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Givova, proveedor oficial de vestuario de la Vinotinto, protagonizó una polémica este lunes luego de que no les proporcionaran la indumentaria necesaria a los futbolistas para disputar el encuentro con la selección de Cataluña en Montilivi.
De acuerdo con información del portal Marca, se conoció que Givova compró las camisetas del equipo venezolano en la tienda Decathlon y posteriormente cortaron las etiquetas de dicha marca, espacio donde pegaron el escudo de la Federación Venezolana de Fútbol (FVF).
Salomón Rondón y Tomás Rincón, ambos integrantes de la Vinotinto, manifestaron públicamente en las redes sociales su descontento con estos hechos, debido a que las camisetas oficiales nunca llegaron.
Rondón publicó en su Twitter una imagen en la que aseguró que la proveedora “no está a la altura”. Mientras tanto, Rincón exigió respeto al equipo, “No tener camisas para jugar hoy y estampar unas que compraron es lamentable, lo de ustedes es vergonzoso”, expresó en la misma plataforma.
Por su parte, la tienda Decathlon también manifestó su posición ante esta situación. “Ayer, Venezuela jugó su partido con camisetas nuestras”, escribió la tienda en su cuenta de Twitter.
Lea más aquí.
Givova le exigimos máximo respeto a nuestra camiseta nacional y a cada integrante del equipo. No tener camisas para jugar hoy y estampar unas que compraron es lamentable, lo de ustedes es vergonzoso. pic.twitter.com/QzeZQXeVe2 — Tomás Rincón (@TomasRincon5) 25 de marzo de 2019
Hier, le Venezuela jouait en amical contre la sélection de Catalogne. Hier, le Venezuela devait être en galère de maillots. Hier, le Venezuela a donc joué son match avec des tee-shirts @Quechua déguisés �� pic.twitter.com/ncsnIH2yrV — Decathlon (@Decathlon) 26 de marzo de 2019 | 400 |
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Multiple shots were fired in a tram in a Dutch city of Utrecht, leaving several people injured, police said. Emergency services and anti-terror teams have arrived at the scene.
A square around a tram station outside downtown Utrecht is on lockdown following the shooting, local media reported. Police have cordoned off the area and adjacent streets, but the perpetrator managed to escape.
Ambulances and emergency services are also present although the number of injured is yet to be clarified.
Police said it’s looking at all pausible motifs of the shooting, including terrorism.
The police is investigating the shooting at the #24oktoberplein in Utrecht this morning. An possible terrorist motif is part of the investigation. — Politie Utrecht (@PolitieUtrecht) March 18, 2019
Medevac helicopters have been send in to airlift the wounded, Utrecht police have said. they also urged drivers to make way for medical vehicles.
BREEK – Volgens getuigen heeft een man in een tram op weg naar Utrecht CS een wapen getrokken en meerdere personen neergeschoten. Hulpdiensten massaal aanwezig en bezig met eerste hulp in de tram. pic.twitter.com/eQOWF2e5Ze — Yelle Tieleman (@YelleTieleman) March 18, 2019
U-OV, a local transport company, said tram services were suspended all around the city. As the situation developed, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte canceled the weekly coalition meeting and will consult with a crisis response team.
Slachtoffer wordt terwijl medewerkers hem/haar in ambulance leggen nog steeds gereanimeerd. pic.twitter.com/73aOZx2Qrz — Yelle Tieleman (@YelleTieleman) March 18, 2019
A shooting occurred on the #24oktoberplein in #Utrecht. The incident has been reported at 10.45 hour. Multiple people have been injured. The surrounding area has been cordoned off and we are investigating the matter. — Politie Utrecht (@PolitieUtrecht) March 18, 2019
It is still unclear if the shooter acted alone or had accomplices. “A man started shooting wildly,” an eyewitness told Dutch news outlet NU.nl. But the AD.nl website cited a witness who said there were four gunmen who opened fire at a woman near the tram station.
24 Oktoberplein street, where the shooting took place, is an important traffic junction in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands.
The Emergency Election Sale is now live! Get 30% to 60% off our most popular products today! | 402 |
A two-year-old girl has died in Belgium from a gunshot wound to the head after reportedly being held out of the window of a van full of migrants to keep pursuing police at a distance.
The suspected people-smuggling vehicle was carrying 30 Kurdish migrants — 26 adults and four children — and had been chased for around an hour in southern Belgium, near the town of Namur.
According to local media, police are investigating if the child’s body was used to break the window of the van after officers found traces of skin on the broken glass.
The girl, who had been with her mother, died in an ambulance on the way to a hospital, and an autopsy later revealed that she had died from a gunshot wound to the cheek.
Frederic Bariseau, a local deputy prosecutor, told a press conference on Friday afternoon that “an investigation will determine” what firearm was used and who fired it.
As many as 15 vehicles and 30 police officers were involved in the dramatic operation.
Migrant Crisis: 77 Per Cent of Belgians ‘No Longer Feel at Home’ https://t.co/BBLqE2iYmc — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 18, 2018
Officers initially approached the van because it had suspicious number plates before it took off down the motorway.
It reportedly swerved and had several near misses during the chase, and when officers finally caught up the driver had already fled the scene.
The family of the deceased girl, who are all of Kurdish origin, were living near the Grande-Synthe migrant camp outside the town of Dunkirk in northern France, local media claims.
Following the death of the little girl, about 60 migrants from this camp, including women and children, demonstrated on a nearby motorway.
Belgium’s Minister of the Interior, Jan Jambon, said he had sympathy for both the victim and the police. “[Police officers] have done their job and must fight human trafficking every day,” he told RTL Info.
“Tragic event with dramatic consequences. The investigation is underway. This event again highlights the sad circumstances in which human trafficking thrives,” he added on Twitter.
The Grande-Synthe camp hit the headlines last year when it was swept by a massive fire, which destroyed about half of the settlement. Its population at the time was around 1,500.
Événement tragique avec conséquences dramatiques. L’enquête est en cours. Cet événement met à nouveau en évidence les tristes circonstances dans lesquelles le trafic d’êtres humains prospère. https://t.co/gBNPla4fn5 — Jan Jambon (@JanJambon) May 18, 2018 | 403 |
ID LULZ type Homebrew languages EN, FR, DE, ES, IT title (EN) Homebrew Channel synopsis (EN) The Homebrew Channel is a channel for launching Wii homebrew applications without the need to run the Twilight Hack first. It will list apps stored and organised on an SD card in a nice little GUI, which you can very easily customise with descriptions and shiny little.png icons all by yourself if you want. You can also launch homebrew apps via TCP (with a correctly configured PC) or USB Gecko. Both of those built in options make it extremely convenient for testing out new code, as well as a general purpose homebrew launcher. You've seen the video,
now try it yourself! title (ES) Canal Homebrew synopsis (ES) El Canal Homebrew es un canal para lanzar aplicaciones homebrew (software casero no oficial) para Wii. Presenta una lista de las aplicaciones que se encuentran almacenadas en una tarjeta SD o un dispositivo de almacenamiento masivo USB, con una interfaz simple y agradable, la cual puedes personalizar con iconos y temas creados por ti mismo. También te ofrece lanzar aplicaciones vía TCP (con una PC correctamente configurada) o USBGecko, ideal para probar aplicaciones en desarrollo. title (IT) Canale Homebrew synopsis (IT) Il Canale Homebrew è un canale per avviare applicazioni homebrew per Wii senza necessità di avviare prima il Twilight Hack. Esso elencherà le applicazioni memorizzate e organizzate su una scheda SD in una carina e piccola interfaccia grafica, che puoi personalizzare da solo con descrizioni e piccole icone.png se vuoi. Puoi anche lanciare applicazioni via TCP (con un PC correttamente configurato) o da USB Gecko. Entrambe queste opzioni integrate lo rendono estremamente conveniente per testare del nuovo codice, così come un normale programma per avviare homebrew. Hai visto il video,
ora provaci da solo! title (KO) 홈브류 채널 title (ZHTW) 自制頻道(歐) title (ZHCN) 自制频道(欧) developer Team Twiizers publisher release date 2007-3-3 genre players 1 req. accessories wiimote accessories nunchuk, classic controller, gamecube pad, guitar online players 0 online features online connectivity | 404 |
rubbish heap of thinking.
Rather the abyss than the true Left. This, ultimately, is the implicit, de facto choice that lémédia makes. It would reject such a charge with outraged protests: but however far individuals use words to cover up their acts, it is indeed their acts that betray their de facto preferences, their real preferences. After having done everything to deny all opportunity to the only alternative able to oppose the far-Right alternative, they say that Trump and Le Pen have come along… because the lowly people no longer believes in truth. That’s where lémédia’s thinking is at. Though of course it will have no responsibility for how things are, then any more than now.
A system that no longer has any restorative power, any internal regulation, any capacity coolly to guide the way through a real transition, deserves only to disappear. And it will. The particularity of such an ossified system, so hermetically sealed to whatever is outside it and incapable of registering what is taking place in society, is that it can only be "adjusted" through a rupture. And also that it takes very little time for this system to pass from being an all-crushing empire that blocks off the horizon, to being a set of ruins that leaves this horizon wholly open once more.
1. See ‘La procession des fulminants’, Acrimed, 17 June 2005.
2. Thomas Legrand, ‘La presse déconnectée?’, L’édito politique, France Inter, 14 November 2016.
3. Jérôme Fenoglio, cited in ‘En France, les médias promettent de “réduire la distance avec les lecteurs”’, Libération, 19-20 November 2016.
4. Katharine Viner, ‘How technology disrupted the truth’, The Guardian, 12 July 2016, Katharine Viner is here building on a quotation from the Turkish sociologist Zeynep Tufekci.
5. ‘The Land Does Not Lie’ is an infamous song in homage to the Nazi-collaborationist Vichy régime of the 1940s
6. Or seems to have enough of the air of this…
7. Samuel Laurent, of Le Monde’s Décodeurs, ‘La post-vérité, lémédia, le fact-checking et Donald Trump’, Medium France, 14 November 2016.
8. Erwann Manac’h and Sweeny Nadia, ‘Enquête sur le système Free’, Politis, 18 May 2016.
9. See Thomas Frank’s article in the December 2016 Le Monde diplomatique.
| 405 |
Nintendo Console Market Share in Japan Was Higher Than Ever in 2019
Tomas Franzese January 8, 2020 1:17 PM EST
Nintendo dominated 80% of the Japanese console market in 2019 thanks to the Switch's success, leading to one of the company's best years ever in Japan.
It’s no secret that the Nintendo Switch has been a runaway success all around the world with at least 41.67 million units sold. That being said, last year turned out to be specifically great in Japan according to data recently released by Famitsu. The data, which was originally posted by @oscarlemaire and translated by DualShockers’ own Senior Staff Writer Iyane Agossah, shows that not only is Nintendo dominating the country’s gaming hardware scene, but that 2019 was a general high point for Nintendo as well.
That tweet reveals that 80% of the console market in Japan is dominated by Nintendo, with 76% being solely dedicated to Nintendo Switch. While the 3DS is clearly declining in popularity, the Switch’s outstanding success has made the drop negligible. These same numbers also reveal that Nintendo Switch market share saw a radical increase 29%, cementing Nintendo’s renewed foothold in the region it is based out of.
Sur l’année 2019, Nintendo détient quasiment 80% du marché des consoles au Japon. 76% rien que pour la Switch, dont les ventes augmentent de 29% par rapport à 2018, ce qui permet de compenser le déclin de la PS4 et la 3DS, et stabiliser le secteur. (chiffres Famitsu) pic.twitter.com/uGqmES5lst — Oscar Lemaire (@oscarlemaire) January 8, 2020
When the timeline is broadened, Nintendo’s performance still remains impressive. Oscar Lemaire also points out that looking at Famitsu’s data from 1999 to 2019 reveals that last year was the best year ever for Nintendo in terms of console market share. For a company that has been around in this industry since near the beginning, this is an impressive feat.
Depuis qu’on a les chiffres de Famitsu, donc au moins depuis 20 ans, c’est la plus forte domination de Nintendo sur le marché console au Japon. pic.twitter.com/lgiMqlgwuK — Oscar Lemaire (@oscarlemaire) January 8, 2020
With a great lineup of games like Super Mario Maker 2 and Pokemon Sword and Shield too, 2019 will certainly be a Nintendo Switch year to remember. If you finally want to jump on the Nintendo Switch bandwagon, the system is currently available on Amazon.
This post contains affiliate links where DualShockers gets a small commission on sales. Any and all support helps keep DualShockers as a standalone, independent platform for less-mainstream opinions and news coverage. | 406 |
I’ve been playing around with Elixir recently and thought I’d share one of the hurdles I came across.
So, I know slightly more than nothing about Elixir and Erlang. I also can’t read through a tutorial to save my life. I learn best by picking a small task and then using my finely honed Google skills to accomplish the task.
The task I wanted to accomplish was to lookup a DNS record for a domain. Luckily, Erlang has a built in function to accomplish this, inet_res:lookup/3. Calling this function through the Erlang repl erl would look like:
1 > inet_res : lookup ( "erlang.com", in, mx ). [{ 20, "mail.erlang.com" }]
My limited knowledge of Erlang pretty much does include the syntax, so I can break this down.
inet_res is the module name
is the module name lookup is the function name, and lookup/3 is the 3 argument version of the function
is the function name, and is the 3 argument version of the function "erlang.com" is a string
is a string in and mx are atoms
And it returns the MX records for the erlang.com domain!
This should be pretty easy to convert to Elixir, right? I found the calling functions portion of the Erlang/Elixir guide and reading this tells us:
Note. Since Erlang modules are represented by atoms, you may invoke Erlang functions in Elixir as follows: :lists.sort [3, 2, 1]
That sounds easy enough! Staring up the Elixir repl iex and calling this new code:
iex ( 1 ) > :inet_res. lookup ( "erlang.com", :in, :mx ) []
Hmm…no results. This is odd. This is where my lack of knowledge about both languages really kick in and I waste a few hours of my Sunday hack day to figure out the problem. I finally stumble on this Stackoverflow question which tells me that single quote vs double quote strings are different. Good to know! I finally decide to read the appropriate documentation section. A double quoted value is a string and in Elixir a string “is a UTF-8 encoded binary, and a binary is a bitstring where the number of bits is divisible by 8.” A single quoted value is a character list. Further down on the page is where my lightbulb goes off:
char lists are used mostly when interfacing with Erlang, in particular old libraries that do not accept binaries as arguments
This seems to be the issue. Let’s test it out in the Elixir repl:
iex ( 1 ) > :inet_res. lookup ( 'erlang.com', :in, :mx ) [{ 20,'mail.erlang.com' }] | 407 |
MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte’s claim that there was no proof to pin down the Marcoses for amassing ill-gotten wealth during the 20-year regime of late dictator Ferdinand Marcos was just made up and not true, opposition Sen. Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan said Thursday.
The Liberal Party stalwart issued the statement a day after the Chief Executive claimed during his speech at the general assembly of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines in Manila that: “Until now, you have not proven anything except to sequester and sell. Hindi mo nga sigurado kung talagang kay Marcos ba ‘yan?”
READ: Duterte: Still no proof linking Marcoses to ill-gotten wealth
“Marami sa mga pahayag ng Pangulo ay hindi totoo at isa na itong hindi pa daw napapatunayan na mga magnanakaw ang mga Marcos. Huwag tayo basta-basta magpapaniwala sa mga sinasabi niya dahil mahilig siyang magsabi ng gawa-gawa lamang. Kahit siya mismo inamin niya na sa bawat 5 na sinasabi niya 3 ay hindi totoo. Isa na ito,” Pangilinan said.
(Many of the President’s statements are not true and one of which is when he said that the Marcoses are not proven of stealing anything. Let us not easily believe to anything he is saying because he tends to say something that is totally made up. Even he himself admitted that five of three he has said are not true. This is one of them.)
“Doon lang tayo sa totoo [Let’s just go for the truth],” he added.
READ: Duterte wrong in saying no proof of Marcos hidden wealth – Colmenares
The senator cited Supreme Court decisions favoring the government, which forfeited some of the Marcoses’ wealth supposedly stashed by the former president and his wife Imelda “under layers and layers of foundations and corporate entities.”
READ: Otso Diretso bets to Duterte: ‘Don’t revise history’
Pangilinan also pointed out that the Sandiganbayan found Imelda guilty of seven counts of graft last Nov. 9, 2018. The anti-graft court ruled on seven cases concerning Swiss accounts where around $200 million were channeled by Mrs. Marcos while holding various positions in government during her husband’s reign. Imelda was later allowed to post bail. /jpv
READ: Imelda Marcos guilty of graft, ordered arrested | Imelda Marcos to appeal graft conviction
Read Next
MOST READ | 408 |
“One Thousand and One Nights”, the collection of stories from the Orient, forms the focus of this ballet, newly choreographed by Angelin Preljocaj for the Staatsballett Berlin and staged as a coproduction with his own company, the Ballet Preljocaj. With this work, which fills an entire evening, he investigates those motifs hidden within the Arabian, originally Persian, and Indian traditions of folk fairytales and stories, and tells his narrative from the perspective of the female protagonists: “I venture forth like a painter expressing his vision of a fantastical Orient. My vision is given shape as a type of calligraphy consisting of affects and atmospheres,” says Preljocaj when talking of his creation.
The evening is largely based on the music of Natacha Atlas; her work is a cross-over between the oriental and the western world, and has brought her international acclaim. The costumes have been created by the celebrated fashion designer Azzedine Alaïa. Born in Tunisia, he now runs his studio in Paris, creating works which set international trends. Constance Guisset, the exceedingly successful French designer, is a long-time colleague of Angelin Preljocaj. She is responsible for the stage design featured in THE NIGHTS.
Regarded as one of the leading choreographers of the French avant-garde, Angelin Preljocaj has previously presented a number of his works in Berlin, including his 2009 production of SNOW WHITE, which was greeted with great enthusiasm by audiences.
Saturday, 01.02.2014
19.00 h
Tickets: 29 – 90 €
Further Events:
01 | 07 | 21 | 25 February 2014
01 | 06 | 12 March 2014
03 April 2014
Dancers: Iana Balova, Maria Boumpouli, Anissa Bruley, Weronika Frodyma, Cécile Kaltenbach, Marina Kanno, Mari Kawanishi, Ilenia Montagnoli, Danielle Muir, Jordan Muir, Krasina Pavlova, Haney Schwan, Arshak Ghalumyan, Leonard Jakovina, Vladislav Marinov, Alexander Shpak, Federico Spallitta, Wei Wang.
Choreographie und Inszenierung: Angelin Preljocaj
Bühne: Constance Guisset
Kostüme: Azzedine Alaïa
Einstudierung: De Smet Claudia
Es tanzen: Solisten und Corps de ballet des Staatsballetts Berlin
Musik: vom Tonträger
1:30 h | no interval
Staatsballett Berlin | Ballet Preljocaj (Aix-en-Provence) | 409 |
An additional 2 cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on Latvian territory April 13, raising the total number of cases from 651 on Sunday to an initial 653 on Monday. Subsequently the figure was revised upwards to 655 after two more cases were confirmed.
The new figure was released by the Disease Prevention and Control Center (SPKC) which said 562 tests had been conducted during the previous 24-hour period.
In total 28,776 tests have been carried out since February 29.
44 patients are in hospital, most of whom have moderate symptoms of the disease but 3 of whom are designated as being in a serious condition.
So far 5 deaths of patients with coronavirus have been recorded in Latvian hospitals.
Iepriekšējā diennaktī veikti 562 izmeklējumi personām ar aizdomām par Covid-19, infekcija apstiprināta 2 cilvēkiem. LV kopā veikti 28776 izmeklējumi, infekcija apstiprināta 653 personām.
44 pacienti stacionēti, tai skaitā 41 ar vidēju slimības gaitu, 3 ar smagu (@VMNVD dati) — SPKC.gov.lv (@SPKCentrs) April 13, 2020
You can read [in English] the current emergency regulations introduced by the government to tackle the spread of coronavirus at the government website. As reported by LSM earlier, the regulations were further extended following a government meeting March 29, enforcing a two-person, two-meter rule for physical social interactions. The relevant section of the regulations can be read in English in our earlier story.
On April 7 the existing state of emergency and special regulations were extended until May 12.
There is a dedicated official COVID-19 website available with a variety of relevant information and contacts available in Latvian and Russian.
The Health Ministry also has this Latvian-language PDF file containing a long list of useful telephone numbers and other contact details. The number for medical emergencies is 113, the number for enquiring about a COVID-19 test if you have developed some potential symptoms after returnign from oversease or being in contact with someone confirmed as having coronavirus is 8303 and the SPKC COVID-19 advice helpline is 67387661.
The SPKC has information in English about the approved methods of protecting yourself from the disease, symptoms and medical procedures and an interactive map plotting the incidence and distribution of the disease in Latvia.
Officials are continuing to urge people not to visit relatives or indulge in other mass gatherings during the Easter holiday period. Police said that during the last 24-hour period they carried out 1,529 checks on possible flouting of emergency regulations, filing 12 reports as a result. | 410 |
В третьей части знаменитой серии фильмов о непобедимом Джоне Уике, которого сыграл невероятный актёр и любимец публики Киану Ривз, раскрывается невероятный факт о его происхождении. Истинное имя главного героя - Джордани Йованович и он «дитя Беларуси». И будет несправедливо, если Джордани так и не вернётся на Родину и не встретится со своими соотечественниками! А ведь знаменитый актёр будет приятно удивлён тому, сколько фанатов ждёт его приезда, чтобы сказать - «Keanu, you’re breathtaking!»
In the third part of the famous series of films about the invincible John Wick, played by an incredible actor and public favorite Keanu Reeves, reveals an incredible fact about his origin. The true name of the protagonist is Jordani Jovanovic and he is a “child of Belarus”. And it will be unfair if Jordani never returns to his homeland and does not meet with his compatriots! But the famous actor will be pleasantly surprised at how many fans are waiting for his arrival to say - “Keanu, you’re breathtaking!” | 411 |
For English version see below
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Bitcoin Diamond merupakan hasil hardfork Bitcoin pada tanggal 24 November 2017 lalu, yang selengkapnya bisa dipelajari di link berikut ini. Jika Anda memiliki saldo Bitcoin di Indodax.com pada saat blok Bitcoin nomor 495,866 terbit, maka Anda akan mendapatkan distribusi BCD dengan rasio 1:10 dari proses hardfork oleh developer Bitcoin Diamond (selengkapnya bisa dibaca di pengumuman berikut ini).
Sedangkan Cardano adalah sebuah platform smart contract yang saat ini termasuk top 10 aset digital yang paling banyak diperdagangkan di seluruh dunia, selengkapnya bisa dibaca di link berikut ini.
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Starting from Friday, April 6th 2018 at 15.00 WIB (GMT +7), Bitcoin Diamond (BCD) and Cardano (ADA) will be available to trade with Rupiah at indodax.com! Deposit and withdraw BCD and ADA will be open at 09.00 WIB on the same day. Trading fees will be 0,3% for market taker and 0% for market maker.
Bitcoin Diamond is a result of Bitcoin hardfork on November 24th 2017, more information can be found on this link. If you had any BTC balance at indodax.com at the time Bitcoin block 495,866th generated, you’ll get BCD distribution in your account with 1:10 ratio from the hardfork process (you can read on this announcement).
Cardano is a smart contract platform, it is currently among the top 10 most traded digital assets worldwide. More information about Cardano can be found on this link.
Log in to your Indodax account and start trading now!
INDODAX | 412 |
A small aircraft slammed into a residential area in the Metro Manila region in the Philippines on Saturday, killing all five on board the aircraft as well as five people inside a house who had gathered for a family lunch.
The six-seat Piper PA-23 Apache aircraft crashed in Plaridel, Bulacan province, shortly after takeoff at around 11:20am, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said. The plane was flying from Plaridel Airport to the city of Laoag.
Isang eroplano ang bumagsak sa kabahayan sa Brgy. Lumangbayan Plaridel, Bulacan bandang 11:21 a.m. Sa mga larawan ni @YouScooper Jane Pearl, makikta ang maitim na usok sa lugar kung saan bumagsak ang eroplano. Nagsasagawa pa ng imbestigasyon kaugnay ng naturang aksidente. pic.twitter.com/6Lu7TVjJyb — YouScoop (@YouScoop) March 17, 2018
Plaridel police chief Agustin Joseph said in a radio interview that the plane hit a house at the time a family was having its lunch there. Three children, their mother, and grandmother were killed according to police superintendent Julio Lizardo.
