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Nachdem ich erst von einer neuen Sabine Figur berichtete, kann ich euch heute das gesamte Line-Up der Funko POP Star Wars Rebels Wackelköpfe zeigen. Der Hersteller hat alle Bilder vor wenigen Minuten im eigenen Blog gepostet.
Nachdem wir Ahsoka mit der Nummer 130 und Sabine (Masked) mit der Nummer 131 bereits kennen, reicht der Hersteller nun weitere Figuren nach. Die neuen Funko POP Star Wars Rebels Figuren sind
#132 Funko POP! Kanan
#133 Funko POP! Chopper
#134 Funko POP! Ezra
#135 Funko POP! Sabine
#136 Funko POP! Hera
#137 Funko POP! Zeb
Der Vollständigkeit halber sind in der Gallerie auch noch einmal Ahsoka und Sabine (Masked) aufgeführt.
Da mit dem Jyn Erso Wackelkopf zu Rogue One bereits die darauffolgende Nummer 138 bekannt ist, sind das tatsächlich vorerst alle Funko POP Star Wars Rebels Wackelköpfe. Inwiefern weitere Rebels Charaktere als Bobble Heads umgesetzt werden, bleibt abzuwarten. Ich hätte allerdings auf Anhieb eine Menge Ideen.
Die Figuren sollen alle bereits ab November verfügbar sein. Im ganzen Star Wars Rebels Aufgebot sind übrigens ausnahmsweise mal nur zwei Exclusives enthalten. Ahsoka wird exklusiv bei Hot Topic, Sabine (Masked) nur bei Walgreens erhältlich sein.
Alle Informationen, Bilder und Review Videos zu allen bisher veröffentlichten Funko POP Star Wars Wackelköpfen findet ihr im Collectors Guide.
Teile diesen Beitrag teilen
Letzte Aktualisierung am 23.09.2020 um 02:11 Uhr / Affiliate Links / Bilder von der Amazon Product Advertising API | 200 |
Photo: Facebook/Dugine obitelji
Serbian Innovation Minister Nenad Popovic has sharply criticized a children’s picture book about same-sex families, published recently in Croatia, saying its possible arrival in Serbia needed to be “stopped urgently”.
“At a moment when as a state we are fighting in all ways to support birth, we import gay picture books from Croatia,” Popovic wrote on Thursday on Twitter. “This must be stopped urgently.”
У тренутку када се као држава боримо на све начине да подржимо рађање, из Хрватске нам увозе геј сликовнице! То под хитно треба зауставити! Морамо да станемо на пут онима који желе да нас убеде да је у реду да “РОКО ИМА ДВЕ МАМЕ, А АНА ДВОЈИЦУ ТАТА”.
https://t.co/QXZNXi0b74 — Nenad Popović (@npopovicSNP) May 2, 2018
The Serbian daily Blic wrote on May 1 that a Serbian version of the book would soon be published.
Popovic wrote in his reaction on Thursday on Twitter that “We need to stop those who want to convince us that it’s OK for ‘Roko to have two moms, and Ana two dads’ [an example from the book]”.
Homophobic attitudes remain deeply entrenched in Balkan countries where polls show most people strongly oppose gay marriage.
Read more:
Crowdfunding Raises Over $6K for Croatia’s ‘My Rainbow Family’ | 201 |
Tutti Rouge is a super cutesy, quirky and girly brand, is a super cutesy, quirky and girly brand,
especially targeted to women who want to have fun with their lingerie!
I got to try two of this brand's models: Liliana in 28FF and Nichole in 28F!
Liliana was way too wide and shallow for my frame,
but Nichole was spot on: projected and narrow!
(Perhaps too deep, considering I had to size down from my usual 28FF UK size!)
Do you own any Tutti Rouge?
TUTTI ROUGE está comigo! A "bra-holic" está de volta e não veio sozinha, aestá comigo!
Esta marca de copas grandes entrou no mercado português esta estação,
invadindo uma série de lojas físicas pelo país fora com o s seus lacinhos, rendinhas e coraçõezinhos,
pronta para deixar muita mulher casadoira apaixonada!
É por isso com prazer que faço a review de dois dos modelos mais famosos da marca:
o Nichole e o Liliana!
Um deles ganhou mesmo lugar cativo na minha fantástica colecção ("update": os 25 soutiens lindos entretanto diminuíram para 13 - coloquei alguns à venda aqui!).
Descubram qual foi o sortudo no vídeo de review:
Podem encontrar os modelos da Tutti Rouge no site oficial
e descobrir a colecção Outono/Inverno 2015 nas seguintes lojas físicas:
Miss Curvy - Coimbra
No resto da publicação podem encontrar mais fotos dos soutiens!
(O texto, no entanto, é exclusivamente em inglês, a review em português está no vídeo, okay?)
Um excelente fim-de-semana para todos!
The bras were kindly offered by Tutti Rouge for review. The expressed opinions are honest and true. | 202 |
Banerjee, Robin, et William Robson. 2009. «Faster, younger, richer? The fond hope and sobering reality of immigration’s impact on Canada’s demographic and economic future.» Commentary No. 291, July, C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto.
Beach, Charles, Alan Green et Christopher Worswick. 2011. Toward Improving Canada’s Skilled Immigration Policy: An Evaluation Approach. C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto.
Boudarbat, Brahim, et Gilles Grenier. 2014. «L’impact de l’immigration sur la dynamique économique du Québec.» Rapport remis au ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion, Québec, novembre.
Dubreuil, Benoît, et Guillaume Marois. 2011. Le remède imaginaire: pourquoi l’immigration ne sauvera pas le Québec. Montréal, Éditions du Boréal.
Environics. 2015. «Canadian public opinion about immigration and multiculturalism.» Focus – Canada, The Environics Institute, Toronto, Spring.
Grady, Patrick, et Herbert Grubel. 2015. Immigration and the Welfare State Revisited: Fiscal Transfers to Immigrants in Canada in 2014. Vancouver, Fraser Institute, November.
Green, Alan. 2003. «What is the role of immigration in Canada’s future?» Dans Canadian Immigration Policy for the 21st Century, sous la dir. de C. Beach, A. Green et J. Reitz. Montreal et Kingston, McGill-Queens University Press.
Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE). 2013. Perspectives des migrations internationales 2013. Paris, Éditions OCDE.
Paquet, Gilles. 2012. Moderato Cantabile: Toward Principled Governance for Canada’s Immigration Regime. Ottawa, Invenire Books.
Putnam, Robert. 2007. «E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century: The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture.» Scandinavian Political Studies, vol. 30, no 2, June, p. 137-174.
Reitz, Jeffrey. 2012. «The distinctiveness of Canadian immigration experience.» Patterns of Prejudice, vol. 46, no 5, p. 518-538. | 203 |
An Italian priest has prompted outrage by posting a message on Facebook telling a girl who had been raped it was her fault for getting drunk and hanging around with migrants. The priest's private message was leaked and soon went viral.
A priest in the Italian city of Bologna has been forced to apologize after telling an under-age girl who was raped that she deserved it.
Lorenzo Guidotti posted a long rant on Facebook in which he blamed the girl for hanging around with migrants and getting drunk.
"Sweetie, I'm sorry, but… you get revoltingly drunk… and then who do you go off with? A North African?" the priest wrote in the Facebook post.
"I'm sorry but if you swim in the piranha tank you cannot complain if you lose a limb," he wrote.
The girl was raped and robbed by a North African man after getting intoxicated.
"Do you understand that, along with the alcohol, you've gulped down the ideological tirade about 'welcoming everyone'?" Fr. Guidotti told the girl.
"Darling, at this point, waking up semi-naked is the least that could happen to you," he added.
Rant Only Visible to Priest's Facebook Friends
The priest's rant was leaked to Radio Citta del Capo by someone who saw it on Father Guidotti's Facebook page, which was set to private.
At one point he railed at the Italian government's policy of welcoming migrants.
Trovo disgustose le parole di don Lorenzo Guidotti sulla ragazzina stuprata a Bologna. L'argomento per cui una… https://t.co/e2L80KC1cb — Sergio Lo Giudice (@SergioLoGiudice) November 9, 2017
Twitter: "I find disgusting the words of don Lorenzo Guidotti about the young girl raped in Bologna."
Confronted about the Facebook post, Fr. Guidotti said he did not intend to attack the girl personally, but was "trying to make kids and their parents think."
But he later issued an unreserved apology to the victim and her family.
"With my intervention, I missed the terms, the ways, the corrections. I apologize to her and her parents if my imprudent words may have added pain," Fr. Guidotti said.
It is not clear if Fr. Guidotti faces disciplinary action by the Roman Catholic Church.
The Bologna Archdiocese said his opinion "in no way reflects that of the Church, which condemns every sort of violence." | 204 |
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5a. Come funziona il tracciamento delle offerte, conversioni, postback e pixel
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[6] ADS
6a. Cosa sono le fonti di traffico
6b. Fonti di traffico: Search
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7a. Facebook Ads – Policy – Affiliate Marketing | 205 |
of the state, and that 398 disappeared between 1965 and 1986.
He added that between 1976 and 1978, about 34,000 people were tortured emotionally, physically and sexually.
Quezon said the Philippine economy also took a hit during the Marcos era, with the national government debt ballooning from P2.4 billion in 1965 to P192.2 billion by 1985.
He said with the national government debt standing at P395.51 billion at the end of 1986, 58.63 percent of the country's gross domestic product had to be set aside for debt servicing.
The Presidential Commission on Good Government has recovered P170.44 billion in ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses.
Life under Marcos: A fact-check
Imee said in a recent ANC interview that she is willing to apologize for the agony caused by the imposition of Martial Law, but she said there would be no admission of guilt that would come from her.
"Iyung admission of guilt, unang-una ang liit-liit ko noon. Paano ko ia-admit, hindi ko naman alam?" Imee said. (On the admission of guilt, first of all I was too young back then. How would I admit something I have no knowledge of?)
The Marcos patriarch on Friday was buried at the Heroes' Cemetery with military honors. No announcement was made prior to the interment, which caught the public by surprise and caused a series of protests in different parts of the country.
Critics -- including the thousands of people who suffered human rights abuses under his two-decade rule -- insisted that the Supreme Court decision allowing the burial was still subject to appeal and that Marcos did not deserve to be interred alongside heroes.
They have urged the high court to hold the Marcos family and key officials in contempt of court for the "hasty, shady and tricky" burial. An opposition lawmaker also filed a motion to have the strongman's body of exhumed for a forensic examination.
Anti-Marcos groups are set to mount a massive mass movement on Friday when President Duterte, who gave the green light to the burial, comes home from the APEC Summit in Peru.
Colmenares, a youth activist detained and tortured during the Martial Law, urged the public to join the protest.
"We have to go out and protest and say that is not the decision of the Filipino people," he said. "Hindi pwedeng ilibing ang katotohanan, hindi pwedeng ilibing ang kasaysayan." (The truth cannot be buried, history cannot be buried.) | 206 |
The organization reported the crimes occurred during a peaceful action in defense of the Right of the Land, demanding that those responsible "be captured and receive an exemplary sentence” for the killings.
Guatemalan Indigenous leaders Isidro Perez and Melecio Ramirez, members of the Committee of Campesino Development (CODECA), were killed on Friday by armed men in the village of Nuevo Eden in the eastern municipality of Livingston.
“These killings are added to the repression maintained against our organization by sectors of economic power and organized crime, supported by repressive forces of the State, in an attempt to stop the permanent fight for the defense of rights' advances,” read a communiqué released by CODECA, strongly condemning the assassinations.
The organization reported the crimes occurred during a peaceful action in defense of the Right of the Land, demanding that those responsible "be captured and receive an exemplary sentence” for the killings, teleSUR's correspondent reported.
Hombres armados asesinan a dos defensores del territorio e integrantes del Comité de Desarrollo Campesino @GtCodeca, en la aldea Nvo. Edén Chocón Machacas Mpo de Livinstong, Izabal. Las víctimas son Isidro Pérez Pérez (foto) y Melecio Ramírez, durante una actividad pacífica. pic.twitter.com/OWL4XjTHo3 — Santiago Botón ���� (@SantiagoteleSUR) 6 juillet 2019
Armed men killed two defenders of the land and members of the Committee of Campesino Development during a peaceful activity, in the village of Nuevo Eden, municipality of Livingston, Izabal. The victims are Isidro Perez Pérez (photo) and Melecio Ramírez.
Last year, six members of Codeca were murdered for their activism, yet no one has been arrested for the crimes. The organization has denounced continuous harassment and systematic hate speech on part of the government and economic elites against them and other human rights and environmental activists in Guatemala.
"Despite the repression and criminalization, our struggle will continue and strengthen,” added the committee in its statement, “there is an urgent need to build a Plurinational State that will respond to the needs of all peoples. The right to land is a fundamental right."
Human rights prosecutor, Jodran Rodas, requested the authorities to find those responsible for the murders. “There is widespread violence against defenders of the environment, the land, and the territory," he concluded. | 207 |
Leer en español
On Monday authorities revealed that over a dozen police officers were shot dead in an ambush in Michoacán, in one of the bloodiest attacks against security forces since President López Obrador took office in December.
On Twitter, the Public Security Ministry said it would use all means at its disposal to catch those responsible for the attack in the municipality of Aguililla in Michoacán, a state that has been besieged by drug cartels and violence for years.
La #SSPC condena el ataque en el que murieron 14 agentes policiacos en Aguililla, Michoacán. Nos encontramos en comunicación y ponemos a disposición del gobierno del estado todos nuestros recursos humanos y tecnológicos para dar con los agresores y llevarlos ante la justicia. — Secretaría de Seguridad y Protección Ciudadana (@SSPCMexico) October 14, 2019
The Federal Public Security Ministry said 14 police were killed, although Michoacán authorities said 13 officers died and three were injured.
On Twitter, the Michoacán Security Ministry said the state police were working near El Aguaje when armed civilians opened fire against them.
Reforzamos las labores de prevención y vigilancia en el municipio de Aguililla, derivado de una agresión que sufrieran elementos de la Policía Michoacán, cuando daban cumplimento a un mandamiento civil. — SSP MICHOACÁN (@MICHOACANSSP) October 14, 2019
Authorities have yet to provide further details of the ambush, although photographs from the alleged crime scene were published on social media, showing shot-up and burning police vehicles, as well as the bodies of slain officers.
The images also showed messages attributed to the infamous Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), which warned police not to support rival drug cartels, including the Knights Templar, a criminal organization that once dominated the state.
For years, Michoacán has been a stronghold of the CJNG, which in 2015 was blamed for a series of attacks on police in the state of Jalisco as it sought to consolidate its control over drug trafficking in the region.
The heavily armed CJNG has used intimidation and bribery to control local police since their salaries are no match for the gang’s financial muscle, which in large part has been built on trafficking crystal meth.
| 208 |
Daybreaker LIVE x AARP present
💃¡Vamos a Bailar—Let’s Dance!🌹
Featuring Gloria Estefan, The Wailers, Gipsy Kings, Los Del Río & DJ Jellybean
The Rhythm is gonna get you, too.
Happy Fall, Daybreaker Family. We are back in action for another mystical season—and only the Universe knows where we’re cha-cha’ing to next.
As legend would have it, a handful of Latin Music’s most iconic artists just sent carrier pigeons with waxed seal letters letting us know they’re in for the next Daybreaker LIVE. All to honor Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrate Latinx communities around the world and to support the joyful dance spirit that we all need now more than ever. 🙏🌎
So on Saturday, October 3rd, from 11am-1pm ET, you’re invited to feel the rhythms of your hips with Gloria Estefan, Gipsy Kings and Los Del Río (of the famed Macarena). And it doesn’t stop there—keep reading…🔥
We’re teaming up for Round 2 with our friends at AARP for a very special livestream fiesta (aka a social dist(d)ance Zoom party). And thanks to them, tickets are FREE with your RSVP, so turn tu casa (your house) into your pista de baile (dance floor) and dress up in something on the wild side.
We’re kicking off with an all-ages Zumba class. Then to bring the full spectrum of Latin music into our bodies, DJ Jellybean Benitez will curate a mix of Latin beats full of sabor (flavor). Think Salsa, Merengue, Tejano, Mambo, Rumba, Bachata and nonstop rhythm with our goosebump-worthy musical guests. 💃
And to bring us into our deepest self expression, Daybreaker Mama + Founder Radha Agrawal will co-host the dance party with motivational catalyst and Latina maven, Maria Marin. ✨
So join us to shake your inhibitions, release your stress and dance. To remember what’s important through this wild ride we’re all on… The power of love, human connection, letting out tears of joy and the feeling that la vida es un carnaval — life is a carnival. ☀️
Vamos a bailar. Let’s dance. See you on the (virtual) dancefloor. | 209 |
Como algunos probablemente sepáis, en unos días me voy a Italia durante 6 meses para estudiar ahí. Mi novio se queda aquí, así que está algo tristón, y le he hecho esta cosilla para él.
¡Somos nosotros como gente-calamar (o inklings) del videojuego Splatoon!
He intentado hacer los diseños manteniendo algún tipo de relación con la realidad, así que por ejemplo yo estoy fofa y él blanco como un muerto xD Fue muy divertido diseñarnos como squidsonas!
Además, perdonad la calidad del escáner, sé que es horrible xD ✄ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ESPAÑOL Como algunos probablemente sepáis, en unos días me voy a Italia durante 6 meses para estudiar ahí. Mi novio se queda aquí, así que está algo tristón, y le he hecho esta cosilla para él.¡Somos nosotros como gente-calamar (o inklings) del videojuego Splatoon!He intentado hacer los diseños manteniendo algún tipo de relación con la realidad, así que por ejemplo yo estoy fofa y él blanco como un muerto xD Fue muy divertido diseñarnos como squidsonas!Además, perdonad la calidad del escáner, sé que es horrible xD
As some of you probably know, in a few days I'm leaving to Italy for 6 months to live and study there. My boyfriend is staying here, and he's very sad so I've made this little thing for him.It's us as if we we're squid-people (Or inklngs) from the game SplatoonI've tried to keep the designs truthful to the reality, so for example I'm chubby and he's pale as a corpse xD It was such fun to design a squidsona!Also forgive the quality of my scanner, I know it's terrible xD | 210 |
21:15 Consolidation match
Grand Finals BO3
English version
21:15 Consolidation match
Grand Finals BO3
The time stamps are in CEST.
Support the tournament — download the Mikz app via App Store or Google Play!
Nu är det dags! Ikväll inleds Mikz Challenge här på Fragbite där vi kommer att få se Fragbite Masters-mästarna Team Dignitas, världsberömda NiP Gaming, det franska stjärnlaget Titan och DreamHack Winter 2013-mästarna fnatic, slåss om 10 000 kronor. Kvällens första match börjar klockan 18:15 där vi får se svensklagen NiP Gaming och fnatic mötas. 19:30 är det dags för franska Titan att möta danska Team Dignitas.I kommentatorbåset ser vi återigen Anders Blume och Auguste ”Semmler” Massonnat och ni kan självklart som vanligt följa allt på FragbiteLive! Här nedan kan ni se de exakta tiderna för turneringen.Vill ni återuppleva den sköna stämningen från Fragbite Masters är det bara att luta sig tillbaka och sätta sig vid streamen 18:15 då allt kör igång!The time has come! Tonight the Mikz Challenge begins here at Fragbite where we will be seeing the Fragbite Masters champions Team Dignitas, world famous NiP Gaming, the French star team Titan and DreamHack Winter 2013 champions fnatic fighting over a prize of 10 000 SEK. Tonights first matchup begins 18:15 where we will see the Swedish teams NiP Gaming versus fnatic. 19:30 it's time for the French team Titan to be matched against Danish Team Dignitas.As annotators we will once again see our favourites Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat, and you can follow it all at FragbiteLive! Down below you will see the exact schedule for the tournament.If you want to relive the awesome feeling from Fragbite Masters you only have to sit back and tune in on the stream at 18:15 when it all begins! | 211 |
ilian on the board and Black still managing to play his favourite …c7-c6 in most of the lines.} 1. c4 g6 2. g3 Bg7 3. Bg2 f5 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. e3 O-O 6. Nge2 e5 7. d3 d6 8. O-O c6 9. f4 a5 10. Rb1 Be6 11. a3 Nbd7 12. b4 axb4 13. axb4 d5 14. cxd5 cxd5 15. Qd2 Bf7 16. Bb2 Re8 17. Rfe1 Qb6 18. d4 e4 19. b5 Bf8 20. Ra1 Qe6 21. Na4 Rec8 22. Bf1 Ne8 23. Nc5 Qe7 24. Rec1 Nd6 25. Nc3 Nb6 26. Rxa8 Rxa8 27. Ra1 Nbc4 {[#]} 28. Qc1 Rxa1 29. Bxa1 b6 30. N5a4 Qa7 31. Bb2 Nxb5 32. Bxc4 dxc4 33. d5 Nd6 34. Ba3 Be8 35. Qa1 b5 36. Nc5 b4 37. Ne6 Qxa3 { As this Black system has been used by Kasparov and many other top GM’s, we can guarantee that it is reliable.} 0-1 You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess game visualization.
I enjoyed the book and I think you will too. Focus on the ideas and the originality of Lakdawala’s thought and you will get a lot from it. I guess the book could have been shortened by 20/30 pages with a more economical writing style, but that is the way he does things and you like it or lump it.
Lakdawala’s book is an important addition to the available chess literature on the Modern. As such, it comes with my strong recommendation.
Andrew Martin, Bramley, Surrey, 6th February, 2020
Book Details :
Paperback : 416 pages
416 pages Publisher: Everyman Chess (22 Oct. 2019)
Everyman Chess (22 Oct. 2019) Language: English
English ISBN-10: 1781945306
1781945306 ISBN-13: 978-1781945308
978-1781945308 Product Dimensions: 17 x 7.5 x 24 cm
The book is available as a physical book and as a Kindle version.
