasis on the needs of low-income consumers, offers the best option for keeping costs down in the long term. Finally, the province needs to engage in a meaningful, independent, public review of its long-term electricity needs and options in terms of cost-effectiveness, resilience and sustainability. All options — nuclear plant refurbishments, hydro imports from Quebec, additional renewables and conservation, and distributed generation and storage — need to be on the table. Such a review offers the only option for building some sort of lasting consensus around the system’s future direction and putting an end to the practice of managing the system to meet short-term political goals. Photo: Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Doug Ford holds a rally to speak about Hydro One in Toronto on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Aaron Vincent Elkaim. Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives.
Waves BCN is excited to invite companies, entrepreneurs, developers, and blockchain enthusiasts to our Smart Contract (Part 1) event! Emily, our Waves Consul/Local Ambassador will introduce the Waves Blockchain platform and our newly released Smart Contracts with its innovative f… Waves BCN is excited to invite companies, entrepreneurs, developers, and blockchain enthusiasts to our Smart Contract (Part 1) event! Emily, our Waves Consul/Local Ambassador will introduce the Waves Blockchain platform and our newly released Smart Contracts with its innovative features. Waves would like to educate and strengthen relationships with local businesses to help them create decentralized organizations using the Waves blockchain platform. This presentation will be a simple and non-technical introduction to Smart Contracts. We will have a short Q&A session, special giveaways, followed by networking & snacks @ Pier 01 Tech City. Please fill out the registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/tZcaTnvjnPthtx2H2 Waves is the fastest blockchain platform with real-world solutions for end users, businesses, and developers, whether they need to store or exchange tokens, trade swiftly and securely (DEX), or run fraud-proof business logic (Waves Smart Contracts). ****** Waves Barcelona invita a empresas, desarrolladores, criptoentusiastas, y emprendedores a nuestro próximo evento de los Contratos Inteligentes (Smart Contracts). Principalmente cubriremos los temas relacionados con la tecnología Blockchain y el lanzamiento de Contratos Inteligentes en la plataforma de Waves. Buscamos fortalecer las relaciones con las empresas para ayudar a crear una organización descentralizada con la adopción de la tecnología de Waves blockchain. Se dará una breve introducción simple y no técnica para todos los nuevos participantes. Tendremos una breve sesión de preguntas y respuestas, surtido de regalos, networking, y aperitivos @ Pier 01 Tech City. Por favor, rellene el formulario de registro: https://goo.gl/forms/tZcaTnvjnPthtx2H2
Milenio Digital El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald Trump, dijo que si México no está dispuesto a paga el muro fronterizo, "sería mejor cancelar la próxima reunión". La declaración de Trump se da un día después de que Peña Nieto reiterara que México no va a pagar por la construcción del muro. TE RECOMENDAMOS: México no cree en muros, exige respeto a Trump: Peña En su cuenta de Twitter, el mandatario estadunidense aseguró que, debido al déficit que provoca a su país el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLCAN) y al rechazo del gobierno mexicano para pagar el muro fronterizo, no tiene caso que dialoguen. "Estados Unidos tiene un déficit comercial de 60 mil millones de dólares con México. El TLCAN fue un acuerdo unilateral donde se perdieron un gran número de empresas y puestos de trabajo. Si México no está dispuesto a pagar por el muro necesario, será mejor cancelar la próxima reunión", afirmó. The U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. It has been a one-sided deal from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers... — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017 of jobs and companies lost. If Mexico is unwilling to pay for the badly needed wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017 TE RECOMENDAMOS: Hasta ahora, la reunión Peña-Trump sigue en pie El encuentro de Trump con el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto está programado para el 31 de enero, mientras que los secretarios de Relaciones Exteriores, Luis Videgaray, y de Economía, Ildefonso Guajardo, están en Washington para las negociaciones con el gobierno del republicano. AFC
A 19-year-old Nigerian has been charged with sexual violence and resisting arrest after reportedly attempting to rape the director of the welcome center where he was staying in northern Italy. According to reports, the Nigerian man tried to rape the director of the center in Bressanone, Italy, last Friday but was interrupted by Carabinieri police, who were responding to an alert from the center. The asylum-seeker allegedly resisted arrest but eventually was detained and is now in prison awaiting the decision of the judges. A hearing has been scheduled for Monday to determine the man’s innocence or guilt. If found guilty, the new Security Decree will be applied, leading to an immediate assessment of the man’s request for asylum and probable expulsion from the country. Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini took the occasion to underscore the importance of the new decree that bears his name. “Now, thanks to the Salvini Decree, expulsion is indicated for a case like this,” Mr. Salvini tweeted Sunday morning. Un “richiedente asilo” nigeriano di 19 anni, pregiudicato, è stato arrestato per aver violentato venerdí sera a Bressanone (Bolzano) la responsabile del centro che lo ospitava. SCHIFOSO! Ora grazie al #DecretoSalvini per un caso come questo c’è l’ESPULSIONE! — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) November 11, 2018 On Saturday, several thousand protesters, many of them migrants, marched through the city of Rome to protest the Salvini decree, accusing the populist Italian government of “racism.” Protesters carried signs, flags, and banners, some of which called for the reception of all immigrants who land on Italian shores, while condemning the government for its “racist measures.” In videos of the event, marchers can be seen shouting invectives against Mr. Salvini. Representatives of NGOs and social centers marched alongside the migrants, reiterating their message of “no to push-backs, expulsions, evictions.” “We march against rampant racism, the fascist threat, violence against women, homophobia, and any kind of discrimination,” organizers told local media. Follow Thomas D. Williams on Twitter Follow @tdwilliamsrome.