The father was not in the house at the time of the tragic accident.
TINGNAN: Lugar kung saan bumagsak ang eroplano sa Brgy. Lumang Bayan, Plaridel; patuloy na inaalis ang labi ng pitong napatay sa insidente kabilang na ang anim na sakay ng eroplano pic.twitter.com/CXOlzNNONK — Ron Lopez (@RonLopezPH) March 17, 2018
According to a witness cited by local media, one of the plane’s wings hit a 40ft-tall pole, before plummeting into the house moments later. Two bystanders, an elderly woman and her grandson, were reportedly injured outside.
rt dzrhnews: edwinduqueRH23 3 katao, sinasabing na-trap sa bahay na nabagsakan ng Apache plane sa Plaridel, Bulacan. || edwinduqueRH23 pic.twitter.com/15nbTlMvXB — Mickey Nayo (@mickeynayo11) March 17, 2018
A Piper 23 Apache aircraft crash landed after takeoff at Plaridel Airport. @cnnphilippinespic.twitter.com/EEfEZbUyUR — Makoi Popioco CNN PH (@makoipopioco) March 17, 2018
All other aircraft owned by the plane’s operator, Lite Air Express, have been grounded pending an investigation.
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! | 413 |
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| 414 |
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Un clin d’oeil à Framablog qui propose sur ses articles des liens de partage qui ne vous pistent pas, et qui en parle. Cela m’a donné envie d’imiter cette bonne pratique!
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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fired the country’s health minister Thursday reportedly after a dispute over Brazil’s coronavirus response.
Former health minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta announced his firing on Twitter, just weeks before public health officials estimate Brazil will hit its peak of coronavirus cases in May.
Acabo de ouvir do presidente Jair Bolsonaro o aviso da minha demissão do Ministério da Saúde.
Quero agradecer a oportunidade que me foi dada, de ser gerente do nosso SUS, de pôr de pé o projeto de melhoria da saúde dos brasileiros e — Henrique Mandetta (@lhmandetta) April 16, 2020
“I leave the health ministry with a lot of gratitude to the president for having nominated me and allowing me to nominate each of you,” Mandetta said, The Associated Press reported. “I know I am leaving the best team. Work for the next minister like you worked for me. Don’t spare any effort.”
“You should have absolute certainty that we fought a good fight until here,” he said during a televised press conference. “But we’re at the start of the battle.”
Mandetta, an orthopedist, has had public disagreements with Bolsonaro, as he has promoted stricter methods to contain the coronavirus like isolation measures that state governors have adopted. He has also earned comparisons to the U.S.’s Anthony Fauci Anthony FauciDemocratic chairman says White House blocked FDA commissioner from testifying Overnight Health Care: CDC reverses controversial testing guidance | Billions more could be needed for vaccine distribution | Study examines danger of in-flight COVID-19 transmission Trump claims enough COVID-19 vaccines will be ready for every American by April MORE, according to the AP.
The Brazilian president has downplayed the virus, calling it the “little flu,” called for the isolation of only the vulnerable populations and touted the anti-malarial drug that has not yet been proven to treat COVID-19.
“Life is priceless, but the economy and employment need to return to normality,” Bolsonaro said at the press conference, adding “It was a consensual divorce because more important than me and more important than him as a minister is the health of the Brazilian people.”
Bolsonaro named Nelson Teich, an oncologist and senior health care consultant at Teich Health Care, as the next health minister, who said he believes “health and the economy are complementary.”
Before he fired Mandetta, Bolsonaro would exclude the health minister from meetings with health officials and had said Mandetta had not showed “humility,” according to the AP. | 416 |
MANILA, Philippines — Political families remain in power because of voters, President Duterte said, as he claimed to be embarrassed when people talk about dynasties.
Duterte, whose family has held political power in Davao City for more than two decades, said there was a clamor for his daughter Sara to follow his footsteps as mayor.
“Ako nahihiya kasi people keep on repeating that phrase about dynasty. Totoo man ’yan. Masama man talaga na isang pamilya lang ’yan for so many years. Ang problema ang tao (I am embarrassed because people keep on repeating that phrase about dynasty. It’s true. It’s not good if only one family is in power for so many years. But the problem lies with the people),” the President said during the oath taking of local officials in Davao City.
“I said I won’t run as mayor anymore. But they want Inday (Sara Duterte-Carpio). I will follow my party because that is the party – Hugpong (ng Pagbabago) – who will support me during the election. They are the ones who wanted it,” he added.
Sara was reelected mayor of Davao City while the President’s eldest son Paolo was elected Davao City congressman. Duterte’s youngest son Sebastian, meanwhile, won the vice mayoralty race, his first time to occupy public office.
The President’s family has been holding political power in the southern city since 1988.
Duterte previously said he was supportive of a law banning political dynasties but expressed doubts that such measure would be passed by Congress, which is dominated by political clans.
The Chief Executive also said he was open to allowing other politicians to hold political power in Davao City. He said members of his family would continue to win local elections unless they are discredited.
“If we realize that we should give them a chance, maybe after this, if my daughter Inday would decide, ‘Let us give others a chance,’” Duterte said.
“Kasi kung ang Duterte pa rin magtakbo, I’m sure huwag lang sirain ’yung pangalan, mananalo pa rin ’yan. Kasi sundin nila ’yung style ko, marami pa ring mamamatay na mga g***. Marami pa ring durugista dito na talagang maputol ’yung ulo (If a Duterte runs, I’m sure, unless the name gets tarnished, he will still win. They will follow my style. Many more fools will be killed. Many more drug personalities will lose their heads),” he added.
Duterte told politicians of Davao City to put up a strong opposition so voters would have a choice. | 417 |
0 Madix (ztn: 13-9, t7: 11-5, sl: 15-5, lw: -, hk: - )
k1llsen 2-3 evil (ztn: 24-1, hk: 11-15, t7: 8-6, sl: 2-12, tx: 6-9 )
Madix 3-0 ninzie (ztn: 19-0, lw: 26-3, tx: 32-0, t7:, aw: )
1. evil, 2. k1llsen, 3. Madix, 4. ninzie
Quarter Final Results: av3k 3-1 pavel (ztn: 5-2, lw: 7-8, t7: 10-0, aw: 16-11, tx: - )
Rapha 3-1 k1llsen (lw: 11-6, sl: 7-5, aw: 5-15, hk: 17-2, tx: - )
Cypher 3-0 empish (hk: 22-8, tx: 27-8, aw: 31-4)
evil 3-1 Spart1e (aw: 26-11, ztn: 9-6, hk: 18-7, t7: 16-(-1), sl: - )
Semi Final Results: av3k 0-3 Rapha (ztn: 1-6, hk: 0-14, t7: 2-4, lw: -, tx: - )
Cypher 2-3 evil (ztn: 5-8, t7: 1-7, lw: 2-1, aw: 9-8, tx: (-2)-16)
1. evil (30 000 SEK)
2. Rapha (20 000 SEK)
3 / 4. Cypher (10 000 SEK)
3 / 4. Av3k (10 000 SEK)
PassedTomorrow is the final day of DreamHack Winter 2012. There's only one game left to be played and that's ofcourse the Grand Finals! The finals will start at 16:00 BST. Follow the Grand Final thorugh DreamHack.tv (exact link will be added asap).More information can be found in the ESR DreamHack Winter 2012 Coverage post. There's also a tournament website with the groups and brackets.Configs, huds and demos can be found on trance.gg Demos of the finals along with a pack including all demos will be posted tomorrow after the finals.Thanks to Dreamhack, the sponsors Kingston HyperX, Plantronic GameCom & Twitch.TV, the streamers and ofcourse the players for a very good tournament! trance.gg (Updated with all demos) DreamHack.tv (Grand Final @ DreamHack TV | 418 |
i direct. Indirect, statul roman are un cuvant de spus. Pentru cooptarea Gazprom in proiectele din Marea Neagra ar fi nevoie si de acceptul autoritatilor, deoarece licentele de explorare si exploatare sunt aprobate de statul roman. In cazul cedarii rafinariei, OMV trebuie in primul rand sa notifice autoritatile romane. Altfel spus, statul roman are un cuvant greu de spus asupra oricarei viitoare actiuni intre OMV si Gazprom.
Ce spune OMV? HotNews.ro a cerut si pozitia OMV pe marginea acestor informatii. OMV sustine ca orice ipoteza legata de un schimb este falsa, insa adauga si (n.red. foarte important de mentionat) ca deciziile nu sunt inca luate. Si mai adauga ceva important: faptul ca nu vor renunta la drepturile de management asupra oricarei dintre activele strategice pe care le detin. "Aceste zvonuri sunt complet lipsite de sens. Am declarat in mod clar ca actiunile OMV si, de asemenea, ale OMV Petrom nu sunt pe masa (negocierilor). Orice ipoteza privind schimbul de active este falsa, fiind la inceputul procesului de negociere, iar deciziile nu sunt inca luate. (Nota: sublinierea redactiei) Ceea ce vom face in mod absolut clar este ca nu vom renunta la drepturile de management asupra oricarei dintre activele noastre strategice. OMV Petrom a fost, este si va fi o companie de baza,, iar Romania ramane o piata de baza", au spus reprezentantii OMV pentru HotNews.ro.
Pozitia oficiala a OMV (transmisa de Biroul de presa, in original - lb. engleza):
"These rumors are complete nonsense. We have stated clearly, that no shares in OMV and thereof also OMV Petrom are on the table. Any assumptions regarding the asset swap are false as we are in the beginning of the negotiation process and decisions are not made yet. What we also made absolutely clear: we will not give up management rights in any of our strategic assets.
OMV Petrom was, is and will be a core asset and Romania remains to be a core market.
Citeste si:
| 419 |
Vicente Fernández, one of the greatest Mexican icons of all times, showed why he will forever be “El Rey” with a farewell concert at the Estadio Azteca in Mexico City last weekend. “I will always remember this night. I love you with all my heart. I am forever grateful,” Don Chente wrote on his personal Twitter account after the concert.
“An Aztec in the Azteca” was definitely a night to remember. More than 85,000 fans and followers attended the event and sung along to the singer’s greatest hits such as, “De Qué Manera Te Olvido,” “Volver, Volver,” “Mujeres Divinas,” “Lástima Que Seas Ajena,” “Estos Celos,” and of course, “El Rey.”
Throughout the concert, the 76-year-old Jalisco native thanked his admirers for supporting his career all of these years.
“There is one thing that can’t be compared, not even with all the gold in the world, and that is all of you, who have always given me all without me pointing a gun to your head,” the iconic Mexican macho said at the beginning of the concert. “Your presence, your love, your respect, your applauses.”
Siempre recordaré esta noche. Los quiero con todo mi corazón. Mi más grande agradecimiento. pic.twitter.com/zeYyiZeA37 — Vicente Fernandez (@_VicenteFdez) April 17, 2016
The unforgettable night was full of music and great times for the most part, but Chente refused to leave the stage before taking the opportunity to express his feelings about GOP candidate, Donald Trump.
“From here we are saying, ‘que chingue a su madre!’ He thinks he is going to win, he is crazy,” Adela Micha reports the singer said in his explicit message. “If I ever come across him, I will spit him in the face and tell him to go f*ck himself.”
He continued, “I will tell him everything that no one has told him before in his life.”
Fernández joins the list of celebrities who have chosen to communicate their opinion about the Presidential hopeful to their fanatics in a concert.
Last year, Los Tigres del Norte carried a sign that read, “Latinos unite. Don’t vote for racists” after their performance at the Latin Grammys in November, and Mexican rock band Maná made the headlines back in June for comparing Trump to Adolf Hitler during their “Cama Incendiada” tour in the U.S. | 420 |
There’s a nude version of this drawing as exclusive content on my patreon.
The anime Keijo finally came out, and it’s even more over the top as it seemed in the trailer. Of course, feminists and shitty websites like Kotaku are hating on it to prove us once again that feminism is just another puritanical religion full of sexually repressed people. They complain about how the characters dress (normal swimsuits) and how much fanservice the serie has, but of course they had no complain about series like Free!, that have the same if not more fanservice. Ah!, but it’s fanservice for women, so thats ok ;).
Whatever, right now Kotaku and all of that feminist sites are like a way to measure the quality of a product. If they hate it, it must probably be good and viceversa. Keijo is not a masterpiece, but it’s the kind of over the top anime like Jojo’s bizarre adventure, Kill la Kill or Free! that makes you have fun, so i recommend watching it. And as always, if the regressives want something to dissapear, i’ll draw it 🙂
Hay una versión desnuda de este dibujo como contenido exclusivo en mi patreon.
El anime Keijo finalmente salio, y es aún más ida de olla de lo que parecía en los trailer. Por supuesto, las feministas y sitios basura como Kotaku o Alfabetajuega lo están odiando para demostrarnos nuevamente que el feminismo no es más que otra forma de religión puritana llena de reprimidos sexuales. Se quejan de como visten los personajes (trajes de baño normales) y de que hay fanservice, pero por supuesto no tienen problema con series como Free!, llenas de fanservice masculino. ¡Ah! pero eso es fanservice para chicas así que está bien 😉
Como sea, ahora mismo las paginas como Kotaku y demás sitios feministas se han vuelto un medidor de calidad de los productos. Si odian algo significa que probablemente sea bueno y viceversa. Keijo no es una obra maestra, pero es el tipo de anime ido de olla como Jojo’s Bizarre adventure, Kill la Kill o Free! que te hace divertirte, así que recomiendo verlo. Y como siempre, si los regresivos quieren que algo desaparezca, yo lo dibujo :). | 421 |
The Popular and Democratic Sector rejected "without contemplations" the dialogue proposed by the U.S. Embassy to resolve the political crisis.
Haiti's opposition parties and organizations announced that they will begin on Sunday really intense demonstrations which will last for 7 consecutive days until President Jovenel Moise resigns.
"There will be a real political battle. What you have seen so far will mean nothing. The children's game is over. The whole country will rise. All institutions will be closed. All roads will be cut... We will not give up," Andre Michel, the Popular and Democratic Sector (SDP) spokesperson warned.
Since September 16, Haiti is going through an almost total paralysis of activities as a result of a wave of popular protests that reject the economic policies proposed by the government.
Despite the timid resumption of activities in the capital city of Port-au-Prince and in other small cities, Haitian students have not been able to attend classes practically for six weeks.
Andre Michel also mentioned that the Haitian opposition will announce next week the name of a Appeal Court judge as a replacement for President Moise.
Regarding the country's endless problems, Senator Youri Latortue said that the Haitian crisis has two dimensions, one "cyclic" and another "structural."
"The solution to the cyclical crisis is the exit of Jovenel Moise. The President does not realize that he is currently the problem. No sector is working with him."
@UN pourquoi vous ne faites pas un coup d'oeil sur les droits des manifestants violés en #Haïti? Ce ne sont pas des humains tout comme les chiliens? Vous n'avez aucun intérêts de vous intéresser à cette nation? #Justicepourtous! pic.twitter.com/SCGnZe9qR0 — Krystofía Elien (@KrystofiaElien) October 25, 2019
"United Nations: why don't you take a look at violations of human rights in Haiti? Are they not human like the Chileans? Not interested in being interested in this nation? Justice for all!"
The U.S. Embassy in Haiti on Friday called on all political, economic and social actors to dialogue to find a solution to the country's crisis. This proposal, however, was firmly rejected by Michel.
"As spokesperson of the SDP, which signed the Consensus Alternative for the Refoundation of Haiti, I reject without contemplations the unconditional dialogue proposed by the U.S. Embassy to resolve the Haitian political crisis," he posted on social networks.
The opposition leader and human rights lawyer also indicated that the Haitian people's will and sovereignty must always be respected.
"The U.S. embassy and the rest of the international community must not continue to support a head of state who is rejected by the population." | 422 |
MANILA, Philippines — Opposition senatorial candidates Neri Colmenares and Gary Alejano on Monday denounced the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) for its “defeatist” advice to local fishermen to avoid the Scarborough (Panatag) shoal amid reports that Chinese Coast Guards have been harassing them in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).
READ: Critics rage against increased presence of China vessels
“If a burglar goes to your house wouldn’t you do something to stop him?” Colmenares asked after BFAR National Director Eduardo Gongona advised fishermen to “refrain” from going to the contested parts of the WPS.
“Patalo ang advise na ito at di makakatulong sa mga mangingisda natin. Lubha na ngang bumaba ang huling isda ng mga kababayan natin tapos ngayon ay pinagsisiksikan pa sila ng BFAR sa municipal waters natin samantalang ang China ay naghahari-harian sa ating traditional fishing grounds,” the Bayan Muna chair and Makabayan senatorial candidate said.
(This advise is not advantageous to our fishermen. BFAR wants to relegate them to municipal waters while China is lording it over to our traditional fishing grounds.)
Gongona told Super Radyo dzBB last Friday: “Refrain muna natin na pumunta doon (Refrain from going there), for the meantime, and concentrate on our municipal waters kasi ‘yun nga ang pinangingisdaan natin (because those are our fishing ground).”
“Just be careful at may mga dapat tayong pang-ilagan (because there is something we need to avoid) for the meantime,” he added.
Alejano urged the Duterte administration to protest the reported harassment of Filipino fishermen.
“Magmula noon, ang aking hamon para sa gobyerno ay hindi pa rin nagbabago: maghain ng diplomatic protests laban sa China para sa illegal blockade na ginagawa nito sa West Philippine Sea,” the former Marine officer said.
“Let us assert our rights for the territories which are rightfully ours,” he added.
Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarate, meanwhile, pointed out that BFAR’s statement confirmed their earlier allegation that fishermen are being harassed in the WPS.
Colmenares earlier featured, via a video documentary, some Filipino fishermen from Masinloc, Zambales who said Chinese Coast Guard usually seize their catch and force them to go away from the Panatag Shoal which has been a traditional fishing ground for them. /ee
Read Next
MOST READ | 423 |
There might be some big Marvel Cinematic Universe news on the way this week as Marvel's chief creative officer Kevin Feige is officially headed down to Brazil to represent Marvel Studios during a panel at CCXP. Feige recently appeared at San Diego Comic-Con and Disney's D23 Expo where the entire slate for 2020 and 2021 was revealed. Feige revealed both movie titles and Disney+ shows. With eight release dates for 2022 and 2023 having been revealed (ComicBook.com has a good idea of what the titles might be), it's possible Feige looks further into the future.
It's also likely that Feige tees up footage from Black Widow, the next movie on Marvel Studios' release schedule. The official trailer should be online next week. Footage from the upcoming Eternals movie is also a possibility, as well as the first Marvel show headed to Disney+, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.
Omelette, the team behind CCXP, promised online that Feige will address the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe next week.
PODE COMEMORAR! Kevin Feige, presidente e chefe criativo do Marvel Studios, é confirmado no sábado (7) da #CCXP19 para falar sobre os futuros lançamentos do MCU! https://t.co/iTwwTqRGz0 pic.twitter.com/M7FSezadVT — omelete (@omelete) November 29, 2019
"Kevin Feige, president and chief creative officer of Marvel Studios, is confirmed on Saturday [December 7] from CCXP19 to talk about upcoming MCU releases," Omelette's tweet above translates to.
Feige has plenty to talk about if he doesn't end up announcing new titles. Filled out casts for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk, and several other titles would be welcome news for fans. Above all, footage from the upcoming movies will be the most pleasing, and ComicBook.com will have detailed descriptions of everything shown at CCXP's Marvel Studios panel as soon as it is revealed.
Keep your eyes out for more Marvel Studios news all week long!
Upcoming Marvel Studios projects include Black Widow on May 1, 2020, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier in Fall 2020, The Eternals on November 6, 2020, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings on February 12, 2021, WandaVision in Spring 2021, Loki in Spring 2021, Spider-Man 3 on July 16, 2021, What If…? in Summer 2021, Hawkeye in Fall 2021, and Thor: Love and Thunder on November 5, 2021, and Black Panther 2 on May 6, 2022. Marvel Studios Disney+ series without release dates include Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, and She-Hulk. | 424 |
Anglo-Saxon Runic Rings
There are seven known Anglo-Saxon Age rings inscribed in runes, one of which is now disintegrated:
1. Kingmoor, Carlisle. Chance find, 1817. Now in the British Museum. Gold with niello, c. 27 mm diameter; 9th century (according to David Wilson). It has thirty runes: 27 outside the hoop and 3 inside: + æ r k r i u f l t k r i u r i þ o n g l æ s t æ p o n | t o l. Bruce Dickins noted that the group of runes ærkriu is probably akin to ærcrio in a charm for stanching blood. Therefore the rings that contain this runic group are usually thought to be amulets (cf. Bramham Moor ring below). The inscriptions are interpreted as magical gibberish. The number thirty may also be seen as a magical number, ten times three.
Photo courtesy Kotomigd.
2. Wheatley Hill, Durham. Chance find, 1993. Now in the British Museum. Gilded silver alloy, c. 19 mm diameter; late 8th century. Old English runic inscription: [h]ring ic hatt[æ], ‘I am called a ring’.
3. Bramham Moor, Yorkshire. Chance find, before 1736. Now in Danish National Museum. Gold with niello, c. 29 mm diameter; 9th century. The runic inscription reads: æ r k r i u f l t || k r i u r i þ o n || g l æ s t æ p o nt o l.
4. Cramond, Edinburgh. Chance find in churchyard 1869-70. Now in the National Museum of Scotland. Leaded bronze, c. 22 mm diameter; 9th-10th century. The runic inscription uninterpreted: [.]ewor[.]el[.]u.
5. Thames Exchange, London. Metal-detector find 1989. Now in the Museum of London. Copper alloy, c. 15 mm diameter; date uncertain. The runic inscription probably contains a part of Futhorc and a personal name: [.]fuþni ine.
6. Linstock Castle, Cumbria. First mentioned in 1824. Now in the British Museum. Agate, c. 29 mm diameter, possibly 9th century. The runic inscription reads: e r y. r i. u f. d o l. y r i. þ o l. w l e s. t e. p o t e. n o l.
7. Coquet Island, Northumberland. Chance find, before 1866. Now disintegrated. Lead, c. 26 mm diameter, date uncertain. The Old English runic inscription read: + þis is -, ‘this is…’. | 425 |
Band: Asian Kung-Fu Generation
Album: Houkai Amplifier, Tsunagi Five M, Sol-fa, Fanclub, Feedback File, World World World, Mada Minu Ashita Ni, Surf Bungaku Kamakura, Magic Disk, Landmark, Feedback File 2, Wonder Future
Label: Ki/oon Records (Sony Music Entertaiment Japan)
Asian Kung-Fu Generation, auch Ajikan (アジカン) oder AKG, ist eine J-Rock-Band aus Japan, bestehend aus den Sängern und Gitarristen Kensuke Kita sowie Masafumi Gotō, Sänger und Bassisten Takahiro Yamada sowie Schlagzeuger Kiyoshi Ijichi.
OP Flashback
ED Gekkou
1. Re:Re MV
2. Kimi to Iu Hana MV
3. Soredewa, Mata Ashita MV
4. Kimi no Machi Made MV
5. Loop & Loop MV
6. Mustang MV
7. Tightrope
8. Last Dance wa Kanashimi wo Nosete
9. Kakuu Seibutsu no Blues
10. Shinseiki no Love Song MV
11. Kaigan Doori
12. Standard MV
13. Night Diving
14. Maigoinu to Ame no Beat
15. Solanin MV
16. NGS
17. Neoteny
18. Mugen Glider
19. Marching Band MV
20. Haruka Kanata MV
21. Ao no Uta
22. Atarashii Sekai MV
23. Blackout MV
24. Inamuragasaki Jane
25. Mirai no Kakera MV
26. Blue Train MV
27. Siren MV
28. Mayonaka to Mahiru no Yume
29. Blood Circulator MV
30. Yuguure no Aka
31. After Dark MV
32. Rewrite MV
33. Shinkokyuu
34. Hase Suns
35. Planet of the Apes MV
36. Mada Minu Ashita Ni
37. Yoru no Mukou
38. Rising Sun
39. 1980
40. Sunday
41. Kouya wo Aruke MV
42. Aru Machi no Gunyou MV
43. Easter MV
44. Rock'n Roll and The Light falls on you MV
45. All Right Part 2 MV
46. Kona Yuki
47. Sono Wake wo
48. Maifuyu no Dance
49. Ima wo Ikite MV
50. Fujisawa Loser MV | 426 |
has laid him on his back and wishes to strangle him and drag him out of the hole.