Official web site of Everyman Chess | 212 |
što ga nosi. Božić poje po svu zemlju Ne boji se Hindušana Niti crnog Tatarana Ni goleme te pustare A proklete Globe crne Globe crne Tartarije, I te gadne Mandžurije. Slava mu je do nebesa, Do prestola Triglav Boga. Brada mu je do pojasa, Do pojasa sredi zemlje Srpske zemlje Raške svetle. Da se rode muška deca Ljuti vojni Davorovi Davorovi i Jarila
Translated into English this means:
...gray Živa, mighty gray, mighty gray dove! where did you travel? and gray Živa, mighty gray dove, answers: "I traveled all the way To India our country. I flew over Hindustan And over Tatarstan Black Hindus and Tatarus. I flew to our Master Our mighty God Triglav And I watched what he was doing What he was doing and ordering." What did our lord do Our master Great Triglav, Our Creator and Maintainer And Great Destroyer? Replies gray Živa, White mighty dove: "Our Lord is doing good... He is weighing gold for us to make the gold cups Gold and silver cups So we can pray to the young God Young God Svarožić (Winter solstice sun, baby sun, Dabog, the Giving god) To give us everything good Most of all long life. Long life good health And wealth that God Dabog carries with him. Young god Svarožić (Dabog) sings in all the land He is not afraid of Hindustan Neither is he afraid of black Tataria Nor the immense wasteland A bloody black Globa black Globa Tataria (I don't know what Globa means, but it could be Gobi desert), And that nasty Manchuria. His Glory (Dabog's) rises to the skies, All the way to the throne of God Triglav. His beard is down to his waist, To his waist which is in the center of the land The Serbian bright land of Ras. May it (Serbia, Ras) give birth to male children Great solders of Davor Of Davor (God of War) and of Yarilo (God o youth and war)...
It is incredible to think that Serbs managed to preserve the memory of their life in India and the belief in Triglav, Trimurti and to preserve its worship in the middle of Europe until 20th century. | 213 |
If you want to look like a scary creature from fantasy novels and not spend money on expensive costumes for Halloween, then a piece of foil and garment with a hood will help you easily enter in the desired image is almost free. To explain too much there is nothing in the photos still clearly visible. And please do not scare children, you can cause to the child a mental injury, which will be entirely on your conscience.
Если вы хотите выглядеть как страшное существо из фэнтези романов и при этом не тратиться на дорогие костюмы на хэллоуин, то кусок фольги и одежда с капюшоном вам поможет легко войти в нужный образ почти бесплатно. Особо объяснять тут нечего, на фотографиях все видно наглядно. И большая просьба не пугайте детей, вы можете нанести ребенку психическую травму, которая целиком будет на вашей совести.
Follow me Plzzz
Автор @RomanSkv
Россия Рыбинск | 214 |
A prison in the French commune of Vivonne, in the Poitou-Charentes region in western France, has been evacuated after convicts started a fire and then refused to return to their cells, local media report.
“A riot has started in one of the buildings of the prison,” Emmanuel Giraud, the official responsible for prisons in the region, is quoted as saying by AFP.
Mutinerie à la prison de #Vivonne: l'incendie se poursuit des pompiers continuent à arriver sur place pic.twitter.com/xog1xtiMz6 — faitsdivers86 (@NRCP_POITIERS) September 12, 2016
Two inmates attacked a prison officer, taking his keys and then releasing about 60 other inmates, according to local media. They then set part of the building on fire.
“Two prisoners jostled a guard and managed to steal his keys, which allowed them to open all the cells,” Giraud told AFP.
la fumée s élève de nouveau du 2eme étage de la prison et toujours des cris de détenus. pic.twitter.com/0N2VViPd0z — France Bleu Poitou (@Bleu_Poitou) September 12, 2016
“The circumstances of how the detainees were able to steal a set of keys from a prison supervisor and open cells are still undetermined. They set fire to all corridors on the floor,” Giraud said, according to Le Point.
The fire, which engulfed one of the floors of the three-story building, was then extinguished by firefighters.
No one was injured or taken hostage, the justice ministry said in a statement adding that order was restored within five hours.
Some 60 prisoners refused to return to their cells and six remained unaccounted for, AFP reported citing a source at the prison.
des renforts de gendarmerie arrivent en force à la prison de Vivonne la fumée persiste # mutinerie pic.twitter.com/pbssN2UQAX — France Bleu Poitou (@Bleu_Poitou) September 12, 2016
l incendie de la #prison de Vivonne en passe d être maîtrisé pic.twitter.com/ZgSU0poLAE — France Bleu Poitou (@Bleu_Poitou) September 12, 2016
Firefighters and police units were earlier dispatched to the scene. An ambulance arrived at the site and a helicopter landed not far from the prison. | 215 |
Ora aqui vai uma receita que foi descoberta quando estava a seguir à risca uma outra e me faltava um ingrediente. Resolvi improvisar e saiu um belo de um bolo ao género do petit (que de pequeno não tem nada) gateau.Ingredientes:100g de margarina derretida180g de açúcar8 colheres de sopa de puré de maçã (sem açúcar)1 colher de chá se aroma de baunilha60 ml de leite de soja1 colher de sopa de manteiga de amêndoa90g de chocolate em pó1/2 colher de chá de bicarbonato de sódio1/2 colher de chá de fermento em pó1/4 colher de chá de sal80g de farinha3 colheres de sopa de agave1. Derreter a margarina e numa tigela misturar a margarina derretida com o açúcar.2. Juntar o puré de maçã, aroma de banilha, leite e manteiga de amendoa.3. Juntar o chocolate em pó e misturar bem.4. Juntar o sal e o bicarbonato de sódio e fermento.5. Juntar a farinha e misturar bem.6. Adicionar o agave misturar bem.7. Colocar a mistura numa forma bem untada e vai ao forno por 45 minutos a 180ºC---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/4 cup Earth Balance Buttery Spread (room temp)1/4 cup Earth Balance Shortening1 cup sugar8 tbsp apple sauce (without sugar)1 tsp vanilla extract1/4 cup almond milk1 tbsp almond butter1/2 cup cocoa powder1/2 tsp baking powder1/4 tsp salt2/3 cup flour1/4 cup agave nectar1. Melt margarine and mix with the sugar.2. Add the applesauce, vanilla extract, milk and almond butter.3. Add cocoa powder and mix well.4. Add the salt and baking powder.5. Add the flour and mix well.6. Add the agave and combine.7. Place the mixture in a well greased pan and bake for 45 min at 350ºF. | 216 |
National Gallery Londen. Literatuur bij dit artikel: Linda Nochlin: Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?, 1971, via Artnews.com. Jesse M Locker: Artemisia Gentileschi – The language of painting, 2015, Yale University Press. Caroline Chapman: Eighteenth Century Women Artists – Their Trials, Tribulations & Triumphs, 2017, Unicorn Publishing Group. Els Kloek, Catherine Peters Sengers, Esther Tobé: Vrouwen en kunst in de Republiek – Een overzicht, 1998, Uitgeverij Verloren. Renée B. Adams et al.: Is Gender in the Eye of the Beholder? Identifying Cultural Attitudes with Art Auction Prices, 2017, via papers.ssrn.com.
Meer vrouwen en kunst Mama Cash Feminist Festival: ‘een protest en een viering tegelijk’. Elk jaar op 8 maart (Internationale Vrouwendag)organiseren verschillende musea in Nederland op initiatief van Stichting Mama Cash evenementen, tentoonstellingen en rondleidingen over de rol van vrouwen in hun collecties. Pretty Brilliant: een initiatief van het kunstmagazine See All This om vrouwen in de kunstwereld zichtbaarder te maken – zowel de makers als professionals in galeries, beurzen en musea. Naakt op een kleedje: podcast van Heske ten Cate en Yuki Kho over vrouwelijke kunstenaars. Want vrouwen liggen meer naakt op een kleedje in voorstellingen dan dat ze als maker vertegenwoordigd zijn in collecties. Meisjes en Kunst: de nogal opmerkelijke vertaling van het informatieve Engelse boek Women in Art (2019) over vijftig vrouwelijke kunstenaars door Rachel Ignotofsky, die onder meer ook Women in Science en Women in Sports schreef. U raadt al hoe die in het Nederlands heten. Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland: biografieën van 1001 vrouwen uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis, samengesteld onder leiding van historica Els Kloek. Onder hen ook tientallen kunstenaars. | 217 |
pls join the stream https://www.twitch.tv/tayfunthewolf so we can set up the fights without a lot of text msgs
Add me on PSN: tayfun098 and say me you name in the bracket
Twitch : TayfunTheWolf
Start 6PM CEST TIme
Ein neues Absolver Turnier!
Stellt euch den Kampf und findet herraus wer der beste Kämpfer ist.
Wer hat das bessere Deck gebaut?!
Es wird im Best of 5 Gespielt. (Final Best of 7)
Nicht am Altar heilen
Nicht die Fight Area verlassen.
. DER HOST HEBT AUF Nach dem Tod die Lobby verlassen, verliert die Runde
Decks und Spezial nur vor Kämpfen wechseln erlaubt, nicht während eines Fights
Preemptively: If you want to join the Tournament please be sure to join the stream (-link-) so we can set up the fights without a lot of text messages. Entry: Either make an account with challonge.com and add yourself to the bracket; alternatively, if you don't want to create an account just add me on PSN: tayfun098 and tell me the name I should put in the bracket Tournament will be streamed on Twitch on the following channel: TayfunTheWolf A new Absolver Tournament is upon us! Face off in vicious, but honorable fights to find out who's the best fighter! This time we will do a special 'Downfall Tournament' and would like all participants to use the new Faejin style that came with the update. Decks aren't restricted, all 11 Powers are legitimate to be used in any combination. Rules:
- The standard fights will be Best Of 5 (first one to score big 3 rounds wins), the Final will be a BO7 (first one to score 5 big rounds wins)
- Dont heal at the Altar
- Don't leave the fight area - Don't revive your opponent, I, the host will revive each one of you every time - If you revive yourself you're immediately disqualified - Adjusting Decks and Powers is only allowed BEFORE your fights, and will not be tolerated mid-fight | 218 |
das Geld ausgeht und Regisseur Hideaki Anno selbst mit Depressionen zu kämpfen hat, wird die Geschichte nur mehr psychedelisch. Und ein gigantischer Erfolg. "Ich wusste selbst nicht, dass die Serie so interessant ist," sagt Regisseur Anno einige Jahre später im Interview. So ganz glücklich ist er mit dem Erfolg nie. Dass er so gemein zu den Figuren war, quälte ihn wohl ein wenig.
Also startete er das Projekt "Rebuild of Evangelion". Eine neue Serie mit größerem Budget, die zumindest am Anfang die gleiche Geschichte erzählt. Die Serie bleibt düster und erschreckend - doch zumindest dann und wann bekommen die Figuren so etwas wie Hoffnung zu spüren. Aus "Rebuild" werden die drei Filme "Evangelion: 1.01 – You Are (Not) Alone", "Evangelion: 2.0 You Can (Not) Advance" und "Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo". Ein vierter, abschließender erscheint möglicherweise Ende 2015 - wenn Anno dazu kommt. Teil Ab Teil 3 hat die Geschichte nichts mehr mit dem Original zu tun, denn der dritte Teil spielt nach einem Zeitsprung in einer postapokalyptischen Welt. Anno mag nun netter zu seinen Figuren sein, aber den Zuschauern gibt er weiter viele Nüsse zu knacken.
Die Filme am:
26.10.2016, 23:55 Uhr - Evangelion: 1.11 – You Are (Not) Alone
28.10.2016, 02:25 Uhr - Evangelion: 2.22 You Can (Not) Advance
09.11.2016, 23:00 Uhr- Evangelion: 3.33 You Can (Not) Redo
Auf ProSieben MAXX
Nach der Ausstrahlung stehen sie für sieben Tage online kostenlos zur Verfügung. | 219 |
[English below]
Spannend nieuws – de Anarchistische Groep Amsterdam organiseert samen met Filmhuis Cavia een anarchistisch filmfestival op 15 – 17 november!
Wat is er mooier in een druilerig herfstweekend dan chillen met je vrienden / familie / partners / collega’s / kameraden in filmhuis Cavia, goede films kijken, gesprekken voeren met de makers en je mede-bioscoopbezoekers, je buik vullen met veganistische snacks en luisteren naar groovy muziek.
We hebben een vrij cool programma gekozen en kunnen niet wachten om het met je te delen. Maar om je een voorproefje te geven, verwacht je verse DIY-films, oude edelstenen, late night (rel)porno en meer.
Het evenement is toegankelijk op donatie. Alle opbrengst gaat naar het Anarchist Defence Fund.
Het festival is een safe space. We tolereren geen enkele vorm van seksisme, homofobie, racisme of andere discriminatie. Helaas is de locatie niet toegankelijk voor rolstoelgebruikers.
Blijf op de hoogte voor updates en sneak peeks van de films!
Exciting news – Anarchist Group Amsterdam, together with Filmhuis Cavia is organising an Anarchist Film Festival on the 15 – 17 of November!
What would be better on a gloomy autumn weekend than chilling with your friends/family/partners/workmates/comrades in filmhuis Cavia, watching good films, engaging in talks with the makers and your fellow moviegoers, filling your belly with vegan snacks and listening to groovy music.
We’ve chosen a pretty cool programme and can’t wait to share it with you. But to give you a preview, expect fresh DIY films, old gems, late night (riot) porn and more.
The event will be by donation. All proceeds will go to Anarchist Defence Fund.
The festival is a safe space. We will not tolerate any forms of sexism, homophobia, racism or other discrimination. Unfortunately, the venue is not wheelchair accessible.
Stay tuned for updates and sneak peeks of the films! | 220 |
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 7) — A policeman was relieved of his post after he was seen in a viral video threatening a man with arrest at an eatery for supposedly cutting him in line.
Police said PSMS Arnulfo Ardales has been relieved and placed at the District Headquarters Service Unit pending investigation for misconduct.
According to a police report, Ardales “uttered vindictives” at Aaron Estrada, a 21-year-old call center agent, at a carinderia (eatery) in Brgy. Ermitaño, San Juan City, late Saturday night.
However, video taken of the incident which has since gone viral shows that Ardales did more than that — he threatened to arrest Estrada for supposedly disrespecting a police officer and even appeared to push him.
“‘Wag kang masiyadong maangas dito ha! Pakulong kitang g*** ka,” Ardales was heard telling Estrada. “Magaasti-astigan ka, wala kang respeto sa pulis ha! Bumibili ako, tapos bibili-bili ka? O baka naman hubarin ko pa uniporme ko sa ‘yo? Bastos kang p******* mo ka.”
[Translation: Don’t be too cocky around here! I’ll jail you, you fool … You come up here all cocky with no respect for a cop! I’m buying here and you come buying too? Do you want me to strip my uniform in front of you? You’re a rude son of a b****.]
Ardales also demanded for Estrada’s identification and at one point even tried dragging him to his patrol car.
He also issued a warning to Estrada. “Tatandaan ko mukha mo ha! Kapag ako nakasibilyan, tingnan mo,” Ardales said while pointing at Estrada.
[Translation: I'll remember your face! When I'm in plainclothes, you'll see.]
Estrada told him not to point at him, to which Ardales replied with, “Eh ano kung duruin kita? [And so what if I point at you?” while appearing to push him back.
San Juan City police told CNN Philippines that Estrada first thought that Ardales was only joking, only realizing that the policeman was serious when he started shouting.
Authorities said policemen should be more patient — even if they were cut in line. | 221 |
Ruby 1.9
The & operator converts Proc objects into blocks and block into Proc objects. In this case, it tries to convert the symbol :+ into a block. The conversion uses Ruby's built-in coercion mechanism. That mechanism checks to see whether we have a Proc object. If not, it sends the #to_proc method to the argument to make a Proc. If the Symbol :+ has a #to_proc method, it will be called. In Ruby 1.9 it has a #to_proc method. That method returns a Proc that takes its first argument and sends the + method to it along with any other arguments that may be present.
So, &:+ really means { |x, y| x + y }.
plus = :+.to_proc
puts plus.call(1,2) # prints '3'
to_s = :to_s.to_proc
to_s.call(42) # results in the string "42"
def to_proc
proc { |obj, *args| obj.send(self, *args) }
It creates a Proc which, when called on an object, sends that object the symbol itself. So, when names.map(&:upcase) starts to iterate over the strings in names, it'll call the block, passing in the first name and invoking its upcase method.
(1..100).map{|x| x.to_s }
It's not difficult at all,
proc {|x, y, z| x + y + z }.curry
returns the proc object equivalent to
proc {|x| proc {|y| proc {|z| x + y + z } } }
[..] is the technique of transforming a function that takes multiple arguments into a function that takes a single argument (the other arguments having been specified by the curry).
x - 1)
plus_five = proc { |x,y,z| x + y + z }.curry.call(2).call(3)
plus_five[10] #=> 15
| 222 |
Dopo le polemiche scaturite dalla vignetta di Mussolini e Claretta Petacci a testa in giù postata da Jim Carrey, ecco la risposta dell'attore canadese, intervistato da Variety, all'attacco di Alessandra Mussolini che lo aveva apostrofato con l'epiteto "bastardo" specificando: "Se vuole vedere le cose da un punto di vista diverso, può capovolgere la vignetta".
Jim Carrey, intervistato da Variety sul red carpet del CinemaCon, ha commentato divertito il ciclone di polemiche che lo ha investito dopo aver postato una vignetta che ritraeva Benito Mussolini e Claretta Petacci appesi a testa in giù commentando: "Se vi state chiedendo dove conduce il fascismo, chiedete a Benito Mussolini e alla sua amante Claretta". Il post ha scatenato la reazione furiosa di Alessandra Mussolini, nipote di Benito, alimentando una polemica via social.
You are a bastard — Alessandra Mussolini (@Ale_Mussolini_) March 31, 2019
Jim Carrey ha commentato l'accaduto con Variety precisando: "Non avevo idea che la nipote di Mussolini esistesse, è sconcertante apprendere che sia al governo, non perché sia al governo, ma perché ovviamente sta ancora abbracciando il male", riferimento al fatto che Alessandra Mussolini è membro del Parlamento Europeo. L'attore ha proseguito: "Se vuole vederla da un punto di vista diverso, basta capovolgere la vignetta e sembra che Mussolini sia saltando dalla gioia, così può risolvere il problema".
Jim Carrey responds to Mussolini's granddaughter's "bastard" tweet about him https://t.co/0Uhsz2sYGC pic.twitter.com/JYzFrPDIbw — Variety (@Variety) April 4, 2019
Continua a seguirci su Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google+ e Telegram per aggiornamenti, notizie, e curiosità su film e serie TV! | 223 |
Senator Grace Poe and former Transportation Secretary Jun Abaya. Composite
MANILA - Senator Grace Poe on Thursday called on the government to pursue charges against transportation officials responsible for the purchase of P3.8 billion worth of trains that turned out to be unusable.
"Ang laki na ng nagastos natin diyan. Sana naman iyung sinasabing pagbabago, hindi lang limitado sa iilang bagay. Iyung mga talagang nangurakot, ikulong at hindi pakawalan," Poe said in a phone interview with radio DZMM.
(We have spent so much on that. The change that the administration promised should not be limited to just a few things. Those who pocketed public money should be detained and not released.)
The previous administration in 2014 bought 48 trains from China's Dalian Locomotive to improve the services of the Metro Rail Transit (MRT), which ferries roughly half a million passengers daily on average.
The new trains however are unusable because they need a signaling system and lack safety certification from an independent third party, Undersecretary for the Rail Sector Cesar Chavez recently said.
Poe, chairperson of the Senate committee on public services, said she will call for a legislative probe on the issue as soon as Congress opens next week.
Among those who will be summoned to the probe is former Transportation Secretary Jun Abaya who approved the deal with Dalian, said Poe.
"Ang kalihim mismo, hindi dapat makalusot. Alam ko siya rin ang pumayag d'yan dahil siya ang nakaupo -- si Secretary Abaya. Siyempre kailangan kong ipatawag," the senator said.
(The secretary should not be absolved. He was the one who approved that, Secretary Abaya. Of course, I have to summon him.)
"Pasensya na kung retired na kayo ngayon at nagpapahinga kayo, pero iyung ginawa ninyong perwisyo sa ating mga kababayan, you don't deserve to have a rest. Kailangan niyong ieksplika kung anong nangyari d'yan," she added.
(I'm sorry if you're already retired and resting, but with the inconvenience you caused to our fellow countrymen, you don't deserve to have a rest. You need to explain what happened.)
Poe said her Senate committee will come up with a recommendation on the filing of charges after their investigation. | 224 |
behaviour cannot be attributed to its physical dangerousness, since it is far from obvious that his semen posed any risk whatsoever, or that he had any reason to believe it might.
Finally, it is the same sort of privacy violation that we encounter in cases of voyeurism or illegally entering a dwelling. Whaley did not invade an individual’s intimate personal space, since his activities took place in the complainant’s workplace. If anything, what he has done is transform a space that ought to be impersonal into an intimate one. By spreading his semen around the complainant’s office, he has psychologically “corrupted” it — making her feel that, simply by going to work in the morning, she is unwillingly participating in someone else’s sexual drama. In that respect, whether intentionally or not, he has effectively diminished the victim’s ability to choose how she wants to participate in the public sphere; what role to assume.
Understood in this way, Whaley’s conduct certainly bears an affinity to some instances of voyeurism – in particular, cases in which the victim was surreptitiously observed or recorded in a quasi-public space for a sexual purpose. (See, for example, this discussion – though in this case the defendant was acquitted.) That kind of behaviour, too, undermines the assurance that women have that they can freely choose how to engage with others in the public sphere. Whaley’s interference cannot be construed as voyeurism because it does not involve observation or recording of the complainant. But its effect is broadly similar, and I have little doubt that Parliament could devise an offence to capture it. (I leave it to others to debate what the appropriate sanction would be.)
As Mathen observed, the criminal law often struggles to keep up with innovations in serious wrong-doing. That shouldn’t give us reason for despair. It is always open to Parliament to use its criminal law-making power to provide fresh guidance and insight into the outer limits of acceptable behaviour. In considering whether and how it should do so, though, we should keep in mind the criminal law’s function, and how the various courses of action it prohibits relate to one another. In this way, we help to ensure that the criminal law gives citizens a useful moral map.
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 225 |
you have the pleasure of raising or spending time with someone who is young and hip — you might hear стрёмно and related words used more to mean weird, wacko, or striking. Там стрёмная обстановка (The situation there is hinky). The adjective стрёмный can refer to a person who is dangerous, fearless, and powerful: Видишь этого стрёмного мужика? Это новый маринин муж. (See that guy over there — the ball-breaker? That’s Marina’s new husband.) Or it can be weird-cool: стрёмная стрижка (outta-here haircut). Or indecent-funny-cool, like стрёмный анекдот (wild joke).
Somehow it has also come to mean lack of desire: Мне стрёмно пойти на вечеринку (I don’t feel like going to the party.)
Of course, this is all for educational purposes. You don’t need to use стрёмно at all. Scared? Боюсь. (I’m scared.) Опасаюсь. (I’m anxious.) Мне тревожно. (I’m on edge.) Мне страшно. (I’m terrified.) У меня паника. (I’m panicking.) Меня трясёт. (I’m so scared I’m shaking.) Ноги подкосились. (My knees are quaking.)