[ventuno id=’OTQxNTIxfHwyMzY4fHwxMDg2fHwxLDIsMQ==’][/ventuno] Chelsea Clinton, a former broadcaster and daughter of Hillary and Bill Clinton, called President Rodrigo Duterte a “murderous thug without regard for human rights” after criticizing the Filipino Chief Executive for joking about soldiers committing rapes in Mindanao while the region is under martial law. ADVERTISEMENT “Duterte is a murderous thug with no regard for human rights. It’s important to keep pointing that out (and) that rape is never a joke,” Chelsea said, reacting to a news report on Duterte’s statement, over her Twitter account on Saturday (Manila time). Chelsea is the only child of former US President Bill Clinton and former US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, the democratic presidential candidate who lost to businessman-turned-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In an earlier tweet, Chelsea retweeted the news report about Duterte’s joke and captioned it with: “Not funny. Ever.” Speaking before soldiers in Iligan City on Friday, Duterte assured the troops that he will be responsible for the consequences and ramifications of martial law, even if it includes rape by bad military forces. READ: Duterte vows all-out support for troops fighting terrorists – then cracks rape joke “Trabaho lang kayo. Ako na bahala. Ako na magpakulong sa inyo. Kapag naka-rape ka ng tatlo, aminin ko na akin ‘yun. ‘Pag nag-asawa ka ng pang-apat, bugbugin ka I will go to jail for you. (Just work. I will support you. I will go to jail for you. If you happen to have raped three women, I will own up to it. If you marry four, son of a bitch, you will get beaten)” Duterte said. The former Davao mayor declared martial rule in the whole of Mindanao after an intense firefight between government forces and members of the terror Maute group in Marawi City. What triggered the clash was the government forces’ attempt to capture Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon, who was said to be the leader of Islamic State in the Philippines. IDL ADVERTISEMENT Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
, at least for beginners. one minor? disappointing point: I'd like to use it English-Spanish and to change it is a bit of a hassle. It is certainly a good course and a valuable choice of sentences. I can see a genuine effort here. Audio is REALLY nice. But without a human counter-check those translations are so prone to mistakes I would not feel very comfortable learning by them. Naisu! Great! Many native voices male and female. Awesome deck. Native speakers. Love it and want more Don't waste your time with this. I ran into two or three serious mistakes in the first 30-40 cards I tried. This seems like a good idea, but some serious proofing is needed. Needs checking Great idea, but he needs a human to check these before he offers them as teaching material. OK, after reading the five bullet points I'd like to ask the professional Spanish translators what happened with, for example: Spanish(Por suerte, ya ha vuelto a casa.) -> WB_Translation(Luckily, I have already returned home.) or Spanish(No, no lo ha sido.) -> WB_Translation(No, it wasn't him.) ... There are some weird ones too: A los dos en situaciones puertas adentro. Is that idiomatic in a Spanish speaking county? Which? And some esoteric ones: ¿Tiene el motor aún? Anyway, I was very excited to see such a useful resource, but I think I'll skip it for now. Gav If you have an intermediate grasp of Spanish, I would encourage you to DL this d Well done to those at WordBrewery : a free deck chock full of useful grammar, vocab, and pronunciation, very professionally done. Bravo. Truuuuuu! This deck is cool. It is really important to have sound when you are learning a new language. It helps with pronunciation and being able to hear the language in the native speed. I have already recommended this deck to one of my students. There were a few bugs with the sounds but they seem to be fixed now. WordBrewery are cool people. Get the deck! - The Black Polyglot
[English] Anarchistisch festival de Pinksterlanddagen komt er weer aan! Het programma is bijna rond en wordt online gezet zodra het klaar is, maar de bus kun je alvast reserveren. Vanuit Amsterdam via Utrecht gaat er een bus die door de PL is georganiseerd. Je kunt een plek reserveren met een mail naar pl(at)puscii(punt)nl met daarin je naam, vertrekplaats en aantal personen. Vertrek Amsterdam: vrijdag 7 juni 12:00 op bij het Buiksloterwegveer in Amsterdam noord. Neem vanaf Amsterdam centraal de gratis veerpont direct naar de overkant van het IJ en je bent er. Vertrek Utrecht: 13:30 bij station Utrecht Zuilen. Voor de bus geldt een vaste prijs van 20 euro (heen+terug), neem dit gepast mee. De bus gaat terug op maandag aan het begin van de middag. Let op: er zijn dit jaar minder plaatsen beschikbaar, dus reserveer op tijd! Anarchist festival de Pinksterlanddagen is coming! The program is nearly ready and will be put online once its complete, but the bus you can already book. The festival has organized a bus to go from Amsterdam via Utrecht to the festival. You can reserve a spot on the bus with an e-mail to pl(at)puscii(dot)nl containing your name, busstop and the amount of people. Amsterdam: bus leaves Friday June 7th, 12:00 at the Buiksloterweg ferry in Amsterdam Noord. From central station its the free ferry going straight across the river IJ. Utrecht: 13:30 trainstation Utrecht Zuilen. The bus has a fixed price of 20 euro both ways, please bring this cash. The bus goes back on monday in the first half of the afternoon. Please note: there is a reduced number of seats available this year, so book your spot on time!
Asia Argento delivered a rousing indictment of Harvey Weinstein and, by extension, the Cannes Film Festival during the Cannes awards ceremony Saturday night. “In 1997, I was raped by Harvey Weinstein here at Cannes,” she began during the presentation of the best actress award alongside Ava DuVernay. “I was 21 years old. This festival was his hunting ground.” Argento acknowledged that Weinstein had received his due from the film community after his decades-long malfeasance was uncovered. “I want to make a prediction. Harvey Weinstein will never be welcomed here ever again,” she said. “He will live in disgrace, shunned by a film community that embraced him and covered up for his crimes.” She continued by pointing out that Weinstein was not alone in his predatory behavior, and ended by delivering the message to offenders that they will no longer be able to get away with inappropriate behavior. “And even tonight, sitting among you, there are those who still have to be held accountable for their conduct against women,” she said. “For behavior that does not belong in this industry, does not belong in any industry or any workplace. You know who you are. You do not belong in this industry. But most importantly, we know who you are, and we’re not going to allow you to get away with it any longer.” Argento, an Italian actress, was one of many who came forward in the 2017 New Yorker article by Ronan Farrow that kicked off the flood of allegations against disgraced film mogul Weinstein. Though Cannes implemented a sexual harassment hotline this year, the film festival was initially criticized for being slow to respond to the #MeToo moment. Cannes declined to update its code of conduct to explicitly outlaw harassment, instead working with the French government to create the hotline. The French film industry as a whole has been slow to take to the #MeToo movement, partly as a result of its strict libel laws, as well as differing cultural barriers. Watch Argento’s speech below. Le puissant discours d’@AsiaArgento pendant la cérémonie de clôture de Cannes. « J’ai été violée ici en 1997 par Harvey Weinstein ». 👊💪 pic.twitter.com/Qn1uguRzP4 — Hugo Clément (@hugoclement) May 19, 2018 RELATED VIDEO:
A demonstration against the use of pesticides on 26 March 2016 in Paris. A judge has ruled that a ban on pesticides imposed by the mayors of Gennevilliers and Sceaux is valid after the bans were legally contested by the administrative district of Hauts-de-Seine. Advertising Read more Friday’s judgement is being hailed as a victory by a growing alliance of mayors who are taking measures to reduce the use of pesticides near homes and schools. The mayor of Gennevilliers, Patrice Leclerc and his counterpart Philippe Laurent, the mayor of Sceaux, imposed partial bans on pesticides in their districts earlier this year citing danger to human health, particularly children. Bon encouragement pour croire dans la justice et continuer le combat pour défendre la santé des agriculteurs et des populations. Le juge du TA de Cergy a rejeté la requête en référé du @Prefet92 contre les arrêté anti-pesticide de Sceaux & Genneviliers. @coquelicots_ pic.twitter.com/GoG4UrdmGA Patrice Leclerc 🔻🐝 (@patrice_leclerc) November 8, 2019 The move by Leclerc and Laurent to ban the use of certain pesticides also angered non-organic farmers who insist that they are needed for pest control. The administrative district that Gennevilliers and Sceaux falls under, Hauts-de-Seine, then took the two mayors to court on the grounds that they lacked the authority to impose a ban on certain pesticides. France imposed a blanket ban on the pesticide RoundUp sold by multinational Monsanto in January this year that will come into effect in January 2021. France has also been pushing for an EU-wide ban on glyphosate, amid rising concern among consumers about its impact on health. It has been described by the World Health Organization as "probably carcinogenic." The issue of chemical pollution has slowly risen up the political agenda in France as voters grow increasingly concerned about environmental degradation and climate change. Over the past two years, more than a dozen mayors have issued bans on pesticides. Many of those bans have been contested in court. The ruling by the judge at a tribunal in Cergy Pontoise will have been watched closely by the 124 mayors who are pushing for restrictions on the use of pesticides in their districts. Daily newsletterReceive essential international news every morning Subscribe