Comments: she has gotten rid of his leverage by arching him back over her knee, but his two hands are free while hers are immobilized.
Da hatt er sie zu Im / gezuckt vnd wuerfft sie / In die gruben.
Here he has pulled her to him and thrown her in the hole.
Comments: This is an ending of the fight with the man victorious.
Als sie schlahen wyl So ist sie Im zu / nach Tretten das er sie ergryfft by / dem schenckel vnd wirt sie fellen.
Since she wishes to strike, she has stepped too close to him, so that he grabs her leg and will throw her.
This is evidently the beginning of a new fight. The emphasis on maintaining the right distance is basic to all martial arts, and her mistake is a common one (not just for beginners).
So schlecht er sie Fuer die brust.
Da hatt sie Im den schloeer vmb den / hals geschlagen vnd wyl In wuergen.
Here he strikes her on the chest.
Here she has wrapped the sling around his neck and wishes to strangle him.
Da hatt sie In gefaszt by dem halsz vnd by sinem / zug vnd wyl In vsz der gruben ziehen.
Here she has grabbed by the neck and by his member and wishes to drag him out of the hole.
Comments: I do not know if dragging him out of the hole or her into it constitute a victory condition short of death or disablement. Here, she has him fairly effectively pinned, so this is a victory for her. Since Talhoffer includes advice for her on how to fight, one assumes he considered the possibility of having women as part of the potential audience for his book.
Clephan, R. Coltman. The Medieval Tournament. Mineola, NY: Dover, 1995. Originally published as The Tournament: Its Periods and Phases London: Methuen, 1919. Pearsall, R. L. "Some Observations on Judicial Duels, as practiced in Germany." Archaeologica v 29. Talhoffer, Hans. Fechtbuch aus dem Jahre 1467. Gerichtliche und andere Zweikampfe darstellend. Gustav Hersgsell, ed. Prag: J.G. Calve, 1887. My thanks to Marcy Toon and the staff of the Preservation unit at the Harlan hatcher Graduate Library at the University of Michigan for giving me access and helping me copy Talhoffer's Fechtbuch.
back to main page | 427 |
Kann hin und wieder hilfreich und sinnvoll sein. So habe ich etwa das Plex Home Theater auf Sid installiert, das „libass4“ verlangt und „libass5“ nicht akzeptiert.
Die Commands zum aus- und einpacken einer solchen Datei habe ich nicht im Kopf, dafür brauche ich es einfach zu selten. Google hilft mir, wenn es wieder soweit ist, zuverlässig.
Dieses mal führte die Suche mich zu einem kleinen Script:
„vi“ ersetze ich jedoch durch „nano“.
Die neue Datei lege ich als „debchanger“ in „/usr/local/bin“ ab:
sudo nano /usr/local/bin/debchanger
Der Inhalt des Scripts:
#!/bin/bash if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then echo "Syntax: $0 debfile" exit 1 fi DEBFILE="$1" TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/deb.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1 OUTPUT=`basename "$DEBFILE".deb`.modfied.deb if [[ -e "$OUTPUT" ]]; then echo "$OUTPUT exists." rm -r "$TMPDIR" exit 1 fi dpkg-deb -x "$DEBFILE" "$TMPDIR" dpkg-deb --control "$DEBFILE" "$TMPDIR"/DEBIAN if [[! -e "$TMPDIR"/DEBIAN/control ]]; then echo DEBIAN/control not found. rm -r "$TMPDIR" exit 1 fi CONTROL="$TMPDIR"/DEBIAN/control MOD=`stat -c "%y" "$CONTROL"` nano "$CONTROL" if [[ "$MOD" == `stat -c "%y" "$CONTROL"` ]]; then echo Not modfied. else echo Building new deb... dpkg -b "$TMPDIR" "$OUTPUT" fi rm -r "$TMPDIR"
Abschließend als ausführbar markieren:
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/debchanger
Die Benutzung ist einfach: „debchanger package.deb“ verändert das Paket on-the-fly. Das neue Paket wird als „package-modified.deb“ im aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis abgelegt. | 428 |
A French filmmaker of Jewish origin unleashed a media furor after he revealed that the Kempinski Bristol hotel in Berlin does not list Israel’s dial code, with employee citing “requests” from Arabic customers.
Claude Lanzmann, an author of Holocaust documentary “Shoah,” vented his frustration at the Kempinski Bristol Hotel in Berlin, writing an open letter in the German outlet FAZ.
Read more
During his recent stay, Lanzmann tried to find Israel in the list of dial codes provided by the hotel. The country however was not mentioned among the states one can call directly from the room.
“How is it possible, in 2016 in Berlin, the capital of the new Germany, that Israel was eliminated and eradicated?” Lanzmann wrote. Instead, Kempinski Bristol offers an opportunity to dial Israel via an own call center.
Seeking explanation, the filmmaker addressed the issue at the hotel’s reception. The answer he got there, Lanzmann wrote “shocked him.”
The hotel’s clerk said that the measure was “a deliberate decision by the management of Kempinski-Hotels.”
The reason behind the move triggered even more outrage by the filmmaker.
“The majority of our guests are Arabs and they demanded Israel’s [code] to be deleted,” the employee was quoted as saying by Lanzmann.
Israeli ambassador to Germany Yakov Hadas-Handelsman called the case a “great shame,” Suddeutsche Zeitung reports.
"We were appalled and shocked by the incident. It is in itself a great shame. The fact that it has occurred in Germany and at that very hotel chain, is an even greater disgrace. That needs no explanation. We expect that the hotel draws the right conclusions,” the official said.
The incident triggered quite a response online, with people calling it a scandal. Some alleged that the Kempinski hotel simply “caved in” to the alleged demands of Arabic customers.
“Shame on you,” another post stated, pointing out that the hotel, located in the noble Kurfurstendamm street stands near a synagogue.
Der Skandal ist ja die Begründung: Arabische Gäste verlangten die Tilgung Israels aus dem Telefonbuch. Und das Hotel #Kempinski gab nach. — Gideon Böss (@GideonBoess) August 11, 2016
The hotel itself was quick to brush off any accusations, calling what happened an “oversight” and “apologizing” to Lanzmann, Der Spiegel reports.
“There was never a direct order” not to include Israel in the fast dial list, Suddeutsche Zeitung quoted a Kempinski representative as saying. It adds that the code was now added. | 429 |
A Dutch F-16 fighter jet somehow managed to shoot itself with its own autocannon during a military exercise this year, local media reports, citing investigators. The military is still not sure how exactly the incident happened.
The F-16 jet suffered “considerable damage” after getting hit by a projectile – which turned out to be its own ammunition, Dutch broadcaster NOS reported this week. The bizarre incident occurred in January and has been under investigation ever since.
A pair of the US-made fighter jets were training together and shooting ground targets with their six-barrel Vulcan autocannons. One of the machines was damaged during the exercise, but landed safely afterwards. Its pilot walked away from the incident unharmed.
A photo released by the investigators to Dutch media shows an apparent bullet hole and a dent in the plane’s port side, right below the canopy. Fragments of the ammunition had also reportedly damaged the aircraft’s engine. It is not yet clear how many bullets hit the plane, but at least one definitely left the mark.
F-16 boven Vlieland geraakt door eigen kogel.https://t.co/lNI49cxIKDDe F-16 die in januari aanzienlijke schade opliep tijdens een oefening boven Vlieland blijkt geraakt te zijn door zijn eigen munitie. Zeker één afgevuurd patroon richtte schade aan aan de beplating van... pic.twitter.com/NS1a365oju — NL Nieuws (@NieuwsNu123) April 4, 2019
How exactly the aircraft managed to get hit by its own bullet remains a mystery and is the subject of a further investigation – which will take an unspecified amount of time.
“It is a serious case. Therefore, we want to find out what happened and how we can prevent this in future.” Safety Inspector-General Wim Bargerbos said.
While some aircraft have, indeed, scored ‘own-shots due to faulty missiles and improperly detatching bombs, catching an ‘own bullet’ mid-flight is nearly impossible. There’s been basically only one well-documented incident before, and that, too, involved a US-made plane.
Also on rt.com WATCH: New ‘stealth’ Borey-class nuclear sub out at sea for trials
Back in 1956, F-11 Tiger pilot Thomas Attridge managed to shoot himself down while test-firing 20-mm cannons of his aircraft. After shooting a burst, the pilot took a shallow dive – and caught up with his own munitions a minute later. The aircraft was badly damaged and crash-landed, while Attridge was injured. He returned into service after several months.
If you like this story, share it with a friend! | 430 |
O Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) é uma distribuição Linux baseada em Debian, cujo principal objetivo é garantir o anonimato do utilizador, sem deixar rasto, enquanto este navega na Internet. Esta distribuição traz já várias aplicações para a Internet, que incluem um browser, cliente de IRC, cliente de e-mail, cliente de instant messenger, entre outros.
Vamos conhecer as novidades do Tails 3.0.
O Tails traz consigo várias aplicações para a Internet, que vêm já pré-configuradas com um conjunto de parâmetros, que assentam na rede TOR e em criptografia PGP, que garantem o anonimato dos utilizadores enquanto estes navegam na Internet.
O Tails está disponível em versão Live CD/DVD/USB, permitindo assim que possa ser usada sem a necessidade de ser instalada num dispositivo de armazenamento persistente (ex. Disco rígido).
Esta nova versão é baseada no Debian 9 “Stretch” e a interface GNOME Shell sofreram várias melhorias. Segundo o comunicado, esta versão apenas funciona em máquinas com arquitetura de 64 bits.
Destaque ainda para o Tor Browser 7.0 que, como já referimos, é baseado no Firefox 52 ESR que já vem com suporte para multi-processo, tornando-o assim mais parecido com o Chrome, e também sandbox de conteúdos.
Tails 3.0 works on 64-bit computers only and not on 32-bit computers anymore. Dropping hardware support, even for a small portion of our user base, is always a hard decision to make but being 64-bit only has important security and reliability benefits. For example, to protect against some types of security exploits, support for the NX bit is compulsory and most binaries are hardened with PIE which allows ASLR. Update Tor Browser to 7.0 (based on Firefox 52 ESR) which is multi-process and paves the way to content sandboxing. This should make it harder to exploit security vulnerabilities in the browser
Esta versão vem ainda com um novo Welcome Screen batizado de Tails Greeter. Através do Welcome Scree é possível escolher o idioma, layout do teclado, entre outras configurações. Saiba tudo aqui. | 431 |
property confiscated and redistributed to the Emperor’s adherents. Foreign noblemen and generals began streaming into the country. The German language was put on par with Czech. The Hapsburgs were established as heirs of the Czech throne, with Catholicism the only allowed religion. Thousands of people who refused to convert were forced to leave the country. This was the completion of the transformation of the Czech estate into one of absolutist monarchy.
Further defenestrations
More events of defenestration have occurred in Prague during its history, but they are not usually called "Defenestrations of Prague."
The chronologically second defenestration occurred on September 24, 1483, under the reign of Vladislaus of the Jagellon Dynasty, although this was a marginal event. The Hussites, feeling jeopardized by Catholics, who dominated the Old Town Hall, overthrew the municipal governments of the Old, New, and Lesser Towns. The Old Town councilor was thrown out of the window. Then they stormed the recently restored monasteries, killed some of the monks, and leveled those symbols of Catholic Church. The Jewish Town also fell prey to them. The king himself kept distance from Prague for one year following.
The term "Third Defenestration of Prague" is sometimes used to denote various events reminiscent of the two defenestrations. It has been used to describe the death of diplomat and the longest serving Minister of Foreign Affairs of pre-Communist Czechoslovakia Jan Masaryk, son of the first president and founder of Czechoslovakia Tomas Garrigue Masaryk. Jan was found dead beneath his window in the courtyard of the building of the Czechoslovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on March 10, 1948. Since this was two weeks after the Communist Party took over in the country, the version that he committed suicide seems highly unlikely. He is presumed murdered by the Communists defenestrating him.[3]
Howe, Susan. Defenestration of Prague. New York: Kulchur Foundation, 1983. ISBN 0936538066
New York: Kulchur Foundation, 1983. ISBN 0936538066 Schwarz, Henry Frederick and John Insley Coddington. The Imperial Privy Council in the Seventeenth Century. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1943.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1943. Spinka, Matthew. John Hus, a Biography. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. ISBN 0313210500
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. ISBN 0313210500 Wilkinson, Philip, Jacqueline Dineen, and Robert R. Ingpen. Statesmen Who Changed the World. New York: Chelsea House, 1994. ISBN 0791027627
All links retrieved November 7, 2017.
English language
Pavla Horakova March 11, 2002, "Jan Masaryk died 54 years ago" Prague Radio.
Czech language | 432 |
efully without breaking it) so that behaves like a very simple clone of numpy.random.randn, and like numpy, stuck it in it's own sub-module to the Numpl module I created in Part 3.
class Numpl :: Random { method randn ( $ n ) { sqrt ( -2 × log ( rand ) ) × cos ( τ × rand ) xx $ n ; } } class Numpl { method random { Numpl :: Random. new () ; } }
Which means I could now do this
my $ np = Numpl. new ; my $ x = $ np. random. randn ( 437 )
The next few lines are pretty straight-forward, so moving now to mlab.normpdf. Ok, so the comment there tells me that this thing adds a line of "best fit", but what the heck does it have to do with PDF? Being curious, I did a search and found out it stands for 'Probability Density Function'. With my curiosity quenched, I converted the rest of the code to Perl without much fanfare.
use Numpl ; use Matplotlib ; my $ np = Numpl. new ; my $ plt = Matplotlib :: Plot. new ; my $ mlab = Matplotlib :: Mlab. new ; srand ( 0 ) ; my $ mu = 100 ; my $ sigma = 15 ; my $ x = $ np. random. randn ( 437 ). map ( * × $ sigma + $ mu ) ; my $ num_bins = 50 ; my ( $ fig, $ ax ) = $ plt. subplots () ; my ( $ n, $ bins, $ patches ) = $ ax. hist ( $ x, $ num_bins, : normed ( 1 ) ) ; my $ y = $ bins. map ( -> $ value { $ mlab. normpdf ( $ value, $ mu, $ sigma ) }) ; $ ax. plot ( $ bins, $ y,'--') ; $ ax. set_xlabel ('Smarts') ; $ ax. set_ylabel ('Probability density') ; $ ax. set_title ('Histogram of IQ: $\mu=100$, $\sigma=15$') ; $ fig. tight_layout () ; $ plt. show () ;
So, um, yeah... Not much to say here that hasn't been covered. I'm using a map again on the results of randn and norpdf. The rest is pretty standard translation stuff, and here's the result.
Even though I am seeding the PRNG, Perl will generate random numbers differently than Python, so this doesn't look exactly like the one in the gallery. You can remove the srand to get a different graph each time. The colours, however, are a little... academic. I think next I'll try applying one of the style sheets to a graph.
To be continued... | 433 |
Sehr gerne würde ich ihnen beim Pilze sammeln mit ihrem mit kommen, bzw. sehr gerne würde ich ihnen beim Plize sammeln zur Hand gehen, bzw. sehr gerne würde ich ihr beim Picken sammeln sehr dicht hinter ihr mit ihr gehen, denn ihr üppiger Balken wackelt ihr beim gehen, sehr gerne hinter dem Rücken ihrer zwei Eutern grabschen und durchkneten.
Währe auch sehr gespannt wie sie auf das Busengrabschen reagieren würde:
1. Sie erschreckt sich, schreit schrill wie am Spieß, verlangt aber nach ihren 1. Schock dass ich ihr beim Pilze sammeln würde, eine schöne Brustmassage, dann würde ich ihr weiter beim Pilze ihre zwei prallen Eute durch kneten bis sie mit Pilze sammeln fertig ist
2.Sie erschreckt sich, schreit schrill wie am Spieß, sie sagt zu mir: "Bitte nicht, bitte hör sofort auf!" dann würde ich ihnen beim Pilze ihre zwei prallen Eute grabschen und durch kneten bis sie mit Pilze sammeln fertig ist
das erste wäre mir lieber.
I would like to get her at the mushroom collecting with her, or very gladly I would hand her at the Plize collect go hand, or very gladly I would her the Pize collect very close behind her with her go, as her lush Balkoon you wiggle while walking, or very gladly I would very close behind her from behind her two plump udders grab and knead.
Would also be very curious as she would react to the bus break:
1. She is frightened, shrieked as if by the spit, but asked for her first shock that I continue to gather her at the mushroom a beautiful chest massage, then I would continue her with the mushroom her two bouncing udders knead until she finished mushroom picking
2. She is frightened, shrieks like a spit, she says to me: "Please do not, please stop immediately!" then I would continue to grasp her mushroom with her two plump udders and knead until she is ready to collect mushrooms
The first would be better.
| 434 |
De Gesondheetsministère deelt mat, datt en Donneschdeg een zweete Fall vu Coronavirus zu Lëtzebuerg confirméiert gouf.
Et handelt sech ëm eng Persoun, déi aus dem Norden vun Italien zeréckkoum.
Si gëtt den Ament am CHL behandelt. Hiren Zoustand, esou heescht et am Schreiwes vun der Santé, wier "rassurant".
Et gëtt den Ament nach op d'Resultat vun deem zweeten Test gewaart.
D'Inspection sanitaire ass den Ament am Gaang ze kucken, mat wiem dës Persoun a Kontakt war.
Schreiwes vum Gesondheetsministère
Un 2e cas d'infection COVID-19 au Luxembourg
Communiqué par: Ministère de la Santé La Direction de la santé informe qu'un nouveau cas infecté avec le coronavirus COVID-19 a été diagnostiqué aujourd'hui. Il s'agit d'un résident du Luxembourg qui est rentré d'Italie du Nord.
La personne a été prise en charge au Centre hospitalier de Luxembourg. Son état de santé est rassurant, le résultat du test de confirmation est en attente. L'Inspection sanitaire est en train de mener une enquête permettant de retracer son entourage.
La Direction de la santé continuera à informer le public de manière régulière.
Le public est invité à consulter la FAQ disponible sur le site www.gouvernement.lu/coronavirus pour les renseignements d'ordre général et les gestes de prévention à adopter. Une hotline destinée au grand public fonctionne depuis le 2 mars 2020 sous le numéro 8002 8080.
Le gouvernement tient à rappeler qu'en cas de symptômes d'une infection (toux, fièvre ou problèmes respiratoires), il n'est pas indiqué de se rendre chez le médecin ou aux urgences, mais d'appeler le 8002 8080 ou, en cas d'urgence, le 112. D'autre part, les personnes présentant ces mêmes symptômes devraient s'abstenir de rendre visite à des personnes vulnérables. | 435 |
anonymous report: "Freed 49 lambs from a herd intended for Easter massacre. On the night of March 7 we returned the joy of living to 49 lambs, with the complicity of the night we arrived in front of the fence that protected the stable where they were locked up those 49 defenseless creatures, alone, cold, hungry, frightened and some wounded. We opened the network, and each of them brought out, loaded and taken away. We left not before leaving a reminder to the owner of the place, burn folders, missing documents, pc destroyed and damaged barns and no longer usable perhaps serve to make him understand that it must stop.
If you ruin the lives of others, we will ruin your life. Now they are in a safe place where they will be cared for and will be able to live their lives as they deserve, free, happy and safe. The ALF will never leave in peace killers like you, stop profiting on the pain of others and life or come back for you!! Want to celebrate your God? ok! But not to involve innocent creatures.. or very soon will have a our visit!!!
A.L.F" Italian:
"Liberati 49 agnelli da un allevamento, destinati al massacro pasquale. La notte del 7 Marzo abbiamo restituito la gioia di vivere a 49 agnelli, con la complicità della notte siamo arrivati davanti al recinto che proteggeva la stalla dove erano rinchiuse quelle 49 creature indifese, soli, al freddo, affamati, terrorizzati e alcuni feriti. Abbiamo aperto la rete, e portato fuori ognuno di loro, caricati e portati via. Siamo andati via non prima di lasciare un ricordo al proprietario del posto, cartelle bruciate, documenti mancanti, pc distrutti e le stalle danneggiate e non più utilizzabili forse serviranno a fargli capire che deve smetterla.
Se tu rovini la vita di altri, noi roviniamo la tua vita. Ora si trovano in un posto sicuro dove saranno curati e potranno vivere la loro vita come meritano, liberi, felici e al sicuro. L'ALF non lascerà mai in pace assassini come te, smettila di lucrare sul dolore e la vita altrui o torneremo per te!! Vuoi celebrare il tuo Dio? ok! Ma non coinvolgere innocenti creature.. o molto presto avrai una nostra visita!!!
A.L.F" | 436 |
En 2011, on estimait que la population des markhors, ces chèvres sauvages de l'Himalaya, n'atteignait plus que 2500 animaux, ce qui lui valait d'être classée comme espèce "en danger" sur la liste rouge de l'UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature). Alors forcément, voir un chasseur américain poser à côté d'un markhor, aux cornes longues d'un mètre, tout juste tué pour 110.000 dollars, ne passe pas.
ANIMAUX - Jamais un chasseur n'avait payé aussi cher pour tuer l'animal national du Pakistan. Sur les réseaux sociaux, les images de l'Américain Bryan Kinsel Harlan posant fièrement aux côtés d'un markhor mort font polémique.
Bryan Kinsel Harlan - a US citizen who reportedly paid $110,000 - the highest ever - to kill a Markhor, Pakistan's national animal.
"Bryan Kinsel Harlan - un citoyen américain qui aurait payé 110 000 dollars - la somme la plus élevée - pour tuer un Markhor, l'animal national du Pakistan. Pourquoi?"
Pourtant, Bryan Kinsel Harlan, qui s'est dit "ravi de ramener ce trophée", a agi en toute légalité. La chasse aux markhors est encadrée par les autorités pakistanaises et permettrait même de sauver cette espèce rare de l'extinction, rapporte le Washington Post. Si les animaux crapahutent désormais dans des "zones de conservation", le Pakistan légalise chaque saison la chasse de 12 mâles de l'espèce contre de grosses sommes d'argent. De quoi lutter a priori contre le braconnage.
"Il ne s'agit pas juste de chasse", raconte Tabarak Ullah, le guide local qui a accompagné Bryan Kinsel Harlan, "le nombre d'animaux est en hausse, et ces chasseurs étrangers sont des millionnaires qui rentrent dans leur pays et racontent au monde que le Pakistan est un pays sûr." Des quelque 110.000 dollars payés par cet Américain, 80 % devraient être reversés aux populations locales et 20 % à l'agence gouvernementale de protection de la faune.
À voir également sur Le HuffPost : | 437 |
The Eiffel Tower was evacuated on Monday after a person was spotted climbing up. (AFP)
The Eiffel Tower was evacuated on Monday after a man was seen climbing up the iconic Paris landmark, one of France's biggest tourist draws, the operating company said.
"A climber has been spotted. It's the standard procedure. We have to stop the person, and in that case we evacuate the tower," an official with the SETE operator told AFP.
The esplanade underneath the monument was also evacuated, as was a large section of the adjacent Champ de Mars park.
"We kindly advise our visitors to postpone their visit," SETE added on Twitter.
La #tourEiffel est actuellement fermée jusqu nouvel ordre. Pour éviter une trop longue attente, nous conseillons nos visiteurs de reporter leur visite.
The Eiffel Tower is currently closed until further notice. We kindly advise our visitors to postpone their visit. - La tour Eiffel (@LaTourEiffel) May 20, 2019
Police have made contact with the climber but do not yet know why he began his ascent up the iron beams, a police source told AFP.
At around 5:30 pm (1530 GMT) firemen were trying to reach the climber, dressed in a black jacket, by rappelling down from the third-floor observation deck near the top.
Crowds of tourists remained in the area, hoping the tower will reopen soon.