That should cover pretty much everything, from a small spider to that scary dude Marina married.
Michele A. Berdy is a Moscow-based translator and interpreter, author of “The Russian Word’s Worth,” a collection of her columns. Follow her on Twitter @MicheleBerdy. | 226 |
68. 23-Apr-1987 DATACUBE.COM
69. 23-Apr-1987 KAI.COM
70. 23-Apr-1987 TIC.COM
71. 23-Apr-1987 VINE.COM
72. 30-Apr-1987 NCR.COM
73. 14-May-1987 CISCO.COM
74. 14-May-1987 RDL.COM
75. 20-May-1987 SLB.COM
76. 27-May-1987 PARCPLACE.COM
77. 27-May-1987 UTC.COM
78. 26-Jun-1987 IDE.COM
79. 09-Jul-1987 TRW.COM
80. 13-Jul-1987 UNIPRESS.COM
81. 27-Jul-1987 DUPONT.COM
82. 27-Jul-1987 LOCKHEED.COM
83. 28-Jul-1987 ROSETTA.COM
84. 18-Aug-1987 TOAD.COM
85. 31-Aug-1987 QUICK.COM
86. 03-Sep-1987 ALLIED.COM
87. 03-Sep-1987 DSC.COM
88. 03-Sep-1987 SCO.COM
89. 22-Sep-1987 GENE.COM
90. 22-Sep-1987 KCCS.COM
91. 22-Sep-1987 SPECTRA.COM
92. 22-Sep-1987 WLK.COM
93. 30-Sep-1987 MENTAT.COM
94. 14-Oct-1987 WYSE.COM
95. 02-Nov-1987 CFG.COM
96. 09-Nov-1987 MARBLE.COM
97. 16-Nov-1987 CAYMAN.COM
97. 16-Nov-1987 ENTITY.COM
99. 24-Nov-1987 KSR.COM
100. 30-Nov-1987 NYNEXST.COM
This article was researched and written by Ryan Forrester – an internet marketing professional living and working in Orlando Florida
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August 13, 2007
Categories: Blogroll, Daily Musings, Life, Technology, the internet. Tags:.com, computers, domaining, domains, entertainment, first domains, interesting, internet, news, oldest domains, Organically Ranked domains, Technology, the internet, Top 100 Domains. Author: theforrester
Comments RSS TrackBack Identifier URI | 227 |
I must withdraw from the government benches to take my seat among the ranks of my Conservative colleagues and join Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition whose role it is to challenge and hold the government to account.
Photo by THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
Le gouvernement doit être défié ouvertement et publiquement. Mais, pour moi, critiquer le gouvernement comme libérale, minerait le gouvernement, et serait un déshonneur selon mon code de conduite.
Après une réflexion délibérée et attentive, je dois quitter les banquettes du gouvernement, pour prendre place parmi mes collègues conservateurs et joindre la Loyale Opposition de Sa Majesté dont le rôle est de contester et demander des comptes au gouvernement.
The Leader of Her Majesty’s opposition is committed to delivering foundational changes to strengthen Canada’s economy, and a comprehensive foreign and defence policy that ensures our global competitiveness and security.
I look forward to working with my Conservative colleagues who are unafraid to do the real work to tackle the priorities of our time.
To my Liberal colleagues, I want to thank them for the opportunity to work with them and for their friendship. But my oath is to country, not party, and my sacred obligation is to serve my constituents. I look forward to working with my Liberal colleagues, across the aisle, to shape the future of the country for all Canadians.
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To my constituents, I want to re-assure them that I am the same person today that they elected on October 19, 2015. I believe in a strong, ethical Federal Government that unites us as Canadians. To achieve what they demand of me, I must change political parties.
I must do what is right, not what is easy.
I ask the citizens of Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill to continue to hold me to account as I serve them and work as part of a new team focussed on the fundamental challenges facing our riding and our nation.
And to all Canadians across this country — I say: Challenge your Member of Parliament. Demand that they work for you to strengthen our country’s foundations, foreign policy and global security. Do not accept the status quo. This is a time in our nation’s history where we must act with urgency. We must all, have the courage to do what is right not what is easy. Our country is at stake.
Thank you. | 228 |
Neme is the Chairman of Emelec. I especially like the part where they say they want to sell to a “more competitive league.” MLS I would say is competitive, just not as high quality as some of the top European leagues. The $7.5 million figure is quite a lot, but strikers tend to have higher fees. Transfermarkt currently has Angulo at just £900K (approximately $1.18 million).
As for the player himself, he seemed to not be in the know if he’s being sold or sticking around.
Brayan Angulo tras su posible salida de Emelec: "Hasta ahora no sé nada. Por ahora enfocado aquí en Emelec. No he conversado con mi empresario. Estoy muy tranquilo para seguir anotando goles en Emelec”. pic.twitter.com/2X7oPC3KIq — INFO CSE (@InfoCSE_) June 28, 2018
Translated from Spanish: “Brayan Angulo on his possible departure from Emelec: ‘So far I know nothing. For now focused here on Emelec. I haven’t talked to my employer. I’m very calm to keep scoring goals at Emelec.’”
I’m sure there is something lost in translation there, but he clearly says “I know nothing” and “I haven’t talked to my employer.”
In the past, when deals were said to be dead, information gets leaked to drum up interest again or to raise the price. Neme, the teams Chairman, is even quoted as saying the team isn’t in a hurry but they are negotiating “with a club from Spain and another from Holland.”
The door is open, even if Sporting KC aren’t the team pushing through the door. The MLS Summer Transfer Window opens on July 10th and runs until August 8th. Whether it’s Angulo or someone else, much of the fanbase will be unhappy if SKC stand pat and don’t add to the team. While things have generally looked good for Sporting, they played terrible against the Montreal Impact on Saturday and are heading into a tough part of the schedule. Not to mention they typically collapse late in the season.
Stay glued to our Transfer Rumors page for all the rumors and transactions as silly season really kicks into gear. If nothing, at least Felipe Gutierrez is coming back soon and he’ll be like a huge summer signing. | 229 |
Malla Ondulada
Descripción de la Malla Ondulada:
Malla de alambre galvanizado recubierto de zinc entrelazada en forma cuadrada para dar estructura y aportando gran versatilidad en su uso.
En IPASA somos fabricantes de mallas de alambre Solicite una cotización aquí. ¡Será un gusto atenderle!
Aplicaciones de malla galvanizada:
Seguridad perimetral.
Criba o tamiz
Alambre desde calibre 6 a 15 galvanizado por inmersión en caliente.
Su presentación puede ser en rollos u hojas dependiendo del requerimiento y especificación de la malla.
Se puede solicitar con alambre galvanizado recubierto en PVC.
Fabricación en gran cantidad de aberturas, alturas, largos y calibres adecuándonos a las necesidades del cliente.
APERTURA 20mm x 20mm ALTURA Calibre 14 Cal. 12.5 Cal. 10.5 Cal. 8 Cal. 6 1.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.25 ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.50 ♦ ♦ ♦ 2.00 ♦ ♦ ♦
APERTURA 25mm x 25mm ALTURA Calibre 14 Cal. 12.5 Cal. 10.5 Cal. 8 Cal. 6 1.00 ♦ ♦ 1.25 ♦ ♦ 1.50 ♦ ♦ 2.00 ♦ ♦
APERTURA 30mm x 30mm ALTURA Calibre 14 Cal. 12.5 Cal. 10.5 Cal. 8 Cal. 6 1.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.25 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
APERTURA 40mm x 40mm ALTURA Calibre 14 Cal. 12.5 Cal. 10.5 Cal. 8 Cal. 6 1.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.25 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1.50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 2.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ | 230 |
Junior: Harm? How foolish you are.
Corin: Let’s hold off on your grand ideas of emotionally destabilizing genius for a few minutes. We can’t be certain that Belladonnica hasn’t intercepted this broadcast. Afterall, these are the emergency radios. As it is, there may be some uninitiated out there who have managed to tune in. The cleanup will be a huge pain in the ass.
Junior: I have some numbers, Corin.
Corin: There’s no numbers. I’m not in communication with…
Junior: I like numbers. I have some that I would like to share.
Corin: It’s really not necessary.
Junior: They’re good.
Corin: Good numbers?
Junior: Don’t be stupid you feeble little fungus. They are the best.
Corin: Um… Okay. Here’s Junior with the numbers.
Junior: Here goes. 18. Ha! BWAHA! 22. YES! 79. BRILLIANT. 533. OH HO! 1134. INDEED! HA! 256. SUBLIME! 22 AGAIN! HAHA! 4. YES. YOU LIKE 4 DON’T YOU! BWAHA! BWAHAHA!
Corin: Soundman, let’s cut the feed.
Kakos Industries is written and produced by Conrad Miszuk, who is also the voice of Corin Deeth. The music is also composed by Conrad Miszuk. The introduction is read by Kim Aiello, and the credits are read by Hanna Jones, who is currently collecting cool superballs. Check out KakosIndustries.com for more episodes. There’s also transcriptions if you’d rather read the Kakos Industries announcements. That’s K-A-K-O-S-I-N-D-U-S-T-R-I-E-S dot com. Please check out store.KakosIndustries.com for merchandise and special offers. Questions, comments, or a strong desire to collaborate? Drop us a line at [email protected]. If you like Kakos Industries, be sure to rate and review us on your favorite podcasting service, and connect with us on Facebook (facebook.com/kakosindustries), Tumblr (kakosindustries.tumblr.com), and Twitter (@KakosIndustries).
If you’re feeling down after this broadcast, have you considered learning Korean? | 231 |
Take it easy during the hottest parts of the day. If you can’t avoid strenuous activity in hot weather, drink fluids and rest frequently in a cool spot. Try to schedule exercise or physical labor for cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening.
How to cool someone affected by a heatwave
Put the person in a cool tub of water or a cool shower.
Sponge with cool water.
Fan while misting with cool water.
Place ice packs or cool wet towels on the neck, armpits and groin.
Cover with cool damp sheets.
Government response to Karachi heatwave killings
A journalist claims that KMC is hoarding funds collected for relief of heatwave victims.
Is KMC hoarding donations? Insisted we gave to Civic Centre not give ourself. But Lists don't check out #Karachi pic.twitter.com/qAUD9wtZMU — Mahim Maher (@Mahim_Maher) June 24, 2015
Abid Sher Ali, federal minister for water and power (sharing the portfolio with Khawaja Asif) and nephew of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, said that he and his government are not responsible if someone dies from heat or suffocation.
Sindh government announced a day off on Wednesday, June 24 to protest against the killings by heatwave in Karachi.
وزیر اعلی سندھ نے کراچی ہلاکتوں کے خلاف دھرنے اور احتجاج کا اعلان کیا ہے. یہ احتجاج کس کے خلاف ہوگا؟ اپنی حکومت، @KElectricPk یا الله؟ — Kashif Aziz (@kashaziz) June 23, 2015
Last but not the least, repent, ask for forgiveness and the blessings of Allah.
Allah is the One who sends the winds, so they stir up a cloud, then He spreads it in the sky however he wills, and makes it (split) into pieces. Then you see the rain coming out from its midst. So, once He makes it reach those whom He wills from His slaves, they start rejoicing, (30:48)
| 232 |
Milan. Not For Everyone. "Non è da tutti". It's from this point that Inter are setting off once again, but this time with a new focus. Coinciding with the hero video presented today, the Nerazzurri are launching their first-ever brand campaign to bring Inter alongside the world's leading brands.
"Through our 'Not For Everyone' campaign, we want to describe this new era of Inter," said President Steven Zhang. "One that we will face with courage and enterprise. And welcoming with open arms those, who like us, want to make a difference both on and off the pitch."
Five protagonists have been chosen by focusing on these principles, selecting individuals who've succeeded in their own fields thanks to courage, sacrifice and tenacity.
Airton Cozzolino, Italian with Cape Verdean roots, is a surfer and became world kitesurfing champion when he was just 17;
Duan Jin Ting is a Chinese ballerina and founder of the contemporary dance collective D.Lab Dance;
Alessandro "Stermy" Avallone is an Italian pro-gamer and one of the greatest players ever in the FPS category;
Omer is an internationally renowned writer from Milan;
Jessica Kahawaty is not only an international model from Lebanon but also a philanthropist and ambassador for human rights campaigns.
The "Not For Everyone" video is a succession of disruptive emotions, including poetic images alongside high-impact sequences. It tells the story of challenging oneself to go further, overcoming obstacles without ever giving up.
These are the themes that represent the "new era of Inter": determination, innovation, tirelessness and courage all contributing to our "#NotForEveryone" campaign.
The Nerazzurri's new attitude is not just reflected out on the pitch or in the sporting sphere, but in all aspects of life. By embracing this new approach, anyone can be an Interisti.
The launch of our new international "Not For Everyone" campaign comes in different communicative forms. In addition to the hero video, which was screened publicly in iconic spots across Milan on the evenings of Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th July, there will also be social initiatives put on by the club. These will be enhanced by national and international talent, as well as installations in strategic locations that'll be visible across Milan until the end of July.
This Soul, This Name, This City. Not For Everyone.
Versi Bahasa Indonesia Versión Española 中文版 日本語版 Versione Italiana
. To share ideas and best practices. To raise our collective capacity. To build systems that support smart decisions in our own jurisdictions. To strengthen our voice in our partnerships with regional, national and supranational authorities.
Internationally, this is the motive for the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. Our goals are ambitious, ranging from reducing GHG emissions, to raising climate literacy levels, and to developing strategies to spark green job creation. These are exciting times.
FCM’s Green Municipal Fund has brought life to local innovations that might never have seen the light of day. And in January, FCM will launch the Municipalities for Climate Innovation Program, with federal support, to help local governments share data and make smart investment decisions that support the twin goals of climate-resiliency and GHG emissions reductions.
3) We need a broad-based return to “think global, act local”
Ultimately, to transition to a lower-carbon planet, real things need to happen on the ground. Greener infrastructure needs to get built. Greener decisions need to happen in our everyday lives. And people can find inspiration in the practical difference they can make.
Choosing to take a bus or bike instead of driving. Turning off the lights. Choosing to live in more efficient homes near work or on a transit line. These things do matter. They matter in their own right. And they matter because they can be a personal gateway to the next level of local involvement — perhaps actively supporting the densification or greening of your neighbourhood.
From there, it is a relatively short hop to becoming involved in local government and our planning and consultation processes. We like to say we are the most open and accessible order of government — that we respond to local needs and draw on local expertise. Call us on it. This is an opportunity for climate-aware residents to assert their priorities and contribute their expertise, as citizens or as business-driven innovators.
How this plays out will vary widely by city, but it may be the real engine of our climate solution. We’ve reached a moment in history where local leaders are telling national ones to look down for the answers. We need to be ready to hear the same message from the people we serve.
Photo: Igor Sorokin/Shutterstock.com
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 234 |
La Reina Del Sur Capitulos. La Reina del Sur Capitulos Completos. Soap opera is very famous and admirable, La Reina del Sur. La Reina del Sur based on a novel of the same name by Spanish author Arturo Pérez-Reverte, tells the story of a girl named Teresa Mendoza (Kate del Castillo). Behind the beauty and elegance, is stored courage and ability in the trading business. A life choices that must be gone through for survival is an illegal business.
Avance La Reina del Sur. El La Reina del Sur. La Telenovela. La Reina del Sur (The Queen of the South), Teresa Mendoza, a naive young girl from Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, who becomes the most powerful drug trafficker in southern Spain. Not an easy thing for a woman should take part in the business of that harm. In addition, Teresa had to face its competitors also face the police and DEA at the same time which kept an eye on Teresa step.
La Reina del Sur, a telenovela is very famous and phenomenal. Teresa's departure to Spain to save herselves, starting when the boyfriend,"El Güero" (Rafael Amaya), a drug trafficker and rising star in the Sinaloa cartel, was killed. After El Güero is assassinated, Teresa receives a phone call telling her to run. In his escape, Teresa kept being followed by El Gato (Gabriel Porras) and El Pote (Dagoberto Gama), two accomplices of Epifanio Vargas (Humberto Zurita), godfather of "El Güero" Dávila, and leader of the Sinaloan cartel. The vagaries of life's journey Teresa, finally bringing Teresa becomes the most powerful drug trafficker in southern Spain.
Si eres curioso acerca de la dureza de Teresa Mendoza en La Reina Del Sur, mirar popular telenovela, La Reina del Sur! Espero que estés feliz y entretenido observando a La Reina Del Sur. Ver La Reina del Sur! Ver La Reina del Sur Capitulo 1! Ver La Reina del Sur Capitulo 1 Telenovela! Ver la historia de Teresa Mendoza, quien trató de salvarse de los peligros que siguen amenazando y seguir luchando por su vida, hasta que Teresa se convirtió en los traficantes de drogas más poderosos en el sur de España. | 235 |
Nespresso Vertuo by De’Longhi
Value: $199.00
Enter for your chance to win one (1) Nespresso Vertuo by De’Longhi. The deadline to enter is November 30th, 2019 at 11:59:59p.m Eastern Time.
The Nespresso Vertuo makes Coffee AND Espresso in one stylish machine. So whether you’re in the mood for a fancy gourmet espresso or a traditional cup of coffee, this machine serves up the perfect cup every time. No need to mess with complicated settings or dials.
The Nespresso Vertuo serves up one cup of java at a time. No need to make an entire pot. Simply insert a “pod” for making either coffee or espresso.
It’s also a lot faster than brewing an entire pot of coffee. In fact, it preheats in less than 20 seconds. Which allows you to make a warm cup of coffee – even when you’re in a hurry.
Nespresso offers a variety of flavors, textures, and aromas to start your morning off right.
But my favorite feature is that it’s just so simple to use. There are a lot of espresso machines with a countless number of options, buttons and dials.
The Nespresso took a different route. One of simplicity. No fancy controls. No high-tech menu. A single button produces your perfect cup of coffee.
It does this using a technology called Centrifusion.
Centrifusion Technology
This is the technology that allows you to make barista-style coffee drinks in the comfort of your home.
The machine “reads” the barcode on your coffee pod to determine whether it’s a shot of espresso or coffee. It also uses the barcode to determine the perfect brewing temperature, water flow, and a variety of other parameters.
No need for complicated dials or menu-systems.
Once you hit the button, the machine starts spinning the pod up to 7,000 rotations per minute (RPM). Extracting the full aroma of your coffee and creating a beautiful layer of crema on top.
Cup Sizes
You can brew a variety of different cup sizes depending on your needs.
Espresso (1.35 oz.)
Double Espresso (2.7 oz.)
Gran Lungo (5 oz.)
Coffee (7.7 oz.)
Alto (14 oz.)
You can also pour over ice to create your favorite iced Coffee drinks. | 236 |
extreme precautions are recommended in the city of Harare and surrounding areas.
Debido a la situación política que vive Zimbabwe, se recomienda que se extremen las precauciones especialmente en la ciudad de Harare y alrededores — EmbEspañaZimbabwe (@EmbEspZimbabwe) November 15, 2017
Canada's embassy wrote:
There is increased military activity in Harare and the situation is tense. If you are in Harare, remain indoors and monitor the media. The Embassy will be closed November 15th. — Canada in Zimbabwe (@CanEmbZimbabwe) November 15, 2017
India's embassy: "No reason for concern"
Situation in Harare is calm. Embassy staff, Indian Community, both PIO & Expat are safe. No reason for concern and worry. — India in Zimbabwe (@IndiainZimbabwe) November 15, 2017
General reactions:
"Heavy military presence at Robert Mugabe airport:" Dewa Mavhinga the Southern Africa Director with the Africa Division at Human Rights wrote:
#Zimbabwe update: heavy military presence at Robert Gabriel Mugabe Airport demanding IDs and searching all vehicles entering or leaving - could be to prevent targeted people from fleeing — Dewa Mavhinga (@dewamavhinga) November 15, 2017
"It is an inside-the-party coup. The president has not been deposed. People are being arrested, the G-40 people are being arrested, but the G-40 never had the army in their hands. It's relatively peaceful so far." Professor David Moore, speaking from Johannesburg, told Al Jazeera.
SABC news, the digital news portal of the South African Broadcasting Corporation, wrote:
BREAKING: Zanu-PF Youth Leader Kudzai Chipanga has been arrested and Parliament staff and police manning the legislative building in Harare have been detained. #Zimbabwe #Harare pic.twitter.com/n1tO2XAHbn — SABC News Online (@SABCNewsOnline) November 15, 2017
Trevor Ncube, a Zimbabwean entrepreneur and newspaper publisher, wrote that there are unconfirmed reports of arrests of cabinet ministers and prominent people.
I am receiving unconfirmed reports of arrests of cabinet ministers and prominent people in Zimbabwe. I will share when names are confirmed. Remember the army said they are "targeting thieves around" President Mugabe #Zimbabwe — Trevor Ncube (@TrevorNcube) November 15, 2017
Former Zimbabwean Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture, retweeted:
Mawarire a priest, citizen, and author wrote: | 237 |
Man shouts ‘Allahu akbar’ as he drives into French crowd
A motorist injured two people when he drove into a crowd shouting “Allahu akbar” in the southern French city of Nîmes in the early hours of this morning.
The man was overpowered by members of the public and arrested after his white Peugeot hit security barriers. He had aimed at a café terrace at 1am.
The barriers were in place to prevent such attacks and prevented greater casualties, local security officers said. The two people injured were not in serious condition.
Local prosecutors said that the man was suffering from “relative mental confusion” and had been taken to hospital. The anti-terrorism police were not involved in the investigation at this stage, they said. The man was not known to police for suspected radicalisation.
Infowars reports: The driver of a car that rammed into a crowd in Nimes, France, was shouting "Allahu akbar" during the incident, according to witnesses.
Two people were injured after a Peugot crashed outside a bar in the south of France, where the annual Feria de Nimes bullfighting festival is taking place.
Witnesses say the vehicle barreled towards a throng of roughly 50 people before striking anti-terror bollards and becoming immobilized. The 32-year-old driver was apprehended and beaten by civilians when he tried to flee the scene.
Police are now investigating attempted murder, but have dismissed terrorism as a possible motive, despite multiple reports indicating the suspect was already known to authorities.
"According to a source close to the investigation, he is known to the police for radicalization," reports Niuews Blad.
A public prosecutor says the suspect was "mentally confused" and has been hospitalized.