“Hirap na hirap na kami.” ADVERTISEMENT [We are really suffering.] Malay Mayor Ceciron Cawaling aired this sentiment on Monday when he faced a Senate hearing on the rehabilitation plan of the Duterte administration on Boracay Island. Cawaling lamented that the closure of the island to tourism resulted not only in workers being displaced but also in student being unable to return to school. “Ako, as mayor, nanahimik lang ako, but marami pong naapektuhan dito,” he said during the hearing, jointly held by the Senate Committee on Tourism and the Committee on Local Government. [As mayor, I’m just keeping quiet, but this has affected so many people.] “Yung sinasabi nilang nabibigyan ng tulong, hindi po lahat yan nabibigyan ng tulong,” he added. [They say that people are being assisted, but not everyone is getting assistance.] In a speech last February, President Rodrigo Duterte called Boracay a “cesspool.” A few months later, he ordered the closure of the island for six months, from April 26 to October 26, this year. ADVERTISEMENT The mayor lamented that the administration lacked a plan before ordering the closure. “Syempre magulo po tayo because wala tayong plano eh. Dapat plinano muna then close,” Cawaling said. [We’re in disarray because we don’t have a plan. There should have been a plan before closing it.] “Pero andyan na tayo. So magtutulong-tulong na lang tayo. Kaya nanahimik na talaga ako. Eh magulo kayo eh. So diyan na lang ako,” he said. [But that’s already a done deed. So let’s just help each other. That’s why I’m just keeping quiet. You’re in disarray. So here I am.] “And then I will support the program of the President because that’s for the rehabilitation of the island of Boracay,” he added. /atm Read Next EDITORS' PICK MOST READ
No voy a comentar nada, porque si en este momento digo algo no va a ser constructivo, y bastante odio y violencia estoy viendo ya contra gente pacífica, de toda edad y condición y que quiere ejercer con libertad un derecho fundamental, por parte de los mercenarios que ha enviado el Gobierno de España (junto a sus aliados PSOE y C’s) a Cataluña, como para añadir algo más. Pero las imágenes ya dicen mucho más de lo que yo pudiera decir. Video? La policía nacional carga contra los votantes en Cataluña cuando debería garantizar la seguridad ciudadana #1Oct #CatalanReferendum pic.twitter.com/KPRN4pAkiY — siliker (@siliker) 1 de octubre de 2017 ÚLTIMA HORA. Antidisturbios de la policía nacional en Colegio Ramón Llull frente a la población #CatalanReferendum pic.twitter.com/29nDZAKWo6 — AlOtroLadodelMuro (@_ju1_) 1 de octubre de 2017 ÚLTIMA HORA. Antidisturbios de la policía nacional en Colegio Ramón Llull frente a la población #CatalanReferendum pic.twitter.com/29nDZAKWo6 — AlOtroLadodelMuro (@_ju1_) 1 de octubre de 2017 La policía Nacional ataca en muchos sitios. Las imágenes son durísimas. Que alguien pare esa barbaridad#Pau#Seny pic.twitter.com/SucyqNpwUI — Sor Lucía Caram (@sorluciacaram) October 1, 2017 Como los polis sigan tomando impulso para dar patadas, van a matar a alguien. Ya hay três heridos graves! pic.twitter.com/GD44VrsNeC — gonzalo cortizo (@gonzalocortizo) October 1, 2017
ouns. లెక్క పెట్టడానికి వీలున్న పేర్లను Countable Nouns ( గణ్య నామవాచకములు ) అని అంటారు. Examples : Pen, tow pens, box, -tow boxes, city-tow cities country-tow countries, box-tow boys, man-three men, woman-three women, girl- four girls. Etc. 10 : What are Uncountable Nouns? ♦ Uncountable Nouns : అగణ్య నామవాచకములు : Names of thing that cannot be counted are called Uncountable Nouns. లెక్కింపవీలుకాని వస్తువుల పేర్లను Uncountable Nouns ( అగణ్య నామవాచకములు ) అంటారు. Examples : Tea, coffee, milk, sugar, ink, rice, gold, air, happiness, whiteness, brightness, etc.
Har signert avtale på fire og et halvt år. Lillejulaften skrev TV 2 Sporten at Sander Berge var på vei til Genk. Fredag var han på plass i Belgia for å gjennomføre medisinsk test og ble observert på treningsfeltet med sine agenter Mike Kjølø og Morten Wivestad. Nå har 18-åringen, som ble kåret til årets talent i Tippeligaen, signert for klubben og er klar for fire og et halvt år i belgisk toppfotball. Overgangssummen skal etter det TV 2 erfarer ligge på omkring 2,5 til 3 millioner Euro. De Noor Sander Berge (18) van Valerenga legde vandaag zijn medische testen af bij #KRCGenk. Defensieve middenvelder volgt Wilfred Ndidi op. pic.twitter.com/RMwGXxz3Jl — Sven Claes (@svenclaes) 23. desember 2016 Det er ventet at klubben offentliggjør overgangen i nær framtid. Midtbanespilleren forlater dermed Vålerenga etter bare to sesonger, og skal fortsette utviklingen i klubben som er videre fra gruppespillet i Europa League, og er klar for kvartfinale i den belgiske cupen. Status i serien er for øyeblikket niendeplass. Genk er kjent som en sterk utviklingsklubb, og kan vise til spillere som Kevin De Bruyne, Christian Benteke, Divock Origi og Thibaut Courtois. TV 2 har gjentatte ganger forsøkt å få en kommentar fra Berges agenter, men de ønsker ikke si noe om saken. Heller ikke sportssjef i Vålerenga Kjetil Rekdal ønsker å kommentere saken.
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�ادت بالإصلاح السياسي السعودي!! https://t.co/fFp6xV7MTM — خالد بن فرحان آل سعود (@khaled_f_alsaud) November 19, 2019 Translate: “The Saudi Royal Family felt threatened by Princess Basmah's humanity, because she called for better Saudi politics.” Another woman goes missing in #Saudi https://t.co/ekYC777OGX — Tse Tse Fly Middle East (@tse_tsefly) November 19, 2019 Despite the massive news coverage of her disappearance and the massive backlash the Kingdom received for suspicions that she is unsafe, some social media users defended the royal family, arguing that the princess is not missing, but is merely on a “long vacation”. If Princess Basmah Al Saud, who is a prominent Saudi royal who has championed humanitarian causes that doesnt mean she should b missing or under arrest!She is simply out of country for a long break! How can u connect every thing to b something negative,eveybone has personal life! pic.twitter.com/cghMmEnJOZ — Bassima Elnahi (@BNNB79) November 19, 2019 Another social media user demanded Germany to mind its own business and leave Saudi Arabia alone, attacking it for its Nazi past. وماذا تريد الاستخبارات الالمانية من الأميرة بسمة بنت سعود وال سعود 🤔🤔 لن تستطيع المانيا النازية الإطاحة بحكم ال سعود على #السعودية هذي حقيقة pic.twitter.com/b9ARibm10z — خالد السبيعي (@moq_r7) November 18, 2019 Translate: “And what does the German government want with Princess Basmah bint Saud? The Nazi country will never be able to win a war with Saudi Arabia, that's the truth.”
, factual data or formal statement from Germany to suggest any of this has actually taken place. الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين زوجة الشيخ محمد بن راشد قد إنفصلت عنه و سافرت إلى ألمانيا. يقال ان إجتماع عقد هذا الأسبوع بمكتب أمن الدولة التابع لأمارة دبي لإعلان حالة الطوارئ القصوى في قصر "زعبيل" و ذلك بسبب هروب زوجة الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم الأميرة هيا بنت الحسين يتبع — الدكتور:جاسم العتيبي (@d4214211) June 21, 2019 Translation: “Princess Haya bin Al Hussein has broken up with her husband Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and traveled to Germany. It is claimed that an urgent meeting was held this week at the State Security Bureau of Dubai to declare a state of emergency in Zabeel palace because of the princess escape.” According to a little known website called “Emirates Leaks”, the escape had led to a diplomatic crisis between the UAE and Germany. The story has brought back to mind the runaway daughter of the ruler of Dubai’ story that was triggered by March 2018, when Princess Latifa tried to flee from the country to start a new life. She was eventually forced to return to Dubai. There is a chance that the story could be a deliberate misinformation campaign designed to discredit or harm the UAE ahead of a Bahrain conference later in June, or simply another example of fake news and gossip on the Arabic language blogosphere. Regardless, the story is unlikely to go away anytime soon.