"We're really disappointed, we're only here for a week and this messes with our whole programme," said Sylvie and Celine Forcier from Quebec.
Justin and Karen Smith, from Los Angeles, had celebrated their wedding Sunday in front of the tower, but were hoping to get to the top Monday. "We're disappointed," he said.
The tower is regularly the target of rogue freeclimbers hoping to scale one of the world's most famous structures, often for bragging rights.
But police have also been called in several times in recent years to try to thwart suicide attempts.
In October 2017, a young man ventured out on one of the beams and threatened to jump before police were able to convince him to come back.
In 2012, a British man managed to climb to the very top of the 324-metre-high tower before plunging to his death.
Nearly seven million people a year visit the tower, which last week celebrated its 130th anniversary.
The first two floors can be reached by either elevator or stairs, but only elevators whisk people to the top observation deck.
That did not stop the French urban freeclimber Alain Robert from making it one of his first targets in his campaign to scale the world's biggest buildings with no technical climbing gear.
He got to the top -- not including the antenna-- in the mid-1990s. | 438 |
Pope Francis, formerly Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina. (AP)
(CNSNews.com) – In a 2011 book, Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio, the new Pope Francis, stated that parents have a right to raise their children in accordance with their religious beliefs and that sometimes when the government intervenes to deprive young people of that religious element, it can produce terrible consequences, including “cases like Nazism” whereby many students were indoctrinated with views alien to those espoused their parents.
The book, in Spanish, is entitled Sobre El Cielo Y La Tierra (On Heaven and Earth), by Jorge Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka, the latter an Argentinan rabbi. The book is in interview-style and Skorka asks the cardinal a variety of questions throughout 29 chapters.
In Chapter 18, "Sobre la educacion" (On Education), the future Pope Francis says, “In the Bible, God presents himself as a teacher. ‘Yet it was I who taught Ephraim to walk, who took them in my arms,’ it says. A believer is obliged to raise his children. Every man and every woman has a right to educate their children in their religious values.”
“When a government deprives children of this formation, it can lead to cases like Nazism, whereby children were indoctrinated with values opposite to those of their parents. Totalitarianism tends to take over education so it can use the water for its own mill,” said then-Cardinal Bergogolio.
Cardinal Bergoglio, 76, was the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was elected Pope of the Catholic Church on Mar. 13. He chose the name Pope Francis, in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, who was known for rebuilding the church with new religious orders and who had the stigmata (the wounds of Christ) in his hands, feet and side.
The paragraph on education in Spanish, from the book, is as follows (without accents): “En la Biblia, Dios se muestra como un educador. ‘Yo te lleve a babucha, te ensene a caminar,’ dice. La obligacion del creyente es hacer crecer a sus crias. Cada hombre y cada mujer tienen derecho a educar a sus hijos en sus valores religiosos. La incedencia del Estrado en la privacion de esta formacion puese llevar a casos como el Nazism, en el que los chicos eran adoctrinadops con valores ajenos a los de sus padres. Los totalitarismos tienden a copar la education para llevar el agua a su propio Molino.”
(Steve Edwards and Joshua Cabana contributed to this report.) | 439 |
Nueva liga, Dover Athletic Football Club (update 2018)
La nueva etapa en el Dover comienza con muy malas expectativas. Un equipo que parte con la idea de pasarlo mal en la temporada, poco más de cien mil euros para gastar y unos rivales mejor armados que nosotros, eso es el avance de un trabajo difícil.
La plantilla a simple vista no parece demasiado mala para la categoría, aunque he subido un par de jugadores del reserva para poder formar un equipo equilibrado.
Algunos de los cedidos al club volverán a su lugar de origen. Creo que es preferible utilizar la plantilla propia si el cedido no mejora la calidad.
Estos son los tres jugadores cedidos que vuelven a sus equipos. Bradley no es mejor que mis otros laterales derechos, prefiero arriesgar. Massanka no es un delantero estrella ni mucho menos, y G.Smith está muy lejos de mantener un nivel aceptable.
Probaré una táctica muy diferente a la que suelo utilizar en otras partidas. No soy un jugador muy experto, pero creo que algo como esto y con una idea de pasas directos, puede ser el revulsivo que necesitamos.
The new stage in the Dover begins with very bad expectations. A team that starts with the idea of having a bad time in the season, just over one hundred thousand euros to spend and better-armed rivals than us, that is the progress of a difficult job.
The staff at first glance does not seem too bad for the category, although I have raised a couple of reserve players to form a balanced team.
Some of the loaned to the club will return to their place of origin. I think it is preferable to use the own template if the loan does not improve the quality.
These are the three loaned players who return to their teams. Bradley is not better than my other right sides, I prefer to risk. Massanka is not a star striker by any means, and G.Smith is far from maintaining an acceptable level.
I will try a very different tactic than what I usually use in other games. I am not a very expert player, but I think that something like this and with an idea of direct raisins, can be the revulsive we need.
| 440 |
ize Saussure's use of the word difference. Heidegger's method of interpretation, at each moment, anticipates by projecting into the void the emptiness to be occupied by text reflecting his understanding of the deconstructed text being received with the lingering apprehension of deconstructed text already received. As examples, he casts forward the tautology, "language is language," and the poem's image of "language is the house of Being," searching for the signifieds to these signifiers. He continues his recursive anticipating and deconstructing, deconstructing and anticipating, until he reaches his "base case"—something or nothing. The associative springs of "A Winter Evening" sucked dry, only "die Steine," the rocks, of Trakl's words remain. Ein Winterabend Wenn der Schnee ans Fenster fällt,
Lang die Abendglocke läutet,
Vielen ist der Tisch bereitet
Und das Haus ist wohlbestellt.
Mancher auf der Wanderschaft
Kommt ans Tor auf dunklen Pfaden.
Golden blüht der Baum der Gnaden
Aus der Erde kühlem Saft.
Wanderer tritt still herein;
Schmerz versteinerte die Schwelle.
Da erglänzt in reiner Helle
Auf dem Tische Brot und Wein. A Winter Evening Window with falling snow is arrayed.
Long tolls the vesper bell,
The house is provided well,
The table is for many laid. Wandering ones, more than a few,
Come to the door on darksome courses.
Golden blooms the tree of graces
Drawing up the earths cool dew. Wanderer quietly steps within;
Pain has turned the threshold to stone.
There lie, in limpid brightness shown,
Upon the table bread and wine. Mountain Shadows — Full Moon Night — Tamihi Mountain Works Cited and Consulted Heidegger, Martin. Poetry, Language, and Thought. Trans. Peter D. Hertz. New York: Harper, 1971. Heidegger, Martin. On the Way to Language. Trans. Peter D. Hertz. New York: Harper, 1982. Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time. Trans. Joan Stambaugh. Albany: State U of NY, 1996. The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism. Ed. Vincent B.Leitch. New York: Norton, 2001. Saussure, Ferdinand de. Course in General Linguistics. Eds. Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye. Trans. Wade Baskin. New York: McGraw, 1959. Wiens, Elmer G. "Reduction of Games Using Dominant Strategies." M.Sc. Diss. U of British Columbia, 1969. | 441 |
Esta nota fue escrita originalmente en español. Para leer esa versión, haga click aquí.
Chilean senator, currently running for reelection, Fulvio Rossi, was admitted to hospital this morning after being stabbed in the Península de Cavancha area in Iquique, capital city of the Tarapacá region in the north of the country.
According to preliminary information, Mr Rossi would have entered Iquique’s Regional Hospital unaided, where he was subject to medical examination. It was confirmed that he is conscious, stable and his life is not at risk.
In the first statement, medical staff said that Mr Rossi had two injuries: one in the abdomen due to a blade, which would not have compromised the abdominal cavity, and a traumatic brain injury due to a blow to the head that left him unconscious for at least one minute.
Local authorities, such as the head of the Regional Government, Claudia Rojas, visited Mr Rossi in hospital to check his condition, who still needs further exams because of his injuries.
Fiscal Jefe Iquique concurre a lugar donde senador Rossi habría sido lesionado. Labocar realiza diligencias en el sitio. pic.twitter.com/TMvb4lM8IU — Fiscalía Tarapacá (@FiscaliaIRegion) 15 de noviembre de 2017
Different versions
At first, preliminary information pointed out that Mr Rossi was accompanied by his campaign staff while they were retiring political posters off the street, when two unidentified people approached him so as to attack him. One of them is said to have hit him on the head and that the other stabbed him.
A later version, told by his closest advisors, says that the senator was attacked on his way to his campaign headquarters, and that he was alone at the moment of the assault. It was in that place where he was, allegedly, found right after by one of his staff members.
What is a fact is that the candidate had received warnings, even death threats, since October. That was confirmed by one of Mr Rossi’s advisors, Paula Afani, who added that they had reported the situation to the Public Prosecutor’s Office two weeks ago.
The assault was condemned by politicians from all parties, the current presidential candidates and President Michelle Bachelet herself.
The Police confirmed the attack and, in a statement, added that an investigation was launched. Nonetheless, no one has been arrested hitherto.
The Government’s spokesperson, Paula Narváez, affirmed that “the situation is being analised” and that they “are waiting to have futher details to present a lawsuit”.
On Monday, a lorry that transported part of Mr Rossi’s campaign staff overturned and the candidate himself -a doctor- aided several of them. | 442 |
Bonsai is a Japanese art form using miniature trees grown in containers. Similar practices exist in other cultures, including the Chinese tradition of penjing from which the art originated. The Japanese tradition dates back over a thousand years, and has its own aesthetics and terminology.
The purposes of bonsai are primarily contemplation (for the viewer) and the pleasant exercise of effort and ingenuity (for the grower). A bonsai is created beginning with a specimen of source material. This may be a cutting, seedling, or small tree of a species suitable for bonsai development.
While there are many popular species for Bonsai, I am fascinated by the use of Coast Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens), as they are the tallest trees currently on Earth.
Common names include coast redwood, California redwood, and giant redwood. They are evergreens and can live 1200–1800 years or more, reaching up to 379 feet (115.5 m) in height (without the roots) and up to 26 feet (7.9 m) in diameter at breast height. An estimated 95% or more of the original old-growth redwood forest has been cut down due to its excellent properties for use as lumber in construction. [Source]
Hyperion is the name of a coast redwood in Northern California that was measured at 115.61 metres (379.3 ft), which ranks it as the world’s tallest known living tree. It was discovered August 25, 2006 by naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor. [Source]
Below you will find a small gallery of beautiful Bonsai Redwoods. There are many more examples online, but a great place to start is at the Redwood Empire Bonsai Society where they feature an extensive collection from countless Bonsai exhibits in the U.S.
1. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) – 50 years old
2. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
Jan Hettick/Bonsai Society of Portland
3. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
4. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) – 40 years old
5. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) – 31 years old
6. Bonsai Redwood Grove @ The Chicago Botanic Garden
8. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
9. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
10. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
11. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) – 50 years old
12. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
13. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens)
14. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) – 87 years old
15. | 443 |
( done ) => { setTimeout ( ( ) => { expect ( true ). toBe ( true ) ; done ( ) ; }, 2000 ) ; } ) ;
Angular makes this a little bit more convenient. It comes with another helper function async() which takes a test spec and then runs done() behind the scenes for us. This is pretty cool, because we can write our test code as if it was synchronous!
How does that work? Well… Angular takes advantage of a feature called Zones. It creates a “testZone”, which automatically figures out when it needs to call done(). If you havent heard about Zones before, we wrote about them here and here.
Special Tip: Angular’s async() function executes test specs in a test zone!
The complete code
Putting it all together, here’s what the test spec for the getVideos() method looks like:
import { TestBed, async, inject } from '@angular/core/testing' ; import { HttpModule, Http, Response, ResponseOptions, XHRBackend } from '@angular/http' ; import { MockBackend } from '@angular/http/testing' ; import { VideoService } from './video.service' ; import { VIMEO_API_URL } from '../config' ; describe ( 'VideoService', ( ) => { beforeEach ( ( ) => { TestBed. configureTestingModule ( { imports : [ HttpModule ], providers : [ { provide : VIMEO_API_URL, useValue : 'http://example.com' }, VideoService, { provide : XHRBackend, useClass : MockBackend }, ] } ) ; } ) ; describe ( 'getVideos()', ( ) => { it ('should return an Observable<Array<Video>>', inject ( [ VideoService, XHRBackend ], ( videoService, mockBackend ) => { const mockResponse = { data : [ { id : 0, name : 'Video 0' }, { id : 1, name : 'Video 1' }, { id : 2, name : 'Video 2' }, { id : 3, name : 'Video 3' }, ] } ; mockBackend. connections. subscribe ( ( connection ) => { connection. mockRespond ( new Response ( new ResponseOptions ( { body : JSON. stringify ( mockResponse ) } ) ) ) ; } ) ; videoService. getVideos ( ). subscribe ( ( videos ) => { expect ( videos. length ). toBe ( 4 ) ; expect ( videos [ 0 ]. name ). toEqual ( 'Video 0' ) ; expect ( videos [ 1 ]. name ). toEqual ( 'Video 1' ) ; expect ( videos [ 2 ]. name ). toEqual ( 'Video 2' ) ; expect ( videos [ 3 ]. name ). toEqual ( 'Video 3' ) ; } ) ; } ) ) ; } ) ; } ) ; | 444 |
ji da nam sva prava ostaju ista nakon prelaska u Sokol Marić. Nekima u Zagrebu su dali nove ugovore nakon preuzimanja Pro agenta, ali nama koji radimo van Zagreba nisu dali nikakve ugovore tako da nam vrijede stari, ali ih u Sokol Mariću ne poštuju. Plaća nam je nikakva, a riskiramo život za 13,8 kuna po satu", ispričao nam je još jedan zaposlenik.
Osim sa sadašnjim zaposlenicima, razgovarali smo i s bivšim zaposlenikom Sokol Marića koji više nije mogao podnijeti takve uvjete rada.
"Dao sam otkaz jer sam punih 5,5 mjeseci radio smjene 12/24, što znači da bi radio 12 sati i potom 24 odmarao i opet 12 radio, a za nikakvu plaću. Poludio sam, nisam mogao više i rekli su mi da mi ne mogu pomoći. Dali su mi sporazumni otkaz i čak ni otkazni rok nisam morao odraditi. Uz to su me zakinuli za satnicu, plaću i godišnji odmor. Srezali su mi sva prava. Kad smo iz Pro agenta prešli u Sokol rekli su mi da moram potpisati novi ugovor, iako im rečeno da mi ostaju sva prava iz Pro agenta kao i plaća, no u Pro Agentu sam imao bruto 3600 kuna, a u Sokolu 2980 bruto. Tad su mi rekli da će mi dati otkaz ako ne potpišem novi ugovor tako da sam ga potpisao mimo svoje volje. Smanjili su mi i godišnji s 27 na 20 dana. Inače ljudima su davali otkaze za banalne stvari, ako bi pet minuta otišli ranije s posla. Nekima iz Pro agenta nisu ni produžili ugovore iako imaju manjak ljudi", kazao nam je bivši zaposlenik.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa | 445 |
The Flickr user diepuppenstubensammlerin (the name means “the dollhouse collector”) has a remarkably wide-ranging and detailed series of galleries documenting dollhouses from Germany, with many of the sets pictured dating from the 1950s through the 1970s. The set pictured here came from a company called VEB Grünhainichen, if I understand correctly, and it was in East Germany, in fact on the border to what was then called Czechoslovakia.
The notion of children playing with dollhouses that have this kitschy wallpaper and kitchen tiles or tasteful/chintzy furniture of indubitably modern design. All you need is a Trabant driving by outside or the tones of the Klaus Renft Combo emanating from the hi-fi system and the picture is complete.
This all ties in vaguely with something we covered a couple of years ago, “Ostalgie,” which might be translated as “Eastalgia,” a coinage that refers to nostalgia for the old German Democratic Republic, or the DDR as it is known in German.
Helpfully, diepuppenstubensammlerin supplies a little explanation as to what we’re looking at:
VEB Holzspielwarenfabrik Grünhainichen
Die Fabrik wurde 1952 in Grünhainichen, damals DDR, als Volkseigener Betrieb durch die Verstaatlichung der Großhandelsfirma Cuno & Otto Dressel gegründet. Sie produzierte hochwertiges Holzspielzeug auf einem künstlerisch anspruchsvollen Niveau. 1966 wurde die Fabrik im Zuge der totalen Verstaatlichung aller Betriebe mit anderen Fabriken zu dem Kombinat VEB VERO zusammengeschlossen.”
Which basically means, the factory made wooden toys in Grünhainichen in the German Democratic Republic. The factory was founded in 1952 as the state-owned version of the company that had been known as Cuno & Otto Dressel. The factory produced high-quality wooden toys of a high artistic quality. In 1966, as part of the total nationalization of all businesses, the factory was combined with other factories to create the VEB VERO company.
If nothing else, acquring these dollhouses would enable children to stage their own versions of Ali: Fear Eats the Soul or any number of Rainer Werner Fassbinder classics. (Yes, Fassbinder mostly worked in West Germany, but the aesthetic of these toys fits either way…..)
Click on any image for a larger view.
via Messy Nessy Chic
| 446 |
Con palabras simples y una referencia directa al pueblo argentino, el ex presidente brasileño Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva felicitó a la fórmula compuesta por Alberto Fernández y Cristina Fernández de Kirchner por su rotundo triunfo en las PASO de este domingo.
"Felicidades a los compañeros @alferdez y @CFKArgentina por el significativo resultado en las primarias argentinas. Debemos dar esperanza a la gente, traer mejores días y cuidar a quienes más los necesitan. Un fuerte abrazo del amigo Lula", escribió en su cuenta de Twitter, arrobando a la dupla presidencial del Frente de Todos.
Parabéns aos companheiros @alferdez e @CFKArgentina pelo expressivo resultado nas primárias argentinas. É preciso dar esperança ao povo, trazer dias melhores e cuidar de quem mais precisa. Um forte abraço do amigo Lula. — Lula (@LulaOficial) August 12, 2019
La fluída relación del ex mandatario de Brasil con el kirchnerismo es de público conocimiento. En efecto, Alberto Fernández lo visitó el 4 de julio pasado en su celda de la sede de la Policía Federal en la ciudad de Curitiba, estado de Paraná, donde cumple su condena por una causa de corrupción.
Muchas gracias, querido amigo @LulaOficial. Como bien decís, debemos darle esperanza a nuestro pueblo y cuidar de quienes más lo necesitan. Te mando un fuerte abrazo que espero poder darte pronto. https://t.co/8s6K7Vk5e4 — Alberto Fernández (@alferdez) August 12, 2019
De la reunión también participó el ex canciller brasileño, Celso Amorim. El líder del opositor Partido de los Trabajadores, ya pidió a la Corte Suprema la nulidad de su proceso por falta de parcialidad del juez que lo condenó, el actual ministro de Justicia, Sérgio Moro.
Con información de Télam.
| 447 |
Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is making fun of Chinese accents on Twitter while on official business in the country. In a tweet on Wednesday, first reported by Bloomberg, she wrote about her trip, replacing "r"s with "l"s in the words arroz (rice) and petróleo (petroleum).
She then tweeted a non-apology:
Sorry. ¿Sabes qué? Es que es tanto el exceso del ridículo y el absurdo, que sólo se digiere con humor. Sino son muy, pero muy tóxicos. — Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina) February 4, 2015
Translation: "Sorry. You know what? It's just that the ridiculousness and absurdity is so high, that it can only be understood through humor. If not, it's very, very toxic."
The problem with this — beyond that it's incredibly insulting to the Chinese — is that it's bad for Argentina's economy.
Fernandez needs China. Badly. Since last year, Fernandez has been working with Chinese President Xi Jinping on a currency swap to get cash to her country and replenish Argentina's notoriously low reserves.
Chinese President Xi Jinping with Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner during a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Wednesday. REUTERS/Rolex Dela Pena/Pool
Last fall reserves hit their lowest level in some time, at about $22 billion. The country's exports, mostly commodities, are really cheap, and its balance of payments is off. Meanwhile, because of outstanding debt and legal issues (mostly with American hedge fund manager Paul Singer) it's tough for Argentina to raise money in international financial markets.
Between October and December Argentina received about $2.3 billion from China, but conditions for commodities and for the country are not improving. The country will need more.
Now is not the time to make Xi angry.
And it's not the time for Fernandez to sound flippant either. Last month the news broke that an Argentine prosecutor investigating the decades-old terrorist bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires was found dead.
The man, Alberto Nisman, was found shot to the head in his apartment in what was meant to look like a suicide. No one believed that story, in part because he was about to present the findings of his investigation to the Argentine legislature. He learned the Fernandez government had covered up the bombing, which was perpetrated by agents of Iran, to secure energy-for-food deals with Iran. Argentina is energy poor.
As yet Nisman's allegations will not be presented to a court. Two judges who have been asked to hear the case have declined. Meanwhile on Tuesday a draft of an arrest warrant for Fernandez and other members of her government was found in Nisman's garbage.
So now is not the time for jokes of any kind, really. | 448 |
In what can only be described as a complete disaster, both $19,000 Russian-made toilets on board the ISS are out of order. Thankfully, the crew have a supply of emergency diapers but they may not need them just yet...
UPDATE: The malfunctioning toilet in the US section was swiftly fixed as it only needed a separator replaced, Russian space agency Roscosmos said on Wednesday. As for the lavatory in the Russian zone, reports that it was broken were incorrect in the first place, the agency added.
Earlier, International Space Station (ISS) commander Luca Parmitano reportedly stated that the toilet in the US section constantly shows it’s out of order, while the Russian one is full to the brim. Not ideal when you’re trapped in a tube in space.
Luckily for the crew, there are also toilets on board the Soyuz ships docked at the station, and the astronauts have mercifully been cleared to use them while repairs are underway on the ISS bathrooms.
I rilievi appenninici perfettamente delineati dal gioco di luce e ombre. / The Apennine perfectly highlighted by lowlights and shadows. #MissionBeyondpic.twitter.com/0zSXiJOANg — Luca Parmitano (@astro_luca) November 27, 2019
“Tonight, the automated [sewage and sanitary] control system on the ISS US segment failed,” Roscosmos said on Wednesday. Ground control have since said that the US module toilet is functioning again.
For those with a morbid curiosity, here is how going to the loo works 408km (235 miles) above the Earth.
Astronauts pee into a special funnel equipped with a fan that suctions their urine away, to prevent it from splashing around the gravity-free station. It is then recycled over a period of eight days, after which time roughly 80 to 85 percent of it becomes potable once more.
It's because the Soyuz toilet is... basic. The human interface part is the apparatus on the left. pic.twitter.com/3x8EPecliJ — Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) August 16, 2013
A similar fan-boosted system is used to dispatch ‘number twos’, however, as NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson explained, “After [the toilet storage] starts getting full, you have to put a rubber glove on and pack it down.” Grim work for some of the Earth’s best and brightest.
The solid waste is eventually blasted back towards the Earth, where it burns up in the planet’s atmosphere.
Also on rt.com ‘Blast-off can’t be timed around a period’: MALE cosmonaut in hot water as he explains why fewer Russian FEMALES make it in space
Think your friends would be interested? Share this story! | 449 |
Illegitimate occupier of the Venezuelan presidency Nicolas Maduro likes to tweet almost as much as President Trump. But on Friday, Maduro's Twitter feed went peak Maduro — which is to say, one tweet short of a full mental breakdown.
Maduro's particular gripe was the breakdown of his nation's electricity network. The immediate cause of the collapse is a mechanical failure at a major hydroelectric plant which supplies Caracas. The ultimate cause of the power failure is the fact that, like any good socialist, Maduro's idiotic government has spent the past 10 years blowing its oil wealth on corruption and Cuban intelligence officers, rather than investing in basic utilities. Now, Maduro is reaping the whirlwind.
Of course, Maduro can't admit that. To do so would be to prove his failing to the population in a way that might provoke a final uprising against him. Instead, Maduro has been declaring his brave resistance to the latest act of Yankee aggression: an "electric war." First up, the mad Venezuelan leader declared that:
The electric war announced and directed by American imperialism against our people will be defeated. Nothing and no one can beat the people of Bolivar and Chavez. Maximum unity of the Patriots!