???????????? FLASH - Un homme de 32 ans a volontairement foncé sur des clients du restaurant "l'instant T" cette nuit à #Nimes, en plein démarrage de la feria. 2 personnes ont été blessées. L'homme a été rattrapé et molesté par la foule alors qu'il fuyait. La piste terroriste écartée. pic.twitter.com/ATQsJLNZnE — La Plume Libre (@LPLdirect) September 14, 2018
France has seen a spate of Islamist attacks recently, including a stabbing rampage by an Afghan migrant in Paris earlier this week, followed hours later by a car chase that ended on a runway at Lyon's busiest airport, where the driver reportedly told police he was "sent by Allah." | 238 |
"Seit mehr als einem Jahr schrumpft die Industrie", sagte Sebastian Dullien dem Tagesspiegel. Der Ökonom plädierte für ein 450 Milliarden Euro schweres öffentliches Konjunkturprogramm. "Wir bräuchten einen langfristigen Masterplan zum Klimaschutz über einige Jahrzehnte mit klaren Vorgaben und Maßnahmen", sagte Dullien.
Es bestehe aber die Gefahr, "dass wir eine Zusammenstellung bekommen von Projekten einzelner Ministerien oder Personen, die nicht eingebettet sind in ein Gesamtkonzept, an dem man im Übrigen auch die Grünen beteiligen sollte". Die Fiskalpolitik habe derzeit die größten Spielräume, meinte der Chef des vom DGB finanzierten Wirtschaftsforschungsinstituts. "Der Staat muss mehr Schulden machen, damit der Zins wieder steigt", sagte Dullien dem Tagesspiegel. "Wenn wir eine Politik nach Kassenlage machen, dann fallen große strategische Projekte hinten runter. Oder es gibt stattdessen volkswirtschaftlich sinnlose Dinge wie die Mütterrente oder das Baukindergeld", meinte der Ökonom. pm, ots
English Version
"The industry has been shrinking for more than a year," Sebastian Dullien told the Tagesspiegel. The economist pleaded for a € 450 billion public economic stimulus program. "We would need a long-term master plan on climate protection for several decades with clear guidelines and measures," said Dullien.
But there is a danger "that we get a compilation of projects of individual ministries or people who are not embedded in an overall concept, in which one should also participate, moreover, the Greens". Fiscal policy currently has the most room for maneuver, said the head of the DGB-funded economic research institute. "The state must make more debt so that the interest rises again," said Dullien the Tagesspiegel. "If we run a cash-flow policy, big strategic projects fall down the back, or there are economically pointless things like the mother's pension or the building cost," said the economist. pm, ots, Mei | 239 |
«Я поручил Министерству национальной безопасности проверять въезжающих в нашу страну людей очень тщательно. Суды делают эту задачу очень трудной!» — написал он.
В другом твите американский президент отметил, что судебное решение, приостанавливающее действие указа о запрете на въезд гражданам семи стран, ставит США под угрозу. «Если что-то случится, вините его (судью, принявшего решение о приостановлении действия указа — Дождь) и судебную систему», — добавил Трамп.
I have instructed Homeland Security to check people coming into our country VERY CAREFULLY. The courts are making the job very difficult!
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and court system. People pouring in. Bad! | 240 |
German police have detained four teenagers who sent hundreds of people fleeing in panic by throwing firecrackers at the Thier-Galerie shopping mall in Dortmund, local media report. Seven people were injured in the stampede.
The shopping mall, located in the center of the city and close to the famous Dortmund Christmas market, was fully packed on Saturday night, when a group of youths allegedly threw several firecrackers into the crowd.
Info zum Geschehen in der #Thiergalerie in #Dortmund: Nach bisherigen Erkenntnissen wurden durch die Feuerwerkskörper sieben Personen leicht verletzt.Polizeibeamte konnten fünf Männer in Gewahrsam nehmen. Nun wird geprüft, ob diese die Feuerwerkskörper gezündet haben. pic.twitter.com/cY3wWFTuds — EHA News - Deutsch (@eha_deutsch) December 15, 2018
Laute Explosion in/an der Dortmunder Thier Galerie. Tausende Menschen sind aus der Galerie rausgerannt und Polizei und Krankenwagen riegeln alles um die Galerie ab. #staysafe#dortmund#explosion#thiergaleriepic.twitter.com/nLEGxPAazj — Alex (@_ALECS23) December 15, 2018
Hundreds of people fled in panic and fear of a potential terrorist attack, according to German media and witnesses’ accounts on social media. Rescuers and first responders rushed to the scene to get the situation under control.
Update / Korrektur: Im Zusammenhang mit dem Geschehen in der #Thiergalerie in #Dortmund haben wir vier männliche Personen in Gewahrsam genommen. Zwei sind 14 und die anderen beiden 15 Jahre alt. Die Ermittlungen dauern an. #Polizei#Dortmund — Polizei NRW DO (@polizei_nrw_do) December 15, 2018
Dortmund police have confirmed that, so far, seven people were wounded in the incident, but did not rule out that more people might contact authorities later. The severity of their injuries and how exactly they got them wasn’t immediately clear. Authorities confirmed that four teenagers, aged between 15 and 16, were arrested in relation to the incident, and provided no further details of their ongoing investigation.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! | 241 |
I'm retiring from Progaming
He decidido retirarme del progaming. Ha sido un camino duro desde que empece en 2013 y me he esforzado mucho para conseguir mejorar, sin embargo mi progreso es extraordinariamente lento. No tengo ningun talento para competir en StarCraft 2; he jugado incansablemente desde hace 3 años y jamas he conseguido clasificarme a ningun torneo de WCS (ni siguiera Challenger League), ni de pasar de segunda fase de grupos en todas las DreamHack en las que he participado. He estado cada vez mas cerca, pero el muro que se levanta ante mi es demasiado alto y pero no creo tener herramientas suficientes para conseguir superarlo. Al menos puedo decir que a base de puro esfuerzo he conseguido ser competitivo al mas alto nivel fuera de Corea y que he logrado llegar al top 16 de GM del servidor de Europa por mis propios medios. En Septiembre retomare los estudios y jugare por diversion tanto a StarCraft como a Overwatch como a cualquier juego que me tome mi interes. Muchas gracias a todos los que me habeis animado y apoyado durante estos 3 años.
Hasta siempre.
I decided to retire from progaming. It has been a tough path since I started the journey in 2013 and I have striven a lot trying to improve, however my progress has been incredibly slow. I don't have any talent to compete in StarCraft 2; I have played untiringly for 3 years and I never qualified for any WCS tournament (not even Challenger League), nor going through the second group stage in all the Dreamhacks I played. I have been every time closer to do so, but the wall is too big and I don't think I have the tools necessary to climb it anymore. At least I can say that pure effort has made me compete in the highest level outside of Korea and that I have reached top 16 GM in the EU server ladder. In September I will go back to my studies and I will play for fun StarCraft, Overwatch and whatever game that gets my interest. Thank you all the people who cheered for me these 3 years.
Reply · Report Post | 242 |
Melee, P:M y Wii U.Por supuesto, será doble eliminación y correremos Pools en Día 1, Semifinals en Día 2 y Top 8 en Día 3.Nuestro premios crecerán mientras más patrocinadores se unan, pero por ahora tenemos confirmados 5,000 dólares en premios totales.Tendremos rifas, eventos, retos a los pros y estaciones libres para que te relajes practicando con los mejores jugadores de nuestro continente.Queremos que esto sea lo más grande que México haya visto, y solo podemos hacerlo con su ayuda. Vengan, díganle a sus amigos, y muestrenos lo que tienen.Hello! This is Thoughts, and I'm here to let you know about our project, which will become the biggest tournament in Mexico starting this year. It will take place in Chihuahua, Mexico and will feature many of the best players in America, including Mexico's biggest Smash Group, Smash Factor, and most of their big players. We also have direct support from MVG League, who will stream the tournament in the MVG and M2K Twitch Channels, and confirmed assistance from players including M2K, Zero, Axe, and more.
The event will be at the Best Western hotel, a venue with room for 800 people, and it will last three days in total. July1st, Aug 1st and 2nd. We'll have special prices for people staying at that hotel, with pool and buffet access, but we'll update with prices for lodging and for the event itself later on.We'll have side tournaments for Street Fighter, KOF XIII, CoD, Fifa, and more, but of course, the main event will be Smash. Since this is our first tournament, we'll have singles only, but we will have prizes for Top 4 of each Melee, P:M and WiiU.It will of course be a Double Elimination Tournament where we'll run Pools on Day 1, Semifinals on Day 2 and Top 8 on Day 3.Our prizes will probably get higher as more sponsors join, but for now we have a confirmed 5,000 US Dollars Pot Bonus.We'll have raffles, side events, pro challenges, free stations so you can relax and practice along with the best players in our continent.We want this to become the biggest tournament in Mexico and we can only do it with your help guys. Come, and tell your friends, and show us what you've got! | 243 |
At least eight refugees have died and 86 others were rescued off the coast of Libya after a rubber dinghy ran into trouble in what is believed to be the first Mediterranean shipwreck of 2018.
Italy's coastguard said an aircraft on patrol for a European anti-smuggling operation spotted the dinghy on Saturday morning.
Sergio Liardo, an Italian coastguard commander, told Italian state TV RaiNews24 that "it appears the dinghy deflated" after a puncture.
When rescuers arrived in the early afternoon, some 20 people were still in the dinghy while others were in the water.
All eight victims were women, Liardo said.
Rescue agencies said many more were still missing, and said the death toll could be as high as 25.
Proactiva Open arms, a Spanish humanitarian group, said some people on the boat spent hours in the water before being saved.
"Shipwreck off the coast of Libya, east of Tripoli. Dozens of people missing who will die without a burial," it said in a Twitter post.
🔴#ULTIMAHORA Naufragio frente a las costas #Libia Este de Trípoli. Tras horas en el agua, rescatadas @guardiacostiera 86 personas con vida, 8 cadáveres y decenas de desaparecidos que se convertirán en muertos sin sepultura.
Arranca el contador de ahogados 2018 #Mediterraneo pic.twitter.com/BJMJpwo0sU — PROACTIVA OPEN ARMS (@openarms_fund) January 6, 2018
Sea Watch, a German charity, said it had been alerted to the disaster by Italy's coastguard, which believed 150 people had been aboard.
Al Jazeera's Mahmoud Abdel Wahed, reporting from the Libyan capital, Tripoli, said the boat had set sail from the eastern town of Garbouli.
"Libya's coast guard says it had no role in the rescue operation and that it was taken care of by Italy's coast guard," he said. "The boat was small and in a bad condition – it capsized in international waters. The Libyan coast guard said they cannot spot these boats because they are usually small, unless there is a distress call."
The International Organization for Migration describes the Mediterranean Sea as the world's deadliest border. Last year, 3,116 people died trying to cross from North Africa to Europe, it said.
More than 119,000 refugees and asylum seekers arrived in Italy by sea last year, it said. The figure is roughly one-third drop over the previous year. | 244 |
only the authority but the duty to reject any addition deemed unsuitable to a heritage building. Although not a single councillor could find anything positive to say about the design, a majority voted to accept it. They genuinely seem not to know that they have a legal responsibility to enforce the Ontario Heritage Act.
The Ontario Heritage Act is, of course, provincial legislation. It assigns responsibility for designation to municipalities, but the Act ultimately falls under the authority of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Should the province now intervene in a municipal process? That could be argued both ways; we need to be careful what we wish for. But given the urgency of the situation and the Château’s unique importance as a heritage site, a case for provincial intervention could be made.
Federally, the Château comes under the mandate of two ministries: Canadian Heritage (through the National Capital Commission) and Environment and Climate Change (through Parks Canada). The NCC has been reluctant to get involved, in spite of the fact that in 2008 it commissioned a rigorous study outlining the principles that should be followed in the event of an expansion of the Château Laurier, and even though it has a committee (the Advisory Committee on Planning, Design and Realty) whose job it is to advise on “design proposals affecting federal lands.” If the addition to the Château Laurier does not fit this description, it is hard to imagine what would.
Parks Canada oversees the National Historic Sites program. The Château is designated under the program, and many have wondered how such an unsympathetic addition could be allowed at a designated National Historic Site. The answer is as simple as it is shocking: designation comes with no legal protection whatsoever. Canada is the only G8 nation that has no legislation to protect its National Historic Sites. This is not a distinction to be proud of.
Three levels of government, three potential layers of protection, yet we have the green light for a design that almost everybody agrees is a mistake. The heritage community is reeling, and rightly so. Canada’s heritage regulations stand revealed as a tangle of procedural loopholes and toothless tigers.
If we can’t protect the Château Laurier, then what can we protect?
Photo: Shutterstock/By Bondarenco Vladimir
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 245 |
Un grupo de kelpers que defiende la ocupación británica de las Malvinas reclamó hoy irónicamente, a través de las redes sociales, a la primera ministra Theresa May que solicite a su par estadounidense, Donald Trump, que levante un muro en las islas como el que prevé hacer en la frontera con México.
Hi @theresa_may - can you pls ask @realDonaldTrump if he can build us a wall to keep Argentina out? Thanks. #Falklands — Falkland Islands (@falklands_utd) 26 de enero de 2017
“Hola Theresa May puede por favor preguntarle a Donald Trump si puede construir un muro para mantener a la Argentina afuera.
Gracias #Falklands”, escribió en Twitter el grupo de kelpers que maneja la cuenta @falklands_utd.
Luego escribieron otro mensaje en el que se burlaron de la Argentina y de sus capacidades económicas para afrontar los gastos de tamaña construcción.
But don't worry, we will pay. Argentina couldn't afford a bucket and spade let alone an actual wall. #Falklands https://t.co/o00YlzSm5I — Falkland Islands (@falklands_utd) 26 de enero de 2017
“Pero no se preocupe, nosotros vamos a pagarlo. Argentina no se puede hacer cargo de un balde y una pala, menos de hacer un muro de verdad”, lanzaron.
El mensaje llegó luego de que Trump firmara la orden para comenzar a construir 3.000 kilómetros de muro en la frontera con México, una de sus grandes promesas de campaña, en busca de luchar contra la inmigración ilegal.
La mención a May tampoco fue casual, ya que en las próximas horas se reunir con el presidente de Estados Unidos para analizar la relación política y comercial entre ambos países en el marco del Brexit, la salida del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea (UE). | 246 |
itself. However, this can only offer a partial explanation and it could be counter-productive, as it fails to put the burden of responsibility on contemporary policy-makers and elites. Moreover, from 1950 practices of pre-censorship had been abolished in socialist Yugoslavia. It was the public prosecutor who could act only ex-post facto, after a broadcast, publication or film presentation. By the mid-1980s, the Yugoslav media network was significantly fragmented, decentralised, yet numerically impressive.
In 1987, Yugoslavia had 2,825 newspapers and 202 radio and TV stations. Hence, it was virtually impossible to sanction all acts which were classified as ‘verbal crime’ under the notorious ‘Article 133’ which criminalised acts of ‘hostile propaganda’, but was also meant to curb nationalist discourse, channelling what Lenard Cohen identified as ‘Yugoslav communism’s strong antipathy to overt nationalist tactics’.[1] Moreover, the 1980s saw the reinvigoration of the debate on freedom of speech and on the abolishment of the verbal crime. Although restrained, debate did occur in different fora.
For instance, in 1981 the president of the Federal Court in an article in a law journal acknowledged that the formulation of ‘Article 133’ was not precise, while at the 1983 conference of Yugoslav criminologists several professors of law called for the repeal of the article.[2] Several years later, as a young journalist in one of the principal magazines of the League of Socialist Youth, Dejan Jovic argued that the organisation (which in fact financed the magazine) should be abolished[3]. Back then, he was not sacked for his opinion.
Twenty-five years later, both old and new generations of journalists, intellectuals, students and activists are fighting battles which would have normally belonged to a distant past. When on 9 May last year, on the occasion of Europe Day, representatives of the ‘Front for Freedom of Expression’ gathering a number of civil society organizations and initiatives staged a protest in front of the seat of the delegation of the European Union to Macedonia, they chose as their slogan a creative remake of an old motto of the partisan resistance movement: ‘Death to fascism, freedom to expression!’.
[1] Lenard Cohen, The Socialist Pyramid Elites and Power in Yugoslavia (Oakville/New York/London: Mosaic Press, 1989), p.445.
[2] Yugoslavia: Prisoners of Conscience (London: Amnesty International Publications, 1985), p.29.
[3] Dejan Jović, ‘Kad bi SSOJ postojao, trebalo bi ga ukinuti (1)’ Polet 402, 10.2.1989. | 247 |
... b4 {269} 48. c7 {95} exf2 {80} 49. Kxf2 {5} Ba6 {9 Black has won a piece but White has two pawns in return and very strong structure. The game should be objectively drawn.} 50. Ke3 {69} g6 {574} 51. Kd2 {75} (51. f4 b3 52. Kd2 Bc8 53. Kc3 Nc5 54. Bd4 Nxe4+ 55. Kxb3 $19 {This is als losing as the knight will pick up the h4 pawn and the pawn will queen.}) 51... Kg8 {83} 52. Kc2 {17} Bc8 {403} 53. Kb3 {129} Nc5+ {0} 54. Kc4 {5} (54. Kxb4 Nd3+ $19) 54... Na6 {9} 55. Bd6 {291} Be6+ {71} 56. Kd4 {4} (56. Kb5 b3 $19) 56... Kf7 {41} 57. f4 {39} b3 {53} 58. Kc3 {37} Ke8 {5} 59. c8=Q+ {196} (59. f5 gxf5 60. exf5 Bxf5 61. Kxb3 {would have given better drawing chances.} Kd7 62. c8=Q+ Kxc8 63. Kc4 Kd7 64. Kd5 $11) 59... Bxc8 {3} 60. Kxb3 {0} Kd7 {99} 61. Ba3 {10} Bb7 {15} 62. f5 {6} (62. e5 Nc7 $19) 62... Bxe4 {6} 63. f6 {73} Bd5+ {130} 64. Kc3 {67} Nc7 {97 } 65. Kd3 {107} Ke6 {51} 66. Bc1 {29} Nb5 {48 Black has complete control on the light squares and Wojtaszek saw no reason to continue the fight.} 0-1
Part II of this interview will follow shortly with Adhiban's views on his wins against Andreikin and Richard Rapport, why he thinks Giri could be the next Petrosian and on his missed winning opportunity against the World Champion Magnus Carlsen. Stay tuned.
Firstpost and ChessBase India have collaborated to bring you extensive and detailed coverage of the chess scene in India and internationally. This article was first published on the Firstpost website on 18th February 2017. | 248 |
Shuriken Sentai Ninninger : Shinobi no 6~9
Share List
Shinobi no 6 : Ninjutsu chukanshiken (Examen de Ninjutsu) – 5 avril
Pour ce nouveau test de compétence de nos jeunes ninjas, l’épreuve sera pour Takaharu d’affronter ses cousins. Mais Fuka se fait capturer…
Shinobi no 6 : Ninjutsu chukanshiken (Ninjutsu midterm exam) – april 5th For this new test to determine the skills of our young ninjas, Takaharu will have to fight his cousins. But Fuka gets captured…
Shinobi no 7 : Kakko kara no shisha (Des émissaires venus du passé) – 12 avril
Qui de mieux qu’un ninja accompli pour entraîner de jeunes recrues? Tsumuji (le père de Takaharu et Fuka) appelle à la rescousse Sasuke (NinjaRed) et Yosuke (HurricaneRed)!
Note : Cet épisode aurait dû être diffusé le 5 avril, le jour de diffusion du premier épisode de Goranger.
Shinobi no 7 : Kakko kara no shisha (Emissaries from the past) – april 12th Who better than a confirmed ninja to train young recruits? Tsumuji (Takaharu and Fuka’s father) calls Sasuke (NinjaRed) and Yosuke (HurricaneRed) for help! Note : This episode should have aired on april 5th, the day the first episode of Goranger aired.
Shinobi no 8 : Ani to ane (Frère et soeur) – 19 avril
Nagi et Fuka s’infiltrent dans un lycée…
Shinobi no 8 : Ani to ane (Brother and sister) – april 19th Nagi and Fuka infiltrate a high school…
Shinobi no 9 : Hoshi no shikaku (L’assassin des étoiles) – 26 avril
« Le Shuriken de la Fin », la mère de Yakumo est…
Shinobi no 9 : Hoshi no shikaku (The star assassin) – april 26th « The Shuriken of the End », Yakumo’s mother is…
– | 249 |
Korean Beauty
K-Beauty is the trendiest cosmetics in the world. Unique beauty products that are not only suitable for Asian women but for every woman in the world who strives for perfect skin.
K-Beauty not only focuses on camouflaging unevennesses, but the focus is on preventing and remedying all kinds of skin problems in order to achieve a smooth, healthy and radiant skin.
K-Beauty only uses natural and special ingredients. Combined with non-stop innovation techniques, this results in unique products such as Sheet masks, BB cream, Essences and Sleep masks.
K-Beauty products often contain the ingredient "whitening". This is NOT a skin bleaching agent but intended to smooth the skin color for a smooth and clear skin.
K-Beauty products often have multiple functions to achieve perfect skin with a minimum of time loss.
K-Beauty is very effective and often offers results from the first use.
Korean Beauty
K-Beauty is de meest trendy cosmetica ter wereld. Unieke beauty producten die niet alleen geschikt zijn voor de Aziatische vrouw maar voor elke vrouw ter wereld die een perfecte huid nastreeft.
K-Beauty richt zich niet alleen op het camoufleren van oneffenheden maar de focus ligt op het voorkomen en verhelpen van allerlei soorten huidproblemen om tot een gladde, gezonde en stralende huid te komen.
K-Beauty maakt uitsluitend gebruik van natuurlijke en bijzondere ingrediënten. Gecombineerd met non-stop innovatietechnieken resulteert dit in unieke producten zoals Sheetmaskers, BB cream, Essences en Slaapmaskers.
K-Beauty producten bevatten vaak het ingrediënt “whitening”. Dit is GEEN huidbleekmiddel maar bedoeld om de huidskleur te egaliseren voor een egale en heldere huid.
K-Beauty producten hebben vaak meerdere functies om met een minimum aan tijdsverlies tot een perfecte huid te komen.
K-Beauty is zeer effectief en bieden vaak al resultaat vanaf het eerste gebruik. | 250 |
"Slavic Bestiary" project - griffin.