CTOR: Barbara!SUSAN: Grandfather!BARBARA: Susan!SUSAN: Why?DOCTOR: No, no, no. the DALEKs have brought you here in my ship.SUSAN: Grandfather!DOCTOR: Please, stop it!SUSAN: Grandfather!DOCTOR: I'm not going to have a look round, child. come along.(Susan and Barbara go round)DOCTOR: What's that?(he notices the TARDIS, smiles.)DOCTOR: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. no, no. no, no. no, no, no. no, no, no, you'll have to hold it.SUSAN: Well, why do you not have a look?-------------------------------------And the final training run (at least for now, these are very resource intensive and it took 24+ hours to get to epoch 14 on my laptop):-------------------------------------(elsewhere, the DALEKs set in the jungle begin to glow and pulse around the end of the bar.)DALEK: Do you think it's been too late?SARA: Yes.DALEK: Do you think of this?DOCTOR: Yes, I think so.DALEK[OC]: Exterminate them! exterminate them! exterminate them! exterminate him! zero!(the DALEKs trundle off, followed by the zombie.)BRET: All right.DOCTOR: All right.(The Doctor and Bret do the DALEKs.)[ outside the TARDIS ]BRET: Doctor, I think we should get back to earth.DOCTOR: Yes, I think so.STEVEN: It's too late to get down there.DOCTOR: Yes, well, I suggest we take a look at Maitland.(the scanner shows the cave of mouth as Steven fires.)DOCTOR: What do you want?CHUMBLEY: Four dawns.DOCTOR: Well, I think we should experiment further on our tracks.VICKI: Doctor, it's very good.DOCTOR: Yes, I think it's a very good idea.VICKI: Look, Doctor, it's possible.DOCTOR: Oh, indeed, yes, very well.VICKI: Doctor, you've got to.DOCTOR: Yes, I see.DALEK 1: We are expected.(the capsule's power falls)Episode four - the DALEKs
emb_v = self. v_embeddings ( Variable ( torch. LongTensor ( neg_v ))) neg_score = torch. bmm ( neg_emb_v, emb_u. unsqueeze ( 2 )). squeeze () neg_score = torch. sum ( neg_score, dim = 1 ) neg_score = F. logsigmoid ( - 1 * neg_score ) losses. append ( sum ( neg_score )) return - 1 * sum ( losses ) Useful Suggestions Here is some good tricks when implementing word2vec with pytorch. Without these tricks, the training speed will be so slow. No backpropagation Of course, its the duty of PyTorch. This suggestion involves two different aspects. First, set sparse=True when initialize lookup table: nn. Embedding ( emb_size, emb_dimension, sparse = True ) Second, you need to carefully choose optimizer and its parameters to guarantee no global update will be excuted when training. For example, parameters like weight_decay and momentum in torch.optim.SGD require the global calculation on embedding matrix, which is extremely time-consuming. So in our experiments, we use the simplest version of SGD by: self. optimizer = optim. SGD ( self. skip_gram_model. parameters (), lr = self. initial_lr ) Use batch To accelerate your code with GPU, please use batch. Also, all operation in PyTorch is based on batch, so learn to use it. Some operations are different when using batch. For instance, the dot product can be calculate with score = torch. dot ( emb_u, emb_v ) before using batch. However, it changes to score = torch. mul ( emb_u, emb_v ) score = torch. sum ( score, dim = 1 ) when using batch. Use numpy.random One frequent operation in word2vec is to generate random number, which is used in negative sampling. To accelerate it, original word2vec use bitwise operation to simulate such generation. In python, we could implement the same method to replace the slow random.randint function. However, it’s kindly inelegant. Allow for the batch operation, we can use numpy.random package instead. To be specific, using the following code to generate negative words:
Anti-gay vandals defaced a plaque in Paris, right in the middle of the Gay Games. This week, the Gay Games 2018 are taking place in Paris. Over 12,000 people are expected to attend from 91 countries, including many countries where homosexuality is still punishable by death. But homophobia isn’t over in France. Paris’s mayor, Anne Hidalgo, tweeted an image of a plaque that was defaced with anti-gay literature. The plaque, found at 67 rue Montorgueil, commemorates Jean Diot and Bruno Lenoir, the last two people to be sentenced to death in France for being gay. In the picture Hidalgo tweeted, the plaque is covered in black paint and flyers that say: “To make a child, I must be a man, and not a gay.” “I am shocked by this new, shameful demonstration of homophobia,” Hidalgo tweeted. “This act will do nothing other than reinforce our determination to fight against discrimination.” Je suis choquée par cette nouvelle démonstration honteuse d'homophobie! Cette plaque rend hommage à Bruno Lenoir et Jean Diot, derniers condamnés à mort pour homosexualité. Cet acte ne fait que renforcer notre détermination à lutter contre les discriminations. #LoveWins pic.twitter.com/EuH6c5CeIj — Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) August 6, 2018 This past May, vandals set fire to flowers that were left on the plaque. Lenoir and Diot were put to death in 1750, several decades before the French Revolution. According to police testimony against them, they were caught at around 11 p.m., engaging in “indecent” and “reprehensible” behavior. They were arrested. During their interrogation, Lenoir said that it was Diot’s idea to have sex, and Diot said that he found Lenoir drunk and he was just trying to help him. They couldn’t afford lawyers, were convicted of sodomy, and were sentenced to be burnt alive in public. Homosexuality was legalized in France during the revolution in 1791 with the adoption of the first French penal code. The Code attempted to separate civil law from Catholic law, making France the first country to legalize sodomy in the West.
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The defeated presidential candidate in Bolivia denounced alleged electoral fraud, however, he refuses to participate in the audit of the votes. Carlos Mesa, candidate of the Citizen Community, rejected on Wednesday the invitation of the government of Evo Morales to participate in the audit of the votes of the last elections that gave re-election to the indigenous president. The Bolivian politician made the announcement at a press conference, in which he described the audit as “unilateral”, however, the verification act will be carried out with the participation of the Organization of American States (OAS) and representatives of the governments of Spain, Mexico and Paraguay. RELATED CONTENT: Four Keys to Understanding Evo’s Bolivia for 2019-2025 The Citizen Community party, along with groups of the extreme right, ignored the results of the popular election that favored Morales, with 47.08 percent of the votes in the first round, more than 10 points ahead of that obtained by Mesa. Before his rejection of the audit, Mesa called for protests and some pockets of violence have been generated in the South American nation. However, in response to their complaints, the government propose an electoral audit be conducted, to begin on October 31. “We do not accept the audit in the current terms agreed upon unilaterally,” said the Bolivian opposition to the press. RELATED CONTENT; Non Alligned Countries Support Evo Morales Electoral Victory in Bolivia Subsequently, he published a statement about it in his Twitter account in which he says his party was not consulted on the terms of the process. La auditoría acordada entre la OEA y el candidato del MAS no ha consultado ni al país, ni nuestras condiciones. Nosotros NO aceptamos la auditoria en los actuales términos, pactados unilateralmente. pic.twitter.com/qSJvf3EObs — Carlos D. Mesa Gisbert (@carlosdmesag) October 30, 2019 Meanwhile, the government insists on conducting the audit of votes to clear any doubt in the Bolivian population and end the outbursts of violence that were generated with the call of the opposition. Featured image: After learning the results of the elections, Mesa demanded the completion of a second round, then denounced alleged fraud. Now, he rejects the audit and demands the annulment of the elections. | Photo: Reuters Source URL: Telesur Translated by JRE/EF
The Huffington Post prides itself on being a progressive and pro-feminist “news” outlet, so when it came to light that a teenage Syrian refugee columnist who writes for their German website made egregious comments on his Twitter account, namely blaming women for last year’s New Year’s Eve sex attacks in Germany, the Huffington Post has practically remained mum on the issue. Raheem Kassam at Breitbart reports Aras Bacho is the 18- year-old Huffington Post columnist that tweeted the ridiculous claim, writing:, tweeted that women should not be out alone at night. “Most of the time the women are to blame. To be alone at night. On the other hand, the refugees should behave”. He tagged the tweet “Silvester” or “New Year’s” in German. Daran sind meistens die Frauen schuld. Nachts alleine zu sein. Andrerseits sollten sich die Flüchtlinge benehmen. #Silvester -- Aras Bacho (@ArasBacho) December 12, 2016 One would think a liberal news outlet such as the Huffington Post would quickly dispose of anyone who would make such a preposterous claim – you know…because they are so “pro-feminist” – but that doesn’t appear to be the case. His tweet verified on his twitter account, Bacho filed a story with the Huffington Post five days after the tweet. Fortunately many Twitter followers and users responded with outrage and disgust, one tweeting: “In this country, women have the right to be alone at night! Migrants have a duty to behave!” Kassam noted: “Mr. Bacho’s tweet came just as Breitbart London revealed that out of 1300 reported sex attacks on New Year’s Eve in Cologne alone, only 18 convictions have been made so far.” Where are the feminists on that social-justice cause? It’s not the first time Bacho has caused a stir with something his writing. Back in October he demanded all signage in Germany should be translated into Arabic, and he used his Huffington Post columns to push the German people to not only provide more policing and money for the refugees, but also German sponsored smartphones. Apparently Mr. Bacho has never heard of the phrase, “beggars can’t be choosers.” Maybe someone could translate that into Arabic for him.