La guerra eléctrica anunciada y dirigida por el imperialismo estadounidense en contra de nuestro pueblo será derrotada. Nada ni nadie podrá vencer al pueblo de Bolívar y Chávez. ¡Máxima unidad de los patriotas! — Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) March 8, 2019
Then came the call for continued loyalty in face of failure.
My total support to all the personnel of the national electrical system that maintain an intense work to recover the service. I admire the Venezuelan people who resist with gallantry this new attack of the enemies of the fatherland. Venceremos!
Mi total respaldo a todo el personal del Sistema Eléctrico Nacional que mantienen un intenso trabajo para recuperar el servicio. Admiro al pueblo venezolano que resiste con gallardía este nuevo ataque de los enemigos de la Patria. ¡Venceremos! — Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) March 8, 2019
It's quite pathetic.
Still, the real takeaway here is the binding of physical failure to psychological fear. In the darkness born of his misgovernance, Maduro knows the ides of March are beckoning. Aside from the usual suspects of Cuba, China, and Russia, and an appeasing Germany, Maduro is isolated and under escalating pressure.
This darkness thus has two deeper meanings.
For Venezuela's people, it's the old adage, "It's always darkest before the dawn." For Maduro, it's the motto of the 160th Nighstalkers: " Death waits in the darkness." | 450 |
O Brasil mostra que é realmente um grande exportador de memes. Após fazer os estrangeiros se encantarem com Nazaré, de "Senhora do Destino", e a cantora Gretchen, internautas brasileiros apresentaram para o mundo Cuca, vilã do "Sítio do Picapau Amarelo"
Nesta semana, a personagem da série infantil da Globo baseada na obra do escritor Monteiro Lobato virou meme internacional. Gifs da bruxa com forma de jacaré falando, andando, gesticulando e ajeitando o cabelo se multiplicaram no Twitter e chegaram aos Estados Unidos.
Os estrangeiros se encantaram com a nossa Cuca, mas não entenderam quem ela era. "Salvei muitos gifs deste crocodilo", escreveu um perfil no Twitter em inglês. Outro gringo mostrou sua "coleção" com dezenas de gifs da vilã do "Sítio".
Brasileiros tentaram explicar aos gringos quem é Cuca. "Her name is Cuca from Sítio do Picapau Amarelo" ("O nome dela é Cuca, do Sítio do Picapau Amarelo"), respondeu um seguidor. "She's Cuca. A villain from an old brazilian TV series (and books) for kids" ("Ela é Cuca. Uma vilã de uma antiga série de TV brasileira (e de livros) para crianças"), escreveu outra.
Há quem também riu da fama repentina da bruxa do "Sítio". "Cuca chegou na carreira internacional antes da Anitta", brincou uma internauta.
A Cuca que os tuiteiros brasileiros --e agora também os estrangeiros-- adoram, com vestido tomara que caia e cabelão, foi ao ar entre 2001 e 2006, na segunda versão do "Sítio" na Globo. No período, a vilã vaidosa e impaciente foi manipulada por Jacira Santos e ganhou a voz da dubladora Mônica Rossi.
Everything released so far this year was trash or aged quick I can't live like this Taylor Swift needs to come save us quick pic.twitter.com/ oh8zCPvhG0 — anu (@shadesofslaylor) 15 de junho de 2017 | 451 |
Former No. 3 David Nalbandian has announced his retirement from tennis at age 31. Currently ranked No. 231, Nalbandian has not played since the Davis Cup quarterfinals in early April. Nalbandian said that his sore right shoulder would not allow him to continue playing.
“Today is a difficult day announcing my retirement the activity that gave me everything,” said Nalbandian. “The shoulder is not allowing me to train with the demands that the circuit requires.”
The native of Cordoba, Argentina hopes to continue to work in the sport.
“Over many years I developed many friends in the circuit, many fans and if I can do something [in tennis] I hope I can do it in many ways. In Argentina tennis has become a very popular sport.”
Nalbandian called playing Davis Cup his greatest passion. Argentina reached the final with him on the team in 2006, 2008, and 2011, but was unable to win the title. Nalbandian had a 39-11 combined singles and doubles record in Davis Cup.
“The images that make me tear up are the Davis Cup,” he said. “The affection of the people, the atmosphere that exists there doesn't exist anywhere else. Perhaps that is also a thorn, but that’s the way it is.”
The Argentine is considered one of the best players never to have won a Grand Slam singles title. He finished runner-up at Wimbledon in 2002 and reached the semifinals at the other three majors. Nalbandian's greatest victory came in 2005, when he rallied from two sets down to beat world No. 1 Roger Federer in the final of the season-ending Tennis Masters Cup. The 6-7 (4), 6-7 (11), 6-2, 6-1, 7-6 (3) win ended Federer's 35-match winning streak; the Swiss had also won 24 consecutive finals.
From Twitter:
Nalbandian announces his retirement. Will play two exhos with Nadal later this year. — FueBuena (@FueBuena) October 1, 2013
Nalbandian: "El hombro no me respondió bien. Y así no puedo competir al nivel ATP. Es muy duro anunciar el retiro". pic.twitter.com/xXEJD4ZpvH — Fernando Grisolía (@FerGrisolia) October 1, 2013
Nalbandian says that his shoulder has not recovered and so he cannot compete at ATP level. "It's very hard to announce the retirement." — Alexandra Willis (@alex_willis) October 1, 2013
Never forget: Nalbandian at Queen's, kicks board & injures linesman, DQ'ed http://t.co/l1S5EAUsmr — Matt Cronin (@TennisReporters) October 1, 2013 | 452 |
On Tuesday, the international organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) condemned the Saudi-led coalition’s attacks targeting civilians in Yemen, calling for urgent measures to ensure their protection.
MSF tweeted that 17 wounded civilians were admitted to Abs Rural Hospital in Hajjah governorate (northwest) supported by the organisation, as a result of the airstrike targeting their home, last Sunday.
Among the wounded were six women and five children. The organisation also pointed out that more than ten civilians were killed as a result of the same raid.
MSF strongly condemned these attacks targeting the civilian population, calling for urgent measures to ensure guaranteeing their protection and securing medical facilities amid the ongoing conflict.
إستقبل مستشفى عبس الريفي الذي تدعمه منظمة #أطباء_بلا_حدود 17 جريحاً مدنياً، بينهم 6 نساء و 5 أطفال نتيجة غارة جوية أصابت منزلهم، يوم الأحد 11 أغسطس. و وفقاً للمرضى الذين عولجوا من قبل المنظمة، فقد مات أكثر من 10 مدنيين أيضًا نتيجة لهذه الغارة. pic.twitter.com/HYmkHtDer8 — MSF Yemen (@msf_yemen) August 13, 2019
On Sunday, the Houthi group declared that 11 people were killed, including three women and four children, during the attack that targeted a house in Somla area of Mustaba district, Hajjah governorate.
The group said that the warplanes carried out three raids on the house of a family displaced by the war.
The joint forces command of the Saudi-led coalition said that it considers one of the raids to be an accident.
Most of Hajjah governorate, bordering Saudi Arabia, has been subject to Houthi control since the end of 2014, while government forces are controlling some areas there.
Yemen has been caught in the middle of a bloody conflict since July 2014, which has intensified after the Saudi-UAE alliance’s intervention in March 2015 to support the forces affiliated to the internationally recognised government against the Houthi militia controlling the capital Sanaa and other areas.
Read: Southern Yemeni separatists tell Saudi Arabia: evict Islah or lose the war | 453 |
one with a sensible mind wants Mesut Özil to deny his heritage,” said Paul Ziemiak, the head of the CDU’s youth organisation. “But to claim that a photo with Erdoğan – in the middle of Turkish elections – came about without political intentions is naive.”
Turkish politicians were quick to endorse the footballer’s resignation as a goal for their own side, with sport minister Mehmet Kasapoğlu tweeting: “We support the honourable attitude of our brother Mesut Özil.”
Cem Özdemir, a Green MP of Turkish heritage who is one of Germany’s most vocal critics of Erdoğan’s government, nonetheless said the footballer’s resignation sent out a troubling message, adding: “It is fatal when young German-Turks now get the impression that there isn’t a place for them in the German national side. Strength lies in diversity, not homogeneity. That’s how we won the World Cup in 2014, and France did this year.”
Social Democrat justice minister Katarina Barley, who holds dual German and British citizenship, said: “It is an alarming sign when a great German footballer like Mesut Özil is no longer wanted in his country because of racism and doesn’t feel represented by the DFB.”
Sawsan Chebli, a state secretary of Palestinian descent in the Berlin state parliament, tweeted: “Özil’s departure is a confession of failure for our country. Will we ever belong? My doubts are growing by the day. Am I allowed to say that as a state secretary? It is, at any rate, what I feel. And it hurts.
Sawsan Chebli (@SawsanChebli) Dass #Özil geht, ist ein Armutszeugnis für unser Land. Werden wir jemals dazugehören? Meine Zweifel werden täglich größer. Darf ich das als Staatssekretärin sagen? Ist jedenfalls das, was ich fühle. Und das tut weh.
Germany’s foreign minister on Monday rejected the accusation that the latest chapter in the Özil saga should be read as a verdict on the country’s approach to integration as a whole. “I don’t believe that the case of a multimillionaire living and working in England will give us any information on capacity to integrate in Germany,” said Heiko Maas, during a press conference with the visiting British foreign secretary, Jeremy Hunt.
“Anyway, what matters is what happens on the pitch. That the Germans got kicked out at such an early stage has very little to do with the fact that Mr Özil allowed himself to be photographed with Mr Erdoğan.” | 454 |
after many people who asked me a picture of them I decided to do them. as some know I do not like to do characters that no girl equestria not please me if I do not see that it's interesting that I draw, as I said before drawing ponies humanized by one then saw them as I liked ponies idea as people draw (in this case in anime). finally here they are ( not their names why not eh seen the movie XD ) the average cost me much to draw and paint their hair XD and as you see I wanted to design clothes as I would but without trying to take away their original designs ( only minor modifications ).
I hope you like it ^^...
PS: and for those wondering, no, I do not intend to add to the comic XD just think that the enemies before me name appears sufficient. thanks translation ^^after many people who asked me a picture of them I decided to do them. as some know I do not like to do characters that no girl equestria not please me if I do not see that it's interesting that I draw, as I said before drawing ponies humanized by one then saw them as I liked ponies idea as people draw (in this case in anime). finally here they are ( not their names why not eh seen the movie XD ) the average cost me much to draw and paint their hair XD and as you see I wanted to design clothes as I would but without trying to take away their original designs ( only minor modifications ).I hope you like it ^^...PS: and for those wondering, no, I do not intend to add to the comic XD just think that the enemies before me name appears sufficient.
despues de mucha gente que me pidió un dibujo de ellas decidí hacerlas. como algunos saben no me gusta mucho hacer personajes de equestria girl no por que no me agraden si no por que no le veo lo interesante en que yo las dibuje, como dije antes dibujo ponis humanizados por que uno los veía como ponis entonces me gustaba la idea de dibujarlos como personas (en este caso en anime).en fin aquí están (no se sus nombres por que no eh visto la película XD) la del medio me costo mucho dibujar y pintar su pelo XD y como ven quise diseñar su ropa como yo las vería pero sin tratar de quitarles sus diseños originales (solo unas pequeñas modificaciones).espero que les guste ^^...PD: y para los que preguntan, no, no tengo intención de agregarlas al comic XD solo creo que los enemigos que nombre antes me parece suficiente. | 455 |
A broken watermain in Gatineau has caused around 2,000 residents to be left without water. The City is now issuing a preventative boil water advisory which affects around 12,000 residences in the Gatineau area.
The City of Gatineau has issued a boil water advisory after a watermain break on rue Saint-Louis.
Residents affected by the advisory are being told to boil their tap water for at least one minute before consumption.
. #Gatineau is issuing a preventive boil water advisory for 12,000 residences in the Gatineau sector, because of a watermain break on rue Saint-Louis. This advisory is in effect until further notice.https://t.co/HRgjAgmv7E pic.twitter.com/WgYw4JOF3X — Ville de Gatineau (@ville_gatineau) April 27, 2018
The watermain break occurred in an area under construction on Rue Saint-Louis, between Boulevard Maloney Ouest and Rue Vallières.
The preventive boil water advisory is affecting the following area:- East of Montée Paiement;- West of avenue du Cheval-Blanc;- South of the boulevard La Vérendrye;- North of the rivière des Outaouais.
Residents in the affected areas can go to the Centre Sportif de Gatineau at 850 Boulevard de La Gappe. City workers will be distributing bottled water (1.5 litres per person). Residents can also go to the loading dock to obtain water for their toilets.
Once the advisory is lifted, residents must allow water to run for one minute, or until it gets cold, before it can be consumed.
[Watermain Break On Rue Saint-Louis] Situation update.
Residents affected by the water supply interruption can go to the Centre sportif de Gatineau at 850, https://t.co/rjhjkUa1ur La Gappe.
More details: https://t.co/o6G4UHGJtu pic.twitter.com/zI70yqAMHD — Ville de Gatineau (@ville_gatineau) April 27, 2018
For additional information you can call 3-1-1, or visit the Ville de Gatineau website here.
En raison du bris d'aqueduc survenu sur la rue Saint-Louis, l'aréna Campeau situé dans le secteur de #Gatineau est temporairement fermé.
La programmation prévue vendredi et samedi à cet aréna est transférée au Centre Robert-Guertin. pic.twitter.com/s0tAIEDzqe — Ville de Gatineau (@ville_gatineau) April 27, 2018
City crews are working to restore water the water supply. | 456 |
Qhov tseemceeb tshaj phab ntawv
Yog koj xav sau dab tsi rau tus txheem txawv (Chuanqiandian Cluster Miao), thov ua Wp/cqd.
This page is reserved for the Hmong language.
Phab ntawv no yog cia sau lus Hmoob / Nplooj no yog cia sau lus Hmoob.
Koj Hmoob Daw tswv yim no yuav tsum nco txiaj ntsim. Qhov kev thov mus tsim lub Hmoob Daw Wikipedia yuav tau kev pom zoo thaum muaj txaus tsab xov xwm rau cov ntsiab lus. Thaum pom zoo, tag nrho cov ntsiab lus no yuav tsum tsiv mus rau qhov tseeb Pib-dias-Vib-kis.
Your Hmong input here will be appreciated. The request for the creation of the Hmong Wikipedia will be approved when there is sufficient article content. When approved, all content here would be moved to the actual Wikipedia.
Because this is a test-wikipedia, all articles here must begin with the format [[Wp/mww/Name of article]]. For example, an article about "Hmoob" should be titled here as Wp/mww/Hmoob. (Of course in the actual wikipedia, the article would be titled as [[Hmoob]].)
This test page needs to be translated into Hmong.
Hnub ntawv luam tawm daim duab Nplej toj li ua teb nyob rau hauv Longji, Guangxi, Tuam Tshoj. Hmoob mas ntshai cov neeg thawj los khom nyob pes tsawg hnub suav. Lawv pom tias cov suav luab ib lo lus los ntawm tus Hmoob mas xav txog rau tus teb quav nplej ntau heev. Qhov no ntxim tias cov Hmoob mas ntshai cov cov thawj nplej teb nyob Tuam Tshoj. Tsis tas li, geneticists muaj nrog cov Hmoob mas cov neeg Daxi 5,300-6,000 xyoo ua ntej hnub no nyob hauv nruab nrab tus dej Yangtze cheeb tsam. Daxi neeg twb raug rho tawm nrog rau nrad thawj zaug cultivators txog cov mov nyob hauv lub hnubtuaj.
| 457 |
Près de 500 personnes sont malades à bord de l'"Oasis of the Seas". La compagnie Royal Caribbean a décidé d'avancer d'une journée le retour du navire en Floride.
La croisière a fini de s'amuser. Environ 475 passagers et membres d'équipage du paquebot Oasis of the Seas sont tombés malades, victimes d'une épidémie de gastroentérite, indique CNN samedi 12 janvier. En conséquence, la compagnie Royal Caribbean a pris la décision de rentrer samedi en Floride (Etats-Unis), soit un jour plus tôt.
Tout avait pourtant bien commencé à bord de ce paquebot géant pouvant accueillir plus de 6 000 passagers. Partis dimanche de Port Canaveral (Floride) pour un voyage de sept nuits à bord du navire, les touristes devaient notamment visiter Haïti, la Jamaïque et le Mexique. Mais l'arrivée de la maladie a modifié les plans du voyage.
Excursions annulées
Comme le détaille Le Parisien, les autorités jamaïquaines ont refusé d'accueillir sur leur île les passagers contaminés. Le bateau a alors navigué en direction de l’île de Cozumel (Mexique), mais là aussi, l'excursion a été annulée. Les passagers n'ont ensuite aperçu que les côtes de Cuba. La compagnie a alors décidé d'anticiper le retour de la croisière alors qu'une centaine de personnes sont toujours placées à l'isolement dans leurs chambres.
Hey, there. Not at all. Extensive measures are being taken to make sure the ship is cleaned and sanitized before her next sailing. We’re confident you’ll have a great time onboard. -Mari — Royal Caribbean (@RoyalCaribbean) 12 janvier 2019
Royal Caribbean a décidé de rembourser l'intégralité du voyage. La compagnie s'active désormais à rassurer les touristes ayant réservé pour les prochaines croisières sur le paquebot. "Des mesures draconiennes sont prises pour s'assurer que le navire est nettoyé et désinfecté avant sa prochaine navigation", répond ainsi l'entreprise sur Twitter à un voyageur inquiet. | 458 |
Adrianus Eversen
Adrianus Eversen (1818 - 1897) was born in Amsterdam on 13th January, 1818. He studied painting under Cornelis de Kruyff and became one of Hollandâ??s most accomplished painters of town views. His works are reminiscent of the earlier 17th and 18th century Dutch masters Jan van der Heyden (1637-1712) and Isaac Ouwater (1750-1793). He studied with his contemporary, Cornelis Springer, who was the acknowledged master of the townscape of this period and he competed for patrons with him throughout his life. Eversen lived and worked in Amsterdam, exhibiting there between 1840 and 1885. He also exhibited in The Hague and Leeuwarden before moving to Rotterdam in 1889. Eversen was highly regarded during his lifetime and he sold many paintings in Belgium and Great Britain as well as in Holland. The English collector John Sheepshanks, whose collection was left to the Victoria and Albert Museum, bought his works. Eversen was a member of the elite association of artists known as the Arte and Amicitiae. His works are detailed topographical paintings which are interesting from both an artistic and historical point of view. He depicts figures from all walks of life going about their daily business in the towns of Holland and his paintings are a sensitive and enlightening record of the life of the times. The artist died in Delft on 1st December, 1897.
Adrianus Eversen (1818 - 1897) – известный голландский художник, родился в Амстердаме 13 января 1818.
Учился живописи у Корнелиса де Круифа. Признанный мастер городского пейзажа. Эверсен был высокопочитаем при его жизни, он продал много картин в Бельгии, Великобритании, Голландии. Традиционно его творчество относят к романтизму.
Video presentation | 459 |
Trump Jr. erntet Spott für Botschaft zu „Sozialismus“
Dieser Artikel ist älter als ein Jahr.
Mit einer Twitter-Botschaft, wonach er das Halloween-Fest dazu nutze, seine kleine Tochter über den Sozialismus aufzuklären, hat der Sohn von US-Präsident Donald Trump Spott und Kritik im Internet geerntet. „Ich werde Chloe heute Abend die Hälfte ihrer Süßigkeiten wegnehmen und sie einem Kind geben, das zu Hause geblieben ist“, schrieb Donald Trump Jr. gestern Abend.
I’m going to take half of Chloe’s candy tonight & give it to some kid who sat at home. It’s never to early to teach her about socialism. pic.twitter.com/3ie9C0jv2G — Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) 31. Oktober 2017
Es sei nie zu früh, ihr eine Lektion über den Sozialismus zu erteilen, so Trump Jr. Die Reaktionen im Internet ließen nicht lange auf sich warten. Ein YouTuber schrieb, Sozialismus sei vielmehr die Tatsache, dass Trump Juniors Tochter gratis Süßigkeiten erhalten habe: „Wenn Sie ihr die Hälfte aus Gründen wegnehmen, die sie nicht versteht, ist das Kapitalismus.“ Eine andere Twitter-Nutzerin schrieb in Trump Juniors Namen an die kleine Chloe Trump gewandt: „Süße, zeig mal die Bonbons, die du umsonst bekommen hast? Teile sie mit niemandem. Das tun die Trumps. Wir sind egoistisch.“
Der Journalist Adam Weinstein riet dem Trump-Sohn: „Sie sollten ihr Bonbons versprechen, um gut dazustehen, und sie ihr dann nicht geben. Es ist nie zu früh, die Trump-Organisation kennenzulernen.“ Damit spielte er auf die Kontroverse um einen Scheck über 25.000 Dollar an, den Präsident Trump der Familie eines in Afghanistan getöteten Soldaten versprochen und bis heute nicht ausgestellt hat. | 460 |
Morgen am 27. April startet der erste dezentrelalisierte Bitcoin Exchange in seine Beta-Phase. Der Gründer hinter Bitsquare, Manfred Karrer, wird in den nächsten Monaten eine Tournee durch Europa machen und an diversen Events und Meetups Bitsquare vorstellen. Daten dazu weiter unten im Blogpost.
Was ist Bitsquare?
Bitsquare ist eine Open Source P2P Anwendung, die es jedem erlaubt, Bitcoin in nationale Währungen oder andere Kryptowährungen zu tauschen. Und dies ganz ohne mühsame Registration und Verfikationsprozesse! Zudem müssen bei Bitsquare keine heiklen Daten wie Identifikationsdokumente (Pass und Identitätskarte) hinterlegt weren. Als Sicherheit nutzt Bitsquare ein Sicherheitsdepot und ein Multisignature Escrow System. Transaktionen müssen also durch mehrere Teilnehmer freigegeben werden. Ein Login muss nicht erstellt werden, einfach downloaden und loslegen. Wird Bitsquare damit alles ändern und die bisherigen Modelle ablösen?
Welches Prolem löst Bitsquare?
Bitsquare ist ein Zensurresistentes Zahlungssystem mit welchem Zahlungen ohne Drittpartei durchgeführt werden können. Das derartige Börsen funktionieren können, kennt man ja aus dem Darkweb. Die Philosphie von Bitsquar ist es denn auch, so ziemlich jeden Aspekt zu dezentralisieren. Hinter Bitsquare steht denn auch kein Unternehmen, sondern Bitsquare wird als sogenannt Decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) mit distributed Ownership und Beteiligung am Projekt aufgesetzt. Jeder der möchte, kann ein Stakeholder dieses Projekts werden >> hier.
Video – What is Bitsquare?
What is Bitsquare? from Bitsquare on Vimeo.
Bitsquare Präsentationen:
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>> Decentralised Decentralized Autonomous Organization
Medienmitteilung Bitsquare Beta Launch >> download hier | 461 |
Tuto Barrette Yoyo en tissu
ici bouton Vintage), Matériel : tissu (ici tissu Provençal), fil à coudre blanc, aiguille, ciseaux, bouton (),
support de barrette couleur bronze, colle à bijoux, pince à linge
DIY Yoyo Flower fabric hair pin
Material : fabric (here French Fabric), sewing thread, needle, scissors, 1 button ( Vintage button here ), Hair pin bar, glue jewelry, clothespin
Etapes / Steps
1. Tracer un cercle grâce à un verre sur l'envers du tissu. Draw a circle with an empty glass of water on the other side of the fabric.
2. Découper le cercle. Cut the circle.
3. Couper une bonne longueur de fil. Faire un double noeud. Cut on very long thread. Make a double knot.
4. Piquer l'aiguille à quelques mm du bord. Faire un point devant tout le long du cercle.
Sting the needle to a couple millimeter front the edge. Make a running stitch along the circle.
5. Une fois tout les points réalisés, tirer sur le noeud du début et le fil restant ensemble pour faire plisser le tissu. When all the stitches are made, Pull on the knot and the end of the thread together to fold the fabric.
6. Aplatir le yoyo et faire un noeud avec les deux fils. Flat the Yoyo and make a knot with the 2 threads.
Choose a nice button. Sew on the yoyo. 7. Choisir un jolie bouton ( ici bouton vintage ). Le coudre sur le yoyo.