More classic
of griffin
from which you can see in The Witcher game (
which I also really like ).
a monster with a lion's body and eagle's head, wings and talons. It was a dangerous beast, as it posessed strength, hearing and vigilance of the feline and the eyesight and swiftness of the avian predator. A griffon made its' nest in remote locations, usually somewhere in the mountains. From time to time it swept upon a human settlement to snatch a sheep or a cow for dinner. It was not agressive towards humans unless they posed a threat to its' young. The monster was extremely fond of shiny things, often using them to decorate its' nest with. The prospect of plundering such nest was the primary cause for humans fighting and often griffons.– potwór o ciele lwa oraz głowie, skrzydłach i przednich łapach orła. Posiadał siłę, czujność, słuch i wściekłość lwa oraz szybkość i dalekowzroczność orła. Wił sobie gniazdo najczęściej w górach, w dzikich i niedostępnych miejscach. Stamtąd nawiedzał czasem ludzkie osady, by porwać owcę lub krowę. Agresywny bywał tylko wtedy, gdy uznał ludzi za zagrożenie dla jego piskląt. Gryfy posiadają ogromne zamiłowanie do świecidełek, które natychmiast porywały i zanosiły do swoich gniazd. Zdarzali się śmiałkowie, którzy mimo niebezpieczeństwa gotowi byli splądrować legowisko gryfa, często zabijając przy tym właściciela.~~~Fourth part of my~~~Tools:Pencils HB-3BAdobe Photoshop CS3Wacoom Bamboo Fun tablet | 251 |
2008 CT), Mar. 9 (2008 EZ), Mar. 10 (2008 EM), Mar. 29 (2008 FP), Apr. 3 (2008 GM), Apr. 7 (2008 GF) and May 10 (2008 JL). Most of the objects depicted in this animation are recent discoveries.
The symbol representing Earth is not to scale: at the scale of these plots, the earth would be about a quarter pixel across on the larger plot and about a tenth of a pixel on the smaller plot.
This animation (prepared 2008 July 1) is available as:
The Near-Earth Environment 2002
This animation hitches a ride on the earth and observes its near-space environment for a period of one year at daily intervals. No objects are displayed that are more than 20 million km from the earth. Objects within one-third of this distance are colored red, objects within two-thirds are colored orange, other objects are green. Objects below the ecliptic plane are shown as outline circles, objects above as filled circles. Objects may appear and disappear in seemingly odd locations, depending on how their orbits intersect the sphere enclosing the volume of space within 20 million km of the earth. Notable close approaches in 2002 occur on Jan. 7 (2001 YB), Feb. 5 (2002 CA), Feb. 8 (2002 CB), Mar. 8 (2002 EM), Mar. 31 (2002 GQ), Apr. 6 (2002 FD), June 14 (2002 MN) and Aug. 18 (2002 NY). Most of the objects depicted in this animation are recent discoveries. The apparent dearth of objects after the start of September is caused by the fact that we haven't yet discovered most of the objects that will making close approaches in the months ahead: the only objects displayed are those that were discovered in previous years.
The symbol representing Earth is not to scale: at the scale of these plots, the earth would be about a quarter pixel across on the larger plot and about a tenth of a pixel on the smaller plot. This animation (prepared 2002 July 31) is available as:
How These Animations Were Made...
All the individual frames for the older animations have been generated on a Professional Workstation XP1000 running OpenVMS 7.2-1 using custom-written Fortran software that utilizes the PGPLOT graphics library. The individual frames for the newer animations have been generated on a Personal Workstation 600au running OpenVMS 8.3 using updated versions of the above-mentioned software. In all case, the animated GIFs were generated from these individual frames (the title frames were generated using Draw and Paint) using InterGif on a Risc PC running RISC OS 4.03. | 252 |
US resident already had the pleasure/disgrace (take your pick) of buying non-Apple computers with Mac OS X pre-installed through PsyStar. European customers were left out in the cold, as PsyStar is a US-based company which undoubtedly makes shipping across the pond rather expensive. Despair no longer, European clone enthusiasts: German PearC is here.
PearC is basically selling machines very similar to the ones offered by PsyStar, with three possible base models ranging from 499 EUR to 1499 EUR, all with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard pre-installed. The machines range from an Intel Pentium dual core E2200 to Intel Core i7 machines with options of up to 12GB of RAM. For the rest, they offer a range of options and upgrades to choose from. They ship their Macintosh clones to Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Italy, The Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Spane, and the UK.
The website is in German, which I happen to speak rather well. The FAQ of the website contains a question concerning the legality of this whole setup. The answer:
Die Deutsche Gesetzgebung ist in diesem Fall auf der Seite Endverbraucher. Enbenutzer-Lizenzverträge werden in Deutschland nur dann zum Vertragsbestandteil, wenn Sie vor dem Kauf der Software vereinbart wurden. Die Einschränkung, die Apple für sein Betriebssystem Mac OS X in der EULA macht, haben daher in Deutschland keine rechtliche Bewandnis (BGB §307). Wir sind daher davon überzeugt, dass unser Produkt in Deutschland legal ist.
Basically, it reads that end-user license agreements in Germany are only valid if they have been offered before the transfer of goods/money, which in the case of Mac OS X does not happen. As such, PearC claims, the clause in Apple’s EULA binding Mac OS X to Apple hardware is unlawful.
There is no word from Apple yet, but seeing the legal action undertaken against PsyStar, Apple Germany might start similar legal action against PearC. With German law probably being quite different from US law, such a possible case could follow an entirely different path than the US one. It also raises the question: where will this end? If every country gets its own clone maker, will apple go after each and every one of them, forced to take all the local laws and regulations into account? | 253 |
Durante o dia de ontem foi revelado o novo comando da PlayStation 5: DualSense. Para surpresa de todos, este comando tem um aspeto muito diferente do da PlayStation 4 e agora conta com dores cores: branco e preto.
Como não seria surpresa, a internet começou logo a fazer o seu trabalho e já existem dezenas de imagens do comando alteradas em Photoshop com diferentes cores e feitios. Vejam em baixos uma coleção dos melhores que encontramos no Twitter
The one with the colors back on the buttons also looks fantastic! pic.twitter.com/mOkHyOIk9a — Roberto Guedes 🐶 (@RobertoSAGuedes) April 7, 2020
Did a quick, lazy mock-up of a color scheme I'd love to get that PS5 controller in: pic.twitter.com/wHVpRvfWWP — Drue Dannible (@HGemsReviews) April 7, 2020
Made a few trash mockups in Photoshop of some colors with DualSense just outta curiosity pic.twitter.com/V067kdMXuO — Big Boss | Balvin $5000 (@LordBalvin) April 7, 2020
some more just for fun
including those color schemes that are always on sale that no one wants pic.twitter.com/2lnu1u2Eo8 — fleshmonk in hell | BLM!! | #BoycottMulan (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020
get in the controller shinji pic.twitter.com/ibiNVrfUt0 — fleshmonk in hell | BLM!! | #BoycottMulan (@thefleshmonk) April 7, 2020
So in love with the look of the #Dualsense. Decided to make some quick mockups based on some of my favorite PlayStation franchises! #PS5 pic.twitter.com/2LJrkxtxlV — Dorm! (@DormStreams) April 7, 2020
Pessoalmente adorei o 1º. Acho que o facto dos botões roda, X, quadrado e triângulo com cores faz uma diferença gigante para além de serem símbolos muito importantes da marca PlayStation.
De todos qual gostam mais? Deixem nos comentários as vossas opções! | 254 |
Botteghin uit een hoekschop hard richting doel kopte. Daar stond Guardado echter als een sta-in-de-weg op de lijn geposteerd. Op het moment dat Feyenoord een gelijkmaker verdiende, vloeide de adrenaline echter langzaamaan weg. De bekerwinnaar probeerde nog wel aan te dringen, bracht met Michiel Kramer en Bilal Basaçikoglu nieuwe krachten binnen de lijnen, maar kon in het laatste kwartier weinig meer forceren.
PSV hield stand. Had eerder al pech dat een mooi schot van Jürgen Locadio luttele centimeters langs de verkeerde kant van de paal krulde en kon Jetro Willems verwijten dat hij pal voor tijd het duel, oog in oog met doelman Hansson, niet besliste.
Maar uiteindelijk opende de landskampioen van de afgelopen twee jaar het seizoen opnieuw met een hoofdprijs en kan het met een goed gevoel beginnen aan de Eredivisie die vrijdag van start gaat.
Nieuwelingen op de Nederlandse velden. Daniel Schwaab (PSV) en Nikolai Jørgensen (Feyenoord).
Feyenoord - PSV 0-1 (0-1).
38. Davy Pröpper 0-1.
Toornstra (Feyenoord), Willems, Isimat-Marin (PSV).
Opstelling Feyenoord
Hansson, Karsdorp, Botteghin, Kongolo, Nelom, El Ahmadi, Kuyt, Vilhena, Toornstra (62. Bilal Basaçikoglu), Jørgensen (77. Kramer), Elia.
Opstelling PSV
Zoet, Brenet, Isimat-Mirin, Schwaab, Willems, Pröpper, Guardado (87. Koch), Hendrix, Pereiro (60. Narsingh), De Jong, Locadia.
29. Luuk de Jong mist penalty. | 255 |
Darüber hinaus gebe es Einschränkungen für Kinos, Theater, Museen, Demonstrationen sowie weitere Veranstaltungen. Die neuen Sperrgebiete sollen laut Medienberichten, zunächst bis zum 3. April gelten. In Italien sind nach offiziellen Angaben, rund 6000 Menschen infiziert, 233 seien gestorben.
Weltweit gebe es derzeit circa 100.000 Coronafälle. Mittlerweile seien an dem neuen Lungenvirus 3500 Menschen gestorben. In Deutschland wurden bislang knapp 800 Infizierungen festgestellt. Die meisten davon in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Bayern und Baden-Württemberg.
Wegen des Virus wurde jetzt im US-Bundesstaat New York der Notstand verhängt. Dort gebe es derzeit 76 Coronafälle. Notstandsverordnungen gibt es bereits In den Bundesstaaten Kalifornien, Maine und Washington (Westküste). In China gehe der Virus deutlich zurück. Von den rund 80.000 Infizierten seien 57.000 geheilt worden, so offizielle Angaben. mei
English version
Due to the corona virus, the situation in Italy is becoming increasingly acute. The government has now ordered the closure of the cities of Milan, Venice and Parma.
In addition, there are restrictions on cinemas, theatres, museums, demonstrations and other events. According to media reports, the new restricted areas will initially remain in force until April 3. In Italy, according to official figures, about 6000 people are infected and 233 have died.
There are currently about 100,000 corona cases worldwide. In the meantime, 3500 people have died of the new lung virus. In Germany, almost 800 infections have been detected so far. Most of them in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Because of the virus, a state of emergency has now been declared in the US state of New York. There are currently 76 corona cases there. Emergency decrees already exist in the states of California, Maine and Washington (West Coast). In China, the virus is declining significantly. Of the approximately 80,000 infected, 57,000 have been cured, according to official figures. mei | 256 |
š slovo. Protentokrát ti budu věřit. I to prvenství ti asi budu muset přiznat.
Translation via google translate (A native Czech speaker could probably do a better job of this!)
Give 1287. Beer: Hey, you know something about it that I work on the other is hidden advertising for a Canadian company? In part, the scrolls Lister Rimmer’s video. Just slow down the sound and woala, advertising is the world :) Here’s the text: As one of Canada’s leading ethical pharmaceutical companies, we have researched and Developed products of the finest quality, to the wellbeing of the Canadiens since 1954. Today, is no different. The success of the Astra depends upon our ability to make the right moves at the right time. I hope that I discovered first;)
Answer: Well, you see it. Experiments with subliminal advertising in 1988. And now we are all embedded in the head without having it be able to do anything. So if nekecáš … I do not way I would have checked it out, but good. You’re a bit podrazák, Dejpivo, but when something goes, keep your word. For once, I will trust you. And this victory I guess I’ll have to admit.
so it sounds like it’s a standard audio clip that sound engineers use whenever they need to add a fast forward or rewind effect. ever notice how the same audio clips get used in different shows sometimes? some i notice is the sound of wooden creeky doors opening and rats squeaking. they seem to be the same clip, even from old pc games like daggerfall (1996)!
i think what’s happening is either the tools sound engineers use have the same library of audio clips and effects and/or it’s become so common and prevalent in the sound engineering biz that it’s kind of a meme now, in a way.
Aside from that, fans on the Steven Universe Wiki have deciphered Peridot's message.
...using his pogo stick to save her. Not to mention Percy is adept at aquatic sports. He would have won the canoe race if he weren't so busy drooling over Paulette, and the other part where Percy goes to the bottom of the lake to get Paulette's friendship bracelet proves that he has the largest lung capacity in the entire camp! And Pierre is a force to be reckoned with on land, when he hung bunk seven's underwear in the tree, the whole--
Lauren Zuke's original tweet hinting about the secret message:
| 257 |
because of its potential to end up limiting their access to lawful information from the global Internet.
The future of Internet policy will largely be about limits of control. Various technologies are already being used to restrict unlawful access to copyrighted material, without blocking legal content as can happen with blacklists. Emerging data and algorithmic network control systems promise to stop certain crimes, including piracy, before they happen by identifying pirate-like behaviour. The CRTC decision will impact Canadians’ access to the Internet by influencing choices by the telecommunications industry about which technologies they deploy to limit access to unlawful content.
Judging by their CRTC submissions, Canadians clearly understand the potential of FairPlay’s proposal to restrict their access to legitimate information and to prevent innovation. Lawful material may get caught up in IPRA’s blacklist, and it remains to be seen whether the industry and policy-makers recognize the risk of false-positive errors. Furthermore, it is not evident whether FairPlay’s blocking proposal would actually be effective in curbing piracy because tools to evade IPRA’s blocking regime are easy to access. These include virtual private networks (VPNs) that have legitimate privacy and critical security-enhancing applications, which makes it difficult to restrict their use. As motivated pirates bypass IPRA’s blockade, to achieve its objectives the organization will have strong economic incentives to extend the scope of its blacklist, increasing the likelihood of false positive errors without any compensating benefit in terms of reduced piracy rates.
If policy-makers want to adopt a policy that is in the “public interest,” they should carefully weigh the risks that might result from creating an extrajudicial body that has the authority to control Canadians’ access to the open Internet. Canada’s CleanFeed program already blocks access to websites known to be trading in child pornography. The lack of public concern over CleanFeed suggests that Canadians are willing to accept some regulatory restrictions on the Internet. Should the same type of mechanisms be used to address copyright infringement? What is the threshold to warrant adoption of blocking mechanisms? Canadians seem to have given the CRTC clear answers to these questions.
This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. The authors would like to thank Jean-François Mezei for collecting the data used in this analysis.
Photo: Shutterstock/ By Pasko Maksim
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 258 |
empezando a ver las consecuencias de la profunda transformación social que significa que casi la mitad de una generación pueda seguir estudiando después de los 18 años y que esto sea el estándar de la sociedad entera y ya no la excepción.
Referencias bibliográficas
Anderson, A. (1961), A Skeptical Note on the Relation of Vertical Mobility to Education, American Journal of Sociology 66, 560-570.
Bourdieu, et al (1964), Les héritiers, Paris, Editions de minuit.
Dubet, F. (2011), Repensar la justicia social. Contra el mito de la igualdad de oportunidades. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI.
Cox, C., (2007), Educación en el Bicentenario: dos agendas y calidad de la política, Revista Pensamiento Educativo, vol. 40 n°1, 75-204.
Espinoza V. et al. (2014), Movilidad ocupacional en Chile 2001-2009. ¿Desigualdad de ingresos con igualdad de oportunidades?, Revista Internacional de Sociología, Vol.72, nº 1, 57-82.
Frei, R., (2016), La economía moral de la desigualdad en Chile: Un modelo para armar, Documento de trabajo, PNUD.
Mac-Clure, O. et al, (2015), La clase media clasifica a las personas en la sociedad: Resultados de una investigación empírica basada en juegos, Psicoperspectivas, vol. 14 n° 2, 4-15.
Simbürger, E, (2013), Moving through the city: visual discourses of upward social mobility in higher education advertisements on public transport in Santiago de Chile, Visual Studies, vol. 28 n°1, 67-77.
Vásquez, O. (2017), Educación superior y movilidad social en universidades de baja selectividad: el caso chileno, Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile. Tesis por publicar.
Zimermann, S. (2013), Making Top Managers: The Role of Elite Universities and Elite Peers, Chicago, University of Chicago | 259 |
As the UK government struggles to delay Brexit beyond the looming March 29 deadline, the German foreign minister says London can still buy some time if it tells the others “what the plan is.”
“No one can want the unregulated Brexit,” Heiko Maas tweeted, saying he supports making “a lap of honor with a short extension before it comes to this.”
The EU “should not miss any opportunity to prevent [the UK’s] exit without an agreement,” but the delay has certain conditions, Maas warned.
An extension only makes sense if London says what the plan is.
The clear and concise message comes on the heels of a dramatic week of Brexit votes held in the UK Parliament. On Wednesday, MPs rejected both the deal negotiated with the EU by Prime Minister Theresa May’s cabinet, and the option to leave the EU with no deal at all.
Den ungeregelten #Brexit kann niemand wollen. Lieber noch eine Ehrenrunde mit kurzer Verlängerung, bevor es dazu kommt. Wir sollten keine Gelegenheit auslassen, einen Austritt ohne Abkommen zu verhindern. Eine Verlängerung ergibt aber nur Sinn, wenn London sagt, was der Plan ist. — Heiko Maas (@HeikoMaas) March 16, 2019
On Thursday, MPs rejected the idea of a second referendum and voted on whether London should ask the EU to postpone the deadline on leaving the EU, which expires on March 29. The House of Commons approved the government motion by 412 votes to 202, providing May with legal ground to request an extension from Brussels. But her Brexit deal is also facing a vote next week after being rejected twice by lawmakers.
There has been a mixed reaction from EU leaders to the prospect of the UK asking for three months or more to delay Brexit. President of the European Council Donald Tusk took to social media to reveal that he will be appealing to the EU27 members to remain open to the idea of offering the UK a long extension period if they need time to rethink their Brexit strategy.
Also on rt.com 3 more months of Brexit: British MPs vote for delay
But an official from the French presidential office told the media that Paris will not support delaying Brexit if it simply means revisiting May’s withdrawal agreement. “So it’ll either be a no-deal now, or a change of plan from London, of which we see no sign at the moment,” the official said.
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 260 |
�Zoroastrian Astrology in the Bundahišn,” BSOAS 27, 1964, pp. 511-29 (chap. V).
G. Messina, “Mito, leggenda e storia nella tradizione iranica,” Orientalia 4, 1935, pp. 257-90 (chaps. XXXIII-IV).
J. J. Modi, A Paper Read Before the Bombay Branch of the RAS, 1901, Bombay, 1902 (chap. XXX).
M. Molé, Culte, Mythe et Cosmologie dans l’Iran ancien, Paris, 1963 (several passages, see index p. 592).
H. S. Nyberg, “Questions de cosmogonie et de cosmologie mazdéennes,” JA 214, 1929, pp. 207-37 (chap. I), 260-310 (chap. II).
Idem, Texte zum mazdayasnischen Kalender, Uppsala, 1934, pp. 10-29 (parts of chaps. V, XXV).
H. H. Schaeder, Studien zum antiken Synkretismus, Leipzig, 1926, pp. 213-33 (several passages).
S. Ḥ. Taqīzāda, Gāh-šomārī dar Īrān-e qadīm, Tehran, 1316 Š./1937, pp. 326-29 (chap. V A).
R. C. Zaehner, Zurvan. A Zoroastrian Dilemma, Oxford, 1955, pp. 276-321 (chap. I), 321-36 (chap. III), 335-59 (part of chap. IV), and several other passages, see index pp. 460-61.
Glossaries. M. Bahār, Vāža-nāma-ye Bondaheš, Tehran, 1345 Š./1967.
J. K. Choksy, “An Annotated Index of the Greater or Iranian Bundahišn (TD2),” Studia Iranica 15/2, 1986, pp. 203-42.
Search terms:
بُندهشن boundahishn
(D. Neil MacKenzie)
Originally Published: December 15, 1989
Last Updated: December 15, 1989
This article is available in print.
Vol. IV, Fasc. 5, pp. 547-551 | 261 |
Las "salchichas veganas" o los "filetes de soja" o la "leche vegetal" pronto estarán prohibidos en Francia. El jueves, los diputados franceses votaron a favor de prohibir el uso de vocabulario cárnico para describir alimentos a base de plantas.
La medida, propuesta por el diputado Jean Baptise Moreau, se aplicará a los productores franceses de alimentos vegetarianos sustitutivos de la carne, y garantizará que términos como "bistec", "filete" e, incluso, "leche" se reserven solo para productos de origen animal.
✅??Adoption de mon amendement pour mieux informer le #consommateur sur son alimentation!Il est important de lutter contre les fausses allégations:nos produits doivent être désignés correctement:les termes de #fromage ou de #steak seront réservés aux produits d'origine animale! pic.twitter.com/E8SQ61cjaT — Jean Baptiste Moreau (@moreaujb23) April 19, 2018
_Es importante luchar contra las afirmaciones falsas: nuestros productos deben estar correctamente designados: ¡los términos "queso" o "bistec" se reservarán para los productos de origen animal!
"El propósito de esta enmienda es prohibir las prácticas de comercialización engañosas que asocian términos como 'bistec', 'filete', 'tocino' o'salchicha' con productos que no están compuestos exclusiva o totalmente de carne", dice el proyecto de ley.
"También se refiere a las denominaciones que hacen referencia a productos de origen animal, en particular la leche, la nata o el queso".
El reglamento se presentó como una enmienda a un proyecto de ley de agricultura. En caso de incumplimiento, se impondrá una multa de 300.000 euros.
Todavía no se sabe cuándo entrarán en vigor los cambios. | 262 |
Today during the early afternoon, several families, with many woman and children, were holding a protest against the living conditions and the police violence in the jungle. This family protest was prevented from taking place by very large numbers of CRS. The CRS blocked the protest at the end of Rue des Garennes. The CRS showed up with eight vans and between 30 and 40 cops. They were equipped with shields and helmets. They brandished their bats and pepper spray cans. They even sprayed woman and children with cans of pepper spray from very close range. There were also baton rushes towards groups that included children. One woman present was thrown on the floor and police tried to steal at least one camera. By blocking this peaceful protest the French state is once again hiding whats happening in the jungle from the public and once again inflicting violence on people that fled to Europe seeking safety.
Video of the demonstration: the families want it to be diffused widely, and all faces of people who did not want to be in it have been edited out.
Aujourd’hui, en début d’après-midi, plusieurs famille principalement constituées de femmes et d’enfants ont manifesté contre les conditions de vie misérables et les violences policières dans la jungle.