Resigned Communications Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson has finally announced that she would seek an elective post in the upcoming midterm elections. ADVERTISEMENT “Oo, tatakbo na ako,” Uson said in an interview at the Senate on Monday. “Kasi kung ako ngang ganitong klaseng tao ay sinisiraan ng ganyan, paano na ‘yung mga walang boses. Kaya dapat magkaroon ng boses ang ordinaryong Pilipino,” she said. (Because if somebody like me is being smeared that way, what more those who doesn’t have a voice. That’s why ordinary Filipinos should have a voice.) She said she would run in next year’s elections but could not say yet what position. Uson was reacting to an earlier INQUIRER.net report, quoting sources, who said she was allegedly fired by President Rodrigo Duterte. She branded the report as “fake news” supposedly meant to stop her from any plans in 2019. Asked if she would seek a Senate seat, Uson said: “Wala, hindi ko pa po alam e (No, I still don’t know yet). Pero sure na po (But it’s sure already).” She said, however, she has yet to consult Mr. Duterte on her plans. “Hindi ko pa po talaga alam basta sure na tatakbo po tayo kasi nakakapikon na e. Kailangan kong ipaglaban ‘yung mga ordinaryong tao,” Uson added. ADVERTISEMENT (I still don’t really know yet but we are sure that we are running because it’s exasperating already. I need to fight for ordinary people.) It was also in the Senate during a budget a hearing last week when Uson announced her resignation as Assistant Secretary of Presidential Communications Operations Office. READ: Mocha resigns Uson was at the Senate again this Monday, this time, to interview Senator JV Ejercito and meet with Senate President Vicente “Tito” Sotto III. “Magtatanong lang (Will just ask), consult-consult,” she said when asked why she would meet with Sotto. /kga
[16] Para esse tema voegeliniano ver: VOEGELIN, Eric. Reflexões Autobiográficas. São Paulo: É Realizações, 2007. VOEGELIN, Eric. Science, Politics and Gnosticism. Washington: Regnery Publishing, 1997. VOEGELIN, Eric. The Drama of Humanity and Other Miscellaneous Papers. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2004. [17] CARVALHO, Olavo de. História de Quinze Séculos. In: http://www.olavodecarvalho.org/historia-de-quinze-seculos/ [18] Op. Cit. [19] Para um estudo sobre o gnosticismo no sentido que Eric Voegelin adota ver: VOEGELIN, Eric. Reflexões Autobiográficas. São Paulo: É Realizações, 2007.VOEGELIN, Eric. A Nova Ciência da Política. Brasília: Editora UnB, 1982. VOEGELIN, Eric. Science, Politics and Gnosticism. Washington: Regnery Publishing, 1997. VOEGELIN, Eric. Los Movimientos Gnosticos de Massas como Sucedanoes de las Religiones. Madrid: Ediciones Rialp, 1966. VOEGELIN, Eric. Gnostic Politics. Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1995. VOEGELIN, Eric. History and Gnosis. Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1995. Um estudo sobre as raízes do gnosticismo antigo pode ser visto em: JONAS, Hans. The Gnostic Religion. Boston: Beacon Press, 2005. [20] VOEGELIN, Eric. Science, Politics and Gnosticism. Washington: Regnery Publishing, 1997. [21] Ibid. [22] FRANKL, Viktor. Em Busca de Sentido. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2015. [23] Ibid. [24] ARISTÓTELES. Ética a Nicômaco. São Paulo: Edipro, 2014. [25] Ver: LEWIS. C. S. A Abolição do Homem. São Paulo: WMF Martins Fontes, 2012.
to be living among them, without knowing that this person is her brother or father or husband who thinks about killing her because she is independent.” On the other hand, the incident attracted people who took the opportunity to express their anger towards recent pro-women reforms and feminists in Saudi Arabia, blaming women’s rights movements for having to “resort to honor killing”. #ندي_القحطاني محمد سلمان سن قوانين تحمي المراة عندما تفجر ،، قوانيبنك طبقها على ام مشهور والامبرات عارنا قوانينه عندنا والتي تخرج عن قانونا نحاسبها ولن ينفعها الفاجر محمد سلمان. يحرضون المرأه على الفجور، وعندما ينتقم الرجل لشرفه يصرخون.. كفيت ووفيت يارجال يابن الرجال — مواطن حر (@muatinhurin) January 21, 2020 Translation: “Mohammed bin Salman enacted laws that protect women when they sin, which disgraced our society. They promote women to misbehave, and when we honorably kill them, you yell at us men.” This is so sad to see people in their comfort zone dropping unwanted hurtful comments as if everything was nothing but a lie #ندي_القحطاني pic.twitter.com/jGfwivrCuX — A (@l0xll1) January 22, 2020 Translation: “You feminists are making it sound as though all women in Saudi are abused and that we're living in a jungle.”