8. Avec de la colle à bijoux, coller le yoyo sur le support de barrette. With glue for jewel, glue the yoyo on the hair pin pad.
9. Utiliser une pince a linge pour que la colle adhère bien. Laisser sécher 24h. Use a clothespin to fix it strongly. Let it dry 24h.
10. Et voilà, votre barrette fleur Yoyo est terminée. Your flower yoyo hair pin is done.
Find them on my shop Disponibles dans ma boutique www.cocoflowershop.etsy.com
Voici quelques exemplesréalisées avec cette méthode de fabrication. | 462 |
Abstract : Traditional compilation faces numerous challenges with program optimizations for parallel architectures. A particular challenge is the design of proper intermediate languages and representations to enable the application of relevant optimization techniques.Various parallel intermediate representations and languages have been proposed.To overcome this issue, different alternatives are more and more exploitedsuch as empirical autotuning or interactive compilation. Such alernatives require fondamentally different typesof intermediates languages such as transformation meta-languages. In this thesis, we study transformation meta-languages for numerical applications: wa particularly address four questions:(i) How do we introduce domain-specific expressiveness?(ii) How do we rethink their design to enhance their flexibility in composing optimizations paths and generating multiple program variants?(iii) How far can we introduce NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) awareness?(iv) As a new class of meta-languages, how do we formalize their semantics? We answer these questions through the design and semantics of TeML, a tensor optimizations meta-language.
Résumé : La compilation traditionnelle est confrontée à de nombreux défis face aux besoins d'optimisations de programmes pour architectures parallèles. Un défi particulier est la conception de langages et représentations intermédiaires (RIs) appropriés.Bien que différentes RIs aient été proposées pour repousser les limites de la compilation traditionnelle, la plupart ne sont toujours pas adaptées pour appliquer des transformations de programmes pertinentes.Différentes alternatives sont donc de plus en plus exploitées, telles que l'autotuning ou la compilation interactive. Ces dernières nécessitent l'usage de langages intermédiaires fondamentalement différents, par exemple, les méta-langages pour la transformation de programmes. Dans cette thèse, centrée sur les besoins en applications numériques, nous étudions ce type de meta-langages; nous adressons particulièrement quatre questions:(i) Comment introduire une expressivité spécifique à un domaine?(ii) Comment repenser leur conception pour améliorer leur flexibilité dans la composition de transformations et la génération de plusieurs variantes de programme?(iii) Jusqu'où pouvons-nous introduire du support pour le NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access)?(iv) En tant que nouvelle classe de méta-langages, comment formaliser leur sémantique? Nous répondons à ces questions au travers de la conception et la sémantique de TeML, un méta-langage pour l'optimisation d'applications tensorielles. | 463 |
� 마법
“드램랜드”는 1턴에 1장밖에 발동할 수 없다. ①: 필드의 몬스터의 종류에 따라, 이하의 효과를 얻는다.
●융합: 1턴에 1번, 자신의 패/필드의 몬스터가 효과로 묘지로 보내졌을 경우에 발동할 수 있다. 자신의 덱에서 1장을 드로우 한다.
●싱크로: 몬스터의 일반 소환/특수 소환 성공시에 자신은 이 효과를 발동할 수 있다. 그 몬스터의 레벨을 1개 올린다.
●엑시즈: 자신의 엔드 페이즈에 발동한다. 필드의 레벨이 가장 높은 몬스터를 파괴한다.
Spell Field
You can only activate 1 “Dreamland” per turn. (1) Gain the following effect(s) based on what types of monsters are on the field.
-Fusion: Once per turn, if a monster is sent from your hand or field to the Graveyard: You can draw 1 card.
-Synchro: When a monster is Normal or Special Summoned: You can increase that monster’s Level by 1.
-Xyz: During your End Phase: Destroy the monster with the highest Level on the field. | 464 |
The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted a resolution condemning the imposition of sanctions by the United States and its allies against Venezuela and other member states on Saturday.
The draft resolution was approved with 28 votes in favor, 14 against and five abstentions, and was presented by Venezuela and Palestine on behalf of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries (NAM) during the 41st session ofthe Council.
“I am grateful for the overwhelming support of the member states of the UN Human Rights Council for the resolution presented by the presidency of NAM in favor of Venezuela. A victory that expands international cooperation and rejects imperial sanctions,” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro tweeted Sunday.
The document also reaffirms the “inalienable right” of every country “to choose freely and develop, in accordance with the sovereign will of its people, its own political, social, economic and cultural systems, without interference from any other State or non-State actor."
Venezuela, desde la Presidencia del @MNOAL_NAM presentó una resolución para profundizar la Cooperación Internacional y rechazar las Medidas Coercitivas Unilaterales (Sanciones) en el Consejo de DDHH/ONU. La Resolución fue aprobada con amplio respaldo de los Estados miembros. pic.twitter.com/ZNZMXbTUwc — Jorge Arreaza M (@jaarreaza) July 14, 2019
"Venezuela, as president of the NAM, presented a resolution to deepen international cooperation and reject unilateral coercive measures (sanctions) in the UN Human Rights Council, which was approved with large support from its member states," tweeted Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza.
In May, the U.N’s special rapporteur on the negative impact of sanctions, Idriss Jazairy, expressed that the use of economic sanctions against Cuba, Venezuela, and Iran for political purposes violates human rights and international law.
Yet, this latest resolution comes at a key moment for Venezuela as its government has systematically rejected the report presented by the UN's High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet. In it, Bachelet omits major social policies of Maduro’s administration and fails to mention the simultaneous economic attacks against the country by the U.S. government.
Since 2017, the White House has imposed 150 sanctions on individuals and entities of Venezuela, which, as the U.N. resolution reads, “hinder the well-being of the population of the affected countries and create obstacles to the full realization of their human rights.”
Just in the Latin American country, sanctions have resulted in the direct deaths of over 40,000 citizens due to lack of food and medicine, as well as a loss of around US$116 billion for Venezuela, according to the country’s Vice President of Planning Ricardo Menendez as well as a recent independent report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research. | 465 |
From the “But, but, wait! Our algorithms can adjust for that!” department comes this tale of alarmist woe. Greenland’s all-time record temperature wasn’t a record at all, and it never got above freezing there.
First, the wailing from news media:
NYT: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/02/climate/european-heatwave-climate-change.html
WAPO: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2016/06/10/greenland-witnessed-its-highest-june-temperature-ever-recorded-on-thursday/
Climate Progress: https://thinkprogress.org/greenland-hits-record-75-f-sets-melt-record-as-globe-aims-at-hottest-year-e34e534e533e/
Polar Portal: http://polarportal.dk/en/news/news/record-high-temperature-for-june-in-greenland/
Now from the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI), via the news website The Local, the cooler reality:
Danish climate body wrongly reported Greenland heat record The Danish Meteorological Institute, which has a key role in monitoring Greenland’s climate, last week reported a shocking August temperature of between 2.7C and 4.7C at the Summit weather station, which is located 3,202m above sea level at the the centre of the Greenland ice sheet, generating a spate of global headlines. But on Wednesday it posted a tweet saying that a closer look had shown that monitoring equipment had been giving erroneous results. “Was there record-level warmth on the inland ice on Friday?” it said. “No! A quality check has confirmed out suspicion that the measurement was too high.”
🌡️Var der rekordvarmt på indlandsisen i fredags? Nej! Kvalitetstjek har bekræftet vores formodning om, at målingen var for høj🧐
Temperaturen på Summit var ikke over 0 grader hverken torsdag 1. aug. eller fredag 2. aug. — DMI (@dmidk) August 8, 2019
By combining measurements with observations from other weather stations, the DMI has now estimated that the temperature was closer to -2C. The record temperature ever recorded at Summit is 2.2C, which was reached in both 2012 and 2017. But -2C is still unusual at the station.
Shoot out the headlines first, ask questions later.
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� परीक्षा के 15 दिन पहले गुरु नानक देव विश्वविद्यालय प्रवेश – पत्र प्राप्त कर सकते है। हम यहां पर कुछ अन्य सुचना भी अपलोड कर दी है जैसे की परीक्षा दिनांक, दिन, विषय, समय और परीक्षा निर्देश। जो छात्र परीक्षा देने जा रहे है वे सब एक ID PROOF लेकर जाये।आप हमारे वेब पेज से जुड़े रहे ताकि आप नया अपडेट देख सको।
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Recently Update:- GNDU 2nd 4th 6th SEM Admit Card 2019 are available on here. | 467 |
I 5Stelle perdono consenso in particolare tra l'elettorato di sinistra. Ma ci sono anche consensi in fuga verso la Lega. Matteo Salvini scavalla anche la soglia del 25% e ora è a solo due punti dal M5s che al contrario delle Lega continua a perdere consensi. A sinistra e anche a destra. Per la Swg se si votasse oggi la Lega avrebbe il 27,5% dei voti, quasi dieci punti sopra il 17,4% del 4 marzo. Il M5s invece scenderebbe al 29,5%, dal 32,7. La Lega è in grande spolvero per tutti i sondaggisti che per altro non credono alleanza Lega-M5s in chiave elettorale. Convinti che alla fine Matteo Salvini si presenterà alle prossime elezioni con il centrodestra, dato oltre il 40%. Quindi in grado di formare un governo con Matteo Salvini premier e erede politico di Silvio Berlusconi.
The anti-democratic Eurocratic debacle in Italy is already driving significant popular support to Matteo Salvini and La Lega Matteo Salvini has now also reached the 25 percent threshold and is now only two points away from 5 Stelle, which, unlike the Lega, continues to lose support on the left as well as on the right. According to the SWG, if the vote was today, La Lega would win 27.5 percent of the votes, more than ten points above the 17.4 percent it won in March. Movimento 5 Stelle would fall to 29.5 percent, down from 32.7. La Lega is expected to do well by all the pollsters who do not believe in the viability of the alliance between La Lega and 5 Stelle; they are convinced that Matteo Salvini will present himself at the next elections with the center-right and win over 40 percent of the vote. This will permit the Right to form a government with Matteo Salvini as the premier and political heir of Silvio Berlusconi.This would mean that instead of a Left-Right euroskeptic alliance in power, the nationalist Right would take power directly. Of course, Salvini would be well-advised to throw a few bones to M5S in order to keep them from being tempted to get back in bed with the Eurofascists. But it's much too soon to even think about this, as Renzi is trying to worm his way back into power, there are discussions of impeaching Mattarella, and the general consensus is that a speedy new election would be the best way to settle the affair.
Labels: EU, nationalism, politics, polls | 468 |
EspañolTwo independent Venezuelan newspapers, El Nacional and Correo del Caroní, were attacked this week with guns, animal feces and political hate messages. The criminals left a political note in favor of Nicolás Maduro’s administration and against the news spread everyday by the main independent newspapers of the country.
The aggressors were reportedly members of the collective “ChaMa Pueblo Rebelde,” one of the armed groups backing the government’s socialist ideas.
As the effected newspaper states, the suspects tried to break the locks, and threw things. They left a leaflet that stated the newspaper “continues generating chaos with their work.”
“Just as they were key to the 2002 coup of commander Hugo Chávez, they continue on their filthy task of misinforming, generating chaos and favoring macabre, foreign and imperial intervention,” the note read.
A similar event took place in the Correo del Caroní office last Wednesday, June 15. Unidentified subjects hurled bags with animal feces at the office.
This Tuesday, hooded men attacked the offices of @CorreodelCaroni. http://bit.ly/1WNHXML
Video recorded by security cameras caught five suspects, four of them with covered faces, throwing bags of excrement and vandalizing the front of the building.
The aggression lasted a few minutes, until security personnel noticed what was going on and went out to check.
“We are not intimidated. We reiterate our commitment to independent journalism and freedom of speech,” tweeted Correo del Caroní.
Defendemos y mantenemos todas nuestras publicaciones en 38 años de trayectoria periodística. Que quede claro: #InformarNoEsDelito. — Correo del Caroní (@CorreodelCaroni) March 12, 2016
We defend and mantain all our publications over the last 38 years of journalism. Let it be clear #ReportingIsNotACrime
President of the National College of Journalists (CNP) Tinedo Guía rejected the vandalism on the outskirts of the office of the El Nacional newspaper, calling the act “idiotic” and harassment.
“Journalists keep defending press freedom and the role of journalism,” he claimed, and added that in his view, the agression was not only directed at the newspaper itself, but against all the workers within it.
Regarding the aggression against Correo del Caroní, he claimed the media is keeping an editorial stance contrary to socialist policy because “the country has already rejected it.”
“May God protect us,” the journalist said about the possibility of worsening agression. He said “only a sick and deranged mind could plan this attack.”
Sources: El Nacional; Correo del Caroní | 469 |
Nearly 1,000 Mexican soldiers were deployed by the president across facilities owned by state oil company Pemex on Monday to counter nationwide gasoline theft that has resulted in fuel shortages in the country.
Some 900 soldiers entered Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) facilities as part of the government’s plan to battle illegal petrol siphoning, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced on Monday.
Overall, a total of 4,000 military and police personnel will be deployed at refineries to deal with fuel shortages plaguing the country.
El Ejército Mexicano resguarda instalaciones de PEMEX en Querétaro. Hay una nueva estrategia para combatir a los huachicoleros. Todos están en la mira. pic.twitter.com/sG6uUNb9Mi — Miguel Angel Alvarez🇲🇽 Reportero Mexicano (@malvarezvargas) January 8, 2019
“We’ll reinforce the surveillance by the military in Pemex installations, and we will continue it. We will normalize supply and guarantee fuel theft will stop,” Lopez Obrador said at a press conference.
According to reports, armed forces seized control of a refinery in Tamaulipas at 5am on Monday, as well as facilities in other locations across the country. The government plans to strengthen the security of oil production assets – including six refineries, 39 storage and dispatch terminals, and at least 12 refueling stations, El Financiero reported.
Ante el robo de combustibles, elementos del Ejército Mexicano y la @SEMAR_mx resguardan 6 refinerías y por lo menos 15 centros de distribución. ➡️https://t.co/yZoYM0h9Zlpic.twitter.com/LZWoduq5yW — El Heraldo de México (@elheraldo_mx) January 8, 2019
Soldiers are being tasked with safeguarding access to the refineries, as well as carrying out checks on cargo and the delivery logs.
The government response to the ongoing theft of petrol by criminal gangs and oil industry workers had led to massive fuel shortages throughout Mexico. To deal with the problem, President Lopez Obrador last month announced plans for overhauling the petrol delivery network with the help of the military. The takeover of the gasoline pipelines in late December resulted in long lines at gas stations, which the president promised to eliminate.
READ MORE: Mexican mayor killed in broad daylight less than 2 hours after taking office
“We have enough gasoline. There is not a problem with fuel supplies. We are just being careful in the distribution. We are opening the pipelines with care, when we have surveillance,” he said. As for now, several Mexican states continue to experience fuel shortages.
Like this story? Share it with a friend! | 470 |
Les collations à ce meetup seront sponsorisées par Ambrosus (https://ambrosus.com - https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/amber/)
Son CEO, Angel Versetti nous présentera sa société.
Ce meetup mensuel a pour objectif d'échanger sur les différentes manières d'utiliser le blockchain, en quoi le Blockchain va révolutionner certaines industries, comment gérer une levée de fonds (ICO) sur le blockchain, comment réaliser techniquement un projet, quels sont les derniers projets intéressants, etc.
Apprenons ensemble et partageons nos trouvailles et retours d'expérience!
Vous n'êtes pas le bienvenue si le but de votre présence à ce meetup est de promouvoir des systèmes de Ponzi (OneCoin, FirstCoin, BitConnect, etc.)
During this monthly meetup, we discuss everything about blockchain. How will the blockchain disrupt certain industries, how to manage a fund raising (ICO) using smart contracts, how to technically work with the blockchain, what are the latest interesting projects, etc.
Let's learn together and share our findings and lessons learned.
You're not welcome if your goal is to promote ponzi schemes in this meetup (OneCoin, FirstCoin, BitConnect, etc.)
Ambrosus will hold a Community Event in Nice to bring awareness to the Cote d'Azur community about Ambrosus and its mission to transform the global supply chains. Ambrosus connects sensors to the blockchain to assure quality, safety and origins of products. Having partnerships with Parity and United Nations, among many others, Ambrosus is bringing top global stakeholders from the private and public sector to use the blockchain technology to digitalise supply chains and create data integrity. With a market cap of 112 million USD (as of 3 January 2018) Ambrosus is one of the most prominent blockchain projects with focus on supply chains and IoT.
Angel Versetti is the CEO and Cofounder of Ambrosus, the blockchain ecosystem that assures quality of products. Prior to Ambrosus Angel was the Founder of Versetti Ventures a VC Advisory Firm that became one of the pioneers of cryptocurrency investing. His earlier career was at the United Nations, where led projects and research at UN Trade & Investment Division, UN Nuclear Disarmament Committee, UN Department of Technology & Industry. He also worked at Bloomberg, World Resources Forum and Google. Angel is a regular speaker on technology, innovation and global development, having spoken at over 100 premier events, including Vatican, Davos, Paris COP21 and others. Angel has great interest in blockchain, artificial intelligence and space industry. Angel is the graduate of Sciences Po Paris. | 471 |
Image copyright Twitter Image caption "¡Me gustan los tacos!"
Donald Trump's visit to Mexico on Wednesday is not without controversy, to say the least.
His successful bid for the US Republican presidential nomination came after claims Mexicans were "rapists" who dealt drugs - and criticism from Mexico's three most recent presidents.
He has also:
demanded Mexico build a wall on its US border
threatened to seize remittances sent home from the US by unregistered Mexicans
said he will deport all those living illegally in the States
said US politicians have been "moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas" - and said he wants to bring them back
But the visit aims to bring him closer to Hispanic voters, and comes at the request of Mexico's president - so what phrases may prove useful to Mr Trump while he is there?
"Can we have our jobs back, please?"
"¿Nos pueden devolver nuestros puestos de trabajo por favor?"
Odds Trump will say this: Unlikely
"I have a lot of Mexican friends. They are the best Mexicans."
"Tengo muchos amigos mexicanos. Son los mejores mexicanos."
Odds Trump will say this: High
"I have been humbled by my visit and subsequently withdraw all my previous comments."
"Mi visita a Mexico me ha dejado impresionado y por tanto quisiera retractar todos mis comentarios previos."
Odds Trump will say this: Highly unlikely
Image copyright Reuters
"You're going to pay for the wall."
"Ustedes van a pagar por este muro."
Odds Trump will say this: High
"It's going to be yuuuuge!"
"Va a ser enoooooorme."
Odds Trump will say this: Huge
"That's it, the wall just got 10ft higher."
"Ya me canse, ese muro ahora lo vamos a hacer diez pies mas alto."
Odds Trump will say this: As high as the wall
Image copyright AP Image caption Pinatas (decorated toy figures filled with sweets and smashed with a stick) of Donald Trump are popular in Mexico
"Crooked Hillary hasn't visited Mexico yet."
"La corrupta de Hillary todavia no ha visitado Mexico."
Odds Trump will say this: Almost guaranteed
"We're going to win bigly. Believe me."
"Vamos a ganar en grande, creanme."
Odds Trump will say this: Polls are mixed
"Mexicans love Donald Trump!"
"¡Los mexicanos aman a Donald Trump!"
Odds Trump will say this: Extremely high | 472 |
The "Sante Kimes Model" are cold and calculating. They prey on men for money. She takes her time building relationships. The "Aileen Wuornos Archetype" are motivated by paranoia and fear. They lure their victims with sex.
Traveling Serial Killers
While most serial killers have one kill zone, some move to different cities and/or states during their murders. There are three reasons behind this type of serial killer:
They are itinerant individuals who move from place to place. They are homeless transients. They have an occupation that causes them to travel, i.e. truck drivers or those in military service.
Historical Significance
Serial slaughter has existed since the beginning of human history. Bloodthirsty psychopaths have occupied almost every significant era in our past; Roman Gladiators, medieval executioners, Hessian mercenaries, and even the so called Buffalo Soldiers of early American history. Even today, uniformed sadists are employed in the armies of every country in the world, enlisting alongside their patriotic brothers simply to have the chance to legally perform their psychotic fantasies.
On Criminal Minds
Some notable serial killers in Criminal Minds (will be expanded gradually)
See Also
The earliest known serial killer in recorded history is Liu Pengli, a Chinese prince during the Han Dynasty during the 2nd century B.C. He would go out on expeditions with dozens of slaves and runaways, during which he murdered random people and seized their belongings as sport. The son of one of his victims accused him of being the serial killer to Emperor Jing of Han, Pengli's uncle. Pengli was scheduled to be executed, but the Emperor, unable to bear having his nephew killed, instead made him a commoner and banished him to a faraway county, where he died of unknown causes. The ancient text Records of the Grand Historian later confirmed this story.
later confirmed this story. The youngest known serial killer in recorded history is Amarjeet/Amardeep[4] Sada, an eight-year-old boy in India who killed three infant girls from 2006 to 2007. All of the victims (his sister, his cousin from a maternal uncle, and a neighbor's daughter) were less than one year old and were killed after Sada took them to a nearby field and either strangled them or bludgeoned them with a stone or brick. He was arrested on May 30, 2007, and institutionalized. Psychiatric experts have said that cases like Sada are not rare, but that Sada's mindset was an example of a "dangerous" symptom that could be hereditary.
Further Reading
Mindhunter by John E. Douglas. Simon & Schuster adult publishing group ISBN 9780671528904
by John E. Douglas. Simon & Schuster adult publishing group ISBN 9780671528904 The Serial Killer Files by Harold Schecter. Random House ISBN 978-0-345-46566-5 (0-345-46566-0)
References | 473 |
On August 19th, 2017, the Movement in Defense of Life and Territory (MOVEDITE in its Spanish acronym) of Chiapas issued a statement from the community of Santa Cruz in Sitala, where they strongly denounce, “political groups disguised as civil associations or aid foundations that use people and abuse their poverty. Where they condition the most basic aid for votes and thus corrupt those who they say they support.”
They further reproached “the political propaganda on posters, painted walls and calendars that promote candidates outside the stipulated time. Without respecting the laws and norms, it is obvious that what really matters to the parties is the triumph of their groups and not the good of the people.”
They also added that they reject “people who are visiting communities offering support and wanting to buy community leaders. It confirms that the parties have not changed and will not change the way they do things.”
They recalled through the communiqué that it is illegal for the parties to advance the campaign using, for example, the creation of foundations.
They urged all who receive this word to build autonomy and denounce lies from the path of their traditions seeking a fairer and more dignified life, where everybody has a place.
Their denunciation is headed by a statement by Bishop Felipe Arizmendi, Bishop of the Diocese of San Cristobal de Las Casas in which he states, “The parties split, divide and confront the communities. Legislators should analyze the feasibility and suitability of another electoral system: […] by traditions and customs. Analyze this path and advance democracy, if it really interests them that the people be the ones who build their history.”
It is worth mentioning that MOVEDITE is made up of Tseltal, tsotsil, ch’ol and mestizo men and women with presence in 11 parishes of 12 municipalities and one ejido of Chiapas, members of the Believing People of the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas.
For more information in Spanish:
Pronunciamiento de MOVEDITE ante las campañas políticas anticipadas. (20 de agosto de 2017)
For more information from SIPAZ:
Chiapas: Culmina peregrinación de 12 días del Movimiento de defensa de la Vida y el Territorio en San Cristóbal de las Casas. (29 de noviembre de 2017)
Chiapas: El pueblo Zoque se está movilizando contra de los mega-proyectos en Chiapas. (29 de junio de 2017)
Chiapas: Peregrinación de unos 400 católicos en defensa de los pueblos, la Madre Tierra y por la liberación de presos. (6 de septiembre de 2016) | 474 |
March on April 10th, 2018 (@Pozol)
Under the slogan “48-Hour Teachers and Popular Strike Towards National Teacher and Popular Strike”, on April 10th, thousands of teachers of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE in its Spanish acronym), parents of families, displaced indigenous peoples, student teachers and members of more than 60 campesino social organizations, marched in Tuxtla Gutiérrez against educational reform and declared themselves in favor of creating a “national united front” to face “the onslaught of the federal government with its public policies and legal reforms that criminalize social protest, which generate unemployment with massive layoffs, suspended payments to teachers, which continues to reduce spending on health and education while increasing it for electoral campaigns.” The mobilization was led by 59 families of displaced indigenous people from Puebla ejido in Chenalho who stated that the government still has not meet their demands to return to their homes.