Cette protestation familiale pacifiste a été enrayée par un très grand nombre de CRS. Ils ont bloqué cette manifestation paisible à la fin de la rue des Garennes. Ils sont arrivés avec 8 fourgons contenant entre 30 et 40 flics. Ils étaient équipés de boucliers et de casques. Ils brandissaient leurs matraques et leurs sprays au poivre. Ils sont même allés jusqu’à vaporiser leur spray au poivre sur des femmes et des enfants à bout portant. Il y avait aussi des ruées à la matraque en direction de groupes incluant des enfants. Un femme a été jetée à terre et la police à essayé de voler au moins une caméra. En bloquant cette manifestation de protestation pacifiste, l’état français cache au public une fois de plus ce qui se passe dans la jungle et une fois de plus inflige des violences physiques et morales à des personnes qui se sont enfuient vers l’Europe pour trouver protection et sécurité.
Police gassing children | 263 |
Rocket & Wink ist schon lange sehr bekannt für maximale Größe und Leistungssteigerung. Dieses mal haben wir uns selber übertroffen. Wir präsentieren voller Stolz den Rawman 3000. Den ersten Portable Vinyl Player aus den 80er Jahren. Der Rawman 3000 produziert einen so großen, umfangreichen Sound, dass er nur mit einem sehr aufwendigen und kostspieligen Komponenten Stereoplattenspieler-System verglichen werden kann. Und doch ist er so klein, dass man ihn überall mit hinnehmen kann. Es gibt wirklich nichts, mit dem man die außergewöhnliche Ton Qualität dieser kleinen Maschine vergleichen kann. Man muss es einfach selbst hören.
Der Rawman 3000 kommt als Leichtgewicht (1.4 oz), mit Stereo-Kopfhörern, USB Port, Smartcard, Antenne für Bluetooth Verbindung und praktischem Tragegurt. Darüber hinaus enthält er einen exklusiven Hot-Line Knopf, mit dem Sie ein Gespräch führen oder weiter zur Musik singen können.
Erhältlich ist der Rawnman 3000 für 12“, 10“ und 7“ ab Juni 1983 (in einer anderen Dimension)
Rocket & Wink has long been famous for maximize size and increasing performance. This time we have outdone ourselves. We proudly present the Rawman 3000. The first portable vinyl player from the 80s. The Rawman 3000 produces such a big, rich sound, that it only can be compared to a very elaborate and expensive component stereo record player system. Yet, it´s so small that you can take it anywhere you go. There is really no way to convey the remarkable sound quality of this little machine. You´ve got to hear it.
The Rawman comes with featherweight (1.4. oz.), stereo headphones, USB Port, Smartcard, antenna for Bluetooth connection and practical carrying strap. Furthermore an exclusive Hot-Line button which lets you carry-on a conversation or sing along over the music.
The Rawman 3000 is available in 7“,10“ and 12“ from june 1983 (in an other dimension). | 264 |
Miami, FL (mardi le 22 janvier 2019) Kenneth Russo –
Le propriétaire de l’Impact de Montréal, Joey Saputo, a annoncé ce matin qu’il quittait la présidence de l’équipe. Un ancien vice-président du Canadien de Montréal, Kevin Gilmore, lui succèdera.
Saputo (54 ans) a fondé le club en 1993. Il a guidé Montréal dès que sa naissance, a dirigé la construction du Stade Saputo en 2008 et l’agrandissement de la stade en 2012. En 2012 l’équipe est entrée en MLS. L’homme d’affaires restera le propriétaire du onze montréalais et de l’équipe de soccer de Bologne, qui évolue dans le Série A (championnat italien).
Kevin Gilmore est un ancien exécutive avec le Canadien de Montréal, connu pour son mandat comme vice-président exécutif et chef de l’exploitation, de 2011 à 2016. Il avait auparavant travaillé avec les Mighty Ducks d’Anaheim et les Kings de Los Angeles (LNH), ainsi que les Angels d’Anaheim (MLB). Il a également supervisé le développement d’un aréna et d’un projet immobilier en Chine pour le groupe Anschutz, entre 2006 et 2009.
The owner of the Montréal Impact, Joey Saputo, announced today that he is stepping down from the club presidency. He will be succeeded by Kevin Gilmore, a former vice president of the Montreal Canadiens.
Saputo (54 years old) founded the club in 1993. He has guided Montreal since it’s founding, directing the construction of Saputo Stadium in 2008, and its subsequent enlargement in 2012. He brought the club into MLS in 2012. He will remain the owner of the Impact as well as the owner of Bologna in the Italian Serie A.
Kevin Gilmore is a former executive with the Montreal Canadiens, serving as executive vice-president and head of operations from 2011-2016. Prior to that, he worked with the Anaheim Mighty Ducks and the Los Angeles Kings (NHL), as well as the Anaheim Angels (MLB). He also oversaw a real estate and arena development project in China from 2006 to 2009 for the Anschutz Group.
La Presse de Montréal – Article | 265 |
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines) — Independent presidential candidate Sen. Grace Poe on Friday (May 6) said she is at peace with herself knowing she has given her best throughout the 90-day campaign period.
It has been a roller-coaster ride for Poe.
Despite being a frontrunner in one of the most competitive races in the country's history — she also had to survive attempts to disqualify her.
“Naihahayag ko ang mga isyu sa ating mga kababayan. Ipinaglaban ko sila maski man lang para sa aking plataporma. Pero sa huli sila naman ang magdedesisyon. Kaya kung ano man ang desisyon na 'yan, handa na akong tanggapin,” Poe said.
[Translation: I have said my piece to our countrymen on issues. I have fought for them through my platforms. But in the end they will decide. And whatever their decision is, I’m ready to accept it.]
Actor Coco Martin made a surprise appearance at the rally in Bulacan on Friday to pitch for Poe.
At first, the actor delivered a passionate speech on how ugly the campaign has turned out, especially among warring supporters.
“Ang sakit sakit kasi nagsisiraan tayo, tayo tayo mismo nag aaway away,” Martin said. [It’s so painful that we fight among ourselves.]
But he then also took the chance to lash out at Poe's rivals — especially at presidential survey frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte.
“Lalong lalo na po sa mga magulang, yun po ba ang gagawin nating pagpapalaki sa ating mga anak? ang maging tama ang pagmumura? ang maging tama ang pagpatay? ang maging tama ang pagbabastos sa kapwa?”
[To parents, most especially, is that the way you will bring up your children? That cursing is right? That killing is just? That scurrility is alright?]
Partido Galing at Puso (PGP) will hold two grand rallies on Saturday (May 7) for their "meeting de avance."
Poe, her running-mate Sen. Francis “Chiz” Escudero, and their senate slate will all be flying to Pangasinan for a rally in Urdaneta in the morning.
They will return to Manila for a bigger rally in Plaza Miranda late in the afternoon.
Also read: Poe denies backing out of presidential race | 266 |
Paris, Planeación / Especulación, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Luisa Strina gallery, São Paulo and Galeria Elba Benitez, Madrid
Nicolás Paris, Moldes para prototipo de arquitectura para pájaros y control de masas, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Luisa Strina gallery, São Paulo and Galeria Elba Benitez, Madrid
Nicolás Paris, Aprendizaje por simpatía o herramienta para aprender a leer y escribir, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Luisa Strina gallery, São Paulo
Nicolás Paris, Sans titre, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Luisa Strina gallery, São Paulo and Galeria Elba Benitez, Madrid
Louise Hervé & Chloé Maillet, La performance des saint-simoniens, 2014-2015. Courtesy of the artists and Marcelle Alix, Paris
David Horvitz, Let Us Keep Our Own Noon, 2013. Courtesy of the artist, Chert, Berlin and private collection, Berlin and Vicenza
Jarbas Lopes, FÁ-CRIATURA, 2015. Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Baginski, Lisbon
Chris Evans, CLODS, Diplomatic Letters, 2012 – ongoing. Courtesy of the artist, Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam and Fonds Culturel et Artistique du Groupe Bel, France
Chris Evans, Lantana Camara, dessin commandé à Angelo Tromp, attaché diplomatique d’Aruba aux Pays-Bas, inversé, 2012. Chris Evans, Lilly of the Valley, dessin commandé à Jasmina Pasalic, diplomate suisse en Bosnie-Herzégovine, inversé, 2012. Courtesy of the artist, Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam and Fonds Culturel et Artistique du Groupe Bel, France
Chris Evans, Ambrosia Artemisfolia, dessin commandé à Arūnas Gelūnas, Ambassadeur de Lituanie à l’UNESCO, inversé, 2014. Courtesy of the artist, Juliette Jongma, Amsterdam and Fonds Culturel et Artistique du Groupe Bel, France
Joana Bastos, Non commercial artist, 2008. Courtesy of the artist and Vera Cortes Art Agency, Lisbon
Simon Boudvin, Cercle 03 (Montaignac), 2014 / Moteur 01 (Soudeilles), 2014. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Jean Brolly, Paris | 267 |
Landslides triggered by heavy rains kill at least 26 and injure seven, with 10 others missing, security ministry says.
At least 26 people have been killed by landslides triggered by heavy rains in northwestern Burundi, according to the government.
In a Twitter post on Thursday, the security ministry said seven people were also injured while 10 others were still missing following the landslides that struck Cibitoke province.
The ministry identified the areas affected as Nyempundu, Gikomero and Rukombe, near the border with Rwanda.
Homes and fields in the area had also been damaged and search-and-rescue operations were ongoing, it said.
Éboulement de terrains suite aux fortes pluies tombées hier à Nyempundu, Gikomero et Rukombe (zone Nyamakarabo, commune Mugina en @CibitokeProv) : 26 morts, 07 blessés et 10 personnes non encore retrouvées. Des maisons, champs et biens aussi endommagés. Fouilles en cours. — BurundiMIDCSP (@BurundiMIDCSP) December 5, 2019
TRANSLATION: Landslide following heavy rains yesterday in Nyempundu, Gikomero and Rukombe (Nyamakarabo zone, Mugina commune in @CibitokeProv): 26 dead, 07 injured and 10 people not yet found. Houses, fields and property also damaged. Excavations in progress.
“They are still digging up dead bodies,” a local government official told Reuters news agency by telephone.
Separately, AFP news agency gave a death toll of at least 38 people, citing a provisional police tally: three in Gikomero, 13 in Rukombe and 22 died in Nyempundu.
“It happened in the night, when everyone was at home, and landslides hit three very steep hills and buried everything in their path,” a witness told AFP.
“Whole families were buried alive in their homes or in the fields. It was terrifying.”
Floods, landslides and a cyclone have killed more than 1,200 people across East and southern Africa this year, according to a Save the Children count based on United Nations and government figures.
Flooding has also displaced nearly half a million people in South Sudan, 200,000 in Ethiopia and at least 370,000 in Somalia this year, the UN said.
Global warming, combined with a cyclical weather phenomenon, has caused the Indian Ocean to become warmer than usual, bringing heavy rains to East Africa. | 268 |
es ainsi récoltées à un tiers – ici donc, Cambridge Analytica – sans autorisation, mais pas de les avoir captées au départ. En 2015, quand Facebook avait découvert ce transfert de données, il avait exigé leurs suppressions. Or, selon le "Guardian" et le "New York Times", elles n'auraient pas été détruites.
Les réseaux sociaux, "entreprises de surveillance" pour Snowden
Les révélations des deux quotidiens et la défense de CA comme de Facebook leur ont valu des nombreux commentaires et critiques sur les réseaux sociaux.
Edward Snowden a mis en cause le modèle même de Facebook et de ses pareils :
"Des entreprises qui gagnent de l'argent en collectant et en vendant des fichiers détaillés sur la vie privée étaient autrefois simplement décrites comme 'des entreprises de surveillance'. Leur changement de marque en 'réseaux sociaux' est l'opération de tromperie la plus réussie depuis que le ministère de la Guerre est devenu le ministère de la Défense."
Businesses that make money by collecting and selling detailed records of private lives were once plainly described as "surveillance companies." Their rebranding as "social media" is the most successful deception since the Department of War became the Department of Defense. — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) 17 mars 2018
Zeynep Tufekci, une universitaire turque (enseignant aux Etats-Unis, elle est connue pour ses travaux de sociologue sur les technologies), a de même commenté :
"La défense de Facebook, selon laquelle la récolte par Cambridge Analytica des données de ses utilisateurs n'est techniquement pas une 'violation', est un constat plus profond et accablant que ne le serait une violation de ce qui ne va pas dans le modèle économique de
Facebook's defense that Cambridge Analytica harvesting of FB user data from millions is not technically a "breach" is a more profound & damning statement of what's wrong with Facebook's business model than a "breach". — zeynep tufekci (@zeynep) 17 mars 2018
Thierry Noisette | 269 |
O conflito entre Estados Unidos e Irã no Golfo Pérsico ganhou um novo capítulo hoje, com Donald Trump elevando o tom das ameaças ao país do Oriente Médio. Em resposta a supostas provocações de navio iranianos, o presidente americano autorizou sua Marinha a "abater e destruir" embarcações que participem de tais ações.
"Instruí a Marinha dos Estados Unidos a abater e destruir toda e qualquer canhoneira iraniana caso elas provoquem nossos navios no mar", escreveu Trump no Twitter, se referindo às embarcações do Irã equipadas com canhões que rodearam navios americanos nos últimos dias.
A tensão no Golfo Pérsico tem aumentado após a Marinha americana reportar que 11 embarcações da Guarda Revolucionária iraniana fizeram movimentos considerados "perigosos e provocativos" contra navios dos Estados Unidos. O episódio aconteceu há cerca de uma semana e desde então os dois países trocaram acusações e tentativas de explicação.
I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea. -- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2020
O Irã alega que a ação foi uma resposta à presença americana no Golfo Pérsico. A Guarda Revolucionária chegou a afirmar que foram os Estados Unidos que provocaram seus navios, com "ações amadoras e de indiferença aos avisos" dos navios iranianos.
O conflito tem gerado temor quanto ao possível início de uma guerra entre os países. Estados Unidos e Irã vivem em constante atrito desde o ataque promovido por Trump no Iraque, no começo do ano, no qual um bombardeio americano matou Qassem Soleimani, principal chefe militar da Guarda Revolucionária. | 270 |
Some 40 MEPs have asked the new president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to actively involve herself in resolving the political conflict between Catalonia and the Spanish state.
The manifesto was promoted by Diana Riba (ERC), who signed "on behalf of [...] Carles Puigdemont, Oriol Junqueras and Antoni Comín". Most of signatories come from her Greens/EFA group, joined by members of three of the other six parliamentary groups.
The MEPs come from a wide range of member states, including Slovenia, France, the UK, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Finland, the Netherlands, Latvia and Germany. They include Geert Albert Bourgeois, former minister-president of Flanders, Alyn Smith, president of the EFA group, Johan Van Overtveldt, former Belgian finance minister, and Milan Brglez, former speaker of the Slovenian National Assembly.
In the letter, sent to Von der Leyen shortly after the Parliament approved her commission, they ask for her new executive to "act as a mediator or support an international mediation that would [...] help both sides to find a political solution in Catalonia that respects the will of the people with the necessary changes in the Spanish legal system."
They also ask them to "ensure that human and fundamental rights are protected in Spain in order not to give a precedent that can be used by non-democratic countries." "This European internal affair should count on a solution led by Europe," they say.
Una quarantena d'eurodiputats hem demanat avui a la nova @ComissioEuropea que s'impliqui de forma activa en la resolució del conflicte polític que existeix entre Catalunya i l'Estat espanyol. La política i el diàleg tenen una nova oportunitat. @vonderleyen, aprofitem-la. pic.twitter.com/Eji0Lt0Ddb — Diana Riba i Giner (@DianaRibaGiner) November 27, 2019
The MEPs also ask the Commission to "take note of the international organizations that have called for the release of prisoners and calls [sic] Spain to comply with international treaties." This would include, for example, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions.
The signatories say that "Europe’s leaders should not remain silent on this matter when they do not remain silent on matters concerning other Member States." They argue that if they "cannot defend human rights inside Europe", the Union will "lose its entire raison d'être" and will "have to cease lecturing other countries". | 271 |
Big Hit Entertainment’s founder Bang Shi Hyuk shares his thoughts on working with BTS’s Rap Monster on Homme’s new track.
On August 30, Bang Shi Hyuk tweeted, “Homme’s ‘Dilemma,’ which I worked on with Rap Monster, has just been released. It was enjoyable to work with a very young producer for the first time in a while, and I feel satisfied with the final product because it came out just as youthful and fresh [as Rap Monster].”
저와 랩몬스터가 작업한 옴므의 ‘딜레마’가 방금 공개되었습니다. 오랜만에 아주 젊은 프로듀서와의 작업이라 즐거웠고 그 결과물도 그 만큼이나 젊고 신선하게 나와서 더욱 만족스러웠습니다. 게다가 (cont) https://t.co/KWBJkqAZBo — hitman (@hitmanb) 2016년 8월 29일
He continues, “My heart is full looking at how high schooler Namjoon (Rap Monster’s birth name), has grown up into producer Rap Monster and is even making music with me… ^^ Lee Hyun was Big Hit’s first-ever trainee and Lee Changmin is the first idol that Big Hit produced for. Through this song, the entire family was able to reunite. Needless to say, I look forward to good results [for this song]. Please listen to it a lot ^^”
Composed of 2AM’s Lee Changmin and 8Eight’s Lee Hyun, ballad duo Homme released “Dilemma” on August 30. “Dilemma” was co-composed and co-written by BTS leader Rap Monster and Big Hit’s founder Bang Shi Hyuk.
Source (1) | 272 |
Du finn ikkje ordet trump i bokmålsordboka, men det er har fleire tydingar i nynorskordboka (ekstern lenke).
Det tar Linda Eide for seg i kveldens episode av «Eides språksjov». Der les ho like gjerne opp tydinga av ordet frå ei nynorskordbok frå 1985:
«Ein trump er ein stor, tung og stiv skapning. Det kan òg vere ein egen og tverr kar. Ordet trump er også eit adverb som betyr truging, tvang, press, makt eller hard metode.»
Døma i ordboka er «å ta nokon med trump eller få gjennomført noko berre med trump.»
– Vi kan gløyme det med spynorsk ordliste. Dette er spånorsk ordliste, seier Linda Eide.
Har hissa på seg mange
Mange vil kanskje meine at den nynorske betydninga av ordet trump passar bra til den nyvalde amerikanske presidenten. Donald Trump har allereie hissa på seg mange i sin korte presidentkarriere.
STENGER GRENSENE: Trump har underteikna eit dokument som slår fast at det blir ein mur mot Mexico. Foto: Pablo Martinez Monsivais / AP
Han har blant anna skulda journalistar for å lyge om kor mange som møtte opp, då han blei innsett som president i Washington.
Han har dessutan starta arbeidet med å byggje ein mur mellom USA og Mexico og å fjerne helsereforma Obamacare. Begge sakene er omstridde både i heimlandet og i resten av verda.
Dagen etter at han blei president, marsjerte kvinner over heile verda for likestilling og mangfald, som ein reaksjon på korleis Trump tidlegare har omtala kvinner.
Vi gjer merksam på at journalisten som har skrive denne saka, var gjest i programmet «Eides språksjov» førre veke. | 273 |
reality. Here’s a 10-point Conservative climate plan that is realistic, reasonable and responsible:
A Clean Fuel Standard to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) through the increased use of lower carbon fuels, energy sources and technologies. A Pan-Canadian Industrial Carbon Emission Performance Standard System that aligns current and forthcoming provincial systems. Making sure the provinces have compatible performance standards systems will help business avoid duplication, overlap, and ensure level competitive playing fields. A Pan-Canadian Carbon Offsets Market to support industrial compliance with the performance standard system and engage the largely Conservative-supporting agriculture sector into offering financially appealing carbon sequestration credits. A Canadian Five-Year “Social Cost of Carbon” Price (the measure of economic harm from carbon emissions expressed as a cost per tonne of carbon) fixed by the independent Climate Advisory Commission rather than an arbitrary rising carbon price schedule. Carbon Savings Account Trust paid into by industrial polluters based on the independently set social price of carbon, leveraged by the private sector into direct technology improvements, matched by federal investments. Responsible Oilsands Growth (yes, words from Turning the Corner) that maintains the current industrial cap on overall emissions or applies equivalent stringent performance standards. A National Home and Commercial Buildings Retrofit Program that (a) reduces emissions and (b) stimulates economic return for small business and suburban homeowners. Accelerated National Building Codes and Standards for new residential and commercial houses and buildings. International Emissions Reduction Credits via ITMOs (International Trading Mitigation Options), under the Paris climate agreement. Canada could gain carbon credits from this with our established carbon capture and storage and small modular nuclear reactor technologies knowledge. A Provincial Climate Incentive Transfer from Ottawa that provides a compensatory incentive to provinces that establish plans to reduce emissions from major economic sectors defined as comprising a high percentage of provincial emissions and share of the provincial economy.
A reasonable, realistic policy alternative that is grounded in conservative principles is not as much a stretch as current Conservatives might think. Right now, Liberals are framing Conservatives as anti-climate due to their singular opposition to a carbon tax and unwillingness to put a real climate policy alternative before Canadians. Climate change action can represent a real electoral opportunity for the Conservatives should they choose to seize the opportunity.
Photo: Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer speaks to members of caucus on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on March 20, 2019. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 274 |
Bayern Munich are used to having it their way, poaching the best talents from up and down the Bundesliga at will and without much resistance. (It’s actually surprising that they were forced to pay the release clause for World Cup hero Benjamin Pavard instead of agreeing something well short of the €35m now due to VfB Stuttgart in the summer.)
This attitude of superiority is the only way to explain comments from sporting director Hasan Salihamidžić in a scenario where most others would only say that, respectfully, they do not talk about players from other clubs. (Chelsea assistant Gianfranco Zola broke this unwritten rule recently as well with regards to Callum Wilson and had developed a sudden “illness” the next time it was his turn to take the microphone in a press conference — Carlo Cudicini deputized instead!)
In any case, here’s “Brazzo” publicly tapping up Callum Hudson-Odoi during the press conference announcing the Pavard transfer.
Salihamidzic zu Hudson-Odoi: „Er ist ein sehr interessanter Spieler, den wir unbedingt verpflichten wollen. Er hat Qualitäten, die zu unserem Spiel passen. Er ist dribbelstark, schnell, hat einen guten Zug zum Tor.“ @SPORTBILD @FCBayern @BILD_Sport @ChelseaFC #HudsonOdoi — Tobias Altschäffl (@altobelli13) January 9, 2019
Which auto-translates to (with minor edits):
“He’s a very interesting player whom we absolutely want to sign. He has qualities that suit our game. He’s a strong dribbler, fast, has a good move to goal.” -Hasan Salihamidžić
Reports earlier on Tuesday, before Hudson-Odoi got the start and played 80 minutes against Spurs in the League Cup semifinal first leg, claimed that Bayern had submitted a fourth bid for the 18-year-old, apparently meeting Chelsea’s “valuation” at £35m (without a buyback clause). Some reports have gone even beyond that, claiming that Chelsea have already accepted it, too.