We all know many female players exist within Guns Of Boom!! Maybe a show of hands on how many support a female Avatar in the game would help push it along. They have created unicorns, lions, aliens and monster's and many more. Yet a female has yet to be made. They are fully capable of doing so and should! So if you would like to see Guns of Boom introduce a female character in the game please sign!! Maybe we need to show them just how bad some of us feel it should be offered. Not all of us want to play Pub G, Fortnite, or COD to have a female character!!! This could also generate more revenue for the game as well, that funding also keeps the game alive and it's employees paid. Guns of boom we need female characters listen to your audience/customers!!!! SHARE SHARE SHARE oh and sign too... A-N-D-R-O-M-E-D-A ¡Todos sabemos que existen muchas jugadoras dentro de Guns Of Boom! Tal vez una muestra de manos sobre la cantidad de apoyo que una mujer Avatar en el juego ayudaría a impulsar. Han creado unicornios, leones, extraterrestres y monstruos y muchos más. Sin embargo, una hembra aún no se ha hecho. ¡Son completamente capaces de hacerlo y deberían hacerlo! Entonces, si te gustaría ver a Guns of Boom presentar a un personaje femenino en el juego, ¡firma! Tal vez necesitemos mostrarles lo mal que algunos de nosotros sentimos que debería ofrecerse. ¡No todos queremos jugar a Pub G, Fortnite o COD para tener un personaje femenino! Esto también podría generar más ingresos para el juego, ya que los fondos también mantienen vivo el juego y pagan a los empleados. ¡Guns of boom, necesitamos personajes femeninos que escuchen a su audiencia / clientes! COMPARTIR COMPARTIR COMPARTIR oh y firmar también... A-N-D-R-O-M-E-D-A
Athletes queue up for their fill of free McDonalds in the Olympic Village in Rio. Queuing for free fast food is proving to be one the most popular endurance events among athletes at the Rio Olympics. A McDonalds at the Games village, which is offering its full menu to competitors for free, has attracted lines more than 100m long. While most athletes have strict diets, many seem to be finding time to indulge. EDGARD GARRIDO/ REUTERS Some Cuban athletes enjoy some McDonalds in the Olympic Village. De langste rij in het Olympisch Dorp staat elke dag bij deze ongezonde vreetschuur. Bizar! Niets met sport te maken. pic.twitter.com/Eev7WRSlsM — Bauke Mollema (@BaukeMollema) August 8, 2016 READ MORE: * Gold for New Zealand - Bond and Murray row to victory * Luuka Jones wins silver for NZ in the K100 canoe slalom * Olympics: Overnight recap - day six * Kiwi Lauren Boyle crashes out of favoured 800m freestyle * Olympic golf: Ryan Fox makes solid start for NZ KAI PFAFFENBACH/ REUTERS Turkmenistan team members eat McDonald's food inside the Olympic Village. Swedish handball player Fredrik Petersen told the Daily Mail he was fine with eating fast food "sometimes". "We are here for three weeks and it can be boring to eat the same food three or four times a day in the athletes' restaurant," he said. "I might have an ice cream or even a burger. It is no big deal." @BaukeMollema/Twitter Lines at the McDonalds at the Rio Olympic Village have been more than 100m long. A Nigerian athlete told the Daily Mail: "It's food man. It's free and we are all one big happy family." Dutch cyclist Bauke Mollema tweeted his surprise at the lines. "The longest ride in the Olympic village is every day at these unhealthy eats barn. Bizarre! Nothing to do with sports." The line at the Olympic village McDonalds.... #rioproblems #notlovingit I just wanted a cone pic.twitter.com/zgowiHSKiX — Michael Tayler (@michaeltayler92) August 9, 2016
The active volcano Popocatepetl, located in Central Mexico, has exploded Saturday evening, sending ash two kilometers into the air with the cloud of smoke moving in a northeast direction. Videos from the eruption show a powerful explosion and traces of magma flowing out of the crater. Possible ash fall is expected in areas surrounding the summit. At the moment the volcanic warning issued by the Federal Civil Protection remains at 'Phase 2'. ¡LO ÚLTIMO!🚨 El volcán 🌋#Popocatépetl, ubicado en el centro de #México, registró una explosión que ha emitido una fumarola de dos kilómetros. pic.twitter.com/y2rhxVDkfR — Noti Bomba (@notibomba) December 16, 2018 Así evolucionó la explosión de esta tarde - noche en el volcán #Popocatépetl: pic.twitter.com/YtSGZ0Hj69 — PC Estatal Puebla (@PC_Estatal) December 16, 2018 Authorities have urged citizens to stay clear of the region, and those already in the area to take precaution against a potential ash fall. Pyroclastic flows are also possible following the eruption. Video de la explosión de las 18:57 h del #Popocatépetl.Las explosiones de las últimas semanas se deben a la destrucción del domo de lava No. 81 fromado el 20 y 21 de noviembre.Semáforo de alerta en amarillo fase 2.Vía @webcamsdemexicopic.twitter.com/YTAH9Aiwtg — SkyAlert (@SkyAlertMx) December 16, 2018 #Explosión del #Volcán#Popocatépetl a las 18:58 horas, con una altura aproximada de 2 km, acompañada de material incandescente, atentos ante la posible caída de ceniza, el semáforo de alerta volcánica permanece en amarillo fase 2. pic.twitter.com/A176ppqOv7 — Luis Felipe Puente (@LUISFELIPE_P) December 16, 2018 Think your friends would be interested? Share this story!
mein Essen warten. After four weeks Hänsel has not become fatter at all! Gretel, fetch the water - I can't wait any longer for my meal. Gretel Überhaupt nicht, du scheußliche Hexe! Absolutely not, you horrid witch! Wohl Two main functions: 1. Expresses probability (even certainty) 2. Signals concession to a previously made point (like schon ) Your browser does not support the audio element. die böse Hexe Gretel, kriech in den Ofen hinein und sieh zu, ob der recht eingeheizt ist. Ich muss das Brot zum Abendessen backen! Gretel, crawl into the oven and see if it's heated well. I have to bake the bread for dinner! Gretel Wie komme ich da hinein? Ich weiß es nicht. How do I get in there? I don't know how. die böse Hexe Dumme Gans! Du siehst wohl, die Öffnung ist groß genug! Kinder heutzutage....sie sind so verwöhnt! (You) stupid goose! You can certainly see that the opening is big enough. Children these days... they are so spoiled! Gretel Das wohl, aber mein Bruder und ich sind anders als die typischen Kinder! (Gretel gibt der Hexe einen Stoß und sie fällt in den Ofen hinein.) Haha, wir haben dich getäuscht! That's true, but my brother and I are different than the average children! (Gretel gives the witch a push and she falls into the oven.) Haha, we fooled you! Zwar Means to be sure or it's true or Is often followed by a counter-argument introduced with aber Your browser does not support the audio element. Gretel Hänsel, dieses Märchen war einfach zu grausam. Hänsel, this fairy tale was just too brutal. Hänsel Du hast Recht. Es war zwar grausam, aber es hat auch Spaß gemacht! Guck mal, wieviel Gold wir jetzt haben! You're right. It's true it was brutal, but it was fun, too! Look at how much gold we have now!
✯ Superhero! ✯ This is the maximum pledge allowable on Kickstarter, so Let's Get Ridiculous: 1 Custom Liberatore Electric Guitar (featured in the Coma video "Une Araignée Au Plafond") + 20 pairs of VIP Show Tickets for the show(s) of your choice + 1 one-hour show with full band in your living room (or your office!) (plus travel expenses if applicable) + Your name as an Executive Producer in the sleeve + Meet the album team + 2 VIP tickets to the show premiere in Montreal (the full on-show, separate from the album launch) + 1 handwritten lyric sheet of a song from the album + Help choose the songs on the album + Your name in the "thank you" section of the sleeve + 2 tickets for the album launch in Montreal + Digital download of the award-winning "Minuit le Soir" double album + Digital download of the award-winning "19-2" album + Autographed CD & Digital download of the "Soundtrack For The Revolution" album! ☚ ☛ C'est le montant maximum qu'on peut mettre sur Kickstarter, alors soyons excessifs: 1 Guitare électrique du luthier Mauro Liberatore (qu'on a vue dans la vidéo de mon groupe Coma, "Une Araignée au plafond") + 20 Billets VIP pour le spectacle de votre choix + 1 spectacle d'une heure avec mon groupe complet dans votre salon (ou votre bureau!) (plus frais de voyagement si applicable) + Votre nom comme producteur exécutif dans la pochette + Rencontrez l'équipe de l'album + 2 billets VIP pour la première du spectacle à Montréal (le spectacle complet, distinct du lancement de l'album) +1 manuscrit des paroles d'une des chansons de l'album + Participez au choix des chansons de l'album + Votre nom dans la pochette + 2 billets pour le lancement de l'album à Montréal + Téléchargement de l'album double de la musique de Minuit le Soir + Téléchargement de l'album de la musique de 19-2 + CD autographié & Téléchargement de l'album "Soundtrack For The Revolution"! Less
"As luck would have it, in the morning at the Paris SAMU (EMT), a multi-site attack exercise had been planned. So we were prepared. What needs to be known is there was a mobilisation of police forces, firemen, EMTs, associations who came [to participate] and we tried to save as many people as possible." "Le hasard a fait, pour vous dire, c'est que le matin au SAMU de Paris, avait été organisé un exercice sur des attentats multisites. Donc on était préparés. Donc ce qu'il faut voir c'est que vous aviez une mobilisation des forces de police, des pompiers, des SAMU, des associatifs qui sont venus et on a essayé de sauver le plus de monde possible." Who is Patrick Pelloux? Eerily reminiscent of the simultaneous military and first responder drills taking place during the 9/11 attacks and the London 7/7 bombings, it has emerged that a "multi-site attack exercise" was being carried out in Paris on the same day as the multiple coordinated terror attacks.Patrick Pelloux, a physician and chairman of a French trade union for EMT personnel, reported in an interview with Radio France the day after the attacks that "as luck would have it, a multi-site attack exercise had been planned [for the morning of Friday 13th], so [Paris EMT personnel] were prepared."Translated transcript:Original French transcript:From a biography of him of Wikipedia, we read that:Patrick Pelloux became known in France when was the first to publicly claim that thousands of people were dying in France during the 2003 European heat-wave, which the French authorities denied.Since 2004, Pelloux has written articles in Charlie Hebdo, the satirical magazine, on the work of an emergency physician.Since 2008, Pelloux is chairman of 'Association des médecins urgentistes de France' (a French trade union of EMT personnel). He has also been an activist against bullfighting, and has acted in two French movies.Coincidentally, Pelloux was situated near the magazine's office building during the attack on Charlie Hebdo in January this year. After being called by someone who worked for the magazine - and was presumably inside the building during the attack - Pelloux was one of the first people to arrive on the scene after the shooting. He is said to have immediately telephoned French President François Hollande to tell him what had happened.