In other protest actions, they also took over the toll booth on the Tuxtla-San Cristobal highway, conducted an information dissemination brigade in public markets and commercial centers, and visited public and private radio and television stations to publicize the reasons for their protests.
Teachers mobilized despite threats that there would be deductions from their salaries for days they did not show up for work. In this framework, the Ministry of Education stated that “our position is clear: there will be discounts if they do not show up for work. We have met our part of the agreement, for that reason we make an attentive call to the teachers so that they do not put their union interests before the continuity of educational services.”
The CNTE said that if there are no negotiations with the Ministry of the Interior, there will be stoppages on April 30th, May 1st and 2nd.
For more information in Spanish:
Marchan en Chiapas contra la reforma educativa y proponen un frente nacional (Proceso, 9 de abril de 2018)
Desplazados se suman a marchas (Aquí Noticias, 9 de abril de 2018)
CNTE en Chiapas levanta paro y anuncia otro de tres días en protesta contra la reforma educativa (Proceso, 10 de abril de 2018)
Maestros levantan plantón, pero amenazan con regresar (NVI Noticias, 11 de abril de 2018)
For more information from SIPAZ:
Oaxaca/ Nacional: La CNTE y la Segob acuerdan mesas de negociación (13 de julio de 2016)
Chiapas/Oaxaca/Nacional: Ante falta de acuerdos sobre la reforma educativa en el diálogo, el magisterio sigue con las movilizaciones (28 de junio de 2016) | 475 |
TORONTO, Dec. 04, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TILT Holdings Inc., the issuer resulting from a Fundamental Change of Santé Veritas Holdings Inc., has been approved for listing.
Listing and disclosure documents will be available at www.thecse.com on the trading date.
TILT is a vertically integrated technology driven infrastructure platform delivering comprehensive solutions to the legalized cannabis industry. TILT delivers a broad range of products designed to enhance both business and consumer experiences through improved efficiencies, connectivity, quality, delivery and efficacy, all supported by a robust technology platform.
TILT Holdings Inc., l'émetteur résultant d'un changement fondamental de Santé Veritas Holdings Inc., a été approuvé pour inscription.
Les documents d'inscription et de divulgation seront disponibles sur www.thecse.com à la date de négociation.
TILT est une plate-forme d’infrastructure à intégration technologique verticale offrant des solutions complètes à l’industrie du cannabis légalisée. TILT propose une large gamme de produits conçus pour améliorer l'expérience des entreprises et des consommateurs grâce à une efficacité, une connectivité, une qualité, une livraison et une efficacité améliorées, le tout soutenu par une plateforme technologique robuste.
Issuer/Émetteur: TILT Holdings Inc. Security Type/Titre: Common Shares/Actions ordinaires Symbol(s)/Symbole(s): TILT Number of securities issued and outstanding/ Titres émis et en circulation: 58,581,786 Number of Securities reserved for issuance/ Titres réservés pour émission: 295,969,150 CSE Sector/Catégorie: Life Sciences/Sciences biologiques CUSIP/: 88688R 10 4 ISIN: CA 88688R 10 4 7 Old/Vieux CUSIP & ISIN: 8022220103/CA8022201039 Boardlot/Quotité: 100 Trading Currency/Monnaie de négociation: CDN$/$CDN Trading Date/Date de negociation: le 5 décembre/December 2018 Other Exchanges/Autres marches: N/A Fiscal Year end /Clôture de l'exercice financier: Le 31 décembre/December Transfer Agent/Agent des transferts: Odyssey Trust Company
The Exchange is accepting Market Maker applications for TILT. Please email: [email protected]
If you have any questions or require further information please contact Listings at (416) 367-7340 or E-mail: [email protected] | 476 |
Updated @ 6:10 p.m., Sept. 8, 2018
President Rodrigo Duterte admitted targeting Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV by issuing an arrest order on him after revoking his amnesty, but he later contradicted his own statement.
“Bakit ko tinarget [Why did I target him]? Well I only have one word… Do not do unto others what you don’t want them to do to you,” he said in a press briefing in Davao City Saturday upon his return from trips to Israel and Jordan.
But later during the briefing, Duterte revoked what he just said, noting he did not really target Trillanes even though there were a lot of other soldiers who joined two failed mutinies in 2003 and 2007.
“Hindi ko siya tinarget. May sinabi si Calida na mali [in the amnesty application],” Duterte said, referring to Solicitor General Jose Calida whom he said researched the grounds for him to declare and issue Proclamation No. 572, which ordered the arrest of Trillanes.
[I didn’t target him. Calida said something is wrong in the amnesty application.]
He said it was the “president’s prerogative” to single out Trillanes because of supposed irregularities in his application for amnesty.
“Kasi magsabi si Trillanes: ‘Bakit ako lang? Karami-raming pumasok diyan sa kudeta kudeta na ‘yan’. Ang sagot ko sa kanya is it’s the president’s prerogative,” he said.
[Trillanes might ask: “Why only me? A lot of soldiers were involved in that coup.” My answer to him will be it’s the president’s prerogative.]
“You read the Philippine Constitution. The President shall have the power to pardon and grant amnesty with the concurrence, with the agreement with Congress,” he added.
According to the President, Calida did not have any problem with other soldiers involved in both mutinies against then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
“Ang sabi ni Calida, wala naman akong problema sa ibang nagkudeta. Kaibigan ko naman ‘yan. Ang sabi ko, bakit ko sila ipakulong?” he said.
[Calida said he doesn’t have any problem with others involved in the coup. They are my friends, why would I jail them?]
In a press briefing, Trillanes revealed that he was about to investigate the Calida on the P359-million worth of government contracts he allegedly secured before his arrest order was issued. /lb/asu /atm
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MOST READ | 477 |
Cats Cigar and Love Comic By naibafnebur Watch
8 Favourites 0 Comments 719 Views
Mae: "!Besame Bea!"
Bea:...mm ok
Bea: Toma una bocanada del cigarrillo.
Bea: Le sopla el humo a la cara y Mae se enoja, pero despues la besa en los labios.
Mae se asombra de lo que esta pasando y no se lo cree, pero es verdad.
Toda la magia acaba cuando descubre que el beso sabe a cigarrillo viejo...
Un pequeño y rápido cómic que he echo en mis rato libres; Me encanto jugar Night in the woods y me enamoro su historia que toco un tema muy cercano, ya que justo cuando lo juge, estaba buscando que hacer con mi vida ahora que ya acabe mi carrera en la universidad.
Y si bien no es un final feliz, Night in The Woods es el mejor juego de realidad que he tenido.
Beatrice es mi personaje favorita y me enamore de ella desde la fiesta en el bosque, en verdad esperaba que en su historia acabaran juntas pero no fue el caso, ni modo, pero hey, ¿para eso esta el fanwork no?
Si les gusta el cómic, adelante pueden usarlo para distribuir mi extraño sentido del humor, solo muestren mi pagina de Devianart ¿ok?
A small and fast comic that I have done in my free time; I loved playing Night in the woods and I fell in love with his story that touched a very close theme, because just when I played it, I was looking for what to do with my life now that my career in college is over.
And while it's not a happy ending, Night in The Woods is the best reality game I've ever had.
Beatrice is my favorite character and I fell in love with her from the party in the forest, I really hoped that in their story they would end up together but it was not the case, not the way, but hey, is that the fanwork, is not it?
If you like this comics, you can use it to distribute my strange sense of humor, just please show the link to my Devianart page, ok?
IMAGE DETAILS Image size 2893x4092px 716.52 KB Show More
Published : Feb 23, 2018 | 478 |
clear, however Kurbedinov notes that the SIZO, or remand prison in Simferopol gave Seytosmanov a very negative assessment, probably in revenge for his formal complaints about their treatment and failure to provide medical care for a chronic medical condition. It could equally be that the FSB are now revenging themselves for the difficulties the case has caused by making the charges so high.
Russia is now prosecuting or has already imprisoned at least 55 Ukrainian Muslims (almost all of them Crimean Tatars) on Hizb ut-Tahrir charges. The Memorial Human Rights Centre considers all those facing such charges, including Seytosmanov, to be political prisoners. There is absolutely no evidence, anywhere in the world, of any terrorist activities carried out or even advocated by Hizb ut-Tahrir. A Memorial expert, Vitaly Ponomaryov believes that Russia may have declared the organization terrorist to make it easier to extradite people to Uzbekistan where they almost certainly faced religious persecution and torture.
With respect to all cases in occupied Crimea, the Memorial HRC has not even waited until sentence is passed before declaring the defendants political prisoners, and has repeatedly pointed to the fact that Russia has no right to apply its legislation on occupied territory.
Letters tell him that he is not forgotten, and also send an important message to the Kremlin that they are under scrutiny.. They do, unfortunately, need to be in Russian, and on ‘safe’ subjects. If that is a problem, use the crib letter below, perhaps adding a picture or photo. It is good to enclose thin paper and an envelope, giving your address clearly in case he is able to reply.
Желаю Вам здоровья, мужества и терпения, надеюсь на скорое освобождение. Простите, что мало пишу – мне трудно писать по-русски, но мы все о Вас помним.
[Hi. I wish you good health, courage and patience and hope that you will soon be released. I’m sorry that this letter is short – it’s hard for me to write in Russian., but you are not forgotten. ]
Russian Federation, 344022, Rostov-on-Don, Maxim Gorki St., SIZO-1
Seytosmanov, Enver Kyazimovich, b. 10.11.1986 | 479 |
"Cada vez que las negociaciones se calientan, aparece algún nuevo rumor sobre mi dimisión, mi desaparición etc. Hasta cierto punto divertido", ha escrito Varoufakis.
En todo caso, por la mañana el gobierno heleno hacía lo mismo. Las declaraciones del gobierno heleno llegaban después de que el periódico online alemán Bild informase este viernes que el ministro de Finanzas heleno, Yanis Varoufakis, se prepara para dimitir. Según una fuente anónima del gobierno griego, "es sólo una cuestión de tiempo hasta que Varoufakis dimita. Es una cosa hecha".
La agencia señala que las recientes fotografías "polémicas" con su esposa publicadas en la revista Paris Match han enfurecido a algunos miembros de su partido Syriza. Desde entonces, Varoufakis ha realizado menos comparecencias en programas de televisión y ha reducido el número entrevistas.
Every time the negotiations heat up, some new rumour of my resignation, demise etc. springs up. Somewhat amusing... — Yanis Varoufakis (@yanisvaroufakis) marzo 27, 2015
"Nada de esto es cierto. Está muy lejos de la realidad”, han dicho varios funcionarios. Bolsamanía informó el lunes pasado que Varoufakis canceló su viaje a Londres, porque las conversaciones cruciales entre Grecia y sus socios de la zona euro para llegar a un acuerdo sobre reformas y conseguir apoyo financiero, obligaron al ministro griego a cancelar sus otras actividades. Ese mismo día, por la noche se conocía que el presidente del fondo de rescate de la banca griega, Jrístos Sklavunis, había presentado su renuncia ante el ministro de Finanzas.
Lea también: Varoufakis incendia las redes por unas polémicas fotos con su mujer en Atenas
Lea también: Grecia confía en llegar a un acuerdo con el Eurogrupo
Lea también: El Eurogrupo rechaza la petición de Grecia de que el fondo de rescate le devuelva 1.200 millones | 480 |
Determining which music is the “most hipster” has long been plagued by ambiguous methodology, such as reading the comments on any single article ever posted about any band ever. While that can lead you to the safe, blanket conclusion that the mere act of listening to recorded sound is incredibly “hipster,” figuring out which sounds are the most hipster has traditionally eluded us, causing endless debate—a pursuit that is itself ironically “hipster.” But now the data-miners at Priceonomics have devised a mathematical formula to help you determine which bands are the most egregious examples of that vaguely applied term, so you can more easily avoid them and get back to listening to non-hipster sounds, like fire trucks.
The Hipster Music Index plots bands along two of the most crucial hipster points besides haircuts: critical acclaim and obscurity. The first factor was determined by its review from Pitchfork; the second by the number of shares that review got on Facebook. Bands that had a high score but low social media impact were determined to be in the “hipster” sweet spot—lauded by critics, unknown by the “mainstream”—and thus the most hipster they could be. And so, by graphing Pitchfork’s “Best New Music” winners from 2013-2014, it was determined that these are the 10 most hipster bands around:
1. The Field
2. Julia Holter
3. Iceage
4. These New Puritans
5. Fuck Buttons
6. DJ Rashad
7. The Haxan Cloak
8. Julianna Barwick
9. DJ Koze
10. Autre Ne Veut
Meanwhile, these are the 10 bands that are good, sure, but everyone has heard them, so it’s like who cares:
1. The National
2. Boards of Canada
3. Justin Timberlake
4. The Range
5. Deerhunter
6. The Knife
7. My Bloody Valentine
8. Chance the Rapper
9. Daft Punk
10. Haim
The site also developed a more extensive breakdown of the 25 biggest “hipster” bands, whose obscurity is such that you can safely listen to them or put them in your Best Of album lists without fear of losing your edge.
And finally, there’s the “Beer Me Bro” index, which lists the 25 bands who, oh really, Arcade Fire? Let me guess: Your MySpace page says you love “Rap, Dance, Country All Kinds of Music :P LOL,” and also you have a MySpace page.
Priceonomics also notes that it was unable to determine whether it’s “okay to like Vampire Weekend,” leaving that to tomorrow’s scientists to discover through repeated trials of sniping at each other.
[via Gawker] | 481 |
Das sagte der Direktor des Centrums für europäische Politik (CEP) im Gespräch mit der "Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung". Die Notenbank hatte ein Maßnahmenpaket vorgestellt, mit dem die Wirtschaft angekurbelt und die Inflationsrate auf knapp unter 2 Prozent gebracht werden soll.
"Die Situation ist völlig verfahren", sagte Gerken. "Das Kernproblem ist, dass die Mitgliedstaaten die letzten acht bis neun Jahre ihre Hausaufgaben nicht gemacht haben. Sie haben weder die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit wiederhergestellt noch ihre Haushalte saniert."
Draghis "lockere Geldpolitik" wird fortgesetzt
Nachdem die Zentralbank sich 2010 bereit erklärt habe, kriselnden Staaten vorübergehend unter die Arme zu greifen, stecke sie nun in einem "Dilemma, aus dem die EZB nicht mehr herauskommt". Er befürchte, dass die ultralockere Geldpolitik unter Mario Draghi von der neuen EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde fortgesetzt werde. Auch weitere außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen wie Aktienkäufe könne man nicht ausschließen. pm, ots
English version
Economist Lüder Gerken has classified the recent decisions of the European Central Bank (ECB) as an "act of despair". "Basically, the ECB has shot its powder. It is trying to compensate for the budgetary failures of the member states. The director of the Centre for European Politics (CEP) said this in an interview with the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung". The central bank had presented a package of measures aimed at boosting the economy and bringing the inflation rate to just under 2 percent.
"The situation is completely lost," Gerken said. "The core problem is that the member states have not done their homework in the last eight to nine years. They have neither restored competitiveness nor restructured their budgets.
Draghis "loose monetary policy" to continue
After the central bank agreed in 2010 to give crisis-ridden states a temporary helping hand, it is now in a "dilemma from which the ECB can no longer get out". He fears that the ultra-loose monetary policy under Mario Draghi will be continued by the new ECB President Christine Lagarde. Further extraordinary measures such as buying shares cannot be ruled out. pm, ots | 482 |
. func ( jf * jobfile ) Write ( fid * srv. FFid, data [] byte, offset uint64 ) ( int, error ) { glog. V ( 4 ). Infof ( "Entering jobfile.Write(%v, %v, %v)", fid, data, offset ) defer glog. V ( 4 ). Infof ( "Exiting jobfile.Write(%v, %v, %v)", fid, data, offset ) jf. Parent. Lock () defer jf. Parent. Unlock () return jf. writer ( data ) }
The Read and Write methods contain the boiler plate and the reader/writer fields supply the file specific behavior.
Oh, and last but not least there’s the function which actually runs the jobs.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 /*** job.go ***/ // run executes the command associated with a job according to its schedule and // records the results until it is told to stop. func ( j * job ) run () { j. history. Value = fmt. Sprintf ( "%s:started
", time. Now (). String ()) j. history = j. history. Next () for { now := time. Now () e, err := cronexpr. Parse ( j. defn. schedule ) if err!= nil { glog. Errorf ( "Can't parse %s [%s]", j. defn. schedule, err ) return } select { case <- time. After ( e. Next ( now ). Sub ( now )): glog. V ( 3 ). Infof ( "running `%s`", j. defn. cmd ) var out bytes. Buffer k := exec. Command ( "/bin/bash", "-c", j. defn. cmd ) k. Stdout = & out if err := k. Run (); err!= nil { glog. Errorf ( "%s failed: %v", j. defn. cmd, err ) continue } glog. V ( 3 ). Infof ( "%s returned: %s", j. defn. name, out. String ()) j. history. Value = fmt. Sprintf ( "%s:%s", time. Now (). String (), out. String ()) j. history = j. history. Next () case <- j. done : glog. V ( 3 ). Infof ( "completed" ) j. history. Value = fmt. Sprintf ( "%s:completed
", time. Now (). String ()) j. history = j. history. Next () return } } }
It’s a pretty straight forward go timer loop. You might be wondering if all the code I’ve wrapped around it is worth the bother. Obviously I think it is because once a machine has mounted the jobd file system anything that can read and write files can schedule jobs on the jobd host. | 483 |
Former Millonarios star Jair Abonia was tragically shot and killed while coaching children in Jamundi, Colombia.
The 53-year-old was murdered at around 15:30 in the view of the children he was coaching, according to The Sun. Reports suggest that he was shot three times, while the shooter accompanied by another individual.
@trufc expresa su profundo dolor por el fallecimiento del exjugador Jair Abonía y envía su mas sentido pésame a su familia y compañeros. pic.twitter.com/lmlTKLNcnh — TRUJILLANOS F.C. (@trufc) September 27, 2017
As yet, it is unknown who committed the horrific act, while the people of Colombia are left mourning the loss of the ex-player.
Millonarios FC lamenta profundamente la muerte de nuestro ex jugador Jair Abonía. Paz en su tumba y fortaleza a su familia. QEPD pic.twitter.com/zNaBUv6L4d — Millonarios FC (@MillosFCoficial) September 27, 2017
Abonia was most famous for his stint at Colombian club Millonarios. However, he played for many clubs across South America throughout his career. His career started in Cucuta in 1986 and finishing with Venezuelan club Trujillanos de Venezuela in 2001, where he earned cult status after scoring 39 times in 299 appearances.
Millonarios tweeted regarding the loss of their former player, saying: " Millionaires FC deeply regrets the death of our former player Jair Abonía. Peace in his grave and strength to his family. RIP."
Millonarios FC lamenta profundamente la muerte de nuestro ex jugador Jair Abonía. Paz en su tumba y fortaleza a su familia. QEPD pic.twitter.com/zNaBUv6L4d — Millonarios FC (@MillosFCoficial) 27 September 2017
His final club Trujillanos also expressed their sadness at the loss of Abonia, tweeting: "@trufc expresses it's deep sorrow at the death of former player Jair Abonia and sends its more sense and condolences to his family and colleagues."
@trufc expresa su profundo dolor por el fallecimiento del exjugador Jair Abonía y envía su mas sentido pésame a su familia y compañeros. pic.twitter.com/lmlTKLNcnh — TRUJILLANOS F.C. (@trufc) September 27, 2017
A player adored by the fans of the clubs he played for, and the last thing he was doing before his life came to an unfortunate end was passing his skill and experience on to the children of Jamundi, Colombia.
| 484 |
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 1, 2012 — Here’s a shocking stat, According to a new report on alcohol use and health from the World Health Organization (WHO), 2.5 million or almost four percent of all deaths worldwide are because of alcohol — greater than the number of deaths caused by HIV/AIDS, violence, or tuberculosis.
Around the world, the WHO reports, alcohol consumption is a problem that can lead to death, disease, and injury. Overall, the report found that consumption of pure alcohol is highest in Eastern European countries and lowest in countries with high populations of Muslims (Yemen took home the title for the world’s soberest country). The United States did not make the top 25, as the average American consumes only 2.49 gallons of pure alcohol per year (a pretty middle-of-the-road amount).
Based on the consumption of pure alcohol per capita and rates of alcohol-related deaths, here are the world’s 25 drunkest countries.
25. Latvia, 3.30 gal./person
24. Finland, 3.31 gal./person
23. Germany, 3/38 gal./person
22. Luxembourg, 3.44 gal./person
21. Austria, 3.50 gal./person
20. Netherlands, 3.50 gal./person
19. Slovakia, 3.52 gal./person
18. Denmark, 3.53 gal./person
17. United Kingdom, 3.53 gal./person
16. France, 3.61 gal./person
15. Ireland, 3.81 gal./person
14. Portugal, 3.84 gal./person
13. South Korea, 3.91 gal./person
12. Lithuania, 3.97 gal./person
11. Croatia, 3.99 gal./person
10. Belarus, 4.00 gal./person
9. Slovenia, 4.01 gal./person
8. Romania, 4.04 gal./person
7. Andorra, 4.09 gal./person
6. Estonia, 4.11 gal./person
5. Ukraine, 4.12 gal./person
4. Russia, 4.16 gal./person
3. Hungary, 4.30 gal./person
2. Czech Republic, 4.35 gal./person
1. Moldova, 4.81 gal./person
Although alcohol can be dangerous — studies show that drinking can increase breast cancer risk in women, as well as risk for other diseases — the benefits of moderate drinking are thought to outweigh the risk. Numerous studies have shown that a serving of red wine a day can lower risk for heart disease, skin cancer, and more. Daily drinks have also been shown to reduce the effects of aging in older women by protecting blood vessels in the brain and lowering stroke risk. But to reap these benefits, remember to consume no more than one drink per day for women and two per day for men.
For more health news, follow @EverydayHealth on Twitter! | 485 |
In recent years, the “Not The Onion” moments from leftists have been coming at us so fast it seems like they’re being fired from a Gatling gun. Today’s example is a politician from Quebec named Luc Ferrandez, who seems to have found the silver lining to the Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China.
From The Post Millennial:
Quebec politician and radio talk show host Luc Ferrandez has suggested that the coronavirus has had one “positive” outcome for the city of Wuhan, China—it’s reduced the carbon footprint. On Saturday, he tweeted: “Wuhan. No automobile traffic. No air flights. The only city on the planet that will meet its GHG reduction targets. The way to this necessary degrowth will happen when all the debates have been in vain.”
Oh, and he tweeted it in French, further reinforcing my belief that French-speaking people shouldn’t have internet:
Wuhan. Aucune circulation automobile. Aucun vol aérien. La seule ville de la planète qui va atteindre ses objectifs de réduction de GES. Le chemin vers la décroissance qui s'imposera quand tous les débats auront été vains. — Luc Ferrandez (@LucFerrandez) January 25, 2020
Meanwhile, in actual Wuhan:
Firebombs Thrown at Proposed Hong Kong Facility for Wuhan Virus https://t.co/UqKkvGkOaI via #BreitbartNews — Brian Hamel (@hamel1776) January 27, 2020
Ferrandez did attempt a little damage control to make himself seem a bit less insensitive and ghoulish, but that’s all kind of undone by the fact that just a couple of months ago he was advocating for people to off themselves to make the world a better place:
Writing in a Facebook post, the former mayor of Plateau Mont-Royal said, “Could we, for environmental, social and economic reasons, decide that we want to receive help to die so as not to be a burden for our family and society in general?”
The climate loons are really anti-human. They value the lives of animal species they can’t even pronounce while none-too-subtly lobbying for the end of the human race. It takes a particularly twisted word view to root for a plague to hit.
Especially in French.
Kruiser Twitter
Kruiser Facebook
PJ Media Associate Editor Stephen Kruiser is the author of “Don’t Let the Hippies Shower” and “Straight Outta Feelings: Political Zen in the Age of Outrage,” both of which address serious subjects in a humorous way. Monday through Friday he edits PJ Media’s “Morning Briefing.” | 486 |
In 2010 Barack Obama’s former CIA Director John Brennan called Jerusalem “al Quds” in a public speech.