Whatever the actual truth of the situation may be, there’s little we can do at this point. The past is the past, and that’s what’s gotten us into this latest youth development pickle. It’s now up to Hudson-Odoi to make the decision, and choose between Chelsea’s and Bayern’s promises. | 275 |
With nearly one year until the film is supposed to hit theaters, footage from Disney's live-action Dumbo movie has been revealed for the very first time. Disney shared an inside look at Dumbo during Tuesday's live presentation at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, NV.
The footage that was shown was mostly behind-the-scenes type of stuff, with the actors talking about the making of the movie. However, the collection did feature a glimpse at the young Dumbo, revealing what he will look like in a live action format.
None of this footage has been released onine, but someone in attendance was able to grab a picture of Dumbo on the screen. You can check it out below, along with a shot of the film's official logo.
Estas son las 1as imágenes en la #CinemaCon d lo q #TimBurton está haciendo con el #Dumbo de live action! Es de incertidumbre su dirección en esta 🎞️ porque sus trabajos suelen ser sombríos y cuando se junta c/@DisneyStudiosLA, pues la cosa puede resultar en una Alicia extraña pic.twitter.com/xai6zwvcjG — NotengoOtronombre (@elhombredelcine) April 24, 2018
When the Dumbo presentation began, Disney EVP Cathleen Tiff introduced the coming footage, explaining that the movie would be a different, more expanded version of the tale we've grown accustomed to.
"We've expanded the story, taking that as a jumping off point for Dumbo's newest story," Taff said before unveiling a peak at the film.
Again, the footage hasn't been released online, but a member of ComicBook.com's staff was in attendance for the presentation, and they were able to describe what was shown to the audience.
Here's what the folks in attendance saw from Dumbo:
Danny DeVito rallies people at a circus, getting them excited about Dumbo, "the amazing flying elephant." Colin Farrell explains this is a whole new story. "The original ends with the elephant flying," DeVito said. "This one begins with that and goes even further." DeVito's character scolds employees for not doing their job and degraded the elephant. His character is struggling as the traveling circus business is dying. Farrell explains Dumbo brings his character closer to his kids.
The live action Dumbo is directed by Tim Burton, on a script from Ehren Kruger. The film stars Eva Green, Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Alan Arkin, and Danny Devito.
Dumbo is scheduled to hit theaters on March 29, 2019. | 276 |
MEXICO CITY -- Gay-rights advocates in Mexico today are hailing a ruling by the nation's Supreme Court that says that marriage is not just between a man and a woman, a decision that will have widespread implications throughout the country.
The news was reported by AnimalPolitico.com and After Marriage blog, among others, noting that the text of the actual ruling has yet to be published.
Mexico's high court struck down Oaxaca state's ban on marriage equality, a decision that "paves the way to universal marriage rights in the country," the blog stated.
Tijuana's largest newspaper, Frontera, wrote in its headline today: "SCJN abre camino a bodas gay en todo el País" --
which roughly translates to "Supreme court opens the way to gay weddings for the entire country."
La Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN) ordenó al Registro Civil de Oaxaca registrar los matrimonios de tres parejas homosexuales, un criterio que abre el camino para el futuro reconocimiento de estas uniones en el resto del País. Por unanimidad de votos, la Primera Sala de la Corte declaró inconstitucional la porción del artículo 143 del Código Civil de Oaxaca que define al matrimonio como la unión entre un hombre y una mujer y establece que tiene como fin la procreación.
Google Translate: The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) ordered the Civil Registry of Oaxaca register marriages of three gay couples, an approach that opens the way for the future recognition of such unions in the rest of the country. By unanimous vote, the First Chamber of the Court declared unconstitutional the portion of Article 143 of the Civil Code of Oaxaca that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman and provides that aims to procreation.
The Supreme Court has ruled in 2010 that same-sex marriages performed under a Mexico City law had to be recognized nationwide, but few states followed that precedent.
Marriage equality is gaining momentum throughout the Americas. Uruguay's House is expected to approve marriage equality on Tuesday, Dec. 11, sending the bill to its Senate for a vote in early 2013. Same-sex marriages are legal in Canada, Argentina and nine states and the District of Columbia in the U.S. Across the pond, gay marriage is legal in Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Sweden. | 277 |
Here’s a pro tip: When you want to rally the nation to save humanity from certain extinction, maybe you shouldn’t dismiss all the elderly people simply because they’re in their sunset years.
That was the lesson that the German branch of an international movement spearheaded by teen climate change speaker Greta Thunberg learned the hard way this week. “Why do grandparents talk to us each year?” Fridays for Future (FFF) Germany tweeted. “They won’t be around much longer.”
Warum reden uns die Großeltern eigentlich immer noch jedes Jahr rein? Die sind doch eh bald nicht mehr dabei. #weihnachtenundklimakrise — Fridays For Future Germany (@FridayForFuture) December 23, 2019
This generation-bashing attitude would probably be cheered if it was from a rebellious teen punk band. Not so much from people who say the world needs to be saved yesterday and accuse adults of ruining children’s dreams.
Comments accusing the movement of being insensitive to those who lost their grandparents and disrespecting their elders quickly piled up. The failed attempt at humor was slammed not only by rank and file Twitterati, but also by many German politicians.
Paul Ziemiak, the secretary general of the Christian Democratic Union, told Bild he is glad that “the overwhelming majority of young people in Germany” do not share the view voiced by the FFF. The Green Party’s Boris Palmer said in his experience, grandparents are usually “the most concerned about the future of children.”
Social Democrat Sawsan Chebli responded to the dismissive tweet saying she never had the chance to be close with her grandparents and envied those who have them. “Please, delete this tweet,” she said. “Nothing in the world justifies such contempt to grandparents.” Konstantin Kuhle of the Free Democrats said the FFF couldn’t expect others to respect them and their legitimate cause while posting such things.
The FFF first tried to downplay the gaffe, saying it was just satire, an attempt to find things that can be said about both Christmas and the climate crisis, but soon caved in and offered an apology.
Also on rt.com Greta Thunberg spars with German train company in Twitter spat nobody saw coming
Thunberg, the spiritual leader of the movement, also landed in hot water in Germany recently. The young activist lashed out at the national railway, Deutsche Bahn, complaining about overcrowded trains. The company shot back, with a sarcastic thank you to Greta for traveling first class.
If you like this story, share it with a friend! | 278 |
alla onkin nähty runsaasti.
Hallituksen olisi siis muutettava linjauksiaan, jotta valtiovarainministeri Alexander Stubbin anteeksipyyntö olisi uskottava ja eettisesti johdonmukainen. Tämä on erityisen tärkeää ottaen huomioon ennen vaaleja annettujen koulutuslupausten rikkominen.
Muutoin herää kysymys, oliko Stubbin tavoite tuona pimeänä marraskuisena iltana saada enemmän itselleen sielunrauha kuin pyytää vilpittömästi anteeksi. Tällainen ikään kuin Narkissoksen apologia ei pura groteskin tilanteen jännitteitä vaan päinvastoin lisää niitä.
Burke, Kenneth 1969a [1945]. A Grammar of Motives. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Burke, Kenneth 1969v [1950]. A Rhetoric of Motives. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Burke, Kenneth 1984a [1935]. Permanence and Change. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Burke, Kenneth 1984b [1937]. Attitudes toward History. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Lazare, Aaron 2004. On Apology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ryan, Halford Ross 1982. “Kategoria and Apologia. On their Rhetorical Criticism as a Speech Act”. Quarterly Journal of Speech. Vol. 68, 254–261.
St. Thomas of Aquinas. Summa Theologica. Echo Library.
Stubb, Alexander 2015. Keynote-puhe Tiedettä maailman parhaaksi -seminaarin Helsinki Challenge -finalisti-illassa Helsingin yliopistossa 12. marraskuuta 2015. Osoitteessa käyty 14.11.2015.
Ware, B. L. & Linkugel Wil A. 1973. “They Spoke in Defense of Themselves: On the Generic Criticism of Apologia”. Quarterly Journal of Speech. Vol. 59: 3, 273–283.
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| 279 |
Владимир Болдырев
Сирийский экспресс и военторг
РК 9M79M Точка
One of the rockets that launch from a #Russian warship in Mediterranean, the cities of northern #Syria #PutinAtWar pic.twitter.com/q1AZG6VJSc — Khaled AL Homsi (@PalmyraPioneer) October 28, 2015
One of the too many #Russia|n missiles that fell on Khan Shaykhun civilians a while ago.. #Idlib #Syria pic.twitter.com/YKCtV1ds98 — Rami (@RamiAlLolah) November 3, 2015
Part of a #Russia|n Tochka missile found near a refugee camp on the #Syria|n-TK border in Latakia's n- countryside. pic.twitter.com/sxzoZjukPt — Sakir Khader (@sakirkhader) November 2, 2015
БТР-82А у сирийцев
БМ-30 «Смерч»
#فيلق_الشام #ريف_اللاذقية
جثة يعتقد انها لاحد مقاتلي روسيافي محور #جب_الأحمر والدرع الذي كان يرتديه تحت اقدام الفيلق pic.twitter.com/5skVCYnNld — فيلق الشام (@ShamLegion) November 5, 2015
Советники и корректировщики
Добровольцы или действующие спецназовцы ГРУ?
Вывод из данного поста | 280 |
The present invention relates to a sandwich assembly tool and methods of making a sandwich, which may be a hot or cold sandwich, quickly by pre-assembly of various sandwich components and simultaneous preparation of different parts of the same sandwich. The sandwich assembly tool is composed of a member preferably having one or two cavities for containing a quantity of garnish. The cavities are used for the assembly of the sandwich. The tool may have a raised ridge adjacent one or both cavities for placement against the hinge of a bread component. Methods of making a sandwich] are disclosed. The methods may include one or more of the use of preasseribled sandwich fillings, assembly of garnishes in advance of a customer's order or while ether portions of the sandwich are being heated using the sandwich assembly tool, the simultaneous heating of a bread component and the sandwich filling, placing the bread component over the tool containing garnish, and inverting the tool and bread combination to deposit the sandwich garnish onto the bread component.
La présente invention a trait à un outil d'assemblage de sandwich et à des procédés de préparation rapide d'un sandwich, qui peut être un sandwich chaud ou froid, par l'assemblage préalable d'éléments de sandwich et la préparation simultanée de diverses parties du même sandwich. L'outil d'assemblage de sandwich est constitué d'un organe de préférence ayant une ou deux cavités pour contenir une quantité de garniture. Les cavités servent à l'assemblage du sandwich. L'outil peut présenter un rebord relevé adjacent à l'une ou aux deux cavités destiné à être disposé contre la charnière d'un constituant de pain. L'invention a également trait à des procédés de fabrication d'un sandwich. Les procédés peuvent comprendre une ou plusieurs des actions suivantes: l'utilisation de garnitures de sandwich préalablement assemblées, l'assemblage de garnitures en anticipation à une commande d'un client ou pendant le chauffage d'autres portions du sandwich à l'aide de l'outil d'assemblage de sandwich, le chauffage simultané du constituant de pain et de la garniture de sandwich, le placement du constituant de pain sur l'outil contenant la garniture, et le renversement de la combinaison outil et pain pour déposer la garniture de sandwich sur le constituant de pain. | 281 |
On the eve of New York’s primary, former governor of Puerto Rico, Aníbal Acevedo Vilá, endorsed Bernie Sanders in the Bronx, the newpaper El Nuevo Día reports. Sanders held a meeting today with New York’s Puerto Rican community.
Anibal Acevedo Vilá was elected head of government of Puerto Rico in 2004 and belongs to the present ruling party of the island, Partido Popular Democrático, which is divided between those seeking a sovereign Puerto Rico with a free association treaty (Ela soberano), and those seeking greater powers in a non-territorial and non-colonial arrangement with the US (Ela mejorado).
En la víspera de las primarias presidenciales demócratas de Nueva York, el exgobernador Aníbal Acevedo Vilá anunció hoy su respaldo al senador por Vermont Bernie Sanders. "Ha traído temas – al debate presidencial-, que deben ser la aspiración de cualquier sociedad moderna. Para mí es quien tiene más claro las posiciones sobre Puerto Rico", indicó Acevedo Vilá, en una entrevista telefónica tras participar en un foro, junto a otras personalidades políticas, con el precandidato presidencial demócrata en el restaurante Michelangelo del condado de El Bronx.
x Acevedo Vilá dice que Bernie Sanders es el mejor aspirante a Casa Blanca | El Nuevo Día https://t.co/9DjPk6mY2O — Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (@anibalacevedo) 18 de abril de 2016
x Hoy en el Bronx con @BernieSanders Sus posiciones son las más firmes sobre PR. Por eso tiene mi apoyo. #feelthebern pic.twitter.com/5a8ICJBwKa — Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (@anibalacevedo) 18 de abril de 2016
x Sanders draws sharp contrasts to Clinton night before NY primary https://t.co/g5xKTujhxm — Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (@anibalacevedo) 19 de abril de 2016
x Parte del liderato hispano de NY y @anibalacevedo en un roundtable sobre Puerto Rico convocado por @BernieSanders pic.twitter.com/bNDcL9ay1C — Eliot S. Tricotti (@eliottricotti) 18 de abril de 2016 | 282 |
Webinar - for those of you who can't attend, you can join us remotely via this Webinar (https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cosfuleudovf9bbitllefb93874). You will be able to watch us live and ask questions.
Location Update - Due to the increase in participation, we have moved the meetup to Google Tel Aviv (26 floor). Parking is available in the nearby Azrieli Center.
The meetup will take place on Thursday Oct 21 at Google Campus Tel Aviv
19:00 - Gathering
19:30 - Mastercoin Presentation
20:30 - Free discusssion
In this meetup we will cover the Mastercoin project.
On the agenda:
1. Introduction to Mastercoin. This will be familiar for people who attended the similar meetup we had in August (http://www.meetup.com/bitcoin-il/events/134955742/).
2. Project status and updates. We will fill you in on how the project is going, and the various features, clients and exchanges are coming up, and provide details on how to get involved.
Looking forward to seeing you!
המפגש ידון בפרוייקט מאסטרקוין
האג'נדה מכילה:
1. הקדמה למאסטרקוין. התוכן יחפוף במידה רבה את ההרצאה הקודמת (http://www.meetup.com/bitcoin-il/events/134955742/) שהעברנו בנושא.
2. ססטוס ועדכונים. נעדכן לגבי התקדמות הפרוייקט, הפיצ'רים השונים, תוכנות, אקצ'יינגים ועוד.
מצפים לראותכם! | 283 |
‘Moby,’ one of the ships rented by the Interior Ministry to house members of Civil Guard and National Police. CARLES RIBAS / EL PAÍS
The Spanish Interior Ministry will be deploying 5,000 police officers in Catalonia over the coming days, in order to deal with the rising tensions in the region over the illegal independence referendum planned for October 1. Given the impossibility of finding accommodation for such a large number of people, two large ferries have been chartered for some of the National Police officers who are to be stationed there: the Rhapsody and the Moby Dada.
The latter vessel has caught the attention of many, however. As can be seen in the above photo taken by EL PAÍS photographer Carles Ribas, and as we can read on the company website, the ship is decorated with much-loved Looney Tunes cartoon characters. Of course, this small fact was never likely to go unnoticed by Twitter users, who were very quick to point out the contrast between the simmering tensions in Catalonia, the obligations of the security forces in this respect, and giant paintings of Tweety, Sylvester and Wile E. Coyote.
Once again, it’s worth pointing out that this is a real story, and not ripped from the pages of Spanish satirical website El Mundo Today.
Sólo por este barco lleno de policías ya merece la pena toda la lata del referendum pic.twitter.com/cc3ldjlJ7Z — Armando el pollo (@Arma_pollo) September 21, 2017
“This ship alone, full of police officers, makes all the fuss about the referendum worth it”
El Gobierno da un ultimátum a Puigdemont: si no desconvoca el referéndum, dejarán que Silvestre se coma a Piolín. pic.twitter.com/pOh55i1oZU — Anacleto Panceto (@Xuxipc) September 21, 2017
“The government gives [regional premier] Puigdemont an ultimatum: if you don’t call off the referendum, Sylvester will eat Tweety.”
“They are calling the police operation in Catalonia ‘Anubis’ (god of death) but they are staying in a boat decorated with Tweety and Daffy Duck.”
Nos llegan imágenes en directo de Cataluña. pic.twitter.com/ruk9SG3kj6 — Els quatre gats (@Els_quatre_gats) September 22, 2017
“These images are coming to us live from Catalonia.” | 284 |
Pyongyang avait fait part de son projet de démanteler "complètement" son site de Punggye-ri et avait invité des journalistes étrangers à observer l'opération.
La Corée du Nord a démantelé son seul site d'essais nucléaires connu, ont rapporté jeudi 24 mai plusieurs médias étrangers invités à assister à l'opération. Pyongyang avait fait part de son projet de démanteler "complètement" son site de Punggye-ri, signe de bonne volonté avant un sommet potentiel avec les États-Unis.
L'agence sud-coréenne Yonhap, qui cite des journalistes sud-coréens présents sur les lieux, a déclaré que de multiples explosions avaient été entendues tout au long de la journée, entre 11 heures et 16h17 (heure locale). "Il y a eu une explosion énorme, on a pu la ressentir. La poussière nous arrivait dessus, la chaleur nous arrivait dessus. Le bruit était très fort", a déclaré Tom Cheshire, un journaliste de Sky News, sur le site de la chaîne de télévision britannique.
BREAKING: North Korea declares its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri closed, journalists report a "huge explosion" took place and blew an observation tower "to smithereens." But no images yet. https://t.co/sifh9yZW0e pic.twitter.com/7GUfMzDN6N — Anna Fifield (@annafifield) 24 mai 2018
Punggye-ri a été le théâtre des six essais nucléaires menés par Pyongyang, dont le dernier en date a eu lieu en septembre. Ce test, le plus puissant à ce jour, aurait concerné une bombe à hydrogène. Les spécialistes sont divisés sur le fait de savoir si le site sera vraiment rendu inutilisable. Certains assurent que le site n'est de toute façon plus utile après les six essais nord-coréens, d'autres déclarent qu'il peut être reconstruit rapidement en cas de besoin. | 285 |
, 1967. Idem, Nouveaux me‚langes e‚pigraphiques. Inscriptions royales de Suse et de la Susiane, Me‚moires de la De‚le‚gation arche‚-ologique en Iran, 53, Nice, 1987. Idem, H. Gasche, and L. De Meyer, "La Susiane au deuxieme mille‚naire. propos d'une interpre‚tation des fouilles de Suse," Iranica Antiqua 15, 1980, pp. 49-154. M. W. Stolper, "Inscribed Fragments from Khuzistân," CDAFI 8, 1978, pp. 89-96. Idem, "On the Dynasty of Šimaški and the Early Sukkalmahs," ZA 72, 1982, pp. 42-67. Idem, Texts from Tell-i Malyan I. Elamite Administrative Texts (1972-74), Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 6, Philadelphia, 1984. F. Vallat, "Les briques elamites de Deylam," AMI, Ergänzungsbd. 10, 1983, pp. 11-18. Idem, "Religion et civilisation e‚lamites en Susiane," Dossiers Histoire et Arche‚ologie 138, 1989, pp. 46-49. Idem, "Šutruk-Nahunte, Šutur-Nahunte et l'imbroglio ne‚o-elamite," Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et Utilitaires, 1995/44, pp. 37-38. L. Vanden Berghe, "Les reliefs e‚lamites de Mâlamîr," Iranica Antiqua 3, 1963, pp. 22-39. C. B. F. Walker, Cuneiform Brick Inscriptions in the British Museum, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, The City of Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery, The City of Bristol Museums and Art Gallery, London, 1981. H. T. Wright and M. W. Stolper, "Elamite Brick Fragments from Chogha Pahn East and Related Fragments," in Contribution a l'histoire de l'Iran. Me‚langes offerts a J. Perrot, Paris, 1990, pp. 151-63. R. Zadok, The Elamite Onomasticon, AIUON Supplement 40, 1984. *** Note: This article is originated from CAIS at SOAS (http://www.cais-soas.com); copyright © CAIS at SOAS.
| 286 |
RottaFlekti/MouseFan So, your hand is getting a little warm while playing or surfing the net? This little mod could help you. The basic function is somewhat similar to the device in bowling alleys where you can dry you hands and the bowling ball. Lets try out if this idea works :) Mouse, like every other rodent, works with 5 volts. The logical choice for the fan would be from the chipset or from the video card with active cooling. So lets find one. Take off the two little screws that are holding the heatsink and the fan together. Then take your pliers and cut the fan out of it's frame. I chose my old Microsoft ps2 mouse for the mod. It's rather big and roomy, makes the installation a lot easier. Picture shows the first tries to fit the fan inside. The idea is to get the air flowing against the player's palm. We need to get some air somewhere so I made a few holes to the side of the mouse to be used as an intake. You can also drill a hole for a switch if you like to add one. Could be useful if you want to turn this thing off :) After a while, nice set of holes. Not quite symmetrical but should work. Made a little platform with a rubber pad. You can use a nut, cork from a bottle etc. This is to ensure that the blades of the fan doesn't hit the case of the mouse. Some instant glue, few solders and you are ready to test this. Just take that +5 volts anywhere you can find it. Best place to find is to take it straight from the ps2 cord. Other good place to look is the logic circuit. I took it there. The method used is described in LogoMouse article. Ready to be tested... And it works. :) There is a noticable breeze coming out of the mouse. For the optimal performance you should try to make more or bigger holes than I did. There is too much material blocking the best air flow. This kind of mod this time. Really weird mod but hey, it works, honestly. :) At least now you can demonstrate your great sense of style to you friends when you make this mod. Everybody should have one... maybe not, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't ;) Questions, comments etc? Back to the frontpage. Finnish version 07.08.2001, translated to English 17.12.2001 - ©Japala
Content in english!
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Italian authorities have boarded the Sea-Watch 3 preventing it from docking in Lampedusa.
They checked the ship and the crew passports and are now awaiting instructions from their superiors. I really hope they will bring the rescued migrants down soon,” the rescue vessel’s captian Carola Rackete said in a video uploaded to Twitter on Wednesday afternoon.
The ship entered Italian territorial waters earlier today, defying Italy’s port blockade in a bid to disembark 42 rescued migrants in Lampedusa. It was eventually stopped by two patrol boats three miles from port.
The decision to defy the Italian authorities was taken by Rackete on Wednesday afternoon.
It comes 24 hours after the European Court of Human Rights rejected an appeal by the migrants to demand that Italy allow them to disembark.