Stupeur, tristesse et incompréhension sont les sentiments qui animent le japonais Dai Koyamada qui a eu la mauvaise surprise de découvrir cette semaine que son bloc “Nayuta” 8C+ ouvert à Gero en avril 2017 avait été vandalisé. En effet, plusieurs prises du bloc ont été détruites, vraisemblablement au pied de biche ou au marteau. Les autres passages du bloc “Nehanna” 8C entre autres ont été aussi abîmés. Dai est surtout atterré car il avait un super projet sur ce pavé, “Natori”, un bloc qu’il jugeait d’un niveau de difficulté supérieur à ce qui avait été établi au Japon, un challenge pour les générations futures, lui aussi endommagé. On rappelle que des faits semblables se sont déjà produits en France, à Fontainebleau avec “L’alchimiste”, la traversée de “Scarabée” ou encore à Chamonix avec “Kaiser Sauzé”. La bêtise humaine n’a pas de frontières. Stupor, sadness and misunderstanding are the feelings that animate the Japanese legend Dai Koyamada who had the bad surprise to discover this week that his boulder “Nayuta” 8C + opened in Gero in April 2017 had been vandalized. Indeed several holds of the boulder were destroyed, presumably by crowbar or hammer. The passages like “Nehanna” 8C among others have also been damaged. Dai is especially dismayed because he had a great project on this piece of rock, “Natori”, also broken, a boulder that he considered a new level of difficulty higher than what had been established in Japan, and a challenge for future generations. We notice that similar facts have been already whitnessed in France, in Fontainebleau with “The Alchemist” or with the traverse of “Scarabée” or in Chamonix with “Kaiser Sauzé”. Human stupidity has no border.
procedura saranno effettuate esclusivamente con pubblicazione sul sito www.bitgrail.com We inform all creditors of BG SERVICES SRL bankruptcy procedure that the Delegated Judge on July 29, 2019, ordered the postponement of the hearing to January 30, 2020, at 9:00 am. Please note that, starting from this communication, all the subsequent communications in connection with the bankruptcy procedure directed to creditors shall be exclusively made through a publication on the website www.bitgrail.com Firenze, 31/07/2019 I Curatori Dott. Gian Pietro Castaldi e Avv. Tommaso Ariani * * * Si avvisano tutti i creditori del Fallimento WebCoin Solutions di Francesco Firano che il Giudice Delegato con provvedimento del 30/07/2019 ha disposto il rinvio dell’udienza per l’esame dello stato passivo al giorno 23/01/2020 ore 10:00. Si avvisano inoltre i creditori che a partire dalla presente comunicazione, tutte le successive notizie e/o informazioni riguardanti la procedura saranno effettuate esclusivamente con pubblicazione sul sito www.bitgrail.com We inform all creditors of bankruptcy procedure of WebCoin Solutions di Francesco Firano that the Delegated Judge on July 30, 2019, ordered the postponement of the hearing to January 23, 2020, at 10:00 am. Please note that, starting from this communication, all the subsequent communications in connection with the bankruptcy procedure directed to creditors shall be exclusively made through a publication on the website www.bitgrail.com Firenze, 31/07/2019 I Curatori Dott. Gian Pietro Castaldi and Avv. Tommaso Ariani Rapporto Riepilogativo ex Art. 33 L.F. al 20 luglio 2019 / Short Report ex Art. 33 L.F. July 20, 2019 (n. 16/2019 RF, BG Services Srl) R.F. 16/2019 / R.F. 16/2019 R.F. 15/2019 / R.F. 15/2019 Curatori fallimentari:/bankruptcy trustees
النيران التهمت غرفة حراس المصلى المرواني بالمسجد. حريق داخل المسجد الأقصى!النيران التهمت غرفة حراس المصلى المرواني بالمسجد. pic.twitter.com/oYEbPLXjiL April 15, 2019 طواقم الإطفاء تخمد حريقاً اندلع على سطح المصلى المرواني في المسجد الأقصى. pic.twitter.com/eMb59JGrsa April 15, 2019 cnxps.cmd.push(function () { cnxps({ playerId: '36af7c51-0caf-4741-9824-2c941fc6c17b' }).render('4c4d856e0e6f4e3d808bbc1715e132f6'); }); A fire broke out on the Temple Mount near Solomon's Stables on Monday evening, RT news reported."The Fire broke out in the guard's room outside the roof of the Marwani Prayer Hall," according to the Wafa news agency. The fire was quickly put out by the Waqf with no injuries or interior damage reported.The Marwani Prayer Hall, also known as Solomon's Stables, is located at the base of the corner of the Temple Mount where the Southern and Eastern walls meet, near the stairs up to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The fire occurred above the prayer hall, in an open area on the Temple Mount itself.The cause of the fire has not been determined, but the director general of the Jerusalem Waqf and Al-Aqsa Mosque Affairs Department, Sheikh Azzam al-Khatib, told Jordan's Al-Mamlaka that the fire may have been caused by children.PA President Mahmoud Abbas warned anyone against targeting the holy site, stressing the need to preserve Al-Aqsa's "great religious and humanitarian value."
Type project that started with the analysis of hundreds of hand-lettered signs from the urban landscape in several cities of Brazil, in order to convey the impact of this popular Brazilian visual culture in a single digital typeface. It was designed in 1999, but only released to the public in 2003, as a free font. With more than 300 catalogued cases of commercial projects, it is one of the most distinguished Brazilian typefaces. In 2010 it was started the production of a PRO version, labelled Brasilêro Profiça. This version takes advantage of OpenType features to better emulate the vernacular aesthetics in a digital font, including an innovative feature that compresses the letters at the end of line, being the first font in the world to do that. The PRO version is yet to be launched, and a book about the project is also in production. ---------------------------------- {PORTUGUÊS} Utilizada em mais de 300 projetos comerciais, é uma das fontes brasileiras mais populares de todos os tempos. O projeto tipográfico começou com a análise de centenas de letreiros feitos à mão encontrados em diversas cidades brasileiras, numa tentativa de traduzir o impacto dessa cultura visual popular em uma tipografia digital. Foi desenhada em 1999 e lançada ao público em 2003 como fonte grátis. Em 2010, foi iniciada uma versão PRO, batizada de Brasilêro Profiça. A nova versão se aproveita dos recursos OpenType para melhor emular a estética vernacular numa fonte digital, incluindo um inovador recurso que que comprime as letras ao final da linha. É a primeira fonte do mundo a fazer isso. A versão PRO ainda será lançada, assim como um livro sobre o projeto. Aliás, se já a utilizou em algum projeto, por favor, envie um sample pra [email protected] que ele será incluído no livro! Não esqueça de colocar os créditos da equipe que desenvolveu o projeto.