Al Quds is the Muslim name given to Jerusalem.
Watch this nut.
On Monday Brennan lashed out at President Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following the deaths of Hamas supporters in Gaza.
Four days ago Hamas terror chief Yahya Sinwar announced what he hoped would be hundreds of thousands of protesters storming the Israeli border with Gaza on Monday.
TRENDING: BREAKING: Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees Release DEVASTATING Report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption -- CROOKED BIDEN FAMILY ENRICHED THEMSELVES AND OBAMA KNEW!
Former IDF spokesman Avi Mayer posted a tweet reminding readers the violence at the Gaza border Monday was neither spontaneous or popular. Gaza officials reported 55 “protesters” were killed Monday when they tried to storm the border with Israel.
What did they expect? A welcome wagon? The Israel Defense Forces released video of Hamas rebels storming the Israeli border with Gaza. IDF forces opened fire on the attackers as they stormed the border.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended his country’s right to defend its border Monday on Twitter.
Netanyahu tweeted: “Each country must protect its borders. Hamas ‘ terrorist organization states that it intends to destroy Israel and send thousands to breach the border fence to realize this goal. We will continue to act firmly to protect our sovereignty and our citizens.”
לכל מדינה החובה להגן על גבולותיה. ארגון הטרור חמאס מצהיר שבכוונתו להשמיד את ישראל ושולח אלפים לפרוץ את גדר הגבול כדי לממש מטרה זו. נמשיך לפעול בנחישות כדי להגן על ריבונותנו ואזרחינו — Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) May 14, 2018
Now this…
Obama’s former CIA Director, John Brennan lashed out at “Messers Trump and Netanyahu” Monday. (Shocker)
Brennan tweeted: Deaths in Gaza result of utter disregard of Messers Trump & Netanyahu for Palestinian rights & homeland. By moving Embassy to Jerusalem, Trump played politics, destroyed US peacemaker role. New generation of Israelis/Palestinians need to isolate extremists to find path to peace. | 487 |
De acordo com o governo de Washington, em um recente período de seis semanas, quase 2.000 menores de idade foram separados de seus pais ou tutores.
A ONU denunciou uma "violação grave dos direitos da criança" e pediu o fim de sua aplicação. Nesta segunda, o alto comissário da ONU para os Direitos Humanos considerou a política "inadmissível".
Projetos de lei
O presidente deve se reunir com parlamentares republicanos nesta terça antes de votações sobre a legislação imigratória. Trump e republicanos da Câmara dos Deputados devem debater dois projetos de lei cuja votação está marcada para a quinta-feira. Os dois foram formulados sem a participação dos democratas. Os republicanos controlam a Câmara, o Senado e a Casa Branca.
No entanto, segundo a Reuters, uma grande negociação no Congresso que finalmente resolva as divisões profundas relativas à lei de imigração parece improvável, já que Trump está focado na obtenção de fundos para construir um muro que promete há tempos na fronteira sul com o México.
Melania defende acordo
Neste domingo, a primeira-dama Melania Trump defendeu um acordo bipartidário para reformular as leis migratórias. No Congresso, a oposição democrata denuncia uma prática "diabólica". O mal-estar também se instalou entre a maioria republicana.
A ex-primeira-dama Laura Bush, mulher do ex-presidente republicano George W. Bush criticou abertamente a abordagem republicana em um artigo publicado neste domingo no " The Washington Post".
I live in a border state. I appreciate the need to enforce and protect our international boundaries, but this zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart.https://t.co/he1uw1E96A — June 18, 2018
"Moro em um estado fronteiriço. Compreendo a necessidade de reforçar e proteger as fronteiras, mas esta política de tolerância zero é cruel. É imoral. E isso quebra o meu coração", afirmou Laura. | 488 |
'I have 15 players' - Silva & Fernandinho add to Guardiola's injury woes
Injuries to key midfielders have left the manager with a selection headache ahead of a midweek European clash
manager Pep Guardiola claims he is down to 15 available senior players for Wednesday's match against after David Silva and Fernandinho were added to his injury list.
Silva will be out for "a few weeks" after sustaining an apparent hamstring injury in City's 2-0 Premier League loss at on Saturday.
Fernandinho completed his team's first league defeat of their title defence but appeared in discomfort towards the end of the 90 minutes.
Kevin De Bruyne's ongoing rehabilitation from a knee ligament injury means Guardiola's first-choice midfield three from last season are not available to take on Hoffenheim, with a point required for City to secure top spot in Group F.
Sergio Aguero remains out with an abductor complaint, although the striker could be back when City host on Saturday, while full-backs Benjamin Mendy and Danilo remain on the sidelines.
On Silva's injury, Guardiola explained: "He was substituted for a muscular problem. He will be stopped for a few days, a few weeks
"Maybe Sergio has a chance for the weekend.
"We have 15 players available, so rotating, I cannot do it too much.
"We are in a real tough game. We are in the next stage, that is important. We want to win the game because every game we have to try to win, [we want] to finish first.
"It doesn't matter if you finish first or second, the last 16 is always tough."
Desapontado com o resultado mas não podemos baixar a cabeça. Temos muito pontos ainda a disputar e voltaremos mais fortes.
Disappointed with the result but we wont lower our head now. We have a lot of points still to play and we will come back stronger.#wearecity #together pic.twitter.com/CXKQl86wMV — Fernandinho (@fernandinho) December 9, 2018
Guardiola spoke of how highly he rates Hoffenheim counterpart Julian Nagelsmann, dating back to their meetings when the Catalan was in charge of.
Hoffenheim's efforts in their 3-2 defeat to last time out in the Champions League, despite being down to 10 men, gave Guardiola a newfound admiration for their play.
"Hoffenheim against Shakhtar was one of the most incredible games I watched as a spectator in the last years," Guardiola added, having studied a recording of the match this week.
"They were incredible how they created, how they did it – even with 10 players for 30 minutes, and they lost!
"It was fascinating watching that game. My admiration and point of view of Hoffenheim has increased. I know about Julian Nagelsmann and his team and I realise how tough it will be." | 489 |
, что в Чечне нет места тем, кто даже смотрит в сторону Иблисского государства. Самое главное, что родители тесно сотрудничают с духовенством и органами власти. При подозрительном поведении сыновей, они сразу же ставят в известность полицию и глав администраций. Это позволяет предотвратить худшие последствия.
I met with the relatives of the young men who promoted ISIS on social networks. I also invited several imams and community leaders. All these misguided men have parents who are honest, deeply religious people who sincerely condemn their sons’ actions. These parents repeatedly told them that they raised their sons to become the backbone of their families, to be true Muslims, and good citizens. They also said they had no need of sons who betrayed their family, their relatives, their loved ones, Islam, and their people. One of these young men sought out weak-minded peers and tried to convince them to go to Syria. He circulated messages containing threats against the authorities and their families. I told them again: there’s no place in Chechnya for anyone who even glances in the direction of ISIS. The most important thing is that parents are working closely with the clergy and the police. At the first sign of suspicious behavior, they immediately notify the police and local officials. This helps prevent even worse consequences.
Kadyrov is well known for his social media presence. He has 1.2 million followers on Instagram (where his account is now hidden to users without a subscription) and more than 235,800 subscribers on Vkontakte. Kadyrov not infrequently films men accused of Islamic extremism facing their parents and community leaders. In June 2015, for instance, he similarly assembled before angry parents roughly a dozen young men guilty of insisting that women wear burqas. (Chechen women customarily wear headscarves, but not full veils.) | 490 |
Humanoid robot F.E.D.O.R., set to fly into space in 2021, is now capable of shooting using both of his arms, according to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.
“The robot of the F.E.D.O.R. platform showed skills of firing using both arms. Currently the work on fine motor skills and decision algorithms is underway,” Rogozin wrote on his Twitter.
Робот платформы F.E.D.O.R. показал навыки стрельбы с двух рук. Идёт работа над мелкой моторикой и алгоритмами принятия решений@fpi_russia pic.twitter.com/jREgpgEy14 — Дмитрий Рогозин (@Rogozin) April 13, 2017
According to Rogozin, training to shoot is a way of teaching the robot to instantaneously prioritize targets and make decisions.
“We are not creating a terminator but artificial intelligence which will have a great practical importance in various fields,” he added.
It is expected that “Fedor” will help astronauts work in open space and serve at the station.
…который будет иметь огромное прикладное значение в самых разных сферах pic.twitter.com/lUoaX07Sep — Дмитрий Рогозин (@Rogozin) April 13, 2017
Earlier, it was reported that the first flight of the Russian next-generation Federation spacecraft will be unmanned and it will be guided by Fedor.
"The unmanned launch and autonomous flight of our new spacecraft will take place in 2021. … It is expected, and all relevant decisions have already been made, that robot Fedor will be the first pilot," Yevgeny Mikrin, Roscosmos general designer of the manned spacecraft, said.
In addition, the robot will also be able to perform service work on the orbital station during the absence of people on it.
Russia's Energia Space Corporation earlier said that the Federation, which is 80 percent built of composite materials, will be manufactured by 2021.
The new spacecraft will replace the aging Soyuz spacecraft in supporting low Earth orbit missions. | 491 |
would believe that technology would be able to distinguish between criticism and deliberate defamation against officials, not to speak about audio and video materials.
According to the opinion [ru] of Lev Matveev, an executive director of SearchInform, development of such system is possible on time, however it will not be effective due to a high number of false alerts. And it is doubtful that this type of system can reduce the number of people required for content monitoring. But one may also suggest that it will only increase it.
“Deus Ex iPad” Approach
The case described is an example of a “deus ex machina” approach, a belief that technology will solve Russia's governance problems. The technology will create a new “vertical of governance,” and finally reduce the country's governance task to the management of an iPad application. On the other hand, the crowdsourcing will engage people in solving the problems by themselves without the government.
I wonder when Russia will come to the idea from Asimov's “Franchise” where a super computer randomly chooses the president of the country. Why the state would need elections if a hi-tech firm can develop such system (in the case of Russia, we can even suspect who will be chosen by the computer).
One of the bloggers suggested [ru] even more futuristic scenario as a reaction to the new tender:
да чё лет через 20 и народ можно заменить роботами
and why, in 20 years one can replace the population with robots
The role of technology is brilliantly summed up [ru] by the Infowatch blog:
Как понимают все умные люди, социальную проблему невозможно решить техническими средствами. Подобное лечится подобным. А технические препоны легко и непринуждённо обходятся технически же.
As all intelligent people understand, a social problem can't be solved by technical means. The like is treated by the like. Technical barriers are very easily circumvented by technical means.
This is something that Roskomnadzor and Russian government should remember. | 492 |
Police arrested 42 people and seized more than five tons of hashish with the help of information received via Twitter. ALEJANDRO GARCÍA / EFE
What started as a campaign asking for the public’s help on Twitter has grown to become one of the most effective methods for cracking down on drug traffickers in Spain, with more than 800 arrests in the past two-and-a-half years.
Spain’s National Police has gone from putting up wanted posters for traffickers to searching for them with help from the social networks using the hashtag #tweetredada (tweetraid).
The Spanish National Police has more than 1.66 million followers on Twitter
The tag allows anyone to tip off authorities about drug transactions – regardless of whether they are large or small – taking place throughout the country.
The police have also set up a separate email account, [email protected], for the same purpose, and are urging people to use it to “work together against the traffickers.”
#Tweetredada #verano: por unas playas limpias... de DROGAS. COLABORA contra los traficantes en [email protected] pic.twitter.com/58QQ7rCfNn — Policía Nacional (@policia) August 10, 2013
No one likes a squealer and, even worse, no one wants to face retaliation for passing on information about criminal activities. But the police’s new game plan has worked because citizens do not have to identify themselves when they write in, and all the information received is treated confidentially.
Once a tip is received, a group of officers at the Central Narcotics Unit will determine whether or not the information needs further investigation.
The approach began in January 2012. Two-and-a-half years and more than 35,000 messages laters, the National Police have more than 1.66 million followers on Twitter.
And the tip-offs continue to pour in.
For example on Wednesday, authorities reported the arrests of 42 members of an alleged drug-trafficking gang that was operating out of Barcelona and Cádiz. “Gang of drug traffickers broken up and 5,000 kg hashish and 27 cars seized in Barcelona and Cádiz....,” the police tweeted.
Desmantelada una banda de narcos e incautados en #Barcelona y Cádiz 5.000 kg de hachís, 27 coches... ¡Molt gràçies, crack! #tweetredada — Policía Nacional (@policia) July 8, 2015
During the course of the investigation, which began in April 2013, the police said they received numerous anonymous tip-offs “of vital importance” that led to the arrests.
The tweet about the arrested traffickers ends with a final message from the National Police giving their thanks in Catalan: “¡Molt gràçies!” | 493 |
nd ed., Cambridge University Press 1983 (paperback), p. 394-402.
[Poincaré 52] Poincaré, Henri, Science and Hypothesis, Dover, NY 1952.
[Priestly] Priestly, William, review of The Mathematical Experience, Monthly 89 (1982), 515-518.
[Richardson] Richardson, Moses, "Mathematics and Intellectual Honesty," Monthly 59 (1952), 73-78.
[Renyi] Renyi, Alfred, Dialogues on Mathematics, Holder-Day, San Francisco, 1967.
[Russell] Russell, Bertrand, Principles of Mathematics, v. 1, Cambridge University Press, 1903.
[Shapiro] Shapiro, Stuart, "Mathematics and Reality," Phil. of Science 50 (1983), 523-548.
[Snapper] Snapper, Ernst, "What is Mathematics," Monthly 86 (1979), 551-557.
[Steen] Steen, Lynn, ed., Mathematics Today, Springer-Verlag, NY 1978.
[Stein] Stein, Howard, "Logos, Logic and Logistiké: Some Philosophical Remarks on Nineteenth-Century Transformation of Mathematics," p. 238-259 of History and Philosophy of Modern Mathematics, W. Aspray and P. Kitcher eds., University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 1988.
[Stewart] Stewart, Ian, The Problems of Mathematics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1987.
[Stone] Stone, Marshall, "The Revolution in Mathematics," Monthly 68 (1961), 715-734.
[Study] Study, Eduard, Mathematik und Physik: eine erkenntnis-theoretische Untersuchung, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 1923.
[Temple] Temple, George, 100 Years of Mathematics, Duckworth London 1981 (reprinted 1984 Springer-Verlag).
[Weil] Weil, André, "The Future of Mathematics," Monthly 57 (1950), 295-306.
[Whitehead 25] Whitehead, Alfred North, Science and the Modern World, The Macmillan Company, 1925, republished in 1967 paperback by the Macmillan Free Press.
[Whitehead 51] Whitehead, Alfred North, "Mathematics and the Good," pp. 666-681 of The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, 2nd ed., Paul Schlipp ed., New York, Tudor Publishing Company 1951.
[Wigner] Wigner, Eugene, "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences," Communications in Pure and Applied Mathematics 13 (1960), 1-14.
This paper was begun while on sabbatical at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium, and was partially supported by a Lilly Faculty Open Fellowship grant number 910043.
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Health minister criticised for suggesting woman who was fatally stung by scorpion must have provoked the arachnid.
Algeria’s health minister has provoked a barrage of criticism after suggesting a woman fatally stung by a scorpion in southern Algeria was responsible for the incident.
Health Minister Mokhtar Hasbellaoui was answering questions about healthcare reform at a news conference in Algiers on Tuesday when he was asked about the death of Aisha Aouissat, a university professor in the city of Ouargla – capital of Ouargla province – located some 780km south of Algiers.
Aouissat died after 10 days in a coma, according to local news outlet Nas Ouargla News. The health facility did not have an antidote to the poisonous sting.
“You know that the animal world is a friendly world. Animals do not harm humans. Animals harm humans when they feel threatened,” Hasbellaoui said.
“We have forgotten what is essential […] that we must live with our environment. Sometimes, our environment is hostile.
“I think that work needs to be done to study the behaviour of scorpions because understanding an animal’s behaviour will allow us to prevent such incidents,” the minister added.
Translation: Health minister – The scorpion doesn’t attack anyone unless he feels threatened!
Algerians took to social media to decry the state of public health in the resource-rich country and mock the minister’s apparent lack of sympathy and decorum.
“Had I known that I would one day become minister of health, I would have studied more seriously” – Mokhtar Hasbellaoui, minister of health
“ Le monde animal est gentil ”. Je déduis que l’homme n’est pas un animal. Merci à Monsieur Mokhtar Hasbellaoui, Ministre de la Santé, de la Population et de la Réforme hospitalière. À reformer! — Azeddine SALMI (@zsalmi) September 4, 2018
Translation: “The animal world is friendly”. I deduce from that man is not an animal [then]. Thank you to Mr Mokhtar Hasbellaoui, minister of health.
Just weeks before her death, Aouissat, a linguistics professor, had herself criticised the lack of government investment in vital infrastructure and the absence of “necessary equipment” in what is commonly seen as the country’s richest province.
In August, health officials confirmed a cholera outbreak that killed at least two people in northern Algeria.
Many accused the government of negligence, saying the deaths could have been prevented if authorities had been more responsive to initial reports of the waterborne disease’s spread. | 495 |
Wegen der Corona-Pandemie müssen wir unser Programm bis auf Weiteres aussetzen. Veranstaltungen entfallen oder werden auf einen späteren Zeitraum verschoben. Wir arbeiten an neuen Terminen. Bitte entschuldigt, dass es noch nicht für jede Veranstaltung bereits ein neues Datum gibt.
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--------- english version ----------
Due to Corona we have to skip our program until further notice. Shows will be postponed or cancelled. We are working on new dates. Please excuse delays.
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NOTE: CTS/Eventim currently processes about 1.5 million cancellation requests. It might take a while...
Nevertheless: In case you like to donate your ticket, just do not give it back- Just keep it. We will recieve the money from the donated tickets a little later. This money will help to pay our bills during the club-shutdown. | 496 |
A tweet has resurfaced from the Church of Sweden Malmo in which it said famous teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg was the successor to Jesus Christ.
The tweet from last December said: "Announcement! Jesus of Nazareth has now appointed one of his successors, Greta Thunberg."
Lucka 1❄️
Kungörelse! Jesus från Nasaret har nu utsett en av sina efterträdare, nämligen Greta Thunberg. — Limhamns kyrka (@Limhamnskyrka) December 1, 2018
The tweet has gained recent popularity since Thunberg has been in the spotlight this year with her fiery speeches warning against global warming.
In an impassioned speech at the UN climate action summit, the 16-year-old, who has inspired a global climate strike movement, told delegates they would never be forgiven if they failed to tackle rising temperatures.
"People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and the fairy tale of endless economic growth. How dare you?"
The church's tweet was met with some sarcastic and humorous responses, while others bashed the Church.
Ska ni nu överge firandet av Jesu födelsedag och börja fira Greta Thunbergs födelsedag istället? Vi medlemmar måste ju veta vem som är frälsaren vi ska tillbe och hylla. — Stephen Utterström (@StephenUtter) December 2, 2018
One person tweeted: "Time and time again I ask myself: when was the Swedish church kidnapped by left-wing extremists?"
Gång på gång frågar jag mig själv: när blev svenska kyrkan kidnappad av vänsterextremister? — Anton Roos (@AntonRoos1) December 2, 2018
After being inactive for five days after the tweet, the Church apologised at the time for the statement and announced it would leave the social media platform.
It tweeted: "Dear Twitter, if we have hurt someone we apologise, it has never been our opinion. Our sense has been to talk about Jesus Christ in our own way. Now we leave the arena. Thank you for your commitment, joy and debate. God bless you! Jonas Persson, ward pastor."
The Church of Sweden Malmo has been known to be big supporters of climate change awareness. Most recently it announced it would ring their church bells in conjunction with the Global Climate Strike.
It also said on its website: "When the Amazon burns, we gather to fight for Mother Earth together."
Stay up to date with the latest news stories from a Christian perspective. Sign up to our daily newsletter and receive more stories like this straight to your inbox every morning. | 497 |
La garde des Sceaux, Christiane Taubira a réagi à plusieurs reprises sur son compte Twitter mardi 25 novembre, après la décision d'un grand jury de ne pas inculper le policier qui avait causé la mort de Michael Brown, jeune garçon noir de 12 ans sans arme, à Ferguson. Une décision qui a provoqué de vives échauffourées dans plusieurs villes américaines.
D'abord en français :
#MickaelBrown, Profilage racial, exclusion sociale, ségrégation territoriale, relégation culturelle…des armes, la peur…Fatal cocktail! ChT — Christiane Taubira (@ChTaubira) November 25, 2014
Puis en anglais :
#MickaelBrown, who does believe that race still exists? ever existed? Who will replace you in the sky of our promising sprouts? None! ChT — Christiane Taubira (@ChTaubira) November 25, 2014
> Qui peut croire encore que les races existent? Ou qu'elles ont existé? Qui te remplacera dans le ciel nos espoirs promis? Personne!
Et ce deuxième message posté quelques secondes plus tard, énumérant les noms d'autres jeunes afro-américains abattus par la police. Trayvon Martin, tué en Floride en 2012 alors qu'il n'était pas armé, et Tamir Rice, abattu à Cleveland par un policier il y a quelques jours alors qu'il jouait sur une aire de jeux avec un pistolet en plastique.
How old was #Mickael Brown? 18. #TrayvonMartin? 17. #TamirRice? 12. How old next? 12 month? ‘Kill them before they grow’ Bob Marley ChT — Christiane Taubira (@ChTaubira) November 25, 2014
> Quel age avait Mickael Brown? 18 ans. Trayvon Martin? 17 ans. Tamir Rice? 12 ans. Quel age aura le prochain? 12 mois? "Tuez-les avant qu'ils grandissent", Bob Marley
Invitée de France Info mardi matin, la ministre a expliqué que ces messages visaient à "dire sa solidarité" :
Etre ministre, ce n'est pas être lâche et taire ses indignités et ses révoltes."
Une prise de position qui a déplu au député UMP Christian Estrosi (à partir de 2min30) : | 498 |
(@Ciudadanía Expres)
On November 16th and 17th, in the framework of a public hearing before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR Court), the eleven women survivors of sexual torture in the events of San Salvador Atenco, State of Mexico, in May 2006, shared their testimonies about what happened and the impunity that has prevailed.
It should be recalled that on May 3rd and 4th, 2006, police forces carried out an operation in San Salvador Atenco supposedly to “re-establish order.” More than 200 people were arrested during the raids. 50 of them were women, 31 of whom later reported sexual assaults by the police.
Human rights defenders requested that the I/A Court HR order the State to carry out a serious investigation to end impunity, as well as “adopt transparent policies and mechanisms to regulate the use of police force and eradicate sexual torture as an extended practice.”
Civil organizations that have accompanied the case stressed that “the eleven women of Atenco represent thousands of victims and account for the major structural problems of the State: the excessive use of police force, violence against women, torture as a mechanism of control and the impunity that allows its chronic repetition.”
The representation of the Mexican State asked the Inter-American Court of Human Rights to declare before the Court that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) the IACHR committed a “serious error” in its report by not taking into account the reparation measures proposed by the State to the women who were victims of sexual violence in that operation, nor the advances that the State has implemented in terms of gender equity after the facts. However, it said that the State admits its responsibility for human rights violations committed, including sexual torture. However, although some people are still under trial, there is no public servant with a conviction for the case.
For more information in Spanish:
Mujeres de Atenco (Síntesis de medios del Centro ProDH, noviembre de 2017)
Las mujeres de Atenco, ante la CIDH: “Nos han hecho sentir, repetidamente, pequeñas” (El País, 17 de noviembre de 2017)
“Error grave” de CIDH sobre Atenco, alega el Estado mexicano, pero acepta tortura (Aristegui Noticias, 18 de noviembre de 2017)
Luchadoras de Atenco rompen el silencio (Animal Político, 24 de noviembre de 2017)
For more information from SIPAZ:
México: La CIDH exige una investigación sobre el caso de varias mujeres víctimas de abuso sexual en San Salvador Atenco en el 2006 (30 de septiembre de 2016) | 499 |
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