The migrants have been on board the ship for two weeks, circling just outside territorial waters off Lampedusa.
🔴🔴”Ho deciso di entrare in porto a Lampedusa. So cosa rischio ma i 42 naufraghi a bordo sono allo stremo. Li porto in salvo”.
In 14 gg nessuna soluzione politica e giuridica è stata possibile, l’Europa ci ha abbandonati.
La ns Comandante non ha scelta.https://t.co/MltJ2RME4F — Sea-Watch Italy (@SeaWatchItaly) June 26, 2019
Rackete and her crew could face a €50,000 fine, criminal action and the confiscation of the vessel as a result of Italy’s harsh law.
She said that after 14 days “no political and judicial solution was found” and insisted that “Europe has abandoned us”.
Italy’s hardline Home Affairs Minister Matteo Salvini said in a tweet that Lampedusa and Italy were in need of “tourists that pay and not illegal immigrants that it must maintain”.
Lampedusa e l’Italia hanno bisogno di turisti che pagano, non di clandestini che dobbiamo mantenere noi. pic.twitter.com/ZXQrSVcJOU — Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) June 26, 2019
Sea Watch 3 has been circling outside Italian territorial waters off the coast of Lampedusa.
The migrants were rescued off Libya on 12 June and Sea Watch 3 refused to take them back to the Libyan capital Tripoli.
Libya is deemed to be unsafe by the UN, in the wake of ongoing internal conflict. | 288 |
El campeón mundial wélter de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo (AMB), el chubutense Lucas Matthysse, combatirá ante el filipino Manny Pacquiao en Malasia, según se confirmó hoy de manera oficial.
Signed, sealed, and delivered: Proud to officially announce that WBA welterweight world champion @MatthysseLucas will put his title on the line against @mannypacquiao in Kuala Lumpur, Malyasia on Saturday night July 14 (US time). — Oscar De La Hoya (@OscarDeLaHoya) 2 de abril de 2018
Oscar de la Hoya, uno de los promotores del argentino, escribió en su cuenta de Twitter que el combate se realizará el 14 de julio en Kuala Lumpur.
De acuerdo a lo informado por el titular de "Golden Boy Promotions", el acuerdo está "firmado y sellado", por lo que no existe chance de que la pelea se frustre salvo algún imprevisto.
Matthysse había manifestado su deseo de enfrentar al filipino minutos después de haber noqueado al tailandés Tewa Kiram, en Los Ángeles, que le significó obtener el cinturón de la AMB.
Pacquiao, que viene de resignar el título wélter de la Organización Mundial de Boxeo (OMB) ante el australino Jeff Horn, tiene 39 años y el récord de haber obtenido 9 cinturones de campeón en ocho categorías diferentes.
El "Pac-Man" cuenta con una foja de 59 triunfos, siete derrotas y dos empates, con 38 nocauts y un triunfo podría significar un brillante cierre de carrera.
Para Matthysse, nacido en Trelew hace 35 años, es la chance de aprovechar su tercera gran oportunidad tras haber sido vencido por el estadounidense Danny García y el ucraniano Viktor Polstol.
El argentino tiene un récord de 39 triunfos, cuatro derrotas y un empate, con la destacable marca que 36 victorias fueron por nocaut. | 289 |
ger, Ranjit Teja, and Andrew Wolfe, “Puerto Rico — A Way Forward,” Government Development Bank, June 29, 2015, 17-18.
16. The byname of “independent” has a double meaning in local labor parlance and refers to “independence” from both government control and control from U.S. unions. On the one hand, in the 1950s, the Partido Popular Democrático succeeded in creating a corporatist model that weakened the combative Central General de Trabajadores while incorporating many labor leaders into government. On the other hand, the tension with mainland-based organizations has been a constant throughout Puerto Rico’s history. Since the early days in the 1900s (when the AFL-CIO provided resources to help organize workers and eventually succeeded in neutralizing the most radical sectors among sugarcane and tobacco workers) up to the mid-1990s (when mainland labor groups achieved the representation of employees in many public-sector agencies and utilities), U.S.-based unions have been seen alternately as powerful allies with vital organizing capabilities or as “colonialists” who undercut local unions. Gervasio L. García and A. G. Quintero, Desafío y solidaridad: breve historia del movimiento obrero puertorriqueño [Defiance and Solidarity: A Brief History of the Puerto Rican Labor Movement] (Río Piedras: Ediciones Huracán, 1982). Miles Gavin, The Organized Labor Movement in Puerto Rico (Plainsboro: Associated University Press, 1979). Ramón Arbona Martínez and Armindo Núñez Miranda, Pedro Grant. La vida una lucha, una lucha la vida: Memorias de un líder sindical [Pedro Grant. Life as a Struggle, Struggle as Life: Memoirs of a Union Leader] (Río Piedras: Ediciones Callejón, 2005). Selected passages of César J. Ayala and Rafael Bernabe, Puerto Rico en el siglo americano: su historia desde 1898 [Puerto Rico in the American Century: Its History since 1898] (San Juan: Ediciones Callejón, 2011). Rosado Marzán, “Dependent Unionism”; and Rosado Marzán, “Solidarity or Colonialism?”
17. “Propuestas de la Coalición Sindical ante la crisis económica, social y política” [Proposals of the Coalición Sindical in Response to the Economic, Social and Political Crisis], October 5, 2014. Photocopy pr | 290 |
Even though it lacks the typical crescendo, its absence seems fitting and oddly appropriate to the tone of the song. Ethereal and enticing, Claudia’s garden seems like the place to be.
2. Peu Madureira – “Só por Ela”
3. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
4. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
5. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
1. Lili – “O voo das cegonhas”
Lili and Cláudia Pascoal stand out as the two best choices for Portugal in 2018 and both have good songs. Lili edges out Cláudia because her song sounds the most current of the bunch and would not sound entirely out of place on the radio either. In a national final with many songs hoping to replicate last year’s success, Lili doesn’t follow the same script. “O voo das cegonhas” would be a refreshing change of pace for Portugal.
2. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
3. David Pessoa – “Amor veloz”
4. Anabela – “Para te dar abrigo”
5. Joana Espadinha – “Zero a zero”
1. Peter Serrado – “Sunset”
The effect of Salvador’s win is very visible at this year’s Festival da Canção, as everyone tries to play the same cards, so Peter definitely stands out of the competition with his mid-tempo country song, which resembles Douwe Bob by its arrangement. It’s a cheerful song, and you can definitely feel that something is happening here. As a conclusion, Festival da Canção is an artistic time-machine this year, which has just enough songs that prevent it from turning into a snoozefest.
2. Peu Madureira – “Só por ela”
3. Catarina Miranda – “Para sorrir eu não preciso de nada”
4. Minnie & Rhayra – “Patati Patata”
5. Cláudia Pascoal – “O Jardim”
What are your favourite Festival da Canção 2018 songs? Who do you think should represent Portugal at Eurovision? Share your thoughts below!
Sen. Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III on Saturday said the Marcoses should be treated fairly after former First Lady Imelda Marcos was allowed to post bail while her appeal on her graft charges is still pending.
Pimentel noted that Marcos should be treated fairly despite the unfairness of the Marcos family during the martial law years.
“Kung naging unfair sa atin yung mga Marcoses maging fair tayo sa kanila para makita naman nila na ang laban natin ngayon ay patas unlike sa panahon nila na hindi patas,” Pimentel told radio station DWIZ.
(If the Marcoses happened to be unfair to us, let’s be fair to them and show them that our fight today is fair unlike those days that they were not.)
Pimentel was reacting to the Nov. 28 Sandiganbayan court’s Fifth Division resolution which granted Marcos’ “motion for leave to avail of postconviction remedies” and allowed her to post P300,000 worth of bail.
Pimentel explained that under the Constitution the bail is “discretionary” unless their crime’s punishment is under life imprisonment.
“Ang general rule sa ating Constitution lahat tayo na maakusahan ng krimen, merong right to post bail. Except when pag mabigat yung akyusasyon like yung punishment niya life imprisonment so bail is discretionary,” he said.
The senator added that Marcos’ right to post bail needs to be respected as her graft charges were not equal to the “life imprisonment punishment.”
“So kung di pumasok doon sa exception yung kaso niya meron siyang karapatan to post bail. Marcos man siya, hitler man siya yan po ay mayroong karapatan. Kailangang respetuhin natin ang karapatan ng tao,” Pimentel said.
Last Nov. 9, Marcos was found guilty of seven counts of ten of the graft cases filed against her and sentenced to a maximum prison term of 6 years up to 11 years.
The graft charges were related to the Swiss foundations she and late dictator Ferdinand Marcos established and used to stash at least $200-million abroad while she was a member of the defunct Batasang Pambansa, Metro Manila governor and minister of human settlements. /jpv
Imelda Marcos guilty of graft, ordered arrested
Read Next
MOST READ | 292 |
A number of foreign nationals have been targeted in a drive-by shooting in the Italian city of Macerata, with police suggesting the attack may be racially motivated.
Several people were left injured following a shooting spree on Via dei Velini and Via Spalato, reported La Repubblica. One man has now been arrested in connection with the Saturday morning attack, according to police.
#Macerata È italiano il presunto autore della sparatoria fermato dalle Forze dell'Ordine. Uno dei feriti è stato sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico pic.twitter.com/xx2AcZwI2w — Polizia di Stato (@poliziadistato) February 3, 2018
A man was arrested at Piazza della Vittoria in connection with the Saturday morning attack. A photo released by police shows the suspect being apprehended with an Italian tri-color flag draped over his shoulders.
The man has since been named as 28-year-old Luca Traini. Meanwhile, a pistol has reportedly been recovered from his vehicle by investigators.
Italian police have confirmed that all the victims are of foreign descent, following suggestions in the Italian press that the shootings were racially motivated, with at least four of the victims said to be African migrants.
#Macerata i feriti accertati sono di nazionalità straniera. Subito soccorsi sono ora in ospedale pic.twitter.com/T9Afnp1aWo — Polizia di Stato (@poliziadistato) February 3, 2018
Corriere is reporting that one police line of inquiry is that it could be a revenge attack for the death of Pamela Mastropietro. The 18-year-old’s dismembered body was recently found in two suitcases on the outskirts of the city. A 29-year-old man from Nigeria has been charged with her murder, reported ANSA news.
Earlier, Macerata Mayor Romano Carancini announced a shut down of schools and offices while the armed assailant remained at large.
“There’s an armed man in a car shooting in town,” Carancini said in a Facebook post. “We stopped public transport. We asked schools to keep children inside until further notice. It is recommended not to pick them up until further notice.”
Italian police also sent a tweet warning residents to stay indoors.
“Gunshots in Macerata. There are wounded. Police operation in progress. Stay in shelter and avoid outdoor areas,” it read.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! | 293 |
As you all know by now, I am currently teaching the Scheme programming language to my 2nd year students as a means to master the functional programming paradigm.
I started four weeks ago with a general introduction on programming paradigms and on the necessity to at least know the most important ones in order to become a decent programmer. As my students had already studied imperative and object-oriented programming become coming to my class, I offered them to teach functional programming (using Scheme), logic programming (using Prolog in principle) and scripting (using Ruby). This first lecture can be downloaded here.
The following week, I introduced Scheme by putting a lot of accent on the evaluation of expression and the definition of simple (mathematical functions). The lecture, which is available here, was followed by a lab sheet where the students were introduced to DrScheme and were asked to write a number of simple functions (like fahrenheit->celcius).
The next lecture was on recursion and I focussed on a number of mathematical functions like factorial, fibonacci, square root using Newton’s successive approximation etc. I spent some time introducing the concept of tail-recursion to them as well as the tail-recursion optimization that Scheme has to do.
As an example, this:
(define (o+ n m)
(cond ((zero? m) n)
(else (o+ (add1 n) (sub1 m)))))
runs in constant space (i.e. there are no recursive function calls at runtime) even though it is expressed recursively. During the lab, the students implemented and traced a number of recursive functions (using the tracing facilities found in MzScheme). They implemented o+’s friends, o-, o*, o/, o^, o=, o< and o> (corresponding, of course, to our usual +, -, *, /, ^, =, < and >) using tail-recursion so that they run as quickly as possible.
The last lecture which I had last Friday was on pairs and lists, the most fundamental compound data structures found in Scheme. I introduced them to car and cdr and showed them a number of fundamental algorithms acting on lists (like length). During the lab, I asked the students to implement a simple database of students and marks and this is inspired by what I read in Practical Common Lisp.
My observations
My lectures have been cool up to now. The students are lively and responsive to my jokes and “parentheses”. The labs also are going on nicely with students who are really learning new things and having fun in the process.
It’s too early to say whether they’ll become better programmers eventually but I feel they are on the right track… | 294 |
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Save Data Update Channel
The Wii Menu Title Screen for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Save Data Update Channel Developer Nintendo Publisher Nintendo Released December 2011
December 2011
December 22, 2011
Platforms Wii
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Save Data Update Channel, known on the Wii Menu's Title Screen as Save Data Update Channel For The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, Save Data Update by the Wii Message Board, and Zelda Data Restoration Channel in Japan, is a channel for the Wii system, made available on the Wii Shop Channel for free in December 2011. This channel is the first available on the Wii Shop Channel to feature a screen reading "the download of this software is only advised to those who own a copy of (specified game)".
This channel came into fruition after Nintendo became aware of the infamous Song of the Hero glitch in Skyward Sword, a bug that can potentially prevent completion of the game. This channel was first announced when Nintendo confirmed this glitch on their official website, where they then stated, "We will be releasing an online patch in order to fix this bug. Those who do not have access to the internet will need to send their copies of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, their SD Card with Skyward Sword save data on it, or their Wii system to our Customer Service."[1]
The channel features an original soundbyte on the Wii Menu Title Screen, but the software within contains an explanation of the Song of Heroes glitch, and the option to accept or decline an online update for Skyward Sword that will fix this bug. The channel then informs the user that it is safe to delete The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Save Update Channel from the Wii's system memory after having performed the update.
Names in Other Regions Language Name Meaning Japanese ゼルダの伝説スカイウォードソード データ修復チャンネル (Zeruda no Densetsu: Sukaiwōdo Sōdo Dēta Shūfuku Channeru) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Data Repair Channel French CA Chaîne d'actualisation des données de sauvegarde The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Chaîne mise à jour des données The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Actual. des données Spanish LA Canal de actualización de datos de guardado The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Canal Actualización de datos The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Actualiz. de datos
Nintendo's official webpage concerning The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Save Data Update Channel
References | 295 |
Our team at UVic and a network of BC Water Leaders — experts, practitioners and champions from First Nations, salmon, wildlife and community organizations — tackled this question in December 2018 with a submission to the provincial government, outlining essential actions to ensure freshwater protection, including three priorities:
Advance reconciliation with Indigenous nations via renewed approaches to freshwater planning and decision-making. BC has committed to reconciliation (including implementing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples) across government, which involves fundamental shifts in how decisions are made with consent by and respect for Indigenous law and authority. Working in government-to-government forums with Indigenous nations on freshwater priorities is underway in a few key watersheds (like the Nicola First Nations), but these efforts must be expanded and sustained, with adequate resources to support Indigenous initiatives and leadership in freshwater governance and management.
Place water at the centre of a modern strategic land-use planning regime. Land-based activities like forestry and urban development have major impacts on fresh water. Yet, historically in BC, land-use planning efforts have paid little attention to water. Building a sustainable approach will require bridging this divide and ensuring water is not only considered throughout the planning process, but becomes central to ensuring a healthy and resilient landscape or basin-level approach. The Water Sustainability Act’s key sustainability provisions – water sustainability plans, water objectives and an environmental-flows regulation – are crucial tools to deploy as part of such a water-centric land-use planning approach.
Build a strategy for BC water and climate resiliency. Extreme droughts and floods are amplified by a changing climate and will certainly be part of BC’s future. A resilience approach, centred on water, will help shift British Columbia away from perpetual crisis management to instead be prepared to adapt and respond as the full impacts of a changing climate become more apparent. An immediate need is to update the provincial drought plan and ensure critical flow protections can be triggered and quickly deployed during acute water shortages.
The year 2018 illustrated the hydrological instability that will likely shape our collective future. Actions to protect fresh water matter more now than ever. Living Water Smart gives BC a strong foundation from which revitalize its water agenda, but government will need to amplify its efforts on implementation, prioritize water as part of the provincial agenda, and support communities to lead as we transition into an increasingly uncertain climate and water future.
Photo: Shutterstock by James Gabbert
Do you have something to say about the article you just read? Be part of the Policy Options discussion, and send in your own submission. Here is a link on how to do it. | Souhaitez-vous réagir à cet article? Joignez-vous aux débats d’Options politiques et soumettez-nous votre texte en suivant ces directives. | 296 |
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson was heckled for his views on bilingualism during an event that celebrated the 20th anniversary of a rally to save Montfort Hospital.
Watson was invited to speak at the Wednesday night celebration held 20 years after the S.O.S. Montfort event at the same location — then called the Civic Centre. Watson was among the 10,000 people who attended the 1997 event.
On Wednesday, inside the renamed TD Place arena, a clamour rose up in the audience as master of ceremonies Ronald Caza, a lawyer and former director of Montfort Hospital, introduced Watson as one of the most popular mayors in Canada.
Some people whistled loudly, while others chanted "bilingual Ottawa" in French as Watson spoke.
The City of Ottawa's bilingualism bylaw recognizes the bilingual character of the city and says services will be available in both languages. Watson has repeatedly said the city doesn't need any further bilingual rules.
La foule a chahuté le maire Jim Watson en scandant « Ottawa, bilingue » lors du spectacle pour les 20 ans de S.O.S. Montfort. <a href="https://t.co/JbhYF45wAp">pic.twitter.com/JbhYF45wAp</a> —@iciottgat
In French, Watson told the crowd of about 4,000 people the 1997 rally wasn't just about supporting the hospital — it was also a call to protect the rights of Ontario's Francophone minority.
"I remember the evening very well and I am pleased to have participated," he said in French.
Watson was only able to quiet the crowd when he began to list the names of Francophone Montfort supporters, including Gisèle Lalonde (who was president of the S.O.S. Montfort movement from 1997 to 2002), the late Mauril Bélanger and Caza.
The mayor ended his speech by declaring March 22 Franco-Ontarian solidarity day.
Others greeted with standing ovation
A few minutes later, Lalonde and Michelle de Courville Nicol, a former chair of Montfort Hospital's board of directors, took to the stage and were greeted with applause that lasted several minutes.
Archive footage showing the 1997 rally, which marked the birth of the S.O.S. Montfort movement, was also projected on a large screen.
Lalonde, visibly moved, held up a green and white Franco-Ontarian flag and received a standing ovation.
Rideau-Vanier Coun. Mathieu Fleury closed the series of speeches, thanking Lalonde and Nicol, followed by performances from Francophone musicians including Moonfruits, Damien Robitaille and Robert Paquette and YAO. | 297 |
CD Projekt announced GOG Galaxy 2.0 last month as a cross-platform game library where you will be able to add all your games from multiple storefronts and keep them conveniently organized. This is a project that aims to turn a crisis into an opportunity, as the neverending expansion of digital distribution clients has been going strong for a few years now. PC gamers have always preferred keeping our game collections in a single platform, and also being able to play older games conveniently. Although we are not opposed to multiple storefronts, a single unified client to organize all our games is a very attractive idea. There have been some sketches of that idea with Discord's Universal Library, but GOG Galaxy 2.0 seems the most serious effort, especially now that Microsoft has been announced as a partner.
According to a report on GameStar, Managing Director at GOG.com Piotr Karwowski has confirmed that Microsoft will be a partner of CD Projekt in their new venture. Below is a Google Translate version of the announcement along with the original in German.
Uns gegenüber bestätigte Karwoski bereits Microsoft als Partner: »Wir haben Phil Spencer unsere App gezeigt und er war sofort begeistert, weil dieses Zusammenführen von Plattformen ja genau das ist, was Microsoft ebenfalls vorantreiben möchte.« So könne man unter anderem Game-Pass-Spiele in Galaxy 2.0 integrieren. Man sei aber auch mit fast allen anderen Plattform-Anbietern im Gespräch und bekomme bis dato sehr positive Signale. Karwoski already confirmed to us as a Microsoft partner: "We showed Phil Spencer our app and he was immediately enthusiastic, because this merge of platforms is exactly what Microsoft also wants to promote." So you could, among other game-pass games integrate in Galaxy 2.0. One is however also with nearly all other platform offerers in the conversation and get to date very positive signals.
This seems in line with Phil Spencer's announcement before E3 2019, where PC gamers are at the center of Microsoft's new approach to the PC gaming ecosystem. This includes bringing the Xbox Game Pass to PC, bringing Xbox Game Studios to Steam, and allowing the Microsoft Store to support games using the Win32 API. The support for a universal client where PC gamers are able to organize their libraries and operate on multiple storefronts would be another great step toward that goal.
What are your thoughts on CD Projekt's partnership with Microsoft? Will GOG Galaxy 2.0 gain traction as a universal game library? Let us know in the comments below! | 298 |
Icy waters and freezing temperatures do not stop ice-swimming enthusiasts from splashing about in Russia’s Far East. The bikini-clad women leave their audience in awe as they post pictures and videos of their adventures.
Some Russians prefer bringing summer themselves rather than waiting for it, just like this group of ice-swimmers from the Far Eastern Russian city of Vladivostok. The bikini-clad girls who call themselves the ‘Morozhenki’ (Ice-creams) dive into the water despite freezing temperatures and say that they really enjoy the process.
Публикация от Наталья Петрова (@888naty) 18 Мар 2018 в 7:23 PDT
Публикация от Наталья А. (@first_devchina) 24 Мар 2018 в 5:29 PDT
Публикация от Наталья Петрова (@888naty) 8 Мар 2018 в 11:15 PST
Once the current was too strong and the women could hardly reach the shore, but luckily everyone came back safe.
“It is a joy to swim in open water,” year-round swimmer Nataliya wrote on her Instagram. “We swam quite a distance from the shore, and as we wanted to go back we realized that the current is strong… I was swimming and thinking what a shame is to sink in plain sight [of the crowd of onlookers on the shore] now. And most importantly no one will rush into the water to save us, it’s icy.”
Публикация от Наталья Петрова (@888naty) 6 Мар 2018 в 9:17 PST
Публикация от Наталья А. (@first_devchina) 17 Мар 2018 в 3:29 PDT
Публикация от Valerysha (@lady_v_inst) 2 Мар 2018 в 10:45 PST
Публикация от Наталья Петрова (@888naty) 13 Мар 2018 в 7:15 PDT | 299 |
Subsets and Splits