Oklahoma City Thunder center Enes Kanter said he’s received death threats following the coup in Turkey that failed to overthrow president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s regime. The 24-year-old posted screenshots of a series of threats he’s received on Twitter since Friday in response to his support of exiled Muslim cleric Fethullah Gülen. The posts, written in Turkish, include phrases such as “You will die soon” beside ominous images of weapons and nooses. Son bir kaç gündür aldığım sadece bazı Ölüm Tehditleri.! Allah hepinizi ıslah eylesin. pic.twitter.com/a0mnYaEQGA — Enes Kanter (@Enes_Kanter) July 17, 2016 2) Ölüm Tehditleri yağmaya devam ediyor. Durmak yok Duaya devam Allah hepinizi ıslah eylesin. pic.twitter.com/aBfP0BiKf5 — Enes Kanter (@Enes_Kanter) July 18, 2016 3) Ölüm Tehditleri devam ediyor. Sizden korkan sizin gibi olsun. Allah hepinizi ıslah eylesin. pic.twitter.com/fcFYw945De — Enes Kanter (@Enes_Kanter) July 19, 2016 Kanter spoke out against Erdoğan’s government in March after a terrorist bombing in Ankara that killed 37 people and injured more than 100, criticizing the country’s obstruction of broadcast media and access to social media. Last year Kanter, a five-year NBA veteran who was tabbed with the No3 overall pick in the 2011 draft, said he was left off Turkey’s national team for EuroBasket 2015 due to his political views, a claim denied by national team coach Ergin Ataman. The 6ft 11in post man was passed over for selection again for the Fiba Olympic qualifying tournament earlier this month in the Philippines, where Turkey failed to qualify for the Rio Olympics after bowing to France in the semi-finals. “Death threats continue to fall,” Kanter posted on his verified Twitter feed, in Turkish. “Prayer does not stand still.”
HA: Does not have..Species: Hyena.Height: 1,30Weight: 56 kg.Gender Ratio: M: 55% F: 45%Habitat: Savannah.Feeding: Carnivore.Evolution: Hyemidate (Unevolved).Descrição: São temperamentais e bem complexos, com uma personalidade muito incomum. Adoram rir loucamente sem limites te tempo ou de entonação.Professor Baobab (Região de Lekker): Não obedecem treinadores, dão risadas de situações impróprias, se irritam por qualquer coisa, riem por qualquer coisa, fazem qualquer coisa em qualquer coisa que não seja a hora certa. Seus olhos não são mais vesgos, porém conseguem fazer isso quando querem. Indicado para treinadores Avançados.Description: They are temperamental and very complex, with a very unusual personality. They love to laugh madly without time and intonation.Professor Baobab (Lekker Region): Do not obey coaches, laugh at improper situations, get irritated at anything, laugh at anything, do anything at anything other than the right time. His eyes are no longer squinty, but they can do it when they want. Suitable for advanced trainers.. (Google tradutor).Some Moves:Thief, Crunch, Snarl, Dark Pulse.Hypnosis, Scary Face, Swagger, Dark Void.Conceito: Criado para ser uma típica hiena, porém com características inusitadas, cara de bobo e aspectos desengonçados, cores inspiradas no animal real e hienas do rei leão (Disney). Teve muita inspiração no ED do rei leão*Laught Intimidate: Diminui o ataque do Oponente em -1. A cada turno 10 % de chance de reduzir o ataque do oponente. Diminui a chance de encontrar Pokemons selvagens quando em primeiro na Party.Inspiração: Hiena-Malhada (Crocuta crocuta).Inspiration: Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta).
This question already has answers here: How to change the output color of the ls command in terminal in OS X and iTerm2? (2 answers) Closed 3 months ago. I wanted to make custom colors for the ls command with zsh, but I find that all the previous answers to this do not work for me. I tried all these options: Option 1) #LS_COLORS='no=00;37:fi=00:di=00;33:ln=04;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:' #export LS_COLORS #zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} Option 2) #LS_COLORS='di=1:fi=96:*.m=31:*.py=32:*.txt=36:*.out=35' #export LS_COLORS #zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS} Option 3) #zstyle ':completiom:*' list-colors 'di=1:fi=96:*.m=31:*.py=32:*.txt=36:*.out=35' Option 4) #zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors 'di=34:ln=35:so=32:pi=33:ex=31:bd=46;34:cd=43;34:su=41;30:sg=46;30:tw=42;30:ow=43;30' but all result of the ls command are displayed as if no color option was turned on. The only thing that seems to work to change the colors at all is this: unset LSCOLORS export CLICOLOR=1 export CLICOLOR_FORCE=1 which I found from another answer somewhere that I can't find. However, what I want is to use my own custom colors indicated by: #LS_COLORS='di=1:fi=96:*.m=31:*.py=32:*.txt=36:*.out=35' Appendix For completness I also saw someone suggest to use gls but I had issues brew installing it so I gave up on that. Sorry can't find the link to that anymore. Cross posted:
. Cette réforme a été conçue dans un très bref délai et sans aucune concertation au sein du ministère lui-même. Conjointement avec la possible disparition de l'Archéologie Préventive dans la nouvelle procédure des appels d’offres, cette initiative pourrait causer le démantèlement de la protection du patrimoine archéologique italien. Bien conscients de la nécessité d'améliorer les anciens procédés, nous invitons Monsieur le Ministre, à retirer sa proposition de décret et à dialoguer avec des spécialistes du domaine, en impliquant la communauté scientifique internationale. Le patrimoine archéologique italien reste un patrimoine de l’humanité. ESP SALVEMOS LA ARQUEOLOGÍA ITALIANA El Ministerio del Patrimonio Cultural está reformando radicalmente el sistema de la tutela del mismo en Italia. Tras 110 años de existencia serán desmanteladas las Superintendencias Arqueológicas. La reforma ha sido proyectada de forma extremadamente veloz y sin ningún tipo de diálogo con las estructuras internas del mismo Ministerio. La simultánea probable desaparición de la normativa sobre la Arqueología Preventiva del nuevo código de licitación de obras arriesga desmantelar el sistema de la tutela del patrimonio arqueológico italiano. Conscientes de la necesidad de mejorar el sistema de la tutela del Patrimonio, invitamos al Ministro a retirar la propuesta de decreto y de abrir una mesa de diálogo con los técnicos del sector incluyendo en ella miembros de la comunidad científica internacional. Los bienes arqueológicos italianos son Patrimonio de la Humanidad.
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The Dutch King Willem-Alexander joined a Ramadan Iftar in the multicultural Transvaal district in The Hague on Thursday night, surprising the Muslim community who had no idea about the visit, NL Times reported. “I never thought I would meet the king and now he comes to me. Really bizarre,” Cansu Alkurt, the pedagogical employee of the local pre-school said. She spoke to the King about the importance of language for children and their parents. “The King gives the impression that it does not matter that we are migrants. It makes you feel important that he comes here to our community center.” Gathering in the community center on Mandelaplein, the Muslim community did not know about the secretly-planned visit. De koning op verrassingsbezoek bij iftar in buurthuis in Den Haag. En aan het einde met zoveel mogelijk op de foto. #iftar pic.twitter.com/oevFuA0i5Z — Maaike Kraaijeveld (@KraaijeveldM) May 16, 2019 Youth worker Nadir Abdel Moumen was getting ready to break the fast when suddenly he was sitting next to the King. “Yes, it was initially a matter of searching for conversation topics,” he said. “Should it be chic? Or politics? It ended with the King telling about the areas in Morocco he has visited.” Willem-Alexander also told him that this was his first Iftar. “So we helped with his hazing.” Koning Willem-Alexander woont een iftar-ontmoeting bij voor buurtbewoners van de wijk Transvaal in buurthuis Mandelaplein. pic.twitter.com/pqEnJriguj — Jan Hofdijk (@JanHofdijk) May 17, 2019 Islam is the second largest religion in the Netherlands, practiced by 4% of the population according to 2010–11 estimates. Most reside in the nation’s four major cities, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, and Utrecht. The early history of Islam in the Netherlands can be traced to the 16th century when a small number of Ottoman traders began settling in the nation’s port cities. As a result, improvised mosques were first created in Amsterdam in the early 17th century.